EVERYMAN S LIBRARY EDITED BY ERNEST RHYS REFERENCE A LITERARY AND HISTORICAL ATLAS OF EUROPE THIS is NO. 496 OF LIByfyfRlT. THE PUBLISHERS WILL BE PLEASED TO SEND FREELY TO ALL APPLICANTS A LIST OF THE PUBLISHED AND PROJECTED VOLUMES ARRANGED UNDER THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS! TRAVEL < SCIENCE ^ FICTION THEOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY HISTORY -9 CLASSICAL FOR YOUNG PEOPLE ESSAYS "9 ORATORY POETRY & DRAMA BIOGRAPHY REFERENCE ROMANCE IN FOUR STYLES OF BINDING! CLOTH, FLAT BACK, COLOURED TOP J LEATHER, ROUND CORNERS, GILT TOP; LIBRARY BINDING IN CLOTH, & QUARTER PIGSKIN LONDON: J. M. DENT & SONS, LTD. NEW YORK: E. P. DUTTON & CO. HISTORfj FIRST ISSUE OF THIS EDITION . 1910 REPRINTED .... 1912, 1914, 1915 INTRODUCTION THIS is the second volume in a set of reference atlases which the publishers have in view for the readers of " Everyman s Library," their object being to provide the literary and historical student with all the necessary geographical data to illustrate the books which he is reading. It was found impossible to give sufficient detail of the whole World in one volume, and it was decided to give an Atlas to each Continent, whose special features could there be adequately treated. Extending the lines of the Classical Atlas, this book attempts to cover the geography of Europe, mapped out not only to define the frontiers and countries, but to illustrate history and literature especially English literature. The changes in the face of Europe that have marked the growth of nations, that went on through the Middle Ages, and have continued to the times of Wellington and Napoleon, the Franco-Prussian War, and to the merging to-day of the military in the industrial struggle, may be followed in the 96 pages of coloured maps which come first in the volume. In addition, some 32 pages of maps in outline will be found covering (a) The great battles of the world. These are devised with an eye to Creasy s Fifteen Decisive Battles, and they go back to classic times; but it will be found that they help to illustrate many modern books too. (b) Maps which relate to English literature. These do not exhaust the field, but they serve as examples of what the student, carrying on the process, may do for himself. By illustrating certain proverbial books and special authors, they show the reader how he may, with the coloured map for his guidance, go on to trace a map to illustrate his own favourite literary region or history- book. (c) An Outline Map of England and Wales showing the situation of the greater monasteries and religious houses, O * v / * > iB -i 1 d/K / J u o CONTENTS COLOURED MAPS PACK THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ORTELIUS, 1570 ... i THE WORLD, showing the Great Lines of International Com merce in connection with Europe . . . . 2, 3 OROGRAPHICAL CENTRAL EUROPE, showing the Height of each Country above Sea Level . . . . . 4, 5 ETHNOGRAPHICAL CENTRAL EUROPE . . . . 6, 7 THE OLD WORLD, Early Explorers World as known to Homer, B.C. 1000; Ptolemy, A.D. 150; and Martin Behaim, A.D. 1492 . . . . . . . . 8, 9 BARBARIAN AND BYZANTINE EMPIRES, 525 A.D. . . .10, n THE BARBARIAN MIGRATIONS Huns, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Goths, Vandals ........ 12 BYZANTINE EMPIRE AT THE DEATH OF JUSTINIAN, 565 A.D. 13 EUROPE AT THE DEATH OF CHARLEMAGNE, 814 A.D. . 14, 15 EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY, from the Second to the Four teenth Centuries . . . . . . . 16, 17 SARACEN DOMINIONS is THE CRUSADES, 1096-1270. 19 EUROPE AT THE TIME OF THE CRUSADES, 1189 . . . 20, 21 NORSE- VIKING INVASIONS Kingdom of Canute . . 22 ANGLO-SAXON BRITAIN " The Heptarchy "... 23 NORMAN ENGLAND, showing Possessions of William I., and Dominions dependent on him . . . . . 24, 25 ANGEVIN DOMINIONS IN THE TWELFTH CENTURY, showing Dominions of England and her Dependencies, and Dominions of France and her Dependencies . . . 26, 27 OTTOMAN EMPIRE AT FALL OF CONSTANTINOPLE, 1453 . 28 SPANISH KINGDOMS AFTER 1513 29 GERMANY AND N. ITALY, End of Fifteenth Century . .30, 31 EUROPE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE REFORMATION, 1519 . 32, 33 FRANCE, 1618-1648 . . . . . . 34, 35 xi xii Contents PAGE GERMANY AND N. ITALY, from the Reformation to the Thirty Years War, 1615-1648 . . . . . 36, 37 ITALY, from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries . . 38, 39 CENTRAL EUROPE, 1789 . . . . . . . 40, 41 CENTRAL EUROPE, 1810 42, 43 EUROPE, 1815 44> 45 MODERN EUROPE . . . . . . . . 46, 47 ECONOMIC MAP OF EUROPE, showing Chief Industrial Districts, Agricultural and Stock-rearing, and Fishing . . -48, 49 PRINCIPAL RAILWAY AND STEAMBOAT ROUTES IN CENTRAL EUROPE AND THE MEDITERRANEAN . . . . 50, 51 BRITISH ISLES, AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS .... 52 BRITISH ISLES, LEADING INDUSTRIES .... 53 ENGLAND AND WALES, Northern Section . . . 54, 55 ENGLAND AND WALES, Southern Section . . . . 56, 57 GEOGRAPHICAL CENTRAL ENGLAND, showing the Height of each District above Sea Level . . . . . 58, 59 OROGRAPHICAL SOUTH-EAST ENGLAND .... 60 OROGRAPHICAL CENTRAL SCOTLAND ..... 61 SCOTLAND, Northern Section . . . . . . 62, 63 SCOTLAND, Southern Section . . . . . . 64, 65 IRELAND, Northern Section . . . . . . 66, 67 IRELAND, Southern Section . . . . . . 68, 69 HOLLAND AND BELGUIM . . . . . . . 70, 71 FRANCE . . . . . . . . . . 72, 73 GERMANY . . . . . . . . 74, 75 CENTRAL GERMANY . . . . . . . . 76, 77 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY . . . . . . . . 78, 79 ITALY . . . . . . . . . . 80, 81 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ITALY, with Environs of Rome . 82, 83 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL . . . . . . . 84, 85 SWITZERLAND, showing Height of Mountains . . .86, 87 SCANDINAVIA Sweden, Norway, and Denmark . . .88, 89 RUSSIA IN EUROPE . . . . . . . 90, 91 KINGDOM OF POLAND Before Union with Lithuania; at its Greatest Extent; in the Time of Napoleon I. Present Limits of Russia, Prussia, and Austria .... 92 CHANGES IN TURKEY IN EUROPE, 1856 to 1878 ... 93 BALKAN STATES . . . . . . . . 94, 95 DENSITY OF POPULATION, 1901 ...... 96 Contents xiii PAGE A BRIEF SURVEY OF THE ENGLISH COINAGE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY, BY BERNARD ROTH, F.S.A. 97 LINE MAPS FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WORLD BATTLE OF MARATHON, 29th September, 490 B.C. . . .113 SYRACUSE AT THE TIME OF THE SIEGE, 415-413 B.C. . .114 BATTLE OF ARBELA . . . . . .114 BATTLE OF METAURUS, 208 B.C 115 BATTLEFIELD OF ARMJNIUS AND VARUS, 9 A.D. . . .115 BATTLE OF CHALONS, 451 A.D. . . . . . .116 BATTLE OF TOURS OR POICTIERS, 732, showing Original Position of Charles Mantel s Army 116 HASTINGS BATTLE OF SENLAC, i4th October, 1066 . .117 ORLEANS BEFORE JOAN OF ARC S ENTRY . . . .117 THE ARMADA, 1588 118 BATTLE OF BLEMHEIM, isth August, 1704 . . . .119 BATTLE OF PULTAWA, 28th June, 1709 . . . . .119 VICTORY OF AMERICANS AT SARATOGA, 1777 .... 120 BATTLE OF VALMY, 2oth September, 1792 .... 120 BATTLE OF WATERLOO, i8th June, 1815 . . . .121 FAMOUS BRITISH BATTLES BATTLE OF BANNOCKBURN, 2oth June, 1314 .... 121 BATTLE OF CRECY, 25th August, 1346 122 BATTLE OF POICTIERS, igth September, 1356 .... 122 BATTLES AND SIEGES OF THE CIVIL WAR, 1642-1651 . . 123 BATTLE OF AGINCOURT, 25th October, 1415 .... 124 BATTLE OF EDGEHILL, 23rd October, 1642 . . . .124 BATTLE OF MARSTON MOOR, 2nd July, 1644 . . . .125 BATTLE OF NASEBY, i4th June, 1645 ..... 125 BATTLE OF DUNBAR, 3rd September, 1650 .... 126 BATTLE OF THE NILE, ist August, 1798 .... 126 BATTLE OF COPENHAGEN, 2nd April, 1801 .... 127 BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR, 2ist October, 1805 . . . .127 xiv Contents MAPS ILLUSTRATING DISTRICTS CONNECTED WITH FAMOUS BOOKS AND THEIR AUTHORS PAGE ROUTE OF THE CANTERBURY PILGRIMS, from London to Canter bury .......... 128 THE LAND or BURNS ........ 128 THE LAND OF SCOTT ........ 129 " IVANHOE," showing the journeys of Cedric, Isaac, The Templar, etc. .......... 129 MAP OF LONDON, illustrating " Pepys Diary," " Evelyn s Diary," Dr. Johnson, etc. . . . . . . . 130, 131 THE ARTHURIAN REGIONS 132 THE LAKE DISTRICT, associated with Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey, De Quincey, Ruskin, etc. . . . . 133 DICKENS WORKS, Places mentioned in . . . . . 134 BALZAC S "CATHERINE DE MEDICI" . . . . .135 GEORGE ELIOT S COUNTRY . . . . . . . 135 IRVING S " CONQUEST OF GRANADA," Principal Towns mentioned in 136 DUMAS NOVELS, Principal Places mentioned in . . 137 THE NETHERLANDS AND BELGIUM, illustrating Motley s " Rise of the Dutch Republic " 138 "THE CLOISTER AND THE HEARTH," Map to illustrate . .139 THE MONASTERIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES . . . 140 SORROW S " LAVENGRO," Places mentioned in . . .141 " WESTWARD Ho! " Voyages of Amyas Leigh in the Rose and the Vengeance ......... 142 PARIS AT THE TIME OF THE REVOLUTION . . . . 143 MEDIAEVAL PARIS . . . . . . . 144 A GAZETTEER OF TOWNS AND PLACES IN EUROPE HAVING A LITERARY OR HISTORIC INTEREST . ... 145 INDEX . 183 1. ON MERCATORS PROJECTION SHOWING THE GREAT LINES OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE IN CONNECTION WITH EUROPE l I I I 16O 140 12O 1OO 60 40 3O O 2O 4O 6O 80 1OO 12O CefGoodHop ^Vontlaabcth _,.. ..C<Vt,.I<n, Amsterdam /.. t, to Adelaide. : ft./ /. .w.aa.m. wgG foUYCtl. C rozrtl?.-;. wlT&rT r~ ] -& , . ^,. ,.~ 20 JferuZ. of Green* 20 4O 6O 8O 1OO 120 artholomeir & CD., 8. 80 60 40 20 O 20 40 60 SO 1OO H World as known to Homer B.C. WOO ,, Ptolemy A.D. ISO 4-O 30 2O 10 1O 2O 3O 40 50 a 90 100 T10 120 130 140 ISO 160 11. 20 25 3O 35 4O JoTrn Bartkolomew & Co., EdinT 13. 14. 55 AT THE DEATH OF CHARLEMAGNE 814 A.D. JBuglisk Jffles 1OO 200 300 K.I SOO 15. 2O 25 3O 35 4O 45 5O 16. Note Christians at tfie end of 2". d Century | - \ . from 2". d to 5? |- - 1 . 5? .. 9? . ., /2* .. _. Division between the Eastern & Western Churches Mohammedanism is shown by bands of colour 4 Bishoprics I Archb.oftheGreeh Church 5 Archbishoprics i Patriarchates SO 10O 200 3OO 4OO 5OO 17. 20 25 30 35 4O 45 18. 20. 21. 25 30 35 4=O Johr- Bartholomew^ Co., J 22. 1O 15 23. ANGLO-SAXON BRITAIN " THE HEPTARCHY." 24. 25. 26. o 27. 28. 30. 31. 1I0DDDDD 32. 55 ti2ga \llitf iy&: N^-f ^A 333 AT THE BEGINNING OF THE REFORMATION 1519 O 50 100 200 300 *00 5OO 33. 20 25 30 35 4O 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 40. 42. 43. Jolm Bartholomew & Co 44. 20 15 45. 30 35 55 50 25 20 15 1O S 5 Join Bartholomew ft Co. , Staff Chief Industrial Districts [ jjfe | Coalfields Letters indicate the nature of the Chief Industries C Cotton I Iron L Linen M Machinery 5 Silk W Wool Agriculture and Stock-rearing Fishing Only Navigable Rivers are shown Principal Railways \A L G E R I A !TUN " Biskra* PRINCIPAL RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP ROUTES IN JOB MOROCCO MOROCCO AND THE MEDITERRANEAN (On Mercators Projection) 51. JoknBarttolomew-A Co-,ofcrf 52. BRITISH ISLES ir&aflay N o Ft T H FffeNess AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS I I Upland Pasture suitable for Sheep Area suitable for Mixed Agriculture | Chief Wheat Districts ,, j Districts where Cattle are most numerous ECONOMIC 53. LEADING INDUSTRIES | Industrial Regions | | Coalfields J.ihn Bartholomew A Co. , Ka 54. 55. NORTHERN SECTION English Mies 57. SOUTHERN SECTION j&nolish ^MUen 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. John B.-crthuUmw & Co., 64. SOUTHERN SECTION Enoliak Mle 65. JSMXook.Ulo. ~ .-forti 2 I^KWZGG 66. T L A N T I C 69. 75. JoW Bartholomew * 76. 78 80. 81. Vli a NORTHERN & CENTRAL ITA~" English The.Affi.v"hoTn:, i.<*j>eak, is contracted as in. Tfildb. - Wild/win. B. - Berg - Mountain/ G. - GMrge- Mountain, Ratty 87. .., .- - p,,/ |-; ^i/ |p^^%-^;r l^.4-- * ? v J^l- ^^ f. v^ : ; -t* / ^-P"" ";;^,,!^"^ ""<"" ; ..v^ l ^. ,; M,,wt i1 -/^M^ v . vx " / \ ^ ..,..vi " **-. ," i o. fcfOfi V i I .>" f .v* 1 ^... ; . . li T! -fi 63 & 03 as S;=;4aqS;sC;S58E;?!R5 I ?1 *|1 *: - "/ 89. 91 CHANGES IN TURKEY IN EUROPE 1856 TO 1878 yundaries according to Treaty of Paris, 1856 Boundaries according to Treaty of Berlin, 1878 } Present Possessions of Turkey ~\ Territories passed to other administration since 1856 Dates of Independence of various countries marked in red 96. A BRIEF SURVEY OF THE ENGLISH COINAGE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY 9 8 A BRIEF SURVEY OF THE ENGLISH COINAGE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY BY BERNARD ROTH, F.S.A. Vice-President of British Numismatic Society and Member of Council of Royal Numismatic Society. THE ancient Britons were intimately related to their neighbours the Gauls on the other side of the English Channel, and through them early obtained a knowledge of a well-designed coinage, chiefly of gold, which was minted for nearly 250 years. According to Sir John Evans, the gold uninscribed coins of the south coast were probably first issued between 200 and 150 B.C. These gold coins are usually described as staters, because they are degenerate copies of the beautifully executed gold staters of Philip II., King of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great (B.C. 382-336). Fig. I., Plate I., is a gold stater of that king; on the obverse, i.e., the more important side, of the coin, which usually carries the king s head or the chief symbol, is a laureate head of Apollo or Hercules looking to the right; on the other side (reverse] is a charioteer in a biga, or two- horsed chariot, with two wheels. Fig. II., Plate I., is an ancient British gold coin of about B.C. 150, which is a barbarous copy of the perfect Greek art seen in Fig. I. On the obverse is a large head to the left with extremely ornate hair, etc., while on the reverse is a very disjointed horse with the remnants of a winged charioteer. Fig. III., Plate I., is a fine specimen of a later ancient British inscribed coin of Cunobelinus (Shakespeare s Cym- belinel a British king who flourished about A.D. 5: his 99 ioo The English Coinage capital was Camulodonum, on the site of which is modern Colchester. On the obverse is a horse with CVNO below, and on the reverse is an ear of wheat with CA MV on either side. The latest and most barbarously designed ancient British coins were those of the Brigantes, a tribe who in habited Yorkshire, Lancashire, and other northern counties. Some years before their conquest by the Romans in A.D. 69, their queen was Cartismandua, who is said to have treacher ously delivered up to the invaders Caractacus who had taken refuge in her court. Fig. IV., Plate I., is-*a gold stater of the Brigantes, in which it is still possible to find some distant resemblance to the design on Philip s coin. On the obverse there are re mains of the wreath with locks of hair, but it is difficult to picture any likeness to a face. These ancient Britons were far more civilised than many historians have described them to be. I have several contemporary forgeries of ancient British staters in my collection. They consist of copper covered with a thin plating of gold: a high degree of mechanical skill was required to produce such a forged coin. For several centuries after the Roman invasion all traces of a native coinage disappear till we come to the period of the Sceats and Stycas. The sceats were the earliest Saxon coins struck in England, and were chiefly in silver, although gold specimens are known. Fig. V., Plate I., is a gold sceat which is supposed to have been struck by Abbo, a Frankish moneyer who accompanied St. Augustine to England in A.D. 596: on the obverse is a rude bust to the left with E behind ; on the reverse traces of letters around a dotted inner border enclosing a large H-shaped ornament in centre, with letters above and below. The stycas resemble the sceats, but are usually of very base silver or copper. Fig. VI., Plate I., is a copper styca of Vigmund, Arch bishop of York (A.D. 837-854). The silver penny or, as it was called in early days, the novus denarius was of Frankish origin, and was first struck by Pepin the Short in 755. This coin rapidly became popular all over Europe, and drove out, not only the up to then current Roman coins, but also the sceats and the stycas. Offa, King of Mercia (A.D. 757-796), was the first English prince to strike silver pennies, and all his coins are of beautiful types. The English Coinage TQl Fig. VII., Plate I., is a silver penny of King Offa, while Fig. VIII., Plate I., is one of his widowed queen, Cynethryth, who reigned for one year after his death. Contrary to the almost universal custom, the queen s name is on the reverse of the coin, while the name of the mint master, or moneyer, EOBA, is on the obverse, in front of the queen s bust. For many centuries the silver penny was the only current Eng lish coin, and when smaller change was required it was cut into halves and quarters to form halfpennies and farthings, an operation which was often helped by the large cross on the reverse. Fig. IX., Plate I., is a penny of Alfred the Great (871-901 ), with the monogram of London on the reverse : the portrait of the king on the obverse is fairly good, but the whole coin is far inferior in execution to those of King Offa and his queen. Aethelred II. (979-1016) struck a large number of different types; one of the most interesting of his pennies is shown in Fig. X., Plate I., with the king s head on the obverse and the so-called hand of Providence between A and (o descending from the clouds on the reverse. Our Danish King Canute (1016-1035) issued a number of different pennies, of which Fig. XI., Plate I., is one which was minted at Dover. Fig. XII., Plate I., is a penny of Harold I. (1035-1040), and Fig. XIII., Plate II., a penny of Harthacnut (1040-1042). Silver pennies of Edward the Confessor (1042-1066) were struck in upwards of sixty dif ferent English towns, and are of various types. Fig. XIV., Plate II., represents his " sovereign " type. On the obverse the king is seen sitting on his throne, holding the sceptre in the right hand and the orb in the left; on the reverse we have what is termed a short cross voided with a martlet (bird) in each of the four quarters: this has usually been described as the Confessor s arms. Harold II. (1066), although he reigned only a few months, struck some coins of which Fig. XV., Plate II., represents a penny, with the king s head to the left with the sceptre in front ; on the reverse we find PAX (Peace) across the coin, which is rather incongruous, seeing he met his death so soon after at the Battle of Hastings. William the Conqueror (1066-1087) struck pennies with a good portrait of himself, of which Fig. XVI., Plate II., is a fine specimen: it is usually termed the bonnet type, owing to the curious head-dress or crown IQ2 PLATE II. The English Coinage 103 on the king s head. William Rufus (1087-1100) did not vary much the coins of his father, and Fig. XVII., Plate II., represents a penny of his struck at Ipswich. Henry I. (1100-1135) struck several types, of which Fig. XVIII., Plate II., minted at London, is an interesting specimen. Stephen s troubled reign ( 1 1 35-1 1 54) is reflected by the clumsy and badly struck pennies of his coinage. One rarely ever meets with a well struck and round coin of this king. Fig. XIX., Plate II., is a Stephen penny struck at Gloucester. The Empress Matilda, daughter of Henry I., was Queen of England for a year during this reign, and struck coins in several towns. Fig. XX., Plate II., represents what is considered a fine specimen of a Matilda penny. In spite of the bad execution of the coins of Stephen and Matilda, the silver employed was not debased. Henry II. (1154-1189), after his first issue, struck the " short cross " penny, of which Fig. XXI., Plate II., is a specimen minted at Worcester. This same " short cross " penny was struck without alteration of type and with the same name, Henricus, during the succeeding reigns of Richard I. (1189-1199) and John (1199-1216), and was continued unchanged during the greater portion of the reign of Henry III. (1216-1272), till the year 1248, when the " long cross " penny was struck: in this, the voided or double-lined cross on the reverse extends to the margin of the coin instead of only to the inner circle, as in the short cross variety. This king also added the numerals III. (or the Latin equivalent) after his name, to distinguish himself from his predecessors, the first time this device was em ployed in the English coinage (see Fig. XXII., Plate II., which is a long cross penny of Henry III.). Edward I. ( 1 272-1 307) coined for the first time halfpennies and farthings, instead of having pennies cut into halves and quarters, as had been the custom till that time. Fig. XXIII., Plate II., is a farthing struck at York. The coinage of Edward II. (1307-1327) is so similar to that of Edward I. that even experts differ amongst themselves as to whom they should be assigned. Edward III. (1327-1377) made several important innovations: he not only issued a gold coinage, but also larger silver coins, viz., groats (fourpence) and half groats (twopence); his second gold coinage was the Noble, shown in Fig. XXIV., Plate II. This beautiful 104 PLATE III. 26 (. y The English Coinage 105 work of art was current for six shillings and eightpence. On the obverse the king standing in the ship, is supposed to refer to the victory over the French fleet off Sluys in 1340. Fig. XXV., Plate III., is a groat of Edward III. During this king s reign there was a great expansion of the Norman possessions of the English crown, with a corre sponding increase in the output of Anglo-Gallic coins. Fig. XXVI., Plate III., is a gold Pavilion or Royal d Or of his son, Edward the Black Prince. It is interesting to note that there are four ostrich feathers on the obverse of the coin, two on each side of the bust of that prince. Richard II. (1377-1399) and Henry IV. (1399-1413), Henry V. (1413-1422) and Henry VI. (1422-1461), made little changes in the coinages, except that the last king struck two new coins, the angel and half angel. Fig. XXVII., Plate III., is the angel, which was current for six shillings and eightpence. On the obverse is the Archangel St. Michael piercing the dragon, and on the reverse a ship to the right with the mast shaped like a cross, surmounted by a top castle. Edward IV. (1461-1483) issued one new coin, the rose noble, shown in Fig. XXVIII., Plate III., which differs from the noble by having the rose on the side of the ship and in the centre of the reverse. Rose nobles were not only struck at the Tower, but also at Bristol, Coventry, York (Ebora- cum), and Norwich, and to distinguish these several mints the initial letter of the town was placed on the waves below the ship: thus in the rose noble figured there is a B for Bristol. The coins of Edward V. (1483) were exactly like his father s, and are only to be distinguished by their mint marks. Richard III. (1483-1485) had no distinguishing coins. Henry VII. (1485-1509) struck a very fine new gold coin, the sovereign, double the weight of the noble, viz., 240 grains, and was current for twenty shillings: it is shown in Fig. XXIX., Plate IV. This same king also issued the first shilling or testoon. Henry VIII. (1509-1547) struck two new gold coins, the gold crown and the gold George noble, which were current for five shillings, and six shillings and eightpence respectively. Fig. XXX., Plate IV., is the crown and Fig. XXXI., Plate IV., the George noble, which has on the reverse St. George in armour on horseback and io6 PLATE IV. 29 tan PLATE V. io8 The English Coinage piercing the dragon. The shilling or testoon (Fig. XXXII., Plate IV.) gives a good portrait of the king. Edward VI. (1547-1553) struck the first silver crown, shown in Fig. XXXIII., Plate IV. Mary (1553-1558), after her marriage with Philip II. of Spain, struck coins with the portrait of her husband as well as of herself, as seen in the shilling (Fig. XXXIV., Plate V.). The Spanish king s name is invariably placed first, before that of the English queen. Elizabeth (1558-1603) issued a dated sixpence yearly for upwards of forty years, and Fig. XXXV., Plate V., is a milled sixpence of the year 1562: her dress is very ornate, as is the rule on all her coins. When James VI. of Scotland became James I. of England (1603-1625) he struck several coins to symbolise the union of the kingdoms. Fig. XXXVI., Plate V., is the gold unite or sovereign. The reverse legend " Faciam eos in gentem unam " is from Ezekiel xxxvii. 22, " / will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two king doms any more." Charles I. s troubled and tragic reign (1625-1649) pro duced innumerable new coins. While at Oxford, the gold three-pound piece (Fig. XXXVII., Plate V.) and the silver pound or twenty shilling piece (Fig. XXXVIII., Plate VI.) were made out of the melted-down plate of the Oxford colleges. Amongst the many siege pieces of this reign, the shilling of Pontefract Castle (Fig. XXXIX., Plate VI.) is very typical. The Commonwealth coinage (1649-1660) is remarkable in having all the legends in good honest English instead of in Latin, and Fig. XL., Plate VI., represents the gold broad or twenty-shilling piece. Oliver Cromwell (1653-1658) had some coins struck with his portrait, but it is doubtful whether they were ever in circulation. The crown, by Thomas Simon (Fig. XLI., Plate VII.), is a fine work of art. Charles II. (1660-1685) gave us the first five-guinea piece (Fig. XLII., Plate VII.). His example was followed by James II. (1685-1688), William and Mary (1689-1694) (see Fig. XLIII., Plate VII.), William (1694-1702), Anne (1702- 1714), and the first two Georges (1714-1760). George III. (1760-1820) was the last king to issue the PLATE VI. 109 no PLATE VII. PLATE VIII. in 45 46 ii2 The English Coinage guinea, of which the spade variety (Fig. XLIV., Plate VIII.) is well known. The modern sovereign of twenty shillings was first struck by this king (Fig. XLV., Plate VIII.). The coinages of George IV. (1820-1830) and William IV. (1830-1837) have no new features. Queen Victoria (1837-1901) issued two new silver coins, the double florin of four shillings and the florin of two shillings. The first florin (Fig. XLVL, Plate VIII.) was issued in 1849, and as the words " Dei Gratia " were omitted, it is known as the " godless or graceless florin." Edward VII. (1901-1910) issued the same coins as his mother, from the five-pound piece down to the farthing, with the exception of the double florin. Fig. XL VII., Plate VIII., is his five-pound piece. All the illustrations are from photographs of casts taken from coins in the author s collection. MAPS AND PLANS OF NOTABLE BATTLES AND DISTRICTS CONNECTED WITH FAMOUS AUTHORS AND THEIR BOOKS PLANS OF CLASSICAL AND OTHER BATTLES DESCRIBED BY CREASY IN " FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WORLD " 00 SE2323I 0a0E^ ARMY UNDER GEN DAT. S /oo,ooo Infantry GREEK ATTACK a 00 2000 wasTs aoen UNDER MILTI First Position ARMY UNDER MILTIADES xS \N\""/? " ^ ^"" % BATTLE OF MARATHON 29^ September 490 B.C. KS! Greeks ^^ Persians See Grote s " History of Greece." Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World." Rawlinson s " Herodotus," etc., etc. SYRACUSE AT THE TIME OF THE SIEGE 415-413 B.C See Grote s " History of Greece" Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. .- ,** ( BATTLE OF ARBELA EE3 Alexander r~n Darius See Crete s " History o/ Gr*." Cray s " F*/<wn the World," etc., etc. Battles of I / Retreat of GzyaJry i t CARTHAGINIAN ARMY UNDER ASDRUBAL .-....^...-....U... Jrrfasitfy^ \ ;j - />^"4^o > ROMAN ARMY UNDER M.LIVIUS & CL. NERO BATTLE OF METAURUS 208 B C. S^ Grate s " History of Greece." Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Bailies of the World," etc., etc. BATTLEFIELD OF ARMINIUS&VARUS 9 A.D Modej-n site ofDetmold Germans Romans a OriginaJ Position of Combined Forces b Varus advances & /s attacked by Arminius See Tacitus " Agricola " and " Germania." Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. n6 V \ v>r. ^Xftr" ** c,^ BATTLE OF CHALONS 451 S1 Romans &Goths Huns See Gibbon s " Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. J BATTLE OF TOURS OR POICTIERS 732 Showing Original Position of Charles MarteJs Army See Gibbon s " Uecline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. HASTINGS BATTLE OFSENLAC 14^ October 1066 ENGLISH AKMY English Bodyguard ^English Light Armed NORMAN ARMY E3 Heavy Armed Foot LJ Horse See. Thierry s " Norman Conquest." Lytton s " Harold." Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World" etc., etc. JOAN OF ARCS StJeaside \ /aRudle. See Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World" etc., etc. See Strickland s " Life of Queen Elizabeth." Kingsley s " Westward Ho ! Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. BATTLE OF BLENHEIM Vi August 1704 See Thackeray s " Henry Esmond." Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. BATTLE OF PULTAWA 28th June ,709 / , Russian Army f ; before crossing i Russians c=3 Swedes a Russian Trenches b Swedish Advance C Russian Cavalry driven back in first conflict d flussjans surround Swedes See Voltaire s " Life of Charles XII." Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. T2O VICTORY OF AMERICANS AT SARATOGA 1777 British CZI Americans British Provision Boats Landing Provisions American Light Troops attacking British Provision Boats See Benjamin Franklin s " Autobiography" Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. BATTLE OF VALMY 20*^ September 1792 Prussians & Austrians CHU French See Creasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. 121 BATTLE OF WATERLOO Igth June 1815 English Mile , BraineleLeucI Allies Foot ^^Horse French Foot t^\Harse <;/g s " Life of Wellington." Crcasy s " Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," etc., etc. BATTLE OF BANNOCKBURN 20*. h June 1314 See Porter s " Scottish Chiefs," etc., etc. 122 BATTLE OFCRECY 25 th Aug.l346 See ]. G. Edgar s " Cressy and Poictiers," etc., etc. ^ll\\\ xv ^ ^%n\wwi^ lW BATTLE OF POICTIERS :. 1356 English French 3n$ f it K[n|of France 1 5<r<? /. G. Edgar s " Cressy and Poictiers" etc., etc. 123 -(Sept 1650) BATTLES & SIEGES OF THE CIVIL WAR 1642- 1651 -e.nsbury te/cestts (St/ie.a tyChviesietS) . /VaseJyfJunt i64S) HolmtyHo f&iar/esl.tmpr/soned, ,ceer - > orV,<vr,pton \*f*>** ^, /lf , S ^ v/ Colchester *^ __ . nooastocjf %%%8frJ? *Aug toSept /643) /^Qxford( C/7as /ts/.tteadyuas-t J ers/64*5) t= -~ / ^\ "uxbndg^ ^ LONDON See Carlyle s " Cromwell s Letters and Speeches." " Col. Hutchinson s Memoirs." Scott s " Woodstock," etc., etc. 12 4 - *ii*. a ! .t* u \ ;^ a ^5* .^cri^ Tramecburt W"k z ^ . .- a -L .. BATTLE OF AGINCOURT 25 th Oct 1415 I English ^3 French See Shakespeare s "Henry V." etc., etc. BATTLE OF EDGE HILL 3^ Oct. 1642 r nglish Miles See Carlyle s " Cromwell s Letters and Speeches." " Col. Hutchinson s Memoirs," etc., etc. T25 .*V* * BATTLE OF MARSTON MOOR 2 n . d July 1644 lish Mile . v lwfls\rop^Woo f d Royalist * , < a r i- 4= . ~ SL -* BBB ^bot r^*a Horse. Parliamentary UZ&Foot CH3 //o/-se MARS TON " M O O R See Carlyle s " Cromwell s Letters and Speeches." " Co/. Hutchinson s Memoirs," etc., etc. KINGS ARMY I/~<X> PARLIAMENTARY ARMY r^i /vpof c^l Horse S<j<r Carlyle s " Cromwell s Letters and Speeches." " Co^ Hutchuison $ Memoirs," etc., etc. BATTLE OF DUNBAR 3r? Sept. 1650 Carlyle s " Cromwell s Letters and Speeches" " Co/. Hutchtnson s Memoirs," etc., etc. A B O (J K / /? BAY ^ ^ BATTLE OF THE NILE I st August 1798 Jtv British Ships For t d^ French Ships set soutnsy s " Lt/^ of Nelson," etc., etc. 127 BATTLE OF COPENHAGEN 2 nd April I8OI r British cij Danish i^^ne a. . j > ^.Aground Middle Ground und ^ Sa - nd Agamemnon (aground) "" Reserve London See Southey s " Life of Nelson," etc., etc. *-s Victory Redoutable 1 ^^Bucesitauf BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR 21 st October 1805 ^British cbAllies t-^7 /V <y<? Asturias S^ Southey s " Life of Nelson" etc., etc. ROUTE OF THE CANTERBURY PILGRIMS from London to Canterbury This shows onlv one of the pilgrims routes to Canterbury, probably the one mentioned by Chaucer in his " Canterbury Tales." See also Stanley s " Memorials of Canterbury," etc., etc. 7ar6o/tan f Mill Montyomerie. ] m BurnsCottage qyKirk * Mount Oliphant flauchlii Muirhirk . Qjmnocfr Dunastr* MrkaswaJd See Lockharfs " Life of Robert Burns," etc., etc. LAND OF SCOTT English Mites See Lockhari s " /-i/^ o/ Sco." TA Waverley Novels. " Lady of the Lake" etc., etc. Jorvau/x Abbey} Fountains Abbey? IVANHOE" __ _ Cedr/c Isaac Br/andeBois~ Gui/bert MAP OF LONDON, ILLUSTRATING " PEPYS DIARY," RESIDENCES OF DR. JOHNSON Boswell Court, Gough Square, Johnson s Court, Fleet Street, Fetter Lane, Inner Temple Lane, 8 Bolt Court. EVELYN S DIARY," DR. JOHNSON, ETC. [Crace Collection. S A7a/ory s " Movie d Arthur." Tennyson s " Idylls of the King" etc., etc. IHE LAKE DISTRICT ASSOCIATED WITH WORDSWORTH, COLERIDGE SOUTHEV, DE QUINCEY RUSKIN, ETC. English M//es LANC>ASH/I RE/ See especially De Quincey s " Reminiscences of the Luke Poets." PLACES MENTIONED IN DICKENS WORKS A Suggested Route ofL ittJe NeJI and her Grandfathers Journey In Dickens time, there were Races atBanbury Li We NeJI is supposed to have di<t at Tong BALZAC S CATHERINE DE MEDICI 135 STAFFORD ....f (LOAMSMIRE);- / /iStockVngford Nuneaton(Wlby) .-.. . (ffeddifordGornmon)* ~. ! - - : H f Anh,,rv Pk - "ChilversCoton J ; -::..--tChe ^ I e 7M P a k nor) (Shepperton) .Coventry . WARWICK ^_ 1 George Eliot" was born at Arbury Park, and educated at Nuneaton and Coventry. Nearly all her works mention, or are closely associated with, the Untnct marked on this map. GEORGE ELIOTls COUNTRY DUMAS NOVELS "The Forty -Five" "Marguerite de Valois" "La Dame de Monsoreau" 138 THE NETHERLANDS&BELGIUM ILLUSTRATING MOTLEYS "RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC / NORTH So,gn,es (S.cyeo.v) / Liege (Si&gz^w) ,Gemblotjrs HAINHAULT MAP TO ILLUSTRATE CLOISTER &THE HEARTH" /Vocc M^ere Gerard a, Denys Parted X 140 MONASTERIES Cathedral Churches thus .Yo English Mt/es Sw Froude s " Henry VIII." also essay on " Dissolution of the Monas teries " in " Essays on Literature and History" etc.. etc. 141 PLACES MENTIONED IN BOR ROWS "LAV E NGRO The Prize Fight mentioned in Chap, xxvi was fought at N.Walsham S.E. IRELAND ON SAME SCALE 144 MEDI/EVAL PARIS Metres- O SOO 1000 1500 Enql.shMile. See fialzac s " Catherine de Medici." Hugo s " Notre Dame" Dumas Novels, etc., etc. A GAZETTEER OF TOWNS AND PLACES IN EUROPE HAVING A LITERARY AND HISTORIC INTEREST A GAZETTEER OF TOWNS AND PLACES IN EUROPE HAVING A LITERARY & HISTORIC INTEREST 1 ABBREVIATIONS A. Author Ass. Associations with Bp. Birthplace f. Founded Res. Residence Sc. Scene (of, in) W. War(s) En. England Ir. Ireland Scot. Scotland Wa. Wales Aalesund, Norway. 62N. 6E. Bp. of Rollo, : Circle of Druidic stones known as Long Meg Norwegian chief, founder of the Duchy of ; and her daughters. (See Wordsworth s Normandy. ! Sonnet.) Aarau, Switzerland. 47N. SB. Assembly Agen, France. 441*. OE. Bp. of the of the Diet of the Cantons, 1798, and pro- 1 Gascon poet, Jasmin, d. 1864. (See Sainte- clamation of the Swiss Republic. Abbots Langley, Herts, En. SIN. ow. Bp. of Pope Adrian IV. (Nicholas Break- spear). Abensberg, Bavaria. 481*. HE. Defeat of Austrians by Napoleon, 1809. Aberdeen, Scot. 571*. 2W. University: King s Coll., f. 1494; Marischal Coll., f. 1593. Names ass. with Barbour (tomb in cathe dral), Hector Boece, Campbell, Byron, etc.; Dr. Johnson at, 1773; Auld Brig o Bal- gownie near. (See Byron, Don Juan, Cant. X.) Aberdour, Fife, Scot., 561*. Richard Chancellour, navigator and discoverer of the Port Archangel, was lost in Aberdour Bay on his return home, 1556. (See Hak- luyt, Voyages. ) Aberdour, Aberdeen, Scot. 57N. aw. Ruins of castle where David Bruce was confined. (See old ballad of Sir Patrick Spens. ) Aberfoyle, Perth, Scot. Scott, Rob Roy. ) 56N. 4W. (Sc. Abergavenny, Monmouth, En. SIN. 3W. Old Roman settlement. Abergele, Denbigh, Wa. 531*. 3W. Roman camp; victory of Gruff ydd ap Llewelyn over Harold near; Dr. Johnson at 1774. Abernethy, Perth, Scot. s6N. sw. Ancient capital of the Picts. Aberystwith, Cardigan, Wa. 521*. 4W. Cnstle built by Edward I.; remains of Owen Glendower s dwelling; supposed grave of Taliesin, the poet. Abingdon, Berks, En. SIN. iw. Centre Royalist prisoners. Abrantes, Portugal. of struggle during Civil W.; Abingdon Law, reference to summary execution of 39N. 8w. Taken by Junot, 1807. Acman, or Akeman Street, En. Old Roman road between Bath and Cirencester. Acqui, Italy. 44N. i6E. Defeat of Austrians by Napoleon, 1796. Addingham, Cumberland, En. 541*. aw. Beuve, Causeries du Lundi. ) Aghrim, Galway, Ir. 53N. 8w. Defeat of James II. by William of Orange, 1691. Agincourt, France. SON. 2E. Battle, Oct. 25, 1415. Agosta( Augusta), Sicily. 37N. ISE. French victory over Admiral de Ruyter, 1676. Aigues-Mortes, France. 43N. 4E. Tour Constance erected by S. Louis; S. Louis port of embarkation for Crusades, 1248 and 1269. Ailsa Craig, Firth of Clyde, Scot. SSN. sw. (See Keats s Sonnet.) Aird s Moss, near Sanquhar, Scot. SSN. 4W. Covenanters under the famous Cameron defeated and slain, 1680. (See Old Mortality. ) Airolo, Switzerland. 46N. BE. The S. Gothard tunnel runs from here to Goes- chenen; French driven back by Russians under Suvarov, 1799. Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), Germany. SON. 6s. Bp. and res. of Charlemagne; cathe dral with his and Otho III. s tomb; emperors crowned here till i6th century; treaty, Louis XIV. and Spain, 1668; ter minating W. of Austrian Succession, 1748; Congress of Allies, 1818. Ajaccio, Corsica. 4iN. 8E. Bp. of Napoleon I. Alarcos, Spain. 38N. 6w. Defeat of Alfonso IX. of Castile by the Moors, 1195. Albi, France. 43N. 2E. Gave its name to the Albigenses, victims of the persecuting crusade of the Pope and Louis VIII., isth century. Albuera, Spain. s8N. 6w. Defeat of Soult by the English and Allies under Beresford, 1811. Albufera, Spain. 39N. ow. English by Suchet near, 1812. Defeat of Alcala de Henares (Lat. Complutum), Spain. 40N. 3w. Complutensian (Polyglot) Bible printed, 1502-17; bp. of Cervantes, A. of T\nn niuVnta Don Quixote. 1 A large number of the places are not marked in the maps, but the latitude and longitude will enable the reader to locate their position. (See Introduction.} 145 146 Gazetteer Alcala la Real, Spain. 3?N. 4\v. Royal from its capture from Moors by Alfonso XI., 1340. Alcantara, Spain. 391*. 6w. Famous order of knights f. after victory here over Moors by Alfonso IX., 1214. Aldebury, or Aldborough, Norfolk, En. 52N. IE. Bp. of Crabbe the poet (1754- 1832). Aldwinkle, Northants, En. 52N. ow. Bp. of Dryden and Fuller. Alencon, France. 48N. OE. Bp. of P6re Duchesne, leader of the Hebertistes, executed, 1794. Alessandria, Italy. 44??. SK. Post of de fence of Lombard League against Frederick Barbarossa. Alford, Aberdeen, Scot. 57N. 2W. Defeat of the Covenanters by Montrose, 1645. Alfoxton Park, Somerset, En. SIN. 3\v. Wordsworth s home, 1797-98. Alfreton, Derby, En. 531*. iw. King Alfred supposed founder. Algarkirk, Lincoln, En. 52N. ow. Grave of Algar, Earl of Mercia, killed fighting against the Danes. Algeciras, Spain. 361*. sw. Taken by Moors, 711; by Alfonso XL, 1344; naval engagement, English and French, 1801. Alicante, Spain. 3814. ow. Captured by English, 1706 (W. of Spanish Succession). Alkmaar, Holland. 52N. 4E. Brave de fence against Spaniards, who were forced to retreat by the opening of the dykes (see Motley, Dutch Republic ) ; convention for evacuation of Holland by English and Russians, 1799. Allington, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Bp. of Sir Thomas Wyatt, poet (1503-42). Alloa, Clackmannan, Scot. $6N. 3W. Mary Stuart here as a child. Alloway, Ayr, Scot. SSN. 4W. Bp. of Burns, and sc. Tarn o Shanter. Alma, river, Crimea. 441*. 33E. Battle, Sept. 20, 1854. Almanza, Spain. 381*. iw. Decisive vic tory of French over English and Portuguese (W. of Spanish Succession), 1707. Almeria, Spain. 361*. 2W. Capital of province. A proverb commemorates the importance of this Moorish town: Cuando Almeria era Almeria, Granada era su alquerie. Alney, island of, Severn, En. SIN. 2W. Single combat between Edmund Ironsides and Canute, 1015. Alnwick, Northumberland, En. SSN. iw. Seat of the Percies; sc. frequent warfare between English and Scots; Malcolm Can- more and his son slain, 1093. Alost (Aalst), Belgium. SON. 4E. First printing press in the Low Countries set up by Martens, a native (cir. 1475). Alsace-Lorraine, 47-49^ 6-8s. Ceded to Germany by Treaty of Frankfort, 1871. (See Erckmann-Chatrian, Story of the Plebis cite, Friend Fritz. ) Altdorf, Switzerland. 46N. 8s. Made famous by William Tell. Altenkirchen, Rhen. Prussia. SON. TB. Austrians defeated by Kleber, 1796. Althorp, Northants, En. 52N. ow. Noted library, now at Manchester; masque by Ben Jonson, performed 1603. Altrive, Selkirk, Scot. SSN. 3W. Home of Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd (1772- 1835). Amain, Italy. 4ON. I4E. Sacked by Robert Guiscard, 1075; discovery of famous MS. of the Pandects (Roman Laws), 1 135 ; bp. of MasanieUo (1623-47). Ambleside, Westmoreland, En. 54N. 2W. Res. of Wordsworth (Rydal Mount), Miss Martineau, and Dr. Arnold. Amboise, France. 47N. OE. Noted castle, ancient res. of French kings, and bp. of Charles VIII.; meeting of Clovis and Alaric on island opposite, 506; death of L. da Vinci at Chateau de Clos-Luce; Huguenot conspiracy, 1560; Edict of, 1563. (Sc. Dumas, The Two Dianas. ) Amesbury, Wilts, En. SIN. iw. Vespa sian s camp; nunnery f. by Queen Elfrida. (See Tennyson, Guinevere. ) Amiens, France. 49N. 2E. Magnificent early Gothic cathedral. Starting point of 12 Roman roads; Peace of (England, France, Holland, and Spain), 1802; battle, 1870 (Franco- Prussian W.); bp. of Peter the Hermit, preacher of First Crusade. (See Ruskin, Bible of Amiens. ) Ammergau, Ober and Unter, Bavaria. 47N. HE. Passion Play given at Ober-A. every 10 years since 1633. Ampthill, Bedford, En. 52N. ow. Where Catherine of Aragon awaited the issue of her trial; ruins of Hough ton House, ass. Sir Philip Sidney. Amsterdam, Holland. 52N. 4E. Bp. of Spinoza ; home of Rembrandt. Ancona, Italy. 43N. I3E. Trajan arch; surrender of Papal garrison to Piedmontese, 1860 (Unification of Italy). Ancrum Moor, Roxburgh, Scot. SSN. 2W. English defeated by Scots, 1545. Andelys, France. 49N. IE. Ruins of Chateau Gaillard, built by King Richard L; bp. of the Trouveres, Henri and Roger, and of the painter Poussin. Andermatt, Switzerland. 46N. SE. Famous Devil s Bridge over the Reuss; Suvarov and his Russians here, 1799. Andernach (Antunnacum, Drusus camp), Rhen. Prussia. SON. 7E. Res. of Merovin gian kings; tomb of Emperor Valentinian; defeat of Charles the Bald by sons of Louis the German, 876. Angers, France. 47N. ow. Castle built by S. Louis; Wellington military student at; bp. of good King Ren6, father of Henry VI. s queen. Anglesey (Mona), Wa. 53N. 4W. Home of the Druids; conquered by Edward I. Angouleme, France. 4$N. OE. Bp. of Marguerite, Queen of Navarre, A. of the Heptameron (1492-1549). Annan, Dumfries, Scot. 54N. 3W. Bp. of Edward Irving; Carlyle here at school, and Gazetteer H7 later mathematical tutor. (See Carlyle Sartor Resartus, Bk. 2, Chap. 3.) Annonay, France. 45N. 4E. Bp. of bro thers Montgolfier, discoverers of the balloon and sc. their first ascent. Antwerp, Holland (Hanse Town). SIN. 4E Works by Rubens, and printing-press ol Plantin, d. 1589; sack of the Spaniards known as The Spanish Fury, 1576 and hi 1584; bp. of Van Dyke, Teniers Rubens (?), etc. Aosta (Augusta Praetoria), Italy. 45N, 7E. Bp. of Anselm, Archb. of Canterbury (1033-1109). Arbroath (Aberbrothock), Forfar, Scot 56N. 2W. Bell rock and lighthouse; Dr Johnson at, 1773. (Sc. (Fairport) Scott Antiquary; see Southey, The Inch cape Rock. ) Arcis-sur-Aube, France. 481*. 4E. Vic tory of Allies over Napoleon, March, 1814. Arcola, Italy. 451*. HE. Famous victory of Napoleon over Austrians, 1796. Arden, or Woodland, Warwick, En. 52N. iw. Site of the forest of As You Like It. Arezzo, Italy. 4514. HE. Bp. of Guido d Arezzo, inventor of musical scale, of Petrarch, Leonardo Bruni, Vasari, etc. (See Browning, Ring and the Book. ) Argenteuil, France. 48:*. 2E. Heloise, ab bess of priory. Aries, France. 43 v. 4E. Roman amphi theatre, Constantino s palace, etc. Armagh, Ulster, Ir. 541*. 6w. Graves of Brian Boru and his son, killed at Clontarf , 1014. Arqua, Italy. 451*. HE. Petrarch d. 1374. Arques, France. 491*. IE. Famous vic tory of Henri IV. over Leaguers, 1589. Arran, island, Scot. SSN. sw. King s Cave," Robert Bruce s hiding-place. Arras, France. SON. 2E. Bp. of the poet Jean Bodel, I4th century; of Robespierre. Arroyo Molinos, Spain. 39N. 6w. Victory of Lord Hill over the French, 1811. Arundel, Sussex, En. SIN. iw. Taken by Henry I.; by Waller, 1644; res. of the queen after Henry I. s death. Aschaffenburg, Bavaria. 49N. QE. Prus sian victory over Austrians, 1866. Ashbourne, Derby, Eng. 53N. iw. Cot tage where Moore wrote part of Lalla Rookh. Ashby-de-la-Zouche, Leicester, En. 52N. iw. Prison of Mary Stuart. (Sc. Scott, Ivanhoe. ) Ashdown (Aescdun), Berks, En. SIN. iw. Defeat of Danes by West Saxons under Ethelred and Alfred, 871. Ashe, Devon, En. Bp. of Marlborough (1650-1722). Ashiestiel, Selkirk, Scot. SSN. 2 w. Res. of Sir W. Scott, 1804-12, and where he wrote part of Waverley, and his chief poems. Ashingdon (Assandun), Essex, En. SIN. OE. Defeat of the English under Edmund Ironsides by Canute, 1016. Asolo, Italy. 45N. HE. Res. of Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus, after her abdica- tion (1489) ; beloved by Browning, who was there the autumn before his death. (See Browning, Asolando. ) Aspern, Austria. 48N. i6s. Two days battle between Napoleon and Austrians, 1809. Aspromonte, Italy. 38N. ISE. Garibaldi wounded, and Red Shirts obliged to sur render, Aug. 29, 1862. Athelney, Isle of, Somerset, En. SIN. 2E. King Alfred s entrenchment against the Danes, 879 ; his Jewel found near. Atherton Moor, Lancashire, En. SSN. 2W. Victory of the Royalists over Fairfax, Jan. 30, 1643. Athlone, Roscommon and Westmeath, Ir. 53N. 7W. Taken by English under William Auburn, or Lissoy, Westmeath, Ir. 53N. TW. Goldsmith s Deserted Village. Auchinleck, Ayr, Scot. SSN. 4W. Visited by Dr. Johnson and Boswell, 1773. Auchmithie, near Arbroath, Forfar, Scot. 56N. 2W. (Sc. (Musselcrag) Scott, Anti quary. ) Auerstedt, Prussian Saxony. SIN. HE. Victory of French over Prussians, and death of Duke of Brunswick, Oct. 14, 1806. Augsburg (Augusta Vindelicorum), Bavaria. 48N. IOE. Diet, 1530 ( Confessions ), 1548 (Interim); Peace of (Catholics and Reformers), 1555; bp. of Holbein. Auldearn, Nairn, Scot. 57N. 3w. Victory of Montrose over the Covenanters, 1645. Auray, France. 47N. 3w. Battle between rival claimants to Brittany, John de Mont- ford and Charles of Blois ; Du Guesclin taken prisoner and Charles de Blois slain, 1364. Aussig, Bohemia. SON. I4E. Sigismund defeated by Ziska (Hussite W.). (See Count LQtzen, Life of John Hus. ) Austerlitz, Moravia. 49N. ifiE. Battle of the Three Emperors, Dec. 2, 1805. Avignon, France. 43N. 4E. Res. of Popes, 1309-78; res. of Petrarch, arid where he first saw Laura. Avoca, Ovoca, Wicklow, Ir. 52N. 6w. Vale of the meeting of the waters, sung by Moore. Awe, Loch, Argyle, Scot. $6N. sw. Fierce encounter between R. Bruce and Lord of Lorn, 1308. Aylesford, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Defeat of Vortigern by Hengist and Horsa, 456; of Danes by Alfred, 893; and by Edmund Ironsides, 1016. Ayr, Scot. SSN. 4W. Burning of Barns of Ayr by Wallace, 1297. Azores, or Western Islands. 37N. 25W. Discovered and colonised by Portuguese, 1431-60. Bach y Graig, Flint., Wa. SSN. 3w. Pro- serty of Mrs. Thrale; Johnson at, 1774. See Journey into N. Wales. ) Badajoz, Spam. 38N. 6w. Taken by the French under Soult, 1811; by Wellington, 1812. Badbury, Dorset, En. SON. iw. Mons 148 Gazetteer Badpnicus (?), sc. defeat of Saxons by British chief Ambrosius, cir. 516. (See Gildas, Chronicle. ) Badenoch, Inverness, Scot. 561*. 4W. Son of Robert II. known as Wolf of B. ; hiding-ground of Macpherson, Jacobite, left in charge of hidden treasure. (See Stevenson, Catriona ; Lang, Pickle the Spy. ) Badminton, Gloucester, En. SIN. 2W. Grave of Lord Raglan, who died in the Crimea, 1855. Bales (Baise), Italy. 401*. I4E. Favourite resort of Roman emperors. Baireuth, or Bayreuth, Bavaria. 49??. HE. Theatre erected for performance of Wagner s operas, 1873-6; grave of Wagner (1813- 83); J. P. Richter d. here in 1825. Bakchiserai, the Garden Palace, Russia. 44N. 33E. Capital of the ancient khans of the Crimea. Balaclava, Crimea. 4411. 33E. Battle be tween Russians under Mentschikofi arid British under Lord Raglan, Oct. 25, 1854. (See Tennyson, Charge of the Light Brigade. ) Baldock, Herts, En. SIN. ow. Monu ments of Templars. Baldoon, Galloway, Scot. Castle of Dun- bar family, one of whom married Lucy of Lammermoor. (See Scott.) Bale (Basel), Switzerland. 4?N. 7E. Res. of Erasmus, d. 1536; great council, 1431- 49; treaty, 1795 (Prussia and Spain with drew from coalition against France). Ballater, Aberdeen, Scot. 571*. 3\v. Byron at farm near when a boy. Ballitore, Kildare, Ir. SSN. 6w. Edmund Burke at school here. Ballyclerahan, Tipperary, Ir. 52N. 7w. Castle taken by Cromwell. Ballymore, Westmeath, Ir. SSN. TW. Taken from Loyalists by De Ginkell, 1691. Ballymote, Sligo, Ir. 54N. 8w. Taken by Ireton and Coote, 1652 ; famous MS. known as Book of B. Ballynahinch, Down, Ir. 54N.s\v. Defeat of rebels bv Nugent, 1798. Balmaclellan, Kirkcudbright, Scot. SSN. 4w. Stone to memory of Old Mortality. Balquhidder, Perth, Scot. S&N. 4\v. Here Rob Roy died and was buried. (See Scott.) Balsall, see Temple-Balsall. Bamberg, Bavaria. 49N. IOE. Tombs of Emperor Henry II. and his wife. Bamborough, Northumberland, En. SSN. iw. Capital of Ida, King of Northumbria. Banbury, Oxford, En. 52N. iw. Defeat of Edward IV. by Warwick, 1469; held by Royalists after Edgehill. Banff, Scot. 57N. aw. Remains of Tem plars; Dr. Johnson at, 1773. Bangor, Carnarvon, Wa. 531*. 4\v. Graves of the Welsh princes, Gryffydd ap Cynan, Owen Gwynedd, and Cadwaladr; Dr. Johnson at, 1774. Bangor, Flint, Wa. SSN. 4W. Massacre of over looo monks by Edelfrith of Northum bria, 593. Bannockburn, Stirling, Scot. s6N. sw. Battle, June 24, 1314. Bapaume, France. SON. 2E. Battle (Franco-Prussian W.), 1871. Bar, Russia. 49N. 27E. Confederation of Polish patriots, 1768. Barbizon, Forest of Fontainebleau, France. 48N. 2E. School of painters, including Millet, Rousseau, Corot, etc. Barcelona, Spain. 4i. 2E. Surrendered to English, 1705 (W. of Spanish Succession). Bard, Italy. 45N. 7E. Fort taken by French after 8 days siege, 1800. Barden, York, En. 541*. 2W. Ruins of tower built by Clifford, the Shepherd Lord. (See Wordsworth, Feast of Brougham Castle. ) Bardney, Lincoln, En. SSN. ow. Sup posed grave of King Ethelred. Bardsey, York, En. SSN. iw. Bp. of Con- greve, dramatist (1670-1729). Barfleur, France. 49N. iw. Port of de parture for England of William the Con queror, 1066; near went down the White Ship with Henry I. s son. (See Rossetti s Ballad.) Barholm, Kirkcudbright, Scot. 54N. 4W. Sc. (Ellangowan) Scott, Guy Mannering. Bari, Italy. 4 IN. i6E. Taken by Robert Guiscard, 1071. Barnard Castle, Durham, En. 54N. iw. Ruins of Barnard Baliol s castle. (See Scot t , 1 Rokeby. ) Barnes, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Res. of Sir Francis Walsingham. House of Jacob Ton- son, the bookseller, where Kit-cat Club met. Cowley, Fielding, Monk Lewis, and Handel, residents. Barnet, Herts, En. SIN. ow. Defeat of Lancastrians and death of Earl of Warwick, April 14, 1471. (See Lytton, Last of the Barons. ) Barnsdale, Yorks, En. SSN. iw. Ass. Robin Hood. Barnstaple, Devon, En. SIN. 4W. Bp. of John Gay, A. of the Beggar s Opera (1685- 1732). Barosa, Spain. S&N. 6w. Defeat of French by Graham, iSn (Peninsular W.). Barra Island, Inverness, Scot. s6N. 7w. Victory of Robert Bruce, 1308. Basing, Hants, En. SIN. iw. Saxon de feat by Danes, 871; taken by Cromwell after 2 years siege, 1645. Bass Rock, Scot. s6N. 2W. Prison of Covenanters. Held against William III. for 3 years. (Sc. Stevenson s Catriona. ) Bassano, Italy. 45N. HE. Victory of Napoleon over Austrians, 1/96. Bath (Aquas Solis), Somerset, En. SIN. zw. Coronation of King Edgar, 973; lost and retaken by Royalists in Civil W.; Mon- mouth refused entry, 1685. Celebrated in works of earlier novelists. Battle, Sussex, En. SON. OE. The Senlac of the Battle of Hastings, Oct. 14, 1066. Bauge, France. 47N. ow. Defeat of English, 1421 (Hundred Years W.). Bautzen, Saxony. SIN. I4E. Napoleon s Gazetteer 149 victory over Prussians and Russians, 1813. Bayeux, France. 49N. ow. Tapestry, at tributed to Queen Matilda, wife of William the Conqueror. Bayonne, France. 4311. iw. Besieged by Spanish and English, 1814. Beachy Head, Sussex, En. SON. OE. De feat of English and Dutch fleet by French, 1690. Beaconsfield, Bucks, En. SIN. ow. Home and burial place of Waller the poet, and of Edmund Burke; Dr. Johnson, Mrs. Thrale, Crabbe, etc., entertained by Burke. Bsarn, France. 43N. ow. Ass. Marguerite d Angouleme and Jeanne d Albret, mother of Henri IV. Beaugency, France. 47N. IE. Retaken from English by Joan of Arc, 1429; defeat of French, 1870. Beaulieu, Bewley, Hants, En. SON. iw. Refuge of Margaret of Anjou after battle of Barnet. Beaumont, Ardennes, France. 49N. 4E. Defeat of the French, 1870. Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wa. 53N. 4W. Castle described by Johnson ( Journey into N. Wales, 1774). Beaurevpir, France. 49N. 3E. Joan of Arc imprisoned. Beauvais, France. 49N. ZE. Defended by women under Jeanne Hachette against Charles the Bold, 1472. Bee, France. 491*. OE. Monastery made famous in nth century by teaching of Lau- franc and Anselm. Beckenham, Kent, En. SIN. ow. Bp. of Grote, the historian (1794-1871). Beddgelert, Carnarvon, Wa. 53N. 4W Grave of dog Gelert; sc. part of Sou they s Madoc. Bedfont, East, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow Famous yew trees, the Peacocks," com memorated by Hood. Bedford, En. 52N. ow. Prison of John Bunyan, where he wrote many of his works. Bedwin, Bedwyn, Great, Wilts, En. SIN. iw. Battle between West Saxons and Mer cians, 675; Wolf Hall, Jane Seymour s home near. Belfort, France. 4?N. 6E. Won by Ger mans after 3 months siege, 1871. Belgrade (White Town), Servia. 44N. 2OE. Held against Turks by Hunyadi, 1456; taken by Prince Eugene, 1718; by Czerni George, 1806; re-taken by Turks, 1813-66; King Milan abdicated, 1889; murder of King Alexander and Queen Draga, 1903. Bell Rock, or Inchcape, see Arbroath. Belvoir, Rutland, En. 52N. ow. Crabbe chaplain to the Duke of Rutland, 1782-85. Bemerton, Wilts, En. SIN. iw. George Herbert rector, 1630-33. Benbecula Island, Hebrides. 57N. 7W. Charles Edward at, after Culloden. Bender, Bessarabia. 4&N. ZQE. Res. for years of Charles XII. of Sweden. (See Life by Voltaire.) Benevento (Maleventum), Italy. 4iN. I4E. Victory of Charles of Anjou and death of Manfred, 1266. Bentworth, Hants, En. SIN. iw. Sold by Withers the poet to raise a force during Civil W. Bere-Regis, Dorset, En. SON. 2W. Res. of Queen Elfrida, and of King John. Beresina River, Russia. SZN. 2gE. Disas- ;rous passage of Napoleon on retreat from Moscow, Nov. 28, 1812. Bergen, Norway. 6oN. SE. Ancient res. of Norwegian kings. Bergen, Holland. SIN. 4E. Russians de- Eeated by Brune, 1799. Bergholt, Suffolk, En. SIN. IE. Bp. of Constable, the painter. Berkeley, Gloucester, En. 5. zw. Ed ward II. murdered, 1327; taken by Parlia mentarians, 1645; bp. and grave of Dr. Jenner, discoverer of vaccination. Berkhampstead, Great, Herts, En. SIN. ow. Bp. of the poet Cowper. Berlin, Prussia. 52N. 132. Congress (ter mination Russo-Turkish W.), 1878; Con ference (Greco-Turkish Frontier), 1880; International Conference, 1885. Berne, Switzerland. 4&N. 7E. Capitu lated to French, 1798; Treaty with France, 1862; International (Postal Union), 1874; Convention (copyright), 1887. Berwick-upon-Tweed, En. SSN. 2W. Fre quently besieged during wars between Scots and English; cannon first used in England during siege of, 1406; taken by Cromwell, 1648. Besancon, France. 47N. 6E. Bp. of Victor Hugo (1802-85). Bethune, France. SON. 2E. Taken by Gaston d Orleans, 1645 (Thirty Years W.); by Imperialists, 1707 (W. of Spanish Succes sion). Bettws-y-Coed, Carnarvon, Wa. 53N. 3W. Tomb of Llewelyn s nephew; David Cox, painter, a yearly visitor to the Royal Oak. Beverley (Lake of Beavers), Yorks, En. 53N. ow. Famous Percy shrine, I4th century. Beziers (Julia Beterra), France. 43N. 3E. Taken from Arabs by Charles Martel, 736; massacre by Simon de Montford, 1209 (Albigensian W.). Biberach, Germany. 48N. gE. Victory of Moreau over Austrians near, 1796. Bicester, Oxon, En. SIN. iw. Royalists defeated, 1643. Bickleigh, Devon, En. SON. 4W. Bp. of Bamfylde Moore Carew, King of the Gypsies (1693-1758). Bidford, Warwick, En. 52N. iw. Falcon Inn, where Shakespeare is said to have caroused. Bideford, Devon, En. SIN. 4W. Fort taken by Royalists, 1643; here Kingsley wrote Westward Ho! ; bp. of Sir Richard Grenville, hero of the Revenge, 1591. (See Tennyson s poem.) Bienne (Biel), Switzerland. 47N. 7E. Town and lake. Rousseau on lie St. Pierre, 1765. 150 Gazetteer Bilbao, Spain. 4311. 2W. Taken by French, 1795 and 1808; besieged by Carlists, 1835 and 1874-75. Bingen, Rhine. 491*1. ?E. Mouse-tower of Bishop Hatto; statue of Germania. (See Southey s ballad.) Birchington, Kent, En. SIN. IE. Tomb of Dante G. Rossetti, who died here 1882. Birmingham, Warwick, En. 52N. iw. Sacked by Prince Rupert, 1643; Dr. Priestley s house and library destroyed, 1791; Chartist riots, 1839; ass. names of Watt, Bright, Bume- Jones, etc. Birnam, Perth, Scot. 561*. sw. Wood, famous for its ass. Shakespeare s Macbeth. Bishopsbourne, Kent, En. SIN. IE. Richard Hooker rector, 1595-1600, the date of his death. Bishopwearmouth, Durham, En. 54N. iw. Bp. of Sir Henry Havelock, b. 1795; died at Lucknow, 1857. Bitche (Bitsch), France (Lorraine). 49N. 7E. Held against the Germans from Aug. 6, 1870, to March 21, 1871. Bitonto, Italy. 4iN. i6E. Defeat of Austrians by Spaniards, 1734 (W. of Polish Succession). Blackbourton, Oxon, En. SSN. 2W. Bp. of Maria Edgeworth, 1767. Blackheath, Kent, En. SIN. ow. Gathering of rebels under Wat Tyler, 1381; under Jack Cade, 1450; under Lord Audley, 1497. Blair Atholl, Perth, Scot. s6N. sw. Fiery Cross sent out from, by Montrose, 1644; besieged by Lord George Murray, 1746; grave of Graham of Claverhouse, killed 1689. Blakesware, Herts, En. SIN. ow. (See Lamb s Blakesmoor, Essays of Elia. ) Blanquefort, France. 44N. ow. Defeat of the English, 1450 (Hundred Years W.). Blenheim, Bavaria, see Hochstadt. Blenheim, Oxon, En. SIN. iw. Pre sented by the nation to Marlborough after the battle. Dr. Johnson and Boswell at, 1776. (See Scott, Woodstock. ) Blickling, Norfolk, En. SIN. IE. Former property of the Boleyn family, and perhaps bp. of Anne Boleyn; famous library. Blois, France. 47N. IE. Joan of Arc at, 1429; Froissart at; bp. of Louis XII. and King Stephen; res. of Francis I. and suc cessors; assassination of Henri de Guise and Cardinal, 1588; capitulated to Germans, 1870. (See hist, novels (Valois kings), Balzac, Dumas, etc.) Bloore Heath, Staffs, En. 52N. 2W. De feat of Lancastrians (W. of the Roses) . Bobrouisk, Russia. SSN. 2gE. Besieged by the French, 1812. Bodmin, Cornwall, En. SON. 4W. Taken by Fairfax (Civil W.). Bodvel, Carnarvon, Wa. 52N. 4W. Dr. Johnson at, 1774; bp. of Mrs. Thrale. Bois-le-Duc, France. SIN. SE. Moreau forced to retire by the Allies, 1794. Bolingbroke, Lincoln, En. SSN. OE. of Henry IV. Bp. Bologna, Italy. 441*. HE. Former noted school of law; Charles V. crowned, 1530; home of many famous painters. Bolsover, Derby, En. SSN. iw. Castle besieged, 1644. Bolton, Lanes., En. SSN. 2W. Stormed during the Civil W. Bolton Abbey, Yorks, En. 54N. iw. Mary Queen of Scots here for a while a prisoner. (See Wordsworth, White Doe of Rylstone, The Force of Prayer, and Rogers, Boy of Egremond. ) Bomarsund, Gulf of Bothnia. 6oN. 2OE. Bombarded by English and French, 1854. Bonhill, Dumbarton, Scot. SSN. 4W. Smollett born at Dalquhurn Grange neat (1721-71). Bonn, Rhenish Prussia. SON. 7E. Bp. of Beethoven; graves of Schumann and Niebuhr. Boom, Belgium. SIN. 4E. Stevenson at. (See Inland Voyage. ) Bordeaux, France. 44*1. ow. English possession, 1152-1451; res. of Black Prince and bp. of Richard II.; Montaigne a student here, and later made counsellor. Borghetto, Italy. 45N. IDE. Defeat of Austrians by French, 1796. Bormio, Italy. 46N. IOE. Defeat of Austrians by French, 1799. Borny, Alsace-Lorraine. 481*. 7E. Battle, 1870 (Franco-German W.). Borodino, Russia. SSN. 35E. Battle (known also as Moskowa ) , Napoleon and Russians, Sept. 7, 1812 (See Tolstoy, War and Peace. ) Boroughbridge, Yorks., En. 54N. iw. Rebels routed by Edward II., 1322. Borrodale, Inverness, Scot. s6N. sw. Landing-place of Prince Charles Edward, 1745- Borrowdale, Cumberland, En. 54N. 3W. Famous yew trees, commemorated by Wordsworth. Borrowdale Valley, Cumberland, En. Bowder Stone, mentioned by Wordsworth. Borthwick, Edin., Scot. SSN. 3W. Escape of Mary Stuart and Bothwell from, 1567. Borysthenes, river of Sarmatia (Dnieper). Victory of Poles, 1512 (Russo- Polish W.). Boscobel, Salop, En. 52N. 2W. Royal Oak of Charles II. Boscombe, Wilts, En. SON. 2W. Here Hooker as rector wrote part of his Eccle siastical Polity, 1591-95. Bosham, Sussex, En. SON. ow. Harold s port of sail for Normandy. Bosna-Serai, Bosnia. 43N. i8E. Taken by the Austrians, 1878. Bosworth, or Market Bosworth, Leicester, En. 52N. iw. Defeat and death of Richard III., Aug. 21, 1485. Bothwell, Lanark, Scot. SSN. 4W. Defeat of Covenanters by Monmouth, 1679. Boughton-Malherbe, Kent, En. Bp. of Sir Henry Wotton. (See Life by Izaak Walton.) Boulogne, France. SON. IE. Taken by Henry VIII., 1544; Napoleon s camp pre- Gazetteer paratory to invading England, 1803; Louis Napoleon imprisoned after insurrectionary attempt, 1840; bp. of Godfrey de Bouillon and Sainte-Beuve; the poet Campbell, and Le Sage, A. of Gil Bias, died here; Treaty, Dauphin (Charles V.) and Edward III. Bourg - en - Bresse, France. 461*. SB. Church of Brou. (See M. Arnold s poem.) Bourges, France. 47N. 2E. Bp. of Louis XI. Bourn, Lincoln, En. 52N. ow. Site of battle of Brunanburh, when the Danes were defeated by Athelstan, 937 or 938, com memorated in Anglo-Saxon poem; camp of Hereward the Wake. (See Kingsley s novel.) Bournemouth, Hants. En. SON. iw. Graves of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, and Godwin. Bouvines, France. SON. 4E. Victory of Philip Augustus over Otho IV., 1214; en counters between French and Austrians, Bove ey Tracey, Devon, En. SON. sw. Wentworth defeated by Cromwell, 1646. Bowes (Roman Lavatras) , Yorks, En. 54N. 2\v. Former school said to have been original of Dotheboy s Hall. Bowhill, Roxburghs., Scot. 551*1. 2W. House of the Buccleughs, where Scott was a frequent visitor. Bowscale, Cumberland, En. 54N. 3W. Tarn of the undying fish. (See Words worth, Feast of Brougham Castle. ) Boxtel, Holland. SIN. SE. Victory of French over English and Dutch, 1794. Boyne River, Ir. 53N. 6w. Defeat of James II. by William III., July i, 1690. Bracewell, Yorks, En. 53N. aw. Here Henry VI. took shelter after oattle of Hex- bam, 1464. Braddock, Cornwall, En. SON. 4W. De feat of Parliamentarians, 1643. Bradenham, Bucks, En. SIN. ow. Res. of Isaac d Israeli, and bp. of his famous son. Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts, En. SIN. 3W. Church, 38 ft. long, 7th-8th century. Saxon victory over British, 652. Bradgate, Leicester, En. SSN. iw. Bp. of Lady Jane Grey. Bradninch, Devon, En. SON. 3W. Charles I. at, 1644; Fairfax at, 1645. Bramham Moor, Yorks, En. 53N. iw. Defeat of Northumberland and rebels by Henry IV., 1408. Brandeis, Bohemia. SON. I4E. Defeat of Austrians by Swedes, 1639. Branksome, Branxholm. SSN. 2W. For mer castle owned by the bold Buccleugh ( 1 5th century), ancestor of Sir Walter Scott. (See old ballad, Kinmount Willie ; Scott, Lay of the Last Minstrel. ) Brantwood, Lanes., En. 54N. 3W. Res. of Ruskin. Bray, Berks, En. SIN. ow. Simon Aleyn, famous vicar, 1540-88. Brechin, Forfar, Scot. s6N. 2W. Siege under Edward I., 1305; defeat of the rebel Douglases, 1432; plundered by Montrose, 1647. Brecon, Brecknock, Wa. SIN. 3W. Mrs. Siddons born at the Shoulder of Mutton (1755-1831). Breda, Holland. SIN. 4*:. Taken by Spaniards, 1581; by Maurice of Orange, 1590; by Spinola, 1625; regained by Dutch,, and taken later by French; peace of, 1667. (See Motley, Dutch Republic. ) Bregenz, Austria. 47N. gE. Defeat of Swiss Leaguers by Austrians, 1408. Breitenfeld, Saxony. SIN. i2E. Victory of Gustavus Adolphus over Tilly, 1631; of Swedes over Archduke Leopold and Piccolo mini, 1643 (Thirty Years W.); battle of Leipzig (q.v.). Brenneville, France. 49 N. IE. Victory of Henry I. over Louis VI., 1119. Brentford, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow. De feat of Danes by Edmund Ironsides, 1016; of Parliamentarians by Prince Rupert, 1642. Brescia, Italy. 45N. IOE. Assault and capture by Austrians under Haynau, 1849. Breslau, Silesia. SIN. I7E. Taken and retaken by Austrians and Prussians, 1757, and later by the French. Brest, France. 48N. 4W. Victory of Eng lish under Lord Howard, 1512; repulse of English, 1694 ; victory of Lord Howe, 1794. Bretigny, France. 48N. IE. Peace be tween Edward III. and France, 1360. Bridgewater, Somerset, En. SIN. 3W. Bp. of Admiral Blake. Bridgnorth, Salop, En. 52N. 2W. Siege by Henry II. and Edward II.; destroyed by Parliamentarians; bp. of Bishop Percy; Baxter minister in 1640. Briel, The Brill. SIN. 4E. Taken from Spaniards by Netherlanders, 1572; bp. of Tromp and W. de Witt. Brienne - le - Chateau, France. 48N. 4E. Napoleon military student at; his defence of town against Allies, and their final occupa tion of, 1814. Brihuega, Spain. 4ON. 2W. Defeat of Stanhope by the French, 1710 (W. of Spanish Succession). Bristol, Gloucesters., En. SIN. 2w. Bp. of John Cabot, and port whence he and his son Sebastian sailed on their voyages; of Southey, Chatterton, Sir Thomas Lawrence; ass. Wordsworth and Coleridge. Brixham, Devon, En. SON. 3W. Landing of William of Orange, Nov. 4, 1688. Broadstairs, Kent, En. SIN. IE. Favourite summer resort of Dickens. (See Bleak House. ) Brocken, Saxony. SIN. IOE. Sc. witches meeting on Walpurgis night. (See Goethe, Faust. ) Brod, Bohemia. 45;*. i8E. Emperor Sigis- mund defeated by Ziska, 1422. Bromley, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Grave of Dr. Johnson s wife. Bruges, Belgium (Hanse town). SIN. 3E. Res. of the painters J. van Eyck and Memling, and of Colard Mansion, undes 152 Gazetteer whom Caxton learned to print ; occupied by French, 1745 and 1794. Brunnen, Switzerland. 47N. BE. League of the Forest Cantons, 1315. Brussels, Belgium. SON. 4E. Execution of Counts Egmont and Horn, 1568; suffered greatly under Alva, and during wars of France with Spain and with Austria. (See Motley; Goethe, Egmont. ) Bucharest, Roumania. 441*. 26E. Sieges by Russians and Austrians, 1767-89; treaty, Russia and the Porte, 1812. Buckhurst, Sussex, En. SON. ow. Bp. of Lord Sackville, poet, joint author of the tragedy of Gorboduc (1536-1608). Buda-Pesth, Hungary. 47N. igE. Mon gol invasion, 1241; taken by Solimaa the Magnificent, 1529; re-conquest by Charles ol Lorraine, and burning of Pesth, 1686. Builth, Radnor, Wa. 52N. 3\v. Llewelyn, Prince of Wales, killed near, 1282. Burgh-by-Sands, Cumberland, En. 54^. 3W. Death of Edward I., 1307. Burglen, Switzerland. 47N. gz. Bp. of William Tell. Burgos, Spain. 42N. 3W. Taken by Wel lington, 1813; bp. of the Cid, whose bones are here preserved. Burntisland, Fife, Scot. S&N. sw. Ass. Mary Stuart and the poet Chastelard. (See Swinburne s tragedy Chastelard. ) Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, En. 52N. OE. Coronation of Edmund (856) and of Henry II.; oath taken by barons to force ratifica tion of Magna Charta, 1214; insurrection under Jack Straw, 1381; tomb of Mary Tudor, widow of Louis XII.; the poet Lydgate, a monk of the abbey ; res. of Defoe. (See Carlyle, Past and Present; Dickens, Pickwick. ) Busento River, Calabria, Italy. 39N. i6E. Alaric buried in bed of. Buxton, Derby, En. 53N. iw. Old Hall Hotel, built for Mary Queen of Scots. Cadiz, Spain. 36$. 6w. Spanish fleet de stroyed by Drake, 1587 ; pillaged by English, 1596; blockade by French, 1810-12. Cadsant, islet near Flushing. Defeat of French by Manny, 1337, begining of Hundred Years W. Caen, France. 49N. ow. William the Conqueror and Queen Matilda buried at; taken by the English, 1346 and 1417; Char lotte Corday brought up at; bp. of Mal- herbe (1555-1628). (See Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du Lundi, vol. viii.) Caerlaverock, Dumfries, Scot. 55N. sw. Wallace at, 1297; besieged by Edward I., 1300; grave of Old Mortality. Caerleon, Monmouthshire, Wa. SIN. 2W. Ass. Arthur and his Round Table. Cahors, France. 44N. IE. Bp. of poet Clement Marot (1495-1544). Calais, France. SON. IE. Siege by Ed ward III., 1346-47; retaken by French, Calatafimi, Sicily. 37N. i2E. Neapolitans defeated by Garibaldi, 1860. Caldiero, Italy. Napoleon defeated b> Austrians, 1796; heights captured by Mas- sena, 1800. Calne, Wilts, En. SIN. 2W. Meeting ol Witan, 978, when the floor fell, and Dunstan alone escaped. Calvi, Corsica. 42N. SE. Captured by English (fleet under Nelson), 1794; re taken, 1795. Cambrai, France. SON. 3E. League (Austria, France, Spain, and Pope against Venice), 1508; Paix des Dames (Charles V. and Francis I.), 1529. Cameliord, Cornwall, En. SON. 4W. Tradi tional sc. King Arthur s .birth, and of hia last fatal fight with Modred. Camcnz, Lusatia. SIN. i4E. Bp. of Less- ing, poet and critic (1729-81). Campaldino, Italy. 4ON. HE. Fight be tween Guelfs and Ghibellines, in which Dante took part, 1289. Camperdown, Holland. 52N. 4E. Defeat of Dutch fleet by Admiral Duncan, 1797. Candia, Crete. 35N. 25E. Twenty years sjege by Turks, 1645-69. Canossa, Italy. 44N. IDE. Submission of Emperor Henry IV. to Gregory VII., 1077. Canterbury, Kent, En. SIN. i\v. Murder of Becket, 1170; Canterbury Pilgrims at Chequers Inn; tombs of Black Prince and Henry IV.; head of Sir T. More in S. Dun- stan s; bp. of Marlowe, the dramatist, 1564-93). (See Stanley, Memorials of C. ) Cape Finisterre, Spain. 42N. gw. Defeat of French fleet by Admiral Anson, 1747; partial victory by Sir R. Calder, 1805. Cape Passaro, Sicily. 3&N. ISE. Defeat cA Spanish fleet by Sir G. Byng (Battle of Messina), 1718. Cappel, Switzerland. 47N. 8E. Defeat of Reformers and death of Zwingli, 1531. Caprera Island, Italy. 4iN. gE. Gari baldi s home (1854-82), and grave. Capri Island, Italy. 4ON. I4E. Abode of Emperor Tiberius during last 1 1 years of life. Caprona, Italy. 43N. IOE. Dante at siege of, 1290. Capua, Italy. 4IN. I4E. Taken by Gari baldi, 1860. Caravaggio, Italy. 451*. gE. Bp. of painters of that name. Carberry, Midlothian, Scot. SSN. 3W. Surrender of Mary Stuart to confederates, 1567. Carbisdale, Ross, Scot. 57N. sw. Final defeat of Montrose, 1650. Carcassonne, France. 4311. 2E. Sc. Albi- gensian persecution, 1210; besieged by Black Prince, 1356. Cardiff, Glamorgans., Wa. SIN. sw. Prison for 28 years of Robert, Duke of Nor mandy; taken by Cromwell, 1648. Cardross, Dumbartons., Scot. SSN. 4W. Death of Robert Bruce, 1329. (See Frois- sart.) Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight. SON. iw. Charles I. imprisoned, 1647-8. Carlisle, Cumberland, En. 54N. 2W. Mary Stuart imprisoned, 1568; taken by Parlia- Gazetteer 53 mentarians, 1614, 1648; by Jacobites, 1745; rescue of Kinrnont Willie, 1596. (See Branksome.) Carnarvon, capital of county. Wa. 531*. 4w. Edward II. born at, 1284 Carpi, Italy. 