IBS GIFT or s?Oi Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bahairevelationOOchasrich THE BAHAI REVELATION By THORNTON CHASE "Judge nothing before the time until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts ; and then shall every man have praise of God." (/ Cor, 4:J.) " For the Son of Man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works." ( MaU. i6 :2y, ) " He hath come with His most mighty Power among the nations ; turn toward Him, O con- course of the good ! The Father hath come and that which hath been promised unto you in the Kingdom is accomplished." (Baha'o'^Uah.) PUBLISHED BY THE BAHAI PUBLISHING SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. A. \'^- .S^^^ c^ Chicago. 1913 CONTENTS. THE GLORY OF THE LORD. Page The Great Commandment ----------- i Love's Inspiration --- __ i Man-made Gods ---_--_----_ i Qualities ----------_-___ 2 The Creational Book ----------- 3 Universal Law ------------- 3 The Law of Love ------------ 4 Man, the Chooser ------------ § The Word of God ------------- 8, 77 The Word Incarnate ---------- 9, 78 The Word Speaker ---__--_--- 10 The Love of God ------------ n The Wrath of Man ------------ n The Witness of Truth --- 12 Believing in Him ---- -.. 12 Immortality ------_-----__ 13 "Let there be Light" ---- -- 14 The Gift of God -------------- 16 Origins ---------------- i5 Moses' Appointment ----------- 17 Heavenly Schoolmasters ---------- ig The Word Alone ------------ 20 The Evidence of Christ ----- 21 Power of the Word ----- 22 The Divine Proof ------------ 23 The Mighty Names ----------- 23 Succession of Divine Revelations -------- 25 Channels of Communication -- 25 No Dispensation Final ----- 26 Signs of the Times ---- -_ 26 Passing of the Old ------------ ^7 Darkness ---------_-_._- 28 The Glory of God ------------ 29 The Fullness of Time ------------ 30 Coming of the New ------------ 30 The Light of the Spirit ---------- 32 Dangerous Knowledges ---------- 33 "As Above — So Below" ------------ 34 Light - - . 35 Preparing the Way _-_-- 35 Unity and Peace --__.- 38 3C07S2 Page The Golden Age ___--- 40 School Days -------------- 40 The Day of Fulfilment ----- 41 The Burdens of Prophecy --------- 42 Isaiah Eleven -------------- 42 The Age of Fear ------------ 43 The Age of Unity ------------ 44 Dawn of the Millennium -__- 45 Millennial Evidences __- 45 The Manhood of Man - - - - - 46 HISTORY The Bab ----------------- 51 Baha'o'llah ---------------- 55 Abdul-Baha Abbas -^. ---------- 59 A Statement by Mirza Assad'u'Uah ------ 62 TEACHINGS Baha's Declaration ------------- 69 The Appointment ------------ 70 The Breeze of the Spirit ---------- 70 Words of BahaVllah ------------ 72 Purification -------------- ^2 Detachment -------------- 72 The Tongue -------------- 73 Kindness --------------- 74 Eyes, Ears and Hearts ---------- 74 Lighting the Lamp ------------ 75 The Ordinances of God ---------- 76 The Word of God -------------- yy The Word Incarnate ----------- 78 The Spirit of Truth ----------- 79 The Supreme Pen -------------- 81 The Day of Revealing ------------ 81 Severance --------------- 82 Ideal Light -------------- 83 Declaration of God's Singleness -------- 83 Declaration of God's Manifestations ------- 85 Acknowledgment ------------ 87 Sure Paths --------- 87 The Purpose of Manifestation --------- 90 Instructions ---------------- 93 Tablet to Badia ----- - - - 98 Tablet to Zia ------------- - 99 Page The Hearts ---------------- loo Victory ---------------- 102 Knowledge -------------- 103 Arts, Crafts and Sciences -----------104 Occupations --------- -104 Religion _-----_---_ 105 Education ----------------- 106 Precepts --------- -- 107 To Christians --------------- 109 The Ultimate Criterion 115 SALVATION "Ye Must Be Born Again'" -----119 Spirit --------- 119 The Dead --------------- 120 The Living - 121 "What Shall I Do to be Saved?" --------122 Faith ----------------123 Knowledge -------------- 124 Prayer ---------------- 124 God's Gifts -------------- 125 Obedience --------------- 126 Confidence --------- - 128 The Will --------------- 128 The Talents -------------- 129 The Primary School ----------- 130 Man's Spirit ------- -131 New Birth ----- 131 THE BAHAI REVELATION The Bahai Revelation is an Invitation to Love God - 135 The Bahai Revelation is an Invitation to Obedience - 137 The Alphabet of Love is Obedience ------ 138 The Bahai Revelation is of Authority ------ 140 The Bahai Revelation Teaches the Religion of Living 143 This Revelation is a Call to Sacrifice ------ 145 The Bahai Teaching is an Invitation to Service - - 148 Universal Love ___--_--_ 154 The Bahai Revelation is Needed -------- 158 The Object of the Bahai Revelation is Unity - - - 165 The Bahai Revelation Makes All Things New - - - 170 The Revelation is Complete in Itself ------i75 Tablet from Abdul-Baha' -----------178 Commune -- __---. 180 O Earth, Earth, Earth, Hear the Word of the Lord! (Jer. 22.29.) Give ear, O ye Heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O Earth, the Words of My Mouth. My Doctrine shall drop as the rain, My Speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: Because I will publish the Name of the Lord; Ascribe ye Greatness unto our God. (Deut. 32.1-3.) Hear, all ye People! Hearken, O Earth, and all that therein is; and let the Lord God be witness against you, the Lord from His Holy Temple. For, Behold, the Lord cometh out of His Place! (Micah 1.2.) Hear, O Heavens, and give ear O Earth: for the 1.0RD hath spoken! (Is. 1.2.) Is not My Word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? (Jer. 23.29.) The Anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said. The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His Word was in my tongue. (2 Sam. 23.1.) *^ Man, the most noble and perfect of the creatures, is a mightier evidence and greater expression (of truth) than the other visible things. The most per- feet, superior and excellent of men are the Manifesta- tions of the Sun of Truth/^ (Baha^o'llah.) *^The Sun of Truth is the Word of God, upon which depends the training of the people of the coun- try of thought. It is the Spirit of Reality and the Water of Life. All things owe their existence to it. Its manifestation is ever according to the capacity and coloring of the mirror through which it may reflect. For example: Its light, when cast on the mirrors of the wise, gives expression to wisdom; when reflected from the minds of artists it produces manifestations of new and beautiful arts; when it shines through the minds of students it reveals knowledge and unfolds mysteries. *^All things of the world arise through man and are manifest in him, through whom they find life and development; and man is dependent for his (Spirit- ual) existence upon the Sun of the Word of God. All the good names and lofty qualities are of the Word. The Word is the Fire of God, which, glow- ing in the hearts of the people, burns away all things that are not of God. The minds of the lovers are ever aflame with this fire Outwardly it is a burning fire, but inwardly it is calm light. This is the Water which giveth life to all things. ^We beg of God that we may partake of this Life-giving Water of Heaven and quaf from the Spiritual Chalice of rest, and thus be free from all that tends to withhold us from approaching His Love. Glory be upon the people of Glory!'' (Words of Wisdom. Baha^o'llah.) *^The Word of God is the storehouse of all good, all power and all wisdom. The illiterate fishers and savage Arabs were thereby enabled to solve such problems as were puzzles to eminent learned men in all the ages. It awakens within us that brilliant in- tuition which makes us independent of all tuition and endows us with an all-embracing power of spiritual understanding. ^^Many a soul in the ark of philosophy, after fruitless struggles, was drowned in the sea of con- flicting theories of cause and effect, while those on board the craft of simplicity reached the shore of the Universal Cause by the aid of favorable winds blowing from the Point of Divine Knowledge. 'When man is associated with that transcendent Power emanating from the Word of God, the tree of his being becomes so well rooted in the soil of assurance that it laughs at the violent hurricanes of skepticism which attempt its eradication. For this association of the part with the Whole endows him with the Whole, and this unison of the particular with the Universal makes him all in alL'^ (Abdul- Baha.') INTRODLCTION The claim of the Bahai (Glorious) Revelation is that it is the Word of God sent to men to remove the antagonism and differences between peoples of various religions and prepare the way for their com- ing together in harmony and love and in an assured knowledge of the Will of God. It proclaims the time of Universal Peace and provides the founda- tion for the Universal Religion — the hope of the ages. It points the way and supplies the means for the unity of mankind in the knowledge and love of Truth under the high banners oi Justice and Mercy. It is >simple, profound, purifying, searching, as is the Word of God always. It is divine in origin, human in presentation, sane, practical and applicable to life in its every phase. In belief, it inculcates naught but truth; in action, naught but good; in human relations, naught but loving service. A world-religion is needed, a solvent of religious differences, an enlightener of religious misconceptions, an unifier of peoples in the knowledge of the One God and Father of them all, a platform on which all believers and seekers for God and His truth may meet, from whatever race or training they may [5] 1/ come. And that religion must recognize the divine elements which underlie all religions and meet each loyal soul upon his own ground without claiming ad- vantage over him, but rather bringing the light of God's Word to shine upon the truths he already has, in order that he may develop into a higher under- standing of Truth itself. The honored scholar and noble man. Max MuUer, who had frankly studied the languages and religions of the Orient, wrote as follows: **The true religion of the future will be the ful- filment of all the religions of the past, the true religion of humanity, that which in the struggle of history remains as the indestructible portion of all the so- called religions of mankind. There never was a false God, nor was there ever a false religion, unless you call a child a false man. All religions, as far as I know them, had the same purpose; all were links in a chain which connects heaven and earth, and which is held and always was held by One and the Same Hand. All here on earth tends towards right, truth and perfection; nothing here on earth can ever be quite right, quite true, quite perfect — ^not even Christianity — or what is now called Christianity, so long as it excludes other religions, instead of loving and embracing what is good in each." That **true religion of the future," as Max Mul- ler saw it, has already arrived in the Bahai Revela- tion; but where else is such a religion? With all the glorious efforts and results of Christian mission- [H] ary enterprise during the recent decades, It has scarcely made an Impress on Moslems, Zoroastrlans, Budd- hists, Brahmans or Jews. It has endeavored to over- throw the religious conceptions of other nations In favor of Its own, but It has taught the Interpretations of Its churches rather than the direct, simple teach- ings of Jesus, placing the word of man In lieu of the Word of God, and therefore It has been powerless to win those peoples who believe that they have also received the Divine Word from their own prophets and founders. It Is possible that the records of Jesus' words are quite Imperfect, but, even so, they have brought com- fort, hope and satisfaction to myriads of human souls, and If only his pure teachings had been presented, with their doctrines exemplified in the lives of the teachers, the whole world might have received them and loved them; but the peoples will not accept the teachings of a **cult'' and Its doctors as against their own cults and doctrines. It Is necessary for the con- quering of the heart of the world that the Word of Jesus shall be renewed and confirmed by a fresh revelation of God's Command, one that comes with declared authority and proves Its Right and Source by Its vitalizing effect upon the lives of men. There Is no religion that has remained pure and undefiled, and consequently there Is none of them fit- ted or capable to cause the nations to abandon their own religion to accept it. The known condition of the world's religions Is such that not one of them [ Hi ] can subdue or amalgamate the others. Time and efforts only emphasize this fact. What then? Shall the Word of God, proclaimed through so many of his prophets and messengers, be for naught? Or shall the promise of His appearing to the world with power, and the consequent union, happiness, know- ledge, peace and prosperity of mankind be accom- plished? The precedent to universal peace, which is the **millennium" promised in all scriptures, is the conscious knowledge of the One God, of His Mes- senger and His Message to men. The Bahai teaching is that God's Word faileth not, that it is accurate and reliable, that the time of its promises is at hand and that His Word, now pro- claimed to the whole world in Baha^o'llah (The Glory of God), is powerful and able to achieve His Will in the regeneration and union of mankind. **It is not a new religion, but Religion renewed." Where- ever it has proceeded it has produced the results fore- told of the ^'end of the age" and also declared by it- self. It proclaims the immanence of God and His pres- ence with humanity; it penetrates men's hearts and shows them their need of God and the way to find sat- isfaction for that need; it does remove religious differences and dispel religious rancor and doubt; it does bring men into the heart knowledge and con- sciousness of the Love of God and into loving unity with each other, without regard to race or former re- ligion; it inculcates divine morals, ethics and charac- teristics and brings man to higher conceptions of [ iv ] duty and life than have been his heritage from the churches of various creeds. It speaks with authority, demanding that man shall obey the Word, and naught but joy and uplifting is found in that obedience. It calls on man to test its worth by living its Ordinances, and those laws prove to be the very wine of Life. It comes not to destroy but to fulfil again that which has been fulfilled before and to complete that which has not been completed in the past. It offers itself as the Truth of God to every earnest soul; its followers are already numbered by the millions and are of all the great religious na- tions. If it be truth, wise is he who accepts it; if not — surely duty demands that it be tested and its fallacy proved lest men be led astray. It is but just to say that it is a very **live wire" and he who touches it must be prepared to receive in himself a powerful current of its ^^electricity." The truth of any religion can be proved and con- firmed only by the heart, by testing its tenets in the life. The Bahai Revelation is unshaken in the arena of intellect, but powers of reasoning cannot make final decision concerning spiritual truth. One may read or hear it for a lifetime, may listen to opinions or express them endlessly, but no judgment is just, no opinion reliable except that of the personal living and decision of the heart. It is not a matter of philosoph- ical reasoning, but a question of fact, and facts are demonstrable only by experience. Abdul-Baha was asked, 'What is the truth?" He [v] replied, **Truth is the Word of God, which gives life to humanity. It restores sight to the blind and hear- ing to the deaf; it makes eloquent those who are dumb, and living beings out of dead beings; it illuminates the world of the heart and soul; it reduces to nothing- ness the iniquities of the neglectful and erring ones. Beauty, perfection, brilliancy and spirituality of this existence come from or through the Word of God. For all it is the supreme goal, the greatest desire, the cause of life, light, instruction. The road to attain to this Truth is the Love of God. When the light of the Love of God is burning in the mirror of the heart, that flame shows the way and guides to the Kingdom of the Word of God. **As to that which causes the growth of the love of God, know that it is to turn one's self toward God." [vi] The Glory of the Lord ^^Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shah love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall he in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt hind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and on thy gates J* (Moses. Deut. 6.4-9.) It IS related that a certain scribe asked of Jesus: 'Which is the first commandment of all?*' Jesus answered him, *'The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first command- ment. And the second is like, namely this. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these J' (Mark 12.29-31.) THE GREAT COMMANDMENT. The first and greatest command- Love's ment, that of love, is recorded alike by Inspiration Moses and Jesus, but how shall it be obeyed? Love is attraction; it cannot be forced or commanded; it must be drawn forth by the lovable. The will may direct love's attention toward an object but can never compel its action. The desirability of the object, the longing for nearness and union with it, these are the inspirers of love. How can man love God, the Infinite, whom no one hath seen ? No man can comprehend God or know him as he is. How can his whole being, heart, soul, mind and strength, be devoted to the love of the Unknown, the Unseen? With all his striving and searching man cannot find out God. He can manufacture a god of his imagination, a creature of his ^an-made • • 11 -r 1 n ^°^S superstition, usually a magnined reflec- tion of himself possessing both his good and bad qualities, but the gods of man's making are not worth his love and devotion; how then shall he obey the great commandment? Although some knowledge of the Beloved is neces- sary for love, docs the keeping of the command re- v. ip. - - W- , .«|^ qmre u^.'to klio-\v:Jiim'as he is In his Essence, his Pre* existence, in order to love him? Man loves many things, but knows not the essence of anything. At the most, he perceives only some of the desirable qualities manifested and he loves either the qualities or, because of them, their unknown essences. If it be some precious jewel, he admires the brilliancy, luster, hardness, beauty of the gem — Its revealed quahties; if it be a flower, it is the freshness, the forms of petals and stamens, the colors, harmony and fragrance, which attract him; or if a hu- Qualities man being, the human qualities, strength, knowledge, power and ability, or weak- ness, sweetness, delicacy, refinement and grace draw forth his love. Yet In no case does he comprehend the reality which Is hidden beneath these evident and attractive displays. They are veils of beauty, hiding their parent, essence, while revealing some of its attributes. If we cannot penetrate through the yel- lowness, density and qualities of a piece of gold to know what gold Is, how shall we expect to sound the depths of firmaments, the magnitudes of space or mys- teries of littleness to find out God and know what God Is? The commands of the Almighty are not sent forth In vain. Although man cannot lift himself above him- self to the heavens of knowledge of the Infinite One, God can reveal to him that Information of his beauty which shall cause him to be In man's sight **The One altogether lovely." He, who has placed In us the power to perceive qualities and values, discloses enough of his lovable characteristics to draw to him- self all the love of our beings. In every atom he unfolds his attributes — in sun, star and moon — in dawn, sunset and night — in storm and shine — in crystal, flower and animal — and above all in man, the microcosm, the index of existence. The ^pj^^ whole apparent universe is a great Creational '^Creational Book,'' a concourse of mir- Book rors displaying his qualities. All mankind attempts to read this book, but what each finds depends on his point of view which has been formed by previous training and environment. Even in reading a printed book, in listening to music or in viewing a work of art, no two persons see alike; their perceptions are according to their education. So with the book of creation — the ignorant see only the powers manifest- ed in nature and cringe before them, while the more advanced in knowledge appreciate order, beauty, wis- dom and other delightful values therein. In the spirit- ual childhood of man he stands in wonder and awe before that book, staring at its pages, unable to in- terpret them aright — until he has learned how to read. Each step of life is the result of education. In the alphabet of living, man learns that all existence is subject to law. The universe displays order and harmony in every part; the Umversal suns and planets, each element and or- ganization in the mineral, vegetable and animal worlds, all are governed by inflexible law ; nothing is exempt. Therefore Law is universal and expresses it- self in various definite, reliable actions, severally called laws — such as those of attraction, vibration, inertia, construction (as in crystal, plant and animal), laws of cycles, of ascent and descent, summer and winter, life and death, centripetal and centrifugal laws, etc. This one great law of the universe keeps everything in its place. It binds the particles of rock together; it causes things to fall toward the earth's center in- stead of flying off into space; it holds the suns, moons and planets perfectly in their orbits; it causes like to seek like, and it produces harmony among all material things, so that each. fulfils its purpose in existence. Whatever we may call it, cohesion, gravi- The Law tation, motion or force, it is in reality the Law of Love. It is co-eternal with ex- istence; it is the Immanence of God, the expression of the Creator in creation. If this Love of God is so manifest In the kingdoms of matter, how much more must It be toward his higher creature man ! The very lowest and most igno- rant of men Is far higher In the scale of existence than minerals, vegetables or animals. **If God so clothe the grass of the field, which today Is, and tomorrow is cast Into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith." God Is Love, always was Love, always will be Love. He has always loved man. We cannot conceive of any time that God's love has not been shown to him. All nature says to man: **God so loves you that he has made me to serve you and to provide for your needs. Lo, here I am! Do with me as you will.'* Food and drink, clothing and shelter, flowers and colors, beauty, order, variety, harmony and unity, all things for the welfare and delight of man ! If the generous Father so provides for material and mental needs, how much more must his Providence care for the spir- itual necessities! All things are related to other things in a fixed man- ner; nothing is independent or self-subsistent but all are under the over-ruling law which expresses itself in each according to its needs and for its highest de- velopment. Even the laws of decay and disintegra- tion are for an evolution to higher uses, as the rock must be ground to dust before its nobler values may appear in the rose and grape. Man sees these laws of physical life working and expressing in all below and around him, even in his own body and mind ; he also perceives that knowledge enables him to grow in wisdom and power. As the government of each king- dom is such that it promotes its best condition, so must there not be laws for man, which shall direct him to his highest possible destiny? The same divine Wis- dom, which cares for the lily and the grass of the field to bring them to their fulness of use and beauty, must surely provide for the exaltation of humanity to its perfection, and this is above and beyond the realm of ordinary human faculties. There is a marked and vital difference between man and the kingdoms below him. They are sinless, knowing neither right nor wrong, unconsciously living the laws of their existence, which are expressed in them, not to them. These laws are expressed also in man, and to him because he is the only being who has the power to oppose nature and to select among her laws which he will serve. Man is endowed with God- like qualities, powers of discrimination and judgment, perceptions of values — of worth and unworth and a free will to decide between them. He has eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil ^"' ^ and can choose either as he will. These superior faculties make him an intelli- gent, choosing, responsible creature, responsible to himself for his attainment or loss. Therefore the generous, loving Law-maker offers to him a clear knowledge of the laws of progress toward his great- est good, in order that man may perceive, learn, obey and become, as it were, a conscious partner with Him in the attainment of a Life Eternal, a nearness and intimacy with the Divine Wisdom and Love, which shall exalt him into the heavenly condition of **one- ness with God." *'Man is said to he the greatest representative of God, and he is the ^Book of Creation' because all the mysteries of being exist in him. If he comes under the shadow of the True Educator and is highly trained J he becomes the essence of essences, the light of lights, the spirit of spirits; he becomes the center of the divine appearances, the source of spiritual quaU ities, the rising-place of heavenly lights, and the re- ceptacle of divine inspirations.^' ( Abdul-Baha.' **Some Answered Questions." p. 273.) The great Law, which enables man to understand the way of Life and to walk therein, Is the revealed Word or expression on the human plane of the Will of God for the welfare of man. It Is the Book of books, the Law of laws, which reveals to man the hidden facts of being and teaches him how to know and love God and also how to understand the les- sons printed on the pages of the universe. It appeals to his heart. Is studied and Interpreted there, because it is expressed In terms of life. It comes forth from the Arcana of the heavens as the highest Manifes- tation of Truth, the greatest Message to promote the advancement and happiness of man, to guide and light him in the **RIght Path." It is the Word of God. THE WORD OF GOD. The doctrine of the Logos, the Word, appears throughout all scriptures and it is concretely stated in the first Chapter of the Gospel of St. John. ^^In the beginning was the Wordy and the Word was With God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God, **All things were made by him (through The Word) ; and without him was not anything made that was made, ^^In him (The Word) was life; and the life was the light of men, ^^And the light (The Word) shineth in darkness (of Ignorance) ; and the darkness comprehended it notr ^^And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt (liter- ally, tabernacled or pitched his tent) among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth,^' ^'For the law was given by Moses, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.^' What was that gloi7 but the manifested Word of the Will of God, shining forth in words of light and illustrated in the holy, selfless life of the Perfect Man, all aflame with the Divine Spirit of God! 8 ''No man hath seen God at any time; the only be- gotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he (The Incarnate Word) hath declared him J* Man, **made after his image/' is the highest ex- pression of God in the world of being. When the Invisible Word, the creative power of God, becomes revealed through a prepared Man and is transmuted through him into the ^^^ Word , . ^^r 1 . . . -, Incarnate spoken or written Word, it is incarnated, **made flesh,'' and is visible to man because it has de- scended into his plane of existence. When the same **Hidden Word" enters into the One fitted to receive it and becomes the sole light and power of his life, it is **incarnate," revealing itself through the temple of his body, from which its glory radiates in every word and deed. That body is the throne on which It is seated and from which its proclamations are given. The human instrument of revelation, being then identified with the Word — which is the mani- fested Spirit of God — is also called The Word or Manifestation, because He is the personification of that Word to mankind. ''The Spirit and the Word mean the divine per- fections that appeared in the Reality of Christ J* "The Holy Reality of the Word of God is in the condition of the pure, fine and shining mirror; the heat, the light, the image and likeness, that is to say, the perfections of the Sun of Reality appear in it. That is why Christ says in the Gospel: The Father 9 . is in the Son; that is to say, the Sun of Reality ap- pears in the mirror/* (Abdul-Baha.' '*Some An- wered Questions'' p. 240.) Man is the word-speaker. He is taught by words; he communicates his ideas, wishes and will, by words ; his accomplishments on earth result from his words; he trains the most subtle powers to carry his words to the end of the world; he records them on stone, wax, parchment and paper that future generations may not utterly forget him. All this Is -,^ , ^^ that man may understand God's method speaker , . of communicating his Will and may re- ceive the teaching of his higher attributes by means of the uttered Word. In order that it may reach man it is revealed through human mouth-pieces. ^^God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets since the world be- gan^ (Acts 3. 