LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF Class s J •i 2v" O O >- u I ui (A -I o z < o {/) ^ 0. ^ o I ^ z u T" CD a < O >- tlJ z •H « «a r-« O O r4 ^ PQl tH O I& «2 Digitized by the Internet Arcinive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation underwriting bond issue in excess of five per centum of its assets, except °^ giiarantee. bonds of the United States, of the State of California, of the cities, cities and counties, counties or school districts of this state. Sec. 37. No bank shall purchase, or invest its capital or money Investment in of its depositors, or any part of either, in shares of corporations, stocks prohibited. unless such purchase shall be necessary to prevent loss on debts previously contracted in good faith, and stock thus purchased or carried shall, within six months from the time of its purchase, be sold or disposed of at public or private sale, unless permission to hold said stock for a longer period shall be obtained from the superintendent of banks. The officers of any bank who knowingly violate or consent to the violation of this provision shall be deemed guilty of a felony. Sec. 38. A director, officer, agent or employee of any bank False entries. who. First — Knowingly receives or possesses himself of any of its prop- erty otherwise than in payment for a just demand, and with intent to defraud, omits to make or to cause or direct to be made a full and true entry thereof in its books and accounts; or. Second — Concurs in omitting to make any material entry thereof; or. Third — Knowingly concurs in making or publishing any written report, exhibit or statement of its affairs or pecuniary condition con- taining any material statement which is false; or. Fourth — Having the custody or control of its books, wilfully refuses or neglects to make any proper entry in the books of such corporation as required by law, or to exhibit or allow the same to be inspected and extracts to be taken therefrom by the superintendent of banks, his chief deputy or any of his examiners, shall be guilty cf a felony. 22 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Overdrafts fep Sec. 39. Any officer, director, agent, teller, clerk or employee persons connected ^f any bank who either. jvith bank i— i^ . i prohibited. ^^^^^ — Knowingly overdraws his account with such bank, and thereby obtains the money, notes or funds of any such bank; and. Commissions to Second — ^Asks or receives or consents or agrees to receive any persons connected commissions, emoluments, gratuity or reward, or any money, prop- ^ ,.,."? erty or thing of value or of personal advantage, for procuring or prohibited. , . ^ , ^ . , endeavormg to procure ror any person, hrm or corporation any loan from, or the purchase or discount of any paper, note, draft, check or bill of exchange, by such bank, or for permitting any person, firm or corporation to overdraw any account with such bank, is guilty of a felony. / Stockholders' Sec. 40. No bank mentioned in this act shall make any con- liabiht^ cannot tract with any of its depositors whereby the stockholders' liability li'flivea. provided for by the constitution of this state is in any manner waived, and if any such contract shall be so made, such contract shall be void. Purchase of Sec. 4 1 . No director, officer, agent, or servant of any bank obligatiarns of ^hall, directly or indirectly, for his own personal benefit, purchase or baniis p |tjg interested in the purchase of any of the obligations of said bank ' f or a less sum than shall appear upon the face thereof. Purchase of Sec. 42. No director, officer, agent, or servant of any bank assets of bank shall, directly or indirectly, for his own personal benefit, purchase oy directors, etc. ^^ ^^ interested in the purchase of any of the assets of said bank, for a less sum than the current market value thereof. Every per- son violating the provisions of this subdivision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Deposits with Sec. 43. No bank shall deposit any of its funds with any other other banks rnust bank, unless such other bank has been designated as a depositary for , ^,P" , ^"^'^^ , its funds by the vote of a majority of the directors or trustees of the bjj disinterested ,,,.,,. i • r i r v directors "^"^ making the deposit, exclusive ot the vote ot any director or trustee who is an officer, director or trustee of the depositary so designated. Loans secured b^ stocks of Sec. 44. No bank shall hereafter make a loan secured by the other banks, stock of another bank, if by making such loan the total stock of such BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 23 other bank held by such loaning bank as collateral will exceed in the aggregate ten per centum of the capital stock of such other bank; provided that no loan upon the capital stock of any bank shall be made unless such bank has been in existence for two or more years and has earned and paid a dividend upon its capital stock. Sec. 45. Interest unpaid, although due or accrued, on debts Unpaid interest. owing to any bank, shall not be included in calculation of its profits previous to a dividend. Sec. 46. No bank shall invest or loan more than five j ;~,:yQ*;on q/ per centum of its assets in any one bond issue, except jnvesi/nenf in bonds of the United States, of the State of California, of bonds. the counties, cities and counties, cities or school districts of this state. Sec. 47. No bank shall make any loan on real esate except it J^oans on real be a first lien, but this provision shall not prevent the acceptance of estate must be a second lien to secure the payment of a debt previously contracted first lien. in good faith. Sec. 48. Any national bank of this state receiving the deposits Examinations of of banks organized and conducting business under this act, must, at national banks the request of the superintendent of banks, submit to an examination receiving by him, or his duly appointed examiners, should the superintendent ^^P°^^^ ^f of banks in his discretion deem it necessary or desirable that such examination be made; and the expense of such examination shall be paid by such national bank; and if any such national bank shall refuse to permit such examination to be made by the superintendent of banks, then the superintendent of banks shall notify in writing any and all banks depositing its funds with such national bank, to with- draw its deposits therefrom, and such bank shall comply with such order, and failure so to do shall be a misdemeanor. Sec. 49. It shall not be lawful for any commercial bank, indi- q„/^ "savines vidual banker, trust company, association, firm, stock company, or banks" ma}) corporation, to advertise or put forth a sign as a savings bank, either solicit or receive directly or indirectly, or in any way to solicit or receive deposits as savings deposits. a savings bank, except in the case of savings banks or banks having a savings department, subject to the provisions of this act. . 24 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Posting of Sec. 50. Every bank shall post in a conspicuous place in its certificate, banking room the last certificate obtained from the superintendent of banks, as provided for in section 127 of this act. Every bank that fails to comply with the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. Deposits b}) Sec 51. Any court having appointed and having jurisdiction court officers of any executor, administrator, guardian, assignee, receiver, depos- or trustees, jtary or trustee, upon the application of such executor, administrator, guardian, assignee, receiver, depositary or trustee, or upon the appli- cation of any person having an interest in the estate administered upon by such officer or trustee, after notice to other parties in interest as the court may direct, and after a hearing upon such application, may authorize such officer or trustee to deposit any money then in his hands as such officer or trustee or which may thereafter come into his hands, and until the further order of the court, in any bank organized under the laws of the State of California; and upon such deposit being made, the officer or trustee so depositing the same shall thereafter and while such moneys remain on deposit in such bank, be relieved and discharged from all liability and responsibility therefor, and the bond required of such officer or trustee given upon his appointment shall be thereupon by said court reduced to such an amount as the court may deem reasonable; such deposit shall be repaid only upon the orders of said court, and shall be a preferred claim against such bank and be paid in full before any other depositor of such bank shall have been paid. Article II. SAVINGS BANKS. Capital stock. ^^^' ^^* livery savings bank must have actually paid in a capital stock of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars, or, if organized without capital stock, a reserve fund of at least one million dollars and until said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or said sum of one million dollars, shall be actually paid in, the superin- tendent of banks shall refuse to issue the certificate required by this act; provided that nothing herein shall be construed to affect the BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 25 provisions of section twenty-three of this act relative to the capital Real and stock required of banks doing a departmental business. personal property) Hfhich Sec. 6 1 . Savings banks may purchase, hold and convey real may; be purchased, and personal property as follows: held or conve})ed. 1 . The lot and building in which the business of the bank is j^q^ ^^j building. carried on; such lot and building shall not cost the savings bank an amount exceeding its capital and surplus; and the authority of a two-th»rds vote of a full board of directors shall be necessary to authorize the purchase or construction thereof. 2. Such as may have been mortgaged, pledged, or conveyed to Property in trust. it in trust for its benefit in good faith, for money loaned in pursuance of the regular business of the corporation. 3. Such as may have been purchased at sales under pledges. Purchased mortgages or deeds of trust made for its benefit for money so loaned, under pledges. and such as may be conveyed to it by borrowers in satisfaction and discharge of loans made thereon. No savings bank shall purchase, hold or convey real estate in any Restrictions. other case or for any other purpose; and all real estate described in subdivision 3 of this section must be sold by the bank within ten years after the title thereto is vested in it by purchase or otherwise, unless permission to hold said real estate for a longer period be given by the superintendent of banks in writing. Parcels of real estate not sold within ten years, or extension of said period as above provided, may be purchased by any persons or parties wanting them, 8t the price to be determined by arbitration of three persons appointed by the superior court as appraisers, at the request of the would-be purchaser. No savings bank shall purchase, own, or sell personal property, except such as may be requisite for its immediate accommodation for the convenient transaction of its business, and mortgages on real estate, bonds, securities or evidences of indebtedness, public or private gold and silver bullion and United States mint certifi- cates of ascertained value, and evidences of debt issued by the United States. No savings bank shall purchase, hold or convey bonds. Bonds ivhich securities or evidences of indebtedness, public or private, "^'^^ "^ " , , ^ except as follows: a savings bank. 26 N. W. HALSEY & CO. United States (a) Bonds or interest-bearing notes or obligations of the bonds. United States, or those for which the faith of the United State of States is pledged for the payment of interest and principal. California (^) go^^js o£ ^jjig gtate. (c) Bonds of any state in the United States that have s oj any jjQ^^ within five years previous to making such investment by such bank, defaulted in the payment of any part of either principal or interest thereof. Municipal and (J) Bonds of any city, county, city and county, town, school bonds township or school district of this state. in California. y ^ ts -, r • ,.,,. , (e) Bonds of any city, town or county which has m each Municipal bonds ^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ investment, more than twenty issued outside of California thousand inhabitants, as ascertained by the United States or state census made next preceding such investment, in any of the states of the United States, other than in the State of California, issued pursuant to the authority of any law of such states; provided, the entire bonded indebted- ness of such city or county or town shall not exceed five per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property therein, including the issue of bonds in which said invest- ment is made as shown by the last assessment preceding the investment; and provided, further, that such city, town or county or state in which it is situated has not defaulted in the payment of any part of either principal or interest thereon within five years previous to making such investment. Railroad bonds. (/) First mortgage or underlying bonds of any steam railway, the income of which is sufficient to pay all oper- ating expenses and fixed charges, and which is completed and operated, wholly or in part, in any of the states of the United States. Public service (§) Bonds of street railroads, water, light, light and corporation and power, gas, and other public utility and industrial corpora- industrtal bonds, ^ions. All bonds authorized for investment by this section shall be secured by a mortgage or trust deed, which is, at the time of making such investment, (1) a first or under- lying mortgage or trust deed of the corporation issuing BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 27 said bonds, or (2) a refunding mortgage or trust deed used to retire all prior lien mortgage debts of said corporation outstanding at the time of making said investment; pro- vided, that the income of such corporation is sufficient to pay all operating expenses and fixed charges and such income shall have been so sufficient for the term of three years preceding the issuance of such bonds, or that payment of its said bonds have been guaranteed by a corporation that has paid all its operating expenses and fixed charges for a period of three years prior to guaranteeing the pay- ment of such bonds. (h) First mortgage bonds or deeds of trust issued by Real estate real estate corporations ; provided, that said bond issue shall corporation not exceed sixty per centum of the market value of the °°^^^' real estate taken as security. No savings bank shall purchase the bonds of any cor- Limitations. poration or make a loan on the bonds of any corporation, if the franchise of such corporation expires prior to the maturity of its bonds, or if the franchise or special privilege granted to such corporation by any city, county, or city and county, expires before the maturity of such bond issue. Sec. 62. No savings bank shall, directly or indirectly, deal or trade in real or personal property in any other case or for any other purpose than is authorized by this act, and shall not contract any debt or liability for any purpose whatever other than for deposits, except as in this section provided. Savings banks may pay regular depositors, when requested by Deposits ma^ be them, by draft upon deposits to the credit with their banks, and p(iid b}f draft. charge current rate of exchange for such drafts. No savings bank shall borrow money, or pledge or hypothecate nojronj'ns any of its securities, except to meet the immediate demands of its monev. own depositors, and then only in pursuance of a resolution adopted by a vote of a majority of its board of directors, duly entered upon their minutes, wherein shall be recorded the ayes and nays upon each vote; also with the written approval of the superintendent of banks, and he shall have the authority to fix the amount to be borrowed, and the term and rate of interest thereon; provided. 28 N. W. HALSEY & CO. State, county, hoTvever, that savings banks may, in the manner authorized and municipal by law, and without the written approval of the superin- deposits. pendent of banks, borrow the public moneys of the state, counties, cities and counties, and towns and receive such public moneys on deposit. Certificates Sec. 63. Savings banks may issue general certificates of of deposit, deposit, which are transferable, as in other cases, by indorsement and delivery; may issue, when requested by the depositor, special certificates, acknowledging the deposit of the person therein named of a specified sum of money, and expressly providing on the face of such certificate that the sum so deposited and therein named may be transferred only on the books of the bank; payment thereafter made by the bank to the depositor named in such certificate, or to his assignee named upon the books of the bank, or in case of death, to the legal representative of such person, of the sum for which such special certificate was issued, shall discharge the bank from all further liability on account of the money so paid. Time certificates. ■^^^ *™^ certificates of deposit, issued by a savings bank, shall be subject to the same limitations and conditions as applied to other deposits, and notice thereof shall be given by the words "Subject to conditions of agreement with depositors" printed on the face of the certificate issued. Withdrawal of Sec. 64. Savings banks may prescribe by their by-laws, or by deposits, contract with depositors, the time and conditions on which repayment is to be made to depositors, except as in this act otherwise pro- hibited; but whenever there is any call by depositors for repayment of a greater amount than the bank may have disposable for that purpose, the directors or officers thereof must not make any new loans or investments of the funds of the depositors, or of earnings thereof, until such excess of call has ceased. The directors of any such bank, having no capital stock, must retain, on each dividend day, at least ten per centum of the net profits of the bank, to constitute a reserve fund, which must be invested in the same manner as other funds of the bank, and must be used toward paying any losses which the bank may sustain in pursuing its lawful business. The bank may provide by its by-laws for the disposal BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 29 of any excess in the reserve fund, as provided for in section 21 of this act, and the final disposal, upon the dissolution of the bank, of the reserve fund, or of the remainder thereof, after payment of losses. Sec. 65. No director, or officer of any savings bank must. No director or directly or indirectly, for himself or as the partner or agent of officer ma^ others, borrow any of the deposits or other funds of such bank, nor "^^^^ °' oanii. must he become an endorser or surety for loans to others, nor in any manner be obligor for moneys borrow^ed of or loaned by such bank. The office of any director or officer who acts in contravention of the provisions of this section immediately thereupon becomes vacant, and every director or officer authorizing or consenting to such loan, and the person who receives such loan, shall severally be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 66. Receiving deposits, issuing certificates of deposit. Creation of debt checks, and bills of exchange, and the like, in the transaction of the defined. business of savings banks, must not be construed to be the creation of debt within the meaning of the phrase "create debt" in section three hundred and nine of the Civil Code and as provided for in this act. Sec 67. 1. No savings bank shall loan money except on Loans. adequate security of real or personal property, and no such loan shall be made for a period longer than ten years; provided, that no loans shall be made on unsecured notes. 2. No savings bank shall invest or loan more than five Limitation of per centum of its assets on any one bond issue, except ^n'^^^j^^^t m bonds of the United States, of the State of California, of the counties, cities and counties, cities or school districts of this state. 3. No savings bank shall loan money to exceed ninety Loan on bonds. per centum of the market value of bonds specified in sub- divisions (a), (b), (c) and (J) of subdivision three of section Percentage of sixty-one of this act, and no more than eighty-five per "'r • f ^^ "f centum of the market value of bonds specified in subdivision loaned on (e) of subdivision three of section sixty-one of this act, different classes and no more than seventy-five per centum of the market of bonds. 30 N. W. HALSEY & CO. value of bonds specified in subdivisions (/) and (g) of sub- division three of section sixty-one of this act, and no more than sixty-five per centum of the market value of personal property and stocks of corporations or banks; provided, horvever, that no loan shall be made upon the capital stock of any corporation or bank unless such corporation or bank has been in existence for two or more years and has earned and paid a dividend on its capital stock. 4. No savings bank shall make any loan on the security of real estate except it be a first lien and in no event to exceed sixty per centum of the market value of any piece of real estate to be taken as security, except for the purpose of facilitating the sale of property owned by the savings bank; provided, that a second lien may be accepted to secure the repayment of a debt previously contracted in good faith. 5. No savings bank shall purchase, invest or loan its capital or the money of its depositors, or any part of either, in mining shares or stock. 6. No savings bank shall hereafter make a loan secured by the stock of another bank, if by making such loan the total stock of such other bank held by such loaning bank as collateral will exceed in the aggregate ten per centum of the capital stock of such other bank. Any president or managing officer who knowingly consents to a violation of the above provisions shall be deemed guilty of a felony. Sec. 68. Savings banks must carry in cash, or its equivalent, an amount equal to four per centum of its deposit liabilities, of which two per centum of such liabilities shall be in coin or currency of standard value in its own keeping. The amount thus carried shall be called the lawful money reserve. No new loan shall be made during any deficiency in the lawful money leserve. Deposits with commercial banks and trust companies, on open account, to facilitate business transactions, as provided in this section, shall be permitted, and shall not be construed as loans. Not more than five per centum of the deposits of any savings bank shall be deposited with any one bank. Percentage of market value tvhich ma}) be loaned on real estate. Mining stocks can not be purchased or accepted as collateral. Stock of other banks as collateral. Laivful money) reserve. Deposits Tvith other banks. Limitations. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 31 Sec. 69. Every savings bank, and the business of every savings department of every other bank, must be conducted under and in accordance with the provisions of this act. Article III. COMMERCIAL BANKS. Sec. 80. No commercial bank shall make any loans to any Loans, person, company, corporation or firm to an amount exceeding one- tenth part of the capital stock of such bank actually paid in and surplus; provided, however, that a bank may loan to any person, company, corporation or firm a sum not exceeding twenty-five per centum of its capital stock actually paid in and surplus upon security worth at least fifteen per centum more than the amount of its loans; or it may loan ten per centum of such capital and surplus as first above provided, and a further sum not exceeding fifteen per centum of such capital and surplus upon security worth at least fifteen per centum more than the amount of such loan so secured; except that a commercial bank may buy from, or discount, for any person, company, corporation or firm, or loan upon bills of lading, warehouse receipts and bills of exchange, drawn in good faith against actual existing value or against commercial or business paper actually owned by the person negotiating the same. Sec, 8L No loan shall be made by any commercial bank Corporation upon the securities of one or more corporations, the payment of f^oans. which is undertaken, in whole or in part, severally, but not jointly, by two or more individuals, firms, or corporations: (a) If the borrowers or underwriters be obligated absolutely or contingently to purchase the securities, or any of them, collateral to such loan, unless the borrowers or underwriters shall have paid on account of the purchase of such securities an amount in cash, or its equivalent, equal to at least twenty-five per centum of the several amounts for which they remain obligated in completing the purchase of such securities; (b) If the commercial bank making such loan be liable, directly or indirectly, or contingently, for the repayment of such loan or any part thereof; 32 N. W. HALSEY & CO. (c) If its term, including any renewal thereof by agreement, express or implied, exceed the period of one year; (d) Or to an amount under any circumstances in excess of twenty-five per centum of the capital and surplus of the commercial bank making such loan. Capital required. Sec. 82. Every commercial bank which is now transacting, or which may hereafter transact business, shall have actually paid in d capital stock of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars; and until said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars shall be actually paid in, the superintendent of banks shall not issue the certificate required by section twenty- four of this act; provided that nothing herein shall be construed to affect the provisions of section twenty- three of this act relative to the capital stock required of banks doing a departmental business. Loans to directors. Sec. 83. No commercial bank shall loan any of its funds to any of its directors unless such loan shall first have been approved by a two-thirds vote of its board of directors, on which vote the borrowing director shall not participate, and the fact of making such loan, the name of the director borrowing the same, the time when the same shall become due, the rate of interest thereon, and the amount, value, and character of the security pledged therefor, if any, shall be forthwith forwarded by the cashier of such bank to the superintendent of banks; and if the superintendent of banks shall disapprove of such loan, he shall immediately notify such bank of his disapproval thereof, and such bank shall forthwith collect such loan; provided, however, that the total loans to all directors of such bank shall not at any one time exceed thirty per cent of the capital and surplus of such bank; and provided, further, that each bank having any loan or loans outstanding to any of its directors shall once each month report in writing to the superintendent of banks the name of each director to whom such loan is made, the amount of such loan, the rate of interest thereon, the time when the same shall fall due, and the security pledged therefor, if any. Any officer or director of any commercial bank violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a felony. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 33 Article IV. TRUST COMPANIES. Sec. 90. Any corporation which has been or shall be incor- Capital required. porated under the general incorporation laws of this state, authorized by its articles of incorporation to act as executor, administrator, guardian, assignee, receiver, depositary or trustee, and having a capital of not less than two hundred thousand dollars actually paid in, in cash, may be appointed to act in such capacity in like manner as individuals and shall be known as a trust company. In all cases in which it is required that an executor, administrator, guardian, assignee, receiver, depositary or trustee, shall qualify by taking and subscribing an oath, or in which an affidavit is required, it shall be a sufficient quahfication by such corporation if such oath shall be taken and subscribed or such affidavit made by the president or secretary or manager or trust officer thereof, and such officer shall be liable for the failure of such trust company to perform any of the duties required by law to be performed by individuals acting in like capacity and subject to like penalties; and such trust company shall be liable for such failure to the full amount of its capital stock; provided, any such appointment as guardian shall apply to the estate only, and not to the person. Such trust company shall be entitled to and shall be allowed proper compensation for all the services performed by them under the foregoing provisions of this act; but such compensation shall not exceed that allowed to natural persons for like services. court Sec. 91. Any court, having appointed and having jurisdiction Deposits b^ of any executor, administrator, guardian, assignee, receiver, depos- ^^thoril^ of itary, or trustee, upon the application of such officer or trustee, or upon the application of any person having an interest in the estate administered by such officer or trustee, after notice to the other parties in interest as the court may direct, and after a hearing upon such application, may authorize such officer or trustee to deposit any moneys then in his hands, or which may come into his hands thereafter, and until the further order of said court, with any such trust company; and upon deposit of such money, and its receipt and acceptance by such trust company, the said officer or trustee 34 N. W. HALSEY & CO. shall be discharged from further care or responsibility therefor. Such deposits shall be paid out only upon the orders of said court. Deposits b^ Sec. 92. It shall be lawful for any public administrator to . . P"^"^ deposit with any trust company having not less than two hundred thousand dollars paid-up capital, doing business in the county, or city and county, in which he is acting as such administrator, any and all moneys of any estate upon which he is administering, not required for the current expenses of the administration; provided that such corporation deposit with the state treasurer the securities required by this act. Such deposits shall relieve the public admin- istrator from depositing with the county treasurer the moneys so deposited with such corporation. Moneys so deposited by a public administrator may be drawn, upon the order of such administrator, countersigned by a judge of a superior court, when required for the purpose of administration, or otherwise. Deposits b^f Sec. 93. Whenever, in the judgment of any court having order of court, jurisdiction of any estate in process of administration by any executor, administrator, guardian, assignee, receiver, depositary, or trustee, and after such notice to the parties in interest as the court shall direct, and after a hearing on such application, the said court may order the said officer or trustee to deposit with any such trust company, for safe keeping, such portion or all of the personal assets of said estate as it shall deem proper; and thereupon said court shall, by an order of record, reduce the bond to be given or theretofore given by such officer or trustee, so as to cover only the estate remaining in the hands of said officer or trustee; and the property as deposited shall thereupon be held by such trust company, under the orders and directions of said court. Any court having jurisdiction of an estate being administered by a public administrator, may direct such public administrator to deposit all or any part of the moneys of the estate not required for the current expenses of the administration, with any such trust company doing business in the county, or city and county, where such public administrator is acting. Responsibility Sec. 94. Such trust company shall not be required to give for investments, any bond or security in case of any appointment hereinbefore BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 35 provided for, except as hereinafter provided, but shall be responsible for all investments which shall be made by it of the funds which may be entrusted to it for investment by such court, and shall be Hable as natural persons in like positions now are, and as herein- after provided. Sec. 95. Such trust company shall pay interest upon all Payment of moneys held by it as trustee, by virtue of this act, at such rate as interest. may be agreed upon at the time of its acceptance of any such appointment, or as shall be provided by the order of the court. Sec. 96. Each trust company, before accepting any such Bonds or appointment or deposit, shall deposit with the treasurer of state, securities to be for the benefit of the creditors of said trust company, the ^^P^sited r»ith sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in bonds of the United States, or municipal bonds of this state, or of any county, or city, city and county, or school district thereof, or on mortgages on improved and productive real estate in this state, being first liens thereon; said bonds or mortgages to be approved by the superintendent of banks. The bonds and securities so deposited may be exchanged from time to time for other securities, receivable as aforesaid. Said bonds of the United States, or municipal bonds of this state, or of any county, city, city and county, or school district thereof, to be registered in the name of said treasurer, officially, and all said securities to be subject to sale and transfer, and to the disposal of the proceeds by said treas- urer, only on the order of a court of competent jurisdiction and as hereinafter provided. The state shall be responsible for the safe return of such securities deposited with the treasurer of the state, under this section. ' Sec. 97. Any such trust company, having a paid-up capital in Property may excess of two hundred thousand dollars, may be permitted by the ^^ mortgaged. superintendent of banks to mortgage any improved and productive real estate owned by it, in excess of said amount, to the treasurer of state, for such sum as the said superintendent of banks may determine, and such mortgage may be deposited with said treasurer, and when so deposited it shall be included in the amount of 36 ■ N. W. HALSEY & CO. securities hereinabove required to be deposited with said treasurer for the benefit of the creditors of said trust company. Interest on Sec. 98. So long as the trust company so depositing bonds deposited, shall continue solvent, it shall be permitted to receive from said treasurer the interest or dividends on said deposits, and whenever any trust company receives trust funds as such trustee in excess of five hundred thousand dollars, it shall deposit with the state treasurer securities mentioned in section 96 of this act, to be approved by the superin- tendent of banks, in the amount of another one hundred thousand dollars, and for each five hundred thousand dollars of such trust funds thereafter received, an additional deposit Amount of of fifty thousand dollars of such securities likewise approved deposit required shall be made with the said state treasurer; provided, hoT»- as securij) jor ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ trust company shall be required to deposit trust funds. / •" ^ . more than one million dollars of such securities. The state shall be responsible for the safe return of such securities deposited with the treasurer of the state under this section. Certificates of Sec. 99. When any part of such deposit with the state Title required treasurer is made in bonds and mortgages, it shall be accompanied with rnortgages ^^ ^^jj abstracts of titles and searches, or by certificates of title issued by a person, company or corporation, whose business or objects are to make searches of titles and issue certificates of titles, and which said person, company or corporation shall be one desig- nated or approved by said superintendent of banks, and shall be Fees of counsel examined and approved by or under the direction of the said and appraisers, superintendent of banks. The fees for an examination of title by malting ^.