4.41*. IOE. Defeat of French by Prince Eugene, 1701. Carrickfergus, Antrim, Ir. 54N. 5W. Land ing place of William III. before the battle of Boyne, 1690; taken by French, 1760; en counter between the Drake and ship of the pirate Paul Jones, 1778. Cartagena, Spain. 371*. ow. Held by the 4 Intransigeaats for five months, 1873-4. Cashel, Tipperary, Ir. 52*. 7w. Ancient scat of Kings of Munster; Henry II. received homage of King of Thoinond, 1172; burn ing of cathedral by Earl of Kildare, 1495. Cassano, Italy. 45N. gE. Victory of Prince Eugene over French (W. of Spanish Succession), 1705; of Suvarov, 1799. Castalla, Spain. 38N. z6w. Victory of Sir J. Murray and Allies over French, 1813 (Peninsular W.). Castelfidardo, Italy. 43N, Papal troops by General (Unification of Italy). Castelfranco, Italy. 451*. I2E. I3E. Rout of Cialdini, 1860 Austrians defeated by French, 1805; bp. of Giorgione. Castelnaudary, France. 431*. IK. Rased by S. Louis, 1229 ; burnt by Prince of Wales, 1355; Montmorenci defeated by Schomberg, 1632. Castiglione, Italy. 451*1. IOE. Battle (W. of Spanish Succession), 1706; victory of Napoleon, 1796. Castillon, France. 44N. ow. Last battle of Hundred Years W.; Talbot defeated by Dunois and killed, 1453. Castle Rising, Norfolk, En. 521*. OE. Res. of Edward II. s queen, Isabella. Castleton, Derby, En. 53N. iw. Castle of Peveril of the Peak. Catanzaro, Italy. 3814. i6E. Robert Guis- card s castle. Cateau - Cambresis, France. SON. 3E. Treaty, France and Spain, 1559. Cauterets, France. 42N. ow. Court of Margaret of Navarre, sister of Francis I., A. of the Heptameron (1492-1549). Cephalonia, Greece, 38N. 2OE. Death of Robert Guiscard, 1085. Ceresole, Italy. 441*. 7E. Victory of French over Charles V. s troops, 1544. Cerignola, Italy. 4 IN. ISE. Defeat French by Gonsalvo de Cordov; of 1503. tila defeated by Aetias, 451; Crusade preached by S. Bernard, 1147. Chaluz, I 7 rance. 45N. OE. Richard I. mortally wounded during siege, 1199. Champ- Aubert, France. Allies defeated by Napoleon, 1814. Charenton-le-Pont, France. 48;*. 2E. Fre quent sc. action during wars with England. and religious wars; defended against Allies, 1814. Chartres, France. 48^. IE. Taken by Duaois, 1432; coronation of Henry IV., 1594. Contains first Cathedral in France dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Chateaudun, France. 48N. IE. Dunois buried in castle chapel. Chateauneuf-di-Randon, France. Du Guesclin died during siege of, 1380. Chateau- Thierry, France. 491*. 3E. Allies defeated by Napoleon, 1814; bp. of La Fon taine, chief of fabulists (1621-95). Chatham, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Ships burned by De Ruyter, 1667; ass. with Charles Dicker. Chatillon-sur-Seine, France. 47N. 4E. Con gress of Allies, 1814. Chelles, France. Murder of Chilperic I. by Fredegonde, 584. Cherbourg, Normandy. 491*. TW. Eng lish possession, 1418-50; taken again by English, 1758. Cheriton, Kent, En. Defeat of Kovalists by Waller, 1644. Chertsey, Surrey, En. SIN.OW. Last home of the poet Cowley, d. 1667. Chester, Cheshire, En. 53N. 2W. Royalists besieged, 1643-46. Villeroi defeated Chiari, Italy. 45N. gs. by Prince Eugene, 1707 (W. of Spanish Succession). Chichester, Sussex. En. SON. ow. Bp. of Collins, poet (1721-59). Chigwell, Essex, En. SON. OE. The Maypole Inn of Barnaby Rudge. Chillon, Switzerland. 4&N. 6E. Bonivard, prisoner of C. commemorated by Byron, imprisoned, 1530-36. Chinon, France. 471*. OE. Death of Henry II., 1189; Joan of Arc received by Charles VII., 1428; bp. of Rabelais (1483- 1553)- Chioggia, Chiozza, Italy. 45N. I2E. W. of C. (Venetians and Genoese), i4th century. Chislehurst, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Bp. of Sir Nicholas Bacon. Chiswick, Middlesex, En. SIN.OW. Home Certaldo, Italy. 43N. HE. Here Boccaccio j of William Morris; grave of Hogarth (1697- passed his last years and died. 1764). Cesena, Italy. 44N. I2E. Austrians de- 1 Chize, France. 46N. ow. Defeat of Eng- feated by Murat, 1815. ! lish by Du Guesclin, 1372. Cevennes, France. 44N. 3E. Country of i Christianople, Sweden. 56*. i6E. Taken the Camisards. (See R. L. Stevenson, | from Danes by Gustavus Adolphus, 1611. Travels with a Donkey. ) j Churchill, Oxon, En. SIN. iw. Bp. of Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghams., En. SIN. Warren Hastings (1732-1818). ow. Milton s cottage. | Cintra, Portugal. 381-:. 8w. Convention Chalgrove, Oxon., En. SIN. iw. Vic- j (England and France), 1808. tory of Prince Rupert; death of Hampden, j Cirencester, Gloucesters., En. SIN. iw. 1643. I Stormed by Prince Rupert, 1642 and Chalons-sur-Marne, France. 48^. 4E. At- j 1643. Gazetteer Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain. 401*. 6w. Taken by Wellington, 1813. Civitella, Italy. 42N. ISE. Victory of Robert Guiscard and his Normans, 1033. Clarendon, Wilts, En. Constitutions of C., signed by barons and clergy, 1164. Clarens, Switzerland. 461;. 6E. Rendered famous by Rousseau. Cleobury Mortimer, Salop, En. 52N. 2W. Probable bp. of Langland, the poet, author of Piers the Plowman, i4th century. Clermont-Ferrand, France. 451*. 3E. Coun cil and first crusade preached by Urban II., 1095; frequent resort of French kings, 13th and I4th centuries; bp. of Pascal (1623- 62). Clevedon, Somersets., En. SIN. 2W. Cole ridge at Myrtle Cottage, 1795; Thackeray s Castlewood ( Esmond ); grave of the Arthur Hallam of In Memoriam. Clonmacnoise, King s County, Ir. 53??. 7W. Annals of Tigernach, the abbot (d. 1088), and other famous works compiled at; burial place of Irish kings and nobles. Clonmel, Tipperary, Ir. SZN. TW. Bp. of Sterne (1713-68). Clontarf, Dublin, Ir. 531*. 6w. Defeat of Danes by Brian Boru and bis son, and death of both the latter, Good Friday, 1014. Cnossus, Crete. 35?*. 25E. Palace of Minos and famous labyrinth (in course of excavation). Coburg, Germany. SON. I2E. Luther at, 1530; besieged by Wallenstein, 1632. Cockermouth, Cumberland, En. 541*. 3W. Mary Stuart imprisoned, 1568; bp. of Wordsworth (1770-1850). Cockthorpe, Norfolk, En. 52N. IE. Ad miral Sir Cloudesley Shovel baptised at (1650 1707). Cognac, France. 45N.ow. Bp. of Francis I. Coimbra, Portugal. 4ON. 8w. Ancient capital. Colchester, Essex, En. SIN. OE. The Royal Town of Cymbeline; taken by Parliamentarians, 1648. Colin ton, The Lothians, Scot. SSN. 3\v. R. L. Stevenson at, as a child. (See A Lowden Sabbath Mom. ) Coll Island, Scot. s6N. 6w. Dr. Johnson and Boswell storm-bound on, 1773. (See Journey to Western Islands. ) Cologne, Germany. SON. 6s. Famous Cathedral. Supposed bones of the Three Kings preserved. Colombey, France. 48N. 6E. Battle (Franco-German \V.), 1870. Colombo, Ceylon. 6N. 79E. Captured by English, 1796; bp. of Lord Napier of Mag- dala (1810-90). Combe-Florey, Somersets., En. SIN. 3W. Sidney Smith rector, 1829-45. Comines, France and Belgium. SON. 2E. Bp. of the historian Philippe de C. (1445- 1509). Compiegne, France. 49N. 2E. Joan of Arc made prisoner, 1430; Stevenson at. (See An Inland Voyage. 1 ) Compostella, (Santiago), Spain. 42N. gW: Famous shrine of San I ago. Conflans, France. 49N. SE. Treaty of, closing the W. of Bien Public, signed by Louis XL, 1465. Conisborough, Yorks, En. 53N. iw. Athelstan s fort. (See Scott, Ivanhoe. ) Coniston, Lancashire, En. 54N. sw. Ruskin s home for many years till his death hi 1900. Connor, Antrim, Ir. 54N. 6w. Defeat of English by Edward Bruce, 1315. Constance, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. Great Church Council, 1414-18. Constantinople, Turkey. 4 IN. 2gE. Capital of the Eastern empire from 395 ; taken by Crusaders, 1203 and 1204; Baldwin pro claimed Latin emperor, 1204; retaken by Greek emperor. 1261; taken by Turks, 1453. (See Finlay, Byzantine Empire. ) Copenhagen, Denmark. SSN. I2E. Naval victory of Parker and Nelson, 1801; bom bardment by English, 1807; bp. of Thor- waldsen, sculptor (1770-1844). Coppet, Switzerland. 46N. 6s. Res. of Mine de Stael; graves of her and her father. Cordova, Spain. 38N. sw. Taken from the Moors, 1236; bp. of Seneca, Lucan, Averroes, and Juan de Mena (Spanish poet). (See Irving, Conquest of Granada. ) Corfe, Dorset, En. SON. 2W. Edward the Martyr murdered 978; defended by Lady Bankes, 1643; taken by Parliamentarians, 1646. Corinth, Greece. 38N. 22E. Besieged by Turks, 1715. (See Byron s Siege of Corinth. ) Cork, capital of county, Ir. SIN. 8w. Taken by Cromwell, 1649; by Marlborough, 1690. Corsica, island, Mediterranean. 42N. QE. Paoli s insurrection, and French conquest of, 1768. Corte Nuova, Italy. 45 N. gE. Victory of Frederick II. of Germany over Lombard League, 1237. Corunna, Spain. 43N. 8w. John of Gaunt at, 1386; port of sail of the Armada, 1588; battle and death of Sir John Moore, 1809. (See poem by C. Wolfe.) Cosenza, Italy. 39N. i6E. Taken by Robert Guiscard, 1060. Coulmiers, France. 47N. IE. Defeat of Bavarian army, 1870. Courtrai, Belgium. SON. 3E. Battle of the Spurs, 1302. Coutras, France. 45N. ow. Victory of Henri IV. over Catholics, 1587. Coventry, Warwicks., En. 52N. iw. Lady Godiva, nth century, commemorated by Tennyson; res. of George Eliot, 1841-2. (See Shakespeare, Rich. II. i. 3.) Cowes, Isle of Wight. SON. iw. Queen Vic toria d. 1901; bp. of Dr. Arnold (1795-1842). Cowslip Green, Somersets., En. SIN. 3W. Hannah More s home. Cracow, Austria. SON. igE. Old Polish capital; graves of Sobieski, Poniatowski, and Kosciusko. Gazetteer Craigenputtock, Dumfriess., Scot. 5511. 3\v. Carlyle s home, 1828-34. Craonne, France. 49N. ye.. Victory of Napoleon over Blucher, 1814. Crayford, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Defeat of Britons under Vortigern by Hengist, 456. Crecy, France. SON. 2E. Battle, Aug. 26, 1346. Crefeld, Germany. SIN. 6s. Defeat of French (Seven Years W.). Cremona, Italy. 45N. IOE. Sc. struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines in the middle ages; taken by Imperialists and Marshal de Villeroi made prisoner, 1702; by French, 1796, 1800; home of the great violin makers, Amati, Guarneri, Stradi- varius. Crimea, Russia. 4$N. 34E. War, 1854- Cropredy Bridge, Oxon., En. 52N. iw. Victory of Royalists, 1644. Crosthwaite, Cumberland, En. 54N. 3W. Grave of Southey the poet, d. 1843. Crowndale, Devon, En. SON. 3W. Bp. of Sir Francis Drake (1540 (?)-g6). Culloden, Inverness, Scot. 57N. 4W. Battle, April 16, 1746. Cumnor, Berks, En. SIN. iw. Sc. Amy Robsart s murder. (See Scott, Kenil- worth, and Mickle s poem.) Custozza, Italy. 45N. HE. Italians de feated by Austrians, 1848, 1866. Dalquhurn, Dumbarton, Scot. SSN. 4W. Bp. of Smollett, 1721-71. Dairy (Dal Righ, King s field), Perth, Scot. 56N. 3W. Defeat of Robert Bruce by Macdougal of Lorn (famous brooch of Lorn torn from Bruce s plaid), 1306. Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire, En. 54N. 3\v. Bp. of Romney, the painter (1734- 1802). Dangan, Meath, Ir. 53N. 6w. Early home of the Duke of Wellington. Danzig, Prussia (Hanse town). 54N. i8E. Held by Poles against Gustavus Adolphus, 1627-9 (Thirty Years W.); surrendered to French, 1807; besieged and taken by Allies, 1813. Dardanelles, The, Turkey. 4ON. 26s. Crossed by Xerxes and Alexander; ass. with tale of Hero and Leander; Byron swam across, 1810. Dartford, Kent, En. SIN. IE. First paper mill in England established, 1588. Dartington, Devon, En. SON. 4E. Bp. of Froude the historian (1818-94). Dartmouth, Devon, En. SON. 3W. Port of embarkation of Crusaders, 1190; taken by Prince Maurice, 1643; by Fairfax, 1646; bp. of Sir Humphrey Gilbert, navigator of the 1 6th century. Daventry, Northamptons., En. 52N. iw. Charles I. at, before Naseby, 1645. Daylesford, Worcesters., En. SZN. 2W. Later res. and grave of Warren Hastings. Deal, Kent, En. SIN. IE. Colonel Hutchin- son was imprisoned and died in Sandown Castle near. (See Memoirs by his wife.) Deddington, Oxon, En. 52N. iw. Piers Gaveston captured, 1312. Delft, Holland. 52N. 4E. Assassination of William the Silent, 1584; bp. and grave of Grotius, jurist (1583-1645). Denain, France. SON. 3E. Defeat of Allies by Villars, 1712 (W. of Spanish Suc cession). Dennewitz, Prussia. $2N. ISE. Defeat of French under Ney by Allies, 1813. Derby, cap. of county, En. 53N. iw. Johnson married at S. Werburgh, 1735; monument to Bess of Hardwick at All Saints. Dereham, East, Norfolk, En. 52N. IK. Last res. and burial place of the poet Cowper; bp. of Borrow, A. of The Bible in Spain, 1 etc. (1803-81). (See Borrow, Lavengro. ) Derg, Lough, Donegal, Ir. 54N. 8w. Ass. with legend of S. Patrick s Purgatory, the subject of a play by Calderon. Dessau, Germany. 52N. I2E. Defeat of Protestants by WaUenstein. 1626 (Thirty Years W.). Dettingen, Bavaria. SON. gs. Defeat of the Due de Noailles by George II., 1743. Deutschbrod, Bohemia. 49N. ISE. Vic tory of Ziska over Sigismund, 1422 (Hussite Deventer, Netherlands. 52N. 6s. Eras mus and a Kempis students at. Devizes, Wilts. En. SIN. iw. Stormed by Cromwell, 1645; Sir T. Laurence s father landlord of the Bear Inn." Dieppe, France. 4gN. IE. Bombarded by English and Dutch, 1694. Dieuze, Alsace-Lorraine. 48N. 6s. Bp. of Edmond About, French A. (1828-85). Dijon, France. 47N. SB. Burgundian king defeated by Clovis, 500; taken by Germans, 1870; Prussians held hi check by Garibaldi, 1871; bp. of Dukes of Burgundy, and oi Bossuet (1627-1704). Dinan, France. 48N. 2W. Du Guesclin, Constable of France, born near, and his heart preserved at (cir. 1320-80). Dirham (Deorham), Gloucester, En. SIN. 2W. Defeat of Welsh by Ceawlin, King of Wessex, 577. Dirleton, Haddington, Scot. s6N. 2W. (See Stevenson, The Pavilion on the Links. ) Dniester, river, Russia. 4&N. 2gE. Defeat of Turks by Prince Gallitzin, 1769. Dodbrooke, Devon, En. SON. 3W. Bp. of Dr. John Wolcot (Peter Pindar), poet and satirist (1738-1819). Dogger Bank, North Sea. 54N. 2E. Severe engagement, English and Dutch fleets, 1781; D. B. incident, 1904. Dollar, Clackmannan, Scot. S&N. 3w. John Knox at, 1536; burned by Montrose, 1645. Dolni - Dubnik, Plevna. 43N. 24E. Re doubt taken by General Gourko, 1877 (Russo-Turkish W.). Domokos, Thessaly. 3 9 N. 22E.* Engage ment, Greco-Turkish W., 1879. Domremy, France. 48N. SE. Bp. of Joan of Arc (1412-31). i 5 6 Gazetteer Donauworth, Germany. 48N. IOE. Vic tory of Marlborough over Marshal Tallard, 1704 (W. of Spanish Succession). Donegal, Ulster, Ir. 541*. 8w. Famous Annals of the Four Masters compiled at. Donnybrook, Dublin, Ir. 531*. 6w. Cele brated old fair licensed by King John, 1204, abolished 1855. Doonbeg, Clare, Ir. 52N. gvr. Vessel of the Armada wrecked off, and part of crew killed by natives. Dorchester, Dorset, En. SON. 2W. Crom well at, 1645; Judge Jeffreys Bloody Assize, 1685. Dord, Dordrecht, Holland. SIN. 48. In dependence of the United Provinces pro claimed, 1572; famous Protestant Synod, 1618-19; bp- 0* the De Witt, of Cuyp, and Ary Scheffer. Dorking, Surrey, En. SIN. iw. Lord Beaconsfield s Coningsby (1844) written at Deepdene near. Douai, France. SON. 3E. Surrendered to Prince Eugene, 1710 (W. of Spanish Succes sion). Douglas, Lanark, Scot. SSN. 3W. Queen Mary and Darnley at, 1565. Sc. Scott s Castle Dangerous. Doune, Perth, Scot. $6N. 4W. Imprison ment and escape of Home, A. of Douglas, after Falkirk, 1746; Charles Edward at, 1745-6; Waverley brought a prisoner to. Douro, river, Spain and Portugal. 4 IN. 8w. Victory of Wellington over Soult, 1809. Dove, river, En. 52N. iw. Cotton s little fishing house on, where he and Walton lived together. Dover, Kent, En. SIN. IE. Blake defeated by Van Tromp, 1652. Down, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Res. of Charles Darwin from 1842 to his death. Downpatrick, County Down, Ir. 54N. sw. Graves of S. Patrick and S. Columba. Downs, The, En. SIN. IE. Indecisive action between English and Dutch fleet, 1666. Dresden, Saxony. SIN. I3E. Repulse of Allies by Napoleon, and death of Moreau, 1813. Dreux, France. 48N. IE. Taken and re taken by Henry II. and Philippe Auguste; Huguenots defeated and Conde made prisoner, 1562. Drogheda, Louth, Ir. 53N. 6w. Siege by Irish rebels, 1641; stormed and garrison massacred by Cromwell, 1649; surrendered to William III., 1690. Dromore, Down, Ir. 54N. 6w. Graves oi the two famous bishops, Jeremy Taylor and Percy. Drumclog, Lanarks., Scot. SSN. 4W. De feat of Claverhouse by Covenanters, 1679. Drummelzier, Peebles, Scot. SSN. 3W, Traditional grave of Merlin. Drummond, Perths., Scot. s6N. 3W, Prince Charlie s room preserved in castle. Dryburgh, Benvicks., Scot. SSN. 2W, Grave of Sis Waltei Scott, his wife, and Lockhart. Dubienka, Russia. SIN. zyz. Battle, Russians and Kosciusko, 1792. Dublin, Ir. 53N. 6w. Henry II. and court at, 1172; slaughter of English, Black Monday, 1209; siege and surrender to Par liamentarians, 1646, 1647; bp. of Steele, R. B. Sheridan, Burke, and Swift. Duddon, river, En. 54N. 3W. (See Words worth s Sonnet.) Dumbarton, county of D., Scot. SSN. 4W. Wallace a prisoner, 1305; Mary Stuart carried off from to France, 1548; famous capture of Jordanhill by Craufurd, 1571; Smollett at grammar school. Dumfries, county of D., Scot. SSN. 3W. Comyn stabbed by Bruce, 1306; res. of Burns, who here lies buried. Dunbar, Haddington, Scot. s6N. 2W. De feat of Scots by Edward I., and surrender of Baliol, 1296; Edward II. at after Bannock- burn ; defended against English by Black Agnes, 1339; Mary Stuart carried off to by Bothwell, 1567; defeat of Leslie by Crom well ( Race of Dunbar ), 1650. Dunboy, Ban try Bay, Ir. SIN. gw. Brave defence and surrender to royal troops, 1601. (See Froude, The Two Chiefs of D. ) Dundalk, Louth, Ir. 54N. 6w. Defeat and death of Edward Bruce, 1318; taken by Cromwell, 1649; by Schomberg, 1689. Dundee, Forfars., Scot. s6N. 2W. William Wallace here at school; Edward I. at, 1296, 1303; Bruce acknowledged king, 1309; taken and retaken during Scottish wars; sack by Montrose, 1645; sack and massacra by Monk, 1651. Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scot. SSN. 4W. Death of Robert II., 1390. Dundrennan, Kirkcudbrights., Scot. 54N. 3W. Traditional abode of Michael Scott the wizard; here Mary Stuart spent her last night in Scotland, 1568. Dunfermline, Fife, Scot. $6N. 3W. Res. and burial place of Scottish kings; grave of Robert Bruce; bp. of Charles I. Dungannon, Tyrone, Ir. 54N. 6w. Seat of the rebel O Neills. Dunkeld, Perths., Scot. s6N. 3W. Monu ment to the Wolf of Badenoch, son of Robert II.; brave defence by Cameronians, 1689; Birnam wood in neighbourhood. Dunkirk, Dunkerque, France. SIN. 2E. Burned by English, 1388; held in turn by French and Spanish, i6th and i7th cen turies; taken by Cromwell, 1658; sold by Charles II. Dunmow, Essex, En. SIN. OE. Prize of flitch of bacon to married couples instituted 1244. Dunsinane, Perths., Scot. $6N. 3W. De feat of Macbeth by Malcolm Canmore, Duncan s son, 1054. Dunstable, Bedfords., En. SIN. ow. First miracle play performed, 1110; court held by Cranmer for divorce of Catherine of Aragon. Dunstaffnage, Argyles., Scot. $6N. sw. Former resting-place of the stone of destiny. Dupplin, Perths., Scot. s6N. ytr. Victory Gazetteer 157 of Edward Baliol over forces of David, King of Scotland, 1332. Duppel, Prussia. 541*. QE. Victory of Danes over Germanic Confederation, 1848; taken by the Prussians, 1864. Durazzo, Turkey. 4 IN. IQE. Taken by Robert Guiscard after a three months siege, 1081. Durham, county of D., En. 54?*. iw. Tombs of Bede and S. Cuthbert. Durrenstein, Austria. 48?*. ISE. Richard I. imprisoned by Leopold of Austria; Russians beaten back by French, 1805. Dusseldorf, Germany. SIN. 6E. Bp. of Heinrich Heine (1797-1856). Dwina, the western river, Russia. 641*. 40E. Defeat of Saxons by Charles XII., 1701 (Swedo- Polish W.). Ebersbcrg, Austria. 481*. HE. Austrians driven from (VVagram Campaign), 1809. Ecclefechan, Dumfriess., Scot. 551*. 3W. Bp. and grave of Carlyle (1795-1881). Eckmuhl, Bavaria. 4QN. I2E. Victory of Napoleon over Austrians, 1809 (Wagram Campaign). Eddystone, rocks, Cornwall, En. SON. 4W. Lighthouse, Sir J. N. Douglas, 1882. Edenhall, Cumberland, En. 54N. 3W. Goblet known as the Luck still preserved. Edgehill, border of Warwicks. and Oxfords., En. 52N. iw. First battle of Civil W., Oct. 23, 1642. Edgeworth, Lancashire, En. 53N. 2W. Battle (W. of the Roses), 1469. Edgeworthstown, Longford, Ir. 53N. TW. Home of Edgeworth family since 1583. Edial, Staffords., En. 52N. 2W. John son opened school at, 1736. Edinburgh, Scot. 55N. 3W. Reception of Margaret Tudor (see Dunbar, The Thistle and the Rose ) ; castle destroyed by Eliza beth s forces, 1573; Cromwell at siege of, 1650; castle held for James VII., 1689. (See Scott, Bonnie Dundee, and The Heart of Midlothian. ) Edmonton, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow. Graves of Charles Lamb and his sister. (See Cowper s John Gilpin. ) Ednam, Roxburghs., Scot. SSN. 2W. Bp. of Thomson the poet, A. of the Seasons, etc. (1700-48). Eger, Bohemia. SON. I2E. Wallenstein murdered, 1634. Egremont, Cumberland, En. 54N. sw. See Wordsworth for legend of Horn. Ehrenbreitstein, Germany. SON. 7E. Cap tured by French, 1799. Eigg, Egg, island, Scot. s6N. 6w. Slaughter of monks from lona, 617; 200 Macdonalds smoked to death by Macleods, end i6th century; Scott at during his cruise in 1814. Einsiedeln, Switzerland. 47N. SE. Noted yearly pilgrimage to; Zwingli, reformer, preacher at, 1516-18; taken by French, 1798; bp. of Paracelsus, commemorated by Browning. Eisenach, Germany. SON. IOE. (See Wart- jurg.) Luther at as student; bp. of J. Seb. Bach (1685-1750). Eisleben, Germany. SIN. HE. Bp. of Luther (1483-1546). Elba, island, Mediterranean. 42N. IOE. Napoleon on from May, 1814, to February, 1815. Elchingen, Bavaria. 4&N. IOE. Austrians driven out by Ney, 1805. Elderslie, Renfrews., Scot. SSN. 4W. Traditional bp. of Wallace, and ancient patrimony of the Stuarts. Elena, Bulgaria. 43N. 25E. Russian vic tory (Russo-TurkislTw.), 1877. Ellandune, Wilts, En. STN. 2W. Egbert s victory over Mercians, 823 (5?). Ellisland, Dumfriess., Scot. SSN. 3\v. Home of Burns, 1788-90. Elsinore, Denmark. 5&N. I2E. Sc. Ham- et. Ely, Cambridge, En. 52N. OE. Here- ward s camp of refuge; surrendered to the Conqueror, 1071; res. of Cromwell, 1636-40. Enfield, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow. A royal res. of Edward VI. Engen, Baden. 47N. BE. Defeat of Austrians by Moreau, 1800. Enger, Westphalia. SIN. SE. Res. and burial place of Witikind, leader of the Saxons against Charlemagne, killed 807. Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ir. 52N. 6w. Taken by Cromwell, 1649; destroyed by rebels encamped on Vinegar Hill, 1798. Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ir. 54N. 7W. Bravely defended against James II. s forces, 1689. Ensisheim, Alsace - Lorraine. 47N. TE. Sc. warfare during Thirty Years W. Enzersdorf, Austria. 48N. i6s. Taken by French on first day of battle of Wagram, 1809. Epernay, France. 49N. 3E. Taken from Leaguers by Henri IV., 1592. Epinay, France. 48N. 2E. Ancient res. of Prankish kings. Erbach, Hesse. SON. gE. Austrians driven back by French, 1800; tomb of Eginhard, Charlemagne s son-in-law. Ercildoune, Berwicks., Scot. SSN. 2W. Traditional home of Thomas the Rhymer. Erfurt, Saxony. SON. HE. Luther a student at; celebrated meeting of the monarchs of Europe, 1808. Ermenonville, France. 49N. 2E. Here Rousseau died, 1778. Ermin Street, Roman road running from London to York. Espinosa -de - los - Monteros, Spain. 42N. 3W. Defeat of Spaniards by French, 1808. Essling, Austria. 48N. i6E. Victory of Napoleon over Austrians, 1809 (Battle of Aspern). Estella, Spain. 421*. 2w. Battle of 3 days, and death of General Concha, 1874 (Carlist W.). Etampes, France. 48N. 2E. Clotaire de feated by Thierry, 604; destroyed by Rollo, 911; taken by Henri IV., 1590 (Religious 58 Gazetteer Etaples, France. SON. IE. Treaty, Henry VII. and Charles VIII., 1492. Ettlingen, Germany. 481*. 8s. Defeat of Austrians by French, 1796. Ettrick, Selkirks., Scot. SSN. sw. Bp. and grave of Hogg the Shepherd (1770- 1835). Eupatoria, Crimea. 451*. SSE. Anglo- French army at, 1855-56. Evesham, Worcestershire, En. 521*. iw. Defeat and death of Simon de Montfort, 1265. Evora, Portugal. 381*. TW. In possession of Moors, 715-1166. Evreux, France. 49 N. IE. Taken and re taken by English and French during Hun dred Years W.; occupied by Prussians, 1870. Exeter, Devons., En. SON. 3W. Sc. sieges by Danes, William the Conqueror, etc.; taken by Fairfax, 1646; bp. of the judi cious Hooker (1554-1600). Exmoor, Devons., En. SIN. sw. (See Blackmore, Lorna Doone. ) Eylau, Prussia. 54N. ZOE. Two days battle and victory of Napoleon, 1807. Faenza, Italy. 44N. HE. Bp. of Torri- celli (1608-47), inventor of the barometer. Falaise, France. 48N. ow. Taken in turn by Henry V. and Charles VII., 1418, 1450; bp. of William the Conqueror. Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scot. s6N. 3W. De feat of Wallace by Edward I., 1298; of George II. s force by Charles Edward, 1746. Falkland, Fife, Scot. s6N. 3W. Young Duke of Rothesay starved to death, 1402; death of James V., 1542. (See Scott, Fair Maid of Perth. ) Famagusta, Cyprus. 35N. 33E. Guy de Lusignan crowned King of Jerusalem, 1191; besieged by Turks, Oct. i57o-Aug. 1571. Fanjeaux, France. 43?*. 2E. Burnt by Black Prince, 1355. Fano, Italy. 43N. i3E. Taken and re taken by Totila and Belisarius, 545. Farnham, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Defeat of Danes by Alfred, 895; Moor Park, ass. with Swift, is in the neighbourhood. Feldkirch, Austria. 47N. gs. French victory, 1800. Fenestrelle, Italy. 45 N. 7E. Prison of Xavier de Maistre, and where he wrote Voyage autour de ma chambre. Fere, La, France. 49N. 3E. Sacked by Allies, 1814; taken by Germans, 1870. Fere-Champenoise, La, France. 48N. 4E. Victory of Allies over Napoleon, 1814. Ferney, France. 46N. 6E. Home of Vol taire for last 20 years of his life. Ferrara, Italy. 44N. HE. Repulse of Murat by the Austrians, 1815 (Hundred Days W.); bp. of Savonarola (1452-98). Ferrieres, France. 48N. 2E. Consecration of Pepin le Bref , first Carlovingian king, and father of Charlemagne, 751. Ferrol, Spain. 43N. 8w. French defeated by English fleet, 1805; taken laten by French, 1809 and 1823. Ferrybridge, Yorks., En. 53N. iw. De feat of Yorkists, 1461. Ferte-Milon, France. 49N. JE. Bp. of Racine (1639-99). Fiesole, Italy. 43N. HE. Home of Fra Angelico. Finisterre, Cape, Spain. 42N. gw. French fleet defeated by Anson, 1747; by Admirals Calder and Strachan, 1805. Fismes, France. 4gN. 3E. Summons to arms sent out to the nation from by Napoleon, 1814. Flavigny, France. 47N. 4E. Taken by the English, 1359. Fleche, La, France. 47N. ow. Descartes student at; Hume s first philosophical work written here (1737). Fleurus, Belgium. SON. 4E. Battle, 1622 (Thirty Years W.); French victory over Augsburg league, 1690; of French over Austrians, 1794; defeat of BIQcher by Napoleon (Battle of Ligny), 1815. Flint, Wa. 53N. sw. Surrender of Richard II. to Bolingbroke, 1399. Flodden, Northumberland, En. 55N. 2W. Defeat of Scots, and death of James IV. and his nobility, Sept. 9, 1513. Florence, Italy. 43N. HE. Proclaimed a republic, 1250; Dante exiled, 1302; plague described by Boccaccio, 1348; Savonarola executed, 1498. Under the Medici it be came the great centre of literature and art. The Florentine school of painters included Cimabue, Giotto, the Lippis, Del Sarto, etc.; bp. of Dante, Machiavelli, the sculptors Ghiberti and Donatello, etc. , and of Florence Nightingale. (See George Eliot, Romola. ) Flores, westernmost of the Azores Islands. 39N. 3iw. At Flores in the Azores, Six Richard Grenville lay. (See Tennyson, The Revenge. ) Flushing, Holland. SIN. 3E. First town to rise against the Spaniards, 1572; bom barded by English, 1809. Foggia, Italy. 4iN. ISE. Manfred de feated by Charles d Anjou, 1266. Fontainebleau, France. 48N. 2E. Royal res. of early French kings; revocation of Edict of Nantes signed by Louis XIV., 1685; abdication of Napoleon, 1814. Fontarabia, Spain. 43N. iw. Sc. sieges by Francis I. and Cond6; taken by Marshal Berwick, 1719; ass. with the hero Roland. (See Roncesvalles.) Fontenay (Fontanetum) , France. 46N. ow. Celebrated victory of Charles the Bald and Louis the German over Lothair, 841. Fontenoy, Belgium. SON. 3E. Defeat of Allies by Marshal Saxe, 1745 (W. of Austrian Succession). Fontevrault, France. 47N. ow. Tombs of Richard I., Henry II., and Plantagenet Queens excavated Aug. 1910, in Abbey. Forli, Italy. 44N. I2E. Taken by French, 1797; joined the cause of liberty, 1860. Formigny, France. 49N. ow. Defeat of English, 1450 (Hundred Years W.). Fornovo, Italy. 44N. IOE. Victory of Charles VIII. over Milanese, 1495. Gazetteer 159 Forres, Elgins., Scot. 5714. 3W. Victory of Malcolm II. over Danes, 1008 or 1010. (Sc. Macbeth. ) Fossalta, river, Emilia, Italy. 441*1. IOE. Victory of Guelphs over Ghibellines and capture of Enzio, King of Sardinia, 1249. Fossano, Italy. 44N. 7E. Taken by Charles V., 1536; by French, 1796. Fotheringay, Northamptonshire, En. 52N. ow. Mary Queen of Scots beheaded, 1587; bp. of Richard III. Fougeres, France. 481*. iw. Vendean victory over republicans, 1793. Fraga, Spain. 4IN. OE. Alfonso I. of Aragon defeated by Moors, 1134. Framlingham, Suffolk, En. 52N. IE. Tomb of Earl of Surrey, poet, beheaded,i547. Frankenhausen, Germany. SIN. HE. Munzer, leader, taken and beheaded (Peasants W.), 1525. Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany. SON. BE. Ancient capital of Eastern Fr.ance; Barbarossa and later emperors elected at; Treaty of Peace (Franco-German W.), 1871; bp. of Goethe. Frankfort-on-the-Oder, Germany. 52N. I4E. Occupied in turn by Wallenstein and Swedes (Thirty Years W.) ; suffered during Seven Years W.; French in possession, 1806, 1812-13. Fraustadt, Prussia. SIN. i6E. Saxons de feated by Charles XII. of Sweden, 1706. Fredericia, Jutland. SSN. 9E. Bombarded by Germans, 1849. Frederikshald, Norway. SQN. HE. Charles XII. of Sweden killed during siege of, 1718. (See Voltaire, Charles XII. ) Freiberg, Saxony. SON. I3E. Defeat of Imperial forces by Prussians, 1762 (last of the Seven Years W.). Freiburg in Breisgau, Germany. 47N. 7E. Defeat of Imperialists by Conde and Turenne after 3 days battle, 1644 (Thirty Years W.). Frejus, France. 43N. 6E. Landing of Napoleon from Egypt, 1799; his port of em barkation for Elba, 1814; bp. of Agricola. Freshwater, Isle of Wight. SON. iw. Res. of Tennyson. Freteval, France. 47N. IE. Richard I. s victory over Philippe Auguste, 1194. Friedberg, Bavaria. 48N. HE. Austrians defeated by Moreau, 1796. Friedberg, Silesia. 52N. ISE. Austrians defeated by Frederick the Great, 1745. Friedland, E. Prussia. 54N. 2 IE. Victory of Napoleon over Russians and Prussians, 1807. Fuentes de Onoro, Spain. 4ON. 6w. Mas- sena defeated by Wellington, 1811 (Penin sular W.). Furnes, Belgium. 5 IN. 2E. Victory over Flemish (English Allies) by Comte d Artois, 1297. Furth, Bavaria. 49N. I2E. Battle be tween Wallenstein and Gustavus Adolphus, 1632. Gadebusch, Germany. 53N. HE. Victory of Danes, 1712 (Dauo-Swedish W.). Gadshill, Kent, En. SON. OE. Last home of Charles Dickens; ass. Falstafl. Gaeta, Italy. 4 IN. I3E. Besieged in turn by French and Austrians, 1799-1821 ; capitu lated to Piedmontese, 1861 (Unification of Italy). Gainsborough, Lincolns., En. 53N. ow. Marriage of Alfred the Great to chief s daughter, 868; King Sweyn assassinated, 1013; taken by Cromwell, 1643. The St. Oggs of Geo. Eliot s novels. Galatz, Roumania. 45N. 28s. Russian victory over Turks, 1789. Galway, Connaught, Ir. SSN. gw. Be sieged and taken by Parliamentarians under Ludlow, 1652; surrendered after battle of Aghrim, 1691. Garigliano, river, Italy. 4iN. I4E. French defeated by Spaniards under G. de Cordova, Chevalier Bayard being among the French, 1503; defeat of Neapolitans by Italian patriots, 1850. Cask, Perths., Scot. s6N. sw. Home of the Scottish poetess, Lady Nairne, of the house of Jacobite Oliphants, A. of the Land o the Leal, etc. Gastein, Austria. 47N. I3E. Convention! Austria and Prussia, for division of Schleswig- Holstein, 1865. Gate Fulford, Yorks, En. 53N. iw. Eng lish defeated by Harold Hardraga, 1066. Gateshead, Durham, En. 54N. iw. House in which Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe. Gayhurst, Bucks, En. 52N. ow. Bp. of Sir Kenelm Digby, one of the Gunpowder plotters. Gembloux, Belgium. SON. 4E. Defeat of Netherlanders by Don John of Austria, 1578. Geneva, Lake, Switzerland. 46N. 6E. Ass. Voltaire, Mme de Stael, Rousseau, Byron, Gibbon. Geneva, town, Switzerland. 46N. 6E. Res. of Calvin, 1541 to his death, 1564; bp. of Rousseau, Necker, Bonnet, and De Saussure. Genoa, Italy. 44N. 8s. Austrians driven from, 1746; English naval victory over French, 1795 ; blockade, and capitulation of Massena, 1800; chief old families: Doria, Spinola, Fieschi, Grimaldi; Columbus was a son of the territory. Gerberoy, France. 49N. 2E. Robert, son of William the Conqueror, besieged and im prisoned by his father, 1080; taken by Henry II., 1160; Earl of Arundel defeated and killed by the Ecorcheurs, 1435; taken and retaken later by English and French. Gerona, Spain. 42N. 2E. Besieged during Peninsular W., 1809. Ghent, Belgium. SIN. 3E. Revolts under the Arteveldes, 1336, 1379-83; against Charles V., 1538; pacification (United Pro vinces against Spain), 1576; treaty (England and United States), 1815; bp. of Jacob van Artevelde and of time-honoured Lan caster. (See old ballad of Mary Ambree. ) Gibraltar, Spain. 3&N. sw. Finally taken from the Moors, 1462; in English possession since 1704; held by General Eliott against French and Spanish, 1779-83. i6o Gazetteer Gidding, Little, Hampshire, En. 5 2N. ow Community founded by Nicholas Ferrar, 1625. (See Shorthouse, John Inglesant. ) Gillingham, Dorset, En. SIN. 2W. Defeat of Danes by Edmund Ironsides, 1016. Gisors, France. 4ON. IE. Victory of Richard I. over French, 1198. Gitscnin, Bohemia. SON. ISE. Defeat of Austrians by Prussians, 1866 (Seven Weeks W.). Gladsmuir, Haddingtons., Scot. SSN. 2W. Battle of Prestonpans, 1745. Glamys, Forfars., Scot. $6N. 3W. Mal colm II., Duncan s grandfather, reported, wrongly, to have been murdered here; Scott passed a night in Macbeth s castle. Glarus, Switzerland. 47N. gE. Zwingli, reformer, pastor at, 1506-16. Glastonbury, Somerset, En. 5IN.2W. Ass. legend of Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail. Glenalmond, Perthshire, Scot. $6N. 3W. Grave of Ossian, commemorated by Words worth. Glencoe, Argylls., Scot. s6N. 4W. Mas sacre of Macdonalds, Feb. 13, 1692. Glenfinnan, Inverness, Scot. S&N. sw. Stuart standard raised, 1745. Glenfruin, Dumbarton, Scot. s6N. 4W. Massacre by Macgregors, and consequent suppression of their surname. (Sc. Rob Roy. ) Glenlivet, Banff s., Scot. 57N. 3w. Defeat of Argyle by rebel earls under James VI., Glenmoriston, Inverness, Scot. $7N. 4W. Prince Charles in hiding after Culloden. Glenroy, Inverness, Scot. s6N. 4W. Cele brated parallel roads marking the shores of ancient lakes. Glenshiel, Ross, Scot. 57N. sw. High landers and Spanish Allies defeated by Hanoverians, 1719. Glen Trool, Galloway, Scot. SSN. 4W. Sc. Bruce s wanderings and adventures. Gloucester, cap. of county, En. SIN. 2W. Bishop Hooper martyred, 1555; shrine of Osric, King of Northumbria, and tomb of Edward II. Godstow, Oxon, En. SIN. iw. Res. and burial place of Fair Rosamond. Gorey, Jersey. 4ON. 2W. William Prynne, A. of Histriomastix, imprisoned, 1637-40. Gorlitz, Germany. SIN. ISE. Home of the mystic, Jacob Boehme (1575-1624). Goslar, Germany. SIN. IOE. Sc. warfare during Thirty Years W. Gottingen, Germany. SIN. 9E. Occu pied by the French, 1803-7; Coleridge, Long fellow, Motley, etc., students at; the brothers Grimm expelled for liberal views, 1837. Gracedieu, Leicester, En. 52N. iw. Bp. of Beaumont the dramatist (1584-1616). Granada, Spain. 37N. 3W. Last Moorish stronghold, capitulated 1491; tombs of Ferdinand and Isabella, and of Gonsalvo di Cordova, the great captain (1443-1515). (See Irving, Conquest of Granada. ) Grandson, Switzerland. 46N. 6s. Victory of the Swiss over Charles the Bold, 1476. Grantham, Lincoln, En. 52N. ow. King John and court at, 1213; Buckingham s death-warrant signed by Richard HI., 1483; Cromwell s first victory over Royalists, 1643; Sir Isaac Newton student at, 1655-6. Grasmere, Westmoreland, En. 54N. 3W. Grave of Wordsworth. Gravelines, France. SIN. 2E. Defeat of French by Allies under Egmont, 1558; Armada dispersed, 1588. Gravelotte, Alsace-Lorraine. 49N. 6E. De feat of Bazaine, 1870 (Franco-German W.). Gravesend, Kent, En. SIN. OE. The great navigators of the i6th century here assembled their fleets before starting OB their perilous voyages. Greenhithe, Kent, En. SIN. ow. Sir J. Franklin s port of sail, 1845. Greenock, Renfrews., Scot. SSN. 4W. Grave of Burns Highland Mary ; raided by Rob Roy, 1715; bp. of James Watt and Kidd the pirate. (See Poe, The Gold Bug. ) Greenwich, Kent, En. SIN. o. Here Queen Elizabeth was born, 1533, and Edward VI. died, 1553. Grochow, Poland. $2N. 23E. Russians de feated by Poles under Radziwill, 1831. Gubbio, Italy. 43N. I2E. Discovery of Eugubine Tablets, inscribed with rules of ancient brotherhood, 1444. Guildford, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Res. of early kings; Alfred the Atheling and his partisans massacred by Godwin s orders, 1036; taken by Louis the Dauphin, 1216. Guinegatte, France. SON. 2E. Battle of the Spurs, 1513. Guines, France. SON. IE. Field of the Cloth of Gold held near. Guise, France. 49N. 3E. Defended by its women against the Spaniards, 1650; bp. of Camille Desmoulins, guillotined 1794. Gunzburg, Bavaria. 48N. IOE. Ney s vic tory over Austrians, 1805. Haarlem, Holland. SZN. 4E. Siege and massacre by Duke of Alya, 1572, 1573; bp. of Laurens Coster, printer, Wouverman, Van der Heist, painters. (See Motley, op. cit). Habbie s Howe, Midlothian, Scot. SSN. sw. Sc. Allan Ramsay s Gentle Shepherd. Haddington, cap. of county, Scot. SSN. aw. English besieged by Scots, 1549; Ed ward Irving head of mathematical school, 1810-12; ass. Wishart, reformer and martyr; bp. of Knox and Jane Welsh Carlyle. Hadleigh, Suffolk, En. 52N.OE. Supposed tomb of Danish king Guthrum, d. 889. Hague, The, Holland. 52N. 4E. The bro thers De Witt killed, 1672 ; Treaty of Triple Alliance, 1668; coalition against France, 1673; against Louis XIV., 1701; Peace con ference, 1899; bp. of Rembrandt and Potter. (See Dumas, The Black Tulip. ) Hamburg, Austria. 48N. i6s. The Car- nutum of the Nibelungenlied. Gazetteer 161 Halidon Hill, Northumberland, En. 551*. aw. English victory over Scots, 1333. Halifax, Yorks, En. 5311. iw. Sterne educated at. Ham, France. 4QN. SE. State prison, in which Joan of Arc, Conde, Louis Napoleon, etc., were imprisoned. Hameln (Hamelin), Hanover. 521*. QE. Town freed from rats by the famous Pied Piper, 1284. (See Browning s poem.) Hampden, Great, Bucks, En. SIN. ow. Bp. of John Hampden, and where he lies buried (1594-1643). Hampstead, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow. Meeting place of Kit Cat Club; ass. many of the chief names in literature. Hampton, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow. Bp. of Edward VI.; escape of Charles I. from, Nov. 1647; conference of bishops and Pres byterians, 1604. Hanau, Germany. SON. SE. Austrians and Allies defeated by Napoleon, 1813; bp. of the brothers Grimm (Jakob, 1785-1863; Wilhelm, 1786-1859). Hanover, Germany. 521*. gv. Palace of Herrenhausen (fine works of art) ; bp. of the brothers Schlegel and Sir F. VV. Herschel (1738-1822). Harby, Hardeby, Notts, En. 52N. iw. Here Eleanor of Castile, queen of Edward I., died, 1290. Harlaw, Aberdeens., Scot. 57N. aw. See Ballad in Scott s Antiquary. Harlech, Merionethshire, VVa. 52N. 4W. Successful siege by Yorkists, 1468, comme morated by the March of the Men of H. Harrogate, Yorkshire, En. 54N. iw. (See Smollett, Humphry Clinker. ) Harrow, Middlesex, En. SIN.OW. School: among its famous scholars were Byron, Rodney, Sir R. Peel, Lord Palmerston, etc. Harz Mountains, Germany. SIN. IOE. Brocken (q.v.) the highest summit. Haslemere, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Aid- worth, home and death place of Tennyson near. Hastings, Sussex, En. SON. OE. Battle, Oct. 14, 1066. Hatfield, Herts., En. SIN. ow. Elizabeth here when called to the throne; her first Privy Council held at, 1558. Hatfield, Yorks, En. 5314. iw Battle be tween Edwin, King of Northumbria, Cad- wallo, and Penda of Mercia, 633. Havre, France. 4QN. OE. Taken and re taken by English and French, 1562; bom barded by English, 1694, etc.; bp. of Ber- nardin de St. Pierre, A. of Paul et Virginie, Casimir Delavigne, and Georges and Mile de Scudery. Hawarden, Flintshire, Wa. 53N. sw. Res. of W. E. Gladstone. Ha wick, Roxburghs., Scot. 55 N. aw. Ruined tower of Harden near, home of Auld Wat, who married the Flower of Yarrow, from whom Scott was descended. Hawkshead, Lancashire, En. 54N. sw. Wordsworth at Grammar School. Haworth, Yorks, En. SSN. iw. Home of the Bronte s. Hawthornden, Midlothian, Scot. SSN. 3W. Bp. and home of Drummond the poet (1585- 1649); visited by Ben Jonson, 1618-19 ( see Drummond s Notes ) ; Dr. Johnson and Bos well at, 1773. Hayes Barton, Devon, En. SON. 3W. Bp. of Sir Walter Raleigh (1552 (?)-i6i8). Heddington (Ethandune), En. SIN. 2W Alfred s victory over Danes, 878. Hedgeley, Northumberland, En. SSN. iw. Defeat of Lancastrians and death of Sir Ralph Percy, 1464. Heidelberg, Germany. 49N. BE. Former res. of electors palatine. Heilbronn, Wurtemberg. 40N. gE. Prison of Goetz v. Berlichingen, subject of Goethe s drama. Heilsberg, Prussia. 54N. 2OE. Indecisive battle between Soult and Russians, 1807. Heligoland, North Sea. 54N. 7E. English possession, 1807-1890. Hellevoetsluys, Holland. SIN. 4E. Port of departure of William III., 1688. Helslngborg, Sweden. s6.N. I2E. Danish invaders driven back by Steinbeck, 1710. Hengsdown, Hengston, Cornwall, En. SON. 4W. Danes defeated by Egbert, 835. Herculaneum, Italy. 4ON. I4E. Destroyed by eruption of Vesuvius, A.D. 79. Hereford, cap. of county, En. 52N. 2W. Old Mappa Mundi in cathedral; sc. war fare during Wars of Roses and Civil Wars; bp. of Garrick, the actor. Hericourt, France. 47N. 6s. Defeat of Burgundians by Swiss, 1474; three days battle (Franco-Prussian W.) 1871. Heristal, Herstal, Belgium. SON. SE. Bp. of King Pepin and frequent res. of Charle magne. Hernani, Spain. 43N. iw. Battles, 1836, 1837 (Carlist W.). Herrara, Spain. 42N. 4W. Victory of Don Carlos, 1837. Herrnhut, Saxony. SIN. I4E. Chief seat of the Moravian Brethren. Hexham, Northumberland, En. 54N. 2W. Defeat of Lancastrians, 1464. Highgate, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow. Last home and burial place of Coleridge; graves of George Eliot, Faraday, etc. Hildesheim, Hanover. 52N. 9E. Town of extreme antiquarian interest. Hochkirch, Saxony. SIN. 14 E. Dsfeat of Frederick the Great by Austrians, 1758 (Seven Years W.) ; French defeated, 1813. Hochstadt, Bavaria. 48N. IOE. Imperi alists defeated by Villars, 1/03; battle of Blenheim, 1704; Austrians defeated by Moreau, 1800. Hoechst, Germany. SON. SB. Victory ol Tilly (Thirty Years W.). Hof, Germany. SON. HE. J. P. Richter a student at when young; Austrians de feated by Prussians, 1759; Prussians by Murat, 1807. Hohenfriedberg, Prussia. SIN. i6E. Vie- 162 Gazetteer tory of Frederick the Great (W. of Austrian Succession), 1745. Hohenlinden, Germany. 48N. HE. De feat of Austrians by Moreau, 1800. (See poem by Campbell.) Holy Island (Lindisf arne) , Northumber land, En. 55N. iw. Famous old priory of Columban monks. Homildon Hill, Northumberland, En. 551*. aw. Victory of English under Hotspur over Scots, 1402. Honiton, Devon, En. SON. sw. Lace- making introduced by Flemish refugees, i6th century. Borsham, Sussex, En. SIN. ow. Shelley born at Field Place near. Hucknall Torkard, Notts., En. 53*. iw. Grave of Lord Byron. Huesca, Spain. 4214. ow. Carlist victory, 1837. Hughenden, Bucks, En. SIN. ow. Res. for 30 years of D Israeli, Earl of Beacons- field (1804-81), and where he is buried. Hull, Yorks, En. 53N. ow. Defended by Fairfax against Royalists, 1643; bp. of William Wilberforce, philanthropist (1759- 1833)- Huntingdon, cap. of county, En. $2N. ow. Bp. of Oliver Cromwell, 1599; res. of the poet Cowper, 1765-7. Kursley, Hampshire, En. SIN. iw. Graves of Keble (vicar, 1835-66) and of Richard Cromwell. Hurst Castle, Hampshire, En. SON. iw. Charles I. here Dec. 1-17 before his execution. Huy, Belgium. SON. SE. Last home of Peter the Hermit. Hyeres, France. 43N. 6s. Bp. of Mas- sillon, French divine (1663-1742). Iceland, Arctic Ocean. 65 N. i8w. First colony f. by Norwegian nobles, 874. Icknield Street. Old Roman Road running west from Norfolk. If, island, Mediterranean. 43 N. 5E. State prison; Mirabeau confined at, 1774. (See Dumas, Monte Christo. ) Ilchester, Somersets., En. SIN. aw. Bp. of Roger Bacon (1214-94 ?). Imola, Italy. 44N. HE. French victory, Inchmahome, islet, Perths., Scot. 56)1. 3W. Mary Queen of Scots at after Pinkie; her child-garden and bower still seen. Ingelheim, Germany. 49N. 7E. Ancient res. of Charlemagne, and according to tradi tion his birthplace. Ingelmunster, Belgium. SON. 3E. Defeat of English and Hanoverians by French, 1704. Ingolstadt, Germany. 48N. r/E. Death of Tilly, who was mortally wounded during the sack, 1632. Inkerman, Crimea. 44N. 33E. Battle, Nov. 5, 1854. Innsbruck, Austria. 47N. HE. Monu ment and statue to the patriot Andreas Hofer (1767-1810). Inverlochy, Inverness, Scot. s6N. sw. Defeat of Campbells and Covenanters by Montrose, 1645. Inverness, cap. of county, Scot. 57N. 4W. Castle of Malcolm Canmore and Macbeth; fort erected by Cromwell, since destroyed. lona (Icolmkill), Hebrides. 6N. 6w. Con vent of S. Columba, 6th century; ancient centre of learning; sepulchre of Kings of Scotland, Ireland, and Norway. Ipswich, Suffolk, En. 52 N. IE. The White Horse (sc. Eatanswill of Pick wick ) ; bp. of Cardinal Wolsey. Ischia, island, Bay of Naples. 401*. I3E. Destroyed by earthquake, 1883. Islay, island, Hebrides. SSN. 6w. Old chief seat of the Lords of the Isles. Islip, Oxford, En. SIN. iw. Bp. of Edward the Confessor. Ivica, Island, Mediterranean. 39N. IE. Taken from the Moors by the Spaniards, 1294. Ivry, France. 48N. IE. Victory of Henri IV. over Leaguers, 1590. (See Macaulay s poem.) Jaca, Spain. 42N. ow. Former capita of Aragon; French in possession of, 1808-14. Jaen, Spain. 37N. 3W. Moors defeated at, 1157; taken by Ferdinand III. of Castile, 1246. Jargeau, France. 47N. 2E. Taken by Joan of Arc, 1429. Jarnac, France. 45 N. ow. Defeat of the Huguenots under Cond6, 1569. Jarrow, Durham, En. 54 N. iw. Monastic home of the Venerable Becle. Jedburgh, Roxburghs., Scot. SSN. 2W. Illness and supposed death of Mary Queen of Scots at, 1566; ass. Charles Edward, Scott, Wordsworth, etc. Jemappes, Belgium. SON. 3E. Defeat of Austrians by Dumouriez, 1793. Jena, Germany. SON. HE. Napoleon s victory, Oct. 14, 1806. Jersey, island, Channel. 49^. aw. French fleet defeated by Sir William Winter, 1550. Kaiserberg, Alsace - Lorraine. 4811. 71. Bp. of the reformer Zell (1477-1548). Kaiserlautern, Bavaria. 49N. 7E. French defeated, 1793, 1794; Austrians driven out by Moreau, 1795. Kalisch, Poland. SIN. i8E. Swedes de feated by Russians, 1706. Kappel, see Cappel. Kara-sou-Bazar, Crimea. 4$N. J4E. Here Mme. Krudener, one of the remarkable figures of the iSth-igth century, ended her days. Kars, Armenia. 4ON. 43E. Held for six months by the Turks, who finally capitulated, 1855 (Crimean W.); stormed by the Rus sians, 1877 (Russo-Turkish W.). Katrine, Loch, Scot. s6N. 4W. Immor talised by Scott in the Lady of the Lake. Katzbach River, Silesia. SIN. ISE. French defeated by Bliicher, 1813. Kazanlik, Eastern Roumelia. 42*. 248. Sc. Gazetteer i6 3 of several actions between Turks and Russians, 1877-78. Kazan, Russia. 551*. 49E. Taken from the Tartars by Ivan IV., 1552; Cossack rising, 1774. Kehl, Baden, Germany. 481*. 7E. Taken in turn by French and Austrians during the 1 8th century; former celebrated printing- press at. Kelloe, Durham, En. 54**. iw. Mrs. Browning born in this parish, at Coxhoe Hall (1806-61). Kelmscott, Oxon, En. SIN. iw. Here William Morris set up his famous printing- press, and here he was buried, 1896. Kells, Meath, Ir. 531*. 6w. Famous illu- minated gospels, known as Book of Kells, a monument of early Christian art, now at Trinity, Dublin. Kelso, Roxburghs., Scot. 55?*. 2W. Abbey destroyed by Earl of Hertford, 1545; ass. the rising of 1715. Kempen, Rhenish Prussia. 5 IN. i7E. De feat of Allies near, 1760; bp. of Thomas a Kempis. Kenilworth, Warwicks., En. $2N. iw. Given to Leicester by Elizabeth; destroyed by Cromwell. (See Scott s novel.) Kertch, Crimea. 45s. 3&E. Taken and burnt by Anglo-French army, 1855. Kesh, Russo-Turkistan. 34N. 66E. Bp. of Tamerlane, the famous Mongol conqueror (1336-1405). Kesseldorf, Saxony. JIN. I5E. Saxons defeated by Prussians, 1745. Kexholm, Finland. 6oN. 28E. Possession in turns of Swedes and Russians; taken by Peter the Great, 1710. Khotin (Choczim), Austria. 48^. 27E. De feat of Turks by John Sobieski, 1673; by Russians, 1739. Kieff, Russia. SON. SOE. An ancient and sacred spot, visited yearly by some thousands of pilgrims. Kilblain, Perths., Scot. s6N. 3W. Battle between Edward III. and Scots, 1335. Kildare, Leinster, Ir. 53N. 6w. Ancient town; suffered under Elizabeth and during wars of i7th century. Kilkenny, Leinster, Ir. 52N. TW. Old Irish parliaments held at; Statute of K. passed, 1367; capitulated to Cromwell, 1650; Swift and Congreve educated at. Killala, Mayo, Ir. 54N. gvr. Landing of French under General Humbert, who were shortly after driven out by the royal troops, 1778. Killaloe, Clare, Ir. 5211. 8w. Site of Kin- cora, Brian Bom s palace, commemorated by Moore. Killiecrankie, Perth, Scot. s6N. 3\nr. De feat of royal troops by the Highlanders under Claverhouse, and death of latter, 1689. Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scot. 55N. 4W. Ass. Burns. Kilmeadan, Waterford, Ir. 521*. 7w. Castle taken by Cromwell. Kilmuir, Skye, Scot. 571* 6w. Grave of Flora Macdouald. Kilmun, Holy Loch, Argylls., Scot. 56^. 4W. Burial place of the Argyll family. Kilpatrick, Dumbartons., Scot. 55N. 4W. Supposed bp. of St. Patrick. Kilravock, Nairns., Scot. 57N. 3W. Prince Charles at, on the eve of Culloden, followed the next day by the Duke of Cumberland, 1746; Burns at, 1787. Kilronan, Roscommons., Ir. 53N. 8w. Burial place of Carolan, last of the bards (1670-1738). Kilrush, Clare, Ir. 52N. gw. Vessel of the Armada wrecked off. Kilsyth, Sterlings., Scot. 551*. 4W. Cove nanters defeated by Montrose, 1645. Kilwinning, Ayrs., Scot. JSN. 4W. Pop injay shooting (see Old Mortality ) ; Dr. Johnson and Boswell at, 1773. Kimbolton, Huntingdons. , En. 52N. ow. Last res. of Queen Catherine of Aragon. King s Cliffe, Northants., En.52N.ow. Bp. of William Law, A. of the Serious Call (1686-1761), and where Mrs. Hutcheson and Miss Gibbon joined him in 1744. King s Langley, Herts., En. SIN. ow. Piers Gaveston buried at, 1315; first burial place of Richard II. King s Lynn, Lynn Regis, Norfolk, En. 52N. OE. Besieged by Parliamentarians, 1643; bp. of Frances Bumey, Madame D Arblay, novelist (1752-1840). King s Norton, Worcesters., En. 52N. iw. Hawkesley House, now disappeared, taken by Charles I., 1645. Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Saxon kings crowned at ; headquarters of Fairfax, 1647. Kingswinford, Staffs., En. 52N. 2W. Hoi- beach House, where gunpowder plotters were seized, and Percy and Catesby killed. Kington, Herefords., En. 52N. 3W. The Red Book of Hergest, famous monument of Welsh literature, now at Oxford, was named from the old mansion here. Kinlochlochy, Inverness, Scot. 57N. 4W. 1 Battle of the Shirts, in which the Clan Ranald were dressed when they defeated the Frasers, 1544. Kinloss, Moray Frith, Scot. 57N. 3W. Defeat of Scots by Danes under Sweyn, 1009. Kinneff, Kincs., Scot. s6N. 2W. The Scottish regalia hidden under church floor during siege of Dunnottar Castle, whence they were secretly carried by the minister a wife. Kinsale, Cork, Ir. SIN. 8w. Landing of James II., 1689; taken by Marlborough, 1690. Kirby Wiske, Yorks., En. 54. iw. Bp. of Roger Ascham (1515-68), A. of the School master, and tutor to the royal children. Kirkbean, Kirkcudbrights., Scot. 54N. 3W. Bp. of Paul Jones the freebooter (1747-92). (See Fennimore Cooper, The Pilot and The Pathfinder ; and Dumas. Captain Paul. ) Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. s6N. sw. Edward Irving and Carlyle teachers at, 164 Gazetteer 1816-18; bp. of Adam Smith, A. of the Wealth of Nations (1723-90). Kirkconnel, Dumfriess., Scot. 551*. 4W. Graves of Helen of K. and her lover. (See old ballad.) Kirklees, Yorks., En. 531*. rw. Tradi tional death place of Robin Hood. Kirkliston, Linliths., Scot. 55N. 3W. Burial place of Lady Ashton. (See Bride of Lammermoor. ) Kirkoswald, Ayrs., Scot. SSN. 4W. Graves of Tarn o Shanter and Soutar Johnnie, and some of Burns ancestors. Kirkpatrick - Irongray, Kirkcudbrights., Scot. SSN. 3W. Grave of Jeanie Deans. (See Scott, Heart of Midlothian. ) Kirkwall, Orkney, Scot. s8N. 2W. Ruins of palace where King Haco died, 1263. (See Scott, The Pirate. ) Kirriemuir, Forfars., Scot. $6N. 3W. Bp. of tke novelist Barrie (b. 1860), and com memorated in his Thrums. Kissingen, Bavaria. SON. IOB. Defeat of Bavarians by Prussians, 1866 (Seven Weeks W.). Kitterland, off Isle of Man. 541*. 4\v. (See Wilkie Collins s Armadale. ) Klostercamp, Westphalia, Prussia. SIN. SE. Hanoverians defeated by De Castries, 1760. Knaresborough, Yorks., En. 54N. iw. Richard II. imprisoned at; captured by Fair fax, 1644; sc. Eugene Aram s crime. (See Hood s poem.) Knighton, Radnors., Wa. 521*. 3\v. Neighbouring camp the traditional last stronghold of Caractacus. Knpyle, East, Wilts., En. SIN. 2W. Bp. of Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723). Knutsford, Cheshire, En. 53N. *w. Sc. Mrs. Gaskell s Cranford. Koeniggratz, Bohemia. SON. ISE. Aus- trians defeated by Prussians, 1866 (Battle of Sadowa); burial place of Ziska, the reformer. Koenigsberg, Prussia. J4N. 2OB. Here Kant was born and died (1724-1804). Kolin, Bohemia. SON. 1511. Defeat of Frederick the Great, 1757 (Seven Years W.). Kolomna, Russia. SSN. 381. Ancient fortress and prison. Komorn, Hungary. 47N. i8. Sacked in turn by Turks and Imperialists; relieved from Austrian besiegers, 1849 (Hungarian rising). KOSSOTO, Field o! Blackbirds, Turkey. 4N. 20E. Battle, 1389, whereby tke Turkish domination over Servia was secured; defeat of Hungarians uader Hunyady by the Turks, 1448. Koulikovo Plain, Russia. S 2N * 3^ E - Tar tars finally driven from the north of Europe by Dmitri Ivamovitch, 1380. Kronborg, Denmark. s6N. i2. Hamlet s castle; the old hero of romance, Ogier the Dane, is said to be asleep in the vaults. Kulm, Bohemia. 53N. i8K. Defeat of French by Prussians and Russians, 1813. Kunersdorf, Prussia. 52N. 15*. Defeat of Frederick the Great by Allies, 1759 (Seven Years W.). Kussnacht, Switzerland. 47N. 8s. Ass. William Tell. Kyffhauser, The, Thuringia. SON. IIR. Frederic Barbarossa said to be still sleep ing beneath, some day to return to liie as Germany s helper. La Hogue (Hougue), English Channel. 4QN. iw. French fleet under Tourville defeated by English and Dutch under Admirals Russell and Allemande, 1692. La Rochelle, France. 46x. iw. Huguenot stronghold, held against the Catholics by Lanoue, 1573; surrendered to Richelieu after 14 months siege, 1627-28. La Rothiere, France. 48w. 4E. Fierce battle between Napoleon and Allies, which left the former in possession of the field, 1814. La Vendee, France. 4&N. iw. Bravely withstood the Revolutionists. (See Hugo, Thirty-three ; Dumas, Companions of Jehu and She-wolves of Machecoul. ) Laa, Austria. 48N. i6E. Austrians de feated by French, 1809. (See also March- feld.) Lagos, Portugal. 37^. 8w. French fleet defeated by Admiral Boscawen, 1759. Laleham, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow. Bp. and grave of Matthew Arnold. Lanark, chief town of county, Scot. SSN. 3\v. Near is the seat of the Lockharts, owners of the Lee-penny, made famous by Scott s Talisman. Landau, Bavaria. 48N. I2E. Sc. various sieges; taken from the French, 1815. Landeshut, Silesia. SON. i6E. Frederick II. defeated by Laudon, 1760. Landrecies, France. SON. 3E. Taken and retaken by Austrians and French, 1794. Landshut, Bavaria. 48N. I2E. Taken several times by the French, 1796-1809. Langensalza, Saxony. SIN. IOE. Defeat of Prussians by Hanoverians under their king, George, who was later forced to sur render to superior numbers, 1866 (Seven Weeks W.). Langport, Somersets., En. SIM. 2W. Royalists routed by Fairfax, 1645. Langres, France. 47N. $E. Occupied by the Allies, 1814; bp. of Diderot, the ency clopedist (1713-84). Langside, Glasgow, Lanarks., Scot. 551*. 4W. Defeat of Mary Queen of Scots forces by Murray, 1568. (See Scott, The Abbot. ) Lannoy, France. SON. 3*. Flemish Pro testants under Cornaille cut to pieces by the Spaniards, 1567. Lansdown, Somerset, En. SIN. aw. Waller forced to retreat from his entrenchments by Cornish Royalists, 1643. Laon, France. 4QN. 3E. Defeat of French by Allies under Bhicher, 1814; taken by the Germans, 1870. Fine Cathedral. Largo, Fife, Scot. s6N. 2W. Bp. of Alex ander Selkirk, whose story suggested De foe s Robinson Crusoe. Gazetteer Largs, Ayrs., Scot. SSN. <w. Defeat of King Haco and his Norsemen by the Scots, 1263. Las Navas de Tolosa, Spain. 371*. 3W. Celebrated victory of the Kings of Castile, Leon, Aragon, Navarre, and Portugal over the Moors, 1212. Lasswade, Lothiaas, Scot. 55N. sw. Grave of Drummond of Hawthornden; res. of Scott, 1798-1804; of De Quincey, 1840- 59 Lathom, Lanes, En. 53N. aw. Lathom House gallantly defended for 3 months by the Countess of Derby, 1644; destroyed by Parliamentarians, 1645. Lauder, Berwicks., Scot. 551*. 2W. Im promptu hamging of the Scotch king s favourites by Earl of Angus ( Bell the Cat ), 1483. Launceston, Cornwall, En. SON. 4\v. Fox, the Quaker, imprisoned at, 1656. Laupen, Switzerland. 461*. 7E. Burgun- dians routed by the Swiss under Rudolf v. Erlachs, 1339. Lausanne, Switzerland. 461*. 6s. Here Gibbon wrote the chief part of his Decline and Fall ; bp. of H. Benjamin Constant (de Rebecque), A. and politician (1767-1830); grave of John Kemble, the actor. Lauterbourg, Alsace-Lorraine. 481*. SB. Taken in turns by Austrians, 1744, and by Prussians and French, 1793. Laval, France. 481*. ow. Republicans defeated by Larochejaquelin and the Ven- deans, 1793 ; bp. of Ambroise Pare, the great French surgeon and court physician (1517- 90). Lavaur, France. 431*. IK. Albigensian stronghold, sacked by Simon de Montfort, I2II. Lawfeldt, or Laeffelt, Belgium. SON. SB. Defeat of English and Allies by Marshal Saxe, 1747 (W. of Austrian Succession). Leadhills, Lanarks., Scot. 55* 3\v. Bp. of Allan Ramsay, poet of the Gentle Shep herd (1686-1758). Lebrixa, or Lebrija, Spain. 361*. 6w. Bp. of the great Spanish navigator, J. Diaz de Solis, killed beside the Rio de la Plata, which he discovered. Lech River, Bavaria. 481*. IDE. Tilly mortally wounded while holding the passage of, against Gustavus Adolphus, 1632. Lechfeld Plain, Bavaria. 4814. IOB. Huns defeated by Charlemagne, 794. Ledbury, Herefordshire, En. 52N. 2W. Hope End, Mrs. Browning s early home near. Leeds, Yorks, En. 53N. iw. Taken and retaken by Royalists and Fairfax, 1642, 1643. Leghorn, Italy. 431*. IOB. Grave of Smollett. Legnago, Italy. 451*. IIB. One of the Quadilateral; defeat of Barbarossa by Milanese, 1176; taken by French, 1796. Leicester, cap. of county, En. 52N. iw. Here Cardinal Wolsey died, 1530; site of * Blue Boar, where Richard III. slept two nights before his death; his body was buried in Grey Friars. Leipzig, Saxony. SIM. I2E. Famous yearly book fair; defeat of Tilly by Gustavus Adolphus, 1631 (Thirty Years W.); second victory of Swedes, 1642 ; Battle of the Nations, and defeat of Napoleon, Oct. 16-18, 1813; bp. of Wagner (1813-83). Leith, Firth of Forth, Scot. SSN. sw. Be sieged for 9 months by the Lords of the Con gregation, 1559-60; taken and plundered by Jacobites, 1715; bp. of J. Home, A. of Douglas (1722-1808). Le Mans, France, see Mans, Le. Lens, France. SON. 2K. Conde s victory over Archduke Leopold of Austria, 1648 (Thirty Years W.). Lentagio, Tagina, Italy. 43N. I3E. Totila th Ostrogoth defeated amd mortally wounded by Narses, 552. Lepanto, Greece. 38N. 2 IE. Defeat of Turkish fleet by Don Joha of Austria, 1571. (See Motley, Dutch Republic. ) Lerida, Spain. 4 IN. OK. Taken by the French under Suchet, 1810. Lerins Islands, Mediterranean. 43?,-. 7. Ste. Marguerite, the prison of the Man with the Iron Mask, and of Marshal Bazaine, who escaped, 1874. Leuthen, Prussia (Silesia). SIN. i6s. De feat of Austrians by Frederick the Great, 1757 (Seven Years W.). Leven, Loch, Kinross, Scot. 5611. jw. Mary Queen of Scots imprisoned on Castle Island, 1567-68. (See Scott, The Abbot. ) Lewes, Sussex, En. SON. OE. Defeat of Henry III. by Simon de Montfort, 1264 (Barons W.). Ley den, Holland. 521*. 4E. Heroically held against the Spaniards, 1573-74 (see Motley, op. cit.); famous printing-house of the Elzevirs, i6th-i7th centuries; Sir Thomas Browne, Evelyn, and Goldsmith among the celebrities who studied here. Lichfield, Staffords., En. 52*. iw. Bp. of Dr. Johnson, and where he, Garrick, and Addison were educated. Liddesdale, Roxburghs., Scot. SSN. aw. Hermitage Castle, where Sir Alex. Ramsay was starved to death, 1342; and thither Queen Mary rode over from Jedburgh to visit Bpthwell, 1566. (See Scott, Guy Mannering. ) Liege, Belgium. SON. SE. Taken by Marlborough, 1702; by the French, 1792, 1794; ass. the Boar of Ardennes (see Scott, Quentin Durward ) ; bp. of Colin Maillard, Flemish soldier of loth century, who fought on when blinded (hence perhaps French name for hide and seek ). Liegnitz, Silesia. SIN. i6E. Austrians defeated by Frederick the Great, 1760 (Seven Years W.), and French by Blucher, 1813. Lierre, Belgium. SIN. 4E. Taken by Allies under Marlborough, 1706. Ligny, Belgium. SON. 48. Defeat of Blucher by Napoleon, June 16, 1815. Lille, France. SON. 3E. Surrendered to i66 Gazetteer Prince Eugene, 1708 (W. of Spanish Succes sion) ; French possession since 1713. Limerick, IT. $2N. 8w. Besieged by Ire- ton, 1651 ; death of latter here from plague, 1652; terrible siege and final surrender to William III., 1691. Limoges, France. 451*. IE. Sacked and burnt by Black Prince, 1370. Lincoln, cap. of county, En. 53N. ow. Stephen, after gallant fighting, taken prisoner by Empress Matilda s forces, 1141; Lincoln Fair, fought in the streets between French and English, 1217; siege by Parlia mentarians, 1644. Linlithgow, cap. of county, Scot. 551*. 3W. James IV. received his mysterious Flodden warning in St. Michael s; murder of the regent Moray, 1570; bp. of James V. and Mary Stuart. (See Scott, Marmion. ) Lisbon, Portugal. 381*. gw. Great earth quake, 1755; Armada sailed from, 1588; tombs of Camoens, poet of the Lusiads, who died and was born (?) here; and of Vasco da Gama, who sailed from this port in I497- Lisburn, Antrim, Ir. 541*. 6w. Monu ment to John Nicholson, the hero of Delhi, who here spent part of his childhood. Lisieux, France. 49?*. OE. Marriage of the future Henry II. with Eleanor of Guienne, 1152. Lismore, Cork, Ir. 52N. 7w. Bp. of the philosopher Robert Boyle (1627-91). Lissa, Silesia (see Leuthen). Lissa Island, Adriatic. 431*. i6a. In Eng lish possession, 1810-15; Italian fleet de feated by Austrians, 1866 (Seven Weeks W.). Liverpool, Lancashire, En. 531*. 2W. Bp. of Mrs. Hemans and Gladstone; the writers Hall Caine, W. Watson, Le Gallienne, and J. A. Noble have been known as the Liver pool School. Llangollen, Denbighs., Wa. 52N. 3W. Res. of Lady Eleanor Butler (d. 1829) an d Miss Sarah Ponsonby (d. 1831), the Ladies of L. , who for 50 years lived in complete seclusion, and were visited by the chief cele brities of the day. Llanthony, Monmouths., Wa. SIN. 3W. Abbey bought by Walter Savage Landor, where for a while he lived. Llerena, Spain. 381*. 6w. French cavalry routed by English, 1812. Loches, France. 4711. OE. Old royal palace and prison ; here were the cages invented under Louis XI. by La Balue, who was the first to make trial of one; among other prisoners were Comines, the historian, and Ludovico Sforza, who died in confine ment; tomb of Agnes Sorel; bp. of Alfred de Vigny, poet and prose writer (1797-1863). (See Scott, Quentin Durward. ) Lochmaben, Scot. 551*. 3W. Robert Bruce born here, or at Tumberry. Lodi, Italy. 451*. 9E. Passage of the Adda forced by Napoleon, 1796. Loftcha, Lovetz, Bulgaria. 43*. 24E. Turks driven from by Russians, 1877 (Russo- Turkish W.). Loipiy-Pouprey, 45*. IE. Army of th Loire defeated by the Germans, 1870 (Franco-German W.). Londonderry, cap. of county, Ir. 551*. TW. Famous siege by James II. s forces of 105 days, April to August, 1689, when the brave garrison was relieved. Longworth, Berks, En. 5 IK. iw. Bp. of Blackmore, A. of Lorna Doone, etc. (1825- 1900). Longwy, France. 471*. SB. Taken by Prussians, 1792, 1815, and 1871. Lons-le-Saunier, France. 461*. 5E. Bp. of Rouget de Lisle, A. of the Marseillaise. Loudoun, Ayrs., Scot. 551*. 4W. English defeated by Bruce, 1306. Loughborough, Leicesters., En. 521*. iw. Great bell of St. Paul s cast at, 1881. Louth, Lines., En. 53*1. OE. Tennyson and Sir J. Franklin at grammar school. Louvain, Belgium. SON. 4E. Revolt hi 1382, and subsequent emigration of many inhabitants to England; taken by tha French, 1792 and 1794. Louyiers, France. 491*. IE. Taken by English, 1418 and 1431. Lovisa, Gulf of Finland. 6oN. 26s. Bom barded by English, 1855. Lowestoft, Suffolk, En. 52N. IE. Defeat of Dutch off coast, 1665. Lowositz, Bohemia. SON. I3E. Defeat of Austrians by Frederick the Great, leading to surrender of Pirna, 1756 (Seven Years W.). Lubeck, Germany. 53N. IOE. Former capital of Hanseatic League; taken by the French, 1806; bp. of painters Kneller and Van Ostade. Lucerne, Switzerland. 47N. SE. Lion of L. hewn out of the rock in commemoration of the Swiss guards who perished at the Tuileries in defence of Louis XVI., Aug. 10, 1792 ; ass. of lake with William Tell. Ludlow, Salop, En. 52N. 2W. Death at, of Prince Arthur, Henry VII. s son, 1502; Milton s Comus performed at, 1634. Lugo, Spain. 43N. TW. Taken by the French, 1809. Lund, Sweden. SSN. IJE. Battle (Dano- Swedish W.), 1675. Lundy Island, Bristol Channel. SIN. 4W. Old stronghold of smugglers and pirates. (See Kingsley s Westward Ho ! ) Luneville, France. 48N. 6s. Treaty of Peace (Austria and French Republic), 1801. Lutter, Germany. 52N. IOE. Christian IV. of Denmark defeated by Tilly (Thirty Years W.). Lutterworth, Leicesters., En. 52N. iw. Wyclif rector, 1374 to his death, 1384; he was buried here, but his ashes were after wards scattered. Lutzen, Saxony. SIN. I2K. Defeat of Wallenstein by Gustavus Adolphus, and death of latter, 1632 (Thirty Years W.); de feat of Allies by Napoleon, 1813. Luzarches, France. 48N. IE. Ancient royal res. of Merovingian kings. Lyme Regis, Dorsets., En. SON. 2W. Be sieged by Prince Maurice, April-June, 1644; Gazetteer i6 7 landing of Duke of Monmouth, 1685; bp. of Sir G. Somers, coloniser of the Bermudas (1554-1611). Lyndhurst, Hants., En. SON. iw. Stirrup used by Rufus the day he was killed pre served in Queen s House. Lyons, France. 451*. 4E. Martyrdom of Christians (Pothinus and Blandina), 2nd century; massacre of Huguenots, 1572; de stroyed and inhabitants slain by the Conven tion, 1792; centre of republicanism. Macon, France. 461*. 4E. Engagement between French and Allies, 1814; bp. of Lamartine, poet (1790-1869). Madrid, Spain. 4ON. 3w. Finally taken from the Moors, 1083 ; made capital of Spain by Philip II., 1560; taken by the Allies under Wellington, 1812; bp. of Calderon, dramatic poet (i 600-81). Maestricht, Holland. SIN. SE. Famous subterranean quarries; sacked by the Duke of Alva, 1576; taken by Kleber, 1794; Dutch possession since 1839. (See Motley, op. cit.) Magdeburg, Saxony. 52N. HE. Tombs of Otho the Great and his English wife Editha; 6 months siege by Wallenstein, 1629; sack and massacre lasting 3 days by Tilly, 1631 (Thirty Years W.) ; occupied by the French, 1806. Magenta, Italy. 45 N. SE. Austrians de feated by French and Sardinians, 1859. Magus Muir, Fife, Scot. 561*. aw. Arch bishop Sharpe murdered, 1679. Maidenhead, Berks, En. SIN. ow. Skir mish between forces of Richard II. and Henry IV., 1400; meeting between Charles I. and his children at The Greyhound, 1647. Maiden Way, old Roman road, running north through Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Northumberland. Maidstone, Kent. SIN. OE. Stormed by Fairfax, 1648; bp. of William Hazlitt (1778- 1830). Mainz, Germany. SON. SE. Taken by French, 1792; capitulated to Prussians, 1793; since, in turn, French and German possession; bp. of Gutenberg, printer, b. 1400. Majorca, Balearic Islands. 39N. 3E. Cap tured from Spaniards by Sir John Leake, 1706; taken by French, 1715. Malaga, Spain. 36N. 4W. Taken by Fer dinand and Isabella, 1487. Malakoff, Sebastopol, Crimea. 441*. 338. Fort stormed by the French, 1855. Maldon, Essex, En. SIN. OE. Defeat of East Saxons by Danes, and death of Byrth- noth, 99 1 , commemorated in a contemporary ballad, one of the pearls of Old English poetry. Malmesbury, Wilts, En. SIN. 2W. Ald- helm, first abbott, 7th century; William of M., historian, cir. 1095-1143; grave of King Athelstan ; bp. of Hobbes, A. of Levia than (1588-1679). Malplaquet, France. SON. 3K. French de feated by Marlborough and Prince Eugene, 1709. Malta, Mediterranean. 35N. I4E. Given to the knights of S. John by Charles V., 1530; taken by French, 1798; British pos session since 1814. Man, Isle of, Irish Sea. 54N. 4W. Former property of Earls of Derby and Dukes oi Athol, bought by crown, 1829. Mancha, La, Spain. 37N. 3W. Country of Don Quixote. Manchester, Lanes., En. 53N. 2W. Bp. of De Quincey (1785-1859). Mannheim, Germany. 49N. SE. Sacked in turns by Bavarians and French, 1622- 1689; taken again by French, 1795. Manor, Peebles, Scot. SSN. 3W. Cottage and grave of Scott s Black Dwarf ; tradi tional site of Macbeth s Castle. Manorbier, Pembrokes., Wa. SIN. 4W. Bp. of Giraldus Cambrensis, historian, etc. (II 4 6(?)-I220 (?)). Manresa, Spain. 4 IN. IE. Taken and burnt by French, 1811. Mans, Le, France. 48N. OE. Vendeans defeated, 1793; French defeated, 1871 (Franco-German W.); bp. of Henry II. Mantes, France. 48N. IE. Burnt by William the Conqueror, who here met with the injury from which he died, 1087. Mantua, Italy. 4$N. IDE. Ruled by the Gonzaga family, 1328-1708; taken by Napoleon after long siege, 1797; by Aus trians, 1814; restored to Italy, 1866; crusade against Turks preached at Congress of, 1459 ; coalition against France, Congress, 1791. Marburg, Prussia. 461*. ISE. Conference of reformers, 1529; William Tyndale, trans lator of the Bible, a student at. Marchfeld, Austria. 48N. i6s. Defeat of Ottocar, King of Bohemia, by Rudolf of Hapsburg, 1278; the house of Hapsburg has since been that of Austria. Marengo, Italy. 44N. 8s. Austrians de feated by Napoleon, 1800. Marienthal, Mergentheim. 49N. 9E. Tu- renne defeated, 1645 (Thirty Years W.). Marignano, Melegnano, Italy. 45 N. 9E. Swiss defeated by Francis I. (Battle of tha Giants), 1515; Austrians defeated, 1859. Market-Drayton, Salop, En. 52N. 2W. Yorkist victory at Bloreheath near, 1459. Market-Harborough, Leicesters., En. 52N. ow. Headquarters of Charles I. on the eve of Naseby, 1643. (See novel by Whyte Melville.) Marlow, Great, Bucks, En. SIN. ow. Shelley resident at, 1817. Marsaglia, Italy. 44N. ?E. Defeat of English and Allies by Marshal de Catinat, 1693 (W. of Louis XIV.). Marsala, Sicily. 37N. I2E. Landing of Garibaldi and his Thousand, 1860. Marseilles, France. 43N. SE. Suffered under the Reign of Terror; sc. sanguinary riot on the return of the Bourbons, 1813; bp. of Thiers, historian and politician, 1797- 1877- Marston Moor, York, En. SSN. iw. De- 1 68 Gazetteer feat of Royalists under Prince Rupert, 1644. Mauchline, Ayrs., Scot. 55*1. 