U G arss\ >. GIFT OF ^^yw^uX f^-^n"^^^:^^ Gale L Polden's Military Series IGNALLING EGULATIONS. BEING A »LETE COMPILATION OF ALL ORDERS, REGULATIONS AND WARRANTS RELATING TO SIGNALLING. COMPILED BY |:rgt.-major r w. sibbald, School of Signalling, Aldershot IVEESn IPYRIGHT- ^^^i^^ CHATHAM ONE SHILLING SIGNALLING REGULATIONS. GALE & POLDEN'S MILITARY SERIES. SIGNALLING REGULATIONS BEING A Complete Compilation of all Orders, Regulations and Warrants relating" to Signalling. COMPILED BY GALE & POLDEN, ^W^ BROMPTQl^ WORKS, cit'AT'HX'M ONE SHILLING. Post Free to any part of the World. ^-IC CHATHAM : PRINTED BY GALE AND POLDEN, BROMPTON WORKS. 1889. %> PREFACE These Orders and Regulations have been collected and arranged by Sergeant-Major F. W. Sibbald, to assist those Officers who instruct in Signalling in various parts of the World, and to whom access to all the different Army Forms, Circular Memoranda, Royal Warrants, Pay Regulations, ■ worked in worsted. Infantry. Infantry. 1st Prize. To the \ £2 each, and a 36 signallers of the six ( badge of crossed flags battalions highest in ( worked in worsted, order of merit. ) 2nd Prize. To the^ £1 15s. each, and a 36 signallers of the six ( badge of crossed flags battalions next highest C worked in worsted, in order of merit. ) 3rd Prize. To the^ £1 10s. each, and a 36 signallers of the six f badge of crossed flags battalions next highest C worked in worsted- in order of merit. J 11 To the 6 signallers'^ £1 15s. each, and a of the battalion highest | badge of crossed flags in order of merit at y worked in worsted. Malta and Gibraltar j respectively. J Royal Malta Artillery. Malta Artillery. To the 4 signallers] £1 10s. each, and a of the battery of Royal I badge of crossed flags Malta Artillery highest f worked in worsted, in order of merit. I General, When not issuable. Colonial Stations. 15/- each, and a ^ badge of crossed flags worked in worsted. General To each soldier within the recognised establishment of sig- nallers, excluding supernumeraries, who ! may qualify in any year as an efficient signaller, and is not entitled to any other prize under this article. 1022. Prizes for signalling shall not be issued to regiments which do not attain a satisfactory standard of efficiency. 1023. Battalions and batteries stationed at other colonial stations than Malta and Gibraltar, shall not be allowed to compete for the first, second, or third prizes for signalling. With reference to article 1021, of Royal Warrant for Pay, &c., 1887. No regiment of cavalry or infantry, whose figure of merit (A. F. B. 225) is below 319, and no battery of artillery whose figure of merit is below 309, will be considered to have attained a satisfactory standard of efficiency. All corps marked in the inspection returns as V.I. (very inaccurate), will be disqualified for any prize, irrespectively of their figure of merit. 12 FINANCIAL INSTRUCTIONS. Issue of Prizes. Financial Instructions, 1886.— Section XII. Army Signalling. 520. The prizes for Army Signalling will be paid each year on the publication of the General Order showing the relative efficiency of the corps in signalling, and the charges will be supported by a reference to the General Order by a statement of the names of the men, and by proof of payment, Authority for the issue of Gratuity of 16/- For a Cavalry Regiment ... ... 12 men receive it. „ Garrison Battery of Artillery ... 4 „ „ Battalion of Infantry ... ... 6 „ The Form of Authority for Eegimeiits to draw this gratuity is as follows : — (no other authority is required) Gratuities for Signallers. Officer Commanding 1st Gloucester Regiment. Battery, or Regiment, Names. The signallers of the Battalion under your command (names as per margin), who were present at the last Signalling Inspection (Annual) are entitled to receive the sum of 15s. each, amounting to £4 10s. under the provision of Army Circulars, Clause 86, May, 1887. I am directed by Horse Guards' letter (44 Gen. No. 1177 dated 30th March, 1887) to inform you that this letter should be annexed as a voucher to the Pay List on which the gratuities are charged. Alder shot. Inspector of Signalling. 18 CARBON PAPER. Carbon Paper for Army Signalling Equipment. 01.139. July, 1884. 1. In order that the instructions contained in paragraph 4, page 42, of the Manual of Instruction in Armj^ Signalling, 188B, may be carried out, two sheets of carbon paper will be supplied, in future, with each copy of Army Book 119A (Military Telegraph and Message Book). 2. Officers in possession of signalling equipment will put forward requisitions on local Ordnance Store Officers for the number of sheets they require. 3. At pages 116 and 136 of the Equipment Regulations, 1881 (Army Regulations, Vol. III.), after " Books, Message," in the Tables of Signalling Implements, add " 119a, each with two sheets of carbon paper." CLOTHING REGULATIONS. Part I. — Badges. Clothing Regulations, 1887. Property of Winners. 118. The badges for good shooting and good signalling supplied for the tunics issued biennially, will not be transferred from the winners of one year to those of the succeeding year, but will be retained by the winners of them as their own property, although they will not be worn after the period fixed for the wear of such badges shall have expired. 14 Part II. — Distinguishing Badges and Chevrons. (e). Badges for Signalling. Page 303. The Assistant Instructor of Signalling badge of crossed flags above the chevron. 1. Badge of crossed flags, worked in gold, for the House- hold cavalry, and in worsted for the other branches of the service (for each qualified signaller, whether he receives a prize or not), to the extent of the num- bers allowed by regulation. 4. tChevrons and Badges worn on Kharkee drill and white cotton clothing will be similar to those worn on the undress jackets or frocks, and dress and undress waistcoats of the various Regiments or Corps, with the following exceptions : — They will all be made of worsted lace and embroidery. No badges will be worn by Bandmasters, Band-Sergeants, Sergeant-Instructors of Mus- ketry, Fencing, Gymnastics, or Signalling, or by Bandsmen. Worn on the left arm, on tunics or dress jackets, and frocks,* or ^undress jackets, below the elbow and above all other badges worn on that arm. VOLUNTEER REGULATIONS. Army Signalling. 44 Gen. No. 1264. The following alterations and additions will be made in the Regulations for the Volunteer Force, 1887 : — 1. In Sub-Section V. of Section V., Part I., for the headinpf the following will be substituted : — * Not worn on cotton, drill, canvas, or duck, nor on recruits serge frocks, t One set only will be supplied, although two or more suits may be issued. 15 Classes for, and Examination in Signalling. 2. The following will be inserted under the above-mentioned heading after paragraph 470 : — 47061. Classes for the instruction of Volunteer Officers in Army signalling will be formed at each of the stations named below, (or any other stations which may be convenient) twice a-year if a sufficient number of can- didates are forthcoming. District. North Eastern North Western Eastern Western Southern . . . Thames South Eastern Home Woolwich ... Aldershot .... North British Place of Assembly. York, Sheffield ... Manchester, Preston Colchester, Norwich Plymouth, Pembroke Dock Portsmouth... Chatham ... Dover London Woolwich ... Aldershot ... Edinburgh, Glasgow Date of Inspection. 23rd March to 31st March. 17th August to 23rd August- 8th March to 15th March. 6th August to 10th August. 1st April to 5th April. 25th Aug. to 29th Aug. 1st March to 7th March. 1st August to 5th August. 6th May to 10 May. 14th Dec. to 18th Dec. Ist June to 4th June. 5th Dec. to 8th Dec. 1st May to 5th May. 9th Dec. to 13th Dec. 7th June to 11th June. 1st Dec to 4th Dec. 6th April to 10th April. 19th Dec. to 22nd Dec. 15th June to 27th July. 1st Sept. to 30th Nov. 16th March to 22 March. 11th Aug. to 16th Aug. 470&. Each class will consist of not less than 8 or more than 20 Officers and non-commissioned officers, and will last for 9r days at least. 