^unsel to be paid by the trust company making the deposit, shall exami ^ ° • j^^j exceed twenty dollars for each mortgage, and the fee for each appraiser, not exceeding two, besides expenses, shall be five dollars for each mortgage. Affidavit of Sec. 100. Before the superintendent of banks issues his cer- • Ah^i^^^ tificate to any trust company, there must be filed in his office the require ejo e ^^^^^-^y^ ^^ ^ majority of its board of directors or the persons issued, named in said articles as the first directors of the corporation that BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 37 at least two hundred thousand dollars of the capital stock has actually been subscribed and paid in to a person named in such affidavit for the benefit of the corporation. Sec. 101. On making the report required by the terms of this List of trusts. act, every trust company shall, in addition to the other facts to be reported on, furnish a list and brief description of the trusts held by such corporation, the source of the appointment thereto, and the amount of real and personal estate held by such trust company by virtue thereof; except that mere mortgage trusts, wherein no action has been taken by such corporation, shall not be included in such statement. Sec. 1 02. Any trust company which desires to retire from Retiring from business under this act, shall furnish to the superintendent of banks business. satisfactory evidence of its release and discharge from all the obligations and trusts hereinbefore provided for; whereupon he shall revoke his certificate to such trust company, and thereupon the treasurer of state shall return to said trust company all its securities. Sec. 103. Except as herein otherwise provided, any trust Confidential company exercising the powers and performing the duties provided relations of trust for in this act, shall keep inviolate all communications confidentially ^^p^P^^^ *o made to it touching the existence, condition, management and administration of any trusts confided to it; and no creditor or stockholder of any such trust company shall be entitled to disclosure of any such communication; provided, however, that the president, manager and secretary of such trust company shall be entitled to knowledge of such communication; and provided, further, that in any suit or proceeding touching the existence, condition, management or administration of such trust, the court wherein the same is pending may require disclosure of any such communication. Sec. 104. The use of the word "trust" in combination with Companies not or in connection with the word "company," "corporation," "incor- organized under poration," "association," "society," "organization," or "syndicate," j^?. , . is hereby prohibited to all persons, firms, associations, companies or • i corporations other than corporations provided for by this act. Every "tfust." person, firm, association, company, or corporation which uses the word "trust" in combination with or in connection with the 38 N. W. HALSEY & CO. word "company," "corporation," "incorporation," "association," "society," "organization," or "syndicate," as the name under which business is done or transacted, shall be subject to the provisions of this act and to the supervision of the superintendent of banks. Any person, firm, association, company, or corporation making use of the word "trust" in combination or in connection with the word "company," "corporation," "incorporation," "association," "society," "organization," or "syndicate," in the manner herein- above mentioned, in the transaction of business, and not subject to the provisions of this act and the supervision of the superintendent of banks, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. No corporation hereafter formed shall use the word "trust" or "trustee" as a part of its corporate name unless it shall be authorized by its articles of incorporation to act as executor, administrator, guardian, assignee, receiver, depositary or trustee; nor shall any corporation hereafter formed accept or execute any trust mentioned in this act, unless it shall have complied with the provisions of this act. Investment of Sec. 1 05. Every trust company shall invest its capital trust funds. ^^^ trust funds received by it in accordance with the laws relative to the investment of funds deposited with savings banks, unless a specific agreement to the contrary is made between the trust company and the party creating the trust. Department Sec. 106 Every trust company desiring to do or doing a business, commercial banking business or a savings bank business, or both, in addition to its trust business, shall have paid up in cash the capital as provided in section twenty-three of this act. Such capital for each such department shall be increased from time to time in the same manner and to the same extent as though such bank were conducting separate banks instead of separate departments. Every trust company doing a departmental business shall comply with the provisions of this act governing each of such departments as to its deposits, reserves, investments and loans. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 39 Article V. STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT. Sec. 120. There is hereby created a state banking department. Superintendent The chief officer of such department shall be the superintendent °^ ^nf(S. thereof, and be known as the superintendent of banks. He shall be appointed by the governor, and shall hold his office for a term of four years, or until his successor shall have been appointed and qualified. No person shall be appointed superintendent of banks who has not had active banking experience, either as executive officer or director of some commercial bank, savings bank or trust company, at least one-half of which experience has been had in this state. He shall not, either directly or indirectly, be interested in any commercial bank, savings bank or trust company, or as an individual banker. He shall receive an annual salary of ten thousand dollars, to be paid monthly out of the state treasury on a warrant of the controller. He shall, within fifteen days from the time of notice of his appointment, take and subscribe to the constitutional oath of office, and file the same in the office of the secretary of state, and execute to the people of the state a bond in the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars, with corporate surety or two or more sureties to be approved by the governor of the state, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. Sec. 121. The superintendent of banks shall employ a chief Departmental d^uty, attorney and such clerks and examiners as he may need to P ■> • discharge in a proper manner the duties imposed upon him by law, none of which examiners or clerks or attorney shall be interested in any bank in this state as director, stockholder, officer or employee; they shall perform such duties as he shall assign to them. He shall fix the compensation of the attorney, clerks, and examiners, which compensation shall be paid monthly, on his certificate and on the warrant of the controller, out of the state treasury. The chief deputy shall, within fifteen days from the time of his appointment, take and subscribe to the constitutional oath of office, and file the same in the office of the secretary of state, and his compensation shall be four thousand dollars per annum; provided, however, that 40 N. W. HALSEY & CO. the total expenditure provided for in this act shall not exceed seventy-five thousand dollars per annum. Chief detutv ^° person shall be appointed a chief deputy who has not had superintendent, at least three years' active banking experience, either as an executive officer or employee of some bank in this state. In case of the absence or inability to act, or vacancy in the office orf superintendent of banks for thirty consecutive days, the chief deputy shall execute to the people of the state a bond in the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars, with corporate surety or two sureties to be approved by the controller and treasurer of the state, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of the superintendent while such deputy acts as superintendent, and upon filing such bond such deputy shall have all the power and duties of superintendent of banks, until the inability of the superintendent shall be removed, or until a new superintendent of banks shall have been appointed by the governor. No superintendent of banks, chief deputy or bank examiner shall be or shall become indebted, directly or indirectly, either as borrower, endorser, surety, or guarantor to any bank under his supervision or subject to his examination. Location of Sec. 122. The superintendent of banks shall have his principal officers, ogjce in the city of San Francisco, and may also have suitable rooms in the city of Los Angeles, wherein to conduct the business of the state banking department. The superintendent shall, from time to time, obtain the necessary furniture, stationery, fuel, lights, and other proper conveniences for the transaction of such business; the expense of which shall be paid out of the state treasury on the certificate of the superintendent and the warrant of the controller. State banking Sec. 123. A fund is hereby created, to be known as the state fund, banking fund, and out of said fund shall be paid all the expenses incurred in and about the conduct of the business of the banking department, including the salary of the superintendent, chief deputy, attorney, clerks and examiners, traveling expenses, furnishing of rooms and rer.t. Each bank shall pay annually its share of the total amount of the salaries and expenses of the banking department, to be determined by the proportion which the deposits of any such bank bear to the aggregate deposits of all such banks receiving BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 4! certificates of authorization from the superintendent of banks, as shown by the last report of such bank to the superintendent of banks. All moneys collected or received by the superintendent of banks, under and by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall be by him delivered to the treasurer of the state, who shall deposit the same to the credit of said banking fund, and the unexpended balances of all moneys heretofore paid into the state treasury by any of the bank commissioners shall be retained and become a part of said fund. If any such bank shall fail to pay such charges as are herein required, the superintendent shall forthwith cancel the cer- tificate of saii bank. Sec. 124. Every bank shall be subject to the inspection of the Inspection of superintendent of banks. The superintendent of banks, the chief banlis. deputy, or some competent person or persons to be appointed by the superintendent of banks, to be known as examiners, shall visit and examine every bank, other than a savings bank, at least twice in each year, and every savings bank at least once in each year. On every such examination inquiry shall be made by him as to the condition and resources of the bank, the mode of conducting and managing its affairs, the action of its directors, the investment and disposition of its funds, the safety and prudence of its management, die security afforded to those by whom its engagements are held rmd whether the requirements of its articles of incorporation and the law have been complied with in the administration of its affairs, and as to such other matters as the superintendent may prescribe. He shall have power in like manner to examine every bank whenever, in his judgment, its condition and management is such as to render an examination of its affairs necessary or expedient. He shall also have power to examine, or cause to be examined, ^''<")cnes oj every agency located in this state of any foreign bank or banking corporation, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it has complied with the laws of the state, and for such other purposes and as to such other matters as the superintendent may prescribe. The superintendent, chief deputy, and every such examiner shall have the power to administer an oath to any person whose testimony he may require on the examination of any bank, or on the examination 42 N. W. HALSEY 6r CO. of any agency of any foreign bank or banking corporation, and to compel appearance and attendance of any such person for the purpose of any such examination. The result of such exam- ination shall be certified by the persons making the examination on the records of the bank examined. When a bank shall have been examined by any examiner, and he finds securities therein which are, in his judgment, of doubtful value, he shall report the same to the superintendent of banks, who thereupon shall be authorized to employ appraisers to appraise said securities, at a compensation to be fixed by the superintendent of banks. Examiners. Sec. 125. Every examiner appointed by the superintendent of banks shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, take the constitutional oath of office and cause the same to be filed in the office of the secretary of state. No such examiner shall be appointed receiver of any bank whose books, papers and affairs he shall have examined pursuant to his appointment. Neglect to Sec. 126. If the chief deputy or any examiner shall have report unsafe knowledge of the insolvency or unsafe condition of any bank condition, jnentioned in this act, and that it is unsafe or inexpedient to permit said bank to continue business, and shall neglect to forthwith report such fact in writing over his signature to the superintendent of banks, he shall be guilty of felony. Certificate from Sec. 127. No bank shall transact any business in this state Superintendent without the written approval of the superintendent of banks, and necessary for ^JiJ^Qut his written certificate stating that it has complied with the ifef'na Affcmoc/ provisions of this act, and with all the requirements of law, and that it is authorized to transact, within this state, the business specified therein, and that the requisite capital has been in good faith subscribed and paid up in cash, or, if organized without capital stock that it has accumulated the requisite surplus or reserve fund. Before issuing such certificate the superintendent of banks shall examine, or cause an examination to be made, in order to ascertain whether the requisite capital of such bank has been paid up in cash or the requisite reserve or surplus fund has been accumulated. The superintendent of banks shall not authorize such bank to commence banking business. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 43 business until it appears from such examination, or other evidence satisfactory to him, that the requisite capital has been, in good faith, subscribed and paid in in cash, or that the requisite surplus or reserve fund has been accumulated or paid in in cash, and until such bank shall have paid a fee of fifty dollars. Every person who neglects to comply with any requirement of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 128. When the articles of incorporation shall have been Investigation of filed with the secretary of state, and application made for the applications for issuance of a certificate to do business as a bank, the superintendent cerft^ca/e. of bank shall ascertain, from the best sources of information at his command, whether the character and general fitness of the persons named as stockholders are such as to command the confidence of the community in which such bank is proposed to be located, and, if so satisfied, he shall, within sixty days after such application has been made to him, issue, under his hand and official seal, the certificate of authorization required by this act. The superintendent of banks shall transmit such certificate of authorization to the county clerk of such county, who shall file the same; the superintendent of banks shall also file a duplicate of such certificate in his own office. Sec. 129, Every bank doing a departmental business shall Reports h^ render to the superintendent of banks for each department conducted departmental by it, a separate report showing in detail as required by section one oanifs. hundred thirty of this act, the actual financial condition of such department and shall at the time of furnishing said report separately publish the statement for each department as provided in section one hundred thirty-two of this act. Sec. 1 30. Every bank doing business in this state shall, when- Character of ever required by the superintendent of banks, make a report in report required writing to him, verified by the oath of its president and its secretary "P°" demand of or cashier, or two principal officers. Such reports shall show the •^"P^'''"'^""^"** actual financial condition of the bank making the report, at the close of any past day specified by the superintendent, and shall specify the following: I. The amount of its capital stock and the number of shares Capital. into which it is divided, or, if not incorporated, the amount of capital actually paid in, and by whom. 44 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Names of 2. The names of the directors and the number of shares of directors, stock held by each, or, if not incorporated, the names of each member of the firm and the amount of capital paid in by each. Reserve funds, 3. The total amount of capital actually paid up in money, and ^'^* the total amount of contingent and other reserve funds, if any. Liabilities. 4. The total amount due the depositors. 5. The total amount and character of any other liabilities it may have. Real estate. 6. The amount at which the lot and building occupied by the bank for the transaction of its regular business stands debited on its books, together with the market value of all other real estate held, whether acquired in settlement of loans or otherwise; the amount at which it stands debited on the bank books, in what counties situated, and in what name the title is vested, if not in the name of the bank itself. Loans on 7. The amount loaned on real estate, specifying the amount real estate, secured on real estate in each county separately; also specifying the name of the person in whose name the property is held in trust or as security, in case it is held in any name other than that of the bank and the instrument creating the security does not itself disclose the name of the bank. Bonds. 8, The amount invested in bonds, designating the name and amount of each particular kind. Loans on bonds. 9. xhe amount loaned on stocks and bonds, designating each particular class and the amount thereof. Loans on |0. The amount of money loaned on other securities, with a other securities, particular designation of each class and the amount loaned on each. Money) on hand. ] ] . fhe actual amount of money on hand or deposited in any other bank or place, with the name of the place where deposited and the amount in each place. Other items. 12. Any other property held, or any amount of money loaned, deposited, invested or placed, not otherwise herein enumerated, and the place where situate and the value of said property, and the amount so loaned, deposited or placed, and any other information he may request relative to the conduct and affairs of such bank. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 45 The oaths of the officers and the statements above required shall Report must be state that they and each of them have a personal knowledge of the sjvorn to. matters therein contained, and that they believe every allegation, statement, matter, and thing therein contained is true. Any wilful false statement in the premises shall be perjury and shall be pun- ished as such. Sec. 131. The superintendent of banks shall call for reports Dates of reports. specified by the previous section, at least three times each year, and shall call for such reports as near as possible upon the same days as those designated by the comptroller of the currency of the United States for reports of national banking associations. Sec. 1 32. At the time of furnishing such report to the super- Publication of intendent of banks, every bank shall also publish a condensed state- financial ment of its financial condition, at least once, in some newspaper of condition. general circulation, published in the city or town where its principal place of business is located, and, if no paper is published in such town, then in some newspaper of general circulation in the county where its principal place of business is located. Such published statement shall show the total amount of loans, the total amount of overdrafts, the total amount invested in bonds and other securi- ties, the total amount due from banks, the total amount of checks and ot!ier cash items, the total amount of cash on hand, capital paid in, surplus funds; undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid; due to other banks and bankers, due to trust companies and savings banks; individual deposits subject to checks; demand certificates of deposit; time deposits; certified checks; cashier's checks outstanding; and such other items as will show the actual financial condition of the bank making the report. Sec. 1 33. Whenever the superintendent of banks shall have Reduction of reason to believe that the capital of any bank is reduced by impair- capital b\) ment or otherwise below the amount required by law or by its '^P^"''"^"** articles of incorporation, he may require such bank to make good the deficiency within sixty days after the date of such requisition. He may examine or cause to be examined any such bank to ascertain the amount of such impairment or reduction of capital and whether the deficiency has been made good as required by him. 46 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Violations of Sec. 134. If it shall appear to the superintendent of banks articles of that any bank has violated its articles of incorporation, or any law incorporation, [jinding upon it, he must, by an order under his hand and official seal, which seal must be adopted by him, addressed to such bank, direct the discontinuance of such violation; or, if it shall appear to the superintendent of banks that such bank is conducting business in an unsafe or injurious manner, he must in like manner direct the discontinuance of such unsafe or injurious practices. Such order shall require such bank to show cause, before the super- intendent of banks, at a time and place to be fixed by him, why said order should not be observed. If upon such hearing it shall appear to the superintendent of banks that such bank is conducting business in an unsafe or injurious manner, or is violating its articles of incorporation, or any law of this state, then the superintendent of banks shall make such order of discontinuance final, and such bank shall immediately discontinue all practices named in such order by the superintendent of banks. Such bank shall have ten days after any such order is made final in which suit may be com- menced to restrain enforcement of such order, and unless such action be so commenced and enforcement of said order be enjoined within ten days, by the court in which such suit is brought, then such bank shall comply with such order; and, in the event of its failure so to do, then the superintendent of banks shall have power to take immediate charge and control of said bank, and liquidate its affairs in the manner provided in this act for the liquidation of banks. Procedure. Sec. 135. In any such action, no damage may be awarded, but the action otherwise shall be commenced, tried and determined according to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of California. Superintendent Sec. 136. Whenever the superintendent of banks shall have of Banks to reason to conclude that any bank is in an unsound or unsafe condi- take charge of ^^^ ^^ transact the business for which it is organized, or that it an/fs in . ^^ ^^ inexpedient for it to continue business, the superintendent unsound ^ • r i i i_ • condition, of banks may forthwith take possession of the property and busmess of such bank, and retain such possession until such bank shall resume business, or its affairs be finally liquidated, as herein provided. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 47 On taking possession of the property and business of any such Possession b}) bank, the superintendent of banks shall forthwith give notice in Superintendent writing of such fact to any and all corporations and individuals of unsafe banks. holding or in possession of any of the assets of such bank. No bank, corporation or individual, knowing of such taking possession by the superintendent of banks, or notified as aforesaid, shall have a lien or charge for any payment, advance or clearance thereafter made, or liability thereafter incurred against any of the assets of the bank of whose property and business the super- intendent of banks shall have taken possession as aforesaid. Such bank may, with the consent of the superintendent of banks, resume business upon such conditions as may be approved by him. Upon taking possession of the property and business of such Liquidation. bank, the superintendent of banks is authorized to collect moneys due to such bank, and to do such other acts as are necessary to conserve its assets and business, and shall proceed to liquidate the affairs thereof as hereinafter provided. The superintendent of banks shall collect all debts due and claims belonging to it, and upon the order of the superior court may sell or compound all bad or doubtful debts, and on like order may sell all real and personal property of such bank on such terms as the court shall direct; and may, if necessary to pay the debts of such bank, enforce individual liability of the stockholders by action to be brought within three years after the date of his taking possession of the affairs of such bank. The superintendent of banks may, under his hand and official Special deputy seal, appoint one or more special deputy superintendents of banks, superintendent. as agent or agents, to assist him in the duty of liquidation and distribution, the certificate of appointment to be filed in the office of the superintendent of banks, and a certified copy in the office of the clerk of the county in which the principal office of such bank is located. The superintendent of banks may, from time to time, audiorize a special deputy superintendent to perform such duties connected with such liquidations and distribution as the superintendent of banks may deem proper. The superintendent of banks may employ such counsel, and procure such expert assistance and advice as Counsel. may be necessary in the liquidation and distribution of the assets 48 N. W. HALSEY 6- CO. of such bank, and may retain such officers or employees of such bank as he may deem necessary. The superintendent of banks shall require, from a special deputy superintendent and from such assistants, such security for the faithful discharge of their duties as he may deem proper. Claims against The superintendent of banks shall cause notice to be given by OOTIDS in advertisement in such newspapers as he may direct, w^eekly, for ^ ' three consecutive months, calling on all persons v^ho may have claims against such bank, to present the same to the superintendent of banks, and make legal proof thereof, at a place and within a time not more than six months after the last day of publication, to be therein specified. The superintendent of banks shall mail a copy of such notice to all persons whose names appear as creditors upon the books of the bank. If the superintendent of banks doubts the justice and validity of any claim, he may reject the same and serve notice of such rejection upon the claimant, either by mail or personally. An affidavit of the service of such notice shall be prima facie evidence thereof, and shall be filed with the superintendent of banks. An action upon a claim so rejected must be brought within six months after such service. Claims presented after the expiration of the time fixed in the notice to creditors shall be entitled to share ratably in the distribution to the extent of the assets in the hands of the superintendent of banks, equitably applicable thereto. Inventory Upon taking possession of the property and assets of such of assets, bank, the superintendent of banks shall make an inventory of the assets of such bank in duplicate, one to be filed in the office of the superintendent of banks, and one in the office of the clerk of the county in which the principal office of such bank is located; upon the expiration of the time fixed for the presentation of claims, the superintendent of banks shall make in duplicate a full and complete list of the claims presented, including and specifying such claims as have been rejected by him, one to be filed in the office of the superin- tendent of banks, and one in the office of the clerk of the county in which the principal office of such bank is located; such inventory and list of claims shall be open at all reasonable times for inspection. Fees. The compensation of the special deputy superintendents, counsel, and other officers and assistants, and all expenses of supervision BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 49 and liquidation, shall be fixed by the superintendent of banks on notice to such bank, and shall upon his certificate be paid out of the funds of such bank in his hands. The sums collected by the superintendent of banks shall, from Deposit of time to time, be deposited in one or more banks in this state, ("". ?j oa^'c* subject to examination by the superintendent of banks. ^ At any time after the expiration of the date fixed for the presentation of claims, the superintendent of banks may, out of the funds remaining in his hands after the payment of expenses, declare one or more dividends, and after the expiration of one year from the date of first publication of notice to creditors he may declare a final dividend. Objection to any claim not rejected by the superintendent of Court to rule on banks may be made by any party interested, by filing a copy of such ^^^P^i^<* claims. objection with the superintendent of banks, who shall present the same to the superior court of the county in which such bank has its principal place of business, with a petition that said court pass upon the validity of such claims; and such court shall thereupon, upon such notice to the party presenting the same, and to the superintendent of banks, as the court may deem proper, accept or reject said claim, and the superintendent of banks shall observe the order of the court in that regard; provided, however, that should the claim be rejected, such rejection shall not conclude the claimant from bringing an action upon such claim within six months after such rejection. Upon the petition of the superintendent of banks, such court may make proper provisions for unclaimed deposits. Whenever any such bank, of whose property and business the BarJ^ ma^ superintendent of banks has taken possession as aforesaid, deems <^PP^ ban{[s. during the previous year, with their names and locations and dates of incorporation, and particularly designating such as have commenced business during the year. 3. A statement of the banks whose business has been closed Closed hanks. during the year. 4. Any amendments to the banking law, which, in his judgment, Amendmenls. may be desirable. 5. The names and compensation of all persons employed by Pay roll. him, and the whole amount of the receipts and expenses of the department during the year. 6. The names of banks placed in his hands in process of Banks in liquidation, and the amount of dividends paid thereon. liquidation. Such report, and the usual number of copies for the use of the legislature, shall be printed and in readiness for distribution ' '"'"""^ of report. by the state printer, and one thousand copies shall be printed for the use of the department, the expense of which shall be charged among the general expenses of the department. Sec. 141. I. The superintendent of banks shall keep in his Information in office, in a place accessible to the general public, a bulletin board Superintendent's upon which he shall cause to be posted at noon on Friday of <'£"ce for public. each week a detailed statement, signed by him or, in case of his absence from San Francisco or inability to act, by the deputy superintendent in charge, giving the following items of general information with regard to the work of the department since the preceding statement: (a) The name of every bank that has filed in the banking [^{^i q* department an application for authorization to commence business, applications. its location and the date of filing of such application. (fc) The name and location of every bank authorized by the Authorized superintendent of banks to commence business, its capital, surplus, banks. and the date of authorization. (c) The name of every bank to which a certificate of authoriza- Banks refused tion has been refused by the superintendent of banks, and the date authorization. of notice of refusal. ^4 N. W. HALSEY & CO . Names of (J) The name and residence of every person appointed by the employees, superintendent of banks as a deputy, examiner or employee in the banking department, the title of the office to which appointed, the compensation paid, and the date of appointment. LMils Jor ^g^ yj^g j^jg Qjj which a call for a report by banks was issued by the superintendent of banks, and the day designated as the day with reference to which such report should be made. Liquidated (/) The name and location of every bank whose creditors or banlis. depositors have been paid in full by the superintendent of banks and a meeting of whose stockholders shall have been called, together with date of notice of meeting and date of meeting. (g) The name and location of every bank subject to the banking law whose affairs and business shall have been finally liquidated, or in course of liquidation. Lhange of ^^^ 'yhe name and location of every bank which has applied for approval of a change of name, and the name proposed. UuUeiins filed. 2. Every such bulletin, after having been posted as afoiesaid for one week, shall be placed on a file for such statements, to be kept in the office of the superintendent of banks. All such state- ments shall be public documents, and at all reasonable times shall be open to public inspection during usual banking hours. Reports of .^^.t- «••! 