4W. Burns married to Jean Armour, 1788; Mossgiel Farm, the poet s res. for a while, is near; sc. Jolly Beggars and Holy Fair. Mayfield, Staffords., En. 53N. iw. House where Thomas More wrote most of his Lalla Rookh. Mayfield, Sussex, En. SIN. OE. Palace of Sir Thomas Gresham, visited by Elizabeth. Meaux, France. 48*1. 2E. Treaty, ter minating Albigensian W., 1229; extermina tion of the Jacquerie by English and French, 1358; massacre of Huguenots, 1572; Bos- suet made bishop, 1681. Medina de Rio Seco, Spain. 4iN. sw. Spaniards defeated by French (Peninsular W.), 1808. Meissen, Saxony. SIN. ISE. Famous porcelain factory, f. 1710, the first in Europe; Gellert and Lessing students at. Melos, island, Greek Archipelago. 36N. 24E. Famous statue of Venus (Louvre) found on, 1820. (See Smith, Classical Diet.) Melrose, Roxburghs., Scot. 551*. 2W. Burial place of the heart of Bruce, of the Douglases, among them the hero of Otter- burn, of Michael Scott, the wizard, etc. (See Lay of the Last Minstrel. ) Melun, France. 481*. 2E. Royal res. of early Capetiens; taken by Du Guesclin, 1358; by English, 1420; revolt of inhabi tants instigated by Joan of Arc, and capitu lation of English, 1430. Memmingen, Bavaria. 47N. IDE. Austrians defeated by Moreau, 1800. Mentana, Italy. 42N. I2E. Garibaldians defeated, 1867. Merton, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Cynewulf, King of the W. Saxons, attacked in his house and slain, 785; Ethelred, King of the W. Saxons, defeated by Danes and mortally wounded, 871; statutes of, 1235; Becket, and Walter de Merton, f. of Merton Coll., Oxford, were educated in old priory. Messina, Sicily. 381*. ISE. Sicilian Vespers, 1282; bombarded by Neapolitans, 1848; surrendered to Italian troops, 1861; lately destroyed by earthquake. Methven, Perths., Scot. 561*. 3W. Robert Bruce defeated, 1306. Metz, Lorraine. 491*. 6E. French posses sion, 1552-1870; capitulation of Marshal Bazaine, 1870 (Franco-German War). Meudon, France. 48N. 2E. Rabelais cure ** I 545- Meulan, France. 4914. IE. Taken by English, 1346; by Du Guesclin, 1363. Mezieres, France. 49N. 4E. Held by Bayard against Charles V. s army, 1521; held against Allies, 1815; capitulated, 1870- 71 (Franco-German War. Middelburg, Zealand. SIN. 3E. Taken from the Spaniards by Dutch, 1574 ; by the French, 1795; by English, 1809; the microscope in vented at by Jansen. (See Motley, op. cit.) Milan, Italy. 45N. gE. Edict in favour of Christians issued by Constantine, 313; head of the Lombard League from 1167; old reigning families: Delia Torre, Visconti, Sforza; occupied by the French, 1796; capital of Austro-Italian dominions, 1815- 59 (battle of Magenta). Milazzo, Sicily. 38N. ISE. Neapolitans defeated by Garibaldi, 1860. Milford, Wales. SIN. sw. Landing of Richmond, the future Henry VII., before Bosworth, 1485. Millesimo, Italy. 44N. SE. Austrians de feated by Napoleon, 1796. Milston, Wilts., En. SIN. iw. Bp. of Addison (1672-1719). Mincio, river, Italy. 45N. IDE. Passage forced by Brune, 1800; Austrians defeated by Beauharnais, 1814. Minden, Prussia. 52N. SE. French de feated, 1759 (Seven Years War). Minorca, Balearic Islands. 3gN. 4E. In hands of English and French in turns from 1708; Spanish possession since 1782. Missolonghi, Greece. 38N. 2 IE. Besieged by Turks, 1821-2, and 1825-6, when it was taken by storm; here Byron died, 1824. Modena, Italy. 44N. IOE. Reigning family, the Este, i3th to igih century. Mohacz, Hungary. 45N. i8s. Turkish possession, 1526-1687. Mohileff, Mogileff, Russia. 53N. JOK. Russians defeated by French, 1812. Mohrungen, Prussia. S3N. IQE. Russians defeated by Bernadotte, 1807. Mollwitz, Prussia. SIN. i7E. Austrians defeated by Frederick the Great, 1741 (W. of Austrian Succession). Monastier, France. 44 N. 3E. (See Steven son, Travels with a Donkey. ) Moncontour, France. 46*. ow. Huguenot defeat, 1569. Mondovi, Italy. 44N. 7E. Sardinians de feated by Napoleon, 1796. Monmouth, Wa. SIN. 2W. The chronicle of Geoffrey of M. (? 1100-54) was the chief source of Arthurian legend ; bp. of Henry V. Montargis, France. 48N. 2E. Old tapes tries representing tale of dog (hence known as dog of M.) who slew his master s murderer in the lists (see Chanson de Geste of Macaire. ) ; court of Reuee de France, daughter of Louis XII. Montauban, France. 44N. IE. Held by the Huguenots for three months, 1621; taken by Richelieu, 1629; suffered from the dragonnades under Louis XIV. Montbeliard, France. 47N. 6s. Bp. of Cuvier, the naturalist, 1769-1832. Monte Aperto, Italy. 441*. IIE. Defeat of Florentine Guelphs by Ghibellines, 1260. Montebello Casteggio, Italy. <HN. g&. Defeat of Austrians by French, 1800 and 1859. Montenotte, Italy. 44N. SE. Austrians defeated by Napoleon, 1796. Montereau, France. 48N. 2E. Duke of Burgundy assassinated, 1419; Allies defeated by Napoleon, 1814. Montgomery, Wa. 52 N. 3w. Bp. ol George Herbert (1593-1633). Gazetteer 169 Montilla, Spain. 371*. 4W. Bp. of Gon- zalvo di Cordova, the Great Captain, 1443- 1515. Montmedy, France. 49N. SE. Taken by Germans, 1815; and 1870 (Franco-German War). Montmirail, France. 4QN. 4E. Allies de feated by Napoleon, 1814. Montpellier, France. 43N. 3E. Petrarch a student at; Rabelais doctor of medicine at, 1531; bp. of Comte, f. of Positivism (1798-1857). Montrose, Forfars., Scot. 5611. 2W. Port of departure of the Old Pretender after the failure of 1715; held in turn by Jacobites and Hanoverians, 1745, 1746; Dr. Johnson at, 1773; ass. with Wishart, reformer and martyr; bp. of the great marquis. Mont St. Michel, France. 4811. iw. Be sieged in vain by Henry V.; Order of St. Michel f. by Louis XL, 1469. Monza, Italy. 451*. 9E. Ancient Lom bard capital; the Iron Crown preserved at. Mprat, Switzerland. 461*. 7E. Famous Swiss victory over Charles the Bold of Bur gundy, 1476, one of true glory s stainless victories. (See Childe Harold, Cant. III. Ixiv.) Morazzone, Italy. 45 N. QK. Garibaldi, after long resistance to superior numbers, retreated to Arona, 1848. Morella, Spain. 40N. ow. Taken by Carlist general Cabrera, 1838; retaken by Espartero, 1840 (Carlist War). Morgarten, Switzerland. 471*. SE. Defeat of Austrians by small force of Swiss, 1315; Attstrians defeated by French, 1799. Morlaix, France. 481*. 3\v. Bp. of General Moreau, and of Emile Souvestre, A. of Philosophe sous les Toits, etc. (1806-54). Mortara, Italy. 451*. SE. Piedmontese driven from by Austrians, 1849 (Italian Rising). Mortimer s Cross, Hereford, En. 52N. 2W. Lancastrians defeated, 1461. Mortlake, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Bp. of famous Dr. Dee, the alchemist (1579-1651), and grave of Partridge, the almanac-maker, satirised by Swift (1644-1715). Moscow, Russia. SSN. 37E. Former capital; czars crowned at; entry of Napo leon and burning of city, 1812. Moskirch, 471*. 9E. Auslrians defeated by Moreau, 1800. Mossgiel, Ayrs., Scot. 55N. 4W. Res. of Burns, 1784-86. Moulins, France. 46?*. 3E. Assembly con vened by Catherine de Medicis, and famous ordinance passed for the reform of the administration of justice, etc., 1566. (See Sterne s Sentimental Journey. ) Moy, Loch, Inverness, Scot. 57N. 4W Prince Charles at, saved by ruse of Lady Macintosh, 1746. Muhlberg, Saxony. SIN. I3E. Protes tants defeated by Charles V., 1547. Mull, Argylls., Scot. S&N. 6w. Dr. John son on, 1773. Munden, Hanover. SIN. QE, Taken by Tilly, 1626; occupied by French, 1756 and 1805. Munich, Bavaria. 48N. HE. Taken by Swedes, 1632; thrice by Austrians, 1704-43; ay French, 1800. Munster, Westphalia. SIN. 7E. Suffered during Thirty and Seven Years W.; Treaty of Westphalia (dose of Thirty Years W.) signed at, 1648. Najera, Spain. 42N. 2W. Du Guesclin de feated by Black Prince, 1367 (also known as Battle of Navarete). Nairn, cap. of county, Scot. 57N. 3\v. Duke of Cumberland at on eve of Culloden, 1746; bp. of Grant, the African explorer, who also died here (1827-92). Namur, Belgium. SON. 4E. French pos session, 1701-12; bombarded by Allies, 1704. Nancy, Germany (Lorraine). 481*. &E. Heroic defence by Swiss against Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, kiDed besieging, 1477; res. and tomb of Stanislas, King of Poland, afterwards Duke of Lorraine. (See Scott, Anne of Geierstein. ) Nangis, France. 45N. as. Russians de feated by French, 1814. Nantes, France. 47N. iw. Celebrated edict signed by Henri IV., 1598; sc. Carrier s Noyades and other atrocities; Cathelineau, Vendean leader, killed during attack on, 1793 ; bp. of Fouch6, of revolution ary celebrity; of Jules Verne (1828-1905). Nantwich, Cheshire. 53N. 2W. Besieged by Royalists, 1644; Royalists defeated by Lambert, 1659. Naples, Italy. 4ON. 1415. Part of former kingdom of the Two Sicilies, successively under Norman, Hohenstaufen, Angevine, Arragonese, and Bourbon rule; Joseph Buonaparte king, 1806; Murat king, 1808; Bourbons finally overthrown by Garibaldi, 1860; an insurrection against Spanish rule was headed by Masaniello, 1647. Narbonne, France. 43N. 3K. Order for arrest of Cinq-Mars signed by Louis XIII., 1642. (See A. de Vigny, Cinq-Mars. ) Narva, Russia. sgN. 28E. Russians defeated by Charles XII. of Sweden, 1700; taken by Peter the Great, 1704. (See Voltaire, op. cit.) Naseby, Northamptons., En. 52N. ow. Royalists defeated, 1645. Navarete, see Najera. Navarino, Greece. 3611. 2 IE. Turko- Egyptian fleet destroyed by English ~nd Allies, 1827. Neanderthal, Prussia. SIN. 7E. Skeleton of prehistoric man found, 1857. Neerwinden, Belgium. SON. SB. English under William III. defeated by French, 1693; French defeated by Allies, 1793. Ncisse, Silesia. SON. I7E. Taken by Frederick the Great, 1741; by Jerome Bonaparte, 1807. Neuss, Rhenish prov. SIN. 6E. Russians defeated by French, 1813. Neuwied, Rhenish prov. SON. ?K. Victory of French over Austrians, 1796, 1797. Neville * Cross, Durham, En. 54N. iw. i 7 o Gazetteer David Bruce defeated and made prisoner, 1346. Kevin, Carnarvons., Wa. 52N. 4\y. Festival and pageant held by Edward I. in honour of final subjugation of Wales, 1284. Newark-upon-Trent, Notts., En. 531*. ow. Death of King John at, 1216; thrice besieged during Civil War. Newbury, Berks, En. SIN. iw. Royalists forced to retreat and Falkland killed, 1643; indecisive action, 1644. Newcastle - upon - Tyne, Northumberland, En. 54N. iw. Edward I. received homage of Baliol, 1292; taken by Scottish army, 1640 and 1644; Charles I. prisoner at, 1646-7. New Forest, Hants, En. SON. iw. William Rufus killed in, uoo. Newhaven, Edinburgh, Scot. 55*. 3W. (See C. Reade, Christie Johnstone. ) Newport, Isle of Wight. SON. iw. Caris- brooke Castle near; negotiations between Charles and Parliamentarians, 1648. Newstead, Notts., En. 53N. iw. Some time res. of Lord Byron. (See his two poems.) Newton- by-Usk, Brecon, Wa. 52N. 3W. Bp. of Henry Vaughan, the poet (1622-95). Nice, Italy. 43 N. 7K. French possession, 1792-1814; finally ceded to France by Sar dinia, 1860; bp. of Garibaldi (1807-1882). Niemen, river, Russia. SSN. 2iE. Cele brated interview between Napoleon and Emperor Alexander on island of, resulting in peace of Tilsit, 1807; passage of French army, 1812. Nieuport, Belgium. SIN. 2E. Victory of Dutch over Spaniards, 1600; three times taken by French, 1745-94. Nimeguen, Holland. SIN. SE. Peace con gress (France, Holland, Spain, Austria), 1678-9. Nimes, France. 43N. 4E. Celebrated amphitheatre and other Roman remains; sc. fierce religious conflicts, 1791 and 1815; bp. of Guizot, statesman and historian (1787- 1874), and of Alphouse Daudet, novelist (1840-97). Niort, France. 4&N. ow. Bp. of Madame de Maintenon. Nogent-le-Retrou, France. 48N. OE. Re mains of palace, and tomb of Henri IV. s great minister, Sully (1560-1641); German victory (Franco-Prussian War). Nohant, France. 461*. IE. Home of George Sand (1804-76). Nola, Italy. 4ON. HE. Bp. of Giordano Bruno, philosopher (1548, burnt 1600). Norham, Northumberland, En. SSN. aw. Sc. old Border warfare; King John and Edward I. at; besieged by James IV., 1497, taken by him 1513. (See Scott s Marmion. ) Northallerton, Yorks., En. 54N. iw. Near was fought the battle of the Standard, when David I. of Scotland was defeated, 1138. Northampton, cap. of county, En. 52N. ow. Barons swore homage to Empress Matilda, 1131; Treaty of, establishing independence ot Scotland, 1328; Henry VI. defeated by Warwick and made prisoner, 1460; held by Parliamentarians during Civil W.; Holmby House near, Charles I. s prison, 1647. Norwich, Norfolk, En. 52N. IE. Res. and grave of Sir T. Browne, A. of Religio Medici (1605-82); Nelson educated at grammar school ; bp. of Greene, the drama tist, and Harriet Martineau; early home of Elizabeth Fry. (See Borrow, Lavengro. ) Nottingham, cap. of county, En. 52N. iw. Roger Mortimer seized and carried to his death, 1330; here Charles I. raised his standard, 1642; castle held for Parliamen tarians by Colonel Hutchinson. (See Life, by his wife.) Novara, Italy. 45N. SE. Piedmontese de feated, 1849 (Italian Rising). Novi, Italy. 44N. 8s. French defeated by Russians and Austrians under Suvarov, and Joubert killed, 1799. Noyon, France. 49N. 2E. Charlemagne crowned, 768; Hughes Capet elected king, 987; bp. of Calvin (1509-64). Nuneaton, Warwicks., En. 52N. iw. George Eliot here at school. Nuremberg, Bavaria. 49N. HE. Watches (Nuremberg eggs), globes, air guns, etc., in vented; splendid specimens of work by sculptors Krafft, Stoss, and Vischer; Treaty (Catholics and Protestants), 1532; fierce fighting between Wallenstein and Gustavus Adolphus, 1532; bp. of Albert Durer and Hans Sachs, one of the Meistersingers. Ocana, Spain. 3gN. 3W. Defeat of Spaniards by French under Soult (Penin sular War), 1809. Odcombe, Somerset, En. SON. 2W. Bp. of Thomas Coryat, A. of the Crudities (i577(?)-i6i7). Odense, Funen. 55N. IOE. Bp. of Hans Andersen (1805-75). Odessa, Russia. 46N. 3OE. Bombarded by Anglo-French fleet, 1854. Offley, Herts, En. SIN. ow. Reported grave of King Offa, d. 796. Olmutz, Moravia. 49N. I7E. Sacked during Thirty Years W.; besieged by Frederick the Great (Seven Years W.); Lafayette state prisoner at, 1792-97. Olney, Bucks, En. 52N. ow. Res. of the poet Cowper, 1767-86, and where he wrote John Gilpin. Oltenitza, Roumania. 44N. 26s. Rus sians defeated by Turks (Crimean W.), 1853. Oporto, Portugal. 4iN. 8w. Sc. frequent insurrections; taken from the French by Wellington, 1809; rose against usurper Miguel, 1828; headquarters of Dom Pedro, 1832-3. Oppenheim, Rhenish prov. 4gN. 8s. Suf fered during Thirty Years W.; taken by French, 1792 and 1794. Orange, France. 44N. 4E. Triumphal arch and other fine Roman remains. Orleans, France. 47N. IE. Attacked by Attila, 450, and taken by Clovis, 486; be sieged by English and delivered by Joan of Arc, 1428-9; taken by Mademoiselle de Gazetteer 171 Montpensier (Fronde W.), 1652; occupied by Germans, 1870. Orthez, France. 431*. ow. Froissart at, 1388; Soult defeated by Wellington near, 1814. Ostend, Belgium. SIN. ZE. Besieged by Spaniards, July, 1 60 1 -September, 1604; surrendered to Allies, 1706; taken by French, 1745, 1792, and 1793; bombarded by English, 1798. Ostrolenka, Russia. 531*. 2 IE. Russians defeated by Oudiuot, 1807; by insurgent Poles, 1831; by Turks, 1853 (Crimean W.). Ostrovno, Russia. 481*. 27E. Russian corps defeated by Ney and Prince Eugene, 1812. Oswestry (Oswald s Tree), Salop, En. 52N. 3W. St. Oswald, King of Northumberland, slain in battle against Penda of Mercia, 642; taken and burnt by King John, and later by Llewellyn; taken by Parliamentarians, 1644. Otranto, Italy. 40*. i8E. Taken and inhabitants massacred by the Turks, 1480. (See Horace Walpole, Castle of O. ) Otterburn, Northumberland, En. 551*. 2\v. Famous battle commemorated in old ballad ; Hotspur made prisoner and Douglas slain. Ottery SL Mary, Devons., En. SON. 3W. Res. awhile of Sir W. Raleigh; bp. of Cole ridge (1772-1834). (The Clavering St. Mary of Thackeray s Pendennis. ) Oudenarde, Belgium. SON. 3E. Taken by Marlborough, 1706; French defeated by, 1708. Oviedo, Spain. 43N. sw. Taken by Ney, 1809; taken and retaken later during Penin sular W. Oxford, En. SIN. iw. First colls, f., Balliol, Merton, and University, latter half of i3th century; Edmund Ironside d., or killed here, according to some historians, i o 1 6 ; Empress Maude besieged ,1142; Pro visions of Oxford drawn up by Mad Parlia ment, 1258; Ridley and Latimer martyred, 1 555> Cranmer, 1556; surrendered to Par liamentarians, 1646; bp. of Richard I. and John. Paderborn, Westphalia. SIN. SE. Charle magne held several diets here; his head quarters during the war with the Saxons. Padua, Italy. 45N. HE. Destroyed in turns by Alaric and Attila; restored by Charlemagne; the Carrara were rulers after 1318; taken by Venice, 1405; Austrian possession, 1797-1805, 1814-1866, when in corporated in kingdom of Italy; bp. of the painter Mantegna. Palermo, Sicily. 38w. I3E. Sicilian Ves pers, 1282; revolt against Bourbon rule, 1820, 1848; freed by Garibaldi and his Thousand/ 1860. Palestrina, Italy. 4IN. I2E. Neapolitans routed by Garibaldi, 1849. Palestro, Italy. 45N. QE. Defeat of Aus- trians by Piedmontese and French, 1859 (Unification of Italy). Pallas, Longford, Ir. 52N. 8w. Bp. of Oliver Goldsmith (1728-74). Palos, Spain. 37N. 6\v. Old port where Columbus embarked for his great voyage. Pampeluna, Spain. 42N. iw. Ancient capital of Navarre; taken by Charlemagne, 778 ; taken and retaken later by French and Spaniards; Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, wounded during defence of, 1521; sc. con flicts during Civil W. (1831-42). Parga, Turkey. 39N. 2OE. Brought under Turkish control by Ali Pacha, 1819, when the inhabitants all migrated. Paris, France. 48N. 2E. Bastille taken, 1789; occupied by Allies, 1814; entry of Louis XVIII., 1815; revolution and Louis Philippe king, 1830-48; coup d etat, 1851; invested by German army, Sept., i87o-Jan. 1871; insurrection and government of Commune, 1871. (See Lytton, The Parisians; Daudet, Robert Helmont; Zola, The Downfall; Erckmann-Chatrian, The Plebiscite). Parma, duchy and town of, Italy. 44N. IOE. Town besieged by Frederick II., 1245 and 1248; subsequently under rule in turn of the Correggio, Este, Visconti, the Pope, and Farnese. Passau, Bavaria. 49*. I3E. Suffered during wars of 1808 and 1809. Patay, France. 48N. 2E. English de feated by Joan of Arc and Richernont, and Talbot made prisoner, 1429; series of en gagements between French and Germans, 1870. Pau, France. 43N. ow. Former capital of Beam; bp. of Jeanne d Albret and her son, Henri IV., and of Bernadotte (Charles XIV. of Sweden). Pavia, Italy. 45N. gE. Ancient capital of the Lombards from 584-775, when de livered into Charlemagne s hands; the Lan- guschi and Beccaria were rival lords, i3th and i4th centuries, the latter exterminated by the Duke of Milan, 1418; Francis I. de feated under its walls and taken prisoner, 1525; taken by the French, 1796; bp. of Lanfranc, cir. 1005-1089. Peel, Isle of Man. 54N. 4W. (See Scott, Peveril of the Peak. ) Pembroke, cap. of county, Wa. SIN. 4W. Taken by Cromwell, 1648; bp. of Henry VII. Peniscola, Spain. 4ON. OE. In possession of French, 1811-14. Penshurt, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Bp. of Sir Philip and Algernon Sidney. Penzance, Cornwall, En. SON. sw. Burned by small force of Spaniards, 1595; sacked by Fairfax, 1646; bp. of Sir Humphrey Davy (1778-1829). Perigord, France. 45 N. OE. Bp. of Mon taigne, essayist (1533-92). Perigueux, France. 45N. OE. Suffered during Hundred Years W. and the Fronde. Peronne, France. 49N. 2E. Charles the Simple a prisoner here for 6 years before his death; Louis XI. held prisoner by Due de Bourgogne, and forced to sign treaty, 1468; retaken by, 1477; treaty signed by nobles ot Picardy, the beginning of the Ligue, 1576; taken by Germans, 1871. 172 Gazetteer Perpignan, Pyrenees. 421*. 2H. Old capital of Roussillon; taken by French after long siege, 1475; became in turns Spanish and French possession, 1493, 1642. Perth, cap. of county, Scot. 561*. 3\v. Famous sermoa on Idolatry by Knox, 1559 ; James I. of Scotland assassinated, 1437; Gowrie conspiracy ,., 1600; Chevalier pro- clamed James VIII., 1715, 1745. (See Scott, Fair Maid of Perth. ) Perugia, Italy. 431*. I2E. Seven years siege by Goths, 6th century; later in posses sion of Lombards ; taken from Pope by Con- dpttiere Forte-Braccio, 1416; possession of disputed by the Oddi and Baglioni, isth- r6th centuries; papal possession till 1860. (See Matarazzo s Chronicles. ) Pesaro, Italy. 43N. I2K. Destroyed by Totila, 6th century; bp. of Rossini, the composer. Peschiera, Italy. 45 N. IOE. One of the Quadilateral ; taken in turns by French and Allies, 1796-1801; by Sardinians and Austrians, 1848. Peterborough, Northampton, En. SZN. ow. Ass. Hereward the Wake; Queen Catherine of Aragon buried in cathedral, 1 536; grave of Mary Queen of Scots, 1587-1612; portrait of Old Scarlett who buried both; Cromwell at, 1643. Petherton, North, Somerset, En. SON. 4\v. Chaucer appointed forester, 1390-1. Peterwardein, Austria-Hungary. 451*. IQE. Soldiers assembled by Peter the Hermit for first crusade; great victory of Prince Eugene over Turks, 1716; siege by Austrians and capitulation of Hungarians, 1848, 1849. Pevensey, Sussex, En. SON. OE. Land ing-place of William the Conqueror. Pezenas, France. 43N. 3\v. Taken by Simon de Montfort, 1211; here Moliere wrote his Pr6cieuses Ridicules. Phalsbourg, Lorraine. 48N. 7E. Defended against Allies, 1814, 1815; taken by Ger mans, 1870. (See Erckmann-Chatrian, Le Blocus. ) Philiphaugh, Selkirk, Scot. 55*. 2w. Montrose defeated by Leslie, 1645. Philippsbourg, Germany. 49?*. SE. Sc. frequent sieges, 1633-1734; Marshal de Berwick killed, 1734; taken by French, 1799. Piacenza, Italy. 45N. gE. First crusade preached at Council, 1095; the Scotti in power from 1254; passed to Visconti, 1332- 1447; sacked by Sforza, 1447; possession in turns of the Pope and Farnese from 1511; defeat of Franco-Spanish forces by Austro- Sardinian, 1746; occupied by French, 1799, 1800. Picquigny, France. 4gN. 2E. William Long-sword assassinated, 942; treaty be tween Edward IV. and Louis XL, 1457. Pidavro (Epidaure), Greece. 3?N. 22E. National congress to proclaim independence of Greece, 1822. Pilsen, Bohemia. 49N. I3K. Taken by Ziska (Hussite W.) f by Mansfdd (Thirty Years W.); headquarters of Wallenstein, 1633-4 Pinerolo, Pignerol, Italy. 44N. 7E. Prison of Man with the Iron Mask, 1666-86. Pinkie, Midlothian, Scot. 55*. 2W. Scots defeated by Protector Somerset (known also as Battle of Musselburgh) , 1547; last battle fought between English and Scots. Pirna, Saxony. SON. ISE. Defeat of Aus trians by Prussians, 1745; of Saxons, 1756; encounters between French and Allies, 1813. Pisa, Italy. 43N. IOE. Supporter of the Ghibelline cause; under successive masters from 1361; famous church council, 1409; bp. of Galileo (1564-1642). Pistoia, Italy. 43N. IOE. Passed 1406 into power of Florence; Murat defeated by Austrians, 1815 ; bp. of Cino, poet and juris consult, I3th-i4th centuries. Pitgaveny, Elgin, Scot. 571*. 3W. King Duncan murdered at, 1040. Plescow, Pskov, Russia. 57N. 28E. Be sieged by Gustavus Adolphus, 1615 (Russo- SwedishW.). Plevna, Bulgaria. 43N. 24E. Osman Pasha surrendered to Russians after siege of 143 days, 1877 (Russo-Turkish W.). Plymouth, Devons., En. SON. 4W. Sailing port of Drake, 1572, Sir Humphrey Gil bert, 1583, Sir J. Hawkins, 1595, the two last never returned; here the admirals as sembled to await the Armada, 1588; Pil grim Fathers left in 1620; in bands of Parliamentarians during Civil W.; bp. of Sir J. Hawkins. Plympton, Devons., En. SON. 4W. Priace Maurice at, 1643; taken by Essex, 1644; bp. of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-92). Poitiers, France. 46w. OE. Alaric II. de feated and killed by Clovis at Vouille near, 507; Saracen power crushed by Charles Martel near, 732; King John defeated by Black Prince, 1356. Pola, Austria-Hungary. 44N. I;JE. Naval victory of Genoese over Venetians, 1379; headquarters of the Austriaa Fleet. Poligny, France. 46N. SE. A res. of the Counts and Dukes of Burgundy; sc. several sieges from time of Louis XL, 1479 to 1674, Polotsk, Russia. SSN. 288. Sc. two en- fagements between French and Russians uring Moscow campaign, 1812. Pompeii, Italy. 4ON. I4E. Destroyed by eruption of Vesuvius, A.D. 79. Pontefract, Yorkshire, En. 53N. iw. Richard II. murdered, 1400; captured after successive sieges by Lambert, 1649. Ponthieu, France. SON. IE. Harold wrecked off the coast of, and delivered up to William, 1064. Pontoise, France. 49N. 2E. Here Louis IX. made his vow to undertake a crusade; taken in turns by English and French during Hundred Years W. Pont Valain, France. 47N. OE. English defeated by Du Guesclin, 1370. Portisham, Dorsets., En. SON. 2W. Bp. of Nelson s Hardy, vice-admiral (1769-1839). Portland Dorset, En. SON. 2W. Three Gazetteer 173 days naval fight between Blake, Deane, and Monk, and the Dutch under Van Tromp, De Ruyter, and Evetzen; the latter were de feated, 1653. Portsmouth, Hants, En. SON. iw. Duke of Buckingham assassinated by Felton, 1628; Charles II. married to Catherine of Braganza, 1661 ; bp. of Sir W. Besant (1836- 1901), and of George Meredith; Dickens born at Portsea. Possagno, Italy. 45?*. I2E. Bp. of Canova, sculptor (1757-1822). Potsdam, Prussia. 52N. I3E. Tombs of the Hohenzollerns ; Sans Souci, res. of Frfde-ick the Great; bp. of Wilhelm von HumbDldt, philologist, friend of Schiller and Goethe (1767-1835). Prague, Bohemia. SON. 143. Taken by Ziska and Hussites, 1419; Defenestration which began the Thirty Years W., 1618; Elector Frederick defeated, 1620; Austrians defeated by Koenigsmarck, 1648; celebrated siege sustained by French, and famous re treat (W. of Austrian Succession), 1742; Austrians defeated by Frederick the Great (Seven Years W.), 1757; Congress, 1813; insurrection, 1848; peace between Austria and Prussia, 1866. Prenzlow, Prussia. 531*. ISE. Taken by Murat, 1806. Presburg, Hungary. 48^. I7E. Later kings of Hungary crowned at; taken by Gabor Bethlen, who was proclaimed king the fol lowing year (1620); by Austrians, 1621; bombarded by Davout, 1809; Treaty be tween Napoleon and Emperor after Auster- litz, 1805. Prescott, Lancashire, En. 53*1. aw. Bp. of John P. Kemble the actor (1757-1823). Preston, Lancashire, En. 53N. aw. Royalists defeated, 1648; spinning-frame set up by Arkwright, a native, 1768. Prestonpans, Haddingtons., Scot. ssv. 2W. English defeated by Prince Charles Edward, 1745. Primolano, Italy. 451*. HE. Austrians defeated by Napoleon, 1796. Princes Risborough, Bucks., En. 511*. ow. Site of palace of Black Prince. Puente de la Reyna, Spain. 421*. iw. Republicans defeated by Carlists, 1872. Pultowa, Poltava, Russia. 4gN. 34E. Charles XII. defeated by Peter the Great, 1709. (See Voltaire s Life of Charles XII.) Pultusk, Poland. 521*. 2 IE. Saxons de feated by Charles XII., 1703; Russians by French, 1806. Putney, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Bp. of Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex (1485 (?)- 1540). Quatre Bras, Belgium. SON. 4E. Ney de feated by Wellington, June 16, 1815. Quedlinburg, Prussia. SIN. HE. Bp. of Klopstock, A. of the Messiah (1724-1803). Queenborough, Isle of Sheppey, En. SIN. OE. Named after Queen Philippa. Quesnoy, France. SON. 3E. Taken and retaken by French and Imperialists, 1654, 1712; taken by Austrians, 1792, by French, 1794. Quiberon, France. 47N. 3W. French fleet defeated by Hawke, 1759 (Seven Years W.). Quimper, France. 48N. 4\v. Several times besieged by the English. Quistello, Italy. 45N. HE. Victory over French by Priace Eugene, 1734 (W. of Polish Succession). Raab, Austria-Hungary. 47N. ITS. De feat of Austriaas by French under Eugene Beauharnais, 1899. Radcot Bridge, England. SIN. iw. Defeat of Richard II. s forces by those of Henry IV., 1387- Raeberry Castle, Galloway, Scot. 54 N. 4E. The Ellangowan New Place of Guy Mannering. Ragatz, Switzerland. 47N. gz. Victory of Swiss confederates over Austrians, 1446 (Armagnac W.). Raglan Castle, Monmouths., En. SIN. zw. Charles I. at, after Naseby, 1645; surren dered to Fairfax, 1646. Ragusa, Austria - Hungary. 42N. i8s. Formerly a small republic; occupied by the French, 1806; assigned to Austria by Con gress of Vienna, 1815. Rambervilliers, France. 48.N. 6s. Held against the Germans, 1870. Ramillies, Belgium. SON. 4E. French de feated by Marlborough, 1706. Ramsbottom, Lancashire, En. 53N. aw. Home of Dickens Checryble Brothers. Rappcrschwyl, Switzerland. 47N. 8E. A republic from 1458-1798. Rashult, Sweden. s6N. 1411. P>p. of Lin- nseus, Swedish naturalist (1707-78). Rastadt, Baden. 48N. 8n. Austrians driven from heights by Moreau, 1796; Con gress, 1797-9 (France and Germany), and assassination of French commissaries. Rathenow, Prussia. 52N. I2E. Swedes defeated by Elector Frederick William, 1675. Rathmines, suburb of Dublin, Ir. 53N. 6w. Royalists defeated, 1649. Ratisbon (Regensburg), Bavaria. 49N. I2E. Several times besieged, 1631-41; taken by Napoleon after five days fighting, 1809; Imperial diets held at, 1656-1806; Interim signed, 1541; armistice (France and Austria), 1684; bp. of F. M. Grimm, A. of the Correspondence (1723-1807). Ratzeburg, Germany. 53N. IOE. Cole ridge at as student. Rarenna, Italy. 44N. I2E. Made capital of Western Empire by Honorius, 404 ; res. of Odoacer, and of Theodoric, King of the Ostro goths; later papal possession; victory over the Holy League and death of Gaston de Foix, 1512; Byron at, 1819-21; tombs of Theodoric and of Dante, who died here. R6, Rhe, island, France. 461*. iw. Sur rendered by English to Charles VII., 1457; fruitless siege under Duke of Buckingham, July-October, 1627. Reading, Berks, En. SIN. ow. Defeat of Ethelred and Alfred by Danes, 871; sur- 74 Gazetteer rendered to Parliamentarians, 1643; skir mish between troops of James II. and Prince of Orange, 1688; bp. of Archbishop Laud (1573-1645). Rebec, Italy. 451*. IDE. French defeated by Austrians, death of Bayard, 1524. Reggio, Italy (Calabria). 38^. ISE. Taken in turns by Alaric, Totila, Saracens, and Normans, sth-nth centuries; sacked by Bar- barossa, 1544; by Turks, 1588; destroyed by earthquake, 1783. Reggio, Italy (Modena). 441*. IOE. Taken by Guiscard, 1060; by French and Im perialists, 1702, 1706; bp. of Ariosto (1474- I533)- Reigate, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Grave of Lord Howard of Effingham, Lord High Admiral at the time of the Armada (1510 (?)- 73). Reims, France. 4911. 4E. Famous cathe dral town, sacked by Vandals and Attila, 5th century; Clovis baptised at, 496; French kings from Philippe Auguste consecrated at ; besieged by Edward III., 1359; English possession, 1421-29, when taken by Joan of Arc; occupied by the Russians, 1814. Rennes, France (Brittany). 481*. iw. Be sieged by English, 1356; Parliament held by Henri II., 1553. Rethel, France. 491*. 4E. Taken and re taken by Cond6 and Turenne during the wars of the Fronde, 1650-55. Rheinberg, Rhenish Prussia. SIN. 6E. French victory over Hanoverians, 1760. Rheinfelden, Switzerland. 471*. 7E. Two battles (Thirty Years W.), in which first Austrians and then French were victors, 1638; Austrians defeated, 1678. Rhodes, island, Mediterranean. 361*. 28E. Knights of St. John established in 1310; vainly besieged by Turks, 1479; secured to Turks by Soliman II., 1522; famous Lao- coon found on in 1506. Rhuddlan, Flints., Wa. 53*. 3W. Cara- doc defeated by Offa, 795 ; statutes of issued by Edward I., 1284; taken by Parliamen tarians, 1646. Richmond, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Tour nament held by Henry VII., 1492; Queen Elizabeth died, 1603; Ass. Swift and Stella ; grave of Thomson, poet of the Seasons. Rickmansworth, Herts, En. SIN. ow. William Peun, f. of Pennsylvania, a resident, 1672-77. Rieti, Italy. 42N. I2E. Defeat of Nea politans by Austrians, and reinstatement of King Ferdinand, 1821. Riga, Russia. 57N. 24E. Held by small body of Poles, and finally taken by Gustavus Adolphus (Thirty Years W.), 1621; held by Russia since 1710. Rimini, Italy. 44N. I2E. The Malatesta in power from i3th to i6th century, when they were driven out by Caesar Borgia, 1528; Francesca di R. has been immortalised by Dante. (See also dramas by D Annunzio and Stephen Phillips; Byron s Parisina was a Malatesta.) Rimnik, Roumania. 4$N. 271. Grand Vizier and his Turks routed by Austrians and Russians, 1789. Rivoli, Italy (Venetia). 451*. 7E. Aus trians defeated by Napoleon, 1797. Robroyston, Ayr, Scot. SSN. 4W. Wallace captured, 1305. Rochefort-sur-mer, France. 45?*. ow. Napoleon surrendered to Captain Maitland, of the Bellerophon," 1815. Rochelle, La, France. 46N. iw. Hugue not stronghold, valiantly defended against Catholic forces, 1572 and 1573; taken by Richelieu after 13 months siege, 1628. Rochester, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Com memorated in several of Dickens works ; his home, Gadshill, is near. Rochford, Essex, En. SIN. OE. One of the places at which Anne Boleyn is said to have been born (see Blickling). Rocourt, Belgium. SON. SE. Imperialists defeated by Maurice de Saxe (W. of Aus trian Succession), 1746. Rocroi, France. 49N. 4E. Victory of Cond6 over Spaniards, 1643 and 1653 (Thirty Years W.). Rodemack, Alsace - Lorraine. 49N. 6E. Bravely held against the Prussians in 1792 and 1815. Rohrau, Austria. 48N. i6s. Bp. of Haydn, the composer (1732-1809). Rokeby, Yorks, En. 54N. iw. Com memorated in Scott s poem. Rolica, Portugal. 39N. gw. French driven from by Wellington (Peninsular W.), 1808. Romano, Italy (Piedmont). 4$N. 7E. Aus trians defeated by Napoleon, 1800. Rome, Italy. 4iN. I2E. Seat of empire removed from to Byzantium by Constantino, 330; division of empire into East and West, 364; overrun by barbarians, sth century; Charlemagne crowned emperor at, 8ob; suffered several sieges during long struggle between popes and emperors, ending with death of Frederick II., 1250; republic pro claimed by Rienzi, 1347; by Berthier, 1798; made part of French empire, 1808; restored to pope, 1814; French hi occupation, 1849- 70; revolt of papal states, 1860; capital of the united kingdom of Italy since 1870. Roncesvalles, Spain. 42 N. iw. Charle magne s rearguard attacked, and Roland and other peers slain, 778, subject of old Chanson de Geste; held by the English against Soult (Peninsular W.), 1813. Rosbecque, Belgium. SON. 3E. Defeat of Flemings by Charles VI., and death of Philip van Arteveldt, 1382. Roscoff, France. 48N. 3W. Landing of Mary Queen of Scots, 1548. Roseneath, Ayr, Scot. ->6N. 4\v. Seat of Duke of Argyle. (See Scott, Heart of Mid lothian. ) Roskild, Denmark. SSN. I2E. Ancient capital. Rosny-sur-Seine, France. 4gN. IE. Bp. of Sully, companion and minister of Henri IV. (1560-1641). Gazetteer 75 Ross, Hereford, En. SIN. aw. House and grave of John Kyrle, Man of R. (d. 1724), immortalised by Pope. Rossbach, Prussia. SIN. HE. Victory of Frederick the Great over French and Aus- trians (Seven Years W.), 1757- Rosslyn, Midlothian, Scot. 551*. sw. Eng lish defeated by Scots, 1303; ass. visits of Wordsworth, Burns, and Dr. Johnson. (See Scott, Lay of the Last Minstrel. ) Rostock, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 541*. I2E. Defeat of Swedes by Danes, 1677; tomb of Grotius (1583-1646); bp. of Bliicher, our ally at Waterloo. Rothesay, Bute, Scot. SSN. sw. Res. of early Stuart kings. Rothiere, La, France. Fierce fight between Allies and Napoleon, leaving the latter victor, 1814. Rotterdam, Holland. SIN. 4E. Suffered during wars of the Revolution; bp. of Erasmus (1465-1536.) (See Motley, op. cit.) Rouen, France. 4QN. IE. Possession of Dukes of Normandy from gth to I3th cen tury; taken by Philippe Auguste, 1204; by Henry V., 1419; trial and death of Joan of Arc, 1431; suffered during religious warfare in i6th century; bp. of Corneille, the father of French tragedy (1606-84). Famous Cathedral at. Roulers, Belgium. JON. 3E. Austrians defeated by French, 1794. Roundway Down, Wilts., En. SIN. iw. Waller defeated by Royalists, 1643. Rouvray, France. 48N. IE. Battle of the Herrings in which Sir John Fastolf dis tinguished himself, 1429. Roveredo, Tyrol. 45N. HE. Austrians defeated by Napoleon, 1796. Rowton, Salop, En. 52N. 2W. Bp. of Richard Baxter (1615-91). Rowton Heath, Cheshire, En. 53N. 2W. Royalists defeated, 1645. Roxburgh, Scot. SSN. 2W. Taken from English by James II. of Scotland, who was killed by explosion of a gun, 1460. Rullion Green, Pentlands, Scot. SSN. sw. Covenanters defeated by Royalists, 1666. Rumersheim, Alsace-Lorraine. 47N. 7E. Imperialists defeated by French (W. of Spanish Succession), 1709. Runnimede, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Magna Charta signed by King John, 1215. Rustcb.uk, Bulgaria. 43N. 25E. Former Turkish fort; fought for by Russians and Turks, 1809-11 and 1854; taken by Rus sians, 1877. Rutherglen, Lanark, Scot. SSN. 4W. Several times besieged in the days of the Bruces; destroyed by Regent Moray, 1568; now a thriving suburb of Glasgow. Ruthwell, Dumfries, Scot. SSN. jw. Famous cross, inscribed with verses from Anglo-Saxon poem. Rutli, GrQtli, Switzerland. 46N. BE. Meadow where the men of the cantons took the oath to drive out the Austrians, Rye, Sussex, En. SON. OE. Bp. of Fletcher, the dramatist (1579-1625). (See Thackeray s Denis Duval. ) Ryswick, Holland. 52N. 4E. Treaty of Peace (France, England, Spain, Germany, and Netherlands), 1697. Saalfeld-an-der-Saale, Saxe-Meiningen, Ger many. SON. HE. Prussians defeated by the French, 1806. Saarbruck, Prussia. 49N. 6E. First en gagement of Franco-German W., 1870. Saardam (Zaandam), Holland. 52N. 4E. Here Peter the Great apprenticed himself as a carpenter to learn shipbuilding, 1697. Saarlouis, Prussia. 49N. 6E. Bp. of Mar shal Ney, who rejoined Napoleon in 1815, fought at Waterloo, and was shot that same year. Sables-d Olonne, France. 4&N. iw. De stroyed by English-Dutch fleet, 1696. Sabugal, Portugal. 4ON.7W. French driven back by Wellington, 1811 (Peninsular W.). Sacile, Italy. 45N. I2E. Eugene Beau- harnais defeated by Austrians, 1809. Sadowa, Bohemia. SON. ISE. Austrians defeated by Prussians, 1866 (known also as battle of Koniggratz). Sagres, Portugal. 37N. 8w. Burnt by Drake, 1597. Sagunto (Murviedro), Spain. 39N. i6w. Siege by Soult and final surrender to, 1811 (Peninsular W.). St. Albans, Herts, En. SIN. ow. Ancient cathedral town. Tombs of Sir Francis Bacon and Duke Humphrey of Gloucester ; at Sop- well Nunnery near Juliana Berners wrote her famous book of the chase, known as The Boke of S. Albans, written in the early isth century; the Yorkists won a victory here in 1455 ; the Lancastrians, 1461. Saint-Amant-Mont-Rond, France. 47N. 2E. Taken in turns by English and by Charles VI. St. Andrews, Fife, Scot. s6N. 2W. Wishart martyred and Cardinal Beaton murdered, 1546. St. Aubin-du-Cormier, France. 48^. iw. Victory of La Trernoille over the Bretons, 1488. Saint-Cast, France. 48.N. 3\v. English de feated, 1758. St. Cloud, France. 48N. 2E. Henri III. assassinated, 1589; a favourite res. of Napoleon; capitulation of Paris signed, 1815; castle destroyed, 1870 (Franco-Prus sian W.). St. Cyr, France. 48N. 2E. Here Mme de Maintenon died and was buried. St. Davids, Pembrokes., Wa. SIN. sw. Former resort of pilgrims, among them the Conqueror and later kings ; tomb of Edmund Tudor, father of Henry VII. St. Denis, France. 4.8N. 2E. For twelve centuries the necropolis of the French kings (tombs of Dagobert, Louis XII., Francis I., Henri II., and Catherine de Medici, etc., also of famous generals, Du GuescHn, Turenne, etc.) ; Suger, the great statesman (cir. 1081-1151), was brought up here; vic tory of Catholics over Protestants, and death. i 7 6 Gazetteer of Montmency, 1567; bombarded by Ger mans, 1871. Saint-Dizier, France. 48*1. 48. Allies de feated near by Napoleon, 1814. St. Gall, Switzerland. 471*. gz. A chief source for the history of Charlemagne was the work of a monk of this abbey. St Germain-en-Laye, France. 481*. 2E. Former res. of French Icings and where Louis XIV. and several of his predecessors were born; res. of James II. of England for the last two years of his life, and where he lies buried. Saint-Gilles-sur-Vie, France. 461*. iw. Victory of Louis XIII. over Protestants, 1622; defeat of Vendeans, 1815. Saint-Gothard, Hungary. 461*. i6E. Turks driven out of Hungary by Austrians under Montecuculli and French under Coligny, 1664. St Helena, Atlantic. 153. sw. English possession since 1673; Napoleon a prisoner on from 1815 to his death. St. Ivcs, Huntingdons., En. 521*. ow. Res. of Cromwell, 1631-36. Saint- Jacques, Basle, Switzerland. 471*. TZ. Celebrated for the stand made by a small body of Swiss, who were all slain, against a large French force, 1444. Saint- Jean -de- Losne, France. 47N. 48. Held by a small garrison against besieging Germans and Spaniards, 1636. Saint- Jean-de-Luz, Pyrenees. 4311. iw. Louis XIV. married at. Saint-Just, Estrarnadura, Spain. SON. sw. To this monastery Charles V. retired after his abdication, and here two years later died, 1558. Saint-Leu-Taverny, France. 48N. 2E. Tombs of Napoleon s father, and of his brother Louis, King of Holland, and of Marshal Ney. St L6, France. 491*. iw. Taken in turns by French and English, 1203-1449; bp. of Octave Feuillet, novelist and dramatist. St Macaire, France. 44N. ow. Taken by Henry III. of England, 1253; sc. several later sieges. St. Malo, France. 481*. aw. Bp. of the early navigator Jacques Cartier, of Chateau briand, who is also buried here (1768-1848), and of Lamennais (1782-1854). St Michel, France, see Mont St. Michel. Saint-Omer, France. SON. 2E. Sc. many sieges by French kings and Imperialists from the nth century; saved from Marlborough and Prince Eugene by the efforts of a woman, Jacqueline Robin, 1711; bp. of Suger, the great French statesman of the early I2th century. St Petersburg, Russia. SQN. sou. F. by Peter the Great, 1703. Saint - Pierre - Port, Guernsey. 49N. zw. Hugo s home during his exile, 1856-70. Saint-Point, France. 46N. 4E. Castle and tomb of the poet Lamartine (1790-1869). St. Quentin, France. 4QN. 3E. French de feated by English and Spanish forces, 1557; French defeated by Germans, 1871. (See Dumas, The Two Dianas. ) Saint -Remy, France. 45N. SB. Bp. of the famous astrologer, Nostradamus (1503- 66). Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, France. SON. IE. Whence William the Conqueror set sail for England, 1066. St. Vincent, Cape, Portugal. 37N. 9W. Rooke defeated by French off, 1693; success of Rodney over Spaniards, 1780; defeat of Spaniards by Jervis, 1707; victory of Sir Charles Napier over Don Miguel, 1833. Sainte - Severe, France. 46N. IE. Taken from the English by Du Guesclin, 1372. Salamanca, Spain. 40N. sw. Taken by French, 1812; victory of Wellington over Marmont, 1812 (Peninsular W.); contains one of the oldest monasteries in Europe. Salcombe, S. Devon, En. SON. 3W. Grave of Froude, the historian. Salerno, town arid province, Italy. 4osr. I4E. Defeat of Saracens by Norman knights, 1016; taken by Robert Guiscard, 1075; town destroyed by Emperor Henry IV., 1193. Salisbury, Wilts, En. SIN. iw. Famous circular group of stones known as Stone- henge. The Barset of Trollope. Salonica, Turkey. 4ON. 22E. Taken from Venetians by Turks, 1430. Saluzzo, Italy. 44N. 7E. Bp. of Silvio Pelh co, dramatist and prose writer (1788- 1854). Salzbach, Baden. 48N. 7E. Marshal Turenne killed, 1675. Salzburg, Austria. 47N. I3E. Emigration of persecuted Protestants, 1732. (Sea Goethe, Hermann u. Dorothea. ) Sandridge, near Dartmouth, En. SON. 3W. Bp. of John Davis, navigator of the i6th century. Sandwich, Kent, En. SIN. IE. Defeat of Danes by Athelstan, 851; landing- place of Sweyn and Canute; more than once burnt by the French in i$th century. Sandy Knowe, Roxburgh, Scot. SSN. 2W. Sir Walter Scott some years at when a child. Sanquhar, Dumfriess., Scot. SSN. 3W. Taken by Scots and English garrison slaugh tered, 1297; hither Mary Queen of Scots rode in hot haste after disaster of Langside, and hence escaped to England; Declaration of Covenanters, 1680 (see Aird s Moss); bp. of the Admirable* Crichton (cir. 1560-82). San Sebastian, Spain. 43N. iw. Taken by the French, 1808; stormed by Welling ton, 1813 ; Carlists forced to raise siege, 1836 (Carlist W.). Santander, Spain. 43 N. 3\v. Sacked by Soult, 1808. Santiago de Compostella, Spain. 42N. 8w. Famous resort of pilgrims in the Middle Ages. Saorge, Maritime Alps. 44N. 6a. Taken by Massena, 1794. Saragossa, Spain. 4iN. ow. Taken from the Moors after a 5 years siege, 1118; be sieged by French, June to August, 1808, December to February, 1808-9, when the Gazetteer 77 Maid of Saragossa 1 distinguished herself. (See Byron, Childe Harold, Canto I.) Sardinia, Mediterranean. 4ON. QE. Trans ferred from Spain to Austria by Treaty of Utrecht, 1714; since then in possession in turns of Dukes of Savoy and the French. Sarzeau, Brittany, France. 47N. 2W. Bp. of Le Sage, A. of Gil Bias (1668-1747). Sasun (Sassoon), Armenia. JQN. 42E. Sc. atrocities committed by Kurds and Turks, 1893-4. Sauchie (Sauchieburn) , Stirling, Scot. 561*. 3\v. James III. of Scotland defeated and slain, 1488. Saulieu, France. 47N. 4E. Burnt by the English, 1359. Saumur, France. 47N. ow. Centre of Calvinism until revocation of Edict of Nantes, 1685; taken by Vendeans, 1793; insurrection under General Berton, 1822. Sauve, France. 43 N. SE. Sided with Cal- vinists, 1620; taken, and soon lost again, by Camisards, 1702; Florian, French versifier of fables, was bom near (I755-Q4)- Savenay, France. 47N. iw. Vend6ans defeated by republicans, 1795. Sarernake, Wilts., En. SIN. iw. Wolf Hall, bp. of Jane Seymour. Savona, Italy. 44N. SE. Bombarded by English, 1746; taken by French, 1809, and the Pope held prisoner by Napoleon till 1812. Scandiano, Italy. 441*. IDE. Bp. of the poet Boiardo, A. of Orlando Innamorato (1430-94). Scarborough, Yorks, En. 54N. ow. Bp. of Sir F. Leighton (1830-96); grave of Anne Bronte, d. 1849. Schellenberg, Austria. 47N. I3E. Aus- trians defeated by Marlborough, 1704. Scheveningen, Holland. 52N. 4E. Dutch fleet defeated and Tromp killed by English under Monk, 1653. Schlettstadt, Alsace-Lorraine. 48N. 7E. Taken by Germans, 1870; bp. of Bucer, the Reformer (1491-1551). Schlusselburg, Russia. 6oN. 32E. Fort, where Ivan VI. was for 23 years imprisoned and then murdered. Schmalkalden, Prussia. SON. IOE. Pro testant League concluded, 1537. Schoenbrunn, Austria. 48N. i6E. Peace signed between Napoleon and Austria, 1809; death of his son, the Duke de Reichstadt, 1832. (See L Aiglon by Rostand.) Schweidnitz, Prussia. SON. i6E. Held against Frederick the Great during long siege, 1761-2; taken by French, 1807. Schweinfurt, Bavaria. SON. IOE. Bp. of the poet RQckert (1789-1866). Scilly Islands, Cornwall, En. 49N. 6w. Taken by Athelstan, 938; leased by Eliza beth to Sir F. Godolphin; Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Admkal, drowned off, with loss of his ship, 1707. Scone, Perth, Scot. s6N. sw. Coronation place of Scottish kings ; stone carried off by Edward I., 1296. Scutari, Turkey in Asia. 4 IN. ape. Military hospital during Crimean W. ass. with Florence Nightingale. Sebastopol, Crimea, Russia. 44N. 332, Eleven months siege during Crimean W., 1854-55. (See Tolstoi, Sevastopol. ) Sedan, France. 49N. 4E. Capitulated to the Germans, 1815; defeat and surrender of Napoleon III., 1870; bp. of Marshal Turenne (1611-75). Sedgemoor, Somerset, En. SIN. 2W. Mon- mouth defeated by royal forces, 1685. Segovia, Spain. 4ON. 4W. Sacked by the French, 1808. Selborne, Hants, En. SIN. ow. House where Gilbert White, A. of Natural History of S. was born and died (1720-93). Selby, Yorks, En. 53N. iw. Bp. of Henry I.; taken by Fairfax, 1644. Seminara, Italy. Gonzalvo de Cordova defeated by D Aubigne, 1495; himself victor, 1503; Neapolitans defeated by French, 1807. Semlin, Hungary. 44N. 2O. Remains of castle of John Hunyadi, where he died. Sempach, Switzerland. 47N. SK. Memor able victory of the Swiss over Austrians, 1386. Senlac, see Hastings. Sens, France. 48N. 3E. Besieged for a fortnight by the Allies, 1814. Seville, Spain. 37N. sw. Taken from the Moors by Ferdinand III. of Castile, 1248; treaty between England and Spain signed, 1729; French in possession, 1810-12; bp. of the Spanish painters Murillo and Velasquez. Sezannes, France. 48N. 3E. Besieged by the English, 1423; by the Huguenots, 1566; sacked by the Allies, 1814. Shaftesbury, Dorset, En. SIN. 2W. Death of Canute at, 1035; burial place of Edward the Martyr, murdered at Corfe Castle, 978. Shanklin, Isle of Wight. SON. iw. Keats at, 1817; here he began his Endymion. Sheerness, Kent, En. SIN. OE. Taken by De Ruyter, 1667. Sheffield, Yorks, En. 531*. iw. Castle taken by Parliamentarians, 1644. Sherbourne, Dorset, En. SON. 2W. Castle built by Raleigh and taken by Fairfax, 1645 ; graves of Asser, bishop of S., King Alfred s biographer, and of two of the king s brothers. Sheriff muir, Perth, Scot. S&N. 3w. Inde cisive action between Jacobites and Hano verians, 1715. Sherwood Forest, Notts, En. 53N. iw. Ass. Robin Hood, the hero of many old ballads. Shetland Islands, Scot. 6oN. iw. (See Scott, Pirate. ) Shipka Pass, Balkans. 42N. 25E. Held by the Russians against severe odds, 1877 (Russo-Turkish W.). Shrewsbury, Salop, En. 52*. zw. Battle in which Hotspur was killed, 1403. Sicily, Italy. 37N. i4E. Part of the king dom of the Two Sicilies under the Normans, and again at intervals under succeeding dynasties; governed in turns by the house of Anjou, Hohenstaufen, Aragon, Savoy, i 7 8 Gazetteer Hapsburg, and Bourbon; finally incor porated with Italy, 1861. Siena, Italy. 43:*. IIB. Powerful re public in the Middle Ages; the Piccolomini were among its noble families ; in possession of Charles V., 1540-53; retaken by him, 1554; centre of a famous school of painting. Sflistria, Bulgaria. 441*. 27E. Besieged unavailingly by Russians (Crimean W.); occupied by the Russians, 1878. Simancas, Spain. 4 IN. 4W. Repository of national archives since 1563; indecisive battle between Christians and Moors, 939. Simplon, Switzerland. 461*. SE. Military route over, constructed by Napoleon, 1800-7. Sinsheim, Baden. 491*1. SE. Imperialists defeated by Turenne, 1674; tne Austrians by Ney, 1799. Skien, Norway. 591*. gz. Bp. of Ibsen, 1828. Skipton, Yorks, En. 531*. 2W. Traditional bp. of Fair Rosamond. Skye, Hebrides, Scot. 57}*. 6w. Ass. Flora Macdonald and Prince Charlie; Dr. Johnson at Dungevan Castle, 1773; Scott at, 1814. (See Scott, Lord of the Isles. ) Slains (Slenach), Aberdeen, Scot. 571*. iw. Comyn defeated by Bruce, 1307. Sleswick - Holstein, Prussia. 54N. gz. Taken from the Danes by Austria and Prussia, 1864; cause of war between these powers, 1866. Sligo. Connaught, Ir. 541*. 8w. Taken by Sir K Harr.Uton, 1641; by Sir C. Coote, 1645. Slough, Bucks, En. SIN. ow. Home of Sir F. William Herschel (1786-1822), and afterwards of his son. Sluys, Holland. SIN. 3E. Defeat of French by naval forces of Edward III., 1340; taken by the French, 1747 and 1794. Smailholm, Roxburgh, Scot. 551*. 2W. Scott passed some years of childhood at Sandy Knowe farm, near. Sc. Avenel Castle, Scott, Monastery. Smerwick, Kerry, Ir. 521*. low. Fort taken by Lord Grey and butchery of Spanish and Italian defenders, 1580. (See Kingsley, Westward Ho! ) Smolensk, Russia. 541*. 32B. Russians defeated by Napoleon, 1812. Sofia, Bulgaria. 42N. 23E. Present capital of principality. Soissons, France. 49N. 3E. Victory of Clovis over Roman general Syagrius, 486 (ass. the episode of the Vase de Soissons ) ; of Charles Martel over Chilperic, 719, and Charles the Simple over Robert, who was killed, 922; Charles himself defeated, 923; sc. frequent sieges during Hundred Years , religious, and Napoleonic W.; taken by Germans, 1870. Soldau, Prussia. 53N. 2OE. Prussians and Russians defeated by Ney, 1806. Solferino, Italy. 4511. IOE. Austrians under Francis Joseph defeated by French and Piedmontese under Napoleon III., 1859. Solway Moss, Cumberland. En. 551*. 2W. Scots defeated by English, 1542. Somersby, Lincoln, En. 53*. OE. Bp. ol Tennyson. Somerton, Somerset, En. SIN. 2W. Res. of Saxon longs; pillaged by Danes, 877; French King John imprisoned at. Sommershausen, Bavaria. 491*. gE. Im perialists defeated by Turenne and Wrangel, 1648. Soncino, Italy. 4514. IOE. Milanese de feated by Robert Sforza, 1440; taken, but soon lost, by Prince Eugene, 1720. Sondershausen, Germany. SIN. IOE. Eng lish and Allies defeated by French, 1758. Sonnethal, Germany. SSN. IOE. Traditional defeat of Charlemagne s forces by Witikind, the Saxon chief, 782. Sorrento, Italy. 4ON. I4E. Bp. of Tasso (1544-95). Souli, Albania. 4ON. SOE. Brave defence against attacks by Ali Pasha, and final emigration of inhabitants, 1804. (See pic ture by Ary Scheffer.) Sound, The. SSN. i2E. Forced by Nelson, 1801. Southampton, Hants, En. SON. iw. Ass. Sir Bevis, hero of old romance; bp. of Dr. Isaac Watts, Dibdin (song writer), and Millais. Southwell, Notts, En. 53N. ow. Charles I. surrendered to Scots Commissioners, 1646. Southwold, Suffolk, En. 52N. IE. Indeci sive naval battle between English and Dutch, 1672. Spandau, Prussia. 52N. I3E. Taken by the French, 1806. Spanish Point, Ireland. 52N* gw. Burial place of many of the crews of the wrecked Armada. Spezzia, Italy. 44N. gz. Shelley at, during last months of life. Spicheren, Lorraine. 49N. 6s. French de feated by Germans, 1870. Spielberg, Moravia. 49N. i6E. Silvio Pel- lico (1788-1854) imprisoned. (See his Le Mie Prigioni. ) Spilsby, Lincoln, En. 53N. OE. Bp. of Sir John Franklin, Arctic explorer (1786-1847). Spires, Rhenish Bavaria. 4gy. SE. Famous diet of 1529, when the Reformers gained their name of Protestant; destroyed by French, 1689, and occupied by them several times during the i8th century. Squillace, Italy. 38N. i6E. Bp. of Cassio- dorus, historian and general writer, and minister of Theodoric, King of the Ostro goths, who died about 575, after a life of nearly a hundred years. Staffa, Hebrides, Scot. s6s. 6w. Fingal s cave. Stafford, cap. of county, En. 52N. 2W. Bp. of Isaac Walton (1593-1683). Stamford Bridge, Yorks, En. 53N. ow. Death of Tostig and Harold Hardrada, de feated by Harold, 1066; first encounter in the W. of the Roses, 1453. Stanhope, Durham, En. 54N. 2W. Bishop Butler, A. of the Analogy, rector, 1725-40. Steinkirk, Belgium. SON. 41. William III. defeated by French, 1692. Gazetteer 179 Stendal, Saxony. SJN. UK. Bp. of Winckelmann, the archaeologist (1717-68). Stevershausen (Sievershausen), Prussia. 53N. IOE. Maurice, Elector of Saxony, mortally wounded, 1553. Stirling, Scot. 56^. 3\v. Contains famous castle; victory of Wallace, 1297; besieged and taken by Edward I., 1304; Douglas stabbed by James II., 1452; the infant Mary Stuart (1543) and James VI. crowned at; Regent Lennox killed, 1571; taken by Monk, 1651; vainly besieged by Jacobites, 1746. Stockholm, Sweden. SQN. i8K. Besieged by Margaret of Denmark, 1389; massacre of nobles by Christian II. of Denmark, 1520; treaty between Sweden and England, 1719; bp. of Swedenborg (1688-1772). Stoke Poges, Bucks, En. SIN. ow. Grave of Gray in the churchyard immortalised by him in his Elegy. Stone, Staffs, En. 521*. 2\v. Bp. of Peter de Wint, painter (1784-1849). Stowmarket, Suffolk, En. 52N. IE. Milton s tutor, Dr. Young, vicar of, and here visited by his pupil. Stralsund, Prussia. 54}*. I3E. Vainly be sieged by Wallenstein, 1628; fierce bom bardment and capitulation to Elector of Brandenburg, 1715; heroically defended by Schill against Prussia and Allies, 1809; finally ceded to Prussia, 1815. Strasburg, Alsace - Lorraine. 481*. 7E. Memorable siege, August 10 to September 27, 1870 (Franco- Prussian W.). Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick, En. 52N. iw. Bp. of Shakespeare, and where he and Anne Hathaway and his daughters were buried. Streatham, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Ass. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale. Stromness, Orkney, Scot. sS.v. 3W. Bp. of Gow, Scott s Pirate. Stuhlweissenburg, Hungary. 47N. iSn. For 500 years the res. and necropolis of kings of Hungary, and where they were anciently crowned. Stuttgart, WQrtemberg. 48N. gs. Suffered much during Thirty Years W. and under Louis XIV.; bp. of Hegel, the philosopher (1770-1831). Sudbury, Suffolk, En. $2N. OE. Bp. of Gainsborough (1727-88). Sudeley, Gloucester, En. SIN. 2W. Tomb of Catherine Parr, who lived here as wife of Admiral Seymour. Sveaborg, Helsingfors, Finland. 6ow. 24E. Bombarded by Allied fleets, 1855 (Crimean W.). Swanage, Dorset, En. SON. iw. Danes defeated by Alfred, 877. Swanston, The Lothians, Scot. 55 N. 3\v. R. L. Stevenson at when a child (see his St. Ives. ). Swilly, Lough, Donegal, Ir. SSN. TW. French fleet destroyed, 1798. Swineshead, Lincoln, En. 52N. ow. Here King John indulged in the feast of peaches and beer which finally caused his death. Taganrog, Russia. 47N. 388 Bom barded by French and English fleets, 1855 [Crimean W.). Tagliacozzo, Italy. 42N. I3E. Victory of Charles of Anjou over Conradin, rightful tieir to Naples; the latter taken and be- tieaded, 1268. Tain, Ross, Scot. 57N. 4W. Bruce i queen captured and delivered to the English, 1306. Talavera, Spain. 3gN. 4W. French de feated by Wellington, 1809 (Peninsular W.). Talley (Tal-y-Llychau), Carmarthens., Wa. SIN. 3W. Traditional grave of the famous bard, David ap Gwilym, i4th century. Tantallon, Haddings., Scot. $6N. 2W. Old stronghold of the Douglases; taken by Oliver Cromwell, 1639. (See Scott s Mar- mion. ) Tara, Meath, Ir. 53N. 6vr. Palace and burial place of ancient kings of Ireland, commemorated by Moore in his well-known ballad. Tarascon, France. 43. 4E. Made famous by Daudet s works. (See Tartarin de Taras con, etc.). Tarbes, France. 43N. OE. English in possession, 1360-1406; bp. of Theophile Gautier, poet and novelist (1811-72). Tarento, Italy. 46N. I3E. Taken by Goa- zalvo de Cordova, 1502. Tarifa, Spain. 36:*. sw. Held against the French by English under Gough, and Spaniards, 1811-12. Tarragona, Spain. 4 IN. IE. Occupied by English, 1705 (W. of Spanish Succession); taken by General Suchet, 1811 (Peninsular War). Tarvis, Austria-Hungary. 46N. I3E. Aus- trians defeated by Massena, 1797. Taunton, Somerset, En. SIN. 3W. Seized by Perkin Warbeck, 1497; held by Admiral Blake, 1644-45; standard presented to Monmouth, 1685; Bloody Assize held by Jeffreys, 1685; bp. of Samuel Daniel, poet (1562-1619), and of Kinglake, A. of Eothen (1809-91). Tchernaya River, Crimea. 4&N. 33E. GortschakoS defeated by French and Allies under Marmora, 1855 (Crimean W.). Teignmouth, Devon. SON. 3w. Burned by the French, 1338 and 1690. Temesvar, Hungary. 45N. 2 IB. Hun garians defeated by Austrians under Haynau, after long bombardment, 1849 (Hungarian Rising). Temple Newsam, Yorks., En. 53N. iw. Bp. of Darnley, Mary Stuart s husband, 1545. (Sc. Templestowe, Scott s Ivanhoe. ) Terni, Italy. 42N. I2E. Falls of Velino near. (See Byron, Childe Harold, Canto IV. Ixix-lxxii.) Tettenhall, Staffs., En. 52N. 2W. Danes defeated by Edward the Elder, 910. Tewkesbury, Gloucester, En. SIN. 2W. Famous Yorkist victory and murder of Prince Edward of Lancaster, 1471; grave of the Duke of Clarence, murdered in the Tower. i8o Gazetteer Texel Island, Zuider Zee. 531*. 4E. Tromp (who was killed) and De Ruyter defeated by Monk and Blake, 1653; Dutch fleet, blocked by ice, taken by French cavalry, 1795; blockaded by Duncan, 1797; Dutch fleet surrendered to Mitchell, 1799. Thames River, En. SIN.IW. (See Spenser, Prothalamion : Denhara, Cooper s Hill, etc.). Thaxted, Essex, En. SIN. OE. Bp. of Samuel Purchas, A. of Purchas; his Pil grimage, a record of early voyages (1575 (?) 1626). Thetford, Norfolk and Suffolk, En. SZN. OE. Danes defeated by Anglians, 870. Thionville, Lorraine 49N. 6E. Taken by Conde, 1643; later sieges by Austrians and Prussians, 1792, 1814; by the Germans, 1870. Thorn, Prussia. 531*. i8E. Sc. of many sieges; taken by Charles XII. from the Poles, 1703; bp. of Copernicus, the cele brated astronomer (1473-1543). Thornton, Yorks, En. 531*. iw. Bp. of Charlotte Bronte (1816-55). Thrieve, Galloway, Scot. 541*. sw. Mons Meg forged for the reduction of this castle. Tiflis, Caucasia. 4iN. 44E. Taken by Genghis Khan, I2th century; by Tamer lane, 1386; later by Turks, Persians, and Russians; treaty, 1814 (Russia and Persia). Tilbury, Essex, En. SIN. OE. Review of troops by Elizabeth, 1588. Tilsit, Prussia. 551*. 2 IE. Treaty signed between Napoleon and Alexander, 1807. Tinchebrai, France. 48N. ow. Robert of Normandy defeated by Henry I., who took possession of Normandy, 1106. Tintagel, Cornwall, En. SON. 4\v. Ruins of King Arthur s castle. Tintern, Monmouth, En. SIN. 2W. Ruins of abbey, immortalised by Wordsworth. Tippermuir, Perth, Scot. s6N. sw. Coven anters defeated by Montrose, 1644. Tirlemont, Belgium. SON. 4E. Austrians defeated by French, 1793, 1794. Tiverton, Devon, En. SON. sw. Black- more and his John Ridd at school here. (See Lorna Doone. ) Toboso, El, Spam. 39N. aw. Home of Don Quixote s Dulcinea. Tolentino, Italy. 43N. I3E. Treaty (Napo leon and Pope), 1797; Murat defeated by Austrians, 1815. Torbay, Devon, En. SON. sw. William III. landed, 1688. Torgau, Prussia. SIN. I3E. Austrians de feated by Frederick the Great, 1760 (Seven Years W.). Torrington, Great, Devon, En. SON. 4W. Victory of Fairfax, 1646. Toulon, France. 43N. SE. Attacked by Sir Cloudsley Shovel, 1707 (W. of Spanish Succession) ; defeat of British fleet, 1744 (W. of Austrian Succession) ; taken from English, 1793 siege memorable as the beginning of Napoleon s military reputation. Toulouse, France. 43N IE. Simon de Montfort killed besieging, 1217-18 (Albigen- sian W.); French defeated by Wellington, 1814. Tournay, Belgium. SON. 3E. Bravely de fended by Princess d Epinoy against Parma, 1581 (Dutch W. of Independence); sur rendered to the English under Marlborough, 1709 (W. of Spanish Succession); retaken later by French. Tours, France. 47N. OE. Famous victory near, of Charles Martel over Saracens, one of the decisive battles of the world, 732 ; bp. of Honore de Balzac (1799-1850). (See Creasy.) Towton, Yorks, En. 531*. iw. Yorkist victory, 1461. Trafalgar, Spain. s6x. 6w. Combined fleets of France and Spain defeated by Nelson, 1805. Trebbia, Italy. 44N. QE. French defeated by Suvarov, 1799. Treguier, France. 48N. 3W. Bp. of J. Ernest Renan (1823-92). Treves (Trier), Prussia. 4gN. 6E. Sc. fre quent sieges by barbarians, and in i?th and i8th centuries by the French, who held it from 1794-1815, when it was given to Prussia. Trim, Meath, Ir. SSN. 6w. Wellington here at school when young; Henry of Lan caster imprisoned by Richard II.; Sir G. Coote, military commander in Ireland, killed, 1642; taken by Cromwell, 1649. Trondhjem, Norway. 63N. IOE. Nor wegian kings crowned at. Tubingen, Wiirtemberg, 48N. 9E. Suf fered severely during Thirty Years W.; the leader of the Tubingen School was Baur, the theologian (1792-1860); bp. of Uhlaud, the poet (1787-1862). Tudela, Spain. 42N. iw. Spaniards de feated by French under Lannes, 1808 (Pen insular W.). Turbigo, Italy. 45N. SE. Austrians repulsed by Napoleon III., 1859 (Franco- Austrian W.). Turin, Italy. 45N. 7E. Besieged by French, 1640, hi 1706 (W. of Spanish Suces- sion) , and during later wars ; in possession in turns of French and House of Savoy, 1800- 60; it then became the capital of Italy till 1865. Turnau, Bohemia. SON. ISE. Austrians defeated by Prussians, 1866. Turnberry, Ayrs., Scot. SSN. 4W. Robert Bruce born here or at Lochmaben. Turnhout, Belgium. SIN. 4E. Spaniards defeated by Maurice of Nassau, 1597 (Dutch W. of Independence). (See Motley, op. cit.). Tutbury, Stafiords, En. 52N. iw. Mary Queen of Scots here for a while a prisoner, 1569; surrendered to Parliamentarians, 1646. Twickenham, Middlesex, En. SIN. ow. Res. of liorace Walpole (Strawberry Hill), and af Pope (also buried here) from 1719 to his death, 1744; ass. many other celebrities. Ulm, WQrtemberg. 48N. gz. Mack forced to capitulate by Napoleon, 1805. Gazetteer 181 Upsala, Sweden. sgN. i?z. Tombs of Gustavus Adolphus and the naturalist Lin naeus ; famous Silver Codex of Gothic translation of Scripture by Bhp. Ulfilas, 4th century. Urbino, Italy. 43*. I2E. Bp. of Raphael. Ushant, island, France. 481*. sw. Howe s naval victory, 1794. Utrecht, Netherlands. S2N. 5E. Declara tion of Independence of the United Pro vinces, known as Union of U., 1579 (see Motley); Treaty (W. of Spanish Succession), Valenciennes, France. SON. 3E. Taken by Allies after long siege, 1793; retaken by French, 1794; bp. of Froissart, i4th century. Valetta, Malta. 35N. I4E. Capitulated to Napoleon after five days attack, 1798; taken by English after nearly 2 years siege, 1800. Valladolid, Spain. 4iN. 4W. Sacked by the French, 1808; Napoleon s headquarters, 1809. Vallombrosa, Italy. 43N. HE. Milton here in 1639; Thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks in Vallombrosa. (See Paradise Lost, i. 302-3.) Valmy, France. 4gN. 4E. Prussians de feated by Dumouriez, 1792. Varennes, France. 49N. SE. Louis XVI. and his family captured on their flight, 1791. (Sc. Carlyle, French Revolution. ) Varna, Bulgaria. 43N. 27E. Taken from Turks after long siege by Russians under Mentschikoff, 1828. Vaucluse, France. 44N. SB. Res. for a while of Petrarch, who has immortalised its Fountain. Vendome, France. 47N. IE. German vic tory near, 1870 (Franco- Prussian W.). Venice, Italy. 4$N. I2E. First doge, 697; chief maritime power of the Adriatic, in rivalry with Genoa, 13th and i4th centuries; chief commercial power of Europe until dis covery of other routes to India at close of 1 5th century; Austrian possession, 1798- 1805, and from 1814 till incorporated in kingdom of Italy, 1866, although bravely struggling for independence in 1849. (See Ruskin, Stones of Venice. ) Verdun, France. 49N. SE. Taken by Germans after long siege, 1870. Verona, Italy. 45N. HE. Home of the Capulets and Montagues (see Romeo and Juliet ); the Scala family in power, i3th- I4th centuries; in turns, Venetian and Aus trian possession, 1405-1805; Italian, 1805- 15; Austrian, 1815-66; Congress of the Holy Alliance, of which Chateaubriand left an ac count, 1822. Versailles, France. 48N. 2E. Peace of (England and United States) 1783; meeting of states-general, 1789; capitulation of Paris signed, 1871. Vezelay, France. 47N. 3E. Here the first crusade was preached by St. Bernard, 1145, and Richard I. and Philippe Auguste took the cross, 1187. Vienna, Austria. 48^. i6s. Taken by Mathias Corvin, King of Hungary, 1485; twice besieged by Turks, 1529 and 1683, when relieved by Sobieski; occupied by Napoleon, 1805-9; famous Congress of Allied Powers, 1814-15. Vigo, Spain. 42N. 8w. Victory of Drake, 1585, 1589; of Sir George Rooke (capture ol Spanish galleons), 1702; of Lord Cobham, 1719. Villafranca, Italy. 451*. IDE. Peace of (France and Austria), 1859. Villers-Cotterets, France. 491*. 3E. Bp. of Alexandre Dumas (1803-70). Vimiero, Portugal. 39N. gw. Junot de feated by Wellington, 1808. Vinegar Hill, Wexford, Ir. 52N. 6w. Irish rebels defeated by Lake, 1798. Vionville, Lorraine. 4811. 6B. French de feated by Prussians, 1870. Volturnp, Italy. 411*. I4E. Victory ol Garibaldi over Neapolitans, 1860. Wagram, Austria. 48:*. i6s. Austrians defeated by Napoleon, 1809. Wakefield, Yorks, En. 531*. iw. Defeat of Yorkists, and death of Richard, Duke of York, 1460. Walcheren, island, Holland. SIN. 3E. Disastrous expedition against, by English, 1809. Walmer, Kent, En. SIN. IE. Death of the Duke of Wellington, Lord Warden of the Cinque-ports, 1852. Walsingham, Norfolk, En. 52 N. OE. Ancient resort of pilgrims, among whom was Erasmus, who left an account of his visit. Waltham, Essex, En. SIN. o. Traditional grave of Harold and his two brothers, slain at Hastings; cross to Queen Eleanor. Walthamstow, Essex, En. SIN. OE. Bp. of William Morris (1834-96). Wantage, Berks, En. SIN. iw. Bp of. King Alfred. Ware, Herts, En. 5 IN. ow. Town of fame. (See John Giipin. ) Warsaw, Poland. 52*. 2IE. Taken by Charles XII. (See Voltaire, op. tit.), 1703; by Suvarov, 1794; taken from Prussians by Murat, 1806; ceded to Russia. 1815; revolt of Poland in 1830, 1848, 1863. Wartburg. SON. IOE. Celebrated contest of the Minnesinger 1207 at the Court of the Landgrave of Thuringia. Here Luther wrote his translation of the Bible, 1522. Warwick, cap. of county, En. 52N. iw. Unsuccessfully besieged by Royalists, 1642. Waterford, cap. of county, Ir. 52N. TW. Early Danish settlement; taken by Strong- bow, 1170; capitulated to Ireton, 1650. (Sc. Kingsley, Hereward the Wake. ) Waterloo, Belgium. SON. 4E. Battle of, June 18, 1815. Watling Street, old Roman road running North and West from Dover. Wavre, Belgium. SON. 4E. Prussians held Grouchy in check, 1815 (Battle of Waterloo). Wedmore, Somersets. SIN. 2w. Peac* 182 Gazetteer of, between Alfred and Danes, after battle of Edington, 878. Weimar, Germany. SON. HE. Res. of Goethe, of Schiller, Herder, Wieland, etc.; bp. of Kotzebue (1761-1819). Wellow, East, Hants. SON. iw. Early home and grave of Florence Nightingale, d. 1910. Welwyn, Herts, En. SIN. ow. Young, as vicar (1730-65), wrote his Night Thoughts here, and is buried in the church. Wemyss, Fife, Scot. s6N. sw. Here Mary and Darnley first met. Wexford, cap. of county, Ir. 52N. 6w. Res. in isth century of Strongbow; stormed by Cromwell, 1649; massacre of inhabitants by rebels, 1798. Whitby, Yorks, En. 54N. ow. Caedmon, A.-Saxon poet, 7th century, lay brother under the Abbess Hilda (see Scott, Mar- mion ), here had the vision that inspired his poetic genius. Whitchurch, Middlesex, En. SIN. iw. Handel for 3 years chapel master at Canons * ; his organ preserved in church ; grave of the Harmonious Blacksmith in churchyard. Wigan, Lancashire, En. 53^. aw. Defeat of Royalists, 1651. Wimbledon, Surrey, En. SIN. ow. Here Linnaeus is said to have knelt in ecstacy at his first sight of the gorse in bloom. Winchester, Hants, En. SIN. iw. Here King Alfred was educated, held his court, and was buried; Emperor Charles V. enter tained by Henry VIII.; taken in turn by Waller, the Royalists, and Cromwell, 1645; graves of Jane Austen, Izaak Walton, also traditional tomb of Rufus; bp. of Henry III. Windsor, Berks, En. SIN. ow. Famous Herne s Oak (see Merry Wives of Wind sor ), fell 1863. Woodstock, Oxon., En. SIN. iw. Eliza beth s verses, writ with charcoal on a shutter while a prisoner here (1555), are preserved in the Percy ballads ; ass. Fair Rosamond. (See Scott, Woodstock. ) Woolton, Kent, En. SIN. OK. Tapping- ton Court near. (See Ingoldsby Legends. ) Worcester, cap. of county, En. 52N. 2W. Charles II. defeated by Cromwell, 1651. Workington, Cumberland, En. 54N. sw. Here Mary Queen of Scots arrived in a fish ing-boat when escaping from Scotland after Langside, 1568. Worms, Germany. 49N. BE. Ass. Sieg fried and Kriemhild (see Nibelungenlied) ; Concordat (question of Investiture), 1122; famous Diet, where Luther appeared, 1521. Worth, Alsace. 48N. 7E. French defeated by Germans, 1870 (Franco-Prussian W.). Wurzburg, Bavaria. 49N. QE. Grave of Walther v. der Vogelweide, one of the early minnesingers. Wylam, Northumberland, En. 54N. iw. Bp. of George Stephenson, the engineer (1781-1848). Xeres, Spain. 36N. 6w. Roderic, the last of the Goths, defeated by the Moors under Tarik, 711; retaken from Moors, 1255. Yarrow, river, Scot. SSN. 3W. See poems by Hamilton ( Braes of Yarrow ), Words worth, and old ballads. Yetholm, Cheviots, Scot. 55 N. 2W. Colony of gipsies, under the royal family of Faa. York, cap. of county, En. 53N. iw. Marriage of Edward III. with Philippa, 1328; Richard III. crowned, 1483; surrendered to Parliamentarians, 1644; bp. of Flaxman, sculptor (1755-1826). Youghal, Ir. 5 IN. 7w. Sir W. Raleigh s house, known as Myrtle Grove, where he entertained Spenser, and where the first potato was planted in Ireland. Yvetot, France. 49N. OE. Former posses sors known as Kings. Zamora, Spain. 4 IN. sw. Moors de feated by Alfonso the Great, 901; finally taken from them by the Cid, 1093; ruins of latter s palace. Ziericksee, Holland. SIN. 3E. Siege of, 1575 (W. of Dutch Independence). Zorndorf, Prussia. 