ERKEIEY \ SRARY 1 UVERSITY OF J A MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. FROM KEG AN PAUL <$ CO:S LIST HANDBOOK OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE, for the Use of Tourists and Residents. By Kelly and Walsh. 3s. net. Printed in Roman characters only. It contains an elementary grammar and an English- Malay vocabulary. PRACTICAL MALAY GRAMMAR, with Reading and Translation Exercises. By W. G. Shellabeak. Third Edition. 5s. net. All Malay words are printed in Roman characters. ENGLISH AND MALAY VOCABULARY, for Use in Schools. By A. E. Pringle. Eighth Edition. 2s. net. MALAY - ENGLISH VOCABULARY, containing I Malay wordjfand phrases. By W. G. Shellarkak. (is. net. Printed in Roman characters. ENGLISH-MALAY DICTIONARY, containing 10,000 words. By the same. I a the press. MALAY -ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By R. J. Wilkinson. 4to. Unbound, 2. 10s. ; bound, 3, 3s. The Malay words are printed in Arabic ana in Roman characters. ENGLISH-MALAY VOCABULARY. By Sir F. A. Swettenham. Tenth Edition. 8vo, cloth. 8s. Gd. net. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. By Sir F. A. Swettenham. Eighth Edition. 8vo. 8s. 6d. net. %* Malay words printed both in Arabic and Roman characters. TRAVELLER'S MALAY PRONOUNCING HAND- BOOK. Tenth Edition. 12mo, cloth. 5s. Printed in Roman characters. VOCABULARY OF MALAY MEDICAL TERMS. By P. N. Gerrard, B.A. , M.D. 12s. net. Printed in Roman characters. LONDON : KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. LTD. A MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. WITH lln Iittrotructorg Sftetclj of tije Sanskrit (Element in jHalag* BY WILLIAM EDWARD MAXWELL, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW ; ASSISTANT RESIDENT, PERAK, MALAY PENIN8DLA. TENTH EDITION. LONDON: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. L BROADWAY HOUSE, 08-74 CARTER LANE, E.C. 1914 Je n'en refuis aulcune de phrases qui s'usent emmy les rues ; ceux qui veulent combattre l'usage par la grammaire se mocquent. Montaigne. 11 4 PREFACE. The lansmasre which I have endeavoured to illustrate in the following pages is the Malay of the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca, some knowledge of which I have had the opportunity of acquiring during sixteen years' ser- vice in Penang, Province Wellesley, Malacca, Singapore, and Perak. Dialectical peculiarities are so abundant in Malay that it is impossible to teach the colloquial language of the people without imparting to the lesson the distinct marks of a particular locality. In parts of India it is said proverbially that in every twelve kos there is a variation in the language, 1 and very much the same might be said of the Malay Peninsula and adjacent islands. The construction of the language and the general body of words remain, of course, the same, but in every state or subdivision of a state there are peculiar words and expressions and variations of accent and pronun- ciation which belong distinctively to it. Words common in one district sound strangely in another, or, it may be, they convey different meanings in the two places. Even words of such constant occurrence as the personal pronouns "I" and "you" vary according to locality. The Kedah accent is easily distinguished from that of Patani, and that again from the speech of Trengganu and Pahang. Certain expressions common in Penang are almost unintelligible in Malacca and Singapore, and vice versd. In Perak it is not difficult to say 1 Beames, Comparative Grammar of the Aryan Languages, p. ioi. VI PREFACE. whether a man comes from the upper or lower readies of the river, by merely noting particular words in his conversation. Even individual villages and districts have their peculiar twang or their tricks of expression not found elsewhere. In Java, Sumatra, and other islands eastward in which Malay is spoken, the pronunciation and character of the language are much influenced by the other languages current there. Malay is only spoken in perfection in places where the natives speak no other tongue. Native pedantry has endeavoured to classify various styles of speaking, as the court style (bahasa dalam), the well-bred style (bahasa bangsawan), the trader's language (bahasa dagang), and the mixed language (bahasa kachau-kan), but all that can be correctly said is, that a limited number of words are used exclusively in intercourse with royal personages ; that persons of good birth and education, in the Eastern Archipelago, as elsewhere, select their expressions more carefully than the lower classes; and that the vocabulary of commerce does not trouble itself with the graces of style and the copious use of Arabic words which commend themselves to native writers. The written language is more stilted and less terse and idiomatic than the colloquial dialect; and even where pure Malay is employed, the influence of Arabic compositions is very marked. Whole sentences, sometimes, though clothed in excellent Malay, are unacknowledged translations of Arabic phrases. This may be verified by any one well acquainted with Malay literary compositions who will look into a really good translation of an Arabic work ; for instance, Lane's trans- lation of the "Thousand and One Nights." The Malay speaks much better than he writes, and has at his command quan- tities of words which never find their way into his litera- ture, and, therefore, but rarely into dictionaries compiled by Europeans. The spelling of Malay words in the native character is hardly yet fixed, though the Perso- Arabic alphabet has been PREFACE. Vll in use since the thirteenth century ; and those follow but a vain shadow who seek to prescribe exact modes of spelling words regarding which even native authorities are not agreed, and of which the pronunciation may vary according to locality. The experience of Crawfurd sufficiently proves this ; there are words in his dictionary which are transliterated in as many as four different ways. Two classes of works in his own language have hitherto been at the service of the English student of Malay grammars, more or less scientifically arranged, and vocabu- laries and books of dialogues, which presuppose some know- ledge of grammatical construction. The Malay Grammar of Marsden is an admirable work, of unquestionable utility to the advanced student; but it con- tains more than the beginner wants to know. Crawfurd's Malay Grammar, too, is hardly a work to put into the hands of a beginner. Mere vocabularies, on the other hand, teach nothing but words and sentences, and throw no light upon forms of construction. It has been my aim to supply a work which will be at once an elementary grammar and a compendium of words and sentences, which will teach the colloquial dialect and yet explain grammatical rules ; and for this I have taken as my model the Hindustani Manual of the late Professor Forbes. The language is not ennobled by having been the speech of men who have made their mark in the world's history. The islands of Indonesia have never startled the Eastern world with an Akbar, or charmed it with a Hafiz or a Chand. Receptivity, not originality, is the characteristic of the Malay races. But the importance of Malay, when the traveller heads eastward from the Bay of Bengal, has been recognised by Europeans since the sixteenth century, when Magellan's Malay interpreter was found to be understood from one end of the Archipelago to the other. It is the strong and growing viii PREFACE. language of an interesting people, and (in the words of a recent writer on Eastern languages) " for Malay, as for Hin- dustani, a magnificent future may be anticipated among the great speech-media of Asia and of the world. They manifest that capacity for the absorption and assimilation of foreign elements which we recognise as making English the greatest vernacular that the world has ever seen." 1 W. E. M. The Residency, Larut, Pebak, Jvly i, 1881 1 Oust, Modern Languages of the East Indies, 15a INTRODUCTION. The interest of Englishmen in the Malay language began with the early ventures of the East India Company in the Far East, in the first years of the seventeenth century. It was the language of commerce everywhere east of the Bay of Bengal, and our earliest adventurers found it spoken at the trading ports which they visited. The Portuguese had pre- ceded them by a century, and the Dutch had been a little earlier in the same field. Our countrymen seem to have been indebted to the latter for their first Malay vocabulary. The minutes of the East India Company record how, on the 2 2d January 16 14, "a book of dialogues, heretofore translated into Latin by the Hollanders, and printed with the Malacca tongue, Mr. Hakluyt having now turned the Latin into Eng- lish, and supposed very fit for the factors to learn, was ordered to be printed before the departure of the ships." 1 At present the use of Malay, as far as Englishmen are concerned, is chiefly confined to the officers of the Colonial Government in the British possessions in the Straits of Ma- lacca and in the native states adjoining them, and to other residents in those parts, and in the Dutch settlements in the East. To these may be added the English communities of Labuan and Sarawak, and merchants, traders, and seamen all over the Eastern Archipelago. The limited extent of our Malay possessions, when they are compared with the magni- 1 Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, East Indies, p. 273. 2 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. ficent islands which make up Netherlands India, excuse us, mo doubt, for the secondary place which we occupy in all researches connected with the language and literature of the Malays. To the Dutch their colonies in the Eastern seas are what our Indian Empire is to us ; and with them the study of Malay, Javanese, Kawi, &c, takes the place of Persian, Hindustani, Tamil, Sanskrit, &c, which occupy our civilians in India. The extent and value of Dutch works on Malay subjects is, however, but little known to Englishmen in the East, owing to their general ignorance of the Dutch language. It is not too much to say that any one aiming at a thorough knowledge of the language, literature, and history of the Malay people should commence his task by learning Dutch. Malay is the language not of a nation, but of tribes and communities widely scattered in the East, and is probably spoken with greatest purity in the states of Kedah and Perak, on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. It is spoken in all the states of the Peninsula, in Sumatra, Sunda, Java. Borneo, Celebes, Flores, Timor, and Timor Laut, the Moluccas, and the Philippines. Traces of it are found among the numerous Polynesian dialects, and in the language of the islanders of Formosa. Siam proper has a large Malay popu- lation, descendants mainly of captives taken in war, and the language is therefore in use there in places ; it is found also here and there on the coasts and rivers of Anam and Cochin- China. No other language of the Eastern Archipelago is understood over such an extensive area, and it is the common means of communication between the numerous tribes and races of the Malay family whose languages and dialects differ. Logan supposes that the earliest inhabitants of the Archi- pelago were tribes of Africo-Indian origin, who peopled the Eastern islands as well as the more accessible portions of the Continent, descendants of whom he recognises in the negro and quasi- negro tribes that are still preserved in some of the mountains of the Malay Peninsula, Siam, and Anam. To these succeeded immigrant tribes from Mid-Asia, by way of MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 3 the Irawadi, whom Logan designates by the term of the Tibeto-Anam family, all the races and languages from Tibet to Anam being included under it. "By a long-continued influx this family spread itself over the Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Celebes j but its farther progress over the many islands to the north and east appears to have been checked by the older races. It was probably only by slow steps and by settling at many points that it gained a firm footing even in the western islands, and a long period must have elapsed before its tribes became so populous and spread so far into the interior as to enable them to absorb and destroy the earlier occupants." 1 The variety which exists among the languages and dialects in the region affected by these movements is thus accounted for by Logan : " The languages imported by the Tibeto-Anamese settlers differed as did those of the natives, and the combinations formed in different places from the contact of the two families varied in the proportions of each which entered into them. But the structures of the native tongues had strong affinities amongst themselves, and predominated in all these new combina- tions." 2 The idea presented by this sketch of the origin of the aboriginal Malay language is that of a mixed dialect, borrow- ing something from the Tibeto-Anam languages (the influence of which would be more apparent in the western settlements), and gradually approaching the Africo-Indian forms farther east. 3 " Lastly," Logan supposes, " a later Indian influence, belonging to a far more advanced civilisation, flowed in a great stream into the Western Archipelago, and cut off that of the Irawadi, before its linguistic operation had made much progress." 4 It is to this epoch that we must ascribe the introduction of the Sanskrit element into the Malay language. Malay is mainly dissyllabic, but there are not wanting evidences of a former monosyllabic tendency. The syllable 1 Journ. Ind. Arch., iv. 311. 2 Idem, p. 315. * Journ. Ind. Arch., v. p. 569. * Idem. 4 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. bu, bun, or bung, for instance, occurs in a considerable number of words conveying an idea of roundness : Bu-lan the moon. Bu-lat . round. Bu-ah . fruit. Bu-yong a jar. Bu-tir . a grain, globule. Bu-sar . an arch. Bu-kit . a hill. Bu-sut . an anthill. Bun-tar round. Bun-ting pregnant. Bun-chit pot-bellied. Bun-tut the buttocks. Bun-toh a numeral affix implying rotundity (cf. l&n, Burmese), used with such words as chin-chin, a ring; and kail t a fishhook. Bung-kok . . . hump-backed. Buiuj-kus a bundle. Many others might be cited. 1 Another characteristic list of words might be made, com pounded with the monosyllable tang (which in Sakai and Semang means " hand "), and conveying an idea of seizing or holding. Tang-an the hand. Tangkap . to seize. Tang-kei . . a stalk. Tang-gong . to support. Tang-gal to drop off (having left hold). Tong-kat a walking-stick, &c. The history of the Malay people is to be discovered in the language itself, for no authentic records of pre-Muham- madau times exist. Just as an insight into the early history of our own nation may be obtained by analysing the com- ponent parts of the English tongue, and assigning to each of the languages which have contributed to make it what it is their due proportion of influence, so, by resolving the Malay 1 These remarks do not, of course, affect foreign words, such as burnt and \ujang derived from the Sanskrit bhumi and bhujangga. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 5 language into its separate elements, of which native, Sanskrit, and Arabic are the chief, and by examining the words con- tributed by each, it is possible to follow with some approach to historical accuracy the successive advances which the Malay people have made on the path of civilisation. The aboriginal dialect, prior to the admixture of Sanskrit, must have been but the poor vocabulary of men hardly raised above savage life. The purely native element in Malay fur- nishes all the necessary terms to express the physical objects surrounding men leading a primitive life in the forest, and all that has to do with their food, dwellings, agriculture, fishing, hunting, and domestic affairs. The use of a Sanskrit word for " plough " seems to record a revolution in agriculture. The primitive cultivation of the Malays was carried on by clearing and burning the hill-sides (a system still largely adopted in native states where land is plentiful and timber valueless), and the cultivation of the wet ricefields of the plains, which necessitates the use of the plough, would thus seem to have been resorted to only after the arrival of the Hindus. As soon as the analysis reaches moral ideas, or objects requiring some advance in civilisation, it is found that they are expressed by words of foreign origin. These are, for the most part, Sanskrit or Arabic. The latter require no notice here, for they are of comparatively recent introduction. For the most part, they consist of terms incidental to the ethical and religious teaching of the Muhammadans. The Arabic element in Malay is not accurately determinable, for new expressions are constantly being introduced. A sketch of the Sanskrit element in Malay is all that there is space for here. A careful classification of the principal Sanskrit words which are found in Malay helps to indicate what must have been the condition of society when the Aryan came into contact with the islanders' of Sumatra. It shows, indepen- dently of other proof, that Hindu colonisation must have 6 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. gradually introduced the Malay races to institutions, ideas, pursuits, and wants to which they had hitherto been strangers. Many of the incidents of commerce, most of the metals and precious stones, the pomp and ceremony of royalty, and the use of the elephant, are shown, by the Sanskrit nomenclature employed in describing them, to be of Hindu importation. From this it is not difficult to infer the primitive condition of a people to whom all these things were unknown. So, the Sanskrit names of many weapons indicate a period when the rude weapons of savage Malay tribes blowpipes, spears, &c. were supplemented by arms of a more formidable character, for which they were indebted to India. Other groups of words show, independently of other proof, that the Hindu religion was successfully planted among the Malays and flourished for a time, and that the monarchical form of government was introduced in Malay countries by Hindu settlers and rulers. The word " rulers " is used advisedly, for the theory of Marsden as to the manner of the introduction of Hinduism seems to possess greater claims to general acceptance than that advocated by certain other writers, notably Leyden and Crawfurd. Crawfurd asserted that the Sanskrit words adopted in Malay came originally through the Hindu priesthood, and that the priests through whom this was effected belonged to the Telugu race, this, in his opinion, being the people who, commencing by trading with the Malays, proceeded to partial settlement in their country, and ended by converting them to Hinduism and introducing the language and literature of the Hindus. He entirely discountenances the idea that Sanskrit could have been introduced by a people of whom it was the vernacular language. 1 He admits, however, that in Southern India Sanskrit was itself a foreign tongue j that Sanskrit has found its way into Javanese and Malay in a state of com- parative purity, and not intermixed with Telugu ; and that 1 Crawfurd, Malay Grammar, Dissertation xxxix., xliii. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 7 there is no trace whatever of any extensive settlement of the Telugus in the Malay Archipelago. Marsden's contention, on the other hand, points to Gujarat as the quarter from which Hindu civilisation penetrated to the far East, and to conquest as the mode in which the way was cleared for its introduction. 1 Before proceeding to classify some of the Sanskrit words which are found in Malay, and to deduce any theories from their presence, it is necessary, in order to avoid misconception, to notice several difficulties which cannot be overlooked. In the first place, it is not meant to be asserted that the Malays have obtained all the words enumerated further on direct from the people of India. All theories founded upon the presence of Sanskrit words in Malay must apply with equal force to Javanese, which contains a larger proportion of Sanskrit words than Malay. " Sanskrit words are found in greatest purity in the Javanese, and next to it in the Malay, their corruption increasing as we recede from Java and Sumatra." 2 It may be assumed, therefore, that in addition to the influence which Hinduism exerted among the Malays of 1 " Innovations of such magnitude, we shall venture to say, could not have been produced otherwise than by the entire domination and possession of these islands by some ancient Hindu power, and by the continuance of its sway during several ages. Of the period when this state of things existed we at present know nothing, and judging of their principles of action by what we witness in these days, we are at a loss to conceive under what circum- stances they could have exerted an influence in distant countries of the nature here described. The spirit of foreign conquest does not appear to have distinguished their character and zeal, for the conversion of others to their own religious faith seems to be incompatible with their tenets. We may, however, be deceived by forming our opinion from the contemplation of modern India, and should recollect that, previously to the Mohametan irruptions into the upper provinces, which first took place about the year iooo, and until the progressive subjugation of the country by Persians and Moghuls, there existed several powerful and opulent Hindu states of whose maritime relations we are entirely ignorant at present, and can only cherish the hope of future discoveries from the laudable spirit of research that per- vades and does so much honour to our Indian establishments." Mar&den, Malay Grammar, xxxii. 2 Crawfurd. See also Marsden, Malay Grammar, xxxiii. 8 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Sumatra by means of direct intercourse with India, there was also a second source from which the Malays derived a great portion of their Hindu nomenclature, namely, the ancient Hindu kingdoms of Java. 1 These remarks may be illustrated by reference to the fourth column of the lists of words which follow. Again, some of the Sanskrit words in the following lists are synonyms merely, there being native or Arabic words, or both, in common use to express the same object. In some instances, too, the words quoted are not often heard in the colloquial dialect, but occur in books to which in many cases they have been transplanted from Javanese romances. All these circumstances seriously modify the possibility of drawing general conclusions from an analysis of the body of Sanskrit vocables found in Malay. The questions to be de- cided seem to be (i) whether it is possible that such a mass of terms for common objects (for they are by no means con- fined to words incident to the Hindu religion) could have been imported into Malay by any means except by oral com- munication with a Sanskrit-speaking people; (2) supposing 1 "The Hindu religion and Sanskrit language were, in all probability, earliest introduced in the western part of Sumatra, the nearest part of the Archipelago to the continent of India. Java, however, became eventually the favourite abode of Hinduism, and its language the chief recipient of Sanskrit. Through the Javanese and Malays Sanskrit appears to have been disseminated over the rest of the Archipelago, and even to the Philippine Islands. This is to be inferred from the greater number of Sanskrit words in Javanese and Malay especially in the first of these than in the other cultivated languages, from their existing in greater purity in the Javanese and Malay, and from the errors of these two languages, both as to sense and orthography, having been copied by all the other tongues. An approxima- tion to the proportions of Sanskrit existing in some of the principal languages will show that the amount constantly diminishes as we recede from Java and Sumatra, until all vestiges of it disappear in the dialects of Polynesia. In the ordinary written language of Java the proportion is about no in 1000 ; in Malay, 50 ; in the Sunda of Java, 40 ; in the Bugis, the principal language of Celebes, 17 ; and in the Tagala, one of the principal languages of the Phi- lippines, about one and a half." Crawfurd, Malay Grammar, Dissertation xlvii. S;d quart as to the total absence of Sanskrit in the Polynesian dialects. Ellis' " Polynesian Researches," i. 116. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 9 that this could have been effected through some later Indian dialect, itself largely tinged with Sanskrit (as the Latin words in English came to us with the Norman speech), what dialect was this ? Telugu, as Crawfurd thinks, Gujarati, to which Marsden incline?, or what? It is in order to contribute to the settlement of such questions as these that a classification of some of the Sanskrit terms in Malay has been attempted in this Introduction. 1 It is hoped that the subject may attract the attention of those more competent to deal with it, and that the researches of Sanskrit scholars may facilitate a decision which there is no pretension to pronounce here. The centre of Hindu influence in Malay states would seem to have been the court. From the governing classes the use of Sanskrit expressions would gradually spread among the people. To this day there are certain Sanskrit words which are applied to royalty alone, there being native equivalents when the non-privileged classes are intended. The words putra and putri afford an instance in point. Meaning simply "son" and "daughter" in Sanskrit, they have, from the fact of Sanskrit nomenclature having been affected at Malay courts, come to mean "prince" and "princess" and are applied only to the sons and daughters of rajas. At the chief seats of Hindu government, there must have been Brahmans conversant with the sacred writings, whose teaching would gradually be the means of introducing a taste for Hindu learning and literature. Bacha, to read (from vach, to speak), is Sanskrit, but tulis, to write, is a native word, 2 and sural, a writing, is Arabic. Language, therefore, in this instance does not throw much light on the progress made by the Malays in the art of writing in the pre-Muham- madan stage of their history. Kock-inscriptions found in Province Wellesley and Singapore prove, however, that at 1 A selection of words only is given. There are numbers of Sanskrit wordi in Malay which have no place in these lists. 2 Unless the Sansk. root likh, to write, may be detected in the second syllable. iO MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. some remote period an ancient Indian character was known on the Peninsula, 1 though it was probably confined to religious purposes. Crawford, writing in 1852, stated that Malay can be written or spoken without the least difficulty, without a word of Sanskrit or Arabic, and described the foreign elements in Malay as "extrinsic and unessential." 2 But several words of the first necessity are Sanskrit. It would be difficult to speak Malay intelligibly, while avoiding the use of the relative pronouns yang (Sansk. yas, ya, yat, who, which) and mana (Sansk. mrtna, measure), or of the common auxiliary sudah (Sansk. guddha, 3 pure, acquitted), which denotes the past tense. A long list might be made of common words not included in any of the following groups, which are almost pure Sanskrit, such as bawa, to bring (vaha, bearing, carrying) ; kata, to say (kath, to tell, talk) ; biasa, accustomed (abhydsa, reflection) ; Umgkah, to step, stride (langh, to stride over); kelahi, to fight (kalaha, quarrel) ; and niala, to blaze, to burn (jval). Nor is the influence of Sanskrit in Malay confined to words which have been adopted in comparative purity. An extension of the sphere of research reveals whole groups of Malay words which seem to be formed from some Sanskrit root, and to retain to some extent its signification. Thus the Sanskrit root ju (to push on, impel) may perhaps be detected in such words as juivang, to rush against -Jungur, prominent, a beak j jungang, prominent (of teeth) ; juring, sharp, pointed ; jurus, to pull, course, direction ; jvluk, to thrust upwards ; julir, a kind of harpoon; julur, to wag, to wriggle; &c. Ap is a common termination of Malay words, e.g., tangkap, to seize ; chakap, to speak ; silap, to mistake, &c. The presence of the Sanskrit root dp (to attain, obtain) is not indeed to be assumed in every case, but it is difficult to resist the convic- 1 Journal Royal As. Soc, Bengal, vi. 680; xvii. part i. 154 and 232; Idem, part ii. 62, 66. 