1 '^jmu^jvi .yu\jQI^>\\ ^ '^] fjUiJi^hi li K ^^ 1 ..- :;:iniilii:i 1 Mil : i; i /I i i t I 1 'II i ! i j j 1 j j 1 1 pi ji 1 1 1 i :; liiii ; . . .: :"•• ii il : 1 W'' y ' 1 * ■! 1 ;: i , , iljiiliii! l!!>!liiH!!l fffit Z9 "^^ STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR Board of Education Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Vol. 7. The Rural Schools of North-west France. Vol. 24. A Comparison between French and Eng- lish Secondary Schools. United States Bureau of Education. Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year ending June 30, 1910. Vol. I, Chap- ter XV, Education in Ireland. Reisn's Encyclopedia of Education. Article on Higher Education in England and Wales. The Teaching of Modern Languages, with Special Reference to Big Towns. London : Blackie & Son. Memorandum on Modern Language Teaching. Cambridge : The University Press. Pitt Press Series. Appendix to (i) Remi en Angleterre, (2) Le Blocus. Cambridge : The University Press. Siepmann's French Series. London : Mac- millan & Co. Une Ann6e de College k Paris— Andre Laurie (in conjunction with Fabian Ware). Marchand d'AUumettes — A. Gennevraye. Un Saint — Paul Bourget. Little French Classics. London : Blackie & Son. Histoire de I'Adjudant — A. de Vigny. Le Philosophe sans le Savoir — M.-J. Sedaine. Oxford Modern French Series. Feuilletons choisis. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. Translation of " Underground Man," by G. Tarde. London : Duckworth & Co. Translation (in conjunction with F. Rothwell) of "Laughter," by H. Bergson. London: Mac- raillan & Co. STUDIESClMSr.ii-Oi^U^ii. FOREIGN EDUCATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ENGLISH PROBLEMS BY CLOUDESLEY BRERETON M.A.CANTAB. L.-fes-L. PARIS OFFICIER DE l'iNSTRUCTION I'UBLIQUE CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE NAT. EDUC. ASSN. (aMERICa) ETC. HOR OF "the ORGANISATION OF MODERN LANGUAGE TEACHING" "RURAL EDUCA IN FRANCE " (board OF EDUCATION SPECIAL REPORT) ETC. TRANSLATOR OF " LAUGHTER " (bERGSON) "UNDERGROUND MAN " (tARDE) ETC. LONDON GEORGE G. HARRAP 6- COMPANY 3 PORTSMOUTH STREET KINGSWAY W.C. 1913 EDUCATJO^J npr4^w. v'i) GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSK AND CO. LTD. * * 4 ,* * * PREFACE A KIND of tidal wave of unrest is at present sweeping through the Enghsh educational world, and the future outlook is still more unsettled, as the Government, through Lord Haldane, have recently indicated a possible reorganization or at least readjustment of our system of national education. The spirit of inquiry and discontent has invaded even the most cloistral of our schools, and time-honoured methods and traditional aims are everywhere being challenged and criticized. Instinctively we look abroad to see how our neighbours are faring, not without a hope that a careful investigation of their methods of dealing with similar prob- lems may in some cases indicate a solution or a way out of our growing difficulties. The present volume of collected studies is concerned with a large number of such thorny questions. The first and longest, which has already appeared as a Board of Education special report, deals with some of the principal controversies connected with secondary education in France and England. It discusses, for instance, the relations between State and local control, the supervision of private schools, the quali- fications, salaries and tenure of assistant masters, the en- forced cehbacy of many of the English teachers, the position and powers of the headmasters in the two countries, the merits of yearly or terminal promotions, of the " set " system versus the rigid class organization, and the kindred 54.1 jn 8 = e « « c c c * c e e t J vi — « « • .. PREFACE c c etc c c c prbl)M^^of dlS.ss:Qr» -specialist teachers. The burning ques- tion of external examinations is dealt with at considerable length and the " ungodly jumble " of examining bodies in England exposed, as well as the too mechanical nature of many of our examinations, which a study of French methods might correct. A good deal, too, may be learnt, it is be- lieved, from the French method of studying the mother tongue and from the more intellectual atmosphere that pervades the French school, while the superiority of the English public school in forming character is also insisted on. An attempt is made throughout to indicate that while educational machinery — or rather organization — is an abso- lute necessity, its whole raison d'etre is not to lessen and hamper the living thing it deals with, but to ensure that life may be diffused and distributed more abundantly. In these days when the majority of our views and con- ceptions are sicklied o'er with a philosophy too exclusively based on the quantitative and mechanical sciences it is well to remember that the school is not a factory but a nursery, and that its products are not standardized auto- mata manufactured and turned out by the gross, but are or should be subtly differentiated human beings. Edu- cation in its final analysis is really a problem in psychology ; and perhaps in support of this view I may cite a letter from Monsieur Henri Bergson, the well-known author of L' Evolu- tion creatrice : " I have at last finished the reading of your study, and I want to tell you how much it has interested and instructed me. Not only is it full of material information which one can find in it alone, but, moreover and above all, it contains a complete comparative psychology of the two systems of education, which is of the highest interest. It is the first time to my knowledge that a work of this kind has been undertaken, or at least has been pushed to such a • • 4 J ' * a PREFACE '-' • '- ' '-' ' ''Vii I t t 1 1 1 degree of thoroughness. One will be, ablG,_li '^ttt.Siir^i tb: /', derive from it useful lessons both in France and in England." As for its general accuracy as far as France is concerned, I may perhaps quote from a letter of Monsieur A. Ribot, formerly Premier and chairman of the Commission on Secondary Education in France, which reported in 1899 on the subject in seven volumes : " It is not possible, I believe, to treat this subject with a greater competence, or a more perfect knowledge of all the details. The sojourn that you have made in France in order to understand our methods of teaching has allowed you to go to the bottom of things and not to stop short at superficial views." Many of the leading educationists in England, France, Germany and America have expressed themselves in equally favourable terms, so it is to be hoped that the facts and views contained in the report are reasonably correct or at least well founded. The article on French Universities is an object-lesson of the way in which the French, in spite of their excessive centralization, have developed a system of local univer- sities. That on Rural Education deals with a question of capital importance for us at the present time. The system of giving the dwellers in the country a " townee " education is gradually passing away, and perhaps this article may help to hasten the necessary transformation, by recognizing the child's actual environment and experience as the prin- cipal basis of its education. The article on Moral Instruc- tion in France deals also with another burning problem, which is more and more coming to the front in this country. It attempts to show that the subject as taught in that country is not a dry-as-dust collection of moral maxims, but an organic and natural outgrowth of that intellectualism touched with emotion that is the predominant feature and • •• • • • . • » Viii-- • • ..-...• ^ PREFACE //\yei3i>ijt,iri*FfencK.*€diication. The article in question has had the honour of being translated into French for the Revue pedagogique, the official organ of French education, at the instance of Monsieur Louis Liard, Vice-Rector of Paris University and the head of French education. It is unnecessary to speak on the importance of school hygiene at the present day and on the question of some sort of physical training for the young, whether military or not. The monograph on " Physical Education in France," pre- sented to the Royal Commission on Physical Training, deals with these and other similar topics which are still warmly debated in this country. The other reports on French institutions are sufficiently explained by their titles. " A Look Round German Schools " and " The New Way of Teaching Classics in Germany " emphasize various points where we may with advantage copy German methods, especially in respect to teaching the mother tongue and the classical languages, while the article on " Toward France or Germany : English Education at the Crossways," sums up in favour of the former rather than the latter as the more worthy of our example in those departments of education in which our own system seems to be weak. If America, on the one hand, seems more remote than France or Ger- many, as far as distance is concerned, it is in regard to some of its educational problems far nearer than any European country. The munificence of its millionaires in the cause of education, its rapid assimilation of the alien, and the cult of individuality rather than of results in its schools are all points that we in England would do well to imitate. We cannot go to school with any nation, or in other words we cannot blindly adopt the organization or methods of any of our neighbours, for each nation has evolved its own particular way of dealing with its educational flora, the result of long years of trial and experiment ; but as PREFACE \/ '-'''. > — ix ardent pueri-culturists, to use the Frencl* . . . . . ;^i28-;^2o8. Full professors (not agreges) ..... ;^i48-^226. Full professors {agrigh) ...... ^148-^248. Marseilles and Lyons give from ;i^8-;^20 more in each class. Colleges One-fifth of professors assimilated to lycie professors . ;^i8c>-_;r26o. Professors (ist category) ...... ^i04-;^i84. Professors (2nd category) ..... ;^8o-£i6o. Professors {bachelier) (no 6th or 5th class) . . . £i2^-£ij2. Elementary teachers {brevet) (no 6th, 5th, or 4th class) . 2116-^140. Professors in the first and second category receive £4 a year more in Lyons and Marseilles, and ;^i2 more in Seine and Seine-et-Oise. Elementary teachers receive ;/^i2 more in Lyons and Marseilles, and from ;^32 to ;^40 more in Seine and Seine-et-Oise. * " C'est le point faible dans I' organisation des lycees et des colUges." -—/?.£. p. 31. 36 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION devotes an entire chapter to the consideration of their case. To begin with, their social position, subordinate as it is to that of the professor, is an open sore. " Every moment, even when licencie, the repetiteur is reminded that there is a profound demarcation between the professeiir and him- self." He takes no part in the teaching, though formerly he not infrequently became professor. Of the 2,319 repetiteur s in the schools, only eighty in the year 1897 became professors. The reason lies in the fact that to get into a lycee one must practically be an agrege nowadays. According to M. Ribot, the reform of their economic position is not the most important matter. The^^ are practically paid at the rate of college professors minus certain deductions which are not, however, equitable. The duty of maintaining order in " preparation," at meals, in the playground, and in the dormitory is enough to ruin the disposition of any highly educated man. The remedy clearly lies in uniting the dual functions of discipline and teaching.^ In this way only can the repetiteur lose his present gaoler-like air. Much may be done by utilizing the services of the professeurs stagiaires. In most schools the whole question of surveillance has been handed over to the proviseur, who arranges the matter according to his own ideas. The repetiteurs have generally been replaced by surveillants selected by the proviseur. Not possessing the French passion for symmetry and distinctness which has led them into that thoroughgoing classification which ends by not only separating duties but also by putting asunder the persons who perform them, we have been saved from establishing such a fatal division as that which exists between the hras religieux of professors and the hras seculier of surveillants.^ 1 This element of weakness was clearly seen by Jules Simon as far back as 1848, when as rapporteur for the Budget of Primary Instruc- tion he expressed the hope that in the near future closer relations would prevail between the mattres d' etudes and the professeurs, and that a certain number of functions would become common to both. 2 Note. — (1909.) There are now, as has already been noticed, four categories : professeurs, professeurs adjoints, maitres-ripetiteurs, and surveillants. The mattres-rdpetiteurs can now become professeurs adjoints, and owing to financial reasons there is a distinct tendency FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 37 But, on the other hand, the balance of comparison as far as the teacher's standard of attainments go is immensely on the side of France, and certainly the teachers' position, speaking generally, and their social position and standing, are distinctly higher. To begin with, what are the qualifications required of a teacher in England ? A few years ago they were theo- retically nil. The registration ^ of teachers is gradually introducing a minimum standard,^ but, as things are at present, a ticket-of-leave man may still open a school. A fortiori, he may naturally be an assistant-master. In practice, however, each headmaster sets out what he wants, and certainly the list of requirements must often seem to a French teacher inordinately long. The following are two specimen advertisements culled from the educational press. May, 1904. — Wanted, after the Easter holidays, an Assistant Master for classics, English, and drill. Ability to take part in the games will be considered an additional qualification. June, 1904. — Assistant . . . with university qualifications and experience in teaching in classics, science, and mathematics, modern languages, and music. Candidates must be members of the Church of England. to give them work rather than the more highly paid professeurs when extra lessons are needed. The result is that the gap between the two grades is considerably less, and it would appear to be merely a matter of time as to when the repetiteurs will one and all receive the title and functions of professeurs adjomts. See Rapport Maurice- Faure, pp. 239, 240, in which the ideal to be aimed at is spoken of as the " identification progressive des fonctions de professeur et de re- petiteur," the latter not merely giving lessons but acting as a sort of understudy to the professor. The surveillants have now been abolished, except in the boarding schools, in which they are appointed by the headmaster, and are regarded as largely oiseaux de passage. ^ Note. — {1909.) The registration of teachers is unfortunately in a state of suspended animation. More may be expected from the registration of efficient secondary schools, a list of which has been issued by the Board. — (1913.) Recently a Teachers' Registration Council has been formed containing representatives of the univer- sities, secondary, technical and elementary teachers, as well as of teachers of art, music, physical exercises, shorthand, and of those engaged in teaching the blind and the deaf. 2 In addition, all State-aided schools are now obliged to possess a staff adequate in number and qualification for providing instruction. 38 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION In the first advertisement the foreigner, no doubt, would be startled at the great prominence given to athletics, and would vaguely wonder whether the school must not rather be a gymnasium in the modern sense of the word. In the second he would probably be struck by the stress laid on the moral side of the teacher and by the requirements of a religious test. The former would possibly seem to him admirable, the latter he would most likely regard as a relic of ecclesiasticism from which he has shaken himself free. He would be no less amazed at the vast range of subjects that the professor is required to teach. In fact, if entirely ignorant of English education he might well imagine that Admirable Crichtons were as plentiful as blackberries ; and in his position as speciahst he might — agrege though he was — admire the encyclopaedic range of subjects that the English teacher apparently has at his fingers' ends. As regards training, the matter, as in France, is still in its infancy. Still, the regulations for the registration of teachers seem likely to change the present state of affairs in the future.^ Coming to the question of salaries and emoluments, there is no doubt that the masters in the big public schools are higher paid than the professor in a similar school in France, especially if one takes into consideration the profits that are made out of the licensed victualling business by those masters who are fortunate enough to possess a boarding house. 2 It should be noted, nevertheless, that, once the smaller schools are reached, the salaries tend to decrease 1 Note. — (1909.) This hope has not been fulfilled, but much may be expected from the new Regulations for the Training of Secondary Teachers issued by the Board of Education, and the introduction of a clause in the Regulations for Secondary Schools requiring a certain proportion of trained teachers on the staffs of schools receiving grants. — (191 3.) Something may be expected from the new Teachers' Registration Council. ^ Note. — (1912.) Mr. J. E. C. Bodley tells me of an interesting case of a professor in a southern lycee who was offered a post in one of our big public schools at double his existing salar5^ He refused because he would be worse off, as (i) the cost of living and especially the scale of living was higher than in France ; (2) his boys in France were educated for nothing ; (3) he made money by giving private lessons to boys unconnected with the lycie. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 39 rapidly, till in some schools it will be found that the salary apart from board amounts to a merely nominal sum, while in certain cases the system obtains of what in equine circles is called "meat for manners," otherwise called "mutual terms." Compared, therefore, with French teachers, each of whom is paid a living wage, the general run of English teachers are certainly not so well off. For if there are a few bigger prizes in the lottery, far too many have plenty of chances of drawing a blank — a condition of things which does not exist in French State schools. The English teacher can, it is true, become a house master, a headmaster, or even a bishop, but once he has left the university he has little or no chance of returning as a professor. His prospects, there- fore, are far more limited than those of his French confrere. He has not, either, the leisure of his French colleague. ^ Very often, if he is in a boarding school, his work is never done. How many an English master would be content if he only had that " excessive " number of twenty hours per week ! Many have far nearer thirty. How can they find the leisure for self-improvement, which the French authorities consider so important ? The Enghsh teacher must regard with feelings akin to envy the position of his Gallic colleague, secured against every chance of unjust dismissal, with the certain prospect of a pension at the end of his career.^ In England security of tenure does not in theory exist.^ Most engagements are made by the school year or the term, with often a half-term's notice. The appointment of a new 1 In many cases the out-of-school work of the French professor is heavier, but even when allowance is made for this his work is prob- ably lighter than that of the English teacher. * Note. — (1909.) Things have considerably improved, especially in schools connected with or under the county councils, in the last few years. Regular scales of salaries with proper increments have been established. In London, all schools accepting the Council's scale pay the following salaries: — Assistants: initial salary, /150; rising by yearly increments of ;^io to ;^3oo. (Heads of departments, ;^35o.) Headmasters, according to the size of the school, are paid from ^400 to ;^8oo with ;^2o increments. The evils of capitation fees are thus avoided. Teachers in the Council's service can also con- tribute to an adequate pension scheme. There is also a lower scale for teachers without a degree already in the service. 3 Note. — (1909-) See previous note for modifications, p. 28 above. 40 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION headmaster who " knew not Joseph " is sometimes the signal for a clean sweep of those who have spent their best years in serving the school. While the French teacher's salary increases with his years of service, the Enghsh teacher finds his financial value depreciate every year, and if he wants to change when he has reached what in antiquity was considered the prime of life, he is told by the school agents that no headmaster will look at a man over 36.^ Many headmasters prefer youth, which they can train, to ex- perience, of which they are sometimes said to stand in awe. The only member of the profession who triumphantly withstands the ravages of time is the headmaster himself. It is not an unknown thing for the hale and hearty principal of 65 to look down on the assistant of 40 as decrepit and past work. Fortunately the best of our headmasters have felt the need of providing for their assistants by means of voluntary pension systems to which the school funds con- tribute their quota.^ In position, again, the English master is certainly less fortunate. Mr. Benson classes him as a second-class gentleman, the first class being occupied by the representatives of Army, Navy, Civil Service, and land agency (!) . In the smaller schools his social status is probably still lower, and he ranks about on a level with the curate. In France the prestige of the State teacher and his official standing make him a highly eligible parti,^ especially in the eyes of those mothers who wish to choose a steady man for their daughters in the same way as some mothers in England have a distinct preference for a clergyman. On the other hand, the Englishman, except in a few schools or unless he is lucky enough to obtain a house-mastership, is often con- demned by a straitness of means to celibacy, his only consolation being that of acting as a foster-father to other people's children. 1 Note. — (1909.) This is not so universally true as ten years ago, owing to the decreasing number of persons entering the profession. 2 Note. — London has established a system of pensions for its municipal secondary teachers, and State pensions have now been promised by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the State contributing £1 to the teacher's £'j. 5 Note. — (1913.) This of course assumes that the parties con- cerned are of the same religious and political complexion. II. INTERNAL ECONOMY (i) Formalities on Admission — Age of Pupils — Superannuation The only formalities to fulfil for entrance into a State school are the presentation of a demand for admission signed by the parent or guardian, with a certificate of suc- cessful vaccination. There is no age limit, as the present writer himself can vouch for. On their entrance into a petit lycee the pupils are classed more or less according to their age. If after a week or two the professors find that one of the new-comers is not up to the work he tells the pro- viseur, who sends the pupil down to the class below. In the big lycee there is an examination, not for admission, but for placing the pupil. Boys who are old enough to enter the rhetorique (classe de premiere) are allowed to do so without examination, the assumption being that they are studying for the first part of the haccalaureat. Pupils enter the petit lycee at the age of five or six, and the lycee proper at eleven or twelve. In England some of the big public schools have a very stringent entrance examination,^ owing to the number of applicants being far larger than they can possibly accom- modate. Preference is, however, given to those who have put down their names beforehand for vacancies. So keen is the competition in some schools that parents will often put down their children's names many years in advance. A good many other schools have no entrance examination at all, or only one for placing the pupils. The age at which boys enter naturally varies, but speaking generally a boy ^ Note. — (1909.) A certain number of the public schools have now combined in order to have a joint entrance examination. 42 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION enters the big public schools at thirteen or fourteen, unless there be a preparatory house or division, in which case he goes earlier. In practice boys never stay on much over nineteen, and this privilege in boarding schools is only obtained by those who have reached a certain standard of attainment. There is in fact a regular system for weeding out those boys who are dunces or who fall behind the others. Unless a boy of a certain age has reached a certain class, he is superannuated, as it is called — that is, he is politely requested to leave, the request, like those of royalty, being equivalent to a com- mand. The method does not exist in French schools. Though clearly of advantage to the school itself in making short shift of stragglers and eliminating its most palpable non-valeurs and failures, it is doubtful whether this method of " enlightened discrimination " is quite fair to the boys themselves or their parents either. (ii) Maintenance of Standard — Organization OF Classes, Sets, etc. In the French State schools the standard is more or less maintained in the different colleges and lycees and also between them by the official programme and the baccalaureat as well as by a system of universal inspection. The classes themselves are organized for a year's work. In the upper classes of the first and second cycle the pupils in the several divisions are as a rule taken together in the subjects common to the two programmes. There are no sets in the lycees, but quite recently the mathematical pupils in the third and fourth classes have been divided up into two sets for geo- metry. In England, with no official programme and no universal inspection, the standard of work in the upper classes and between school and school is maintained by external ex- aminations which have to a certain extent been forced on the schools by public opinion. As a rule a large number of boys escape this public test, and in any case nothing like FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 43 the same degree of uniformity of attainment is possible as in France. The problem in the future for the headmaster is largely a question as to whether he will abandon the tyranny of excessive external examinations for the possibly preferable alternative of internal inspection and examination, the latter being largely intermixed under the supervision and control of the Government, the Local Authority, or the Universities. In this way the standard in the classes might be maintained, and the dangers of over-uniformity be avoided, which a single general examination always threatens to produce. If the same high level of attainment which prevails in French schools is not to be found in Enghsh schools as a whole, the comparative autonomy of the Enghsh school has allowed it to give a wide extension to the system of sets which act not only as capacity-catching machines, by giving the clever boy a chance of forging ahead in his best subject, but also as incapacity-catching machines, a sort of ambul- ance for those who have fallen out on the march, being unable to go the pace of their fellows in some one particular subject, while able to keep with them in the rest of the programme. Transferred to a set below the others, they are able to keep in touch with the subject and even pro- gress, instead of being put out of the game altogether. This, as Mr. A. T. Pollard ^ has pointed out, is the real raison d'etre of the set method. It is, in fact, devised for the exceptional case, which he puts as low as one per cent, in a junior school. The percentage is, however, immeasurably higher in the higher classes, in which the straggling must needs be considerably greater. Judging by what has taken place in America in the way of estab- lishing elective studies, it seems quite possible that we in England may in the future still more largely employ the " set " method in order to maintain a middle course between 1 Cf. Teaching and Organisation, edited by P. A. Barnett, pp. i8, 19, quoted by M. E. Sadler in Report on Problems in Prussian Secon- dary Education for Boys (Special Reports on Educational Subjects, Vol. 3, p. 129). 44 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION the somewhat inelastic allgemeine Bildung ideal in Germany and the extraordinarily wide freedom of the American schools.^ (iii) Form Masters or Expert Teachers In the lower classes of the petit lycee the same teacher takes everything, but from the fourth class upwards of the lycee the practice obtains of having professors for subjects rather than for classes. The whole system of the agrega- tion favours such a division, as success in that examination depends on excellence in one particular group of subjects, such as philosophy, history and geography, letters, etc. Until recently the French, Latin, and Greek in each class were taught as a rule by one master, but now with Greek altogether optional and with Latin optional for half the pupils, the same professor has in some divisions only the French ; even the history from the sixth class upwards is henceforth to be taught when possible by a speciaHst. In modern languages, again, efforts are being made that the pupil may have the same teacher two years running, the idea being that one professor should cover the whole teaching in the subject when possible. In some classical divisions even the French and Latin are under different teachers. In the opinion of some, the new reform has gone too far in thus spUtting up the classes amongst so many masters. The classes have become hke sheep that have no shepherd, and the shepherds themselves have been reduced to the position of drovers who barely know the numerous flocks entrusted to them by sight. Such at least is the 1 Note. — (1909.) The size of classes naturally plays a great part in the efficiency of this teaching. The wave of economy that has followed on the establishment of the lycee autonome has been re- sponsible for increasing the size of classes which were often already too large. M. Steeg talks of classes of nearly fifty {Rapport, p. 51), and there are others bigger still, notably one of 100 in the rhetorique superieure at Louis-le-Grand . In England, and especially in London, there has been a strong movement to reduce the numbers, and in London the proportion of pupils per teacher works out (irrespective of the head) at about twenty to one. In many of the Girls' Public Day Schools Company schools it is still less. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 45 complaint of more than one professor, and it is probable that something in the nature of appointing form masters will have to be effected in the near future.^ In England the visiting master has in many schools been a prominent feature. In fact, most of the subjects which have since effected a lodgment in the curriculum have crept into the school on these terms. The system, however, presents nearly all the inconveniences of special teaching without the advantages. The visiting master is not " on the strength " of the educational regiment, he lacks the prestige and not infrequently the authority of a regular member of the staff, and his interest in the school can hardly ever be so intense. It is true an official recognition has been given to the system by the appointment of regular traveUing teachers to visit groups of schools, but it is well understood that the chief reason for its adoption has been that of economy. Still, among regular teachers there is Httle doubt that the specialist is likely to become more numerous. Differentia- tion is the law of the school curriculum to-day, and as each subject, whether science, modern languages, the mother tongue, history, or that Cinderella of education, geography, emancipates itself and claims to be regarded no longer as a " by-subject that anyone can teach by keeping a lesson or two ahead of his class, but as one that needs as serious and thorough treatment as classics or mathematics," so the increase of specialist teachers seems inevitable. ^ 1 Note. — (1909.) This has become somewhat of a burning ques- tion. M. Steeg says in his Rapport, p. 39 : " U n'y a plus de classe une et plus de professeur de classe. Cast a nos yeux V inconvenient le plus sdrieux de la nouvelle organisation des itudes." Parents are beginning to complain that owing to the multiplicity of professors there is no one among them who knows sufficiently about the work of their son, and can tell them exactly where he needs special atten- tion. Others accuse the present system of leading to overwork, owing to the competition among the professors for the pupils' time, A general resume of the situation is given by Dr. M. de Fleury in L' Hygiene scolaire for October, 1908, in which he points out that in one class in a certain lycie there are seven professors. The remedy is probably the appointment of definite form-masters like the German Ordinarius. 2 Note. — (1909.) The ideal seems to be, in the higher classes at least, while retaining the form master as far as possible, for the 46 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Nevertheless it would probably be difficult to find a school in which the ideal of the form master had been totally given up. It is true that his sphere of duties varies from school to school. He may merely teach the class in the majority of subjects, sit in the class-room which is called after the name of his form, and be responsible for the weekly marks of the boys ; or in the feudal hierarchy that obtains in the school he may act as a tenant-in-chief to the headmaster's overlord, responsible for the work and well- being of the members of his class, corresponding perhaps directly with the parents and acting in loco parentis towards their offspring. His influence may spread further, till he becomes a pillar of the school constitution whose word is law, an ipse dixit that no boy would dare to question or disobey. Nay, he may become the uncrowned king of the place, of wider influence and wider reputation than the head- master himself, for headmasters come and go but he " abideth in his place " and receives into his keeping the children of those he taught as children, maybe dying the unmitred abbot of the school in which he first made his profession as a schoolmaster, a novice in the best sense to the very end, being ever a learner, remaining ever young, holding no conspicuous post of honour, yet held in honour by all. It is needless to mention names, for nearly every- one can recall one of these strong influences for good with which our big public schools have abounded — these nameless great ones who saw their greatness realized in others, who stamped their mark on the lives of a whole generation, their monument sometimes some class-room or playing- field called after their name, more often a spirit incorporated with the genius loci, so that those who seek it find it every- where in the life around, and know that " he being dead yet speaketh," and that the thoughts he uttered make every year a fresh lodgment and nest in youthful hearts that never knew the heart in which they were first hatched and bred. specialists to have at leasttwo subjects — SiHauptfacha.nd a Nebenfach, as in Germany. This could be easy enough in modern languages, for instance, if we had not the absurd system of expecting a teacher to take both French and German instead of one of the two languages and his own. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 47 (iv) Average Length of Time spent in each Class — Promotion In the French schools not only to each class is assigned a definite amount of work for the whole year, but the work itself is definitely split up into portions for each of the school terms. A boy is therefore perforce obliged to stop a whole year in a form. The removes are made without any further examination for all pupils who have obtained 50 per cent, of the marks given during the last term, and of those given at the competitive compositions at the end of or during the year. If the pupil has obtained too low a mark for pro- motion he goes in for a pass examination for which he has probably been preparing during the holidays. This examination is held at the beginning of term by the pro- fessor of the class he desires to enter. The professor has thus the right of accepting or refusing him. In theory, backward boys are thus obHged to go over the whole year again. But as a matter of fact those who are rejected take extra lessons, with the professor himself if they are wise, and so generally succeed in getting into the class in the following January, the school year beginning, as with us, in September. In England, where every school is more or less a law unto itself, a clever boy may go up two and even three forms in a year. This is rendered possible by the less amount of co- ordination that exists between the classes. As has already been pointed out, the standard of work apart from tradition is principally set by the requirements of external examina- tion, while the standard itself is maintained in class by an elaborate system of marks ^ by which the English head- master is dispensed from inspecting his own class-rooms. ^ Marks are a convenient shorthand method of giving a bird's-eye view of the progress of the class. Many masters feel the burden and weight of them — which is not unnatural, seeing they add the duties of scorer to one who is already bowler, fielder, and umpire, not to mention the making out of elaborate weekly averages. Many a master would look more kindly on the presence of the headmaster and inspector in his class if he reahzed that it might release him from serving the weary tables of multiplication and division. 48 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION The French system probably errs on the other side of uniformity, but as long as in a large number of schools the master's class-room is like the Englishman's residence, a castle, into which the headmaster has by custom only a limited right of entry, it is obvious that a clever boy can skip with less danger to himself from class to class than he could, were it possible, in a French school, for if there are likely to be lacuncE in his educational progress there is more chance of these being filled up, with overlapping nearly a certainty in the work of the different classes. A less desirable practice which obtains in some English schools is the custom of promotions by seniority, or charit- able promotions as they are sometimes irreverently called, due in most cases to the headmasters yielding to the unwise solicitude of the parents. This practice of taking the pupil's age into account, as if it were a high mark which helped to swell the general total, seems as logical as the book-keeping of the college bursar who showed a balance of over £1,900 by inadvertently adding in the date of his balance-sheet. Its effects are often disastrous. The struggHng boy is taken clean out of his depth, a certain amount of unneces- sary ballast is added to the dead weight the form master has to move, and an undesirable premium is put on these " cart before the horse " promotions. No doubt there are a certain number of dull and neglected boys in French schools. No doubt French professors are not always adamantine in the presence of parental pressure, but as a general rule there are fewer of these dunce-promotions than with us. (v) Examinations : their Conduct and Aim — Pre- paration FOR THE Higher Examinations — Radical Differences between French and English Exami- nations The lower classes of the French secondary schools are unharassed by external examinations.^ Matthew Arnold has remarked on examinations in France being put at the 1 Cf. M. Arnold, A French Eton, p. 328. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 49 right age (fifteen to twenty-eight), and on Httle boys of nine being free from the drudgery they entail. The stan- dard is maintained, as has already been pointed out, by the general uniformity of the programme backed up by State inspection. The internal examinations are not all squeezed into the last fortnight or three weeks of the school year, during which the EngUsh pupil undergoes a veritable Kci/wo-t? of knowledge ; as a rule compositions, as they are called, are set in every subject once a term, and these compositions are separated by at least a week from one another. The system has its drawbacks as well as its advantages. Teachers complain that once the pupils have been examined in a subject they are apt to neglect it for the rest of the term in order to concentrate on those in which they have still to be examined. Under the new dispensation at the end of the first cycle of studies, that is to say, in the case of pupils aged fifteen or sixteen, a certificate of secondary studies of the first degree can be awarded to pupils on the result of the marks obtained by them during the four years of the first cycle, on the deliberation of the professors whose classes they have followed.^ But the real goal of the full-blown secondary pupil is, of course, the baccalaureat. Although the courses leading up to it are four in number, Latin-Greek, Latin-Science, Latin-Modern Languages, Science-Modern Languages, no distinction is henceforth made between them. One and all they serve at once as a leaving certificate and an entrance to the universities and the liberal professions. The bac- calaureat remains as before divided into two parts. The first, formerly called the rhetorique, is taken by the pupil of the first (or rhetoric) class. Then a year after comes the second part, which is taken by the pupils in the philosophy or mathematics class. The age for entrance is sixteen ; 1 Note. — {1909.) This certificate does not seem to have been a great success so far. " The diploma has hardly any value in the eyes of the pupils " {Rapport Maurice-Faure, p. 222). The reasons given are that many pupils have not stayed long enough to qualify, so that only a few, and those not necessarily the best, get it. — (1913.) No improvement to chronicle. P.E, D 50 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION candidates below this age require a special permission to enter for the examination.^ The difficulties of the examina- tion are shown by the following fact, that the number of passes are well under 50 per cent.^ Leaving out of account the old haccalaureat, which finally came to an end in 1905, the new haccalaureat, like the old, is divided into two parts, each part having four separate divisions corresponding to the different courses in the schools. In the First Part {classe de premiere) there is a French essay common to all four divisions. Three subjects are given, but only one may be chosen. Further, there is a version latine, i.e. a passage to be translated from Latin into French, which is common to the three sections in which Latin occurs ; an exercise in ^ mathematics and physics for the sections in which science occurs, and a composition in a foreign language at the choice of the candidate in the section in which modern languages occur ; and lastly a passage for translation from the Greek in the purely classical section. This gives, then, three written papers in each section. All candidates who desire to present themselves for the oral examination must first pass the written section. Half marks are necessary for a pass, equal marks are given for the compositions and versions, with the exception of the composition in mathematics and physics, which counts double. At the oral the classical pupil has to translate and comment on a passage in classics, on another in modern language, as well as commenting on one from the mother 1 Note. — (1909.) These permissions (or dispenses) are, unfortun- ately, on the increase, owing to the extra demands made by the service de deux ans in the army. Thus, while all other countries are increasing the time devoted to education, France is diminishing it. The effect on the study of philosophy appears to be very unfortunate. The pupil who takes up the subject at sixteen instead of seventeen has not the same mental maturity. — (1913.) The number of c^is- ^ensgs seems to have become stationary: in 1909, 1,297; ^^ iQio. 1.308. 2 Note. — {1909.) Last year they varied from 49 per cent, to 40 per cent, n the different courses. — (1913.) Between 48 and 40 per cent. ^ For a detailed programme of each subject see the Programme des Examens du nouveau Baccalatireat de I'Enseigvement secondaire (Paris, Imprimerie Delalain) . FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 51 tongue, besides answering questions in ancient and modern languages, geography, mathematics, and physics. The other sections are examined in the same fashion in the sub- jects of these sections. A zero in any subject produces a failure, half marks are necessary for a pass, the mention assez bien being awarded to those who obtain 60 per cent., hien to those who obtain 70 per cent., and ires hien to those who obtain 80 per cent. A candidate who has failed at the oral is excused for two sessions from having to take the written examinations. To eliminate to a certain extent the element of chance from the examination, every candidate is allowed to present a carnet or livret scolaire, which gives in a concise form his school record. If his case is a doubtful one either at the written or oral examination, he cannot be "ploughed" until the jury have taken into consideration his ** school record " and decided against him.^ The rhetorique portion of the examination still preserves its rhetorical aspect. The French essay is looked upon as the most difficult part of the examination, as being that part of the examination on which the examiners lay most stress. The version latine for those who take Latin is regarded with almost equal awe by the candidates. A mere word for word translation showing that the student has grasped the meaning of the passage is insufficient. The pupil is given some twenty lines from some classical author and three hours to do it in ; the greater part of those three hours is intended to be devoted to poUshing the French. In the Second Part the courses are reduced to two ; the students in the classical and Latin-modern languages sections take the so-called philosophy proper. The written work in this division consists of a French dissertation in •philosophy and a paper in natural history and physics. The oral section comprises a viva-voce in philosophy, and explanations of a philosophical author the pupils have read 1 Note. — (1909.) An examiner of some years' standing states that the carnet scolaire is of the greatest use in deciding the passing of a pupil in doubtful cases, and that much practice enables an examiner to easily allow for the personal equation of the teachers who have signed it. 52 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION in class, with further viva-voce examinations in modern history, physics, and natural history.^ The written work in the mathematical division comprises three papers, on mathematics, physics, and philosophy. The oral section comprises an interrogation on mathematics, physics, chemistry, natural history, modern history, and philosophy. The same rules for passing the written and oral portions of the examination which obtain in the First Part also apply to the Second Part, as well as those for obtaining distinction. In the First Part the papers in aU the sections are for three hours, except that in mathematics and physics, which has four hours assigned to it. In the Second Part the paper for those taking the full course in philosophy is four hours in length. The same candidates have only a two-hours paper for their physics and natural history. The candi- dates in mathematics have three hours for each of their three papers. In each part the average length of the oral exami- 1 Note. — (1909.) During the last seven years the historical part in the examination has been abolished, and more stress laid on the explanation of certain set books, for which a special mark is accorded at the examination. It is complained that this excision of the past places the pupil too much at the mercy of the professor's personal ideas. But the explanation of the set books is held to provide the necessary counter-balance. The tendency on the part of the pro- fessors is to leave more and more on one side the logical and meta- physical side, and to study moral and social questions. Certain critics remark that this growing variety in opinion may lead in the long run to a sort of anarchie philosophique, but the danger seems somewhat remote. Variety is the indispensable condition of true progress, and sincerity is, after all, the most precious quality in teachers and in taught. Speaking from experience, the present writer can bear witness that the Sorbonne of some ten years ago was too rigidly orthodox. More serious seems the criticism that the courses given by some of the professors appear to lack a central idea. — (191 3.) At the present time the metaphysical side is certainly less studied and the social side more and more, though complaints are sometimes made that the sociology taught is too scientific and abstract. On the other hand, the introduction of modern questions sometimes leads to difficulties. Quite recently a professor at the College Chaptal has been attacked in the Press for dictating a passage from Karl Marx to his class. This development seems inevitable, and similar difficulties will arise in English schools when the dis- cussion of present-day questions invades, as it is certain sooner or later to do, our history lessons. The only safe way will be to give both sides of the question. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 53 nation is three hours. The jury are composed of members of the Faculty of Letters and Science, together with an equal number of teachers either in active service or on the retired list. No teacher can examine his own pupils. The introduction of the teaching element is largely due to a desire to lighten the duties of the university professors, who find the haccalaureat a great strain on their univer- sity work. A German happily summed up the previous situation by saying that the French apparently thought it necessary to use their best razors to cut blocks. The exami- nation itself is held twice a year, at the beginning and end of the school year. The aim of the examination in rhetoric is to test an education which in the main is Hterary and aesthetic. The aim of the examination in philosophy is an audit of the pupil's studies, not only in " le beau," but also in " le vrai " and " le bien." Thus French education covers the whole held of the mental faculties. No year is more important in the pupil's life than that of philosophy. He finally learns and realizes that everything in his work so far has been devoted to the object of making a savant and a man of him. A rhetorical education by itself has great dangers. One brought up exclusively under its regime is more or less at the mercy of words. It is true that a philosophical education puts us also at times at the mercy of ideas, but the danger is certainly preferable. A rhetorical education gives us in fact the colour of ideas ; the philosophical adds a sense of their structure. Certainly one can speak with experience of the extreme value of this philosophical education. It is not only for the pupil a resume, an Erkldrung of the past, it is also a base and groundwork for his future education, providing him as it were with mental pigeon-holes wherein he may arrange his subsequent experience. The mere fact of teaching the pupil to examine, analyse, and classify his ideas, and arrange them into a coherent whole, seems to me of the highest value. The most effective personahties apart from fanatics are those in whom this unification has obtained the greatest extension, more especially when they possess in addition a 54 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION strong will as driving power. It would be well if we in England had a little more respect and appreciation of general ideas, which, after all, are but the intellectual names of great moral principles.^ We should certainly be able to reason out many of our social and political questions more readily and be less slaves to the gross sophisms which obtain currency from the neglect of the ordinary cultivated man to examine the exact meaning of the terms with which he reasons. It is true that philosophy in France wears of all philo- sophies the least forbidding look. It may not attain the profundity of German philosophy ; in some cases it may only be a sort of glorified common sense ; but in its lucidity, in its close attachment to the problems of daily life it finds at once its strength and its weakness. Nor is it by any means so shallow as foreigners are inclined to think. The depth is there, but the bottom is seen so easily because the milieu is so transparent. In France the philosophers do not forget that their subject is a branch of literature, and the whole attitude of the best writers is not to pose as high priests of mystery and explain the obscurum per obscurius, but rather to show with the greatest suppression of self how after all the thing is not so difficult to produce. Culture fortified by clear thinking would appear to be the aim of the two parts of the baccalaureate In two or three of the big schools classes have been started of recent years for those who have already passed the baccalaureat and are working for the Ecole Normale or the licence. These classes de rhetor ique superieure (or pre- miere) are not altogether regarded with a friendly eye by the universities, who look on the pupils of which they are formed as already part of their clientele. France is the country par excellence of delimitation, yet even here over- lapping is not, as we see, entirely unknown. 1 Note. — (1909.) For further development of these ideas see p. 214, " The True Inwardness of Moral Instruction in France." 2 Note. — (1909.) M. Steeg {Rapport Steeg) thus sums up the general effect of a French secondary education : " Jl en snhsiste peu de connaissances pricises et siXres. Ce qui demeuve, c'est une certaine maniere de sentir, le souvenir elevi de nobles Amotions, quelque besoin de penser, quelque curiosite et surtout une precieuse modestie" (p. 40). FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 55 Pupils who have taken the baccalaureat in the science course follow, according to the career they intend to enter, special courses for the Ecole Polytechnique,^ the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, and the Ecole Normale Superieure (Section des Sciences). The courses are two years in length, and are called respectively Elementary and Special Mathematics. Those pupils also who are going to try for St. Cyr, the Ecole Navale, the Institut Agronomique, and the Ecoles Superieures d'Agriculture, attend special courses directly preparatory for these various institutions ; such courses are only organized in certain lycees. The entrance age for these examinations naturally varies. A candidate for the Ecole Navale must be not less than fifteen or more than nineteen ; for the Polytechnique and St. Cyr he must be over seventeen and under twenty-one ; for the Ecole Normale he must be over eighteen and under twenty-five ; for the Ecole Centrale, the Institut Agrono- mique, and the Ecoles Superieures d'Agriculture he must be over seventeen, but there is no higher Hmit of age. The work in these classes is naturally dominated by the pro- gramme of examinations in these schools. A certain amount of agitation is going on at the present time in favour of assimilating the requirements of those examina- tions to those of the baccalaureat whenever they do not but can be made to coincide. At present, for instance, there is a lack of agreement between the mathematics required at the baccalaureat and that required at the entrance examina- tion of these schools. Teachers complain that pupils will not get up certain portions of mathematics which are set for the baccalaureat because they are not required later on at St. Cyr or else- where. Clearly the remedy here is greater co-ordination. ^ The Ecole Polytechnique corresponds roughly to Woolwich : its best pupils often become State engineers in the Fonts et Chaussees ; the £cole Centrale is a much enlarged Cooper's Hill, or is rather equivalent to the new London Charlottenburg ; the £cole Normale is really a preparatory school for university professors no less than for secondary teachers ; the £cole Navale represents the Britannia (1909, Osborne) ; the Ecole St. Cyr corresponds to Sandhurst ; the Institut Agronomique is a sort of Cirencester and Rothampstead combined. 56 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION These big schools cannot be allowed to dictate ad lib. to the lycees. One cause of complaint among others against the bac- calaureat has been that it has led to overwork and many have demanded its suppression. It has been felt, however, that its advantages are greater than its defects. It is significant that the proposal to substitute for it a school examination in the presence of a delegate from the Ministry was rejected by nearly all the teachers. The examination therefore has been maintained. It is possible that the complaints against the baccalaureat on the grounds of overpressure were exaggerated,^ but there is reason to fear that the overwork induced by the severe competitions for the special schools is a very serious evil. Many competent persons speak of candidates working ten and twelve hours a day. M. Berthelot speaks of the system as the cause of the physical and intellectual deca- dence of the youths of the country. No doubt something will have to be done to reduce the present chauffage to which the unhappy candidates are at present subjected, but what that something should be is difficult to decide. A com- petitive examination must inevitably lead to overwork. The best one can hope to do is to eUminate the unfit at as early a stage as possible. ^ ^ It is significant that complaints against the pressure of the new baccalaureat are already beginning to appear, and it is freely asserted that the sum total of work demanded is still greater than under the old system. Matters are compUcated by the recent action of the Minister of War, who has lowered the ultimate limit of ages for admission into the army schools. This means that the pupils will be more tempted than ever to take baccalaureat at fifteen in order to find sufficient time to specialize for the army examination. — (1913.) The programmes in all sections have been slightly lightened. 2 Note. — (1909.) The hostility to the baccalaureat has steadily decreased since it has been seen that it is essential to have a leaving certificate for the schools, and an entrance certificate for the higher forms of education, and that an examination which fulfils this double function is the last word on the subject. Unfortunately, it still appears that the form and substance of the examination are dictated too exclusively by the university, in spite of the presence of a secon- dary teacher on the Board of Examiners. Other complaints to-day are the surmenage owing to the extent of the programmes to be studied, the drop in the age of the pupils who take the examinations, and the decline in French composition and philosophy. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 57 To discuss the English examination system, or rather chaos, would require a treatise in itself. Its genesis is more easy to explain. The English school is a close borough. In many cases public opinion has respected its privileges, while demanding first of all an audit of those who leave it and next an audit of those who are within its gates. Headmasters to save their autonomy have allowed the introduction of external examination. Nay, some of them have gone further and in the desire to learn what their own staff are doing they have actually joined in the demand for public examinations. In any case the acceptance of ex- ternal examinations has been the introduction into the schools of a veritable Trojan horse. External examinations once admitted within the walls of the schools have speedily ended by dominating the teaching, so that to-day examina- tions rather control curricula, whereas curricula should control examinations. The examination Moloch demands that all the children, even of the tenderest age, should henceforth pass through its fires. To-day we have examinations for all ages up the school. Like the French, we have our special examination for the Army, Navy, and Civil Service, but instead of having one leaving certificate like the haccalaureat as the " open sesame " to the universities and the professions, not only has each university its own special examination, but many of the professions have also preliminary examinations of their own. It is true that the system of equivalences which partially obtains modifies to some extent the mischief, but the evils under which our education labours are none the less very great. The schools themselves suffer, the upper classes are cut up through pupils working apart at different subjects, and much of the moral value of the last year at school derived from work in common is lost. With the influence of its leading boys thus comparatively diluted, the moral effect of a strong sixth form is lost to the school. The curricula of the schools naturally suffer. All exami- nations imply specialization of a more or less narrow kind, except those which by tempting the candidate to obtain honours in as many subjects as possible tend to the opposite 58 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION extreme of difhiseness. In either case subjects not in the examination list are more or less scamped, if they do not become a dead letter for those who are working for the examination. The teaching suffers. Teachers are tempted to neglect everything but what pays in the examinations, to cut their subject down to its examination limits. In their attempt to anticipate the examiner they are apt to degenerate into the teaching of tips and tricks. Again, the stereotyped nature of the questions engenders monoton- ous and mechanical teaching. The boys suffer. Spontaneity is discouraged, originality is discounted. The iron of the examination enters into the boys' souls. The ideals of knowledge are lowered, the mental outlook is narrowed, a distaste for learning and literature is engendered. Yet we probably cannot do without examinations. It is rather their excessive use which is harmful. They have their uses over and above their mere utilitarian value of helping us to make selections and of being one of the ways in which knowledge is audited. To mention only one of these uses, there is the immense advantage of the habit of being able to codify, arrange, and mobilize one's knowledge when it is wanted. If it were not for the exigencies of examina- tions, the English schoolboy would often have no notion of how to put together and set forth what he has learnt. The art of conveying one's knowledge is hardly taught in English schools except for examination purposes. The remedy probably lies in the great extension in the system of equivalences, which might be carried out by a joint board of the Board of Education, the local authorities, and the universities, say a sub-committee of the Consulta- tive Committee. These could act as a clearing house for diplomas. They might in time be able to get the consent of the various examining bodies to the establishment of one single leaving certificate.^ Probably something might ^ Note. — (1909.) The Consultative Committee issued a scheme in 1904 {Proposals for a System of School Certificates, Board of Education Consultative Committee), but nothing much so far has been done. It is probable, however, that something in the nature of joint examination and inspection outlined above will come to pass in the long run. — (19 13.) Perhaps the recent report on Examinations by the Consultative Committee may effect something. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 59 be done on the German system of having joint boards for districts or groups of schools composed of a certain number of trained examiners and inspectors to represent the Board of Education and the local authorities and of the school- masters themselves. We want to guard against uniformity, which one single examination common to the whole country would produce ; we want to safeguard equivalence of value between the exa- minations, and we want to bring in the teacher, who knows more about the pupil than anyone, and who can best put him through his paces ; and lastly we want to disturb the school curricula and to cut up the school classes as little as possible. The French may well congratulate themselves upon the fact that even if preparation for their higher schools leads to a considerable amount of overpressure, they are free from the multiplicity of examinations which hang like a never- lifting cloud over the English school, and produce a sort of depressing examination atmosphere or cHmate which is at least lacking in the lower portions of the French school. There is, however, another point in which French examina- tions radically differ from our own, which it would be well for those who are interested in examinations in England to consider, if not in part to copy. The Enghsh examination is too exclusively an audit of knowledge ; at its worst it is a mere audit of facts. The competition is above all things a match against time ; the pupil who can disgorge the greatest quantity of facts in a given time comes out top. Naturally a certain minimum of spelling and punctuation is demanded, and the facts them- selves must be correct. But the workmanship side of the question, style in the best sense of the word, occupies at best a secondary position. Who can deny that examina- tions on the whole are very largely a matter of memory, either in the actual reproduction of what one has learnt or in the production of something similar, be it either some classical " tip " or some tricky solution in mathematics ? Originality is too rarely sought for or desired. The arts of exposition and development in composition are compara- tively neglected. 6o STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION When a French university professor is shown an EngHsh examination paper containing some ten or twelve questions he is lost in astonishment, and when he is told that full marks alone can be obtained for answering them all, and that only three hours is given for the paper, he is dumb- founded. On recovering his speech he informs us that the number of questions to* be attempted in the lycee for a three hours' composition, as in the university for a six hours' composition, would be one or two. One can only explain to him that the English ideal largely partakes of Coleridge's idea of a sponge, which when squeezed returns the water it has absorbed, not always in its pristine condition, and that in this competition of sponges the most absorbent naturally scores. He wiU probably ask, Where does the composition come in, the art of presenting one's subject in the clearest form and in the best language ? One can only point out to our critic that he has misapprehended the English point of view, that the English examinee writes on the assumption that he is writing for those who are acquainted beforehand with what he ought to say, and who only want to verify his remarks. In a word, the examiners are already " in the know," the examinee has only got to prove that he is too in order to satisfy them. Our French friend will then prob- ably agree that the systems differ, and wiU point out that the French examinee writes from the point of view of one who wants to explain to the ordinary cultured person what he has to say, and that he therefore tries to state the case as it should be stated on its merits. He may further pertinently add that, as far as the actual value of the two systems goes, his method is superior. It not only tests the originaUty of the pupil by laying stress on the ability to put two and two together, and on the coUation of facts apart from their mere collection ; it is also a first- rate exercise in qualities which are of real use in everyday life — to wit, the power to put one's views clearly and distinctly, not to say persuasively. Direct reply on the point seems difficult ; for are we not confronted here with the chronic inabiUty of the average EngUsh boy, and also to some extent of the average Englishman, to express him- FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 6i self and his ideas in a coherent fashion ? The common sense of the latter brings him nearly always to the point ; but it is only after hunting all over the place like a hound on a bad scenting day. A certain amount of composition teaching on French lines at school would have enabled him to dispense with much of this discursive thinking aloud. But if direct reply is difficult, we may still by way of rejoinder point out certain dangers which lurk in the French system, by showing that an extreme cult of the form may lead to undue dis- regard for the subject-matter, how a skilled rhetorician may, by his mere brilliancy, dazzle the eyes of his examiners and conceal his lack of depth and grip of the subject. We certainly do not want to produce mere writers of the type of Brougham, of whom someone in discussing his articles has wittily said : "He used to get into a bath of rhetoric and splash about." Probably both we and the French have got hold of opposite ends of the truth, but on the importance of laying more stress on the quality of the work apart from the quantity we have certainly much to learn from them, especi- ally in matters of composition in the wide sense of the word. But our French critic has probably not finished with his objections. He inquires why we have so largely aboHshed oral examinations in England. We reply that we did so because of the greater element of chance they contained in comparison with the written test, and because a clever but nervous candidate could not under such trying con- ditions do himself or his knowledge adequate justice. Our critic will point out that if the object of examination is to produce learned recluses our second reason has considerable weight, but that it can hardly be seriously maintained that this is the usual object of examinations, that in daily life knowledge is often of little good unless it can be mobilized on the spot, that presence of mind and quickness of judgment, provided it is sound, are qualities which are of the greatest value. He admits that for a general estimate and survey of the extent of the candidate's knowledge and abilities a written examination is wellnigh indispensable, but 62 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION he insists that the oral examination tests quahties which are simply untouched and unassayed by the written examination. In suppressing the viva-voce examination we have cut the Gordian knot, we have not solved it. We have merely reduced and restricted our powers of finding out what a candidate is really made of. In a word, for the sake of obtaining uniformity in our tests, we have robbed them of a large portion of their value. Anyone incredulous of the value of oral examinations should attend the oral examina- tions at the Sorbonne, which are open to the public and are V often very largely attended by the friends and relations of the candidate. Those for the haccalaureat are relatively short, though even in these pupils are expected to be able to give a connected account in those subjects which lend themselves to narrative, not merely to answer a few names and dates. But in the higher examinations " the oral " assumes a still greater importance. In history or philosophy candidates for the licence are often given a subject to discuss for a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, and the examiner looks for something which has at least a beginning, middle, and end. Happily the spread of the direct method of teach ing modern languages is bound to bring the question of viva-voce examinations well to the front in England, and we may perhaps hope in the near future to see such indispens- able tests restored to their proper place in the majority of subjects taken up for examination.^ (vi) Privileges attached to Completion of Full School Course The new programmes have introduced one very sweeping revolution. Formerly success in the classical section of the 1 Note. — (1909.) Viva-voce examinations have already been established in the London County Council intermediate scholarships, and the French honour examinations at London University. They are already optional for the examinations of the Oxford and Cam- bridge Locals, as well as for the Modern Language Tripos at Cam- bridge. An influential ' ' Report to the Modern Language Association FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 63 haccalaureat was necessary for those who intended to study for certain of the Uberal professions. Now, though the courses have been increased from two to four, the examina- tion in them all bears the single title of haccalaureat ; that is to say, in no matter what examination the pupil has obtained his haccalaureat, he has henceforth the right to present himself for all State and professional examinations, whether he desires to enter the civil service, or become a doctor, a barrister, etc. The choice between the courses of study is left to the parents. In practice they, as a rule, leave the decision to the teacher. The Government have in fact instituted a sort of universal suffrage among French parents on the best kinds of curricula to follow. So far the one most in favour seems to be the Science-Modern Languages, while the Latin- Greek is in some country districts comparatively neglected. There seems to be some probability that the Government will suppress or confine to the larger schools those courses which obtain comparatively few votes. The outlook for classics is said to be far from brilliant.^ In England the examinations which correspond most closely to the haccalaureat are the leaving examination of the London University, the Oxford and Cambridge Higher on the Qualifications and Training of Modern Language Teachers," pubUshed in Modern Language Teaching for April, 1909, demands that they should be made compulsor}^ for the future master or mistress in modern languages. 1 Note. — (1909.) The predictions given above do not appear to be likely to be fulfilled at present. The classics, though not in the front, are still holding their own. Here are the statistics of the results of the first part of the Baccalaureat Examination held in July, 1908 (see Journal of Education, December, 1908, p. 820) : Courses. Candidates. Passes. Percentage of passes. Science and Modern Languages . 3,897 1,626 42 % Latin and Modern Languages . 3,058 1,255 4^% Latin and Greek .... 2,886 1,306 45 % Latin and Science .... 2,766 i»35i 49 /O o, /o The greater number taking Science and Modern Languages is to be accounted for by the fact that the course is very largely chosen by the scholars who, coming up from the elementary schools, have 64 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Locals, and the Joint Board Examinations. The passing of these examinations provides in many cases partial or total exemption in the entrance examinations of the uni- versities and numerous public bodies. The exemption, however, is far more often partial than total, and each particular pubHc body has its own list of obHgatory sub- jects in which a candidate must pass in order to obtain complete exemption. Something of the nature of a uni- versal leaving examination — though not necessarily of a uniform nature — would be a great boon in England.