52N. I4E. Russians defeated by Frederick the Great (Seven Years W.), 1758. Zurich, Switzerland. 47N. SB. Centre of reform under Zwingli; Austrians defeated by Swiss, 1443; Allies by Massena, 1799. Zutphen, Holland. 52N. 6E. Sir Philip Sidney killed, 1586. (See Spenser s elegy, Astrophel. ) Zwolle, Holland. $2N. 6E. A Kempis lived and died in the monastery of Agneten- berg near. INDEX Those places marked with an asterisk (*) appear also in the Gazetteer PAGE Aachen, Germany. 5lN. 6E. 77 Aalborg, Denmark. 57N. 10E. 89 *Aalesund, Norway. 62N. GE. 89 Aar, R., Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Aarberg, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Aarhuus, Denmark. 56N. 10E. 89 Abbazia, Austria. 45N. 14E. 78 Abbeville, France. 50N. 2E. 73 Abbeyfeale, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Abbeyleix, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Abbotsford, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Aberaeron, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Aberavon, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Aberchirder, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Aberdare, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Aberdeen, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 "Aberdour, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Aberdour, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Aberdovey, Wales. 53N. 4w. 56 Aberfeldy, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Aberffraw, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 *Aberfoyle, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 * Abergavenny , England. 52N. 3w. 56 *Abergele, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Abersoch, Wales. 53N. 5w. 54 Aberthaw, Wales. 5lN. 3w. 56 *Aberystwith, W T ales. 52N. 4w. 56 *Abingdon, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Abington, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Abo, Russia. 60N. 22E. 90 Aboyne, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 *Abrantes, Portugal. 40N. 8w. 84 Abruzzi, Italy. 42N. HE. 83 Accrington, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Acerenza, Italy. 4 IN. 16E. 81 Achill Hd., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Achill Is., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Achill Sd., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Achnasheen, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Achtyrka, Russia. 5lN. 35E. 91 Acireale, Sicily. 38N. 15E. 81 Aclare, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Acquapendente, Italy. 43N. 12E.83 *Acqui, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Ada, Hungary. 46N. 20E. 79 Adaja, R., Spain. 4lN. 5w. 84 Adamello, Mt., Italy. 46N. HE. 82 Adare, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Adda, R., Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Adda, R., Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Adelsberg, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Adelsheim, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Ademuz, Spain. 40N. Iw. 85 Adenau, Germany. 50N. 7E. 77 Aderno, Sicily. 38N. 15E. 81 Adige, R., Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Adjud, Roumania. 46N. 27E. 94 PAGE Adler Gebirge, Austria. SON. 16E.78 Adour, R., France. 44N. Iw. 72 Adra, Spain. 37N. 3w. 85 Adria, Italy. 45N. 12s. 83 Adrianople (Edirne), Turkey. 42N. 27E. 94 Adula Group, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 s, Is., Sicily. 38N. 12E. 81 , Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 ^Erschot, Belgium. 5lN. SE. 71 Agathopoli, Turkey. 42N. 28E. 94 Agde, France. 43N. 3E. 73 *Agen, France. 44N. IE. 72 Aggerminde, Denmark. 57N. SE. 89 *Agincourt, France. 5 IN. 2E. 73 Agh sh, Ireland. 52N. 8\v. 69 Agno, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Agnone, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Agogna, R., Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Agout, R., France. 44N. 2E. 73 Agram, Hungary. 46N. 16E. 94 Agri, R., Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 Agrinion, Greece. 39N. 2lE. 95 Agropoli, Italy. 40N. 15E. 81 Aguilas, Spain. 37N. Iw. 85 Ahascragh, Ireland. 5I3N. 8w. 66 Ahaus, Germany. 52N. 7E. 76 Ahoghill, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Ahrweiler, Germany. 5 IN. 7E. 77 Aig, d A., Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Aigle, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 *Ailsa Craig, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Ain, France. 46N. 5E. 73 Ain, R., France. 46N. SE. 73 Aird, Pt. of, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Airdrie, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Aire, R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 *Airolo, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Aisch, R., Germany. 50N. HE. 77 Aisne, France. 50N. 3E. 73 Aisne, R., France. SON. 3E. 73 Aix, France. 44N. SE. 73 *Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. 5lN. 6E. 77 Aix-les-Bains, France. 46N. 6E. 73 Ajaccio, Corsica. 42N. 9E. 80 * Ajaccio, Gulf of, Corsica. 42N. 9E. 80 Akhaltsikh, Russia. 42N. 43E. 91 Akherman, Russia. 46N. 30E. 91 Alagna, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 Alagon, R., Spain. 40N. 7w. 84 Alais, France. 44N. 4s. 73 Aland Is., Russia. 60N. 20E. 90 Alands Haf, Sweden. 60N. 19E. 89 Alapeiysk, Russia. 58N. 62E. 90 Alassio, Italy. 44N. SE. 82 184 Index PAGE Alatri, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Alava, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 Alba, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 Albacete, Spain. 39N. 2w. 85 Albani, Mt., Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Albania, Turkey. 40N. 20s. 95 Albano, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Albaracin, Spain. 40N. Iw. 85 Albegna, R., Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Albenga, Italy. 44N. SB. 82 Alberche, R., Spain. 40N. 5w. 84 Alberique, Spain. 39N. Iw. 85 Albertville, France. 46N. GE. 73 Albis, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Alboran Is., Spain. 36N. 3w. 85 Albula P., Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Albula R., Switzerland. 47N. OE. 87 Albuquerque, Spain. 39N. 7w. 84 Alby, France. 44N. 2E. 73 *Alcala de Henares, Spain. 4lN. 3w. 84 *Alcala de Real, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Alcamo, Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 Alcaniz, Spain. 4 IN. Ow. 85 *Alcantara, Spain. 40N. 7w. 84 Alcaraz, Spain. 39N. 2w. 85 Alcazar, Spain. 39N. 3w. 84 Alcester, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Alcira, Spain. 39N. Ow. 85 Alcoy, Spain. 39N. Ow. 85 Alcudia, Majorca. 40N. SE. 85 *Aldeburgh, England. 52N. 2E. 57 Alderney, Channel Is. 49N. 2w. 56 Aldershot, England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 Ale Water, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Alefieyevka, Russia. 5lN. 39E. 91 Alemtejo, Portugal. 39N. 8w. 84 *Alencon, France. 48N. OE. 72 * Alessandria, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Alessio, Turkey 42N. 19E. 94 Aletsch Glacier, Switzerland. 46N. SB. *86 Aletschhorn, Switzerland. 46N. SB. 86 Alexandrapol, Russia. 4lN. 44s. 91 Alexandrovo, Russia. 53N. 19E. 75 Alexandrovski, Russia. 69N. 32E. 90 Alexinatz, Servia. 44N. 22E. 94 Alfaro, Spain. 42N. 2w. 85 Alford, England. 53N. OE. 55 Alford, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 *Alfreton, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Algarve, Portugal. 37N. 8w. 84 *Algeciras, Spain. 36N. 5w. 84 Alghero, Sardinia. 4 IN. SB. Alhama, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Aliaga, Spain. 4lN. Iw. 85 * Alicante, Spain. 38N. Ow. 85 *Alkmaar, Holland. 53N. 5E. 70 Alice, Pta dell , Italy. 39N. 17E. 81 Alicudi Is., Italy. 39N. 14E. 81 Allalin, Switzerland. 46N. SB. 86 Allan R., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Alle, Germany. 54N. 20E. 75 Allen, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Allendale, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Allenstein, Germany. SiN. 20E. 75 PAGE Aller, R., Germany. 53N. 9E. 76 Allier, France. 46N. SE. 73 Alliers, R., France. 47N. SE. 73 Allingsas, Sweden. 58N. 13E. 89 Alloa, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Allua, Lough, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Almaden, Spain. 39N. 5w. 84 Almaasa, Spain. 39N. Iw. 85 Almaraz, Spain. 40N. 6w. 84 Almazan, Spain. 4 IN. 3w. 85 Almeida, Portugal. 4lN. 7w. 84 Almelo, Holland. 52N. 7E. 70 Almendralejo, Spain. 39N. 6w. 84 *Almeria, Spain. 37N. 2w. 85 Almodovar, Spain. 39N. 4w. 84 Almond R., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Almorchon, Spain. 39N. 5w. 84 Almuneoar, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Am, R., England. 55N. 2w. 55 Alness, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Alness, R., Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Alnmouth, England. 55N. 2w. 55 *ALnwick, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Alora, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 *Alost, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Alpes, Maritimes, France. 44N. 7E. 73 Alresford, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 *Alsace, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Alsasua, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Alsen Is., Germany. 55N. 10E. 74 Alseuz, Germany. SON. SB. 77 Alsfeld, Germany. 5 IN. 9E. 77 Alsh, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Alstahong, Norway. 66N. 13E. 88 Alston, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Altamura, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 *Altdorf, Switzerland. 47N. 9s. 87 Altels, Switzerland. 46N. SB. 86 Alten Fd, Norway. 7 ON. 23E. 88 Altenburg, Germany. 5 IN. 12E. 76 Alten Elf, Norway. 7 ON. 23E. 88 Altengaard, Norway. 7 ON. 23E. 88 Alte Vand, Norway. 69N. 20E. 88 Altkirch, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Altmuhl, R., Germany. 49N. 12E. 77 Alton, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Altona, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Altrincham, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Altsohl, Hungary. 49N. 19E. 79 Altstalten, Switzerland. 47N. 10s. 87 Altvater, Austria. SON. 17E. 78 Aluta R., Roumania. 44N. 25E. 94 Alva, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Alyth, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Alz, R., Germany. 48N. 13E. 77 Alzey, Germany. 50N. SE. 77 Amaxiki, Greece. 39N. 2lE. 95 Ambelakia, Greece. 40N. 22E. 95 Amberg, Germany. 49N. 12E. 77 Amble, England. 55N. 2w. 55 *Ambleside, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Ambleve R., Belgium. SON. 6E. 71 *Amboise, France. 47N. IE. 72 Ameland, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Amer, Spain. 42N. SE. 85 Amersfoort, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Amesbury, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Index 8s PAGE Amiata, Mt., Italy. 43N. HE. 83 * Amiens, France. 50N. 2E. 73 Aminster, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Amlwch, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Ammer See, Germany. 48N. HE. 77 Amorbach, Germany. SON. OE. 77 Amorgos, Greece. 37N. 26E. 95 Amper, R., Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 *Ampthill, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Amstel, R., Holland. 52N. SB. 70 *Amsterdam, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Amstetten, Austria. 48N. 15E. 78 Anagni, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Anaphi, Greece. 36N. 26E. 95 *Ancona, Italy. 44N. 14E. 83 And Fd., Norway. 69N. 16E. 88 Andail, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Andalusia, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 Andelflngen, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 "Andermatt, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Andorra, Spain. 43N. 2E. 85 Andovcr, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Andrea Is., S., Austria. 43N. 16E. 78 Andria, Italy. 4 IN. 16E. 81 Andros, Greece. 38N. 25E. 95 Andujar, Spain. 38N. 4w. Angerburg, Germany. 54N. 22is. 75 Angerman Elf, Sweden. 63N. 18E. 88 Angermiinde, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 * Angers, France. 84N. Iw. 72 * Anglesey, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 *Angouleme, France. 46N. OE. 72 Angus, Braes of, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Anhalt, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Anholt, Denmark. 57N. 12E. 89 Anina, Hungary. 45N. 22E. 79 Anklam, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Annaberg, Germany. 5lN. 13E. 77 Annalce R., Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 * Annan, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Annan, R., Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Annecy, France. 46N. 6E. 73 *Annonay, France. 45N. 5E. 73 Ansbach, Germany. 49N. 10E. 77 Annunciata, T. d., Italy. 4lN. 15E. 81 Anstruther, Scotland. 56x. 3w. 65 Antepuera, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 Antibes, France. 44N. 7E. 73 Antivari, Montenegro. 42N. 19E. 94 Antrim, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 *Antwerp, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Anzin, France. SON. 3E. 73 *Aosta, Italy. 46N. 7s. 82 Apatin, Hungary. 46N. 19E. 79 Apeldoorn, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 Apennines, Italy. UN. 15E. 81 Apoldo, Germany. 5lN. HE. 76 Appenzele, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Appin, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Appleby, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Applecross, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Aquila, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 PAGE Aracena, Spain. 38N. 7w. 84 Arad, Hungary. 46N. 2lE. 79 Aragon, Spain. 4lN. Iw. 85 Aragon, R., Spain. 42N. 2w. 85 Aran Is., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Aranda, Spain. 42N. 4w. 84 Aranjuez, Spain. 40N. 4w. 84 Aramnore Is., Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 Aranyos, Hungary. 46N. 24E. 79 Ararat Mt., Russia. 40N. 44E. 91 Aras R., Russia. 40N. 48E. 91 Arboga, Sweden. 59N. 16E. 89 Arbon, Switzerland. 48N. 9s. 87 *Arbroath, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Arcachon, Basin d , France. 45N. Iw. 72 Archangel, Russia. 64N. 4 IE. 90 Archipelago, Greek, Greece. 37N. 25E. 95 Arcidossa, Italy. 43N. 12s. 83 *Arcis-sur-Aube, France. 49N. 4E. 73 *Arcole, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Arcos, Spain. 37N. 6w. Ardagh, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Ardara, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Ardeche, France. 45N. 4E. 73 Ardeche, R., France. 44N. SE. 73 Ardee, Ireland. 54N. 7w. Ardennes, Belgium. 5 ON. 5E. 71 Ardennes, France. SON. SE. 73 Ardfert, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Ardglas, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Ardila R., Portugal. 38N. 7w. 84 Ardle Water. 57N. 3w. 63 Ardlui, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ardmore, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Ardnamurchan Pt., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Ardrahan, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Ardrishaig, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ardrossan, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Arendal, Norway. 59N. 9E. 89 Arevalo, Spain. 4lN. 5w. 84 *Arezzo, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Arganda, Spain. 40N. 3w. 84 Argens, R., France. 43N. 7E. 73 Argenta, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Argentaro, Mt., Italy. 42N. HE. 83 Argos, Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 Argostoli, Greece. 38N. 2lE. 95 Argyll, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Argyrakastro, Turkey. 40N. 20E. 95 Ariano, Italy. 4lN. 15E. 81 Ariano, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Ariege, France. 43N. IE. 72 Ariege, R., France. 44N. IE. 72 Arigna, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Arisaiff Pt., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Arjish, R., Roumania. 4 IN. 27E. 94 Arkadia, Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 Arkaig, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Arklow, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Arlanza, R., Spain. 42N. 4w. 84 Arlanzon, R., Spain. 42N. 4w. 84 Arlberg, Austria. 47N. 10E. 78 Aries, France. 44N. SE. 73 i86 Index PAGE Arlon, Belgium. 5 ON. 6E. 71 Armadale, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 * Armagh, Ireland. 54>r. 7w. 67 Armentieres, France. 5lN. SB. 73 Armoy, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Arnhem, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 Arno, R., Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Arno R., Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Arnsberg, Germany. 5 IN. SE. 76 Arnswalde, Germany. 53N. IDE. 75 Arolsen, Germany. 52N. 9s. 76 Arona, Italy. 46N. OE. 82 Arpino, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Arquata, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 *Arran, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 61 * Arras, France. SON. 3E. 73 Arree, Mts. d , France. 48N. 4w. 72 Arrone, R., Italy. 42N. 12s. 83 Arrow, Lough, Ireland. 54x. 8w. 66 Arsamas, Russia. 55N. 44E. 91 Arsie, Italy. 46N. 12B. 83 Arta, Greece. 39N. 2 IE. 95 Arta Gulf, Greece. 39N. 2lE. 95 Arth, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Arun, R., England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 *Arundel, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Arva, R., Hungary. 49N. 20E. 79 Arvagh, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 *Aschaffenburg,Gerrnany. 50N. 9E. 77 Aschersleben, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Asciano, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Ascoli, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Ascona, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Ascot, England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 Asele, Sweden. 64N. 17s. 88 *Ashborne, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Ashbourne, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Ashburton, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 *Ashby-de-la-Zouche, England. 53N. Iw. 57 Ashford, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Ashford, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Ashton, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Asiago, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Asinalunga, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Asinara, Gulf of, Sardinia. 4lN. 8E. 81 Asinara Is., Sardinia. 4lN. SE. 81 Askeaton, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Aso, R., Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Asola, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 *Asolo, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Aspang, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 Aspro Potamo, Greece. 39N. 2lE. 95 Assen, Holland. 53N. TE. 70 Assisi, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Assynt, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Asti, R., Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Astorga, Spain. 43N. 6w. 84 Astrakhan, Russia. 46N. 48E. 91 Asturias, Spain. 43N. 6w. 84 Atalanti, Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Atessa, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Ath, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Athboy, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Athenry, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Athens, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Atliei stone, England. 53N. 2w. 57 PAGE Athlone, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 66 Atholl, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Athos Mt., Turkey. 4 ON. 24E. 95 Athy, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Atri, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Atter S., Austria. 48N. HE. 78 Attleborough, England. 53N. IE. 57 Aube, France. 48N. 4E. 73 Aube, R., France. 48N. 4E. 73 Aubert, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Aubonne, Switzerland. 46N. 6E. 40 *Auburn, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Aubusson, France. 46N. 2E. 73 Audi, France. 44N. IE. 72 *Auclunleck, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Auchterarder, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Auchtermuchty, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Aude, France. 43N. SE. 73 Aude, R., France. 43N. 3E. 73 Augher, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Aughnacloy, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Aughrim, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 66 Aughrim, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 *Augsburg, Germany. 48N. HE. 77 Augusta, Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 *Auldearn, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Aurdal, Norway. 6lN. 10E. 89 Aurich, Germany. 54N. SE. 76 Aurillac, France. 45N. 2E. 73 Auronzo, Italy. 46N. 12E. 80 *Aussig, Austria. 5lN. 14E. 78 *Austerlitz, Austria. 49N. 17E. 78 Austria, Lower, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 Austria, Upper, Austria. 48N. 14E. 78 Autun, France. 47N. 4E. 73 Aiivergne Mts., France. 45N. SE. 73 Auxerre, France. 48N. 4E. 73 Auxonne, France. 47N. SE. 73 Aveiro, Portugal. 4lN. 9w. 84 Avellino, Italy. 4lN. 15E. 81 Avenches, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Aversa, Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 Aveyron, France. 44N. SE. 73 Avezzano, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Aviano, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Aviemore, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 * Avignon, France. 44N. SE. 73 Avila, Spain. 4lN. 5w. 84 Aviles, Spain. 44N. 6w. 84 Avlana, Turkey. 40N. 20E. 95 Avoca, R., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 *Avoca, Vale of, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Avoch, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Avola, Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 Avon, R., England. 52N. 2w. 56 Avon, R., England. 52N. Iw. 57 Avon, R., England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Avon, R., England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Avon R., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Avon R., Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Avonmouth, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Avranches, France. 49N. Iw. 72 Avricourt, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 *Awe, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Axbridge, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Index 1 8; PAGE Axe, R., England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Axe Edge, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Axminster, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Axmouth, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Aylesbury, England. 52N. lw. 57 Aylsham, England. 53N. IE. 55 Aylort, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Aynho, England. 52N. lw. 57 Ayr, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Ayr R., Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Ayre Pt., Isle of Man. 54N. 4w. 54 Azov, Russia. 47N. 39E. 91 AZOT, Sea of, Russia. 46N. 37E. 91 Babadagh, Roumania. 45N. 29E. 94 Babia Gura, Austria. 50N. 20E. 79 Bacchiglione R., Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Bacs, Austria-Hungary. 45N. 19E. 79 Bacup, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Bacza, Spain. 38N. 4w. 84 Bad Nauheim, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Badajoz, Spain. 39N. 7w. 84 Baden, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 Baden, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Baden, Germany. 4-9N. SE. 77 Baden weiler, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Badstadt, Austria. 48N. 13E. 78 Baena, Spain. 38N. 4w. 84 Bagenalstown, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Bagheria, Sicily. 38N. 14E. 81 Bailen, Spain. 38N. 4w. 84 Bailieborough, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Baireuth, Germany. SON. HE. 77 Baise, R., France. 44N. OE. 72 Baja, Hungary. 46N. 19E. 79 Bakewell, England. 53N. 2w. 55 Bakhmut, Russia. 49N. 38E. 91 Bakony, Hungary. 47N. 18E. 78 Baku, Russia. 40N. 50E. 91 Bala, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Bala Lake, Wales. 53N. 4w. 74 Bala,guer, Spain. 42N. IE. 85 Balassa Gyarmat, Hungary. 48N. 20E. 79 Balbriergan, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Bald L., Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Balearic Is., Spain. 39N. SE. .85 Balfron, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Balkan Mts., Bulgaria. 43N. 25E. 94 Balla, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Ballachulish, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Ballaghadereen, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Ballahtrae, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 k Ballater, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Ballaton L., Hungary. 47N. 18E. 78 Ballickmoyler, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Ballina, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Ballina, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Ballinafad, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Ballinakill, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Ballinamore, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Ballinasloe, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 66 Ballincollig, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Ballinderry R., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Ballindine, Ireland. 5lN. 9w. 66 Ballingarry, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Ballinrobe, Ireland. 5lN. 9w. 66 PAGE Ballinskelligs B., Ireland. 52x. lOw. 68 Ballintober, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Ballintogher, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Ballintra, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Ballitore, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Ballivor, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Balloch, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ballon, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Ballsadare, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Ballybay, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Ballybofey, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 BaUybrittas, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Ballybunion, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Ballycastle, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Ballycastle, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Ballyclare, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Ballyconnell, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Ballycottin B., Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 BaUydehob, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 BaUyduff, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Ballygar, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Ballygawley, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Ballygeary, Ireland. 52N. 6w. 69 Ballyhahill, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Ballyhaise, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Ballyhaunis, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Ballyheige B., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Ballyhoura Hills, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Ballyjamesduff, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Ballylandcrs, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 Ballylongford, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Ballymahon, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Ballymena, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Ballymoe, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Ballymoney, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Ballymore, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 67 *Ballymore Eustace, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Ballymote, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Ballymurphy, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Ballynahinch, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Ballynakill Harbour, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Ballyneen, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Ballyness B., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Ballyragget, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Ballyrosey, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Ballyshannon, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Ballyteige B., Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Ballyraghan, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Ballywalter, Ireland. 55N. 5w. 67 Balmacarra, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Balmoral Castle, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 *Balquhidder, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Bals Fd., Norway. 69N. 19E. 88 Balta, Russia. 48N. 30E. 91 Baltehik, Bulgaria. 43N. 28E. 94 Baltimore, Ireland. 5lN. 9w. 68 Baltinglass. Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Bamberg, Germany. 50N. HE. 77 *Bamborough Castle, England. 56N. 2w. 55 Bampton, England. 51x. 3\v. 56 Banagher, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Banavie, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 i88 Index PAGE Banbridge, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Banbury, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Banchory, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Bandon, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Bandon, R., Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 * Banff, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Banffl Hunyad, Hungary. 47N.23E.79 Bangor, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Bangor, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 * Bangor, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Banialuka, Bosnia. 45N. 18E. 94 Bann, R., Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Bann, R., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 *Bannockburn, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Banreve, Hungary. 48N. 22E. 79 Banteer, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Bantiger, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Bantry, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Bantry B., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Banya, Hungary. 48N. 24E. 79 *Bar, Russia. 49N. 28E. 91 Barbastro, Spain. 42N. OE. 85 *Barcelona, Spain. 4lN. 2s. 85 Bares, Hungary. 46N. 17E. 78 Bardi, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Bardsey Is., Wales. 53N. 5w. 54 *Bari, Italy. 4lN. 17E. 81 Barken, Germany. 52N. 7s. 76 Barking, England. 52N. OE. 57 Barkum Is., Germany. 54N. 7E. 76 Bar-le-Duc, France. 49N. 5E. 73 Barletta, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 Barmen, Germany. 5lN. 7E. 76 Barmouth, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 * Barnard Castle, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Barnsley, England. 54N. Iw. 55 *Barnstaple, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Barnstaple B., England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Barquero, Spain. 44N. 8w. 84 Barr, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Barr, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Barreiro, Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Barrels Rock, Ireland. 52N. 6w. 69 Ban-head, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Ban-hill, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Barrow, R., Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Barrow-in-Furness, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Barry, Wales. 5lN. 3w. 56 Bar-sur-Aube, France. 48N. SE. 73 Bar-sur-Seine, France. 48N. 4E. 73 Barton, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Bartsh R., Germany. 52N. 16E. 75 Barvas, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Basel, Switzerland. 48N. SE. 86 Basi, Russia. 46N. 47s. 91 Basenta R., Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 Basingstoke, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Basque Provinces, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 *Bass Rock, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Bassano, Italy. 46N. 12s. 83 Basses -Alpes, France. 44N. 6E. 73 Basses -Pyrenees, France. 43N. Iw. 72 Bastia, Corsica. 43N. 9E. 80 Bastogne, Belgium. 50N. 6E. 71 Bataszek, Hungary. 46N. 19E. 79 PAGE *Bath, England. SlN. 2w. 56 Bathgate, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Batley, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Batoum, Russia. 42N. 42E. 91 *Battle, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Battock, Mt., Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Batya, Hungary. 48N. 22E. 79 *Bautzen, Germany. 5lN. 14E. 76 Bavaria, Germany. 49N. 12s. 77 Bavaria, Lower, Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 Bavaria, Upper, Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 Bawtry, England. 53N. Iw. 55 *Bayonne, France. 44N. 2w. 72 Bayrischer Wald, Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 Baza, Spain. 38N. 3w. 85 Bazardjik, Burgaria. 44N. 28E. 94 Bazarudi, Turkey. 40N. 24E. 95 Bazias, Hungary. 45N. 2L E. 94 *Beachy Head, England. 5lN. OE. 57 *Beaconsfield, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Beal, England. 56N. 2w. 54 Beaminster, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Beattock, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Beaucaire, France. 44N. SE. 73 Beaugen, France. 48N. IE. 72 Beauly, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Beauly Firth, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Beauly, R., Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 *Beaumaris, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Beaumaris B., Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 * Beaumont, Belgium. SON. 4E. 71 Beaune, France. 47N. SE. 73 "Beauvais, France. 50N. 2E. 73 Beccles, England. 52N. 2E. 57 Becerrea, Spain. 43N. 7w. 84 Becskerek, Hungary. 45N. 20E. 79 Bedale, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Bedarieux, France. 44N. SE. 73 * Bedford, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Bedford R., England. 53N. OE. 57 Bedlington, England. 55N. 2w. 55 Beer Berg, Germany. SlN. HE. 77 Beg, Lough, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Bega, Hungary. 45N. 20E. BeilaiaR., Russia. 53N. 57E. Beira, Portugal. 40N. 8w. Beira alta, Portugal. 4 IN. 8w. 79 91 84 84 Beira baixa, Portugal. 40N. 7w. 84 Beith, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Beja, Portugal. 38N. 8w. 84 Bejar, Spain. 40N. 6w. 84 Bekes, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 Belbino, Austria. 46N. 12E. 78 Belbo R., Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Belchite, Spain. 4lN. Iw. 85 Belcoo, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Belem, Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Belfast, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Belfast Lough, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Belford, England. 56N. 2w. 54 *Belfort, France. 48N. 7E. 73 Belgard, Germany. 54N. 16E. 75 Belgrade, Servia. 45N. 2lE. 94 *Bell Rock Lighthouse, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Index 189 PAGE Bellahy, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Bellananagh, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Bellavary, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Bellavista, C. di, Sardinia. 40N. 10E. 81 Belle Isle, France. 47N. 3w. 72 Belleek, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Bellew, Mt., Ireland. 53N. Sw. 66 Belley, France. 44N. 6E. 73 Bellingham, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Bellinzona, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Belluno, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Belmez, Spain. 38N. 5w. 84 Belmtdlet, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Belper, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Beltra Lough, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 6G Belturbet, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Belvedere, Italy. 40N. 16E. 81 Belzig, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Ben Alligin, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Ben Attow, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Ben Aron, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Ben Cleuch, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Ben Cruachan, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ben Dearg, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Ben Hee, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Ben Hope, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Ben Ime, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ben Klibreck, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Ben Lawers, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Ben Ledi, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Ben Lomond, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ben Lui, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ben Macdlmi, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Ben More, Scotland. 56x. 4w. 65 Ben More, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Ben Nevis, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Ben Resipol, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Ben Serial, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Ben Venue, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Ben Voirlich, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Ben Vorlich, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ben Wyvis, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Benavente, Spain. 42x. 6w. 84 *Benbecula Sd., Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Bencroy, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Bendery, Russia. 47N. 29E. 91 *Benevento, Italy. 4 IN. 15E. 81 Bengore Hd., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Benicarlo, Spain. 40N. OE. 85 Benkovaz, Dalmatia. 44N. 16E. 78 Benmore Hd., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Bennettsbridge, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Bentheim, Germany. 52N. 7E. 76 Benwee Hd., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Ben-y-Gloe, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Beragh, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Berat, Turkey. 4lN. 20E. 95 Berbir, Bosnia. 45N. 17E. 94 Berdiansk, Russia. 47N. 38E. 91 Berditchev, Russia. 50N. 29E. 91 Bere Haven, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Bere Is., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 *Bere Regis, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 *Beresina R., Russia. 53N. 30E. 91 Berettya, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 Berezna, Hungary. 49N. 22E. 79 Berg, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 PAGE Berga, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 Bergamo, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Bergen, Germany. 54N. 13E. 76 Bergen, Norway. 60N. 5E. 89 * Bergen op Zoom, Holland. 5lN. 4E. 71 Bergerac, France. 45N. OE. 72 Bergsjo, Sweden. 62N. 17E. 89 Berici, Monti, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 * Berkeley, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Berkshire, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Bcrlad, Roumania. 46N. 28E. 94 * Berlin, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Bermeo, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 Bernburg, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Berne, Germany. 53N. SE. 76 * Berne, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Berneray Is., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Bernese Alps, Switzerland. 46x. SE. 86 Bernina P., Switzerland. 46sr.10E.87 Bernina P., Switzerland. 47x. 9E. 87 Bernkastel, Germany. 50N. 7E. 77 Berridale, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Bertraghboy B., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 66 Bervie, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Berwick, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 *Berwick-upon-Tweed, England. 56N. 2w. 54 Berwyn Mt., Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Berzava, Hungary. 45N. 2 IE. 79 *Besancon, France. 47N. 6E. 73 Beskidcn, Austria. 50N. 19E. 79 Bessarabia, Russia. 47N. 29E. 91 *Bettws-y-coed, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Bettyhill, Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Beuthen, Germany. 50N. 19E. 75 Bevagna, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Beverland, North, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Beverland, South, Holland. 5lN. 4E. 71 Beverley, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Beverwyk, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Bewdley, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Bex, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Bexhill-on-Sea, England. 5lN. OE. 57 *Beziers, France. 43N. 3E. 73 Biarritz, France. 44N. 2w. 72 Biasca, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 *Biberach, Germany. 48N. 10E. 77 *Bicester, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Bidassoa, R., Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Bidean-nan-Bian, Scotland. 57x. 5w. 62 *Bideford, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Bielaia R., Russia. 55N. 55E. 90 Bielefeld, Germany. 52N. SE. 76 Bielgorod, Russia. 5lN. 37E. 91 Biella, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 Bielo Sero L., Russia. 60N. 38E. 90 Bielopolie, Russia. 5lN. 35E. 91 *Bienne, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 47 Bienne, L. of, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Biggar, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Biggleswade, England. 52N. Ow. 57 190 Index PAGE Bigorre, France. 43N. OE. 72 Bihacs, Bosnia. 45N. 16E. 94 Bihar Gura, Hungary. 47N. 23E. 79 Bila Mts., Hungary. 46N. 17E. 78 Bilbao, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 Bill of Portland, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Bills of Achill, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Bilston, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Bimel, Switzerland. 47N. 6E. 86 *Bingen, Germany. 50N. SE. 77 Bingham, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Bingley, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Birkenfeld, Germany. 50N. 7E. 77 Birkenhead, England. 53N. 3w. 54 * Birmingham, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Birr, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Birs R., Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Biscay, Bay of, France. 46N. 3w. 72 Bisceglie, Italy. 4lN. 17E. 81 Bischoffsoell, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Bishop Auckland, England. 55N. 2w. 55 Bishop Stortford, England. 52N. OE. 57 Bishops Castle, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Bishops Waltham, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Bistritz, Hungary. 47N. 24E. 79 Bitburg, Germany. 50N. 6E. 77 Bitna R., Russia. 57N. 24E. 90 Bitolfa, Turkey. 4 IN. 2 IE. 95 *Bitonto, Italy. 4 IN. 17E. 81 *Bitsch, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Bitterfeld, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Bjorneborg, Russia. 6lN. 2lE. 90 Bjuken Fos, Norway. 60N. SE. 89 Black Hd., Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Black Isle, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Black Koros, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 Black Rock, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Black Sea, Russia. 43N. 35E. 91 Blackadder, R., Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Blackburn, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Blacklarg, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Blackpool, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Blacksod B., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Blackwater Bank, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Blackwater, R., England. 52N. IE. 57 Blackwater, R., Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Blackwater R., Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Blackwater R., Ireland. 55 N. 7w. 67 * Blair Atholl, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Blairgowrie, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Blakeney Harbour, England. 53N. IE. 55 Blanc, Mont, France. 46N. 7E. 73 Blandford, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Blanes, Spain. 42N. SB. 85 Blankenberghe, Belgium. 5lN. 3E. 71 Blankenburg, Germany. 52 N. HE. 76 Blantyre, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Blarney, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 PAGE Blavands Huk., Denmark. 56N. SE. 89 Blaven, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Blaye, France. 45N. Iw. 72 Blessington, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Bletchley, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Blisworth, England. 52N. Iw. 57 *Blois, France. 48N. IE. 72 Blokzyl, HoUand. 53N. 6E. 70 Bloody Foreland, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Blore, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Bludenz, Austria. 47N. 10E. 78 Bluestack, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Blumlis Alps, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Blyth, R., England. 55N. 2w. 55 Boat of Garten, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Bobadilla, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 Bobbio, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Bober R., Germany. 52N. 15s. 75 * Bobruisk, Russia. 53N. 29E. 91 Bocairente, Spain. 39N. Iw. 85 Bochum, Germany. 52N. 7E. 76 Boddam, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Bode R., Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Boderg Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 60 *Bodmin, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Bodo, Norway. 67N. 14E. 88 Bognor, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Bogragh Mts., Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Bohemia, Austria. 5T)N. 14E. 78 Boherboy, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Bohmer Wald, Austria. 49N. 13E. 78 Boisdale, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 *Bois-le-Duc, HoUand. 52N. SE. 70 Bolkhov, Russia. 54N. 36E. 91 Bolnas, Sweden. 6 IN. 16E. 89 * Bologna, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Bolsena, L. di, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 *Bolton, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Bolus Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Bomst, Germany. 52N. 16E. 75 Bonar Bridge, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Bonawe, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Bo ness, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Bonfol, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Bonifacio, Corsica. 4lN. 9E. 80 Bonifacio, Strait of, Italy. 4lN. 9E. 81 *Bonn, Germany. 5lN. 7E. 77 Bonneville, France. 4GN. 6E. 73 Bonorva, Sardinia. 40N. 9E. 81 Bonyhad, Hungary. 46N. 18E. 79 *Boom, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Bootle, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Bootle, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Boras, Sweden. 58N. 13E. 89 Bordeaux, France. 45N. Iw. 72 Bordenone, Italy. 46N. 13s. 83 Borgataro, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Borgholm, Sweden. 57N. 17E. 89 Borgomanero, Italy. 46N. 9E. 83 Borgonure, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Borgo San Donino, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Index 191 PAGE Borgo San Sepolcro, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Borisogliebsk, Russia. 5lN. 42E. 91 Borisov, Russia. 54N. 29E. 91 Borja, Spain. 42N. 2w. 85 Bormida R., Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Bornholm, Denmark. 55N. 15E. 89 ^Boros Sebes, Hungary. 46N. 22E. 79 Boroughbridge, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Borris, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Borrisokane, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Borrisoleigh, Ireland. 53N. Sw. 69 Borsawa, Hungary. 48N. 22E. 79 Boryslaw, Austria. 49N. 24E. 79 Bosa, Sardinia. 40N. 9E. 81 Bosna R.. Bosnia. 45N. 18E. 94 Bosnia, Austria-Hungary. 44x. 18E. 79 Bosphorus, Turkey. 43N. 29E. 94 Boston, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Bothnia, Gulf of, Sweden 65N. 24E. 88 Boti, Russia. 42N. 42E. 91 Botoshany, Roumania. 48N. 27E. 94 Bouches-du-Rhone, France. 44N. 5E. 73 Boudry, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Bouillon, Belgium. SON. SE. 71 Boulogne, France. 5lN. 2E. 73 Bourbonne, France. 48N. 6E. 73 *Bourg, France. 46N. 5E. 73 *Bourges, France. 47N. 2E. 73 * Bourn, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Bournemouth, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Bourtange, Holland. 53N. 7E. 70 Bourton, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Bouveret, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 *Boves, Italy. 44N. 8E. 82 Bow, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Bowos, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Bowfell, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Bowmore, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Boyle, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Boyle R., Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 *Boyne R., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Bozen, Austria. 47N. HE. 78 Bra, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 Brabant, Belgium. 5lN. SE. 71 Bracadale, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Bracciano, L. di, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Brackley, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Brad, Hungary. 46N. 23E. 79 Bradano R., Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 * Bradford, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Bradford, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Braeriasch, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Braga, Portugal. 42N. 8w. 84 Braganca, Portugal. 42N. 7w. 84 Bragar, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Brahilov, Roumania. 45N. 28E. 94 Braich-y-Pwll, Wales. 53N. 5w. 54 Braine-le-Comte, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Braintree, England. 52x. IE. 57 Brampton, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Bran, R., Scotland. 57N. 4w. 65 Brandenburg, Germany. 52N. 14E.76 PAGE Brandenburg, Germany. 52N. 12E.76 Brandon, England. 52x. IE. 57 Brandon B., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Brandon Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Brandon Hill, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Braunau, Austria. 48N. 13E. 78 Braunsberg, Germany. 54N. 2lE. 75 Braviken B., Sweden. 59N. 17E. 89 Bray, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Bray Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Brazza Is., Dalmatia. 43N. 16E. 94 Breadalbane, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 *Brechin, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Brecknock Beacon, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 * Brecon, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 * Breda, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Brede, R., England. 5lN. IE. 57 Bredevoort, Holland. 52N. 7E. 70 *Bregenz, Austria. 47N. 10E. 78 Breisach, A., Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Breisach, N., Germany. 48N. 8E. 77 Brelostok, Russia. 53N. 23E. 91 Bremangerland, Norway. 62N. 5E. 89 Bremen, Germany. 53N. 9E. 76 Bremerhaven, Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 Bremgarten, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 87 Breno, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 * Brentford, England. 5 IN. Ow. 57 Brentwood, England. 52N. OE. 57 Brescia, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 *Breslau, Germany. 5lN. 17E. 75 Bressay Is., Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 * Brest, France. 48N. 5w. 72 Brest Litovsk, Russia. 52N. 23E. 91 Breukelen, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Brezezany, Austria. SON. 25E. 79 Briancon, France. 45N. 6E. 73 Briansk, Russia. 53N. 35E. 91 Bridge of AUan, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Bridgend, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Bridgend, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 * Bridge water, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Bridgewater Bay, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 *Bridgnorth, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Bridlington, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Bridlington Quay, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Bridport, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Brieg, Germany. 5lN. 17E. 75 Brieg, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 *Brielle, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Brienz, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Brienz, Lake of, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Brierley Hill, England. 52N. 2*,Y. 56 Bries, Hungary. 49N. 20E. 79 Brightlingsea, England. 52N. IE. 57 Brighton, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Brig of Earn, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Brims Ness, Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Brindisi, Italy. 4lN. 18E. 81 Brissago, Switzerland. 4GN. OE. 87 * Bristol, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Bristol Channel, England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 192 Index PAGE Brittle, Loch, Scotland. 57x. 6w. 62 Brives, France. 45N. IE. 72 Brixen, Austria. 47N. 12E. 78 *Brixham, England. 50N. 3w. 56 Brljita, Biilgaria. 44N. 22E. 94 Broad Bay, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Broadford, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Broad Haven, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 *Brocken, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 *Brod, Bosnia. 45N. 18E. 94 Brodick, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Brody, Austria. 50N. 25E. 79 Bromberg, Germany. 53N. 18E. 75 Bromsgrove, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Bromyard, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Brookeborough, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Broom, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Broos, Austria-Hungary. 46N. 23E. 79 Brora, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Brora, R., Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Broseley, England. 53N. 3w. 56 Brosna, R., Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Brosna, R., Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Brough, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Broughton, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Broughton, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Broughty Ferry, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Brown Willy, England. 5lN. 5w. 56 Broye R., Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Bruchsal, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Brack, Austria. 47N. 15E. 78 Bruff, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 * Bruges, Belgium. 5lN. 3E. 71 Briigg, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Briinig, Switzerland. 47N. 8E. 86 Bninn, Austria. 49N. 16E. 78 Brunsbiittel, Germany. 54N. 9s. 76 Brunswick, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Brunswick, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Bruree, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 * Brussels, Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 Briister Ort, Germany. 55N. 20E. 75 Bruton, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Brax, Bohemia. 5lN. 14E. 78 Buccari, Croatia. 45N. 14E. 78 Buchan Ness, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Buchholz, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Buchnia, Austria. 50N. 20E. 79 Biickeburg, Germany. 52N. 9E. 76 Buckenham, England. 52N. IE. 57 Buckhaven, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Bucldngham, England. 52N. lw. 57 Buckie, Scotland. 58N. 3\v. 63 Bucklyvie, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Buczacz, Austria. 49N. 25E. 79 * Budapest, Hungary. 47N. 19E. 94 Buddon Ness, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Bude, England. 5 IN. 5w. 56 Bude Bay, England. 5lN. 5w. 56 Budrio, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Budua, Dalmatia. 42N. 19E. 79 Budweis, Austria. 49N. 14E. 78 Buffalvria, Italy. 40N. 16E. 81 Bug R., Russia. 47N. 32E. 91 Bug R., Russia. 53N. 2lE. 91 Bugulma, Russia. 55N. 53E. 91 Bugurastan, Russia. 54N. 52E. 91 PAGE *Builth, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 *Bukharest, Roumania. 44N. 26E. 94 Bukke Fd., Norway. 59N. 6E. 89 Bukowina, Austria. 48N. 26E. 79 Btilach, S\vitzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Bull Rock Lighthouse, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Bulle, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Bumasco, Switzerland. 46N. 9s. 87 Buncrana, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Bundoran, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Bungay, England. 52N. IE. 57 Bunzlau, Germany. 52x. 15E. 75 Burano, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Bure, R., England. 53N. 2E. 55 Buren, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Burg, Germany. 52^. 12E. 76 Burg, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Burgdorf, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Burgh, England. 53N. OE. 55 Burghas, Bulgaria. 42N. 28E. 94 Burghead, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 *Biirglen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 "^Burgos, Spain. 42N. 4w. 84 Burnham, England. 52N. IE. 57 Burnham, England. 51x. 3w. 56 Burnham Thorpe, England. 53N. IE. 55 Burnley, England. 54N. 2w. 54 *Burntisland, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Burra Is., Scotland. 60N. lw. 63 Burray Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Burriana, Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 Burrow Head, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Burry Inlet, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Burslem, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Burton Port, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Burton-upon-Trent, England. 53N. 2w. 55 Bury, England. 54N. 2w. 54 *Bury St. Edmunds, England. 52N. IE. 57 Busa Cape, Crete. 36N. 24s. 95 Busby, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Busen, Roumania. 45N. 27E. 94 Busen R., Roumania. 45N. 28E. 94 Bush, R., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Bushmills, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Busto Arizio, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Busuluk, Russia. 53N. 52E. 91 Busum, Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 Bute, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Bute Sd., Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Butt of Lewis, Scotland. 59N. 6w. 62 Buttevant, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Btitzow, Germany. 54N. 12s. 76 *Buxton, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Bystrica, Austria -Hungary. 49x. 25E. 79 Byth, England. 5f>N. lw. 55 Cabeza, Spain. 39N. 5w. 84 Cabezon, Spain. 43N. 4w. 84 Cabra, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Cabrera, Balearic Isles. 39N. 3E. 85 Cabriel, R., Spain. 39N. lw. 85 Caceres, Spain. 39N. 6w. 84 Cader Idris, Wales. 53N. 4w. 56 Index 93 PAGE *Cadiz, Spain. 36N. 6w. 84 *Caen, France. 49N. Ow. 72 Caergwrle, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 *Caerleon, England. 52N. 3w. 56 CaerphUly, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Cagliari, Sardinia. 39N. 9E. 81 Cagliari, Gulf of, Sardinia. 39N. 9E. 81 Caha Mts., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Caher, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Caherconlish, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Cahirciveen, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Cahore Pt., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 *Cahors, France. 44N. IE. 72 Cairn Table, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Cairnbawn, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Cairngorm, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Cairnsmuir, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Cairnsmuir of Fleet, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Cairntoul, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Caister, England. 53x. 2E. 57 Caistor, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Caithness, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Calabrian Mts., Italy. 39N. 16E. 81 "Calais, France. 5lN. 2E. 73 Calanca, V., Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Calatayud, Spain. 4lN. 2w. 85 Calder, R., Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Calder, Mid, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Calder, West, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Caldew, R., England. 55N. 3w. 54 Caldy Is., Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Caledon, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Caledonian Canal, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Calf of Man, Isle of Man. 54N. 5w.54 Callan, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Callander, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Callington, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Calmar, Sweden. 57N. 16E. 89 *Calne, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Caltagirone, Sicily. 37N. 15s. 81 Caltanisetta, Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 Cahiso, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Calvados, France. 49N. Ow. 72 *Calvi, Corsica. 43N. 9E. 80 Calzada, Spain. 39N. 4w. 84 Cam, R., England. 52N. OE. 57 Camacchio, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Camborne, England. SON. 5w. 56 *Cambray, France. 50N. 3E. 73 Cambrian Mts., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Cambridge, England. 52N. OE. 57 Camel, R., England. Six. 5w. 56 *Camelford, England. 5lN. 5w. 56 Camerino, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Camisano, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Camlin, R., Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Cammin, Germany. 53N. 15E. 76 Camolin, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Campania, Italy. 4 IN. 15E. 81 Campbeltown, Scotland. 55N. 6w.64 Campli, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Campo Maior, Portugal. 39N. 7w. 84 Campobasso, Italy. 42N. 15E. 80 Campofarmio, Italy. 46N. 13E. 8 PAGE Campsie, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Campsie FeUs, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Can, Germany. 54N. 9s. 76 Cancale, France. 49N. 2w. 72 *Candia, Crete. 35N. 25E. 95 Canea, Crete. 35N. 24E. 95 Cangas de Tineo, Spain. 43N. 7w. 84 Canicatti, Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 Canisbay, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Canna Is., Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Cannes, France. 44N. 7s. 73 Cannstadt, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Canonbie, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Canossa, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Canpile, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Cantabrian Chain, Spain. 43x. 4w.84 Cantal, France. 45N. SE. 73 Cantal, Mt., France. 45N. 3E. 73 * Canterbury, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Cantyre, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Capannori, Italy. 44N. HE. 82 Capolago, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Cappamore, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Cappoquin, Ireland. 52N. Sw. 69 Capraja Is., Italy. 43N. 10E. 80 *Caprera Is., Sardinia. 4lN. 10E. 81 * Capri Is., Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 Caprino, Italy. 46N. HE. 83 *Capua, Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 Carballino, Spain. 42N. 8w. 84 Carballo, Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 Carbonara, C., Sardinia. 39N. 10E.81 Carboneras, Spain. 37N. 2w. 84 Carbost, Scotland. 57N. 6\r. 62 Carbury, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 17 -* Carcassonne, France. 43N. 2E. 73 * Cardiff, Wales. 5lN. 3w. 56 Cardigan, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Cardigan Bay, Wales. 53N. 4w. 56 Carese, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Cargill, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 65 Carignano, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Carinthia, Austria. 47N. 14E. 78 Carlingford, Ireland. 5 IN. 6w. 67 Carlingford Lough, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 * Carlisle, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Carlow, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Carlshafen, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Carlshamn, Sweden. 56x. 16s. 89 Carlsruhe, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Carlstad, Sweden. 59N. 13E. 89 Carluke, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Carmagnola, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Carmarthen, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Carmarthen B., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Carmyllie, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Carna, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 66 * Carnarvon, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Carnarvon B., Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Carndonagh, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Carney, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Carnforth, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Carnic Alps, Austria. 47N. 13E. 78 Carniola, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Carnlough, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Carnoustie, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 65 Carnsore Pt., Ireland. 52N. 6w. 69 i 9 4 Index PAGE Carnwath, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Carpathians, Hungary- 49N. 23E.79 Carpentras, France. 44N. SB. 73 * Carpi, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Carrantual, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Carrara, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Carrick, Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 Carrickbeg, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 *Carrickfergu6, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Carrickmacross, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Carrickmore, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Carrick -on -Shannon, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Carrick -on-Suir, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Carrigallen, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Carrigans, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Carril, Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 Carrion R., Spain. 42N. 5w. 84 Carron, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Carron, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Carron, R., Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Carrowmore Lough, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Carse of Gowrie, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Carsphairn, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Carstairs, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Cartagena, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Carter Fell, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Carvoeiro, C., Portugal. 39N. lOw. 84 Carwen, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Casale, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 Caserta, Italy. 4 IN. 14E. 81 *Cashel, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Cashen, R., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Casoli, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Caspe, Spain. 4lN. Ow. 85 Caspian Sea, Russia. 42N. 50E. 91 Cassalmaggiore, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Cassandra Gulf, Turkey. 40N. 24E.95 Cassel, Germany. 5 IN. 10s. 77 Cassino, Italy. 42N. 14E. 80 Castel Bolognese, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Castel di Sangro, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Castel Sardo. Sardinia. 4 IN. 9E. 81 Castel San Pictro, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 *Castelfranco, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Castellamare, G. of, Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 Castellammare, Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 Castello Branco, Portugal. 40N. 7w. 84 Castellon de la Plana, Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 *Castelnaudary, France. 43N. 2E. 73 Castelnuovo, Dalmatia. 42N. 18E. 79 Castelvetere, Italy. 38N. 16E. 81 Castel vetrano, Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 "Castiglione, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Castle Dawson, Ireland. 55N. 7w.67 Castle Donnington, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Castle Douglas, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Castle Eden, England. 55N. Iw. 55 * Castle Rising, England. 53N. OE. 55 Castlebar, Ireland. 5 IN. 9w. 66 Castlebellingham, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 PAGE Castleblaney, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Castlebridge, Ireland. 52N. 6w. 69 Castlecomer, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Castleconnell, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Castlederg, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Castledermot, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Castleflnn, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Castlegrove, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Castleisland, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Castlemaine, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Castlemartyr, Ireland. 52x. 8vv. 69 Castlepollard, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Castlerea, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 *Castleton, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Castletovm, Isle of Man. 54N. 5w. 54 Castletown, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Castletown of Braemar, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Castle-wellan, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Castres, France. 44N. 2E. 73 Castro Urdiales, Spain. 43N. 3w. 84 Castrovillari, Italy. 40N. 16E. 81 Catalonia, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 Catania, Sicily. 38N. 15E. 81 Catania, G. of, Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 *Catanzara, Italy. 39N. 17E. 81 Caterham, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Cattaro, Montenegro. 42N. 19E. 94 Caucasia, Russia. 43N. 45E. 91 Caucasus, Russia. 43N. 44E. 91 Cavan, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Caveller Maggiore, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Cawdor, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Cawsand Beacon, England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Cawston, England. 53N. IE. 55 Cazalla, Spain. 38N. 6w. 84 Cecina, Italy. 43N. HE. 82 Cecina, R., Italy. 43N. HE. 82 Cedeira, Spain. 44N. 8w. 84 Cefalu, Sicily. 38N. 14E. 81 Ceglie, Italy. 4 IN. 18E. 81 Celano, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Celbridge, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Cellar Hd., Scotland. 5SN. 6w. 62 Celle, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Cenis Tunnel, Mt., France. 45N. 7E. 82 Cento, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 *Cephalonia, Greece. 