111 -i Superintendent SEC. 142. Every official report made by the supenntendenl available as and every report duly verified of an examination made, shall be evidence prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated, for all purposes m court, jj^ j^ny action or proceeding wherein such bank is a party. Neglect of Sec. 1 43. If the superintendent of banks shall have knowledge o • . " 7 7 of the insolvency or unsafe condition of any bank mentioned in Superintendent. . . i 1 • • r • ^• • • 1 i 1 this act, and that it is unsafe or inexpedient to permit said bank to continue business, and shall neglect to forthwith take action as provided in sections one hundred thirty-three, one hundred thirty- » four, and one hundred thirty-six of this act, he shall be guilty of a felony. Penalties and Sec. 144. Whenever by the terms of this act a penalty or forfeitures. fQffgjtu^g jg imposed, the same shall be recovered in an action brought at the request of the superintendent of banks by the attorney general, in the name of the people of the state, and BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA 55 the sum recovered shall be paid into the state banking fund Articles of and used in payment of claims against the said fund. incorporation. Sec. 145. The powers, privileges, duties and restrictions conferred and imposed upon any corporation or individual existing and doing business under the laws of this state are hereby abridged, enlarged or modified as each particular case p may require, to conform to the provisions of this act, notwith- transactions standing anything to the contrary in their respective articles of not affected b^ incorporation or charters. The legality of investments here- this act. tofore made, or of transactions heretofore had, pursuant to any provisions of law in force when such investments were ^^i , Lnanges of made or transactions had, shall not be affected by the peo- investments to visions of this act, nor shall such provisions require conform ma^ be the changing of investments for those named in this act, gradual. except as the same can be done gradually by the sale or redemption of the securities so invested in, in such manner as to prevent loss or embarrassment in the business of such bank, or unnecessary loss or injury to the borrowers on such security. Sec. 146. All acts, or parts of acts, in conflict with this ^^'^ ^^^'^''^^• act are hereby repealed. Sec. 147. This act shall take effect July first, 1909. I Public Deposit Ads of California STATE DEPOSIT ACT An Act to Authorize the Deposit of State Moneys in Banks in this State, and to Repeal All Acts or Parts of Acts in Conflict With This Act. [Approved February 28, 1907.] The people of the State of California, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follorvs: Section 1. All moneys in the state treasury belonging to the Deposit of state state not immediately required to meet current expenditures may moneys in hanks. be deposited by the State treasurer to the credit of the state in such state or national bank, or banks, in the state, as the treasurer, with the approval of the governor and state controller, shall select for the safe-keeping of such deposits, and any sum so deposited shall be deemed to be in the state treasury; provided, that the bank t or banks in which such money is deposited shall furnish security as Securit]f. hereinafter provided, and provided further, that such depositary bank or banks be selected from those agreeing to pay the highest rate of interest, not less than two per centum per annum, for such Interest. deposits, as may be determined by bids to be submitted at such times and in such manner, as the treasurer, with the approval of the governor and state controller, shall direct; provided, that not /ifjiount to be more than one-tenth of the aggregate amount of state moneys deposited. available for deposit and on deposit shall be deposited in any one bank, and provided further, that such deposit shall not exceed twenty-five per centum of the paid-up capital, exclusive of reserve and surplus, of any depositary bank. Any and all bids may be rejected by the treasurer, with the approval of the governor and state controller, and new bids asked for. The expense of trans- n^^-^^ gt portation of moneys to and from the state treasury to such depos- transporting itaries shall be borne by such depositaries. Said deposits, with moneys. Of Th UNiVEP 58 _^ N. W. HALSEY & CO. interest thereon, shall be subject to withdrawal at any time upon the demand of the state treasurer, or upon presentation of a certifi- cate of deposit properly indorsed. Interest, when Sec. 2. The interest to be paid by any such depositary bank payable. ^}^q\\ jjg qj^ jj^g average daily balances of the state moneys kept on deposit therewith, and shall be paid and credited to the state monthly on the first day of each and every month, and such interest shall accrue to the general fund of the state treasury; School moneys. Provided that if any moneys belonging to the state school fund or the state school land fund shall at any time be deposited under the provisions of this act, the interest received thereon shall be paid into the state school fund. Security of Sec. 3. For the security of the funds deposited by the state funds deposited, treasurer under the provisions of this act, there shall be deposited with the treasurer bonds of the United States, or of this state, or of any county, municipality or school district within this state, which bonds shall be approved by the governor, controller and treasurer, to an amount in value at least ten per centum in excess of the amount of the deposit with such bank or banks; and if in any case, or at any time, such bonds are not deemed satisfactory security to the governor, controller and treasurer, they may require such additional security as may be satis- factory to them. Said bonds or any part thereof may be withdrawn on the written consent of the governor, con- troller and treasurer; provided, that a sufficient amount of said bonds to secure said deposits shall always be kept in the treasury; and in the event that said bank or banks of deposit shall fail to pay such deposits or any part thereof on the demand of the state treasurer, or upon any presentation of a certificate of deposit properly indorsed, then it shall be the duty of the state treasurer to forthwith convert said bonds into money and to disburse the same according to law; provided, horvever, that he shall sell no bonds for less than their face value except at public sale after ten days' printed notice in some newspaper of PUBLIC DEPOSIT ACTS OF CALIFORNIA S2 general circulation published in the county where the sale is to take place. Sec. 4. The treasurer shall take from such depositary or depos- "fovisiom of itaries a written contract, in duplicate setting forth the conditions and *'°" ^^^ ' terms upon which the funds of the state are deposited therewith, one of which shall be filed with the controller. One provision of said contract shall be that each depositary shall at the end of each month render to the treasurer a statement in duplicate showing the daily balances or amount of money of the state held by it during the month and the amount of the accrued interest thereon sepa- rately, one of which shall be filed by the treasurer with the con- troller. The treasurer shall annually on the first day of Tj-Msurer's July furnish each depositary bank with a statement show- annual statement ing the amount and description of the bonds on deposit to banks. with him by such bank to secure state deposits. Sec. 5. The treasurer, with the approval of the governor Indemnity) bonds. and controller, shall, if in his judgment it shall appear necessary for the security of the state, require said banks of deposit to give an indemnity bond, the sureties on which shall not be interested as stockholders in said bank or banks, to be approved by the governor, controller and treasurer, to secure the state against loss by any depre- ciation in value that may occur in such bonds held by him as security for the safe-keeping and prompt payment of the state moneys in such depositaries. Sec. 6. The state treasurer shall not be responsible for any Treasurer not moneys deposited in a bank or in banks under the provisions of j^^^°"f' ^ this act while the same remain there deposited with the consent of the governor and controller; but the treasurer shall be charge- able with the safekeeping, management and disbursement of the bonds and certificates of deposit deposited with him as security for deposits of State moneys, and with the interest thereon, and the proceeds of any sale under the provisions of this act. Sec. 7. At the time of depositing state moneys in any bank designated as a depositary the treasurer shall take a certificate or deposits. 60 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Certificates of certificate of deposits made payable to the treasurer of state in deposit, such sum or sums as he shall deem advisable. Such certificate or certificates of deposit in the possession of the treasurer shall be deemed and counted as cash by the state board of examiners. Warrants paid Controller's warrants drawn upon the state treasury may be paid b}f certificates, by such certificates of deposit when properly indorsed by the treasurer the same as in cash. Act of 1905 Sec. 8. The act of March 20, 1905, entitled "An act to repealed, authorize the deposit of state moneys in banks in this state, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act," and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby expressly repealed. COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL DEPOSIT ACT. An Act to Provide for and Regulate the Deposit of County and Municipal Moneys in Banks and Bank- ing Corporations, Limiting the Amount of Public Moneys that May Be Deposited Therein, and Pro- viding A Penalty for the Illegal Deposit and Use Thereof. [Approved March 23, 1907.] The people of the State of California, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: Deposit of Section 1. All moneys belonging to any county or public moneys, municipality within the state, may be deposited by any other than state, officer of such county or municipality having the legal in tjaniis. ^^stody of such county or municipal funds in any licensed national bank, or banks, within this state, or in any bank, banks or corporations authorized and licensed to do a banking business, and organized under the laws of this Security state, Provided that such bank or banks in which such required, moneys are deposited shall furnish as security for such deposits, bonds of the United States, or of this state, or of any county, municipality or school district within this PUB LIC DEPOSIT ACTS OF CALIFORNIA 61 state, approved by the officer making the deposit and the district attorney for the county or city attorney for the municipality to which the deposit belongs. The market value of the bonds furnished as security, shall be at least ten per cent in excess of the amount of the deposit secured thereby; but the amount of the deposit shall in no case exceed the face value of the bonds furnished as security therefor; and provided, that such bank, or banks, shall pay a reasonable rate of interest, not less than two per cent per annum on the daily balances therein deposited. Sec. 2. The rate of interest shall be fixed annually as herein Rate of interest provided in the month of January of each year on all deposits to ^^ "^ fixed, ivnen. be made for such year; provided, that the rate of interest for the year ending December 31st, 1907, may be fixed as herein pro- vided within ninety days after this act goes into effect. The rate of interest shall be fixed in the case of counties, by the treasurer, auditor, and chairman of the board of supervisors, and in the case of municipalities by the treasurer, auditor, (or clerk of munici- palities having no auditor) and chairman of the council or other governing body of such municipality. Said rate of interest shall J[{ifi{fjmfn fate. be a reasonable rate and not less than two per cent per annum on the daily balances deposited; and the rate of interest so estab- lished for each year as herein provided, shall be the uniform rate of interest required from all banks receiving deposits from the county or municipality, for that year. Interest on all moneys deposited as herein provided for shall Interest, "Ofhen belong to the county or municipality represented by the officer payable. making such deposit and shall be paid quarterly into the general fund of such county or municipality except where the law other- wise directs. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the officer making the deposit. Receipt for to receive from the bank in which the deposit is made, a receipt deposit. or receipts in duplicate showing the date and amount of deposit and rate of interest to be paid thereon, one copy of which said officer shall keep on file in his office and he shall file one copy 62 N. W. HALSEY & CO. with the auditor of the county or auditor of the municipality (or clerk in municipalities having no auditor) as the case may be. Record of Sec. 4. Every treasurer shall keep a record in his office which deposits, shall be open to public inspection, showing at all times the amount of money on deposit and all banks in which the same is deposited, and dates of deposit. Also a record of all banks making application for the deposit of the public funds. Amount that Sec. 5. The total amount of public moneys on deposit in any ma\) be bank, shall not at any one time exceed fifty per cent of the paid-up deposited, capital stock of such depositary bank or banks. No officer shall have on deposit at any one time more than ten per cent of the public moneys under his control and available for deposit in any bank while there are other qualified banks requesting such deposits; provided, that no treasurer of a county, or municipality, shall be required to deposit public moneys in any bank outside of the county owning the money or in which the municipality is situated. Receipts to he Sec. 6. The receipt issued by any bank for deposits made counted as cash, therein, together with the bonds held as security therefor, shall be held by the treasurer making the deposit and be recognized and counted as cash to the amount recited in the receipt by the officers required by law to count the same. Deposits subject Sec. 7. Deposits, with interest thereon, shall be subject to call, to withdrawal on demand of the treasurer making the same, or his successors in office, and any bank receiving the deposit of public moneys, may at any time return the same to the public officer making such deposit, together with interest to date of return, and it shall be the duty of the public officer upon receiving the return of such deposit, to immediately return to such bank all bonds held as security for the deposit returned. When any officer withdraws his deposit he shall return, on demand of the bank, such bonds as were held as security for the deposit or portion thereof withdrawn. On fadure of Sec. 8. Should any bank fail to pay any public moneys anii repa^, j^^j^ ^^ deposit as herein provided, the officer making such security to be ^ , ^ ^ , , . . , , , sold deposit may, after ten days written notice to such bank, PUBLIC DEPOSIT ACTS OF CALIFORNIA 63 proceed to sell at public or private sale, such of the bonds held by him as security as he may see fit; provided, however, that he shall sell no bonds for less than their face value except at public sale after ten days' printed notice in some newspaper of general circulation published in the county where the sale is to take place. The pro- ceeds of such sale, after paying all expenses, shall be credited to the account of the bank which deposited the bonds as collateral. Any bank failing to make payment, may, at any time before the sale of the bonds is com- pleted, stop such sale by repaying all the moneys deposited with it, together with any expense that may have been incurred by the officer making such deposit, as the result of such failure. Should the proceeds of any such sale fail to fully repay any deposit, the balance remaining unpaid may be collected in an action of law in the name of the officer making the deposit. Sec. 9. Public officials shall not be responsible for any loss of p„iL/,v oihcials public moneys resulting from the deposit thereof when made in not responsible accordance with the provisions of this act. It shall be the duty for loss. of the officer making the deposit to safely keep all evidence of indebtedness issued by banks for deposits made therein, and bonds deposited for security and such public officer shall be responsible for such evidence of indebtedness, and for bonds held as security therefor, together with the interest thereon and the proceeds of any sale of such bonds; and the city, county or municipality for which said officer acts, shall be responsible to such bank for the safe return of the securities furnished by it to such officer. Sec. 10. The expenses of transportation of moneys to or from Transtoortation the state, county or municipal treasuries to such depositaries shall of moneys, be borne by such depositaries. Sec. 1 1 . The making of profit out of county, city, town or yiolaiion of act other public moneys, or using the same for any purpose not author- a felon}f. ized by law by any officer having possession or control thereof, shall be a felony. Any violation of the provisions of this act by a bank or a banking corporation, shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars for each offense, and the officers 64 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Present lal)>s ^^ such bank or banking corporation and officer receiving such not abrogated, deposit shall be guilty of a felony. Sec. 12. Nothing in this act contained shall prevent any county or municipality within this state from buying bonds or otherwise investing its money in any manner now provided by law and nothing herein contained as to the disposition of interest on public moneys deposited shall apply to any money received or held by any county or municipality wherein any law provides for the payment of interest or profit thereon, into any particular fund. Sec. 13. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 14. This act shall take effect immediately. National Bank Act as Amended Chapter One. THE CURRENCY BUREAU. 1. Sec. 1 of the act of June 20, 1874, provides that the act The entitled "An act to provide a national currency secured by a pledge national-bank of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and '^^^^ redemption thereof," approved June third, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, shall hereafter be known as the "National-bank act." 2. (Sec. 324.) There shall be in the Department of the Comptroller of Treasury a Bureau charged with the execution of all laws passed the Currency. by Congress relating to the issue and regulation of a national currency secured by United States bonds, the chief officer of which Bureau shall be called the Comptroller of the Currency, and shall perform his duties under the general direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. 3. (Sec. 325.) The Comptroller of the Currency shall be His appointment, appointed by the President, on the recommendation of the Secretary term, and salary. of the Treasury, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall hold his office for the term of five years, unless sooner removed by the President, upon reasons to be communicated by him to the Senate; and he shall be entitled to a salary of five thousand dollars a year. 4. (Sec. 326.) The Comptroller of the Currency shall, within //^ qualification. fifteen days from the time of notice of his appointment, take and subscribe the oath of office; and he shall give to the United States a bond in the penalty of one hundred thousand dollars, with not less than two responsible sureties, to be approved by the 66 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Secretary of the Treasury, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. Deputy; 5. (Sec. 327.) There shall be in the Bureau of the Comp- comptroUer. troller of the Currency a Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, to be appointed by the Secretary, who shall be entitled to a salary of two thousand eight hundred dollars a year (increased to three thousand five hundred dollars), and who shall possess the power and perform the duties attached by law to the office of Comptroller during a vacancy in the office or during the absence or inability of the Comptroller. The Deputy Comptroller shall also take tlie oath of office prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the United States, and shall give a like bond in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars. Interest in 6. (Sec. 329.) It shall not be lawful for the Comptroller or national banks t^g Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, either directly or indirectly, ' to be interested in any association issuing national currency under the laws of the United States. Oj^ce clerks. 7. (Sec. 328.) The Comptroller of the Currency shall employ, from time to time, the necessary clerks, to be appointed and classified by the Secretary of the Treasury, to discharge such duties as the Comptroller shall direct. Seal of office. 8. (Sec. 330.) The seal devised by the Comptroller of the Currency for his office, and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall continue to be the seal of office of the Comptroller, and may be renewed when necessary. A description of the seal, with an impression thereof, and a certificate of approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Officers, 9. (Sec. 331.) There shall be assigned, from time to time, to vaults, etc. the Comptroller of the Currency, by the Secretary of the Treasury, suitable rooms in the Treasury building for conducting the business of the Currency Bureau, containing safe and secure fireproof vaults, in which the Comptroller shall deposit and safely keep all the plates not necessarily in the possession of engravers or printers, and other valuable things belonging to his department; and the Comp- troller shall from time to time furnish the necessary furniture. NATIONAL BANK ACT 67 stationery, fuel, lights, and other proper conveniences for tlie transaction of the business of his office. 10. (Sec. 333.) The Comptroller of the Currency shall make Annual report. an annual report to Congress, at the commencement of its session, exhibiting — First. A summary of the state and condition of every asso- Condition of ciation from which reports have been received the preceding year, national banlis. at the several dates to which such reports refer, with an abstract of the whole amount of banking capital returned by them, of the whole amount of their debts and liabilities, the amount of circu- lating notes outstanding, and the total amount of means and resources, specifying the amount of lawful money held by them at the times of their several returns, and such other information in relation to such associations as in his jugdment may be useful. Second. A statement of the associations whose business has Closed banks. been closed during the year, with the amount of their circulation redeemed and the amount outstanding. Third. Any amendment to the laws relative to banking by Amendments which the system may be improved and the security of the holders proposed. of its notes and other creditors may be increased. Fourth. A statement exhibiting under appropriate heads the Condition of resources and liabilities and condition of the banks, banking com- other ban^s. panies, and savings banks organized under the laws of the several States and Territories, such information to be obtained by the Comptroller from the reports made by such banks, banking com- panies, and savings banks to the legislatures or officers of the different States and Territories, and, where such reports can not be obtained, the deficiency to be supplied from such other authentic sources as may be available. Fifth. The names and compensation of the clerks employed by Employees and him, and the whole amount of the expenses of the banking depart- expenses, ment during the year. 11. (Sec. 3811.) When the Annual Report of the Comptroller When annual of the Currency upon the national banks and banks under State report is printed. and Territorial laws is completed, or while it is in process of completion, if thereby the business may be sooner dispatched, the 68 N. W. HALSEY & CO. work of printing shall be commenced, under the superintendence of the Secretary, and the whole shall be printed and ready for delivery on or before the first day of December next after the close of the year to which the report relates. Number of 12. The act of January 12, 1895, provides that there shall be copies to be printed of the Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency prmtea. ^^^ thousand copies; one thousand for the Senate, two thousand for the House, and seven thousand for distribution by the Comptroller of the Currency. Chapter Two. ORGANIZATION AND POWERS OF NATIONAL BANKS. Articles of l^- (Sec. 5133.) Associations for carrying on the business of association, banking under this title may be formed by any number of natural persons, not less in any case than five. They shall enter into articles of association, which shall specify in general terms the object for which the association is formed, and may contain any other provisions, not inconsistent with law, which the association may see fit to adopt for the regulation of its business and the conduct of its affairs. These articles shall be signed by the persons uniting to form the association, and a copy of them shall be forwarded to the Comptroller of the Currency, to be filed and preserved in his office. Organization 14. (Sec. 5134.) The persons uniting to form such an asso- certificate. ciation shall, under their hands, make an organization certificate, which shall specifically state — Title. First. The name assumed by such association; which shall be subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency. Location. Second. The place where its operations of discount and deposit are to be carried on, designating the State, Territory, or District, and the particular county and city, town or village. Capital stock. Third. The amount of capital stock and the number of shares into which the same is to be divided. NATIONAL BANK ACT ^ Fourth. The names and places of residence of the shareholders Shareholders. and the number of shares held by each of them. Fifth. The fact that the certificate is made to enable such Object of persons to avail themselves of the advantages of this Title. cerhjicale. 15. (Sec. 5135.) The organization certificate shall be acknowl- Execution of edged before a judge of some court of record or notary public, organization and shall be, together with the acknowledgment thereof, authenti- ^^rlijicate. cated by the seal of such court or notary, transmitted to the Comp- troller of the Currency, who shall record and carefully preserve the same in his office. 16. (Sec. 5136.) Upon duly making and filing articles of Corporate association and an organization certificate, the association shall poJ^c*** become, as from the date of the execution of its organization certificate, a body corporate, and as such, and in the name desig- nated in the organization certificate, it shall have power — First. To adopt and use a corporate seal. Seal. Second. To have succession for the period of twenty years from Term of its organization, unless it is sooner dissolved according to the provisions existence. of its articles of association, or by the act of its shareholders owning two-thirds of its stock, or unless its franchise becomes forfeited by some violation of law. Third. To make contracts. Contracts. Fourth. To sue and be sued, complain and defend, in any Suits. court of law and [or] equity, as fully as natural persons. Fifth. To elect or appoint directors, and by its board of directors Officers. to appoint a president, vice-president, cashier, and other officers, define their duties, require bonds of them and fix the penalty thereof, dismiss such officers or any of them at pleasure, and appoint others to fill their places. Sixth. To prescribe, by its board of directors, by-laws not By^-Lants. inconsistent with law, regulating the manner in which its stock shall be transferred, its directors elected or appointed, its officers appointed, its property transferred, its general business conducted, and the privileges granted to it by law exercised and enjoyed. 70 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Incidental Seventh. To exercise by its board of directors, or duly authorized powers, officers or agents, subject to law, all such incidental powers as shall be necessary to carry on the business of banking ; by discounting and negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and other evidences of debt; by receiving deposits; by buying and selling exchange, coin, and bullion; by loaning money on personal security; and by obtaining, issuing, and circulating notes according to the provisions of this Title; but no association shall transact any business except such as is incidental and necessarily preliminary to its organ- ization until it has been authorized by the Comptroller of the Cur- rency to commence the. business of banking. Amount of 17. (Sec. 5138, as amended by act of March 14, 1900.) No Capital stock association shall be organized with a less capital than one hundred required, thousand dollars, except that banks with a capital of not less than fifty thousand dollars may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, be organized in any place the population of which does not exceed six thousand inhabitants, and except that banks with a capital of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars may, with the sanction of the Secretary of the Treasury, be organized in any place the population of which does not exceed three thousand inhabitants. No association shall be organized in a city the popu- lation of which exceeds fifty thousand persons with a capital of less than two hundred thousand dollars. Shares of stock. 1 8- (Sec. 5 1 39.) The capital stock of each association shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and be deemed per- sonal property, and transferable on the books of the association in such manner as may be prescribed in the by-laws or articles of association. Every person becoming a shareholder by such transfer shall, in propor- tion to his shares, succeed to all the rights and liabilities of the prior holder of such shares. Payment of 19. (Sec. 5140.) At least fifty per centum of the capital capital slock, stock of every association shall be paid in before it shall be author- ized to commence business; and the remainder of the capital stock of such association shall be paid in installments of at least ten per centum each, on the whole amount of the capital, as frequently NATIONAL BANK ACT 71 as one installment at the end of each succeeding month from the time it shall be authorized by the Comptroller of the Currency to commence business; and the payment of each installment shall be certified to the Comptroller, under oath, by the president or cashier of the association. 20. (Sec. 5141.) Whenever any shareholder, or his assignee. Enforcing fails to pay any installment on the stock when the same is required payment of by the preceding section to be paid, the directors of such association ''^^' '^ ' may sell the stock of such delinquent shareholder at public auction, having given three weeks' previous notice thereof in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the city or county where the association is located, or if no newspaper is published in said city or county, then in a newspaper published nearest thereto, to any person who will pay the highest price therefor, to be not less than the amount then due thereon, with the expenses of adver- tisement and sale; and the excess, if any, shall be paid to the delinquent shareholder. If no bidder can be found who will pay for such stock the amount due thereon to the association, and the cost of advertisement and sale, the amount previously paid shall be forfeited to the association, and such stock shall be sold as the directors may order, within six months from the time of such forfeiture, and if not sold it shall be canceled and deducted from the capital stock of the association. 21. (Sec. 5141.) If any such cancellation and reduction shall Restoration of reduce the capital of the association below the minimum of capital capital. required by law, the capital stock shall, within thirty days from the date of such cancellation, be increased to the required amount; in default of which a receiver may be appointed, according to the provisions of section fifty-two hundred and thirty-four, to close up the business of the association. 22. (Sec. 5168.) Whenever a certificate is transmitted to the Examination of Comptroller of the Currency, as provided in this Title, and the organization association transmitting the same notifies the Comptroller that at P''ocees governing four [three, five, and seven of this edition] of this Title, which certain are expressed without restrictive words, as applying to "national ^^^^^cianons. banking association," or to "associations," apply to all associations organized to carry on the business of banking under any act of Congress. 93. (Sec. 5190.) The usual business of each national banking Place of association shall be transacted at an office or banking house located tiusmess. in the place specified in its organization certificate. 94. (Sec. 5191.) Every national banking association in either Reserve cities of the following cities: Albany, Baltimore, Boston, Cincinnati, ^"" reserve Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Louisville, Milwaukee, New Orleans, requirements. New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Saint Louis, San Francisco, and Washington, shall at all times have on hand in lawful money of the United States, an amount equal to at least twenty-five per centum of the aggregate amount of its deposits in all respects; and every other association shall at all times have on hand, in lawful money of the United States, an amount equal to at least fifteen per centum of the aggregate amount of its deposits in all respects. (See paragraphs 104 and 105.) NOTE— Act of May 30, 1908. "Sec. 1 4. That the provisions of section fifty-one hundred and No reserve need ninety-one of the Revised Statutes, with reference to the reserves of ^^ held against national banking associations, shall not apply to deposits of public "^/^^f " °/ I .1 T T • 1 o • 1 • 11 •• .. public money. moneys by the United otates m designated depositaries. 98 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Reserve not 95. (Sec. 5191.) Whenever the lawful money of any associa- maintained. tion in any of the cities named shall be below the amount of twenty- five per centum of its deposits, and whenever the lawful money of any other association shall be below fifteen per centum of its deposits, such association shall not increase its liabilities by making any new loans or discounts otherwise than by discounting or purchasing bills of exchange payable at sight, nor make any dividend of its profits until the required proportion between the aggregate amount of its deposits and its lawful money of the United States has been restored. And the Comptroller of the Currency may notify any association, whose lawful-money reserve shall be below the amount above required to be kept on hand, to make good such reserve; and if such association shall fail for thirty days there- after so to make good its reserve of lawful money, the Comptroller may, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Treasury, appoint a receiver to wind up the business of the association, as provided in section fifty-two hundred and thirty-four. Reserve agents' 96. (Sec. 5192.) Three-fifths of the reserve of fifteen per balances counted centum required by the preceding section to be kept may consist as reserve, of balances due to an association from associations approved by the Comptroller of the Currency, organized under the act of June three, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, or under this Title, and doing business in the cities of Albany, Baltimore, Boston, Charles- ton, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Louisville, Milwaukee, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Richmond, Saint Louis, San Francisco, and Washington. Clearing-house 97. Clearing-house certificates, representing specie or lawful certificates money specially deposited for the purpose, of any clearing-house counted as association shall also be deemed to be lawful money in the posses- sion of any association belonging to such clearing house, holding and owning such certificate, within the preceding section. Redemption 98. Sec. 3 of the act of June 20, 1874, provides that the five fund counted pgj. ^.g^t redemption fund, which shall at all times be kept on as reserve. ^jgpQgjj ^j^j^ ^j^g Treasurer of the United States, shall be counted as a part of the lawful reserve. 99. (Sec. 5193.) The Secretary of the Treasury may receive United States notes on deposit, without interest, from any national NATIONAL BANK ACT 99 banking association, in sums of not less than ten thousand dollars. United States and issue certificates therefor in such form as he may prescribe, in note certificates denominations of not less than five thousand dollars, and payable counted as on demand in United States notes at the place where the deposits f^^^^' were made. The notes so deposited shall not be counted as part of the lawful-money reserve of the association; but the certificates issued therefor may be counted as part of its lawful-money reserve, and may be accepted in the settlement of clearing-house balances at the places where the deposits therefor were made. (Repealed March 14, 1900.) 100. (Sec. 5194.) The pwwer conferred on the Secretary of Redemption of the Treasury by the preceding section shall not be exercised so s"c/i certificates. as to create any expansion or contraction of the currency; and United States notes for which certificates are issued under that section, or other United States notes of like amount, shall be held as special deposits in the Treasury and used only for redemption of such certificates. 101. Sec. 12 of the act of July 12, 1882, provides that the United States Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to receive gold certificates deposits of gold coin with the Treasurer or assistant treasurers of counted as the United States, in sums of not less than twenty dollars, and to issue certificates therefor in denominations of not less than twenty dollars each, corresponding with the denominations of United States notes. The coin deposited for or representing the certificates of deposit shall be retained in the Treasury for the payment of the same on demand. Said certificates shall be receivable for customs, taxes, and all public dues, and when so received may be reissued; and such certificates, as also silver certificates, when held by any national banking association, shall be counted as part of its lawful reserve; and no national banking association shall be a member of any clearing house in which such certificates shall not be receivable in the settlement of clearing-house balances: PTovided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall suspend the issue of such gold certificates whenever the amount of gold coin and gold bullion in the Treasury reserved for the redemption of United States notes falls below one hundred millions of dollars; and the provisions of section fifty-two hundred and seven of the 100 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Revised Statutes shall be applicable to the certificates herein authorized and directed to be issued. Reserve 102. (Sec. 5186.) Every association organized for the purpose rcquvrements ^f issuing notes payable in gold shall at all times keep on hand ° ^ ' not less than twenty-five per centum of its outstanding circulation, in gold or silver coin of the United States; and shall receive at par in the payment of debts the gold notes of every other such associa- tion which at the time of such payment is redeeming its circulating notes in gold coin of the United States, and shall be subject to all the provisions of this Title: Provided, That, in applying the same to associations organized for issuing gold notes, the terms "lawful money" and "lawful money of the United States" shall be con- strued to mean gold or silver coin of the United States; and the circulation of such association shall not be within the limitation of circulation mentioned in this Title. Reserve deposit 103. (Sec. 5195.) Each association organized in any of the in central cities named in section fifty-one hundred and ninety-one may keep esc e ci p. Qjjg.jjj^if Qf Jts lawful-money reserve in cash deposits in the city of New York. But the foregoing provision shall not apply to associa- tions organized and located in the city of San Francisco for the purpose of issuing notes payable in gold. This section shall not relieve any association from its liability to redeem its circulating notes at its own counter at par in lawful money on demand. Additional 104. Sec. 1 of the act of March 3, 1887, as amended by reserve cities, jhe act of March 3. 