^ (vii) School Hours In France as a rule the day schools open at 8 or 8.30, and morning school lasts till 11.30 ; in boarding schools there is generally an hour's preparation before breakfast. There is generally a break in morning school about 10.30. Afternoon school lasts from 1.30 to 4.30. This does not imply that all the boys are in school during these periods. In fact, boys of from eight to ten years of age in the preparatory and elementary divisions have only twenty hours a week. Deducting the weekly half or whole holiday on Thursday, this means they have only three and a half to four hours a day. From twelve to sixteen the boys in the two divisions A and B have twenty-three and twenty-two hours respec- tively for the first two years, and twenty-two (plus four naturally done no Latin. Still, we are told that in some schools the classical section is being elbowed out for reasons of economy. — (191 3.) The statistics for July, 191 2, are as follows : Courses. Science and Modern Languages Latin and Modern Languages Latin and Science Latin and Greek In five years Latin and Greek have lost over 700, or about 25 per cent. ; Science and Modern Languages have gained within 150 as many. The other sections, in both of which Latin occurs, have gained together as much as Science and Modern Languages. 1 See School series of articles, January to May, 1904, on "The Examination Chaos," by Cloudesley Brereton. Candidates. Passes. Percentage 4.529 3.431 3,039 2,110 1.835 1.475 1.369 970 40% 43 % 48% 46% FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 65 optional hours) and twenty-four respectively in the second two years. In the first year of the second cycle the classical boys get off with twenty-two hours, the Latin-modern with twenty- three, the Latin-science boys with twenty-six, and the science-modern with twenty-seven. In the first year of the haccalaureat the classicals have twenty-two hours plus two hours optional for drawing. The Latin-moderns have twenty with two hours optional for drawing and two for making up ground in Latin. The Latin-science boys have twenty-five hours, and the science-modern twenty-seven. In philosophy the hours for philosophy and mathematics with their two subsections are thirteen and a half with three optional, twenty-one with four optional, twenty-seven with two optional, twenty-eight with two optional. These hours do not look excessive, but the out-of-school work, especially in respect to the preparation for the Government schools, St. Cyr, etc., causes, according to all accounts, great overpressure. ^ The normal lesson is one hour in length. Occasionally classes of an hour and a half are allowed, if the professors and proviseurs desire it and the rector of the University approves — a rather large order. The old lessons of two hours, which were far too long, have been definitely abolished. In the preparatory classes certain lessons may be subdivided into half-hours, to wit, geography, etc. In the higher classes, again, the programme allows lessons of an hour and a half for chemistry and physics. In the boarding schools the pupils get up at 6 a.m. and sometimes at 5 a.m., which seems somewhat early, though they go to bed at 9 or even at 8. Even the French day boy gets up as a rule earlier than the English, 6.30 or 7 being the usual time. He often prepares a large part of his work before breakfast. This early rising is probably one of the causes that keep him in health. In England the school hours naturally vary, but as a ^ Note. — (1909.) This overpressure appears to be growing. — (1913.) All the four courses have now been slightly reduced, but the total reduction does not amount to an hour in each year of the course. B.E. £ 66 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION general rule one may take it that the hours of work in a day school last from 9 to 12 in the morning and 2 to 4 in the afternoon. There is generally a break of 10-15 minutes in the middle of the morning, or 5 minutes' interval at the end of each lesson. The midday interval is given up, as in France, to a substantial repast. There are generally two half-holidays a week, and in the summer term a number of free afternoons for cricket matches. With the exception of the national holidays, the French schoolboy has no such red-letter days in his calendar. School hours in England average roughly about twenty-four to twenty-six hours a week in day schools and thirty to thirty-two hours in board- ing schools, though in the latter case some of the hours are generally devoted to preparation. Boys in for special examinations have naturally longer hours. Science lessons in England are often one and a half and even two hours in length. The other lessons seldom exceed an hour in length. In some cases the lessons are only fifty, forty-five, and in some rare cases thirty minutes in length. The partisans of the shorter hours affirm that the teachers get comparatively more out of the pupils in the shorter time ; they also probably take more out of themselves. While short periods are no doubt adequate for some sub- jects, they scarcely suit all. A lesson in geography probably requires less time than one in Latin. (viii) Home Work In France there are no definite rules and regulations for settling the amount of time that pupils of different ages should devote to their home work. At the beginning of each school year there is often, however, a meeting of the professors of each class to discuss the work to be done by the pupil at home. If one professor fancies that his colleague has been in the habit of getting the part du lion of the pupil's preparation time, the matter is threshed out and a friendly understanding arrived at. This is certainly good, as far as it goes, but there must be always a danger of an agreement being arrived at at the FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 67 price of the pupil being overworked. The eight-hours day would certainly be a popular movement among the senior students in the French lycees, in which it is stated the in- and out-of-school work frequently amounts to ten and twelve hours a day owing to the large amount of home work which is set. The new programmes have rather added to than diminished the amount of work necessary for the baccalaureat. In England in a certain number of schools the question has been seriously tackled by the headmasters. Instead of considering the amount of work to be done, always a more or less hypothetical matter, reformers have rather regarded the number of hours which can be properly demanded from pupils of the various ages. When that has been decided, these hours have been split up among the various subjects which require preparation. But even here the determina- tion of the hours and the distribution of the work are not a sufficient safeguard in themselves. Much oversight is requisite to see that the system is properly worked. The average teacher is always tempted to give the ordinary boy a bigger tale of bricks than he can complete in the allotted period, and thereby the work suffers or the pupil's free time is encroached on. In fact, it is necessary not only to define the hours but to arrive at a clear understanding of what a fair hour's home work really is for the pupils of different ages. Unfor- tunately in a good many schools the schoolboy is subjected to all the evils of unrestricted competition among the staff. Cases are not unknown where the headmaster exacts his pound of flesh from the class, often a very liberal pound, and expects his staff to go and do likewise. Under the principle of " pull baker, pull devil," the strongest master gets the lion's share, and the others come off as best they can. Happily this theory of getting the last ounce out of the pupil is defeated by the natural inclination of the average boy to " knock off " when he is healthily tired, but its effect on the conscientious is distinctly detrimental and cannot be good for any of the boys concerned. A healthy boy has only so much stored-up energy to expend per diem. You 68 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION can probably get all you ought to get out of him, allowing for growth, in four, five, or six hours at the most. To spread the work over nine or ten merely means that you exhaust him and probably produce less effect. Long hours in the school do not lend themselves to greater pro- ductivity in the long run, any more than they do in the factory. What is wanted in England and France is the formation of a small class of medico-schoolmasters knowing both sides of the question and able to speak with equal authority on the medical and on the pedagogical side.^ We have already in both countries school doctors who have done a good deal for school hygiene. The study of school fatigue has been started, but we want experts who understand not only the medical but the pedagogical diffi- culties. The medical man who is not a schoolmaster can hardly realize that under the stress of present competition it is not so much how few hours' schooling the pupil should have, but how many one may safely give him without injuring his health or physique. It would certainly be a great advantage if the State could erect a few experimental schools in which among other interesting questions the problem of short hours in class and preparation could be studied by trained experts. Experimental stations have immensely benefited farming; why should they not benefit puericulture ? In capable hands the children experimented on would take little harm, and the result of successful experiment would be of the greatest value. No doubt the question of long hours, especially in boarding schools, is largely bound up with the problem of finding boys something to do, but that something need not necessarily be " head work." There ^ Note. — (1909.) A great step forward has been made in both countries in the way of interesting the medical profession, the local authorities, and the parents in school hygiene, notably by the holding of Congresses at Paris and London. The new medical inspection of the Board of Education will probably make medical inspection universal shortly in the secondary schools. In the great majority of London schools there is already not only a medical inspection of the pupils, with remedial drill in the case of girls, but regular weighing and measuring records are being compiled. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 69 are plenty of forms of manual employment to take its place either as work or recreation.^ M. le Docteur Hogg, writing in 1892, gives the following interesting comparative table of the work and play in EngHsh and French schools (see L'Hygiene scolaire dans les j^tablissements de V Enseignement secondatre de la Grande- Breiagne, p. 55) : England From 9 to 14 Hours Work • • • • 6 Play Sleep • • • • • • • « From 14 to 19 4i io| (Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays) Work .... , and 6 Play Sleep (S ummer) 3 8^- (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays) Work . . . . and 8 Play . . . . Sleep (Winter) . 6 9i France Preparatory Lycde Hours. Work (Summer) . 10 Play . 255 Sleep . 9 Work (Winter) . II Play . 3i Sleep . 9h Lycee Work (Summer) . 12 Play . ^h Sleep . 8 Work (Winter) . Hi Play . 2 Sleep . 9 mm. In most English schools the third half-holiday a week has been suppressed and added to the work. A competent authority states that the French hours have rather increased than diminished. 2 The advantages on the side of the 1 Note. — (1909.) See School, February and March, 1906, " Hand Craft and Brain Craft." The practice of earmarking every hour of the pupil's day not only undermines his self-reliance and self-initia- tive, but precludes him from any chance of acquiring personal tastes, and the power of independent work and thought. In some of our schools a beginning has been made to meet this grave defect by giving pupils in the school certain hours when they may read books out of the Ubrary under the supervision of a teacher who merely sees that quiet is maintained, and places himself at the disposal of any pupil who desires explanation on any point. 2 Note. — (1909.) Cf. M. Maurice-Faure, Rapport, p. 229 : " Les professetirs se plaignent aussi de la surcharge de certains programmes," and he compares classes in Sections C and D with twenty-six and 70 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION English boy in the shape of more sleep, longer hours of play, shorter hours of work, are still very marked. (ix) The Teaching of Subjects The teaching of subjects is obviously one which cannot be treated exhaustively. Here more than anywhere else in the report, an effort will be made to describe what to the author has appeared most typical in the two educations, but in any case the treatment must necessarily be fragmentary and incomplete. Mother Tongue In the classical and Latin sections pre-eminently, and in that of science-modern languages, though in a less degree, French is the central subject of the programme, inasmuch as the classical teaching, though not the modern language teaching, is to a large extent ancillary to the teaching of the mother tongue. The great difference between the study of classics in an English or a French school is that the English boy mainly studies the classics for their own sakes, the French boy for the assistance they give to a fuller and more complete expression and understanding of his native lan- guage. The mother tongue is often sacrificed to classics in England, in France classics no doubt are sometimes sacri- ficed to the mother tongue ; ^ but the converse is never true. French seems to be the one modern language which has not only definitely emancipated itself from a servile imita- tion of classical idioms, but also built up for itself a national style of its own, freer and less involved than Latin, from which it sprang, and therefore more in accord with the spirit of modern life. The emancipation of German prose seems yet to come. For who can believe the long-winded German twenty-seven hours a week with others in A and B with twenty-two and twenty-four. M. Steeg {Rapport, p. 39) also admits " quelqtie surmenage." 1 Note. — (1913.) The principal persons responsible for this cult of the mother tongue are RoUin, the Jesuits, and, in later times, Hatz- feldt (the master of Taine, Boissier, and other brilliant scholars at the licole Normale) and Jules Simon. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 71 sentence is the last word on the subject, even if there were not numerous signs of a change ? We in England have had, no doubt, many admirable prose writers, but we have no traditional school for the writing of prose such as has long existed in France, and probably never shall have, till prose writing comes by its own in the schools themselves. In France even small boys of five and six in the classes enfantines are encouraged to compose, though naturally their compositions are only oral. Among the three principal methods for the teaching of the mother tongue insisted on in the programme comes the direction : " Very short stories to be read aloud in class and told over again by the children." In the class above a beginning of written composition is made, and the twofold practice of oral and written com- position is thenceforth continued right up the school. The bien dire and Men ecrire are thus taught from the very outset to the close of the school career. It is curious to find persons in England who seriously dispute the use of French as a mental discipline, when the French themselves consider it in this respect equal to Latin or Greek, one might almost say superior, because being their own language it is naturally the better medium for their children. The French — pace these English critics, who have often but a superficial smattering of the language — are prob- ably right. To begin with, their language possesses the best traditions of ancient rhetoricians, handed down in an un- interrupted apostolic succession through the Schools of Lyons, Bordeaux, and Paris, or recovered by scholars at the Renaissance. It is to-day a finished product which has been worked up by generations of native Lorfginuses and Quintilians. While in England the word " composition " too often means a mere reproduction in a Latin or Greek medium of some passage taken from an English writer, a matter of hitting on the right phrase or word, of reproducing in a classical mosaic a design already given in English, it has retained in France its fuller, truer, and really classical mean- ing, of composing, of putting together, of construction. It calls into play not merely the talent of the mosaic maker, of 72 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION the reproductive workman, but of the architect, the master builder, the original designer and artist. In a word, the French writer is not a mere framer of happy phrases. His chief glory consists in his skill in building up phrases into paragraphs, and paragraphs into one single harmonious, symmetrical, architectural whole. And herein lies for us, if we are only able to grasp it, the supreme value and importance of the study of French for ourselves. As our artists go to Paris to learn technique, so our school- masters may well go to France to study composition. We do not want to create in our English schools a sort of bastard French style. There is indeed little danger of such an eventuality. We have too much of nationality, of racial mother stuff in us ever to succumb to that temptation. But we certainly may learn a good deal by studying structure under the great French masters. To judge by many of our composition manuals a vast deal more attention is still given to botching the pupil's English and correcting his punctuation than on insisting first and foremost that his essay should be a member of the vertebrate family.^ It seems impossible to insist too much on the literary excellence of the French language, when we consider what the teaching of modern languages in our higher classes should be, when our pupils have acquired a fair working knowledge of the tools of the new learning, understanding, speaking, and writing. We shall not have profited much if we surrender the shackles of the old-fashioned grammarian for the fetters of the new philology. Here again the example of the French teacher should come to our rescue and show us a more excellent way. Philology does not appear at all in the school course. In 1 Note. — (191 3.) In connection with the above remarks one may perhaps mention two books which have recently appeared on the actual teaching of French composition and literature. They are by M. J. Bezard, and are entitled La Classe de Frangais and De la Methode litteraire {Journal d'un Professeur dans une Classe de Pre- miere) — the publishers being La Libraire Vuibert, Paris. They should prove a veritable gold-mine of hints and suggestions to English teachers of composition and literature, while the copious quotations from the pupils' work reveal the high standard reached by French pupils trained on these methods. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 73 its place we find a well-graduated course in the national literature based especially on the actual study of great masterpieces which are discussed on critical and aesthetic but not on philological grounds. For foreigners, as for French students, some knowledge of philology may seem desirable, but a small manual will give all that is required for a literary appreciation by an intelligent person of the evolution of the language. Philology should come at the conclusion of our literary education in the language. ^ It is in fact, as the French hold, essentially a matter for late university or post-graduate study. Possibly under the old system which preceded the present reform the study of formal grammar was overdone. To-day the use of short grammars both in French and other lan- guages from which the exceptions are largely excluded is de rigueur in all the State schools, to the despair of many publishers and second-hand booksellers. They, however, are not the only discontented persons. The teachers in some schools are also complaining. They give as their reasons — (i) that less attention is given than formerly to the art of expression ; the cultiva- tion of V eloquence frangaise, which pushed to excess enabled a person to write well on any subject whether he was acquainted with it or not. This does not seem a great loss. (2) They complain that the new method of reading by sight has lowered the standard of orthography in the schools, because under the new system pupils are no longer obliged to spell their words. They learn to read more quickly, but the education of the eye, on which spelling depends, is neglected ; (3) less attention is given, as mentioned above, to grammar. 2 This does not apply very much to the pupils doing Latin and Greek, as, owing to the amount of classical gram- mar they do, they get sufficient drill and practice in the rules. ^ Note. — (1909.) The recent reforms of the Mediaeval and Modern Language Tripos at Cambridge, which partially came into force in 1909, are largely based on these lines. 2 Note. — (1909.) The old method of studying grammar seems doomed. Much may be expected from such new methods as that outlined by MM. Brunot and Bony [Methode de Langue frangaise, 3 vols., Armand Colin), based on historical grammar and closely correlated with composition. 74 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Moreover, during the classical lesson the mother tongue is being studied concurrently in the shape of translations, and the class itself is conducted in French. On the other hand, the grammar in the modern language lesson is cut down to a minimum, and the mother tongue is very largely excluded from the class-room. It is said by some competent judges that those studying English and German are on an average two classes below those studying Latin in the study of French, yet these boys have to be taken together.^ There seems little doubt that, with French the direct descendant of Latin, the study of the latter must be advantageous to many French boys, and many moderate reformers in language teaching are still unconvinced that the drawbacks of elementary Latin outweigh its advantages. Still it must be remembered that the parallel between English and French classical teaching is not altogether, as we shall see, complete. Where we attempt to form a learned scholar the French seek to give a literary culture. Of the teaching of the mother tongue in England one can only say that on the whole it compares most unfavourably with the teaching of the mother tongue in France. Our chief hope lies in the very great progress that has been made during the last ten or fifteen years.^ Until comparatively recently, English when taught at all was taught with all the paraphernalia of a dead language. Its grammar was studied with the same minuteness as that of Latin and Greek. Its rules, often merely descriptive and singularly imperfect at that, were set up as veritable laws of reason more infallible 1 Note. — (1909.) It would appear that the standard of French composition has certainly fallen off of recent years. This is mainly due to the decrease in the time allotted to French, three hours in place of five. M. Maurice-Faure states in his Rapport (p. 229) that the Conseil Superieur intends shortly to add another hour. — (1913.) Another hour has now been added in the 6th, 5th and 3rd year of the course, while in the 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd year of Section A the hours given to French and Latin have been combined to enable the class professor to correct any special temporary weaknesses of the class in either subject. 2 Note. — (1909.) See Report of a Conference on the Teaching of English in London Elementary Schools (Chairman, Professor Boas), published by the London County Council, 1909 ; second edition, 1912. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 75 than the enactments of the Medes and Persians. How often has one heard and still hears in the schools such instances of bastard logic as " Why is the plural of man, men ? Because it is an exception to the rule," or " Why is the participle of bring, brought ? Because it is an irregular verb," and other pseudo-ratiocinations. Then, again, authors were studied far more in the notes than in the text. One can cite even to-day " school " editions of selections from Milton more annotated even than Mayor's Juvenal. Our pupils still read too much about authors and not enough of their works. When poetry is learnt by heart it is too often gabbled. Recitations and reading aloud are far too widely neglected. Little or no literary and artistic criticism is attempted or encouraged. No doubt there is a certain type of mind which shrinks from all literary or aesthetic criticism as savouring of affectation and rant and bound to degenerate into sentimentality and slobber. Such persons often have the root of the matter in them, but apparently look on such feelings in the same Hght as their deeper religious feelings, as sacred things only to be discussed between a man and his Maker. Hence when they take a literature lesson they either regard the pupils as hopeless Philistines or treat them as Moses did the Israelites when compelled in his anger to give them water to drink. They forget that appreciation is largely a matter of imitative sympathy, as Horace has shown for all time : . . . Si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tihi. Assuredly our national hatred of affectation and pre- tension has its good side. It has kept down the breed of poeticules and poetasters, and litterateurs of the fourth water and of artists of the tenth magnitude ; but none the less we ought to be able to give our pupils a sense of the fineness of literary and artistic things without neces- sarily converting them en masse into an artistic and literary proletariat. English is, however, excellently taught in some boys' schools, and for this we have largely to thank the girls' 76 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION schools, which in the teaching of this and of other modern subjects have often proved the pioneers and promoters of new methods. The reformed system of teaching modern languages should be in the near future a valuable ally towards modernizing methods. Just as teachers formerly based their teaching of English on classical lines, so they are nearly certain to remodel their English teaching on the lines of the Neue Methode, once they realize its potentialities. They will see that what is sauce for the French goose is probably equally good sauce for the English gander, and modify their cuisine accordingly. We are already witnessing a strong movement in favour of oral and written compositions, coupled with a revolt against the tyranny of formal grammar, though not to the extent of the liking of some reformers who, like Jack Cade, would almost proscribe nouns and verbs, while at the same time an increased interest is being shown in the literary and artistic side of the language. We thus have three con- current streams of attack playing on those institutions in which the older traditions of teaching still prevail. Help, too, is promised from a quite unexpected quarter. Science teachers are insisting more and more on the need of clear and well-ordered description on the part of their pupils. Their assistance should be of the utmost value, over and above the support thus given to the proper teaching of English. It should rob the old quarrel between science and literature of half its violence when once it has been generally realized by scientists that clear exposition is an absolute necessity.^ Classics The deposition of Greek from the position it held in the old curriculum and its restriction to one of the four alterna- tive courses cannot fail to have an effect on the quantity of classical scholarships in the French schools. It is quite ^ For further discussion on the subject see The Practical Teacher, December, 1902, " Is it Possible to Improve the Teaching of EngUsh Composition ? " by Cloudesley Brereton. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 77 possible that what is left will improve in quality.^ Matthew Arnold remarked on the comparative lowness of standard in Greek,2 and it is probable that the level of attainment was much about the same before the present reform. The lycee being open to all, and the classical course being the fashion- able one for the haccalaureat, the standard was forcibly kept down by the quantity of pupils of merely average or medi- ocre abihty who persisted in taking the subject. With this Ballast, as the Germans say, distributed, in part at least, over the other courses, the standard will again have a chance of rising. In any case, classics are far from being played out in France, where even such out-and-out Socialists as M. Jaures insist on their retention as necessary for the education of a chosen few {elite). The principal aim of the teaching of classics in France is, as has been indicated above, to treat Latin and Greek rather as a means of literary and rhetorical training, especially in regard to the study and appreciation of the mother tongue, than as an instrument of mental discipline. In a word, the ideal is culture rather than exact scholarship. Or rather, where we lay stress on didicisse fideliter artes, and expect that the emollit mores will follow as a matter of course, they lay stress on the emollit mores, and expect the faithful and scrupulous scholarship will be acquired concurrently or as a finishing polish. We therefore naturally find in the schools that more attention is paid to translation into French and far less to translation into the foreign languages.^ Verse-writing has of course been long,^given up.* Composition in the English 1 Note. — (1909.) This prediction has been reaHzed. According to M. Maurice-Faure the " section classique renferme en genital les meilleurs eUves" (p. 230). 2 See M. Arnold, A French Eton, p. 367. ^ " L' explication des textes sera le principal exercice de la classe " {Plan d'£tudes et Programmes d' Enseignement dans les Lycees et Colleges de GarQons). Again, in the higher classes we find added the pupils will in addition be put on to supplementary reading which will be marked in class. ^ In the fourth and third classes versification and prosody are studied and hexameters and pentameters scanned and French trans- lations of them put back into Latin. yd> STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION sense of the word is less practised than heretofore. The method of setting compositions out of books has been well- nigh abandoned. What composition there is is based either directly or indirectly on passages taken from the classical authors the class have been reading, and includes free composition. This recourse to re-translation is interesting as an example of the methods advocated by Ascham and the earlier humanists in England. Less attention, as we have seen, is paid to grammar. In translation what is specially insisted on is the transla- tion of large portions of an author in preference to isolated fragments, extensive rather than intensive culture being the aim. The object of the teacher is to get a whole book read, and to make it as far as possible a Uving thing, a bit of hterature for the pupil. Details are not insisted on. Literal translations are strictly forbidden, but good French translations are in some cases allowed, and the tendency to permit the use of these authorized versions is said to be growing. Such practices must seem terrible to those teachers in England who would burn if they could Mr. Bohn and all his works at the stake, but at any rate it does away with the illicit use of cribs. Great stress is now laid on a literal translation the first time over, and equally great stress is laid on polishing the revised translation into good French. There seems little doubt that, with the galaxy of brilliant " men " that our public schools send up every year to the universities, not only are the number of classical scholars worthy of the name far more numerous in England, but that the general standard of attainment in Greek and possibly in Latin is distinctly on a higher level. To begin with, classics in our big schools are studied on a far larger scale. Hour for hour the EngUsh boy devotes a considerably longer time to Latin and Greek in the course of his school career than does the French boy. Much greater attention is paid with us to composition, grammar, and to the points of scholarship generally. Possibly these differences, not in numbers but in degree of attainment, tend to decrease in the university. More atten- FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 79 tion is there paid to scholarship, though the perpetual protest against the erudition allemande even in high places shows a preoccupation to preserve the distinctly literary over the, one might almost say, philological character of classical education, a character which is largely supported by the fact that even in the licence es lettres at least half the examination is taken up by the French language. With the agregation, however, which is a highly speciahzed examination open to students of any age, the elite who still continue their classical education probably make up any leeway in the matter of scholarship compared with the standard in England ; while the doctoral, which is far more often taken than the Litt.D. or D.Sc. with us, keeps the chosen few who are still studying classics hard at work at original research, when the majority of their compeers in England have given themselves up to teaching or editing school books. In all probability at the top there is little or no difference : several EngHsh scholars have assured me of their high admiration for the best French scholars of to-day. While, then, at the top there is practically no difference, and half- way up the ladder our scholars are probably ahead of pupils of the same age in France, it is a very doubtful question whether the French system with or without Greek is not a much better training for the boy of average or mediocre ability. Far too many boys leave the public schools with- out having become even respectable scholars — a competent authority like Professor Laurie puts their number at the extraordinarily high figure of 95 per cent.,^ and does not hesitate to use the stronger word " failures." Even if these boys do carry something away in the shape of greater mental elasticity owing to the classical gymnastics to which they have been subjected, it is still a very great question if for such boys the French method of attempting to give at least a tinge of culture, to educate the taste and develop the appreciation, is not a more valuable and lasting 1 S. S, Laurie, Studies in the History of Educational Opinion from the Renaissance, p. 16. See also Public Schools and Public Needs, by G. G. Coulton, for an unfavourable view of the classical attain- ments of the average boy. 8o STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION possession, and one that can be acquired by a very much larger proportion of pupils. Had Greek in England been taught on these lines, its position as a pass subject in the university entrance examinations would certainly have been stronger to-day. It has been indicated in the course of the above com- parison between classics in England and France that the supremacy of the English pupil in Latin was only a possible one, being based at the best on a more extensive scholarship. The French boy has great advantages over the English boy in the turning of his own mother tongue into Latin. He starts with a language in which every word has a distinct reproductive meaning. It may seem to us at times wordy inasmuch as it deals with compliments or commonplaces, but even in its most hollow-sounding periods each word does really stand for something. There are none of those gag-like phrases and expressions which, to take a definite instance, abound in the works of Bulwer Lytton, and which literally defy translation. Once no doubt in certain contexts they had or still have a regular meaning, but like coins they have become so worn and debased from current use that they no longer represent any definite thought value. Their only function is to stuff out the sentence, mere make-weights to give it the requisite balance. Again, there is a very great deal less of that painful recasting and rearrangement of the whole structure of the passage to be translated such as is necessary with us in order to convert our Gothic-like English into something of a classical type of architecture. No one who has not tried can realize how easily French goes back into Latin till he remembers that the words themselves take their root- meaning from the Latin, and that, while minor changes have to be made, structural alterations are comparatively rare, for the logical sequence of thought is there already. In a word, it is not surprising that the daughter's clothes with a few alterations should be a passable fit for the mother. There is, however, another point which renders com- parison somewhat difficult, not to say delicate. Composi- FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 8i tion in a dead language has its fashions, and its fashion- able models no less than any other human art. Nothing surprised my French professors in Greek more than that a writer like Thucydides, of an epoch when the literary language was still obviously in the making, should be largely taken at Cambridge as a model for the writing of Greek prose. They could not understand the comparative neglect of Isocrates. One could not help feeling they were largely in the right. What should we think of a foreigner, say some Babu professor, who set up Carlyle as a model of English prose for the pupils to imitate ? It seems clear that at bottom the personal equation of each teacher has in Latin and Greek just as in everything else a certain authority and influence. Hence, what may be the vogue at Cambridge owing to the personality of one or two leading professors need not necessarily be the vogue at Oxford. But when we come to the personal equation of the race, it seems highly probable that each country out of the same classical models should evolve something still more marked with the stamp of its own native genius, still more strongly differentiated from that of other countries. Just as there is certainly an Irish Catho- licism, a French Catholicism, and a German Catholicism, though they all firmly rest on the faith once delivered to the saints, is it not natural that there should be a French Latin, an English Latin, and a German Latin ? If literary Padua had its Patavinitas, surely literary Lutetia must have its Parisianisms, and Cambridge also its pecuUarities.^ These would, it is most likely, be more marked in the schools, and one cannot help feeling certain that the difference is sufficiently great to render a comparison between the school- boy Latin in the two countries a little difficult. 1 These impressions have lately been confirmed in a remarkable manner. A piece of Latin composition, which had received an extraordinarily high mark in one of the French universities, was shown to a brilliant English scholar who is now a professor in one of our universities. His only comment was, " That is not the Latin we write." B,E, 82 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Modern Languages The teaching of modern languages is dealt with at such length in the new programme that it seems unnecessary to add much here. Certainly the simultaneous introduction of the direct method into the French State schools through- out the whole of the country, with the exception of those in which it already existed, shows up the strong side of a centralized system of educational control. The present writer visited recently a good many classes in English and German, and was astonished at the change which had taken place during the last few years in the teaching of modern languages. The highest praise is due to the two inspecteurs- generaux who have helped to produce such a transformation in so brief a time. The professors he saw were nearly all picked men, but none the less the comparative purity of their accent and their thorough command of English was certainly remarkable. The English struck one as being on even a higher level than the German. ^ In England the direct method is certainly making great headway, but in many schools the whole modern language teaching requires reorganizing. In classics a certain amount of variety of method in the same school does not seem to . matter very much : the ground is gone over so many times. I In modern languages unity of method — at least in the earlier stages — and close co-ordination between the work of the different classes is absolutely essential to successful teaching. One imperfectly equipped master, whether at the beginning, which is certainly most fatal, or in the intermediary classes, means not only little progress, but retrogression in all matters connected with accent and idiom. This does not mean that the personality of the 1 Note. — (1909.) Subsequent criticisms apparently show that there is a certain danger under the new method of too much insistence being laid, especially in the second stage, on the acquisition of voca- bulary and fluency of speech, to the detriment of critical and literary culture. There is some talk, in fact, of rehabilitating translation by making it a subject at the baccalaureat. — (1913.) Nothing so far has been done, FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 83 teacher is to be extinguished ; it merely means that the ground must be staked out within which his personahty is to have play. It is probable that if we attain these desiderata we shall not in the majority of our schools continue the direct method in its strictness throughout the whole school course, but rather, once the pupil has got a good hold of the accent and the vocabulary, do a certain amount of translation into English, if we do not also attempt a certain amount of translation or re-translation into French.^ The splendid discipline which translation provides in teaching us to match nuances of thought in two different media does not seem to be provided by any other school exercise. In composition in one's own language one can attempt to express those nuances which occur to one, but in free composition in a foreign tongue the tendency is always to " cut " such difficulties. 2 History The teaching of history and geography ^ in the French schools is at present in a state of transition. In the bottom classes the new programme has been adopted, in the higher the old is for the most part e7t rigiienr. Taking the history first, we find that history in the classes enfantines consists of biography and anecdote. In the division preparatoire it is defined as tales and talks about great personages and the ^ These are also the Unes on which the instruction is based in the higher classes of the lycde. - Note. — (1909.) Great success has everywhere been made, espe- cially in the London schools, where the staffs, as a rule, contain specialists thoroughly capable of grappling with the new method. The second stage in modern language teaching has, however, still to be reaUzed. Vide the papers read at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association at Oxford, January, 1909, on " The Second Stage in Modern Language Teaching " {Modern Language Teaching, February and March, 1909; London, A. and C. Black). (1913). See also papers on " The Literary Stage in Modern Language Teaching," read at the annual meeting in London, January, 191 3. 3 The teaching of geography is rapidly being put on modern lines, according to the doyen of the'FacultS des Letires of Nancy, M. Auer- bach, who himself is a pupil of the great reformer Vidal Lablache. 84 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION principal facts in national history. In the elementary division the subject is treated chronologically. The course deals with summary notions of the history of France, with special stress on essential facts from the beginning down to 1610. In the second year the pupil is equally rapidly taken over the ground from 1610 to 1871. The pupils are then taken back to the outlines of ancient history of the East and to Greek and Latin history. In the next class, the 5th, the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern times are dealt with. The work of the 4th class is devoted to modern times down to the reign of Louis XVI, and the first cycle ends with the history of France and Europe down to 1889. In the second cycle the history of France and Europe from the tenth century is gone over again in greater detail. The chief points to notice are that while the historical order of development is not neglected, the pupil is first of all taken rapidly over the whole ground in order to obtain some idea of the sequence of events which act as chronological points de reperc in his mind. General notions of Eastern, Greek, and Roman history are included for all boys, the French rightly considering that all pupils should have some idea of what has been happily called the embryology of civilization. Classical boys in addition have extra courses in Greek and Roman history. The first and second cycle are mainly devoted to a recapitu- lation of the history of Europe and France. A pupil therefore who has been through the full course will have been over the ground three times. The subject is treated throughout from the point of view of movements, policies, regimes, etc., rather than from that of reigns and dynasties. The military portion has been considerably curtailed,^ and greater prominence given to political and social develop- ment. While the history of the English people presents a longer sequence of orderly growth than that of any other nation, its very length and numerous phases of development make ^ The following note, in some form or other, appears at the bottom of the programme of nearly every class : " Le professeur ne fera pas I'exposi des ^iierres, il choisira quelques exemples d'actions militaires." FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 85 the mastering of even a bird's-eye view of it une oeuvre de tongue haleine. We probably make a great mistake in studying our history too much at the outset from the point of view of reigns rather than of movements. We also probably attempt to teach far too many names. The con- centric method of teaching history has in its earlier stages a good deal to commend it. Later, no doubt, there is a great deal to be said in favour of taking up on comparatively a large scale the history of some definite period, together with some study of its original authority, but that should come after the pupil has got a fair idea of the spacious dimensions of English history. In the same way the study of European history is better kept in the background till the pupil has won a clear notion of the continuity of the history of his own country. This sense of the continuity of history is really a very precious acquisition. It does not depend on the mere learning of dates, useful as they are as milestones on the road of time, whose symbolical representation enables the pupil to picture to himself the immense distance at which he stands to-day from Caractacus, Alfred, Knut, and William the Conqueror, but rather on the feeling that they are all really and truly the spiritual forefathers of the race of to-day, whose long pedigree embraces not only these pious founders, but also all who have made their names illustrious in helping to build up the nation. When the pupil reahzes that he is the descendant of a people whose nationaUty is more than a thousand years old, he acquires a sort of conscia virtus, as Virgil finely terms it, which raises in him the resolve that he at least, in the presence of any foreign foe whose mushroom nationality dates but from yesterday, will never do aught unworthy of his ancient Hneage. The annals of race, rightly understood, are its Bible, its sacred book, wherein at times of difficulty and danger, if it practises its sortes VergitiancB, it finds on every page elements of wisdom and encouragement.^ 1 Note. — (1909-) The recent formation of an Historical Associa- tion for Schools will probably do much for the teaching of history in our schools in the near future. 86 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Geography In geography the teaching begins with the explanation of geographical terms and of the more ordinary physical features, followed up by teaching the points of the compass with the map of the class-room, school, the house, and the street, with tales of travellers to be retold by the pupil. For even in geography the pupil is encouraged to make a connected narrative. The geography of France and its colonies begins in the seventh class. Then comes general geography, including elementary notions on the effects of climate. A whole year is given to France in the first class. There are several points that geographical experts might be inclined to criticize here, especially in the order in which the geographical facts and features are presented, but they would probably agree in stating that, as in history so in geography, what we want is an orderly presentation of the subject, so that we may be certain that every child has had a proper grounding in it when he comes to any school, and has also had a complete course in it if he leaves at, say, fifteen or sixteen. How this is to be done in England is a difficult matter, but the syllabus issued by the Royal Geographical Society ^ and Mr. Mackinder's ^ masterly address at the British Association on the teaching of the subject are indications that a feeling exists in this country for arriving by common agreement at something like an orderly treatment of this difficult subject. No doubt our public examinations can and will do a great deal towards bringing about this highly desirable result. But while geography is excellently taught in some schools, it is in the majority still a Cinderella, and did it not take history as its chaperon it would not appear in some time- 1 Syllabuses of Instruction in Geography : I. In Elementary Softools ; II. In Higher Schools. (Royal Geographical Society, i Savile Row, London, W., 1903.) 2 See School World, November, 1903. For possible reforms under existing conditions see paper read by the present writer on " The Teaching of Geography in Secondary Schools " at the British Association, September, 1903, republished by The Journal of Educa- tion, December, 1903. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 87 tables at all. Nothing can be more disheartening reading than Mr. Headlam's report on the teaching of geography in second- and third-grade English schools in his paper on Literary Subjects in Some Secondary Schools for Boys, published in the Board of Education's General Reports on Higher Education, 1902 : " Geography, even in the upper forms, remains merely an ac- quaintance with the names on the map. No attempt is made to explain the general principles of physical geography on which the configuration of the countries depends, or on the historical causes of their political conditions. No attempt is made to connect the history and geography " (p. 65).^ Mathematics Professors of mathematics in France have long possessed two great advantages over their English colleagues. The first is the metric system, which reduces all questions in weights and measures to problems in simple arithmetic. Pupils in English schools probably spend over two years in mastering difficulties largely mnemonic which do not present themselves to French boys. Arithmetic in French schools is altogether a much less complicated affair. One comes across such sensible stage directions at the outset as, " Avoid the too frequent use of imaginary problems," " Define always the terms employed," " The definitions, in particular those which concern fractions, will be constantly employed in the form of concrete examples." And this brings us to the second great advantage. While we in England still maintain an arbitrary division between arith- metic and algebra, and have only just begun to banish Euclid from our schools, ^ the French have long since elimi- 1 Note. — (1909.) Great progress has been made, especially in the reform of the papers set in public examination. In some schools geography laboratories have been founded, and attempts are being made to make geography a basis for historical teaching. 2 Note. — (1909.) Thanks largely to the British Association's report on the teaching of mathematics {Discussion on the Teaching of Mathematics . . . to which is . . . added the Report of the British Association Committee, London, Macmillan, 1902), these criticisms are, to a great extent, no longer true. The party wall between the 88 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION nated the imaginary frontier between the first two and have substituted for Eudid a more simple form of geometry. The result is that the pupil's progress is far more rapid. He speedily arrives at trigonometry and easy conies, and instead of finishing up in some branch of pure mathematics which seems to him to have no relation with any practical reality whatever, he finds that his mathematics terminate in the study of a concrete subject called cosmography. In fact, speaking generally, the whole course, whether in arithmetic, algebra, or geometry, is free from a vast amount of unnecessary refinements, such as the simphfication of long complex fractions or the working out of endless G.C.M. sums in algebra. Those interested in hghtening the burden of the English boy in mathematics would do well to study the French programme, and above all the French text- books.^ Science In science in French schools the practical side is un- doubtedly the weak spot. Apparently the chemistry and physics for the classical pupils in the philosophy class are still taught on theoretical lines. The professor in his role of scientific conjurer produces or not the necessary miracles, and the pupils look on and copy down the explanations of the professor. The teacher's mode of exposition is a model of clearness, but the chorus-like part played by the pupils is clearly insufficient. In the two upper classes of the Latin-science and modern-language-science classes, two hours' practical work per week appears on the time-table. various branches has been broken down, and the teaching begins with and is based on the concrete. The idea of basing the teaching of mathematics on its historical development is gaining ground. (Vide A Study of Mathematical Education, by B. Branford ; Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1908.) ^ Note. — (1909.) According to M. Gabriel Lippmann, excellent as the mathematical teaching in French schools is, it might at the start be still more inductive and concrete. Moreover, owing to the increase in the granting of " dispenses," too many pupils have to study the higher mathematics a year too soon. The programme in Section C, according to M. Steeg, " exi^e des connaissances trop complexes et trop difficiles, etant donni I'dge des ileves." He adds, however, that modifications are taking place (p. 39). FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 89 No doubt of recent years an effort has been made to render the teaching more practical, but the Ministry find the cost of building and equipping the laboratories a very heavy expense. There is Uttle doubt that the average French professor must look with envy on the laboratories in an ordinary Enghsh school.^ The amount that has been spent on these in the last twenty years must run into hundreds of thousands. ^ It will be noticed that not only chemistry and physics but zoology, botany, and hygiene are taught to all pupils who take the full course in France. Of the other subjects taught in the schools, the drawing naturally attains a higher level. The wTiting is generally pretty legible, if not very attractive to Enghsh eyes. Sing- ing is indulged in from the loth to the 7th class. There are also object-lessons for the Uttle boys. Book-keeping, which includes not merely the keeping of accounts but general commercial knowledge, has an hour devoted to it in the 3rd and 4th classes for modem boys. The 3rd class modem boys have also a course in common law, and that seems very^ practical. In the classes of the preparatory and elementary di\dsion5 moral and civil instruction is included in the French history and geography lessons. In the fourth and third an hour a week is given to the subject. The whole question of moral teaching will be discussed when we reach the rehgious question. ^ ^ Note. — (1909.) This is no longer so much the case. Cf. M. Gautier {Progress of Secondary Education in France, p. 12) : " L'en- seignement des sciences physiques avail ite jusqu'alors un enseignement purement theotique. Dans la mesure du possible, nous en avons fait un enseignement pratique, c'est-a-dire, que nous avons amend les Sieves, par les manipulations, par I' etude pratique des appareils, a etre capables de fabriquer eux-memes ces appareils." * Compare Sir WiUiam Abney's paper, report of the seventv-third meeting of the British Association, September, 1903, pp. 865 j^. 3 Note. — (1909.) The general verdict seems to be that the new programmes, in spite of a certain amount of overwork, are a great improvement on the whole. As M. Steeg says, they are better adapted to the needs of society and the aptitudes of the pupils {Rapport, p 39). 90 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION APPENDIX TO II (ix) Being desirous of obtaining a second opinion on my impressions of French and English education, and on the points of difference be- tween the two systems, I asked my friend M. Duhamel,i Directeur du College de Normandie, to furnish me with a short statement on the subject. M. Duhamel has not only an extensive acquaintance with French education, he has also had fifteen years' experience in our big public schools. The comparison with which he has kindly furnished me is, therefore, a document of exceptional value. Une Experience pedagogique franco-anglaise, par M. J. Duhamel, Directeur du College de Normandie Un el^ve fran9ais travaille-t-il mieux et plus vite qu'un el^ve anglais du meme age ? L'un a-t-il un procede, voire meme une methode, que I'autre n'a pas ? Lequel des deux saura tirer le meilleur avantage de ses lectures, des le9ons du maltre, qu'il soit en presence d'un probleme ou d'une question litteraire ? Poser la question n'est pas la resoudre ; mais elle est assez interes- sante pour I'examiner de pr6s. Supposons deux 61^ves du meme age : i6 ou 17 ans, l'un Fran9ais, en Premiere ; I'autre Anglais dans le " VI Form." Tons deux ont une serie de compositions a faire : une version latine, un th^me latin, une composition de vers latins, une question d'histoire et enfin un sujet litteraire a traiter. Accordons- leur deux heures pour la version et deux heures pour le th^me, trois heures pour la composition d'histoire, autant pour celle de vers latins, et quatre heures pour la dissertation fran9aise appelee " essay " par le jeune Anglais. Puis, les ayant installes chacun k un bout de table sans dictionnaires, gradus, grammaires, ni livre d'aucune sorte, regardons-les travailler. La version est de Tite-Live, elle a une trentaine de lignes. Les deux eldves, fideles observateurs du conseil du maitre, ont commence par la lire. Le jeune Fran9ais s'arrete, s'appuie tantot sur un coude, tantot sur I'autre, il regarde dans le vide, semble chercher des mots, puis il commence k ecrire. Mais avec quelle lenteur ! Sont-ce les mots dont le sens lui echappe ? Ou bien, est-ce simplement le desir de presenter une traduction litterale et en meme temps litteraire qui le fait s'attarder ainsi ? La lecture va nous le dire. D'abord, la version n'est pas achevee. 1 Died in 1910. His death was a most severe loss to French education. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 91 c'est dej^ un mauvais point. Notre ecolier n'en a traduit que les trois quarts, et encore il y a des lacunes. Des mots inconnus ont ete laisses de cote, il y a aussi plusieurs contre-sens. fividemment c'est le vocabulaire qui fait defaut. Dictionnaire en main le travail aurait 6t6 vraisemblement bon, a juger des passages entiers qui ont ete compris et traduits. Car ce qui a 6te compris a ete traduit avec un soin scrupuleux du fond et de la forme, on y sent I'effort, I'idee tr6s nette de bien rendre la pensee. Les nombreuses ratures portent precisement sur la forme, on s'est attache k bien exprimer ce qui avait ete bien compris. Et au moment de mettre une appreciation ecrite en marge on dira : " Ce qui a ete compris est bien traduit, mais vous ne savez pas assez de mots, c'est la forme qui manque le moins et le fond qui manque le plus." Le jeune Anglais avait fini bien avant I'heure. II avait lu le texte, puis sans se presser, sans presque s'arreter, il I'avait traduit. Comma les paragraphes etaient mal alignes il avait recopie sa traduction avec un souci tr^s louable de I'ecriture, et alors, posant sa plume, les mains dans les poches, le dos appuye, il avait reve a ce que revent les jeunes ecoliers anglais : a la prochaine partie de football et au nombre de hits qu'il pourrait faire. Le texte a ete compris, a part quelques faux sens, mais la s'arrete le merite. On sait des mots, on est familier avec I'allure de la phrase latine, on la comprend presque a premiere vue, mais, de la forme, nul souci. Savoir ce que " ga veut dire," " to make sense," et c'est assez. Les phrases sont mal construites, la traduction est sans couleur. Tons les mots sont traduits, mais a la diable, tant bien que mal, plutot mal que bien. Et I'annotation est celle-ci : " Le texte a ete assez bien compris, mais la traduction n'est pas assez litteraire." Resumons notre impression : I'eldve anglais a un vocabulaire latin plus riche que I'ecolier frangais, il a lu et traduit des passages plus nombreux. Lire beaucoup de latin est un moyen tres efficace pour apprendre des mots, et il est en honneur en Angleterre. Mais la traduction orale est necessairement plus lache et plus decousue que la traduction ecrite, et, autant la version ecrite, d'ou nait la forme litteraire, est commune, comme procede pedagogique en France, autant elle est peu frequente en Angleterre. Si I'etude du latin pent etre consideree comme un moyen de perfectionnement de la langue maternelle elle n'est reellement productive que si, dans la traduction, on a un egal souci de la forme aussi bien dans le texte que dans la traduction. Autrement on apprendra du latin — mais non I'anglais ou le franfais. Or, vivons-nous a une epoque ou I'etude du latin pour le latin soit a encourager ? N'est-ce pas une incongruite pedagogique que d'accorder un nombre aussi considerable d'lieures a I'etude d'une 92 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION langue tr^s accapareuse de temps pour arriver a un si pauvre resultat que celui qui consiste a pouvoir emailler ses ecrits ou sa conversation de citations telles que : carpe diem, horresco ref evens, pro arts etfocis ? Avoir peine dix ans pour en arriver la ! On ne saurait trop le repeter : les humanites n'ont rien de commun avec les besoins de THumanite. Shakespeare, Humphry Davy, William Cobbett, Walter Scott, Bulwer, John Bright ne savaient pas le latin. Les traitera-t-on de barbares pour cela ? Mais, revenons a nos deux moutons. AprSs la version, le th^me et les vers latins. A la mi-temps — ^pour parler le langage du sport — le jeune Anglais avait pris son thdme latin. Latin de la decadence peut-etre (latin de chien au-dela du detroit ; latin de cuisine en de9a), mais du latin quand meme. L'ecolier fran9ais avait franchement renonce a toute tentative d^s le debut. Soucieux de sa dignite, il avait prefere remettre une copie blanche. Et pendant que son emule passant a la composition de vers latins, voyait dactyles et spondees s'aligner methodiquement au bout de sa plume, il se recitait, pour passer le temps, des vers de Musset ou de Victor Hugo. Comme le fr^re du Petit Chose d'Alphonse Daudet, il revait d'une oeuvre poetique en douze chants pour son compte personnel. . . . La composition d'histoire comportait trois heures de travail, avons- nous dit. II avait ete entendu entre le professeur anglais et le pro- fesseur fran9ais que chacun d'eux redigerait un texte de composition portant sur I'histoire de I'Europe — a I'exclusion de la France et de r Angleterre — et que les deux textes seraient tires au sort par les deux candidats. Puisque nous sommes dans la domaine de I'hypothdse nous supposerons que le texte redige par le professeur fran9ais 6chut k I'el^ve anglais, et vice versa. Tons deux furent desorientes — c'est les el^ves que je veux dire, et non les maitres ! En voici la raison : la redaction faite par le professeur anglais comportait quatorze questions, et I'el^ve fran9ais de s'ecrier : " Mais c'est quatorze compositions qu'on me donne a faire et deux jours n'y sufhraient pas ! " L'eldve anglais ne fut pas moins etonne en voyant I'unique question posee par le professeur fran9ais. fitonnement joyeux, car il y repond en dix lignes. Cependant que le " French boy " ecrit pages sur pages et d'un ceil anxieux regarde a sa montre. Pourquoi, d'un cote, une question unique avec dix lignes de reponse et, d'un autre cote, quatorze pages de r6ponse a quatorze questions. Qui a raison et qui a tort ? Quelle est la meilleure methode ? Une question unique, ou des questions tres nombreuses ? Un fait a envisager, expliquer, commenter, juger ; ou bien : une serie de faits Isolds, de dates, de noms de batailles, de traites a rapporter ? Cela est la methode fran9aise ; ceci la methode anglaise. Celle-la vaut-elle mieux que celle-ci ou inversement ? Nous repondrons que FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 93 toutes deux sont defectueuses. Savoir des faits, des dates, des noms de bataille, n'est pas savoir I'histoire ; epiloguer sur les conditions d'un traite, voire meme sur une periode enti^re, ne constitue pas davantage I'enseignement historique veritable qui doit participer et de la connaissance et de la critique des faits. Une methode fait appel k une faculte de second ordre : la memoire ; une autre au jugement, faculty maitresse, mais dont les faits sont I'aliment in- dispensable. Et quand I'une ou I'autre de ces m6thodes est devenue exclusive, I'ecolier emmagasine d'une part des faits sans lieu, ou de I'autre s'habitue, avec des donnees insuf&santes, a ergoter sur un fait isol6. C'est le ab uno disce omnes transports dans le domaine de I'histoire. Arrivons k la dissertation : car c'est dans ce travail de production que I'etat d'esprit des deux ecoliers apparaitra le mieux. Supposons que le texte de la composition est le suivant : ' ' Qu'est-ce qui constitue les qualites de I'historien ? " C'est un sujet international. Chaque ecolier est libre de choisir des examples dans I'antiquitS classique ou dans la littSrature de son pays. Inutile d'attendre quatre heures pour savoir le resultat. La superiorite de I'ecolier fran9ais s'afiQrme la d'une fa9on peremptoire, non seulement dans le fond, mais surtout dans la forme. D6s les premieres lignes on se sent en presence d'un plan. La question est posee. L'enfant n'a pas lu ni traduit Aristote, mais on lui a longuement expliqu6 et souvent repete, que, dans toute com- position, il y a un commencement, un milieu et une fin, que toute phrase doit tendre a illuminer une pensee, a expliquer, prouver ; qu'il faut savoir s'arreter a temps, conclure ; qu'enfin il y a une mani^re de dire qui constitue ce que Ton appelle la forme litteraire laquelle depend autant du choix des mots que de I'ordonnancement de la pens6e et de I'agencement de la phrase ; autant de la cohesion et de I'ordre dans les idees, que de I'expression meme de ces idees. Et il rature ce mot, change cette epith^te ; allonge ici, raccourcit plus loin, coupe cette phrase en deux, supprime les " que " et les " qui," les "mais" et les " pourquoi," cherche k eviter les circumlocutions vicieuses, la mani^re de dire de tout le monde. II fait appel a ses souvenirs : citations notees au cours d'une classe ou d'une lecture, car il a lu ses auteurs frangais, il en sait des passages par coeur et voil^ que la citation vient naturellement sous sa plume ; et il est tres fier de ressembler ainsi k Montaigne. Resultat : cinq ou six pages de prose fran^aise tr^s acceptable et meme souvent tr^s louable. L'Scolier anglais a noirci une page et demie de lieux communs. II a ecrit tout cela " d'une seule encre." II a fait un brouillon pour la forme. II n'y a rien change, ou presque 94 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION rien, en recopiant. D'ou vient cette indigence si flagrante chez r^colier anglais ? La reponse tient en deux lignes. En Angleterre, dans les etablissements d'enseignement secondaire, on n'enseigne aux eleves ni la langue ni la litterature anglaises. On esp^re qu'ils apprendront I'anglais en faisant de mauvais vers latins et de pidtres themes. C'est une erreur grave. II y a de grands garfons, dans les meilleures ecoles, publiques ou autres, qui, a dix- huit ans, sont incapables d'ecrire une lettre sans fautes d'orthographe ou de style. Ce n'est pas une exageration, c'est un fait. Faut-il s'en prendre aux el6ves ou aux maitres ? Aux maitres et aux m^thodes, — et aux exercices physiques. L' Angleterre est par excellence le pays des traditions bonnes et mauvaises. Est mauvaise la tradition qui meconnait les besoins intellectuels de la generation actuelle, qui cantonne les esprits dans la societe des morts, si grands et si illustres qu'ils soient. La litterature anglaise est riche en pontes, philosophes, historiens, "essayists"; et la langue elle-m^me, si souple et si expressive, est pour le litterateur de profession aussi bien que pour I'homme d'affaires, un instrument de puissance et d'action. Mais si elle est d6bonnaire k qui la courtise, elle est maratre k qui la dedaigne. II faudrait lire. L'6colier anglais n'en a pas le temps. La vie au grand air, le football et les longues seances de cricket sont absorbantes. Puis les magazines, les illustres, avec leurs couvertures all6chantes, leurs gravures emoustillantes, ont plus d'attrait qu'un essai de Bacon ou une stance de Byron. Byron ! Un nom qu'on ne prononce qu'en rougissant dans les ecoles meme de gargons. II faudrait que les Universites elles-memes donnassent I'exemple en renovant leur enseignement ; mais les Universit6s sont conser- vatrices et traditionnelles par essence. Quand elles bougeront, tout bougera, comme le midi chez nous. Ce ne sera pas avant long- temps. Est-ce a dire que I'instruction nationale en France, dans les etablissements d'enseignement secondaire soit mieux organisee ? Elle en a la pretention, helas ! Un ministre ordonne, d6crdte, afifiche des programmes d' etudes qui, k I'user, sont impraticables parce que surcharges. Un 616ve de Premiere pour la Section Latin-Sciences a 27 heures de classes qui supposent un minimum de 6| heures de preparation par classe. Total : 62 heures par semaine, c'est-^-dire dix heures de travail par jour et cela ^16 ans 1 ^ (x) General Teaching Methods — Marks Until recently the prevailing system consisted of an interrogation followed by an exposition orale. The interro- ^ Note. — (1013.) See note, p. 65. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 95 gation (questioning) was based on a resume which had been dictated to the pupils at the close of the preceding lesson, and prepared by the pupils at home. The exposition ovale was a lecture in which the professor broke fresh ground. Now, except in philosophy, the professor is forbidden to give a lecture or a course of lectures, even in mathematics, on account of the reduced time allotted to the lessons (one hour instead of two). Questioning and explanation are to take up the chief part of the lesson. The pupils get up at home the notes they have taken in class, as well as a passage out of the text-book dealing partly with what has been already discussed and partly with what is new. In every subject connected answers are looked for. Pupils often are put on to speak for three or four minutes. All the members of the class are supposed to be questioned, not one or two, which was the prevailing fault of the old system. To see that this is done is one of the new duties of the proviseur. And the younger generation of inspecteurs- generaux take much pains to see that this rule is not honoured in the breach. In the English secondary schools lecturing has been rarely the besetting sin of the teacher. Questioning has too often reigned supreme, questioning which often lacked order and required for its replies nothing more than a single word.