IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJORl Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// FIRST YEAR IN ALGEBRA BY FREDERICK H. SOMERVILLE THE WILLIAM PENN CHARTER SCHOOL, PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK •:• CINCINNATI .:• CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, 1905, by FREDERICK H. SOMERVILLE. Entered at Stationers' Hall, London. FIRST year in ALG. w. p. t PREFACE The aim of this little book is to provide an introduc- tory course as a foundation to elementary algebra. A minimum number of definitions, an early introduction of the literal symbol in its simplest form, a clear conception of the opposition of positive and negative quantity, and a gradual introduction to the early processes are believed to be the first essentials to successful later work. New elements are introduced as the result of some natural process, the exponent, for example, not being mentioned or used until, in multiplication, the pupil meets the opera- tion that produces it. Certain important topics are given a more extended treatment than is customary in most books prepared for beginners. The application of the equation to the prob- lem is made in a form that experience has shown to give excellent results, and the reasoning powers developed by the limited classifications have been equal to the demands of the general problem. Substitution has a much more important position than is usual in elementary teaching, and its constant applications are designed to meet an actual need felt by teachers in higher grades of work. 4 PREFACE The importance of factoring is emphasized by an unusual amount of practice, and the arrangement of the type- forms is 'one that has been given extended trial in the class room. Reviews are constant and consist of both classified groups for topical review and miscellaneous exercises in which the power of discrimination is first developed. The frequent grouping of principles recently passed over serves to keep them clearly in mind. The exercises have been carefully graded throughout and are free from diffi- cult and discouraging questions. FEEDEEICK H. SOMERVILLE. Philadelphia, Pa, ■ CONTENTS ' OHAPTEE PAGE I. Symbols 7 Positive and Negative Quantity ... 10 n. Addition 18 Parentheses 22 Review .28 III. Subtraction 31 IV. Multiplication 36 V. Division 49 Review 58 VI. The Simple Equation 61 VII. Substitution 83 VIII. Special Cases in Multiplication and Division . 94 IX. Factoring 109 Review 131 X. The Highest Common Factor 140 XI. Fractions 143 Transformations 143 XII. The Lowest Common Multiple .... 151 The Lowest Common Denominator . . . 154 XIII. Fractions (Continued) 157 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions . 157 Multiplication and Division of Fractions . 161 Miscellaneous Fractions 165 Review 167 XIV. Fractional Equations 174 XV. Simultaneous Simple Equations .... 184 Review 197 FIRST YEAR IN ALGEBRA CHAPTER I SYMBOLS. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE QUANTITY 1. In arithmetic we represent quantity by the use of numbers^ and, in most cases, we work with units of a par- ticular kind. Thus, 4 pounds, 3 yards, and 7 dollars are units of a particular kind. 2. In algebra we represent quantity by the use of the letters of the alphabet^ and we do not, as a rule, assign a particular value to these literal symbols. Thus, 4 a, 3 m, 6 a:, and 7 y represent what we call general units, and our operations with them are accomplished without reference to any particular value. ILLUSTRATIONS OF OPERATIONS WITH LITERAL SYMBOLS At first the student may wonder that operations with these new symbols of quantity are possible, but a com- parison of an arithmetical addition with particular units and an algebraic addition with general units will serve to convince. 7 8 SYMBOLS, POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE QUANTITY By Arithmbtic By Algebra 7 apples 7 a 5 apples 5 a 3 apples 3 a 15 apples 15 a No matter what the '''sl''' of the algebraic illustration stands for, it is true that the sum of seven a's, five a's, and three «'s is fifteen a's. The principle is the same when units of dijBferent kinds are considered together. By Arithmetic By Algebra 4 pounds + 3 ounces 4a+3& 6 pounds + 2 ounces 6a + 2& 10 pounds + 4 ounces lOa + 46 20 pounds + 9 ounces 20 a + 9 6 Note that in both additions, units of the same kind are added together, pounds added to pounds, ounces to ounces, a's together, and 5's together. SYMBOLS OF OPERATION The principal signs of operation in algebra are identical with those of arithmetic. 3. Addition is indicated by the " plus " sign, + . Thus, a + b is the indicated sum of the quantity a and the quantity b. Read " a plus J." 4. Subtraction is indicated by the " minus " sign, — . Thus, a — 6 is the indicated difference between the quantity h and the quantity a. Read " a minus b." SYMBOLS OF OPERATION 9 5. Multiplication is usually indicated by the absence of sign between the quantities to be multiplied. Thus, ab is the indicated product of the quantities a and 6. abx is the indicated product of the quantities a, b, and x. Sometimes a dot is used to indicate a multiplication. Thus, a • b means the product of the quantities a and b. An indicated product may be read by the use of the word "times" or by the use of the literal symbols only. Thus, ab may be read " a times b." Or, simply, " ab.** 6. Division is indicated either by the sign of division, -f-, or by writing in the fractional form. Thus, a -H & is the indicated quotient of the quantity a divided by the quantity b. Also, - is another form for the same indicated operation. b 7. Equality of quantities in algebra is expressed by the sign of equality, = , which is read, " equals " or " is equal to." Thus, to express the fact that the sum of two quantities, a and b, is the same as the sum of two other quantities, c and d, we write a -{- b = c + d. 8. A coefficient is a known quantity showing how many times another quantity, or group of quantities, is to be added in an expression. Thus, in 6 a + 8 xy "5" is the coefficient of «a"; «8" is the coefficient of " xy." 10 SYMBOLS. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE QUANTITY The student will see that coefficients are results of ad- ditions, for, 5 a is an abbreviation ofa + a + a + a + a. 8 xy is an abbreviation of xy -\- xi/ + xy + xy -{- xy -{■ xy + xy + xy. The advantage of the use of coefficients is evident. Sometimes a coefficient is a literal quantity. Thus, in abx, " a " may be considered the coefficient of bx, or " ab " may be considered the coefficient of x. When the coefficient of a quantity is " unity " or " 1," it is not usually written or read. Thus : a is the same as 1 a. xy is the same as 1 xy. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE QUANTITY. SIGNS OF QUALITY 9. In algebra we consider not only the amount of quan- tity, but its nature or quality as well. Illustration. Suppose a merchant has a credit in a bank amounting to 1500, and suppose, also, that he owes the sum of $500 for goods purchased. Clearly, the two con- ditions are directly opposite to each other, for the first $ 500 represents a possession, the second $ 500 represents a debt. Now possession is an addition to the man's property ; debt, a subtraction from it : and the fact that these are opposites of quality must be represented by symbols that stand also for direct opposites. Hence, if we use the plus sign to indicate possession, we must, correspondingly, use the minus sign to indicate debt. USE AND VALUE OF QUALITY SIGNS 11 So we will write + 500 representing his possession, — 500 representing his debt. From the foregoing we make this important conclusion : 10. As Signs of Quality the plus, +, and the minus, — , symbols indicate absolute opposites in kind. ILLUSTRATIONS OP THE USE AND VALUE OF QUALITY SIGNS (a) If the distance in an easterly direction from Chicago is considered "plus," the distance west from that city would be considered as "minus." west — Chicago 4- east (5) We may consider the city of Memphis, Tennessee, as in latitude about 35° north of the equator, or in lati- tude -f- 35°. Correspondingly, Montevideo, about 35° in latitude measured south from the equator, would be con- sidered as in latitude — 35°. (c) Suppose the temperature on a certain winter's morn- ing was reported as 20° above the zero point in Philadel- phia, and 20° below the zero point in Montreal. We would consider the first as -}- 20°, and therefore the latter as —20°. (d) If the force expended to lift a certain weight is 100, and the force resisting the effort to lift it is 50, we would express the conditions thus : Force acting to raise it + 100. Force acting against raising it — 50. (e) Suppose two men weigh exactly 150 pounds. The first man gains 10 pounds while the second loses 10 12 SYMBOLS. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE QUANTITY pounds. The effects on the men are directly opposite, hence the quality of the changes would be expressed thus : First man's change in weight + 10 pounds. Second man's change in weight — 10 pounds. Clearly, therefore, 11. Whatever kind of quality we indicate hy the plus sign, the opposite kind of quality will be indicated by the minus sign. THE USE OF OPPOSITE QUALITY SIGNS TOGETHER 12. The sum of a group of plus, or positive, units of the same hind will be a positive quantity. Thus, if A has three checks for f 100, $200, and $300 respectively, we state his possession : + 100 + 200 + 300 + 600 his possession in dollars. 13. The sum of a group of minus, or negative, units of the same kind will' be a negative quantity. Thus, if A owes three different men the sums of $100, $150, and $ 200 respectively, we state his indebtedness : - 100 -150 -200 — 450 his indebtedness in dollars. Let us now consider the effect of bringing together into one operation two or more quantities of different quality sign ; that is, the combining of positive and negative quan- tities in one group. USE OF OPPOSITE QUALITY SIGNS TOGETHER 13 Suppose a man has 5 dollars and owes 2 dollars. How many dollars will he have after paying his debt ? By arithmetic we obtain by ordinary subtraction : 5 2 3 • But in algebra we consider the quality of the quantities, hence the possession is given the + sign, consequently, the debt is given the — sign. Then we write ^ -2 + 3 In each case, clearly, there remain 3 dollars. But our algebraic process has considered both amount and kind, and is based on this reasoning : His possession is +5 or +1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1. His debt is — 2 or — 1 — 1. Now it requires one + dollar to pay one — dollar, hence two + dol- lars are used to pay the two — dollars. And three + dollars remain, for the algebraic process has considered kind as well as amount in the result. Suppose, again, that the man has $ 4 but owes f 9. By the same process : , ^ -9 -5 For His possession is + 4 or +1 + 1 + 1 + 1. His debt is - 9 or -l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l. Here five negative dollars remain after the entire number of posi- tive dollars has been used as far as possible to pay dollars of debt. Again, the quality sign is evident and of as much importance as the amount. 14 SYMBOLS. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE QUANTITY From these illustrations we conclude : 14. The algebraic sum of two quantities with different quality signs is positive or negative according as there are more + or more — units considered. With no more difficulty we may group several quantities of different quality in one operation. Suppose that the line AB represents the distance be- tween two towns, and that (7 is a point midway between A and B. Suppose, also, that distances to the right of O are considered as -f- . It follows, therefore, that distances to the left of Q will be considered as — . A O B + 10 -7 - + 12 > A man starts at (7, goes 10 miles towards B^ turns back 7 miles towards A^ and finally turns again and goes 12 miles towards B. We express his journey thus : + 10-7 + 12 miles. He traveled 10 miles and 12 miles respectively towards B; also 7 miles towards A . Hence, his distance from C will be + 10 + 12 - 7 = + 15 miles. The result indicates not only that he is 15 miles from C at the end of his journey, but, by its + sign, it shows him to be at the right of C. USE OF OPPOSITE QUALITY SIGNS TOGETHER 15 Suppose a different journey. Thus : A C B + 10 15 + 8 -7 The several distances and directions are expressed thus : + 10-15 + 8-7. From which + 10 + 8 = + 18 his journey towards B. and — 15 — 7 = — 22 his journey towards A. Result — 4 his final distance at the left of C. Using the same line, AB, let the student determine the positions of the traveler at the end of the journeys indi- cated in the following, not forgetting to make use of the proper signs for locating him at either the right or the left of his starting-point. 1. From C 8 miles towards B and 6 miles back towards A, 2. From C 9 miles towards B, 16 miles towards A, and back 8 miles towards B. 3. From O 6 miles towards B, 10 back towards A, and 4 towards B. 4. From 17 miles towards A, 11 towards jB, 6 towards A, and 21 towards B. 5. From C 7 miles towards A, 3 more towards A, 15 back towards B^ and 7 towards A. 16 SYMBOLS. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE QUANTITY Exercise 1 In each of the following determine the required numeri- cal result, together with its quality, whether positive or negative. 