. . ' . . IHYMED HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. * BY FRANCIS BARHAM & ISAAC PITMAN. Tinted both in Phonetic and in the customary spelling, as a Transition 'Boole from Phonetic 'Reading to the reading of books as now commonly printed. LONDON : FRED. PITMAN, PHONETIC DEPOT, 20 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C, BATH: ISAAC PITMAN, PHONETIC INSTITUTE, PARSONAGE LANE. JAMES DAVIES, 5 ABBEY CHURCHYARD. 1870. THE PHONETIC ALPHABET. The phonetic letters in the first column are pro- nounced like the italic letters in the words that fol- low. The last column contains the names of the letters. CONSONANTS. Liquids. Mutes. L \...fa,ll, light el P p...rope, post ..pi E, r...more, right. ..ar B b...ro6e, ooast ..bi Coalescents. T t...fae, tip ..ti W w...wet, quit we D d fade dip di Y v...yet, -younsr ye & g...c#eap, fetch... * j"-y^" j , ^^^.i-.^ j^ Aspirate. J j . . .^'ump, bridge.. . ...je H h...^ay, /iouse eg K k...lee&, cane ..ke VOWELS. Gr g... league, ^ain.. ..ge Guttural. Continuants. A a. ..am, fast, far. ..at F f...sa/e,/at ...ef B. B...alms, father.... B V v...sae, vat ..vi E e...ell, any, her...et E- tf...wrea/i, thigh. ...tf 8 E...ale, fa^r, bear...e 3. d...wrea^e, thy.. ..di I i . . . ill, pity, filial. .it S s... hiss, seal es I ji...ee\, eat, mere...i 2 z his #eal zi Labial. 2 /...vicious, she ...ij O o...on, not, nor...ot S 5...vision,pleasure 3-i O o...all,law, owght:.o Nasals. U v...up, son, cwr...pt Mm. ..seem, met .em CT ef . . . ope, coat,powr..er N n...seew, net ..en U U...M1, foot ut TiJ n...sing, long ..ig TU ui..do, food, towr..ui DIPHTHONGS * I, Y *, "K TI- as heard in b y, now, new. See the Note on Beading Poetry in the Appendix, page 261. PREFACE. The superiority of the Bible over all other books has been fully proved. Its transcendent merits are acknowledged by all fair judges. This being premised, we proceed to the purpose of the present work. It is generally agreed among scholars, that the original Old and New Testaments were composed, partly in prose, and partly in poetry or verse. Kennicott, Louth, Jebb, Boothroyd, Boys, and other authors, have established this fact. So curiously are these two forms of composition blended and intermingled in the Hebrew, Syriac, and Greek Bibles, that it is sometimes difficult to discover to which class certain stichs or lines (in which they were first written,) most properly belong. Even the translators of the Scriptures in ancient or modern languages, retain so much of the parallelism, or correspondence of clauses, which distinguished Oriental poetry, that the reader continually feels that they still savor of poetic composition, especially in those passages where the grandeur of the images and the beauty of the sentiments are peculiarly conspicuous. The great majority of the translations of the Bible are very properly prose translations, which attempt to give the sense of the original literally word for word, and sometimes partially observe the correspondency of clauses. But beside these, many poetical or versicle renderings have been given of certain books of the Bible, in different ages and nations. Among these, we may notice several poetical versions, or paraphrases of Scripture, by the Oriental, Greek, and Latin Fathers, as Ephraim, Gregory, Nonnius, Cyprian, Hilary, Juvencus, and the pious poets of the mediaeval ages. At present we must confine our attention to the productions of this nature in our own land and language. Poetical versions of the Scripture were early favorites with the British and Anglo-Saxon races. Not to mention attempts of this kind among our Keltic and Saxon ancestors, on which a curious essay might be written, we may cite some of the poetic versions of more recent periods. In Queen Elizabeth's days, good old Hunnis translated Genesis into verse. Others attempted other books. 022 4 Preface. For instance, Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Isaiah, the Lamenta- tions, and the Acts of the Apostles, have all been versified by Sandys, Sternhold, Hopkins, Tye, Blackmore, Merrick, Tte, Scott, Young, Butt, and others ; while Fellowes, Samuel Wesley (the father of John Wesley), and Boys, have given poetical versions of other parts of the Old and New Testaments. As far as I am aware, the Gospels, though the most interesting and important parts of the Bible, have not yet appeared in English verse, and I therefore set myself to supply a poetical rendering of them. In so doing, I followed throughout Townsend's Harmony of the Gospels, con- tained in his admirable edition of the Bible in chronological and historical arrangements. This mainly agrees with all the best Harmonies of the Gospels, and enables us to read the sacred record of our Lord's life, words, and actions, in regular unbroken order, satisfying to the intelligence. If I am not mistaken, the Gospel record not only abounds in the Divin- est Wisdom, but the most exquisite poetry ; and furnishes an inexhaustible store of the purest sentiments and images. In order to render the Gospel history more attractive, I have composed this poetic paraphrase of it in that antique ballad verse, which seems most pleasing to the majority of the English. It is in this that most of the Psalms of David have been already rendered, from Sternhold downwards. Into this verse Chapman translated the Epical ballads of Homer, with brilliant success. It appears to be less formal and wearisome than many other kinds of English verse. It possesses a certain sprightliness and vivacity of spirit, and a venerable quaintness of style, which make it a general favorite, especially with those who are fond of mediaeval ballad poetry, and ancestorial chant and song. I have therefore purposely and studiously emulated the antique style of Sternhold, Chapman, and other old national balladists ; because I see that the Bible, as an ancient Oriental book, can be best presented to the sympathies of the people in that sort of venerable verse in which they have been accustomed to sing their national Psalms and Hymns. I believe that if they can relish much of the Old Testament in this verse, they will still more relish much of the New Testament therein, being more interesting and important. It is now first presented in the same attire, not only sanctioned but sanctified by long usage. Many of the attempts to render Scripture in what is called classical verse, have been very unsatisfactory, as Merrick and others have proved. I have therefore steadfastly abstained from all those classical elegancies and refinements, which appear to me incongruous with the Hebrew, Syrian, and Hellenistic phraseology, and ^Preface. 5 which I have been accustomed to develope in other poems, wherein Grecian and lloman learning might be more properly exhibited. Whatever the fate of this devotional exercise may be, I do not despair that a period may arrive when certain varieties of evangelic poetry (which in its very nature is holiest and best,) will once more become popular. True religion is so much akin to refined sentiment and natural imagery, that they ought to be conjoined in many forms of poetical composition, such as the general community can relish. This rhymed paraphrase of the Gospels is very complete. I believe it includes almost every text in the Gospel Harmony, in the order of the Harmony, with the exception of the genealogies, and certain minute par- ticulars that could not appropriately be introduced in verse. In forming this poetic paraphrase, I have consulted, during several years, the best editions of the original New Testament, the best transla- tions of it in ancient and modern languages, as well as its principal critics and commentators ; and I trust it will be found a faithful and lucid inter- pretation of the sacred text, throwing light on many of its obscurities, and removing some of its difficulties. This work may therefore be considered a new experiment in biblica literature. It forms a GOSPEL EPIC, in our old national ballad verse, so prized by the English for its quaint simplicity, pathos, and power. My principal aim is to impress the Divine truths of the Gospel on the minds of the lovers of poetry, and make its leading doctrines and facts familiar as household words, by the aid of rhythm and rhyme. I would do the same service to the Gospel of Christ that so many have already done to the Psalms of David. Though the Gospels are, thank God, so generally known to the people, I do not despair of interesting many hearts by this novel and poetic mode of illustrating their beauties. The supereminent merit of the Gospel, as respects its theology, moral- ity, history, etc., has been frequently noted. But it has not hitherto been sufficiently honored for its poetical excellences. Yet, when truly and impartially investigated, it appears to deserve no limited admiration from the lovers of poetry. A Harmony of the Gospels is the grandest Epic in the world. What Epic has ever treated of so magnificent a theme as the manifestation of God in the form of man, to redeem mankind ? In tracing the history of the Messiah through its succesive stages, the Gospel epic exhibits the noblest unity of design, and the noblest variety of wonderful incidents. It is indeed the Epic of epics. Its very fragments have given birth to the finest poems, which have distinguished the names of Milton, Klopstock, and other religious bards. 6 Preface. This poetical paraphrase may prove serviceable by supplying teachers and learners with a rhymed version of all the passages they wish to im- press on the memory. It likewise furnishes a great many hymns for singing, as the ballad measure suits many of our best hymn tunes. Though my work lays claim to fidelity rather than to brilliancy, it has cost me more prolonged labor than some will readily imagine. I trust this humble tribute to the Redeemer of Mankind will not prove vain and worthless. I have striven to make it faithful, without being pedantic ; animated, without being extravagant ; simple, without being puerile ; and - quaint, without being fantastic. May it kindle and increase the sympathy of youth and age for the Holy Scriptures ! May it interest the solitary student, and the social circle, in the glorious themes of Revelation ; and so enrich the memory with the Divine oracles, that the Christian life may be more manifest among us ! In order to assimilate to the Epic form this poetical paraphrase of the Gospel Harmony, it is divided into twelve books. With one word on the orthographic dress in which it appears, I con- clude, and commend the reader to the gracious words that depict the life of the Incarnate God. I am gratified to know that my fellow-citizen Mr Isaac Pitman, who has labored more than a quarter of a century for the reformation of our accidental style of spelling, and in the dissemination of an admirable sys- tem of Phonetic Shorthand, has undertaken to present this work to the world, both in the old spelling and in the new, so that children who learn to read in either style may, from this book, gain a knowledge of the other. As to the merits of the two styles of spelling, I agree entirely with what that great scholar the Bishop of St David's says of the common ortho- graphy : " I look upon the established system, if an accidental custom may be so called, as a mass of anomalies, the growth of ignorance and chance, equally repugnant to good taste and to common sense. But I am aware that the public clings to these anomalies with a tenacity propor- tioned to their absurdity, and is jealous of all encroachment on ground consecrated by prescription to the free play of blind caprice." As the constant dropping of water wears away stones, so, I trust, will the constant dropping of the waters of truth, as developed in phonetic and orthographic science, wear away this stone of stumbling and rock of offence that bars the way to the temple of knowledge. P.S. I was much assisted in preparing this work for the press by my very pious and amiable wife Gertrude Foster Barham, recently deceased, whom I hope to meet in heaven. I have also to acknowledge the kind and careful revision of the work, and the improvement of numerous lines, by my friend Mr Isaac Pitman. F. B. Bath, 23rd December, 1869. RHYMED HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS. BOOK I. The history of Jesus Christ, Our blessed, only Lord, His Gospel, or Glad Tidings, here We from the first record. SECTION 1. General Preface. Luke 1. 1-4. As many men have heretofore Endeavored to relate The wondrous mysteries of our faith In Christ, the Lord, most great ; Delivered to eye-witnesses, And ministers of Him Who is the very Word of God, Worshiped by cherubim ; It seemed good to me, also In these things well informed, To write them down in order, thus, That many hearts be warmed With clearer knowledge of these truths, Divinest, purest, best, Of all that man on earth can learn And cherish in his breast. SECTION 2. The divinity, humanity, and office of Christ. John 1. 1-18. In the beginning was the Word, The Logos, Truth divine, That was with God, and that was God, And all good did enshrine ; And all things by this Word were made, Without Him nought could be, For He possessed the power and might Of sovereign Deity. BUK I. 2e histori ov Jizos Krjst, sr blesed, emli Lord, Hiz Gospel, or Glad Tjdirjz, hir wi from de ferst rekord. SEKXOJS" 1. Jeneral Prefes.Lwk 1. 1-4. Az meni men hav hirtufer endevord tu relet de wpndrps misteriz ov ^r fetf in Krjst, de Lord, me-st gret ; deliverd tu J-witnesez, and ministerz ov Him hui iz de veri Wprd ov God, wprjipt bj qerubim ; it simed gud tu mi, olser in diz iirjz wel informd, tu rjt dem d^n in order, dps, dat meni harts bi wormd wid klirer nolej ov diz truidz, divjnest, purest, best, ov ol dat man on erf kan lern and QeriJ in hiz brest. SEKXOJST 2. 'i, and ofis ov Kr{st. Jon 1. 1-18. In de beginir) woz de Wprd, de Lvgos, Truid divjn, dat woz wid God, and dat woz God, and ol gud did enjrjn ; and ol dinz bj dis Wprd wer med, wit fih! tui fij, aknolejd it, and sot selestial Jon'z Testimoni. cTer woz a man sent fentf from God, predikted from ov erld, and Jon de Baptist hi woz kold, a profet trui and becld. Hi woz de fetful mesenjer and witnes ov de Wprd, dat men mjt rekognjz its ljt, and wprjip Krjst de Lord. Hi, der a profet, woz mir man, and not dat Ljt divjn ; bpt hi woz sent tu tel mankind dat Ljt woz ITS tu Jin ; dat seel, trui Ljt from God Himself, hwiq Ijte^ everi man dat ever kern intu de wprld, sins ferst de wprld began. Hi kern intu dis folen wprld, hwiq Hi Himself had med, and yet de world resivd Him not, bpt fslli Him betred. Hi kern pntu Hiz enfent res, Hiz qerzen Izrael, yet de resivd Him not, bpt did in wprd and did rebel. Bpt pntu ol hui wud resiv Hiz sevirj gres and IPV, Hi gev a p^er tu bekpm de spnz ov God abpv. For derz hui c^erijt filial fei in Hiz merst herli nem, Hi med rejeneret spnz ov God, born ov a herli flem. Se did de Wprd ov God bekpm inkarnet in man'z form, and tabernakeld ampi) men, and bor aflikjon'z storm. And wi beheld Hiz gleri, SPQ az God in flej alern kan Jer ; ser ful ov gres and trurf, de Jade ov Hiz Harmoni ov de Grospelz. 9 And John bare witness, " This is he Of whom I said before That after me shall one arise Whom all men shall adore : He was before me from of old, And let him be preferred Before me still, for him I own My Savior and my Lord." Out of his full divinity May all men now receive Grace upon grace, till even on earth Like angels they may live. The law of rites and sacrifice Was once through Moses given, But sure, the loveliest grace of truth Descends with Christ from heaven. For though no man hath ever seen The Deity supreme, His only, well-beloved Son, Doth with his glory beam. SECTION 3. The Birth of John the Baptist. Luke 1. 5-25. In the days of Herod, Judah's king, Proud, pompous, cruel, vain, Who adorned the temple with rich And forty years did reign, [gifts, Lived Zacharias, holy priest, Of ancient lineage he ; His wife was named Elizabeth, Of Aaron's family. They both were righteous in God's Fulfilling his pure will ; [sight, But old they were, that faithful pair, And they were childless still. It was his priestly lot to burn Incense before the Lord, On golden altar, many days, Where he his vows outpoured ; While all the throng of pious Jews In outer court did pray, And when the incense rose to heaven, Devotions they would pay, And lo ! the angel of the Lord Unto the good priest came, Standing upon the altar's side, Where flowed the censer's flame. And Jon ber witnes, " t Juir, m vigon br^t widin dat sekred Jrjn, for wid hiz hand hi bekond dem and med a voisles sjn. And hwen hiz dez ov pristli wprk akomplijt wer, and e-'r, hi went tu hiz ecn Irss, and pred dev^tli, az befer. And sum hiz w jf konsivd, and led a pjps l^f, retard, and blest de Lord, hui had bested de gift Ji scr dezjrd. SEKEOIST 4. Se Anvnsiefon tu de Verjin Meri. Link 1. 26-38. In de siksl mpn^ after, Gebriel, dat enjel strorj and brjt, huim Zakarjas had beheld ared in hevenli l^t ; from God woz sent, komifond stret tu eksek^t Hiz wil, in Nazarei ov Galili, and Hiz komand fulfil. 