^ Apparently many teachers have never made the necessary differentiation between pupils knowing the lesson and being able to reproduce it. Yet it is one thing to give a certain number of test questions to see if the pupil has learnt the lesson or looked at it ; it is quite another thing to try to see how much he has assimilated and can reproduce. One may be able by means of skilfully framed questions to extract a whole lesson from a boy in the shape of scraps and tit-bits, and yet the boy himself might be quite incapable of reproducing the lesson in something like a connected shape. When it is pointed out to our teachers what a valuable aid and adjunct to written composition this branch ^ For an exhaustive diagnosis of prevailing faults in questioning, which deals primarily with Irish schools but applies to not a few English schools, see Report of the Temporary Inspectors, 1903, Inter- mediate Education Board for Ireland, 96 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION of oral narration is, they often try to shelter themselves under the plea that it would never succeed with their pupils as English boys are a tongue-tied race. New methods of teaching modern languages are exploding this fallacy. Once we have proved to the average teacher that a boy can string together connected sentences in a foreign tongue, we shall be able to make short shrift of this time-honoured legend that the EngHsh boy cannot speak extemporarily in his own language. It is noteworthy that French teachers avail themselves but rarely of marks except in the case of written composi- tions. Opponents of the metric system will be interested to observe that in the country which produced it the usual maximum is twenty. We in England, generally speaking, have gone too far in the cult of marks. As has been already pointed out, marks are necessary, as long as an assistant's class-room is his strong room and castle, as a record of and check on his teaching. They are also undoubtedly useful for indicating a boy's progress and for classifying him with the other boys, and for the awarding of prizes. But the whole system has in some schools been so worked to death that teachers and pupils alike have fallen under its spell. The keeping and addition of marks has become an impor- tant item in overwork, more especially when the teacher has to jot down every individual mark himself. It is obviously a serious strain to have to tell off yet another set of brain centres to carry on a third function in addition to those of teaching and keeping disciphne. Pupils, again, are apt to get keen on marks, and look at the subject they are studying merely in terms of marks. From time to time some marks enthusiast of the pure mathematical mind that wants things right to five places of decimals, arises and complicates matters with a view to approximating the symbol more closely to the result for which it stands. The mark book grows, and there is soon one page to serve as a day book for recording marks, and another to serve as a ledger for entering them and adding them up. The whole system becomes an elaborate system of bank- ing in which the weekly or, monthly totals and places FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 97 furnished to the parent represent the pass-book, the teacher himself being a sort of automatic cash-register which banks and records all receipts, enters them and adds them up under different headings and issues a correct balance-sheet at stated intervals. Is there any wonder if in the end examiners and teachers forget that marks are only a means, and that an imperfect one,^ to an end, and look on the pupil as a mere mark-earning machine, much as the primary pupil was looked on as a money-earning machine before the introduction of the block-grant ? The truth is marks are good servants but bad masters. With small boys they have many advantages. Like counters, they add zest to the game for those just out of the kindergarten. They are particularly useful as indis- pensable adjuncts to the system of taking places which obtains so largely in the lower forms of English schools and is so rarely seen in foreign. Up to a certain point, then, as scaffolding to support and supplement the pupils' interest in learning, they are excellent, but we must remember they can never be woven into the framework of the building. Again, from the teacher's point of view their usefulness as a rough and ready reckoner of a pupil's progress is indis- putable, while their value for appraising composition is not to be gainsaid. Still, when we see how largely foreign teachers are able to dispense with them, we may weU ask ourselves whether there is not an abuse of marks in England. (xi) Standard of Mental Maturity and Intellectual Attainment If power to express oneself with comparative facility and clearness, to seize readily the gist of questions, and to handle with relative ease abstract and philosophical ideas, be signs 1 A friend of the writer was once proxime accessit for a scholarship. He called on the tutor of the college to learn why he had failed. " Well," said the latter, turning to the mark-sheet, " you see the man above you got 285, and you only got 284 ! " The tutor was perfectly in earnest. A mark once recorded became a chose jugee, a fact, and no one could dispute there was a difference between 284 and 285. B.E. G 98 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION of maturity of mind, the French pupil is certainly ahead of the English boy at the same age. Undoubtedly, again, his literary and aesthetic sympathies are correspondingly more developed. Some of his intellectual expertness must be set down to the fact that secondary education in France goes back still further even than secondary education in England,^ and that while the universities and the schools had also their dark age in the middle of the eighteenth century, the traditions of bien dire and Men ecrire were never lost. But a still greater part of this apparent precocity is due to the race and the milieu. The French are naturally quick and vivacious. They have a mind that leaps to conclu- sions (prime-sautier) . Happily the leap is generally correct, though if they go past the point it is often a little difficult to bring them back to it. Again, the French boy and the French girl come to physical maturity earlier than the English. One has only to compare the whiskered and bearded pupils who are not uncommon in the upper classes of the lycee with the comparatively smooth-faced English boys of the same age in order to realize the difference. The milieu, however, especially in Paris, is one of the main factors in the rapid development of the French boy, involv- ing as it does the practical absence of a real schoolboy atmosphere and the relatively cultured environment of the home in which he lives. To take the first point. School to the French day boy means little else than a labour-house, in which he has to put in a certain number of hours of work per diem. Its external attractions are very sHght. The pupil in the boarding school lives under a regime of repression. The authorities look on boyhood as an age ingrat, a difficult stage in man's development, subject to outbreaks of all kinds of evil passions, which has to be gone through and got over, say, like measles or chicken-pox, and which therefore demands 1 A friend informs me that this mental maturity as far as dealing with abstract and philosophic ideas is concerned is also a characteristic of Scottish boys. It is probably due in their case to the influences of three centuries of education, which has many points of resemblance with French. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 99 incessant vigilance. We have really here the old conception against which Rousseau flung his most daring paradox, that the human creature is fonder ement maitvais, and that the boy must be kept constantly under observation like a person who may sicken at any moment for some disease or other. No wonder then if boyhood to the average bo}^ seems more or less servitude, from which he is anxious to escape : man- hood means emancipation, and freedom to do what he pleases. All his thoughts are turned towards the future in which he promises to indemnify himself, not always wisely, ^ for the present gene from which he suffers. He knows nothing of the happy innocence of the average English public-school boy, who lives in a world very largely of his own, a world which may be filled too exclusively with games and the hero-worship of athletes, but is none the less one of the most delightful of worlds from the inside. The English boy has solved, perhaps too thoroughly, the problem of living in the present for the present. To-morrow or the next half-holiday is the ordinary limit of his future, its millennium the coming vacation. English boys will be boys, and they live the life of a boy from the preparatory school upwards. Even when they affect to be men, and their affectation is very pronounced, they remain at heart the veriest boys. While the French lyceen regards boyhood as a college uniform to be doffed at the earliest moment, the English boy puts on manhood without losing his boyhood. The whole tendency of the English school is to keep boys young, often in the best sense of the word. If there is a spot where the fountain of youth is really on tap it is at a typical English public school. Does one know of any other place where the spirits run so high, and the fun is so well kept up, yet withal is so harmless ? So intense is the interest of the school in itself, in its doings, that school ^ See E. p. c. p., p. 16 : " Boire des bocks, fumer des pipes, hunter les brasseries et les cabarets pornographiques, telle est la vie que revent les quatre-cinquiemes des ' potaches.' " See also Coubertin, L'Bduca- tion anglaise en France, the whole chapter — " Nos Lyceens." — (1913). For a remarkable change in this spirit in certain circles, see Les jeunes Gens d'aujourd'hui, by " Agathon," 100 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION " shop " not merely pervades the common room and the studies, it also penetrates and often dominates the masters' sanctums. The life of the school is so self-centred it reminds you of those vigorous but provincially minded city-re- publics in mediaeval Italy, and one cannot help feeling the need of a wider outlook and a deeper interest in the matters beyond the bounds of the school.^ But if such an atmosphere is totally lacking in French schools, the home, especially in the case of the day boy, comes to the rescue and supplies him with other interests. While the English boy is still deep in cricket and football, the French boy is taking a lively interest in literary, socio- logical, or social questions. Quite recently the present writer heard a class of small boys of 12 and 13 receiving a lesson in la morale. The teacher explained to the inspecteur- general who was present that he was rather inexperienced in the matter, a point which was not very apparent. At any rate he had some remarkably apt pupils. The lesson was on calumny and slander. I was immensely struck with the extraordinary abiHty with which the children discussed knotty points of morality, distinguished between kindred defects, and answered clearly and to the point. I doubt if a class of boys of 16 and 17 in England would have answered better. At all events they would not have been so ready or so sure in their replies. I could not help inserting in my notebook : Les Frangais naissent psychologues. Another instance. At one of the literary and social entertainments given by the pupils of the lycee I attended, to their parents and friends, a little 1 Note. — (1909.) For the limiting and, at times, disappointing results of such an education, cf. Sir Arthur Hort {Papers on Moral Education, communicated to the first Moral Instruction Congress, held at the University of London, September 25th to 29th, 1908, p. 90 ; London, D. Nutt) : " If in after-Hfe the man thus trained [i.e., on the prefect system] proves after all deficient in the sense of what is demanded of him as a citizen, the explanation is perhaps that as a public-school boy he belonged to a society whose existence and whose claims were more obvious than are those of State and Church. Still it is undeniably disappointing that the sense of corporate life once gained in a miniature society does not more often develop into patriotism and similar virtues." • J J J ■» J J J J • J J ■» J , . FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECOND ARV SCHOOtS ibi' ' ^ ' comedy by one of the pupils who was only 17 was performed with great success. Such an etude de mceurs could hardly have been written by any person under age in England, not only because of the observation it contained but also of the maturity of judgment it displayed. (xii) Rewards and Punishments There is little difference between the prize systems of the two countries, except that the good conduct prize which still figures on the list of many public schools has no counter- part in France. It is curious that the country of rosieres and prix Montyon should never have thought of prix d' encouragement to promote the breed of Gallic Sandfords and Mertons. As minor rewards for good work in the compositions, etc., the pupil receives a temoignage de satis- faction. A certain number of these good merit coupons entitle the possessor to a prize. They can also be exchanged with the consent of the censeur against committal orders to durance vile in the shape of " detention." There is, how- .ever, no forced currency in this paper money. Otherwise the clever but unruly coUegien would be directly tempted to become a chartered libertine in class. Corporal punishment has been abolished in all French schools. The scale of penalties is as follows : (i) The bad mark which is inscribed in the pupil's notebook which he takes home. (2) The public reprimand by the professor before the class. (3) The lesson done over again at home. (4) The keeping in on Thursdays (the whole holiday). (5) Temporary exclusion for three or four days. (6) Definite expulsion. In the last case action is taken by the dis- ciplinary council of the lycee. Generally, however, the parents are sent for and it is explained to them that the best thing they can do is voluntarily to withdraw their son. Boys turned out of the class-room for misbehaviour must report themselves to the surveillant-general, who puts them down for detention on the next half-holiday. Boarders are further punished by being docked of their half-hohday walk. id^ ' STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Detention generally lasts two hours. Small boys are given something to write, a Latin exercise for instance. The older boys do what they please. In addition to corporal punishment we have practically the same range of penalties in our public schools, and in some at least the impositions are unfortunately on a far more liberal scale than in the French schools. There is still a tendency to set far too long impositions, which take up a good deal too much of the boy's spare time, encourage scribbling, and even cheating in the shape of showing up less than the number of lines imposed. If long sentences make habitual criminals, long impositions certainly make habitual idlers. A boy who gets deep into his master's debt in the way of impositions speedily loses hope and confidence in himself, and becomes resigned and indifferent. From thence he passes by easy stages to the state of the hardened sinner. The master, finding his one remedy fails, lets him slide, and the boy's future as an intellectual non- valeur is largely assured. Apart from the fact that the punishment should always fit the crime, it is curious that the weak master who sets a heavy imposition for a peccadillo however slight robs him- self of the effect of cumulative punishments ; he not only plays his best card but the whole pack straight away. Many headmasters keep a keen eye on the imposition book, and thereby manage to prevent impositions from becoming either too big or too numerous. As regards corporal punish- ment, in most schools the right to administer it is confined to the headmaster. So long as the English public-school boy is what he is and his attitude towards caning is what it is, it will take a good deal to persuade the average English parent of the middle classes who has been through the mill himself that caning is wrong or that its moral effects do not considerably outweigh its moral disadvantages. In fact, the average boy, if offered a long imposition or instant liquidation by the cane, in nine cases out of ten prefers to be dealt with summarily. He recognizes he has done wrong, that amends have to be made for his wrong- doing, and knows if he submits to it with fortitude few will FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 103 think the " licking " itself disgraceful, and most will feel that his offence, however grave, has been largely purged. Therefore, as Mr. Skrine ^ aptly says, he thinks no shame of it, knowing his dignity is safe (italics are mine). Again, there is an age in the English boy, which lasts from twelve to fourteen, well known to the schoolboys as the " cheeky age," and due no doubt to physiological changes that take place at that age, changes which are still more marked in the animal world. The lion cub, skittish and harmless as a kitten, turns into a wild beast, and the playful calf becomes a dangerous bull. Happily the crisis in the case of human beings ends with the entrance into the age of reason. Doubtless, under a regime of repression this stage of development is less marked than with us. But as long as our boys are brought up as they are in a bracing, though by no means Spartan, atmo- sphere, the budding energy in the boy is sure to burst out into irrepressible, not to say irresponsible, self-assertiveness, often in spite of the boy's own endeavour to check it. C'est plus fort que lui. And the rod seems to supply the necessary recall to realities which the struggling reason of that age is not strong enough to effect. 1 See Pastor Agnorum, p. 57. III. RELATIONS BETWEEN HOME AND SCHOOL (i) Day Boys and Boarders The French boy has generally a carnet de correspondance in which he is supposed to write down every day the amount of his home work, and in which the professor, if he so desires, can enter the pupil's marks and his own observations on the pupil's behaviour. Parents are required to sign the book morning and evening, or at least once a day. Occasion- ally the pupil relieves his parents of the task, though it is more than doubtful if they have given him the requisite power of attorney. The relations between the headmaster and the families of the day boys are, as we have seen, often very slight. The relations between the family and the class teachers are still less. Very frequently the family does not know the pro- fessor. They are indifferent or do not wish to trouble him. The parents largely reserve to themselves their educational rights, only delegating to the headmaster the right of instruction. Perhaps political questions are not altogether without influence on this strange parti- tion of functions. Be that as it may, the underlying idea seems to be that the parent commits his son daily to the charge of the headmaster with the implied understanding that he must produce him at the end of the day safe and sound. This habeas corpus notion is no mere figment. As we have seen, until recently the headmaster himself, and now the State, which has under certain conditions assumed his responsibility, are required financially to guarantee the parent against any accidents which may happen to the boy on the school premises, no matter how much the boy FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 105 himself may be to blame. ^ No wonder that the average parent looks on the day school as a kind of high-class stores where the requisite kinds of knowledge are bought and sold or as a sort of intellectual restaurant a prixfixe where, at so much a term, the pupil may consume as much as he can. There is little idea of the school as a workshop in which the boy of to-day is to be fashioned and forged into the citizen of to-morrow. The fault, no doubt, in part lies with the French mothers. To begin with, they are far more often than in England the business member of the family, or at least a partner whose advice is always listened and often deferred to by the husband. They have a much greater voice in the bringing up of the children. While the French father is merely the " guv'nor," it is they who really rule the menage. They are above all the confidantes and advisers of their son in his various " escapades " and adventures, including even his love affairs. They intervene to protect him from the pater- nal anger, they act as his counsel for the defence with the indignant proviseur. The tie between mother and son is extraordinarily close and deep. But if their affection for their offspring is very great, it is seldom without a touch of egotism. They have the greatest difficulty in persuading themselves of the need of loosening the apron-string, so necessary as their boy grows up.^ Often their son is an only child, and they succumb to the very great temptation of spoiling him. For fear of possible accidents they adopt a thousand precautions which cannot fail to hamper his development as a man. They forget man- liness can only be taught by men, that education consists in the skilful and gradual relaxation of parental authority, in the slow passage from a state of nature, in which the parent's bidding is accepted without being understood, to a state of reason in which behind the bidding the child has been trained to see the reason which has dictated it. ^ See p. 24. 2 Note. — (1909.) Cf. Le Poussin (Mother's Darling), now being given at the Odeon. The whole play is an elaborate satire on the mother who will not allow her boy to grow up. io6 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION In a word, the son passes from under the patriarchal and monarchical regime to that of a republic, in which the parent only occupies a higher place in the hierarchy than himself.^ French education is stiU very largely based on authority. Thus when the young man leaves home to become a student, or enters the regiment, he suddenly finds himself emancipated, and like the newly enfran- chised slave he does not always know how to make a good use of his liberty. How can he, when he has had no preliminary lessons in self-dependence, self-control, and the sense of responsibility ? The following passage from L' Edu- cation presente of Pere Didon is very much to the point : " One of the chief obstacles to a sturdy bringing up of the young men of this country, I venture to say, is their mothers. Mothers are the bottomless reservoirs of the terrible forces of emotion. Why do they not apply them to rouse the vital energies of their sons ? Why do they concentrate them on their children, through imagining in their motherly simpli- city all the better to guard and preserve them by their tenderness ? Such divine and exuberant forces are thus neutralized and brought to naught. But if the flood- gates which hold them back were one day raised by French mothers, the country would speedily see the dawn of the day of national revenge, the dayspring of great enterprises. " Instead of everlastingly keeping watch over their children, let them inspire them with courage ; instead of tenderly smothering their sons with kisses, let them compel them to live ; instead of seeking after, while keeping them at their side, a selfish gentleness which saps their energies, let them endeavour to make them a force whose sphere of influence they will increase a hundredfold. In place of 1 The boy goes through the same gradual apprenticeship of Uberty while at school. Mr. Benson {The Schoolmaster, p. 87) demands that " as the boys get older it is important to remember that there should be an increase of respectfulness imported into the manner of a school- master and that they should be addressed as equals." He then goes on to point out that all discipline should be explained to the elder boys, who deeply value being taken into the master's confidence in such questions. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 107 separating themselves from the daughters, whom they readily send from home, let the latter be the ones that they keep, and since at any price they desire to brood like a hen o'er their offspring, let the latter be the ones that they brood over ; but for heaven's sake let them cease to treat their sons as vestal virgins." ^ The relation between the headmaster and the parents of pupils is equally formal. While socially the lower middle class are proud of their boys being at a lycee or a college, they take little or no interest in the welfare of the college at large. Someone has said that the successful headmaster or head- mistress in England is a person who either fawns or tramples on parents. The epigram, like many another, contains an element of truth, but there are plenty of headmasters who manage to steer a successful course between these two extremes. In any case, in comparison with France, the connection between the home and the school, whether day or boarding, is undoubtedly more real than across the Channel. Certainly in the day schools the intercourse between the two parties has shown a distinct tendency to grow during the last twenty years, thanks very probably to the example of the girls' schools, which, in this as in several other matters, have given a friendly lead to boys' education. The general run of headmasters in day schools are keenly ahve to the importance of interesting the parents in the proper supervision of the pupils' home work by methods similar to those which obtain in French schools. Such 1 Note. — (1913.) M. Alfred de Tarde, the brilliant polemical co- writer on education under the name of Agathon, tells me the younger generation are full of desire for adventure and action, less desirous of entering the poorly paid Government offices, and more ready to take up lucrative employment in commerce and business. This is borne out in part by the diminished number of candidates for the teaching profession. The new movement is most evident among the sons of the upper middle class. There is, in fact, a sort of national veveil of the historic French qualities, due, no doubt, in part to the immense success of the national sport, aviation, which has revealed to the French nation the dormant fund of daring and resourcefulness in the national character. The innate virtue has once more become self- conscious. io8 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION methods are all the more necessary in this country as the average English parent, though improving in this respect, is probably not so impressed with the need of home work being properly done as the French parent, who is a firm believer in the value of knowledge and keenly anxious that his child should obtain value for money. The system which has been already described,^ of making the form master directly responsible for the boys' work and conduct, naturally forges an additional link between parents and the school. Again, while French parents seem indisposed to part with any fraction of the p atria or materna potestas, English parents appear more than ever inclined to recognize the headmaster, or even in a boarding school the house master, as a foster-parent, to whose moral as well as educational control they are quite willing to commit their child, and with some parents there is a distinct tendency to assign to this scholastic godfather not only an undue share of respon- sibility but also of blame for the shortcomings of their offspring. It was no doubt such excessive delegation that prompted a headmaster of wide experience to remark, when asked what he thought of parents in general, that in his opinion the majority ought not to be parents at all. He had evidently come across a large percentage who had been tempted to shuffle off more of their parental duties upon him than the school in the most liberal spirit could venture to undertake. Naturally the danger, such as it is, is mainly confined to boarding schools. In any case the head of a big public school, or his pro- consuls the house masters, keep up an active correspondence with the parents, who not only take an interest in their boy as a pupil at the school, but also feel a certain pride and satisfaction in the school itself, which constantly betrays itself whenever they talk on the subject. They look on it, in fact, as a sort of company or corporation in which they are interested over and above the mere stake they hold in it. If they are themselves old boys, then their conversation 1 See p. 46 above. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 109 takes a more enthusiastic turn. They speak of the school as a former home, a dulce domum for which they have still the greatest and most profound affection, and of which they can never forget they are ancient alumni. The prize day or school cricket match is attended by them not merely for the sake of seeing their boy among the prize winners or in the school team, but also in order that for an hour or two they may wander through its courts and playing fields and recall the happy hours they once spent within its precincts, or meet around the well-known cricket pitch the comrades and cronies of bygone years.^ In day schools the headmaster possesses further oppor- tunities for getting into touch with the parents over and above the ordinary school relations.^ Not being constantly on the move like the French proviseur, who rarely stops long enough in a place to get to know the local people, the English headmaster and his wife not infrequently take an active part in the social and literary life of the town, and thus have many opportunities of coming into friendly contact with the parents when off duty. Anyone who knows France will readily grant that the social Ufe in England is on a far wider scale. English people entertain far more extensively, and society in this country is not cut up into watertight compartments by reHgious and political differences. In such informal meetings parents learn to know and appreciate the headmaster as a man and not merely as an official. Some few headmasters go still further and establish regular parents' meetings, at which questions of common interest are discussed.^ 1 This continuity between past and present which is largely lacking in French schools is summed up in a phrase of M. Ribot, " Nos lycees n'ont pas d'histoire." What feeling there is is represented by a sort of scholar's affection for the ancient seat of learning from which he was reared. Such scholarly patriotism is to be found among anciens Sieves of Henry IV and other lycees famous for learning. 2 Compare M. Ribot, R. E., p. 12, speaking of the schools : " Ce sont des lieux de passage 011 des hommes . . . trop souvent inconnus de la ville qu'ils habitent, remplissent momentanement des fonctions reglees par des instructions venues de Paris." 3 In this connection the Parents' National Education Union (founder Miss Mason) may be mentioned as a social agency that attempts to bring the two parties into closer touch. no STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION (ii) Hostels In the French boarding school the pupils are all herded together, whatever their numbers, in one single building. There are, it is true, a number of pensions in the big towns, often under rehgious control, which send their boarders to the lycee. Such a boarding house is Fenelon,^ in Paris, the boys of which attend Condorcet. There exists, however, no organic connection between these institutions and the lycee or college. The vast majority of colleges, as we have seen, have boarding houses ^ which the principal conducts at his own risk. But otherwise there is no system of boarders being taken by the other masters of the staff which is so common in England. Apart from official difficulties, the truth is that the fee charged in the ordinary boarding school, and especially in the religious schools, is often so low that there is Httle inducement for the ordinary professor to go in for licensed victualling on a large scale.^ In England, the hostel and the house system are the main- stay of the pubHc schools. Instead of boarders being crowded together into one huge barrack, they are split up among different hostels and houses, which generally con- sist of separate buildings containing on an average about thirty to forty boys. Both hostels and houses are in nearly all cases managed by teaching members of the staff, the difference being that the term " hostel " is generally appHed to estabhshments which are run to the pecuniary profit of the school or the headmaster, while the term " house " denotes that the establishment is conducted as a private speculation at the master's own risk. In the latter case the house is partly filled by the master 1 For more details on these pensions see Coubertin, L' Education anglaise en France, pp. 76 and 77, and for the sombre side of the life, as far as the headmaster is concerned, cf. Monsieur le Principal, by Jean ViolUs (Paris, Calmann-Levy, 1908). 2 Les colleges a la charge du principal ; see p. 13. 3 Note. — (1909.) The French parent looks so closely into the boarding fees that the raising of the pension by so small a sum as £2. a year has, according to the Rapport au Senai of M. Maurice-Faure, affected the entry in several lycees. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS iii himself, who speedily estabUshes a connection, and partly by the headmaster, who distributes the overflow from his own house among his colleagues. Being places of consider- able profit, the houses are much sought after. Vacancies are generally filled up by the headmaster by seniority from among the existing members of the staff. The greater number of assistant masters are probably celibates, not by vocation or preference but for economic reasons. Promotion to a headmastership or a house-mastership offers an opportu- nity for matrimony of which the average master gladly avails himself. The establishment itself is generally the gainer. The presence of a lady about the house makes its influence felt in many ways. It tends to remove a certain brusquerie and bluntness with which the English boy is at times re- proached, and adds a touch of home life which is not without its value. Some enthusiasts would like further to convert the boarding house into a sort of glorified family circle, and for this purpose have not hesitated to introduce under a due precaution co-education in order to supply to something like an adequate extent the home atmosphere. But there are a good many old-fashioned persons who look on the compara- tive isolation of the school from home life as by no means a defect but a necessary complement to it. They realize how in no small degree the school acts as a training for that larger life of intellectual and physical activity and of citizenship which awaits the scholar at the end of his career, and in which the qualities most required, the sense of responsibility and independence, are not always the virtues the most cultivated in the home circle.^ Boys need hardening, as steel needs tempering, though this by no means implies the employment of Spartan methods. We have developed two distinct ideas of education in ^ On the function of the school as providing a preparation and initiation into social life, compare the masterly paper by Dr. W. T. Harris read at the fortieth annual meeting of the National Educa- tional Association (United States of America) in 1901, and published in the Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the fortieth annual meeting of the Association (Winona, Minn.), " Isolation in the School : how it helps and how it hinders." Dr. Harris is, of course, speaking mainly of day schools, but his contention applies equally to boarding schools. 112 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION England, the boarding and the day school. Possibly the best type of school is that which combines the two elements. ^ (iii) The Religious Question Each lycee or college d'internes has its chaplain or chap- lains,^ Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish. Their position is satisfactory ; they are quite independent, and could be very influential, but in general they are regarded by the authori- ties with a suspicious eye. This makes them in turn afraid of appearing too zealous, and their energies therefore are mainly engrossed by their work outside the school. As far as my information goes, they do not appear to get hold of the bulk of the boys. This is probably one reason among others why the authorities have felt it necessary to introduce moral instruction into the secondary schools. It makes its appearance in all of the three divisions. In the preparatory elementary division it forms part of the lessons in French, history, and geography, and consists of short lessons or stories followed by a causerie on their contents. In a word, the teacher is expected to improve the occasion when he sees the opportunity. The subject reappears again in the last two years of the first cycle. It is laid down that the teaching should be given where possible by the French master, who thus finds himself converted into a lay director of consciences. The subjects dealt with in the fourth class consist of various kindred virtues and vices grouped under the headings of sincerity, courage, honesty, goodness, moral delicacy, and self-education of the individual. Thus, under the education of self we find the sense of moral dignity as contrasted with the conventional sense of honour, the government of self, 1 Note. — (1909.) In spite of one or two interesting experiments, we are still very far from trying co-education on a big scale, and it must be added that the more thoughtful among the leading teachers in women's education appear to be against it. 2 Note. — (1909.) Since the separation of Church and State, the existing aumoniers (chaplains) are maintained till their death or retirement. Their place is then taken by a priest nominated by the bishop. If the latter refuses to act, the children are sent to mass on Sunday. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 113 firmness of character and unselfishness, the inward authority of the conscience and the respect of rules, the man of duty. In the third class the course is composed of " readings, stories, conversations of a methodical kind suitable to render intelligible the value of the aim of mankind and of society." The headings deal with solidarity, justice and social fra- ternity, the family, the professions, the nation, the State and its laws, humanity, individual liberty, and social order. These, however, are the very dry bones of the subject. Through the kindness of M. Darlu, inspecteur-general, I was able to be present at several lessons on the subject. Mention has been made of the precociousness of the pupils, and their ability to make a psychological analysis. The teachers ^ were careful to render the instruction con- crete by appealing to the books the class had been lately reading. The inspector-general made it still more practical by bringing it down to the level of daily life, from which he cited numerous apposite examples. On one occasion he dwelt with almost national complacence on the fact that hypocrisy is not a French failing, and ehcited from the pupils that the chief French defect was on the contrary almost exactly the reverse, a weakness for bragging of and exaggerating one's vices — a point which the writers on France do not always remember, when they accept state- ments by French writers as sober and uncoloured presen- tations of the truth. The pupils had notebooks in which to enter the resume given by the teacher. The inspector-general did not hesi- tate to declare that the notebook should be specially looked after and cared for, that they, the pupils, should surround it with almost pious attentions (entourer de soins presque pieux). He seemed to regard it in fact as a kind of lay 1 Note. — (1909.) The principle of giving the instruction in the classes mentioned is now finally established, and apparently gives good results when the lesson is taken by the French teacher in the class, who not only knows the pupils better than any other, but has also a good idea of their mental attainment and can illustrate his teaching from literature, or from the life of the class. In some cases, however, the teaching, for motives of economy, is entrusted to the professor in philosophy, and in such the work is not always so successful. B.E. H 114 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION breviary. Most of the pupils in this particular class heard him gladly, though one or two showed signs of inattention. The person least impressed by the lesson seemed to be the proviseur who happened to be present. Perhaps he was still sceptical about the new departure. But whether successful or not the experiment is extremely significant of the growing sense of the need of doing some- thing for the moral and civic education of the young and of bridging the moral isolation in which teachers and taught stand to each other. It must not be thought that the introduction of la morale in these classes is a mere interlude in the school course which is subsequently dropped out. The whole subject comes up again and is studied in a far more systematic and detailed fashion when the class of philosophy is reached, which it must not be forgotten is the Erkldrungsjahr par excellence of the school course, explaining to the pupil the raison d'etre of his pre\dous studies and pro- viding him with definite principles and ideals for his future life as an intelligent being and as a citizen in a free State. Quite a third of the course is concerned with la morale proper, and the latest addition to the rubric deals with the question of alcoholism. As one who owes a great debt to his study of philosophy in France, the present writer feels it difficult to speak too highly of the benefits received from such a course, not the least important of which is the co- ordination of self. He cannot help feeling, however, that such a philosophy, invaluable as it is to the pupils for whom it is meant, should lay more stress on the supreme value of the will. Le cceiir est principe et fin, le cerveati n'est que moyen. As it is, the course has a tendency rather to pro- duce intelHgent beings than masterful men of action.^ English people will have no doubt great difficulty in understanding how morality can be taught apart from religion, though there is little doubt that much of the so- called undenominational teaching is half-way on the road to it. With us morality is either a matter of religious sanction or of unconscious tradition, or of both combined. The '^ See p. 214, "The True Inwardness of Moral Instruction in France." FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 115 school chapel supplies the former, but a good deal of the moral tone that pervades a public school is " immanent morality," indwelling in the place itself. As good air is as important as meals and climate, the makers of the English pubhc schools have realized that the school atmosphere is as important as the spiritual food provided in the shape of religious instruction given in the chapel or the class-room. As a matter of fact, the actual amount of dogma taught is often comparatively small, as a great deal of the actual reUgious teaching is given by laymen. While the large boarding schools are nearly all nominally Church of England, and as a rule under clerical headmasters, the spirit of the place is generally so hberal that many of the schools are frequented by the sons of Nonconformists and Jews ; for the latter religious facilities are provided, otherwise they take their full share in the life of the school. In fact, while the Broad Church party have greatly diminished within the Church itself owing to the tendency of the latter to split up into High Church and Evangelical, it is probably the Broad Church traditions that are still the most powerful in the public school. At all events, until recently we have never had the reUgious question seriously raised in our secondary schools. ^ The Royal Commission on Secondary Education ^ thus described the situation in 1895 : " With regard to religious instruction in schools, it has long been the steady aim of educational legislation in England to remove all just causes of offence or friction, and to secure, as far as possible, that differences of religious belief shall not unduly restrict the diffusion of educational benefits. . . . There has also been during the last half-century a marked growth of good sense and good feeling in such matters. In English secondary education ' the rehgious difficulty ' is now extremely rare. Evidence supplied by the actual working of the schools, and derived from all parts of the country, abundantly ^ Cf. Coubertin, L' Education anglaise en France (p. 114) : "La religion n'est pas une legon a apprendre, c'esi une atmosphere d respirer.^^ 2 Vol. i. pp. 74-75. ii6 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION proves this. At the same time it would be unwarrantable to affirm that there is no latent uneasiness. . . . Perhaps that very feeling is not without its value as a partial safe- guard against the danger which it apprehends." The Education Act of 1902 has, however, introduced certain limitations into the hitherto existing state of affairs, which was so hopelessly illogical in strict theory, yet has worked so admirably in practice. Already the Technical Instruction Act of 1889 has provided that no student in a rate-aided school receiving technical instruction should be obliged to attend any religious observance or teaching. This principle was under the new Act extended to pupils in all aided schools, and thus included not only a very large number of secondary schools but also the pupil teachers in day centres which are now placed under the rubric of secondary education.^ An important change which is worthy of note is the gradual decline of the monopoly of the clerical headmaster. Until recently the headship in our big public schools was only open to those who were actually in Orders or who were prepared to take them. Meanwhile the supply of teaching clergymen is growing every year less and less. It became clear by the law of averages alone that the overwhelming majority of lay masters must of necessity contain better men than the diminishing number of clerical masters could supply, even counting in those who were willing to enter the Church if appointed to a headmastership. Such a condition of things was not fair to the schools, which have a right to be as efficiently staffed as possible, let alone the grievance of the able layman whose conscientious scruples prevent him from taking Orders. The matter now appears to be slowly righting itself. Quite recently laymen have been appointed to the principalship of some of the most important public schools, with the result that the religious duties of the office have been relegated to a school chaplain, who roughly corresponds to the French aumonier. 1 Note. — (1909.) Some interesting experiments in moral instruc- tion are now being given in some of our secondary schools, in London notably in the William Ellis School (Gospel Oak), and the Northern Polytechnic Secondary School. IV. BOY LIFE (i) School Games The effort that has been made to introduce EngUsh games, most of which, strange to say, had their origin in France,^ has partially succeeded. The movement began, however, out- side the school, and the founders of the principal clubs, the Racing Club and the Stade Fran9ais, looked on athletics mainly as a means of distraction, as a pastime in the strict sense of the word.^ It was not till about 1883 that public 1 Note. — (1913.) The master of the Charterhouse after a visit to France in 1637 could not help commenting, in no complimentary spirit it is true, on the prevalence of such games as tennis in France, where he says, "It is more common than throughout the rest of Christendom ; the country is sown with tennis grounds, they are more numerous than churches." " The French," he continues, " are born with a racquet in their hand, women play, children play, workmen play." " There are," he declares, " more tennis players in France than there are drunkards in England." It was even found necessary to pass regulations with a view to restricting the vocabulary of the players. Thus one of 1592 laid down: " Gentlemen who wish to play tennis must play to recreate the body and to divert the mind without either swearing or blaspheming, under a penalty of five sols for each offence." 2 Note. — (1913.) It would appear, according to my friend M. Boutroux, that before 1870 games of all kinds were exceedingly popular in the schools. They took place in the playgrounds and were entirely run by the boys themselves, as were the games in England at a similar period. They included les barres, la balle au camp (a sort of rounders), la balle au mur (fives ?), le jeu de vise (a sort of hide-and-seek), le cheval fondu (a very rough game), le saut de moutons. Marbles were also in favour, and each season had its particular games. Accidents were not uncommon, and even loss of life was known. The games had an immense effect on school- boy honour. Any boy caught cheating was liable to undergo ordeals of Indian severity. It is noteworthy that the chief athletes were held in high honour by their peers. All this, within the State schools at least, seems to have disappeared after the war. The causes probably were the rush to work under the device " Education ii8 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION opinion, frightened by over-pressure in the schools, turned for a remedy to physical exercise as one of the best means of recreation. The idea of this disciplinary value of games as a training of character has been very slow in making its way.i The school athletic associations have had a hard struggle for existence, and in most schools only a very small per- centage of the pupils play games. Thus at one of the big lycees out of 2,000 pupils only some eighty belonged to the school association. The principal reasons of the slow progress of the movement are, first, the fear of accidents, which has already been alluded to. The school authorities are naturally but little eager to increase the extent of their responsibilities or those of the State. The second reason is the lack of playing fields. The majority of the Paris lycees and those in other cities are built in the middle of the town. Pupils are obliged to go outside for their games, a consider- able amount of time is lost in coming and going, and grounds to play on are by no means easy to find. Another reason is the indifference and even hostility of the parents ; apart from the fear of accidents, they dread the waste of time on the part of their children. The exa- minations for public posts are now so severe that they look on the time given to play as so much time lost to work. Thus a vigorous writer of a polemical tract on the subject, who prefers to guard his anonymity, says : " The chief, the unique preoccupation of the good father of a family is that his son should enter a Government school. If he is deceived in these hopes, at once he hustles him into exalteth a nation," the coming of intellectualism, the semi-democra- tization of the lycees, the screwing up of examinations, the growing popularity of the Government service, and most of all the responsi- bility of the proviseurs for accidents, which no doubt led to the total prohibition of rough games in the playground. These well-authenti- cated facts seem to have escaped the notice of French writers on the subject — another striking instance of the completeness of the break with tradition in France. 1 The greatest credit in the matter is probably due to M. Pierre Coubertin, who, in addition to his two books on the subject — L'£du- cation en Angleterre and L' Education anglaise en France — was one of the principal founders of the League for the Propagation of Physical Exercise in Education, of which Jules Simon was the president. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 119 a Government office. . . . Why should this wide-awake father make his son into a man of action, since the son is destined to the most regular, the least interrupted, the least manly of existences ? Why should this dyspeptic and apoplectic father make his son into a healthy and robust man, since he is fated in his turn to become dyspeptic and apoplectic through a sedentary Ufe ? . . . In truth, why should this father of a family say to his son, * Go and play football ; go and row ' ? Rather he will reply to this son of his the day that the latter, feeling the sources of life bubbling up within him, shall ask him for a jersey to play in or a pair of spiked shoes for running : ' Yes, certainly, these exercises have their utility, as far at least as health is concerned ; but you are already so old. " ' Reflect that you have hardly two or three years left for getting into the £cole Polytechnique or the ficole Normale. Take my advice, make use of your Thursday [whole holiday] to go over your Wednesday's lesson, and of your Sunday to prepare your work for Monday. Defer till later these English extravagances. You will have the time to take all that up when you have left the Government school and have got a berth.' Note that the father himself, who is perhaps favourable to the cause of athletics, is opposed to them on account of the programmes and examinations." ^ There is, however, still another reason for the comparative weakness of the school athletic associations. It is the drainage of their clientele by the big Paris clubs. These clubs, in their desire to swell their numbers, pursue the best players in the Association in a way which would do honour to the modern athletic impresario in England, the pro- fessional football manager. " The moment a good player reveals himself in a school team, or a promising runner appears, at once a club sends an ambassador. He is flattered, cajoled, almost forcibly introduced into the club. This disgraceful bargaining is subject to the rise and fall of the market, for a rival club makes equal efforts to carry off the future champion. The two parties bid against one another, and their bids take the shape of a place of honour in the first team, a seat on the committee, etc. 1 See £■. ^. c. ^., pp. 18 and 19. 120 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION The highest bidder wins the day. . . . Even the small fry which help to make up the number are also the subject of a lively competition. " In favour of schoolboys the entrance fee, comparatively high, is suppressed. The monthly subscription is lowered by half. . . . What pupil out of a 4th form will resist the temptation of hearing a well-known athlete call him ' my dear pal,' of finding a member of the committee amiably shaking hands with him ? And the school- boy enters the club, plays in the club team on the club ground, dresses in its pavilion, wears its colours, and regards with some dis- dain the last member of the school club going off to play on a ground half covered with trees, and putting on a pair of trousers over his flannels for lack of a dressing-room." ^ No doubt in Paris and elsewhere games have enormously increased, and their players who are stolen from the school team are not lost to athletics. But the point — and it is a very serious one — is that the good effect of games on the school life itself is lost. Yet the real discipline of games is by no means unknown in France, as may be seen from another quotation from the same writer : ^ " What we want to insist on is the function of games to teach courage, endurance, sticking together {solidarite), and loyalty, virtues that no programme of studies contains among the subjects to be taught [this, as we have seen, has been altered, but does not vitally affect the argument], and which no professor ' sells ' to his pupils along with history and Greek. What we should like to establish clearly is that games are the school for life. What is the good in actual life to be able to exhibit gilt-edged prizes as proofs of learning if one is cowardly, weak, selfish, and disloyal ? . . . The worst danger of excessive intellectualism is not so much to impoverish the individual or to paralyse one part of him in order unduly to develop another as to give a wrong bias to the heart and to rob it of its most fruitful feelings, of those which make the individual into a social being. " As for ourselves, we declare in all sincerity that of the heavy baggage of knowledge amassed at the lycee, the only knowledge of everyday practical use has been that which we acquired in our athletic society. We do not speak of the immediate results on our physique of the practice of games but of the following acquisitions. We were the founders of our society. We saw what difficulties one ^ E.p. c.p., p. II. 2 Ibid. pp. 28 and 29. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 121 has to meet in order to form an association ; how numerous, diverse, and contradictory are the interests and passions involved, with what prudence the leader must act, and, desirous of possessing our own independence, we have learnt to respect that of others. " All the lessons of our professors of history have been only able to teach us to write a good composition on self-government fit to win a prize at a general public examination ... in our school associa- tion we have practised ourselves this self-same self-government, we have tasted its delights, and we no longer desire any other. " As for comradeship, which is the true school virtue and the first germ of that great social virtue, solidarity, virtue which the day boy ignores and which the boarder practises in a tyrannical and vicious manner, one learns it better in a school association than in a league of revolt against the spying usher, the professor, and the authorities. He is a good comrade who, in a football match, when fagged out or even injured (which is really in itself an inestimable blessing) has con- tinued to play all the same in order to assure the victory of his fellows, he is a good comrade who, having sprained his foot in a cross-country race, continues his course limping in order not to place his team last." The writer of the above paragraphs appears to have under- stood so thoroughly the value of games from the English point of view that there seems little need of expatiating further on this, the strong point in English education. It is only necessary to add that while in the big public schools the cult of games is universal, in some of the schools in large towns, owing to the lack of proper facilities, the school clubs are not so strong as they might be, and the esprit de corps which is such a marked feature of the big public school is comparatively weak. Nor must it be forgotten that all virtues have their attendant vices, and it can hardly be denied that in some cases the cult of games has been pushed to such excess that prowess on the playing-fields stands far higher in the mind of the rank and file of the school than pre-eminence in the class-room.^ 1 Note. — (191 3.) On the subject of games, Dr. Mathieu, dealing, in 1911-12, with the official reports on the subject [see p. 27, note), says that the data given are often rather vague. 27 lycees have tennis grounds, 41 playing-fields (in some cases provided by the old boys), football is played in 33 schools, shooting is practised in 21. 7 lycees have bicycle societies, 11 have " country-houses " for the amusement and " aeration " of the pupils, several have parks. The regulation school walk, he regrets to note, has not yet died out. 122 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION This transvaluation of values has certainly been rendered more thorough by the appointment as masters of men for their athletic rather than for their intellectual attainments. Furthermore, their presence in enlarged numbers in the teachers' common room has undoubtedly helped to foster the indifference of the average assistant master to the scientific side of his profession. The forte of the average athletic master is athleticism, not teaching, and teaching problems therefore only too naturally bore him, especially as his real sphere is often rather in the playground than in the class-room. His own triumphs in the playing-fields are only too likely to give him a false perspective of life, and make him blind to the necessity of sterling hard work in school. Of course a good athlete who plays hard, works his boys hard, and takes a keen interest in teaching, is the heau ideal of a master, but such pent-athletes of the scholastic palcBstra are comparatively rare. But the cult of athletics among the members of the staff has not only proved an obstacle, a non-conductor to the growth of a scientific interest in the art of teaching, it has also led to a certain neglect of intellectual topics, which cannot help having its effect on the boys themselves. When masters not only with the boys but also among them- selves come down to the level of the boys' conversation, how can the boys be expected to rise to anything higher ? A river cannot mount unaided above its source. Yet some- thing urgently wants doing to raise the level of the average public-school boy's interest above mere cricket and football " shop," and to give him if possible more intellectual ideas. Mr. Benson does not mince matters when he says : " We send out from our public schools year after year many boys who hate knowledge and think books dreary, who are perfectly self- satisfied and entirely ignorant, and, what is worse, not ignorant in a wholesome and humble manner, but arrogantly and contemptuously ignorant — not merely satisfied to be so, but thinking it ridiculous and almost unmanly that a young man should be anything else ! " ^ It is clear the boys of themselves will never be able to change their ideals ; the mot d'ordre, the example, must ^ See Benson, The Schoolmaster, p. 65. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 123 come from the masters themselves, but it must be no mere " Up-service " to ideals they do not really reverence. A great deal of the talk about games in France has come to nothing, because the speakers have not really the root of the matter in them. It is true the influence of the home in England is often hardly on the side of culture. Still the master's duty as the high-priest par excellence of culture is clear. If he only has a belief in that which it is his bounden duty to teach and to practise, the necessary change will not be long in making itself felt. An intellectual revolution can hardly be so difficult to effect as a moral one. Where the elder Arnold succeeded, the followers of his son would not be likely to fail. The one thing needful is con- viction on the part of the teacher in the reality of his subject and the importance of his mission. There is no reason whatever why the cult of Hercules should exclude the worship of Minerva. The following passages ^ are a striking confirmation of the views advanced above : *' It must be frankly admitted that the intellectual standard main- tained at the English public schools is low ; and, what is more serious, I do not see any evidence that it is tending to become higher. . . . I do not think that they (the masters) care about making them (the boys) intellectual ; intellectual life is left to take care of itself. . . . It seems to me that the Athenian ideal — that of strong intellectual capacity — is left out of sight altogether. ... I believe we have condescended far too much to the boy's ideal of life. ... So far removed is the intellectual ideal from the mind of the ordinary man that it is difficult even to write of it without being misunderstood. It is understood to be a kind of mixture of priggishness and pedantry ; it is confused with learning ; it is supposed that the intellectual man is the kind of man who always wants to talk about books. . . . The aim ought not to be to turn everyone into a literary personage. Literature is only one province of the intellectual life. . . . My idea of an intellectual person is one whose mind is alive to ideas. . . . My own belief is that a good many young boys have the germ of in- tellectual life in them, but that in many cases it dies a natural death from mere inanition, . . . The question of how to alter this is a difficult one. ... I believe the only way is for the masters to be 1 Benson, The Schoolmaster, p. 55 et seq. 124 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION interested themselves. . . . Therefore I maintain that it is not an advisable thing so much as a positive duty for teachers to contrive some intellectual life for themselves, to live in the company of good books and big ideas. . . . To omit intellectual enjoyment from our programme, to pass over one of the strongest of boyish faculties, seems to me the kind of mistake that will be regarded some years hence as both pitiable and ludicrous." (ii) Gymnastics A friend, writing on the subject of gymnastics, says : *' They are in principle obligatory, and therefore unpopular. Many pupils also are exempted from attending the gym- nasium. The pupils find the exercises monotonous, with the result that punishments are not unknown. This further tends to make the subject distasteful to the pupil. It is only serious in the special class preparing for St. Cyr, etc.'* On the other hand, the championnat interscolaire has cer- tainly in some schools done a good deal to create interest in the subject. The championnat, which is held once a year, gives prizes and certificates not only for squads of pupils but also for the best work on the horizontal and parallel bars, for boxing (French and English), fencing, and la canne, which is a sort of singlestick without the basket-hilt to protect the knuckles. The present writer visited a certain number of classes on behalf of the Royal Commission on Physical Training.^ In some of them the exercises were well and smartly exe- cuted, but the dumbbells in use were often too heavy. The gymnastics generally were of the military kind. Swedish exercises for the younger pupils seem unknown, though they have already been introduced with good results into the primary schools. Of physical training on scientific lines, apart from mere " acrobatics," little has so far been done in secondary schools, except in the Gironde, where Dr. Tissie, of Bordeaux, has effected certain reforms. As far ^ See Report of the Royal Commission on Physical Training {Scot- land), vol. i. pp. 31, 32, vol. ii. pp. 397-405, reprinted in this volume, see p. 223, and the preface to M. Demeny's Les Bases scien- tifiques de l' Education physique. See also note, pp. 238-244, for subsequent developments. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 125 as one could learn, no attempt has been made so far in the State secondary schools to measure and weigh the pupils and record their growth. The question of school diet has not apparently been mooted either. Ventilation and scientific warming are attracting some attention. The cadet corps (hataillons scolaires), which came into fashion after the war of 1870, were abandoned as far back as 1890 as a hopeless failure.^ 2 In many English schools, mostly boarding, gymnasiums have been built, and gymnastics have also been rendered compulsory. A high standard is often attained, as may be seen by the achievements of the various school teams at the public schools competition at Aldershot. Drill is given in many schools, and in not a few it is also used as a method of punishment. But physical exercises without apparatus with a view to improving physique rather than to forming mere muscle or teaching certain athletic tricks are not very common in secondary schools. The movement in favour of creating cadet corps has received an enormous impetus from the Boer War. The public school cadet corps are not only represented in great numbers at the shooting com- petitions at Bisley, they also take part in actual manoeuvres at Aldershot and elsewhere. ^ See Report of the Royal Commission on Physical Training (Scot- land), vol. ii. p. 397. 2 Note. — (1909.) The new military law for two years' service has introduced, however, a most important reform. According to the law no one can become a sous-officier or officier who, on enlistment, has not already obtained the diplome de preparation militaire. These demands of the different branches necessarily vary, but the full list of subjects includes gymnastics, power to read the ordnance survey, shooting, drill, and riding. The recruit who has passed this examina- tion can become a brigadier after four months, sergeant after ten months, and officer (sub-lieutenant) after twelve months. The reform is enormously important, for two reasons. The advantages offered induce the best men to qualify for the various grades. The personnel of these grades is thus recruited after the most intelligent system. Moreover, the sons of the bourgeoisie, who as a rule detested their year of service in the ranks, are delighted under the new con- ditions -with the life which permits them rapidly to rise and even become officers before they finish their last years. If conscription ever came to England, we might possibly, with advantage, consider the adoption of a somewhat similar system. 126 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION If not overdone, the movement seems likely to be prolific in real good to .the nation, not only in improving the physique of those concerned, but also in teaching them to hold a rifle and acquire a certain amount of military training which is not likely to be entirely forgotten. The dangers of militarising the nation do not seem to be excessive, and volunteering, even to those who are against war on principle, must seem preferable to conscription, which in the opinion of our military experts is the only alternative ^ to it for bringing up our defensive forces to the proper level, A certain amount of very useful work has been done by the Anthropometric Society in obtaining measurements of pupils all over the country. In an increasing number of schools 2 a careful register and record are being kept of the pupils, who are weighed and measured at regular intervals. The question of school hours, the print of books, of light, ventilation, heating, sanitation, and school diet are more and more engaging the attention of experts.^ In all these matters we are certainly ahead of France.* (iii) Opportunities for Intellectual Self- development A great effort has been made during the last few years, largely by the professors themselves, to provide facilities for self-improvement on the part of the pupils. At present every lycee or college possesses a library which is nominally reserved for the professors, but the pupils may be authorized by the latter on their own responsibility to take out books. 1 See Sir Evelyn Wood's speech at the opening of the Gresham School, Holt (reported in Times, October ist, 1903). 2 Note. — This is now the rule in the London schools and also in other parts of England. 3 See report of Committee of the British Association on the con- dition of health essential to the carrying on of the work of instruction in schools. Presented to the Educational Science Section of the Association, September, 1903. (Reprinted in The School World, November, 1903.) * The difference seems likely to decrease. The first Congres d'Hygiene scolaire et de Pedagogic physiologique, organized by the Ligue des Medecins et des Families, was held at the Sorbonne, Novem- ber, 1903. Among other matters touched on in the presidential FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 127 In addition certain schools have estabHshed class libraries which are constantly being added to both by presentations of books and by regular contributions on the part of the pupils. They contain not only books of reference but also reading books for home use. A large number of English schools possess school libraries. Very often in a big school there is a junior section. In some of the big towns a great deal has been done to create a close connection between the primary schools ^ and the public free libraries, which have opened special departments for school children. There is no reason why the movement should not be largely extended to day pupils in secondary schools. Many schools, especially boarding schools, have a common-room in which a certain number of daily and weekly papers are taken in by the boys themselves. Very often the higher forms use their own class-rooms for the purpose. The newspaper is the daily encyclopaedia, and the future citizen of the empire should be encouraged to get a grip of current questions for himself. The popularity of the cheaper comic papers, which some- times form too large an element of the stock-in-trade of these reading-rooms, is not such a pleasant feature. Apart from their jokes, which are harmless enough, they tend to en- courage scrappiness in reading, and that particular dis- cursive butterfly type of mind which finds an interest in a column of disconnected snippets. One cannot help feeling that this mental attitude, or rather mental instability, is address were the subject of the number of hours of work per day, school hygiene in general, and the question of school colonies. Note. — (1913.) The Third International Congress on School Hygiene, which was held in Paris in 1910, marks another step forward. See also the article in Hygiene scolaire, Oct. 191 1, of Dr. Mathieu, who condemns some of the older buildings outright. The ventilation is still often defective. The lighting and heating have much improved, but the school furniture is often old-fashioned. The dormitories have been improved, and cubicles substituted in some cases. Shower-baths have been introduced everywhere, but the lavatories still leave much to be desired. ^ See Report on the Connection between the Public Library and the Public Elementary School, published in vol. 2 of Special Reports on Educational Subjects, Board of Education. Also issued as separate reprint. 128 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION due in part to the effect of examinations on the teaching of to-day. The necessity of answering a baker's dozen of questions in an hour and a half or two hours naturally leads to a taste for disjointed facts, for nothing can be studied a fond, and to a form of interest that moves by fits and starts and is never long-lived. One may probably class among the incentives to, if not among the opportunities for, self-development the number of special prizes offered for composition outside the regular course work in classics and English, both in prose and verse. These compositions, which are by definition the unaided work of the pupil, are one of the best ways of " extending " the pupil and of encouraging thorough and original work. They have not infrequently allowed a boy who has not otherwise distinguished himself in class to strike out for himself a line of his own and given him thereby the oppor- tunity without which the talent within him would never have been brought to light. It says much for the honour of the English schoolboy that these compositions are nearly always his own unaided production. The French possess a somewhat similar method of en- couraging extra study in the concours general} in which all the best scholars in the French schools throughout the country are examined in all the subjects of the programme according to their classes, and prizes and honourable 1 The examination has now been abolished. As it included a yearly examination for picked boys from the third up to the first, and the philosophy classes, it was doubtless too great a strain, but it was none the less an excellent method for selecting the boys who went on to the £cole Normale. Some critics see in its abolition a certain tendency towards levelling down things which is apparently making itself felt in some circles in France to-day. It is suggested that it would not be impossible to revive the good side of it by re-establishing it in conjunction with the two examinations for the baccalaureat, by giving prizes for the best candidates in the written work in the two parts, and putting on a few extra papers for certain subjects, now taken orally, which naturally only those who were specially strong in these papers would take in preference to the viva-voce. — (1913.) The concours general will probably be re-established shortly. The necessary funds for its re-establishment have already been voted by the Chamber of Deputies, though not by the Senate. It will, how- ever, be confined in all likelihood to four or five subjects, and be open only to boys in the top classes. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 129 mention are awarded. ^ No doubt the examination acts as a splendid, if sometimes excessive, incentive to work among the better boys, and produces surprises like the special compositions in England. But the preparation for such an examination has less of the voluntary char- acter about it, and leads rather to extra coaching than to absolutely original work and research on the part of the pupil. 2 (iv) School Societies School societies, apart from the athletic associations, scarcely exist in French schools. From time to time a lycee will organize an evening's entertainment, consisting of acting, recitations, etc., but the efforts made are sporadic. The performance over, the temporary committee dissolves, and the lycee becomes once more a conglomeration of individuals. This is sincerely to be regretted. The vast amount of talent that such an evening reveals makes one wonder why some sort of permanent society cannot be constituted more or less on the lines of Enghsh school societies. Many schools in England have a debating society in which the destinies of the empire and of humanity in general are made or unmade at fortnightly or monthly intervals during the winter. Masters not infrequently take part in it, and its effects on the whole are excellent. The youthful advo- cate of " retaliation " or the abolition of capital punishment accepts his r6le with a most becoming seriousness. In working up his case he not only learns how to consult and handle original authorities ; he also goes through the ex- cellent training of having to think out what he wants to say and put it into intelligent language. In a word he learns to speak, a thing he rarely does inside the school, where 1 The competitions include pupils of the third class. 2 For a good description of the concours geniral from a schoolboy's point of view, see Une Annee de College a Paris, by Andr6 Laurie. (Pascal Grousset.) B.