21 : Lu. i. 70), and when the time arrived for the coming to birth of the Kingdom of God among men, the Incarnate Word was called his **Only begotten," his **Son"— ''For God so loved the world that he ga^e his only begotten Son, that who- soever believed on him should not perish, but have everlasting life J* (John 3. 16.) What wonderful, what beautiful teaching! God was not angry with mankind, as some have taught. How could they teach so with these words flaming before their eyes? Was not the whole burden of Jesus' teaching — Love, the love of the Father? And 10 that man should love God and love man, his neigh- bor? How could man love an angry God, a wrathful monarch? No ! God so ^^^ ^^^^ loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, the Incarnate Word, that whosoever accepted him — **believed in him" — should have ever- lasting life. That representative of Divine Love, whose whole life was love, was not "given" to suffer anguish in the place of man, tD be rejected, scorned and crucified, to bear the deserved punishment of men's sins and thus placate an offended father. Truly he suffered all these things because of The Wrath the sms or men, but it was through the wrath of man, not of God, his Father. '^God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might he saved/* (9 -27 3.17.) He never condemned the poor, ignorant sin- ers, '^blind from their birth." He said to them, ''Go and sin no more," and in the very depth of degrada- tion and suffering poured upon him, he cried, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." His fatal and awful condemnations were only for the mighty, the "learned," the false guides, the "blind leaders of the blind," the priestly revilers of the Word of God. It is related that the people pressed upon him to hear the Word of ^, Truth^^ God (Lu. 5. I.) because, ''Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that pro- II ceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live/^ (Deut. 8.3; Matt. 4.4; Lu. 4.4.) He said: ''To this end was I horn, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear zvitness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice/^ What is meant by believing In him If it be not to believe the Word he spoke, the Word of the Father poured forth from his blessed lips for the uplifting of men and to bring all who believed In him into the Kingdom of God, new born, new crea- Beheving tuTts, sons of God and heirs to the in Him 1 • 1 . r ^ rr' r glorious bounties or the Kingdom of Heaven ? To believe on him meant also to recognize him as the Messenger and Son of the Most High, and that belief followed the acceptance of his Word. The Word of God Is the key to Immortality. It is the bearer of Eternal Life. It is the Instructor in knowledge of God, that man may know and love him, may become his son, be one with him as the Iron with the magnet and be heir to his Kingdom, ''being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incor- ruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever J* (i. Peter 1.23.) When the Iron is in the fire it loses Its hard, black, cold qualities; being filled with the fire it becomes soft, fluent, glowing and fiery. It can Immortality say, '*I am one with the fire, I in the fire, and the fire In me, I and the fire are one!'' Thus is man who Is born of the Spirit; he is 12 a "new creature," transformed because transmuted by the elixir of the Word, which changes the copper of his nature into the pure gold of another and loftier state known as *^Eternal Life" or ^^Immortality," a condition of oneness with the Spirit of God and son- ship to Him. This is the true image or likeness of God. ^^ Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God/' '^Be- loved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is J' (i. John, 3.2.) This resurrection from a lower to a higher station, this new birth, re- joices the Psalmist when he exclaims, *^As for me I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satis- fied, when I awake, with thy likeness/' (Ps. 17.15.) This is immortality — not merely continued exist- ence (even the satans have that), but an eternal one- ness with Life itself, the True One, '*whom to know is life eternal." Jesus said: ^^This is the will of my Father, that every one that beholdeth the Son, and be- lieveth on him, should have eternal life/' (John 6.40.) ^^The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life/' (John 6.63.) Such state- ments fill the New Testament and are in accord with the divine teachings of all time, viz: that the Word of God is the giver of light, the teacher and guide of 13 men to eternal life, the creator of new hearts and right spirits, the revelation of God. In Genesis, the book of creation, it is written : ^^In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and dark- ness was upon the face of the deep. T^^L^M'" ^^^ ^^^ spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said (The Word), Let there he light; and there was light/' It is the same story — not necessarily an account of the creation of physical light, but rather of the real crea- tion which occurs to every man in whom a new heart is created and a right spirit renewed. He is dead in ignorance and chaos; darkness is upon the face of his soul, until the Word of God enters into him and says: "Be light!" Then comes a dawning, an awakening, a day-spring, a resurrection within him. He is re- created, born again, begotten of the Spirit, a son of God. It is always accomplished by the Word '* 'Be !' — and it is." ^^By the word of the Lord were the heavens made!^ (Ps. 33.6.) His heavens are also created in the hearts of those who love and serve him. ''The kingdom of heaven is within you." This recognition of the Word and perception of Light is the first step man takes toward the divine destiny, the heavenly manhood, which God his Father has made possible for him, and to which he invites him in each one of his supreme commands. ^^God is the Lord who hath 14 showed us lightJ* (Ps. 118.27.) ^^The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.'' (Ps. 119. 130.) ''Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path!' (Ps. 119. 105.) ''hOy all these things worketh God often- times with man, to bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living." (Job. 33. 29.) ''And the nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light !^ (Rev. 21. 34.) 15 THE GIFT OF GOD. **God loved the world" — not only the Jews at Jerusalem, but all mankind; not only at the time of Jesus but before and since. Always, **since the world began" he has given his Word to all men, at all times, in so far as they were able to receive it. Whence came the wonderful instructions for life in the ancient writings of Enoch, Moses, David and the Psalmists, in the Vedas, the Avesta, the Gathas and Upanishads, in Isaiah and Lao Tse? Were they of Origins human or divine manufacture? They were always higher than the imagina- tions of men, and they were opposed to his natural desires. When their inner significances and realities are perceived, the oneness of their essentials is so evident there can be no doubt that they originated from a single source. They all had their origins in the Word of God, which in its essence is the same today, yesterday and forever. There is but One God ; His Word is ever one and the same. That which Is different is not His Word. Each of the great religions bases its teaching, faith, loyalty and existence upon confidence in the word of a single human founder. Each points back to him as the reliable one, the superlative one, the infallible one. But no word is infallible save that of God, and i6 if those great ones were truly reliable, their word must have been the Word of God. The expression of that Word through such prepared human Instru- ments has always been the method whereby man has learned the Will of God for his own life. They were the **mouths" of the Lord. That the Almighty God chooses a man to be his representative and his mouthpiece Is shown In the Interesting account, related In Exodus 3 and 4, of his appointment of Moses to be the Deliverer of his people Israel. After God called to him out of the burning bush and told him that he was the God of his fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He said: '7 will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt J* (God Is always trying to bring his children out of the Egypt of darkness and Ignorance.) But Moses did not seek such an appointment; he dreaded it and tried to escape It, although he de- sired to serve God. ^^And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Phar- Moses* aoh, and that I should bring forth the Appoint- children of Israel out of Egyptf Then "^^"^ God gave his mighty Name— '7 AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you!^ He also gave further instructions to Moses to tell the people how God had appeared unto him and given these com- mands. 17 *^And Moses answered and said. But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say. The Lord hath not sent thee^ Then the Lord showed him how to manifest signs of pow- er by the symbols of the rod and of the right hand, but still ^^Moses said unto the LoRD^ O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant, but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue/^ ^^And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man^s mouthf^ ^'Have not I the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt sayT Yet Moses could not entirely sever his thought of self and trust the Lord. ^^And he said, O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou shouldest send^' How prone we are, even to this day, to decide in our minds whom the Lord shall send as his Representative to man, and how he shall come.) But, after all this, God chose Moses to be his rep- resentative to Israel, and even appointed Aaron his brother to be a mouthpiece for Moses, saying, **I know that he can speak well/' ^'And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do. And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth and THOU SHALT BE TO HIM INSTEAD OF GOD." Thus God puts his Word into the mouths of his i8 Chosen Ones, and thus he appoints a man to be as God unto men. It is by the might of the Word that man is saved. The power of God is in the Word, but it saves only him who takes it into his heart that it may spring up there into a fountain of living Water, from which he shall be born into a new Life. In its lower, outer aspect, it is for the advantage of man's present living; it teaches him morals and eth- ics which are the only source of all true ethical train- ing, but its deeper meanings and instructions are to prepare man for an inner life, widely different and incomparable to this life. Indeed, the best outer life is but death compared to this inner life; it is an old life compared to a new life. The speech of these Mouthpieces of God was in the language and terminology of the time and place where it was given, but the teachings were offered and accepted only up to the degree of capacity in their hearers. In the ages of spiritual infancy man could receive but little of the strength of the Word, and its doctrine was according to his capacity. First came the laws of fear and obedience; then reverence, jus- tice, wisdom and love were inculcated Heavenly as mankind progressed in the **Schools School- of the Prophets.'' Each revealer of the masters Word was a heavenly schoolmaster and each divine lesson became the foundation for the further teach- ing of a later day. Each manifestor of the com- mands of God referred to the teachings of those be- fore him as witness to his own authority. *^For had 19 ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me/^ (John 5. 46.) Age after age, through all history, One has ap- peared, who gave to man the Word of God, divine instruction how to live and what to do to attain a higher and heavenly station, to overcome former con- ditions and rise to a manner of life which should be permanent, sinless, perfect and valuable. With each one there was no earthly power, no armies, royalty, riches nor honor, but rather poverty, apparent weak- ness, oppression, hatred and rejection. Whatever the circumstance, time or place, he was, or The Word became, poor in all things except the riches of the Word which ever went forth from the door of humility and lowliness. It was simply delivered and left to itself without hu- man aid (except the life illustrating it) that it might prove its divine power by its own penetrative, creative and transforming effect upon mankind. At first it entered the hearts of the few, changed their lives, opened their minds to the Truth and Love of God, and then went on from generation to generation, al- tering the destinies of nations, overthrowing dynasties, forming new peoples and giving life and hope to un- told millions of souls throughout centuries of time. There are men in this day, reputed to be learned, who try to deny that the historical Jesus ever lived. The histories of him are hearsay accounts, written by unknown authors; not a word of his own writing 20 is in existence as far as known; indeed there is no record that he ever wrote, except with his finger upon the ground (what a wonderful symbol was that, if it be understood!) even as God wrote with his finger upon the tables of stone borne by Moses from Sinai. Yet the evidence that the ^^ Christ Christ lived in that age of the world, and that he gave such teachings as are recorded, is as certain as the existence of the sun, because there must have been a Speaker of the Words which have lived and proved their divine quality through nineteen cen- turies in every way possible for the mind or heart of man to conceive. None but a Christ could have con- ceived such a character as the man, Christ Jesus. The proof of the sun is its shining and its effect on the physical world; the evidence of the Word of God is its educative power and the light of Life, which it kindles in the souls of men, making each heart a living flame, never to be quenched. No one, who has felt the elixir of the^Word penetrating his soul and the fountain of eternal youth springing up within him, can ever deny the reality of the Christ and the fact of human Manifestation, the Bearer of the Cup of Life. That which distinguishes man from the lower king- doms, that which makes him a man, is the power of the Word of God working in him to will and to do, to create new methods of thinking and doing, to im- plant new ideas which later become ideals toward which he strives, because he perceives them to be more 21 valuable than his former knowledges and possessions, and so he grows from childhood to manhood, grows in favor with God and man. Many can bear witness to the power of the Word in their lives. It enters through the brain into the mind of man, and if not rejected it goes h^^w d deeper, penetrating his heart, piercing through the shells of self sufficiency and self conceit, and becomes the new motive power of his life. '^For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart/' (Heb. 4. 12.) Sometimes the effect is sudden, in the twinkling of an eye. Sometimes a great grief or disappointment is the cause of his awakening, because such experiences drive man, as it were, to God for relief from despair. He finds in time of sorrow and trial that there is no comforter but God and that consolation comes through the revealed Word which always invites the hungry, the thirsty, the weary, to water, food and rest. Therefore the Manifestation of the Word is indeed the Comforter sent by God to those who turn to him. It teaches us of the realities of things, what we are and what we may be. It tells of the destiny made possible to us by the Love of our Father. It is so plain that no farer in the way need err therein; it is 22 so full that infinite riches reward him who enters Its depths. It is the Pearl of great price, the treasure of mankind, the guerdon of Immortality, the Path of Eternal Life. Its rewards are love, wisdom, service, bounty and joy. The divine proof, the permanent and reliable evi- dence of the mission and authority of any one of God's Chosen Manifestations is the effect of the Word he speaks. Man's word is of little weight, meaning or permanence; It Is only for the circum- stance and time; it soon fades and Is forgotten, but the Word of God passes not away. It changes the very nature of man; It lives, grows, spreads in ever widening Influence, has i, ^^^"^ depths and mountams or meanmgs, is exhaustless, boundless, mighty, and rides in triumph over Innumerable graves and generations of the works of men. So It Is said In the Revelation of St. John that he who went forth conquering and to conquer, riding upon the white horse and followed by the hosts of heaven, he who was the Lord of hosts, was called: The Word of God. (Rev. 19. 11.) Is It not sufficiently evident that the great means for the salvation of men from themselves, for the overcoming of all satanic desires and the attainment of Eternal Life, Is the Word of God? All the mighty names surround the The Mighty Names Word. The one, redeeming, creating, life-giving Power, the Angel of Light, the King of Righteousness, the Son, the Father, the Manifesta- 23 tion, the Glory of God, his Right Arm, his Holy One, his Redeemer and Saviour, is his Word Incarnate, revealed through the mouths and manifested in the lives of his holy and chosen Ones from the beginning of the world. 24 SUCCESSION OF DIVINE REVELATIONS. Back of all his Revealers was the Giver of the Word, the Infinite Love, Wisdom and Generosity. However man may have erred, misinterpreted, strayed or opposed, God has never permitted the channel of communication to be entirely closed, lest channels of man should be overwhelmed and des- Communica- troyed in the floods of his own falsities. ^^^^ When the Word became clouded by the false inter- pretations of ambitious men, veiled by their desires and errors, so that man was in danger of utter loss and denial of the Holy Word and its Divine Truth; when the waters of life became stained and adulter- ated by filtering through the brains of men, another One appeared and again proclaimed the Word, call- ing on men to repent, to turn from the tales of their past and look to the new Sun of Revelation shining over the horizon of the world. This is history, not imagination. We know not what manner of men preceded the new spiritual cycle of revelation which appeared with Adam, but from that time prophet after prophet has proclaimed the Will of God to this and that people. Whenever and wherever **darkness has covered the earth and gross darkness the people," **the glory of the Lord has arisen," bringing the dawn of a new 25i dispensation of divine knowledge. The '*glory of the Lord'' is the revelation of his Word, a shining Sun of wisdom and love, a Day-dawn of enlighten- ment and assurance dispersing the night of ignorance and doubt. Each of these great revealers of God's commands has declared that his dispensation was not final; has instructed his followers to look forward to another coming, to a great and glorious Appearance, whom No ^U mankind would recognize, while the Dispensation whole world should enter into a para- Final jjg^ q£ universal knowledge of the One God and world-wide peace in his Kingdom on earth. It was declared that, at the time of the end, in the last day, there should be a revelation of God's Will so clear that the hidden things should become known, so broad that all mankind should accept it. Many signs have been given in the sacred books and traditions and they agree wonderfully, even in terminologies. In that day the old heavens and earth should end like a scroll that is read and finished, a new heaven and earth appear; the sun should be darkened, the moon turn to blood and the stars fall from heaven — because the citizens of that new City would have ^^no need of the sun, neither igns o ^1 ^^^ moon to shine in it. for the Glory the Times / / • of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light (lamp) thereof/' (Rev. 21. 23.) These signs were mentioned by Isaiah, Amos, Ezekiel, Joel, 26 Jesus, Peter and John, as well as by great prophets of other religions. Therefore, their fulfillment was not completed in the time of Jesus nor of the Revelations of John. Prophecy is evidently of such a nature that it cannot be understood until after it is fulfilled; other- wise it would be mere foretelling. But when it is completed its hidden meanings are disclosed and easy to be comprehended by all who so desire. It was to be a time of trouble, of turmoil, distur- bance and change, a passing away of old doctrines, thoughts and things and the appearance of a new world of ideals and facts; the conditions of warfare, oppression, ignorance and suffering should finally cease and a heavenly kingdom of wisdom, justice, mercy and love should ensue, accompanied by an earthly reign of knowledge, health, hap- piness, service, peace and prosperity. ^i!^^^i/ ^^The Lord shall be king over all the earth; in that day shall there be one Lord and his name one!* (Zech. 14.9.) ^^For the earth shall be filed with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord (his Manifested Word) as the waters cover the sea!* (Hab. 2.14; Is. 1 1.9.) The Bahai teaching is that when, in the ending of a great cycle of dispensations and the beginning of an- other, there is an Universal Manifestation of the Will of God, the changes in all things are so great, the new conditions so advanced, that the old becomes forgotten and no trace of it remains. Although it is 27 believed that man has existed on earth for immense periods of time, yet there is no record of him previous to Adam, about 7,000 years ago. That was the time of the beginning of this great week of thousands of years now ending and passing in its turn into the Lethe of forgetfulness. Its Sabbath, its final day of peace and rest, has ah'eady dawned. The recurrence of cycles of spiritual light and darkness is as well established as the succession of days and nights. When the night of troubles and doubts becomes dense, when faith is dangerously shaken, an- other dawn of glorious revelation of God's Word and Will appears above the Eastern Horizon. This has been the history of mankind from the beginning, and history is now repeating itself. Toward the end of the 1 8th Century and in the nineteenth the Darkness world was in deep spiritual darkness. We see the effects of that condition in the fierce greed of men and nations, their oppression over the weak, their craftiness, diplomacy, fear and reli- ance upon the god of force. In the schools we see the academic result in the wide spread materialism, the scoffing at religion and spiritual ideas, the exalta- tion of man as against God, the dethronement of God from participation in the affairs of men and the doctrines of man's self-sufficiency. Our great univer- sities hesitate not to teach these doctrines of gross materialism and their works on religion are often de- structive rather than constructive. 28 All these are the works of darkness, but God slum- bers not, nor sleeps. Afar off in the Orient his Sun has risen with healing in his wings, his Word has again appeared through Baha'o^- ^^^ 2!^^/ 1 /-I r ^ 1 ^ 11 of God LLAH, the Glory or God. tLven as dark- ness and ignorance have covered the earth, so this Great Light has shone forth with such brilliancy, power and adaptation to the needs of all men, that it is already enlightening the globe, and seekers for Truth, advancing ones from every clime and religion, from Persia, Russia, India, Egypt, China, Germany, France, England and America, are welcoming its beautiful and Life-giving radiance. 29 THE FULLNESS OF TIME. The times are full; the days of prophecy are num- bered and the prophecies themselves are being ful- filled before our eyes. Now Is one of those remark- able periods of unrest, of change from Coming of former to future conditions. No plane •the New c t- r - i • • i i or life IS exempt; be it material, mental, psychic or spiritual, It is in the throes of a new crea- tion, a new conception, a disclosing of secrets and bringing forth of things new and old. We are al- ready so employed in meeting the new wonders and adapting ourselves to the new environment, that (with the exception of the workers in archaeological search) we care but little for the things of past centuries, which are rapidly fading from sight. ^'For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind/' (Is. 65.17.) Daniel Indicated an hour upon the clock of time in the future history of the Persian Kingdom, and Jesus referred his enquiring disciples to Daniel. The Revel- ation of St. John pointed repeatedly to the same dial. Mahomet proclaimed the same period and all the Scriptures of the world have declared In unison the events of that time of times. Now the FULFIL- MENT HAS ARRIVED, EXACTLY *'0N TIME." 30 Those wise figurers, the **MIllerites," knew the date accurately and were prepared to meet it, but they misinterpreted the manner of its fulfilment, and so grieved bitterly that God had not kept his appoint- ment. They looked for a "Coming" not in accord with known laws, forgetting that the laws of nature are the laws of God, and that he does not violate his own laws. The **hour'' struck exactly at the ap- pointed time, but it came quietly "in the night" and did not sound an alarm of terror in the skies. As soon as its foreword was uttered in the Orient, the Electric Telegraph responded from the Occident and flashed its first great message to the world in the words: "What hath God wrought!" In its very year the astronomers noted the distur- bance of Uranus and cried: "A new planet is near and about to be revealed !" Two years later Neptune was seen. In the same year Turkey gave the great Edict of Toleration, permitting the Jews to reside in Palestine, and allowing its subjects to become Christians. That was the beginning of the "Return" of the Jews. In the mounds of Nineveh, that year, archaeology commenced to disclose the concealed mysteries of the past. AH the world began to stir and awaken to the re- vealing of the hidden powers of earth, air, fire and water. Men searched for realities and, by the un- recognized light of the Spirit shining to assist every 31 seeker for truth, they have discovered that which has amazed them. Though wonder piles on wonder, they are yet slow to acknowledge the real cause of The Light ^hls tremendous advance in knowledge. of the Sometimes, in the very act of discovering Spirit |.j^g marvelous bounties and benefits of God, they declare: **There is no God!" There is nothing so blinding to man as the pride of intellect, the exaltation of success. One may as well deny the influence of the sun in the growing of a tree as to ignore the power of the Spirit, the divine light, in the growth of scientific knowledge. To him who hath eyes to see, it is a necessity for the existence of man that, in this time of rapid and unique advancement in material knowledges, there must be an equal and balancing progress in spiritual enlightenment. Just in the degree that man recedes from the recognition of the actuality, presence and authority of God as an over-ruling Entity and from obedience to his revealed Word, does he become the servant of greed, ambition, cruelty, injustice, oppres- sion and all that tends to degrade him and extinguish his real humanity. With the appearance of each in- vention, note how the hawks of the governments watch to test its adaptability to purposes of war. The intent of the natural man is to rule or ruin, and power without the fear of God means ruin. These dangerous knowledges of means of destruc- tion, in the hands of Godless rulers, foretell the ex- tinction of humanity within a few years, unless the 32 higher powers of spiritual knowledges, as expressed in the revelation of God's Word, shall enter their minds and hearts and turn their desires to justice, mercy and righteousness, to the angerous 1 r i^ 1 J T^i • • Knowledges love or Cjod and man. Inis is nec- essary, not only for this nation and for that, but for all the peoples of the world. That knowledge, which is possessed by one must be open to all; there must be a brotherhood of nations, not an autocracy of one over all. This is impossible while different religions separate and oppose them one to another. All must come into the acknowledgment of One God, One Spirit, One Truth, One Father, and the inter- dependence, unity, harmony and brotherhood of all the members of the one human race. Then only can there be health and true prosperity in the great body politic of the world. 