12 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. He visited a virgin there, And Mary was her name, A virgin, holy, pure, and true, Of spotless life and fame, Betrothed to Joseph, a just man Of David's royal seed ; And unto her the angel spoke, As Providence decreed, " Hail Mary ! highly favored maid, Jehovah is with thee ; And through the ages yet to come, Most blessed shalt thou be." But when she saw the angel bright, And heard his promise given, Her mind was troubled, nor perceived This mystery of heaven. Then said the angel, " Fear thou not, God's grace thou hast obtained ; Yea, from Almighty Deity, This honor thou nast gained, That thou shalt both conceive and bear A son, whom thou shalt name JESUS, the Savior of mankind, And great shall be his fame. He shall be called Messiah, Christ, The Son of God most high ; He shall possess the ancient throne Of David's royalty, And reign for ever, King supreme, O'er all the human race ; And of his kingdom's majesty No end shall mortal trace." Then Mary to the angel said, " How can this wonder be ? That I, a virgin pure, should bear A Godlike progeny ?" The angel answered, " Unto thee The Holy Spirit of God Shall come ; the power of the Supreme On thee shall be outpoured ; And therefore shall that holy thing Which thou shalt bring to birth, Be called the Son of God, the Word Incarnate upon earth. Doubt not ; behold ! Elizabeth, Thy cousin, though so old, Shall bear a son, to be of thine The Messenger foretold. For nothing is impossible To God, as shall unfold." Hi vizited a verjin der, and Meri woz her nem, .- a verjin, he-li, piy, and trui, ov spotles Ijf and fem, betrodt tu Jeczef, a jpst nian ov Devid'z roial sad ; and pntu her de enjel speck, az Providens dekrid, " Hel Meri ! h^li fevord med, Jeherva iz wid di ; and faui de ejez yet tu kpm, merst blesed Jalt fas bi." Bpt hwen Ji so de enjel brjt, and herd hiz promis given, her mind woz trpbeld, nor persivd dis misteri ov heven. cLen sed de enjel, " Fir fo not, God'z gres fe hast obtend ; ye, from Olmjti Diiti, dis onor d~s hast gend, dat d^ Jalt berf konsiv and ber a spn, huim 6rs Jalt nem JLZLJS, de Sevier ov mankind, and gret Jal bi hiz fem. Hi Jal bi kold Mesja, Krjst, d:e Spn ov God merst hj ; hi Jal pozes de enjent drern ov Devid'z roialti, and ren for ever, Kirj sujprim, er'r ol de h^man res ; and ov hiz kirjdom'z majesti nor end Jal mortal tres." fetfuli did God kriet and stil prezerv de ln, Irui everi ej, and everi q dat bor de Spn divjn. SEKEOJN" 10. Soy ov de njelz at de Nativiti ov Jizvs . 8-20. ntu dem, " Fir not, for ler ! j brirj gud tjdirjz ov gret joi tu ol : welkpm u/ hevenli Kirj. For pntu ^ dis de iz born in Devid'z siti blest, a Sevier, hwiq iz Krjst de Lord, and Hi Jal giv ^ rest. And dis Jal bi a sjn tu n ;- de Beb ^ sum Jal si, led in de menjer ov an in, in mik hipniHti." And spdenli a mpltitud ov Heven'z brit enjelz kem, ol prezii) God ; and dps de sag, wid harps ov goiden fl em ; " Gleri tu God in hjest heven ; Hi n^ desendz agen tu giv Hiz herli pis on erd", and gref gud wil tu men." Hwen de pn,r enjelz had retprnd tu heven der hapi herni, de Jepherdz sed wid gladspm harts, " Tu Befllihem let PS rom, and si dis mjti mirakel hwiCj God tu PS ha^ terld." s adrest der joiful son. : " (Dl glerri bi tu God on nj, and tu de ertf bj pis, gudwil, hensfentf from heven tu men, begin and never sis." 20 'Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. Joseph and Mary, and the Babe In humble manger laid : And when they saw, they soon made All that the angels said. [known And all that heard the shepherds' tale Astonished were, in heart ; But Mary treasured up these things, And mused on them apart. The shepherds then returned with joy, And praised their God above, For all that they had heard and seen Of His redeeming love. SECTION 11. Christ presented in the Temple. Luke 2. 21-24, When eight days old, the Holy Child (As Jewish law did claim) Was circumcised ; and, as foretold, So JESUS was his name. His mother then presentedjiim Unto the God of heaven, (For Scripture saith, " Each firstborn Shall to the Lori be given ;") [son And offered up a sacrifice, Within the Temple fair, Two pigeons, or, two turtle doves, And many a fervent prayer. SECTION 12. Simeon and Anna in the Temple. Luke 2. 25-40. At that time in Jerusalem Dwelt Simeon, holy man, Who waited for Messiah's day, And thus the promise ran : God's spirit rested on him, and To him it was revealed That he should see the Christ of God Ere death his eyes had sealed. Led by the spirit of God, he went Into the Temple grand, When Jesus' parents brought the To keep the law's command, [child, He took the Babe up in his arms, And blessed God, and said, " Lord, let thy servant now depart (As thou hast promised,) Jerzef and Meri, and de Beb in hpmbel menjer led : and hwen de so, de sum med nern ol dal de enjelz sed. And ol dat herd de Jepherdz' tel astonijt wer, in hart ; bpt Meri tregurd pp diz iirjz, and mq.zd on dem apart. cEe Jepberdz den retprnd wid joi, and prezd der God abpv, for ol dat de had herd and s.in ov Hiz redimirj IPV. SEKXON 11. Krjst prezented in de Tempel. Luik 2. 21-24. Hwen et dez erld, de He-li (az JuiiJ lo did klem) woz serkprns^zd ; and, az ferterld, s& JLZLJS woz hiz nem. Hiz mpder den prezented him pntu de God ov heven, (for Skriptqr sel, " Lq ferstborn Jal tu de Lord bi given ;") [spn and oferd pp a sakrifjz widin de Tempel fer, tui pijonz, or, tin tprtel dpvz, and meni a fervent prer. SEKXON 12. Simion and Ana in de Tempel. Luik 2. 25-40. At dat tjm in Jeruisalem dwelt Simion, hali man, hui weted for Mesja'z de, and dps de promis ran : God'z spirit rested on him, and tu him it woz revild dat hi Jud si de Kr^st ov God er del hiz jz had sild. Led bi de spirit ov God, hi went intu de Tempel grand, hwen Jizps' perents brot de qjld, tu kip de lo'z komand, hi tuk de Beb pp in hiz armz, and blesed God and sed, " Lord, let d:j servant ni> depart (az (fo hast promised,) JRjmd Earmoni ov de Gospelz. 21 In peace, for now, behold, mine eyes Thy great salvation see, Which thou hast here prepared for all Who put their trust in thee. Unto the Gentiles a great light To chase away their gloom, And of thy people Israel The glory to become." Joseph and Mary wondered much To hear the words which broke From Simeon's lips. Them, too, he And unto Mary spoke, [blest, And said, " Behold, this child is set to The fall and rise again [be Of many in Israel, and a sign To all the sons of men ; By him the thoughts of every heart Shall be revealed to all, And through thy soul shall pierce a At that which shall befall. [dart A prophetess was also there, Of Asher's fruitful tribe ; A widow she, and Anna called, Her husband long had died ; Both day and night she served her In all his holy ways. [God, And she that instant coming in, Joined in the hallowed praise. Thanks to the Lord she gave, and Of Jesus Christ to them, [spoke Who for his great redemption looked Within Jerusalem. SECTION 13. The Offering of the Magi. 2. 1-12. When Jesus was in Bethlehem born, In Judah's sunny land, There came wise men to worship him ; (They were a holy band Of Eastern sages, Magi called, Who traveled from afar ;) " Where is the Jewish King ? " they " For we have seen his star." [said, When Herod heard, he was alarmed, All Salem was dismayed, The Jewish priests and scribes were And unto them he said, [called, in pis, for n~s, beheld, mjn jz dj gret salve/on si, hwiCj fcs hast hir preperd for ol hui put der trpst in da. Untu de Jentjlz a gret Ijt tu Qes awe der gluim, and ov dj pipel Izrael de gleri tu bekpm." Jerzef and Meri wpnderd mpq tu hir d:e wprdz hwiq brerk from Simion'z lips. cLem, tui, hi and pntu Meri speck, [blest, and sed, " Behecld, dis qjld iz set tu de fol and rjz agen [bi ov meni in Izrael, and a spi tu ol de spnz ov men ; bj him de lots ov everi hart Jal bi revild tu ol, and drui dj, seel Jal pirs a dart at dat hwicj Jal befol. A profetes woz olser der, ov AJer'z fruitful trjb ; a wider Ji, and Ana kold, her hpzband log had djd ; betf de and njt Ji servd her God, in ol hiz holi wez. And Ji dat instant kpmii) in, joind in de halerd prez. Karjks tu de Lord Ji gev, and spe-k ov Jizps Krjst tu dem, hui for hiz gret redemjon lukt widin Jeruisalem. SEKEON 13. 3.e Oferiy ov . 1-12. Hwen Jizps woz in Bellehem born, in Juida'z spni land, der kem wjz men tu wprjip him ; (de wer a he-li band ov Lstern sejez, Mejj kold, hui traveld from afar ;) " Hwer iz de JuiiJ Kig ? " de sed, " for wi hav sin hiz star." Hwen Herod herd, hi woz alarmd, ol Selena woz dismed, de JuiiJ prists and skqbz wer kold, and pntu dem hi sed, 22 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. "Whence shall your great Messiah come ? " " From Bethlehem," they replied, " For so the prophet has foretold, It cannot be denied, ' Thou Bethlehem art not the least 'Mongst Judah's princely band, A Governor shall come from thee, And rule o'er Israel's land.' " Then secretly did Herod call The Magi, and inquired What time the star to them appeared, Which their devotion fired. To Bethlehem them he sent, and said, " Go, search the young child out, And bring me word, that I may come And worship, and not doubt." They heard the King, and went away, And lo ! the star of morn Moved on, and rested o'er the spot Where Jesus Christ was born. And when they saw the meteor bright, Their hearts were filled with joy, And soon within the house they knelt Before the Wondrous Boy. They saw the child and Mary too, And worshiped him their Lord, And offered gold and frankincense, And myrrh, their treasure stored. Being warned by God in heavenly Before the dawning day, [dream, They went not back to Herod, but Went home another way. SECTION 14. The Flight into Egypt. Ma;hi 2. 13-15. And when the wise men forth had Behold ! God's angel came [sped To Joseph in a dream by night, And called him by his name, And said, "Arise, and take the child, And with his mother flee To Egypt, and remain there till I shall return to thee. For Herod, in his jealous hate, The child will seek to slay." Joseph obeyed, and journeyed forth By night, without delay. " Hwens Jal tjr gret Mesja kpm ? " "From Bellihem," de repljd, " for sb- de profet haz forte-Id, it kanot bi- denjd, * ordend, hwen twelv yirz erld woz hi, wid dem pntu Jeruisalem hi went in kpmpani. And hwen decz festiv dez wer er'r, and de ful tjm woz kpm, d:e tprnd tu jprni bak agen tu Nazaretf der herm. Bpt Jizps lirjgerd der ahwjl, nor did hiz perents ne? ; and hwen de mist him de spperzd wid kinzferk hi wud gee. Bpt hwen, after a herl de'z wok, der spn de kud not fjnd, bak tu Jeruisalem de tprnd, sikirj wid arjkjps mind. And on d:e derd de az de stud widin de herli pies, de so him in de doktorz' midst, bimirj wid hevenli gres. And hwy hi askt, and anserd tui, amezd wer ol hui herd ; and wpnderd, az de markt hiz n,l, de wizdom ov hiz wprd. Hiz perents marveld tui ; den speck hiz mpder tenderli, "Spn, hw erf er didst fas tari hir? mornful wi sot for di." " Hwj hav yi sot mi ? " hi repljd, " did yi not no- mj em ? fifmd Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 25 Within my Father's house to teach, This is my highest claim." These words divine, with awe they heard, Nor knew their mystic part, But still his mother pondered well, And hid them in her heart. Then back to Nazareth he went, That humble life to prove ; Though heaven-born, he obeyed their And gave them filial love. [rule, As Jesus more in stature grew, And wisdom all divine, So o'er him still, from God and men, Did gracious favor shine. SECTION 18. Commencement of the Ministry of John the Baptist. Matthew 3. 1-12. Mark 1. 2-8. Luke 3. 1-18. When Csesar, called Tiberius, Full fourteen years had reigned, And Pontius Pilate, under him, Judsea had obtained, When Annas and Caiaphas Were high priests of the land, (Their family a long time held The priesthood in their hand,) The word of God was then revealed To Zacharias' son Named John the Baptist, who had Amid the desert lone. [dwelt He was a prophet of the Lord, And more to be revered Than all the prophets who had lived Before the Lord appeared. Fearless of men, his mission was To preach and to baptise In Judah's desert, and the land That near the Jordan lies. Clothed with the power of truth, he preached, " Eepent, and be forgiven ; For soon shall be revealed to all The grace and peace of heaven." For this is he, of whom 'twas said, " My Messenger I send Before thy face, who shall prepare The way that thou shalt wend." 3, 4, 5 widin mj Ffider'z hss tu tiq, dis iz mj hjest klem." cliz wprdz divjn, wid o de herd, nor n^ der mistik part, bpt stil hiz mpder ponderd wel, and hid dem in her hart. cEen bak tu Nazared^ hi went, dat hpmbel Ijf tu pruiv ; de- b even-born, hi 0-bed der ruil, and gev dem filial IPV. Az Jizps nicer in statqr grui, and wizdom ol divjn, so* e-'r him stil, from God and men, did grefps fevor Jjn. SEKEON 18. Komensment ov de Ministri ov Jon de 'Baptist. Madu 3. 1-12. Mark 1. 2-8. Luik 3. 1-18. Hwen Sizar, kold Tjbirips, ful fertin yirz had rend, and Ponjps Pjlct, pnder him, Jiudia had obtend, | hwen Anas and Kajafas wer hj prists ov de land, (der famili a lor) tjm held de pristhud in der hand,) de wprd ov God woz den revild tu Zakarjas' spn, nemd Jon de Baptist, hui had dwelt amid de dezert lern. Hi woz a profet ov de Lord, and mor tu bi revird dan ol de profets hui had livd befer de Lord apird. Firles ov men, hiz mi Jon woz tu prJCj and tu baptjz in Juida'z dezert, and de land dat nir de Jordan Ijz. t Klerdd wid de p^er ov truil, hi , " Eepent, and bi forgiven ; for sum Jal bi revild tu ol de gres and pis ov heven." For dis iz hi, ov huim 'twoz sed, " Mj Mesenjer j send befer dj fes, hui Jal preper de we dat d^ Jalt wend." 26 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. Isaiah wrote, " The voice of one That in the desert cries, Prepare Jehovah's way, make straight The path of the All-wise. Each peaceful, fertile valley now Exalted high shall be ; And every mountain, and each hill, Sink in humility. The crooked paths shall straight be- Rough places, ease afford, [come, And speedily shall all flesh see The glory of the Lord." This John in camel's hair was clad, With leathern girdle braced ; His food was locust berries dry, And honey wild to taste. From Judah and Jerusalem, And Jordan's region too, Went forth vast multitudes to him, To ask what they should do. And when they had confessed their They stood in Jordan's flood [sins, And were baptised, a sign that they Were consecrate to God. The Preaching of John. And when John saw the Pharisees Of hypocritic mind, And Sadducees, so sceptical, To listen, were inclined, He said, " O race of vipers, who Hath warned you thus to flee The wrath to come ? If ye indeed Seek now the truth from me, Deceive no longer, but bring forth True fruits of penitence, And do not think within your hearts That you escape offence Because from holy Abraham Your origin you drew, For God can make the very stones As privileged as you. Already is the axe of truth Laid close against the root Of every tree, to hew it down, That brings not forth good fruit ; It shall be felled, and in the fire Of judgement shall be cast." And when the guilty people heard These words, they stood aghast, ro-t, " cCe vois ov wpn dat in de dezert krjz, preper Jeho-va'z we, mek stret de pel ov de Ol-wjz: LQ pisful, fertil vali n^ ekzolted hj Jal bi ; and everi nrenten, and ic) hil, sink in h^militi. f plesez, iz aferrd, and spidili J'al ol flej si de gleri ov de Lord." cEis Jon in kamel'z her woz klad, wid ledern gerdel brest ; hiz find woz leckpst beriz dr^, and hpni wjld tu test. From Juida and Jermsalem, and Jordan'z rijon tin, went ferctf vast mpltitij.dz tu him, tu ask hwot d:e Jud dui. And hwen de had konfest der sinz, de stud in Jordan'z flpd and wer baptjzd, a sjn dat de wer konsekret tu God. 3.e Prigiy ov Jon. And hwen Jon so de Farisiz ov hipokritik mjnd, and Sadi^siz, so- skeptikal, tu lisen, wer inkljnd, hi sed, " CF res ov vjperz, hui hat wornd u, dps tu fli de rfil tu kpm P If yi indid sik urs de truil from mi, desiv ner longer, bpt brig fentf trui fruits ov penitens, and dui not dink widin uj harts dat q, eskep ofens bekoz from he^li Sbraham H,r orijin n drui, for God kan mek de veri stanz az privilejd az \i. (Dlredi iz d:e aks ov truii led kle-s agenst de ruit ov everi tri, tu hq, it d^n, dat briijz not fo^rt gud fruit ; it Jal bi feld, and in de fjr ov pjment Jal bi kast." And hwen d:e gilti pipel herd diz wprdz, de stud agast. armoni ov de Gospelz. 27 And, trembling, asked what they should do, To escape the wrath to come ? He said, " True works of charity May yet avert your doom. Give food and raiment to the poor, Commiserate distress." Then publicans, or taxers, came, And did for counsel press. And unto them the prophet said, " Be strictly just and true, Exact no more from any man Than is appointed you." Then came the soldiers to inquire How they might shun offence. He said, "Avoid, with constant care, All wrong and violence ; Accuse not any wrongfully ; Be gentle, and content With honest wages, which should be Fairly obtained and spent." And while men mused concerning John, And questioned in their heart Whether he were the Christ or not, So great his prophet art, John answered them, and said, his Was but preparative [work To that of Christ, who unto men Would full salvation give. " Forme," said John, " my mission is, As I have said before, That men repent of all their sins, And deeply them deplore. But after me there cometh one, Messiah, Christ, the Lord, Far mightier than I, is he ; And this I here record, That I, his Messenger, am not found worthy e'en to bear The sandals of his God-like feet, Far less with him compare. He shall baptise with holy love, Of all good things the best : His Holy Spirit, heavenly fire, On his baptised shall rest. The fan of judgment terrible Is held in his right hand, To purify his threshingfloor, This earth whereon we stand. 