£. I 130 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION verbal brevity is only held in higher honour than verbal anacoluthon. The procedure is moulded on that of the methods of Parliament, and the experience which the budding chairman of the meeting derives from his management of his school- fellows is no doubt of the highest value. In fact, the society is one of the ways of teaching self-government, and not the least valuable. The youngest members quickly understand the need of order and the necessity of allowing each side to state their opinions, however unpalatable some of them may be to the majority. If the school history of the present members of Parliament were traced, it would probably be found that a large proportion of them delivered their maiden speech in the school debating society. Here is a point our French friends might well copy, not as an aid to oratory, in which they already excel, but as a discipline towards listening to both sides of the question. Apart from the unwritten procedure which governs their debates, nearly all their societies contain a rule that all religious questions are debarred. In France it might be advisable to add " and political" to the rubric. The debating societies have not infrequently a literary section attached to them in which readings from Shake- speare and other standard authors take place, and before which the school poet and the school essayist read their earliest contributions to literature. In some instances a sort of golden book is kept, in which the most worthy of these lucubrations are inserted on the vote of the majority. In many schools theatricals take place at least once a year, in addition to the recitations which are a standing dish at every speech day. Sometimes scenes are given from Shakespeare, out of some play the pupils are studying — a feature that adds enormously to their appreciation of the play ; often it is Sheridan who is drawn upon. Here, again, the theatrically minded members of the staff lend their aid and coach the budding Roscius or act as stage- managers. Moreover, many schools have also photographic and scientific societies, which, under the leadership of the science FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 131 master or the photographic enthusiast on the staff, make excursions in the neighbourhood and photograph its scenery, or study its fauna or flora, its geological or archaeological remains. They have also their indoor meetings, and an account of their proceedings or researches appears in the school magazine, a publication which is to be found in the vast majority of secondary schools. The magazine serves not merely as a record of sports, games, matches, concerts, outings, prize givings, departures, new arrivals, and old boys' successes ; it contains as well a certain number of original contributions, together with the inevitable editorial, in which the piece de resistance, the chou and the clou, is the everlasting wail of the editor at the penury of contributions. The advent of the school " mag " is one of the excitements of term, and the first appearance of one's name in print, even if it is only for a third prize in the 100 yards under 12, is a thrilling event which has probably for the person in question but few parallels in life. Here again our French friends might copy with advantage. Their school record would certainly never suffer from any dearth of literary contributions.^ (v) School Surroundings — Social Life — Manners — Code of Honour To understand the social life of the pupil it is necessary to get a clear idea of the milieu in which as a day boy he passes the greater part of his day, or as a boarder he Uves entirely. If before the Revolution the school resembled a cloister, the alterations made by Napoleon converted it into a barrack. As Pere Didon has well said, in L' Education presente : ^ * Note. — (1909.) Certain lyc4es possess " Old Boys' Clubs." The majority do little more than have an annual dinner, but in some cases they attempt to find pupils places in the business world and elsewhere. Some of these societies have been recognized as being d'utiliU puhlique. The majority of old boys' clubs in England exist for social and athletic reasons. »Pp. 318, 319. 132 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION " Napoleon I wanted soldiers : all the schools became barracks,* all the pupils conscripts — living under the eye of overseers [sur- veillants] who had all the roughness of sergeants and corporals, and keeping step to the martial roll of the drum. [N.B. — The drum is still used in the French lyc&e for announcing the beginning and end of lessons.] . . . With the same powerful hand Napoleon at the same time organised, mobilised, and got together another army not less compact and skilfully grouped to defend public and social order : the army of functionaries. There was no longer room, not the least room, left for private initiative." ^ Other influences which followed had their effect on the schools, first what may be called the literary regime, and lately the growing claims of science ; but their influences, as Pere Didon has remarked, have rather been successively superposed than successively exclusive one of the other. The military State education for which Napoleon intended the remodelled lycee to provide has largely lost its raison d'etre. Yet no new ideals have adequately taken its place. The former soul of the institution is dead, or rather the transmigration of the modern spirit into the deserted tene- ment is yet but half accomplished. Yet so perfect is the machinery that it still continues to function as heretofore. Still the signs of a quickening spirit are not to be over- looked. The ParUamentary Commission has emphasized the fact that the proviseur must be something more than a mere fly-wheel in the administrative machine, he must also be a living and moral force in the household over which he presides, in which he must not merely be chief in financial and administrative matters, but also have some degree of influence and control, not only over his staff but over the pupils. In this way only can responsibility be fixed, unity effected, and the Germanic idea reaUzed of an institution being not a mere inanimate thing endowed with a fictitious * Cf. Demolins, A quoi tient la SupSrioritd des Anglo-Saxons, p. 7. Cf. M. le Docteur Hogg, L'Hygiine scolaire dans les J^tablissements d' Enseignement secondaire de la Grande-Bretagne, p. 19. " The small French boy ... in a college is a number. He wears a uniform, he marches in rank and silently on his way to the class-room, the study, the refectory ; all his movements, all his acts are commanded, even if their rhythm is not given by the rolling drum or the pealing bell." * Cf. Demolins, A quoi tient la Superiority des Anglo-Saxons, passim. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 133 civil personality, but a true and living organism whose component parts are living persons. Over-delimitation leads to undue simplification. To obtain a superficial symmetry one is obliged to eliminate what is really vital. The divisions between proviseur and professeur, between professeur and siirveillant are un- doubtedly an administrative convenience, but they have cut the life-strings of French education, and isolated the pupil from the most precious influences. What has kept French education alive has been the intellectual enthusiasm of the professor for his own particular subject and for culture as a whole. He has never fallen into the German failing of becoming a speciaHst pure and simple or a specialist with merely encyclopaedic attainments. In a word he has never confused culture with encyclopasdism, much less has he sacrificed it to specialism. In this he has had an admir- able influence over the elite of his pupils. But these ideals, precious as they are, which have done so much for the intellectual side of French education, can hardly be said to make for complete living. One cannot help finding them one-sided and insufficient in the light of modern thought, with its growing stress on will-culture, on self-government, on initiative and activity. As M. Duhamel points out,^ even the Commission failed to make sufficient investigation into the means most suitable for forming the characters of the pupils, in accustoming them to the ideas of responsibihty, liberty, and action. We may, therefore, conclude that these elements are still far too scantily re- presented among the moral and social influences which surround the pupil's existence. The material factors in his hfe are also unpropitious. The lycee far too often preserves the birth-marks of its military origin. An English writer in the Globe ^ describes the lycee he attended as a boy as " A large barrack-like building in the centre of the big town, sand- wiched in between a church and a tall block of houses, lying between a street the chief channel of traffic and a lane that acts as a sort of backwater for the overflow crowd from the larger thoroughfare ; such 1 See Comment elever nos Fils, p. 2. ^ June 27th, 1898. 134 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION was the position of my lycee. As I looked on that dingy mass of bricks and mortar I could not help thinking of the great English school I had left, standing up in the midst of its green playing fields. We entered. Within were two narrow courts, one for the bigger and the other for the smaller fellows, where the games flourished in a sickly fashion. Around on three sides lay the class-rooms and on the fourth the gymnasium. The whole had rather a prison-like air, and I realised I was for the moment confined to one of those scholastic casernes that Napoleon determined the lycee should be." ^ It must not be supposed that the average lycee is ill- lighted and badly ventilated. On the contrary, the more recently constructed lycees, on which the Government have lavished many millions of francs, are models in this respect.^ Still, under these conditions it is not surprising to find the life of the ordinary schoolboy, whether day or boarder, depicted in gloomy colours. The polemical writer of the tract on physical culture thus describes the situation : ^ " When the drum has beaten the lyceen enters the gate of the lycie with the same air as the soldier passes through the iron gates of the military quarters. As the soldier calls the barracks a gaol, so the lyceen calls his lycee. Thus the day boy experiences twice a day the feeling of the boarder who goes out on Sundays : that of the soldier on leave." Speaking of the boarder's life, Pere Didon dilates on " That long period of ten years, bounded on every side by a strict discipline, with its monotonous days, its ever parallel hours of work and play, regular as the hours of a clock, interspersed with rewards and punishments, that prolonged absence from the family — lessened as it is, but never sufficiently to the liking of the pupil, by the annual holidays and exeats — those courts with their iron bars and prison- 1 Matthew Arnold [A French Eton, p. 321) spoke of the " courts . . . looking to an ex-schoolboy from any of the great English schools hopelessly prison-like." ' Such as Janson-de-Sailly, Lakanal, Louis-le-Grand, etc. See Dr. Hogg, L'Hygidne scolaire dans les ^tablissements d' Enseignement secondaire de la Grande-Breiagne . In less than six years (1880-1883) the Government spent on buildings and repairs more than ^4,000,000 (110,866,665 frs. 66 centimes, to be exact). ' It is curious to note that the attempt to move the lycies out into the suburbs has not been a success so far as tested by actual results. Parents seem to prefer the proximity of the school to fresh air for their children. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 135 like walls, bereft of the poetry of silent cloisters, invaded by the gloomy sadness of barracks and gaols, that enlistment in a sort of miniature army in which one has nothing to do but obey [armee toute passive] : it is all this that fills boys with loathing. On reading these pages they will find perhaps that on almost all these points they are right, and that without doubt the future will modify from top to bottom that external organisation of school life which is so de- pressing " (pp. vi, vii). One of the most remarkable features common to English schools which is lacking in the ordinary lycee is the absence of any general reunion in the morning for prayers or for receiving the orders for the day. It is strange that the French, with their facility for realizing the possibility of the spectacular and their talent for and delight in well-ordered display/ have never discovered the profound effect that such a gathering of the classes has on the mind of the small boy on seeing all at once the great army of which he, though he be but the youngest conscript, is nevertheless a member. Nothing helps better to impress upon him the sense of esprit de corps than his daily parade. He sees the head boys of the school, the prefects, armed with an authority and prestige that makes them appear to him as heroes and demi-gods ; their almost, to him, super- human size appals him, till he realizes that his place will be one day where they are standing now. He hears read out the names of those who have brought honour and lustre to the school, and his heart swells at the thought that perhaps he too one day will be cited in the order of the day as having deserved well of the community, and the thought itself becomes the father of the wish that in due time brings about its accomplishment. These are sentiments that never come to the average French day boy. He never sees the whole school together except at prize-givings. Day by day he goes straight from his home into his class-room, unless perhaps he spends some five minutes in the playground en route. 1 Note. — (1909.^ " II est vrai que chez nous les sentiments nationaux prennent facilement la forme d'une m,anifestation, d'une representation, car il y adu thedtral en nous." — " Les Cahiers de Felix Pecaut," Revue pedagogique, November, 1908. 136 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION He gets to know his twenty or thirty class-mates more or less, he forms a few acquaintances with other boys in the playground, in the interval or before school. But he does not even know the vast bulk of the school by sight, and scarcely half a dozen of his acquaintances ripen to friend- ship. Only if he joins the small group who form the association scolaire does he become initiated into the larger freemasonry of perfect comradeship. " This camaraderie," ^ says the anonymous writer quoted above, " is strong and lasting. In our case, and the fact possesses in itself docu- mentary value, of all the young fellows we have known at the lycee, the comrades whom we still have are all without exception members of our school association." The same author adds : "Of our school career we retain many sorrowful recollections, and a single pleasant one over which our mind sometimes lingers, our school association. As for the image of the lycee, as it plunges deeper into the mists of the past, it assumes a more gloomy and depressing aspect. Never have we returned to look once more on that building which, inasmuch as we were confined in it, remains always in our eyes a prison [boUe]." M. Duhamel also writes : " How few French pupils leave school with the con- viction of having spent happy days there ! " ^ One cannot help feeling that some of these criticisms are slightly overdrawn. The truth is the French are not averse to the habit of dire du mal de soi-meme. Again, the French- man, while inclined to make light of his difficulties while they last, takes his revenge afterwards in the pictures he draws, or rather overdraws, of them. Moreover, the writers quoted above are all reformers, and one of the first rules for attracting attention is to crier haul. Judging by my youthful comrades at the lycee, if they did not regard it as a Paradiso they scarcely found it such a Purgatorio as these writers would have us believe. Those who wish to see a more roseate view of French school life should read Une Annee de College d Paris, which gives an excellent notion of the interior of a French school, a little 1 E.p. c. p. See p. 30. ' Comment elever nos Fils, p. 277. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 137 idealized perhaps in some directions, but certainly no more exaggerated than the extracts quoted above. As one who has seen a good many specimens of the French boy at close quarters and has lived on intimate terms with him and his family, I am surprised at the wonderful possi- bilities in his character, and incline to attribute the majority of his faults to the defects in his bringing up. No one can fail to be struck with the quickness and sureness of his intelligence. He is naturally poUte,^ obliging in the small things of life, affable, and cheerful. He possesses to the full that appreciation of life which is the mark of his race. For him the question is not whether life is worth living, much less whether it is a bore, but how he can best get most out of it in the way of pleasure and amusement. As art to the Greeks was not synonymous with mere monetary outlay, so the French boy does not confound pleasure and expense. He is therefore generally in good spirits, and if he is rather fond of la blague, a curious ad- mixture of conceited exaggeration and intentional hum- bugging, are our boys always devoid of swagger or of trying to " green " a. " new chum " ? Again, is not this inflated manner of talking when applied to the authorities a way of taking his revenge on the despotic regime under which he fancies he groans and which he thus hopes to temper with his epigrams ? That he is a frondeur at times cannot be denied, but here again it is no doubt because he feels that such an attitude is the only one by which he can maintain his independence in the presence of an authority more intent on imposing itself than on getting itself accepted (sentie plutot que consentie). If he is rather lacking in endurance,^ can one blame him, 1 Matthew Arnold, A French Eton, pp. 358-359: "I had been struck with the good manners and the natural poHteness they showed, quite down to the little boys, when tried by the unusual incident of a stranger and a foreigner in the schoolroom : I am sure in England there would have been much less rising and bowing and much more staring and giggling." 2 I remember a very remarkable case. A certain young fellow of about eighteen had taken up running. Being a novice, he was often allowed the longest start. Once he was passed by an opponent he had the greatest difficulty in not giving up. One day I well re- 138 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION when one sees how everything conspires to keep him de- pendent on his parents ? Our boys of sixteen and seventeen have often a regular allowance on which they are expected to clothe themselves and defray their out-of-pocket ex- penses. Occasionally deficits occur which result in enforced contributions from the parents, but the system of making a boy manage his own income and balance his own budget works on the whole very well. The French boy, as far as one can learn, has no such financial liberty while at school. As regards the code of honour which prevails amongst French schools, the present writer has been fortunate enough to receive a statement (see Appendix, p. 143 below) from a friend who has had experience of schools both as a pupil and a teacher. The document has also been seen by another friend of still wider experience, who finds nothing in it to add to or modify. To describe the life of the English boy at school is often — at least as far as the boarder is concerned — to describe the happiest years of his whole life. It begins in his pre- paratory school, in which life is made too easy, if anything, for him. It continues on through the public school which he enters at the age of thirteen or fourteen. But probably the best period of all comes with the years from sixteen to eighteen or nineteen, when he begins to be someone in the school, is made a house or school monitor, gets into the sixth form, and plays for the school at cricket or football. The present is so bright and so absorbing that he scarcely thinks of the future at all. If he is conscious of it at all in his mind it is only as of a vague and not unpleasing contingency. Every year sees him clothed with wider authority and prestige. The healthy open-air life, the pleasurable sen- sation of growth, even if they rarely rise above the level of subconsciousness, form a solid foundation to the joys of his existence. His milieu is in sympathy with him, and he with his milieu. If life means not merely a preparation member he had promised his trainer he would not give in to the habit. He did, however, and on returning to the pavihon exclaimed, almost in tears, " C est plus fort que moi." The trainer, who had a very wide experience, informed me it was by no means an isolated case. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 139 for each successive stage but also the living out of each stage as if it were an end in itself, then as regards the second ideal the English educator may be held to have come nearer the mark than any other modern educator. Boyhood is certainly not sacrificed. The severest critics of the system can only say that it is unduly prolonged, and that while we make in many ways the transition to manhood easier than elsewhere, we neglect the intellectual side too much and defer till too late the idea that a choice of career is imperative on all ; we do not sufficiently insist that a career should not merely be a sort of pis aller, a kind of refuge for the destitute, a corvee imposed on us by the stern necessity of having to earn our daily bread, but a calling, a vocation, a life-work in the highest sense. Gray no doubt was right in the main when, watching the boys at their games, he wrote, " Where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise," but there is a point at which ignorance unduly pro- longed leads to a rude awakening. The portals of every profession are getting every day more crowded, and entrance and subsequent success depend more and more on early preparation, not speciaHzation, but self-preparation, self -dedication, if the word is not too strong, to the career one intends to follow. The day of the amateur in all professions is slowly passing away, and it is more and more being realized by the thoughtful that educa- tion, in order to prevent the multiplication of non-valeurs and waste-products, must more and more undertake the task of organizing the selection, not so much by constructing an elaborate system of examinations, sieves for sifting out the unfit, as by adding to its duties that of impressing on the young the need of choosing a profession and taking, if possible, an interest in it while still at school.^ With all the insistence which our education lays on the cult of activity and the cultivation of the will, it seems ^ Cf. for the same idea M. Hanotaux, Du Choix d'une Carriere, p. ii : " Pas de forces perdues, telle doit etre la pensee constante d'une sociSte et d'un gouvernement." The writer in question is so anxious that boys should take up a career, he would clear the majority of them out of the schools at fifteen. Cf. also p. 43, " The Professor's Duty in the Matter." — (1909.) Cf. School I'FaWc?, September, 1908. 140 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION somehow to have forgotten that these pure sciences need also to be taught in an applied fashion to be really fruitful. We turn out hundreds, blest with good intentions and strong in potential energy, but we neglect to teach the application of these qualities to the tests of daily life. Vis consili expers mole ruit sua. The State receives batch after batch of well- affected citizens who have, however, been but ill trained in one of the most important branches of citizenship, that of adding to its general productivity by being an efficient worker. We have to add to the catalogue of virtues taught in school the virtue of the producer. ^ No doubt the day boy who passes his time half at home and half at school lives in a more varied atmosphere, but none the less there is scarcely a secondary school in the country to which the influence of the public school tradition does not extend. If it was not in the school originally, it has been brought there by the members of the staff, who, being old public-school boys, have acted like missionaries in sowing the good seed through the length and breadth of the land. What is the tradition ? A resume of the works of Thomas Arnold and Edward Thring, and of their numerous disciples, with readings in Tom Brown, would alone give an adequate idea of its many-sided variety.^ But if one desired to sum up the dominant character of its spirit, apart from the religious basis on which its founders ^ Note. — (1909.) The question of vocational education is rapidly becoming one of the most burning questions of the day, especially in respect to the after-careers of the scholars in trade and industry. Cf. Continuation Schools in England and Elsewhere, edited by M. E. Sadler (Manchester : The University Press) . In London steps are being taken not only in the so-called higher elementary schools, but also outside, through the formation of joint committees of employers and trade unions in the different trades, in order to organize better the selection of future careers and callings among the pupils. This movement cannot fail to have, in the long run, the most profound effect on the curriculum and destiny of the so-called lower secondary schools. — (191 3.) The subject formed one of the principal topics for discussion at the educational section of the British Association of this year. 2 Reference should also be made to the works of Henry Newbolt, the Poet Laureate of the public schools, especially his two poems entitled " Clifton Chapel " and " Vita'i Lampada,'" with its refrain of " Play up, play up, and play the game," FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 141 placed it, one must, strangely enough, have recourse to our French neighbours, who, in this as in so many other matters, have done its thinking for Europe. To them we owe the coinage of the two phrases noblesse oblige and esprit de corps. The former, Norman and aristocratic in origin, is an epitome of all the virtues that formed the stock-in- trade of the ancient school of chivalry and mediaeval knight- hood ; the latter, more in sympathy with the Anglo-Saxon spirit, embodies the old civic idea of a Uving corporation and the modern conception of organic oneness. In these two phrases all moral and civic instruction seems to be comprised, the one laying stress on the obligation of the individual to himself and other individuals, the other on his duties to his fellow-citizens and to the State. No doubt to Thring and Arnold the idea of school was not merely that of a republic of free aristocrats, but also of a veritable civitas Dei. Just as the mediaeval doctors wove into the fabric of their religious belief many of the doctrines they found in those pre-Christian doctors of the Church, Aristotle and Plato, so the leaders of the educational renaissance of the nineteenth century found much of their inspiration in the classical and knightly traditions of the past in their desire to give an education not only of a Christian but of a gentleman, to make their schools in the widest sense schools of manners. In studying the manners of the English public-school boy a foreigner would probably be struck by his frankness, independence, absence of swagger or affectation, and easy assurance, consisting of a large dose of self-satisfaction, probably well grounded and tinged with a cheerful disregard of or indifference to the opinions of strangers, not unmixed with contempt when they were not of the same way of thinking as himself. On the other hand, he would note a curious readiness to swear by everything enunciated by those who were the bell-wethers of public opinion within the school itself, and would realize that the Englishman's preference for men rather than measures goes down deep into the national character. A closer acquaintance would probably show that he had 142 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION a regard for truth, and a keen sense of honour, that he could keep his temper, that he had pluck and endurance, and did not boast about what he had done, if he did not rather ape humility in pretending to know nothing about it ; that he was loyal, honest and trustworthy. His extremely limited vocabulary of English undefiled would astonish our foreign friend, who would be further bewildered by his flow of slang, nor would the amazement of the critic diminish on learning that this very slang was regarded as part and parcel of the school life, and any attempt of the authorities to put it down would involve a language question to which even Bohemia could offer no parallel. In fact, our critic would speedily discover that the English boy is intensely and violently conservative, that procedure is his principal guide in life, and precedent its chief illumina- tion, that Mrs. Grundy's reign in the social world is nothing to the cast-iron regime which rules within the precincts of Harchester, that innovation can only come when Brown Primus, the head of the school, or Jones Major, the captain of the eleven, decides to innovate, and neither, they all know, will ever innovate rashly. Our critic will also prob- ably wonder at the narrow sphere of interests in which the pupil Uves, and while approving of the zest he gets out of life, and the excellent terms on which he generally lives with those in authority, he will rate less highly his general ignorance of literature and art, and pity his contemptuous attitude towards them. More remarkable still will seem to our critic his absorbing interest in games, so much so that the former may perhaps ironically ask whether the schools themselves are not really gymnasiums in the literal sense of the word, whose aim is to produce a race of professional athletes, boating men, and " sportsmen " generally. He would be surprised to learn that while in France the majority of young Frenchmen dream from their earliest years of obtaining a snug berth under the Government for the rest of their natural lives, the English boy is often so light-hearted that he has not seriously considered the future at all, but trusts to luck '' for some- thing to turn up." FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 143 Our critic will probably look with disapproval on the orgies that sometimes take place in the school tuck-shop, and be not unamused to learn on remembering the " butter " towers of his own cathedrals, for which mediaeval indul- gences had furnished the necessary funds, that modern gluttony had been utilized towards meeting the cost of substantial additions to the fives-courts and other athletic desiderata of the school. In religion our critic would discover that the pupil as a rule belonged to the Church of England as by law esta- blished, and that the numerous problems which engaged the mind of the philosophical youth of eighteen abroad rarely troubled the head of one whose piety, Hke that of his race, was mainly of a practical nature. He would find that in some schools the vices secrets were by no means unknown, and that conspiracies of silence made them difficult to discover. He would also learn on talking over the matter quietly with the headmaster that matters were probably better than they were twenty years ago,^ and that the mot d'ordre of those in authority was : " Pensons-y toujour s, n'en parlons jamais." . APPENDIX TO IV (v) L'HONNEUR CHEZ LE Lyc£eN FRAN^AIS II y a lieu, ce me semble, d'etablir une division tr^s nette entre les deux genres externe et interne. Reunis en classe, quatre ou cinq heures chaque jour, ils sont ensuite separes et ne peuvent communi- quer entre eux. Les influences qu'ils subissent sont fort differentes et leurs origines ne sont point identiques. L'externe vit dans sa famille. II en epouse generalement les id6es, et le niveau de sa moralite variera suivant le ton plus ou moins elev6, les sentiments et la mentalite de ses parents. II n'est en contact avec ses camarades que pendant des heures brdves chaque jour : en classe, il est soumis k Taction morale du professeur, action trop courte, trop intermittente et pas assez intime pour avoir grand effet, (en mettant ^ Cf. Benson, The Schoolmaster, 149-160, and Skrine, Pastor Ag- norum, pp. 198-201, where the whole question is discussed in a practical manner. 144 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION k part, bien entendu, des exceptions rares, mais remarquables) . II cause avec ses amis pendant quelques minutes a peine avant la classe ; il accompagne un condisciple avant de rentrer chez lui, et c'est tout. La formation mentale de I'externe est done, en somme, isolee ou fragmentaire. Le t5rpe externe n'est pas uniforme. L'el^ve externe est cependant assez sensible au bon renom de son lycee, surtout a Paris oii il existe plusieurs lycees qui se disputent les prix du Concours G6neral. Dans les villes de province oii le lyc6e est unique et I'emporte beaucoup sur les etablissements libres, ce sentiment est naturellement trds faible. L'esprit de camaraderie est, chez I'externe, pen developpe en raison meme de sa vie isol6e. Le jeune externe est g^neralement trop choye dans sa famille : ses qualit6s viriles sont, par suite, tr^s peu marquees, sauf chez celui qui pratique les exercices physiques. Ce dernier type tend k se r6pandre : les associations scolaires sportives augmentent en nombre et en importance. Chez les bons 616ves, il y a une rivaht6 ardente pour les places de composition et les prix de fin d'annee. Parfois, ce d6sir tr^s vif de triompher dans les compositions pousse 1' enfant ou le jeune homme k user de moyens illicites, a copier sa composition. Cette faute parait plus frequente chez I'externe que chez I'interne. Le code d'honneur qui la r6prouve avec energie est moins respecte par les eldves qui ne vivent pas en commun. L'externe, plus effemine, se bat rarement avec un camarade. Les combats, en general, ne sont pas regies, ont lieu sans preparation, sans seconds. Les eldves externes ont presque tou jours de meilleures mani^res que les internes : leur contact journalier avec leurs m^res, leurs sceurs, explique ce fait. Chez les grands, les tentations des grandes villes amdnent d'assez bonne heure un relachement dans leurs moeurs. Le jeu aux courses est une des plaies qui sevit avec le plus d'intensite. Chez I'interne se retrouvent les qualites et les defauts inherents a tous les hommes qui vivent en coUectivites exclusivement masculines. II y a beaucoup d'analogie entre le pensionnaire au lycee et le soldat k la caserne. Tous deux ont la meme franchise un peu brutale, la meme gaite exub6rante et un peu grossi^re. L'esprit de camara- derie, par I'eflfet ce cette vie en commun, est plus intense parmi les internes que parmi leurs camarades externes. La d^nonciation d'un camarade est consid6ree par eux comme une faute particuli^rement grave et punie avec severity par des brimades diverses, surtout par la " Quarantaine." Dans les lyc6es fran9ais aucune intimity n'existe entre les maitres d'6tudes, le censeur et le proviseur d'une part, et la masse des 616ves d'autre part. Le role des 6ducateurs semblant etre r^duit a I'appli- cation des r^glements disciplinaires, il rSgne une sorte d'6tat de FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 145 guerre latent entre radministration et les 616ves. Dans cette lutte, les 616 ves internes sont tou jours 6troitement unis, et ils aiment mieux 6tre tous punis que de laisser chatier le camarade coupable d'une faute commise dans I'interet (bien ou mal entendu) de tous. Dans certains cas, ils forcent un coupable a se ddnoncer lui-meme, mais ils ne le d6noncent pas. II existe done chez eux un veritable code d'honneur dont les lois de la camaraderie sont la base. Dans les associations telles que la " taupe," (candidats a Poly technique), la " Corniche " (candidats a St. Cyr), ces lois de la camaraderie sont observees avec plus de rigueur encore. Un defaut assez repandu chez les internes est la tournure d'esprit que Ton appelle la fanfaronnade dii vice. Les lendemains de conge, I'interne aime, en general, etonner ses camarades par des recits souvent imaginaires des debauches qu'il a pu commettre. Le dimanche soir, beaucoup de "grands" affectent d'etre gris en rentrant. L'interne est souvent assez courageux ; issu d'une famille habitant la cam- pagne, il connait les animaux, son temperament est robuste. U a, en revanche, moins de finesse d'esprit et moins de delicatesse que I'externe citadin. Les brimades individuelles sont rares, et tou jours un el6ve faible, maltraite de ses camarades, trouvera un defenseur. Un 616ve n'est, on peut le dire en th^se g6nerale, maltraite par ses condisciples que lorsqu'il s'est montre mauvais camarade et pen sympathique. II est presque certain que, au point de vue du mensonge, la masse des externes est d'un niveau moins eleve que I'ensemble des pension- naires. L'interne est un peu plus sincere que I'externe, precisement parce qu'il est plus viril, Les batailles ne sont pas rares chez les internes. Le combat est plus r^gle ; souvent meme, il est stipule que les coups de pied seront laiss6s de c6t6 ; des seconds aident parfois les combattants ; la galerie de spectateurs veille jalousement a ce que la lutte soit re- gulidre. Le combat est violent. L'intervention d'un maitre en am^ne d'ordinaire la terminaison. Les vices secrets, point rares malheureusement, sont presque affich6s par les jeunes internes. A partir de 15 ans (a peu pr6s) l'interne ne conviendra point qu'il s'y livre et mentira en le niant ; mais il fera profession ouverte, en revanche, d'avoir des relations avec des femmes les jours de sortie. C. Veillet-Lavall^e, LicenciS-es-Lettres. Note. — (1913.) For the changes on the moral question that are taking place among the younger generation see Les jeunes Gens d'aujoicrd'hui, pp. 63-64. B.E. K V. NEW EXPERIMENTS IN SECONDARY EDUCATION (i) The Chorus of Critics — Pere Didon The critics of French secondary education have been numerous, and their points of criticism have greatly varied. Some have laid hold of the fact that the school is too essentially a nursery of officialdom ; others who have seen deeper have seen that the fans et origo malt is the Napoleonic constitution of the lycee, which still persists, though its raison d'etre has gone. Others, again, have emphasized the fact that extraneous influences, such as the desire of every parent to get his son a place under Government, have powerfully aided and abetted ideals inherent in the original constitution of the lycee. Yet another school of critics, fastening on the overcrowded state of the liberal professions, the comparative neglect of agriculture and commerce, the growing number of declasses, and the need of settlers for the new colonial empire, have blamed the schools for fostering antiquated ideas and for lack of sympathy with the principal wants of to-day. Many have turned their eyes abroad to see if there was anything to be learnt from foreign nations ; a few have looked towards Germany, but the majority have turned towards England. Each has found there the particular remedy he desired. One might indeed say of many of them, not on prend son hien ou on le trouve, but on trouve son hien oil on veut le trouver. The critics of overwork find in the EngHsh games an antidote and recreation ; the partisans of colonization find in them an excellent means of making men of muscle, strong and sturdy in the physical sense of the word. The more educated see in them not merely an instrument of physical education but also a moral instru- FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 147 ment of the first value. To some of these reformers games would appear to be an all-sufficient panacea. Others would go further, and break down the party wall between education and instruction by interesting the pro- viseur and professor in the larger sphere of these duties, and by aboHshing the fatal distinction between repetiteur and professor. At the same time they would reduce the hours of work, and modernize the curricula. The more extreme would revolutionize the programmes from top to bottom and sweep away the -university in the process. The great reform which has been accomplished in the Government schools, and which has been treated of elsewhere, has mainly dealt with the reform of the curricula ; moral education and hygiene have not, as M. Duhamel says, been absolutely sacrificed, but they occupy a comparatively minor position in the Commission's recommendations. At the side of and even in advance of this great official reform a certain number of attempts have been made to tackle the problem by members of the enseignement libre and by private individuals anxious to put into practice their theories of reform. One of the first and certainly greatest reformers who submitted his theories to the test of experience was the late Pere Didon, head ^ of the ficole Albert le Grand at Arcueil, and founder of the schools of Laplace and Lacordaire. Pere Didon was not only an educational reformer, he was also a personaHty in the reHgious world. The favourite disciple of Lacordaire, he is admirably described in the words that the latter appHed to himself as " a fervent Cathohc and an impenitent Liberal." To his abihties as a thinker and organizer he added the rare gift of being an orator of the first rank. He was therefore able to give full value and expression to his message. Unhappily cut off by a sudden stroke while still in the fullest possession of all his powers, he left behind him no regular treatise on education. Fortunately he had pubHshed a year or two before a collection of addresses, entitled L' Education presente, from which we have already had occasion to quote, deUvered for * He was prieiir. 148 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION the most part at prize-givings, which were the occasions he usually selected for the dissemination of his doctrines. They have naturally no very close connection with one another. It is possible their author was not altogether displeased with the result. In his horror of the abuse of systems in France he had, curiously enough, a somewhat strange dislike of system. Yet these disjecta membra contain enough and more than enough to show what an admirable educator in the highest sense of the word was lost to France by his premature death. The preface to the book gives the keynote of his purpose. " In the midst of the difi&culties and dangers in which the present generation is living is it not one of our most imperative duties to go to the young, to live with them, to instruct them, to make them moral beings, to prepare them for their future place in the world, to inspire them with the new spirit which desires to make itself master of their souls as yet untouched, in order to make them the docile instruments of its new creations ? " Thence he passes straight away to the impeachment of the actual system of education. " Is French education in touch with the social, economic, political, democratic, scientific, intellectual or religious world of to-day {milieu), that is at present a prey to every form of struggle, every form of activity, and condemned to a perpetual state of flux ? No. " Does it aim at forming beings who are physically strong ? No. " At forming determined and courageous characters, who are their own masters and have no fear of compromising themselves ? No. " At forming intelligent and cultivated characters ? Perhaps. " At forming pUant and supple characters, consciences that are weak and complacent ? I fear so, " Well-balanced minds which see rightly and clearly ? No. " Souls whose dauntless and well-reasoned faith is beyond the reach of an unbelief that masquerades as the loftiest wisdom and scientific infallibility ? No. " Citizens whose valiant patriotism the soul of the country will find ever ready to respond to her cry for assistance ? No, " Men of action, in short, who know how to make up their minds by themselves, how to decide for themselves, how to take action them- selves, only count on themselves, convinced that after God the victory in every conflict falls to the most enduring, to the most per- sistent, that is to say the most worthy ? No." FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 149 He points out that " The new spirit of the times enjoins work up to and including the severest toil, demands a will capable of being its own master, full of enterprise, trained for the conflict, strong even to the limits of en- durance. It desires an upright and well-balanced intelligence. . . . It requires a well-trained body ... an incorruptible conscience, a dauntless character ; a heart passionately attached to justice ; a nature enamourevi of all that is ideally beautiful, a patriotism that hungers after the greatness, the expansion, the glory and prosperity of the country." What then is wanted to give free play to these principles ? " A less restricted and passive regime, allowing room for the spon- taneous action of character and temperament, multiplying the occasions for initiative, and giving free play to the responsibilities of each individual ; a manly regime which not only demands a passive obedience under outward discipline, but a freedom of action and unconstrained confidence in chiefs whose highest aim is to make themselves beloved ; a regime adapted to the preparation for Hfe, and to the proper use of liberty. , . . Such a regime seems desirous of breaking with the ancient method of education in general." ^ The year after the publication of V Education presente Pere Didon came to England, and there he found in our large pubUc schools the confirmation of what he was trying to do in his own country, and the reahzation and completion of many of his dreams. What struck him most was the admirable system of self-government among the boys them- ^ In justice to P^re Didon's Catholic predecessors in the same field, one must mention the name of Dupanloup. Here is what Pecaut (a witness certainly above suspicion) says of the seminary at Orleans : "// n'y a pas la un systeme, des reglements : il y a mieux : c'est un organisme vivant, une dme pariout repandue, et des organes appropries , des nioyens reguliers d' action ; ily a une doctrine morale cachee, une vue d'ensemble sur la nature humaine, sur sa valeur et sa destinee, sur la direction a imprimer a la vie, etc. ; et, pour traduire et realiser cet esprit, pour en f aire une habitude mentale des Aleves, il y a des institutions, des riunions et des allocutions quotidiennes ou hehdomadaires. II y a, en fin, dans cette vie de V internal, autre chose que des etudes, des lemons, une discipline equitable, desjeux : ily a un rayon, ily a des evenements, des emotions, des incitations, bref tout un regime de vie morale qui im- prime une marque sur les caracteres, qui laisse de longs souvenirs, qui contribue a determiner la direction definitive de la volonte de l' enfant en mime temps qu'il lui adoucit les annees de cloture." (Revue peda- gogique, July 1909 : " Les Lettres de Pecaut a Greard.") 150 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION selves, coupled with the excellent relations that prevailed between boys and masters. He was never tired of saying that these schools were the finest possible nurseries for future rulers and governors, and that he who learnt to rule at school was fit to rule the Indies afterwards. Of the many foreign visitors to English schools he was the first to realize to the full what he, in fact, had already more or less realized at home, the educational possibilities of athletics. The immense power of tradition in moulding the life of the school impressed him deeply ; the devotion of the staff to the school, and the pride of the old boys for the ancient and religious foundation in which they had been reared, seemed to him very precious auxiliaries in knitting together all who were or had been in contact with the schools. He loved to trace the influence of the great religious founders which still lingered round many of the schools and had maintained those traditions of public spirit and of serving the State which date back from the time when the great Churchmen were also the leading Ministers of State. More especially was he struck with the boundless influence of the school milieu on the bringing up of the boys. He dilated on the value of space, of light and air as essential not only to health but also to the development of that un- conscious sense of freedom and unconstraint which is the best aid to fostering that inner freedom of self-control. He dreamt of creating a school on some woody dechvity near the banks of the Seine, a sort of combined Eton and Harrow La Montague (as he loved to caU it), which should be the very antithesis of the ordinary French school and should be the reahzation of all he had thought out on the subject. To him as to Thring " the mighty wall " had an irresistible attraction. Like Thring, he was above all the apostle of life. Any idea of the mechanical in education was hateful to him. He was never tired of inveighing against the breeding of tame officials or the manufacture of machine-made human automata. In one eloquent passage in U Education presente he speaks of the garden nursery as the boarding house of flowers, and of the boarding house as the garden nursery FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 151 of men. Above all he insisted on every boy selecting while still at school a definite career.^ Thring declared that every boy could be made to take an interest in something. Pere Didon went still further, and in his horror of waste-products determined that every pupil who left his school should leave it not only fully armed for the battle of life but with a com- mission in his pockets. At one of the prize-givings at Albert le Grand he was able to make the proud boast that of forty boys who were leaving at the end of the term there was not one who had not got something definite to do. Unhappily his sudden death shortly after his return from England did not permit him to realize in bricks and mortar the last great dream of his Hfe. But in Albert le Grand,^ at Laplace and Lacordaire, he had already put his educational theories to the test of practice with considerable success. A certain autonomy reigned in the school which was not noticeable elsewhere. One could not help being struck by the greater manhness and independence of the boys — among whom he had already introduced a certain amount of independence, especially in connection with the management of the games. Altogether the school was in an exceedingly flourishing state, and there is no knowing to what a pitch of success he would have brought it had his life been spared. What the ultimate fate of the school may be one cannot pretend to predict, but his influence, his written work must remain to be read and digested even by those who were not in all things in agreement with him. It is well known that he took copious notes of his visit to EngHsh schools. It would be worth while for the chiefs of his order, who in these matters are his spiritual heirs, seriously to consider if these impressions are not in a sufficiently advanced state to be given to the world. Their publication would not only give a fuller and finer idea of one who was a glory to their order, and a notable figure in his own country, it would also help to forward the cause of true education. ^ See L' Education presents, p. 344. *NoTE. — (1909.) The school has now passed into lay hands, at least in name. But his doctrines of life being essentially active, together with those of M. Bergson, are widely held by many young men of to-day of 19-25. See Les jeiines Gens d'aujourd'hui passim. 152 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION (ii) M. Demolins and his Imitators In 1896 M. Demolins, a well-known French writer and economist of the school of Leplay, attended the Edinburgh summer meeting. He met there the principal of an English private school in which a certain number of novel experi- ments were being tried. The result of the acquaintance was a volume on the causes of Anglo-Saxon superiority. The book at once attracted a certain amount of attention in France. An educational campaign was going on at the time. The author was taken up by Jules Lemaltre and others who were anxious to reform the existing regime. From that moment the success of the book was assured. M. Demolins became the man of the hour, and not only the French but the European Press gave a wide pubhcity to the real or supposed causes of Anglo-Saxon superiority. Leaving out of account the philosophical theories on which the book is based, and which happily need neither confirmation nor refutation here, an analysis of its contents reveals that, while it is full of a good many striking assertions about English education which can only be classed as doubtful, it nevertheless contains a certain amount of verites a repandre, as the French say. The title of the first chapter poses the main question straight away. " Does the French system breed men ? " " Ask,'' says the author, " any hundred young Frenchmen on leaving school for what professions they are preparing ; three-fourths will reply to you that they are candidates for official posts." This excessive competition is the direct cause of the present terrible overpressure in the schools and of the wrong bias given to the education of the general run of boys, which is certainly not the best for them, because an education that trains officials "can train for little else and is especially ill- adapted to form men." After pointing out the weak spots in the German system, that some reformers seem inclined to copy, M. Demolins arrives at the English system. Here the principal of the school which he describes in detail was careful to tell him FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 153 that the school is in many ways quite original, yet the heading of the chapter runs, " Does the Enghsh System form Men ? " In the next chapter M. Demolins asks, How do these Enghsh people act towards their children ? The following hst will show at once the shrewdness of the author and the dangers of insufficient generahzation. 1. " The parents do not consider their children as belong- ing to them, as a species of goods and chattels, as a simple continuation of their own personality, as a sort of survival of themselves. On the contrary, they regard them as beings who ought soon to become independent of them/' Instead of coddling them they try to hasten on the neces- sary emancipation. Which parent, the French or the Enghsh, is the less selfish really ? 2. " The parents treat their offspring from the outset and always as grown-up persons, as distinct personahties." Here is the same truth as in i, but in an exaggerated form. 3. " The parents in education look to future needs, to the new needs of life, and not to the conditions of a past age." Can we really say that English education is more up-to- date than the French ? 4. " The parents have a sovereign regard not only as we for health (and yet do we not sacrifice it to study, to examinations, to living in towns, etc. ?), but they have a sovereign regard for strength, for full develop- ment, and also as far as possible for the development of physical energy." 5. " The parents very early in life train their children in the practice of everyday life. They let them go out alone, send them on errands, etc." 6. " The parents generally have their children taught a handicraft." This is at least a great exaggeration, though the technical schools have done something for the lower middle class. But, then, have not the French technical schools ? 154 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION 7. " Parents anticipate their children in the knowledge of all useful novelties." True : we are certainly a fact-loving nation, as our news- papers testify, but the parental Mr. Barlow who gets up subjects for his children is a much rarer creature than M. Demolins fancies. Again, as far as one's own experience goes, the French home has certainly a far more civilizing influence than the English, in which literature and art are rarely discussed. 8. "In appearance they make little use of their authority in dealing with their children." This means they are less autocratic, which is probably true. 9. " The children are aware that their parents do not undertake to find them a place." This is, of course, largely true. The typical young Englishmen are therefore " strong in thew and sinew, habituated to reality, in contact with material facts, always treated as men, trained to rely on themselves, and, regarding life as a combat ^ (which is eminently Christian), face the difficulties of hfe in all the vigour of their superabundant youth." According to M. Demolins, the moral action which implies the sacrifice of self is insufficient to bring about social improvement ; the moral action which is really efficacious is that which consists in self-conquest, and this is best learnt in a society in which man is obliged to rely on himself. One sees that M. Demolins is an individualist, and his gospel is the gospel of self-help. By the phenomenal success of his book M. Demolins suddenly found himself acclaimed as an educational expert. He took up the role thus attributed to him seriously, and his succeeding volume, U Education nouvelle, which is largely based on a study of the system in vogue at Bedales, he worked out as a complete theory of education. Being a man of action, he did not let the matter rest, but, encouraged by the crowd of letters which poured in to him 1 Cf. Le Pere Didon, L' Education presente, p. 25 : " Nous sommes nes combatants." FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 155 from every quarter of France, concurrently with the writing of his book he took steps to give a practical illustration of his theories. He formed a company which purchased the chateau of Les Roches, together with its domain of some sixty acres, about two miles outside Verneuil, which is two hours by train from Paris on the Granville line. L' Education nouvelle was not merely an educational treatise, it was meant to be above all a prospectus of the new school, ex- plaining its raison d'etre, its aims, and the manner in which they were to be realized. M. DemoUns begins the volume by pointing out the lack of friendly relations between the French pupil and those in authority, whether professeurs or repetiteurs. He con- demns the divorce made between the two functions of the teacher, dilates on the general evil effects of the regime of distrust which pervades the boarding school, criticizes adversely the crowding together of vast masses of boys, and deplores the mistaken policy of planting big boarding schools in the middle of towns instead of in the middle of the country. Having placed his son in an English school, M. Demolins appreciates the value of the offices of professor and repetiteur being held by one and the same person. He dilates on the advantages of the life in common of boys and masters, of small classes in which individual attention is possible. He points out the bad side of the specialist professor, his difficulty in coming down to the level of the young, his lack of influence owing to his lack of power to arouse interest. He praises the open-air life of the English school, which renders thereby a love of nature possible. In emphasizing the merits of the monitorial system he relates how the thing that most struck his son at the school was that one never lied. It was not necessary, because one was not spied on. He next passes to the programme he proposes for his new school. Greek and Latin he gives up for the great majority of the boys, only keeping them for those who take up a literary career after the age of thirteen. On the contrary, far greater prominence are given to Enghsh and German, which have at the start eight hours a week instead of one 156 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION and a half as in the old official programme. In postponing classics M. Demolins may fairly boast of having anticipated the new official programme. With the time thus saved from classics, the mother tongue, history and geography, and science and drawing come in for a larger share of attention. Up to thirteen the programme is the same for all boys ; differentiation takes place at that age, and the programme is divided up into four courses, letters, science, agriculture and colonization, industry and commerce. The difficulties of learning Latin late are to be got over by the free use of translations. Modern languages are to be taught on the direct method. All pupils have to spend at least three months abroad, either in England or Germany, in certain carefully selected schools. No doubt they will not only acquire a good grip of the foreign language, but also a tinge of that celebrated Anglo-Saxonism. Mathematics are to be taught in a practical manner. The mornings will be taken up with this head-work. In the afternoons the pupils will have either games or practical work. The latter will consist of gardening and agricultural work, or wood and iron work, or visits to farms, factories, natural history excursions, surveying and drawing out plans. The evenings are devoted to artistic occupations or social recreation. Each evening has its particular occupa- tion ; beginning with Monday evening, there are readings in the lives of great men, etc., recitations and acting, wood- carving, modelling, dancing, concerts, music and singing, lectures and magic-lantern shows. Sunday evening is devoted to moral and social instruction, Sunday morning to reUgious instruction and to attending church, an aumonier and a pasteur being attached to the school. A short account of the school shows that it is furnished and equipped according to the latest requirements of hygiene. The school appears to have been a success from the very first. It opened in 1899 with eighty pupils, the maximum it could take. A large number of these pupils had already spent several months in England and Germany.- A visit to the school towards the end of the first term proved a FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 157 very interesting experience. Thanks to their preliminary sojourn in England, the great majority of the pupils had already fallen into the ways of the English masters on the staff, on whom the chief weight of running the school on EngHsh lines naturally fell. A regular monitorial system had been established, and a start had been made with the manual and out-of-door work which was to be one of the features of the new school. The day of my visit the last school run of the term took place. The pupils were each of them timed separately with a view to improving each on his own time. The course was some three miles in length, and many had already succeeded in covering the entire distance without stopping, a matter which had rather been an exception at the outset, owing to the lack of endurance. The French and EngHsh members of the staff were on good terms, though it was clear that they belonged to very different regimes. M. Demolins had very wisely placed his school not merely outside Paris but also at some distance from it, in order to prevent the school being overrun by the parents. Unluckily he had reckoned without the telephone, and anxious mothers, separated for the first time in their lives from their offspring, were not slow to find out and appreciate this useful method of communication. Conversation and even weeping by telephone became so common that drastic measures had to be taken and telephonic intercourse re- stricted to certain definite days and hours. In a similar fashion the visits of the parents to the school had to be regulated. The school has rapidly been increasing in numbers. House after house has been built, till the number of houses amounts to six and the pupils number 180. To judge by the pictures in the prospectus the school has put into practice many of the interesting reforms sketched out in L' Education nouvelle.^ The hours of work, however, seem very short in com- parison with those in the State schools, which may well be excessive, but which are more or less necessary for the 1 Note. — (1909.) M. Demolins died last year, but his school still continues to flourish. — (1913.) It now contains 180 pupils. 158 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION passing of the haccalaureat. If the school through superior teaching is able to turn out the average number of bacheliers, its success is secured. Otherwise, considering the fact that the haccalaureat is the entrance to all professions and to the Civil Service, the great majority of parents will send their children elsewhere, preferring rather not to endanger their future prospects in life, even if they possibly endanger their health. It seems all too possible that M. Demohns, in his move- ment in favour of games and hygiene and in reaction against excessive intellectualism, has gone too far. As long as the entrance to a career depends on passing an examination, the examination has got to be passed. Besides — as we have seen in the English schools — one can easily lower the intellectual side of the school below safety point. Again, it is significant that the proportion of foreigners on the new staff has greatly decreased, and that two EngHsh masters who acted as pioneers in the new school have left and set up a school for themselves at Liancourt, in Oise, of which one hears excellent accounts. This school, which is called " L'ficole de I'lle de France," is about an hour by train from Paris. It occupies the former Chateau of Liancourt, which is situated in the midst of a magnificent park, surrounded by gardens, woods, and a farm. The size of the property is about 600 acres. The farm allows of pupils studying agriculture. Two foreign languages are taught low down in the school, which also prepares for the haccalaureat. Out of school hours the greatest liberty is allowed to pupils. The discipline is largely in the hands of the senior boys, who act as captains. Religious instruction and rehgious facilities of worship are provided for Catholic and Protestant. Games and manual work are obligatory. Every day the pupils have at least three hours in the open air. They are " hardened " by the use of cold water and the practice of open windows. A large lake provides the opportunity for swimming and skating. Every pupil has to pass an ex- amination on entrance. The examination is not only intellectual but physical and moral. The pupils pass a FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 159 preparatory period in England or Germany from three months to a year in duration. No exeats are allowed. Among various points of interest in the prospectus, one notes the wise decision to maintain the ordinary school hours while lessening the amount of work to be done out of school. The roles of professor and surveillant are exercised by one and the same person. Several ladies on the staff act as housekeepers and teach in the lower classes, and add a family element to the establishment. Great efforts are made to develop the will, initiative, the sentiment of inde- pendence and of personal dignity in the pupils. These, it is recognized, can only be obtained by the system of perfect confidence between teachers and taught, who collaborate themselves in the matter of keeping order. Evidently the aim of the school is to impress on the head boys the sense of responsibility. The confidence placed in the pupils is not blind, hence the need of discipline combined with ever-ready sympathy for the pupils. The true idea of the school is that it is really and truly the apprenticeship to society. The system of prizes is avoided as dangerous and tending to undue individualism. The description of subjects and the method of teaching contain many excellent hints. Although the school is hardly two years old, it contains already seventy-five pupils.^ ^ (iii) M. DUHAMEL The foundation of Les Roches was in part a protest against the existing educational system, the opening of a mons sacer ^ Note. — (1913.) It now contains 104 pupils. 2 Note. — (1909.) It is worth noting that a certain section of the Protestant community are dissatisfied with the present state of the primary schools, where in some cases the so-called neutrality of the school has given way to a more militant attitude towards religion. They are seriously talking of founding a certain number of schools of their own, and particularly of enlarging a small secondary school in the east of France which, attached to an elementary school, has hitherto served as a source of recruitment for the pastorate. They propose to use it for the training of future teachers, and also for the education of ordinary pupils. i6o STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION which definitely broke with the CapitoHne University. The third reformer, M. Duhamel, is less intransigeant. Here is his profession of faith : " The founders of the College de Normandie . . . are trying an educational reform without any covert idea of hostility to the ofi&cial education, but also with a frankly acknowledged desire to create in the light of day a new school system which will show the elements of decay in the old system and will gradually bring about its trans- formation. They openly claim to pertain to the university through its high standard of instruction and its literary and philosophical spirit, they dissociate themselves from it in all matters concerning the formation of the moral and physical man. . . . [The present enterprise] is not a work of discord or faction, but a courteous and unselfish struggle for the best in which all honest folk can take a part." 1 He then passes to the question as to why a new type of school is necessary. The report of the Parliamentary Com- mission of Inquiry dealt too exclusively with pedagogical and financial questions, to the comparative neglect of those dealing with health and moral education. But while the instructional side may be improved and modified, the edu- cational needs practically to be recreated. The chief things wanting to-day are men of will and sound physique as well as of well-educated minds. He next proceeds to a diagnosis of the actual results of French education as it is. The general effects of a boarding- school life are bad. The pupil " has had an unhappy time. For years, one has glared upon him, shut him up in a cloister, condemned him to silence, has only ap- proached him with extreme reserve. He has only seen life from one side, the saddest, that of the silent boarding-school system." When liberty arrives, he abuses it. His will too is weak. He has a great lack of energy. The seat of these evils lies in the system itself, which is based on distrust or suspicion. Hence a regime of incessant invigilation and close confine- ment within four walls. This distrust to which he has been subjected the pupil in his turn carries out with him into his after-life. To remedy this evil, confidence should begin at J Comment ilever nos Fits, p. v. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS i6i school. It is in fact one of the four corner-stones of educa- tion, the others being love of the pupil, patience with him and the life in common with him. Liberal studies are not in themselves a liberal education in the wide sense of the word. The aim of the school is not merely to produce good litterateurs and good officials, the supreme interest of France is to breed a numerous and healthy race. The teaching methods in France are good enough. There is no need of going outside to seek others. What defects there are are due to the overcrowded state of the programmes. In matters of health it is otherwise. Not five per cent, of boarding pupils could answer the following questions in the affirmative : 1. Are the windows of your dormitory opened day and night the whole year through ? 2. Do you exercise sufficiently every day the most important muscles of your arm, your chest, your abdomen, and your legs ? 3. Do you take a cold or tepid bath every day or even three times a week ? 4. Are your clothes fairly loose at the neck, at the hips, round the waist ? 5. Do you carefully clean your teeth, your nose, and your ears ? 6. Have you an idea of the laws which govern the health of your body and your physical well-being ? The ordinary rule in most of the schools appears to be a complete bath once a term and a footbath once a month. The parents are in this matter far from being without blame. They do not lift a finger to alter the present state of things, and yet overwork (ten to twelve hours a day), badly venti- lated rooms, overcrowding, insufficient food, and insufficient sleep are playing havoc with the boys.^ The health statistics prove it. The educated class, consisting of those who have ^ Note. — (191 3.) For more recent improvements see Dr. Mathieu's article in Hygiene scolaire (Oct. 191 1), summarized in notes on pages 27, 121. B.E. L i62 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION taken a B.A., furnishes 11.5 per cent, less recruits than the other classes (and yet these B.A.'s are almost exclusively taken from the well-to-do classes). Consumption is rampant in the schools. Of thirty-three repetiteurs who have died during the last four years, sixteen, or 49 per cent., were victims to consumption. Health is therefore to be a strong point at the new school. There are, according to M. Duhamel, two periods in the scholar's Hfe, the one terminating roughly at thirteen, and the other beginning about that date. Each period will receive the teaching appropriate to it at the new school. But the essential aim in education is the formation of character.^ The means to this end are an apprenticeship in the responsibility framed on the English monitorial system and fortified by the discipline that comes from games. To render the life in common real, there will be in each house a house master who will share the life and meals of the pupils. The principal of the new college will be no mere administrator, he will be master, nay, headmaster in the fullest English sense of the word. Of the professors, some wiU become house masters and receive a sort of capitation fee on the pupils in their houses, in order to stimulate interest and emulation ; the others will live either near or in the school itself, but all will take an active interest in the school life. All will receive a living wage and be able to qualify for pensions. Even the relations between the principal and the professors are laid down. He will supervise the teaching, but will not play the spy on them. Masters' meetings will be frequent. Candidates for the post of teacher will have to give evidence not only of intellectual but of physical and moral quaUties. Some knowledge of pedagogics will be expected. An old chateau in Normandy, some 530 feet above the sea, situated in a well-wooded park, and approached by a magnificent avenue 500 yards in length, the whole property amounting to nearly 300 acres, has been selected as the seat of the school. The school has its own fruit, butter, and eggs. ^ " Savoir est peu de chose ; vouloir, agir, voila ce qui importe." — M. Hanotaux, Du Choix d'une Carriere, p. 6. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 163 The situation near Cleres, the station where the lines of Dieppe and Rouen and Havre and Amiens intercept one another, places it in direct communication with all the prin- cipal towns in the north of France. The chateau itself forms the headmaster's house ; the class-rooms are attached ; anything like a collection of barracks will be avoided. The houses where the pupils live are scattered over the park. These embody the latest improvements in school construction and hygiene, as the detailed plans given in the book show. The religious teaching will be undenominational, the ministers of the various religious denominations will have free access to the school, and on Sunday the Cathohc boys go to mass in the village chapel, and facilities for worship will be found for the others. Every morning and evening there will be a short moral reading by the headmaster or house master. The question of dress is next considered. Masters will wear their gowns in school. Pupils will have a regular dress but not a uniform, and mufti wiU be allowed in the hoUdays. Prefects will have a badge, and each house its own colour. The school will begin with very few boys. It is all- important to form a moral centre at the outset. New boys are requested to make a preliminary stay in England. Classics will be kept for an elite. In modern languages the direct method is followed. A debating society will be started, and the school wiU have its own songs. The question of fresh air, ventilation, feeding and dress are care- fully discussed. Every pupil wiU be weighed and measured at the beginning and end of each term. The hours of work and play are very carefuUy arranged. In addition to games there wiU be Swedish exercises. Great stress is laid on manual work as a means of discipline, of health and educa- tion, as well as a valuable form of recreation. The vices secrets wiU be carefully guarded against. Their physio- logical causes will not be ignored any more than their psychological. The remainder of the book is given up to a comparison i64 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION between the methods of study and standard of attainment in England and France, in which the palm is awarded to France. Hence M. Duhamel concludes that there is no good in rejecting what is good in French education, more especially as the object in view is not to produce pale and ineffectual imitations of English boys but strong and energetic French men. As he well says : " Our reform is essentially French. It is not a question of chang- ing the national temperament of our children, nor, in a word, to make English men of them, but to develop in them the national qualities of their race, which are real and only require an appropriate culture to spring into life. ' Frangais je suis ' is the motto we have chosen." Comment elever nos Fits appeared in 1901. In 1902 the College de Normandie opened its doors to seven pupils, and a much larger number had to be refused for lack of accom- modation. A visit paid to the school in June, 1902, showed that an excellent beginning had been made, and that the extensive programme we have given above was being realized in all its details. The governing body happened to be giving a sort of informal house-warming on the day of my arrival. Among the guests — a matter which will speak volumes to the ordinary French mind — was no less a person than the Director of Secondary Education, M. Rabier. A long conversation with him showed how entirely in sympathy he was with the aims of the school. In September, 1903, the school contained forty pupils with ten professors. A new house had just been opened and another had just been projected. The principle of gradually enlarging the school is being strictly adhered to. A recent visit to the school produced a very pleasant im- pression. The new buildings are excellent from every point of view. The relations between the boys and masters are very pleasant. There has been no attempt to Anglicize the boys, but none the less there are abundant signs that the ideals of manliness, frankness, and good-comradeship are held high in honour in the school. The numerous reforms outlined in Comment elever nos Fits have not been allowed to remain as a mere profession of faith, but have FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 165 already been largely realized in practice. The standard of work seems to be quite up to that of the lycee. Yet in spite of the hard work the boys have a healthy look. According to all appearances the school has a brilliant prospect before it.^ Some 200 years ago ^ the arrival in England of those early emigres, the Huguenots, set up a strong reflex current in EngUsh ideas which resulted in the influence of Locke extending to France and materially aiding thereby in the creation of a work which has had the most profound influence on the minds of French educators — the Entile of Rousseau. Within the last ten years a similar inflow of English educa- tional ideas has been established, and he would be a bold man who would dare to say that the work and writing of the three reformers Didon, Demolins, and Duhamel may not in their turn have as profound an effect on French education. It is to be hoped that this anxiety to learn and readiness to adopt what is good elsewhere will not be confined to one side of the Channel, and that we in England may exhibit an increased willingness to imitate our French neighbours in those matters in which we have no little to learn from them, such as the proper study of the mother tongue and the working out of proper curricula for our schools. As 1 Note. — (1909.) A third house has now been built, and a fourth is under way. There are now sixty- three boys [eighty-two — 191 3], and a large crowd are awaiting admission. The school has done brilliantly in the examinations, and all promises a fair future. No doubt this school, as well as those of Liancourt and Les Roches, at present cater only for a limited class of wealthy parents. But just as the public schools of England have suggested the erection of less expensive boarding schools, it does not seem beyond the reach of probability that once these schools have justified their existence they should give rise to the creation in their turn of boarding schools that should suit parents of more moderate means — (1913.) A society has just been formed under M. Paul Desjardins, Directeur de 1' Union pour la Verite, to found a school or schools on the lines of the College de Normandie, but with fees which are more within the reach of the average bourgeois. 2 See /.-/. Rousseau and the Cosmopolitan Spirit in Literature, by M. J Texte (translated by W. Mathews ; London, Duckworth). i66 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION the French have shown signs of desiring to learn something of the moral ideas in English education, we shall be equally well advised to inquire into what they have to teach us in those intellectual aims which are and have ever been the vivida vis of the French system.^ 1 Note. — (1909.) Cf. M. Jules Gautier, the Director of Secondary Education in France, in a remarkable address delivered at the Franco- British Exhibition, October 22nd, 1908: " Je crois, Mesdames et Messieurs, que deux pays comme la France et I'Angleterre peuvent singuliirement s' aider dans une ceuvre de ce genre, si elles veulent unir leurs efforts, et si elles veulent prendre chacune chez I' autre ce qu'ily a de grand et de bon pour I'appliquer a I' education de la jeunesse et a V ame- lioration de I'humanite. Nous vous avons deja emprunte beaucoup de choses, notamment tout ce qui concerne le diveloppement de I' education physique, car vous avez su avant nous accorder au corps I' attention qu'il merite, parce que ce n'est que dans le corps solide qu'existe un esprit sain. Dans le domaine de V education intellectuelle et morale je suis venu id vous exposer que nous avons fait, afin que, s'il y a quelque chose de bon vous puissiez en profiler, I'adapter a voire gSnie national." [The Progress of Secondary Education in France. A lecture by M. Jules Gautier. London : Routledge.) BIBLIOGRAPHY ENQuixE suR l'Enseignement Secondaire. (No. 866. Chambre des Deputes. Septi^me Legislature. Session de 1899 et No. 1 196. Session Extraordinaire de 1899.) 6 vols. Paris. Imprinierie de la Chambre des Deputes. 1899. RiBOT (Alexandre) — La Reforme de l'Enseignement secondaire. Par Alexandre Ribot, Depute, President de la Commission de l'Enseignement. (Quoted as R. E.) Paris. Armand Colin. 1900. Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900 A Paris. Rap- ports du Jury International. (Minist^re du Commerce, de r Industrie, des Postes et des Telegraphes.) (a) Introduction Generale. Premiere Partie — Instruction pub- lique. Par MM. Louis Liard et Ch. V. Langlois. 1903. (6) Groupe I. Education et Enseignement — Classes 2 a 4. (Classe 2, Enseignement secondaire. Par M. Henry Lemonnier. 1902.) Paris. Imprimerie Nationale. 1902-1903. MiNiST^RE de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Re- cueil de R^glements relatifs a l'Enseignement secondaire. Paris. Imprimerie Nationale. 1900. Budget G^n^ral de l'Exercice, 1904. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du Budget chargee d'examiner le Projet de Loi portant fixation du Budget General de l'Exercice, 1904. (Minis- t^re de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts — Service de l'Instruction Publique.) Par M. Simyan. Paris. Imprimerie de la Chambre des Deputes. 1904. Budget G^nj^.ral de l'Exercice, 1908. Rapport No. 1237. Chambre des Deputes, Neuvieme Legislature. Session de 1907. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du Budget chargee d'ex- aminer le Projet de Loi portant fixation du Budget General de l'Exercice, 1908. (Minist^re de l'Instruction Publique, des Beaux-Arts et des Cultes.) (i""^ Section — Instruction Pub- lique.) Par M. Steeg, Depute. (Quoted as Rapport Steeg.) Paris. Imprimerie de la Chambre des Deputes. 1907. Budget General DE l'Exercice, 1909. Rapport No. 320. Senat, Annee 1908. Session Extraordinaire. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Finances, chargee d'examiner le Projet de Loi, adopte par la Chambre des Deputes, portant fixation du Budget General de l'Exercice, 1909. (Ministere de l'Instruction i68 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Publique et des Beaux- Arts.) (Service de I'lnstruction Publique.) Par M. Maurice-Faure. (Quoted as Rapport Maurice-Faure.) Paris. P. Mouillot. 1908. GoBRON (L.) — Legislation et Jurisprudence de I'Enseignement public et de I'Enseignement prive en France. 2™^ edition. Paris. Societe du Recueil J. B. Sirey, etc. (L. Larose.) 1900. Rabier (E.) — Instruction publique. Enseignement secondaire. Avec la Collaboration de M. Jules Gautier, De Galembert, etc. (Repertoire du Droit Administratif .) Paris. Paul Dupont. 1903. WissEMANS (A.) — Code de I'Enseignement secondaire. Documents concernant le personnel des Lycees et Colleges de Gar9ons. Paris. Hachette. 1906. Programme des Examens du nouveau Baccalaureat de I'Enseigne- ment secondaire. Paris. Delalain. [1904-] Instructions concernant les Programmes de I'Enseignement secondaire (gar9ons et jeunes filles) . Paris. Delagrave. Plan d'£tudes et Programmes d'Enseignement dans les Lycees et Colleges de Gar9ons. (Arretes du 31 Mai, 1902, des 27, 28 Juillet, et 8 Septembre, 1905, 6 Janvier, 26, 30 Juillet, et 5 Aout, 1909.) Paris. Delalain. 1910. GuiLLEMiN (E.) — Comptabilite des Lycees nationaux de Gar9ons d'apr^s les documents officiels. Paris. Delalain. 1905. Bourgeois (]£mile) — La Liberte de I'Enseignement. Histoire et Doctrine. Paris. Edouard Cornely. 1902. CouBERTiN (Pierre de) — L'fiducation en Angleterre. Colleges et Universites. Paris. Hachette. i888. CouBERTiN (Pierre de) — L';£ducation anglaise en France. Paris. Hachette. 1889. Demolins (Edmond) — L'fiducation Nouvelle. L'ficole des Roches. Paris. Firmin-Didot. [1898.] Demolins (Edmond) — A quoi tient la Superiorite des Anglo-Saxons. Paris. Firmin-Didot. n.d. Demolins (Edmond) — A-t-on Interet a s'emparer du Pouvoir. Paris. Firmin-Didot. n.d. DiDON (Le Pere) — L'Education presente. Paris. Plon. 1898. DuHAMEL (Joseph) — Le College de Normandie. Comment elever nos Fils ? Paris. Charpentier et Fasquelle. 1901. :£coLE DE l'Ile de France A LiANCouRT (Oisc). (Prospectus.) Paris. Imprimerie A. Benoit. n.d. ficoLE des Roches. (Prospectus.) Paris. Firmin-Didot. n.d. FouiLL^E (A.) — Les Etudes classiques et la Democratic. Paris. Armand Colin. 1898. Arnold (Matthew) — A French Eton, or Middle-Class Education and the State, to which is added Schools and Universities in France. London. Macmillan, 1892. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 169 Gautier (Jules) — The Progress of Secondary Education in France since the Time of Napoleon I. A Lecture delivered in the Congress Hall of the Franco-British Exhibition, October 22, 1908. London. Routledge. 1908. Hanotaux (Gabriel) — Du Choix d'une Carri^re. Par Gabriel Hanotaux, de I'Academie fran9aise. Paris. E. Flammarion. J. Tallandier. 1902. KiRKMAN (F. B.) — The Position of Teachers in the State Secondary Schools for Boys in France. (Board of Education. Special Reports on Educational Subjects, Vol. 2, No. 24.) (Quoted as Report Kirkman.) London. Wyman & Sons. 1898. Lacombe (Paul) — Esquisse d'un Enseignement base sur la Psycho- logic de I'Enfant. Par Paul Lacombe, Inspecteur-General des Biblioth^quesetdes Archives. Paris. Armand Colin. 1899. Le Roux (Hugues) — Nos Fils, que feront-ils ? Paris. Calmann-Levy. 1898. Agathon — Les jeunes Gens d'aujourd'hui, Le Gout de 1' Action, etc. 3eme edition. Paris. Plon-Nourrit. Texte (J.) — J--J. Rousseau and theCosmopolitan Spirit in Literature. (Translated by W. Mathews.) London. Duckworth. United States Bureau of Education. Report of the Commis- sioner, 1902, Vol. I, 1905, Vol. I, 1906, Vol. I, 1907-8, Vol. I. (Chapter on Education in France.) Washington. Government Printing Of&ce. 1903- 1908. Laurie (Andre) — Une Annee de College a Paris. (Pascal Grousset.) (English Edition, Macmillan.) ViOLLis (Jean) — M. le Principal. Paris. Calmann-Levy. 1908. La Revue Internationale de l'Enseignement. {a) Janvier, 1898 : (b) Fevrier, 1899. Paris. Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence. A propos des Associations Scolaires. Etude pedagogique sur la Culture physique. (Quoted as E. p. c. p.) Poitiers : Imprimerie Blois et Roy, 7 Rue Victor Hugo. 1898. CONGR^S d'HyGI^NE SCOLAIRE ET DE P^DAGOGIE PHYSIOLOGIQUE. Premier Congr^s (Novembre, 1903). Deuxi^me Congres (Juin, 1905). Rapports et Communications. 2 vols. Paris. Masson. 1904 and 1906. Demeny (G.) — Les Bases scientifiques de I'fiducation physique. Bibliotheque Scientifique Internationale. Paris Felix Alcan. 1902. Hogg (Walter Douglas) — L'Hygiene scolaire dans les fitabhssements d'Enseignement secondaire de la Grande Bretagne. Rapport adresse a M. le Ministre de 1 'Instruction Publique, des Beaux- Arts et des Cultes par Walter Douglas Hogg, docteur en medecine de la Faculte de Paris. Paris. Armand CoUn. 1892. 170 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION L' Hygiene scolaire. Bulletin trimestriel de la Ligue frangaise pour I'Hygi^ne scolaire. Paris. Masson et Cie. Octobre, 1908, Juillet, Octobre, 191 1, Janvier, Juillet, 191 2. Royal Commission on Secondary Education. Report of the Commissioners, Vol. I. (Cd. 7862.) London. Wyman & Sons. 1895. Board of Education. A Return of the Pupils in Public and Private Secondary and other Schools (not being Pubhc Elementary or Technical Schools) in England (excluding Monmouthshire), and of the Teaching Staff in such Schools, on ist June, 1897. (Cd. 8634.) London. Wyman & Sons. 1898. General Reports on Higher Education, with Appendices, for the Year 1902. (Cd. 1738.) London. Wyman & Sons. 1902. Regulations for Secondary Schools (from ist August, 1903, to 31st July, 1904). (Cd. 1668 and later issues.) (Issued annually.) London. Wyman & Sons. 1903 and onwards. Consultative Committee. Proposals for a System of School Certificates. [London.] 1904. Board of Education Act, 1899 (62 & 63 Vict., ch. 33), London. Wyman & Sons. 1899. Education Act, 1902 (2 Edw. VII., ch. 42). London. Wyman & Sons. 1902. Endowed Schools (Masters) Act, 1908 (8 Edw. VII., ch. 39). London. Wyman & Sons. 1908. Intermediate Education Board for Ireland. Report of the Temporary Inspectors, 1903. Balfour (Graham) — The Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland. 2nd Edition. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1903. CouLTON (G. G.) — Public Schools and the Public Needs. Suggestions for the Reform of our Teaching Methods in the Light of Modern Requirements. London. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. 1901. Hughes (R. E.) — The Making of Citizens. A Study in Comparative Education. (The Contemporary Science Series.) London. The Walter Scott PubUshing Co. 1902. Magnus (Laurie) — National Education. Essays towards a Con- structive Policy. Edited by Laurie Magnus. London. Murray. 1901. Sadler (M. E.) — Report on Secondary and Higher Education. (City of Sheffield Education Committee.) London. Eyre & Spottiswoode. 1903. Scott (R. P.) — " What is Secondary Education ? " and other Short Essays by Writers of Practical Experience on Various Aspects of the Problem of Organisation. Edited, with Preface, by R. P. Scott. London. Rivingtons. 1899, Tarver (J. C.) — Some Observations of a Foster Parent. Westminster. Constable. 1897. FRENCH AND ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOLS 171 Tarver (J. C.) — Debateable Claims : Essays on Secondary Edu- cation. Westminster. Constable. 1898. Wilkinson (Spencer) — The Nation's Need. Chapters on Education. Edited by Spencer Wilkinson, Westminster. Constable. 1903. Barnett (P. A.) — Teaching and Organisation, with Special Refer- ence to Secondary Schools. A manual of practice, edited by P. A. Barnett. London. Longmans. 1897. Barnett (P. A.) — Common Sense in Education and Teaching. London. Longmans. 1899. Benson (A. C.) The Schoolmaster. London. Murray. 1902. CooKSON (Christopher) — Essays in Secondary Education. By various Contributors. Edited by Christopher Cookson. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1898. FiNDLAY (J. J.) — Principles of Class Teaching. London. Macmillan. 1902. London County Council. Report of a Conference on the Teaching of English in London Elementary Schools. London. P. S. King. 1909. Ogle (John J.) — Special Report on the Connection between the PubUc Library and the Public Elementary School. (Board of Education Soecial Reports on Educational Subjects. Vol. 2, No. 15.) (Cd. 8943-) London. Wyman & Sons. 1898, (Also issued as a separate reprint.) Royal Geographical Society. Syllabuses of Instruction in Geo- graphy. I. In Elementary Schools. II. In Higher Schools. London. Royal Geographical Society, i Saville Row, W. 1903. Welton (J.) — The Logical Bases of Education. London. Macmillan. 1899. Fitch (Sir Joshua) — Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their Influence on English Education. (The Great Educators.) London. Heinemann, 1897. Haig Brown (Harold E.) — Wilham Haig Brown of Charterhouse. A short Biographical Memoir written by some of his pupils, and edited by his son, Harold E. Haig Brown. London. Macmillan. 1908. Hughes (Tom) — Tom Brown's School-days. London. Macmillan. 1856. MacCunn (John) — The Making of Character. Cambridge. University Press. 1900. Parkin (George R.) — Edward Thring, Headmaster of Uppingham School. Life, Diary, and Letters. London. Macmillan. 1898. Skrine (J. H.) — A Memory of Edward Thring. London. Macmillan. 1889. 172 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Skrine (J. H.) — Pastor Agnorum : A Schoolmaster's After- thoughts. London. Longmans. 1902. Stanley (A. P.) — The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold. 2 Vols. London. T. Fellowes. 1868. Storr (F.) — Life and Remains of Rev. R. H. Quick. Edited by F. Storr. Cambridge. University Press. 1899. BouTMY (fimile) — Essai d'un Psych9logie politique du Peuple anglais au XIX^™^ Si^cle. Par Emile Boutmy, Membre de ITnstitut. Paris. Armand Colin. 1901. Creighton (M.) — Thoughts on Education, Speeches and Sermons. Edited by Louise Creighton. London. Longmans. 1902. Darroch (A.) — Herbart and the Herbartian Theory of Education. A Criticism. London. Longmans. 1903. Laurie (S. S.) — Studies in the History of Educational Opinion from the Renaissance. Cambridge. University Press. 1903. National Educational Association (U.S.A.) — Journal of Proceed- ings and Addresses of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the National Educational Association, held at Detroit, Michigan, July 8th to 12th, 1901. (Paper by W. T. Harris, on Isolation in the School — How it helps and how it hinders.) [Winona, Minn. Published by the Association.] 1901. Spencer (Herbert) — Education : Intellectual, Moral, and Physical. London. Williams & Norgate. 1861. Woods (Alice) — Co-Education. A Series of Essays by various authors. Edited by Alice Woods. London. Longmans. 1903. Royal Commission on Physical Training (Scotland), Report of the. 2 vols. (Cd. 1507 and 1508.) Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd. London : Wyman & Sons. 1903. Brath (S. de) and F. Beatty. Over-pressure. London. G. Philip & Son. 1899 Dukes (Clement) — The Essentials of School Diet. London. Rivingtons. 1899. Schmidt (F. A.) and Eustace H. Miles. The Training of the Body for Games, Athletics, and other Forms of Exercise, and for Health, Growth, and Development. London. Swan Sonnenschein. 1901. The Journal OF Education. October, 1903 ; February, December, 1908. London. W. Rice. Modern Language Teaching. February, March, and April, 1909. London, A. & C. Black. The Practical Teacher. December, 1902. London. Nelson & Sons. School, January-May, 1904 ; February and March, 1906. London. Murray. The School World. November, 1903. London. Macmillan. THIRTY YEARS OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN FRANCE The modern conception of a university in France dates from the Revolution. In place of the old Sorbonne, verit- able Bastille of scholasticism, the new University was conceived as a kind of laboratory and clearing-house in which every form of knowledge was to be pursued or dis- pensed. Yet in spite of the multiplicity of the subjects, unity was to be secured by the natural connection between the different branches and the common aims and ideals of the teachers themselves. Unfortunately the Revolution failed to reaHze the grandiose ideas of Talleyrand and Con- dorcet. With the exception of the Institute, the only estab- lishments it created were the so-called "special schools," limited to the study of a single science or group of subjects, such as, for instance, the school of mathematics, the school of medicine, the school of Oriental languages, etc. To these the Consulate added the schools of law and altered the title of many of these schools into that of " faculties." It further increased the number of faculties by adding those of letters and of science. The research side of university work was ignored, the faculties were mere examination machines for turning out professional men. The only university was the University of France, which, though made a corporate body by Napoleon, was above all things an institution for the propagation of an official education most favourable to Imperialism. To this university all the different faculties in the different towns were subordinated. But here all connection ended. Although often existing three and four together in the same town, they were completely strangers 174 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION to one another, having no unity or even relationship with one another, almost entirely devoid of the necessary re- sources, not merely for original investigation, but also for their ordinary work. The evils arising from such an excessive centralization combined with the practical isolation of the local faculties were certain to make themselves felt in the long run. " Paris," wrote Guizot in his Memoir es, " morally attracts and absorbs France." For this, in his eyes, the only remedy was the creation of a few large provincial universities. Re- cognizing the impossibility of creating seventeen complete and fully equipped universities, he proposed to limit their number to four. Unhappily he was in advance of his time. The second Republic reduced the status of the university itself from that of a corporation to a mere branch of the central Government. The most enlightened Education Minister of the Empire, Victor Duruy, seeing the impossibility of reforming the faculties, determined to establish alongside of them a scientific institution called the ficole des Hautes fitudes, which reminds one, though its scope was wider, of the Royal College of Science, inasmuch as the savants who formed the personnel were chosen on their merits alone, and no question was made as to whether they were members or not of the university. The school had no fixed quarters, but any professor of ability in the Sorbonne, the College de France, the Museum of Natural History, or in any laboratory, was pressed into the service of this new corps of learned and scientific teachers. The effect of the opening of this " opposition shop " was most beneficial on higher education throughout the whole of the country. Nevertheless the general condition of higher education was, in the words of M. Liard, " very lamentable, and what was most lamentable of all was not the insufiiciency of the buildings, the poverty-stricken state of the laboratories, collections and libraries, or the dearth of resources, but the almost absolute misconception of their real functions by the professors of those faculties which ought to have been above all the instruments of scientific progress and of the UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN FRANCE 175 propagation of scientific methods. With a few exceptions, in the faculty of letters the teaching was above all rhetorical and fashionable, in that of science it was nearly everywhere limited to the mere popularization of discoveries. The highest work of university education, the training and for- mation of the man of science, was almost unknown. The admirable savants of the time were self-taught persons without a university degree." Such was the state of things when the disaster of 1870 occurred. With the conclusion of peace, savants and patriots joined forces in favour of a radical reform of the university system. It was felt that inefficiency in higher education had been one of the causes of national defeat. The most competent judges were agreed that the essential defect in university education was the multipHcity and isolation of the faculties. The remedy in their eyes was the concentration of the faculties of the different orders into a limited number of " powerful centres of study, science and intellectual progress." Jules Simon affirmed the necessity of " having a certain number of intellectual capitals in which are to be found united all the necessary resources for the complete development of the young." Again, according to M. Laboulaye, universities were the one thing needful. " Let them cease to scatter over the surface of France faculties the isolation of which condemned them to steriUty." Some of the strongest arguments in favour of reform came from the men of science of the day. It was pointed out that the duty of the universities was not merely to distribute the existing stores of knowledge, but also to lead in the van of discovery. " Close the laboratories and libraries," said Bertholet, " stop original investigation, and we shall return to scholasticism." Insistence was also laid on the extreme value of scientific discovery as a factor in the industrial struggle between the different nations, while at the same time the importance of introducing the scientific spirit into the mental hfe of a people only too often swayed by sudden emotions was strongly emphasized. But the advocates of university reform had a very serious difficulty to encounter at the outset. Alongside of the 176 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION faculties there already existed the big scientific establish- ments like the College de France, the Museum of Natural History, and the professional schools, such as the ficole Polytechnique and the ficole Normale, in which the flower of miUtary engineers and university professors were being trained. All these bodies were bitterly hostile to incor- poration. Fortunately they were all situated in Paris, where in reality there was room both for themselves and the university. The main problem after all was the creation of provincial universities. Here the difficulties were far more real and pressing. To begin with, many of the existing professors in the faculties were by no means in sympathy with the reformers. For them the function of the faculties was to turn out lawyers, magistrates, doctors, pharmaceutical chemists (the calling of chemist in France ranks as a liberal profession), not to conduct original research. Did not the College de France and the Museum of Natural History exist specially for these purposes ? The answer was one, which has since been given in higher technical education in England and elsewhere, that science should be the centre of professional training. Practice without science was pure empiricism, and em- piricism was out of date. Claude Bernard had already converted medicine into an experimental science, and the historical method had wrought a similar transformation in the study of law. Whether the faculties remained isolated or not, they would henceforth have to adopt scientific methods. Naturally every student could not be turned into a man of science, but every one had a right to know the scientific truths on which his professional education was based, while the small elite of the really talented students should have the opportunity of engaging in scientific investigation. In the case of these exceptional students the method of working in common with their masters had hitherto been largely neglected. Yet its importance in working out a discovery to its fullest extent is not only beneficial to all parties, but often of the highest importance to the country at large. Another objection urged by the opponents of reform was UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN FRANCE 177 that a university by definition implies the concentration of subjects, whereas modern science on the contrary is fissi- parous by nature, ever spHtting up into new branches and speciaHties. To this it was easily answered that one of the chief dangers of the day was excessive speciahzation, and that the university is therefore the best antidote, as its chief function is to co-ordinate knowledge and make it a general object of culture. Warned by the excessive specialism that is rampant in German universities, the French have taken for their motto, " Specialization sub- ordinated to a general culture." In 1883 Jules Ferry brought the question within the sphere of practical politics by a circular addressed to the faculties ; after speaking of the efforts he had made to develop in higher education the sentiment of responsi- bility and the habit of self-government, he went on to say: " We shall have obtained a great result if we are able to constitute one day universities uniting within themselves the most varied kinds of teaching, in order mutually to assist one another, managing their own affairs, convinced of their duties and of their merits, inspiring themselves with ideas suitable to each part of France, with such variety as the unity of the country allows, rivals of adjoining uni- versities, associating in these rivalries the interest of their own prosperity with the desire of the big towns to excel their neighbours and to acquire particular merit and distinction." In conclusion he invited the faculties to give their opinions on his suggestion. These were, in the main, favourable. It was left, however, to his successor, M. Rene Goblet, to take the first official steps. It was evident to all that the new universities could not be constituted after some ideal plan, but would naturally have to be built up out of the existing faculties. To group the latter in collective wholes, effacing all distinction between them, would have proved too drastic a measure. The best way of building up a university was to begin by strengthening and not by weaken- ing the faculties. This was done by restoring to them the B.E, M 178 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION personnalite civile which had lapsed, and recognizing their capabiHty to receive and hold property. At the same time another decree, without giving them the absolute right to frame a budget, allowed them the right to expend all subventions, to which no conditions had been attached by the parties making them, whether departments, communes, or private individuals, on the creation of new courses of instruction, on laboratories and Hbraries, and on scholarships. To regulate this expenditure a council was created called the Conseil General des Facultes. This council, estabhshed for purely financial reasons, was destined to become the real nucleus in the development of the uni- versities. As M. Liard has well said, " the decree of 28th December, 1885, was truly the provisional charter of the universities before the universities." Linking together the faculties of a single town, the Council not only dealt with the functions for which it was first created ; it was soon allowed, under certain conditions, to draw up the programmes of courses and lectures, to exercise certain disciplinary powers, to make financial proposals to the Minister, and to engage in a multipHcity of tasks which fall to the lot of an ordinary university to perform. In 1889 the separate faculties re- ceived the right to frame budgets of their own. At the same time those grants were directly paid to them which the Ministry previously had itself expended on buildings and equipment. So far the Government had only proceeded by way of decrees, a method which is not unknown in England, and corresponds roughly to an Order in Council, but in 1890 the moment seemed to have come for legal enactment, and M. Leon Bourgeois, the then Minister of Public Instruction, brought forward a Bill to settle the whole subject once for all. Nothing gives a better idea of the enormous sacrifices made by the RepubHc for the sake of higher education than the preamble of the Bill, which ran as follows : " The RepubHc has understood that university education is in the highest degree necessary ; that if primary educa- tion is, according to the phrase of one of our predecessors, UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN FRANCE 179 the canalization by which knowledge is distributed to the very lowest strata of democracy, university education is the source where it collects and whence it flows. It has understood that a particular dignity and utility are attached to this grade of education, that in it especially are formed and trained the men who are capable of conceiving general ideas, by the power and novelty of which the real influence of nations is measured to-day. Therefore it has liberally given to it the necessary millions which had been per- sistently refused by former administrations. " In the last 15 years it has renewed the buildings of the faculties. " It has supplied almost entirely their equipment, their laboratories, their libraries. " It has enlarged and increased the scope and range of their teaching. " It has more than doubled their budget. " It has improved the position of the personnel and en- dowed their teaching with the requisite resources. " It has created two categories of student, formerly un- known in France, students in science and in letters. " It has introduced more science into those courses in which the preoccupations of professional studies predomi- nated, and it has imposed a professional task on those orders of faculties which were without it. " It has restored to the faculties the personnalite civile, a right which a suspicious regime had denied they possessed. " It has rendered relationship possible between them by giving them a common function to fulfil. " It has given full liberty to science and theory. " It has favoured the coming together of students as well as that of teachers. " In conclusion it has seen the number of its students rise from 9,000 to more than 16,000, foreigners returning to its schools, and frequenting them in greater numbers than in any other country in Europe." The Bill itself proposed to create universities in the fullest sense of the word out of the existing groups of faculties in the seven largest towns. Unfortunately local influences i8o STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION proved too strong ; the other ten towns possessing two or more faculties demanded equahty of treatment. The former adversaries of the project joined forces with them, and in the end the Government was obHged to withdraw the Bill. Beaten on the question of estabHshing local universities of the fully equipped type, the reformers took once more the line of least resistance, and in 1893 an Act was passed investing with the personnalite civile the groups of faculties formed by the union of several faculties and represented by the Conseil General. This was followed in 1896 by an Act introduced by M. Poincare, which converted these groups of faculties into universities. The idea of full and complete universities, which had been the underlying conception of the Bill of 1890, was abandoned, and wherever an academy existed, even if it had but two faculties, its place was taken by a university. As M. Liard well says, " it was a choice between having too many universities or of having none." To provide funds, the tuition fees, which had hitherto gone to the Treasury, were handed over to the new bodies. The examination fees, however, were still retained by the Treasury. The law contained but four clauses. The first decided that the groups of faculties should take the name of uni- versities. The second decided that the Conseil General should receive the title of University Council. The third enlarged the disciplinary powers of the new council. The fourth dealt with the financial arrangement mentioned above, the new funds provided being " earmarked " for certain definite purposes, such as expenditure on labora- tories, etc. Certain other financial rearrangements were made, with the result that the extra cost to the State came to about ;fi5,ooo a year. The existing personnel was paid, as before, by the State, and the regular grant, variable year by year, for buildings and equipment was likewise continued. By the law of 1899 the universities were allowed to establish " degrees of a purely scientific kind." This was largely done to encourage the attendance of foreigners, while the proviso that thej^ conferred no rights or privileges UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN FRANCE i8i safeguarded the State from incurring any responsibilities vis-a-vis their recipients. The preamble of the Bill of 1890, quoted above, gives an adequate summary of the progress made from 1870 up to the university year 1888-89. More detailed information of the progress since that date is to be found in the Statistique de V Enseignement superieur, which brings up the record to the university year 1897-98 (the last year available). The following are some of the principal items of interest. Though the French universities have not, with very rare exceptions, found any benefactors on the scale of the Rockefellers and Carnegies, the hst of benefactions published in full shows that the power of the new universities, revived in 1875, to receive donations and legacies has not remained un- appreciated. The University of Paris has received such lump sums as £210,000, MontpeUier such as £60,000, while several have received donations of £4,000 or less. In 1889 the annual grant from the State amounted to about £456,284. In 1898 it was more than £523,640, showing an increase of £67,000 odd over the grant of ten years before, which itself was more than double the grant under the Empire. Though the universities received the above sums in hard cash, the actual cost to the State was less, as one must deduct from it the fees for degrees, which, as has been already stated, go into the coffers of the State. These amounted to 5,135,162 francs in 1898, or, roughly, £205,406. The net expenditure, therefore, of the State was about £318,000. The departments and municipalities make contributions to nearly all the universities, their contributions being " earmarked,'' as a rule, for specific purposes. They practically support all the medical schools, whether situate at the seat of the university itself or within its area of con- trol, the only exceptions being Paris and Bordeaux, which also receive a State subvention. The contributions of the departments and municipahties to the budgets of the uni- versity and faculties amount to about 68,000 francs and 132,000 francs respectively ; their contributions to the medical schools unsupported by the Government, and to i82 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION the so-called preparatory classes in letters and science, amount to about 135,500 francs and 882,000 francs re- spectively. The total income of the universities, including these medical schools, but excluding the College de France, the Museum, and the various special schools, amounts to about 14,142,000 francs for the universities, and 1,582,858 francs for the medical and preparatory schools, in all a grand total of about 15,725,000 francs. Towards this total the State contributes 13,096,664 francs, the departments about 203,000 francs, and the municipalities about 1,014,000 francs ; the rest is made up of students' fees, legacies, and contributions by societies and private persons. As, how- ever, the towns receive from university sources the sum of 421,837 francs, their net contribution is only about 593,000 francs, or roughly about £23,720. Since 1888-89 the number of students has risen in a re- markable fashion, though no doubt this increase is due in part to the law which grants two years' exemption from military service to those who have passed certain examina- tions. In 1888-89, the number of students was about 16,000, in 1898 the total had risen to 28,782, of whom 871 were women, and no less than 1,784 of foreign nationality. All the faculties show an increase in the number of students during the same period, but those in science (a school which did not exist before the Republic) show the greatest increase. Their numbers have risen in the last ten years from 1,187 to 3,424. The haccalaureat shows the same remarkable increase. Certain changes in the examination do not permit of a com- parison being drawn with any year earlier than 1892-93. In that year there were 25,612 candidates for the different sections of the examination, of whom 11,518 passed. In 1897-98 there were 36,922 candidates, of whom 16,688 passed. The other estabHshments of university rank, the College de France, the Museum of Natural History, the ficole Normale Superieure, the ]£cole Pratique des Hautes £tudes, etc., all received an increased grant in 1898 in comparison with the last decennial account. UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN FRANCE 183 The College de France, which is entirely devoted to re- search work, contains no less than forty-two chairs, and receives from the State nearly £21,000 a year. The Museum of Natural History, equally devoted to research, has a budget of more than £38,000. The school of Oriental lan- guages, which has no counterpart in England, though we have a far greater need of one, receives more than £6,000 a year. The ficole des Chartes receives more than £3,000. The Ecole Pratique des Hautes fitudes receives more than £12,500, as well as more than £1,500 a year from the city of Paris. The majority of these institutions have enor- mously developed, if they have not been actually created, under the Repubhcan regime. One word must be said in conclusion for the free univer- sities founded in 1875, when the university monopoly in higher education was aboHshed. At first permitted to grant degrees similar in name to those of the official world, they have since lost the right. In spite of this they have none the less continued to increase. In 1888-89 their students numbered 726, in 1897-98 they had increased to 1,407. It is difficult to say what wiU be their fate under the present campaign to re-estabhsh the monopoly of the State in education. The higher schools of art and technology being under more or less separate authorities do not figure here in the list of higher education. ^ The present regime has been equally liberal and equally successful in dealing with these important branches of national education. Whatever may be the final verdict of history on the Republic, its bitterest critics will never be able to contest the fact that only Prussia after Jena can compare in any way with the thoroughness and success with which it has reformed and revivified every branch of higher education. Principal works consulted : Ministere de ITnstruction PubHque et des Beaux- Arts : (i) Statistique de VEnseigne- ment superieur ; (2) Introduction a la Statistique de I'Enseigne- ^The schools of art are under a separate department in the Ministry of Public Instruction and Art. The higher schools of commerce and technology are under the Ministry of Commerce. i84 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION ment superieur, par M. L. Liard, Directeur de rEnseignement Superieur. (Paris : Imprimerie Nationale, 1900.) (3) Legis- lation et Jurisprudence de V Instruction puhlique. Extrait du Repertoire du Droit administratif. Premiere partie, " Historique et Organisation generale " ; Deuxieme partie, " Enseignement superieur '' ; Sixieme partie, " Ecoles ne relevant du Ministere de Tlnstruction Publique." (Paris : P. Dupont, 1903.) FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION i In order to understand the problems of the French rural school, it would seem essentially necessary to look at tkem from the French point of view, especially if we are to appreciate the value of the solutions adopted. Now, to the French mind, a part of any system only finds its full and complete explanation in its relation to the whole. It is in harmony with this theory that the whole educational or- ganization of the country has been built up. Even when a new subject has been introduced into the time-table of the primary school so apparently unconnected with the rest as the enseignement agricole (agricultural instruction), it has never been allowed to remain long in its isolation, but has been speedily woven into the fabric of the school curriculum. Or, to use another figure, if each new subject represents a new force, all the subjects are so converged that though the direction of the resultant or aim may be altered, the aim itself remains unimpaired. Hence, to hmit one's survey of rural education to what passes within the four walls of the village school, would seem to be as instructive as to present one's audience with an elephant's tooth, and leave them to imagine the jaw that suppUed it with driving power, not to mention the animal itself and its habits which have evolved it into its present condition. French primary education, in fact, is so highly centralized, so much of the energy manifest in the schools appears to come from the central power station, that it seems needful for anyone who wishes to comprehend any large section of it, to obtain a bird's-eye view of the whole machinery. 1 Published in the Journal of the Society of Arts, Dec. 12th, 1902. i86 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Yet at the outset a word of warning is requisite. This centraHzation, however uniform it may appear in Blue- books and Government pubUcations, depends for its ad- ministration on the character of the personnel who run the machine — the officials, the inspectors, and the teachers ; and how these naturally differ in energy, views, and aims need not be dilated on here. The mere fact of whether stress is laid on one part of the programme or another is bound to produce a certain decentralization that itself is aided by the nature of the programme, which is not so inelastic as is popularly supposed. Another element of differentiation is introduced by the racial differences between the inhabitants in the various departments. Education in the Nord, with its affinities with Belgium, and education in Alpes-Maritimes, with its strong Italian proclivities, are evidently working on very different materials. One must, therefore, not only enter a caveat against taking too uniform a view of French education, but one must also be careful oneself to guard against making too sweeping generalizations. The territorial character of the population, to which allusion has just been made, is, however, not merely an element in promoting decentralization, it is also an item to be taken into account when appraising the success or failure of the rural school. Who speaks of character, speaks of home, the religious influence, the social milieu — three powerful factors that can do much to help or hinder the school's endeavours. The two first-named forces reveal themselves in such questions as — Is the school popular with the parents ? and How does it shelve, solve, or sever the rehgious difficulty ? As for the influences that the social milieu exerts, their name is legion, for their area of recruitment is world-wide. Everywhere the centripetal force of the towns is growing. Which way, we ask, is the rural school pulling ? Then comes a whole plexus of problems. Is there a rural exodus, and, if so, are the causes higher wages in the towns, con- scription, the laws of inheritance, or alcohoHsm ? So that the last question we have to ask is this : In the midst of FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 187 the general rural decay is the school a centre and a rallying point of all social reform, or is it merely content to interpret its duties in the narrow sense of instruction pure and simple ? The problem is a big one, but it has got to be faced if it is to be properly stated. After all it is surely better to state factors imperfectly and superficially than conveniently to ignore them and set the school thereby in a false per- spective. The aim of the present paper therefore will be twofold : after a rapid sketch of the general machinery as far as it has reference to the rural school, to present as complete a view as time permits of the rural school itself, and, secondly, to give a rough idea of the conditions pre- vailing in those parts of rural France with which the speaker is personally acquainted, in order to indicate the problems to which the rural school can even under the most favourable circumstances offer only a partial solution. En passant one hopes to bring out such points in French methods as seem worthy of imitation. But the two systems, French and English, are so difterent, there is nothing we can copy wholesale except it be the spirit of thoroughness which has animated French reformers. To understand the present highly developed condition of French primary education, a rapid sketch of its past history seems necessary. The only name that needs to be cited before the Revolution is that of Jean Baptiste de la Salle, the founder of the Christian Brothers, who in any history of the early beginnings of popular education must find a foremost place. Thanks to his teachings the monitorial system never took abiding root in France, being soon ousted by the so-called simultaneous methods of his followers. The Revolution did little else than express a pious resolution in favour of a complete .system of free, popular, and com- pulsory education. The three great names after the Revolution are Guizot, Duruy, and Jules Ferry. Guizot, who must be looked on as the founder of the system, began his reforms by a survey of the educational plant on the ground, a proceeding that might well be copied, especially as regards secondary education, by those who will have to carry out the provisions of the present Bill i88 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION before Parliament. Compulsory education was not estab- lished by him, but each commune had to build a school and pay the teacher. He started also the building of girls* schools and normal schools, and the creation of an inspec- torate. The Loi Falloux, in 1850, divided primary schools into State and private schools, and recognized both. The regime of Duruy is remarkable for the great extension given to evening classes, and to the founding of girls' schools, as well as the establishment of the caisses des ecoles for helping the children of the poor who frequent the schools. The Third Republic began setting its educational house in order by a vast building and furnishing scheme. Every commune was obliged to provide itself with or share in a State school ; every department was compelled to possess a couple of normal schools. State aid was freely given, and in all £34,000,000 were spent by central and local authorities, 35,145 schools were built or acquired, the total of normal schools was brought up to 163, and two higher normal schools for providing these schools with teachers were founded. Having put the buildings on a sound footing, the teaching profession was next raised to the level of a skilled calling by compelling all teachers in religious or lay schools to hold a certificat de capacite (or attainments certificate), while the State teachers were further obliged to possess a certificate of training (certificat d' aptitude pedagogique). Then came the triple reform of free, compulsory, and secularized education, with which the name of Jules Ferry will ever be connected. The latter cut the painter once for all between the public and private school, between the State and the different cults. The teaching of la morale was substituted for denominational teaching, and in the State schools the religious teachers were either immediately or gradually replaced by laymen. The reUgious schools were left entirely free, the State only exercising a certain super- vision over the sanitation and text-books and professional status of the teachers. The result is that in 1897 the total number of children FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 189 still under religious instruction was 1,603,451, of whom 405,825 were still in State schools not yet laicized, against 3,823,760 in the lay schools. This does not include the maternal schools. If these are reckoned in the figures are 1,955,199, against 4,175,656. The great majority of the pupils over 6 in the religious schools are girls ; there are in all only 436,726 boys in these schools. Of the Association laws it is impossible to speak here, as it is at present doubtful as to what their precise effect on primary education will be. These reforms necessitated certain financial readjust- ments, the most important of which was the transference of the payment of the teacher from the locaHty to the State. In thus abolishing the payment of salaries by localities the Republic seems to have solved a large number of grievances. Henceforth the teachers were grouped in classes in which promotion depends on merit and seniority. It is probable that our County Councils will, sooner or later, have to for- mulate a similar scheme. Now that the raison d'etre of inequalities in salaries has gone, the inequalities will have to go. The Republic has also to its credit the re-estabhshment of the higher primary schools, which have been an immense benefit to town and country ; and lastly, the most recent improvement is the revival and enormous extension of even- ing classes. This has been largely a teachers' movement, and is an admirable instance of the striking enthusiasm and devotion that pervades their ranks. One might almost call them the Knights Templars of republican defence and popular education. The beneficial effect of these drastic and thoroughgoing reforms on rural education is obvious, if we put on one side the vexed reUgious question. The country school buildings are not allowed to fall below a certain minimum of requirements. Salaries not being a matter of locality, the tiniest hamlet may, and often does, possess one of the best teachers of the department. And now to come to the actual machinery. We find the Minister has cognizance of all schools as far as the sanitation and staffing are concerned. There is in fact no free trade in teaching, nor can a school label itself with any high- 190 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION sounding title it pleases ; all schools, public or private, must have the Government hall-mark. The fraudulent private school is an impossibiUty in France. Yet this does not mean that the neutral private school is disliked. On the contrary, the most thoughtful of French reformers are highly anxious to encourage private initiative in this direction — a matter our new authorities may well lay to heart. The Ministry itself is divided up into three sections — University, Secondary, and Primary. The latter has the joint supervision of a few quasi-technical schools, but technology proper and commercial education are under the Ministry of Commerce. Agricultural schools are under the Ministry of Agriculture. Attached to the Ministry is a consultative committee ; six of its 57 members are elected by Primary officials and teachers. The Primary section of the Ministry keeps itself in touch with the actual state of education by means of eleven general inspectors. They act not only as the eyes and ears of the central authority, but also as its mouthpiece. Thus a year or two back it was decided to reorganize agricultural education, and one of the inspectors made a tour of all the training colleges in order to give the right trend and direction to the teaching of the subject. Coming to the local authorities, the rector of the local university looks after the normal colleges in his district as well as the education side of the primary schools. In fact, one may look on him as a sort of lay bishop whose seminaries are the normal colleges, and who supervises the articles of faith and rehgion represented by the education taught in the primary schools. But his second in command, the academy inspector, being the man on the spot (there is one for each department), possesses really more effective power. In administrative matters and in the selection of the personnel he is independent. While directly appointing the probationers, he also nominates the full teachers, while the prefect appoints them. Situated midway between the central authority and the schools, yet near enough to be in touch \\dth both, he is evidently the pivot of the whole FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 191 system ; not only does the efficiency of the schools depend largely on him, but scarcely less important are his diplo- matic duties in keeping the school in good odour with the local authorities, and getting them to help education over and above the legal minimum. The prefect, like the minister, has to assist him an ad- visory council of experts, called the conseil departemental. The educational element is in an immense majority on it. In fact, it is practically an education committee with no direct financial powers, the money being raised by the conseil du departement (or county council), which has repre- sentatives on it. A comparison between the education committee under the Bill, and these bodies would be very instructive but would take us too far. Under the academy inspector come the inspectors who have each a district to look after. We should regard them rather as sub-inspectors. Originally largely recruited from among the teachers, they are now, owing to the increased severity of the examination, practically taken from the ranks of the professors in normal schools, the heads of which are also recruited by the same examination. The examination itself is extremely stiff, especially the practical portion, and no one who is not a past-master in pedagogics and practical knowledge of school work has a chance of passing. The mayor of the commune has various rights, including that of visiting all the schools in his commune. He is also supposed to summon the school attendance committees. The cantonal delegates are apparently meant to represent the popular and parental element. They may inspect the building, supervise the children's behaviour, but if present at the lessons given may not meddle with the teaching. The French have little belief in the educational judgment of the local butcher, baker, and candlestick-maker. These " lay figures " in more senses than one have even less authority than Mr. Balfour's managers. In fact, they have so Httle that one inspector described them to me as the fifth wheel in the coach. The two principal things to note, as regards this appa- rently complicated machinery, are the smoothness with 192 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION which it works — due to the clearness with which the function of each official is defined — and the enormous pre- ponderance given to expert as compared with popular management. What we have to learn from France, as far as one can judge, is not to destroy our capacity for self- government, but to strengthen it by fortifying it on the expert side. Clearness in function has led to clearness in finance. At present the State is the largest contributor ; the income and expenditure of certain taxes formerly handled by the depart- ment and commune are now part of the central budget. At present the State pays the teachers' salaries, the county council pays for the upkeep of the normal schools, and the parish pays for the cost and upkeep of the school buildings. A few figures may prove of interest. In 1897 the State spent about 5f million pounds, and the communes over 2| millions. The normal schools have cost over 2 millions. The percentage of the cost of building and furnishing has been 40 per cent, for the State, 4 per cent, for the depart- ment, and 56 per cent, for the commune. The English parish has, therefore, had more to pay than the French com- mune. The cost of a place in the State schools has been £12, against £14 12s. 8Jd. in English board schools. The total cost of education in France a year, including lay and religious schools, is put at 11 J millions, or, reckoning in interest on loans, 14 millions. The efficiency of the French State teacher may be judged by the following figures. Less than i-5th per cent, of the male teachers do not possess the brevet, and only 4J per cent, of the female teachers are without it ; 45 per cent, possess further the certificat d' aptitude. This can only be acquired after two years' work in the schools. The difficulty of winning it may be gauged by the fact that it generally takes teachers much longer to obtain it. I myself came across a teacher who had taken eight years. Between 6- and 7-ioths of the present staff have passed through a training college. As regards the position of the State teacher in a village, it has, in some instances, been scarcely a bed of roses in places where a laicization has taken FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 193 place. Cases are not unknown where teachers have been stoned and boycotted, while jehads against the lay school have been preached by the local clergy. Happily this phase seems to be passing away, and any attack on the State school even in a catholic district would probably be mal vu. Otherwise the rural teacher's position is probably from a social standpoint more comfortable than with us. To begin with he possesses that indefinite prestige that attaches to all Government officials. Again the contour lines of the local society are less abrupt in France. They do not rise in the terrace-like fashion as they do in England, with the labourers, farmers, parson, and squire, all more or less at different altitudes and eleva- tions, with no definite ledge for the unfortunate school- master to settle down on. At the present time there seems to be a growing shortage of teachers, as with us. This is being happily met in some departments by giving bonuses to those teachers who prepare pupils for the normal school examination. An idea has got abroad which, rightly or wrongly, asserts that the teachers are turning the children against the profession, though, curiously enough, they con- tinue to send in their own. The vast majority of normal students come from the primary schools. They are practically recruited from the department in which the college is situate. When they leave the college they desire to settle in their own depart- ment, and look on being sent to a neighbouring department as a sort of exile. One often hears the departments spoken of as merely geo- graphical expressions, yet it is evident that this homing instinct of the teacher is gradually giving each department its own educational physiognomy, and thus it is reserved for the primary teachers, whom an impartial philosopher might call the real children of the Revolution, to give life and personaHty to the administrative entities, into which their spiritual forefathers re-divided France more than a century ago. Curiously enough, while the teachers remain station- ary it is the inspectors who move from department to depart- ment in France. This is the exact contrary to us, where B.E. N 194 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION inspectors are more or less stationary and teachers more or less on the move. This no doubt is largely due to the inequalities in local salaries. From a financial point of view the French teacher does not seem to be so well off as the EngHsh, though some of the English are worse paid than some of the French. The English certified master obtains on an average £127 2s. yd. The best French male teacher only receives in the country £80 a year ; in the town he receives various extra allow- ances. On the other hand, he is always housed free of expense, which is not the case with his English confrere. Again, he can add to his income by being secretary to the parish council, or by running evening classes. Living is probably as dear in France as in England, but the style of living is distinctly more economical, as a comparison be- tween the salaries of French and English civil servants of the same grade would show. After 25 years' service the French teacher receives a pension, provided he is 55 years of age. The housing question does not appear to be a burning question in the country as far as the head teacher is con- cerned. The chief grievance seems to centre round a matter that has lately been agitating Parliament, the matter of whitewashing. Members of the parish council, who only whitewash their own premises once in ten years, cannot be got to understand the necessity of such proceedings every other year for the school buildings. Assistant teachers, according to the law, have adequate accommodation, but in reality the two or three rooms they ought to have often shrink to a single room, and that sometimes without a fire- place. Ninety-five per cent, of the rural schools have gardens, not, as has been rashly asserted, for experimental purposes, but for the private use of the teachers. In the old days the teacher was the priest's man, and was obliged to sing, himself and his Httle ones, in the choir. To-day he is nominally his own master, but owing to his secretarial duties and his evening classes, he is probably as hard-worked as any man in the world. Yet the amount of grumbling one heard was very smaU. One comes across FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 195 everywhere signs of the missionary spirit which the desire to raise the country after 1870, and the militant reforms of Jules Ferry, have produced. A National Union of Teachers has just been started, and the late Minister of Public Instruc- tion, who rightly recognized in the teachers a sort of repub- lican army of occupation, gave it a hearty send-off. Other functionaries may change their political colours, but it will take many years to make the vast army of teachers untrue to their salt. They are to my mind the sheet-anchor of the Republic, and the chief visible, definite, concrete expression of the nobler side of the Revolution's aspirations. Their relations with the inspectors are gene- rally excellent. Their relations with the other grades of education are singularly distant. Still this has not been a defect in the past. It has enabled them to cut themselves adrift from a vast amount of scholasticism which pervades French secondary education, while social education and culture have penetrated so far into lower strata of French life, that the primary teacher has not suffered as might be expected from his isolation from secondary education. Lately the need of closing up the republican ranks has been felt, and a teachers' guild, to include teachers of every grade, has been started. After the teacher, the school. Allusion has already been made to the law that every commune must have, or share in, a school of its own. So strong is local feeling that the united district comparatively common in England is rare in France. Only 2 per cent, of the communes have a school in common. One pig-headed commune with a school population of 5 insisted on building itself a school that cost £800. Such cases of obstinacy would be unheard of in England. The country is now covered with a complete net- work of State public schools. Out of 36,174 communes only 47 have no school at all. Communes over 500 are legally obliged to have a separate school for girls, and even this provision has been very thoroughly carried out. The buildings generally are in a good state of repair. Of course, those built 70 or 80 years ago are less suitable than those erected 20 years ago. 196 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION The school furniture is less satisfactory, but here improve- ments are being gradually made. An excellent idea is the distribution of large coloured illustrations by the Ministry, which are really views of French scenery procured from the railway companies, with, of course, the time-table part suppressed. These sheets add a certain amount of attrac- tiveness to walls that are otherwise bare, for pictures to the country lad are as fascinating as flowers to the town child. We might almost look on them as the flowers of the town, fit subjects of barter for our rustic primroses and daffodils. The only piece of school furniture which need detain us is the musee scolaire, or school museum. One finds it every- where. Its use has been admirably defined as the indis- pensable auxiliary of the real object-lesson. It must not, however, resemble a curiosity shop, for collections formed at hazard, and with no definite plan, are of no utility. The museum must be appropriate to the teaching, not the teach- ing to the museum. The use of the museum will be well seen when we come to the agricultural teaching. Unfor- tunately, in a good many cases, it evidently was not utilized as it ought to be. Not a few that one saw resembled too much the collection at a marine store dealer's. And now for the children. They were, for the most part, neat and tidy in their dress. Their hands especially were clean. The copy-books, which are usually a fair test in these matters, were singularly free from " tell-tale " finger- marks. Their behaviour, on the whole, was excellent. In the classes of one or two younger teachers one saw a certain amount of by-play going on, but that is the teachers' fault. This good conduct is the more surprising, as corporal punishment has been abolished in French schools, much to the dislike, it must be admitted, of the older teachers. But the younger generation seem to get on very well without it — in theory. In practice I should be inclined to take the word of a teacher, who said, " There is not a good master going who has not given a ' sound smack ' to some child in his life." How do the children attend ? Well, that is a problem which would take up too much room to discuss fully. One FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 197 can only give conclusions. To begin with, the attempt to make the duty of compelHng attendance a local matter has been a failure. According to the law, the mayor of the commune was to summon the attendance committee and, if necessary, set the law in motion. A good many mayors did, with the result that they and sundry other zealous parish councillors lost their seats at the next election. Their fate has made the law practically a dead letter in the country. One of the chief sources of irregular attendance in the north-western departments is the departure of the children in the spring for the grazing districts, where they guard the cattle. These little pdtours, as they are called, often take six months' French leave at a time. Haysel and harvest, apple-picking and grape-gathering also produce irregular attendance. Several remedies have been proposed. Some have sug- gested that the teacher should be armed with the power of putting the law in motion — an evident mistake, as it would bring him in direct collision with the parents. A better idea is that of vesting these powers in the inspector, who is sufficiently highly placed to be beyond the reach of local vengeance. But while those in authority with whom one conversed, agreed that the law should be made more effec- tive, they most of them deprecated any wholesale setting in motion of the legal machinery as likely to do more harm than good in the country districts, where the peasantry are by nature highly conservative, and local customs and pre- judices are strong. One inspector, in particular, told me he had made a thorough trial of the legal remedies. It had been a com- plete failure. Then he had turned round and experimented with the system of allowing the teachers to inform the parents that the inspector would alwaj'S favourably enter- tain a request for leave of absence if the work was specified. Eighteen years' experience had proved the system worked extremely well. Another way of keeping on the children was to discourage them from presenting themselves for the leaving certificate before they were twelve. Much good is also done by those teachers who make personal inquiries of igS STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION the parents whenever a pupil is absent. To render the system official, as some propose, would just destroy the whole value of it. It is appreciated, just because the teachers' act is voluntary. In some departments, the method is being tried of giving bonuses to those teachers who improve their attendance average, and also of taking the fact into account in regard to promotion. The practice has been followed by excellent results, and is one we might well copy. It is suggested, too, that the little pdlours who are miserably paid, might be kept on at school, if the caisses des ecoles were sufficiently well organized to give the poorer parents an indemnity equivalent to the wretched pittance these children earn, but what the big graziers would say who live in districts where there are no hedgerows, must be left to the imagination. Speaking generally, though the attendance is likely to improve in the near future, it is clear that the French problem will need delicate handling for long to come, and that the method of adaptation to local needs, whether by the half-time system or by allowing the parents the use of their children's services at certain times of the year, will be the policy pursued. Coming to the organization of the schools, we find them officially divided into three cours or grades, the higher for children from 13-11, the middle for those from 11-9, and the elementary for those from 9-6. The higher cours are generally a blank in rural schools, as the children in the cours moyen leave en masse after taking the leaving certifi- cate ; while it has been found necessary in practice to inter- calate a cours preparatoire between the cours elementaire and the classe enfaniine for children under six where it exists. Classes over fifty have a right to an additional teacher, but the regulation is broken in 8,422 schools. Morning school starts at 8.25 as a rule and finishes at 11.30. Afternoon school (or evening as it is called), a reminiscence of the time when people dined at 10 a.m. in the morning, begins at 12.55 and l^-sts till 4 p.m. There are intervals for recreation in the middle of both schools. Thursday is a whole holiday. Monitors are not officially recognized, but one found them in about three-quarters of FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 199 the sixty schools one visited. In the mixed schools it would seem quite impossible to do without them. They are not, however, paid, but the top pupils in the highest class are put on for the day or the week to do the work. The curriculum includes moral and civic instruction, which thus head the list, reading and writing, arithmetic and metric system, the French language, history and geography, both mainly French ; object-lessons, elementary scientific notions, the elements of drawing, singing and manual train- ing, principally in their application to agriculture ; miUtary and gymnastic exercises. Each cours or grade is supposed to be a stepping-stone to the next, but the programme except in history and in geography is concentric, not suc- cessive — that is, the pupil is introduced to all the subjects at once, but every year the circle of his knowledge in each is widened. The elementary grade is pre-eminently that of