2 Malay Grammar, Dissertation vi. 3 This is the derivation given in Favre's Dictionary. Another from sodka (borne, undergone) might perhaps be suggested with equal probability. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. II tion that it does form a part of many Malay derivations. Dapat, to obtain ; rapat, to approach j asop, smoke (cf. vydpta) Siwcvp, steam ; tangkop, to seize, grasp ; dap (Jav.), to take ; are instances which, among others, might be cited. Gal (Sansk., to drop, to distil, percolate, to fall) is another root which seems to enter into the composition of Malay words, e.g., tang^, to fall off, to drop out; tmggal, to leave, forsake; tunggal, solitary ; pang^aZ, to chop off, a portion chopped off. Compare also gali, to dig; tenggahm, to sink; tugal, to sow rice by putting seeds into holes made with a sharp stick ; gahh, a pole ; gah-gah, pitch. If it be correct to assign a Sanskrit origin to all or any of these words, they belong to a much earlier epoch than the comparatively pure Sanskrit words, the importation of which into Malay is the subject now under discussion. The presence of Sanskrit words in the Malay language was first remarked by Sir William Jones, 1 and the subject received more attention at the hands of Marsden, who gives a short list of fifteen words, " taken, with little pains in the selection, from a Malayan dictionary." 2 Many of the Sanskrit words are, as Marsden observes, " such as the progress of civilisation must soon have rendered necessary, being frequently expres- sive of the feelings of the mind, or denoting those ordinary modes of thought which result from the social habits of man- kind, or from the evils that tend to interrupt them." This assertion might have been put in more forcible terms had it occurred to the author to include not only words expressive of thought and feelings, but even some signifying natural objects, though doubtless most of these are expressed by aboriginal words. Hari, day, is clearly identical with the Sanskrit hari, " the sun," which is also used as a name of Vishnu or Krishna. Mata-hari, the sun (Malay), is thus " the 1 Asiatic Researches, iii. n, 12. 2 On the Traces of the Hindu Language and Literature extant among tha Malays, As. Res. iv. See also, On the Languages and Literature of tha Indo-Chinese Nations, Leydeu, As. Res. x. 12 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. eye of Hari," and is a compound formed of the native word mata and the Sanskrit hari. Halilintar, a thunderbolt, seems to be compounded similarly of hari and lontar (to hurl), " hurled by Hari." Here the r has been softened into /. The Sanskrit kapala has almost entirely superseded the use of the old native word ulu or hulu, the head ; the latter, however, is found in composition with a Sanskrit word in the sub- stantive hulubalang, a war-chief, from hulu, head, and bala, an army. The extent to which the Malays are indebted to Sanskrit for words to express the human body and members is shown in the following list : English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages.* The body salira carira J. sarira ; Bat. sorira. Limb, mem- angguta angga J. ongga. ber, body Form, ap- rupa rupa J., S., Bat., Mak., and pearance Bu. rupa. Joint sendi saiadhi S. sandi; D. izndik, bound ; Tag. and Bis. sandig, unite. Head kapala kapala (the J., S., D., Mak. kapala, skull) chief ; Bat. kapala, thick. Tongue lidah lih Cto lick), J. lidah ; Bat. dila ; Hdha (licked) Mak. and Bu. lila ; D. jela ; Tag. and Bis. dila. Pulse nadi nadl (artery, vein, intes- tine) Shoulder bah a bahu (the arm) J. bahu ; S. and D. baha. Hair of the body Foot roma roman pada pada Kw. pada. Time and its division and measurement have supplied a number of Sanskrit terms to the Malay language, most of 1 The words in this column have been taken from the Malay and French Dictionary of the Abbe Favre. J. signifies Javanese, S. Sundanese, Bat. Battak, Mak. Makassar, Bu. Bugis, D. Dayak, Bis. Bisaya, Tag. Tagala, and Malg. Malagasi. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 13 which are so necessary in everyday life that it is difficult to conceive the poverty of a dialect which contained no words to express them. The following list contains the greater number of them : English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Time kala, kali kala J. and S. kala. When tatkala tad (this) kala ghatika (a divi- Time, period katika Bat. hatika ; D. katika. sion of time) Time, period, dewasa divasa (a day) J. diwasa, adult ; Mak. hour rewusa. Just now tadi tad (this, that) S. tadi. Day hari hari (the sun) J. and B. hari. Day dina dina J. dina. Dawn dinaharl from dina and hari Evening, sun- senja, or samdhva (twi- Bat. sonja; J. chandik- set senja-kala light) kala, evg. twilight. Always santtasa nitya^as J. nityasa. Old, former sadia sadhya (from Former time sadia-kala sadh, to fin- ish, accom- plish) Continually sada-kala sada (perishing) Time (when) blla vela Time, season, masa masa (month) J. and S. mangsa ; Tag. period masa. Another group of Sanskrit words found in Malay is that comprising articles of commerce, weights and measures, &c. Their presence suffices without other evidence to show that for their knowledge of the commercial value of many products the East Indian islanders were indebted to traders from Hin- dustan, who, indeed, probably introduced not only the names of, but the use of, their weights and measures. Buah pala, the Malay phrase for the " nutmeg," is in strictness a pleo- nasm, for phala signifies " fruit" in Sanskrit, as buah does in Malay. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. TERMS OF COMMERCE. English. Nutmeg Clove Eagle- wood Camphor Sandalwood Musk Charcoal Sugar Saltpetre Silk Cotton Gunny -bag Price Profit Scales for weighing A hliar (native weight = 3 pikuls) A cubit A number, figure Ten thousaud A million Malay. pala lawang gaharu kfipur, kapur barus cbandana kasturi arang gula sandawa sutra kapas goni harga labs naracha babara hasta angka laksa Sanskrit. juta pbala (fruit) lavarhga aguru karpura cbandana kasturi Angara guda (molasses) saindhava (rock- salt) sutra (thread, fibre) karpasa goni argha labha uuracbi (a gold- smith's scales) bhara (a load, a weight) basta anka (a mark, a cipher) laksha (100,000) ayuta (10,000) Other Languages. J. and S. pala. J., S., and Mak. gam; D. garo, perfume. J., S., and D. kapur- barus ; Mak. kaporo barusu. J. and S. chendana; Tag. and Bis. sandana. J. and S. kasturi; Mak. kasaturi ; Tag. and Bis. kastoli. J. and S. areng ; S. arang ; Bat. agong ; D. aring ; Tag. and Bis. oling. J., S., and D. gula; Mak. golla. J. sendawa; S. chindawa. J. and S. sutra ; Bat. suntora; Mak. andBu. sutara; Tag. sutla. J., S., and D. kapas; Bat. hapas ; Mak. ka- pasa ; Bis. gapas. S. goni. S. and Bat. harga ; J. and D. rega ; Mak. cmgga; Tag. and Bis. halaga. Kw., Bat., Mak., andD. laba ; Tag. and Bis. laba, increase, usury. Kw. naracha; J. and S. traju. Kw. and Mak. bara, 100 millions ; Bis. bala, to load on the back. J. and S. asta. J. ongka ; S., Mak. , Bu., and D. angka. J. leksa; S.. D., Tag., and Bis. laksa; Bat. loksa; Mak. lassa. J. and S. yuta. Many of the metals and most of the precious stones are known to the Malays by their Sanskrit names, even those which are found in Malay countries. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. '5 English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Gold amas, mas mas (to mete, J. emas; S. mas ; Bat. to measure) omas ; D. amas; Tag. and Bis. amas, gold, weight. Gold kanchana kanchana K\v. and S. kanchana. Copper tambaga tamra J. tembaga; S. tambaga ; Bat. tombaga ; Mak. tambaga ; Tag. and Bis. tumbaga. Tin timah tivra J., S., and D. timah; Bat. simbora; Mak. timbera; Tag. and Bis. tingga. Quicksilver rasa rasa J., S., Mak., and D. rasa. Pinchbeck suwasa suvarchasa (bril- J., S., Bat., and Mak. liant) suwasa. Glass kacha kacha J., S., Mak., nnd Bu. kacha; D. kacha and kasa ; Tag. kasa, blue and green stone. Mica abrak 1 abhra (amber, talc) golaka (globule) Crystal golega Jewel, pre- mani mani J. mani. cious stone Do. manikam manika Kw. and S. manikem, ; Mak. manikang. Do. kamala kamala (lotus) Kw. kumaUi; Bat. hu- mala, snake-stone. Sapphire nilam (nila, nila (blue) J. and S. nila; Mak. blue) nyila, blue. Opal biduri vidura(amoun- tain which produces lapis lazuli) Euby dalima dalima (pome- granate) Jewel, bril- mustika mushtika (gold- liant smith) Topaze pusparagam pushparaga Pearl mutia, mu- tiara mukta Jewel, pre- permata paramata (ex- Kw. pramati, a very cious stone cellence) beautiful object. Jewels of five panchaldgam panchaloha kinds (five metals) .1 The implements, utensils, instruments, &c, the names of which, if not the things themselves, the Malay races have Favre derives abrak *rom the Arabic. i6 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. borrowed from their Indian conquerors and rulers, are aa follows : English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. A lock kunchi kunchika (a J. S., and D. kunchi; key) Bat. hunsi ; Mak. konchi. A bell ganta ghanta J. and S. gcnta ; Bat. aonta ; D. ganta ; Mak. garaganta. A water kind! kundl J. and S. kendi. vessel A net jala Jala J., S., Bat., Mak., and D. jala. A box pet! pet! (basket, S. peti; Mak. patti; D. l>ag) pati. Name of a chora kshura (a razor) sword A plough tanggala hala Bat. tinggala ; Mak. nangkala. Chess chatur chatur (four) J. and S. chatur. Dice judl dyuta (game at dice) krakacha J. judi ; Bat. jvji. A saw gargaji J. graji; S. gergaji; Bat. and Mak. gara- gaji. An awl jara karanda ara J. and S. jara. A coffin karanda (bas- Bat. hurondo. ket) Royal um- brella Salver with a chatra chhattra charana charana (a foot) S. charana; Bat. sa~ pedestal rano; D. sarana. A wheel jantra yantra (an en- gine or ma- chine) J. jontra ; S. jantra. Chariot rata rath a J. rata. Lyre, lute keehapi kachchhapi S. kachupi; Bat. husapi; D. kasapi. Flute bangs! vangi Pipe, flute muri mural! The terms of adulation common in India in the mouths of inferiors addressing superiors have no equivalents in Malay. It is noticeable, however, that some of the most ordinary Malay phrases of politeness are Sanskrit. Tdbek (J. and S. tdbe; Bat. santdbi ; Mak. tabeya ; D. tabi ; Tag. and Bis. tabi; Tag. santdbi, to show respect), which corresponds to the Indian salaam in communications between Europeans and Malaya_ MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 17 means properly " pardon," and is derived from the Sanskrit hhantavya, excusable; sila, to sit cross-legged 1 (.the respectful attitude indoors), is the Sanskrit fd, to meditate, to worship ; and sila, a Malay term of politeness, which in some respects answers to our " if you please," but which also means " to invite," has its origin in the Sanskrit word gila, good conduct, moral practice. The same language, too, supplies a consider- able number of words denoting family and relationship : English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Father ayah vayas (prime of J. ayah, grandson ; S. life) aya ; Mak. aya, mo- ther. Brother sudara sodarya J. saudara. Husband swami svamin Wife istri stri (a woman) J. estri ; S. istri. Virgin anak dara dara (wife), Kw. dara ; J. lara; Bat. adara (un- dara; Mak. rara ; S. married) dara, a young woman who has just got her first child. Relationship pangkat pankti (a line, row) Race bangsa vamoa J. wongsa; S., Bat., and D. bangsa ; Mak. bansa. Family kulawarga kula (family), varga (class) J. kulawarga. Do. kulawangsa vamca The few astronomical terms known to the Malays have been borrowed either from Sanskrit or Arabic, the former supplying the following : 1 J., S., and Tag. sila; S. silah, to invite ; Bat. sila, a gift of welcome. i8 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. English. Malay. Sanskrit. i Other Languages. Eclipse grahana grahana J. grahana. Firmament udara adhara (lower) Celestial chakrawala chakra - vala sphere (horizon ; a range of mountains supposed to encircle the earth and to be the limit of light and darkness) Atmosphere bumantara cf. dyuraantara Kw. bomantara ; J. ju- (brilliancy) mantara. The heavens, angkasa aka$a Kw. and S. akasa. lether The milky- bimasakti bhima (ter- S. bimasakti; J. bima- way rible), cakti (strength, sakti, the name of a star. power) Pleiades kertlkn krittika (the third of the lunar man- sions) The sign Can- mangkara makara J. mangkara, crab. cer in the iiac Astrology panchalima panchan (five) To these may be added BdhiX (Sansk. Bdhu, a deity to whom eclipses are ascribed) and Kedti, (Sansk. Ketu, the mythological name of the descending node, represented as a headless demon), monsters who are supposed by the Malays to cause eclipses by swallowing the moon. To denote the points of the compass the Malays have native, Sanskrit, and Arabic terms. Utara (uttara), 1 the north, and daksina (daJc- shina), the south, are Sanskrit words ; and paksina, the north, has evidently been coined by Malays in imitation of daksina. The elephant is most generally known all over the Archi- pelago by its Sanskrit name gajah. Sanskrit terms are also used to signify the driver of an elephant and several articles used in connection with this animal. From these circum- stances we may probably conclude, with Crawfurd, that the 1 J., S., and D. utara ; Bat. otara; Bis. otala, east wind. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. *9 art of training and domesticating elephants was first learned by the Malays from natives of India. 1 English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Elephant gajah gaja J.. S., and D. gajah; Bat. and Mak. gaja ; Tag. gadia; Bis. gadya. Elephant- gambala- gopala (herds- driver gajah man) Goad angkus, kwasa ankuca Foot-chain anduwan andu (chain) Front part of gomba, kumbha the head kumba Unbroken, meta mada (elephant Kw. meta, wild elephant. vicious in rut) (of an ele- phant) ; the condi- tion called musth Hobbles for sengkala cririkhala (a securing chain) the feet The words of command used by elephant-drivers in the Malay peninsula appear, however, to be adapted mainly from the Siamese, and it is from this people that the Malays of the continent have acquired much of their modern knowledge of the art of capturing, subduing, and training the elephant. The names of animals, birds, &c, indicate, as might be ex- pected, that while most of the varieties known to the Malays are indigenous, there are some species which have been im- ported, or which, belonging to other countries, are known by name only in the Archipelago. The word morga (mriga) and satwd (sattva), 2 both meaning " an animal," are Sanskrit, and if the commoner word bendtang is derived, as seems possible, from the Sanskrit vana, forest, there is no purely native generic term to signify a beast or animal. While, therefore 8 l Crawfurd's Malay Grammar, Dissertation clxxxiii. * J. mergu ; J. sato ; S. satoa ; D. satua ; Bat. santuwa, a mouse. 20 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. the early Malay tribes had names for all the animals domesti- cated by them, as well as those which they encountered in their forests, it was not until the period of their intercourse with more civilised races from India that they learned to generalise and to comprehend the brute creation under one term. The following Sanskrit words for animals, &c, occur in Malay : i Crawfurd has noticed the fact that the names of the domesticated animals are native, one exception being the goose, which, he thinks, may therefore be supposed to have been of foreign introduction (Crawfurd's Grammar, Disser- tation clxxxiii.). It must be remembered, however, that among the Hindus the goose is worshipped at the festivals of Brahma, and that, being thus in a manner sacred, its Sanskrit name would naturally be in use wherever the Hindu religion spread. Brahma is represented as riding on a white hamta. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 21 Perhaps the Malay word hartmau (Kw. rimong ; Bat. arimo, tiger-cat; D. harimaung, panther), a tiger, may have been formed from Hari (Krishna or Vishnu) and mriga (an animal). Words similarly compounded with mriga (Malay morga) are not uncommon in Sanskrit, e.g., Krish7ia-mriga (the black antelope), mahd-mriga (an elephant). 1 The terms in use for "horse" and "sheep" seem to indicate that those animals were first brought to Malay countries from India. KUda, horse (Kw. and S. kuda), is derived by Crawfurd from ghora (Hindi), by others from kudra (Tamul). Biri-biri (sheep) is said to be borrowed from the Hindi bher, which is itself de- rived from the Sanskrit bheda, a ram, or from bhiru (Sansk.), a goat. Certain fabulous birds and reptiles which belong to the domain of Hindu mythology have their places also in Malay folk-lore j such as garuda, 2 the eagle of Vishnu, and Jatdyu (Malay jintdyu), a fabulous vulture; chandrawdsi, a name given by Malays to a fabulous bird which is heard but never seen, is also evidently of Sanskrit origin. To these ndga s a dragon, may be added (J., S., Bat., Mak., Bu., and T>. naga). The vegetable kingdom supplies a long list of trees, plants, and flowers which are known to the Malays by Sanskrit names. Some of these are closely connected with another group of words to be noticed presently, namely, those which belong to the department of religion. The use of sweet- smelling flowers is a noticeable feature in the religious worship of the Hindus, and the fact that many flowers held by them to be sacred to the worship of particular gods are called by Malays by the same names which they bear in the temples of India, is a remarkable example of an historical lesson latent in words. It points to the fact, abundantly proved by other evidence, that Brahmanism once held sway where it has long been superseded by the faith of Islam, and that words which have no special significance for the modern Muhammadan Malay were fraught with mystic solemnity for his distant ancestors. 1 Perhaps a more plausible derivation is from the Tamul ari-md, a male lion, 2 J. and S. garuda ; Mak. guruda. 21 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. In many cases, indeed, the Sanskrit names have been ap- plied by the Malays to different plants from those designated by the same expressions in India. In other cases, names un- known in classical Sanskrit, but obviously compounded of Sanskrit words, have been given by the Malays or Javanese. The common native Malay term for "flower" is biXnga; sdri (Javanese sari, Sansk. kesara) and puspa (Sansk. pushpa) have been borrowed from India. English or Latin. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Michelia champaka champaka (de- J. and S. champaka; champaka dicated by the Hindus to Krishna ; one of Ka- madeva's ar- rows is tipped with it) Mak. champaya. Jonesia asoka angsuka ac,oka (sacred to Mahadeva, and held in the highest veneration by the Hindus) J. angsoka and soka. Mesua ferrea nagasari (Rigg nag a kesara supposes the ("The deli- Malay plant cious odour to be Acacia of its blos- pedunculata; soms justly Mar s d e n, gives them a Acacia au- place in the rea). quiver of Ka- madeva." Sir William Jones Jasminum malati malati {Jas- J. malati; S. melati. sambac minum gran- (jasmine) difiorum 1 ) Arabian jas- melor madhura (cf. J. menur; Kw. menur. mine (Nye- malura, Cra- silver. tanthes 1) taeva reli- giosa) 1 " Commeline had been informed that the Javans give the name of Malati to the Zambak {Jasminum sambac), which in Sanskrit is called Navamalika, and which, according to Iiheede, is used, by the Hindus in thei* sacrifices ; but tbey make offerings of most odoriferous flowers, and particularly of the various Jasmins and Zambaks."Sir Williavi Jones, As. Res. iv. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. *3 English or Latin. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Ocymum ba- sulasi tulasi (sacred J. selasih and telasih ; S. silicum to Krishna) selasi ; Mak. tolasi ; (holy basil) Tag. solasi. Uvaria odo- kenanga kanana 1 (a for- J. kenonga; Mak. and rata (or cananga) Santalum al- est) Bu. kananga. chandana chandana ("Per- J. and S. chendana ; bum, san- petually men- Tag. and Bis. sandana. dal-wood tioned in the most ancient books of the Hindus as flourishing on the moun- tains of Ma- laya." Sir Wm. Jones Plumieria kamb6ja kamboja(a 1 kind S. kamboja. acutifolia of mimosa) Nelumbium saroja saroja J. saroja. speciosum, lotus. Vitex trifo- lagundi * nirgandhi J. legundi; Bat. gundi. liata (" Which Bon- tius calls la- gondi." Sir Wm. Jones. Gandhi is used in the latter part of a compound word with the same meaning that aandha has: "smell," "odour" Alpinia ga- gadamala gandha, smell; langa, or mdld, a gar- Curcuma land reclinata Justicia gan- gandarusa gandha, smell ; S. gandarusc darusa rvsa (Malay), a deer (?) Hibiscus gandapura gandha, smell ; Mak. gandapura abelmos- pura, calix of chus a flower Hedichium gandasuli gandha, smell S. gandasoli. coronarium 1 Ainslie's Materia Medica, Madras, 1813. Kanana occurs in the names of several flowers, e.g., kanana karavira, Plumieria alba. 2 Perhaps a corruption of nila-gandhi. Ainslie gives the Sanskrit name as jela-nirghoondi. 24 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LAJSUUAGK English or Latin. Liquidambar Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. rasamala surasa, sweet, altingiana elegant ; Ind- ia, a garland Carthamus kasumba kusumbha J., S., Mak., and D. tinctorius, kasumba; Tag. kasub- safflower ha; Bis. kasobha. Crocus sati- kumkuma kumkuma J. kamkuma ; Mak. vus, saffron kuma. Alyxia stel- pulasari phnl {Bind.), lata ; an flower ; sari odoriferous (Javanese), root used in from kesara medicine (Sansk.), a flower Tectonia jati jati (synony- J., S., Bat., Mak., Bu., grandia, mous with and D. jati. teak malati), Jas- minum gran- diflorum Pterocarpus angsana asana (Termina- J. and S. angsana. indicus lia alata to- mentosa) tala Borassus fla- Ion tar J. and S. lontar ; Bat. belliformis otal ; Mak. tala; Bu. ta; Tag. tual. Eugenia jam- jambti jambu J.. S., Mak., and D. bu, rose- jambu; Bu. jampu; apple Tag. dambo ; Bat. jambu-jambu, fringe ; Bu. jambo - jambo, fringe, plume. Mangifera mampelam from Telugu, J. pelem ; S. ampelem. indica, mampalam ; mango Sansk. maltii- phala, ' ' great fruit " Spondias ray- amra amra \ th e robolan (or mango,il/an- mangifera) giferaindica); am rata (Spon- dias mangi- fera) Punica gra- dalima dadima and natum, po- dalima megranate Zizyphus ju- bidara vidara J. widara ; S. bidara. juba Cucurbita la- labd alabu S. labu; Bat. tabu-tabu; genaria, Malg. tawu. gourd, _ pumpkin Tricosanthes pat61a patola laciniosa Cassia fistula biraksa vriksha (a tree) Emblica offi- malaka amalaka (Emblic S. malaka; Bat. mala- cinalis myrobalan) kah. _ . MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 25 Pdlas, paldsa, and paldsang are Malay names for trees of different kinds, not one of which corresponds botanically with the Sanskrit paldsa (Butea frondosa, a tree which is held by Hindus to be peculiarly venerable and holy). The preceding list affords several illustrations of a similar misuse of terms. To it might be added several words borrowed from other Indian languages, such as ndnas, pine-apple (Hind, ananas), bilimbing (Tamul bilimbi), &c, &C. 1 Marsden has remarked on the number of Sanskrit words expressive of the feelings and emotions of the human mind which occur in Malay, and Arabic also furnishes several. Either their synonymous native terms have been lost, or the Malays, at the period of Indian influence, had not reached that stage of civilisation when man commences to analyse and name the emotions he experiences and sees experienced by others. Good and bad qualities, in the same way and for the same reason, seem often to bear Sanskrit appellations. The following list does not profess to be complete : English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Pleasure, to suka sukha J., S., and D. suka. be pleased Joy, rejoiced suka-chita sukha-chit (chit = thought, the heart) Sorrow, grief duka duhkha (pain) duhkha-chit J. and S. duka. Do. duka-chita Care, anxiety, chinta chinta (thought) J. chipta; S. chinta; concern Mak. chita; D. and Tag. sinta. Passionately berahl virahin (suffer- J. birahi. in love ing separa- tion) Angry murka murkha (stupi- J. murka, greedy, dis- dity) satisfied. Hope fisa aca Tag. asa. Love Asmara smara J. and S. asmara. Avarice, co- 16ba lobha Kw. loba, voluptueus, vetousness luxurious ; S. loba, abundant. 1 J. nanas; S. Icanas ; Bat. honas; D. kanas; J. and S. bdlimbing ; Bat baiiiigbiiiy. *6 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. English Malay. Sanskrit. buddhi Other Languages. "Wisdom, un- bftdt J. and S. budi. derstanding Stupid, fool- ish Wise, learned b6doh abodha J. and S. bodo. pandei pandita J., S., and Bat. pandL Lazy malas alasa Charity, bene- derma dharma J. and S. derma; Bat. volence dorma, means of gain- ing affection. Generous dermawan dharmavant Fidelity setla satya J. satya and secha ; S. sacha. Faith ful,loyal setiawan satyavant Thought, to sangka yank a think To suspect, tarka tarka (doubt, J. and S. tarka and conjecture reason) terka. Blaine chela chhala (fraud) J. chela ; Mak. challa. Misfortune, chelaka chhalaka (de- J. and S. chelaka; Mak. vile, base ceiving, a de- ceiver) chilaka ; D. chalaka. Sin, crime ddsa dush (to sin) J., S., Bat., Mak., and D. dosa. False, untrue dusta dushta Morir, meri- pahala phala (fruit, pro- Kw. pahala, fruit, torious ac- duce, result) merit. tions HappinesB, bahagta bhagya (lot, J. bagya ; S. bagia ; Bat. good for- fate) badiya. tune Use, value, gun a guna (quality) J., S., Bat., Mak., and quality D. guna. Inter-tribal warfare is usually characteristic of savage tribes, and an ample vocabulary of words connected with fighting and the art of war may be looked for in a language like Malay. But though the native terms are numerous, many have also been furnished by Sanskrit, among which may be instanced the following : MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 27 English. Malay. Sanskrit. ! Other Languages. Army bala, balatan- bala (an army), J. and S. bala. tra tantra (series, offspring) Fort k6ta kuta J. kuta; Bat. huta ; S., Mak., D., Tag., and Bis. kota. Bastion, re- malawati 1 balavati (strong, doubt powerful) ? Weapon, arm senjata sajja (armour), Kw. and Mak. sanjata ; sajjata, readi- Bat. sonjata ; D. san- ness data. Bow panah vana (an arrow) J., S., and D. panah; Mak. pana; Tag. and Bis. pana, arrow. Dagger kris krit (to cut, to J. and S. keris and kris; kill) Bat. horis ; Mak. ku- risi ; Tag. and Bis. kalis. Discus cbakra ohakra Club gad a gada J. gada. Cross-bow gandi gandi va J. gandewa. Pike sanggamara samgvama (war, battle) Knife churlka chhurikA Kw. churika, a kris. Enemy satru catru J. and S. satru. Battlefield rana rana (battle) Kw. and S. rana. Victory- jaya jaya J. and S. jaya. Among the Malays the titles of royalty and nobility, and many of the terms in use for the paraphernalia of the court, are Sanskrit. Logan supposes the native Malayan institutions to have been of a " mixed patriarchal and oligarchical " form. 2 Crawfurd was not satisfied that the terms alluded to proved that Hinduism had exercised much influence on Malayan government ; 3 but when to these is added a long catalogue of words connected with law, justice, and administration, it will probably be apparent that Indian influence has played an important part in moulding the institutions of the Malays. The following are some of the principal titles, &c, in use about the court of a Malay Eaja : 1 Crawfurd, very likely correctly, derives this from the Portuguese baludrte a bulwark. 