1. A merchant has a credit of $1000 in a bank and gives a check for the payment of a bill of |400. What is the amount and nature of his balance ? 2. The temperature on a certain morning was 58° above zero. At noon it was 72° above zero. What quality change had taken place and how much ? 3. On a winter's day at noon the temperature was 12° above zero. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon the temperature had fallen 19°. What was the reading of the thermometer at 5 o'clock ? 4. A has a cash balance of $45. He has B's note for 115 and C's check for 1 30, and he owes D |100. How will A stand when he balances his account ? 5. A has $100. B has no cash whatever. C also has no cash, and yet owes 8 100. How much better off than B is A ? How much better off than C is B ? How much better off than C is A ? ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 15. An Algebraic Expression is an algebraic symbol, or group of algebraic symbols, representing some quantity. An expression is called numerical when made up wholly of numerical symbols. Thus, 20 + 10 — 13 is a numerical expression. ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 17 An expression is called literal when made up wholly or in part of literal symbols. Thus, ab + mn — xy is a literal expression. 5a + 3c — 17 is a literal expression. 16. The Terms of an algebraic expression are its parts connected by the + or — signs. Thus, in the expression ab + mn — xy, ab, +7nn and — xy are terms. It will be noted that the sign between two terms belongs to the term following it. Also that the sign of the first term, when +, is not usually written. Thus, in the expression ab-\-mn — xy, the first term is + ab. Y7. The common expressions of algebra are named as follows : Monomial. One term. 3 a, 10 mn, 27 xyz are monomials. Binomial. Two terms. a + b,^m — x,10 — lcd are binomials. Trinomial. Three terms. 3w + 7n — Sxyisa trinomial. Polynomial. A name usually given to expressions of more than three terms. p. H. S. FIRST YEAR ALG. —2 CHAPTER II ADDITION. PARENTHESES. REVIEW 18. Addition in algebra, as in arithmetic, is the process of combining two or more expressions into an equivalent expression called the sum. In algebraic addition we consider : (1) Like quantities having the same signs, either all + or all — . (2) Like quantities having different signs, some + and some — . When the quantities to be added are like in sign, the addition is in no way different from that of arithmetic. Thus : By Arithmetic By Algebra 7 books + 7 a -7a 10 books + 10 a - 10 a 15 books + log —15a 32 books + 32 a - 32 a From which we conclude : 19. 77ie coefficient of the sum of similar terms having like signs is the sum of the coefficients of the terms with the com- mon sign. When the quantities to be added are unlike in sign, the resulting coefficients depend for their sign upon the excess of one quality sign over the other. (Art. 14.) 18 GENERAL METHOD 19 Applying this principle to the coefficients of like terms, we will obtain the sum of the following : 5a4- 7& + 2c 2a-3&-5c 7a + 46-3c Result. The result is obtained as follows : fThe coefficient " + 7 " in the 1st term is the sum of the given coefficients, + 5 and + 2. The coefficient " + 4 " in the 2d term is the sum of the given coeffi- cients, + 7 and — 3. By Art. 14 this coefficient is the actual difference between 7 and 3, with the sign of the greater. The coefficient " — 3 " in the 3d term is the sum of the given coeffi- cients, + 2 and — 5. Here, as above, the coefficient "—3" is an actual difference with the proper sign. From this illustration we conclude : 20. The coefficient of the sum of similar terms having un- like signs is the actual difference between the sum of the 4- coefficients and the sum of the — coefficients^ with the sign of the greater. GENERAL METHOD The following method is in general use for the addition of expressions made up of similar terms. Ex. 1. Add ^a + lh-2c, 2a-35 + 8(?, and -3a-t- 5a + 7& - 2c 2a-3& + 8c ~3a + 2ft-10c 4a + 66- 4c Result. 20 ADDITION. PABENTHESES. REVIEW The coefficients of the result are obtained as follows : Sum of the + coefficients of a, + 7 ; sum of the — coefficients of a, — 3. Difference, + 4. Sum of the + coefficients of &, + 9 ; sum of the — coefficients of ft, - 3. Difference, + 6. Sum of the + coefficients of c, + 8; sum of the — coefficients of c, — 12. Difference, — 4. Remember that the signs of the first terms, 5 a and 2 a, are " plus understood." • If not all of the terms considered are represented in each given expression, it is well' to arrange in alphabetic order, leaving space for such terms as an examination of the problem shows need for. Ex. 2. Add4a + 35 + 3w, 26 + 3(?-6?, 2a+3(^+2w-a;, and 5b — 5m—Sx, 4a + 3& + 3m + 2b + Sc- d 2a -\-Sd + 2m- X + 5& — 5m — 3a? 6a + 10b + Sc + 2d -4a: Result. Note that the sum of the coefficients of " m " is zero, and, there- fore, the m term disappears in the result. We are now ready to state the general process for addi- tion of algebraic expressions. 21. Place like terms in vertical columns. Add separately in each column the positive coefficients and the negative coefficients^ and to the arithmetical difference of their sums give the proper sign. GENERAL METHOD 21 22. Collecting terms in algebra is another expression for addition. It is frequently used in cases where like terms are scattered throughout an expression and in no particular order. Exercise 2 Find the sum of : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. a -a 10a -10a -Sa -Ua 87a; -29y la -la -6a 6a 15a -14a -18a; 13^ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 2a + 4h Za-\-lx —Im—lxz —8a;— 13 —aed-\- ^yz ba-2h a-6x 4m-\-^xz lla;+ 1 ^acd-llyz 14. 15. 16. bxy-\-'^xz— yz — 2nx—10 p —ah —x-\-l 2>xy 4-2?/2 Smy-\-llnx bab—2cd-\-x 17. 3a+26, 4a-35, -2a+75, and 5a-6h, 18. 2a— 3ah. 28. Zd-[-a-d-\-c-'^d-2c+4:h-\-c-^h + lQa-2a. 29. — a — m + c— x-\-c — m-\-a — y — h-{-m — c — a + m + h-\-y + a — c + h-{-x, THE PARENTHESIS 23. The Parenthesis is used in algebra to indicate that two or more quantities are to be treated as a single quan- tity. Thus : a + (ft — c) means that to a we are to add the difference of h and c. a — (b — c) means that from a we are to subtract the difference of b and c. 24. A sign hefore a parenthesis indicates an operation. A + sign hefore a parenthesis is an indicated addition. A — sign hefore a parenthesis is an indicated suhtraction. We will first consider THE PARENTHESIS PRECEDED BT THE PLUS SIGN Suppose we add to 20 the sum of 10 and 5. We write 20 +(10 + 5). PARENTHESIS PRECEDED BY MINUS SIGN 23 From this indicated addition we obtain 20 + (10 + 5)= 20 + 15 20 +(10 + 5)= 20 + 10 + 5 = 35 ^^' = 35 The result is the same whether the 10 and 5 are added before or after removing the ( ). Suppose, again, that we add to 20 the difference between 10 and 5. We write 20 +(10 -5). And, as before, 20 +(10 - 5)= 20 + 5 20 + (10 - 5)= 20 + 10-5 = 25 "^' =25 The same result in either case. Hence, we conclude : 25. if a + ( ) ^s removed^ none of the signs of its terms is changed. "The parenthesis preceded by the minus sign Suppose we subtract from 20 the sum of 10 and 5. We write and obtain 20 - (10 + 5) = 20 - 15 20 - (10 + 5) = 20 - 10 - 5 = 5 ^^' =5 The same result in either case. Suppose, again, that we subtract from 20 the difference between 10 and 5. We write 20 -(10 - 5)= 20 - 5 20 -(10 - 5) = 20 - 10 + 5 ^15 "'' =15 Again, the same result in either case. Clearly, in the last operation we are not to take all of 10 from 20 ; only the difference between 10 and 5 is to be taken. So if 10 is taken away, 5 must be added, and we have 20 - 10 + 5, or 15. 24 ADDITION. PARENTHESES. BEVIEW We may conclude, therefore, that 26. If a — (^^ is removed^ the sign of every term in it must he changed. It must be remembered that {a) The sign before a parenthesis indicates an operation of either addition or subtraction. (5) The sign of a parenthesis disappears when the paren- thesis is removed. The effect of all possible cases of + and — signs before parentheses is clearly illustrated as follows : + (+«) = + « —(+«)=—« PARENTHESES WITHIN PARENTHESES It is frequently necessary that we inclose in parentheses parts of an expression already in another parenthesis. In order to avoid confusion in such cases, we employ different forms of the parenthesis. The forms are : (a) The Bracket [ ]. (6) The Brace \\. (js) The Vinculum " . Each has the same significance as the ordinary parenthesis. Thus: (a + 6) = [a + 5] = [a + ^1 = a-\-h. In removing one or more of these signs of aggregation, we observe the following : 27. Beginning with the innermost., remove the parentheses one at a time. If a parenthesis preceded by a minus sign is removed, the signs of its terms are changed* PARENTHESES WITHIN PARENTHESES 25 After removing all parentheses, collect the terms of the result. Exercise 3 Observing the effect of the + and — signs preceding parentheses that you remove, simplify the following : 1- (+5)+ (+2) = 5 + 2 . = 7. Result. 2. (+5) -(+2) = 5- 2 = 3. Result. 3. (+5) + (-2). 8. (+16) + (-17). 4. (+5) -(-2). 9. (-14) -(-13). 5. (-7) + ( + 6). 10. (-7a)-(+5a). 6. (+5)-(-9). 11. _(-5a)-(+7a). 7. (_10)-(_19). 12. -(+6w) + (-6m). 13. (-13:r?/) + (-llrry). 14. — (— 19mn) — (+20 wn). 15. 3m-(2m) + (-m) + (2m) = 3m-2w-wj + 2m = 2m. Result. 16. (+6) -(+3) +(-2). 17. (-5) -(-2) -(-3). 18. a— (4a) + (—«) — (—4a). 19. -5x+(-2x')-(-x}-{Sx'). 20. a - [2 6 + (3 c - 2 6) - c] = a - [2 6 + 3 c - 2 6 - c] = a-2b -Sc + 2b + c ' = a — 2 c. Result. 21. 5a + (3a + ll). 26. - 3a;-(-rr + «/-9). 22. 4a-(3a + 6). 27. 4:r+ [22: + (2: + l)]. 23. 3a;+(2a;-3)+4. 28. 4a^- [2 2;-(a:- 1)]. 24. 5:r-(3a;-^ + l). 29. 3 ^/ - jy + (2 y-10) j. 25. 6c-(2c? + 3)-10. 30. 2a;?/- [a;2/ + 3-2;?/]. 26 ADDITION, PARENTHESES. REVIEW 31. by+i\l-\2y-y + l\-], 32. -7-(-w+ [-3m- J2m + ^n)- 33. 4 ?n - [3 m - (w + 2) - 4] - {m + 3 n - (n - 1)} + n 4m- [3 w- n-2 -4]-{m + 3n- n + 1} +n = 4m- 3m+ n + 2 +4 -{m + 3n- n +'l} + n = 4m— 3m+ n + 2 +4 -m-3n+ n-1 +w = 5. Result. 34. a — [a + f a— ( Result. 32. From the sum of 2 a + ih — c and 3a — 45 + 3 c take the sum of S a + 5h—l c and 2a — 4:h-\-5c. 33. From the sum of 3a— 55 + 10 and ih + l c—7 take the sum of 6 + 8 c — 12 a and 16 5 — 19 + 6 a — 4 (?. 34. Take the sum of 4w + 37i — 5?/, Sn + 4:i/ — z, and w+^ — 14 2 from the sum of 2m -{-Si/, ^n — x, 5p-\-z, and — 12 w — 9. ADDITION Ain) SUBTRACTION WITH DISSIMILAR COEFFICIENTS * 33. Thus far our additions and subtractions have been made when the coefficients of like terms were all numeri- cal and easily combined. Thus : 5x 15 ar 3a: 6a; 8 a; Sum. 9 a; DifEerence. In later work it will often happen that coefficients will be literal and not possible of combination into a simple ♦ At the teacher's discretion this subject may be omitted until Exer- cise 47 is reached. ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 35 form like a numerical sum. In such cases our addition is indicated and the process is as follows : ax bx mx nx 2 ax ^cx 5 am — 7 cm (a + b)x (m -\- n)x (2a- f 3c)a; (5 a - 7 c) m Add the 1. Exercise 7 following : 2. 3. 4. ay cy Sx mx ( xyz — axyz )xyz cm — ahem ( )^ ( > ( ^cm ax nx 5. + So + - he - fan an 6. 5771+ w 4- X -am-\-en—S ax (a + n) a; -h (3 — 5) )=-a5 inversely, -ab-t- + a=-h (2) (_a)x(+^>)=-a5 ^y -ah-^-a= + h (3) division, (-a)x(-5)= + a6 -{-ah^ —a=—h (4) Therefore, we conclude : From (1) and (3): 46. Like signs in division give + . From (2) and (4): 47. Unlike signs in division give — • p. H. S. FIRST TEAR ALG. 4 49 50 DIVISION. BE VIEW COEFFICIENTS IN DIVISION Since two factors multiplied together give a product, it follows that this product divided by either of the factors will give the other factor. Hence : 48. The coefficient of a quotient is obtained by dividing the coefficient of the dividend by the coefficient of the divisor, EXPONENTS IN DIVISION By Art. 41, This might be written, aaaa x aa = aaaaaa. Now, if the product of six factors be divided by the group of two factors, we obtain by cancellation. Or, subtracting the number of a factors in the divisor from the number of a factors in the dividend, we obtain the number of a factors in the quotient. Hence : Similarly, a^^a'^ = a^-^ = a*. x^^x* = x^-^ = x^. From which we state the general principle for the expo- nents of quotients : 49. The exponent of a factor in a quotient is the differ- ence between the exponents of that factor in the dividend and divisor. DIVISION OF MONOMIALS 51 It is good practice to obtain the several parts of a quo- tient in, this order ; 1. The sign of the quotient. 2. The coefficient of the quotient. 3. The exponents of the literal factors. I. DIVISION OF A MONOMIAL BY A MONOMIAL The general process of dividing a monomial by a mono- mial is as follows : Ex. 1. Divide 10 a^ by 5 aK 5 a8 )10a5 Explanation. ,(1) Since the signs of the coefficients 2 a^ are like, the sign of the quotient will be + . (2) Divid- ing the given coefficients, we have 10-4-5 = 2, the coefficient of the quotient. (3) For the exponent of the literal factor, a^ -^ a^= a^-s = a^. Hence, the complete quotient, 2 a^. Ex. 2. Divide 36 a^a^ by - 12 aV. — 12 a%8)36 a^x^ Explanation. (1) Since the signs of the coeffi- 3 a^x cients are unlike, the sign of the quotient will be — . (2) Dividing the given coefficients, we have 36 -4- 12 = 3, the coefficient of the quotient. (3) For the exponents of the literal factors, a^ ^ a^ = a^ and x^ -^ x^ = x. Hence, the complete quotient, — 3 a^x. From these illustrations we state the general pro- cess for the division of monomials. 