initiation, and includes the acquisition of the technique or tools of knowledge — reading and writing. The aim of the middle grade is the foundation of the scientific basis of knowledge, and in the higher cours the objective is the development of the logical faculty. The time-table is arranged on the system of putting the harder subjects in the morning. Teachers may vary the order of subjects in the time-table, but the hours assigned to the principal subjects are largely the same in all schools. It is only in such subjects as manual training and singing that some option is exercised. The school work is plotted out with a definite quantum for each month ; the last month, July, being devoted to revision. This " time-schedule " is rather intended to indicate the rate of speed than to tie down the master to the exact points to be taught. The aim of the whole programme is to teach thoroughly, not to teach a good deal superficially, and to cultivate the imagination rather than to overload the memory. The latter is still the besetting sin of the religious schools, but the State schools have certainly broken away to a large extent from the catechismal method of set question and answer, and the learning of neat and, often to the child, meaningless formulae by heart. Yet there is still a tendency 200 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION to turn out intelligence on a general pattern, rather than to develop the individual intellect or to let it grow as it will according to the pedagogy at present in vogue in America. Still here a foreigner must be cautious of judging, remem- bering that the French mind takes to logic as a duck to water. To discuss adequately the teaching of la morale would require a separate paper. Here again an Englishman who is mainly swayed by his feelings or by facts cannot easily understand the force of an ethical system which grounds itself largely on an appeal to reason. In France, the belief in reason is part of and parcel of French civilization. As an Englishman appeals to experience, a Frenchman appeals to reason. It is to him a cult, a dogma, a religion. None the less for children of tender years it needs a large admixture of the emotions. One thing is certain. Where the teacher is a strong believer in what he teaches, there he finds apt dis- ciples. Whether the French were right to break thus definitely with the past by deliberately excluding all religious teaching is not for a foreigner to decide lightly. One cannot help thinking that they might at least have first tried the system of allowing the priest access to the schools during certain hours. The writing appeared to me unusually good. The teach- ing of arithmetic is excellent. The method employed throughout is that of making the child explain at the side every step he takes. The inspectors are dead against what I would call the cookery book system of working out an example on the board by way of recipe and the setting the children down to do others like it. Again, all sums have to be concrete ; either about the number of cows in a yard, or the cost of a pound of butter, etc. There is no juggling with abstract figures. But the chief advantage of all is that the pupil works with the metric system. Thanks to the latter every pupil obtains a definite notion of superficies and volume, which our unfortunate children can never get from our kaleidoscopic weights and measures, in which gills are metamorphosed into pints, pints into quarts, quarts into gallons, at which point a new bifurcation comes on for wet I FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 261 and dry measure. The result is that the EngHsh child never realizes that there is any such thing as a scientific unit of dimension, but vaguely imagines that measures are a mere affair of pots for wet things and pans for dry. Composition is better taught in the French rural school than with us, as more stress is laid on making the essay a whole in itself. Still it has suffered in the past, and still suffers, from excessive attention being paid to minutiae in spelling in spite of the recent reforms. Geography begins with elementary notions of the world, and of the meaning of a map. It then comes back to the starting point in English and German schools, the school-house and its environment. An excellent practice obtains in some schools of hanging up maps made by the teachers of the department or commune, either geographical or agronomic. History is too much of the blood-and-thunder tj^pe which breeds young fire-eaters, though the social and economic side is being gradually developed. Manual training is practically a dead letter in the country. In one village I went into it had been suddenly dropped. The local authorities, who were dehghted by the great pro- gress shown by the children at their home work, discovered that the village carpenter was making a handsome thing out of doing their work for them. Mihtary exercises have caught on but httle in the country ; singing in the depart- ments I visited was much neglected. In domestic economy the French have nothing to teach us. They have not yet determined its place in the curriculum. The sewing is probably their strongest point. I only saw one cookery lesson, and that was given out of a book. The teacher described the roasting of a fowl to the class. A series of questions that followed showed the children had only re- tained half the directions. It is to be hoped for the peace of the future households over which they will have to preside that they have already forgotten the other half. And now we come to the subject which, perhaps, is of most interest to us here in England to-day, the so-called teaching of agriculture. Before, however, discussing the French solution, it should be remembered that the rural 202 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION problem in France and that in England differ in certain radical particulars. Hence, what may suit France need not necessarily suit England, and vice-versa. To begin with, it must be remembered that the rural population in France outnumbers the urban, whereas in England it is just the other way. Accordingly country interests in France have had a greater chance of making their wants heard and getting them attended to than with us. The French rural problem has therefore been tackled at least ten years earlier. Again, England is rather a country of large farms, France of small holdings. In England the bulk of the village com- munity are landless men, save the squire, parson and farmers, whose children do not frequent the village school. In France, in some communes, one person in every four is a proprietor, and therefore the pick of the village scholars are the sons of peasants who have been helping their fathers on their small holdings from their earliest years. Hence, while the problem in England seems to be to stimulate observation and dexterity, to provide at most an eye and hand training in order to improve the future labourer's efficiency, in France, rightly or wrongly, the aim has been to give the pupil some grasp of the principles underlying the science of agriculture. The first attempt to develop popular agricultural teach- ing in the primary school goes back to 1866, but nothing was really done till the law of 1879, which started agricultural teaching in the normal schools and made it compulsory after three years in the elementary schools, each departmental education committee being left to draw up its own agri- cultural programme. Unfortunately this local option in programme-making seems to have produced more harm than good, for the reason that the aim and first principles of the subject had not been thought out. A visitor to France in 1891 found no less than six conceptions of agricultural teaching in exist- ence. The first consisted of stray notions on the subject being given by the teacher, often out of a book, supple- mented by passages for dictation culled out of the agri- cultural journals. The basis of the second was the learning FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 203 by heart of little agricultural catechisms, in which the horse was defined as a four-legged animal, and the obvious and the abstruse were delightfully jumbled together. The others were variations of the gardening method, the fullest being that in which each child had a plot, and cultivated another in partnership with his fellows, under the eye of the teacher. In 1895 the Ministry took the matter in hand, and order was evolved out of chaos by the celebrated scheme of January, 1897, " On the Teaching of Elementary Notions of Agriculture in Rural Schools." The method was to be notions of science applied to agriculture, and the procedure was to be above all practical. The aim was to inspire children with a love of the country life, and convince them of the superiority of an agricultural occupation for those who practise it with industry, intelligence, and enlighten- ment. Teachers were advised to give the whole curriculum an agricultural tinge, and to make their lessons in agri- cultural teaching coincide with the seasons. Inflated pro- grammes were deprecated, and suggestions for a course offered. In the elementary grade only simple objects should be given. For the middle grade there should be more object-lessons, together with reading lessons and school walks. Simple experiments in the three states of matter, the study of useful and noxious plants, of combustion, of composition of soils, etc., should be included, as well as experiments with different manures, including the five-fold experiment with the different chemicals necessary for the support of plant life, potash, super-phosphate, and nitrate. The need of champs d' experience, or trial fields, is also insisted on. An inspection of the present departmental programme reveals that they are all maxima programmes. In fact the teacher is not so much supposed to follow them implicitly, but rather to pick and choose those portions which best suit his own district, be it a grazing or arable country, a wine or a cider district. Another point which an inspection of the programmes brings out is, that though the majority of them are far more practicable than the old programmes, there is still doubt 204 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION whether the scientific and general side, or the agricultural side, should predominate. These programmes are meant for boys, but girls are also taught horticulture, a matter the French peasant largely leaves to his womankind. They are also given some instruction in poultry-keeping and dairy work. As regards text-books their employment is well defined in the Calvados programme. " Books will be useless in the cours elementaire preparatoire ; optional in the cours moyen ; indispensable in the cours superieur." The work placed in the hands of the pupils will only serve for reference. In no case will it take the place of oral teaching. Of those who would do entirely without books, one is compelled to ask. What is the use then of hbraries ? Pictures, diagrams, and the musee scolaire are all useful adjuncts to the teaching of the subject. But, as the Ministry have recognized, the chief value of the subject lies on its experimental and practical side. The experiment in pots is pretty, but insufficient ; more fruitful have been the outdoor experiments in the teachers' gardens, or in the champs d' experience. In two directions the school has been able to render valuable service to the cause of agri- culture. One is the teaching of grafting in the vine dis- tricts, where the reconstruction of the vineyards is of capital importance, owing to the devastation of the phyl- loxera ; and the other is the wider and more intelligent use of natural and especially artificial manures. The employ- ment of the latter is especially needful in a country where the head of stock kept by the peasant is comparatively small. The agricultural education of the department outside the primary school is one of the many functions that concern the professor of agriculture, but, in looking after the " trial fields," the teachers often prove to be his most valuable henchman. In some departments these champs d' experience are quite insufficient. In Calvados, for example, there are only some 20 or 30 in 763 communes. In Sarthe, on the other hand, with 386 communes, they numbered 167 in 1898-9, of which some 80 were looked after by the teachers. FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 205 A further aid to the outside work of the school is the school journey, during which the children take notes, and occasionally botanize. To sum up, while the older teachers seem generally in- different, there are many among the younger generation who, thanks to the teaching in the normal schools, take a keen interest in the subject. The chief desideratum seems to be the establishment everywhere of a small garden. This is so strongly felt by the Ministry that at the Exhibition of 1900 there was a small model garden which, although it occupied only some 75 square yards, allowed room for a largish number of experiments. Most of the plants it con- tained came originally from school gardens. The botanical bed in the middle was composed of field flowers. It sufficed, as the ofiicial report says, for the study of the principal families, and was none the worse for being orna- mental. In the foreground was a narrow bed containing the principal leguminous and gramineous plants that every cultivator ought to know. To the left, five little squares were sown with mixtures of these plants in order to form specimen meadow plots. Behind them were four quad- rangular plots sown with maize, potatoes, tomatoes, etc., each being treated either with no manure, or with different dressings to show the effect of proper manuring. Against the wall at the side were climbing plants, vines, and fruit trees. In spite of the torrid heat and the attentions of the Paris sparrows, the garden looked very well, and the experi- ments were most satisfactory. Some English critics, no doubt, will not be able to completely approve of the French solution, though experiments on more or less similar lines have been carried out with much success in this country, notably by the Surrey County Council, in Norfolk, and the Isle of Wight. It is possible that the advocates of nature-study would insist on the superior educational value of an education whose first principles are rather based on training the observation and the imagination. The French system bears on the face of it a practical and utiUtarian aim. Yet any 2o6 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION judgment passed upon it must take into consideration the requirements of the French rural problem. To encourage the teaching of the subject in the rural schools, examinations written and oral are held, and prizes awarded by the different departments. . The examination papers include questions framed on the missing word prin- ciple, questions demanding an answer of two or three lines, agricultural book-keeping, which is really a short problem in arithmetic, an essay, and a simple design from memory. In Sarthe, there are not only school examinations but school exhibitions, which are apparently very successful. Prizes are given by the local agricultural societies — a point that might well be copied in England. The French programme, as the examination paper just quoted shows, attempts as far as possible to dovetail the subjects into one another. As was indicated at the outset, a subject is not so much squeezed into the curriculum because it " pays " or because it is a fad. To gain entry it has to prove that it will better the all-round efficiency of the pupil. None the less there is a general feeling that the curriculum is overloaded, which is plain, when, as we have seen, the school working- week is 30 hours, and the number of hours required by the subjects is 34. French teachers are already asking whether the wisest thing would not be to have the main programme the same for town and country, with certain optional subjects for urban or rural children. The teachers themselves favour some such form of decentral- ization, and probably some sort of restricted local option will be possible in the near future. As a sanction to all these studies, the French have created a merit or leaving certificate called the certificat d' etudes. It has its drawbacks, the principal one being the premature age at which the pupils take it, with the result that it leads to cramming. Yet, on the other hand, it is held in high esteem by parents and by the business world. It also gives the State a valuable means of audit, all the more valuable because part of it is oral. Happily, in France, the fetish of paper-work has not reached the dimensions it has with us. The French have all along seen that viva-voce is an indis- FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 207 pensable supplement to a written examination, because it tests qualities which are of real worth in daily life, presence of mind, power to mobilize one's knowledge and intelHgence at a minute's notice, and to think out a problem quickly. Paper-work is a good test for the closet student, the recluse, but oral examination brings out as no other test the strong points of the business man who has got to keep his head and to come to a sound decision — more speedily than his fellow competitors. In any case, the advantages of the examination appear even in the teachers' eyes to outweigh the disadvantages. For those who would learn more of its working I must refer to an excellent monograph on the sub- ject by Sir Joshua Fitch. If such an examination were adopted in England it would probably be best to entrust it to a board, consisting of the inspectors, with representa- tives from primary, secondary, and technical schools and committees. Were the examination conducted by districts in the counties and by group centres in the large boroughs, the whole examination could be got through generally in a single day, provided the examining board were big enough. Most of the foregoing remarks refer to the State lay schools, as the religious schools in the country are compara- tively few. Their strength lies strangely enough in the towns where they can charge fees. In teaching methods they are and have been generally inferior, but this is scarcely surprising when one realizes that they are entirely self- supporting. The " intolerable strain " with them is not some 20 per cent, of the maintenance, but 100 per cent. Under these circumstances one can only admire the spirit of self- devotion that keeps them alive. Many will probably go under owing to the financial strain, quite apart from^ any alterations that may be made in the new law on the right to teach. The agricultural training given in the normal schools is naturally of vital importance to the rural school. While it appears to be sound upon its theoretical side, it probably still requires a good deal of attention to make its practical side as effective as it might be. The truth is in many cases the agricultural professors are so hard- worked they have not the 2o8 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION time to pay the requisite attention to their outdoor courses at the normal colleges, and, on the other hand, there is not always that close correlation that ought to exist between the teaching of the agricultural professor and his confrere the professor of science. Agricultural teaching in the training colleges for women largely consists of horticulture. The chief lesson to be learnt from the French training colleges is that we must copy them in immensely increasing our faculties for training, while we must avoid their mistake of setting up a brace of normal schools for each county or department. What our authorities should rather do is to group their schools round the universities or existing train- ing colleges, or perhaps in the case of some of the rural counties build small hostels round some of the agricultural colleges, which the students could attend for certain courses ; while in other respects they would receive a literary training. In any case, we want on the one hand to centralize the training centres, and on the other to encourage the counties to go shares as much as possible in the building of new schools, or at least, to place their hostels alongside one another round a nucleus of class-rooms and school buildings to be used in common. The opportunities for agricultural education in secondary French schools are so insignificant they need not be mentioned. The local grammar schools are far more out of touch with the localities than with us. Far more promising is the creation of ex-standard classes and higher primary schools in the country districts with a view to catering for rural needs. This is a species of school which it ought to be easy for the rural counties in England to erect in the near future. Only the authorities must steadily bear in mind what sort of pupil they mean to produce, and to be certain to produce one who will not be a declasse. But the rural problem in France is complicated as in England by class distinctions. Parents will still go on sending their boys to the religious high school or the college because it is the fashion. The remedy in both countries, therefore, seems to be to modernize the college course and make it give, as the FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 209 great majority of country grammar schools should give, a thoroughly modern education. The scholarship system properly arranged should provide for moving on a clever lad to some central county school which prepared for the universities on classical lines. If a classical side exists in such schools, it should really be a side and not the main aim of the schools. These schools had a regular raison d'etre for being classical schools in the days when the local upper ten frequented them. But with the revolution of transport, their clientele has greatly changed, and the educa- tion they give should follow suit. Of the extraordinary ardour with which the French teachers have thrown themselves into the extraneous work connected with the school, a few words must be said. Many of these works of supererogation are performed by the English teacher, but nothing like to the same extent. One thing we might copy is the mutualite scolaire, or the system of old age pensions, which starts in the elementary school. Had the children's fees in English schools been devoted to this purpose instead of being aboHshed, we might have created with a stroke of the pen a complete system of old age pensions. Allusion has been already made to the evening classes and lectures carried on by teachers in connection or not with old boys' clubs. Some idea of the magnitude of the work may be gathered from the fact that in 1900 the number of people attending these lectures amounted to 3! millions. It is not necessary to dilate on the value of these good works in bringing together parents and teachers in the rural districts, in brightening village life, and in stimulating and consolidating village interests. Let it suffice to say that in many places it is helping the schoolmaster to become the " lay rector " of the parish. Such then is the sketch of the French school, and especially of the French rural school, I have to offer you. Incomplete and superficial as it is it may nevertheless perhaps produce on you some faint impression of the effect it produced on me by the thoroughness of the organization, by the capability of the expert element in supervision and guidance, by the B.E. o 210 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION rare enthusiasm and self-devotion of the teachers, and by the correlation of subjects and the coherence of aim that distinguish the curriculum of the primary school. Of course there are blots : in some places the supervision is too drastic, the intrusion of politics too obvious, the teach- ing is lukewarm, and part of the programme remains un- realized. But judged en bloc — and I think my opinion will be endorsed by my colleague, Mr. Medd, of whose com- petence I do not need to speak here — the general efficiency of the school is certainly remarkable. Mr. Medd and myself wrote entirely independent reports, yet anyone must notice that on all great questions we somewhat arrived at practi- cally identical conclusions. And this brings me to the last and most difficult part of the problem. How does the school stand in relation to the rural problem ? Is it a power for good, or does it merely help to accentuate the rural crisis ? Judging by what I saw and heard, the French school is not out of sympathy with the home. At the time of my visit its struggle with the Church was distinctly on the wane, while the school is certainly in good odour among the vast majority of country folk. The great mass of those one interviewed assuredly did not look on it as an engine for setting boys against the land or increasing the longing for town life. Yet so much has been said, often unfairly, against the English rural school, such extravagant ideas have been advanced about the extent of its evil influence, that a state- ment of the French rural problem may help to open the eyes of those people who apparently think that a few changes in the school curriculum would prove a "cure-all" for every ill the countryside is heir to. Let us first consider, very briefly, the French rural problem, and then we shall be able to see whether and to what extent the school exercises an alleviating or an aggravating influence. Here again, of course, one can only speak of the five depart- ments which one visited ; yet lying as they did on the borderland between north and south they are probably typical of a great many other departments. Speaking broadly, then, local industries except when FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 211 grouped round centres like Flers and Lisieux seem to be declining. The village industries, once such a feature of these parts, are practically extinct. Agriculture while not the prosperous thing it was under the Empire (a matter that still makes the older peasant a Bonapartist at heart) has certainly improved during the last ten years, though land has fallen one-third in value. In many places the yield per acre of corn has doubled, thanks to the use of artificial manures. Dairy-farming and cattle-breeding are flourish- ing, except where the foot-and-mouth disease is prevalent ; but the great change from arable to pasture has had a bad effect on the peasant. It has made him more lazy than he was. Horse-breeding, especially for the remounts (the French prefer encouraging home industries to buying " screws " in Hungary), is a paying business, and hundreds of thousands of fowls and millions of eggs are sent from these districts to Leadenhall Market. The cider districts are the most prosperous in France. If the apple crop is a failure owing to the wet, the hay crop grown under the trees is usually heavy : if the season is too dry for hay, the apple crop is a bumper one. The vine districts seem to have turned the corner, and nearly every- where vine-growers are making money. The new method of replanting and grafting have robbed the phylloxera of its worst terrors. Agriculture has been immensely aided by the establishment of agricultural professors, who not only conduct local experiments but analyse soils, suggest the proper manures, and encourage co-operative purchase on a large scale. Much again has been done by the construction of light railways, the foundation of agricultural shows, the creation of syndicates among the farmers for buying manures, implements, and pedigree bulls. Some of these societies run into thousands of members. Mutual assurances against loss of crops or cattle are very widely practised, although co-operative selling is in its infancy. But le manque de bras c'est la plaie du pays. Labour is getting ever scarcer. The harvests would stand rotting in the fields if the foreigners did not arrive in shoals to reap them or the Ministry of War did not allow the 212 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION soldiers to go and lend a hand. Still the sons of the land- owning class no longer flock to Paris as they did. But the landless men still go. The attractions are higher wages, the glamour of town life and conscription. Half the rural conscripts, says one authority, never come back to till the soil. Those interested in preserving our village life had better note this when they hear conscription mooted in England. Another cause of the depopulation is the low birth-rate. This is due in part to the love of comfort which restricts the number of children in the family, and to the absurd system of inheritance. ** The English system of primogeniture,** says a witty Frenchman, " confines the number of fools to one per family ; we French have found a method for render- ing the whole family imbeciles." Certainly the division of property in assuring to each child a pittance, is a great incentive to slackness and lack of enterprise. But the chief cause of depopulation is alcoholism. Fifty years ago France was probably the most temperate country in the world. Now it is by far the greatest consumer of alcohol. Accord- ing to statistics France consumes annually 14 litres of pure alcohol at 100 per cent, per head. We only come a bad sixth in the list with 9.23 litres, but even our record looks black beside Canada's figure of 2.63 litres per head. The cause of all this paradoxically was the phylloxera, which, by making wine comparatively dear, drove the people to beetroot spirit, absinthe, and other deadly poisons. The effects have been appalling. In Rouen a workman's morning breakfast often consists of sUces of bread served in a soup tureen containing a litre or half a litre of spirit ; the coffee even is left out. The same soup is not infrequently served at the evening meal, and this is the fare the children are brought up on. The whole race seems threatened. In the fourteen years between 1874-1888 the number of recruits in the northern departments unfit for service had increased sixfold, and in the district of Domfront there are some cantons in which, owing to the prevalence of alcohol- ism, the recruiting of young conscripts is becoming almost impossible. The asylums are filled up with these alcoholics. FRENCH RURAL EDUCATION 213 In that of Alengon 60 per cent, of the males and 70 per cent, of the women belong to this category. In the light of the above facts it is clear that the higher primary school may do something for industry ; the agri- cultural education given in the primary and higher schools should make the pupils they turn out more anxious to follow the profession of their fathers and to profit by the services of the agricultural professor. But the other problems are clearly beyond the competence of the school to solve, except that of alcoholism, and here the teachers, though rather in the towns, have already started a vigorous campaign to rouse the younger generation to its dangers. So much then for the school and its services to the locality. But the French, while not unheedful of local needs, none the less recognize that the school has also a national and a world-wide aim. They do not forget that it is the nursery of the citizen of to-morrow, and true to the teaching of the French Revolution they are far from neglect- ing the claims of humanity. While the French secondary school represents in some ways the quintessence of the cul- ture of the past, the French primary school embodies to a certain extent some of the newest and most modern ideals in education. Their ways are probably not altogether our ways. Their aims may differ, but the principles they have set before them seem well worthy of our consideration and imitation. They desire to give the pupil a practical education, to render him as much as possible in sympathy with his present and with his future surroundings ; but they none the less desire to keep his education general. They do not degrade the literary side of the curriculum, but transform it by choosing more suitable subjects. They try, in a word, to combine the education of the enlightened worker with that of the enlightened citizen. THE TRUE INWARDNESS OF MORAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE The teaching of la morale in France is far from being perfect, but that is a disabihty it largely shares with other subjects. Further, owing to its comparatively recent intro- duction into the curriculum, it has, like every other new subject, laboured under the disadvantage of having to de- fine its content and evolve its methods. At the outset it undoubtedly aimed too high, but every year efforts are being made to bring it down to the children's level. Again, it started by being too individualistic, but this mistake is now being rectified by the greater prominence given to the doctrines of solidarity. It has even developed in certain individuals sundry heretical tendencies, but that is a feature that is also common to all known religions. We must also make allowance for the fact that the organization of moral instruction has taken place " under lire " from one of the most powerful religious bodies in the world, whose teachers have been evicted wholesale from the schools. Personally, one may deplore that it has broken so completely with what I would call by a paradox the meta- physics of the unknown and the unseen, though I am not so sure whether, in having practically excluded the religious element, it will not the more readily bring to light in the end certain elemental needs that appear to be latent in every human soul and thereby ensure their recognition. I do not mean that this will necessarily produce a general return to Catholicism, but I think it has yet to be proved that Positivism in its narrower sense will ever content the mass of mankind. But this line of thought is likely to carry us too far afield. MORAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 215 What I want, if possible, to explain and illustrate here is the true inwardness, as I conceive it, of French moral instruc- tion, because it seems to be perpetually overlooked, ignored, or underrated by the majority of foreign observers, who, forgetting the golden rule not to chercher midi a quatorze heures, allow full play to their preconceptions of education and moral instruction. They not unnaturally fail to find in the French system the strong points of their own, much less a recognition of the postulates on which their own is based. Accordingly, on their return home, they say they have nothing to learn from French education, which is only true as far as they themselves are concerned, and that the French system of teaching morals is more or less a sterile system of phrases and formulae, as often as not above the pupil's head, incapable of touching his feelings and emotions, with no effect whatever on the training of his will — in a word, a sort of juvenile scholasticism. I venture to think that their error is profound. Of course, I freely grant that the French system of moral instruction is not made for export — it would probably be worthless if it were — yet if it can be shown that it is a natural outcome of the French system of education, it seems to me quite another matter to say that it is practically sterile or unsuitable for the French character, unless our critic is prepared to go the whole hog and condemn outright the whole of French education. To my mind, there are three possible ways of teaching morality, as, in fact, of teaching any other subject. You may teach the theory first, as is done still in most of the churches, who begin with a catechism — a sort of pocket atlas of Life and Eternity — which the small child of nine is supposed to master mainly for future use ; or you may teach theory and practice side by side ; or you may rely on the influence of the milieu and make practice, to all intents and purposes, your instrument. The last method is very successfully followed by the big public schools, in which we are told by certain critics that, in spite of chapel and Scripture lessons, the boys remain largely unconscious pagans. Personally I have a preference for the middle system, in which theory and practice go hand in hand. 2i6 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION To propose gravely, as some do, to keep the child from all direct moral teaching until he is fourteen or fifteen is really nothing more nor less than modified Rousseauism, the " Vicaire Savoyard " being brought in three or four years earlier than in the eighteenth-century programme. I freely admit that the amount of theory should vary accord- ing to the environment of the child ; more prophylactic is necessary for the slum child than for the boy in a well- ordered home. But to refuse to help the child to codify his moral experiences as he goes along seems to me as unsound as the doctrine of the early modern language reformers, who would, if they could, have burnt all grammars. Imagine the prohibition of all English grammars to children under fourteen, and the absurdity of the position becomes patent. Besides, a purely instinctive morality at its best is about as meritorious as that of the well broken-in horse or thoroughly trained sheep-dog. Now it seems to me that the French system is faulty because it unduly exalts the theoretical side. Where, how- ever, its critics usually go wrong is that they condemn root and branch the theory itself. They don't, apparently, grasp the fact that the theory is so clear, so well put, so full of meaning to the French child that it makes a definite appeal to his emotions. On the other hand, the distinctively English fashion of making morality mainly consist of right habits seems to me to rely too much on the practical side. But vis consili expers mole ruit sua. It would seem, there- fore, that an ideal education in conduct should be one which, while taking full cognizance of national idiosyn- crasies, should appeal alike to the reason, as in France, and to the will, as in England. No doubt the average Englishman will declare with indig- nation that I have taken an extreme case, and that the training of the will in England does, as a rule, include an appeal to the reason as well. I concede that we have some intellectual training, but its inadequacy is shown by the widespread discontent with existing methods. But, in return, I ask him to concede — what the majority of critics of the French system have hitherto refused to concede — MORAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 217 that, granted that the French system does appeal too exclusively to the rational faculties, it does also appeal to the emotions, which are the raw material of the will ; and I will try to prove, or at least to indicate, that my contention is well grounded. If English education is based on the belief of the eihcacy of an appeal to the will of the child, French education is based on a similar belief in the efficacy of an appeal to his reason. This appeal is not confined to the school : it begins within the family itself. The little child of two or three, when appealed to by its mother, is not told to be good or not to be naughty ; but the exact words used are " Sois sage ! " or " Sois raisonnable ! " To tell an English child to be reasonable would be an absurdity. It is the ordinary term of the nursery (if I may use the word) in France. Of course, I do not mean to imply that the small child of two or three understands all that is meant by the word sage or raisonnable. The point is that his ideas of conduct grow up and associate themselves around such words as sage and raisonnable. He is, in fact, brought up under the regime of reason, and his rules for conduct are couched in rational formulae. The psychology on which the theory of education is based is undoubtedly too exclusively intellectual, but is not the current underlying the psychology of the English nursery equally incomplete in what it lacks in the opposite direction? I do not know whether the French system of education is the cause of the precocity of French children, which is not the precocity of the street arab, but a real intellectual pre- cocity. Maybe it is due to race or climate, but the fact re- mains that the young French boy of twelve or thirteen is as intellectually mature in some ways as the English boy of fifteen or sixteen. This is a fact constantly lost sight of by foreign critics when they condemn the programme as too abstract in form. Not only is the whole school curriculum permeated by the logical idea, but the very hterature on which the pupil is nurtured presupposes a sort of tacit belief in the raison suffisante. The whole of French literature since the seventeenth century is, with certain exceptions, saturated with the belief 2i8 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION in reason, as set forth in the doctrines of Descartes, the encyclopaedists, or the dogmas of the French Revolution. Boileau made reason the soul of poetry, and he was merely the representative of his age, which was, according to Nisard, with the exception of Moliere, almost entirely Car- tesian. For Voltaire and the encyclopaedists reason was the one bulwark of the human race against authority ; Robes- pierre's Feast of Reason was but the logical outcome of the eighteenth-century teaching. The great majority of nine- teenth-century literature is profoundly affected by the politi- cal and social struggles that have agitated France for the past hundred years. But whether the struggle has been for political power or social justice both parties have had to use the same weapon — the logical appeal to the national sense of right and wrong. It is therefore clear, I think, that the atmosphere inside and outside the schools, in which the French child grows up, is essentially a logical one. But to say that French education is merely logic seems to me to be stating a half-truth. I would rather define it as logic touched with emotion. Abstract reasoning, no doubt, leaves everyone cold, but reason that appeals to motives is like a lever that at once sets the emotions in motion. And this is what actually occurs in French education. The language of reason, being applied to control emotional crises, even if they be only nursery tears, speedily assumes an emotional cast ; and this is only natural, for the emotions are there, and if they are prevented by educational tradition from developing their own vocabulary, they must inevitably tinge, if not entirely colour, expressions that originally were purely intellectual — let alone the fact that the average man does not keep his intelligence in one compartment, his morals in another, and his emotions in another, however much he may isolate and insulate, or partly disconnect, his conscience from large tracts of his daily life. This overlapping tendency may be well illustrated by the analysis of the word raison, of which the uses are far wider than the corresponding English word. They intrude, in fact, into the moral domain and even into the sphere of action. It is probable that some of these more varied uses MORAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 219 are reminiscences of the original meanings of ratio ; but if this is the case, it is French exigencies which have kept these meanings aHve in the French when they have died out or never taken root in English. Note, for instance, the moral nuances existing in the uses of avoir raison (to be in the right), donner raison a quelqu'un (own that some one is in the right), dire avec raison (rightly, justly, equitably), en- tendre raison (to comply with something just), comme de raison (as is just), pour valoir ce que de raison (in equity), entrer en raison avec quelqu'un (to remonstrate, reason together — as to rights and wrongs), lui demander raison de quelque chose (ask him to justify himself), rendre raison de quelque chose (justify), point de raison/ (no justification). Note, again, the nuance of action implied in the phrases avoir raison de ses vices (get the better of his vices), demander raison au tyran (challenge, attack), faire raison {render justice), conter ses raisons (business). But the full strength of the word raison is best seen or felt in such phrases as raison suffisante (sovereign reason) or raison d'etre or raison d'etat. How much more fundamental is raison d'etat (suggesting, if necessary, the life and death of the State being at stake) than " reasons of State " — the very plural in EngUsh showing how far weaker the meaning of the English word is, though how typical of the English mind, with its greater sensitiveness to the number of factors to be considered ! If the above considerations are well founded, it is prob- able that much that seems to the bulk of foreign observers either wooden or sterile is usually as full of meaning and significance to the pupil as, say, the whole gamut of the theological vocabulary is to an intelligent young Calvinist brought up in a strictly pious English family, like the author of Father and Son. What, in fact, to the English observer appear to be mere sterile symbols are to the French child not merely intelligible, but fraught with meaning and sugges- tion, because they are largely the language of everyday life and Hterature. There is in France no separate philo- sophical or theological phraseology to darken counsel in the child's mind. 220 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION No doubt there is a certain gain in the double vocabulary as far as theology is concerned ; but it is dearly purchased in the case of those who think they can worship in one lan- guage on Sunday and outwit their neighbour in another for the rest of the week, as Herbert Spencer pointed out. What I want to insist on here is not merely the value, but the vitality, the vivida vis, of intelligible symbols. Foreign observers seem to condemn all symbols which are unfamiliar to the children of their own people, forgetting that even the common folk have been ready to slay and be slain for such an abstract thing as the omission of an iota when they grasped its tremendous importance. But I would push the analysis, if possible, yet one step further. Not only do I think the real raison d'etre of the logical education is that it seems to the French mind the most intelligible way of reaching the child's emotions through the disciplinary categories of reason, but its ulti- mate sanction appears to me to rest on something even deeper than the ideal that man should be a creature of thought, as well as of action. It is based, consciously or unconsciously, on the sentiment of personality, the adytum of our being, the last solid foundation, ere we descend into the vast and endless catacombs of the subconscious and the unknown. I venture to think that the craving for the unification of one's personality — the instinct for physical, mental, and moral self-unity — is quite as fundamental and primordial as the instinct for action. Both are, in fact, but different facets of the same desire for self-realization, which, whether it postulates a soul or not, recognizes in the individual the necessary unit in any system calling itself a cosmos. I do not say, for one moment, we should at once attempt consciously to individualize the child. The result, if successful, could only be something miserably stunted and stereotyped, but surely we should prepare for its gradual realization, as I hope, in conclusion, to show. The truth is, the moment that children begin to reflect — and they do so at a very early age — they want to inquire into the why and wherefore of conduct just as much as into MORAL INSTRUCTION IN FRANCE 221 the why and wherefore of anything else. Nurses and parents do their best to stifle this spirit of free inquiry by discouraging questions. They thus maintain an environ- ment more or less hostile to the legitimate development of curiosity. The public schools are generally equally success- ful in damping down the remains of these searchings of heart by speedily impressing on each newcomer that what- ever is, is right in their particular milieu, Happy the small boy who does not lose his sense of wonder and curiosity in intellectual matters as well ! But even the boy who lives in a definite and regulated atmosphere at home or at school reaches a time when, if he is not a mere drifter intellectually and morally, he asks him- self : " Why am I here ? what am I to live for ? what is my hereafter ? " and a hundred other questions about conduct besides. He reahzes that he must have definite standards to live by, and becomes aware of the discrepancies of the various codes under which he has hitherto been living in blissful unconsciousness. He sees, in a word, the need of an ideal to live for. A conscious or unconscious ideal is, in fact, a sine qua non of life. It may be merely the work- ing hypothesis of getting all the pleasure one can out of Hfe. It may, in fact, be something infinitely degrading. But it is no paradox to say that it is better not to have enough to live on than to have nothing to live for. Millionaires commit suicide because that one essential is lacking, and the chief thing that keeps the dram and drug drinkers, apart from the fear of death, from ending their miserable lives is the prospective joys of intoxication or oblivion. If this is true, then surely the province of moral teaching is to provide humanity — directly or indirectly — with the highest ideals it can reasonably attain or assimilate. This involves not merely the formation of right habits, but also of right thinking — not merely of right-mindedness. Socrates declared that virtue could be taught, and Tennyson has said the same thing when he declared, " we needs must love the highest when we see it " — an application of the Cartesian theory that an idea may be so clear as to become irresistible. We in England have clung too exclusively to the opposite 222 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION theory of training. I fully believe that, being English and not French, we have been essentially right in the main, but I as fully believe that if more will-training would be good in France, a certain amount of carefully administered theory would not be amiss in the teaching of morality in England in the form either of definite moral instruction or of ampli- fied and modernized religious teaching. In a word, virtue must be taught as well as practised.^ 1 Note. — (1913.) The aesthetic and emotional factors in French education are well illustrated by a delicate piece of analysis by that well-known cosmopolitan writer Claire de Pratz, who in her book France from Within points out that a French mother will say to a child who is doing wrong, " Ce que tu fais n'est pas beau " {beautiful /), and if this does not avail she adds, " Tu fais de la peine a ta mere " (appeal to the emotions). Compare with this our normal English discipline — "Won't you be good ? " possibly followed by an appeal to physical force — a quaint illustration of doing evil that good may come. PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE A Monograph included in the Report of the Royal Commission on Physical Training (Scotland) The Beginnings of Physical Education. The necessity of building up the nation after the war of 1870 induced the French statesmen of the day to pay increased attention to education of all kinds, including physical. Jules Simon, in his book on the reform of secondary education, declared that the scholastic contempt for health and hygiene had been a potent factor in the disasters that had befallen the nation. The reforms in physical education took the shape of gym- nastics and military exercises, the chief aim in view being the preparation of the rising generation for their future share in the national defence. The hands of those who took this patriotic view of physical education were greatly strengthened by the growing danger of a fresh invasion towards 1876. Gymnastics with apparatus were everywhere rendered obligatory, and the movement in favour of military drill culminated in the creation of regular cadet corps in the schools, both primary and secondary. These cadet corps were known by the name of hataillons scolaires. As these cadet corps, after a brilliant debut, fell into discredit, and later on into complete ridicule, it is probably worth while giving a fairly full view of the causes of their inception, and particularly of their failure, since there is often as much to be learnt from experiments which have failed as from those which have been successful. Besides, the subject has some interest for us in this country, as there is to-day a distinct movement in favour of establishing some form or another of military drill in all the schools. 224 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION The Cadet Corps. The chief cause of the foundation of these corps was the desire to make the school a sort of nursery for the future defenders of the country. The idea was naturally most widely adopted in the large centres of population, and especially at Paris. The children were armed with wooden swords and muskets, and provided with special uniforms. There were fifes, trumpets, and drums. Some of the children were appointed non-commissioned officers. The higher posts were filled by the sergeant- instructors, aided by several officiers de reserve, who were only too glad to air their uniform. Regular parades and reviews were held in the Garden of the Tuileries and elsewhere. Those whom I consulted on the subject ad- mitted that the object in view of accustoming the child from its earliest years to consider itself the natural defender of its country was an excellent one, but they, one and all, declared the movement in France had been a complete fiasco. Causes of Failure. A good many reasons were given. The cost to the town was altogether out of proportion to the results obtained, and the results themselves were un- satisfactory rather than satisfactory. The children, espe- cially those who were made non-commissioned officers, affected the manners and language of the drill sergeants, who imported into the playground the phraseology of the barracks. The teachers began to take alarm at their children, who swore and expectorated after the most approved military fashion. Then, again, the children who had been made corporals and sergeants tyrannized over the others. The discipline was often very slack. One witness told me of a case in which he saw a real colonel surrounded by his youthful recruits, who kept him a virtual prisoner by crowding round him, while those in his rear decorated his uniform with elaborate designs in chalk. But the teachers were not the only opponents of the move- ment ; the regular officers were also hostile. Experience showed that the children who had left the school at thirteen or fourteen had mostly forgotten what they had learnt when they became soldiers at nineteen and twenty. This was not, however, an unmitigated loss, as it was generally admitted PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 225 that the young people who had taken part in these exercises had, as a rule, a good deal more to unlearn than those who came to the barracks without any preliminary training. Started in 1873, the last of the hataillons scolaires were suppressed in 1890. The moral of the whole experiment was summed up to me by one witness in the following words : " It is just as necessary to give the body a general training as it is to give the mind. SpeciaHzation must come later. To expect to make a soldier of a boy of ten is as sensible as to try to make a boy of the same age into a dentist." 1 Gymnastics. This does not imply that the French have given up all idea of utilizing the school as a prepara- tion for the regiment. On the contrary, the gymnastics, with or without apparatus, were until recently far too much of a military type. While the hataillons scolaires have fallen out altogether, the societies of gymnastics still exist, though their career has been rather a chequered one. Up to 1887 the number of the private societies, recruited mainly from the primary schools, increased. Their numbers then remained stationary for several years, and have since de- clined. The reasons for this falling off are several. Their most severe critics have been those who have made a study of physical education on scientific lines. Objections to the French Gymnastics. It has been shown that the exercises with apparatus are often injurious to those who are weakly constituted. Besides, the whole aim of such a system is to form rather acrobats than well- developed and well-proportioned individuals. Instead of seeking to increase the respiratory powers, its chief object is the formation of muscle. During the last year or two, however, a great effort has been made to introduce the Swedish exercises, or at least the principles under- lying them. The opposition has been very bitter on the 1 Note. — (1913.) The Boy Scouts movement has just been intro- duced into France with apparently good results. The inevitable religious difficulty has, however, arisen, owing to the question of the scouts swearing allegiance to the Divinity, and two rival societies have been formed, Les ficlaireurs de France and Les ficlaireurs fran9ais. B.E. P 226 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION part of the military instructors brought up under the old regime. All sorts of reasons have been advanced, not forgetting the patriotic. But, as one critic has pointed out, the so- called French system is really German, having been adopted in France after passing by Spain. Still the theories of which M. Demeny of Paris, and M. Tissie of Bordeaux, are advo- cates, appear to be getting the upper hand to-day, so much so that at the mihtary school of Joinville le Pont, at which the mihtary instructors for the army are formed, M. Demeny has now a class of his own. As these instructors become later on professors of gymnastics in the lycees and primary schools, it is evident that the gymnastique raisonnee, as it is called, is sure of success in the long run. Gymnastics in the Primary Schools. An important Commission in 1887 was nominated to revise the pro- gramme of gymnastics. Their new programme, issued in 1890, was followed by an official manual on gymnastic exercises and school games. This, however, was merely a book in which the teacher could pick and choose, and no indication was given as to how the teacher should form for himself a scientific course of instruction for his pupils. This gap was filled in 1899 by the publication of a volume by M. Demeny, entitled, L'Exercice a I'Ecole, in which a number of graduated courses were suggested. French v. Swedish. Meanwhile the old battle between the so-called ^ French methods and the Swedish had been gradually fought out in the schools. The chief argu- ment of the opponents of the Swedish system was that the spirit of the training given on the Swedish system was not in sympathy with the temperament of the French child, who has the greatest difficulty in remaining still or con- centrating his attention for any length of time. The Swedish method triumphed nevertheless, and to-day, although the new exercises ^ have only been introduced into 1 French here means the old gymnastic methods, 2 The thoroughness and scientific nature of these exercises may be judged by the fact that before they were adopted in the schools they were submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, who approved of them unanimously. PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 227 the Paris schools since October, 1901, the children have made excellent progress, thanks to the twenty-five teachers that M. le Colonel Derue, inspector of gymnastics to the city of Paris, has been able to gather round him and train. Part of his success, no doubt, is due to the fact that the professors, though appointed by the town, are selected by himself. Description of a Girls' School. I saw several large classes of girls, one amounting to ninety pupils, under- going a course of Swedish drill at the command of a lady instructor. There was very little shirking, the precision was very fair, and the discipline unimpeachable. The directress of the school, who was present, told me she had already remarked a distinct improvement in the deportment of the girls. The exercises were interspersed with short marching exercises, concluding with a pas-de-quatre step. During these exercises the children sang various rounds and ballads. The younger ones also sang while playing at catch-ball — a game at which some of them were not very expert. The practice of singing was much criticized at the International Congress of 1900, but provided it is restricted to marching exercises it has certainly a good effect on the pupils. There are no pianos in the schools ; the cost of supplying them seems to be too great. The exercises took place in the covered playground, and it was somewhat re- markable not to see a single window open. In fine weather they take place in the open playground. Description of a Boys' School. In the boys' schools, in addition to these exercises, the pupils are taught a certain amount of military drill, including la hoxe, which is roughly an exercise of arms and legs without apparatus. In one school I visited the military instructor took up a position at the side of the open playground and blew his whistle. In- stantly the boys, who had not been warned, came tumbling out of the class-rooms, and in one minute forty seconds the whole 800 children had taken up their position in the playground in regular lines, with the masters beside them. They then proceeded to perform with precision several simple military exercises, after which the instructor dis- missed them, and kept back one class which he put through 228 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION various military exercises, such as forming fours, etc. In this case the drill took place in the open playground, but although in the open air the smell of the latrines was unpleasantly obvious. In all these cases the exercises are more or less the same for all classes, and no initiative is left at all to the instructor. There seems, therefore, a possible danger that teachers and taught may find them in the long run monotonous, though at present I did not see any sign of this. The instruction given by the official instructor only amounts to half an hour per week for each class, an amount that the inspector himself regards as woefully inadequate. The R6le of Teacher. This is indeed supplemented by another half-hour in which the exercises are repeated by the teacher of the class, but the time is sometimes split into two quarters, which renders it thereby insufficient. Moreover, the teacher, so I was told in more than one quarter, is not always equal to the task. Unfortunately the teaching given in many of the normal schools is not at present adapted to enable the teachers to give the right sort of training in the primary schools, though teachers are encouraged to obtain at the school a gymnastic certificate, with a view to earning the prize given by the city of Paris to those who possess it. Still the Administration is anxious to see the instruction largely given by the teachers. M. Bayet, the Director of Primary Instruction, told me that in Switzerland the physi- cal education is given by the ordinary teachers in the normal schools, or, in fact, as it is often given in our London schools, only instead of the teacher receiving additional pay, the hours he puts in in teaching gymnastics count the same as the hours devoted to teaching French or mathematics in the total number of hours he is supposed to work per week. Gymnastics in Country Schools. Gymnastics and mili- tary drill in country schools are largely regarded as an optional subject. In some sixty schools that I visited two years ago, in North-west France, I only came across a few instances in which they were taught. As one teacher PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 229 pointed out to me, the children got, as a rale, enough exercise by trudging to school and playing among them- selves. What is often wanted in the country, however, is not the cultivation of muscle, but the cultivation of adroit- ness and agility and handiness ; in fact, the problem in the country is exactly the reverse of that in the towns, where the children are nimble-fingered enough, but lack the physique of the rural lad. It is curious to note that in some programmes of school work the " school walk " is ranked under the heading of gymnastics. Kindergarten. In the kindergarten the gymnastics are naturally confined to singing, games, and simple manoeuvres. I visited one school in which the children sang and performed some of the simple movements ; they were rather listless, but it is only fair to state it was near the end of the afternoon. Higher Primary Schools. I was told there was not much to be learnt in the Paris higher primary schools for boys distinct from what is done in the elementary and secondary schools. The head of one of the two higher primary schools for girls informed me that the gymnastic programme of the school was taken out of the general pro- gramme, the selection being made by the teacher of gym- nastics and herself. Very httle use is made of apparatus. They had given up the employment of staves from lack of space. The exercises took place either out of doors or in the covered playground. An attempt has been made to get the teaching given by the ordinary teachers attached to the school, a plan the directress preferred in the abstract, but it had not been successful. Continuation Classes. There are no official evening classes in France for those who have left the primary schools, though much has been done by private societies and teachers in creating patronages and associations d'anciens eleves. In many cases the school is used as the meeting- place, and a certain amount of gymnastics and dancing goes on, but as the associations are under no control there is no unity of method in the gymnastics as practised in these establishments. 230 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Normal Schools. In the normal schools a consider- able amount of time is given to gymnastics, but, as has been already stated, it is not always of the kind calculated to make the teacher an instructor in simple gymnastics for the school. Thus in comparatively few normal schools for women are Swedish exercises taught. Still the time given to the subject — three hours a week — permits both the men and women in the different normal schools to gain a certificate in the subject. At Auteuil I saw a certain amount of driUing out of doors, combined with military exercises of the foot and hand {la boxe). Several exercises on the horizontal bar were very well done. The professor told me that he every year " created " fresh movements, in order to prevent monotony. The gymnasium had the advantage of having one side completely open to the air. Like all the others that I saw, the floor was covered with sawdust. According to the pro- fessor, the pupils learn all the more common mihtary manoeuvres, and they dance also among themselves twice a week. The gymnasium also is always open, so they can practise whenever they like. In addition, they teach gym- nastics in the practising schools, so that when they leave they are efficient in every way. I was told that in all schools the use of the musket had been suppressed. I came across one school, however, in the country in which it is still retained. In the other schools the pupils now use staves in their place in the gymnastic portion of their drill. Fire Brigade. In one school in the country that I visited I saw the pupils of the first year had been formed into a fire brigade. I saw them at practice, and they certainly worked with a will. They had already received their baptism of fire at a conflagration in the neighbourhood. The practice might certainly be extended to other schools with advantage. Secondary Education. As for the gymnastics in the lycee, they have never been really obligatory, except for the boarders. The day boys take an interest more or less in them. Thus of some thousand day pupils at College RoUin, about 400 attend the gymnastic classes. A few PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 231 years ago, so I was informed, the subject was so unpopular with the boys in some lycees that the winner of the prize for gymnastics did not dare to go up for his prize for fear of being jeered at by his fellows. This spirit cannot, how- ever, extend to all the schools, as at the College Chaptal, which is in part a secondary school, there are supplementary classes for those who care to pay for them, and they are well attended. In these schools, as elsewhere, the instruction is given by anciens sous-officiers, who are often also employed in the primary schools. The exercises themselves are largely taken out of the big manual published by the Ministry. Nominally there is a general inspector, but as he never appears in the schools, each teacher makes up his own pro- gramme. The time given to the subject seems to vary. At the CoUege Rollin the pupils have three half-hours a week. I saw several classes at exercise in this school. The dumb-bells in use for boys of sixteen and seventeen seemed far too heavy, weighing something like 13 pounds ; the smaller boys had also dumb-bells weighing from 4J to 9 pounds. The exercises consisted of various dumb-beU movements, varied with practice on the horizontal bar, which was a mere bar of iron uncased with wood, or else consisted of rope and ladder climbing. The professors had sixteen hours' work a week. At Chaptal, which is partly a higher primary and partly a secondary school, gymnastics are obligatory. The number of hours per week is two. Here each lesson consists of twenty minutes of Swedish exercises, followed by forty minutes of military exercises with dumb-bells or other apparatus. I was present at a supplementary class. One squad practised on the horizontal bar, the other took a turn at jumping off a spring-board, and then had a lesson in rope-climbing. In the latter the teacher rightly laid stress on the climbing being done hand over hand, in order to develop each arm evenly. Competition between the Schools in Gymnastics. Every year there is at Paris a general competition in gym- 232 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION nasties for the seeondary and normal sehools, in which the schools compete against one another either by single champions or by groups. Each school goes through, among other things, a selection of the exercises it has practised during the year, and this helps to keep the teaching in the different establishments more or less together. It was at the general competition of last year that the normal school of Auteuil, mentioned above, won the first prize. Athletics. There is, no doubt, a certain discipline at- tached to the practice of gymnastics, but as a means for developing the character and individuality of the pupil they are obviously insufficient. Hence the necessity of combin- ing them, as far as possible, with the numerous games and sports, either individualistic or collective. This combina- tion found recognition in France in the composition of the official manual on physical exercises already alluded to. It also formed one of the chief subjects set down for discussion at the International Congress of 1900. This belief in the need of outdoor athletics was largely strengthened by the overwork in secondary schools that resulted from the alterations in the official programmes in 1885. The Baron de Coubertin, to mention only one of the numerous reformers, came to England, saw and was con- quered by the system of education which obtains in our big public schools. (i) Recreative Side. Some of these reformers, it is true, only saw in the English system an excellent means of recrea- tion, supplying the requisite antidote to the over-pressure from which the French schools were suffering. Others, on the contrary, regarded the English games as a capital device for keeping their pupils out of mischief — the French boy, in the eyes of the majority of the teachers, is, to parody the words of Rousseau, born fundamentally wicked, (2) Pastimes. Here, however, the creators of new schools on the English model, such as MM. Demolins and Duhamel, have seen that for filUng up a boy's spare time carpentry and other forms of manual work are distinctly preferable. (3) Discipline of Games. There remains, then, the third conception of outdoor games as a school for the will. The PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 233 necessity for self-improvement in the case of anyone who desires to excel in games is in itself a liberal education, while the games in concert, such as football and rowing, provide an admirable field for the cultivation of social and public spirit. So truly is the British pubHc school a minia- ture republic, a training ground for civic Hfe on a larger scale, where the pupils learn ahke to obey and to lead, that the celebrated French educator, the Pere Didon, after visiting Eton, said the boys who learn to command in the games there are learning to command the Indies. The First Phase of the Athletic Movement in France. The movement in favour of outdoor games and athletics in France took, however, at first a distinctly individuaUstic turn. The Lendit, as the annual championship founded by M. Grousset was called, was practically confined to competi- tions between the best individuals in each branch of ath- letics. This led in not a few cases to physical over-training, and had the unfortunate effect of reveaUng to French parents and school authorities the bad side of outdoor sports with- out bringing home to them the moral benefits derived therefrom. In fact, the great obstacle to the development of athletics in France has been the opposition offered by parents and school authorities. Though much has been done for the education of these persons, much remains to be accom- phshed. Blind by education to the advantages of games, both parties alike dread them as a possible source of dis- traction to their boys. In the present fierce competition to enter the pubhc service, every hour given to exercise is apt to be regarded as an hour lost to work. The fear, again, of accidents is a potent factor with the French mother, and in the majority of cases the French mother is the business head of the family, as far as the education of the children is concerned. The question is evidently bound up with the future education of French women. As for the teachers, the fear of accidents is also an important cause of their hostility, though the actual reason itself is different. Until recently they were held pecuniarily 234 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION responsible for any accident to life or limb of the scholars under their charge. No matter however morally innocent the teacher was, he was legally liable. The classic instance — so M. Rabier, the Director of Secondary Education, told me — was that of a teacher who was condemned to pay for an injury which happened to one of his scholars in a fight with another, 300 yards from the school. Lately the law has been changed, and the State now assumes responsibility, reserving, however, to itself the right of making the teacher responsible if it thinks fit. Naturally, the average teacher still considers it is better to avoid accidents at any price, and therefore looks coldly on any form of exercise which may occasion them. None the less, the school athletic associations, which started in 1890, have managed to interest a certain number of secondary pupils in games, and a still larger number of associations have been founded by pupils from the primary schools. A good instance of the progress is the Union of French Athletic Societies, which embraces some 340 societies and contains some 16,000 active members. Hindrances. The movement in the schools has, how- ever, not only suffered from the opposition of parents and professors ; it has also been undermined by those who ought to have served as its best friends. The larger athletic clubs for adults, such as the Racing Club, the Stade Fran9aise, etc., in their desire to augment their members and prestige, have treated the school associa- tions as a happy hunting-ground for providing members for their football and athletic teams. They have thereby greatly increased. The Racing Club has over 1000 mem- bers, but the effect on the school associations has been deplorable. The average boy of fifteen or sixteen cannot be expected to resist the blandishments which membership of a well-known club offers, more especially when he is expressly invited to join by the committee. The results have, however, been disastrous in the long run. Perpetually drained of their best blood, many of the school associations have either dwindled away or remained station- ary. Lacking the prestige that numbers alone can give, PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 235 they fail to attract into their ranks more than a tithe of the pupils of the school. The evil does not end here. The vast majority of French students not having belonged to their school association, naturally fall into the idle and inactive ways of the Quartier Latin. To profit from the physical, and, above all, the moral advantages of athleticism, one must be caught young. Athletics in Primary Schools. As regards the pupils and former pupils of the primary schools, the most striking feature has been the enormous number who play at Associa- tion football every Sunday in the Bois or the Fortifications. According to a competent authority they number thousands. Bicycling. The bicycle may also be mentioned here, not so much for its influence on the education of character, but for the immense impetus it has given to the French people generally to take exercise and live more out of doors. This is especially true of the female sex. Swimming. The number of scholars who take up swimming is likewise growing. Some of the primary school teachers take their pupils to the baths, and this custom also obtains in many of the religious private schools. Shooting. As regards shooting there exist a few school ranges at Paris, from thirteen to sixteen yards long. There are also six or seven targets at the municipal gymnasium in the Rue d'Allemagne. The children in the neighbouring primary schools who are nominated by their teachers for meritorious work go there and shoot. The range is also open to adults. The weapon generally employed is the small French carbine. The associations of former pupils also practise at the Stande Militaire at the Point du Jour near Auteuil, and use the Lebel rifle with a reduced charge. There is no long range in the immediate neighbourhood of Paris. There are a certain number of tir scolaire in the country ; I met with one or two when inspecting the schools, but they did not appear very numerous. In the same year there was a tir scolaire at Rouen for the whole of Normandy, but only fifteen schools competed. In two schools I found the teachers allowed certain of the elder 236 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION pupils to fair e un carton (fire a set of rounds) once a week as a reward for good work. Medical Inspection. The French schools, both primary and secondary, are subject to medical inspection. (i) Primary Schools. In the towns, according to Dr. Philipp, the school doctors go round the primary schools twice a month. They inspect the buildings and sanitary arrangements, and the teachers point out to them any of the pupils who seem to need attention. In some schools they also examine in detail the teeth, eyes and ears of the scholars. In case of any epidemic the teacher is required to call in the doctor. Those children whom the doctor considers unfit to attend school are either sent home or to the hospital. In the former case they are attached as out-patients to a free dispensary, of which there are three or four in each arrondissement of Paris. The pay of a school doctor at Paris is £32 a year, and he has five groups of schools to look after. (2) In Secondary Boarding Schools. In secondary board- ing schools belonging to the State, the doctor generally pays a daily visit. A league founded by Dr. Mathieu to look after the lycees has done a great deal of good ; great improve- ments have been made in the quality and variety of the food supplied in the State boarding schools owing to the efforts of the league. Absence of Statistics. I was unable to obtain statistics on physical education in France, and no one I consulted seemed to know whether any were procurable, but some might probably be obtained at the physical laboratory of the College de France. The only school I am aware of where statistics are kept of the growth and weight of the pupils is the newly founded College de Normandie, which is largely run on British lines. A Book of Health. A few doctors of Paris, however, have started a movement which may have, later on, far- reaching consequences. At the lying-in clinic of Dr. Budier the mothers are given a livret de sante of their children, and encouraged to bring them every three months to the clinic. At first they could not understand the good PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 237 of bringing their children when they were weU. But now they have reaHzed that there is also a preventive side to medicine, and they are only too willing to bring their children, and listen to the doctor's advice on their bringing up. A similar livret de sante has been established at the school of Rambouillet, attended by the children of those soldiers who are too poor to bring them up. A similar system is about to be started at the establishment for re- cruits who have been rejected for some physical defect from the army. The difficulty against extending such a system lies in the material opposition of the parents, as a rule, to any detailed inquiry into the state, of their own health. Physical Degeneration in the Towns. Two schemes for combating the general degeneration of urban populations are sufficiently important to be mentioned here. One is the system of planting out in the country the enfants moralement abandonnes, or pauper children, and the other is the colonic scolaire, or the sending into the country for a time ailing or sickly children in the towns. (i) Les Enfants Moralement Abandonnes. In the former case, the town of Paris has rescued some 50,000 children from certain ruin and degradation, and settled them out in the country with foster-parents. The latter are carefully watched, while the education of the children is safeguarded by the teachers under whom they are placed being remune- rated in such cases as when their pupils obtain the school certificate. To prevent any distinction between these and the other children of the village they are provided with the ordinary costume of the children of the peasants. I was assured by the municipal councillor who superintended the scheme about four years ago that 80 per cent, of these children remain in the country. 