470c. The instruction will be carried out by the As- sistant-Instructor of a Regular regiment or battalion at the statioli under the supervision of a District or Regi- mental Signalling Officer. 470cZ. The names of Volunteer Officers and non-com- 16 missioned officers desirous of attending a class will be sent in to the General Officer Commanding the District, who will assemble the classes, detailing the Signalling Officer to superintend and the regiment or battalion to furnish the Assistant-Instructor. 470e. Applicants to join the class must engage to attend not less than three times a week. The instruction will usually be carried out in the evening, or at such times as are most convenient to those attending. 470/. An Officer from the Signalling School at Alder- shot will inspect the classes and grant certificates to those found qualified after examination. 3. , The following will be added after paragraph 603 : — 603a. A fee of Is. a day will be paid through the Signalling Officer to the Assistant-Instructor of Signalling appointed under paragraph 470c. Each Officer and non- commissioned officer in the signalling class will contribute an equal proportion of the sum required to make up the necessary amount. 4. The following will be added after paragraph 819 : — 819a. A certain number of flags, poles, and bull's-eye lamps will be issued to each of the named stations for the use of the classes under instruction. Heliograph and lime-light lamps already issued to districts will, whenever they can be spared from the regular service, also be used. 5. General Officers Commanding Districts will forward to the Inspector of Signalling the names of Officers who may be ready to be examined with the view of earning the Capitation Grant for the current year terminating 31st October 1888 ; and, if possible, provision will be made for their being examined. After the 31st October 1888, the dates laid down for the examinations in each district in paragraph 471a will, as far as possible, be adhered to. 17 " OflBcers and N.-C. Officers, other than those who have " not attended the above classes who may desire to be examined "for Certificates, should send in their names to the A. A. (Jr. of "the District, at least one month before the date fixed for " examination in that district." V. Examination in Signalling. *''i- The examination referred to in para. 678 will be as follows : — a. Correctly reading from, and sending with, the large flag at the rate of nine (9) words a minute. b. Correctly reading from, and sending with, the small flag at the rate of twelve (12) words a minute, and the bull's-eye lamp at the rate of ten (10) words a minute. c. Showing a fair knowledge of the Helio- graph and Lime-light. d. Thoroughly understanding the Manual of Instruction in Army Signalling. These examinations will be held from time to time under the instruction of the Inspector of Army Signalling, Aldershot, who alone is empowered to issue (in person or by deputy) the certificates to the successful candidates. 678. A Special Capitation Allowance of £1 10s. will be granted for each Officer or non- commissioned officer of Volunteers (not exceed- ing 2 Officers and 2 non-commissioned officers in each corps) who is in possession of the Signalling Certificate referred to in para. 471, for every year in which he earns the ordinary Capitation Allowance. 2. This Special Capitation Allowance will be granted for all Officers who have obtained 18 certificates prior to the 1st March 1889, irre- spectively of the above limitation. Badges^^^ for Badges of crossed flags for proficiency in Signallers. Army Signalling, may he worn by Assistant Instructors and Signallers of Volunteer Corps under the following conditions. (1) A Corps having the regulation number of Signallers, wishing to wear badges, will apply to the Gfeneral Officer Commanding the District, who will appoint an Officer holding an In- structor's Certificate from the School of Army Signalling at Aldershot, to examine the Signallers. The ex- amining Officer will report the result to the Inspector of Signalling at Aldershot, direct, who will notify to the General Officer Commanding the District, if badges should be issued. Badges will not be issued unless a satisfactory standard of efficiency is attained. (2) Badges will be provided at the cost and be the property of the Corps, and will be returned into stores at the end of the Volunteer year in which they • are to be worn. (3) Signallers of corps examined between the 1st November and the 1st May, will wear badges up to the end of the Volunteer year (31st October), in which they are examined. Signallers examined between the 1st May and the 31st October, will wear badges for the succeeding volunteer year, com- mencing on the 1st November. A period of at least 6 months must elapse between each inspection, which should not be held oftener than once in each year. 19 (4) The badges must be limited to the number allowed in the regular forces, viz. : — two Assistant Instructors and twelve Signallers per Regiment of Cavalry, two Assistant Instructors and six Signallers per battalion of Infantry, and one Assistant Instructor and four Signallers per Battery of Artillery. (5) The Badges will be worn by Assistant Instructors on the right arm above the chevron, and by Signallers on the left arm below the elbow, and above all other badges. They will be worked on cloth the color of the tunic, and in no case will they be worked in gold. (6) No expense whatever to the public is to be entailed, and it is to be clearly understood that if there be no qualified officer on the spot to conduct the necessary examinations, the Corps concerned must arrange for the Sig- nallers to be sent to the Examining Officer for the purpose. (7) Commanding officers will be held res- ponsible that the badges are not worn by any men of their Corps, unless proper authority has been obtained from the General Officer Commanding District. Signalling Equipment. Volunteer Corps wishing to purchase Sig- nalling Equipment, can do so on requisition and prepayment from Government Stores, V. / Gen. No. / 8176. The standard for a Volunteer Corps to be allowed to wear the badge of cross flags, for the Volunteer year in which they qualify, is the minimum standard laid down in Manual of Instruction, page 32, viz : — 20 Large Flag, at the rate of 9 words a minute, or, 2' 13". Small Flag, at the rate of 12 words a minute, or, 1' 40". Lamp, at the rate of 10 words a minute, or, 2' 0". Heliograph, in countries where it can be freely used, 10 words a minute, or in 2' 0". In addition to the above qualifications a man must have a fair knowledge of the Manual of Instruction, and thoroughly understand the mode of signalling, or sending a service message. YEOMANRY. III. Army Signalling. 130— Officers and non-commissioned officers of Yeomanry Regu- Ycomanry Cavalry may attend classes for in- lations, 1889. struction in Army Signalling formed by general officers commanding districts under the Volunteer Regulations. They will join the classes under the conditions laid down for officers and non- commissioned officers of Volunteers. 354. Badges for Signallers. The following will be added after para. 156 of the " Regulations for the Yeomanry Cavalry, 1885," (Army Regulations, Vol. X.) :-- 156a. Badges of crossedflags, for proficiency in Army Signalling, may be worn by signallers under the following conditions : — 1. A corps wishing to wear badges will apply to the general officer commanding the district, who will appoint an officer, holding a certificate from the School of Signalling at Aldershot, to examine the signallers with a 21 view to certifying that they are efiBcient. The result of the examination is to be reported to the Inspector of Army Signalling, who will from time to time issue the necessary instructions for the guidance of the officer holding the" examination. 2. Badges will be provided at the cost of the corps and will be worn only till the end of each Yeomanry year, when they will be returned to store. No badge will be worn unless authority has been obtained from the general officer commanding the district. 