3S AS ABOVE SO BELOW. ''All that is in the heavens and earth shows forth the Divine Names and Attributes until the traces of the splendor of that Sun of Truth are manifest and evident in every atom; so that, without the appear- ance of this splendor, nothing can be honored with this robe of life nor attain to existence in the phenom- enal world. What suns of knowledges are concealed, in an atom! What oceans of wisdom are hidden in a drop! Among the beings man is especially assigned to these robes and chosen for this dignity, for all the Divine Names and Attributes are manifest and evi- dent in human appearances in the most perfect and excellent manner. All of these Names and Attributes have reference to man/' ''Everything glorifieth God and praiseth Him. Some among them know God and mention Him; some mention Him and do not know Him/' "All things express the Divine Names and Attrt- butes. Each, in proportion to its capacity, indicates and points to the Divine Knowledge, until the appear- ances of (His) Attributes and Names have encom- passed all the seen and unseen/' "O thou, my friend: I declare in Truth that if thou 34 dost ponder over these statements thou wilt find doors of Divine Wisdom and portals of Infinite Knowledge opened before thy face J' (Baha^o'llah.) ^^The outward is the expression of the inward; the earth is the mirror of the Kingdom; the material world corresponds to the spiritual world/' (Abdul- Baha'. "Some Answered Questions" p. 319.) The Ancient Hermetic proverb, **As above — so be- low," signifies that every physical appearance and ac- tion is an outward shadow or reflection of a spirit- ual condition within or above it. This is a law well known from earliest ages. Whenever there are great changes in the material or mental worlds, they indicate corresponding movements in the inner and spiritual planes. The lower phenomena not only manifest the presence, influence and laws of the higher conditions but are also dependent upon them. The greatest material exemplar of the Spirit of God is light. If physical light greatly increases on the earth, as it has done in the last few years, it sure- ly signifies an intensifying of Spiritual light in the world of mankind. We have come out of the age of candle light into the electric blaze, and it means more than the mere lighting of Light stores and streets. It is converting night into day, even as the night of ignorance and doubt in spiritual matters is beginning to disappear before the rays of the Spiritual Sun of Revelation which has come to the world in this age. *^The people that 35 walked in darkness have seen a great light ^ (Is. 9.2.) ** Arise, shine, for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee!* (Is. 60.1.) Our X-ray discloses the interiors and contents of opaque substances. What a marvel! and how much greater the wonder when we learn that it typifies the penetrating power of the Spirit, which is now search- ing the hearts and reins of men in this Day of Resur- rection and Judgment as never before. The ships in need send silent messages into the air (even as we who pray send forth our supplications to the Unseen) and answering succor comes to cheer and save. By telegraph and telephone we communicate with all the world and overcome all obstacles, little think- ing that it means the leveling of mountains, the lifting of valleys, the making of the whole th^^w"^ earth a broad highway for the diffusion of knowledge, because it is the time when the ''Glory of the Lord" Is revealed and his Word flashes like the lightning from East to West and around the circle of the earth. '^Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God/* ''Every valley shall he exalted, and every mountain and hill shall he made low, and the crooked shall he made straight, and the rough places plain/* 36 ^^And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together J' (Is. 40. 3-5.) What is that Glory but the Word of God? By the aid of this electricity, the physical servant of the spirit, which furnishes light, heat and motion, annihilating space and time, our ships and trains speed more and more swiftly, lessening distances, bear- ing the products of the whole earth to every part, carrying travelers, missionaries, searchers for knowl- edge, back and forth from nation to nation, bring- ing all peoples into closer acquaintance, making it possible for the Gospel to be preached in all the world and fulfilling prophecy. ^^At the time of the end, many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall he increased J' (Dan. 12.4.) These things are evident to him who believes the Word of God and seeks his Truth, but greater things are at the door. How shall we interpret the domin- ion over the air, which seems near at hand? When it is accomplished the correspondence with spiritual flight and knowledge shall become clear and we shall know an uplifting and exaltation of which we now have little conception. As we ascend from earthly attachments and soar in the atmosphere of the Spirit we shall indeed "meet the Lord in the air." The world is smaller today than yesterday and its interests are so commingled that all mankind is con- cerned in the news of today's happenings at every point of the globe. Commercial interests are so in- 37 terwined that a death in China, a quarrel between Sheiks in Morocco, or the arrest of a deserter in France, affects all the money marts of the world with- in the hour. The sensitive nerves of money now reach to the farthest corners of the earth. Has all this wonderful progress no deeper significance than commercial exploitation ? The Word has gone forth from the Throne of God, commanding unity and peace, and mankind is stand- ing at the threshold of that millenium of spiritual knowledge and human harmony which has been promised through the ages. All material processes bring men closer together, all physical discoveries, all mental energies are preparing the way for the great union and world-wide community of human interests when ^'business" shall be conducted **in the Name of the Lord." Masters of industry think mty an ^j^^^ ^^^ doing these things of themselves for the furtherance of their own little af- fairs and purposes, knowing not that they are instru- ments in the hand of God to open the doors of op- portunity to all peoples in this Day of his Revealing, that no good thing shall be withheld from any and that the human race may enter into the consummation of peace on earth, good will among men, or, as some of our friends interpret: *Teace on earth among men of good will." '^Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith?'' (Is. 10.15.) ^^^^ '^^H deed for this cause have I made thee stand, for to 38 show in thee my power; and that my name may he declared throughout all the earth,'' (Ex. 9.16.) Even the automobiles and electric cars declare the arrival of the "day of his preparation." ^*The char- iots shall he with flaming torches (literally, fire of steels) in the day of his preparation'' The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways; they shall seem like torch- es, they shall run like the lightnings." (Nahum 2.3.) 39 THE GOLDEN AGE. The discoveries of the last half century are suf- ficient to lift man from a condition of comparative childhood to a manhood of knowledge, and the end is not yet. Looking back a few years, ^ °° within our own lifetimes, we perceive that we were but children ; now we think we are wise, but to him, who sees beyond the present, it is evident that whole universities of scientific and spirit- ual learning are opening their doors to us and that we, as Freshmen, have just entered upon the vast course of knowledges, which shall graduate mankind into an era of wisdom, welfare, harmony, peace and pros- perity, such a golden age of Godly and heavenly living as the world has never seen. Who now can smile at prophecy? Its literal ful- filments are crowding upon each other in this Day of God's Manifestation when he is revealing the hid- den things of his treasuries and inviting every lover of Truth to come and feast at the banquet of the Lord. Who can say that his Spirit is not working among men to perfect his promises when, in one day, the peoples of different religions in Turkey suddenly forget their hatred and rush together in embraces, feastings, good will and joy?* Mohammedans, *These events followed the adoption of the Constitution of Turkey, July 24, 1908. 40 Christians and Jews embrace each other, regardless of religious differences. In the streets of old Terusalem Jews are seen holding ^^,., ^^ ^ 1 /• 1 1 r A T 1 J Fulfilment aloft the green banner or Mohammed while Christians applaud, and Mohammedans open the doors of the great Mosque on the site of the Temple of Solomon and welcome Jews into that holy place where no Israelite has been permitted, on pain of death, to stand for many centuries. No longer is it necessary for them to wail against the outer wall of that Sanctuary so sacred to them; the door has been opened, and whether or not it remain so, it is a type of the opening of innumerable doors, the removal of a multitude of barriers that have held apart the members of God's great family, the human race. Never before has the world witnessed miracles like these, although the prophets of old have declared them in language which cannot now be misunder- stood. The Day of Fulfilment is at hand, is here. ^^The month of the Lord hath spoken it/' (Is. 40. 5.), and every atom of existence proclaims it. The subtle electric spark, the particle of radium, all the elements and powers of the four kingdoms (earth, fire, air, water) and the spirit of man are arising from their lethargy to declare the vital presence of the Spirit of God in overwhelming manifestation. The Old Testament prophecies consist of two great burdens — the condemnation, dispersion and suf- fering of Judah and Israel, and their forgiveness, 41 return and joyful gathering together in the Holy Land. The real fulfilments of prophecy are on the spiritual plane but, in order that even the blind may see, there are literal fulfilments also. Today the Jews are coming en masse to Palestine; ^o^f^r^'^ht?' ^^^y ^^^ ^^^ ^^^y ^^^^"^ Jerusalem but are gathering in towns and villages and making efforts to buy the lands. They are rapidly gaining precedence in business affairs, and the won- derful changes under the Turkish Government seem to be opening the gates for a restoration of their honor and prosperity in the Land of Canaan. The nth Chapter of Isaiah is one of hundreds of references to the present times. Some portion of its promises may be said to have been fulfilled by Christ, but only a portion, and divine prophecy is of such nature that it calls for many fulfilments, even to the time of final culmination. All through, it declares the occurrences of this Day of Revelation (their pres- ence and meaning are evident to the Bahai student) : (i) the coming forth of the Rod (The Word), the rod of iron to rule the nations, the sharp sword of his mouth to smite the nations (also Isaiah ^^^ 19.15: I. 16) — (2) the appearance of the Branch to manifest wisdom and knowledge and the Spirit of the Lord (also Jer. 23. 5-6) — (3) the changing of animosity into harmony and the dwelling together of different peoples in peace — (4) the fulness and universality of "the knowledge of the Lord'' (also Hab. 2. 14) — (5) 421 the Ensign of Glory standing for the seekers of truth and the assembling of Israel, Judah and the Gentiles (also Is. 49.22: 59.19) — (6) the coming together of the remnant of the Lord's people from all parts of the earth — (7) the cessation of envy and enmity against the Jews — (8) their prosperity in the Land of Canaan — (9) the '^laying under a ban the tongue of the Egyptian sea" — smiting the river in its seven streams so that men should go over dry shod. What is this river-sea but the Nile, which has been put un- der bond by the great Assuan Dam and highway, one of the engineering wonders of the age? (also Is. 62. 10-12.) Think of the number of prophecies in one chapter alone, and all being fulfilled before our eyes today! Surely, in this time the intelligent stu- dent of prophecy will find richer rewards than ever before, because the proofs of truth are in procession before him, and it is the time of understanding. Hitherto the peoples of the world have had little acquaintance or knowledge of each other. Each na- tion, knowing only its own manners, customs and ideas, could see little good in any other. The foreigner was regarded as an enemy ^ ^^ to be feared, or overcome. Indeed, the attitude of governments to this day is that of fear. Each new battleship is a signal for the adding of one or more to other fleets. The strong fear a com- parative diminution of their strength and the weak are in terror of the strong. But the time of awaken- ing has come and on every side are those who recog- 43 nize the ignorance and 'foolishness of such a condition among the reasonable beings, and the volume of their voice is constantly swelling and demanding peace. This national antagonism is but an extension of the ancient condition when each man's hand was against every other. Then the scattered units joined into the larger individualizations of tribes and the tribes into nations; the first intent was self-protection, the sec- ond — aggression. This has been the kindergarten age of man, an age which is now coming to its end. Man has been playing at living, in a sort of rough, competitive game, striving for personal benefit with- out regard to the welfare of others. The result has The Age been that where one gained, many lost of and mankind as a whole received noth- Unity jj^g^ Now it is beginning to be per- ceived that the power of progress lies in unity. It is an age of syndicates and combinations on ever en- larging scales — not only between individuals but be- tween great firms and corporations, and even churches are uniting for greater power and usefulness. This centering of scattered forces, this uniting of com- petitors is in direct fulfilment of promise and pro- phecy; it is the preparation for the unity of man and the reign of peace. Treaties are made between governments for of- fence and defence against enemies; when treaties shall exist between all nations for the conservation of benefits and for mutual helpfulness in the progress and good of all, then shall there be the universal peace 44 and an advance of the whole world to higher, better, happier conditions. In a vague sort of way the **Millennium" has been expected ^1^ ^^. ^^^ •' . Mir Millennium to arrive at some possible future some- time; but it is already at the door. Now, in the amazing increase of knowledges, the breaking down of barriers of ignorance, the widening of commercial interests, the closer acquaintance of peoples, in brief — in the acknowledged need of Unity, the first rays of that glorious dawn of human sol- idarity, universal welfare and prosperity are appear- ing above the horizon. The practical evidences of this progress are on every hand. The establishment of hospitals for scientific research, equipped with the best materials and finest brains; the uses of anaesthetics; the war on the white plague, tuberculosis; the improved methods of treat- ing the insane and prisoners; the use of better and safer building materials as steel and concrete; the training of farmers in agriculture, providing the means to make an acre Millennial rLvidences multiply its productive value, and to clothe the arid plains with grain and fruits ; the gov- ernment weather prognostications; the forming of democratic constitutions in Empires; the judgments by arbitration; the increase of general education and world-wide influence of the universities, which re- ceive their recruits from all lands and year by year are sending out armies of young men trained in mod- ern knowledges; the forming of International Clubs 45 in these great schools in America and Europe, where student representatives of all peoples become acquaint- ed and form bonds of friendship; these advances and a multitude more are all for the service of man- kind, for his elevation to new conceptions and meth- ods of living, and they all witness the presence and power of the Spirit of God. Only from a source that is higher than man can such a host of glories be inspired. We are entering upon a human period when the motives of man shall be reversed, when his purpose shall be to serve rather than to be served, to benefit others, to conserve the interest of the whole rather than of the individual self. Instead of oppression, greed and selfishness, the motive powers of man shall The be justice, helpfulness and love. These Manhood are the elements of peace and prosperity, of Man which are twin brothers born of man's true evolution. Man is emerging from barbarism into civilization, from childhood to manhood, from darkness to light; he is just now passing out of his period of adolescense, of little wisdom and callow pride, into a noble maturity of conscious strength, knowledge and manly stability. A great cycle of past conditions is closing and we stand upon the thresh- hold of a new age, which is beyond all our present conjectures in its values to man. In its reality, it is the Manifestation of God, the Glory of the Lord revealing itself upon the plane of humanity. Preceding and accompanying these confirmations 46 of prophecy has appeared the Essence and Crown of all divine manifestation, the Word of God Incarnate. It shone forth at the time appointed, from the place declared, in the manner proclaimed and witnessed to by history and prophecy in every age of the world. 47 History THE BAB. In the City of Shiraz, Persia, on the evening of Jamali Awal 5th, 1260 A. H. (the 1260th year of Mohammedan reckoning from the Hejira), which was May 23rd, 1844, A. D., a young man, after- ward known as The Bab, or Gate, began calling upon men to repent, to purify their lives and to prepare to meet — *'He whom God shall manifest," who was about to appear to fulfil the words of the prophets and to proclaim the Word of God. His mission was that of an Elias, a John the Baptist proclaiming the coming of one mightier than him and calling upon men to prepare the way for that Coming. The place and time of that declaration correspond- ed exactly with the prophecies in Israelitish, Christian and Mohammedan scriptures and traditions. It was in the Persian Kingdom, which was the especial field of Daniel's prophecies; it arose out of Mohammed- anism which power was distinctly foretold as to ap- pear in that former great kingdom of Persia; it was in the Mohammedan year 1260, which corresponded to the **time, times and half a time" named to Daniel as the period **of these wonders" to the time of the end, which same period is referred to in several ways 51 in the Revelation of St. John. It was exactly looo years from the disappearance of the Twelfth Iman, the *'Iman Mahdi," who was to appear at the end of that time to usher in the second coming of Christ upon the earth. The date fulfilment was in accurate accord with many prophecies, and the accompanying "signs" answered so literally to numerous declarations in var- ious scriptures that many men of intellect, as well as those who were learned only in heart knowledge, be- lieved in the Bab. His doctrine spread rapidly through Persia and inspired such spiritual zeal that it aroused the antagonism of the orthodox Ulamas and Doctors of religious law. Great oppression was incited by them, which finally drove the Babis to fight in self defense of their property and lives. The history of trials and sufferings, battles and martyr- doms, endurance and joy for their faith and love of Truth is authentic and scarcely paralleled in all the world. One who witnessed such martyrdoms wrote : "How many children have become fatherless! How many fathers have become childless! How many mothers have not dared, through fear and dread, to mourn over their slaughtered children! Many were the servants (of God) who at eve were in wealth and opulence and at dawn were beheld in the extreme of poverty and abasement! There is no ground but hath been dyed with their blood and no air whereunto their groanings have not arisen! And, during these 52 few years, the arrows of affliction have rained down without intermission from the clouds of fate. ^'Yet, notwithstanding all these visitations and afflictions, the fire of divine love is in such fashion kindled in their hearts that, were they all to be hewn in pieces, they would not forswear the love of the Beloved of all the dwellers upon earth; nay, rather with their whole souls do they yearn and hope for what may befall them in the way of God." A European witness (Mr. Ussher) said: **It was enough to be suspected of Babeeism to be at once put to death. No time was lost between appre- hension and execution. Death was the only punish- ment known; the headless bodies lay in the streets for days, the terrified relatives fearing to give them burial, and the dogs fought and growled over the corpses in the deserted thoroughfares." For six years the Bab taught and wrote his instruc- tions, known as the Beyan (Revelation), most of the time in prison, often '^questioned" by the Ulamas, beaten and bastinadoed, and finally he was martyred in 1850, at the age of 30, in the public square of Tabriz. An eye witness, not a believer, writes of him at that time : *'The Bab kept perfectly silent. His pale and beautiful face surrounded by a black beard, his white and delicate hands, his figure and distinguished manner, everything in his person and in his dress aroused the sympathy and compassion of the specta- tors." '*He had characteristics truly great and noble, S3 and was a man of firm and settled convictions. His moral character was high, and he aimed in his teach- ing to bring all his countrymen into a community, united by intellectual and moral ties." Prof. Ross, of University College, London, wrote : "His wonderful life needs no comment. If ever a life spoke for itself, it is the Bab's with its simplicity, integrity and unswerving devotion to the Truth that was born in him." '*He felt the Truth in him, and in the proclamation of that Truth, he moved neither hand nor foot to spare himself, but unflinchingly sub- mitted to all manner of injustice and persecution, and finally, to an ignominous death." **His influence penetrated deeper than their curiosity and their minds ; It reached their hearts and inspired them with a spirit of self sacrifice, renunciation and devotion as remark- able and as admirable as his own." 54 baha'o'llah. In 1852-3, nine years after the first declaration of the Bab, Baha^o^llah, then 35 years of age, a native of the City of Noor (Light) in Persia and an exile to Baghdad in Arabia, began teaching and expound- ing religious doctrines in such a way that it attracted the hearts of many listeners, especially the Babis, and caused bitter opposition from others. As contention grew, he quietly left Baghdad and for two years re- mained alone in seclusion in the mountains of Sarkalu, his whereabouts unknown to all. When he returned to Baghdad the teaching was renewed and in 1863 A. D., nineteen years after the Bab's proclamation, he openly declared his mission as **He whom God shall manifest," for twelve successive days in the Rizwan or garden of the city. At that time he and his followers, now known as Bahais, were removed to Constantinople and soon after to Adrianople, where they remained until 1868 A. D. when, under pressure from enemies, they were transported to the political prison of Acca In Syria. Acca is about twenty miles from Nazareth, the home of Jesus, and nine miles from Mt. Carmel, the scene of many scriptural events. Thus was the Bahal Man- ifestation driven by Its enemies into the Holy Land, 55 God's Land of Promise. "God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform T' The purpose of this imprisonment was to exter- minate the movement, as it was supposed to be already extinguished in Persia by the killing of all who were known to be affiliated with it. Acca was famous for its deadly malarial conditions and prisoners there were usually short lived. It was said that a bird at- tempting to fly over Acca would drop dead. All but a scattered and unknown few of the former Babis in Persia had been martyred. There were seventy men, women and children with Baha^o^llAH in that exile, and so secretly were they removed to Acca, so close was the imprisonment there that, for a long time, none of the **friends" in Persia or elsewhere knew what had become of them. Baha'o'llah was confined alone in the highest room in the prison tower and all of the others were herded together like cattle in a large room in the bar- racks below. They were allowed no communication with persons outside; they were subjected to extreme hunger, vile food and water, mud, filth and disease; typhoid fever and dysentery broke out among them and all but five were ill. Even some of their guards were sick. One man only was left to care for them all; that man was Abbas Effendi, the son of Baha'- o^LLAH, now known as Abdul-Baha, the Servant of the Glory of God. In spite of the horror, disease, oppression and suffering, these people lived to be re- leased from close imprisonment after a long period. and eventually they were allowed the freedom of the Valley of Acca, reaching from Acca to Haifa, nine miles away. It was during this time of strictest confinement, when each loaf of bread was cut open by the guards to see that it contained no communication, that the long epistles, ^Xetters to the Kings," were sent from that prison tower to the monarchs of the earth, in- cluding the Pope at Rome, Queen Victoria, Napoleon III, and the President of the United States, calling upon them to recognize Baha'o'llah as the Mes- senger of God. It was then, when the Cause seemed to human sight to be extinct and buried beyond pos- sibility of resurrection, that the most triumphant pseans of victory were penned by the exiled captive in his silent chamber in the prison tower of Acca. He proclaimed the triumph of the Spirit of God over the whole earth as an accomplished fact, the utter defeat and rout of the hosts of darkness and the victory of the Glory of God (BahaVllah), the Word of God, over the hearts of men throughout the world. Today, millions of happy souls are rejoicing in that Word, devoting their lives to that Cause and proving that the Word was divine and from the Almighty God, and that the imprisoned man, who suffered that the Word might come to its new birth and maturity among men, was indeed the Manifestation of the Will of God. For forty years Baha^o'llah taught and wrote, all of that time an exile and much of it in what he 57 called — "the greatest prison." His works are vol- uminous and all are filled with instructions of ex- alted wisdom for both the spiritual and material evolution of man. They parallel the divine teach- ings of all past ages, illumining and showing them forth in wonderful clearness and new beauty. They meet the needs of the spiritually hungry in every religion and clime; they penetrate the hearts and thrill the souls with divine aspiration and light; they melt away all separateness in the fires of love and bring believers from every part of the world into a perfect unity. Prof. Edward G. Browne, Lecturer in Persian to the University of Cambridge, England, who visited BahaVllah in 1890, said: '*The face of him on whom I gazed I can never forget, though I cannot des- cribe it. Those piercing eyes seemed to read one's very soul; power and authority sat on that ample brow, while the deep lines on the forehead and face implied an age which the jet black hair and beard, flowing down in indistinguishable luxuriance almost to the waist, seemed to belie. No need to ask in whose pres- ence I stood, as I bowed myself before one who is the object of a devotion and love which kings might envy and emperors sigh for in vain." 5» ABDUL-BAHA ABBAS. Before his departure in May 1892, Baha^o'llah appointed his son Abbas Effendi, Abdul-Baha, to be the '^Center of the Covenant" of Light, Love and Peace which he had founded in the Name of God. He commanded all to turn their faces to Abdul-Baha for understanding, thus making him the authorized Interpreter of his writings. The only claim that Ab- dul-Baha makes for himself is this authority of in- terpretation and that he is Abdul-Baha — the Servant of God in this Revelation. Abdul-Baha Abbas was born in Teheran, Persia, on the evening of May 23rd, 1844, A. D.