38N. 2lE. 95 Ceres, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Cerignola, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 Cerigo, Greece. 36N. 23E. 95 Cerigotto, Crete. 36N. 23E. 95 Cervera, Spain. 42N. IE. 85 Cervia, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Cesano, R., Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 *Cesena, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Cetinge, Montenegro. 42N. 19E. 94 Cette, France. 43N. 4E. 73 Ceva, Italy. 44N. 8E. 82 *Cevennes, France. 44N. SE. 73 Cevio, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Chalcis, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 *Chalons-sur-Marne, France. 49N. 4E. 73 Chalone-sur-Saone, France. 47N. 5E. 73 Index 95 PAGE Cham, Germany. 49N. 12B. 77 Chambery, France. 46N. 6E. 73 Chambord, France. 48N. 2E. 73 Chamouni, France. 46N. 7E. 73 Champagne, France. 49N. 5E. 73 Champery, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Channel Is., England. 49N. 2w. 56 Chantada, Spain. 43N. 8w. 84 Chapel-en-le-Frith, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Chara, Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Chard, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Charente, France. 46N. OE. 72 Charente, 11., France. 46N. Iw. 72 Charente Inferieure, France. 46N. Iw. 72 Charing, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Charleroi, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 Charlestown, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Charlestown, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Charleville, Ireland. 52x. 9w. 68 Charlottenburg, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 *Chartres, France. 48N. IE. 72 Chasseral, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Chateau d Oex, Switzerland. 46N. 7B. 86 Chateaubriant, France. 48N. lw.72 Chateauroux, France. 47N. 2s. 73 Chateau-Salins, Germany. 49N. 6E. 77 Chateau-Thierry, France. 49N. 3E.73 Chatelet, Belgium. 50N. 5E. 71 Chatellerault, France. 47N. OE. 72 Chatel St. Denis, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 * Chatham, England. 5 IN. IE. 57 *Chatillon, France. 48N. 5E. 73 ChatiUon, Italy. 46N. SB. 82 Chaumont, France. 48N. SE. 73 Chaumont, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Chaves, Portugal. 42N. 8w. 84 Cheadle, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Cheddar, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Chelmer, R., England. 52x. IE. 57 Chelmsford, England. 52N. OE. 57 Cheltenham, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Chelva, Spain. 4 ON. Iw. 85 Chemnitz, Germany. 5 IN. 13E. 77 Chepstow, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Cher, France. 47N. 2E. 73 Cher, R., France. 47N. OE. 72 Cherasco, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 * Cherbourg, France. 50N. 2w. 72 Cherso, Austria. 45N. 14E. 78 *Chertsey, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 CherweU R., England. 52N. Iw. 57 Chesham, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Cheshire, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Chesil Bank, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Chesilton, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 * Chester, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Chesterfield, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Chester-le -Street, England. 55N. 2w. 55 Cheviot, England. 55N. 2w. 54 *Chiara, Italy. 46N. 10a. 82 Chiavari, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 PAGE Chiavenna, Italy. 46N. 9E. 80 *Chichester, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Chiem See, Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 Chienti R., Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Chieri, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 Chieti, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 ChiUvani, Sardinia. 4lN. 9E. 81 *Chillon, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Chiltern Hills, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Chimay, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 Chinchilla, Spain. 39N. 2w. Chinon, France. 47N. OE. 72 Chiny, Belgium. 50N. 5E. 71 Chioggia, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Chipiona, Spain. 37N. 6w. 84 Chippenham, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Chipping Barnet, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Chipping Campden, England. 52x. 2w. 5G Chipping Norton, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Chipping Ongar, England. 52N. OE. 57 Chiusa, Italy. 44N. SB. 82 Chiusi, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Chivasso, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 Chollet, France. 47N. Iw. 72 Cholmogory, Russia. 64.N. 42E. 90 Chorley, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Christchurch, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Christiania, Norway. 60N. HE. 89 Christiania Fd., Norway. 59N. HE. 89 Christiansand, Norway. 59N. SB. 89 Christiansand, Norway. 58N. SB. 89 Christianstad, Sweden. 56N. 14s. 89 Christiansund, Norway. 63N. SB. 88 Christineham, Sweden. 59N. 14E. 89 Chulmleigh, England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Church Stretton, England. 53N. 3w. 56 Chyrow, Austria. 50N. 23E. 79 Cieza, Spam. 38N. Iw. 85 Cilli, Austria. 46N. 15E. 78 Cimone, M., Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Cinca, R., Spain. 4lN. OE. 85 *Cintra, Portugal. 39N. lOw. 84 Circello, C., Italy. 4lN. 13E. 81 *Circencester, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Cirie, Italy. 45N. 8s. 82 Citta di Castella, Italy. 43N. 12E.83 CittadeUa, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Ciudad Real, Spain. 39N. 4w. 84 *Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain. 4lN. 6w. 84 Ciudadela, Minorca. 40N. 4E. 85 Cividale, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Civita Castellana, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Civita della Pieve, Italy. 43N. 12E.83 Civita San Angelo, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Qvita Vecchia, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Clackmannan, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Clacton, England. 52N. IB. 57 Clain, R., France. 47N. OE. 72 Clamecy, France. 47N. 3E. 73 Clane, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Clara, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 67 196 Index PAGE Clare, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Clare Is., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Clare, R., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Claregalway, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Claregalway R., Ireland. 53N. 9w.66 Claremorris, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Clashmore, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Claudy, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Clausthal, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Clay, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Clear, Cape, Ireland. 5lN. lOw. 68 Clear Is., Ireland. 5 IN. 9w. 68 Cleator Moor, England. 55N. 4w. 54 Cleethorpes, England. 54N. Ow. 55 "Cleobury Mortimer, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Clerf, Luxemburg. 5 ON. 6B. 71 Clerf, R., Luxemburg. 50N. 6E. 71 "Clermont, France. 46N. SE. 73 *CleTedon, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Cleveland, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Cleves, Germany. 52N. 6E. 76 Clew B., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Clifden, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 66 Cliffony, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Clitheroe, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Clogh R., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Cloghan, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Clogheen, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Clogher, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Clogher Hd., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Clonakilty, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Clonakilty B., Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Clonaslee, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Clonegall, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Clones, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 *Clonmel, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 *Clontarf, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Cloone, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Closeburn, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Clova, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 CloveUy, England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Cloyne, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Clun, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Clunie, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 5W.62 Clusone, Italy. 46N. 10s. 82 Clyde, Firth of, Scotland. 56N. 5w.64 Clyde, R., Scotland. 56N. 5w. 65 Clydebank, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Clyne, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Coachford, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Coatbridge, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Cobbler, The, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Coblenz, Germany. SON. SE. 77 *Coburg, Germany. 50N. HE. 77 Cockburnspath, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 *Cockermouth, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Codroipo, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Coervorden, Holland. 53N. 7E. 70 Coggeshall, England. 52N. IE. 57 * Cognac, France. 46N. Ow. 72 *Coimbra, Portugal. 40N. 8w. 84 Coire (Chur), Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Col de Balme, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 PAGE Col de Ferret, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Col di Cadibona, Italy. 44N. SE. 82 Col di Tenda, Italy. 44N. SE. 82 Col du Jaman, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Colberg, Germany. 54N. 15E. 76 * Colchester, England. 52N. IE. 57 Coldingham, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Coldstream, Scotland. 56N T . 2w. 65 Coleraine, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 *Coll, Scotland. 57N. 7w. 64 Coll, Passage of, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Collieston, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Collioure, France. 43N. SE. 73 Collon, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Collooney, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Colmar, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Gobi R., England. 52N. 2w. 56 Colne, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Colne, R., England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Cologne, Germany. 5lN. 6s. 76 Colon Mt., Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Colonna C., Italy. 39N. 17E. 81 Colonsay, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Colonsay, Passage of, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Colorno, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Columbretes, Spain. 40N. IE. 85 Colwyn, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Comask, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Comber, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Combin Mt., Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Comeragh Mts., Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Comero, Mt., Italy. 44N. 12*:. 83 Comino, C., Sardinia. 4lN. 10E. 81 Como, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Como, L. di, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Compiegne, France. SON. SE. 73 Comrie, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Condom, France. 44N. OE. 72 Cone, France. 47N. SE. 73 Conegliano, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Cong, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Congleton, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Coniston L., England. 54N. 3w. 54 Conn, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Connaught, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Connemara, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Constadt, Germany. 5lN. 18E. 75 Constance, Switzerland. 48N. 9E.87 Constance, L. of, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Constantinople, Turkey. 4lN. 28E.95 Constantza, Roumania. 44N. 29s. 94 Conthey, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Contrexeville, France. 48N. 6E. 73 Conway, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Conway R., Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Cookstown, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Coolaney, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Coolgreany, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Cootehill, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Copeland Is., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 * Copenhagen, Denmark. 56N. 12E. 89 Copinshay Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Index 197 PAGE Coppenburg, Germany. 53N. 7E. 76 *Coppet, Switzerland. 46N. GE. 86 Coquet Is., England. 55N. Iw. 55 Coquet, R., England. 55N. 2w. 55 Carabid, Roumania. 44N. 24E. 94 Corato, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 Corbeil, France. 49N. 2E. 73 Corbieres, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Corby, England. 53N. Iw. 55 * Cordova, Spain. 38N. 5w. 84 Corfu Is., Greece. 40N. 20E. 95 Coria, Spain. 40N. 6w. 84 * Corinth, Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 Corinth Gulf, Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 *Cork, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 Cork Harbour, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 Corleone, Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 Cormons, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Corneto, Italy. 42N. 12ns. 83 Cornia, R., Italy. 43N. HE. 82 Corno, Mt., Italy. 42N. 13s. 83 Cornwall, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Correze, France. 45N. 2E. 73 Corrib, Lough, Ireland. 53N. 9w.66 Corrofln, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Corsewell Pt., Scotland. 55N. 5W.64 Corsica, France. 42N. 9E. 80 Corso, C., Corsica. 43N. 9E. 80 Corsoer, Denmark. 55N. HE. 89 Corte, Corsica. 42N. 9E. 80 Cortona, Italy. 43N. 12s. 83 * Corunna, Spain. 43N. 8w. 84 Coryvreckan, G. of, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Cosenza, Italy. 39N. 16E. 81 Coslin, Germany. 54N. 16s. 75 Cossonay, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Cote d Or, France. 48N. 5E. 73 Cotes du Nord, France. 48N. 3w. 72 Cotrone, Italy. 39N. 17E. 81 Cotswold Hills, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Cottian Alps, Italy. 45N. 7E. 82 Coupar Angus, Scotland. 57N. 3w.63 Courland, Russia. 57N. 23E. 90 Courmayeur, Italy. 46N. 7s. 82 Courtelary, Switzerland. 47N. 7s. 86 Courtmacsherry, Ireland. 52N. 9w.68 Courtmacsherry B., Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 *Courtrai, Belgium. 5lN. 3s. 71 Coutances, France. 49N. Iw. 72 Couvin, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 *Coventry, England. 52x. 2w. 57 Covitha, Portugal. 4 ON. 7w. 84 Cowbridge, Wales. 5lN. 3w. 56 *Cowes, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 * Cracow, Austria. 50N. 20s. 79 Craiguenamanagh, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Craignish, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Crail, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Cranborne, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Cranbrook, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Oarae, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Crathie, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Crati, R., Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 Craughwell, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Crediton, England. 51 N. 4w. 56 Cree, R., Scotland. 55N. 4w. 64 Creetown, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 *Crefeld, Germany. 5 IN. 6E. 76 Crema, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 * Cremona, Italy. 45N. 10E. &2 Creran, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 64 *Cressy, France. 50N. 2E. 73 Crete Is., Mediterranean. 35N. 25E.95 Creuse, France. 46N. 2E. 73 Creuse, C., Spain. 42N. 3E. 85 Creuse, R., France. 47N. IE. 72 Creux, C., Spain. 42N. 3E. 73 Crewe, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Crewkerne, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Crianlarich, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Criccieth, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Crickhowel, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Cricklade, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Crieff, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Criffell, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 * Crimea, Russia. 45N. 34E. 91 Croagh Patrick, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Croatia, Hungary. 45N. 16E. 78 Croix, Is., France. 48N. 3w. 72 Cromarty, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Cromarty Firth, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Cromer, England. 53N. IE. 55 Crookhaven, Ireland. 5lN. lOw. 68 Croom, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 *Cropredy Bridge, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Cross Fell, England. 55isr. 2w. 54 Crossgar, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Crosshaven, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 Crossmaglen, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Crossmolina, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Crow Head, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Crowborough, England. 5lN. OE.57 Crowle, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Croydon, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Cruden B., Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Crumlin, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Crummock Water, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Crusheen, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Csaba, Hungary. 47N. 2 IE. 79 Csap, Hungary. 49N. 22B. 79 Csukas, Mt., Hungary. 46N. 26E. 79 Cuckfield, England. 51x. Ow. Cudrefin, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. Cuenca, Spain. 40N. 2w. Cuevas, Spain. 37N. 2w. Cuilcagh, Ireland. 54N. 8w. , . . . CuilHn Hills, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Cuillin Sd., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Culenborg, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Cullen, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Cullera, Spain. 39N. Ow. 85 *Culloden, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Cullompton, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Cully, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Culross, Scotland. 56x. 4w. 65 Culter, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Cumberland, England. 55x. 3w. 54 198 Index PAGE Cumbrian Mts., England. 55N. 3w. 54 Cumnock, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Cuneo, Italy. 44N. SE. 82 Cupar, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Currane, Lough, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Curraun Peninsula, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Curry, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Curzola Is., Austria. 43N. 17E. 94 Cushendall, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Cushendun, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 *Custozza, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Custrin, Germany. 52N. 15E. 75 Cuxhaven, Germany. 54x. 9E. 76 Cyolades, Greece. 37N. 25E. 95 Czegled, Hungary. 47N. 20E. 79 Czengrad, Hungary. 47N. 20E. 79 Czerna Gora, Mt., Austria. 48N. 25E. 79 Czernowitz, Austria. 48N. 26E. 79 Czibles, Hungary. 48N. 24E. 79 Daghestan, Russia. 42N. 47E. 91 Dago, Russia. 59N. 22E. 90 Dahme, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Dailleul, France. 5lN. SE. 73 Dakau, Roumania. 47N. 26E. 94 Dal Elf, Sweden. 60N. 17E. 89 Dal Elf, Sweden. 6lN. 14E. 89 Dalbeattie, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Dale-carlia, Sweden. 6lN. 16E. 89 Dalen, Norway. 60N. SE. 89 Dalkeith, Scotland. 56x. 3w. 65 Dalkey, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Dalmally, Scotland. 56x. 5w. 64 Dalmellington, Scotland. 55N. 4W.65 Dairy, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 * Dairy, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 *Dalton, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Dalwhinnie, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Damme, Belgium. 5lN. SE. 71 Dan, Lough, Ireland. 53x. 6w. 69 Dannemora, Sweden. 60N. 18s. 89 Dannenberg, Germany. 53N. HE. 76 Danube, Roumania. 45N. 29E. 94 Danun, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 * Danzig, Germany. 5N. 19E. 75 Danzig, G. of, Germany. 55N. 19E. 75 * Dardanelles, The, Turkey. 40N. 26E. 95 Dargle R., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Darlington, England. 55N. lw. 55 Darmstadt, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Daroca, Spain. 4lN. lw. 85 Dart, R., England. 50N. 4w. 56 Dartmoor Forest, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 * Dartmouth, England. 50N. 4w. 56 Darwen, Lower, England. 54sr. 3w. 54 Daunt Rock Light Vessel, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 *Daventry, England. 52N. lw. 57 Daviot, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Davos Plate, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 PAGE Dawlish, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Dawros Hd., Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 Dax, France. 44N. lw. 72 De Honde, Holland. 5 IN. 4E. 71 De Krammer, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 De Maas, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 *Deal, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Deben, R., England. 52N. IE. 57 Debenham, England. 52N. IE. 57 Debreczin, Hungary. 47N. 22E. 94 Dedeh Agatch, Turkey. 4lN. 26E. 95 Dee, R., England. 53N. 3w. 54 Dee R., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Dee, R., Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Dee, R., Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Deel, R., Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Deer Ness, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Dees, Hungary. 47N. 24E. 79 Deggendorf, Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 Dejuchin, Russia. 60N. 57E. 90 Delden, Holland. 52N. 7E. 70 Delemont, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 * Delft, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Delfzy, Holland. 53N. 7E. 70 Delgany, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Dellen L., Sweden. 62N. 17E. 89 Delphi Mt., Greece. 39N. 2-iE. 95 Delvino, Turkey. 40N. 20E. 95 Demmin, Germany. 54N. 13E. 76 Demonte, Italy. 44N. 7E. 82 Demotika, Bulgaria. 42N. 26s. 94 Den Burg, Holland. 53N. 5s. 70 Denbigh, Wales. 53N. 3w. 51 Dender R., Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 Deneshkin Kamen, Russia. 6 IN. 60E. 90 Denholm, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Denia, Spain. 39N. OE. 85 Denny, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Dent Blanche, Switzerland. 46N. 8E. 86 Dent du Midi, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Deptford, England. 5 IN. Ow. 57 Derbend, Russia. 42N. 48E. 91 * Derby, England. 53N. lw. 55 Derevaragh, L., Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 *Derg, L., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Derg, R., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Derrygonnelly, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Derrynasaggart Mts., Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Derryveagh Mts., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Dervock, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Derwent R., England. 54N. Ow. 55 Derwent, R., England. 53N. lw. 55 Derwent, R., England. 55N. 2w. 55 Derwent R., England. 55N. 4w. 54 Derwent Water, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Desna R., Russia. 52N. 32E. 91 Despoco-Dagh, Bulgaria. 42N. 25fi. 94 * Dessau, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Detmold, Germany. 52N. 9E. 76 Detra, Hungary. 49N. 20E. 79 *Deutsch Brod, Austria. 50N. 16E. 78 Deux Sevres, France. 47N. Ow. 72 Index 199 PAGE Deva, Hungary. 46N. 23E. 79 Deva, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Deventer, Holland. 52N. GE. 70 Deveron R., Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Devil s Bridge, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 * Devizes, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Devon, England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Devon R., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Devonport, England. 50>r. 4w. 56 Dewsbury, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Dhomoko, Greece. 39N. 22E. 95 Dim Heartach, Scotland. 56N. 7w. 64 Dia Is., Crete. 35N. 25E. 95 Diakovar, Slavonia. 45N. 19s. 79 Diekirch, Luxemburg. 50N. 6E. 71 Diemel R., Germany. 52N. 9E. 76 Diepholz, Germany. 53N. 9E. 76 * Dieppe, France. 50N. IE. 72 Diest, Belgium. 5lN. 5E. 71 Dieu, Is., France. 47N. 2w. 72 Dievenow, Germany. 54N. 15E. 76 Dieze R., Holland. 52N. 5E. Digne, France. 44N. 6E. * Dijon, France. 47N. 5E. Dimitrov, Russia. 57N. 38E. *Dinan, France. 48N. 2w. Dinant, Belgium. 50N. 5E. Dinaric Alps, Austria. 44N. 16E. 94 Dinas Mowddy, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Dingle, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Dingle B., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Dingwall, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Dinkelsbuhl, Bavaria. 49N. 10E. 77 *Dirleton, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Dirschau, Germany. 54N. 18E. 75 Disentis, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Diss, England. 52N. IE. 57 Divra, Turkey. 42N. 20E. 94 Divre Mt., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Dixmude, Belgium. 5lN. 3s. 71 Dnieper R., Russia. 47N. 32s. 91 * Dniester R., Russia. 47N. 30E. 91 Doagh, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Dobeln, Germany. 5lN. 13E. 76 Doberan, Germany. 54N. 12s. 76 Dobrudja, Roumania. 44N. 28s. 94 Dobshau, Hungary. 49N. 2lE. 79 Dodder, R., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Dodman Pt., England. 50N. 5w. 56 Doesborgh, HolJand. 52N. 6E. 70 Doldenhorn, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Dole, France. 47N. 5E. 73 Dolgelly, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 * Dollar, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 DoDart, The, Germany. 53N. 7E. 76 Dom, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Domen, Norway. 7 IN. 3lE. 88 Domo d Ossolo, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 *Domremy, France. 48N. 6E. 73 Don R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 Don R., Russia. 47N. 39E. 91 Don, R., Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Don Benito, Spain. 39N. 6w. 84 Don Cossacks, Russia. 49N. 42E. 91 Donaghadee, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Donauworth, Germany. 49N. HE. 7 7 Doncaster, England. 54N. Iw. 55 PAGE Donegal, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Donegal B., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Doneraile, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Donington, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Donnaeso, Norway. 66N. 13E. 88 Donnaz, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 Donoughmore, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 8 Doogort, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Doo Lough, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 *Doonbeg, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Doon, Loch, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Doon, R., Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Dora Baltea R., Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Dora Repairo R., Italy. 45N. 7E. 82 * Dorchester, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Dordogne, France. 45N. IE. 72 Dordogne, R., France. 45N. Ow. 72 Dordogne, R., France. 45N. 2E. 73 Dordrecht, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Dore, Mt., France. 46N. SE. 73 Doriah, Turkey. 4lN. 23E. 95 *Dorking, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Dormitor, Montenegro. 43N. 19E. 94 Dornaas, Norway. 62N. 9E. 89 Dornbirn, Austria. 47N. 10E. 78 Dornoch, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Dornoch Firth, Scotland. 58N. 4w.63 Dorohoi, Roumania. 48N. 27E. 94 Dorpat Yuryev, Russia. 58N. 28E. 90 Dorset, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Dortmund, Germany. 52N. SE. 76 Douarnenez B., France. 48N. 5w. 72 *Douay, France. 50N. 3E. 73 Doubs, France. 47N. 6s. 73 Doubs, R., France. 47N. 5E. 73 * Douglas, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Douglas, Isle of Man. 54N. 5w. 54 Douglas W., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 *Doune, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Dour, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 Douro, Portugal. 4lN. 8w. 84 *Douro, R., Portugal. 4lN. 9w. 84 *Dove, R., England. 53N. 2w. 55 * Dover, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Dover, Strait of, England. 5 IN. IE. 57 Dovey, R., Wales. 53N. 4\v. 56 Dovre Fjeld, Norway. 62N. 9E. 89 Dowlais, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Down, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Downham Market, England. 53N. OE. 57 *Downpatrick, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Downpatrick Hd., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 *Downs, The, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Dragten, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Draguignan, France. 44N. 6E. 73 Drama, Turkey. 4lN. 24E. 95 Drammen, Norway. 60N. 10E. 89 Drammen R., Norway. 60N. 10E. 89 Drau R., Austria. 46N. 17E. 94 Dranse R., Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Draperstown, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Drave R., Hungary. 4GN. 17E. 94 Drenthe, Holland. 53N. 7E. 70 *Dresden, Germany. 5lN. 14E. 76 *Dreux, France. 49N. IE. 72 H 200 Index PAGE Drewenz, Germany. 53N. 19E. 75 Drimoleague, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Drin, R., Turkey. 42N. 20s. 94 Drina R., Bosnia. 45N. 19E. 94 *Drogheda, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Drohobycz, Austria. 49N. 24E. 79 Droitwich, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Dromara, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Dromcolliher, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Drome, France. 45N. 5E. 73 Drome, R., France. 45N. Ow. 72 Drome, R., France. 45N. 5E. 73 *Dromore, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Dromore, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Dromore, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Dronfield, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Drontheim, Norway. 63N. HE. 88 DrontheiinFd., Norway. 63N.10E. 88 Drumahaire, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Drumburg, Germany. 54N. 16E. 75 Drumcliff, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Dmminn, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Drumkeeran, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Dnimlish, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Drumlithie, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 * Dmmmelzier, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Drummer, Germany. 53x. SB. 76 Drumquin, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Drumshanbo, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 *Dryburgh Abbey, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Drymen, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 * Dublin, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Dublin B., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Dubooka, Russia. 49N. 45E. 91 *Duddon, R., England. 54N. 3w. 54 Dudley, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Dufltown, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Duich, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Duisburg, Germany. 52N. 6E. 76 Dukinfield, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Dulcigno, Montenegro. 42N. 19E. 94 Duleek, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Dulnan, R., Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Dulverton, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 * Dumbarton, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 * Dumfries, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Diinaburg, Russia. 56N. 27E. 90 Dunajec R., Austria. 50N. 2lE. 79 Dunany Pt., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 *Dunbar, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Dunbeath, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Dunblane, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Dunboyne, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Duncansbay Hd., Scotland. 59x. 3w. 63 Duncormick, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 *Dundalk, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Dundalk B., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 * Dundee, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Dundrum, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Dundrum B., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 *Dunfermline, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Dungannon, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Dungarvan, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Durtgarvan Harbour, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Dungeness, England. 5lN. IE. 57 PAGE Dungiren, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Dunglow, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 *Dunkeld, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Dunkerry Beacon, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Dunkirk, France. 56N. 2E. 73 Dunleer, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Dunlavin, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Dunlop, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Dunloy, Ireland. 67N. 6w. 67 Dunmanus B., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Dunmanway, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Dunnaore, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Dunmore, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Dunmore Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 *Dunmow, England. 52N. OE. 57 Dunnet, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Dunnet B., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Dunnet Hd., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Dunning, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Dunnottar Castle, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Dunoon, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Dunranagh, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Dunrobin Castle, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Duns, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Dunscore, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Dunshaughlin, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 *Dunstable, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Dunstanborough Castle, England. 56N. 2w. 55 Dunster, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Dun vegan Loch, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Durance, R., France. 44N. 5E. 73 Duratch, Turkey. 4lN. 19E. 95 *Durazzo, Turkey. 4lN. 19E. 95 Durbuy, Belgium. 50N. 5E. 71 Dtiren, Germany. 5lN. 6E. 77 /Durham, England. 55N. 2w. 55 Durness, Scotland. 59N. 5w. 62 Durrow, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Dursey Is., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Dursley, England. 52N. 2w. 56 *Dusseldorf, Germany. 52N. 6E. 76 *Dvina R., Russia. 64N. 4lE. 90 Dyce, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Dyle, R., Belgium. 5lN. 5E. 71 Dysart, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Eagle Is., Ireland. 54w. lOw. 66 Earlston, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Earn, L., Scotland. SON. 4w. 65 Earn R., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Eask, Lough, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Easky, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 East Beskiden, Austria. 49N. 22s. 79 East Dcreham, England. 53N. IE. 57 East Flanders, Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 East Friesian Is., Germany. 54N. 7E. 76 East Kilbride, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 East Linton, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 East Retford, England. 53N. lw.55 East Riding, Yorkshire. 54x. Iw. 55 Eastbourne, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Eastleigh, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Index 201 PAG I Easter Schelde, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Eastern Roumelia, Bulgaria. 42N. 26E. 94 Eaux Vives, Switzerland. 46N. 6E.46 Eberswalde, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Ebingen. Germany. 48N. 9s. 77 Ebnat, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Ebro, R., Spain. 4lN. IE. Ecclefechan, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Eccleshall, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Echallens, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Ecija, Spain. 38N. 5w. 84 Ecloo, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Edam, Holland. 53N. 5E. 70 Eday Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Edderton, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Eddrachilles B., Scotland. 58N. 4w.62 *Eddystone Lighthouse, England. 50N. 4w. 56 Eden, R., England. 55N. 3w. 54 Eden, R., Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Edenburg, Germany. 5lN. 13E. 76 Edenderry, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Kder R., Germany. 5lN. 9E. 76 JCderny, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 *Edge Hill, England. 52N. Iw. 57 * Edgeworthstown, Ireland. 54N.8w.67 * Edinburgh, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Edinkillie, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Edirne, Turkey. 42N. 27E. 94 Edzell, Scotland, 57N. 3\v. 63 Effretikon, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 *Eger, Hungary. 50N. 12s. 78 Eger, R., Austria. 50N. 13s. 78 Eglisau, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 *Egremont, England. 54N. 4w. 54 Egripos, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Eibenschitz, Austria. 49N. 16E. 78 Eichstadt, Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Eider R., Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 Eidsvold, Norway. 60N. HE. 89 Eifel, Germany. SON. 7E. 77 Eiger, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 * ^igg Is., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Eil Loch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Einbeck, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Eindhove, Holland. 5 IN. 5E. 71 Einflsch Th., Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 *Einsiedeln, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 * Eisenach, Germany. 5lN. 10s. 76 Eisenerz, Austria. 48N. 15E. 78 Eishort, L., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 *Eisleben, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Ejea, Spain. 42N. Iw. 85 Ekaterinburg, Russia. 57N. 6lE. 90 Ekaterinodar, Russia. 54N. 39E. 91 Ekaterinoslav, Russia. 48N. 35E. 91 Ekersund, Norway. 58N. 6E. 89 Elanchove, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 *Elba Is., Italy. 43N. 10E. 82 Elbassan, Turkey. 4 IN. 20E. 95 Elbe R., Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 Elberfeld, Germany. 5 IN. 7E. 76 Elbeuf, France. 49N. IE. 72 Elbing, Germany. 54N. 19E. 75 Elbrus, Russia. 43N. 43E. 91 Elburg, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 PAGE Elche, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Elde R., Germany. 53N. 12E. 76 Elets, Russia. 53N. 33E. 91 Elfros, Sweden. 62N. 15E. 89 Elgin, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Elie, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Elizabetgrad, Russia. 48N. 3 2s. - 91 Elizabethpol, Russia. 4 IN. 46E. 91 Elland, England. 54N. 2w. K 54 Ellesmere, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Ellon, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Ellwangen, Germany. 49N. 10E. 77 Elmsharn, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Elphin, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Elsfleth, Germany. 53N. SE. 76 "Elsinore, Denmark. 56N. 12E. 89 Elster R., Germany. 5lN. 12E. 76 Elvas, Portugal. 39N. 7w. 84 *Ely, England. 52N. OE. 57 Emden, Germany. 53N. SE. 76 Emilia, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Emlagh Pt., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Emmenthal, Switzerland. 47N. 8E.86 Empoli, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Ems, Germany. 50N. SE. 77 Ems R., Germany. 53N. 7E. 76 Emyvale, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Enara L., Russia. 69N. 29E. 90 Enard B., Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 *Enfleld, England. 52N. OE. 57 Engadin, Switzerland. 47N. HE. 78 Engelberg, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 87 Enghien, Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 English Channel, England. 5 ON. 2w. 56 Enkhuizen, Holland. 53N. 5E. 70 Enkoping, Sweden. 60N. 17E. 89 Ennell Lough, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Ennis, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 * Enniscorthy , Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Enniskillen, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Ennistimon, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Enns, Austria. 48N. 14E. 78 Enos, Turkey. 4 IN. 26E. 95 Enschede, HoUand. 62N. 7E. 70 Entlebuch, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Entre Douro e Mino, Portugal. 42N. 8w. 84 Entrecamiento, Portugal. 39N. 8w. 84 Enz R., Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Enza R., Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Eperies, Hungary. 49N. 2 IE. 79 Epernay, France. 49N. 4s. 73 Epinal, France. 48N. 7E. 73 Epirus, Turkey. 39N. 20E. 95 Epsom, England. 5 IN. Ow. 57 Erba, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Erding, Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 * Erfurt, Germany. 5 IN. HE. 76 Ergene R., Turkey. 42N. 27E. 94 Eriboll Loch, Scotland. 59N. 5w. 62 Ericht Loch, Scotland. 57N. 4w.63 Ericht Water, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Erisa Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Erisort Loch, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Erivan, Russia. 40N. 44E. 91 Erlach, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 202 Index PAGE Erlangen, Germany. 50N. HE. 77 Erlau, Hungary. 48N. 20E. 79 Erne L., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Erne, R., Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Erne R., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Erne, Upper Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Erriff R., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Errigal, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Erris Hd., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Errol, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Erz Gebirge, Germany. 5lN. 13E.77 Esbjerg, Denmark. 56N. SE. 89 Escalona, Spain. 40N. 4w. 84 Escatron, Spain. 4lN. Ow. 85 Escaut R., Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 Esch, Luxemburg. 50N. 6E. 71 Eschwege, Germany. 5 IN. 10E. 76 Escorial, Spain. 4lN. 4w. 84 Esino R., Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Esk R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 Esk R., England. 54N. 3w. 54 Esk, R., Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Esk R., North, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Esk R., South, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Eski-djuma, Bulgaria. 43N. 27E. 94 Eski-Saghra, Bulgaria. 43N. 26E.94 Eskilstuna, Sweden. 59N. 17E. 89 Esla R., Spain. 42N. 6w. 84 Espichel C., Portugal. 38N. 9w. 84 Essek, Slavonia. 45N. 19E. 79 Essen, Germany. 52N. 7E. 76 Esslingen, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Estaca de Vares, Pt., Spain. 44N. 8w. 84 Bstella, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Estepona, Spain. 36N. 5w. 84 Esthonia, Russia. 59N. 25E. 90 Estrada, Spain. 43N. 8w. 84 Estremadura, Portugal. 39N. 9w.84 Estremadura, Spain. 39N. 6w. 84 Estremoz, Portugal. 39N. 7w. 84 *Etampes, France. 49N. 2E. 73 Etive L., Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Etna Mt., Sicily. 38N. 15E. 81 Eton, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Etruscan Apennines, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Etsch R., Austria. 46N. HE. 78 *Ettrick Pen., Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Ettrick Water, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Euboea, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Euganei, Colli, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Eure, France. 49N. IE. 72 Eure R., France. 49N. IE. 72 Eure-et-Loir, France. 48N. IE. 72 Europa Pt., Spain. 36N. 5w. 84 Eutin, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Evanton, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Evenlode R., England. 52N. 2w. 57 * Svesham, England. 52N. 2w. 56 * -Svora, Portugal. 39N. 8w. 84 Evreux, France. 49N. IE. 72 j^we L., Scotland. 58N. 6w. JExe R., England. 5lN. 3w. 5( ^ i Ixeter, England. 5lN. 4w. 5f *r}xmoor Forest, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 ISxmouth, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 PAGE Eye, England. 52N. IE. 57 Eye Pen., Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Eyemouth, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Eynort L., Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Eyrecourt, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Faa Fd., Norway. 62N. 5E. 89 Fabriano, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Faedis, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Faemund L., Norway. 62N. 12E. 89 *Faenza, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Fahlun, Sweden. 6lN. 16E. 89 Faido, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Fair Hd., Ireland. 55x. 6w. 67 Fair Is., Scotland. 60N. 2w. 63 Fairford, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Fairlie, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Fakenham, England. 53N. IE. 55 *Falaise, France. 49N. Ow. 72 Falconara, Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Falkenberg, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Falkingham, England. 53N. Ow. 55 *Falkirk, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 * Falkland, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Fall of Foyers, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Falls of Clyde, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Falmouth, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Falmouth B., England. 50N. 5w. 56 Falster, Denmark. 55N. 12E. 89 Falterona Mt., Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Famund Lake, Norway. 62N. 12E. 89 Fanad Hd., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Fane R., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Fannich Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 *Fano, Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Fano Is., Turkey. 40N. 19E. 95 Faringdon, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Farland, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Farnborough, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 *Farnham, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Fame Is., England. 56N. 2w. 55 Faro, Portugal. 37N. 8w. 84 Farr Pt., Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Farsund, Norway. 58N. 7E. 89 Fastnet Lighthouse, Ireland. 5lN. lOw. 68 Faulhorn, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Faversham, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Favignana, Sicily. 38N. 12E. 81 Feale R., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Fecamp, France. 50N. OE. 72 Feeagh Lough, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Fehmern, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Fehrbellin, Germany. 53N. 13E. 76 Felanitx, Majorca. 39N. SE. 85 Feld Berg, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 *Feldkirch, Austria. 47N. 10E. 78 Felegyhaza, Hungary. 47 N. 20E. 79 Fels, Luxemburg. 50N. 6E. 71 Fels Berg, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Felixstowe, England. 52N. IE. 57 Feltre, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Fenit, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Fenny Compton,England. 52N.lw. 57 Fens Fd., Norway. 6 IN. 5E. 89 Ferbane, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 67 Ferentino, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Fergus R., Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Index 203 PAGE Ferintosh, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Fermanagh, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Ferno, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Ferment, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Fermoselle, Spain. 4 IN. 6w. 84 Fermoy, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 *Ferney, Switzerland. 46N. 6E. 86 Ferns, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 *Ferrara, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 *Ferrol, Spain. 44N. 8w. 84 Festiniog, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Fethard, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Fethard, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Fetlar Is., Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 Fetter-cairn, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Feuerstein, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Fiarenzuola, Italy. 45N. 10s. 82 Fichtel Gebirge, Germany. 50N. 12E. 77 Fidra Lighthouse, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Fife, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Fife Ness, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Figeac, France. 45N. 2E. 73 Figueras, Spain. 42N. 3E. 85 Figueira, Portugal. 40N. 9w. 84 Filey, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Filias, Roumania. 45N. 24E. 94 Filicuri Is., Italy. 39N. 15E. 81 Finale, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Finale Borgo, Italy. 44N. 8E. 82 Findhorn, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Findhorn R., Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Findon, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Finistere, France. 48N. 4w. 72 *Finisterre, C., Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 Finland, Russia. 64N. 25E. 90 Finland G. of, Russia. 60N. 25E. 90 Finn R., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Finow Canal, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Finst, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Fintona, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Firth of Forth, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Firth of Tay, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Fishguard, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Fiume, Austria. 45N. 14E. 78 Flumicino, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Five Mile Town, Ireland. 54N.7w. 67 Fladdachuan Is.,Scotland. 58N.6w.62 Flamatt, Switzerland. 47N. 7s. 86 Flamborough Hd., England. 54N. Ow. 55 Fleet Loch, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Flekkefjord, Norway. 58N. 6E. 89 Flensburg, Germany. 55N. 9E. 74 Flesk R., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Fletschhorn, Switzerland. 46N. SB. 86 * Flint, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Tlodden, England. 56N. 2w. 54 * Florence, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Flotta Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Fluchth, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Fluela Pass, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Fltielen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Fliihen, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Flumendosa, Sardinia. 39N. 10E. 81 PAGE Flushing, Holland. 5lN. 4E. 71 Fochabers, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Fogaras, Hungary. 46N. 25E. 79 Foggia, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 80 Foinaven, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Foix, France. 43N. IE. .72 Fokshany, Roumania. 46N. 27E. 94 Folden Fd., Norway. 65N. HE. 88 Foldvar D., Hungary. 47N. 19E. 79 Folge Pond, Norway. 60N. 7E. 89 Foligno, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Folkestone, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Follonica, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Folticheni, Roumania. 48N. 26E. 94 *Fontainebleau, France, 48N. SE. 73 Fontana, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 *Fontenay-le-Comte, France. 47N. Iw. 72 Fonzaso, Italy. 47N. 12E. 83 Forbach, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Forchheim, Germany. SON. HE. 77 Forde Fd., Norway. 62N. SE. 89 Fordingbridge, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Fordon, Germany. 53N. 19E. 75 Foreland, The, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Forest of Harris, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Forfar, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 *Forli, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Forlimpopoli, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Formby, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Formby Hd., England. 54N. 3w. 54 Formentera Balearic Is., 39N. IE. 85 Formica Is., Italy. 42N. 10s. 82 *Fornovo, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 *Forres, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Forst, Germany. 52N. UE. 76 Fort Augustus, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Fort Bard, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 Fort George, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Fort William, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Forth R., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Fortrose, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 *Fossano, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Fossombrane, Italy. 44N. 13s. 83 Fotcha, Turkey. 44N. 19E. 94 *Fougeres, France. 48N. Iw. 72 Foula Is., Scotland. 60N. 2w. 63 Foulness, England. 53N. IE. 55 Foulness Is., England. 52N. IE. 57 Fowey, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Foxford, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Foyle Lough, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Foyle R., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Foynes, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 *Framlington, England. 52N. IE. 57 Franca villa, Italy. 4 IN. 18E. 81 Franken Wald, Bavaria, SON. 12E. 77 Frankenberg, Germany. 5lN. 9E. 76 Frankford, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Frankfort, Germany. SON. 9s. 77 * Frankfurt, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Frascati, Italy. 42N. 13s. 83 Fraserburgh, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Fratesti, Roumania. 44N. 26E. 94 Frauenfeld, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 *Fredericia, Denmark. 56N. 10E. 89 204 Index PAGE * Frederickshald, Norway. 59N. HE. 89 Frederiksham, Denmark. 58N. HE. 89 Frederickstad, Norway. 59N. HE. 89 Fregenal, Spain. 38N. 7w. * Freiberg, Germany. 5lN. 13s. 77 * Freiburg, Germany. 48N. SB. 77 Freienwald, Germany. 53x. 14E. 76 Frenchpark, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Freshford, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Freswick B., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Freudenstadt, Germany. 4SN. SB. 77 Freystadt, Austria. 49N. 14E. 78 Freyung, Germany. 49**. 14. 77 Fribourg, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Flick. Switzerland. 47N. SB. 86 *Friedland, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Friedrich, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Friedrichsart, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Friedrichshafen, Germany. 48N. 9E. 77 Friesian Is., Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Frieeing, Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 Friesland, Holland. 53N. GE. 70 Frische Haff, Germany. 54N. 2lE. 75 Fritzlar, Germany. 5lN. OE. 76 Frome, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Fromo R., England. olN. 2w. 56 Frosinone, Italy. 42N. 13E. Froyen, Norway. 64N. OE. Frutigen, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Fucecchio, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Fuenterrabia, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Fulda, Germany. SON. 10E. 77 Fulda R., Germany. SlN. 10s. 76 Ftinen, Denmark. 55N. 10E. 89 Funfkirchen, Hungary. 46N. 1SK. 79 Furka Pass, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 * Fin-ness, England. 5-lN. 3w. 54 Fiirstenbers:, Germany. 53x. 13s. 76 Fiirstenwalde, Germany. 52N. 14E.7G Flirth, Germany. 49N. HE. 77 *Ftirth, Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 Ftissen, Germany. 47N. HE 77 Fyne, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Fyvie, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 *Gaeta, Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 Gacta, G. of, Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 * Gainsborough, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Gairloch, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Gais, Switzerland. 47N. 9s. 87 Galashiels, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Galatz, Roumania. 4GN. 28E. 94 Galdlioppigen, Norway. 62N. SB. 89 Galens, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Galicia, Austria -Hungary. 50N. 22E. 79 Galicia, Spain. 43N. 8w. 84 Galisteo, Spain. 40N. 6w. 84 Gallarate, Italy. 46N. OB. 82 Galley Hd., Lighthouse, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Gallipoli, Italy. 40N. 18s. 81 Gallipoli, Turkey. 40N. 26E. 95 Gallo Cape, Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 PAGE Gallon Hd., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Galston, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Galty Mts., Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Galtymore, Ireland. 52x. 8w. 69 * Gal way, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Galway B., Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Gand, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Gandia, Spain. 39N. Ow. 85 Gap, France. 45N. GE. 73 Gara Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Gard, France. 44N. 4E. 73 Garda, L. di. Italy. 46N. HE. 82 Garde, France. 44N. 4E. 73 Gardelegen, Germany. 53N. HE, 76 Garelochhead. Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Gargano, Mt., Italy. 42N. 16E. 80 Gargnano, Italy. 46N. HE. 82 Garliestown, Scotland. 55x. 4w. 65 Garmouth, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Garonne, R., France. 45N. Iw. 72 Garron, Pt., Ireland. SON. 6w. 67 Garry Loch, Scotland. 57x. 5w. 62 Garstang, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Garvagh, Ireland. 55x. 7w. 67 Garz, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Gastein, Austria. 47N. 13E. 78 Gasturi, Greece. 38 N. 2lE. 95 Gata, C. de, Spain. 37N. 2w. 85 Gatehouse of Fleet, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Gateig, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 *Gateshead, England. 55N. 2w. 55 Gatzko, Bosnia. 43N. 18E. 94 Gaudos, Crete. 35x. 24E. 95 Gausta, Norway. 60N. 9E. 89 Gave de Pau, France. 44N. Iw. 72 Gay, Turkey. 39N. 20E. 95 Gebweiler, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Geertrui, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Gene, Sweden. 6lN. 17s. 89 Geifswald, Germany. 54N. 13E. 76 Gelderland, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 Gellivara, Sweden. 67N. 2lE. 88 Gelsenkirchen, Germany. 52N. 7E. 76 Gclstemunde, Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 *Gembloux, Belgium. 5lN. SE. 71 Gemini, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Gemiinden, Germany. SON. 10E. 77 Gcnappe, Belgium. SlN. 4E. 71 Genemuiden, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 * Geneva, Switzerland. 46N. GE. 86 * Genera, L. of, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Genii, R., Spain. 38N. 5w. 84 Gennargentu, Mt., Sardinia. 40N. 9B. 81 Gennep, Holland. 52x. 6E. 70 * Genoa, Italy. 44N. OB. 82 Gulf of Genoa, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 Genthin, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Genzano, Italy. 42N. 13E. Gera, Germany. Six. 12E. 77 Gerace, Italy. 38N. 1GE. 81 Gerlsdorfer Sp., Hungary. 49N. 2lE. 79 Germain, France. 49N. 2E. 73 Germersheint, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Index 205 PAGE Germiind, Germany. 5 IN. OE. 77 *Gerona, Spain. 42N. 3E. 85 Gers, France. 44N. OE. 72 Gersan, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Gheel, Belgium. 51 N. 5E. 71 Giannutri, Italy. 42N. HE. 83 Giant s Causeway, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 * Gibraltar, Spain. 36N. 5w. 84 Gibraltar, Strait of, Spain. 36N. 6w. 84 Gieasen, Germany. 50N 9E. 77 Gifford, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Gifharn, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Gigha Is., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Giglio Is., Italy. 42N. HE. 83 Giguela, R., Spain. 39N. 4w. 84 Gijon, Spain. 44N. 6w. 84 Gilford, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Gill, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Gimildjina, Turkey. 4lN. 25E. 95 Ginzo, Spain. 42N. 8w. 84 Giornico, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Girdle Ness, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Girgenti, Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 Gironde, France. 45N. Iw. 72 Gironde, R., France. 45N. Iw. 72 Girvan, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Girvan Water, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Giulianova, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Giupuzcoa, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Giura, Greece. 39N. 24E. 95 Gladbach, Germany. 5 IN. 6E. 76 *Glamis, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Glamorgan, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Glanford Brigg, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Giarnisch, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 *Glarus, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Glasgow, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Glaslough, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Glasnevin, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Glass Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 *Glastonbury, England. 5lN. 3w.56 Glatz, Germany. 50N. 16E. 75 Glauchau, Germany. 5lN. 12E. 77 Gleiwitz, Germany. 50N. 18E. 75 Glen, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Glen Avon, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Glen Binig, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Glen Cannich, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Glen Clova, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 *Glen Coe, Scotland. 57N. 5 w. 62 Glen Dochart, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Glen Etive, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Glen Garry, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Glen Garry, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Glen Isla, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 *Glen Livet, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Glen Lochy, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Glen Lyon, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Glen More, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Glen More nan Alb in, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 *Glen Moriston, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Glen Orchy, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 PAGE Glen Orrin, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Glen Prosen, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Glen Rannoch, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 *Glen Roy, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Glen Shee, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Glen Spean, Scotland. 57N. 5w.- 62 Glen Strath Farrar, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Glen Tilt, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Glen Urquhart, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Glenamaddy, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Glenariff, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Glenarm, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Glenbeigh, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Glendowan Mts., Ireland. 55N. 8w.6G Glenelly, R., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Glengad Hd., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Glengarriff, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Glenluce, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Glenties, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Glin, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Glogan, Germany. 52N. 16E. 75 Glommen R., Norway. 62N. HE. 89 Glossa, Turkey. 40N. 19E. 95 Glossop, England. 53N. 2w. 54 * Gloucester, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Glubokoye, Russia. 55N. 28E. 90 Gliickstadt, Germany. 54 N. 9E. 76 Glukhov, Russia. 52 N. 34E. 91 Glynn, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Gmund, Germany. 49N. 10E. S 77 Gmiind, Austria. 49N. 15E. 78 Gmunden, Austria. 48N. 14s. 78 Gnesen, Germany. 52N. 18E. 75 Gnoien, Germany. 54N. 13s. 76 Goat Fell, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Godalming, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Godollo, Hungary. 48N. 20E. 79 Goerdereede, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Goeree, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Goes, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Gog Magog Hills, England. 52N. OE. 57 Goil Loch, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Goito, Italy. 45N. HE. 82 Goktcha L., Russia. 40N. 45E. 91 Gol, Norway. 6lN. 9E. 89 Golan Hd., Ireland. 53x. lOw. 66 Goldau, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Golspie, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Gomel, Russia. 53N. 3lE. 91 Gonzago, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Goodwin Sands, England. 5lN. 2E. 57 Goole, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Goor, Holland. 52N. 7s. 70 Goplo See, Germany. 52N. 1SE. 75 Goppingen, Germany. 40N. 10E. 77 Goresbridge, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Gorey, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 68 Gorgona Is., Italy. 43N. 10s. 82 Gormcham, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Goritz, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Goritza, Turkey. 4 ON. 2 IE. 95 *G6rlitz, Germany. 5 IN. 15E. 75 Gormanston, IreJa,nd. 54N. 6w. 67 Gort, Ireland. 5:>N. 9w. 08 206 Index PAGE Gorumna Is., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 66 G6schenen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 *Goslar, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Gospich, Hungary. 45N. 15E. 78 Gosport, England. 5lN. lw. 57 Gossau, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Gotha, Germany. 5 IN. HE. 77 Gotha R., Sweden. 58N. 12E. 89 Gothenborg, Sweden. 58N. 12E. 89 Gothland, Sweden. 57N. 14s. 89 Gothland Is., Sweden. 57N. 19E. 89 *G<5ttingen, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Gottschee, Austria. 46N. 15E. 78 Gottska Sando, Sweden. 58N. 19E. 89 Gouda, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Goudhurst, England. 5lN. OB. 57 Gourdon, France. 45N. IE. 72 Gourock, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Govan, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Gower, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Gower, Port, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Gowna, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Gozzano, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 Grabow, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Gracia, Spain. 4lN. 2E. 85 Gradiska, Hungary. 45N. 17E. 94 Graian Alps, Italy. 45N. 7E. 82 Graigue, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Grammont, Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 Grampian Mts., Scotland. 57N. 4W.63 Gran, Hungary. 48N. 19K. 79 Gran, R., Hungary. 48N. 19E. 79 Gran Sasso d ltalia, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Granada, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Granard, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Grand Canal, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 * Grandson, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Grange, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Grangemouth, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Granitola C., Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 Gransele, Sweden. 65N. 18E. 88 *Grantham, England. 53N. lw. 55 Granton, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Grantown, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Granville, France. 49N. lw. 72 Grasse, France. 44N. ?E. 73 Grassington, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Graudenz, Germany. 53N. 19E. 75 Grave, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 Gravedona, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 *Gravesend, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Gray, France. 48N. 6E. 73 Graz, Austria. 47N. 17E. 78 Gt. Belt, Denmark. 55N. HE. 89 Gt. Bernera Is., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Gt. Blasket Is., Ireland. 52N. llw. 68 Gt. Cumbree, Scotland. 5 IN. 5w. 64 Gt. Driffield, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Gt. Glockner, Austria. 47N. 13E. 78 Gt. Grimsby, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Gt. Malvern, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Gt. Marlow, England. 55N. lw. 57 Gt. Orme s Hd., Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Gt. Pelvoux, France. 45N. 6E. 73 Gt. St. Bernard, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 PAGE Gt. Sebtitt I., Hungary, 48N. 18E. 78 Gt. Usen, Russia. 50N. 49E. 91 Gt. Whernside, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Gt. Yarmouth, England. 53N. 2E. 57 Greco, T. d., Italy, 4lN. 14E. 81 Greding, Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Greencastle, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Greencastle, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Greenlaw, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 *Greenock, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Greenore, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Greenore Pt., Ireland. 52N. 6w. 69 Greenstone Pt., Scotland. 58N.6W. 62 Greenwich, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Greifenberg, Germany. 54N. 15E. 75 Greifenhagen, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Greifensee, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Greina P., Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Greiz, Germany. 5lN. 12E. 77 Grenoble, France. 45N. 6E. 73 Gressoney, Italy. 46N. SB. 82 Gretna Green, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Greve, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Grevena, Turkey. 40N. 2 IE. 95 Grey Abbey, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Griess Pass, Switzerland. 46N. SB. 86 Grimsay Is., Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Grimma, Germany. 5lN. 12E. 76 Grimsel, Switzerland. 47N. SB. 87 Grinstead, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Orisons, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Grodek, Austria. SON. 24E. 79 Grodno, Russia-in-E., 54N. 24E. 91 Groenlo, Holland. 52N. 7E. 70 Groningen, Holland. 53N. 7E. 70 Gross Beeren, Germany. 52N. 13s. 76 Grossenhain, Germany. 5lN. 14E. 76 Grosses Haf, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Grossetto, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Grosswardein, Hungary. 