50. To divide a monomial by a monomial : Determine the sign of the quotient^ + or — according as the signs of the dividend and divisor are like or unlike. Divide the coefficient of the dividend hy the coefficient of the divisor and affix the sign obtained. Annex the literal factors, giving to each an exponent equal to the difference between its exponent in the dividend and its exponent in the divisor. 52 DIVISION. REVIEW E2:ercise 10 Obtain the quotients in the following : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 a)15a3 -8^2 )24^8 Ibxy)-^^ 9. 10. -8^25 ) -16^352 Zm^y )-'nrY&y^ 11. 12. 13. 14. 5:i;2^ -18a;2«/2a -25m2 -3a26c?(^ II. DIVISION OP A POLYNOMIAL BY A MONOMIAL A simple numerical example will illustrate the principle of division upon which we base our work when the divi- dend is a polynomial and the divisor a monomial. Suppose we divide 48 by 4. ^4? or, by separation, ^M + l ^„ 12 ' J' ^ 10 + 2 = 12. Simil rl ^ a2^15a^-_12af ~ 5 a )10a - 15a2+ 20 gS imiary, 5a2- 4a - 2 + 3 a - 4 a2 Hence, the general process. 51. To divide a polynomial by a monomial : Divide each term of the dividend hy the divisor and con- nect the several quotients hy the proper signs. DIVISION OF POLYNOMIALS 53 Exercise 11 Obtain the quotients in the following : 1. 2. 3. a)a±5ab 4 a )Sa^-12a^ - 2 a )10 a^ + 6 ac 4. 5. 6. 7. 7a3_21a2 by la. 8. 4 m^o: — 12 wa;2 by 4 mx, 9. — 25 w%2 + 20 mW — 15 mhi^ by 5 wV. 10. 5 a%- 10 aH^ + 15 ah^ hy -bah. 11. -18^6-24^5 4-30m*-36m34-42w2 by -6w. III. DIVISION OP A POLYNOMIAL BY A POLYNOMIAL When both dividend and divisor are polynomials, the principles already used are somewhat extended. We will illustrate by a numerical example. Suppose we divide 156 by 12. 12)156(13 , . 100 + 50 + 6(10 + 2 j2 or, separating both dm- loo + 20 10 + 3 = 13 ~^ dend and divisor as on , e og in former divisions, SO 4- 6 In the second process the divisor is written at the right of the divi- dend. The process in its successive steps is as follows : First. 100 -f- 10 = 10, the first term of the quotient. 64 DIVISION. REVIEW Second. Multiplying (10 + 2) by 10, we obtain (100 + 20), which product is subtracted from the given dividend. The remainder, (30 + 6), is the new dividend. Third. 30 -=- 10 = 3, the second term of the quotient. Repeating the process of multiplication and subtraction, the remainder is zero. Hence, the quotient is (10 + 3). Similarly, Dividend a^ -f 5 a + 6 ( a + 2 Divisor. a2 + 2 a a + 3 Quotient. + 3a+ 6 + 3a + 6 First, a^ -^ a = a, the first term of the quotient. Second. Multiplying (a + 2) by a, we obtain (a^ + 2a), which product is subtracted from the given dividend. The remainder, (3 a + 6), is the new dividend. Third. 3 a -^ a = 3, the second term of the quotient. Fourth. Multiplying (a + 2) by 3, we obtain (3 a + 6), which, subtracted from the last dividend, gives a remainder of zero, and the division is complete. And, in a more difficult case, the process is identical : Dividend a* + a^ _ 5 ^^2 _,. 13 ^ _ 6 ( gg - 2 a + 3 Divisor. a4 _ 2 a8 + 3 a2 a^ + 3 a ^ 2 Quotient. + 3a8 + 3a8 -8a2 -6a2 + 13 a + 9a -2a2 -2a2 4a- 4a- -6 -6 Hence, the general process for division of polynomials. 52. To divide a polynomial by a polynomial : Arrange the dividend and the divisor according to the ascending or descending powers of some common letter. Divide the first term of the dividend hy the first term of the divisor. DIVISION OF POLYNOMIALS 55 Write the result for the first term of the quotient. Multiply all the terms of the divisor hy the first term of the quotient and subtract the product from the dividend. The remainder^ if any, is a new dividend, and the opera- tion is repeated with successive dividends until the remainder becomes zero. Exercise 12 Divide : 1. 2m2+llm-f5 by 2^ + 1. 2. 2x^-\-x-Q by 2x-Z. 3. 3 c2 + 5 (? - 12 by (? + 3. 4. 3m2 + 14w + 15 by 3m + 5. 5. 16 + 8a: + rz;2 by 4 + 2;. 6. x^-^x-12 by x-%. 7. 7y2 + i23«/-54 by 7?/ -3. 8. ?>a%''--\-l\ab-20 by 3a6-4. 9. 21 m%* + 26 m2/?,2 _ 15 by 7mV-S. 10. 10a* + 23a2^-21a;* by lOa^-la^. 11. a^-\-Sa^-\-Sx-^l by x+1. 12. m^ + m2 — 3 m — 6 by m — 2. 13. a3 - 6 a2 + 8 a - 15 by a - 5. 14. mV — ■m^/i* — 7 ^2^2 + 3 by mV — 3. 15. 1 + a - 3 ^2 4- 9 ^3 by 1 + 3 a. 16. a* + 2 a3 + 2 a2 + a - 6 by a2 + a - 2. 17. 2x^-a^-Sx^-\-5x-2 by 22;2-3a; + 2. 56 DIVISION. REVIEW 18. *9a+10-22a2 + 2a* + a3 by 2a2-l-a. 19. 9a^-6x+llx^+6a^-10 by -2 + 32^. 20. 2 m^ - 7 + 8 w + 8 w* + 9 m2 by - 1 + 2 m^ + m. 21. 6a^-{-2a^-5a^-6-\-ba-lla^ by 2 + 2a2_a. 22. - a* + a2 _ 2 a3 - 1 4- a^ + 2 a^ by a2 + 1 - a + a3. 23. a;2- y\xj-j_ x^ — xy X -\- y + xy -y^ -\-xy -y'^ 24. x8 - ?/8(x a;8 — x^y x^ + xy -\- y^ + a:V + x'^y - xy^ 25. a* — m\a -\- m a* + ahn a8- a2m4- am^- — a^m — ahn -ahn^ + ahn^ + ahn^ + am* — am^ ■ -m* — am^ ■ -m* 26. a2 _ 52 ijy ^ ^ 5, 28. a^ - 53 by a - 6. 27. a^ — h^ by a— h, 29. a* — 5* by a + ^. * Arrange terms of dividend and divisor in descending order. DIVISION OF POL TN0MIAL8 57 30. a3 - 8 by a - 2. 32. 8 a^ + 27 5^ by 2 a + 3 h. 31. m^ + 32 by m + 2. 33. 16 m* - 1 by 2 w + 1. 34. 125 a656 + 27^3 by 5^262 + 3^. 35. 81 a:*/ - 16 ^4 by 3 a:?/ + 2 2. 36. a8-3a&c+ S^ + c8 (a + 5+ c a3 + ^2^ ^ a% (a2 _ a6 - ac + &2 _ &c + c« - a26-a2c.-3a6c+ b^-\- c^ - a%-ab^- abc -ah + -ah ab^- 2abc+ b^ + c^ abc - ac'^ + + ab^- ab^ abc + ac"^ -^^ b^ + c^ + b^ + bh : abc + ac"^ - abc — bh+ c« 62c - &c2 ^ac"^ + ac^ In this division the student will note that in all new dividends the letter a is given precedence, with powers of b and c following in their original order. 37. a^ + ^ah + y^-c^ hj a-\-h + c, 38. a;2 — 4 a; H- 4 — ?/2 by a: — 2 — y. 39. c^ + 2cd + d?-4:x^ hy c-\-d—2x, 40. 4 2^ + 12 a: + 9 - ^2 by 2 a; + 3 + ^. 41. ^2 + &2 4. c2 + 2 ^6 + 2 a(? + 2 5c? by a 4- J + xyz hj x -{- y + z. 43. w^ — 2 m^ + 1 by w2 _ 2 m + 1. 58 DIVISION, BEVIEW GENERAL REVIEW — GROUP II The following group of principles presented in an abbreviated form covers the new work since the preced- ing group. It is suggested that the student review again the principles covered in the first group, for the elementary processes that have been thus far presented cannot be too well fixed before more advanced work is attempted. SUBTRACTION The subtrahend^ with all signs changed^ is added to the minuend. MULTIPLICATION Signs. Like signs in multiplicand and multiplier produce a + product. Unlike signs in multiplicand and multiplier produce a — product. Exponents. The exponent of any factor in a product is the sum of the exponents of that factor in the multiplicand and multiplier. Arrangement of Terms. Multiplicand and multiplier should he arranged in the same order^ both ascending or both descending. DIVISION Signs. Like signs in dividend and divisor produce a + quotient. Unlike signs in dividend and divisor produce a — quotient. Exponents. The exponent of a factor iyi a quotient is the difference between the exponents of that factor in the dividend and the divisor. Arrangement of Terms. Dividend and divisor should be arranged in the same order^ both ascending or both de- scending. REVIEW 59 Exercise 13 REVIEW 1. Add (a + 2)(a + 3) and (a + 1)2. 2. What is the sum of 3(a2 _ ^ + 2) - 2(a - 3 + a2) - («-!)(« + 3)? 3. Subtract (a + 2)2 from (a + 1)^. 4. Subtract (a + 2)(a — 3) from a^ 4. ^ _ 5. 5. By how much does 4(a — 3) — 3(5 + 1) exceed 2(a + 6 - 2) ? 6. Subtract (a + 3) from (a — 2)2 and multiply the result by (a— 1). 7. From (a2+ 3)2 take (a+ 3)3. 8. By how much does (a+ 6 + (?)2 exceed 2(aJ + «c4-5(?)? 9. What must be added to (a + a;+ 1)^ that the sum may be (^a-\-x— 1)2 ? 10. Subtract (a + 3) from (a2 — 2 a) and from the re- mainder take «2 _ 4 ^ _ 3. 11. Prove that w(a — rr) + a(rc — m) + a;(m — a) = 0. 12. Multiply the sum of a^ -j. 2 and a^-\-a — l by d^ — 1. 13. Multiply the sum of (a + 2) and («2 _ 3 ^) by [«(a + l)_(2a-2)]. 14. Simplify a + 5 - [(3 a - 5) + (a - 3 6) - a] + [a - (5 — 2 a)] and multiply the result by a — 4 5. 15. Simplify (2; + l)(a:+3)(rr + 4)-(rr-l)(a;-3)(a:-4). 16. Simplify (c + l)c- [(c- 1)2- (1 - c)]. 17. Simplify (a + a;) (a + y) — ((X — a:) (<^ — y). 60 DIVISION. REVIEW 18. Divide a^ + 3 ^2 + 3 a + 1 by (a + 1)(« + 1). 19. Find the continued product of (2a + 3)(3a— 2) (a-1). 20. Simplify 3a-[55-(2aH-J35-(a-[5-^^=^2T])l)], and multiply the result by (a + 3 6). 21. Find the dividend if the quotient is a — 2 and the divisor a^ — a-\-Q, 22. The product of two expressions is a* + 11 a^— 12 a — 5 a^ + 6, and one of them is 3 — 3 a + a^. Find the other expression. 23. The difference between two expressions is a^—^x + 2, and the greater expression is 4iX^ — 2x-{-l. Find the smaller expression. 24. Divide the product of (a^— 4)(a2— 9) by a^-f-a— 6. 25. Subtract a^— 4a; from (x^-\-x-{-l')(x-\-2~) and divide the result by (3 a; + 1). 26. Add a^-\-a-2> to the quotient of Qa^-\-^a^-a-\-12') ^(a + 4). 27. Divide [(a2 - 2 a - l)(a - 1) + 2 a2 _ 2 a] by [(a + 2)(a + l)-(a2+2a + 3)]. 28. What is the sum of [(a + 1)^— «(a + 3)] and 29. Subtract a— [2a — ( — a— l-f-a)] from 1+ { — a — [-(-2a + l)]i. 30. Add the quotients of [(a^ — 1) -?- (^ — 1)] and [(a^ _2a; + l)-j-(a;-l)]. CHAPTER VI THE SIMPLE EQUATION 53. An Equation is an expression of equality between two quantities. Illustration. If five books of exactly the same size and kind weigh all together ten pounds, we have a known and an unknown quantity. For, The weight of the whole number is known. The weight of one book is unknown. But the conditions given permit us to write the fact that, in weight, i- ^ ^ ^r^ i ^ o books = 10 pounds. Or, if " h " stand for the weight of one book, we abbre- viate thus : r r -if. = lU. And we have an equation between two quantities, — a certain number of books on one hand, and a certain number of pounds on the other. Now if 5 books weigh ten pounds, 1 book weighs (10 h- 5) pounds, or 2 pounds. Or, from our equation, 5 = 2. Hence, our conclusion. 54. From an equation we obtain the value of an unknown quantity/ in terms of a given known quantity/. 61 62 THE SIMPLE EQUATION 55. The expression obtained for the value of an unknown quantity/ in an equation is called a Moot. Thus : 2 is a root of the equation 5 & = 10. 56. The Left Member of an equation is the expression at the left of the sign of equality. The Right Member is the expression at the right of the sign of equality. 57. A Simple Equation is an equation which, when re- duced to its simplest form, has no power of the unknown quantity higher than the first power. The following are examples of simple equations : 5 a? = 15 is an equation in x. 7 y = 35 is an equation in y. 5 2 = 40 is an equation in z. 3 a; + 2 = 2 a; -i- 7 is an equation in x, but is not reduced. (x + 5)2 = a:^ -f 7 a; + 6 is an equation in x that, when simplified, will contain only the first power of x. The final letters of the alphabet are commonly used for unknown quantities in equations. 58. The principles upon which the solution of equa- tions depends are the truths called AXIOMS 1. If equals are added to equals^ the sums are equal. 2. If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal. 3. If equals are multiplied by equals, the products are equal. 4. If equals are divided by equals, the quotients are equal. Applications of these axioms to processes with equations may be illustrated by the following numerical operations : TRANSPOSITION OF TERMS IN EQUATIONS 63 12 = 10 + 2 12 = 10 + 2 By Ax. 1 add 2= 2 By Ax. 2 subtract 2= 2 14 = 10 + 4 (1) 10= 10 (2) 12 = 10 + 2 12 = 10 + 2 By Ax. 3 multiply _2 2 By Ax. 4 divide ^ = \^- + f 24 = 20 + 4 (3) 6 = 5 + 1 (4) From which we conclude : From (1) and (2). 77ie same quantity/ may he added to, or subtracted from^ both members of an equation. From (3) and (4). Both members of an equation may he multiplied or divided by the same quantity. Or, taking the generral equation, A = B. From (1) A+C = B+C. From (3) AC = BC. From (2) A-C = B-C. From (4) A---C = B^C. TRANSPOSITION OF TERMS IN EQUATIONS Frequently we are required to find the root of, or solve^ equations in which the known quantity occurs in both members. Thus : 5 a; + 2 = 17 We want only the x term in the left member, so we will subtract 2 from that member. But if we subtract a num- ber from one member, we must subtract the same number from the other member also. That is, 5 re + 2 = 17 By Ax. 2, Subtracting : 2=2 5 a; = 17 - 2 64 THE SIMPLE EQUATION This is the same result that would have followed from transposing the 2 to the right member and changing its sign.. Hence, 59. A term may he transposed from one member of an equation to the other member by changing its sign from + to — , or from — to -\-, We are now ready for the GENERAL METHOD FOR SOLVING SIMPLE EQUATIONS 60. To solve a simple equation : Perform all indicated multiplications and remove all parentheses. Transpose the terms containing the unknown quantity to the left member^ and all other terms to the right member of the equation. Collect the terms in each member. Divide both members by the coefficient of the unknown quantity. In the solution of equations the following will frequently save much labor: (1) The same term with the same sign in both members of an equation may be canceled. (2) All the signs of the terms of an equation may be changed without destroying the equality. Exercise 14 Solve ths following equations : 1. 5a;=35. 2. 7a;=-56, 3. -4a:=20, 4. -3a:=-27, METHOD FOR SOLVING SIMPLE EQUATIONS ^6 5. 3^ = 5, 6. -6a: = 19, 7. 13a:=0, x = ^. X— — ^g^. 2; = 0. 8. 3a; = 18. 14. -18a; = 54. 20. -5^=16. 9. 7a: = 42. 15. -52:=-20. 21. 3a:=-13. 10. 5:c=90. 16. -3 a; =-39. 22. -2 2; = -9. 11. 32; = -18. 17. 42^=1. 23. 3a; = 0. 12. 62;= -30. 18. 92^=5. 24. 72;= 0. 