3, 4, 5 * and, tremblirj, askt hwot de Jud dui, tu eskep de TB! tu kr>m ? Hi sed, " Trui wprks ov qariti me yet avert u/ duim. Giv fuid and rement tu de puir, komizeret distres." cLen ppblikanz, or takserz, kem and did for k^nsel pres. And pntu dem de profet sed, " Bi striktli jpst and trui, ekzakt no- mer from eni man dan iz apointed ij,." cEen kem de seldierz tu inkwjr Irs de mjt Jpn ofens. Hi sed, " Avoid, wid konstant ker, ol ror) and vjolens ; aki^z not eni rorjfuli ; bi jentel, and kontent wid onest wejez, hwiq Jud bi ferli obtend and spent." And hwjl men mqzd konsernii) Jon, and kwestiond in der hart hweder hi wer de Krjst or not, so* gret hiz profet art, Jon anserd dem, and sed, hiz wprk woz bpt preparativ tu dat ov Krjst, hui pntu men wud ful salvejon giv. " For mi," sed Jon, " mj mijon iz, az j hav sed beferr, dat men repent ov ol der sinz, and dipli dem depler. Bpt after mi der kpmetf wpn, Mesja, Kr^st, de Lord, far mjtier dan j, iz hi ; and dis j hir rekord, dat j, hiz Mesenjer, am not fsnd wprdi i'n tu ber de sandalz ov hiz God-ljk fit, far les wid him komper. Hi Jal baptjz wid herli IPV, ov ol gud dirjz de best : hiz Herli Spirit, hevenli fjr, on hiz baptjzd Jal rest, cle fan ov jpjment teribel iz held in hiz rjt hand, tu pHrif} hiz faejirjfler, dis eri hweron wi stand. 28 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. True men, like wheat, he will collect "Within his garner, heaven ; But the false-hearted shall, like chaff, To hell's fierce fires be driven." And many other things did John, Throughout his exhortation, Preach to the people of that land, And all the Jewish nation. SECTION 19. The Baptism of Christ. Matthew 3. 13-17. Mark 1.9-11. Luke 3. 21-23. When all the people were baptised, Jesus from Galilee To Jordan came, and said to John, " I'd be baptised of thee." But John forbad him, saying, " I Have need to be baptised Of thee, and comest thou to me ?" (So much was he surprised.) But Jesus said, " Permit it now, For thus we must fulfil All righteousness of God on earth." Then John performed his will. Jesus, with prayer, now consecrates The Jordan by this rite, And when he was baptised, behold ! John saw a wondrous sight ; The heavens above were opened, and A dove-like form was seen : God's spirit, in descending thus Diffused a joy serene. And lo ! a heavenly voice was heard, " See ! My beloved son In whom I am well pleased." Thus Christ's ministry begun, [was Wlien of his human, suffering life Full thirty years had run. SECTION 20. Temptation of Christ. Matthew 4. 1-11. Mark 1. 12, 13. Luke 4, 1-13. Full of the holy spirit now, Jesus from Jordan turns, And seeks Judaea's wilderness : For solitude he yearns. Trui men, Ijk hwit, hi wil kolekt widin hiz garner, heven ; bpt de fols-harted Jal, Ijk ^af, tu Uel'z firs fjrz bi driven." And meni pder dirjz did Jon, drurst hiz eksortejon, prig tu de pipel ov dat land, . and ol de JuiiJ nejon. SEKXON 19. Re Saptizm ov Krlst.M.^ 3. 13-17. Mark 1. 9-11. Link 3. 21-23. Hwen ol de pipel wer baptjzd, Jizps from Galili tu Jordan kern, and sed tu Jon, " i'd bi bapt^zd ov di." Bpt Jon forbad him, sein, " 5 hav nid tu bi baptjzd ov di, and kpmest n ov God, let diz stemz tprn tu bred." Jizps repljd, " 'Tiz riten, Man livz not bj bred alfrn, bpt bi ic) wprd and tfii) hwerbj de wil ov God iz necn." clen tu de herli siti did de devil tek "sr Lord, and on de tempel'z pinakel plest him, and sperk dis wprd : " If for bi, surf, de spn ov God, kast djself d^rn from hens ; for it iz riten, Hi Jal mek Hiz enjelz dj, defens : de, in dsr handz, Jal ber di pp, spred er'r dj, Ijf a qarm, lest fo? agenst a stern Judst daj di fut, and kpm tu harm." Bpt Jizps, wjzer in God'z Wprd, anserz, " 'Tiz Iser rit, fas Jalt not tempt de Lord d[ God : " prezpmfon iz not fit. Agen de devel tekel him pp tu a nrsnten hj, and meks de herl wprld'z kirjdomz in gle-ri 'nid hiz j, [pas and sed, " 5is p^er i'l giv tu di, and 6)1 de glecri tui, if d^r wilt em and wprjip mi, and mj, komandz wilt dui." Jizps n^ anserz, '' Sstan, gee; get from mj prezens hens ; 'tiz riten, Wprjip God alecn, hi klemz ol reverens." Hwen Setan had in ven esed tu tempt de Lord tu sin, hi left him for a sizon, fled, and joind hel'z horid din, dps bj'de p^er ov Trail Divjn did Jizps viktori win. And ny wjld bists kip kpmpani wid him ; bpt \& ! from heven br^t enjelz tu him ministerd : SPQ joi tu dem iz given. 30 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. SECTION 21. Further testimony of John the Baptist. John 1. 19-34. This is the record given by John The Baptist and the seer, When from Jerusalem the priests And Levites came to hear. They asked, " Who art thou ? " He confessed " I'm not the* Christ." " What then ? Elias ?" " No." " That prophet ? " "No." " Then, of the sons of men Who art thou ? Say, that we may give An answer unto them That sent us. What say'st thou ? Do Our plain request contemn." [not He said, " I am the voice of one That in the desert cries, Prepare Jehovah's way ; make straight The path of the All- wise, As saith the prophet of the Lord : Do not his word despise." " With water I baptise," said John, " But one among you stands Whom though you know him not ; you soon Shall hear his wide commands. Although he cometh after me, Him must all men prefer, For he before me was of old, I am his Harbinger." The next day J ohn saw Jesus come, And said, without delay, " Behold the Lamb of God which takes The whole world's sin away. For this is he of whom I spake, Who coming after me, Before me is to be preferred Through all eternity. Whom I knew not : but that he should Be manifest to all, I come baptising those who low Before his footstool fall." And John bear record, saying thus, " I saw the Spirit come From heaven like a dove, and rest Upon him as its home. I knew him not, but he that sent Me to baptise and preach SEKXON 21. Fvrder testimoni ov Jon de Baptist. Jon 1. 19-34. cCis iz tie rekord given b Jon de Baptist and Ae sier, hwen from Jeruisalem de prists and Livjts kem tu hir. nz ov men hui art drs ? Se, dat wi me giv an anser pntu dem dat sent PS. Hwot se'st for? Dui "sr plen rekwest kontem." [not hi sed, " S am de vois ov wpn dat in de dezert krjz, preper Jeherva'z we ; mek stret de pfi3 ov de Ql-wjz, az sel de profet ov de Lord : dm not hiz wprd despjz." " Wid woter j baptjz," sed Jon, " bpt wpn ampr) ^ standz huim der \i n& him not ; ij, suin Jal hir hiz wjd komanz. Older hi kpmet after mi, Him mpst ol men prefer, for hi beferr mi woz ov erld, I am hiz Harbinjer." cEe nekst de Jon so Jizps kpm, and sed, wid^t dele, " Beheld de Lam ov God hwic; teks de heel wprld'z sin awe. For dis iz hi ov huini i spek, hui kpmii) after md, beferr mi iz tu bi preferd drui ol eterniti. Huim i ni| not : bpt dat hi Jud bi manifest tu ol, I kpm baptjzirj decz hui lee beferr hiz futstral fol." And Jon ber rekord, seii) dps, " ^ so de Spirit kpm from heven Ijk a dpv, and rest ppon him az its hecm. $ nq him not, bpt hi dat sent mi tu baptjz and prig Jtjmd Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 31 The good news of salvation free To all whom it may reach, Said thus : ' On whom the Spirit shall Descend, and rest upon, The same is he that shall baptise With fire.' The work's begun. I saw ; bear record ; and confess This is God's Only Son." SECTION 22. Christ obtains his first disciples from John. John 1. 35-51. The next day after, as John stood, With two disciples true, (The other John, the Evangelist, And Andrew, whom he knew,) He looked at Jesus as he walked, And said, without delay, " Behold the Lamb of God which takes The whole world's sin away." And when the two disciples heard John's word, dismissing care, They followed Jesus, for their hearts Were filled with faith and prayer. Then Jesus turned, and said to them, " For whom do you inquire ?" They answered, *' Rabbi, to know Thou dwell est, we desire." [where Then said he to them, "Come and see." They came and saw his home, And stayed with him that day, nor felt The least desire to roam. One of the two which heard John speak Was Andrew, holy man, Who soon unto his brother dear, Called Simon Peter, ran, And said to him, " Lo ! we have found Messiah, who is Christ :" And brought his brother to the Lord, Of whom he him apprised. And instantly, when Jesus saw Him, thus he said, " Oh ! may The son of Jonah firm be found In faith and truth alway : Thy name henceforth shall Cephas be, Peter, that is, a stone, Which in my Church thou shalt be- As will in time be shown." [come, (Cephas in Hebrew, is in Greek, As Petros, Peter, known.) de gud m|,z ov salvejon fri tu ol huim it me ricj, sed dps : ' On huim de Spirit Jal desend, and rest ppon, de sem iz hi dat Jal baptjz wid ijr.' cLe wprk's begpn. so ; ber rekord ; and konfes dis iz God'z Onli Spn." SEKEON 22. Krjst obtenz hizferst disfpelz from Jon. Jon 1. 35-51. n Ijk him kud bi fsnd. Abrod, at ham, on hil, in del, and in de sinagog, hi tot berf gret and smol in set diskerrs or dialog. And hi went d^n from Nazaret and dwelt besjd de lek, widin Kapernapm, dat hi de pjpel mjt awek from spiritual lelarji ; and de der sinz fbrsek. Jzaia'z profesi woz dps fulfild bj God'z dekri, dat Zabijlon and Neffialim, bj Galili'z dark si, Jud bi iluimind bj de Ijt ov Krjst, de l^t ov men ; dat Juiz and Jentjlz m^t wpns men si hevenli trradz agen ; and ol rejois, and lift d:e vois in wr>n lorj, h>d Hmen. 3Ce pipel dat in darknes sat, no so a hevenli ljt, and de huiz jz wer klerzd in de^, from Krjst resivd der sjt. And from dat tjm de Lord began tu kol men tu repent, and God'z m^ kirjdom ov de hevenj enter, wid wpn konsent. SEKXON 30. Krist's Konverssfon wid de Wuman 01 Samaria. Jon 4. 1-42. Hwen de Lord nu, de Farisiz had herd dat Jizr>s med disjpelz merr dan Jon, (hui woz not prinsipal, bt>t ed,) for not ale-n did Krjst baptjz az hi had dpn befo-r,* * When the reader finds expressed a meaning different from that of the Authorisec Version, as in the case of John 2. 4, already referred to, and in the present instance, h< may feel assured that the original ought to, or may be, so rendered. This observatioi will suffice for any similar case that may hereafter occur. Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 41 lut liis disciples did the same, And thus were baptised more ; He left Judaea, and went north, Samaria passing through, A.nd came to Sychar, Shechem called, His Father's will to do. id near it was that ground which Jacob to Joseph gave, [once Wherein was Jacob's purchased well, And also Joseph's grave. And Jesus, wearied with his walk, Rested upon the well ; His followers were buying bread, And knew not what befell. A. woman of Samaria Came to draw water there, And Jesus asked her to bestow What she so well could spare. The woman was surprised that he To her should thus apply ; For then Samaritans and Jews All cherished enmity A.gainst each other, when they should Have formed one family. Then Jesus answered," If thou knew'st The gift that God can grant, And who it is that says, ' Bestow The water that I want,' Thou would'st have rather asked of For living water true, [him The water of immortal life, For ever bright and new." The woman said, " This well is deep, The fountain lieth low, Beyond thy reach ; whence then canst Water of life bestow ? " [thou Jesus replied, " Whoe'er shall drink This water, thirsts again ; Who drinks the water I shall give, Shall ne'er know thirst nor pain ; But deep within his heart it dwells, ^ An ever-flowing stream, Springing eternal, for its source, Is God himself, supreme." The woman said, " O grant to me That living water clear, To save me from the daily toil Of drawing water here." And Jesus said, " Thy husband call." The woman answered then, bpt hiz disjpelz did de sem, and dps wer baptjzd mor ; hi left Juudia, and went norl, Samaria pasii) tfrui, and kern tu Sjkar, Xekem kold, hiz Ffider'z wil tu dui. And nir it woz dat grsnd hwig Jekob tu Jerzef gev, [wpns hwerin woz Jekob'z pprqest wel, and olser Jerzef's grev. And Jizps, wind wid hiz wok, rested ppon de wel ; hiz folecerz wer bjirj bred, and nvj, not hwot befel. A wuman ov Samaria kern tu dro woter der, and Jizps askt her tu bester hwot Ji ser wel kud sper. cEe wuman woz sprprjzd dat hi tu her Jud dps aplj ; for den Samaritanz and Juiz ol qerijt enmiti agenst jq pder, hwen && Jud hav formd wpn famili. cEen Jdzps anserd, " If d^ mj,'st de gift dat God kan grant, and hui it iz dat sez, ' Bester de woter dat j wont,' fe wud'st hav reder askt ov him for livig woter trui, de woter ov immortal Ijf, for ever br^t and nq,." 3e wuman sed, " 2is wel iz dip, d:e fsnten l^el lee, beyond dj r.i^ ; hwens den kanst d^ woter ov Ijf bester ? " Jizps repl^d, " Huier Jal drink dis woter, tfersts agen ; hui drirjks de woter i Jal giv, Jal ner no- ^erst nor pen ; bpt dip widin hiz hart it dwelz, an ever-flerirj strim, sprinirj eternal, for its serrs, iz God himself, sujpram." 9Ee wuman sed, " CT grant tu mi dat livir) woter klir, tu S8V mi from de deli toil ov droig woter hir." And Jizps sed, " 3j. hpzbandkol." cle wuman anserd den, 42 Rhymed Harmony of tlie Gospels. " I have no husband ;" and she blushed With conscious guilt and pain. Jesus replied, " Thou speakest true, Five husbands thou hast had, And he whom now thou hast is not Thy husband ; this is sad." The woman answered, " Sir, I feel That thou a prophet art, For thou hast read the mysteries That slumber in my heart. Say then, Which is the chosen place Where men should seek the Lord ; Doth Judah or Samaria The holiest place afford ?" Jesus replied, " The hour shall come When neither here nor there Alone, but everywhere, shall all Good men their hearts prepare To worship God, a spirit pure, In spirit and in truth. At present, you Samaritans Have little light, forsooth ; In Israel is God known, and thence Shall his salvation come, And wide extend, till the whole earth Shall be man's peaceful home." The woman saith, "I know when he, Messiah, Christ, shall come, He will instruct us in all truth, And banish error's gloom." Then Jesus said to her, " Lo ! I That speak to thee am He." On this came his disciples, and They marveled much to see Their Lord discoursing thus alone With one whom Jews despise, Yet made an effort to conceal Their sorrow and surprise. The woman left her waterpot, And went into the town, And said to all she met, " Come, see, A prophet of renown, Who told me all I ever did ; Say, Is not this the Christ ?" Then came the citizens to him, By these strange words enticed. The Lord's disciples, the meanwhile, Who had returned with bread, Besought him earnestly to eat ; But he, replying, said, " OB hav nee hpzband ;" and Ji blpjt wid konjps gilt and pen. Jizps repljd, " <3cs spikest trui, fjfr hpzbandz (te hast had, and hi huipa nu d^s hast iz not dj hpzband ; dis iz sad." ntu him de klavd. And meni mor aknolejd him hwen de demselvz had herd from hiz em lips de sevig truil ; and glorifjd hiz wprd. SEKEON 31. Selcond Mirakel in Kena ov Galili.- J on 4. 43-54. After tui dez in Sjkar spent, Krjst went tu Galili ; bpt Nazare^, hiz netiv torn, hi did not hest tu si ; bpt testifjd, A profet fjndz smol reverens at herm, til hi haz gend jpst fern abrod, hwiq bak wid him wil kpm. 3!e Galilianz gladli den welkpmd de profet gret, for 6.8 had sin de p^er Divjn hwiq did ppon him wet, hwen in Jeruisalem, ov let, hiz wpndrps wprks inkrist ; for tu de paserver de went, tu kip d:e yirli fist. Sec Jizps kem tu Kena, hwer hi med de woter wjn ; and der woz hir a no-belman hui nil Krjst's p^er Divjn. 44 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. His son was at the point of death, So, he besought the Lord That he would heal his child, who else Could never be restored. Then Jesus said, " Except you see, You doubt my power to save ; But trust my word ; thy son doth live ; He now escapes the grave." The man believed the word of Christ, And homeward he returned, But on the way his servants came, And they no longer mourned. "Thy son," they said, "is now restored To life." Then he inquired What hour it was this happy change In his son's health transpired. They told the hour ; he knew it was At that same hour of day That Jesus said, " Thy son doth live." He owned Messiah's sway ; And he and all his family Believed that Christ must be The promised Savior of the world, The son of Deity. SECTION 32. Public preaching of Christ in the Synagogue of Nazareth, and his danger there. Luke 4. 16-30. And Jesus came to Nazareth, Wherein his youth was spent, And into the Jews' synagogue He on the Sabbath went ; And as his custom was therein, He stood up for to read God's Word to all the people there ; Thus sowing heavenly seed. And opening the book, he found Isaiah's prophecy ; The spirit of Jehovah God Is on me now ; for he With oil anointeth me, that I With holy joy may preach Glad tidings to the poor ; with balm The broken hearts to reach ; Deliverance give to captive souls, And sight unto the blind ; Unto the bruised, joyous ease ; God's grace to all mankind. Hiz spn woz at d:e point ov del, sec, hi besot de Lord dat hi wud hil hiz Q jld, hui els ki|d never bi resterd. t ol in ven, yet at dj grejps wprd, j wil let dun de net agen." cEer partnerz in de pder Jip de kold tu help der nid. cEe kem, and fild berf Jips wid fij, dps did de draft spksid. And nu, de veselz e-ver-ful, wer jpst abut tu sirjk, de woter woz sec veri nir pntu de vesel'z brirjk. Hwen Piter so it, hi fel dun, afred, at Jizps' niz, and sed, " Depart from mi, CF Lord, du Huiler ov de siz, for j'm a sinful man." And ol wid konsternefon stand tu si de mpltiti^dz ov fij dat kem at Tvrjst's komand. cEen Jizps pntu Sjmon sed, " Fir not ; in tjm tu kpm du Jalt kaq men in heven'z ern net, and sev dem from hel'z duim. cEen de-z dis^pelz brot der Jips tu JOT. 3e ol forsuk ; hensfe-r^ de folerd Kr^st, and in hiz minis tri partuk. SEKEON 34. 