47N. 22E. 94 Grunberg, Germany. 52x. 16E. 75 Gruinard B., Scotland. 58x. 5w. 62 Gruningen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Gruyeres, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Guadalajara, Spain. 4lN. 3w. 84 Guadalaviar, R., Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 Guadalimar, R., Spain. 38N. 4w. 85 Guadalope, R., Spain. 4N. OE. 85 Guadalquivia, R., Spain. 37N. 6w.84 Guadiana, R., Portugal. 37N. 7w. 84 Guadiana menor, Spain. 38N. 3w. 84 Guadix, Spain. 37N. 3w. 84 Guarda, Portugal. 4lN. 7w. 84 Guastalla, Italy. 54N. HE. 82 Gubbio, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Guben, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Gudvangen, Norway. 6lN. 7E. 89 Gueret, France. 46N. 2E. 73 Guernsey, Channel Is., 49N. 3w. 56 *Guildford, England. 51 N. Ow. 57 Guingamp, France. 49N. 3w. 72 Guisborough, England. 55N. lw.55 GuUane, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Gumbrinnen, Germany. 55N. 22E. 75 Guns, Hungary. 47N. 16E. 78 Gunzenhausen, Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Index 207 PAGE Guorgne, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Gurgcvo, Roumania. 44N. 2oE. 94 Gurkfeld, Austria-Hungary. 46N. 16E. 78 Giistrow, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Guthrie, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Gweebarra B., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Gweebarra, R., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Gweedore, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Gweedore B., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Gyergyo Sz. Miklos, Hungary. 47N. 26E. 79 Gyongyds, Hungary. 48N. 20E. 79 Gyula, Hungary. 4 7 N. 2 IE. 79 Haag, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Haard, The, Germany. 52N. 7E. 76 *Haarlem, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Haarlem Meer, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Haase, R., Germany. 53N. 7E. 76 Hacketstown, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Haddington, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Hadersleben, Germany. SON. 9E. 74 Hadhaz, Hungary. 48N. 22E. 79 "Hadleigh, England. 52N. IE. 57 Hagatz, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Hagen, Germany. 5lN. 8E. 76 Hagenau, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Hagenow, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Hags Hd., Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Hague, Cape de la, France. 50N.2w.72 * Hague, The, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Hailsham, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Hainault, Belgium. 50N. 4s. 71 Hal, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Halas, Hungary. 46N. 20E. 79 Halberstadt, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Halesworth, England. 52N. IE. 57 * Halifax, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Halkirk, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Hall, Germany. 49N. 10E. 77 Halle, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Hallwyl, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Hallwyl L., Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Halmstad, Sweden. 57N. 13E. 89 Halstead, England. 52N. IE. 57 Haltwhistle, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Hamar, Norway. 6lN. HE. 89 Hamburg, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 *HameLn, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Hamilton, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Hamm, Germany. 52N. SE. 76 Hammar, Sweden. 59N. 15E. 89 Hammerfest, Norway. 7 IN. 24E.88 Hampshire, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 *Hanau, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Handa Is., Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Han deck, Switzerland. 47N. SB. 87 Hangesund, Norway. 59N. SE. 89 Hango Hd., Russia. 60N. 23E. 90 Hanley, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Hanover, Germany. 53N. 9E. 76 * Hanover, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Hansstock, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Haparanda, Sweden. 66N. 24E. 88 Harburg, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Hardanger Fjeld, Norway. 6lN. SB. 89 PAGE Hardanger Fd., Norway. 60N. 7E. 89 Hardenberg, HoUand. 53N. 7E. 70 Harderwyk, HoUand. 52N. 6E. 70 Hardt Geb, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Haringvliet, HoUand. 52N. 4E. 70 *Harlech, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Harlingen, Holland. 53N. 5E. 70 Harmanly, Bulgaria. 42N. 26E. 94 Haro, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 Harris Is., Scotland. 5SN. 7w. 62 Harris, Sound of, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 *Harrogate, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Hart Fell, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Hartland Pt., England. 5lN. 5w. 56 Hartlepool, England. 55N. Iw. 55 Hartley, England. 55N. Iw. 55 Harwich, England. 52N. IE. 57 *Harz Mts., Germany. 52N. HE. 76 *Haslemere, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Hasli, Th., Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Hasselt, Belgium. 5 IN. SE. 71 Hasselt, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 * Hastings, England. 5lN. IE. 57 *Hatfield, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Hatherleigh, England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Hatvan, Hungary. 48N. 20E. 79 Hauchstein, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Haute Garonne, France. 44N. IE. 72 Haute Loire, France. 45N. 4E. 73 Haute Marne, France. 48N. SE. 73 Haute Saone, France. 48N. 6E. 73 Haute Sayoie, France. 46N. 6E. 73 Haute, Vienne, France. 46N. IE. 72 Hautes Alpes, France. 45N. 6E. 73 Hautes Pyrenees, France. 43N. OE.72 Havant, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Havel R., Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Haverfordwest, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Haverhill, England. 52N. OE. 57 * Havre, France. 50N. OE. 72 *Hawarden, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Hawes, England. 54N. 2w. 54 *Hawick, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Hawkhurst, England. 5 IN. OE. 57 *Haworth, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Hay, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Hay Sound, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Hayle, England. SON. 5w. 56 Headford, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Hebrides, Scotland. 56N. 7w. 62 Hebrides, Gulf of the, Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Hechingen, Germany. 48N. 9E. 77 *Hedgeley Moor, England. 55N. 2w.S4 Hedmora, Sweden. 60N. 16E. 89 Heerenberg, HoUand. 52N. 6E. 70 Heerenveen, HoUand. 53N. 6s. 70 Heide, Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 Heidelberg, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Heiden, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 *Heilbronn, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 HeiUgendamm, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Heiligenstadt, Germany. 5lN. 10E.76 Helder, Holland. 53N. SE. 70 Helensburgh, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 208 Index PAGE Helford, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Helge R., Sweden. 56N. 14E. 89 Helicon, Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 *HellevoetSluis, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Helmond, HoUand. 5lN. GE. 71 Helmsdale, Scotland. 58N. 4w 63 Helmsdale, R., Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Helmsley, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Helmstedt, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 *Helsingborg, Sweden. 56N. 14E. 89 Helsingfors, Russia. 60N. 25E. 90 Helston, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Helvellyn, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Hernso, Sweden. 57N. 19E. Henares, R., Spain. 40N. 4w. 84 Hengelo, Holland. 52N. 7E. 70 Henley, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Herault, France. 44N. 3s. 73 Heraxilt, R., France. 43N. 3s. 73 * Hereford, England. 52N. 3w. 56 H6rens, V. d . Switzerland. 45N. 7E. Herford, Germany. 52N. SB. 76 Hergiswyl, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 80 Herisau, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Herm, Channel Is., 49N. 2w. 56 Hermanstadt, Hungary. 46N. 24E. 94 Hermupolis, Greece. 37N. 25E. 95 Hernad, Hungary. 48N. 2lE. 79 Herne Bay, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Hernosand, Sweden. 63N. 18E. 89 Hersfeld, Germany. 5lN. 10K. 77 Hertford, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Hertogenbosch, S , Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Hervas, Spain. 40N. 6w. Herve, Belgium. 5lN. 6E. 71 Herzogenbuchsee, Switzerland. 47N. SE. Herzegovina, Bosnia. 43N. 18E. 94 Hessen, Germany. SON. 9E. 77 Hessen, Germany. SIN. 9E. *Hexham, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Hevsham, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Heyst, Belgium. 5lN. SE. 71 Heytesbury, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Heywood, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Hierapetra, Crete. 35N. 26s. 95 High Is., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 High Tauern, Austria. 47N. 12B. 78 High Wycombe, England. 52N. 1 \y 5 Hildburghausen, Germany. 5 N 77 ^"Hildesheim, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Hill of Fare, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Hillsborough, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Hillswick Is., Scotland. 60N. Iw. 6: Hilltown, Ireland. 54N. 6w. >7 Hilton, Scotland. 58N. 4w. Hinckley, England. 53N.1W. 57 Hind 6, Norway. 69N. 16B. Hindon, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Hinojosa de Tlnique, Spaui. 39N. 5w. Hintp r Rhein Th. Switzerland. 47 N. 9E. PAGE Hirechberg, Germany. 5 IN. 16E. 75 Hirsova, Roumania. 45N. 28E. 94 Hitchin, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Hitteren, Norway. 64N. 9E. 88 Hjelmar L., Sweden. 59N. 16E. 89 Hochwang, Switzerland. 47N. 10E.87 Hod Mezo Vasarhely, Hungary. 46N. 20E. 79 Hoe Pt., Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Hoek van HoUand, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 *Hof, Germany. 50N. 12E. 77 "Hohenlinden, Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 Hohenstaufen, Germany. 49N. 10E. 77 Hohenzollern, Germany. 48N. 9E. 77 Holbeach, England. 53N. OE. 55 Holl, England. 53N. IB. 55 Holland, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Holm L., Sweden. 62N. 15E. 89 Holmfirth, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Holsworthy, England. SIN. 4w. 56 Holt, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Holtenau, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Holy Is., England. 56N. 2w. 54 Holy Is., Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Holy Is., Wales. 53N. 5w. 54 Holycross, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Holyhead, Wales. 53N. 5w. 54 Holywell, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Holywood, Ireland. SON. 6w. 67 Holzminden, Germany. 52N. 9E. 76 Homburg, Germany. SON. 9E. 77 Homonna, Hungary. 49N. 22E. 79 Honfleur, France. 49N. OE. Honiton, England. 51 N. 3w. 56 Hoogeveen, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Hook Hd., Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Hoorn, Holland. 53N. SE. 70 Hope, Loch., Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Hopeman, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Hoppegarten, Germany. 52N. 14E.76 Horgen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Horn Afvan, Sweden. 66N. 18s. 88 Horn Hd., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Horncastle, England. 53N. Ow. 55 HSrnli, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Hornsea, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Horsens, Denmark. 56N. 10E. 89 *IIorsham, England. SlN. Ow. 57 Hospital, Ireland. 52N. 8w. Houffalize, Belgium. SON. 6E. 71 Hourn, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Howden, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Howth, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Howth Hd. Lighthouse, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 HCxter, Germany. 52N. 9E. 7b Hoy Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. Hoya, Germany. 53N. 9E. 76 Huddersfleld, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Hudiksvall, Sweden. 62N. 17s. 89 Huelva, Spain. 37N. 7w. *Huesca, Spain. 42N. Ow. 85 *Hull, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Hulst, Holland. 5lN. 4s. 71 Humber, R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 Hungerford, England. SlN. Iw. 57 Index 209 PAGE Hungry Hill, Ireland. 52N. lOvv. 68 Hunmanby, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Hunsruck, Germany. 50N. TE. 77 Hunstanton, England. 53N. IE. 55 Hunte R., Germany. 53N. SE. 76 * Huntingdon, England. 52N. OE. 57 Huntingford, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Huntly, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Hushi, Roumania. 47N. 28E. 94 Husiatyn, Austria. 49N. 26E. 79 Huszt, Hungary. 48N. 23s. 79 Hutwyl, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Hyde, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Hydra, Greece. 37N. 23E. 95 *Hyeres, France. 43N. 6E. 73 Hysker Is., Scotland. 57N. 7w. G2 Hythe, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Ibar R., Servia. 43N. 20E. 94 Ibraila, Roumania. 45N. 28E. 94 Iburg, Germany. 52N. SE. 76 Ichtiman, Bulgaria. 42N. 24E. 94 Ida Mount, Crete. 35N. 25E. 95 Idle, R., England. 53N. Iw. 55 Iglau, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 Iglesias, Sardinia. 39N. SE. 81 Igualada, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 Ihna R., Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Ilanz, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 * Ilchester, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Ilfracombe, England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Ilkeston, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Ilkley, England. 54N. 2w. 54 111 R., Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Hie, R., France. 48N. 2w. 72 Hie et Vilaine, France. 48N. 2w. 72 Iller, R., Germany. 48N. 10E. 77 Illowo, Germany. 53N. 2 IE. 75 Ilmen L., Russia. 58N. 3lE. 90 Ilsley, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Immenstadt, Germany. 47N. 10E.77 *Imola, Italy. 44N. 12s. 83 Inca, Majorca. 40N. 3w. 85 Inchard, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Inchigeelagh, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Inchkeith Lighthouse, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Incoronata, Austria. 44N. 15E. 78 Indre, France. 47N. IE. 72 Indre, R., France. 47N. OE. 72 Indre-et-Loire, France. 47N. IE. 72 Indre Sxilen, Norway. 6lN. 5E. 89 Inellan, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Infiesto, Spain. 43N. 5w. 84 Ingleborough, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Ingleton, England. 54N. 2w. 54 *Ingolstadt, Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Inishbofin, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Inishbofln, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Inisheer, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Inisherone, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Iiiishkea, N. and S., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Inishmaan, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Inishmore, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Inishmurray Is., Ireland. 54N. 9w.6G Inishowen Hd., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 PAGE Inishshark, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Inishtrahull Is., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Inishturk, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Inistioge, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 6 Inn, R., Austria. 49N. 14E. 78 Inner Sd., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Innerleithen, Scotland. 5GN. 3w. 65 Innishannon, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 * Innsbruck, Austria. 47N. HE. 78 Inny, R., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Inny, R., Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Inowraclaw, Germany. 53N. 18E. 75 Insch, Scotland. 57N. 3w. Insterburg, Germany. 55N. 22E. 75 Interlaken, Switzerland. 47N. SB. 86 Intra, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Inver, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5vv. 62 Inveran, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Inverary, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Inveravon, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Invergordon, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Inverkeithny, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 * Inverness, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Inverness Firth, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 65 Invershin, Scotland. 5Sx. 4w. 63 Inverury, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 *Iona, Scotland. 5GN. 6w. 64 lona Sd., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Ionian Is., Greece. 38N. 2lE. 95 Ionian Sea, Italy. 38N. 17E. 81 Ipek, Turkey. 43N. 20E. 94 Ipoly, Hungary. 48N. 19E. 79 Ipsala, Turkey. 4lN. 2GE. 95 *Ipswich, England. 52N. IE. 57 Irbit, Russia. 57 N. 64r>. 90 Irelands Eye, Ireland. O.IN. 6w. 67 Irgis R., Russia-in-E., 52N. 48E. 91 Iron Gate, Roumania. 45N. 22E. 94 Irthing, R., England. SON. 3w. 54 Irun, France. 44N. 2w. 72 Irvine, Scotland. 66N. 5w. 64 Irvine, R., Scotland. 53N. 5w. 64 Irvinestown, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Isar, R., Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 *Ischia, Italy. 4 IN. 14E. Ischl, Austria. 48N. 14E. Ise Fd., Norway. 62N. 6s. Iseghem, Belgium. 5lN. SE. Iseo, Italy. 46N. 10E. Iseo, L. d , Italy. 46N. 10E. Isere, France. 45N. 6E. Isere, R., France. 45N. 5E. Iserlohn, Germany. 5 IN. SE. Ishevsk, Russia. 57N. 53K. Ishma R., Russia. 65N. 54E. Isili, Sardinia. 40N. 9E. Isker R., Bulgaria. 44N. 24E. Isla, R., Scotland. 57N. 3w. Island Magee, Ireland. SON. 6w. 67 *Islay, Scotland. 56N. Gw. 64 Islay, Sound of, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Isle, R., France. 45N. Ow. 72 Isle d Hyeres, France. 43N. 6E. 73 Isle of Ely, England. 53N. OE. 57 Isle of Man, England. 54N. 5w. 54 210 Index PAGE Isle of May Lighthouse, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Isle of Purbeck, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Isle of Wight, England. SlN. Iw. 57 Ismail, Russia. 45N. 29E. 94 Ismilan, Bulgaria. 42N. 25s. 94 Isny, Germany. 48N. 10E. 77 Isset, R., Russia. 56N. 62E. 60 Issoire, France. 45N. SE. 73 Issoudun, France. 47N. 2E. 73 Isthmia, Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 Istib, Turkey. 42N. 23E. 94 Istria, Austria. 45N. 14E. 78 Isuela R., Spain. 42N. OE. 85 Itchen, R., England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 Ithaka Is., Greece. 39N. 2lE. 95 Itzehoe, Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 *Ivica, Balearic Isles. 39N. IE. 85 Ivrea, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Ixworth, England. 52N. IE. 57 Jabalon, Spain. 39N. 3\v. 84 *Jaca, Spain. 43N. Iw. 85 Jacova, Turkey. 42N. 19E. 94 Jade B., Germany. 53N. 8E. 76 *Jaen, Spain. 38N. 4w. 84 Jagodina, Servia. 44N. 22E. 94 Jagst, R., Germany. 49N. 10E. 77 Jalomitza R., Roumania. 45N.28E.94 Jalon, R., Spain. 42N. Iw. 85 Jamestown, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Janina, Turkey. 40N. 2lE. 95 Jankovac, Hungary. 46N. 19E. 79 Jar Connaught, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Jarama, R., Spain. 4 ON. 4w. 84 Jaroslau, Austria. SON. 23E. 79 *Jarrow, England. 55N. Iw. 55 Jaslo, Austria. 50N. 2lE. 79 Jassy, Roumania. 47N. 28E. 94 Jasz-Bereny, Hungary. 48N. 20E. 79 Jativa, Spain. 39N. Ow. 85 Jauer, Germany. 5lN. 16E. 75 Javea, Spain. 39N. OE. 85 Jeantown, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 *Jedburgh, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 *Jemappes, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 Jemelle, Belgium. 50N. SE. 71 "Jena, Germany. 5 IN. 12E. 77 Jerez, Spain. 37-N. 6w. 84 *Jersey, Channel Is. 49N. 2w. 56 Jesi, Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Jever, Germany. 54N. SE. 76 Jilooa, R., Spain. 4lN. 2w. 85 Joacirnsthal, Austria. 50N. 13E. 78 Joensuu, Russia. 63N. 30s. 90 John o Groat s House, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Johnnisburg, Germany. 54N. 22E. 75 Johnshaven, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Johnstone, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Johnstown, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Joigny, France. 48N. 3E. 73 Joux, L. of, Switzerland. 47N. 6E. 86 Joyces Country, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 PAGE Judenburg, Austria. 47N. 14E. 78 Julian Alps, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Julier, P., Switzerland. 46N. 10E. 87 Jumila, Spain. 39N. Iw. 85 Jung Bunzlau, Austria. 5lN. 15E. 78 Jura, France. 47N. 6E. 73 Jura, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Jura Mts., France. 47N. 7E. 73 Jura, Sound of, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Jiiterbog, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 * Kaisers] autern, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Kaiserstuhl, Switzerland. 48N. SB. 86 Kaiser Wilhelm, Germany. 54N. 9s. 76 Kakonya, Hungary. 46N. 17s. 78 Kalafat, Roumania. 44N. 24E. 94 Kalamata, Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 Kalamata Gulf, Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 Kalatch, Russia. SON. 4lE. 91 Kaliakra Cape, Bulgaria. 45N. 29E. 94 *Kalisz, Germany. 52N. 18E. 75 Kalisz, Russia. 53N. 18E. 91 Kalix EU, Sweden. 66N. 23E. 88 Kalkanden, Turkey. 42N. 2lE. 94 Kail L., Sweden. 64N. 13E. 88 Kalmazui R., Roumania. 45N. 28E. 94 Kalocsa, Hungary. 47N. 19E. 79 Kalofer, Bulgaria. 42N. 25E. 94 Kalrarde, Germany. 53N. HE. 76 Kama R., Russia. 60N. 56E. 90 Kamenetz Podolsk, Russia. 49N. 27E. 91 Kampen, Holland. 53N. OE. 70 Kampalung, Roumania. 45N. 25E. 94 Kamsko Votimskoi, Russia. 57N. 53E. 90 Kamtchyk R., Bulgaria. 43N. 28E. 94 Kamyshin, Russia. 50N. 46E. 91 Kandelaksha, Russia. 67N. 33E. 90 Kanin Pen., Russia. 68N. 45E. 90 Kanizsa, Gr., Hungary. 4 7 N. 17E. 78 Kanturk, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Kaposvar, Hungary. 46N. 18K. 78 Kara Sea, Russia. 70N. 6lE. 90 Karakal, Roumania. 44N. 24E. 94 KarasiT, Turkey. 4lN. 25s. 95 Karatchev, Russia-in-E. 53N. 35E. 91 Karatova, Turkey. 42N. 23E. 94 Karawauken, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Karditza, Greece. 39N. 22E. 95 Karfried, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Kargopol, Russia. 62N. 39E. 90 Karlsbad, Austria. 50N. 13E. 78 Karlsburg, Hungary. 46N. 24E. 79 Karlstadt, Croatia. 45N. 16E. 78 Karnabad, Bulgaria. 43N. 28E. 94 Karpathos, Crete. 36N. 27E. 95 *Kars, Russia. 4lN. 43E. 91 Karytana, Greece. 38N. 22s. 95 Kashau, Hungary. 49N. 21s. 79 Kasimov, Russia. 55N. 42E. 91 Kasos, Crete. 35N. 27E. 95 Index 21 I PAGE Kastoria, Turkey. 40N. 2lE. 95 Katharine Har., Russia. 69N. 34E. 90 Katrine, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Katwijk, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Katzenbuckel, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Kavaia, Turkey. 4lN. 20E. 95 Kavala, Turkey. 4lN. 24E. 95 Kazan, Russia. 56N. 49E. 90 Kazanlik, Bulgaria. 43N. 26E. 94 Kazbek, Russia. 43N. 45E. 91 Keady, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 KealMll, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Kecskemet, Hungary. 47N. 20E. 79 Keeper, Mt., Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 *Kehl, Germany. 49N. SB. 77 Keighley, England. 54N. 2vv. 54 Keil Berg, Germany. 5lN. 13E. 77 Keiss, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Keith, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 KeUs, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 *Kells, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Kelso, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Kelvedon, England. 52N. IE. 57 Kern, Russia. 65N. 35E. 90 *Kempen, Germany. 5lN. 18E. 75 Kempten, Germany. 48N. 10E. 77 Ken Water, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Kendal, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Kenfig, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 *Kenilworth, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Kenmare, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Kenmare R., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Kenmore, Scotland. 57N. 4\v. 63 Kennedy, Mt., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Kennet, R., England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Kenoru, Hungary. 48N. 18E. 79 Kent, England. 5 IN. IE. 57 Keos, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Kephesia, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Kerrera Is., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Kerry, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Kerry Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 *Kertch, Russia. 45N. 36E. 91 Kertch, G. of, Russia. 45N. 37E. 91 *Kesh, Ireland. 55N. 8\v. 67 Kessock, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Kesteven, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Keswick, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Kettering, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Key, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Kharkov, Russia. SON. 36E. 91 Khaskoi, Bulgaria. 42N. 25E. 94 Khelmos, Mt., Greece. 38N. 22E.95 Kherson, Russia. 47N. 33E. 91 Khoper R., Russia. 50N. 42E. 91 *Khotin, Russia. 49N. 27E. 91 Kidderminster, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Kidwelly, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Kiel, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Kiel B., Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Kiev, Russia. 5lN. 3lE. 91 Kikashu, Roumania. 47N. 26E. 94 Kikiuda, Hungary- 46N. 20E. 79 Kilashandra, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Kilbeggan, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Kilbirnie, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Kilbrennan, Sd., Scotland. 56N. 5W. 64 PAGE Kilbrittain, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Kilcar, Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 Kilcock, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Kilconnell, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 66 Kilcoole, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Kilcullen, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Kildare, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 68 Kildrummy, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Kilfenora, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Kilflnnane, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 Kilgarvan, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Kilia, Roumania. 46N. 29E. 94 Kilia Mouth, Roumania. 46N. 30s. 94 Kilkee, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Kilkee B., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Kilkeel, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Kilkelly, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Kilkenny, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Kilkieran B., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 66 Kill, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Killadysert, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 *Killala, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Killala, B., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Killaloe, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Killard, Pt., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Killarney, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Killary Harb., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Killenaule, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 *Killiecrankie Pass, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Killimor, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Killin, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Killintringan Hd., Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Killisport, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Killorglin, Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Killough, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Killurin, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Killybegs, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Killygordon, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Killylea, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Killyleagh, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Kilmacthomas, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Kilmaine, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Kilmainham, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Kilmalcolm, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Kilmallock, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 "Kilmarnock, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Kilmessan, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Kihnichael Pt., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 KUmore, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Kilmory, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 *Kilmuir, Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Kilnaleck, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Kilninver, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Kilrea, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Kilrenny, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Kilrush, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 *Kilsyth, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Kiltamugh, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Kiltyclogher, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 *Kilwinning, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Kimpolung, Austria. 48N. 26E. 79 Kinaird Hd., Scotland. 58N. 2w.63 Kincardine, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Kincardine, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 21 2 Index PAGE Kineschma, Russia. 57N. 42E. 90 Kings Co., Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 * King s Lynn, England. 53N. OE. 57 Kinghorn, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Kingsbarns, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Kingsbridge, England. 50N. 4w. 56 Kingsclere, England. 5lN. lw. 57 Kiiigscourt, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 * Kingston, England. 5 IN. Ow. 57 Kingston-upon-Hull, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Kingstown, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Kingswear, England. 50N. 4w. 56 *Kington, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Kingussie, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Kinlough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Kinross, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Kinsale, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Kinsale Harb., Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Kintore, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Kinvarra, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Kinzig, R., Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Kiolen Mts., Norway. 65N. 14E. 88 Kipen, Germany. 55N. 9E. 74 Kippure, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Kirghiz Horde, Russia. 48N. 49E. 91 Kirkby Lonsdale, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Kirkby Stephen, England. 54N. 2w. 54 ""Kirkcaldy, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Kircubbin, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Kirkcudbright, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Kirkcudbright B., Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Kirkgunzeon, Scotland. 55N. 4W.65 Kirkintilloch, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Kirk-Kilissia, Turkey. 42N. 27E.94 Kirkmaiden, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 66 Kirkmichael, Scotland. 57 N. 3w. 63 Kirkoswald, England. 55N. 3w. 54 *Kirkoswald, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 *Kirkwall, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Kirn, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 *Kirriemuir, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Kirton-in-Lindsey, England. 53N. lw. 55 Kisilskaya, Russia -in-E. 54N. 59E.91 Kishinev, Russia. 47N. 29E. 91 Eishorn, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6W.62 Kislienev, Russia. 47N. 28s. 94 *Kissingen, Germany. 50N. 10E. 77 Kirsovo Mount, Greece. 40N. 23E.95 Kitsbuhel, Austria. 47N. 12E. 78 Kitzingen, Germany. 50N. 10E. 77 Klagenfurt, Austria. 47N. 14E. 78 Klar Elf, Sweden. 60N. 13E. 89 Klattau, Austria. 49N. 13E. 78 Klausenberg, Hungary. 47N. 24E. 94 Kleines Haf, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Klieshe, Turkey. 42N. 20E. 94 Klinlehamn, Sweden. 57N. 19E. 89 Kloster, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Kliutch, Bosnia. 45N. 17E. 94 *Knaresborough, England. 54N. lw.55 *Knighton, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Knin, Dalmatia. 44N. 16E. 94 Knockmahon, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 PAGE Knockmealdown Mts., Ireleaid. 55N. 8w. 69 *Knutsford, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Kochem, Germany. 50N. 7E. 77 Kocher, R., Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Kockel, Hungary. 46N. 24s. 79 Kola Penin, Russia. 67N. 37E. 90 Kolguev, Russia. 69N. 49E. 90 *Kolin, Austria. SON. 15E. 78 Kolomea, Austria. 49N. 25E. 79 *Kolomna, Russia. 55N. 39E. 91 Kom Mt., Turkey. 43N. 20s. 94 Kongsberg, Norway. 60N. lOw. 89 Kongsvingir, Norway. 60N. 12E. 89 Konietza, Bosnia. 44N. 18E. 94 "Koniggratz, Austria. 50N. 16E. 78 KSnigs See, Germany. 47N. 13E. 77 Konitz, Germany. 53N. 17s. 75 Konitza, Turkey. 40N. 2 IE. 95 Konigsberg, Germany. 53N. 15E. 75 *Konigsberg, Germany. 55N. 20s. 75 Konigshutte, Germany. 50N. 19E.75 Koaigstein, Germany. 5lN. 14E. 76 Kontchakov, Russia. 60N. 59E. 90 Koping, Sweden. 60N. 16E. 89 Koprili, Turkey. 42N. 2 IE. 94 Kornneuburg, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 Koroni, Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 Korschen, Germany. 54N. 2lE. 75 Kosel, Germany. 5lN. 18E. 75 Kosiajnica, Croatia. 45N. 16E. 78 Koslov, Russia. 53N. 40E. 91 Kostendil, Bulgaria. 42N. 25E. 94 Kostroma, Russia. 58N. 4lE. 90 Kothen, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Kotlas, Russia. 6lN. 47E. 90 Kottbus, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Kovno, Russia. 55N. 24s. 90 Kowel, Russia. 52N. 24E. 91 Krajova, Roumania. 44N. 24E. 94 Kramburg, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Krapina, Croatia. 46N. 16E. 78 Kraqushevatz, Servia. 44N. 20E. 94 Krasne, Austria. 5 ON. 24E. 79 Krasnoborsk, Russia. 62N. 46E. 90 Krasno Ufimsk, Russia. 57N. 58E. 90 Kremenets, Russia. SON. 26E. 91 Krementchug, Russia. 49N. 34E.91 Kremnitz, Austria-Hungary. 49N. 19E. 79 Krems, Austria. 49N. 16E. 78 Kreutz, Germany. 53N. 16E. 75 Kreuz, Austria-Hungary. 46N. 16E.78 Kreuznach, Germany. SON. 8E. 77 Krichava, Turkey. 4lN. 2lE. 94 Krio C., Crete. 35N. 24E. 95 Kronstadt, Hungary. 46N. 25E. 94 Kronstadt, Russia. 60N. 30E. 90 Krumau, Austria. 49N. 14E. 78 Krushevatz, Servia. 43N 2lE. 94 Kryoneri, Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 Kuba, Russia. 4lN. 49E. 91 Kuban Distr., Russia. 45N. 40E. 91 Kuban R., Russia. 45N. 38E. 91 Kubinskoie L., Russia. 60N. 40E. 90 Kuf stein, Austria. 48N. 12E. 78 Kufstein, Germany. 47N. 12E. 77 Kuinre, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Index 213 PAGE Kuleti, Turkey. 42N. 26E. 94 Kulmbach, Germany. 5l)N. 12E. 77 Kulpa, Croatia. 45N. 16E. 78 Kungur, Russia. 57N. 57E. 90 Kunzelsau, Germany. 49N. 10E. 77 Kuopio, Russia. 63N. 27E. 90 Kura R., Russia. 40N. 49E. 91 Kurdszag, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 Kurfursten, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Kurische Nerung, Germany. 55N. 2 IE. 75 Kurisches Haff, Germany. 55N. 2lE. 75 Kursk, Russia. 52N. 36E. 91 Kusnetsk, Russia. 53N. 47E. 91 *Kiissnacht, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 87 Kustendji, Roumania. 44N. 29E.94 Ktistenland, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Kustrin, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Kutais, Russia. 42N. 43E. 91 Kuttenberg, Austria. 5 ON. 15E. 78 Kuty, Austria. 48N. 25E. 79 Kvalynsk, Russia. 53N. 48E. 91 Kvenangen Fd., Norway. 7 ON. 2lE. 88 Kyle Akin, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Kyle More, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Kyle of Durness, Scotland. 59N. 5w. 62 Kyle of Lochalsh, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Kyle of Tongue, Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Kyles of Bute, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Kyritz, Germany. 53N. 12E. 76 Kyrtashan, Roumania. 44N. 25E. 94 Kyrthausen, Germany. 5lN. 10E. 76 La Belle Alliance, Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 La Dole, Switzerland. 46N. 6E. 86 La Fleche, France. 48N. Ow. 72 *La Mancha, Spain. 39N. 3w. 85 La Palma, Spain. 37N. 7w. 84 La Roche, Belgium. 50N. 6E. 71 La Roche sur Yonne, France. 47N. Iw. 72 *La Rochelle, France. 46N. Iw. 72 La Roda, Spain. 39N. 2w. 85 La Sagra, Spain. 38N. 3w. 85 La Teste de Buch, France. 45N. Iw. 72 La Union, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Laaland, Denmark. 55N. 12E. 89 Laasphe, Germany. 5 IN. SE. 76 Labiana, Spain. 43N. 6w. 84 Labiau, Germany. 55N. 2 IE. 75 Lachen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Ladoga L., Russia. 6lN. 3lE. 90 Laerdals, Norway. 6lN. 7E. 89 Laeso, Denmark. 57N. HE. 89 Lagan, R., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Laganai, Russia. 56N. 60s. 90 Lagonegro, Italy. 40N. 16s. 81 *Lagos, Portugal. 37N. 9w. 84 PAGE Lagosta Is., Dalmatia. 43N. 17E. 78 Lahu, Germany. 50N. SE. 77 Laibach, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Laigle, France. 49N. IE. 72 Lainio, Sweden. 68N. 23E. 88 Lainza, Russia. 53N. 22E. 91 Lairg, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Lakocz, Hungary. 46N. 26E. 79 Lambay Is., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Lambourn, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Lambs Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Lamia, Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Lamlash, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Lamego, Portugal. 4 IN. 8w. 84 Lammermuir Hills, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Lampeter, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 *Lanark, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Lancashire, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Lancaster, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Lanciano, Italy. 42N. ME. 83 *Landau, Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 Landau, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Landeron, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Landes, France. 44N. Iw. 72 Landquart, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Lands End, England. 50N. 6w. 56 Landsberg, Germany. 53N. 15E. 75 Landsberg, Germany. 48N. HE. 77 *Landshut, Germany. 49K. 12E. 77 Landskrona, Sweden. 56N. 13E. 89 Lanesborough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Langeland, Denmark. 55N. HE. 89 Langenthal, Switzerland. 47N. 8E. 86 Lang Fjeld, Norway. 62N. SE. 89 Langholm, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Langnau, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 *Langres, France. 48N. 5E. 73 *Laon, France. 50N. 3E. 73 Lanzo, Italy. 45N. ?E. 82 Lapland, Russia. 68N. 29E. 90 Laraisei, Sardinia. 40N. 10E. 81 Larbert, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Laredo, Spain. 43N. 3w. 84 *Largo, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Largo B., Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Larino, Italy. 42N. 15E. 80 Larissa, Greece. 40N. 22E. 95 Lark, R., England. 52N. OE. 57 Larne, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Lame, Lough, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 *Largs, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Latheron, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Latisana, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 *Lauder, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Lauenbg, Germany. 55N. 18s. 75 Lauenburg, Germany. 53N. HE. 76 Laufen, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Laufen, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Laufenburg, Switzerland. 48N. 8E.86 Laukas, Russia. 63N. 26E. 90 *Launceston, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Laune, R., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 *Laupen, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Laurion, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Laurvig, Norway. 59N. 10E. 89 *Lausanne, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 2I 4 Index PAGE Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. 47N. SB. 86 Lauwer Zee, Holland. 53N. GE. 70 * Laval, France. 48N. Iw. 72 Lavenham, England. 52N. IE. 57 Lavena, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Law, Scotland. 56N. 3w. Lawrence -kirk, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Laxe Fd., Norway. 7lN. 27E. 88 Laxey, Is. of Man. 54N. 4w. 54 Laxford, R., Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Lea, R., England. 52N. OE. 57 Leach, R., England. 52N. 2w. 56 "Leadhills, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Leamington, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Leba, Germany. 55N. 18E. 75 *Lebrija, Spain. 37N. 6w. 84 Lecce, Italy. 40N. 18E. 81 Lecco, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 *Lech R., Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Lechlade, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Le Creuzot, France. 47N. 4E. 73 Lectoure, France. 44N. IE. 72 Leda, Crete. 35N. 25E. 95 "Ledbury, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Lee, R., Ireland. 52N. 9w. * Leeds, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Leek, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Leer, Germany. 53N. SB. 76 Leeuwarden, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 * Leghorn, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 *Legnago, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Lehrte, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Leibnitz, Austria. 47N. 16E. 78 *Leicester, England. 53N. Iw. 57 Leigh, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Leighlinbridge, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Leighton Buzzard, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Leine R., Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Leinster, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Leinster, Mt., Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Leipzig, Germany. 5 IN. 13E. 76 Leiria, Portugal. 40N. 9w. 84 Leith, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Leitmeritz, Austria. 5lN. 14E. 78 Leitrim, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Leixlip, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Lek, R., Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Le Locle, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 *Le Mans, France. 48N. Ow. 72 Le Puy, France. 45N. 4E. 73 Le Treport, France. 5 ON. IE. 72 Lemberg, Austria. 50N. 24E. 79 Lemmer, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Lena, Spain. 43N. 6w. 84 Lenadoon Pt., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Lenk, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Lenne R., Germany. 5 IN. SE. 76 Lennoxtown, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Lensie Jun., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Lenthii, Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 Lenzburg, Switzerland, 47N. SB. 86 Leoben, Austria. 47N. 15E. 78 Leobschiitz, Germany. 50N. 18E.75 Leominster, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Leon, Spain. 43N. 6w. 84 Leone Mt., Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 PAGE Leonidi, Greece. 37N. 23E. 95 Lepanto, Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 Le Pont, Switzerland. 47N. 6E. 86 Lerici, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 "Lerida, Spain. 42N. IE. 85 *Lerins, France. 44N. 7E. 73 Lerwick, Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 Lesina Is., Dalmatia. 43N. 17E. 94 Leskovatz, Servia. 43N. 22E. 94 Leslie, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Lesmahago, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Le Sen tier, Switzerland. 47x. GE. 86 Lesse R., Belgium. 50N. 5E. 71 Lessines, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Letterfrack, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Letterston, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Letterkenny, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Leti Is., Roumania. 45N. 30u. 94 Leuchars, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Leuk, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Leuker Rad., Switzerland. 46N. SB. 86 Leuze, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Leva, Hungary. 48N. 19E. 79 Levanger, Norway. 64N. 12E. 88 Levanto, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Levanzo Is., Sicily. 38N. 12E. 81 *Leven, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Leven, L., Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Leventina R., Switzerland. 46N. 9s. 87 *Lewes, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Lewis Is., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Leyburn, England. 5-lN. 2w. 54 *Leyden, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Leytha, R., Hungary. 48N. 18E. 78 Libau, Russia. 57N. 2 IE. 90 Libourne, France. 45N. Ow. 72 Licata, Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 *Lichfield, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Lichtenfels, Germany. 50N. HE. 77 Lichtensteig, Switzerland. 47N. 9E.87 Licosia, Pta. della, Italy. 40N. 15E. 81 Liddel Water, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Lidkoping, Sweden. 59N. 13E. 89 *Liege, Belgium. 5lN. 6E. 71 *Liegnitz, Germany. 5 IN. 16E. 75 Lienz, Austria. 47N. 13E. 78 *Lierre, Belgium. 5lN. 5E. 71 Liestal, Switzerland. 48N. SE. 86 Liesh, Turkey. 42N. 20E. 94 Lietzen, Austria. 48N. 14E. 78 Liffey, R., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Lifford, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Liguria, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 Ligurian Apennines, Italy.44N. 9E. 82 Ligurian Sea, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 Lileh-Bergas, Turkey. 42N. 27E. 94 *Lille, France. 5lN. 3E. 73 Lillehammer, Norway. 62N. 10E.89 Lim R., Turkey. 43N. 20E. 94 Limavady, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Limburg, Belgium. 5lN. 5E. 71 Limburg, Germany. 50N. SE. 77 Limburg, Holland. 5lN. 6E. 71 Limia, R., Portugal. 42N. 9w. 84 Limerick, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Limmat R., Switzerland. 47N. SE. 87 Index 215 PAGE 72 73 84 83 54 55 77 76 55 54 76 89 *Limoges, France. 46N. IE. Limoux, France. 43N. 2E. Linares, Spain. 38N. 4w. Linaro, C., Italy. 42N. 12E. Linas Hd., Wales. 53N. 4w. "Lincoln, England. 53N. Iw. Lindau, Germany. 48N. 10E. Linden, Germany. 52N. 10E. Lindsey, England. 53N. Ow. Line, R., England. 55N. 3w. Lingen, Germany. 53N. 7E. Linkoping, Sweden. 58N. 16E. *Linlithgow, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Linth R., Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Linththal, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Linz, Austria. 48N. 14E. 78 Lions, G. of., France. 43N. 4E. 73 Lipari I., Italy. 39N. 15E. 81 Lipari Is., Italy. 39N. 15E. 81 Lipetsk, Russia. 53N. 40E. 91 Lippe, Germany. 52N. 9E. 76 Lippe R., Germany. 52N. 6E. 76 Liptau Geb., Hungary. 49N. 20E. 79 Liria, Spain. 40N. Iw. 85 * Lisbon, Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 *Lisburn, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Liscannor, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Liscannor B., Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Lisdoonvarna, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Liskeard, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Lismore, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 "Lismore, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Lisnaskea, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 *Lissa, Dalmatia. 43N. 16E. 78 Lissa, Germany. 52N. 17E. 75 Lister Fd., Norway. 58N. 6E. 89 Listowel, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Lithinos, Crete. 35N. 25s. 95 Littay, Austria. 46N. 15E. 78 Little Belt, Denmark. 55N. 10E. 89 Little Cumbrae, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Lit. Karpathians, Hungary. 49N. 18E. 78 Little KiUary B., Ireland. 54N. 10w. 66 Little Loch Broom, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Little Minch, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Little Ouse R., England. 53N. OE. 57 Little St. Bernard, Italy. 46N.7E. 82 Little Usen, Russia. 50N. 48E. 91 Littlehampton, England. 5 IN. Ow. 57 Littleport, England. 52N. OE. 57 Littlestone, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Livadia, Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 Livadia, Russia. 44N. 34E. 91 *Liverpool, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Livna, Bosnia. 44N. 17E. 94 Livny, Russia. 53N. 33E. 91 Livonia, Russia. 58N. 25E. 90 Livorno, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Lizard Hd., England. 50N. 5w. 56 Lizieux, France. 49N. OE. 72 Ljungan R., Sweden. 62N. 16E. 89 Ljusne, Sweden. 62N. 16E. 89 Llanberis, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Llandaff, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 PAGE Llandilofawr, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Llandovery, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Llandudno, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Llanelly, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Llanfair, Wales. 53N. 3w. 56 Llanfyllin, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Llangadock, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 *LlangoUen, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Llangynog, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Llanidloes, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Llanrwst, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Llantrisaint, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 *Llerena, Spain. 38N. 6w. 84 Loanhead, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Lobau, Germany. 53N. 20E. 75 Lotschen Th., Switzerland. 46N. SB. 86 Locarno, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Loch-an-Dorbh, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Loch Laxford, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Lochearnhead, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Lochee, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Lochem, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 Lochgelly, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Lochgilphead, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Loch Langabhat, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Loch Leven, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Loch Linnhe, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Lochnaben, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Lochnagar, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Loch na Keal, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Loch Lochy, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Loch Lomond, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Loch Long, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Loch Loyal, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Loch Lubnaig, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Loch Luichart, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Loch Lydoch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Loch Monar, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Lochwinnoch, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Lochy, R., Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Lodeve, France. 44N. SB. 73 *Lodi, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Lodz, Russia. 53N. 20E. 91 Lofoden Is., Norway. 69N. 15E. 88 Logierait, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Logrono, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Loire (prov.), France. 46N. 4E. 73 Loire, R., France. 47N. 2w. 72 Loire Inierieure, France. 47N. 2w. 72 Loiret, France. 48N. 2E. 73 Loiret, R., France. 48N. 2E. 73 Loire et Cher, France. 48N. IE. 72 Loja, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Lockerbie, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Lokeren, Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 Lombardy, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Lomello, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Lomond Hills, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Lorn Palanka, Bulgaria. 44N. 23E. 94 Lomza, Russia. 54N. 22E. 91 London, England. 53N. Ow. 57 *Londonderry, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Longa Is., Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Longfad, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Longnor, England. 53N. 2w. 54 I 2l6 Index PAGE Longridge, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Long Stratton, England. 53N. IE. 57 Longton, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Longtown, England. 55N. 3w. 54 *Lons de Saulnier, France. 47N. GE. 73 Loop Hd., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Lorraine, Germany. 49N. 6E. 77 Lorca, Spain. 38N. 2w. 85 Loreto, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Lorient, France. 48N. 3w. 72 Lome, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Lome, Firth of, Scotland. 5GN. 6w.64 LOrrach, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Los Santos, Spain. 39N. 6w. 84 Lossie, R., Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Lossiemouth. Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Lostwithiel, England. SON. 5w. 56 Lot, France. 44N. 2E. 73 Lot, R., France. 44N. OE. 72 Lot et Garonne, France. 44N. OE. 72 LOtzen, Germany. 54N. 22E. 75 Louisburgh, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Loughar, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 "Loughborough, England. 53N. lw. 57 Lough Derg, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Lough Graney, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Lough Leane, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Loughrea, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Loughroe More B., Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 Louie, Portugal. 37N. 8w. 84 Lourical, Portugal. 40N. 9w. 84 *Louth, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Louth, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Louther Hills, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 *Louvain, Belgium. 5lN. 5s. 71 *Louviers, France. 49N. IE. 72 Lovat R., Russia. 58N. 3lE. 90 Lovatz, Bulgaria. 43N. 24E. 94 Looe, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Lovere, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Lower Engadine, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Lower Franconia, Germany. 50N. 10E. 77 *Lowestoft Ness, England. 53N. 2E. 57 Lowtherstown, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Lozerc, France. 44N. 3E. 73 Loznitza, Servia. 45N. 19E. 94 Lucan, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Liibbecke, Germany. 52N. SE. 76 *Lubeck, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Lubeck B., Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Lubben, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Lublin, Russia. 5lN. 22E. 91 Lubtinitz, Germany. 5lN. 19E. 75 Lucca, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Luce B., Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Lucena, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Lucera, Italy. 4lN. 15E. 80 *Lucerne, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Lucerne, L. of, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 87 Luchon, France. 43N. OE. Luchow, Germany. 53N. HE. 76 Luckau, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Luckcnwald, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Lucifer Shoals, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 PAGE Ludgershall, England. 5 IN. 2w. 57 *Ludlow, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Ludwigsburg, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Ludwigshafen, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Ludwigslust, Germany. 53N. HE. 76 Luga, Russia. 59N. 30E. 90 Lugano, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Lugano, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Lugano, L. of, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Lugansk, Russia. 49N. 39E. 91 Lugg, R., England. 52N. 3w. 56 Lugnarmilla, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Lugo, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 *Lugo, Spain. 43N. 8w. 84 Lugos, Hungary. 46N. 22E. 79 Luina, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Luing Is., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Lukmanier P., Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Lulea R., Sweden. 66N. 22E. 88 Ltim Fd., Denmark. 57N. 9E. 89 Lunan, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 *Lund, Sweden. 56N. 13s. 89 Lunderburg, Austria. 49N. 17E. 78 *Lundy Is., England. 5lN. 5w. 56 Lune, R., England. 54N. 3w. 54 Liineburg, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Liineburg Heath, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 *Luneville, France. 47N. 6E. 73 Lunga, Daknatia. 44N. 15E. 78 Lurgan, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Lusk, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Luss, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 *Lutterworth, England. 52N. lw. 57 Lutjenberg, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Luton, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Lutry, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Lutsk, Russia. 5 IN. 26E. 91 Luxemburg, Belgium. 50N. 5E. 71 Luxemburg, Grand Duchy of, Belgium. 50N. 6E. 71 Luz, France. 43N. Ow. 72 Lybster, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Lyck, Germany. 54N. 22E. 75 Lyme B., England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 *Lyme Regis, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Lymington, England. 5 IN. 2w. 57 Lyne Water, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Lyngen Fd., Norway. 7 ON. 20E. 88 Lynton, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Lyon, R., Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 * Lyons, France. 46N. 5E. 73 Lys, R., Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Lyss, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Lytham, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Maas, R., Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Maaseyk, Belgium. 5 IN. 6E. 71 Maastrich, Holland. 5lN. 6E. 71 Mablethorpe, England. 53N. OE. 55 Macclesfleld, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Macduff, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Macedonia, Turkey. 4 IN. 22E. 95 Macerata, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Macgillicuddys Reeks, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Index 217 PAGE Machrihanish, Scotland. 55N. 6w. 64 Machynlleth, Wales. 53N. 4w. 56 Macnean, Upper Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Macomer, Sardinia. 40N. 9E. 81 *Macon, France. 46N. 5E. 73 Macroom, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Madaras, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 Maddaloni, Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 Maddy, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Madras Mts., Crete. 35N. 24E. 95 "Madrid, Spain. 40N. 4w. 84 Maelstrom, Norway. 68N. 13E. 88 Magdalena, Sardinia. 4 IN. 9s. 81 * Magdeburg, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 "Magenta, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Mageroe, N9rway. 7 IN. 25E. 88 Maggia, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Maggia R., Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Maggiore, L., Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Maghera, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Magherafelt, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Magilligan Pt., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Maglai, Bosnia. 45N. 18E. 94 Magliano, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Magra B., Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Hague, R., Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Maguires Bridge, Ireland. 54N. 7w.67 Magurelli, Rouniania. 44N. 25E. 94 Mahon, Minorca. 40N. 4E. 85 * Maidenhead, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Maidens Is., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 *Maidstone, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Main, R., Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Main, R., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Maine et Loire, France. 48N. lw.72 Maine, R. ; Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Mainland Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Maira R., Italy. 45N. SE. 82 * Majorca, Balearic Isles. 39N. 3E. 85 Mako, Hungary. 46N. 20E. 79 Mai Bal, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Maladetta, Spain. 43N. IE. 85 *Malaga, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Malahide, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Malar L., Sweden. 59N. 17E. 89 Malchin, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Maldon, England. 52N. IE. 57 Malgara, Turkey. 4lN. 27E. 95 Malia C., Greece. 36N. 23E. 95 Malin, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Malin Hd., Ireland. 65N. 7w. 67 Malinmore Hd., Ireland. 55N. 9w.66 Mallaig, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Mallow, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Malmberg, Sweden. 67N. 2lE. 88 *Malmesbury, England. 52N. 2w. 56 MalmO, Sweden. 56N. 13E. 89 Malmysh, Russia. 57N. 5lE. 90 Maloja, Switzerland. 46N. 10E. 87 Malpas, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Malton, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Malvaglia, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Malvern Hills, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Mam Soul, Scotland. 57 N. 5w. 62 Mamturk Mts., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Manacles, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Manacor, Majorca. 40N. SE. 85 PAGE * Manchester, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Manchester Ship Canal, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Mandal, Norway. 58N. 7E. 89 Manfredonia, Italy. 42N. 16E. 80 Manfredonia, G. of, Italy. 42N. 16E. 80 Mangalia, Roumania. 44 N. 29E. 94 Mangerton, Upper Lough, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 *Mannheim, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Mannin B., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 66 Mauningtree, England. 52N. IE. 57 Manor Hamilton, Ireland. 54N. 8w.66 *Manreea, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 Mansfield, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Mansilla, Spam. 43N. 5w. 84 *Mantua, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Manulla, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Manytch, Russia. 46N. 44E. 91 Manzanares, Spain. 39N. 3w. 84 Manzanares, R., Spain. 40N. 4W.84 Mar Menor, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Marargui, C., Sardinia. 40N. SE. 81 Marathon, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Marathonisi G., Greece. 37N. 23E. 95 Marbella, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 *Marburg, Austria. 47N. 16E. 78 Marburg, Germany. 51 N. 9E. 77 March, R., Austria. 48N. 17E. 78 Marche, Belgium. SON. 5E. 71 Marchena, Spain. 37 N. 5w. 84 Marches, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Marecchia, R., Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Maree, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Maremma, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Marengo, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Margate, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Margitta, Hungary. 46N. 26E. 79 Maria Theresiopel, Hungary. 46N. 20E. 94 Marienbad, Austria. 50N. 12E. 78 Marienbourg, Belgium. 50N. 5E. 71 Marienwiirder, Germany. 54N. 19E.75 Mariestad, Sweden. 59N. 14E. 89 Marino, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Maritime Alps, Italy. 44N. 7E. 82 Maritimo Is., Sicily. 38N. 12E. 81 Maritza R., Bulgaria. 42N. 26E. 94 Mariupol, Russia. 47N. 38E. 91 Marken, Holland. 52N- 5E. 70 Market Bosworth, England. 53N. Iw. 57 Market Deeping, England. 53N. Ow. 55 *Market Drayton, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Market Harborough, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Market Rasen, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Market Weighton, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Markethill, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Markinch, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Markirch, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Marlborough, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Marmora, Sea of, Turkey. 4lN.28E.95 Marne, France. 49N. 4E. 73 2l8 Index PAGE Marne, R., France. 49N. 2E. 73 Maros R., Hungary. 46N. 2lE. 94 Maros Vasarhely, Hungary. 46N. 25E. 94 Maros Vasarhely, Hungary. 47N. 25E. 79 Marsal, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 * Marsala, Sicily. 38N. 12E. 81 *Marseilles, France. 43N. 5E. 73 Martelange, Belgium. 50N. GE. 71 Martenburg, Germany. 54N. 19E.75 Martigny, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Martos, Spain. 38N. 4w. 84 Maryborough, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Mary kirk, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Maryport, England. 55N. 4w. 54 Mash, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Masham, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Massa, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Massa, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Matapan C., Greece. 36N. 22E. 95 Mataro, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 Mate Szalka, Hungary. 48N. 22E. 79 Matera, Italy. 4 IN. 17E. 81 Matlock, England. 53N. 2w. 55 Matterhorn, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Mauch, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Mauche, France. 49N. Iw. 72 *Mauchline, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Mawddach, R., Wales. 53N. 4w. 56 Maxwelltown, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Maybole, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Maydan, Austria. 50N. 22E. 79 Mayen, Germany. SON. 7s. 77 Mayence, Germany. 50N. 8E. 77 Mayenne, France. 48N. Iw. 72 Mayenne, R., France. 47N. Iw. 72 Maynooth, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Mazamet, France. 44N. 2E. 73 Mazarron, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Mazzara, Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 Mealfourvounnie, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Meath, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 *Meaux, France. 49N. 3s. 73 Mecklenburg, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Medemblik, Holland. 53N. SE. 70 Mediasch, Hungary. 46N. 24E. 79 Medina, Spain. 42N. 5w. 84 Medina del Campo, Spain. 4lN. Sw.84 Medina Sidonia, Spain. 36N. 6w. 84 Medjidie, Roumania. 44N. 29E. 94 Medoc, France. 45N. Iw. 72 Meerane, Germany. 5lN. 12E. 77 Megara, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Megri, Turkey. 4lN. 26E. 95 Mehadia, Hungary. 45N. 22E. 79 Meigle, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Meilen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Meiningen, Germany. 5lN. 10E. 77 Meiningen, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 *Meissen, Germany. 5lN. 14E. 76 Meladal., Dalmatia. 44N. 15E. 78 Melbourne, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Melcombe Regis, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Meleda Is., Dalmatia. 43N. 18E. 94 PAGE Melegnano, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Melfl, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 Melfort, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Melness, Scotland. 59N. 4w. 62 Melnik, Austria. 50N. 14E. 78 Mehiik, Turkey. 42N. 23E. 94 *Melrose, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Meltham, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Melton Mowbray, England. 53N. Iw. 55 *Melun, France. 49N. SE. 73 Melvich, Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Melvin, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Memel, Germany. 56N. 2 IE. 75 Memel R., Germany. 55N. 2lE. 75 *Memmingen, Germany. 48N. 10E.77 Menaggio, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Menai Strait, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Mende, France. 44N. 3E. 73 Mendip Hills, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Mendrisio, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Menin, Belgium. 5 IN. SE. 71 Mentone, France. 44N. 7E. 73 Meppel, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Meppen, Germany. 53N. 7E. 76 Merida, Spain. 39N. 6w. 84 Merioneth, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Meron, Austria. 47N. HE. 78 Merrick, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 64 Mersch, Luxemburg. 50N. 6E. 71 Merseburg, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Mersey, R., England. 53N. 3w. 54 Merthyr Tydfil, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Merzig, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Meseritz, Germany. 53N. 16E. 75 Mesocco, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Mesocco R., Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 * Messina, Sicily. 38N. 16E. 81 *Messina Strait of, Italy. 38N. 16E. 81 Messini, Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 Mesta R., Turkey. 4lN. 24E. 95 Mestre, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Metaponto, Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 Metauro, R., Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Methil, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Methlick, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 *Methven, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Metkovitz, Bosnia. 43N. 18E. 94 Metsova, Turkey. 40N. 2lE. 95 *Metz, Germany. 49N. 6E. 77 Meurthe, R., France. 49N. 6E. 73 Meurthe et Moselle, France. 49N. 6E. 73 Meuse, France. 49N. 5E. 73 Mew Lighthouse, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Mexborough, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Mezen, Russia. 66N. 44E. 90 Mezen, G. of, Russia. 67N. 44s. 90 Mezen, R., Russia. 66N. 44s. 90 *Mezieres, France. 50N. 4E. 73 Mezo Havas, Hungary. 47N. 26E. 79 Mezotur, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 Mhor, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Miava, Hungary. 49N. 18s. 78 Mid Calder, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Midd, R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 *Middelburg, Holland. 5lN. 4E. 70 Index 219 PAGE Middle Franconia, Germany. 49N. 10B. 77 Middlesborough, England. 55N. Iw. 55 Middlesex, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Middleton, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Middleton, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 Middlewich, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Midhurst, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Midia, Turkey. 42N. 28E. 94 Mies, R., Austria. 50N. 14E. 78 *Milan, Italy. 45N. 9s. 82 Milanovatz, Servia. 44N. 22E. 94 *Milazzo, Sicily. 38N. 15s. 81 Mildenhall, England. 52N. IE. 57 Milford, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Milford, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 * Milford, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Milford Haven, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Milk Haven, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Milkovatz, Bulgaria. 