^ at the very hour while the Bab was uttering in Shiraz his declaration of the fulness of the times and the com- ing of the Great Revealer. He was not of the family of the Bab, and the Bab could not have known his birth by any material means. At nine years of age he accompanied his father in the journey of exile to Baghdad, and from that time he shared every hard- ship, suffering and imprisonment, ever manifesting such remarkable wisdom, influence, helpfulness and endurance that he was always called *'The Master." He proved his mastership in every emergency, wheth- er of contention, oppression and persecution, or in severest trials and sufferings. Prof. Browne says of his meeting the *^Master" in April, 1890: "One more eloquent of speech, more ready of arg- 59 ument, more apt of illustration, more intimately ac- quainted with the sacred books of the Jews, the Christians and the Mohammedans, could, I should think, scarcely be found even amongst the eloquent, ready and subtle race to which he belongs. These qualities, combined with a bearing at once majestic and genial, made me cease to wonder at the influerfce and esteem which he enjoyed even beyond the circle of his father's followers. About the greatness of this man and his power no one who had seen him could entertain a doubt." The Declaration of the Bab and the birth of Ab- bas Effendi in different parts of the kingdom of Persia simultaneously on May 23rd, 1844, were the Forewords of the coming Revelation, the estab- lishment of the '*new heaven," the Spiritual King- dom of God upon earth, and the unity of mankind in the universal knowledge of One God and in the peace of obedience to his declared Will. The declaration of telegraphic success, in the words, ''What hath God wrought!" — flashing out in America on the morning of May 24th, 1844, was the material response and foreword of the ''new earth" to be created for the physical welfare of man in the millenial age about to appear. The spiritual pro- clamation came from the East; the material answered from the West. That material prophecy has been followed by such a wealth of revealing of the hidden powers and gifts of nature that man is overwhelmed and amazed, and 60 cannot yet comprehend but a small portion of the values already discovered, while he perceives a host of new wonders pressing upon him. Mr. Thomas A. Edison says: ^'Scientific discoveries are coming so thick and fast, there are so many of us working like beavers at them, that it is appalling merely to think about possibilities in the future. Everything, any- thing is possible; the world is a vast storehouse of un- discovered energy." The spiritual Forewords were followed by such a spiritual resurrection and devotion as the world has not witnessed before, tens of thousands of saints gladly, joyfully suffering every indignity, loss, cruelty and finally martyrdom for their pure faith in the Word of God and their love for him. Then came the Great Revelation, Baha'o'llah, the Glory of God, opening the books of the past, renewing the Word of God, calling all mankind to the table of the Lord descending from the heaven, and laying the foundations for the ascent of humanity into a glorious manhood of Godly knowledge, salvation and life. And now the Son and Servant, Abdul-Baha, is spreading that divine Word to the farthest corners of the earth, and the advancing ones, the fearless lovers of Truth, those who long for nearness to God and obedience to his Will, are gathering to that Standard of Peace and Love from every religion, land and race. "Glory be upon the people of Glory !" 6i A STATEMENT BY MIRZA ASSAD^U^LLAH In the Name of our Lord, Baha'o'llah! God is the One who inspireth the hearts of His ser- vants with that which he willeth! He Is God! I testify with my being and identity that verily He is God. There is no God but Him. He hath ever been God, and will be forever more the One, the Self- subsistent, the Eternal. And I testify that verily the Blessed Perfection, His Holiness, Baha'o^llah^ is no other than the Most Great Manifestation — magnified is His Gran- deur and Glory ! — ^who was promised in all the Holy Scriptures, and that the most great Mystery of God, the Branch extended from the Ancient Root, who hath decorated his head with the crown of Servitude and named himself Abdul-Baha (the Servant of Baha), is the Successor of the Blessed Perfection, the Center of his Covenant, and the Aim of his Testa- ment. And I testify that the hands of the Cause of God, bearers of His Ordinances to the servants and preach- ers of His Manifestation in the countries, are the saints of God and His chosen ones. By them the standard of the Cause of God is raised and His Signs 62 are promulgated among the creatures. They are the lamps of God for all in the heaven and upon earth. Upon them be the Glory of God, His Praise and His Mercy! O ye, our brothers, who believe in God and in the Books of all His religions! Know that all of us are unanimously believing in the Ancient Entity, the Eter- nal God; that He is the Creator of all things; that, verily. He hath ever been and will continue to be for- ever. We also believe that the Prophets and the Mani- festations of God were all bearers of the Message of God, and that the Holy Scriptures are His books. Accordingly^ our~^ belief and religion is that all the Prophets are of necessity as one light, one reality and as the rays of one sun, even though they may appear to be different each from the other and each as a dif- ferent person talking in a different tongue. There- fore, all their laws and books must needs be as One Law and One Book, even though some of the or- dinances be, in form, contradictory to others ; because all of them have spoken on the part of God, the One, the Unit, and all the Ordinances and Laws are also revealed on His part. This assertion is in no need of further rational proof. Now we submit that there are in the Holy Scrip- tures references concerning the most great Manifes- tation, and other predictions and signs regarding the end of the days. These prophecies are recorded in 63 various texts, both chronological and symbolical. » All the nations have awaited the appearance of such signs, and the coming Manifestation of their Promised One, with earnest expectation. Yet, to the present day, the Sun of their hopes has not appeared to them from the horizon of their expectation. As to the honorable and faithful Bahais, they be- lieve that, verily, the promises and prophecies given in the Holy Scriptures have become fulfilled during the nineteenth century after Christ by the appearance of the Prince of the Universe — the most great Baha'o^llah, exalted is His Glory! This claim, held by them, is the best tidings to the expectant ones and a great joy to the seekers. But only those can approve it who are endowed with a pure heart and fortified with the confirmation of God, and who hearken with sincerity to perfect proofs, to decisive and satisfactory arguments. The Bahai people is ready with all power and strength to prove its claim and to unfold the truth of its religion, not through material force, but by spiritual power; not through the strength of this world, but by that of the Kingdom. The Bahais wage war with all the armies of the nations of the world, not with swords and weapons, but through the power of Utterance and the unfoldment of the mys- teries and meanings of the Divine Words. They subdue the cities of hearts, not with assaults of ar- mies of men, but rather by indisputable proofs, by love, compassion and affection. Their sword is the 64 Word of God; their hosts the divine Inspiration; their ranks, submissiveness, humbleness, meekness, unsel- fishness and pure servitude in the presence of every soul, of whatsoever religious nation and toward every being in existence. Their religion is to serve the people in the world; their principle is obedience to government; their teaching is summoning people unto God, the True One; their rewards and recompense come only from God; they freely offer to people the Bread of Life and freely give them the Water of Life. Let him who hungers and thirsts partake freely of their Ta- ble. Verily the doors of heaven are opened by the keys of the Knowledge of His Holiness, Baha'o'- LLAH, the paradise of Enlightenment is decorated, the rivers of Inner Significances are flowing, the birds of Sacred Mysteries are soaring around, and the Spiritual Foods are prepared. Blessed are they who eat! Blessed are they who drink! 65 Teachings TEACHINGS ^^Baha'oUlah made the utmost efforts to educate his people and incite them to morality, the acquisition of the sciences and arts of all countries, kindly deal- ing with all the nations of the earth, desire for the welfare of all peoples, sociability, concord, obedience, submissiveness, instruction of children (of both sexes equally) , production of what is needful for the human race and inauguration of true happiness for man- kind. (T. N. p. 69.) BAHA'O'LLAH'S DECLARATION* **I was asleep on my couch; the Breaths of my Lord, the Merciful, passed over me and awakened me from my sleep, and commanded me to proclaim be- tween earth and heaven. This was not on my part but on His part, and to this bear witness the denizens of the realms of His Power and His Kingdom, and the dwellers in the cities of His Glory, and Himself the Truth. I am not impatient of calamities in His way, nor of afflictions for His Love and at His good pleasure. God hath made afflictions as a morning shower to His green pasture and as a wick for His Lamp whereby heaven and earth are illumined." *These **Teachings" are translations from Persian and Arabic, which are ver3r difficult because of the wide differences between Orient and Occident, not only in idioms and forms of 'Expression but in methods of thought. They also relate to the loftiest conceptions of divine subjects and are for earnest consideration rather than mere "reading/* but they will be understood by those who study them with the heart, 69 **The gales of the All-knowing, the All-glorious, passed by me and taught me the knowledge of what hath been. This thing is not from me but from One -pj^g who is Mighty and All-knowing. He Appoint- bade me proclaim between the earth and ^^^^ heaven, and for this hath there befallen me that whereat the eyes of those who know over- flow with tears. I have not studied these sciences which men possess, nor have I entered the colleges. Inquire of the city wherein I was, that thou mayest be assured that I am not of those who speak falsely. "This is a Leaf which the Breezes of the will of thy Lord, the Mighty, the Extolled, have stirred. Can it be still when the rushing winds blow ? No, by the The Breeze Lord of the Names and Attributes ! of the Rather do they move it as they list, for Spirit being belongeth not to nonentity in the presence of the Eternal. His decisive command did come, causing me to speak for His celebration amid the worlds. Verily, I was not save as one dead in the presence of His Command, the hand of thy Lord, the Merciful, turning me. Can any one speak on his own part that for which all men, whether high or low, will contradict him? No, by Him who taught the Pen eternal mysteries, save him who is strengthened by the Mighty and Strong One." (Tab. to King of Persia) '*Glory be to Thee, O God! Thou knowest that my heart is melted about Thy matter, that my blood 70 boils in my veins with the fire of Thy Love, and that every drop thereof crieth unto Thee with dumb elo- quence, saying : O Lord Most High! Shed me on the earth in Thy way, that there may grow from it what Thou desirest in Thy Books, but hast concealed from Thy servants save such as have drunk from the Fountain of knowledge from the hands of Thy grace and the Stream of wisdom from the cup of Thy bounty. Thou knowest, O God, that in every action I desire nothing save Thy affairs, and that in every utterance I seek naught but Thy celebration; neither doth my Pen move except I desire therein Thy good pleasure and the setting forth of what Thou hast en- joined upon me by Thy authority. '^Thou seest me, O God, confounded in Thine earth; if I tell what Thou hast enjoined on me. Thy creatures turn against me; if I forsake what Thou hast enjoined on me for Thy part, I should be deserving of the scourges of Thy wrath, and far removed from the gardens of Nearness to Thee. No ! by Thy Glory, I advance toward Thy good pleasure, turning aside from what the souls of Thy servants desire; accept- ing what is with Thee and forsaking what would re- move me afar off from the retreats of nearness to Thee and the heights of Thy Glory. By Thy Glory! for Thy Love I flinch not from aught, and for Thy good pleasure I fear not all the afflictions in the world. This is but through Thy Strength and Thy Might, Thy Grace and Thy Favor; not because I am deserving thereof." (Tab. to King of Persia) 71 WORDS OF BAHA'O'LLAH *'When a seeker Intends to turn the step of search and journeying into the path of the Knowledge of the King of Pre-existence, he must first cleanse and puri- fy his heart— which is the place of the Purification appearance and emanation of the hidden mysteries of Divinity — from all the gloomy dusts of acquired learnings and from the illu- sions of Satanic appearances; and he must cleanse and refine his breast — which is the throne for the accession and establishment of the love of the Eter- nal Beloved." **He must likewise sanctify his heart from attach- ment to water and clay — that is, from all phantasmal forms and spectral images — In such manner that no trace of love or hatred may remain Detachment in the heart, lest that love may cause him to incline toward a direction with- out guidance, or that hatred prevent him from an- other direction; just as in this day, most are bereft of the immortal Face and of the threshold of Mean- ings, because of these two tendencies, and are grazing shepherdless in the deserts of error and oblivion." "He should at all times trust in God, and turn away from the creatures; be severed and detached from the world of dust and united with the Lord of Lords; not preferring his own self before anyone, but cleansing the tablet of the heart from pride and vainglory; attaching the heart to patience and self- 72 restraint; observing silence and avoiding useless speech, for the tongue is a smouldering fire and loquacity is a deadly poison. Material fire devours bodies, but the fire of the tongue consumes souls and minds. The effect of the former vanishes in an hour, but the latter continues for a century." (Ig. 137-138) **0 people of Baha' ! Ye are dawning-places of the Love and day-springs of the Favor of God. De- file not the tongues with cursing and ex- ecrating anyone and guard your eyes ^ from that which is not worthy. Show forth that which ye possess Be not the cause of sorrow (to anyone) how much less of sedition and strife.'' (Ish. 38.) **He should consider backbiting as error and never step into that court, for backbiting extinguishes the brilliant light of the heart and numbs the life of the soul. He should be content with little and free from avarice; profiting by the companionship of the sev* ered ones and regarding seclusion from haughty and wordly people as a benefit. *'At dawn, he should be engaged in commemora- tions, seeking for that Beloved One with the utmost earnestness and power; consuming heedlessness with the fire of love and praise; passing over all else save God with the swiftness of lightning; bestowing a por- tion upon the destitute and not refusing benevolence and favor to the unfortunate. '*He should show kindness to the animals; how 73 much more to mankind, and (especially) to the people of the Revelation; refusing not his life for the Be- loved and turning not away from the True One when reproached by the creatures. He should not wish for others what he doth not wish for him- Kindness self, nor say that which he will not ful- fil; keeping aloof from evil doers with all determination and asking the forgiveness of God in their behalf; condoning the sinners and despising them not, for the end is not known In brief, the traveler and seeker should consider all else save God mortal and account all but the Adored One as nothing." (Ighan p. i^S-isg.) **This Day is the Day of God; God alone is speak- ing in it, and none should be mentioned but Him. **Where are purified eyes of clear insight? Where are the withdrawn and illumined hearts? This Day is the day of eyes, ears and hearts. Beseech God that ye may possess these three, that ye may be withdrawn from the veils and sanctified; because yes, ars ^ ^j^j^^ ^^jj^ ^j^^ thinnest, may prevent the eyes from seeing, the ears from hearing and the heart from understanding. Ponder carefully on this Supreme Word which was revealed previous- ly by the Supreme Pen, 'O children of knowledge: the physical eye will be prevented from seeing the world and what is in it by a very thin lid ; then what will be the result if the veil of avarice cover the eye of the heart'." 74 **Blessing be upon the soul who hastened to the ocean of the Mercy of his Lord, the ear which heard the cry of the Supreme Pen, the eye which saw His wonderful Verses, and the tongue which pronounced His most beautiful praise!'' **Shouldst thou turn thy face toward all the things of this world and listen with a spiritual ear, thou wilt hear them exclaim : 'The Ancient hath come ! The Lord of the Most Great Glory hath appeared!'" "When the lamp of search, effort, longing, fervor, love, rapture, attraction and devotion is enkindled in the heart, and the breeze of love blows from the direction of Unity, the darkness of error, doubt and uncertainty will be dispelled ^'^Lam^ *^^ and the lights of knowledge and assur- ance will encompass all the pillars of existence. Then the ideal Herald will dawn as the true morn from the Divine City with spiritual glad-tidings and awaken the heart, soul and spirit from the sleep of negligence with the trumpet of Knowledge. Then the favors and confirmations of the eternal Holy Spirit will impart such a new life that one will find himself the possessor of a new eye, a new ear, a new heart and a new mind, and will direct his attention to the clear, universal signs and to the hidden individual secrets. With the new eye of God he will see a door open in every atom for attainment to the stations of positive knowledge, certain truth and evident light, and will perceive in all things the mysteries of the splendor of Oneness 75 and the traces of the Manifestation of Eternity Every atom and object will direct him to the Beloved and to the Desired One. He will become so discern- ing that he will distinguish truth from falsehood as the sun from shadow." (Ig. 139. 140,) **If any one with a pure heart and clear intelligence thinks about that which hath been revealed from the Supreme Pen, he will at once say with the tongue of honesty that now the truth is evident. ^^Beware lest the matters of this world prevent thee from coming to the Owner of Names. By the Life of God ! that which is upon the earth shall van- ish, and naught else remain save what hath been re- vealed from the heaven of the Will of thy Lord, the Precious." (Tablet.) *'By Him who caused all else to pronounce the praise of Himself, the world and what is seen therein — to the one who hath clear insight — ^will never be equal to one word of the Words of God, because the former is forever and ever transitory and evanescent, but the Word of God is eternal and everlasting, as is the eternity of the Names and Attributes. *'By the Sun of the Horizon! If all the world were of gold and silver, the soul, which is really growing in the Kingdom of faith, will never turn The toward it. If any one findeth the Ordinances sweetness of that which hath been men- of God tioned, then he will not act against the Ordinances of God, and will turn to nothing but God. 76 Also, he will see with a clear insight the evanescense of the material world and his heart will adhere to the everlasting Kingdom. '*God manifested Himself to teach the people truth, sincerity, religion, faith, submission, reconcihation, compassion, courtesy, prudence and piety, and to adorn themselves with the garments of good qualities and holy deeds. Say, O people: be merciful and do not desecrate the holy ordinances of God with your impure suppositions, evil thoughts and delusions. We ask God to lead all people to the Truth, to assist them that they may return to him, and to strengthen them to serve his Cause, to spread his Words and to act according to the Ordinances of their Ancient Master." THE WORD OF GOD ^^Hearken unto the exhortations of the Unique Friend with the ear of the soul. O people of God! the Word of God is like unto a tree: its planting ground must be the hearts of the people; cultivate it through the river of Wisdom and Utterance, so that its roots may become firm and its branches surpass the firmament." (Tab. of W. 34.) ^^Hearken to the Voice of the Compassionate Coun- sellor, which is raised without veil or covering before the faces of kings and subjects, and invite all the people of the world to the Lord of Pre-existence. This is that Word, from the horizon of which the Orb of Grace is shining and gleaming!" (Tar. 16.) 77 *The world hath been kindled by the Word of thy Lord, the Shining Splendor. It is softer than the east wind, and hath appeared in the form of Man, and by it God hath quickened His advancing servants. In the inner part of this Word there is a water whereby God hath purified the hearts of those who came unto Him, and who were negligent in mentioning aught else save Him, and thus He brought them nigh to the Outlook of His Great Name. We have caused the water to descend upon the dead, and they arose, looking toward the shining and brilliant Beauty of God. **The heart of the world is aglow with the Word of God. It is pitiable should ye not avail yourselves of this warmth." (Tablet) 'The Word which the Most Faithful (God) wrote hath appeared. It hath indeed descended into the form of Man in this time. Blessed The Word j^ ^^^ l^^.^ ^^^ j^ ^^e Father ! He hath Inc3.rri3.te come with His most mighty Power among the nations: turn toward Him, O concourse of the good! The Father hath come, and that which hath been promised unto you in the Kingdom is accomplished. This is a Word which was con- cealed behind the veil of Might, and when the prom- ised time came it shone forth from the horizon of the (Divine) Will with manifest signs." ^'Consider how great is the value and how para- mount the importance of the Verses (The Word) in 78 which God hath completed His perfect argument, con- summate proof, dominant power and penetrating will. In the declaration of His proof, that King of Unity hath not conjoined anything with them, for among proofs and evidences Verses are like unto the sun, while all others are as stars. To the people they are everlasting proof, fixed argument, and shining light from the presence of that Ideal King. No excellence equals them and nothing precedes them. They are the treasury of divine pearls and the depository of the mysteries of Unity. They are the strong thread, the firm rope, the most secure handle and inextinguishable light. Through them flows the river of the Divine Knowledges and bursts the fire of the consummate Wisdom of the Eternal, This is a fire from which two effects proceed at the same time; it creates the heat of love within the people of faith, and produces the cold of heedlessness within the people of hatred. O friend, we must not depart from the command of God, but acquiesce and submit to that which he hath appointed to be His Proof." (Ig. i^6. 147.) "Verily, the Spirit of Truth hath come, to guide you into all Truth. Verily, He speaketh not unto you from himself, nay, but rather from before the All-knowing and Wise. Say: He is the One whom the Son hath glorified, and '^^^^^p^',^^ 11 • 1 TT« /-• r At 1 ^^ Truth hath upraised His Command. Abandon that which is before you, O people of the earth, and take that which is commanded you from before the 79 Powerful, the Faithful. Purify your ears and turn your minds to hear the sweet Call which hath arisen from the direction of Sinai, the abode of your Most Glorious Lord. Verily, He attracts you unto a station wherein you will behold the Lights of the Face, which hath shone forth from this brilliant Horizon." **Say: Verily He hath surely shone forth from the direction of the Orient, and His Signs have appeared in the Occident. Think thereupon, O people, and be not like unto those who neglected the Remembrancer when He came unto them from before the Mighty, the Laudable. Awake by the Breezes of God ! Verily, they have blown in the world. Blessing to whosoever hath found their fragrance and is of the assured." ^'Blessed is whosoever is illumined by the Sun of My Word. Blessed is whosoever adorned his head with the wreath of My Love." '^Blessed is he who was assured in My Word and stood up among the dead for My Remembrance." ^^Blessed is he who cut himself from all other than Me, and soared in the ether of My Love, entered My Kingdom and perceived the dominions of My Might, drank the Kawther (fountain) of My Favor and the Salsabil (stream) of My Grace, was apprised of My Com- mand and of whatsoever was hidden in the treasuries of My Words, and shone forth from the horizon of Inner Significances in My Commemoration and My Praise. Verily, he is of Mine. May My Mercy, Grace, Favor and Glory be unto him!" (Lawh-El- Jkdas.) 80 THE SUPREME PEN *Traise be to God! The True One — exalted is His Glory! — hath opened the doors of the minds and souls through the key of the Supreme Pen. Every one of the revealed Verses is a manifest door to the appearance of spiritual virtues and holy deeds." (Tab. of W. 27.) '^Through the motion of the Supreme Pen a new life of significances is breathed into the body of words by the command of the Ideal Commander, and the effects thereof are visible and manifest in all the things of the world." (Tab, of W, 23.) **The Supreme Pen is that Pen, from the treasury of which the gems of Wisdom and Utterance and the arts of all the world have appeared and become manifest." (Ish. 11.) **We exhort them to equity, justice, trustworthiness and honesty and to that by reason of which the Word of God, as well as their own stations, shall be exalted among men ; and I am the One who adviseth in Truth, whereunto testifieth He from whose Pen the running water of Mercy and from whose Utterance the Foun- tain of Life hath flowed for the people of the world. Exalted is this Most Great Bounty and glorious is this manifest Gift!" (PF. of P. 65.) THE DAY OF REVEALING '*This is the Day wherein the Speaker of the Mount is established upon the Throne of Manifestation, and 81 the people have resurrected before God, the Lord of the creatures. This Is the Day wherein the earth hath revealed her news and uncovered her treasures, the seas their pearls, the 'tree' Its fruits, the sun Its effulgence, the moons their lights; the heaven Its stars, the 'hour' Its tokens, the 'resurrection' Its ma- jesty, the 'pens' their traces and the spirits their arcana. Blessed Is whosoever knoweth Him!" (Ish. ii.) "Shouldst thou make the mirror of the heart pure and clear from the dust of prejudice, thou wilt com- prehend all the symbols In the sayings of the perfect Word of Divinity In every Manlfesta- Severance tlon and be Informed of the mysteries of Knowledge. But, unless thou destroy- est with the fire of Severance the veils of learning, which are conventional among the servants, thou wilt not attain to the brilliant morn of the Ideal Knowl- edge." (Ig. 49.) "In this Day a great banquet Is celebrated In the Supreme Concourse; for all that was promised In the Divine Books hath appeared. This Is the Day of the Most Great Rejoicing! All must direct them- selves to the court of Nearness with the utmost joy, happiness, exultation and gladness, and deliver them- selves from the fire of remoteness." (W. of P. 60.) "Joy unto him who. In this Day, casts away that which Is possessed by the people and holds fast to that which Is commanded on the part of God, the 82 King of Names and the Creator of things." (JV. of P. 72.) *^If the spiritual and divine eye of man be opened, he will see that nothing exists without the appear- ance of the splendor of that Ideal King. For thou dost perceive that all contigent and cre- ated things express the manifestation and \-h emanation of that Ideal Light, and dost behold the doors of the Divine Rizwan (Paradise) opened in all things for seekers to enter the cities of Intelligence and Wisdom, and attained ones to pass into the gardens of Knowledge and Power. In every garden the bride of significances is seen seated in the chambers of words with full adornment and grace." DECLARATION OF GOD'S SINGLENESS **God singly and alone abideth in His own place which is holy above space and time, mention and ut- terance, sign, description and definition, height and depth.'' (T. N. 148.) **We bear witness that there is no God but Him; everlastingly He was, and there was nothing beside Him ; everlastingly He will be, even as He hath been. Exalted is the Merciful One above this — that the hearts of the people of wisdom should ascend unto the comprehension of His Nature, or that the under- standing of such as inhabit the worlds should rise to the knowledge of His Essence. Holy is He above the knowledge of all save Himself, and exempt is He 83 from the comprehension of what Is beside Him ; verily, In Eternity of Eternities was He Independent of the worlds." (T. N. 397.) *'It Is evident to the possessors of Knowledge and Illumined minds that the Unseen Divinity and Essence of Oneness hath been holy beyond emanation and ap- pearance, ascent and descent, Ingress and egress; Is exalted above the praise of every pralser and the com- prehension of every comprehender. He hath been and Is everlastingly hidden In His Own Essence and win be eternally concealed from eyes and sights In His Own Entity. 