<\ Nazareth Hall. HISTORICAL SKETCH Nazareth Hall From 1755 to 1869; WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE REUNIONS OF FORMER PUPILS AND OF THE INAUGURATION OF A MONUMENT AT NAZARETH ON THE iiTH OF JUNE, 1868 ERECTED IX MEMORY OF ALUMNI WHO FELL IN THE LATE REBELLION. By WILLIAM C. REICHEL Class of 1834. 0"^ '>7.C. PRINTED FOR THE REUNION SOCIETY OF NAZARETH HALL By J, B. LiPPiNCOTT & Co.. Philadelphia. 1869. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., FOR THE REUNION SOCIETY OF NAZARETH HAI.I,, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. I. ippincott'8 press, I' H I 1. A L K L P II I A . ^ UJ C/9 C3 *y O o o < 1501 '^1 ^ cnj.-)^ TO ITS FORMER PUPILS, HISTORICAL SKETCH OF NAZARETH HALL, •n WHICH HAS EXISTED DURING A PERIOD OF MORE THAN g ONE HUNDRED YEARS, Is Affectionately Dedicated. 44654/? PREFACE. A RESOLUTION adopted by the " Union Society of Nazareth Hall," at its second meeting, on the 8th of June, 1855, recom- mended the publication of a " Historical Sketch of Nazareth Hall, from 1755 to 1855," prepared by Rev. Levin T. Reichel, a former principal of that institution, then of Salem, N. C. It was suggested, furthermore, to incorporate the acts of the re- unions of former pupils with this narrative. Mr. Ernest F. Bleck, of Bethlehem, Pa., undertook the arrangement of the materials, and in the summer of 1855 the first edition of " Naz- areth Hall and its Reunions" appeared, at the expense of a member. A desire expressed by its Alumni to possess an authentic account of the eight reunions held during the past twelve years, and of the proceedings of the nth of June, 1868, which day witnessed the inauguration of a monument erected in memory of such former pupils of the institution as had fallen fighting for their country and its constitutional liberties during the late rebel- lion, was the occasion of this rewriting of " Nazareth Hall and its Reunions." No funds having been provided for this purpose, and the balance remaining in the hands of the treasurer of the Monu- ment Fund being sufficient only for the stereotype plates, the cost of printing this volume has been defrayed by the same member of the Society who issued the edition of 1855. 7 8 PREFA CE. The writer has made a few additions to, but no material alter- ations in, i\Ir. Reichel's outline history. The facts bearing on the reunions have been reproduced as faithfully as possible from the Minute Book of the Society, and from the chronicles of its authorized historians. To the accounts of reporters of various public journals present on the occasion he is indebted for the data on which is based the narrative of the Reunion of June II, 1868, and of the proceedings at the inauguration on that day of a memorial in honor of patriotic sons of Nazareth Hall. The catalogue of pupils and teachers is brought down in full to December 31, 1868, and personal notices have been amended wherever such change was rendered necessary by the vicissi- tudes which time and life bring with them. W. C. Reichel. Bethlehem, Penna., February i, 1869. NAZARETH HALL. A FRAGMENT. By the late Right Rev. W. H. Van Vleck, its Fifth Principal. ' Tis morn. Behold ! with early radiance crowned, The king of day ascends the eastern sky, Gilding with roseate hue the mountain-tops, The footstool of his high cerulean throne. He comes, once more, to rule this lower world, And usher in another checkered day Of hopes and fears, of pleasure and of toil ; Arousing from the arms of sweet repose To sweeter rambles in the flowery path Of knowledge, all her youthful votaries, The inmates of this academic dome. Arise, my soul ! obey the bright behest, And early pay the morning sacrifice ! Refresh'd with balmy sleep, that renovates Both mind and body worn with daily toils (Thanks to that Power divine, whose angel-guards Their nightly vigils round my pillow kept), I wander forth to breathe the vernal air. And list the woodland warblers' matin song. Yon verdant hill, that rises in the west. Whose brow full many a sacred tomb adorns. Invites my steps. I gain the steep ascent, And there, with mute, ineffable delight, I gaze upon the scene that smiles around. So oft admired, and yet for ever new. All hail ! thou ancient, venerable pile, Sacred to Him, who fills the heav'n of heav'ns, And yet delights with mortal man to dwell ; Whose glittering spire the sixteenth vernal sun lO NAZARETH HALL. Now gilds, since erst within thy hallowed walls My tender youth a sweet asylum found. All hail ! thou cradle of my infant mind ! Where childhood, happiest age, with golden dreams Full many a swift-revolving day beguiled. Thou sacred roof, beneath whose ample shade Two heaven-born sisters. Art and Science, dwell, Where, deeply smitten with celestial charms I learned to glow, and vowed allegiance true. There first with rapt'rous eye, the page sublime Of classic Rome and Greece I wandered o'er ; Now dared, with venturous pencil, to portray Fair Nature's smiling face in mimic hues. Or from my youthful lyre, with trembling hand, Unpractis'd, rude, discordant accents flung. But ah ! far greater debt than mortal skill Or human knowledge do I owe to thee, Thou hallowed temple of the living God. 'Twas here my tender mind was first imprest With Revelation's awful truths divine ; ' Twas here that on the darkness of my soul First dawn'd Religion's doubt-di-spelling ray, And my enfranchis'd heart, with rapture fired, Was taught to pray, to praise, and to adore ! Such is the vast amount for which I stand Eternally indebted. This the soil Where once with care was sown what now I reap.' Hither my grateful thoughts shall e'er return ; Nor absence, lapse of time, or change efface What Gratitude has written in my breast. Nazareth, 1815. Nazareth Hall. THE spot now crowned by the stately structure of Nazareth Hall w^as, a century ago, still covered with primeval forest, and its immediate vicinity, the abode of Delawares or Fork Indians, as they were commonly called in those days of the Province. Just without the limits of the present borough of Nazareth there was in 1740 a pop- ulous village of these aborigines, under the jurisdiction of one " Captain John," who perversely disputed the right of Moravian occupancy until the verdict of the Iroquois, his liege lords, compelled him to relinquish his obstinate tenure. The discomfited chieftain now built him a hut some miles to the north, near the '" Deep Hole," on Le- hietan Creek, and, burying past differences, brought his venison statedly to Bethlehem to market, until death over- took him in his woodland cabin in August of 1747* ^^ Moravian carpenter at the Gnadenthal settlement (now the site of the county almshouse) made the coffin of the shrewd old Ishmaelite, who, in accordance with his dying request, was buried after the Christian mode of burial. The Delawares called the Nazareth tract " Welaga- mika," or Fat Lands. The abundance of flint arrowheads U 12 NAZARETH HALL. and of other Implements of stone found there, even at this late day, testifies to the fact that the neighborhood was a favorite resort or rendezvous of Indians from the earliest times ; for year after year these historical monuments of an almost extinct race are ploughed up, and it would ap- pear as if the hidden store were inexhaustible. Whitefield, in 1740 (then in the zenith of his activity in the British Provinces of North America), purchased of Mr. William Allen, merchant of Philadelphia, five thou- sand acres of land in the Forks of Delaware, which he called Nazareth. This purchase is now embraced within Upper Nazareth township. Here the great champion of Calvinistic Methodism undertook the erection of a school for negro orphans, and here he designed settling such of his followers in England as might be compelled to leave their country for conscience' sake. His plans, however, were never consummated. The school (now the White- field House) was only in course of erection when, in 1742, the death of Mr. William Seward, Whitefield's zealous coadjutor, compelled him to relinquish the noble enter- prise. Financially embarrassed, he was glad to convey the entire tract to the Moravians at the cost price, the latter reimbursing him for whatever he had expended in improvements. The transfer was made in London in 1743, for the consideration of £2200. This domain was known as the Barony of Nazareth, and was nominally the property of Erdmuth Dorothea, Countess of Zinzendorf. It had the right of court baron, the only manor sold by the Penns with that privilege, and was, and indeed is yet held, on the condition of rendering service to them and their heirs by paying, if demanded, a red rose in June of each year for ever. An humble hos- telry on the northern outskirts of the tract, erected about 1752 for the entertainment of occasional wayfarers (which NAZARETH HALL. 1 3 a few years later became an asylum for fugitives from In- dian barbarities on the frontiers of the province), had emblazoned on its swinging sign, yet within the memory of living men, the beautiful floral emblem of fealty, and as the " Rose Tavern" has passed into colonial history. Settlements were gradually made by the Moravians at Ephrata (1743) and Old Nazareth (1744), both within the present borough ; at Gnadenthal (1745) and Christian Spring (1748) to the west, and Friedensthal (1750) to the east, which, in 1754, together numbered two hun- dred and seventy-nine souls. The estate, however, was without a manor-house, and the scattered tenants without a place of worship easily accessible to all. This serious inconvenience suggested the speedy erection, at some central point, of a spacious building, with arrangements to meet these urgent wants, and which, at the same time, might accommodate Count Zinzendorf and a coi'ps of assistants, who were positively expected from Europe. The erection of such a stately structure as the Hall was doubtless determined in view of the Count's prospective sojourn. This, however, he was never permitted to make. Financial troubles in the Church detained him abroad, and in 1760 death ended his memorable career. Zinzen- dorf's personal labors in the establishment of the Ameri- can branch of the Brethren's Church were confined to the year 1742. It was left for Spangenberg to work out into history the field-notes taken by that master spirit in his brief but eventful reconnoissance in the wilds of North America. The corner-stone of Nazareth Hall was laid on the 3d of May, 1755, in the presence of the inhabitants of the adjacent settlements, and brethren from Bethlehem and elsewhere. The Delaware and Mohican converts of the Gnadenhutten Mission, on the Mahoney (established 2 14 NAZARETH HALL. in 1747, near Lehighton, Carbon county), were repre- sented respectively by their elders, Anthony and Jacob. With these came the missionaries Schmick and Fabri- cius, contributing each an ode, composed for the occasion in Indian. John Samuel, a native of the Malabar coast, and Andrew and Joseph, negroes from Africa, by their presence characterized the gathering as an extraordinary one. It was, in fact, an unpremeditated exposition of ISIoravian missionary activity and success in the four quar- ters of the globe. The opening exercises of the festive day were held on the green, before the stone house at Ephrata, which the first handful of Moravian pioneers in Pennsylvania had commenced to erect for Whitefield in the summer of 1740, and were conducted by Bishop Augustus G. Spangenberg, of Bethlehem. In the course of these, he communicated the various papers which were to be de- posited within t]ie corner-stone. They comprised : 1. A document drawn up in Latin by Rev. F. C. Lembke, pastor of the Moravians on the Nazareth Tract, setting forth the design of the building in course of erection, and such historical facts as had a bearing on the occasion. 2. A catalogue of all Aloravians belonging to the " Bethlehem Economy" or communism, including those resident at Bethlehem, Nazareth, Christian Spring, Gna- denthal, Friedensthal, and Gnadenhutten on the Ma- honey ; and also such as were engaged as home mission- aries in the colonies or on the foreign mission in the West Indies and South America (both of which fields were at this time under the immediate jurisdiction of, and supplied with laborers by, the presiding Board at Bethle- hem), showing a sum-total of one thousand and thirty- four souls. 3. The act of the English Parliament of 1749, which NAZARETH HALL. 15 acknowledged the episcopacy of the Unitas Fratrum, or Ancient Church of the United Brethren. 4. Two German hymn-books. 5. An ode, written in German for the occasion, by Bishop Matthew Hehl. These introductory services having been concluded, the congregation, headed by a corps of musicians and the clergy, moved in procession to the site of the proposed building. The ceremony of laying the corner-stone was conducted by the pastor and Bishop Spangenberg, as- sisted by Mr. C. Schulze, the master mason. The stone is a limestone of the neighborhood, four and a half feet long, eighteen inches broad, and fourteen inches thick, and lies two feet underground in the north-east angle of the build- ing. In the afternoon, a love-feast was celebrated on the lawn before the Whitefield House, on which occasion Rev. Peter Boehler narrated his personal recollections of the commencement of Nazareth in 1740. He had led the first Moravians into Pennsylvania from Georgia ; had con- tracted in their behalf with Whitefield for the erection of his proposed school ; had prospected the tract with Mr. Henry Antes, of Frederic township (now Montgomery county), in May of the year ; and on the 30th of the same month had for the first time held divine service for his little flock under an oak, which he pointed out, not far oft', to his interested audience. The solemnities of this memorable day were closed by an evening sei"vice, in which the inhabitants of Nazareth and its dependencies participated. The building, thus auspiciously begun, was brought under roof within five months ; and it was a matter of special thankfulness to Providence, on the part of the Moravians, that the work suffered from no serious inter- ruptions, and was attended by no accident. Those who 1 6 NAZARETH HALL. have remarked the soHdity of its masonry and the com- pact joining of its staunch timbers, (both of which promise to outHve many generations of men to come) ex- press surprise at the industry and skill of the workmen, who amid the multifarious labors of a self-dependent settlement, so speedily erected this noble old structure on the outskirts of Pennsylvania civilization. A portentous time was now at hand ; and a cloud rose on the north-western horizon, which soon burst in fury over the devoted province, bringing ruin and death to hundreds of its isolated and unprotected settlers. The French and Indian war was inaugurated in the summer of 1755, and in the autumn of the year Eastern Pennsylvania became the theatre of its atrocities. Along the whole extent of its western frontier, in the valley on this side of the Kittatinny or " Endless Mountains," from the Mary- land line to the Delaware, (where hardy Scotch-Irish" and Germans had wielded the axe and guided the plough since 173O5) the horrors of Indian warfare were ti*ansform- ing the homes of rural peace into universal desolation. Burning tenements and smouldering ruins, the scalped corpses of defenceless women and children, and the mu- tilated carcasses of dumb animals marked the path of the bloody marauders. In the night of the 24th of No- vember the mission-house on the Mahoney was surprised by a party of Shawnese, eleven of its inmates butchered, and the entire settlement laid in ashes. Words are inade- quate to convey the panic which now seized the frontier population. Their only safety lay in flight ; and in this dark day in tlie history of the province, the well-ordered Moravian settlements on the Nazareth Tract and at Bethlehem proved her bulwark, and hundreds of her de- fenceless inhabitants fled to them as to cities of refuge. Bethlehem was palisaded, and the Rose and the Fried- NAZARETH HALL. 1 7 ensthal mill, garrisoned as for a siege. It was a time of harrowing uncertainty, and for almost a year the Brethren were disconcerted in their secular and ecclesiastical enter- prises. Thus it happened that the manor-house on the Nazareth Tract was not completed until in November of 1756, on the 13th day of which month the chapel on the first floor was solemnly dedicated to the worship of God by Bishops Spangenberg and Hehl. Here the Na- zareth congregation worshiped until the completion of the church erected in 1S41 (now the parochial school), during the pastorate of the Rev. Samuel Reinke. During the century of its existence, the Hall has at differ- ent times undergone changes in the details of its interior arrangements, as well as externally. In June of 1785 it was surmounted with a belfry, ball and vane. The hollow ball contains a document giving a short historical account of the origin of the neighboring settlements. In 1796 a terrace constructed on the roof enabled the eye for the first time to take in the lovely landscape which stretches around the old manor-house with nevei'-tiring charms. In December of the same year the belfry was furnished with a clock, the workmanship of Mr. Joseph Eberman, of Lancaster, Penna., which, until 1S41, noti- fied the inhabitants of the village, as well as the inmates of the house, of the hours of the day and their quarters. The old bell, with its devout inscription, " Deo soli gloria" still rings where it rang at first. The clock does duty on the Nazareth Church. On the purchase of Nazareth Hall by its Board of Trustees in 1841, the building was entirely renovated. Since 17S5 it had been used as a boarding-school for boys, and the wear and tear of more than half a century in such service told fearfully on the interior woodwork. Those who were inmates of the institution at that period 1 8 NAZARETH HALL. doubtless remember the polished slide down the stairways ; the steps and floors, heart-of-oak as they were, worn hol- low by the incessant fall of feet, and like indications else- where of a long-sustained and nobly-contested siege against tide and time. The improvements made in the above- mentioned year, both within and without, (for a coat of cream-colored cement was given to the gray limestone masonry, and a belfry of more recent model supplanted the one of 1785), modernized the Hall completely. From time to time lesser changes have been made in the internal arrangements of the old manor-house, which deserve no especial notice here. Some of these may be remembered by its whilom denizens, others forgotten ; and yet the character of the entire building, its beautiful symmetry of outline and sterling solidity of structure, will doubtless be ever present in the memories of its alumni, involun- tarily suggestive of the character of the education given within its walls, whose intrinsic worth and salutary in- fluences were first appreciated when in later years they engaged in the battle of life. Transcript of the Latin Document Deposited in the Corner-stone. Quod Deus Triunus in Christo Jesu, Universi Conditore' Mundique per Sanguinem secum Salvatore pie colendus, foveat, juvet ac felixomnino esse jubeat ! Anno post nativitatem Christi M D C C L v., quo uterque terrarum Orbis Illius patuit Evangelio et quoad magnam satis partem Optimi ejusdemque grandasvi prae ceteris Principis Georgii //. paret Imperio primo Roberti Hiinteri Morris, Equitis, Praefectura in Pennsylvania Anno his in Baronia Nazaretli ponendis Fundamentis operam adhibuere L'ratres. NAZARETH HALL. 1 9 Lapidemque collocaverunt Angularem Viris — ex celebri Bethlehem Municipe ex quo ceu Columbario in omnes Americae evolant Regiones redeuntque Evangelistse Fratres, admodum Reverendis Josepho, Ordinarii Unitatis Fratrum vicario general! per Americam, Petro et MatthcEO, Episcopis, Andr. Ant. Lawatsch et Gottlieb Bezold, Presbyteris, et Martino Mack, Indorum Evangelista, acclamante omni fere, qui Bethlehem, Nazareth, Gnadenthal, Christiansbrunn et Friedensthal inhabitant Fratrum et Sororum grege, Indis etiam non nullis, immo pueris et puellis, simul orantibus, et Fratribus praeterea non solum in Europa et America, sed et in Asia et Africa natis, praesentibus ; solemnique huic Actui Terthim Alensis Maji condixere Diem, Charactero Domini : " Ancipitem habet, quo omnia penetrat, gladium ;" Verbis Magistri : " Cui, futuri seculi ut consors sit, continget ; post omnes in Coelitum Familia superstes erit acomes ;" Ecclesiae Symbolo : " In Te omnes Terrarum benedicentur Gentes ;" insignum felicia quavis prassagientem Fata superstruendae hisce Fundamentis Domus, quae Cultui Concionibusque dicata est sacris, destinata simul (utinam cito nobis advolaret I) Usibus Unitatis Fratrum Ordinarii, immo Philadelphias Ecclesiae, quje hoc praesertim tempore floret, et in Cruce Christi gloriatur, Angeli, quern cum lectissima Conjuge Erdmuth Dorothea, ex Illustrissima Ruthenorum Comitum Prosapia, exoptatissimo Ge- nero, Johanhe, Congregationum ex Gentilibus Ordinarii vices gerente, Filiabus, Nepote ac nepte omni veneratione prosequitur ac pietate Totus Unitatis Populus, cujus de Jesu Christo, Testimonio ita adfuit Dominus, ut non solum Europa Doctrina salutari gaudeat, et Ecclesiolis in Morte Christi glori- 30 NAZARETH HALL. antibus redundet, sed et America, tarn quod Insulas quam quod Contin- entem addnet, repleta sit Gregibus, in Christo Pastore exultantibus, Indis etiam, qui in servitute atrocissima gemunt, nunc Evangelio imbutis, Facit Universi Deus, Dominus Jesus Christus, Paterque familias noster alnie nobis prospi- ciehs, ut in quovis hujus Donius sibi sacrae Angulo exoptatissima Ipsius Praesentia, Patris Christi et nostri mirifica pro familia Filii sui cura, Spiritus Sancti, Almae Matris nostrae, in formandis, praeparandis, ornandisque. Virginibus, Sponsisque coelestis et aeterni Sponsi, Labor indefatigabilis Sentiatur et percipiatur, Utque hoc ratione Doctrina CTionjpio? Sacramentis divini foederis Ordinibus sanctissimis Precibus ardentissimis Theocratia augustissima et Ecclesiae Dei, et permultorum hominum prospiciatur Saluti ; indique Evangelistarum cater vae in quascunque Orbis exeant Regiones ! Hocce Votum Votis jam multorum Christi Fratrum Sororumque addit et Inscriptioni monumentis hujus (sit asre perennius !) inserit Franciscus Chr. Lembke p. t. in Nazareth. Ordinarius. Previous to 1759, up to which time the autliorities of the Church had not fully decided to what permanent use to convert the large building intended for the seat of Zin- zendorf and his collaborators, apartments in the Hall were let to families, or reserved for the entertainment of home missionaries returned from their stations, either to NAZARETH HALL. 21 report on their labors or to recuperate for a season in the society of friends. In May of 1757 a synod of the Church held its sessions in the chapel on the first floor, and another in August of the same year. Such religious convocations were of fre- quent occurrence in those days; and their speedy repeti- tion not calculated to derange or embarrass by multifari- ous legislation, as they were mainly intended for mutual encouragement in the work which the Church almost in- stinctively recognized as its allotted sphere. " We meet," said Spangenberg, " to cheer and strengthen each other in our communion with the Lord." The synod of May was numerously attended. There were one hundred and twelve members from Bethlehem alone ; among these the wives of clerical brethren, whose personal labors in the Church constituted an interesting feature of the time, en- titling them to participate to a certain extent in the de- liberations of such assemblies. On the morning of the 5th of May this large delegation set out from Bethlehem in wagons, on horseback and on foot, convoyed by a party of convert Indians, and, as a picxis chronicler of that day informs us, " under the escort of numerous holy angels." This was a necessary precaution, as but a few days before the French Indians had made inroads on the south side of the mountain, and the Friedensthal Mill and the Rose were again filled with panic-stricken fugitives. Bishop Spang- enberg, who at this time had temporarily taken up his residence in the Hall, presided at this synod, as well as at the one convened in August. The uses to which the upper floors of the building could best be applied came up as a subject of deliberation in the sessions of the latter ; and its conversion into a mission-house or rendezvous for such of the brethren and sisters as were laboring in neighbor- hoods destitute of the means of grace, (a home-mission 22 NAZARETH HALL. work of considerable magnitude, and which was con- ducted ahnost exclusively by the Moravians) was finally adopted as a measure entirely in consonance with the de- sign of its projectors. The tenor of this resolution was however never carried into effect, for in i759 Nazareth Hall became the seat of a Moravian school, and has ever since been an educational institution. The Moravians, mostly of German origin, are a musi- cal people ; and music, both vocal and instrumental, has always been an element in their divine worship. The Chapel in JBcthlehem was provided with an organ and stringed instruments for use on festive occasions. It was only proper that the place of worship for Nazareth and its dependencies should be supplied with the same aids to devotion. Accordingly John G. Klemm,* an expert organ-builder, originally from Dresden, was despatched to the Hall, where, in the course of the year 1758, as- sisted by Mr. David Tanneberger, he completed an excel- lent instrument. The wood used in its erection was pro- cured fi'om Philadelphia. Valentine Haidt was likewise an inmate of the Hall in the same year, engaged in embel- * John Gottlob Klemm, born near Dresden in 1690, in which city he learned organ-l:)uilding, immigrated to this country in 1736, and first settled in Philadelphia. In 1745 he removed to New York, and there renewed his connection with the Brethren, whose infant association at Herrnhut he joined in 1726. In 1757 he was admitted into the society at Bethlehem, where, until his death in May of 1762, he was employed in the construction of organs for several of their churches, as well as smaller instruments for the chapels in the different "choir-houses." Organs of his make are still in existence and known among Moravians as " Tanneberger's ;" from the fact that Tanneberger, after Klemm's decease, continued the business, the artistic details of which he had learned from the old Dresden organ-builder. The instruments in the churches at Nazareth and Litiz, Pa., are the workmanship of Tanne- berger. The former was put up in Nazareth Chapel in 1792, and dedicated on the i6th of December of that year. NAZARETH HALL. 23 lishing the prayer-hall on the second floor with scenes in the Redeemer's life, which are doubtless yet remembered by some of the pupils of the Hall, whom these mysterious relics of a " picture age " never failed to inspire with awe, as often as they were permitted to look upon the conceptions of the Moravian painter, in their dimly- lighted repository.* The attention paid to the education of their children in well-conducted schools by the early Moravians of Pennsyl- vania (which led to the erection of boarding-schools in order to gratify a desire expressed by the public at large to parti- cipate in the advantages afforded by them to the young) was a consequence of the social system they had adopted for the successful extension of Christ's kingdom. They had come to Pennsylvania, taken up large tracts of land, laid out farms, and made settlements and built villages, appi'oving themselves a peaceful and loyal population, * Valentine Haidt, the painter, was born in 1700 in Dantzig, and edu- cated in Berlin, where his father was goldsmith to the court. In 1714 young Haidt went to Dresden to enter upon the study of the art he pur- posed making his profession. After a sojourn in Venice and Rome he repaired to Paris, and thence to London, where in 1724 he married Catherine Compigni. His acquaintance here with the Moravians in Fet- ter Lane led to his joining their society. In 1740 he went to Herrnhaag, in Western Germany, where, during the prevalence of the almost sensu- ous spirit of devotional excess which characterized that settlement, he was engaged to execute a series of historical paintings on New Testament subjects relating to the sufferings of Christ. Haidt made similar contri- butions to the chapels in Herrnhut, London and Bethlehem. Portraits by him of clergymen and missionaries, prominent in the American Breth- ren's Church in the middle of the last century, are preserved in the archive-rooms at Bethlehem. In 1754 Haidt was called to Pennsylvania, For fourteen months he preached for the Moravians in Philadelphia, was also employed as a home missionary, and passed his remaining years between the pulpit and the easel. On the nth of June, 1774, he celebrated his golden wedding at Bethlehem. Here he died on the 18th of January, 1780. 24 NAZARETH HALL. whose industry contributed in fair proportion to the pros- perity of the province. But they had not come for self- aggrandizement ; nor were they adventurers nor refugees from rehgious persecution. It was a noble idea, and a holy wish, which impelled the tide of Moravian immigra- tion to the Western world. Word had been brought them of the degraded condition of the Indians and of the religious destitution of hundreds of the immigrants from abroad ; and this was sufficient to stimulate the smallest of the churches of Protestant Christendom to immediate and strenuous efforts in behalf of a two-fold mission, which enlisted its deepest sympathies. They entered the field opened to them in Pennsylvania in 1741 ; and the history of their activity in the cause of Christian phi- lanthropy here, from that time till 1760, is the history, not of a Missionary Church, but of a Church of missionaries ; in perusing which, the reader's attention is arrested by the singular phenomenon of an entire society of men and women engaged in preaching or teaching Christ to In- dians in the wilderness, and to white men almost without the pale of civilization. The better to divest themselves of all secular embar- rassments, the Brethren, on their firm establishment in Pennsylvania, instituted a social system, which might not incorrectly be called a communism of labor. The lands were the property of the Church, and the farms and vari- ous departments of mechanical industry stocked by it and worked for its benefit. Pecuniary compensation was un- known. On admission into this society, the candidate pledged himself to devote his time and powers in whatever direction they could be most advantageously applied for the spread of the Gospel ; while the Church pledged her- self in turn to provide him and those dependent on him with the necessaries of life. These conditions exhausted NAZARETH HALL. 25 the contract. Whoever had means retained them ; for there was no common treasury, as was the case among the primitive Christians. For upward of twenty years Bethlehem was the center of this " Economy," and the seat of the Board which controlled all its operations in North America, except on the missions in Greenland and Labrador. It was this surrender of the means of individual sup- port on the part of all its members which necessitated the Church to provide for the education of their children. As the life of the little commonwealth depended upon the har- monious co-operation of both clergy and laymen, the sons and daughters of both were alike cared for. Hence there was gradually developed a perfect system of educational institutions, graduated for children of all ages, both male and female. Provision was made even for infants ; and the Whitefield House was the seat of a nursery in the in- terval between 1750 and 1764. No other testimony in support of the sincerity of a patriotism which made a sacrifice of feeling, such as this unnatural separation of parent and offspring involved, need be adduced. The first Moravian school in Pennsylvania was opened in Germantown in 1742, in which the young Countess Benigna von Zinzendorf gave instruction during her father's sojourn in the country. Others well known were at Bethlehem and Nazareth, in Frederic (Montgomery county), in Oley, Tulpehocken and Heidelberg (Berks), in Warwick (Lancaster), in Maguntsche and Allemien- gel (Lehigh), and in York on the Codorus. Thus, it will be seen, ample provision was made for the children of the far-extended " Economy," and the Moravians uncon- sciously entered upon a new career of usefulness, which is now identified with their life and activity as a Church. On the 6th of June, 1759, Nazareth Hall was opened as 3 26 NAZARETH HALL. a boarding-school for sons of Moravian parents, with ninety-two pupils, by a transfer thither of the Boys' In- stitute which had been in existence for upward of fifteen years in Bethlehem. Mr. J. C. Ekesparre and next Mr. T. Michael Graft', with nineteen assistants, managed its details. The abrogation of the Economy, initiatory steps to which were taken in the following year, rendering the ex- istence of such an institution no longer a necessity, it now assumed the character of a more select school, and oppor- tunities were even aftbrded for the training of assistants in the work of tlie ministry, who up to this time had been sup- plied by the European Chvu'ch. Liberally educated tutors from abroad were accordingly provided, and in 1763 the Rev. F. C. Lembke, an able schoolman, appointed in- spector or principal. In December of 1764 there were one hundred and six pupils, (in charge of sixteen teachers,) under his care, and one hundred and thirty-four persons resided in the building. From this time the number of pupils gradually diminished, owing in part to tlie estab- lishment of day-schools in the different Moravian villages, and in part to the inability of the Church to meet the heavy expense of educating so many children and youth almost gratuitously. The pecuniary embarrassment fur- thermore in which she was involved, in consequence of her numerous and costly mission enterprises, rendered a system of rigid retrenchment in America, as well as in Great Britain and on the Continent, imperatively neces- sary. In 1769 the number of pupils in the Hall had diminished to sixty-seven, in 1770 to forty-five, and in 1779, on the transfer of the remaining eleven to Bethle- hem, the first boarding-school at Nazareth Hall was closed. During the next six years, the upper floors of the build- ing were occupied as dwellings by Brethren employed in the service of the Church, or let to families. NAZARETH HALL. 27 On the opening of hostilities between Great Britain and France in their North American Colonies, the Mora- vians in Pennsylvania were gradually drawn out of the se- clusion in which they had lived for upward of twenty years. Preferring at all times to prosecute their Christian labors unostentatiously in the spirit of their heavenly Master, it proved a sore ti"ial when, on the outbreak of the Indian war, they suddenly found themselves objects of public interest. This was owing to the situation of their estab- lishments on the confines of what was then the Indian country and to their reliable knowledge of, and experi- ence in, Indian life and character, both of which circum- stances they rendered subservient to the welfare of the province in those times of alarm and danger. The paci- fying influence exerted by the Moravians over the exaspe- rated Indians, the services rendered to the Crown both by themselves and their converts as scouts and on embassies, as well as the respect with which their well-ordered set- tlements-had inspired even distant tribes of Indians, were recognized by the proprietaries' agents in letters to their employers abroad as bearing most favorably on the integ- rity of their interests. Bethlehem and Nazareth, and its dependencies, were repeatedly convei'ted into asylums for refugees from the " back countiy ;" and through them lay the thoroughfare to the seat of war. Moravian institutions and Moravian manners and customs thus became generally known, and the public learned to appreciate what it had befoi'e mis- apprehended. The same thing occurred during the Re- volutionary war ; and so favorably w^ere visitors impressed with th.e systematic details of Moravian education that they urged the Brethren to open their schools for the admission of the youth of the colonies generally. This suggestion was favorably entertained, and laid 28 NAZARETH HALL. before the General Synod of the Church convened at Herrnhut, Saxony, in 17S3, which body entrusted its development to Rt. Rev, John de Watteville, on his offi- cial visitation to the Moravian churches in North America, in the interval betw^een 1784 and 17S7. The result was the establishment of a boarding-school for bo3's in Naza- reth Hall, in the autumn of 1785. The following pros- pectus was its announcement to the public : " Regtilatlons adopted yor the Pivdagogiuni or Board- zng-school, about to be established by the United Brethren at Nazareth^ in the County of Northamp- ton^ in Pennsylvania. " I. The principal intention of this Institution is to educate youth for the service of the Brethren's congregations. But since various persons of other denominations have repeatedly signified a wish to have their children educated by the Brethren, it has been resolved to admit also children of such parents, who, though not members of the Brethren's congregations, approve of their manner of instructing and educating youth, and are desirous to have them brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, preserved from seduction and the prevailing vices of the age, and at the same time to become useful members of society. "2. The general direction of this Institution is lodged in the liands of the Elders and Teachers, who have the superintendence of all the congregations of the Brethren in Pennsylvania. "3. But the special care and management of this school is committed to the minister of the congregation at Nazareth, the Rev. Charles Gott- hold Reichel, as Inspector of said school. To him all those parents or guardians who desire to place their children or wards in the said school will make application in writing, giving notice at the same time of the age and capacity of the boy, what proficiency in learning he has already made, and (if he is above the age of ten years) what their intention with him may be relative to his future life ; also how many years they propose to leave him at this school. vSuch application will be con- sidered by the Directors of the Institution, and as soon as possible an answer will be given whether the request can be complied with or not. NAZARETH HALL. 29 " 4. No boy under the age of seven years, and above the age of twelve years, can be admitted, some particular cases excepted. " 5. The usual time for admittance is in the beginning of the months of April and October. " 6. Boys who have already been seduced into sinful practices and irregularities cannot be admitted, and it is requested, where this is known, that no application may be made in their behalf. In like man- ner it is unavoidably necessary to reserve the liberty to return to their parents or guardians such scholars as shall be so unhappy as to come into and persevere in evil courses, and seduce others into sinful things. But in such cases previous notice will be given. " 7. Instruction will be given in this school in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic ; the English, German, Latin, French and Greek languages ; History, Geography, Mathematics, Music and Drawing. " 8. If it is desired that any scholar, besides the public lessons, shall have private instruction in any particular language or science, a sepa- rate consideration will be paid for the same, which, in every such case, will be settled beforehand with the parents or guardians. "9. A particular attention will be paid that the scholars are con- stantly under inspection, not only in school hours, but also at all other times. *' 10. A like regard will also be paid as well to their morals as to their health, by proper exercises, cleanliness and gentleness of deport- ment, etc. " 1 1. It is earnestly wished that the visits of the scholars to their parents, relations and friends, especially if they live at a considerable distance, may occur as seldom as possible, because they frequently dis- sipate the mind of youth and cause more damage than pleasure. " 12. Every scholar from six to twelve years of age pays for tuition, board, lodging, wood, etc., $66.66 per annum, and every scholar above twelve years $80. The payment to be made quarterly, the first quarter to be paid at the admittance of a boy, and so every quarter following. " 13. Besides the above, every scholar who comes to this school pays at his entrance one guinea, for the use of the library, procuring musical instruments, etc. If parents of property should find themselves in- clined to add to this entrance money, it will be thankfully acknowledged. " 14. The diet of the boys is plain and wholesome. For breakfast, bread and butter and milk, now and then tea or coffee ; at dinner, boiled or roasted meat, with suitable vegetables ; for supper, bread and butter, milk, salad, etc. 3® 30 NAZARETH HALL. " 15. Clothing, linen, bedding, books, medicine, etc., will be provided by the parents or guardians, or, if desired, by the Inspector of the school. An account of these extraordinary expenses will be sent in every quarter of a year, and it is expected that the payment will be made punctually and without delay. " 16. All parents and guardians are requested to provide decent but plain clothes for the scholars, and to avoid all excessand vanity therein." Nazareth Hall entered the ranks of American board- ing-schools, under Moravian control, on the 3d of October, 17S5. During a period of more than three-fourths of a century it has sustained its reputation for salutary dis- cipline and well-grounded instruction ; enjoj-ing a fair proportion of the public confidence, as may be inferred from an inspection of its catalogue of pupils entered from the States, the Canadas, the West Indies and from abroad. Its concerns are managed by a Principal selected from the clergymen of the Church by a Board of Trustees, and its revenues are applied to Church purposes, to the main- tenance of disabled clergymen or their widows, and to the education of their children. Thirteen principals have thus far presided over the Institution. The present in- cumbent is the fourteenth. • Many of its former pupils doubtless at times, even amid the engrossing cares of business and the duties of life, re- vert to the years spent in the venerable Hall ; or uncalled shadow-pictures of school-boy days move their memories to recall what to them is in the distant past. To aid all such in the interpretation of this hand-writing on the wall, the following sketch of the history of the school during its successive administration is here appended : Plan of tl lai/J out (fTi a parrel of ()00 jiCl Surveyed an NAZARETH HALL. 3 1 THE FOURTEEN PRINCIPALS OF NAZARETH HALL. I. — Rev. Charles G. Reichel, i 785-1802. Rev. C. G. Reichel, who had been appointed to superin- tend the projected boarding-school at Nazareth Hall, was graduated at the Moravian Theological Seminary in Barby, Saxony. He came to America in the autumn of 1784, and entered upon his duties as Inspector or Princi- pal on the 3d of October, 17S5. On this day eleven pupils from Bethlehem were admitted and given in charge of Mr. George G. Mueller* and Mr. Ludwig Huebner for tuition. The room in the north-west corner of the third floor was assigned them for a dwelling and for recitations, and the attic was their dormitory. Three families con- tinued to reside in the Hall for some years, until an in- crease in the number of pupils necessitated their removal, and the entire building was appropriated to school pur- poses. The first boarder not of Moravian parentage was Joseph Shaw, of Philadelphia ; one of the next was John Konkaput, a Housatonic Indian from Stockbridge, Mass., who was placed at the Institution by Government. Ac- cessions from those of the West Indies, on which Mora- vian missions were located, now became frequent ; and ever afterward sons of English and Danish planters from those islands were among the number of the inmates of the Hall. In 1791 there were three divisions or room- companies of pupils. In 1798 the number of boarders was forty-five. During Mr. Reichel's administration, of seventeen years, one hundred and sixty-three pupils were entered. * Mr. Mueller, who accompanied Mr. Reichel to this country, was an able scholar, and father of Rev. G. Benjamin Miller, Professor of The- ology in Hartwick Lutheran Seminary, N. Y. He died March 19, 1S21, at Litiz, Pa. 32 NAZARETH HALL. The following was the day's order of recitations at this period : From 7i to Z\ A. M.— German and English Reading ; Grammar and History. From 8J to 9 A. M.— Children's meeting, a short devotional exercise, in English and German. From 9 to 10 A.M. — Latin, Corn. Nepos and Gedike's Reader, Geog- raphy (Reichel's or Morse's United States), Natural History, with Seman's Text-Books. From 10 to II A.M.— Arithmetic, Geometry, Book-keeping and Ma- thematical Geography. From 2 to 3 P. M. — Writing and Drawing. From 3 to 4 P. M. — French. Strict attention was paid to the practical acquisition of both English and German, pupils being required to use one or other of the languages exclusively in their daily intercourse, as specified by their tutors. The first examination of classes open to the public was held in October of 17S9. On the 38th of August, 17S6, a small park of fifty-five and a half perches was laid out to the left of the building, which has been gradually enlarged, planted with a variety of forest trees, shrubbery and wild flowers, and lias been the favorite " shades of the Academy" for successive gene- rations of its disciples. The project of making the Hall exclusively a boardlng- school, and of erecting a building for the use of the day scholars who frequented it, was entertained by the Prin- cipal, but not carried out. In May of 1802 Mr. Reichel, after having been conse- crated a Bishop, was called to Saletn, N. C. (in which State the Moravians erected their first settlement in 1753), to the pastorate of that church, and chosen President of the Executive Board in the Southern Province. In April of 181 1 he removed to Bethlehem, attended the General NAZARETH HALL. 33 Synod of the Church at Herrnhut in iSiS, and thus closed his career in office. The remaining years of his life were spent in retirement in Nisky, in Lower Silesia, where he died April i8, 1825. II. — Rev. Jacob Van Vleck, i 802-1 809. Mr. Van Vleck was a descendant of an old Dutch family in New York — one of a small circle of friends and admirers in that city which the first Moravians in this country drew around them. His father, Mr. Henry Van Vleck, a well-to-do merchant and partner in business of Mr. Thomas Noble, joined their Society in 1748, and placed his children in Moravian schools. Jacob was educated at Nazareth Hall with a view to the ministiy, while Mr. Lembke was its Principal, and after completing a collegiate course went abroad to study theology in the Barby Seminary. He returned to America, after a seven- year's absence, in 1779, and soon after entered the minis- try. Between 1790 and 1800 he conducted the Seminary for Young Ladies, at Bethlehem, opened there in October of 1785, by Rev. J. Andrew Huebner, and in 1802 was appointed Mr. Reichel's successor. During his administration, one hundred and nine pupils were admitted, eighteen of whom only were Moravians. In consequence of this numerical preponderance, the English language entered more largely into the course of instruction pursued, and the scholastic arrangements were modified so as to accord more nearly with those in vogue at American schools of the day. The heavy expense incurred in procuring classically- educated tutors from Germany now suggested the idea of founding a Theological Seminary, in connection with the Hall, in which young men of the Church could be trained as instructors while pursuing their studies for the c 34 NAZARETH HALL. ministry. This was carried into effect in 1S07 ; and ever since the majority of teachers in the boarding-school at Nazareth have been candidates for the ministry and grad- uates of the Seminary. The three young men, Peter Wolle, Samuel Reinke and Wm. H. Van Vleck, thus educated, entered the Hall as tutors in 1809. The first two are at present living in retirement at Bethlehem, ve- nerable bishops of the Church ; the third, also a bishop, entered into the joy of his Lord in January of 1853. In July of 1809 Mr. Van Vleck resigned his office, entering upon the pastorate of the Nazareth congregation. In iSii he removed to Litiz, and in 1812 to Salem, N. C. He was consecrated bishop, at Bethlehem, in 1815 ; soon after retired from active service, and died July 3, 1831. III. — Rev. Charles F. Seidel, 1809-1817. Mr. Seidel, a graduate of the Moravian Theological Seminary at Nisky, Lower Silesia, came to Pennsylvania in 1806, and was at first engaged in the service of the Church in Salem, N. C. Here he married the daughter of Rev. C. G. Reichel, and in 1809 took charge of Naza- reth Hall, whose concerns he conducted for eight years. A memorable day in his administration was the 3d of October, 18 10, it being the twenty-fifth anniversary of the existence of the boarding-school, into which up to that time two hundred and ninety-five pupils had been admitted, and forty-four teachers employed. The occa- sion was observed with impressive festivities. The pupils ate for the first time in a common refectory in the basement, (meals having till then been sensed in the apartments of the several divisions) : the Chapel was decorated (a pyra- mid, hung with twenty-five lamps, emblematic of the age of the institution, being a prominent feature) ; and a mu- sical soiree enlivened the closing hours of the day. NAZARETH HALL. 35 On commencement or "public examination," in 1815, the Chapel (which since that time has witnessed the an- nual return of its festive paraphernalia) was trimmed with hemlock and spruce, and an obelisk in the centre of the hall, adorned with flowers and evergreens, set forth in ornamental characters the branches of education pur- sued. Among the audience on this occasion were the two former Principals of the Institution. In 181 7 Mr. Seidel was called to the pastorate of the Bethlehem congregation. As Principal of the Seminary for Young Ladies, at that place, he spent thirteen years of his active life. Until his seventy-eighth year he con- tinued in the service of the Church, chiefly at Bethlehem, and latterly as a member of the Executive Board of the Province North. In 1855 ^^ retired from official life, and died at Bethlehem April 26, 1861. IV. — Rev. John C. Beckler, 1817-1822. Mr. Beckler was of European birth and a graduate of the Moravian Theological Seminary at Nisky. He came to Pennsylvania in 1806, and from that year to 181 2 was tutor at the Hall, and assistant Professor in the Theolog- ical Seminary. His first appointments in the ministry, for which he had studied, were in Philadelphia and on Staten Island. In the fall of 181 7 he entered upon his duties as Principal of Nazareth Hall. During his administration, the present Principal's residence was bviilt, his predecessors and their families having occupied apartments in the Hall. In 1820 the Theological Seminary was revived, with a class of three students of divinity. In November of 1822 Mr. Beckler closed his connec- tion with the school, having been called to the service of the Church at Litiz. From 1829 to 1836 he labored in 36 NAZARETH HALL. the ministry at Salem, N. C, having been consecrated a bishop in that interval. After the General Synod of the Church at Herrnhut in 1836, which he attended, a distant appointment to Sa- repta, on the banks of the Wolga, in the Government of Astracan, vv^as allotted him. For ten years he w^as pastor of the Moravian settlement there, established in 1765 as the seat of a mission among the Calmuc Tartars. After a brief term of service at Zeyst, near Utrecht, Mr. Beckler w^ent to Herrnhut into retirement, and de- ceased April 1 8, 1857. V. — Rev. Wm. H. Van Vleck, i 822-1 839. Mr. Van Vleck was a son of the second Principal of Nazareth Hall, in which Institution he had been educated and been tutor, previous to his entrance into the ministry in 181 7. From the pastorate of the Moravian Church in Philadelphia, his first charge, he was called to his Alma Mater in December of 1822. Here he found his aged father superintending the aflairs of the school for a short interim period, and only twenty-five pupils. There was, however, a rapid increase in the number, owing largely to his judicious management and personal address, and it eventually rose to sixty-one. Want of suitable accom- modations in the Hall compelled the Principal to vacate apartments in his residence for the use of students of the Theological Seminary. In 1826 a love-feastyc>r the last ti??ie closed the exercises of the public examination. In 1829 Mr. Van Vleck was appointed to New York city, and was pastor of the Fulton street Moravian Church until 1836. After his consecration to the episcopacy in that year he removed to Salem, N. C, where he presided over the deliberations of the Executive Board of the NAZARETH HALL. 37 Southern Province, and also labored in the ministry. In 1S49 he was called to Bethlehem, and was senior pastor of the congregation until the day of his decease, January 291 1853. VI. — Rev. John G. Herman, 1S39-1837. The sixth Principal of Nazareth Hall was a native of Germany and graduate of the Moravian Theological Seminary at Nisky ; came to this country in 1817, and after twelve years' sei^vice, in the ministry, both at Newport, in Philadelphia, and at Lancaster, entered upon his ad- ministration of that Institution. In 1S33 he had seventy- three pupils, divided into five room-companies and in charge of nine teachers, under his care. Eight students of theology with their Professor occupied a small build- ing near by (now known as " The Cottage"), which had been purchased by the school in 1S30. The fiftieth anniversary of the Hall, on the 3d of Octo- ber, 1835, was impressively observed. In the afternoon the pupils, together with the inhabitants of the village, partook of a common love-feast in the Chapel ; and after divine service the evening hours of that lovely October day were spent in the park, which was brilliantly illumi- nated with hundreds of colored lanterns suspended from the ti'ees. At the upper end of the first walk stood an obelisk with the words of Scripture, " Hitherto the Lord hath helped us" and "Jesus Christ, the same to-day, yes- terday and for ever," in transparency. On the following day. Rev. Wm. H. Van VIeck delivered a feeling dis- course on the words of the Psalmist, " I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times," in the course of which he referred to his past connection with the school as pupil, tutor and principal. 159 do. 53 do. 82 do. 49 do. i8 do. 14 do. 12 do. 109 do. 38 NAZARETH HALL. The number of pupils entered since 17S5 amounted to eight hundred and seventeen., of whom 204 were from Philadelphia. 