3. The signallers will be re-examined each year, the examining officer reporting the result to the Inspector of Army Signalling, Aldershot ; and badges will not be re-issued in cases where a satisfactory standard is not maintained. 4. The badges must be limited to the num- ber allowed in the regular forces — viz., two assistant instructors and 12 signallers, per regiment. 5. The badges will be worn by assistant instructors, on the right arm (above the chevron) and by signallers, on the left arm below the elbow. They will be worked on cloth the color of the tunic, and in no case in gold. 6. No expense whatever to the public is to be entailed in connection with the qualifying examinations, or otherwise. If there be no officer on the spot competent to examine the signallers, all expenses in connection with one proceeding there will have to be borne by the Yeomanry corps concerned. By command, 22 MANUAL OF SIGNALLING COMPANIES FOR THE FIELD. Appendix I. War Establishment, Army Signallers. Establishment of one Mounted and one Dismounted Company of Army- Signallers, each capable of being divided into Sections of seven men, and half Sections of three or four men. Table 1. Personnel of each Horses. Company. Mounted Com- pany. Dismnted. Company. 1 6 1 i Private or provided under Allowance Regulations. Public. Private or provided under Allowance Regulations. i o m o •i-i i 4:> ■a P Captain or Lieutenant ... Company Sergeant-Major Sergeant 1 1 1 28 1 4 1 1 28 1 4 3 j>30 J 8* 1 s Rank and File Batman Drivers* Total 1 1 2 29 4 32 4 3 30 8 1 8 When pack transport is substituted for wheeled transport, 22 pack animals will be required for a mounted company, and 18 for a dismounted company. ^Provided by Army Service Corps. 28 STORES. Vocabulary of Stores, 1886. (Section IV.) Rate. Designation. Detail. Per. Contract. Flags, Signal. Army. Blue 3 ft. square ... Muslin, without poles. 11 11 each £ s. d. 1 2 9 11 ii 11 lOJ White with stripe, 3 ft. square Blue stripe „ 11 1 2 9 11 11 11 ^ 11 11 )) 11 11 11 11 f 5 ft. 6 inches . Poles \ Fir, for 3 ft. flag 11 f No. 1. B. S. 3010 1 No. 2. B. S. Coil 1 L 3 „ 6 „ ... 11 1) ^ 11 11 11 f No. 1. B. S. 3 9 1 No. 2. B. S. C 10 Wheels, Cypher Books, 119 A Message Manual of Instruction Scribbling Book, 119 C. 5. d. each 2 9 „ 1 1 24 Vocabulary of Stores. (Section IV.)— (continued.) MISCELLANEOUS STORES. RATE. No. 1 No. 2 Bal- Designation. Detail. Pek Balance Sheet. ance Sheet oe contkact £ 8. d. £ s. d. Heliographs, 5-inch ... with Stand (Sec. VII.) & articles shown below* each — 11 5 Balls, Mirror German Silver for top of mirror doz. 2 1 6 2 4 Bolts, Leg for joint of legs ,, 6 6 4 Bottles, Oil (*1) Brass, Circular ... jj 1 6 17 7 Boxes, Mirror Circular, to hold 8 „ 1 4 15 5 Buckets Leather, with Cap and Sling f orStand,Mounted Corps only each — 11 9 Caps, Oil Bottle doz. 6 9 7 2 Oases (*1) Leather to hold all except Tripod ... each — . 9 Cock-pieces, Mirror . . for top of Mirror doz. 19 10 2 Collars, Screw Arm, Unremovable, Brass, Jointed with Set Screws 2 8 2 10 Discs, Mirror (* 12) Paper ,, 8 8^ Discs, Rod, Sighting ... Metal ,, 18 9 19 10 Drivers, Screw (*2) i> 15 15 11 Do. Double Headed 15 6 1 7 H-oor^Qj" Screw Tangent '^^^^n Socket Horn ,1 13 6 14 4 „ for Vertical Rod ... 13 6 14 4 Holdalls Leather *| 15 17 16 16 Hooks, Anchoring „ 9 9 10 4 Mirrors, Unmounted . . . (*8) — 18 Nuts, Screw, H o ok , Anchoring ,, 2 6 2 8 Pins, Check, Screw, Clamping Steel, of sizes „ 9 9i PnH« r Sighting ^^^ i Vertical with Metal Discs >) 7 10 7 9 5 Steel 10 6 11 2 SCHEWS— Bridge Brass, Capstan-Headed, with Pin ... ... J, 11 9 12 5 ^^ Ivertical ... Brass 15 15 11 »> »» 10 10 7 3 4 3 6 Cock-piece " '.. ] ,j 1 8 19 Bolt, leg „ for Bolts, Joints of Legs if 1 10 1 11 Head, screw, tangent ... Steel 2 6 2 8 Heel, spring Brass, for Tangent Screws 10 11 fBall „ „ Ball of Tangent Screw 18 19 Box „ „ Tangent Box.. „ 14 15 Holding -i Bridge Strap „ with "Washers, for Strap of Cap Screws on " 11 10 Legs j^ 11 1 Leg ... ^ Brass, for Top of Legs... „ 10 11 Mirror „ „ Back of Mirror ,^ 10 11 Partition „ „ 4 4i 25 Vocabulary of Stores, 1886. (Section IV),— (Continued.) MISCELLANEOUS STORES. RATE. No. 1 No. 2 Bal- Dbsionatioit. Detail. Pbe. Balance Shbbt. £ 8. d. ance Sheet or conthact £ S. d. Pivotmg [tl^^'""' Steel doz. 2 2 1 „ for Balls, Top of Mirror " 2 4 2 6 Securing instrument ... Brass, with Washer ... 5 5 4 a„„T,„x„ ("Arm, lever ... Soc^«^« 1 Rod. vertical. Steel ... ;; 1 7 13 1 8 14 Tangent l[ "' .' ,, 1 4 1 5 5 Uiimoveable, Arm, Jointed ... Brass ,, 12 2 12 11 cj 1 , f Arm, Lever ... Sockets >^^^;yg^,i^^l^ " ^^ 16 17 it 1 1 6 1 3 5 r Arm, lever ... Steel ..; ."."." 7 7 5 Springs -< Heel, screw, (. tangent ... ^, „ 7 7 5 a + «o ^o f Shoulder Straps l^^ig^ (*1) Slinging Case (* 1) or Surcingle, Steadying Case ... each 2 6 10 Tommies (* 1) Triangular doz. 18 9 19 10 Stand Helio or Lime-light . . . each 2 11 2 Lamps— — Bull's Eye, Signal Hand. Signalling each — 4 8 Wick for Colza Lamp doz. yards — 3 Oil Colza gall. 2 6 Scissors Lamp, with Guard each. 10^ (Section VII,) R.E. AND NAVAL SPECIAL STORES. Apparatus, Lime, Light Ttorrc i GraS «ags I Pressure Bottles, Cleansing Gas.. Iron Tin Flasks Lamps Lenses Pencils Retorts {^^^ Z Tubing Stand Methylated Spirits Manganese Potash , Horns, Fog Mackintosh Canvas Copper, Brass Mouth piece 1 Quart Spirits of Wine 2 Gallons Oil or Spirits, with Brass Tap & Key 38-lbs. Oxygen Mixture Brass, with Cap forming ^-Ib. measure, for 4-lbs Oxygen Mixture Copper, with Flashing Disc . ... In Brass Frame . . . 12 in SandinGlassBottle ) With Brass Mouth- S piece 3/8ths Helio or Lime Light Binoxide, Granulated Chlorate Oxygen Mix- ture each — 19 8 3 1 ;; 5 6 5 6 5 10 >» 1 4 9 7 8 1 6 1 10 3 „ 13 1 13 10 doz. 5" each yard gallon lb. 5 3 11 5 10 2 12 6 1 9 7 2 4 5 7 2 11 2 2 6 Of each - 5f 1 5i c 2 26 HELIOGRAPHS AND LIMELIGHT APPARATUS. A.O. 293, June, 1889. Equipment Regulations, 1881. 1. It having been decided that each Regiment of Cavahy and each Battalion of Infantry at home and abroad (India excepted), shall be supplied with two heliographs and two sets of lime-light apparatus, the undermentioned articles will be added to table 17, page 116, and to table 13, page 136, of the Equipment Regulations 1881. DESCRIPTION. Peace. War. Section IV. Heliographs, 5-inch, with stand 2 2 Methylated Spirits Oxygen Mixture ... pints ... lbs. 12 24 12 24 Tubing, I. R., |-inch Wick, cotton ... yds. ... lbs. 10 2 10 2 Section VI. Scissors, Lamp ... prs. 2 2 Section VII. Apparatus, Limelight. ^^^* I pressure Bottles, cleansing, gas rbrass 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 Cases, j iron 2 2 'tin 2 . 2 Cylinders, lime pencil Flasks 2 2 2 2 Lamps Pencils .".".' do z. 2 2 2 2 Retorts, copper 4 4 2. The sets of heliographs and lime-light apparatus which have been supplied to districts, should be returned to the Ordnance Store Department, and re-issued to Regiments agreeably to the above scale. 27 RIFLES TO BE CARRIED. Or. 0. 122— Signallers. July 1887. Signallers of infatitry battalions will, when at Field Days, always carry their rifles slang- across their backs, in order that they may be able to use them when required. They will also wear the expense pouch. When marching past, the signallers will carry their flags and have their rifles slung across their backs. POSITION OF SIGNALLERS MARCHING PAST. Infantry Drill, 1889. When Signallers are not in the ranks they will march past two deep, 2 paces behind the Pioneers. For all Forms used in Signalling, see " Manual of Instruction," page 84 and 85. Page 440. Forms. HORSE GUARDS, WAR OFFICE, 2nd July, 1887. INSPECTOR OF SIGNALLING, ALDERSHOT. " Dummy Keys." In reply to your minute of 8th ultimo, it is notified that the Commissary General of ordnance will issue on demand the " keys, dummy, sig- nallers' (Mark I) " which are required for instruction in Signalling. The instruments will be supplied at the rate of two per corps. Signed, A. GOLDSMID, D.A.Q.M.G. 4t. G. No. 1206. 28 IMPROVED HAND LAMP AND STAND. 