1 Journ. Ind. Arch., v. 572. 3 Crawfurd, Malay Grammar, Dissertation cciL *8 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. King raja raj J., S., and Bat. raja. Maharaja (a maharaja maharaja (a title not king, sove- confined to reign) royalty, but used also by Malay chiefs) Adxraja (a adiraja adhiraja (the title) first or pri- meval king, epithet of Manu and of a son of Kuru) King (reign- baginda bhagya (merit, J. bagenda ; S. baginda* ing mo- happiness) narch) , Pad uka (a paduka l paduka (a shoe) J. and S. paduka. title of re- spect used in address- ing persons of rank) Duli (a title duli dhuli (dust) J. dull; Bat. daholi. used in ad- dressing royalty) Queen permeisurl paramecvarl (a J. prameswari; S. per- title of Durga, masuri. wife of Civa) Prince putra putra (a son) J. and S. putra. Princess putrl putrl (a daugh- ter) mantrin (coun- J. and S. putri. Minister mantrl J. mantri; Mak. man- cillor) tari; S. mantri, a minor official. Chiefminister' pardana-man- tri paramantri pradhana Councillor para (highest) Officer of the sida-sida siddha (priest, learned man) household Warrior, hulubalang bala (army) J. and Bat. hulubalang. royal escort 1 These two words must have been originally used by Malays in the sense which they bear in Sanskrit. "Unto the shoes of my lord's feet," or "beneath the dust of your majesty's feet," are phrases in which paduka and duli would immediately precede the name or title of the person addressed. Being thus used always in connection with the titles of royal or distinguished persons, the two wordshave been taken for honorific titles, and are so used by Malays, unaware of the humble origin of what are to them high-sounding words. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 29 English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Sage, royal pandita pandita J. and S. pandita. adviser Laksamana laksamana lakhshmana J. and S. laksmana. (one of the (the son of officers of Dacaratha state) by Sumitra) Treasurer bandahara bhandagara Mak. bandara; J. ben- (treasure) dara, master ; S. ban- daran, custom-house. Throne singgahaaana simhasana Kw. and S. singasana. Palace astana sthana (place, whence the Persian as- tana, a thres- hold, a fakir's residence) Crown mak6ta mukuta J. and S. makuta ; Mak. makota. Royalinsignia upachara upachara (ser- vice) J. upachara. Title of a magat magadha (the chief who sonofaVaicya is of noble byaKshatriya blood on woman) one side only Officer (hero) punggawa pungava(abull; J., S., and Mak. pung- as latter part gawa. of compound words, " ex- cellent," e.g.y nara-pun- gava, an ex- cellent war- rior) The incidents of Asiatic government have caused the intro- duction into the Malay language of such terms as the follow- ing, among others : 3 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Country negri nagara and na- garl dica J. and S. nagara. District desa J., S., Bat., and D. desa; Mak. dessa. Tax upatt utpatti J. and S. upeti. Hall, court balei valaya (an en- S. baU; D. balai, open enclosure) building ; J. baU, bench ; Bat. bale, hut on a king's tomb. Examine, in- prek pariksha J. priksa; Mak. paressa; quire D. j ariksa and riksa. Cause, suit bichara vichara (consi- Mak. and D. bichara; deration, dis- J. wichara; S. pichara. cussion) "Witness saksi sakshin J.,S.,D.,Tag., andBia. saksi. Crime dosa dush (to sin) J., S., Bat., Mak., and D. dosa. Insult, tres- angk&ra ahamkara (pride) Kw. angkara. pass Injustice, op- any ay a anyaya J. aniaya. pression Inheritance pusaka push (to possess) J., S., and Mak. pusaka. Action. sanggeta samketa (a p- tiation p ointment, convention) Proof biti vitti 'probabi- Hty) achara (conduct) Cause, matter achara in dispute Punishment .siksa ciksha (learn- J. and S. siksa; Mak. ing) sessa. Fine den da danda J. and S. denda; Bat. dan gdang ; D. dan da. Prison panjara panjara (a cage) J. and S. kunjara ; Mak. panjara; Bat. binjara, a trap ; D. jara and panjara, punished. Punishment (of druma drub (to hurt a disgrace- ful kind inflicted on women) Slave s ah ay a sahaya (com- panion) Free, liber- mardahika mridh (to par- J. and S. mardika ; Bat. ated don?) mardaekoh; Mak.,Bu., and D. maradeka; Tag. mahadlika. Executioner 1 palabaya para (exceeding) I i bhaya (fear) MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 31 The groups of words remaining to be noticed are those connected with the Hindu religion, and with the demon- worship or spirit-worship, which was the earliest form which the religious sentiment took among the Malay tribes. 1 After the conversion of the Malays to the faith of Muhammad, the traditions of Hinduism were gradually confused with the aboriginal superstitions, and neither have been entirely obli- terated by the cult which superseded them. The belief in the power of malignant spirits to cause misfortune, sickness, and death is still strong among the Malays, whose pawangs or medicine-men claim to be able to propitiate demons by spells, prayers, and offerings. These men frequently invoke benevolent spirits by the names of Rama, Vishnu, and other Hindu deities, in complete ignorance that they are Hindu, 2 to counteract the evil influences of malevolent demons. Practices of this sort prevail most generally in places re- mote from Arab influence. The Malays did not altogether discard the theological terms of Hinduism when they adopted a new religion. For instance, putisa? abstinence, fasting (Sansk. upavdsa), is used to express the annual fast of the Muhammadans during the month Ramzan. Heaven and hell also retain their Sanskrit names. The following are some of the principal theological terms which have passed from Sanskrit into Malay : 1 "The Javanese have peopled the air, the woods and rivers with various classes of spirits, their belief in which probably constituted their sole reli- gion before the arrival of the Bramins." Crawford's Grammar, Dissertation cxcix. 2 "The Javanese consider all the Hindu gods of their former belief not as imaginary beings, but as real demons " (Ibid.), just as the early Christian! regarded the classic gods, and attributed oracles to diabolical agency. 3 J., S., Male., D., and Bis. puasa ; Bat. puaso. 1* MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. English. Malay. Sanskrit. Other Languages. Religion agama agama (sacred J., S., Mak., Bu, and science)! D. agama. Spiritual guru guru J., S., Mak., Bat., and guide D. guru. Praise, adora- puji, puja puj (to honour) J. and S. puji, puja; tion puja (worship- Bat. and Mak. puji; ping) D. mampuji; to invoke. Religious pen- tapa tapas J.,S.,Mak., D.,andBu. ance tapa. Heaven surga svarga J. suwarga ; S. surga. Hell naraka, patala naraka, patala J., S., Mak., and D. na- raka ; S. patala. Fast, absti- puasa upavasa J., S., Mak., D., and Bis. nence puasa ; Bat. puaso. Supernatural saktl cakti (strength, power) bhakti (worship, J. and S. sakti. power Meritorious bakti J. and S. bakti. service, me- devotion) rit Sacred formu- mantra mantra J. and S. mantra. la, charm, spell Incense dupa dhupa J.,S.,Mak.,Bu., andD. dupa ; Bat. daupa ; Tag. dupa-an, censer. Incense (made istanggi ashtaka (a col- S. istanggi; Mak. sa- of eight in- lection of eight tanggi. gredients) things) Ceuser(abam- sangka f>- and ^jp-, 1 from the Sanskrit ayuta and yodi, and in u^f>- jekadi, from the Arabic ^jj^ t yehudi, &c. ** Now the Malays, an essentially nautical people, are in the habit of settling along the banks of rivers and streams, whence it comes that a great number of their towns have taken the names of the rivers on or near which they are situ- ated, such as Johor, Pahang, &c. In this way the country situated near the river of which the current is rapid/ Sungei Malayu, would take the name of Tanah Malayu, and the in- habitants of this country (governed in those times by a chief named Demang Lebar Daun) that of Orang Malayu, just as the inhabitants of Johor and Pahang are called Orang Johor, Orang Pahang; and their language is called Bahasa Orang Malayu or Bahasa Malayu. '* The name of Malayu thus applied to the people and to the language spread with the descendants of Demang Lebar Daun, whose son-in-law, Sang Sapurba, became king of Menangkabau or Pagar Ruwang, a powerful empire in the interior of Sumatra. A grandson of Demang Lebar Daun, named Sang Mutiaga, became king of Tanjong Pura. A second, Sang Nila Utama, married the daughter of the queen of Bentan, and immediately founded the kingdom of Singapore, a place previously known as Tamassak. It was a descendant of his, Iskander Shah, who founded the empire of Malacca, which extended over a great part of the peninsula j and, after the capture of Malacca by the Portuguese, became the empire i The derivation of judi, gaming, from dyuta (game at dice), seems to preferable to that adopted by M. Favre (following Van der Tuuk), who refers >t to yodi, a warrior. ii-a MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 37 Johor. It is thus that a portion of the Indian Archipelago has taken the name of Tanah Malayu, 'Malay country.' " One of the granddaughters of Demang Lebar Daun was married to the Batara or king of Majapahit, a kingdom which extended over the island of Java and beyond it ; and another was married to the Emperor of China, a circumstance which contributed not a little to render the name of Malayu or Malay known in distant parts." 1 This theory requires that we should suppose that a word of wide application, which is known wherever Malays have estab- lished themselves, is, in fact, a Malay word disguised in a form found only in Javanese and the dialect of Palembang. If the arguments adduced in support of it are to apply, we must first of all admit the very doubtful historical accuracy of the Sejarah Malayu, from which they are drawn. There is a Malay word, layu, which means " faded," " with- ered," and it is only the exigency of finding a word applicable to a river that makes it necessary to look for a derivation in laju, swift. In this or some kindred sense the word laju is found in Javanese, Sundanese, and Dayak; but why it should give its name, in the form of layu, to a river in Sumatra, and thence to the whole Malay race, is not very obvious. A river named in consequence of its swift current would be called by Malays Sungei Laju, not Sungei Malaju. Even if the derivation of Malayu from melaju had the support of the Malays them- selves, Malay etymologies are not often safe guides. Not much, for instance, can be said in favour of the fanciful deri- vation of Sumatra from semut raya, " large ant," which is given by the author of the Sdjarah Malayu. 2 It is impossible to treat the story of Sang Sapurba, the first Malay raja, as historical. The name, " Maha-Meru," suffi- ciently shows that we are upon mythological ground. The story is as follows : Three young men descend from the heavens of India (kaindra-an) upon the mountain Maha-Meru, 1 Favre, Grammaire de la Langue Malaise, Introduction, riii. 3 Leydeu's Malay Auuals, 65. 38 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. on the slopes of which they meet two women who support themselves by planting hill-padi. Supernatural incidents mark the advent of the strangers. The very corn in the ground puts forth ears of gold, while its leaves become silver and its stalks copper. One of the new-comers rides on a white bull, and carries a sword called Chora (Sansk. kshura, a razor) sa- mandang-kini. They are received by the natives of the district (Palembang) and made rajas. He who rides the bull becomes king of Menangkabau, and the other two receive minor kingdoms. It is not difficult to recognise here certain attributes of the god Qiva, with which, by a not unnatural confusion of ideas, Muhammadan Malays, the recipients of the old traditions, have clothed their first raja. Maha-Meru, or Sumeru, on which are the abodes of the gods, is placed by Hindu geographers in the centre of the earth. Malaya is mentioned in the Puranas as a mountain in which the Godavari and other rivers take their rise. The white bull of Sang Sapurba is evidently the vahan of Qiva, and the name of the sword bears a close resemblance to manda-kini, the name given in heaven to the sacred Ganges, which springs from the head of Qiva. Most of the incidents in the story, therefore, are of purely Hindu origin, and this gives great probability to the conjecture which assigns a Sanskrit source to the word Malayu. The Straits of Malacca abound with places with Sanskrit names. Not to speak of Singha-pura, there are the islands of Langka-wi and Lingga and the towns of Indragiri and Indrapura, &c. Sumeru (in Java), Madura, Ayuthia (in Siam), and many other names, show how great Indian influences have been in past times in the far East. May it not be, therefore, that Malaya 01 Malayu 1 was the name by which the earliest Sanskrit-speak 1 Besides signifying a range of mountains, Malaya has the secondary mean ing of "a garden." If the term was applied originally in reference to the agricultural pursuits of the primitive tribes, it receives additional illustration from the name given to one of the women whom Sang Sapurba meets on Mount Maha-Meru, " Malini," a gardener's wife (Sansk.). MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 39 ing adventurers from India denominated the rude tribes of Sumatra and the peninsula with whom they came in contact, just as Jawi is the name given to Malays by the Arabs, the term in either case being adopted by the people from those to whom they looked up with reverence as their conquerors or teachers ? According to this view, the introduction of a river, Malayu, into the story of Sang Sapurba is an ex post facto way of explaining the name, inserted with this object by the native author of the Sdjarah Malayu. If it be granted that the story of Sang Sapurba is mytho- logical, it becomes unnecessary to follow any attempt to show that the name of Malayu received additional celebrity from the marriages of granddaughters of Demang Lebar Daun with the Batara of Majapahit and the Emperor of China ! The contemptuous style in which Malay, Javanese, and other bar- barian rajas are spoken of by ancient Chinese historians leaves but slender probability to the legend that an Emperor of China once took a Malay princess as his wife. 1 From this subject it is natural to proceed to another dis- puted etymology, namely, the origin of the word Jawi, which is often used by the Malays for the word Malayu in speaking of their language and written character, bahasajawi meaning Malay language, and sural jawi a document written in Malay. It is not necessary to go into all the various conjectures on the subject, which will be found in the works of Marsden, Crawfurd, Favre, and others. Jawi is a word of Arab origin, and is formed in accordance with the rules of Arabic grammar from the noun Jawa, Java. Just as from Makah, Meccah, is derived the word MaJck-i, of or belonging to Meccah, so from Jawa, Java, we get Jawi, of or belonging to Java. When this name was first applied to Malays, the Arabs had not an accurate knowledge of the ethnography of the Eastern Archipelago. Without very strict regard to ethnical divergencies, they described all the brown 1 See Groeneveldt's Notes on the Malay Archipelago, compiled from Chinese sources. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap, ixxix. 4o MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. races of the eastern islands under the comprehensive and convenient term Jawi, and the Malays, who alone among those races adopted the Arabic alphabet, adopted also the term in speaking of their language and writing. 1 As in Malay there are no inflexions to denote change of number, gender, or person, the connection of Jawi with Jawa is quite unknown to the Malays, just as the second part of the word senamald (sma-maki, senna of Meccah 2 ) is not sus- pected by them to have any reference to the sacred city. There is a considerable Malay and Javanese colony in Meccah, 3 where all are known to the Meccans indiscriminately as Jawi. Marsden devotes several pages of the introduction to his Malay Grammar to a discussion as to the origin and use of the expression orang di-bawah angin, people below the wind, applied by Malays to themselves, in contradistinction to orang di-atas angin, people above the wind, or foreigners from the West. He quotes from De Barros and Valentyn, and from several native documents, instances of the use of these expres- sions, but confesses his inability to explain their origin. Crawfurd quotes these terms, which he considers to be u native," and remarks that they are used by the Malays alone of all the tribes in the Archipelago. A much more recent writer characterises these terms as " Noms dont on ignore encore la vraie signification" * The expression is not of Malay origin, but is a translation 1 " Sawa, Jaioa, Saba, Jaba, Zaba, &c, has evidently in all times been the capital local name in Indonesia. The whole Archipelago was compressed into an island of that name by the Hindus and Romans. Even in the time of Marco Polo we have only a Java Major and a Java Minor. The Bugis apply the name of Jawa, Jawaka (comp. the Polynesian Sawaiki, Ceramese Sarcai) to the Moluccas. One of the principal divisions of Battaland in Sumatra is called Tanah Jawa. Ptolemy has both Jaba and Saba." Logan, Journ. Ind. Arch., iv. 338. 2 Senna (Cassia senna), as a medicine, enjoys a high reputation in India and all over the East. In Favre's Malay-French Dictionary daun sena-maki is translated feuilles de sine, no notice being taken of the last word ; but Shakespear's Hindustani Dictionary has sena makk-i, "senna of Mecca.' 3 Burton's Pilgrimage to Medinah and Meccah, p. 175. 4 De Backer, L'Archipel Indien. li. (Paris, 1874). MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 41 into that language of an Arabic phrase. Instances of its use occur in the " Mohit " (the ocean), a Turkish work on navi- gation in the Indian seas, written by Sidi al Chelebi, captain of the fleet of Sultan Suleiman the Legislator, in the Eed Sea. The original was finished at Ahmedabad, the capital of Gujarat, in the last days of Muharram, A.H. 962 (a.d. 1554). It enumerates, among others, " the monsoons below the wind, that is, of the parts of India situated below the wind," among which are " Malacca, Shomotora, Tanassari, Martaban, and Faiku (Pegu)." 1 TRANSLITERATION OF MALAY IN THE ROMAN CHARACTER. Malay is written in a character which has been borrowed from a foreign literature in comparatively modern times, and which but imperfectly suits its sounds. With the introduction of the Muhammadan religion, the Malays adopted the Arabic alphabet, modified to suit the peculiarities of their language. In Malay literary compositions there is great diversity in the manner of spelling many words. The accentuation of the spoken dialect differs so much from Arabic, that it is difficult, even for native writers, to decide when to write the long vowels and when to leave them out. This is the point in which diversity is most common. Every European author who writes Malay in the Roman character has to decide on what system he intends to render the native language by means of our alphabet. The Malay alphabet has thirty-four letters, so it is obvious that ours will not accurately correspond with it. It is open to him, if he wishes to obtain a symbol to correspond with every letter of the Malay alphabet, to employ various means to denote those letters for which we have no equivalents; or he may dismiss the native alphabet from his mind altogether, and determine to write the language phonetically. In a language, however, 1 Jo urn. As. Soc. Bengal, iii. 545. 42 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. which abounds in Sanskrit and Arabic words, he should, of course, avoid the adoption of any system of spelling which would disguise the true origin of words of foreign derivation. Muhammadans from India or Persia introduced their own method of writing among the Malays. They wrote Malay in their own character (to the gradual supersession of any native alphabet that may have previously existed), and this became the alphabet of the Malays. It is now our turn to write Malay in our character. Is it sufficient to do this in our own way, as those did who intro- duced the Perso-Arabic alphabet, or must we also have regard to the mode of spelling adopted by the latter ? In an elementary work like the present, it does not seem to be necessary to burden the student with a system of translitera- tion. The native character is not employed in this manual, and there is, therefore, all the less occasion for using special means for denoting peculiar native letters. It will be found that the mode of spelling Malay words adopted by Marsden has been followed in the main. 1 In this Introduction the long vowels (that is, the vowels which are written in full in the native character) are marked with a circumflex accent, but it has not been thought necessary to adopt this system in the body of the work. Sometimes vowels will be found marked with the short sign, ". This is only for the purpose of assisting the student in pronunciation, and does not represent any peculiarity in the native character. The vowels are to be sounded in general as in the languages of the Continent of Europe. Final k is mute. The correct pronunciation of Arabic words is aimed at by Malays of education, and the European student should get the right sounds of the vowel ain and of the more peculiar Arabic consonants explained to him. 1 In certain foreign words the hard k will be found to be denoted by a dot under the letter, thus, k ; and the peculiar vowel sound represented in Arabio by the letter ain is denoted by the Greek rough breathing '. MALAY MANUAL. PART L The object of this work is to facilitate the acquisition of an elementary knowledge of the Malay language. It is believed also that some of the hints and suggestions which it contains will be of use to those who already have a colloquial know- ledge of Malay, especially if this has been acquired from Indian or Chinese settlers in the Straits of Malacca, not from Malays themselves. The Roman character is used throughout, but a knowledge of the native character can hardly be dispensed with by those who aim at a thorough acquaintance with the language. As it abounds in idiomatic expressions, the study of native com- positions is most important, and these are generally to be found only in the Malay character. Little attempt is made at scientific arrangement. In dealing with the various parts of speech, technical terms are as far as possible avoided, and reliance is placed rather on illustrations than abstract rules. The student should divest himself of the expectation that sentences may be formed in Malay on principles of construc- tion which govern composition in European languages. An elementary knowledge of Malay is so easily acquired that a learner soon begins to construct sentences, and the tendency, of course, is to reproduce the phrases of his own language with words of the new one. He may thus succeed in making himself intelligible, but it need hardly be said that he does not speak the language of the natives. Correctness of ex- 44 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. pression cannot be entirely learnt from grammars. In this manual cautions and hints will bo given, and, where possible, absolute rules will be laid down, but these must not be re- garded as complete. Instruction derived from books must be supplemented by constant practice in speaking with Malays not with Malay-speaking Asiatics of other nationalities before idioms can be mastered. Until some facility in framing sen- tences according to native idioms has been attained, and it has been perceived how shades of meaning may be conveyed by emphasis, or by the position of a word in the sentence, the European will find it difficult to convey his ideas in Malay, even with a considerable vocabulary of words at his disposal. A Dutch author justly remarks : " Malay is called a poor language, and so it is, but not so much so as is often imagined, certainly not as far as its vocabulary is concerned. That it is often unable to furnish us with words for abstract ideas is a deficiency which it has in common with all languages of the Indian Archipelago, or rather with all races who have not yet risen to the height of our civilisation and development. Its richness or poverty, however, must not be judged by the existing dictionaries, or by the contents of those manuscripts which are known to us. When Malays are seated together talking about various topics of everyday life, they are not in want of words, and such conversations would, if noted down, provide our present dictionaries with a good many supple- ments, additions, corrections, and appendices." l L THE ARTICLE. There is no article in Malay, that is, there is no word which corresponds exactly with our definite article the, or indefinite article a, an. Kuda, horse, and orang, man, signify equally "the horse" and "the man." When it is desired to specify particular objects, the pronouns ini, this, itu, that, and yang, 1 Klinkert, Eenige ophelderingen omtrent de Maleische Spreekwoorden en spreekwijzen. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 45 this which, or that which, are used. Si sometimes supplies the place of the definite article when a person is spoken of; as si-laki-laki, the man ; si-perampuan, the woman ; si-mati, the deceased ; sirbonghok, the cripple. The numeral satu, one, is often used as the indefinite article ; as ada sa,' orang di negri Kedah, there was a man in the state of Kedah j ini satu huda chantek, this is a beautiful horse. n. SUBSTANTIVES. A difficulty which attends the classification of Malay words into various parts of speech, according to the system applied to European languages, consists in the number of words which, while yet unmodified by particles, are either verb or substantive, substantive or adjective, adjective or adverb, according to the context. Baniah, as an adverb, means much, as an adjective, many ; jalan is either a road or to walk ; panjang either long, tall, or length, height. The same thing occurs in English in a minor degree ; but with us the differ- ence between cold and a cold, or between to brush and a brush, is rendered distinct by the use of the article a and the particle to. Many Malay words must thus be treated as now sub- stantive, now adjective, now verb, according to the position they occupy in the sentence. The noun undergoes no change to denote number, gender, or case. Number. The plural, if not sufficiently made plain from the context, is often indicated by the use of such words as baniah, many, sumua, sa-kali-an, and sagala, all. It is also expressed sometimes by repeating the noun ; as raja, a king, raja-raja, kings; tuan, master, tuan-tuan, masters. All nouns are not capable of this duplication. As a general rule, it may be said to be mainly confined to nouns expressing persons or animate objects. 46 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. When there is nothing to show whether singular or plural is meant, the number remains indefinite, but may generally be assumed to be plural In such phrases as menembak burong, to shoot birds, mcmbSli hay am, to buy fowls, the substantives are clearly plural, though nothing marks them as such. To restrict the number, and show that one bird or one fowl is meant, it would be necessary to use the word satu, one, with the idiomatic term ekor (lit. tail), which is always used in enumerating the lower animals ; as menembak sa'ekor burong, to shoot a bird ; membSli sa'ekor hayam, to buy a fowl. Gender. Inflexion is unknown in Malay, and gender has no place in the grammar of the language. Most nouns which signify animate things are of both genders, and the sexes are dis- tinguished by the addition, in the case of persons, of the words laki-laki, male, and perampuan, female, and in other cases of the words jantan, male, and betina, female. Jantan and betina are also applied vulgarly to persons. If an apparent exception is found in such words as putra, a prince, and putri, a princess, derivation from a foreign language may be suspected. The inflexion in the word just cited is due to the rules of Sanskrit grammar. Declension. There is nothing in the Malay language which corresponds with the cases of a Latin, Greek, or Sanskrit noun, which are formed by changes of termination, or of a Hindustani noun, which are formed by postpositions. In Malay the cases are expressed, as in English, by prepositions : To, ka, kapada, sama. From, deri, deri-pada. For, akan. By, uleh. With, dengan, sama. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 47 The genitive or possessive case is expressed either by the use of the word punya after the noun, or by placing the noun which signifies the possessor immediately after the thing possessed ; as sahaya, I ; sahaya punya, of me, mine j rumah, house ; rumah punya, of the house ; sahaya punya rumah, or rumah sahaya, my house. The employment of the genitive with pimya is to be avoided. It is more idiomatic to say rumah sahaya than sahaya punya rumah. Substantives are of five classes : 1. Those which in their primitive form are substantives ; as arang, person j rumah, house ; kuda, horse ; bapa, father. 2. Those which are formed from verbs by prefixing the inseparable particle pe ; as pe-lari, a runaway ; peng-asuh, a nurse ; pem-buru, a hunter ; pen-churi, a thief ; penyapu, a broom. 3. Those which are formed by affixing the termination -an co verbs, adjectives, prepositions, and to other substantives ; as makan-an, food ; manis-an, sweetness ; hampir-an, proximity ; irus-an, a channel ; buah-an, fruit in general ; laut-an, the ocean. 4. Those which are formed by prefixing the particle pe and adding the termination -an; as pe-layar-an, a voyage; peng- ajar-an, instruction ; pem-bunoh-an, slaying, execution ; pen* dapat-an, acquisition ; pel-ajar-an, lesson ; per-uleh-an, posses- sion ; per-mainan, amusement. 5. Those which are formed by prefixing the particle ha- and adding the termination -an ; as Jca-jadi-an, creation, origin ; ka-baniak-an, generality ; ka-puji an, praise ; kasalah-an, guilt, offence ; ka-koi'ang-an, want, deficiency. m. ADJECTIVES. Adjectives, like nouns, are indeclinable. They are always placed after their substantives; as kuda baik, & good horse; mang jahat, a bad man ; not baik kuda, jahat orana. 48 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. IV. PRONOUNS. The proper use of the personal pronouns and of the nouns which are used for them presents some difficulty. The following words may be used to express the first person singular, /.* i. Aku, I. * 2. Sahaya (lit companion, slave ; Sansk. sahdya). 3. Hamba (lit. slave), or hamba tuan (lit. master's slave). 4. Perhamba (lit. lowest slave). 5. Beta (lit. slave). 6. Patek (lit. slave). 7. T&ui (lit. companion). The appropriate use of these pronouns is dependent upon the relative positions of the persons between whom communi- cation takes place. Aku is generally used by natives among themselves. Its use implies familiarity and equality. It should not be used by Europeans addressing natives, or by natives addressing Europeans. Sahaya is the ordinary polite form used by Europeans in conversation with natives of all classes, and by natives of the upper class in addressing Europeans. Ha ba, ha ba tuan, and perhamba are used by persons of inferior rank when addressing superiors. Hamba, if used by a chief or native of high rank, implies a certain affectation of modesty. The use of beta is confined to literary composition, and it is incorrect to employ the word colloquially. It may be used by Europeans and natives. Patek is used only by natives, and by them only when addressing a person of royal blood. TSman is used only in intercourse between natives of the upper class and of approximately equal rank. The first person plural is kita or kami, we. Kita is used MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 49 when the person addressed is intended to be included. Kami, on the contrary, like the royal " we " in English, excludes the person addressed. Sometimes the word orang is added without changing the signification ; as kita orang, we. Other forms are also in use, but they are generally pro- vincialisms confined to particular states or districts. Sahaya apa, lata apa, and hamba tuan apa are used in Kedah, and sahaya-ma in Perak, for Jcita orang. Colloquially the personal pronouns are often omitted to avoid repetition. This is done especially in narration or description ; as, for example, in the following sentence : Lepas itu jalan pula ka-kampong singgah di rumah Haji Ismail hari pun sudah pUang langsong pulang ka-rumah makan nasi Afterwards (I started) again (and) walked to the kampong, (and) stopped at the house of Haji Ismail, (and then), as it was evening, (I) went straight home (and) had my dinner. Here the personal pronoun lis understood throughout. The second person singular is angkau, you. Each syllable of this word may be used separately for the whole. Ang or hang is much employed in Kedah and Perak, and kau in other parts of the peninsula and in Borneo. In Perak mika, in Malacca awah, in Borneo kita, and in Batavia kweh, are also used. The preceding words are used by a superior addressing an inferior, or by the common people in ordinary (not in polite) conversation. In polite conversation the use of angkau, or of most of the words given above, must be avoided, as it is considered by Malays to be vulgar or harsh. In addressing servants or followers, the name of the individual addressed is often in- serted in the sentence instead of the pronoun you ; as, in addressing Ismail : When you were at the bazaar just now who was with you 1 Apabila Ismail di pekan tadi siapa sama ? In the same way tuan, sir, master, is employed in addressing a haji or sayyid; iuan-ku or tunku, my lord, in addressing a raja; datoh, grandfather, in addressing a chief or penghulu. 50 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Other words similarly employed are Abang (elder brother) or wall (uncle), to a man older than the speaker. Kakak (elder sister), to a woman older than the speaker. Adek (younger brother). Inche (sir or madam), to respectable persons of either sex. Examples. When did you arrive ? (to a haji) Bila-mana tuan sudah tibaf I must ask one thing of you (to a raja) Sahaya handak minta satu kapada tunku. If you give the order (to a chief) Jikalau datoh suroh. Do not be angry (to an elderly man) Jangan abang marah. Please help yourselves to water (to guests of various ranks) Datoh-datoh, tuan-tuan, inche- inche sakalian, sila berayer. The use of the word lu, a form of the second person sin- gular, derived from the Chinese, and generally used by Euro- peans, is offensive to Malays of all classes, and is altogether to be avoided. In the plural Jeamu, ye, corresponds to angkau, you, in the singular ; that is to say, it is used by a superior addressing inferiors. It is found in its contracted form mu in literary composition, but seldom colloquially ; as ka-tahitri tdeh-mu, be it known unto ye. Kamu is sometimes used in the singular also. Third Person Singular, Dia or iya, he, she, it. Dia and iya are used indifferently, but perhaps dia is more common in conversation and iya in literature. The plural is dia orang (and sometimes, though less com- monly, iya orang), they. Another form of the third person plural is marika-itu, they, these, or those persons ; but it is found in literary compositions only, and is not used in conversation. A pronoun of the third person only used in conjunction with other words is -nia ? a contraction of inia, he, she, it. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 5 1 The indefinite form " one " (the French " on " and German " man ") is expressed in Malay by orang ; as orang tiada berani pergi sana, one dare not go there ; kalau orang handak kawin, if one is about to marry. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. The possessive pronouns, my, thy, his, our, your, their, are usually denoted by placing the personal pronoun after the word expressing the object possessed ; as rumah sahaya, my house ; pada pikir-an hamba, in my opinion ; apa pen-chari-an angkau ? what is your occupation ] apa nama dia ? what is his name % Possessive pronouns are also formed by the word punya or ampunya (lit. owning, owned) placed after the personal pronoun; as aku punya, my or mine ; tuan punya suka, as you please (your pleasure) ; yang ampunya tanah, (he) whose land it is. Singular. My, mine, sahaya punya. Thy, thiue, angkau punya. His, hers, its, dia punya. Plural. Ours, Jcita punya. Yours, kamu punya. Theirs, dia-orang punya. Frequently where the word a your" would be used in Eng- lish Malays leave out the pronoun altogether. " Bring your gun with you," would be correctly rendered in Malay, bawu snapang sama (lit. bring gun together), not bawa angkau punya snapang sama angkau. In literary composition hi and mu (abbreviated forms of aku and kamu) are affixed to the noun denoting the thing possessed ; as rumah-ku, my house ; bapa-mu, your father. The affix -nia is used in the sense of his, hers, or its, as well as the other forms of the possessive pronoun j as patah kaki-nia, his leg was broken; bauh-nia terlalu wangi, its smell is very sweet. 5 2 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. Ini, this, these. Itu, that, those. The demonstrative pronouns, like adjectives, follow the word to which they belong ; as rumah ini, this house ; hari ini, this day, to-day ; aku ini, I myself; sakarang ini, this moment ; orang itu, that man or those men ; waktu itu, that time ; iya itu, that is to say. It is not unusual to hear ini and itu placed before the noun, but this is not idiomatic. The INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS are Siapa, who ? Apa, what 1 Mana, who 1 what f Examples. Apa mahu t What do you want ? Rumah ini siapa t Whose house is this f Siapa panggil ? Who called ? Gajah mana ini f What elephant is this t Siapa akan tahu t Who knows ? The RELATIVE PRONOUN is Yang, who, which. Examples. Burong yang liyar, a bird that is wild. Raja yang adil, a king who is just. Ada yang tuah, ada yang muda, some are old and some are young (lit. there are who are old, &c). The Menangkabau word is nen. This is often found in composition, but is seldom used in the dialect spoken in the Straits of Malacca. Example : Patek nen fakir I who am but a beggar. am urn MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 53 REFLECTIVE PRONOUNS. Diri, sendiri, or kendiri, self, are used with or without the personal pronouns to signify myself, yourself, himself, our- selves, &c. Examples. Bunoh diri, to kill oneself. Mevg-ajar diri, to take oneself to task. Hamba sendiri handak pergi, I shall go myself. Baik tuan sendiri suroh, you had better order it yourself. Kemdian turun-lah raja sendiri, afterwards the king himself descended. Dia lari masok hutan mcmbawa diri-nia, she escaped to the jungle with her life (lit. taking herself with her). Biar-lah hamba sa-orang diri mc-lawan dia, let me fight him myselJ alone. V. VERBS. Verbs are either primitive or derivative ; the former are those which in their original signification are verbs ; the lattei are formed from primitive verbs, or from substantives, adjec- tives, or adverbs, by the application of particles. Examples of primitive verbs are jpukul, to strike ; rnakan, to eat ; lari, to run ; of derivative verbs, ber-kaki, to have feet, from kaki, a foot ; panjang-kan, to lengthen or make long, from panjang, long. The primitive verb, which is generally a dissyllable, is either transitive, as tangkap, to seize, or intransitive, as tidor, to sleep ; but a transitive sense may be given to an intransi- tive verb by the addition of the particle -kan, as lari, me-lari, to run ; me-lari-kan, to carry off. Though the examples of primitive verbs given above are translated for the sake of convenience by our infinitive, their signification is not necessarily rendered by that mood. Fa\ re translates them by the past participle (as ambil, taken, buang, thrown 1 ), but this is rather fanciful than accurate. The fact 1 Grammaire de la Langue Malaise, 56. 54 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. is, that the meaning of the radical or primitive is indefinite, and depends for its precise signification on its position (with respect to other words) in the sentence, or on the particles which may be added before or after it. Thus lari means simply run, though syntax will show that it may mean to run, I run, he runs, run thou, &c, according to its position in the sentence. Marsden distinguishes the following moods the imperative, the indicative or assertive, the conditional, and the infinitive or indefinite "which admit, for the most part, of being ex- 1 in the present, the past, and the future tenses or times." It is not proposed, in an elementary work like the present, to go deeply into a scientific arrangement, which, however well suited to the Latin and Greek languages, is adapted with less propriety to uncultivated languages like Malay. It is believed that an explanation of the use of auxiliaries and particles, and a paradigm showing the most common changes of which the verb is susceptible, will be sufficient, and that the student may be left to gain further knowledge as to the mode of expressing variations of mood and tense as he ad- vances in the study of the language. 1 Use of Particles. The inseparable affix -lean always denotes a verb used in a transitive sense ; as men-jalan-kan, to cause to walk. It is an abbreviation of the preposition akan. Thus buat-kan (to do) means to do something to (akan) something or somebody. The inseparable affix -i also denotes the transitive sense ; as 1 " It is difficult to eradicate the belief that the forms in which we think are identical with the thought itself; and it is only linguistic science that enables us to see that many of the forms of grammar which we imagine necessary and universal are, after all, but accidental and restricted in use. The cases of I&tin and Greek do not exist in the majority of languages ; the Polynesian dialects have no true verbs ; aud the Esquimaux gets on well enough without 'the parts of speech' that figure so largely in our own grammars." Sayce, Introduction to the Science of Language, ii. 328. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 55 kras-i, to oppress (from kras, hard) ; halus-i, to treat carefully (from halus, fine, close). The inseparable prefix her- (bel-, be-) is the mark of a verb which expresses a state or condition of being; as ber-jalan, to walk, or to be in the act of walking ; ber-wang, to have money; ber-misei, to wear moustaches; ber-pukul, to strike, i.e., to be in the act or condition of striking (not to strike another, transitive, which would be expressed by jpukul- or me-mukul- kan). The inseparable prefix me- (in all its various forms, mem, meng, men, and meny) is the mark of a verb which expresses an action ; as men-jalan-kan, to cause to walk ; mem-buat, to make ; menyakit-kan, to afflict (from sakit) ; meng-ambil, to take. According as the primitive verb has a transitive or intran- sitive sense, the derivative verbs formed from it will take ber- or me- as the case may be. Thus from adu, to sleep, is formed ber-adu, not meng-adu; while from adu, to complain, is formed meng-adu, not ber-adu. Often both particles may be used, and both transitive and intransitive derivative verbs may be formed from the same primitive. Thus from taroh, to put, are formed menaroh, to put (the act of a person who puts), and ber-taroh, to bet (the condition of a person who stakes). From tidor, to sleep, are formed menidor-kan, to put to sleep, and ber-tidor, to be sleeping or lying down ; and from ajar, instruct, meng-ajar, to teach (impart instruction), and bel-ajar, to learn (get in- struction). Mem-bawa, to bring, mem-bunoh, to kill, and me-makan, to eat, are formed from bawa, bunoh, and makan respectively, which, as they express actions, not states, do not take the prefix ber-. Ber-gantong is to hang (intransitive), that is, to be in a state or condition of hanging ; meng-gantong-kan is to hang (transitive), that is, to perform the action of hanging something. The particle per- (Sansk. pra), a prefix used with transitive verbs, does not seem always to effect a change in the sense. 5<> MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. It is used more generally in literature than in the colloquial dialects, and seems to be introduced frequently for the sake of euphony only. The difference, for instance, between rneng- himpun-kan, to assemble, to collect persons together, and mem- 2ier-him})U)i-kan, to cause persons to collect together, is not very marked. No general rule applicable to all transitive verbs can be laid down for the use of this form with member- ; practice and experience must form the only guide. Auxiliaries. The auxiliary verbs and adverbs are Ada, is, was, are, were. Sudah, was, did, has been. Telah, was, did, has been. Mdhu, will, shall, would, must. Handak, will, shall, would, must, is, was, or were about to. Jadi, is, was, become, became. PARADIGMS. Tidor, sleep. Sahaya tidor, I Bleep, or I was sleeping. Tidor I ah dia, he was sleeping or Blept. Ber-tidor, asleep, sleeping. Sahaya swlah tidor, I have slept. Dia telah tidor, he had slept. Sahaya mahu tidor, I will sleep, or I want to sleep. Sahaya handak tidor, I shall sleep, or I am about to sleep. Dia alcan tidor, he will sleep or is going to sleep. Tidor-lah, sleep thou. Mahu-lah angkau tidor, you must sleep. Biar iya tidor, let him sleep. JJandak~la.h di-tidor-nia, it must be slept by him, i.e., he intends to sleep. Menidor - kan or menidor-i, to lay down (transitive). Mem-per tidor Jean or mem per- tidor-i, to cause to sleep. Penidor, a soporific ; that which causes to sleep. Penidor-an, act of causing to sleep. Per-tidor-an, that which belongs to sleep ; a bed. Ka-tidor-an, the act of sleeping ; there was sleeping on the part of . Sa-ka-tidor-an, the act of sleeping with another ; there was Bleeping with . Si- tidor, the sleeper. Ter tidor, gone to sleep. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 57 Lari, run. Sahaya lari, I run, or I was run- ning. Lari-lah dia, he ran, or was running. Ber-lari, run, running. Ber-lari-lari, running about inces- santly. Sahaya sudah lari, I have or had run. Dia tclah lari, he had run. Sahaya mahu lari, I will run, or I want to run. Sahaya handah lari, I will run, or I am about to run. Dia akan lari, he will run. Lari-lah, run thou. Mahulah angkau lari, you must run. Biar iya lari, let him run. Uandalc-lah di lari-nia, it must be run by liim, i.e., he intends to run. Me-lari-Jcan, to carry off (transi- tive). was Lari-an, a running, a course. Ber-lari-an, the act of running ; there was running on the part of . Bcr-lari-lari-an, incessant runnin running to and fro ; there incessant running on the part of . Ka-lari-an, flight ; act of running. Pe-lari, a runaway, a fugitive. Pe-lari-an, flight. Di-lari-htn (passive), is, are, was, were, have, has, or had been run away with. Di-lari-kan-nia, is, are, was, were, have, has, or had been run away with by him, her, or them. Ter-lari, run, run away (past). Bawa lari, to carry off, run off with. (Here lari is the past participle after bawa, to take, bring, and may be used with that verb in all its forms.) Ada, be. Sahaya ada, I am or was. Ber-ada, have (possess.), has or had. Mengada, to cause to be, to make, invent. Sudah ada, have got, have been. Tclah ada, was, have been. Mahu ada, -must be. Meng-ada-ngada, to make or invent repeatedly. Meng-ada kan, to create, to cause to exist. Ber-ada-kan, possess, own. M em-per-ada-kan, to produce, to cause to exist. Ter-ada-kan, produced, created. Ada-an, being, existence. Ka-ada-an, state, existence. Bawa, as bring- Sahaya bawa, I bring or ing. Mem-bawa, bring, to bring. Sudah bawa, has brought. Telah bawa, bad brought. Mahu bawa, will or must bring. bring. Aku handak bawa, I will bring, or am about to bring. Bawa-lah, bring thou. Biar iya bawa, let him bring. Mem-bawa-kan or inem-bawa-i, tc cause to be brought nr taken. iS MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Pem-bawa, a briuger. Intwa-an, that which is brought ; a burden. Pem-baxca-an, act of bringing, trans- port, [passive. Di-baxoa and di-bawakan, brought, Di-baiva-nia and di-baxoa -lean -nia, is, are, was, were, have, has, ot had been brought by him, her, or them. Ter-bawa, brought. Ambil, take. Sahaya ambil, I take. Men >j ambil, take, to take. Sudak ambil, has or had taken. Telah ambil, had taken. Mahu ambil, will or must take. Handalc ambil, shall take or about to take. Ambil-lah, take thou. Mahu-lah angkau ambil, you must take. Biar iya ambil, let him take. llainbih-lah di ambil-nia, he must take or intends to take. Meng-ambil-kan, to take or cause to take. Ambil -an, a thing taken. Peng-ambil-an, the act of taking. Di-ambil or di-ambil-Jcan, is or was, &c, taken (passive). Di-ambil-nia or di-ambil-kan-nia, is or was, &c, taken by him, her, or them. Ter-ambil, taken, having been taken. Suroh, order. Sahaya suroh, I order. Menyuroh, order, to order. Sudah suroh, has ordered. Telah suroh, had ordered. Mahu suroh, will or must order. flandak suroh, shall order or about to order. Suroh-lah, order thou. Mahu-lah angkau suroh, you must order. Biar iya suroh, let him order. HandaTc-lah di suroh-nia, he must order or intends to order. Menyuroh-kan, to issue orders, to commission. Pe-suroh and penyuroh, one who is commissioned ; a messenger. Penyuroh-an, an order, command ; the act of commanding. Suroh - suroh-an, people who are at the orders or command of another. Suroh-menyuroh, to issue orders incessantly. Di-suroh or di-suroh-kan, is or was, &c, ordered. Di-suroh-nia or di-suroh-kan-nia, is, or was, &c, ordered by him her, or them. Ter-suroh, ordered, having been ordered. The facts to be derived from a careful study of the fore going examples may be summarised as follows : i st. The tense of the verb standing alone is indefinite. It may be present, imperfect, present or past, &c, according to the context; as diet, ada, he is; tatkala sahaya ada di sana, MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 59 when I was there ; kalau sahaya ada debit, if I am, should be, were, or had been near. This applies equally to the forms created by prefixing her- and me-, mem-, men-, meng-, meny- to the radical. Examples : kita ber-jalan, we are or were walking; nanti sampei sahaya ber-balik, wait till I shall have returned ; mati-mati ber-minyak, if you should use oil ; raja meng-angkat kalmarin dahulu, the raja set out the day before yesterday. 2d. The Imperfect may sometimes be expressed by making the verb, followed by the particle -lah, precede the pronoun j as diam-lah dia orang, they were silent; mdka pergi-lah raja kapada tuan putri, and the king went to the princess. 3d. Past. Though the past may be expressed by the primitive verb, as shown above, if the context shows that the act spoken of is past, it is, nevertheless, more emphatically marked by the use of the auxiliaries sudah and telah, has or had ; as dia sudah tidor, he has gone to sleep ; telah lari-lah pe-rompah sumua, the pirates have (or had) all run away. 4th. Future. The verb standing alone may express the future when there is something in the sentence which indicates that a future tense is meant, such as the word " to-morrow " or " hereafter ; " as esok hari kita ber-perang pula, to-morrow we shall be fighting again. The future is also expressed by the auxiliaries mahu and handak ; as dia mahu jual, he will sell it; tiada mahu dia datang, he would not come ; kapal handak masok sungei, a ship is about to enter the river; di-panggil-nia orang -besar-besar mushawarat handak di-buat meligei, he summoned the chiefs to consult about building a palace. Another mode of forming the future is by the word nanti (lit. wait), placed, like the French verb alter, before the verb; as sahaya nanti chahari, je vais chercher, I am going to seek, or j'irai chercher, I shall go to seek. The preposition akan, in order to, in order that, is some- times used to convey the sense of the future ; as penyakit itu tiada akan semboh, that disease is not to be cured ; siapa akan 60 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. tahu? who shall know? (= who can tell?); jikalau raja yang anyaya naraka alcan tampat-nia, if a king is unjust hell will be his place hereafter. 5th. Imperative. To convey an order or command the radical is used either by itself or with the affix -lah ; Icamu, thou, being either expressed or understood. The particle adds additional emphasis to the command. Examples : pergi, go; pergi-lah, be off, get away; ka-luar or ka-luar-lah, go out; ka- luar-hmlah, take (it) out, or turn (him) out. Mahu and handak with the affix -lah signify must; as malm/ah Icamu, turut, ye must obey; handak-lah ay am yang puteh, there must be a fowl that is white, or, the fowl must be a white one ; handak-lah segala pegawei raja itu duduk dengan adab dan dim, the king's officers must sit with reverence and in silence. The third person of the imperative mood, which we express by " let him," may be rendered in Malay by the use of the word biar or biar-lah, with the verb in the manner shown by the following examples : Biar-lah dia masok, let him come in; biar- lah aku mati, let me die. 6th. From many verbs are formed verbal nouns by prefix, ing the particle pe- (peng, pern, pen, peny) to the radical. This prefix operates like the syllable -er in such words as robber, purchaser, teacher; as churi, to steal; pen-churi, a robber; bSli, to buy ; pem-bUi, a purchaser ; ajar, to teach ; peng-ajar, a teacher. Substantives of this kind and others formed from the verb with the particles ka- and -an have already been noticed under the head of the Substantive. But the form arrived at by prefixing to the simple verb the particle ka- and annexing the particle -an is not merely a noun, but, as Mars- den says, " a gerund in form as well as in sense, being in fact a verbal noun infmitively applied in construction ; " as, ka- dengar-an sampei Sayong, it was to be heard as far as Say on g; tiada ka-tahu-an, not to be understood ; mata-hari tiada ka-lihal- an sebab ka-lindong-an-lah sayap-nia, the sun was not to be seen by reason of the shadowing of its wings. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 6 T 7 th. Passive. In Malay the passive voice is denoted by the particle di- prefixed to the verb. The place of the nouns which express the agent and subject respectively will be understood from the following examples : Hamba di-pukul orang, I was beaten by men. Orang di-puhul hamba, the men were beaten by me. Rumah di-makan api, the house was consumed by fire. Api di-padam-kan orang, the fire was extinguished by men. Here the personal pronoun or other agent follows the verb and the subject precedes it. Sometimes the preposition u by " finds an equivalent in Malay, the word uleh being expressed instead of being under- stood (as in the preceding sentences). Examples : Maha uleh baginda pun dirsambut dengan seperti b,dat, they were received by the king with the customary ceremony. Di-titali-kan-lah uleh baginda, it was commanded by the king. The passive participle is formed by prefixing to the verb the inseparable particle ter- ; as ter-pukul, struck j ter-tulis, written. When ter- precedes per-, one of the particles drops its final letter ; as te-per-sayang, compassionated ; ter-pe-lantmg, sent flying. Other forms of the Verb. In the preceding paradigms gene- rally those changes have been inserted which result from the application of inseparable particles. But there are moods and tenses of the English verb which are translatable in Malay, though they are not included above because they involve the use of other words, which, though united to the verb in con- struction, do not form part of it. Conditional or Potential. In expressing a conditional or potential sense the verb undergoes no change, though follow- ing such conjunctions as "if," "provided that," "in order that;" as jika tuan datang, if you come; Tcalau raja me-larang, if the king should forbid ; dapat kami ber-untong, provided we are successful ; sapaya jangan hamba kena rugi, in order that I may not incur a loss ; agar sapaya anak-nia menjadi 'alrn, in order that his children may become learned. Optative. An optative sense is generally indicated by sucb 62 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. words as apa-lah, apa-lah Tdra-nia, prithee, expressions of entreaty, or garangan. forsooth, conveying the notion of a doubt or query; as barang di-sampei-kan Allah apa-lah kira- nia, may God in his goodness cause it to arrive. But some- times these are understood ; as di-bri Allah kamarau sadikit, may God grant a little fair weather. Participle Present. Continuity or existing duration of action is often expressed by the use of such words as lagi, still more, sambil, seraya, and serta, whilst at the same time the verb remains unaltered in form ; as lagi datang, coming ; lagi tidor, sleeping or still asleep; ber-jalan sambil ber-sinnyum, walked on smiling; meniambah serta meniapu ayer mata-nia, made obeisance, at the same time wiping away her tears. Tengah, half, middle, is often used with the verb in a simi- lar way ; as dia tengah makan nasi, he was in the act of eatin his dinner. VL ADVERBS. Adverbs in Malay are not distinguished by any prevailing termination corresponding to the English -ly or the French ment. Many adjectives and some prepositions are used ad- verbially. The following are some of the most useful adverbs : sakarang, now. tadi, just now. dahulu, before, formerly. sa'buntar, presently. belum, not yet. pagi-pagi, early. esok, besok, to-morrow. kalmarin, 1 yesterday. tatkala, sa-katika, when (rela- tive), kemdian, afterwards. 