10 per cent, have the love of a city life too strong in their veins. They return to Paris, the city finds them situations, and they settle down. The remaining 10 per cent, are lost sight of, but this does not necessarily imply they have lapsed into a life of mendicity or crime. (2) Colonies Scolaires. The school colonies take two forms. In the one case the arrondissement hires or borrows 238 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION a boarding school in the country during the summer holi- days, to which it sends several hundred children. In the other case, it acquires a former chateau in the country, to which it despatches relays of children during the year. The ordinary duration of stay is three weeks. In the majority of cases the locality is an inland one. The children are selected by the head teachers ; the very poor and ailing are taken by preference. Each child must be at least ten years old. In a school of 800, the headmistress told me she was requested last year to select not less than eight or more than ten. School Kitchen. In connection with this, allusion may be made, perhaps, to the cantine scolaire, or school kitchen, by which free meals are provided in each arrondissement for the children of the indigent, while those who desire can share in the meal for about three-halfpence a day. The cost is partially borne by the school fund which is raised to aid poor children ; but, as there is always a large deficit, the great proportion of the cost falls on the city of Paris itself. Authorities Consulted. In conclusion, I should hke to say that, whatever merits this imperfect sketch of physical education in France possesses, they are largely due to those whom I consulted on the subject. Among those to whom I am particularly indebted I should like to mention M. Rabier, the Director of Secondary Education ; M. Bayet, the Director of Primary Instruction ; M. le Colonel Derue, Inspecteur de la Gymnastique dans les ficoles de la ViUe de Paris ; M. Flamand, Inspecteur Primaire ; M. Demeny, Rapporteur de la Commission Superieure de 1' Education Physique au Ministere de ITnstruction Publique, and Sec- retaire General du Congres International de I'Education Physique ; M. le Docteur Philipp ; and M. J. Manchon, Professeur au College de Normandie, as well as the various heads of schools and teachers of gymnastics that I met. Note (1913). — The actual system of physical exercises in the schools of France in 1913 appears to be roughly as follows : Swedish exercises of a kind are practised in the primary PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 239 schools of Paris, though they do not seem to have gained much ground elsewhere. The state of physical exercises in the rest of France may be roughly judged by the fact that there is no definite inspection for the subject. In the secon- dary schools the system most in vogue is not the Swedish but the French. The creation and adoption of a definite French system has been very largely due to the efforts and propa- ganda of M. Demeny, who at present is Director of Physical Exercises in Secondary Schools. In spite of very grave diffi- culties he has been able to train on his own lines a large number of teachers, who now amount to more than half the personnel in secondary schools. It is urged on many grounds that the French system is superior to the Swedish, though the latter, no doubt, marked an advance on the older system of unscientific gymnastics. Thus while, apart from health, the Swedish is fundamentally anatomical and physiological, the French is psychical as well as physiological. To judge by French criticisms the Swedish system, in its most orthodox form, attempts to train the body by taking as its initial data in practice certain artificial simplified concepts, i.e. certain artificially detached movements, many of which occur com- paratively infrequently in an isolated form in real life, such as arch-flexions, shoulder-blade movements, etc. The French system, on the other hand, directly springs out of certain fundamental purposeful natural actions, such as walking, running, etc., and the exercises are such that they are applicable from the very first. The Swedish exercises are too often meaningless as far as such ordinary purposeful actions are concerned, though they may possess scientific or partially scientific explanations in terms of health or physical activity. They represent in such cases analysis pushed to such a point of simplification as to become mean- ingless to the average pupil, whereas the French never lose sight of the synthesis of some natural action or other to which any particular action is directly applicable. The Swedish exercises appear in many cases to bear the same relation to actual normal actions as the definitions of Euclid to real life. Speaking generally, the Swedes would seem to have taken unconsciously for their ideal that of the statue in 240 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION repose of a muscular-looking individual, which they attempt to build up piece by piece, whereas the French ideal appears to be that of a living being in movement, whose development takes place not by excessive attention first to this part and then to that part, but to a large extent synthetically and harmoniously. Physical education, apart from the question of health, is not the production of brawn for the sake of brawn, but the development of muscle through useful and graceful movements, and above all for the sake of useful and graceful movements. In a word, it deals essentially with the art and science of human movements. M. Demeny notes the lack of grace that is apparent and inherent in the stiff, jerky, military, over-precise movements of the Swedish system, which are the antipodes of the movements of the most graceful animals in the world, the cat and the tiger, which represent the quintessence of litheness and supple- ness. This lack of grace has been pointed out by several critics in reference to the ordinary gait and bearing of those trained on the Swedish system, when not corrected by games or dancing. More serious is the criticism that persons trained on Swedish lines are unable to vary freely the tempo of their movements, a grave defect, since in real life this is per- petually necessary. This is no doubt largely due to the staccato method (orders given in the " one- two " form) in which the pupils are trained, which is the antithesis of the truly rhythmical, in which one phase in a movement uncon- sciously passes without a break into another. Again it has been observed that the abstract, isolated and incomplete training given to the different groups of muscles under the Swedish system does not necessarily make for endurance in such an exercise as mountaineering, for instance, probably owing to the lack of practice in making the necessary cor- related movements common to ordinary natural actions. Another alleged grave defect is that the jerky movements as practised by Swedish exponents are the most fatiguing and least satisfactory form of exercise. It seems probable that the dislike of music shown by some of the straiter sectarians of the Swedish doctrines is due to the fundamental PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 241 antithesis between these staccato exercises and the more subtle musical rhythms — any Bergsonian will appreciate the difference. Yet if we are to follow the line of least resistance which is the normal tradition that governs all our actions, that is to say, if we are to get the maximum of effect with the minimum of effort, we must avoid anything of the nature of a jerk, and instead of making a fetish of rigidity we must cultivate the greatest possible litheness and supple- ness compatible with the attitude necessary to assume for the performance of the action we are attempting. No one knows this fundamental truth better than the golfer, to whom anything in the nature of a jerk in his play is disastrous, while all unnecessary rigidity is equally harmful. Our ideal must be to cultivate as far as possible a voluntary relaxation of the body, which alone can produce the maximum of supple- ness and litheness, and to ensure this our movements must be complete, continuous, and rhythmical. In this way only can we secure that grace of movement so often wanting in Swedish exercises. In fact, based as they are largely on antagonizing or stiffening certain muscles, they not only cannot produce it, but actually prove a hindrance to its acquisition. When grace has been acquired, it has been in spite of, and not by reason of, the exercises, which are geometrical rather than harmonious. Still more serious is the criticism that in not a few cases the pupil is compelled to assume an attitude which in itself involves very severe strain, and in addition is set to perform an exercise which further demands a most severe effort, with the result that neither the attitude nor the execution of the exercise is satisfactory. Perhaps it would be fair to say that Swedish exercises are largely a collection of remedial exercises expanded into a system of general physical culture, and as such they bear the marks of their origin, in the shape of an excessive cult of the part, which necessarily arises from looking at the curing of a specific defect here or a specific defect there, whereas the French ideal appears to aim as far as is practic- able at the harmonious development of the body as a whole, through the natural actions that centuries of evolution have B.E. Q 242 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION produced or by exercises arising directly out of these actions. In so far as the Swedish is truly remedial, it is probably of value, but those who value grace, and the creative spirit in education, cannot fail to see the mechanical defects, or rather Hmitations, of this system, which through its own insistence on precision and formality is the negation of the artistic and creative spirit, which is essentially individual. There can rarely be scope for any great volume of self- expression when the form of expression is so rigidly pre- scribed. The one is, in fact, practically exclusive of the other. Yet self-expression, whether it take the form of composition, speech, acting, dancing, or graceful gesture, is at bottom one of the most potent means of developing personality. So that it is no exaggeration to say that physical culture, if rightly directed, is one of the best ways of enabling the predominantly artistic child to " find itself." Speaking generally, it is obvious that what is most wanting in English education to-day is not moral or intellectual stimulus, but the encouragement of the aesthetic and creative faculty in our children. And, lastly, there is the moral or educational effect of these exercises to be considered. We are beginning to recognize in all subjects the need of initiating the pupil into the purposefulness of the particular task he is attempting. The Swedish exercises being largely too disconnected and abstract in themselves and only leading indirectly to the actual fundamental movements of the body, tend to become mechanical and distasteful, especially to the average boy.^ They are, in fact, like the abstract rules of a grammar of which he does not see any immediate application. As M. Demeny says, " the teaching should be varied, attractive, and full of practical interest." " The choice of movement should manifest at the outset a frankly utiHtarian tendency." The pupils should be able to see " what it is all driving at." One cannot deny to the Swedish exercises a certain pleasure 1 Their inherent dullness is revealed by the fact that in over 190 evening classes in London in which the attendance is voluntary not a single Swedish class has been able to establish itself perman- ently, though introduced under the most favourable conditions. PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE 243 that comes from stretching one's Hmbs, or that pleasure that comes after mastering a certain technique, Hke, say, the multipHcation table. But such pleasures are but pale, ineffectual and uncertain in comparison with the joy that accompanies the acquisition of intelligible dexterity. Again, by largely eliminating the competitive and feat- performing element the Swedish system deprives itself of the power of appealing to that sense of daring and adventure which is, or ought to be, the bottom instinct or at least the heritage of every normal boy. We do not want him to break his neck, but we do not want either to deprive him of the possibility of trying his hand at feats that are calculated to develop his pluck, self-reliance, and endurance. All that is necessary is to see that such feats are properly graded and under due control. Of course in not a few English schools the Swedish system has only been adopted in a more or less modified form. Some such modification seems to be almost inevitable in the case of very young children. They are unable alike to give that concentration of attention that the exercises are supposed to require, or to attain the degree of precision that is de- manded, without seriously over-taxing their energies. Music, dancing, and games appear in such a case more or less an absolute necessity, and even with the older pupils a large amount of the time set apart for physical exercises is devoted to games or gymnastics with apparatus. Such modifications, however, are a clear indication and admission of the incompleteness and deficiencies of the Swedish exer- cises in themselves, apart from the defects indicated by French and other critics. It is to be hoped that those who read this note will make further inquiries into the respective merits of the Swedish and French systems. The way in which the former has been dumped down on this country is not particularly creditable to our national intelligence. On the other hand, it might not be advisable or even possible to adopt here en bloc the French system, and as nothing is perfect here below it is quite likely it has also its defects. What is wanted is the development of a really English system, of which there are 244 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION here and there promising signs, really scientific in principles and in harmony with the needs of EngHsh psychology and character. Those who desire to get a still more detailed idea of the comparative merits of the two systems should consult the following works of M. Demeny : Evolution de V Education physique — I'Ecole frangaise (La Librairie Mili- taire Universelle, L. Fournier, Paris). Education physique de la Jeune Fille, Education et Harmonic des Mouvements (Paris, Librairie des Annales ; translation rights acquired by Messrs. Gill & Sons, London). Troisieme Congres Inter- national de r Education Physique de la Jeunesse, Bruxelles, 1910, Sixieme Question : Erreurs de la Methode rationnelle en Education physique ; Rapport presente par M. Georges Demeny. Institut General Psychologique, Section de Psychologic individuelle : Nos Mouvements — comment ils se font, comment nous devons les apprendre ; Conference par M. Georges Demeny, Directeur du Cours superieur d' ]£ducation physique de TUniversite (Extrait du Bulletin, 1912). One other system of physical education should be men- tioned here, which again is based on natural actions, swim- ming, climbing, etc., and not on artificially detached exercises of groups of muscles, namely, that of Lieutenant Hebert. It is interesting to note that the Government have recently created a school for marines, midshipmen, and naval cadets, in which Lieutenant Hebert's so-called " natural method " is carried out under his direction. THE INFANT SCHOOLS OF FRANCE Children are certainly not neglected in democratic France. Public education may be said to start from the cradle, if not earlier, for even antecedent to the creches for babies come the couveuses (incubators) for those born out of due time. After the creches come the ecoles maternelles, or baby-schools, which were established in 1887. They receive children of both sexes from two years old and upwards, who can remain till the age of six, when they pass into the infant classes, that are attached sometimes to a primary school, and some- times to an ecole maternelle, and form a sort of transition class between the two. No child is admitted to these schools without a hillet signed by the mayor of the arrondisse- ment, or vestry, and a doctor's certificate to state it has been vaccinated. There is no compulsory vaccination in France, but the government encourages it indirectly by every means in its power. The work in the baby-schools and the infant classes includes, among other things, games and graduated movements accompanied with singing, manual exercises, the first notions of morality, a knowledge of the facts of everyday life, exercise in speaking, recitations and stories, and the elements of drawing, reading, reckoning, and writing. The sanitary and hygienic rules of these establishments are subject to special ministerial supervision. All head- mistresses (or directrices, as they are called) are obUged to possess the certificate of efficiency in teaching. They must, further, be twenty-eight years of age at least, and have had two years' experience in an ecole maternelle. The children are divided into two sections, and if over fifty in number, 246 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION a second teacher is added. A charwoman is attached to every school, the commune being responsible for her wages. Apart from the oversight exercised by the inspector, one or more local committees of lady-patronesses are nominated by the inspecteur d' academic to supervise the carrying out of health rules and other important matters. The schools are open from the first of March to the first of November from seven in the morning to seven at night, and for four months from eight to six. The holidays are neither long nor numerous. Besides Sundays, there are seven or eight public holidays, and a week at Easter. Only children over four years of age are allowed to go home alone, and the headmistresses are forbidden to ask parents to call for their children earlier than the appointed time. On the arrival of the children in the morning, the direc- trice assures herself of the health and cleanliness of each pupil, and also of the quantity and quality of the food that is brought. There is a cantine attached to the school, and free meals are given to those who are really in need of assistance. Each child is furthermore required to bring a fork and spoon and a pocket-handkerchief. The health of the school is further looked after by a doctor, who inspects the school from time to time. Strict rules are enjoined in regard to keeping the premises clean and well ventilated. No pets or animals of any sort are permitted in the class- rooms. Marks are given to the children as rewards, and at the end of the month these can be exchanged for toys or useful objects. The only punishments allowed are exclusion from the class-room or playground for a very brief interval, or the taking away of marks already earned. Lessons last from 9.15 till 11.30, and from 1.15 tiU 4. Each period is cut in two by a break for recreation. If the weather is bad, the children have ten minutes' exercise in marching round the schoolroom. No books other than those of the school are allowed in the building. No collec- tions, raffles, or subscriptions are permitted in the school. The children are never left alone. No teaching out of doors in the playground is allowed without special per- THE INFANT SCHOOLS OF FRANCE 247 mission. It is forbidden to overburden the memory of the children with learning by heart. There is likewise no home- work. No " horrible tales " are to be told to the children. The teacher may neither work nor read when with the children, but must devote herself entirely to them. The following is a sketch of the daily programme : From 9 to 9.15 the children are inspected and their various wants attended to ; from 9.15 to 10.15, exercises in reading, writing, and speaking. Then comes half an hour for play, school games, or gymnastic exercises. From 10.45 to 11.30, object-lessons or story-telling ; 11.30, lunch and play-time ; I to 1. 15, conduite aux lavahos ; 1.15 to 1.45, exercise in reading and speaking ; 1.45 to 2.30, reckoning ; 2.30 to 3, play ; 3 to 3.30, drawing and moral instruction ; 3.30 to 4, manual work. The object of the ecole maternelle is to commence the physical, intellectual, and moral education of the children. It is not, however, a school in the strict sense of the word, but is meant to form a transition between the family and the school proper. It attempts to preserve the kind and indul- gent gentleness of the family at the same time that it intro- duces the child to the ideas of work and regularity. Its success is not to be judged by the standard of knowledge attained by the pupils, but rather by the sum-total of good influences to which the child is exposed, by the pleasure it takes in the school, by the habits of order, cleanliness, politeness, attention, obedience, and intellectual activity it has unconsciously acquired there. In a word, the idea is to develop the faculties rather than to furnish and stock the mind. First in importance comes health ; then the education of the senses ; then a few notions on the commonest things ; the formation of school habits ; the taste for gymnastics, singing, dancing, etc. ; eagerness to hsten and question, to see, to observe ; an aptitude for attention, that the loving care of the teacher has formed and fostered ; an awakened intelligence ; a soul open to aU good impressions. Such, in the words of their founders, ought to be the ideal aimed at and attained in the maternity schools. 248 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION The method proposed is equally admirable — a harmonious development of all the faculties, in which one does not gain at the expense of another. The manual work consists of things as simple as folding a sheet of paper in various shapes, working up to the making of veritable articles de Paris ; the skill with which these are made betrays the essentially artistic nature of the race even in these children of tender years. Sewing and other monotonous work are forbidden. No dogmatic teaching is allowed, though insist- ence is laid on the ideas of God and duty, and naturally patriotism is a class subject. A good idea is the co-ordination of the lessons, as far as possible, with the time of year. Thus, in October object- lessons are given on the vine and wines, bottles and barrels, hops and beer. Drawings are made of bunches of grapes, glasses, etc., the easier designs being copied by the children. As poetry, L'Automne of Delbruch is learned. In December, again, cold, snow, ice, avalanches, Switzerland, the Alps, skates and sledges, stoves, chimneys, coal, wood, matches, chilblains and colds, the hearth, the family, are among the subjects treated ; such of these as lend themselves to design are drawn on the blackboard, and an appropriate piece of poerty is also learned. I have visited several of these schools. The hygienic appliances are of the very latest and best ; everything has been studied and brought up to date ; benches, light, light- ing, ventilation, sanitation, seem perfect. One of the inspectors remarked, " We are not yet content with the results of our schools " ; but as far as one could judge, he seemed somewhat difficult to please. So much the better for the system, as such discontent is the true spur of pro- gress. The different classes visited were exceedingly well organized. The teachers appeared to maintain without difficulty the attention of the children, which is so butterfly- like at that age, flitting incessantly from object to object, and never remaining long fixed on any one point. The children, though poor, were clean and neat. These schools seem to have indirectly a great effect on the national cleanli- ness. A good many of the children were questioned on the THE INFANT SCHOOLS OF FRANCE 249 subjects they were learning, which seemed to interest them deeply, although it was the afternoon, and they had already had several lessons. One of the schools visited will long remain implanted in our memory, for it stands facing the terrible fortress-like prison of Mazas, that has long been the Newgate of Paris, and is now on the point of being pulled down. It seemed on looking at these two buildings — this grim, frowning Bastille, with its gloomy dungeons, already doomed to demolition, and this smiling children's palace, all light and air, but scarcely out of the masons' hands — we were regarding the embodiment of the two ideas of justice : the justice vindictive, that is passing away ; and the justice of pre- vention, that is taking its place. For the modern state has seen at last the folly of its ways in spending all its time and money on jailers, turnkeys, and poUcemen ; and, no longer content with merely trying to repress crime, has gone a step further back in attempting to prevent it altogether, by watching over the education of its future citizens from their very earliest years. THE PARIS INTERNATIONAL GUILD The Franco-English Guild, which has lately changed its name to the International Guild, has grown out of aU know- ledge during the last few years. Yet its commencement was on the most modest scale. In the autumn of 1891 its foundress. Miss Williams, held a drawing-room meeting of some dozen ladies with a view to founding an English library. The idea was favourably received, and the society started with ten members. Every month a Uterary soiree was held. New recruits were constantly joining, and Miss Williams's drawing-room soon became too small to accommodate the association. At this moment the Ministry of PubHc Instruc- tion came to the rescue, and lent the society first one and then two rooms at the Musee Pedagogique. The soirees grew in importance, and in some cases blossomed out into regular courses of lectures. The English and American Embassies warmly supported the movement. Lord Dufferin and the American Ambassador each dehvered several addresses, and since then the Guild has been lectured to by a large number of distinguished English educationists, such as the Bishop of Ripon, Miss Hughes, Mrs. Sidgwick, Mr. P. A. Barnett, etc. The number of adherents has been constantly increasing. From ten in 1891 they rose to seventy-nine in 1894, and at the time of writing are nearer four hundred than three hundred. The library has grown in the same rapid fashion. During the last two years the Guild has again shifted its quarters, and is now housed in No. 6 Rue de la Sorbonne, alongside the University itself. With ample space at its disposal, it has been able to add to its attractions a reading-room and rooms for tea and THE PARIS INTERNATIONAL GUILD 251 lunch, as well as an " exchange-room/' in which English- speaking students may exchange lessons and converse with French members of the Guild. Those who are attempting to learn, or have learnt, a foreign language will appreciate this new departure. One of the chief obstacles in master- ing a foreign language is to find sufficient opportunities for practice in speaking. This system of exchange-lessons in the two languages, further, gets over the financial difficulty entailed by the cost of having to pay a retaining fee to some unfortunate person for the right of inflicting one's conversation on him, while the mere exercise of teaching one's own language is by no means to be regarded as a pure loss of time, affording as it does a valuable insight into the language, thought-forms, and racial idiosyncrasies of the learner. On the social value of such mutual arrangements it is unnecessary to dilate here. Another useful side of the Guild's work is the keeping of a register of French homes and boarding houses, which, being under the direct control of the Guild, offer guarantees that are lacking in the ordinary pension, in which far too often the foreign boarder is fleeced or neglected. But all these advantages are merely subsidiary to the main object of the Guild, which is to provide a full course of instruction in the French language, literature, and history, by professors of the highest university standing. Composition, both free and from the English, is taught by Mile. Clanet, an agregee d' anglais. Other subjects in the course are modern and historical French grammar, French Hterature and history, and contemporary life in France. A special feature is made of pronunciation and phonetics, instruction being given by Mile. Roussey, pupil of the celebrated Abbe Rousselot, Director of the Phonetic Labora- tory at the College de France, who himself examines the students at the end of each term. The courses of the Guild are specially directed towards obtaining the certificat d' etudes frangaises. The examination is conducted by M. Ernest Dupuy, Inspecteur-General, and two professors of the Sorbonne. This diploma is granted to students who are found capable of teaching French in Enghsh 252 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION speaking countries. The terms of membership are extremely moderate. The yearly subscription for use of rooms amounts to lo f . ; for Ubrary, monthly meetings, and general lectures, 20 f . ; while the fees for all the classes amount to about 225 f., or £9 a year for a session of thirty weeks. Originally confined to women, the Guild was induced a year ago to throw open its doors to men, with the happiest results ; while the large number of German and Russian students who have since been enrolled has made it change its title to " International." Lately the Registration Council has recognized the Guild as a " foreign college " at which teachers who want to be registered may finish their university course, and more recently still the University of Chicago has declared the Guild " to be in co-operation with the University of Chicago," which means that the time spent in attending the Guild's regular course of lectures may count as a means of qualifying for the University degrees. Those who have realized the superiority of well-arranged holiday courses over the solitary pension life en famille will readily recognize the corresponding superiority of the advan- tages offered by the above institution over those of the holiday courses. It provides by means of its system of exchange-lessons the one factor in which the holiday course, owing to no fault of its organizers, is generally the least satisfactory. Its lectures, being spHt up into classes for easy or advanced work, should appeal to students of every kind. Not only the tyro in French, but even those who have obtained a modern language degree in England, may greatly profit from them. The latter will find in the really modern and literary teaching of the Guild a valuable supplement to the somewhat excessively academic and philological training they have received in England. ^ 1 Note. — (1913.) The Guild has recently opened a branch in London (Gordon House, Gordon Square, W.C.), which besides catering for French students in England prepares English students for the certificate in French lately established by the Universities of London and Cambridge. It also maintains an information bureau. A LOOK ROUND GERMAN SCHOOLS The German secondary school is really one of the most effective factories in the educational world. The raw material is sent to it at nine years of age — or even earlier, if there is a preparatory annexe. At sixteen over 60 per cent, of the same raw material obtain the Government stamp of efficiency, and at nineteen 20 per cent, receive the hall-mark that admits the polished article to be finally worked up into a university or professional product. Add the fact that the waste products which fail to qualify for the Government label are probably far more valuable than the residuals of other systems, and it will have, I think, to be admitted that, output for output, the German educational mill is the most efficient that exists. Whether its products are really the very finest on the market is, of course, another question. The results are all the more surprising as German schools are not nearly so well staffed in respect to the proportion of teachers to the number of pupils as one has been led to sup- pose, especially in the middle and lower parts of schools in the large towns. Here are some figures, with, roughly, the average age of the class : 37 (thirteen), 37 (fifteen), 41 (six- teen), 36 (seventeen), 33 (fifteen). Such classes appear to be quite as much the rule as the exception. All the greater, then, our admiration for those teachers who with such large classes obtain such surprising results. One does not see, as in some French schools, a certain number of front-bench boys bearing the brunt of the debate between teacher and taught. Moreover, the front bench in German schools is very often composed of the weakest or most backward members 254 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION of the class — the short-sighted, hard of hearing, and the mentally deficient, who are thus placed in the very fore- front of the battle in order to be well within the teacher's range. The latter combines lecturing with a running com- mentary of questions. These are so skilfully distributed that every boy in the class comes under fire. You soon realize that there are no idlers in the form, and that the would-be shuffler has such short shrift meted out to him that he speedily finds that the " ca' canny " policy is not a paying one, and does a full day's work with the rest. The discipline may be strict — probably is too strict. Even youths of eighteen and nineteen in the highest class are obliged to stand up whenever their master speaks to them ; but, with this exception, the evidence of it is more in the tone and gesture of the teacher and the attitude of the taught. The Roman centurion — who gave his orders without explanations — is the archetype of the Teutonic dominie. The German boy is so well broken in that what little whispering and by-play do go on go on with much fear and trembling. The best discipline, however, is only negative in its results. It keeps the ring clear from inter- ruption. Something more than mere strictness is needed to fill the vacuum. One finds no vacuum in German classes : there is nearly always a steady pressure of attention ; some- times somewhat stolid, not infrequently keen and living — the " forty feeding like one," with healthy appetites that never seem to fail. And how conscientious the teacher is ! There is no " go easy " about his teaching. There is no uncertainty or " fluffiness " about it either. He is thorough master of his subject : he knows exactly what he is going to say. He possesses the sure confidence that many years of successful teaching have engendered. Everything is peptonized to the level of the class ; with the healthy appetites the pupils possess, assimilation cannot fail to follow. We begin to understand how, in some schools, 78 per cent, of the pupils get promoted from year to year ; how there is never a large untaught residuum and sediment drifting about the bottom of every form — as is too often the case with us — A LOOK ROUND GERMAN SCHOOLS 255 which is gradually hoisted up the school by a series of unjustifiable promotions due to seniority alone. Even in the highest classes the teacher remains the chief channel of grace, the main source of information. Of him one can truly say, " a Jove principium." Whether it is advisable to water exclusively the oldest of the flock at what is, after all, only a conduit of knowledge, rather than at the original source, is a debatable point. But the truth is, the pupil rarely drinks at the Pierian spring by himself. As for the manuals so largely in use, they have as much relation to the original founts of knowledge as a bottle of soda-water to a chalybeate well. Even when the teacher discusses with the pupils the books which have been set for home reading, he is not so anxious to find out how this or that passage may have struck them as to be certain it has struck them in the correct fashion ; much less is he desirous of finding out whether they are able to throw any original light on it. His purpose is to suggest to them the guiding thought, to inspire them with the line of ideas to be followed, the correct version, to be sure that they have properly absorbed and acquired the faith, the doctrine he has to deliver to them. Are they masters of the authorized text, are they also masters of the authorized commentary ? — that is the chief question. If this has been accomplished, the teacher's task has been accomplished. The final examination will prove that the finished product is up to pattern and sample. Such thoroughgoing teachers are not made in a day. They are all highly educated men. Their excellence lies in the fact that they are only allowed to teach what they really know. If their main subject be Greek and their subsidiary subject Latin, they may only teach Latin in the lower forms. Their pedagogical training is no less carefully looked after. Those who do not go to training colleges become " student- teachers " in the bigger schools. These student-teachers receive every attention : they are placed under the direct supervision of the director, or other picked teachers, accord- ing to their subjects. The training is alike theoretical and practical. Once a 256 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION week each of the probationers in turn writes a long composi- tion on some pedagogical subject, which is afterwards read aloud in the presence of the director and the other proba- tioners. I was present at one of these conferences. The question set was, whether the study of French could give the same logical training as Latin. After the reading of the paper a discussion followed, the director working in the main conclusions. At another conference a certain number of practical hints were given to the probationers, and points of everyday discipline and teaching were discussed. The whole was eminently business-like. Wiser than the French, the Germans have always realized the need of providing a place of assembly for the whole school, and of maintaining in the hands of a single person the dual functions of teaching and discipline. The Aula serves as a sort of combined big school and chapel. From time to time — generally on the occasion of national holiday — the whole school are gathered together in the Aula, and a discourse, religious or patriotic, is read or delivered by one of the staff. The Aula also serves for school entertain- ments. A visit to the Aula is practically obligatory on all visitors — a pleasing indication of its importance in the eyes of the director. The class teacher (Ordinarius) acts as a court of first instance and settles any difficulties that may arise in school matters between the home and the school. In this way only the more serious questions are brought for consideration before the director — an important consideration in schools which number over eight hundred pupils. The demeanour of the parents in the teacher's presence clearly shows which is the more important person in the discussion. One suddenly remembers from the deference paid to him that the teacher is a State official. A very interesting book has lately appeared in Germany, entitled How shall we bring up our Son Benjamin? Not the least interesting feature about the book is the ingenious fashion in which the author, a high official in the Ministry, assumes throughout that the school is never to blame for any shortcomings in the boy's education. A LOOK ROUND GERMAN SCHOOLS 257 The Germans are thorough believers in leaving nothing to chance. The class-rooms bear ample testimony to the thought expended on the health of the pupils. The floor is often oiled to prevent dust ; the desks are placed astride of a small sort of Suakim-Berber railway to allow them to be shifted backward and forward for cleaning purposes ; a thermometer is set in a hole in the wall adjoining the window, so that a check may be kept on the temperature by the school janitor or the director as well as by the master inside ; the amount of cubic space per pupil, and even of light, is strictly regulated. The waste-paper basket is no idle ornament — a scrap of paper on the floor is a rare sight. The supply of blackboards is rather " skimpy " ; but maps and movable pictures abound. A coloured metrical measure, carefully marked to scale, is often to be seen fixed against the wall and running from floor to ceiUng. Though the movement in favour of school decoration has not made so much progress as in some of our schools, yet pictures, prints and photos are by no means lacking, and there are the inevitable portraits or prints of members of the reigning house. Everywhere, in fact, the view of the Prussian boy is obsessed by these imagines. Naturally the hours are regulated. Some of the upper classes have often five lessons running, and a few of the teachers have also, which is still worse. There are, however, an abundance of breaks, which amount to no less than fifty minutes. These occur after every lesson, and the two larger ones consist of twenty and fifteen minutes respectively. When the breaks are only five minutes in duration the pupils do not descend to the playground, but parade in the corridors, which thus subserve a twofold purpose, as they also provide ample means of egress in case of fire — not that the fire danger is much to be feared in buildings which are almost entirely constructed of brick and stone. Such classes as take place in the afternoon are generally devoted to " gym " or singing, and, in some schools, to manual work, which is optional. I came across the latter in one Gym- nasium. The number of courses was four and the number of pupils 117. In the upper courses the pupils paid for the B.E. R 258 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION wood and were allowed to take their work home. Manual work is apparently looking up. The partisans of the idea held a meeting last year at Leipzig, at which the subject of making it obligatory was discussed. One of the most difficult subjects to teach is admittedly what is known as religious instruction. The higher criti- cism has not been without its effects on the German teachers ; though the fact that the Bible is only read in selections in school does not render the problem quite so difficult. A certain number of teachers, either from con- viction or from less worthy reasons, still teach on the old orthodox lines, that the world was made in six days, etc. "It is safer," as one teacher remarked, and, " besides, it takes less trouble." He himself was a Liberal, or, as we should say, a Broad Churchman, a type which appears to be the most growing section in the Lutheran Church. The lesson he gave was on the subject of David, as con- solidator of the Jewish kingdom. He made the lesson very real to the pupils by comparing the Jewish king with Otto I, the Egbert of Germany ; while the difficulties in the way of union were shown by an allusion to the long struggle which led up to the establishment of the German Empire in 1871. Certain Psalms which had been learnt by heart were utilized to illustrate the lesson. The teacher showed the trend of his opinions by speaking of the Psalms as attributed to David. His method, as he explained after- wards, was prophylactic — to indicate to the upper classes the current forms of attack on Christianity and suggest the common lines of defence. In modern languages there appear to be three main streams. Many, especially in the Gymnasium, hold fast to the ancient Ploetz ; others go in for more modern teaching, using books of the type of Hausknecht's English Student; and, lastly, there are the direct Methodists of the extreme type, who are by no means so numerous as one would imagine. Much attention is paid to pronunciation even in the classical schools. A reader is used right from the beginning ; but, apparently, in many schools a regular author is not read till after three years — at least, in French. A LOOK ROUND GERMAN SCHOOLS 259 Grammar is not neglected. It is particularly studied in those classes, in the so-called Reform schools, in which French is used as a stepping-stone to Latin. Neglect of French grammar has been found to be a serious hindrance to the acquisition of Latin grammar. In those schools where the direct method is combined with what is good in the old, the pupils seem to make very rapid progress, and their powers of conversation are often very remarkable. In the higher classes the lesson is not infrequently conducted almost exclusively in the foreign tongue : pupils are able to give connected accounts in the foreign medium, and the literatures of France and England are studied in a really critical fashion. In the lower classes a good deal of poetry is read and analysed with a view to ensuring that the pupils have under- stood the grammar and the sense. Pictures, of which the schools often possess a large stock, are brought in to illus- trate the persons and places. The poetry is often recited with plenty of spirit. Books without notes are the rule. The attention of the pupil is therefore not incessantly dis- tracted from the poem as a whole by a succession of notes — a very great gain. We in England are suffering from a plethora, not to say plague, of annotated editions. There is hardly a text, classical, French, or English, which is read in school that has not been treated as a sort of grammatical truffle-bed for scholastical swine to uproot. Many of the texts used in the upper classes are also free from these parasitical growths, though there is a good deal more reason for annotated editions in such forms, in which the critical faculty of the pupil is coming to life. The teach- ing throughout is distinctly literary. Even when such mediaeval authors as Walther von der Vogelweide are read the greater part of the time of the class is not spent in root- grubbing or philology, though the latter is not neglected, but in turning the text into modern German and in com- menting on its contents. I was present at some excellent lessons on Julius Ccesar, Wallensteins Tod, and Emilia Galotti. The pupils had only the bare text, of which, in several instances, they had learnt 26o STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION a certain amount by heart with a view to illustrating the principal characters or characteristics of the play. The greater part of the lesson was occupied in giving a detailed analysis of the play or of different scenes in it, in discussing the why and wherefore of its construction, and in critically examining the characters of the principal personages. When any passages were read they were neither drawled nor gabbled, but given with the proper emphasis and intona- tion. The weak side of these lessons, as has already been said, is that they are too much dominated by the personality of the teacher. The German method of teaching history by selecting only the most striking of events of each epoch has certainly an advantage over our wearisome method of teaching the early history of England by reigns. It must be admitted that, to begin with, the Prussian teacher's task is far easier : his history proper only goes back some three hundred years, and Prussia before Frederick the Great was of very minor importance ; he has, therefore, a great deal more time for working through a well-considered scheme of world history. English history suffers from an emharras de richesse. We shall have to make jettison of a good deal to bring it reaUy within tractable limits and give proper emphasis to the more important facts. The German boy, thanks to the systematic method adopted, leaves school with a pretty clear conspectus of what he has learnt. The English boy's histori- cal knowledge resembles a railway in which some sections are excellently laid, others are left unfinished, or barely laid at all. The teaching of history in the lower classes in German schools is remarkably sound and thorough of its kind. The pupil has certainly a knack of memorizing the teacher's remarks. The history itself rather reminds one at times of an orange that has too many pips — it is so full of dates. Yet in no subject does the weak side of German education show more clearly. The chief value of history is to form the judg- ment ; yet here the judgment is rather formed by the teacher. The subject is peptonized and prepared by the latter right to the end. In some schools the pupils are never introduced to the original authorities at all. A LOOK ROUND GERMAN SCHOOLS 261 Even their private reading is controlled in such a fashion that the teacher reads into it the desired meaning. The teacher himself, unless he is a good story-teller, or possesses the art of exposition, is apt to become openly objective and even annalistic. The philosophical side of history suffers accordingly. In the teaching of no other subject does one see so clearly the advantage of the English system of giving a boy a text-book, and letting him find his way about it. No doubt we err on the side of giving too little aid, but, when successful, we breed a certain independence of thought and the pupil himself learns the difficult art of finding his way about in a book. Apart from these criticisms, we may unreservedly admire the results obtained, which are remark- able of their kind, and we might well copy on a large scale the excellent use made of pictures in teaching history, and the employment of historical atlases, which are often lacking or unutilized in Enghsh schools. The teaching in geography is frequently given by teachers who have been specially trained on modern lines. Many of the teachers have, in fact, studied under a professor of geology. It is interesting to note that Berlin is a bad geo- logical centre, owing to the overwhelmingly sandy nature of the district. Students, therefore, often go for a term to other universities which are better situated for geological study. While the few lessons one saw were satisfactory, they were no better and scarcely so good as some one had seen in England. In one or two cases sufficient stress was not laid on the intimate connection between physical and political geography, or, rather, the latter was not logically evolved out of the former. One realized, however, one thing — what an extremely difficult country Germany is to teach on a detailed scale. All education in its final analysis must stand or fall by the teacher. One cannot help feeling when one considers the German teacher what a thorough professional he is (in the good sense of the word), and how much of the amateur there is about ourselves, due in part to our undue disbehef in method, due also, no doubt, to an unexpressed desire to safe- guard the personality of the teacher. The German teacher 262 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION is pre-eminently a teacher, keenly interested in the current problems of his profession, and penetrated and imbued with the spirit of his calHng and profoundly impressed with the dignity of the cloth. Like the German officer, one can hardly imagine what he is like in mufti. He seems to have few or no doubts. All the main articles of his pedagogical faith and religion have been settled for him. He is like a minister fully convinced of the gospel he has to deliver and bothered at most by minor questions of ritual. The truth is, he feels that first principles are largely outside his province. The State has settled his first principles, and he has merely to sit down and apply them. Such a position is, in many ways, a great source of strength ; but it has also its weaknesses and its dangers. The strength of the phalanx in the last resort depends on the direction it receives from those who control its movements. THE NEW WAY OF TEACHING CLASSICS IN GERMANY The two burning questions of the day in secondary educa- tion are the adequate supply of properly qualified and properly paid assistant-teachers and the thinking out of suitable courses of study. Local authorities all over the country are being called on to decide on the particular type or types of school most appropriate to the needs of their district. Generally speaking, the wind is in favour of modernizing the curricula. The advocates of little Latin and less Greek are more unlikely than ever to obtain a respectful hearing before the newly appointed representa- tives of Demos. But does this imply that Greek and even Latin are practically to be expelled from our smaller secon- dary schools ? No doubt the old dull gerund-grinding methods of teach- ing classics to a majority of boys who would never reach the higher work has much to answer for, but are we then blindly to condemn the subject because the methods of teaching it were unsuitable ? Certainly such a wholesale condemna- tion of classics, or, at least, of Latin, finds little sympathy among the mass of experts in France and Germany. They have indeed recognized that a first-rate education can be given on wholly modern lines. Thus, in Germany, the Realschule and Oberrealschule, though still unpossessed of some of the privileges attached to the older schools, have definitely become part and parcel of the Prussian educa- tional system. The French, indeed, have gone still further, and have accorded to the new course they have just framed in modern languages and science absolutely the same privileges as are 264 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION attached to the other three courses. Yet in neither country have the just claims of classics been sacrificed. In fact, their position, at least so far as France is concerned, has been placed on a more rational basis by giving parents a choice between a purely classical course and courses composed of Latin with science or of Latin with modern languages, in addition to the purely modern course mentioned above, and, what is still more important, the choice of a course, whether purely classical or otherwise, is postponed to a later date than has hitherto been the case, with the result that pupils of every category receive identically the same education up to the age of eleven or twelve instead of being compelled to specialize at the age of nine as heretofore. The later age at which classics or Latin are begun is com- pensated for by a preliminary grounding in modern lan- guages and by an intensive study of Latin and Greek once they are commenced. Unfortunately the experiment is as yet too recent to furnish us with any definite results, but it is highly significant that the French have such a belief in its efficacy that they have not hesitated to apply it to the whole country. The authorities in Germany have been experimenting in a somewhat similar direction for a number of years. The first experiment was at Altona, where, as far back as 1878, a Realgymnasium was established in connection with a Real- schule. A Realgymnasium is practically a Latin modern school which keeps boys till nineteen, and a Realschule is a modern school with no Latin whose pupils leave at sixteen. The three lower classes are common to the two schools. As in France, the study of modem languages in these classes serves as a stepping-stone to the study of Latin for those who enter the Realgymnasium. The pupils are thus enabled to postpone their choice between a Latin or entirely modern education till the age of twelve, whereas in the case of the old-fashioned Realgymnasium the decision has to be made when the pupil is nine. Again, as in France, leeway is made up by an intensive study of Latin once it is taken up. Several towns copied the example of Altona, and the celebrated conference on TEACHING CLASSICS IN GERMANY 265 secondary education in 1890 in Berlin approved of a trial of the system where local needs rendered it desirable. The Altona experiment, however, dealt only with the postpone- ment of Latin. A further experiment was made in 1892 in Frankfort-on-Main, when the Gymnasium (or full classi- cal school) had its curriculum so recast that its three lowest classes (or years) serve as a common basis for a classical course or for a modern one in the Realschule, which in this case is not in the same building. At the same time two Realgymnasien in the town had the work in their three lower classes rearranged to bring them into line with those of the local Gymnasium and the Real- schule. In the case of the Gymnasium the experiment affected not merely the teaching of Latin, but also of Greek. In Gymnasien of the old style Greek is begun at the age of twelve, in Frankfort it is begun at the age of fourteen. The Frankfort scheme differs to some extent from that of Altona. There is a smaller number of Latin hours in the Frankfort Realgymnasium, and the time given to mathematics is less. The chief complaint against the Frankfort plan is that the bulk of the science is postponed till too late, while the Altona system is reproached with beginning English too early. The Frankfort scheme has been adopted by a still larger number of schools. A great impetus was given to the movement by the favourable notice taken of it in the royal decree of 1900. The desire was expressed that the experi- ment might be tried on a still larger scale, owing to its success in meeting the needs of the locahty in which it had been tried. Schools with sides had hitherto been unknown in Germany, so that till recently a poor district had to choose between two types of school when it really required both. The economy of combining two schools in one has, no doubt, appealed powerfully to some localities. On October i6th, 1 901 (the latest date for which statistics are available), the number of schools either existing or in process of construc- tion were 44 in Prussia and 18 in the rest of Germany, or a grand total of 62 ! Of these 51 are more or less on the Frankfort plan, and 11 (formerly 14) on the Altona system. 266 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION The Prussian Ministry have been very chary of allowing variations of the two curricula, holding, as they do, that while the experiment has proved of value, it is as yet too early to experiment with the experiment. An examination of the total number of hours for the whole course shows that the chief difference between the old and new methods is that in the old-fashioned Gjnn- nasien 68 hours are devoted to Latin, 36 to Greek, and 20 to French ; whereas, in the new, the hours are 51, 32, and 31-34 respectively. In the old-fashioned Realgymnasien 43 hours are given to Latin and 31 to French, against 37-39 and 36-40 respectively. During a recent visit to Germany to study the teaching of history for the Board of Education, the writer came across a couple of Gymnasien in which the new experiment is being conducted, and through the kindness of the head- master was able to be present at several lessons. He then visited one or two Gymnasien of the older type, in order to institute, as far as possible, a comparison between the standards attained, and also to try to obtain some idea of the scope and aim of classical teaching in Germany, which, it is hardly necessary to say, is not quite the same as that in England. Accurate scholarship and linguistic taste may probably be regarded as the chief aim of classical teaching in English schools. We therefore find much attention paid to niceties of scholarship, and a good deal of time devoted to the prac- tice of composition. In Germany the chief aim seems to be mastery of the language with a view to make the language itself an element of general culture. Hence, while the pupils are thoroughly well grounded in the grammar and syntax of the language, the amount of composition appears to be considerably less. Thus, in one of the Gymnasien of the old type, the state- ment was made that the pupils in the highest class only do two Greek compositions a term. Again, the greater part of the composition work consists of re-translation, more or less direct, into the Latin or Greek. Very seldom does the teacher set passages out of German authors for re-transla- TEACHING CLASSICS IN GERxMANY 267 tion. In fact, in Greek this was only again allowed in the new programme of 1902. Verse composition is extinct, though in one or two universities the professor makes the students turn Juvenal into Greek verse, or Greek poetry into Latin verse, and in others the study of metric, such as that of Plautus, is carried to a high pitch. The absence of verse composition probably leads to less stress being laid on the correct learning of quantities, which are mainly taught to the pupils incidentally. The writer was told by one of the professors that Williamovitz-Mollen- dorf, the celebrated Greek scholar, would ignore the teach- ing of Greek accents. Whether true or not, it is an indication of the smaller importance attached to such things than one finds in England. The stress laid on the mastery of a certain number of authors naturally gives prominence to the trans- lation side. All language teaching apparently begins with a reader or text-book. These are generally without those stumbling-stones to knowledge, footnotes, and often with- out vocabularies, except in the beginners' classes. While cribs are forbidden, standard translations of poetic and dramatic authors are sometimes recommended in the highest classes. The following is a brief account of one or two classes visited in the Reform schools : Ohertertia (average age about 13 J), 28 pupils, 10 hours a week (5 devoted to Lektiire, 3 to grammar, i to written exercises). The class had been doing Latin for a year and two terms, and had already read the first three books of Caesar. They began by construing a difficult passage in oratio ohliqua out of the first book, which they had not seen for a considerable time. The translation was accurate and fluent. Then, at my request, they took the first chapter of Book IV unseen. Five pupils in all were put on from different parts of the class. The modus operandi was as follows : The pupil read a few lines in a clear and distinct voice, and then started trans- lating literally with little or no hesitation. There was no guessing at the general meaning, but the translation through- out showed that the pupil had a sure grasp of the structure 268 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION of the language. Only once did the teacher suggest what word should be taken. One has Httle doubt that the in- volutions and inversions of the German language rob the synthetic style of Latin of some of its difficulties for German boys. Yet the performance was certainly remarkable. The pupils' range of vocabulary, both in Latin and German, was equally striking. One boy translated straight off the reel the phrase " ratio et usus belli " as " Theorie und Praxis des Krieges." There was, in fact, only one word (invicem) which they did not seem to have encountered before. Words like " venationi- bus " they at once derived from simpler forms they had already met with. The few grammar questions asked by the teacher were correctly answered. The class readily picked out and named a concessive ablative absolute, and after building up verbs like " ventito " out of " venio," described their function. Grammar, even in the grammar lessons, is taught as far as possible inductively. But the teacher is no slave to the system, and makes no bones of giving an explanation straight away when he sees there is any danger of wasting too much time beating about the bush, or that the class cannot hit off the scent. A map of Gallia was hanging up in the class-room, and the geographical references in the lesson were located on it. When the passage had been construed over, the pupils closed their books and the teacher proceeded to discuss the subject-matter of the passage, making a running analysis of the contents, and asking for Latin quotations, which were readily given, such as " privati ac separati agri apud eos nihil est," together with such questions as to why there was no fixed land tenure among the Suebi. One boy evoked much amusement by giving as a reason that the people wanted to know the neighbourhood, and therefore did not wish to stay in one place. An allusion to hunting led to a question on the fauna of Europe at the time. Finally the piece was done over by a pupil into good German. The liveliness, keenness, and attentiveness of the class were beyond all praise. Obertertia (second year in Latin). Thirty- three pupils. TEACHING CLASSICS IN GERMANY 269 The class were doing a lesson in Ovid. In this case the teacher first translated, and the class did it over again. The Caesar, however, is prepared at home. The special text- books in this and. classics of the same standing elsewhere are furnished with vocabularies. There is also a special grammar. In order to help the pupils over the ground the grarTi'mars are made as short and concise as possible. Here agnin the translation was first literal and then idiomatic. Tc)ward the end of the lesson the class recited and trans- lated from memory the story of Cadmus. The following rough notes of the top class in Latin in two Gymnasien (old style) will show the aim is much the same. Oberprima (eleven pupils). The lesson for the day was an analysis of a certain number of Horace's odes, with dis- cussions on the personages mentioned, illustrated by quota- tions from other parts of Horace's works. The teacher's method the first time over is to go through the ode with the class, explaining the main difficulties. The pupils then prepare the ode at home. The same practice is adopted with the Germania, which the teacher considered very difficult, apparently owing to its allusions. A chapter of the Germania thus gone over in school takes the pupils about a quarter of an hour to prepare at home. The analy- sis was very clear, and the pupils showed a good knowledge of Horace. They had got a large number of the odes by heart. They not only analysed the ode, but also recited it with becoming effect. Gabbling is not tolerated. Oberprima. Several odes of Horace were read and trans- lated. The ode was either analysed by the pupil or the teacher talked it over with the class. The method of trans- lation adopted was that of giving several strophes to a pupil to read over and translate. An improved translation would then be given by another pupil. Much time was spent on commenting on the contents. The teacher stated his chief purpose was to treat the odes as an illustration of the life and times of the ancients. Here are the notes of two classes in Greek, the first in a Reform school and the second in an old-fashioned Gymnasium. 