117 do. the State of Pennsylvania. the City and State of New York. Baltimore. the West India Islands. Bethlehem. Nazareth. Litiz. Salem, N. C. other States of the Union, from Canada, the West Indies and from abroad. In 1836, in a frame addition erected at the east end of the Hall, a commodious refectory was opened for the use of the household. In January of 1S37 •^^' Herman removed to Bethle- hem, and was pastor of the congregation there till 1S44. In this year he went to Europe, having been elected a member of the Unity's Executive Board, which has its seat near Herrnhut in Saxony. After his consecration to the episcopacy in 1846, he held an official visitation to several of the Missions in the West Indies, presided at the General Synod of 1848, and in the following year re- turned to America. The field of his labors was now in the Southern Province, having been appointed President of its Executive Board, located at Salem. In 1854 he undertook a visit to the mission among the Cherokees in the Indian Territory', on his return from which, while in Green co., Missouri, he was taken with malignant fever, and died on the 20th of July, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. Mrs. Herman, the well-remembered mother of the large household, deceased Jan. 30th last, at Salem, N. C. NAZARETH HALL. 39 VII. — Rev. Charles A. Van Vleck, i S3 7-1 839, son of the second, and brother of the fifth Principal, re- ceived his classical and theological education at Nazareth Hall, and labored in the ministry successively at Bethania (near Salem), N. C, Newport, R. I., Lancaster and York, Penna. In 1S38 the Theological Seminary w^as translocated to Bethlehem, and Mr. Van Vleck appointed one of its pro- fessors in the following year. In 1844 he accepted an invitation to take charge of a Female College in Greenville, Tenn., at which place he died December 21, 1845. His remains were taken to Salem, N. C, for interment. VIII. — Rev. Charles F. Kluge, i 839-1 844, the eighth Principal of Nazareth Hall, Is a graduate of the American Theological Seminary of his church. Having been engaged as tutor from 1821 to 1828, he was appointed Principal of the Seminary for Young Ladies at Litiz, and was subsequently pastor of the New York church, and warden of the Nazareth congregation. During his administration several important changes bearing on the prosperity of the Hall, and conducive to the comfort of its pupils, were happily consummated. Board had up to this time been furnished from the Sisters' House near by, an arrangement which was attended with serious inconvenience, and not satisfactory. On the abrogation of that " Economy," a building adapted for kitchen purposes was built in the rear of the Hall in 1839, ^"^ board provided for the pupils under the direc- tion of the wife of the Principal. About this time the Nazareth congregation engaged in the erection of a church, as the chapel in the Hall, which, as was stated, 40 NAZARETH HALL. had been their place of worship since November of 17565 was no longer desirable as such. This induced its Board of Trustees to purchase Nazareth Hall building, and to subject it to thorough renovation, a work which was com- pleted in 1S41. Besides a more cheerful disposition of the interior arrangements, part of the Chapel was con- verted into a refectory, leaving a hall sufficiently large for the purposes of worship for the inmates of the Institution, and for their annual commencements. The former re- fectory at the east end was converted into an infirmary. Eighty-eight pupils were entered by Mr. Kluge during his administration ; twenty-two of which were sons of Moravian clergymen, a larger number of that class than had been admitted by any of his predecessors. In 1S44, pursuant to an appointment as Unity's financial agent in the Southern Province, Mr. Kluge removed to Salem, N. C. In 1S53 he was elected a member of the warden's department of the Unity's Executive Board at Herrnhut, Saxony, and sailed for Europe in 1S54. Since his return from abroad in 1857, -'^-^^'* Kluge has resided in retirement, and at present lives in the borough of Naza- reth. IX. — Rev. Joiix C. Jacobson, 1S44-1849. Mr. Jacobson was educated for the ministry in the Mo- ravian Theological Seminary at Nisky ; came to America in 1816, and for ten years was tutor in Nazareth Hall. His first pastoral charge was the church at Bethania, near Salem, N. C. Here he was stationed from 1S26 to 1833. In the following year he was appointed principal of the Salem Female Academy, and in June of 1S44 en- tered upon his duties as Inspector of Nazareth Hall. One hundred and thirty-two pupils were entered during his administration of five years. The highest number, which was seventy .^ was i^eached in 1847. NAZARETH HALL, 41 In 1S48, Air. Jacobson attended the General Synod of the Church convened at Herrnhut. Rev. Robert de Schweinitz superintended the school during his absence abroad, from April to October of the year. Having been elected a member of the Executive Board of the Province North, newly organized in 1S49, he re- moved to Bethlehem, the seat of that body. He was its presiding officer for eighteen years, and since his retire- ment from public life in 1S67, resides at Bethlehem. X. — Rev. Levin T. Reichel, i 849-1 853. Mr. Reichel, a son of the first Principal, was born at Bethlehem and educated in Germany. He entered the Hall as tutor in 1834, ^"^ ^^ ^^37 was appointed pastor of the congregation at Schceneck, and subsequently of those at Emmaus and Nazareth. During his administration, the school for day-scholars, hitherto conducted in the Hall, was transferred to a newly- erected school-house ; the students of the Theological Seminary at Bethlehem furnished with apartments in the Hall ; its interior arrangements altered, and the course of study materially modified ; and the charges for board and tuition advanced. The number of pupils, however, de- creased, and at one time there were but twenty-three boarders. In 1853, Mr. Reichel was called to the pastorate of the church in Litiz, Pa. ; and in 1854 *° Salem, N. C, where he was the presiding officer of the Executive Board of the Southern Province until his election to a seat in the Missions' Department of the Unity's Board in Berthels- doi-f, near Herrnhut. After having attended the General Synod of 1857, Mr. Reichel, in the autumn of that year, left for Europe to enter upon the duties of his new ap- pointment, in which he is still active. 4 * 42 NAZARETH HALL. XL — Rev. Edward Rondthaler, 1853-1854, was born at Nazareth and educated for the ministry in the Theological Seminary located there. Having taught in the Hall for six years, he, in 1841, was called to his first pastoral charge, the congregation of Schoeneck, near by. Subsequently, he was stationed at Graceham, Fred- eric CO., Md., and next in Philadelphia. In July of 1853 he entered upon his duties as Principal of Nazareth Hall, and had already given evidence of his administrative abilities in the growing accession to the number of pupils, when the death of his wife, in January of 1854, and his own failing health, led him to resign his office in July fol- lowing. On the loth of June of this year the first reunion of former pupils of Nazareth Hall transpired. Mr. Rondthaler was now appointed Professor in the Theological Seminary, in which he served acceptably until his decease, which occurred on the 5th of March, 1865. His remains were taken to Bethlehem for interment. XII. — Rev. Edward H. Reichel, i 854-1 866. Mr. Reichel, a grandson of the first Principal of Naza- reth Hall, was graduated at the Theological Seminary while at Bethlehem, and after serving as tutor in the first- named Institution, was in 1849 appointed pastor of the Moravian Church in Camden Valley, Washington co., N. Y. In 1854 he was recalled to Nazareth Hall, as its Principal. The number of pupils continuing to increase, the students of the Theological Seminary vacated their apart- ments (removing to the Ephrata House in 1S56) ; the " Cottage" near by, as well as a second on Cemetery Hill, was fitted up for the reception of " room-companies ;" and in the autumn of 1S65 a three-story brick building was NAZARETH HALL. 43 attached to the east end of the Hall. Thus permanent accommodations for one hundred and twenty-five pupils were secured. The chapel was also restored to its orig- inal dimensions, the refectory being transferred into the addition. In the winter of 1 864-1 S65 the number of pupils was at one time one hundred aitd txventy-eight. The entire number entered during this administration of twelve years was not far from seven hundred. In 1862, Mr. Reichel organized his pupils into a uni- formed cadet company, and introduced military drill as part of the routine of physical culture. Valuable addi- tions to the librar}' and the philosophical apparatus of the Institution were also made ; and the former, which now numbered some four thousand volumes, advantageously arranged in the enlarged chapel. Reunions were held annually as late as 1S59. On the occasion of the one of June 11, 1858, a mural tablet, bearing the names of the twelve Principals of Nazareth Hall (a tribute from their pupils), was inserted in the east wall of the Chapel. The reunion of 1866 was one of more than ordinary interest, calling forth the rehearsal of services rendered to their country in the time of her danger, by patriotic Alumni of the Hall. In July of 1866, Mr. Reichel, in view of failing health, was induced to resign his charge, and now lives in retire- ment at Nazareth. XIII. — Rev. Robert de Schweinitz, 1866-1867, a graduate of the Theological Seminary while located at Bethlehem, and tutor in Nazareth Hall between 1839 and 1845. Mr. de Schweinitz received his first appointment in the ministry in 1848, being stationed at Graceham, Frederic co., Md. His next charge was the Moravian 44 NAZARETH HALL. Church in Lancaster. In January of 1S53 he was called to Salem, N. C, and there conducted the well-known Female Academy until the summer of i866. In July of that year he became Principal of Nazareth Hall. Having been elected member of the Executive Board of the Moravian Province North, in May of 1867, he re- moved to Bethlehem in July following, and is now the presiding officer of that Board. XIV. — Rev. Eugene Leibert, 1S67, the present Principal of Nazareth Hall, is a graduate of the Theological Seminary while located at Nazareth. In 1S5S he entered the ministry, having been. called to the pastorate of the Moravian Church at Sharon, Tuscarawas CO., Ohio. In 1862 he was stationed on Staten Island, and in July, 1867, recalled to Nazareth Hall. The number of pupils in the Institution under his care, at the close of last year (December 31, 1S68), was one hundred^! in charge of nine tutors. An account of the proceedings of the Reunion and Memorial Day, June ir, 1868, is found in full elsewhere in this history. It is deserving of special notice, in conclusion, that of the two thousand and fifty pupils, entered during the last eighty-three years, only thirteen died while inmates of the Hall. Their names are as follows : Christian L. Schnepf, of St. Thomas, W. I., died Au- gust 4, 1789. John G. Meyer, of St. Croix, W. I., died March 10, 1798. George T. Graeff, of Lancaster, Pa., died May 11, 1808. Thomas Singer, of Lancaster, Pa., died March 10, 1809. NAZARETH HALL. 45 Benjamin R. Reinke, of Hope, N. J., died January 9, 1810. John Hooper, Jr., of Philadelphia, died April 4, 1837. Jacob Bininger, Jr.,of New York, died April 11, 1837. Thaddeus McAlpin, of Mobile, Ala., January 17, 1841. Martin Klose, of Barbadoes, W. I., died July 21, 1842. William C. Kluge, of Bethlehem, died June 27, 1845. Samuel F. Reinke, of Bethlehem, died August 16, 1846. William Cummins, of New York, died March 23, 1852. Charles F. Vogler, of Fairfield, C. W., March 19, 1865. The mortal remains of most of these, whose sad lot it was to die away from home and friends, were deposited in the beautiful cemetery on the hill — within the gate, whose superscription tells of hope and a better life to come — there to await the resurrection from the dead. 46 NAZARETH HALL. IN MEMORIAM. " ich lebe, und ihr sollt auch leben." "The body rests in hope." CHRISTIAN LUDWIG SCHNEPF. bom March 17, 1785, on the Island of St. John, departed August 4, 1789. JOHN GODFREY MEYER, born December 22, 1786, on St. Croix, departed March 10, 1798. In memory of GEORGE THOMAS GRAEFF, son of George and Eve Graeff, born May 14, 1794, at Lancaster, Pa., a pupil in the Boarding-school, departed May 11, 1808, aged 14 years. THOMAS TRESSE SINGER, son of Abraham and Ann Singer, of the City of Philadelphia, who, after a residence of 2 years and 9 mos. at the Nazareth Seminary, died of a short illness of twelve hours, on March 10, 1809, aged 12 years, 5 mos. and 8 days. Fathers alone, a father's heart can know, To the Almighty's will 'tis ours to bow. BENJAMIN RUDOLPH REINKE, born March 20, 1800, at Hope, in Jersey', departed January 9, 18 10. NAZARETH HALL. 47 JACOB BININGER, of Nev York, son of Jacob and Harriet Bininger, born N. York, Feb. 2, 1822, died, Nazaretli, April 11, 1837, aged 15 years, 2 mos. and 9 days. The spirit is gone In peace to God's throne To praise God our Saviour, where we shall be soon. He rests now in peace, Beholds the Lord's face, Hath happily finished thus early his race. In memory of THADDEUS McALPIN, a pupil of Nazareth school, bom Nov. 17, 1824, at Tuscaloosa, Ala., departed January 17, 1841, aged 16 years and 2 mos. MARTIN KLOSE, born June 29, 1833, at Sharon, Barbadoes, departed July 21, 1842. WILLIAM C. KLUGE, born Oct. 16, 1835, in Bethlehem, departed June 27, 1845. SAMUEL F. REINKE, born Oct. 14, 1836, at Lancaster, Pa., departed Aug. 16, 1846, aged 9 years, 10 mos. and 2 days. ' His soul pleased the Lord ; therefore hasted he to take hira away. ' ' — Wisdom iv. 1 4. CHARLES FREDERIC, son of the late Rev. Jesse Vogler, of New Fairfield, Canada West, born Sept. 14, 1852, died March 19, 1865, while a pupil in Nazareth Hall. " Those that seek me early shall find me." — Prov. viii., 17 CATALOGUES PRINCIPALS OF NAZARETH HALL, From 17S5 to 1869. The names marked * are of persons deceased. 1. Rev. Charles G. Reicliel* (1785 to 1802), deceased at Nisky, Lower Silesia, April 18, 1825. 2. Rev. Jacob TailYleck* (1802 to 1809), deceased at Bethlehem, Pa., July 3, 1831. 3. Rev. Charles F. Seidel* (1809 to 1817), deceased at Bethlehem, April 26, 1861. 4. Rev. John C. Beckler* (1817 to 1822), deceased at Herrnhut, Saxony, April 18, 1857. 5. Rev. William H. Tan Vleck* (1822 to 1829), de- ceased at Bethlehem, Pa., January 19, 1853. 6. Rev. John G. Herman* (1829 to 1837), deceased in the State of Missouri, July 20, 1854. 7. Rev. Charles A. Tan Tleck* (1837 ^ 1S39), de- ceased at Greenville, Tenn., December 21, 1845. 8. Rev. Charles F. Kluge (1839 ^^ 1^44), resides at Nazareth, Pa. 9. Rev. John C. Jacobson (1844 to 1849), resides at Bethlehem, Pa. 10. Rev. Levin T. Reichel (1849 t° ^^53), member of the Unity's Board, Berthelsdorf, Saxony. 11. Rev. Edward Rondthaler* (1853 to 1854), de- ceased at Nazareth, March 5, 1855. 12. Rev. Edward H. Reichel (1854 to 1866), resides at Nazareth. 13. Rev. Robert de Schweinitz (1866 to 1867), Pres- ident of Provincial Board of the Northern Province, Beth- lehem, Pa. 14. Rev. Eugene Leibert, 1S67. 51 CATALOGUE OF TEACHERS Employed in Nazareth Hall Between 1785 and 1S69. The names marked thus * are of persons deceased. George G. Miller* (17S5 to 17SS), pastor of Moravian Church in Philadelphia (1S14 to iSi 7), deceased at Litiz, Pa., March 19, 1821. Ludwig Hueblier* (1785 to 17S6), deceased December 6, 1813, at Bethlehem, Pa. Matthew Eggert* (17S6 to 1791), deceased September 22, 1 83 1, at Bethlehem, Pa. Nathaniel Michler* (1786 to 1790), deceased at Easton, Pa. Samuel Kramsch* (17S6 to 1788), first Principal of Salem Female Academy, founded in 1804, deceased Feb- ruary 2, 1834. John F. Frueauif* (1788 to 1 791), Principal Bethle- hem Boarding-school (18 19 to 1821), deceased November 14, 1839, "^^'' Bethlehem, Pa. Abraham Levering* (1789 to 1790), deceased March 16, 1835, at Bethlehem, Pa. John L.Strohle* (1790 to 1793), deceased 1827, while pastor of Moravian congregation at Bethabara, N. C. 52 NAZARETH HALL. 53 Samuel F. Bader,* 1790 to 1791. David Peter,* 1790 to 1793. Thomas Schuall,* 1791 to 1795. Joseph Schweishaiipt* (1791 to 1796), deceased Sep- tember 30, 1S43, at Nazareth, Pa. Benjamin Mortimer* (1791 to 179S), deceased while pastor of Fulton Street Moravian Church, in New York, 1832. Jfathauiel Brown* (1792 to 1797), deceased July 11, 1S13, while pastor of Moravian Church on Staten Island, N.Y. William Lembke* (1792), deceased at Graceham, Frederic co., Md. Thomas Horsfield* (1791 to 1794), librarian of East India House, London, deceased July 24, 1S59. John B. Anders,* 1793. J. Sebastian Oppelt* (1793 to 1799), deceased Au- gust 9, 1S32, at Nazareth, Fa. Henry Christian Mueller,* 1794 to 1795. F. Balthazar Vogliitz* (1795), deceased December 13, 1837, ^t Bethlehem, Pa. Andrew Benade* (1795 to iSoo), Principal Bethlehem Female Seminary (1800 to 1S13), deceased October 31, 1859, at Bethlehem, Pa. (Bishop). David Moritz Michael* (1795 to 1804), returned to Europe. Christian Francis Denke* (1796 to iSoo), deceased January 12, 1838, at Salem, N. C. Paul Weiss* (1797 to 1803), deceased October 31, 1840, at Bethlehem, Pa. Abraham Luckenbach* (1798 to 1800), missionary among the Delawares, deceased March 8, 1854, at Beth- lehem, Pa. Jacob Rauschenberger,* 1799 to 1S08. 54 NAZARETH HALL. George Fetter* (iSoo to iSoS). John Jacob Scliinidt* (1800 to 1805) , deceased August, 1821, on St. Thomas, W. I. Joseph Zaesleiu* (1800 to 1S03), pastor of Moravian Church in Philadelphia (1803 to 1S13), united with the Lutherans. Ernst Ludwig Hazelius* (1800 to 1809), Lutheran clergyman, deceased Febi^uary 20, 1853, at Lexington, S.C. John Jacoh Kummer* (1S03 to 1808), deceased May 5, 1857, at Bethlehem, Pa. John Henry Ton Hof* (1804 to 1806), Lutheran clergyman, deceased 1861, near Mechanicsburg, Pa. Frederic FelgentrefF,* 1S05 to 1S06. Abraham Van Vleck (1805 to 1806), resides at Litiz, Penna. John Nicholas Hem ping* (1806 to 1810), Lutheran clergyman, deceased March, 1855, in Halifax township, Dauphin co.. Pa. John C. Beckler* (1806 to 181 2), deceased April iS, 1857, at Hernnhut, Saxony (Bishop). Abraham Reinke,* 1806 to 1807. George Adolphus Hartman* (1S07 to 181 7), deceased May 7, 1839, at Bethlehem, Pa. G. Renatus Schmidt* (1807 to 1815), missionary among Cherokees, deceased December i6, 1S52, at Sa- lem, N. C. John S. Haman* (1808), deceased February 18, 1866, at Nazareth, Pa. William H. Van Tleck* (1S09 to 181 6), deceased January 29, 1S53, at Bethlehem, Pa. (Bishop). Samuel Reinke (1810 to 1S16), resides at Bethlehem (Bishop). NAZARETH HALL. SS Peter Wolle (iSio to 1S14). resides at Bethlehem (Bishop). Peter Ricksecker (iSii to 1S31), resides at Bethle- hem, Pa. Charles A. Tan Tleck* (1S13 to 1S33), deceased De- cember 21, 1S45, at Greenville, Term. Adam Hamail* (1S15 to 1820), deceased January 13, 1857, at Salem, N. C. Jollll G. Klimmer* (1S15 to 1817), deceased August 6. 1S46, at Litiz, Pa. Charles Levering (1816), resides at Hope, Ind. John C. Jacobson (1S16 to 1826), resides at Bethle- hem, Pa. (Bishop). Samuel Hliebuer* (181 7 to 1S23), deceased June 7, 1S49, at Salem, N. C. James Sandiford, 1S17 to 181 8. William Phillips, 181 7. Benjamin Lockwood,* 1S17 to 181S. William L. Benzien* (1818 to 1S21), deceased while warden of the Moravian congregation at Salem, N. C December i, 1833. Matthew Christ (1819 to 1822), resides at Bethle- hem, Pa. Christian Rusmeyer Schropp* (181 9 to 1821), de- ceased June 23, 1831, at Nazareth, Pa. Charles F. Kluge (1831 to 1828), resides at Naza- reth, Pa. Samuel Thomas Pfohl (1821 to 1S23), warden of congregation at Salem, N. C. George H. Bute (1822 to 1825), physician at Naza- reth, Pa. Jacob Zorn* (1823 to 1826), superintendent of Ja- maica mission, deceased May 37, 1843, at Fairfield Station. 56 NAZARETH HALL. Charles A. Bleck* (1S23 to 1S31), deceased January 17, 1850, at Gnadenhutten, Ohio. David Bigler (1S24 to 1S31), pastor of Moravian Church at Lancaster, Pa. (Bishop). John C. Brickenstein (1S24 to 1S30), resides at Na- zareth, Pa. John Henry Kluge (1S25 to 1S26), teacher, Hope,Ind. Abraham L. Huebner (1825 to 1827), physician and professor in Female Boarding-school, Bethlehem, Pa. Ernest F. Bleck (1S25 to 1S31), treasurer of Moravian congregation, Bethlehem, Pa. Henry I. Schmidt (1S25 to 1S29), professor in Co- lumbia College, N. Y. John Rickert* (1825 to 1832), teacher, deceased De- cember 3, 1S49, at Litiz, Pa. H. William Hall* (1S27 to 1S29), deceased May 19, 1S68, at Litiz, Pa. Eugene A. Frueauff (1S2S to 1S30), principal Lin- den Hall, Litiz, Pa. Lawrence F. Oerter (1S2S to 1S35), I'esides at Beth- lehem, Pa. Francis Lennert (1828 to 1S29), w^atchmaker, Litiz, Pa. William L. Meinimg* (1829 to 1S33), teacher, de- ceased October 14, 1863, at Salem, N. C. James Henry (1829 to 1831), manufacturer, Bolton, near Nazareth, Pa. George F. Bahnson (1829 to 1834), president of Ex- ecutive Board of American Province South, Salem, N. C. (Bishop). Joseph H. Siewers (1830 to 1832), attorney-at-law, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Joseph F. Berg (1830 to 1S35), pi'ofessor of Theology, Rutgers College, New Brunswick. NAZARETH HALL. ^1 Jesse Vogler* (1S31 to 1S33), missionary, deceased January 23, 1S65, at Fairfield, C. W. Herman J. Titze (1832 to 1837), P''^sbor of Moravian Church at West Salem, 111. William L. Lennert (1832 to 1836), pastor of Mo- ravian Church at Hope, Ind. Charles C. Dober* (1831 to 1S32), professor in Theo- logical Seminary, deceased January 21, 1840, at Bethle- hem, Pa. Ambrose Rondthaler (1832 to 1835), Principal Mo- ravian Day School, Bethlehem, Pa. Emauuel Rondthaler* (1832 to 1839), deceased November 30, 1S4S, while pastor of Moravian Church on Race street, Philadelphia, Pa. Julius T. Beckler (1832 to 1838), resides at Litiz, Pa. Philip A. Cregar (1S33 to 1S35), Principal Hamilton Institute, West Philadelphia. Levin T. Reichel (1834 ^o 1837), "member of mission department of Unity's Executive Board, Hernnhut, Sax- on}'. Daniel Steinliauer* (1S34 to 1835), deceased Septem- ber I, 1852, at Bethlehem, Pa. Sylvester Wolle (1835 to 1839), member of Execu- tive Board of American Province North, Bethlehem, Pa. William H. Benade (1835 to 1841), Swedenborgian clergyman, Pittsburg. Edward Rondtlialer* (1835 to 1841), deceased March 5, 1855, at Nazareth, Pa. Lewis F. Kampman (1835 to 1840), member of Execu- tive Board of American Province North, Bethlehem, Pa. C. David Sensemau* (1835 to 1842), professor of music, deceased August 10, 1S61, near Philadelphia. Lawrence Demuth (1837 ^'^ 1S39), manufacturer, Philadelphia. 58 NAZARETH HALL. Emile a. de Schweinitz (1S37 ^^ ^841), member of Executive Board of American Province South, Salem, N.C. Francis F. Hagen (1S37 *o 184^)5 pastor of Moravian Church on Staten Island. Henry A. Seidel* (1839 to 1840), deceased June 10, 1844. at Hopedale, Wayne co., Pa. Robert de Schweinitz (1839 *^^ ^845), president of Executive Board of American Province North, Bethle- hem, Pa. Reuben A. Henry (1839 to 1841), general ticket and freight agent Lackawana and Delaware and Western Railroads, Scranton, Pa. Francis Wolle (1839 *° 1846), principal Female Boarding-school, Bethlehem. George W. Perkin (1S40 to 1842), bookseller, Beth- lehem, Pa. Edward H. Reichel (1841 to 1848), resides at Naza- reth, Pa. Henry J. Van Vleck (1841 to 1845), pastor of Ger- man Mission Church, South Bethlehem. Amadeus a. Reinke (1842 to 1844), pastor of Mora- vian Church in New York. Andrew G. Kern* (1842 to 1847), professor of music, deceased January 26, 1861, at Lake City, Florida. Edwin E. Reinke (1844), pastor of Indian congrega- tion, Fairfield, C. W. William C. Reichel (1844 to 1851), now at Bethle- hem, Pa. CHAS.GoEPP(i845to 1846), attorney-at-law, New York. Franklin Miller (1845 to 1847), di'"ggist, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Samuel C. Wolle (1845 to 1848), cashier Thomas' iron works, Hockendaqua, Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 59 Joseph Hark (1845 to 1S47), physician, Nazareth. Julius Keru* (1S45 to 1S4S), deceased July 9, 1S60, at Salem, N. C. Edmund A. de Schweinitz (1S47 to 1850), pastor Moravian Church, Bethlehem, Pa. Joseph Fahs (1847 ^^ 1S4S), pastor of St. John's (Lu- theran) Church, Allentown, Pa. Eugene Grider (184.7 ^^ 1848), resides at Litiz, Pa. Lewis Harbaugh, 1848. Charles Klose (1848), merchant, Philadelphia. Bernard de Scliweiuitz* (1848 to 1853), pastor of Mo- ravian Church on Staten Island, deceased July 20, 1854, at Salem, N. C. James N. Beck (1848 to 1850), professor of music, Philadelphia. Maximilian Goepp (1S48 to 1849), attorney-at-law, New York. Theopliilus Wunderling* (1848 to 1S51), deceased while pastor of Moravian Church at Nazareth, April 8, 1S64. Theophilus Kramer (1848 to 1849), druggist. New Orleans. Jacob J. Haman (1850 to 1855), professor of music. Lewis R. Huebner (1851 to 1858), assistant pastor of Moravian Church, Bethlehem, t*a. Edward T. Kluge (1852 to 1856), pastor of Mora- vian Church, Litiz, Pa. Johu Eberman* (1853 to 1854), Lutheran ciergyman, deceased September 23, 1868, at Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Parmenio Leinbach (1852 to 1858), pastor of Mora- vian Church, Friedburg, N. C. Lorenzo Finn, 1852 to 1853. Herman A. Brickenstein (1853 to 1859), editor of Moravian., Bethlehem, Pa. 6o NAZARETH HALL. C. Edward Kummer (1S53 ^^ 1S56), teacher, Bethle- hem, Pa. Eugene Leibert (1S53 to 1S5S), Principal Nazareth Hall. Clement L. Reinke (1S54 to 1S59), Pastor of Mora- vian Church at Chaska, Minn. William Forsythe, 1S54 to 1856. E. Warner Carpenter, 1S55. F. Agthe (1S55 to 1S5S), professor of music, Bridge- ton, N.J. Abraham R. Beck (1855 to 1857), Principal of School for Boys, Litiz, Pa. Benjamin Romig (1S55 to 185S), missionary, Antigua, W. I. Henry T. Bachman (1856 to 1S60), pastor of ISIoravian Church, Graceham, Md. Owen Rice (1856 to 1863), druggist, Lancaster, Pa. Albert L. Oerter (1856 to 1863), pastor of Mora- vian Church, Salem, N. C. Joseph Walton (1857 to 185S), farmer, Tuscarawas CO., Ohio. Lawrence C. Brickenstein (1S5S), attorney-at-law, Baltimore. Obadiah T. Huebner (185S to 1S67), physician, Litiz, Pa. Henry A. Bigler (1S58), attorney-at law, New York. C. Ernest Berger, 1S58. Frederic Pfeiffer, 1858. J. Paraska, 185S to 1S59. Jeremiah J. Seiss, 185S to 1859. Jonathan J. Hoch (1S58 to 1859), niissionary, Bar- badoes, W. I. Anthony Mattes, 1859. NAZARETH HALL. 6 1 James B. Haman (1859 to 1S60), pastor of Moravian Church, Gnadenhutten, O. William H. Bigler (1859 to 1S60), professor, Mora- vian College, Bethlehem, Pa. Samuel L. Lichtenthaler (1S59 ^° 1S62), mission- ary, Barbadoes, W. I. J. Cennick Harvey (1859 to 186 1), conveyancer, Brooklyn, N. Y. S. C. Chitty (1859 to 1867), professor of music, Hope, Ind. William Re a, i860 to 1861. Peter J. Thwaites (i860 to i86i), farmer, Illinois. Joseph Seiss, i860. Charles A. Gering (i860 to 1863), draughtsman, Union Pacific Railroad Co. Joseph Romig (1861 to 1863), missionary, Kansas. William F. Schatz (1861 to 1S63), physician, Ohio. C. R. KoNOPAK (i86i to 1863), bookkeeper, Bethle- hem, Pa. ^ J. Theophilus Zorn (1863 to 1865), missionary, Ja- maica, W. I. Edmund A. Oerter (1S63 to 1863), pastor of Mora- vian Church, Lebanon, Pa. Herman S. Hoffman (1863 to 1863), pastor of Second Moravian Church, Philadelphia. Charles H. Beitel (1863 to 1868), professor of music, Pcekskill, N. Y. John C. Holder, 1863. John T. Reinecke, 1863. J. Wesley Spaugh (1863), missionary, Kansas. Theodore Hance, 1863. Lewis P. Clewell (1864 to 1865), pastor of Mora vian Church, Grace Hill, Iowa. 62 NAZARETH HALL. Fran'Cis \V. Kxauss (1S64), pastor of Moravian Church, Moravia, Iowa. Edward Rondthaler (1S64 to 1S65), pastor of Mo- ravian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles B. Shultz (1S64), professor in Moravian College, Bethlehem. Oscar Ely, 1S64. Edwix G. Klose (1S64 to 1S67), professor in Mora- vian College, Bethlehem. J. Albert Rondthaler (1S64 to 1S65). Joseph J. Ricksecker (1864 to 1867), pastor of Mo- ravian Church, West Salem, 111. Charles Nagle (1S65 to 186S), pastor of Moravian Church, Hopedale, Pa. Edward J. Regennas(i865), teacher, Nazareth Hall. Henry A. Jacobson (1865), do. do. Edward J. Paine, 1865. Oliver L. Fehr (1S65 to 1867), Easton, Pa. Herman Jacobson (1865 to 1867), Washington, D. C. William H. Buchner, 1866 to 1867. Henry M. Clewell (1867), teacher, Nazareth Hall. Eugene L. Shaefer ( i 867) , teacher in Nazareth Hall. Theodore M. Rights (1S67), do. do. J. Benjamin Leinbach ( 1 868), do. do. Jacob D. Siewers (186S), do. do. Samuel Blum (1868), do. do. ^■^ ^g""3l ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^M £i ^^^ CATALOGUE OF THE PUPILS OF NAZARETH HALL From 1785 — 1S69. The names marked * are of pupils deceased while inmates of the Institution. 1785. Beckel, George F. Bethlehem, Pa. Becker, John L Litiz, Pa. Denke, Christian F Bethlehem, Pa. Hasse, William do. Hauser, Christian Hope, N. J. Horsefield, Thomas Bethlehem, Pa. Leinbach, John F Hope, N. J. Roth, John L York, Pa. Roth, John D Nazareth, Pa. Roth, John B Bethlehem, Pa. Weiss, Francis Gnadenhutten, Pa. Wilson, Philip New York. 1786. Christ, Jacob Nazareth, Pa. Kummer, Jacob St. Thomas, W. I. Schmidt, John Jacob Nazareth, Pa. Senseman, Christian D do. Ten Brook, William Watson New York. Van Vleck, Henry do. 1 NAZARETH HALL. 1787. je, Charles F Salem, N. C. Bagge, Benjamin Samuel do. Henry, Matthew Lancaster, Pa. Konkaput, John Stockbridge Ind., Mass. Kunkler, Frederick Bethlehem, Pa. Morgan, George Washington Philadelphia. Schweinitz, Lewis D. von Bethlehem, Pa. Shaw, Joseph Philadelphia. 1788. Crane, Joseph Elizabethtown, N. J. Dealing, John A Nazareth, Pa. Hart, Gratianus Antigua, W. L Krause, C. S St. Croix, do. 1789. Beach, Abraham New York. Greene, Nathaniel Ray do. Hunt, Abraham Trenton, N. J. Matlack, White New York. Nichols, George do. Ogden, David Trenton, N. J. Palmer, John Northampton co.. Pa. Schnepf, Christian L.* St. Thomas, W. L Schweinitz, Charles H. von Bethlehem, Pa. Turner, John A New York. Turner, Archibald do. Weiss, Jacob Lehighton, Pa. Wolle, John F St. Thomas, W. I. 1790. Billington, Thomas Philadelphia. Jarvis, James New York. Logan, Albanus Stenton, Phila. co., Pa. Nichols, John Philadelphia. Nichols, William do. Senseman, John H Lebanon co.. Pa. Shaw, Alexander Jamaica, W. L NAZARETH HALL. ^.Stansbury, Joseph Philadelphia, Pa. Ten Brook, Jesse New York. Weyle, Adam C St. John's, W. I. 1791. Bowen, William Providence, R. I. Clark, John do. Clemm, William Baltimore. Conolly, James Montreal, Canada. Conolly, Thomas do. Heyliger, Martin M St. Croix, W. I. Heyliger, John do. Heyliger, Isaac do. Heyliger, William do. Linberg, Hennig do. Lyon, John Baltimore. Nightingale, William Providence, R. I. Penrose, Isaac Philadelphia. Reinke, Jr., Abraham Litiz, Pa. Rogiers, C. S St. Croix, W. I. Stansbury, Arthur Philadelphia. Wall, William Harris Savannah, Ga. Winchester, William do. 1792. Beverhoudt, John Wood van St. Thomas, W. L Kuhn, Hartman Philadelphia. Kuhn, Charles do. Lawler, John do. Smith, John R. C do. Warner, Joseph do. 1793- Connor, John Payne St. Croix, W. L Fromberger, George Philadelphia. Hawkins, Isaac St. Croix, W. I. Heyliger, Abraham do. O'Neill, Arthur Philadelphia. O'Neill, Tully do. E 4 NAZARETH HALL. 1794. Billis, James St. Thomas, W. I. Care, Peter Philadelphia Co. Cist, Jacob Philadelphia. Cist, Lewis do. Haman, John S Barbadoes, W. I. Haman, Adam do. Heckewelder, Thomas Bethlehem, Pa. Hornig, Christian do. King, James Philadelphia. Reichel, Charles F Nazareth, Pa. Schneller, David P Bethlehem, Pa. Smith, John T Philadelphia. 1795- Bardill, George R. Antigua, W. I. Chabert, Charles St. Croix, W. I. Davoue, Frederick New York. Markoe, Abraham St, Croix, W. I. Mueller, John L. do. Mueller, Ernest F do. Reeve, Aaron Burr Litchfield, Conn. Schweinitz, Christian R. von Bethlehem, Pa. WoUe, Jacob St. Croix, W. I. 1796. Bartow, John B Bethlehem, Pa. Beitel, Frederic W do. Beverhoudt, Peter C. van St. Thomas, W. L Etwein, John Bethlehem, Pa. Haga, Jr., Godfrey Philadelphia. Heitman, William Bethlehem, Pa. Heitman, George H do. Joyce, Thomas New York. Krause, John G St Croix, W. L Meyer, John G.* do. 1797. Bininger, Abraham New York. Dam, John St. John, W. I. NAZARETH HALL. Etwein, John G Bethlehem, Pa. Eyerly, Jacob Nazareth, Pa. Heyliger, Peter A St. Croix, W. I. Ten Brook, Henry New York. 1798. Henry, John Joseph. Nazareth, Pa. Joyce, Benjamin K New York. Koehler, John D Salem, N. C. Kummer, John G Bethlehem, Pa. Pratt, James D Philadelphia. Rice, Joseph Bethlehem, Pa. Roebuck, Peter P New York. 1799. Beck, John Lebanon co., Pa. Behagen, Simon H St. Croix, W. I, Davidson, George Bethlehem, Pa. Depui, Nicholas Northampton co., Pa. Gill, Jacob Dickert Lancaster, Pa. Kampman, Francis C Bethlehem, Pa. King, Charles Bird Newport, R. I. Mosely, Charles Hartford, Conn. Reinke, Samuel Hope, N. J. Schneckenberger, John T Bethlehem, Pa. Stroud, Jacob M Stroudsburg, Pa. Van Vleck, William Henry Bethlehem, Pa. 1800. Douglas, Ephraim Uniontown, Pa. Huber, Jacob Strasburg, Pa. Murray, George W Newtown, Pa. Rathbone, James M New York. Perkins, Elisha B Strasburg, Pa. Reichel, G. Benjamin Nazareth, Pa, Reichel, Samuel R do. Schneller, George C Bethlehem, Pa. Stake, George R Lancaster, Pa. Wolle, Peter St. Thomas, W. I. NAZARETH HALL. i8oi. Bethell, William • New York. Burn, Joseph Philadelphia. Conkling, Thomas C New York. Davidson, John E Bethlehem, Pa. Erwin, John Easton, Pa. Haman, Christian R Bethlehem, Pa. Mitchelson, William New York. Molther, William H York, Pa. Peter, Joseph G Bethlehem, Pa, Sommer, John Moreland, Phila. Co. 1802. Baker, John C Philadelphia. Bickley, Daniel do. Bickley, Jacob do. Bininger, Jacob New York. Campbell, John do. Davidson, James Newark, N. J. Erwin, Scott R Bucks co., Pa. Freitag, Daniel C Bethlehem, Pa. Frick, William Baltimore, Md. Henry, Matthew S Nazareth, Pa. Mueller, George B Emmaus, Pa. Scott, James Philadelphia. Sibbald, Charles Augusta, Ga. Stake, Thomas Lancaster, Pa. Van Vleck, Charles A Bethlehem, Pa. West, Charles Philadelphia. 1803. Bogardus, Archibald R New York. Bohn, Charles Baltimore, Md. Brackenridge, Alexander Carlisle, Pa. Hilton, George Woodlands, Phila. Co. Huebener, Samuel R York, Pa. Hurel, Frangois F Guadaloupe, W. I. Molther, Augustus Schceneck, Pa. Scott, Robert Philadelplua. NAZARETH HALL. 1804. Allen, Cornelius New York. De Hart, John Philadelphia. Herbst, Henry R. Salem, N. C. Kampman, Lewis F Hope, N. J. Jessop, William. Baltimore. Reiniker, Henry. do. Vos, John H Charleston, S. C. Vos, Andrew do. 1805. Frick, George Baltimore, Md. Hilton, William Woodlands, Phila. co. Ireland, John New York. Knevels, D'Jurco V St John, W. I. Knevels, John W do. Landreth, Cuthbert Philadelphia. Lea, John. Wilmington, Del, Logan, Algernon S Stenton, Phila. co. Salade, Frederic Philadelphia. Sholten, Frederic von St Thomas, W. L Sholten, William von do. Smith, George W Philadelphia Stall, George do. Uhler, John Baltimore. Unangst, Joseph Northampton co. White, Thomas Caroline co., Md. 1806. Allen, John , New York. Chanceller, William W. I. Conkling, Joseph H Baltimore, Md. Davis, James Smyrna, Del. Dougherty, Felix St Croix, W. L Dougherty, Charles S do. Dougherty, Martin do. Fay, Samuel B New York. Fay, Henry A do. Geib, William do. Huetter, Charles L Philadelphia. 8 NAZARETH HALL. Knevels, H. Torris St. John, W. I. Lawson, Richard W. I. Leffingwell, L. W New York. Logan, Charles F Goochland co., Va. Man, James Philadelphia. Pluymert, Joseph F Meriden, Conn. Potter, Peter M Philadelphia. Potter, Samuel C do. Price, George H. S Singer, Thomas* Lancaster, Pa. Singer, Richard do. Wilson, William New York. Wolle, Samuel H St. John, W. L Worrell, George W Wilmington, Del. 1807. Benninghove, John Philadelphia. Blackiston, R. H Smyrna, Del. Cronenberg, Christian H. von St. John, W. L GraefF, George T.* Lancaster, Pa. Kluge, Charles F White River, Ind. Latimer, James Newport, Del. Lea, Edward Brandywine, Del. Mortimer, David B Goshen, O. Mummey, Samuel I Baltimore. Oppelt, Charles H Fairfield, U. C. Sevier, William Tennessee. Sevier, James do. Taylor, Peter D St. Domingo. Woolston, John Wilmington, Del. Yundt, Jacob Baltimore. 1808, Barclay, David W Philadelphia. Beckel, George C do. Breban, John J do. Grossman, Lewis do. Jennings, Stephen New York. Latimer, William Philadelphia. Michler, Peter S Northampton co., Pa. NAZARETH HALL. Michael, John Lancaster, Pa. Schropp, Christian R. Litiz, Pa. Thebaud, John New York. Thebaud, Edward. do. Vickery, Thomas • Baltimore. 1809. Allard, Lewis St. Domingo. Angue, Anthony Philadelphia. Angue, Louis do. Bellach, James J "Wilmington, Del. Bryan, William Germantown, Pa. Bryan, Samuel S Philadelphia. Chambers, George do. Drinker, Joseph D do. Dutilh, Edward G do. Dutilh, Edmund. do. France, James Baltimore. Heide, George do. Landreth, Thomas O Philadelphia, Lee, Joseph O'Sullivan do. Low, William New York. Molther, Charles York, Pa. Oppelt, William Fairfield, U. C. Picquet, Caius M France. Reinke, Benjamin R.* Hope, N. j. Silliman, Joseph A Philadelphia. Souder, Thomas R do. St. Ange, Francis West Indies. Thum, George Philadelphia. Warner, Joseph do. Wortman, George Pottsgrove, Pa. 1810. Abbott, George Philadelphia. Edmonson, James N Montgomery co.. Pa. Grossman, John. Philadelphia. Guillard, Joseph A France. Halberstadt, John Philadelphia. Keasby, John R do. lO NAZARETH HALL. Levering, Abraham Litiz, Pa. Porter, Giles Albany, N. Y. Ross, Frederic A Richmond, Va. Smith, James Baltimore. Walter, Jacob Antigua, W. I. l8ll. Bleck, Charles A Graceham, Md, Chesterman, Edwin New York. Clymer, Andrew Philadelphia. France, John Baltimore. Herwig, Ernest C do. Martin, Jacob L Charleston, S. C. Martin, John P do. Meakings, Benjamin H New York. Myers, D. W. Ross Columbia, S. C. Verneuil, Bernard P Jamaica, W. I. White, James Philadelphia. I8l2. Albrecht, Daniel Litiz, Pa. Algieux, Celestin Philadelphia. Boiler, Henry J do. Collins, Edmund Wilmington, Del. Collins, John do. Harple, Jacob Philadelphia. Mortimer, Charles Edward New York. Rohr, Charles H Bucks co., Pa. Schlichter, Enos do. Sievers, Jacob F St John, W. L Smith, Arnold Baltimore. Sturges, Jonathan S New York. Sturges, Henry A. C do. Tinsfield, Frederic Baltimore. Zorn, Jacob St. Croix, W. L 1813. Adams, Gilbert Pittsburg. Baker, William Howard New York. NAZARETH HALL. II Baker, Henry H New York, Butler, L. M. Harris do. Butler, William Henry do. Clench, Ralph Albany, N. Y. Graeff, Charles Lancaster, Pa. Graeff, Henry do. France, Lewis Baltimore. Heraud, Jean Philadelphia. Hopkins, Charles Athens, Pa. Leibert, John S Germantown, Pa. Levering, C. Henry Litiz, Pa. Llewellyn, S. D Lancaster, Pa. Oppelt, Conrad B Ohio. Schropp, John Bethlehem, Pa. Sevier, Samuel Tennessee. Shurlock, P Easton, Pa. Stadiger, John F Bethlehem, Pa. Stafford, John Albany, N. Y. Taylor, John Philadelphia. Thorp, Issachar do. 1 8 14. Bleck, Ernest F Graceham, Md. Brooks, Robert B Savannah, Ga. Cagnet, Arthur Philadelphia. Desauque, Louis F do. Draper, William do. Draper, Edmund do. Eggert, Samuel R Bethlehem, Pa. Heartly, William Philadelphia. Lichtenthaeler, Christian Litiz, Pa. Monges, John A Philadelphia. Ogden, Augustus O. B New Germantown, N. J. Richards, Anthony Savannah, Ga. Richards, James do. Smith, Henry New York. Taylor, Archibald Baltimore. Tyson, Charles do. Willis, Charles Philadelphia. 7 12 NAZARETH HALL. 1815. Andress, Abraham Bethlehem, Pa. Bidleman, William A Easton, Pa. Butler, George New York. Doyle, Francis Savannah, Ga, Earle, Henry Pittsburg, Pa. Eyre, Joseph K Philadelphia. Fetter, John G Bethlehem, Pa. France, Richard Baltimore. Goundie, George H Bethlehem, Pa. Hendrickson, Jos. S New York. Hornor, Henry C Philadelphia. Mankin, George Baltimore. Mayland, Samuel Philadelphia, Miles, Joseph M Baltimore. Mix, Elihu L New Haven, Conn. Molther, Lewis Schoeneck, Pa. Norris, "William Baltimore. Stringham, John B New York. Sturges, Josiah do. Tschudy, Jacob B Litiz, Pa. 1816. Brown, Edward P Philadelphia. Butz, Daniel Easton, Pa. Cole, William J Baltimore. Draper, John Philadelphia. Duval, Wm. B do. Fenwick, Thomas New York. Gibncy, Richard Baltimore. Gibney, John do. Heyliger, Christian St. Croix, W. I. Homiller, Joseph Germantown, Pa. Huebner, Abraham L Bethlehem, Pa. Jacot, Richard New York. Leypold, John G Baltimore. Miller, John P do. Nclms, George P do. Oakley, George Philadelphia. Old, Morgan P Berks co., Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 13 Peck, Robert New Haven, Conn. Sevier, Thomas R Tennessee. Short, George Baltimore. Shuman, Parmenio Salem, N. C. Sitgreaves, Theodore R Easton, Pa. Smith, Lewis Edwin Baltimore. Wilhelm, Abraham do. 1817. Badger, Bela Bristol. Backus, George P Athens. Cooper, Daniel S. . . . ., Philadelphia. Dubarry, John S do. Hastings, John Chester, Pa. Jordan, William H Philadelphia. Kitchell, John S Bethlehem, Pa. La Roche, Julius Paris, France. Levy, Abraham Philadelphia. Leypold, William F Baltimore. Maison, Peter Germantown, Pa. McCall, Samuel R Easton, Pa. Mcllhenny, William H Philadelphia. Mcllhenny, James do. Minturn, Edward New York. Randel, William Riesch, David P Philadelphia. Ridgely, Richard Baltimore. Robinson, William do. Schaum, Benjamin Lancaster, Pa. Schnierle, John Charleston, S. C. Schnierle, Frederic do. Shultz, Henry A Schceneck, Pa. Smith, Washington G Delaware. Walker, George J. S Augusta, Ga. Walker, John V. F do. 1818. Barton, G. Washington Lancaster, Pa. Brown, Charles B Philadelphia. Brown, William Linn do. 14 NAZARETH HALL. Busch, Henry A Bethlehem, Pa. Callanan, George D Philadelphia. Cooper, James M Baltimore. Danq', Daniel M Petersburg, Va. George, Daniel New Orleans. Harris, Edward Denney Norfolk, Va. Hutter, Ferdinand Q Easton, Pa. Jarvis, James New York. Luckenbach, Charles Augustus Bethlehem, Pa. Lyons, Solomon Philadelphia. Muller, Caspar O do. Oppelt, Godfrey H Nazareth, Pa. Paine, Thomas Edward Athens. Prill, Frederick Baltimore. Siewers, Joseph H West Indies. Schneider, Christian F Bethlehem, Pa. Southall, Pejlon A Williamsburg, Va. Stringham, Joseph St. Croix, W. I. Voute, Louis C Germany. 1819. Boiler, John J Philadelphia. Crawbuck, Stephen New York. Croeger, Timothy. Graceham, Md. Dodd, Moses New York. Dodd, Edward D do. FrueaufT, Eugene A Bethlehem, Pa. Gillies, Thomas U New York. Hains, William D Berks co., Pa. Kluge, J. Henry Graceham, Md. Krimmel, Henry Philadelphia, Mayerhoff, Charles F Columbia, N. J. Mortimer, Daniel D New York. Richards, Jacob Chester, Pa. Roebuck, Peter St, Croix, W. L Roebuck, Jarvis do. Roebuck, Jones do. Schulz, Samuel York, Pa. Wise, Joseph Germantown, Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 15 1820. Baron, John C New Orleans. Baron, Stephen K do. E}Te, John C Philadelphia. Kimmel, Henry Baltimore. Lloyd, John Ambrose Northumberland co.,Pa. Lucas, William A New York. Lyons, Samuel Philadelphia. Rudenstein, Wm. F. . . , Baltimore. Sempf, Albert M do. Sievers, Charles G St Thomas, W. I. Smith, Henrj' J Nazareth, Pa. 1821. Brenan, Matthew Charleston, S. C. Brjan, George S do. Demuth, Emanuel Lancaster, Pa. Gurlic, Clovis New Orleans. Henr)', James Philadelphia. Kelly, Philip do. Reardon, Richard K Baltimore. Rondthaler, Ambrose Nazareth, Pa. Schnierle, William. Charleston, S. C. Stadiger, Herman L Bethlehem, Pa. Trout, Samuel B Philadelphia. West, George W Baltimore. 1822. Baker, David New York. Butz, Abraham H Northampton co., Pa. . De Bow, William Charleston, S. C. Humphreys, Clement Philadelphia. Humphreys, Andrew A do. Jordan, Edward do. Lyons, Henry do. Oppelt, Francis Nazareth, Pa. Pell, William James New York. Seidel, Charles E Bethlehem, Pa. Sibley, George Charleston, S. C. 7* 1 6 NAZARETH HALL. 1823. Fry, Joshua Lehigh co., Pa, Geer, Edward W New York. Hildeburn, Joseph H Philadelphia. Meinung, William L. Salem, N. C. Paine, Seth W Athens, Pa. Patterson, Charles W Philadelphia. Pell, George W New York. Rondthaler, Jr., Emanuel Nazareth, Pa. Slesman, Henry Philadelphia. Slesman, Benjamin do. Yundt, Samuel Baltimore. 1824. Beckler, Julius T Litiz, Pa. Cooper, Erwin J Philadelphia. Cummings, Charles R do. Gillender, Theophilus New York. Hiester, Charles Holm, Martin L St. Croix, W. I. Mitchell, Benjamin G Philadelphia. Smith, Eugene T New York. Van Beuren, Michael B do. Yundt, Joseph Baltimore. 1825. Arnoux, Alfred M New York. Berg, Joseph F West Indies. Bininger, Abraham New York. Boner, Joshua Salem, N. C. Chandler, Asbury H Mobile, Ala. Cunningham, Nathaniel S New York. Decker, Matthias do. Donley, Joseph Philadelphia. Draper, Robert do. Gassner, Daniel D New York. Gillender, Arthur do. Herrick, Castle H Athens, Pa. Horner, Charles W Philadelphia. NAZARETH HALL. 17 Lippincott, Benjamin L New York. Maybin, David C Philadelphia. McKean, Addison Bradford co., Pa. Mecaskey, Charles A Philadelphia, Perit, John W. C do. Rauch, Reuben. Bethlehem, Pa. Ricksecker, Moses do. Ridgway, Joseph St. Croix, W. I. Rice, Edward Bethlehem, Pa. Rondthaler, Edward Nazareth, Pa. Schweinitz, Emile A. de Bethlehem, Pa. Walter, Isaac Antigua, W. I. Wilton, Henry J Philadelphia. 1826. Baker, John New York. Beckler, Francis E Litiz, Pa. Clark, Jeremiah S New York. Decker, Benjamin do. Dungan, John Allentown, Pa. Frazee, Augustus New York. Friese, P. C Baltimore. Geisse, Augustus H Philadelphia. Heyliger, Frederic W , St. Croix, W. I. Hildeburn, William L Philadelphia. Humphreys, Joshua do. Kissam, Daniel E New York. Kissam, Benjamin T do. Lennert, William L. Litiz, Pa. Lippincott, William Shrewsbury, N. J. Mallory, Stephen R Thompson's Island, Fla. Paine, James A Athens, Pa. Philip, Frederic W Brooklyn, L. L Philip, George A do. Post, William F New York. Prall, Ichabod do. Ralston, Robert Philadelphia- Reed, Samuel F do. Ritter, Jacob B do. Seltzer, Christian A Jonestown, Pa. l8 NAZARETH HALL. Thompson, George H Philadelphia. Van Beuren, Daniel B New York. Von Hoff, Augustus H Jonestown, Pa. 1827. Albert, Fanning T Brooklyn, L. I. Aymar, Augustus J. M New York. Aymar, John Q do. Clark, Richard M do. Conger, John P do. Da Costa, Jacob M St. Thomas, W. I. Demuth, Lawrence J Lancaster, Pa, Devereux, Benjamin H Philadelphia. De Young, Benjamin Baltimore. Dyer, Samuel O New York. Eckford, Henry do. Fries, Francis L Salem, N. C. Hall, Richard Allentown, Pa. Jordan, Francis Philadelphia. Lippincott, Shepherd Shrewsbury, N. J. Man, William Philadelphia. McMullin, John A do. Penington, Hyland B Cecilton, Md. Penington, Samuel Cantwell's Bridge, Del. Quin, George W New Jersey, Reppert, Jacob Baltimore. Richards, George N Montgomery co., Pa. Senseman, Christian D Nazareth, Pa. Sievers, John D West Indies. Van Beuren, Thomas P New York. 1828. Beisel, John P Northampton co., Pa. Benade, William H Salem, N. C. Bowie, William D Philadelphia. Dash, John B New York. Fraley, Jr., John U Philadelphia. Forbush, John H Brooklyn, L. L Gleize, William Mo L Charleston, S. C. Graham, John E New York. NAZARETH HALL. 19 Ha)-nes, William New York. Hildeburn, Johp M Philadelphia. Jones, Maurice C Old England, Wales. Kohler, John F Philadelphia. Kohler, Andrew New York. Lidgerwood, John Troy, N. Y. Lidgerwood, Thomas do. Rogers, William J Northampton co., Pa. Rondthaler, Comenius Nazareth, Pa. Sheets, Frederic B Holmesburg, Pa. Shober, George Philadelphia. Simon, John do. Slesman, George J. S do. Sparks, Jr., Thomas do. Van Voorhis, William R New York. Wilstach, Charles M Philadelphia. Wolle, Sylvester Bethlehem, Pa. 1829. Albert, William J Baltimore. Berg, Charles M Barbadoes, W. I. Eberman, Francis West Indies. Hagen, Francis F Salem, N. C. Helm, William St. Thomas, W. I. Huddell, Washington A Philadelphia. Kampman, Lewis F do. Kissam, Philip New York. Le\^, William P Philadelphia. Lippincott, Benjamin Shrewsbury, N. J. McCarty, William Philadelphia. Peters, John C , New York. Porter, William H Nashville, Tenn. Rees, John P Philadelphia. Riter, George W do. Scott, John G do. Vogel, Albert do. Wilstach, William P do. 1830. Bininger, William B New York. Blickensderfer, Jr., Jacob Ohio. F 20 NAZARETH HALL. Bolmer, T. Manuel New York. Denckla, Henry Philadelj^hia. Ducommun, Jr., Henry do. Franklin, Philip do. Garvin, John J do. Geisse, Paul D do. Hiester, Levi Reading, Pa. Henry, Reuben A Stroudsburg, Pa. Horton, N. Miller Wilkesbarre, Pa. Johnson, John J Germantown, Pa. Kirkpatrick, Robert B Philadelphia. Leslie, Edmund A New York. McCarty, James Philadelphia. Newman, Joseph Tennessee. Newman, Rush do. Oakley, Cyrus H New York. Oldfield, Granville S do. Porter, George P Wilkesbarre, Pa. Pott, John Pottsville, Pa. Pott, Frank do. Reinke, Amadeus A Graceham, Md. Ronalds, Thomas H New York. Seidel, Henry A Bethlehem, Pa, Seidel, Frederic do. Schweinitz, Robert de do. Scott, Thomas Philadelphia. Smith, Nehemiah D New York. Smith, Edward G Philadelphia. Smyth, Isaac Quakertown, Pa. Strauch, Henry Pottsville, Pa. Underwood, William J Philadelphia. Value, Jesse R do. 1831. Bininger, Andrew G New York. Cassidy, Andrew do. Clark, William J do. Dodson, Washington Mauch Chunk, Pa. Franks, Edward New York. Freed, Joseph M Philadelphia, Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 2\ Hagerty, Isaiah Georgetown, D. C. Herbach, Andrew J Pottstown, Pa. Hoffman, George W Philadelphia. Kern, Julius Nazareth, Pa. Kern, Jr., Andrew G do. Lawrance, James New York. Lewis, Thomas D Wilkesbarre, Pa. Reppert, George Baltimore. Richards, John F Pottstown, Pa. Ricksecker, Benjamin Bethlehem, Pa. Shoemaker, Lazarus D Wilkesbarre, Pa. Solms, Sidney J Philadelphia. Solms, John do. Streater, William Wilkesbarre, Pa. Trexler, William Bucks co., Pa. Vogel, William Philadelphia. Wolle, Nathaniel S do. 1832. Baker, Abner R. L New York. Benade, James A Litiz, Pa. Bennet, Charles Wilkesbarre. Bininger, Jr., Jacob* New York. Brodrick, Thomas Mauch Chunk, Pa. Brown, Robert Northampton co., Pa. Butler, William H Wilkesbarre, Pa. Clark, George W Washington, D. C. Day, William B New York. Garvin, Benjamin F Philadelphia. Herriman, John F New York. Kohler, George A Philadelphia. Kunckle, John Nescopeck, Pa. Kunckle, Aaron do. Lafourcade, Charles Philadelphia. Lee, Hattrick New York. Lee, James, Jr do. Meyer, William do. Miller, Simon Northampton co., Pa. Overton, Thomas B , Towanda, Pa. Paine, Charles C Athens, Pa. 22 NAZARETH HALL. Quin, Emmet New Jersey. Ripka, Jr., Joseph Philadelphia. Ripka, John do. Romig, William J AUentovvn, Pa. Shants, Hiram J Lehigh co., Pa. Shankland, Alexander T Philadelphia. Shinier, Samuel C Northampton CO., Pa. Smith, William P Philadelphia. Thompson, William H Easton, Pa. Van Vleck, Henry J New York. 1833- Bourne, John Philadelphia. Brooks, George K New York. Brooks, H. J do. Burger, Samuel Staten Island, N. Y. Chamberlin, William Philadelphia. Colgate, Jr., William New York. Colgate, Samuel do. Davis, Robert C Philadelphia. Uenckla, William do. Dennison, Henry M Wilkesbarre, Pa. Horton, Thomas M do. Kissam, William New York. Ludwigsen, John H St. Croix, W. I. Lynch, Edward P Wilkesbarre, Pa. McVickar, John J New York. McVickar, Nathan do. Meredith, Samuel R Carbondale, Pa. Mitchell, Henry Natchez, Miss. Overton, Giles B Towanda, Pa. Partenheimer, H. R Philadelphia. Philip, George A Brooklyn, L. L Philip, John C do. Philip, Jacob do. Rea, John Philadelphia. Reichel, Edward H Salem, N. C. Reinke, Edwin E Graceham, Md. Rice, Samuel Bethlehem, Pa. . Searle, Roger Montrose, Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 23 Senseman, Edwin T Salem, N. C. Smith, Charles E New York. Steinhauer, Henry F Philadelphia. Tennent, John do. Wagner, George M do. Wagner, Paul M do. Whitney, Charles F Binghamton, N. Y. 1834. Bassford, Joseph New York. Beekman, Stephen F do. Fullmer, John J Philadelphia. Gillingham, Henry New York. Kirk, John R Philadelphia. Maxwell, James do. Meyer, Thomas New York. Reichel, William C Salem, N. C. Renshaw, Atlantic Long Branch, N. J. Ritter, Isaac L Philadelphia. Schweinitz, Edmund de Bethlehem, Pa. Stein, Albert New Orleans. Stevens, William Natchez, Miss. Warren, William Philadelphia. Warner, William H Bethlehem, Pa. Whalton, Joseph C Indian Key, Fla. Zippel, Gustavus E Barbadoes, W. I. 1835. Arthurton, Samuel L Nevis, W. I. Baker, Joseph A New York. Bassford, George W do. Barkaloo, John Brooklyn, N. Y. Buttner, Albert J Bethania, N. C. Clark, James G Staten Island, N. Y, Cook, Albert G Philadelphia. Eberman, Jacob F. Litiz, Pa. Gassner, John A New York. Hall, Edward S Philadelphia. Hampton, Francis do. Haughwout, John Staten Island, N. Y. 24 ■ NAZARETH HALL. Haughwout, Nicholas Staten Island, N. Y. Higgins, William New York. Huebner, Matthias T Gnadenhutten, O. Kummer, Joseph H Bethlehem, Pa. Lambert, Emile S Schoeneck, Pa. Lilliendahl, Charles W New York. Lippincott, John M Shrewsbury, N. J. Lippincott, Charles A do. Mancius, George W Albany, N. Y. Neuville, Clarence Staten Island, N. Y. Peters, John Jordan Philadelphia. Reynegom, John V do. Smith, David Z Salem, N. C. Tillou, Charles G New York. Van Beuren, William H do. Van Beuren, George F. do. Vanname, Henry Staten Island, N. Y. Van Vleck, Arthur L Lancaster, Pa. Vredenburg, John V Staten Island, N. Y. Wattley, George St. Kitts, W. I. Wichelhausen, Peter New York. Wolle, Samuel C Philadelphia. Wray, Samuel Jamaica, W. I. 1836 Albert, Jacob Baltimore. Bauersachs, Lewis C Philadelphia. Chamberlin, John do. Cook, Thomas W New York. Dunbar, Samuel do. Gunther, C. Godfrey do. Gunther, John C do. Hooper, Jr., John* Philadelphia. Ihrie, George P. Easton, Pa. Ireland, Robert W New York. Jenks, Abraham S Newtown, Pa. Jackson, Samuel New York. Keehln, Theodore F Salem, N. C. Kein, James T Philadelphia. Kimberly, John H Greene co., N. Y. NAZARETH HALL. 25 Klauberg, Daniel New York. Lytle, John D Philadelphia. Maslin, Edward V do. Maslin, Alexander do. Mcintosh, Leonidas Georgia, Michler, Nathaniel Easton, Pa. Moore, Michael M New York. Morrison, James Philadelphia. Riter, Michael M do. Riter, Frederick G do. Roebuck, John Jarvis St. Croix, \V, I. Seaman, John Mobile, Ala. Scull, William Arkansas. Scull, Benjamin do. Shoemaker, Austin D Wilkesbarre, Pa. Tennent, Charles Philadelphia. Tennent, Sidney do, 1837. Baldwin, Jr., John Vera Cruz, Mexico. Blydenburgh, William L New York. Brickman, Jr., George Philadelphia. Capron, Augustus S Easton, Pa. Chamberlin, Richard Philadelphia. Crease, Orlando Roxborough, Phila. co. Cruger, Frederick H Easton, Pa. Davis, Joseph D ; Allentown, Pa. Day, George W New York. Dekay, George A do. Deringer, Calhoun M Philadelphia. Farlee, John R Flemington, N. J. Finlayson, William Holmesburg, Pa. Gunther, Henry Wm New York. Henry, Eugene T. Stroudsburg, Pa. Hyslop, George Paulding New York. Hyslop, Frederic Knox do. Leimer, Jr., Alexander Philadelphia. Lewis, Richard B Pottsville, Pa. Mcintosh, James McQueen Georgia. Mcintosh, John Baillie do. 26 NAZARETH HALL. McNair, James Oswego, N. Y. Philip, Joseph Dean Brooklyn, N. Y. Ponte, Jean Durant da New York. Schweinitz, Bernard de Bethlehem, Pa. Scherr, Philip R Philadelphia. Smith, Horace W do. Snyder, Mifflin H Northampton co.. Pa. Waterbury, Julius H Philadelphia. Winpenny, Joseph Manayunk, Pa. Woods, William H St. Croix, W. I. 1838. Bates, Jr., John M Greensboro', Ala. Briggs, Gilbert C New York. Brodrick, Jr., James Mauch Chunk, Pa. Brower, Isaac L New York. Chapman, Lebbeus, Jr Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Eckstein, William A Philadelphia. Eckstein, Charles H do. Eckstein, Horatio G do. Lambert, Emile Nazareth, Pa. Marsh, Charles Philadelphia. Marsh, Thomas T do. Michler, Francis Easton, Pa. McAlpin, Thaddeus* Mobile, Ala. Molony, George H Philadelphia. Moore, William H do. Perry, William F New York. Stem, James M Bath, Pa. Wilmer, Jr., John Philadelphia. Winder, Moses Attleboro', Pa. Wolle, James H Litiz, Pa. 1839. Blake, Harvey B New York. Bourne, James H do. Briggs, George H do, Carsten, Philip Charleston, S. C. Dickson, Charles W Easton, Pa. Dickson, William J do. NAZARETH HALL. 27 Edwards, William New York. Hall, Robert S Philadelphia. Hitz, John Wurtsboro', N. C. Huebner, Lewis R. Graceham, Md. Innes, Edward. Easton, Pa. Jones, Elias H Philadelphia. Keen, Alfred do. Keen, Clement do. Kluge, Charles E Nazareth, Pa. Lawrence, Jr., Alexander New York. Mcintosh, William A Georgia. McKinley, George Chester ca. Pa. Parke, Horatio S Philadelphia. Parke, Cornelius. do. Philip, William Brooklyn, N. Y. Pitcher, Charles H New York. Richardson, George J. B Wayne co., Pa. Rights, Constantine L Salem, N. C. Tappen, Charles L, Staten Island, N. Y, Ten Eyck, Richard New York, Townsend, Benjamin B do. Wallace, Samuel Philadelphia. 