'The sight comprehendeth Him not, but He comprehendeth the sight ; He Is the Gracious, the Wise'." (Ig. 69.) "God, In His Essence, Is sanctified above ascent or descent, entrance or exit. He hath been, and will be everlastingly Independent of (or free from) the at- tributes of the creatures; no one hath known Him, and on soul hath found out His Substance. All the sages are bewildered In the valley of His Knowledge, and all the saints are perplexed In their endeavor to comprehend His Essence. He Is purified from being comprehended by all men of comprehension, and Is ex- alted above the knowing of men of knowledge." (Pers. S. V. 29.) "The True One is sanctified above all, (but) His Signs are manifest In all things. The signs are from Him — not He Himself — and all of them are record- ed and visible in the volume of the world. The plan 84 of the world Is a great book; every one endowed with perception can grasp (therefrom) that which shall enable him to attain to the Right Path and the 'Great Message.' ^'Consider the rays of the sun; Its lights have en- compassed the world, but these splendors are from It and from Its manifestations; they are through It- self but are not Itself (I. e., Its essence or substance). Whatever Is seen on the earth is expressive of His power, knowledge and grace; while He (God) is sanctified from all. His Holiness Christ says : 'Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.' " (W. of P. 46.) DECLARATION OF GOD'S MANIFESTATIONS ''All my limbs testify that there is no God but Him, and that those whom He quickened with the Truth and sent for (men's) guidance are the Manifesta- tions of His Most Comely Names, the Day-springs of His Supreme Attributes and the recipients of His revelation In the realm of creation; by whom the standard of the (faith of the) Unity is set up, and the sign of renunciation becomes apparent; and by whom every soul taketh a course towards the Lord of the Throne." (T. N. 397.) "Man, the most noble and perfect of the creatures, is a mightier evidence and greater expression than the other visible things. The most perfect, superior and excellent of men are the Manifestations of the Sun 85 of Truth.'' 'These Holy Temples are the Eternal Primal Mirrors which express the Invisible of the Invisibles and all His Names and Attributes, such as Knowledge, Power, Dominion, Grandeur, Mercy, Wisdom, Glory, Generosity and Beneficence." (Ig. 72>) ''I testify, O my God, that this is a Day wherein Thy proof hath been completed and Thy evidence be- came manifest; Thy Signs have descended; Thy To- kens have shone forth ; Thy Face hath gleamed ; Thy Argument been perfected; Thy Mercy hath preceded the beings, and the Sun of Thy Bounty hath shone in such wise that Thou hast made known the Manifesta- tion of Thyself, the treasury of Thy Science and the Day-spring of Thy Greatness and Might. He is the One, whose Covenant Thou hast administered to who- soever is created in the kingdoms of heaven and earth, in the realms of Command and Creation." "I testify that by Him the Supreme Pen hath moved, by His mention the Tablets have been adorned in the Kingdom of Names, by Him Thy Breezes have spread and the fragrances of Thy Garment have been diffused between the earth and heaven." (Tablet) *T testify that, verily, there is no God save Him! and He who hath come is verily the Hidden Mystery, the Concealed Secret, the Most Great Book for the nations, and the Heaven of Beneficence to the world. He is the Mighty Sign among mankind and the Dawn- ing-place of Highest Attributes in the world of eman- 86 atlon. Through Him hath appeared that which was concealed from all eternity and was hidden from men of discernment. Verily, He is the One whose Mani- festation was announced by the Books of God in former and later times. 'Whoever acknowledges Him, His signs and His evidences, hath verily acknowledged that which the Tongue of Grandeur hath uttered before the crea- tion of heaven and earth and before the appearance of the Kingdom of Names. Acknowledg- Through him the sea of Knowledge hath moved among mankind and the running water of Wisdom hath flowed from the presence of God, the King of Days. Blessed is the discerning one who witnessed and perceived, the hearing one who heard His sweet voice, and the hand that took hold of the Book through the powder of its Lord, the King of this world and of the world to come!" (JV. of P. '/o.) ** The True One — glorious is His Glory! — for the showing forth of the gems of ideals from the mine of man, hath, in every age, sent a trusted one. The primary foundation for the faith of God and the religion of God is this, that they ^"^^ should not make diverse sects and vari- ous paths the cause and reason of hatred." "These principles and laws and firm, sure paths appear from one dawning-place and shine from one day-spring, and these diversities were out of regard for the re- quirements of the time, season, ages and epochs." 87 *We have sent One whom We have strengthened with the Holy Spirit that He may give you glad tid- ings of this Light, which hath shone forth from the Horizon of the Will of your Lord, the Exalted, the Most Glorious, and whose effects have appeared (also) in the West, that ye may turn unto Him in this Day which God hath made the choicest of the days, wherein the Merciful hath revealed Himself to whosoever is in the heavens and earth." ''The Fra- grances of the Merciful have diffused their sweet odors over the beings; blessed is he who findeth their per- fume and advanceth unto them with a clean heart. Adorn thy temple with the embroidered garment of My Name, thy tongue with My celebration and thy heart with My Love, the Precious, the Powerful. We have not desired for thee aught save that which is better for thee than all thou hast in thine own pos- session and (what is) in the whole treasury of the earth. Verily, thy Lord is the All-wise, the All- knowing." ''Behold! This is the Sun of the Cause, which hath shone from the Horizon thereof. Blessed is God, who hath appeared with the Truth in manifest dominion." (Tablet) "Do ye object to the One who hath produced unto you the evidences of God, His proofs, arguments and signs? They are not of his own accord, but from the Presence of Him who hath delegated and sent Him with the Truth, and made Him the Lamp of 88 the world." '*If my offense is caused by the exalta- tion of the Word of God and the Manifestation of His Command, verily will I be willing to be the First of Culprits, and will never consent to exchange this guilt even for the possessions of the Kingdoms of the earth and heavens." **Among mankind are some who say that this Servant desireth naught save the perpetuation of his name, and others say that he desireth the world for himself, notwithstanding that I have not found dur- ing the days of my life a place of safety, such that I might set my feet therein, but was ever overwhelmed in the floods of affliction, whereof none is aware save God; verily He knoweth what I say!" "Doth he, who regardeth not his life (as assured) for less than a moment, desire the world? I marvel at those who speak after their lusts and wander madly in the desert of passion and desire." '^Shouldst thou drink the pure wine of Life from the cups of the Words of thy Lord, the Merciful, thou shalt attain to a station whereby thou wilt cut thyself from that which thou hast and cry in My Name among the inhabitants of the world. Wash thyself with the water of devotion for the sake of this Celebration, which hath shone forth from the horizon of creation; verily, it shall purify thee from the dust of the world." (Tab. to Napoleon III.) '^Consider! Reffect on those people of old who cast the Signs of God behind their backs and pro- 89 nounced sentence with evident injustice against the Manifestations of the Command. How many learned ones lamented at the separation, and were ex- pecting and supplicating day and night to be honored by a Manifestation of a Name of the Names; but when the Creator of heaven came, they turned away from Him, and denied as a falsehood the Argument of God and His Evidence and practiced oppression against Him, whereat the eyes of the Messengers have overflowed with tears. As to thee, grieve not for anything, and be resigned to God in all aspects. Ver- ily, He heareth and seeth, and He is the Listener, the Answerer !" (Tablet.) THE PURPOSE OF MANIFESTATION *'We desire but the good of the world and the hap- piness of the nations; that all nations shall become one in faith and all men as brothers; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of men shall be strengthened; that diversity of religion shall cease and differences of race be annulled. So it shall be; these fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the *Most Great Peace' shall come." ''These strifes and this bloodshed and discord must cease, and all men be as one kindred and one family." (T. N,) *'It has been our aim to uplift men through exalted Words unto the Supreme Horizon and prepare them to hearken unto that which conduces to the sanctifying and purifying the people of the world from the strife and discord which results from differences in religions 90 (or sects) . Whereunto My Heart and My Pen, My Manifest and My Hidden (Being) bear witness. God willing, they all will turn unto the treasuries which are deposited within themselves." (W. of P. 58.) '*0 beloved! In this day the door of heaven is opened by the key of the Godly Name, the ocean of Generosity is manifested and is rolling before your faces, and the Sun of Providence is shining and gleaming; do not exclude yourselves; do not destroy your most precious time through the speech of this or that person. Confirm the back of energy and do your best in training the people of the world. Do not consider that the Cause of God is a cause of opposi- tion, hatred and wrath. The Tongue of Greatness saith that what is intended by that which is revealed from the heaven of Will in this Holy, Supreme Mani- festation, is to unite the people with love and friend- ship toward all. The people of Baha who have drunk of the pure wine of Reality must associate with all the world with the perfect spirit of joy and fragrance, and remind them of that which is for the benefit of all. This is the commandment of the Wronged One to His saints and sincere ones. **0 people of the earth ! Make not the religion of God a cause for variance among you. Verily, of a truth, it was revealed for the purpose of unifying the whole world. Fear God, and be not of the ignorant. Blessed is he who loves the world simply for the sake of the Face of his Generous Lord." 91 **We did not come except for the purpose of unit- ing whosoever is upon the earth and bringing them into perfect harmony and agreement." (Tablet) ^Xook on the world as a temple (body) of a man attacked by disease, and whose recovery depends upon the union of that which is in it; therefore agree upon what We have established for you, and follow not the ways of the disunited." '^Verily, your God, the Merciful, loveth to see whosoever is in the world as one soul and one temple; therefore avail yourselves of the Bounty of God and His Mercy in these days, the like of which the eye of creation hath never seen. Blessed is he who casteth away that which he hath for the sake of desiring that which is on the part of God. Verily, We bear witness that he is of the successful." (Tab. to Napoleon IIL) *'The development of the world, the training of nations, the tranquillity of the servants and the secur- ity of the people of all lands have been due to the Divine Precepts and Ordinances. Religion is the greatest cause for (the appearance of) this great gift. It bestows the cup of vitality, confers immortal life and imparts eternal benefit (to the people)." (Ish. 39') *^The faith of God and religion of God hath been revealed and manifested from the heaven of the Will of the King of Pre-existence only for the union and concord of the dwellers upon earth; make it not a cause of discord and dissension." 92 '^Religious hatred and rancor is a world-consum- ing fire, and the quenching thereof most arduous, un- less the hand of Divine Might give men deliverance from this unfruitful calamity.'' '*0 people of the world, ye are all the fruit of one tree and the leaves of one branch. Walk with perfect charity, concord, affection and agreement.'' *'In whatever place we may be and whatever befall us, the saints must gaze with perfect steadfastness and confidence towards the Supreme Horizon and occupy themselves in the reformation of the world and the education of the nations. What hath befallen and shall befall hath been and is an instrument and means for the furtherance of the Word of Unity. Take hold of the Command of God and cling thereto; verily, it hath been sent down from beside a wise Ordainer." (T. N. 73.) *^With perfect compassion and mercy have we guid- ed and directed the people of the world to that where- by their souls shall be profited. I declare by the Sun of Truth, which hath shone forth from the highest horizons of the world, that the people of Baha' had not and have not any aim save the prosperity and reformation of the world and the purifying of the nations." (T. N. 74,) INSTRUGTIOISIS *'0 people of God! Be not occupied with your- selves. Be intent on the betterment of the world and the training of nations. The betterment of the world 93 can be accomplished through pure and excellent deeds and well approved and agreeable conduct. The helper of the Cause Is Deeds and its assistant is Good Char- acter. O people of BahaM Hold fast unto Piety T' (Tah. of W. 2S.) *'In this Manifestation, victorious hosts are worthy deeds and morals, and the leader and commander of these hosts is Godlike piety. This comprehends all and rules over all." (Ish, 35.) '*0 ye wise men among nations! Turn your eyes away from foreignness and gaze unto Oneness; hold fast unto the means which conduce to the tranquillity and security of the people of the whole world. This span-wide world is but one native land and one local- ity. Abandon that glory which is the cause of dis- cord, and turn unto that which promotes harmony. '^To the people of Baha' glory is in knowledge, good morals and wisdom — not in native land or sta- tion. O people of the earth: appreciate the worth of this Heavenly Word, for it is like unto a ship for the sea of Knowledge, and is as the sun to the universe of Perception." (W. of P. 53.) *Xet not a man glory in this, that he loves his country ; let him rather glory in this, that he loves his kind." (T. N. xi.) **Well is it with him who is adorned with the decor- ation of manners and morals." 'The Pen of admonition exhorteth the friends and enjoineth on them charity, pity, wisdom and gentle- 94 ness. One holy action maketh the world of earth highest paradise." (T. N, y6.) **0 ye rich people ! When ye see a poor man do not grow proud and haughty and despise him, but think from what ye were created, for each one was created from despised water. Be truthful, whereby your temples will be decorated, your names elevated and your positions exalted among the people, and you will have before God, the Truth, a great reward." **0 saints of God! We enjoin on you chastity, faithfulness, godliness, sincerity and purity. Lay aside the evil and adopt the good. This is that where- unto ye are commanded in the Book of God, the Knowing, the Wise. Well is it with those who prac- tice." **0 saints of God! Regard the horizons of up- rightness and be quit, severed and free from what is beside this. There is no strength and no power save in God." (T. N. 8 1.) **0 people of God! I exhort ye to Courtesy (or Reverence). Courtesy is, in the primary station, the lord of all the virtues. Blessed is he who is illumined with the light of Courtesy and is adorned with the mantle of Uprightness." (Tab. of W , 2J.) **Verily, through meekness man is elevated to the heaven of power; and again pride degrades him to the lowest station of humilation and abasement." (W^ of P. 40.) 95 *'The possessors of Justice and Equity occupy the highest station and loftiest rank: the lights of Right- eousness and Piety radiate and shine from such souls. It is hoped that nations and countries may not be de- prived of the lights of these two orbs:" (Tar. 8.) * 'Trustworthiness is the greatest door to the se- curity and tranquility of mankind. The stability of every affair depends upon it, and the worlds of honor, glory and affluence are illuminated by its light." Trustworthiness is the best garment for your tem- ples and the most splendid crown for your heads." (Tar. g.) **The creatures were created through love; all are commanded to live in friendship and unity. Now look to this carefully, and mention this blessed Word which hath shone forth from the horizon of the mouth of the King of Unity. Do not allow the op- portunity to fall from your grasp, and spend not your time uselessly. I declare by the Ocean of the Godly Knowledge that a moment in these days is more ex- cellent than past centuries and ages: to this beareth witness your Lord, the Chooser, in the Generous Station." "Ye must burn up the veils by the flame of cer- tainty and illumine the hearts and minds by the light of faith. Exert your intelligence that ye may drink from the stream of assurance which is overflowing from the right of the Divine Throne. The one who will gain this is of the people of eternity." 96 **Blessed Is a heart which is quickened by a Breath of God and a tongue that Is adorned with His praise throughout the worlds ! Be kindled by this fire which is burning in the world, that through thee whosoever is in this earth shall be enkindled. Think not that it is a fire, rather It is Light, and its traces shall surround whosoever is In all countries and regions. Be tran- quil and confident through the Bounty of God and His Mercy." (Tablet) **We enjoin upon the servants of God to be patient, self-constrained, tranquil and grave, that the Cause of God may become manifest and prevalent between the earth and heaven. The Glory of God is upon them who have cast aside imaginations and adopted for themselves a way to God, the Owner of the Safe Retreat." (Tablet.) **Verily, he who doth not move by the Breath of God In His Day, he is indeed dead before God, the King of Names and Attributes. Arise from the graves of lusts and advance to the Kingdom of your Lord, the Ruler of the throne and the earth, that ye may see that which was promised unto you on the part of your Lord, the All-knowing. "Do ye imagine that ye will be profited by what ye have? It will be possessed by some one in your stead, and ye shall return to the dust without find- ing any one to succor or help. Of what use is a life that is ruled by death, or a duration which vanisheth, 97 or a grace that changeth? Set aside what ye have and advance to the Bounty of God, which hath been revealed in this Wonderful Name." (Tab. to Em* per or of Russia.) **Be generous when in affluence and grateful when thou art poor. Be faithful to the rights of others. Let thy face be bright and open, and be a treasure to the poor and needy. Be an admonisher to the rich, and an answerer to those who call thee. ^Tulfill the promise thou givest and in all matters be just and equitable. Be silent among multitudes of men, and upright In giving decisions. Be humble to- ward men, be a lamp In darkness, a comforter In troubles, a sea to the thirsty, a refuge to the afflicted, a helper, assistant and succor to the oppressed. **In actions and deeds be virtuous and pious. Be a home to the stranger, a healing to the sick, a strong- hold to him who asks for help, a sight to the blind, a path to him who goeth astray. Be thou the beauty of the face of truth, an adornment to the temple of faith- fulness, a throne to the house of character and man- ners, a spirit to the body of the world, a banner to the hosts of justice, and a light to the horizon of good- ness. *'Be thou a dew to the fertile and rich ground, an ark to the sea of science, a star In the heaven of gen- erosity, a diadem to the head of wisdom, a white spot 98 on the forehead of time, and a fruit of the trees of humbleness. I ask God to protect thee from the fire of hatred and the chill of enmity, for He is the Near, the Answerer." (Tah. to Badia) **Be patient in misfortunes, and contented in all aspects. In the truth be firm and unwavering; be quick in doing good deeds ; be assiduous toward God ; be a veiler of people's faults; be an avoider of lust. Be a runner to the Truth; a cloud (of bounty) to the servants of God; be kindly to thy debtors; be a forgiver to the transgressors; be a fulfiUer of the Covenant and steadfast to the Cause. Thus doth the Oppressed One admonish thee. Be pious and virtu- ous before God. He admonisheth thee to follow fidelity, truth and faithfulness. They are incumbent upon thee, they are incumbent upon thee." (Tab, to Zta.) **Every soul is commanded by God to deliver the Truth to the people who will surely be attracted by the words of such teachers, if they be truth seekers; otherwise his words will not have the least effect in the hearts of the worshippers of God. Thus doth God teach you ; verily. He is the Pardoner, the Merci- ful! Those who do wrong and oppress others and at the same time command the people to be just, will, by words coming out of their mouths, be accused of lying and declared to be liars by the people of the Kingdom and by those who go about the Beauteous Throne of thy Lord." (Tab. to Napoleon III.) 99 THE HEARTS ^^God hath ever regarded the hearts of (His) ser- vants, and this too is by reason of (His) most great favor, that perchance mortal souls may be cleansed and sanctified from earthly states and may attain unto everlasting places." (T. N. 115*) **Today let every soul desire to attain the highest station. He must not regard what is in him but what is in God. It is not for him to regard what shall advantage himself, but that whereby the Word of God, which must be obeyed, shall be upraised. The heart must be sanctified from every form of selfish- ness and lust, for the weapons of the unitarians and the saints were and are the fear of God.'' (T, N. 76.) *'That which God — glorious is His mention ! — hath desired for Himself is the hearts of His servants, which are treasures of praise and love of the Lord and stores of divine knowledge and wisdom. The will of the Eternal King hath ever been to purify the hearts of (His) servants from the promptings of the world and what is therein, so that they may be pre- pared for illumination by the effulgences of the Lord of the Names and Attributes. Therefore, must no stranger find his way into the city of the heart, so that the Incomparable Friend may come unto His own place; that is, the effulgence of His Names and Attributes, not His Essence — ex- alted is He! — for that Peerless King hath been and 100 will be holy for everlasting 'above ascent' or ciesceht?' (T. N. 113. 114.) "O my friends ! Hearken unto the advice of one who exhorteth you sincerely for the sake of God. Verily, He hath created you and manifested unto you that which will elevate you, profit you and make known unto you His Right Path and Great Message. In truth. Piety is the first leader among the armies of the Lord, and its hosts are pleasing morals and pure deeds. By these are the cities of hearts and minds conquered in all ages and centuries and the standards of victory and triumph are planted on the loftiest places." (Ish. 28.) **Thou hast indeed created men to know Thee and to serve Thy Cause, whereby their stations may be exalted in Thy earth and their souls be uplifted through that which Thou hast revealed in Thy Epis- tles, Books and Tablets (The Word)." (Ish. 16.) **Were ye to taste a little of the clear water of Divine Knowledge, ye would know that the real life is the life of the heart and not the life of the body, for both animals and men share in the life of body. But this Life is assigned to possessors of brilliant souls who drink from the ocean of faith and partake of the fruit of assurance. This life is not followed by death nor this Immortality by mortality, as it Is said : *A true believer is alive both in this world and the world to come.' " (Ig. 85,) **By *llfe' and *death' recorded In the Books is lOI meaM life'th^bugfi- :felA'and death through unbelief. It is owing to lack of comprehension of this meaning, that in every Manifestation the generality of people refused to believe; were not directed to the Sun of Guidance and did not follow the Eternal Beauty." **0 people of the earth ! The Day of Victory hath come, and the Speaker of the Mount hath appeared with signs, the like of which could not be produced by whosoever is in the heaven and earth. We have forbidden any to work sedition and strife, and ordain that victory be gained only through commemoration and explanation. Thus hath the matter been decreed from before the Merciful in His evident and clear Book." (Tablet.) *^0 people of Baha ! Subdue the cities of the hearts by the sword of wisdom and demonstration; those who argue in accord with their own desire and wish, they are in obvious wrong. Say, the Sword of Wisdom IS hotter than the summer and sharper than the sword of iron, if ye are of those who know; — draw out that sword in My Name and Power; then invade with It the cities of the hearts of those who are fortifying themselves in the fortress of Desire." *^Every one who desireth victory must first subdue the city of his own heart with the sword of spiritual truth and of the Word, and must protect it from re- membering aught beside God : afterwards let him turn his regards towards the cities of (other's) hearts. This is what is meant by Victory!' " (T, N. 115.) 102 KNOWLEDGE * 'Knowledge is divided into two kinds — divine knowledge and satanic knowledge. One appears from the inspiration of the Ideal King; the other emanates from the imaginations of darkened souls. The teacher of one is the Exalted God, and the teacher of the other is sensual suggestion. The explanation of one is — Tear God, and God will teach you,' and the definition of the other is — 'Knowledge is the great- est veil.' The fruits of one tree are patience, longing, wisdom and love; the fruits of the other are pride, vainglory and conceit. No scent of these obscure learnings, the darkness of which hath encompassed all regions, is inhaled from what the Masters of Utter- ance have explained concerning the meaning of Knowl- edge. The only fruit of this tree is injustice and iniquity, and it yieldeth no crop but malice and hatred. Its fruit is a deadly poison and its shadow is a des- tructive fire." (Ig. 50.) ''Knowledge is one of the greatest benefits of God. To acquire knowledge is incumbent on all In this Day the mysteries of this earth are unfolded and visible before the eyes, and the pages of swiftly ap- pearing newspapers are indeed the mirror of the world; they display the doings and actions of the dif- ferent nations." "Do not consider that we have revealed unto you ordinances, but rather that we have opened the seal of the sealed wine with the fingers of might and power." 103 **Did men but know what pure wine of the mercy of their Lord, the Mighty, the All-knowing, was be- neath the seal, they would certainly cast aside re- proach and seek to be satisfied by this servant; but now have they veiled me with the veil of darkness, which they have woven with the hands of doubts and fancies." (T. N, 77. 148.) ARTS, CRAFTS AND SCIENCES *^Knowledge is like unto wings for the being (of man), and is as a ladder for ascending. To acquire knowledge is incumbent on all, but of those sciences which may profit the people of the earth, and not such sciences as begin in mere words and end in mere words. The possessors of sciences and arts have a great right among the people of the world. Indeed the real treasury of man is his knowledge. Know- ledge is the means of honor, prosperity, joy, gladness, happiness and exultation." (W. of P. 76.) "O people of Baha'! The reflective faculty (or the mind) is the depository of crafts, arts and sciences. Exert yourselves, so that the gems of knowledge and wisdom may proceed from this ideal mine and conduce to the tranquillity and union of the different nations of the world." (W. of P. 38,) OCCUPATIONS '*It is incumbent upon every one of you to engage in some one occupation, such as arts, trades, and the like. We have made this, your occupation, identical with the worship of God, the True One. Reflect, O 104 people, upon the mercy of God and upon His favors; then thank Him In mornings and evenings. **Waste not your time in idleness and indolence, and occupy yourselves with that which will profit your- selves and others beside yourself. Thus hath the matter been decreed in this Tablet from the Horizon from which the Sun of Wisdom and Divine Utterance is gleaming. ^^The most despised of men before God is he who sits and begs. Cling unto the rope of means, relying upon God, the Causer of causes. Every soul who occupies himself in an art or trade — this will be ac- counted an act of worship before God. Verily, this is from no other than His great and abundant favor." (G. T. 89.) RELIGION **The people of wealth and men of honor and pow- er must have the best possible regard for the respect of Religion. Religion is a manifest light and a strong fortress for the protection and tranquillity of the peo- ple of the world. For the fear of God commands people to do that which Is just and forbids them that which is evil. If the lamp of Religion remain con- cealed, agitation and anarchy would prevail, and the orb of justice and equity and the sun of peace and tranquillity would be withheld from giving light. Every man of discernment testifieth to that which Is (here) mentioned." (Ish, 33.) **AgaInst the sword may the Word arise; against 105 fierceness, patience; in place of oppression, sub- mission, and at the time of martyrdom, resigna- tion." (T.N. 78.) **Blessed is the prince who succors a captive, the rich one who favors the needy, the just man who se- cures the right of a wronged one from the oppressor, and the trustee who performs what he is commanded on the part of the Pre-existent Commander." (W. of p. 55-) EDVCATIOTsl *^The Supreme Pen enjoineth upon all to instruct and educate the children. It is decreed that every father must educate his sons and daughters in learning and in writing, and also in that which hath been or- dained in the Tablet. He who neglects that which hath been commanded (in this matter) , if he is rich, it is incumbent on the trustees (of the House of Justice) to recover from him the amount required for the ed- ucation of the children; otherwise (i. e., if the parent is not capable) the matter shall devolve on the House of Justice. Verily, We have made it (the House of Justice) an asylum for the poor and needy." (Ish. 37-) **He who educates his son, or any other's children, it is as though he hath educated one of My children. Upon such an one be My Baha (Glory), My Prov- idence and My Mercy, which hath embraced all in the world!" (Ish. 37.) **Through union the region^ of the world have 106 ever been illuminated with the light of the (Divine) Cause. The greatest means (for this end) is that the peoples should be familiar with each other's writ- ing and language. ^^The trustees of the House of Justice must select one tongue out of the present languages, or a new language, and likewise select one among the various writings, and teach them to the children in the schools of the world, so that the whole world may thereby be considered as one native land and one part." (Ish. 36-) ^^The learned who practice (their knowledge) and the wise who act justly, they are as the spirit to the body of the world. Well is it with that learned man whose head is adorned with the crown of justice and whose body glorieth in the ornament of honesty." (T. N. 75-) **The heaven of Divine Wisdom is illumined and shining with two orbs — Consultation and Kindness. **The tent of the order of the world is hoisted and established on two pillars — Reward and Retribution." (Ish. 34.) **The righteous have always, through good words, taken possession of the gardens of existence." (Tab. of World. 