44N. 23E. 94 Milleau, France. 44N. SE. 73 Millstreet, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Milltown Malbay, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Milnathom, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Milne, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Milngavie, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Milos, Greece. 37N. 24E. 95 Minas, Spain. 38N. 7w. 84 Minch, The, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 *Mincio, R., Italy. 45N. HE. 83 *Minden, Germany. 52N. 8s. 76 Mine Hd., Lighthouse, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Minehead, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Minho, R., Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 *Minorca, Balearic Isles. 40N. 4E. 85 Minsk, Russia. 54N. 29E. 91 Miosen, L., Norway. 6lN. HE. 89 Mirabella, Crete. 35N. 26E. 95 Miranda, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 Mirandella, Portugal. 42x. 7w. 84 Mirandola, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Mirecourt, France. 48N. 6E. 73 Miskolcz, Hungary. 48N. 2lE. 79 *Missolongi, Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 Mistretta, Sicily. 38N. 14E. 81 Mitan, Russia. 57N. 23E. 90 Mitcheldean, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Mitchelstown, Ireland. 52>r. 8w. 68 Mitrovitz, Hungary. 45N. 20s. 79 Mitrovitza, Turkey. 43N. 2 IE. 94 Mittel Geb., Austria. 5lN. 14E. 78 Mizen Hd., Ireland. 5lN. lOw. 68 Mizen Hd., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Moate, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 67 *Modena, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Modica. Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 Moen, Denmark. 55N. 12E. 89 Moerdyke, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Moflat, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 *Mohacs, Hungary. 46N. 19E. 79 Mohilev, Russia. 54N. 30E. 91 Mohill, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Moidart, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Moissac, France. 44N. IE. 72 Mojacar, Spain. 37N. 2w. 85 PAGE Mokshan, Russia. 53N. 45E. 91 Mola, Italy. 4lN. 17E. 81 Mold, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Moldau, R., Austria. 50N. 14E. 78 Moldavia, Roumania. 47 N. 27E. 94 Molde, Norway. 63N. 7E. 88- Molde Fjord, Norway. 63N. 7E. 88 Mole R., England. 5 IN. Ow. 57 Molfetta, Italy. 4lN. 17E. 81 Molina, Spain. 4lN. 2w. 85 Molise, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Monadhliath Mts. Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Monaghan, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Monalto, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Monastir, Bulgaria. 43N. 26E. 94 Monastir, Turkey. 4lN. 2lE. 95 Monasterevin, Ireland. 53N. 7vv. 69 Monch, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Mondego, C., Portugal. 40N. 9w. 84 Mondego, R., Portugal. 40N. 9w. 84 *Mondovi, Italy. 44N. SE. 82 Moneglia, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 Moneygall, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Moneymore, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Monferrat, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Moniave, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Monikie, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Monivea, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 *Monmouth, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Monnow, R., England. 52N. 3w. 56 Monopoli, Italy. 4 IN. 17E. 81 Mons, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 Monselice, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Mt. Adamello, Austria. 46N. HE. 78 Mt. Cenis, France. 45N. 7E. 73 Mont de Marsan, France. 44N. Ow. 72 Mt. Maladena, France. 43N. IE. 72 Mt. Marmolade, Austria. 46N. 12E. 78 Mont Terrible, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Montalcino, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Montalto, Italy/ 42N. 12E. 83 *Montargis, France. 48N. 3E. 73 *Montauban, France. 44N. IE. 72 Montbrison, France. 46N. 4E. 73 Monte Carlo, France. 44N. 7E. 73 Monte Cristo Is., Italy. 42N. 10E. 82 Monte Rosa, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Monte Santo G., Turkey. 40N. 24E. 95 Montechiaro, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Monteflascone, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Montelcone, Italy. 39N. 16E. 81 Montelimart, France. 45N. 5E. 73 Montepulciano, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Monterrubio, Spain. 42N. 3w. 84 Montes de Toledo, Spain. 40N. 5w. 84 Montevarchi, Italy. 44N. 12s. 83 *Montgomery, Wales. 53N. 3w. 56 Monthey, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Monti, Sardinia. 4 IN. 9E 81 *Montilla, Spain. 38N. 5w. 84 Montlucon, France. 46N. SE. 73 Montoro, Spain. 38N. 4w. 84 Montoz, Switzerland. 4-7 N. 7E. 86 Montpellier, France. 44N. 4E. 73 220 Index PAGE Montreux, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 *Montrose, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Monymusk, Scotland. 57 N. 2w. 63 Monza, Italy. 46N. 9s. 82 Monzon, Spain. 42N. OE. 85 Moor of Rannoch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Moorfoot Hills, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Moosberg, Germany. 49N. 12E. 77 Mora, Spain. 40N. Iw. 85 Morar, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Morar, R., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 *Morat, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Morat, L. of, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Morava R., Servia. 45N. 2lE. 94 Moravia, Austria. 49N. 17E. 78 Moravian Plateau, Austria. 49N. 16E. 78 Moray Firth, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Morbegno, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Morbihan, France. 48N. 3w. 72 Morbihan B., France. 48N. 3w. 72 Morcone, Italy. 4lN. 15E. 81 Morea, Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 Morecambe B., England. 54N. 3w. 54 *Morella, Spain. 4lN. Ow. 85 Moreton Hampstead, England. 51N. 4w. 56 *Morgarten, Switzerland. 47N. 9s. 87 Morges, Switzerland. 47N. 6s. 86 Morgex, Italy. 46N. 7E. 82 Moritza R., Turkey. 4lN. 26E. 95 *Morlaix, France. 49N. 4w. 72 Moron, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 Morpeth, England. 55N. 2w. 54 *Mortara, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 * Mortimer s Cross, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Morven, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Morven, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 *Moscow, Russia. 55N. 38s. 91 Mosdok, Russia. 44N. 45E. 91 Moselle, R., France. 49N. 6E. 73 Moselle, R., Germany. 50N. 7a. 77 Moss, Norway. 59N. HE. 89 Mosso Santa Maria, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 Mostar, Bosnia. 43N. 18E. 94 Mosyr, Russia. 52N. 29s. 91 Motala, Sweden. 59N. 16E. 89 Motherwell, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Motilla, Spain. 40N. 2w. 85 Motril, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Moudan, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Moulins, France. 46N. SE. 73 Mountains of Castile, Spain. 4lN. 4w. 84 Mountmellick, Ireland. 53N. 7W.69 Mountrath, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Mountshannon, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Mounts B., England. 50N. 5w. 56 Mourne Mts., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Mourne, R., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Mouths of the Rhone, France. 44N. 4E. 73 Moutier, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Moutier, V. de, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 PAGE Moutiers, France. 45N. 6E. 73 Moville, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Moy, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Moy, R., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Moynalty, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Moyola R., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Moyvally, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Much Wenlock, England. 53N. 3w. 56 Muck Is., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Muckish, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Muckno Lough, Ireland. 54N. 7w.67 Muff, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Muhlbach, Hungary. 46N. 24E. 79 Miihldorf, Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 Miihlhausen, Germany. 5lN. 10E. 76 Muirkirk, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Muldberg, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Mulde, Germany. 5 IN. 13E. 76 Mulde R., Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Miilhausen, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Mulheim, Germany. 5 IN. 7E. 76 "Mull, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Mull, Sound of, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Mull of Gantyre, Scotland. 55N. 6w. 64 Mull of GaUoway, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Mull of Oa, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Mullaghmore, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Mullcear, R., Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Mullinavat, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Mullingar, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Mulrea Mt., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Mulroy B., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Mumbles, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Mundesley, England. 53N. IE. 55 Munich, Germany. 48N. 12s. 77 Munkacs, Hungary. 49N. 23E. 79 Munster, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Miiiister, Germany. 52N/7E. 76 Munster, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Miinpter, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Muonio, Sweden. 68N. 23E. 88 Mur, R., Hungary. 46N. 17E. 78 Muradly. Turkey. 4lN. 27E. 95 Muravera, Sardinia. 39N. 10E. 81 Murcia, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Murias, Spain. 43N. 6w. 84 Muritz See, Germany. 53N. 12E. 76 Murom, Russia. 56N. 42E. 90 Muros, Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 Miirren, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Murviedro, Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 Musselburgh, Scotland. 56N. 30w. 65 Mustafa, Bulgaria. 42N. 26E. 94 Mustanly, Turkey. 42N. 26E. 94 Muthill, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Mutton Is., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Mykonos, Greece. 37N. 26E. 95 Mylus, Greece. 37N. 23E. 95 Mynydd Epynt, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Mythen, Switzerland. 47N. 9s. 87 Naarden, Holland. 52N 5E. 70 Naas, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Index 221 PAGE Nab, Germany. SON. 12E. 77 Nafels, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Nagy-Kanissa, Hungary. 46N. 18E.94 Nagy-Karoly, Hungary. 48N. 22E. 79 Nagy-K5ros, Hungary. 47N. 20E. 79 Nailsworth, England. 52N. 2w. 56 *Nairn, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Nakitchevan, Russia. 47N. 40E. 91 Nakshoy, Denmark. 55N. 12w. 89 Namsen, Norway. 65N. 12E. 88 Namsos, Norway. 64N. 12E. 88 *Namur, Belgium. SON. SE. Nanas, Hungary. 48N. 2lE. * Nancy, France. 49N. 6E. 73 Nanny, R., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 * Nantes, France. 47N. 2w. 72 Nantua, France. 46N. 6E. 73 Nantwich, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Nao, C. de la, Spain. 39N. OB. 85 Napf, Switzerland. 47N. SB. 86 * Naples, Italy. 4 IN. 14E. Naples, B. of, Italy. 4lN. HE. 81 Narberth, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 *Narbonne, France. 43N. 3E. 73 Nardo, Italy. 40N. 18E. 81 Narni, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Naro, Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 * Narva, Russia. 59N. 28E. 90 Narvik, Norway. 68N. 17E. Nassau, Germany. SON. SE. 77 *Naseby, England. 52N. lw. 57 Nash Pt., Wales. SlN. 4w. 56 Nasice, Slavonia. 45N. 18E. 78 Nassjo, Sweden. 58N. 15s. 89 Nauen, Germany. 53N. 13E. 76 Nauplia, Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 Nauplia G., Greece. 37N. 23E. 95 Nava, Spain. 4 IN. 5w. 84 Navan, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Navarra, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Navea, Spain. 44N. 7w. 84 Naver, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Naxos, Greece. 37N. 26E. 95 Naze, The, England. 52N. IE. 57 Naze, The, Norway. 58N. 7s. 89 Neagh, Lough, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Neath, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Neath, R., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Needles, The, England. SlN. 2w.57 Negoi, Hungary. 46N. 25s. 79 Negor Mt., Roumania. 46N. 25E.94 Negropont, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Neidenburg, Germany. 53N. 21E.75 Neilston, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Neiss R., Germany. 52N. 15E. 76 Neisse, Germany. SlN. 17E. 75 Neisse R., Germany. SlN. 17E. 75 Nekar, R., Germany. 49N. 9E. 11 Nelson, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Nen, R., England. 53N. OE. 55 Nenagh, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Nephin Mt., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Nephin Beg Mt., Ireland. 54N. 10w.66 Nera R., Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Neretva R., Bosnia. 43N. 18E. 94 Nerone Mt., Italy. 44N. 12E. Ness, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 4w. Ness, R., Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 PAGE Nesthorn, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Neston, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Nettuno, Italy. 4lN. 13E. 81 Netze R. Germany. 53N. 17E. 75 Neu Brandenburg, Germany. 54N. 13E. 76 Neuburg, Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Neuchatel, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Neuf chateau, Belgium. SON. 6E. 71 Neufchatel, France. SON. IE. 72 Neuhaus, Austria. 49N. 15E. 78 Neuhausel, Hungary. 48N. 18E. 79 Neumiinster, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Neunkirch, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Neu Ruppin, Germany. 53N. 12E. 76 Neusatz, Hungary. 45N. 20E. 94 Neusiedler, Hungary. 48N. 17E. 78 Neusohl, Hungary. 49N. 19E. 79 Neustadt, Germany. SON. 18E. 75 Neustadt, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Neustadt, Germany. 48N. SB. 77 Neustadt, Germany. SON. HE. 77 Neustadt, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 Neu Stettin, Germany. 54N. 16E. 75 Neu Strelitz , Germany . 53N. 13E.76 Neuss, Germany. 5lN. 7s. 76 Neutra, R., Hungary. 49N. 18E. 78 Neutraer Geb, Hungary. 49N. 18s. 78 Neu Ulm, Qermany. 48N. 10E. 77 Neuveville Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Nera R., Russia. 60N. 3lE. 90 Nevers, France. 47N. 3s. 73 *Nevin, Walep. 53N. 5w. 54 Nevis, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Nevrekon, Turkey. 42N. 24E. 94 New R., England. 52N. Ow. 57 New Abbey, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 * Newark, England. 53N. lw. 55 Newbiggin, England. 55N. 2w. 55 New Birmingham. Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Newbliss, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 New Bolingbroke, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Newbridge, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 New Brighton, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Newburgh, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Newbury, England. 5lN. lw. 57 New Byth, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 New Castile, Spain. 40N. 3w. 85 Newcastle, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Newcastle, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Newcastle Emlyn, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Newcastleton, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Newcastle -under-Lyme, England. 53N. 2w. 54 * Newcastle - upon - Tyne, England. 55N. 2w. 55 New Cumnock, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 New Deer, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Newent, England. 52N. 2w. 56 New Forest, England. 5lN. 2w. 57 New Galloway, Scotland. 55N. 4W.65 *Newhaven, England. 5lN. OE. 57 New Holland, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Newmarket, England. 52N. OE. 57 222 Index Newmarket, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 New Milford, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Newmilns, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 New Pitsligo, Scotland. 58N. 2w. Newport, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Newport, England. 52N. 3w. 56 *Newport, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Newport, Ireland. 54N. lOw. Newport B., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Newport, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Newport, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Newport, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Newport Pagnell, England. 52N. Iw. 57 New Quay, England. 5 ON. 5w. 56 New Radnor, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 New Romney, England. 5lN. IB. 57 New Ross, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Newry, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 New Shoreham, England. 5 IN. Ow.57 Newton, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Newton Abbot, England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Newton Stewart, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 *Newtown, Wales. 53N. 3w. 56 Newtown, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Newtownards, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Newtown -barry, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Newtown Bellew, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Newtown Butler, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Newtown Hamilton, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Newtown Stewart, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Niamtzo, Roumania. 47N. 26E. 94 *Nice, France. 44N. 7E. 73 Nicopoli, Bulgaria. 44N. 25E. 94 Nicosia, Sicily. 38N. 15E. 81 Nicostro, Italy. 39N. 17E. 81 Nicotera, Italy. 39N. 16E. 81 Nidau, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Nidder, R., Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Nienburg, Germany. 53N. 9E. 76 NientenR., Germany. 55N. 2lE. 75 Niesen, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Nieshin, Russia. 5lN. 32E. 91 *Nieuport, Belgium. 5lN. 3E. 71 Nieuwediep, Holland. 53N. SE. 70 Nieuwpoort, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Nievre, France. 47N. 3E. 73 Nigg, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Nijar, Spain. 37N. 2w. 85 Nijni Novgorod, Russia. 56N. 44s. 90 Nijni Tagilsk, Russia. 59N. 58E. 90 Nikolaievsk, Russia. 52N. 49E. 91 Nikolaistadt (Vasa), Russia. 64N. 22E. 90 Nikolaos, H., Greece. 36N. 23E. 95 Nikolayev, Russia. 47N. 32E. 91 Nikolsburg, Austria. 49N. 17E. 78 Niksics, Montenegro. 43N. 19E. 94 Nilly, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 v NImes, France. 44N. 4E. 73 *Niort, France. 46N. Ow. 72 Nios, Greece. 37N. 25E. 95 PAGE Nish, Servda. 43N. 22s. 94 Nishegorod, Russia. 56N. 44E. 90 Nissa R., Sweden. 57N. 13E. 89 Nith R., Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Nivelles, Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 Nizza, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Noale, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Nobber, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Nocera, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Nogent-sur- Seine, France. 48N. 4E. 73 Noguera PaUaresa, R., Spain. 42N. IE. 85 Noguera Ribagorzana, R., Spain. 42N. OB. 85 Noirmoutier, Is., France. 47N. 2w. 72 Norcia, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Nord, France. 50N. 3E. 73 Norden, Germany. 54N. 7E. 76 Nordeney Is., Germany. 54N. 7E. 76 Nordenham, Germany. 54N. SE. 76 Nordhausen, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Nordkyn, Norway. 7 IN. 28E. 88 Nordlingen, Germany. 49N. 10E.77 Nordrach, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Nore, England. SlN. IE. 57 Nore, R., Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Norfolk, England. 53N. IE. 57 *Norham, England. 56N. 2w. 54 Noric Alps, Austria. 47N. 14E. 78 Norris Mt., Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Norrkoping, Sweden. 59N. 16E. 89 Norrland, Sweden. 65N. 18E. 88 *Northallerton, England. 54N. Iw. 55 * Northampton, England. 52N. Iw. 57 North Berwick, Scotland. 56N. 3w.65 N. Beverland, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 North Brabant, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 North Cape, Norway. 7lN. 26E. 88 North Channel, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 N. Dorogi, Russia. 53N. 28s. 91 North Downs, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Northeim, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 N. Foreland, England. 5lN. IE. 57 N. Frisian Is., Germany. 55N. SE. 74 North Kvalo, Norway. 70N. 19E.88 N. Queensferry, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 North Riding, Yorkshire. 54N. 2w. 54 N. Ronaldshay Is., Scotland. 59N. 2w. 63 N. Shields, England. 55N. Iw. 55 N. Somkut, Hungary. 48N. 23E. 79 North Sd., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 N. Tyne R., England. 55N. 2w. 54 N. Uist Is., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Northumberland, England. 55N. 2w. 54 N. Walsham, England. 53N. IE. 55 Northwich, England. 53N. 3w. 54 *Norwich, England. 53N. IE. 57 Noss Hd., Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Noto, Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 *Nottingham, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Noya, Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 Noyon, France. SON. 3E. 73 Novaia Zenalia, Russia. 7lN. 55E. 90 *Novara, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Novgorod, Russia. 59N. 3lE. 90 Index 223 PAGE Novl, Italy. 15N. 9E. 82 Novi, Bosnia. 45N. 16E. 94 Novibazar, Turkey. 43N. 20E. 94 Novorossisk, Russia. 4oN. 38E. 91 Novo Tcherkask, Russia. 47N. 40E.91 Nufenen P., Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Nugen, Mt., Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Nukha, Russia. 4lN. 47E. 91 Nules, Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 *Nuneaton, England. 53N. Iw. 57 Nuoro, Sardinia. 40N. 9E. 81 Niiremburg, Germany. 5lN. 12E. 76 Nurnberg, Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Nyeborg, Denmark. 55N. HE. 89 Nykerk, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Nyiregyhaza, Hungary. 48N. 22E. 79 Nykjobing, Denmark. 55N. 12E. 89 Nykoping, Sweden. 59N. 17E. 89 Nymegen, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 Nyon, Switzerland. 46N. 6E. 86 Oakham, England. 53N. Iw. 57 Oban, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 *Ober Ammergau, Germany. 48N. HE. 77 Oberhaltstein, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Oberhausen, Germany. 52N. 6s. 76 Oberwald, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 87 Obra R., Germany. 52N. 16E. 75 Obrenovatz, Servia. 45N. 20E. 94 Ochil Hills, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Ocker R., Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Odde, Norway. 60N. 6E. 89 Odemira, Portugal. 38N. 9w. 84 *Odense, Denmark. 55N. 10E. 89 Odenwald, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Oder R., Germany. 53N. 15E. 75 Oderberg, Austria. SON. 18E. 79 Oderburg, Germany. 50N. 18E. 75 Oderzo, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 * Odessa, Russia. 46N. 3lE. 91 Odiel, R., Spain. 37N. 7w. 84 Oebisfelde, Germany. 53N. HE. 76 Oedenburg, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 Oels, Germany. 5lN. 18E. 75 Oesel, Russia. 58N. 22E. 90 Ofanto R., Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 Ofen P., Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Ofenhorn, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Offenbach, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Offenburg, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Ofoten Fd., Norway. 68N. 17E. 88 Oglio R., Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Ogulin, Croatia. 45N. 15E. 78 Oignon, R. 1 , France. 47N. 5E. 73 Oise, R., France. 49N. 2E. 73 Oka R., Russia. 55N. 40E. 91 Okehampton, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Okhrida, Turkey. 4lN. 2lE. 95 Okhrida L., Turkey. 4lN. 2lE. 95 Okna, Roumania. 46N. 26E. 94 Oland, Sweden. 57N. 17E. 89 Old Aberdeen, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Oldbury, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Old Castile, Spain. 42N. 3w. 84 Oldcastle, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Old Deer, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 PAGE Oldenburg, Germany. 53N. SE. 76 Oldenburg, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Oldenhorn, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Oldenzaal, Holland. 52N. 7E. 70 Oldestoe, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Oldham, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Old Hd. of Kinsale, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Old Man of Hoy, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Old Meldrum, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Oleggio, Italy. 46N. 9E. 82 Oleron, Is. d , France. 46N. Iw. 72 Oleszyce, Austria. 50N. 23E. 79 Olivenza, Spain. 39N. 7w. 84 Olivone, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Ollerton, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Olmeneta, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 *Olmiitz, Austria. SON. 17E. 78 *Olney, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Olona R., Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Olonetz, Russia. 6lN. 33E. 90 Oloron, France. 43N. Iw. 72 Olot, Spain. 42N. SE. 85 Olpe, Germany. 5lN. SE. 76 Olten, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Oltenitza, Roumania. 44N. 26E. 94 *Olympia, Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 Olympus Mt., Turkey. 40N. 22E. 95 Omagh, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Ombrone, R., Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Ommen, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Onda, Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 Ondawa, Hungary. 49N. 22E. 79 Onega, Russia. 64N. 38s. 90 Onega, G. of, Russia. 64N. 36E. 90 Onega L., Russia. 62N. 35E. 90 Onega R., Russia. 64N. 38E. 90 Oneglia, Italy. 44N. SE. 82 O Nei], Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Onteniente, Spain. 39N. Iw. 85 Oosterhout, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Ootmarsum, Holland. 52N. 7E. 70 * Oporto, Portugal. 4lN. 9w. 84 Oppeln, Germany. SlN. 18E. 75 * Orange, France. 44N. SE. 73 Oranmore, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Orba R., Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Orbe, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Orbe R., Switzerland. 47N. 6s. 86 Orbetello, Italy. 42N. HE. 83 Orbigo R., Spain. 42N. 6w. 84 Orchy, R., Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Ord of Caithness, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Ore, R., Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Orebro, Sweden. 59N. 15s. 89 Orenburg, Russia. 52N. 55E. 91 Orel, Russia. 53N. 3lE. 91 Orense, Spain. 42N. 8w. 84 Orfani, Turkey. 4 IN. 24E. 95 Orfordness, England. 52N. 2E. 57 Orhuela, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Oristano, Sardinia. 40N. 9E. 81 Oristano, G. of, Sardinia. 40N. 9E. 81 Orkhanie, Bulgaria. 43N. 24E. 94 Orkney Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Orlando C., Sicily. 38N. 15E. 81 22 4 Index PAGE Orleans, France. 48N. 2s. 73 Ormonts, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Ormskirk, England. 54N, 3w. 54 Orne, France. 49N. OE. 72 Ornskoldsvikskoping, Sweden. 63N. 19E. 88 Oropesa, Spain. 40N. 5w. 84 Orosei, Sardinia. 4 ON. 10E. 81 Orosei, G. of , Sardinia. 40N. 10E.81 Oroszliaza, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 Orphir, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Orsieres, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Orskaia, Russia. 5lN. 59E. 91 Orsova, Roumania. 45N. 22E. 94 Orta, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 Orta, L., Italy. 46N. SB. 82 Orte, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Ortegal, C., Spain. 44N. 8w. 84 Ortler, Austria. 47N. 10E. 78 Ortona, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Orvieto, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Orwell, R., England. 52N. IE. 57 Osborne, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Oschersleben, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Osimo, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Osma, Spain. 42N. 3w. 85 Osnabruck, Germany. 52N. SB. 76 Osso Mt., Greece. 40N. 23E. 95 OstashkoV, Russia. 57 N.- 33E. 90 Oste R., Germany. 54N. 9w. 76 *Ostende, Belgium. 5lN. SE. 71 Osterburg, Germany. 53N. 12s. 76 Ostersund, Sweden. 63N. 15E. 88 Ostia, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Ostiglia, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Ostrovskaya, Russia. 56N. 62E. 90 Ostrov, Russia. 58N. 28s. 90 Ostrova, Turkey. 4 IN. 2 IE. 95 Ostrovitza, Bosnia. 45N. 16E. 94 Ostrovskaya, Russia. 56N. 62E. 90 Ostrowo, Germany. 52N. 1SE. 75 Osung, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 Ostuni, Italy. 41 N. 18E. 81 *Oswestry, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Otley, England. 54N. 2w. 55 *Otranto, Italy. 4 ON. 18E. 81 Otranto, Strait of, Turkey. 40N. 19E. 95 Otta, Norway. 62N. 10E. 89 Ottensen, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Otter, R., England. 5lN. 3w. 56 *Otterburn, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Ottochatz, Croatia. 45N. 15E. 78 Ottone, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Ottweiler, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Oudawa, Austria -Hungary. 49N. 22s. 79 *Oudenharde, Belgium. 5lN. 4s. 71 Oudewater, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Oughter, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Oughterard, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Oulart, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Oulx, Italy. 45N. 7E. 82 Oundle, England. 53N. Ow. 57 Our, R., Germany. 50N. 6E. 77 Our, R., Luxemburg. SON. 6E. 71 Ourique, Portugal. 38N. 8w. 84 Ourthe, R., Belgium. 5 IN. GE. 71 PAGE Ouse, R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 Ouse, R., England. 53N. OE. 57 Ovada, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Ovar, Portugal. 4 IN. 9w. 84 Over Flakkee, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Overton, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Overton, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Overyssel, Holland. 52N. 7 a. 70 *Oviedo, Spain. 43N. 6w. 84 Ovrutch, Russia. 5 IN. 29E. 91 Owel, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Owenkillew, R., Ireland. 55N. 7 w.67 Owenmore R., Ireland. 5iN. 10 w. 66 Ox Mts., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 * Oxford, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Oykel, R., Scotland. 58N. 4w. 62 Oystermouth, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Ozieri, Sardinia. 4lN. 9s. 81 Paar, R., Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Pabbay Is., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Pacho, Hungary. 49N. 18E. 78 *Paderborn, Germany. 52N. 9w. 76 Padron, Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 Padstow, England. 5lN. 5w. 56 *Padua, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Pae Khoi Mts., Russia. 69N. 63E. 90 , Paestum, Italy. 40N. 15E. 81 Pageni, Italy. 4lN. 15E. 81 Pago, Dalmatia. 45N. 15E. 78 Paignton, England. 50N. 4w. 56 Paimbceuf, France. 47N. 2w. 72 Paisley, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Pakraoz, Slavonia. 45N. 17E. 78 Palafrugell, Spain. 42N. SE. 85 Palamos, Spain. 42N. SE. 85 Palatinate, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Palazzola, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Palencia, Spain. 42N. 4w. 84 * Palermo, Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 *Palestrina, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Pali C., Turkey. 4 IN. 19E. 94 * Pallas Grean, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Pallaskenry, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Palma, Majorca. 40N. SB. 85 Palmanava, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Palmi, Italy. 38N. 16E. 81 Palo, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Palo, Italy. 4lN. 17s. 81 Palos, C. de, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Pamiers, France. 43N. 2E. 73 Pampilliosa, Portugal. 4lN. 9w. 84 Pamplona, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Panaria Is., Italy. 39N. 15E. 81 Panaro, R., Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Panayas, Portugal. 38N. 8w. 84 Pancsova, Hungary- 45N. 2lE. 94 Pantellaria Is., Italy. 37N. 12E. 81 Paola, Italy. 3 ON. 16E. 81 Pap, The, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Papa, Hungary. 47N. 17E. 78 Papa Stour Is., Scotland. 60N. 2w. 63 Papenburg, Germany. 53N. 7E. 76 Paps, The, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Paps of Jura, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Parchim, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Pardubitz, Austria. 50N. 16E. 78 Index 225 PAGE *Parga, Turkey. 39N. 20E. 95 * Paris, France. 49N. 2E. 73 Parkmore, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 * Parma, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Parma R., Italy. 45N. 10s. 82 Parnassus, Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Paros, Greece. 37N. 25E. 95 Parret, R., England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Parsonstown, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Parta Rinteln, Germany. 52N. 9E. 76 Partenkirchen, Germany. 47N. llE.77 Partinico, Sicily. 38N. 13E. 38 Partry Mts., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Partumna, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Parys, Mt., Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Pas de Calais, France. 5lN. 2w. 73 Pasewalk, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Pashkani, Roumania. 47N. 26E. 94 Paskaliarik, Sweden. 57N. 17E. 89 Passage, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Passage West, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 *Passau, Germany. 49N. 13s. 77 Passero C., Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 Pateley Bridge, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Patras G., Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 Patrington, England. 54N. Ow. 55 *Pau, France. 44N. Ow. 72 Pauillac, France. 45N. Iw. 72 Paullo, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Pausula, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 *Pavia, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Pavoa de Varzim, Portugal. 4 IN. 9w. 84 Paxo Is., Turkey. 39N. 20E. 95 Peak, The, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Peebles, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Peel, Is. of Man. 54N. 5w. 54 Peel Fell, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Peel Fell, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Peel Marsh, Holland. 5lN. 6E. 71 Peene R., Germany. 54N. 13s. 76 Peipus L., Russia. 59N. 28E. 90 Peissenburg, Germany. 4 SN. HE. 77 Pelestrina, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Pembridge, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Pembroke, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Pefia Golosa, Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 Penaranda, Spain. 4lN. 5w. 84 Penarth, Wales. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Penas, C. de, Spain. 44N. 6w. 84 Penicuik, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Penistone, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Penkridge, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Penne, Italy. 42N; 14E. 83 Pennine Alps, Italy. 46N. SE. 82 Pennine Chain, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Penrith, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Penryn, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Pentland Firth, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Pentland Hills, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Pentland Skerries, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Penyghent, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Penza, Russia. 53N. 45E. 91 PAGE *Penzance, England. 50N. 5w. 56 Penzberg, Germany. 48N. HE. 77 Pera, Turkey. 4lN. 29E. 95 Perdu, Mt., Spain. 43N. OE. 85 Perdu, Mt., France. 43N. OE. 72 Perekop, Russia. 46N. 34E. 91 Pergola, Italy. 44N. 13E. -83 Perigueux, France. 45N. IE. 72 Perim-dagh, Turkey. 4 IN. 24E. 94 Perleberg, Germany. 53N. 12s. 76 Perm, Russia. 58N. 57E. 90 Pernau, Russia. 58N. 25E. 90 *Perpignan, France. 43N. SE. 73 Pershore, England. 52N. 2w. 56 * Perth, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 * Perugia, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Peruwetz, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 *Pesaro, Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Pescara, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 *Peschiera, Italy. 45N. HE. 82 Pescina, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Petch, Turkey. 43N. 20E. 94 Petchora R., Russia. 68N. 54E. 90 Peterhead, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Petersfield, England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 Peter war dein, Hungary. 45N. 20E. 79 Petrina, Slavonia. 45N. 16E. 78 Petrocseny, Hungary. 45N. 24E. 94 Petrovsk, Russia. 43N. 48E. 91 Petrovsk, Russia. 53N. 45E. 91 Petroyskoie, Russia. 5lN. 4lE. 91 Pettau, Austria. 46N. 16E. 78 Petterill, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Pettigoe, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Petworth, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 *Pevensey, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Pewsey, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Pfafers, Switzerland. 47 N. 9E. 87 Pfalzburg, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Pfeife, Switzerland. 47N. 7s. 86 Pfirt, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Pforzheim, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Phersala, Greece. 39N. 22E. 95 Philiatea, Turkey. 40N. 2 IE. 95 Philiatra, Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 Philippe ville, Belgium. 5 ON. 5s. 71 Philippopolis, Bulgaria. 42N. 25E. 94 Philipstad, Sweden. 60N. 14E. 89 Philipstown, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Phonia Lake, Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 *Piacenza, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Pianella, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Pianoso Is., Italy. 43N. 10E. 82 Pias, Portugal. 38N. 7w. 84 Piatra, Roumania. 4 7 N. 26E. 94 Piave, R., Italy. 46N. 13s. 83 Piazza, Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 Pickering, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Piedmont, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Pieve di Cadore, Italy. 46N. 12E. 80 Pilatus Mt., Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Pillau, Germany. 55N. 19s. 75 Pillicoultry, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Pilling, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Pillkillen, Germany. 55N. 22E. 75 Pilitown, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 *Pilsen, Austria. 50N. 13E. 78 226 Index PAGE Pindus Mts. Greece. 39N. 2lE. 95 *Pinerolo, Italy. 45N. ?E. 82 Pinsk, Russia. 52N. 27E. 91 Piombino, Italy. 43N. 10E. 83 Piosckov, Russia. 52 N. 20E. 91 Piove, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Pirano, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Pirmaseus, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 *Pirna, Germany. 5lN. 14E. 76 Pirams, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Pirot, Servia. 43N. 22E. 94 *Pisa, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Pisek, Austria. 49N. 14E. 78 Piski, Hungary. 4 ON. 23E. 79 Pisogne, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 *Pistoja, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Pisuerga, R., Spain. 42N. 5w. 84 Pitea, Sweden. 65N. 2lE. 88 Pitea E., Sweden. 66N. 2lE. 88 Pitesti, Roumania. 45N. 25E. 94 Pitigliano, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Pitlochry, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Pittenweem, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Piz Aul, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Piz Languard, Switzerland. 46N. 10E. 87 Piz Linard, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Pizzighettone, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Pizzo, Italy. 39N. 16E. 81 Pladda, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Plaffeyen, Switzerland. 47 N. 7E. 86 Planca, Pta della, Dalmatia. 43N. 16E. 78 Plasencia, Spain. 40N. 6w. 84 Plasencia, Spain. 40N. 6w. 84 Platamona, Turkey. 40N. 23E. 95 Platani R., Sicily. 37N. 13E. 81 Plau, Germany. 53N. 12E. 76 Plauen, Germany. 5 IN. 12E. 77 Pleschen, Germany. 52N. 18s. 75 Pleisse R., Germany. 5lN. 12E. 76 Plessidi Mt., Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Plevna, Bulgaria. 44N. 24E. 94 Plinlimmon, Wales. 53N. 4w. 56 Plock, Russia. 53N. 20E. 91 Ploesti, Roumania. 45N. 26E. 94 Plombieres, France. 48N. 6F. 73 Plon, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 * Plymouth, England. 50N. 4w. 56 Plymouth Sd., England. 50N. 4w. 56 Po, R., Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Po della Msestre, Italy. 45N. 12E.83 Po di Primaro, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Pocklington, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Podhorce, Austria. 49N. 26E. 79 Podolia, Russia. 49N. 28E. 91 Podolsk, Russia. 49N. 27E. 91 Podwoloozyska, Austria. 50N. 26E.79 Poggibonsi, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 -* Poitiers, France. 47N. OE. 72 Pojana Ruska, Hungary. 46N. 22E.79 Poking, Germany. 48N. 13E. 77 Pola, Austria. 45N. 14E. 78 Poland, Russia. 52N. 20s. 91 Policastro, Italy. 40N. 16E. 81 Policastro, G. of, Italy. 40N. 16E. 81 Polmone, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Polna, Austria. 50N. 16E. 78 PAGE * Polotsk, Russia. 56N. 29E. 90 Poltava, Russia. SON. 35E. 91 Polykandros, Greece. 36N. 25E. 95 Pomerania, Germany. 54N. 16E. 75 Pomeranian B., Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Pomeroy, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 i Pomona Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 * Pompeii, Italy. 4lN. 15E. 81 Ponferrada, Spain. 43N. 7w. 84 Pons, Spain. 42N. IE. 85 Pont-a-Mousson, France. 49N. 6E. 73 Pontassieve, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Ponte, Capo di, Italy. 46 N. 12E. 83 Pontebba, Italy. 46N. 14E. 80 Pontecorvo, Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 Pontedera, Italy. 44N. HE. 82 *Pontefract, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Pontevedra, Spain. 42N. 9w. 84 Pontevico, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Pontine Is., Italy. 4lN. 13E. 81 Pontine Marshes, Italy. 4lN. 13E.81 Pontivy, France. 48N. 3w. 72 *Pontoise, France. 49N. 2E. 73 Pontremoli, Italy. 14N. 10E. 82 Pontresina, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Pontrilas, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Pontypool, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Pontypridd, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Ponza, Italy. 4lN. 13E. 81 Poole, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Poole B., England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Poolewe, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Pooltiel, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Poperinghe, Belgium. 5 IN. 3w. 71 Poretta, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Porrentruy, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Porsanger Fjord, Norway. 7 IN. 26E. 88 Porsgrund, Norway. 59N. 10E. 89 Port Askaig, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Port Carlisle, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Port Clarence, England. 55N. lw.55 Port Ellen, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Port Erin, Is. of Man. 54N. 5w. 54 Port Errol, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Port Gordon, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Port Madoc, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Port Glasgow, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Port Patrick, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Port Stewart, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Port Talbot, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Port Vendres, France. 42N. 3E. 73 Port William, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Forth Nigel, Wales. 53N. 5w. 54 Porto d Anzio, Italy. 4lN. 13E. 81 Porto Empedocle, Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 Porto Ferrajo, Elba Is., 43N. 10s. 82 Porto Longone, Elba Islands. 43N. 10E. 82 Porto Maurizio, Italy. 44N. SB. 82 Porto Palo, Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 Porto San Stcfano, Italy. 42N. HE. 83 Porto Torres, Sardinia. 4lN. SB. 81 Porto Vecchio, Corsica. 42N. 9E. 80 Portadown, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Index 227 PAGE Portaferry, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Portalegre, Portugal. 39N. 7w. 84 Portarlington, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Portglenone, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Porthcawl, Wales. 5 IN. 4w. 56 Portishead, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 *Portland Is., England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Portlaw, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Portmagee, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Portmahomack, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Portmore, Lough, Ireland. 55N. 6w. Portobello, Scotland. 56N. 3w. Portogruano, Italy. 46N. 13E. Portopus, Dalmatia. 43N. 18E. Portoscuso, Sardinia. 39N. SE. Portovesme, Sardinia. 39N. 9E Portree, Scotland. 57N. 6w. Portrush, Ireland. 55N. 7w. * Portsmouth, England. 5lN. Iw. Portsoy, Scotland. 58N. 3w. Portugalete, Spain. 43N. 3w. Poschiavo, Switzerland. 46N. 10E. 87 Posen, Germany. 52N. 17E. 75 Potchinki, Russia. 55N. 45E. 91 Potgoritza, Montenegro. 43N. 20E. 94 Potenza, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 Potenza R., Italy. 43N. 14E. Potes Mts., Austria. 48N. 26E. * Potsdam, Germany. 52N. 13E. Poulton, England. 54N. 3w. Poyntzpass, Ireland. 54N. 6w Pozoblanco, Spain. 38N. 5w. Pracchia, Italy. 44N. HE. * Prague, Austria. 50N. 14E. Prato, Italy. 44N. HE. Prattigau, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Prawle Pt., England. SON. 4w. Preceley Top, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 56 Pregel R., Germany. 55N. 2lE. 75 *Prenzlau, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 *Prescot, England. 53N. 3w. 54 *Pressburg, Hungary. 48N. 17E. 78 Presteigne, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 * Preston, England. 54N. 3w. 54 *Prestonpans, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Prestwick, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Prevesa, Turkey. 39N. 2lE. 95 Pribram, Austria. SON. 14E. 78 Priego, Spain. 40N. 2w. 85 Priepolie, Turkey. 43N. 20E. Priiip, Turkey. 4 IN. 22E. Priluki, Russia. 5lN. 33E. 91 Pripet R., Russia. 52N. 29E. Prisrend, Turkey. 42N. 20E. Pristina, Turkey. 43N. 2lE. Pritzwalk, Germany. 53N. 12E. 76 Privas, France. 45N. SE. 7 ProsnaR., Germany. 52N. 1SE. 75 Prosperous, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 6 Prossnitz, Austria. 4 ON. 17E. 7 Prunelli, Corsica. 42N. 9E. 8v Prussia East, Germany. 54N. 2lE. li Prussia West, Germany. 54N. 19E. 1( Pruth R., Roumania. 45N. 28E. 9 Przemysl, Austria. 50N. 23E. 7 Pskov, Russia. 58N. 28E. 9 PAGE Puehla de Tribes, Spain. 42N. 7w. 84 Pulborough, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Pulteneytown, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Pura, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Purchena, Spain. 37N. 2w. 85 Purmerend, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Putbus, Germany. 54N. 13E. 76 Puy de Dome, France. 46N. SE. 73 Pwllheli, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Pyle, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Pylos, Greece. 37N. 22s. 95 Pyrenees, France. 43N. IE. 72 Pyrenees Orientales, France. 43N. 2E. 73 Pyrgos, Greece. 38N. 2lE. 95 Pyritz, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Quakenbruck, Germany. 53N. SE. 76 Quantock Hills, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Quarnero, Austria. 45N. 14s. 78 Quatre Bras, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Quedlinburg, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Queenborough, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Queen s Co., Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Queensberry, Hill, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Queenstown, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 Quesada, Spam. 38N. 3w. 85 Quimper, France. 48N. 4w. 72 Quintanar, Spain. 40N. 3w. 85 Quirang, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Quoich, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 *Raab, Hungary- 48N. 18E. 78 Raab R., Hungary. 48N. 18E. 78 Raasay Is., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Raasay Sd., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Racconigi, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Race of Alderney, Channel Islands. 49N. 2w. 56 Radautz, Austria. 48N. 26s. 79 Radnor, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Radom, Russia. 5lN. 2lE. 91 Radomir, Bulgaria. 42N. 23E. 94 Radstock, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 *Ragusa, Dalmatia. 43N. 18s. 94 Ragusa, Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 Raheen, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Rahova, Bulgaria. 44N. 24s. 94 Ramelton, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Ramsey, Isle of Man. 54N. 4w. 54 Ramsey, England. 52N. OE. 57 Ramsey Is., Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Ramsgate, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Randalstown, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Randers, Denmark. 57N. 10E. 89 Ranea, Sweden. 66N. 22E. 88 Ranen Fd., Norway. 66N. 14E. 88 Rannoch, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Rapallo, Italy. 44N. 9s. 82 Raphoe, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Rapid Koros, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 Rapolano, Italy. 43N. 12s. 83 *Rapperswyl, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Raron, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Rasgrad, Bulgaria. 44N. 26E. 94 228 Index PAGE Rasharkin, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 *Rastatt, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Ratan, Sweden. 64N. 2lE. 88 Rathcormack, Ireland. 52 N. 8w. 68 Rathdowney, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Rathdrum, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 *Rathenow, Germany. 52N. 12s. 76 Rathfryland, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Rathkeale, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Rathlin Is., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Rathlin O Birne Is., Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 Rathmullan, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Rathnew, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Rathnolyon, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Ratho, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Rathowen, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Ratibor, Germany. 50N. 18E. 75 *Ratisbon, Germany. 49N. 12E. 77 Rattray Hd., Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 *Ratzeburg, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Ravenglass, England. 54N. 3w. 54 * Ravenna, Italy. 44N. 12s. Ravensburg, Germany. 48N. 10E.77 Rawaruska, Austria. SON. 24E. 79 Rawicz, Germany. 52N. 17E. 75 Rayerne, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 *Re, Is. de, France. 46N. Iw. 72 * Reading, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Reay, Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Recknitz R., Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Recoaro, Italy. 46N. HE. 83 Red B., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Redcar, England. 55N. Iw. 55 Redditch, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Rede, R., England. 55N. 2w. 54 Redosto, Turkey. 4lN. 27E. 95 Redruth, England. SON. 5w. 56 Ree, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Reeth, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Regen, Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 Regen R., Germany. 49N. 12E. 77 Regensberg, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 87 *Reggio, Italy. 45N. HE. *Reggio, Italy. 38N. 16E. Regnitz, R., Germany. SON. HE. 77 Reichenberg, Austria. 5lN. 15E. 78 Reichenhall, Germany. 48N. 13E. 77 *Reigate, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Reinosa, Spain. 43N. 4w. Remiremont, France. 48N. 6E. 73 Remscheid, Germany. 5 IN. 7E. 76 Renaix, Belgium. 5lN. 4w. 71 Rendina G., Turkey. 4lN. 24E. 95 Rendsburg, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Renfrew, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 64 Reni, Roumania. 46N. 28E. 94 *Rennes, France. 48N. 2w. 72 Reno, R., Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Rens, Spain. 4lN. IE. Reps, Hungary. 46N. 25E. 79 Requena, Spain. 40N. Iw. Resiczabanya, Hungary. 45N. 22E.79 Resort, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Reston, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Retrosavodsk, Russia. 6lN. 34E. 90 Retz, Austria. 49N. 16E. 78 Reuss, Germany. 50N. 12E. 77 PAGE Reuss, R., Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Reutlingen, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 Revel, Russia. 59N. 24E. 90 Rhatian Alps, Austria. 47N. HE. 78 Rhatikon, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Rhayader, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Rheido, R., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 <*Rheims, France. 49N. 4E. 73 Rheine, Germany. 52N. SE. 76 Rheineck, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 *Rheinfelden, Switzerland. 48N..8E. 86 Rheingan, Germany. 50N. SE. 77 Rhenen, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 Rhenish Prussia, Germany. SON. 7E. 77 Rheydt, Germany. 5 IN. 6E. 76 Rhone, R., France. 44N. SE. 73 Rhone Geb., Germany. 50N. 10E. 77 Rhine, R., Holland. 52N. 4s. 70 Rhine FaUs, Switzerland. 47N. 9s. 87 Rhu Stoir, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 *Rhuddlan, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Rhyl, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Rhynie, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Rhynns Pt., Scotland. 56N. 7w. 64 Rhys Vand, Norway. 66N. 14E. 88 Ria de Arosa, Spain. 42N. 9w. 84 Ria de Lisboa, Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Ria de Muros a Noya, Spam. 43N. 9w. 84 Ria de Tinamayor, Spain. 44N. 4w. 84 Ria de Vigo, Spain. 42N. 9w. 84 Riano, Spain. 43N. 5w. 84 Riasan, Russia. 55N. 40E. 91 Ribble, R., England. 54N. 3w. 54 Ribe, Denmark. 55N. 9s. 89 Riccarton, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 Rich Hill, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 *Richmond, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Richmond, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Ried, Austria. 48N. 13E. 78 Riesa, Germany. SlN. 13E. 76 Riesen Gebirge, Austria. SlN. 16E. 78 *Rieti, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 *Riga, Russia. 57N. 25E. 90 Riga, G. of, Russia. 58N. 23E. 90 -Rigi, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Rilo-Dagh, Bulgaria. 42N. 23E. 94 Rimini, Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Rimnik Roumania. 45N. 24E. 94 *Rimnik, Roumania. 45N. 27E. 94 Ringkiobing Fd., Denmark. 56N. SB. 89 SRingville, Ireland. 52 N. 8w. 69 Ringwood, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Rio Jacar, Spain. 39N. Ow. 85 Riom, France. 46N. 3E. 73 Rionero, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 Ripatransone, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Ripley, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Ripon, England. 54N. 2w. 55 Risca, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Riva, Austria. 46N. HE. 78 Rivadeo, Spain. 44N. 7w. 84 RivadeseUa, Spain. 44N. 5w. 84 Rivarolo, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 Rivarolo, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Index 229 PAGE Rive de Gier, France. 46N. 4s. 73 Riverstown, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Riviera di Levante, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 Riviera di Ponente, Italy. 44N. 8E. 82 Rivoli, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 Rivoli, Italy. 46N. HE. 83 Rixlioft, Germany. 55N. 18E. 75 Rizzuto C., Italy. 39N. 17E. 81 Roag, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Roanne, France. 46N. 4E. 73 Roaring Water B., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Robe, R., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Robertstown, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Robin Hood B., England. 54N. Iw. 55 Roca, C. de, Portugal. 39N. lOw. 84 Rochdale, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Rocher de Naye, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Rochefort, France. 46N. Iw. 72 Rockabill Lighthouse, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Rockcorry, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Rockingham, England. 53N. Iw. 57 *Rocroy, Franco. 50N. 4E. 73 Roden R., England. 53N. 3w. 54 Rodez, France. 44N. 3E. 73 Roding, R., England. 52N. OE. 57 Rodo, Norway. 67N. 13E. 88 Roer, Germany. 5lN. 6E. 76 Roer, R., Holland. 5lN. 6E. 71 Roermonde, Holland. 5lN. 6E. 71 Roeskilde, Denmark. 56N. 12E. 89 Rogart, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Roldal, Norway. 60N. 7E. 89 Rolle, Switzerland. 46N. 6E. 86 Roman, Roumania. 47N. 27E. 94 Roman Apennines, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Romans, France. 45N. SE. 73 Romanshorn, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 *Rome, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Romford, England. 52N. OE. 57 Romont, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Romorantin, France. 47N. 2s. 73 Romsdal Is., Norway. 63N. 6E. 88 Romsdalen, Norway. 62N. SE. 89 Romsey, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Rona Is., Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Roncade, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 *Roncesvalles, Spain. 43N. Iw. 85 Ronda, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 RQnne, Sweden. 55N. 15E. 89 Roodeschool, Holland. 53N. 7E. 70 Rooskey, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Roquetas, Spain. 37N. 3w. 85 Roraas, Norway. 63N. HE. 89 Roray Hd., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Rorschach, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Rosas, G. of, Spain. 42N. SE. 85 Roscommon, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Roscrea, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Rosenberg, Germany. 5lN. 19E. 75 Rosenheim, Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 Rosignano, Italy. 43N. 10E. 82 PAGE Roslin, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Ross, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Ross Carbery, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Ross of Mull, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Rossberg, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Rosscarbery B., Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Rossieny, Russia. 55N. 23E. 90 Rosslare Harb., Ireland. 52N. 6w. 69 * Rostock, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Rostov, Russia. 47N. 40E. 91 Rostov, Russia. 57N. 39E. 90 Rostrevor, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Rotcnburg, Germany. 5lN. 10E. 76 Rotenburg, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Rothbury* England. 55N. 2w. 54 Rothenburg, Germany. 49N. 10E.77 Rother, R., England. 5lN. IE. 57 Rother, R., England. 53N. Iw. 55 Rotherham, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Rothes, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 *Rothesay, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Rothhorn, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Rothiemay, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Rothiemurchus, Scotland. 57N.4w.63 Rotondo, Mt., Corsica. 42N. 9E. 80 Rott, R., Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 * Rotterdam, Holland. 52N. SB. 70 Roubaix, France. 5lN. SE. 73 * Rouen, France. SON. IE. 72 Roughty, R., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 *Roulers, Belgium. SlN. SE. 71 Roumelia, Greece. 39N. 22E. 95 Rousay Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Rova, R., Italy. 44N. 8E. 82 Roverbella, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 *Rovereto, Austria. 46N. HE. 78 Rovigno, Austria. 45N. 14E. 78 Rovigo, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Rowno, Russia. 5lN. 26E. 91 * Roxburgh, Scotland. 5oN. 3w. 65 Roxcn L., Sweden. 59N. 16E. 89 Royal Canal, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Royan, France. 46N. Iw. 72 Royston, England. 52N. OE. 57 Rozendaal, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Rozwadow, Austria. 5 IN. 22E. 79 Rshev, Russia. 56N. 34E, 90 Ru Coygach, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Ru Rea, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Ru Renish, Scotland. 5SN. 7w. 62 Ruabon, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Rudolstadt, Germany. 5lN. HE. 7 7 Rue, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Rugby, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Rugeley, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Riigen Is., Germany. 54N. 13E. 76 Rtigen B., Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Rtigenwalde, Germany. 54N. 16E. 76 Ruhr R., Germany. 5 IN. SB. 76 Rum Is., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Runcorn, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Runn L., Sweden. 60N. 16E. 89 Rupel R., Belgium. SlN. 4E. 71 Rush, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 *Rustchuk, Bulgaria. 44N. 26E. 94 *Rutherglen, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Ruthin, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Rutland, England. 53N. Iw. 57 2 3 Index PAGE Ryan, Loch, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Rybinsk, Russia. 58N. 39E. 90 Ryde, England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 Rye, England. 5 IN. IE. 57 Rye, R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 Ryssen, Holland. 52N. ?E. 70 Rzeszow, Austria. SON. 22s. 79 Saale, R., Germany. 50N. 10E. 77 Saales, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Saane, R., Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Saanen, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Saar, R., Germany. 50N. 6E. 77 ""Saarbrtick, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Saarburg, Germany. SON. 6s. 77 Saargernund, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 *Saarlouis, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Saas, Switzerland. 46N. 8E. 86 Saaz, Austria. 5 ON. 14E. 78 Sabadell, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 Sabbioncello, Dalmatia. 43N. 17E. 78 Sabine Mts., Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 *Sables d Olonne, France. 47N. 2w. 72 Sablia, Russia. 65N. 59E. 90 Sabor, R., Portugal. 4lN. 7E. 84 Saborsio, Hungary. 46N. 22E. 79 Sacco, R., Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 *Sacile, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Sackingen, Germany. 47N. SB. 77 Saddell, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 14 Saddle Hd., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Saddleback, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Sado, R., Portugal. 38N. 9w. 84 "*Sadowa, Hungary. SON. 16E. 78 Saffron Walden, England. 52x. OE. 57 Sagan, Germany. 52N. 15E. 75 Sahagun, Spain. 42N. 5w. 84 Saillon, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Saima L., Russia. 62N. 29E. 90 St. Abbs Hd., Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 St. Affrique, France. 44N. SB. 73 *St. Albans, England. 52N. Ow. 57 St. Albans Hd., England. 5lN. 2w. 56 *St. Amand, France. 47N. 2E. 73 *St. Andrews, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 St. Andrews B., Scotland. 56N. 3w.65 St. Anne s, England. 45N. 3w. 54 St. Austell, England. 50N. 5w. 56 St. Austell B., England. SON. 5w. 56 St. Asaphs, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 St. Bees Hd., England. 55N. 4w. 54 St. Bernardino, Mt., Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 St. Boswells, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 St. Brides Bay, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 St. Brieux, France. 49N. 3w. 72 St. Catherine s Pt., England. 5lN. Iw. 57 St. Combs, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 *St. Davids, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 St. David s Hd., Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 *St. Denis, France. 49N. 3w. 73 St. Die, France. 48N. 7E. 73 St. Etienne, France. 46N. 4E. 73 St. Fergus, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 St. Fillans, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 . St. Flour, France. 45N. SE. 73 St. Gall, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 PAGE St. George Is., Roumania. 45N. 30E. 94 St. George Mouth, Roumania. 45N. 30E. 94 St. Gingolph, Switzerland. 46N. 7s. 86 St. Girons, France. 43N. IE. 72 St. Goar, Germany. SON. SE. 77 *St. Gotthard, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 St. Gowans Hd., Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 St. Helens, England. 53N. 3w. 54 St. Helier, Jersey. 49N. 2w. 56 St. Hubert, Belgium. SON. SE. 71 *St. Ives, England. SON. 5w. 56 St. Ives, England. 52N. OE. 57 S. Jean, France. 45N. 6s. 73 St. John s Pt. Lighthouse, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 St. Leonards on Sea, England. 5 IN. IE. 57 *St. Lo, France. 49N. Iw. 72 St. Magnus B., Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 *St. Malo, France. 49N. 2w. 72 St. Mary s Loch, Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 St. Matthieu Pt., France. 48N. 5w. 72 St. Maurice, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 St. Michael, Russia. 64N. 27E. 90 St. Michaels Mt., England. SON. 5w.56 St. Nazaire, France. 47N. 2w. 72 St. Neots, England. 52N. OE. 57 St. Nicolas, Belgium. 5 IN. 4E. 71 *St. Omer, France. 5lN. 2E. 73 *St. Petersburg, Russia. 60N. 30E. 90 St. Polten, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 St. Quentin, France. SON. SE. 73 St. Servan, France. 49N. 2w. 72 St. Sulpice, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 St. Trond, Belgium. 5 IN. SE. 71 St. Tropez, France. 43N. 7E. 73 St. Ursane, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 St. Vincent, C., Portugal. 37N. 9w. 84 St. Vith, Germany. SON. 6s. 77 St. Wendelo, Germany. SON. 7E. 77 St. Yrieux, France. 46N. IE. 72 Saintes, France. 46N. Iw. 72 Saintfield, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Saitchar, Servia. 44N. 22E. 94 Sajo, Hungary. 48N. 2lE. 79 Sala, Sweden. 60N. 16E. 89 Salamanca, Spain. 4 IN. 6w. 84 Salen, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 64 Salerno, Italy. 4 IN. 15E. 81 Salerno, G. of, Italy. 4lN. 15E. 81 Salford, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Saline, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Salina Is., Italy. 39N. 15E. 81 Salisbury, England. SlN. 2w. 56 Salisbury Plain, England. SlN. 2w. 56 Salins, France. 47N. 6E. 73 Sallins, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Salo, Italy. 46N. HE. 82 Salonica, Turkey. 4lN. 23E. 95 Salonika G., Turkey. 40N. 23E. 95 Salso, R., Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 Saltash, England. SON. 4w. 56 Index 231 PAGE Saltau, Germany. 53N. 10s. 76 Saltburn, England. 55N. lw. 55 Saltcoats, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Saltlleet, England. 53N. OE. 55 Saltmills, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Saltee Is., Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Saltees Light Vessel, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Salto, R., Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 "Saluzzo, Italy. 45N. 7E. 82 Salzach, R., Germany. 48N. 13E. 77 Salzburg, Austria. 4 7 N. 13s. 78 Salzkammergut, Austria. 48N. 14E. 78 Salzwedel, Germany. 53N. HE. 76 Samaden, Switzerland. 47N. 10E.87 Bamako v, Bulgaria. 42N. 24E. 94 Samara, Russia. 53N. 50E. 91 Samassi, R., Sardinia. 39N. 9E. 81 Sainbor, Austria. SON. 23E. 79 Sambre, R., Belgium. SON. SE. 71 Samoiedes, Russia. 67x. 55E. 90 Samter, Germany. 53N. 1GE. 75 San, Austria. 50N. 22E. 79 San Adrian, C. de, Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 San Antioco Is., Sardinia. 39N. SB. 81 San Antonio, Portugal. 37N. 7w.84 San Benedetto, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 San Carlos de la Rapita, Spain. 4lN. IE. 85 San Casciano, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 San Feliu, Spain. 42N. SE. 85 San Fernando, Spain. 36N. 6w. 84 San Gines de la Jara, Spain. 38N. lw. 85 San Jorje, G. of, Spain. 4N. IE. 85 San Juan, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 San Marino, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 San Moritz, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 San Pier d Arena, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 San Pietro Is., Sardinia. 39N. SB. 81 San Remo, Italy. 44N. SB. 82 San Roque, Spain. 36N. 5w. 84 San Salvatore, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 *San Sebastian, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 San Vito C., Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 Sanaig Pt., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Sanda Is., Scotland. 55N. 6w. 64 Sanday Is., Scotland. 59N. 2w. 63 Sandec, Austria. 50N. 2lE. 79 Sandeid, Norway. 59N. 6E. 89 Sandomir, Russia. 5 IN. 22E. 91 Sandown, England. 5lN. lw. 57 Sandringham Hall, England. 53N. IE. 55 Sandwich, England. 5 IN. IE. 57 Sandymount, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Sangro, R., Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Sanguesa, Spain. 43N. lw. 85 Sanlucar, Spain. 37N. 6w. 84 Sanok, Austria. 5 ON. 22s. 79 Sanquhar, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Santa Eufemia, Italy. 39N. 16E. 81 Santa Eufemia, G. of, Italy. 39N. 16E. 81 PAGE Santa Maria, C. de, Portugal. 37N. 8w. 84 Santa Maria di Leuca, C., Italy. 40N. 18E. 81 Santa Maura, Greece. 39N. 2lE. 95 Sta. Teresa, Sardinia. 4 IN. QB. 81 Santander, Spain. 44N. 4w. 84 Santarem, Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Santhia, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 * Santiago de Compostella, Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 Santis, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Santona, Spain. 44N. 4w. 84 Saone et Loire, France. 46N. 4E. 73 Saone, R., France. 46N. SB. 73 *Saragossa, Spain. 42N. lw. 85 Saransk, Russia. 54N. 45E. 91 Saras, Hungary. 47N. 20s. 79 Saratov, Riissia. 52N. 46E. 91 Sarclet, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 * Sardinia, Italy. 40N. 9E. 81 Sargans, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Sark, Channel Is. 49N. 2w. 56 Sarlat, France. 45N. IE. 72 Sarnen, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Sarnico, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Saronna, Italy. 46N. 9s. 82 Saros, Turkey. 40N. 2GE. 95 Sarthe, France. 48N. OE. 72 Sarthe, R., France. 48N. lw. 72 Sartona, Corsia. 42N. 9s. 80 Sarzana, Italy. 44N. 10s. 82 Saseno Is., Turkey. 40N. 19E. 95 Sassari, Sardina. 4 IN. SB. 81 Sas van Gent, Holland. 5 IN. 4s. 71 Satoralja Ujheli, Hungary. 49N. 22E. 79 Sauer, R., Luxemburg. SON. 6E. 71 Sauerland, Germany. 