3Le Dirnvnialc hild. Mark 1. 21-28. Link 4. 33-37. Upon de Saba^, az Krjst tot, (az hi woz wpnt tu dui,) widin Kapernapm'z sinagog, de pipel rund him drui. MPQ de admjrd de truidz wid a majestik gres [dropt from ut hiz lips, pnljk de ler ov der ern pristhud res. 48 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. And in that synagogue there was A certain man possessed By a foul fiend, who tortured him And would not let him rest. He cried aloud, " Let us alone, What can we do with thee, Jesus of Nazareth ; art thou come To increase our misery ? I know thee, who thou art, in truth, The Holy One of God." Then Christ rebuked him with his (His word is as a rod [word, To scourge all wrong,) " Be silent and Come out." The spirit obeyed, And casting the poor maniac down, And tearing him, he made, With a loud wail, his dread escape, But hurt him not again. Such power and mercy Christ dis- To wild demoniac men. [played And all the people were amazed And marveled at Christ's might, Which, by a word, could overawe, And all hell's legions smite. And soon his fame extended wide Through all that region round, And Galilee rejoiced to hear The Gospel's gladsome sound. SECTION 35. Peter's Mother-in-law cured. Matthew 8. 14, 15. Mark 1. 29-31. Luke 5. 38, 39. Then from the synagogue they went, And Jesus entered soon Simon and Andrew's friendly home, And with him James and John. There one lay sick of fever dire, Mother of Simon's wife, And quickly did her loving friends Beseech Christ for her life. His hand he laid with tender love Upon her dying frame, And at his word, immediately Was quenched that fever's flame. He took her hand ; she rose restored j And moved with willing feet To minister unto her Lord, With grateful service, sweet. And in dat sinagog der woz a serten man pozest b a fsl fand, hui torfrqrd him spid wud not let him rest. Hi kr^d al^d, " Let PS alert, hwot kan wi dui wid di, Jizps ov Nazarei ; art fe kpm tu inkrjs ~sr mizeri? $ ner di, hui fas art, in truij-, de He-li Wpn ov God." cTen Krjst rebqkt him wid hiz wprd, (hiz wprd iz az a rod tu skprj ol roi),) " Bi spent and kpm 3t." file spirit orbed, and kastirj de puir meniak d^n, and terir) him, hi med, wid a l^d wel, hiz dred eskep, bpt hprt him not agen. SPQ p^er and mersi Krjst displed tu wjld dimemiak men. And ol de pi pel wer amezd and marveld at Kqst's mjt, hwic}, bj, a wprd, kud erero, and ol hel'z lijonz smjt. And sum hiz fern ekstended wd tfrm ol dat rjjon rsnd, and Galili rejoist tu hir de Gospel'z gladspm s^nd. SEKXON 35. Piter 1 z Mt)der-in-lct kqrd. 8. 14, 15. Mark 1. 29-31. Lmk 5. 38, 39. 3en from de sinagog d:e went, and Jizps enterd sum Sjmon and Andrui'z frendli hem, and wid him Jemz and Jon. cEer wpn le sik ov fiver djr, mpder ov Simon'z w^f, and kwikli did her Ipvii) frendz besiq Krjst for her l^f. Hiz hand hi led wid tender Ipv ppon her djii) frem, and at hiz wprd, immidietli woz kwenqt dat fiver'z flem. Hi tuk her hand ; Ji rerz resterrd ; and muivd wid wilig fit tu minister pntu her Lord, wid gretful servis, swit. Harmoni ov de Gospelz. SECTION 36. Christ teaches, and performs miracles, throughout Galilee. Matthew 4. 23-25 ; 8. 16, 17. Mark 1. 32-39. Luke 4. 40-44. At even, when the sun was set, All who had suffering friends Brought them to Christ, whose power- ful touch Health through their vitals sends. Demons departed at his voice, The sick did he restore ; So was fulfilled Isaiah's word, " Himself our sickness bore." The demons also witness gave, And cried, " Thou art the Christ, The Son of God :" but he required They should from this desist. At earliest dawn the Lord arose, In solitude to pray, And Simon and his friends essayed To follow him that day. And when they found him, they ex- claimed, "All men are seeking thee." But he replied, " Let us now leave This place, and go and see Some other towns ; for this I'm sent." Yet still the people throng, And press him not to leave them yet ; They would detain him long. " God's kingdom I would preach else- where, For this cause am I sent," He said. Then throughout all the land Of Galilee he went, Preaching glad tidings unto all, And healing every ill. And thus his fame for mighty deeds Did Syria's region fill. SECTION 37. Christ cures a Leper. Matthew 8. 2-5. Mark 1. 40-45. Luke 5. 12-15. It happened in a certain place There lived a leprous man, Who, seeing Jesus, lowly knelt, And this address began, SEKXON 36. tigez, and performz mirakelz, druwt GalilL 25 ; 8. 1 6, 17. Mark 1. 32-39. Luik 4. 40-44. At iven, hwen de spn woz set, ol hui had spferir) frendz brot dem tu Krj^st, huiz p^erful tPC} heW frui der vjtalz sendz. Dimonz departed at hiz vois, de sik did hi rest or ; sec woz fulfild Jzaia'z wprd, " Himself ur siknes beer." cTe dimonz olser witnes gev, and krjd, " ri ov God :" bpt hi rekw^rd de Jud from dis desist. At erliest don de Lord arerz, in soUt^d tu pre, and Sjmon and hiz frendz esed tu foler him dat de. And hwen de fsnd him, de eks- klemd, " Ol men ar sikirj di." Bpt hi repljd, " Let PS ITS liv dis pies, and go 1 and si spm pder t^nz ; for dis i'm sent." Yet stil de pipel Iron, and pres him not tu liv dem yet ; de wud deten him lor). " God'z kirjdom j wud prig els- hwer ; for dis koz am j sent," hi sed. cten drui^t ol de land ov Galili hi went, pri^ig glad t^dinz pntu ol, and hilirj everi il. And dps hiz fern for mjti didz did Siria'z rijon fil. SEKEON 37. ^rz a "Leper. Ma^n 8. 2-5. Mark 1. 40-45. Luik 5. 12-15. It hapend in a serten pies der livd a leprps man, hui, siirj Jizps, lecli nelt, and dis adres began, 50 'Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. " Lord, if thou wilt, thou hast the power To make a leper clean." Moved with compassion for his state, Pleased with his humble mien, Jesus put forth his gentle hand, Touched him, and, as the Lord Of life, replied, "I will: be clean." And at that thrilling word The leprosy departed quite, The sufferer was restored. Then Jesus bade him tell no man, But keep the law's command, And show himself unto the priest With offerings in his hand. And thus he sent him on his way ; But he could not refrain From telling such a wondrous tale Again and yet again. These tidings brought greatmultitudes For healing, and to hear ; Till Jesus could not publicly Within that town appear ; But to the wilderness he turned, For solitude and prayer, And from all parts around they came, And thronged him even there. SECTION 38. The Paralytic cured. Christ's power to forgive sins. Matthew 9. 2-9. Mark 2. 1-12. Luke 5. 17-26. A few days after this, the Lord Revisits that famed town Capernaum, and soon the place Was filled with his renown. A multitude came forth to hear, And thronged the vestibule ; And there he preached the blessed Of life its law, or rule. [word It happened on a certain day, While he, on preaching bent, Was poring wisdom into ears Which gave a glad assent, That doctors of the law sat by, And haughty Phariseees, Who sought to catch him in the net Of their own subtleties. " Lord, if fo wilt, fe hast de p^er I tu mek a leper klin." Muivd wid kompajon for hiz stet, fjlizd wid hiz hpmbel min, Jizps put fentf hiz jentel hand, tpqt him, and, az de Lord ov Ijf, replj.d, " ^ wil : bi klin." And at dat irilir) word de leprosi departed kwjt, de spferer woz resterd. clen Jizps bad him tel no* man, bpt kip de lo'z komand, and Je- himself pntu de prist wid oferinz in hiz hand. And dps hi sent him on hiz we ; bpt hi kud not refren from telirj soq a wpndrps tel agen and yet agen. cliz tidirjz brot gret mpltit^dz for hilii), and tu hir ; til Jizps kud not ppblikli widin dat torn apir ; bpt tu de wildernes hi tprnd, for soliti|,d and prer, and from ol parts arsnd de kem, and tfrond him iven der. SEKEON 38. 5.e Paralitik kipd. Krisfs paer tu forgiv sinz. Madiq, 9. 2-9. Mark 2. 1-12 Link 5. 17-26. A fq, dez after dis, de Lord rivizits dat femd frsn Kapernapm, and sum de pies woz fild wid hiz remm. A mpltit^d kem forl tu hir, and tfrorjd de vestibql ; and der hi pricjt de blesed wprd ov Ijf its lo, or ruil. It hapend on a serten de, hwjl hi, on priqii) bent, woz peril) wizdom intu irz hwiq gev a glad asent, dat doktorz ov de lo sat b, and hoti Farisiz, hui sot tu kaq him in de net ov der e-n spteltiz. Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 51 Lnd while his power went forth to heal, II A palsied man was brought \ Jpon his bed, by four friends borne, Who to approach Christ sought. Iput as they could not, any way, I For that great crowd, come nigh, \. They broke the covering of the roof, 1 And let him down thereby. itVhen Jesus saw their earnest faith, . I Unto the couch he turned, jind said to the poor palsied man, For whom his mercy yearned, r Son, let thy heart be of good cheer, Thy sins have pardon gained." [Whereat the Scribes and Pharisees With reasonings fierce complained, r Who dares speaks blasphemies like I God only can forgive." [these, Immediately when Jesus saw Their thoughts within them strive, He said, " Why reason in this way ? Why think so wickedly ? Which is more easy, then, to say, Thy sins forgiven be ; Or bid the paralytic rise, Take up his bed, and go ? That you may learn, the Son of man Forgiveness can bestow, (Then to the sick,) I say, Arise, Take up thy bed ; depart Unto thy house." Immediately He rose with grateful heart, And to his house returned, with praise To God for health restored. The multitude beheld with awe, And Christ's great power adored. ' Strange things our eyes have seen Never the like before." [to-day, And God they glorified, who had On men bestowed such power. SECTION 39. The Calling of Matthew. Matthew 9. 9. Mark 2. 13, 14. Luke 5. 27, 28. Next by the sea-side Jesus taught, Where multitudes could meet ; And then he traveled on again, And came to Levi's seat. And hwjl hiz p^er went ferrf tu hil, a polzid man woz brot ppon hiz bed, bj for frendz bern, hui tu aprercj Krjst sot. Br>t az ds kud not, eni we, for dat gret krsd, kpm nj, de bre*k de kpverirj ov de ruif, and let him dsn derb^. Hwen Jizps so der ernest fed", pntu de k-sCj hi tprnd, and sed tu de puir polzid man, for huim hiz mersi yernd, " Spn, let dj, hart bi ov gud qir, dj sinz hav pardon gend." Hwerat de Skr^bz and FarisJz wid rizoninz firs komplend, " Hui derz spik blasfemiz l^k diz, God ernli kan forgiv." Immidietli hwen Jizps so der d^ots widin d:em strjv, hi sed, " Ewj rizon in dis we? hwj dink so- wikedli ? Hwiq iz merr izi, den, tu se, cf^ sinz forgiven bi ; or bid de paralitik rjz, tek pp hiz bed, and gee ? clat n me lern, de Spn ov man forgivnes kan bester, (den tu de sik,) % se, Ar^z, tek pp dj bed ; depart pntu d^ h^s." Immidietli hi rerz wid gretful hart, and tu hiz Irss retprnd, wid prez tu God for heW restord. tie mpltitqd beheld wid o, and Kr^st's gret p^er aderd. " Strenj 5inz 3r jz hav sin tu-de, never de Ijk befer." And God d:e glecrifid, hui had on men besterd SPQ p^er. SEKXON 39. 3e Koliy ov Mady / .M.sd\\ l 9. 9. Mark 2. 13, 14. Luke 5. 27, 28. Nekst bj de si-s^d Jizps tot, hwer mpltitudz kud mit ; and den hi traveld on agen, and kem tu Liv^'z sit. 52 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. Matthew his other name was called, He was Alpheus' son, At the toll office he was found Until his work was done. " Come, follow me," said Christ to Matthew at once obeyed ; [him ; He left all there, and followed Christ, No more by Mammon swayed. SECTION 40. An Infirm Man healed at Bethesda. John 5. 1-16. Again the Jewish festival, The passover, came round ; And Christ to Salem went, to keep A feast so much renowned. Now by the sheep-gate lies a pool Which is Bethesda named, Or House of Mercy, where the blind, The impotent, the lamed, Assembled ; for at stated times One stirred this wondrous pool, And he who first then bathed therein Was instantly made whole. One man infirmity had borne For thirty-eight long years, When Jesus came with power and love To soothe his anxious fears. Christ knew his case, and gently said, " Wilt thou be made whole now ? " " Sir," said the man, " to lift me in, No one will help bestow ; And when I try to reach the pool, Another steps before." Said Jesus, " Take thy bed and walk." He lingered there no more. Healed of his weakness, strong he walked ; And 'twas the Sabbath day. Quickly the murmuring Jews ob- With angry jealousy, [served, " It is not lawful on this day, To carry thus thy bed." But he replied, with honest faith, " Yet he who cured me said, * Take up thy bed, and walk.' " Then Inquired who that could be ; [they For Jesus from the multitude Retreated privately. iz pder nem woz kold, hi woz Alfips' spn, at de ted ofis ha woz fsnd pntil hiz wprk woz dpn. " Kpm, fold- ma," sed Rqst tu him ; Main, at wpns e-bed ; hi left ol der, and folerd Kqst, nee mer b Mamon swed. SEKXON 40. An Inferm Man hild at Bedezda. Jon 5. 1-16. Agen de JuiiJ festival, de paserver, kern rsnd ; and Krjst tu Selern went, tu kip a fast so* mpcj remmd. N-S bj, de Jap-get Ijz a puil hwig iz Belezda nemd, or H^s ov Mersi, hwer de bljnd, de impertent, de lemd, asembeld ; for at steted t^mz wpn sterd dis wpndrps puil, and Li hui fersfc den bedd dsrin woz instantli med heel. Wpn man infermiti had barn for lerti-et lor) yirz, hwen Jizps kem wid p^er and Ipv tu suid hiz arjkjps firz. Krjst n\i hi z kes and jentli sed, " Wilt d^ bi med her! ws ?" " Ser," sed de man, " tu lift mi in, nerwpn wil help bester ; and hwen j tr^ tu ri^ de puil, anpder steps beferr." Sed Jizps, " Tek dj, bed and wok." Hi lirjgerd der no- merr. Hild ov hiz wiknes, strorj hi wokt ; and 'twoz de Sabal de. Kwikli de mprmprir) Juiz obzervd, wid arjgri jelpsi, " It iz not loful on dis de, tu kari dps dj t bed." Bpt hi replj.d, wid onest fel, " Yet hi hui k^rd mi sed, ' Tek pp dj, bed, and wok.' " clen inkwjrd hui dat kud bi ; [dc for Jizps from de retrited Harmoai ov de Gospelz. 53 [poon after tliis, the man was seen I Within the temple, strong ; i knd Jesus met him as he made I His way amid the throng, the Lord then spoke this warning word, I " Now thou art healed, beware That not again thou disobey, Lest worse ill thee ensnare." [JAjicl when the man departed thence, I Desirous to display (His Savior's power, he told the Jews Who healed him on that day. Sum after dis, de man woz sin widin de tempel, strorj ; and Jizps met him az ha med hiz we amid de tfron. cCe Lord den speck dis wornirj wprd, " JN~-sr ds art hild, bewer dat not agen d^ diserbe, lest wprs il da ensner." And hwen de man departed dens, dezjrps tu disple hiz- Sevier'z p^er, hi tedd de Juiz hui hild him on dat de. SECTION 41. Christ asserts his Divinity. John 5. 17-47. (The Jews then persecuted Christ, Because he would display IHis miracles of love divine Upon the Sabbath day. (As if to do a work of love On any day, could be I An act of sacrilege and wrong, Showing impiety.) I Then Jesus answered, " God above Is ever working good, And I, his Son, perform good works, With the same love imbued." The Jews for this thing sought to kill Their own Messiah true, Because upon the Sabbath day He would these good works do ; And also called the God of all His Father, and said, He Himself possessed the attributes Of sovereign Deity. Jesus replied, " So closely joined In me are Father, Son, That all the Father doeth is By the Son likewise done. The Father so much loves the Son, To him he all reveals ; And he will show him greater works, Works which he now conceals. For as the Father raiseth up The spiritually dead, SEKEON 41. aserts hiz Diviniti. Jon 5. 17-47. n divjn hatt p^er tu rez from ded's dark Jed. cEe Ffider ernli jpjel npn ; pi jpjmenttu de Spn hi hal koinited : (ITS, indid, mj mijon iz begpn :) dat az men onor God merst hj, iven sec de Jud revir de Spn, hui my, az lor) forte-Id, dpi on de erl apir. For hi dat onorz not de Spn, wil not ekzolt de Sender ; bpt hi dat rev'rensez mj wprd, tu God wil wprjip render. Hi hat immortal Ijf widin, and ever Jal rejois ; for TTS'Z de ^r hwerin de ded Jal hir mj sovren vois, and de-z hui hir it and erbe, Jal hav eternal Ijf. No- kondemnejon Jal bi derz, nor eni penful strjf. For az de Fsder in himself haz Ijf, sec haz hi given de Spn tu hav Ijf in himself, be4 in de erl and heven ; and haz emp^erd him tu pozes de rt ovjpjment tui, bekoz hi iz despjz de inosent, for mersi iz abpv ol sakrifjs. n tfirj j ask q,," Krjst repljd, " Iz't loful tu emploi de Sabad dez for gud or il ? tu sev Ijf, or destroi ? " Spens de kept. Agen hi speck, " If wpn ov 11 Jud si hiz Jip ppon de Sabat fol in a pit spdenli, wil hi not stretwe lift it ^t ? MPQ beter dan a Jip iz man : and derfer it iz rjt de Saba^ dps tu kip." Grivd at de hardnes ov der harts, displegur markt hiz fes, and tu de man hi sed, " Strecj fe-ri dj hand " wid hevenli gres. Hi streqt it fe-rl wid perfekt iz, for swift it woz resterd, and, lik de pder, s^nd apird at tfizps' mjti wprd. 5en did de Farisiz komb^n wid de Hererdianz, fjrd wid madnes agenst Jizps Kr^st, and tu destroi konsp^rd. SEKEON 44. Krist hilz de Disizez ov meni. 12. 