1 In Perak kalmarin means Adverbs of Time. pernah, ever. ta'pernah, never. sedang, while. kadang, sometimes. apa-bila, apa-kala, bila-mana, bila, when 1 (interrogative). kalmarin dahulu, the day be- fore yesterday. lusa, the day after to-mor- row. tulat, the third day from this, formerly." Petang is " yesterday." MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 63 Adverbs of Place. rini, ka-mari, here. situ, sana, nun, there. mana, where, wherever (rel.). di-mana, where ? (inter.). hampir, near, nearly. luar, outside. dalam, inside. saberang, across. jauh. far. atas, above. bawah, below. sabelah, beside. balik, behind. dekat. near. Miscellaneous. bagini, like this. sahaja, only. bagitu, like that, makin, so much the more. bageimana, how I naschaya, certainly. ya, yes. tidak, no. bukan, no, not. ientu, certainly. Adverbs expressing intensity will be found enumerated in Lesson 4. Among the examples above given several are also preposi- tions, and will be found under that heading. VII. PREPOSITIONS. The principal prepositions of place and motion are di, at, in, on j ka, to, towards ; deri, from. A great many so-called prepositions are formed from these three compounded with certain other words, such as : di-atas, on the top of. ka-atas, to the top of. deri-atas, from the top of. di-dalam, in the interior of. ka-dalam, to the interior of. deri-dalam, from the interior of. di-lSlakang, at the back of. ka-bglakang, to the back of deri-b&lakang, from the back of. di-sabei'ang, on the farther side of. ka-saberang } to the farther side of. deri-saberang, from the farther side o 64 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE di-bawah, at the bottom of. ka-bawah, to the bottom of. dtvi-bawah, from the bottom of. di-hadap-an, in front of. ka-hadap-an, to the front of. deri-hadap-an, from the front of. di-laar, at the outside of. Ica-luar, to the outside of. deri-luar, from the outside of. These twenty-one words are used like prepositions, and are often classified as such, but the true prepositions are the three initial words. Atas, bawah, dalam, kadap-an, bSlakang, luar, and saber ang here are really substantives governed by the prepositions di, Jca, and deri. Some of these words aptly illustrate the difficulty of classifying Malay words according to the parts of speech usually recognised by grammarians. Dalam, for instance, has already been classified in the preceding section as an adverb. It is also substantive, adjective, and preposition. Dalam (subs.), interior, depth ; as penghulu dalam, the guardian of the interior (inner apartments) ; dalam-nia tiga depa, its depth is three fathoms. Dalam (adj.), deep ; as ter-lalu dalam sungei ini, this river is very deep. Dalam (adv.), inside ; as ada orang dalam, there are people inside. Dalam (prep.), in ; as Jcain yang dalam gZdong itu, cloth in that ware- house. In Malay a substantive in the possessive case immedi- ately follows the substantive denoting the possessor (supra, p. 47). In the sentences btlakang gunong, the back of the mountain ; hadap-an raja, the presence of the king ; saberang sungei, the farther side of the river, all the words are sub- stantives, gunong, raja, and sungei being in the possessive case. Now let the prepositions di, ka, and deri be added to these sentences. Di-telakang gunong, at the back of the mountain, may be more shortly translated behind the mountain ; so ka-hadap-an raja may be rendered before the king, and deri-saberang sungei from beyond the fiver. Here, though the purport of the Malay phrases di-beiakang, ka-hadap-an, and deri-saberang are correctly rendered by English MANUAL OF THE MALAf LANGUAGE. 5 prepositions, only the first portion of each phrase is a Malay preposition. Of the remaining prepositions the following are the chief : pada, kapada, at, to, on, to- wards. deri-pada, from, than. akan, to, for, as to, as for. uleh, by. atas, on, upon. datang, ) sampei, > until, as far as. hingga, J antara, between. samantara, untiL ganti, instead of. balik, behind. serta, with. sama, with, to. dengan, with. dalam, in, into. Upas, after. karana, ) krana, \ on account of. sebab, } sa-Jcadar, according to demei, by. d&kat, near. tentang, concerning, opposite. bagi, to. trus, through. Vm. CONJUNCTIONS. The following list includes the most useful of the conjunc- tions in Malay : dan, and. atau, or. kalau, ) tetapi, but. jika, \ if. me-lain-kan, except. jikalau, ^ hania, but, except. antah, ) , ' > perhaps. kunun, j yang, that. kelak, forsooth sapaya, in order that. juga,jua, also. pula, also, again. sahaja, only. sambil, 1 wut selang, j lagi, again, even. lagipula, again too. seraya, at the same time. lagi pun, besides also. tambah-an, furthermore. saperti, as, like. karana, ) T vi 1 V because. sebab, j laksana, i ]ike serta, and, also. iya-itu, that is to say. asal-kan, provided that. lamun-kan. although. 66 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. There are also a number of conjunctions which are met with almost exclusively in the written language, and which it would be pedantic to use in conversation. Of such are : mdka, balnea, hata, shahadan, seldom necessary to the sense, and not always requiring tran- slation. They answer in some degree to such words as "now," "next," "but," "then," "again," "so." sa-btr-mxda first, now. sa-bagei-lagi, further, again. arkian, now, then. agar, in order that. y'ani, that is to say. wab'adahu, 1 and then, afterwards. walahin ( Arab, wa, and lakin, but), but, though, nevertheless. ayo ! ayohi / ah ! (affection). cheh I fie ! wayi ! alas ! demei Allah! by God ! nah I there ! take it ! jum 1 2 forwards 1 IX. INTERJECTION& The interjections in most common use are : hei/ 0! ya/ 0! (Arabic). ahof O! (Sansk.). aduh / aduhi / oh ! alas ! (pain, lamentation). niahf niah-lah ! be off! be- gone ! ui I wah 1 oh ! alas ! (astonish- ment or affliction). Many other words are used like interjections ; such as Jcasi- han (lit. affection), what a pity ! sayang (lit. concern), 'tis pity ! alas ! karam (lit. wrecked), woe to thee ! me-rachun (may I be poisoned), no ! (emphatic denial), &c, &c. A number of Arabic expressions common to all Muhamma- dans in all parts of the world are used by Malays, such as In shda-lldh, if it be the will of God ; Alldhu a'alarn, God is all-knowing ; Astaghfir alldh, I beg forgiveness of God ; Wa-llahi and Wa-llah, by God ! Yd rabb, Lord ! Bi-smi-llah, in the name of God ! Et-hamdu li-llah, praise be to God ! Alldhu alcbar, God is most great. 1 Arahic vxi, and, b'adahu, afterwards often used by a pleonasm with Jcemdian, afterwards; wab'adahu kemdian deri-pada itu, and after that. 2 This is a Kedah word. Mali ! is used in the same sense in Perak., MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. X. NUMERALS. The numerals in Malay are exceedingly simple. The first ten are : i. sa, satu, suatu, one. 2. dua, two. 3. tiga, three. 4. ampat, four. 5. lima, five. 6. anam, six. 7. tujoh, seven. 8. delapan, eight. 9. sambilan, nine. 10. sapuloh, ten. From eleven to nineteen inclusive the numerals are formed from the digits with the termination betas: 11. sa-belas, eleven. 12. dua-belas, twelve. 13. tiga-belas, thirteen. 14. ampat-belas, fourteen. 15. lima-belas, fifteen. 16. anam-belas, sixteen. 17. tujoh-belas, seventeen. 18. delapan-belas, eighteen. 19. sambilan-belas, nineteen. 20. dua-pvloh, twenty. Multiples of ten up to ninety inclusive have the termination puloh, ten : 20. dua-puloh, twenty. 30. tiga-puloh, thirty. 40. ampat-puloh, forty. 50. Uma-piUoh, fifty. 60. anam-puloh, sixty. 70. tujoh-puloh, seventy. 80. delapan-puloh, eighty. 90. sambilan-puloh, ninety. The intermediate numbers are formed simply by adding the units j as 21. dua-puloJi-satu, twenty- one. 32. tiga-puloh-dua, thirty-two. 43. ampat-puloh-tiga, forty-three. 54. lima-puloh-ampat, fifty-four. 65. anam-puloh-lima, sixty-five. 76. tujoh-puloh-anam, seventy-six. 87. delapan-puloh-fujoh, eighty-seven. 98. sambilan puloh-dttapan, ninety-eight. 68 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Above a hundred the numbers proceed with equal regu- larity : ioo. sa-ratus, one hundred. 200. dua-ratus, two hundred. 300. tiga-ratus, three hundred. 400. ampat-ratus, four hundred. 1000. sa-ribu, one thousand. 2000. dua-ribu, two thousand. 3000. tiga-ribu, three thousand. 4000. ampat-ribu, four thousand. Any sum, however great, may be expressed by the numerals in juxtaposition without the insertion of a conjunction ; as, sarHbu^lapan-ratus4vjoh-paloh-sarnbilan, one thousand eight hundred (and) seventy nine, 1879. Certain terms for high numbers have been borrowed from the Sanskrit language and misapplied in adoption, namely, laksa (Sansk. laksha, 100,000), lceti (Sansk. kofi, 10,000,000), and juta (Sansk. ayuta, 10,000). The numbers represented by these words in Malay are saAaksa, ten thousand ; sctrlceti, one hundred thousand ; sa-juta, one million. In reckoning the numbers from 20 to 30, lekor, a score, is sometimes used instead of dua-puloh (especially in mentioning dates), but in that case the unit precedes instead of following the decimal; as sa-lekor, twenty-one; dua-lekor, twenty-two; tiga-lekor, twenty-three, &c. To express a quantity which approaches what we call a round number, it is sometimes convenient to state the latter qualified by the figure in which it is deficient, as is done in the old-fashioned phrase "forty stripes save one." Thus, instead of sambUan-puloh-dela'pan, ninety-eight, the phrase korang dua sa-ratus, one hundred save two, may be used. The use of the word tengah, half, before a numeral serves in the same way to reduce it by half of one. Tims, tengah dua MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 69 signifies " one and a hair," or " two, less half a one," as if the full phrase were korang sa-tengah dua ; so tengah tiga-puloh, twenty-five (lit. "three tens save half"); tengah lima ratus, four hundred and fifty (lit " five hundreds save half " ). Ordinal Numbers. pertama (S&mik. pratama), first. ka-dua, second. ka-tiga, third. ka-sa-btilas, eleventh. ka-dua-puloh. twentieth. ka-sa-ratus, hundredth. The word yang placed before ordinals corresponds to the definite article in English ; as yang pertama, the first j yang ka- dua, the second ; yang ka-sa-ribu, the thousandth. Fractional Numbers. Tengah, sa-tengah, half; suku, sa-suku, quarter ; sa-per-dua, one-half; sa-per-tiga, one-third; dua-per-tiga, t wo- thirds ; tiga- per-ampat, three-fourths. Similar fractions may be formed with other numbers by placing the particle per between the dividend and the divisor. Collective Numbers. Phrases like "a score," "a dozen," " a couple," are formed in Malay by the use of the particle her with the numeral ; as ber-dua, the two, or the pair. ber-tiga, the three. ber-puloh-puloh, by tens. be-ratus-ratus, by hundreds. be-ribu-ribu, by thousands. The word ganda, which in Hindustani is a collective numeral meaning " a four," is used in Malay in conjunction with numerals in a sense corresponding to the English word " times ; " as dva-ganda, double, twice ; tiga-ganda, triple, three times. yo MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Numeral Co-Efficients. In Malay, as in Burmese, Siamese, and Chinese, "there exists a set of specific and technical terms, called by the grammarians numeral affixes, some one or other of which is always used as a co-efficient to the numeral, the term being selected according to the class under which the object falls." 1 The use of these terms will be best understood by comparing it with the analogous use in English of such phrases as so many head of cattle ; so many file of soldiers ; so many sail of ships ; so many stand of rifles. i. Orang (person or persons) is introduced in the enumera- tion of mankind ; as China tiga orang, Malayu sa'orang, three Chinese and a Malay ; budak dua orang, two children. 2. Ekor (tail) is employed in speaking of animals ; as so- ekor kuching, a cat ; kuda belang dua ekor, two piebald horses ; ikan kechil-kechil barang lima anam ekor, about five or six small fish. 3. Buah (fruit) is applied to fruit, houses, ships, places, &c. ; as sa-buah rumah, a house ; sa-buah negri, a town or kingdom ; lima buah kapal, five ships. 4. Biji (seed) is applied to small objects more or less round ; as buah manggis lima-puloh biji, fifty mangostins ; am- pat biji telor, four eggs ; nior muda sa-biji, one green cocoa-nut. 5. Halei or lei, to tenuous objects, such as hair, feathers, leaves, wearing apparel, &c. ; as bulu sa-lei, a feather; kain Palembang sa-puloh halei, ten Palembang sarongs. 6. Batang (stem), to long objects ; as lembing dua batang, two spears ; tiang ampat batang, four posts. 7. Puchuk (young shoot), to letters, muskets, cannon, elephants' tusks, &c. ; as tiga puchuk surat, three letters ; sa- puchuk gading, one tusk ; snapang lima puchuk, five muskets. 1 Col. Yule, Journ. Anthropol. Inst. Feb. 1880. This peculiarity in the Indo-Chinese languages has attracted much attention among ethnologists. See Peschel" Races of Man, 117; Tylor, Early History of Mankind, 208; Bunsen's Universal History, i. 409. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 7 1 8. Keping (piece, slice), to pieces of wood, metal, &c. ; as papan sa-keping, a plank ; timah tiga-puloh keping, thirty slabs of tin. 9. Tangga (ladder) and pintu (door), to houses ; as rumah dua tangga, two houses ; rumah batu anam pintu, six brick houses. 10. Lapis (fold), to clothing j as Jcapan sa-lapis, a shroud. 1 1. Bawan, to nets and cordage ; as pukat sa-rawan, a seine net ; jala dua rawan, two casting nets. 12. Bilah, to cutting weapons 3 as his sa-bilah, one kris; pedang lima bilah, five swords. 13. Buntoh, to rings, fish-hooks, &c. ; as kail sa~buntoh t a fish-hook ; chinchin tiga buntoh, three rings. 14. Bidang, to things spread out; as destar sa-Udang, one head-cloth. 15. Butir, to fruit, seeds, and other small round objects; as nior sa-butir, a cocoa-nut ; mutiara sa-butir, a pearl. There are many other similar idiomatic terms, examples of which will be given in the more advanced lessons farther on. X. PARTICLES. Most of the particles have been noticed in speaking of the verb, but there are three or four which require special men- tion. Lah is affixed to words of all kinds, sometimes merely for the sake of euphony, but more frequently as a particle of intensity. In the sentence ada-lah kapada suatu hari, it happened on a certain day, lah is simply expletive ; but in the sentence dia- lah yang buat, it was he who did it, the particle serves to em- phasise the word dia. The latter use of the particle lah is exemplified by its frequent employment to emphasise a com- mand ; as mari-lah, come ; pergi-lah, go. Kah is the interrogative particle. When affixed to words it is the sign of a question or a doubt ; as itu-kah atau lain-kah t 7 a MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. is it that or another 1 Antah sunggoh-kah atau tidak, it is doubtful whether it be true or not. Tah is also an interrogative particle, but of less general use than kah. Apa-tah f what else 1 is a common phrase indicat- ing assent. Pun is annexed to all kinds of words, sometimes merely to give roundness to a phrase, sometimes with the sense of " too," or " also " (where the sentence is affirmative), or " nor," " neither " (where it is negative) ; as maka iya-pun datang, then he came ; aku pun mdhu, I too want it ; siyang pun tidak malam pun tidak, it was neither day nor night. i n ) PART II. COMPOSITION OF SENTENCES. Owing to the absence of inflexion, the composition of simple sentences in Malay offers few difficulties. The phrases and exercises which will be given in this Part are simple and elementary, serving thus as a preparation for others of progres- sive difficulty to be reached at a later stage. LESSON I, Substantives. person (man, woman, or child), orang. man, laki-laki. woman, per-ampu-an. child, anak. house, rumah. water, ayer. fire, api. wind, angin. wood, kayu. carriage, kreta. horse, kudo. ship, kapal. steamer, kapal-api. boat, sampan. cow, ox, lumbu. do< anjuig. bird, burong. snake, ular. fish, ikan. sun, mata-hari, moon, bulan. star, bintang. sea, laut. river, sungei. cloth, kain. 74 MANUAL OF TBE MALAY LANGUAGE. Adjectives. good, baik. new, bdharu. naughty, wicked, jahat. beautiful, bagus. pretty, chantek. wise, pandei. stupid, bodoK large, besar. small, kechil. deep, dalam. swift, laju. high, tinggi. round, Imlat. old, tuah. young, muda. cold, sejuk hot, panas, far, jauh. near, dekat. coarse, kasar. fine, halus. Adverbs. very, baniak. exceedingly, sangaU Before showing how sentences may be constructed with these words by means of the verb ada, and with the aid of the personal pronouns, two of the hints already given are here repeated : i. Adjectives follow their substantives. 2. The verb ada is frequently omitted and left to be under- stood. Examples. A bad man Orang jahat. A pretty woman Perampuan chantek. A hiqh house Rumah tinggi. A high wind Angin Msar. Cold water Ayer sejuk. This is my child Ini anak sahaya (not, Ini ada sahaya punya anak). That bullock-cart is mine Kreta lumbu itu sahaya punya. That pony-carriage is swift Kreta leuda itu ada laju. That person has a dog Orang itu ada sa'ekor anjing. That woman's cloth is very fine Kain perampuan itu halus sangat. This man has one son and two daughters Orang ini ada anak laki-laki sa' orang dan anak perampuan dua orang. The steamer is near Kapal-api ada dtikat. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 75 His child is very naughty Anak dia baniak jahat. They have a boat Dia orang ada sa'buah sampan. There are men and women Ada orang laki-laki dan perampuan. The old man has a piece of coarse cloth Orang tuah itu ada kain kasar sa'lei. Exercise. I am a good man. His child is very wise. The moon is round. They have a beautiful horse. My boat is very large. The sea is very deep. The sun and stars are very far off. This person has a vicious dog. That man's daughter is beautiful. This river is very swift. A small snake. This ox is very old. That person's boat is small. There are fish. There is a bird. The water of the river is warm. There are stupid people and there are wise people. His ship is very far ofL LESSON II. On the Second Person. The use of the word angkau and similar pronouns is to be avoided as much as possible. When the pronoun of the second person cannot be understood but must be expressed, angkau, 01 the local or provincial word used in substitution for it (according to the part of the Archipelago in which the speaker finds himself), may be employed. In addressing natives of rank or of superior position, the appropriate forms should be used. The word lu should never be used to a Malay ; it is, however, in common use among those Chinese who use Malay as a medium of communi- cation with other nationalities. On the subject of the second person see supra, p. 49. Substantives. animal, benatang. father (common form), bapa. father (polite form), ayah, ayahnda. mother (common form), mak, ibu. mother (polite form), bonda. elder brother, abang. 76 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. elder sister, kakak. younger brother or sister, adek. boy or girl, budak. brother or sister, sudara. husband, laki. wife, bini. forest, hutan, tree, pokoh plain, padang. shop, kedei. fruit, buah. sky, langit. ground, tanah. dollar, ringgit. road, jalan. age, e umur. Adjectives. long, panjang. short, pendek, pandah. sweet, manis. wet, basah. dry, kering. many, baniak rich, kaya. poor, miskin. strong, kuat. hard, &era*. soft, lumbut. few, sadikit. to say, &afa. to go, 2?ergrt. to run, lari. to talk, chakap. to tell, bilang. Verbs. to arrive, sarnpei. to sit, duduk. to dwell, tinggal. to send, kirim. to bring, fcawa. Examples. To a ifa/a. Your house is very large Rumah tunku baniak besar. Your father is very old Ayahnda tunku tuah sangat. This is your horse Ini tunku punya kuda. To a respectable Chinese. There is a quantity of cloth in your shop Ada baniak kain-kain didalam baba punya kedei. When did you arrive ? Towkay bila sampeit Your elder brother is very rich Towkay punya abang baniak kaya. Your carriage and mine are alike Kreta baba dengan kreta sahaya ada MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. J 7 To a Malay Headman. There are a number of people in your house Ada baniak orang di-dalam rumah datoh. Four son is very strong Anak datoh baniak kuat. Where do you live ? Datoh di-mana tinggal t To a Malay of superior rank. What do you say to it ? Apa kata inche f Who told it to you ? Siapa bilang kapada inche ? Your elder sister has a great many fruit-trees Inche punya kakak ada baniak pokok buah. To a Sayyid or Haji. Where are you going to ? Tuan handak pergi ka-mana t What is your age ? Btr-apa 'umur tuan t I wish to talk a little with you Sahaya handak chakap sadikit dengan tuan. To Person* of inferior rank. Who are you ? Siapa kamu ? Is this yours? Angkau punya-kah inif Where is your house ? Di-mana rumah angkau ? Bring your hat Bawa topi s^ndiri. Where do you live? Di-mana tinggal t Have you got a light I Ada api? Why are you so late ? Apa buat lambat ini t When you were at the shop just now, who was there ? Apdbila angkau di k$dei tadi siapa ada di-situ t Exercise. Where is your shop 1 Is this your mother ? You and your brother were running. You are very stupid. Have you told your elder sister 1 Your son has arrived. Was it you who sent fruit ? What did you say to him 1 When will you go 1 You will bring a boat. You went to the jungle. 73 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. LESSON III SUBSTANTIVES. news, kkabar. workman, tukang, cat, kuching. rat, tikus. sugar, gula. needle, jarum. form, rupa. elephant, gajah. excellent, endah. careful, jimat Adjectives. worthless, burok. difficult, susah. To do, make, buat. To seek, chdhari. Verbs. To conceal, sembunyi. To find, obtain, dapat. On the Degrees of Comparison. One form of the comparative degree is similar in construction to the Hindustani comparative, that is to say, the object with which the comparison is made is put in the ablative case (by the use of the preposition deri or deri-pada), while the adjec- tive remains unmodified by adverb or particle. Thus the phrase "This house is larger than that," may be rendered Besar rumah HIS deri rumah itu (Yih ghar us ghar se bard hai). Examples. The rumour is better than the reality Endah khabar deri rupa. The Chinese workman is more skilful than the Kling Pandei tukang China deri tukang Kling, The cat is larger than the mouse Besar kuching deri tikus. This is better than that Baik ini deri-pada itu. {Note that the adjective always precedes the objects compared.) The comparative degree is also formed by the use of the MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 79 adverb lebeh or ter-lebeh, more, prefixed to the adjective, which is followed by the preposition deri or deri-pada. Hotter than before Lebeh panas deri dahulu. Sweeter than honey Lebeh manis deri gula. It is better to go than to remain Ter-lebeh baih pergi deri-pada tinqgal. The adverb lagi, more, is sometimes used instead of lebeh. You must make it larger Mahu buat besar lagt. This is better Lni lagi baih. Another form of comparison is constructed with the adverb korang, less, prefixed to the adjective ; as korang baik, not very good; korang biasa, inexperienced (lit. less accustomed). The superlative degree is formed in several ways : First, by making a comparison of universal application ; as This is the best (lit. tbis is better than all) Baik ini deri sumua. The finest needle of all Jarum yang lebeh halus deri-pada sumua-nia. The hardest of all to obtain Yang ter-lebeh susah men-dapat deri-pada sumua-nia. Secondly, by the use of the adverb sakali, very, exceedingly, after the adjective when the latter is preceded by the relative pronoun yang ; as The best Yang baik sakali. The worst Yang burok sakali. Such-a-one was the handsomest Yang elok sakali ei-anu. Thirdly, by duplication of the adjective, which then takes the particle sa before it ; as The quickest pace of an elephant is the slowest walk of a man Sa- chepat-chepat jalan-an gajah, sa-lanibat-lambat jalan-an orang. The very least Sa-korang -korang. Utterly and completely guilty Sa-penoh-penoh salah. The most just king Sa-adil-adil raja. With the greatest care Dengan sa-habis-habis jimat. You must look out for the very best article Handah chdhari yang sa- baik-baih-nia. He hides it with the greatest pains Di-sembunyi-kan-nia dengan sa- buleh-bulch-nia. 8o MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Exercise. My horse is better than your horse. These people are more stupid than those. The form of the horse is handsomer than that of the elephant. The men are more wicked than the women. The pace of the horse is swifter than that of the elephant. That woman is the handsomest, but this one is the wisest. His house is the worst of all. Bring the slowest elephant of all. The father is wiser than the child. It is better to bring the ox than the horse. LESSON IV. ON INTENSIVE S. Substantives. reception-hall, balei. room, bilek. stairs, tangga. a play, per-main-an. conduct, ka-laku-an. body, tuboh. head, kapalcu year, tahun. month, bulan. price, harga. country, nigri. queen, jyermeisuri. king, raja. minister, mantri. patience, sabar. Adjectives. ill, painful, sahit. cheap, morah. dear, mahal. wide, luas. astonished, heiran. thin, hurus. fat, gumoh illustrious, mulicu narrow, simpit, glad, suka. to see, lihat. to demand, minta. to be able, buleh. to hear, dengar. Verbs. to play, main. to look, tengoh to enter, masoh. to order, suroh, MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 8 1 On Intensives. To express an intensive degree the particle ter is prefixed to adjectives and adverbs; as ter-besar, very large; ter-huasa, very powerful ; ter-lebeh, most ; ter-lalu, excessively ; ter-lampau, surpassing ; ter-amat, most exceedingly. The adjective may also be intensified by duplication ; as ikan yang besar-besar, great big fish ; burong kechil-kechil, very small birds; negri jauli-jauh, far-distant lands; dia hard baik-baik, he understands very well The following adverbs are of frequent use in heightening the sense of words : baniak, very. amat, exceedingly. sangat, very. sakali, quite, most. ter-lebeh, most. ter-lalu, excessively. ler-langsong,) m { , ter-lampau, J ter-amat, most exceedingly. All of these precede the positive except sakali, which inva- riably follows it. Amat and sangat are also sometimes placed after the adjective which they qualify. It is common to use more than one of these words with the same adjective, just as we say " the very most." Examples. There were a very great number of people in the reception-hall Di balei itu ter-amat-lah baniak orang. His body was very thin Tuboh-nia sangat kurus. The performance was exceedingly pretty Sangat-lah chantek itu per- main-an. He was immensely astonished at seeing it Dia ter-lalu heiran me-lihat- kan. This year all fruit is very plentiful and cheap Tahun ini sagala buah- buah sangat-lah baniak dan morah harga-nia. You must be exceedingly patient Handaklah dengan sabar sangat. Very stupid in appearance Ter-lalu bodoh rupa-nia. The road is very bad Jalan itu burok sakali. Most exceedingly painful Yang ter-lebeh sangat sakit. It was a very large country Ter-lalu amat besar negri itu. His conduct was too bad Ter-lampau jahat ka-laku-an-nia. &2 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. The adjective maha, great, is similarly used ; as mafia besar, very great ; maha mulia, most illustrious ; maha kuasa, all- powerful. Exercise. He demanded a very high price. He is very ill. Your father was exceedingly wise. It is a very large river. I am very frightened. The water is very deep. Those Chinese are very wicked. The most illustrious and most mighty queen. The old man's cow is very thin. I was much surprised at hearing it. He brought some very big horses. Some very large ships have arrived. This month fish is very cheap. The room is very wide. The river was much too narrow, the ship could not enter. I have a very bad headache. LESSON V. Interrogative Sentences. In asking a question, the tone of the voice sometimes marks the interrogation sufficiently. Sometimes the interrogation is marked by the use of the particle -kah affixed to the emphatic word of the sentence. Sometimes the interrogative form of a sentence is shown by the use of such words as apa, what? siapa, who 1 ? ka-mana, where ? ber-apa, how many ? mana, who, which, how? bagei-mana, how ? apa sebab, ot\ apa buat, or > why ? mengapa ) Substantives. time, kali. rain, hujan. market, pasar. stone, batu. use, guna. iron, besi. steel, baja. tin, timah. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 83 lead, timah hitam. copper, tambaga. box, peti. kind, sort, macham. tobacco, tambakau. coffee, kahwalu tea, teh, cha. tea (dry), daun teh. tea (liquid), ayer teh money, wang. jacket, baju. trousers, saluar. Examples. What is the matter ? Apa korang ? What is to be done? (i.e., there is nothing to be done) Apa bulih buat t What is the use ? Apa guna ? Whence do you come? Deri-mana datang kamut Where are you going ? Ilandak pergi ka-mana ? Why did you not tell me sooner ? Apa buat ta'bilang dahulu t What do you say ? Apa kata kamu ? Why do ye run ? Mengapa kamu orang lari t Where did you get that? Di-mana-kah angkau dapat itu? Which tree shall I cut down ? Pokoh mana handak tebang How many days ago ? Bfrapa hari sudah f When was he at the market ? Bila-mana dia di pasar t Whose house is this ? Rumah ini siapa punya 1 Are there many Chinese in Patani? Baniak-kah orang China di Patani t Was it truly he who did it ? Sunggoh-kah dia yang buat 1 Is it this one or another / Ini-kah atau lain-kah ? Is it going to rain ? Ilandak hujan-kah ? What is the price of this ? BZrapa harga ini ? What is the news? (How goes it?) Apa khabart How could I dare to do it ? Macham mana saJiaya berani buat t Exercise. Where is my jacket 1 What did he say 1 Why do you come here ? Are there any dollars in the box 1 How many times has it rained this month 1 Whose tin is this *? Who brought this tobacco? Did you demand the money from his father! Whence did you obtain this news ? Did you order him to bring the coffee 1 How many miles (lit. sto?ies) is it to the market ? Shall I cut down this tree ? Have you seen that play 1 Who 84 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. was that who brought the fish? What kind of animal is that! When were you at the house 1 Why do they not enter ? Sometimes the word apa at the commencement of a sentence gives it an interrogative sense ; l as apa, tuan ta* makan daging karbau? do you not eat buffalo meat? apa tiada-kah suhar leher bangau itu ? what ! would not the stork's neck be incon- veniently long? apa tiada-kah tuan-hamba kenal akan bangau itu? does not my lord recognise that stork ? 2 LESSON VI. Formation of Negative Sentences: Tidak, no. Tiada, is not (are, was, were, do, did not, as, to be free. bcr- lambat, to be slow. bcr-labuh, to be at an- chor. bcr-naung, to be shel- tered. bcr-pcgavg, to hold. bc-rugi, to suffer loss. ber-scmbunyi, to be con- cealed. ber -takut, to be afraid. ber ubah, to undergo change. meng -ingat, to call to mind, remember. menjaga, to watch, to guard. mengelUirtg, to hem in, to go round. viengarja-kan, to work, effect, accomplish. mc'cpas, to set free. me-lambat, to retard. mc-labuh, to let fall, to auchor. mc-naung-i, to shelter, to shade, protect. mcmegavg, to take hold of, to seize. me-rugi-kan, to cause loss. menycmbunyi, to hide, conceal. menyakut-kan, to frighten meng-ubah, to change, to alter. Sixth, Notice must be taken of the common native habit (not one to be imitated by Europeans learning the language) of inserting in a sentence words which have no meaning to fill a temporary hiatus while the speaker is thinking of his next word. These prop-words or pillow-words, to borrow a Hin- dustani phrase, 1 are numerous in Malay and vary in different localities. Anu, bahasa-nia, misaP-nia, and kata-kan are some of those commonly used. Seventh, The following abbreviations are commonly em- ployed : Na* for handak ; sikit for sadikit ; auat for apa-buat ? why 1 j tc and fada for tiada \ pi and pegi (in Patani gi) for pergi. 1 The Hindustani term is sukhan-takya, from sukhan, a word, and takya a pillow. 3 Corresponding with the Hindustani maslan, which is used in a similar way. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. I 25 LESSON XXXI. Phrases of Politeness. Be pleased to . Sila, sila-lah, or sila-kan-lah. Please come into the house Sila-kan naik atas rumah. Be pleased to sit down on a chair Sila-kan duduk di-atas krusi. My house is not what it should be Rumali sahaya tiada dengan saperti- nia. Treat it as your own house ; don't stand upon ceremouy Buat-lah saperti rumah sendiri, jangan malu. I must beg leave to depart (lit. to rise) Sahaya handak minta diri-lah dahulu. Pray do as you wish ; take care as you go Sila-kan-lah. Jalan baik- baik. I crave permission to retire, as I wish to go home llamba luan handak mohun-lah dahulu handak balik. Very well (it does not matter) Ta y apa-lah. I must ask to be pardoned for going (style of the Court) Patek handak meng-ampun-lah dahulu. Very well Baik-lah. Pray come and see me often ; don't hesitate Mari-lah kerap-Mrap rumah sahaya, jangan-lah segan-segan. I am exceedingly pleased to have seen you at my house Sangat sudi sahaya tuan-tuan datang ber-tandang rumah sahaya. May your journey be safe Salamat jalan. May you remain in peace Salamat tinggal. There is something that I want ; it is to invite you to a trifling enter- tainment Ada hajat sadikit handak jamu makan sadikit ayer-aycr sejuk. I thank you exceedingly (lit. I accept a great favour from you) Sahaya baniak Urima kasih, or, simply, ttrima kasih. Are you well ? Tuan ada baik? How is so-and-so, who was ill the other day ? Apa khabar si-polan l yang sakit kalmarin itu ? He has quite recovered his former health Sudah sihat balik saperti scdia lama. Thanks to the favouring influence of your good fortune, we are free from all misfortune and sickness Dengan berkat tuah tuan tulong tiada-lah satu apa-apa mara-baliaya deri-pada sakit demam. 1 Polan, or fulan, such a one, probably from the Hindustani fulana, a word of Arab derivation. 126 manual of the malay language. Exercise. It is a long time since I saw you last. I did not know that you had arrived here. How did you come, by the river, or by the road ? How long do you intend to stay 1 Don't be in a hurry to return ; stay for a while, and recover from the fatigue of your journey. It is a pity that I did not know beforehand that you were coming. He is a most excellent old man, and it would be hard to find many like him. If nothing occurs to prevent it, I shall come and see you on Monday next. There is no necessity for writing a letter; if you let my clerk know, that will be sufficient. LESSON XXXII. Eeading and Writing. Malay is a language of which it is very easy to learn to speak a little. It is, however, very difficult to acquire the idioms of the natives. Bahasa Malayu itu mudah sakali di-dapat chahap sadikit-sadikit, tetapi Jiandak ikut saperti per-kata-an orang Malayu sendiri payah sakali. It is written from right to left, whereas English is written from left to right Tulis-an Jawi itu deri kanan bawa ka-kiri tulis-an Inggris deri kiri bawa kakanan. The letters employed are the Arabic letters Huruf-nia yang di-pakei itu huruf 'Arab. What do you call that in Malay ? Orang Malayu apa kata ini ? What is the name of this object in Malay ? Apa nama barang ini bahasa Malayu ? The pronunciation of Malay differs in different states Chakap orang Malayu itu lain sakali bunyi-nia di-dalam lam-lain tampat. His pronunciation is not good Chakap-nia ta' terus, or dia chakap pelet, or tilor. The Malays of that district have a flat pronunciation ; they say ap& for apa Orang Malayu negri itu leper chakap, handak kata apa di- kata-nia ape\ How do you spell that word ? Per-kata-an ini apa eja-nia t This word is not correctly spelt Per-kata-an ini ta betul eja-nia. You should read for at least two hours a day, and thus you will soon be MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 1 27 able to read fluently Patut-lah tuan membacha surat Jawi sa- korang-korang dua jam lama-nia pada tiap-tiap hari, lama-lama tuntu-lah buleh dapat bacha lanchar. Why do you undertake a thing and give it up when half finished ? Pcrkara itu apa sebab tuan td! mahu bafiagi habis, buat sa 1 kerat-kerat sahaja ? My son has learned to write Malay, and is now learning the Koran Anak sahaya sudah dapat tulis Jawi sakarang tengah meng-aji Koran. When he has read it through, he will commence to learn (Arabic) gram- mar Tatkala sudah khatam dia handak mengaji nahu. He chants the Koran very well Pandeijuga dia mem-bacha Koran. Exercise. I am not skilled in composition. He ordered the two writings to be compared. If he is diligent, he will soon get instruction. He has been attending school for ever so long, but he knows nothing. After reading the letter he put it away in a box. The raja ordered the letter to be read aloud in the assembly. How were these lines ruled? Just look over this letter and see if it will do. If you will permit me, I will take away this book to read it. His handwriting is exceedingly good. LESSON XXXIII. Housekeeping. There will be no one dining here to-day except the master and myself T ada orang lain makan di rumah hari ini, sahaya ber-dua dengan tuan sahaja. Tell the cook that last night's dinner was not at all good Choba bilang kapada tukang-masak makan- an sa-malam to' baik sakali masak-nia. What he put into the soup I don't know, but it had a nasty taste Apa- apa di-bubok-nia di-dalam tim itu ta! tahu-lah sahaya, rasa-nia maung sahaja. The rice, too, was burned, and no one could eat it Nasi pun hangus to 1 lalu (or buleh) orang makan. What is the price of fowls at the market ? Hayam Mr-apa harga di pasar t 128 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Full-grown hens as much as fifty cents each, half-grown fowls about twenty cents each, and capons so much a catty according to weight Kalau ibu hayam sampei lima kupang pun ada, hayam sedang agak- nia dua kupang sa' ekor, hayam kambiri (or kasi) ikut timbang-an kati. The milk-man has not come yet Btlum orang bawa susu lagi. Choose fish which is quite fresh. What we had yesterday was spoilt before it could be cooked Pilih ikan yang baharu. lkan kalmarin bclum sum pat di-masak lagi sudah busiik. Wait a moment. You must have breakfast ready every day at nine o'clock punctually, there must be no delay Nanti-lah dahulu. Sa-hari-hari mahu-lah sedia-kan hazri waktu pukul sambilan ta' buleh lambat lagi. Pour this oil into a jar Minyak ini tuang-lah di-dalam tempayan. Take care not to spill it Baik-baik jangan tumpah. Are the kitchen utensils complete, pots and pans, cocoanut scraper, stone for grinding spices, &c. ? Chukup-kah per-kakas-an dapor, prink, btfanga, kuali, kukur-an, batu giling rampah-rampah, dan Iain-lain- nia ? The only things wanting are basket-work frames for the cooking-pots, and a coffee-mill Yang ada korang sadikit lekar sahaja dengan kisar-an kahwa. I am tired of poultry Sahaya sudahje'mu makan daging hayam ilek. Exercise. Is the water boiling? Boil two eggs, but take care that they are not hard. What do you call this vegetable in Malay ? Tell some one to pull the punkah. This plate is dirty ; take it away and bring another. Pat the dish down upon that tray. Weigh the meat when it is brought every day. I have weighed the beef j there is half a catty too little. How many months did you work for that gentleman ? On what account did you leave % LESSON XXXIV. Preparations for Departure. I am going away to on Friday next Sahaya Iiandak ka-luar ka~ kampong anu pada hari juma'at yang datang ini. Pack up enough clothes for a few daj's Kemas-kan kain-kain mana chukup sampei dua tiga ampat hari lama-nia. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 1 29 You need not take so many ; I am not going for good TaHpayah bagitu baniak, talcan orang handak pergi langsong. Put all these clothes into a box Isi-lcan kain-kain ini surnua dalam peti. Will this go in ? Chelus-kah ini. No ; it is too big Ta'chelus, besar sangat. Three or four handkerchiefs and two pairs of socks Saputangan barang tiga ampat 'lei, sarong kaki dua pasang. Not this spotted neck-tie, but the striped one Bukan tali leher yang ber-rintik ini, ada lain yang ber-choring. Unfasten this cord Rungkei tali ini. Roll up that rug Gulong kain panas itu. Have everything taken down to the boat Bawa-lah turun ka-prahu barang-barang ini sumua. Put them into the bullock-cart Muat-kan di-atas kreta lumbu. Call the coolies, and tell them to take the things away PanggU kuli- kuli suroh angkat. We will stop to-night at Kampong which is the usual halting-place llari ini kita ber-malam di Kampong itu-lah tampat per-hinti-an deri salama-lama. Wrap a waterproof sheet round that bedding, so that it may not get wet Balut tikar bantal itu dengan kain-g2tah jangan di-kena basah. Set that box down here ; I want to take something out of it Letak-kan peti itu di-sini, sahaya malm ambil apa-apa di-dalam-nia. Put everything away again Simpan kambali sumua. What else is there (to detain us) ? Apa lagi kita f Exercise. Count all these clothes, and then put them away. At least one hundred people were waiting at the river-side. After waiting for several hours, no one came, so they were all disappointed. About midnight there was a great storm, with thunder and lightning. His shoulder was quite swollen, for he had never been in the habit of carrying a load on a stick. What have those two people been quarrel- ling about ? There is a great difference between these two things. 130 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. . LESSON XXXV. Ordinary Narrative Style. On the 5th inst., at three o'clock on Thursday morning Pada lima tarikh pukul tiga malam l Khamis. On Tuesday last about mid-day Pada hari Salasa yang sudah waktu tengah hari. I had just finished my breakfast, and was about to smoke a cigar Sahaya pun baharu Upas mdkan nasi tengah handak minum rokok. So-and-so came and felled me, saying that my uncle was very ill Datang-laJt, si-anu me-manggil kata-nia bapa penakan sahaya sakit saw/at. I said, " Let me lock the door of the house first, and then I will go with you" Rata sahaya biar-lah aku kunchi-kan pintu rumah dahulu, baharu-lah buleh pergi sama-sama. There is a single woman who lives in the house of her brother-in-law Ada-lah sa'orang verampuan yang duduk di rumah ipar-nia. All her property was carried off in the middle of the night, by thieves without the knowledge of the inmates of the house Barangbarang dia habis di-angkat penchuri tengah malam tiada orang rumah sedar. Search was made everywhere without success Di-cliahari rata tiada juga di-dapat-nia. While we were searching about we found a box thrown aside in the jungle Tengah chahari itujumpa sa' biji peti ter-champak di-dalam hutan. After that we got into the carriage again and returned home without stopping anywhere Lepas itu naik kreta pula pulang karumah t'ada singgah di-mana-mana. After that we watched for ever so long at the edge of the jungle Sudah- lah bagitu btr-apa lama pula kita meng-endap di-tepi hutan. At length, as no one appeared, and it was getting very late, we went home to bed Kemdian sa' orang pun t'ada kaluar hari pun sudah jahu malam jadi kita pun pulang-lah tidor. It is as well that I should tell you so, that you may not be ignorant of it Baik sahaya khabar-kan jangan-lah tuan la' tahu. Exercise. On Wednesday night at 9.30 p.m. He drove to the land- ing-place, took a boat and went on board the steamer. They 1 Among Huhammadans the day commences at sunset and the night is classed with the day which fol/orvs it. Thursday night, therefore, with them, includes our Wednesday night and part of Thursday morning. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 13 J were not permitted to land. I was just getting ready to re- turn when your messenger arrived. We left before daylight in the morning and did not return until after dark. Can we go there and back in a day 1 All the men who were with me were very tired. I said, " Very well, come to my house to- morrow morning at six o'clock." He seemed to be very weak, and walked with difficulty. LESSON XXXVL Buying and Selling. How much did you give for this ? BZr-apa tuan bUi ini t What is the balance remaining ? Tinggal baki-nia bh--apa ? Don't ask too much ; say exactly what you want Jangan-lah mahal san- gat, kata-lah betul-betul. I can't take that; it would not even cover my outlay Td buleh-lah tuan, ta' pulang modal sahaya. He paid an exorbitant price for it Dia btili dengan harga mahal ter- lampau. What is it worth ? B2rapa patut di-bayar harga-nia ? Whatever you may pay for it, I will repay to you Bh'-apa-apa harga yang angkau b8li ilu nanti sahaya bayar-kan. Have you no curiosities in your shop ? Tada-kah benda apa-apa yang pelik-pelik di-dalam kedei ini t I bought this article at auction Benda ini sudah sahaya tangkap dalam lelong. I did not venture to bid more Ta' Mrani sahaya tawar lebeh. I have always sold them for a dollar a-piece Yang sudah-sudah ini sahaya jual sa-ringgit satu. You must pay ready-money ; he will not give credit Mahu-lah mem- bayar tunei, ta' mahu dia mem-beri hutang. He was offered one hundred dollars for it, but would not part with it Sudah orang minta dengan harga sa-ratus rial td mahu juya dia lepas-kan. As long as it is a good article, I don't mind about the price Asal-kan barang yang baik sahaya td sayang pasal harga-nia. Examine it well lest there should be any defect in it Pdreksa-lah baik- baik takut ada chachat-nia apa-apa. Gutta-percha sells very well just now Getah baniak laku sakarang. This coin is not current here Wang ini ta' laku di-sini. 132 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Write down all the items and let me know what the total is Ttdis-laJi perkaraperkara satu-satu khabar-kan b%r-apa jhnlaJi-nia. There are ten dollars for you Nah! sa-puloh ringgit. This material is not to be surpassed either in excellence of quality or beauty of colour Ta lawan-lah kain ini dcri-pada baik sifat-nia dan clok warna-nia. It is both strong and thick Kukuh lagi tcbal. This colour does not fade Ta' turun warna ini. Exercise. How much are these plantains a bunch ? It is not worth a cent. I have searched all the shops without finding what I want. I offered him two dollars and a half, and after a time he agreed. He said he would guarantee the goods, and that you might return the whole if they are not in good order. There is a quantity of chaff in this rice. I have no copper money, be good enough to get me change for a dollar. This is not according to sample. Weigh it first and then put it away. Don't be uneasy ; you can trust this man. LESSON XXXVIL Building. When will your new house be finished ? Rumah tuan yang baharu itu bila akan sudah ? Not for a long time yet ; I am just getting the materials together Lamajuga lagi, tengah kumpul ramu-ramu-an. The floor and walls will be of plauk Lantei papan dinding pun papan. There will be four windows on each side opening down to the floor Sa~ bUah ampat jandela panjang ter-buka sampei di bendvl. The front door has steps (in front of it) Pintu di hadap-an ber- tangga. The length of the house is thirty-five feet and the breadth forty feet, including the verandah Panjang-nia rumah itu tiga-puhh lima kaki, buka-nia dengan sarambi ampat puloh kaki. The servants' houses have atap walls covered with samir or kajang matting Rumah orang gaji itu dinding-nia ikat atap apit samir atau kajang. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 1 33 This timber will not last long ; it will rot very quickly Kayu ini ta tahan lama, lakas nanti reput. These wooden posts will be planed as smooth as possible Tiang kayu ini nanti tukang iara buat lichin sakali. Make out a list of all the different timber you will require, such as posts, beams, joists, rafters, &c. Bual-lah kira-kira kayu-kayu yanghan- dakitu deri-padajerjak, rasuk, gelegar, kasau, dan lain-lam-nia. Measure the height from the floor to the top of the wall-plate Hukur- lah tinggi-nia deri lantei sampei ka-atas kapala-tiang . Those door-posts are not straight Ta' betvl jinang paha pintu itu. I shall fix lattice-work here for climbing plants to grow over Sahaya handak pukul papan jala-jala di-sini biar me-lata pokok bunga di- atas-nia. In how many days will you thatch it ? B&r-apa hari lagi mahu bubok atapJ Three thousand ataps will not be enough TV chukup-lah tiga ribu atap. Exercise. In former days the Raja of Kedah sent messengers to the Rajah of Perak with a letter. When the letter was opened and read in the assembly, in the presence of the Raja and the chiefs, its purport was found to be this single question only : " Which is the higher, Gunong Jerei or Gunong Bubu 1 " Now Gunong Jerei is a mountain in Kedah, and Gunong Bubu is a mountain in Perak. When the letter had been read, there was much excitement among the Perak people, for many thought that the message betokened war. For three days the Raja and the chiefs consulted together as to the nature of the answer which should be given to the Raja of Kedah. On the third day a letter was written in reply to this effect : " Gu- nong Jerei is the higher of the two, but Gunong Bubu is the greater." LESSON XXXVIII. Sewing. I want two or three jackets made Sahaya handak suroh buat baju dua tiga 'lei. I don't mind your taking some time about it, as long as the work is well done Biar lambat sadikit karja ta'apa, asal-kan dok jahit-an- 134 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. If it is not well done I will not take it Jikalau tdelok sahaya ta'mahu Vhima. Join these two pieces and sew them Dua 'lei ini kampuh-lah jahit. Tack it first and then sew it Jelujur-Iah jarang dahulu, lepas itu sakali jahit. Fell the seams close KUim tulang halus-halus. Don't let them ravel Jangan bahagi ka-luar benang. When you fell, fold the stuff wide and turn the edge well in, so that when it is washed the threads will not ravel Kalau kelim lipat kain baniak, masok-kan tepi ka-dalam, nanti waktu basoh bulu-nia tidak-lah ka-luar. Stitch the wristhand Ber-kiya hujong tangan-nia. Hem the border Tepi itu lipat jahit. To make the seam strong, don't run it, but sew it over Tulang it mahu buat kukuh jangan-lah jclujur, lilit ubi Sahara. Take those torn stockings and darn them Ambil sarong-kaki gang koyak itu jerumat-lah sadikit. That is very mueh torn and cannot be darned ; you must patch L hih baniak koyak kain itu radup ta'buleh kna tampong-lah. To gather (lit. pull the thread and make it pucker) Tarik benang bahagi kerudut. Why do you take such long stitches? I take three stitches where you take one. Cannot you sew closer? Kenapa jahit ini jarang sahaja, tiga penyuchuk kita satu penyuchuk dia, ta tahu-kah buat khap-kerap t Needles, Berlin wool, soissors, thimble, and a reel of white cotton Jarum, benang bulu kambing, gunting, sarong-jari dan benang puteh sd'kotak. Exercise. It happened once that two men had a dispute about a woman. One of them was a learned man and the other was a peasant who earned his living by cultivating his fields. Each asserted that the woman was his wife, and they went before the Kazi and stated their claims. The case was rendered all the more difficult by the refusal of the woman to say anything one way or the other. After hearing all the witnesses on both sides, the Kazi directed the woman to remain at hi*3 house and all the rest to retufn next day. All then saluted him and retired. On the following day, when the parties assembled, the Kazi delivered the woman to the learned man and sentenced the peasant to fifty stripes of a MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 1 35 rattan. When questioned afterwards as to his reason for this decision, the Kazi said, " This morning, in my house, I ordered this woman to fill my inkstand; this she at once did most expertly, like one accustomed to the task. Then I knew she must be the wife of the learned man, for what should the wife of a peasant know of inkstands 1 " All praised the Kazi for his wisdom, and his fame as a judge was spread far and wide. LESSON XXXIX. Sickness. I am not at all well To* sedap badan sahaya. For five or six days he has been unable to eat Sudah lima anam hari dia tcCbvleh makan nasi. What is the matter with him 1 Apa sakit-nia. His father has taken him into the country for treatment Bapa-nia sudah bawa naik ka-darat ber-ubat. He is a little better Ada-lah korang sadikit sakit-nia. When he was very ill the other day, many people thought that he would not recover Tatkala dia tengah sakit sangat dahulu itu baniak orang fikir tiada bvleh baik. I saw that he was very thin and his voice was very weak Sahaya lihat tuboh-nia sangat kurus, dia ber-chakap pun suara-nia perlalian sahaja. Where do you feel pain ? I am very weak and cannot get up Sa-bUah mana rasa sakit ? Sahaya leteh sakali talalu bangket. Open your mouth and put out your tongue Nganga hulur lidah. You had better take a purgative Baik makan pcnchahar. Let me feel his pulse Biar sahaya pegang nodi dia. He is suffering from fever Dia sakit demam panas. He is suffering from rheumatism and has pains in hia joints Dia sakit angin, rasa-nia sakit di sendi-sendi sumua. I will give you some oil of a certain kind which you must rub on his body every day till he is well Nanti sahaya bahagi minyak satu macham mahu di-urut tiap-tiap hari sampei hilang sakit itu. Mix this white powder with a little water, stir it and then drink it Serbuk puteh ini champor-lah dengan ayer sadikit kachau lalu minum. If the small-pox spreads the natives will all certainly leave their homes Kalaa me-larat penyakit chachar itu ter-tuntu lah lari habis ra'iyat 136 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. The fever called kapicdu is very dangerous and often ends fatally De- mam kapialu itujahat sangat k8rap juga bawa niawa. Cholera is the disease which is most dreaded Ta'un itu yang orang takut ter-lebeh sakali. Exercise. Di-kata-kan pada suatu hari Nabi Suleiman 'aleyhi-assalam dudiik di-atas takhta ka-raja-an dan an gin pun mem-bawa dia ka-atas di-udara dan sagala manusia dan jin yang tiada ter- bilang baniak-nia itu ber-jalan serta-nia maka 'ajaib Nabi Suleiman deri-pada ka-besar-an ka-raja-an itu maka laku-lah dalam hati-nia suatu nafsu pada katika itu dan karana itu mahkota jadi bengkok maka Nabi Suleiman sigra handak mem-betul-kan mahkota itu jadi makin bengkok dan jikalau sa-hingga tiga kali pun sudah handak di-betul-kan Nabi Su- leiman mahkota-nia itu tiada jadi betul sa-telah itu maka ber- kata-lah Nabi Suleiman, " Hei. mahkota, karana apa angkau tiada jadi betul ? " Maka mahkota itu dengan firman Allah ta'ala menyahut. " Hei, Suleiman, betul-kan hati-mu dahulu sapaya aku-pun jadi betul." 