5612. Lamp, Bull's Eye, Signal Mark IV., with Tripod Stand. ^"^ 8 8 8°^^'"4T ^ pattern of this lamp has been sealed to govern Aidershot, 104! future manufacture, and the alteration of existing lamps as specially ordered. The lamp differs from Mark III (§ 5044), in the following particulars, viz., it is fitted with a socket at the base, to receive a pinned plug on the stand. The Asbestos slide rest, for keeping the disc in proper position, has been removed, and two leather stops substituted. The reservoir is of larger size. The tripod stand has been introduced, as it was considered advantageous for working the lamp. It is made of American birch, 2 feet 9 J inches in height, and is fitted with a leather strap, 14 inches in length, to secure the legs together when the stand is not in use. The strap is fixed to one leg of the^g^udj^y a brass plate. 8 inches from theJji^SSnSlA^S' ^A^^ OP THB IJHITBUSI ^Wi^ *>^ PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 1889. SPECIAL 1889. LIST OF MILITARY WORKS. CASH WITH ORDERS. ^S^ G. & p. respectfully intimate that the profit on small orders does not admit of their giving credit ; and also that the labour and expense attending the passing of a number of small accounts through their books would seriously impede the management of their enormous business, consequently they strictly adhere to the rule that cash is in all instances received before goods are forwarded. When a remittance is in excess of the sum required, the surplus will be returned. ,^^ IMPORTANT NOTICE. The whole of Sergeant-Major W. Gordon's Drill Books, in accordance with the New Infantry Drill are now ready. All other books, Drill Cards, &c., that are advertised in our lists and catalogues as being in accordance with Field Exercise, are now revised and ready, in accordance with Infantry Drill, 1889. Several Military Works are now omitted from our List, owing to their not being up to date. Customers uilio may receive Duplicate Catalogues \joiII greatl-g oblige if tliei^ loill place the sauie ou tlie Mess or Library Table. We keep tlie Largest Stock of MILITARY Books iu tke World, aud our Stock at tira.es exceeds a Quarter of a Million Volumes. Hat)iug a Loudou Tra-oeller, Customers uobo desire it, can be called upou for Orders, by sendiug a Post Card to our Factory to that effect. We cannot be responsible for any of our A.gents' delays. A.II orders forujarded direct to our Factory at Cbatbam are attended to on tlie day tbey are received, if Cask is sent witk Order. 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The book merely wants to be read in order to be appreciated and admired." — Army and Navy Gazette. " In the Infantry Drill, references are continually made to preceding para- graphs. The result is confusing and troublesome. Mr. Gordon to obviate this blemish has produced the work before us. Mr. Gordon has performed his task well, and we venture to assert that an officer or non-commissioned officer who masters this book has practically absorbed the essence of Battalion Drill,"— Colburn's United Service Magazine. 13. t Battalion Drill, Catechism on, with Appendix and Words of Command ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 14. Brigade Drill made Easy. By W. Gordon, 2nd Batt. Gordon Highlanders. 3rd Edition, Revised and Enlarged 2 *' Brigade Drill Made Easy, by William Gordon, 2nd Gordon Highlanders. All explanations requisite for the comprehension and execution of any movement are given with the description of the evolution under notice, thus enabling the student to perceive at a glance the details for carrying it out, together with the place assigned to each individual connected with the Brigade. The work is com- pendious, the diagrams clear, and Sergt.-Major Gordon has carried out his duties in the most satisfactory wsby."— Broad Arrow. 15. Barrack Inspection Book for Qr.-Masters and Qr.-Mr. Sergeants. Size, 8 by 5 ins. Compiled by Qr.-Mr.-Sergt. W. Hall, Royal Warwickshire Regiment 2 Brackenbury's, Lieut.-Colonel, Handbooks for Officers. 17. Do. Modern Tactics, Elements of, by Colonel Shaw 9 18. Do. Field Artillery, by Major Pratt 6 19. Do. Military Administration, by Major Buxton ... 7 19a. Do. Field Works : their Technical Construction and Tactical Application, by Colonel C. B. Brackenbury, R.A. 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The Appendix on words of Command will be found equally useful, more especially to those who have acquired a habit of giving them incorrectly, and for whose information and guidance this has been specially introduced, as it not only contains the incorrect words of Command so frequently made use of, but also shows the reason why they ought not to be given. 23. Catechism of Military Training, by Major H. Fitzroy- Marryat, The Eoyal Berkshire Regiment. 4th Edition, in accordance with " The New Syllabus " 2 " Every care has been taken by the compiler to ensure correctness in the details, and a very short acquaintance with it will satisfy those who read it carefully, as to its being a work of sound practical utility. There can be no doubt that non-commissioned officers and men may derive a good deal of information from Major Marryat' s work. The contents are divided into four weeks, in the course of which no item appears to be left unnoticed." — Army and Navy Gazette. 24. 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The book is mtend- ed to enable Guides and Markers to perceive the posts assigned to them, sparing them waste of time in the perusal of each section, and ever-recurring references which are made to preceding sections, &c., during the explanation of movements in the Infantry Drill. The places assigned to Guides and Markers are given in well executed Plates, with the description of each movement, rendering each intelligible m itself." — Army and Navy Gazette. 65. Guides & Markers' Duties in Company Drill. By Sergt.- Major W. Gordon. 5th Edition, with 54 illustrations, ... 9 Bound in cloth 1 BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 14 GALE & POLDEN, PRINTERS et PUBLISHERS, 66. Guide to Court-Martial Procedure. By Lieut. C. G. MoERisoN, The Rifle Brigade 1 g "This Guide will doubtlessly become very popular with the Army, and especially with subalterns who have had little or no experience in District and Regimental Courts Martial. 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The formation and movements of tlie color party on parade, at battalion drill, are extracted and condensed in consecutive sections, so as to enable junior subalterns to master this part of their drill with facility ; and in so doing contribute, in ever so small a degree, to the V general smartness of a battalion on parade ... 6 107. Nicknames in the Army. Nearly every Kegiment in the Service has (or has had) a Nickname, and this little book gives the most complete record of the same ever Printed... 1 108. Note Book, the Army. Made in three Sizes- No. 1. — 4-in. by 2^-in. in Cloth, 6d. Leather 9 „ 2.— 5.in. by 3-in. „ 9d. „ 10 „ 3.— 5i-in. by Si-in. „ 1/- „ 1 6 The above Note Books will be found by far the most iiseful and serviceable yet manufactured for the Army. 108a. Physical Training Without Arms, in accordance with Infantry Drill. Illustrated with Twenty- Six Plates, as taught at Aldershot ... ... 9d. Bound in cloth 1 " Physical Training Without Arms Made Easy, with its numerous and rich plates, and costing but a shilling, ought to be in the hands not only of military men, but all schoolmasters." ''It is a most useful, handy and interesting volume." " Its hints and directions are invalnahle." -Bury Free Prei^s. 109. Physical Drill With Arms, New Bayonet Exercise and Attack and Defence, in accordance with the New Drill. Illustrated with Thirty-Six Plates, as taught at Aldershot ... 