1840. Armstrong, William H Newburg, N. Y, Barnet, William Easton, Pa. Beear, Benjamin B Bethlehem, Pa. Cooper, Thomas L. Columbus, Ga. De Forest, Othniel Pottsville, Pa. De Forest, David do. Fisher, Joseph C New York. Fitler, Washington Philadelphia. Hunter, David H Allentown, Pa. Lambert, Theodore A Hopedale, Pa. McCawley, Charles G Philadelphia. McKeen, Jr., Thomas L Easton, Pa. Pomp, Charles do. Prior, Volney New York. Scott, George Wilkesbarre, Pa. Shouse, Samuel Opp Easton, Pa. 28 NAZARETH HALL. Spackman, John Philadelphia. Tennent, Sidney do. Tennent, Albert do. Thomas, Samuel Catasauqua, Pa, Van Buren, David H Clarksville, Ga. Van Beuren, George F New York. Van Beuren, Charles E do. 1841. Acord, John H Huntsville, Ala. Beck, James N Litiz, Pa. Bodine, Jacob Staten Island, N. Y. Brown, John M New York. Disdier, Frederic Havana, Cuba. Eberman, John H ^ Hope, Ind. Eisenbrey, Edwin T Philadelphia. Geisse, George F. do. Geisse, Louis do. Goepp, R. Max Bethlehem, Pa. ' Harrison, Charles T New York. Hunter, John N. N Allentown, Pa. Jacobson, William A Salem, N. C. Klose, Charles Barbadoes, W. I. Klose, Martin* do. Parker, Edmund Philadelphia. Parker, William do. Parker, Charles do. Prince, Abraham Jamaica, W. I. Ritter, Bradford Philadelphia. Scull, Joseph Pine Bluff, Ark. Stockton, James New Orleans. Stockton, George do. Stout, Charles M Bethlehem, Pa. Thomas, John Catasauqua. Pa. Womrath, George K Philadelphia, Zane, Charles Easton, Pa. 1842. Bachman, Edwin J Fairfield, U. C. Bigler, John F New York. Birdsall, John F Brooklyn, N. Y. NAZARETH HALL. 29 Boyd, James G. S Lynchburg, Va. Brickenstein, Lawrence C ^ Bethlehem, Pa. Davis, Benjamin J. B Philadelphia. Kluge, John P Bethlehem, Pa. Koons, Edward A Philadelphia. Lapsley, Edward do. Larcade, Gustave Port-au-Prince, Hayti. Phelps, Joseph F New York. Ripka, Robert A Manayunk, Pa. Ripka, Andrew A do. Ryan, James Philadelphia. Shober, Charles E Salem, N. C. Troeger, Henry A Nazareth, Pa. Trucks, William Philadelphia. Winpenny, John M Manayunk, Pa. Wolle, Theodore F Philadelphia. 1843. Clauder, Amos C Staten Island, N. Y. Clauder, Charles J do. Clewell, Eugene F Salem, N. C. Davis, Samuel T Philadelphia. Doyle, Staughton F do. Innes, Joseph M Easton, Pa. Jacobson, Edward H Salem, N. C. Michler, Clarence Easton, Pa. Overington, Thomas Frankford, Pa. Thomas, William Beaver Meadow, Pa. 1844. Bachman, Henry T Westfield, Mo. Biddle, Henry D New York. Brickenstein, Herman A Bethlehem, Pa. Davis, Jr., Collin K Philadelphia. Davis, Alfred B do. Dearie, Jr., John do. Denniston, James Lockport, N. Y. Eberman, Edward M Bethlehem, Pa. Egbert, Augustus Manayunk, Pa. Hess, John J Philadelphia. 30 NAZARETH HALL. Hood, Edmund B New York. Lilliendahl, William A do. Lockwood, Philip E do. Marston, Edward E Philadelphia. McKinley, John H New York. Prince, Isaac Jamaica, W. I. Reinke, Clement L Bethlehem, Pa. Spackman, Samuel G Philadelphia. Sutton, Stephen Luzerne co., Pa. Townsend, Samuel T New York. Troeger, Jeremiah Nazareth, Pa. 1845. Balliet, Louis B Lehigh co., Pa. Bewley, John B Philadelphia. Denniston, Edward North Providence, R. L Drinker, Joseph D Montrose, Pa. Eldridge, G. Morgan Cecilton, Md. Ingersoll, George K New York. Kluge, William C* Bethlehem, Pa. Kummer, C. Edward Litiz, Pa. Lee, Jr., Franklin Philadelphia. Maison, William A do. Mitchell, Robert W do. Perkin, John J do. Peters, Charles F do, Pinkney, Charles New York, Rex, Jacob L Montgomery co.. Pa, Shober, Francis E Salem, N. C. Steinberger, Charles M Philadelphia, Widmayer, George A New York. Wilson, Henry C Bethania, N. C, Womrath, Andrew K Philadelphia. Yaeger, George A Berks co.. Pa. Zippel, Edwin T Barbadoes, W. L 1846, Beard, Oliver T BrookljTi, N, Y. Brown, Jacob O Monroe co., Pa. Chidsey, George W Easton, Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 3 1 Freitag, Theodore E Allentown, Pa. Heilig, Daniel B Monroe co., Pa. Henry, Granville. Boulton, Pa. Housel, Edwin Easton, Pa. Hutchinson, Charles H Philadelphia. Kluge, Edward T Salem, N. C. Reinke, Samuel F* Bethlehem, Pa. Stevenson, Richard J New York. Talmadge, T. Van Pelt Brooklyn, N. Y Thomae, George F New York. Thomae, Henry K do. Vogler, Lawrence New Fairfield, Canada. Wilson, George New York. Wolle, Henry H Litiz, Pa. 1847. Babcock, Charles W New York. Bartram, John Philadelphia. Bigler, Henry A New York. Brittain, Henry Bucks co.. Pa. Chapman, Robert New York. Clarke, Henry T Easton, Pa. Crawford, William H do. Crawford, John. .' do. Crease, Henry Roxborough, Pa. Eldridge, Edwin J Cecil co., Md. Gerber, John Pottsville, Pa. Gilbert, John Jersey City. Hart, Walter H New York. Hart, John M Philadelphia. Huffnagle, Allen Bethlehem, Pa. Keiffer, John Charleston, S. C. Knox, J. Charles Philadelphia. Lambert, Lewis D Nazareth, Pa. Levan, Albert Lehigh co., Pa. Lewis, Charles M Philadelphia. Mecke, George A Minersville, Pa. Mixsell, Jacob C Easton, Pa. Napier, Thomas L Macon, Ga. Napier, Nathan M do. 32 NAZARETH HALL. Oerter, Albert L Litiz, Pa. Paine, Clement T Bradford co., Pa. Plumb, James New York. Pretz, Philip S Allentown, Pa. Schols, Clayton Brooklyn, N. Y. Smeidle, Charles L Philadelphia. Spearing, Edward J New Orleans. Steinle, Frederick E New York. Stevenson, James do. Taggart, Joseph Tamaqua, Pa. Trucks, Jr., John Philadelphia. Tschudy, Richard R Litiz, Pa. Turner, Jr., John Luzerne co., Pa. Vancourt, Robert A Philadelphia. Wohlgemuth, Otto Allentown, Pa. Womrath, Frederic K Philadelphia. Yaeger, Robert J Allentown, Pa. I»48. Anderson, Charles J New York. Barnum, Freeman St. Louis, Mo. Beck, Abraham R Litiz, Pa. Burke, Joseph Easton, Pa. Clauder, Frederic A Staten Island, N. Y. Drinker, Charles J Montrose, Pa. Elliott, Edward T Towanda, Pa. Foster, William R. . . - Philadelphia. Gaylord, Asher Luzerne co., Pa. Hawley, Christopher E Binghamton, N. Y. Huebner, Obadiah T Salem, N. C. Irion, William M New Castle, Tenn. Keyser, Eyre Philadelphia. Keyser, Peter D do. Leibert, Eugene M Bethlehem, Pa. Montayne, George D Towanda, Pa. Oerter, J. Eugene Bethlehem, Pa. Philips, Louis New Orleans. Philips, James do. Thomas, Jr., David Catasauqua, Pa. Yaeger, Samuel T Berks co., Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 33 1849. Audenried, Thomas Northampton co., Pa. Audenried, James E do. Bachman, Joseph P Westfield, Mo. Byrnes, Thomas H New York. Davenport, Abraham M do. Finn, Lorenzo Laguayra, S. A. Forste, Charles do. Gillender, William C New York. Haman, James B Salem, N. C. HoUenback, John M Wilkesbarre, Pa. Huebner, Samuel A Salem, N. C. Huntzinger, Henry H '. . Orwigsburg, Pa. Kenton, Henry C Philadelphia. Mayo, Archibald do. McClatchey, Robert J do. Pfohl, Augustus F Salem, N. C. Philip, Benjamin D New York. Rahn, Oscar Philadelphia. Rice, Jr., Owen Bethlehem, Pa. Siewers, Clarence E " Mauch Chunk, Pa. Stauffer, Isaac Monroe co.. Pa. Taylor, William Ralph New York. Taylor, Horace E do. Wainwright, Charles B Philadelphia. Walls, Abbot Lewisburg, Pa. 1850. Cameron, William Lewisburg, Pa. Dubosq, Robert Philadelphia. Fenner, William Henry Monroe co.. Pa. Kent, Francis S Philadelphia. Spearing, Robert New Orleans. Titze, Henry A Bethlehem, Pa. 1851. Browning, Newton Philadelphia. Bute, Jr., Charles L do. Cathrall, Eugene do. Chamberlin, Henry Nazareth, Pa. 34 NAZARETH HALL. Chapman, Richard H Philadelphia. Cortelyou, Eugene A Staten Island, N. Y. Cummins, William* New York. Cummins, T. Eugene do. Dorney, Theodore P Philadelphia. Fiechtner, Frederic J. R do. Frueauff, J. Frederic Litiz, Pa. Gratz, Robert Philadelphia. Heilig, Augustus Monroe co., Pa. Hering, Maximilian Philadelphia. Lichtenthaler, Samuel Chicago, 111. Loyd, William Henry Philadelphia. Loyd, Wilson do. Megarey, Alexander Brooklyn, L. I. Post, Charles William do. Schroeder, A. Drummond Red Bank, N. J. Wenzel, John Philip Bavaria. 1852. Basham, John New York. Basham, Edmund do. Carey, George A Easton, Pa. Clauder, Henry T Hope, Ind. Davis, Hamilton New York. Georger, Lewis F do. Gosevisch, Frederic Wilmington, Del. Harris, William F Philadelphia. Harvey, John Cennick Brooklyn, L. I. Heilig, Theophilus Monroe co.. Pa. Henry, Dorwin D Albany, N. Y. Henry, Charles V do. Jones, Samuel M Philadelphia. Jordan, John W do. Kessler, Thomas V do. Laughlin, Robert do. Lilliendahl, Francis T New York. Michler, William Henry H Easton, Pa. Mills, John B Pottsville, Pa. Noble, James Philadelphia. Persse, Stratford New York. NAZARETH HALL. 35 Persse, William New York. Shultz, Charles B Litiz, Pa. Van Duzer, Daniel T Staten Island, N. Y. Waldman, Thomas Philadelphia. Walker, Joseph New York. Walker, John do. White, Andrew G Albany, N. Y. Widmayer, William Staten Island, N. Y. Widmayer, Henry do. Williams, George New York. Woodward, William Henry Northampton, Mass. Zorn, J. Theophilus Bethlehem, Pa. 1853. Bennett, Horace C Minersville, Pa. Bigler, William H New York. Cook, James Renwick Albany, N. Y. Culp, Jacob Philadelphia. Decoursey, Marcelin L do. Eplee, George H do. Fiechtner, William D do. Graff, Francis do. Grant, Francis H Derby, Conn. Harper, Andrew D Brooklyn, N. Y. Henry, Horace H Albany, N. Y. Hilton, Samuel M Brooklyn, N. Y. Hoeber, Edward E Nazareth, Pa. Homer, Horace Philadelphia. Jackson, Thomas M do. Jordan, William H do. Jordan, Jr., Francis do. Kern, James D Nazareth, Pa. Latimer, David Teford Plainfield, N. J. Lewis, Lionel B Morristown, N. J. Lichtenthaler, Edwin Chicago, 111. Longmire, Edwin Philadelphia. Longmire, Nathaniel C do. Lyons, George W Louisiana. Marsden, William Philadelphia. Nathans, Camillus do. 9 G 36 NAZARETH HALL. Nixon, William Henry Manayunk, Pa. Nixon, Theodore A do. Oerter, Edmund A Bethabara, N. C. Powell, Edmund F Allentown, Pa. Ricksecker, Joseph J Tobago, W. I Rondthaler, Jr., Edward Nazareth, Pa. Rosenbaum, Charles A New York. Shields, George W Manayunk, Pa. Shouse, Edmund A Easton, Pa. Street, William Augustus New York. Tilge, Frederic Augustus Philadelphia. Uhl, Herman New York. Walter, Eugene Nazareth, Pa. Watson, George New York. Watson, William do. Willower, Charles F Philadelphia. Witmer, John A Cincinnati. Witmer, Elam W do. 1854. Barrett, Walter Clearfield, Pa. Bergen, Garret P Brooklyn, L. I. Bergen, Van Brunt M do. Brogden, F. L New Orleans. Buck, William F Philadelphia. Bute, William Edward do. Butler, F. A Shrewsbury, N. J. Crane, F. L Easton, Pa. Cochran, Walter C New York. Cutler, Augustus W Morristown, N. J. Cutter, Le Clerc New York. Daily, Henry A Easton, Pa. Drinkhouse, Joseph W Philadelphia, Drinkhouse, Samuel do. Finnall, Marion S Washington, D. C. Gilsey, Charles New York. Gilsey, Peter do. Grafton, James Ingersoll Boston, Mass. Haman, W. H. T Salem, N. C. Harlan, Richard P Wilmington, Del. NAZARETH HALL. 37 Harris, James M. R Massillon, O. Hendrickson, Charles Brooklj-n, L. I. Henry, Benneville M Reading, Pa. Hilton, John W Brooklyn, L. I. Horton, Nathan Waller Wilkesbarre, Pa. Kenney, Joseph R Philadelphia. Klose, Edwin G St. Kitts, W, I. Mcllroy, Matthew Philadelphia. Moore, William A Richmond, Mo. Moore, Alexander P do. Place, Charles A New York. Purdy, Lovell Staten Island, N. Y, Purdy, Charles do. Reed, Thomas H Pottsville, Pa. Remick, Albert Philadelphia. Richards, Jr., Daniel New York. Ridgway, Jr., Joseph do. Rogers, Molton C New Castle, Del. Saltmarsh, Orlando T. San Antonio, Texas. Seidel, Charles W Bethlehem, Pa. Shoemaker, Frederic M Wilkesbarre, Pa. Tonnelle, Peter New York. Vail, Jr., Stephen Morristown, N. J. Vail, James Cummins - do. Van Beuren, Thomas P Newburg, N. Y. Van Beuren, Edward Paterson, N. J. Weimer, Lucian E Reading, Pa. Wilson, Charles J • . • Somerville, N. J. Wood, John F Philadelphia. Woodall, F. B New Orleans. Yates, G. Clement San Jose, Cal. 185s Anderson, Carman E Brooklyn, N. Y. Backer, James N Baltimore. Bigler, D. Eugene New York. Bridge, Benjamin New Orleans. Brodrick, Henry T Rockport, Pa. Coles, Edwin New York. Cox, Fullerton Brooklyn, N. Y. 38 NAZARETH HALL. Ellis, Frank H Philadelphia. Erben, Charles New York. Fasig, Daniel H Reading, Pa. fisher, Richard Philadelphia. Fisher, Jacob B New York. Forman, Lawrence H Easton, Pa. Fry, ]\Iarcus Coopersburg, Pa. Gebhard, Julius Buffalo, N. Y. Gilchrist, Thomas McCartney Wilkesbarre, Pa. Gilchrist, Harry S do. Grosclaude, L. Augustus. . Hoboken, N. J. Harper, James P Brooklyn, N. Y. Held, Charles E New York. Jones, John R Montgomery cc. Pa. Kampman, Albert Bethlehem, Pa. Knecht, John N Shimersville, Pa. Kutzmeyer, Philip H Jersey City, N. J- Lorillard, Blase Saugerties, N. Y. McCartney, Washington Kittaning, Pa. Michael, James H Perrymansville, Md. McKenzie, Richard Charleston, S. C. Moore, John St. John, W. I. Moore, Harrison do. Moore, Robert do. Morrell, William A New York. Morrison, John E South Orange, N. J. Mozer, Herman H Buffalo, N. Y. Oehler, Reuben Hopedale, Pa. Paine, Charles Troy, Pa. Parker, Edward Philadelphia. Place, Newberry New York. Regennas, Edward J Emmaus, Pa. Remsen, William R New York. Rogers, Thomas W New Castle, Del. Rondthaler, J. Albert York, Pa. Ryerson, Charles New York. Seitzinger, Franklin Reading, Pa. Silliman, Thomas H Pottsville, Pa. Silver, Marcus Philadelphia. Simonson, Cornelius A New York. Simonson, Jeremiah V do. NAZARETH HALL. 39 Staats, Bernardus E., Jr Norwalk, Conn. Stearns, William W Elizabeth, N. J. Uhl, Edward New York, Van Beuren, Thomas P Newburg, N. Y. Whitehurst, Clarence Key West, Fla. Youngs, George New York. Youngs, Washington do. 1856. Anderson, Jansen H Saugerties, N. Y. Benners, Samuel C Philadelphia. Berks, Theodore W Germantown, Pa. Berks, Samuel H Philadelphia. Caldwell, Samuel W '. Camden, N. J. Corell, Daniel Easton, Pa. Close, William Henry New York. Close, Charles Augustus do. Fream, George Lorillard do. Frueauff, W. Herman T Bethlehem, Pa. Georger, C. Emile New York. Gunther, Charles B do. Henry, Edward T Bolton, Pa.. Jacobson, Henry A Bethlehem, Pa. Jarvis, Jay New York. Kampman, Clarence Lancaster, Pa. Knox, Edward M New York. Landell, Benjamin F. Philadelphia. Manly, Louis Woodbury, N. J. Moss, Edgar W Philadelphia. Moss, Frank V do. Morrell, William A New York. Ostrom, Charles Brooklyn, N. Y. Purdy, Charles New York. Raborg, Frank St. Louis, Mo. Renshaw, William H Philadelphia. Robbins, John T do. Rohn, Jacob P Nazareth, Pa. Schoelkopf, Henry Buffalo, N. Y. Sellers, George Philadelphia. Sigel, Charles, Jr White's Corner, N. Y. 9« 40 NAZARETH HALL. Sigel, Frederic White's Corner, N. Y, Shoemaker, Richard M., Jr Philadelphia. Silver, Marcus do. Sneckner, William H New York. Stadiger, John F Friedensville, Pa. Thomas, Abraham W Germantown, Pa. Trautwine, William Philadelphia. Tschudy, Haydn H Litiz, Pa. Tyng, Dudley Morristown, N. J. Valliant, George A Philadelphia. Van Harlinger, John Millstone, N, J. Walker, Augustus E Ottawa, 111. Weaver, Thomas M Philadelphia. Wetherill, Samuel Price Bethlehem, Pa. Wetherill, John Price- do. Wood, Irving D Philadelphia. Williams, Harding do. Wright, Charles New York. Yohe, William W Bethlehem, Pa. Yohe, George A do. Youngs, William New York. 1857. Bain, Henry Philadelphia. Barret, Frederic Mauch Chunk, Pa. Beckler, Henry B Litiz, Pa. Benade, James Arthur Reading, Pa. Benade, Patrick Henry do. Berrien, Theodore New York. Berrien, George do. Bininger, Abraham M do. Burnham, James M do. Burnham, Thomas do. Caldwell, James R Camden, N. J. Colladay, Samuel R Philadelphia. Davis, Chambers C Nesquehoning, Pa. Disbrow, William H New York. Drinkhouse, Albert Easton, Pa. Flammer, Edwin F Nazareth, Pa. Gunther, Frederic W New York. NAZARETH HALL. 41 Gunther, Christian G New York. Havemeyer, William A do. Hicks, Elias do. Hindes, Joseph H Brooklyn, L. I. Knauss, Charles E Nazareth, Pa. Ladd, William W Woodbury, N. J. Le Conte, William Washington, D. C. Lichtenthaler, Adolphus Jamaica, W. I. McCalla, Bowman H Camden, N. J. Moss, Walter L Philadelphia. Moss, Jacob A do. Palmer, Henry A New Market, N. J. Pfefferle, John F. Hoboken, N. J. Pitt, William A Stamford, Conn. Pitt, Charles B do. Purdy, John F San Francisco, Cal. Purdy, Charles T do. Remsen, Phoenix. New York. Richards, Daniel E Easton, Pa. Ridgway, Joseph, Jr.' New York. Ritter, James Morrison Philadelphia. Rohn, Jacob P Nazareth, Pa. Rowland, James Day Philadelphia. Rowland, Frank Sheets do. Scheu, Jacob Buffalo, N. Y. Schneider, Peter Hoboken, N. J. Sheets, Henry Washington, D. C. Simonson, George L Staten Island, N. Y. Stickle, D. Edgar Rockaway, N. Y. Streater, Charles Wilkesbarre, Pa. Thompson, William Philadelphia. Tilge, George Edward do. Warmkessel, Theobald New York. Yates, Rudolph B Schenectady, N. Y. 1858. Allaire, Frederic New York. Bahnson, Henry T Salem, N. C. Bishop, Charles D Springplace, Ind. Ter; Blickensderfer, Ulric Hospitality, Erie co.,Pa. 42 NAZARETH HALL. Bryan, Augustus W New York. Clark, Thomas L do. Clark, Henry F do. Conrad, William Augustus Huntsville, N. C. Dreher, Henry E New York. Duer, William A Morristown, N. J. Grote, August H Fordham, N. Y. Gunther, Frederic W^ New York. Hagen, John C York, Pa. Heiser, Godfrey C Buffalo, N. Y. Held, Robert L New York. Hibbler, George H Newark, N. J. Illig, M. Charles W' illiamsburg, L. I. Jones, Abraham G Bethania, N. C. Jones, James J. B do, Jordan, Ewing Philadelphia. Kuntz, Joseph New York. Lafourcade, P. M Philadelphia. Lash, Flavins H Bethania, N. C. Lee, George F Philadelphia, Lennert, Edward F Nazareth, Pa. Lewis, George C Wilkesbarre, Pa. Loutey, Joseph A Philadelphia. Mack, Ephraim H Canaan, Indian Ter. Mayer, Norman J New York. Mayer, Ferdinand C do. Meurer, William A .' Philadelphia. Mimmes, Frank W Cincinnati. Munro, Nathan C Macon, Ga. Newton, Alfred W Philadelphia. Sargent, Thomas B Baltimore. Scheu, William D Buffalo, N. Y. Senseman, John H New York. Siewers, Nathanial S Salem, N. C. Shuttmeister, Victor R San Francisco, Cal. Smylie, Matthew C Easton, Pa. Snyder, Peter do. Stone, Louis V. P New York. Stanton, Edward T do, Steiner, John L Philadelphia. Stiles, William, Jr do. NAZARETH HALL. 43 Tilge, Louis T Philadelphia. Van Reed, Joshua Sinking Spring, Pa. Vastine, Benjamin P Pottsville, Pa, Vetterlein, Herman G Philadelphia. 1859. Albert, Joseph Taylor Baltimore. Albert, Jacob do. Barnes, Edward New York. Barnes, Albert do. Bast, George Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Birkle, George Stapleton, Staten Island. Blickensderfer, James C Erie co., Pa. Clarke, George L. New York. Cooke, Robert Fulton Brooklyn, N. Y. Deal, Elias Philadelphia. Deal, Benjamin C do. Dusenberry, Edwin New York. Engel, Theodor C Philadelphia. Guiterman, Marcus H Port Carbon, Pa. Hagen, F. Benjamin York, Pa. Hess, Robert J Easton, Pa. Hilman, William H New York. 'Hooley, John Philadelphia. Hornblower, Arthur E Newark, N. J. Howell, Edward D New York. Hyatt, George E. L. do. Johnson, Lewis Cass Philadelphia. Johnston, Thomas A Madison, N. J. Kampman, Joseph Bethlehem, Pa. Kase, Charles M Newark, N. J. Landenberger, Jr., Martin. Philadelphia. Landenberger, Charles H do. Lemon, James H do. Longmire, Joseph W do. Mayer, Bruno F New York. Mcllvain, R. Emmet Philadelphia. Nathans, Cornelius C do. Nottingham, Leonard B Macon, Geo. Paine, Edward J Troy, Pa. 44 NAZARETH HALL. Parkinson, T. McKean Philadelphia. Pollitz, Herman W New York. Rank, David F Jonestown, Pa. Reichel, Edward B Nazareth, Pa. Ricksecker, Henry C Washington co., N. Y. Rights, Theodore M Friedberg, N. C. Schnitzel, Anthon Philadelphia. Siewers, Jacob D Bethania, N. C. Smith, Benjamin P Memphis, Tenn. Vetterlein, Juhus Philadelphia. Vetterlein, Ferdinand T do. Vetterlein, \Yillie B do. Vogler, William H Salem, N. C. Waters, George F Baltimore. Whyte, Elias W. E : . . . . Wilkesbarre, Pa. W^hitney, Benjamin P Port Carbon, Pa. Winslow, Stephen N. Philadelphia. Wilkes, William H. H. C Wheeling, Miss. WoUe, Herbert W Nazareth, Pa. Zollner, Charles New Y'ork. Zollner, Eugene do. i860. Bayley, John Thomas Norristown, Pa. Beitel, John F Nazareth, Pa. Bininger, Abraham M New York. Boyd, Theron do. Brintzinghoffer, Theodore C Newark, N. J. Capers, William W New York. Cozzens, William B. West Point, N. Y. Coulter, William A New York. Deal, John F Philadelphia. Ebbinghousen, George H New York. Garner, George Brooklyn, N. Y. Goundie, William Tell Bethlehem, Pa. Groetzinger, Charles Easton, Pa. Haight, Edward G New York. Haight, Ogden do. Harper, Fletcher U do. Harper, Joseph H do. NAZARETH HALL. 45 Hepburn, Charles W Philadelphia. Hepburn, Martin do. Jewett, Jr., Pliny A New Haven, Conn. Jordan, Gilbert Philadelphia. Landenberger, John. do. Larch, Daniel D Pottsville, Pa. Miner, Charles '. Reading. Neal, Harry Philadelphia. Nenzel, Frederic W do. O'Hara, Samuel J New York. Pfohl, Charles B Salem, N. C. Rhine, Benjamin Philadelphia. Richards, James D Augusta, Ga. Richardson, George W Philadelphia. Rowland, Thaddeus do. Setley, Harry Camden, N. J. Stone, Adolphus P Nevada, Cal. Stone, William do. Stow, James S Eufaula, Ala. Tucker, Henry W Philadelphia. Walter, Alfred New York. White, David P Norristown, Pa. 1861. Brautigam, T. Augustus Jersey City, N. J. Clyde, John J Harrisburg, Pa. Coggeshall, Elwood New York. Elliott, William S Milton Hill, Mass. Evans, Frank B Philadelphia. Fiechtner, Lewis C do. Grote, Frederic J New York. Gtmther, William H do. Gunther, John Jacob do. Hagen, Samuel E Bethlehem, Pa. Hamilton, Howard Harrisburg, Pa. Hamilton, Hugh do. Holzerman, John H Baltimore. Holzerman, Charles F do. Kennedy, Theodore Frelinghuysen Bloomsbury, N. J. Kenner, Frederic B New Orleans. 46 NAZARETH HALL. Lawall, Harry C Easton, Pa. Love, Samuel H Hagerstown, Md. Meredith, Samuel R Brooklyn, N. Y. Miller, George M Reading, Pa. Mushier, Jacob S Jonestown, Pa. Pollitz, J. Rudolph Brooklyn, N. Y. Prince, James G do. Rowland, William Day Philadelphia. Rowland, Joseph S do. Ballade, Israel B Reading, Pa. Sallade, Christian A do. Skirving, Edwin H Washington, D. C. Sullivan, Charles A Butler, Pa. Sullivan, Moses do. Thorbecke, Edward Philadelphia. Thorbecke, Herman do. Vogler, Anson S New Fairfield, C. W. Watson, Nicholas W Harlem, N. Y. Welsh, Henry J New York. 1862. Allaire, Joseph B Green Point, L, I, Arnold, Alfred New York. Balliet, Edward H Allentown, Pa. Bishop, Edwin P Bethlehem, Pa. Bleck, Charles H Carial Dover, Ohio. Breder, Hugo New York. Coyne, George T Richmond, Staten Isl. Coutin, Henri Baracoa, Cuba. Dearie, William A Philadelphia. Deringer, Henry do. Fassitt, Edward F do. Fontane, Joseph A. C Key West, Fla. Grote, William H New York. Hartman, Thomas T Philadelphia. Howell, Charles T do, Hull, Thomas H, B San Francisco, Cal. Justice, Howard R Philadelphia. Knight, George R Buffalo, N. Y. Landenberger, George W Philadelphia. NAZARETH HALL. 47 Lockwood, J. Delos Plymouth, Ind. Mack, John A Indian Territory. Marsh, Charles C Jersey City, N. J. Meyers, Lawrence P Easton, Pa. Oehler, Clement T Bethlehem, Pa. Oehler, Albert E do. Ogden, Harvey S New York. Ridgway, Edward South Amboy, N. J. Ridgway, Charles do. Russell, Charles S Philadelphia. Senseman, Wilson do. Staats, William CM Norwalk, Conn. Stuart, William C Roslyn, L. T. Stuart, Robert Brooklyn, L. I. Trumbower, John Hokendauqua, Pa. 1863. Allaire, Henry Clay Green Point, L. I. Anathan, Nathan Philadelphia. Bardsley, George H do. Berg, Alfred M do. Bley, Alphonso A. W do. Bucher, Silas W Massillon, O. Collins, Richard New York. Conkle, Harry C Philadelphia. Conrades, Henry New York. Coston, William F do. Dade, Morris Mobile, Ala. Denmead, William C Baltimore. Eliason, John F Middletown, DeL Ellwanger, Emanuel Philadelphia. Georger, Eugene A Buffalo, N. Y. Georger, Charles F do. Hamilton, William J Philadelphia. Hardy, Harold J. W Norfolk, Va. Hark, J. Maximilian Nazareth, Pa. Hartman, George V New York. Hess, Harlan P Easton, Pa. Hoguet, Albert Bristol, Pa. Hoguet, William do, 10 48 NAZARETH HALL. Hope, James W Clinton, N. J. Hurxthal, Charles B Massillon, Ohio. Johnson, Lewis C Grand Rapids, Mich. Kern, Joseph C Philadelphia. Kern, William P ' do. Kipling, Francis J New York. Kountz, Albert J Pittsburg. Kunkle, John J Frederic, Md. Kurtzman, Charles F Buffalo, N. Y. Lawrence, Edward H Philadelphia. Lawrence, William T Brooklyn, N. Y. Lee, Henry A Philadelphia. Lefevre, Charles H do. Lehmaier, Marcus B New York. Lerch, WiUiam J Reading, Pa. Linn, James Bellefonte, Pa. Luckenbach, Jacob W . Bethlehem, Pa. Mackey, Philip B Milford, N. J. Mars, Walter W Pottsville, Pa. McKenzie, Alexander Stamford, Conn. Miksch, Lewis •. Nazareth, Pa. Miksch, J. Jacob Bethlehem, Pa. Motz, Henry A Brooklyn, L. I. Nixon, William R Springfield, Ohio. Phillips, Frank C Philadelphia. Phillips, Charles D do. Poole, George Baltimore. Price, Richard L Middletown, Del. Rader, Robert P Easton, Pa. Ridgway, James W Brooklyn, N. Y. Ridgway, James V South Amboy, N. J. Riegel, Thomas M Easton, Pa. Ritter, Oliver H Bethlehem, Pa. Ross, John Indian Territory. Ross, William D Leavenworth City, Kan. Russell, Charles W' r Massillon, Ohio. Schimpf, Charles H Allentown, Pa. Scobie, Douglas D New York. Skirving, John J Washington, D. C. Skirving, Samuel M do. Stapler, H. Bascom Indian Territory. NAZARETH HALL. 4^ Steever, Ambrose W. T Washington, D. C. Thomas, William M Belvidere, N. J. Turner, Robert McC Bethlehem, Pa. Underhill, J. Albert. Boston. Vogler, Charles F.* New Fairfield, C. W. Vorhees, Thomas Trenton, N. J. Walden, Duncan Philadelphia. Walker, John C ; La Porte, Ind. Warman, Thomas E Westfield, N. J. Warthman, Edgar B Philadelphia. Weiler, Peter R. Belville, N. J. Wetjen, G. Henry New York. Wetjen, John do. White, John Belvidere, N.J. Wilson, James W Easton, Pa. WoUe, Robert H Bethlehem, Pa. Wolle, Francis L do. Wolle, Clarence A do. Wolle, Charles E Litiz, Pa. Wolle, Robert N do. Yohe, Samuel S Bethlehem, Pa. 1864. Ackerman, Walter H New York. Bachman, Charles C Hope, Ind. Bell, Edmund C Alexandria, Va. Berens, Joseph Philadelphia. Bishop, James N Bethlehem, Pa. Brown, George S. A Philadelphia. Brown, Joseph U Easton, Pa. Brown, William Frank Massillon, O. Brown, Huntington do. Brown, John H Philadelphia. Burr, Henry Clay do. Bussey, Robert H York co.. Pa. Cameron, William T New York. Chapman, William Chapmansville, Pa. Carlisle, William D Clarkesburg, West Va. Connor, Andrew G Philadelphia. Cornell, John J Fordham, N. Y. 50 NAZARETH HALL. Davis, George H Nesquehoning, Px Denman, Isaac R Newark, N. J. Denman, George H do. Dimond, Cornelius R Washington, D. C. Duncan, David B Philadelphia. Earl, John Ogden New York. Early, Silas L Palmyra, Pa. Edwards, Joseph W Philadelphia. Eisendrath, Bernhard W Chicago. Eisendrath, William do. Emanuel, Solomon Easton, Md. Erben, Louis D Philadelphia. Erben, Walter do. Ervin, Spencer do. Evans, John F. R Fort Wayne, Ind. Fassitt, Thomas Philadelphia. Ford, Edward E Brooklyn, L. I. Freck, Harry Clay Ashland, Pa. Freck, Charles G do. Fulford, Charles J Jamaica, W. I. Fulford, George D do. Greig, Evelyn N New York. Grobe, William C Philadelphia. Groot, William C Washington, D. C. Harrison, James C Philadelphia. Hartman, George V New York. Henninger, Frederic J Reading, Pa. Hincken, John L Philadelphia. Hincken, William W do. Hook, Richard W New York. Hopping, A. Howard do. Hurxthal, Frederic L Massillon, O. Jaeger, William R Baltimore. Keliey, A. Frank Massillon, O. Kiel, Arthur Hoboken, N. J. Kinike, Albert Philadelphia. Klinefelter, William L York co.. Pa. Knapp, George A New York. Lytle, William F New Orleans. Lytle, Randell H do. Mitchell, John J Alton, 111. NAZARETH HALL. 51 Naudain, Richard L Alexandria, Va. Peale, Louis Titian Washington, D. C. Read, Oscar Newark, N. J. Regennas, Eugene J Schceneck, Pa. Rhodes, John D Brooklyn, N. Y. Ross, Lewis A Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter. Ross, Henry C do. do. Ross, Edgar P do. do. Ross, Gilbert R do. do. Saul, Mowbray New York. Seitz, Frederic Easton, Pa. Schneider, Edward G Hoboken, N. J. Schneider, Otto N do. Siebenman, Henry A do. Smith, Elwood Philadelphia. Smith, Stephen do. Snyder, Harry do. Spivey, J. Hugh Savannah, Ga. Steiner, Gabriel C Philadelphia. Stuyvesant, J. Reade Schenectady, N. Y. Thompson, Albert F Philadelphia. Ward, Darius E Indian Territory. Waterman, James F New Market, N. J. Whitaker, Robert Philadelphia. Wood, Harry New York. 1865. Atlee, John Y Washington, D. C. Ayres, Donald Brooklyn, N. Y. Barron, William H New York. Berrian, Henry M Fordham, N. Y. Birchall, John N. B Philadelphia. Bley, John M do. Browne, A. William do. Butz, Daniel W Easton, Pa. Carter, Walter H Philadelphia. Casper, E. Davis Salem, N. J. Clarke, William Newark, N. J. Conley, William C Philadelphia. Cremer, Frank R do. u 52 NAZARETH HALL. Day, Edwin C Peru, 111. Dearie, Harry C Philadelphia. Forman, John E Milford, N. J. Foster, Joseph L Bethlehem, Pa. Gower, Charles H Iowa City, la. Hincken, George A Philadelphia. Hoffeditz, John C Reading, Pa. Jaeger, George A Berks co., Pa. Kegler, Frederic T Charleston, S. C. Kegler, Louis P do. Knipe, William B Harrisburg, Pa. Leisenring, Harry S Philadelphia. Leisenring, Charles R do. Mack, Edwin J Greene co., Mo. Manus, Carroll J Baltimore. Martin, Luther Philadelphia. McLean, James L Carbon co.. Pa. Miller, Edwin W Easton, Pa. Miller, Charles Hutchinson, Mo. Munger, Harry B Augusta, Ga. Myers, Frank E Canton, O. Oehler, Calvin Coveville, Pa. Packer, Asa A Nesquehoning, Pa. Powers, Frank M New York. Penoyer, Alonzo B Massillon, Ohio, Phillips, Charles B Alleghany City, -Pa. Polhamus, Charles E. V Santa Cruz del Sur,Cuba Putney, Daniel R Washington, D. C. Rose, John Jersey City, N. J. Saclon, George D Canton, O. Schantz, Tilghman D Lehigh co.. Pa. Schlabeck, Adam Philadelphia. Schneider, Alexander Hoboken, N. J. Schweinitz, Lewis de Salem, N. C. Sholder, Louis H Navarre, C). Skirving, William Philadelphia. Smith, William C do. Smith, Henry F do. Smith, Charles S do. •Stiver, Ellwood. , do. Strowbridge, Timothy R New York. NAZARETH HALL. 53 Suppes, Charles H Johnstown, Pa. Terry, Frederic W Bradford co.. Pa. Thomas, Oscar Belvidere, N. J. Van Brunt, Willett C New York. Wessels, Henry E do. Wiegner, Adam Nazareth, Pa. Ziegler, E. Howard Philadelphia. Ziegler, Harry N do. 1866. Altemus, Joseph T Philadelphia. Baxter, Henry S do. Benjamin, Walter R Castleton, N. J. Benjamin, Charles M do. Bishop, Julius Bethlehem, Pa. Boorum, Cornelius Milford, N. J. Boorum, Pierre Irving do. Clark, Charles F. Newburg, N. V. Coles, Willett H Yonkers, N. \. Cooper, Eugene T Philadelphia. Coulter, William A New York. Davis, Frank Philadelphia. Dech, Milton A Hecktown, Pa. Ducker, William M Brooklyn, N. V. Ely, Anthony M Lebanon, Pa. Epping, Henry Columbus, Ga. Forman, Lewis Milford, N. J. Fulford, John N Jamaica, W. L Glover, David Pottsville, Pa. Glover, Richard do. Harland, Charles D Philadelphia. Heath, John S Easton, Pa. Heintzelman, Paul B Philadelphia. Hemming, Robert Jersey City, N. J. Hemmingway, Frank Easton, Pa. Huart, James Edgar Washington, D. C. Hillman, Shimer D Bethlehem, Pa. Hill, Robert Henry A Philadelphia. Himes, William A New O-xford, Pa. Hough, Edward B Philadelphia. 54 NAZARETH HALL. Jordan, Pierre New York. Jordan, Frank S do. Klein, Charles do. Kolb, William W Easton, Pa. Lord, John Philadelphia. Martin, Otto F Nazareth, Pa. Mattisun, James C Washington, N. J. McXair, Albert Oswego, N. Y. Milledoler, William S New York. Nelson, Edward Plainfield, N. J. Pinkney, E Weston, West Va. Pinkney, Arthur do. Reed, John F Lancaster, Pa. Regennas, Walter S Schceneck, Pa. Richmond, Harry New York. Roepper, Francis A Bethlehem, Pa. Schmeck, W. W Seaman, William B Elizabeth, N. J. Sherer, William Wirt Easton, Pa. Shotwell, S. Frank New York. Shouse, Charles J Philadelphia. Sloat, Henry C Milford, N. J. Slocum, Edward C Wilkesbarre, Pa. Smith, Charles H Plainfield, N. J. Smith, Milton New York. Snyder, Frederic Antes Williamsport, Pa. Spangler, Charles S Philadelphia. Stotz, John T Wind Gap, Pa. Strader, Robert S Washington, N. J. Temple, J. Clayton Philadelphia. Thompson, Major New York. Tracy, Charles B Crumpton, ISId. Wiley, Ale.vander New York. Youngs, Charles do. Youngs, Edmund do. Zippel, Gustavus E do. 1S67. Aischman, Joseph Philadelphia. Armstrong, Frederic W Plainfield, N. J. Arrison, Matthew Philadelphia. NAZARETH HALL. 55 Bachschmidt, Ernest C Nazareth, Pa. Brock, Paul Philadelphia. Browne, J. Andrew Canada West. Bruner, Daniel D Columbia, Pa. Campbell, George B Philadelphia. Carmichael, John J do. Chapman, Nelson Chapmansville, Pa. Coulter, William T Philadelphia. Cremer, James do. Cumiskey, Daniel M New York. Dalrymple, William R do. Day, D. Mortimer do. Demarest, Abraham do. Doll, Edwin P Plainfield, N. J. Egbert, William H do. Eilshemins, Gustavus Belleville, N. J. Eilshemins, Emil do. Engel, Frederic Brooklyn, N. Y. Gibbs, Willie St. Clair Hyde Park, Pa. Graham, James F Newburg, N. Y. Greider, Allen L Graceham, Md. Greider, Edwin do. Groff, William H Upper Sandusky, O, Grosholz, William H Philadelphia. Harper, Frederic P. P New York. Hess, B. Lintner Lancaster, Pa. Hillman, Andrew Wilkesbarre, Pa. Holland, Daniel Hope, Ind. Illig, Christian Brooklyn, N. Y. Kern, Walter R Philadelphia. Lawson, David T New York. Leman, Henry E Lancaster, Pa. Lichtenthaler, Octavius A Jamaica, W. I. Mayher, Jr., John New York. Miller, J. Edgar Elizabeth, N. J. Munro, David Girardville, Pa. Nathans, Harry J Philadelphia. Nickles, T. Henry do. Ogden, Middleton do. Outerbridge, Franklin Bermuda, W. I. Palmer, Stephen S. . . , Newmarket, N. J. 56 NAZARETH HALL. Palmer, Edward T Newmarket, N. J. Peek, Frank S New York. Perot, Jr., PVancis Philadelphia. Pharo, Charles J Bethlehem, Pa. Piatt, William E Augusta, Ga. Potter, Samuel B New York. Reichel, Charles F. Nazareth, Pa. Remy, Curtis H Hope, Ind. Reynolds, George B Plymouth, Pa. Reynolds, Harry D Wilkesbarre, Pa. Ricksecker, Charles Alfred Camden Valley, N. Robinson, Franklin P Wilkesbarre, Pa. Rockwell, James W New York. Schneider, Lawrence Schceneck, Pa. Smith, Harry D Plainfield, N. J. Stark, James W Plainsville, Pa. Todd, Richard Philadelphia. Turner, William G Nazareth, Pa. Warner, Edward E Philadelphia. Wiegner, Josephus Nazareth, Pa. Weinland, George D Hope, Ind. Wills, Joseph Irvington, N. J. Woodman, Edward Jacksonville, Pa. 1 868. Ayer, James J New York. Baeder, William A Jenkintown, Pa. Baeder, Harry do. Benson, William H Colebrook, Pa. Bishop, Rufus N Bethlehem, Pa. Bohde, Charles H New York. Braman, Walter F Philadelphia. Buess, Rudolph New York. Buess, William do. Carey, William R Bethlehem, Pa. Conway, Henry Philadelphia. Crohen, Theodore Brooklyn, L. I. Egbert, Clay Plainfield, N. J. Elliott, Joseph W Dover, N. J. Frey, Aaron L Lancaster, Pa. Frick, Gerhard Bethlehem, Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 57 Friedel, T. Augustus New York. Garrettson, Frederic P do. Gould, William E Chatham, N. J. Grice, Francis Philadelphia. Grice, Charles P. do. Griffin, Samuel T Haddonfield, N. J. Grundy, George C Elizabeth, N. J. Hahn, Alfred H Clearfield, Pa. Hark, Otto B Nazareth, Pa. Harriott, Randolph Plainfield, N. J. Himes, Harry O New Oxford, Pa. Huszagh, Rudolf. Brooklyn, N. Y. Iverson, John H Fort Howard, Wis. Jones, David D Plainfield, N. J. Jones, Victor S Bethlehem, Pa. Kershaw, William A Norristown, Pa. Kretschmar, Horatio C Flushing, L. I. Loefiler, Herman W Massillon, Ohio. Loovis, Joseph M New York. McCay, Leroy W Eufaula, Ala. McClellan, Alfred C Philadelphia. McCormack, George New York. Miller, Charles F Cleveland, Ohio. Moore, Andrew R Philadelphia. Napheggi, Rodolfo A New Brighton, L. I. Napheggi, Alberto do. Naylor, F. Harry Philadelphia. Naylor, Frank Tiffin, Ohio. Niemann, Francis S Philadelphia. Parkhurst, Joseph York, Pa. Pounden, Francis J New York. Rader, Max. W do. Romig, Alvin F St. Johns, W. I. Rosenheim, Otto St. Louis, Mo. Take, Christian Easton, Pa. Throop, George S Scranton, Pa. Todd, Deringer Philadelphia. Tucker, Charles A New York. White, Alfred A do. Willis, Allieton C Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilson, Daniel T do. THELOGICAL SEMINARY. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE MORAVIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF THE AMERICAN PROVINCE, Founded October 3, 1807, at Nazareth, Pennsylvania. While the Moravian Church has never despised the services of illiterate men of God, having found among these most efficient instruments in her aggressive move- ments against the strongholds of Satan in heathendom, she has always recognized the importance of an educated ministry. Its ranks were supplied at an early day by accessions of men from other evangelical denominations, who had been prepared for the Church in the seats of theological learning of Protestant Germany. First among these were the Universities of Tubingen and Jena. From both, and especially from the latter, came forth able champions and architects of the Renewed Church of the Brethren, both in this country and abroad. Spangenberg and Boehler were of this number ; and we mention them be- cause their names are identified with the first attempt of the Moravians to colonize in North America, and with their establishment as an ecclesiastical body in the British provinces of the New World. 4 NAZARETH HALL. The first divinity school opened by the Moravians on the Continent was in a district of Western Germany, called the Wetterau, which, between i737 and 1749 (during Count Zinzendorf's banishment from Saxony), was the seat of the little Church of which he was the guardian and directing spirit. Here it was located suc- cessively at Herrnhaag, Lindheim and Marienborn. Bishop John Frederic Cammerhoff, Spangenberg's assist- ant at Bethlehem between 1747 and 1751 (until his death in April of the last-mentioned year), completed his theo- logical studies at the school while at Herrnhaag, In May of 1754 the Theological Seminary of the Brethren's Church, which (together with its sister Insti- tute founded at Nazareth in 1807) now for upward of a century has supplied her pulpits with an educated minis- try, was opened in the village of Barby, in Saxony. Bishop Charles G. Reichel, the first Principal of Naza- reth Hall, the late Bishop Andrew Benade (tutor between 1795 and iSoo) and Bishop Jacob Van Vleck, its second Principal, were graduated here. In 17S9 the Institution was transferred to Nisky, in Low^er Silesia. The late Rev. Charles F. Seidel, Bishops John C. Beckler and John G. Herman — and the aged Bishop John C. Jacob- son — (successively Principals of Nazareth Hall), studied Theology at Nisky. Since 1818, Gnadenfeld, in Upper Silesia, has been the seat of the Seminary. Rev. Levin T. Reichel, tenth Principal of the Hall, was graduated here. Although the opportunities afforded at Nazareth Hall after its reopening in 17S5 were of a higher order than before, there was no provision for educating young men with a view to the ministry ; and accordingly those de- sirous of entering this career were necessitated either to repair to Germany or to avail themselves of instruction NAZARETH HALL. 5 at the hands of private tutors. A few young Americans had gone abroad earlier; when, between 1798 and 1S03, Lewis D. De Schweinitz, Charles F. Reichel, J. D. Koeh- ler and Samuel R. Reichel, all sons of clergymen, fol- lowed, and were entered at Nisky. Koehler and Samuel Reichel remained in Europe ; the latter, after many years of service in England, died at Herrnhut during the ses- sions of the General Synod in June of 1S57. Charles Reichel was in America, between 1829 and 1834, stationed at Lancaster (deceased in 1846) ; and De Schweinitz, eminent in the field of botanical science, held positions in both provinces of the American Church, until his death at Bethlehem in February of 1834. Few, however, were able to avail themselves of such a privilege, the expense it involved being not inconsiderable ; and a passage across the Atlantic, in those days of uncertain travel, even in times of peace, considered no ordinary undertaking. The want of a theological seminary in the American Province was thus forced upon the consideration of its authorities, and by them referred to the Unity's Executive Board at Berthelsdorf. This body accordingly empowered Revs. John R. Verbeck and Charles de Forestier, before setting out on a visitation to the American churches in 1806, to act in the matter as would best subserve the interests of all con- cerned ; and Rev. Jacob Van Vleck, then Principal of Nazareth Hall, was by them authorized to undertake a Divinity School in connection with the Institution over which he presided. On the 3d day of October, 1807, William H. Van Vleck, Samuel Reinke and Peter Wolle entered upon a course of theological studies in an apartment on the second floor in the Hall. Mr. Ernest L. Hazelius, a graduate of Nisky, and subsequently Professor of The- 11 » 6 NAZARETH HALL. ology in the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Hartwick, N. Y., next at Gettysburg, and latterly at Lexington, S. C. (where he deceased in February of 1S53), was appointed professor, and Mr. John C. Beckler, instructor. Two members of this first class are at this writing living in retirement at Bethlehem (both venerable bishops of the Church). The third, Bishop William H. Van Vleck, ended his Christian warfare on the 19th of Jan- uary, 1853, while pastor of the Moravian Church at that place. In 1810 a second class of students of Theology was formed. There being no candidates for the ministry in the following 3'ears, the Listitution was temporarily closed — until reopened with three students in 1820. In 1835 it received an endowment, $20,000 having been bequeathed to the authorities of the Church, in trust for its benefit, by Mr. Godfrey Haga, merchant, of Philadel- phia. During Rev. William H. Van Vleck's administration at Nazareth Hall, in 1S28, the oldest of three classes of students preparing for the ministry were temporarily pro- vided with apartments in the Principal's house ; a change which was rendered necessary by an increase in the num- ber of pupils at the Hall. The purchase of a dwelling, near by (" The Cottage"), in 1830, obviated the inconve- nience ; and here it was designed to permanently locate the Institution, with Rev. Charles C. Dober, a graduate of Gnadenfeld, as Professor of Theology. Mr. Dober entered upon his duties in 1837, '^"*^ 'w^^ connected with the Institution, after its removal to Bethlehem in the fol- lowing year, until his death in January of 1840. In 1 85 1 the Seminary was transferred to Nazareth. During its continuance there, the students resided success- ively in the Hall, in the Sisters' House and in the " White- NAZARETH HALL. / field House" at Ephrata. Four members of the class of 1852 completed their theological studies at Philadelphia in 1855. In 1S58 the Institution was once more returned to Bethlehem, and arrangements made to afford special op- portunities to young men desirous of entering the Church, whose previous advantages had been but limited. The Divinity School, with its preparatory class, has since that time been conducted in connection with the Moravian College, which was then opened under the presidency of Rev. Lewis F. Kampman. The course of study pursued in the two departments of this Church institution, whose history we have just re- viewed, is calculated to well ground the student in those acquirements on which he is to draw in his professional career. In addition to an acquaintance with the great consuls of the republic of ancient letters, and with the wide field of universal history, offered him in the prepar- atory class, he is likewise subjected to the severer disci- pline of the mathematics. The knowledge of the lan- guages here obtained is applied in the Divinity School to the critical interpretation of the Scriptui'es in the original. Besides lectures on Church history, on the history and science of doctrines, and on pastoral Theology in its vari- ous departments, the history of the Moravian Church, as a specialty, enters into the two years' course allotted to theological students. The first professors and tutors in this Institution were from Germany, many of them men of solid learning ; and the German mode of instruct io7t. zvhick is unostentatious., patient., laborious., and therefore likely to be thorough., has by them been engrafted on the school of the prophets they helped to mould ; the merits of which have been re- cognized also by the alumni of the venerable Institution , 8 NAZARETH HALL. founded in 17S5, whose tutors are usually graduates of the Moravian Seminary. One hundred and thirty-seven students are registered since 1S07 as having attended one or the other of the de- partments of the American Theological Seminary. Some of these were young men other than Moravians, admit- ted into the classical school, and there prepared in part for professional life. Twenty-six of the above number, as far as we know, are deceased. Sixty ■'one entered the Moravian Church, and served, or are serving, either as pastors or in the educational institu- tions of the American Province, North and South ; or as missionaries in the West Indies, or among the Christian Cherokees and Delawares of Canada and the Indian country, the feeble remnant of a once flourishing mission among the aborigines of the New World. The following deceased while in the service of the Church : Rev. Jacob Zorn, May 27, 1843, at Fairfield Station, Jamaica, W. I. Rev. Henry A. Seidel, June 10, 1844, at Hopedale, Wayne co.. Pa. Rev. William H. Warner, June 20, 1845, at Fried- ensthal Station, Santa Cruz, W. I. Rev. Charles A. Van Vleck, December 2i, 1845, at Greenville, Tenn. Rev. Emanuel Rondthaler, November 30, 1848, at Philadelphia. Dr. Edward Rice, July 2, 1849, ^* Bethlehem. Rev. Charles A. Bleck, January 17, 1S50, at Gna- denhutten, Ohio. Rt. Rev. William H. Van Vleck, January 19, 1853, at Bethlehem. NAZARETH HALL. 9 Rev. Bernard de Schweinitz, July 20, 1854, ^^ Salem, N. C. Rev. Edward Roxdthaler, March 5, 1S55, at Naza- reth. Rev. Edwin T. Senseman, February 8, 1S66, at Hope, Ind. CATALOGUE OF STUDENTS OF THE MORAVIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Founded at Nazareth, Pa., October, 1S07. The names marked thus * are of persons deceased. I. — Class 1807 to iSio. Profs. Ernest L. Hazelius and John C. Beckler. William H. Van Yleck* (1809), teacher, deceased January 19, 1S53, while pastor of Moravian Church at Bethlehem (Bishop). Samuel Reinke (1810), teacher, resides in retirement at Bethlehem, Pa. (Bishop). Peter Wolle (1810), teacher, resides in retirement at Bethlehem, Pa. (Bishop). II. — Class iSio to 181 3. Prof. John C. Beckler. Charles A. Tan Vlecli* (1813), teacher, deceased De- cember 31, 1S45, while President of Greenville College, Tenn. G.Benjamin Mueller (united with Lutheran Church), professor of Theology in Lutheran Seminary, Hartwick, N.Y. 10 NAZARETH HALL. II III. — Class 1820 to 1S23. Profs. Charles A. Van Vleck and John C. Jacobson. S. Thomas Pfohl (1821), teacher at Salem, N. C, warden of Moravian congregation at Salem, N. C. Jacob Zorn* (1823), teacher, deceased May 27, 1843, while superintendent of Jamaica mission, at Fairfield Station. Charles A. Bleck* (1823), teacher, Principal Salem Female Academy 1844 to 1848; deceased January 17, 1850, at Gnadenhutten, Ohio, while pastor. IV. — Class 1823 to 1826. Profs. John C. Jacobson, Wm. L. Benzein, Wm. H. Van Vleck and John C. Brickenstein. J. Henry Kluge, teacher at Salem, N. C, 1826, teacher at Hope, Ind. Henry A. Shultz, teacher at Salem, N. C, 1826, pastor of Moravian Church at Nazareth, Pa. (Bishop). Abraham L. Huebner (1826), teacher, physician and professor in Young Ladies' Seminary at Bethlehem, Pa. Ernest F. Bleck (1826), teacher, treasurer of Moravian congregation at Bethlehem, Pa. Eugene A. FrueaufF (1825), left for Europe, Principal of Linden Hall, Litiz, Pa. Henry I. Schmidt (1826), teacher. Professor of Ger- man Literature in Columbia College, N. Y. V. — Class 1825 to 1829. Profs. John C. Brickenstein and Rev. Wm. H. Van Vleck. William L. Meimillg* (1829), teacher, deceased Oct. 14, 1863, at Salem, N. C. James Henry (1829), teacher, gun manufacturer, Bolton, above Nazareth, Pa. 12 NAZARETH HALL. Joshua Boner, left for Salem 1S27, bookkeeper, Salem, N.C. VI. — Class 1827 to 1830. Prof. John C. Brickenstein. Joseph H. Siewers (1830), teacher, attorney-at-law, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Charles E. Seidel, left 1S26, Pittsburg, Pa. Joseph F. Berg (1830), teacher. Professor of Theology in Dutch Reformed Seminary, Rutgers College, New- Brunswick. Edward Rice,* left 1829, deceased July 3, 1849, while Professor in Theological Seminary at Bethlehem. Maurice C. Jones, gentleman, Bethlehem, Pa. VII.— Class 1828 to 1832. Profs. Charles A. Bleck and Charles C. Dober. William L. Lennert (1832), teacher, pastor of Mora- vian Church at Hope, Ind. Fraiicis Fries* (1832), teacher at Salem, deceased August I, 1863, at Salem, N.C. Ambrose Rondthaler (1832), teacher. Principal of Moravian Day-school, at Bethlehem, Pa. Emauuel Rondtllfller* (1832), teacher, deceased November 30, 1848, while pastor of Moravian Race Street Church, Philadelphia. Julius T. Beckler (1832), teacher. Principal Linden Hall (1856 to 1862), resides at Litiz, Pa. VIII.— Class 1830 to 1835. Profs. George F. Bahnson and Herman J. Titze. Sylvester Wolle (1835), teacher, Principal Young La- dies' Seminary at Bethlehem (1849 to 1851), member of Executive Board of Moravian Province North, Bethlehem, Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 1 3 William H. Benade (1835), teacher, pastor of Swetlen- borg Church, Pittsburg. Edward Roudthaler* (1835), teacher, deceased March 5, 1855, while Professor in Theological Seminary at Naza- reth. Cliristiaii David Senseman* (1S36), teacher, professor of music, deceased August 10, 1S61, near Philadelphia. Lawrence Demuth, left for Europe 1834 ; manufacturer, Philadelphia. Emile de Schweinitz, left for Europe 1S34; Principal Salem Female Academy (1848 to 1853), member of Ex- ecutive Board of Moi-avian Province South, Salem, N. C. Francis F. Hagen (1835), teacher, pastor of Moravian Church on Staten Island. Lewis F. Kampman (1835), teacher, member of Ex- ecutive Board of Moravian Province North, Bethlehem, Pa. Edwin T. Senseman* (1839), teacher at Salem, de- ceased February 8, 1866, while pastor of Moravian Church at Hope, Ind. IX. — Class 1834 to 1839. Profs. Joseph F. Berg, Herman J. Titze, Levin T. Reichel, Chas. C. DoBER AND George F. Bahnson. William B. Bininger,* deceased at Rome. Robert de Schweinitz (1839), teacher, Principal Salem Female Academy 1853 to 1S67, president of Executive Board of Moravian Province North, Bethlehem, Pa. Henry A. Seidel* (1839), teacher, deceased June 10, 1844, while pastor of Moravian Church at Hopedale, Pa. X. — Class 1836 to 1841. Profs. Julius T. Beckler, Eman'l Rondthaler, Sylvester Wolle (at Nazareth), Rev. C. C. Dober, Rev. George F. Bahnson, Dr. Edward Rice, Rev. Charles A. Van Vleck (at Bethlehem). David Z. Smith (1841), teacher at Salem, pastor of Moravian Church at Sharon, Ohio. 12 14 NAZARETH HALL. Edward H. Reichel (1S41), teacher, Principal Nazareth Hall 1854 to 1867, resides at Nazareth, Pa. Amadeus A. Reinke (1841), teacher at Bethlehem, pastor of Moravian Church in New York. Jacob Biniuger, Jr.,* deceased April II, 1837, ^t Na- zareth, Pa. Albert J. Buttner (1841), teacher at Salem,N.C., man- ufacturer, Whitesville, N. C. Emanuel Bolmer, left in 1837. Nathaniel S. Wolle, left 1838, merchant, Litiz, Pa. Andrew G. Kern, Jr.* (1842), teacher, professor of music, deceased January 6, 1861, at Lake City, Florida. Theodore F. Keehln, left in 1839, physician, Salem, N.C. William H. Warner,* missionary, deceased June 30, 1845, at Friedensthal Station, Santa Cruz, Danish W.I. Henry J. Van Vleck (i 841), teacher, pastor of German Moravian Mission Chuixh, South Bethlehem. George W. Perkin (1840), teacher, bookseller, Bethle- hem, Pa. XL — Class 1839 to 1844. Profs. Wm. H. Benade and Emile de Schweinitz (at Nazareth), Dr. Edward Rice and Rev. Chas. A. Van Vleck (at Bethle- hem). William C. Reichel (1844), teacher, Principal Linden Hall 1862 to 1867, now at Bethlehem, Pa. Edwin E. Reinke (1844), teacher, pastor of Moravian Indian congregation at Fairfield, C. W. Arthnr L. Van Vleck* (1844), teacher, deceased Dec. 21, 1863, in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va. Edmund A. de Schweinitz, left for Europe 1844, pastor of Moravian Church, and President of Moravian College at Bethlehem, Pa. NAZARETH HALL. 15 Constantine L. Rights (1S44), teacher, merchant, Salem, N. C. XII. — Class 1S41 (at Bethlehem). Prof. Emile de Schweinitz. Matthias T. Huebner, merchant, Litiz, Pa. Jacob F. Eberman, tinsmith, Bethlehem, Pa. Gustavus E. Zippel, Secretary Cumberland Coal Co., New York. James H. Wolle, merchant, Bethlehem, Pa. Charles Goepp, attorney-at-law, New York. XIII.— Class 1843 to 1S4S. Profs. Dr. Edward Rice, Rev. Chas. A. Van Vleck and Robert DE SbnWEINITZ. Charles Klose (1S48), teacher, merchant, Philadelphia. James N. Beck (1848), teacher, professor of music, Philadelphia. Bernard de Scliweinitz* (1848), teacher, pastor of Moravian Church on Staten Island, deceased July 20, 1854, while on a visit to Salem, N. C. Max. Goepp (1848), teacher, attorney-at-law. New York. Charles E. Shober, left 1844, attorney-at-law, Salisbury, N. C. XIV. — Class 1845 to 1851. Profs. Ed. H. Reichel (at Nazareth), Dr. Edward Rice and Rev. Her. J. TiTZE (at Bethlehem). Lewis R. Huebner (185 1), teacher, assistant pastor of Moravian Church at Bethlehem, Pa. Edward H. Jacobson, left 1S49, physician, Bethlehem, Pa. Lawrence C. Brickenstein, left 185 1, attorney-at-law, Baltimore, Md. 1 6 NAZARETH HALL. JollU H. EbernitlU* (1S51), teacher (united with Lu- theran Church), and deceased September 23, 1S6S, at Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Theodore A. Lambert,* left 1851, professor of music, deceased SeiDtember i, 1S63, at Reading, Pa. Edward T. Kluge (1852), teacher, pastor of Moravian Church at Litiz, Pa. Theodore F. Wolle, left 1S47, Pi"ofessor of Music in Young Ladies' Seminary at Bethlehem, Pa. R. Parmenio Leinbach (1S53), teacher, pastor of Mora-- vian Church at Friedberg, N. C. XV.— Class 1848 to 1853. Profs. Wm. C. Reichel, Edmund de Schweinitz and Rev. Her. J. TiTZE. Alexander Troeger, left 1849, merchant, Sandwich, 111. John P. Kluge, left 1849, physician, Aspinwall, Panama. Eugene JaCObSOU,* left 1849, deceased May 9, 1853, at Bethlehem, Pa. Clement L. Reinke (1853), teacher, pastor of Mora- vian Church, Chaska, Minn. Abraham Prince, left 1850, merchant. New York. Edwin T.Zippel, left 1851, missionary on St. Kitts, W. L Herman A. Brickenstein (1853), teacher, editor of the Moravian., Bethlehem, Pa. C. Edward Kummer (1853), teacher; teacher in Mora- vian Day-school, Bethlehem, Pa. Eugene Leibert (1853) teacher. Principal of Nazareth Hall. XVL— Class 1852 to 1856. Profs. L. Huebner, Rev, Ed. Rondthaler (at Nazareth), and Rev. Ed. de Schweinitz (at Philadelphia). Henry T. Bachman (1856), teacher, pastor of Moravian Church, Graceham, Md. ^ NAZARETH HALL. 17 Lewis D. Lambert,* left in 1S54. Henry A. Bigler, left 1S54, attorney-at-Iaw, New York. Albert L. Oerter (1856), teacher, pastor of Moravian Church at Salem, N. C. S.amuel Huebuer,* deceased January 27, 1856, at Litiz, Pa. Owen Rice, Jr. (1856), teacher, druggist, Lancas- ter, Pa. J. Frederic Frueauff, left 1853, attorney-at-law, Lan- caster, Pa. Robert Spearing, left 1853, attorney-at-Iaw, New Or- leans. Clement T. Paine, left 1852, Troy, Bradford co., Pa. Lorenzo Finn, teacher, 1852. Max Heriug,* left 1853. XVn. — Class 1854 to 1859. Profs. Ed. T. Kluge, Rev. J. C. Brickenstein (at Nazareth), Rev. Lev. F. Kampman, W. C. Reicheland L. R. Huebner (Bethle- hem). James B. Haman, teacher 1859, pastor of Moravian Church, Gnadenhutten, O. J. Cennick Harvey, teacher 1859, conveyancer, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Samuel L. Lichtenthaler, teacher 1859, missionary, Barbadoes, W. L William H. Bigler, teacher 1859, Professor in Mora- vian College, Bethlehem, Pa. Charles B. Shultz (1859), Professor in Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pa. 12* iS NAZARETH HALL. XVIII.