23.) PRECEPTS * We have said — and Our saying is truth — * Consort with all the (people of) religions with joy and fra- grance.' Through this Utterance whatever was the 107 cause of foreignness, discord and disunion, has been removed." (Tab. of World. 28.) **The language of kindness is the lodestone of hearts and the food of the soul; it stands in the re- lation of ideas to words and is an horizon for the shining of the sun of Wisdom and Knowledge." "O Son of Man! If thou lookest towards Mercy, regard not that which benefits thee, and hold to that which will benefit the servants (mankind). If thou lookest towards Justice, choose thou for others what thou choosest for thyself." (W. of P. 40.) **In every country or government, where any of this community reside, they must behave toward that gov- ernment with faithfulness, trustfulness and truthful- ness." (G. T. 85.) **If ye be slain for His good pleasure, verily it is better for you than that ye should slay." (T. N. 115') "God hath prohibited unto men the drinking of wine." (T. N. 133.) **It is not allowable to declare one's sins and trans- gressions before any man, inasmuch as this has not been, nor is conducive to securing God's forgiveness and pardon. At the same time, such confession before the creatures leads to one's humiliation and abase- ment, and God — exalted in His Glory! — doth not wish for the humiliation of His servants. Verily, He Is Compassionate and Beneficent! A sinner must 108 (privately) between himself and God beg for mercy from the Sea of Mercy and ask forgiveness from the Heaven of Beneficence." (G. T. 8y.) TO CHRISTIANS ^*0 Concourse of the Son (Christians) ! Are ye hidden from Myself because of My Name? What maketh ye to doubt ? Ye have called for your Lord, the Self-dependent, night and day, and when He hath come from the Heaven of Pre-existence in His Great- est Glory, ye have not approached Him, and were of the heedless. Then consider those who turned away from the Spirit (Christ) when He came to them with manifest power. How many of the Pharisees were abiding in the Temples in His Name, and were en- treating because of His separation! But when the Gate of Union was opened and the Light shone forth from the Day-spring of Beauty, they disbelieved in God, the Exalted and the Great, and did not attain to His Visitation — after having been promised there- unto in the Book of Isaiah as well as in the Books of the Prophets and the Apostles. No one of them ap- proached the Day-spring of Favor except those who were of no account among the people, but in whose names all the lords of evident honor boast at the pres- ent day. Remember, the most learned Doctors of His country in His age condemned Him to be mur- dered, whilst one who was a catcher of fishes believed in Him. Be astonished thereat, and be of those who remember." 109 ** Verily, We have come unto you, and have endured the abominations of the world because of your salva- tion. Do ye flee from Him who hath redeemed His Soul for your lives? Fear God, O Concourse of the Spirit, and follow not all learned men who are afar. Do ye suppose that He hath desired His soul, after being at every instant under the swords of the enemy; or that He desired the world, after being imprisoned in the most ruined of cities? Then judge thereupon and follow not the oppressors. **Open the doors of your minds: verily, the Spirit standeth behind them. What maketh ye to keep afar from Him who hath desired to bring ye nigh to the Shining Abode? Say: Verily, We have opened unto you the Gates of the Kingdom; are ye closing the door of your houses before My Face? Verily, this is naught but a great error. Say : Verily, He hath come from Heaven as He came from it the first time: be- ware lest ye contradict that which He saith, as the nations before you contradicted that which He said. Likewise I make known unto you the truth, if you are of those who know." **Verily, the Spirit of Truth hath come to guide you into all Truth. Verily, He speaketh not unto you from himself; nay, but rather from before the All- knowing, the Wise. Say: He is the one whom the Son hath glorified and hath upraised His Command ! Abandon that which is before you, O people of the earth, and take that which is commanded you from before the Powerful, the Faithful. Purify your ears no and turn your minds to hear the sweet Call which hath arisen from the direction of Sinai, the abode of your Most Glorious (Abha) Lord. Verily, He attracteth you unto a station wherein you will behold the Lights of the Face, which have shone forth from this bril- liant Horizon." "Say: Verily, He hath shone forth from the direc- tion of the Orient, and His Signs have appeared in the Occident. Think thereupon, O people, and be not like unto those who neglected the Remembrancer when He came unto them from before the Mighty, the Laudable. Awake by the Breezes of God ! Ver- ily, they have blown in the world ! Blessing to who- soever hath found their fragrance, and is of the as- sured." **Blessed is whosoever is illumined by the Sun of My Word!" "Blessed is whosoever adorned his head with the wreath of My Love !" "Blessed is he who was assured in My Word, and stood up among the dead for My Remembrance!" "Blessed is he who was attracted by My Melodies and tore the coverings by My Power!" "Blessed is he who cut himself from all other than Me, soared in the ether of My Love, entered My Kingdom and perceived the dominions of My Might, drank the Kawther (Fountain) of My Favor and the Salsabil (Spring) of My Grace, was apprised of My Command and of whatsoever was hidden in the treas- III uries of My Words, and shone forth from the Hori- zon of Inner Significance in My Commemoration and My Praise ! Verily, he is of Mine. May My Mercy, Grace, Favor and Glory be unto him !" (From Lawh^ elAkdas—The Holy Tablet,) '^O people of the Son! We have sent unto you John (the Baptist) another time (the Bab). Verily, he crieth in the wilderness of the Beyan (the Bab's writings), *0 creation of beings! Make clear your eyes. The day of vision and meeting hath come nigh. Prepare ye the way, O people of the Gospel! The day wherein shall come the Lord of Glory hath come nigh; prepare to enter into the Kingdom.' " (Tab. to Pope) 'The breath of God (The Word) is diffused throughout the world, because the Desired One hath come in His Most Great Glory. Lo ! Every stone and clod crieth, 'The Promised One hath appeared and the Kingdom is to God, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Forgiver !' Beware lest sciences prevent thee from the King of what is known, or the world from Him who created it and left it. Arise in the Name of thy Lord, the Merciful, among the assembly of beings and take the Cup of Life in the hand of assurance; drink therefrom (or not) ; then give to drink to those of the people of (different) religions who advance. ''Verily, He hath come from heaven another time, as He came from it the first time; beware lest ye op- pose Him as the Pharisees opposed Him without evi- 112 dence or proof. On His right side fioweth the river of Grace, and on His left side the sweet waters of Justice; before Him go the angels of Paradise with the standards of signs. Beware lest names withhold you from God, the Maker of the earth and the heav- ens." (Tab. to Pope,) ''O people of the earth ! Advance toward Him who hath advanced toward you, for verily He is the Face of God among you; His Evidence is in your midst and His Proof unto you, and He hath come to you with Signs (the Word), the like of which the most learned have failed to produce. The Tree of Mount Sinai (Moses) speaketh in the bosom of the world, and the Holy Spirit (Christ) crieth among the nations: *Lo! The Desired One hath come with evident Dominion.' (Tab. to Napoleon III.) **Fear God, O people of discernment. The Glori- ous One crieth continually from the horizon of the pavilion of Might and Greatness and saith, *0 peo- ple of the Gospel ! He hath come into the Kingdom who was out of it, and today We see you standing at the gate. Rend the veils by the power of your Lord, the Mighty, the Munificent, and then enter into My Kingdom in My Name; thus doth He com- mand you, who desireth for you enduring Life; verily. He is powerful over all things. Blessed are those who have known the Light and have hastened toward it : behold they are in the King- dom, they eat and drink with the elect. And We see 113 you, O children of the Kingdom in darkness; this is not meet for you. Do ye fear to meet the Light be- cause of your deeds? Advance thereto. Verily, He said, *Come, that I may make you my fishers; come that I may make you fishers of men;' today We say, *Come, that We may make you the vivifiers of the world.' Thus was the decree ordained in a Tablet written by the Pen of Command." (Tab. to Pope) ^^O people of the Gospel! The Door of Heaven was opened, and the One who hath ascended there- unto is come again, crying throughout the land and sea, and preaching to all of this Manifestation, where- of the Tongue of Greatness hath uttered, *The Prom- ise hath come, and this is the Promised One.' Be firm so that nothing of the concerns of this world cause thee to slip; take the cup of straightforwardness in the Name of the Possessor of creation and drink there- of with the permission of God, the King of the King- dom." (Tablet) 'This victim (Baha'o^llah) hath made himself a traget for the arrows of calamity unto the showing forth of the treasures deposited in (men's) souls." (T. N, 78.) **Verily, We have not desired anything for our- selves, but only for yourselves, were ye of the just. We have submitted to the swords of the enemies for the sake of your life, and to this will bear witness every fair and rightly informed one. We have turned away from whatsoever is upon the whole earth, for 114 the purpose of bringing you to the region of the Mercy of your Lord, the Clement, the Compassionate." (Tablet) THE ULTIMATE CRITERION **If we seek to become acquainted with the truth of this matter through the accounts and stories which are in the mouths of men, the truth will be entirely concealed and hidden by reason of their manifested differences and contrariety. It is therefore best to discover the principles and objects of this people from the contents of their teachings, tracts and epistles. There is no authority nor are there any proofs or texts superior to these, for this is the foundation of foundations and the ultimate criterion. One cannot judge of the generality by the speech or action of in- dividuals, for diversity of states is one of the pecu- liarities and concomitants of the human race." (T. N-rs5.) 115 Salvation *YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN.'' Salvation means attainment of the high destiny which God has made possible for every man. No two persons are alike, and It is probable that no two have exactly the same destiny, but each has a special work to perform and his own heavenly niche in the great, universal, divine economy, that place of service which shall be the fullness of his capacity and the joy of his soul. The opportunity is his to ac- complish the purpose of his being, by the help of God, if he wills so to do. If he refuses to listen to his Father's invitation, he cannot attain that exalta- tion and glorious service of '^Eternal Life," and is a loser of all he might have been. The Bahai teaching describes the process of attainment through the **Spirit of Faith," as follows: "The effulgence of God, called ^Spirit,' according to man's comprehension, is generally divided or classified into five grades or Spirit planes, i. The vegetable spirit; 2. The animal spirit; 3. The human spirit; 4. The Spirit of Faith; 5. The Divine Spirit of Holiness. " I . The vegetable spirit is the virtue augmentative {a growing or vegetative faculty), which results 119 from the admixture of the simple elements, with the cooperation of water, air and heat. **2. The animal spirit is the virtue perceptive, re- sulting from the admixture and absorption of the vital elements generated in the heart, which apprehend sense impressions. **3. The human spirit consists of the rational (co- ordinative) faculty, which apprehends general ideas and things intelligible and perceptible. '*Now, these ^spirits' are not reckoned as ^Spirit' in the terminology of the Scriptures, inasmuch as the laws governing them are as the laws which govern all other phenomenal beings* in respect J. ^ to generation and corruption, produc- tion, change and reversion. This is clearly mentioned in the Gospels where it says, *Let the dead bury their dead,' and 'That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of Spirit is spirit,' inasmuch as he who would bury the dead was alive with the vegetable and animal spirits and the rational human soul. Yet Christ declared such to be dead and devoid of life, because empty of the Spirit of Faith which is the Kingdom of God. In brief, these three 'spirits' (i. 2. 3.) are subordinate to reversion, production and corruption. ''But the Spirit of Faith (4), which is of the King- dom of God, consists of the All-comprehending Grace and the perfect attainment (salvation, fruition, *Existences belonging to the phenomenal or material universe, called: **The World of Generation and Corruption." 120 achievement) unto the Divine Spirit of Holiness (5). This (latter) phase of the Effulgence of Truth from the presence of the Divine Unity, (shining) on lum- inous, light-seeking, human essences, is called the ^Holy Spirit; **By this Spirit is the Life of the spirit of man when it is fortified thereby, as Christ said, *That which is born of Spirit is spirit'." He who is quickened by it is of the Kingdom o£ God. He is then eternal, everlasting, divine, heaven- ly, and shall continue with the continuance of his Lord, no longer subordinate to the laws which govern the universe of matter, be- _ . .^ 1 o • • Living cause the Spirit of Faith and the Spirit of Divine Holiness are vitalized with the Attributes of their Source, God, who everlastingly was, and is, and shall be. Thus it is that the one who is born of this Spirit obtains everlasting Life. Jesus said, ^'Mar- vel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again . . . . Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God,'* 121 'VhAT shall I DO TO BE SAVED ?'^ It may be asked, How can man attain the Spirit of Faith and the endowment of the Holy Spirit? This is the most vital question that man can propound. The great majority of the Christian churches have taught that ^^Salvation is by Faith," which is most certainly true, and also that faith is an intellectual assent to the statement expressed in two lines of a hymn: '* Jesus paid it all; All the debt I owe." This statement is true in one sense, but cowardly, degrad- ing and ineffective for him who simply accords mental belief to the dogma and assents gladly in his heart to casting the burden of his sin and wickedness upon the suffering and crucified Christ. Jesus paid it all indeed for him who believed on Him and took up his cross and followed him, who proved the sin- cerity and actuality of his belief by his deeds of obedience. He said, ^'Whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot he my disciple J^ (Lu. 14.27: Matt. 10. 38.) *'5o likewise, whoso- ever he he of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot he my disciple,'' (Lu. 14.33.) '^^^ ^^^ body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also'' (James 2.28.) It is evident to any reader of the Gospels that 122 the central, vital element of man's salvation was declared to be Faith, faith In the Christ, proved by works of righteousness, and that mere intellectual assent was not an effective Faith faith. ^^Thou believes t that there is one God; thou doest well; the devils also believe, and tremble.^' (James 2.19.) It appears that faith must be of such a character that it changes a man, severs him from attachment from everything of the world, causes him to bear the burden of the cross — the sacrifice of his will, his desires, his life if need be, and so to devote his entire being to the Will of God as expressed in His Commands. This kind of faith has its first impulse in the will of man. It often arises from suffering and the sense of need and it always increases that consciousness. Faith is not an intellectual yielding to argument through being convinced that certain statements are correct, but it is rather from a hunger of the soul, a knowledge of personal helplessness and the per- ception of a possible Mighty Helpfulness. Faith cannot rely on any man, but in God only; the re- quired help must come from a higher power than man. The soul is craving that which does not per- tain to humanity in itself. The latent spark of divine longing is awaking to seek its promise, and it turns heavenward for the dawn of hope. It is looking for Its Father, God. Therefore it is necessary that man shall have some knowledge of God, and for this he must turn toward 123 the *Tace" of God. ''Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice; have mercy also upon me, Knowledge and answer me. When thou saidst, ''Seek ye my facef^ my heart said unto thee, "Thy face. Lord, will I seek/' (Ps. 27. 8.) His "Face" is the revelation of Himself in the realm of existence, where man dwells. All the existence declares God and teaches of Him, but the heart- knowledge, the living knowledge, comes through His Incarnate Word, the human Manifestation of His Will. Therefore man must seek and find the Mani- festation of God, believe in Him, accept His Word, obey His Commands, and follow Him in the path- way of sacrifice. The Manifestation of God may be always known, because He provides the kind of help which the seeking soul requires, heart-help, spirit- help, creating help. Man is a praying creature. When he finds him- self in need, as he does from the moment of his birth, he strives by all means at his command to ''pray" for help. All through his life he seeks aid Prayer from Others ; he is always in need, always begging for assistance. When he is awakened through any means to the hunger and help- lessness of his soul, he hesitates not to pray to God, and, whatever may be thought of the action and working of prayer, it causes man to turn toward God and make It possible for God to answer him. Prayer changes his attitude from self-ward to God-ward. If he prays for things that pertain to his worldly 124 affairs, his spirit is not turned toward God, but to- ward himself. His prayer must be '*in the Name of God," that is in accord with the divine Word. Jesus told his disciples to ask in his Name, and said that whatever they asked in his Name, they received. '*Name'' is a term used to express qualities, and the Name of the Manifestation of God signifies divine attributes; therefore, to ask in his Name means ac- cording to his nature and instructions, which are the nature and instructions of God. No prayer is prayer to God unless it be in God's way, according to his Word, and with a sincere desire for his Will to be done regardless of the personal will. Prayer, in its essence, is the abandonment of the personal will in favor of the Will of God. And such prayer God answers, because it is in agreement with his law and can be answered. God asks man to pray to him. He has given freely everything for the necessities of human life. He has filled the lands and waters with foods and taught man how to cultivate and use them; he has given the forests and all ^?^'^ materials for shelter, the cotton and the wool, and enabled man to mould them for his com- fort; he has given the reasoning faculties that man may progress in material welfare and exercise the ethical and moral knowledges offered to him; he has given conceptions of beauty that man may seek for more than the physical dimensions of existence; and he has implanted the perception of higher pos- 125 sibilities and a desire for eternal destinies, that man may turn his face toward the Infinite. All of these have been without the asking, but for the greater, spiritual things, God tells man to pray that in so doing he may recognize his need, prove the reality of his desire, and put himself into the only attitude in which he can receive. One must face forward and hold out his hand if he would have the gift; he must meet the donor part way; otherwise there is no real gift. He who is in need will pray. He who hesitates to supplicate God for his most valuable treasures is standing in the station of pride, or has not awakened to their worth and his own need. Every man has what he desires the most if it can be obtained. The Spirit of Faith is attainable, but it is so infinitely higher and more valuable than all else in existence that all other things must loosen their hold on his heart before it can reign. God demands obedience. It is not for man to question God's commands. A little thought shows that all the ordinances of God, expressed by his Manifestation, are for the uplifting and Obedience good of man; how then can he question the methods revealed from the same Source? The Scriptures throughout lay stress upon obedience as of the utmost importance in the sight of God, and he who would attain the higher blessings should welcome the opportunities to obey. Every- thing in existence is under law, and all things obey freely, except man, who has been granted ability to 126 disobey, even God, and to obey himself. Man is al- ways a servant; he obeys something; how much bet- ter for him to serve the Wise One, the True One, the Beautiful One, instead of his own ignorance and greed! ^^Know ye not that to whom ye yield your- selves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? (Ro. 6.16.) The whole sin and consequent degradation of the Jewish people was their disobedience to God. He called them again and again to be his people. ^^Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people; and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you. ( Jer. 7. 23.) ^^Obey, I beseech thee, the voice of the LoRD^ which I speak unto thee; so shall it be well unto thee, and thy soul shall live/^ (Jer. 38. 20.) The path of Faith, which is the way of Life, is to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (2. Cor. 10. 5.) This is obedience to the Manifestation of God, in whatever age he may appear. The voice of God, speaking through Baha' O^LLAH, says: ''O Son of Existence! Keep My Commands for love of Me, and deny thyself thine own desires if thou wishes t My Pleasure.'^ ^^O Son of Man! Neglect not My Laws if thou loves t My Beauty, and forget not My Counsels if thou art hope- ful to attain My Will!' Faith is entire confidence. Few recognize the value of confidence and the power of the will to in- 127 duce It. When we retire from thoughts of earthly affairs to consider the Word of God, we Confidence find that naught is there but the things of value, the best things, such as wis- dom, knowledge, justice, mercy, generosity, beauty, power, and love, whereas the opposites pertain to the natural man. Then it is easy for the sincere heart to turn itself toward the Source of these things of worth and to trust the Giver of them. A little true exercise of the will and purpose will soon establish the spirit In that direction, and then the Spirit of God meets It and confirms it In a certainty that is beyond all that the highest philosophy or human effort can accomplish. ^'O Fleeting Shadow! Pass by the low degrees of fancy, and soar to the exalted heights of Certainty'' ''Oh My Brother! Hear My beautiful Words from My sweet Tongue, and drink the Water of Life from the fountain of My Lips; that is — sow the seeds of My Innate Wisdom in the pure ground of the heart and water it with conviction; then the hyacinth of My Knowledge and Wisdom shall spring up verdantly in the holy city of the heart,'' (BahaVllah.) The whole question of salvation is one of the will of man. God wills it for man, if he will, but God has endowed him with a will of his own to choose what he will, and he never interferes with the „,.f, free use of that gift. He has made man Will . ^ . . arter his own image, giving nim a pow- sciousness of individuality, of independence, the pow- 128 er of judgment between good and evil, a perception of values and a will to make decisions. All these are God-qualities — not dust qualities. As long as man considers these powers to be his own, to spring from himself, and uses them only for his own worldly ag- grandizement, he may advance in his plane of human life, but can never rise above that plane to a higher and nobler condition. When he is led to '^search the scriptures" and learns that there are ^'better things," that God is the Giver of all that he has and is, that it is possible for him to come into closer communion with him and knowledge of him through his Manifestation and his Word, then the wise man, the true-hearted one, turns to God and seeks to know his Will. He learns that all these powers were given him to enable him to grow, to prepare himself under the guidance of the Spirit for a higher service in God's Universe. This is told in the parable _^^^ likening the Kingdom of heaven to the use of the talents (Matt. 25. 14-30). These en- dowments of man are his talents given him for use. He who uses them in such a manner as to gain others, that is — uses them according to the divine instruc- tions, is not only called the good and faithful servant, but is also told, **Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many;" while he who had buried his talent in the ground of himself and his desires, lost the talent he had and was cast as an unprofitable servant into outer darkness. 129 This life is a primary school in which to prepare for greater service and knowledge and larger respon- sibilities in the future. God offers to man the won- Xhe derful station of sonship to him, which Primary means that man must become like him School ^j^ John 3. 2.), be of a divine charac- ter, reliable, able to render nobler service and to be entrusted with the affairs of his Father's House. Little does man conceive the meaning of those **many" things over which God desires him to rule. But he must first rule himself, and he is unable to do even this without the aid of the Spirit of God. Although all power, all strength, all ability is the pure gift of God through his Holy Spirit, yet his law is that man shall grow into a power of capacity for these gifts by the right use of that which he al- ready has. He will not remove man's apparent in- dependence, his apparent individuality, his freedom of will; he will not unman him and make him an au- tomaton; therefore it becomes necessary for man to use his own faculties, under the guidance of God's Word and in unison with his Spirit, in order that he may receive the glorious endowments of his Father. Naught can be accomplished until the Will of God be supreme in the will of the man; until he can say with his whole being, '*There is no God but God!" *'I will have no other Gods before Him !" ''Praise be unto His Holy Name !" A man's spirit may be called the aspect of his will. When he turns it toward listening, he hears; toward 130 looking, he sees; toward thinking, he perceives; all of these are limited within the sensual, human plane, but when he directs his s^^-"*t spirit toward the Word of God he re- ceives instruction of a higher object of devotion, who is Wisdom, itself. Knowledge itself, Love itself, and then, in response to the invitation of the Word, he turns his spirit toward that One and sends forth the "wireless" supplications from his heart to the Heart of the universe. As he does this in all sincerity, there comes to him an assurance, a confidence in a new connection, a new help, a new power, a presence and strength which are reliable, impregnable and Life-giving. His seeking spirit has been met by a .