15-21. Mark 3. 7-12. Hwen Jizps mj, it, hi widdrui tu Galili'z ksm let, and mpltitu/Lz, kot b^ hiz fern, did igerli betek 58 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. Themselves to him, from Jordan, and From Tyre to Edom south, To be made whole, and then to learn True wisdom from his mouth. Even spirits foul, with awe fell down, Soon as they saw his face, And cried, " Thou art the Son of God ;" Owning his wondrous grace. But he commanded secresy, As thus Esaias spoke, " Behold my servant, mine elect, Who shall not strife provoke, Nor cry aloud, my well beloved ; My spirit shall on him rest. Judgement he'll to the Gentiles show, They shall in him be blessed. His voice shall not be heard abroad, From strife and clamor free ; The bruised reed, the smoking flax, Shall share his victory." SECTION 45. Christ chooses his Twelve Apostles. Matthew 10. 1-4. Mark 3. 13-19. Luke 6. 12-19. Then Jesus to a mountain lone Retired, for secret prayer, And all night long continued he With God in converse there. And when the day returned, he called Such followers as he chose, And from them he appointed twelve His Gospel to disclose. These he Apostles named, and gave Them wondrous power to heal All sicknesses, and demons vile From sufferers to expel. Their names were : Simon, Peter called, And Andrew, Peter's brother, With James and John of Zebedee, (Salome was their mother, The sons of thunder these he named,) Matthew and Philip too, And Thomas, and Alpheus' son James, with Bartholomew, Thaddeus or Jude, brother of James, Simon the Canaanite, And Judas of Iscariot, Who did his Lord despite. demselvz tu him, from Jordan, am from Tjr tu Ldom s~sfr, tu bi med he-1, and den tu lern tfcui wizdom from hiz nrsl. Lven spirits fsl, wid o fel d^n, sum az de so hiz fes, and krjd, " cTs art de Spn ov God ;' emir) hiz wpndrps gres. Bat hi komanded sikresi, az dps Ezaias speck, " Beheld raj, servant, mjn elekt, hui Jal not strjf prervo-k, nor krj ah?d, mj wel belpvd ; mj spirit Jal on him rest. Jpjment hi! tu de Jentjlz Je% de Jal in him bi blest. Hiz vois Jal not bi herd abrod, from strjf and klamor fri ; de bruized rid, de smerkii) flaks, Jal Jer hiz viktori." SEKEON 45. Krist gwzez hiz Twelv Aposelz. 10. 1-4. Mark 3. 13-19. Luik 6. 12-19. 1 njt log kontinu/l hi wid God in konvers der. And hwen de de retprnd, hi kold SPG, folererz az hi qerz, and from dem hi apointed twelv hiz Gospel tu disklerz. cTiz hi Aposelz nemd, and gev dem wpndrps p^er tu hil ol siknesez, and dimonz vjl from spfererz tu ekspel. cler nemz wer : Sjmon, Piter kold, and Andrui, Piter'z brpder, wid Jemz and Jon ov Zebedi, (Sale-mi woz der mpder, de spnz ov Ipnder diz hi nemd,) Maii^ and Filip tui, and Tomas, and Alfips' spn Jemz, wid Bariolonm,, Kadips or Juid, brpder ov Jemz, Sjmon de Kenan^t, and Juidas ov Iskariot, hui did hiz Lord despjt. Rlmd Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 59 Then they descended to the plain, And from all countries round The multitude surrounded him, To hear the joyful sound. His healing touch they sought. It Virtue enough for all : [proved Each ill departed at his word, Spirits obeyed his call. SECTION 46. The Sermon on the Mount. Matthew, chapters 5, 6, 7. Luke 6. 20-49. And seeing the vast multitudes That thronged, his word to hear, Jesus went up a sacred mount, And there, in accents clear, He preached this sermon. Lifting up His eyes on those around, He ope'd his mouth, and taught them thus ; (They thrilling at the sound :) Ings or the Good. Blessed and happy are the poor In spirit, for to these Belong the peace of heaven, and all Its sweet felicities. Blessed are those who mourn for faults Themselves and others do ; For all such mourners will amend, Find grace and comfort too. Blest are the meek and gentle ones ; For unto them is given The earth, to have and hold therein An earnest hope of heaven. And blessed too are they that long For perfect righteousness ; For they shall soon be satisfied, And know no more distress. Blest are the merciful ; for they Like mercy shall obtain ; Blest are the pure in heart ; for they God's presence shall retain. Blest are the peacemakers ; for they Are called the sons of heaven. Blest are the sufferers for right ; To them shall bliss be given. 7* clen de desended tu de plsn, and from ol kpntriz rsnd de mpltitqd sprsnded him, tu hir de joiful s^nd. Hiz hilir) tpq de sot. It pruivd vertu, enpf for ol ; iq il departed at hiz word, spirits erbed hiz kol. SEKEOJN" 46. 3.e Sermon on de Mxnt. , gapterz 5, 6, 7. Luik 6. 20-49. And siirj de vast dat Irond, hiz wprd tu hir, Jizps went pp a sekred nrsnt, and der, in aksents klir, hi priqt dis sermon. Liffcirj pp hiz jz on derz ar^nd, hi e-pt hiz nrs^, and tot dem dps; (de drilii) at de s^nd :) jBlesiyz or Biatitqdz pronxnst on de G-ud. Blesed and hapi ar de purr in spirit, for tu diz belorj de pis ov heven, and ol its swit felisitiz. Blesed ar de-z hui morn for folts demselvz and pderz dui ; for ol SPQ mernerz wil amend, fjnd gres, and kpmfort tui. Blest ar de mik and jentel wpnz ; for pntu dem iz given de eri, tu hav and herld derin an ernest hecp ov heven. And blesed tui ar (Is dat lorj for perfekt rjtipsnes ; for de Jal sum bi satisfjd, and no* no* mecr distres. Blest ar de mersiful ; for de . l^k mersi Jal obten ; blest ar de pip? in hart ; for de God'z prezens Jal ret en. Blest ar de pismekerz ; for de ar kold d:e spnz ov heven. Blest ar de spfererz for rjt ; tu dem Jal blis bi given. 60 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. When men revile you wrongfully For Christ and truth divine, Rejoice exceedingly, for bright Your names in heaven shall shine. And thus all prophets of God's truth Will persecuted be, Because they preach a higher law Than other mortals see. Woes denounced on Sinners. But woe to you rich ones, who seek No heavenly consolation : Woe to you full ones ; ye shall come To utter desolation. And woe, also, to you that laugh, For ye shall mourn and weep : Woe unto you, the praised of men ; Their praise you cannot keep. The True Q-lory of Christians. Christians should be the salt of earth, A true preserving power, Deriving all its strength from heaven, Imparting it each hour. But if they lose the inward grace That God alone bestows, And trust to men to bring it back, They sink beneath their foes. True Christians are the world's true light, No light like theirs is found ; The Church is set upon a hill, To lighten all around. Truth is a lamp, which should be set Aloft, to shed its rays On all beneath, so that its light May guide in wisdom's ways. Christians should so display their light In works of truth and love, That men may glorify their God, Who reigns in heaven above. Christianity is the Completion of the Law. Think not I come to set aside The prophets or the law ; For verily all heaven and earth Shall vanish, ere one flaw Be found therein, but every jot And tittle shall be done ; Hwen men revjl ^ rorjfuli for Krjst and trurf divjn, rejois eksidrgli, for brjt t^ nemz in heven Jal JJn. And dps ol profets ov God'z truil wil persekqted bi, bekoz de priq a hjer lo dan pder mortalz si. envnst on Sinerz. Bpt wer tu n riQ wpnz, hui sik nee hevenli konserlejon : wer tu n ful wpnz ; yi Jal kpm tu pter desolejon. And wee, olser, tu n, dat Ifif, for yi Jal merrn and wip : we 1 pntu n, de prezd ov men ; der prez n, kanot kip. n ol rjtipsnes, on erl \ kpm, and ITS m^ wprk's begpn. And hi hui breks God'z list kom- and tic)ez pderz so-, [and, in heven Jal bi, if ever der, de le-est ov de lee : hwjl hi hui dpz and tiqez rt Jal bi ak^nted gret, and onor hj Jal hi obten in heven'z merst blest estet. Eksept \ir rjtipsnes eksid de Skrjbz' and Farisiz', H, never Jal admitans gen hwer ol iz joi and pis. 3.6 Dyti ov Brvderli Kindnes. Hr enjent sejez ov de lo hav sed, n tu n, bpt dui not trurf betre. And iven rips il didz bj gud : for so 1 qr Qariti Jal melt de harts ov meni ferz, and mek dem. frendli bi. Giv pntu him dat asks, SPQ gifts az best fit tjm and pies ; and ner refq,z SPQ lernz az si^t de okegon, or de kes. And if men tek awe qr gudz bj frod, or vjolens, diu not tek derz in a Ijk we, and Jer in der ofens. And hwotserever yi tfirjk rjt dat men Jud dui tu n, dui so- tu dem, and ol gud-wil from dis kors wil ensu,. 3e Diiti ov Universal Lvv. H,r sejez ov de lo hav sed, clj nebpr d^ Jalt IPV, d f& Jalt het ; bpt dis i se, tu q, dat hir, Apruiv i^rselvz tu Him hui iz p^r Lpv, bj Ipvii) ol, Ijk him ; sec Jal i^r kpp ov blis ba fild pp tu de veri brim. Dui gud iven tu ijr enemiz, and pntu decz hui het ; and pre for derz hui perseki^t, and for qr ruiin wet ; so* Jal yi bi de children trui ov God hui iz in heven ; for hiz spn Jpz on gud and bad ; tu beri hiz ren iz given. If derz alecn yi IPV, hui IPV on \i Ukwjz bester, hwot blesirj kan yi he^p tu gen ? for sinerz SPQ IPV Jer. And if alern yi bredren grit, hwot dui yi merr dan ol ? de ppblikanz dps frendli ar tu derz huim frendz de kol. Hwot tfarjks dui yi dezerv for dis, dat yi dui gud for gen ? or e-nli lend hwer yi resiv ? sinerz SPQ didz aten. 64 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. Love ye your foes ; do good to all ; Impart most willingly ; And great shall your reward be then ; God's children ye shall be. For his great love is shown to all ; No merit they can claim ; Thankless and evil though men are,- His goodness is the same. Therefore your Father imitate ; His children strive to be ; And in your sphere be perfect, and Be merciful, as He. Good should be done without Ostentation. Take heed that ye do not display Your alms-gifts before men ; For such good deeds rise not to heaven, And thence come back again. Noiseless and secret be thy gifts, Not to thy left hand known ; Thy Father seeth everything, And will in public own. Prayer should be offered in Sincerity and Simplicity. Be not like hypocrites, who pray In public to be seen ; They do it only for this cause, To gain the praise of men. But enter thou thy closet lone, And close thy door to all ; Then on thy Father, secretly, In earnest do thou call. His eye, to which no place is dark, Will mark thy humble plea, And publicly will he reward What thou dost secretly. But use not repetitions vain In this thy secret prayer ; Like those who ignorantly think Much speaking gains God's ear. Be not like such ; for all ye need Is to your Father known ; And ere ye ask, he thinks on you And showers his blessings down. Pray thus : The Lord's Prayer. Our Father who art in the heavens, Most holy be thy name. Lpv yi u/ ferz ; dm gud tu ol ; impart merst wilinli ; and gret Jal i^r reword bi den ; trod'z children yi Jal bi. For hiz gret lrv iz Jem tu ol ; no- merit de kan klem ; iarjkles and ivil dec men ar, hiz gudnes iz de sem. cCerferr ijr Ffider imitet ; hiz qildren str^v tu bi ; and in ipr sfir bi perfekt, and bi mersiful, az Hi. Grudfud bi dvn widxt Ostentefon. Tek hid dat yi dui not displs qr Bmz-gifts beferr men ; for spg gud didz rjz not tu heven, and dens kr>m bak agen. Noizles and sikret bi dj gifts, not tu dj left hand nan ; dj Ffider si el everiiii), and wil in ppblik era. Prerfud bi oferd in Sinseriti and Simplisiti. Bi not Ijk hipokrits, hui pre in ppblik tu bi sin ; de dui it ernli for dis koz, tu gen de prez ov men. Bpt enter d^ di klozet lecn, and klerz d^ deer tu ol ; den on dj Ffider, sikretli, in ernest dui d^ kol. Hiz i, tu hwig TL& pies iz dark, wil mark dj hpmbel pli, and ppblikli wil hi reword hwot d^ dpst sikretli. Bpt qz not repetijonz ven in dis dj sikret prer ; Ijk decz hui ignorantli dink mpq spikii) genz God'z ir. Bi not l|k SPQ ; for ol yi nid iz tu nr Ffider necn ; and er yi ask, hi links on n, and Juerz hiz blesigz disn. Pre dps : 3e Lord'z Prer. 1ST Ffider hui art in de hevenz, merst herli bi di nem. Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 65 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, In heaven and earth the same. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us every debt, As we our debtors gladly free, And their misdeeds forget. Into temptation lead us not, Except to save ; and then The kingdom, power, and praise, be For evermore. Amen. [thine If you to, others pardon grant, Your God will pardon you ; But if you no forgiveness grant, In vain you'll pardon sue. The Rule of Fasting. Moreover, when ye fast, be not Like hypocrites, sad-faced ; They only seek the praise of men, And to appear straight-laced. I say, they lose a good reward. Do not thou so ; but when Thou fastest, wash thy head, anoint Thy face ; that thus to men Thou seem to be not fasting ; but Thy Father sees, and He Who lives and works in secret shall Reward thee openly. Labor for heavenly rather than for earthly Treasures. Lay not up treasures on the earth, Where moth and rust corrupt, Where robbers plunder, and thieves Your schemes to interrupt : [steal, But lay up treasure in the heavens, Where rust cannot corrupt, Nor robbers plunder, nor thieves steal, And no ills interrupt Your joy : for where your treasure is, There will your heart be too ; The treasures of the mind alone, Are lasting, good, and true. The light of truth in a clear eye, The faculty divine That sees eternal verities In every outward sign, Makes true illumination : if That vision power be bright, cEj kirjdom kpm. Cj az Himself kud Jo*, tu peer hiz. senj'ur, hwicj woz dram and destini ov wee, on de prod fcmz and sitiz rsnd hui so hiz hevenli fez, witnest hiz mirakelz, and herd hiz wprdz ov wornii) gres, bpt put repentans of, and sot not ivil wez tu j'pn, bj jpst reform ov djr abqs, pntil der kers woz rpn. cEis woz hiz stern demmsment : "We-, Kerezin, pntu di ! We- tu Bedfseda ! las tig wee, and lingerii) infami ; for if de mirakelz displed widin uj wolz had bin Jem pntu Tir and Sjdon, de had tprnd from ol der sin. We? tu Kapernapm ! prsd az if invested wid heven'z p^er ; d^ Jalt bi hpmbeld iven tu hel in djn apointed ^r ; for if di privilej tu h.ir redemjon'z reskqii) IPV, had on erld Sodom bin konferd, no 1 tfpnderz from abpv, and nee volkenerz from benid, had med a Ded Si der ; for Ji wud suin hav tprnd tu God, in penitens and prer. And ol (ierz perijt relmz ov erld, dat sank in pegan njt, Jal r^z in jpjment erv r er landz blest wid de Gospel'z l^t, hui yet rejekt its bimz, and fjnd merr tolerabel duim dan diz pr^jd sitiz m? spi)k in impenetrabel gluim." Harmoni ov de G-ospelz. 75 SECTION 52. Christ invites all to come to him. Matthew 11. 25-30. Lit that time Jesus also said, " I thank thee, Father, Lord lOf heaven and earth, that thou hast The mysteries of thy Word [veiled From crafty men, and made them known To babes, to minds sincere ; [For so it seemed good to thee, That they may Thee revere. ]And no man knows the Son except The Father that's in him, iiThe Father's the Divinity, The Godhead, the Supreme,) lAnd none the Father knoweth, but I The Son, and also he [To whom the Son revealeth him In loving majesty. Come unto me, ye weary ones, Whom various ills molest ; [All ye that labor, come to me, I And I will give you rest. [Take my yoke on you, learn of me, For I am meek and lowly, RTe shall find rest unto your souls From all that is unholy, ply yoke is easy to be borne ; CVIy burden's light; come all that mourn." SECTION 53. Christ forgives a Woman at the house of a Pharisee. Luke 36-50. Invited by a Pharisee, Jesus sat down to meat ; And lo, a woman entered too, And stood behind his feet. A sinner of the city, she, But grace had touched her heart ; And now to Him whose love she feels, That love she must impart. Sweet tears of humble penitence Soon fell upon those feet ; She wiped them with her hair, and then Kissed them with reverence meet. An alabaster box she brought, With precious ointment filled, ft Q * O, ij SEKXON 52. invfts oil tu Icvm tu him. . 