1903, provides that whenever three-fourths in number of the national banks located in any city of the United States having a population of twenty-five thousand people shall make application to the Comptroller of the Currency, in writing, asking that the name of the city in which such banks are located shall be added to the cities named in sections fifty -one hundred and ninety-one and fifty-one hundred and ninety-two of the Revised Statutes, the Comptroller shall have authority to grant such request, and every bank located in such city shall at all times thereafter have on hand, in lawful money of the United States, an amount equal to at least twenty-five per centum of its deposits, as provided in sections fifty-one hundred and ninety-one and fifty-one hundred and ninety-five of the Revised Statutes. NATIONAL BANK ACT 101 105. Sec. 2 of the act of March 3, 1887, provides that when- Additional ever three-fourths in number of the national banks located in any central reserve city of the United States having a population of two hundred ci. ^^^ Comptroller has granted his certificate of approval, any share- holder not assenting to such amendment may give notice in writing to the directors, within thirty days from the date of the certificate of approval, of his desire to withdraw from said association, in NATIONAL BANK ACT 111 which case he shall be entitled to receive from said banking asso- ciation the value of the shares so held by him, to be ascertained by an appraisal made by a committee of three persons, one to be selected by such shareholder, one by the directors, and the third by the first two; and in case the value so fixed shall not be satisfactory to any such shareholder, he may appeal to the Comp- troller of the Currency, who shall cause a reappraisal to be made, which shall be final and binding; and if said reappraisal shall exceed the value fixed by said committee, the bank shall pay the expenses of said reappraisal, and otherwise the appellant shall pay said expenses; and the value so ascertained and determined shall be deemed to be a debt due, and be forthwith paid, to said share- holder, from said bank; and the shares so surrendered and appraised shall, after due notice, be sold at public sale, within thirty days after the final appraisal provided in this section: Provided, that in the organization of any banking association intended to replace any existing banking association, and retaining the name thereof, the holders of stock in the expiring association shall be entitled to preference in the allotment of the shares of the new association in proportion to the number of shares held by them respectively in the expiring association. 136. The act of Congress, approved April 12, 1902, provides Re-extension oj that the Comptroller of the Currency is hereby authorized in the corporate manner provided by, and under the conditions and limitations of the act of July 12, 1882, to extend for a further period of twenty years the charteir of any national banking association extended under said act which shall desire to continue its existence after the expiration of its charter. Chapter Seven. LIQUIDATION AND RECEIVERSHIP. 137. (Sec. 5220.) Any association may go into liquidation Tn>o-thirds vote and be closed by the vote of its shareholders owning two-thirds ^^Q^^i^'^d for of its stock. liquidation. 112 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Notice of 138. (Sec. 5221.) Whenever a vote is taken to go into voluntary liquidation it shall be the duty of the board of directors to cause Liqmaauon. j^^jj^.^ ^f jj^j, ^^^^ jq j^g certified, under the seal of the association, by its president or cashier, to the Comptroller of the Currency, and the publication thereof to be made for a period of tv^o months in a newspaper published in the city of New York, and also in a newspaper published in the city or town in which the association is located, or if no newspaper is there published, then in the newspaper published nearest thereto, that the association is closing up its affairs, arid notifying the holders of its notes and other creditors to present the notes and other claims against the association for payment. Deposit of 139. (Sec. 5222.) Within six months from the date of the /flDj/u/ mone];. ^^^^ ^^ ^^ -^^^^ liquidation the association shall deposit with the Treasurer of the United States lawful money of the United States sufficient to redeem all its outstanding circulation. The Treasurer shall execute duplicate receipts for money thus deposited, and deliver one to the association and the other to the Comptroller of the Currency, stating the amount received by him, and the purpose for which it has been received; and the money shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States, and placed to the credit of such association upon redemption account. No deposit 140. (Sec. 5223.) An association which is in good faith required for vvinding up its business for the purpose of consolidating with another consoli a ion. ^^^^^i^^^^^ gjj^n poj. j^g required to deposit lawful money for its outstanding circulation; but its assets and liabilities shall be reported by the association with which it is in process of consolidation. Bonds of 141. (Sec. 5224.) Whenever a sufficient deposit of lawful liquidating money to redeem the outstanding circulation of an asso- banf(s. ^.Jj^^Jqjj proposing to close its business has been made, the bonds deposited by the association to secure payment of its notes shall be reassigned to it, in the manner prescribed by section fifty-one hundred and sixty-two. And there- after the association and its shareholders shall stand dis- charged from all liabilities upon the circulating notes, and NATIONAL BANK ACT 113 those notes shall be redeemed at the Treasury of the United States. And if any such bank shall fail to make the deposit and take up its bonds for thirty days after the expiration of the time specified, the Comptroller of the Currency shall have power to sell the bonds pledged for the circulation of said bank at public auction in New York City, and, after providing for the redemption and cancellation of said circulation, and the necessary expenses of the sale, to pay over any balance remaining to the bank or its legal representatives. 142. Sec. 7 of the act of July 12, 1882, provides that Banks whose national banking associations whose corporate existence has expired existence has or shall hereafter expire, and which do not avail themselves of c^'''^"- the provisions of this act, shall be required to comply with the provisions of sections fifty-two hundred and twenty-one and fifty-two hundred and twenty-two of the Revised Statutes in the same manner as if the shareholders had voted to go into liquidation, as provided in section fifty-two hundred and twenty of the Revised Statutes; and the provisions of sections fifty-two hundred and twenty-four and fifty-two hundred and twenty-five of the Revised Statutes shall also be applicable to such associations, except as modified by this act; and the franchise of such associations is hereby extended for the sole purpose of liquidating their affairs until such affairs are finally closed. 143. (Sec. 5226.) Whenever any national banking association Protest of bank fails to redeem in the lawful money of the United States any of circulation. its circulating notes, upon demand of payment duly made during the usual hours of business, at the office of such association, the holder may cause the same to be protested, in one package by a notary public, unless the president or cashier of the association whose notes are presented for payment offers to waive demand and notice of the protest, and, in pursuance of such offer, makes, signs, and delivers to the party making such demand an admission in writing, stating the time of the demand, the amount demanded, and the fact of the nonpayment thereof. The notary public, on making such protest, or upon receiving such admission, shall 114 N. W. HALSEY & CO. forthwith forward such admission or notice of protest to the Comp- troller of the Currency, retaining a copy thereof. If, however, satisfactory proof is produced to the notary pubHc that the payment of the notes demanded is restrained by order of any court of competent jurisdiction, he shall not protest the same. When the holder of any notes causes more than one note or package to be protested on the same day, he shall not receive pay for more than one protest. Bonds forfeited 144. (Sec. 5227.) On receiving notice that any national if circulation banking association has failed to redeem any of its circu- is dishonored. Jating notes, as specified in the preceding section, the Comptroller of the Currency, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Treasury, may appoint a special agent, of whose appointment immediate notice shall be given to such association, who shall immediately proceed to ascer- tain whether it has refused to pay its circulating notes in the lawful money of the United States, when demanded, and shall report to the Comptroller the fact so ascertained. If from such protest, and the report so made, the Comp- troller is satisfied that such association has refused to pay its circulating notes and is in default, he shall, within thirty days after he has received notice of such failure, declare the bonds deposited by such association forfeited to the United States, and they shall thereupon be so forfeited. Bank ma}) 145. (Sec. 5237.) Whenever an association against which enjom further proceedings have been instituted, on account of any alleged refusal proceedings. ^^ redeem its circulating notes as aforesaid, denies having failed to do so, it may, at any time within ten days after it has been notified of the appointment of an agent, as provided in section fifty-two hundred and twenty-seven, apply to the nearest circuit, or district, or Territorial court of the United States to enjoin further proceedings in the premises; and such court, after citing the Comp- troller of the Currency to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined, and after the decision of the court or finding of the jury that such association has not refused to redeem its NATIONAL BANK ACT US circulating notes, when legally presented, in the lawful money of the United States, shall make an order enjoining the Comptroller, and any receiver acting under his direction, from all further pro- ceedings on account of such alleged refusal. 146. (Sec. 736.) All proceedings by any national banking Where association to enjoin the Comptroller of the Currency, under the proceedings provisions of any law relating to national banking associations, shall ^"^ ^ °"° * be had in the district where such association is located. 147. (Sec. 5228.) After a default on the part of an asso- Suspension of ciation to pay any of its circulating notes has been ascertained ^"^iness after by the Comptroller, and notice thereof has been given by him to the association, it shall not be lawful for the association suffering the same to pay out any of its notes, discount any notes or bills, or otherwise prosecute the business of banking, except to receive and safely keep money belonging to it, and to deliver special deposits. 148. (Sec. 5229.) Immediately upon declaring the bonds Notice to present of an association forfeited for nonpayment of its notes, circulation for the Comptroller shall give notice, in such manner as the redemption. Secretary of the Treasury shall, by general rules or other- wise direct, to the holders of the circulating notes of such association, to present them for payment at the Treasury of the United States; and the same shall be paid as presented in lawful money of the United States; where- upon the Comptroller may, in his discretion, cancel an amount of bonds pledged by such association equal at current market rates, not exceeding par, to the notes paid. 149. (Sec. 5230.) Whenever the Comptroller has become Bonds sold at satisfied, by the protest or the waiver and admission public auction. specified in section fifty-two hundred and twenty-six, or by the report provided for in section fifty-two hundred and twenty-seven, that any association has refused to pay its circulating notes, he may, instead of canceling its bonds, cause so much of them as may be necessary to redeem its outstanding notes to be sold at public auction 116 N. W. HALSEY & CO. in the city of New York, after giving thirty days* notice of such sale to the association. First lien for 150. (Sec. 5230.) For any deficiency in the proceeds of all redeeming the bonds of an association, when thus sold, to reimburse to the circulation. UjjJted States the amount expended in paying the circulating notes of the association, the United States shall have a paramount lien upon all its assets; and such deficiency shall be made good out of such assets in preference to any and all other claims whatsoever, except the necessary costs and expenses of administering the same. Bonds sold at 151. (Sec. 5231.) The Comptroller may, if he deems it private sale. £qj. ^jje interest of the United States, sell at private sale any of the bonds of an association shown to have made default in paying its notes, and receive therefor either money or the circulating notes of the association. But no such bonds shall be sold by private sale for less than par, nor for less than the market value thereof at the time of sale; and no sales of any such bonds, either public or private, shall be complete until the transfer of the bonds shall have been made with the formalities prescribed by sections fifty-one hundred and sixty-two, fifty-one hundred and sixty-three, and fifty-one hundred and sixty-four. Appointment 152. (Sec. 5234.) On becoming satisfied, as specified in sec- ana duties of tions fifty-two hundred and twenty-six and fifty-two hundred and receiver, twenty-seven, that any association has refused to pay its circulating notes as therein mentioned, and is in default, the Comptroller of the Currency may forthwith appoint a receiver, and require of him such bond and security as he deems proper. Such receiver, under the direction of the Comptroller, shall take possession of the books, records, and assets of every description of such association, collect all debts, dues, and claims belonging to it, and, upon the order of a court of record of competent jurisdiction, may sell or compound all bad or doubtful debts, and, on a like order, may sell all the real and personal property of such association, on such terms as the court shall direct; and may, if necessary to pay the debts of such association, enforce the individual liability of the stockholders. Such receiver shall pay over all money so made to the Treasurer of NATIONAL BANK ACT 117 the United States, subject to the order of the Comptroller, and also make report to the Comptroller of all his acts and proceedings. 153. Sec. 1 of the act of June 30, 1876, provides that when- When receiver ever any national banking association shall be dissolved, and its ^^^ Y^ rights, privileges, and franchises declared forfeited, as prescribed in section fifty-tw^o hundred and thirty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, or whenever any creditor of any national banking association shall have obtained a judgment against it in any court of record, and made application, accompanied by a certificate from the clerk of the court stating that such judgment has been rendered and has remained unpaid for the space of thirty days, or whenever the Comptroller shall become satisfied of the insolvency of the national banking association, he may, after due examination of its affairs, in either case, appoint a receiver, who shall proceed to close up such association, and enforce the personal liability of the shareholders, as provided in section fifty- two hundred and thirty-four of said statutes. A receiver may also be appointed, under the provisions of section fifty-two hundred and thirty-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States, for the following violations of law: Where the capital stock of a national bank has not been fully paid in and it is thus reduced below the legal minimum and remains so for thirty days. (Sec. 5141, R. S.) For failure to make good the lawful-money reserve within thirty days after notice. (Sec. 5191, R. S.) Where a bank purchases or acquires its own stock, to prevent loss upon a debt previously contracted in good faith, and the same is not sold or disposed of within six months from the time of its purchase. (Sec. 5201, R. S.) For failure to make good any impairment in its capital stock and refusing to go into liquidation within three months after receiving notice. (Sec. 5205, R. S.) For false certification of checks by any officer, clerk, or agent. (Sec. 5208, R. S.) 154. (Sec. 5235.) The Comptroller shall, upon appointing a (.f^JiiQ^^ qj receiver, cause notice to be given, by advertisement in such insolvent bankS' 118 N. W. HALSEY & CO. newspapers as he may direct, for three consecutive months, calHng on all persons who may have claims against such association to present the same and to make legal proof thereof. Distribution of 155. (Sec. 5236.) From time to time, after full provision has assets of been first made for refunding to the United States any deficiency msoLveni cantos. -^^ redeeming the notes of such association, the Comptroller shall make a ratable dividend of the money so paid over to him by such receiver on all such claims as may have been proved to his satisfaction or adjudicated in a court of competent jurisdiction, and, as the proceeds of the assets of such association are paid over to him, shall make further dividends on all claims previously proved or adjudicated; and the remainder of the proceeds, if any, shall be paid over to the shareholders of such association, or their legal representatives, in proportion to the stock by them respectively held. Expenses of 156. (Sec. 5238.) All fees for protesting the notes issued by Teceivership—- ^jjy national banking association shall be paid by the person ' procuring the protest to be made, and such association shall be liable therefor; but no part of the bonds deposited by such asso- ciation shall be applied to the payment of such fees. All expenses of any preliminary or other examinations into the condition of any association shall be paid by such association. All expenses of any receivership shall be paid out of the assets of such association before distribution of the proceeds thereof. Forfeiture of 157. (Sec. 5239.) If the directors of any national banking charter, association shall knowingly violate, or knowingly permit any of the officers, agents, or servants of the association to violate, any of the provisions of this Title, all the rights, privileges, and fran- chises of the association shall be thereby forfeited. Such violation shall, however, be determined and adjudged by a proper circuit, district, or Territorial court of the United States, in a suit brought for that purpose by the Comptroller of the Currency, in his own name, before the association shall be declared dissolved. Individual 158. (Sec. 5239.) And in cases of such violation every liability o/ director who participated in or assented to the same shall be held directors. jjj^Hjjg in his personal and individual capacity for all damages NATIONAL BANK ACT 119 which the association, its shareholders, or any other person shall have sustained in consequence of such violation. 159. The act of March 29, 1886, provides: (Sec. 1.) That Receiver ma\f whenever the receiver of any national bank duly appointed by the Purchase property Comptroller of the Currency, and who shall have duly qualified ° '^ ° ^^ and entered upon the discharge of his trust, shall find it in his opinion necessary, in order to fully protect and benefit his said trust, to the extent of any and all equities that such trust may have in any property, real or personal, by reason of any bond, mortgage, assignment, or other proper legal claim attaching thereto, and which said property is to be sold under any execution, decree of foreclosure, or proper order of any court of jurisdiction, he may certify the facts in the case, together with his opinion as to the value of the property to be sold and the value of the equity his said trust may have in the same, to the Comptroller of the Currency, together with a request for the right and authority to use and employ so much of the money of said trust as may be necessary to purchase such property at such sale. Sec. 2. That such request, if approved by the Comptroller of the Currency, shall be, together with the certificate of facts in the case and his recommendation as to the amount of money which in his judgment should be so used and employed, submitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, and if the same shall likewise be approved by him the request shall be by the Comptroller of the Currency allowed, and notice thereof, with copies of the request, certificate of facts, and indorsement of approvals, shall be filed with the Treasurer of the United States. Sec. 3. That whenever any such request shall be allowed as hereinbefore provided, the said Comptroller of the Currency shall be, and is, empowered to draw upon and from such funds of any such trust as may be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States for the benefit of the bank in interest to the amount as may be recommended and allowed and for the purpose for which such allowance was made: Provided, however. That all payments to be made for or on account of the purchase of any such property and under any such allowance shall be made by the Comptroller of the 120 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Currency direct, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, for such purpose only and in such manner as he may determine and order. Taxes on ] 60. The act of March 1, 1879, provides that whenever and .. II . after any bank has ceased to do business by reason of insolvency national banks . . , „ , i n i • i • remilied. '^^ bankruptcy no tax shall be assessed or collected, or paid mto the Treasury of the United States, on account of such bank, which shall diminish the assets thereof necessary for the full payment of all its depositors; and such tax shall be abated from such national banks as are found by the Comptroller of the Currency to be insolvent; and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, when the facts shall so appear to him, is authorized to remit so much of said tax against insolvent State and savings banks as shall be found to affect the claims of their depositors. Appointment and qualification of shareholders' agent. 161. Sec. 3 of the act of June 30, 1876, as amended by acts of August 3, 1892, and March 2, 1897, provides that whenever any association shall have been or shall be placed in the hands of a receiver, as provided in section fifty-two hundred and thirty- four and other sections of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and when, as provided in section fifty-two hundred and thirty-six thereof, the Comptroller of the Currency shall have paid to each and every creditor of such association, not including share- holders who are creditors of such association, whose claim or claims as such creditor shall have been proved or allowed as therein prescribed, the full amount of such claims, and all expenses of the receivership and the redemption of the circulating notes of such association shall have been provided for by depositing lawful money of the United States with the Treasurer of the United States, the Comptroller of the Currency shall call a meeting of the share- holders of such association by giving notice thereof for thirty days in a newspaper published in the town, city, or county where the business of such association was carried on, or if no newspaper is there published, in the newspaper published nearest thereto. At such meeting the shareholders shall determine whether the receiver shall be continued and shall wind up the affairs of such association, or whether an agent shall be elected for that purpose, and in so NATIONAL BANK ACT 121 determining the said shareholders shall vote by ballot, in person or by proxy, each share of stock entitling the holder to one vote, and the majority of the stock in value and number of shares shall be necessary to determine whether the said receiver shall be continued, or whether an agent shall be elected. In case such majority shall determine that the said receiver shall be continued, the said receiver shall thereupon proceed with the execution of his trust, and shall sell, dispose of, or otherwise collect the assets of the said association, and shall possess all the powers and authority, and be subject to all the duties and liabilities originally conferred or imposed upon him by his appointment as such receiver, so far as the same remain applicable. In case the said meeting shall, by the vote of a majority of the stock in value and number of shares, determine that an agent shall be elected, the said meeting shall thereupon proceed to elect an agent, voting by ballot, in person or by proxy, each share of stock entitling the holder to one vote, and the person who shall receive votes representing at least a majority of stock in value and number shall be declared the agent for the purposes hereinafter provided; and whenever any of the shareholders of the association shall, after the election of such agent, have executed and filed a bond to the satisfaction of the Comptroller of the Currency, conditioned for the payment and discharge in full of each and every claim that may hereafter be proved and allowed by and before a competent court, and for the faithful performance of all and singular the duties of such trust, the Comptroller and the receiver shall thereupon transfer and deliver to such agent all the undivided or uncollected or other assets of such association then remaining in the hands or subject to the order and control of said Comptroller and said receiver, or either of them; and for this purpose said Comptroller and said receiver are hereby severally empowered and directed to execute any deed, assignment, transfer, or other instrument in writing that may be necessary and proper; and upon the execution and delivery of such instrument to the said agent the said Comptroller and the said receiver shall by virtue of this act be discharged from any and all liabilities to such association and to each and all the creditors and shareholders thereof. 122 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Duties of 1 62. Sec. 3 of the act of June 30, 1 876, as amended by acts shareholders of August 3, 1892, and March 2, 1897, provides: Upon ^°^ ' receiving such deed, assignment, transfer, or other instrument, the person elected such agent shall hold, control, and dispose of the assets and property of such association which he may receive under the terms hereof for the benefit of the shareholders of such asso- ciation, and he may, in his own name, or in the name of such association, sue and be sued and do all other lawful acts and things necessary to finally settle and distribute the assets and prop- erty in his hands, and may sell, compromise, or compound the debts due to such association, with the consent and approval of the circuit or district court of the United States for the district where the business of such association was carried on, and shall at the conclusion of his trust render to such district or circuit court a full account of all his proceedings, receipts, and expenditures as such agent, which court shall, upon due notice, settle and adjust such accounts and discharge said agent and the sureties upon said bond. And in case any such agent so elected shall refuse to serve, or die, resign, or be removed, any shareholder may call a meeting of the shareholders of such association in the town, city, or village where the business of the said association was carried on, by giving notice thereof for thirty days in a newspaper published in said town, city, or village, or if no newspaper is there published, in the newspaper published nearest thereto, at which meeting the shareholders shall elect an agent, voting by ballot, in person or by proxy, each share of stock entitling the holder to one vote, and when such agent shall have received votes representing at least a majority of the stock in value and number of shares, and shall have executed a bond to the shareholders conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties, in the penalty fixed by the shareholders at said meeting, with two sureties, to be approved by a judge of a court of record, and file said bond in the office of the clerk of a court of record in the county where the business of said association was carried on, he shall have all the rights, powers, and duties of the agent first elected as hereinbefore provided. At any meeting held as hereinbefore provided administrators or executors of deceased shareholders may act and sign as the decedent NATIONAL BANK ACT 123 might have done if living, and guardians of minors and trustees of other persons may so act and sign for their ward or wards or cestui que trust. The proceeds of the assets or property of any such association which may be undistributed at the time of such meeting or may be subsequently received shall be distributed as follows : "First. To pay the expenses of the execution of the trust to the date of such payment. "Second. To repay any amount or amounts which have been paid in by any shareholder or shareholders of such association upon and by reason of any and all assessments made upon the stock of such association by the order of the Comptroller of the Currency in accordance with the provisions of the statutes of the United States ; and "Third. The balance ratably among such stockholders, in pro- portion to the number of shares held and owned by each. Such distribution shall be made from time to time as the proceeds shall be received and as shall be deemed advisable by the said Comp- troller or said agent." 163. (Sec. 5242.) All transfers of the notes, bonds, bills of m^goi preference exchange, or other evidences of debt owing to any national banking of creditors, association, or of deposits to its credit; all assignments of mort- gages, sureties on real estate, or of judgments or decrees in its favor; all deposits of money, bullion, or other valuable thing for its use, or for the use of any of its shareholders or creditors; and all payments of money to either, made after the commission of an act of insolvency, or in contemplation thereof, made with a view to prevent the application of its assets in the manner prescribed by this chapter, or with a view to the preference of one creditor to another, except in payment of its circulating notes, shall be utterly null and void. No attachment, injunction, or execution shall be issued against such association or its property before final judgment in any suit, action, or proceeding in any State, county, or municipal court. 164. Sec. 2 of the act of June 30, 1876, provides that when . . any national banking association shall have gone into liquidation shareholders. 124 N. W. HALSEY & CO. under the provisions of section five thousand two hundred and twenty of said statutes, the individual liability of the shareholders provided for by section fifty-one hundred and fifty-one of said statutes may be enforced by any creditor of such association, by bill in equity in the nature of a creditor's bill, brought by such creditor on behalf of himself and of all other creditors of the asso- ciation, against the shareholders thereof, in any court of the United States having original jurisdiction in equity for the district in which such association may have been located or established. Chapter Eight. CRIMES. JURISDICTION. ETC. Penalty for 165. (Sec. 5187.) No officer acting under the provisions of imp ope jjjjg Title shall countersign or deliver to any association, or to any countersigning . • i • i i i or deliverins ^"^^^ company or person, any circulatmg notes contemplated by circulation. ^^^ Title, except in accordance with the true intent and meaning of its provisions. Every officer who violates this section shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than double the amount so countersigned and delivered, and imprisoned not less than one year and not more than fifteen years. Penalty) for |66. (Sec. 5207.) No association shall hereafter offer or pledging United j-gceive United States notes or national-bank notes as security or otates notes or n . i -^ r i r r • 1 • banh cir I It n ^^ collateral security tor any loan or money, or for a consideration agree to withhold the same from use, or offer or receive the custody or promise of custody of such notes as security, or as collateral security, or consideration for any loan of money. Any association offending against the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars and a further sum equal to one-third of the money so loaned. The officer or officers of any association who shall make any such loan shall be liable for a further sum equal to one-quarter of the money loaned; and any fine or penalty incurred by a violation of this section shall be recoverable for the benefit of the party bringing such suit. Sec. 12 of the act of July 12, NATIONAL BANK ACT 125 1882, provides that the provisions of this section shall apply to the United States certificates of gold and silver coin. 167. (Sec. 5188.) It shall not be lawful to design, engrave. Penally for print, or in any manner make or execute, or to utter, issue, distribute, iniitatmg banii circulate, or use any business or professional card, notice, placard^ , ... ' I 1 11 11 1 • 111 -v I f advertising circular, handbill, or advertisement in the likeness or similitude or purpose*. any circulating note or other obligation or security of any banking association organized or acting under the laws of the United States which has been or may be issued under this Title, or any act of Congress, or to write, print, or otherwise impress upon any such note, obligation, or security any business or professional card, notice, or advertisement, or any notice or advertisement of any matter or thing whatever. Every person who violates this section shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars, recoverable one-half to the use of the informer. 168. (Sec. 5189.) Every person who mutilates, cuts, defaces. Penalty for disfigures, or perforates with holes, or unites or cements together, "i""'^"[i? or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt, issued by any national banking association, or who causes or procures the same to be done, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued by said association, shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars, recoverable by the association. 169. (Sec. 5415.) Every person who falsely makes, forges. Penalty for or counterfeits, or causes or procures to be made, forged, or counterfeiting counterfeited, or willingly aids or assists in falsely making, forging, ^ ^" ^ '*'"• or counterfeiting, any note in imitation of, or purporting to be in imitation of, the circulating notes issued by any banking association now or hereafter authorized and acting under the laws of the United States; or who passes, utters, or publishes, or attempts to pass, utter, or publish, any false, forged, or counterfeited note purporting to be issued by any such association doing a banking business, knowing the same to be falsely made, forged, or counter- feited, or who falsely alters, or causes or procures to be falsely altered, or willingly aids or assists in falsely altering any such 126 N. W. HALSEY & CO. circulating notes, or passes, utters, or publishes, or attempts to pass, utter, or publish as true, any falsely altered or spurious circulating note issue, or purporting to have been issued, by any such banking association, knowing the same to be falsely altered or spurious, shall be imprisoned at hard labor not less than five years nor more than fifteen years, and fined not more than one thousand dollars. What are 170. (Sec. 5413.) The v^ords "obligation or other security of ^ ofc(«ga'ions of ^^ Uj^jj^j States" shall be held to mean all bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national-bank currency, coupons. United States notes, Treasury notes, fractional notes, certificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States, stamps and other representatives of value, of what- ever denomination, which have been or may Ibe] issued under any act of Congress. Penalt\ffor 171. (Sec. 5430.) Every person having control, custody, or illegal possession of any plate, or any part thereof, from which has been ± I • 1 printed, or which may be prepared by direction of the Secretary use of material *^, , ' . , ... 