13. -3a:=12. 19. 5rr=13. 25. -8a:=0. 26. Solve 5:^ + 2=17, 27. Solve 7a:- 3 = 3a:+ 13, 5x=17-2, 7ar-3a:=13 + 3, 5a; = 15, 4x= 16, - a; = 3. Result. a; = 4. Result. 28. 32:+ 7 = 19. 37. 3a;+4 = 2a;+5. 29. 2a:-5 = ll. 38. 62;+ 8 = 5 a:+ H. 30. 32:-5 = 0. » 39. 82:-3-5a:-ll = 0. 31. 5a;-8 = -13. 40. 62;- 12 = 3^;- 3. 32. 3a;-7 = -9. 41. 42^-5=28+^. 33. 3-22^=6. 42. 17-32^=45-102;. 34. 5 4- 3 2; = 5. 43. 52^ + 1- 42;=— 2. 35. 4— 32; = 4. 44. 32^+1 = 62:— 1. 36. -18 2:4- 5 = -10. 45. -5 2: -10 = -10 + 3 2:. F. H. 8. FIRST YEAR ALG. — 6 66 TBE SIMPLE EQUATIOn 46. Solve 5a;-[2a;-(a^-2a;-l)] = 5. 5 a; - [2 x - (x - 2 a: + 1)] = 5, 5a;-[2a;-a: + 2a;-l] =5, bx-2x-\-x-2x + l = b, bx-2x-\-x-2x = b-l, 2x = i, X = 2. Result. 47. 4:X-(2x-\-l)=15. 48. (5a:-3)-18 = 3a:-(2-a;). 49. 12-(3a:+7) = 3-(2:r-5). 50. 4 a:- [2ri:-a; + l] = 0. 51. 4a;-5(2; + l)-[2rz;-(a; + l)]=l. 52. - i2rr-(a; + l)]=13-(2:r-l)-3a;. 53. Solve (ix-\-S')(2x-5) = 2(x-2y~2(x+l) 2 x^ + X - 15 = 2(x^ -^ X -\- i)-(2 X + 2) •^^^2 + a: _ 1 5 =>2^2 _ 8 a; + 8 - 2 x - 2 , + a: + 8a: + 2a: = 8-2 + 15, 11 a: = 21, X = i\. Result. 54. Cx-l)(x-\-2) = (x-S)(x-2y 55. (2rr-5)(2^-3) = (a;-l)(2: + l)+a:2. 56. (x-5y-^S(x-h2y=^(a^-l)-S, 57. 2(2; - 1)2 - 3(0; - 2)2 = 6 - (a; - 1)2. 58. 3[2aj-4(3rir2+l)] = lT-4(3a:-l)2. 59. - [2(a:-4)(2:-5)-(rr-3)(2:-4)] = (5-a:)(a;-2> 60. (a;-2)3-(2;-l)3+(3a;-2)(a;-2) = 0. THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 67 THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 61. A Problem is a question to be solved. In a problem certain conditions are given in which an unknown number is involved. It is the value of this un- known number that we seek. And, assisted by the state- ment of the conditions that relate to that number, we form an equation and obtain its value. LITERAL SYMBOLS FOR UNKNOWN QUANTITIES 62. If a tank holds a certain number of gallons, five tanks of the same kind will hold just five times as many- gallons. That is, If 1 tank holds 10 gallons, 5 tanks hold (5 x 10) gallons = 50 gallons. If 1 tank holds 20 gallons, 4 tanks hold (4 x 20) gallons = 80 gallons. If 1 tank holds x gallons, 5 tanks hold (5 • x) gallons = 5 a: gallons. If 1 tank holds y gallons, m tanks hold (m • y) gallons = my gallons. Also : If A has $100 and B has $50 more than A, B has (100 + 50) dollars. If A has X dollars and B has f 50 more than A, B has (a; + 50) dollars. If A has X dollars and B has y dollars more than A, B has (x + y) dollars. Exercise 15 Oral 1. If X denotes a certain number, write an expression for 10 more than x. 2. If y denotes a certain number, write an expression for 12 less than y. 68 THE SIMPLE EQUATION 3. If X denotes the number of bushels of apples that a certain barrel will hold, how many bushels of apples will there be in 8 similar barrels ? 4. John solved x examples and William solved y ex- amples. How many did both together solve ? 5. A boy had m marbles and lost n of them. How many had he left ? 6. A boy earned x cents and found twice as many. How many cents had he in all ? 7. A boy solved a examples and his sister solved five more than that number. How many did she solve ? 8. John piled x cords of wood and Charles piled 3 cords less than John. How many cords did both to- gether pile ? 9. John solved x examples and William solved the same number less seven. How many examples did William solve ? 10. Three men together pay a bill. B pays twice as much as A. C pays three times as much as A. How much does each pay if A pays x dollars? 11. A library chair cost y dollars, a bookcase x dollars, and a table as much as the chair and bookcase together. How much did all together cost ? 12. A line is 10 inches long and x inches are added to it. What is the increased length ? 13. From a line x inches long y inches are cut off. How much of the line remains? THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 69 14. Three lines of lengths, a, 5, and c, respectively, are placed in one straight line ; and c? inches are cut from the whole. What is the length left ? 15. The sum of two numbers is 40 and the smaller, number is x. What is the greater number? 16. The sum of three numbers is 50. One of them is X, another 20. What is the expression for the third number ? 17. The smaller of two numbers is i/ and the larger is X. What is the difference between them ? 18. Write three consecutive numbers if the least of the three is x. 19. Write four consecutive numbers if the least of the four is m. 20. Write five consecutive numbers, the greatest being a. 21. Write five consecutive numbers, the middle one of the five being n, 22. What is the next odd number above m when m it- self is even ? 23. What is the next odd number above m when m is odd ? 24. Write the three consecutive odd numbers below c. 25. Write the five consecutive even numbers above d, d being even. 26. What is the sum of the three consecutive even numbers next below k^ k being odd ? 27. Write five consecutive odd numbers so that the middle one shall be m. 70 THE SIMPLE EQUATION 28. Write the product of three consecutive even num- bers, the middle one being x. 29. If a man is x years old now, how old will he be in 10 .years ? 30. If a man is y years old now, how ol^ was he twelve years ago ? 31. A man is twice as old as his son whose age is x years. What is the sum of their ages ? 32. A man is three times as old as his son and six times as old as his daughter. What is the sum of their ages if the daughter's age is x years ? 33. How old was a man m years ago if his age at pres- ent is a years ? 34. A man earns x dollars a year for a period of y years. In that time he has spent z dollars. Write the expression for his savings. 35. X and y are two numbers and x is the larger of the two. Express the fact that four times the difference of the two is equal to their sum. 36. William has a wallet containing x dimes. How many cents has he ? 37. Express the condition that h dimes shall equal m nickels. 38. A has X dimes and y nickels in his pocket and he spends 10 cents. Write the expression for the amount he has left. 39. A man travels a miles an hour for a period of m hours. How many miles does he travel in all ? 40. A man travels m miles in a period of x hours. What is his rate of traveling in miles per hour ? THE SOLUTION OF WRITTEN PROBLEMS 71 41. A boy rides x miles in a boat. Then he walks 2 miles. Then by train he goes twice as far as he has already traveled. Write the expression for the total number of miles in his journey. 42. Write the expression for the statement that the square of the sum of a and 6 is 3 less than the square of the difference between 3 m and x, SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SOLUTION OF WRITTEN^ PROBLEMS From the foregoing oral exercise it will be clear to the student that no rule can be given that will cover all cases of problems. The following suggestions, however, will give a general outline as to the method by which we reach a solution. 63. In solving a problem : 1. Study the problem to find that number whose value is required. 2. Represent this unknown number or quantity by x. 3. The problem will state certain existing conditions or relations. Express those conditions in terms of x. 4. Some statement in the problem will furnish a verbal equation. Express this equation algebraically by the aid of your own written statements. To aid the beginner a classification of four common types of problems has been made, and solutions for each group are given wherever new elements are introduced. After these four groups a collection of miscellaneous, un- classified problems gives abundant opportunity for the application of principles already learned. 72 THE SIMPLE EQUATION The four groups are as follows : 1. Problems involving one number. 2. Problems involving two or more numbers. 3. Problems involving the element of time. 4. Problems involving the element of value. Exercise 16 Problems involving One Number * 1. Four times a certain number is 36. Find the number. We will represent the unknown number by x, and we write : Let X = the required number. Then, from the given condition, 4 a; = four times that number. But the problem states that 36 = four times that number. Hence, from our assumed condition and fiom the given condition, we have 4 x and 36 representing the same quantity, From which, our equation, 4 a: = 36. x=9. I Therefore, the required number is 9. 2. A certain number increased by 10 equals 25. Find the number. 3. If 5 is taken from a certain number, the remainder is 13. Find the number. 4. Three times a certain number is diminished by 7 and the remainder is 17. What is the number ? THE SOLUTION OF WRIT! J]N PROBLEMS 73 5. John has three times as i: ,ny books as William. Together they have 20 books -low many books has William ? How many has Jo \m I 6. If three times a certain number is added to five times the same number, the sum is 72. Find the number. 7. Four times a certain niimbeY is subtracted from seven times the same number und the remainder is 36. Find the number. 8. By adding 12 to a cei tain number I get a result five times the original numbji*. What was the original number ? 9. I double a certain number and subtract 9 from my result. My remainder is 3 more than my original number. What was the number ? Let . X = the required number. 2 X = double the number. 2 a: — 9 = 9 less than double the number. Also, X -\- S = S more than the original number. From the conditions of the problem the last two expressions of the statement are equal, hence our equation : 2x-9 = x-[-3. 2x-x = S + 9. a: = 12, the required number. 10. If 5 is added to a certain number, the sum is equal to 3 less than three times the original number. Find the number. 11. Three is subtracted from 5 times a certain number, and the remainder is 5 more than the original number. What was the number ? 12. Find that number which, if doubled, exceeds 60 by as much as the number itself is less than 60. 74 THE SIMPLE EQUATION Exercise 17 Problems involving Two or More Numbers 1. The sum of two numbers is 21, and the greater num- ber is twice the smaller one. What are the numbers ? Let X = the smaller number. Then 2x = the larger number. {x -}- 2 x) or 3 X = their sum. From the problem, 21 = their sum. Hence, 3 a; = 21. X = 7, the smaller number. 2 X = 14, the larger number. 2. There are two numbers, one of which is 7 more than the other and their sum is 31. Find them. Let X = the smaller number. Then a; + 7 = the larger number. 2 a; + 7 = the sum of the numbers. From the problem, 31 = the sum of the numbers. Hence, 2 a: + 7 = 31. 2a; = 31 -7. 2a: = 24. X = 12, the smaller number, a; + 7 = 12 + 7 = 19, the larger number. 3. There are two numbers, one of which is four times the other. Their sum is 12 more than twice the smaller number. Find the numbers. 4. There are two numbers whose difference is 24, and the greater number is 3 more than twice the smaller num- ber* What are the numbers ? THE SOLUTION OF WRITTEN PROBLEMS 75 5. The sum of three numbers is 45. The second num- ber is twice the first number, and the third is equal to twice the sum of the first and second. Find the three numbers. 6. The sum of three numbers is 25. The third num- ber is twice the first number, and the second is 5 Ifess than the third. Find the numbers. 7. Find three consecutive numbers whose sum is 45. Let X = the smallest number. Then a: + 1 = the next larger number. X -\-2 = the largest number. 3 a: + 3 = their sum. Hence, 3 a: + 3 = 45. 3a; = 45 -3. 3a: = 42. X = 14, the smallest number, a; + 1 = 15, the next larger number, a; + 2 = 16, the largest number. 8. Find three consecutive odd numbers whose sum shall be 21. (Let x,x + 2,x + 4:, represent the numbers, and state like Problem 7.) 9. Find the five consecutive even numbers whose sum is equal to seven times the least number. 10. Find four consecutive odd numbers such that the sum of the three smallest shall be 23 less than four times the greatest one. 76 THE SIMPLE EQUATION 11. Divide 19 into two parts such that the smaller part plus twice the larger part shall be 29. Let X = the smaller part. Then 19 — x = the larger part. 2(19 — x) = twice the larger part. Hence, from the given conditions, x + 2(19 -x) = 29. Solving, X = 9, the smaller part. And 19 - a: = 19 — 9 = 10, the larger part. 12. Divide 72 into parts such that 3 times the larger part added to 5 times the smaller part shall be 274. 13. Divide 100 into two parts such that twice the larger part shall be 4 more than five times the smaller part. 14. Divide 59 into two parts such that twice the smaller part shall be 2 less than twice the larger part. 15. Divide 28 into parts so that 14 less than three times the larger part shall be equal to three times the small part increased by 4. Exercise 18 Problems involving the Element of Time 1. A boy is 5 years older than his sister. In 4 years the sum of their ages will be 21 years. J'ind the present age of each. Let X = the present age of the sister. Then x + 5 9= the present age of the boy. a; + 4 = the sister's age 4 years from now. X -\- 9 = the boy's age 4 years from now. From which 2 a: + 13 = the sum of their ages 4 years from now. THE SOLUTION OF WRITTEN PROBLEMS 11 Hence, our equation, 2 a; + 13 = 21. Solving, X = 4:, the sister's age now. a; + 5 = 9, the boy's age now. 2. A man is twice as old as his son and the sum of their ages after 10 more years will be 92 years. Find the present age of each. 3. Five years ago the sum of the ages of A and B was 40 years. B is now four times as old as A. What is the present age of each ? 