25-30. At dat tjm Jizps olsec sed, " * tfaijk di, Ffider, Lord ov heven and erl, dat ds~ hast veld de misteriz ov dj, Wprd from krafti men, and med dem nern tu bebz, tu mjndz sinsir ; for sec it simed gud tu di, dat de me 3Ei revir. And u& man nerz de Spn eksept de Ffider dat's in him, (de F^der 'z de Diviniti, de Godhed, de Si^prim,) and npn de Fsder nece!, bpt de Spn, and olser hi tu huim d:e Spn revile! him in Ipvii) majesti. pntu mi, yi wiri wpnz, huim verips ilz merlest ; ol yi dat lebor, kpm tu mi, and j wil giv vj, rest. Tek mj yerk on n, lern ov mi, for i am mik and lerli, yi Jal fjnd rest pntu n,r seclz from ol dat iz pnherli. Mj yerk iz izi tu bi born ; mj bprden'z l^t; kpm ol dat morn." SEKXON 53. "brffivz a Wuman at de has ov a Farisi.Luik 36-50. Invjted bi a Farisi, Jizps sat d^n tu mit ; and lee, a wuman enterd tin, and stud behind hiz fit. A siner ov de siti, Ji, bpt gres had tpc)t her hart ; and n^ tu Him huiz IPV Ji filz, dat IPV Ji mpst impart. Swit tirz ov hpmbel penitens sum fel ppon do-z fit; Ji wjpt dem wid her her, and den kist dem wid reverens mit. An alabaster boks Ji brot, wid prejps ointment fild, 76 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. And spread it o'er his blessed feet, While love her being thrilled. The haughty Pharisee, this deed With scornful heart surveys, Thinking, " If he a prophet were, He would have known the ways Of this polluted woman, nor Her sinful touch have borne :" But Jesus this reply directs, To turn away his scorn : " Simon, I somewhat have to say." " Master, say on," he said. " There was a certain creditor Whose dues were still unpaid ; And one man owed him fifty pence, Another ten-fold more. So poor were they, with nought to pay, They earnestly implore His kind forbearance. He forgives ; Knowing they have no store. Which of these two would love him Simon replied, with heed, [most ?" " He, I suppose, who most obtained Forgiveness in his need." " Bightly thou judgest," Jesus spoke. Then to the woman turned ; And unto Simon added, " Thou This woman hast discerned. I entered this thy house, as guest, Yet thou didst not provide To wash my feet ; she washed with And with her hair has dried, [tears, No kiss of thine did welcome me ; But so her love o'erflows, That on my feet, unceasingly, Her kisses she bestows. My head with oil of fragrance thou Didst not anoint ; but she Upon my feet this sign of love Bestows with energy. Wherefore I tell thee, though her sins Are great, they're all forgiven, For she loves much, but those who That to the grace of heaven [think They little owe, but little love." Then Jesus said to her, " Thy sins are all forgiven thee, Take care no more to err." And they that sat at meat with him Began to say within and spred it err hiz blesed fit, hwjl IPV her biig tfrild. cCe hoti Farisi, dis did wid skornful hart sprvez, irjkirj, " If hi a profet wer, hi wud hav nem. de wez ov dis polluted wuman, nor her sinful tpg hav berrn :" bpt Jizps dis repli direkts, tu tprn awe hiz skorn : " Sjmon, i spmhwot hav tu se." " Master, se on," hi sed. " t hwen d:e Farisiz herd dis, and so d:e mirakel, de sed, dat bj, Bielzebpb hi did de find ekspel. And Jizps nij, d:er tfots, and sed, N& devil wil operz anpder devil, els de ren ov ivil sum wud klerz. For everi kirjdom, everi kss, agenst itself ared, mpst sum tu desolejon kpm, and bi in ruiin led. And if i kast -st devilz b Bielzebpb, den Irs dui \rr ern children kast dem ist, and u, not disarm ? Bpt if j, bj de p^er ov God, kast devilz ^t ov men, den duties iz God'z kirjdom kpm intu de wprld agen. Hwen Setan Ijk a strorj man armd,; livz in sekirriti, hiz gudz ar held bj him in pis ; bpt hwen a stronger wpn dan hi Jal kpm ppon him, and e-'rkpm, hi strips him ov hiz armz, hiz spoil divjdz amprj hiz frendz, and filz no- merr alarmz. cEerfer, in SPQ a kes, ol derz hui no- mi mt div^n, and yet refi{z tu tek m^ part, ar enemiz ov mjn. Hw erf or j se tu i}, rd, and dat for evermerr. From de gud tre^ur ov hiz hart d:e gud man spiks hwot's r^t, bpt wiked harts mek wiked men, hui pter wprdz ov sp^t. For everi wprd dat men Jal spik wid misqevps intent, Jal rjz in jpjment, tu der Jem, pnles de n^ repent. And az i^r wprdz ar gud or il, u/ fqtqr dium wil bi, for de wil stamp uj karakter drurst eterniti." cCen serten Skrjbz and Farisiz From Jizps sot a sjn ; spm spejal terken dat hi woz indid d:e Krjst Divjn. And Jizps anserirj, sed tu dem, " An ivil jenerejon asks for a sjn ; nee sjn 1 giv pntu dis wiked nejon ; eksept de sjn ov Jerna, hui woz dri dez in de si ; so- Ijk him, in de eri, j'l hjd mj em h^maniti. 'Genst q,, de men ov Nineve in jpjment Jal arjz, for ntu him, and, wistful se, " Dekler tu PS, wi pre, de simbol ov de hwit and terz, hwiCj filz PS wid: disme." Hi anserii), sed, "cLe fild'z de ana \ de serer am ; [wprld, de gud sid ar God'z qildren, and de terz de spnz ov Jem. s men, Ijk q,, bpt tu rester tu hevenli Ijf de gilti -stkast krui. Ger, lern de minirj ov dat wprd, ' % IPV not sakrifjs, bpt mersi.' Dui yi s& ; and den yi wil indid bi wjz." And Jazps aded, " Hwjl i dwel inkarnet on de erf, j spend mj tjm in duiir) gud, and rezi^ folen wprl : sec dat mj frendz and folecerz rejois ; bpt dez wil kpm hwen ds Jal wap and fast arsnd dsr Lord, hwen in de tmm. $ dm not put de Gospel trui, dat brjt nq, w^n ov heven, in botelz ov erld Jriveld skinz, for de, bail) derbj riven, dat hevenli wjn wud sum bd spild ; bpt nq, trui^ j enfe-ld in nn, befitii) formz and moldz, wil not sum waks ecld." SEKXON 64 Jairvs'ez Doter hild, and de Inferm Wuman.MaS^ 9. 18-26. Mark 5. 22-43 Lmk 8. 41-56. s hwjl ddz solem wprdz hi spek, a JuiiJ ruiler kem wid ankjps hest tu mat de Lord, Jajrps woz hiz nem. Hpmbli ha nelt at Jazps' fat, and wprjipt : den hi pred 90 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. That Jesus to his house would come To heal a little maid. He said, " My little daughter lies Even at the point of death ; But come and lay thy hand on her, (Such was this ruler's faith,) And she, my only child, shall live." She now a-dying lay ; Twelve years of age. Then Jesus rose, And followed in his way. And as, with his disciples, too, He journied, in the throng, A woman, with a sad disease Afflicted twelve years long, Now that her fortune all was spent On those who could not cure, To Jesus came, of whom she heard, The good Physician sure. She said within herself, " Let me But touch his clothes, and I Shall soon be healed by miracle Of this my malady." She crept behind, in faith, to touch The border near the ground, And instantly she felt the blood Stayed in its proper bound. Then Jesus knew that from himself A healing virtue passed, And turning, said, " Who touched my clothes ? " When all denied ; at last Peter said, " Master, see what crowds Around thee closely stand ; How canst thou ask, then, whence the Of any single hand ? " [touch Still Jesus looked, and now his eye Upon that woman stayed ; Who knowing she could not be hid, Her case before him laid. And when he saw her trembling fear, Kindly did he reply, " Daughter, in peace depart ; thy faith Hath healed thee perfectly." While yet he spake, there came, in grief, One from the ruler's home. Saying, " Thy daughter, sir, is dead ; The Master need not come : Trouble him not." But Jesus heard, And graciously he said, dat Jizps tu hiz Irss wud kr>m tu hil a litel med. Hi sed, " Mi litel doter Ijz iven at de point ov del ; bpt kpm and le dj, hand on her, (spq woz dis ruiler'z fel,) and Ji, HIJ ernli q^ld, Jal liv." Xi ITS a-djirj le ; twe^v yirz ov ej . clen Jizps recz, and folerd in hiz we. And az, wi'd hiz disjpelz, tui, hi jprnid, in de tfrorj, a wuman, wid a a sad disiz anikted twelv yirz lorj, n^ dat her fort^n ol woz spent on decz hui kud not kqr, tu Jizps kern, ov huim Ji herd, de gud Fizijan Juir. Xi sed widin herself, " Let mi bpt tpq hiz klerdz, and j Jal sum bi hild bj mirakel ov dis mj maladi." Xi krept behind, in fel, tu tpq de border nir de grsnd, and instantli Ji felt de blpd sted in its proper frsnd. cEen Jizps mj, dat from himself a hilirj vertq, past, and tprnirj, sed, " Hui tpct mi kle-dz?" / Hwen ol denjd ; at last Piter sed, " Master, si hwot krsdz ar^nd di klo-sli stand ; h^ kanst d^ ask, den, hwens de tpq ov eni sir) gel hand ?" Stil Jizps lukt, and n^ hiz j ppon dat wuman sted ; hui neriij Ji kud not bi hid, her kes befecr him led. And hwen hi so her tremblirj fir, kjndli did hi repl^, " Doter, in pis depart ; dj, fei hal hild di perfektli." yet hi spek, der kem, in wpn from de ruiler'z herm, seirj, " 5j doter, ser, iz ded ; de master nid not kpm : trpbel him not." Bpt Jizps herd. and grejpsli hi sed, Harmoni ov de G-ospelz. 91 I " Only believe, and fear thou not, She shall be healed, though dead." I With Peter, James, and John, unto The ruler's house he went ; There all was tumult, and the noise Of sorrow finding vent. " Why make ye this ado ?" Christ said, The damsel doth but sleep." They scorned his word, for well they It was death's slumber deep, [knew But now the Lord dismissed the crowd, And brought her parents sad, With his disciples, to the room Wherein the maid was laid. And there he took her by the hand, And spoke, in powerful wise, Words which, interpreted, imply, " Damsel, I say, arise." Her spirit heard that mighty voice, And quick obeyed the word. She rose and walked. Then food was By order of the Lord. [brought, Great was her parents' wonderment, And, against his command, The news of this great miracle They spread throughout the land. SECTION 65. Christ restores two Blind Men to Sight. Matthew 9. 27-31. Departing thence, two blind men came, And following Jesus, cried, " O son of David, mercy have On us, of sight denied." He answered, " Do ye then believe That I such power possess ? " They said, "Yea, Lord." Thus promptly they Their faith in him profess. Then Jesus touched their eyes, and " Be it as you desire." [said, They quickly see ; and now the Lord Doth straight of them require That they should let the miracle Be published unto none ; But wide they spread abroad the fame Of what had there been done. 10* " CFnli beliv, and fir d^ not, Ji Jal bi hild, do- ded." Wid Piter, Jemz, and Jon, pntu de ruder 'z Irss hi went ; der ol woz tipnplt, and de noiz ov sorer fjndii) vent. " Hwj mek yi dis adui ?" Kqst sed, de damzel dpi bpt slip." cle skornd hiz wprd, for wel de m^ it woz dei's slpmber dip. Bpt ITS de Lord dismist de krsd, and brot her perents sad, wid hiz disjpelz, tu de ruim hwerin de med woz led. And der hi tuk her bj de hand, and sperk in p-serful wjz, wprdz hwic), interpreted, implj, " Damzel, i se, arjz." Her spirit herd dat mjti vois, and kwikli orbed de wprd. Ei re-z and wokt. cEen feud woz bj order ov de Lord. [brot, Gret woz her perents' wpnderment, and, agenst hiz komand, de rn^z ov dis gret mirakel de spred drurst d:e land. SEKEON 65. restvrz tui Bl^nd Men tu Sit. . 27-31. Departirj dens, tui bljnd men kem, and folerirj Jizps, kr^d, " CT spn ov Devid, mersi hav on PS, ov sjt denjd." Hi anserd, " Dui yi den beliv dat j SPQ p^er pozes ?" ae sed, "Ye, Lord." 3ps promptli de der fed in him prerfes. t riperz der wer fq,. cEerferr sed Krjst pntu de band ov hiz disj.pelz rsnd, " Pre yi de Lord ov harvest dat mor riperz me atornd." BUK IV. S EKE ON 69.* Komifon tu de Twelv Aposelz. Matfiq, 10; 11. 1. Mark 6. 7-13. Luik 9. 1-6. clen Jizps kold hiz qerzen twelv, dat hi mjt p^er bestec tu kast ^t d-imonz, and tu hil disiz and everi wee. tier nemz wer : Simon, (Piter kold, for dis wpn had ttu nemz,) hiz brpder Andrui, and de spnz ov Zebedi, Jon and Jemz ; Barfolomq, and Filip nekst, and Tomas, d^tirj man, anpder Jemz, sprnemd cCe Les, Ma^q, de ppblikan, Lebips or Radips den, Simon de Kenanjt, and lastli Juidas, hui, for gud, gret ivil did rekw^t. 3iz twelv, in wel-selekted perz, Kr^st sent, tu hil, and prig, tu ger not tu de Jent^l res, nor in Samaria tiq ; * The reader is requested to excuse the omission, on the part of the editor, of the words " Book II." and " Book III." in this " Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels," and to supply them with the pen. Book II. commences at Section 21, and Book III. at Section 45. 94 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. For they were first to seek the lost Of Israel's favored land, And as they went, to preach this word, " Heaven's kingdom is at hand." As they so freely had received, So freely should they give Health to men's bodies, and their And bid the dead to live, [minds, He also said, " Ye need not take Silver, nor gold, nor brass, ]STor double garments, shoes, nor ]N"or bread, as on ye pass ; [staves, The workman merits well his hire. And if in any town Or house, ye find some worthy man, Abide, and there sit down. Salute such house with words of peace ; But if it should refuse To hear your words, as ye depart, The dust shake from your shoes To testify against their deed ; And verily I say, Sodom shall have a milder fate In God's just judgement day. As helpless sheep, amid fierce wolves, Into the world you're sent ; Be therefore wise as serpents, and Like doves be innocent. Beware of men ; and still expect To suffer from their spite ; To Councils they will give you up, In Synagogues will fight. Thus for my sake you must contend With kings and governors, And testify my Gospel's power To Jews and foreigners. But be not anxious what to speak, For there shall then be given, In that same hour, words coming from Your Father's spirit in heaven. Though parents, children, brothers Will one another kill, [dear, And ye, for my sake, hated be, And suffer every ill ; Yet whoso faithful proves himself, Enduring to the end, Shall from all evil here be saved, And shall to heaven ascend. If in one place men persecute, Then to another roam ; for de wer ferst tu sik de lost ov Izrael'z fevord land, and az de went, tu prig dis wprd, " Heven'z kigdom iz at hand." Az de sec frili had resivd, sec frili Jud de giv hell tu men'z bodiz, and der m^ndz, and bid de ded tu liv. Hi G^ser sed, " Yi nid not tek silver, nor geid, nor bras, nor dpbel garments, Juiz, nor stevz, nor bred, az on yi pas ; de wprkman merits wel hiz hjr. And if in eni frsn or Ires, yi fjnd spm wprdi man, abjd, and der sit dsn. Saluit SPQ Irss wid wprdz ov pis ; bpt if it Jud refqz tu nir iqr wprdz, az yi depart, de dpst Jek from ur Juiz tu testifj agenst der did ; and verili j se, Sodom Jal hav a mjlder fet in God'z jpst jpjment de. Az helples Jip, amid firs wulvz, intu de wprld u> sent ; bi derfer wjz az serpents, and Ijk dpvz bi inosent. Bewer ov men, and stil ekspekt tu spfer from der sp^t ; tu K^nsilz de wil giv ^ pp, in Sinagogz wil Qt. clps for mj sek ^ mpst kontend wid kii)z and gpvernerz, and testify mj Gospel'z p^er tu Juiz and forenerz. Bpt bi not aijkjps hwot yi spik, for der Jal den bi given, in dat sem -sr, wprdz kpmig from i^r Ffider'z spirit in heven. cCer perents, cjildren, brpderz dir, wil wpn anpder kil, and yi, for mj sak, heted bi, and spfer everi il ; yet huisec feiful pruivz himself, endqrii) tu de end, Jal from ol ivil hir bi sevd, and Jal tu heven asend. If in wpn pies men persekuj;, den tu anpder rerm ; Harmoni ov de G-ospelz. 95 Before you visit all the land, The Son of Man shall come. Disciples cannot be above Their Lord, whose name they bear ; Let it suffice each humble soul His Master's lot to share. I If he be called Beelzebub, Though master of the land, I Be sure his household must expect In the same lot to stand. I But fear not such : for nought is shown That ought to be concealed ; I And nothing hidden doth remain That ought to be revealed. What I in darkness now make known, That speak ye in the light ; And what ye now in private hear, That preach in all men's sight. Fear not the feeble power which can The body only kill ; Fear that which soul and body both Can sink down into hell. Two sparrows are but little worth, And yet not even one Of these shall fall, but with God's will, By whom all things are known. The very hairs upon your head Are numbered by his care ; Therefore fear not ; he values you Far more than birds of air. He who confesses, fearlessly, My name before mankind, Shall at my heavenly Father's throne Confession from me find. But whoso faithlessly denies, This awful doom will meet ; Him I'll deny in that dread day Before the judgement-seat. Think not my coming only brings Peace to this world of woes, A sword will also be its lot, And households become foes. If any cherish wife or child More than his Savior dear, He is not worthy of my love, Which owns no rival here. And if he take not willingly His cross, and follow me ; Or give his life, when I require, He cannot my life see. befer n vizit ol de land, de Sr>n ov Man Jal kpm. Disjpelz kanot bi abr>v der Lord, huiz nem de bsr ; let it spQz ic) hpmbel serl hiz Master'z lot tu Jer. If hi bi kold Bielzebpb, dec master ov d:e land, bi Juir hiz kssherld mpst ekspekt in de sem lot tu stand. Bpt fir not spq : for not iz Jem. dat ot tu bi konsild ; and nplirj hiden dp^ remen dat ot tu bi revild. Hwot j in darknes ITS mek necn, dat spik yi in de Ijt ; and hwot yi TCS in privet hir, dat prig in ol men'z s^t. Fir not de fibel p^er hwic) kan de bodi ernli kil ; fir dat hwiQ seel and bodi betf kan sink d^n intu hel. Tui sparerz ar bpt litel wpr, and yet not iven wpn ov diz |al fol, bpt wid Godz wil, bj huim ol tfirjz ar nern. cte veri herz ppon i|r hed ar npmberd bj hiz ker ; derfe-r fir not ; hi valqz n, far mer dan berdz ov er. Hi hui konfesez, firlesli, mj nem beferr mankind, Jal at mj hevenli Fsder'z drern konfejon from mi fjnd. Bpt hmse- fe^lesli denjz, dis oful duim wil mit ; him j'l denj in dat dred ds befer de jpjment sit. Rink not m^ kpmii) ernli brinz pis tu dis wprld ov werz, a serd wil olsec bi its lot, and h^sherldz bekpm ferz. If eni qerij wjf or q^ld merr dan hiz Sevier dir, hi iz not wprdi ov mj IPV, hwiCj ecnz nee r^val hir. And if hi tek not wilirjli hiz kros, and fole- mi ; or giv hiz Ijf, hwen \ rekw^r, ha kanot m^ l^f si. 96 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. Who here receives my followers, Doth welcome to me give ; And even a cup of water will From me reward receive." When Jesus ended thus his charge Unto his chosen band, He left that place, and preached and In the cities of that land, [taught The twelve Apostles, too, went forth, And told men to repent, With oil anointed many sick, , And healed v and demons sent From out men's bodies, everywhere Causing astonishment. Hui hir resivz mj folererz, dpi welkpm tu mi giv ; and iven a kpp ov woter wil from mi reword resiv." Hwen Jizps ended dps hiz qarj pntu hiz qerzen band, I hi left dat pies, and priqt and tot inj de sitiz ov dat land. cEe twelv Aposelz, tui, went ferotf, and tedd 'men tu repent, wid oil anointed meni sik, and hild, and dimonz sent from isi men'z bodiz, everihwer kozirj astonijment. SECTION 70. Death of John the Baptist. Matthew 14. 1-12. Mark 6. 14-30. Luke 9. 