1 1 •■ i for circulation, °f *"^ Treasury for the purpose of prmtmg, any obligation or other security of the United States, who uses such plate, or knowingly suffers the same to be used for the purpose of printing any such or similar obligation, or other security, or any part thereof, except as may be printed for use of the United States by order of the proper officer thereof; and every person who engraves, or causes or procures to be engraved, or assists in engraving, any plate in the likeness of any plate designed for the printing of such obligation or other security, or who sells any such plate, or who brings into the United States from any foreign place any such plate, except under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury or other proper officer, or with any other intent, in either case, than that such plate be used for the printing of the obligations or other securities of the United States; or who has in his control, custody, or possession any metallic plate engraved after the similitude of any plate from which any such obligation or other security has been printed, with intent to use such plate, or suffer the same to be used in forging or counterfeiting any such obligation or other security, or any part thereof; or who has in his possession or custody. NATIONAL BANK ACT 127 except under authority from the Secretary of the Treasury or other proper officer, any obligation or other security, engraved and printed after the simiHtude of any obHgation or other security issued under the authority of the United States, with intent to sell or otherwise use the same; and every person who prints, photographs, or in any other manner makes or executes, or causes to be printed, photographed, made, or executed, or aids in printing, photographing, making, or executing any engraving, photograph, print, or impression in the likeness of any such obligation or other security, or any part thereof, or who sells any such engraving, photograph, print, or impression, except to the United States, or who brings into the United States from any foreign place any such engraving photo- graph, print, or impression, except by direction of some proper officer of the United States, or who has or retains in his control or possession, after a distinctive paper has been adopted by the Secretary of the Treasury for the obligations and other securities of the United States, any similar paper adapted to the making of any such obligation or other security, except under the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury or some other proper officer of the United States, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by imprisonment at hard labor not more than fifteen years, or by both. 172. (Sec. 5431.) Every person who, with intent to defraud. Penalty for passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, P<^^^^8 ^ or sell, or brings into the United States with intent to pass, publish, • i •• utter, or sell, or keeps in possession or conceals, with like intent, any falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation, or other security of the United States, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars and by imprisonment at hard labor not more than fifteen years. 173. (Sec. 5432.) Every person who, without authority from Penalty for the United States, takes, procures, or makes, upon lead, foil, wax, '^^'"^ _ 1 , iL u I * • 1 • • unauthorized plaster, paper, or any other substance or material, an impression, . . /. f f II f III II impressions of stamp, or imprint or, from, or by the use or, any bedplate, bed- (qqI^^ piece, die, roll, plate, seal, type, or other tool, implement, instru- ment, or thing used or fitted, or intended to be used, in printing. 128 N. W. HALSEY & CO. stamping, or impressing, or in making other tools, implements, instruments, or things, to be used, or fitted or intended to be used, in printing, stamping, or impressing any kind or description of obHga- tion or other security of the United States, now authorized or hereafter to be authorized by the United States, or circulating note or evidence of debt of any banking association under the laws thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor not more than ten years, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or both. Penalty) for 1 74. (Sec. 5433.) Every person who, with intent to defraud, having such Jj^s J^ J^is possession, keeping, custody, or control, without authority '^ * from the United States, any imprint, stamp, or impression, taken or made upon any substance or material whatsoever, of any tool, implement, instrument, or thing used, or fitted, or intended to be used for any of the purposes mentioned in the preceding section; or who, with intent to defraud, sells, gives, or delivers any such imprint, stamp, or impression to any other person, shall be punished by imprison- ment at hard labor not more than ten years, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars. Penalty) for 175. (Sec. 5434.) Every person who buys, sells, exchanges, dealing m transfers, receives, or delivers any false, forged, counterfeited, or counterfeit ^i^gj-ed obligation or other security of the United States, or circu- lating note of any banking association organized or acting under the laws thereof, which has been or may hereafter be issued by virtue of any act of Congress, with the intent that the same be passed, published, or used as true and genuine, shall be imprisoned at hard labor not more than ten years, or fined not more than five thousand dollars, or both. Penalty for 1 76. (Sec. 5437.) In all cases where the charter of any cor- issuing poration which has been or may be created by act of Congress circutation ^^^ expired or may hereafter expire, if any director, officer, or • V- agent of the corporation, or any trustee thereof, or any agent of such trustee, or any person having in his possession or under his control the property of the corporation for the purpose of paying or redeeming its notes and obligations, knowingly issues, reissues, or utters as money, or in any other way knowingly puts in circulation any bill, note, check, draft, or other security purporting to have NATIONAL BANK ACT 129 been made by any such corporation whose charter has expired, or by any officer thereof, or purporting to have been made under authority derived therefrom, or if any person knowingly aids in any such act, he shall be punished by a line of not more than ten thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not less than one year nor more than five years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. But nothing herein shall be construed to make it unlawful for any person, not being such director, officer, or agent of the corporation, or any trustee thereof, or any agent of such trustee, or any person having in his possession or under his control the property of the corporation for the purpose hereinbefore set forth, who has received or may hereafter receive such bill, note, check, draft, or other security, bona fide and in the ordinary transactions of business, to utter as money and otherwise circulate the same. 1 n . (Sec. 5208.) It shall be unlawful for any officer, clerk, Fahe certification or agent of any national banking association to certify any check °f checl^s. drawn upon the association unless the person or company drawing the check has on deposit with the association, at the time such check is certified, an amount of money equal to the amount specified in such check. Any check so certified by duly authorized officers shall be a good and valid obligation against the association; but the act of any officer, clerk, or agent of any association, in violation of this section, shall subject such bank to the liabilities and proceedings on the part of the Comptroller as provided for in section fifty-two hundred and thirty-four. 1 78. Sec. 1 3 of the act of July 1 2, 1 882, provides that any Penalty) for officer, clerk, or agent of any national banking association who /^"^ certification shall willfully violate the provisions of section fifty-two hundred °' ^"^^'i^' and eight of the Revised Statutes of the United States, or who shall resort to any device, or receive any fictitious obligations, direct or collateral, in order to evade the provisions thereof, or who shall certify checks before the amount thereof shall have been regularly entered to the credit of the dealer upon the books of the banking association, shall be deemed guilty of a misdeamor an4 shall, on conviction thereof in any circut or district court of the United States, be fined not more than five thousand dollars, or shall be 130 N. W. HALSEY & CO. imprisoned not more ^an five years, or both, in the discretion of the court. Penaltv for ' ^^* (^EC. 5209.) Every president, director, cashier, teller, official clerk, or agent of any association who embezzles, abstracts, or malfeasance, willfully misapplies any of the moneys, funds, or credits of the association, or who, without authority from the directors, issues or puts in circulation any of the notes of the association; or who, without such authority, issues or puts forth any certificate of deposit, draws any order or bill of exchange, makes any acceptance, assigns any note, bond, draft, bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment, or decree; or who makes any false entry in any book, report, or statement of the association, with intent, in either case, to injure or defraud the association or any other company, body politic or corporate, or any individual person, or to deceive any officer of the association or any agent appointed to examine the affairs of any such association; and every person who with Hke intent aids or abets any officer, clerk, or agent in any violation of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be imprisoned not less than five years nor more than ten. Jurisdiction of '®0- (Sec. 629.) The circuit courts shall have original circuit courts jurisdiction of all suits brought by any banking association to enjom established in the district for which the court is held, under Comptroller, jj^^ provisions of Title "The NATIONAL Banks," to enjoin the Comptroller of the Currency, or any receiver acting under his direction, as provided by said Title. General '^'* ^ec. 4 of the act of July 12, 1882, provides that the jurisdiction of jurisdiction for suits hereafter brought by or against any association national-bank established under any law providing for national banking associa- *^^"* tions, except suits between them and the United States or its officers and agents, shall be the same as, and not other than, the jurisdiction for suits by or against banks not organized under any law of the United States which do or might do banking business where such national banking associations may be doing business when such suits may be begun. And all laws and parts of laws of the United States inconsistent with this proviso be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 4 of the act of March NATIONAL BANK ACT 131 3, 1887, provides that all national banking associations established under the laws of the United States shall, for the purposes of all actions by or against them, real, personal, or mixed, and all suits in equity, be deemed citizens of the States in which they are respectively located; and in such cases the circuit and district courts shall not have jurisdiction other than such as they would have in cases between individual citizens of the same State. The provisions of this section shall not be held to afFect the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States in cases commenced by the , United States or by direction of any officer thereof, of cases for winding up the affairs of any such bank. 182. (Sec. 884.) Every certificate, assignment, and conveyance Sealed executed by the Comptroller of the Currency, in pursuance of law, ^"""J^^^^^^ oj and sealed with his seal of office, shall be received in evidence in competent all places and courts; and all copies of papers in his office, evidence. certified by him and authenticated by the said seal, shall in all cases be evidence equally with the originals. An impression of such seal directly on the paper shall be as vaUd as if made on wax or wafer. 183. (Sec. 885.) Copies of the organization certificate of any Certified cop]} of national banking association, duly certified by the Comptroller of ^'^Sf^/^^zation the Currency and authenticated by his seal of office, shall be • j evidence in all courts and places within the jurisdiction of the United States of the existence of the association and of every matter which could be proved by the production of the original certificate. 184. (Sec. 380.) All suits and proceedings arising out of Suits against the provisions of law governing national banking associations, ^"''S" otates in which the United States or any of its officers or agents shall ''^''^" '"' ''^^"^' be parties, shall be conducted by the district attorneys of the several districts under the direction and supervision of the Solicitor of the Treasury. 185. Sec. 31 of the Act of May 2, 1890, provides that all laws /nt/wn Territory, relating to national banking associations shall have the same force and effect in Indian Territory as elsewhere in the United States. 132 N. W. HALSEY 6- CO. Chapter Nine. TRUST COMPANIES. ETC.. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Provision for 1 86. The act of October 1 . 1 890. sec. I . provides that organization, corporations may be formed within the District of Columbia for the purposes hereinafter mentioned in the following manner: Any time hereafter any number of natural persons, citizens of the United States, not less than twenty-five, may associate them- selves together to form a company for the purpose of carrying on in the District of Columbia any one of the three classes of business herein specified, to wit: First. A safe deposit, trust, loan, and mortgage business. Second. A title insurance, loan, and mortgage business. Third. A security, guaranty, indemnity, loan, and mortgage business: Provided, That the capital stock of any of said companies shall not be less than one million of dollars: Provided further. That any of said companies may also do a storage business when their capital stock amounts to the sum of not less than one million two hundred thousand dollars. Organization 187. (Sec. 2.) That such persons shall, under their hands certificate of and seals, execute, before some officer in said District competent company, j^ jj^j^g j|^g acknowledgment of deeds, an organization certificate, which shall specifically state — Title. First. The name of the corporation. Purposes. Second. The purposes for which it is formed. Period of Third. The term for which it is to exist, which shall not exceed existence, t^g term of fifty years, and be subject to alteration, amendment, or repeal by Congress at any time. Officers. Fourth. The number of its directors, and the names and residences of the officers who for the first year are to manage the affairs of the company. Capital stock. Fifth. The amount of the capital stock and its subdivision into shares. NATIONAL BANK ACT 133 188. (Sec. 3.) That this certificate shall be presented to Charter obtained the Commissioners of the District, who shall have power and f^°^ district discretion to grant or to refuse to said persons a charter of incorpora- commissjone s. tion upon the terms set forth in the said certificate and the provisions of this act. 189. (Sec. 4.) That previous to the presentation of the said Notice of certificate to the said Commissioners notice of the intention to '"'enfion to apply apply for such charter shall be inserted in two newspapers of general circulation printed in the District of Columbia at least four times a week for three weeks, setting forth briefly the name of the proposed company, its character and object, the names of the proposed corporators, and the intention to make application for a charter on a specified day, and the proof of such publica- tion shall be presented with said certificate when presentation thereof is made to said Commissioners. 190. (Sec. 5.) That if the charter be granted as aforesaid Charter filed it, together with the certificate of the Commissioners granting ^^""^^corder of the same indorsed thereon, shall be filed for record in the office ?• , • . of the recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia, and shall be recorded by him. On the filing of the said certificate with the said recorder of deeds as herein provided, approved as aforesaid by the said Commissioners, the persons named therein and their successors shall thereupon and thereby be and become a body corporate and politic, and as such shall be vested with all the powers and charged with all the liabilities conferred upon and imposed by this act upon companies organized under the provisions hereof: Provided, however. That no corporation created and organized under the provisions hereof, or availing itself of the pro- visions hereof as provided in section eleven, shall be authorized to transact the business of a trust company, or any business of a fiduciary character, until it shall have filed with the Comptroller of the Currency a copy of its certificate of organization and charter and shall have obtained from him and filed the same for record with the said recorder of deeds a certificate that the capital stock of said company has been paid in and the deposit of securities made with said Comptroller in the manner and to the extent required by this act. 134 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Trust companies ^91. (Sec. 6.) That all companies organized hereunder, or under which shall under the provisions hereof become entitled to transact Comptroller s ^^ business of a trust company, shall report to the Comptroller of ^ * the Currency in the manner prescribed by sections fifty-two hundred and eleven, fifty-two hundred and twelve, and fifty-two hundred and thirteen. Revised Statutes of the United States, in the case of national banks, and all acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, and with similar provisions for compensating examiners, and shall be subject to like penalties for failure to do so. The Comptroller shall have and exercise the same visitorial powers over the affairs of the said corporation as is conferred upon him by section fifty-two hundred and forty of the Revised Statutes of the United States in the case of national banks. He shall also have power, when in his opinion it is necessary, to take possession of any such company for the reasons and in the manner and to the same extent as are provided in the laws of the United States with respect to national banks. Pollers of these 192. (Sec. 7.) That all companies organized under this act companies, are hereby declared to be corporations possessed of the powers and functions of corporations generally, and shall have power — Contracts. First. To make contracts. Suits. Second. To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in any court as fully as natural persons. Seal. Third. To make and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure. Loans. Fourth, To loan money. Special powers. Fifth. When organized under subdivision one of the first section of this act to accept and execute trusts of any and every description which may be committed or transferred to them, and to accept the office and perform the duties of a receiver, assignee, executor, adminis- trator, guardian of the estates of minors, with the consent of the guar- dian of the person of such minor, and committee of the estates of lunatics and idiots whenever any trusteeship or any such office or appointment is committed or transferred to them, with their consent, by any person, body politic or corporate, or by any court in the District NATIONAL BANK ACT 135 of Columbia, and all such companies organized under the first sub- division of section one of this act are further authorized to accept deposits of money for the purposes designated herein upon such terms as may be agreed upon from time to time with depositors, and to act as agent for the purpose of issuing or countersigning the bonds or obligations of any corporation, association, munici- pality, or State, or other public authority, and to receive and manage any sinking fund on any such terms as may be agreed upon, and shall have power to issue its debenture bonds upon deeds of trust or mortgages of real estate to a sum not exceeding the face value of said deeds of trust or mortgages, and which shall not exceed fifty per centum of the fair cash value of the real estate covered by said deeds or mortgages, to be ascertained by the Comptroller of the Currency. But no debenture bonds shall be issued until the securities on which the same are based have been placed in the actual possession of the trustee named in the debenture bonds, who shall hold said securities until all of said bonds are paid; and when organized under the second subdivision of the first section of this act said company is authorized to insure titles to real estate and to transact generally the business mentioned in said subdivision; and when organized under the third subdivision of section one of this act said company is hereby authorized, in addition to the loan and mortgage business therein mentioned, to secure, guaranty, and insure individuals, bodies politic, associations, and corporations against loss by or through trustees, agents, servants, or employees, and to guaranty the faithful performance of contracts and of obligations of whatever kind entered into by or on the part of any person or persons, association, corporation or corporations, and against loss of every kind: Provided, That any corporation formed under the provisions of this act when acting as trustee shall be liable to account for the amounts actually earned by the moneys held by it in trust in addition to the principal so held; but such corporation may be allowed a reasonable compensation for services performed in the care of the trust estate. 193. (Sec. 8.) That in all cases in which application shall Competent to be made to any court in the District of Columbia, or wherever °^^ *" trustee, etc. 136 N. W. HALSEY & CO. it becomes necessary or proper for said court to appoint a trustee, receiver, administrator, guardian of the estate of a minor, or com- mittee of the estate of a lunatic, it shall and may be lawful for said court (but without prejudice to any preference in the order of any such appointments required by existing law) to appoint any such company organized under the first subdivision of section one of this act, with its assent, such trustee, receiver, administrator, committee, or guardian, with the consent of the guardian of the person of such minor: Provided, however. That no court or judge who is an owner of or in any manner financially interested in the stock or business of such corporation shall commit by order or decree to any such corporation any trust or fiduciary duty. Qualifications of 194. (Sec. 9.) That whenever any corporation operating under such trustee, etc. this act shall be appointed such trustee, executor, administrator, receiver, assignee, guardian, or committee as aforesaid, the presi- dent, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer of said company shall take the oath or affirmation now required by law to be made by any trustee, executor, receiver, assignee, guardian, or committee. Security for 195. (Sec. 10.) That when any court shall appoint the faithful said company a trustee, receiver, administrator, or such guardian, perjormance ^^ committee, or shall order the deposit of money or other valuables with said company, or where any individual or corporation shall appoint any of said companies a trustee, executor, assignee, or such guardian, the capital stock of said company subscribed for or taken, and all property owned by said company, together with the liability of the stockholders and officers as herein provided, shall be taken and considered as the security required by law for the faithful performance of its duties, and shall be absolutely liable in case of any default whatever. Privileges ^^^- (Sec. 11.) That any safe deposit company, trust com- extended to pany, surety or guaranty company, or title-insurance company existing now incorporated and operating under the laws of the United corporations, states or of the District of Columbia, or any of the States, and now doing business in said District, may avail itself of the provisions of this act on the filing in the office of the recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia, or with the Comptroller of the Currency, NATIONAL BANK ACT 137 a certificate of its intention to do so, which certificate shall specify which one of the three classes of business set out in section one it will carry on, and shall be verified by the oath of its president to the effect that it has in every respect complied with the require- ments of existing law, especially with the provisions of this act; that its capital stock is paid in as provided in section twenty-one of this act and is not impaired, and thereafter such company may exercise all powers and perform all duties authorized by any one of the subdivisions of section one of this act in addition to flie powers now lawfully exercised by such company. 197. (Sec. 12.) That any company operating under this ^^^ ffenl estate may lease, purchase, hold, and convey real estate, not exceeding in value five hundred thousand dollars, and such in addition as it may acquire in satisfaction of debts due the corporation, under sales, decrees, judgments, and mortgages. But no such association shall hold the possession of any real estate under foreclosure of mort- gage, or the title and possession of any real estate purchased to secure any debts due to it, for a longer period than five years. 198. (Sec. 13.) That the charters for incorporations named J" pg^.'^ J ^f this act may be made perpetual, or may be limited in time by corporations' their provisions, subject to the approval of Congress. existence. rovisions 199. (Sec. 14.) That the capital stock of every such company p shall be at least one million dollars, and at least fifty per centum relating to thereof must have been paid in, in cash or by the transfer of assets capital stock- as hereinafter provided in section twenty-one of this act, before any such company shall be entitled to transact business as a corporation, except with its own members, and before any company organized hereunder shall be entitled to transact the business of a trust company, or to become and act as an administrator, executor, guardian of the estate of a minor, or undertake any other kindred fiduciary duty, it shall deposit, either in money or in bonds, mortgages, deed of trust, or other securities equal in actual value to one-fourth of the capital stock paid in, with the Comptroller of the Currency, to be kept by him upon the trust and for the purposes hereinafter provided; and the said Comptroller may from time to time require an additional deposit from any such 138 N. W. HALSEY & CO. company, to be held upon and for the same trust and purposes, not exceeding, however, in value one-half the paid-in capital stock; and the said Comptroller shall not issue to any corporation the certificate heretofore provided for until said deposit with him of securities required by this section. Within one year after the organization of any corporation under the provisions of this act, or after any corporation heretofore existing shall have availed itself of the powers and rights given by this act in the manner herein provided for, its entire capital stock shall have been paid in. Enforcement of 200. (Sec. 15.) That the capital stock of every such com- '^ , pany shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. It shall be lawful for such company to call for and demand from the stockholders, respectively, all sums of money by them sub- scribed, at such time and in such proportions as its board of directors shall deem proper, within the time specified in section fourteen, and it may enforce payment by all remedies provided by law; and if any stockholder shall refuse or neglect to pay any installment as required by a resolution of the board of directors, after thirty days' notice of the same, the said board of directors may sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, so many shares of said stock as shall pay said installment, under such general regulations as may be adopted in the by-laws of said company, and the highest bidder shall be taken to be the person who offers to purchase the least number of shares for the assessment due. Annual report of 201. (Sec. 16.) That every such company shall annually, Comptroller. ^itJ^Jn twenty days after the first of January of each year, make a report to the Comptroller of the Currency, which shall be published in a newspaper in the District, which shall state the amount of capital and of the proportion actually paid, the amount of debts, and the gross earnings for the year ending December thirty-first then next previous, together with their expenses, which report shall be signed by the president and a majority of the directors or trustees, and shall be verified by the oath of the president, secretary, and at least three of the directors or trustees. Tax on gross 202. (Sec. 16.) And said company shall pay to the District of Columbia, in lieu of personal taxes for each next ensuing year. NATIONAL BANK ACT 139 one and a half per centum of its gross earnings for the preceding year, shown by said verified statement, which amount shall be payable to the collector of taxes at the times and in the manner that other taxes are payable. 203. (Sec. 17.) That if any company fails to comply with ^iabilit]) for the provisons of the preceding section, all the directors or trustees '^ * of such company shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the company then existing, and for all that shall be contracted before such report shall be made: Provided, That in case of failure of the company in any year to comply with the provisions of section sixteen of this act, and any of the directors shall, on or before January fifteenth of such year, file his written request for such compliance with the secretary of the company, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia, such director shall be exempt from the liability prescribed in this section. 204. (Sec. 18.) That any willful false swearing in regard Perjury and to any certificate or report or public notice required by the pro- 'O^'cen];. visions of this act shall be perjury, and shall be punished as such according to the laws of the District of Columbia. And any misappropriation of any of the money of any corporation or com- pany formed under this act, or any money, funds, or property intrusted to it, shall be held to be larceny, and shall be punished as such under the laws of said District 205. (Sec. 19.) That the stock of such company shall be Transfer of stoc^. deemed personal estate, and shall be transferable only on the books of such company in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of the company; but no shares shall be transferable until all previous calls thereon shall have been fully paid, and the said stock shall not be taxable, in the hands of individual owners, the tax on the capital stock, gross earnings of the company herein- before provided being in lieu of other personal tax. All certificates of the stock of any company organized under this act shall show upon their face the par value of each share and the amount paid thereon. 140 N. W. HAL5EY & CO. Liabilit}) of 206. (Sec. 20.) That all stockholders of every company stockholders, incorporated under this act, or availing itself of its provisions under section eleven, shall be severally and individually liable to the creditors of such company to an amount equal to and in addition to the amount of stock held by them, respectively, for all debts and contracts made by such company. Mone^ 207. (Sec. 21.) That nothing but money shall be considered payment of as payment of any part of the capital stock, except that in the capital stoc^ ^.j^gg ^f ^^y company now doing business in the District of Columbia in any of the classes herein provided for, or under any act of Congress or by virtue of the laws of any of the States, and which company has actually received full payment in money of at least fifty per centum of the capital stock required by this act and which company desires to obtain a charter under this act, all the assets or property may be received and considered as money, at a value to be appraised and fixed by the Comptroller of the Currency: Provided, That all such assets and property are also transferred to and are thereafter owned by the company organized under this act. Number and 208. (Sec. 22.) That the stock, property, and concerns of such election of company shall be managed by not less than nine nor more than directors, thirty directors or trustees, who shall, respectively, be stockholders and at least one-half residents and citizens of the District of Columbia, and shall, except the first year, be annually elected by the stockholders at such time and place and after such published notice as shall be determined by the by-laws of the company, and said directors or trustees shall hold until their successors are elected and qualified. Appointment of 209. (Sec. 23.) That there shall be a president of the officers, company, who shall be a director, also a secretary and a treasurer, all of whom shall be chosen by the directors or trustees: Provided, That only one of the above-named offices shall be held by the same person at the same time. Subordinate officers may be appointed by the directors or trustees, and all such officers may be required to give such security for the faithful performance of the duties of their office as the directors or trustees may require. NATIONAL BANK ACT Ml^ 210. (Sec. 24.) That the directors or trustees shall have By-Laws. power to make such by-laws as they deem proper for the manage- ment or disposal of the stock and business affairs of such company, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, and prescribing the duties of officers and servants that may be employed, for the appointment of all officers, and for carrying on all kinds of business within the objects and purposes of such company. 211. (Sec. 25.) That if the directors or trustees of any Directors' liable for pa})me\ unearned dividends. company shall declare or pay any dividend, the payment of /o'' pa})ment of which would render it insolvent, or which would create a debt ""^^''"^ against such company, they shall be jointly and severally liable as guarantors for all of the debts of the company then existing, and for all that shall be thereafter contracted, while they shall, respectively, remain in office. 212. (Sec. 26.) That if any of the directors or trustees shall Directors' object to declaring of such dividend or the payment of the same, liability may be and shall at any time before the time fixed for the payment thereof °^°'"^"* file a certificate of their objection in writing with the secretary of the company and with the recorder of deeds of the District they shall be exempt from liability prescribed in the preceding section. 213. (Sec. 27.) That if the liabilities of any company shall Responsibility of at any time exceed the amount of the fair cash value of the assets, directors for the directors or trustees of such company assenting thereto shall ^^'-^^^ "^ ' ' '^*' be personally and individually liable for such excess to the creditors of the company after the additional liabiHty of the stockholders has been enforced. jr 214. (Sec. 28.) That no person holding stock in such company Trustee, etc. as executor, administrator, guardian, or trustee shall be personally not liable on subject to any liability as stockholder of such company, but the ^'oc/f assessment. estate and funds in the hands of such executor, administrator, guardian, or trustee shall be liable in like manner and to the same extent as the testator or intestate or the ward or the person interested in such trust fund would have been if he had been living and competent to act and hold the stock in his own name. 142 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Increase of 215. (Sec. 29.) That any corporation which may be formed capital, under this chapter may increase its capital stock by complying with the provisions of this chapter to any amount which may be deemed sufficient and proper for the purposes of the corporation. Certified copy 216. (Sec. 30.) That a copy of any certificate of incorpora- 0/ incorporation jjon filed in pursuance of this chapter, certified by the recorder ^ of deeds to be a true copy and the whole of such certificate, evidence ^^^^^ ^ received in all courts and places as presumptive legal evidence of the facts therein stated. No bond or 217. (Sec. 31.) That no bond or other collateral security, other security except as hereinafter stated, shall be required from any trust fj. f • company incorporated under this act for or in respect to any trust, nor when appointed trustee, guardian, receiver, executor, or administrator, with or without the will annexed, committee of the estate of a lunatic or idiot, or other fiduciary appointment; but the capital stock subscribed for or taken, and all property owned by said company and the amount for which said stockholders shall be liable in excess of their stock, shall be taken and considered as the security required by law for the faithful performance of its duties and shall be absolutely liable in case of any default whatever; and in case of the insolvency or dissolution of said company the debts due from the said company as trustee, guardian, receiver, exectuor, or administrator, committee of the estate of lunatics, idiots, or any other fiduciary appointment, shall have a preference. District supreme 218. (Sec. 32.) That the supreme court of the District of court has Columbia, or any justice thereof, shall have power to make orders jurisdiction of tust companies. respecting such company whenever it shall have been appointed trustee, guardian, receiver, executor, or administrator, with or with- out the will annexed, committee of the estate of a lunatic, idiot, or any other fiduciary, and require the said company to render all accounts which might lawfully be made or required by any court or any justice thereof if such trustee, guardian, receiver, executor, administrator, with or without the will annexed, committee of the estate of a lunatic or idiot, or fiduciary were a natural person. And said court, or any justice thereof, at any time, on application NATIONAL BANK ACT 143 of any person interested, may appoint some suitable person to examine into the afiairs and standing of such companies, who shall make a full report thereof to the court, and said court, or any justice thereof, may at any time, in its discretion, require of said company a bond with sureties or other securities for the faithful performance of its obligations, and such sureties or other security shall be liable to the same extent and in the same manner as if given or pledged by a natural person. 