^^ Mightier Spirit, as was the prodigal son by the Father; his spirit has been quickened and Im- pregnated by a Holier Spirit ; a new conception, a new birth has taken place within him; his spirit has be- come the Spirit of Faith and is made alive with the Spirit of Holiness shining forth *'from the presence of the Divine Unity on the luminous, light-seeking, human essence" of himself. Then his spirit, being at one with the Holy Spirit of God is "vitalized with the Attributes of their Source, God, who everlast- ingly was, and is, and shall be." *^The human spirit has an impression and effect in the world, but the Divine Spirit gives Life to the souls and confers Eternal Life upon those who are 131 attracted to the Fragrances of God. This is the great Cause from the Kingdom of thy Lord. Be attached to this new Spirit which hath effective power in the realities of things, and creates new creatures.'" '^Forsake every thought, every remembrance and every praise, while holding to the Word of God. Confine thy interests, thy works and efforts to the Cause of God. Thus the Spirit of Power and Might will confirm thee, and the manifest light will shine upon thy browJ^ ^^ Thank God that He enriched thee beyond the delicacies of this mortal world and caused thee to taste the sweetness of His Love in His New Kingdom:' (Abdul-Baha'.) 132 The Bahai Revelation THE BAHAI REVELATION IS AN INVITATION TO LOVE GOD. The Word of God, speaking through Baha^- o'llah, says: *^0 Son of Man!"^ In my Ancient Entity and in my Eternal Being was I hidden, I knew my Love in thee; therefore I created thee; upon thee I laid my Image and to thee revealed my Beauty,'^ (A.f 4.) ^'O Son of Man! I loved thy creation; therefore I created thee. Wherefore love Me, that I may ac- knowledge thee and in the Spirit of Life confirm thee J' (A. 5.) ''O Friend! In the garden of the heart plant only flowers of Love, and withdraw not from clinging to the nightingale of love and yearning/' (P. 3.) **0 Son of Love! Only one step separates thee from the plane of Nearness and the exalted Tree of Love. Plant the first foot, and with the other step into the Kingdom of Eternity and enter the Pavilion of Immortality. Then hearken to what hath descend- ed from the Pen of Glory. ^'O Son of Glory! Be swift in the Way of Holi- *These address titles signify man considered under certain of his several attributes and stations, as created of dust, of love, of spirit, a crea- ture of existence, etc. tA. and P. refer to Arabic and Persian Hidden Words. 135 ness and step into the Heavens of Intimacy. Clear the heart with the burnish of the Spirit and betake thyself to the Presence of the Most High/' (P. 7.8.) These are the words of Divine Love. None but the King of Love can utter such commands. Each of God's teachers has revealed the same, expressing it according to the human needs of his time and place. Moses, the Law-giver, said: *'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might/' (Deut. 6.5.) Jesus, the Son, repeated the command of Moses, and said: ^^This is the first and great commandment/* Today the Father calls : '^O Son of Existence! Love Me that I may love thee. If thou lovest Me not, my Love can never reach thee. Know this, O servant.** (A.6.) ^^Love Me that I may acknowledge thee and in the Spirit of Life confirm thee.** (A. 5.) But how can man love God whom no eye hath seen ? He, Himself, answers and says: ^*My Love is in thee. Seek, and thou wilt find Me near.** ^^I have placed within thee a spirit from Me, that thou might' est be my lover.** (A. 20.) ^^The source of love is to advance to the Beloved, to abandon all else save Him, and to have no hope save His Will.** 136 THE BAHAI REVELATION IS AN INVITATION TO OBEDIENCE. Baha'o^llah, himself, first obeyed the commands of God, and then proclaimed them to us. Note care- fully these commands which were completely mani- fested in him. '^O Son of Humanity! The temple of Being is my Throne. Purge it of everything, that I may descend to reign over it'' (A. 59.) ^^O Son of Existence! Thy heart is my Home: purify it for my Descent. Thy spirit is my Outlook: prepare it for my Manifestation.*' (A. 60.) **If my Will thou seekest, regard not thine own, that thou mayest die in Me, and I live in thee." (A. 8.) ^'O Son of Man! Magnify my Command, that I may reveal to thee the secrets of Greatness and il- lumine thee with the Lights of Eternity." (A. 42.) ^*0 Son of Man! Lift up thy heart with delight, that thou mayest be fitted to meet Me and to mirror forth my Beauty." (A. 37.) These are the divine counsels to him who would be a manifestation of God. They were absolutely fulfilled in the Blessed Perfection, and offered by Him to all mankind. They are also entirely obeyed in 137 Abdul-Baha', the servant of Baha', the perfect Man and Exemplar to all men in the new Covenant and Dispensation of God. He who obeys these commands becomes a Bahai, that is — a manifestor of the Name of God, of God-like attributes, according to the de- gree of the purity of his heart. *'The pure in heart shall see God," yes — and the pure hearted shall ^'Mirror forth his Beauty." Thus is the command of the Spirit obeyed, the same Eternal Spirit which said through the blessed mouth of Jesus : '^Let your light so shine among men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven J* (Matt. 5.16.) No man can glorify God by adding to His Glory, but each soul can glorify God by so purging and polish- ing his own life that the holy attributes of God shall reflect from him to his neighbor and thus to all hu- manity. This it is to be a Christian, to be a Bahai. THE ALPHABET OF LOVE 18 OBEDIENCE ^^O Son of Existence! Keep my Commands for Love of Me, and deny thyself thine own desires if thou wishes t my Pleasure/' (A. 39.) '^O Son of Man! Neglect not my Laws if thou lovest my Beauty, and forget not my Counsels if thou art hopeful to attain my WillJ' (A. 40.) '7/ ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father's command- ments, and abide in his love/' (John, 15.10.) 138 *^If ye love mej keep my commandments!^ (John, 14.15.) *^lf a man love me, he will keep my words, and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him/' ^^The word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father^ s which sent me J' (John, 14.23.) Obedience to the commands of God as revealed to man through his Messengers is the only path to at- tainment of his spiritual blessings and bounties. It is for this that the ''Men of God'' are ''sent"; that man, wandering far from knowledge of his Truth, troubled in the maze of man-made doctrines, dis- couraged with uncertainties and blinded by earthly clouds of material philosophies, may again perceive the light of Truth, the revelation of God's instruc- tion shining forth in the dawn of a New Day, and that perceiving he may walk in the light, recognize the gift of God and humbly obey Him. "Line upon line, precept upon precept !" This is the divine way. If we fail to learn his lesson in one of the Days of God, his love and generosity offer the teachings to us again and again. They are always the same, yet ever changing in expression to meet our capacity and our need. 139 THE BAHAI REVELATION IS OF AUTHORITY. In these days of tumults when churches, sects, dogmas and sciences are antagonizing each other with assertions and denials; when all is cloud, change and uncertainty, when material wars, mental tempests, psychic dangers, and spiritual temptations surround and attack us everywhere; when religions of author- ity are derided and scorned; when the Entity of God is denied on the one hand, and divided among in- numerable individuals on the other, is it not refresh- ing and delightful to hear a Voice, a Trumpet of God, crying out again from the wilderness : '^Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Make straight his paths*' (Is. 40.3: Mai. 3.1: Mark 1.3. )» for ^^He whom God shall manifest (Beyan) cometh! ^'O Son of Spirit! The Gospel of Light I herald to thee: Rejoice in it! And to the state of Holi- ness I call thee: Abide in it, that thou may est be in peace for ever and ever J* (A. 34.) '^O Son of Perception! Look thou to my Face, and turn from all save Me, for my Authority is eternal and shall never cease; my Kingdom is lasting and shall not be overthrown. If thou seekest another than Me; yea, if thou searchest the universe forevermore, yet shall thy search be vain, (A. 16.) 140 **0 Son of Man! If thou run through all immen- sity and speed through the space of heaven, thou shalt find no rest save in obedience to our Command and in devotion before our Face J' (A. 41.) '^O Son of Man! Go not beyond thy limitation , nor claim what is not for thee. Venerate the Coun- tenance of thy Lord, the Almighty/^ (A. 25.) What is that Face, that Countenance, but the hu- man Manifestation of his Will, the Revealer of his Command, the Proclaimer of his Authority! It is as necessary for the mind of man to have an em- powered teacher, and for his spirit to have a center of divine Authority, as for the earth to have a sun shining from its heaven. Man did not spring full armed from the soil. He is a creature of growth, an evolution, and only that can be evolved which has first been involved. All the earthly kingdoms of matter reach the fulfilment of their destinies under and by the influence of the sun's rays, and man, the fruitage and monarch of earth and the embryo of Heaven, cannot attain his heavenly possibilities except by virtue of the rays of command shining from the Spiritual Sun of Truth, the Day Star of revelation, prepared and appointed by God to show forth his Light and declare his Will. This Revelation is called in the Arabic language — Baha'o'llah, the Glory of God, the Shining Light of his Knowledge, the outpouring of his Love, the re- vealing of his Will. The title Baha^o^LLAH is also 141 given to the Man, the instrument of Light. It is a perfect Revelation of God's Manifestation in Exist- ence, containing the essence of all revelations; so It and He are called *The Blessed Perfection." As manifested perfection is beauty, He is called the Beauty of God. Indeed, all good names belong to this shining Sun of Glory, who is the Manifestor of God's Will and the Speaker of Authority. 142 THE BAHAI REVELATION TEACHES THE RELIGION OF LIVING. It is my life, your life, not philosophy, not medi- tation alone, not mysticism, not preaching or hearing, but doing; doing every day that which makes an ad- vance and starts at least one ripple of progress in the little world of which the doer is temporarily the center. It is effort, struggle to make today better than yesterday, and to lay a new foundation, a higher base for the building of tomorrow. There can be no life without change; stagnation Is death. As religion is life it demands action and the doing of that which will cause change and produce growth. Man **dies daily," as the Apostle Paul said of himself, and the old, dead cells must be replaced by the new, the higher, stronger, better, that it may serve for an advance in the scale of being. Thus IS the **New Creature" born every day; yes, in each thought, each purpose, each act. The rim of the rolling wheel of life touches the earth of existence a point at a time, moment after moment. Its prog- ress and direction depend upon the living of the now, this Instant, upon which hangs our eternity. We have to watch but a moment at a time, this little par- ticle of life, to make the best of It. Baha'o'llah has written : '^O Son of Existence! Examine thy deeds each 143 day before thou art judged^ for death zuill suddenly overtake thee, and then thy deeds shall judge theeJ^ (A. 32.) ^'Guidance hath ever been by words, but at this time it is by deeds. That is — all pure deeds must appear from the temple of man, because all are part- ners in words, but pure and holy deeds belong espe- cially to Our friends. Then strive with your life to be distinguished among all people by deeds. Thus We exhort ye in the holy and radiant Tablet.^^ (P. 76.) ^^The effect of deeds is in truth more powerful than that of words. The progress of man depends upon faithfulness, wisdom, chastity, intelligence and deeds/* ^*The truth of zvords is tested by deeds and dependent upon life. Deeds reveal the station of the man.** (W. 62.) It IS the living of men, which attracts the noble aspirations of others. 144 THIS REVELATION IS A CALL TO SACRIFICE. To the sacrifice of pure dying and pure living, dying to self and living to God. ''O Son of Humanity! If thou loves t Me turn away from thyself: if my Will thou seekest regard not thine own, that thou may est die in Me, and I live in theer (A. 8.) '^O Son bf Spirit! No peace is ordained for thee save by departing from thyself and coming to MeJ' (A. 9.) ^^O Son of Light! Forget all else save Me, and be comforted by my Spirit/* (A. 17.) '*0 Son of the Earth! If thou desires t Me, desire no other than Me!' (P. 31.) ^^O My Servant! Free thyself from the worldly bond, and escape from the prison of the self!* (P. 40.) Repeatedly man is counseled to escape from at- tachment to the things of earth and self, and to turn his desire and confidence to God only. He is urged to abandon the evil and seek the good. ''O My Servant! Purge the mind from malice and, free from envy, enter the presence of Unity!* (P. 42.) 145 ''O Sons of Hope! Divest yourselves of the gar- ment of pride and lay aside the robe of haughtiness/' (P-47.) '^O Essence of Passion! Greed must be aban- doned, that thou mayest find content, for the greedy hath ever been deprived, while the contended hath ever been loved and esteemed/' (P. 50.) '^O Children of Dust! Giving and Generosity are qualities of mine. Happy is he who adorns himself with my Virtues," (P. 49.) *^To be poor in all save God is a great blessing: make it not small, for in the end it will make thee rich in Godr (P. 53.) In times past religious sacrifice was interpreted to mean deprivation of material possessions and com- forts, seclusion from the world and from human in- tercourse. It was considered to be separation from things as the only means of severance from attach- ment to things. True sacrifice is spiritual, not ma- terial only. It is the sacrifice of a meek and contrite spirit that the Lord requires. In this day of Light God does not demand the exclusion and casting away of that which we have, unless we hold it for evil and it **oflfend us." Everything is good and of his Bounty and is a blessing if properly used. He says: ^^O Son of Dust! All things in the heavens and in the earth have I ordained for thee, except the hearts, which I have appointed as a place for the descent of the manifestation of my Beauty and Glory!' (P.27.) God, who is Love, demands the sacrifice of all other loves if they prevent the lover from Him. ''He wills to be loved above all that is.'' Christ, speaking the Word of God, said: ''He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me, and he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me. He that saveth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it/' (Matt. 10.37.) The meaning of the word ''sacrifice" is to make holy, and true sacrifice is making holy every posses- sion, each thought and deed — "holy unto the Lord." It is consecration of spirit, soul and body to the Will of God, making our wills subservient to Him and his Will the motive of each purpose and act, doing all things "for the sake of God." Then truly man dies to self and God lives in him, and thus his life becomes holy. When this form of sacrifice shall prevail among men, and the Will of God inspires them in society, in business, in politics, religion and life, then indeed shall this earth become a "Paradise of Glory." Then all life becomes a radiant sacrifice, and the prophecy of Zechariah 14.20 shall be fulfilled: "/« that day there shall be upon the bells of the horses HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD, and the pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar J' 147 THE BAHAI TEACHING IS AN INVITATION TO SERVICE. *^The people of IB aha' must serve the Lord with wisdom, teach others by their lives, and manifest the light of God in their deeds J' *^In this day all must serve God with purity and virtue J' (W. 6i.) Service is a manifestation of God, for He serves all existence. He is the Provider, and we are under his Providence. He is the Giver, and we receive His Gifts. He is the Generous, and we seek his Favor. The only way we can praise him and give thanks is by imitating him in service to humanity, and this is acceptable as service to God. Service **in His Name" and according to his Commands is Oneness with Him. If man desires to be conscious of unity with the Spirit of God, let him learn the Will of God and serve humanity as God serves all. We cannot serve God : He needs no creatures' serv- ice. Neither can we serve ourselves alone, because such selfishness results in death, not life. But we can serve others. We can train ourselves to grow in strength and ability to serve humanity, that is— our neighbor, the ones near to us and around us as well as those far away, excluding none from our service. That is God's service, for two reasons — because it is obeying his Command, and because it is the God-like 1 48 in man that we serve. It is written that if one have nine bad qualities and but one that is good, it is our duty to notice and praise the good that its growth be encouraged. Each human being has something of the **image of God'' in him, and it is a blessing to us if we be able to serve that God-like quality and aid It to shine forth. '^O Son of Man! I knew my Love in thee; there- fore I created thee: upon thee I laid my image ^ and to thee revealed my Beauty/^ (A. 4.) It is that image and that beauty which we delight to serve, no matter how faint its reflection. Indeed, the less it appears, the more it demands our service and help in the Name of God. ^'O Son of Man! Withhold not from my servant in whatsoever he may ask of thee, for his face is my Face, and thou must reverence MeJ' (A. 31.) When any member of the body is ill, all the other members endeavor to restore it to health, because all are affected by its illness. So the health of humanity is disturbed by the ignorance, weakness and sin of its members, and all should strive, under the guidance of the Great Physician, to heal the sicknesses of the world as they appear in one or many of its creatures. And this soul-healing, this overcoming evil with good, is to be done by encouraging the good and instilling the precepts of spiritual health. ''O Son of Man! Breathe not the sins of any one as long as thou art a sinner. If thou doest contrary 149 to this command thou art not of Me. To this I bear witness J' (A. 28.) ^'O Son of Existence! Attribute not to any soul that which thou desirest not to be attributed to thy- self." (A. 30.) Fault finding and unkind criticism are not service either to God or to man. It is our own deeds that we must examine and criticise, but service is to discover and exalt the good in others and aid them in their efforts for good. Today the great exemplar of the Bahai Revelation is Abdul-Baha\ the Servant of God, who serves all mankind with no recompense except the joy of obedi- ence. He is the appointed interpreter of the ex- pressed Will of God as written in the Scriptures. He has borne exile and imprisonment for the sake of the beloved of God. He is no respecter of persons and serves all alike, giving to the poor and ignorant what befits their need, to the rich, the learned, the strong, that which benefits them. He commands those, who seek God's Will in pref- erence to their own, to serve their enemies as their friends, their oppressors as brothers, to heal the sick, aid the weary, strengthen the weak and help the af- flicted; to be faithful and trustworthy in all condi- tions, patient under trial, strong in adversity, joyful In suffering, and to be content with what God gives. All this Is service, the using of the talents entrusted to 150 us for the benefit of mankind and the upholding of the banner of righteousness. Not the least service is that of example, and, though a man open not his mouth, he serves greatly the Cause of God and the uplifting of humanity by simply living as God asks of him. No one is so small that his life does not influence others. The good character of that influence constitutes service. So this means of oneness with God is open to every soul, no matter how poor or weak he may be. All souls are very poor and helpless who do not try to serve in some way, while he who uses the little he has will surely grow in strength and capacity to receive more. Among those who have accepted the Bahai Reve- lation in the Orient, the desire to serve is remarkable, so much so that the name Bahai has become a synonym for trustworthiness and reliable service. The natural desire of man is to be served, but the Bahai esteems ability to serve others as a blessing; he watches for opportunity and seizes upon it as on a treasure. No matter how small or insignificant the act, he serves with such gladness and constancy that it has become noteworthy and has made the name Bahai honored. Furthermore, this service breeds courtesy and in- culcates love. It becomes an expression of love, so that the Bahais there are not only the most serving people in the world, but also the most courteous and loving. As service implies consideration of the de- 151 sires of others and the relinquishment of one's own, therein are the elements of true politeness, of affection, of heaven itself. No wonder that the conditions of the millennium are already visible among those peo- ple, and that the Bahai Religion is called a new Gar- den of Paradise. It is written: ^^O People of the Delectable Paradise! Let the people of certainty know that a new Garden has ap- peared near the Paradise in the Open Court of Holi- ness, and that all the people of the Heights and the temples of the exalted Heaven are around it/' (P. i8.) ''O People of My Garden! I set the plant of your love and friendship in the holy Garden of Para- dise with the hand of Tenderness, and watered it with the showers of Mercy. The time for its fruitage is at hand J' (P. 34.) '^O My Servants! Ye are the trees of my Garden; ye must bear fresh and beautiful fruits, that ye and others may be profited by themJ^ (P. 80.) The life of Jesus was one of pure servitude, and of example; how often He said ^ToUow Me.'' He gave similar lessons of service in many commands and parables, such as those of the Good Samaritan, the mote and beam, the division of the sheep and goats. **Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto meJ* He said — and it was a prophecy — ^^He that is greatest among you shall be your servant/' (Matt. 23.11.) The serv- 152 ice of man to man, especially to the weak and help- less, has been the command of God in all ages, and now it is given again with the power of the Word and of Example, and through Abdul-Baha' it is made the Center of the New Covenant of God with men for this Age of Peace, the Millennium of Consummation. 153 UNIVERSAL LOVE. The command of Unity requires the cultivation of Universal Love which Is the love of God expressed In love to man. All love is given to man to teach him the value of love. One needs but to calmly consider human love to learn many lessons of the value and meaning of love. Love teaches sacrifice, especially of the personal will. The lover always seeks to learn the wish or will of the beloved, and then to make his own will serve that will. This law runs all through the degrees of love, from lowest to highest. The manifestation or proof of love is giving, or sacrifice of self. Self-love Is hatred; It hates all that does not conduce or give to it. Love means giving, and he who gives most receives most. God, the Generous, the Giver, Is Love Itself. He gives all that is in existence. Everything that man has is a free gift, his power to think, to know, to live, to work, to enjoy, to be, is all the pure gift of God. What can he offer in payment? That which he re- ceives is from above himself, utterly out of his abil- ity to create ; it is from the heavens, while all that he could offer in return would be simply dust. If love means giving, it may be asked, how can man love God if there is nothing he can give him? God has provided for this by endowing man with 154 the consciousness of Individuality, independence and will, and then he asks man to give up all these great powers for love of him. He says, '^Son, give me thine heart," which is asking him for his life. This is the great lesson of the cross. Christ taught man that Oneness with God meant utter loss of the human life. '^He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it," for God gives to this brave loser another life which fadeth not away, an Eternal Life. If, through obedience to the commands of God, he becomes able to taste one drop of the Love of God in his being, he becomes evanescent in that melting Love; he gives all that he has, is, or hopes to be, gives himself without a thought of reward. This giving is in obedience to the command of God as ex- pressed through Baha^o^llah : '^O Son of Human- ity/ If thou loves t Ale, turn away from thyself; if My Will thou seekest, regard not thine own, that thou mayest die in Me, and I live in theeJ' Particular love, or especial love for an individual is not universal love, which is no respecter of persons. As the town is greater than the citizen, the State of more importance than the town, the Country than the State, and mankind more than all; so the love of mankind is immeasurably above affection for one per- son or an immediate circle of friends. The love of the individual has, at its best, elements of selfishness in it. It seeks a response, or it may be only a pleas- urable emotion caused by interest or nearness, but the 155 love of mankind is an affection for the welfare and highest good of each one and of all, recognizing that all are children of one Father and brothers of one family. It may cause but little emotion, but it de- mands service. Each member of humanity becomes a type of the whole, and love, that is, service, goes out unsparingly to all without regard to kinship or recom- pense. If there be any preference, it is for the poor, the needy, the helpless, because the essence of love is to exalt the low and feed the hungry. BahaVllah has said the most exalted word for harmony and love is : *^All are from God, This ex- alted word is like unto water quenching the fire of animosity and rancor hidden and deposited within hearts and breasts. Different religions will attain to the light of real union through this single word. Ver- ily, He saith the truth and guideth to the Path!