5 IN. 8s. 76 *Saumur, France. 47N. Ow. 72 Savigliano, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Savio R., Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Save, R., Hungary. 46N. 16s. 94 Savoie, France. 45N. 6s. 73 Savona, Italy. 44N. SB. 82 Sawel Mt., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Saxilby, England. 53N. lw. 55 Saxmundham, England. 52B. 2E.57 Saxony, Germany. 5 IN. 13E. 76 Saxony, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Sazawa, Austria. SON. 14E. 78 Scafell, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Scaffery Is., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 68 Scalpa Is., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Scalpa Is., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Scapa, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Scapa Flow, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Scarba Is., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Scarborough, England. 54N. Ow.55 Scarifl Is., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Scarpa Is., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Scarriff, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Scar Water, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 65 Scavaig, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Scesaplane, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Schagen, Holland. 53N. SE. 70 Schaflhausen, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 2 3 2 Index PAGE Schassburg, Hungary. 46N. 25E. 79 Schavli, Russia. 56N. 23E. 90 Scheibbs, Austria. 48N. 15s. 78 Schelde R., Belgium. 5lN. 4s. 71 Schemnitz, Hungary. 49N. 19E. 79 *Scheveningen, Holland. 52N. 4s. 70 Schiedam Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Schiehallion, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Schiermonnikoog, Holland. 53N. 6 E . 70 Schinznacht, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Schio, Italy. 46N. HE. 83 Schleiz, Germany. SON. 12E. 77 Schleswig, Germany. 55N. 10s. 74 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 *Schlettstadt, Germany. 4SN. SE. 77 Schluchtern, Germany. 50N. OB. 77 *Schmalkalden, Germany. 5lN. 10E. 77 Schneeberg, Germany. 5lN. 12E. 77 Schneidemuhl, Germany. 53N. 17E. 75 Schokland, Holland. 53N. GE. 70 Schonebeck, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Schonhausen, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Schouwen, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Schreckhorn, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Schiittenhoffen, Austria. 49N. 14E. 78 Schwandorf, Germany. 49N. 12E.77 Schwarzawa, Austria. 48N. 17E. 78 Schwarzburg, Germany. 5lN. 10E. 76 Schwarzburg, Germany. 5lN. HE. 76 Schwarz-Elster, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Schwarzenburg, Switzerland. 47x. 7E. 86 Schwarzenegg, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Schwarz Wald, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Schwedt, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 *Schweidnitz, Germany. 5lN. 17s. 75 *Schweinfurt, Germany. 5 ON. 10E. 77 Schwerin, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Schwys, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Schyl R., Roumania. 44N. 24E. 94 Scalloway, Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 Sciacca, Sicily. 37N. 13E. 81 Scilla, Italy. 38N. 16s. 81 *Scilly Is., England. 49N. 6w. 56 Sciur na Lapich, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 *Scone, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Score, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Scourie, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Scour Ouran, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Scram oge, R., Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Scregg, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Scridan, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Scuir of Eigg, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Scutari, Turkey. 4lN. 29E. 95 Seaford, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Seaforth Loch, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Seaham Harb., England. 55N. Iw. 55 Sealg, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Sebenico, Dalmatia. 44N. 16E. 78 *Sedan, France. SON. SE. 73 Sedbergh, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Sedgefleld, England. 55N. Iw. 55 See, Hungary- 48N. 17E. 78 Seez, France. 49N. OE. 72 Segeberg, Germany. 54N. 10E. 76 Segorbe, Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 Segosero L., Russia. 63N. 33s. SO *Segovia, Spain. 4lN. 4w. 84 Segre, R., Spain. 4lN. OE. 85 Segura, Spain. 4lN. Iw. 85 Segura, R., Spain. 38N. Iw. -85 Soil Is., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Seine, France. 49N. 2E. 73 Seine et Marne, France. 49N. SE. 73 Seine et Oise, France. 49N. 2E. 73 j Seine, R., France. SON. IE. 72 Seme Inferieure, France. SON. IE. 72 *Selby, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Selkirk, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Selsey, England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 Selsey Bill, England. SlN. Iw. 57 ; Sembrancher, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Semendria, Servia. 45N. 2 IE. 94 Semeni R., Turkey. 4lN. 19E. 95 *Semlin, Servia. 45N. 20s. 94 Semoy, R., Belgium. 50N. 5E. 71 *Sempach, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Senjen Is., Norway. 69N. 18E. 88 Senlis, France. 49N. 3E. 73 Senne, R., Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 *Sens, France. 48N. SE. 73 Sense R., Switzerland. 47N. 7s. 86 Sentinas, Pt., Spain. 37N. 3w. 85 Seo de Urgel, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 Sepey, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Sepuveda, Spaia. 4lN. 4w. 84 Seraievo, Bosnia. 44N. 19s. 94 Seraing, Belgium. 5 IN. 6E. 71 Serchio R., Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Serdobsk, Russia. 53N. 44E. 91 Sered, Austria. 49N. 26s. 79 Seres, Turkey. 4lN. 24E. 95 Sereth, Austria. 48N. 26E. 79 Sereth R., Roumania. 45N. 27E. 94 Sergiyevskii, Russia. 56N. 38E. 90 Serio R., Italy. 46N. 10s. 82 Seriphos, Greece. 37N. 24E. 95 Serpa, Portugal. 38N. 7w. 84 Serpukhov, Russia. 55N. 38E. 91 Serra de Monchique, Portugal. 37N. 9w. 84 Serriana de Cuenca, Spain. 40N. 2w. 85 Serravezza, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Settle, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Setubal, Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Setubal, B. of, Portugal. 38N. 9w. 84 Sevastopol, Russia. 45N. 34E. 91 Seven Churches, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 09 Seven Heads, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Seven Oaks, England. SlN. OE. 57 Severinu, Roumania. 44N. 22E. 94 Severn R., England. 52N. 2w. 56 Index 233 PAGE Severn Bridge, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Severn Tunnel, England. 52N. 3w.56 ^Seville, Spain. 37N. 5w. 84 Sevre Nantaise, R., France. 47N. 2w. 72 Sevre Niortaise, R., France. 46N. Iw. 72 Shabatz, Servia. 45N. 20E. 94 * Shaf tesbury , England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Shamatz, Bosnia. 45N. 19K. 94 Shambria, Greece. 40N. 22E. 95 *Shanklin, England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 Shannon, R., Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Shannonbridge, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 66 Shannon Canal, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Shap, England. 55N. 3vv. 54 Shar-dagh, Turkey. 42N. 2lE. 94 Shatista, Turkey. 4 ON. 22E. 95 Sheelin, Lough, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Sheep Haven, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Sheep Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Sheep, R., Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 * Sheffield, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Shelf ord, England. 52N. OE. 57 Shell, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Shemaka, Russia. 4lN. 49E. 91 Shenkursk, Russia. 62N. 43E. 90 Sheppey Is., England. 5lN. IE. 57 Sheptche, Bosnia. 44N. 18E. 94 Shepton Mallet, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 *Sherborne, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Shercock, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Sheringham, England. 53N. IE. 55 * Shetland Is., Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 Shiant Is., Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Shiel, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Shieldag, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Shifnal, England. 53N. 2w. 56 ShiUelagh, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Shin, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Shinrone, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 *Shipka, Bulgaria. 43N. 25E. 94 Shipley, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Shipston-on-Stour, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Shipton, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Shisdra, Russia. 54N. 35E. 91 Shitomir, Russia. SON. 29E. 91 Shklov, Russia. 54N. 32E. 91 Shoeburyness, England. 52N. IE. 57 Shorncliffe, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Shotts, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 *Shrewsbury, England. 53N. 3w. 56 Shropshire, England. 53N. 3w. 56 Shrule, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Shtiplie, Turkey. 42N. 23E. 94 Shuma R., Turkey. 4lN. 23E. 95 Shumla, Bulgaria. 43N. 27E. 94 Shuna Is., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Shiipfhein, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Shusha, Russia. 40N. 47E. 91 *Sicily, Italy. 38N. 14E. 81 Sidelhorn, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 87 Sidero C., Crete. 35N. 26E. 95 Sidlaw Hills, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Sidmouth, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Sieben Geb, Germany. 5lN. TK. 77 PAGE Siedlce, Russia. 52N. 22E. 91 Sieg, R., Germany. 5 IN. 7E. 77 Siegen, Germany. 5 IN. SE. 77 ^Siena, Italy. 43N. HE. Sierck, Germany. 49N. 6E. 77 Siero, Spain. 43N. 6w. 84 Sierra de Albarracin, Spain. 4 IN. Iw. 85 Sierra da Cabreira, Portugal. 42N. 8w. 84 Sierra de la Demands, Spain. 42N. 3w. 85 Sierra de Espuna, Spain. 38N. 2w. 85 Sierra de Estrella, Portugal. 40N. 8w. Si Sierra de Gata, Spain. 40N. 6w. 84 Sierra de Gredos, Spain. 4 ON. 5w. 84 Sierra de Guadalupe, Spain. 40N. 5w. 84 Sierra de Guadarrama, Spam. 4lN. 4w. 84 Sierra de la Guara, Spain. 42N. Ow. 85 Sierra del Moncayo, Spain. 42N. 2w. 85 Sierra Morena, Spain. 38N. 6w. 84 Sierra Morena, Spain. 3i)N. 4w. 84 Sierra Nevada, Spain. 37:> T . 3w. 84 Sierra de Ossa, Portugal. 3 ON. 8w. 84 Sierra de la Pena, Spain. 42x. Iw. 85 Sierre, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Sieve, R., Italy. 44N. HE. Sigmaringen, Germany. 48N. 9E. 77 Sigmunsherberg, Austria. 49N.16E. 78 Siguenza, Spain. 4lN. 3w. 85 Sihl, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Silesia, Germany. 5lN. 17E. 75 *Silistria, Roumania. 44N. 28E. 94 Siljan L., Sweden. 6lN. 15E. 89 Sillian, Austria. 47N. 12E. 78 Silloth, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Silvermines Mts., Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Simbirsk, Russia. 55N. 49E. 91 Simeto R., Sicily. 37N. 15E. 81 Simferop, Russia. 45N. 3iE. 91 Simmen Thai, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Simnitza, Roumania. 44N. 25E. 94 Simpeln, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 *Simplon, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Sinau, Roumania. 4oN. 26E. 94 Sinclair B., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Sines, C. de, Portugal. 38N. 9w. 84 Sinigaglia, Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Sinn, R., Germany. 50N. 10E. 77 Sinno R., Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 Sion, Switzerland. 46N. TK. 86 Siphnos, Greece. 37N. 25E. 95 Silesia, Austria. 50N. 18E. 78 Sillein, Hungary. 49N. 19E. 79 Silvretta, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Sissach, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Sissek, Slavonia. 45N. 16E. 78 Sisteron, France. 44N. 6E. 73 Sistova, Bulgaria. 44N. 26E. 94 Sitjes, Spain. 4lN. 2E. 85 Six Mile Cross, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 234 Index PAGE Sixmilebridge, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Skagen, Denmark. 58N. HE. 89 Skagstolstind, Norway. 62N. SB. 89 Skaw, The, Denmark. 58N. HE. 89 Skegness, England. 53N. OE. 55 Skeleftea, Sweden. 65N. 2lE. 88 Skeleftea, E., Sweden. 65N. 21E.88 Skerkin Is., Ireland. 5lN. 9w. 68 Skerries, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Skerries, Wales. 53N. 5w. 54 Skerryvore, Scotland. 56N. 7w. 64 Skibbereen, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Skiddaw, England. 55N. 3w. 54 *Skien, Norway. 59N. 10E. 89 Skipness, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Skiport, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 *Skipton, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Skive, Denmark. 57N. 9E. 89 Skogshorn, Norway. 6lN. SB. 89 Skopelos, Greece. 39N. 24s. 95 Skopin, Russia. 54N. 40E. 91 Skopkie, Turkey. 42N. 22E. 94 Skole, Austria. 49N. 24E. 79 Skomer Is., Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Skull, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Skutari, Turkey. 42N. 20E. 94 Skutari Lake, Montenegro. 42N. 19E. 94 Skyros, Greece. 39N. 24E. 95 Slamanna.n, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Slane, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Slaney, R., Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Slapin, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6W.62 Slatina, Roumania. 45N. 25E. 94 Slatitza, Bulgaria. 43N. 24E. 94 Slatoust, Riissia. 55N. 59E. 90 Slaviansk, Russia. 49N. 38s. 91 Slavonia, Hungary. 45N. 18E. 94 Slea Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Sleaford, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Sleat Pt., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Sleat, Soxmd of, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Slieve Aughty Mts., Ireland. 53isr. 9w. 68 Slieve Bloom Mts., Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Slieve Donard, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Slieve Gamph, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Slieve Gullion, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Slieve League, Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 Slieve Mish, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Slievenaman, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Slieve Snaght, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Slieve Tobey, Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 *Sligo, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Sligo B., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Slinitza, Bulgaria. 43N. 23E. 94 Slivno, Bulgaria. 43N. 26E. 94 Slonim, Russia. 54N. 25E. 91 Sloten, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Sluin, Croatia, 45N. 16E. 78 Slyne Hd., Ireland. 53N. lOw. 66 *Smerwick Harb., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Smethwick, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Smichow, Austria. 50N. 14E. 78 Smolen, Norway. 63N. SE. 88 PAGE * Smolensk, Russia. 55N. 32E. 91 Snaasen Vand, Norway. 64N. HE. 88 Snaefell, Is. of Man. 54N. 4w. 54 Snaith, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Sneek, Holland. 53N. 6s. 70 Sneen, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Snehattten, Mt., Norway. 62N. 10E. 89 Sniatyn, Austria. 49N. 25E. 79 Snizart, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Snowdon, Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Soay Is., Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Soclona, Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 Soderhamn, Sweden. 6lN. 17E. 89 Soest, Germany. 52N. SB. 76 *Sofia, Bulgaria. 43N. 23E. 94 Sogne Fd., Norway. 6lN. 7E. 89 Soignies, Belgium. 5lN. 4s. 71 *Soisson, France. 49N. SB. 73 Sokal, Austria. 5lN. 24E. 79 Sokal, Russia. 5lN. 24E. 91 Soke of Peterborough, England. 53N. Ow. 57 Solent, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Soleure (Solothurn), Switzerland. 47N. 8E. 86 *Solferino, Italy. 45N. HE. 82 Solihull, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Solingen, Germany. 5lN. 7s. 76 Solmona, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Solo, Russia. 66N. 40E. 90 Solombola, Russia. 65N. 4lE. 90 Solothurn, Switzerland. 47N. SB. 86 Somlyo Vasarhely, Hungary. 47N. 17E. 78 Somme, France. SON. 2E. 73 Somme, R., France. 5 ON. 2E. 73 Sommen L., Sweden. 58N. 15E. 89 Somerset, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 *Sondershausen, Germany. 52N. llE.76 Sondrio, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Sonneberg, Germany. SON. HE. 77 Soperga, Italy. 45N. SB. 82 Sora, Italy. 42N. 14E. 83 Sorau, Germany. 52N. 15s. 75 Soresiano, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Sorgano, Sardinia. 40N. 9E. 81 Soria, Spain. 42N. 3w. 85 Soro, Norway. 7 IN. 22E. 88 Sorraia, R., Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Sovana, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Sotteville, France. 50N. IE. 72 Soucebaz, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 * Sound, The, Denmark. 56N. 13s. 89 *Southampton, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Southampton Water, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 South Beverland, Holland. 5 IN. 4E. 71 South Downs, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Southend, England. 52N. IE. 57 South Foreland, England. 5lN. IE. 57 South Holland, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 South Kvalo, Norway. 7 ON. 19E. 88 Southminster, England. 52N. IE. 57 South Molton, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Southofen, Germany. 47N. 10E. 77 Southport, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Index 235 PAGE South Queensferry, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 South Ronaldshay Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Southsea, England. 5lN. lw. 57 South Shields, England. 55N. lw. 55 South Sound, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 South Tyne R., England. 55N. 2w. 54 South Uist Is., Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 South Walls, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 * South well, England. 53N. lw. 55 *Southwold, England. 52N. 2E. 57 Spa, Belgium. 50N. 6E. 71 Spada, C., Crete. 36N. 24s. 95 Spalato, Dalmatia. 43N. 16E. 78 Spalding, England. 53N. Ow. 55 *Spandau, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 .Sparta, Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 Spartivento, C., Sardinia. 39N. 9E. 81 Spartivento C., Italy. 38N. 16E. 81 Spean, R., Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Sperrin Mts., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Spessart, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Spey, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Spey, R., Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 *Spezia, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Spezia, G. of, Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Spezzia, Greece. 37N. 23E. 95 Sphakia, Crete. 35N. 24E. 95 Spiddle, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 66 Spiez, Switzerland. 47N. SB. 86 Spilimbergo, Italy. 46N. 13s. 83 *Spilsby, England. 53N. OE. 55 Spirding See, Germany. 54N. 2 IE. 75 Spires, Germany. 49N. 8E. 77 Spithead, England. 5 IN. lw. 57 Spittal, Austria. 47N. 14E. 78 Spittal of Glenshee, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Spitza, Dalmatia. 42N. 19E. 79 Splligen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Spltigen (Mt.), Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Spoleto, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Sporades, N., Greece. 39N. 24E. 95 Spree, R., Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Spree Wald, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Spremberg, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Spurn Hd., England. 54N. OE. 55 *SquUlace, Italy. 39N. 17E. 81 Squillace, G. of, Italy. 39N. 17E. 81 Stade, Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 Stadt Prom., Norway. 62N. 5E. 89 *Stafla, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Staffin, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 * Stafford, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Staines, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Stalbridge, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Stalden, Switzerland. 46N. SB. 86 Stalybridge, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Stamboul, Turkey. 4 IN. 28E. 95 * Stamford, England. 53N. lw. 57 Stanhope, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Stanislawow, Austria. 49N. 25E. 79 Stanley, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Stans, Switzerland. 47N. SB. 87 Staraia Russa, Russia. 58N. 3lE. 90 Starcross, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 PAGE Stargard, Germany. 53N. 15E. 75 Starodul, Russia. 53N. 33E. Start B., England. 5 ON. 4w. Start Pt., England. 50N. 4w. Stassfurt, Germany. 52N. 12E. Stavanger, Norway. 59N. 5E. Stavelot, Belgium. 50N. 6E. Stavoren, Holland. 53N. 5E. Stavropol, Russia. 45N. 42E. Steckborn, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Steenbergen, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Stein, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Steinach, Austria. 48N. 14E. 78 Steinamanger, Hungary. 47N. 17E. 78 Steinfurt, Germany. 52N. 7E. 76 Stelvio P., Austria. 46N. 10E. Stendal, Germany. 53N. 12E. Sternberg, Austria. 50N. 17E. Sterzing, Austria. 47N. HE. Stettin, Germany. 53N. 14E. Stevan, Russia. 5lN. 26E. Stevenage, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Stewarton, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Stewartstown, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Steyer, Austria. 48N. 14s. 78 Stilton, England. 53N. OE. 57 Stinchar, R., Scotland. 55N. 5w. Stirling, Scotland. 56N. 4w. Stirlitamak, Russia. 54N. 5 BE. Stjerno, Norway. 7 ON. 22E. Stockach, Germany. 48N. 9E. Stockholm, Sweden. 59N. 18E. Stockhorn, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Stockport, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Stockton, England. 55N. lw. 55 Stod, Norway. 65N. 12E. Stoke, R., England. 53N. OE. Stokesley, England. 54N. lw. Stoke -upon -Trent, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Stolp, Germany. 54N. 17E. 75 Stolpmunde, Germany. 55N. 17E. 76 Stonehaven, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Stonehenge, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Stonehouse, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Stoneykirk, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Stony Straff ord, England. 52N. lw.57 Stor Afvan, Sweden. 66N. 18E. 88 Stora Lulea Jaur, Sweden. 68N. 20E. 88 Store Borge Fd., Norway. 65N. 14E. 88 Storen, Norway. 63N. 10E. 88 Store Vigel, Sweden. 62N. 13E. 89 Stornoway, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Stornoway Harb., Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Storsa L., Sweden. 63N. 14E. 88 Stor Uman, Sweden. 65N. 17E. 88 Storr, The, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Stour, R., England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Stour, R., England. 52N. IE. 57 Stour, R., England. 5lN. IE. 57 Stourbridge, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Stourport, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Stow, Scotland. 56N. 3s. 65 Stow Market, England. 52N. IE. 57 Strabane, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 57 55 236 Index PAGE Strachur, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Stradbally, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Stradbally, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Stradella, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Stradone, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 *Stralsund, Germany. 54N. 13E. 76 Strande Fd., Norway. 60N. SE. 89 Strangford, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Strangford Lough, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Stranorlar, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Stranraer, Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 Strassburg, Germany. 53N. 20E. 75 * Strassburg, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Stratford, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 *Stratford-on-Avon, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Strath Affrick, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Strathaven, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Strathblane, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Strathbmigo, Scotland. 56N. 3vv. 65 Strathdon, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Strathearn, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Strath Brora, Scotland. 58x. 4w. 63 Strath Carrpn, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 62 Strath Conan, Scotland. 58N. 5W.62 Strath Dearn, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Strath Garve, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Strath Halladale, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Strathmore, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Strathmore, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Strath Nairn, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Strath Naver, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Strathpeffer, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Strathspey, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Strath Ullie, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Strathy, Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Strathy Pt., Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Stratton, England. 5lN. 5w. 56 Straubing, Germany. 49N. 13E. 74 Streamstown B., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Streedagh Pt., Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Strelitz, To, Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Strichen, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Striven, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Strokestown, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Strom, Sweden. 64N. 16K. 88 Strornboli, Is., Italy. 39N. 15E. 81 Strome Ferry, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 *Stromness, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Stroms Vatterdal, Sweden. 64N. 15E. 88 Stronsay Is., Scotland. 59N. 2w. 63 Stroud, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Strumble Hd., Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Stnimitza, Turkey. 42N. 23E. 94 Stry, Austria. 49N. 24E. 79 *Stuhlweissenburg, Hungary. 47N. 19E. 79 Stura, R., Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Sturminster Newton, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 * Stuttgart, Germany. 49N. 9K. 77 Stylis, Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Styria, Austria. 47N. 15E. 78 PACK Suances, Spain. 44N. 4w. 84 Subiaco, Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 Sucha, Austria. 50N. 20E. 79 Suck, R., Ireland. 53N. 8w. 66 Sudenc, Austria. 50N. 17E. 78 Suczawa, Austria. 48N. 26E. 79 Suda B., Crete. 35N. 24E. 95 *Sudbury, England. 52N. IE. 57 Sudetic Chain, Germany. 50N. 17E. 75 Sueca, Spain. 39N. Ow. 85 Suffolk, England. 52N. IE. 57 Sugatag, Hungary. 48N. 24E. 79 Suhl, Germany. 5lN. HE. 77 Suhr, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Suhr, R., Switzerland. 4?N. SB. 86 Sun-, R., Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Sukhona R., Russia. 60N. 45E. 90 Sulgen, Switzerland. 48x. 9E. 87 Sulina, Roumania. 45N. 30E. 94 Sulitelma, Sweden. 67N. 17E. 88 Sulzbach, Germany. 50N. 12E. 77 Sumburgh Hd., Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 Summer Isles, Scotland. 58N. 5w. 62 Sunart, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Sunderland, England. 55N. Iw. 55 Sundsvall, Sweden. 62N. 17E. 89 Sunion, Greece. 38N. 24E. 95 Surian, Hungary. 46N. 23E. 79 Surrey, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Sursee, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Surzara, Roumania. 48N. 26E. 94 Susa, Italy. 45N. 7E. 82 Sussex, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Sutton, England. 53N. OE. 55 Sutton Bridge, England. 53N. OE. 55 Suvalki, Russia. 54N. 23E. 91 Suzzaca, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Svardsjo, Sweden. 6lN. ICE. 89 Svendborg, Denmark. 55N. 1 IE. 89 Sveiiigorodka, Russia. 49N. 3lE. 91 Svilainatz, Servia. 44N. 22E. 94 Svir R., Russia. 6lN. 33E. 90 Swabia, Germany. 48N. lOw. 77 Swabian Jura, Germany. 49x. 10E.77 Swaffham, England. 53N. IE. 57 Swale, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Swale, R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 *Swanage, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Swanlinbar, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 67 Swansea, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Swansea B., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Swartisen, Norway. 67N. 14E. 88 Sweden (Province) Sweden. 60N. 15E. 89 Swilly R., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 *Swilly, Lough, Ireland. 55N. 8w. 67 Swin, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Swindon, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Swineford, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Swinemtinde, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Swing, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Swinton, Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Swona Is., Scotland. 59x. 3w. 63 Swords, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Sybil Hd., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Symington, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Syracuse, SicUy. 37N. 15E. 81 Index 237 PAGE Syros, Greece. 37N. 25E. 95 Sysran, Russia. 53N. 49E. 91 Szagszard, Hungary. 46N. 18E. 79 Szamos, Hungary. 48N. 22s. 79 Szamos R., Hungary. 47N. 24E. 94 Szarvas, Hungary. 47N. 20E. 79 Szasz Regen, Hungary. 47N. 25E. 79 Szathmar Nemeti, Hungary. 48N. 23E. .79 Szdagy Somlyo, Hungary. 47N.23E.79 Szegedin, Hungary. 46x. 20E. 94 Szentes, Hungary. 47N. 20E. 79 Szent Miklos, Hungary. 49N. 20E. 79 Sziget, Hungary. 48N. 24E. 79 Szolnok, Hungary. 47N. 20E. 79 Tabor, Austria. 49N. 15E. 78 Tadcaster, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Taff, R., Wales. 5lN. 3w. 56 * Taganrog, Russia. 47N. 39s. 91 Taghmon, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Tagliamento R., Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Tagus, R., Portugal 39N. 9w. 84 *Tain, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Tajo, R., Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Tajuna, R., 40N. 4w. 84 Takhyno L., Turkey. 4lN. 24E. 95 Talamone, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 *Talavera, Spain. 40N. 5w. 84 Talbert, Pt. de, France. 49N. 3w. 72 Talbot, Mount, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Talgarth, Wales. 52N. 3w. 56 Talisker, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Tallaght, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 67 Tallow, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Tamar, R., England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Tamaro, Switzerland. 46N. 9s. 87 Tambov, Russia. 53N. 42E. 91 Tamega, R., Portugal. 4lN. 8w. 84 Tamina R., Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Tamins, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Tammerfors, Russia. 62N. 24E. 90 Tamsweg, Austria. 47N. 14E. 78 Taniworth, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Tana Elf, Norway. 7 ON. 28E. 88 Tana Fd., Norway. 7 IN. 29E. 88 Tanaro R., Italy. 44N. SE. 82 Tanderagee, Ireland. 54N. 6\v. 67 *Tantallon Castle, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 *Tara, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Tara R., Turkey. 43N. 20E. 94 Taransay Is., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Taranto, Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 Taranto, G. of, Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 Tarare, France. 46N. 4E. 73 *Tarascon, France. 44N. 4E. 73 Tarasp, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Tarazona, Spain. 42N. 2w. 85 Tarbat Ness, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Tarbeg, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Tarbert, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Tarbert, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Tarbert, Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Tarbert, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Tarbert, Loch E., Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 PAGE Tarbert, Loch E., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Tarbert, Loch W., Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Tarbert, Loch W"., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 *Tarbes, France. 43N. OE. 72 *Tarifa, C., Spain. 36N. 6w. 84 Tarland, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Tarn, France. 44N. 2w. Tarn et Garonne, France. 44N. IE. 72 Tarnopol, Austria. 50N. 26E. 79 Tarnow, Austria. 50N. 2lE. 79 Taro, R., Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Tarporley, England. 53N. 3w. 54 *Tarragona, Spam. 4lN. IE. 85 Tartaro, R., Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Tartlau, Hungary. 46N. 26E. 79 Tarn, R., France. 44N. IE. 73 Tatar-Bazarjik, Bulgaria. 42N. 25E. 94 TatraMts., Austria-Hungary. 49N. 20E. 79 Tattershall, England. 53M. Ow. 55 Tauber, R., Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Tauern Chain, Austria. 47N. 14E. 78 *Taunton, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Taunus, Germany. 50N. 8E. 77 Taur, Ireland. 52N. 9w. 68 Taurida, Russia. 46N. 35E. 91 Taus, Austria. SON. 13E. 78 Tavastehus, Russia. 6 IN. 24E. 90 Tavira, Portugal. 37N. 8w. 84 Tavistock, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Tavolara Is., Sardinia. 4 IN. 10E. 81 Taw, R., England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Tawe, R., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Tay, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Tay, R., Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Tay, R., Scotland. 57N. 4\v. 63 Taygetos Mts., Greece. 37N. 22E. 95 Tayport, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Tchachak, Servia. 44N. 2lE. 94 Tchataldja, Turkey. 4lN. 28E. 95 Tchelyabinsk, Russia. 55N. 62E. 90 Tcherdyn, Russia. 60N. 57E. 90 Tcherkazy, Russia. 50N. 32E. 91 Tchernavoda, Roumania. 44N.28E.94 Tchernigov, Russia. 52N. 3lE. 91 Tcheskaia B., Russia. 67N. 47E. 90 Tchistopol, Russia. 55N. 5lE. 90 Tchusovaia R., Russia. 58N. 58E. 90 Teano, Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 Tebay, England. 54N. 3w. 54 TeeUn B., Ireland. 55N. 9w. 66 Tees B., England. 55N. Iw. 55 Tees R., England. 55N. Iw. 55 Tegern See, Germany. 48N. 12E. 77 Teifl, R., Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Teign R., England. 5 IN. 4w. 56 *Teignmouth, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Teith, R., Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Tekutchin, Roumania. 46N. 28E. 94 Teme R., England. 52N. 2w. 56 Temes, Hungary. 45N. 2 IE. 79 *Temesvar, Austria. 46N. 2 IE. 94 Tempio, Sardinia. 4lN. 9w. 81 Templemore, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 238 Index PAGE Templetouhy, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Templin, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Tenbury, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Tenby, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Tenda, Italy. 44N. SB. 82 Tendre Mt., Switzerland. 47N. 6E. 86 Tenna, R., Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Tenterden, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Teplitz, Austria. 5 IN. 14E. 78 Ter, R., Spain. 42N. 3E. 85 Ter Distr., Russia. 44N. 45E. 91 Teramo, Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Terek R., Russia. 44N. 47E. 91 Tergovist, Roumania. 45N. 26E. 94 Termini, Sicily. 38N. UE. 81 Termoli, Italy. 42N. 15E. 80 Termonde, Belgium. 5 IN. 4s. 71 Termonfeckin, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Tern R., England. 53N. 3w. 54 Terni, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Terracina, Italy. 4lN. 13E. 81 Terranova, Sardinia. 4 IN. 10E. 81 Terranova, Sicily. 37N. 14E. 81 Terschelling, Holland. 53N. 5E. 70 Teruel, Spain. 40N. Iw. 85 Teschen, Austria. 50N. 19E. 79 Tetbury, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Teterow, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Teulada, C., Sardinia. 39N. 9E. 81 Teutoburger Wald, Germany. 52N. 8w. 76 Tererone, R., Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Teviot, R., Scotland. 55N. 3w. 65 "Tewkesbury, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Texel, Holland. 53N. 5s. 70 Thame, England. 52N. Iw. 57 * Thames, R., England. 5lN. OE. 57 Thanet Is., England. 5lN. IE. 57 Thann, Germany. 48N. 7E. 77 Tharsis, Spain. 38N. 7w. 84 Thasos, Turkey. 4lN. 25E. 95 *Thaxted, England. 52N. OE. 57 Thaya, Austria. 49N. 17E. 78 Theiss R., Hungary. 45N. 20E. 94 Theodosija, Russia. 45N. 35E. 91 Thera, Greece. 36N. 25E. 95 Theresientstadt, Austria. 5 IN. 14E. 78 Thermia, Greece. 37N. 24s. 95 Thermopyle, Greece. 39N. 22E. 95 Thessaly, Greece. 39N. 22E. 95 Thetford, England. 52N. IE. 57 Thielt, Belgium. 5 IN. 3E. 71 Thiers, France. 46N. 4E. 73 Thil, R., Belgium. 5lN. 5E. 71 Thirlmere, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Thirsk, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Thisted, Denmark. 57N. 9E. 89 Thiva, Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 Tholen, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Thomar, Portugal. 4 ON. 8w. 84 Thomastown, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Thonon, France. 46N. GE. 73 *Thorn, Russia. 53N. 19E. 91 Thornhill, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Thorpe, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Thosen Fd., Norway. 65N. 12E. 88 Thourout, Belgium. 5lN. 3E. 71 PAGE Thrapston, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Thuin, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 Thun, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Thun, L. of, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Thur R., Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Thuringer, Germany. 5 IN. HE. 77 Thuringia, Germany. 5lN. HE. 77 Thurles, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Thurso, Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Thurso R., Scotland. 59N. 4w. 63 Thusis, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Tiarins P., Switzerland. 47N. 9E 87 Tiber, R., Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Ticino, R., Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Tidworth, England. 5lN. 2w. 57 Tiefen Kasten, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Tiel, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 *Tiflis, Russia. 42N. 45E. 91 Tighnabruaich, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Tilburg, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 *Tilbury, England. 5lN. OE. 57 *Tilsit, Germany. 55N. 22E. 75 Timan Ra, Russia. 65N. 52E. 90 Timok, R., Servia. 44N. 22E. 94 Tinahely, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Tinos, Greece. 37N. 25E. 95 *Tintagel Castle, England. 5lN. 5w. 56 *Tintern Abbey, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Tintern Abbey, Ireland. 52N. 7W.69 Tinto Hill, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Tipperary, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 Tiranna, Turkey. 42N. 20E. 94 Tirano, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Tiraspol, Russia. 47N. 30E. 91 Tiree, Scotland. 57N. 7w. 64 Tirgoschyl, Roumania. 45N. 24s. 94 *Tirlemont, Belgium. 5 IN. 5E. 71 Tirnova, Bulgaria. 42N. 26E. 94 Tirnova, Bulgaria. 43N. 25E. 94 Tirechenreiit, Germany. SON. 12E. 77 Tirso, R., Sardinia. 40N. SE. 81 *Tiverton, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 - Tivoli, Italy. 42N. 13s. 83 Tobercurry, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 Tobermore, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Tobermory, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 62 Toberscanavan, Ireland. 54N. 8w. 66 Todi, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Todi, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Todi Chain, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Todmorden, England. 54N. 2w. 54 Toe Hd., Ireland. 5lN. 9w. 68 Toe Hd., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Tokay, Hungary. 48N. 22E. 79 Toledo, Spain. 40N. 4w. 84 *Tolentino, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Toll-pos Is, Russia. 64N. 59E. 90 Tolmezzo, Italy. 46N. 13E. 80 Tolosa, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Tolsta Hd., Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Tolua, Hungary. 47N. 19E. 47 Tolz, Germany. 48N. HE. 77 Toming, Germany. 54N. 9E. 76 Tomintoul, Scotland. 57N. 3w. 63 Tomo Pass, Roumania. 46N. 25E. 94 Index 239 PAGE Tonbridge, England. 5lN. OE. 57 Tondern, Germany. 55N. 9E. 74 Tone, R., England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Tongres, Belgium. 5lN. 5E. 71 Tongue, Scotland. 58N. 4w. 63 Tonnerire, France. 48N. 4E. 73 Tonsberg, Norway. 59N. 10E. 89 Toome, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Toomyvara, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Topla, Hungary. 49N. 22E. 79 Topolias L., Greece. 38N. 23E. 95 *Tor B., England. 50N. 4w. 56 Torda, Hungary. 47N. 24E. 79 Tordesillas, Spain. 42N. 5w. 84 Tordino, R., Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 *Torgau, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Torinana, C., Spain. 43N. 9w. 84 Tormes, R., Spain. 4lN. 6w. 84 Torna, Hungary. 49N. 2lE. 79 Tornca, Russia. 66N. 24E. 90 Tornea, Sweden. 66N. 24E. 88 Tornea, Sweden. 68N. 22E. 88 Tornea Elf, Sweden. 66N. 24s. 88 Tornea Traesk, Sweden. 68N. 2lE. 88 Toro, Spain. 42N. 5w. 84 Torquay, England. 50N. 4w. 56 Torre PeUice, Italy. 45N. 7E. 82 Torrelavega, Spain. 43N. 4w. 84 Torrenieri, Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Torres Novos, Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Torres Vedras, Portugal. 39N. 9w. 84 Torrevieja, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Torridge, R., England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Torridon, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 *Torrington, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Torrisdal, Norway. 58N. SB. 89 Torshok, Russia. 57N. 36E. 90 Tortona, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Tortosa, Spain. 4lN. IE. 85 Tory Is., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Toscanella, Italy. 42N. 12s. 83 Toscolano, Italy. 46N. HE. 82 Toss R., Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Totana, Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Totma, Russia. 60N. 43E. 90 Totnes, England. 5 ON. 4w. 56 Toul, France. 49N. 6E. 73 * Toulon, France. 43N. 6E. 73 * Toulouse, France. 44N. IE. 72 *Tournai, Belgium. 5 IN. 3w. 71 *Tours, France. 47N. IE. 72 Tovis, Hungary. 46N. 24E. 79 Towcester, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Towy, R., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Towyn, Wales. 53N. 4w. 56 "Trafalgar, C., Spain. 36N. 6w. 84 Tralee, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Tralee B., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Tramore, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Tramore B., Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Tranent, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Transylvania, Hungary. 46N. 24E. 94 Transylvanian Alps, Roumania. 45N. 24E. 94 Trant, Italy. 4lN. 16E. 81 Trapani, Sicily. 38N. 13E. 81 Traquair, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 PAGE Trasimeno, L., Italy. 43N. 12E. 83 Traun S., Austria. 48N. 14E. 78 Traunstein, Germany. 48N. 13E.77 Trautenau, Austria. 5lN. 16E. 78 Trave R., Germany. 54N. HE. 76 Travemtinde, Germany. 54N. 10E.-76 Travnik, Bosnia. 44N. 18E. 94 Trawbreaga B., Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Trawenagh B., Ireland. 55N. 8w. 66 Traz 07. Montes, Portugal. 42N. 7w. 84 *Trebbia R., Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Trebinje, Bosnia. 43N. 18E. 94 Tredegar, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Tregaron, Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Treig, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Treja, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Tremadoc B., W r ales. 53N. 4w. 54 Tremp, Spain. 42N. IE. 85 Trent, Austria. 46N. HE. 78 Trent, R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 Treskavitza, Mt., Bosnia. 44N. 19E.94 *Treves, Germany. 50N. 7s. 77 Treviglio, Italy. 46N. 10E. 82 Treviso, Italy. 46N. 12E. Trevoux, France. 46N. 5E. 73 Tricarico, Italy. 4lN. 16s. 81 Trieste, Austria. 46N. 14E. 78 Trikhala, Greece. 40N. 22E. 95 Trillick, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 *Trim, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Tring, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Trino, Italy. 45N. SE. 82 Trionto, C. del, Italy. 40N. 17E. 81 Tripolitza, Greece. 37N. 23E. 95 Trocadero, Spain. 36N. 6w. 84 Trogen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Troitsk, Russia. 54N. 63E. 90 Trollhatta Falls, Sweden. 58N. 12E.89 TromsO, Norway. 7 ON. 19E. 88 *Trondhjem, Norway. 63N. 10E. 88 Tronto R., Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Troon, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Troppau, Austria. 50N. 18E. 78 Trostan, Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 Trossachs, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Troup Hd., Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Trouville, France. 49N. OE. 72 Trowbridge, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Troyes, France. 48N. 4E. 73 Trujillo, Spain. 40N. 6w. 84 Truro, England. SON. 5w. 56 Tsaritsya, Russia. 49N. 44E. 91 Tuadh, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 6w. 64 Tuam, Ireland. 54N. 9w. 66 *Tubingen, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 *Tudela, Spam. 42N. 2w. 85 Tukkum, Russia. 57N. 23E. 90 Tula, Russia. 54N. 38E. 91 Tulla, Ireland. 53N. 9w. 68 Tullamore, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 67 Tulle, France. 45N. 2E. 73 Tulloch, Scotland. 57N. 5w. 62 Tullow, Ireland. 53N. 7w. 69 Tultcha, Roumania. 45N. 29E. 94 Tummel, Loch, Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 Tummel, R., Scotland. 57N. 4w. 63 240 Index PAGE Tuna, Sweden. 60N. 16E. 89 Tunbridge Wells, England. 5 IN. OE. 57 Tunja R., Bulgaria. 42N. 27E. 94 Tunstall, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Turano R., Italy. 42N. 13E. 83 * Turin, Italy. 45N. 8E. 82 Turn Ness, Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 *Turnberry Pt., Scotland. 55N. 5w. 64 *Turnb.out, Belgium. 5lN. 5E. 71 Turnu, Roumania. 44N. 23E. 94 Turriff, Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Turtukai, Bulgaria. 44N. 27E. 94 Tuscany, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Tuskar Rock, Ireland. 52N. 6w. 69 Tutbuiy, England. 53N. 2vv. 55 Tuttlingen, Germany. 48N. 9E. 77 Tuxford, England. 53N. lw. 55 Tuy, Spain. 42N. 9w. 84 Tuzla, Bosnia. 44N. 19E. 94 Tver, Russia. 57N. 36E. 90 Tweed, R., England. 56N. 2w. 54 Tweedmouth, England. 56N. 2w. 65 Twelve Pins, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Tyndrum, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 Tyne, R., England. 55N. 2w. 55 Tyne, R., Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Tynemouth, England. 55N. lw. 55 Tyrhenian Sea, Italy. 40N. 12E. 81 Tyrnau, Hungary. 49N. 18E. 78 Tyrnavo, Turkey. 40N. 22E. 95 Tyrol, Austria. 47N. HE. 78 Tyrone, Ireland. 55N. 7w. 67 Tys Fd., Norway. 68N. 16E. 88 Ub, Servia. 44N. 20s. 94 Ubeda, Spain. 38N. 3w. 84 Uberlingen, Germany. 48N. 9E. 77 Uckermunde, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Uckfleld, England. 5 IN. OE. 57 Ucunkopri, Turkey. 43N. 27E. 94 Uddevalla, Sweden. 58N. 12E. 89 Udine, Italy. 46N. 13E. 83 Udvarhely, Hungary. 46N. 25E. 79 Ufa, Russia. 55N. 56E. 90 Ufa R., Russia. 56N. 57s. 90 Uffenheim, Germany. 50N. 10E. 77 Ugie, R., Scotland. 58N. 2w. 63 Uglitch, Russia. 58N. 38E. 90 Uig, Scotland. 58N. 6w. 62 Ulbster, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Uleaborg, Russia. 65N. 26s. 90 Ullapool, Scotland. 58N. -6w. 62 Ullswater, England. 55N. 3w. 54 *Ulm, Germany. 48N. 10E. 77 Ulster, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Ulster Canal, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Ulva, Scotland. 56N. 6w. 64 Ulverston, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Uman, Russia. 49N. 30E. 91 Umbria, Italy. 43N. 13E. 83 Umea, Sweden. 64N. 2 IE. 88 Umea E., Sweden. 14N. 20E. 88 Under Clifle, England. 5lN. lw. 57 Ung Hradisch, Austria. 49N.17E. 78 Unghvar, Hungary. 49N. 22E. 79 Unna R., Bosnia. 45N. 16E. 94 Unst Is., Scotland. 6lN. lw. 63 PAGE Unstrut R., Germany. 5lN. 12E. 76 Unter See, Germany. 48N. 9E. 77 Unterseen, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Unterwalden, Switzerland. 47N. 8E. 86 Upper Engadine, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Upper Franconia, Germany. 50N. HE. 77 Upper Palatinate, Germany. 49N. 12E. 77 Uppingham, England. 53N. lw. 57 *Upsala, Sweden. 60N. 18E. 89 Ural Mts., Russia. 60N. 60E. 90 Ural, R., Russia. 47N. 52E. 91 *Urbino, Italy. 44N. 13E. 83 Ure, R., England. 54N. lw. 55 Uri, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Uri, B. of, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Urk, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Urlingford, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 69 Ury, R., Scotland. 57 N. 2w. 63 Usedon, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 *Ushant Is., France. 48N. 5w. 72 Ushitze, Servia. 44N. 20E. 94 Usk, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Usk, R., England. 52N. 3w. 56 Uskub, Turkey. 42N. 22E. 94 Ussa, R., Russia. 69N. 64E. 90 Ust Sysolsk, Russia. 62N. 5lE. 90 Ust Tsyhna, Russia. 66N. 52E. 90 Ust Ussa, Russia. 66N. 57E. 90 Uster, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Ustica Is., Italy. 39N. 13E. 81 Utiel, Spain. 40N. lw. 85 *Utrecht, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Utrera, Spain. 37N. 6w. 84 Uttoxeter, England. 53N. 2w. 54 Utznach, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Uxbridge, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Vaags Fd., Norway. 69N. 17E. 88 Vacha, Germany. 5 IN. 10E. 77 Vadso, Norway. 7 ON. 30E. 88 Vakuf, D., Bosnia. 44N. 17E. 94 Valdai Hills, Russia. 58N. 33E. 90 Valdepenas, Spain. 39N. 3w. 84 Valderaduey, R., Spain. 42N. 6w. 84 Valemi, Roumania. 45N. 26E. 94 Valence, France. 45N. 5E. 73 Valencia Harb., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Valencia, Spain. 39N. Ow. 85 Valencia, Spain. 42N. 5w. 84 Valencia de Alcantara, Spain. 39N. 7w. 84 Valencia Is., Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 "Valenciennes, France. 50N. 4E. 73 Valenza, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Valievo, Servia. 44N. 20E. 94 *Valladolid, Spain. 42x. 5w. 84 Vallengin, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Valli di Comacchio, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 *Vallombrosa, Italy. 44N. 12E. 83 Vallorbes, Switzerland. 47N. 6E. 86 Vails, Spain. 4lN. IE. 85 Valverde, Spain. 37N. 7w. 84 Index 241 PAGE Vannes, France. 48N. 3w. 72 Var, France. 44N. CE. 73 Var, R., France. 44N. 7E. 73 Vara, R., Italy. 44N. 10E. 82 Varag Njard, Norway. 70N. 29E. 88 Varanger Fd., Norway. 7 ON. 30E.88 Varata R., Italy. 45N. SB. 82 Vardar, Turkey. 4lN. 22E. 95 Varel, Germany. 53N. SB. 76 Varello, Italy. 46N. SB. 82 Varese, Italy. 46N. 9s. 82 *Varna, Bulgaria. 43N. 28E. 94 Vartry R., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Vasilkov, Russia. SON. 30E. 91 Vaskon, Hungary. 47N. 22E. 79 Vaslui, Roumania. 47N. 28E. 94 Vasto, Italy. 42N. 15B. 80 Vaternish Pt., Scotland. 58N. 7w. 62 Vathi, Greece. 38N. 2lE. 95 Vaticano C., Italy. 39N. 16E. 81 *Vaucluse, France. 44N. SE. 73 Vecht, R., Holland. 52x. 5E. 70 Vechta, Germany. 53N. SB. 76 Vechte, R., Holland. 53N. GE. 70 Vede R., Roumania. 44x. 26E. 94 Vegen, Norway. 66N. 12s. 88 Vegesuck, Germany. 53N. 9E. 78 Veglia, Austria. 45N. 15B. 78 Veile, Denmark. 56N. 10E. 89 Vejer de la Frontera, Spain. 36N. 6w. 84 Velez Malaga, Spain. 37N. 4w. 84 Velez Rubio, Spain. 38x. 2w. 85 Veliki Ustyuk, Russia. 6lN. 46E. 90 Vellebich G., Hungary. 45N. IDE. 78 Velletri, Italy. 42N. 13s. 83 Velsk, Russia. 6lN. 42E. 90 Velzen, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Vend6e, France. 47N. Iw. 72 *Vend6me, France. 48N. IE. 72 Vendrell, Spain. 4lN. IE. 85 , Venetia, Italy. 4GN. 12E. 83 * Venice, Italy. 45N. 12E. 83 Venice, G. of, Italy. 45N. 13E. 83 Venidieh, Turkey. 4lN. 25E. 95 VenJo, Holland. 5 IN. 6E. 71 Vennacher, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Venoge R., Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Ventimiglia, Italy. 44x. SB. 82 Ventnor, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Ventoteni, Italy. 4lN. 13E. 81 VerceUi, Italy. 45N. OB. 82 Verden, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Verdon, R., France. 44N. CE. 73 *Verdun, France. 49N. SB. 73 Vergato, Italy. 44N. HE. 83 Veria, Turkey. 40N. 22E. 95 Verin, Spain. 42N. 7w. 84 Verkotarine, Russia. 59N. 6lE. 90 Verolanova, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 * Verona, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Versailles, France. 49N. 2E. 73 Versoix, Switzerland. 46x. 6E. 86 Verviers, Belgium. 5lN. 6E. 71 Vesdre, R., Belgium. 5lN. 6E. 71 Vesoul, France. 48N. 6E. 73 Vesuvius Mt., Italy. 4lN. 14E. 81 PAGE Veszprim, Hungary. 47N. 18E. 78 Vetluga, Russia. 58N. 5GE. 90 Vetluga R., Russia. 57N. 56E. 90 Vetroz, Switzerland. 4Gx. 7E. 86 Vevey, Switzerland. 46N. 7E. 86 Via Mala, Switzerland. 47N. 10E.&7 Viadana, Italy. 45N. 10E. 82 Vianden, Luxemburg. 50N. 6E. 71 Vianna, Portugal. 42N. 9w. 84 Viareggio, Italy. 44N. 10s. 82 Viasma, Russia. 56x. 34E. 90 Viatka, Russia. 59N. 50E. 90 Viatka R., Russia. 59N. 5lE. 90 Viborg, Denmark. 57N. 9E. 89 Viborg, Russia. 6 IN. 29s. 90 Vicenza, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Vich, Spain. 42N. 2E. 85 Vichy, France. 46N. 3E. 73 * Vienna, Austria. 48N. 16E. 78 Vienne, France. 45N. SE. 73 Vienne, France. 47N. OE. 72 Viersen, Germany. 5 IN. 6E. 76 Vierzon, France. 47N. 2E. 73 Vieste, Italy. 42N. 16E. 80 Vigevano, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Viggiano, Italy. 40N. 16E. 81 *Vigo, Spain. 42N. 9w. 84 Vigten Is., Norway. 65N. HE. 88 Vilaine, R., France. 48N. 2w. 72 Villa Nova, Portugal. 37N. 8w. 84 Villa Real, Portugal. 4lN. 8w. 84 Villa Real, Spain. 40N. Ow. 85 Villach, Austria. 47N. 14E. 78 Villafranca, Italy. 45N. TE. 82 *Villafranca, Italy. 45N. HE. 83 Villafranca, Spain. 4 IN. 2E. 85 Villafranca, Spain. 43N. 7w. 84 Villajoyosa, Spam. 39N. Ow. 85 Villalba, Spain. 43N. 8w. 84 Villanova y Geltra, Spain. 4 IN. 2s. 85 Villaricos, Spain. 37N. 2w. 85 Villaviciosa, Spain. 44N. 5w. 84 Villanueva de la Serena, Spain. 39N. 6w. 84 Villefranche, France. 44N. 2E. 73 Villefranche, France. 46N. 5E. 73 Villena, Spain. 39N. Iw. 85 Villeneuve, Switzerland. 46N. 7E.86 Villeneuve d Agen, France. 44N. IE. 72 Villingen, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Vilna, Russia. 55N. 25E. 90 Vilna, Russia. 55N. 26E. 91 Vils, R., Germany. 49N. 13E. 77 Vinalapo, R., Spain. 38N. Iw. 85 Vinaroz, Spam. 40N. OE. 85 Vinkovcze, Slavonia. 45N. 19E. 79 Vinnitza, Russia. 49N. 29E. 91 Vir, Montenegro. 42N. 19E. 94 Vira, Switzerland. 46N. 9E. 87 Virginia, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Virton, Belgium. SON. 6E. 71 Visa, Turkey. 42N. 28io. 94 Viscaya, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 Vishegrad, Servia. 44N. 19E. 94 Vishnii Volotchok, Russia. 58N. 35E. 90 242 Index PAGE Viso, Mt., Italy. 45N. 7E. 82 Visp, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Vistritsa R., Turkey. 40N. 22E. 95 Vistula, Germany. 5iN. 20E. 75 Vistula R., Russia. 53N. 19E. 91 Vitebsk, Russia. 55N. 30E. 91 Viterbo, Italy. 42N. 12E. 83 Vitoria, Spain. 43N. 3w. 85 Vitre, France. 48N. Iw. 72 Vittorio, Italy. 46N. 12E. 83 Vivero, Spain. 44N. 8w. 84 Vizen, Portugal. 4lN. 8w. 84 Vlaardingen, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Vladikavkas, Russia. 43N. 44E. 91 Vladimir, Russia. 56N. 4 IE. 90 Vlieland, Holland. 53N. 5E. 70 Vodena, Turkey. 4lN. 22E. 95 Vogels, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Voghera, Italy. 45N. 9E. 82 Vohenstrauss, Germany. SON. 12E. 77 Voil, Loch, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Voldon, Norway. 62N. 7E. 89 Volga R., Russia. 46x. 48E. 91 Volhyna, Russia. 5 IN. 27E. 91 Volkov R., Russia. 60N. 32E. 90 VoUenhove, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Volo, Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Volo G., Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Vologda (tn.), Russia. 59N. 40E. 90 Vologda, Russia. 6lN. 49E. 90 Volsk, Russia. 52N. 47E. 91 Volterra, Italy. 43N. HE. 83 Voltri, Italy. 44N. 9E. 82 Volturno, R., Italy. 4lN. 14s. 81 Vomano R., Italy. 43N. 14E. 83 Vomtsa, Greece. 39N. 2 IE. 95 Voorne, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Vorarlberg, Austria. 47N. 10E, 78 Vorder Rhein Thai, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Vorings Fos, Norway. 60N. 7E. 89 Vorjas, Austria. 46N. 2 IE. 79 Voronesh, Russia. 52N. 39E. 91 Vosges, France. 48N. 6E. 73 Vosges Mts., France. 48N. 7E. 77 Vosse, Norway. 6 IN. 7E. 89 Vostitsa, Greece. 38N. 22E. 95 Vourne, Belgium. 5lN. SE. 71 Vovussa R., Turkey. 40N. 19E. 95 Vranja, Servia. 44N. 22E. 94 Vratza, Bulgaria. 43N. 24E. 94 Vulcano Is., Italy. 38N. 15E. 81 Vulkan Pass, Roumania. 45N. 23E. 94 Vuollerini, Sweden. 66N. 2lE. 88 Vyrnwy, L., Wales. 53N. 4w. 54 Vyrnwy R., Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Vytchegda R., Russia. 62N. 50E. 90 Vytegra, Russia. 6lN. 37E. 90 Waag, Hungary. 48N. 18E. 79 Waal, R., Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Wadhurst, England. 5 IN. OE. 57 Wadensweil, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Wadowice, Austria. 50N. 20E. 79 Wadsbridge, England. 5lN. 5w. 56 Wageningen, Holland. 52N. 6E. 70 Waigatz Is., Russia. 7 ON. 60E. 90 PAGE Wainfleet, England. 53N. OE. 55 Waitzen, Hungary. 48N. 19E. 79 *Wakefield, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Walchen S., Germany. 47N. HE. 77 *Walcheren, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Wald, Germany. 5lN. HE. 77 Wald, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 87 Wai deck, Germany. 5 IN. 9E. 76 Waldeuburg, Germany. 5 IN. 16E. 75 Waldenburg, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Waldkirch, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Waldsee, Germany. 48N. 10E. 77 Waldshut, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Walk, Russia. 58N. 2GE. 90 Wallachia, Roumania. 45N. 26E. 94 Wallenstadt, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Wallenstadt, L. of, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Wallingford, England. 52N. Iw. 57 *Walmer, England. 5lN. IE. 57 Walney Is., England. 54N. 3w. 54 Walsall, England. 53N. 2w. 56 *Waltham Abbey, England. 52N. OE. 57 Walton, England. 52N. IE. 57 Wangen, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Wangeroog Is., Germany. 54N. SE. 76 Wanlockhead, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Wansbeck, R., England. 55N. 2w. 54 *Wantage, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Wapper R., Germany. 5 IN. 7E. 76 Warasdin, Slavonia. 46N. 16E. 78 Warberg, Sweden. 57N. 12E. 89 Warburg, Germany. 52N. 9E. 76 *Ware, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Wareham, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Waren, Germany. 53N. 13E. 76 Wark, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Warkworth, England. 55N. 2w. 55 Warminster, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Warnemtinde, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Warnow R., Germany. 54N. 12E.76 Warrcnpoint, Ireland. 54N. 6w. 67 Warrington, England. 53N. 3w. 54 * Warsaw, Russia. 52N. 2 IE. 91 Warstein, Germany. 52N. SE. 76 Warta R., Germany. 5 IN. 19E. 75 *Wattburg, Germany. 5 IN. 10s. 77 Warthe R., Germany. 52N. 18E. 75 Warthe R., Germany. 53N. 15E. 75 * Warwick, England. 52N. 2w. 57 Wash, The, England. 53N. OE. 55 Wasmes, Belgium. 50N. 4E. 71 Wassen, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Wast Water, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Watchet, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Waterford, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Waterford Haven, Ireland. 52N. 7w. 69 Watergate B., England. 50N. 5w. 56 Watergrasshill, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 68 * Waterloo, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Waterville, Ireland. 52N. lOw. 68 Watford, England. 52N. Ow. 57 Index 243 PAGE Watlington, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Watten, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Watten, Loch, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Wattenwyl, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Watton, England. 53N. IE. 57 Watzman, Germany. 47N. 13s. 77 Waveney, R., England. 53N. 2E. 57 Waveren, Belgium. 5lN. 5E. 71 Wear Hd., England. 55N. 2w. 54 Wear, R., England. 55N. Iw. 55 Wednesbury, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Weert, Holland. 5lN. 6E. 71 Weesp, Holland. 52N. 5s. 70 Weiden, Germany. 50N. 12E. 77 * Weimar, Germany. 5 IN. 12s. 76 Weinfelden, Switzerland. 48N. 9E. 87 Weirden, Holland. 52N. 7E. 70 Weissenburg, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Weissenfels, Germany. 5lN. 12s. 76 Weissensee, Germany. 5lN. HE. 76 Weisshorn, Switzerland. 46N. 8E.86 Weisskirchen, Hungary. 45N. 2lE. 79 Welland, R., England. 53N. Ow. 55 Wellingborough, England. 52N.lw.57 Wellington, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Wellington, England. 53N. 3w. 56 Wells, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Wells-next-the-Sea, England. 53N. IE. 55 Welshpool, Wales. 53N. 3w. 56 Wem, England. 53N. 3w. 54 *Wemyss B., Scotland. 56iv. 5w. 64 Wener L., Sweden. 59N. 13s. 89 Wenersborg, Sweden. 58N. 12E. 89 Wensum, R., England. 53N. IE. 55 Weobly, England. 52N. 3w. 56 Werdenberg, Switzerland. 47N. 9E.87 Werra R., Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 Werre R., Germany. 52N. 8s. 76 Werschetz, Hungary. 45N. 2lE. 79 Wertach, R., Germany. 49N. HE. 77 Wertheim, Germany. 50N. 9E. 77 Wesel R., Germany. 5 IN. 7E. 76 Wesen, Switzerland. 47N. OE. 87 Weser R., Germany. 54N. SE. 76 Wessenstein, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 West Bromwich, England. 53N. 2w. 56 West Calder, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 West Fjord, Norway. 68N. 15E. 88 West Flanders, Belgium. 5lN. SE. 71 West Hartlepool, England. 55N. Iw. 55 West Kilbride, Scotland. 56N. 5w. 64 West Linton, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 West Meath, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 West Riding, Yorkshire. 54N. 2w. 55 Westbury, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Wester Dal, Sweden. 6 IN. 14s. 89 Wester Schelde, Holland. 5lN. 4E. 71 Westeras, Sweden. 60N. 17E. 89 Westervik, Sweden. 58N. 17E. 89 Westerwald, Germany. 5 IN. SE. 77 Westmoreland, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Weston-super-Mare, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Westphalia, Germany. 52N. SE. 76 Westport, Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 PAGE Westport B., Ireland. 54N. lOw. 66 Westray Is., Scotland. 59N. 3w. 63 Westward Ho, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 Wetherby, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Wetter L., Sweden. 58N. 14E. 89 Wetter, R., Germany. 50N. SB. 77 Wetteren, Belgium. 5lN. 4E. 71 Wetherhorn, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Wetzlar, Germany. 5lN. 9s. 77 *Wexford, Ireland. 52N. 6w. 69 Wexford Harb., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Wexio, Sweden. 57N. 15E. 89 Wey R., England. 5 IN. Ow. 57 Weyer, Austria. 48N. 15E. 78 Weymouth, England. 5 IN. 2w. 56 Whalsey Is., Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 Wharfe, R., England. 54N. Iw. 55 \Vhernside, England. 54N. 2w. 54 *Whitby, England. 54N. Iw. 55 *Whitchurch, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Whitstable, England. 5lN. IE. 57 White Hd., Ireland. 55N. 6w. 67 White Koros, Hungary. 47N. 2lE. 79 White Sea, Russia. 66N. 38s. 90 Whiteadder, R., Scotland. 56N. 2w. 65 Whitechurch, England. 53N. 3w. 54 Whitehaven, England. 55N. 4w. 54 Whiten Hd., Scotland. 59N. 5w. 62 Whithorn, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 65 Whittlesea, England. 53N. OE. 57 Wiay Is., Scotland. 57N. 7w. 62 Wick, Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Wick B., Scotland. 58N. 3w. 63 Wicklow, Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Wicklow Hd., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Wicklow Mts., Ireland. 53N. 6w. 69 Wickwar, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Widin, Bulgaria. 44N. 23s. 94 Wiedlisbach, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Wieliczka, Austria. 50N. 20E. 79 Wieringen, Holland. 53N. 5E. 70 Wiesbaden, Germany. 50N. SE. 77 Wieselburg, Hungary. 48 N. 17E. 78 Wig L., Russia. 63N. 35E. 90 *Wigan, England. 54N. 3w. 54 Wiggern, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Wigton, England. 55N. 3w. 54 Wigtown, Scotland. 55N. 4w. 64 Wigtown B., Scotland. 55N. 4w. T55 Wildbad, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Wildhelna Can, Germany. 52N. 14E. 76 Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 54N. SE. 76 Wilhelmshohe, Germany. 5 IN. 9E. 76 Wildhorn, Switzerland. 46N. SE. 86 Wilkinstown, Ireland. 54N. 7w. 67 Willenhall, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Willisau, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Wilsontown, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 WUton, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Wiltshire, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Wily, R., England. 5lN. 2w. 56 W T ilz, Belgium. SON. 6E. 71 Wimborne, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Wincanton, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Winchelsea, England. 5lN. IE. 57 244 Index PAGE *Winchester, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Windau, Russia. 58N. 2lE. 90 Windel E., Sweden. 64N. 20E. 88 Windermere L., England. 54N. 3w.5i Windrush R., England. 52N. Iw. 57 *Windsor, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Winschoten, HoUand. 53N. 7E. 70 Winslow, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Winster, England. 53>r. 2w. 55 Winterthur, Switzerland. 47N. 9s. 87 Wirksworth, England. 53N. 2w. 55 Wisbech, England. 53N. OB. 57 Wisby, Sweden. 58N. 19s. 89 Wishaw, Scotland. 56N. 4w. 65 Wisloka, Austria. SON. 2lE. 79 Wismar, Germany. 54N. 12E. 76 Wiston, Wales. 52N. 5w. 56 Witham, R., England. 53N. OE. 55 Withernsea, England. 54N. OE. 55 Witney, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Witten, Germany. 5 IN. 7E. 76 Wittenberg, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Wittenberge, Germany. 53N. 12E. 76 Wittengen, Germany. 53N. 10E. 76 Wittingau, Austria. 49N. 15s. 78 Wittlich, Germany. 5 ON. 7E. 77 Wittstock, Germany. 53N. 12E. 76 Woerden, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Wohlhusen, Switzerland. 47N. SE. 86 Woking, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Wokingham, England. 5lN. Iw. 57 Wolderas, Sweden. 6lN, 13E. 89 Wolds, The, England. 54N. Ow. 55 Wolfenbiittel, Germany. 52N. HE. 76 Wolgast, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 WoUin, Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Wollin Is., Germany. 54N. 14E. 76 Wolsingham, England. 55N. 2w. 54 Wolverhampton, England. 53N. 2w. 56 Wongrowitz, Germany. 53N. 18E. 75 Woodbridge, England. 52N. IE. 57 Woodford, Ireland. 53N. 8w. 68 Woodside, Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 *Woodstock, England. 52N. Iw. 57 Wooler, England. 56N. 2w. 54 Woolwich, England. 5 IN. OE. 57 Wootton Bassett, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Worbis, Germany. 52N. 10E. 76 *Worcester, England. 52N. 2w. 56 Worgl, Austria. 47N. 12E. 78 *Workington, England. 55N. 4w. 54 Worksop, England. 53N. Iw. 55 Workum, Holland. 53N. 5E. 70 * Worms, Germany. 50N. SE. 77 Worms Hd., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 *W6rth, Germany. 49N. SE. 77 Worthing, England. 5lN. Ow. 57 Wragby, England. 53N. Ow. 55 Wrath, O., Scotland. 59N. 5w. 62 Wrekin, The, England. 53N. 3w.56 Wreschen, Germany. 52N. 18E. 75 Wrexham, Wales. 53N. 3w. 54 Wronke, Germany. 53N. 18E. 75 Wlimme R., Germany. 53N. 9E. 76 Wurm S., Germany. 48N. HE. 77 Wurtemberg, Germany. 49N. 9E. 77 PAQE *Wiirzburg, Germany. SON. 10E. 77 Wurzen, Germany. 52N. 13E. 76 Wye, R., England. 52N. 3w. 56 Wyk, Holland. 52N. 5E. 70 Wyl, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Wylye, England. 5lN. 2w. 56 Wymondham, England. 53N. IE. 57 Xerokhori, Greece. 39N. 23E. 95 Yalping Nor, Russia. 6lN. 59E. 90 Yamboli, Bulgaria. 42N. 27E. 94 Yare R., England. 53N. 2s. 57 Yarm, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Yarmouth, England. 5 IN. Iw. 57 Yaroslavl, Russia. 57N. 42E. 90 * Yarrow, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Yarrow Water, Scotland. 56N. 3w. 65 Yatton, England. 5lN. 3w. 56 Yecla, Spain. 39N. Iw. 85 YefremoY, Russia. 53N. 3 SB. 91 Yeisk, Russia. 47N. 38E. 91 Yell Is., Scotland. 6lN. Iw. 63 Yell Sd., Scotland. 60N. Iw. 63 Yeni, Bulgaria. 42N. 26B. 94 Yenikale, Russia. 45N. 37E. 91 Yeovil, England. 5 IN. 3w. 56 Yes Tor, England. 5lN. 4w. 56 *Yetholm, Scotland. 5GN. 2w. 65 Ymes Fd., Norway. 62N. SE. 89 Yonkoping, Sweden. 58N. 14E. 89 Yonne, France. 48N. 4E. 73 Yonne, R., France. 48N. 3E. 73 *York, England. 54N. Iw. 55 Yorkshire Moors, England. 54N. Iw. 55 *Youghal, Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Youghal B. and Harb., Ireland. 52N. 8w. 69 Ypres, Belgium. 5lN. 3E. 71 Yssel, R., Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Ystad, Sweden. 17N. 14E. 89 Ystwith, R., Wales. 52N. 4w. 56 Ytham R., Scotland. 57N. 2w. 63 Yugovski, Russia. 58N. 57E. 90 Yverdon, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Yzendyke, HoUand. 5lN. 4E. 71 Zaandam, Holland. 52N. SE. 70 Zabern, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Zafra, Spain. 39N. 6w. 84 Zakynthos, Greece. 38N. 2lE. 95 Zala R., Hungary. 47N. 17E. 78 Zala Egerszeg, Hungary. 47N. 17E. 78 Zalamea, Spain. 38N. 7w. 84 Zaleszczyk, Austria. 49N. 26E. 79 Zam, Austria. 46N. 22E. 79 *Zamora, Spam. 42N. 6w. 84 Zancara, R., Spain. 39N. 3w. 84 Zara, Dalmatia. 44N. 15E. 78 Zaribrod, Bulgaria. 43N. 22E. 94 Zealand, Denmark. 56N. 12E. 89 Zeebrugge, Belgium, 5lN. SE. 71 Zeeland, Holland. 5lN. 4E. 70 Zeitz, Germany. 5 IN. 12E. 76 Zell, Germany. 48N. SE. 77 Zell, Germany. SON. 7E. 77 Zeng, Croatia. 45N. 15E. 78 Index 245 PAGE I Zerbst, Germany. 52N. 12E. 76 Zermatt, Switzerland. 4Gx. SB. 86 Zernetz, Switzerland. 47N. 10s. 87 Zevendar, Holland. 52N. GE. 70 *Zierikzee, Holland. 52N. 4E. 70 Zihl, R., Switzerland. 47N. 7E. 86 Zittau, Germany. 5lN. HE. 76 Zizers, Switzerland. 47N. 10E. 87 Zloczow, Austria. 50x. 25K. 79 Znaim, Austria. 49N. 16E. 78 Zoflngen, Switzerland. 47N. 8s. 86 Zolkiew, Austria. 50N. 24E. 79 Zombor, Hungary. 4GN. 19E. 94 Zoptau, Austria. 50N. 17E. 78 Zorn, R., Germany. 49N. SB. 77 *Zorndorf, Germany. 53N. 14E. 76 Zug, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 PACK Zug, L. of, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Zuider Zee, Holland. 53N. 6E. 70 Zumarraga, Spain. 43N. 2w. 85 Zurgena, Spain. 37N. 2w. * Zurich, Switzerland. 47N. 9E. 87 Zurich, L. of, Switzerland. 47N. 9E.87 Zurl, Dalmatia. 44N. 15E. 78 Zursach, Switzerland. 48N. SE. 86 Zutfen, Holland. 52N. GE. 70 Zvornik, Bosnia. 4 IN. 19E. 94 Zwartsluis, Holland. 53N. GE. 70 Zweibrucken, Germany. 49N. 7E. 77 Zweysimmen, Switzerland. 47N. 7E. "86 Zwickau, Germany. 5 IN. 12E. 77 Zwittau, Austria. 50N. 16E. 78 *Zvvolle, Holland. 53N. 6s. 70 THIS LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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