9d. Bound in cloth 1 "An invaluable little book, for, thanks to the admirably drawn plates, of which there are thirty-six, it would be of great use to the thousands of desk -workers who can get no such training as that of the soldier, and for whose health it is at least as necessarv." — United Service Gazette. BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 19 (ULE & POLDEN, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS, s. d. 110. Passes (W.O. Pattern). Per 100, 6d Per 1000 4 111. ,, Permanent, cloth bound, will last for years Per Doz. 3 For full particulars of Permanent Passes in accordance with G.O. 36, of March, see page 30. 112. Practice and Procedure of Courts-Martial and Disposal of Oifences by C.O'S. By Col. G. Cox, R.I. Fusiliers.... 10 113. Queen's Hundred By H. P. Miller 1 6 114. Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Army 2 115. Royal Warrant for Pay, Promotion, &c 1 6 116. Remarks and Suggestions on our Military System. By Capt. H. G. PuRDON, North Staffordshire Regiment. ... 2 117. Register Cover for Marking Points at the Target, with Elastic Band, Black Waterproof, greatly improved 1 6 119. Regulations for Mounted Infantry 1 6 120. On Guard ; What to do and How to do it. Gth Edition... 6 " A useful little handbook, the very thing that the young and inexperienced stand in need of, arranged by Capt. M. Qdayle-Jones, 6th Royal Warwickshire Regt., has been forwarded to us for notice. A more concise and better guide could not have been compiled. Every officer will rememljer the fear and tremor in which he stood when the startling cry of " Guard, turn out ! " first broke upon his ears, and will, although smiling at the recollection, reflect to himself that the instructions contained in the Queen's Regulations and on the board of orders of the guard-room, were not altogether of an explicit and satisfactory nature. Capt. Quayle-Jones has remedied this defect." — Army 4~ Navy Gazette. 121. On Outpost ; What to do and How to do it 6 ' ' Never have we met with, a more clever little work on Outpost Duty." — Broad Arroiv. 122. On Vedette, an easy aide memoire to Vedettes on Outpost Duty. Arranged by Capt. R. S. S. Baden-Powell, 13th Hussars ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. b2 20 GALE & POLDEN, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS, s. d. 12?!. Official Letter Writing, Orders, &c., Guide to, by an Army Schoolmaster. 3rd Edition ... ... ... ... ... 1 6 " A most useful work for young Ofl&cers and Non-Commissioned Officers of all Brandies of the Service. lu this work are compressed concise, yet full directions, not only upon Official Letter Writing and Orders, but also upon Handwriting, Style of Composition, Punctuation, Precis Writing, Military Abbreviations and Relative Rank, together with such business terms as are, or may be, appli- cable to Military life. To those whose duties require an acquaintance with clerical work of any kind it can be confidently recommended," — Army ^ Navy Gazette. 124. Officers' Pocket Book for Home and Foreign Service ... 3 6 '' Officers' Pocket Booh, by Mr. Gordon, 2nd Gordon Highlanders, which is less voluminous than Lord Wolseley's manual, and contains a digest of much useful knowledge arranged in Alphabetical Order, and taken from the best authorities" — Army 8f Navy Gazette. " Mr. Gordon bids fair to become the most prolific compiler of military books in the British Army. From courts-martial to guards, from rations to the Esmarch bandage, every subject of practical interest to soldiers is noticed; and it would be well if every British officer carried in his head the varied information contained within the binding of this book." — United Service Gazette. 125. Roll and Memo. Book for R.E. Field Companies. ByCapt. J. C.Tyler, R.E. 3rd Edition. Revised throughoat 2 " This work contains various roll forms that are required by an officer in charge of a company ; details of daily routine ; the duties of all ranks ; fall list of equipment ; directions which embrace the remotest item ; hints on a variety of subjects, useful recipes, scales of forage, and indeed information on nearly every point likely to be useful to company officers no matter how experienced they may be." — Admiralty Sf Horse Guards Gazette. 126. Ricardo's Company Drill 10 127. Rhymes from the Ranks. By Qr.-Mr.-Sergt. H. Morey (late 2nd Batt. The Royal Irish Rifles) 1 " To the Army, in which I spent the best years of my life, this little book is, with all its defects, most respectfully dedicated by the Author. Many of the Rhymes are of considerable merit, and will be popular in the Ranks, for whom the}'- have been principally written." — Irish Times. BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 21 GALE & POLDEN, PRINTERS > 150. 151. >» 152. » s. d. 1 2 6 1 1 1 6 Volunteer ... Militia Royal Artillery Commissariat and Transport 2 153. Sword Exercise, and Carbine Sword Bayonet Exercise 6 155. Target Practice Scoring Book 4d. and 1 6 156. Questions and Answers on Tactics. By Capt. Demangel 6 157. Tactics, Modern, The late Battles in the Soudan. By Capt. C. B. Mayne 2 160. Tactics, Minor. By Lieut.-Colonel Clery 9 161. Tactics, Modern, Precis of. By Colonel R. Home. C.B., R.E. 8 6 162. Tactics, Modern. By Colonel Shaw 9 164. Tactics for Volunteers, see page 11 ... 1 6 166. Trifles ; or Little Things for Volunteers to know ... 4 167. Text Book of Fortification and Military Engineering, Parts I. and II., each 7 6 168. Troop Sergeant-Major's Account Book, The. To last twelvemonths. Arranged for Home and Foreign Service 6 Most carefully compiled by a Cavalry Quarter-master who has had very great experience in keeping Cavalry Returns. 169. Treatise on Small Arms and Ammunition. Text Book for the Army. By Colonel Bond, R. A. 4 170. Topography, Military OfS.cial Text Book of. By Colonel Richards 3 171. Trumpet and Bugle Sounds for all Branches of the Army 2 BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM 28 GALE & POLDEN, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS, s. d. 172. Volunteer Force, Regulations for 16 172a. Volunteer Military Administration for Officers. By Capt. H. Walker, Adjt., 2nd Vol. Batt., West York Regt... 1 6 l72b. Volunteer Members' Tickets, strongly made in stiff cloth Covers with Crest and Title of Corps ... per doz. 3 173. Volunteer Company Squad Roll Book. Specially arranged with Instructions for Camping, Marches, &c„ &c. ... ... 1 174. Volunteer Drill Attendance Register 1 175. On Guard Writing Companion, made iu Leather, fitted with pocket to hold Army Forms and Foolscap, Penholder, Pens and Pencils 2 6 176. Official Crests of the Army, in Packets containing four dozen Designs. All beautifully executed in various coloured relief. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Packets, now ready each 6 *' We have received from Gale & Polden, the well-known Army Stationers, Packets of Regimental Crests. They embrace some 300 varieties, each and all exceedingly well-done. We suppose the Dies were primarily executed for the Stamping of Regimental Stationery, but embossed in various colours on separate circles of paper, as these before us, they form useful and interesting presents to collectors of Armorial Insignia." — Broad Arrow. 177. Badges and Honors of the British Army. In Packets containing two dozen. Handsomely Printed in Gold and Colours. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Packets, now ready, each 6 " Messrs. Gale and Polden, of Chatham, have just produced an admirably executed set of badges and honors of the British Army. They are printed in gold and colours, and are sold in six packets of twenty-four designs each. The idea is a happy one, and well carried out by a firm which seems to be as remarkable for its enterprise as for the excellence of its work." — Arm^j and Navy Gazette. 178. British Army Crest Album, containing Honors and Nicknames of the Army with spaces for all Regimental Crests, Badges, &c 4 BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 24 GALE & POLDEN, PKINTERS & PUBLISHERS, 180. Regimental Marches. We have published the Regimental March of several Regiments, with the Crest and motto, &c., on the cover. This is a decided novelty, and bids fair to become very popular in all the Regiments of the British Army. The following are now ready : — Coldstream G-uards, Royal Engineers, Royal Marines and Berkshire Regiment, each l 6 181. Coloured Pencils for Surveying, Red, Blue, Green, Burnt Sienna, White and Yellow, 3d. each. Per Doz. 2 6 Specially manufactured for military Sketching. 