7-9. Then Herod, who was tetrarch, heard Of Jesus, and the fame Of his great miracles, which spread Abroad his wondrous name ; And he was troubled, for some said That Jesus Christ must be Elijah raised to life again, Or prophet such as he. And others said, the spirit of John The Baptist had appeared In the new form of Jesus Christ : And Herod greatly feared, And said, " Yes, surely, this is John Whom I so lately slew ; He rises from the dead, and now He shows these wonders new." And he desired to see the Christ, That he might thereby know If John had been revived, whose death Had given him grievous woe. For he had put in prison strong The Baptist, who had said That Herod had committed crime When he Herodias wed, Who was his brother Philip's wife ; Therefore she sought, with hate, To take John's life, because he would This marriage reprobate ; SEKEON 70. Ded ov Jon de Baptist. 14. 1-12. Mark 6. 14-30. Luik 9. 7-9. clen Herod, hui woz tetrark, herd ov Jizps, and de fern ov hiz gret mirakelz, hwiq spred abrod hiz wpndrps nem ; and hi woz trpbeld, for spm sed dat Jizps Krjst mpst bi Eljja rezd tu Ijf agen, or profet spq az hi. And pderz sed, de spirit ov Jon de Baptist had apird in de nq, form ov Jizps EJqst ; and Herod gretli fird, and sed, " Yes, Juirli, dis iz Jon huim i sec letli slui ; hi rjzez from de ded, and n^ hi Jeez diz wpnderz nq." And hi dez^rd tu si de Krjst, dat hi mjt derbj no- if Jon had bin revjvd, huiz del had given him grivps wer. For hi had put in prizon strog d:e Baptist, hui had sed dat Herod had komited krjm hwen hi Hererdias wed, hui woz hiz brpder Filip's wf ; derferr, Ji sot, wid het, tu tek Jon'z lf, bekoz hi wud dis marej reprerbet ; Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 97 IKnd she would soon have murdered I But Herod this denied, [him, because that mighty prophet's name I Was justly magnified feor wisdom, and for sanctity, I And reformation true ; lAnd Herod oft had loved to hear I John preach : his worth he knew. [Moreover he was much afraid That holy man to slay, Although John would rebuke him for The evil of his way. When Herod's birthday came, then he Invited to a feast High lords and chiefs of Galilee, And merriment increased. Herodias's daughter danced Before them gracefully, With fascination in her step, And triumph in her eye. Then Herod swore before his court To grant her wish, whate'er She' might petition from his hand ; His kingdom even to share. Then straight she asked her mother vile What thing she should require ; And that incestuous termagant, To gratify her ire, Said, " Give me John the Baptist's head." Soon did the daughter go And tell the king her mother's wish. How was he filled with woe ! But for his oath's sake, and for them Who sat with him at meat, He said it should be given her. It was a hellish treat ! Then went the executioner To prison, where John lay, And slew him, and then brought his Upon a dish, or tray, [head And gave it to the damsel, who Then gave it to her mother, So bloody a pair these proud dames And so like one another. [were, When John's disciples heard of this, With sorrow soon they come, And take the Baptist's sacred corpse, And lay it in a tomb. and Ji wud sum hav mprderd him, bpt Herod dis denjd, bekoz dat mjti profet's nem woz jpstli magnifjd for wizdom, and for sarjktiti, and reformejon trui ; and Herod oft had Ipvd tu hir Jon prig : hiz wprf hi ni^. Mererver hi woz mpq afred dat herli man tu sle, older Jon wud rebqk him for de ivil ov hiz we. Hwen Herod'z berfde kern, den hi invjted tu a fist hj lordz and qifs ov Galili, and meriment inkrist. Hererdias'ez doter danst befer dem gresfuli, wid fasinejon in her step, and tqpmf in her . clen Herod swerr befer hiz kert tu grant her wij, hwot'er Ji mjt petijon from hiz hand ; hiz kirjdom iven tu Jer. cEen stret Ji askt her mpder ni hwot iirj Ji Jud rekw^r ; and dat insestips termagant, tu gratify her jr, sed, " Giv mi Jon de Baptist's hed." Sum did de doter gee and tel de kirj her mpder 'z wij. Hs woz hi fild wid wee ! Bpt for hiz erf's sek, and for dem hui sat wid him at mit, hi sed it Jud bi given her. It woz a helij trit ! clen went de eksekujoner tu prizon, hwsr Jon le, and slui him, and den brot hiz hed ppon a dij, or tre, and gsv it tu de damzel, hui den gsv it tu her mpder, sec blpdi a per diz prsd demz wer, and so* Ijk wpn anpder. Hwen Jon'z disjpelz herd ov dis, wid sorer sum de kpm, and tek d:e Baptist's sekred korps, and le it in a tuiin. 98 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. SECTION 71. The Twelve return, and Jesus retires with them to the desert of Bethsaida. Matthew 14. 13, 14. Mark 6. 30-34. Luke 9. 10, 11. John 6. 1, 2. The twelve disciples now return To Jesus, and relate What they had done, and taught, and They sought to imitate [how Their Lord, and his commands obey. He said to them, " Come ye Apart into a desert place, That we may thus be free From all this multitude ;" for crowds So thronged about them there, They could not take their food in peace, Nor such intrusion bear. Then Jesus took them privately, And went across the sea, Unto a solitary place, In the vicinity Of famed Bethsaida, and there too The people thronged to hear. When Jesus saw them, he was moved With sympathy sincere, For they were like a scattered nock, With no kind shepherd near. He spoke to them of heavenly things, Healed those that were diseased, Gave comfort to the mourners, and With none was he displeased. SECTION 72. Five thousand are fed miraculously. Matthew 14. 15-21. Mark 6. 35-44. Luke 9. 12-17. John 6. 5-14. And when the day passed swift away, And the disciples saw That they were in a lonely place, They said, " Let us withdraw From this vast multitude, and send Them where they may buy food ; This place yields nought for them or But in the neighbourhood [us, They may find what will satisfy, And fill their mouths with good. Then Jesus raised his eyes, and saw A goodly company, SEKEON 71. Se Twelv retvrn, and Jizvs retjrz wid dem tu tie dezert ov Bedseda. Mafrq, 14. 13, 14. Mark 6. 30-34. Luik 9. 10, 11. Jon 6. 1, 2. m tu wprjip Krjst, and se, widst wrm fir, " 3fe art de Spn ov God merst hj ; dis iz a truitf merst klir." SEKEON 74. Jurist hilz de mvltitiid, and tigez at JZapemavm dat hi iz de Bred ov Ljf. Mafy 14. 34-36. Mark 6. 63-56. Jon 6. 22-71. N"s hwen de wer gon er'r de si, and kpm tu der em land, Genesaret, de .pipel rend ab"&t, on everi nand, atrakted bj hiz fem and pser, rezorted tu him der, and brot der sik ; for Jizps liild disizez everihwer. And ol hui did bpt tpq, in fetf, hiz- garment's ej, wer hild ov eni maladi dat mjt widin dem bi konsild. And ol dis wpnderirj mpltitiid, hui nn Kr^st's hevenli p^er, kem tu Kapernapm, hwer hi stcd, and sot him everi *r. And Jizps sed, " 'Tiz not bekoz ov mirakelz, dat stil yj sik mi ; bpt 'tiz dis alorn, dat yi me it i^r fil. Lebor not anli for de fold dat mortal l^f spstenz ; bpt for dat spiritqal gud hwig heven itself kontenz ; 102 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. That bread of everlasting life Which I alone can give ; That spiritual good and truth By which the soul must live." Then said they, " What shall we per- The works of God to do ?" [form, Jesus replied, and said to them, " The work of God is to Believe on him whom he hath sent." They, said to him, " What sign Show'st thou that we may surely know Thy origin divine ? What dost thou work ? Our ancestors Ate manna from above ; As it is written, ' Bread from heaven He gave them in his love.' " Then Jesus answered, " Ye should That Moses did not give [know The very bread of heaven itself, On which the angels live ; 'Tis God alone that gives the bread Descending from on high ; And that true living bread which gives Life to the world, am I." They said to him, " Lord, evermore, Give us this bread to eat ; That hunger we may feel no more : Bestow it, we intreat." And Jesus said, " I am the bread Of life ; and everyone That comes to me, and in me trusts, Has heavenly life begun. Hunger he shall not feel, nor thirst, And, as I said to you, Though ye have seen me, ye believe Not in my mission true. All that the Father giveth me, All such to me will come ; And all that come to me, I will Save from infernal doom. For I came down from heaven that I My Father's will may do, My own will ever to deny, And its commands eschew. The will of Him who sent me is, That all which he hath given, I should raise up again at last, And make it meet for heaven. And this, too, is the Father's will, That all who see the Son dat bred ov everlastirj Ijf hwiCj i alern kan giv ; dat spiritual gud and trurf bj hwiCj de serl mpst liv." clen sed de, " Hwot Jal wi perforn fee wprks ov God tu dui ?" Jizps repljd, and sed tu dem, " cle wprk ov Godiz tu beliv on him hmm hi hal sent." cle sed tu him, " Hwot sjn Ja'st drs dat wi me Juirli no- di orijin divjn ? Hwot dpst frs wprk ? "5r ansestora et mana from abpv ; az it iz riten, ' Bred from heven hi gev dem in hiz IPV.' clen Jizps anserd, " Yi Jud ner dat Me-zes did not giv de veri bred ov heven itself, on hwiCj de enjelz liv ; 'Tiz God alern dat givz de bred desendirj from on hj ; and dat trui livirj bred hwiq givz Ijftude wprld, am j." cle sed tu him, " Lord, evermer, giv PS dis bred tu it ; dat hprjger wi me fil nor mer : bester it, wi entrit." And Jizps sed, " OB am de bred ov Ijf ; and everiwpn dat kpmz tu mi, and in mi trpsts, haz hevenli Ijf begpn. Hprjger hi Jal not fil, nor derst, and, az j sed tu n, dec yi hav sin mi, yi beliv not in mj mijon trui. Ol dat de Fsder give^ mi, ol SPQ tu mi wil kpm ; and ol dat kpm tu mi, j wil sev from infernal dmm. For i kern d^n from heven dat j mj Ffider'z wil me dui, m i ern wil ever tu denj, and its komandz esgui. 3!e wil ov Him hui sent md iz, dat ol hwicj hd hatf given, j Jud rez pp agen at last, and mek it mit for heven. And dis, tui, iz de Fsder'z wil, dat ol hui si de Spn Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 103 And then believe on him, may have Eternal life begun : And I will raise him up at last." They murmured at him then, Because he said, " I am the bread Which giveth life to men." But Jesus said, " Why murmur thus ? None ever come to me Except the Father draw. All such I'll raise at the last day. 'Tis written in the prophets that, 'All shall be taught by God ; ' All therefore that have heard and Of him, select the road [learned That leads to me. I do not say That God can e'er be seen Except by him which is of God, Who loves not aught unclean. For verily I say to you, He that believes on me Has everlasting life, the joys Of immortality. I am the very bread of life. Your fathers who were fed On manna in the wilderness, Are numbered with the dead ; But he that eats the bread of life That cometh down from heaven, Shall live for ever, and not die : This bread to you is given." The Jews then strove among them- And to each other said, [selves, " How can this man give us to eat His flesh, as though 'twere bread? " Jesus then said to them again, " Once more do I declare, Except ye eat my flesh, and drink My blood, and thus prepare Your minds for heavenly joys, there is No life at all in you. My flesh is meat indeed ; my blood Is drink indeed. Imbue Your minds therewith, like vessels Up to the very brim : [filled He that does this shall dwell in me, And I will dwell in him. Just as I live from God alone, So he that eateth me By me shall find his life renewed Throughout eternity." and den beliv on him, me hav eternal l^f begpn : and i wil rez him pp at last." d, " Hav mersi on mi, Lord, du spn ov Devid. $ am b^d tu erl ; raj, doter iz pozest, and dat me-st grivpsli ; hav mersi on mi, grejps Lord, for d^ kanst set her fri." Hi anserd not a sin gel wprd. Ei lot hi did not hir ; Ji krjd agen. Hiz fole-erz pred Ji mjt not linger nir. And den hi sed, " i'm ernli sent lost Izrael'z spnz lu sev." Wid: persevirir) fel Ji nild, hiz piti stil tu krev. " Lord, help mi," woz d:e ernest krj ov dis persistent Grik ; "Kast ferl de dimon from mj qild." 3en Kr^st, in aksents mik, sed, " Let de qildren ferst bi fild ; for sa it mpst not bi tu tek awe de qildren'z bred, and kast tu dogz, Ijk di." Harmoni ov de Gospelz. She answered, "Yes, Lord; that is Yet even the dogs may eat [true ; The crumbs that from the table fall Beside the master's feet." Then Jesus spoke her high reward, " Woman, thy faith is great : For this, in peace go on thy way, Fear not thy daughter's fate." From that same hour her daughter Was freed from demon sore, [dear And calmly on her couch was laid, Plagued by its power no more. From Tyre and Sidon's Gentile coast Jesus now bends his way. Decapolis he passes through, For thus his journey lay ; And now by Galilee's fair lake He will his power display. There one with stammering speech, and deaf, They bring, that he may heal. Then Jesus took the man apart : His power he would conceal. He put his fingers in his ears, Then spit, and touched his tongue ; And looking up to heaven, he sighed Out " Ephphatha." It rung Within the deaf man's ears ; he heard : His tongue was loosed ; he spake. Though charged to tell it unto none, Still this command they break, And publish everywhere the news So wondrous and so grand, Till his great fame was spread abroad Throughout the neighbouring land. Filled with amazement, they pro- claimed, " He hath done all things well ; The deaf now hear, the dumb now We cannot choose but tell." [speak, Upon a mountain Jesus sat, And thousands to him came, Bringing the blind, the dumb, the sick, The wounded, and the lame. These at his gracious feet they lay, And there he made them well ; And wondering much, they glorified The God of Israel. 11* Ei anserd, " Yes, Lord ; dat iz trui ; yet iven de dogz mr .it de krpmz dat from de tebel fol besj t d de master'z fit." cEen Jizps speck her hj reword, " Wuman, dj fei iz gret : for dis, in pis go 1 on dj. we, fir not dj doter'z fet." From dat sem **r her doter dir woz frid from dimon scrr, and kfimli on her ksq woz In I. plegd bj its p^er ner merr. From Tjr and Sjdon'z Jentjl ke*t Jizps UTS bendz hiz we. Dekapolis hi pasez irui, for dps hiz jprni le ; and UTS bj Galili'z fer lek hi wil hiz p^er disple. cler wpn wid stanierig spiq, and def, de brig, dat hi me tail, clen Jizps tuk de man ;i|>;irt ; hiz pser hi wud konsil. Hi put hiz fingerz in hiz irz, den spit, and tpcjt hiz tpg ; and lukii) pp tu heven, hi sjd *t"E'ffala." Itrpg widin de def man'z irz ; bi herd : hiz tpg woz luist ; hi spek. cler qarjd tu tel it pntu npn, stil dis komand de brek, and ppblij everihwer de nqz ser wpndrps and so- grand, til hiz gret fern woz spred abrod drui^'t de nebprig land. Fild wid amezment, de pra- klemd, " Hi hat dpn ol iiyz wel, de def n-s hir, de dpm n^f spik, wi kanot QUIZ bpt tel." Upon a nrsnten Jizps sat, and i^zandz tu him kem, brinig de bljnd, de dpra, de sik, de wuinded, and de lera. cliz at hiz grejps fit de le, and der hi med dem wel ; and wpnderig mpq, de gloriTid de God ov Izrael. 108 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. SECTION 77. Four Thousand miraculously fed. Matthew 15. 32-39. Mark 8. 1-10. Now at that time the multitude Were destitute of food ; And Jesus his disciples called, That he might do them good. " I pity this great company," He said compassionate ; " Three days they have attended me, And nothing find to eat. If now I send them fasting home, They'll faint upon the way, For many came from distant parts." Then his disciples say, " Whence shall we get sufficient bread So many mouths to feed ? " " How many loaves," said he to them, " Have ye?" " They don't exceed Seven loaves :" of fishes too they had A few. He gave command That this great multitude should sit Upon that mountain land. That word obey ed,he took,gave thanks, Then brake, and gave the food To his disciples. They set it Before the multitude. All ate enough, and yet they saw Seven baskets full remain, Though besides women and the young, There were four thousand men. Now Jesus sends them to their homes, And with his chosen friends By ship to coasts of Magdala And Dalmanutha wends. SECTION 78. The Pharisees require other signs. Christ charges them with hypocrisy. Matthew 16. 1-12. Mark 8. 11-21. The Pharisees and Saducees Then unto Jesus came, And tempted him to show a sign From heaven, to prove his claim. He answering, said, " When evening Are red, ye say, 'Twill be [skies Fine weather, for the rosy west Foretells serenity. SEKXON 77. For Kxzand mirakqlpslifed. Majhq, 15. 32-39. Mark 8. 1-10. N^ at dat tyn de mpltitqd wer destiti|t ov fuid ; and Jizps hiz disjpelz kold, dat hi mjt dm dem gud. ' % piti dis gret kpmpani, hi sed kompafonet ; " Hri dez d:e hav atended mi, and npiii) f|nd tu it. If n~s i send dem fastii) ho-m, de'l fent ppon de we, for meni kern from distant parts." cTen hiz disjpelz se, " Hwens Jal wi get spfifent bred sec meni nrsdz tu fid ?" " H^ meni lervz," sed hi tu dem, " hav yi ? " " cle don't eksid seven lervz :" ov fijez tui de had a fq,. Hi gev komand dat dis gret mpltitqd Jud sit ppon dat m-snten land. cEat wprd e-bed, hi tuk, gev iaijks, den brek, and gev de fmd tu hiz disjpelz. cle set it befer de mpltitud. Ol et eupf, and yet de so seven baskets ful remen, der bes^dz wimen and de yprj, der wer for tezand men. N^' Jizps sendz dem tu der hemz, and wid hiz qerzen frendz, bj Jip tu kersts ov Magdala and Dalmani^a wendz. SEKXON 78. 3Le Farisiz rekwjr wder sfnz. garjez dem wid Mpokrisi. 16. 1-12. Mark 8. 11-21 Mark 8. 22-30. Main, 16. 13-20. Luik 9. 