TF Corp.Z. f?: UC-NRLF $B 12M "i3"i urn •..•.*•:: •. • UNIVERSITY OF GALlFdRNfA '* '•• ' DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BEST BOOKS FOR THE STUDY OF GERMAN IN HIGH SCHOOLS AND JUNIOR COLLEGES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY 1917 This bibliography is intended to aid teachers of German in selecting books and periodicals for their own libraries and those of their schools, and to give information as to the maps and charts needed in modem instruction; with a few unavoidable exceptions, It does not include text- books for the use of students. Copies are being sent at this time (May, 1917) to all teachers of German and to aU principals of high schools in California; additional copies may be obtained from the undersigned. A supplementary list of teachers' aids, — "Lehrmittel" of all kinds, for use in class and in German clubs — such as wall pictures, plays suitable for school performances, song books and books on German games, collec- tions of riddles, etc., is now in preparation. With regard to text-books, the attention of teachers is called to the library of the Department of German of the State University, in the office of the department, 400 Wheeler Hall. It was founded fifteen years ago for the use of the department and of teachers of German gener- ally in making the best possible choice of text-books for their classes. It contains all German text-books published in America, and is being constantly kept up to date. Teachers of German are cordially invited to avail themselves of the unique facilities which the completeness of this library affords for the examination and comparison of the grammars, dictionaries, composition books, editions of texts, etc., published by the various American firms. H. K. SchiUing, 401 Wheeler Hall. ^i^ » •. • » BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BEST BOOKS FOR THE STUDY dp^*" GERMAN IN HIGH SCHOOLS AND JUNIOR COLLEGES {A, indispensable; B, highly desirable; C, desirable; *, additional books for Junior Colleges) I. BIBLIOGRAPHY. B Breul, K. A Handy Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the German Language and Literature for the Use of Students and Teachers of German, London, Hachette & Co. 1895. $0.65. Excellent, but in some respects no longer up to date. B* NoUen, J. S. A Chronological and Practical Bibliography of Mod- ern German Literature. Chicago, Scott, Foresman &• Co. 1903. $1.00. Excellent and very useful, gives prices. B* Kriiger, H. A. Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon. Miinchen, Beck. 1914. $1.60. The standard work of reference, giving sketches of the lives of authors, lists of their works, and the principal books on both. Attention is also called to the bibliography of German literature contained in Scherer's Geschichte der deutschen Literatur (see X), and to the important bibliography of aids for teachers in Breul's The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages and the Training of Teachers (see II). II. METHODS OF TEACHING GERMAN. A Bagster-Collins, E. W. The Teaching of German in Secondary Schools. New York, The Columbia University Press. 1910. $1.50. A Bahlsen, L. The Teaching of Modern Languages. Boston, Ginn & Co. $0.50. The best presentation, in English, of the "Reform" or "Direct" Method, wnth a historical sketch of modern-language teaching, a chapter on pronunciation, and suggestions for a course in reading. A Report of the Committee of Twelve of the Modern Language Asso- ciation of America (1898). Boston, D. C. Heath & Co. 1900. $0.16. The most important treatise on the teaching of modern languages up to that time; now somewhat antiquated in the discussion of methods. A revised edition is being prepared by a new Committee of Twelve, and a preliminary draft of it appeared in The prices in this list are for bound volumes, unless otherwise stated. The mark is taken as equivalent to twenty-five cents. A The Reorganization of Secondary Education. U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1913, No. 41, pp. 40-58. $0.10. A A Four Years ' Course in German for Secondary Schools, by H. K. Schilling, W. A. Cooper, L. Demeter, and V. Buehner, a Com- mittee of the California Association of Teachers of German. 1905. To be had gratis from the Department of German, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley. A Breul, K. The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages and the Training of Teachers. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. 4th ed. 1909. $0.80. Contains a valuable bibliography, entitled "The Reference Library of a School Teacher of German" (30 pages). B Jespersen, O. How to Teach a Foreign Language. New York, The Macmillan Co. 1904. $1.00. B Handschin, C. K. The Teaching of Modern Languages in the United States. U. S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1913, No. 3. $0.15. Contains a historical sketch of modern-language teaching in the United States, a discussion of methods, and a good bibliography from 1875 to 1913. B Brebner, M. The Method of Teaching Modern Languages in Ger- many. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1904. $0.40. An excellent little book describing in detail some of the best class- room work in Germany. B Hildebrand, R. Vom deutschen Sprachunterricht in der Schule. Leipzig, E. Klinkhardt. 13th ed. 1913. $0.90. An inspiring book full of suggestions for vivifying instruction. Should be in the hands of every teacher of German. III. LEXICOGRAPHY. 1. Small Dictionaries for Students. A Heath 's German Dictionary. Revised and enlarged by Karl Breul. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co. 1909. $1.50. Gives more copious material than the others, but the spelling in the German-English part is not quite up to date. Good, clear print. A James' German Dictionary. Rewritten and enlarged. New York, The Macmillan Co. 43rd ed. 1916. $1.50. Contains many words of recent origin. Spelling thoroughly revised. Print on the whole good. A Bellows' German Dictionary. New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1912. $1.50. German-English and English-German parts arranged concurrently, at top and bottom of each page. Modern technical terms well represented. Spelling thoroughly revised. Print excellent (all Roman). 2. Larger Dictionaries. Muret-Sanders. Encyclopadisches Worterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache. Berlin, Langenscheidt. B* a. Unabridged edition. German-English, 2 vols., $10.50, English- German, 2 vols., $10.50. The most complete English-German and German-English dictionary in existence. Gives also technical terms, foreign words, proper names, etc. A b. Abridged edition (Hand- und Schulausgabe). Kevised 1908. German-English, 1 vol., $2.00. English-German, 1 vol., $2.00. Both bound together, $3.75. Best medium-sized dictionary. Being of later date, the revised abridged edition is even more complete in technical terms and other words of recent introduction than the unabridged. C Flugel-Schmidt-Tanger. Worterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. Braunschweig, Georg AVestermann. $2.50 each vol. Presents the material more conveniently in some respects, but is less complete and up-to-date than the abridged Muret-Sanders. C* Eger, G. Technologisches Worterbuch. 2 vols. Braunschweig, F. Vieweg & Sohn. I. English-German, 1882. $2.90. II. Ger- man-English, 1884. $3.40. Now, of course, deficient in words of recent introduction. 3. Entirely in German. B Hoffmann, P. F. L. Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Leipzig, F. Brandstetter. 7th ed. 1910. $1.05. Concise definitions in German, with examples. Excellent and thoroughly practical. B* Heyne, M. Deutsches Worterbuch. 3 vols. Leipzig, S. Hirzel. 2nd ed. 1905-1906. $9.75. Standard work, giving cognates in other languages, etymologies, full definitions, and ample quotations. B* Paul, H. Deutsches Worterbuch. Halle, M. Niemeyer. 2nd ed. 1908. $2.60. Gives particular attention to the historical development of the meanings of words. C* Kluge, F. Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Strassburg, K. J. Triibner. 7th ed. 1909-10. $2.50. B Sarrazin, O. Verdeutschungsworterbuch. Berlin, Ernst & Sohn, 4th ed. 1911. $1.50. A dictionary of foreign words used in Germany, with their German equivalents. C Eberhard, J. A. Synonymisches Handworterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Ed. by O. Lyon. Leipzig, Th. Grieben. 17th ed. 1910. $3.40. D c e € c c c > IV. GRAMMAR AND GOOD USAGE. A Curme, CO. A Grammar of the German Laii»^uage. New York, The Macmillan Co. 1911. $3.50. For reference only. Very complete and thoroughly modern, while pay- ing constant attention to historical development. B Heyse, J. C. A. Deutsche Grammatik. Ed. by O. Lyon. Han- nover, Hahnsche Buchhandlung. 27th ed. 1908l $1.50. For reference only. Entirely in German. A Sanders, D. Worterbuch der Hauptschwierigkeiten in der deut- schen Sprache. Bevised by J. Dumcke. Berlin, Langenseheidt. 38th ed. $1.25. The most convenient reference book on problems of good usage, alpha- betically arranged. B Matthias, Th. Sprachleben und Sprachsehaden. Leipzig, F. Brand- stetter. 3d ed. 1906. $1.60. B Andresen, K. G. Sprachgebrauch und Sprachrichtigkeit im Deut- schen. Leipzig, O. R. Reisland. 10th ed. 1912. $1.75. C* Engel, Ed. Deutsche Stilkunst. Leipzig, G. Freytag. 14th ed. 1912. $1.25. B Siitterlin, L. Die deutsche Sprache der Gegenwart. Leipzig, R. Voigtliinders Verlag. 3d ed. 1910. $2.00. C Vogel, A. Ausfiihrliehes grammatisches und orthographisches Nachschlagebuch der deutschen Sprache. Berlin, Langenseheidt. 6th ed. 1909. $0.70. A von Jagemann, H. C. G. Elements of German Syntax, with Special Reference to Prose Composition. New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1892. $0.80. A thoroughly practical systematic treatment of syntax. A Hastings, F. E. Studies in German Words and their Uses. Bos- ton, D. C. H:eath & Co. 1911. $1.00. A very convenient reference book on the idiomatic use of words, ar- ranged alphabetically. B Prehn, A. A Practical Guide to a Scientific Study of the German Vocabulary. New Y'ork, Oxford University Press. 1912. $0.75. Useful in the study of German-English cognates and of word formation and derivation. V. PHONOLOGY, ORTHOGRAPHY, AND SCRIPT. A Victor, W. Deutsche Lauttafel. Marburg, N. G. Elwert. On rollers, $1.25. A chart (of the size of a small wall map) giving the phonetic notations of the German sounds and showing at a glance the place and mode of articulation of each sound. Ziind-Burguet. Les Organes de la Parole. Marburg, N. G. Elwert. On rollers, $1.25. A chart of smaller size representing, in colors, a longitudinal section of the human head and showing in detail all the organs of speech. Eausch. Lauttafeln. Marburg, N. G. Elwert. Mounted on paste- board, in case, $7.50. Twenty large lithographed plates giving, for each sound, exterior front and side views of the lips, a longitudinal section of the mouth showing the position of the lips, teeth, tongue and uvula, diagrams of the jaw- angle and the mouth-opening, and other details. Invaluable, like the pre- ceding, for making the teaching of pronunciation vivid and interesting. Vietor, W. Kleine Phonetik des Deutschen, Englischen und Franzosisclien. Leipzig, O. R. Reisland. 9tli ed. 1913. $0.75. Rippmann, W. Elements of Phonetics, English, French and Ger- man. Adapted from Vietor 's Kleine Phonetik. New York, E. P. Button & Co. 5th ed. 1910. $0.75. Jespersen, O. Lehrbuch der Phonetik. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 1904. $1.40. Vietor, W. Die Aussprache des Schriftdeutschen. Leipzig, O. R. Reisland._ 8th ed. 1911. $0.55. As in the following book, Vietor favors the North German pronunciation. Vietor, W. Deutsches Aussprache worterbuch. Leipzig, O. R. Reisland. 1912. $3.40. Siebs, Th. Deutsche Biihnenaussprache. Bonn, A. Ahn. 10th ed. 1912. $1.25. • A uniform standard of pronunciation proposed by a conference of university professors and stage directors. Hempl, G. German Orthography and Phonology. Boston, Ginn & Co. 1897. $2.00. An indispensable handbook for teachers. Gives impartially the varia- tions of pronunciation in different parts of Germany, and contains an out- line of phonetics, chapters on the history of German print, script and spelling (up to, but not including, the recent spelling revision) and a particularly valuable discussion of word and sentence stress and pitch. Regeln fiir die deutsche Rechtschreibung, nebst Wiorterverzeichnis. Herausgegeben im Auftrage des Koniglich Preussischen Minis- teriums der geistlichen, Unterrichts- und Medizinal-Angelegen- heiten. Neue Bearbeitung. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhand- lung. 1907. $0.10 (paper covers). The authority on the revised spelling. Convenient for reference, and a masterpiece of compact and fairly exhaustive presentation. Duden, K. Orthographisches Worterbuch. Leipzig, Bibliograph- isches Institut. 8th ed. 1913. $0.40. A regular dictionary of revised spelling, with brief definitions in Ger- man. Includes words of foreign origin. • • • • • • • • • • •. :•.::.•.•:•.••::..:••••• s A Henze 's Schonschreibeheft No. 8. New York, Steiger & Co. $0.10 (paper). B Kolb, C. F. A. Lesebuch in Handschriften. Stuttgart, I. B. Metz- ler. 9th ed. 1900. $0.30. VI. CONVERSATION. C Jaschke, R. English-German Conversation Dictionary. London, David Nutt. $0.75. VII. HISTORY OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. B Weise, O. Unsere Muttersprache. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. 8th ed. 1912. $0.70. Popularly and attractively written. B Kluge, F. Unser Deutsch. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer. 3d ed. 1914. $0.35. Deals particularly with the origin of literary German, with purism and slang, and with the language of sport and of different vocations. B Behaghel, O. Die deutsche Sprache. Leipzig, G. Freytag. 5th ed. 1911. $1.00. Written for the educated public, hut more technical than the preceding books. Scholarly and rich in contents. B Prokosch, E. The Sounds and History of the German Language. New York, Holt & Co. 1916. $1.75. A scholarly primer for teachers and (university) students without philological training. C* Diekhoff, T. The German Language: Outlines of its Development. New York, Oxford University Press. 1914. $1.25. Fuller and more technical than the preceding. C* Kauffmann, F. Deutsche Grammatik. Marburg, N. G. Elwert. 6th ed. 1913. $0.85. An excellent outline of historical grammar (phonology and accidence), with Gothic, Old-, Middle-, and New-High German paradigms tabulated. Presupposes philological training. VIII. COMMON SAYINGS, PROVERBS, AND IDIOMATIC PHRASES. A Eichter, Alb. Deutsche Redensarten, sprachlich und kulturge- schichtlich erlautert. Leipzig, F. Brandstetter. 3d ed. 1910. $0.75. A Borchardt, W. Die sprichwortlichen Redensarten im deutschen Volksmunde erlautert. Neubearbeitet von C. Wustmann. Leip- zig, Brockhaus. 2nd ed. 1894. $1.75. B Schrader, H. Der Bilderschmuck der deutschen Sprache. Berlin, E. Felber. 7th ed. 1912. $1.75. B Buchmann, G. Geflugelte Worte: Der Zitatenschatz des deutschen Volkes. Berlin, A. Weichert. 1915. $0.75. The standard dictionary of quotations (mostly German, but also for- eign) current in Germany. IX. POETICS AND METRICS. A Borinski, K. Deutsche Poetik. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. $0.25. C* Beyer, C. Deutsche Poetik. Berlin, B. Behr's Verlag. 3 vols, in 2. 4th ed. 1913. $3.25. Includes outlines of aesthetics and of metrics. B* Freytag, G. Die Technik des Dramas. Leipzig, S. Hirzel. 12th ed. 1912. $1.50. Translated by E. J. McEwan. Chicago, Scott Foresman & Co. 1895. $1.50. B Kauffmann, F. Deutsche Metrik in ihrer gesehichtlichen Ent- wicklung. Marburg, N. G. Elwert. 6th ed. 1913. $0.85. C* Minor, J. Neuhochdeutsche Metrik. Strassburg, K. J. Triibner. 2nd ed. 1902. $2.75. The standard work on modern German metrics. X. HISTORY OF GERMAN LITERATURE. 1. General. • B Koch, M. Deutsche Literaturgeschichte. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. $0.25. A highly condensed, relatively complete, scholarly presentation ; excel- lent for reviewing, but not suitable as a first introduction ; rather difficult reading. A Kluge, ■ H. Geschichte der deutschen Nationalliteratur. Alten- burg, O. Bonde. 45th ed. 1913. $0.65. A very satisfactory, practical elementary handbook, with bibliograph- ical notes. A Kobertson, J. G. Outlines of the History of German Literature. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1912. $1.35. Or A Thomas, C. A History of German Literature. London, W. Heine- mann. 1909. $1.50. A Eobertson, J. G. A History of German Literature. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1902. $3.50. Scholarly and rich in detail; excellent both for systematic study and for reference. B* Francke, K. A History of German Literature. New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1901. $2.50. A unique presentation of literature fi*om the point of view of the his- tory of German culture generally. Like the following book, for advanced study only. 10 B* Scherer, W. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. Berlin, Weid mannsche Buchhandlung. 12th ed. 1910. $2.50. Brilliantly written, with profound insight and vast erudition. Pre supposes extensive aquaintance with German literature at first hand Contains also a valuable bibliography. Translated from the 3d German edition by Mrs. F. C. Cony beare, ed. by F. W. Miiller. 2 vols. New York, Charles Scrib ner's Sons. $3.50. B Yogi und Koch. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur. 2 vols Leipzig, Bibliograjjhisches Institut. 3d ed. 1910. $5.00. Popularly written, but Very scholarly; richly illustrated with portraits, pictures, and facsimiles. C* Konnecke, G. Bilderatlas zur Geschichte der deutschen National literatur. Marburg, N. G. Elwert. 2nd ed. 1912. $7.00-. A folio volume containing more than a thousand excellent portraits pictures, facsimiles, etc., with descriptive and explanatory notes; an in valuable supplement to any History of Literature. A popular edition in quarto, somewhat reduced in content, is published by the same firm under the title: Konnecke-Muff, Deutscher Literaturatlas $1.50; also separate editions of the Goethe and Schiller pictures from the folio volume, in pasteboard covers: Goethe, eine Biographie in Bildnissen $0.75; Schiller, eine Biographie in Bildern, $0.65. 2. Special Periods. A Weitbrecht, Carl. Deutsche Literaturgeschichte der Klassiker- zeit. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. $0.2.5. An excellent, scholarly introduction to the subject. B* Hettner, H. Die deutsche Literatur im achtzehnten Jahrhundert. (Part III of the author's monumental Literaturgeschichte des 18ten Jahrhunderts, Parts I and II dealing with English and French literature respectively.) 3 vols. Braunschweig, Vieweg und Sohn. 6th ed. 1913. $8.25. The standard work on German literature from the middle of the 17th century to Goethe's death. A Weitbrecht, Carl. Deutsche Literaturgeschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 2 vols. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. 2nd ed. 1908. $0.45. An excellent critical survey extending into the 20th century. B Kummer, P. Deutsche. Literaturgeschichte des neunzehnten Jahr- hunderts. Dresden, C. Eeissner. 2nd ed. 1910. $3,00. Arranged according to "generations." Rich in detail; excellent as a general introduction and for reference. B* Meyer, R. M. Die deutsche Literatur des neunzehnten Jahrhun- derts. 2 vols. Berlin, G. Bondi. 4th ed. 1910. $3.15. Brilliantly written, original, and stimulating; for advanced study only. 11 3. The Drama. B Witowski, G. Das deutsche Drama des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, B. G. Teubiier. 4th ed. 1913. $0.35. Affords an excellent introduction to the modern German drama. Translated from the 2nd German edition by L. E, Hornung. New York, Henry Holt & Co. 1909. $1.25. C* Friedman, S. Das deutsche Drama des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, H. Seemann Nachf. 1902. $2.75. 4. The Novel. C Mielke, H. Geschiehte des deutschen Eomans. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. $0.25. C* Mielke, H. Der deutsche Roman. Dresden, C. Eeissner. 4th ed. 1912. $1.60. 5. Ljnric Poetry. C Findeis, E. Geschiehte der deutschen Lyrik. 2 vols. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. 1914. $0.45. C* Witkop, Ph. Die neuere deutsche Lyrik. 2 vols. Leipzig, B. G. $1.50. 6. Individual Authors. B Eolleston, T. AV. Life of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. New York, P. P. Simmons. $0.40. B* Schmidt, Erich. Lessing. 2 vols. Berlin, Weidmann. 3rd ed. 1910. $.5.75. C* Sime, James. Lessing. 2 vols. New York, Scribner. $5.00. B Sime, James. Life of Johann Wolfgang Goethe. New York, P. P. Simmons. 0.40. 5* Bielschowski, A. Goethe. Sein Leben und seine Werke. 2 vols. Munchen, C. H. Beck. 26th ed. 1913. $3.50. Translated by W. A. Cooper. 3 vols. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons. 190.5-1908. $10.00. B Thomas, Calvin. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller. New York, Henry Holt 8c Co. ]901. Student's edition. $1.50. B* Berger, K. Schiller, sein Leben und seine Werke. 2 vols. Munchen, C. H. Beck. 7th ed. 1912. $3.-50. Or B* Kithnemann, E. Schiller. Miinchen, C. H. Beck. 4th ed. 1911. $1.65. Translated from the 3rd German edition by Katharine Royce. 2 vols. Boston, Ginn & Co. 1912. $3.00. 12 C* Ehrhard, A. u. Necker, M. Franz Grillparzer. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Miinchen, C. H. Beck. 2nd ed. 1910. $1.90. C* Werner, R. M. Hebbel. Berlin, E. Hofmann & Co. 2nd ed. 1913. $1.60. XL ANTHOLOGIES, SONG BOOKS, AND OTHER COLLECTIONS. B* Miiller, F. Max. The German Classics from the Fourth to the Nineteenth Century. With Biographical Notices, Translations into Modern German, and Notes. 2 vols. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons. 1886. $6.00. An admirable collection of poems and representative selections down to and including the Romantic School, with references to Scherer's History of German Literature. B Collitz, Klara H. Selections from Early German Literature. New York, American Book Co. 1910. $1.00. Gives modern German translations only. B Collitz, Klara H. Selections from Classical German Literature. From the Reformation to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Cen- tury. New York, Oxford University Press. 1914. $1.50. A continuation of the preceding, and, like it, less comprehensive than Miiller's collection. Illustrated with portraits of authors. Goethe's later works are not included, but are to be represented in an additional, third, volume (on the Nineteenth Century). C Thomas, Calvin. An Anthology of German Literature. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co. 1909. $2.25. Less comprehensive than Mrs. Collitz's collection. Modern German translations only. A Echtermeyer, Th. Auswahl deutscher Gedichte. Halle, Buch- handlung des Waisenhauses. 41st ed. 1914. $1.00. Contains, like the following book, poems of all kinds: lyric, epic (bal- lads), didactic, etc. Or A Kluge, H. Auswahl deutscher Gedichte. Altenburg, O. Bonde. 16th ed. 1913. $1.00. C Avenarius, F. Hausbuch deutscher Lyrik. Miinchen, G. D. W. Callwey. 11th ed. 1913. $1.00. Like the following book, an excellent collection, artistically gotten up and handsomely illustrated. C Avenarius, F. Balladenbuch. Miinchen, G. D. W. Callwey. New ed. 1910.. $1.00. C Der Lindenbaum. Deutsche Volkslieder. Auswahl von Hermann Hesse, Martin Lange, und Emil Strauss. Berlin, S. Fischer. 1910. $0.50. 13 Deutsches Liederbuch fiir amerikanische Studenten. Compiled and edited by a Committee of the Germanistische Gesellschaft of the University of Wisconsin, A. E. Hohlfeld, Chairman. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co. $0.75. About a hundred of the most popular songs, with music and explana- tory notes. Deutseher Novellenschatz. Ed. Paul Heyse und Hermann Kurz. 24 vols. Miinchen, Eudolph Oldenbourg. 1871ff. $6.00. XII. EDITIONS OF INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS. Most of these are to be had in the following excellent and inexpensive series: Cotta' sche Bibliothek der Weltliteratur. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta. $0.25 per volume. (With introductions.) Meyers Klassiker-Ausgaben. Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut. $0.50 per volume. (With introductions and notes.) Deutsche National-Literatur. Stuttgart, Union Deutsche Verlags- gesellschaft. 0.90 per volume. (With introductions and notes.) In the following list these editions are indicated by the abbreviations ''Cotta," ''Meyer," "DNL." A Lessing, ed. G. Witkowski, 7 vols., Meyer, $3.50. Also ed. H. Goring, 20 vols, in 10, Cotta, $5.00; E. Boxberger, 18 vols., DNL, $15.75. C* Herder, ed. Th. Matthias, 5 vols., Meyer, $2.50. Also ed. J. Lautenbacher, 6 vols, in 3, Cotta, $1.50; Meyer, Lambel, and Kiihnemann, 10 vols., DNL, $8.75. A Goethe, ed. E. von der Hellen, 41 vols. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, $21.00. (" Jubilaumsausgabe. ") Also ed. E. Schmidt, 6 vols., Leipzig, Insel-Verlag, $2.00; K. Goedeko, 36 vols, in 18, Cotta, $9.00; K. Heinemann, 30 vols., Meye"r, $15.00; K. Heinemann, 15 vols., Meyer, $7.50. C* Eckermann, J. P. Gesprache mit Goethe in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens, ed. L. Geiger. Leipzig, Hesse & Becker. $0.65. A Schiller, ed. E. von der Hellen. 16 vols. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta. $8.00. ("Siikularausgabe.") Also ed. K. Goedeke, 16 vols, in 8, Cotta, $4.00; L. Beller- mann, 14 vols., Meyer, $7.00. C* Briefwechsel zwischen Schiller und Goethe, ed. Franz Muncker, 4 vols. Cotta, $1.00. 14 C Fouqu6, F. de la Motte, ed. M. Koch. DNL, $0.90. B Eichendorff, J. v., ed. E. Dietze. 2 vols. Meyer, $1.00. B Chamisso, A. v., ed. H. Tardel. 3 vols. Meyer, $1.50. B Kleist, H. v., ed. E. Schmidt. 5 vols. Meyer, $2.50. C Korner, Th., ed. H. Zimmer. 2 vols. Meyer, $1.00. C Hauff, W., ed. M. Mendheim. 4 vols. Meyer, $2.00. B Grillparzer, F., ed. A. Sauer. 20 vols, in 10. Cotta, $5.00. B Uhland, L., ed. H. Fischer, 6 vols, in 3. Cotta, $1.50. C Heine, H., ed. E. Elster. 7 vols. Meyer, $4.00. B Heine, H. Dichtungen, ed. Karl Hessel. Bonn, Eduard Weber's Verlag. 1887. $0.30. B Hebbel, Fr., ed. K. Specht. 6 vols, in 3. Cotta, $1.50. B Ludwig, Otto, ed. A. Bartels. 6 vols, in 2. Leipzig, Hesse & Becker. $1.25. B Keller, G. 10 vols. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta. $9.50. C Meyer, C. F. Novellen. 2 vols. Leipzig, H. Haessel. $2.50. C ScheflPel, J. V. 6 vols, in 3. Stuttgart, Bonz & Co. $3.00. B Freytag, G. Die Ahnen. 6 vols. Leipzig, S. Hirzel. $10.75. B Freytag, G. Soil und Haben. 2 vols. Leipzig, S. Hirzel. $1.90. B Freytag, G. Die Journalisten, ed T. B. Bronson. New York, D. Appleton & Co. $0.45. B Storm, Th. Samtliche Werke. New ed. 5 vols. Braunschweig, G. Westermann. 1912. $3.75. B Eosegger, P. ' Als ich noch der Waldbauernbub war! 3 vols. Leipzig, L. Staackmann. $0.70. B Eosegger, P. Schriften des Waldschulmeisters. Leipzig, L. Staackmann, $1.00. No recommendations can be made as to works of more recent literature. For the use of pupils in assigned or voluntary outside reading, a high school or junior college library should also contain a considerable number of easy, interesting texts (short stories and novels, modern and thoroughly German, and a few well selected plays) in school editions such as are pub- lished by a number of American firms. In this connection, attention is also called to Heyse's Novellenschatz (listed under XI) and to the excellent series called "Wiesbadener Volksbiicher," 166 volumes published by the Volks- bildungsverein Wiesbaden and averaging in price $0.15. 15 XIII. COMMENTARIES ON THE CLASSICS. C* Diintzer, H. Erlaiiterungen zii den deutschen Klassikern, 86 small volumes at 25 cents each; bound in 16 volumes, $20.00, Leip- zig, Ed. Wartig. Gives scholarly though somewhat dry analyses of the important dramas and poems of the classic period of German literature. B* Bellermann, L. Schillers Dramen. Neue Ausgabe. 3 vols. Ber- lin, Weidmann. 4th ed. 1908. $5.00. The best commentary on Schiller. C* Bulthaupt, H. A. Dramaturgie des Schauspiels. Oldenburg, Schulze. I. Lessing, Goethe, Schiller, Kleist. 13th ed. 1912. $1.75. Til. Grillparzer, Hebbel, Ludwig, Gutzkow, Laube. 9th ed. 1911. $1.50. IV. Ibsen, Wildenbruch, Sudermann, Hauptmann. 6th ed. 1909. $1.75. Excellent brief analyses and appreciations. C* Franz, K. Der Aufbau der Handlung in den klassischen Dramen. Bielefeld, Velhagen und Klasing. 4th ed. 1910. $1.60. Analyses of the structure of the plays on the basis of Freytag's theories (see IX). C Aus deutschen Lesebiichern, ed. by Dietlein, Frick, Gaudig, *Polack. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. IV. 1. Epische Dichtungen. 5th ed. 1911. $1.60. Lyrische Dichtungen. 4th ed. 1908. $1.60. Lessings Dramen. 5th ed. 1910. $0.90. Schillers Dramen I. 4th ed. 1907. $1.35. Schillers Dramen II. 3d ed. 1903. $1.75. Dramen von Kleist, Shakespeare. Lessings Ham- burgische Dramaturgie. 2nd ed. 1905. $1.90. V. 5. Goethes Dramen. 5th ed. 1912. $1.10. An excellent series containing thorough and scholarly analyses. Or C Die deutschen Klassiker erlautert und gewiirdigt fiir hohere Lehr- anstalten sowie zum Selbstudium. 31 vols. Leipzig, Hein- rich Bredt. The volumes average in price about $0.30. Less searching and more popular than the foregoing. XIV. GERMAN HISTORY. A Miiller, D. Leitfaden zur Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. Ber- lin, Franz Vahlen. 11th ed. 1899. $0.65. B Henderson, E. F. A Short History of Germany. 2 vols, in 1. New York, The Macmillan Co. 1911. $2.50. IV. 2, V. 1. V. 2. V. 3. V. 4. 16 Stacke, L. Deutsche Geschichte. 2 vols. Bielefeld, Velhagen und Klasing. 7th ed. 1896. $6.25. Gunther, E. Deutsche Kulturgeschichte. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. $0.25. Richard, Ernst. History of German Civilization. New York, The Macmillan Co. 1911. $2.00. Scherr, J. Deutsche Kultur- und Sittengeschichte. 3 vols. Leip zig, Hesse & Becker. 1909. $1.50. Freytag, G. Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit. 4 vols, in 5 Leipzig, S. Hirzel. $8.50. Pen pictures by a scholar and a master of style; fascinating and re plete with human interest. A large number of subjects in German history, geography, fine arts, etc. are admirably treated in the following popular series : Velhagen und Klasing's Volksbiicher. Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing $0.15 each. Illustrated. Pflugk-Harttung, Bismarck; Bittrich, Der Schwarzwald; Ree Niirnberg ; Trinius, Der Rhein ; Schwenichen, Der deutsche Wald ; and others. Aus Natur und Geisteswelt. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner. $0.32 each. Illus trated. Steinhausen, Germanische Kultur in der Urzeit; Weise, Die deut schen Volksstamme und Landschaften ; Heil, Die deutschen Stadte und Biirger im Mittelalter; Otto, Deutsches Frauenleben im Wandel der Jahrhunderte ; and many others. Sammlung Goschen. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. $0.20 each. Dieffenbacher, Deutsches Leben im 12. Jahrhundert (illustr. ) ; Much, Deutsche Stammeskunde ; the books of Gunther (see above), Mogk, and Jiriczek (see XIV) ; and others. See also XVI. XV. GERMAN GEOGRAPHY. B Land und Leute. Geographische Monographien herausgegeben von A. Scobel. Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing. $1.00 each. von Zobeltitz, Berlin und die Mark Brandenburg; Euge, Dresden und die sachsische Schweiz; Scobel, Thiiringen; Kerp, Der Ehein; Gotz, Das Frankenland; Neumann, Der Schwarz- wald; Haas, Das Schwabenland; Haushofer, Bayerns Hochland und Miinchen; and others. A popular series, interestingly written and copiously illustrated with excellent photogravure views of landscapes, cities, castles, etc. 17 Diercke, C. u. Gaebler, E. Schulatlas fiir hohere Lehranstalten. Braunschweig, Georg Westermann. 1906. $1.75. Gives particular attention to the geography of Germany. Putzger, F. W. Historischer Schulatlas. Bielefeld, Velhagen unci Klasing. $0.75. Kiepert's Wall Maps of Europe and Germany, political and physi- cal. Mounted, with rollers, $6.00 each. May be had of Steiger & Co., 25 Park Place, New York, at a consider- able reduction to schools (duty free). Kullmer, C. J., A Sketch Map of Germany. Syracuse, N. Y., Kramer Publishing Co. 1912. Paper, $0.25. A pamphlet that gives much more than its title promises : 22 outline maps with directions for memorizing and reproducing them by a simple geometrical scheme ; each map presenting a separate set of facts in political and physical geography, including the location of universities, the terri- torial distribution of the principal dialects, religious denominations, anthro- pological types, and geological formations, the density of population, the railway system, etc., with a quantity of useful information on all these subjects in the text. Intended for schools and colleges ; a valuable aid to the teacher. Baedeker, Eeisehandbiicher. Leipzig, K. Baedeker. Berlin und Umgebungen, $0.75; Nordost-Deutschland, Nordwest-Deutsch- land, Eheinlande, Siid-Deutschland, $1.50 each; Deutschland (less detailed, in 1 vol.), $2.25. Or Meyers Eeisehandbiicher. Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut. Dresden und Sachsische Schweiz, $0.50; Franken und Niirnberg, $0.75; Harz und Kyffhausergebirge/ $0.65; Eheinlande, $1.40; Oberbayern und Miinchen, $1.00; Oesterreich-Ungarn, $1.75; Schwarzwald, etc., $0.65; TTiiiringen und Frankenwald, $0.70, small ed., $0.25. Either of these sets of guide books is valuable for reference concerning the topography of the country, the cities and their history, places of interest, etc. See also XIV and XVI. XVI. INSTITUTIONS, MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. A Kriiger, F. K. Government and Politics of the German Empire. New York, World Book Co. 1915. $1.20. B Giese, A. Deutsche Biirgerkunde. Leipzig, E. Voigtlander. 6th ed. 1912. $0.40. B Kron, E. German Daily Life. Chicago, Newson & Co. $0.75. A reader giving, in German, a lot of useful and reliable information. 18 Meyer, Hans. Das deutsche Volkstum. 2 vols, in 1. Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut. 2nd ed. 1903. $4,.50. A cyclopedic combination of the work of various scholars dealing with I Das deutsche Volkstum (Meyer), II Landschaften und Stamme (Kirch- hoflF), III Geschichte (Helmolt), IV Sprache (Weise), V Sitten und Brauche (Mogk), VI Altdeutsche heidnische Religion (Mogk), VII Chris- tentum (Sell), VIII Recht (Lobe), IX Bildende Kunst (Thode), X Ton- kunst (Kostlin), XI Dichtung (Wychgram), XII Erziehung und Wissen- schaft (Zinn). Meyer, Elard H. Deutsche Volkskunde. Strassburg, K. J. Triib- ner. 1898. $1.60. Deals mainly with manners and customs. In Aus Natur und Geisteswelt (see XIV): Hassert, Die deutschen Stadte; Mielke, Das deutsche Dorf; Meringer, Das deutsche Haus ; Spiess, Deutsche Volkstrachten ; Rehm, Deutsche Volksfeste und Volkssitten; and others. Excellent photogravure views of German cities and villages, streets and interesting buildings, with some comment (chiefly from an aesthetic view- point) are contained in the following series published by R. Piper & Co., Miinchen, each volume, bound in cardboard, costing $0.45: in cloth, $0.70. Die schone deutsche Stadt. Norddeutschland, by G. Wolf, 211 views; Mitteldeutschland, by G. Wolf, 160 views; Siiddeutschland, by J. Baum, 193 views. Das deutsche Dorf. Siiddeutschland, by H. Rebensburg, 194 views. Other volumes to follow. These primarily pictorial series are supplemented by another of a more descriptive and historical nature: Statten der Kultur. Leipzig, Klinkhardt & Beermann. $1.00 each. Illus- trated. Berlin, by von Oettingen ; Frankfurt, by Schmidt ; Weimar, by Kiihn ; Rothenburg, by Uhde-Bernays ; and others. See also XV. XVII. MYTHOLOGY AND SAGA LORE. A Mogk, E. Germanische Mythologie. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. $0.25. This book has superseded the earlier volume in the same series by Fr. Kauffmann, entitled, Deutsche Mythologie, of which there is an English translation under the title Northern Myth- ology, by M. Steele Smith. Temple Cyclopaedic Primers. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. $0.35. A Jiriczek, O. L. Die deutsche Heldensage. Leipzig, G. J. Goschen. $0.25. Translated under the title Northern Hero Legends, by M. Bentinck Smith. Temple Cyclopaedic Primers. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. $0.35. 19 C Grimm. J. u. W. Deutsche Sagen. Ed. E. Steig. 2 vols, in 1. Berlin, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung. 4th ed. 1905. $1.75. The standard collection of German legends. A Grimm, J. u. W. Kinder- und Hausmarchen. Ed H. Grimm and R. Steig. Illustrated by L. Grimm. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta. 32nd ed. $1.25. XVIII. PERIODICALS. A Monatshefte fiir deutsche Sprache und Padagogik. Organ des Nationalen Deutschamerikanischen Lehrerbundes. Edited by Max Griebsch and E. C. Roedder. Verlag: National German- American Teachers' Seminary, Milwaukee. 10 numbers a year. $1.50. A The Modern Language Journal. Published by the Federation of Associations of Modern Language Teachers. Edited by E. W. Bagster-Collins and associates. Business Manager: A. Busse, Hunter College, New York. 8 numbers a year. $1.50. B* Die Neueren Sprachen. Zeitschrift fiir den neusprachlichen Unter- richt. Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Victor. Marburg, N. G. Elwert. 10 numbers a year. $3.00. B* Das literarische Echo. Halbmonatsschrift fiir Literaturfreunde. Herausgegeben von Ernst Heilborn. Berlin, Egon Fleischel & Co. $4.00. Invaluable as a source of information about current literature. B Die Woche. Berlin, August Scherl. 52 numbers a year. $3.25. A weekly record of current events in pictures, with original articles and some fiction. C Westermanns Monatshefte. Hlustrierte deutsche Zeitschrift fiir das geistige Leben der Gegenwart. 12 numbers a year. Braun- schweig, Georg Westermann. $6.00. One of the best German magazines; splendidly illustrated. C Leipziger Hlustrierte Zeitung. Leipzig, J. J. Weber. 52 numbers a year. $11.00. The leading illustrated paper of Germany, in folio, with reviews of current events and articles on timely topics. Admirable in every respect. B Aus Nah und Fern. Eine internationale Zeitschrift fiir Schule und Haus, besonders fiir Schiiler hoherer Lehranstalten. Chicago, Francis W. Parker School Press. 4 numbers a year (Oct., Dec, Feb., Apr.). $0.50; to clubs of six or more, $0.40. Gives discussions of timely non-political topics, historical and biograph- ical sketches, descriptions of German life, anecdotes, proverbs, songs with notes, etc,, in easy German, annotated, with many illustrations. Primarily for students in the second and third years of German ; useful both for class-room and outside reading. 1^ 20 XIX. SUNDRIES. A Meyers Handlexicon des allgemeinen Wissens. 2 vols, in 1. Lei] zig, Bibliographisches Institut. 6th ed. 1912. $5.00. Or A Brockhaus ' Kleines Konversationslexikon. 2 vols. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus. 5th ed. 1911. $6.00. B Meyers Kleines Konversationslexikon. 6 vols. Leipzig, Biblio graphisehes Institut. 7th ed. 1906. With supplementary volume, 1914. $21.00. Any one of these cyclopaedias will render valuable service as a source of general information about everything German. A Holzels Wandbilder (for conversational practice). Wien, Eduard Holzel. In colors, 36 x 55 inches. 1-4. Die Jahreszeiten. 5. Der Bauernhof. 6. Das Gebirge. 7. Der Wald. 8. Die Stadt. 13. Die Wohnung. 14. Der Hafen. 15. Der Hausbau. Mounted on linen, with rollers, $1.85 each. 11. Wien. 17. Berlin. Mounted on linen, with rollers, $2.55 each. Nos. 1-15 are also published in reduced size, 7i x 11^ inches, for the use of students at home. 5 cents each. These pictures may be had of Newson & Co., 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago. at a slightly advanced price. B Wallenstein, H. tJbungen fiir die deutsche Sprechstunde. Giessen, Emil Both. 3 vols. $0.90. A guide to conversation on the basis of Holzel's pictures 1-8 and 13, with vocabulary. B Wallenstein, H. & Auerbach, K. ubungen fiir die deutsche Sprech- stunde nach Holzel's Wandbild Berlin. Giessen, Emil Roth. $0.25. Note. — Newson's First German Book (Chicago, Newson & Co.) is entirely based upon the Holzel Pictures 1-4, which are there reproduced in wood cuts. B Hirt's Anschauungsbilder. Leipzig, Ferdinand Hirt & Sohn. Un- mounted, $10.00 ($1.25 each.) 1-4. Die Jahreszeiten. 5. Der Wald. 6. Das Hochgebirge. 7. Die Grossstadt. 8. Der Seehafen. Similar to the Holzel pictures; more artistic, but less practical. In small size also, 15 cts. each. Miiller, F. Anleitung zur unterrichtlichen Behandlung von Hirts Anschauungsbildern. Leipzig, Ferdinand Hirt & Sohn. $0.35. / >'^7n Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN 21, 1908 sv '4-: Yd 17326 mi U DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. RErn LD li(flR?0»fiir_jon ^" ^ OD ic IW LD 21A-60m-4,'64 ,. . General Library _ (E4555S10 ) 476B ^'"^^"gJ.J^ei^J^*^^""^