1 LESSON XL. To Illustrate the Use of Numeral Co-Efficients. 2 In that gentleman's house one piece of matting covers a whole room Rumali tuan itu m'bidatig tikar sahaja chukup satu bilek. They found in the hut five spears, one long kris, and nine muskets Di-jumpa di bangsal itu lembing lima batang, kris panjang sa-bilah dengan snapang &embilan*\)x\c\\ uk. See if you can get twenty-five fish-roes. How much are they a-piece? Chahari-lah telor terubuk dua puloh lima kampuh. Ber-apa harga- nia sa-kampuh ? She ordered a curtain to be hung before the doorway Di-suroh-nia gantong tirei sa-labuh di muka pintu. 1 This and the following exercise are extracts from the T^j-assalatin. 2 See supra, p. 70. MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 137 That bunch of plantains contains about ten rows Di-dalam sa-tandan pisang itu agak-agak sapuloh sikat. I said I wanted to buy ten cakes of wax Rata sa/taya, sahaya mahu b%li lilin sa-pvloh tampang. The child was wearing a coral necklace round her neck Budak itu ada pakei sa-labuh merjan di lelicr-nia. How many yards of cloth are there in a piece ? a-kayu kain itujadi ber-apa da 1 l How many ataps can one person make in a day ? Satu orang Mr-apa mengkawan buleh semat atap pada sa'hari ? The buffalo destroyed six sugar-cane plants and a quantity of lemon- grass plants Sudah di-makan kerbau ttbu anam rumpun dengan serei ta'tuntu baniak rumpun -nia. He planted seven or eight young trees in front of the house Di-tanam- nla di-hadap-an rurnah anak pokok kayu tujoh delapan perdu. It was a pretty thick book, containing about two hundred sheets Tcbal juga kitab itu ada lebeh korang dua ratus kajang kartas. I have bought a casting-net to take home with me Sahaya sudah beli jala sa'utas (or sa'rawan) handak baua pulang ka tampat sahaya. He tied three threads round his stomach Di-ikat-nia tiga urat benang di ph-ut-nia. Pick two or three jasmine blossoms, and about ten sprays of that red flower Pttik-lah bunga melor dua tiga kutum dengan bunga merah itu barang sa-puloh tangkei. Exercise. Di cheritra-kan deri-pada Sultan Iskandar bahwa sa-hari duduk dengan chinta-nia dan tiada kaluar deri-pada astana-nia maka Jalinus Hakim masok mengadap Sultan Iskandar lalu lihat dia duduk ber-chinta maka iya-pun ber-tanya deri-pada- nia "apa chinta Sultan itu bahwa Sultan tiada kaluar deri- dalam astana?" maka Sultan Iskandar ber-sabda " chinta-ku deri-pada itu-lah yang dunia ini tiada baniak dan karana suatu ka-raja-an dunia ini yang tiada ber-apa ada-nia aku menyusah- kan diri-ku dan sagala orang yang lain maka deri-pada pekarja- an yang sia-sia ini-lah aku jua ber-chinta " maka sembah Hakim itu "Benar-lah bichara Sultan itu karana apa garangan dunia dan ber-apa dunia ini bahwa Sultan menyusah-kan diri-nia karana ka-raja-an itu yang sia-sia tetapi ka-raja-an dunia ini 1 Ela, yard, from the Dutch el. 1 38 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. ada suatu tanda deri-pada maha besar ka-raja-an akhirat itu yang tiada ber-ka-sudah-an ada-nia dan yang Sultan dapat ber-uleh deri-pada pe-karja-an ka-raja-an dunia ini dengan sa-sunggoh-nia sapaya Sultan men-dapat ka-raja-an akhirat itu yang sagala yang tiada buleh di-kira-kira-i ka-besar-an- nia itu " maka suka-lah Sultan Iskandar deri-pada kata-nia dan bichara-nia yang baik itu. ( 139 ) APPENDIX TO PART IV. MUHAMMADAN MONTHS. 7- Rejab. 8. a'aban. 9- Ramazan. IO. Shawal. II. Zul-ka'adah. 12. Zul-hajah. 1. Muharram. 2. Safar. 3. Rabia-clarual. 4. Rdbia-d-akhir. 5. Jumad-el-awal. 6. Jumad-el-akhir. Days of the Week. Sunday, Ahad, lit. "the first." Monday, Isnein or Senein, lit. "the second," Tuesday, Salasa, lit. " the third." Wednesday, Arba'ah or TfaJu, lit. "the fourth." Thursday, Khamis, lit. "the fifth." Friday, Juma'at, lit. " the congregation." Saturday, Sabtu, lit. " Sabbath." Periods of Prayer. 1. Maghrib, a few minutes after sunset. 2 'ZsAa, evening, after dark. 3. Suhh, daybreak. 4. Lohor, or Dluhr, between noon and I P.M. 5. Asr, afternoon, midway between noon and nightfall Malay Phrases for Divisions of Time. 1. Belum terbany lalat, "Before the flies are astir," just before day* break. 2. Pechahpanas, " When the heat commences," sun-up. 3. Ktring ambun, " When the dew dries," about 8 a.m. 140 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 4. Tengah naik, " When the sun Is half-way," 9 a.m. 5. TvZih tenggala, " When the plough is idle." l 6. Tengah hari tfpat, " Mid-day exactly," imon. 7. liambang, " Right in the middle" (ie., the sun in the sky), noon. 8. Buntar membayang, "When the shadows are rouud " (i.e., when your shadow is round your feet), noon. 9. Ber-alis hari, "When the day changes," afternoon. 10. Lepas ba'adah, and lepas ba'adah salah, " After (Friday's) prayers (in the mosque)." about 1.30 P.M. 11. Turun kcrbau be-rendam, "When the buffaloes go down to the water," about 5 P.M. 12. Jindera budak, "When the children have gone to sleep," about 10 P.M. Malay Proper Names. The proper names common to the whole Muhammadan world, many of which are Hebrew also, are in use among the Malays. It is common, however, to abbreviate them in a manner peculiarly Malay. For example, " Muhammad " is shortened to " Mat," " Ibrahim " becomes " Brahim " and "Him," and for " Isahak," "Sahak" and "Ak" are often heard. Certain names are also in use, which, either used by them- selves or prefixed to other proper names, show the relative seniority of a person in his or her family. In Kedah, Penang, &c, three of these are commonly used, " Long" " Ngah" and "Busuk:" Long is equivalent to Sulong, " eldest," Ngah is equivalent to Tengah, " middle," Busuh is equivalent to Bongsu, " youngest. n In Perak seven of these names are in use : 1. Long. 5. Pandah. 6. Uda. 7. Utih. 1 Tulih tinggala muda is about 9 a.m., and tulih tinggala tuah about II A.M. 2. Ngah. 3. Alang. 4- MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. 4] Weights and Measures. 1 6 tahil, ioo kati, 3 pikul, 40 pikul, 12 saga, 16 may am, 12 bungkal, Goldsmith's Weight. 4 ckupak, . 10 gantang, \(> gantang, 160 gantaw/, 5 kuncha/i or 800 ber-kawan, ber-teman, menyerta. Accomplish, to, Iiabis-kan, meng- habis-kan, menyampei-kan, sudah- kan, menyudah-kan, sampei hajat. Accost, to, tegor, siapa-kan, meny- apa-kan. Accounts, kira-kira, hitong-an, bi- lang-an. Accuse, to, tudoh. Accustomed, blasa. Ache, sakit, sakit-an, senak. Acknowledge, to, aku, mcngaku. Acquire, to, ber-uleh, dapat, men- dapat. Act, buat-an, karja, pe-karja-an. Active, chepat. Add, to, tambah, menambah ; (to cast up) jumlah-kan. Adjourn, to, tangguh. Admirable, endah. Admire, chengang. Adopt, to, angkat. Adrift, ter-hanyut. Adultery, zinali. Advantage, faidah, laba. Adversity, chelaka, bala, ka-susdhc* Advice, pcng-ajai-au. Affair, perkara. Affection, kasili, kasih-an. Afraid, takut. Aft, di burit-an. After, Upas, Mlakang. Afterwards, kcmdian, ba'ad After-birth, uri, tcmbuni. Again, lagi-sakali, pula, kambali. Age, l umur. Agent, wakiL Ago, sudah. Agree, janji, mufakat, sa-tuju ; (suit) rasi, sarasi. Ague, demam-kura. Ahead, di-hadap-an, di-muka, di- hali -an Aid, ( i long, menulong, bantu, mem- bantu. Aim, t<>, tembak, menembak, tuju, menuju. Air, hawa. Alarmed, ter-kejut. Alight, hinggap. All, sumua, sagala, sakali-an. Allow, biar, bevi, kasih. Allure, bujuk, mem-bujuk. Almighty, maha-kuasa. 144 MANUAL OF THF MALAY LANGUAGE. Almost, liampir, dtkat, niiiris. Almond, badam. Alms, darma, sudaka/i. Aloes-wood, gaharu, kayu-galiaru. Alone, sa-orang, bujang, tunggal. Also, juga. Alter, to, ubah, mcng-ubali, tukar, menukar. Alum, tawas. Always, sa-lalu, sa-nantiasa, sa lama-lama-nia. Ambassador, utusan, pSsuroh. Amid, di-dalam, cdati^ href a. Carve, to, ukir. Cascade, ayev tcrjun, aytr lata. Cash, wang tunci. Cashew -apple, jangsus, gajus. Cask, pipa, tong. Cast, to, (fling), lempar, lotar ; (shed), tanggal-kan. Casting-net, jala. Castor-oil, minyak jaralc. Cat, kuching. Catch, to, tangkap, menangkap. Caterpillar, ulat. Cause, sabab, karana. Cave, goaJi. 'Cede, to, s?rah, menyhrah. Celebrated, mcjah, mashur. Censer, peraaap. Census, banchi. Centipede, lipan, alipan. Centre, pcr-tcngah-an, pusat. Certain, tuntu. Certainly, naschaya, tuntu, sunggoh- sunggoh. Certify, to, menuntu-kan, menyata- kan. Chafe, to (shampoo), urut. Chaff, sek tm. Chain, rantei. Chair, krus : . Chalk, kapur. Challenge, 10 (as a sentry), tcgor, menyapa-kan. Chamber, bilck. Chance, untong, nasib. Change, to, tukar, menukar, ubah, ber-ubah; (clothes), salin-kan ; (turns), gilir, men-gilir. Chapter, perkara, fasal. Character, pakerti. Charcoal, arang. Charge, to (accuse), tudoh. Charity, saddkah. Charm, spell, mantra, jampi ; (to wear), 'azimat, tangkal. Chase, to, hambat, he jar ; (hunt), buru. Chat, to, ber-bmoci. Cheap, morah. Cheat, to, tipu, kcchek. Cheek, pipi. Cheese, panir (Hind.), keju (Dutch). Chess, chatur. Chest, box, peti, saharah; (thorax), dada. Chew, to, mamak. Chicken, anak ha yam. Chief, headman, orang brsar, datoh, peng-hulu. Child, anak. Chin, dagu. Chintz, kain chit. Chisel, pahat. Choke, to, lemas ; (throttle), chtkek. Choose, to, pileh. Chop, to, chinchang. Christ, Nabi ha. Christian, Nasarani, Sarani. Chronicle, charitra, hakayat. Church, greja. Cinder, bara. Cinnamon, kayu-manis. Circumcise, to, sunat-kan. Circumcision, sunat, khatan. Citron, limau, jeruk. City, negri. Civil, ber-budi. Civility, adab, supan. Civet-cat, tausang jebat. Clasp, to, peluk, memeluk, dakap. Claw, kuku; (talon), chakar Clay, tanah-liat. Clean, bersih, suchi. Clear, Urang, hening, jerneh. Cleave, to, (split), belah. Clerk, jurutulis, kcrani. Clever, pandei. Climb, to, 2>anjat, daki; (as a plant), me-lata. Clock, jam. VOCABULARY. 149 Close, to, tulup, rapat-kan, mcnutup- Tcan. Cloth, kain. Clothes, pakei-an. Cloud, awan, pokok. Cloudy, redup. Clove, bunga - chingkei, bunga- lawang. Coal, batu-arang ; (live), bara. Coarse, kasar. Coast, pantei, pasisir. Coat, baju. Coax, to, bujuk, mem-bujvk. Cobweb, sarang lawa-lawa. Cock, hayam-jantan, hayam-lcukuh. Cock's-comb, balong. Cockfight, sabong, menyabong. Cockpit, galanggang. Cockroach, Upas. Cocoanut, nior, Tccdapa; (shell), tempurong; (husk), sahut; (emul- sion), santan; (oil), miniak kalapa. Coffee, kahwah. Coffin, karanda, lang. Coil, to, lilit. Cold, spjuk ; (in the head), sardi (Hind.), sclesimah. Collar, leher. Collect, to, impun, kumpul. Colour, warna. Comb, sisir, sikat ; (to comb the hair), klrai. Combine, to, pakat, mufakat. Come, to, mari, datang; (in), masok. Comet, bintang-ber-ekor. Comfort, hibor. Command, to, suroh, Utah. Commission, to, pasan. Common, ka-baniak-an. Compact, pcr-janji-an. Companion, tertian, kawan, taulan. Compare, to, banding-kan. Compass, mariner's, jiandoman. Compasses, jangka. Compassion, kaxi/ian, bVlas, rahamat. Compensate, to, balas, mem-balas. Complain, to, adit, meng-adu. Complaint, peng-adu-an. Complete, to, semporna-kan. Complexion, sri-muka, ayer-muka. Compliments, tabek. Compose, to, karang, mengarang. Concern, karja, perkara. Concubine, gundik. Condemn, to, hukum-kan. Condiment, lank, sambal, hulam. Conduct, ka-laku-an. Conduct, to (lead by the hand), pimpin. Confess, to, mevg-aku. Confiscate, to, rampas. Confront, to, sa-mnkd-kan. Confused, ter-kachau. Confusion, haru-hara. Congregation, juma'a. Conjure, to, sulap. Conjuror, penyulap. Conquer, to, menang, alah-kan. Consent, to, tuvut. Consider, to, kenang. Constable, mata-mata. Contagious, bcr-jangkit. Contend, to, laioan. Content, pitas, puas-hati. Contents, isi. Contraband, larang-an. Contract, pcr-janji-an. Contradict, to, lawan chakap, bcr- tingkar. Convalescent, semboh, bctah. Convenient, patut, senang. Convert, martad. Convulsions, sawan. Cook, to, masak, mcmasak ; (boil rice), tanak, menanak. Cool, sejuk. Copper, tambaga. Copy, salin, tint ; (model), U-ladan. Coral (rock), karang; (precious), mar jan. *5 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Cord, tali. Cork (stopper), sumbat, pcnyum- bat. Coriander, katumbar. Corner, che'roh, buchuk, penjuru. Corpse, mayat. Cost, harga. Cot, katil. Cotton, kapas, kabu-kabu. Cough, batok. Council, majlis. Count, hitong, bilang, kira. Counterfeit, lanchong, ptira-pura. Country, benua, nrgri. Couple, sa-pasang, sa-jodo. Course (direction), arah, tuju. Court, balei bichara. Cousin, sa-pupu. Cover, to, tudong. Covetous, kikir, loba, haloba. Covey, kaican. Cow, lumbu-betina. Coward, penyakut. Crab, ketam. kapiting. Crack, retak. Cradle, buayan. Cramp, semut-semnt-an ; (in the stomach), senak. Crawl, to, mcrangkah. Cream, kapala-susu. Create, to, men-jadi-kan. Creation, ka-jadi-an. Creep, to, lata, me-lata. Crevice, chelah. Crew, anak prahu. Cricket, chingkrek, riyang. Crocodile, buaya. Crop, to (cut off), kerat-kan, me- rampong. Crooked, bengkok, lengkok; (wind- ing), ber-kelo-kelo. Cross (sulky), merajuk, muka- masam. Cross, to (water), menyabe'rang. Crossed (lying across), ter-lentang ; (having lines crossing), ber-silang- silang. Cross-road, sempang. Crow, gagak; (crow, to), ber-kuku. Crown, makuta ; (of the head), ubun-ubun. Cruel, bingis. Crush, to, hanchur. Cry, to, mcnangis, ber-tifo'iaJc. Cucumber, timun. Cultivate, to, tanam, buat. Cultivation, tanam-tanam-an. Cunning, cherdek. Cup, manjkok. Curd, dadeh. Cure (remedy), vbat, penawar ; (cure, to), semboh-kan. Curious, endah, pelik. Curly, as hair, kerenting. Current, harus. Curry, gtdei, lauk. Curse, a, per-sumpah-an ; (curse, to), sumpah-kan. Curtain, tirei, iabir; (mosquito), kalambu. Curved, bengkok, lengkok. Cushion, bantal, chiau. Custard-apple, sri-kaya. Custom, 'adat ; (excise), chukei. Cut, to, potong, terat, tetas ; (fell trees), tebang ; (underwood), tebas ; (a wound), luka, Hang, Cymbals, cherachap. Cypher, angka. D. Dagger, kris. Daily, sa-kari-hari. Damaged, rosak. Damask (on a weapon), pamvr Damp, basah, lembab. Dance, to, tari, menari. Dancer (public), joget. Dandriff, daki. Danger, bahaya. VOCABULARY. 151 Dare, to, bSrani. Dark, gelap, kZlam. Darn, to, sulam, menyulam. Dash against, to, banting. Date, tarikh; (fruit), kurma. Daughter, anak perampuan ; (in law), menantu perampuan. Dawn, cherah, dina-hari. Day, hari; (daylight), siang ; (day and night), siang malam; (day- break), fajr, dina-hari; (day of judgment), hari kiamat. Dead, mati, mampus; (of a royal personage), mangkat. Deaf, tvli, pekak. Dear, kakasih; (costly), mahal. Death, ka-mati-an, maut. Debt, hutang, piutang. Debtor, orang ber-hutang. Decayed, reput, busuk. Deceive, to, tipu, mcnipu. Declare, to, menyatakan. Decree, hukum. Deed, buat-an, per-karja-an. Deep, dalam. Deer, rusa ; (mouse-deer), pelan- duk. Defeat, to, alah-kan. Defile, to, kotor-kan, chamar-kan. Degree, pangkat, martabat. Deity, tuhan, AUah; (Hindu), dewa, dewata. Delay, lambat. Delegate, to, wakil-kan. Delirious, to be, ber-igau-igau, meng- igau. Deliver up, to, s8rah, menyZrah. Deluge, bah, ayer bah. Demand, to, (claim), tuntut,menuntut. Demon, hantu, bota, jin. Dented, sumbing. Deny, to, sangkal, menyangkal, mungkir. Depart, to, pergi, ber-angkat. Dependency, jajahan, ta'aluk. Deposit, to, taroh, kirim. Depth, dalam. Descend, to, tumn, menurun. Descent, turun-an, ka-turun-an. Desert, gurun, hutan ; (merit), pa- hala. Design, desire, kahandak. Despair, putus harap. Despise, to, meng-hina-kan. Destroy, to, binasa. Devil, sheitan, iblis. Devour, to, makan, makan habis ; (swallow), Ulan. Dew, ambun. Dial-bird, morai. Diagonal, lentang-bujor. Dialect, bahasa, chara. Diamond, intan. Diarrhoea, chirk. Die, to, mati, mampus; (of a Mussul- man), pulang ka rahmat Allah, lit. returned to the mercy of God. Differ, to, ber-lain, ber-beda. Difference, per-lain-an, beda, per- beda-an, pewat. Different, lain. Difficult, payah, susah. Dig, to, gali, korek. Dim, kZlam, kabur. Dip, to, (in a condiment for eating), chichah; (to dye), chelup. Direct, straight, betul, lurus. Dirt, chamar, sampah. Disappear, to, liniap, hilang, ghraib. Discard, to, tolak-kan. Discharge, to, me-lepas-kan. Disciple, murid. Discover, to, dapat, men-dapat. Disease, penyakit. Disembark, to, naik darat. Disgraceful, keji. Disguise, samar. Dish (china-ware), piring, pinggan ; (native, of metal), cheper, hidan- gan I 5 2 .MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Disloyal, derhaka. Dismiss, to, buang, mc-lepas-kan, kaluar-kan. Disorder, haru-hara. Dispersed, pec/tah-be'lah. Dissolve, to, luluh, hanchur. Distant, jauh. Distil, to, kukus. Distinct, th'axg. Distress, ka-susahan. District, mukim, dairdh. Ditch, parit. Dive, to, selam, men y clam. Divide, to, mcmba/tagi. Divine, to, teleh, meiwUJi. tenting. Divorce, cherei; (to divorce), cherei- kan ; (to be divorced), ber-chcrci. Dizzy, pcning. Do, to, buat, mem-buat. Doctor, bomor, tukang ubat. Dog, aiijing. Dollar, ringgit. Done, finished, mdaJi. Door, pint u. Doubt, shak, khuatir. Doubtful, tiada t\ Dove, tekukur, balam. Draft, of a document, rauchuitu. Drag, to, held, hcrut, scrct. Dragon, naga. Dragon's blood, jernang. Dragon-fly, bari-bari. Drain, parit, saluran. Draw, to, (pull), tarik, hela. Dream, mimpi. Dress, pakei-an. Drift, to, hanyut. Drill, baris. Drink, to, minum. Drive, to, (a carriage), lari-kan kreta ; (away), halau, halau-kan. Drop, titek. Drop, to, (as a fluid), menitck ; (to fall prematurely), gugur; (as ripe fruit), JuroA; (to let fall) labuh-kan. Drought, kamarau. Drown, to. Umas. Drum, gendang, rabana. Drunk, mabuk. Dry, kering. Dry, to, jemur. Duck, itek. Due, proper, patut. Due, tribute, chukei. Dumb, bisa, kelu. Dung (manure), baja. Dust, habu. Duty, import, chukei, hasil. Dwarf, chabvl. Dwell, to, diam, tinggal. Dye, to, chelup. Dysentery, chirit-darah. Each, masing-masing. Ear, telinga. Ear-ring, kerabu, anting - anting ; (worn by unmarried girls), subang. Early, siang. Earnest- money, pan jar, chinkh'am. Earth, tanah, bumi. Earthenware, tembi/car. Earthquake, gumpa. Earth-oil, miniak tanah. Earthworm, chaching. East, mata-hari naik, timur Easy, mudah. Eat, to, makan; (of a royal person- age), santap. Ebb, surut. Ebony, kayu-arang. Eclipse, grahana. Economical, jimat. Edge, tepi ; (sharp), mata. Educate, to, pelehra, ajar. Eel, bUut. Egg, tllor. Egg-plant, tZrong. Elbow, siku. VOCABULARY. 153 Elder brother, abang. Elder sister, kakak. Eldest child, sulong. Elephant, gajah; (howdah), kop ; (goad), kuasa ; (driver), gamhala gajah; (paniers), rengka; ( hobbl es), sengkala; (tusk), gading; (trunk), belalei. Elephantiasis, untut. Embankment, batas. Embark, to, naik kapal. Embrace, to, peluk, dakap. Embroider, to, soji. Emerald, zamrud. Emissary, pcnyuroh. Empty, kosoug, Itanipa. Employment, pe.r-kavja-an. Enclosed, ber-kdUing. End, ka-sudah-an. Endeavour, to, choba. Endure, to, tahan. Enemy, musoh, satru. Enmity, binrhi-an. Enough, sudah, chukup. Enigma, tekak-leki. Enquire, to, tanya, panksa. Entangled, ter-sanyknt. Enter, to, masok. Entertain, to (offer hospitality), men-jamu. Entertainment (feast), jamu-an, kanduri. Entrails, isi-pe'rut. Envelop, to, balut. Envy, dingkl. Epilepsy, sawan-babi. Equal, sama, sa-tara. Equally, sama-rala. Equip, to, langkap. Erase, to, kikis, parang. Erect, to, mem-ban gkct -kan . Escape, to, lari ; (flea from dan- ger), melari-kan niawa, membawa diri. Escort to, aniar-kan. Establish, to, me-lctak-kan, mm- diri-kan, tegoh-kan. Esteem, to (prize), endah-kan. Estimate, nilai. Estuary, kuala. Eternity, kakal, baka. Even (of numbers), ganap ; (level), rata. Even, likewise, juga, pun. Evening, ptlang. Ever, pernah. Evidence, ka-niata-an. Evil, jahat, nakal. Evil, calamity, mara-bahaya, bala, chelaka. Ewe, kambing-betina. Exalt, to, per-tinggi-kan, mcm-bcsar- kan. Examine, to, pdreksa. Example, teladan. Exceed, to, lampau, lalu-i. Except, hania, mc-lain-kan. Excess, surplus, ka-hbcning. Gift, hadia, pcmbcri-an. Gild, to, chelop, sador. Gills, of a fish, isang. Gimlet, gurdi. Ginger, halia. Girdle, tali-pi nggang. Girl, budak. Girth, tali-pZrut. Give, to, beri, kasih : (back), pn- lang-kan, membalik-kan. Gizzard, ampcdal. Glad, suka, suka-chita. Glass, kacha. Gleau, to, pungut. Glitter, to, kilau, mcng'dau. Glorious, midia. Glory, ka-m;'!; Indulge, to, JcasiJi, pandang. Iudustrious, rajin. Infectious, jangkit, bcr-jangkit-an. Infidel, kafir. Infirm, lemah, leteh. Inform, to, b%ri-tahu, me-ma'alum- kan. Informer, penudoh. Inhabit, to, duduk, dlam. Inhabitants, isi-negri. Inheritance, pusaka. Inhuman, bingis. Injure, to, rosak-kan, binasa-kan. Ink, daivat, tinta. Inkstand, tampat-dawat. Inland, hulu, davat. Inquire, to, tanya, pareksa. Insect, benatang. Insert, to, masok-kan, s8lip. Insignia, regalia, perkakas-ka-raja- an. Insipid, tawar, maung. Instant, sa'at, sa-kejap, sa-buntar. Instead, ganti, alih-alih. Instruct, to, ajar, meng-ajar-kan, meng-aji-kan. Instructor, guru, pengajar. Instrument, alat, perkakas-an. Intend, to, maliu, handak, niat-hati. Intercept, to (cut off), kZpong. Interest, bunga. Interior, dalam ; (of a country), hulu, darat. Interfere, to, masok-mulut. Interpret, to, salin-kan, turun-kan bahasa lain; (into Malay), jawi- kan, men-jawi-kan. Interpreter, juru-bahasa. Interval, selang. Intestines, isi-p%rut. Intoxicated, mabuk. Inundation, ai/er bah. Invade, to, lawjgar, me-langgar. Invent, to, meng-ada-kan. Invention, hikmat. Invisible, batin. Invite, to, panggil, sila-kaiu Invulnerable, kebal, pUias. Iron, besi. Irony, sindir. Island, pulau. Issue, to, ierbit. Itch (the), kudis ; (to), gatal. Ivory, gading. Jack-fruit, nangka. Jackal, sri-gala. Jacket, bqju. Jar, tempayan, buyong. Jargon, bahasa kachau-kan. Jasmine, malati, melur. Jealous, chemburu. Jealousy, chemburu-an. Jetty, jambatan, pelantar. Jew, Yahudi. Jewel, permata. Join, to, hubong, meng-hubong-kan. Joint, buku, ruas, sendi. Joke, lawah, gurau, saluroh, gonja. Journey., per-jalan-an ; (hy sea), pelaiar - an ; (provisions for a), bakal, bekas. Joy, ka-suka-an, suka-hati, ber-suka- suka-an. Judge, hakim. Judgment, sangka, rasa; (to de- liver), putus hukum; (day of), harikiamat. Jug, a, buyong. Juggle, to, sulap, balik-mata. Juggler, penyulap. Juice, aycr ; (of plants), getah. Jump, to, lompat, ber-lompat; (down), terjun. Junk, jong, wangkang, top. Just, i adil. Just now, tadi, baharu-ini, baharu- tadi. Justice, ka-'adil-an. x6o MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Keel, lunas. Keep, to, simpan, mon/impun. Keepsake, tanda hay at. Kernel, isi. Kettle, cherek. Key, anak kunehi. Kick, to, sepak, tendang. Kid, anak kambing. Kidneys, buah pinggung. Kill, to, bunoh, membunoh. Kiln, tenur. Kind, affectionate, ber-lasih. Kind, sort, bangsa, ji Kindle, to, chucltuk, jnisang-api, pUakut-api. Kindred kaum, kulawarga. King, raja. , (smell), chiutn. Kitchen, dapor. Kite, (bird), halang, lang ; (paper), wait, layang-layang. Kitten, anak kuching. Knee, lutut. Kneel, to, berdiri-lutut ; (as an ele- phant), Urwm. Knee-pan, tempurong- lutut. Knife, pisau. Knitting, aniam, vajut. Knock, to, kUok, pukul. Knot, simp id. Know, to, tahu, kenal. Knuckle, buku-jari. L. Labour, karja, usahu. Labourer, kuli, orang-gaji. Lad, budak. Ladder, tangga. Ladle, scndok, gay on g ; (to ladle out), chedok. Lad}', tuan, siti, indie. Lace, gold or silver, rendu. Lake, tasek, danuu. Lamb, anak-biri. Lame, tempang, chapik. Lament, to, ratap, meratap, menan- gis; (regret), menyesal. Lamp, palita. Lance, lembing, tombak. Land, tanah, darat; (padi-land), sawah, tanah bendang ; (garden - land), tanah kampong. Lancet, taji. Lane, lurong. Language, bahasa, chara. Lantern, tanglong. Lap, pangku, riba. Larboard, kiri. Large, besar. Last, to, tahan, menahan. Last, hindmost, yang belakang, su- kali, akhir; (last night), sa- in alum. Late, akhir; (at nights, jauh malum. Lath, kasuu, luntei. Lattice-work, gisi-gisi. Laugh, to, tertuwu, geluk. Laugh at, to, (deride), menggonju-kun. Law, hukum, undang-undang. Lawn, hulamun. Lawful, halal, hums. Lawyer, wukil. Lay, to, (set down), bubok, letuk, me-letuk-kun ; (wager), ber-turoh; (an egg), ber-telor. Lazy, mulus, segun. Lead (the metal), timuh hitum. Lead, to (by the hand), pimpin; (guide), tunjuk-kun, pandu-kun, hantur-kun. Leaf, daun; (of paper), hulei, lei, kujung. Leaky, bochor, tiris. Lean, thin, kurus. Lean, to (rest against), sundar, menyandur. Leap, to, lomput, me-lomput; (down), terjun. Learn, to, bclajar; (religion), ment/o/i. Learned, pundei, 'alim. VOCABULARY. 161 Leather, kulit, belidang. Leave, permission, izin. Leave (to quit), tinggal-kan. Leech, lintah; (forest), pachat. Leeward, di-bawah angin. Left, Jciri. Left (remaining), sisa. Leg, kaki; (thigh), paha; (from knee to ankle), betis ; (calf), jan- tong-betis. Lend, to, beri-pinjam. Length, panjang, lanjut. Lengthways, bujur. Leprosy, Jcusta. Less, Jco)ang. Let (to allow), biar ; (hire), beri- sewa. Let off, to (fire - arms), pasang, chuchuh, me-letup-kan ; (forgive, discharge), ampun-Jcan, me-lepas- kan. Letter, surat Tcirim-an. Level, rata. Liar, pem-bohong. Liberal, morah-hati. Liberate, to, lepas-kan, mardahika- kan. Lick, to, jilat. Lid, tudong ; (eye-), kelopak-mata. Lie, falsehood, bohong. Lie down, to, baring, tidor. Life, niawa, jiwa, hayat. Lift, to, angkat, meng-angkat. Light, bright, chahya, terang ; (not heavy), ringan. Light (to kindle), chuchuh, pasang ; (to guide with a torch), svloh, menyvloli. Lighter, tongkang. Lightning, kilat. Like, bagei, saperti, laksana, sa- umpama. Like, to, suka, gamar, ber-kenan. Likeness, rupa, gambar. Limb, angguta. Lime, kapur; (quicklime), tohor ; (birdlime), getah. Lime, lemon, limau-asam. Line, (string), tali; (row), baris, nirei. Lineage, ka-turun-an. Linen, kain-rami. Lining, alas, lapis. Lion, singa. Lip, bibir. Liquid, chayer. Listen, to, men-dengar. Litter, usong-an. Little, kechil. Little finger, kelingking. Liver, limpah. Livelihood, ka - hidop - an, pen - cha- hari-an. Lizard, chichah Load, baban, pikvl-an ; (cargo), muat-an, sarat-an. Loaf, ketvl. Lobster, hudang-galah. Lock, kunchi. Locust, bilalang. Lodge, to, tumpang, menumpang ; (for a night), ber-malam. Loft, para, loteng. Log, batang, puntong. Lonely, sunyi. Long, lama. Long, to, dendam, rindu. Look, to, pandang, tengok, lihat; (look up), tengadah. Looking-glass, chermin. Loom, perkakas-tenun. Loose, longgar, kendor. Lord, tuan ; (deity), tuhan. Lose, to, hilang ; (to suffer defeat), alah. Lotos, teratei. Loud, riyuh, kuat. Love, kasih-an ; (love, to), kasih, ber-kasih, berahi. Low, rendah. Low-water, ayer-surut, oyer mati. 162 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Loyal, setia. Luck, untong. Luckily, sa-baik-baik-nia. Lucky, mujur. Lullaby, lagu pengulik. Lump, ketvl. Lunatic, orang-gila. Lungs, paru-paru. Lust, hawa, nafsu. Lute, kechapi. M. Mace, bunga-pala. Machine, pcsaioat. Mad, gila. Maggot, hulat. Magic, 'ilmu. Magistrate, hakim, tuan polis. Magnet, besi-btvani. Maimed, kudong. Mainmast, tiang-agong. Maintain, to, pelehra. Maize, jagong. Majesty, baginda. Make, to, buat, membuat. Male (man), laki-laki ; (animal), jantan. Malice, dingkl, kechil-hati. Malignant, ber-dingki. Man, orang, laki-laki. Man-of-war, kapal pZrang. Manage, to, perentah, memerentah. Mane, gambong, jambul. Mange, kudis. Mango, mampelam,mangga; (horse-), machang, bachang. Mangostin, manggis. Manifest, to, menyata-kan, mene- rang-kan. Mankind, manusia. Manner, bagei, macham. Manure, baja. Many, baniak. Map, pita. Marble, pualam. Mare, kuda-betina. Margin, tepi. Mark, tanda, 'alamat ; (to shoot at), tuju-an, sasar. Market, pasar. Marriage, karvin, mkah ; (to demand in), pinang, meminang ; (to give in), nikah-kan. Married, ber-kawin ; ^naving a wife), ber-bini; (having a husband), ber< laki. Marrow, otak-tulang. Marsh, pay a, redang. Mash, to, pipis. Mason, tukang-balu. Mast, tiang. Master, tuan; (of a ship), juragan, nakhoda. Mat, tikar. Match, goris-api ; (to suit), padan. Matchlock, satinggar. Mate, of a ship, malim. Matter (affair), perkara ; (pus), nanah. Mattress, tilam. May, buleh. Meal (repast), makan-an ; (flour), tepong. Mean, hina ; (to understand), harti, meng-harti. Meaning (sense), ma'ana, harti. Meanwhile, dalam antara itu. Means (by all), hubaya. Measure, to, hukur, sukat. Measurement, hukur-an, sukat-an. Meat, daging. Medicine, ubat. Meek, manis, lemah-lumbut. Meet, to, jumpa, ber-jumpa, temu, ber-temu. Melon (water), iemikei. Melt, to, leboi'y hanchur-kan. Member, angguta. Memory, ingat-an. VOCABULARY. 