4. In seven years the sum of A's age and B's age will be 8 years less than five times A's present age. At the present time A is three times as old as B. Find the age of each after seven years. 5. A man is twice as old as his brother. Five years ago he was three times as old. Find the present age of each. Let X = the brother's age now. 2 X = the man's age now. X — 6 = the brother's age five years ago. 2x — 6 = the man's age five years ago. Hence, d(x — 5) = 2 a; — 5. Solving, X = 10, the brother's age now. 2 a: = 20, the man's age now. 6. In seven years a man will be twice as old as his brother. The sum of their present ages is 31 years. Find the present age of each. 78 THE SIMPLE EQUATION 7. A man is five times as old as his sister but in four years he will be only three times as old. What is the present age of each ? 8. A man 50 years of age has a son 15 years old. In how many years will the father be twice as old as the son ? 9. One boy is 16 years old and another boy is 8 years old. How^ many years ago was the oldest boy three times as old as the youngest ? I 10. The sum of the present ages of a man and his son is 52 years. In two years the man will be three times as old as the son. What will be the age of each when the sum of their ages is 100 years ? Exercise 19 Problems involving the Element of Value ^ 1. Divide 1100 among A, B, and C, so that B shall have twice as much as A, and C $ 10 more than what A and B together receive. Let X = the number of dollars A receives. Then 2x = the number of dollars B receives. 3 a; + 10 = the number of dollars C receives. Hence, 6 a; + 10 = the total received by aU three. 6a: + 10 = 100. Solving, a; = 15, the number of dollars A receives. 2 a: = 2 • 15 = 30, the number of dollars B receives. 3 a: + 10 = 3 • 15 + 10 = 55, the number of dollars C receives. 2. A has $ 3 less than B. C has as many dollars as A and B together. All three have 1 26. How many dollars has each ? THE SOLUTIOJ^ OF WRITTEN PROBLEMS 79 3. A certain number of yards of cloth cost $2 per yard, and the same number of yards of silk cost % 5 per yard. The total cost of both lots was % 70. How many yards of cloth are there in each lot ? Let X = the number of yards in each lot. Then 2 x = the value of the cloth in dollars. 5 X = the value of the silk in dollars. Hence, 7 x = the total value of both lots in dollars. From which we write our equation, 7 a; = 70. X = 10, the number of yards in each lot. 4. 12 men receive f 31 for a day's work. A part of the men work at the rate of f 2 per day, and the other part receive $ 3 each per day. How many men worked at each rate ? Let X = the number of men working at $ 2 per day. Then 12 — x = the number of men working at f 3 per day. 2x = the total dollars paid to the first lot. 3(12 — x) = the total dollars paid to the second lot. Hence, the equation, 2 a; + 3(12 -a:) = 3L X = 5, the number of men working at $ 2 per day. 12 — a: = 12 — 5 = 7, the number of men working at $ 3 per day. 5. A man pays a bill of 1 49 with five-dollar and two- dollar bills, and uses the same number of each kind. How many bills of each kind were used ? 6. A boy has $ 14 in two-dollar bills and half-dollars. He has three times as many coins as he has bills. How many has he of each ? 80 THE SIMPLE EQUATION 7. Eight oranges cost a fruit dealer 11.90. A portion of the lot cost him 20 cents per dozen, and the remainder cost him 30 cents per dozen. How many dozen were there of each kind? 8. A man bought 90 postage stamps, the lot being made up of the five-cent and two-cent denominations. Twice the value of the two-cent stamps was the same as the value of the five-cent stamps. How many of each kind were purchased, and what was the total amount paid for them? Exercise 20 Miscellaneous Problems 1. Find two numbers whose sum is 80 and whose dif- ference is 10. 2. A and B together have 190, but A has 110 more than B. How many dollars has each ? 3. A certain number when multiplied by 4 exceeds 15 by as much as the original number is less than 15. What is the number ? 4. One of two numbers is 4 more than the other, and the difference of their squares is 72. What are the numbers ? 5. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 26 more than the second number. What are the three numbers ? 6. The difference between the ages of a father and son is 36 years, and the father is four times as old as the son. Find the age of each. 7. There are two numbers whose sum is 30, and whose difference increased by 6 equals the smaller number. What are the numbers? THE SOLUTION OF WRITTEN PROBLEMS 81 8. Divide 70 into two parts such that twice the larger part shall equal three times the smaller part. 9. A man divides $700 among his four sons. Each gets 1 50 more than the next oldest. How much does each get? 10. Divide 23 into two parts such that 1 less than four times the smaller part shall equal 1 more than twice the greater part. 11. Ten times a certain number is as much above 13 as 19 is above 6 times the number. What is the number ? 12. The difference between the squares of two consecu- tive even numbers is 28. Find the numbers. 13. The sum of two numbers is 13 and the difference between their squares is 13. What are the numbers ? 14. In a family of four children the oldest is twice the age of the youngest, and the sum of the ages of the oldest and youngest equals the sum of the ages of the other two. All together their ages amount to 54 years. Find the age of each of the four, the third child being 15 years old. 15. One number is three times another. Subtract the smaller number from 15 and the larger from 23, and the remainders are equal. Find the numbers. 16. At a certain election a total vote of 1248 was cast. The successful candidate received a majority of 64. How many votes were cast for each candidate ? 17. A man has four hours of time at his disposal and he walks out into the country at a rate of 4 miles per hour. How many miles can he walk so that, by returning on a trolley car at the rate of fifteen miles per hour, he will return at the end of his time ? F. H. S. FIRST YEAR ALG. 6 82 THE SIMPLE EQUATION 18. A walks over a certain road at the rate of 4 miles an hour. Three hours after he left his home, B starts after him at a rate of 5 miles per hour. How many miles will A have gone when B overtakes him ? 19. A and B are 48 miles apart and start at the same time to travel toward each other. A goes at a rate of 3 miles an hour and B goes at a rate of 5 miles an hour. How many hours will pass before they meet, and how far will each have traveled ? 20. A man paid $178 for a horse and a harness. The cost of the horse was f 10 more than the cost of five simi- lar harnesses. What was the cost of the horse and the harness ? 21. A man walked the first 10 miles of a journey, then rode a certain distance in a train, and finally traveled in an automobile twice as far as he had already come. He traveled 45 miles in all. How many miles did he go by train and in the automobile ? 22. Ten yards of cloth and 5 yards of silk cost in all $60. The cost of the silk was twice the cost of the cloth. What was the cost of each per yard ? 23. How can you pay a bill of $3.50 so that you will use the same number each of dimes and quarter dollars, and no other coins? 24. The sum of the ages of a father and son is 92 years ; but if the son's age is doubled, it will be 4 years more than his father's age. Find the age of each. 25. A had $7 more than three times B's money. A gave B $8 and now he has only $1 more than B. How much had each at first ? How much has each now ? CHAPTER VII SUBSTITUTION 64. Substitution is the process of replacing literal factors in algebraic terms by numerical or by other literal values. Thus : If a = 5 and 6 = 7 : (1) (a + 6) = (5 + 7) = 12. Kesult. (2) (2a-a&) = (2.5-5.7) = (10 - 35) = - 25. Result. If x=:2m, y = dm, and z = 6m: (3) (a: + ?/ + 2) = (2 m + 3 m + 5 m) = 10m. Result. (4:) (x + y)(2x-y-\-Sz) = (2m + dm)(2-2m-Sm + S-5m) = (5 m) (4 m — 3 m + 15 m) = (5 m) (16 m) = 80 m2. Result. GENERAL METHOD 65. To substitute numerical or literal values in a given expression : Replace the literal factors of the terms of the given expres- sion hy their respective given values. Perform all indicated operations^ and simplify the result. 83 84 SUBSTITUTION Occasional problems will permit the substitution of given values either before or after indicated operations are per- formed ; but, in general, the better plan is to make substi- tution the first step, for in practical applications this order is almost universal. I. Substitution of Numerical Values Exercise 21 Find the numerical value of the following, when a = 4, 6=3, c = 2, and c? = 1. 1. a-{-h -\- c. 2. a—^h + Be. a +&+c=4+3+2 a-2& + 5c = 4-2(3)+5(2) = 9. Result. = 4 _ 6 + 10 = 8. Result. 3. 4 6 _ 3 « 4. 2 ^. 5. lOa-{-h-CSc-d), 4. 1 a-d+^c-h. 6. ib-lSc-C2a-^d)'], 7. ah — ^hc^b ad. ab-dbc^5ad = (4) (3) - 3 (3) (2) + 5(4) (1) = 12- -18 + 20 = 14. Result. 8. 2ab-Sed-{-2bd. 9. Bad-^bd-hScd. 10. Sabc — b bed + 2 acd — 12 abd, 11. ab — (be — cd}. 12. abc — \_acd — (bcd—abd)'\. 13. 2ab-(Bcd-\-2a- ab + ed}. 14. bc-\-[bd-(iab-cd)]+(iab-bc}l GENERAL METHOD 85 15. Simplify a{a -\- e) — c(c — a) when a = 4 and c = 3. a(a -f c) - c{c - a) = 4(4 + 3) - 3(3- 4) = 4(7)-3(-l) = 28 + 3 = 31. Result. 16. Simplify (a + 6)2 _ (<^ + 6) (a - 5) - (« - 5)2 when a = 5 and 5 = 2. (a-f6)2-(a + />)(a-5)-(a-6)2= (5 + 2)2- (5 + 2) (5-2) -(5-2)2 = (7)2 -(7) (3) -(3)2 = 49-21-9 = 19. Result. 17. (a + 2)2 -(a -1)2 when a = 3. 18. 10(6f+-4)2-(3a + 2)2 when a =10. 19. 4(2a;+-?/)2— 8(a:+-y)(a:— ?/) when x=2 and ^ = 0. 20. 3(m — 2a;)2— 2(w + 2a;)(m — 2a;)+-4a; when m = 5 and x=l. 21. 2(c + (^)-S2(6' + ^)((?-(?)-3(c-(^)S when c=l and c? = — 1. 22. a(a + 6)-[6(a-6)2 + (a+-5)3] when «=-3 and ^.= -4. 23. (3 a+-m)(3 « - w) + [9 a2 _ j^^ _ ^(2 w- 9a)j] when a = and m = 2. 24. 5a(a+-l)-(2-a)(3). 3. [(a-2)-{-x'][(a-2)-x]. 11. (m-x+lXm-^-x+iy 4. l(x^-^l)+x]l(a^ + l)-x']. 12. (c-x-\-2Xc-\-x + 2'), 5. [a+(tf+tZ)] [a-((?+^)]. 13. (a + w-l)(a-m4-l). 6. [m + (a;-^)] [^-(a;-?/)]. 14. (a4-^-5)(a — ^ + 5). 7. (fl^ + c + a;)C«4-c-:K). 15. (c2-2-t?)(c2_2 + 2_276-14. 29. 42a2-25a-60. 23. 21a2_23a-20. 30. 20m2-37?w-18. TRINOMIAL EXPRESSIONS 119 Exercise 42 Factor: Miscellaneous Factoring 1. a2_ 14^^49. ' 15. 2b-10x + 3^. 2. 4a24_7a + 3. 16. a;2 + 49a; + 48. 3. 5tt2_35^. 17. 128-24c + c2. 4. 2a2_7^_^6. 18. 15a^-a:-28. 5. 2^2 _|. 13 ^ + 30. 19. a;2-16a: + 48. 6. 9:r3_36^2_|_io8a^. 20. 6'2t^ - 8 (?d; + 16. 7. 36-182: + a;2. 21. m27i2-8m7i-48. 8. a;2_i4^4.48. 22. a%'^-10a%'^-lba%K 9. 4(?2-f.9c + 2. . 23. 2^ -19 2: +48. 10. 6?2-19a + 60. 24. 3m2-25w-18. 11. Uac + l^hc-22cd. 25. 49^4-112^2/1 + 64^2. 12. 36^2-60^ + 25. 26. 12 -"Imn + mH^ 13. a:2_iia;_180. 27. 24 a6 + 9 ^2 + 16 62. 14. a^-mx-nO. 28. a:2_26:r+48. 29. 11 m^n^ + 22 ^2^^ - 77 m^yi^. 30. a2_i2a-28. 31. 52 wV + 39 ^271 — 26 mn^ — 13 mhi^. 32. -18 0^ + 2:2 + 81. 35. ^m^-50mn + 7n^. 33. a;2_i3^_48. 35. 2:2-222:-48. 34. 4 2;2+17a: + 4. 37. 4:n^i-9x^-l'2nx. 120 FACTORING. REVIEW BINOMIAL EXPRESSIONS I. The Difference of Two Squares By Art. 71 : (a + b)(a-b) = a^-b^ Hence, the factors of a^ — b^ are (a + b) and (a — 5). In like manner : a^ - x^ = (a -\- x)(a - x). a2-9 = (a + 3)(a-3). 4a2-25 = (2a + 5)(2a-5). Hence, in general, to factor the di£Perence of two squares : Extract the square roots of the square terms. One factor is the sum of their square roots. The other factor is the difference of their square roots. Factor : Exercise 43 1. a^-b^. 11. 4a2_9. 21. *a^ - xK 2. a^-x\ 12. 9^2-25. 22. *a:*-/. 3. a^-1. 13. 16^2-9. 23. *a^-ie. 4. m2-l. 14. 4a;2-25. 24. *m* - 81. 5. a2_4. 15. 9^2-64. 25. *16m4-8l2;*. 6. 2^-9. 16. a2_9 52. 26. 9a262_49^^2. 7. ?/2_i6. 17. 4a2-49a;2 27. 16a2^,2_9^^2,,2, 8. ^2-25. 18. 16 2^2 _ 25 ^2, 28. 121 a^b^-c\ 9. 2^-49. 19. 36 0:2-81^2. 29. 25a;4/-862io. 10. w2-81. 20. 49^2-100^2. 30. 144^10-169. * Three factors. BINOMIAL EXPBESSIONS 121 31. (a + hy-c^= (a-\-h-hc)(a + b-c). Result. 32. (m-ny-x^ 34. (a-2f-x^. 36. 16(« + 2)2-9. 33. ((?4-t?)2-l. 35. iQa + hy-c^ 37. 36((? + 2)2-49. 38. a2_(5_|.^)2. = (^a-\-b-\-c)(a-b-c). Result. 39. m^-(n + iy. 43. 25-9(a+J)2. 40. a2_(^_i)2. 44, 36a2_25(a + l)2. 41. 16-(a + ^)2. 45. 49w2-9(w-l)2. 42. 25-(3 + 2;)2. 46. 64ic2«/2_25(ajy+l)2. II. The Difference of Two Cubes 83. A Perfect Cube is a product of three equal factors. 84. A Cube Root of a perfect cube is one of its three equal factors. By Art. 76: 2i,i^ = „. + <,j + j,. a — b From which the factors of a^ — b^ are (a — b) and (a^ + ab + b^). Similarly ; a^ - x^ = (a - x) (a^ + ax + x^). c3_8 = (c-2)(c2+2c + 4). 27^3 - 64 =. (3 m - 4) (9 m^ + 12 m + 16). Hence, in general, to factor the difference of two cubes : One factor is the difference of the cube roots of the quantities. The other factor is the sum of the squares of the cube roots of the quantities plus their product. u 52 FAC 'TOEING, REVIEW Factor : Exercise 44 1. a^ - ¥. 8. 2^3-125. 15. 8^3-27. 2. a^ — a^. 9. 27 -m3. 16. 27 - 64 m3. 3. m^ — n^. 10. 64-2:3. 17. 125^3-64^3. 4. e^-1. 11. a%^-U. 18. 216 2^3-27. 5. ^3-8. 12. mV - 125. 19. 27^363-512. 6. 0^-21. 13. 27 - a^y\ 20. 8 m3- 343^13. 7. m3-64. 14. 64 — mV. 21. 125 2:3_ 729^^3. III. The Sum of Two Cubes By Art. 77: ?^=a^-ah + From which the factors of a^ + ^3 are (a + h) and ia^-ab + h^). Similarly : a^ + x^=(a + x) (a^ - ax + x^). c8 + 8=(c + 2)(c2-2c + 4). 125 + a:3 =(5 + a;)(25 - lOx + x^). 27 m3 + 64 = (3 m + 4)(9 m^ - 12 m + 16). Hence, in general, to factor the sum of two cubes : One factor is the sum of the cube roots of the quantities. The other factor is the sum of the squares of the cube roots of the quantities minus their product. Factor: Exercise 45 1. 