270 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION Unier-secunda (seventeen boys). The lesson for the day was a translation lesson in Xenophon which had been pre- pared at home. One pupil read the passage through, some twenty lines of the Anabasis, not in a perfunctory fashion, but with due emphasis, as if he understood it. Then short portions were fluently translated by various boys. The teacher next asked certain questions in accidence and grammar arising out of the text. The answers were gcod, extraordinarily good when one reflects that the class lad only been doing Greek for two-thirds of a year. It seemed all the more wonderful when one learnt that the grammar is mainly studied incidentally at first, onl}^ those portions being learnt which bear on some point which occurs in the text. In some schools the class begins with a reader, but in this class the pupils had started straight away with Xenophon. The teacher began by reading and translating to them the opening sentences, and they had a vocabulary to help them to make out the sense. The chief aim, as the teacher explained, is to lead the pupils, as soon as possible, to an intelligent reading of an author. He held, with the editor of the text in use, that the boys who begin Greek at an older age than the boy in the ordinary Gymnasium, needed a different treatment from the latter, and, above all, required a more substantial fare than is pro- vided by detached sentences, or even detached pieces. As for grammar, that can be largely learnt out of the Xeno- phon as one goes along. The editor of the text-book in question gives an excellent scheme of how such an idea may be carried out in practice. The composition in the class partly consists in the writing out of accidence and very simple re-translation, which is gradually varied. The ex- treme liveliness of the class, and the obvious interest they took in the work, were not the least striking features in a remarkable lesson. Oberprima (eleven pupils). The author under study was Homer. The lesson began with an analysis by one of the pupils of the passage translated at the preceding lesson. Portions of the passage for the day were then read with becoming feeling and translated by other members of the TEACHING CLASSICS IN GERMANY 271 class. The translation was fluent and good. There was a certain amount of literary comment, which was mainly con- cerned with the subject-matter of the passage and the characters introduced. Grammar appeared to be mainly studied with a view to a just understanding of the language. With such comparatively limited experiences one would hesitate, in spite of the very large schools in which they occurred, to put them forward as samples of what is gene- rally the case, were it not for the fact that the standard of average attainment in the larger German schools is far higher than with us, and were they not, what is much more impor- tant, largely borne out by statements made at a meeting of the partisans of the Reform schools held at Cassel in October, 1901, which was attended not only by the heads of schools, but by inspectors and representatives of the Ministry. Many of the questions which must naturally have occurred to those who have read thus far through the present article were raised at the meeting, and in nearly all cases a favourable answer was given. The obvious advan- tages attached to starting Latin at twelve and Greek still later were but little alluded to. Much more was made of the fact that the later age at which they were begun was far more in keeping with the pupils' maturity of spirit. What were difficulties to a boy of nine did not exist for a boy of twelve, thanks no doubt also in part to the preliminary three years' grounding in French. Teachers who had taught in both styles were unanimous in testifying to the rapid progress made by the pupils, which they attributed partly to the intensive method (several declared that eight hours a week for a year were better than four hours a week for a period of two years), and partly to the far greater interest shown by the pupils. This keenness on the subject and anxiety to get on were stated to be due to the fact that the pupils " have clearly the feeling that they are constantly growing and are being carried along quickly in contrast to the slow progress which they formerly made." The majority declared that over-pressure was no worse under the new system than under the old, though most admitted that in most cases it was a 272 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION serious problem. The least contented seemed to be the teachers in modern languages and the professors of science and mathematics. The former appeared to consider they laboured in order that the classical teachers might enter into their labours, and, together with the science and mathe- matical professors, complained of the short time allotted to them in the upper classes. All were convinced of the need of grammar drill. The influence of the direct method in modern languages showed itself in the advocacy of some in favour of the spoken word in Latin. The questions of the inadequate time devoted to ancient history in the Gym- nasium and of an insufficiency of proper text-books for the new method were also raised. Most interesting was the verdict of the inspector who had examined the first batch of Frankfort boys for the leaving certificates. The Greek results were quite satisfactory. The Latin, while satisfac- tory, showed that the grammar required a little more attention. There are still, no doubt, other questions which have not been touched on in this short analysis. Two may be mentioned here. What do the older schools think of the reform, and what do the universities think of it ? The Ministry, as we have seen, is extremely favourable ; so far as one could learn, in the other schools there seems to be an opinion that the reforms may lead to over-pressure and that the weaker boys are drafted at times in a somewhat compulsory fashion into the Latinless department. Both these contentions are hotly denied by the partisans of the reforms. Even if the latter allegation be true, it would seem to be a step in the right direction. The Universities have had several years' experience of students coming from the Reform Realgymnasium. For the last three years students have been coming in from the Reform Gymnasium too. Lack of time, unfortunately, prevented an inquiry into the opinion of the Universities on its new recruits. The subject is such an important one it seems worth the Board of Education's while to send to Germany some distinguished scholar well acquainted with the teaching of classics in England to make a thorough investigation into the whole TEACHING CLASSICS IN GERMANY 273 matter. 1 Doubtless we should not care to copy in all respects the German methods of teaching classics, yet it is quite possible we might with advantage enlarge our own methods of teaching. But the important question is, can we venture to defer, as the Germans have done, the teaching of classics to a later date ? If so, judging by the German example, not only education, but classics also, will be the gainers. The classical side is less likely to be overweighted with an unnecessary ballast of non-linguistic pupils, while those who start the subject at the later date should bring to it an eagerness to learn and an interest in their own progress which are the very vivida vis of all true education, and are, unhappily, all too uncommon among the bulk of English classical pupils. ^ This suggestion has since been adopted. See vol. 20 of Board of Education Special Reports on Educational Subjects {The Teaching of Classics in Secondary Schools in Germany) , 1909. 6.E. TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY? ENGLISH EDUCATION AT THE CROSSWAYS Several very sweeping reforms have recently taken place in English education. One of the most important is the delegation by the Ministry to the counties and county- boroughs of a large portion of the administration of finances and especially of secondary education. The new local authorities have in many places already begun to tackle the gigantic task of rearranging the work of the existing schools and of creating new institutions to meet the more urgent needs of their several areas. Incidentally they are now settling, for a generation at least, our educational methods and ideals, which, in plain English, means they are deciding not only what the rank and file but also what the leaders of the nation will be in the next twenty years. It is in every way imperative that they should realize their enormous responsibilities and carefully weigh every change and innovation. There is so much that is excellent in English education that we cannot but trust they will not only conserve but widely extend all that is worthy of reten- tion. Again, it is to be hoped that the great principle inaugurated by the late Act, which entrusts to, and, indeed, enjoins on, the new authorities the duty of making the schools conform to local needs, will not be lost sight of. A blind imitation of Continental systems, with their excessive centralization and uniformity, would be little short of disastrous ; yet, in the sphere of the proper treatment of subjects and of their due ordering and arrangement in com- plete courses of study, we are bound to look for information and guidance to our more highly organized neighbours abroad. Until recently our educational leaders have rather TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY? 275 turned their eyes towards Germany, and certainly the German system is, at first sight, most impressive. One can- not but admire the care and intelHgence that have been lavished on the framing of curricula, and the way in which the teaching in each subject has been thought out in every detail. Above all, one wonders at the all-round equipment of the teacher, at his professional keenness, at the thorough- ness of his methods, and the high standard of attainment he reaches within the sphere in which he works. One's admiration grows as one examines the component parts of the system and sees how carefully everything is made to dovetail and interlock. It is only when we carry our investigations still further and attempt to gauge the underlying spirit which keeps the whole machinery in motion that we begin to doubt whether we can copy so many of the features we formerly admired, or would wish to copy them if we could. At bottom educa- tion has a dual aim : the training of character and the development of the intelligence. In the training of character we have little to learn from the Germans. Indeed, there seems to be a certain danger that in our desire to emulate the success they obtain in the way of developing the intelli- gence we may unconsciously be tempted to copy the military modes of discipline to which the success itself is partially due. To guard against such a danger we must attempt to get to the bottom of the problem, and not only scrutinize the quantity but the quality of the intellectual output. Its very evenness furnishes a clue to its nature. To put it in a nutshell, the teacher appears to aim at turning out intelli- gences of a certain specific pattern and type rather than self-sufficing, independent-minded individuals. But the dangers of such an aim, especially in the hands of an ignorant imitator, are very great, because there must always be an inevitable tendency for such a training to become not so much a development as a dressage of the intelligence. The contributory causes to such a dressage are manifold. One, which is frequently met with in the big towns, is the abnormally large size of the lower and middle classes. Classes of over forty are not unknown, and those over 276 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION thirty are comparatively common. In fact, the German schools in the big towns are probably considerably more understaffed than the corresponding English schools. In such cases it is obvious that the teaching must be, to some extent, mechanical ; there is but little scope for individual attention. But the dressage is also due to far deeper reasons, deeper even than the laudable desire to drag, by hook or by crook, every pupil through the mill. The whole teaching is essentially a gymnastic, a mental Turnen, at its worst an acrohatie. It bears to the proper development of the indi- vidual the same relation as an elaborate system of carefully thought-out army gymnastics bears to a really scientific, hygienic system of physical exercises. In the one case an effort, more or less skilful, is made to develop certain parts, because they have been so developed from time immemorial, but the development of these to the instructor is an end in itself. In the other case an effort is made to develop the whole individual, and the development is only regarded as a means. In the first instance, the theory rests on premises that are never called in question ; in the second, the theory is based on reason, and a conscious effort is made to adapt the means to nature. In a word, the first system inevitably tends to produce specific rather than original forms of mind, types rather than individuals. Hence even in the highest forms one has always the sensation that the class are like a flock of sheep in a pen. An English class is often less together. They do not give one the same sensation of forty feeding hke one, but there is more browsing. The flock may be a trifle scattered, partly, maybe, because the shepherd is not always master of his craft, partly because they are each seeking to a certain extent his own pasture. There is no unfenced grazing- ground in German schools. From the bottom to the top the pupils in each form are folded off and penned into compart- ments much in the same way as a flock of sheep is folded over a field of turnips. When they have consumed all the rich crop within the four corners of their pen, another pen is opened to which they are admitted. One cannot help admiring the skill of the shepherd and the clever way in TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY? 277 which he mixes the food and tends the flock, but the sheep strike one as somewhat too domesticated. One cannot help feeUng that hke all domestic animals they are being reared not so much for their own sake as for the sake of certain superior beings. The school is, in fact, one of the principal raising and breeding branches in that large State farm known in ordinary parlance as Germany, or, in other words, its principal function is to produce submissive supporters of the throne and altar. Hence one of the lacuncB in the higher classes of German schools is the absence of philosophic training which more than anything else tends to develop the individual into a conscious and coherent being. Coming at a period of storm and stress during which the youth is putting away childish things and becoming a man, it serves, if properly utilized, not merely as the very crown of school studies but also as an initiation into the problems of life and conduct. The authorities themselves have lately become alarmed at the absence of such a training, and the subject was the principal one selected for discussion at the Headmasters' Conference for 1902, which in that year was held in the province of Saxony. The thoroughness of the proceedings may be gathered from the fact that the whole question is first thrashed out by the teachers in the several schools, their conclusions are then embodied in a report, and from these reports a general report is put together which is submitted to the whole assembly for debate. It is significant that the conference not only reported in favour of definite philo- sophical training but also of giving the whole of the teach- ing in the higher classes a more philosophical cast. In no subject is the lack of such a colouring more noticeable than in the teaching of history, which is taught in the upper classes on lines which are admirably adapted to the lower forms, but out of place with pupils of eighteen and nineteen. The teacher gives his own particular version, which hence- forth becomes the " Evangehum " of the class, to be supple- mented by one of several carefully authorized text-books which are purely objective, or, at their worst, baldly annaUs- tic. What little home reading is done is bolted through the 278 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION teacher's sieve by means of a careful catechism on the sahent points to be brought out. But httle ieffort is made to eHcit the pupil's own personal impressions as such, much less to encourage originahty. The aim of the teacher begins and ends with the assurance that the pupil has made the right deductions. The study of original authorities appears to be almost unknown. Hence the twofold value of history as one of the best instruments for forming the judgment and for initiating the pupil into the art of original research is ignored. The ideal pupil would appear to be the beloved disciple who says most frequently amen to his master or is the greatest adept at reproducing his formularies. The same lack of any encouragement of originality is also observable in the teaching of literature, though it must, to some extent, be freely admitted that within certain limits the teaching is often excellent and presents points of interest that we may well imitate. Granted that the instruction specially aims at imbuing the pupils with certain definite ideas, the methods adopted are often preferable to our own. Those stumbling-blocks to the study of literature, anno- tated editions, are comparatively rare. The German pupil's attention is not incessantly distracted by the marginalia of scholiasts, often more anxious to air their own knowledge than to contribute to his enlightenment. Poems are not studied piecemeal but as continuous wholes. The text is not dug over for the grammatical roots it may contain, but rather treated as a flower-bed whose artistic arrangement is admired, and whose fragrance and beauty are judged as a whole. The Germans do not believe that an elaborate know- ledge of verbal botany is a necessary introduction to an appreciation of literature. They recognize that culture, like gardening, deals far more with the living thing than with the dead anatomy. A knowledge of mathematics or science certainly adds to an appreciation of art, but it is not the one thing necessary by any manner of means. Yet even while one admires German methods of teaching literature, one feels their limitations. One cannot help thinking that the teacher's enthusiasm for hterature, sincere as most of it is, bears the same relation to the real, native, spontaneous TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY? 279 love of literature as the somewhat loud and noisy talk about German patriotism bears to our deep, inborn conception of patriotism. To say it is the difference between the acquired and the indigenous is too strong a contrast. Yet if one com- pares the German love of the higher forms of Uterature with the true, unforced, genuine love of the French, one instinc- tively thinks of the parallel between the man who at a great price obtained his freedom and the other who was born to it. Perhaps a still closer comparison would be that between official and natural Christianity. The love of German litera- ture, as inculcated in the schools, is part of the official cult of the State rehgion by law established — an excellent thing, no doubt, but with a slight smack of compulsion about it. In fact, as we hope to show when we come to discuss French education, while we can learn something from the teaching of the mother tongue and of literature in Germany, we may learn the same and still more from France. From Germany we can in fact pick up a certain amount, mainly in the mechanics of teaching. But here the matter ends. For inspiration and for the strengthening of certain national weaknesses we must rather look to France. Of course, here again we must choose and discriminate. In the training of character we have very little to learn from our friends across the Channel, although the modern theories of freedom and individuality are undoubtedly having an effect on the hitherto somewhat military regime of the schools, which is clearly shown by the most recent pro- grammes in history-teaching. In fact, it is fair to state that, while Germany is undoubtedly more and more approxi- mating her schools to military ideas, the French are steadily moving in the opposite direction, towards the encourage- ment of freedom, responsibility, and personal initiative. Again, while we may well copy the high pitch of efficiency to which the French have brought the teaching profession and the honourable status to which they have raised it, we must steadily avoid any movement that tends to make our teachers mere purveyors of knowledge and divorce them from active participation in the larger Ufe of the school. But when we come to the development of the intelH- 28o STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION gence we may find much that we can freely admire and imitate. French education may be roughly divided into two parts, one of which ends with the first part of the haccalaureat, formerly called la rhetorique, the other ending with the part still known as la philosophie. Both these parts explain pretty well the aims of either course of study. The former is a training in taste and in the art of expression. As in Germany, the mother tongue and the native literature are put in the forefront of the programme, but, as has been already hinted, the manner in which they are taught in France is distinctly superior. Thanks to his prodigious appetite for knowledge, the German, who in this as in other matters is a veritable gourmand, is acquainted with what is considered to be the best that has been said on a subject, and has more or less formed for himself a palate. The Frenchman, on the other hand, is a born gourmet. Instinc- tively he picks out, selects and arranges what is de hon gout. Even when he deals with platitudes, he manages to " ear- mark " them with a touch of his own individuality. In fact, he is past-master in the difficult art, according to Horace, of " communia proprie dicer e." This artistic indi- vidualism pervades the whole nation ; one sees it even in so common a matter as dress, in which the women, while careful to follow the fashion, each modify it to suit their own particular style of beauty. Teachers and taught thus bring to the study of literature and the mother tongue an aptitude not to be met with elsewhere. In no branch of the subject does the superiority of the French come out more plainly than in the teaching and practice of essay-writing, which is still regarded as one of the most important items in the school time-table. Free composition begins in fact in the lowest classes with oral narration in its simplest form — the mere re-telling of some story which has been already related by the teacher. The hien dire and hien ecrire are thus taught from the very outset. The practice prevails to a certain extent in German schools, but where the French excel is in the far greater attention given to the composi- tion itself of the essay. Their language serves as an admir- TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY? 281 able medium. It is the true heir of the best traditions of the ancient rhetors, handed down through an uninterrupted apostohc succession through the schools of Lyons, Bordeaux and Paris. It is the finished product which has been worked up by generations of native Longinuses and Quintilians. It is the only modern language that has evolved a distinctively national prose style. Thanks to its ancient traditions, the French have never lost sight, as we in England, of the true meaning of the word composition. With us it too often means reproduction in a foreign medium of some passage in English, a matter of clever phrasing, or matching nuances of thought in the two languages concerned, of reproducing in (say) a Latin mosaic a design already given in English. It retains in French its fuller, truer and really classical meaning of composing, of putting together, of construction. It implies the employment not merely of the talents of the mosaic-layer, but of the original designer, the master- builder, the architect. In a word, the French writer is not merely the framer of happy phrases. His chief glory con- sists in his skill to build up phrases into paragraphs, and paragraphs into one single, harmonious, architectural whole. And herein lies for us one of the great benefits to be derived from a study of French methods. Just as our artists go to Paris to learn technique, so our teachers might well go to France to study the teaching of composition on French lines, in place of the happy-go-lucky, laissez-faire methods of letting pupils " muddle through " what they wish to say. We do not want to create in our schools a pseudo-French style. There is, indeed, but little danger of such an even- tuality. We have too much of what may be called nation- ality, of racial mother-stuff, ever to capitulate to that danger, whereas our greater affinity to Germany renders us all the more likely to exaggerate the defects of what we learn from that country. But the art of clear and artistic expression demands more than a purely literary education if it is not to suffer from the dangers of superficiality. This corrective is supplied by the training the French pupil receives in the last year of his school career under the rubric of Philosophy. While the 282 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION German pupil is laboriously filling in or widening the circle of his hard-acquired knowledge, the French pupil is under- pinning the whole structure of his previous education. Curiously enough the word that each would apply to his education at this stage has ostensibly the same meaning. The German would say that he was studying his subjects grundlich, and the French that he was pushing his education au fond. Yet the first only means he is filling in the blanks in the cyclus of his knowledge, the other that he is going down to the root of what he has learnt. No year is more important from the pupil's point of view. A purely rhetori- cal education has great dangers. It leaves one more or less at the mercy of words. It is true that a philosophical educa- tion puts us at times at the mercy of ideas, but such a predicament is the less perilous of the two. A rhetorical education gives us, as it were, the colour of things, the philosophical adds the sense of form ; the one trains the emotions, the other moulds the logical shape that they take. Such a philosophical education as is given in the French lycees is not merely a resume of the past, a co-ordination and explanation of all previous studies, it also furnishes a base and a groundwork for the future life of the pupil, providing, as it were, the cadres round which he may classify his subse- quent experiences, and by which he may direct his conduct. The practice of teaching the pupil to examine and catalogue his ideas is of the highest educational value. Individuality and the unification of ideas are very closely connected. If we English could have a little more appreciation and respect for general ideas, which are often after all but the intellectual names of great moral principles, we should certainly be able to reason out many of our social and political difficulties more readily, and be less slaves to the gross sophisms which obtain currency from the neglect of the ordinary cultivated man to examine the exact meaning of the terms he uses. Again, French philosophy enjoys the advantage of wearing the least forbidding aspect of all the philosophies. It may not attain the depth of German philosophy — in some ways it may only be a sort of glorified common sense — but in its lucidity and its close attachment to the problems of daily TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY ? 283 life it finds at once its strength and its weakness. Nor is it by any means as shallow as foreigners often think. The depth is there, but it is so easily seen, because the medium, the language in which it is conveyed, is so transparent. In France, the French do not forget that philosophy is a branch of literature, and the whole attitude of the best French writer is not to pose as an unfolder of mysteries, explaining the obscurum per obscurius, but rather to show, with the greatest suppression of self, how after all the thing is not so difficult. Nothing gives a clearer notion of the French aim in education than their conception of examinations. Our literary examinations are, above all, an audit of knowledge, and at their worst a mere audit of fact. The whole competi- tion is a match against time ; the pupil who can disgorge the greatest amount of knowledge in a given time comes out top. A certain level of spelling, punctuation, and grammar is demanded, but style in the French sense of the word rarely counterbalances quantity in the examiner's eyes. The entire examination is very largely a matter of memory, either in the actual reproduction of what has been learnt, or the reproduction of something similar to what one has been taught ; the whole thing is too exclusively a matter of en- lightened imitation. Originality is too rarely sought for or desired. The arts of exposition, of development, of com- position proper are comparatively neglected. When a French university professor is shown an Enghsh paper with ten or twelve questions (say in history) he is lost in astonish- ment at the number of questions ; but when he is told they are all to be answered in three hours he is dumbfoundered. The number of questions to be attempted in the lycee for a three hours' composition, or in the university for a six hours' paper, would be one or two. One can only explain to him that the English method treats intelligences much as sponges. It attempts to discover those which can return the greatest quantity of the facts or theories they have absorbed. To which our Frenchman rejoins : But where does the composition come in, the act of presenting one's subject in the clearest form, and in the most suitable 284 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION language ? One can only point out the fact that it doesn't come in except in a subordinate way, for the simple reason that the English examinee writes from the point of view of one who writes for a critic who knows already what he ought to say and only wants to verify his remarks, whereas the French candidate writes from the point of view of one who wants to explain to the ordinary person what he has to say, and so naturally puts his case with the utmost care. The Frenchman will probably remark that, as far as prac- tical value goes, in fact as a preparation for everyday life, his method of examination is more useful, as it allows the pupil to explain his views to any one of a certain calibre. Reply on this point seems difficult, for have we not here the main reason of the chronic inability of the English boy to explain himself and his ideas in a coherent fashion ? No doubt this cult of form when pushed to extremes may lead to undue disregard for the subject-matter. Every virtue when pushed to extremes becomes a vice. But inasmuch as we and the French have got hold of opposite ends of the truth, this is certainly a point where we have much to learn from them if we wish to encourage the productive rather than the mere reproductive faculties of our pupils. It would be interesting to enlarge on the superiority of French over English examinations in their invariable in- clusion in every examination of a viva-voce which tests some of the most valuable quahties of everyday hfe which are practically untouched by the written work. Let it suffice to say that there is very urgent need for us in England to revive at once this type of intellectual assaying, or largely to extend its range wherever it already exists. It is only fair to German educationists to say that their examinations, both written and oral, are conducted on somewhat similar lines. But for reasons already given above, the French would appear, in this respect also, more Ukely to repay judicious study and imitation on our part. Again, while English, and especially English literary, examinations are in the main an audit of knowledge, yet it is true that in some schools and in the later stages of education at the uni- versities, and more particularly at Oxford, stress is laid on TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY? 285 the value of those quahties by which the French set such store. What we want is a much wider diffusion of these ideals. Perhaps the best way to promote them would be to encourage a far closer intercourse between Oxford and Paris, which, in their conception of culture, have so many points of resemblance. Could the authorities of the two universities only come to know one another better, they would be astonished and cheered to find how many ideals they shelter in common. The danger of turning to Germany rather than to France does not end here. There are a certain number of persons to-day in England who are demanding we should begin the study of languages with German rather than French, which has hitherto always had the pre-eminence. They urge with much plausibility that the accent is easier, and that the problem of learning a new vocabulary is, lessened by the fact that the commoner words in English and German are more like one another than the commoner words in French and English. German, no doubt, is easier of pronunciation than French, though the question of accent for young children, with their very flexible organs of speech and great power of imitation, is of much less importance than with older pupils. The argument from vocabulary seems less serious. Even the pupil of nine or ten, if he has not learnt Latin, has already become acquainted with a large number of English words of Latin origin. Again, as the Anglo- Saxon words in his own language present to the small boy no difficulty, the fact that many words in English and German are alike is only helpful in learning the German vocabulary, whereas when French is learnt, the acquisition of French and the acquisition of English words derived from the Romance languages are mutually helpful. The English is perpetually throwing light on the French word, and the French on the English. Finally, the difficulties of German grammar and German construction with the un- usual order of words is certainly greater for pupils of this age than French grammar and construction in the opening stages. The same advocates urge that German at a later stage is very necessary for all who wish to do research work 286 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION in history, economics, or science, and also insist on its com- mercial value. The bulk of original investigations published in Germany is in the majority of subjects the greatest in the world ; but the amount in France is by no means insignificant, is often indispensable, and where it does exist, is generally served up in a much more available form. At the same time, too much stress must not be laid on the argu- ment itself. The mere grammatical knowledge requisite to read a work of research is easy of acquirement. The main difficulty hes in the technical vocabulary, which has to be mastered after the pupil has left school. This advan- tage, such as it is, is discounted by the greater commercial value that is attached to a knowledge of French. Nearly all Germans engaged in trade or commerce are sufficiently masters of English to be able to do business in our language, but, while our trade with France and French colonies is practically as big as our trade with Germany and her dependencies, the same facility of intercourse by no means exists between French merchants and shippers and ourselves. The utilitarian value of French for trade purposes is therefore considerably greater than the utilitarian value of German, although there is a strong current of public opinion to the contrary. But, granting once more for the sake of argument that the Teutophiles have so far made out the better case, there are still two very potent reasons for beginning with French, the last of which seems well-nigh unanswerable. A large percentage of small boys who are going to receive a secondary education are destined to take up Latin. As a preparation for the study of Latin, there can be no compari- son between German and French. The Germans have recognized this in all their so-called Reform schools, in which the study of a modern language is made the stepping-stone to the study of Latin, though had they adopted the argu- ment of the Philoteutons over here, they would not have hesitated to select English, as the connection between Ger- man and French is far more remote than between English and French. French is also the one modern language that is obligatory in their " unreformed " classical schools. Again, in their non-classical schools they begin with French TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY? 287 and not with English. The truth is they reahze that French is really an indispensable factor in general culture. That is really the chief argument of all. The question of Which language shall we begin with ? is not a mere academic one. It really goes to the heart of national education. Everything hinges on it. Analyse it out, and we see it is only another way of asking, On which language shall we lay the greater stress ; which language shall we, in fact, place first ? In the case of many boys only one modern language will be taken up. The question, therefore, is all the more important as to which they shall take. Expressed in other words it means, Which culture do we desire to copy on a large scale — that of Germany or that of France ? Put in that fashion, can there be any doubt ? Do we not want rather to reinforce the Norman than the Anglo-Saxon side of our character ? If the position of classics is going to be weakened in England, are we not likely to find more or less compensation for the change in a more extensive study of French, which is in so many ways the universal legatee of Greek and Roman traditions ? Can Germany offer us anything similar ? To sum up. Is not the balance largely in favour of generally, though not exclusively, following French models rather than German in school matters ? One must lay stress on the word " school," for all are willing to testify to the extraordinary love of learning to be found in German uni- versities, to their untiring energy in research, and to their freedom of opinion, although the latter quality has been sadly curtailed of recent years. In their schools we can again gladly bear witness to the high qualifications of the teaching profession, to their strenuous, if somewhat narrow, conception of duty, and to the various strong points in the teaching of certain subjects. But, as we have seen, these strong points are as well and often better represented in French schools ; while certain weaknesses we have noted in German education — the increasing military spirit, the re- actionary tendencies and the lack of the philosophic training — are less pronounced or entirely absent from French educa- tion, We have further seen how, in the teaching of the 288 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION mother tongue, in the proper conception of examinations and in the addition of a philosophical crown to its education, France has for us, if we are willing to learn, things which are in every way worthy of our consideration. We stand at the very parting of the ways. Are we to copy from a national system which every year seems to grow more out of sympathy with the majority of the nation, deliberately constituted to serve as a buttress to the political status quo, or another which under a more modern regime is striving to adapt itself to the conditions of the times ? What is frankly the main ideal of German education ? Erudition. What is the main ideal of French ? Culture. Which ideal is more wanted in England at the present time ? Which language is likely to afford the better linguistic, logical, aesthetic, and literary training ? Is it German, with its glorious lyrical poetry, its almost boundless vocabulary, its Gothic-like architecture, with cathedral-like sentences branching into a mass of clauses, a veritable cluster of side-chapels, recalling at once the might, majesty and awe of its archetype the primeval Hercynian forest, forest that, alas, the ordinary student does not see because of the trees, as he struggles with its sesquipedalian compounds and its apparently inter- minable sentences, its involved and complicated style, that happily shows signs of a movement towards a greater simplification of expression, yet still involved in the toils of its own verbosity ? Or is it not rather French with its poetry, in which the overwhelming sense of form almost cramps and stunts the emotions, with its far less copious vocabulary which is yet one of the most effective arsenals of expression because of the admirable way in which its contents have been catalogued and cross-referenced, with a prose style that combines the classical architecture of pure line with the warm colouring of modern sentiment, recalUng in its directness and solidity the road- and bridge-building talents of the Romans, while its good taste, moderation and refinement represent a genuine infiltration from the best epochs of Greek culture. Lucid and logical, appealing alike to the aesthetic and literary sense, what finer instrument of mental discipline is there outside the classical world ? TOWARD FRANCE OR GERMANY? 289 English we must at any price remain, but certainly neither insular nor ultra-protectionist. The most valuable free imports we can make are such methods and ideals as we can copy from our neighbours. We want, in fact, to send abroad a sort of second Mosely Commission composed of educationists, but taken from those engaged not on the administrative, but on the pedagogical side — inspectors, headmasters, and the like, with a sprinkling of county education secretaries — persons of wide experience and ac- quainted not merely with the strength but the weaknesses of English education. They would not only have to consider the points raised above, but many others. To mention only a few, the position of science and of mathematics in the different courses of study, the age at which Latin should be begun, the systematic teaching of history and geography. When the educational scouts had reported we should be in a position to know how far we might venture on the German, and how far on the French road, without losing touch with the English highway. I am happy to say that recently there has been a con- siderable change in English opinion as regards the com- parative merits of French and German education. While fully recognizing the undoubted strong points in German schools our leaders of public opinion are gradually becoming better acquainted with French educational ideas and realizing that while Germans can teach us many useful wrinkles and tricks of the trade we must in matters of art and culture rather seek inspiration from France. No doubt the factors which have contributed to this welcome change are many in number. There are two which appear to me sufficiently important to mention here. One has been the visits of M. Hovelaque, the Inspector-General of Modern Languages, to England. He at least has done much to convince University authorities of the need of organizing the teaching of French on a really adequate scale with really adequate professors. French culture can never obtain the appreciation it merits in England till its exponents are really and truly repre- sentative. B.E. T 290 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION The other factor in the change has been the work of the International Guild. It is already making itself a name in England through the large number of students it is sending us, and by its latest achievement, the bringing together of the modern language associations in the two countries, it has given a decided impetus to the all too limited interest in France that our teachers have hitherto taken, the results of which cannot fail to have an excellent effect on the younger generation who are at present passing through our schools. A BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF AMERICAN EDUCATION Any survey of American education, however summary, must recognize the fact that in education as in other matters the United States must be considered to consist territorially of at least three different divisions, each possessing certain salient characteristics which mark it off from the other two. There is the section of the Eastern States, in which educa- tion has long been established, with the result that a certain fixity and finality has been reached in organization and teaching methods. Against this must be set the West with its exuberant energy, its feverish hankering after novelty, its passion for experiment which at times amounts to rash- ness, yet has in the main a most stimulating effect on education. Every new idea has a chance of actual trial, even if it is not sufficiently experimented upon before it is cast aside in favour of some fresh novelty. And lastly comes the South, the stagnant South one might almost say, in comparison with the two other divisions, though even here things are in progress. But the actual rate of advance is slower. A rough indication of the difference is afforded by the amount of voluntary contributions last year for educational purposes. Of some 28,000,000 dollars thus given according to one authority, only 1,000,000 was sub- scribed south of the Mason and Dixie line that forms the boundary between North and South. Within these rough divisions of East, West, and South there further exists the most amazing variety in the systems of local control, and the methods of teaching and organiza- tion. It must be always remembered that in education each state is a law unto itself ; there is no such thing as federal 292 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION oversight or jurisdiction, the Bureau of Education being merely a clearing-house for the collection of statistics and the dissemination of information. This variety is specially observable in the spirit in which school reform is under- taken by the different states. In Massachusetts the legis- lative power is only invoked to confer the sanction of the law on any scheme of school reform, when the reform itself has already been virtually carried out by private initiative, and merely awaits rounding off and ratification. One of the most typical instances of this is the recent substitution of the larger area of the township for the small district authority, which was only legally adopted when all the numerous districts save four had voluntarily surrendered their autonomy. In New York and Pennsylvania the belief in the virtues of parliamentary enactment is stronger, and educational laws have been passed in the hope of giving a lead to popular opinion by attaching the prestige of public sanction to reforms which have not always sufficiently entered into the manners and customs of the people, with the result that the laws in question have not always been a complete success. It is probable that the difference in this case is due to the native genius of the different peoples. Massachusetts is Independent in origin and traditions ; New York is largely German and Celtic. The one naturally lays more stress on the efficacy of private initiative, and prefers the looser forms of authority, the other believes in the puissance of the state and the blessings of a more centralized form of government. Yet in spite of the extensive diversity in the form and spirit of educational effort in the different states, there is, none the less, one common trait which makes the whole school-world in America kin. It is the fervent belief of American democracy in its schools, which is only to be matched by that of the schools in American democracy. This action and reaction of the school and the community on one another is one of the greatest levers towards progress imaginable. The bodily shape that this belief takes is that of having a common form of graduated schools which, while they naturally vary in standard according to the locality, A VIEW OF AMERICAN EDUCATION 293 lead up regularly one into another from the kindergarten (where it exists) to the primary school, from the primary school to the high school, from the high school to the college, and thence to the University. Elementary and secondary instruction alike are free in accordance with the democratic creed that, given equaUty of opportunity, the man who is worth his salt is certain to come to the front. This poHcy of the open door in education, through which the able children of the poorer classes have risen and can rise to positions of wealth, has, no doubt, greatly contributed to the expansion of the United States. But most thoughtful persons will also admit it has been largely conditioned by it. In European countries where the rate of expansion is far slower, notably in France, and even in such a quick-developing country as Germany, we see the State obHged to organize the selection of careers in order to prevent or diminish overcrowding in the liberal professions. Democratic France has deliberately technicalized her higher primary schools, while the State in Germany, in establishing a scholastic monopoly, has adopted the most drastic measures for the elimination of the unfit. Now, even if the United States continues to expand materi- ally as quickly as heretofore, there are not wanting many competent judges who believe that the opportunity for getting on is not nearly so great as it was thirty years ago. Of what avail is it to keep the school door wide open, if the door out into the world is closing ? However efficient the school may be, it cannot make chances, it can only prepare its alumni to take them when offered. One cannot bring off a catch unless the ball comes one's way. Should America, therefore, persist in her splendid endeavour to give each child that stays on in her schools a general education, the question naturally arises, is she not in the long run hkely to raise up that undesirable hybrid that other nations have produced — a literary proletariat. For the present, it must be admitted, there do not appear to be any very disquieting signs. The introduction of manual training into the schools looks like safeguarding the pupils against any excessive appreciation of the merely literary studies. One important factor that profoundly 294 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION modifies the American problem is that commerce is not generally looked down on socially as it is in most European countries. There is Httle of the cant of soiHng one's hands with trade, which, on the contrary, is rather regarded as one of the chief avenues to success. Again, the American pupil, thanks either to the school or society, is highly adapt- able. One is constantly meeting men in America who have studied for one career, and taken up another. The highest University honours will not prevent the most brilliant American scholar from entering commerce, perhaps because the biggest prizes are to be found in it. The classic instance is that of Mr. Pierpont Morgan, whose attainments in mathe- matics were such as to induce the authorities at Gottingen to offer him a University lectureship. As long, then, as the clever American is wilHng to turn his hand to what pays best, the natural selection will be made separately by each individual, and there will be no need for the State to intervene. One of the most remarkable proofs of the belief of the whole nation in its schools is, that the fact of their being open to the lower orders does not prevent their being patron- ized by the better classes, who freely send their children to these schools. Private schools naturally exist in America, and have undoubtedly increased during the last decade. Yet, according to the latest figures published by the Bureau of Education, the high schools have increased in far greater proportion, which shows that the Separatist tendency is not growing at anything like the same rate as the general desire for higher education. This interest of the wealthier classes in education does not end here. Nothing is more noteworthy than the way in which there has been a positive stampede among million- aires to devote a liberal share of their immense fortunes to the cause of education. It seems as if, as an American has remarked, it will soon be considered a crime for a man to die rich. Certainly one must go back to the benefactors of the Middle Ages to find such a constant flow of munificent en- dowments. Mr. Carnegie's princely liberaHty is known in the two hemispheres. Only this year the President at Har- A VIEW OF AMERICAN EDUCATION 295 vard read out at Commencement a list of donations to the University of over a million and a half dollars, and the same day at Yale the President of the college announced the com- pletion of their two-million-dollar fund. How small in comparison with this is the 60,000 odd pounds collected for Cambridge University ! Some unkind persons have sug- gested that this outburst of generosity on the part of Ameri- can millionaires is due to the desire to obtain a lien on the teaching of the Universities. It is impossible to read the hearts of men, but it may, at least, be stated that in many cases the money has been given for objects into which the teaching of such debatable subjects as political economy or social science do not enter at all. On the other hand, this close connection between the schools and the leaders of commerce is an object-lesson to many other countries, in which the teachers and merchants, instead of laying their heads together and finding the necessary compromise be- tween the apparently conflicting claims of a hberal and business education, spend most of their time in mutual recrimination. The belief of the schools in American Democracy is best illustrated by the thorough fashion with which the American school takes the child of the stranger within her gates whether German or Hungarian, Norwegian or Italian, and transforms him heart and soul into a real American citizen. While nearly all European states are troubled by racial difficulties and dissensions, the common school has saved and is saving the United States from one of the thorniest of problems in the Old World. The principal characteristic which marks off American from European schools is the presence of the female sex in their midst, both as pupils and teachers. Co-education is the rule, except in the New England States, where it is not universal. The great mass of independent witness seems to be in its favour, though there is not wanting a certain type of critic, who urges that after all if the school is a prepara- tion for life, the life that the majority of girl pupils will have to lead is that of the wife and the mother, and that the training for this state of life should not be completely sacri- 296 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION ficed in the higher classes by giving the girls identical courses of study with those of the boys. Be that as it may, it is probably certain that co-education renders women more self-possessed and self-reliant, while the higher instruction they receive makes them the equal, if not, as some assert, the superior of the male sex. Certainly, owing to their greater freedom from work, they are far more able to con- tinue their artistic and literary education in after-life than the American man. To take a single instance, it is estimated that SS per cent, of the patrons of American theatres are women. There seems, in fact, some show of danger, that if the American woman continues to enjoy this preferential treatment, she may, by virtue of her intellectual and artistic superiority, end by substituting for the existing ideals in American life, which are naturally preponderatingly mascu- line, those to which her own sex attach the greater import- ance, with the result that the American nation may one day see itself converted into one of what Bismarck used to call the feminine nations. In this trans valuation of values the American woman is likely to be unconsciously aided and abetted by the female teachers who, apparently for econo- mic reasons, have largely ousted the male element from the teaching profession. It must be clear to everyone that a woman's method of managing a class, even in so simple a matter as keeping order, must from the mere force of things be radically different from that of a man, especially in the older classes. The power behind the female teacher's desk lies in an appeal to the boys to respect her sex, if she does not still further rely on her natural attractions as a woman ; whereas the male teacher in the government of his class rather sets before them the necessity of obedience for the sake of obedience, of loyalty to an ideal and not to a sex, of reverence for the strong rather than a respect for the weak, and in his manners and conduct, his obiter dicta, his general criticisms, his passing judgments on men and matters, he insensibly moulds his class to look at things in a certain masculine fashion, which a woman does not possess. It is just perhaps in this question of judgment that the difference goes as deep as anywhere. The mind of the male A VIEW OF AMERICAN EDUCATION 297 teacher is essentially arranged on a logical plan ; women, on the other hand, however gifted, are rather intuitive than severely rational. Hence the boy pupil, who comes too exclusively under female teaching, will probably in some things be more sensitive to influence and suggestion than his harder-headed brother, but, on the other hand, he will be more deficient in mental balance and logical power. There appear to be already signs of this deficiency showing in the American schools in those classes where the pupil is passing from the receptive age to the age of reason. The American teaching, admirable as it is, in rendering the child sensitive to externals, and aiding his senses to store up abundantly a mass of mental impressions, seems halting and inconclusive just at the point where the transition has to be made in the pupil from the state of sensuous to that of logical knowledge, which means the setting in order and arranging the previously gathered stores of facts and deduc- ing from them the truths contained in their newly framed formulae. One of the most difficult problems in the States is the negro question. In the North the problem is not so acute. The whites are everywhere in a majority, and the coloured people, if not admitted to the best hotels, are allowed to enter the pubhc conveyances and the public schools without being segregated into separate compartments and class- rooms. But south of the old slave line the whole racial question, according to many competent judges, is as strong as ever. Its sundering effects are seen in every domain of Ufe, not excepting education. Not only the negroes, but all who possess the faintest suspicion of black blood in their veins, are obhged to go to separate schools, if there are separate schools to go to, and any attempt at co-educating the two races is looked on as impossible. The idea of ulti- mate fusion between the two races would be scouted even by the most ardent aboHtionists, many of whom would never give their own children in marriage to a person of colour, and indeed in some states marriages between white and black are punishable by law. Nor does the idea of equahty between the two races seem aught but a distant 298 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION dream. The very political equality that the negroes possess according to the constitution is one of the most formid- able bars to finding a satisfactory modus vivendi with the Southern whites, who will never recognize this equality in fact, and are at present actively engaged in trying to discover some way of legalizing the disfranchisement of the black voter which has hitherto been largely effected by intimida- tion. So hopeless does the outlook seem to many that they fall back on saying, the problem being a Southern one, the South as being best acquainted with all its bearings must work out the solution for itself. The only chance of im- provement appears to lie in raising the moral and mental condition of the negro. The chief obstacle to this is the high percentage of illiteracy among them, and their com- parative lack of energy and enterprise. It is only fair to add that they are debarred from the exercise of many callings through the refusal of the majority of trade unions to admit men of colour as members, which naturally pre- vents them working on any job on which union men are engaged. One of the most promising movements for the regeneration of the negro is the great educational work with which the name of Booker T. Washington, who is himself a negro, is identified. He frankly admits that for the present, at any rate, the negro had better resign his claims to exercise the franchise, or at least leave them in abeyance. Let the negro show he can be a useful member of society, and society will find a place for him. With this idea in view he advocates the establishment throughout the South of industrial schools for coloured children, while to raise the moral status of the negro a great effort is being made to improve the standard of the Afro-American preachers, who, as Mr. Booker T. Washington says, exercise a tremendous influence over the masses of their race. It is curious to note that while we in England are attempt- ing to-day to bring the local authorities into closer touch with the schools, the tendency in the States seems to be in the direction of placing the school outside politics. Not the least interesting chapter in American education is that which deals with the long and victorious struggle by which A VIEW OF AMERICAN EDUCATION 299 American democracy, in order to safeguard itself against itself, has been driven to call in the aid of the expert. In a recent official publication a writer on educational organiza- tion wrote as follows : "In the City of Buffalo, New York State, the school affairs are managed by a committee appointed by the city council, but happily the case stands by itself, and the evil consequences possible under such a scheme have been much ameliorated ... by a most ex- cellent superintendent." Probably both America and England have adopted the right course in each case. The Americans having harnessed the Niagara of popular enthu- siasm to these schools, have less need of these local stimuli ; while, owing to the lack of any strong national movement in favour of education, we are now attempting to hitch the schools on to the forces that He at the back of local patriot- ism. This should not, however, confirm us in our disbelief in the expert, who both locally and centrally is indispensable. If we compare the attitude to-day of the parent in every country towards the school with what it was fifty years ago, we shall be at once struck with the great and increasing claims made on the school. On the one hand we have the ever-growing demand to bring the school into touch with the future Uvelihood of the child, and on the other, with the loosening of home discipline and the weakening of dogmatic belief, the role of the school as the chief factor in education is being augmented at an alarming rate. To take the latter side of the school's work first. It is probable in the near future that the undenominational school in every country will be compelled willy-nilly to give a more distinct and definite ethical cast to its instruction. Under the stress of modern competition the American father is often unable to exercise effective oversight over his child's bringing up. Early away in the morning, late home at night, he frequently passes the whole day without seeing his child except for a few moments. The women again are often absorbed in other pursuits. In this case the school becomes more and more the sponsor for the child's upbringing and education. In the long run the teaching of civics and morality will probably form as large a part of the American school's ( ( 300 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION curriculum as it does in France. Already there is a strong forward movement towards the definite teaching of patriot- ism and the introduction of military drill, in order that, as Mr. Rogers has picturesquely said, the future citizen may know how to fight, either with ballot-boxes or bullets. Whether American education, with its passion for text- books, will ultimately evolve a regular series of lay cate- chisms on morality as France has done is yet to be seen, but unless Roman Catholicism, like a troisieme larron, steps in to profit by the decay of the Protestant sects in the States, the American teacher of the future seems likely to be entrusted, whether he will or no, with the spiritual ministra- tion of the souls committed to his charge. One thing is certainly true. The murder of President McKinley has immensely strengthened the hands of those who desire to increase the moral influence and authority of the school. As regards the growing demand for bringing the school into closer touch with the after-career of the pupil, the American schools so far have sturdily maintained the para- mount necessity of laying a firm basis of general education, and refused to sacrifice the education of the citizen to the training of the worker. This has not prevented them, in technical education, from introducing specialization and ^that of a very high order, but they have carefully kept it till the end of the pupil's career ; there is none of the smattering of technical instruction in immature pupils which has had such an unhappy vogue in England. In commercial education they have strangely enough done less than what has been effected in some European states. The reason for this is, that hitherto they have been content to secure for themselves the home market. With the present growth of their foreign trade they will soon feel the need of raising a special army of well-trained commercial travellers, thoroughly versed in modern languages, while their future captains of industry will also require to be more highly educated not in the practice but in the theory of business, or economics as it is called. Most of the so-called business colleges are rather devoted to the teaching of actual practice and the lower arts of commerce, but once the Americans A VIEW OF AMERICAN EDUCATION 301 realize the need for a greater number of higher institutions they are sure to speedily supply the missing article. In no country is the distance between cup and lip shorter than in America. The difference between the average Englishman of to-day and the typical American seems to be that the Englishman has to grumble over a deficiency till he has talked himself over into supplying it. With the American a want has often only to be noticed to be at once met and remedied. American education, as we have already seen, varies greatly. It possesses, no doubt, a " certain tail." A school in the backwoods cannot obviously compare with one of the latest scholastic palaces erected by the city of New York. Like every other nation America has its educational prob- lems, of which a few have here been noticed, yet the com- parative youth of the country has not allowed any of them, with the exception of the negro question, to become either acute or chronic as is the case with those in older lands. There are three things which are essential not only to the military but also to the educational forces of a country : money, men who are ready to go anywhere and do anything, and an experienced leader. The educational forces of America are fully equipped in this respect. They can count on being fully supplied with the sinews of war, their per- sonnel is singularly enterprising and enthusiastic, and in the present head of their Education Bureau they possess one who may well be described as the Nestor of education- ists. The reverse of a roi faineant, who rules but does not govern. Dr. Harris governs because he does not rule. His writ " runs in no state," yet is read in all. His direct jurisdiction over American education is nil, yet, unoffi- cially, he exercises over the minds and souls of the teachers all the spiritual suzerainty of an educational pontiff. Year by year he has been inculcating the deepest philosophical principles into the thousands who have sat at his feet at the great annual conventions, or have eagerly devoured the educational encyclicals which have issued in such profusion from the Bureau at Washington. No one can estimate, yet the most superficial observer can discern, the enormous 302 STUDIES IN FOREIGN EDUCATION effect such a course of informal philosophy has had on the present generation of American teachers. It has acted as a sort of gigantic conservation of spiritual forces, giving to the American teacher a kind of philosophic balance which, while it does not shut his mind against new experiments, prevents him from being too easily led away by the craving for novelty. 1 ^ Note. — (1913.) The suggestion that the Americans in the changing conditions at home and abroad might find it necessary to modify their theories as to the sufficiency of a general education has been and is being verified in a remarkable fashion. When the writer, after an absence of seven years, again visited the country, he found nearly all the leading authorities won over to the general principles of the vocational education he had come over to advocate. There seemed to be a strong consensus of opinion that education must henceforth prepare for liveUhood as well as for life, or, in other words, we must train the average man to be a producer as well as a citizen. Two other important impressions of the author's visit were the training of the American boy in the art of self-expression, with special reference to the mother-tongue, and the kindred fact that the American school seeks to develop an individual, while we are too often concerned with turning out examination products whose learning, alas! speedily evaporates after leaving school. GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD. A Selection of the Books on English Language English Literature and Historical Books including Supplementary Readers issued by George G, Harrap a?id Company 3 Portsmouth Street Kijigsway 2 HARRAP'S LIST OF BOOKS ON THE LESSONS IN THE USE OF ENGLISH By Mary F. Hyde. Based upon the Author's earlier experimental books and carefully edited to meet English requirements. This course is in accord with the methods now advocated by leading educationists, and it is found to give results impossible under any other system. It is recommended by many of H.M. Inspectors, and is used alike in elementary and secondary schools. It was placed first on the list of types of text-books recommended by a Committee of the Assistant Masters' Association in its Report on the Teaching of English. Section One In Three Parts. For First Three Years. Price 6d. each, limp cloth. Complete, cloth boards, 240 pages, illustrated, is. 6d. Section Two Practical English Grammar with Exercises in Com- position. Part I. — The Sentence and the Parts of Speech. Part II. — Subdivision of the Parts of Speech and Inflection. Part III. — Syntax. Part IV. — Structure and Analysis of Sentences. Part V. — Composition. Parts I. and II. in one book, price is. 3d. Parts III. to V. in one book, price is. 3d. Completeinone volume, 352 pages, price 2s. 6d. "To anything else of a similar kind known to me, this little work is as vitality is to lifeltssness. Even in the hands of the most unskilled teacher it could not wholly fail of the effects its author created it to produce, and, on the other hand, the most skilful and original teacher would find it an admirable basis for the working out of individual ideas. I consider it the best book of any kind used in this school. Imitators will find it hard to improve upon." — William Thomson, B.A., Hutchesons' Girls' Grammar School, Glasgow. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 3 BUSINESS ENGLISH AND OFFICE ROUTINE By A. Mercer. Crown 8vo, 200 pages, with Index, is. 6d. net. This book has been specially prepared for use in Evening and Commercial Schools. It can also be used with advantage in the lower forms of Secondary Schools and in the upper cla^ses of Elementary Schools, where it will be found useful in preparing boys and girls for Council Scholarships It has been the chief aim to treat the English on practical lines in as concise and con- nected a manner as possible, with the minimum nomenclature to ensure a thorough grasp of the principles of grammar. Syntactical relations have been included under Accidence, and the examples and exercises are nearly all culled from recent examina- tion papers. It is hoped thus, that it will supply a long-felt want in the teaching of this subject in evening schools. It will be found to meet the requirements of the syllabuses in English of the National Union of Teachers, the Lancashire and Cheshire Union of Institutes, the Midland Counties Union of Educational Institutes, and the West Riding of Yorkshire County Council, etc., and that the necessity for several text-books in this subject is thus dispensed with. N.B.—A Special Prospectus with Specimen Pages, Contents, etc., will be sent to any address. A PRACTICAL TRAINING IN ENGLISH By H. A. Kellow, M.A., Head of the English Department, Allan Glen's School, Glasgow. Crown 8vo, 272 pages, 2s. 6d. This book is intended for those who have received the usual elementary grounding in English and are ready to begin more advanced work. Its aim is to promote Independ- ent judgment on the part of the pupil. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS I. Origin of Eng-lish. II. Native and Foreign Words. III. The Celts and the Scandians. iV. 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Just Ready To Meet the requirements of the Board of Education Extract from the Official Circular No. 753 ^« " The Teaching of English " : '* In every class repetition from memory should form an essential part of the instruction in Literature. There is no reason for restricting learn- ing by heart to poetry, as is commonly done ; passages of good prose should be learnt by heart also. Nor need all the pupils in a class invariably learn the same piece." A TREASURY OF PROSE AND POETRY For Learning by Heart In six Graded Parts. Compiled by Amy Barter. Part I., 64 pages. Stiff paper, 46., limp cloth, 5d. Parts II to v., 96 pages each. Stiff paper, 5d., limp cloth, 6d. Part VI., 128 pages. Stiff paper, 6d., limp cloth, 8d. A Special Prospectus of this New Series will be sent post free on application From the Compiler's Foreword. — Youth is the time in which to store the memory with treasures which shall serve for delight and refresh- ment in later years. In youth the tablets of the memory are of soft wax, and all that is written thereon goes deep. Every noble passage we learn in our youth becomes a permanent possession adding to our riches throughout our lives. The more good books we read, the more of these noble passages we shall find. In youth we often fail to realise the import- ance of reading the great works which contain these treasures, and boys and girls are often content to store their minds with material which, though good in itself, is not worthy of its place as part of their mental equipment as long as their lives shall last. It is to help them in this matter that these little books have been compiled. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 9 " The ' Treasury of Verse ^ is excellent. I have never seen so inieresting a collection. The ' Treasury of Ballads,'' too, is admirably chosen." — M. L. Banks, M.A,, Malvern College. A TREASURY OF VERSE FOR SCHOOL AND HOME Edited by M. G. Edgar, M.A. In Six Parts. Part I., 128 pages, sewed, 6d., or cloth boards, 8d. ; Part II., 128 pages, sewed, 6d., or cloth boards, 8d. ; Part III., 160 pages, cloth boards, lod. ; Part IV., 192 pages, cloth boards, is. ; Part v.. Ballads, 192 pages, new edition, cloth boards, is. ; Part VI.. Elizabethan Lyrics, 144 pages, cloth boards, is. (Edited by A. Barter.) This course of school poetry can be unreservedly recommended as the best series which has yet appeared. It has secured enthusiastic appre- ciation for its freshness and width of range. As regards the former, no expense or trouble has been spared to make the series adequately repre- sentative of the best copyright verse, and among the many living authors whose poetry has been included are the following : — Oliver Herford, Gabriel Setoun, Norman Gale, Judge Parry, F. D. Sherman, W. Canton, Fred. E. VVeatherly, J. J. Bell, Will. H. Ogilvie, G. F. Bradby, Rudyard Kipling, Alfred Noyes, Gerald Gould, Henry Newbolt, W. B. 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Longfellow. Illustrated by Frederick Remington. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. * ^* This edition of Longfellow's Hiawatha is the authorised edition published by arrangement with the Author's family. Popular Ballads : English and Scottish Selected and Edited by R. A. Witham, with a Preface by Prof. W. A. Neilson, Harvard University. With Introduction, Glossary, and Notes. xlii+ 1 88 pages. Crown 8vo. is. 3d. Shelley's Poems Selected and Edited by Prof. G. IL Clarke, M.A. With Intro- duction, Notes, and Bibliography, lxxii + 266 pages. Crown 8vo. IS. 6d. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ii INDUSTRIAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY SERIES By Katharine Elizabeth Dopp, Ph.D. Announcement The purpose of this series is to render available for general use, the subject-matter which readily lends itself to those forms of practical activity which are seeking ex- pression in the child, and which at the same time represents social experience of a fundamental character. This subject-matter, which includes the most significant steps in the early development of our industrial and social institutions, is not only so closely related to the child's experience as to be readily appreciated and controlled by him, but it is of profound significance as a means of interpreting the complex life of the present. I. The Tree- Dwellers The Age of Fear Illustrated with a map, 15 full-page and 60 text drawings in balf-tone by Howard V. Brown. Limp cloth, large crown 8vo, 128 pages. IS. This volume makes clear to the child how people lived before they had fire, ho\y and why they conquered it, and the changes wrought in society by its use. The simple activities of gathering food, of weaving, building, taming fire, making use of the body for tools and weapons and wearing trophies, are here shown to be the simple forms of processes which still minister to our daily needs. II. The Early Cave- Men The Age of Combat Illustrated with 75 drawings in half-tone by Howard V. 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