182. Field Sketching Companion (Registered). This useful Companion is invaluable to military men when sketching in the Field, or at an examination, containing as it does, a Service Protractor, Pencils, hard, soft, medium, red, blue, green, sepia, drawing stump, scale of shade, and Pointed India Rubber, in compact leather case ... ... each 6 183. „ ,, „ (not fitted) each 1 6 184. Field Sketching Case. Size ll-in. by ll-in. Made in strong Waterproof Leather, with pocket for Drawing Paper, Pencils, Protractor, &c.... ... ... ... ... ... 2 6 Do. do. Size ll-in. by 13-in. do. do. 3 6 These cases have been specially introduced for the use of Officers and Non- Commissioned Officers and will be found invaluable for Sketching in the Field. They are now being used at the School of Military Engineering, and at most of the Garrison Classes. 185. Field Sketching Book ruled in squares 6 186. Protractors for Surveying. As used at the S.M.E. Chatham; and the authorized Pattern in India. Ivory 7/-. Boxwood 2 6 " Gale and Polden have just brought out a new surveying protractor, which possesses the following advantages, It is provided with a diagonal scale, from which any suitable scale can be made by the Surveyor in the field. Instead of the numerical figures, on the face of the protractor is engraved a simple rule for determining the vertical intervals, and a formula for constructing any scale of slope differing from the engraved normal one. A formula for the conversion ot slopes expressed in degrees into the same slopes expressed as fractions and vice versa is also given. The protractor is also furnished with scales of four and six in. to the mile." — Royal Engineers' Journal. Qale 8f Polden are the sole Publishers for the hooks 'published hy the Aldershot Military Society. BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 95 SPECIAL NEW MILITARY WORKS, SUITABLE FOR COMPANY, TROOP, AND BATTERY. Alphabetical Roll and Descriptive Book. This Alphabetical Roll and Descriptive Book is so arranged as to meet the present requirements of the Army ; plenty of room being allowed for the constant changes that now take place in the company ... 1 Barrack Room Arrangements (Infantry). Official. Being instructions for the Soldier in the arrangement of his Barrack Room PerDoz. 2 Bed Cards, No. 1 size, 4^ by 3-ins. Without Crest, per 100 2/6, 200 4/- 500 8 ,, ,, ,, ,, With Crest beautifully Stamped in Relief, per 100 3/6, 200 5/- ...500 10 No. 2 size, 3^ by 2i-ins. Without Crest, per 100 1/6, 200 2/9 500 6 With Crest, 100 2/6, 200 4/-, 500 8 Door Cards, No. 1 size, 4| by 3f -ins. Without Crest, per 100 3/6, 200 5/- 500 10 6 „ ,, ,, „ With Crest beautifully Stamped in Relief, per 100 4/6, 200 6/- ... 500 15 „ „ No. 2 size, H by 3i-ins. Without Crest, per 100 2/6, 200 4/-, 500 8 6 With Crest, per 100 3/6, 200 5/- 500 10 Order Book (A. B. 137) 1/6. Washing Book 6 Case for Soldier's Pocket Ledger, without Pocket 1 „ „ „ ,, ,, Best Leather, with Pocket 2 Any Soldier can bind his Pocket Ledger in these cases. „ Annual Musketry Return. Whole Cloth Cover ... 2 „ Pay-Sergeant's Cash Account Sheets. Cloth 2 o „ Pay and Mess Book, lettered, with Pocket. Leather... 7 ,, Pay List, lettered, 7 „ Passes (Army Form B. 295) Cloth 1 3 „ Daily Messing Book. Plain or with letter of Co. „ 13 „ Army Orders „ 10 26 GALE & POLDEN, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS, s. d. Defaulters' Cases, made in Leather, with Thumb Screws, Strap and Buckle, Lettered with Title and Company. Warranted to keep the leaves from falling out. These cases are made large to take all sizes of Defaulter Sheets, and to protect the edges. Will last for 10 years 10 Despatch Case for Troop or Company. For carrying Documents and Forms between Orderly Room and Office ; will be found very useful on Parade. Made in Leather, with pocket, strap and buckle. Lettered in gold with crest of Corps and letter of Company ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Duty Rosters, strongly bound in Cloth 2/6 & 4 „ „ Sheets Per Doz. 1 6 Drill Certificate for Musketry, Printed on strong Paper, Per Doz. 9 Daily Messing Books, to last one Month 4d. each, or Per Doz. 3 Extracts from Queen's Begulations and General Orders affecting all Non-Commissioned Officers and Men. For hanging in Barrack Rooms ... ... ... ... Per Doz. 2 Firing Exercise- Corrected to date, from time to time, as alter- ations take place at Hythe. All Non-Commissioned Officers wishing to pass their Musketry Examination and obtain their Certificates should possess a copy. Single Copies, 3d. Per Doz. 2 Fire Engine, Instructions for the Mounting and Working of ... 03 Free Kit Issue Sheets, Cases for, to Match Defaulter Sheet Covers 7 Guides and Markers' Duties in Company Drill (illustrated) Single Copies, 9d. ... ... ... Per Doz. 7 6 Guides and Markers' Duties in Company, Battalion, and Brigade Drill (fully illustrated) 2 Guide to Offtcial Letter Writing and Orders. By an Army Schoolmaster. 3rd Edition ... ... ... ... ... 1 6 BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 27 GALE & POLDEN, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS, s. d. Instruction Cards for Cleaning Martini -Henry Eifle and Carbine, 2d. ... ... ... ... ... ... Per doz. 1 6 Inspection Cards usedat Genl's. Inspections. Infantry, PerDoz. l „ Cavalry, Per Doz. 2 Instructions for Packing the Valise in time of Peace and War PerDoz. 6 Kit Plate (Illustration showing Kit on Bed), Infantry. Issued Officially. No. 1 PerDoz. 1 Kit Plate (Illustration showing Kit on Bed), Highland. Issued Officially. No. 2 PerDoz. 1 Kit Plate (Illustration showing Kit Laid down on Parade), Infantry. No. 3 PerDoz. 1 Kit Plate (Illustration showing Kit on Barrack Room Shelf). No. 4 PerDoz. 1 Kit Plate (Illustration showing Kit), Highland Field Kit. No. 5 PerDoz. 1 Kit Plate, Militia (Infantry) Kit on Parade, „ „ „ No. 6 Per Doz. 1 „ „ „ No. 7, Kit on Bed „ 10 „ (Highland Regts.) No. 8, Kit on Bed ... „ i o Note Books, see Page 18 from 6 Orderly Sergeant's Detail Book, to last twelve months, for 80 to 200 men. Arranged for Home and Foreign Service 5 On Guard Writing Companion, made in leather, fitted with pocket to hold Army Forms and Foolscap, Penholder, Pens and Pencils 2 6 This is the most useful Stationery Case ever made for the Army. For compactness, finish and strength, it is very ingenious. It can be put in a valise, or folded up with the great coat. For Non-Commissioned Officers on guard, in the field, or on board ship, it will be found invaluable. Proof Books for Proving Company's Monthly Accounts Will last twelve months ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 „ Sheets „ „ „ „ „ each O 3 These sheets are for the Recapitulation of the Company's Accounts. Passes (W.O. Pattern) Per 100 6d. ; Per 1000 4 Pay Sergeants' Index Ready Reckoner 10 BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 38 GALE & POLDEN, PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS, Pay-Sergeant's Complete Account Book, to last twelve months, for 80 to 200 men. 5th Edition. Arranged for Home and Foreign Service. The Pay Sergeant's Complete Account Book has been arranged with a view to assisting Pay Sergeants in keeping all the information necessary for filling in their Pay Lists, & other useful information connected with their company. Contents : — Nominal and Descriptive Roll ; Roll of Arms ; Equipments, &c. ; Clothing Roll ; Necessaries ; Return of Arms and Accoutrements ; Rations ; Distribution of Arms and Accoutrements ; Bedding ; Furloughs ; Deficiencies of Kit of Absentees ; Classes of Instruction ; Monthly Cash Account ; Stoppages for Wives and Children ; Charges against Corps and Companies ; Clothing Return for Recruits ; Kit Inspections ; Extracts from Regimental Orders ; Monthly Course of Training ; Musketry Drills ; Returns, &c. ; and blank ruled paper at end ... ... bound in Black Cloth 5 Do. do. do. do. bound in Leather 7 6 |^p° The great success of our Pay Sergeant's Complete Account Book having caused several imitations, we wish to warn you to guard against being deceived, by ordering direct from us. Register for Marking Up Musketry Drills and Attendances during Monthly Course of Training 2 Sights for Wind-GrUaging. Supplied with Red, White or Blue Sight Lines per 100 4 Sergeant's Pocket Book, for Home and Foreign Service. By William Gordon, 2nd Batt. Gordon Highlanders. For Opinions of the Press see Page 21. Leather, 3/6 ; Cloth ... 