— Class 1857 to 1862. Profs. Rev. L. F. Kampman, W. C. Reichel and Lewis R. Hueb- NER, W. H. TheojDhilus Haman (1862), teacher, Professor of Music, Ulricsville, O. Edmund A. Oerter, teacher 1862, pastor of Moravian Church, Lebanon, Pa. Theophikis J. Zorn (1862), teacher, missionary, Ja- maica, W. I. Edward Rondthaler, left for Europe 1862, pastor of Moravian Church in Brooklyn. The following students pursued a partial coui^se of classical and theological studies, in connection with Classes XVII. and XVIII., between 1858 and 1862 : Emanuel Ricksecker, music dealer, Bethlehem, Pa. Philip F. Rommel, pastor of Mission Church, Lake Mills, Wis. Joseph Romig, teacher, 1861, missionary among Dela- wares, Kansas. S. Morgan Smith, pastor of Moravian Church, Canal Dover, O. Wesley J. Spaugh, Kansas mission. Herman S. Hoffman (1863), teacher, pastor Second Moravian Church, Philadelphia. Charles Cooper, Salem, N. C. The following students were connected with classes XVIII. and XIX. between 1861 and 1864. Lewis P. Clewell (1864), teacher, pastor of Moravian Church at Gracehill, Iowa. Francis W. Knauss (1864), teacher, pastor of Moravian Church at Moravia, Iowa. Edward J. Regennas (1862 to 1864), teacher at Naza- reth Hall. NAZARETH HALL. 1 9 XIX. — Class 1859 to 1864. Profs. Rev. L. F. Kampman, W. C. Reichel, L. R. Huebner and Wm. H. Bigler. Edwin G. Klose (1864), teacher, Professor in Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pa. Charles Nagel (1865), teacher, pastor of Moravian Church at Hopedale, Pa. Henry T. Beckler, left 1862, bookkeeper, Lancas- ter, Pa. Reuben Oehler, left 1 861, bookseller, Columbus, O. Henry T. Bahnson, left 1861, physician. Snyder B. Simes, left 1862, Episcopal clergyman. Henry A. Jacobson (1864), teacher in Nazareth Hall. Joseph J. Ricksecker (1864), teacher, pastor of Mora vian Church, West Salem, 111. James T. Borhek, Jr., left 1863, druggist, Bethlehem. Clarence Kampman,* left 1863, deceased June 4, 1865, at Mound City, 111. J. Albert Rondthaler (1864), teacher, pastor of Eng- lish Mission Church, South Bethlehem. Robert Blickensderfer, left 1S62. ' XX. — Class 1863 to 1867. Profs. Rev. L. F. Kampman, L. R. Heubner, Rev. Herm. A. Brick- enstein and William H. Bigler. Jacob D. Siew^ers, left 1863, 1S68 teacher in Nazareth Hall. Theodore M. Rights (1867), teacher in Nazareth Hall. John C. Hagen*, left 1865, deceased August 7, 1865, at Bethlehem, Pa. Eugene L. Shaeffer (1867), teacher in Nazareth Hall. Charles Bishop, left 1863, machinist, Troy, Pa. William J. Holland. 20 NAZARETH HALL. XXL— Class 1S64. Profs. Rev. L. R. Huebner, Rev. Wm, H. Bigler, Rev, Fred. S. Hark, J. Theo. Zorn, Rev. Chas. B. Shultz and Rev. Edwin G. KLOSfe. Adolphus Lichenthaler. J. Augustus Rice. Jesse Blickensderfei". William H. Hoch. Joseph D. Hillman. J. Max Hark. REUNIONS AT NAZARETH HALL. FIRST REUNION OF FORMER PUPILS OF NAZARETH HALL, June 10, 1854. (Rev. Edward Rondthaler, Principal.) Those whose youthful days were spent together at some seat of learning rarely meet in after life, without rehearsing the events, the scenes and the pleasures or griefs that checkered its early morn at school. This re- trospect is usually of an agreeable character, for the plea- sures of youth impress themselves more indelibly upon the mind than its short-lived griefs, which in reality only serve to augment the enjoyment of succeeding happier times. The remembrance of the most trifling incidents and occurrences at school is attended with peculiar emo- tions, and oftentimes awakens an almost irresistible desire to revisit the scenes in which they transpired long ago. This impulse is as ardent as it is natural. Feelings of this nature were experienced by two for- mer pupils of Nazareth Hall, Messrs. John Baker and Daniel D. Gassner, of New York, whose conversation, at an accidental meeting in the office of the former, turned upon the Hall and their juvenile associates. They mutu- ally expressed a wish once more to visit the spot where they had spent so many happy days, and to again meet those with whom they had been boys together ; and re- solved to institute steps for effecting such a reunion. 4 NAZARETH HALL. A correspondence was accordingly opened with several former schoolmates, and the idea thus thrown out met with a cordial response. The loth of June was designated for the meeting, and invitations were extended to such gentlemen as had been pupils of the Hall during the interval between 1S25 and 1S30. Fifteen responded to the call, and met at Nazareth on the morning of the appointed day. Many had not seen each other for the space of a quarter of a century. Those present at this first reunion were : Enicst F. Bleck., of Bethlehem, a pupil of 1S14, and subsequently a tutor at Nazareth Hall. (Most of the others had been under his instruction.) yames Hetiry (1S21), gun manufacturer, Bolton, on Lehietan Creek, Northampton co. Rev. Ed'uoard Rondthaler (1S25), Principal of Naza- reth Hall. Daniel D. Gassner (1825), merchant. New York. yoJin Baker (1826), Secretary Mercantile Fire Insu- rance Company, New York. Jacob B. Ritter (1826), merchant, Philadelphia. Rev. William L. Lcmiert (1S26), pastor of the con- gregation at Nazareth. Fanjting T. Albert (1827), manufacturer, Saugerties, N.Y. Hyla7id B. Penington (1827), attorney-at-law, Phila- delphia. Samuel Pe7ii7tgto7i (1827), farmer, Middlctown, Del. Francis Jordan (1827), merchant, Philadelphia. Rev. Sylvester Wolle (1827), Principal Female Board- ing-school, Bethlehem. Maurice C. Jones (1828), gentleman, Bethlehem. Rev. Lewis F. Kampman (1S29), pastor of the con- gregation at Bethlehem. NAZARETH HALL. 5 Henry J. Van Vleck (1S33), teacher, Nazareth. yohn C. Peters (1S35), physician, New York. Three of the gentlemen were accompanied by their wives. The morning of the day was spent in rambling over the school-grounds ; and in sauntering through the shades of the charming garden, whose devious paths, and trees, and shrubs, and rural seats, and pleasant nooks, and mur- muring streamlet had been the almost daily associates of former years. The graveyard above, where loved com- panions sleep the sleep that knows no waking, next passed in sad review. And then the woods ; the trysting- ground of youthful athletes in the foot-race or in games of ball ; the scene of hut-building, squirrel-hunting and nutting ! Through these, alas ! the tide of time had swept relentlessly, making sad havoc among the forest trees which used to lend their grateful shade. The " Bars" and the " Evening Place" were stripped of their glories, and "John Spring," once overarched with fo- liage, sent forth a slender stream at the foot of a bare and sunburnt hill. Elsewhere fields of grain cover the ground so dear to memory; their waving harvests cheering the husbandman, but saddening the schoolboy's heart as he misses his accustomed haunts. A magnificent panorama of the valley, stretching to the south of Nazareth, has been opened up to the view by the unsparing axe; but this could not compensate for the loss of what those who were met had hoped once moi-e to see. After a social dinner at the village inn, the former pupils proceeded to organize the meeting by appointing Mr. Ernest F. Bleck, President, and Mr. John Baker, Secretary. It was declared, as the sense of this meeting, that the first reunion of the former pupils of Nazareth Hall had la K 6 NAZARETH HALL. afforded such gratification to its participants as to excite a lively desire for an annual recurrence of a similar day of enjoyment ; and it was therefore, Resolved., i. That the President be instructed to take proper measures to effect a second reunion, to transpire in June of 1S55 ; 2. To extend invitations to all former pupils whose ad- dresses could be ascertained ; 3. To invite a former pupil to be speaker of the day ; 4. To form a programme of exercises for the occasion, calculated to render it one of rational festivity. With the cheering assurance that the wishes of the company would be abundantly realized in 1S55, the meet- ing separated. On invitation of Rev. Edward Rondthaler, to meet him at three o'clock in the afternoon, the reunionists repaired to his residence. In front of the Hall they found the pupils and their teachers, who greeted them with cheers such as the warm hearts of the young alone can give. This cordial reception was acknowledged by the Presi- dent in a short address. While partaking of Moravian sugar-cake and delicious coffee, the Principal produced the register of the school, and a catalogue of the years 1S25 to 1S30 was carefully examined. Many an incident, sad, bright, ludicrous, or characteristic, was called forth by active memory and afforded intense gratification. Not a name was read whose owner had not left an impression on the mind of some one present, and whose subsequent history and pres- ent state could not be traced. And it was a pleasing re- sult that scarce an instance could be cited reflecting on the training received at Nazareth Hall. An invitation was received to partake of an evening meal with the schoolboys and their teachers in the common refectory, NAZARETH HALL. 7 which, was promised, should be conducted in the manner and after the discipline of the olden time. The company adjourned to the teachers' room, and as the clock struck six the well-known bell announced the evening meal. The scholars, marshaled by their teachers, passed on the way to the dining-room ; and the reunionists, headed by their former instructor, followed in single file, and, to the no small amusement and wonder of the boys around them, took their seats at table in due order. As was the custom formerly, all united in singing a hymn, and the meal began. The huge loaf was cut by the teachers, and distributed amid Pythagorean silence. Some of the guests, forgetful of old-time requirements, opened a conversation ; a rap on the table by their teacher was respectfully heeded and at once checked the irregularity. After tea the President addressed the assembly, dii'ect- ing his I'emarks more especially to the inmates of the Hall, stating the circumstances which had led to, and the import of, the present gathering. He said this was a beginning of a contemplated series of annual reunions of former pupils, and that doubtless a large number would meet next June to revisit the scenes of their youth, to re- new the associations and friendships formed at school, to revive ancient memories, and to learn the subsequent his- tory of those who once were united with them in the pur- suit of knowledge in this time-honored and venerable edifice. He then narrated the manner in which the party had spent the day, and said that, doubtless, one of the most interesting incidents for them was the present, when they met the pupils in the capacity of the "oldest room- company ;" that while they saw in their young friends the representatives of what thev once were, the present pupils might justly regard their visitors as the represen- tatives of positions in life they would themselves be called 8 NAZARETH HALL. ere long to fill. He next dwelt on the importance of a just appreciation of their present position ; on the neces- sity and the reward of close and earnest application to the means afforded them of becoming well qualified for the active pursuits of life, in whatever station the future might place them ; and concluded by expressing the grateful sentiments of his associates for the cordial recep- tion and many marks of kindness and attention extended them. The visitors then retired to the teachers' room, and after an hour of social converse repaired to the terrace to enjoy the promised beautiful sunset. In the evening the Hall was brilliantly illuminated, and a band of sweet-toned instruments poured forth pleasing melody. The inhabitants of the village congregated in the square in front of the Hall to participate in the closing exercises of a day of unalloyed enjoyment. The pastor made a brief address ; an evening hymn, accompanied by a band of music, was sung, and after the benediction had been pronounced, the reunionists left for their respective homes. SECOND REUNION FORMER PUPILS, June 8, 1855, (Rev. E. H. Reichel, Principal,) AND ORGANIZATION OF THE REUNION SOCIETY OF NAZARETH HALL. ■ In accordance with the instructions given to its Presi- dent by the reunion of 1854, he issued the following " CIRCULAR : "Bethlehem, Pa., March 3, 1855. "My dear Sir: On June 10, 1854, a number of the former pupils of Nazareth Hall met at that place by agreement, and spent a day of much enjoyment in visit- ing the various spots teeming with interesting reminis- cences of times long gone by, and in reviving recollections of scenes and events that checkered life's sprightly time of youth, ' when they were boys together.' " This ' Reunion of Former Pupils of Nazareth Hall' was so gratifying to the participants that it was unani- mously resolved to hold similar ' j-eunions' annually, and to extend invitations to all ' former pupils of Naza- reth Hall,' and their families, to join in like movements hereafter ; and the undersigned, elected President of the Reunion of 1854, was instructed to take such measures as might be requisite to carry out the wish so ardently en- tertained. 13* 9 lO NAZARETH HALL. " In accordance with these instructions, the undersigned addresses this circular to ' all former pupils of Naza- reth Hall,' whose residence at the present time he may be able to ascertain, inviting them and their families to meet together at Nazareth, on Friday, June 8th next, at ten o'clock A. M. " Circumstances may render it desirable to know how many may be expected to be present on that occasion ; hence, every one receiving this circular will confer a favor by replying thereto before June i. These replies maybe addressed either to the imdersigned, at Bethlehem, Pa., or to the Rev. Edward H. Reichel, Principal of Naza- reth Hall, Nazareth, Pa. " Respectfully, etc., " E. F. Bleck, '"'' President of the '•Reunion of Former Pupils of Nazareth Hall, 1854.'" This circular was despatched b}- the Principal of Naza- reth Hall to as many of the former pupils as could be reached. It elicited numerous I'eplies, some announcing the intention of the writers to be present, others expres- sive of regret at their inability to attend, and all evincing approbation of the initiative about to be taken to render the reunion a permanent institution. These communica- tions were carefully preserved for future reference. The 8th of June proved a lovely summer's day, although the continuous rains of the previous week had augured no such auspicious change in the state of the weather. Many of the reunionists had reached Nazareth already on the previous day, and when the last arrival from Bethle- hem, in a cortege of five carriages, preceded by a band of music, drew up at the village inn, on the morning of the 8th, there ensued a scene of the most pleasurable con- NAZARETH HALL. Ii fusion, which will never be forgotten by those who were present. Principal and tutor and pupil were met on com- mon ground, released from the restraining influences of the distinctions which custom and the laws of the Institu- tion had once sanctioned as inviolable. The children of a common mother were met together to do her homage ; and most cordial were the greetings of older and younger brothers, who had been impelled by the same feeling of reverence to perform this remarkable pilgrimage to the scenes of boyhood's days spent in the old homestead. The ringing of the village church-bell at lo o'clock A. M. w^as the signal for the " former pupils" to fall into line, as the festivities of the day were about to open. Marshaled by the Principal of Nazareth Hall, and headed by the Bethlehem Sixtette (whose pleasing performances added to the enjoyment of the day and evening), they moved through the village, and on entering the green be- fore the venerable building were greeted by its youthful inmates with loud demonstrations of welcome. Master Frederic A. Tilge, of Philadelphia, stepped forwai'd, and in behalf of his companions, bidding the reunionists a hearty welcome, said : " Gentlemen : This day has summoned you once again to ramble among scenes which, no doubt, will vividly recall your school-days, causing you to feel that you were once boys as we now are, if not to wish that yoii were now in our stead. We trust that you will spend a pleasant day, and that its recollection will be a bright spot in your lives. And if our days be prolonged, w^e hojDe to be also enabled in after years to meet here, as you do now, in order to live over in a few short hours the school-days spent in Nazareth Hall. We also wish the ladies, who have come to participate in the festivities of 12 NAZARETH HALL. the day, a delightful time, and trust they will be favor- ably impressed by all they hear and see. And now, boys, three more cheers !" President Bleck replied, in behalf of his associates, to the speaker, expressing their high appreciation of the cordial reception just now extended them. He next re- ferred to the interesting nature of the present occasion, when men whose heads wei"e white with the frosts of many winters — men in the prime of manhood and amid the pursuits of active life — and young men, just entering upon the business and turmoil and cares of an untried world — had left their distant homes to meet former asso- ciates, to revisit the scenes of the past, and to spend a day of quiet and refined enjoyment under the shadow of their ancient and venerated Alma Mater. He invited his youthful friends to partake of the pleasures the day would bring, and from them to learn how dear to the human heart ai'e the remembrances of the peaceful times and happy associations of early youth. In conclusion, he ex- pressed the hope that the Institution in which he and his friends had been taught many lessons of worldly wisdom and early piety might continue to flourish, and be the nursery of useful men, ornaments to society, and worthy of citizenship in the great and glorious repub- lic whose proud banner now waved triumphantly, yet calmly, over the stately edifice before them. The reunionists were now shown to an apartment in the Hall, and proceeded to business. President Bleck took the chair, called the members to order, and, in the absence of the minutes of last year's meeting, gave a brief narrative of what had then transpired. He also suggested the expediency of a regular organization by the adoption of a constitution, and of such measures as would NAZARETH HALL. 13 conspire to ensure the annual repetition of occasions such as the present. On motion of Hyland B. Penington, Esq., of Philadelphia, the President appointed the mover, in con- nection with Rev. Lewis L. Kampman and Rev. Edward H. Reichel, a committee to prepare and report a constitu- tion for adoption by the meeting. During its session the members recorded their names and year of entering the Hall, in a register prepared for the purpose, as follows : A PUPIL OF J. F. Wolle, Bethlehem 1789. John S. Haman, Nazareth 1 794. John Beck, Litiz 1 799. Peter Wolle, Bethlehem 1800. P. S. Michler, Easton 1808. Ernest F. Bleck, Bethlehem 1814. John C. Jacobson, Bethlehem {ex off.)* 1816. James Henry, Bolton, Northampton co 1821. Joseph Ridgway, New York 1825. Daniel D. Gassner, New York 1825. Joseph F. Berg, Philadelphia 1825. William L. Lennert, Nazareth 1S26. John Baker, New York 1826. Hyland B. Penington, Philadelphia 1827. Samuel Penington, Middletown, Del 1827. Francis Jordan, Philadelphia 1827. Maurice C. Jones, Bethlehem 1828. N. Miller Horton, Wilkesbarre 1830. John J. Garvin, Philadelphia 1830. A. G. Kern, Jr., Nazareth 183 1. William H. Butler, Wilkesbarre 1832. W. J. Romig, Allentown 1832. Henry J. Van Vleck, Nazareth 1832. Edward H. Reichel, Nazareth 1833. Philip A. Cregar, Philadelphia {ex off.) 1833. Isaac L. Ritter, Philadelphia 1834. William C. Reichel, Bethlehem 1834. Edmund de Schweinitz, Philadelphia 1834. * Those marked ex off. were Teachers, and hence, agreeably to its Constitution, members of the Reunion. 14 NAZARETH HALL. A PUPIL OF James Biodrick, Jr., Rockport, Carbon co 1838. Francis ftlichler, Easton 1838. James H. Wolle, Bethlehem 1838. Louis R. Huebner, Nazareth Hall 1839. Theodore A. Lambert, Reading 1840. John Thomas, Catasauqua 1841. John H. Eberman, Bethlehem , 1841. Abraham Prince, Brooklyn 1841. Bradford Ritter, Philadelphia 1841. James N. Beck, Philadelphia 1841. William Trucks, Philadelphia . 1842. Theodore F. Wolle, Greensboro', N. C 1842. William A. Lilliendahl, New York 1844. Herman A. Brickenstein, Nazareth Hall 1844. Clement L. Reinke, Nazareth Hall 1844. G. Morgan Eldridge, Philadelphia 1845. C. Edward Kummer, Nazareth Hall 1845. George A. Widmayer, Staten Island 1845. George F. Thomae, Jr., Brooklyn 1846. Granville Henry, Bolton, Northampton co 1846. Henry H. Wolle, Philadelphia 1846. Edwin Housel, Easton 1846. Edward T. Kluge, Nazareth Hall 1846. Charles H. Hutchinson, Philadelphia 1846. F. E. Steinle, New York 1847. Robert Chapman, New York 1847. Philip S. Pretz, Allentown 1847. Lewis D. Lambert, Hazelton 1847. Henry T. Clark, Easton 1S47. Charles ^L Lewis, Philadelphia 1847, David Thomas, Jr., Catasauqua 1848. E. T. Elliott, Towanda 1848. Eugene M. Leibert, Nazareth Hall 1848. Robert J. McClatchey, Philadelphia 1849. Charles L. Bute, Jr., Philadelphia 1851. William H. H. Michler, Easton 1852. The Committee on Cotistitiitiou reported the following, which was inianimously adojDtcd, namely : NAZARETH HALL. 15 Article I. This society shall be known by the name of " The Re- Union Society of Nazareth Hall." Article II. No person shall be admitted a member unless he has been an inspector, a teacher or a scholar of Nazareth Hall. Article III. The officei's of this society shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and an Assistant Secretary. Article IV. The President shall preside at all meetings, and the Se- cretary shall keep accurate minutes in a book to be pre- pared for that purpose, which said book shall remain in charge of the Inspector of Nazareth Hall. Article V. The society shall hold a meeting once a year at Naza- reth Hall, in Nazareth. The day of such meeting shall be fixed by the Inspector of Nazai-eth Hall. The pastor of the congregation of said place shall be ex officio a member of this society. Article VI. The Secretary of the Society shall always be a resident of Nazareth. The meeting proceeded to elect the officers required by the Constitution, which election, on motion of Rev. Ed- mund de Schweinitz, of Philadelphia, was held by accla- mation. The election resulted as follows : lO NAZARETH HALL. P7-eside7it. Ernest F. Bleck, Bethlehem. Vice-Presidents. John Beck, Litiz. G. Morgan Eldridge, Philadelphia. Secretary. Rev. William L. Lennert, Nazareth. Assistant Secretary. Herman A. Brickenstein, Nazareth. On motion, it was resolved to hold another meeting for business purposes after tea. At three p. m. the reunionists repaired to the village church, where a large audience had already assembled, in order to pai'ticipate in some special exercises. They occupied the front lines of benches, the seats from time immemorial reserved for the pujDils of Nazareth Hall. The festivities were opened by an anthem sung by a select choir, sustained by the organ and a band of stringed and wind instruments. The words of this composition are by Mr. C. J. Latrobe, of London, and the music by Rev. Peter Ricksecker, a former teacher of Nazareth Hall, then missionary among the Indians in Kansas. It is No. 566 in the latest edition of the Moravian hymn- book. Rt. Rev. Peter Wolle having addressed the Throne of Grace in prayer. Rev. Dr. Berg, of Philadelphia, was in- troduced as speaker of the day, and addressed his audi- ence as follows : " It is my privilege, in behalf of our venerated Alma Mater, to tender to the alumni of time-honored Nazareth NAZARETH HALL. 17 Hall a cordial welcome to this classic ground, and the warm salutations of all connected with this Institution. A good mother loves her children, and this festive occa- sion is itself evidence of the affectionate interest with which this Institution regards the health, prosperity and happiness of its former inmates. It exhibits, also, a com- mendable filial affection on your part, or rather, let me say, on our part, for I am not, and I am sure I never shall be, ashamed of my mother. Whatever changes may have passed over us, and around us, and in us — and since some of us were boys together they have been both many and great — they have not affected the love which we must ever feel for the noble old Hall with which our happy child- hood is identified. We have come together to talk over old times ; if not, like old soldiers, to fight our battles over again, af least to renew many scenes of youthful toil and conflict. True, we are innocent of all the peculiar sensa- tions with which, as school-boys, we looked up into the face of our preceptors when we were perhaps not as well shod in our preparations as we might have been, and felt, as it were, standing in slippery places, and had visions of post- meridian conning of lessons flitting in prospective. Some of us have long since thrown away our school-books, or, what would be still better evidence of profitable or at least economical discipleship, handed them over to our children. Once here again- we are admonished that the march of improvement has rendered them almost as useless as the threadbare coats of our grandfathers. But let the books go ; they may serve as relics to show the next generation the path in which their fathers trod ; how they scribbled in the frontispiece and blotted the pages, and scandalized their preceptors ; and if your son or mine did better in this respect than his flither, so be it. 14 iS NAZARETH HALL. " When we visit old localities and scenes familiar to us in the days of our childhood, we feel all the emotions with which a generous heart greets the face of a long- tried friend, from whom he has been separated for many years. Some of the landmarks have disappeared. In this utilitarian age the woodman's axe is always sharp. It would be idle to wish that grindstones had never been invented, for they are needful in their place, but from my heart I cannot help wishing that there had been fewer of them in this good old town. The axe has made sad havoc. Some of the old trees which we used to climb are still standing, and lifting their tall heads in prouder eminence than when seated on them I shook the ripe nuts from their topmost branches, and sent them pattering over the dry leaves, cheating the squirrels^ and, I grieve to say, even the pigs, of what righteously belonged to them. But many of our favorites in those shady groves, known in days of yore as the guardians of the ' First boys' round place' and the ' Second boys' round place,' have fallen, like Homer's heroes, with a crash, and their shady crests, like the plumes of the warrior, have been soiled and draggled in the dust. Let me not be accused of pedantry when I say that of every one of those war- riors old Homer would have said, ' Jno-rjtrs'^ de -srrwv, apajirj^s de reu/i e^r' ayra),' or, as my dear old preceptor, Brickenstein, used to say, when reading Voss' matchless version of the Iliad, at the close of our Greek recitations, ' Dumpy kin kracht er hn Fall^ unci es klirreten auf ihm die Waffen.^ The hero of the axe, more terrible than the lion-hearted Richard in his blows upon the tur- baned Saracen, more relentless than the redoubtable Achilles, has slain his thousands, and they are gone — those noble old trees. Those fences, to men of our gene- ration, are eyesores — our play-grounds had no such en- NAZARETH HALL. 1 9 cumbrances ; we would not have tolerated them, and though the filling grain wears gloriously its green charms in promise of a rich harvest, and the woods have been converted into fertile fields, and all this may be right, still, if we had our way, the woodchopper would have been a thousand miles off' in the day when war was declared against the noble old oaks. We rested under them when the sun was high and we were fatigued of our boyish sports. We cannot help sighing, as though it were almost sacrilege to slay those old friends ; but the picture still lives. The freshness of youthful impression has im- printed them with all the lifelike vividness of a daguer- reotype upon our memories, and we shall carry them, as Qiieen Mary declared she would take the name of Calais, the last foothold of Britain in France, with us to our graves. ' The Lund Spring' and ' The Bore Spring' are as dear to our memories, and far more really consecrate than the fabled fountains from which the Muses drew their inspiration. Those two old lindens at the gate are still standing — may they live a thousand years, and may their shadows never grow less ! My friend tells me they are gone. From my heart I regret it. I remember well the old man who planted them ; I can see him yet, stand- ing erect, though the weight of more than fourscore years was upon him. We always venerated that old man. We called him ' Daddy Schaeffer.' The boys knew him as ' the man who planted the lindens at the gate,' and we felt like raising our hats when we passed. He is dead, but I could wish that noble monument might still keep his memory green, and that the air were even now loaded with the fragrance of former years, as those boughs wave over his humble grave, their censers filled with the purest incense. Too much sentiment in this matter-of-fact age is, perhaps, out of place ; still, before I let the trees go, I 20 NAZARETH HALL. must sav a word which will perhaps interest the boys. I was a scholar and a teacher in Nazareth Hall, and ten of the happiest years of my life were spent here. I owe more to this Institution than I can ever repay. I deem it a privilege to express my gratitude to God, and to those connected with this venerated Academy, for those ten years of my life ; and when these boys shall be men, and shall stand in the place of their fathers, if their hearts are right, they will thank God for the days they spent in Nazareth. When I was a boy, the movable property of the school was marked N. P. — Nazareth Picdagogium ; and some of the youngsters from New York and Phila- delphia, to whom the restraints of the Hall were rather irksome, used to say that those initials stood for Nazareth Prison. The iron bars at the windows helped them to another idea, and kept up the fanciful analogy. These were the gratings of the dungeon ! Now, sober sense would teach vou that those bars in the third story were capital contrivances to keep lads, when in a roistering mood, in the absence of the teacher, from throwing them- selves away out of the windows ; but they thought only' of home and the indulgence of a mother, and sometimes mistook the care of the nurse, who was watching them, for the vigilance of a jailer. Now, let me say to you, boys, that if you never get into a worse prison than Naza- reth Hall, you will do well, and a great deal better than some who were never trained in the Nazareth Paedago- gium. The tendency of all the education you receive here will be to make you useful and honorable members of society. And while I am talking specially to you in this familiar way, let me give you a leaf or two out of my book. I have told you that I was both a scholar and a teacher in the Hall. This gave me some opportunities for observation ; and as I have been behind the scenes, I NAZARETH HALL. 21 know all about the ropes, and that boys sometimes will pull when the teachei" is not watching them, or when they think he is not watching them ; and I will tell you what I have noticed. Those boys that were slovenly in their recitations, and that cared for nothing except play, and were anxious only to learn enough to keep them from being kept in after school-hours, or ' learning after^ as we used to tei'm that especial discipline, so far as I have been able to trace their subsequent history, have always been rather of the inefficient, do-little order ; they have seldom made their mark in the world. This has been the rule. Exceptions may doubtless be found, but the rule is, that the most diligent and studious school-boys have proved the most active and energetic men. You find them in the halls of legislature and science — you find them in the pulpit, at the bar, and at the bedside minis- tering as physicians to the sick and dying — everywhere active, useful men, leaving the world all the better for having lived in it. The boy is the type of the man. Boys are men in miniature, and men are only boys of larger growth. Your character is forming now, and you may rely on it, whenever you see a scholar who tries to cheat his teacher in his recitations — who will, if he can, sneak out of responsibilities through sloth or indolence — he is one who will probably prove a profitless pupil ; and when he has his place in his profession, if you know him, keep your eye on him, whenever you have dealings with him, for he will bear watching. " I promise to let the trees alone, after stating a fact which belongs to the reminiscences of my experience as a teacher, and I will give you the story, because it may be made to point a moral worth remembering. When I was a teacher, in charge of the second boys' room, we went out one day in autumn to gather chestnuts. Among L 23 NAZARETH HALL. the trees on the play-ground appropriated to boys of that division, there was a noble chestnut, which was rather hard to climb, but the nuts were large, and, in short, they were ripe, and it was time we had them. Among the boys there was a stout, chubby lad, as lithe and as agile as a cat, who clenched the tree and scrambled up. Soon the chestnuts came rattling down, and as the long pole whipped the branches, the tree was becoming pretty thoroughly stripped ; every bough in the lower part of the tree had been laid under contribution. John went up, still making ' excelsior' his motto, until he found himself swinging in the wind among the topmost branches of the tree. He became frightened, and called out to me that he was getting dizzy, and was afraid that he would fall. I confess, when I looked up and saw him perched at that height, I felt somewhat of a tremor. I called out to him, ' If you feel giddy, John, come down !' Very good advice, but the trouble was that, in order to come down, he must use his eyes, and so soon as he looked down, excited as he then was, his brain began to whirl like a top, and there was danger of coming down in a kind of extemporaneous, ofl-hand style that would have been anything but desirable. Matters were getting seri- ous, for every moment was increasing the boy's agitation. He cried out again, ' Oh, sir, I am very dizzy, and how shall I get down } If I look down, I shall fall.' I re- member the answer that I gave him. It was, ' Look up, John, and hold on !' ' Ay, ay, sir, I will,' said he. Very well, he did so ; and forthwith a committee was des- patched for one of those long ladders that used to be in the square near the old market-house ; a posse-comitatus of the citizens was summoned, and a sufficient force was soon raised for the rescue. We got him down safe and sound, and he is now perched, I believe, on one of the NAZARETH HALL. 23 topmost branches of the tree whose leaves and fruit bring medicine to the sick ; Hving in New York, respected as an eminent physician. Now, my young friends, when 3'ou get out into the world, it is very likely that you may be brought into positions, in your eager pursuits after its pleasures, its riches, its honors or its fruits, in which you may begin to feel dizzy ; and if you would be kept from a fall that would break your bones, the soundest advice I can give you, in such circumstances, is to 'Look up and hold on' until you can step down with a clear brain and a sure foot ; but still better counsel w^ould be, to ' look up' before you climb, and never to risk your neck for a few chestnuts. This habit of ' looking up,' and keeping your eyes and your heart on the bright heaven above you, and where you and I hope to go when this changing world has done with us and we have done with it, will ' keep your feet from falling, your eyes from tears and your soul from death !' " It is so natural for us, on an occasion like the present, when houses, fields and gardens, and par excellence ' the gardeti^ remind us of the days of our boyhood, to look back upon that period of our youthful history, that I care not to divert my mind from this channel. I seem to be living now in the past. Every foot of that road between Bethlehem and Nazareth, which I so often measured on holidays, when liberty w^as given me to visit my dear old mother, used to be as familiar to me as the pavement now is before my door. ' The mile-hill,' where my mother used to leave me when the hour for returning to school had come, and I had to march back ; ' the four- mile-hill,' on the brow of which, a little to the left, stood an old hovel, occupied by an aged couple, a mother and her daughter — the daughter far advanced in the eighties ; Dreisbach's tavern, where w^e stopped at the pump to 24 NAZARETH HALL. rest and refresh ourselves with the cool water ; Dreis- bach's hill, on the roadside, famous as the only locality known in those days to botanists, because noted by the lamented Schweinitz as the habitat of the Viola rostrata; ' The Dry Lands,' with its antiquated stone church, now displaced by a newer edifice ; and the shady patches of woodland intervening between Hartzell's and that hill from which the spire of the old Hall beckoned me back to my books, and which loomed up at times with awful majesty, as I anticipated a gentle reminder from brother Brickenstein — always laconic, when needed, and who would sometimes greet us on our return, if we had lagged, with a significant ' Etwas spat /' — the clear ringing of the Hall-bell, as it would sound out over the hills, and reach us in the distance with its warnings, making us quicken our steps ; — all these, and a thousand memories besides, come back like messages from the dreamy past, whispering with their still small voice of happier days that are gone, never to return. How often, in the stir- ring conflict of active life through which we have passed since we have left the walls of that old Hall, have the quiet scenes that surround us this day been brought back to our memories, and proved to our weary spirits the very balm which was needed to soothe them. In days of per- plexity and sorrow the pleasant memories of our boy- hood have been like the shadow of a rock in a weary land. The simple lessons of evangelical truth sometimes addressed to listless hearers were not thrown away. Often the seed that has long been buried in the dust and covered with rubbish, germinates, and is found after many days. It is well to sow beside all waters, and to cast the seed upon the waters : the flood will not always be high, and when the seed reaches the moistened soil and the waters have abated, it springs up and bears fruit an hundred- NAZARETH HALL. 25 fold. The prominence given to religious principles, di- vested of all polemical or sectarian form, the simple spirit of evangelical purity, which is the very staple of this atmosphere, will be like the small rain upon the tender plant in its influence upon character. Let our youth learn that sincerity and simplicity are the choicest characteristics of genuine piety, and they have learned that which will make them wise for ever. " Who of us that were denizens of this Institution during the inspectorship of Van Vleck and Herman, can ever forget them? The mild, gentle and paternal earn- estness of the one, the cordial, cheerful and generous warmth of the other, endeared them to us all. Both have entered into rest, proving themselves men of God to the last, and dying as soldiers of Christ, with their harness on. I might speak of other excellent men who have since sustained the same relation, but they are still among the living, and some of them are adding to the social en- joyment of this reunion by their presence. " But I must close. Most earnestly do I desire that Nazareth Hall may long be permitted to exert its influ- ence upon the community, in promoting the best interests of sound education, pure moi^ality and religion undefiled ; and that from these seats of unostentatious but not less solid learning many may go forth who shall stand in the front rank of Christian duty and benevolence, foremost in every good work, with strong hearts and stout hearts, to labor for God, for themselves, their country and the world, until they hear the plaudits of the mighty Judge, ' Well done, good and faithful servant.' Long may the peculiarities of Moravian discipline be here preserved intact and inviolate. Its distinctive character is the very life of this Institution. Let no rash hand of crude refor- mation be lifted upon it, to mould it into closer resem- 26 NAZARETH HALL. blance to other schools. That would be to ruin it. Let it rather be like the altar which God chose for His own — built of unhewn stone, ''for if thou Uft a tooltipon it, thou hast defied it.' Let it stand in the quiet dignity of the simplicity and unpretending merit which have hereto- fore given it character and favor, and it will continue to be a blessing when we and our children shall have yielded the spheres of active duty to other generations." At the close of the address the Principal announced the programme for the remainder of the day. The fol- lowing ode was then sung by the choir, with instrumental accompaniment. The words are by the late Rev. G. B. I» Reichel, of Salem, N. C, and the music by Rt. Rev. Peter Wolle, of Bethlehem, both pupils of iSoo : Come, joyful hallelujahs raise, The tribute bring of grateful praise ! Exalt, extol the wondrous love Of Him who lives and reigns above ! His blessings and His mercies all Our songs and sweetest anthems call ; The riches of His bounteous hand Still cheer and crown our favor'd land ! He is our God and our defence, «, In danger He our confidence ; In happiness, our Guard and Guide, He ever will for us provide. His matchless goodness He displays To brighten and to bless our days ; Then let us join, his name to sing, And hallowed hymns harmonious bring ! Oh tune thy harp and strike thy lay, America ! Columbia ! In conclusion. Bishop Wolle pronoimccd the benedic- tion. The meeting of former pupils and inhabitants of the NAZARETH HALL. 27 village in the square after the exercises was of an interest- ing character, as the speaker's remarks had recalled scenes and revived recollections in which both were interested. At five o'clock the Hall-bell announced tea. A boun- tiful meal had been spread in the Chapel, and two hun- dred and eighty-three persons partook of the hospitality of the Institution. In accordance with the usage of for- mer times, grace^was sung., and there was scarce a voice that failed to join in the familiar stanza : " Each crumb thou dost allow us With gratitude shall bow us, Accounting all for us too good." The din of knives and forks, and the clatter of plates, which broke the succeeding silence, were reverberated by walls and ceiling, and indicated the good-will with which the company entered upon the duties of the moment. The room was decorated with vases of flowers ; and as the eye glanced rouiid the spacious apartment, and took in the long tables well loaded with wholesome viands, and the medley of delighted faces, young and old, male and fe- male, in one promiscuous confusion of good-humor, the scene presented was indeed original and pleasing. There was much to recall the past. The pupils of the school sat arranged in classes, with their respective teach- ers at the head of the tables. The rap of the knife on the loaf — that well-known signal to the hungry urchin — had the desired effect, as might be seen from the long line of upturned hands and fingers that spoke by dumb show the wants of their owners. The huge tea and coffee cans were rather less indented than those of former times ; but the fried potatoes, the cold meat and the doughnuts were old friends with well-known faces, and welcomed as such. It required little effort of the fancy to fill up the deficien- 28 NAZARETH HALL. cies of the picture, and to be once again a veritable pupil at an old-time supper-table in Nazareth Hall. Social chat enlivened the meal ; and on order being restored, the President communicated several of the letters received from absent former pupils, and among them the following two — the first from Mr. Thomas Horsfield, Librarian of the East India House, London, a pupil of 17S5; and the second from Mr. Jacob Kummer, of Bethlehem, a pupil of 17S6 : " Library East India House, ) " London, May 18, 1855. \ '' The Rev. Edward H. Reichel, "Principal of the Moravian Boarding-school, at Nazareth Hall: '' Dear Sir : I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your circular, dated Bethlehem, Pa., March 3, 1S55, and sent from Nazareth on the 30th of the same month, and to inform you that I have forwarded, by the kind assistance of Mr. William Mallalieu, a small memo- rial in behalf of my interest in the proposed Reunion, to be held at Nazareth, on the Sth of June next. In this book I have taken the liberty to inscribe my own name, with those of my fellow-pupils who entered the school in 17S5. It is intended for the library of your establishment.* " Allow me briefly to add, that at this period of my life, having just commenced my eighty-third year, I can truly say that I recall with pleasure the three years, from 17S5 to 178S, which I spent at Nazareth Hall, under the care and instruction of your venei^able grandfather, Charles Gotthold Reichel. "With best wishes for the prosperity of your establish- ment, I remain respectfully, '' Yours, " Thomas Horsfield, '' Pupil of 1785." * A copy of " Plantx Javanicae Rariores," London, 1853. NAZARETH HALL. 29 "Mr. E. F. Bleck: "Bethlehem, June 5, 1855. " Dear Sir : Youi" circular, addressed to all former pupils of Nazareth Hall, inviting them and their families to meet together at Nazareth on Friday, June S, has been duly received by me ; and although I still feel very much attached to the good old building in which I received in- struction, and to ' the various spots in the neighborhood, teeming with interesting reminiscences of times long gone by,' and should be delighted to ' revive recollections of scenes and events that checkered life's sprightly time of youth,' yet I must beg you to take the will for the deed ; and I confidently hope that all the ' former pupils of Nazareth Hall,' assembled this year at the annual cele- bration, will kindly excuse me, after having heard what I further have to say. " I believe I am the oldest living scholar of Nazareth Hall. The school, as it is at present, was commenced in 17S5, when the Rev. Charles G. Reichel, the grandfather of the present Principal, arrived from Europe, to open a boarding-school for boys at Nazareth Hall, and in 17S6 I entered the school, being then only four years of age. I remained ten years as pupil in the school, and in 1803 I again entered the Hall as teacher, and continued in that capacity five years. " Much as I should like to revive many former recol- lections, I find in the review, that instead of pleasing in- cidents, there would be many more of sadness passing before my mind. I would find myself standing solitary and alone, without any of niy old school-companions ; and of the various spots in the neighborhood, once so in- teresting to me, how few would I find as they were for- merly ! Now, all are changed, perhaps quite as beauti- 15 30 NAZARETH HALL. ful as they were sixty years ago, but still they are changed, and not the same loved places. " I remember when the two stately linden trees near the gate leading from the yard to the garden were not thicker than my arm, and one of them, I hear, is no more.* " Thus I could probably enumerate a hundred and more different things which are not as they were in my time, and which would jDroduce a deep-felt sadness in my mind. " Even of my former scholars in Nazareth Hall, ho.w few should I find alive if I should go through the list ! Besides all this, I feel that at my age it is highly neces- sar}' to keep as calm as possible ; the excitement of the occasion would be more than I could well bear. And being corpulent, it would certainly take all the breath my lungs could afford to carry me from the Hall to the far- ther end of the pleasure-garden, and with the greatest difficulty could I get back again ; much less could I think of walking along the different roads ; and it would be quite out of the question to go up and down the slopes of the pleasant walks. So that, upon the whole, I am sure that my presence in your midst would only be a clog to the enjoyment of all the company. One thing more I must mention — that having always been in good health, I can still enjoy life, perhaps, more than most others of my age, being now in my seventy-fourth year, and that although I am upward of threescore and ten years old, I still have the pleasure and satisfaction of seeing here, at Bethlehem, one of my former teachers, the Right Rev- erend Andrew Benade. " Permit me, in conclusion, to wish you and every in- dividual assembled at Nazareth Hall on the occasion * Both are Gfone. NAZARETH HALL. 31 much joy and happiness for this and many succeeding days. " In spirit I shall be with you. '' Yours, truly, etc., "Jacob Kummer, "/'«//7//or 1 795- 1 800." " Senate Chamber, March 14, 1856. " My Dear Old Friend and Teacher : I have delayed a reply for a day or two to your letter of the 7th inst., conveying to me an invitation to address the Re- union Society of Nazareth Hall on the 6th of June next, in the hope that I might be able to accept it. Such a proposition, and coming as it does from you, not only awakened the pleasantest possible of all memories, but held out a prospect of so much pure enjoyment that I hesitated long, and declined only from the conviction that public duties here cannot be arranged as to permit me to act so far in advance. I must therefore decline the invi- tation, but with heartfelt thanks, be assured, for the kind- ness and honor it conveyed to me. Nevertheless, my dear sir, I shall endeavor to steal away from here, and join you on that day, if possible, with my family, to indulge my heart's yearning for its first love. " Stephen R. Mallory, " Pupil of 1826." "New York, October 19, 1855. " I cannot tell you what pleasure I derived from the receipt and perusal of the History of Nazareth Hall,* and * Then just published. 