51 555 Library Bureau of Railway Economic s April 10, 1915 Supplement to List of References to Legislation in the United States on Minimum Train 'Crews and Maximum .^ i Length of Trains ; GENERAL i- full-crew law campaign, (Railway age gazette , v % 58 : 400; Mar. 5, 1915) Bache review. *" "the fullrcrew law. (Bache review, v. 23 .no. 4. p. 2-4 ; Jan. 23 , 1915) Baltimore & Ohio railroad company. To the stockholders... February 24,1915, 2 p. 4° "Repeal of the so-called 'Full crew' law", p. 2. Bureau of railway economics, Washington* The arguments for and against train-crew legislation... Washington, Bureau of rai lv/ay economics, March 1915. 44 p. 8° Consecutive "bulletin no. 73. Mi scellar. eous series no. 18. A revision of an, earlier study of the same title (consecutive number 53) Farmers condemn extra crew laws. (American industries , v. 15 : Feb. 1915: 35-36) Gauss, James B. Why the full crew law should stand. (Railway conductor, v. 32: 163-73; Mar. 19 15) iry, John E. A railroad man's argument for the full crew law, (Pailroad trainman , v. 31 : 907; Oct. 1914) Independent [Editorial] Railroad crew laws. (independent, Mar. 1,1915: 336) :•; iee, W. G. Overworked train crews (Metropolitan, June 1913: 62) Outlook [Editorial] Full crew laws . (Outlook,v fc 109: 601; Har.17,1915) potter, M, W, Limiting length of trains by law, (Train dispatchers bulletin,, v. 19: 207; Mar .1915) 438177 \: : - Full- c rev/ suppl.-2) 1 GENERAL (cont.) Railway age gazette [Editorial] Full- crew law arguments. (Railway age gazette, v. 58 : 392*94; Feb. 19, 1915) Railway age gazette [Editorial] Limiting the length of trains* (Railway age gazette, v. 56 : 392; L'ar.5,1915) Ross, Story H. Full- crew bill. (Railroad trainman, v. 32 : 259-61;, Mar. 1915) To reduce length of trains. (Railway and locomotive engineering, v. 18: 99; Far .1915) Weaver, J. Lero}*. National full crew law. (Railroad trainman , v. 28 : 82 7-28; Nov. 1911) California. 1915, Bills. House 781. Prescribing full crews* Limits trains motioned to 12 cars. Limits freight trains to* 50 cars and 45 in certain cases. House 127. Amending full crew law. Same as House 781. Colorado . 1915. Bills. House 81. Limiting number of cars to 30 or 50 according to grades, S enat e 163, S am e . Illinois , 1915. House 239. Prohibiting operation of an ,T freight trains exceeding 50 cars, Iowa 1915. Bill. Senate 135. Crews for light engines. Same as House 143. Comment: Jones, C. W. A plea for fair treatment to railroads of Iowa. An argument on the 30-called "Full crew" bill, (Illinois central magaz ine , v..3 :96-99 ;Feb.l9l5) Submitted by Committee on relation of railway opera- tion to legislation in Iowa, C.F .Jones, cha irman. Senate 353. Prohibiting operation of trains more than 1/2 mile in length. Kansas 1915. Bill. House 53 6. Full crews for switch engines* Minnesota 1915. Bill. Senate 579. Prohibiting operation of freight or work trains more than l/2 mile in length. LU ssissippi 1914. Lav/ providing full crews was passed in March 1914, Missouri To the shippers and passengers of Missouri. (St. Joseph [Mo.J Gazette, Sept .22 ,1914, p.§) Missouri recalls its full crew law. (Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh railway employes magazine, v. 3 : Feb. 1915: 40-41) 1915. Bill. Senate 3 14. Requiring one man in addition to conductor to account for passengers. K eb r a 3 ka . 1915. Bill. House 594. Amends 1913 law relating to crews for light engines Nevada 1915. .House 39. Prohibiting train of m6re than 50 cars. Senate 62. Amends Sec. 5 of 1913 Full crew law by exempting lines on which but 1 train a day is operated. Senate 242. Prohibiting operation of light engines without full crews New Jersey 1915. Bill. House Joint Res--.5. providing for a commission of 9 persons to investigate workings .of the Full crew law. House 599. Introduced by Assemblyman Stevens. To repeal the full crew law. Hearings were held before Committee March 22,1915. Mr. 3t evens acce^tci the substitute! House 598. Empowering Public utility commissioners to deter- mine crews and to make orders and rules. Comment :- Anti-full crew law campaign. (Railway age gazette, v. 58 : 372; Feb. 26, 1915) Associated railroads of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Notes to editors. Slips accompanying plates for use in newspapers. Pamphlets., leaflets and circular letters in favor of repeal of full crew laws. 1915. Signed by R.L.O' Donnel, Chairman executive committee. Full crew suppl.