219. (Sec. 33.) That no corporation or company organized All similar by virtue of the laws of any of the States of this Union and having district its principal place of business within the District of Columbia, ^°J"PO''''|'o^ shall carry on, in the District of Colimfibia, any of the kinds of ^^^ business named in this act without strict compliance in all particulars with the provisions of this act for the government of such corpora- tions formed under it, and each one of the officers of the corpora- tion or company so offending shall be punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in some State's prison not exceeding one year, or by both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. This section shall not take e^ect till six months after the approval of this acL 220. (Sec. 34.) That Congress may at any time alter, amend. Provisions for or repeal this act, but any such amendment or repeal shall not, nor amendment. shall the dissolution of any company formed under this act, take away or impair any remedy given against such corporation, its stockholders or officers, for any liability or penalty which shall have been previously incurred: Provided, That the courts of the District of Columbia shall not have power to appoint any trustee, trustees, guardians, receivers, or other trustee of a fund or property located outside of the District of Columbia, or belonging to a corporation or person having a legal residence or location outside of said District. 144 N. W. HALSEY 6- CO. Chapter Ten. SAVINGS BANKS. ETC.. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. INCORPORATION OF SAVINGS BANKS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 'An Act to Establish a Code of Law for the District of Columbia," Approved March Third, Nineteen Hun- dred AND One, as Amended by the Acts Approved January Thirty-first and June Thirtieth, Nineteen Hundred and Two. Chapters XVIII. Subchapter IV. Sec. 605. Provision for 221. "Any three or more persons who desire to form a company organuation. f^j jj^g purpose of carrying on any enterprise or business which may be lawfully conducted by an individual, excepting banks of circulation or discount (corporations to buy, sell, or deal with real property), railroads, and such other enterprise or business as may be otherwise specially provided for in this code, may make, sign, and acknowledge, before some officer competent to take the acknowledgment of deeds, and file in the office of the recorder of deeds a certificate in writing: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be held to authorize the organization of corpora- tions to buy, sell, or deal in real estate, except corporations to transact the business ordinarily carried on by real-estate agents or brokers." Report to be 222. (Sec. 713.) All savings banks or savings companies or made fo institutions organized under authority of any act of Congress to Comptroller. ^Q business in the District of Columbia shall be, and are hereby, required to make to the Comptroller of the Currency, and publish, all the reports which national banking associations are required to make and publish under the provisions of sections fifty-two hundred and eleven, fifty-two hundred and twelve, and fifty-two hundred and thirteen of the Revised Statutes, and shall be subject to the same penalties for failure to make or publish such reports as are therein provided, which penalties may be collected by suit before NATIONAL BANK ACT 145 the supreme court of the District of Columbia. — ^Act of June 30, 1902. 223. (Sec. 714.) The Comptroller of the Currency, in addition Comptroller to the powers now conferred upon him by law for the examination authorized to of national banks, is hereby further authorized, whenever he may fi*^'"'"** deem it useful, to cause examination to be made into the condition of any bank in the District of Columbia organized under act of Congress. The Comptroller, at his discretion, may report to Congress the results of such examination. The expenses necessarily incurred in the execution of this section shall be paid out of any appropriation made by Congress for special bank examinations. An Act to amend sections seren hundred and thirteen and seven hundred and fourteen of "An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia," approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, as amended by the Acts approved January thirty>first and June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, and for other purposes. 224. Be it enacted b^ the Senate and House of Representatives Amendments of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That to law. sections seven hundred and thirteen and seven hundred and fourteen of an Act entitled "An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia," approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, as amended by the Acts approved January thirty-first and June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, are hereby amended so as, respectively, to read as follows: "Sec. 713. All savings banks, or savings companies, or trust companies, or other banking institutions, organized under authority of any Act of Congress to do business in the District of Columbia, or organized by virtue of the laws of any of the States of this Union, and having an office or banking house located within the District of Columbia where deposits or savings are received, shall be, and are hereby, required to make to the Comptroller of the Currency and to publish all the reports which national banking associations are required to make and publish under the provisions of sections fifty-two hundred and eleven, fifty-two hundred and twelve, and fifty-two hundred and thirteen of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and shall be subject to the same penalties 146 N. W. HALSEY & CO. for failure to make such reports as are therein provided, which penalties may be collected by suit before the supreme court of the District of Columbia. And the Comptroller shall have power, when in his opinion it is necessary, to take possession of any such bank or company, for the reasons and in the manner and to the same extent as are provided in the laws of the United States with respect to national banks: Provided, horvever. That banking institutions having offices or banking houses in foreign countries as well as in the District of Columbia shall only be required to make and publish the reports provided for in this section semi-annually: And provided further. That all publications authorized or required by said section fifty-two hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes, and all other publications authorized or required by existing law to be made in the District of Columbia, shall be printed in two or more daily newspapers of general circulation, published in the City of Washington, one of which shall be a morning newspaper. "Sec. 714. The Comptroller of the Currency, in addition to the powers now conferred upon him by law for the examination of national banks, is hereby further authorized, whenever he may deem it useful, to cause examination to be made into the condition of any bank mentioned in the preceding section. The expense of such examination shall be paid in the manner provided by section fifty-two hundred and forty of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the examination of national banks." Approved, June 25, 1906. Chapter Eleven. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARIES. Designation and 225. (Sec. 5153, as amended by the act of March 4, 1907.) duties of public p^\ national banking associations, designated for that purpose by eposi a les. ^^ Secretary of the Treasury, shall be depositaries of public money, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary; and they may also be employed as financial agents of the Govern- ment; and they shall perform all such reasonable duties, as depositaries of public money and financial agents of the Government, NATIONAL BANK ACT 147 as may be required of them. The Secretary of the Treasury shall require the associations thus designated to gire satisfactory security, by the deposit of United States bonds and otherwise, for the safe-keeping and prompt payment of the public money deposited with them, and for the faithful performance of their duties as financial agents of the Government: Provided, That the Secretary shall, on or before the first of January of each year, make a public statement of the securities required during that year for such deposits. And every association so designated as receiver or depositary of the public money shall take and receive at par all of the national currency bills, by whatever association issued, which have been paid into the Government for internal revenue, or for loans or stocks: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall distribute the deposits herein provided for, as far as practicable, equitably between the different States and sections. 226. (Sec. 3620.) It shall be the duty of every disbursing ^5^°"' ^"f officer having any public money intrusted to him for disbursement ^ i ;• to deposit the same with the Treasurer or some one of the assistant treasurers of the United States, and to draw from the same only as it may be required for payments to be made by him in pursuance of law; and draw from the same only in favor of the persons to whom payment is made, and all transfers from the Treasurer of the United States to a disbursing officer shall be by draft or warrant on the Treasurer or assistant treasurer of the United States. In places, however, where there is no Treasurer or assistant treasurer, the Secretary of the Treasury may, when he deems it essential to the public interest, specially authorize in writing the deposit of such public money in any other public depositary, or, in writing, authorize the same to be kept in any other manner and under such rules and regulations as he may deem most safe and effectual to facilitate the payments to public creditors. 227. (Sec. 3847.) Any postmaster, having public money ^^°^^^j°^fo^ belonging to the Government, at an office within a county where ^J!i^:„ there are no designated depositaries, treasurers of mints, or Treasurer postmasters. or assistant treasurers of the United States may deposit the same, at his own risk and in his official capacity, in any national bank in the 148 N. W. HALSEY & CO. town, city, or county where the said postmaster resides; but no authority or permission is or shall be given for the demand or receipt by the postmaster, or any other person, of interest, directly or indirectly, on any deposit made as herein described; and every postmaster who makes any such deposit shall report quarterly to the Postmaster-General the name of the bank where such deposits have been made, and also state the amount which may stand at the time to his credit. Penaltv for 228. (Sec. 4046.) Every postmaster, assistant, clerk, or other misapplication of person employed in or connected with the business or operations mone^-order ^f ^ny money-order office who converts to his own use, in any way Jun s. ^i^j^jgygr^ Qj loans, or deposits in any bank, except as authorized by this Title, or exchanges for other funds, any portion of the money-order funds, shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement, and any such person, as well as every other person advising or partici- pating therein, shall, for every such offense, be imprisoned for not less than six months nor more than ten years, and be fined in a sum equal to the amount embezzled; and any failure to pay over or produce any money-order funds intrusted to such person shall be taken to be prima facie evidence of embezzlement; and upon the trial of any indictment against any person for such embezzlement it shall be prima facie evidence of a balance against him to produce a transcript from the money-order account books of the Sixth Auditor. But nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit any postmaster depositing, under the direction of the Post- master-General, in a national bank designated by the Secretary of the Treasury for that purpose, to his own credit as postmaster, any money-order or other funds in his charge, nor prevent his negotiating drafts or other evidences of debt through such bank, or through United States disbursing officer, or otherwise, when instructed or required to do so by the Postmaster-General for the purpose of remitting surplus money-order funds from one post- office to another, to be used in pa3Tnent of money-orders. Dis- bursing officers of the United States shall issue, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, duplicates of lost checks drawn by them in favor of any postmaster on account NATIONAL BANK ACT 149 of money-order or other public funds received by them from some other postmaster. 229. (Sec. 5488.) Every disbursing officer of the United Penalt}f for States who deposits any public money intrusted to him in any tinauihorized place or in any manner, except as authorized by law, or converts ^P^^' °' "" to his own use in any way whatever, or loans with or without interest, or for any purpose not prescribed by law withdraws from the Treasurer or any assistant treasurer, or any authorized depos- itary, or for any purpose not prescribed by law transfers or applies any portion of the public money intrusted to him, is, in every such act, deemed guilty of an embezzlement of the money so deposited, converted, loaned, withdrawn, transferred, or appHed; and shall be punished by imprisonment with hard labor for a term not less than one year nor more than ten years, or by a fine of not more than the amount embezzled or less than one thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 230. (Sec. 5497.) Every banker, broker, or other person not Penalty jot an authorized depositary of public moneys, who knowingly receives unauthorized from any disbursing officer, or collector of internal revenue, or other '"^ccipf or use of agent of the United States, any public money on deposit, or by '^ ^' way of loan or accommodation, with or without interest, or other- wise than in payment of a debt against the United States, or who uses, transfers, converts, appropriates, or applies any portion of the public money for any purpose not prescribed by law, and every president, cashier, teller, director, or other officer of any bank or banking association, who violates any of the provisions of this section, is guilty of an act of embezzlement of the public money so deposited, loaned, transferred, used, converted, appropriated, or applied, and shall be punished as prescribed in section fifty-four hundred and eighty-eight. 150 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Chapter Twelve. MISCELLANEOUS. Legal tender 231. The following statement concerning the legal-tender prop- and laivful erties of money of the United States is based upon United States mone\). Revised Statutes, sections 3585, 3586, 3587, 3588, 3589, and 3590, and the acts amendatory thereof and additional thereto: Gold coin, standard silver dollars, subsidiary silver, minor coins, United States notes, and Treasury notes of 1 890 have the legal- tender quality as follow^s: Gold coin is legal tender for its nominal value vs^hen not below the limit of tolerance in weight; when below that limit it is legal tender in proportion to its weight; standard silver dollars and Treasury notes of 1890 are legal tender for all debts, public and private, except where otherwise expressly stipu- lated in the contract; subsidiary silver is legal tender to the extent of $ 1 0, minor coins to the extent of 25 cents, and United States notes for all debts, public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt. Gold certificates, silver certificates, and national-bank notes are nonlegal-tender money. Both kinds of certificates, however, are receivable for all public dues, and national-bank notes are receivable for all public dues except duties on imports, and may be paid out for all public dues, except interest on the public debt. The term "lawful money" is understood to apply to every form of money which is endowed by law with the legal-tender quality. (See Opinions of Attorneys-General, vol. 17, p. 123.) Currency Act of March 14, 1900 An Act to Define and Fix the Standard of Value, to Maintain the Parity of All Forms of Money Issued OR Coined by the United States, to Refund the Public Debt, and for Other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Dollar standard United States of America in Congress assembled. That the dollar """ , r r 11 1 f 1 1 . ^ of Vfl/UC. consisting or twenty-hve and eight-tenths grains or gold nine-tenths fine, as established by section thirty-five hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall be the standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or coined by the United States shall be maintained at a parity of value with this standard, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain such parity. Sec. 2. That United States notes, and Treasury notes issued Redemption of under the Act of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, J^' ^' "°'" ^"^ when presented to the Treasury for redemption, shall be redeemed in gold coin of the standard fixed in the first section of this Act, and in order to secure the prompt and certain redemption of such notes as herein provided it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to set apart in the Treasury a reserve fund of one hundred and fifty million dollars in gold coin and bullion, which fund shall be used for such redemption purposes only, and when- ever and as often as any of said notes shall be redeemed from said fund it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to use said notes so redeemed to restore and maintain such reserve Maintenance of fund in the manner following, to wit: First, by exchanging the reserve. notes so redeemed for any gold coin in the general fund of the Treasury; second, by accepting deposits of gold coin at the Treasury or at any subtreasury in exchange for the United States notes so redeemed; third, by procuring gold coin by the use of said 152 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Issuing of bonds to maintain reserve. notes, in accordance with the provisions of section thirty-seven hundred of the Revised Statutes of the United States. If the Secretary of the Treasury is unable to restore and maintain the gold coin in the reserve fund by the foregoing methods, and the amount of such gold coin and bullion in said fund shall at any time fall below one hundred million dollars, then it shall be his duty to restore the same to the maximum sum of one hundred and fifty million dollars by borrowing money on the credit of the United States, and for the debt thus incurred to issue and sell coupon or registered bonds of the United States, in such form as he may prescribe, in denominations of fifty dollars or any multiple thereof, bearing interest at the rate of not exceeding three per centum per annum, payable quarterly, such bonds to be payable at the pleasure of the United States after one year from the date of their issue, and to be payable, principal and interest, in gold coin of the present standard value, and to be exempt from the payment of all taxes or duties of the United States, as well as from taxa- tion in any form by or under State, municipal, or local authority; and the gold coin received from the sale of said bonds shall first be covered into the general fund of the Treasury and then exchanged, in the manner hereinbefore provided, for an equal amount of the notes redeemed and held for exchange, and the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, use said notes in exchange for gold, or to purchase or redeem any bonds of the United States, or for any other lawful purpose the public interests may require, except that they shall not be used to meet deficiencies in the current revenues. That United States notes when redeemed in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be reissued, but shall be held in the reserve fund until exchanged for gold, as herein pro- vided; and the gold coin and bullion in the reserve fund, together with the redeemed notes held for use as provided in this section, shall at no time exceed the maximum sum of one hundred and fifty million dollars. Legal tender. Sec. 3. That nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to affect the legal-tender quality as now provided by law of the silver dollar, or of any other money coined or issued by the United States. Notes re-issuec CURRENCY ACT OF MARCH 14. 1900 153 Sec. 4. That there be established in the Treasury Department, DivisioTJs of as a part of the office of the Treasurer of the United States, '""^ ^"^ divisions to be designated and known as the division of issue and ^ the division of redemption, to which shall be assigned, respectively, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may approve, all records and accounts relating to the issue and redemp- tion of United States notes, gold certificates, silver certificates, and currency certificates. There shall be transferred from the accounts of the general fund of the Treasury of the United States, and taken up on the books of said divisions, respectively, accounts relating to the reserve fund for the redemption of United States Reserves are notes and Treasury notes, the gold coin held against outstanding ""^' fuTUts. gold certificates, the United States notes held against outstanding currency certificates, and the silver dollars held against outstanding silver certificates, and each of the funds represented by these accounts shall be used for the redemption of the notes and certifi- cates for which they are respectively pledged, and shall be used for no other purpose, the same being held as trust funds. Sec. 5. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Coinage of Treasury, as fast as standard silver dollars are coined under the *"^^'' doUars, provisions of the Acts of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and June thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, from bullion purchased under the Act of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, to retire and cancel an equal amount of Retirement of Treasury notes whenever received into the Treasury, either by f^^osury notes. exchange in accordance with the provisions of this Act or in the ordinary course of business, and upon the cancellation of Treasury notes silver certificates shall be issued against the silver dollars so coined. Sec. 6. (As amended by act of March 4, 1907.) That the Gold certificates. Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to receive deposits of gold coin with the Treasurer or any assistant treasurer of the United States in sums of not less than twenty dollars, and to issue gold certificates therefor in denominations of not less than ten dollars, and the coin so deposited shall be retained in the Treasury and held for the payment of such certificates on demand, and used for no other purpose. Such certificates shall be U N i V E R 154 N. W. HALSEY & CO. receivable for customs, taxes, and all public dues, and when so received may be reissued, and when held by any national banking association may be counted as a part of its lawful reserve: Pro- vided, That whenever and so long as the gold coin and bullion held in the reserve fund in the Treasury for the redemption of United States notes and Treasury notes shall fall and remain below one When authority hundred million dollars the authority to issue certificates as herein to issue is provided shall be suspended: And provided further, That when- suspended. ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ aggregate amount of United States notes and silver certificates in the general fund of the Treasury shall exceed sixty million dollars the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, suspend the issue of the certificates herein provided for: And provided further. That of the amount of such out- standing certificates one-fourth at least shall be in denominations of fifty dollars or less: And provided further. That the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, issue such certificates in denominations of ten thousand dollars, payable to order. And section fifty-one hundred and ninety-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States is hereby repealed. The act of March 4, 1907 (sec. 2), provides that whenever and so long as the out- standing silver certificates of the denominations of one dollar, two dollars, and five dollars, issued under the provisions of section seven of an Act entitled "An Act to define and fix the standard of value, to maintain the parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States, to refund the public debt, and for other purposes," approved March fourteenth, nineteen hundred, shall be, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury, insufficient to meet the public demand therefor, he is hereby authorized to issue United States notes of the denominations of one dollar, two dollars, and five dollars, and upon the issue of United States notes of such denominations an equal amount of United States notes of higher denominations shall be retired and canceled: Provided, however. Amount of That the aggregate amount of United States notes at any time U. S. notes outstanding shall remain as at present fixed by law: And provided outstanding further. That nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting fixed by laTV, ^^ ^.jgj^^ ^£ ^^^ national bank to issue one-third in amount of its circulating notes of the denomination of five dollars, as now pro- vided by law. CURRENCY ACT OF MARCH 14. 1900 155 Sec. 7. That hereafter silver certificates shall be issued only of 5i7ver certificates. denominations of ten dollars and under, except that not exceeding in the aggregate ten per centum of the total volume of said certifi- cates, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, may be issued in denominations of twenty dollars, fifty dollars, and one hundred dollars; and silver certificates of higher denomination than ten dollars, except as herein provided, shall, whenever received at the Treasury or redeemed, be retired and canceled, and certifi- cates of denominations of ten dollars or less shall be substituted there- for, and after such substitution, in whole or in part, a like volume of United States notes of less denomination than ten dollars shall from time to time be retired and canceled, and notes of denomina- tions of ten dollars and upward shall be reissued in substitution therefor, with like qualities and restrictions as those retired and canceled. Sec. 8. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author- Subsidiar\f coin. ized to use, at his discretion, any silver bullion in the Treasury of the United States purchased under the Act of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, for coinage into such denominations of subsidiary silver coin as may be necessary to meet the public requirements for such coin: Provided, That the amount of sub- sidiary silver coin outstanding shall not at any time exceed in the aggregate one hundred millions of dollars. Whenever any silver bullion purchased under the Act of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, shall be used in the coinage of subsidiary silver coin, an amount of Treasury notes issued under said Act equal to the cost of the bullion contained in such coin shall be cancelled and not reissued. Sec. 9. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized Worn and and directed to cause all worn and uncurrent subsidiary silver coin uncurrent of the United States now in the Treasury, and hereafter received, ^^^^^^diary saver to be recoined, and to reimburse the Treasurer of the United States for the difference between the nominal or face value of such coin and the amount the same will produce in new coin from any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 10. That section fifty-one hundred and thirty-eight of tiie Revised Statutes is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 156 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Amendment to "Section 5 1 38. No association shall be organized with a less section 5138. capital than one hundred thousand dollars, except that banks with *^' '^' a capital of not less than fifty thousand dollars may, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, be organized in any place the population of which does not exceed six thousand inhab- itants, and except that banks with a capital of not less than twenty- five thousand dollars may, with the sanction of the Secretary of the Treasury, be organized in any place the population of which does not exceed three thousand inhabitants. No association shall be organized in a city the population of which exceeds fifty thousand persons with a capital of less than two hundred thousand dollars." Exchange of Sec. 1 1 . That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby outstanding authorized to receive at the Treasury any of the out- U. S. bonds standing bonds of the United States bearing interest at authonzed. £^g pgj. centum per annum, payable February first, nine- teen hundred and four, and any bonds of the United States bearing interest at four per centum per annum, payable July first, nineteen hundred and seven, and any bonds of the United States bearing interest at three per centum per annum, payable August first, nineteen hundred and eight, and to issue in exchange therefor an equal amount of coupon or registered bonds of the United States in such form as he may prescribe, in denominations of fifty dollars or any multiple thereof, bearing interest at the rate of two per centum per annum, payable quarterly, such bonds to be payable at the pleasure of the United States after thirty years from the date of their issue, and said bonds to be payable, principal and interest, in gold coin of the present standard value, and to be exempt from the payment of all taxes or duties of the United States, as well as from taxation in any form by or under State, municipal, or local authority: Provided, That such out- standing bonds may be received in exchange at a valuation not greater than their present worth to yield an income of two and one-quarter per centum per annum; and in consideration of the reduction of interest effected, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to pay to the CURRENCY ACT OF MARCH 14, 1900 157 holders of the outstanding bonds surrendered for exchange, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, a sum not greater than the difference between their present worth, computed as aforesaid, and their par value, and the payments to be made hereunder shall be held to be payments on account of the sinking fund created by section thirty-six hundred and ninety-four of the Revised Statutes: And provided further. That the two per centum bonds to be issued under the provisions of this Act shall be issued at not less than par, and they shall be numbered consecutively in the order of their issue, and when payment is made the last numbers issued shall be first paid, and this order shall be followed until all the bonds are paid, and whenever any of the outstanding bonds are called for payment interest thereon shall cease three months after such call; and there is hereby appro- priated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to effect the exchanges of bonds provided for in this Act, a sum not exceeding one-fifteenth of one per centum of the face value of said bonds, to pay the expense of preparing and issuing the same and other expenses incident thereto. Sec. 1 2. That upon the deposit with the Treasurer of Deposit of bonds the United States, by any national banking association, '*? ^^^"'^•^ of any bonds of the United States in the manner provided "'"^"'^^'"^ "°'"- by existing law, such association shall be entitled to receive from the Comptroller of the Currency circulating notes in blank, registered and countersigned as provided by law, equal in amount to the par value of the bonds so deposited; and any national banking associations now having bonds on deposit for the security of circulating notes, and upon which an amount of circulating notes has been issued less than the par value of the bonds, shall be entitled, upon due application to the Comptroller of the Currency, to receive additional circulating notes in blank to an amount which will increase the circulating notes held by such association to the par value of the 158 N. W. HALSEY & CO. bonds deposited, such additional notes to be held and treated in the same way as circulating notes of national banking associations heretofore issued, and subject to all the provisions of law affecting such notes: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to modify or repeal the provisions of section fifty-one hundred and sixty-seven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, authorizing the Comptroller of the Currency to require Additional additional deposits of bonds or of lawful money in case the secuntyj. jjj^j-j^g^ value of the bonds held to secure the circulating notes shall fall below the par value of the circulating notes outstanding for which such bonds may be deposited as security: And provided further. That the circulating notes furnished to national banking associations under the Denomination provisions of this Act shall be of the denominations pre- of notes, scribed by law, except that no national banking associa- tion shall, after the passage of this Act, be entitled to receive from the Comptroller of the Currency, or to issue or reissue or place in circulation, more than one-third in amount of its circulating notes of the denomination of five Total amount dollars: And provided further. That the total amount of of notes, such notes issued to any such association may equal at any time but shall not exceed the amount at such time of its capital stock actually paid in: And provided further. That under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury any national banking association may Substitution of substitute the two per centum bonds issued under the bonds, provisions of this Act for any of the bonds deposited with the Treasurer to secure circulation or to secure deposits of public money; and so much of an Act entitled "An Act to enable national banking associations to extend their corporate existence, and for other purposes," approved July twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, as prohibits any national bank which makes any deposit of lawful money in order to withdraw its circulating notes from receiving any increase of its circulation for the period of six months from the time it made such deposit of lawful money for the purpose aforesaid, is hereby repealed, and all other CURRENCY ACT OF MARCH 14. 1900 159 Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this section are hereby repealed. Sec. 13. That every national banking association having Tax on notes, on deposit, as provided by law, bonds of the United States bearing interest at the rate of two per centum per annum, issued under the provisions of this Act, to secure its circu- lating notes, shall pay to the Treasurer of the United States, in the months of January and July, a tax of one- fourth of one per centum each half year upon the average amount of such of its notes in circulation as are based upon the deposit of said two per centum bonds; and such taxes shall be in lieu of existing taxes on its notes in circulation imposed by section fifty-two hundred and four- teen of the Revised Statutes. Sec. 14. That the provisions of this Act are not intended to International preclude the accomplishment of international bimetallism whenever oimetallism, conditions shall make it expedient and practicable to secure the same by concurrent action of the leading commercial nations of the world and at a ratio which shall insure permanence of relative value between gold and silver. FAILED NATIONAL BANKS. ETC. Provided, That for the fiscal year of nineteen hundred and two Provisions of and thereafter, a full and complete list of all officers, agents. ^^^ ?Qrn clerks, and other employees of the office of the Comptroller of the ' Currency, including bank examiners, receivers and attorneys for receivers, and clerks employed by such examiners and receivers, or any other person connected with the work of said office in Washington or elsewhere, whose salary or compensation is paid from the Treasury of the United States or assessed against or collected from existing or failed banks under their supervision or control, shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Congress approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, relating to the Official Register: And provided further. That the Comptroller of the Currency is hereby directed to include in his Annual Report to 160 N. W. HALSEY & CO. the Speaker of the House of Representatives, expenses incurred during each year, in liquidation of each failed national bank separately. CORPORATION CONTRIBUTIONS TO POLITICAL ELECTIONS PROHIBITED. Act of ^^ '' ^^^<^i^^ ^V the Senate and House of Representatives of January 26, the United States of America in Congress assembled. That it shall 1907. be unlawful for any national bank, or any corporation organized by authority of any laws of Congress, to make a money contribu- tion in connection with any election to any political office. It shall also be unlawful for any corporation whatever to make a money contribution in connection with any election at which Presidential and Vice-Presidential electors or a Representative in Congress is to be voted for or any election by any State legislature of a United States Senator. Every corporation which shall make any con- tribution in violation of the foregoing provisions shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and every officer or director of any corporation who shall consent to any contribution by the corporation in violation of the foregoing provisions shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not exceeding one thousand and not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprison- ment for a term of not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. ^ Additional Circulation Act (Emergency Currency Act) Be it enacted fcp the Senate and House of Represenatives of National the United States of America in Congress assembled. That national currency) banking associations, each having an unimpaired capital and a o^oaattora. surplus of not less than twenty per centum, not less than ten in number, having an aggregate capital and surplus of at least five millions of dollars, may form voluntary associations to be designated as national currency associations. The banks uniting to form such association shall, by their presidents or vice-presidents, acting under authority from the board of directors, make and file with the Certificate to be Secretary of the Treasury a certificate setting forth the names of ^'^" ^^^" the banks composing the association, the principal place of business ^ ^^ ^' of the association, and the name of the association, which name shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. Upon the filing of such certificate the associated banks therein named shall become a body corporate, and by the name so designated and approved may sue and be sued and exercise the powers of a body corporate for the purposes hereinafter mentioned: * Provided, That not more than one such national currency associa- tion shall be formed in any city: Provided further. That the several Membership. members of such national currency association shall be taken, as nearly as conveniently may be, from a territory composed of a State or part of a State, or contiguous parts of one or more States: And provided further. That any national bank in such city or territory, having the qualifications herein prescribed for membership in such national currency association, shall, upon its application to and upon the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, be admitted to membership in a national currency association for that city or territory, and upon such admission shall be deemed and held a part of the body corporate, and as such entitled to all 162 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Bank ^ap the rights and privileges and subject to all the liabilities of an belong to but original member: And provided further. That each national currency one association, association shall be composed exclusively of banks not members of any other national currency association. The dissolution, voluntary or otherwise, of any bank in such association shall not affect the corporate existence of the association unless there shall then remain less than the minimum number of ten banks: Provided, however. That the reduction of the number of said banks below the minimum of ten shall not affect the existence of the corporation with respect to the assertion of all rights in favor of or against such association. The affairs of the association shall Management, be managed by a board consisting of one representative from each B}f-laT»s. bank. By-laws for the government of the association shall be made by the board, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Officers. Treasury. A president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and an executive committee of not less than five members, shall be Powers of board, elected by the board. The powers of such board, except in the election of officers and making of by-laws, may be exercised through its executive committee. Purposes. The national currency association herein provided for shall have and exercise any and all powers necessary to carry out the purposes of this section, namely, to render available, under the direction and control of the Secretary Securities of the Treasury, as a basis for additional circulation any basis for securities, including commercial paper, held by a national additional banking association. For the purpose of obtaining such additional circulation, any bank belonging to any national Application b^ currency association, having circulating notes outstanding mem e s oj ggj.yj.gjj ^y ^jjg deposit of bonds of the United States to an association for ■^ ^ additional an^ount not less than forty per centum of its capital stock, circulation, and which has its capital unimpaired and a surplus of not less than twenty per centum, may deposit with and trans- fer to the association, in trust for the United States, for Deposit of *^^ purpose hereinafter provided, such of the securities securities, above mentioned as may be satisfactory to the board of the association. The officers of the association may there- upon, in behalf of such bank, make application to the ADDITIONAL CIRCULATION ACT 163 Comptroller of the Currency for an issue of additional Additional circulating notes to an amount not exceeding seventy- circulation five per centum of the cash value of the securities or com- "United to mercial paper so deposited. The Comptroller of the Cur- ^^/c^i^m of rency shall immediately transmit such application to the cash value of Secretary of the Treasury with such recommendation as commercial he thinks proper, and if, in the judgment of the Secretary securities. of the Treasury, business conditions in the locality demand additional circulation, and if he be satisfied with the i- character and value of the securities proposed and that a lien in favor of the United States on the securities so deposited and on the assets of the banks composing the association will be amply sufficient for the protection of the United States, he may direct an issue of additional circulating notes to the association, on behalf of such bank, to an amount in his discretion, not, however, exceeding seventy-five per centum of the cash value of the securities so deposited: Provided, That upon the deposit of any of the State, city, town, county, or other municipal bonds, of a character described in section three of this Act, circulating notes may be issued to the extent of not exceeding ninety per centum of the market value of w. such bonds so deposited: And provided further. That no centum national banking association shall be authorized in any in case of event to issue circulating notes based on commercial paper municipals. in excess of thirty per centum of its unimpaired capital Additional and surplus. The term "commercial paper" shall be held limitations. to include only notes representing actual commercial ^ . , , . , , , , , . . Commercial transactions, which when accepted by the association papQj-^ shall bear the names of at least two responsible parties and have not exceeding four months to run. The banks and the assets of all banks belonging to the Liability of association shall be jointly and severally liable to the members of United States for the redemption of such additional association. circulation; and to secure such liability the lien created by section fifty-two hundred and thirty of the Revised Statutes shall extend to and cover the assets of all banks belonging to the association, and to the securities deposited 164 N. W. HALSEY & CO. by the banks with the association pursuant to the provi- sions of this Act; but as between the several banks com- posing such association each bank shall be liable only in the proportion that its capital and surplus bears to the aggregate capital and surplus of all such banks. The association may, at any time, require of any of its con- Additional stituent banks a deposit of additional securities or com- securities. mercial paper, or an exchange of the securities already on deposit, to secure such additional circulation; and in Failure to ^^^^ ^^ *^^ failure of such bank to make such deposit or deposit, exchange the association may, after ten days' notice to the bank, sell the securities and paper already in its hands at public sale, and deposit the proceeds with the Treasurer of the United States as a fund for the redemption of such additional circulation. If such fund be insufficient for that purpose the association may recover from the bank Associations the amount of the deficiency by suit in the circuit court ma}) be sued in of the United States, and shall have the benefit of the lien U. S. circuit hereinbefore provided for in favor of the United States ^"""^ * upon the assets of such bank. The association or the Secretary of the Treasury may permit or require the with- drawal of any such securities or commercial paper and Substitution of *^® substitution of other securities or commercial paper securities, of equal value therefor. Redemption Sec. 2. That whenever any bank belonging to a fund, national currency association shall fail to preserve or make good its redemption fund in the Treasury of the United States, required by section three of the Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter three hundred and fourty-three, and the provisions of this Act, the Treasurer of the United States shall notify such national currency association to make good such Failure to redemption fund, and upon the failure of such national make good, currency association to make good such fund, the Treasurer of the United States may, in his discretion, apply so much of the redemption fund belonging to the other banks composing such national currency association as ADDITIONAL CIRCULATION ACT 165 may be necessary for that purpose; and such national currency association may, after five days' notice to such bank, proceed to sell at public sale the securities deposited by such bank with the association pursuant to the provi- sions of section one of this Act, and deposit the proceeds with the Treasurer of the United States as a fund for the redemption of the additional circulation taken out by such bank under this Act. Sec. 3. That any national banking association which Application fc]> has circulating notes outstanding, secured by the deposit association as a of United States bonds to an amount of not less than ''f'^^°\''lt ^° ,^ . , , •■ , • , 1 iOT additional forty per centum of its capital stock, and which has a circulation. surplus of not less than twenty per centum, may make application to the Comptroller of the Currency for author- ity to issue additional circulating notes to be secured by the deposit of bonds other than bonds of the United States. The Comptroller of the Currency shall transmit immedi- ately the application, with his recommendation, to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall, if in his judgment business conditions in the locality demand additional circulation, approve the same, and shall determine the time of issue and fix the amount, within the limitations herein imposed, of the additional circulating notes to be issued. Whenever after receiving notice of such approval any such association shall deposit with the Treasurer or Deposit of any assistant treasurer of the United States such of the securities. bonds described in this section as shall be approved in character and amount by the Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury, it shall be en- titled to receive, upon the order of the Comptroller of the Currency, circulating notes in blank, registered and Additional countersigned as provided by law, not exceeding in amount circulation ninety per centum of the market value, but not in excess ''f""f" '^ r , ■, r ,, , ., , , nmety per of the par value of any bonds so deposited, such market centum of value to be ascertained and determined under the direction market value of the Secretary of the Treasury. of securities. 166 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Bonds available The Treasurer of the United States, with the approval for security, of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall accept as security for the additional circulating notes provided for in this section, bonds or other interest-bearing obligations of any State of the United States, or any legally authorized bonds issued by any city, town, county, or other legally consti- tuted municipality or district in the United States which has been in existence for a period of ten years, and which for a period of ten years previous to such deposit has not defaulted in the payment of any part of either principal or interest of any funded debt authorized to be contracted by it, and whose net funded indebtedness does not exceed ten per centum of the valuation of its taxable property, to be ascertained by the last preceding valuation of property for the assessment of taxes. The Treasurer of the United States, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall accept, for the purposes of this section, securities herein enumerated in such proportions as he may from time to time determine, and he may with such approval at any time require the deposit of additional securities, or require any association to change the charac- ter of the securities already on deposit. Legal title of Sec. 4. That the legal title of all bonds, whether coupon bonds to be or registered, deposited to secure circulating notes issued ransjerre . -^^ accordance with the terms of section three of this Act shall be transferred to the Treasurer of the United States in trust for the association depositing them, under regula- tions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. A receipt shall be given to the association by the Treasurer or any assistant treasurer of the United States, stating that such bond is held in trust for the association on whose behalf the transfer is made, and as security for the redemp- tion and payment of any circulating notes that have been or may be delivered to such association. No assignment or transfer of any such bond by the Treasurer shall be deemed valid unless countersigned by the Comptroller of the Currency. The provisions of sections fifty-one hundred ADDITIONAL CIRCULATION ACT 167 and sixty-three, fifty-one hundred and sixty-four, fifty-one hundred and sixty-five, fifty-one hundred and sixty-six, and fifty-one hundred and sixty-seven and sections fifty- two hundred and twenty-four to fifty-two hundred and thirty-four, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes respecting United States bonds deposited to secure circulating notes shall, except as herein modified, be applicable to all bonds deposited under the terms of section three of this Act. Sec. 5. That the additional circulating notes issued under Status of this Act shall be used, held, and treated in the same way additional as circulating notes of national banking associations here- circulating notes. tofore issued and secured by a deposit of United States bonds, and shall be subject to all the provisions of law affecting such notes except as herein expressly modified: Provided, That the total amount of circulating notes out- standing of any national banking association, including notes secured by United States bonds as now provided by law, and notes secured otherwise than by deposit of such bonds, shall not at any time exceed the amount of its [^irnit of issue, unimpaired capital and surplus: And provided further. That there shall not be outstanding at any time circulating notes issued under the provisions of this Act to an amount of more than five hundred millions of dollars. Sec. 6. That whenever and so long as any national Amount in banking association has outstanding any of the additional redemption fund circulating notes authorized to be issued by the provisions """( fo^^'" of this Act it shall keep on deposit in the Treasury of the ^"'''''o"^' ^ ^ , . , . , circulation. United States, in addition to the redemption fund required by section three of the Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, an additional sum equal to five per centum of such additional circulation at any time out- standing, such additional five per centum to be treated, held, and used in all respects in the same manner as the original redemption fund provided for by said section three of the Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. 168 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Distribution •^^c. 7. In order that the distribution of notes to be of notes issued under the provisions of this Act shall be made as geographically), equitable as practicable between the various sections of the country, the Secretary of the Treasury shall not approve applications from associations in any State in excess of the amount to vi^hich such State would be entitled of the additional notes herein authorized on the basis of the proportion which the unimpaired capital and surplus of the national banking associations in such State bears to the total amount of unimpaired capital and surplus of the national banking associations of the United States: Provided, hoTvever, That in case the applications from associations in any State shall not be equal to the amount which the associations of such State would be entitled to under this method of distribution, the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, to meet an emergency, assign the amount not thus applied for to any applying association or associations in States in the same section of the country. Information Sec. 8. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of relative to value ^he Treasury to obtain information with reference to the of SCCllTltlCS 17 7 value and character of the securities authorized to be accepted under the provisions of this Act, and he shall from time to time furnish information to national banking associations as to such securities as would be acceptable under the provisions of this Act. Amendment to Sec. 9. That section fifty-two hundred and fourteen of section ^'^, tijg Revised Statutes, as amended, be further amended to ' * read as follows: Tax on "Sec. 5214. National banking associations having on circulation, deposit bonds of the United States, bearing interest at the rate of two per centum per annum, including the bonds issued for the construction of the Panama Canal, under the provisions of section eight of 'An Act to provide for the construction of a canal connecting the waters of the ADDITIONAL CIRCULATION ACT 169 Atlantic and Pacific oceans,' approved June twenty-eighth, 5ecure J b\) nineteen hundred and two, to secure its circulating notes, U. S. bonds. shall pay to the Treasurer of the United States, in the months of January and July, a tax of one-fourth of one per centum each half year upon the average amount of such of its notes in circulation as are based upon the deposit of such bonds; and such associations having on deposit bonds of the United States bearing interest at a rate higher than two per centum per annum shall pay a tax of one-half of one per centum each half year upon the average amount of such of its notes in circulation as are based upon the deposit of such bonds. National banking associations Secured h\) other having circulating notes secured otherwise than by bonds than U. S. bonds. of the United States shall pay for the first month a tax at the rate of five per centum per annum upon the average amount of such of their notes in circulation as are based upon the deposit of such securities, and afterwards an additional tax of one per centum per annum for each month until a tax of ten per centum per annum is reached, and thereafter such tax of ten per centum per annum, upon the average amount of such notes. Every national banking association having outstanding circulating notes secured by a deposit of other securities than United States bonds shall make monthly returns, under oath of Monthly returns its president or cashier, to the Treasurer of the United under oath. States, in such form as the Treasurer may prescribe, of the average monthly amount of its notes so secured in circulation; and it shall be the duty of the Comptroller of the Currency to cause such reports of notes in circula- tion to be verified by examination of the bank's records. The taxes received on circulating notes secured otherwise than by bonds of the United States shall be paid into the Division of Redemption of the Treasury and credited and added to the reserve fund held for the redemption of United States and other notes." " Sec. 10. That section nine of the Act approved July twelfth, Amendment eighteen hundred and eighty-two, as amended by the Act approved to R. S. 170 N. W. HALSEY & CO. March fourth, nineteen hundred and seven, be further amended to read as follows: Withdrawal of "Sec. 9. That any national banking association desiring circulating notes, ^q withdraw its circulating notes, secured by deposit of United States bonds in the manner provided in section four of the Act approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, is hereby authorized for that purpose to deposit lawful money with the Treasurer of the United States and, with the consent of the Comptroller of the Currency and the approval of the Secretary of the Treas- ury to withdraw a proportionate amount of bonds held as security for its circulating notes in the order of such deposits: Provided, That not more than nine millions of dollars of lawful money shall be so deposited during any calendar month for this purpose. "Any national banking association desiring to withdraw any of its circulating notes, secured by the deposit of securities other than bonds of the United States, may make such withdrawal at any time in like manner and effect by the deposit of lawful money or national bank notes with the Treasurer of the United States, and upon such deposit a proportionate share of the securities so deposited may be withdrawn: Provided, That the deposits under this section to retire notes secured by the deposit of securities other than bonds of the United States shall not be covered into the Treasury, as required by section six of an Act entitled *An Act directing the purchase of silver bullion and the issue of Treasury notes thereon, and for other purposes,' approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, but shall be retained in the Treasury for the purpose of redeeming the notes of the bank making such deposit." Amendment to Sec. 1 1 . That section fifty-one hundred and seventy-two of the section ^''^' Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as ^'^' follows: ADDITIONAL CIRCULATION ACT 171 "Sec. 5 1 72. In order to furnish suitable notes for circulation, the p,-jnfinp of Comptroller of the Currency shall, under the direction of the circulating notes. Secretary of the Treasury, cause plates and dies to be engraved, in the best manner to guard against counterfeiting and fradulent alterations, and shall have printed therefrom, and numbered, such quantity of circulating notes, in blank, of the denominations of five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars, fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, five hundred dollars, one thousand dollars, and ten thousand dollars, as may be required to supply the associations entitled to receive the same. Such notes shall state upon their face that they are secured by United States bonds or other securities, certified by the written or engraved signatures of the Treasurer and Register and by the imprint of the seal of the Treasury. They shall also express upon their face the promise of the associa- tion receiving the same to pay on demand, attested by the signature of the president or vice-president and cashier. The Comptroller of the Currency, acting under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall as soon as practicable cause to be prepared circu- lating notes in blank, registered and countersigned, as provided by law, to an amount equal to fifty per centum of the capital stock of each national banking association; such notes to be deposited Distribution. in the Treasury or in the subtreasury of the United States nearest the place of business of each association, and to be held for such association, subject to the order of the Comptroller of the Currency, for their delivery as provided by law: Provided, That the Comptroller of the currency may issue national bank notes of the present form until plates can be prepared and circulating notes issued as above provided: Provided, however. That in no event shall bank notes of the present form be issued to any bank as additional circulation provided for by this Act." Sec. 1 2. That circulating notes of national banking associa- Redemption at tions, when presented to the Treasury for redemption, as provided "^<^^^V' in section three of the Act approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, shall be redeemed in lawful money of the United States. 172 N. W. HALSEY & CO. Authority. Sec. 1 3. That all acts and orders of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Treasurer of the United States authorized by this Act shall have the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury v/ho shall have power, also, to make any such rules and regulations and exercise such control over the organization and management of national currency associations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. Public deposits. Sec. 14. That the provisions of section fifty-one hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statues, with reference to the reserves of national banking associations, shall not apply to deposits of public moneys by the United States in designating depositaries. Interest on Sec. 1 5. That all national banking associations designated as deposits, regular depositaries of public money shall pay upon all special and additional deposits made by the Secretary of the. Treasury in such depositaries, and all such associations designated as temporary depositaries of public money shall pay upon all sums of public money deposited in such associations interest at such rate as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, not less, however, than one per centum per annum upon the average monthly amount of such deposits :ProviJe J, however. That nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to change or modify the obligation of any association or any of its officers for the safe-keeping of public money: Provided, further, that the rate of interest charged upon such deposits shall be equal and uniform throughout the United States. • Appropriation Sec. 1 6. That a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of to carr^ out act. the preceding sections of this Act is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. National Sec. 1 7. That a Commission is hereby created, to be called Monetary the "National Monetary Commission," to be composed of nine Commission, members of the Senate, to be appointed by the Presiding Officer thereof, and nine members of the House of Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker thereof; and any vacancy on the Com- mission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. Sec. 1 8. That it shall be the duty of this Commission to inquire into and report to Congress at the earliest date practicable, what ADDITIONAL CIRCULATION ACT 173 changes are necessary or desirable in the monetary system of the Dut}) of United States or in the laws relating to banking and currency, commission. and for this purpose they are authorized to sit during the sessions or recess of Congress, at such times and places as they may deem desirable, to send for persons and papers, to administer oaths, to summons and compel the attendance of witnesses, and to employ a disbursing officer and such secretaries, experts, stenographers, messengers, and other assistants as shall be necessary to carry out the purposes for which said Commission was created. The Com- mission shall have the power, through subcommittee or otherwise, to examine witnesses and to make such investigations and examina- tions, in this or other countries, of the subjects committed to their charge as they shall deem necessary. Sec. 19. That a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes Expenses of of sections seventeen and eighteen of this Act, and to pay the commission. necessary expenses of the Commission and its members, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Said appropriation shall be immediately available and shall be paid out on the audit and order of the chairman or acting chairman of said Commission, which audit and order shall be conclusive and binding upon all Departments as to the correctness of the accounts of such Commission. Sec. 20. That this Act shall expire by limitation on the thirtieth Expiration of act. day of June, nineteen hundred and fourteen. Approved. May 30. 1908. Date of act. <*> New York Savings Bank Law The Banking Laws of the State of New York Relative TO Securities in Which Deposits in Savings Banks May Be Invested, as Amended and in Effect May 23. 1906. 1 1 6. The trustees of any Savings Bank may invest the moneys In ivhat securities deposited therein and the income derived therefrom only as follows: ^^posits ma}f be invested. 1. In the stocks or bonds or interest-bearing notes or Qonds of the obligations of the United States, or those for which the United States and faith of the United States is pledged to provide for the of the District of payment of the interest and principal, including the bonds Columbia. of the District of Columbia. 2. In the stocks or bonds or interest-bearing obligations Bonds of state of this State, issued pursuant to the authority of any law °f ^^^ York. of the State. 3. In the stocks or bonds or interest-bearing obligations Bonds of of any State of the United States which has not within ^^^ *^^'«^- ten years previous to making such investment by such corporation defaulted in the payment of any part of either principal or interest of any debt authorized by the Legisla- ture of any such State to be contracted; and in the bonds or interest-bearing obligations of any State of the United States, issued in pursuance of the authority of the Legisla- ture of such State, which have, prior to the passage of this act, been issued for the funding or settlement of any previous obligation of such State theretofore in default, and on which said funding or settlement obligation there has been no default in the payment of either principal or interest since the issuance of such funded or settlement 1^6 N. W. HALSEY & CO. obligation, and provided the interest on such funded or settlement obligation has been paid regularly for a period of not less than ten years next preceding such investment. Bonds of school 4. In the stocks or bonds of any city, county, town or districts, counties village, school district bonds and union free school district and "i""'cipamies|jQjj^g issued for school purposes, or in the interest-bearing of New York. ,v *• r V ^ \ -iv c ^u- obligations of any city, county, town or viUiage of this State, issued pursuant to the authority of any law of the State for the payment of which the faith and credit of the municipality issuing them are pledged. Bonds of other 5. In the stocks or bonds of any incorporated city municipalities situated in one of the States of the United States, which was of the ^"''e^admitted to Statehood prior to January 1, 1896, and which, 'since January 1, 1861, has not repudiated or defaulted in the payment of any part of the principal or interest of any debt authorized by the Legislature of any such State to be contracted, provided said city has a population as shown by the Federal Census next preceding said invest- ment of not less than 45,000 inhabitants, and was incorpor- ated as a city at least twenty-five years prior to the making of said investment, and has not since January 1, 1878 defaulted for more than ninety days in the payment of any part either of principal or interest of any bond, note, or other evidence of indebtedness, or effected any com- promise of any kind with the holders thereof. But if, after such default on the part of any such State or city, the debt or security in the payment of the principal or interest of which such default occurred has been fully paid, refunded, or compromised by the issue of new securities, then the date of the first failure to pay principal or interest, when due, upon such debt or security, shall be taken to be the date of such default within the provisions of this subdivision, and subsequent failures to pay instal- ments of principal or interest upon such debt or security, prior to the refunding or final payment of the same, shall not be held to continue said default or fix the time thereof within the meaning of this subdivision, at a date later than NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK LAW 177 the date of said first failure in payment. If at any time the indebtedness of any such city, together with the indebted- ness of any district, or other municipal corporation or subdivision except a county, which is wholly or in part included within the bounds or limits of said city, less its water debt and sinking funds, shall exceed 7 per centum of the valuation of said city for purposes of taxation, its bonds and stocks shall thereafter, and until such indebted- ness shall be reduced to 7 per centum of the valuation for purposes of taxation, cease to be an authorized investment for the moneys of savings banks; but the Superintendent of the Banking Department may, in his discretion, require any savings bank to sell such bonds or stocks of said city as may have been purchased prior to said increase of debt. 6. In bonds and mortgages on unincumbered real Bonds and property situated in this State, to the extent of sixty per mortgages on centum of the value thereof. Not more than sixty-five ^^^'- ^^'^'^• per centum of the whole amount of deposits shall be so loaned or invested. If the loan is on unimproved and un- productive real property, the amount loaned thereon shall not be more than forty per centum of its actual value. No investment in any bonds and mortgages shall be made by any savings bank except upon the report of a com- mittee of its trustees charged with the duty of investi- gating the same, who shall certify to the value of the premises mortgaged or to be mortgaged, according to their best judgment, and such report shall be filed and preserved among the records of the corporation. Also in the following securities: (a) The first mortgage bonds of any railroad corpora- Bonds of railroad tion of this State, the principal part of whose railroad is corporations of located within this State, or of any railroad corporation ^^^ York. of this or any other State or States connecting with and controlled and operated as part of the system of any such railroad corporation of this State, and of which connecting railroad at least a majority of its capital stock is owned by such a railroad corporation of this State or in the 178 N. W. HALSEY & CO. mortgage bonds of any such railroad corporation of an issue to retire all prior mortgage debt of such railroad Payment of companies respectively; provided that at no time within interest and five years next preceding the date of any such investment dividends on shall such railroad corporation of this State or such con- capia socii ^g^.