16* 46 NAZARETH HALL. of the account of the Reunions of old scholars. I read them to my children, and talked over my schoolboy da}S around our evening table, much to their delight ; and the only thing that marred the enjoyment I experienced in re- viving hallowed associations was the fact that I had not participated in those festive gatherings. As I read how the former pupils jDartook of a repast after the custom of olden days, I could see us all again seated around the board, with our pewter plates, a large dish of boiled beef, or sour-crout, or apple pie, or wheaten pap, sprinkled with brown sugar, set before us ; and I could see the large loaf in the tutor's hand, and each hungry boy gesticulating with fingers the state of his appetite. Then the ' week- holders' province !' For the emptying of slops and bring- ing of water they were entitled to the remnants of the teachers' portion at the evening meal ! How forcibly, too, was Brother Schmidt brought before me ! Dear me ! I have a most vivid recollection of the air and gait with which he came into recitations, with a round of buttered bread in his hand, munching away for deal* life I " But, withal, it was a melancholy thought that many of my comrades have gone the way of all the earth. I marked the names in the catalogue I knew I should have missed, and prominent among these was that of my inti- mate schoolmate, John Schropp, with whom, in school parlance, I '■ wettt Joints^ in all matters involving expen- diture for our mutual comfort — such as vespers, etc., etc. I naturally recur to many things which have ever endeared his memory to me ; among the rest to a box he gave me when I left the Hall, in which are preserved my youthful correspondence and German and English school-books. His memory I shall ever cherish ; and as I believe here- after we shall ' see as we are seen and know as we are known,' I may hope to ineet him in that great Sanctuary, NAZARETH HALL. ^J where we shall know neither sorrow nor sighing, but shall be as the angels of God. " Henry Smith, "OcKBROOK, England, May 14, 1856. " The receipt of your circular of March 14 afforded me much pleasure, and was calculated to awaken recollec- tions of days gone by which I delight to cherish. Though my personal attendance at your annual meeting is out of the question, I am not the less sensible of your kindness ; and I beg to assure you, and those who may be around you on that occasion, that I will not be unmindful of your gathering on the 6th of June next. Alore than half a century has passed since I left the place where you j^i'o- pose to hold your Reunion ; nevertheless, I remember Nazareth Hall and its environs well, and often have I longed to revisit my native land and the abode of my in- fancy and early youth. Great, no doubt, are the alter- ations and improvements that have taken place in the Hall ; still, I fancy I should find no difficulty in recognizing the stately edifice, with its gardens, walks and meadows ; as well as the distant hills, brooks, rivers, woods and vil- lages. Lively also are my recollections of those who were engaged as teachers, and of not a few of my fellow- pupils. But how many of them are gone — or, I should rather say, /loxv Jew of them are left I And though I might for a little while imagine myself again young, as I was when for the last time my eyes were fixed upon the house of my birth, I should soon be aroused from the dream of my youth by the mournful fact that the majority of those to whom I then bid farewell are now sleeping in the silent grave ; and that the few whose memory goes as 48 NAZARETH HALL. far back as mine must shortly follow them. Nor are i-e- flections such as these confined to the aged, such as I am ; each meeting of your society must tend to remind its members of the rapid flight of time and the steady ap- proach of eternity. And if these gatherings are, on the one hand, calculated to foster kindly feelings among those who have enjoyed a common early instruction, and to keep alive their interest in the Institution they frequented as boys, they have, on the other hand, a powerful tendency to remind the young of the necessity of redeeming the time given them, and of preparing for the eternity that is before them. " Not many of those whom you will meet at Nazareth Hall on the day named in your circular, or who have for a longer or shorter period resided within its walls, can feel a deeper interest in its prosperity than I do. And I can say that, as the prospect of my visiting the place of my birth decreases, my remembrance of it, and my inter- est in its welfare, increase ; nor shall I cease to pray that it maybe set for a blessing to many — not onl}' by leading the young to the acquirement of what is useful and praise- worthy, but also, and especially, by directing them to the path of life, and making them acquainted with their God and Saviour. With these sentiments, however imperfectly expressed, " I am, very sincerely, yours, " Samuel R. Reichel, "■ Pupil of 1800." After the reading of these letters, Mr. Lebbeus Chap- man, Jr., of New York, pupil of 1S3S, was vociferously called for ; in obedience to which summons he rose, and for half an hour kept the audience in alternate bursts of laughter and pauses of deep-felt emotion. The descrip- NAZARETH HALL. 49 tion he gave of his schoolboy experiences was as amusing as a tribute he paid to the patient Instructions of one of his teachers was touching and unaffected. Other gentle- men were called on to address the meeting, but no one seemed willing to follow Mr. Chapman. It was now growing late, and the company adjourned to the square, there to participate in the da3''s closing exer- cises. The Hall was Illuminated ; and a transparency in front, Inscribed with " 100," and the words " Te Deian Laiidamus" commemorated the fact that the venerable pile, dedicated to the service of God in the year 1756, had, under His protecting care, reached Its centenary. Owing to the chilliness of the night air and the damp- ness under foot, prudence forbade prolonging the enjoy- ments of the evening; the visitors left the ground at an early hour, and the festivities of the Reunion were pre- maturely closed. At the socIet}''s business meeting, held In the chapel after supper, Articles I., III. and V. of the Constitution were amended so as to read : Article I. This society shall be known by the name of the " Reunion Society of Nazareth Hall." Article III. The officers of this society shall be a President, ybz^r Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and an As- sistant Secretary^ who shall be elected at each annual meeting, and sei^ve until the election of their successors. Article V. The society shall hold a meeting once a year in Nazareth Hall, at Nazareth, on the second Friday in June. The pastor of the congregation shall be ex officio a member of the society. The following committees were appointed : one " on communications," one " on arrangements," and a third " on engaging the speaker of the day." Upward of twenty letters had been received respond- 50 NAZARETH HALL. ing to the circular of March 14, and twelve of these were communicated. A copy of " Plantae Javanicse Rariores," Lojidofi, 1S53, presented to Nazareth Hall by Thomas Horsfield, M. D., was also submitted for inspection. Pursuant to a resolution adopted, to wit, " that a his- torian of the society shall be appointed at each annual meeting, whose duty it shall be to prepare a narrative of the acts of the society, and of the events and festivities of its meetings, with a view to publication, so as to form a continuous history and a sequel to the "History of Naza- reth Hall," published in the course of last year, Mr. Herman A. Brickenstein was appointed Historian by the chair. The election of officers resulted as follows : President. Ernest F. Bleck, of Bethlehem, Pa. Vice-Presidetits. Rev. John C. Jacobson, do. Rev. Philip H. Goepp, do. Daniel D. Gassner, New York. Samuel Penington, Delaware. Secretary. Rev. Wm. L. Lennert, Nazareth, Pa. Assistant Secretary. Herman A. Brickenstein, do. FOURTH REUNION FORMER PUPILS, June 5, 1857, (Rev. E. H. Reichel, Principal.) The forenoon business meeting of the society was called to order by the chair at eleven o'clock A. m., in the Hall chapel, and Rev. F. F. Hagen, of York, opened with prayer. After the election of sundry committees, the one " on nominations" reported as follows : President. Ernest F. Bleck, of Bethlehem. Vice Presidents. Rev. John C. Jacobson, do. Rev. Philip H. Goepp, do. Henry Smith, of New York. Francis Jordan, of Philadelphia. Secretary. Rev. William L. Lennert, of Nazareth ; Assistant Secretary. Herman A. Brickenstein, do. ; which report was adopted as a whole by acclamation, and the gentlemen named, declared unanimously elected. On motion of Mr. John Baker, Reunion appointed Philip A. Cregar, of Philadelphia, Speaker for the next 61 52 NAZARETH HALL. year's festival ; and on motion of John C. Gunther, H. A. Brickenstein was appointed Historian of the current year. The Principal proposed the planting of two lindens, pre- sented by Mr. John Beitel, of Nazareth, near where the " Two Brothers" formerly stood ; the same to be planted by the oldest four of former pupils present, in the course of the afternoon. Christian Brunner, of Bethlehem (day-scholar in 17S5), John S. Haman, of Nazareth (1794), G. Charles Schneller, of Bethlehem (iSoo), and George Frick, M.D., of Baltimore (1S05), were ascertained to be the four. In the evening session, on motion of Mr, Henry Smith, H. B. Penington and Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., in conjunc- tion with the mover, were appointed a committee to take into consideration the expediency of procuring a marble tablet, to be inscribed with the names of the Principals of the Hall ; said committee to report at the next annual meeting. In conclusion, a vote of thanks was tendered to the Messrs. Lilliendahl, of New York, for a display of fire- works, presented by them for the closing festivities of the present reunion. Master Thomas Van Beuren, of the IV. Room, spoke greeting to the Reunionists, as the procession was drawn up in line before the Hall : " Gentlemen of the Reunion Society," said the young Demosthenes, " in the name of my comrades I bid you welcome, for this day is a great one for us Nazareth Hall boys ; and we are inclined to believe it will be as great a one for you ! And now, boys, three cheers for the ' old scholars !' " The compliment having been acknowledged in behalf of his associates by the President, the society proceeded to business ; after which lunch was served in the " Round Place" woods. This was an agreeable variation of the NAZARETH HALL. 53 usual programme. The sun had long since dispelled the gloom and threatening clouds of the early morning. It proved a lovely summer's day ; and amid the songs of birds and the lisping of leaves, all " under the greenwood tree," the sylvan feasters indulged in good cheer and mirth, and talked over battles lost and won ; and the fountains of memory then opened, flowed, I ween, thro' emerald meads on which the noonday's scorching sun had never beat. A game of ball, too, was in progress at the '• First boys' round-place ;" but the hours were short, and the summons " Home ! home !" broke in rudely upon the exciting sport, for the time was come to meet in the vil- lage church. The exercises here having been opened with singing and prayer. Rev. Ambrose Rondthaler, of York, ad- dressed his audience in these words : " It is not with feelings of a stranger unacquainted with Nazareth Hall, and indifferent to the interests of this time-honored Institution, that I appear before you, this afternoon, respected friends, to speak a little of bygone days. While the pulse of life beats gratefully to my God and Saviour, I deem it a privilege, after a lapse of twenty- two years, to come forward in order to add my humble testimonial of the esteem in which I hold Nazareth Hall. " We meet as children of the same mother ; and, as such, we mutually tender, on this happy Reunion-day, our sincere, our warm and our cordial salutations. Nor do we, by any means, consider ourselves guests hospitably admitted, and then left to wander at our pleasure in a strange place. No ; xve have come Jiomel And here, at home, after a longer or a shorter absence, we find much that is still unchanged. We find the scenery around our Alma Mater still presenting all the features of beauty and 17 >■ 54 NAZARETH HALL. variety and loveliness which it wore when we first beheld it ; and even the little brooks and rills in the neighbor- hood, with which we first formed our acquaintance when sporting with child-like playfulness upon their banks, are yet flowing in the same current in which we then saw them flow ; and though a great change may have come over some of the more frail and fragile things with wdiich we are surrounded — though some of the trees which once waved in all stateliness may be withered or may have been cut down — -still we are, and feel ourselves to be^ at hojuel Again, we visit some of the beautiful and ro- mantic valleys of our home, and climb the hills we so ot'ten climbed, and enjoy the luxury of once again looking upon the enchanting prospect. And while we stand and ponder on periods long, long ago gone, the joy of other years glides by us, and we seem to live in the atmosphere of former days. And while thought does its part, almost sacred are the associations and recollections which en- shrine the memory of many once familiar places — the memory of our round-places — the memory of the sylvan scenery of the Lund Spring — the memory of once lovely spots carpeted with smoothest and brightest verdure. We recall to our minds many a sweet summer's morning, so calm, so gentle, as if this world were no tumultuous scene, as if thei'e were no storms, nor tempests, nor hur- ricanes of life — many a sweet morning on which we strolled through the ' Kinder- Garten^ while the odor of flowers, rising up from the scented earth, added a new charm to the scenery. We walk again the streets of dear Nazareth, and almost everywhere we recognize old and familiar buildings ; we tread again the floors of old Nazareth Hall ; we visit its ancient rooms, changed by the hand of improvement ; we linger here, we linger there ; we walk into the chapel, the old meeting-place, NAZARETH HALL. 55 the old church of the dear Nazareth congregation. And here — pardon my egotism — I think of my sainted parents. Yes, pardon me, my dear friends, and I know you will, for those educated in Nazareth Hall have hearts to feel ; pardon me, then, if a tear of filial recollection gathers in my eye and saddens my heart. I think of my father! I picture him to myself, in our sim^^le children's meeting, giving out, with his German accent, the sweet and beautiful hymn, ' Dearest Jesus, come to me ;' and that German accent is sweet music to my ear, and I can never forget it. And thinking of my parents sweetly sleeping in Jesus on yonder hill, I cannot help thinking of the many well-known villagers who worshiped here, and are now old and grayheaded (and may God, their Saviour, not forsake them !), and of others who, since our time, have been borne to the lonely tomb, there to rest until the resurrection of the just, when the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible. And, as we think of these, we think of others whom long, long ago we followed to the grave ; and again we hear the sweet music of trom- bones accompanying the beautiful German words : ' Ei wie so selig schlafest du Nach manchem schweren Stand, Und liegst nun da in siisser Ruh In deines Heiland's Hand.' We stand again around the old dead-house — but no ! it has disappeared, and its disappearance reminds us of one of the sweetest and most consolatory words of Holy Writ : ' There shall be no more death !' "And then, hallelujah ! reunion for ever I 56 NAZARETH HALL. "And, while thinkingof my parents, I cannot but associ- ate with them a certain brother, who crossed the ocean with mv father upward of half a century ago, and who for eight years was Principal of this Institution, now a vener- able father in Israel. And perhaps this venerable father, our aged brother Seidel, is this day looking back through the long vista of almost seventy-nine years ; and while thinking of this one and of that one — and of his own dear Henry, once a scholar and teacher in Nazareth Hall, who is resting at the roots of the old trees near Hope- dale — is erecting an Ebenezer unto God in his heart, as he says : ' Hitherto the Lord hath helped us !' And surely on a day like this we cannot forget Father Benade, one of the first teachers in this Institution, and now almost ninety-three years of age. Perhaps this patriarch, while thinking of Charles Gotthold Reichel, the first Inspector, and during whose term he entered as teacher, and running over in his mind the term of the next Principal, Jacob Van Vleck, and so down the stream of time to the present Inspector, a grandson of the first, through a long period of seventy-two years, is saying in his heart, ' Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations !' And thinking of our aged Brother Benade, we recall one of his old pupils — one of the first admitted into Nazareth Hall — two years ago, one year ago (with the exception of the aged Thomas Horsfield, re- siding in London), the oldest living pupil of this Institu- tion. I mean the venerable Jacob Kummer, who lived in yon building ten years as scholar, and five in the capacity of teacher. But a few weeks ago, on the fifth of last month, he fell asleep in Jesus. And what must the feel- ings of such venerable men have been, or still be, on a day like this.'' Methinks they must feel like Moses of NAZARETH HALL. $>/ old, that faithful servant of the Lord — like Moses, who, after having led the children of Israel through many scenes, and directed their wanderings in the desert for forty years, once more, before ascending Mount Nebo, and its highest summit Pisgah, where he died, gathered the congregation of Israel together. A new generation born in the wilderness stood before him. Where was Aaron, his brother, who had shared his joys and griefs.? Gone ! He had died on Mount Hor, and the children of Israel had mourned for him thirty days. Where was Aliriam, his sister.'' Gone! She had died in the encampment in Kadesh, in the wilderness of Sin. Where the many who, standing on the shores of the Red Sea, had sung a song of triumph unto Jehovah, their deliverer .'' Gone! They had died in the wilderness. And when our Moseses look back and think of the many changes which have taken place around them since their youthful days, well may they ask, deeply affected, where are many of those with whom we were boys together.'* Where so many of our former pupils, our colleagues, our companions.'' Where those faithful servants of God, John Frederic Frueauff', Abraham Luckenbach, with their younger brother Lewis de Schweinitz .'' — all of them former inmates of the ' Hall ?' They are sleeping in their graves at Bethlehem. Where those self-denying men, Nathaniel Brown and Benjamin Mortimer.'' While one of them rests on Staten Island, the other hears no more the din and bustle of a mighty city. And while our Moseses thus look back, others who, in all human probability, have finished more than half, perhaps more than three-fourths, of their journey, may put the same question with regard to their former com- rades. Where, such may ask — lost in deep thought — v/here is Ernest L. Hazelius, in after times a bright and shining light in the Lutheran Church.'' Where those 17* 58 NAZARETH HALL. humble but true evangelists of the New Testament, Adam Human, Samuel R. Huebner, George Hartman, Charles A. Van Vleck — all of them former teachers, and the lat- ter a Principal of Nazareth Hall ? Where John G. Kum- mer, who for many a long year so faithfully superintended the Litiz and Bethlehem Female Seminaries ? They are resting until the return of Christ from heaven ? "And may not we, who are yet in the prime of life, although liable to be called hence to-morrow or even to- day — may not we ask the same question with regard to others? Whilst I, for example, know that four of my first teachers, whom I love and esteem, are still in the land of the living, where is kind-hearted Lewis Benzien, who dried my tears on the very first night I slept in Naza- reth Hall? Where dear Christian R. Schropp? Well do I remember the day of his funeral thirty-six years ago, and well do I know the very spot where he is buried ; and not far from him reposes an aged missionary, Sebastian Oppelt, who, in his old age, once more descended to the humble and arduous but noble task of instructing the young. And where are some of my teachers of later times? While I know that one of them, who became a faithful Principal of this Institution, is filling a respon- sible post in Europe, where is kind-hearted Jacob Zorn? He sleeps beneath a tropical sun. Where my faithful professors, Charles A. Bleck and Christian Dober? While the one rests at Gnadenhutten, Ohio, the other sleeps at Bethlehem. And where the worthy Principals of my time? While the first, after many years of faithful ser- vice in America, Russia and Holland, is living in retire- ment at Herrnhut, paternal William H. Van Vleck and kind and cheerful John G. Herman have entered into their rest. Where are two of those who were colleagues witli me — John Rickert, the esteemed mathematician, and the NAZARETH HALL. 59 amiable Daniel Steinhauer? Asleep in Jesus, ' wait- ing for the adoption ; to wit, the redemption of the body.' " And where are some of those who were boys with me? Where my brothers Emanuel and Edward, both of them former pupils and teachers and professors, the latter once a principal of this Institution ? They sleep not far from each other in the graveyard at Bethlehem ; while one of their former pupils, and in later times a teacher here, Bernard de Schweinitz, rests at Salem. And are these all? Is my memory so frail as not to think of others? No ; as long as Memory holds her seat I cannot forget four mothers — the four sick nurses during my time. While two of them are now tottering on the brink of the grave. Mother Kummer and Mother Sievers will wake up in that land where the inhabitants no more say, ' I am sick.' "• Yes, most of us may ask, Where are some of the teachers who disciplined and instructed us in our tender years? Where many who guided us amid the froward- ness of youth ? Where are many of those venerable for age and wisdom and experience, upon whom we were taught to look with respect and reverence ? Where are many who set out with us in die path of life? " But shall we remember only those who are dead and gone, and shall we forget the living? No; courtesy, friendship, respect and gratitude compel me to allude to others. "■ We cannot forget, on a day like this, two venerable men, who, with the lamented William H. Van Vleck, once formed a lovely trio, and who, after having left their Alma Mater, went wherever God and truth and duty called them ; and, while we remember these, we cannot but associate with them one of their former school-com- panions, who has been eminently successful as an in- 6o NAZARETH HALL. structor of youth, and who is honorably known as the ' Old Schoolmaster.' And while we remember one who in after times served for many years as a missionary, and who is now, in his declining years, teaching a school of Indian children in the Far West, we cannot forget the kind-hearted brother who served as teacher and professor of Theology for ten years, and for five as inspector ; and his six, and in later time seven, theological students, most of whom were my teachers for a longer or a shorter period — all of whom I respect and love. We know where these eight have pitched their tents ; those who once thought together^ — ^acted together — wrote together. Alay they be lovely in their lives, and in their death may they not be divided ! And we must not forget the respected brother who superintended two theological classes, and who, together with one of his sons, is again engaged in Nazareth Hall. And we are not permitted to forget his two classes of students, many of whom were teachers in this institution, and all, excepting Dr. Edward Rice, still on earth, and either actively engaged in the Church of Christ, or taking the liveliest interest in the dissemination of knowledge, of truth and of pure religion, I cannot forget my fellow-students, three of whom are yet in the land of the living, and one the beloved pastor of the Na- zareth congregation. I cannot forget my colleagues, the one known as the antiquary of the Moravian Church, who in after times was Principal of Nazareth Hall ; the second, a dear brother, who for almost a quarter of a century has been engaged in teaching in the metropolis of this State ; the third now residing in retirement in the West ; the fourth a missionary in Canada ; the fifth and sixth who left the very month I did, and whom I have followed with a brother's eye — the one well known as a champion of Protestantism, and the other as a faithful NAZARETH HALL. 6l missionary, who, after years of hard service, resides again in the bosom of this congregation. And let us not forget one who served as missionary in Surinam, and wlio has, as a well-known physician, dwelt for years under the shadow of the old ' Hall.' " And now, having mentioned or alluded to all the Principals of Nazareth Hall, and to many of its former teachers, I would have it distinctly understood that I must refrain. Twenty-two years ago I left this place, and therefore am not as well versed in the modern history of the ' Hair as I am in its middle ages and its ancient history. However, one class of students with their pro- fessors I would not fovget, since most of them entei'ed as teachers immediately after I left. One of them resides in the borough where my tent is pitched at present. With him I am on the most friendly footing, and together we often live over Nazareth Hall times. But, though I cannot mention all, I would love to see every former in- mate of that old building who is still on earth. Oh howl should love to shake hands with everyone of them, and, laying oft' all reserve, call my old schoolmates and my former pupils by their Christian names — John, Mi- chael, Reuben, Moses, Thomas, William ! Yes, I would love to see them all. Deep is the interest I take in the welfare of each, even of those whom I do not know. I look upon such either as older brothers, who had left be- fore my time, or as younger brothers, born while my com- panions and myself had already set out on the tempestuous voyage of life. " And deep, too, is the interest Vv'hich I take in the future progress and success of the 'Hall.' And why.? Not only because I was educated here — not only because an orphan son of my brother's is here — not only because my own son is here — not only because the sons of many 62 NAZARETH HALL. whom I esteem are here — but also because the sons of others, who, as well as we, and we as well as they, have been redeemed, not with gold and silver, or any such cor- ruptible thing, but with the precious bleeding and dying of our Lord Jesus Christ — are here. I wish the ' Hall' success — I do, I do indeed — success from the bottom of my heart. A school where not only the head is educated but the heart, ought and is deserving of our best wishes. It will and must continue to prosper. The blessing of the Lord will abide upon it. Amen ! ••• Present pupils of Nazareth Hall, where are you .'' Oh I see some of you in the rear of the church. Perhaps mv address hitherto has been as ' stale' and uninteresting to you as chronological tables, with nothing but dates and names, were in times of yore to me. But bear with me a little longer. Be diligent ! Be up and doing ! Study, and stuily laboriously. Never be dismayed by difficulties witii wliich you may meet in your studies. Let 3'our motto be ' Nil dcsperandiim !' ' Never despair !' Re- member, my boys, it is not genius, it is not talent, but per- severance that is a mighty conqueror. Be docile, but at the same time dare to think for yourselves, and thus the whole tone of your thinking will become manly and powerful. Cultivate urbanity of manners, kindliness of feeling and loveliness of disposition toward all with whom you associate. But let not this be all. If this be all. antl icmain all, then all your knowledge, and what- ever benellt may result from it in after life, will prove at last a thorn to your pillow — a dagger to your breast — a millstone rouiui your neck. If this be all then, 'Vanity of vanities, all is vanity !' Oh, my dear boys, let your prayer to-day be this, let it be your prayer while kneeling this night 011 the l)are lloor of vour bedside : NAZARETH HALL. 63 'To thee, Almighty God, Ahnighty Saviour, to thee, Ourselves we now resign : 'Twill please us to look back and see We were in childhood thine !' " Former pupils of Nazareth Hall, and my own heart, do you hear the echo or do you not — ' We were in childhood thine ?' " Present teachers of Nazareth Hall, love your profession. Endeavor to give life to the intelligence of your pupils, sharpness to their penetration, and ardor to their attempts in the pursuit of knov^^ledge and w^isdom. And so rule, govern, watch in your rooms and in your classes, and at the table and at the plays of your pupils, that they may feel and know that there is in their midst a God of love, of mercy, of compassion, of justice, of truth, who is angry not with the dull, not with the ignorant, not with the weak, but only with the wicked, and that every day. " Present Principal of Nazareth Hall, suffer a few words of brotherly exhortation. Responsible, and well you know it, is the office which you fill. May the Lord con- tinue to be with you. May he enable you to exercise a watchful and parental care over those entrusted to you. And while you superintend their literary education, you will continue to attend to their moral and religious cul- ture. While you dwell but little upon the peculiar tenets of our Church, show them the whole apparatus of Re- demption ! Daily, every morning and every evening, often throughout the day, commend them prayerfully to the gracious care and guidance of the great Prin- cipal of us all. Yes, dear brother, so continue to super- intend this Institution that those committed to your care may once rise up and call you blessed. '• One word more, and I have done. Dearly beloved. 64 NAZARETH HALL. one and all, as we meet to-day, in all probability we shall never again meet on earth. But, though we meet thus no more on earth, may we all once meet around the throne of God. There may we meet to celebrate a happy, never-ending reunion ; there where ' Sorrow and pain and every care, And discord, all shall cease ; And perfect joy and love sincere Adorn the realms of peace !' Amen." Perhaps the most pleasing of the day's transactions was the one witnessed immediately after the close of the ex- ercises in the church. This was the planting of two lin- dens at the gatewa}', through which the walk leads into the pleasure-grounds and up "Garden-hill." Here the " Two Brothers" had stood, saplings from the Lund Spring woods, set out by Frederic Schaefter, in the days of Charles G. Reichel ; and here, side by side, they had been fostered by the same dews from heaven, and shoulder to shoulder had borne up against the same winds and storms, until, after having outlived many generations of boys at school, and in the summer of 1S30 witnessed the funeral obsequies of the old man who had planted them, their allotted time was accomplished in 1854, ^"'^^ they ceased to be warders at the gate. And now the repre- sentatives of those who had known them when not thicker than an arm, of those who had marked their growth, who had passed and repassed under their spreading canopv to sports in the woods above, into the garden or to the cemetery on the hill, and of others who had seen them in all the glory of multitudinous leaves and sweet-smelling blossoms, were met to perpetuate their stately presence within ^he precincts of old Nazareth Hall. For the young lindens, it was hoped, would grow up to be the NAZARETH HALL. 65 " Two Brothers" for future generations of boys and men. Rt. Rev. Peter Wolle prefaced the ceremonies of the occasion by some appropriate remarks, and the gentlemen designated in the morning proceeded to plant the trees — Messrs. Brunner and Schneller the one to the right, and Messrs. Haman and Frick the one to the left of the gate. Supper was served in the Chapel at half-past five p. M. to almost three hundred guests. Some business details, postponed from the morning, having been despatched, Messrs. Henry Smith, Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., and Max Goepp in conclusion, addressed the meeting. 18 FIFTH REUNION, FORMER PUPILS, June ii, 1858, (Rev. E. H. Reiciiel, Principal.) The erection of u mural tablet (the workmanship of George A. Krause, of Bethlehem), inscribed with the names of the Principals, in the rear of the pulpit in the Hall-chapel, was the most interesting feature of this Reunion. The officers elected to serve for the ensuing year were : Presidetzt. Hexry Smith, New York. Vice Presidents. John Beck, Litiz. Francis Jordan, Philadelphia. Ernest F. Bleck, Bethlehem. George Frick, M. D., Baltimore. Secretary. Rev. William L. Lennert, Nazareth. Assistant Secretary. Henry T. Bachman, do. Herman A. Brickenstein was continued Historian. At three p. m. Professor Philip A. Cregar pronounced the annual oration before the members of the society, in the village church. NAZARETH HALL. 67 Having been introduced, the Speaker said : " My Friexds : We have met here to-da}- to roll back the curtain of time, and live over again our youthful d 3's. " Ever since we entered the precincts of this place this morning, we have been Nazareth Hall boys. Those who accompanied us here and thought us men, and as such looked up to us for support, have been obliged to bear W'ith our boyish demeanor. The cheering welcome of the present residents and foster-children of our old Alma Mater waked up our youthful blood and sent it circling through our veins as rapidly as our hats circulated round our heads, and as vigorously as our voices made the wel- kin ring, in answer to their greetings. Every spot that we have visited, every turn to the right or the left that we have made, has renewed our youth, brought up old faces and new incidents as vividly to our recollection as if they were the actors in present transpiring scenes. Some of the grave and reverend seniors, and the matured and manly figures that now surround us, are seen to-day in no other form than the ruddy youth and flaxen-haired boys they were years ago. In fact, we are all boys to-day, and will be so for some days to come, in spite of the occa- sional glimpse that toilet-glasses will give of wrinkled brows and silvery hairs. We need not wish that we were boys again, for who does not now feel himself such ? The same generous and noble emotions that filled our bosoms in boyhood swell our hearts to-day ; and no incident of schoolboy days which could darken our brows or arouse one sullen feeling dare make its mark upon the tablet of our memory. '' Although boys in feeling, the experience which we have acquired in om" minglings with the world gives a somewhat different coloring to many of the recollections tliat crowd themselves on oiir minds. The trials of our 68 NAZARETH HALL. schoolboy lives that we then viewed as insufferable hard- ships are now looked upon as necessary training for the battles we have since fought. The tasks that sent our weary lieads with aching throbs to our restless pillows are now looked upon as breaking up fallow ground that would otherwise have remained parched and unfruitful. Those who imposed them, and who were construed into the most cruel tyrants by our impatience of restraint, are now remembered and greeted as our best friends. Every unheeded admonition, eveiy disregarded counsel and every neglected lesson stands before us as a sceptre of some murdered opportunity of improvement. How gladly would we live over again those school-days, that we might testify our gratitude to those whom we now know were working to promote our welfare alone ! How cheerfully would we perform every task, however labo- rious ! with what alacrity would we carry out every in- junction, and how meekly receive every admonition ! " To you, my young friends, who occupy our old places, I would say there is no mortification, no remorse like that which proceeds from a consciousness of misfortunes brought on by our own faults or neglect. If wealth accu- mulated by years of patient industry is destroyed in a moment by the devouring element ; if by dearth or flood our fields are laid waste ; if our nearest and dearest friends are struck down by ' the pestilence that walketh in dark- ness and wasteth at noonday', — in all these we may see the hand of an overruling Providence, and bow submissively to Him that doeth all things well ; but when surrounded by difficulties that our own hands have made, and en- tangled in the meshes of nets which our own fingers have woven, where shall we find relief "i There will be nothing to soothe our anguish or save us from the scorpion lashes of a tormenting conscience. Improve, then, every op- NAZARETH HALL. 69 portunity which this Institution affords, and your future will not be filled with vain and fruitless regrets. Boys, the life you now live — your school life, I mean — unimport- ant as you may think it, is a part of your never-ending existence, and must and will affect your whole future course. You look upon your days and years spent here as unnecessary restraints on your liberty, and long for the time, the happy time, of deliverance. In looking forward on a year which you are to spend here, you mark its tedious length by three hundred and sixty- five slowly moving days ; and if the design of your parents or giiardians should lead you to anticipate a re- sidence here for three or four of these same long years, you see almost an unending period of time before you, and wonder if it will ever terminate. I represent those who filled your places twenty-four years ago, and there are others around us who were pupils here more than forty years ago ; and we all look back on the whole period since our residence here as but a very short time. Our recollections of what transpired when we were the residents of this Institution are such as to make the whole intervening period appear as but yesterday, or, in the language of Scripture, as a tale that is told. If we could only realize in our youth the fact that now is the only part of our existence which is really our own, how different would our lives be ! Every opportunit}' would be improved in its turn, and the most made of it. Nor would so many of us in after life be found wounded and bleeding amid the ruins of our own air-built castles, whose baseless fabrics had scarcely been reared till their frag- ments were scattered in desolation at our feet. This living without a present purpose, contracted in our youth, is apt to follow us through life. "My old companions and old scholars will forgive me ■JO NAZARETH HALL. for playing the schoolmaster, and bear with me while I address a few more words to the present pupils. '' My young friends, labor is the price of happiness. Although part of the curse that succeeded man's fall was that he should earn his bread by the sweat of his brow, yet our first parents were not, in their innocence^ idle in- habitants of Paradise, but the dawning day and fading eve found them training and cultivating the beautiful flowers by which they were surrounded. Our very nature calls for activity ; and he who uses his ability most will reap the most abundant harvest of enjoyment. But labor with- out a purpose is useless. Every one of you should early fix some point toward which all your labor should tend. There is no calling in life, however humble, if you find yourself fitted for it, in which you cannot become emi- nent and useful. Nor is there any profession, however thronged its ranks may be, where you may not find place for distinction if you mark it out as the great object and aim of your life. The great Webster once remarked that there was plenty of room in the most crowded professions for first-class men. Now, boys, the only way to become first-class men in any pursuit is early to determine your calling, and pursue it steadily with your whole ability. There is nothing, however noble and lofty, that man has ever achieved that you cannot attain by the necessary effort and application. " My friends, indebted to you for the kindness with which you have borne the digression into which my teach- ing habits have led me, I again turn to you. You, who meet us here for the first time after the lapse of years, will be struck with the change marked on almost every- thing around us. The old Hall, which you undoubtedly expected to see in its pristine glory, has had its fair face of nature disguised with a modern something — certainly NAZARETH HALL. p not improvement. I may be more sensitive on this point than the rest of you, for it robs me of a figure in which I once represented the superiority of tliis school over most other boarding-schools. I described the course of studies in many other schools as that of a mere showy character, as the smooth mastic coat of a modern building, which would soon scale off and show its want of depth and solidity ; while that of Nazareth Hall as of a sub- stantial nature, like the native rock of its own walls, which, while it might present more corners and rough places, would stand the test of time, and weather out the stormy blast unscathed. "• Our assembling here to-day may be attributed to the solid character of the education received in this Institu- tion. Whatever reverence for true morality and for all that really dignifies and exalts the human character we possess, we owe to our early impressions received within these walls ; and the desire to show our gratitude and re- kindle the fraternal love we learned to cherish here has brought us together again. Those who planned the studies of the ' Hair were not afraid nor ashamed to take the Bible as the basis of the morality taught here. Here we were in- structed that the domestic altar should be dedicated to the living God, and that that nation was alone blessed whose God is the Lord. Imbued with these sentiments, the pupils of Nazareth Hall must become the centres of happy firesides, and such citizens as the nation might confidently rely on in her dark hour of trial. So much is suggested by the change in the Hall itself. But wherever we have been to-day we have traced the finger of time in the changes that have marked its touch. Our play- grounds and wood-secluded walks have yielded to the ploughshare, and fields ripening for the harvest take their 72 NAZARETH HALL. places. Standing on these spots so altered, which in other days we knew and loved so well, and calling for the companions that then stood beside us, how painfully conscious do we become that we too have changed ! We represent a large number of classes, but how thin their ranks ! We have been busily inquiring during the day for all our classmates who are absent. But where are they ? It has been our pleasure to hear of many of them holding distinguished positions in the various callings and professions which they have selected. But we have been called upon to shed the tear of sorrow over the memory of many a loved one. Of those who labored with me as teachers, three have passed to their rest ; and the Inspector, whose cheerful countenance radiated plea- sure wherever he moved, has also closed his career of use- fulness. Although it will continue to afford gratification to meet our old companions here year after year, it will be our melancholy task on all these occasions to miss some familiar face, and find that he has been gathered to his fathers. " Our ceremonies to-day are marked with a deserved tribute of respect in the erection of a tablet to the memory of those worthies who have presided over this Institution, and whose virtues w^ill thus be commemorated by all suc- ceeding generations of Nazareth Hall pupils. Of this list, it has been my pleasure to have a personal acquaint- ance with all except the first two. Of these, four have changed this scene of trial and conflict for one of triumph and victory, two having served the Church in the capa- city of bishops, and have left us examples well worthy our imitation. Of the remainder, two were my colleagues as teachers, and one my pupil. Some of those who re- main are resting from active service, and waiting the call NAZARETH HALL. 73 of the Alastei" that shall summon them to their eternal rest. I know I shall find a hearty response in every breast when I express the wish that a long and peaceful life may be the portion of all those who are still with us, and that, having lived the life of the righteous, their end may be like his." SIXTH REUNION OF FORMER PUPILS, June io, 1859, (Rev. E. H. Reichel, Principal.) Ix the forenoon business meeting, the following officers were elected : PresideJtt. Henry Smith, New York. Vice Presidents. John Beck, Litiz. Francis Jordan, Philadelphia. John F. Wolle, Bethlehem. William J. Albert, Baltimore. Secretary. Henry T. Bachman. Assistant Secretary. James B. Haman. Treasurer. Rev. E. H. Reichel. Historian. Albert L. Oerter. The annual address in the village church was pro- nounced by Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., of New York. After supper, remarks were made by Messrs. George W. Perkin, Henry Smith, Rev. Joseph D. Philip, Rev. Edmund de Schweinitz and Rt. Rev. John C. Jacobson. 74 1 M ^ w M, i SEVENTH REUNION OF FORMER PUPILS, June 3, 1864. (Rev. E. H. Reichel, Principal.) A BUSINESS meeting of the society was held in " The Cottage" during the afternoon, at which Professor Philip A. Cregar presided. Comparatively few of the members had responded to the call, and, excepting routine business, nothing of special interest transpired. The following is the result of the annual election : President. Henry Smith, New York. Vice- Presiden ts. Francis Jordan, Philadelphia. Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., New York. Rev. Sylvester Wolle, Bethlehem. Rev. Edmund de Schweinitz, Litiz. Secretary and Historian. Edward Rondthaler. Assistant Secretary. J. Theophilus Zorn. Treasurer. Henry J. Van Vleck. 75 ^^M .am EIGHTH REUNION FORMER PUPILS, June 8, 1866, (Rev. Edward H. Reichel, Principal.) The following members were present : 1800 — Peter WoUe, Bethlehem. 1814 — Henry Smith, New York. 1815— Elihu L. Mix, New York. 1816— John C. Jacobson, ex-off., Bethlehem. 1821 — James Henry, Bolton, Pa. 1823— Seth W. Paine, Troy, Pa. 1827 — Francis Jordan, Philadelphia. 1828 — Thomas Sparks, Philadelphia. 1828 — Maurice C. Jones, Bethlehem. 183 1— N. S. Wolle, Litiz. 1832— Henry J. Van Vleck, Bethlehem. 1832— Charles C. Paine, Troy, Pa. 1832— George A. Kohler, Philadelphia. 1833— Philip A. Cregar, ex-off., Philadelphia. 1833— Edward H- Reichel, Nazareth Hall. 1834— Edmund de Schweinitz, Bethlehem. 1835— Samuel C. Wolle, Catasauqua. 1833— James H. Wolle, Bethlehem. 1839— Francis Wolle, ex-off., Bethlehem. 1842— Theodore F. Wolle, Bethlehem. 1843— Amos C. Claudcr, Bethlehem. '844— Herman A. Brickenstein, Bethlehem. 1846— Granville Henry, Bolton. Pa. 1S46 — E. T. Kiuge, Nazareth. 76 NAZARETH HALL. 77 1847 — Obadiah T. Huebner, Nazareth. 1852— J. T. Zom, do. 1853 — John R. Jones, Montgomery' co., Pa. 1853 — Joseph John Ricksecker, Nazareth. 1853— E. T. Lichtenthaler, do. 1853 — William H. Jordan, Philadelphia. 1853 — William H. Nixon, do. 1854 — Edwin G. Klose, Nazareth. 1854 — Charles Nagle, do. 1855 — Frank H. Ellis, Philadelphia. 1856 — Samuel R. Colladay, do. 1856 — Harding Williams, do. 1859 — Ferdinand C. Mayer, Brooklyn. 1859 — S. C. Chitty, Nazareth. 1859— William H. Vogler, Bethlehem. 1862 — George T. Coyne, Staten Island. The Committee on Nominations reported the following officers for the ensuing year, which report was adopted ; to wit : President. Henry Smith, New York. V^ice Preside}its. Elihu L. Mix, New York. Seth W. Paixe, Troy, Pa. Thomas Sparks, Philadelphia. Rev. Edward H. Reichel, Nazareth. Cojumittee of Arrangements. Rev. Robert de Schweixitz, Salem, N. C. William H. Jordax, Philadelphia. George A. Kohler, do. Lazarus D. Shoemaker, Wilkesbarre. Maurice C. Joxes, Bethlehem. Richard R. Tschudy, Litiz. JoHX C. GuxTHER, New York. Charles W. Held, do. 19 ;S NAZARETH HALL. Secrciaiy and Historian. Edwin G. Klose, Nazareth. Assistant Secretary. Charles Nagle, do. T'reasttrer. Maurice C. Jones, Bethlehem. A vote of thanks was passed to the retiring Principal, who had provided for the entertainment of former pupils, met at seven of the eight Reunions celebrated up to this time. It was finally resolved that Mr. William H. Jordan, of class 1853, be appointed a Recorder to collect the names of such pupils of Nazareth Hall as had fallen durins: the war. NINTH REUNION FORMER PUPILS, June ii, 1868, And InaugH7-atian of a Memorial in honor of sjich Alumni as fell in defence of their Country during the war of the Rebellion. (Rev. Eugene Leibert, Prinxipal.) The reunion of 1866 appointed Mr. William H. Jordan, of Philadelphia, a Recorder to ascertain the names of such former pupils of the Hall as had fallen in the civil contest which the surrender at Appomattox ter- minated in the triumph of constitutional liberty. This commission was conducted with untiring labor, and re- sulted in the accumulation of facts from which a record of the military career and fate of most of the alumni who served in one or the other of the contending armies was subsequently compiled. It attests, almost unexception- ally, to the gallantry, devotion, endurance and patient suffering of those whose names appear upon its pages. Upward of two hundred pupils, representatives of almost every successive class of students at the Hall, men past the prime of life, men in the vigor of manhood, young men and mere boys, were found to have paitici- pated in the war of the late rebellion. And while such as had thought, had acted, had learned together at school, oftentimes stood side by side in the battle-field, com- 79 8o NAZARETH HALL. radcs, too, were found arrayed against comrades, and brother against brother. Hence the feelings awakened by a perusal of this record of members of a common household were of mingled sorrow and regret — of sor- row for the untimely loss of good and patriot men who had contended for right, and of regret that men as brave should have been deluded by the mad ambition of wicked leaders to venture even their lives in the cause of an un- provoked rebellion. A wish to perpetuate the memory of such patriotism by a tribute other than is rendered by the common in- stincts of humanity in the hearts of all good men was ex- pressed by the Recorder to those whom he consulted in prosecuting his labors. It was this wish, thus intimated and gradually defined by the interchange of views and sen- timents between former pupils of the Hall, which im- pelled the movement whose extraordinary ceremonies rendered the nth of June, i86S, an eventful day in the history of the quiet town of Nazareth. At first there was marked indecision as to the propriety of excluding from participation in the intended honor such pupils as had fallen in the so-called Confederate service. With some, this originated in sympathy for comrades ; with others, in sympathy for the cause they had espoused. But it was resolved to sacrifice the former, to disregard the latter, and yet, " with malice toward none," to render honor to those only who had stood up for the defence of their en- tire country and its constituted laws. Any other course, it was rightly reasoned, would in the sequel detract from the character and worth of the memorial, which was intended not to gratify the impassioned feelings of men of the present day, not to compromise truth and error by a double record, but to hand down to men of future generations the names of such only as had felt NAZARETH HALL. OI themselves moved to defend the liberties of their fore- fathers against the assaults of an internal foe. The erection of a monument or cenotaph within the precincts of the Institution at which the heroic dead had learned their early lessons of love of country, was unhesi- tatingly accepted as the most appropriate mode of testi- fying gratitude and respect to their memories. In October of 1867 the following circular apprised the former pupils of the Hall of the nature of the initiatory steps taken, with a view to consummate what had been foreshadowed by the resolution of June, 1866 : IN MEMORIAM. TO THE FORMER PUPILS OF NAZARETH HALL. 1 785-1 867. Among the teachings of this Moravian Institution, the " Amor Patri^" has ever been pre-eminently inculcated. Its youth are brought up in the pride of Liberty and In- dependence, as an undoubted birth-i-ight, but this pride is always tempered by the svipreme obligations of Law. It was therefore but the result of the discipline of our venerable " Alma Mater" that upward of two hundred and fifty of our former companions, during the gloomy days of the late rebellion, promptly responded to the call of our Country, and imperiled their lives in doing battle with the Spirit of Sedition, and that twenty-six sealed their patriotic devotion with their blood, thus confirming the assertion which has been frequently made, that from no class of men in this Republic did the response of pa- triotism come more readily and surely than from its cul- 19* 8z NAZARETH HALL. tivated class, who threw themselves heartily into the war both from solid conviction and absolute rule of conscience. Nazareth Hall is distinctively a Christian Institution, bestowing the benefits of its training and culture on youth from all parts of our common land. We, the undersigned, therefore, who were its inmates at periods more or less i^emote, and who cherish its asso- ciations with warm affection, in proposing to perpetuate the memory of our martyred brethren, while desiring to avoid every appearance of vindictiveness or of triumph over the vanquished, can only feel that we would thereby erect a shrine to the high religious purpose of love of country and love of law. It is designed to place a Cenotaph, with a shaft of thirty-five feet in height, within the "Green" fronting the ancient " Hall," the grounds of which will be appro- priately embellished by its authorities and by the inhabit- ants of the village. The monument, the cost of which is estimated at three thousand dollars, will be executed by Mr. Wm. Struthers, of Philadelphia ; and we earnestly solicit you to co-ope- rate with us to the extent of your ability in providing the means for its erection. All communications and contributions should be ad- dressed, at as early a period as possible before November 15 next, so that the memorial services may be held on Thursday, the nth June, 1S68, To William H. Jordan, Treasurer., No. 209 North Third street^ Philadelphia. 1814. Henry Smith, Pres. Reunion Society of Nazareth Hall. NAZARETH HALL. 83 CLASS. 1822 — Andrew A. Humphreys, Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. 1837— John Baillie McIntosh, Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. 1836— Nathaniel Michler, Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. 1836— George P. Ihrie, Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. 1823— Joseph H. Hildeburn, Philadelphia. 1827 — Francis Jordan, do. 1 82S— Thomas Sparks, do. 1830 — Philip A. Cregar, do. 1832 — Charles Lafourcade, do. 1855 — Richard M. Shoemaker, Jr., do. 1814— Ernest F. Bleck, Bethlehem, Pa. 181 8— Charles Aug. Luckenbach, Bethlehem, Pa. 1830 — Rev. Robert de Schweinitz, do. 1844 — Rev. Herman A. Brickenstein, do. 1841 — John Thomas, Catasauqua, Pa. 1838— Francis Michler, Easton, Pa. 1855 — L. H. Forman, do. 183 1— Nathaniel S. Wolle, Litiz, Pa. 1855— Haydn H. Tschudy, do. 1849— Henry H. Huntzinger, Pottsville, Pa. 183 1 — L. D. Shoemaker, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 185S — George C. Lewis, do. 181 7— Edward Minturn, New York. 1825 — Arthur Gillender, do. 1830— Rev. A. A. Reinke, do. 183 1 — Andrew G. Bininger, do. 183S— Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., New York. 1855 — Charles Erben, do. 1810— Major Giles Porter, U. S. A., Albany, N. Y. 1852— Charles V. Henry, do. 1854— Garret P. Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1835— Dr. James G. Clark, Staten Island, N. Y. 1855— Cornelius A. Simonson, do. 1829— William J. Albert, Baltimore. 1 82 1 — William Beitel, Nazareth, Pa. "j —J. C. Leibfried, do. V Executive Copi. 1848 — Rev. Eugene Leibert, do. J Philadelphia, October ist, 1867. Encouraged by the assurances of a hearty co-operation 84 NAZARETH HALL. which this call drew, even from such on whom there rested no especial claim for sympathy in the movement, the committee pushed its work vigorously. The Rev. Edmund de Schweinitz (1S34) was appointed Orator of the day, and on the first of June, 1S6S, committee made the following announcement : IN MEMORIAM. The Committee of the Alumni of Nazareth Hall, ap- pointed under the terms of the circular dated October ist, 1S67, have the pleasure of announcing the comple- tion of the Cenotaph in memory of their brethren wh.o fell in defence of the Union and Liberty during the war of the late Rebellion. The dedicatory exercises will be held in the village of Nazareth at 9* o'clock on the morning of Thursday^ yune II, next. The Alumni and their friends proceeding from Phila- delphia can obtain excursion tickets of the North Penn- sylvania Railroad Company (Berks Street Station) for two dollars to Bethlehem, and those from New York at the station of the New Jersey Central Railroad Company for three dollars to Easton, on exhibition of this circular. It is recommended that all should assemble on the even- ing of Wednesday, the loth, at Bethlehem, Pa., " where carriages are provided to convey them to the Hall" at 7 A. M. on the memorial day. On behalf of the committee. William H.Jordan, Treasui'er. PHM.ADKLrniA, June i, 1868. NAZARETH HALL. NOTICE. The Reunion Society of Nazareth Hall will meet on Thursday, June ii, i86S, at the usual place. By order of the President, HENRY SMITH. Burlington, N. J., June i, 1868. On the 27th of May the monument stones, together with truck and tackle for their overland transportation, were loaded on three cars at the freight depot of the North Pennsylvania Railroad in Philadelphia. They reached Bath, on the line of the Lehigh and Lackawana Railroad, on the 29th. Here men and horses were in waiting to receive and convey the ponderous freight five miles across the country. The horses had been volun- teered by farmers in the neighborhood of Nazareth, and Mr. Samuel Knecht, of that borough, was entrusted with the general management of the novel transportation. In the absence of necessary appliances, great difficulty was experienced in handling the large stones, and it was late in the afternoon of the 29th when the first consignment was despatched by the " Lower Bath road" to Nazai^eth. This was the granite base, weighing six and a half tons, suspended by tackling from a four-wheeled marble truck of five tons additional weight, drawn by seventeen horses, two abreast. Owing to previous rains, the condition of the road was unusually bad for the time of year, so that, after proceeding but a short distance, it was found neces- sary to attach two more horses. The wheels, notwith- standing, several times stuck so deep in the mud that the horses came to a stand-still, broke the chain-traces in their endeavors to extricate the ponderous load, and the men almost despaired of ever accomplishing the task they had 86 NAZARETH HALL. undertaken. On several occasions, also, an upset was im- minent; and while crossing the stone bridge over the brook at Christian Spring the truck collided with the masonry on one side, tearing it completely away. At Bath crowds of farmers and quarrymen had collected to witness the arrival of the train ; and at intervals along the route the rustic population in groups watched the laborious progress of the " big wagon" with deepest interest. Before attempting the ascent of the hill near Nazareth, four fresh horses were impressed, and at last, at eight p. M., the imposing and unprecedented equestrian display reached its destination amid the acclamations of upward of fifteen hundred spectators, who had assembled in the course of the afternoon. The carriage of the remaining portions of the structure was attended with less difficulty, and before the evening of the third day all of them had been deposited uninjured near the site of the monument. The aggregate bulk of the material was three hundred and nine cubic feet, equiv- alent to a weight of twenty-two tons. The open square in front of the Hall, which from time immemorial has been the campus of its students in their lighter pastimes, and where under Lombardy poplars* and lindens they were wont to rest from the toil of boyish sports, had been selected as the site of the " empty stone" whose shaft should bear the names of fallen ones who slept in distant or unknown graves. As the libei-ality of citizens of Nazareth had provided for the grading and general improvement of the plot, and a foundation for the structure had been laid in November of the previous year, there was no delay in its erection, and the work was * The Lombardy poplars, which formerly lined three sides of the Square, were planted by Mr. John Jacob Schmidt, tutor, about 1804, and were cut down when ground was broken for the church of 1841. NAZARETH HALL. 8/ finished on the 4th of June. The monument was at once veiled with white musHn. The majority of former pupils and specially invited guests, among whom were Major Generals Andrew A. Humphreys and John Baillie Mcintosh, Brigadier Gen- eral Nathaniel Michler and ex-Governor Curtin, had ren- dezvoused at Bethlehem on the evening preceding the eventful day. They met at the Sun Hotel, and till late into the night the apartments of the old inn were alive with the mirth and joyousness of comrades met once again after long years of absence to rehearse the experi- ences of schoolboy days ; and when they separated it was with bright anticipations of a glorious morrow. The nth of June, however, proved a most unfavorable day, for it rained without intermission from early dawn till nightfall. Eight four-horse omnibuses and twenty two-horse carriages had been engaged at Bethlehem, Na- zareth, Allentown, Newburg and Belfast by the Commit- tee of Arrangements for the transportation of the Re- unionists and their guests. Messrs. Joseph B. Jones, C. A. Luckenbach, B. C. Webster, Tinsley Jeter, Lewis A. Gerlach, John Fritz, Samuel Adams and Mrs. George Myers, of Bethlehem, and Mr. Samuel Thomas, of Hok- endauqua, had volunteered their carriages for the occa- sion. The imposing cortege set out from Bethlehem at eight A. M., and after a two hours' drive, in a cold, pelt- ing rain and through heavy roads, reached Nazareth. The consequent delay, as well as the inclemency of the weather, rendered a change in the programme of exer- cises as announced by the Committee of Arrangements unavoidable. One hundred and thirty-three members of the Reunion Society had responded by their presence to the President's circular of June i. Special invitations to participate in the extraordinary ceremonies of the day 88 NAZARETH HALL. had been extended to Mrs. John Fream, of Tivoli, N. Y., to Mr. H. W. Ryerson, of New York, and to other parents of Akimni who had fallen in the Union service. Also to General U. S. Grant, Governor John W. Geary, ex-Governor Andrew G. Curtin, General W. E. Doster, Easton, Pa. ; General Alexander S. Webb, New York ; General Robert McAllister, Allentown ; General W. H. Emory, Washington ; General James L. Selfridge, Bethle- hem ; Generals George H. Grossman, A. J. Pleasanton and Colonel Samuel Wetherill, Philadelphia ; Henry Coppee, President Lehigh University ; Rev. E. N. Potter, South Bethlehem, Pa. ; Hon. Simon Cameron, Harris- burg; Hon. John N. Conyngham, Wilkesbarre ; Hon. Henry D. Maxwell, Easton ; Hon. Wm. S. Pierce and others. General Grant replied as follows : Headquarters Army of the United States, ) Washington, D. C, June 8, 1868. j Mr. William H. Jordan — Sir : General Grant directs me to express his thanks for your invitation of the 4th instant to be present at the dedicatory exercises of the Nazareth Hall Monument on the nth instant, and his i^egret that previous engagements will prevent his availing himself of your courtesy. He directs me also to convey to 30U the assurance of his profound sympathy with every undertaking whose ob- ject is to honor the memory of those " who fell in de- fence of the Union and Liberty during the war of the late rebellion." I am, sir, very respectfully. Your obedient servant, Adam Badeau, Brevet Bri/r. Ge?z. and A. D. C. NAZARETH HALL. 89 Pupils Present at the Ninth Reunion. Those marked * were day-scholars. 