-4'j New Jersey (cont.) Associated railroads cf Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Synopsis of testimony and exhibit 3 submitted or the railrcad side cf the proposition to the joint committee of the New Jersey legislature at Trenton, March 22, in the full crew matter, [1915] 3 typewritten pages,. What the people think of the full crew laws. [Philadelphia, 1915]] 48 p, 4° Extracts from newspapers* Commercial and financial chronicle [Editorial] Railway labor, when profitable and when unprofitable. (Commercial and financial chronicle, v .100 : 771; Mar i'ijf, 1955) Commercial and financial chronicle [Editorial] Seeking to repeal full crew laws, (Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 100 : 511; Feb. 13, 1915) Gauss, James B. Mr. Gaus[lj replies on full crew law, (Pittsburgh leader, Mar. 18, 1915) M^yer, Fred. W« Railroad trainman gives employes' view of crew law. Takes issue with companies on almost every point advanced for the repeal of the measure now so conspicuously in the limelight on a repeal proposition* (Newark [N.J J Star", Feb. 24, 1915) ( Morris, John T. Feels better now. This man had to get views on full crew law out of his s y s t esn , (Pittsburgh Gazette- times , Afar* 16 ,4.915) Patterson, George Stuart. Argument . ..bef ore the joint committee cf the New Jersey legislature at Trenton, March 22, in the full crew matter. 3 typewritten pages „ ! Railway age gazette. An outrageous appeal to the plain people, (Railway age gazette, v, 58: 352; Feb. 26, 1913) Comment on statement of Brotherhoods opposing repeal of full crew laws in Pennsylvania and Tew Jersey, Railway world [Editorial] Movement to abolish full crew laws. (Railway world, v. 59: 97-98; Feb. 1915) j Rea, Samuel, and others. Ex t r a c r ew laws . (Railway review, v. 56: 273; Feb. 27, 1915) I Reynolds , J , E„ Argument.. .bef ore the joint committee of the New Jersey legislature at Trenton, March 52, in the full crew law matter. [l915] 3 typewritten p. Stein, C , H . Statement. ..of C s H.Stein f a witness before the joint committee of the New Jersey legislature at Trenton, March 22, in the full crew matter. [ 19 15 J 3 t yp e wr i t ten p , Full crew suppl.-5) New Jersey (cont.) To the Senate and House oP representatives of the state cf . . . Petition used in New Jersey in connection with the efforts for the repeal of the full crew lav/. 11. 'Traffic world- [flditorial] Full crew law figuras. (Traffic world, v. 15: 421; Feb. 27, 1915) Trainman's vigorous protest against full crew law repeal. Railroad employe believes that safety should be considered before corporation dividends. Explains reasons for attitude. (Newark ,[N % J.] Star, Mar. 5, 1915) 1915. Bill. House 446. Prohibiting trains of more than 1/2 mile. New Mexico 1915. Bill. House 115. Directs Corporation commission to investigate manning of engines and trains and prescribe maximum number of cars, .New York 1915 , Bill. House 566. Prohibiting operation of trains of more than 1/2 mile. Senate 350. Amending Full crew law. Same as House 26. House 598. Cuoplements full crow law. Applies to yard and switching engines. Comment ; - Combinations in restraint of legislation. (Railway age gazette , v*58 : 300; Feb. 19, 1915) Reprinted from the New York Tribune, Comment on the action of eastern railroads in their efforts to repeal full crew laws. North Carolina, 1915, Bill. Senate 367. Limits trains to 50 cars. Senate 1263. Providing full crews- for switching engines. North Dakota 1915. Bill, House 231, Prohibits more than 12 freight cars in mixed trains. House 448. Amends 1913 law, providing minimum crews and pro- hibiting trains of more than 2,000 feet, Ohio. 1915, Bill. House 198. Amending and increasing application of Full crew law Full crew suppl.-6; ?ennS3 luiua See references under New Jere