2 6 Swimming Certificates Per Doz. 2 Squad Book for Pocket— Infantry 10 ,, „ „ „ Cavalry 2 6 „ „ „ „ Militia i We are selling thousands of these Pocket Squad Books annually and can justly say that they are by far the best, cheapest, and most complete Roll Books. Target Practice Register Cover. Black Waterproof l 6 Judging Distance Register Cover. Black Waterproof l o " We pay Special Attention to all new Forms and Books that are useful to Color-Sergeants ; therefore any new work required can he supplied a few hours after its issue. If you don't find what you require in this list, please write for it.'' New Illustrated List for O.C. Companies and Colour Sergeants, post free on application. BROMPTON WORKS, CHATHAM. 29 WAR OFFICE FORMS KEPT IN STOCK. ALL THE LATEST PATTERNS 100 1,000 Absentee Reports, B 290 9d. 5/- Crimes, B252 1/- 6/- Daily Parade States, B 288 2/- 15/- Memo. Forms, C 348 1/- 6/- Morning Sick Reports, B 256 l/- 6/- Minor Offence Reports. For Battery, Troop or Company 1/- 6/- Musketry Transfer Register, B 193 .' 2/6 Passes, B 295 6d. 4/. Ration Returns, B 289 1/- 6/- Return of Accoutrements and Appointments, B 293 2/6 18/- Weekly Church Parade States, B 258 2/- 15/- Defaulters' Sheets, B 121 2/6 18/- Estimates of Pay, M 1430 2/- 15/- Free Kit Issue Sheet, B T^ 9 2/- 15/- Company or Troop Monthly Musketry Return, B 186... 2/6 Instructions for filling in the above Return ... eaeh 3d. Company or Troop Musketry Prize Statement Form, 01716 2/6 Inventory of Kit, BI253 2/. 15/. each. doz. Defaulters' Sheet Specimen Form B 121, containing instructions for the filling in of the Reports ... ... 4d. 3/- Order Book, Army Book, 137 1/6 16/- Signalling Scribbling Book, Army Book, C 119 1/- 10/- Daily Messing Book, A. Book 48 4d. 3/- Pay and Mess Book, N 1504 6d. 5/- Pay List, N 1505 9d. 8/- Pay-Sergeant's Cash Account Sheets, N 1474 3d. 2/- Company or Troop Annual Musketry Return, B 192 6d. 5/- Target Practice Register, B 188, for Volley or inde- pendent Firing- .. ... ... ... ... ... Id. 1/- Register of Judging Distance Practice, B 189 id. 9d. Target Practice Register, B 190, for individual Firing id. 1/- Road Report, K 1305 3d. 2/- Scale of Fines for Drunkenness. B 138 id. 1/- On Outpost Duty, Questions and Answers, for hang- ing in Barrack Rooms 3d. 2/- Diagram for Testing Rifles per doz. 2/- FORMS FOR VOLUNTEERS. per Doz. per 100. New Musketry Requirements for Efficiency 6d. 1/6 Company Parade States 9d. 4/- Guard Reports 9d. 4/. ClassRegister & Individual Target Practice, E 553... 1/6 6/- Target Cover for above each 1/6 doz. 15/- Case to hold Co. Annual Musketry Return ... each 2/- 30 PERMANENT PASSES, In accordance with G.O, 36, March, Tl:iese Permanent Passes are now being universally used throughout the Service, they are made in three sizes, suitable for the pocket, as under ; No. 1 size can be supplied with Army Form B 295 inside, they can also be printed to any Regimental Pattern for initialling monthly or otherwise ; if 50 or more are ordered, the Crest of Corps is added free of charge. We may add, that since the issue of the new G.O. re Passes, we have sold over a Hundred Thousand. In most Corps they are sold at the Regimental Canteen at 2d. each ; and wherever they have been tried, the men have gladly purchased them. No. 1 size folded, No 2 size folded, No. 3 size folded, 3-ins. X 2J-ins. 3-ins. x 2-ins. 2 J-ins. x 2-ins. SAMPLES SENT ON APPLICATION, All one Price as under — 1 dozen, 3/-; 50 @ 2/6 per dozen; 100 @ 2/3 per dozen; 200 @ 2/- per dozen ; 500 @ 1/9 per dozen ; 1,000 @ 1/6 per dozcD- Strongly made in Red and Blue Cloth, and in Green Cloth for Rifle Battalions. They can also be supplied with the Cases made in Regimental Colours. The Passes quoted above are all made of very best strong cloth, but can be made of a cheaper cloth, if desired, and also at a cheaper price. PROMPTITUDE IN DESPATCH OF GOODS IS ONE OP OUR SPECIALITIES. 31 SERGTS'. & CORPLS'. MESSES. BooTcs strongly recommended for Mess Tables. Infantry Fire Tactics Company, Battalion, and Brigade Drill made Easy Catechism on Company and Battalion Drill ... Guide to Official Letter Writing, Orders, &c. ... Guide to First Class Army School Certificate ... Sergeants' Pocket Book Military Sketching Made Easy Blotting Pads with Leather Corners ...each 1/6 and The Best, Cheapest, and Prettiest Dance Invitation Cards Programmes yet introduced for the Service, with Regimental Crests. DANCE PROGRAMMES. Without Cords & Pencils 100 10/6 200 19/- 300 25/. 500 35/- Envelopes to fit Invite Cards, with Crest of Regiment 2/- per 100. Orders executed within a few hours, and proof sent (when required) by return of post. Samples can be had on application. Cloak-Room Tickets, on stout paper, good bold figures in duplicate, and perforated centres. Packet 1 — 1 to 200; Packet 2—201 to 400: Packet 3—401 to 600. All at 2/ - ^ INVITATION CARDS. 100 200 300 500 6/6 11/6 15/6 24/. and DANCE PROGRAMMES. with handsome cords, tassels & pencils attached 100 21/. 200 .S8/. 300 500 52/- 2—201 to 400 ; per Packet. BALL KOONf PROGRAMME STAND, 7/6. made in leather, gold lettei-ed, supplied with bold figures from 1 to 20, and names of all dances (including Supper Dance), which maybe instantly changed. For Balls and Quadrille Parties they will be found indispensable. Made to stand, or hang up. Regimental Playing Cards, with the Crest of the Regiment, can be supplied without extra charge for Crest if six dozen packs are ordered. i'irst Quality, with Crest, Beautifully Printed in Colours, @ 27/- per dozen. The printing is guaranteed to be perfect. Second Quality, with Crest, Beautifully Printed in Colours, @ 23/- per dozen. No charge made for Steel Plate. Samples upon application. Best Playing Cards at 10/-, 12/-, and 18/- Per Dozen Packs. Sergeants' Mess Rules, Billiard Rules, Proposition Books, Inventory and Mess Property Books, Tradesmen's Order Books, Caterers' Stock Books, Daily Liquor Consumption Books, Balance Sheet Books, Messing Books &c., printed and bound to oi'der. ■R,eading Cases for Newspapers and Magazines. See Librarj' List of Prices on Page 33. 32 OFFICERS' MESSES. The Eoy&l Set of Officers' Mess Account Books (copyright) arranged by Qr.-Mr. D. White, Manchester Regiment. «. d. No. 1.— Order Book, containing 300 Perforated Order Forms, bound with counter parts 5 No. 2,— Cash Account. Foolscap size, 13in. by 8in., Printed and Ruled, Paged and Bound in Leather 12 No. 3.— Ledger. Double Foolscap size, 26in, by 16in., containing combined forms for all charges, Folioed, Printed, Ruled, and Bound in Leather ...28 No. 4.— Cellar Book. Medium size, 22in. by IBin., Ruled, Printed, Paged and Bound in Leather 24 No. 5.— Messing Account. Double Foolscap size, 26in. by 16in., Ruled, Printed, Paged and Bound in Leather 24 No. 6.— Daily Wine Account. Double Foolscap size, 26in. by 16in,, Ruled, Printed, Paged and Bound in Leather 24 No. 7.— Mess Sergeants' Stock Book. Double Foolscap size, 26in. by IGin., Ruled, Printed, Paged and Bound in Leather 24 No. 8.— Summary of Monthly Accounts. Double Foolscap size, 26in. by 16in., Ruled, Printed, and Bound in Leather 24 No. 9.— Breakage Book. Foolscap size, 13in. by 8in., Ruled, Printed and Bound in Leather 10 No. 10.— 7isitors' Book. Foolscap size, 13in. by Sin., Ruled, Printed, and Bound in Leather. Will last for many years 12 No. 11.— Minute Book. Foolscap size. ISin. by 8in., Ruled, Printed and Bound in Leather 10 No. 12.— Stock Book. Foolscap size, 13in. by 8in. A., Linen; B., Silver; C, Glass; D., Furniture. Each Book Printed, Ruled and Bound in Leather 12 No. 13.