788— John Beitel,* Nazareth. 795 — Christian D. Busse,* do. 798 — Andrew G. Kern,* do. 800 — George C. Schneller, Bethlehem. 802 — William Henry, Wyoming. 807 — Charles F. Kluge, Nazareth. 814 — Henry Smith, Burlington, N. J. 814 — Ernest F. Bleck, Bethlehem. 814 — Arthur Cernea, Buckingham, Bucks co., Pa. 815 — John Jordan,* Jr., Philadelphia. 816 — John C. Jacobson, ex-off., Bethlehem. 816 — Joseph J. Albright,* Scranton. 817 — Josiah O. Beitel, Nazareth. 817 — Henry A. Shultz, do. 821 — Sidney A. Clewell, Philadelphia. 821 — James Henry, Bolton, Northampton co., Pa. 821— Richard Christ,* Nazareth. 821— William Beitel,* do. 822 — Andrew A. Humphreys, Washington. 823— Seth W. Paine, Troy, Pa. 824 — David Bigler, Lancaster. 824 — John F. Kohler, Philadelphia. 824 — John C. Brickenstein, ex-off., Nazareth. 827 — Levin A. Miksch,* Bethlehem. 827— Edward O. Smith * Philadelphia. 827 — Comenius Senseman,* Nazareth. 827 — Francis Jordan, Philadelphia. 828 — Thomas Sparks, do. 828— Sylvester Wolle, Bethlehem. 828 — Maurice C. Jones, do. 829 — Lewis F. Kampman, do. 830 — Robert de Schweinitz,do. 830 — Reuben A. Henry, Scranton. 830 — Amadeus A. Reinke, New York. 831— Nathaniel S. Wolle, Litiz. 831 — Lazarus D. Shoemaker, Wilkesbarre. 832 — George A. Kohler, Philadelphia. 832— James Lee, Jr., Boston. 2U 90 NAZARETH HALL. 1832— Henry J. Van Vleck, Bethlehem. 1832 -William H. Butler, Wilkesbarre. 1832— Thomas Brodrick, do. 1833— Edward H. Reichel, Nazareth. 1833— Philip A. Cregar, ex-off., Philadelphia. 1833— John C. Philip, Brooklyn. 1834— Edmund de Schweinitz, Bethlehem. 1835— Samuel C. Wolle, Hokendauqua. 1835 -William Higgins, New York. 1836— Nathaniel Michler, Washington. 1S37— John Baillie Mcintosh, do. 1837— Horace W. Smith, Philadelphia. 1837— Eugene T. Henry, Oxford, N. J. 1S37— Joseph Dean Philip, Brooklyn. 1838— James H. Wolle, Bethlehem. 1839— Francis Wolle, ex-off., do. 1839 — Lewis R. Huebner, do. 1839— Robert S. Hall, Philadelphia. 1842— Theodore F. Wolle, Bethlehem. 1843 — Edward H. Jacobson, do. 1843— Thomas Overington, Frankford. 1845— C. Edward Kummer, Bethlehem. 1846— Henry H. Wolle, Philadelphia. 1846 -Granville Henry, Bolton, Northampton co.. Pa. 1847— Frederic K. Womrath, Philadelphia. 1848 — Eugene Leibert, Nazareth Hall. 1848— Peter A. Keyser, Philadelphia. 1848— Obadiah T. Huebner, Litiz. 1849— James E. Audenried, Philadelphia. 1849— Frank C. Stout,* Bethlehem. 1849 -Philip S. P. Walter,* Nazareth. 1851— William H. Loyd, Philadelphia. 1852— Charles B. Shultz, Bethlehem. 1852 — J. Theophilus Zorn, Nazareth Hall. 1853— William H. Bigler, Bethlehem. 1853 -John David Wolle,* do. 1853 — William H. Jordan, Philadelphia. 1853 — Francis Jordan, Jr., do. 1853 — Edward Rondthaler, Brooklyn. 1853— Edward E. Hocber,* Nazareth. 1854— Joseph R. Kenney, Philadelphia. NAZARETH HALL. 9 1 CLASS. 1854— Edwin G. Klose, Bethlehem. 1854— Charles Gilsey, New York. 1854— Peter Gilsey, do. 1854— Garret P. Bergen, Brooklyn. 1855— J. Albert Rondthaler, Bethlehem. 1855— Edward J. Regennas, Nazareth Hall. i855_Philip H. Kutzmeyer, New York. l855_Thomas M. Gilchrist, Wilkesbarre. 1855— Lawrence H. Forman, Easton. 1856-Richard M. Shoemaker, Jr., Philadelphia. 1856— Harding Williams, do. 1856-Frank H. Ellis, do. 1856 -Samuel P. Wetherill, do. 1856— George Sellers, Washington. 1856 -Edward M. Knox, New York. 1856— Jay Jarvis, New York. 1856 -Edward T. Henry, Bolton. 1856— WiUiam W. Yohe, Bethlehem. 1856— Henry A. Jacobson, Nazareth Hall. 1857— George C. Lewis, Wilkesbarre. l857_Frank S. Rowland, Philadelphia. 1857— Adolphus Lichtenthaler, Bethlehem. 1858— Ewing Jordan, Philadelphia. 1858 -Charles H. Landenberger, Philadelphia. 1858 -David F. Rank, New York. 1859— Norman J. Mayer, do. 1859— Ferdinand C. Mayer,do. l859_Joseph W. Longmire, Philadelphia. 1859 -William A. Meurer, do. 1859— Theodor C. Engel, do. 1859— Benjamin P. Whitney, Pottsville. 1859— Joseph R. Siewers, Nazareth Hall. 1859— Joseph H. Kampman, Bethlehem. 1859 -Herbert W. Wolle,* do. 1859— Theodore M. Rights, do. i860— Silas L. Early, Palmyra. i860— John F. Beitel, Nazareth. 1861— George T. Coyne, Staten Island. 1861— Frederic J. Grote, New York. 1861— Franklin B. Evans, Philadelphia. 92 NAZARETH HALL. CLASS. 1861— Joseph S. Rowland, Philadelphia. 1862— George W. Landenberger,do. 1862— Clement F. Oehler, Bethlehem. 1863— J. Max. Hark * Nazareth. 1863— Samuel S. Yohe, Bethlehem. 1863— Robert McC. Turner, Philadelphia. 1863— Alfred M. Berg, do. 1863— Clarence A. WoUe, Bethlehem. 1863— Francis L. Wolle, do. 1863— Edward Barnes, New York. 1863 — Albert Barnes, do. 1863— Samuel M. Skirving, Philadelphia. 1863 — John James Skirving, do. 1864— William A. Himes, New Oxford. The following is the programme of exercises published by the Committee of Arrangements : MEMORIAL DAY, NAZARETH HALL. June II, 1868. The Alumni will assemble at the Nazareth Hotel at 9^ A. M., and move in procession at a quarter of 10 pre- cisely, in the following order : The Nazareth Band. Chief Marshal. Prof. PHILIP A. CREGAR. Assistant Marshals. John Thomas, Robert J. McClatchey, M. D., Francis Jordan, Jr. The President of the Reunion Society and the Orator of of the Day. The Bishops of the Moravian Church. The General and other Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy. NAZARETH HALL. 93 The Trustees of Nazareth Hall and the Rev. Clergy. The Invited Guests and Strangers. The Alumni. The Citizens. On arrival at the " Green," they will be received by the pupils of the Hall with an address, and after a reply from the President, the divisions will take their places in order around the platform. Prayer — By the Right Rev. Henry A. Shultz. Music — By the Trombones. Address — By the Rev. Edmund de Schweinitz. Unveiling of the Cenotaph. Hymn — The Right Rev. David Bigler Officiating. Benediction — By the Right Rev. Peter Wolle. The Doxology, with Music by the Trombones. Immediately afterward, the meeting of the Reunion Society will be held in the Chapel of the Hall, which the Alumni are urgently requested to attend, in order that their names may be recorded on the minutes. At 4 p. M. they will reassemble in the Hall for " Coffee and Moravian Cake, " when the Military and Naval Reports will be read. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. Washington, D. C. I Philadelphia. CLASS. I CLASS. 1822 — Andrew A. Humphreys, Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. 1836 — Nathaniel Michler, Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. A. 1837 — John Baillie Mcintosh, Brev. Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. 20 » 1823 — Joseph H. Hildebum. 1827 — Francis Jordan. 1828 — Thomas Sparks. 1830 — Philip A. Cregar. 1831 — Sidney J. Solms. 1841 — Edwin T. Eisenbrey. 94 NAZARETH Bethlehem, Pa. CLASS. 1814— Ernest F. Bleck. 182S— Maurice C. Jones. 182S— Rev. Sylvester Wolle. 1844— Rev. Herman A. Bricken- stein. Hokendauqua, Pa. 1S41 — John Thomas. Easton, Pa. 1 816— Theodore R. Sitgreaves. 1S55 — Lawrence H. Forman. Nazareth, Pa. 1821— William Beitel. —J. C. Leibfried. 1846— Granville Henry. 1848 — Eugene Leibert. Litiz, Pa. 1799 — John Beck. 1831— Nathaniel S. Wolle. 1855— Haydn H. Tschudy. Pottsville, Pa. 1849 — Henry H. Huntzinger. Wilkesbane, Pa. 1 83 1 — L. D. Shoemaker. 1858 — George C. Lewis. HALL. New York. CLASS. 1817— Edward Minturn. 1825 — Arthur Gillender. 1831— Andrew G. Bininger. 1837— George W. Day. 1838 — Lebbeus Chapman, Jr. 1854 — Herman Uhl. Brooklyn, N. V. 1837— Rev. Joseph Dean Philip. 1854— Garret P. Bergen. Staten Island, A\ V. 1855— Cornelius A. Simonson. Burlington, N. y. 1814 — Henry Smith. Alba7iy, N. Y. 1810— Giles Porter, Major U.S.A. 1852 — Charles V. Henry. Baltimore. 1829— William J. Albert. Boston. 1832— James Lee, Jr. Kalamazoo, Mich. 1833 — Charles E. Smith, Brev. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols. All business communications to be addressed to William H. Jordan, Treasurer.^ No. 209 North Third Street, Philadelphia. NAZARETH HALL. 95 The above ordei" of proceedings was observed, as far as the inclement day w^ould permit. At loj a. m. the procession formed at the hotel, and, marshaled by Pro- fessor P. A. Cregar and his aids, moved to the Chapel of the Moravian parochial school, where the inaugural ceremo- nies were conducted. The distinguished visitors and the reverend clergy occupied the platform. At a quarter to 1 1 the Nazareth Hall Cadets, to the number of one hundred, in neat gray uniform, entered the crowded Hall, and took a position in four lines in front of the stand. Master Wil- lie St. Clair Gibbs, of Hyde Park, stepped forward, and, in behalf of his schoolmates, said : " My friends, and former pupils of Nazareth Hall : To me is given the honor of welcoming you back to your old home, again to spend a day amid the scenes of your boyhood. In the name of my companions, I extend you a hearty welcome. Although part of the exercises of the day may be fraught with painful recollections, yet we hope your visit may also yield you much enjoyment. Again wishing you a hearty welcome, I propose three cheers for the ' old boys' of Nazareth Hall." These having been given with a will, the President re- sponded on the part of the Society, and concluded by calling for three cheers for Nazareth Hall. Prayer was then oflered by Rt. Rev. Henry A. Shultz, of Nazareth. After a general invocation to the thi'one of grace, which was full of patriotic fervor, he closed with the words of the Lord's Prayer, in which the audience devoutly joined. A funeral chorale was now performed by the Nazareth trombonists. Hereupon, Rev. Edmund de Schweinitz, of Bethlehem, the Orator of the day, was introduced, and proceeded to speak as follows : " On ground rich in the associations of our boyhood, in the first days of opening summer, that used to be more 96 NAZARETH HALL. fragrant than their full-blown roses, under all circum- stances of wind and weather — let them have been bright and serene, as we hoped to-day would prove, or dark and stormy, as it has turned out to be — because they brought us the ' examination holidays,' we are met, alumni of Nazareth Hall to celebrate another Reunion. For more than twelve years such gatherings, with occasional inter- ruptions, have taken place, and have been times of un- alloyed pleasure, when we forgot the cares of life, laid aside its burdens, and were boys again. To-day, how- ever, we come not merely with this purpose. We have a mission to fulfill, a work of love to do. As those of our associates, whose decease was reported at former Re- unions, won a tribute of respect from the lips of some friend, so, on the present occasion, we all unite in per- petuating the names, and embalming the memory, of a number of our fellow-alumni, who, whether we were personally acquainted with them or not, had us all for their friends, because they died for our common country, and belonged to the ranks of those whom the God of our fathers summoned to its rescue, in the hour of its direst peril, when its glorious union of Commonwealths was broken, and its history as a world-power seemed drawing to an end. " To honor such men is an intuitive impulse of the heart, a prerogative of free citizenship, an evidence of true patriotism. It has been done wherever the people governed since the days of Sparta and Athens. While monarchies exalt the conqueror, republics pay reverence to their defenders. While Alexander the Great erected twelve towers on the banks of the distant Hyphasis, to mark his irresistible advance into the kingdoms of India, the pillars at Marathon bore the names of heroes who, on that immortal field, rolled back the tide of Persian inva- NAZARETH HALL. 97 sion and saved Greece from a despot's heel. While the Triumphal Arch at Paris blazons those battles of Napoleon that laid Europe in glittering chains, Bunker Hill is crowned with a monument which tells of deeds that gave to Liberty, both in her civil and religious manifestations, a home such as she never had befoi-e, and made this Western buttress of the world a refuge for the oppressed of every land. " For us, however, as a body of alumni, and at a Re- union in these never-to-be-forgotten precincts, to offer such a tribute is to exalt not only the memory of fellow- pupils, but also the name of our Alma Mater, whose teachings first produced in them a tendency and an aim, whose instructions helped to shape our course through life. That block of stone proclaims as well what an American citizen will sacrifice for the sake of Liberty and the Union, as what one of the oldest educational institu- tions of America can accomplish in making a citizen. " It is from this point of view that I wish to address you. I cannot consistently occupy any other. The war in which our brethren fell is over. Who does not de- voutly thank God for that? The mighty armies of which they formed a pai't have melted away as suddenly, I might almost say as miraculously, as they sprang into existence, and have given back to the family, to the pur- suits of business and to the Church elements of manly activity and well-tried strength. The stormy events of the conflict, the news of battles won or lost, the daily bulletins from the camp or the field, and all that made that time a period of unparalleled excitement, belong to the past. And so do the groans of the wounded, the wails of the dying, the tears of the bereaved and the broken-hearted. Peace smiles upon us and our children. The summer's grain covers the ensanguined fields of An- 9S NAZARETH HALL. tietam and Gettysburg. The broad highways of travel are no longer obstructed ; the great arteries of trade no more refuse to pulsate. On the waters of the Mississippi, commerce is joyfully doing its work ; the railroads of Pennsylvania and Virginia are again in friendly harmony — avenues of legitimate barter, means of union for friend and friend. The righteous indignation of the hour is soothed ; the bitter animosities of the strife are allayed. Hence, although we are not here in order to call evil good and good evil, in order to put darkness for light and light for darkness, we do not come to say what would have been proper amidst the experiences of the Rebel- lion itself, while its issues were still doubtful, while plain truths and strong words were necessary to vindicate our cause. We have no enemies to denounce. God has or- dained that the people of America, whether in the North or the South, should be one and remain indivisible. That, however, which we are not to forget, and which we can magnify ' with charity for all and malice to none,' is the principle which led our brethren to yield their lives — a principle setting them before us, first, as scholars of the 'good old Hall,' and then as soldiers of the grand army of the Union. " Nazareth Hall has a twofold mission — namely, to train the mind and to mould the character. In pursuing the latter, the fundamental rule which it imparts \%faith- fubicss to duty. This is the groundwork of its peculiar system of discipline, the substance of all those lessons and the life of all those plastic exercises that are to form the man. This gives tone to its social relations, and con- stitutes the element in which its teachers and scholars move. It bring^^ this tenet of Moral Philosophy down from the region of theory and makes it a power in the boy for practical life. By this law, which rings out in the NAZARETH HALL. 99 early watches of the morning, when the bell sounds the signal for rising, and which then guides whatever is done through the day, in the hours of study or recitation, in the house or on the play-ground, until the word is sjooken, at bed-time, that hushes the room-company into absolute silence, Nazareth Hall has performed wonders, coerced, without an effort, many an ungovernable lad, saved him from ruin and sent him forth to usefulness and prosperity. Other schools may do more in the way of a brilliant show of knowledge, but none surpass it in building character upon this solid corner-stone. " Now the object of the late war, on the part of the loyal States, was not ambition or conquest, or glory for its own sake merely. It was resistance against the most gigantic and causeless rebellion ever originated, and, consequently, a necessary act of self-preservation, an in- alienable right to hold fast that which the Almighty Ruler of the world had himself bestowed upon our fathers in their struggle for independence, and which had crowned us with the richest benefactions. Or, rather, to state the case in the words of that man for the crisis whom the Lord of hosts raised up and treason struck down, who sleeps, a martyr, in his Western grave, and has the prai- rie-winds to sing his requiem throughout all generations — words as transparent as his life, and as noble as his work — it was ' that the nation should, under God, have a new birth of freedom, and the government of the people, by the people, and for the people, should not perish from the earth.' This was the call which stirred the hearts of millions, this was the solemn obligation of the hour. " And therefore the response came, literally, from every avocation of life. Men left the anvil and the plough, the counting-house and the workshop, the professional office and the college ; and armies were marshaled which formed lOO NAZARETH HALL. the bone and sinew of the people, represented its intelli- gence and wealth, and were animated by a lofty purpose and a high resolve. On the same scale such a result was never accomplished before in any nation. Hosts gathered unprecedented in point of numbers since the times of Xerxes, and yet, for the most part, they were hosts of freemen, of citizens who voluntarily seized the musket with the same hands that deposited the ballot by which they govern themselves. A greater contrast cannot be imagined than that between our soldiers and those who, from year to year, in war and peace, make of Europe one vast camp. The former were conscious embodiments of a principle — the latter are unconscious machines, set in motion by a royal cabinet and working under the strain of inexorable discipline. The enthusiasm of the one was the natural emotion of a patriotic heart, clinging to its national birth-right, a thing of life, stirring the depths of their being — the enthusiasm of the other is drilled into them, like the use of the needle-gun, and does not soar higher than a constrained regard for glory as an abstraction. " Of a call that produced such an ' uprising of a gi'eat people,' the alumni of Nazareth Hall were not unmind- ful. With honest pride, let it be proclaimed to-day, that two hundred and thirty ' Hall boys' arrayed themselves under the flag of their country, helped to save it from dis- memberment, aided to bring on a new era in the history of Liberty, and to send her rejoicing and blessing over the earth. It is as honorable a record as any one can wish for, as genuine a satisfaction as any achievement in life will con- fer, as rich a legacy as can be left to children and child- ren's children. The time is coming when the descend- ants of the Union soldiers in the War of the Rebellion will be not less proud of them than men now are of their NAZARETH HALL. lOI Revolutionary sires, when the musket that was carried to the bloody field of the Wilderness, and the sword that flashed in the morning's sun of the assaults upon Vicks- burg, will be heir-looms as sacred as the present genera- tion esteems like relics from Lexington or Yorktown. " But what was it that induced so large a proportion of former pupils to leave their business and forsake their homes, in order to enlist as soldiers ? I turn to look upon the ' old Hall,' I remember its class-rooms and Chapel, I recall its lessons and life, and, with that deep conviction which experience gains, I answer : It was the grand principle laid as the foundation of their character when they were boys in this School — it was faithfulness to duty here taught and learned. They paid what they owed their country. " This principle found its most perfect type in those of their number whose memory we signalize to-day, for they carried it out to the end, and, in the strength of it, gave all that a man has, even their lives. " Ere I proceed to illustrate this, it is fitting that I should read the roll of our honored dead. It is as follows : " David Baker, the oldest on the list, of the class of 1822. " Charles M. Berg, of the class of 1829. "Frank Pott, of the class of 1830. "Arthur L. Van Vleck, of the class of 1835. " Charles M. Stout, of the class of 1841. " Eugene F. Clewell, of the class of 1843. " Herman L. Beitel, of the class of 1845. " Charles M. Smeidle, of the class of 1S47. " AsHER Gaylord, of the class of 1848. "Joseph P. Bachman, of the class of 1849. " David T. Latimer, the first who fell, and one of the first Union soldiers killed ; Christian F. Smith, Edmund 21 Q I03 NAZARETH HALL. A. Shouse, John F. Wood and Van Brunt M. Ber- gen, all of the class of 1853. "John A. Witmer, Horace C.Bennet, Daniel H. Fasig and James I. Grafton, of the class of 1S54. " George L. Fream, Benjamin F. Landell and Charles Ryerson, of the class of 1S55. " Clarence Kampman, John C. Hagen and William W^. Ladd, the youngest on the list, but sixteen years of age, all of the class of 1S58. " Edwin A. Skirving, of the class of 1S60. "Pliny A. Jewett, Jr., of the class of 1861. "Twenty-seven in all, who were either killed in battle or died of disease contracted while in the service. " Ten of them were sent out by Pennsylvania, four by Ohio, three by New York, two by New Jersey, one by Massachusetts, one by Connecticut, one by Illinois, one by Iowa, one by Kentucky. Three belonged to the Navy ; and the fields of Great Bethel and Harper's Ferry, of Averysborough and Pocotalico, of Chattanooga and Vicks- burg, of Antietam, W^illiamsburg and Hatcher's Run, together with the blood-stained deck of the Frigate Cum- berland — that would not yield even to the iron monster which attacked her, but was engulphed by the waters of Chesapeake Bay, with her colors flying — make up the places where our brethren, in the appropriate language of the monument, ' died that their country might be healed and live.' It thus appears that in the regiments of nine of the loyal States, as well as in that puissant navy which filled the maritime powers of the world with astonishment, and in battles fought along the border, in the West, and in the South, from one of the earliest to one of the latest, the alumni of Nazareth Hall were re- presented by these their comrades in everything that was true, brave and faithful. NAZARETH HALL. 103 '• Without going into all the details of their service, which will be given at another time in the course of the exer- cises of this day, I will adduce but a few facts to establish the position I have taken. " One of the fallen was my own classmate. I knew him well, both in the Hall and afterward in the Theo- logical Seminary. He was the most innocent of boys and the most guileless of men. DiiBdent, shrinking even from play as soon as it grew boisterous, an obscure cor- ner his retreat and a book his friend, kind-hearted, too, never resenting an injury, and bearing the banter of his companions with unruffled patience, I would sooner have believed anything most strange, when we sat together in our class-room and construed that Latin line which says, ' It is sweet and becoming to die for one's country,' than that the poet's sentiment would, in his case, grow into a personal experience. And yet this honored companion won a medal for bravery at the battle of Chancellorsville, bore himself, under all circumstances, with unvarying gallantry as a soldier, and with true heroism as a Chris- tian, until his heartstrings cracked amidst the nameless horrors of Libby Prison. Nothing under heaven but a deep sense of duty and a lofty determination to be faith- ful could have induced him to enter the army and expose himself to the associations of the camp and the other ex- periences of military life, which, in themselves con- sidered, were as foreign to his nature as they were re- pulsive to his feelings. " And touching the rest whom I have named, it will stir your hearts, my friends, as it did mine, when you will hear their records. It is impossible to read the let- ters, written by those who knew them in the army, with- out gaining a vivid consciousness of the operations of that principle of power which Nazareth Hall taught I04 NAZARETH HALL. them. In every instance in which the dihgent search, deserving of all praise, made by the Treasurer of the Monument Association, for the incidents of their military history, was rewarded with success, something true and honorable, something to be proud of, has been brought out. '' Of one his captain says, ' He met his fate with a manliness never excelled ;' and of another, ' He presented, in an eminent degree, the qualities of a soldier and a gentleman,' while the surgeon, who witnessed his death- struggle, calls him a ' manly and noble boy.' A third receives this testimony : ' He was a brave and fearless soldier, respected by all the men and officers.' A fourth, who was mortally wounded while leading a desperate charge at Vicksburg, stood so high in his company that, with one accord, the survivors sent to his mourning family a tribute of respect in memory of his virtues. Several were promoted from the ranks for bravery in the field. Around the body of an officer brought to Hilton Head for burial, who had marched at the head of his men across a cornfield swept by a terrific fire as coolly as if he were drilling them, and who was shot later in the action, there gathered persons high in rank, that had been acquainted with him, exclaiming, ' Brave man ! Brave man !' Another officer, to use the words of his own colonel, ' in everything he said and did was always manly, honorable and nol)le.' General Slocum held him in such esteem that he reported his death to Governor Andrew, of Mas- sachusetts, designating him as ' one of the best officers under his command,' while General Sherman himself lamented his loss, and seemed to feel it as though it were a personal bereavement. Still another, who, after filling various positions of trust, was finally made Ordnance Officer of the Middle Military District, labored so inces- NAZARETH HALL. 105 santly in the discharge of his arduous duties that his health failed. But he would not i-elinquish them until peremptorily ordered home to recruit. He obeyed, taking with him, however, the papers of the Department, and resuming his work under the parental roof. At last he could write no more. Then he employed amanuenses, and dictated to these until the very day of his death, on which his father sent all his returns completed to Wash- ington. Even the youngest on the roll, that lad of six- teen summers, who went forth from a happy home of ease and wealth, is not without a record ; even of him it is said, ' He was faithful as a soldier, and much loved by his company.' " It is unnecessary to bring forward more facts in order to substantiate my argument. The testimony now given by officers of their men, and by superiors of their officers, has a clear ring, and tells us unmistakably that faithful- ness to duty was the distinctive trait of the sons of Naza- reth Hall who fell in defence of their country ; that as their character was moulded in the days of their boyhood, so it came out in well-marked lines of beauty under cir- cumstances which, more than any other, try men and show the stuff that they are made of. Who, then, is there here who will not glory in our Alma Mater? She did her part in the most momentous struggle of this age. Other schools performed theirs ; all honor be to them ! She, however, caused her influence to be felt in her own peculiar way, as an institution which had drawn its life for eighty years not merely from human philosophy, but also from the depths of that knowledge which reveals the Eternal Son of God as a teacher and a Lawgiver and a Redeemer to the world. " Therefore, we, the Alumni of Nazareth Hall, gathered to-day from all quarters of the land, and counting among 21* io6 NAZARETH HALL. our number representatives of nearly every class back to the closing year of the last century, now dedicate this cenotaph, with sincere respect, to the memory of our brethren, and, with filial reverence, to the honor of the School, and adopt, as an appropriate formula, one of the sentences graven on the stone : ' The Academy is the nursmg-mother of patriots, rearing her children in the ways of truth and freedom.' " Long may this monument stand to show the present generation of pupils, and other generations that will come after them, what those patriots did whose names it bears, what this Academy can perform through the sons whom it educates, and what the Lord God Omnipotent wrought for the salvation of our country ! '' It will not be a sectional landmark ; for, although it is perhaps too early to expect such a thing now, yet, eventually, those who preserved the Federal Union from disintegration, and thus gave a new impulse to the de- velopment of our popular institutions, and originated the new relations by which the same is conditioned, will be- come the common heroes of the whole country. This is a truth established beyond all cavil by the results of the war of the Revolution. There were thousands of Tories then who labored with heart and soul for the triumph of Great Britain ; but there is not one American now who does not glorify the men through whose devotion and suHerings and blood the L^nited States were made free. " But, in a higher sense, tliis cenotaph will be more than even a national memorial. That is a contracted vision which ftiils to see in the events of the Rebellion an issue for the entire brotherhood of man. That is a dwarfish philosophy which is unable to grasp a divine plan in history ; NAZARETH HALL. 107 ' For I doubt not thro' all ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widen'd with the process of the suns.' " This purpose is ripening fast. Nations rise against nations, and peoples are divided against themselves. But ' hast thou not know^n, hast thou not heard, that the ever- lasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?' Like the throne upon which He sits, His design stands fast, as it ever did from the beginning ; and in order to its consummation ' the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance.' Above all their wars and tumults and shouts of conquest sounds the voice of the Everlasting Counsel, saying, ' The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice !' Yes, let the earth rejoice, for the morning's red of a new time is breaking. We live in the grandest epoch the world has yet seen. It is a glorious thing to have one's being in such an age, to be a factor in its development, to belong to a people that has been or- dained, I reverently believe, to lead the van in subduing our globe to the sway of that liberty which is perfect be- cause Christ is its Author, and of that glory which is eter- nal because it flows from imiversal righteousness and peace. " In this exalted sense, mv friends, let us, as we are gathered here in the shadow of our Alma Mater, and in the presence of yonder cenotaph, learn anew the lessons of our boyhood. We will go back to our several spheres of labor faithful to duty — duty to our fellow-men, our country and our God." The " select choir" of the Hall next sang a requiem, be- ginning with the words, " Oh weep for the brave who are gone to their graves," to the accompaniment of brass instruments. Right Rev. David Bigler, of Lancaster, announced the concluding hymn, and the services in the io8 NAZARETH HALL. Chapel closed with the benediction, pronounced by Right Rev. John C. Jacobson, of Bethlehem. The company now repaired to the Square to witness the unveiling of the monument, although the storm had not abated in the least. The alumni were drawn up on the sidewalk and the Cadets stood in front, uncovered, in the driving rain. To General Humphreys, the senior of his fellow-officers present, had been awarded the honor of conducting this impressive ceremony ; and as the white covering slowly fell to the ground, the saddened feeling which had pervaded the audience during the earlier exer- cises was exchanged for one of intense enthusiasm ; for before them stood the tribute of their affection and rever- ence for lost companions and fallen patriots, which, though an " empty stone," was yet graven with the names of cherished ones. The band struck up a dead march, and the inaugural services closed. Tlie memorial is a composite structure of stone and marble, rising from a grassy mound in the centre of the green to the height of thirty-five feet. Its base is a block of granite, six and a half feet square. On this rests the pedestal, consisting of slabs of Connecticut sandstone, supporting a solid block of New Brunswick drabstone, into whose southern face is cut the national coat of arms. The pedestal is surmounted by a square die of Italian white marble, on which are inscribed appropriate legends and tlie names of the fallen alumni. The obelisk itself is composed of blocks of Cleveland drabstone alternating with slabs of Connecticut brownstone. The south face of the marble die bears the following inscri^Dtion : "To COMMEMORATE THE MEMORY OF SONS OF NaZA- RETH IIaEL, who DIED THAT THEIR COUNTRY MIGHT BE HEALED AM) LIVE, THIS STONE IS ERECTED BY THE « 2 P n _. 3 " S" 5 3 o 3 CR d 3 5 5' c -I % 3P NAZARETH HALL. 109 ALUMNI OF THE INSTITUTION IN THE YEAR OF GRACE, 1 868." On the east face are inscribed the following names : DAVID BAKER, VAN BRUNT M. BERGEN, HERMAN L. BEITEL, CHARLES M. BERG, EUGENE FER'D CLEWELL, GEORGE LORILLARD FREAM, DANIEL H. FASIG, JOSEPH P. BACHMAN, HORACE C. BENNETT, and below the comforting words of Scripture : " They shall hunger no more, neither thirst ANY more ; neither SHALL THE SUN LIGHT ON THEM, NOR ANY HEAT. FOR THE LaMB WHICH IS IN THE MIDST OF THEM SHALL FEED THEM, AND SHALL LEAD THEM UNTO LIVING FOUNTAINS OF WATERS ; AND GOD SHALL WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS FROM THEIR EYES." The north side bears the names of ASHER GAYLORD, JAMES J. GRAFTON, JOHN C. HAGEN, PLINY A. JEWETT, Jr., CLARENCE KAMPMAN, WILLIAM W. LADD, DAVID T. LATIMER, BENJAMIN F, LAN- DELL, FRANK POTT, and the legend, " The Academy is the nursing-mother of pa- triots, REARING her CHILDREN IN THE WAYS OF TRUTH AND FREEDOM." On the west face the record is completed with the names of CHARLES RYERSON, EDMUND A. SHOUSE, EDWIN H, SKIRVING, CHARLES L. SMEIDLE, CHRISTIAN F. SMITH, CHARLES M. STOUT, ARTHUR L. VAN VLECK, JOHN A. WITMER, JOHN F. WOOD. and underneath the words of Plato : " Hence it is that the fathers of these men, no NAZARETH HALL. AND THEMSELVES TOO, BEING NURTURED IN ALL FREEDOM AND WELL BORN, HAVE SHOWN BEFORE ALL MEN DEEDS MANY AND GLORIOUS IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, DEEMING IT THEIR DUTY TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND THEIK COUNTRY, EVEN AGAINST THEIR COUNTRYMEN." At three o'clock in the afternoon, an hour earlier than had been fixed, the Society members and their guests (among whom were a number of ladies), together with the pupils of the Institution, sat down to an old-fashioned supper in the Hall Chapel. Six tables, each extending the length of the large apartment, and profusely laden with wholesome meats and cakes, were surrounded with an array of happy faces indulging without restraint in the good cheer and social pleasures of the occasion. Upward of three hundred and fifty persons shared the bountiful repast. After supper the President called the meeting to order, and, having made a few introductory remarks, proposed as a sentiment " The Keystone State," to which ex-Gov- ernor Curtin, having been called for, rose amid enthu- siastic cheering and responded : "I congratulate you on the jDleasure — I tnay say plea- sure — of this occasion. I congratulate you on having assembled to pay homage to the memories and to extol the virtues of those of your brethren who so faithfully served and died in the service of their country. I thank you for erecting this monument to their memory. I thank you, because that, while Chief Magistrate of this Com- monwealth, I made promises which are thus in part fulfilled. It is an example which, let us trust, will be imitated all over our vState. The projoortion killed of those who entered the service was nearly ten per cent., or about three hundred thousand of the whole — half the NAZARETH HALL. HI population of Philadelphia, the second city in the Union and the fourth in the world. Our country was saved at the cost of three thousand millions of treasure, but our country was worth it all. We living know that the country they died to save was worth it all, and more. It is now no time to inquire into the causes of the gigantic rebellion. History will record that eight millions of peo- ple suddenly struck at the rights and institutions of twenty millions, as well as their own. The government was at last saved. It has filled our land with widows and or- phans, and with named and unnamed graves. It has also left in our midst numberless maimed, decrepid and diseased soldiers, who are left to grind organs at the cor- ners of streets and to beg their way from door to door. This should not be. It is our duty to provide for them at all times, and to provide asylums for them, not as a charity, but as something they may demand as a right. While the monarchies of Europe always make provision for their disabled soldiers, ours are living monuments of broken pledges and ingratitude. We engaged them to enter the service, and made promises which have not been redeemed. Let us take them from the highways and the byways, and place them in positions of ease and comfort which they so richly deserve. I, as Chief Magis- trate of this Commonwealth, had a right to make such pledges, and demand that the present authorities fulfil them. I thank you for the opportunity afforded me of speaking on this subject, and of asking that, while we re- member the dead, our living heroes may also have their due and just reward. I commend them for what they have done. I will say these things wherever I go, and wage war in their behalf until their claims are recognized and satisfied also by those whose duty it is to take counsel for their welfare. I had much to do with the men who 112 NAZARETH HALL. entered our military organizations during the rebellion, and I feel a personal interest in this matter ; and though on this occasion I might have dwelt upon a more agree- able subject, I could not have enforced a higher duty. Honor the living as you honor the dead. If your bless- ings on the latter were flowers, their graves would be clad in perpetual bloom ; and why should not the flowers of gratitude perfume the path of the former through life?" The speaker sat down amid a storm of applause, and the band struck up Hail Columbia. President Smith having proposed " The Army of the United States," Major General Humphreys, in acknow- ledging the sentiment, said : " Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen : I feel most happy in meeting you here to-day, though the ob- ject of our assembling brings up before the mind many sad reflections. There is, however, a melancholy pleasure in perpetuating the memory of the deeds of our brave and patriotic schoolmates, as we do this day by the erec- tion of this beautiful and fitting monument. It is now forty years since I was last here as a school-boy, and the recollections of those days are of a most pleasing cha- racter. The mild and parental discipline, the wholesome moral and religious influence that this Institution has ever thrown around its pupils gave a bAit to my mind and character for which I am very thankful. If I have achieved any success in life, or have been enabled to render any service to my country or to my fellow-men, I attribute all to the advantages which I received in this Institution. A review of my life, which I have made here to-day, binds my afiections very strongly to Naza- reth Hall. Permit me, Mr. President, in conclusion, to thank the Committee of Arrangements for the very great pleasure I have enjoyed in meeting so many of my friends NAZARETH HALL. 1 13 here to-day, and also for the personal kindness which I have received at their hands." Major General Mcintosh was now called for, and, in response to the demonstrative summons, spoke as follows : " Mr. President and Friends : Although I feel much pleasure in meeting you under the present circum- stances, yet when you call on me to make a speech, you call me out of my usual line ; but anticipating that I might be expected to say something, I shall fall behind my masked battery, where I have a shot in reserve." (Drawing out his notes from the breast of his coat, amid general and hearty applause, he continued :) " Mr. President, this is my first visit to Nazareth after an absence of thirty years, and I am highly gratified that it should be on an occasion like the present, notwithstand- mg memories of a mixed character cluster around it. "• For those of our classmates who gave their lives in defence of their country we do but pay a fitting tribute to their memories in the beautiful monument which we have this day dedicated. To old Nazareth Hall they owed much of that self-discipline and that spirit of foith- fulness to the claims of duty which called them to the nation's defence and enabled them to do their duty as soldiers. We must also be reminded to-day of others of our former comp'anions who strayed away from their allegiance and were hurried by prejudice or passion into the adoption of the heresy of secession ; over the memory of those let us spread the broad mantle of charity. Many of them also perished ; but as we cannot per- petuate their names in marble, let us who were the victors in that terrible struggle cherish in our hearts a loving and beautiful charity for their memories. In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I shall write down this day as one of the memorable days of my life." 22 114 NAZARETH HALL. Brigadier General Michler, being next called for, arose and said : '* Mr. President : The Army of the United States, to which I have the honor to belong, has been so well re- presented by my brother officers, Generals Humphreys and Mcintosh, that I feel there is nothing left for me to say. "You will permit me, however, to express my gratifi- cation at being present on this occasion, and accept my thanks for the hospitality extended to us with so lavish a hand." General James L. Selfridge, of Bethlehem, in response to a call to speak, remarked that he did not know what to say after what had already been said ; that he had not been educated at the Hall, but sincerely wished he had been ; and would call upon Major Samuel Wetherill, of Philadelphia, to speak for the volunteer service. Colonel Wetherill said that he came to hear and not to be heard. In the late rebellion the volunteers did to the best of their ability what they could. In some cases he knew they had failed, but they always did the best, and endeavored to serve their country faithfully. In conclu- sion, he remarked he had " a crow to pick" with General Selfridge for calling him before the audience. Mr. Seth W. Paine, of Troy, Pa., proposed " The Moravian Institutions of Learning." The sentiment was seconded by the Rev. E. N. Potter, of the Lehigh Uni- versity, who, in the course of his remarks, referred to the successful work of the Moravian Church in the depart- ment of education ; congratulated Nazareth Hall upon its record in the past, presented greeting from the Lehigh University, and expressed the hope that success might attend the efforts of both Institutions in the noble work they had undertaken for all the future. NAZARETH HALL. "5 Governor Curtin being about to retire, the audience rose to their feet and once more testified their esteem of the patriotic Governor by enthusiastic cheers. The mihtary record of Nazareth Hall was now com- municated. Of the two hundred and sixty-two names of former pupils enrolled on its pages, two hundred and thirty-four enlisted in the Union, and twenty-eight in the so-called Confederate Army. Twenty-seven of the former were killed in battle or died of disease contracted in the service ; one, Clarence E. Siewers, is missing, and five rose to the rank of General. Of those who fought under the latter flag, five were killed and three rose to the rank of General. It was moved and seconded that the above report be preserved among the aixhives of the Society. Prof. Philip A. Cregar hereupon offered the following sentiment: "Our patriotic dead associates — May their memory not only be perpetuated by the monument which we have this day dedicated, but may it be cherished in our hearts and embalmed in our memories." In response to this the audience rose to their feet. Mr. James Lee, Jr., of Boston, and Mr. E. F. Bleck, of Bethlehem, were then called for. The latter proposed a resolution of thanks on the part of the Society to Rev. Edmund de Schweinitz for his eloquent address, request- ing a copy of the same for publication and distribution among former pupils of the Hall. Rev. Joseph D. Philip, Brooklyn ; Rev. A. A. Reinke, New York ; Rev. Edward Rondthaler, Brooklyn ; Rev. E. H. Reichel, Nazareth, and Rev. L. R. Huebner, Beth- lehem, responded at greater or less length to the calls made upon them. The Committee on Nominations proposed the follow- ing officers of the Reunion Society for the ensuing year : II 6 NAZARETH HALL. President. Hexry Smith, Burlington, N.J. Vice Presidents. Elihu L. Mix, New Haven. Seth W. Paine, Troy, Pa. Thomas Sparks, Philadelphia. Maj.-Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys, U.S.A. Co7ninittee of Arrange7nents. Rev. Robert de Schweinitz, Bethlehem. Rev. Eugene Leibert, Nazareth. William H. Jordan, Philadelphia. Richard R. Tschudy, Litiz. Maurice C.Jones, Bethlehem. George A. Kohler, Philadelphia. Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., New York. Lazarus D. Shoemaker, Wilkesbarre. Maj.-Gen. John B. McIntosh, U. S. A. Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel Michler, U. S. A. Secretary and Historian. Eugene L. Shaefer. Assistant Secretary. Theodore M. Rights. Treasurer. Maurice C.Jones. Before the question of their ado2:)tion was put to the vote. President Smith begged leave to observe that he thought it was time some other " Old Boy" take his place. He felt so young to-day he refused being con- sidered one of that class any longer. Rotation in office NAZARETH HALL. II 7 was a law without exception. Professor Cregar hereupon expressed the unanimous sense of the Society in declar- ing that the only rotation in office in the present case it could tolerate was a fresh rotation of Mr. Smith into the position he had so long and acceptably filled. The nom- inations, unchanged, were accordingly accepted. A resolution of thanks to Mr. William H. Jordan, for his untiring labors in the work which on this day had been happily consummated, was proposed by Prof. Cregar, and most cordially adopted. In conclusion, a vote of thanks was passed to the Prin- cipal of Nazareth Hall for his warm reception and hos- pitable entertainment of the members of the Society and guests of the day. The long-metre doxology, " Praise God from whom all blessings flow," was then sung, and the meeting dissolved. The sympathy with the movement which resulted in the erection of the Nazareth Alemorial was not confined to those who were immediately interested — to parents and friends of the fallen, or to comrades by whom the project has been conceived, and by whose energy it was successfully completed. Its expression by communities and the public, in different and distant parts of the country, was an evidence that the object harmonized with the common impulse of our nature, which instinctively seeks to award the meed of honor to the good and the brave. Early aware of this, the Society's officer who managed the perplexing details of the project to its realization was encouraged in the disinterested labor of love he had undertaken ; for, with but few exceptions, his call for aid and assistance met with a generous response. The ilS NAZARETH HALL. names of those who contributed toward liquidating the expense of the beautiful Cenotaph appear elsewhere in this volume. An acknowledgment here of the courtesy of Messrs. Edward Armstrong and Robert H. Sayre, of the North Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley Railroads ; to Messrs. Wm. J. & S. H. Horstmann, of Philadelphia, for the presentation of an American flag for use on the memorial day, and to Professor Philip A. Cregar and Mr. Maurice C. Jones for special services rendered, is thought to be only just and eminently proper. THE MILITARY AND NAVAL RECORD OF ALUMNI WHO WERE ENROLLED IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES. MILITARY AND NAVAL RECORD. ROLL OF ALUMNI WHO ENTERED THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES AND FELL IN BATTLE, OR DIED OF DISEASE CONTRACTED IN THE SERVICE. Class of 1822. David Baker, killed March 8, 1S62, on board the frigate Cumberland, during the engagement with the ix-on- clad steamer Merrimac. Fifteen minutes after being struck on her larboard side, the Cumberland went down with all on board, her tops only remaining above water, and the American flag flying at the peak. In that sunken ship lie the mortal remains of David Baker. Class of 1839. Charles M. Berg, Acting Assistant Surgeon of an Ohio regiment, killed accidentally October 13, 1864, by the discharge of his own pistol, the contents of which entered his head, inflicting a mortal wound. Class of 1S30. Frank Pott, Captain 27th Pennsylvania Volunteers, June 19, 1863, died December 17, 1867, of disease in- duced by excessive exposure while in the sei-vice. 3 4 NAZARETH HALL. Class of 1S35. Arthur L. Vax Vleck, Private 126th Ohio Volunteers, died, as is supposed, in Libby Prison, December 21, 1S63. The 126th distinguished itself as a regiment especially at Chancellorsville, and its members were presented with medals for bravery and meritorious conduct displayed on that hard-fought field. Mr. Van Vleck's medal was for- warded by him to his mother and sisters at Salem, N. C, through a friend who visited him while a prisoner on Belle Isle. The subject of this memoir, a scholar and graduate of the Moravian Theological Seminary, exhibited already in childhood the love of country in a marked degree ; im- pelled by which, he exchanged his peaceful walk in life for the din and tumult of the camp, there to learn how to fight for the country he so dearly loved, sensitive as a woman, and physically frail as he was. Beneath a quiet and undemonstrative exterior, there was, as his intimate associates unhesitatingly testify, a depth of feeling and a fixed determination of purpose to adhere to that mode of action which the principles of religion and the dictates of conscience pointed out to him as right. No wonder, then, such being the man, that the whilom divinity student en- listed in defence of his country in the summer of 1S62, and, as a private of the 126th Ohio Volunteers, endured the hardships of a soldier's life, cheerfully and patiently, in the spirit of a true soldier of the cross. " Ever" as his comrades testify, " was he true to duty i'^ on all occasions manifesting friendly solicitude for their spiritual welfare, encouraging such as were professors of religion to " be not weary in well-doing" and to approve them- selves faithful followers of the Captain of their salvation, and recommending the blessed cause of his heavenly NAZARETH HALL. 5 Master to the indifferent, the heedless and the profane ; and thus his record is a double one, for he fought for his country and for his God. On October 14, 1863, he was taken prisoner at Bristow Station, conveyed to Richmond and placed on Belle Isle. The trials and privations he had previously undergone had so weakened his delicate fi'ame that disease found him an easy victim ; and far away from the peaceful as- sociations of his former life, with neither mother nor sisters to smooth his dying pillow — and yet we believe in the full enjoyment of an apocalypse as heavenly as was that granted to the patriarch of old, who saw angels as- cending and angels descending — the Christian soldier breathed his last on the 21st of December, 1S63, ex- changing the horrors of a prison for the celestial Paradise. Mr. Van Vleck's fomily never learned the full particu- lars of his death ; but they knew that he was always looking for the summons to that land where there is no war nor rumors of war ; and being assured that death to him at any time would be but the portal to everlasting bliss, they mourn not as those who have no hope. Class of 1841. Charles M. Stout, Lieutenant 36th Pennsylvania Volunteers, August i, 1862. Adjutant, December i, 1862. Discharged November 13, 1863. Joined the Western army, and served again in Virginia, participat- ing in the battle of the Wilderness, since which time he has never been seen or heard of by his comrades and rel- atives. Class of 1843. Eugene Ferd. Clewell, Private 19th Iowa Volun- teers, enlisted November 16, 1863 ; died of chronic dysen- tery in hospital at New Orleans, September 5, 1864. 6 NAZARETH HALL. Class of 1S45. Herman L. Beitel, Private 165th Ohio Volunteers, enlisted October 5, 1S61 ; killed September 7, 1863, in the battle of Chattanooga. Class of 1S47. Charles L. Smeidle, Second Lieutenant 21st Illinois Volunteers (Gen. U. S. Grant's regiment), April, 1861. Appointed First Lieutenant for meritorious conduct in the battle of Murfreesboro', Tenn., December 31, 1862. Also, on the same occasion, promoted Judge Advocate on the staff of General J. C. Davis, and transferred successively to Generals Stanley's and Mitchell's staffs. At the close of the trial of the " Anderson Troop" he was attacked with pneumonia, and died April 27, 1863. Numerous commendatory notices of Mr. Smeidle's ser- vices as officer and Judge Advocate, eliciting from Gene- rals Rosencranz, Davis, Stanley and Mitchell frequent and open praise, are jDreserved on record. Class of 1848. AsHER Gaylord, Captain 143d Pennsylvania Volun- teers, November 3, 1862. Wounded severely in the battles at Gettysburg and in the Wilderness. While still suffering from the effects of his wounds, he again volun- teered, against the advice of his family and superior offi- cers, and was killed in the battle at Hatcher's Run, Feb- ruary 7, 1 065, The brigade in which he fought on that occasion, en- countering a strong body of the enemy in the woods, was hard pressed and obliged to retreat, and thus his company was unable to bear off the dead body of their captain, which they saw lying on the field. No informa- NAZARETH HALL. 7 tion has been received regarding its disposition. Mr. Gaylord left a widow and two children to mourn his death. Class of 1849. Joseph P. Bachman, First Lieutenant, and Assistant Surgeon 4th Kentucky Cavalry, enlisted November 21, 1S63. Superintendent of hospital at Calhoun, Ga. Re- signed December 9, 1S64, on account of sickness, which occasioned his decease, at Hope, Ind., April 4, 1865. Class of 1S53. Horace C. Bennett, Captain 55th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, killed October 22, 1862, in the battle of Pocotali- go, S. C, having been wounded in the groin by a minie ball, which severed an artery, causing death in fifteen minutes, without apparent suffering. A correspondent writes : " I never saw Captain Bennett more pleased than on the fatal day, as he started with his company on the double quick for the woods in front of the Confederate battery. When stopping at one of the frequent halts, he said to me, who was next to him on his right, ' I think I will be one of the first to fall on the field this day.' I made answer, advising him to dispel all such ideas from his mind. He replied, ' You know I am not afraid, but my mind tells me so.' "When in line of battle he went through his men, giving them every encouragement, taking a position in front of his company, about two paces from where I stood. In a few moments after he received the fatal bullet. I thought he was only wounded, as he grasped his thigh with both hands, exclaiming, ' Boys, I am shot,' which were the last words I heard him say. A number of his comrades at once went to his assistance, and carried him off' the 23 8 NAZARETH HALL. field. Captain Bennett had entered the service from motives of purest patriotism, was a brave young officer, and beloved by all who knew him for his many estimable qualities of mind and heart. He died as a true soldier, at his post." Edmund A. Shouse, Private ist Penns3'lvania Volun- teers, died August 20, 1863, at Easton, Pa., from typhoid fever contracted in the service. John F. Wood, Second Lieutenant 58th Pennsylvania Volunteers, March 16, 1S63. Captain, September 30, 1S64. Died of disease at Richmond, Va., November 25, 1S65. David Teford Latimer, the first of the alumni who fell in defence of the Union. Private 5th New York Volunteers (Duryea's Zouaves). Killed in the battle of Big Bethel, June 10, 1861. CajDtain Bradagee writes : " On the march the com- pany to which David belonged was deployed as skir- mishers, and while thus engaged with the enemy he re- ceived a rifle bullet in the shoulder. He fell ; but bleed- ing and in agony, his brave heart buoyed him up, and he rose to his knees as if to be his own avenger. An officer told him to lie down, and even as he spoke another bullet crashed through his brain, and he fell dead." The officer named above, who stood by David when he fell, had his pistol knocked from his belt and his sword broken by balls, and the soldier next to him, on the other side, was killed. " A brave man and an honest soldier ; his friends, while they deeply mourn his early death, can but feel a swelling pride to think how glorious was his foil." NAZARETH HALL. 9 Van Brunt M. Bergen. — At the outbreak of the war, Mr. Bergen was following the pursuit of an artist, and in response to the first call for troops, in iS6i, joined the 13th New York Volunteers, with whom he served four months in Virginia. On the second call he volunteered in the same regiment, and while belonging to it was offered and accepted the position of First Lieutenant 131st New York Volunteers, August 28, 1863. The 131st, after a short campaign in Virginia, was transferred to Banks' expedition, participating in the capture of Port Hudson, and in the Red River campaign. During the latter. Lieutenant Bergen was assigned, and filled with great satisfaction, the several positions of Assistant In- spector General of the 19th Army Corps, Post Adjutant of Brasher City and Ordnance Officer of Lafourche Mid- dle District. In the summer of 1S62 his regiment and corps were ordered to join Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. He arrived at Harper's Ferry on the eve of the battle of Win- chester, and while hastening to join his regiment was sur- prised by an order from General Stephenson (by com- mand of General Sheridan), assigning him to the position of Ordnance Officer of the Middle Military District, which included all of Sheridan's army. It was in the performance of the arduous duties of this position at an exciting period that he contracted a cold which, unattended, settled upon his lungs. Nevertheless he labored day and night until December of 1864, when he was ordered home by his superiors to recruit his health. He obeyed reluctantly ; took his official papers with him in order to work them up, which he did personally, until failing health compelled him to employ an amanu- ensis. Thus, with harness on him, the resolute young officer died in Brooklyn, June 8, 1865, in the 27th year 10 NAZARETH HALL. of his age, on the very day on which his returns complete were forwarded to Washington. Class of 1854. John A. Witmer, Orderly Sergeant S3d Ohio Vol- unteers, July 28, 1862, killed May 22, 1863, in the despe- rate charge on the enemy's works in the rear of Vicks- burg. Though only Sergeant at the time, he was in command of his company, leading them up under a heavy cross-fire ; and, exposing himself fearlessly to the enemy's sharp- shooters, he was wounded by three distinct shots, all taking effect in the head. His comrades at once carried him to the rear. He lingered four days, during which time he suffered intense agony. His last words on the battle-field, after receiving the order to charge, and while springing from the ground where he and his men had lain on their faces, were, " Boys, for God's sake stick to me now !" A few months after his death his family were presented with a tribute of respect testifying to his excellence of character — to the bravery he displayed at the battles of Chickasaw Bluffs, Arkansas Post, Greenville, Port Gibson, Black River — and how nobly he fell at Cham- pion Hills. This testimonial is signed by Generals S. G. Burbridge and R. Conover, of the ist Brigade, Colonel F. W. Moore and officers of the 83d Ohio Vol- unteers. Christian F. Smith, Private 12th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, April 25, 1S61. A few months later transferred to the Signal Corps, accompanying General Sherman's expedition to South Carolina. Contracted diphtheria, and NAZARETH HALL. II died June 14, 1862, at the Legareville Hospital, St. John's Island, S. C. James Ingersoll Grafton, youngest son of Major Joseph Grafton, U. S. A., who served in the war of 1S13. Second Lieutenant 2d Massachusetts Volunteers, No- vember I, 1 861. First Lieutenant 2d Massachusetts Vol- unteers, July 21, 1862. Captain 2d Massachusetts Vol- unteers, November 9, 1862. Killed in the battle of Averysborough, N. C, March 16, 1865. He served faithfully with his regiment through all its hard service, declining a colonelcy on one occasion, from unwillingness to leave it. He was badly wounded in the head in the battle of Cedar Mountain, and severely in the leg at Chancellorsville, in consequence of which he was on both occasions off duty for several months. In the autumn of 1863 the 2d Massachusetts was or- dered to the West, and took part in Sherman's famous march. At Averysborough, N. C, they first encountered the enemy in force, and the action that followed is thus described by an eye-witness : " At seven o'clock a. m., on the i6th, our brigade, with skirmishers in front, advanced over the works, and had proceeded but a short distance when we met the enemy's skirmish line. It was on our skh-mish line, but a short distance in advance, that Captain Grafton was killed. He had command of his company and another, and worked hard with them, against heavy odds, until he was struck in the leg. He started to the rear, but, in his anxiety to do his whole duty, turned back to give some last instruc- tions to his men, and received a mortal wound in the neck. He was seen staggering back, and was helped to the rear, but he never spoke, and died in a few min- utes." 23 » 12 NAZARETH HALL. IMaior-Gcneral E. Slocum mentioned the circumstances of his fall in a letter to Governor Andrew of Massa- chusetts, stating Captain Grafton to have been one of the best officers under his command. Lieutenant-Colonel Morse, commanding the regiment, wrote as follows to Captain Grafton's brother : "Jamaica Plains, May i, 1865. " Please, sir, to accept my sincere sympathy for the loss you have sustained by the death of your noble brother. Although I never knew him before he joined the regiment, I have since that time been on terms of in- timate friendship with him, and during the last three years have learned to love and respect him more than almost any man I ever knew. " In everything he said and did he was always manly, honorable and noble ; he attracted respect and attention wherever he served, both from superiors and inferiors. We had a review a few days before the battle. As the regiment passed the reviewing officer, General E. Slocum pointed out Captain Grafton to General Sherman, telling him what a fine officer he was. " On the night of the battle some one told General Sher- man that he had been killed that morning. The General said, 'What, that splendid fellow that Slocum pointed out?' — and seemed to feel his death as a personal loss. " I have seen and noticed the faces of a great many men as they stood up to meet death, but I have never seen on any of them such an expression of fearless gal- lantry as was on Captain Grafton's when I gave him his last order. I was quite near him when I gave it ; he looked me full in the face to catch every word, then, fully understanding what I wanted, he turned and gave the necessary orders. I shall never forget that face ; so cheer- NAZARETH HALL. 1 3 ful, so handsome, and yet so full of stern determination to do or die. " The records of our regiment can show the name of no better man or better officer. "lam, " Very truly, yours, " C. F. Morse." Class of 1S55. George Lorillard Fream, Private 9th New York State Militia, November 11, 1861, and clerk in Adjutant General's Office. Killed at Front Royal, Va., June 18, 1862. The sad story of his sufferings may best be gathered from the following letter, received by your Recorder, under date of February 23, 1863 : " Dear Sir : I have just been informed by Majoi'- General McDowell of your inquiries relative to George L. Fream, of the 9th N. Y. S. M., and late clerk in my office. " It is with pain and regret that I have to convey the intelligence of his death. We were en route from Front Royal to Manassas by railroad. As the train started, he attempted to jump into a freight car from the ground, as there was no platform at the station. Endeavoring to throw his leg in, in order to raise himself, and his strength being unequal to the strain, he gradually relaxed his grasp, sliding under, until his nerve failed him, when, falling with both legs on the track, he was run over and mangled in a most melancholy manner. " He was taken to the General Hospital at Front Royal, where every care and attention were taken to save his life. Amputation was performed, but the shock to the system 14 NAZARETH HALL. had been so great that he died soon after. lie had en- deared himself to all with whom he had been connected, and his untimely fate will be mourned for many years to come. Your obedient servant, " George B. Drake, " Capt. and A. D. C, U. S. Army." Surgeon Jesse W. Brock writes : " He suffered more than tongue can express, but was not heard to murmur at any time. The operation was performed about five o'clock P.M. on the 17th. He lived until the i8th, at 1 1 o'clock A. M. He was very patient amid all his suf- ferings, and only complained because his was an acci- dental ivotind^ instead of one received on the field of battle. He was perfectly rational until within an hour of his death, and knew full well that his wound was fatal, and often spoke of you as his kind father and dear and affectionate mother." Colonel J. W. Stiles, of 9th New York Regiment, writes : " It gives me pleasure to testify to the character of Mr. George L. Fream, who presented in an eminent degree the qualities of a soldier and a gentleman ; and believe me when I say no one can miss him more than myself." His remains are interred in a retired spot in the beauti- ful cemetery at Saugerties, N. Y., overlooking the Hud- son, amid the scenes of his early childhood. The last letter received by his family, prior to his decease, is en- graved upon his tombstone. It is briefly this : " Dear Parents : The expected word has come. We move. I am perfectly resigned, and will do my duty. Your affectionate son, " George." NAZARETH HALL 15 Above these words are inscribed the legend, " Our all for our Country" and the name '" George" Mr. Fream was an only child of John and Adah Fream, and in his nineteenth year when lie died. Daniel H. Fasig, Private 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, August 8, 1 86 1. Wounded at Gettysburg. Died August 30, 1S63, at Camp Stoneman,near Washington, of disease contracted in the service. Charles Ryerson, Private ist Regiment, Excelsior Brigade, June 19, 1S61. Killed in the battle of Wil- liamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862, while in the act of loading his piece. The following extracts from his letters exhibit the spirit and motive by which he was actuated, particular!}^ when the news reached him of the disastrous rout of Bull Run. He writes : " The regiment leaves to-night for the seat of war at only one hour's notice, so that we leave immediately. I just got my appointment as General Sickles' orderly this morning, but as soon as I heard that we were going to leave, I threw it up at once and joined my regiment. So good-bye ; think of me often. If I fall, remember it was in the cause of my country." Again : " Soldiering is a veiy hard life, and I will be glad when the war is over, but I won't come home until it is. You may make up your minds that if we ever get into action I will win an honorable position, no matter at what cost, for I am determined never to return (God sparing my life) until I do win one." In this spirit he went forth until he met the enemy at Williamsburg. The result we must let his friend Cary describe in a letter dated May 7, 1S63 -. 1 6 NAZARETH HALL. " Before this reaches you, you will see from the papers the horrible slaughter our regiment met with. Among the killed in our company is my friend Charley, your son. After the battle my first thought was about Charley. I found his body, but alas ! he had gone to his long, silent home of death. I got a soldier to assist me, and we car- ried him from the battle-field, buried him and erected a soldier's monument inscribed with his name and regiment. I found his Bible, which he carried in his pocket through his entire service, lying by his side." His captain and chaplain both testify to his being a true soldier and a fine young man. Class of 1S56. Ben'JAMin F. Landell, Private 88th Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 29, 1861. Killed by a musket ball in the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1S62. Clarenxe Kampmax, October 25, 1864, appointed Captain's Clerk by Admiral S. P. Lee, commanding Mississippi Squadron. Died at Mound City, Bis., June 4, 1865. " Flagship Tempest, June 5, 1865. " My Dear Sir : I regret to announce to you the death of our amiable and excellent friend, Clarence Kampman, who died last evening of acute dysentery on board the Hospital Ship ' Red Rover.' He was under the care of Fleet Surgeons Pinkney and Bradley, two accomplished medical officers of this squadron, and re- ceived every care and attention. " He had previously had an attack of jaundice, fol- lowed some time after by erysipelas, for which he had been under treatment on board the hospital ship for some time, and had just recovered from it, when he was at- NAZARETH HALL. 1 7 tacked with dysentery on Tuesday last. He was buried this evening at the Naval Burying-ground, near Mound City Naval Station. Such of his effects as were not burnt with the ' Black Hawk' will be packed up and held subject to the order of his family, to whom the surgeon of the ' Red Rover' announced his death. His accounts will be transferred to the Fourth Auditor. " Respectfully and truly yours, "S.P.Lee, " A. R. Admiral. " Mr. Delano, Washington, D. C." Class of 1858. William W. Ladd, Private 2d New Jersey Cavalry, enlisted July 15, 1863, in the sixteenth year of his age. He was taken sick in camp at Columbus, Kentucky, and died in a negro cabin of disease contracted in the army, December 15, 1863, after a service of nearly six months. He was a bright, intelligent boy, of manly address, and left a home of ease and affluence, with the prospect of fortune, although young and delicate, to serve the gov- ernment and to help defeat the Rebellion. He was faithful as a soldier, and much loved by his comrades. John C. Hagen, Private 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry, February 6, 1865. Contracted typhoid fever while en- camped at Cloud's Mills, near Alexandria, Va., and dis- charged from the sei^vice in consequence, July 13, 1S65. Brought home to Bethlehem, Pa., and died August 7, 1865. Class of i860. Pliny A. Jewett, Jr., Private ist Connecticut Cav- l8 NAZARETH HALL. airy; enlisted March ii, 1S63, and killed at Harper's Farm, Va., April 6, 1S65. At the time of his decease he held the position of Quartermaster Sergeant, and had received the day before a recommendation from his colonel for promotion as lieu- tenant for bravery. Was taken prisoner near Harper's Ferry, and confined six weeks on Belle Isle. He participated with his regi- ment in General Sheridan's raid around Richmond, Va. Class of 1S61. Edwin H. Skirving, at the time of General Early's raid upon Washington, was studying engineering at the Washington Navy Yard, and volunteered with other em- ployes in defence of the city. His company camped around Fort Lincoln, perform- ing guard duty. At night they were obliged to lie upon the ground outside of the fortification, without any shelter, not even a blanket being provided for them. He remained exposed in this way for three days and three nights, and returned home in ill health. In a few days he took his bed, and died on July 25, 1864. * What errors occur in the Military and Naval Record, and in the dates of entrance of the Alumni present at the Reunion of June 11, 1868, the Recorder begs to state, are in consequence of incorrect infor- mation furnished at the time of compilation, and discovered too late for correction. NAZARETH HALL. 19 ROLL OF ALUMNI WHO SERVED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY OR NAVY. Class of 18 10. Giles Porter was graduated at West Point, July 24, 1818, and promoted Second Lieutenant corps of artillery U. S. Army. Captain, September 30, 1833, and Major 4th Artillery, February 16, 1847. Served in the Florida war against the Seminole Indians, 1836, '37, '38. Retired September 31, 1861, after more than forty consecutive years of service. Class of 1822. Andrew A. Humphreys was graduated at West Point, July i, 1831, and promoted Second Lieutenant 2d Artillery U. S. Army. First Lieutenant August 16, 1836, serving in the Florida war. First Lieutenant Corps of Topographical Engineers, July 7^ 1S38. Captain, May 31, 1848. Major, August 6, 1861. Colonel of Staff, March 5, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel Engineers, March 3, 1863. Brevet Brigadier-General, March 13, 1865. Brevet Major-General U. S. A., March 13, 1865. Brigadier-General Volunteers, April 28, 1862. Major-Ge- neral Volunteers, July S, 1863. Served throughout the war in Virginia, participating in the numerous battles and en- gagements of the Army of the Potomac. Appointed Chief Topographical Engineer Army of the Potomac under Ma- jor-General George B. McClellan, and Chief of Staff' under Major-General George G. Meade. Commanded 3d Division 5th Corps, and 2d Division 3d Corps. Com- manded 2d Army Corps. Distinguished himself (par- ticularly) in the battles of Gettysburg and Fredericksburg. At the latter place he had two horses killed under him, 24 ;20 NAZARETH HALL. all his staff but one dismounted, three of them wounded, and for one hour was exposed to a deadly fire, within one hundred yards of the stone wall held by the enemy, while he vainly endeavored to retrieve the fortunes of the day, being deliberately shot at by sharpshooters whenever the heavy musketry and artillery fire abated. Had a horse killed under him at Gettysburg. Never wounded, and had many miraculous escapes from death. August 8, 1 866, Brigadier-General and Chief of Engineers U. S. A., in command of the Corps of Engineers, headquarters Washington, D. C. Still in the service. Class of 1S37. Samuel Peningtox, Captain 5th Delaware Volun- teers, November 6, 1862. Served in Maryland. Mus- tered out of service August 6, 1863. Class of 1828. Thomas Sparks, largely instrumental in organizing and equipping ist Regiment Pennsylvania Gray Reserves. Commissioned Lieutenant Company A, April 19, 1861. Displayed great ability, when detached and stationed at Philadelphia, as Chief Recruiting Officer and Com- missary of Supplies during the invasions. Lieutenant Pennsylvania Minute Men. April 19, 1863, presented with an elegant testimonial by the officers of the Gray Reserves, for efficient services rendered the regiment while in service. Received two other testimonials at a later period of the war. Class of 1829. William P. Lew, Private Pennsylvania Volunteers. Class of 1830. JoHx J. Gauvix, Captain U. S. steam transport Union, NAZARETH HALL. 21 Quartermaster General's Department, September, iS6r. Ordered to carry supplies for General Sherman's expedition against Port Royal, S. C, October 29, 1861. Encoun- tered a fearful gale, and to save his crew was compelled to run the vessel on the beach at Bogue Island, N. C, as it was barely possible to keep her afloat. Fell into the enemy's hands, and was a prisoner eight months at Fort Macon, Raleigh, Salisbury, N. C, and Libby Prisons. Exchanged, August 17, 1862. Reappointed Captain of steam transport John Rice. Resigned, August 15, 1S63. Class of 1S31. Nathaniel S. Wolle, Private Pennsylvania State Militia, July, 1863. Class of 1S32. William P. Smith, First Lieutenant ipSth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. Wounded at Charles City X Roads, and at Hatcher's Run. Served four years in Virginia. William H. Thompson, Lieutenant-Colonel 3Sth Pennsylvania State Militia, July 3, 1S63. William H. Butler, Clerk to Colonel Ingalls. Post Commissary at White House, Virginia, May, June, July, 1861. Benjamin F. Garvin entered the U. S. Navy, March 29, 1847. Appointed Chief Engineer, ranking with Commander, May 11, 185S. Fleet Engineer Mediter- ranean Sea Squadron. Fleet Engineer of Admiral Lee's North Carolina Squadron, which captured City Point, Fort Fisher, etc. Was on board the Frigate Colorado (first rate) at the capture of Fort Fisher. Still in the ser- vice. 22 NAZARETH HALL. Class of 1S33. William Kissam, Corporal 27th New Jersey Volun- teers, September 4, 1862. Served in Virginia. Honor- ably discharged, July 2, 1864. Charles E. Smith, Major nth Michigan Cavalry, August 31, 1863. Colonel, June 12, 1864. Brigadier- General U. S. Vols., March 13, 1865. Served in Vir- ginia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina and Georgia. In the battle of Cynthiana, Ky., had his horse killed under him, and another wounded. Mustered out of ser- vice, August, 1S65. Giles B. Overton raised a company for the 42d Pennsylvania Volunteers (Bucktails), and before mus- tered into service appointed Captain 14th U. S. Infontry, June 18, 1 86 1. Served in Virginia on the staff of Major-General Sykes. Brevet Major, March 13, 1865. Wounded at Chancellorsville in the thigh-bone, and still carries the bullet. Resigned July 25, 1865. Class of 1S35. John J. Peters, Private 15th New York Cavalry, September 3, 1864. Served in Virginia. Discharged on account of disability induced by typhoid fever, June 12, 1865. William Higgixs, Private 2d New York Volunteers, April 26, 1861. Served three months. Mathias T. Huebner, Private Pennsylvania State Militia, July, 1863. Samuel Rice, Private 46th Pennsylvania Volunteers. NAZARETH HALL. 23 August 8, 1861. Detached as Clerk Quartermaster Gene- ral's Department to September 17, 1864. Re-enlisted Private 97th Pennsylvania Volunteei-s. Served in Vir- ginia, North Carolina and Georgia. Mustered out with his regiment, September, 1865. Samuel C. Wolle, Orderly Sergeant 38th Pennsyl- vania State Militia, June 30, 1863. Mustered out with his regiment, August 7, 1863. Class of 1836. George P. Ihrie, Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army. June 12, 1862, Aide-de-Camp of General U. S. Grant in the siege of Corinth, serving respectively as Acting Inspector General and Commissary of ISIusters. Distinguished himself in the defence of Trenton, Tenn., December, 1862, saving from capture the railroad trains there. He continued with General Grant until April, 1863. Still in the service. Nathaniel Michler was graduated at West Point, July I, 184S, and promoted Brevet Second Lieutenant Topographical Engineers. Second Lieutenant, April 7, 1854. First Lieutenant, May 19, 1856. Captain, Sep- tember 9, 1861. Major, April 22, 1864. Brevet Lieu- tenant-Colonel, August I, 1864. Brevet Colonel, April 2, 1865. Chief of Topographical Engineers Army of the Cumberland, on the Staff' of Major-General D. C. Buell ; also, under Generals Rosecrans and Sherman, until transferred to the Army of the Potomac. Captured near Rockville, Md., June 28, 1863, and paroled. Con- structed defences on the Maryland Heights, at Harper's Ferry. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. Army, April 2, 1865, for gallant and meritorious conduct during the war. Still in the service. 24* 24 NAZARETH HALL. Class of 1837. John Baillie McIntosh, son of Colonel James S. Mcintosh, U. S. A., killed in the storming of Molino del Rey, Mexico, September 8, 1S47. Colonel Third Penn- sylvania Cavalry, September 23, 1862. Brigadier-Gene- ral, July 21, 1864. Brevet Major-General U. S. Army, March 13, 1S65. Served in Virginia. Had a leg shat- tered by a minie ball while gallantly leading his brigade at the battle of Opequan, Va., September 19, 1S64, ren- dering amputation necessary. Highly complimented by General Sheridan in his re- port of the battle of Abram's Creek, Va. General A. T. A. Torbet describes the action as follows : "On the 13th of September the Second Brigade, 3d Division (Brigadier-General Mcintosh commanding), moved up the Berryville and Winchester pike, drove the enemy's cavalry before them three miles, and within two miles of Winchester came upon a regiment of infantry (the Sth South Carolina). By a sudden dash of the 3d New Jersey and 2d Ohio Regiments the 8th South Caro- lina was broken, completely surrounded, and the entire regiment, officers, men and colors, marched into camp. Too much praise cannot be given General Mcintosh for his quick decision and gallantry on the occasion. " Still in the service. William Finlaysox, Private 23d Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, served in Virginia. In service two years. De- ceased. Class of 1838. William II. Moore, Captain 12th New Jersey Vol- unteers, September 8, 1862. NAZARETH HALL. 25 Lebbeus Chapman, Jr., Brigade Quartermaster nth Brigade New York National Guards, June 23, 1863. Captain on staff' of Brigadier-General J. C. Smith. Class of 1839. William J. Dixon, Surgeon in a Western regiment. Lewis R. Huebner, Corporal 34th Pennsylvania State Militia, July 3, 1863. Class of 1840. Othniel de Forest, Colonel 5th New York Cavalry, October i, 1S61. Served in Virginia. Honorably dis- charged, March 29, 1864. Died in I867. Thomas L. McKeen, Jr., Major 3Sth Pennsylvania State Militia, July 3, 1S63. Class of 1841. Robert A. Clewell, Private 129th Pennsylvania Volunteers, August I3, 1862, to May 18, 1863. Served in Virginia. First Sergeant 202d Pennsylvania Volun- teers, September 2, 1864. Mustered out of service, Au- gust 3, 1865. Died June 30, 1867. Charles T. Harrison served in the army and navy. Dangerously wounded before Petersburg, Virginia. Class of 1842. Andrew A. Ripka, Captain 119th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, September i, 1862. Served in Virginia. Re- signed on account of illness, March 3, 1865. John M. Winpenny, Private 19th Pennsylvania Vol- 26 NAZARETH HALL. unteers, April 27, 1S61. Served in Maryland. Mus- tered out with his regiment, August 29, 1861. IIexry K. Troeger, Private loth Illinois Volunteers, August 28, 1 861. Served in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. Detached as Chief Surgeon's Clerk at the Nashville Hospitals. Discharged on account of dis- ability, resulting from exposure, December 2, 1863. Edwin J. Bachman, First Lieutenant 33d Indiana Volunteers, August 22, 1861. Detached Acting Assist- ant Qiiartermaster of Colonel John Coburn's Brigade. Chief of Ordnance Army of Kentucky, on the staff' of Major-General Gordon Granger. Participated in Gene- ral Sherman's march. Three years in the service. Class of 1843. Thomas Overington, Private 6th Pennsylvania State Militia, September, 1862. William R. Thomas, First Lieutenant 46th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, September 4, 1861. Served in Vir- ginia. Resigned in consequence of illness, April 4, 1862. Amos C. Clauder, Private 34th Pennsylvania State Militia, July 3, 1863. Died October 14, 186S, at Bethle- hem, Pa. Clarence Michler, Captain ist Louisiana Cavalry. Appointed Inspector of Cavalry of the Military Division of the West Mississippi, on the staff of General David- son. Wounded, and served throughout the war. Class of 1844. Alfred B. Davis, Acting Master U. S. Navy, for NAZARETH HALL. 2*J special duty as Pilot attached to North Atlantic I31ock- adiiig Squadron, November 5, 1S64. Samuel G. Spackman, Hospital Steward 12th New York National Guards Regiment, June 20, 1863. Henry T. Bachman, Private Captain J. D. Cunning's Ohio Cavahy, July 25, 1863. Volunteered to repel the invasion of General John Morgan. John J. Hess, Qiiarterm aster 119th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, August 5, 1862. Served in Virginia. Honor- ably discharged, February 27, 1864. Stephen Sutton, Private ist Minnesota Volunteers. Served three years. Isaac Prince, Special Delegate U. S. Christian Com- mission, June 22, 1864, to minister to the sick and wounded soldiers in the military hospitals and on the battle-fields throughout the country. July, 1S65, received a commission from the American Missionary Association to minister to the spiritual welfare of 3d U. S. Colored Cavalry, stationed at Hilton Head, S. C. Served in Vir- ginia and South Carolina. Class of 1845. Charles Goepp, First Lieutenant 9th Pennsylvania Volunteers, April 24, 1861. Acting Adjutant, May 15, 1861. Mustered out with his regiment, July 29, 1861. John J. Perkin, Private of a battery of artillery. Served in Virginia. Class of 1846. Granville Henry, Private 34th Pennsylvania State 28 NAZARETH HALL. Militia, June, July, August, 1863. Contracted severe ill- ness during his term of service. Edwin Housel, Private 2d Newr Jersey Volunteers, April 26, 1S61. Served in Virginia. Died at Elizabeth- port, N. J., August 2, 1S61. Henry K. Thomae, Private 7th New York Volun- teers, April 19, 1S61. Jacob O. Brown, Fifer 3d New Jersey Volunteers. Served nine months. George F. Thomae, Private 7th New York Volun- teers, April 19, 1 86 1. Oliver T. Beard, Private 71st New York State Mi- litia, April 21, 1861. Detached Lieutenant 28th New York S. M., and mustered out as Captain. Major 48th New York Volunteers, August 8, 1S61, in General Mc- Clellan's Army of the Potomac. Ordered with his regi- ment to join General W. T. Sherman's expeditionary force to Hilton Head, S. C. After the battle there fought, promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, and Provost Marshal of the Southern Department. Colonel Beard here rendered valuable services in removing obstructions from the in- lets below Savannah, in planting batteries on the swampy sea-islands, and by a secret mission into the city, for which he was publicly commended by the commanding general, and also by Admiral Dupont. Promoted Colonel of a negro regiment, and was the first officer to lead colored troops into action. Sei*ved in this capacity in Florida. Charles Henry Hutchinson, Private 19th Penn- sylvania Volunteers, April 27 to August 29, 1S61. Lieu- NAZARETH HALL. 29 tenant of a New York regiment, and afterward ap- pointed Independent Scout of tlie Army of the Potomac. In service three years. Class of 1847. Henry A. Bigler, First Lieutenant 209th Pennsyl- vania Vohmteers, September 16, 1864. Captain, May 16, 1S65. Served in Virginia. Mustered out, May 31, 1865. John Bartram, Private 95th Pennsylvania Volun- teers. Served in Virginia. Severely wounded. John Trucks, Jr., Private 32d Pennsylvania State Mi- litia, July, 1863. William H. Crawford, First Lieutenant 153d Penn- sylvania Volunteers, October 11, 1862. Served in Vir- ginia. Mustered out with his regiment, July 24, 1863. Richard R. Tschudy, First Lieutenant 12th Penn- sylvania State Militia, September 16, 1862. Henry Crease, Second Lieutenant 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers (Birney's Zouaves), July 17, 186 1. Promoted First Lieutenant for gallantry at Gettysburg. Taken prisoner at White's Ford, September 12, 1862, and con- fined in Libby Prison twenty-five days, when exchanged. Wounded at Cold Harbor, June i, 1864. Engaged in fifteen battles in Virginia. Honorably discharged, Sep- tember 8, 1S64. At present a Paymaster in U. S. Navy. Class of 1848. Frederic A. Clauder, Private i st Regiment Sickles' Excelsior Brigade, May 21, 1861. Served in Virginia. Honorably discharged, July 10, 1S64. 30 NAZARETH HALL. Obadiah T. IIuebner, Sergeant 3Sth Pennsylvania State Militia, July, 1863. Joseph Bl^rke, Private Anderson Cavalry, served in Kentucky, T(?nnessee, and in Sherman's famous march. In service three years. Peter D. Keyser, Captain 91st Pennsylvania Volun- teers. September 20, 1S61, on staff of Major-General Naglee. Served in Virginia. Wounded at Fair Oaks. Resigned on account of ill health, August 15, 1862. Re- entered the service as Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, from July, 1864, to March, 1S65. Eyre Keyser, First Lieutenant 183d Pennsylvania Volunteers. Dangerously wounded in the head by a minie ball in the battle of the Wilderness, and again wounded at Cold Harbor, Va. Brevet Adjutant for gal- lantry. Mustered out of service, August 9, 1864. Charles J. Anderson, New York Volunteers Class of 1849. James E. Audenreid, Captain 2d Pennsylvania Cav- alry, September 17, 1861. Served in Virginia. Wound- ed in the battles of Second Bull Run, of the Wilderness and of Deep Bottom ; in the last engagement severely so, having been struck in the arm by a shell. Honor- ably discharged, October 6, 1864. Owen Rice, Jr., Captain 153d Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, October 7, 1862. Wounded in the arm at Chancellorsvillc, Va. Mustered out of service, July 23, 1863. Clarence E. Siewers, Private Battery 112th Penn- NAZARETH HALL. 31 S3'lvania Volunteers, December 9, 1861. Served in Vir- ginia. In the service one year. Has never been seen or heard from by his comrades and relatives. Philip S. P. Walter, Assistant Surgeon 2d Pennsyl- vania Cavalry, Februaiy I3, 1S63. Honorably dis- charged, December, 1863. Frank C. Stout, Sergeant 139th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, August 13, 1863, to January 8, 1863. Second Lieutenant 139th Pennsylvania Volunteers, March 28, 1863. Captain 34th Pennsylvania State Militia, June. July, August, 1863. Abraham C. Davenport, Private 14th New York State Militia, September 6, 1863. Transferred to 5th New York Veteran Volunteers, June 3, 1864. Served in Virginia. In service two yeai's and nine months. Charles B. Wainwright, Private 17th Pennsylvania Volunteers, April 35, 1861. Mustered out, August 3, i86i. Served in Maryland. Benjamin D. Philip, Second Lieutenant 14th New York Volunteers, June 10, 1861, and Aide-de-Camp to Colonel Alfred M.Wood. Served in Virginia. Severely wounded at the first battle of Bull Run. Honorably dis- charged on account of wounds, January 3, 1863. De- ceased. Class of 1850. Henry A. Titze, Orderly Sergeant 56th Illinois Vol- unteers, November 30, 1861. Discharged on account of illness, September 8, 1863. Re-enlisted 136th Illinois 25 T 33 NAZARETH HALL. Volunteers, May 13, 1S64. Mustered out, October 23, 1S64. William C. Titze, Private 66th Illinois Volunteers, December 30, 1S63. Detailed as Orderly at Headquar- ters Sixteenth Army Corps from May to September 2, 1864. Served in Tennessee, Georgia, South and North Carolina. Mustered out of service, July 15, 1865. William H. Fenner, Private 176th Pennsylvania Volunteers, November 3, 1862. Served in Virginia. Mustered out with his regiment, August 18, 1863. Reuben J. Stotz, Second Lieutenant 153d Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, October 11, 1862. Served in Virginia. Mustered out with his regiment, July 24, 1863. Henry Leibfried, Private 153d Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, October 7, 1862. Served in Virginia. Mustered out of service, July 23, 1863. Died August, 1867. Class of 1851. John Frederic R. Frueauff, First Lieutenant ist Pennsylvania Volunteers, April 20, 1861, Mustered out with regiment, July 27, 1861. Major 153d Pennsylvania Volunteers, October 11, 1862. Detached as Assistant Inspector General on staff of Major-General McLaws. Wounded slightly at Chancellorsville. Served in Mary- land and in Virginia. Mustered out of the service, July 24, 1S63. Samuel Liciitenthaeler, Private 5th Pennsylvania Militia, September, 1S62. John Philip Wenzel, Lieutenant Pennsylvania Cav- alry. NAZARETH HALL. 33 Thomas Eugene Cummins, Orderly Sergeant 17th New York Volunteers, June 21, 1863. Served in Gene- ral W. T. Sherman's campaigns. Wounded in the shoulder at the battle of Secessionville, South Carolina, June 16, 1862. In service three years and ten months. William H. Loyd, Second Lieutenant nth New Jersey Volunteers, August 11, 1S62. First Lieutenant, November 17, 1862. Captain, March 9, 1863. Major 7th New Jersey Volunteers, October 17, 1864. Detached Assistant Adjutant General on staff of Major-Generals D. B. Birney and Pierce. Sei-ved in Maryland and Vir- ginia. Wounded at Gettysburg and at Boynton Plank Road, Va. In the service two years and six months. Richard Henry Chapman, Private 19th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, April 27, 1861. Served in Maryland. Mustered out with his regiment, August 29, 1861. Class of 1852. Henry T. Clauder, Private 67th Indiana Volunteers, August 20, 1S62. Served in Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. Taken prisoner at Clumfordsville, Ky,, and paroled December, 1862. Mustered out of service, June 20, 1865. Charles V. Henry, Private loth New York Volun- teers. Quartermaster 91st New York Volunteers, Sep- tember 18, 1863. Major and Assistant Qiiarter master 5th Army Corps, on staff of Major-General Warren, Au- gust 39, 1864. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, September 3, 1866. Served in Virginia, and in the Gulf Department under General Buell. Honorably discharged, Novembei 19, 1866. 34 NAZARETH HALL. John W.Jordan, Assistant Commissary Starr's Phil- ladelj^liia Battery, attached to 33d Pennsylvania State Militia, June, July, August, 1S63. Thomas V. Kessler, Private Sth Pennsylvania State Militia. Sensed in Maryland, July, 1863. William H. H. Michler, Assistant Surgeon ist Pennsylvania Volunteers, April 20, to July 27, 1S61. Appointed Surgeon Mack's Regular Battery 4th U. S. Artillery. Stationed as Surgeon U. S. A. at Fort Union, New Mexico, January i, 1869. Still in the service. J. Theophilus Zorn, Private 38th Pennsylvania State Militia, July, 1S63. George A. Carey, Corporal 51st Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, August 20, 1 861. Served in Virginia and North and South Carolina. Captured at the Weldon Railroad, and confined for seven months in Salisbury, Belle Isle and Libby Prisons. Mustered out of service, July 27, 1865. William F. Harris, supposed to have been in the Navy, and known to have been washed overboard from a vessel while at sea. George Williams, Qiiartermaster Sergeant 6th New York Independent Battery. Served in Virginia. En- gaged in twenty-six battles. Declined accepting a com- mission, although frequently oflered him during his three years of service. Drowned in 1864 at La Belle, Michigan. William B. Persse, First Lieutenant 163d New York Volunteers, August 27, 1862. Served in Virginia. Honorably discharged, January 20, 1863. NAZARETH HALL. 35 Class of 1853. George W. Shields, Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. Navy, Mississippi Squadron, November 24, 1863. Died August 10, 1867, at New Orleans, of yellow^ fever. Theodore A. Nixon, Corporal i6th Indiana Volun- teers, April 22, 1S61. Mustered out, May 14, 1S63. Died January 20, 1867. George H. Eplee, First Lieutenant 203d Pennsylva- nia Volunteers, September 12, 1864. Acting Adjutant General 2d Brigade, 2d Divison, loth Army Corps. Served in Virginia and North Carolinia. Mustered out, June 22, 1865. Marcelin L. de Coursey, Private Commonwealth Artillery, April to August, 1861. Private Anderson Troop, October 5, 1S61. Detached First Lieutenant 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Captain, March 15, 1863. Mus- tered out, October 23, 1863. Chief Clerk to Provost Marshal General Fry, at Washington, D. C, until April I, 1865. Had a narrow escape from death in the battle of Stone River, Tenn., having his horse killed under him, pistol-holsters and spurs shot away, and two balls passing through his coat. Edwin Lichtenthaler, Private 129th Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 15, 1862. Served in Virginia. In service two years. ' Edwin Longmire, Second Lieutenant 2d Pennsylva- nia Artillery, December 16, 1861. Served in Virginia. Resigned June 29, 1862. 25* 36 NAZARETH HALL. Nathaniel C. Longmire, Private 124th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, August iS, 1862. Served in Virginia. Mustered out, May 17, 1863. William D. Fiechtner, Private 195th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, July, November, 1864. Horace Homer, Assistant Surgeon Medical Depart- ment of the Susquehanna. Appointed Special Relief Agent U. S. Sanitary Commission. Served three years. Camillus Nathans, Second Lieutenant New York Volunteers. Wounded in the hand and hip. Served in Virginia. Andrew D. Harper, Private 13th New York State Militia. Eugene Walter, Leader of Regimental Band 47th Pennsylvania Volunteers. William H. Bigler, Private 34th Pennsylvania State Militia, July, 1863. Edmund A. Oerter, Private 38th Pennsylvania State Militia, July, 1S63. Joseph John Ricksecker, Private 5th Pennsylvania State Militia. Francis Jordan, Jr., Private Miller's Philadelphia Battery, September 11, 1862. Served in Maryland. Class of 1854. Walter Barrett, Major 84th Pennsylvania Volun- teers, August 30, 1 86 1. Lieutenant-Colonel, June 21, NAZARETH HALL. 37 1862. Sei'ved in Virginia. Resigned on account of in- juries received at Fairfax Court-house, September 10, 1862. LovELL PuRDY, Major 5th New York Volunteers, Excelsior Brigade, August 27, 1861. Served in Virginia. Wounded in the battles of Williamsburg, Chancellors- ville and the Wilderness. Honorably discharged on ac- count of wounds received before Petersburg, June 19, 1864. Promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, September 3, 1S66, by the U. S. Government, for gallant services during the war. N. Waller Horton, First Lieutenant 9th Pennsyl- vania Cavalry, February 13, 1S63. Captain, June 16, 1863. Served in Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Participated in twenty- eight battles. In the last of these, fought at Raleigh. N. C, he was taken prisoner, and after having been con- fined at Greensboro' for a month, was released. Wound- ed slightly at Eagleville, Tenn. Mustered out, July 18, 1S65. Li the sen'ice four and a half years. Frederic M. Shoemaker, First Lieutenant 36th Pennsylvania Volunteers, February 20, 1S62. Resigned July II, 1862. Adjutant 143d Pennsylvania Volunteers, September 23, 1863. Honorably discharged, September 7, 1864. Benneville M. Henry, Leader 7th Pennsylvania Regimental Band, April 23 to July 29, 1861. Re-enlist- ed as musician 88th Pennsylvania Volunteers, April, 1863. James M. R. Harris, Private 33d Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, July 4, 1861. Served in Virginia. Captured 3S NAZARETH HALL. before Richmond, and confined in Libby Prison two months, when exchanged. Wounded at Gaines' Mills, and on the second day of Seven Days' Battle. Lost his right eye by a bayonet in a skirmish near Manassas Junction. Honorably discharged from the service, Octo- ber 27, 1S62. Matthew McIlroy, Second Lieutenant 49th Penn- sylvania State Militia, July 17, 1S63. Veterinary Sur- geon U. S. Engineer Corps. In the service seven months. Died March 2, 1S6S. Joseph W. Drinkhouse, Private Indej^endent Key- stone Battery. Volunteered twice in the three months' service. Albert Remick, Corporal 40th Pennsylvania State Militia, July 2, 1S63. J. CuMMiNGS Vail, Private Serrell's New York Vol- unteer Engineers, October 15, 1S61. Detached as Clerk of Adjutant General's Department, Port Royal, S. C. Appointed Flag Officer's Clerk on staff' of Rear Admiral S. F. Dupont, U. S. Navy, April 24, 1862. Remained with Admiral Dupont until relieved from his command, July 4, 1863. Appointed Captain's Clerk U.S. steamer Iroquois. Honorably discharged from the service on ac- count of illness at Rio de Janeiro, and reached New York January 19, 1S65. Frank B. Woodall, Major Illinois Regiment. Edwin G. Klos^;, Private 34th Pennsylvania State Militia, June 29, 1863. W. H. Theophilus Haman, Private 34th Pennsyl- vania State Militia, June 29, 1863. NAZARETH HALL. 39 John D. Wolle, Private 3Sth Pennsylvania State Militia, July, 1S63. William F. Buck, Private iSth Pennsylvania Volun- teers, April 24, 1861. Mustered out, August 6, 1861. Third Assistant Engineer steamer J. E. Bazely, North Carolina Blockading Squadron. This vessel was blown up at the mouth of the Roanoke River by a torpedo. Escaped uninjured. HenrV a. Daily, Private ist Pennsylvania Volun- teers, April 18 to July 28, 1S61. Private 51st Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, December i, 1861. Detached Sth U. S. Infantry, October 28, 1S62. Served in Virginia and North Carolina. In active service five years and six months, and never wounded or captured. Honorably discharged, February 22, 1867. Charles A. Place, Private 13th New York Volun- teers. April 23, 1 861. Detached Second Lieutenant 15th Regiment of Engineers. Promoted Adjutant and Captain. Served in Virginia. Charles Hendrickson, New York regiment. Class of 1S55. Cornelius A. Simonson, Private 9th New York State Militia, April 20, 1S61. Detached Second Lieutenant I32d New York Volunteers, July 19, 1862, Promoted First Lieutenant, August 23, 1862, for gallant and meri- torious conduct on the field. Served in Virginia. Re- signed November 2, 1862. Jeremiah V. Simonson, Private i8th New York Cav- alry. Served in General Banks' Red River Expedition. 40 NAZARETH HALL. Wounded in the foot, and had two horses shot under him. In the service ten months. William R. Remsex, Volunteer Aide-de-Camp on staff' of Major-General Alexander S. Webb, U. S. Army. James P. Harper, Private 67th New York Volun- teers, June 21, 1 86 1. Served in Virginia. Mustered out of service, July 11, 1S63. Albert Kampman, Private ist Pennsylvania Volun- teers, April 20, 1 861. Private 46th Pennsylvania Volun- teers, November i, 1862. Served in Virginia. Wound- ed twice. Taken prisoner at Gettysburg, and confined in Libby Prison. Exchanged, and re-enlisted in 195th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Thomas W. Rogers, Orderly Sergeant ist Delaware Volunteers. Served in Virginia. In service three years. Charles Erben, Second Lieutenant i02d New York Volunteers, February 11, 1S62. First Lieutenant, Octo- ber 5, 1863. Served in Virginia. Wounded in the bat- tle of Antietam, Md. Resigned February 2, 1S63. Thomas H. Silliman, Private 48th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, August 31, 1 86 1. Promoted First Lieutenant. Brevet Captain, April 2, 1865. Served in Virginia. Taken prisoner at Second Bull Run, and escaped. Dan- gerously wounded in the chest by a minie ball, which he still carries in his body. In service five years. Washington Youngs, Private 5th New York Volun- teers (Duryea's Zouaves). Served in Virginia In ser- vice two years. NAZARETH HALL. 41 Thomas P. Van Buren, Private 46th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Sei"ved in Virginia. In service one year. D. Eugene Bigler, Private 15th Pennsylvania Cav- alry. Served in Maryland, Kentucky and Tennessee. Captured at Stone River, Tenn., and paroled. Detached Aide-de-Camp on staff' of General J. B. Fry. In service three years. Bernardus E. Staats, Jr., Private California regi- ment. Not required to leave the State. Reuben Oehler, Captain 176th Ohio Volunteers, August 15, 1862. Captured at Chickasaw Bluffs, Decem- ber 28, 1862. A prisoner at Vicksburg and at Jackson, Miss. Released at New^ Orleans, March 13, 1863. Harry S. Gilchrist, Private 30th Pennsylvania State Militia, June 25, 1863. Thomas M. Gilchrist, Private 3d and 30th Pennsyl- vania State Militia, 1862 and 1863. D. New^berry Place, Private 13th New York State Militia, 1862, 1863. Jacob B. Fisher, Private 22d New York State Mi- litia, June 18, 1863. George Youngs, Private 22d New York State Mi- litia. Lawrence H. Forman, Private 5th Pennsylvania State Militia, September 12, 1862. Peter Tonnele, Private 9th New York Volunteers. 42 NAZARETH HALL. Edward J. Regennas, Private 5th Pennsylvania State ]Militia, September, 1S63. J. Ai.rsERT RoxDTHALER, Private 5th Pennsylvania State Militia. Class of 1856. Edward T. Henry, Private I32d Pennsylvania Volun- teers, August 17, 1862. Sei-ved in Maryland and Vir- ginia. Discharged on account of illness, January 8, 1863. Third Assistant Engineer U. S. Navy, April 19, 1864, on duty in West Gulf Blockading Squadron. July 28, 1865, detached from steamer J. P. Jackson, and ordered to the Penobscot. Honorably discharged, October 20,1865. Marcus Silver, Private 91st Pennsylvania Volunteers. Sei'ved in Virginia. Edward M. Knox, Private Sth New York Volunteers, April 20 to July 25, 1861. Second Lieutenant battery of artillery (Irish Brigade), May 14, 1863. Promoted First Lieutenant. Captain 14th New York Lidependent Battery, January 27, 1S64. Served in Virginia. Dan- gerously wounded in the battle of Gettysburg. Resigned October 23, 1863, on account of his wounds. Has thi'ee scars and three commissions. George Sellers, Sergeant 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, April 2Q, 1 86 1. Served in Virginia. Honorably dis- charged, September 6, 1864. Samuel C. Benners, Private 15th Pennsylvania Cav- alry. Served in Tennessee. In service one year. Thomas M. Weaver, Quartermaster Sergeant 51st Pennsylvania State Militia, June 29, 1S63. Private 215th NAZARETH HALL. 43 Pennsylvania Volunteers. Detached Clerk of Military Examining Board at Fort Delaware. Mustered out of service, July 31, 1865. John F. Stadiger, Private 153d Pennsylvania Volun- teers, October 7, 1S63. Served in Virginia. Mustered out with his regiment, July 24, 1S63. Daniel Corell served in a Western regiment at the siege of Vicksburg. Frank V. Moss, Private 2d U. S. Artillery, February 21, 1865. William W. Yoke, Private ist Pennsylvania Volun- « teers, April 20, 1S61. Second Lieutenant 112th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, September 26, 1S62. George A. Yoke, Private 46th Pennsylvania Volun- teei*s, September 4, 1861. Mustered out of service, De- cember 12, 1 86 1. John Price Wetherill, Private 43d Pennsylvania State Militia, July, 1863. Richard M. Shoemaker, Jr., Private 8th Pennsyl- vania State Militia, September, 1862. Served in Mary- land. Harding Williams, Corporal Starr's Philadelphia Battery, September, 1862. William Trautwine, Private 32d Pennsylvania State MiHtia,July, 1863. Haydn H. Tschudy, Private 12th Pennsylvania State Militia, September 16, 1S62. 