18-22. Untu Beteeda Jizps kem, and der tu him woz brot wpn bljnd : dat hi wud tnc; hiz ]Z hiz aijkjps frendz besot. And Jizps tuk de bljnd man'z hand, from siti tu widdro ; and den hi spit ppon hiz jz, and askt him hwot lii so. ^ " i si spm wokig men Ijk triz." Agen Krjst tpqt hiz jz : hwen nekst hi lukt, ol plcn apird : hs gret woz hiz sprpr jz ! Sen Jazps sent him tu hiz hern, and bad him tu bewer, 110 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. And go not back into the town, JSTor tell to any there. Then into other towns Christ went, With his disciples true ; And in the way he went to pray, As he was wont to do. And afterward he questioned them, " Who am I ? What say men ? " They answered, " John the Baptist, or Elias come again. And some say that a prophet old Is risen from the dead : That Jeremias hath appeared By others hath been said." Then Jesus turned and said to them, " But who, say ye, am I ? " And Simon Peter said, " The Christ, The Son of God most high." " Blest art thou, Simon," Jesus said ; " This truth is not revealed By earthly means unto thy soul, But by my Father sealed. Thou hast a true confession made, And Peter is thy name ; On this foundation will I build My Church ; and now proclaim That Hades' power shall not prevail Against it. And to thee The keys of heaven I give, that so Whate'er thou shalt decree To bind or loose on earth, shall still By heaven be loosed or bound. Such high authority within My Church shall e'er be found." But J esus charged his followers The mystery to conceal That he the true Messiah was, Till fit time to reveal. SECTION 80. Christ foretells his death and resurrection. Matthew 16. 21-28. Mark 8. 31-38 j 9. 1. Luke 9. 22-27. From that time Jesus showed that he, The Son of man, must go Unto Jerusalem, and there Much tribulation know. For priests and scribes and elders all Would his pure laws reject, and go- not bak intu de frsn, nor tel tu eni der. cEen intu pder fomz Kr^st went, wict hiz disj.pelz trui ; and in de we hi went tu pre, az hi woz wpnt tu dui. And afterward hi kwestiond dem, " Hui am i ? Hwot se men ?" d haz gon, Jizps alern iz fond, Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 113 He kindly touched them ; then he said, "Arise, be not afraid." And suddenly they looked around, But saw the vision fade. As from the mount they now descend, He charged them not to tell What they had seen till from the dead He should himself reveal. Wondering, they mused what those strange words, " Rising from death," could mean ; But kept the secret in their hearts And all that they had seen. Then they inquired why it was said Elias must first come. He said, " Elias cometh first that he May ills amend to some Extent. But I say unto you, Elias has appeared. They knew him not, and did to him The thing they should have feared. So will they treat the Son of man, Scorn, and set him at nought." Then the disciples understood He of the Baptist taught. SECTION 82. A deaf and dumb spirit cast out. Matthew 17. 14-21. Mark 9. 14-29. Luke 9. 37-42. On the next day, when Christ came From that most sacred hill [down Of his transfiguration, crowds Attended on him still. And soon a sorrowing father brought His son, who was possest By a foul fiend of lunacy, Who much the youth distressed. The fiend had made him deaf and And so diseased, that he [dumb, Was but a torment to himself And to his family. First Christ's disciples tried their To send him from his hold, [power But they could not, for want of faith, He was so strong and bold. Then Christ said to him, " Bring to Thy poor afflicted son, [me Hi kjndli tpqt dem ; den hi Bed, "Ariz, bi not afred." And spdenli de lukt arsnd, bpt so de vijon fed. Az from de msnt de ws desend, hi cjarjd dem not tu tel hwot de had sin til from de ded hi Jud himself revil. Wpnderin, de mu/d hwot dera strenj wprdz, " rizirj from del " kud min ; bpt kept de sikrei in der harts and ol dat de had sin. den de inkwjrd hwj it woz sed Elias mpst ferst kpm. Hi sed, " Elias kpmel ferst dat hi me ilz amend tu sum ekstent. Bpt j se pntu n, Elias haz apird. cCe nu, him not, and did tu him de Jii) de Jud hav fird. Ser wil de trit de Spn ov man, skorn, and set him at not." clen de dismelz pnderstud hi ov de Baptist tot. SEKXON 82. A defand dvm spirit kast st. Ma^u 17. 14-21. Mark 9. 14)401 Link 9. 37-42. On de nekst de, hwen Krist kern from dat merst sekred hi! [dsn ov hiz transngu.rejon, krsdz atended on him stil. And sum a soreir) fader brot hiz spn, hui woz pozest bi a fsl find ov luinasi, hui mpq de H* distwit Ee find had med him def and dpm, and so* disizd, dat hi woz bpt a torment tu himself and tu hiz famili. Ferst Krist's disj.pelz trid derp??( tu send him from hiz herld, bpt de kud not, for wont or frf, hi woz ser stroi) and bald. 3en Krist sed tu him, " Brii) tu di puir aflikted spn, 114 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. And if thou hast true faith in God, The thing shall soon be done. For to the firm believer now All things are possible, Both the attainment of high heaven, And conquest over hell." Then Christ rebuked the evil fiend, And straightway forth he sped From the poor idiot, whom he left Exhausted as if dead. But Jesus took him by the hand, And then the rescued lad Arose in health and sanity, And never more was mad. Then Christ's disciples asked why they Could not bestow relief. And Jesus quickly answered them, " Because of unbelief. If ye had faith but as a grain Of mustard seed, ye might Even by a word, cast mountains high Into the sea outright. But ye cannot indeed expel The demons of worst kind, Unless by prayer and fasting too Ye sanctify your mind." SECTION 83. Christ foretells his own death, and works a miracle for the tribute money. Matthew 17. 22-27. Mark 9. 30-32. Luke 9. 43-45. Then Christ foretold that he should be Betrayed by wicked guile ; And afterward be slain by men, And be entombed a while ; And on the third day rise again By his own power divine ; But the disciples could not grasp That marvellous design. The Lord, of Peter then inquired, "Of whom do kings demand A tribute ? From their children, or From strangers in the land ? " Peter replied, " Of strangers." " Then The children must be free," Said Christ, " and I should be exempt, From my nativity, and if fe hast trui fei in God, de tfir) Jal sum bi dpn. For tu de ferm beliver m? ol dlnz ar posibel, botf de atenment ov hj heven, and konkwest aver hel." cLen Krjst rebqkt de ivel find, and stretws fertf hi sped from de puir idiot, huim hi left ekzosted az if ded. Bpt Jizps tuk him bj, de hand, and den de resk^d lad arerz in heW and saniti, and never merr woz mad. cEen Krjst's disjpelz askt hwj ds kud not bester relif. And Jizps kwikli anserd dem, " Bekoz ov pnbelif. If yi had fsi bpt az a gren ov mpstard sid, yi mjt iven bj a wprd, kast nnmtenz hj, intu de si -strjt. Bpt yi kanot indid ekspel de dimonz ov wprst kjnd, pnles bj prer and fastirj tui yi sarjktifj i^r mind." SEKXON 83. Krfst f&rtelz hiz "en ded, and works a mirakelfor de tribyt rnvni. Ma^n, 17. 22-27. Mark 9. 30-32. Luik 9. 43-45. m i Qerzen, verili, fei's misteri iz given, and hwot yi bind and luis on erf, iz frsnd or luist in heven. And iven if tui or 1ri ov u agri tu ask a blesir) from God, hi wil in proper tjm pies it in i^r pozesin. And hwen bpt tui or to or n asembel in mi nem, | i wil bi prezent in \\T midst, if n mi prezens klem." 3en Piter kem tu Krist, and sed, " H^ ofen Jal mi brpder ' agenst mi sin, and i forgiv hiz folt, and agger smpder? 118 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. Will seven times suffice ?" " Not so," Jesus replied in turn, " Say rather seven times seventy, If lie his error mourn. Heaven acts even as a certain king, A monarch great and just, Who wished to settle his accounts With officers of trust ; His stewards then he called to him, And bade them to prepare, And give to him, a full account Of what was in their care. One steward said, ' I owe thee, Lord, At least ten thousand pound, Bnt cannot pay thee.' Then the king Upon that servant frowned ; And said that he, and all he had, Must answerable be : Whereon that steward kneeled, and said, ' Have patience, Lord, with me, And I will pay thee all in time.' Then did the monarch show Mercy to that same steward, and Forgiveness did bestow. But that same man went out, and soon, Unlike his master good, Treated his under officers With harshness stern and rude ; And even though their debts were He cast them into gaol. [smol, And though they promised soon to pay, They could not thus prevail. Of this the king soon heard, and wroth With this ungrateful man, Summoned him straight before his court Of justice ; and began To say, ' O wicked, cruel one, Did I not pardon thee, And cancel thy great debt at once, Out of pure charity ? How could'st thou show such cruelty To those thy debtors small, Who sought compassion from thy And did for mercy call? [hand, Now I revoke my kind decree, And will exact my claim From thee by prison discipline, , Until thou pay the same.' Wil seven tjmz spfjs P" " Not sen," Jjizps repl id in tprn, " Ss rfider seven tjmz seventi, if hi hiz' eror morn. Heven akts iven az a serten kii), a monark gret and jpst, hui wijt tu setel hiz aksnts wid ofiserz ov trpst. Hiz sti^ardz den hi kold tu him, and bad dem tu preper, and giv tu him, a ful ak^nt ov hwot woz in der ker. Wpn sti]ard sed, ' $ & di, Lord, at list ten fojzand p^nd, bpt kanot pe di.' 3Len de kirj ppon dat servant frsnd ; and sed dat hi, and ol hi had, mpst anserabel bi : hwsron dat sti^ard nild, and sed, ' Hav psjens, Lord, wid mi, and i wil ps di ol in tjm.' cEen did de monark Jo- mersi tu dat sem sti^ard, and forgivnes did bester. Bpt dat sem man went Trt, and sum, pnljk hiz master gud, trited hiz pnder ofiserz wid harjnes stern and ruid ; and iven dec der dets wer smol, hi kast dem intu jel. And dec de promist sum tu ps, ds kud not dps prevsl. Ov dis de kii) sum herd, and roi wid dis pngretful man, spmond him stret befer hiz kerrt ov jpstis ; and began tu se, ' (J wiked, kruiel wpn, did i not pardon di, and kansel di gret det at wpns, at ov pijr qariti ? H~s kud'st (h? Jer SPCJ kriuelti tu derz dj, deterz smol, hui sot kompajon from dj, hand, and did for mersi kol ? ]NV i reverk m^ kjnd dekri, and wil ekzakt mj. klem from di bj ( prizon disiplin, pntil d^r ps de sem.' Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 119 Even thus your heavenly Father will Do also unto you, If you do not forgiveness grant And show compassion due When those who have done wrong, relent, And strive to amend their way. The mercy you to others show, Heaven will to you repay." BOOK VI. SECTION 85. The mission of the Seventy Disciples. Luke 10. 1-17. And after all these things, the Lord, With love divine, sent forth Seventy disciples through the land, East, west, and south, and north. By pairs he sent them, to proclaim His Gospel in each place Which he himself would visit soon With offers of his grace. He said, " The harvest of men's souls Is great ; the reapers few : Pray ye the Lord of harvest that He will more minds imbue With love of spiritual truth, That they may go and teach My Gospel through the world, and Place heaven within the reach [thus Of everyone. Go ye your ways, Behold, I send you forth As lambs among fierce human wolves, To renovate the earth. Be not encumbered with much store, From needless wants abstain ; Nor spend your heaven-devoted time In salutations vain ; But kindly, plainly, earnestly, Perform your destined task. And when you enter any house, Heaven's blessing on it ask ; And if my spirit of peace be there, Your peace shall on it rest ; If not, your blessing shall return As an unwelcomed guest. Lven dps \ir hevenli Fuder wil dui olsa pntu \\, if u, dui not forgivnea grant and Je- kompajon dq hwen derz hm hav dpn roij, relent, and strjv tu amend der we. cle mersi \\ tu pderz Jer, heven wil tu \i repe." BUK VI. S E K X O JS T 85. &e mifon ov de Seventi Digjpelz. Luik 10. 1-17. And after ol diz Jinz, de Lord, wid IPV divin, sent fort seventi disjpelz Irui de land, ist, west, and s^t, and nori. Bj. perz hi sent dem, tu prorklem hiz Gospel in iq pics hwicj hi himself wua vizit suin wid oferz ov hiz gres. Hi sed, " 3e harvest ov men'z set iz gret ; de riperz fy : pre yi de Lord ov harvest dat hi wil mor mjndz imbii wid IPV ov spiritual truil, dat de me ger and tig mj Gospel trui de wprld, and dps pies heven widin de rig ov everiwpn. Ger yi u.r wcz, behe-ld, i send q forl az lamz ampg firs hq,man wulvz. tu renovet de eri. Bi not enkpmberd wid mpq stor, from nidles wonts absten ; nor spend u/ heven-devoted tim in sal lite Jonz ven ; bpt kjndli, plenli, ernestli, perform qr destind task. And hwen u enter eni h^s, heven'z blesig on it ask ; and if mj spirit ov pis bi der, u/ pis Jal on it rest ; if not, u/ blesig Jal rct?>rn az an pnwelkpmd gest. 120 Rhymed Harmony of the Gospels. And when a proper house you find, Within the same reside, Accepting what is offered you, Without false shame or pride. For he who labors in good works Is worthy of his hire ; And do not go from house to house, Unsteady in desire. For by one settlement you shall Gain time and good esteem, And shall not unto worldly men Restless itinerants seem. And wheresoe'er your dwelling, heal The sick that are therein. And say, 'God's kingdom is come nigh, Therefore forsake all sin.' And if a city should reject You and your Gospel, there Shake from your feet the dust, and let Them their own evils bear. And say, at leaving, ' Though ye be Polluted by much crime, Be sure God's kingdom is at hand, Therefore repent in time ; Or it will fare far worse with you, However proud and high, Than with old Sodom, which ne'er The Gospel mystery. [heard Whoever hears my ministers, If just and true they be, In hearing them, doth likewise hear Their Master, even me. He that despises you, also Despises me : nay more : He that despises me, also Despises him before Whose face all angels bow And worship evermore." SECTION 86. Christ goes tip to the Feast of Tabernacles' Matthew 19. 1, 2. Mark 10. 1. John 7. 2-10. Now when the Jewish feast drew near Of Tabernacles named, His brethren said to Jesus. "Lord, Because thy works are famed, Remove into Judea's land, That men the same may see, And hwen a proper Ires i^ fmd, wjdin de sem rezjd, akseptirj hwot iz oferd i^, widest fois Jem or prjd. For hi hui leborz in gud wprks iz wprdi ov hiz hjr ; and dui not go* from Ires tu Ires, pnstedi in dezjr. For bj wpn setelment \{ Jal en tjm and gud estim, and J'al not pntu wprldli men restles itinerants sim. And hwerse-er ^r dwelii), hil de sik dat ar derin, and se ' God'z kirjdom iz kpm nj, derfor forsek ol sin.' And if a siti Jud rejekt and nr Gospel, der Jek from qr fit de dpst, and let dem der em ivelz ber. And se, at livir), ' 30* yi bi polluted bj mpq kqm, bi Juir God'z kirjdom iz at hand, derfer repent in tjm ; or it wil fer far wprs wid n, h^ever pr^d and hj, dan wid erld Sodom, hwiq ner herd de Gospel misteri. Huiever hirz mj ministerz, if jpst and trui de ba, in hirirj dem, dpd^ Ijkw^z hir der Master, aven mi. Ha dat despjzez n, olsec despjzez mi : ne merr : hi dat despjzez mi, olsec despjzez him beferr huiz fes ol enjelz b^ and wprjip evermer." SEKXON 86. Krfst q"oz f)p tu de Fist ov Tabernakefz. 19. 1, 2. Mark 10. 1. Jon 7. 2-10. wen de JuiiJ fist drui nir ov Tabernakelz nemd, hiz bredren sed tu Jizps, " Lord, bekoz dj wprks ar femd, remuiv intu Juidia'z land, dat men de s em me si. Harmoni ov de Gospelz. 1-21 For none doth work in secret who Would be known openly. If these great things are done by thee, Appear before mankind. For even his brethren's faith in him Was weak, and almost blind. Then Jesus said, " Your time is now, But mine is not yet come ; The world hates me, not you, because I charge its evils home. Go ye up to the feast. I must Not yet go publicly. My time is not." This said, he still Abode in Galilee. But after, when his brethren had Departed to the feast, He, too, left Galilee, and went, But did not go in haste. And then he journeyed to the coasts Of Jordan, there to teach And heal the countless multitudes That came within his reach. SECTION 87. Agitation of the public mind at Jerusalem concerning Christ. John 7. 11-53. The Jews sought Jesus at the feast, And all said, " Where is he ? " Some said, "He's good;" and others He deals in subtlety ;" [" Nay ; But fearing those placed over them, No man spake openly. And when the feast was at its height, He to the temple came And taught. His eloquence divine Surprised them. They exclaim, " Whence hath this man this wisdom ? How knoweth this man letters ? [or, He is not learned in the law, Yet he excels his betters." Jesus replied, " My doctrine springs Not from myself alone ; 'Tis his who sent me. He to me Hath all this wisdom shown. And if a man wills what God wills, He soon shall understand My doctrine is derived from God, And not from mortal hand. 12 for m>n dpi wprk in sikret hui wud bi nan apenli. If diz gret linz ar don bj di, apir befer mankind. For iven hiz bredren'z fel in him woz wik, and olmost bljnd. cen Jizps Bed, " Ur t[m iz ns, bpt min iz not yet kpm ; de wprld hets mi, not \\, bekoz I qarj its ivilz ham. Ga yi pp tu de fast. * mpst not yet ga ppblikli. Mj tjm iz not." 3is Bed, ha stil abad in Galili. Bpt after, hwen hiz bredren had departed tu de fast, hi, tui, left Galili, and went, bpt did not ga in best. And den hi jprnid tu de kosts ov Jordan, dcr tu tin, mor onest dan hiz sekt, huu wpns had kpm bj n^t, tu lern de trurf from Jizps' nnrf, and praktis it arjt, sed, " Drtf ~srr lo kondem a man befor it hir hiz kes, an& giv him oportqniti tu anser, fes tu fes ? " clen de repljd, " Hwot, art d:^, tra,; ov reqed Gralili ? Serq in de Skriptip-z, d^ wilt fjnd ner profet dens kan bi."