2^3 + ^3. 4. ^3+8. 7. (^ + 125. 2. a^+m^ 5. (?3_^27. 8. 27 + 2^8. 3. 2:3^1. ^. a3_|_64, 9. 64-1-^3. EXPRESSIONS HAVING FOUR TERMS 123 10. wV+64. 13. M-^M^ 16. 8^3+343^. 11. A3 + 125. 14. 8^3+27 63. 17. 512^3+27^^. 12. 27H-a353. 15. 216^3 4- 27. 18. 1000 2^3^729. Exercise 46 Factor • Miscellaneous Factoring 1. a^-9x^. 11. 64^3+125. 21. Q4:c^-}'1, 2. a3-8m3. 12. 25-64m2. 22. 81 c*^^*- 36 ic^. 3. a3+27. 13. 216-27(?3. 23. 729a^-Sc^ 4. c3 - 27 a;3. 14. 4 m* - 9 a;*. 24. 64 a;3 - 125 ^\ 5. 2:3 4_ 125. 15. 8w3n3-125. 25. 64a:6_i. 6. 4 77i2_9. 16. 25 2:6 _ 9. 26. 64 2:8_i. 7. 1-64 2:3. 17. 272:6-8/. 27. 512 2:6 _ 27. 8. 27 2:3 + 8. 18. 49m6-9 7i6. 28. 1292^-125^. 9. 125^3-8. 19. 8^6 -125 53. 29. 1000 2:3 _ 27 2/3. 10. 25 a2- 36 2:2. 20. 64 m9- 27 7^9. 30. 1728 2:3_ 1331. EXPRESSIONS HAVING FOUR TERMS Certain common expressions having four terms can be so grouped as to come under types that have already been considered. I. The Grouping of Terms to show a Common Binomial Factor In the expression ax + bx + ex, the factor " x " is common to the terms. Factoring, ax + bx -{• ex =(a + b + c)x. 124 FACTORING. BEVIEW Similarly, in a(x -\- y) -\- h{x + ?/)+ c{x + y), the binomial factor " (a; + y) " is common to the terms. Factoring, a{x + y)+ h{x + y)-\-c{x + ij) = {a + & + c)(a;+ ?/). In the above illustration the common binomial factor is readily seen, but in many expressions it is necessary to make a careful examination of the given terms before a , particular binomial can be found. In such cases we find, I by inspection, what terms hear to each other the same rela- tion; and then we obtain a common binomial factor by the _, necessary rearrangement and grouping. Thus : Factor ax -{- ay -\- hx ■\- hy. It will be noted that " a " is common to the first two terms, and that "&" is common to the last two terms. Furthermore, if the common factor, a, is taken out of the first two terms, the same expres- sion results as when the common factor, 5, is taken from the last two terms. Hence, the process : ax + ay -\- hx ■{ hy = (ax + ay) + (bx + hy) = a(x-{-y) + b(x-^y) Collecting coeflacients, =(a + h)(x + y). Result. Sometimes we make use of the parenthesis preceded by the minus sign in order to group the terms so as to show a common binomial factor. Thus : Factor ax + ay — bx — hy. ax -\- ay — bx — by = (ax + ay) — (bx + by) = a(x + y)-b(x + y) Collecting coefficients, =(a — b)(x + y). Result. Many examples of this type admit of more than one way of group- ing terms. But the final result is unchanged, no matter what may have been the grouping for a common binomial factor. The change is in the order of the resulting factors. EXPliESSIONS HAVING FOUR TERMS 125 Factor: Exercise 47 1. ac -\- be -\- ad -\- bd. 11. m^— 2m-\- mx — 2 x. 2. am + mx -\-an + nx. 12. 2c^ — 6c-{-cd — Sd. 3. ac — bc+ ad— bd. 13. a^ -\- a^ + a -^ 1. 4. ayn — mx -{-an — nx. 14. a?^ + a;^ + a; + 1. 5. a^ + ab -\- ac -\- be. 15. ^3_^ 3 ^2_|_ 2 ^ + 6. 6. e^ -\- ex -\- e?/ -i- xy. 16. 2:^ + a:^ — re — 1. 7. a2 4. ^5 _^ <^ 4. 5. • 17. ^4 _|_ ^ _ ^ _ 1, 8. ^2 4- aa; + « + a:. 18. m^ 4- 2 m^ — 9 m — 18. ^. a^-ax^a-x. \^. e'^-\-2(f^-\-e-\- 2. 10. a^-ab^-2a-2b. 20. a* + 3 a^ - 27 a - 81. II. The Grouping of Terms to form the Difference of Two Squares By multiplication : (a + & + c) (a + & - c) = «2 + 2 a& + Z>2 _ c2. (x + a + 2) (x + a - 2) = x2 + 2 aa: + a2 _ 4. {x - y ^ z){x - y - z)= x^ - 1 xy -^ y'^ - z^. Each result has four terms. Three of the terms are per- fect squares and the fourth term is twice the product of the square roots of two of the square terms. With these facts in mind, the student will carefully factor the following expressions of similar form. Factor a^^-2 ab+b'^- x^. a2 + 2 a6 + 62 - a;2 = (a2 + 2 a& + &2) _ x"^ = (a + by-x^ = (a-\-b + x)(a + h — x). Result. 126 FACTOBING, REVIEW Factor a:^ -h'^-2hc- (^. = [a + (6 + c)][a-(6 + c)] = (a + & + c)(a-6-c). Result. Factor a;^ _^ ^2 _ ^2 _ 2 ^a?. a;2 + a2 _ ^2 _ 2 ax = (x2 - 2 ax + a2) - ^2 = (a;-a)2-z2 = (x — a + 2) (x — a — z). Result. It will be clear to the student that the grouping is' simply a matter of determining what three terms make up the desired trinomial square. The term that is not a square is the hey to the grouping arrangement, for its literal factors show the square terms with which it must be grouped. It may be of help to the student to familiarize himself with still another method by which the proper grouping may be obtained. From the signs of the square terms we derive the following : (1) When only one given square term is plus it is written firsts and the other three terms are inclosed in a pareiithesis preceded hy a minus sign. (2) When only one given square term is minus it is written last., and the other three terms are written first in a plus parenthesis. Factor : ExerclBe 48 1. a^^^ab-{-h^-m\ 4. 4:<^- ^cd-\- d? -1. 2. m^ + ^mn+n^-x^. 5. 4:a^-12ax-\-9 x^-25. 3. x^-2xy-^y^-z^ 6. a^ + b^- (^-{.2aL GENERAL AIDS TO FACTORING 127 8. m2 — 7i2+2m + l. 15. 4 2:2-^2 — 2a — 1. 9. a^ + 2/2 — ^2 _ 2 a^y. 16. m^ -\- 10 xi/ — x^ — 25 1/\ 10. a:4 + a:2-4-2a;3. 17. e^ _ ^6 - d^-12d, 11. a2-62_25c-c2. 18. 4a2 + l-4a:2_4^. 12. w2-ri2-27i-l. 19. -2rz; + l + 2;2_a:4. 13. a;2-/ + 2y-l. 20. 62g2 _ 4 ^252g2_^5g_6 a^^(P-9 ' a%'^(^ + ^ ahc + 4^ ■ a2_3^_18 a3_27 (a: + l)(a;+2) (a;+3)(a:+5) (aj + 3)(a; + l) (a:+2)(a:+7)* a^-a:-2 rc2-3a;-4 a^_5^+6 * a;2_73,+ i2' 6-\- x — a^ 4 — 4 a;+ a^ 4-2^2 '9_eJa: + ar2" 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. MISCELLANEOUS FBACTIOKS 165 ^2-1 a2-2a-3 a2 - 5 a + 6 ' a?- -3« + 2 a;3 - 16 a; 2;2 + 3:r-4 aa:^ — 7 a:z: + 12 a ' x^ -4a; + 3 i?;3+l ax^- - a x^ + 2x+l a^- -1 4a2_l 9a2 -4 6a^+a- -2 6 a2 - a -^ 2 8^3 + 1 • 4a2_2a + 1 «2 _^ 2 a5 4- ^ -^ a2- -2atf + ^- -62 a2_2a6 + 6 -(?2 (« + ^ + 0' III. MISCELLANEOUS FRACTIONS It frequently happens that an example in fractions in- cludes addition or subtraction with multiplication and division. The student should note carefully the indicated order in such problems, remembering that parentheses indicating addition must be simplified before further operations are possible. Exercise 59 Simplify : ^ (i-i)(i-f} '■ e-)e-> 166 FRACTIONS •■'J Va; a/\a; ay \a b eJ\ab + oc+ac. 11 12 /^i _ A^ -L- /'^ _ ^^ 17 / ^ — ^ m-{-n\f m-\-n \ W f)\x 'yj ' V 2 3 Adm-nJ /^_^y___a^___\ ^g^ /a + 1 x-l\ , fx ^ ^ \a x) \^ — 2 ax -\- d^j \ a x J \a J \x-]-a J\x — a J \Qo^—ay V c ^ )\^a-\-xy-cJ 20. 21. (x-^vf-(x-iy x-l (^-1) ' \x aj\ xj \ x) - (--:i7)(lf?l)(f-i-'> V. 1-xyJ \ 1-xy J GENERAL REVIEW 167 GENERAL REVIEW — GROUP IV THE H.C.F. The H. 0. F. of two or more expressions is made up of those factors that are common to the expressions. The prodvct of the lowest powers of the factors common to the given expressions is the H. C. F. THE L.C.M. The L. C. M. of two or more expressions is made up of all the different factors that occur in the expressions. The product of the highest powers of all the different factors occurring in the given expressions is the L. C. M. An H. 0. F. divides. An L. C. M. contains. FRACTIONS Signs The sign of or before, a fraction is independent of the signs of the numerator and the denominator of the fraction. The Signs of thk Factors of the Numerator and the Denominator of a Fraction Changing the signs of an even number of factors in both numerator and denominator of a fraction does not change the sign of tlie fraction. Changing the signs of an odd number of factors in both numerator and denominator of a fraction changes the sign of the fraction. 168 FRACTIONS Introducing a Factor in Both Terms of a Fraction Both numerator and denominator of a fraction may he multiplied by the same quantity without affecting the value of the fraction. Removing a Factor from Both Terms of a Fraction Both numerator and denominator of a fraction may he divided hy the same quantity without affecting the value of the fraction. The Transformations of Fractions I. To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms is to change its form without changing its value. II. To reduce an improper fraction to a mixed expression is to change to a form in which a part of the terms are integral; the remainder^ fractional. III. To reduce a mixed expression to a fraction is to change its form so that no integral terms remain. IV. To reduce a given number of fractions to equivalent fractions having a common denominator is to change the form of each so that the denominators of the resulting frac- tions shall be the same. The operation depends upon the introducing of the same factor in both numerator and denominator. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Fractions having the same denominators may he added hy adding their numerators. Fractions having different denominators may he added after they are changed to equivalent fractions having a common denominator. GENERAL REVIEW 169 Signs In addition and subtraction of fractions^ the sign of each fraction becomes the sign of its numerator when the numerators are added. Multiplication and Division of Fractions The product of two or more fractions is the product of the numerators divided by the product of the denominators. Cancellation^ or the removing of the same factor from both numerator and denominator of a fraction^ reduces the result to its simplest form. The quotient of two fractions is obtained by inverting the divisor and using it as a multiplier., whence the process becomes the same as in the multiplication of fractions. Bzercise 60 REVIEW Find the H. C. F. of : 1. a^ + x^ x^ — X, x(x + 1)2. 2. a3_2a2 + a, (a-iy. 3. a2-l, a^-1, a^-1. 4. a^+a-6, 2a2-5a + 2, 3a2-4a-4. Find the L. C. M. of : 5. ^2-6^-42, 2a2+6a-36. 6. (2:2-1), (^-1)2, x^-\-2x-^l. 7. a^-{-x^y^ xy^ — y^, x'y^ — 7^y^. 8. a2-l, a2-2a+l, a3-3a2+3«-l. 170 FRACTIONS Find the H. C. F. and the L. C. M. of : 9. c^-\-8cd^ 2(^-Sc(P, c^-i(^d + 4:(^€p, 10. 2a;2_2, 4ic3-4, 2a;2 + 2ic-4. 11. x^-{-x-2, a^+2x-S, x^-\-Sx-4:. 12. (a-\-bf-c^ P-(a + cy, (h + cy-a\ Reduce to lowest terms : 13. 5^- 20a; ^^ 125-27^:3 lbx{x-2)^ 25-30ic4-9a;2 12 a -12 X ,„ a:* -2* 14- ^ — 7. ^ \ — ^- 18. ^^ g2 - 9 g + 20 a:2-(a-l)2 c2_7^^12' * (x + iy-a^' - g 15 a:^ 4- a:^ — 6 a; x^ -\- x -\- ax -\- a 21 a:;^ — a;^ — 10 a? a;^ + a; — ca; — c Change to mixed expressions : a3_2a2_5 a:3_^ + 7 21. 23. — ' «2-l a;2 + a:+l a:^ + a:2 - 7 2:g^-2^2_^_3 ' x^+1 ' ' x^-1 Change to improper fractions : 25. ^ + 1+^. 27. (:, + 2)'- ^(^-|^X a:— 1 a: + 4 26. «2_a + i_«'(«-l). 28. ^-a-3. a+1 a— 2 GENERAL BEVIEW 171 29. ^+2:2 + 2 30 Find the sum of : 2 . 1 33. 34. 2:^—1 x^ + x + 1 x — l 1 1 3a (a - 1)2 (a + 1)2 (^2 _ 1)2 35. - + 36. 37. ^_2 ' ic-1 (a;-2)(a;-l) 2.2 4 -^^x-i-2x^-\-^x+S 2:2 + 52:4-6 3 2 (2;-l)(2:-2)(2: + 2) (x - 2) {x -{- 2) (x -\- 1) 38. ^ ^- + (a-6)(a-c) {a-b)(h-c) {a — c^(h-c) Simplify : ^2_l ^_\ 39. ecg-2 6?2 g2_g^ c2_ 3 g^ 4.2^^2 • e2 + tf(^ * (^-^)^ ' c2_^2 * 2 42 ^-)a->)-G-^^>Xra-'> 172 FRACTIONS 43. a2 + 2a-3 a^-Ga+S ' (a-l)(3 + a) g^ — 2 am + m^ — x^ a + m — x cfi-\-2 am -\-m^ — a^ a — m + x 45. / g + l _ a-l\ , ( a + 1 . a — l\ 46. Find the H. C. F. of m^ + ac -\- am + cm and m^ — ac -{- am— em, 47. Add ^-^ I ^ + <^ m^-a^ a m 4: am 48. Reduce , r, -— 5, to equivalent 1-y 1-f ! + «/ + / fractions having a common denominator. 49. Collect —4 ^^4- ^ l-2a l + 2a 1-4^2 50. Simplify — — - • — — 7 X - ^ -^ ab + l ab-1 51. Change ~ "^ to a mixed expression. 52. Simplify ^-^ . -.-^^ . -— ^. 53. Find the L.C.M. of 6a + 2, 27a2- 3, and 108 a^ + 4. 54. Find the sum of x^-^Sx-10 x^-\'4tx-6 Jhange x^—2z fraction 55. Change a^^- 2 a:- 1 + ^^i^ to an improper 56. Collect GENERAL REVIEW 173 a b (l^aXa + b) (l-5)(a+5) 57. Find the L. C. M. of a^ + Sa^-\-lQ, a^-lG, and 58. 59. Simplify (.-l + -A3).(.-3--A^) 60. Find the H. C. F. and the L. C. M. of x^ -\- ax -{■ a + X, x^ — hx + X — h, and a^ -\- ex -{- x + c. 61. ^^"p^^^^ ( <--9d^ H-^T^rr 62. Collect - + x+2 a^+S x^-2x-{-4t 2 63 Simplify (^__f\^^^ ^ ^ \x-l x-lj x-1 64. Simplify fab + 5 + ^]-^ fab -^4 + ^' 2 65. Change a^ — a^ + a — 1 -\ to an improper fraction. ^ r.r> \AA ^-"^ X-2 . 12 66. Add x-^2 x-\-4: x^-\-6x-\-S ^' I'f ^^ + 2 am a^—Sm^ a^-\- 4: am^ a^ + 4 w^ 2 a% H- 4 am^ a — 2 m 68. Simplify (^+2^)-(4^-2^> CHAPTER XIV SIMPLE FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS. PROBLEMS 110. To Clear an Equation of Fractions is to change its form so that the fractions disappear. Thus, in the fractional equation, we may multiply both members by 5, whence we have ^=15. 5 Or, reducing, x = 15. Wlien two or more fractions occur in an equation, the process of clearing is similar to that above, but the multi- plier is the L. Q. M. of the given denominators. Thus, to solve the fractional equation, — — ;; = s» 4 L. C. D. = 12. 3a; a: 5 4 3~6* Multiplying by 12, 9a:-4x = 10. 5a: = 10. a: = 2. Hence, the general statement for solving fractional equations. 174 SIMPLE FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS 175 111. To solve an equation containing fractions : Multiply both members of the equation by the L. C. D. of all the fractions, remembering that the sign of each fraction becomes the sign of its numerator. Complete the solution by the methods already learned. The following solutions will illustrate the general prac- tice. The student should carefully work out each step before undertaking the exercises. Ex.1. Solve^+?^ = 5. 4 3 The L. C. D. is 12. Multiplying both members by 12, we have 3(a;+ l) + 4(2a;-5) =60. 3a; + 3 + 8a; -20 = 60. lla: = 77. a: = 7. Result. Ex.2. Solve £^-^£±1=^. - O D Z The L. C. D. is 30. Multiplying both members by 30, we have 10(a: - 1) - 6(2 a; + 1) = 15(a; + 1). lOx - 10 - 12a; - 6 = 15a; + 15. -17 a; = 31. a; = - f f Result. 