103 Mend, to, baik-i, mem-baik-i. Mendicant, fakir. Mention, to, sebut. Merchandise, dagang-an. Mercury, rasa. Mercy, rahamat. Meridian (noon), rambang. Merit, paliala. Mesh (of a net), mata. Message, pasan-an. Messenger, penyuroh, pesuroh. Method (arrangement), atur-an. Middle, tengah, per - tengah - an ; (middle finger), jari-hantu. Middling, sedang. Midwife, bidan, dukun. Might, gagah, kuasa, koderat. Mighty, kuat, ber-kuasa. Mild, manis, lumbut. Mildew, lapuk, kulat. Milk, susu. Mill, lisar-an, giling-an. Million, juta. Mimic, to, ajuk. Mince, to, chachah, chinchang. Mind (sense), 'akal, budi ; (inclina- tion), ka-handak ; (never mind), tiada apa, td apa, td usah. Mine, gali-an, lombong, tebok. Miner, kuli tebok, tukang gali. Minister, mantri. Minute (small), halus, seni; (mo- ment), sa'at. Mire, lumpur, lechah. Mirror, chermin. Miscarriage, gugur-an ; (of an ele- phant), sanglong. Mischief, benchana. Miserly, kikir, kikil, chikil. Misery, hal ka-sukar-an. Mist, kabut. Mistake, salah, silap. Mistress, tuan. Misunderstand, to, S(dah-mcngarti, salah-dengar. Mix, to, champur, kachau. Mock, olok, pupuh; (to deride), sindir. Mode, pri, chara. Model, teladan, achu-an. Modest, ber-malu, sopan. Moment, sa-buntar, sa-kcjap, sa'at. Money, wang,duit; (ready -money wang tunei. Monkey, monyet, kera. Monsoon, musim. Month, bxdan. Moon, bulan. Morass, paj/a, redang. More, lebeh, lagi. Morning, pagi, dina-hari. Morrow, esok, besok, ka-esok-an. Morsel, sa-suap, sa-midut. Mortal, fana. Mortar, lesong. Mortgage, to, gadei, chagar, sandar. Mosque, masjid. Mosquito, niamok. Moss, lumut. Most, ter-lebch. Mother, mak, ibu, bonda ; (adop- tive), ma-angkat ; (step-mother), ma-tiri; (mother-in-law), mentuah. Mould, earth, tanah ; (mildew), lapuk; (matrix), achu-an. Mouldy, basi. Mount, to, naik. Mountain, gunong. Mourn, to, tangis-kan, menangis- kan, ratap, meratap. Mouse, tikus. Mouse-deer, pelanduk. Moustache, misei. Mouth, mulut ; (of a river), kuala. Mouthful, sa-suap, sa-midut. Move, to, (intrans.), ber-ubah f ber- gh'dk, kesak ; (trans.), gerak-kan, meng -gerak -kan, alih-kan, meng- alih -kan, meng -ubah-kan. Much, baniak. 164 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Mud, lumpur, sulut, lechah. Muddy, turbid, kZrok. Mug, kindi. Multiply, to, per-baniak-kan. Murder, to, bunoh, mem-bunoh. Murmur, to, sungut. Muscle, urat. Mushroom, chendawan. Music, bunyi-bunyi-an } lagu. Musk, kasturi. Musk-rat, clienchurut. Musket, snapang, bedil. Muslin, kaiyi khasa. Must, handak, hania, dapat-tiada. Mustard, scsaa-i. Muster (to summon), kZrah. Mutiny, belut. Mystery, ral N. Nail, paku ; (of the fingers or toe), kuku ; (finger-nail worn purposely long), changei. Naked, telanjang. Name, nama ; (title), gHar-an ; (to name), gdar-htn, nama-kan. Nape of the neck, tangkok. Napkin, kain basah. Narrate, to, cheritra-kan. ^S t urow,sumpit,simpit,sesak,ginting. Nation, bangsa. Nature, tabi'at. Navel, pusat. Navigate, to, me-layar-kan. Navigation (science of), l ilmu-pe- layar-an. Neap-tide, ayer survd, ayer mati. Near, dekat, hampir. Neat, chantek, chermat. Necessary, wajib. Necessity, desire, hajat. Neck, batang leher; (throat), leher. Needle, jarum. Neglect, lalei. Neighbour, orang rumah sa-btlah. Nephew, andk - penakan, anak su- dara. Nerve, urat. Nest, sarang, sarang-burong. Net (casting), jala ; (seine), pukat; (landing), sauh-sauh; (snare), jaring. Net, to, serat, menyerat. Net-work, serat-an, jala-jala. Never, ta'pernah; (never mind), td'apa, tausah. New, baharu. New-moon, sa-hari bulan. News, khabar. Next (in time), lepas itu, kemdian ; (in place), sa-bMah. Nice (pleasant), sedap. Niece, anak-pcnakan, anak-sudara. Night, malam; (to pass the), ber malam. Niiiht-jar, tetegok, punggok. Nimble, chepat, panlas. Nip (to pinch), pichit, chubit, ketam, sepit. Nippers (pincers), penyepit Nitre, sendawa. Noble, bangsawan. Nod, to, meng-antok. Noise, gadoh, gempar, bising, riau. None, satu pun tidak. Nonsense, stasia, ta ka-tahu-an. Noon, rambang, tengah-hari. Noose, jerat. North, utara. Nose, hidong; (bridge of the), batang hidong. Nosegay, karangan-bunga. Nostril, Hang hidong. Notch, takuk; (gap, dent), sumbing. Nothing, apa pun tidak. Notice, to, per-hati-kan. Notwithstanding, tetapi, lamun-kan. Nourish, to, pelehra-kan. Now, sakarang; (now and then), ka dang kadang, ter-kadang. VOCABULARY. 165 Number (quantity), baniak; (a nume- ral), angka. Nurse, a, inang, pengasoh. Nurse (to rear, cherish), pelehra; (give suck), menetek-kan, menymu- kan ; (a sick person), dukun. Nut, kachang. Nutmeg, buah pala. Nymph, bidyadari. Oakum, pakul. Oar, dayong, pengayuh. Oath, sumpah. Obey, to, turut. Obscene, charut; (to use obscene language), men-charut. Obscure, Mlam, gttap. Observe (watch), intei; (notice), per- hati-kan. Obstinate, degil, bantah, kras ka- pala. Obstruct, to, sekat-kan. Occasion, paksa. Occupied (busy), 'aral. Occur, to, jadi, jatoh, tiba. Ocean, laut-an. Odd (of numbers), gasal, ganjil. Odds and ends, rinchik-rinchik. Offer, to, unjuk, tawar. Office (employment), pegang-an; (place of business), gedong. Offspring, anak-pinak. Often, Mrap-kSrap. Oil, minyak. Old, tuah, lama; (decayed), burok. Olden time, dahulu-kala, zaman dahulu. Omen, evil, pemali. Once, sa-kali. Only, sahaja, hania. Onion, bawang. Open, ter-buka; (extensive), lapang, luas; (to open), buka, mem- buka. Opening (chink), chelah. Opinion, rasa, pe-rasaan, sangka, kira, pikir-an. Opium, apiun, madat, chandu. Opportunity, paksa, dan, sampat. Oppose, to, lawan. Oppression, anyaya. Oppressive, zalim. Orange, limau-manis. Order (arrangement), atur-an, per- atur-an ; (class), pangkat; (to command), suroh, menyuroh ; (of a royal personage), Utah. Orifice, Hang. Origin, asal, pangkal. Ornament, per-hias-an. Orphan, piatu. Other, lain. Otter, anjing-laut. Ottoman, petarana. Ought, patut, harus, handak-la/i mahu-lah. Out, luar. Outcast, bangsat, ter-buang. Outcry, gcmpar, cngar. Outhouse, bangsal. Outward, visible, zahir. Oval, bulat-bujur. Oven, dapor, tenur. Over (upon), atas; (ended), sudah Overcast (darkened), bcr-tedoh. Overflow, to, limpah, me-Umpah. Overladen, sarat. Overlook, to, jaga, men-jaga, tunggu, menunggu. Overseer, tandil, mandor. Overturn, to, balik, mem-balik' kan. Overturned, to be, ber-balik, ter- balik. Owe, to, ber-hirfang. Owl, burong-hantu. Owner, luan, yang ampunya. Ox, lumbu, sapi; (wild), si-ladang. Oyster, ter am, siput. 1 66 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. P Pace (step), jangka. Pack, to, kemas, bu?tgku,s-kn. Paddle, a, kayuh, pengayuh; (to row with), mengayuh. Pain, sakit, sakit-an, ka-sakit-an; (a.T\xiety),per-chinta-an,susah-kati. Paint, chat; (to paint), sapu-chat ; (a painter), tukang-chat. Pair, jodo, pasang. Palace, astana, meligei. Pale, puchat. Paling, pagar, gisi-gisi. Palm of the hand, tapak-tangan, telapak. Palpitation, dabar. Palsy, tepok, basal. Pan (earthen), pasu; (iron), kuali. Pant, to, mangah, meng up. Paper, kartas. Parable, per-upama-an. Parasol, payong. Parcel, bungkus, bungkus-an. Pardon, ampun, ma'af; (to pardon), ampun-kan, ma'af-kan. Pare, to, raut, me-raut, hiris, meng- hiris. Parents, ibu-bapa. Parrot, nuri, bayan; (small green parroquet), serindit. Parry, to, tangkis. Part, bahagi-an, sa-kHrat, sa-paroh. Particle, butir. Partner, kawan, kongsi. Partnership, in, sa-modal. Pass, to, lalu; (miss), selisih ; (as coin), laku. Passion (anger), marah, hangat. Passionate, hatipanas, lakas marah. Past, sudah, yang telah sudah, yang telah lalu. Paste, pe-rekat, bubur. Pastry, penganan. Pat, to, ttpvik. Patch, tampal. Patience, sabar. Pattern, teladan, chonto. Pawn, to, gadei, meng-gadci ; (a pledge), sandar-an. Pay, to, bayar, mem-bay ar ; (by in- stalments), ansur. Payment, bayar-an, pem-bayar-an. Pea, kachang. Peace, sajehtra, santosa, ka-senang- an; (to make peace), ber-damei. Peacock, vurak. Peak, puchuk, kamunchak. Pearl, mutiara. Peck, to, patok, pagut. Pedlar, orang ber-jajah, orang kelon- tong. Peel, to, kupas, kelupas. Peep, to, intei, meng-intei. Pelican, undan. Pelt, to, lotar, me-lontar. Pellucid, hening, jerneh. Pen, kalam. Pen (enclosure), kandavg. Penalty, denda, siksa. Penetrate, to, lut, melut. Penitence, taubat. Penknife, pisau-lipat. People, orang. Pepper, lada; (black), lada-hitam; (Chili), lada-merah, lada-china, chabei. Perceive, to, rasa, per-hati-kan. Perch, to, hinggap, tengger. Percolate, to, tiris, meniris. Perfect, sempoma. Perfectly, betul, benar, sakali. Perfume, bau-bau-an. Perfumed, harum, wangi. Perhaps, antah, barangkali, mudah mudah-an. Peril, bahaya, mara-bahaya. Perjury, dusta. Permanent, kekal, kukuh, tetap. Permission, izin. Permit, to, b%ri, kasih, biar. VOCABULARY. 167 Perpetual, sanantiasa, yang tiada ber-ka-putus-an. Persecute, to, anyaya-han. Persevere, to, ber-usaha. Person, orang, marika. Perspiration, peluh. Perverse, bantah, angkara. Pestle, alu, antan. Petition, per-minta-an. Pheasant, pegar ; (argus pheasant), kuang, kuwau. Phlegm, dahak, hingus Pick (to gather), kutib, petik; (pick up), punguf. Pickles, achar ; (pickled fish or meat), pe-kasam. Piebald, pied, belang. Piece, sa-patah, su-k%rat, sa-patong. Pier, jambatan, pangkalan. Pierce, to, chuchuk. Piety, Hbadat. Pig, babi. Pigeon, merpati. Pile (stake), panchang ; (to heap up), susun-kan. Pillage, to, samun, rampas. Pillar, tiang. Pillow, bantal. Pillow-case, sarong-bantal. Pimple, bisul-lada. Pin, piniti, jarum-peny^mat. Pincers, sepit, penycpit. Pinch (a small quantity), sa-jumput; (to pinch), chubit, pichit. Pinchbeck, suasa. Pineapple, nanas. Pink, kasumbah. Pipe (conduit), panchur-an. Pipeclay, tanah-mala. Pirate, perompak. Pit, lobang. Pitch, gala-gala; (to pitch as a ship), angga, meng-anggu. Pitcher, buyung. Pith, ampulur. Pity, kasih-an, betas. Place, tampat; (to place), bubok, tai'oh, letak, me-letak-kan. Plague (pestilence), hawar. Plain, padang, medan. Plait, to, aniam, pintal. Plane, kUam. Plank, papan. Plant, pokok, tanam-an, tumboh- tumboh-an. Plantain, pisang. Plantation, kabun, ladang. Plate (earthenware), piring, ping gan; (metal), cheper. Play, to, main. Pleasant, scdap, lezat. Pleased, suka. Pledge, cliagar, sandar-an Plenty, baniak. Plough, tanggala Plover, kedidi, chicheoh. Pluck (to gather), petik; (pluck out), chabut. Plump, tumbun, pejal. Plunge, to, terjun, sUam, menyZlam. Plunder, to, samun, rampas. Pocket, saku. Point, hujong ; (to point), tunjok, menunjok. Poison, rachun. Poisonous, bisa. Poke (to thrust), chuchuk, jolok, chungkil. Pole, batang; (for propelling a boat), Polecat, musang. Polite, adab, bastai-i. Pollute, to, chamar-kan, kotor-kan. Pomegranate, buah-dalima. Pond, kulam. Ponder, to, kenang, pikir. Pool, lubok. Poop, burit-an. Poor, miskin. Porcelain, tembikar. iGS MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Porcupine, landak. Pork, daging-babi. Porpoise, lomba-loniba. Portion, bahagi-an. Position (situation), ka-duduk-an. Possess, to, milik, taroh. Possible, buleh. Post, panchang, tiang. Pot (earthenware), priuk, h&anga; (iron), kuali; (water), buyung ; (flower), pasu. Potato, ubi benggala, ubi china. Pouch, pundi-pundi. Pound (pen), kandang. Pound, to, tumbok. Pour, to, tuang, tumpah ; (water over a person bathing), jurus. Powder, serbuk; (dust), lumat; (gun- powder), ubat bedil. Power, kuasa. Praise, puji, puji-an; (to praise), memuji. Prawn, hudang. Pray, to, sembahyang, do'a. Precious, endah. Predestination, ajal, takdir. Predict, to, foretell, tenting. Pregnant, bunting, mengandong, hamil. Prepare, to, scdia-kan, langkap-kan. Present (to be), ada, hazir, ber- hadap. Present (gift), hadia, pem-bZri an, tanda-hayat (lit. " token of life "). Presently, sa-buntar lagi. Press, to, apit-kan; (press down), telcan; (squeeze out), pZrah. Presumption, angkara. Pretend, to, achu. Pretence, pura-pura, buat-buat. Pretty, bogus, chantek, molek. Prevent, to, tegah, larang. Price, harga; (of a slave), penebus. Prick, to, chuchuk, tikam. Prickle, duri ; prickly, ber-duri. Priest (Muhamtnadau), imam , (Christian), padri. Prince, putra. Princess, putrt. Principal, jokok, modal. Print, to, chap. Prison, panjara. Private (secluded), sunyi; (parts), ka-malu-an. Privy, jamban. Prize (booty), rampasan; (to value highly), endah-kan. Procession, arak. Proclaim, to, menyata-kan, mashur- kan. Prodigal, pemburus. Profit, laba, untong, faidah. Prohibit, to, larang-kan, tegah-kan. Prohibited, larang-an, haram. Prolong, to, lanjut-kan. Prominent (projecting), jungur. Promise, a, per-janji-an ; (to pro- mise), javji. Prone (lying face downwards), tiharap. Pronounce, to, sebut, mcnyebut. Proof, ka-nyata-an, saksian. Proper, palut, hams. Property, harta, benda, had. Prophet, nabi. Prosecute, to, dawa, men-dawa. Prostitute, sundal. Prostrate, menyiharap, pelanling. Protect, to, lindong-kan, pelehra- kan. Proud, sombong. Prove, to, nyata-kan, me-nyata-kan, Proverb, Hbarat, tamsil, bidal, per upama-an. Provisions, bakal, bdkas, pelabur. Provoke, to, usik, mengusik. Prudence, ka-bija-an. Prudent, cherdek, bijak, chermat. Prune, to, ranchong, me-ranchong. Psalm, zabur. VOCABULARY. 169 Pull, to, tank, menarik; (drag), hela ; (pull up), chabut. Pulley, kapi. Pulse, nadi. Pump, bomba. Pumpkin, labu. Pungent, pedas. Punish, to, siksa-kan, sakit-kan. Punishment, siksa, ka-sakit-an. Pupil (of the eye), bijimata; (scholar), murid. Puppy, anak-anjing. Pure (clear), jerneh, kening. Purgative, pen-chahar. Purple, ungu. Purpose, ka-handak; (on purpose), sangaja. Purse, unchang, jmndi-pundi. Pursue, to, hambat, keiar ; (wild animals), burn, mem-buru. Pus, nanah. Push, to, tolak, aorong. Put, to, taroh, bubok, letak ; (put on), pakci, kena-kan; (put off, post- pone), tangguh; (put out fire), padam. Putrid, busuk. Puzzle (enigma), tckak-teki. Q. Quail, puyuh, pikau. Quake, to, ketar, mengStar. Quality, sifat. Quantity, baniak. Quarrel, per-bantah-an ; (to quarrel), ber-kalahi, ber-tingkar. Quarter (fourth part), suku ; (of a slaughtered animal), paha. Queen, permeisuri. Quench, to, padam-kan. Question, sual ; (to question), parek- sa, sual-kan, tanya. Quick, lakas, chepat, bangat, lantas, pernio*. Quicksilver, rasa. Quid (of betel), sepah. Quiet, diam, sunyi ; (silent), sengap Quit (to forsake), tinggal-kan. Quite, sakali, sa-mata-mata. R. Race (lineage), bangsa, asal. Races (contest), lomba, ber-lomha. Radish, lobak. Raft, ralcit, lantin. Rafter, kasau. Rag, perchah. Ragged, koyak-rabak, chompang- champing. Railing, pagar, kilik-kilik-an. Rain, hujan; (to rain, rainy), ber- hujan ; (drizzle), rinteh. Rainbow, palangi. Raise, to, angkat, ban gun - kan ; (with a lever), tuwas. Raisins, kismis, buah-awjgor. Rake, peng-garu, sikat. Range (to dispose in order), meng atur-kan. Rank (row, line), baris, saf; (station in life), pangkat, martabat. Rank (rancid), hanyir, basi. Ransom, to, tebus, Tnenebus. Rape, rugvl. Rapid, d2ras, laju. Rapids (in a river), jeram, chigar, Rare, jarang. [riyam. Rat. tikus; (musk-rat), chenchurut. Rattan, rautan. Rave, to (in delirium), meng-igau, ber-igau-igau. Raw, mantah. Kay (of light), sinar; (a fish, the skate), pari. Razor, pisau-chukur. Reach, to (with the hand), chapei, men-chapei; (attain), sampei. Read, to, bacha. Ready, sedia, siap. Really, suvggoh, sa sunggoh-ni". 170 MAM UAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Reap, to, ketam, tuwti, nun mat. Rear (to bring up), pelehra, me- melehra-kan. Reason (cause), karana, sebab; (un- derstanding), budi, 'akal. Rebellious, derhaka, belut. Rebuke, to, ajar, tegor, tengking. Receive, to, terima,mencrima ; (take), sambut. Reckon, to, hitong, bilang. Recline, to, baring, sandai'. Recollect, to, ingat, sedar. Recover (to get well), ber-semboh. Red, mcrah. Redeem, to, tebus, menebus. Red-lead, sadalinggam. Reduce, to, korang-kan. Reed, buluh. Reef, karang. Reflect, to, kenang. Refuse, to, sangkal, anggan. Refuse (rubbisb), hampas, sampah. Regalia, perkakankaraja-an. Regard (to gaze at), intci, rcnong. Region, benua. Regret, to, sesal, menyesal. Reign, ka-rajaan. Rein (bridle), tali-kang. Reject, to, tdak-kan, buang, cham- pah. Rejoice (to be glad), ber-suka ; (gladden), menyuka-kan. Relapse, balik-sakit. Relate, to, cheritra-kan. Relations (kindred), sudara, ibu- bapa, puwah, kaum. Release, to, lepas-kan. me-lepas-kan. Relieve guard, to, gilir. Religion, agama. Reluctant, segan. Remain, to, diam, ting gal, ber-hinti. Remainder, baki; (leavings), sisa. Remedy, penawar, ubat. Remember, to, ingat, meng-ingat, kenang. Remove, to, (intrans.), pindah > (trans.), men-jauh-kan, ubahkan. Rent (hire), sewa, penyewa. Repair, to, baik-i, mem-per-baik-kan. Repeat, to, ulang. Repent, to, taubat, sesal, menyesal. Replace, to, ganti. Reply to, sahut, menyahut, men- jawab, balas jawab. Report, to, khabar-kan, bVri tahu. Report (rumour), khabar, bunyi. Reprimand, to, mengajar. Reprobate, bangsat. Repudiate, to, cherei-kan. Request, to, minta, pinta. Resembling, akan-akan, sa-rupa. Reside, to, tinggal, diam, duduk. Resign, to, serah-kan, pulang-kan. Resin, damar, getah. Resist, to, lawan, me-lawan. Respect, hormat. Responsible for, to be, sanggup, tanggong. Rest, per- hinti-an, ka-senang-an. Rest (remainder), baki. Restore (to give back), pulang-kan. Restrain, to, tahan, menahan. Result, ka-sudah-an. Retire (to retreat), undur, ber-undur. Retired (secluded), sunyi. Retribution, pem-balas-an. Return, to, pulang, balik, kambali ; (retaliate), balas. Revenge, balas, damdam. Revenue, hasil. Reverence, sembah. Reverse, to, mem-balik-kan. Revile, to, hujat-kan, me-maki. Revive, to, sedar. Reward, upah, pahala. Rheumatism, sakit tulang, sakit' angin, sengal. Rhinoceros, badak; (rhinoceros-bird), enggang. Rib, ru8uk. VOCABULARY. I 7 I Ribbon, fitah. Rice, beras ; (boiled), nasi ; (in the husk), padi; (parched), bertih. Rice-field, sawah, bendang ; (up- land), umah, ladang. Rich, kaya. Riches, ka-kaya-an, harta, benda. Riddle, tekak-teki. Ride, to, naik, tunggavg. Ridge (rising ground), permatang ; (of a roof), bumbong-an. Ridicule, to, sindir, gonja. Right (proper), bttul, benar, patut. Right-hand, kanan. Rightly, sa-bctul-nia, sa-patut-nia. Rigid (stiff), tegar, kinchang. Rim, tepi. Rind, kulit. Ring (to sound), derang, ber-derang. Ring, chinchin; (ornamental hoop on weapons, &c), simpei. Ripe, masak. Rise, to, bangun, bangkit; (spring up), timbul, tumboh. River, xungei, ayer, batang-hari; (river-brink), baroh. Rivulet, anak-sungei, anak-ayer. Road, jalan; (path), luroug. Roadstead, labuh-an. Roam, to, jajah, hanyut, ulang- pergi-datang. Roar, to, menganguh. Roast, to, pangyang. Rob, to, rompak, rampas, samun, rebut, churi. Robe (gown), kabaya. Rock, batu, karang. Rock, to (in trans.), ayun, ber-ayun, goyang, ber-goyang; (trans.), ayun- kan, meng-ayun-kan, goyang-kan, meng-goyang-kan. Roe (of fish), telor-ikan, telor-teru- buk. Roll up, to, gulong, meng-gulong. Rolling, guling, goleh. Roof, bumbong ; (of the mouth), lalangit. Room, bilek ; (space), legah. Roost, to, hinggap, tenggir. Root, akar. Rope, tali. Rose, mawar; (rose-water), ayer- mawar. Rot, to, reput. Rotten, burok, busuk, reput. Rough, kesap, kesat, kZrutu. Round, bulat, buntar. Roundabout, keliling. Rouse, to, bangun-kan, gerak-kan. Row, to, dayong, ber-dayong ; (with paddles), kayuh, ber-kayuh. Rub, to, gosok, sapu, urut, genyek, gesek. Rubbish, sampah. Ruby, dalima. Rudder, kamudi. Rude, kasar. Ruin, to, binasa, mem-binasa-kan, rosak. Rule, to, pZrcntah, memerentah. Ruling-line, benang-arang. Rump, punggong, pangkal-paha. Run, to, lari; (as water), me-lelch, meng-alir. Run against (collide), himpit, timpah. Rupee, rupiyah Rush at, to, terkam, menerkam. Rust, karat. S. Sack, karong, goni. Sacrifice, to, mem-pHas. Sad, susah-hati, duka-chita. Saddle, zin, palana, sela. Safe, salamat, sajehtra. Saffron, kuniet, kumkuma. Sagacious, cherdek, bijak. Sago, sagu. Sail (of a vessel), layar ; (to sail), ber-layar. 172 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Sailor, inatros, khalasi. Saint, wall, oulia. Salary, gaji. upah. Sale, jual-btli. Saliva, ayer liyor. Salt, garam ; (in taste), masin, a#in. Saltpetre, sanlk. Tap-root, umhi, \ck),pcn-chunkil-gigi. Top, kapala; (summit), puchuk, kamunchak. Torch, damar, siduh. Torment, sangsara. Torrent, ayer-deras ; (of tears), sebak. Tortoise, kora-kora,labi-labi; (-shell), sisik-pennyu. Torture, tuwas. Toss, to, mc-lanting. Total, jumlah, kumpul-an. Touch, to, chekoh, jabat, suntoh. Touchstone, batu-uji. Tow, to, tunda. Towards, ara ka-, hala ka-, tuju ka-. Towel, sapu-tangan. Town, nrgri, bandar. Toy, per-main-an. Trace, bakas ; (foot-mark), bakas- kaki. Trade, per-nyaga-an ; (to carry on), ber-nyaga, menyaga. Trader, sudagar. Tradition, cheritra orang tuah-tuah. Trample, to, pijak, jrjak, terajang. Transcribe, to, salin-kan, turun-kan. Translate, to, satin, tarjamah, turun-kan, pindah-kan. Transplant, to, alih. pindah-kan. Transparent, jerneh, hening. Transverse, lentang. Trap, perangkap ; (bird-), rachik ; (set with a spear or sharp stake for larger animals), belantik. Trappings, per-hias-an. Tray, dulang ; (round), talam. Tread, to, pijak, jijak, injak. Treasury, khazanah. Treaty, per-janji-an. Tree, pokok, pohun ; (a dead tree), pnnggor ; (a fallen tree), rZbah. Tremble, to, kUar, mengStar. Trench, parit. Tribe, suku. Trick (to cheat), kichau, kechek. Trickle, tilik, mcnitik. Trim (to arrange), andam, mcng- andam ; (balance), timbang. Troop (company, flock), kaioan. Trouble, ka-susah-an ; (misfortune, calamity), bala, malang, mara- bahaya ; (difficulty), ka-sukar-an. Trough, palong. Trousers, saluar, sarual, chalana. True, bfriar, sungguh, b8ttd. Trunk (of a tree), batang ; (of an elephant), bdald. 1 Karamat, a tomb, place, persou, or thing of reputed sanctity ; a corrup- tion of the words ka rahmat, "to the mercy," which occur in the phrase, Sudah pulang ka rahmat Allah, " Has returned to the mercy of God,'' i.e., has died. i8o MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Trust (to confide), harap, perchaya. Try, to, ckoba ; ( judicially), pdrek&a. Tub, iong. Tumble, to, jatoh, rebah. Tune, lagu, ragam. Turban, sarban, dastar, tangkolo. Turn (to go round), ber-pusing, ber- paling ; (to cause to move round), mem-pusing ; (over), balik-kan. Turtle, pennyu. Tusk, siong, taring ; (of an ele- pbant), gading. Twig, dahan, ranting. Twinkle, to, tejap, kelip. Twilight (morning),dma-^arv(even- ing), scnja-kala. Twin, kambar. Twine (cord), tali-rami. Twist, to, pulas, pintal. Tyrannical, zalim. U. Ugly, uduh, buruk. Ulcer, puru. Umbrella, payong. Uncertain, ta' tuntu. Uncle, bapa-sudara, pa-penakan. Uncover, buka, mem-buka. Under, bawah, di-bawah. Understand, mengarti. Underwood, belukar. Undress, to, tanggal kain baju, buka pakci-an. Unfortunate, chelaka, nasib ta' baik. Unhappy, susah-hati. Unite, to, hubong, rapat-kan. Universe, 'alam. Unless, hania, mclain-kan. Unload, to, bongkar, puvggaji. Unlucky, chelaka, nudang. Unmannerly, kasar, bc-adab. Unmarried, bujang. Untie, to, rungkei, luchut-kan . Until, sampci, hingga. Untrue, bohong. diista. Up, atas, di-atas, ka-atas ; (up to, as high as), arah, liad. Upside down, ter-balik. Urine, ay er -kindling. Usage, l adat. Use, guna ; (to use), pakei, per- guna-kan. Useful, ber-guna. Utter, to, sebut, meng-uchap. Vacant, kosong. Vagabond, bangsat. Vain, conceited, kachak, bisi, som- bong ; (fruitless), sia-sia, chuma. Valiant, gagah, Mrani, perkasa. Valley, lembah, lurah. Valuable, endah, ber-harga. Value (to appraise), nilai. Vanish, to, linyap, ghraib. Vanquish, to, alah-kan ; (van- quished), alah. Vapour, hawap. Va.r\ega.ted,pancha-warna; (striped), ber-choring. Various, ber-bagei-bagei, ber-jenis- jenis. Vary (to alter), ubah; (differ), ber- lain, ber-beda. Vast, luas. Vegetables, sayur. Veil, kain-selubong. Veiled, ber-sclubung. Vein, urat-darah. Velvet, beludu ; (of a deer's antlers), Vengeance, balas ; (animosity, de- sire of vengeance), damdam. Venom, bisa. Verandah, serambi. Verily, sa-sunggoh-nia. Vermin (insect), tuvia. Verse, sloka; (text), ayat. Vex, to, usik, menyusah-kan. Victory, jaya. VOCABULARY. 181 Village, kampong, dusun. Vinegar, chuka. Violate, to, rug id, me-rugul. Virgin, analc-dara. Visit, to, ber-tandang. Vizier, wazir. Voice, suara. Volcano, gunong ber-api. Volume, jilit. Vomit, to, muntali. Voracious, gZlujuh. Vow, niat; (to fulfil a vow), bayar niat, lepas niat. Vowel- points, baris. Voyage, pe-layar-an. Vulgar, hina. Vulture, hering. W. Wade, to, meng-arung, me-randai. Wages, gaji, upah. Wail, to, ratap. Waist, pinggang ; (waist-belt), tali- pinggang, tali-pending. Waist-buckle, pending. Wait, to, nanti, tangguh. Wake, to, jaga, ber-jaga. Waken, to, men-jagakan, bangun- Jean, gerak-kan. Walk, to, jalan, ber-jalan; (on all fours), me-rangkak. Walking-stick, tongkat. Wall, dinding, tembok. Wallow, to, meng-gZlumang. Wander, to, ber-hanyut. Want (necessity), ka - korang - an; (to want), handak, mahu, br-ka- handak. Wanton, gatal. War, pZrang. Ward off, to, tangkis. Warehouse, gMong. Warm, panas, hangat; (to warm oneself at a fire), ber-diang. Wash, to, basoh. Wasp, tabuan, peningat. Waste (to squander), burns. Watch, jam, Jiarloji, urulis; (to watch), jaga, tunggu, kawal ; (ex. pectantly), me-langut. Water, ayer. Waterfall, ayer-terjun, ayer-lata. Water-melon, temikei. Waterpot, buyong, kindi. Wave, ombak, gelumbang ; (to wave), kirap, kUebat. Wax, Win; (sealing wax), lak. Weak, ttmah, leteh. Wealth, ka-kaya-an. Weapon, senjata. Wear, to, pakei. Weary, leteh, lesu, ptinat. Weather (climate), angin. Weave, to, tinun. Web (spider's), sarang -laba-laba. Wedge, baji. Week, juma'at, minggu. Weep, to, tangis, menangis. Weigh, to, timbang ; (anchor), bongkar-sauh. Weighty, bSrat. Welcome, to, tegor, meng-elu. Well, tUaga, pVrigi ; (-born), bang- sawan; (-bred), bastari, ber-budi. West, barat, mata - hari - jatoh, maghrib. Wet, basah. Whale, pans. Wheat, gandum. Wheel, roda. Whet, to, asak, chanai. Whetstone, batu-asah. While, sZdang, salagi, sambil. Whip, chabuk, chamti. Whiskers, misei. Whisper, to, bisek, ber-bisek. Whistle, to, siul. White, p uicn. Whole, sumua, chukup. 182 MANUAL OF THE MALAY LANGUAGE. Wick, sumbu Wicked, jahat. Wide, lebar, luas; (not closed), reng- gang. Widow, janda, balu. Widower, balu laki-luki. Wife, bini, istri, pcrampuan. Wild, tor. Will, ka-handak, harap, harap-kati, ka-handak-hati ; (testament), toa- siyat. Willing, sudi, suka, mahu. Win, to, mSnang. Wind, angin; (to wind), balut, lilit, putar, posing. Window, ja n del a, tingkap. Windpipe, rungkong. Wine, anggur. Wing, 8a yap. bpak. Wink, to, kcjap, kelip. Winnow, to, tampik. Wipe, to, sapu, menyapu. Wire, kawat, dawei. Wisdom, ka-pandei-an, bijaksana. Wise, pa ndei, bijnk, cl,erdek. Wish, to, handak, mahu, harap, iiiat-hali, ber -ka-handak. Withdraw, to, undur. Wither, to, layu. Withhold, to, tahan, tahan-kan. Witness, sakiti. Woe, duka. Woman, perampuan, betina. Womb, perut. Wonder, to, bcr-chengang, heiran. Wonderful, l ajaib. Wood, kayu; (a wood), hutan, bHukar. Woodpecker, bdatolc. Wood-pigeon, tekukur. Wool, bidu. Word, sa'patah chakap, per-kata-an. Work, karja; (to work), buat karja, karja-kan, mengarja-kan. Workman, tukang. World, dunia. Worm, chaching, hulat. Worship, to, scmbahyang, puja. Worth, harga, laku. Worthy, mustehik. Wound, luka ; (open), Hang. Wrap, to, balut, bungkus-an. Wrecked, karam. Wrench open, to, umpiJ,,sungkit. Wrestle, to, ber-gumid. Write, to, tulis, menulis, menyurat. Wrinkle, wrinkled, kh-ut, kerukut, keretut. Wrjst, peng-gUang-an. Writer, juru-tulis. Wrong, salah, silap. Yam, ubi. Yard, ela. Yawn, to, meng-uwap. Year, tahun. Yearly, sa-tahun-tahun. Yearn, to, rindu, dendam. Yeast, ragi. Yellow, kunivg. Yesterday, kalmarin ; (the day be fore )_, kalmarin dahulu. Yet, lagi. Yoke, koh. Yolk (of an egg), kuning-telor. Young, muda. Youth, a, buddk. Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson &* Co. at Paul's Work, Edinburgh 14 DAY USE RBTUKN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. StAM RECEfV o^m^r~\ W6i 9 197055 L ?2 l A -60 W -i 0.'G5 . General Libi U^versir^CgVifornia ?rkeley