^jj^g railroad corporation respectively have failed reg- punctual. ularly and punctually to pay the matured principal and interest of all its mortgaged indebtedness, and in addition thereto regularly and punctually to have paid in dividends to its stockholders during each of said five years an amount at least equal to four per centum upon all its outstanding capital stock; and provided, further, that at the date of every such dividend the outstanding capital stock of such railroad corporation, or such connecting railroad company respectively shall have been equal to at least one-third of the total mortgage indebtedness of such railroad corporations respectively, including all bonds issued or to be issued under any mortgage securing any bonds in which such investment shall be made. Bonds of railroad (e) The mortgage bonds of any railroad corporation corporations of incorporated under the laws of any of the United States, ^", which actually owns in fee not less than five hundred miles of standard gauge railway exclusive of sidings, within the United States, provided that at no time within five years next preceding the date of any such investment shall such railroad corporation have failed regularly and punctually to pay the matured principal and interest of all its mortgage indebtedness and in addition thereto regularly and punctually to have paid in dividends to its stockholders during each of said five years an amount at least equal to four per centum upon all its outstanding capital stock; and provided further that during said five years the gross earnings in each year from the operations of said company, including therein the gross earnings of all railroads leased and operated or controlled and operated by said company, and also including in said earnings the States. NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK LAW 179 amount received directly or indirectly by said company from the sale of coal from mines owned or controlled by it, shall not have been less in amount than five times the amount necessary to pay the interest payable during that year upon its entire outstanding indebtedness, and the rentals for said year of all leased lines, and further pro- vided that all bonds authorized for investment by this subdivision shall be secured by a mortgage which is at the time of making said investment or was at the date of the execution of said mortgage (1) a first mortgage upon not less than seventy-five per centum of the railway owned in fee by the company issuing said bonds exclusive of sidings at the date of said mortgage or (2) a refunding mortgage issued to retire all prior lien mortgage debts of said company outstanding at the time of said investment and covering at least seventy-five per centum of the rail- way owned in fee by said company at the date of said mortgage. But no one of the bonds so secured shall be a legal investment in case the mortgage securing the same shall authorize a total issue of bonds which together with all outstanding prior debts of said company, after deduct- ing therefrom in case of a refunding mortgage, the bonds reserved under the provisions of said mortgage to retire prior debts at maturity, shall exceed three times the out- standing capital stock of said company at the time of making said investment. And no mortgage is to be regarded as a refunding mortgage, under the provisions of this act, unless the bonds which it secures mature at a later date than any bond which it is given to refund, nor unless it covers a mileage at least twenty-five per centum greater than is covered by any one of the prior mortgages so to be refunded. (f ) Any railway mortgage bonds which would be a legal Bonds of railroad investment under the provisions of subdivision (e) of this corporations section, except for the fact that the railroad corporation oivning less than issuing said bonds actually owns in fee less than five ^^,f hundred hundred miles of road provided that during five years next preceding the date of any such investment the gross 180 N. W. HALSEY & CO. earnings in each year from the operations of said corpora- tion, including the gross earnings of all lines leased and operated or controlled and operated by it, shall not have been less than ten million dollars. Guaranteed (g) The mortgage bonds of a railroad corporation bonds, described in the foregoing subdivisions (e) or (f) or the mortgage bond of a railroad owned by such corporation, assumed or guaranteed by it by indorsement on said bonds, provided said bonds are prior to and are to be refunded by a general mortgage of said corporation the bonds secured by which are made a legal investment under the provisions of said subdivision (e) or (f) ; and provided, further, that said general mortgage covers all the real property upon which the mortgage securing said under- lying bonds is a lien. (h) Any railway mortgage bonds which would be a legal investment under the provisions of subdivisions (e) or (g) of this section, except for the fact that the railroad corporation issuing said bonds actually owns in fee less than five hundred miles of road, provided the payment of principal and interest of said bonds is guaranteed by endorsement thereon by, or provided said bonds have been assumed by a corporation whose first mortgage, or refund- ing mortgage bonds, are a legal investment under the provisions of subdivision (e) or (f) of this section. But no one of the bonds so guaranteed or assumed shall be a legal investment in case the mortgage securing the same shall authorize a total issue of bonds which, together with all the outstanding prior debts of the corporation making said guarantee or so assuming said bonds, includ- ing therein the authorized amount of all previously guaranteed or assumed bond issues, shall exceed three times the capital stock of said corporation, at the time of making said investment. Underlying (i) The first mortgage bonds of a railroad, the entire bonds, capital stock of which, except shares necessary to qualify directors, is owned by, and which is operated by a railroad NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK LAW 181 whose last issued refunding bonds are a legal investment under the provisions of subdivisions (a), (e), or (f) of this section, provided the payment of principal and interest of said bonds is guaranteed by endorsement thereon by the company so owning and operating said road, and further provided the mortgage securing said bonds does not authorize an issue of more than twenty thousand dollars in bonds for each mile of road covered thereby. But no one of the bonds so guaranteed shall be a legal investment in case the mortgage securing the same shall authorize a total issue of bonds, which together with all the outstanding prior debts of the company making said guarantee, including therein the authorized amount of all previously guaranteed bond issues, shall exceed three times the capital stock of said company, at the time of making said investment. Bonds which have been or shall become legal invest- ments for Savings Banks under any of the provisions of this act shall not be rendered illegal as investments, ^ though the property upon which they are secured has been or shall be conveyed to another corporation, and though the railroad corporation which issued or assumed said bond has been or shall be consolidated with another rail- road corporation, if the consolidated or purchasing cor- poration shall assume the payment of said bonds and shall continue to pay regularly interest or dividend or both upon the securities issued against, in exchange for or to acquire the stock of the company consolidated or the property purchased or upon securities subsequently issued in exchange or substitution therefor to an amount at least equal to four per centum per annum upon the capital stock outstanding at the time of such consolidation or purchase of said corporation which has issued or assumed said bonds. Not more than twenty-five per centum of the assets of Jij^^Uniion of any bank shall be loaned or invested in railroad bonds, lond holdings. and not more than ten per centum of the assets of any bank shall be invested in the bonds of any one railroad 182 N. W. HALSEY & CO. corporation described in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, and not more than five per centum of such assets in the bonds of any other railroad corporation. In determining the amount of the assets of any bank under the provisions of this subdivision its securities shall be estimated in the manner prescribed for determining the per centum of surplus by section one hundred and twenty-four of this Street railroad act. Street railroad corporations shall not be considered corporations railroad corporations within the meaning of this sub- no/ railroad j. • • ,. division. corporations. NOTE. California Under the provisions of Section "3" bonds of the bonds legal State of California are legal investments for New York for investment Savings Banks. Under the provisions of Section "5" bonds Savinss Banks °^ *^^ cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles and Oakland are legal. These are the only California securities which come at present within the limitations of the New York Savings Bank Law. Under the provisions of Section "6e," however, the Southern Pacific Railroad First Refunding 4 per centum bonds and all underlying issues should become legal in 1911, provided dividends on the Company's stock are continued at the prescribed rate. General Index Page Index to Additional Circulation Act (Emergency Currency Act) 201 Index to Bank Act of California 1 84 Index to Code of the District of Columbia 1 98 Index to Currency Act of 1900 200 Index to Deposit Acts of California 191 Index to National Bank Act as Amended 1 92 Index to New York Savings Bank Law 202 Index to Sections of the Revised Statutes 1 99 184 N. W. HALSEY 5- CO. Bank Act of California Section Page Act — date effective 147 55 Title I 9 Adjustment of investments 14S 55 Administrator — deposits in trust company by 92 34 Advertising 28 18 Advertising — capital 14 12 Applications — investigations of 128 43 Articles of incorporation as affected by this act 145 55 Violation of 134 46 Assets — purchase of other banks 31 19 Of banks, purchase by employees 42 22 Sale of, to other banks 31 19 Bank — definition of 2 9 Banks — use of word limited 12 12 Branch 9 11 Commercial 5 10 Departmental 22 16 Departmental, certificate required 24 17 Departmental, paid-up capital 23 16 Departmental, relations of departments 26 17 Departmental, reserve required 25 17 Examination of, by director 139 51 Foreign, inspection of 124 41 Funds of, dissolved 137 50 In unsound condition 136 46 In unsound condition, neglect to report 126 42 Inspection of 124 41 National, examination of 48 23 Private 13 12 Publication of financial condition 132 45 Purchase of 31 19 Report of departmental 129 43 Reports to Superintendent 130 43 Sale of 31 19 Savings , 4 9 Trust companies 6 10 Voluntary dissolution of 137 50 Withheld reports of 138 51 Without capital, to convert into stock corporation 29 18 Bonds — deposited by trust company 96 35 Legal, for savings banks 61 26 Limitation of investment in 46 23 INDEX 185 BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA— Con/inueJ Bonds — Continued Section Page Limitation of investment in, by savings banks 67 29 Limitation of loans by savings banks on ^ 67 29 Limitation of underwriting, purchase or guarantee of 36 21 Not legal for investment by savings banks 61 27 On deposit by trust company to draw interest 98 36 Branch banks 9 11 Call of county or municipal deposits 7 62 Capital — advertising of 14 12 Paid up, relation to deposit liabilities 19 15 Reduced by impairment 133 45 Required by commercial banks 82 32 Required by savings banks 60 24 Required by trust companies 90 33 Stock, investment in own 34 20 Certificate of State Superintendent of Banks 127 42 Certificate — posting of 50 24 Certificates of deposit 63 28 Certificates of deposit taken for state deposits.' 7 59 Title required with mortgages deposited by 99 36 Change of investments to conform to act 145 55 Claims against bank in liquidation 136 46 Collateral — stock of other banks as 67 30 Commercial banks — capital required by 82 32 Corporation loans by 81 31 Definition of 5 10 Loans by 80 31 Loans by, to directors 83 32 Commission to employees prohibited 39 22 Condition — banks in unsound 136 46 Publication of reports of 132 45 Contract for state deposit 4 59 Contracts — real estate 35 20 Co-partnership 18 15 Corporation loans by commercial banks 81 31 Corporations — foreign 7 10 Counsel — when may be employed 136 47 Counties — deposit law does not prohibit buying bonds 12 64 County deposits 60 County deposits in savings banks 28 62 Officials not responsible for deposits in county depositaries 9 63 Court — report of Superintendent admissible as evidence in 142 54 Courts — deposits by order of 51 24 Deceased depositors 15 13 186 N. W. HALSEY & CO. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA— Continued Section Page Departmental banks. (See banks) 22 16 Deposit — certificates of 63 28 Of state moneys in banks i 57 Depositors — deceased 15 13 Depositors in savings banks may be paid by draft ■. 61 27 Married women 16 13 Minors 16 13 Unknown 15 13 Deposits — by order of court 51 24 By trustees 51 24 In trust 16 13 In trust company by authority of court 91 33 In trust company by public administrator 92 34 In trust company by order of Court 93 34 Joint 16 13 Limitation of deposits by savings banks with other banks 68 30 National banks receiving deposits of state banks 48 23 Of county moneys in banks 60 Of municipal moneys in banks 60 Payment to survivors 16 14 Savings 49 23 State, county and municipal, in savings banks 62 28 Withdrawal of, from savings banks 64 28 With other banks 43 22 With other banks by savings banks 68 30 Deputy superintendent of banks 121 39 Directors — eligibility of 10 11 Examination of bank by 139 51 Loans to, by commercial banks 83 32 May not borrow of savings banks 65 29 Oath II II Transactions with bank 35 20 Dissolution of bank, voluntary 137 50 Dividends 21 16 Drafts — depositors may be paid by 62 27 Employees — loans to, prohibited 33 20 Transactions with bank 35 20 Entries — false 38 21 Examination of bank by directors 139 51 Of national banks 48 23 Reports of ^ 140 52 Examiners — state bank department 125 42 INDEX 187 BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA— Continued Section Page Examiner — when not qualified to examine 125 42 Expense of state banking department 123 40 Transporting moneys to and from county or municipal depos- itaries 10 63 Transporting moneys to and from state depositaries i 57 Foreign banks — inspection of 124 41 Corporations 7 10 Forfeitures 144 54 Funds — deposit of with other banks 43 22 Of dissolved banks 137 50 Guarantee of bonds 36 21 Indemnity bonds for security of state deposits 5 59 Information for public 17-18 14-15 On file for stockholders 17 14 Public records in superintendent's office 141 53 Inspection of banks 123 40 Of foreign banks 124 41 Interest on county or municipal deposits 2 61 On state deposits i 57 Paid by trust company as trustee 95 35 Unpaid, not profit 45 23 When payable on state deposits 2 58 Investment in bonds 46 23 Investment in stocks prohibited 36 21 Investments — change of, to conform to act 145 55 Legal for trust companies 105 38 Joint accounts 16 13 Liabilities — deposit, relation to paid-up capital 19 15 Liability — stockholders' 40 22 Limit of county or municipal deposits 5 62 To amount of state deposit i 57 Liquidation — by action of superintendent 136 46 Penalty for violation of law 134 46 Loans — By commercial banks 80 31 Savings banks 67 29 On bonds by savings banks 67 29 On own capital stock limited 34 20 On real estate 47 23 On real estate by savings banks 67 29 Secured by bank stocks 44 22 To directors of commercial banks 83 32 To officers or employees prohibited ^3 20 Married women depositors 16 13 188 N. W. HALSEY & CO. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA— ConiinueJ Section Page Mining stocks — savings banks may not invest in or loan on 67 30 Minors depositors 16 13 Mortgages 35 20 Municipal deposits 60 In savings banks 62 2? Municipalities — deposit law does not prohibit buying bonds 12 64 Municipal officials not responsible for deposits in municipal depos- itaries 9 63 Mutual corporations may have capital stock 29 18 National banks — examination of 48 23 Oath of examiner 125 42 Obligations of banks — purchase of by employees 41 22 Officers — loans to, prohibited 33 20 May not borrow of savings bank 65 29 State Banking Department 122 40 Transactions with banks 35 20 Overdrafts by employees prohibited 39 22 Partnership 18 15 Penalties 144 54 Penalty for failure to report 138 51 Private banks 13 12 Publication of financial condition of banks 132 45 Public administrator, deposits in trust companies by 92 34 Deposits in savings banks 63 28 Information for 17-18 14-15 Purchase of banks 31 19 Of bonds 36 21 Real estate loans by savings banks 67 29 Loans on 47 23 Mortgages and contracts 35 20 Receipt for county or municipal deposits 3 61 Record of county or municipal deposits 4 62 Report of superintendent to Governor 140 52 Reports of examination by directors 139 51 Penalty for withholding 138 51 Publication of 132 45 Reports to superintendent — dates of 131 45 Reserve — lawful money 20 15 Of savings banks 68 30 Relation to deposits 20 15 Safe deposit department 30 19 Sale of banks 31 19 Savings bank — use of words 12 12 INDEX 189 BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA— Con^mueJ Section Page Savings banks — bonds legal for investment by 6i 25 Not legal for investment of 61 27 Capital stock 60 24 "Creation of debt" defined 4 9 Deposits with other banks 68 30 How they may borrow 62 27 Limitations of deposits with other banks 68 30 Limitations of investment in bonds 67 29 Loans by 67 29 Loans may not be made to directors, etc 65 29 Savings banks — loans on real estate by 67 30 Only, can receive savings deposits 49 23 Reserve 68 30 Stock of other banks used as collateral with 67 30 Withdrawal of deposits 64 28 May not invest in mining stock 67 30 May take state, county and municipal deposits 62 28 Property which may be purchased, held or conveyed by 61 25 School moneys 2 58 Security for county or municipal deposits I 60 For state deposits 3 58 Special deputy superintendent 138 51 State bank department — certificate from superintendent necessary.. 127 42 Chief deputy 121 40 Dates for reports to 131 45 Employees 121 39 Examiners 125 42 Funds 123 40 Investigations of applications 128 43 Location of offices 122 40 Neglect to report unsound condition 126 42 Reports of departmental banks 129 43 Reports from banks, character required 130 43 State deposits 57 In savings banks 62 28 State treasurer not responsible for deposits with state depositaries. . . 6 59 Treasurer's annual statement to state depositaries 4 59 Stockholders — information for 17 14 Stockholders' liability cannot be waived 40 22 Stockholders' transactions with bank 35 20 Stocks — bank, used as collateral with savings banks 67 30 Investment in, prohibited 37 21 190 N. W. HALSEY & CO. BANK ACT OF CALIFORNIA— Continued Section Page Superintendent — information in office of 141 S3 Neglect of duty by I43 54 Of banks 120 39 To take charge of unsound banks 136 46 Superintendent's report to Governor 140 52 Surplus — portion of net profits set aside for 21 16 Surviving relatives — payment of deposits to 16 13 Survivor may collect joint deposit 16 13 Transactions — prior to passage of act 145 55 Trust companies — definition of 6 10 Trust companies only, can use word "trust" 104 37 Trust company — affidavit of directors 100 36 Allowed to draw interest on bonds deposited with state treasurer 98 36 Amount of deposit required of 98 36 Bonds deposited with state by 96 35 Capital required 90 33 Confidential relations with clients 103 37 Departmental business 106 38 Deposits by authority of court 91 33 Deposits by order of court in 93 34 Deposits by public administrator with 92 34 Fees of counsel and appraisers 99 36 Legal investments for 105 38 May mortgage property 97 35 Responsibility of, for investments 94 34 Retiring from business 102 37 Shall furnish list of trusts 101 37 Shall pay interest on moneys held as trustee 95 35 Use of words 12 12 Trustees — deposits by 51 24 Trust funds 32 20 "Trust"— use of word limited 104 37 Underwriting of bonds 36 21 Unlocated depositors 15 13 Unsafe banks 136 46 Unsafe condition of banks — failure to report 143 54 Violation of articles of incorporation 134 46 Public deposit laws 11 63 Voluntary liquidations I37 50 INDEX 191 State Deposit Act Section Page Act of 1905 repealed Additional security may be required 3 58 Bonds which may be used as security for funds on deposit 3 58 Certificate of deposit taken by state treasurer counted as cash 7 59 Deposit of state moneys in banks i 57 Deposits subject to call i 57 Expense of transporting moneys to and from depositary banks i 57 Indemnity bonds may be required S 59 Interest — rate on deposits i 57 Interest — when payable 2 58 Limitation of deposits i 57 Provisions of contract 4 59 School moneys on deposit 2 58 Security for deposits i 57 Treasurer's annual statement to bank 4 59 Treasurer not responsible for deposits 6 59 Warrants may be paid by certificates of deposit 7 60 Value of bonds deposited as security 3 58 County and Municipal Deposit Act Section Page Amount that may be deposited 5 62 Bonds required as security I 60 Counties or municipalities may buy bonds 12 64 Deposit of public moneys, other than state, in banks i 60 Deposits subject to call 7 62 Expense of transportation of moneys to and from depositary banks.. 10 63 Interest payable quarterly 2 61 Minimum rate two per centum 2 61 On failure of bank to repay, security to be sold 8 62 Public officials not responsible for deposits 9 63 Rate of interest to be fixed, when 2 61 Receipt for deposit 3 61 Receipts to be counted as cash 6 62 Record of deposits 4 62 Repeal of acts in conflict 13 64 Value of bonds deposited as security. i 61 Violation of deposit laws ll 63 192 N. 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National Bank Act Section Page Act — national bank i 65 Additional Circulation Act ibr Amendments to articles of association 42 jj Appointment — term and salary of Comptroller 3 65 Articles of association 13 68 Assessment for impairment of capital 1 15 104 Assessment — provision for enforcement of 116 104 Associations must not hold their own capital stock in 103 Bank circulation Chapter III 79 Bank circulation — penalty for imitating for advertising purposes 167 125 Pledging 166 124 preparation of 59 84 Bank — closed circulation of 71 90 Bank may enjoin further liquidation proceedings 145 114 Bank — proceedings to liquidate must be brought 146 115 Banks — liquidating circulation of 89 96 National, failed 160 120 To take circulation at par yj 92 Whose existence has expired 142 1 13 Bonds — annual examination of 56 81 Deposit of United States 24 72 Examination of 55 81 Exchange of 51 80 Forfeited if circulation is dishonored 144 114 General provisions respecting 57 82 Held by treasurer 52 80 Notice of transfer of 54 81 Of liquidating banks 141 1 12 Record of transfer of 53 81 Relation of bonds deposited to capital 50 80 Security for circulation 49 79 Sold at private sale 151 116 Sold at public auction 149 115 United States, defined 48 79 Capital — assessment for impairment of 115 104 Relations of, to bonds deposited 50 80 Capital stock — associations must not hold their own in 103 Amount required 17 70 Enforcing payment of 20 71 Increase of 43 77 Payment of 19 70 Reduction of 45 78 INDEX 193 NATIONAL BANK ACT— Continued Capital Stock — Continued Section Page Restoration of 21 71 Shares of 18 70 When increase becomes valid 24 72 Certificate of authority 25 72 Organization 15 69 Publication of 26 yz Officers and directors 23 72 Certification of checks — false 177 129 False, penalty for 178 129 Certified copies of organization certificate as evidence 183 131 Charter — forfeiture of 157 118 Circuit courts may enjoin Comptroller 180 130 Circulation — amount obtainable 58 83 Banks Chapter III 79 Of extended banks 69 89 For what receivable 63 85 Improper use of bank 113 103 Of expired banks, penalty for issue of 176 128 Of gold banks 64 86 Shall bear charter number of bank 60 85 Tax on Chapter IV 92 Clearing house certificates counted as reserve. Clerks in Comptroller's office 7 66 Closed bank — circulation of 71 90 Comptroller of the Currency 2 65 Condition — reports of 1 19 105 Verification of, report of condition 120 106 Consent of two-thirds necessary for extension 132 no Contributions — corporation, to political parties prohibited 160 Converted bank may retain branches 39 76 Corporate existence — extension of •• Chapter VI 109 Powers 16 69 Counterfeit circulation — penalty for 169 125 Penalty for dealing in I75 128 Penalty for improper 165 124 Penalty for passing 172 127 Creditor's bill against shareholders 164 123 Creditors — illegal preference of 163 123 Crimes Chapter VIII 124 Currency Act, March 14, 1900 151 Currency bureau Chapter I 65 Delivering circulation — penalty for improper 165 124 194 N. W. HALSEY & CO. NATIONAL BANK ACT— Continued Section Page Deposit and withdrawal of public moneys in government depositaries. 226 147 By certain postmasters in, provision for government depositaries. 227 147 Not required for consolidation 140 112 Of lawful money for redemption of outstanding circulation 139 112 Of United States bonds 24 72 Depositaries — government Chapter XI 146 Deputy comptroller 5 66 Designation and duties of government depositaries 225 146 Directors in Oklahoma — qualifications of 29 73 Number and election of 27 73 Oaths of 31 74 Qualifications of 28 73 Vacancies in board of 33 75 Dissenting shareholders may withdraw 135 no Dividends by national banks 109 102 Reports of 121 106 Unearned, prohibited 1 14 103 Earnings — reports of 121 106 Election — failure to hold annual 32 74 Qualifications of voters at 30 74 Enforcing tax on circulation 83 94 Evidence 182 131 Examination in District of Columbia 128 108 Examiners 125 107 Compensation of 127 108 Qualification for 126 107 Existence — corporate Chapter VI 109 Extended banks — circulation of 69 8g Extension of corporate existence Chapter VI 109 Failure to make semi-annual return of taxable circulation 88 96 First lien for redeeming circulation 150 116 Fraudulent notes to be marked 79 92 Gold bank — conversion of 36 75 Organization of 35 75 Circulation of 64 86 Reserve requirements for 102 100 Gold certificates counted as reserve loi 99 Government depositaries Chapter XI 146 Impairment of capital — assessment for 115 104 Impressions of tools, penalty for having 174 128 Penalty for taking unauthorized 173 127 Indian Territory — ^jurisdiction in 185 131 INDEX 195 NATIONAL BANK ACT— Continued Section Page Insolvent bank — distribution of assets of i55 nS Notes to creditors of IS4 "7 Taxes unremitted i6o 120 Interest by Comptroller in national banks prohibited 6 66 Interest — penalty for unlawful 108 102 Which may be charged by national banks 107 101 Issue of other notes prohibited 78 92 Jurisdiction Chapter VIII 124 Lawful money 231 150 Laws apply to all national banks 92 97 Legal tender and lawful money 231 150 Liabilities — exception for trustees, etc 41 77 Liability of directors 158 118 Personal, of shareholders 40 76 Restriction on banks H2 103 Liquidating banks, circulation of 70 90 Liquidation Chapter VII lii Location — change of 46 78 Material for circulation — penalty for illegal possession or use of 171 126 Money order funds — penalty for misapplication of 228 148 Mutilating circulation — penalty for 168 125 National bank act i 65 National bank cases — jurisdiction of 181 130 National banks — powers and organization of Chapter II 68 Regulation of Chapter V 97 "National," use of — in titles 130 109 Notice to present circulation for redemption 148 115 Uncurrent — prohibition against 117 105 United States, redemption in 74 91 Notice of voluntary liquidation 138 112 "Obligations of the United States" defined 170 126 Office malfeasance — penalty for 179 130 Offices, vaults, etc.. Comptroller's 9 66 Organization and power of national banks Chapter II 68 Certificate 14 68 Proceedings, examination of 22 71 Organized under the act of February 25, 1863 — status of 47 79 Penalty for failure to report 122 106 For unlawful interest charges 108 102 Place of business 93 97 Plates and dies — control of 61 85 Examination of 62 85 Pledging United States notes — penalty for 166 124 196 N. W. HALSEY & CO. NATIONAL BANK ACT— Continued Section Page Powers and organization of national banks Chapter II 68 Powers — corporate i6 69 President shall be a director 34 75 Private sale — bonds sold at 151 1 16 Proceedings in default of tax on circulation 82 94 Protest of bank circulation 143 113 Public auction — bonds sold at 149 115 Provisions for redeeming circulation 66 87 Qualifications of Comptroller 4 65 Real estate — dealings of national banks in 106 loi Receiver — appointment and duties 152 1 16 When may be appointed 153 117 When he may purchase property 159 119 Receivership Chapter VII 1 1 1 Expenses of — how paid 156 118 Redeemed notes to be cancelled 7Z 90 Redemption account — disposition of 75 91 Fund counted as reserve 98 98 Of incomplete circulation 76 91 Of circulation in United States notes 74 91 Of United States note certificates 100 99 Refunding excess tax on circulation 84 94 Regulation for redemption records T^ 9° Of the banking business Chapter V 97 Report — annual, of Comptroller 10 67 Reports of condition 119 105 Of condition, verification of 120 106 Of dividends and earnings 121 106 Of other banks 123 106 Penalty for failure to 122 106 Reserve — agents' balances counted as 96 98 Cities 94 97 Clearing house certificates counted as 97 98 Deposit in central reserve city 103 100 Cities, additional 104 100 Not maintained 95 98 Redemption fund counted as 98 98 Requirements 94 97 Requirements for gold banks 102 100 United States gold certificates counted as loi 99 United States note certificates counted as 99 98 INDEX 197 NATIONAL BANK ACT— Continued Section Page Restrictions on liability 112 103 On loans no 102 Savings banks in the District of Columbia Chapter X 144 Seal of Comptroller's office 8 66 Semi-annual return of circulation 81 93 Return of taxable circulation 87 95 Shareholders' agent — appointment and qualifications of 161 120 Agents, duties of 162 122 Dissenting, may withdraw I3S i ^0 Liability 40 76 List of 118 IDS Special examination necessary for extension 133 no State banks — conversion of 37 75 Capital of 38 76 State taxation of national banks 124 107 Status not changed by extension 134 1 10 Suspension of business after default 147 115 Suits against United States officers or agents 184 131 Surplus of national banks 109 102 Tax on authorized circulation 86 95 Circulation Chapter IV 92 Circulation of converted banks 89 96 Circulation provisions restricted 90 96 Taxation of national banks by state 124 107 Of notes, etc 91 96 Title — change of 46 78 Trust companies in the District of Columbia Chapter IX 132 Unauthorized deposit of public moneys — penalty for 229 149 Receipt or use of public money 229 149 United States note certificates counted as reserve 99 98 Use of "National" in titles ^ 130 109 Violation of banking law Chapter VIII 124 Visitorial power — limitations of 129 109 Vote required for liquidation I37 1 1 1 When circulation is exempt from taxation 85 94 Withdrawing circulation 67 88 Circulation, general provisions for 68 88 Worn-out or mutilated circulation 65 86 198 N. W. HALSEY & CO. CODE OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Section Page Amendment — provision for 220 143 By-laws 210 141 Capital — increase of 215 142 Capital stock — money payments of — required 207 140 Provisions relating to 199 137 Charter 188 133 Filing of 190 133 Competent to act as trust, etc 193 135 Corporate existence 198 137 Directors' liability for payment of unearned dividends 211 141 Liability may be avoided 212 141 Number and election of 208 140 Responsibility of, for excess liabilities 213 141 District court — all similar, subject to this act 219 143 Enforcement of subscriptions to 200 138 Evidence — certified copy of incorporation certificate competent 216 142 Jurisdiction, district supreme court has 218 142 Larceny 204 139 Liability for failure to report 203 139 No bond or other security required 217 142 Notice of intention to apply for charter 189 133 Officers — appointment of 209 140 Organization certificate • 187 132 Perjury 204 139 Powers 192 134 Privileges extended to existing corporations 196 136 Provisions for organization 186 132 Qualifications as trustee 194 136 Real estate — dealings in 197 137 Report — annual of Comptroller 201 138 Security for faithful performance of trust 195 136 Stock — interest of 205 139 Stockholders' liability 206 140 Supervision — under Comptroller 191 134 Tax on gross earnings 202 138 Trust companies, etc. — provisions for charter 189 133 Trustee not liable on stock assessment 214 141 SAVINGS BANKS, ETC.— DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Savings banks in — formation of 221 144 Reports to Comptroller 222 144 Examination of, by Comptroller 223 145 Act of June 25, 1906, relative to 224 145 INDEX 199 Index to Sections of Revised Statutes Included in the National Bank Act as Amended Section Paragraph Section Paragraph Section Paragraph Section Paragraph 324 2 5136 16 5182 63 6220 137 325 3 5137 106 6183 78 6221 138 326 4 6138 17 5184 65 6222 139 327 5 5139 18,42 5185 35,64 6223 140 328 7 5140 19 5186 102 6224 141 329 6 5141 20,21 5187 165 5226 70 330 8 5142 43,44 5188 167 5226 143 331 9 6143 45 6189 168 5227 144 332 128 5144 30 6190 93 5228 147 333 10 5145 27 5191 94,95 5229 148 380 184 5146 28 6192 96 5230 149, 150 605 221 5147 31 5193 99 6231 151 629 180 6148 33 5194 100 6232 72 713 222,224 5149 32 5196 103 6233 73 714 222,224 5150 34 6196 77 5234 152 736 146 5151 40 6197 107 5235 164 884 182 5152 41 6198 108 5236 155 885 183 5153 226 6199 109 6237 146 3410 38 5154 37 6200 110 6238 166 3411 85 5156 39 6201 111 5239 167,158 3414 87 5156 47 5202 112 5240 125,126, 3415 88 5157 92 6203 113 127 3416 89 6158 48 5204 114 6241 129 3417 90 6159 24,49 6205 115 5242 163 3585 231 5160 60 5206 117 5243 130 3586 231 5161 61 5207 166 6413 170 3587 231 5162 52 5208 177 6416 169 3588 231 5163 63 5209 179 5430 171 3589 231 5164 54 5210 118 5431 172 3590 231 5165 56 5211 119 5432 173 3620 226 5166 66 5212 121 5433 174 3701 91 5167 67 5213 122 6434 175 3811 11 5168 22,23 5214 80 6437 176 3847 227 5169 25 5215 81 6488 229 4046 228 5170 26 5216 82 6497 230 5133 13 6172 69 5217 83 5134 14 5173 61 6218 84 5135 15 6174 62 5219 124 200 N. W. HALSEY <5- CO. Currency Act Section Page Amendment to section 5138, R. S 10 156 Bimetallism — international 14 159 Bonds — deposit of, to secure circulating notes 12 157 Issued to maintain reserve 2 152 Substitution of 12 150 U. S., exchange of outstanding issues authorized 11 156 Certificates — gold 6 153 Gold, when authority to issue is suspended 6 154 Silver, denominations 7 155 Coin — subsidiary issue of 8 155 Coinage of silver dollars 5 153 Deposit of bonds to secure circulating notes 12 157 Division of issue 4 153 Division of redemption 4 153 Dollar — gold, standard of value i 151 Dollars — silver, coinage of, to retire treasury notes 5 153 Gold certificates 6 153 When authority to issue is suspended 6 154 International bimetallism 14 159 Issues — division of 4 153 Legal tender quality not affected 3 152 Notes — circulating, additional security may be required for 12 150 Circulating, denomination of 12 150 Circulating, secured by deposit of bonds 12 157 Circulating, shall not exceed paid-up capital 12 150 Circulating, tax on 13 159 Reissued 2 152 Treasury 2 151 United States, amount outstanding fixed by law 6 154 Redemption of treasury notes 2 151 Of United States notes 2 151 Reserve — maintenance of 2 151 In trust funds 4 153 Redemption — division of 4 153 Silver certificates — denomination 7 155 Dollars, coinage of 5 153 Standard of value — gold dollar i 151 Subsidiary coin — issue of 8 155 Tax on circulating notes 13 159 INDEX 201 Additional Circulation Act Section Page Additional circulation act, appropriations to carry out i6 172 Date of expiration of act 20 173 Date of act 20 173 Additional circulation — application for, by banks i 162 Application for, by a national currency association 3 165 Deposit of securities for i 162 Deposit of securities for," by national currency association 3 165 Distribution geographically 7 168 Distribution of notes 10 171 Information regarding securities pledged for 8 168 Legal title of bonds as security for, transferred 4 166 Limit of indebtedness of municipality in proportion to balance of taxable property 3 166 Limit of issue S 167 Limited to ninety per centum of cash value of municipals 1-3 163-165 Limited to seventy-five per centum of cash value of commercial securities i 163 Not to exceed thirty per centum of capital when based on commercial paper i 163 Redemption fund must cover 6 167 Reports, monthly 9 169 Securities available for i 162 Status of 5 167 Tax on 9 169 Value of securities pledged for 8 168 Withdrawal of 10 170 Circulation — printing of notes 11 171 Redemption of notes 12 171 Tax on 9 168 Withdrawal of notes 10 170 163 161 162 Commercial paper — definition of.. National Currency Association.... A bank may belong to but one. Application by, for additional circulation 3 165 By-Laws of Capital of Certificates of 162 161 161 Deposit of securities for additional circulation 3 165 162 164 Dissolution of members of Failure of member to deposit additional securities. Failure of member to make good redemption fund 2 164 202 N. W. HALSEY & CO. ADDITIONAL CIRCULATION ACT— Con/mueJ National Currency Association — Continued Section Page Substitution of securities i 164 Liability of member of i 163 Management of i 162 May be sued i 161 May require additional securities i 164 Members may be sued in circuit court i 164 Membership i 161 Name of i 161 Number of banks required to form . ; i 161 Officers of i 162 Purposes of i 162 Place of business i 161 Powers of board i 162 Receipt given for bonds deposited 4 166 Sale of securities deposited by members 2 165 Under authority of Secretary of Treasury 13 172 National Monetary Commission, creation of 17 172 Expiration of 19 173 To report 18 173 Public deposits 14 172 Interest on 15 172 New York Savings Bank Law Bonds — limitation of holdings of railroad bonds 6i 181 Bonds legal for investment. Of United States Of District of Columbia Of State of New York Of counties of New York Of municipalities of New York Of school districts of New York On real estate in New York Of various states, provided Of municipalities outside of New York, provided Of railroad corporations of New York, provided Of railroad corporations of the United States, provided Of railroad corporations owning less than 500 miles of road, pro- vided Of railroad corporations, guaranteed, provided Of railroad corporations, underlying, provided ; . . Street railroad, not railroad bonds Mortgages on real estate Of Tv. I 175 I 17s 2 175 4 176 4 176 4 176 6 177 3 175 5 176 6a 177 6e 178 6f 179 6g 180 6i 180 6i 182 6 177 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY— TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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