176 FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS. PROBLEMS Ex.3. Solve 2^-^ = 2 ^"^ X-\-\ X — 1 x^—1 The L. C. D. is x^ — 1. Multiplying both members by x^ — 1, we have (x-l)(x- l)-(x + l)(x + 2) = 2(x'^- l)-2a:2. (a:2 _ 2 a: + 1) - (:r2 + 3 a: + 2) = (2 a;2 - 2) - 2 x2. x^-2x+l- x^-Sx -2 = 2x^- 2-2a:2. ~-5x = -l. — \. Result. Exercise 61 2^ 45_^^29 * 3 5 2~15' 8 ^+1 , x-1^2 ' 8 2 3 a; 4-1 2a:-l _o 10. ^ + ^ + 4 = 0. a; + l a^-l _o ^^* "5 3 ^• 2a:-8 8a; + l x-1 Solve : 1. i^ 2x 3 7 = — • 2 2. 1+ 2^: 5 11 15* 3. 2a; 3 2 5 6* 4. a; — 8a: 2 1 2* 5. 1+ 2a; 5 + ?? = ^15 = 0. 6. I* 8a; 2 +f- 25 12* 12. 4 2 6 ,^ 4a;-8 , 8a; + l ^-10 13. ! — = . 2 7 14 5a;-8 6a;-l 8a;-2 ^Q 2 3 4* SIMPLE FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS 177 15. 1(^ + 1) -1(^-1) =2. 16. |(2:.-l)-f(3:.+ 5) = J5. 18. Q^x}Q-x) + x^ = 0. x-i-2 5-xx-^lS 19 8 Sx-^2 l-2x ^-6 ^Q 5 3 2 ' . 21. ^ + 3 = ^. 22. i(:.-2)-i(^+2)-i(^-l)=0. 4 a; - 3 a^ 4- 10 23. 4 2 24. Ax ^^ "2-2 o« (^ + 1)^ Ca: + 2)2 _ 2-^2 23. • 3 2 6 x + \ x—1 2a;— 1 3a: ''' 3 X -1 a;-3 X + 2 a: + 5 X -6 a:-7 X + 3 a; + 5 X + 1 a:4-2 X -3 X-Q 2 a:-3 2x-{-5 2 4 6 „„^— J. u. — ^ „, 3a;— 1 2a; — 1 -, 27. :; = -' 31. = 1. a; + 1 a; — 1 28. = 32. — — = 2. a;— 1 a:— 2 23 ^_^^^^_^^ 33 5a;-l_3^2a: + l. a;+2 a;-l 30. ----- ^ ---r- . 34 4a;-5 _ 5a;-l g^Q 3a; + 4 3a;+7 2a;-l a; + l r. H. 8. FIRST YEAR ALG. — 12 178 FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS. PROBLEMS ,, X x^-Sx 4 ^^ x+S x-S 7 35. — — = — • 36. 5 &x-^l 5 x-S x+S x^-d ^„ 2x-5 2x-\-5 8 37. 38. 2x + 5 2x-5 4tx^-2b x+2 a;-4 ^12 X— 2 x + 4i X _ 1/5^+3 2£-ll a; + 2 ^^* 2i""i 3~r-6- 3.2 1 40. 41. 42. 2(a; + l) 22^-1 3(a:+l) Ifx o\ 2/:r A .10+£ ^j^x'^-^ a^-x^ + 2 x-\-l x — 1 a;+l x + 2 Sx 2x X 5 2x 45. 46. x+1 3(:r + l) 2(a;+l) 6 x-i-l 2 ^ 3 ^ 15 a:— 3 2^+1 3a;— 1 ^„ a;2+2: + l, X x^—x + l 47. h — 48. a: + l a^-1 x-1 X a^-\-l X 2a;+2 ^^-^ %x-Z SIMPLE FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS 179 PROBLEMS PRODUCING SIMPLE FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS In our first application of the equation to written prob- lems we made only such statements as would give equa- tions without fractions. In the following exercise we shall be able to make use of fractional expressions in our .statements, and, consequently, in our equations as well. The method by which we reach our solution will differ in no way from the method employed in our earlier equa- tions. The suggestions for solving a problem (Art. 63) are repeated as an aid to the solutions required. In solving a problem : 1. Study the problem to find that numher whose value is required. 2. Represent this unknown number or quantity by x. 3. The problem will state certain existing conditions or relations. Express those conditions in terms of x. 4. Some statement in the problem ivill furnish a verbal equation. Express this equation algebraically by means of your own written statements. No statements or solutions are given in the following exercise. With the aid of a suggestion whenever a new element is introduced, the student should make his own statement with little or no difficulty. Exercise 62 1. The sum of the fourth and the fifth parts of a number is 9. Find the number. 2. Find that number, the sum of whose third and fourth parts is 5 less than the number itself. 180 FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS. PROBLEMS 3. The difference between the fourth and the ninth parts of a certain number is 2 more than one twelfth of the number. What is the number ? 4. There are three consecutive numbers such that when the least is divided by 4, the next by 3, and the greatest by 2, the sum of the quotients equals the largest number. Find the numbers. 5. The sum of two numbers is 21, but if the greater number is divided by the smaller number, the quotient is 6. What are the numbers ? 6. The difference between two numbers is 14, and when the greater number is divided by the smaller number the quotient is 2 and the remainder is 3. Find the numbers. (Hint : The dividend minus the remainder will exactly contain the quotient.) 7. A man sold 10 acres more than one third of his wood lot and had left 12 acres. How many acres were there originally in the wood lot ? 8. Two numbers differ by 7 and one of them is five fourths of the other. What are the numbers? 9. The denominator of a certain fraction is greater by 2 than the numerator. If 1 is added to both numerator and denominator, the fraction becomes f. What was the original fraction ? 10. A man sold a cow for $ 25 more than one third of what she cost him, making $ 5 by the sale. What was the original cost of the cow ? SIMPLE FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS 181 11. Out of a certain sum a man paid a bill of f 45, loaned one fifth of the remainder, and found that he had remaining f 44. How much had he originally ? 12. Find two consecutive numbers such that ^ of the least is equal to | of the greater. 13. The sum of two numbers is 72. If the larger num- ber is divided by the smaller number, the quotient is 5. What are the numbers ? 14. The sum of two numbers is 75, and when the smaller number is divided into the larger number, the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 3. Find the two numbers. 15. The largest of three consecutive odd numbers is divided into the sum of the other two, and the quotient is 1, the remainder 11. Find the numbers. 16. A boy's age is one third of that of his father, but in 4 years the boy's age will be two fifths of the father's age. What is the age of each at the present time ? ^ 17. A certain boy is one and one third times as old as his brother, but 4 years ago he was twice as old. Find the present age of each. 18. The sum of the ages of a father and son is 39 years, and if the son was one year older he would be one fourth as old as his father. How old is each ? 19. A can do a piece of work in 3 days and B can do the same work in 4 days. How many days will the work require if both work together ? (Hint : A does all in 3 days, therefore he does | of it in 1 day. Let X = the number of days required when both work together. Then how much of the work will both together do in 1 day ?) 182 FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS. PBOBLEMS 20. A can do a piece of work in 4 days, B the same work in 5 days, and C the same work in 6 days. How many days will it take to perform the task if all three work together ? 21. A can do a piece of work in 7 days and B can do the same work in 9 days. C is called in to help, and all three together do the work in 3 days. In how many days could C alone have done the work ? 22. A certain flock of sheep contains 18 more than half the number of sheep in a second flock. In both flocks together there are 90 sheep. Find the number of sheep in each flock. 23. A man spends one fourth of his salary for household expenses, one seventh for rent, and one tenth for miscel- laneous expenses. How much is his annual salary if, after the above expenditures, he has left 1 1420 ? 24. A man left two thirds of his estate to his widow, one twelfth to each of two sons, one twenty fourth to a brother, and iSOOO to his church. What was the total amount of his estate ? 25. A man being asked his age, replied, " If three times my age be decreased by 14 years and the result be divided by my age, the quotient will be J." What was the man's age? 26. The total runs made in a baseball game was 11. If the winning team had made 5 more runs and the losing team 2 more runs, the quotient of the winning runs divided by the losing runs would have been 2. How many runs were made by each team? SIMPLE FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS 183 27. The distance around a rectangular field is 84 rods, and the length of the field is | the width. What is the length of each side of the field? What is the area of the field ? 28. A man paid 13750 for two automobiles, paying prices for each such that | the cost of the cheaper one was $ 125 more than ^ the cost of the better one. What was the cost of each ? 29. A farmer has his cattle housed in three barns. In the first barn there are 3 more head than \ the whole number ; in the second barn, 2 less than | the total ; and the remainder, 19 head, are in the third barn. How many head are there in all and how many in each of the first two barns ? 30. A certain fielder played in seven games of baseball and made three more hits than he made runs. If four times the number of hits he made is divided by the number of runs increased by 6, the quotient is 3. How many hits and how many runs did he make in the seven games ? 31. An estate was divided among three heirs, A, B, and C. A received 1500 more than one fourth of it; B, 1500 less than one half of it; and C, $500 more than one sixth of it. What was the total amount of the estate ? What amount did each receive ? 32. Find the three consecutive even numbers such that 1 less than one half the first, plus 2 less than one half the second, plus 3 less than one half the third, equals 15. CHAPTER XV SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. REVIEW If X and y represent any two unknown quantities, then X -\- y — their sum, X — y = their difference. Suppose we assume that x=10 and y=l. Then a; + 2/ = 17, x-y = ^. It follows, therefore, that w^e have two equations in which the same unknown quantity has the same value. Hence, the definition: 112. Simultaneous Equations are equations in which the same unknown quantity has the same value. 113. Simultaneous equations are solved by obtaining from the given equations a single equation with but one unknown quantity. This process is called Elimination. TRANSPOSITIONS AND DIVISIONS Before taking up the solution of simultaneous equations, we must be able to change the form of an equation in two 184 TBAN8P0SITI0NS AND DIVISIONS 186 unknowns so that we have an expression for one of the unknown quantities in terms of the other. (I) Whei^ the Coefficient of x is Unity Given the equation x + 2 y = 7. Transposing, a; = 7 - 2 y. That is, 7 — 2 2/ is the expression for the value of x in terms of y. Again, given 4 ?/ — x = 9. Transposing, —x=9 — 4:y. Changing all signs, a; = 4 y — 9. Oral Exercise In each of the following equations give the value of x in terras of ^ : 1. x-{-i/=b. 5. i/-\-x = ll. 9. —x—l7/=—3. 2. :r-f By = 10. 6. — 4y + a?=13. 10. x— Si/— 2 = 0, 3. x—2'i/=7. 7. —2^ + 3^ = 4. 11. y — 4 — a;=0. 4. x — 5^=S. 8. 2i/ — x = — l. 12. ^ = — S~x. (II) When the Coefficient of x is Any Number Given the equation 3 x + 2 y = 5. Transposing, Sx = 6 — 2y. 5 — 97/ Dividing by 3, x= '- — -^^ • Result. 186 SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. REVIEW Oral Exercise In each of the following equations give the value of x in terms of y : 1. 2a;+3?/ = 5. 7. 7a;-4?/ = 0. 2. ^x-y = ^. 8. Zy-2x = ^. 3. 2x + by = ^, 9. 2y-Zx-l = 0. 4. 3a;-22/=:-l. 10. 6a;-2i/ + l = 0. 5. 5a: + 3«/ = -2. 11. _2?/ + 6a; + l = 0. 6. 5a;-3 = 4y. 12. -?/-32;-5 = 0. The student must not be misled by the fact that in both of the foregoing exercises we have asked for the value of x in terms of y rather than for the value of y in terms of x. The value of either in terms of the other may be written without difficulty. The x term was selected merely to avoid confusion. In the following exercises the student will learn to select whichever x ox y value will give the probable best solution. ELIMINATION BY SUBSTITUTION Applying the principle already learned in the foregoing oral exercises, we will now illustrate the solution of a pair of simultaneous equations in x and y, Ex. 1. Solve 32:4-2?/ = 7; 2:r + «/ = 4. 3^:4-2^ = 7. (1) 2 a; + 3/ = 4. (2) From (2), y = 4 - 2 :r. ELIMINATION BY SUBSTITUTION 187 (The value of y is obtained from this equation because its selection avoids a fractional result in transposing.) Substituting in (1), 3 a; + 2(4 - 2 a:) = 7. 3x+8-4a: = 7. - a: = - 1. a:=:l. For the value of y we substitute in one of the original equations. Hence, substituting in (2), 2 a: 4- y = 4. 2(1) + y = 4. y = 2. X = l.) Hence, [ Result. 2/ = 2.) Ex. 2. Solve 5a;+2?/ = ll;3ic + 4^ = l. 5x + 2y = n. (1) 3a: + 4y= 1. (2) From (2), x = ^ ~^^ . o Substituting in (1), From which, y = — 2. Substituting in (2), 3a: + 4(-2) = l, x = S. From which, a: = 3. y -2.> Result. From these illustrations we state the general process for elimination by substitution. 188 SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. BEVIEW 114. From one of the given equations obtain the value of one unknown quantity in terms of the other unknown quantity/. Substitute this value in other equation and solve. Exercise 63 Solve and verify : 1. x-^i/ = 2, 10. 5 X- 7/ = -IS, Sx-\-2y = 5. dx-}-2^ = 0. 2. a: + «/ = 3, 11. x — ^ = — 7, 2rr+3«/ = 8. 32:-2?/ = -18. 3. a; + 3/ = 5, 12. 5 ic + ^ = 15, 3a: + 2y=12. 22:-3^=6. 4. 5a;+T^=12, 13. 5^ -a: = 4, 3a: + y = 4. 2a;-^ = -8. 5. 4a;+2?/ = 22, 14. 4a;+3y=9, 5 x — 2^ = 5, X— 6 i/ = 0. 6. 4:i/-Sx=16, 15. 6x-2 7/=7, Sx+2i/ = 26. 3a: + 4y = 12. 7. 4a;-9«/ = -5, 16. 6 re -3?/ =2, 5t/-2x=5. 2x-Sy = Q. 8. 6 a; + 5 2/ = 4, 17. - 5 a; + 3 ?/ = 2, 2a;-3?/ = -8. 6^ + 5a:=l. 9. Sx + 2 = -l y, 18. 8a^+3?/ + 5 = 0, 2a;=3^-9. 2a;=3y. ELIMINATION BY COMPABISON 189 ELIMINATION BY COMPARISON The process of elimination by comparison is illustrated in the following : Ex.1. Solve 5a;+2y = 9; 2x-{-Si/ = S. From each equation obtain the value of one unknown in terms of the other, selecting the same unknown for each value. 