26 44 NAZARETH HALL. W. Herman T. Frueauff, Private 5th Pennsylvania §tate jSIilitia, September, 1862. William Youngs, Private 33d New York Regiment, July 13, 1S63. Samuel W. Caldwell, Third Sergeant Independent New Jersey State Militia. Abraham W. Thomas, Private iSth Pennsylvania Cavalry, August 16, 1863, transferred with his regiment to the Army of the Tennessee, December, 1863. Par- ticipated in the battle of Chickamauga. Captured near New Market, Tenn., December 33, 1S63, and imprisoned successively near Morristown, Tenn,, in Scott Prison, Richmond, on Belle Isle, at Andersonville, Savannah, Millen, Blackshear Station (seventy miles below Savan- nah), Thomasville, Ga., and a second time at Anderson- ville, between December 23, 1863, and March iS, 1865. Paroled near Vicksburg, April 33, 1S65. Honorably dis- charged at Harrisburg, June ist, 1S65. Served in Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. From Mr. Thomas' narrative of personal experience in Southern prisons and pens, your Recorder extracts the following : While near New Market we were all dis- mounted and resting, when the picket came in at full speed, reporting that the rebels were coming upon us. Corporal Lyons, who was in charge of the advance, gave the order to mount and come on, and in a moment we were on the road through the woods to meet the foe. As soon as their advance were within reach of our car- bines, we let go at them, and as they turned and fled, we drew our pistols and charged. I captured one fellow, and was running him to the rear, when I was met by one of . NAZARETH HALL. 45 our advance, who could not keep up with the speed of our fresh horses. At his suggestion I foolishly handed my prize over to him for disposal, and advanced a second time. But this was my misfortune ; for the rebels flanked me, and as I was trying to make my escape, in turning through the trees, I was knocked off my horse, and so much hurt by the fall that, of course, I was captured. One captain, two sergeants and six privates of our regi- ment shared the same fate. We were run to the rear at a double quick, after having been stripped of our blank- ets and of our coats ; and when in the hands of what was called a provost guard, searched from head to foot, and robbed of everything we had, even of our letters and pho- tographs of dear ones. That night we were quartered in an old log cabin, and given some half dozen white pota- toes and a pinch of salt. Borrowing a kettle, we boiled and eat half of the allowance, keeping the rest for next day's breakfast. But when we came to look for them in the morning, they were nearly all gone, the rebels having eaten them themselves. It was Christmas day of 1S63, and I hundreds of miles from home, and in the hands of a set of thieves. Yet I looked for an early exchange, and then I would have another chance at them, and this kept me in good spirits. But this chance was never to come. We were now marched to Morristown, and after our number had increased by accessions to fifty, to Rus- selville, and reported to General Longstreet. He ordered us part of the way back to Morristown, where we were quartered in an old coal-shed, or blacksmith shop, built of rails. This might have been passably agreeable for a summer residence ; but it was about New Year, and the rails were so far apart as to allow of running one's foot between them, and the snow blew all over us. Fifty-two of us were crowded into this pen, which was eleven feet 4^ NAZARETH HALL. and four inches by fifteen feet, with a South Carolinian ordered on each side, each with a bayonet and a loaded musket on his shoulder. General Longstreet would pass by almost daily, and refused us permission to collect wood enough to keep ourselves warm. We were also kept on a short allowance of water ; for a canteen full of which some of our men, who had been lucky enough to hide their money, would pay a dollar greenback. Our rations were one quart of grits, or very coarse flour, and the shin and shoulder-bones of beef, which the rebels had previously stripped of the meat for their own consump- tion. Here we remained for two weeks, and were then started on the march for Bristol and the Virginia and Tennessee line, a distance of ninety-four miles. Just be- fore taking the cars at this place for Richmond, I pur- chased a blanket from one of the citizens, and sharing the treasure with Sergeant W. B. Chase, who had been captured with me, under it tve became very tvann friends ! On the 4th of March, 1864, we left Richmond for the South. On the way from our prison to the cars we were guarded by a lot of young boys, with red caps, sons of the aristocracy of Richmond, who displayed their chiv- alry by poking their bayonets into us (accompanying the action with an oath large enough to choke them) when- ever we happened to be a few inches out of line. These fellows were our escort as far as Gaston, where w'e fell into the hands of the 24th North Carolina Regiment, a pretty clever set. At Branchville w^e changed cars and guards. The ofiicer in command packed about a hun- dred men and six guards into each box-car, which had no windows or means of ventilation excepting the side doors, which were closed all to about six inches, for fear of our jumping out. The captain had us all lie down, NAZARETH HALL. 47 and gave his men orders to shoot any one who would raise his head without first asking permission. We ar- rived at Andersonville on the loth, about midnight, in a heavy rain. Like so many head of cattle they drove us into the stockade, and in the pitchy darkness we laid our- selves down to rest where best we could. Next morning, Captain Wirz came in, and gave orders about our rations ; told us to make ourselves comfortable for a few days where we were, as he intended to build barracks for us. This was all sham. Prisoners continued to come in every day, until upward of twenty thousand were quartered within the thirteen-acre enclosure. A new stockade near by was now in course of erection, but before it was com- pleted the number had increased to thirty-five thousand. Some time in June they opened the new stockade. On the 2d of July part of the old one gave way. Captain Wirz, when he saw the timbers falling, was very much excited, signaled the citizens by two shots, ordered the guards out, and had them in line all that afternoon and night, while negroes were at work repairing the damages. Our rations consisted of about half a pint of coarse corn- meal and two ounces of bacon. We left Andersonville on the 8th of September, and arrived at Savannah next day. Our rations here were somewhat better, for we received a cup of meal, a cup of rice and a pretty good-sized piece of meat. In the even- ing of the 1 2th of October we reached Millen. Our daily allowance in this home of starvation was one gill of cornmeal, one gill of rice and about an ounce of bacon. This was the only place where, in my experience, the sick were entirely neglected. Suffering from diarrhoea since March, I was so prostrated that I could neither walk nor help myself in the least. I was truly in a pitiful condition ; and had it not been for the kind- 48 NAZARETH HALL. ness of my two friends, Adam Drinkhouse and John Meredock, I suppose I would have been numbered with the dead. We left Millen on the 21st of November, passed by the outskirts of Savannah, and were landed from the cars about seventy miles below the city, at a place called Blackshear's Station. Here we were treated kindly, and remained for nearly two weeks in a pine forest, with but a chain guard around us. On the 6th of December we were transported to Thomasville, at the terminus of the South-western Railroad, and near the Florida line. On the iSth of December we were marched away some fifty miles, the greater part of the men barefoot. We now first learned the reason of these many moves. Our cav- alry were on the track, had cut the railroad at several places, and when we left Millen were only six hours b6- hind. On this fatiguing march we had a brutal set of guards. On leaving the pine forest, they fired the huts we had built, while one of their number on horseback scoured the camp with a pack of hounds to hunt up any Yankees that might have been concealed under the leaves and brush. The consequence of this needless cruelty was the burning to death of some of the feeble and helpless sick. On the march the guards were strung alongside of us, about two paces apart, and artillery was in the rear of both columns. A major, Burk by name, who ap- peared to be in command, ordered his men, in case there should be any attempt on our part to overpower them, that they should file to the right and left, so that the artil- lery might make a clean sweep. On arriving at a creek, or a swamp, Burk would place guards on the foot-log, and seated on his horse, with pistol in hand, threaten to shoot any man who would attempt to cross by the log, compelling us to walk through mud and water waist- NAZARETH HALL. 49 deep. On the 24th of December we reached a place called Albany, and on the next day Andersonville, a second time. Here we found things looking badly ; the ground within the stockade had been ploughed, nearly all the wells we had dug in the previous summer had been filled up, and there was not a piece of wood to be found convertible into a tent-pole. The tent we wei^e fortunate enough to own, and which could accommodate eight men, was made of meal sacks, which we had stolen or captured hovo. the rebel quartermaster during our stay at Thomasville and Blackshear Station. The guards were not as cruel as they had been during our first imprison- ment, for then they would shoot down whoever happened to get near the dead line. Now they even opened trade ; and in the night you might often see a score of men walking around the line with a bag buying up meal, peas and grubbers (peanuts). It was customary for the mer- chants above to throw down a sample of their goods, and for their customers to throw up a sack containing the money for the desired wares ; prepayment being indis- pensable. Some of the fellows — or I should rather say felons — however, would keep the sack and the money too, giving us nothing in exchange but an order to clear the line under penalty of being shot. So we worked the game upon them by making counterfeit money from writ- ing paper, which we would pass at night. At last on the 25th of March, 1865, we left Andersonville for exchange, not, however, without having first been made the victims of unfeeling avarice, the Rebs asking us fifty dollars for a chance to be enrolled on the first list for exchange. As there were but few of us who could pay this sum, they gradually lowered the demand, until finally the pris- oner who would give them the brass buttons from his coat would be released before his neighbor who had 50 NAZARETH HALL. none to give. A friend of mine, who had money sewed up in his clothing, bought four of us out for fifteen dol- lars. Class of 1857. J. Arthur Benade, Private 128th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, July 28, 1S62. Served in Maryland and Virginia. Mustered out with his I'egiment, May 19, 1863. P. Henry Benade, Private I92d Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, July 12, 1864. Served in Maryland and Vir- ginia. Mustered out with his regiment, August 24, 1865. Bowman H. McCalla, Midshipman U. S. Navy, No- vember 30, 1861. Served on board Frigate Susquehan- nah sent in pursuit of the " Stonewall." Still in the ser- vice. Samuel R. Colladay, Private 19th Pennsylvania Volunteers, April 27, 1S61. Corporal 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, August 29, 1861. Second Lieutenant, June 30, 1863. First Lieutenant, November i, 1863. Cap- tain, March 20, 1865. Captured at Brandy Station, Va.,June3, 1863. Confined in Libby Prison over nine months. Rejoined his regiment, April i, 1864, but was so debilitated, in consequence of his sufferings while a prisoner, that he was unable to endure the rigors of service, and compelled to resign, June, 1864. Re-entered the service January i, 1865. Served in Virginia, Ken- tucky and Tennessee. Mustered out August 7, 1865. Theodore Berrien, Corporal 22d New York Volun- teers, June 28, 1863. Hospital Steward io2d New York (National Guards) Regiment, August i, 1864. Private 56th New York Volunteers, April i, 1865. Detailed NAZARETH HALL. 5 1 Chief Order Clerk to General Gilmore at Charleston, S. C. Mustered out November 22d, 1865. Albert Drinkhouse, Private 129th Pennsylvania Volunteers, August 14, 1862. Mustered out with his regiment, May 18, 1S63. Frederic Barret, Hospital Steward S4th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers, 1S61. Served in Virginia. Honor- ably discharged on account of wounds, December, 1862. Chambers C. Davis, Private 19th Pennsylvania State Militia, September 15, 1862, Henry Bain, Color Sergeant Pennsylvania Gray Re- serve Regiment, September, 1862. George L. Simonson, Private Starr's Philadelphia Battery, July, 1863. Walter L. Moss, Commissary Sergeant 176th New York Volunteers, February 28, 1865. Jacob A. Moss, Bugler 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry, July I, 1861. Entered the U. S. Navy, June, 1863, and afterward transferred to the Regular Army. A correspondent writes: "Jacob was always in hot water, but displayed great bravery in more than one en- gagement. In one skirmish he succeeded in running down a 'Johnny Reb,' bringing him back to camp with all his accoutrements. In April, 1865, he shipped from New Bedford in a whaler, and died from cruel treatment off the coast of Greenland in the autumn of the same year." Class of 1S5S. William A. Duer, Acting Ensign U. S. Navy, North 52 NAZARETH HALL. Atlantic Squadron, July 24, 1S63. Served on board the iron-clad " New Ironsides" in the attack on Fort Fisher, N. C. Still in the service. Ephraim H. Mack, Private nth New Jersey Volun- teers. Served in Virginia. In the service ten months. Peter Snyder, Private 196th Pennsylvania Volun- teers, July, 1S64. Private 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry, Janu- ary, 1S65. ^Mustered out of service, August, 1865. John H. Senseman, Corporal 195th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Served in Virginia. Charles D. Bishop, Private 26th Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, June 17, 1863. Captui'ed near Gettysburg, Pa., and paroled. General Bushrod W.Johnson ordering the prisoners' shoes and boots from their feet, he was com- pelled to walk barefoot to Carlisle, Pa. Joseph A. Loutey, Private ist Pennsylvania State Militia, September, 1S62. William Stiles, Jr., Private 14th Pennsylvania State Militia, September, 1862. P. ISI. Lafourcade, Private Pennsylvania Gray Re- serve Regiment, July, 1S63. George C. Lewis, Private 3d Pennsylvania State Militia, September 12, 1862. Private 30th Pennsylvania State Militia, June 16, 1S63. Class of 1S59. Joseph W. Longmire, Private 31st Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, June 15, 1861. Second Lieutenant 2d Pennsyl- NAZARETH HALL. 53 vania Heavy Artillery. Captain 17th U. S. (Colored) Infantry. Wounded at battles of Cold Harbor and Chancellorsville, Va. Served in Virginia. Benjamin P. Whitney, Private 27th Pennsylvania Volunteers, June 19, 1S63. Theodor C. Engel, Private 73d Pennsylvania Volun- teers, April 12, 1862. Joseph Kampman, Private 195th Pennsylvania Volun- teers, February 14, 1865. Mustered out of service, Janu- ary 31, 1S66. David F. Rank, Private 26th Pennsylvania State Mi- litia, July, 1863. Elias W. E. Whyte, Private nth U. S. Infantry, February 15, 1865. Mustered out of service, November, 1866. Class of i860. Harry Setley, Private Independent New Jersey regi- ment. Adolphus p. Stone, Private New^ York Volunteers. Class of iS5i. Samuel H. Love, attached to Marine Guard U. S. steamer Pensacola. Stationed at Mare Island, California, March, 1865. James G. Prince. Class of 1862. Thomas H. B. Hull, Private 15th Regiment U. S. 54 NAZARETH HALL. Army, February i, 1865. Transferred to 24th Regiment. Detached as Clerk of Provost Marshal's General Office at Mobile, Ala. Sei-ved in Mississippi, Georgia and Ala- bama. Honorably discharged, February i, 1S6S. Fif- teen years of age when he enlisted. William C. M. Staats, Clerk 4th Regiment U. S. Light Artillery. Sei'ved in Tenhessee. In sei'vice the last year of the war. Class of 1863. Henry A. Lee, Private 103d Pennsylvania Volunteers. Class of 1864. Francis W. Knauss, Private 5th Pennsylvania State Militia, September 12, 1S62. Lewis P. Clewell, Private 34th Pennsylvania State Militia, June, July, August, 1863. THE MILITARY RECORD ALUMNI WHO WERE ENROLLED IN THE SERVICE AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. MILITARY RECORD. ROLL OF ALUMNI WHO SERVED AGAINST THE U. S., AND FELL IN BATTLE, OR DIED OF DISEASE CON- TRACTED IN THE SERVICE. Class of 1S37. James McQueen McIntosh, son of Colonel James S. Mcintosh, U. S. A., who fell in the battle of Molino del Rey, Mexico, September 8, 1S47. "^^^^ subject of this brief memoir was graduated at West Point, July i, 1849. Resigned his position as Captain ist U. S. Cav- alry, May 7, 1S61. Joined the service against the United States, in which he was appointed Brigadier-General, and lost his life in the batde of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 7, 1862. The following account is from the pen of an eye-wit- ness : " About ten in the morning came the news of the charge made by the Mounted Texan Rangers, under Generals Ben McCulloch and Mcintosh, upon the United States batteries. The carnage had been fearful, and an officer of distinction was reported killed ; no one conjec- tured who it could be. This was unexpected and start- ling. Matters began to wear a serious aspect ; and just 57 58 NAZARETH HALL. after nightfall, hearing a wagon from the direction of the battle-ground passing my door, I went out to make some inquiries, and found that it contained the body of General Mcintosh, who fell nearly at the same time with McCulloch. " The body was taken into the house of an acquaint- ance of mine. I entered, and there he lay, cold and stark, just as he was taken from the spot where he fell, a military overcoat covering his person, and the dead forest leaves still clinging to it. His wound had not been ex- amined ; I aided in opening his vest and under-garments, and soon found that the ball had passed through his body, if not through the heart. Some officers of the 3d Lou- isiana — some of them wounded — came with the body. Their regiment, the best in Van Dorn's army, had suf- fered severely. After the fall of McCulloch and Mcin- tosh, and the capture of Colonel Hebert, there was no one to take command of that portion of the army, to which circumstance the loss of the battle of Pea Ridge is attributed." Class of 1842. James G. S. Boyd, Lieutenant of the Buckingham Lee Guard, 20th Regiment Virginia Volunteers. Killed at the battle of Rich Mountain, Va., July 11, 1861. At a session of the court held for Buckingham county, Va., November 11, 1861, "it is ordered that the follow- ing, resolutions be entered on record : " Resolved^ That the members of this Bar deplore the tragical and untimely end of our late friend and associate, J. G. S. Boyd ; and that it affords us melancholy pleas- ure to declare our high appreciation of his fine talent, his chivalrous bearing, and the many noble and generous qualities that adorned his character. " Resolved., That the dauntless courage and self-sacri- NAZARETH HALL. 59 ficing heroism displayed by Lieutenant Boyd on the fatal field at ' Rich Mountain' were worthy of the best days of chivalry, were honorable alike to himself and to the country that sent him forth to do battle against the in- vaders of our native soil, and that his services on that occasion should ever be held in grateful remembrance by his countrymen. *" Resolved., That we tender to the family of Lieutenant Boyd the assurance of our sympathy, and that the Clerk of this Court be instructed to forward a copy of these proceedings to the Richmond and Lynchburg papers for publication." Class of 1843. Charles J. Clauder, Private 33d North Carolina Volunteers, July 14, 1862. Killed at the battle of Fred- ericksburg, Va., December ii, 1S62. His body has never been recovered by his relatives. Class of 1847. Thomas Leroy Napier was graduated at West Point, 1858. Resigned April 21, 1861, and entered the service against the United States. June, 1861, ap- pointed First Lieutenant with the provisional rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. October, 1863, commanded three battei-ies of Light Artillery at Mobile, Ala. Commanded 7th Georgia Battalion at Chickamauga, where he was wounded. Contracted disease from exposure, and died September 5, 1867. A gallant officer. Class of 1858. William Augustus Conrad, Private 21st North Ca- rolina Volunteers, June i, 1861. Died of typhoid fever in hospital at Richmond, Va., January 12, 1862. His 27* 6o NAZARETH HALL. remains were conveyed to his home, and buried in the Moravian burial-ground at Bethania, N. C. ROLL OF ALUMNI WHO SERVED AGAINST THE U. S. Class of 1821. William Schnierle, General South Carolina State Militia. Resides in Charleston. Class of 1826. Stephen R. Mallory, Ex-U. S. Senator from Florida. March 23, 1862, confirmed as Secretary of the Navy in Jefierson Davis' Cabinet. April, 1865, arrested with Alexander H. Stephens by General Upton's command, and confined at Fort Lafayette, in accordance with in- structions of W. H. Seward, Secretary of State. Class of 1834. Albert Stein, General in the army. Particulars un- known. Class of 1827. Francis L. Fries, engaged in the manufacture of clothing for the army at Salem, N. C. His factory was completely sacked by the populace during General Palmer's advance in 1865. Deceased. Class of 1836. Benjamin F. Scull, Private Jefierson Guards, 1st Arkansas Volunteers, April 27, 1861. Appointed Major and Surgeon of Cleburn's regiment, February 15, 1S62, in which capacity he served until ordered to the west side of the Mississippi by the War Department to superin- tend " supplies in the District of Arkansas." Paroled at Little Rock, Ark., June 15, 1865. Died in 1869. NAZARETH HALL. 6l Theodore F. Keehln, a member of the Forsythe Co. (North Carolina) Medical Board. Class of 1840. David H. Van Buren, Special Messenger of the War Depai'tment at Richmond. Class of 1842. Charles E. Shober, Captain 2d North Carolina Bat- talion, March, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel, October i, 1862. Resigned on account of ill health. May, 1863. Entered the service again as Colonel 6th North Carolina Reserves, October, 1864. Compelled a second time by failing health to resign, February, 1865. Theodore F. Wolle, drafted to serve in North Caro- lina State Militia, October 18, 1864. Released two days afterward, through the efforts of influential friends, by order of Governor Z. B. Vance, and appointed Professor of Music in the State Institution for Deaf and Dumb. Class of 1847. Nathan Munro Napier, Captain 4th Georgia Cav- alry. While commanding an outpost in Kentucky was severely wounded by a musket ball, which entered the left side of the nose, tearing away the right eye and part of the cheek-bone. Taken prisoner. Edwin I. Eldridge, Surgeon i6th Georgia Volun- teers, June, 1861. Brigade Surgeon Cobb's Georgia Le- gion, September, 1862. Assigned to General Howell Cobb's staff, and Chief Surgeon Department of Georgia and Tennessee until the surrender. Class of 1849. Augustus F. Pfohl, Hospital Steward 33d North Ca- 6z NAZARETH HALL. rolina Volunteers, July ii, 1S62. Detached to Forsythe County Medical Department, November 4, 1862. Class of 1S50. Robert Spearing, ist Lieutenant Louisiana Artillery. Captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1S63. Class of 1852. Frederick Gosevisch, Private Platte Cavalry Rangers, and ti-ansferred to Arkansas Artillery, General Hardee's division. Wounded at Shiloh. On General Beaure- gard's evacuating Corinth, he assisted in holding the bridge at Tuscumbia Creek for ten hours, protecting his rear. November, 1S63, comjDelled to leave the army in conse- quence of a difficulty with his captain. He writes : " In 1863 I joined the United States Army, although for the same cause under different colors. Enlisted in 5 2d Ken- tucky Mounted Infantr}^, and became First Sergeant. Being generally garrisoned in companies at country towns throughout Kentucky, and being fortunate enough to have raw officers over me, I found many opportunities of favoring the adherents of the lost cause secretly." December 23, 1864, was captured at Hartford, Ky. (to- gether with the company), by General Lyon, but was paroled, and in 1865 mustered out of service. Class of 1853. Elam W. Witmer, impressed into a cavalry com- pany while residing in Texas. After serving a short time succeeded in escaping, and reached his home at Cincin- nati, Ohio. Class of 1854. Charles W. Seidel, Private 15th Georgia Volua- NAZARETH HALL. 63 teers, July 10, 1S61. Elected Captain July 2, 1863. Wounded at Garnett's Farm, near Richmond, Va. Taken prisoner at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, and sent to Fort Delaware. Remained there until exchanged, March 8, 1865. Class of 1S56. Frank Raborg, Private Platte Cavalry Rangers, Gene- ral JefF Thompson's army. Served in the swamps of South-east Missouri. Class of 1858. Henry T. Bahnson, Hospital Steward 2d North Ca- rolina Battalion, January i, 1863. Taken prisoner at Gettysburg, confined in Baltimore City Jail for three weeks, and then transferred to Fort Delaware. Ex- changed December 24, 1863. Re-entered the sei-vice, January, 1864. Transferred to ist North Carolina Sharp- shooters. Surrendered with General Lee at Appomattox Court-house, May 9, 1865. Nathaniel S. Siewers, a member of ist Battalion North Carolina Regimental Band ; enlisted. November, 1863. Mustered out. May, 1865. Abraham G. Jones, Private 5th North Carolina Cav- alry, September 21, 1S62. Captured near Newbern, N. C, and wounded afterward in the neck by a pistol ball at Dinwiddle Court-house. Served until General Lee's surrender. James J. B.Jones, Private ist Battalion North Carolina Sharpshooters, March 29, 1864. Served until the sur- render. Nathan C. Munro, Captain under special orders of the War Department, July, 1862. Wounded at 64 NAZARETH HALL. battles of Decatur, Ala., and Franklin, Tenn. Taken prisoner, and confined for several months at Elmira, N. Y. Exchanged and re-enlisted. April, 1865, sur- rendered with General Joseph E. Johnson's army. Class of i860. Charles B. Pfohl, Second Lieutenant 4th Battalion North Carolina Junior Reserves, May 23, 1S64. Cap- tured at Fort Fisher, and a prisoner of war at Fort Dela- ware, from December 24, 1864, to June 19, 1S65. RECAPITULATION. Number of pupils who served in the U. S. Army and Navy. 206 " killed or died of disease 27 " missing i 234 Table of Rank of Pupils Attained in the Army. General 5 Colonel 2 Lieutenant-Colonel 4 Major 6 Adjutant 5 Brigade and Regimental Quartermaster 3 Surgeon 6 Captain 22 First Lieutenant 13 Second Lieutenant 8 Sergeant 15 Corporal 8 Chaplain I Judge Advocate i Table of Rank of Pupils Attained in the Navy. Fleet Engineer, ranking with Commander i Captain 2 Third Assistant Engineer 2 Surgeon i Acting Ensign, Midshipman and Captain's Clerk 4 Prisoners captured and confined in Libby and other Prisons 16 Number who served against the U. S 23 " killed or died of disease 5 — 28 General 3 Colonel I Lieutenant-Colonel i Major I Brigade Surgeon i Captain 3 Lieutenant 3 Prisoners captured and confined in U. S. Forts, etc. . 9 Total 262 65 THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THE MEMORIAL FUND. CLASS. 1799— John Beck Litiz, Pa. 1809— Edmund G. Dutilh Philadelphia. 1812 — The representatives of Henry J. Boiler, deceased " 1814 — Edmund Draper " Henry Smith Burlington, N. J. Ernest F. Bleck Bethlehem, Pa. 1815— Elihu L. Mix New York. 1816 — Theodore R. Sitgreaves Easton, Pa. John C. Jacobson Bethlehem, Pa. 1817 — The representatives of William H, Jor- dan, deceased Philadelphia. Edward Minturn New York. Henry A. Shultz Nazareth, Pa. 1819 — Eugene A. Frueauff. Litiz, Pa- 1820 — Henry I. Schmidt New York. 1821 — James Henry. Bolton, Pa. 1822 — Andrew A. Humphreys Washington, D. C. Sidney A. Clewell Philadelphia. Thomas J. Albright St. Louis, Mo. The representatives of Edward Jordan, deceased Philadelphia. 1823 — Joseph H. Hildeburn " 28 67 68 NAZARETH HALL. CLASS. Seth W. Paine Troy, Pa. 1S25— Robert Draper Philadelphia. Joseph J. Albright Scranton, Pa. Abraham Bininger New York. Arthur Gillender " 1826— John Baker " Levin A. Miksch Bethlehem, Pa. 1827— Captain William Man Philadelphia. Francis Jordan " Edward O. Smith 1828— John F. Kohler George Shober " Thomas Sparks " John B. Dash New York. Aquilla E. Albright Scranton, Pa. Maurice C. Jones Bethlehem, Pa. 1S29 — William J. Albert Baltimore. Lewis F, Kampman Bethlehem, Pa. Francis F. Hagen Staten Island, N. Y. 1830 — Reuben A. Henry Scranton, Pa. ISIanuel T. Bolmer Yonkers, N. Y. Nehemiah D. Smith New York. Thomas J. Scott Philadelphia. 1831 — Sidney J. Solms " Lazarus D. Shoemaker Wilkesbarre, Pa. Nathaniel S. Wolle Litiz, Pa. Andrew G. Bininger New York. 1832— William Meyer " James Lee, Jr Boston. Thomas Brodrick Wilkesbarre, Pa. Henry J. Van Vleck Bethlehem, Pa. George A. Kohler Philadelphia. Charles Lafourcade " Robert C. Davis " Benjamin F. Garvin " 1833 — George M. Wagner " Paul M. Wagner " Philip A. Cregar " John C. Philip Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles E. Smith Kalamazoo, Mich. NAZARETH HALL. 69 CLASS. Samuel Colgate New York. H.J.Brooks Giles B. Overton Towanda, Pa. 1834— William C. Reichel Bethlehem. Edmund de Schweinitz " 1835 — William Higgins New York. Edward S. Hall Philadelphia. A. H. Van Vleck, in memory of Ar- thur L. Van Vleck Litiz, Pa. Matthias T. Huebner " Samuel C. Wolle Hokendauqua, Pa. 1836— Nathaniel Michler Washington, D. C. James S. Keen Philadelphia. Frederic G. Riter " Calvin G. Beitel Easton, Pa. 1837— John Baillie Mcintosh Washington, D. C. James McNair Pit Hole City, Pa. Eugene T. Henry Oxford, N. J. Joseph Dean Philip Brooklyn, N. Y. William Henry Gunther New York. George W. Day " 1838 — Lebbeus Chapman, Jr. " James H. Wolle Bethlehem, I'a. 1839— Horatio S. Parke New York. Edward Innes Easton, Pa. 1840 — Samuel Thomas Catasauqua, Pa. Thomas L. McKeen, Jr Easton, Pa. Washington Fitler, Philadelphia. 1841 — Charles Klose " Edwin T. Eisenbrey " James N. Beck •' Mrs. H. K. Womrath, in memory of George K. Womrath " John Thomas Hokendauqua, Pa. Max Goepp New York. 1842 — Benjamin J. B. Davis Philadelphia. John P. Kluge Aspinwall, C. A. 1844 — Herman A. Brickenstein Bethlehem, Pa. John H. McKinley New York. William A. Lilliendahl, "'■J'or book'\ ... " 7© NAZARETH HALL. CLASS. 1845— Charles Goepp New York. C. Edward Kummer Bethlehem, Pa E. H. Walter Scranton, Pa. Andrew K. Womrath Philadelphia. 1846— Daniel B. Heilig " Granville Henry Bolton, Pa. Edward T. Kluge Litiz, Pa. 1847— Plenry Crease Annapolis, Md. Jacob C. Mixsell Easton, Pa. Frederick E. Steinle New York. Richard R. Tschudy Litiz, Pa. Frederic K. Womrath Philadelphia. John Trucks, Jr " 1848 — Henderson Gaylord, in memory of Asher Gaylord Plymouth, Pa. Abraham R. Beck Litiz, Pa. 1849 — Henry H. Huntzinger Pottsville, Pa. Robert J. McClatchcy Philadelphia. James E. Audenreid " 1850 — Francis S. Kent " 185 1 — Richard Henry Chapman " William H. Loyd Wilson Loyd " John Frederick R. Frueauft". Hollidaysburg, Pa. 1852— Charles V. Henry Albany, N. Y. Andrew G. White " Henry T. Clauder Bethlehem, Pa. Charles B. Shultz John Cennick Harvey Brooklyn. Henry Widmayer New York. Robert Laughlin Ph iladelphia. Thomas V. Kessler " John W. Jordan " 1853— William H. Jordan " Francis Jordan, Jr " F. Augustus Tilge " William H. Nixon " Marcelin L. de Coursey " Nathaniel C. Longmire " NAZARETH HALL. 71 CLASS. Henry G. Latimer, in memory of David Teford Latimer .' . Plainfield, N. J. Jacob Gulp Mount Bethel, Pa. Daniel R. Bennett, in memory of Horace C, Bennett Jenkintown, Pa. H. G. Tombler, in memory of Edmund A. Shouse Easton, Pa. Elam W. Witmer Cincinnati. Herman Uhl New York. Andrew D. Harper " William Augustus Street " 1854— Lovell Purdy " Charles Gilsey " Peter Gilsey " William E. Bute " Lucian E. Weimer Lebanon, Pa. Garret P. Bergen Brooklyn. Henry A. Daily Easton, Pa. Joseph R. Kenney Philadelphia. Joseph W. Drinkhouse " Samuel Drinkhouse " 185s — Cornelius A. Simonson New York. George Youngs " Edwin Coles " Charles W. Held H. W. Ryerson, in memory of Charles Ryerson " D. Newberry Place " Carman E. Anderson Brooklyn. William W. Stearns Elizabeth, N. J. Philip H. Kutzemeyer Jersey City, N. J. Frank H. Ellis Philadelphia, Benjamin A. Van Shaick " John Knecht, in memory of John N. Knecht Freemansburg, Pa. Lawrence H. Forman Easton, Pa. 1856— William W. Yohe Bethlehem, Pa. George A. Yohe " John Fream, in memory of George Lor- illard Fream Saugerties, N. Y. 28* 72 NAZARETH HALL. CLASS. W. Herman T. Frueauff Hollidaysburg, Pa. Edward T. Henry Bolton, Pa. Abraham W. Thomas Germantown, Pa. George Sellers Washington, D. C. Haydn H. Tschudy Litiz, Pa. Edward M. Knox New York. Jansen H. Anderson " William H. Close Edward Uhl William R. Remsen " Jay Jarvis " William H. Sneckner " Charles Sigel, Jr White's Corners, N. Y. Harding Williams Philadelphia. Richard M. Shoemaker, Jr Samuel Price Wetherill John T. Robbins William H. Renshaw George A. Landell, in memory of Ben- jamin F. Landell 1857— George E. Tilge Henry Bain Frank S. Rowland James Day Rowland Cheltenham, Pa. Albert Drinkhouse Easton, Pa, Peter Schneider, Jr New York. Phoenix Remsen " 1858— August H. Grote " Joseph Kuntz " M. Charles Illig Brooklyn. George C, Lewis Wilkesbarre, Pa. Herman G. Vetterlein Philadelphia. Ewing Jordan " William Stiles, Jr " Louis T, Tilge " William A. Meurer " George H. Hibbler Norman J. Mayer New York. Ferdinand C. Mayer " 1859— Bruno F. Mayer " NAZARETH HALL. 73 CLASS. George E. L. Hyatt New York. Benjamin P, Whitney Pottsville, Pa. David F. Rank Jonestown, Pa. Arthur E. Hornblower Newark, N. J. Robert J. Hess Easton, Pa. Martin Landenberger, Jr Philadelphia. Charles H. Landenberger " Theodor C. Engel " Stephen N. Winslow, Jr " i860 — Gilbert Jordan " Benjamin Rowland, in memory of Thad- deus Rowland Cheltenham, Pa. David P. White Norristown, Pa. 1861 — Elwood Coggeshall New York. Joseph S. Rowland Philadelphia. 1862 — George T. Coyne Richmond, S. I., N. Y. Charles S. Russell Philadelphia. 1863 — Francis L. Wolle Bethlehem, Pa. Clarence A. Wolle " James W. Wilson Easton, Pa. Harlan P. Hess " Robert P. Rader " Charles D. Lefevre Philadelphia. Joseph C. Kern " William P. Kern Robert McC. Turner " Frank C. Phillips Charles D. Phillips " Alfred M. Berg 1864 — Louis D. Erben " Walter Erben " Silas L. Early Palmyra, Pa. 1866— William A. Himes New Oxford, Pa. Franklin Stotz Wind Gap, Pa. F. E. Huber Bethlehem, Pa. J. Drake Easton, Pa. Colgate Baker Japan. 1818 — C. A. Luckenbach (the use of carriage on the Memorial Day) Bethlehem, Pa. Total amount contributed by 246 persons, $4.693- L'ENVOI. In presenting the above Report to the Society, its Re- corder would beg leave to state that on consulting a majority of the contributors to the Monument Fund as to the disposal of the balance on hand, a universal desire was expressed to appropriate it toward defraying the cost of a new stereotyped edition of Nazareth Hall and its Reunions. To this end he accepted the generous offer of a member to advance what was wanting for the execu- tion of the work in a style of art not incommensurate with the interesting subjects of which it is a repository. Of his own contributions to its pages, he trusts he will be permitted to say, that the time and labor expended in conducting his researches (mainly through a correspond- ence which resulted in the accumulation of a large mass of letters) were cheerfully rendered ; and that should his work meet with the approbation of friends of the Institu- tion which is the central object of this volume, his labors will not have been in vain. All of which is respectfully submitted. William H. Jordan, Recorder^ Appointed at the Reunion of June 8, 1866. Philadelphia, June ist, 1869. 74 APPENDIX. JOHN GILPIN. Rev. Paul Weiss, born June 22, 1763, at Bethlehem, died October 31, 1840. The John Gilpin was produced while Pastor at Emmaus, circa 1813. By the courtesy of Mr. Jedediah Weiss, of Bethlehem, we are permitted to insert in this rewriting of Nazareth Hall a literary production of the late Rev. Paul Weiss, tutor in that Institution between 1797 and 1803. Thus we are enabled at the same time to introduce a German Gilpin into the world of letters — German in person, in idiosyncrasy, in mode of expression ; and German as a husband, a bon-vivant, a genial fellow well met, a wit and philosopher. Frau Gilpin, too, is German; and so are Tom Callender, Betty, the post-boy and the six gentle- men on the road. The reader of this picturesque ren- dition, into which the translator has infused not only the spirit of the original, but his own keen perception of fun and the ridiculous, will almost hesitate to whom to award the greener laurel — to the amiable Cowper, or to the magician whose intellectual legerdemain wrought this wonderful transformation. 3 JOHN GILPIN. JOHN GILPIN. John Gilpin was a citizen Of credit and renown ; A train-band captain, eke, was he Of famous London town. John Gilpin's spouse said to her dear i " Though wedded we have been These twice ten tedious years, yet we No holiday have seen. " To-morrow is our wedding-day, And we will then repair Unto the Bell at Edmonton, All in a chaise and pair. "My sister and my sister's child. Myself and children three Will fill the chaise ; so you must ride On horseback after we." He soon replied : " I do admire Of womankind, but one. And you are she, my dearest dear ; Therefore it shall be done. " I am a linen-draper bold. As all the world doth know. And my good friend Tom Callender Will lend his horse to go." Qiioth Mrs. Gilpin : " That 's well said ; And for that wine is dear, We will be furnish'd with our own. Which is both bright and clear." JOHN GILPIN. JOHN GILPIN. yohn Gilpin war ein Burger, der Credit und Ruhm genoss, Auch Hauptmann einer Schaar war er Von London^ reich und grosz. " Mein Liebster !" sprach Johti Gilpin's Weib ; Wiewohl wir sind getraut Seit zwei Jahrzehnden, haben wir Doch nie ein Fest geschaut. " Auf Morgen fiillt der Trauungstag, Da stellen wir uns fein Beim Glockenwirth zu Edmotiton, Mit Kutsch' und Pferden ein. " Die Schwester und der Schwester-Kind, Ich mit drei Kindern werth, Besetzen dann die Kutsche ganz — Du folgst uns nach zu Pferd." Er sprach gar bald : " Vom Weibervolk Find' ich nur eine schon, Und die bist du, mein liebster Schatz ! Drum soil es auch geschehn. " Ein Leinenhiindler bin ich, klihn, Wie alle Welt es weisz, Und unser Freund, Tom Callender^ Leih't mir sein Pferd zur Reis'. " Frau Gilpin spricht : " Dein Wort ist gut, Doch Wein ist thevire Waar', Von unserm eignen nehmen wir, Er funkelt hell und klar." 29 w JOHN GILPIN. John Gilpin kissed his loving wife ; O'eijoy'd was he to find That though on pleasure she was bent, She had a frugal mind. The morning came, the chaise was brought, But yet was not allow'd To drive up to the door, lest all Should say that she was proud. So three doors off' the chaise was stay'd, Where they did all get in ; Six precious souls, and all agog To dash through thick and thin. Smack went the whip, round went the wheels, Were never folk so glad ; The stones did rattle underneath, As if Cheapside were mad. John Gilpin at his horse's side Seized fast the flowing mane, And up he got in haste to ride. But soon came down again ; For saddle-tree scarce reach'd had he, His journey to begin, When, turning round his head, he saw Three customers come in. So down he came ; for loss of time, Although it grieved him sore, Yet loss of pence, full well he knew. Would trouble him much more. JOHN GILPIN. yohn Gilpin kiisst sein liebes Weib ; Er fand nun hochst erfreut, Wievvohl sie nach Vergniigen strebt, Liebt sie doch Sparsamkeit. Der Morgen grant, die Kutsche kam, Doch man erlaubte nicht Vor's Haus zu fahr'n, damit das Volk, " Die Frau ist stolz" — nicht spricht. Drei Thiiren weiter hielt sie still, Plugs waren alle drin, Sechs theure Seelen, voller Lust Zu fahr'n durch Dick und Diinn. Die Peitsche knallt, die Rader roll'n — Nie freut je Volk sich mehr ; Das Pflaster unten rasselt laut, Als ob es rasend war'. John Gilpin stand nun bei dem Pferd, Die Mahne fasst er schnell, Dann steigt er auf, will eilends fort, Doch bleibt erauf der Stell'. Den Sattel hat er kaum erreicht, Die Reise zu bestehn, So schaut er um, und siehet stracks In's Haus drei Kunden gehn. Er stieg nun ab ; denn Zeitverlust Krankt freilich ihn gar sehr, — Verlust an Geld, das wuszt' er wohl. Krankt ihn doch noch viel mehr. JOHN GILPIN. 'Twas long before the customers Were suited to their mind, When Betty, screaming, came down stairs, " The wine is left behind !" Good lack !" quoth he — " yet bring it me, My leathern belt likewise, In which I bear my trusty sword When I do exercise." Now Mrs. Gilpin (careful soul !) Had two stone bottles found, To hold the liquor that she loved. And keep it safe and sound. Each bottle had a curling ear, Through which the belt he drew. And hung a bottle on each side. To make his balance true. Then over all, that he might be Equipped from top to toe. His long red cloak, well brush'd and neat, He manfully did throw. Now see him mounted once again Upon his nimble steed, Full slowly pacing o'er the stones With caution and good heed. But finding soon a smoother road Beneath his well-shod feet. The snorting beast began to trot, Which gall'd him in his seat. JOHN GILPIN. Die Kunden brauchten viele Zeit, Nach Wunsch bedient zu sein ; — Indem schreit Betty ihm in's Ohr, " Dort steht ja noch der Wein !" •' O well !" sprach er, " doch bring* ihn her, Auch bring' den Giirtel mir, Woran ich trag' main gutes Schiwert, So oft ich exercier'." Frau Gilpin (die sorgfiilt'ge Seel'!), Zwei Kriige fandvon Stein, Zu halten ihren Lieblingstrank, Der wohl verwahrt musz sein. Zwei Henkel hatte jeder Krug, Er zog den Gurt hinein, Hangt einen dann auf jede Seit' Ins Gleichgewicht gar fein. Um nun so ausstaffirt zu sein, Dasz er nichts mehr bedarf, Den rothen Mantel, nett und rein Er mannlich um sich warf. Nun seht, wie er auf flinkem Rosz Beginnet seinen Ritt, Gar langsam iiber Steine ging's Mit wohlbediicht'gem Schritt. Doch unter wohlbeschlag'nem Huf, Fand es bald eb'ne Strasz, Und schnaubend gings in vollen Trab, So dasz er iibel sasz. 29 «■ lO JOHN GILPIN. So, " Fair and softly," John he cried. But John he cried in vain ; That trot became a gallop soon, In spite of curb and rein. So stooping down, as needs he must Who cannot sit upright. He grasp'd the mane with both his hands, And eke with all his might. His horse, who never in that sort Had handled been before. What thing upon his back had got Did wonder more and more. Away went Gilpin, neck or naught ; Away went hat and wig ; He little dreamt when he set out Of running such a rig. The wind did blow, the cloak did fly, Like streamer long and gay, Till, loop and button failing both, At last it flew away. Then might all people well discern The bottles he had slung — A bottle swinging at each side. As hath been said or sung. The dogs did bark, the children scream'd, Up flew the windows all ; And every soul cried out, "• Well done !" As loud as he could bawl. JOHN GILPIN. " Nur sanft und sachte," rief nun John^ Vergeblich rief er dies, Der Trab ward zum Galopp sehr bald, Trotz Ziigel und Gebisz. Er biickte sich, wie jeder musz, Der nicht grad' sitzen kann, Und packt aus aller Macht die Mahn' Mit beiden Hiinden an. Das Pferd, noch nie behandelt mit So wenigem Geschick, Floh voller Furcht, und liesz im Lauf Die ganze Welt zuriick. Fort gings nun, tiber Hals und Kopf, Weg flog Hut und Perriick', Im Anfang traiimte Gilpin nicht Von solchem Miszgeschick. Stark blies der Wind, der Mantel schwebt Gleich einem Fahnlein schon. Bis endlich, da kein Knopf mehr hielt, Der Wind ihn weg that wehn. Jetzt sahe deutlich alles Volk, Wie er die Kriige schwang, Auf beiden Seiten schaukeln sie, Wie ich schon sagt' und sang. Die Hunde bell'n, die Kinder schrei'n. Die Fenster oflhet man, Und alles schreit : — " O das ist brav !" So laut als Jedes kann. 12 yOH.Y GILPIN. Away went Gilpin — who but he ? His fame soon spread around ; " He carries weight ! he rides a race ! 'Tis for a thousand pound !" And still, as fast as he drew near, 'Twas wonderful to view, How in a trice the turnpike-men Their gates wide open threw. And now, as he went bowing down His reeking head full low, The bottles twain behind his back Were shatter'd at a blow. Down ran the wine into the road, Most piteous to be seen. Which made his horse's flanks to smoke As they had basted been. But still he seem'd to carry weight, With leathern girdle braced ; For all might see the bottle necks Still dangling at his waist. Thus all through merry Islington These gambols he did play, Until he came unto the Wash Of Edmonton so gay ; And there he threw the wash about On both sides of the way, Just like unto a trundling mop. Or a wild goose at play. JOHN GILPIN. 13 Weg flog nun Gilpin — wer als er ! Sein Ruf gar schnell ward kund, " Er tragt Gewicht ! Ein Wettritt ist's Und zwar um Tausend Pfund ?" Und dann, so bald er nahe kam, War's wundervoll zu sehn, Wie gleich die Fliigel an dem Thor Fiir ihn weit oflen stehn. Doch als er biickte tief sein Haupt, Wovon der Schweisz ihm flosz, Zerschmettern beide Kriige sich, Durch einen harten Stosz. Mit Jammer sah' man, wie der Wein Nun in die Strasze flosz, Des Pferdes Seiten dampften sehr. Wo sie der Wein begosz. Er schien, als triig' er noch Gewicht, Noch hing am Giirtel fest, Und baumelte auf jeder Seit' Der Kriige Ueberrest. So setzt' er durch ganz Islington Die tollen Spriinge fort, Bis zu der Wasch' von Edmonton, Dem schonen frohen Ort. Die Wasche warf er weit umher, Mit schrecklichem Gewiihl, Als ware sie ein Hudelwisch, Undwilde Gans im Spiel. 14 JOHN GILPIN. At Edmonton his loving wife From balcony espied Her tender husband, wondering mucli To see how he did ride. " Stop, stop, John Gilpin ! — Here's the house !' They all at once did cry ; " The dinner waits, and we are tired ;" Said Gilpin : " So am I !" But yet his horse was not a whit Inclined to tarry there ; For why? — his owner had a house Full ten miles off, at Ware. So like an arrow swift he flew. Shot by an archer strong ; So did he fly — which brings me to The middle of my song. Away went Gilpin out of breath And sore against his will, Till at his friend Tom Callender's His horse at last stood still. Tom Callender, amazed to see His neighbor in such trim, Laid down his pipe, flew to the gate, And thus accosted him : " What news ? what news.'' your tidings tell ; Tell me you must and shall — Say why bare-headed you are come. Or why you come at all .'"' JOHN GILPIN. 15 Sein theures Weib in Edtnonton Erblickte vom Altan Den lieben Mann, und sah' erstaunt Sein tolles Reiten an. " Halt ! halt ! John Gilpin /— Hier ist's Haus"— Schrie'n alle fiirchterlich ; " Die Mahlzeit wartet — wir sind miid !" Spricht Gilpin: "So bin ich !" Jedoch sein Pferd war nicht geneigt Hier zu verweilen sehr ; Warum ? — sein Herr besasz ein Haus Zehn Meilen ab — zu Ware. Wie je ein Pfeil mit Kraft geschnellt Zum fernen Ziele drang, So flog es — und dies bringet mich, Zur mitte vom Gesang. Ganz athemlos musz Gilpin fort, Wiewohl er gar nicht will, Bis an das Haus Tofn Cullender's., Dort stand das Pferd erst still. Erstaunt sieht dieser seinen Freund In solchem Aufzug nah'n, Legt weg die Pfeife, laiift an's Thor, Und red't ihn also an : " Was gibt's? was gibt's — erzahl' es doch, Geschwind leg' alles dar ! — Warum kamst du baarhauptig her? — Ja, warum kamst du gar?" — 1 6 JOHN GILPIN. Now Gilpin had a pleasant wit, And loved a timely joke ; And thus unto Tom Callander In merry guise he spoke : " I came because your horse would come ; And, if I well forebode, My hat and wig will soon be here. They are upon the road." Tom Callender, right glad to find His friend in merry pin, Return'd him not a single word, But to the house went in ; Whence straight he came with hat and wig, A wig that flowed behind, A hat not much the worse for wear. Each comely in its kind. He held them up, and in his turn Thus show'd his ready wit : " My head is twice as big as yours. They therefore needs must fit ! " But let me scrape the dirt away That hangs about your face ; And stop and eat, for well you may Be in a hungry case." Said John : " It is my wedding-day. And all the world would stare, If wife should dine at Edmonton, And I should dine at Ware." JOHN GILPIN. 17 yohn Gilpin liebte feinen Scherz, Auch fehlt's an Witz ihm nicht, Daher er zu Tom Cullender Gar spaszhaft also spricht : " Ich kam, well es dein Pferd gewollt, Und hor', mir ahnet was ; Hut und Perriick' sind auch bald hier, Denn sie sind auf der Sir ass I" Tom Cullender^ froh, dasz sein Freund Noch kann so lustig sein, Erwiedert nicht ein einzig's Wort, Und geht ins Haus hinein. Hut und Permcke bracht er gleich, — Voll Locken die Perriick', Der Hut war noch in gutem Stand, Und zierlich jedes Stiick. Er hielt sie hin, und sprach sodann, Gar witzig, schlau, und fein ; " Mein Kopf miszt deinen zweimal auf, Drum sind sie nicht zu klein. " Doch lasz mich nun dein Angesicht Vom Unflath auch befrei'n, Bleib hier und isz, — ich denke wohl, Dasz du magst hungrig sein. Spricht yohn^ — " Heut ist mein Trauungstag, Die Leut' erstaunten sehr, Speiszt meine Frau in Ed7nonton Und ich speisz hier in Ware." 30 1 8 JOHN GILPIN. So tui-ning to his horse he said : "I am in haste to dine ; 'Twas for your pleasure you came here, You shall go back for mine." Ah luckless speech, and bootless boast ! For which he paid full dear ; For, while he spake, a braying ass Did sing most loud and clear; Whereat his horse did snort, as he Had heard a lion roar. And gallop'd off with all his might, As he had done before. Away went Gilpin, and away Went Gilpin's hat and wig ; He lost them sooner than at first. For why ? — They were too big. Now Mrs. Gilpin, when she saw Her husband posting down Into the country far away. She pull'd out half-a-crown ; And thus unto the youth she said That drove them to the Bell, " This shall be yours, when you bring back My husband safe and well." The youth did ride, and soon did meet John coming back amain ; Whom in a trice he tried to stop, By catching at his rein ; JOHN GILPIN. 19 Zum Pferde redend, spricht er dann ; " Zur Mahlzeit eile ich, Fiir dein Vergniigen kam ich her, Du gehst zuriick fur mich — " O lehres Wort ! O eitler Ruhm ! Er zahlte dafiir baar ; Noch red't er, als ein Esel schrie Und sang gar laut und klar. Drob schnaubt das Pferd, als ob ein Leu Ihm briillte in das Ohr Und galoppirt aus aller Macht Wie es gethan zuvor. Und Gilpin ging — Hut und Perruck' Flog weg in kurzer Zeit, Viel friiher als das erste mal ; Warum ? — Sie war'n zu weit. Frau Gilpin, als sie sahe, wie Ihr Mann gejagt davon Weit in das Land, — zog sie heraus Gleich eine halbe Kron' ; Und sprach zum Jiingling der sie fuhr, Mit kummervollenn Blick, " Die geb ich dir, bringst du den Mann Gesund und wohl zuriick. Der Jiingling ritt, — begegnet' ihm, — Und that gern was er soil ; Er hascht John Gilpin's Pferd am Zaum, Doch, da ward's erst recht toll. 20 JOHN GILPIN But not performing what he meant, And gladly would have done, The frighted steed he frighted more, And made him faster run. Away went Gilpin, and away Went post-boy at his heels. The post-boy's horse right glad to miss The lumbering of the wheels. Six gentlemen upon the road, Thus seeing Gilpin fly With post-boy scampering in the rear, They raised the hue and cry : " Stop thief! stop thief! — a highwayman !' Not one of them was mute ; And all and each that pass'd that way Did join in the pursuit. And now the turnpike gates again Flew open in short space ; The toll-men thinking as before That Gilpin rode a race. And so he did, and won it too, For he got first to town ; Nor stopp'd till where he had got up. He did again get down. Now let us sing, " Long live the king, And Gilpin long live he ; And when he next doth ride abroad. May I be there to see." JOHN GILPIN. 21 Denn er vollbrachte nicht, was er Sehr gerne wollte thun, Dadurch erschreckt er Gilpin^ s Pferd, Es lief noch starker nun. Weg flog nun Gilpin ! und ihm folgt Der Postknecht auf dern Fusz, Des Postknechts Pferd, froh, dasz es nic) Die Kutsche ziehen musz. Sechs Herren auf der Strasze sah'n Wie Gilpin jagt vorbei, Und wie der Postknecht ihn verfolgt, Die machten ein Geschrei ; " Halt an den Dieb, den Rauber dort !" Es schwieg nicht einer jetzt — Von alien auf der Strasze ward Ihm eilends nachgesetzt. Doch alle Thore offnen sich Fiir ihn in kurzer Zeit, — Man glaubt dasz Gilpi?i, immer noch Um eine Wette reit'. Er that's, — gewann sie — kam zuerst Nun in die Stadt mit Sieg, Und hielt nicht, bis, wo er begann Er von dem Pferde stieg. Nun singt : " Der Konig lebe lang, jfokn Gilpin leb' ! — Juchhei ! Und wenn er wieder reiten wird, War' ich doch dann dabei !" X MORGETS UND OWETS. The following elegiac idyl, in Pennsylvania German^ is the creation of the late Rev. Emanuel Rondthaler, tutor in the Hall betw^een 1832 and 1839 ; and we believe one of the first attempts to render that mongrel dialect the vehicle of poetic thought and diction. It is admitted into this repository for a consideration else than its lite- rary merit ; the language in which its sentiments are con- veyed being that of the neighborhood of Nazareth in part, with whose population students at the Hall in all times were brought into frequent contact. Mr. Rond- thaler's lyric is worded in the vernacular of these once so- called " Bushwhackers," between whom and the " Hall- ers" petty warfare has been waged from time immemo- rial. Of the origin of the long-cherished difference, his- tory and tradition are silent. Perhaps it was a war of races, accountable only on the assumption of an instinct- ive antagonism. Perhaps the contest was provoked, for although the " Bushwhackers" were stigmatized as a semi-ferine race, they were a harmless, hard-working people, who gave generously of their orchards and rural stores until the " Hallers" aggravated them beyond en durance by persistent depredations on their choice apples and reserved chestnuts. The touching appeal which the little poem makes to the finer feelings of our nature, through the medium of external objects most familiar and suggestive to the rustic, loses none of its power, although conveyed in the rude language of his every-day life ; while the spirit of Chris- tian faith and hope with which it is imbued reminds us forcibly of what we are apt to forget — that the diviner impulses of our spiritual being are shared alike by all classes of the human family. 23 24 MO R GETS UND OWETS. MORGETS UND OWETS. MoRGETS scheint die Sunn so scho, Owets geht der gehl Mond uf, Morgets leit der Dau im Glii, Owets drett mer drucke druf. Morgets singe all die Feggle, Owets greyscht der Lawb-krott arg, Morgets gloppt mer mit der Fleggle, Owets leit mer sho im Sarg. Alles dut sich ennere do, Nix bleibt immer so wie nau ; Wos' em Frad macht, bleibt nett so, Werd gar arg bald harrt un ran — Drowewerd es anners sein, Dart wo nau so bio aussickt ; Dart is Morgets alles fein, Dart is Owets alles Lickt. Morgets is dart Frad die Fill, Owets is es o noch so ; Morgets is ems Hcrz so still ; Owets is mer o noch fro. Ach ! wie dut mer doch gelischte, Nach der blo'e Woning dart ; Dart mit alle gute Ghrishte Frad zu have — Roo als fort. Wann sie mich ins Grab nei drage, Greint nett — denn ich habs so scho,- Wann sie — " Ess is Owet !" — sage — Denkt — bci ihm is sell, "all one." MO R GETS UND OWETS. TRANSLATION. In the morning the sun shines cheerful and bright, In the evening the yellow moon's splendor is shed ; In the morning the clover's with dew all bedight, In the evening its blossoms are dry to the tread. In the morning the birds sing in unison sweet, In the evening the frog cries prophetic and loud ; In the morning we toil to the flail's dull beat, In the evening we lie in our coffin and shroud. Here on earth there is nothing exempt from rude change — Nought abiding, continuing always the same ; What pleases is passing, — is past ! oh how strange ! And the joy that so mocked us is followed by pain. But above 'twill be different, I very well know — Up yonder, where all is so calm and so blue I In the morning there objects will be all aglow — In the evening aglow, too, with heaven's own hue. In the morning up yonder our cup will be filled. In the evening its draught will not yet have been drain'd ; In the morning our hearts will divinely be stilled. In the evening, ecstatic with bliss here unnamed. And oh how I long, how I yearn to be there. Up yonder, where all is so calm and so blue ! With the spirits of perfected just ones to share Through eternity's ages joy and peace ever new. And when to my grave I shall slowly be borne, Oh weep and lament not, for I am so blest ! And when "it is evening" you'll say — or, "'tis morn" — Remember, for me there is nothing but rest ! UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES UBRARY .^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below LD 7501 Reichel - TI23N2r Hi s tori on 1 sketch. UCLAYoung Research Library LD7501.N23 N2r y 'II II II III I III I L 009 586 631 5 UCSOUTHFR'.'^f ip;.R,'f:.C'LITY AA 001325 983 3 LD 7501 N23T^'2r