^ If one sees a poor creature who is repulsive, and he per- mits that word, '^All are from GodT to enter his mind, the heart will soon respond and repulsion will be overcome in the longing to help that poor one, to lift him up from his degradation to a perception of his divine birthright. Abdul-Baha', the true servant of God, manifests this universal love in every word and act. Humanity, mankind, all of them are his beloved. He, of all men, can understand the lament of Christ: '*0 Je- rusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often 156 would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not." Universal love is true humanity. The One Uni- versal Lover is God, and as man approaches him, he becomes a reflector of that love, and becomes a lover of mankind. The Word Incarnate, the Glory of God, Baha'o'llah, said: *^Glory is not to him who loves his country, but to him who loves his kindJ' The first is man-like; the last is God-like. 157 THE BAHAI REVELATION IS NEEDED. Is there any religion of the past that the whole world win accept? After 3400 years of the Mosaic law, 1900 years of Christianity, and 1300 years of Mohammedanism, It Is as difficult to Christianize the world as to Moslemize It. If there were no further light than that which shines from the ordinary Chris- tianity of today, how long will It require to bring the Mohammedan races alone to accept Its teaching ? In- deed, Mohammedanism Is making more rapid strides among Ignorant peoples than Christianity, but neither of them are affecting the other. Judaism, Buddhism, Brahmanism, Zoroastrlanism are standing like great walls, impervious to outside attacks, though all show- ing signs of corruption and decadence within them- selves. Why Is It that the Christian Word of God has not been accepted by all these peoples? A bit of history may give light on the matter. In 1820, Rammohun Roy, the great Indian re- former and founder of the Brahmo Soma], a man of high and noble character, was so charmed with the teachings of Jesus that he published extracts from them under the title *Trecepts of Jesus." Although born and trained a Brahman, he perceived clearly the awful practices that had been engrafted by the priests upon the original teachings, and he strove to find for 158 himself the pure truths of Religion. In his preface to the *Trecepts of Jesus," he stated his belief and hope that those simple and clear expressions of moral laws would have effect in uplifting his people, because they seemed to him the best expressions to be found in any religion of that which conduced to the real welfare of man, and because he thought that they could not be made a ground for metaphysical criticism or dispute. He made no references to the recorded miracles of Jesus, because, as he said, the Indian mind was already **sodden with miracles" and could not be further affected by any relation of them. This unique opportunity for the introduction of the teachings of Christ among the Brahmans was how- ever rendered practically useless by the immediate and strong opposition of the Christian missionaries then in India. Because he laid stress only upon the teachings of Jesus as appHcable to life, and not upon the doctrines of the blood atonement and the miracles, he was set upon, denounced and ridiculed by the Christians, much to the delight of the Brahman priest- hood. Later he succeeded in forming a sort of literary partnership with two Christian missionaries for the purpose of translating the Gospels into Bengali for native use, but when they came to the third verse of the 1st chapter of the Gospel of St. John, and Ram- mohun Roy desired to translate the Greek word ^*dia" to the Bengali word meaning **through," both of the gentlemen refused to translate It except as In the 159 old English Translation, ''by/' and one of them re- fused to assist further in that glorious work. The original meaning of the phrase is — ''through whom all things were made." It is such insistance upon partisan interpretations, upon dogmas and doctrines, rather than upon the life-helping power of the Word, that inspires ridicule and rejection by those who are called "heathen." It is written: ^^The faith of God and religion of God hath been revealed and manifested from the heaven of the Will of the King of Pre-existence only for the union and concord of the dwellers upon earth; make it not a cause of discord and dissension/' (Baha'o'llah.) Through the ages religion has been made a cause of discord and dissension. The different religious teachings have separated the peoples more than dif- ferences in climate, country or race; and the same thing in each religion has been the cause of the divi- sion, viz: the idea held by each nation that its re- ligion was the only one authorized by God, and the conception growing out of that idea, that it was the one people especially chosen by God to be his favor- ite. He was ever deemed to be decidedly a "respecter of persons." This same idea reached down from the great religion to its several sects, between whom the bitterness was most severe. The Mohammedan Sun- nites and Shiites, the Christian Catholics and Pro- testants, hated each other cordially. Even now a con- i6o vocation of Christian Clergy, looking toward a union of sects for service to humanity, refuses to acknow- ledge Unitarians or Universalists as their brothers in association and service. Adherence to their self- chosen interpretations and opinions is of more value than the union of all possible earnest and noble work- ers for the uplifting of humanity. But a few years ago, within our memories, each sect of Christians claimed to control the only infallible path to heaven- ly safety. They considered each other one to be at least doubtful, if not indeed the very broad road to destruction. The Protestant still protests, while the adherent to Rome acknowledges no Christians except the children of that Church. It is only when coming into light that we are able to recognize the darkness, and now, in this Day of Light, we see the gloom and chains of the spiritual prison houses in which mankind has been dwelling. We can also perceive that he who is incarcerated, barred in by walls of his own building, cannot extend the hand of assistance to the inmate of another prison, nor can he reasonably expect to succeed in gathering others from their places of confinement into his own, or inducing them to break their bonds to put on his. But when the Deliverer appears, the Messenger of God to open the prison doors, to break down the walls of separation, to bring light into their darkness, to lift them up into the liberty of divine manhood, to establish freedom, peace, harmony and love, to reveal heavenly happiness and glory as the birthright of man i6i and to make this earth a paradise of God, who that seeks good and truth can refrain from looking to this glorious Light of revelation and lifting up his heart and hands in praise to Almighty God, the Father of Generosity and Love! Does the world need such an awakening, such a Spiritual Sun-rising and divine introduction to peace ? For answer, we have but to look at the nations of the world and their conditions during the last century and now. Peering into the darkness of the past we perceive that all peoples have been dwelling in bond- age. Religion, which was given by God to develop and lift man up to that high estate where the Truth should make him free, has been used with craft and greed to shackle his soul. With the great masses of mankind that captivity still exists, but we see here and there, in many directions, efforts for freedom. The conditions of the past no longer satisfy. On every hand men are turning from their former teach- ers and doctrines, breaking their bonds and looking to new guides. The ground of dead dogmas is being ploughed deep to prepare for a new seed sowing; the clouds of man-made doctrines are dispersing be- fore the dawn of Truth, and the ranks of darkness are breaking before the armies of Light. Had the commands of God, spoken by the mouth of our Lord Jesus, been obeyed, there would have been no need for another revelation of the same teach- ings, but, as soon as the pure seed of the Word sown by him (Matt. 13.27.) began to spring up, tares ap- 162 peared with it. Men interpreted the Words of God according to their own material imaginations, mingled pagan philosophies and false conceptions with the pure teachings, and proclaimed the whole as divine doctrine. This was easily done as there were no act- ual writings of Jesus to correct them. To each great teaching was added a material interpretation which gradually robbed it of its spiritual instruction and changed the laws of freedom, given for the liberation of God's people from the bonds of Jewish and Pagan theocrasies, into new theological prisons for the souls of men. (2 Peter, 2.19.) And so the wheat and tares have grown up to- gether, lest the wheat be also rooted up — ''until the harvest" — ''the end of the world (or age), when — **The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend/^ '^Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hearJ^ Were it not for the tares of false doctrines the Word of God would have con- quered the world centuries ago. The world is bet- ter than It knows. It is those tares which it refuses to accept and which hinder the great nations from receiving the truth of Jesus, so simply and beautifully declared by him. And now, God's loving kindness to his creation has again appeared in new instruction and command, such that all "wayfarers" in the path of God may not err therein. The human instrument is needed for the revealing 163 of his Will and Guidance. The Infinite God does not flame forth his brightness directly to finite man to blind and destroy him, but tempers it to man's condi- tion. A pure instrument is needed, one that is self- less, strong to bear all indignities, weak in self, strong in God. A Teacher is required for his children. When his lessons become an old story and without effect because of man's adulteration, Mercy sends a new teacher who is a Mediator, a Lamp to convey and express as much of the divine Light as can be borne. It is always **darkest before dawn." He comes when the world is plunged in ignorance and uncertainty, and brings the light of knowledge and assurance, that mankind may be saved from self- destruction. Today this is Baha'o'llah^ the Glory of God, the Bearer of Light. 164 THE OBJECT OF THE BAHAI REVELATION IS UNITY. It is to dispel the differences between religions, to overcome strife, to create the unity of mankind in the recognition of God's Oneness and Singleness, and to bring peace among all peoples and men as members of the one human family of the great Father and Creator of all. It is written : *^0 people of the world! Ye are the fruit of one tree and the leaves of one branch. Walk with perfect charity, concord, affection and agree- ment, I declare by the Sun of Truth, the light of agreement shall brighten and illumine all horizons." (BahaVllah.) We know that each great religion had its begin- ning in one source, the Word of God revealed by his Messenger; that all taught the same truths of rever- ence and love to God and justice to man. We find the Golden Rule inculcated in each religion and as early as 5400 years ago, 3500 years before the time of Christ. Religion is one, always was one; its pearl of truth was Love and its duties the qualities of love, but man changed and colored it to suit his desires, changed its God-love into self love, its divine attain- ments to earthly ambitions. He set up an interpre- tation of his own, placed a ring of exclusion about 165 it and made it a fortress of offence against all outside of his circle. Each of the great teachers of God has taught that a time of consummation should come when there would be a great and universal revelation, when all the world should know the Word of God, would worship Him and dwell together in peace; but each religious nation construed that to mean that the great ** Coming" would be through the return of its own prophet and founder, who would then appear with such mighty powers and angel hosts that he would force all nations to acknowledge him and bow be- fore the rule of that one special and chosen people. Alas for the pride and vanity of man ! That which he hopes is impossible and contrary to the essence of God's teaching. The prophecies of God are sure and true, but man's interpretation of them is from his own wish and ignorance. ''Who hath declared this from ancient time? Who hath told it from that time? Have not I the Lord.^ and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me. Look unto me^ and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else, I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear/* ''In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory J* (Is. 45- 21.) i66 The time has come. That great revelation, the Word, has gone out to all the nations, but instead of holding up to the gaze of the world one religion as perfect, admirable and to be embraced, it declares every religion to be of the One God, all pure in their origin, one in their essence, and that each has gone astray and lost much of its truth as originally revealed. It points all men back to the teachings of their own prophet and shows the oneness of those instructions. It calls upon all mankind to thus learn the primary doctrine of the Oneness of God the Father, the One- ness of his Word, the oneness of his Prophets, the revealers of that Word, the oneness of religion, and the oneness of the human race, His children. The ad- herents of each religion of the past have demanded that all men should accept it or be lost. This revel- ation of God's Will calls upon the followers of each religion to acknowledge the divinity and truth in the others and for all to unite in love, peace and wor- ship of the One God and Father of all. "O Children of Men! De ye know why We have created ye from one clay? That no one should glorify himself over the other? Be ye ever mindful of how ye were created. Since We created ye all from one sub- stance, ye must be as one soul, walking with the same feet, eating with one mouth and living in one land, that ye may manifest with your being and by your deeds and actions the signs of unity and the spirit of oneness J' (A. 64.) 167 ^^O Son of Man! My Oneness is my design, I have designed it for thee; therefore clothe thyself with it. Thus thou mayest be a star of my Omnipresence forever,'* (A. 65.) The central Bahai teaching is the Oneness and Singleness of God, the Infinite Entity who is **above ascent or descent/* and who ^^singly and alone, abid- eth in His Own Place which is holy above space and time, mention and utterance, sign, description and definition, height and depth,'* This Unique One manifests through existence his Oneness which — ^^in its true significance means that God alone should be realized as the One Power which animates and dominates all things, which are but manifestations of its energy," (Baha^O^LLAH.) Thus all things are manifestations, according to their degrees, of the Oneness of God, and all are in unity, harmony and perfection, each in its own es- pecial kingdom of the universe, excepting man, who has been given the power to oppose the law of one- ness and to injure himself by using his will contrary to the Will of Oneness. This gift enables him to ascend or descend in the scale of being. Were it not: for this free ability, he could never ascend, because that signifies a change of condition amounting to a re-creation, and it depends upon his compliance with certain laws. It is a growth from one plane of ex- istence to another. To attain this change, new facul- ties, new powers must be created in him, and he can 168 be fitted to receive them only through a free personal choice and personal activity in compliance with in- structions given by God through his revealed Word. These powers and this elevation into the Kingdom of God are divine gifts coming from the Love and Gen- erosity of God, but they will not be forced upon him who turns his back upon them. The path of heedlessness and self-will is choked with thorns of suffering, loss, degradation and death that man may be pricked to consciousness and desire for better things. It is the way of selfness, separa- tion, disagreement and disunity. The path of ascent is that of unity, recognition of responsibility, of God's love, power, right, justice, mercy, generosity, im- manence. Oneness. It is fragrant with flowers of true friendship, love and peace, and it leads to Eternal Life. The revelation of God's Word today invites the wanderers and prodigals to return to this way of Unity, which leads to their Father's House. 169 THE BAHAI REVELATION MAKES ALL THINGS NEW. ^^Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created; And thou renewest the face of the earth. The glory of the Lord shall endure forever!^ (Ps. 104. 30.) The revealed Word of God is his creative power. Through it were all things made that were made. It creates new men, renews right spirits and makes clean hearts. Its first command uttered to the chaos of man's restless, indefinite, uncentered life, is — **Let there be light!" The Word is that Light and its di- vine power pierces the veils of selfness, penetrates the centers of being and kindles a flame of love, which melts away the barriers of separation and opens the spirit of man to the Spirit of God. *^0 Son of Light/ Forget all else save Me, and he comforted by My Spirit,'' (A. 17.) ^^O My Friend! Thou art the sun of the heaven of My Holiness; defile not thyself with the eclipse of the world J' (P. 73.) '^O Son of Man! Lift up thy heart with delight, that thou mayest he fitted to meet Me and to mirror forth My Beauty,'' (A. 37.) When the light of that Holy Spirit shines forth from the heart of man, all the beasts of darkness. 170 the doubt, suspicion, distrust, unbelief, fear and sad- ness flee away, and assurance, certainty, trust, con- fidence, joy and peace take possession of the new-born creature, the new created son of God. This work of creation has ever been the purpose of the divine revel- ation from the beginning of the world of mankind, in each beginning of a new Dispensation of God's Kingdom on earth, and in the beginning of each hu- man soul's redemption from ignorance and death to knowledge, love and life. This revelation of God's Will brings the dawn of a new day of Truth to disperse the night of error and discontent. Today it shines forth in glorious splendor, so that the minds and hearts of all people are awak- ening to a renewed energy, to new perceptions and longings. Nature, under this wonderful light, is opening her long-locked treasures to scientific search and giving the world the means of an immense pro- gression toward better conditions of life. It is a day of wonderful revealing. The whole earth is flooded in the light of the Spirit. It enters every mind that has reflective power and radiates in every plane of being. It is unfolding new things everywhere. The scientist discovers new laws and facts; the artist beholds new beauties; the physician uses new methods ; the student learns new lessons, the philosopher conceives new ideas; the aspirant forms new ideals. Never before has earth witnessed such a disclosure of its secrets. In this clear Spiritual at- 171 mosphere everything reveals the laws and lessons of God, evidencing that *^One Power which animates and dominates all things, which are but manifestations of its energy!^ The apex, focus and center of all this manifestation is the Word of God which, in this Day of Light, shines forth as the '*Glory of God," Baha'o'llah, through his human instrument. His Image, Baha^- o'llah. This Word is the messenger of his instruc- tion, his command and invitation to the souls of men. It is the brilliant sun, the focal dynamo of the Holy Spirit, and the new kn'owledges of men, whether ma- terial, mental, moral, ethical or spiritual, are around it as planets about their sun. They are all parts of a new created heavenly system, the **new heaven and earth," of which the shining Word is the Center, the Light-giver. Man's discoveries are his perceptions of truths in the realms of existence, which become vis- ible to him in the light of the spirit, while the revela- tion of the Word of God is the Sun of Truth itself shining into the minds and hearts and creating in them the powers of true perception. This is the re- vealing of God to men; that, the seeking of men for God. The Sun has brought the New Day. Though many earnest workers in the world may not yet see the real Sun shining in the new heavens, yet they should know that it is Day because the Light is here. Even those who ascribe their new knowledges and 172 progress to their own greatness must acknowledge that their success was Invisible until the Light shone forth. The new things were hidden, non-existent to them until the Sun of this Manifestation dawned on the Eastern horizon. The eye of the blind cannot see until It be **opened/* and even then it can see but dimly until there be Light. He said; and what He said Is truth: ^'The root of ah knowledge is the Knowledge of God; Glory be to Him! And this Knowledge is impossible save through his Manifesta- tionJ' Let us lay our pride and self-praise at his feet and give glory to God for all that we have, all that we are or shall be. Unity, wisdom, peace, justice, mercy and love, the elements of heaven on earth, can be realized only through that creative power which makes all things new by re-creating the hearts of men. All agree- ments of nations cannot bring peace until they be made in the **fear of the Lord,'' in knowledge of his Word and obedience to his Commands. Naught but the changeless power of that Word can give permanent welfare to man. The sooner this Is recognized, the sooner shall appear the millennial **Heaven on earth." The time for reception of this heaven-bringing knowl- edge has come. Old doctrines and beliefs are being tested In the courts of modern judgment, for this is the Day of Judgment, and the chaff of false teach- ings Is being cast Into the fires of ridicule and rejec- tion. On the one side are scholarly efforts to destroy both wheat and tares together to make way for new 173 material philosophies ; on the other are anxious hearts looking for the Truth of the Eternal God and lifting their eyes to the hills to behold the coming of their Helper and their Lord. There must be decomposition before a new com- position. The old conditions must be disrupted and dissolved before the new can be established, and so the world is in a tumult of unrest. It is only the process of preparation, the cyclone which purifies the air, and out of its struggles and uncertainties shall come the peace of nations, and to the individual hearts the *Teace that passeth understanding.'' Through all the storm and stress the Sun of God's Revealed Word, Baha^o^llah, shines steadily, pierc- ing the clouds. Its light of knowledge and heat of love shall disperse them entirely in God's good time, and all the world shall acknowledge its Creator and declare: ^^He is God, and there is no God but HimF^ *^He doeth what He willeth P^ Praise be to His Holy Name! **0 Son of Man! Lift up thy head from slumber, for the Sun has climbed to the zenith, that He may illumine thee with the Lights of Beauty J^ (A. 63.) ^'O Son of Man! The Light hath shone upon thee from the horizon of the Mount, and the Spirit of Purity hath breathed in the Sinai of thy heart. There- fore empty thyself of doubts and fancies; then enter into this Mansion that thou mayest be prepared for the Eternal Life and ready to meet Me. Herein there is no death, no trouble nor burden J* (A. 64.) 174 THE REVELATION IS COMPLETE IN ITSELF. Were all the books of former days lost and for- gotten, the whole of true religious teaching would be found In the Words of the Bahai Revelation. It contains all that Is needed for Instruction and highest attainment, the salvation of all races and peoples. The essence of all sacred teaching Is ex- pressed In It. It Is the renaissance of all religions, and for the true believers In each religion. Each finds In it the essence and culmination of Itself. Each ac- cepter recognizes it as the flower and beauty of his own religion; each rejecter denies It to have any re- lation to his own. The Moslem calls it Christianity; the Christian opposer calls It Mohammedanism, while those of every religion who receive It call every man friend and brother. The first of Its **HIdden Words" is as follows: '^This is that which hath descended from the Source of Majesty, through the tongue of Power and Strength upon the prophets of the past. We han^e taken its essences and clothed them with the garment of brevity, as a favor to the beloved, that they may fulfil the Covenant of God; that they may perform in themselves that which He hath entrusted to them and attain the victory by virtue of devotion in the land of the Spirit.'* 175 The revelations of the past are still of vital value to their followers, and for indentification of the es- sential Oneness of God's Word in all times, then as now, for with Him **a thousand years are as a day." In every Scripture is sufficient for man's salvation if he wills for it, if he hungers for righteousness and thirsts for the waters of Life. But *^ darkness has covered the earth and gross darkness the people^^ and but little faith is found upon earth. Now again — *Hhe people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shinedJ^ Again It has come to the land of Zebulun and Naphtall, ^^by the way of the sed^ — ^^in Galilee of the nations!^ (Is. 9. 1-2: Matt. 4. 14-16.) Since the time of the Crusaders the shore road, leading from Haifa to Acca and thence on to Dam- ascus in the interior, has been called the *Via maris," the "way of the sea." Whoever has gone the nine miles from Mt. Carmel to Acca, riding in the surf along the Mediterranean shore, will recognize the fit- ness of that name '*the way of the sea." By that way was the exile, Baha^o'llah, sent to his long imprisonment at Acca. God made the wrath of man to praise him and to accomplish his prophecies, by sending his Light-bearer to that land which he had chosen throughout the ages for affliction and for the revealing of his Glory. From that ''Greatest Prison" He announced the Word of God with such power that it passed through 176 the bars of stone, through the walled and guarded fortress to distant countries, even to the thrones of kings. It penetrated the hearts of seekers for truth everywhere, and the victory it proclaimed from the prison room, which seemed a mockery of truth, has resounded from the lips and lives of the redeemed in many lands. No wall, no guard, no prison could prevent that Word or hinder its effect. Today It is going on from victory to victory, while all the powers of nature and devices of men are working together in the hand of God to establish the new heavens and the new earth, to prepare the way for the universal knowledge of God and that *'Most Great Peace" which He has declared must accompany his King- dom on earth. The last of the **Hidden Words'* proclaims the completeness of this Revelation: '7 testify y O Friends, that the Bounty has become complete, the Evidence is accomplished, the Argument manifested, and the reason affirmed. Now, what will your endeavors show forth from the degrees of de- votion? Thus are the favors perfected unto ye and unto all who are in the Heavens and earths. Praise be unto God, the Lord of all mankindP^ 177 / TABLET FROM ABDUL-BAHA\ **0 People! The doors of the Kingdom are opened; the Sun of Truth is shining upon the world-, the Fountains of Life are flowing; the Day-springs of Mercy have appeared; the Greatest and Most Glorious Light is now manifest to illumine the hearts of men ! Awake, and hear the Voice of God calling from all parts of the Supreme World: *Come unto Me, O ye children of men! *Come unto Me, O ye who are thirsty, and drink of this Sweet Water, which is descending in torrents upon all parts of the globe !' "Now is the time ! Now is the accepted time ! Look ye at the time of Christ. Had the people realized that the Holy Spirit was speaking to them through His Divine Mouth, they would not have waited three centuries before accepting Him. And now, is it meet for you that you are sleeping upon the beds of idle- ness and neglect while the Father (declared) of Christ has come among us and opened the Greatest Door of bounteous gifts and divine favors? Let us not be like those in past centuries, who were deaf to His Call and blind to His Beauty; but let us try and open our eyes that we may see Him, and open our 178 cars that we may hear Him, and cleanse our hearts that He may come in and abide in our temples. **These days are the days of faith and deeds — not the days of words and lip-service. Let us arise from the sleep of negligence and realize what a Great Feast is prepared for us; first eating thereof ourselves, then giving to others who are thirsting for the Water of Knowledge and hungering for the Bread of Life! These great days are swiftly passing, and once gone they can never be recalled. So, while the rays of the Sun are still shining and the ^Center of the Covenant of God' is manifest, let us go forth to work; for after a while the night will come and the way to the Vine- yard will not then be so easy to find. **The Light of Knowledge hath appeared, before which the darkness of every superstitious fancy shall be annihilated. The hosts of the Supreme Concourse are descending to assist all those who rise up to serve their Lord, to subdue and gain the victory over the city of the hearts, to proclaim the Glad-tidings of the Coming of God, and to unite the souls of His crea- tures." 179 COMMUNE. '^O God! I see that the manifestations of Thy Providence have Indeed attracted me and the pure wine of Thy Utterance hath taken possession of me from all directions in such wise that I could not see anything save that which makes me acknowledge and remember Thy signs, Thy manifestations and Thy affairs. ^'By Thy Glory, every glance of my eye, whenever directed toward Thy heaven, reminds me of Thy greatness, exaltation, highness and superiority. ^Whenever I look to the earth, it makes me ac- quainted with the manifestations of Thy might and the appearance of Thy grace. * Whenever I gaze toward the sea. It speaks of Thy greatness, might, authority and loftiness. '^Whenever I turn to the mountains, they show me the standards of Thy victory and the banners of Thy power. ''By Thy Glory, O Thou, in whose grasp are the reins of the world and the control of nations, I was overtaken by the warmth of Thy Love and the exhila- ration of the wine of Thy unity to such an extent that made me hear from the blowing of the wind Thy mention and praise; from the murmuring of waters i8o Thy qualifications and attributes, and from the rus- tling of trees the mysteries of Thy judgment, which Thou hast deposited In Thy kingdom. ^'Praise be to Thee, O God of Names and Creator of Heaven! Praise be to Thee for that by reason of which Thou hast made known to Thy servants Thy Day, wherein the Stream (Kawther) of Life hath flowed from the Finger of Thy generosity and the Spring of Revelation and Unity hath become mani- fest through Thy Manifestation to whomsoever Is In Thy earth and heaven. *^0 God! This Is a day, the Light of which Thou hast made holy above the sun and Its effulgence. I testify that this day has been Illumined by the Light of Thy Face and by the Effulgence of the dawning lights of Thy Manifestation. This Is a day where- in every despondent one hath clad himself with the mantle of hope, every sick one adorned himself with the garments of healing, and every poor one came nigh to the Sea of Richness. Praise be to Thee, O Desired of the world! Praise be to Thee, O be- loved of the hearts of the yearning!'' (Baha'o'llah.) i8i l^--^mc.-mi^^^u^^<^^am^- 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. ReneB»(ttj€>©fcMire subjea to immediate recall. & 0CT?rR7-6PM \r- ^ LQAH o^rptt LD 21A-60m-2/67 (H241slO)476B W WflrtFi§60-, General Library Universiry of California Berkeley Tt5 /n^u -g,^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ocji^^wy ^o^g7 pCWp^S 9^^5^ ^^"^Jjvjjllljjt^ ^^M °fe^^ ift^^S /oj y^tolSi^ s 1 ^ , s ^^ "WcY ^.^.0 ^S ,^^H iO^^^PY fc^^ pX ley