5 a; 4- 2 y = 9. (1) 22:+3y = 8. (2) From (1), x= ~ ^ . 5 From (2), x = ^~^^ ' 9-2w8-3w Hence, Art. 58, O J!i Clearing, 2(9 - 2 t/) = 5(8 - 3 y; 18-4y = 40-15 ?/. y = 2. Substituting in (1), 5x4-2(2) = 9. x = l. x= 1 y :;;) Result. From this illustration we state the general process for elimination by comparison. 115. From each equation obtain the value of the same un- known quantity/ in terms of the other unknown quantity. Place these values equal to each other and solve » 190 SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. REVIEW Exercise 64 Solve and verify : 1. 2x+Sy = lS, 9. 6a; + y=ll, 2x-{-^=7. ^-6x = -lS, 2. 3 2^4-2^ = 25, 10. 5 re + 2 3/ = 20, 2x-y = 5. Sx-4:i/ = 12, 3. 3rr + 5i/ = 29, 11. 4a:+3y = ll, 3rr+2?/=17. 2x + 5^ = 16. 4. 4:r-y = l, 12. 2a;+3^=9, 3a; + 2«/=20. 4a;+92/ = 19. 5. 3a;-2i/ = 13, 13. 6 a; -2?/ =3, 4a;+3y=6. 3r?; + 2^=l. 6. 5a;4-3y = — 5, 14. 3a; — 4«/= — 9, 7a:H-2?/ = 4. 3?/ + 3a;=-7. 7. 22; + 3?/=^18, 15. 8a;4-3y=-4, 3a;-2y=l. 4a;-5?/=-2. 8. 3rr + y=l, 16. 2 ?/ + 5 a; = 2, Ua:+3y = l. 10a; + 32/-l = 0. ELIMINATION BY ADDITION OR SUBTB ACTION 191 ELIMINATION BY ADDITION OR SUBTRACTION This method of elimination produces a solution free of fractions, and is frequently useful when the given coeffi- cients are small numbers. (1) (2) Ex. 1. Solve 3a;+ 2^ = 11 4a;- 3i/= 9 Multiply (1) by 3, Multiply (2) by 2, Adding, 9a; 4- 62/ = 33 8a;- 6^ = 18 17a; =51 Substituting in (1), a; = ::) Result. Ex. 2. Solve Multiply (1) by 5, Multiply (2) by 2, Subtracting, Substituting in (1), 3a; + 2a; + 2^ = 10 5«/ = 14 15a; + 102/ = 50 4a; + 10^ = 28 11a; 22 x= 2. y ii] (1) (2) Result. Hence, for eliminating by addition or subtraction : 116. Multiply one or both given equations by the smallest numbers that will make the coefficients of one unknown quan- tity equal. If the signs of the coefficients are unlilce^ add the equa- tions ; if like., subtract the equations. For practice the student should solve the equations in Exercise 63 by the method of addition and subtraction. 192 SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. BEVIEW FRACTIONAL SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS Clear the following simultaneous equations of fractions, and solve the resulting equations by the method of substi- tution or by the method of comparison : Exercise 65 1. 2 3 7. 2.+1 y+1^ 3 ' 5 x+1 y+l_ . 5 2 2. 2 5 8. 3-+1 5 + 2^ = 2, 2* ^Y^ 4='>- 3. 2 3 ' 4^ 2 9. y-J + 1 -+J-0. b d 4. 2 4 10. 3v-5a; 3 2 ==8' 2a; + 4.y_4 a;-32/ 3 5. 2 3 = 8, 11. rr + ^ + l 2 12 3' ^ + 1 + 2^= 4 ' 5 = 2. 8 2 6. x + 2 ,y-'4 4 ' 3 ~ = 3, 12. 22:H-?/4-l_3 3rr-?/ + 2 6' a:-3 .y-2_ 3 ' 5 " = 2. 4a:-3«/ + 2_5 2a;-3^ + l 3 SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 193 PROBLEMS PRODUCING SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS Problems involving two unknown quantities are readily solved by the use of two different letters, x and ?/; and the pair of simultaneous equations obtained from the con- ditions of the problem is treated in accordance with either of the methods already learned. The following problems require the use of two unknown quantities and, in each problem, two equations are necessary for a solution. Exercise 66 1. The sum of two numbers is 15, and their difference is 3. What are the numbers ? Let X = the greater number, y = the less number. Then x-\-y = 15. (1) x-y = 3. * (2) From (1), y=15-x. Substituting in (2), x — (15 — x) = S. x-15 + x = 3. 2a:=18. x = 9. Substituting in (1), 9 + y = 15. y = Q. Hence, x = 9, the greater number. " y = Q, the less number. Result. 2. The sum of two numbers is 29, and their difference is 5. What are the numbers ? F. H. S. FIRST TEAR ALG. — 13 194 SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. REVIEW 3. The difference between two numbers is 15, and the quotient of the larger divided by the smaller is 6. Find the numbers. 4. The difference between two numbers is 40, and if the larger number is divided by the smaller, the quotient and the remainder are each 4. Find the two numbers. 5. One half the sum of two numbers is 14, and 4 times their difference is 16. Find the numbers. 6. One half the sum of two numbers is 2 more than their difference. Five times the smaller number equals twice the larger number. Find the numbers. 7. There are two numbers such that 3 times the first added to 4 times the second equals 37, and 4 times the first less 3 times the second equals — 9. Find the numbers. 8. If 3 is added to the greater of two numbers and 2 is subtracted from the smaller, the sum of the results will be 14. If the greater number is divided by 2, the quotient is 1 less than the smaller number. Find the numbers. 9. Add the least of two numbers to one half the greater and the sum is 12. Subtract the least number from one fifth the greater and the difference is — 5. What are the numbers? 10. If the greater of two numbers is divided by the less, the quotient is 3 and the remainder 6. If 4 times the less number is divided by the greater, the quotient is 1 and the remainder 6. Find the numbers. 11. The sum of two numbers is divided by their differ- ence, and the quotient is 5. If the sum of the numbers is divided by 12, the quotient is f . What are the numbers ? SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 195 12. If 1 is added to both the numerator and denomi- nator of a certain fraction, the resulting fraction is |. If 1 is subtracted from both the numerator and denominator of the fraction, the resulting fraction is J. Find the fraction. (Hint : Let - = the given fraction. Then ^ "^ = -, etc.) y 2/4- 1 4 13. A certain fraction becomes ^ when 5 is added to the denominator, but if 5 is added to the numerator, its value is |. What is the fraction ? 14. If 1 is added to both numerator and denominator of a certain fraction, the resulting fraction is ^. If the original fraction is inverted and 3 is added to both numer- ator and denominator, the resulting fraction is ^, What is the given fraction ? 15. The numerator of a certain fraction is multiplied by 3 and the denominator by 2, the resulting fraction being f ; but when the numerator is increased by 2 and the denominator increased by 2, the resulting fraction is ^. What is the fraction ? 16. When the numerator of a certain fraction is doubled and the denominator increased by 3, the result is J. If the denominator is doubled and the numerator decreased by 1, the result is -^q. What is the fraction ? 17. A father is 32 years older than his son, but 8 years ago the father was 5 times as old. What are the present ages of each ? (Hint : Let x = the father's age now, y = the son's age now. Then X — y = 32. And x — S = 5(y — 8). State and solve.) 18. Three years ago a certain boy was twice as old as his sister, but at the present time the sum of their ages is 30 years. Find the ages of each at the present time. 196 SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. REVIEW 19. The sum of the ages of John and William is 42 years, but one third of John's age is 1 year less than one half of William's age. What is the age of each ? 20. Four years ago A was twice as old as B, but in 6 years A's age will be nine sevenths that of B. What is the age of each now ? 21. A lady bought 10 yards of cloth and 4 yards of silk, paying f 32 for the whole. Later, at the same prices, she bought 5 yards of cloth and 6 yards of silk for 128. What was the cost of the cloth and of the silk per yard ? (Hint : x = cost per yard of the cloth in dollars, y — cost per yard of the silk in dollars. Then 10x + 4:y= .32, etc.) 22. A man bought 4 horses a^nd 3 wagons for #780, and later, 5 more horses and 2 more wagons, paying $870 for the second lot. The cost of both horses and wagons was the same, respectively, in each lot. What was paid for each ? [ 23. Five pounds of coffee and 3 pounds of rice cost f 1.80, and 4 pounds of coffee and 7 pounds of rice cost, at the same rates, $1.90. W^hat is the cost of the coffee and of the rice per pound ? 24. A boy has 32 marbles in two pockets. One half of the number in one pocket is 2 less than the number in the other pocket. How many marbles has he in each ? 25. A said to B, " If my weight divided by 3 is added to your weight divided by 4, the total is 90 pounds." B replied, " If one eighth of my weight is diminished by one sixth of your weight, the result is 5 pounds." What was the weight of each ? GENERAL REVIEW 197 GENERAL REVIEW — GROUP V FRACTIONAL EQUATIONS Clearing of Fractions Multiplying both members of a fractional equation by the lowest common multiple of their denominators removes the fractions from the equation. Signs The sign of a fraction becomes the sign of its numerator when the equation is cleared of fractions. Simultaneous Simple Equations For each solution we must have as many equations as there are unknown quantities. elimination We make use of two methods : 1. By Substitution. In which we replace an unknown quantity in one equation by the value of that unknown ob- tained from the other equation. 2. By Comparison. In which we form an equation with the values of one of the unknowns in terms of the other^ these values being obtained from the given equations. FINAL REVIEW Exercise 67 A 1. What is the sum of (a-\-b')x — {a—b^y-^2(a-^c)z - 3 (a + 5) :c + 4 (a - 6) y -f 3 (a + 25 + 3 (a + ^>) a; - 198 SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. REVIEW 2. Take the sum of 2a^-a^ + a-2> and 2a^^Za^ + ^ a + Q from the sum of 3 a — 4 a^ -f -i a^ + 2 and 1 + 3 a^ - 3 a3 4- 4 a. 3. Take the result of [(^2- ^4- 1)- (2a- ^2 + 2)] from the sum of a + 2 — a2 and a?—Za—l. 4. Take a;2_^ 2 rcH- 3 'from 2^ + 3 re +2 and multiply the result by the sum of 4 a: — 10 — a;2 and 11 -\- x^ — ^ x. 5. Divide the sum of a;^ — 7 a;2 + 14 2; — 17 and 2 a^ — 32: + 2 by (2; - 3)2 + 4 (a: -1). 6. Subtract Q — x — ^x^ from the product of (— 3 + 2:2-2:) by (x-2 + x^). 7. Divide 4a*-9a2+6a-l by 2a2_3a + l and multiply the quotient by 2 a — 3. 8. Simplify [(3 «« + a^ - 2 a) + (a^ _ a* + 1) - (2 a^ + 2 ^5 _ a* — 2 a + 2)] and divide the result by (a2 + a + 1) (a2_a + l). B Simplify : 9. a:-[l + |2:-(l + 2:)S]. 10. _J_[_(^_^_1)]|. 11. a — [ — ( — ; — a J — a) — 4 a] . 12. c-(2d-(i-c-\l-2d-ic-T^^)\')-'V). 13. -[c+ Jc-(c-l)-(c + l)-ci -(?]. 14. 22:-[2: + l-S2: + l-a-(2;+l4-a-w)|]. 15. (a + l)2-(2a-l)2+3a(a-2). 16. a(a-l)2- a(a2 + a-l)-4a(l-a). 17. (a + l)(2;+l)- (a-l)(2:-l)-2(a + a;-l). GENERAL REVIEW 199 18. 2(a+l)(a-5) + 3(a-2)(a + 5)-(4a+5)(a-8). 19. (a-l)3-(a+l)3 + 7a2 4-2. 20. Qi-\-x+iy-a(x-\-l-^a)-x(a-\-x-V), C Solve and verify : 21. 5a;-3(2a:-ll)-(rr-l) = 0. 22. 4a;+ [2 a;- (a:H-l)] =a;-5. 23. 2a;2-(2; + l) = 22;(a;-3). 24. 3 n; + (:z^ - 1) (2 2^ + 1) = (2 a; - 1) (a; + 1) - 1. 25. (2a;4-l)2-3a;(ic+2)-(a;-5)2 = 0. State and solve : 26. One number is 4 times another number, but if the smaller number is increased by 17 and the larger num- ber decreased by 22, the results are equal. Find the numbers. 27. A is 26 years older than B, and A's age is as many years more than 34 as B's age is years less than 34. Find the age of each. 28. A man has four sons, each 3 years older than the next youngest. The age of the oldest is 21 years less than the sum of the ages of all four. Find the age of each. 29. A man paid a bill of '$7.20, using dimes, quarters, and dollars. He used twice as many quarters as dimes and three times as many dollars as dimes. How many coins of each kind did he use ? 200 SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS. BEVIEW 30. Two automobilists start toward each other from towns 88 miles apart. The first travels at a rate of 10 miles an hour and the second at a rate of 12 miles an hour. In how many hours will they meet ? 31. A man rows downstream at a rate of 8 miles an our, but upstream his rate is but 4 miles an hour. How .ar downstream can he go and return in 6 hours ? 32. A boy agreed to work 50 days at 10.50 a day for each day he worked. For each day he was idle he agreed to forfeit fO.25. He received $22 when the settlement was made. How many days did he work ? D ' • Find the value of : 33. (a-l)2-a(a + l) +^(a-l) when a =2. 34. (x-Sy-(x-\-S)(x-S)-(x-\-Sy whena;=-2. 35. 2 a (^a -{- X — 1} — (^a — x){2 a -\- x^ when a = 3 and x = -3. 36. m (m + H + 1) — (w — n + 1) (m + w — 1) when m = and n = -- 2 37. 3a;(a:+l)2-3(a;+l)3+3(a;+2)(a;-5) when x 2 — ~ 3- Substitute in the following formulas and obtain required values : 38. If a = 4, w = 6, c? = 2, find the value of I in GENERAL REVIEW 201 39. If a = -2, Z=-128, r = - 2, find the value of aS' in a rl— a 40. If a = 3, 5 = 4, x^-^x+Q. 103. xy ■\- X -\- y + 1^ xy — X'\- y —\, xz -\- z -\- x -\- 1. 104. (^2-52)2, 7(■ 151. 3 -¥=-*• 3a: 2 -I-"- 152. a: — 2 i.^=., 155. ^ + .y + 3 ^2 x-y-2 3' a;+l . .y + 1 ^3 ^_-^jf2^4 2 5 ' a^ + y-3 3* State and solve : 156. Find two numbers whose sum is 37. and whose difference is 13. 157. One fourth of a number added to one third of a second number gives a sum of 8. One third of the first number increased by one fifth of the second gives a total of 7. What are the numbers ? 158. If the sum of two numbers is divided by 7, the remainder is 4 and the quotient, 6 ; but if the difference between the numbers is divided by 7, the remainder is 2 and the quotient, 4. Find the numbers. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Fine schedule: 25 cents on first day overdue 50 cents on fourth day overdue One dollar on seventh day overdue. APH 20 1947 26Feb'57\V« afltCBL OCT 1'1!> LD 21-100m-12,'46(A2012sl6)4120 ivl306053 OA 15^ 5 U "^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY