UC-NRLF I X) CJ FARMER AND HUNTINGTON Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation I http://www.archive.org/details/foodproblemstoilOOfarmrich FOOD PROBLEMS TO ILLUSTRATE THE MEANING OF FOOD WASTE AND WHAT MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED BY ECONOMY AND INTELLIGENT SUBSTITUTION WHAT WE WASTE ITS MONEY VALUE HOW WE WASTE IT HOW WE MA Y SA VE FOOD HOW YOU AND I CAN HELP BY A. N. FARMER SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS AND JANET RANKIN HUNTINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, WISCONSIN GINN AND COMPANY BOSTON • NEW YORK • CHICAGO • LONDON ATLANTA • DALLAS • COLUMBUS • SAN FRANCISCO COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY GINN AND COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 218.2 ; GINN AND COMPANY • PRO- PRIETORS • BOSTON • U.S.A. PREFACE Just before the opening of the public schools in September, 191 7, Mr. Farmer was called to Washington by Mr. Hoover, Federal Food Administrator of the United States, to help with the work of that department. This book is the result of the stimulation and inspiration which came from six weeks' intimate contact with the work of the United States Food Administration. Mr. Hoover is an intensely practical man, but he is also an 'idealist. In formulating his plans for food administration he insisted that in a democracy autocratic control of the food supply should be avoided ; that arbitrary methods should be employed only as a last resort ; that the American people would respond loyally and unanimously when they realized the facts and appre- ciated the needs of the food situation. A CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION This meant that a great campaign of education must be carried on to teach the nation the essential facts regarding the world food situation and the obligation of America to come with her great abundance of surplus foodstuffs to the rescue of a world facing starvation. As under present conditions even the normal surplus would not be sufficient, it is necessary to impress every citizen of the United States with the vital necessity of releasing more of the essential foodstuffs by lessening consumption of them through substitution and by the elimination of waste. vi FOOD PROBLEMS THE SCHOOL'S OPPORTUNITY In this campaign of education it was recognized that schools of the United States could play a most important The schools, one great department of our government, have here an unprecedented opportunity and obligation to cooperate with other departments of government. Instruction in food conservation provides an opportunity for training in citizenship through actual participation by pupils in the solution of one of the major problems before our government to-day. Every department of school work can be vitalized and motivated through this study. Every child in attendance can be stimulated to a sense of personal responsibility to conserve food. MOTIVATION THAT IS GENUINE The modern teacher is convinced of the desirability of using actual problems growing out of pupil activities and interests as a basis for school work. Nothing is more desirable than this in theory, and nothing has proved so difficult in practice. The great war touches the life of every child in the United States. It is an interest so stupendous and far reaching as to be beyond the comprehension of even the greatest minds in the country. It is an interest so keen as to affect the dullest pupil in the poorest schoolroom. No subject which can be imagined forms a better basis for genuine motivation coupled with genuine patriotic service. Arithmetic is fighting the war. It is only through arithmetic that the officials of the United States Food Administration know how much food there is, how much food needs to be saved, and how much is being saved. Through the use of arithmetic in solving these problems children will be impressed as they could not be in any other way with the immense and fundamental character of the food-conservation campaign. 1 PREFACE Vll CORRELATION Arithmetic is by no means the only school subject which may be used in teaching food conservation. As indicated in the sug- gestions to teachers, this campaign provides material for work in English, geography, civics, drawing, composition, and history. In the discussions of the various problems concrete means for practicing correlation in the classroom are suggested. CHARACTER AND THRIFT An aspect of food-conservation instruction not less important than its motivation of the various school subjects is its use in promoting character development among pupils. The economic importance of inculcating far-reaching habits of thrift cannot be overestimated at this time. Such habits formed through the study of food conservation will persist and will permeate the adult life of the pupil. The wise use of this material will result in developing in pupils not only arithmetical skill but also such character-making qualities as consideration for others, devotion to an ideal, the spirit of cooperation, self-control, and a sense of responsibility. It will teach the lesson of our interdependence and the obligation of the strong to help the weak. SCHOOL AND HOME The value of all instruction, and more particularly of instruction of the character of these problems, depends upon the extent to which it modifies practice outside the schoolroom. The possibili- ties of these problems cannot be realized unless the children take them home, talk them over with their parents, work them out within the family circle, and extend their influence beyond the home into the community. How this may be done is outlined in the suggestions to teachers. viii FOOD PROBLEMS PRICES Prices are changing daily and will not be found the same in any two sections of the country. The prices quoted in these problems are those current in Chicago during the first part of the year 191 8. The variation in prices gives opportunity to the teacher to vitalize this work still farther by having the pupils make com- ] parisons of local prices and calculate the extent to which this affects problem results. A full discussion of this phase of the work will be found in the suggestions to teachers. THE PUBLISHERS' CONTRIBUTION The publishers of this book realize that its purpose differs from that of the ordinary textbook. They see in it an opportunity ^^ ■■ cooperate with the United States Food Administration. They " have therefore fixed a low price to insure the widest possible distribution. OUR COLLABORATORS Acknowledgment is here made of the valuable assistance in formulating this book which has been freely given by officials of the United States Food Administration, the United States Department of Agriculture, various war departments, the exten- sion divisions of state and other colleges of agriculture, as well as a number of individuals throughout the country. Especial mention should be made of the services of the teachers and pupils of the public schools of Evanston, Illinois. Through their use of the original manuscript of this book, they have demonstrated its value in vitalizing school work and in carrying the practice of food conservation into the home and the community. THE AUTHORS CONTENTS PAGE A LETTER TO PUPILS xi SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xii The real meaning of these problems — Children are soldiers — Stimu- late curiosity — Correlate with other subjects — Each problem has a meaning — Encouraging pupils to illustrate problems — Picture results — Let the children do the work — Prices may vary — Grad- ing and order of work — Use direct methods — Parent cooperation CHAPTER I. EUROPE FACES STARVATION i Why the world lacks food — America has plenty for herself — Can we send enough? — Let us remember — What foods must we send? — How much must we save? — How shall we save this? — Will you do your bit? CHAPTER IL GENERAL PROBLEMS IN FOOD CONSERVATION 5 What we need to save — How much wheat there is — What boys and girls have done — How much money is wasted by wasting food — Saving for war — Profits and prices — Producing and exporting Problems 1-2 j CHAPTER IIL WHEAT PROBLEMS 18 What we have and what we need — Profits on flour — Why Australia's wheat cannot be used — What a one ounce per week waste means — How much wheat each of us uses — Reducing the use of wheat — ^Whole wheat flour vs. white flour — Wasting the wheat — Saving the wheat by cutting out waste — Use potatoes to save wheat — Other wheat substitutes — Corn as a wheat substitute Problems 24-62 CHAPTER IV. MEAT PROBLEMS 33 How much meat we have to send — How much meat we eat — The cost of the meat we eat — Wasting one ounce per day — Use -the ix X FOOD PROBLEMS PAGE cheaper cuts — How meat is wasted — Save meat by eating less and using scraps — Save meat by using substitutes — Why we should eat fish — The food value of milk and cheese Problems 6j-8q CHAPTER V. PROBLEMS ON BUTTER AND OTHER FATS . . 44 How much we use each day — What a small waste means — Saving butter and other fats — Oleomargarine and butter substitutes Problems go-ii^ CHAPTER VI. MILK PROBLEMS 51 How much milk we use — The food value of milk — If we all wasted a little milk — How we can use all the milk Probleins 116-12^ CHAPTER VII. SUGAR PROBLEMS 55 The sugar we have and need — Wasting sugar — Our overuse of sugar — Candy as sugar waste — Why we should use sugarless candy and how to make it Probleins 126-146 CHAPTER VIIL MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 63J What it costs to waste — How we eat — Saving by machinery — The fireless cooker — The clean plate — Little savings — Waste through spoilage — War gardens — Insects, rats, and mold — How we waste and how to save ' Problems J4y-iyj APPENDIX. USEFUL INFORMATION RELATING TO FOOD CONSERVATION 73 Percentage of wheat used in making flour — Table of equivalents — Use of some foods per person per year in the United States — Populations (in round numbers) — Use cottage cheese — List of bread substitutes — List of meat substitutes — List of foods rich in fats — Summary of uses of easily obtainable fats — Groups of foods for a balanced diet — Proportions of various foods eaten by the average American family and the soldier — A soldier's daily ration — Foods to eat and foods to save — How you can save food — How food is wasted — How money is wasted on food LIST OF FREE BULLETINS FOR WHICH YOU MAY WRITE . 85 SOURCES OF PROBLEM MATERIAL 89 Zo tbc bo^e ant) qxvIb in our scboole: President Wilson has called upon the great army of twenty- three million boys and girls in the United States to do their part in winning the World War. It may seem strange to think of yourself as a soldier, but the boys and girls in the schools make up the biggest army in the world, and every one of this army can serve the nation nobly. This book is made to show you one way to help win the war. ARITHMETIC AND THE WAR The people in Washington who are trying to lead the United States to victory and peace are using arithmetic every minute. They are finding out how much fuel, how much food, how many guns, we have in this country. They are calculating how long it will take to produce larger supplies or how best the supplies we have may be conserved. They are fighting the war by arithmetic. You can do the same thing. Through your solution of these problems you can learn the bigness of this war and the way in which you can help to win it. FOOD CONSERVATION It is our duty to share our food with the Allies. By reading the following pages you will see how much they need a part of our food. You will see that it is possible for us to save enough so that all may have what they need. You will learn a number of ways by which this saving can be accomplished. Will you do your part in seeing that every possible food saving is put into practice in your home } Will you accept appointment as Mr. Hoover's deputy to see to it that our food supply is put to the best use ? By doing this you will prove yourself a good soldier doing a big part in winning the war. Sincerely yours, A. N. Farmer , SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS THE REAL MEANING OF THESE PROBLEMS The purpose of these problems is not to teach arithmetic; it is to use arithmetic to teach the meaning, necessity, and practice of food conservation. The arithmetic solution is but a step toward the accomplish- ment of the purpose to be achieved. Discuss with the chil- dren the real meaning of each problem ; make sure they learn the larger implication of each, and drive it home in such a way that it will stir the imagination, stimulate the emotions, and result in action. For example, these problems should show that no waste is little when it occurs in many thousands of homes. A waste of the hundredth part of a cent, a sum so small that we can scarcely imagine it, if it occurred in every one of the 20 million homes in the country would make a total waste of $2000 daily, or $720,000 per year. Make it plain that if the 23 million school children all over the country really save even the least bit in money value, the saving the country over will be enormous. Lead the children to see that what seems a little waste in one home is a big waste if it happens in many homes. Bring out all the avenues of money waste which the children can suggest, and discuss means for overcoming them. xii SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xiii CHILDREN ARE SOLDIERS These problems should also show that children as well as grown men can fight the war, for the food war is as important in the long run as the war on the firing line. Germany has said that if she can starve England, she can win. Every one must fight the food war, which is to use food intel- ligently and save certain foods. Each child should think of himself as a deputy food adminis- trator to save food and to suggest means of saving in each home. The children are soldiers in the food war. In so far as they know the facts, realize the need, and are stirred to action, they are good soldiers. Let us see to it that all are enlisted. STIMULATE CURIOSITY Lead the pupils to be curious about the solution of the problem as you assign each one. For example (Problem 120), "What does your mother pay for milk? Is any wasted? Do you ever leave any in your glass ? Is milk thrown away when it sours ? About how much milk do you think your home wastes a day? Suppose every home wasted just a tiny bit of milk every day, how much do you think would be wasted in the whole country?" And then, after the problem has been solved, "What are the ways in which we may save milk ? Ask your mother (or cook) how she uses sour milk. Let's make a Hst of all its uses." Compare prices and conditions with those stated in the prob- lem, and suggest related problems, e.g. (Problem 108): "How many tons of garbage are collected in this city (or in the largest city of this county) every day ? Can any one find out ? From xiv FOOD PROBLEMS whom can you find out? (Commissioner of Streets.) Let's see how many pounds of fat we throw away every day. How do we waste fat besides throwing it in the garbage? (Pouring down sink, burning, etc.) How can we use the fats that are now wasted?" CORRELATE WITH OTHER SUBJECTS Parts of this book, such as ''Europe Faces Starvation," will be valuable for reading and discussion by the class. In addition, much of the material can be used as a basis for oral and written composition. Pupils should be asked to write on topics such as "The Real Meaning of Problem 7." They should be encouraged to report all of the ways in which these problems appeal to them, to raise many pertinent questions re- garding the facts involved, to use these facts as a basis for problems of their own, and to express their judgment regarding the best ways and means for dealing with the various conditions and situations described. Teachers are cautioned to be patient and not expect too much from pupils at first. Encourage them in every way to give their own viewpoint and judgment. The writing of letters asking for a copy of the various bulletins listed in the bibHography on page 85 will give to pupils the best possible training in letter writing. The letters should state specifically just what use is to be made of the bulletins. When the pupils have written the letters, they should be compared, the best features selected, and it may be wise to use these in the letter finally sent. These bulletins, as a rule, may be had without cost ; the supply, however, is usually limited,'' and only one should be asked for. One bulletin of a kind for a building should be enough. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS xv Suggestions for using these problems in teaching civics and geography are made in connection with the various problems themselves. The ingenious teacher will see numberless other aspects for discussion and study. EACH PROBLEM HAS A MEANING There is not a single problem in this book which has not been introduced with a definite aim and purpose. Some of the problems may be somewhat difficult. It will pay to take time to get at the facts and to obtain an appreciation of the conditions involved. In some cases it will be profitable to spend several days, if necessary, on a group of problems to solve them and to gain an understanding of their larger impli- cation. Always go over problems carefully to determine the proper number for the advance lessons. In making assignments, dis- cuss the problems with the pupils to insure an understanding of the facts and conditions involved. ENCOURAGING PUPILS TO ILLUSTRATE PROBLEMS No war service will have a greater educational value in stimu- lating pupil initiative, originality, and resourcefulness than making concrete the significance of these problems through jingles, slogans, illustrations, and posters. Freehand sketches or cartoons may be made by pupils to il- lustrate some interesting aspect of the various problems. Chil- dren will often show surprising ability at this work. Those who are not skillful should be encouraged, at first at least, to cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers to illustrate their problems. Later they will become able to do original work. xvi FOOD PROBLEMS The making of posters is an especially valuable project. The posters of the United States Food Administration as well as other government posters are suggestive. An exhibit of the children's work will arouse great interest in food conservation and will also lead to closer relation between the school and the community. Originality and resourcefulness will also be developed in the writing of slogans and jingles to be used on posters to drive home the appeal or thought desired to express. It will be a great stim- ulation to children to feel that they can help teach the great lessons which the war is bringing to us and that what they draw or write will help the nation to accomplish its aims. Can the schools do anything more worth while at this time ? PICTURE RESULTS Closely related to the use of illustrations as described above is the picturing of results by means of graphs. The use of the graph is becoming more and more general. Nowhere can it be of greater value than in the schoolroom when used for purposes of comparison, or as an aid in showing the significance of con- ditions or results. In making graphs, it is convenient to use "squared paper" ^ as shown on page xvii. Each square or a number of squares is made to represent a certain unit of measure. For example, in the graph on page 7, three squares represent icx) million bushels of wheat. In every case it is necessary to fit the graph to the page ; the unit of measure or scale should be determined accordingly. The teacher will discuss with pupils the scale that should be used. ' This paper may be obtained from any school supply or stationery company by asking for "squared" or "quadrille ruled" paper. GRAPH TYPES ILLUSTRATING WHAT THE AVERAGE AMERICAN FAMILY EATS I Bar Graph II Pyramid Graph 10% 20% 30% Cereals 31% Fruits & Vegetables 25% Milk. Butter, Etc. 18% Meat 16% Sugar 6% Fish 2% Eggs 2% III Symbol Graph Cereals 31 '%imi%i%%%fmii%-%%nit%i%%i%i Fruits & Vegetables 25 %%Xi%ZX%iXi%%%iXf!:%%%%fi% Milk, Butter, Etc. 18 %%iXii%%XX%%X%.%%XX Meat 16 iXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sugar 6 XXXXZX Fish 2 %% 2}% IV Circle Graph Picture Graph (may be used with any type) VI Curve Graph Cost of Bread-1917-Shown by Months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 9(f 8'j.) FOOD PROBLEMS HOW MUCH WE MUST SAVE A tiny saving by each of us means enough for all. When the bee returns from her trip to the flowers, she brings only the least bit of honey. Many trips by many bees prodi tons of honey. Crumbs become loaves when multiplied by loo millions, — and there are more than that number of people in this country now. There is enough for all if each person in the United States saves daily: Half a slice of meat 2 teaspoonfuls of butter or fat 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar 2 slices of white bread tlOW WE CAN SAVE THIS There are two great ways : 1. By not wasting any food. 2. By using other foods instead of those which must be sent to our Allies. WELL YOU DO YOUR PART? CHAPTER II GENERAL PROBLEMS IN FOOD CONSERVATION Problem 1. Mr. Hoover asks each of the loo million people in the United States to save i ounce of meat each day, i ounce of sugar each day, 2 ounces of fats each week, and i pound of wheat flour each week. If we all do this, a. How many tons of meat h. How many tons of sugar c. How many tons of fats d. How many 196-pound barrels of flour will be saved for the nation each week ? How many a year ? Discussion.^ How much is an ounce? Can you bring to class I ounce of meat, i ounce of flour, etc. ? How much is a pound ? Is it easier to save i ounce each day or 7 ounces all at one time? Remember that saving does not always mean going without. It may mean substituting other food. Would you rather have meat seven meals a week and eat i ounce less every time, or have macaroni and cheese, nut loaf, cottage cheese, or some other meat substitute for two meals in place of meat, and thus save the whole amount? Will meatless days save enough meat for the Allies? Look in the Appendix to find out how much meat we use, and see if a saving of \ would amount to an ounce a day. ^ These discussions are suggestive rather than exhaustive and aim to illustrate what should be done with every problem. The resourceful teacher will find little diflficulty in supplementing what is given, and in working out questions and topics for discussion in connection with all problems. 5 FOOD PROBLEMS Make a tentative list of ways to save these foods. Then look at Table XIV, page 78, to find other ways of saving. Keep each Hst to add to later. , Send for the bulletin numbered 74 in the bibliography and read on page 7, Mr. Hoover's appeal to us to save. MANY A MICKLE MAKES A MUCKLE 2. Following are the annual production and use of wheat before the war in the leading nations of the world, in millions of bushels. Russia . . . United States . India .... France . . . Austria-Hungary Canada . . . Italy .... Germany . . . Argentina . . Spain .... Australia . . . Roumania . . British Isles . . Other Countries Total . . Production of Wheat in Mel- lions OF Bushels 727 70s 370 324 247 229 191 160 156 123 89 88 61 353 3823 Use of Wheat IN Millions of Bushels 599 589 310 379 246 118 250 228 55 127 37 34 282 569 • 3823 Difference in Millions of Bushels a. Place in the column marked " Difference " the difference between production and use, marking it + if production is greater than use, and — if production is less than use. GENERAL PROBLEMS IN FOOD CONSERVATION 7 WORLD WHEAT PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION NUMBER OF SCALE- COUNTRY MILLIONS OF BUSHELS 2 3 4 00 Mil .UONI 1 5 11 HELS 1 . 8 1 ^^L J-_. ^ Rttcqta Produces 727 ■|||||||| *'^^^^''*- Consumes B99 WMmMWA ^^^^B ^H P ■ II 1 T 1 T T 1 T IT 1 ^ _ UNITED STATES ^^^^^,, 5^9 ^^« WKKSk "^' !ii' f ■ IL 1 1 IT ] 1 __ TxTT^TA Produces 6i^ WtKttttK/k ^^^^^ Consumes 310 Wm^M' ^HF'n -- Mil France ^^^^ ^ ^tt ta^H^ta wWMMy//\ 1 1 AUSTEIA-HUNCAEY Jj^Sls Sg WMM. ■■ wA T^ r<.xT.T^.A Produces r^» ■■■■■■■■ CANADA Consumes 118 hMMl ■ Ttatv- Produces 191 wkliflhkm ^^^^^ Consumes 250 vMlMmm Germany K^LS^^I 1 Am TiKTrFivr. T>rfMln<>p*i Ififi HpHBH Argentina Consumes ^mTT r, ,,,. P7.«/lii/.<.o i'-'-^ HHHi "^^^" Consumes 127 ^^^ A»Tor.,T.ATTA Produces 89 ■■i AUSIKALIA Consumes 37 ^T T>^rT«.xTTA Produces 88 ■■I Itou MANIA Consumes UmT T7 -, ProHnr-fl Kl ■■j British ISLES consume 282 B^^^^ ^iii; OTHER COUNTRIES ^^^-^^ S ^M ! W^^^/M i%5%^ ^^^ — TTTTT i 1 1 h. Draw bars on construction paper to represent the pro- duction and use of wheat in the various countries. Allow 20 million bushels to a space and place the two bars for each country together, as shown by the graph above. Discussion. Let us try to find a way to imagine 4 billion bushels of wheat. How many tons is it? (One bushel of wheat weighs 60 pounds.) If a freight car can carry 60 thousand pounds, how many would it take to move this amount of wheat? 8 FOOD PROBLEMS What five states led in wheat production last year? What part of the entire yield in the United States did these states produce ? Where does your state rank in wheat production? Why so high or low? How many people are there in the world? (See your geography.) How much wheat is produced for each person? Color a map to show the countries which produce most wheat, or which produce more wheat than they use. Which countries do not use much wheat? What do they use instead? Where do we send wheat now? This table shows conditions before the war. Which countries must be producing less wheat now? Why? If there is a library in your school or city, look up facts on wheat production in reference books, and make more problems based on what you find. OUR ALLIES DEPEND ON US FOR WHEAT 3. According to United States statistics, the United States and Canada have sent to the Allies 400 million bushels less wheat than they need this year. a. How many bushels a year would each of the 100 million people in the United States have to save to supply 125 million bushels from this country? ^SSk h. What part of a barrel of flour, if 4^ bushels make a 196^ pound barrel ? c. How many pounds a year? How many pounds a week? d. If it takes f of a pound of flour to make i loaf of bread, how many loaves must we save each week ? Discussion. How much wheat do the United States and Canada normally produce (see. problem 2)? How much surplus is there in normal times? If 400 million more bushels are taken, how much does this leave for home use ? Read bulletins 74 and 75 (Appendix, page 87) and see that enough food will be kept in this country to provide for our needs. There is plenty of food if we save by substitution and cutting out waste. I GENERAL PROBLEMS IN FOOD CONSERVATION . 9 What other uses for wheat flour are there besides its use in white bread? Make a Ust of all you can think of. Then take them up one by one and discuss how waste may be eliminated and how other substances may be substituted. IT IS THE LITTLE SAVINGS THAT COUNT 4. Last year there were many boys' and girls' corn clubs in the country. They raised 523 thousand bushels of corn at a cost of $143,000. a. What was the approximate cost per bushel? h. They sold the corn at 81 cents a bushel. What was the profit per bushel? c. What was the total profit? 5. In 1 91 6, 7903 boys and girls belonged to canning clubs, which canned 201,300 quarts of food. a. How many quarts was the average for each member ? b. The total cost was $28,126.61. How much per quart? Compare this with the cost to you of canned corn, peas, tomatoes, and other vegetables and fruits. WE CAN ALL HELP FIGHT TliE FOOD WAR 6. The boys and girls enrolled to serve in food production in 1916 produced food worth an average of $20.96 each. a. If one half of the 23 million school boys and girls in the United States should do as well in 191 8, what would be the value of the food produced? b. If the profit of each boy or girl was 60 per cent of the selling price, what would be the money profit for ii^ million children? lo FOOD PROBLEMS Discussion {problems 4, 5, and 6). Find out from the county superintendent of schools about boys' and girls' club work in your county. Who is the state leader of this work? The United States Department of Agriculture has nation-wide control of this movement. From this department, or from your state leader, you can get infor- mation concerning the work in your state. Has your school done any gardening or canning work? If so, write an account of the re- sults and send it to the county and state leaders. Discuss ways of earning money through producing or preserving food. CONQUERING WASTE IS WINNING THE WAR 7. The United States Department of Agriculture states that 700 million dollars has been wasted in homes in this country every year by throwing away food which might be used. There are 20 million families in the United States. What is the average waste for each family per year ? Per month ? Per day ? WILLFUL WASTE MAKES WOEFUL WANT mW 8. If the average family contains five persons, how much is the average waste for each person each day ? 9. How many Liberty Loan Bonds at $100 apiece could be bought with the yearly food waste of the American people? What part of a two billion dollar issue is it? What per cent? 10. If the amount of the yearly food waste of the United States ($700,000,000) were invested in $100 Liberty Loan Bonds at 3I per cent interest, what would be the yearly income? How many aeroplanes at $8000 each could be bought with the amount wasted on food annually by the American people ? Discussion {problems 7, 8, 9, and 10). Do you waste as much as problem 8 states, each day? Make a list of the different ways in which you waste food during one day. Refer to Tables XIV and XV GENERAL PROBLEMS IN FOOD CONSERVATION ii in the Appendix for examples of wastes. Do you think you waste more or less than the average? Think of some other ways of trying to understand what is meant by a food waste of 700 million dollars. How many schoolhouses like yours could be built with it? How many boys or girls would it send through college, at $500 a year ? Write an essay to show in other ways what may be done with 700 million dollars. Can all this food waste be eUminated? Can you name any food waste in your home which can't be helped ? (See Table XIV, Appendix.) SAVE AND HAVE 11. The average food waste of the American people is esti- mated by the Government to be 7J per cent of the total amount spent for food in each family. If the average family wastes $35 per year, what is the amount spent for food per year in the average family? In the 78,000 families in Newark? If the 78,000 Newark homes each saved $35 yearly in food, how much would be saved altogether? What would be saved in your city or state if every family saved $35 each year on food ? Discussion. Get some estimate of the amount your family spends in a year for food. If 7J per cent of this is waste, how much is wasted? Where does it go? Do you think your family wastes more or less than this amount? Make a report showing how your home is making its food waste less, and how it can do still more. Don't try to go too much into detail. This will be done in following problems. Good bulletins to read in this connection are Nos. 75 and 76. 12. There are about 2000 soldiers in a regiment ^ and each soldier's food costs the Government about 40 cents a day. How * The number varies. This is approximately correct for February, 19 18. 12 FOOD PROBLEMS long would the 700 million dollars lost each year through waste of foods in the United States feed one regiment of soldiers? Answer in days. In years. Discussion. About how much does the food for each member of your family cost per month? Does your food cost more or less than a soldier's ? If you waste 2 cents a day in food (see problem 8) what part of the cost of the food you eat is wasted ? CAN WE EACH SAVE TWO CENTS A DAY IN FOOD? 13. If each of the 100 million persons in the United States should save 2 cents a day in food, what saving would it mean to the nation each day ? Each month ? Each year ? Discussion. Can each of us save 2 cents a day in food? The Uni- versity of California has estimated that $582 a year is the least amount on which food can be bought and health maintained in a family of five. Many families are spending far less than this each year. Can they save in money? Should these be expected to save? Why not.? 14. a. The war in Europe cost i billion dollars per month during the first two years. The population of the warring nations was 450 million. Find the amount every citizen must save monthly to save as much as the war cost. h. Before the war, 300 million dollars were on deposit in the Bank of England alone. After one year of war, there were 900 million dollars of deposits. What saving does this represent for each of the 36 million inhabitants of England during the first year of war? What saving per month (approximate)? Discussion. What is the Bank of England? Look it up in an encyclopedia or the World Almanac, and see how it is different from our banks. A newspaper article estimates that nearly 84 billions of dollars have been borrowed already (to November, 191 7), by the countries at GENERAL PROBLEMS IN FOOD CONSERVATION 13 war, besides money raised by taxation. How many months has the war gone on, up to January, 191 8? Has the war cost more or less than a billion dollars a month? Our loans from June, 1917, to January, 1918, were 5800 milHon dollars. How much is this for every person in the country ? At this rate, how much a year for each person? Write on the topic : " What Our Country is Spending for Me." Then discuss " Should I Help My Country? Why and How? " 15. In 1916^ the following amounts were spent in the United States : M1U.10NS ov Dollars For patent medicines 300 For tobacco 600 For jewelry 200 For wines and liquors 1669 a. If all these amounts were saved, how much would be the total saving? h. At the rate of one billion dollars per month for the war, for how long would the total saving finance the war? AMONG OUR ENEMIES — LUXURIES AND BAD HABITS 16. In the last 30 years our population increased 75 per cent, while our production of women's clothes and millinery increased as follows : Millinery . . Women's Clothes 1884 $ 9,580,000 32,000,000 1914 $114,160,000 473,880,000 Increase Percentage Increase Bulletin No. 73. (See Appendix, page ?>7.) 14 FOOD PROBLEMS If the production of these two items had increased only as much as the population, how much would have been spent in 19 14? How much would thus have been saved in 1914 ? ^^H Discussion {problems 15 and 16). Name some other ways of un- necessary spending which could be done away with or lessened. Dis- cuss these to see how much of the money spent for them is really necessary. Why do you think the cost of millinery has increased so much in 30 years? Ask your mother or grandmother to tell you the cost of millinery and women's dress 10 or 20 years ago. Did people buy as much at stores? Did styles change as often? What other differences were there which would make expenditures much lower then? How much is spent in America for chewing gum? Is the chewing of gum a necessity ? Is it right to use so much money for these pur- poses in times like these? How much sugar is used in gum? What other materials are used? Name the prohibition states. Do you know of any laws against tobacco or patent medicines? (Ask a lawyer.) How has the war helped prohibition here? In Russia? In England? SAVE TO SERVE 17. The United States Food Administration permits hotels to serve no more than 2 ounces of bread to any one person at a meal. If J ounce of bread is saved by this means for each meal eaten in hotels and restaurants, how much bread will be saved for each icx)o meals eaten ? How much flour, allowing j of the weight of the bread saved to be flour ? 18. Find the actual increase and approximate percentage in- crease from July, 19 14, to June, 19 17, in the wholesale prices for these commodities : GENERAL PROBLEMS IN FOOD CONSERVATION 15 Article Fresh Beef Bacon Lard . . Wheat . Flour . . Corn meal White Potatoes Sugar . . . Unit of Measure Pound Pound Pound Bushel Barrel Pound Bushel Pound Price July, 1914I $0.13 .14 .10 .90 4.59 .CIS 1. 21 .042 Price June, 1917 1 $ 0.16 .24 .21 2.69 13.89 •039 2.9s .075 Price To-day Increase 1914-1917 Percentage Increase 1914-1917 19. Find the actual increase and the percentage increase of the retail price of the following articles : Article Sirloin Steak Pork Chops Bacon . . Lard . . . Eggs . . . Butter . . Milk . . . Bread . . Flour . . . Com meal . Potatoes . . Sugar . . Unit of Measxhie Pound Pound Pound Pound Dozen Pound Quart Loaf i Barrel Pound Peck Pound Price July, 1914I $0.27 .22 27 IS 30 34 09 055 79 03 405 05 Price June, 19171 $0.33 .31 •425 .28 .416 •47 .11 .085 1.97 •055 .96 .09 Price To-day Increase 1914-1917 Approxi- mate Per- centage Increase 1914-1917 20. Counting 5 per cent to a square, draw bars representing the percentage increases in problems 18 and 19. (For method, see page xvi.) How do wholesale and retail prices compare, in amount and in increase? 1 Bulletin No. 98. (See Appendix, page 88.) i6 FOOD PROBLEMS Discussion {problems 18-20). Notice the difference between wholesale and retail prices. On which articles do people make the greatest percentage of profit? Are the prices in your locality to-day higher or lower than those of June, 191 7 ? Higher for which articles? Lower for which ? You know that it takes 4I bushels of wheat to make a barrel of flour. If wheat is $2.69 a bushel and flour $13.89 a barrel (problem 18), how do wheat and flour compare in expense? Make up ten problems based on the facts in problems 18 and 19. Write a composition on some connected topic, like " From Wheat to Flour." Find out from your grandparents or a soldier of the Civil War what prices for these foods were during that war. If possible pre- pare a table comparing Civil War prices with those of to-day. Devise a way for showing the difference by using graphs. (See page xvii.) From newspapers and magazines obtain present prices in European countries and compare them with prices in America. WE MUST HAVE WHEAT TO SEND TO FRANCE 21. In France the supply of meat and wheat has decreased as follows : ^ 1913 1916 L0S3 Native Wheat . Cattle .... Sheep .... Pigs 330,000,000 bushels 14,790,000 head 16,140,000 head 7,035,000 head 213,000,000 bushels 12,340,000 head 10,845,000 head 4,360,000 head • Draw bars to represent the former and present supply letting I square = 1,000,000. If the 1913 supply of wheat was just enough to feed France, what per cent of the amount needed does she grow now? 1 Bulletin No. 98. (See Appendix, page 88.) GENERAL PROBLEMS IN FOOD CONSERVATION 17 TO WIN — PRODUCE MORE, EAT LESS 22. Nineteen million acres of spring wheat were sown in 191 7. The average yield per acre for the last ten years was 13.2 bushels. a. How much will be produced at this rate? h. In 191 5 the average yield was 18.4 bushels per acre. How much would be produced at this rate? c. How much more would be produced at the 191 5 rate? Discussion. Bulletin 64 (page 87) gives an idea of yields in various years. What do you think happens to prices (i) when the yield is poor, (2) when the yield is good, (3) when there is a war? Why? Find statistics showing yield for your state by writing the state college of agriculture. Does your state produce much wheat ? What is the average yield per acre? Color a map to show the states which produce most wheat. 23. Exports from the United States to Europe of the neces- sary foods have increased as follows : ^ Exported before the War Estimated Exports 191 7 Dairy (butter, cheese, milk) .... Meat Wheat 26,028,000 lbs. 493,848,000 lbs. 120,000,000 bu. 346,028,000 lbs. 1,833,284,000 lbs. 577,000,000 bu. Find the number of tons and percentage increase in tons exported. Allowing 10,000 tons to a space, draw bars repre- senting exports before the war and now. * Bulletin No. 98. (See Appendix, page 88.) CHAPTER III WHEAT PROBLEMS 24. In 191 7 the wheat crop of the United States was 656 million bushels and that of Canada 250 million bushels, while their combined reserve from the previous year was 100 million bushels. The United States and Canada needed 550 million bushels of wheat for flour. They also needed 90 million bushels for seed, 10 million bushels for other industries, and 50 million bushels to carry over to 1918. How many bushels were left for export? BREAD WILL HELP TO WIN THE WAR Discussion. Compare these crop figures, secured from bulletin No. 69 (see Appendix, page 87), with those given in your school geog- raphy. Bulletin No. 64 also gives figures for wheat crops. Is our 191 7 crop above or below normal? Compare figures with those given in problem 2, page 6. What " other industries " need wheat, besides flour mills? Why do we need a surplus of wheat to " carry over " to the next year? In old times when the grain crop failed in any one country, there was a famine. Is this true now ? Why ? Compare " crop failure " with a " coal famine " or " sugar famine." Do these terms mean that there is not enough of these articles, or simply that there is not enough in some one place? Read in Bulletin No. 69 how much wheat we need to export. Read Bulletin No. 75 to find why we cannot send corn instead. 18 WHEAT PROBLEMS 19 V 25. In 1 91 7, 6 bushels of wheat per person were consumed for flour, seed, etc., in the United States and 2 J bushels per person were exported. a. How many bushels did we raise for each person? b. In 1 91 8 we need to export 4 bushels per person. How many bushels of wheat does this leave for each person in this country ? c. How much less is this than was used in this country by each person in 191 7? (Assume that this year's crop is the same as last year's.) Discussion. How can we estimate the amount of wheat used in our homes ? In what forms do we buy wheat ? Make a list of these. Can you estimate the amount of flour used in your home each week? Can you suggest substitutes for some of these items to reduce the amount of wheat used in your family? How much or what part do you think might be saved by using these substitutes? 26. Wisconsin sows loi thousand acres of winter wheat. The average yield per acre is about 15 bushels. a. About how much winter wheat can be expected? b. The nation asks that Wisconsin sow 29 thousand more acres. How much will this increase the wheat crop? c. If pure bred grain is used for seed, an acre may yield as much as 40 bushels of winter wheat. If better farming methods raised the average of wheat in Wisconsin to 25 bushels per acre, how much more wheat would this produce on loi thousand acres? On 130 thousand acres? Discussion. Can you find the average yield of wheat per acre in Canada? In France? In Germany? How does it compare with the yield in this country? Why is there so much difference? What are some of the ways of improving the yield of wheat on a farm? 20 FOOD PROBLEMS ^ What are some of the reasons why a crop may be poor? When you have given all you can think of, refer to Table XV, page 8i, for others. 27. The cost of turning 4.5 bushels of wheat into a 196-pound barrel of flour and marketing the barrel of flour should be about $1.80, according to the United States Food Administration Wheat last year cost $1.60 a bushel on the average. a. What should flour have cost a barrel? h. The average price of flour in 191 7 was $14 a barrel. How much more than the cost of production and marketing as shown in (a) ? c. 10 million barrels of flour are marketed each month. How much profit was made each month by manufacturers, wholesalers, and other flour distributors ? Discussion. What are the processes from wheat on the farm to flour in the pantry? Where does most of the $1.80 expense enter? What has been done to stop the making of too high profits? Flour cost about $1.50 for a sack containing i of a barrel in Chicago in January, 1918. How does this compare with the 191 7 price ? Look up present prices of wheat and of flour, and see whether there is reason to beUeve that too much " excess profit " is being made. AMERICAN WHEAT MUST FEED THE ALLIES 28. There are (January, 191 8) 300 million bushels of wheat in Australia awaiting shipment to the Allies. a. If there are 60 pounds of wheat to a bushel, how many tons of wheat are there in Australia? h. The average freight car has a carrying capacity of 80,000 pounds of wheat. How many tons of wheat will each car carry? WHEAT PROBLEMS 21 c. How many cars of this size will be necessary to transport the 300 million bushels of wheat mentioned above? d. How many ships with an average carrying capacity of 1600 tons? THE WORLD IS SHORT OF SHIPS 29. a. It takes freight about 30 days to go between Australia and England. How many boats of 1600 tons carrying capacity would it take to transport 9 million tons of wheat within 6 months ? h. It takes about 10 days from New York to England. How many boats would be needed to transport the same amount of wheat? Do you see why Australia's wheat cannot be used to feed the AlHes? Discussion {problems 28, 29). What is " tonnage "? How does the United States rank among the nations in " tonnage " ? Has this rank changed since the beginning of the war? If 6 bushels of wheat are needed for each person, how far would Australia's wheat supply go to feed the population of England? Discuss the reasons why " the world is short of ships." Show why England is unable to ship wheat from Australia, Russia, and India to relieve her present need. IS EVERY OUNCE OF FLOUR WORTH SAVING? 30. Let US suppose that the average waste of wheat flour per family in the United States is i ounce per week (enough to make 1 1 slices of bread). a. How many pounds would be wasted in one week by the 20 million families in this country? h. How many pounds per year ? c. About how many barrels in a year? (Allow 196 pounds to the barrel.) 22 FOOD PROBLEMS 31. It takes 4I bushels of wheat to make i barrel of flour. How many bushels of wheat would it take to supply the yearly waste described in problem 30 ? WASTE NOT — WANT NOT 32. About 15 bushels of wheat are grown to the acre. How many acres of land would it take to supply a yearly waste of 1,491,000 bushels of wheat? 33. There are 7.5 square miles in a certain city and 640 acres to the square mile. About how many cities this size would it take to supply ground enough to produce wheat for a yearly waste as described in problem 32? Discussion {problems 32, 33). What is the area of the city or county in which you live? Compare this with the amount of land found in problem 32. How many loo-acre farms would it take? What part of the total area of your state? Make a square to repre- sent the land which would be needed on an outline map of your state, and color the square. Give the map the title of " What an ounce a week waste means," or some original title. Put an explanation below the title. 34. John Smith uses 5.3 bushels of wheat in the form of flour each year. If it takes 4.5 bushels of wheat to make a 196-pound barrel of flour, how many pounds of flour does he use each year? (Give answer correct to nearest pound.) WAR BREAD IS GOOD TO EAT WAR BREAD SAVES THE WHEAT 35. It takes about three fourths of a pound of wheat flour to make i loaf of bread. How many loaves represent a yearly use of 237 pounds of flour? WHEAT PROBLEMS 23 36. In making war bread, Mrs. Smith uses 9 ounces of wheat flour and 3 ounces of other flour for each loaf. In a year the Smith family uses 720 loaves of bread. How much wheat flour do they use if only war bread is eaten ? How much wheat flour do they save by using war bread ? THERE IS NO LITTLE ENEMY 37. The average use of wheat flour in this country is about 4.9 pounds per person each week. a. If on wheatless days no wheat flour is eaten, and normal amounts are used on other days, what will be the average saving in flour by each person each week ? b. For a city of 30 thousand people? c. For the whole nation of 100 million people? d. About how many 196-pound barrels will be saved by the nation weekly? Discussion. Can you estimate how much flour is used in your home? Is it more or less than 4.9 pounds per week? Is your use of flour less than it was a year ago? What substitutes do you use? 38. Suppose every one of the 100,000 people in a certain city decided to use war bread, in which 25 per cent of the wheat flour is replaced by some other flour. The average consump- tion of flour is about five pounds weekly per person. a. How many pounds of flour each week could be saved for the nation in this city alone? b. How many pounds could be saved each week in the city or county in which you live? Discussion. What flours are used in making war bread? Find from the bulletins listed in the Appendix as many different recipes 24 FOOD PROBLEMS for war bread as you can. Will you try at least one of them? What ones have you already tried? OBSERVE WHEATLESS DAY 39. Mrs. Lee finds from the government bulletins that she must reduce her use of wheat flour 25 per cent to do her part in saving food. By observing wheatless day she saves y of the 21 pounds of flour she formerly used. On the other 6 days she saves 6 ounces per day by serving more vegetables so as to use less bread. a. How much flour does she save weekly? h. Is she saving enough, too little, or more than enough? c. If every one of the 20 million families in the country saved as much, how many 196-pound barrels could be sent every week to feed our Allies (approximate) ? USE ALL THE WHEAT GRAIN FOR FOOD 40. Only 72 per cent of the wheat grain is used in making white flour. Whole wheat flour contains 85 per cent of the grain. It is also more healthful than white flour. Why? a. How many pounds of whole wheat flour could be made from the wheat used to make a 196-pound barrel of white flour? h. Suppose the people in a city together use 3600 barrels of white flour yearly. How many barrels would they save if whole wheat flour were used? How many pounds? (196 pounds make i barrel.) 41. One hundred pounds of wheat when ground into whole wheat flour supply 70.96 pounds of digestible food material, as against 57.00 pounds when ground into white flour. What per cent more food for human beings could be supplied if all wheat were made into whole wheat flour? WHEAT PROBLEMS 25 42. A flour manufacturer who has been milling only white flour, using 72 per cent of the grain, decides to grind one fourth of his wheat into graham flour, which uses 90 per cent of the grain. In a year he buys i million bushels of wheat. a. Find the number of bushels of waste under the old plan. h. Find the amount saved by making both white flour and graham flour. WASTE NO WHEAT HELP WIN THE WAR 43. Mrs. Gray throws away stale bread amounting to a slice a day. a. If bread cost 10 cents for a loaf of 12 slices, how much money is she throwing away daily? h. If every one of the families in your city or county ^ wastes a slice of bread a day, how much money is wasted each day? Each month ? Each year ? c. At the same rate, what would be the yearly waste for the 20 million families in the United States ? Discussion. What are the uses of stale bread? Of bread crumbs? Show how crumbs can be substituted for flour in cakes and desserts. Which contain more nourishment, bread crumbs or flour? Why? The United States Food Administration suggests that bread be cut at the table as needed, and King George of England does this. Why is this advisable ? What waste is there in cutting bread ? Can this waste be stopped? 44. By not eating the crusts of her bread, Mary wastes an average of f of a slice of bread a day. 1 To find the number of families, divide the total population by 5, the size of the average family. 26 FOOD PROBLEMS a. How many slices does she waste in a year of 360 days? How many loaves? (12 slices to the loaf.) b. What is the cost of the bread wasted at 10 cents a loaf? c. Calculate the waste in bread and money if each of the school children in your school wasted f of a slice of bread daily by throwing away the crusts of bread. MUCH FOOD IS WASTED BY SERVING MORE THAN IS NEEDED 45. Mrs. Grant cuts and serves a loaf containing 12 slices of bread each day for dinner, of which only 10 slices are eaten. She uses about half the stale pieces and throws the rest away. a. In how many days does Mrs. Grant waste a lo-cent loaf? b. What is the money waste per year? c. There are ij million families in the State of Illinois. If each home wastes as much bread yearly as Mrs. Grant does, how much is the total money waste during the year? 46. A baker has been baking about 1000 loaves of bread daily. Some days he has not enough and runs out of bread before night. Some days he has too much. On an average, 48 loaves of bread per day are left over. He uses about half the stale bread for other purposes. a. How much flour does he waste each day (f pound per loaf)? b. How much money, if he loses 4.5 cents on each loaf not sold? c. The baker decides to ask his customers to order bread 24 hours before they need it, so he can know how much to bake. Now he wastes an average of only 2 loaves a day. How much flour does he save ? How much money ? WHEAT PROBLEMS 27 PROPER MACHINERY SAVES TIME LABOR MONEY MATERIALS 47. Mrs. Gray bought a meat grinder for $2.40 to use in grinding stale bread to use in place of flour, leftover meats to use in hash, croquettes, etc. Through using the grinder, she is able to save weekly one fourth of a lo-cent loaf of bread and half a pound of meat, average value 27 cents a pound. How long will it be before she will save enough to pay for the grinder? What will be her net saving in a year? USE STALE BREAD FOR COOKING 48. John and Alice decide to save stale bread crumbs to use in cooking. They save bread scraps, dry them, and put them through the grinder to make crumbs. In a week they have two cups of crumbs, which their mother uses in place of 2 cups (I pound) of flour in cooking. She agrees to let them have all the money they save in this way. a. If flour is 6 cents per pound, how much do they save in a week? In a year? h. If each of the children in your schoolroom did as well, how much flour could they save in a week ? In a year ? c. How much money, if flour is 6 cents a pound? 49. Mrs. Black saves stale bread, but throws away cold breakfast mufflns amounting to about i a day. Mrs. Lee saves mufiins which are left and splits and toasts them for breakfast. If each muffln contains one half ounce of flour, how much flour does Mrs. Black waste in a year which is saved by Mrs. Lee? 28 FOOD PROBLEMS 50. One family wasted one fourth of a loaf of bread a week because of mold. If through proper care all the bread could have been saved, how much bread could be saved in a year? What value at lo cents a loaf? veek 1 USE OTHER FOODS IN PLACE OF WHEAT 51. The average consumption of potatoes in the United States is 2.6 bushels for each person each year. Before the war Ger- many consumed 9.4 bushels per person, England 8.3 bushels, and France 7.7 bushels. Compare the amount used per person in the United States with the amount used by each person in Germany, France, England. How many times as much is used by each person in Germany, England, France, as is used in the United States? Illustrate these facts by graphs. COULD WE USE MORE POTATOES? SHOULD WE DO SO? WHY? 52. Our potato harvest this year has increased from 285 mil- lion bushels to 462 million bushels. a. What is the per cent of increase? b. How many bushels have we available for food per person per year? c. How many pounds per person per month? Per day? (60 lbs. = I bu. potatoes.) Discussion (problems 51, 52). Mr. P. G. Holden of the Inter- national Harvester Company suggests that we use war bread made from small potatoes, using one third potatoes and two thirds wheat flour. On the next page is a tested recipe for potato war bread. Try it. WHEAT PROBLEMS 29 Eow to make Potato War Bread I cup sweet milk i teaspoon salt 1 cup potato I teaspoon sugar 2 cups flour i yeast cake These measurements make one loaf. Increase ingredients accord- ing to number of loaves you wish to make. One yeast cake will make 3 or 4 loaves. Heat milk to boiling point, then cool to lukewarm. Bake or boil potatoes, then mash or put through ricer. Dissolve yeast cake in the milk. Make a sponge as follows : mix milk, yeast cake, salt, sugar, all the mashed or riced potatoes, and \ of the flour. Beat well, let stand over night to rise. In the morning add balance of flour — let rise again until double in bulk, then mold into a loaf; let rise again to double in bulk, then bake 40 minutes in a moderate oven. A little more flour will be required if potatoes are not mealy. EAT POTATOES; SAVE WHEAT 53. Dorothy's mother pays 40 cents a peck for potatoes, con- taining 50 potatoes to the peck. She decides to serve one extra potato each day to each of the four members of her family, in place of 2 slices of bread apiece. A loaf of bread containing 12 slices costs 10 cents. a. Does Dorothy's mother save or lose money by substituting potato for part of the bread used? h. How much does she save or lose each day? Each month? Each year? POTATOES SAVED IRELAND FROM FAMINE POTATOES CAN HELP SAVE US FROM DEFEAT 54. One medium-sized baked potato is equal in food value to 2 slices of bread. A slice of bread contains about f ounce 30 FOOD PROBLEMS of flour. If every one of the 340 thousand people living in Seattle used a potato instead of two slices of bread each day, how much flour would be saved daily ? Each month ? Each year ? 55. a. What would be the saving of flour if each of the 7 million persons in the State of Illinois saved i\ ounces of flour daily by substituting a baked potato for two slices of bread? What would be saved per year? h. How many 196-pound barrels of flour per year? VICTORY ABROAD IS BEING WEIGHED UPON GROCERS' SCALES AT HOME 56. Mrs. Harris has been serving prepared wheat to her family for breakfast food. She uses two 15-cent packages a week. She learns that a 12 -cent package of rolled oats will last a weekj and that it contains 4 times as much nourishment as a package of prepared wheat, so she decides to use oatmeal. a. How much money does she save per week ? Per year? h. Compare the nourishment in 2 packages of prepared wheat and I package of rolled oats. EAT TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO EAT 57. The cook in the Ames' home makes mufiins for breakfast, using 2 cups of white flour. In order to save wheat, she uses only 1} cups of w^hite flour and for the rest uses coriimeal, oatmeal, buckwheat, rye, barley, rice, or potatoes to make muflins. a. What per cent of the flour formerly used does she "save? . . WHEAT PROBLEMS 31 h. How many cups will she save in a year? How many pounds ? (4 cups = I pound.) About what part of a 196-pound barrel ? 58. According to a bulletin issued by the Nebraska College of Agriculture (Bulletin 2, Appendix) the cost of a loaf of bread made with flour and with various wheat substitutes is shown below. White bread Whole wheat bread .... Graham bread Home ground wheat flour bread Oatmeal bread (rolled oats) Oatmeal bread (steel cut oats) . Rye bread Corn meal bread Corn flour bread Rice bread Cost for Each Loaf 9.56 cents 8.08 cents 9.86 cents 5.54 cents 6.38 cents 8.07 cents 7.03 cents 6.64 cents 8.72 cents 8.80 cents Total Amount Wheat Flour Used 3 cups 2f cups 2 1 cups 2| cups 2 cups 2 cups f cup 2 cups 2\ cups 1 1 cups Using white bread as a standard, find the gain or loss by using other flours, in cost, and amount of wheat flour used. Draw bars on construction paper to represent the cost of these breads, allowing i cent to a space. Also draw bars to represent the amount of wheat flour used, allowing \ cup to a space. MORE CORN — LESS WHEAT KEEPS THE ALLIES FROM DEFEAT 59. We produce about 2750 million bushels of corn in a year. We export (in peace times) about 5 per cent. We use for human food about 8 per cent. The rest is used for animal food. 32 FOOD PROBLEMS a. Find the amounts used for export, for human food, and for animal food. h. This year we have a corn crop 25 per cent higher than usual, and fewer meat animals to be fed. Allowing 10 per cent of this year's crop for export, and 70 per. cent for animal food, how many bushels will be left for human food ? c. How many times as much corn should we eat this year as formerly ? 60. Mrs. Foster decides to use more cornmeal, as it saves the wheat and is cheaper and more nourishing than wheat flour. She has been making 12 loaves of white bread weekly, using f pound of flour per loaf, and has used 6 pounds of flour other- wise. She substitutes cornmeal for one fourth of the flour in the bread she makes. If she now uses 5 pounds of flour weekly for other purposes, how much of the wheat flour formerly used does she save? 61. Cornmeal gives a certain amount of nourishment for 2.8 C3nts, while the cost of white flour to give the same amount is 4.8 cents. If Mrs. Cook buys 28 pounds of cornmeal at 6^ cents a poxmd, find how much she would have to pay for white flour to obtain the same amount of nutriment. How much does she save by buying cornmeal? 62. Alice and Hugh refuse to eat corn bread instead of wheat bread, although neither of them has ever tasted it. They (iach use 5 pounds of wheat flour a week, costing about 7 cents a pound. What would be the saving in wheat flour and in money if they would substitute for ij pounds of wheat flour, i^ pounds of cornmeal at 6| cents a pound? Answer for i week. For a year. « CHAPTER IV MEAT PROBLEMS 63. W^ need to export one billion pounds of meat more than usual to our Allies this year. a. To make this possible, how many pounds should be saved in each of our 20 million homes during the year? h. How many pounds a week ? (Count 50 weeks to the year.) c. If the average family contains 5 persons, what part of a pound per person per week? Discussion. How much is an ounce of meat? About how many ounces do you eat at dinner? Which way would you save more, by eating an ounce less a day for a week, or by observing meatless day and eating the usual amount on other days? Who can find out the amount of meat doctors consider necessary for the average girl or boy? How do you find it compares with the amount you eat? Remember that you are not expected to deprive yourself of necessary food, but to avoid waste and whenever possible to use substitutes. What meat substitutes do you use? What is a soldier's daily ration of meat? (See Table XII, Appendix.) About how much meat does your family save on each meatless day? How many meatless days must you observe to save enough meat to supply a soldier for a week? How many members in your family? If your family observes, meatless day for one year (50 weeks) how many days could a soldier be served with meat from the equivalent of the amount you have saved? 64. In 1900, 248.2 pounds of meat per person were produced in the United States. In 191 5, only 219.6 pounds were pro- 34 FOOD PROBLEMS duced. In 191 5, the average number of pounds used by person was 193.5 pounds. a. What was the total amount of meat produced in the United States in 1900? In 191 5? h. How much was used up in 191 5? c. How much was left for export in 191 5? (Population of United States in 1900 — 76 million; in 191 5 — 100 million.) Discussion. From your geography, find which three states lead in the production of beef. Pork. Mutton. Of which of these three does your state produce the most? Where does your state rank in the production of these ? What reasons can you give for this ? PORK IS THE FIRST MEAT TO SAVE 65. In 191 5, the average meat consumption for each person was^ Beef 82.7 pounds Mutton 7.0 " Pork 103.5 " Other 0.3 " Total 193.5 " What per cent of the total amount used was beef, mutton, pork, other meats ? Discussion. Why must we export more meat to our AUies ? What is affecting their meat production? Why cannot they go without meat? What kinds of meat must we send to our Allies? What kinds of meat cannot be sent ? Why? 66. The per capita consumption of meat in the United States in 191 5 was 193.5 pounds. How much per day? (One year = 360 days.) Make your answer correct to 4 decimals. * Data secured by correspondence with Bureau of Crop Estimates, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. MEAT PROBLEMS 35 Discussion. The per capita consumption of meat in England is much smaller than in this country, and in France is smaller still. Can you give some reasons for this? How many pounds of meat does your family use in a month ? How much is this for each person per day? Is this more or less than the average amount each day? A TEMPERATE DIET FREES FROM DISEASE Poor Richard's Almanac 67. In 191 5 the average amount of meat consumed by each person in the United States was 193.5 pounds a year. Experi- ments show that the adult man does best on J pound of meat a day. How many pounds more than he needs does he consume per year? THE WHEAT AND MEAT WE DO NOT EAT WILL HELP TO SAVE US FROM DEFEAT 68. In 1907 the population of the United States was 78 mil- lion. To-day the population is about 100 million. What in- crease in population has occurred during the past ten years? What percentage increase? 69. Our exports of pork and pork products have increased from a pre-war average of 500 million pounds to i| billion pounds last year. What is the percentage of increase in the export of pork ? Discussion {problems 68 and 69). To-day we have 12 million fewer sheep and 11 million fewer cattle than we had 15 years ago. Give five or more reasons for the increased cost of meat. Give reasons for the decrease in meat production. What products other than food are made scarcer by the decrease in the number of sheep and cattle? Why do our AUies ask for more pork than beef? Give several reasons. 36 FOOD PROBLEMS 70. One third of the total amount spent on food in the United States is spent on meat. Our eating would be more healthful if ^ instead of J were spent this way. a. If by observing meatless day -g- of the meat formerly used is saved, how much more must we save to reduce our use of meat to J of the total food used? b. The average number of pounds of meat used by each per- son in the United States is 193.5 pounds. How many pounds less should each person use per year ? MOST PEOPLE EAT TOO MUCH MEAT 71. Athletes in training are allowed only i as much meat as formerly. mS a. If the 100 million persons in the United States shoulc^^™ reduce the amount of meat used to f of what it was in 191 5 (193.5 pounds per person per year) through the observance of meatless day, how many pounds of meat would be saved ? b. At 25 cents a pound, what would be the total value of the meat saved in a year? 72. Assume that i ounce of meat is wasted each day in each of the 20 million homes in the United States. a. How many pounds? How many pounds per year (360 days) ? ' b. If the average dressed weight of cattle is about 525 pounds, ho\^ many cattle would it take to supply this annual waste ? 73. Sirloin steak contains 59 per cent lean, 32 per cent fat, 9 per cent bone. The shank stew of beef contains no bone, 83 per cent lean, and 17 per cent fat. Find from your butcher the price of each of these cuts per pound. About how many MEAT PROBLEMS 37 ounces of lean are purchased in i pound of each? What saving is there in buying the shank stew cut of beef ? LEARN TO USE CHEAP AND NUTRITIOUS CUTS OF MEAT 74. Mrs. Black bought 2§ pounds of round steak at 26 cents per pound. Instead of cooking it so as to soften the tough tissues, she fries it. The result is that | of the steak is so tough it cannot be eaten. Instead of grinding the leftover part for hash, she throws it away. a. What is the money waste ? h. Suppose this happens once a week in each of the 8000 families in Cedar Rapids. What is the loss per week ? Per year ? c. Figure the waste for all the families represented in your schoolroom. NEVER SERVE MEAT MORE THAN ONCE A DAY 75. Mrs. Brown makes up leftover meat into croquettes. She makes the croquettes too large, so that each of the five members of her family leaves J of a croquette, which is wasted. If the materials and cooking of the 5 croquettes cost her 18 cents, what is the money waste? If each croquette weighs 6 ounces and is half meat, how much meat is wasted ? 76. Mary and her brother David go out to a party. Though they do not like the meat which is served, they each take a por- tion and eat about x^ of it. If the portions cost 8 cents apiece, and weigh 4 ounces, how much money and meat are wasted by taking food which is not wanted? 77. A lamb stew costing about 30 cents was placed on a din- 3ier table and after the meal one third of the stew remained. 38 FOOD PROBLEMS The dish was carelessly left in a place where insects and i got at it and because of its condition was later thrown away. a. What was the value in money which was wasted? h. If every one of the 20 million famiHes of the United States wasted an equal amount per week, what would be the value in money wasted per month? SOLDIERS MUST HAVE MEAT 78. Each soldier in the training camps is allowed ij pounds of meat daily. Suppose that by observing meatless day each of the 500,000 families in Chicago saves i^ pounds of meat. a. How many pounds of meat would be saved? h. For how many days would the saving made by one meat- less day in Chicago feed a regiment of 2000 soldiers? c. At the same rate, what would the ij million families in Illinois save? In your state? d. For how many days would this saving feed a regiment of soldiers, containing 2000 men? USE ALL MEAT BONES TO MAKE SOUP 4 79. Mrs. Smith has never used leftovers of meat. Now she decides to save all scraps for hash, croquettes, or other dishes. She finds that on the average she saves 18 ounces of meat a week, or 9 per cent of the total amount her family formerly ate during one week. a. Find the amount they now eat during one week. h. Through observing meatless day, they plan to save 2| pounds more weekly. How much meat does Mrs. Smith save altogether? MEAT PROBLEMS 39 NONE PREACHES BETTER THAN THE ANT; AND SHE SAYS NOTHING Poor Richard's Almanac 80. John ate J pound of meat every day. Since we must save meat to give our Allies what they need, he plans to eat J pound less each day. What part of a pound will John then eat each day? How many pounds will he save in 360 days? USE MEAT SUBSTITUTES 81. Mrs. Grant serves codfish balls once a week in place of 2 pounds of meat. She uses | pound of salt codfish at 28 cents a pound, i egg at 60 cents a dozen, and .5 ounce of oleomargarine at 32 cents a pound. Formerly she had used 2 pounds of meat at 32 cents per pound. Does she save or lose in money, and how much? How many poimds of meat does she save in a year ? ., 82. Beans are $9 a bushel. It takes | bushel to seed an acre. The average yield is 11 bushels per acre. a. If the labor expense is $25 per acre, what will be the profit on 10 acres with an average yield? b. With care, a yield of 20 bushels per acre is possible. How much more profit from 10 acres of beans than with an average yield, if the labor cost is now $40 per acre? CULTIVATE A TASTE FOR SIMPLE FOODS 83. Many people are using fish, eggs, or vegetables in place of meat 2 days every week. How many pounds of meat could be saved by the pupils of your school in 6 weeks if each pupil 40 FOOD PROBLEMS observed 2 meatless days a week and so saved .4 pound of meat twice each week? For how many days would the meat saved feed a soldier who eats 1.25 pounds of meat daily? SAVE MEAT BY EATING FISH 4 84. The price of salted codfish is 35 per cent less than that of the fresh fish. How many pounds of salt fish will $10 buy, and how many pounds of fresh fish, if the fresh fish is 35 cents a pound ? Discussion. In addition to being cheaper, salt fish has much more food value per pound than fresh fish. Mackerel, for instance, con- tains about 22 per cent of protein when salted and 18 per cent when fresh. Why is this so? Does your family ever use salt or smoked fish? If not, do you know why? On request, the United States Bureau of Fisheries (see bulletin No. 102, Appendix, page 88) will send you splendid collections of recipes and directions for using fish. Do you ever have " creamed salt fish in pepper cases," or * salt fish omelet," or " mock caviar " at your home? Many people find these dishes delicious, and they are good foods. fllH EAT MORE FISH ' 85. In 191 3 there were canned on the Pacific coast about 387 million pounds of salmon. The value of this "pack "was 38I million dollars. a. How much money value for each pound of fish ? b. How many pounds of canned salmon alone does this allow to be consumed by each person in the United States ? c. Compare the price of a i6-ounce can of salmon with that of a pound of beefsteak. The food value is about the same. How do prices compare? MEAT PROBLEMS 41 86. Mrs. Long decides to double her use of fish, in order to save the meat and to give variety to the meals she serves. She uses salt or smoked fish twice a week, and fresh fish twice a week. In all, she saves ij pounds of meat weekly for each of the five members of her family. a. How much does she save in all ? 1). If the fish costs 7 cents a pound less than meat on the average, how much money does she save weekly? Discussion. Why cannot our soldiers use fish in place of meat to a very great extent? What varieties of food fish do you know? Make a fist. Take some one, such as salmon, and find in how many ways it may be prepared for the table. AN EXPENSIVE FOOD IS OFTEN A POOR FOOD AN INEXPENSIVE FOOD IS OFTEN A GOOD FOOD 87. Mrs. Stuyvesant is determined to have the best of every- thing. She pays an average of 35 cents a pound for the 14 pounds of meat that her family eats each week. Mrs. Gray gets as much food value in a more healthful form by buying 4 pounds meat, average 30 cents a pound 1 dozen eggs ©75 cents a dozen 8 quarts milk @ 12 cents 2 pounds cottage cheese ©15 cents I pound salt codfish @> :i,S cents I pound cheese ©35 cents I can salmon @ 30 cents a. How much do Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Stuyvesant each spend? h. How much less does Mrs. Gray's food cost her ? c. At this rate, how much less will food of this sort cost Mrs. Gray than it costs Mrs. Stuyvesant in a year ? 42 FOOD PROBLEMS 88. Cottage cheese made from skim milk is recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture ^ as a substitute. for meat. For supplying nourishment to the body, one pound of cottage cheese equals : ^ 1.27 pounds sirioin steak 1.09 pounds round steak 1.52 pounds chicken, duck, goose or turkey 1.46 pounds fresh ham 1.44 pounds smoked ham 1.58 pounds loin pork chop 1.3 1 pounds hind leg of lamb 1.37 pounds breast of veal Find from your butcher the market cost per pound of each of the meats listed. Then fill out the following table, showing how much saving there is in using one pound of cottage cheese over using equivalent amounts of the meats listed. Meat Amount Equivalent to I Lb. Cottage Cheese Cost i Lb, Cottage Cheese Cost I Lb. Meat Cost Equiva- ■LENT Amount , OF Meat Difference IN Cost BETWEEN Meat and Cottage Cheese Sirloin Steak . . . 1.27 lbs. 18 cents 42 cents 53 cents 35 cents Sirloin Steak 1.27 lbs. Round Steak . 1.09 lbs. Fowl .... 1.52 lbs. Fresh Ham . . 1.46 lbs. Smoked Ham . 1.44 lbs. Loin Pork Chop 1.58 lbs. Leg of Lamb . 1. 3 1 lbs. Breast of Veal . 1.37 lbs. * Bulletin No. 77. 2 Bulletin No. 29. (See Appendix.) (See Appendix.) MEAT PROBLEMS 43 LEARN TO ENJOY EVERY WHOLESOME FOOD DON'T BE FINICKY 89. The average use of milk for each person in this country- is about I pint daily. a. How many quarts, on an average, are used daily by all the people in your city or county? h. If the amount used is doubled and half a pound of meat can be saved for each additional quart of milk used, how many pounds of meat can be saved in your city or county alone ? Would this be a good plan? Why? Discussion {problems 88 and 89). Why are these problems in- cluded under "meat" rather than milk? Does your mother ever make cottage cheese? How is it made? CHAPTER V PROBLEMS ON BUTTER AND OTHER FATS 90. The daily consumption of fats per person before the war was ^ United States 3.42 ounces England 3.1 1 ounces Germany 2.3 ounces Austria-Hungary i.i ounces France 1.5 ounces Italy 1.81 ounces Russia 91 ounce Japan 85 ounce a. Taking 2 ounces daily as a standard, what per cent or less is used in each of the countries listed? b. How does our use of fat compare in percentage with that of France ? With Japan ? Discussion. How do we use fat? Name the ways in which we use fats in a pure form and ways in which we use fat mixed with other elements. (See Tables VIII, X, pages 75, 76.) Are there any foods which contain no fat ? 91. If every person in the United States ate no more than 2 oimces of fats daily, instead of 3.42 ounces, how much would be saved by the 100 million people? Give your answer in tons per day. Per year. 1 Bulletin No. 70. (See Appendix, p. 87.) 44 more^HH PROBLEMS ON BUTTER AND OTHER FATS 45 FATS ARE FUEL FOR FIGHTERS 92. If each of our 20 million families wastes i ounce of but- ter daily, find how many pounds are wasted each day. How many tons each year ? Discussion. At local prices, how much money would be wasted? How is butter wasted in the home? Make a list of the ways. How may this waste be avoided? 93. If it takes the cream from 2-5- gallons of milk to make i pound of butter, how many gallons of milk will it take to pro- vide for a yearly waste as determined in problem 89 ? 94. If a cow gives 570 gallons of milk a year, how many cows will it take to produce 262,200,000 gallons of milk? 95. A pound of butter is divided into 64 pats. If a family scrapes enough butter to equal a pat into the garbage can each day, what part of a pound will be lost in a month ? How many pounds in a year ? 96. If each of the 75,000 families in New Orleans wastes i of a pat a day, how many pounds will be wasted in a day? In a month ? In a year ? Discussion (problems 95 and 96). How many pounds of butter does your family use each week ? Is this more or less than formerly ? Why? DO YOU EAT MORE BUTTER THAN IS ALLOWED A SOLDIER? 97. A soldier is given one half ounce of butter a day. How many men can be supplied for one day with the butter wasted by 6000 families in that time if the waste per family is one pat, or 4 oimce, each day ? 46 FOOD PROBLEMS 98. a. A pound of butter costs about 48 cents. If a family of five uses i pound daily, what is the cost daily? Monthly? Yearly? How much butter is used in a year? h. If this family goes on army rations (J ounce daily for each person) how much butter will be saved during a year? How much money? 99. Each one of a family of 8 wasted J ounce of fat daily by leaving fat meat on their plates. If this fat were saved, how many pounds of fat for soap could be collected in i month? In I year? Discussion. What kinds of meat furnish the most fat? Do you know of any uses for fats besides the use for food? List all you can think of. 100. Suppose each one of the 38,000 families in Toledo were able to save 2 ounces of fat for soap daily. How much fat would they all save in a year ? Answer in ounces ; in pounds ; in tons. Discussion. How many 8-ounce bars of soap could be made from the waste of fats in the city where you live? How many different kinds of laundry soap can you name ? What kind do you use ? How many bars weekly? Where is it made? Why should you take the wrappers off and put the soap in a dry place? Explain how the use of borax and ammonia for laundry purposes would lessen the amount of soap used. BOIL, BROIL, AND BAKE MORE; FRY LESS 101. In July, 1 91 7, fats for cooking were worth $4.50 a pound in Germany. If each family represented in your classroom wastes I ounce of fat daily, how much money is wasted accord- ing to German prices ? 102. By using boiled, broiled, and baked food but no fried food, a family saved 6 ounces of lard per week. If lard was PROBLEMS ON BUTTER AND OTHER FATS 47 worth 28 cents a pound, how many dollars did this family save in lard in a year by not frying meats ? DON'T BE FINICKY 103. Mr. Lay ton will eat no food that is prepared with any- thing but butter. The result is that the Lay ton family uses 6 ounces of butter a day, where they need only 3I ounces. A soldier's ration of butter is .5 ounce a day. For how many days could a soldier be supplied with butter from the amount used needlessly in the Lay ton home in one week ? Discussion. How must fathers and children cooperate with mothers in promoting food saving? If every father were like Mr. Layton and refused to eat fats other than butter, or demanded white bread, meat every day, and so forth, how far would food conservation get? Are you finicky about eating war foods, vegetables, and other foods that we must eat to make it possible for us to send our Allies the foods they must have? Is a father like Mr. Layton loyal and patriotic? Are you, if you refuse to eat war food or vegetables? 104. Suppose each of the 260,000 people in Denver decided to eat one butterless slice of bread every day. If each slice of bread takes .25 ounce of butter, how many pounds of butter could be saved in i day ? 105. Lard is 100 per cent fat. Butter is 85 per cent fat. How much more fat is contained in 30 pounds of lard than in 30 pounds of butter? Discussion. Compare Table VIII, page 75, and see what foods contain the most fat. Name some other foods which contain much fat. 106. Through using meat fats in cooking, Mrs. Adams is able to cut her butter ration from 2^ to i| pounds weekly. She also 48 FOOD PROBLEMS saves J pound of lard each week. What does she save each week, at present prices for lard and butter? 107. Hotels have learned that there is the least waste in serv- ing i ounce pieces of butter. How many pieces to the pound if cut in i ounce, i ounce, i ounce, ■§■ ounce pieces ? 108. Garbage contains about 40 pounds of fats to the ton. In Germany, fats for cooking now sell at $4.50 per pound. At this rate, what is the value of the fats in one ton of garbage if not wasted ? Discussion. Why are fats so high in Germany? How do we know that garbage contains so much fat? Is garbage worth anything? Is anything ever made from it, or from parts of it ? USE FATS FROM SCRAPS 109. Mrs. Brown throws away fat amounting to i ounce per pound of an 8-pound boiling piece. How much fat does she waste? If the meat costs 22 cents a pound, what is the money waste ? 110. Lard is 29 cents a pound. If the 92,000 families living in Los Angeles each wastes one ounce of meat fat daily and uses lard in its place for cooking, find the money value of the lard which might have been saved by using meat fat instead. SAVE ALL MEAT FATS 111. Mrs. White insists on getting all " trimmings " with the meat she buys, instead of letting the butcher cut them off. With the bones she makes soup. She fries out the fats and once a year she makes soap. In a year she can collect fat enough to make 150 8-ounce bars of soap, at a cost of $1.10 PROBLEMS ON BUTTER AND OTHER FATS 49 for lye, borax, etc., used in soap making. The soap she makes lasts her all year for use in kitchen and laimdry. What is her net saving over purchasing an equal number of 8-ounce bars of laundry soap at 6 cents per bar ? 112. Oleomargarine is not a complete substitute for butter, since it does not contain the " vitamines " or substances neces- sary for life, which are to be found in butter. For cooking, how- ever, margarine is as good as butter and far less expensive. Mrs. Smith pays an^ average price of 45 cents a pound for butter, and buys during the year 78 pounds. She decides to use margarine in place of J the butter formerly purchased. In one year, how much butter will she save? How much money at 33 cents a pound for margarine? Discussion. Bulletins Nos. 17, 19, 70, and 98 (see Appendix, page 85) give much material on butter and the vitamines it contains. Why do we color butter substitutes ? Compare price of substitutes with price of butter. How many thrift stamps could you buy with the money thus saved if butter substitutes were used in your home in place of half the butter now used? Would you be willing to eat one buUerless piece of bread daily? Can you think of anything to put on your bread which you would prefer to butter ? 113. Mrs. Lee makes a " butter allowance " for her family of I ounce daily for each member. There are four members in her family. a. How many ounces will be allowed per week? How long will one pound of butter last the Lee family? b. Before going on a butter allowance basis, the Lee family used 2 ounces butter daily for each member. How much butter per day? How many pounds a week? 50 FOOD PROBLEMS c. Figure the butter saving each day, each week, and each year in the Lee household, when using J ounce daily per person instead of 4 ounces. d. After the " butter ration " is used up, the Lee family must use margarine. They use in this way 50 pounds yearly. Is the Lee family cutting down its use of table fats, and if so, how much ? AiH 114. Mrs. Stone has been using butter for cakes and decides "^ to use oleomargarine instead of half the butter formerly used. If butter costs twice as much as oleomargarine what per cent or what part of the fat cost in cake-making does she save ? 115. Marjorie's mother decides to use butter substitutes in all cooking. She now uses lard for pies, oleomargarine for cakes, and makes suet pudding once a week. She finds that in place of 2 pounds of butter each week she now uses i pound of oleo- margarine, I pound of lard, and | pound of suet. Find out how much she saved, at local prices. CHAPTER VI MILK PROBLEMS 116. Each person in this country uses on the average about I pint of milk daily, and the United States Department of Agri- culture suggests that we increase the use of milk, as it is both economical and nourishing. a. What is the present use of milk for all of the loo million people, in quarts? In gallons? h. What would be the number of gallons of milk used if the use per person should increase \ pint each? Discussion. Do you like milk to drink by itself, or as a part of soups, custards, puddings, etc. ? Make a list of all the ways in which milk can be used in the home. Do you think that the average use of milk is low? Can you tell any reasons why it is so small ? How much milk is used in your home every day? How much for each member of your family? Is your use more or less than the average ? What things which you buy are made out of milk or cream? Why is milk an economical food ? What is meant by an economical food? Is it cheap food? Give examples of cheap foods which are not economical. In what forms is milk shipped to Europe? Why cannot whole milk be shipped ? 117. The food value of i quart of milk is about the same as that of 9 ounces of round steak or 8 eggs. Look up prices and SI 52 FOOD PROBLEMS see which is the most economical food, and what per cent more expensive than milk the other two are. BUY MILK, NOT CREAM 118. A quart of milk costs the same as half a pint of cream. Protein (muscle-building material) Sugar . . . Minerals . . Fat ... Water . . . Total Weight I Quart Milk Contains ^8 ifoz. 4- oz. ■^3 29f oz. § Pint Cream Contains ioz. i oz. ■2V0Z. ? oz. I Quart Skim Milk Contains li oz. li oz. i OZ. ? a. How does a quart of whole milk compare with | pint cream at the same price as to muscle-building material, sugar, min- erals, and fats? b. How does a quart of skim milk compare with the same amount of whole milk? Discussion. What per cent of milk is protein, sugar, minerals, etc. ? Get the per cent of these for cream and skim milk. Make graphs to show the composition of these foods, coloring the different elements. Make a graph in the shape of a straight cup and show what parts of the cup will be water, protein, sugar, etc. 119. In energy value one quart of milk equals 3 pounds fresh fish 8 eggs 3 pints oysters -l pound full cream cheese ^ pound round steak I pound chicken MILK PROBLEMS 53 At local prices, how much cheaper is it to use milk than each of these? Discussion. Which of the above milk equivalents can be shipped to our Allies? If Americans follow the advice of the Department of Agriculture and use more milk, how could the increased demand be met ? Give the reasons for the decrease of the supply of milk in Europe. What substitutes must we send to take the place of that milk? USE ALL THE MILK 120. If each of our 20 million homes should waste i cup of milk daily, how many quarts would be wasted every day ? Every year? (4 cups = i quart.) THE GOVERNMENT URGES THAT WE USE MORE MILK BECAUSE MILK IS A MOST NOURISHING FOOD IT IS CHEAP FOR TPIE NUTRIMENT IT GIVES 121. A cow gives on the average 2280 quarts of milk yearly. How many cows would it take to supply a yearly waste of 57 million gallons? 122. If one person can care for 8 cows, how many people will it take to care for the number of cows found by solving problem 113? 123. A survey made by the Connecticut Agricultural College found that in 1916-1917 it cost 5.53 cents per quart to produce milk. (This cost does not include the cost of distribution.) a. What would be the cost to produce a daily waste of 600 thousand quarts? 54 FOOD PROBLEMS h. At the same rate, what would be the value of wasted in a year ? HOW WE CAN USE SOUR MILK 124. Mrs. White wastes a cup of sour milk each week by throwing it away. Milk costs 12 cents a quart in the city where ^ i she lives. ^'H a. How much money is wasted yearly in the White home by throwing away milk ? h. Compute the waste if this happened in each home in your city, your state, or the nation. c. What would be the total value of the milk wasted in the United States at 10 cents a quart? At 8 cents a quart? At 6 .^ cents a quart? ^^^ Discussion. Ask your mother to tell you five ways of using sour milk. If she did not have sour milk when preparing these foods, what would she be obliged to use instead ? Which is cheaper ? Do you like buttermilk? It has a high food value and is well recommended. What is the cost of a quart of it at your local dairy? For what purposes does your mother use buttermilk ? Give as many other uses as you can. What is the difference between evaporated milk and condensed milk? Could you find out the process of preparing either ? Do you know in which form it is being shipped to our soldiers abroad and our Allies? You might be interested to find out how many pounds of milk are used to produce a pound of condensed milk ready for shipment. What is the advantage commercially? What use do the soldiers make of the tin cans? 125. The maid in clearing the table pours out milk left in glasses which amounts to about | cup daily. At 12 cents a quart, how much money is wasted during one month by serving more milk than is needed ? (2 cups make i pint.) CHAPTER VII SUGAR PROBLEMS 126. Each person in the United States consumes on the aver- age 90 pounds of sugar each year.^ He needs only i pound a week. a. How much is consumed each year that is not needed? How much could be saved if the average use of sugar by each of the 100 million persons in this country were reduced to what is needed ? b. Our Allies need 2,700,000 tons of sugar. What per cent of this could be secured through the above saving? Discussion. Why must soldiers have sugar? What has caused a shortage of sugar in Europe since the. war began ? Is there a sugar shortage in this country? What is the cause? From what is sugar made? What countries lead in the produc- tion of sugar? How much is produced in the United States? What part of the total sugar production in the world? Who can make the longest list of food ready for the table which contains sugar? Take this list and find in how many cases substitutes for the sugar could be used, or the amount of sugar used reduced. No doubt your mother is trying to save sugar by using substitutes and in some cases, reducing the amount of sugar used. At first you may not like the food so prepared. How is this an opportunity for you to do your bit? ^ Bulletin No. 70. (See Appendix, page Sy). 55 56 FOOD PROBLEMS WASTE NOT — WANT NOT 127. Suppose each of the 20 million homes in the United States wastes i ounce of sugar per month. How many pounds are wasted per year? At 9 cents a pound, what is the money value of this waste? Discussion. Have you weighed an ounce of sugar to see how much it is ? Suppose that you save a teaspoonful of sugar at each meal for a month, how many cupf uls have you saved ? How many pounds? (See Table II, page 73.) If your family did the same how many pounds would be saved ? Do you ever find when you have finished drinking your cocoa that there is sugar left in the bottom of the cup ? About how much sugar have you wasted ? Perhaps you would be interested in Stephen's experiments. He found he had been putting too much sugar into his cocoa. He de- cided to stop that waste. Each day he used a smaller portion of sugar. By doing this he soon learned to enjoy his cocoa with only half the former amount of sugar in it. Should you like to try this plan ? SACRIFICE UNNECESSARY SWEETS « 128. The average use of sugar per person in the United States is about 90 pounds yearly. How many ounces per person per day? How many tablespoonf uls per day? WE CANNOT PRESERVE FREEDOM UNLESS WE CONSERVE FOOD 129. Soldiers are allowed 3.2 ounces of sugar daily. ^ If each person on the average uses 4 ounces daily, how much more does, he use than a soldier gets? What per cent more? 1 Correspondence, Quartermaster General, Washington, D.C. SUGAR PROBLEMS 57 130. If every person in the United States ate on the average 3.2 ounces of sugar per day, instead of 4 ounces, how many pounds of sugar would be saved daily by the 100 million persons in this country ? How many tons ? FOOD IS AMMUNITION DON'T WASTE IT 131. Mrs. Green had been told to use equal amounts of sugar and fruit in making jelly. She makes grape jelly, using a pint of sugar to a pint of juice. The jelly is too syrupy to stand alone, and is sweeter than necessary. Later she finds that f of a pint of sugar to a pint of juice should have been used. a. How much sugar did she need for 12 pints of juice? h. How many pints did she use unnecessarily? How many pounds? (i pint = f pound.) c. How much money if sugar is 9 cents per pound ? CLEAR CONSCIENCE CLEAN PLATE 132. Mrs. Baldwin buys jam at 30 cents a jar. John and Alice are apt to take more jam that they need and leave it on their plates, so that about 15 per cent of the jam is wasted. If in a year Mrs. Baldwin uses up 20 jars, how much is wasted? What did it cost? 133. The soldiers at Fort Sheridan are allowed 3.2 ounces of sugar daily. Walter each day eats four ounces of sugar in his cereal, candy, cocoa, cakes, etc. If Walter uses only a sol- dier's ration daily, how much will he save in a year, if sugar is 9 cents a pound? 58 FOOD PROBLEMS I WHEN THE WELL'S DRY WE KNOW THE WORTH OF WATER Poor Richard's Almanac 134. In England, no cake must contain more than 15 per cent sugar. Find out what per cent of sugar the following recipe calls for. •g- cup fat 2 cups = I lb. I cup milk (allow 2 ounces) 2\ cups sugar 2 cups sugar = i lb. 3 cups flour 4 cups flour = i lb. 3 eggs 9 eggs ='i lb. |- ounce of other materials 136. A cafeteria decides to save sugar by not placing sugar bowls on tables but requiring guests to go to a sugar counter. The result is that f the amount formerly used on tables is saved. If this use of sugar was 16 pounds daily, how much is now saved each day? How much each year of 360 days? Discussion. Why does this method save sugar? Is it saving of sugar to eat in restaurants ? Why, or why not ? 136. There are about 80 lumps in a pound of lump sugar, which sells at 14 cents a pound. a. How long will a pound last in the Brown family if Mr. and Mrs. Brown each drink 3 cups of coffee daily, using 3 lumps to a cup? h. How long would a pound last if Mr. and Mrs. Brown each used I lump per cup? c. Calculate the amount of sugar consumed yearly in the Brown home if Mr. and Mrs. Brown each use 3 lumps in 3 cups of coffee daily. If they each use i lump. How much sugar would be saved in a year if each use i limip per cup of coffee ? SUGAR PROBLEMS 59 Discussion. Perhaps you know that in buying lump sugar you can get large or small lumps, about 40 lumps of the former, 80 of the latter in a pound. With which kind can you practice greater economy ? Why? 137. If every one of the 750,000 persons in Boston saved i lump of sugar each day, how many tons of sugar could be saved in a year? How many tons if each of the 100 million persons in the United States saved i lump daily? (There are 80 lumps to the pound.) 138. a. Margaret wastes two lumps of sugar daily by eating more than she needs. If a lump weighs \ ounce, how much does she waste in a year? h. A soldier's ration is 3^ ounces of sugar a day. For how long would what Margaret wastes in i year supply i soldier? 139. a. Alice has a cup of cocoa for breakfast and supper, and uses 3 lumps of sugar in each cup. If in addition she eats sugar amounting to 2.8 ounces daily, how much sugar does she use per day? Per week? (5 lumps = i ounce.) h. If she needs 1.25 of a pound weekly, how much more does she use than she needs? 140. Mary has been using 2 level tablespoonfuls, or i ounce of sugar on her oatmeal every morning. Her mother decides to cook the oatmeal with dates, figs, or prunes, so as to need no sugar. How many pounds of sugar will Mary save in a month? In a year? 141. Mary spends her pennies on candy which she doesn't need. She buys caramels, chocolates, and hard candy from the pushcart man, and from all the candy she gets 4 ounces of sugar each week. a. If the sugar she gets from candy is not needed, how many more pounds of sugar than she needs is she getting each year? 6o FOOD PROBLEMS b. If all the children in your classroom used as much would be the waste of sugar each year? c. If all the children in your school wasted as much, what would be the waste? d. What would be wasted if 800,000 school children i New York used as much sugar needlessly? How many tons? e. How many tons if all the 23 million school children in the United States wasted like amounts? Discussion. For a well-balanced diet a proportion of sugar is necessary. Candy is a pleasant way to get that sugar. Can any one find out what physicians have decided is a reasonable amount for children? Are you eating more or less than that amount? Which kinds of candy are the most healthful ? Why ought younger children to be directed in the selection of candy? Why have we been asked to eat less candy during this war? EAT LESS CANDY 41 142. Alice and Mabel usually use 2 pounds of sugar in making Christmas candies. They plan this year to make corn syrup taffy and Parisian sweets, and so will use only j pound of sugar. How many pounds will they save? If half of the 450,000 school children in Wisconsin should have a " sugarless Christmas " and save as much, how much sugar would be saved for the Allies? SUGARLESS CANDY IS WAR CANDY 143. There is J of an ounce of sugar in one glass of lemonade or soda water. Suppose each child in this school should drink an average of one glass of lemonade or soda water a day during the summer. How many pounds of sugar would they all together use in sweet drinks during the months of June, July, and August? SUGAR PROBLEMS 6i Discussion. Can you think of any good substitutes for lemonade and soda water ? Which are the least expensive and most healthful ? 144. Every time she makes fudge, Alice uses 2 cups or i pound of sugar. She makes fudge every other week. a. How much sugar does she use each year in this way? b. She decides to stop making fudge, and make candies needing only } cup of sugar. How much sugar will she save in a year? 145. Clara makes sugarless candy, using dates, nuts, cocoanut, syrups, popcorn, and honey, but no sugar. She finds that she can thus save 2 pounds of sugar each week. If all the children in your school save as much, how much sugar will be saved? EAT WAR CANDY 146. Find out how much candy you eat during one week and allow f of its weight to be sugar. If every one of the 23 million school children in the United States eats as much, how much sugar is used by them each week for candy alone? If they save half of this, how many pounds will be saved? How many tons ? Discussion. Following are a few tested recipes for sugarless candy. Won't you try at least one of these? Will you furnish another recipe for sugarless candy? Will you put all of these together and make a sugarless candy recipe book? Will you use your influence to get people to substitute sugarless candy for the kind they have been eating ? The last five of these recipes are published by the United States Food Administration. Peanut Brittle. One cup sorghum or corn syrup, cook until it forms hard ball in water and add one half cup peanuts (or puffed rice or puffed wheat). 62 FOOD PROBLEMS Pop Corn Balls. One half cup corn syrup, one tablespoon oleo or butter, one eighth tablespoon salt. Cook corn syrup until it forms a firm ball; add oleo and salt ; then pour over two cups of popcorn (or puffed rice or . puffed wheat). Chocolate Dainties. Put through the meat chopper one half cup each of dates, figs, and nut meats. Add one tablespoon orange juice, a little grated orange peel, and one square of melted unsweetened chocolate. Mold into balls and roll in chopped nuts or granulated sugar. This mixture may be packed in an oiled tin, put under a weight until firm, then cut in any shape desired. Old Fashioned Molasses Candy. 2 cupfuls (i pint) molasses 1 tablespoonful vinegar 2 tablespoonfuls (i ounce) butter substitute I level teaspoonf ul baking powder I teaspoonful vanilla or ginger extract Put molasses, vinegar, and butter into a sauce-pan. Bring boiling point, and boil, stirring all the time until the mixture is brittle when dropped into cold water. Stir in baking powder and extract and pour into a buttered tin. When nearly cold pull until glossy. Cut into small pieces and lay on a buttered plate or wrap in waxed paper. SuflScient for one pound of candy. Pop Corn Candy. I cup syrup 1 tablespoonful vinegar 2 or 3 quarts of popped corn Boil together the syrup and vinegar until syrup hardens when dropped in cold water-. Pour over freshly popped corn and mold into balls or fancy shapes. Little popcorn men will please the children. Mark the features and outlines with melted chocolate. Use honey, maple syrup, molasses or white cane or corn syrup. 4 CHAPTER VIII MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 147. There are 20 million families in the United States. Cal- culate the money loss per week if each family wastes a. an ounce of butter weekly (butter 56 cents a pound.) h. Half a cup of milk weekly (milk 12 cents a quart of 4 cups.) c. I J slices of bread weekly (bread 10 cents a loaf of 12 slices.) d. I ounce of meat each day (average 28 cents a pound.) 148. a. The average American family eats in the following pro- portion : p^^ CEih Meat 16 Fish . 2 Eggs 2 Milk, butter, etc 18 Fruits and vegetables 25 Cereals 31 Sugar, etc 6 100 Allowing I square to 2 per cent, draw on construction paper bars to represent the percentage of foods of various sorts which are eaten : h. The soldier eats in the following proportion : Per Cent Meat 28 Fish 2 Eggs o Milk, butter, etc 2 Fruits and vegetables 34 Cereals 26 Sugar, etc , . 8 ICX) 63 64 FOOD PROBLEMS Draw bars representing these proportions, and notice the dif ference between these bars and those in (a). 149. Charlotte wishes to help her mother economize heat in cooking and so she makes a fireless cooker. She needs a large box with a heavy top, and this she buys from the grocer for lo cents. She buys hinges for the cover for lo cents. For filHng she uses old newspapers which she has saved. Enough asbestos to line the ''nest" for the kettle costs her 22 cents. She also needs strong cardboard to line the container, which she gets from a box in which goods were delivered to her home. She needs material for a denim cushion to go over the kettle, and for this she buys 2 yards of denim at 18 cents a yard; Her mother already has a large kettle for the fireless cooker, and Charlotte buys some smaller ones for 60 cents. How much does the fireless cooker cost in all ? Discussion. Tell what you know of the fireless cooker — its advantages and disadvantages, if any. See Bulletin -77, No. 4 (page 87) for full directions for making a fireless cooker. 150. Charlotte's mother finds that through the use of th^ fireless cooker she reduces her gas bills as follows : 1916 Gas Bills 191 7 Gas Bills (without fireless cooker) (with fireless cooker) $2.43 August $i.6s 2.12 September 2.04 2.97 October 2.12 2.95 November 1.98 3.08 • December 2.24 How much does she save on gas in the five months listed? Draw curves on construction paper to show how much she spends each month, showing the curve for 191 6 just above the one for 191 7 (see page xvii). MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 65 MAKE SAVING FASHIONABLE 151. Mrs. Fuller made a fireless cooker according to instruc- tions of the United States Department of Agriculture. It cost her 75 cents. She found that her bills for gas used in cooking averaged 40 cents less each month than before. What was the net saving in a year? COOPERATION IS ONE OF THE MARKS OF CIVILIZATION 152. In a town there are 6 groceries. Each has maintained a delivery wagon, horse, and boy, at an average cost of $50 per month apiece. The merchants decide to maintain a joint deliv- ery service for all the stores. They find they will need 2 horses, 2 wagons, and 2 boys. The total cost will be $90 per month, How much will they each save each month on deliveries? Discussion. What do you think of the Cash and Carry System? Discuss fully : a. What would be the effect of closing all stores three days a week? b. Would it benefit housewives in leading to wiser purchases? c. Would it reduce the cost of deliveries? Why? LET us JOIN THE CASH-CARRY CLUB 153. Mary makes a cake costing 35 cents for materials, and leaves y of the batter in the mixing bowl instead of scraping the dish clean. If she does this once a week, how much money value does shfe waste in a year? Discussion. What is your best and cheapest cake recipe ? Would you use frosting? If so, what kind of frosting would you use? Cal- culate the cost for material of a cake you have made or eaten recently. 66 FOOD PROBLEMS 154. Mrs. Brown decides to preserve eggs to use during the winter months when eggs are high. She buys 50 dozen at 35 cents and pays 45 cents for preserving materials. What is her net saving if the average cost of storage eggs that winter is '50 cents ? Discussion. What is the best way to preserve eggs? How many eggs a week does your family use? What do they cost? Should we be saving in our use of eggs? Are they included in a soldier's rations? Why? PRACTICE THE GOSPEL OF THE CLEAN PLATE 155. Twice a week Mrs. Gray has a " poor man's dinner " in which she uses up all the leftovers. One week she uses the following to make a dish of scalloped corn. Article Butter . . Stale bread . Dried cheese Price 48 cents a pound 10 cents a loaf 38 cents a pound Quantity Saved 2 ounces J loaf J pound Amount Saved Find out how much money was saved by using these matedals. Discussion. Bring in " leftover " recipes (with cost of articles used) that you have tried and would recommend. On what days of the week would it seem most reasonable to expect a " leftover " dinner ? 156. To see what a little saving means, Mrs. Gray figures what the saving would be if every one of the i| million homes in Illinois saved 1 5 cents a week. What does she find would be saved each week? Each year? MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 67 Discussion. What part of your allowance or of the money you earn ought you to save? How much can you save in a year? Give examples of wise as well as patriotic investments of savings. Have you saved anything during the past week? How many Thrift Stamps have you bought? NO SAVING IS LITTLE 157. Mrs. Brown used a 15 cent can of tomato soup for two people. One half of the soup was unused and placed on the pantry shelf and covered in such a way as to be forgotten for three days. At the end of this time the soup had grown moldy and had to be thrown away. What was the per cent waste ? What was the money waste? 158. At Mary's home the cheese was allowed to grow dry and hard and was thrown away as useless. About J pound a week was thus wasted. The mother of Mary's playmate used up all the dry cheese by grating it and using it in scalloped dishes. How many pounds of cheese did the mother of Mary's play- mate save in a year by not being wasteful ? How much money was gained by careful methods? (Price of cheese, 38 cents a pound.) USE LOCAL PRODUCE 159. In his war garden, Peter raised tomatoes. His mother gave him 2 cents each for all she used during the summer and he canned the rest for winter use. His expenses were Plants $ .20 Fertilizer, insect powder, etc 10 • Cans i.oo Total $ 68 FOOD PROBLEMS Peter sold 75 tomatoes to his mother and canned 20 quart cans, which he sold at 18 cents each. What was his net profit? . ^ Discussion. Do you like to watch things grow? Did you ever™U have a garden? How would a well-kept garden help to reduce the family grocery bill? How would it help in the big campaign of food conservation? How can the surplus vegetables, fruits, etc. be pre- served for later use? Describe the " Cold Pack " method of canning (see Bibliography). Tell how vegetables and other food stuffs may be dried ? Describe the various " dehydrators " that are used for this purpose. 160. a. Mr. Brown works hard all summer on a home garden and raises 10 bushels of potatoes (60 pounds in a bushel) and of carrots, besides other garden truck. He stores the potatoes and carrots in the basement. But during the winter the heat of the furnace dries and wilts the food supply so that J of the total is lost. How many pounds of each commodity was lost^MH b. If, in putting the vegetables in the basement, Mr. Brown ' ™ had packed them in cool dry sand, ^ of the material would have been lost. How much material could have been saved by proper packing and storage? AMONG OUR WORST ENEMIES ARE RATS, MICE, INSECTS, MOLD, ROT HOW SHALL WE OVERCOME THEM? 161. Mrs. Jones bought a 15-pound sack of cornmeal and used 7 pounds. Because she did not protect what was left of it, insects got into it and she was obliged to throw all the rest away. If she paid 95 cents for the sack, how much money did she waste? 162. Mrs. Gray bought 3 pounds of cheese at 38 cents a pound. Because she left it uncovered in a warm un ventilated MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 69 cupboard, f of it was lost by molding. How much money waste was there? 163. Mrs. Brown bought 9 bushels of potatoes in the fall for winter use, paying $2.25 per bushel. One potato out of every ten rotted and an additional 5 per cent were spoiled by rats. What money loss is there? 164. If rats, mice, ants, and insects cause a loss amounting to I cent daily for every one of the 20 million famihes in the United States, what is the total loss weekly? Yearly? Discussion {problems 161, 162, 163, 164). Study ways and means of overcoming the enemies mentioned, each one separately. Em- phasize the element o! cleanliness. DO WE WASTE BY CARELESS COOKING? 165. The cook in the Tyler household uses f cup of cereal which costs 22 cents a quart package for breakfast food daily. On an average of once a week she lets the cereal burn so that half of it has to be thrown out. How much money waste in a year? (There are four cups to the quart.) Discussion. Name as many cereals as you can. Which do you like best? Can you prepare it? What would be the advantage of a double boiler ? Have you tried a fireless cooker for preparing cereals like oatmeal which requires long cooking? FOOD IS WASTED IF INEDIBLE BECAUSE IT IS BURNED , IT IS POORLY FLAVORED IT IS SOGGY IT IS TOUGH 166. In the Smith home, the water used for boiling meats and vegetables is thrown away, instead of being used for soup, 70 FOOD PROBLEMS gravies, etc. Mrs. Smith buys during the year 7 cans o consomme at 12 cents each, 6 cans of soup stock at 2 for a quarter, and a dozen cans of vegetable soups at $1.25 a dozen. She would not need any of this if she used the water she throws away. How much does she waste in a year by throwing away materials which she might use? Discussion. What does the water used for boiling meats and vegetables contain that is valuable in the preparation of soup? Of what particular value is the water that potatoes have been boiled in ? n LET US EAT WHAT WE CAN, AND CAN THE REST 167. Mrs. Jones's war garden produced in a season 150 to- matoes worth about 2 cents each. Mrs. Jones used f of them, and gave away 1^ of them. The remainder, instead of being canned, were left to rot on the vines. How much money waste was there? Discussion. The canning of vegetables in the home is a com- paratively new industry. Discuss the possibiUty of raising enough vegetables in a war garden to provide for winter use. 168. Walter raised a pig that he bought from his father for $5.50. The pig's feed cost Walter $15.25. When the pig weighed 250 pounds, Walter sold it at 18 cents a pound. How many dollars did Walter clear? SERVE NO MORE THAN IS NEEDED 169. When company comes, the Miller family serves potatoes and three other vegetables in addition to meat, extra sweets, and relishes. Ten per cent of the food prepared is wasted by being MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 71 left on plates, and J of what is eaten is wasted because it is not needed for nutriment. If a dinner served by Mr. and Mrs. Miller for themselves and 6 guests costs $5.60, calculate the cost per person, the waste per person, and the total waste. WASTEFUL COOKS ARE POOR PATRIOTS 170. A wasteful cook makes a cake containing 4 eggs (54 cents a dozen) ; i cup butter (48 cents per pound of 2 cups) ; I cup milk (12 cents a quart) ; 2^ cups sugar (10 cents per pound of 2 cups) ; and 4 cents' worth of other materials. The cake is burned and she throws it all out. How much money is she wasting? Discussion. Can you submit a war cake recipe and figure out approximately how much it would cost? Compare it with the cost of the cake recipe in problem 170. MEAT IS SWEETEST NEAREST THE BONE THE BEST OF THE POTATO IS NEAREST THE SKIN 171. In paring potatoes, Mrs. Wood cuts thick peelings, so that 20 per cent of the edible portion is wasted. Potatoes are 40 cents a peck, and the Wood family eats a peck every 6 days. How much does Mrs. Wood waste in a year through her method of paring potatoes ? Suppose this happens in each of the families in your state. What is the loss per year? BOIL POTATOES WITH THEIR JACKETS ON 172. Careless paring of potatoes wastes on an average 20 per cent of the edible portion. If your cook, in preparing the 72 FOOD PROBLEMS potatoes for boiling, wastes as much good material as the ab average, what will be the loss in pounds on a bushel of potatoes used? (There are 60 lbs. of potatoes to the bushel.) How much value in money will be saved if these potatoes are boiled in their jackets ? (Find the price of potatoes from your grocer.) Discussion (problems 171, 172). Why is it a good thing to eat the skins of baked potatoes, and to cook potatoes with the skins on for creaming, frying, escalloping, etc. ? PREPARE FOOD SO AS TO SAVE ALL EDIBLE PORTIONS 173. Mrs. Smith buys i| pecks of spinach a week at 18 cents a peck, instead of using the greens from beets and other veg- etables which she buys. What would she save during the 12 summer weeks if she bought no spinach but used the vegetable greens which she now throws away? APPENDIX USEFUL INFORMATION RELATING TO FOOD CONSERVATION PERCENTAGE OF WHEAT USED IN MAKING FLOUR ' White flour 72 per cent Whole wheat flour 85 per cent Graham flour 95 per cent Home ground flour 100 per cent II. TABLE OF EQUIVALENTS 3 teaspoons . = I tablespoon 16 level tablespoons - I cup 2 cups = I pint 4 cups = I quart 4 cups flour = I pound 2 cups butter = I pound 2 cups sugar = I pound 60 pounds potatoes = I bushel 196 pounds flour = I barrel 4I bushels wheat make i barrel of white flour I quart milk = about 2 pounds III. USE OF SOME FOODS PER PERSON PER YEAR IN THE UNITED STATES 2 Wheat (Seed) 7 bushel Wheat (Food) 5.3 bushels Total 6.0 bushels 1 Bulletin No. 2. (See Appendix, page 85.) 2 Correspondence U. S. Bureau of Agriculture, also bulletins Nos. 31, 70, 74, 98. 73 74 FOOD PROBLEMS Meat (Beef) 82.7 pounds Meat (Mutton) 7.0 pounds Meat (Pork) . . . • 103.5 pounds Meat (Other) 0.3 pound Total 193-5 pounds Sugar 90.0 pounds Potatoes 2.6 bushels Fats 77.0 pounds Fish . 21.2 pounds (1908) Milk (daily) 5 pint IV. POPULATIONS (IN ROUND NUMBERS) United States — Total 100,000,000 Number of families in United States 20,000,000 Number of school children in the United States . . 23,000,000 Your state — Total Number of families in your state 1 Your city or county — Total Number of families in your city or county . . . V. USE COTTAGE CHEESE 2 For supplying protein, one pound of cottage cheese equals : .27 pounds .09 pounds .37 pounds .52 pounds ,46 pounds .44 pounds .58 pounds .31 pounds .37 pounds sirloin steak round steak chuck rib beef fowl fresh ham smoked ham loin pork chop hind leg of lamb breast of veal On the basis of energy supplied pound of cottage cheese equals : 8.33 ounces sirloin steak 11,25 ounces round steak 11.25 ounces chuck rib beef 10.75 ounces fowl 5.25 ounces fresh ham 5.0 ounces smoked ham 6.0 ounces loin pork chop 7.33 ounces hind leg of lamb 12.75 ounces breast of veal *To find the number of families, divide the total population by five. The average family consists of 5 persons. 2 Bulletin No. 29. (See Appendix, page 85.) APPENDIX 75 VI. LIST OF WHEAT SUBSTITUTES Flours Vegetables and Frxhts Rye Barley Cornmeal Oatmeal Potato Rice Potatoes Bananas Beets Corn Peas Beans Fish Cheese Milk Vn. LIST OF MEAT SUBSTITUTES Beans Fowls Local game (rabbits, etc.) Nuts Eggs Peas (dried) Vm. LIST OF FOODS RICH IW FATS* 80 TO IOC Per Cent Fat Lard, 92 to 100 per cent 100 Per Cent Fat Commercial shortening or cooking fats Cottonseed oil Peanut oil Olive oil Sesame oil Corn oil 40 TO 70 Per Cent Fat Nuts (meats), 70 to 54 per cent Bacon, 64 to 59 per cent Coconut, 57 per cent Chocolate, 48 per cent Whipping cream, 40 per cent Fat salt pork, 86 per cent Butter, 85 per cent Oleomargarine, 83 per cent Suet, 81 per cent Drippings 1 Per cent depends on Goose oil > methods of clarify- Chicken fatj ing 20 TO 40 Per Cent Fat American cheese, 36 per cent Cream cheese, s$ per cent Egg yolk, S3 per cent Cocoa, 28 per cent Olives, 20 per cent IX. SUMMARY OF USES OF EASILY OBTAINABLE FATS' Kinds of Fat Flavor Uses Olive oil Strong Uncooked salad dressings Cottonseed oil Slight Deep-fat frying, salad dressmgs, shortening except cakes Com oil Fairly strong Deep-fat frying * Bulletin No. 70. (See Appendix, page 87.) 2 Bulletin No. 17. (See Appendix, page 85.) 76 FOOD PROBLEMS ^H Kinds of Fat Flavor Uses ^^H Chicken, duck, or Shortening, especially cakes and pie goose fat Mild crust Butter MUd Shortening, except of plain pastry Lard MUd Shortening, especially of plain pastry Lard substitute SHght Saut6ing, deep-fat frying, shortening Suet Strong Sauteing Bacon fat Very strong Sauteing ^^^ Oleomargarine MHd Same as butter ^^^^H iri X. GROUPS OF FOODS FOR A BALANCED DIET SEE THAT FOOD FROM EACH GROUP IS EATEN EVERY DAY AY ' Group i. Fruits and Vegetables [Foods depended on for mineral matters, vegetable acids, and body-regulating substances.] Apples, pears, etc. Berries Oranges, lemons, etc. Bananas Melons, etc. Salads (lettuce, celery, etc.) Green peas, beans, etc. Tomatoes, squash, etc. Potherbs or ** greens" Potatoes and root vegetables Group 2. Meat and Meat Substitutes [Foods depended on for protein.] Milk, skim milk, cheese, etc. Fish Dried peas, beans, cowpeas, etc. Nuts Poultry Eggs Meat Group 3. Foods Rich in Starch Cereal grains, meals, flours, etc. Crackers Cereal breakfast foods Cakes, cookies, starchy puddings, Bread etc. Potatoes and other starchy vege- tables 1 Based on Bulletin 77, No. 5. (See Appendix, page 87.) APPENDIX 77 Group 4. Sugar Sugar Molasses Syrups Honey Candies Sweet cakes and desserts Fruits preserved in sugar, jellies, and dried fruits Group 5. Foods Very Rich in Fat Butter and cream Lard, suet and other cooking fats Salt pork and bacon Table and salad oils XI. PROPORTIONS OF VARIOUS FOODS EATEN BY THE AVERAGE AMERICAN FAMILY AND THE SOLDIER i The American Family Meat 16 Fish 2 Eggs 2 Milk, butter, etc 18 Cereals. ....... 31 Fruits and vegetables ... 25 Sugar, etc 6 Total "100 The Soldier Meat Fish Eggs Milk, butter, etc. . . , Cereals ...... Fruits and vegetables . , Sugar, etc Tetal ....... 28 2 o 2 26 34 __8 100 XIL A SOLDIER»S DAILY RATION 2 Permitted Substitutes . 20.0 ounces Salt, canned or dried meat, or fish, or turkey on Christmas and Thanksgiving . 18.0 ounces Bread, cornmeal, or hominy 0.08 ounce Beans 2.4 ounces Rice or hominy Potatoes or vege- tables .... 20.0 ounces Meat, fresh Flour . . ■ . Baking powder ^ Bulletin No. 98. (See Appendix, page 88.) 2 Data secured by correspondence with the Quartermaster General of the U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. 78 FOOD PROBLEMS Prunes 1.28 ounces Coffee . . • . . I.I 2 ounces Sugar ^.2 ounces Milk, evaporated, unsweetened . . 0.5 ounce Vinegar 0.16 gill Salt 0.64 ounce Pepper, black . . . 0.04 ounce Spice 0.014 ounce Lard 0.64 ounce Butter 0.5 ounce Syrup . . . . . 0.32 gill Flavoring extract . 0.014 ounce Permitted Substitutes Dried apples, peaches, or jam Tea Pickles Lard substitute Oleomargarine XIII. FOODS TO EAT AND FOODS TO SAVE Save Butter Pork Wheat Mutton Beef Sugar Eat but Don't Waste Vegetables Cheese Honey Syrups Milk Nuts Fish Cereals (except wheat) XIV. HOW YOU CAN SAVE FOOD Bread Have at least one wheatless meal a day. Use corn, oats, barley, or mixed cereal rolls, muffins, and breads in place of white bread. Eat less cake and pastry. Order bread from the baker a day in advance. Cut the loaf on the table and only as required. Use stale bread for toast and cooking. Meat Do not use either beef, mutton, or pork more than once daily. Serve smaller portions. Use aH leftover meat — cold or in made dishes. Use more poultry, rabbits, and especially fish and sea food. APPENDIX 79 Use soups more freely. Use beans — they have nearly the same food value as meat. Use no young meat (lamb, veal, etc.). Use milk, eggs, and cheese instead of meat. Milk Use all of the milk ; waste no part of it. The children must have whole milk. Use less cream. Use all skim milk and sour milk. Use buttermilk and cheese freely. Fats Use butter on the table as usual, especially for children. Use as little as possible in cooking. Reduce the use of fried foods. Use vegetable oils, such as cottonseed and olive oil. Save daily one third of animal fat. Make soap at home. Have the butcher give you the scraps and trimmings of meat which you buy, to use for fat. Vegetables and Fruits Double your use of vegetables. Use potatoes abundantly. Store potatoes and roots properly. Use fruits generously. Cook vegetables, especially potatoes, with the skins on. General Suggestions Buy less. Cook no more than necessary. Serve smaller portions. Use local and seasonable supplies ; lessen the need of transportation. Preach and practice the gospel of the clean plate. Eat plenty, but wisely and without waste. Do not eat between meals. Watch out for the wastes in the community. Eat everything which you take on your plate. Learn to like everything. 8o FOOD PROBLEMS Do not overeat. Use leftovers to make palatable dishes. When using canned goods, be sure that all food is removed from the can. Save all the bottles for fruit juices, catsup, etc. Use perishable foodstuffs before any part has an opportunity to spoil. Can, dry, or pickle all surplus foods. Use a fireless cooker for foods requiring long cooking. Use accurate measurements when following a recipe. Keep chickens to eat the unavoidable waste in food. Save all paper ; sort, tie in packages, and sell. Save all clean rags to sell. Eat a variety of foods. Eat simple, plain foods. Eat slowly and masticate thoroughly. Stop eating before you feel "stuffed." Good Food is Wasted If it gets into the garbage pail If it is allowed to spoil If it is ruined by careless cooking If it is served in larger amounts than are eaten If more is eaten than is needed Do Not Put into the Garbage Pail but Use to Fertilize the War Garden Egg shells — after being used to clear coffee Potato skins — after having been cooked on the potato. Fifteen per cent to 40 per cent of the potato is wasted in paring Bones — after having been boiled in the soup kettle Coffee grounds — after every meal Tea leaves — after every meal Asparagus butts — after being cooked and drained for soup Spinach — decayed leaves and dirty roots. Use all the rest for a vegetable or for soup Bacon rind — after melting out the fat Ham bone — after cooking with split peas or fresh beans to give flavor Celery leaves — after they have been dried and used to flavor soup APPENDIX 8i Keep Out of the Garbage Pail Bread — Even half a slice can be used for toast. Stale bread can fee used for stuffing fish, for crumbs on croquettes, and on top of scalloped dishes, or for bread and raisin puddings. Crumbs — of different kinds of bread may be crushed, dried, and eaten like cereal. Fats — of all kinds may be melted and strained, some to be used in place of lard or butter in cooking. Those of too strong flavor, as ham or mutton fat, should be used for making soap at home. Sandwich crusts — Cuttings, from meat or egg sandwiches, should be soaked in milk until soft, and with a beaten egg added for each cup of crusts, well seasoned, baked in a ramekin and served as a luncheon dish. XV. HOW FOOD IS WASTED 1 I. Wastes in the Producer's Hands A. On the Farm — Grains, Fruits, etc. a. Bad weather conditions b. Insect pests or plant diseases c. Lack of fertilizer d. Lack of intelligent care e. Too much or too little rain at harvesting season /. Shortage of labor g. Too long storage before shipping h. Poor storage i. Harvesting too early or too late (frosts, etc.) j. Poor packing due to Ignorant labor Lack of labor Poor containers Poor grading by size, color, etc. (pears, oranges, peaches, etc.) Rough handling of packages k. Overloading of freight car /. Poor packing in freight car 1 Based in part on page 142, Bulletin No. 98. (See Appendix, page 88.) Discuss when each topic applies, and to what foods and localities each does not apply. Give several examples of each avenue of waste. 82 FOOD PROBLEMS B. On the Farm — Live Stock a. Selecting poor breeding-stock b Diseases c. Wrong feeding d. Marketing when too young e. Keeping "boarder" cows /. Keeping food products too long before marketing (eggs) g. Poor care in shipping C. From Woods and Waters (Fish and Game) a. Catching fish or game when too young b. Too long storage under poor conditions c. Poor packing d. FaUure to ice properly D. In Factory (Canning, Meat Packing, etc.) a. SpoUage from insanitary conditions b. Spoilage due to ignorant workers c. SpoUage due to lack of workers d. Too few or poorly devised containers e. By-products not used (particularly meat) 2. Wastes in Transit (In hands of transportation companies) A. At Shipping Point a. Shortage of cars b. Poorly designed or improper cars c. Overloading transit trucks d. Poor packing of car B. In Handling Trains a. Trains skipping icing stations b. Refrigeration poor or lacking c. Cars not frost proof d. Delays due to Poor management, causing tie-ups Strikes Floods and storms APPENDIX 83 C. After Arrival a. Congestion at terminals due to Shortage of tracks Insufficient facilities for unloading Strikes or other labor troubles Lack of storage place for goods h. Holding of cars to profit by market changes c. Thrown away by receiver of goods because Wholly unsoimd Partly unsound but not worth overhauling Partly unsound but no facilities for overhauling Soimd, but not favorable d. Poor handling. 3. In Distribution (From the transportation company to the consumer) A. Wholesale a. Failure to remove goods from terminal promptly h. Poor transit facilities c. Goods held too long by wholesaler d. Poor storage facilities e. Goods stored in poor condition /. Overstocking g. Damage by rats, insects, etc. B. Retail a. Food thrown away through carelessness or inefficiency h. Through fancies of customers c. Due to use of food for trimming and display d. Overstocking e. Exposure to dust and insects /. Failure to sell at cut-rates where food is partly deteriorated 4. In the Kitchen A. Hotel or Restaurant a. Stale bread and leftovers thrown away h. Slack business methods 84 FOOD PROBLEMS c. Portions too large and too many free "side orders " d. Too much variety in dishes or single items e. Overstocking /. Influence of custom (serving sugar on the table, etc.) g. Improper disposal of waste (burning garbage, etc.) B. Private Family^ a. Throwing away good food b. Poor storage (insects, mold, etc.) c. Waste in preparation d. Poor cooking e. Serving too much /. Serving an imbalanced ration g. Overeating XVI. HOW MONEY IS WASTED ON FOOD* 1. Food itself is wasted as shown in -Table XV 2. Food passes through too many hands 3. Speculators raise prices 4. Not enough terminal or city markets 5. Too many small stores 6. Food is bought out of season 7. Transportation is expensive r 8. Retail delivery costs are high 9. Charge accounts are used too often 10. Extravagance in service and display is required of food sellers 11. Home goods are not bought 1 All these wastes are illustrated in problems. See if you can find the problems on these topics. LIST OF FREE BULLETINS FOR WHICH SCHOOLS MAY WRITE 1 Note. Bulletins which are marked * are especially good. If your state college is not in this list, write and ask for any bulletins bearing on food conservation which have been published there. This list is not complete for all states. Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska *i. Economy in the Use of Fats ' *2. Substitutes for White Flour in Bread Making *3. How to Substitute Other Foods for Meat *4. Prevention of Food Waste 5. Whole Wheat Flour Extension Service, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon 6. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables 7. The Use of Dried Fruits and Vegetables 8. War Breads and Cakes 9. Substitutes for Meat 10. Food for the Family College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois *ii. Experiments in Teaching Food Values 12. The Principles of Jelly-making 13. Home Canning by the Cold-Pack Method 14. Some Points to be Considered in the Planning of a Rational Diet *i5. War Bread Recipes *i6. Corn and Corn Products Used as Food 17. Fats and Oils in Cookery 1 Do not write for more than one copy. 85 86 FOOD PROBLEMS Extension Division, Michigan Agricultural College, Lansing, Michigan 1 8. Rules for Planning the Family Dietary 19. Food Values 20. War Breads 21. Market Classes and Grades of Meat *22. Milk 23. Vegetable Foods 24. Eggs Extension Service, Connecticut Agricultural College, Storrs, Connecticut 25- 26. 27. 28. 29. *3o. *3i. *32. *33- *34- *35. *36. Peaches : Their Use and Conservation Pickles — Chow-Chow — Chili Sauce — Sauerkraut, etc. Jellies, Jams, and Marmalades Eat Less Wheat — Try Wheatless Meals Home Cheese Making Wheat Substitutes Potatoes in the Diet Meat Substitutes MUk ' Eat Less Meat Cutting the Meat Bills with Milk Save the Sugar for the Soldiers Extension Service, Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst Massachusetts 37. 38. 39- 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Hogs on Every Farm in 191 7 Preparation Wastes Table Wastes How to Save Wheat Flour Storage Wastes Community Canning and Evaporating Methods of Saving Fats The Importance of the Dairy Cow Agricultural Extension Service, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 45. Cold Pack Canning 46. How to Cook Soy Beans APPENDIX 87 47. Preserve Eggs for Winter Use 48. Dry Surplus Fruits and Vegetables 49. Other Kinds of Bread 50. Help Fill the Nation's Flour Barrel 51. Twelve Ways to Cook Carp 52. Grow Beans Extension Department, Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Ames, Iowa 53. Corn and Its Uses 54. Wheat Saving Suggestions ^ 55. Home Storage of Vegetables 56. Emergency Meals at Low Cost 57. Uses of Sour Milk 58. Left-over Foods 59. Plain Patterns in Cookery Committee on Public Information, Wasehngton, D. C. s *6o. National Service Handbook New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York *6i. Short Ciits for the Home Dietitian 62. Milk : A Cheap Food 63. Waste of Meat in the Home *64. Crop Yields and Prices, and Our Future Food Supply United States Food Administration, Washington, D. C* *65. Home Card *66. Bulletin No. i *67. BuUetin No. 2 *68. The Present Campaign *69. Grain and Live Stock *7o. Ten Lessons on Food Conservation *7i. Graphic Exhibits on Food Conservation 72. Commodity Licensing *73. A Few Food Problems *74. Creation of United States Food Administration (Bulletin 6) *75. War Economy in Food (includes recipes and suggestions) 88 FOOD PROBLEMS United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. *76. *77. *78. *79. 80. *8i. 82. *83. 84. 85. *86. 87. 88. 89. 90. *9i. 92. 93. 94. *95. *96. Wastes — The Leaks in a Nation's Strength Food Thrift Series — Nos. i to 8 Care of Food in the Home How to Select Foods — I, II, III Food for Young Children Economical Use of Meat in the Home Mutton and Its Value in the Diet Sugar and Its Value as a Food Honey and Its Uses in the Home Use of Corn, Kafir, and Cowpeas in the Home Preparation of Vegetables for the Table Fresh Fruits and Vegetables as Conservers of Other Staple Foods Preservation of Vegetables by Fermentation and Salting Drying Fruits and Vegetables in the Home Home Canning by the One-Period Cold-Pack Method The Use of Milk as Food The Care of Milk and Its Use in the Home Bread and Bread Making in the Home Partial Substitutes for Wheat in Bread Making Com Meal as a Food and Ways of Using It Use of Fruit as Food Mayor Mitchell's Food Committee, City Hall, New York C: *97. Hints to Housewives The American Academy of Political and Social Science, Concord, New Hampshire ♦98. The World's Food (Price $1.00) Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California 99. Living Expenses 100. Food Standards 10 1. Bulletins of the Committee on Resources and Food Supply of the State Council of Defense U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. *io2. Pamphlets on the Use of Fish as Food SOURCES OF PROBLEM MATERIAL robl: EM Bulletin Problem But.t.etin ^ 1 74, p. 7 40 2, p. I 2 98, p. 9 41 5, pp. 1-2 , . 3 74, p. 18 51 31, p. 2 4 98, p. 153 52 Crop Report, United States 5 97, p. 153 Department of Agriculture, 6 97, P- 148 September, 191 7 7 77, No. I, p. 2 54 31, p. 2 11 77, No. 5, p. 6 56 30, p. 2 12 Correspondence 58 2, p. 5 14 From "Problems about War," 59 Crop Report, United States p. 6. Carnegie Endowment Department of Agriculture, for International Peace, 407 September, 19 17 W 117th St., New York 61 16, p. 3 City 63 69 15 73, pp. lo-ii 64 34 ; correspondence United 16 73, p. 10 States Bureau of Agriculture 17 Current newspapers 65 Correspondence United States 18 98, p. 225 Bureau of Agriculture 19 98, p. 226 67 34 21 98, p. 86 68 73, P- 7 22 64 69 74, p. 25 23 98, pp. 1-33 70 21, p. 6 24 69, pp. 6-7 71 34 25 Poster, Kansas State Council 72 76 of Defense 73 21, p. 5 26 50, also correspondence 78 Correspondence — Quarter- 27 66, p. 21 master General, Washing- 28 73, P- 7 ton, D. C. 37 Correspondence — United 82 52, also correspondence Dept. States Bureau of Agricul- of Agriculture, University of ture, Washington, D. C, Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. ^The number refers to the bulletins as numbered in the bibliography, pages 85-88. 89 90 Bulletin FOOD PROBLEMS Quarter- Washing- Problem 84-5-€ I02 88 77, No. I, p. 3 89 29, p. 4 70, p. 31 Correspondence — master General, ton, D. C. 71, P- 33 70, p. 33 71, P- 31 71, P- 33 17, 19, 70, 98 77, No. I, p. 2 77, No. I, p. 3 77, No. 2, p. 2, also corre- spondence 44 76 Problem Bulletin 90 98 101 105 107 108 112 116 117 118 119 121 123 126 129 131 134 148 149 "Studies from the Survey on the Cost of Market Milk Production," Connecticut Agriculture College, Storrs, Conn., p. 4 70, p. 29, also 74, p. 27 Correspondence — Quarter- master General, Washing- ton, D. C. 12 "Food Economy in War' Time," Cambridge Press, Cambridge, England 98, p. 116, also correspondence Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C. 77, No. 4, p. 6 171-2 77, No. 2 UNIVEESITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. I' 260ct'57i, ; RECD LD O"-* 12 1957. 50m-7,'29 373C0i YC 18061 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY SAVE FOOD BUY WAR-SAVINGS STAMPS