— Guest Book. Medium 4to. size, 21-in. by 9-in., Ruled, Printed and Bound in Leather 10 No. 14.— Caterers' Daily Account of Messing Stores Purchased 12 No. 15.— Caterers' Monthly Grocery Account Book 12 No. 16.— Whist Book 12 250 500 1,000. Daily Messing and Wine sheets, size 21in. by 16^ in 36/- 50/- 90/- Mess Debit Forms, size 4|in. by r^in 7/- 10'- 15/- Mess Bills of Fare, size 4^in. by 7iin 5/- 10/- 15/- Mess Washing Books containing duplicate forms with special washing lists, each 2/- Cases for Names of President^ Vice-President, &c., in Whole Red Leather, to stand on mantle-shelf or to hang up, Gilt finished each 8 Guard Books for Invoices, size 12in, by 9|in., i-bound each 5 Guard Books for Receipts „ „ „ each 5 Best Rubber Stamps, for Papers and Linen each, from 3 6 33 RECREATION ROOMS AND LIBRARIES. ■:o: Boohs strongly recommended for Library Tables. Hints to Young Soldiers ... Guide to Civil Employment Catechism of Military Training Guides and Markers Duties Infantry Fire Tactics Company, Battalion and Brigade Drill made Easy Catechism on Company and Battalion Drill ... Guide to obtaining a 1st Class Army School Certificate Guide to OflBcial Letter Writing, Orders, &c. ... Hy the Certificate Made Easy Sergeants' Pocket Book ... ... ... ... Soldiers' Shooting .. . Military Sketching Made Easy ... es. s. d. 6 6 2 2 6 ... ...5 3 .36 1 6 3 6 3 6 1 6 4 Blotting Pads with best Morocco Leather Corners, 1/6 and 2/6 each. Playing Cards at 10/- and 12/- per Doz. Packs. Specially manufactured. Pens 1/6 per Gross, Blotting Paper 1/6 and 2/- per quire. Penholders 3/- per Gross, Best Ink 1/- and 2/- per Bottle. Gummed Labels for Books, Plain or Printed, 1/6 per Packet. Tradesmen's Order Book, 3/6. Rubber Stamp for Marking Papers, Magazines, &c., "with Crest of Regiment and the word Library below, best quality with Everlasting Ink Pad, &c., complete, 16/- Ditto, ditto, 2nd quality, with Ordinary Pad, 12/- Reading Cases for Newspapers and Magazines, prices according to quality. Common Best Common Best Cloth. Leather. Cloth. Leather All the Year Round . .. 2/- .. 5/. Household Words ... 2/- . • 5/- Argosy .. 2/- .. . 4/- Illustrated News ... 3/ . . 7/- Army and Navy . 2/9 .. 7/- Judy 2/- . . 5/. Army List .. 2/. .. 4/- Leisure Hour 2/- . • 5/. Belgravia . 2/. 4/- Longman's Magazine 2/- . • 4/. Blotting Cases... .. 3/- .. 7/- Macmillan 2/- . . 4/- Bradshaw .. 2/. • 4/- Nineteenth Century... 2/- . • 5/. Broad Arrow ... .. 2/9 .. . 6/6 Overland Mail 2/9 . 6/6 Cassell's Magazine . .. 2/- .. 5/- Pictorial World 3/- . . 7/- Century .. 2/. .. . 5/- Pioneer 3/6 . . 8/- Chamber's Journal . . 2/- .. 5/- Punch 2/- . . 5/- Civil & Military Gaz. 3/6 .. • 8/- Regimental Paper ... 2/- . . 5/- Comhill . 2/- .. 4/- Saturday Review ... 2/9 . . 6/6 Family Herald .. 2/. .. . 6/- Sporting & Dramatic 3/- . • 7/- Field . 3/. .. 7/- Temple Bar 2/- . . 4/. Fun . 2/- . 5/- Tit Bits... 2/- . . 6/. Good Words ... . 2/- . 5/- Truth 2/9 . . 6/6 Graphic . 3/- .. 7/- United Service 2/9 . 6/6 Harper . 2/- .. 5/- Vanity Fair 2/9 . . 6/6 Home News ... . 2/9 .. 6/6 World 2/9 . . 7/. To all Leather Cases the title of Regiment is added free of charge. 34 BOOKS AND FORMS FOR CANTEENS & COFFEE SHOPS. ACCOUNT BOOKS. In accordance with Queen's Regulations— Price Form A. General Monthly Stock and Cash Ledger 25/ „ B. Cash Book of Daily Takings 10/ ,, C. Daily Stock Book 25/ ,, D. Tradesmen's General Ledger ... ... ... ... ... 15/ „ E. Invoice Order Book 3/6 „ F. Monthly Abstract of Receipts & Expenditure, in Books of 50 12/. „ F. do. do. in Sheets, 50 7/6, 100 12/. Troop or Companies' Monthly Messing Account Book 15/- The above Books are made of the best Account Book Paper, strongly Bound in leather, lettered in gold, and loith printed list of Articles to last for years. Daily Messing Books, Official Pattern ... ... ... per doz. 3/- ,, ,, ,, Covers for same ... ... ... ... each 1/3 Price List of Articles sold in Canteen. Size 26-in. by 16-in., 25 2/6, 50 3/6, 100 6/- List of Articles giving percentage Form, Army Form F, 707, 25 2/-, 50 3/-, 100 4/-. Canteen Debit Forms, Statement of Company Accounts, Memorandum Forms. Regimental Stationery Packets. Note Paper and Envelopes stamped with Regimental Crest in any colour. No charge for dies . Every Regimental die is kept in stock. No. Ij containing 3 Sheets of Good Note Paper and 3 Good Square Envelopes, stamped in relief. No. 2, containing 4 sheets of Good Note Paper and 4 Good Square Envelopes, stamped in relief. Stamping Guaranteed to be Perfect and done by Hand. We have now the honour of supplying over 200 Canteens throughout the Service in all parts of the World. Sheets of Canteen Books also kept in Stock for Detachment Canteen. Presidents of Canteens, Coffee Shops, Recreation Booms, (kc. are requested to send for the Special Canteen Price List. 35 • LIST OF DEPARTMENTS. Engraving. Having executed orders for a variety of Visiting, Complimentary and Ball Programme Cards, &c., we are prepared to submit numerous samples. Bookbinding. We have increased our facilities for Bookbinding, and are prepared to un- dertake any orders for that department, and can guarantee execution with as much dispatch as is consistent with good workmanship. Gold Blocking. Regimental Crests, Badges, and Colours stamped in gold upon any article made of leather or cloth. Brass Stamps designed and engraved for blockiifg. Lithographic Printing. We can submit various samples of our Lithographic Work, such as Plans of Kit, Regimental Flags, Badges, Music, &c. Publishing. We are prepared to make arrange- ments with authors of approved Military Books for printing and publishing of such works on the most liberal terms Authors are invited to forward a speci- men copy of their work. Letter-press Printing. Estimates will be forwarded for Stand, ing Orders, Regimental, and any de- scription of Miscellaneous Printing ; the utmost expedience used in production of the work. Music Printing. We undertake to publish RegimentaY Marches, Bugle Calls, &c., with the Crest, Motto, &c. of the Regiment on Cover. Samples upon application. Stationery. Being large buyers of Stationery, we can supply Canteens and Messes, at wholesale prices, in quantities. Relief Stamping. The large number of orders which are being constantly received, afford a most satisfactory proof of the opinion of our customers, on the production in this branch of the trade. Copper-plate Printing. Visiting, Complimentary, Wedding, Invitation, Menu and Band Programme Cards, Book-plates, Crests, &c., printed in best style. Die Sinking. Dies sunk by first-class Artists in the newest and most fashionable style : Crests, Arms, Badges, Monograms, Mottoes, and Addresses. All Regimental Dies kept in stock. All Goods sent Carriage Paid to (inxj part of the World. Travellers sent to any Regiment in England, if desired. , 36 PRINTING Brompton Works now being one of the Largest Steam Printing Factories in England, we undertake to print all kinds of work, from a Boor Card to a copy of the Queen's Regulations. We have lately published the complete Standing Orders of the following Regiments : — 20th Hussars ; Middlesex Regt. ; 2nd West I. Regt. ; E, York. Regt,; Bedford Regt,; Gonnaught Rangers; Essex Regt. ; Coldstream Guards ; Seaforth High. ; Royal Irish Rifles ; Berkshire Regt. ; Dorset Regt. ; Leicester Regt. ; York. Regt ; Royal Irish Fusiliers ; Northampton Regt ; Worcester Regt. ; Sf Suffolk Regt. Also the Historical Records of the Mth, The East Essex Regt. ; 89th, The Royal Irish Fusiliers ; and 6th Dragoon Guards (Garabiniers) . They are pronounced to he the best that have ever been published, both for the high-class style of Printing, ^c„ and excellent Binding, for which they are universally admired. We shall have pleasure in sending specimen copies for inspection to any customer desirous of seeing them. UNIVEESITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. MAY 1 1917 B] 50ni-7,'l( Gay lord Bros. Makers Syracuse N.^^' PM.JfcN.21>^3°^ I' or] ■g: YB 4981 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY