UC-NRLF UNIVERSITY FARM SI? PEDIGREES OP ENGLISH SHORT-HORN BULLS TO WHICH AMERICAN SHORT-HORNS TRACE. SELECTED FROM COAXES' HERD BOOK. BY LEWIS F. ALLEN, ASSISTED BY WILLIAM T. BAILEY. BUFFALO: WARREN, JOHNSON & COMPANY, PRINTERS. Office of the Daily Courier. 197 Main Street. 1874. ERRATA. A third revision discloses the following errors. It would be well to make these correc- tions with a pen before using the volume. (50) BABD BBACT. For Lockburn Sail, read Sock- burn Sail. .(550) REMUS. The reference should be Ajax (2946), instead of Brutus (100). .(557) ROB ROT. Same error as in (550). .(2098) HAZLEWOOD (3993), not (3933). (4014) HEBCULES. For Major Dudd, read Major Rudd. (7755) AOASTEB. The number of the sire is wrong, although according to original copy. It is more likely (8588), as that is the only Sir Philip in Vol. VH. (10466) LORD OF THE MANOB. The number of Young ' Rory O'More should be (10744), not (10764). (13934) VAN. Exquisite's number is (8048), not (8040). (14697) HEBMIT. The dam is Duchess of Gloucester 5th not "Duchess by Gloucester 5th." (16022) FAIBSEBVTCE. Number of grandsire same as original copy, although wrong. The correct num- ber is probably (7924), where the following pedigree occurs : (7924) CONSUL. Roan, calved Jan. 26, 1845, bred by Mr. Button, Gate Burton, got by Lictor (6128), d. Moss Rose, by Alamode (725), by Childers (1824), by Young Wyham Favourite (7734), by Quaternion (1351), by Rocket (1390), by Waddingworth (668). (20576) PBINCE OF SAXE COBOUBG. The number of Lord Ythan is (14858), not (14838). . (23102) VAIN HOPE. Bred by R. Booth. (28441) 2D DUKE OF ROWLEY. 7th Duke of Airdrie is number (23718), not (12718). PREFACE. TO BE CAREFULLY READ. THIS reprint of bull pedigrees from Coates' English Short-horn Herd Book, supplies a great want to American Short-horn cattle breeders who have not the full volumes of that expensive work at command. There are not, probably, fifty full sets of that work in America, and in these pages will be found all the information which those volumes contain relating to the pedigrees of our American herds. The names and pedigrees of all the bulls recorded in its first four volumes, 6699 in number, are herein printed, together with some thousands of other bull pedigrees of the succeeding volumes, which relate to the genealogy of their American descendants recorded in all the volumes of the American Herd Book. The names and pedigrees have been carefully compared with the originals, and it is be- lieved that few or no errors of consequence will be found in them. In the pedigrees of the first four volumes, a great majority will be found which have no relation whatever to American pedigrees, but, as they illustrate the material on which the original Short-horn pedigrees of England were founded, they will be peculiarly instructive to the American breeder. The science of Short-horn breeding is now so far advanced in our country, that it has become an object, not only of curiosity, but of necessary information to a large number of our breeders, to trace their cattle pedigrees to the fountain head of their production. This work will be a perpetual guide in their future efforts, and may govern, in frequent case^, the selection of bulls for succeeding crosses. It will be readily understood why a large majority of the bull pedigrees recorded in the English Herd Book have no direct relation to the American Short-horns. Many of them died young, before use ; others were castrated, leaving no produce ; many were sent, when young, to countries other than America ; and numerous others were used only in Great Britain, and did not become at all connected with our own Short-horns ; of course a reprint of these would be entirely unnecessary for American use. In examining the pedigrees herein contained, it will be found that the very best blood, and the choicest selections from it, have been transferred from Great Britain to America, and not in that country or either of its colonies, can prouder or more aristocratic blood be found than now courses in the veins of many of our American Short-horns. A deeper study of the genealogy of our herds than many breeders have been able to obtain, can now be made by those who have this volume at command, and those herds have assumed such value and import- ance that a knowledge of their entire lineage is demanded by all who wish to attain the highest degree of excellence in their animals. This, therefore, will give them all the infor- mation needed in their investigations, and makes complete the American Short-horn Herd Book, to which it is really an addenda, so that our pedigrees can be traced as far as the English records of their ancestry extend. IV PREFACE. To those not familiar with the early volumes of the English Herd Book, and who know not its lack of completeness in extending to almost time immemorial its lineage of the race, it may appear strange that so many short bull pedigrees are found in it ; also that many hundreds of them contain but a single sire, or only a sire and grandsire, with no dam or grandam by name, or further reference ; and that several hundred bulls are recorded by name only, with no pedigree whatever, or reference to any other recorded animal. But it must be remembered that the names of only a very few animals can be traced further back than a hundred and twenty years, and even the names of their breeders to a not much earlier date ; yet every bull at the time of his record was considered a Short-horn, both by his breeder and the compiler of the Herd Book, unless otherwise noted, and by the Short-horn public was accepted as such. Following that basis, the descendants of such bulls, through Short-horn cows, have been admitted as belonging to the Short-horn family by the prevailing opinion of breeders. Yet among the early bulls of the English Herd Book, are found some even celebrated in their day (as some of their posterity are now), whose pedigrees trace into cows and bulls of other than Short-horn blood. Among the bulls recorded in Vol. 4, E. H. B., are two prominent ones early imported to the United States Embassador (3711), a Here- ford, and Rising Sun (6386), a Long-horn and their descendants through Short-horn cows were also admitted to record in that and succeeding volumes ; but being there admitted, and their descendants so recognized, they are entitled to successive registry so long as the English record is acknowledged authority. So remote, indeed, are those out-crosses, that their descendants now contain but a discernible fraction of the foreign blood, and their line- age will be criticised only by those whose standard of purity is of a transcendent order ; and even to that class of critics, the experiment of tracing to their remotest sources some of the various unchallenged pedigrees in this work, may raise serious doubts whether their own most cherished ideas of perfection in pedigree may be altogether beyond cavil. Although the English Herd Book contains all the known pedigrees which at the time it was thought necessary to record, it has only pedigrees, without any historical matter relating to their origin, or the men who bred their ancestors. Such information must be sought in other sources. No well authenticated history of the Short-horns has yet been written in England, the land of their ancestry, where, to solve all doubts, it should have been done, and that by indisputable authority. Failing in that country, an attempt at their history was made and published a few years ago by the undersigned, the value of which has been acknowledged by the best British authorities, and will be determined by those American breeders who have already consulted, or may hereafter consult its pages. It may be also here stated that bulls and cows supposed on good authority to be Short- horns, have been imported from England to America, which have no record in the English Herd Book ; but in its pages many of their descendants may be found, and as these descend- ants have been accepted as Short-horns by our own breeders, and also admitted as such in the English Herd Books, it is now too late to dispute their title to record, or rule them out of the Short-horn line. Their pedigrees must be taken at their estimated worth. Either the record or non-record of a pedigree in the English Herd Book, is not a positive proof of what the hypercritical call "purity" or "impurity" in blood. It is therefore sheer nonsense for any Herd Book whatever, under whatever name, either in England or America, to pretend to this so-called " purity " in its pedigrees : for, having adopted the Coates Herd Book as authority, it cannot consistently exclude the descendants of animals recorded in that work, even if they come under the ban of this " impurity." Something further is necessary for a perfect understanding of the pedigrees in this work. Volumes one, two, three and four of the English Herd Book, in the last of which only bulls are given, also Volume five, embracing only cows, were edited and compiled by Mr. George Coates and his son, living at Carlton, near Pontefract, in the Valley of the Tees. The first two volumes, it is understood, were edited by the elder Mr. Coates, alone, and he dying after completing the second, the third, fourth and fifth volumes were completed by his son. The first Volume was published in the year 1822, the second in 1829, the third in 1836, and the fourth in 1843, the fifth, containing cows only, was published in the succeeding year PREFACE. 1844 twenty-two years after the first. After the year 1844, Mr. Henry StrafFord, of London, succeeded to the work and published the sixth Volume in 1846. He published the succeed- ing fourteen volumes at intervals of about two years, Volume twenty, the last, appearing in 1873, and bringing the number of recorded English bulls up to 32,898. In 1846, the first three volumes of the original Coates' edition being exhausted by sales, Mr. Strafford issued a carefully revised edition of them, in which various errors were cor- rected. This American reprint of the first three Volumes is from Mr. StrafFord's edition, and all the bulls contained in them, as well as in the fourth Volume of Coates' are herein embraced. In the fourth Volume (which Mr. StrafFord did not reprint) some errors in American pedigrees I have corrected by notes. The remaining pedigrees of this work all follow the text of Mr. StrafFord's Volumes, except where otherwise noted. It will be observed that in a supplement to this work, the pedigrees or American numbers of several Canadian bulls are given. These bulls occurred with Canadian numbers only, in Vols. 9, 10, 11 and 12 A. H. B., and their pedigrees are given to complete the American ped- igrees in those four volumes. Vol.5, E. H.B., has been omitted in this reprint because it is composed exclusively of cows. In the later volumes of the English Herd Book, will be found the short pedigrees of some old bulls which were entered for the purpose of completing other pedigrees in such volumes. This class of pedigrees is designated by a star. EXPLANATIONS. This work should be widely circulated among American breeders, and in order to secure this large circulation by reducing its price, it has been brought into the smallest possible compass. In order to accomplish this, a few abbreviations have been necessary which re- quire notice ; but no pedigrees have been abbreviated, except in the following manner : 1. After giving their leading crosses, many pedigrees have been referred to other full ones of the same anterior genealogy. The inconvenience of turning to the reference pedi- grees, will be less than that of handling more volumes with the pedigrees in full. 2. Some bulls have been noted as " full brothers" to others which have full pedigrees, and in such cases it will be understood that the pedigrees of both are exactly the same. 3. When a bull is recorded thus : " (11099) Alexander, 4," the pedigree is exactly the same in every particular both at number 4 in the American and number (11099) in the English Herd Book. 4. When a bull is recorded differently in the American and English Herd Books the point of difference is given as the English have it, the rest of the record, it will be under- stood, being the same as the American. Thus "(11499) Fusileer,1584. Calved Feb. 3, 1851." This indicates that Fusileer is given at 1584 exactly the same as at (11499), with the excep- tion of the date of birth, which in the American may be different or entirely omitted. When the difference occurs well down in the pedigree, it is reprinted as the English have it. 5. It will be observed that the names of breeders of the female ancestry are frequently given in the English Herd Book, particularly the first four volumes. A few of these names have been omitted when they did not seem to serve any valuable purpose, but all those ap- pended to the most remote, and many to the later female ancestors have been reprinted. 6. When a pedigree ends, like Bob (3180), thus : " by Northumberland (464), Styford (629), Bolingbroke (86)," it will be understood that the word " by " is omitted before the names of sires, by the editor of the original English work, and not through accident of the American printer. PREFACE. 7. If the dam of an animal reads thus : " Minna, by Cleveland, by Favourite (252), Minerva, by ," &c., it indicates that Favourite is the sire of Cleveland, and not of Minna's dam ; while if a dash were placed after " Cleveland " and before " by," it would indicate that Favourite was the sire of Minna's dam, and not of Cleveland. The omission of this dash is also chargeable to the English editor, and not the American printer. 8. The pedigrees of most of the breeding* cows of the English Herd Book will here be found in the records of their male produce. In many of the early English pedigrees it will be seen that the immediate dams and remote female ancestry possessed no names at all, or if they had names known to their owners, such names were omitted in the record. LEWIS F. ALLEN. BUFFALO, N. Y., October, 1874- LIST or BREEDERS AND OWNERS, WITH REFERENCES, BY FIGURES, TO THE PAGES WHEREIN THEIR NAMES MAY BE FOUND. Abbott, Mr., Thornthwaite Hall, 126. Abbey, Yorke, Silsworth, Daventry, 108, 147, 149. Ackers, B. St. John, Prinknash Park, 216. Ackers, J., 86. Adamson, Mr., Ireland, 24, 25, 34, 38, 105. Adeane, Mr., Babraham, Cambridge, 95, 128, 132, 134, 138, 146, 148, 149, 152, 153, 155, 157, 160. Adelaide (Canada) Agricultural Society, 218. Adkins, J. C., Milcote, near Stratford-on-Avou, 98, 103, 131, 136, 138, 142, 148, 155, 157, 165, 170, 179, 180, 187, 188, 197 199. Aiglonby, Mr., 71. Aikens, Dr., New London, Chester Co., Pa., U. S. A., 95. Akroyd, Mr., Denton Park, Otley, 173, 178, 189. Albert, Prince, 166, 198, 200, 204. Alcock, R., 46, 51, 57, 75, 83. Alderson, Mr., Ferrybridge, Yorkshire, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 68. Alderson & Coates, 16, 19, 20. Alexander, Mr., Burlington, Otsego Co., N. Y., U. S. A., 105, 108. Alexander, R. A., Woodburn, Ky., U. S. A., 185, 186, 187, 191, 203, 211, 219. Alington, Mr., Swinhope, Binbrook, Spittal, Lincoln- shire, 119. Allen, Mr., 86, 216. Allen, Mr., Ky., U. S. A., 107. Allen, Mr., Walton, 91, 133, 145, 155. Allenby, Mr., 86. Allison, H., Layton, near Greta Bridge, 914. Allison. J., 36. Allison; Mr., 27, 69, 80, 115, 117, 141, 147. Allison, Mr., Bilby, Retford, Notts., 41, 79, 90, 94, 95, 122. Almond, Richard, Orrel Mount, near Wigan, 72, 73, 92, 97, 116, 135, 138, 141, 146, 148, 155, 167. Althorp, Lord, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53. 54, 55, 56, 58, 63, 64, 65, 66, 165. Ambler, Henry, Watkinson Hall, 166, 171, 178, 179, 181, 183, 187, 190, 199. Ambrose, Mr., 134. Anderson, I. H., West Flamboro, Canada, 219. Anderson, J., Grace Dieu, 202. Anderson, Major, Montrave, Fife, 103. Anderson, Mr., 86. Andrews, Mr. 106. Angus, G., Styford, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 41, 78, 89, 91. Angus, Hopper & Dawson, 76. Angus, Messrs., Bromley, 86, 92, 99, 110, 113, 118, 129. Ankins, Mr., 120. Annesley, Rev. C. F., Clifton Lodge, near Stratford, 89, 112, 126, 144, 146. Ansel, Mr., 73. Antrim, Countess of, Wynyard Park, Stockton-on-Tees, 66. Applegarth, Wm., East Flamboro, Canada, 219. Appleton, J., Acklam, 22, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 65, 69, 88, 94, 114, 136, 137. Arbuthnot, Mr.,9, 13, 14, 17. Arbuthnot, Rt. Hon. Chas., Thrapstone, Northampton- shire, 23, 35, 36, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 79, 80, 83, 87, 88, 97, 98, 104, 106, 107, 112, 113, 115, 134, 136, 145. Archbold, Mr., M. P., Ireland, 43, 49, 64, 113, 158, 174. Archdall, N. M., Rosefad, 191. Arkwright, Mr., 115. Arkwright, Rev. Jos., 102. Armstrong, J. W., Eramosa, Canada, 219. Armstrong, S., Enniscorthy, 195, 204. Armstrong, W., Markham, Canada West, 193. Arnett, Mr., Widrington, Northumberland, 130. Arnold, Mr., 80. Arrowsmith, Mr., Sherbourne, 118, 135, 146, 167, 170. Ashburner, R. W., Ireleth, Lancashire, 84, 87, 102, 106, 112, 116, 121, 132, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 147, 155. Ashton, R.. Limefield, Bury, 183, 189. Assheton, Mr., Jr., Brandon, Coventry, 23, 24, 33, 37, 44 45, 46, 49, 59, 63, 64, 85, 91, 123, 133. Atherton, T., Speke, near Liverpool, 189, 197, 198, 205, Atkinson, C., 160. Atkinson, Mr., Ewart, 74, 76, 77, 89, 90, 95, 98, 104, 109, 114, 157, 160, 165, 176. Atkinson, Mr., Smelthouse, 89, 138. Atkinson, Messrs., Peepy, 101, 104, 111, 113, 162, 189, 195, 197, 205, 209, 213. Atkinson, W., 84, 101, 132. Attenbrow, Mr., Stratton Audley, Bicester, Oxford- shire, 41, 43, 44, 47, 49, 53, 57, 135. Australian Agricultural Company, 155. Aylesford, Earl of, 142. Aylmer, H., West Dereham, 200, 201, 206, 210, 212. Aylmer, J., Fincham Hall, 207. Ayres, Mr., 146. Backhouse, J., Darlington, 110, 156. Bacon, Mr., 10, 13, 34. Badkin, Mr., Sydney, New South Wales, 102, 128. Bagg, Mr., Georgetown, Ky., U. S. A., 189. Bagnall, Mr., Leopard Farm, near Worcester, 68, 76, 78, 100, 133, 134, 143, 147, 156. Bagshaw, R., Newton, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 57, 62, 64, 65, 68, 87, 90, 92, 105, 131, 142, 143, 159. Bagshaw, T., near Kettering, 75. Bagshaw, W., Thurlstone, Dunchurch, 53, 63, 74, 83, 85, 100, 103, 106, 109, 111, 112, 113, 116, 118, 124, 125, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 143, 144, 154, 204. Bailey, J., 163. Bainbridge, Mr., Lumley Park, Durham, 52, 53, 57, 68, 69, 70, 88, 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 108, 111, 114, 115, 117, 121, 124, 127, 128, 129, 131, 139, 141, 144, 152, 155. Bainting, Mr., 152. Baird, Sir David, 133, 151. Baker, J., 41, 43, 66, 67. Baker, J. W., Little Rollright, 207. Baker, Mr., Bradfordbury, near Hertford, 116, 133. Baker, Mr., Elemere Hall, Durham, 12, 15, 29, 48, 105,118, 155. Baker, R. W., Cottesmore, Oakham, Rutland, 49, 59, 64, 80, 81, 123, 141, 153. Baker, S., Dunham, Canada East, 188. ' Baker, W. R., Bayfordbury, 159, 175, 176. Balfour, Mr., 79. Bamlet, J., 14. Banks, Mr., Stanhope, 165. Bannerman, A., 162, 166. Vlll INDEX. Barber, T., Sproatley Rise. 189, 199, 202, 204, 208, 214. Barclay, Capt., Ury, Stonehaven, N. B., 70, 73, 76, 85, 103, 104, 108, 109, 123, 125, 127, 140, 141, 142, 143, 148, 150, 152, 157, 159, 160, 161, 166, 168, 174, 177, 200. Barclay, G. R., Keavil, 204. Barker, Mr., Chadwick Grange, near Broomsgrove, Wor- cestershire, 86. Barker, Mr., Lay ton, 24, 33, 34, 46, 62, 106. Barker, Mr., Iluddington, 124. Barker, R., 10. Barker, Wm., 10, 11. Barnard, Mr., Gosfield Hall, Essex, 67, 71, 77, 79, 104, 122, 124, 132, 134, 152, 159, 175, 176. Barn by, Mr., Boston, 82. Barnes, C. A., Charleywood, Herts., 207, 211, 212. Barnes, Mr., 99. Barnes, T., Westland, Moynalty, Ireland, 162, 170, 174, 175, 182, 184, 186, 192, 197, 199, 200, 201, 203, 211, 213, 214. Barnett, C., Stratton Park, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, 69, 72, 123, 128, 150, 153, 154, 158, 161, 163, 169, 173, 179, 187, 192, 203, 212, 213. Barratt, J. C., Woodford, Northamptonshire, 138, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153. Barrett, C., 103. Barrington, Lord, Beckett House, Wilts., 155. Barroby, M., Dish forth, 194. Bartholomew, I. T. W., 83. Bartholomew, J., 122. Bartholomew, J. T., 130. Bartholomew, Mr., 104, 133, 147. Bartholomew, W., Goltho, Wragby, Lincolnshire, 41, 60, 71, 85, 88, 131. Barthropp, N. G., Crellingham Rookery, near Wood- bridge, 146, 155, 156, 176, 186, 188, 193, 203. Barttelot, Col., M. P., Hilliers, 212. Bartlett, Pasco & Co., 106. Bartlett, Sam'l W., East Windsor, Conn., 130, 135. Bateman, Mr., 207. Bateman, Mr., Kellington, Ferrybridge, Yorkshire, 17. Bate, Mr. Flintshire, 82. Bates, Mr., Fithby, Notts., 91, 93. Bates, T., Kirkleavington, near Yarm, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 31, 36, 38, 45, 47, 58, 61, 62, 79. 84, 85, 93, 105, 106, 107, 110, 120, 126, 128, 130, 133, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 151, 153, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 175, 218. Batte, Thos., 112. Baxter, J., Acklam, Stockton, 17, 32, 75, 92, 145, 150. Bayley, Mr., 107. Bayston, Mr., near Sedgfield, 71, 111, 144, 151, 154. Beasley, Mr., Trussington, 29, 39. Beasley, Mr., 56, 60, 65, 95, 96, 98. Beasley, John N., Chapel Brampton, Northampton, 52, 53, 56, 57, 63, 66, 67, 87, 94, 95, 119, 129, 137, 139, 141, 142, 166, 180, 197, 205. Beasley, T. C., Harston, Grantham, 44, 63, 157, 158. Beattie, Mr., Dunydeer, 146. Beattie, J., Newbie House, Annan, Scotland, 215. Beattie, Simon, Markham, Canada West, 195, 218, 219. Beaty, W. C., Trafalgar, Canada, 219. Beauchamp, Earl, 68, 88, 132. Beauford, H., Bletsoe, near Bedford, 74, 88, 125, 128, 141, 145, 146, 156, 162. Beaumont, Mr., Bradley Hall, 85, 99, 127, 141. Beaumont, Mr., Finningley Park, 126. Becar, N. J., Smithtown, N. Y., U. S. A., 190. Beckwith, Mr., 66. Beecroft, Mr., 188. Beevers, Rev. W. H., Pencraig Court, 210, 212. Beetham, J., Harlsey, near Northallerton, 85, 93, 110, 125, 126, 140, 142, 143, 158, 163, 183, 192. Bell, A., Newsham, 73, 100, 105, 121, 134, 147, 149. Bell, H., Caville Hall, 162. Bell, Jas., Ravensworth, 100, 113. Bellington, J. H., 112. Bell, John M., Pickering, Canada, 218. Bell, Mr., 102, 116, 138, 153, 161, 164. Bell, Mr., Laceby, 73. Bell, Mr., Wolsingham, Northumberland, 42, 68, 70, 109. Bell, Messrs., Kirkleavington, 84,^85, 89, 94, 98, 102, 126, Bell, R., Kirklevington, near Yarm, 171, 180. Bell, R., Mosbro Hall, 189. Bell, Robert, Jr., 138. Bell, T., Bickerstatfe, St. Helens, 187, 197, 216. Bell, Thos., Kirklevington, near Yarm, 173, 174. Bellamy, Mr., Hageley, near Warwick, 42, 59, 60, 104, 118, 144, 146, 153. Belt, Wm,, Marton, 164, 173. Bement, W., Albany, N. Y., 78. Bement, C. N., Albany, U. S. A., 67, 68, 70, 78, 80, 84, 89, 90, 119, 139. Benn, W., Middleton Place, Bootle, 89. Benson, J., Tavistock, 197, 201, 209. Benson, Mr., Kennythorpe, Malton, Yorkshire, 43, 47, 63, 64, 68, 92, 93, 103, 112, 113, 133, 137, 141, 142, 145, 150. Benson, Mr., near Melton, 143, 152. Benson, Rev. H. B., Utterby House, Louth, 81, 121, 146. Benson, Rev. J., 31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 145, 151. Bentley, Thos., Pannel Hall, Wetherby, 188. Bergess, Mr., Cotgrave Place, Notts., 68, 126, 135, 157. Berry, Jas., 65. Berry, Jos., 91, 101, 141. Berry, Rev. Henry, 18, 22, 24, 25, 27, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 42, 51, 53, 55, 56, 65, 70, 72, 73, 91, 92, 101, 105, 107, 108, 109, 113, 115, 121, 130, 132, 197. Best, G., Manfield, 9, 27. Bettington, Mr., Australia, 85. Betts, Mr., Aylesford, 194. Betts, Mr., New York, U. S. A., 193. Betts, E. L., Preston Hall, 204, 206, 209, 210, 212. Bickers, Mr., 119. Biddle, Mr., 86, 124. Billiatt, Mr., 77. Bingham, Mr., 89. 111. Binns, Mr., 28, 29, 65. Birchall, Mr., Ribbleton Hall, 159, 160, 162, 169. Bird, Mr., Catterton Hall, Cumberland, 77, 98, 105, 127. Bird,' Mr., Wolviston, 92. Birrill, Mr., 89. Birrell & Johnston, Pickering, Canada, 220. Black, Neil, Strathdowrie, Port Philip, New South Wales, 101. Blake, Vincent, Ireland, 77, 110, 127. Blanchard, Mr., Thorpe, 140. Bland, G., Coleby, Lincoln, 185, 194, 198. Bland, T., 96, 117. Blathwayt, Capt., Dyrham, 212. Blaylock, G., Burghby Sands, Cumberland, 71, 118. Bloor, Mr., Flintshire, 44, 53, 65, 69, 95, 98, 99, 124. Blount, Mr., Rempston, near Loughborough, 96. Blundell, Mr., Daysbrooke, near Liverpool, 72. Boby, C.. 87, 123. Bodger, Mr., 69. Bogner, Adam, 146. Bolden, Messrs., Port Philip, Australia, 98, 123. Bolden, Mr., Hyning, near Lancaster, 27, 38, 40, 55, 56, 72, 76, 87, 98, 104, 117, 136, 178, 180, 181, 183, 186. Bolden, S. E., Red Bank, Lancaster, 180, 185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 195, 197, 198, 200, 205, 206. Bolton, T., Ireland, 52. Bolton, W., The Island, 215. Bon, Mr., Australia, 195. Booth, John, Kelston, near Louth, Lincolnshire, 86, 108, 128, 159, Booth, J., Killerby, 18, 23, 25, 29, 30, 32, 34, 39, 40, 41, 45, 50, 54, 56, 59, 60, 74, 104, 107, 122, 137, 144, 145, 159, 162, 163, 173, 174, 182, 187, 188, 195, 198, 216. Booth J. B., Killerby, 198, 202, 205, 208, 209, 214. Booth, Messrs., 98. Booth, Mr., 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 39, 42, 51, 54, 57, 58, 60, 63, 71, 75, 94, 102, 106, 108, 113, 116, 123, 128, 130, 140. Booth, Mr., Cotham, 68, 71, 76, 77, 94. 120, 129, 136, 157, 164, 188. Booth, R., Warlaby, 9, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 74, 94, 97, 98, 99, 104, 110, 112, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 126, 130, 132, 133, 135, 138, 140, 146, 150, 153, 158, 162, 163, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 204, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211. Booth, T. C., Warlaby, 198, 202, 205, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215. Bostock, Mr., Leicestershire, 102. Boswell, I., Kingcausie, Aberdeen, 157, 158, 160, 170, 175. Boswell, Mr., Fifeshire, 60. Bosville, Mr., Thorpe, near Burlington, Yorkshire, 66, 67, 76, 78, 83, 89, 99, 109, 115, 125, 170. Botterill, Mr., Eastthorpe, near Market Weighton, York- shire, 43, 47, 48, 50, 66, 76, 127, 142, 153, 176. Bowley, Mr., Kingston, Notts., 97. Bowly, Mr., Siddiugton, 88, 97, 111, 118, 131, 135, 137, 153, 163, 165, 166, 171, 172, 179, 181, 183, 191, 201, 214. Boulton, Mr., 95. Bourne, Mr., 86, 113, 154. Bousfleld, T., Newton Rigg., 151. INDEX. IX Bower, Maj., 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 2(5, 27, 29, 34, 38, 39, 40, 43, 48, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 69, 90, 100. Bower, Mr., Dinsdale, 37, 62. Bower, Mr., Rut ford, 23, 26, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 74, 134. Bowman, R., 70, 71, 83. Bown, It., Canada West, 195. Bowser, M., Thuruaby Grange, 111, 124, 129, 133, 143, 152, 154. Bowser, Thos., Thornaby Grange, 129, 133, 143, 154. Bowstead, J., Beckbank, 79, 146, 188, 205. Bowstead, Wm., Hackthorpe Hall, Penrith, 151, 154, 167, 169, 173, 176, 182. Boys, R., Eastbourne, 207. Bracewell, T., Clitheroe, 215. Brackenbury, W., Shouldhamthorpe, 210. Bradford, Earl, 39. Bradford, Thos., Stonesby, near Melton Mowbray, 74, 124. Bradshaw, Mr., Lancaster, 33, 53, 61. Braithwaite, Mr., 93. Bramstone, T. W., M. P., The Skreens, 91, 168, 169, 193, 195, 208. Brand, Mr., 96. Brandon, Asheton, 164. Brandon, Mr., 82, Brentuall, A., Railway, N. J., II. S. A., 27. Brett, J., Burton Joyce, 195, 206. Bretteli, T. H., Delaware, Canada, 218, 219. Brickwell, T., 75. Briggs, Dr., 24, 33, 112, 131. , Mr., 26, 28. , Mr., Oxcouibe House, near Louth, Lincolnshire, 151. Brlgge, R., 32. Brigham, Mr., near Slingsby, Malton, 72. Brinn, Mr., 139. Briscoe, S. S., Fir Tree House, Dudley, 115, 118, 146. Brod-ie, Mr., N. B., 145. Brogden, A., M. P., Ulverstone, 214. Broinfield, Mr., Causton, Dunchurch, 79, 99, 102, 103, 135, 137. Brook, Mr., Laceby, Caistor, Lincolnshire, 79, 96, 113. Brook, Mrs., Donegal, 157. Brooke, DeCapel, Market Harborough, 68, 83. Brooks, D., Avon, Livingston Co., N. Y., U. S. A., 188, 206. Brooks, Mr., 133. Brooks & Fuller, Livingston Co.. N. Y., U. S. A., 191. Brown, J., 18, 38. Brown, Jas., Aldbrough, 14, 28, 99. Brown, Jemet, 95. Brown, Mr., 10, 14, 15, 18, 21, 62, 76, 101, 102, 108, 127, 138, 142, 171. Browne, Mr., Ireland, 45. Brown, Mr., Obthorpe, 90. Brown, Mr., Seaton Delaval, near North Shields, 73, 137, 154. Brown, Mr., Watton, near Wick, Caithness, 70. Brown, Mr., Welbourne. 156, 159. Brown, Messrs., Denver, Norfolk, 159. Brown, Matthew, Cummersdale, Cumberland, 81, 106. Brown, R., Maryhill, 196. Brown, W. J., Liverpool, 82. Brownlow, Earl, Belton, 41, 49, 57, 62, 65, 69. 71, 72, 73, 80, 88, 97, 102, 103, 105, 106, 114, 116, 118, 121, 123, 127, 129, 133, 137, 153, 160. Bruce, Mr., Broadland, 212, 213, 214. Bruere, R. S., Aylthorpe Hall, near Micldleham, 77, 108, 116, 165, 177, 200, 207, 208, 210, 213, 215. Brunt, Messrs., 88. Bryan, G., Jr., Leicestershire, 147. Bryan, Mr., Lower Slaughter, 102. Buccleuch, Duke of, Boughton Park, Kettering, North- amptonshire, 66, 82, 83, 84, 96, 99, 102, 106," 108, 122, 123, 154, 166, 178, 181, 190, 196, 202, 204, 210, 214. Buck, Philip, Trafalgar, Canada, 219. Buckley, Sir R. B., 144. Bulkeley, Sir R., Beaumaris, 80, 97. Bullen, Mr., Bigirin Grange, near Oundle, 95. Buller, Sir A., Pound Tavistock, Devonshire, 73, 133, 137, 139, 155, 164, 190, 191. Bullimore, Mr., North Witham, 94, 147. Bullman, Mr., near Bishop Auckland, 103. Bullock, Mr., 139. Bullock, Rev. W., Falkbourn Hall, 205. Balman, -Jlm, Bftchbnrn, loo. Buhner, Jeffrey, Aislaby Grange, 194, 197, 199 Bulteel, S., Pamllete, 211, 216. Bunting, Mr., 145. 2* Burbidge, O. H., Bonrbon Co., Ky., U. S. A., 182. Burchamp, Mr.,'E werby Thorp, 86, 133, 139, US. Bunion, R., 73. Burgess, Itobt., 128, 144, 161. Burlington, Earl of, Kolker Hall, Milnthorpe, 105, 139, 155, 15(i. li|, is I. 1!):J. Burrow, Mr., Carleton Hall, 25, 28, 94, 102, 118, 125, 138, 145. Burnell, Mr., 44, 66. Burnell, R., 94. 110. Burnett, Mr., Block Hedley, Northumberland, 79, 169, 172. Burrell, Mr., Burdon, near Darlington, 43. Burridge, Mr., 80. Bun-ill, James, 121. Burrowby, Mr., 104. Burton, Jos., Marshalton, U. S. A., 107. Burton, Mr., Ireland, 55. Burton, Wm., Water Fulford, York, 110, 149. Burtt, John, 79. Burtt, Josh., 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 87, 91, 94, 97, 102, 103, 104, 105, 113, 114, 117, 118, 128, 129, 143. Burtt, Mr., Gunby, 162, 163. Burtt, Mr., Welbourne, 159, 160. Buston, Mr., Wharton Hall, Kirby Stephen, 26, 45, 55, 58, 60, 65, 73, 77, 83, 84, 88, 97, 104, 127, 132, 138, 140, 147, 148, 150, 151. Butler, W., Badminton, 212. Butter, T., 136, 141. Butternuts Agricultural Society, U. S. A., 136. Cable, P. L., Scott Co., Ky., U. S. A., 191. Caddy, John, 133. Cadle, T., Longcroft, 210. Cadwallader, Gen. Geo., Philadelphia, U. S. A., 191. Cairns, Mr.. Weldon, near Morpeth, 71, 102. Caldecott, Mr., Rugby Lodge, Rugby, 74, 76, 85, 93, 110, 116, 118, 123, 124, 126, 143, 144, 149, 150, 168, 174. Calthorpe, Lord, 173. Calvert, Mr., Sandysike, 74, 79, 130, 162. Calvert, Lowry, 156. Calvert, R., 134. Cammeron, D., 198. Campbell, S., Kinellar, 184, 196, 199, 200, 206, 208, 214, 215, 217. Carlisle, Bishop of, 176. Carlisle, Earl of, Castle Howard, Yorkshire, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 51, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 74, 86, 88, 90, 93, 94, 98, 100, 101, 107, 108, 114, 116, 117, 119, 120, 125, 128, 133, 134, 137, 140, 145, 151, 155, 158, 159, 161, 163, 165, 170, 174, 176, 182, 183. Carlisle, Thos., 110. Carnegie, John, 115. Carnegie, Mr., Edrom Newton, 138. Carnegie, Lindsay, Spnie and Boysack, N. B., 141, 143, 151. Carter, Geo., Sedbury, near Richmond, 145, 151. Carter, J. G., Liverpool, 72, 120, 129, 149. Carter, John, Bebington, Cheshire, 116, 130, 132. Carter, Leonard, Applegarth, 60, 79, 114. Carter, Miles, 134. Carter, Mr., Coventry, 114. Carter, Mr., Marske, 80, 101, 132, 167. Cartmel, Mr., Cartmel, 178. Cartwright, Mr., Aynhoe, 191. Cartwright. Mr., Tathwell, Louth, 35, 68, 76, 79, 96, 99, 103, 108, 113, 121, 123, 124, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 142, 143, 146, 148, 155, 163, 167. Cartwright, N., Hongham, Louth, 173, 185, 195, 208. Cartwright, Sir Thos., Aynhoe, Brackley, 176. Cartwright, T. R. B., Aynhoe, 198. Cartwright, T. T., Tathwell, Louth, 180. Carr, Mr., 139. Carr, Mr., Stackhouse, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 210, 215. Carrington, G., Great Missenden Abbey, 107, 132, 201, 203, 21)7. Carruthers, W. T., Arthington Hall, 157, 160, 161, 166, 169, 170. Castlemaine, Lord, Ireland, 157, 179. Caswell, Mr., 154. Cathcart, Sir John A., 146, 151, 160, 165. Cator, Col., Pickhurst, Bromley, Kent, 184. Cator, Rev. Thos., Skelbrook Park, Doncaster, 142, 148, 152. 175. IS!). Cattle, J., Wharram Percy, 22, 27, 33, 34, 35, 49, 97, 101, 116, 122, 124, 139, 147. Cattle, W., 30, 57. Cattley, Linton & Wright, 91. INDEX. Cattley, Mr., Brandsby, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 42, 43, 44. 48, 50, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 73, 76, 83, 85, 86, 91, 95, 96, 99, 100, 101, 103. 106, 109, 110, 112, 113, 119, 124, 125, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 164, 170, 175, 176, 179, 180, 198. Cattley, Mr., Stearsby, 200. Cattley, R.. Stearsby, 186. Cattley & Radcliffe, 185. Cattley, Radcliffe & Linton, 179. Cave, Mr., 170. Cawdor, Earl of, Stackpole Court, South Wales, 125. Chaloner, Mr., 16, 54. Chaloner, R., King's Fort, Moynalty, Ireland, 177, 185, 190, 193, 202, 211, 215. Chambers, J., Adelaide, S. A., 193. Chambers, Mr. 102. Champion, H., Ranby, Retford, 181. Champion, Mr., Blyth, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 65, 70, 77, 81, 85, 108, 113, 118, 139, 148. Champion, W. W., Calcot Reading, 187, 194. Chaplin, F., Tathwell, 172. Chapman, Mr., Black well, near Darlington, 135, 136. Charge, C., 35. Charge, John, Newton, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 25, 36, 39, 40, 83. Charge, Mr., Newton, 15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 46, 48, 49, 52, 59, 63, 64, 102, 107, 152, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162. Charge, R., 18. Charlton, Foster, Suttons, Romford, 85. Charlton, Mr., Bearl, 30, 68, 119. Charlton, W., 28, 133. Cheney, E. H., Gaddesby Hall. 212, 216. Chesterfield, Earl of, Derby, 35. Child, Mr., 127. Childers, Mr., 124. Chilton, Robt., Billingham Grange, 109, 180, 183, 196. Chilton, Wm., 131. Chilton & Harrison, Billingham, 110. Cholmley, H., 185. Chrisp, H., 109. Chrisp, Jas., Doddington, Wooler, Northumberland, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 78, 84, 110, 113, 117, 125, 135, 141, 165. Chrisp, Mr., 90, 114, 117, 126. Chrisp, Mr., Hawkhill, 189. 191. Chrisp, T., Hawkhill, Alnwick, 75, 84, 85, 86, 87, 93, 94, 96, 106, 111, 117, 124, 125, 129, 159, 160, 161, 175, 193. Christie, Mr., 86. Christy, J., Fort Union, Adare, 170, 177, 194. Christy, J., Boynton Hall, Chelmsford, 182, 196, 207, 214. Clandeboye, Lord, Ireland, 173. Claridge, Mr., Jerveaux Abbey, Richmond, 30, 31, 33, 54, 64, 116, 125, 126, 128, 134. Clark, Geo., Barnby Moor, Retford, Notts., 52, 79, 103, 105, 149. Clark, Mr., 46, 77, 99. Clark, Mr., Barforth, near Darlington, 71. Clark, N., Urpeth, 86, 90, 110. Clark, Robt., Barforth, near Darlington, 91, 109, 145. Clark, Thos., 104. Clarke, E., Lillingstone, Buckingham, 149, 173, 179, 195, Clarke, J., Aldborough, Darlington, 184. Clarke, Jno., Hellaby, 88, 115, 135, 145. Clarke, Mr., 59, 78, 96, 142. Clarke, Mr., Denshanger, 149. Clarke, Mr., Skipton Bridge, Yorkshire, 120 Clarke, Stephen, 134, 137, 138, 139, 151, 155. Clay, Mr., Bardney, 133. Clay, Mr., Kentucky, U. S. A., 59, 81, 85. Cleveland, Duke of, 86, 95, 126, 147, 165. Clonbrook, Lord, 176. Cloncurry, Lord, 90, 139, 148. Clover, Jas., Greeting, near Needham Market, 152, 161, 166. Clover, Jas., Jr., 133. Clover, John, 161. Clover, Mr., 127, 147, 162, 164, 167. Clover, Mr., Kirtling, near Newmarket, 81, 95, 99, 134 136, 141, 165, 175. Coates, Geo., Duffield, Yorkshire, 10, 11, 12, 13 14 17 18, 20, 21, 22, 30, 32, 44. Coates, Mr., Haydon Bridge, 86. Coates & Alderson, 9. Cochrane, Mr., Glasgoforest, 177. Codd, Mr., Holton, Grirusby, Lincolnshire, 54,55, 56 57 61, 62, 68, 70, 76, 78, 100, 102, 109, 136. Cocking, Mr., Headon, 22. Colling, C., Ketton, near Darlington, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48, 50, 54, 55, 67, 73,87, 94, 106, 129, 133, 140. Colling, John, White House, near Greta Bridge, York- shire, 45, 52, 58, 59, 60, 84, 112, 115, 116. Colling, Major, Hurworth, near Darlington, 27, 44, 126. Colling, Mr., 11, 14, 59. Colling, Mr., Stapleton, 52. Colling, R., Barmpton, near Darlington, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 72, 79, 88, 89, 104, 108, 133, 136, 146, 151. Collingridge, W., Goddington, 169. Collings, J., Danthorpe, Hedon, 177. Collingwood, Mr., 79. Collins, D. C., Hartford, U. S. A., 81, 92, 106, 142, 144, 145, 149, 191. Collins, , M. D., Ireland, 109. Collins, Mr., Garvary Lodge, County Farmaugh, Ireland, Collins, Mr., Danthorpe, 82, 166, 169. Collinson, Mr., Gibson, near Darlington, 122. Coltman, Mr., Aldborough Hall, 97, 132. Colton, G., 117, 124. Colton, Jonathan, East Windsor, U. S. A., 123 Colvin, B. B., Monkhams, 167, 168. Colvin, B. B., Pishobury, 200. Comb, Miss, Cobham Park, 201. Combe, Harvey, Cobham Park, Surrey, 163, 169, 173, 174, 175, 183, 191, 192, 195, 196. Compton, Mr., Carham, Northumberland, 11, 14, 16, 17, 26. Connolly, T., Castletown, 199. Constable, T. C., Burton Constable, 184, 188. Cook, Mr., Stilton, Huntingdonshire, 87, 140. Cooke, Mr., 147. Cooke, Sir Geo., 13, 19. Cooke, Sir W. B., 52. Cooper, J., 135. Cooper, Rev. Thos., Stonyhurst College, 191.- Cooper, W., Ox Close, Ripon, 83, 94, 97, 105, 114, 120, 127, 128, 129, 131, 133, 135, 136, 154, 155, 157, 166 Copes, Mr., Chester Co., U. S. A., 115. Coppinger, Mr., County Cork, 184. Coppiuger, W., Barry's Court, 192, 197. Copson, Mr., 154. Condy, John, Marlesford, 160. Corner, J., 112, 121. Costobadie, Rev. H. P., 96. Cottam, Mr., Girton, 69. Cotton, Mr., Hildersham, 167. Cottrell, Mr., Rhodgate Lodge, Congressbury, Bristol, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38, 50, 51, 52, 53, 62, 64, 75, 76, 92, 105, 130, 142, 145, 146. Coulson, J., Button's Ambo, near Malton, 105. Coverdale, Mr., 152. Cowan, Jas., Clockmohr, Canada, 218, 219. Coverder, Mr., 82. Cowley, L., Ashby St. Leger, Daventry, 135, 173, 194. Cowling, Geo., Richnal Grange, Darlington, 72, 97 134 140, 142, 146, 147, 166, 187. Cowper, Earl, 176. Crabb, R., Great Baddow, 214. Cradock, Col., Hartforth, Richmond, Yorkshire, 42, 45, 49, 51, 52, 53, 57, 64, 68, 74, 77, 91, 92, 99, 102, 104, 109, 112, 118, 121, 123, 130, 132, 141, 145, 170, 173, 174, 177, 189, 196, 198, 209. Cranfield, Dr., Enniscorthy, 195. Crauford, W., 103. Crawley, J. S., Stockwood Park, 203. Crawley, Mr., 123, 134, 149. Great h, J., 96, 97. Cresswell, Mr., Newland, 123. Crew, Sir G., 31. Crisp, Mr., Gedgrave Hall, Oxford, 68, 69, 73, 74, 77 83 84, 85, 89, 94, 95, 102, 103, 105, 112, 115, 116, 118, 120, 124, 125, 128, 133, 135, 144, 147, 148, 150. Crisp, T., Butley Abbey, 203. Crofton, Geo., Haughton Mains, near Hexham, 119. Crofton, Jas., Littleburn, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 71, 72, 74, 90, 121, 138, 147, 150, 153, 159. Crofton, R., Brancepeth, 55, 61. Croftou, R., Holywell, near Durham, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 54, 55, 59, 61, 62, 65, 67, 80, 81, 83, 88, 89, 98, 100, 104, 106, 109, 110, 112, 113, 117, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 132, 133, 139, 140, 143, 147, 150, 158, 162, 180, 209. Crofton, Thos., Holywell, 186. INDEX. XI Crofton, R. & J., near Durham, 42. ('ronil)ic, Mr., Kirhhall. Aberdeen, JU. 1;>0, 136, 142. Cromer, Robert, i'ilkinjjton, Canada, 218. Crompton, Sir Saimiul, (59, 95. Cropper, Mr., 106, 108, 114, 157. Cropper, R., 33, 48. Crosland, J. S., Burbage, 165, 168, 176. Crossley, Mr., Scaitclifie, 166, 172. Cruickshank, Amos, Sittyton, Scotland, 132, 139, 141, 146, 147, 148, 1.54, 158, lt>2, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 175, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 18-1, 187, 188, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217. Crump, Mr., 89. Culley, Mr., 29. Cundall, Anthony, Middleham, 92, 103. Cunningham, Mr., U. S. A., 82. Curry, Robert, Brandon, White House, 24, 28, 37, 43, 49, 51, 53, 55, 61, 63, 74, 122. Curtis, Mr. 76, 80, 94. Curwen, Mr.,Workington Hill, Cumberland, 10, 11, 18, 31, 107, 118, 122, 124. Dale, Mr., 23. Dale, Wm., Catterick, 76, 125, 169, 192. Dalton. Mr., 133. Darly, Mr., Aldby Park, York, 183. Darley, Mr., Hutton Lodge, near Malton, 130. Darramor, Mr., 136. Dashwood, H. W., Dunstow, 192. Dauthwaite, Mr., Ash House, Bedale, Yorkshire, 67, 69, 70, 71, 78, 82, 93, 106, 109, 116, 120. Davenport, Mr., 135, 143. Davies, Capt., Withersden, 40, 45, 128. Davies, D. R., Mere Old Hall, 212, 713. Davidson, D., 68. Davidson, G., 99. Davidson, J. J., Ontario, 217. Davidson, Mr. Acomb, 67. Davis, Mr., 148, 154. Davis, Mr., Cornwall, 139. Davis, Nathaniel, Toronto, Canada, 218. Davis, Win. N., Oswego, 111., U. S. A., 219. Davison, M., Longhoiighton, 96, 114. Dawson, Mr., Flintshire, 53. Dawson, Mr., Gronant, Holywell, Wales, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55, 61, 63, 68, 73, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 99, 102, 104, 111, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 129, 130, 131, 134. 135, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 150, 152, 154, 155. Dawson, Mr., Otley, 126, 147, 149. Dawson, Mr., near St. Asaph, 119. Dawson, R., 88. Deighton, Seymour, 137, 159. DeGrey, Earl, Newby, Ripon, Yorkshire, 59, 61, 83, 109, 114. DeLisle, Robert, Acton House, 197. Denisou, Mr., Ossington, 112, 122. Dent, Mr., Killer by, 52, 60. Denton, Mr., 110. Derby, Earl, 60. Derby, E. H., Boston, Mass., U. S. A., 79, 86. Derham, Mr., Stoneleigh, 213. Des Vceux, H.W., Drakelow Hall, Burton-on-Trent, 183. DeTrafford, Sir T. J., 74, 116, 144. Devonshire, Duke of, Holker Hall, 78, 90, 101, 131, 132 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 149, 150, 153, 158, 182, 201, 204, 205, 208, 209, 214. Dew, Martin, Eramosa, Canada, 218. Dewdney, Mr., 118. Dickson, Mr., Beal. near Ferrybridge, 104. Dickson, F., 16, 51, 101, 137, 150. Dickson, G., 138. Dickson, Mr., Harpham, 83. Dickinson, Mr., Whitlield, 195. Dickinson, W., New Park, Lymington, Hants, 186. Dickinson, W. F. D., Ulverstone, 186, 202. Dillard, Rev. R. T., U. S. A., 148. Dillard & Dudley, Kentucky, U. S. A., 68, 81. Dinning, Mr., Newlauds, near Belford, Northumber- . land, 27, 80, 81, 89. Dinsdale, Mr., High Burton, near Masham, 75. Dix, George, Ellsworth, 182. Dixon, J. G., Caistor, Lincolnshire, 71, 72, 106, 111, 114, 123, 126, 128, 134, 174, 175, 184, 187, 190, 193, 199. Dixon, Mr., 80, 129. Dixon, Mr., Broad wath, 113. Dixon, R., Cotherstone, 95. Dobito, G., Kirtling Hall, Newmarket, 71. Dobson, W., 13. Dodd, Mr., Chenies, Surrey, 34. Dodds, Messrs., Hart Warren, Hartlepool, 68, Tit, 73, 79, 84, 105, 116, 117, 129, 137, 140, 112, 104, 169, 180. Dodsworth, Sir E., 129. Doig, Mr., 174. Dolby, Mr., Marston, Grantham, 50, 54, 55. Donkin, Mr., Sandoe, Hetham, Northumberland, 11, 14, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 32, 33, 36, 37, 43, 45, 61. Donald, Mr., Sohvay House, Cumberland, 98. Doncaster, C., Middlethorp, 188. Dormer, Mr., Finchbrooke, 100, 106, 109, 112, 113, 118, 131, 136, 154. Doughill, H., 95. Doughty, Mr., 128. Douglas, Col., Penrhyn Castle, 77. Douglas, J.,Athelstaneibrd,N.B., 177, 180, 185, 187, 194, 195, 196, 198, 205, 206. Douglas, Mr., 76. Downing, Isaac, Turner's Hill, 208, 216. Downing & Harwald, 214. Downs, H., 162. Downs, J. H., Grays, 158, 163, 166, 169, 173, 181. Drabwell, Mr., 71. Drake, Mr., 150. Drake, T. T., Shardeloes, 193, 196, 197, 201, 213. Draper, Mr., Grove, Bucks., 141. Drax, Mr., 114. Dresser, James, 128. Drewery, Mr., 151. Drinkrow, Mr., 33. Ducie, Earl, Tortworth Court, 74, 97, 99, 150, 157, 159, 162, 163, 166, 167, 16S, 169, 171, 17'2, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183, 186, 187, 189, 191. Duck, J., St. Giles, 194, 196. Dudding, J.W., 128. Dudding, R., Panton,Wragby, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 55, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 88, 89, 95, 97, 100, 101, 104, 107, 110, 113, 114, 116, 122, 129, 132, 136, 138, 147, 157, 158, 159, 163, 173, 185, 202, 209, 216. Dudding & Thorpe, 196. Dudley & Gratz, Fayette Co., Ky., IT. S. A. 180. Dugdale, Mr., M. P., Warwickshire, 83, 165. Dugdale, Mrs. & Sons, Myton Bridge, 208. Duff, Grant, Eden, Aberdeenshire, 86, 93, 115, 125, 126, 133, 135, 141, 144, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 158, 163, 167, 169, 173, 179, 191, 198, 206. Dufferin and Clandeboye, Lord, Clandeboye, 182, 202T Duffiekl, John, Eramosa, Canada, 218. Duffryn, The, 217. Dummeller, Mr., Shackerston, 103. Dun, Finlay, 195. Dun, W., Ohio, U. S. A., 124. Duncan, Jas., 181. Duncombe, Col. O., Waresley Park, 10, 13, 20, 184, 192, 196, 201. Dunn, Mr., Cowton, near Croft, Darlington, 76, 95, 146. Dyon, Mr., Austerfield, near Bawtry, 32, 36. Earnshaw, R., Roall, Ferrybridge, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 33, 41, 42, 43, 66, 67, 109, 134. Eastwood, Mr., Bromley, 75, 83, 115, 120, 167, 168, 173, 176, 183. Eastwood, Mr., Whitewell, 207. Eaton, C. O., Tixover Hall, 195. Eden, Mr., 110. Edge, Mr., Strelley Hall, near Nottingham, 41, 49, 51, 64, 67, 70, 77, 83, 89, 93, 99, 123, 136, 153, 154. Edmonds, G., Eastleach, 179. Edmonds, Mr., Boughton House, Kettering, 27, 33, 38, 50, 136, 140, 144, 149, 155, 162, 163, 178. Edwards, Lloyd, 61. Edwards, Mr., Market Weighton, 50, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 71, 72, 75, 89, 95, 14-1, 155. Eeles, Mr., 91. Eland, Mr., 86, 150. Elis, Mr., 94, 118, 125. Elliot, Mr., 192. Ellison, Luke, Standish, Wigan, Lancaster, 43, 45. Ellison, Wm., Sizergh, near Kemlal, 41, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 65, 67, 73, 82, 92. 96, 97, 102, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 120, 122, 127, 130, 159, 162, 172, 173, 174, 176. Elmslie, Mr., Lochend, 163. Emmerson, John, Eryholme, Darlington, 72, 73, 86, 111, 129, 135, 137, 148, 149, 156, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 179, 181. Emmerson, Robt,, Eryholme, 72, 86, 102, 116, 121, 128, 116, 117, 167, 168, 173, 174, 175, 212. Xll INDEX. England, Mr., Turnbridge, 76. Errington, Mr., 106, 130. Essex, Earl of, 136. Etches, Mr., Liverpool, 83, 89, 142. Etches & Foreman, 85. Exeter, Marquis of, Burghley House, Stamford, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 40, 45, 49, 69, 70, 75, 78, 81, 85, 87, 94, 97, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 118, 122, 127, 131, 134, 137, 141, 171, 172, 173, 175, 182, 186, 190, 192, 212. Eyre, Mr., 77. F 1 Fain, Thos., Frenchfield, near Penrith, 87, 88, 103, 139. Fallowfield, Mr., 119. Farmer, A., 69. Farrer, Mr., Stokesley, Yorkshire, 35, 36, 37, 38, 48, 149. Farrow, Mr., 67. Faulkner, Geo., Rothersthorp, 85, 105, 168, 170, 174, 178, 179, 182. Faulder, Mr., Ellersie, Isle of Man, 98, 144, 155, 168. Fawcus, Mr., Dunstan Steads, Northumberland, 117. Fawcett, E. A., Childwick Hall, 204, 209. Fawcett, J., Scaleby, 34, 86, 89, 101, 106, 109, 126, 133, 139, 144, 150, 194, 199, 209. Fawkes, F. H., Farnley Hall, Otley, Yorkshire, 58, 61, 65, 67, 80, 83, 85, 87, 91, 94, 98, 104, 107, 108, 111, 112, 125, 139, 140, 148, 149, 157, 158, 159, 161, 164, 168, 171, 172, 173, 174, 178, 179, 181, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189. 190, 193, 205. Fawkes, Mr., Bambro Grange, 33, 50, 56, 71. Fawsit, Mr., Hunslet House, 98. Fenton, Mr., Barnford Hall, near Rochdale, 134. Fenwick, C. D., New South Wales, 74, 98, 110, 123. Ferguson, R., Harker Lodge, Carlisle, 12. Ferguson, W., 73. Ferguson, W. D., Rosebank, County Dublin, 163. Fergusson & Watts, Fergus, Canada, 218. Fernie, Mr., Fifeshire, 95. Fetherstonhaugh, Mr., 190. Fetherstonhaugh, R. S., Rock View, Killucan, 179. Fetherstonhaugh, T., The College, Kirkoswald, 190. Feversham, Lord, Buncombe Park, Helmsby, York- shire, 28, 40, 51, 54, 63, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 102, 105, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 129, 136, 141, 171, 174, 175, 176, 186, 187, 196, 200, 201, 202, 204. Field, Mr., Pyrgo Park, Essex, 167, 177. Filgate, Mr., 95. Fillingham, Mr., 100. Fin, Mr., 139. Fish, Mr., 76. Fisher, Messrs., Adelaide, South Australia, 188. Fisher, Mr., Cotham, Newark, Notts., 37, 46, 49, 67 76 99, 138. Fisher, Mr., Ripon, 87. Fitzgerald, Mr., Ireland, 23. Fitzhardinge, Lord, Berkeley Castle, 214. Fitzwilliam, Earl, Wentworth Park, 167, 169, 191, 200 Fletcher, Mr., 106, 137. Fletcher, Wm., Radmanthwaite, Mansfield, 174, 175, 177, 185, 202, 206. Flint, Mr., 100. Flintoft; Mr., Brancepeth, Durham, 53, 66, 170. Foljambe, G. S., Osberton, 34, 123, 194, 199, 209, 210, 213. Forrest, John and Thomas, Stretton, Cheshire, 72, 74, 77, 83, 102, 124, 128, 135, 143, 148, 151, 152, 157, 159, 160^ 175. Fortescue, Mr., Ireland, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 117. Foster, J., 150. Foster, Mr., Clapham, near Settle, 93, 108. Foster, Mr., Saxondale, 78, 119, 127, 156. Foster, Mr., Springfield, Ireland, 106. Foulds, Mr., Frawden House, near Colne, 119. Fowler, F., Henlow, 157, 160, 170, 180, 187. Fowler, Mr., 90. Fowlis, M., Heslerton, 170. Fox, Mr., Bramham Park, 88, 93, 127. Fox, Mr., Foxhall, Ireland, 104, 130, 148, 149, 150, 155, 185. Fox, Mr., Oran, near Catterick, Yorkshire, 44, 51. France, King of, 69, 73, 117, 125, 129, 153, 175. Frank, R., Stearsby, near Brandsby, Yorkshire, 53, 55, 69, 71, 92, 97, 112, 123. Frankland, Sir Thos.. 100, 160, 168. Freeman, Mr., 143. Freer, Thos., Ganthorpe, 88, 123. Frere, G. E., Roydon Hall, 207. Fridlington, Mr., Wakerloy, ;!. 123, 124, 127,' 186. 139, 148, 14(3, 152, 154, 157, 102, 1G.J, IGU. Lamb, w., ay, 103, 131. Lamb, W., Auburn, 191, 208. Lambert, Mr., 73, 85. Lambert, Mr., Ireland, 108. Lambert, Robson, Dilston, Northumberland, 73. Lambert, T., Elrington Hall, 78, 91, 93, 94, 102, 110, 121, 127, 146, 148, 149, 154. Lanchester, T., Little Smeaton, 69, 72, 129, 183. Luiie, J., Barton Mills, 196. Lane, Rev. N. C., 115, 121. Langdale, C., 76. Langdale, John, Leconfleld Park, Beverley, 115. Langdale, Mr., 28, 30, 37, 90. Langford, Mr., 114. Langlands, J. C., Northumberland, 38. Langslon, J. II., Sarsden House, near Chipping Norton, 110, 122, 124, 160, 164, 174, 182, 190, 196, 198, 199, 202, 206, 207, 209. Lathrop, Mr., South Hadley, Mass., U. S. A., 93. Latouche, J., Harristown, Kilcullen, Ireland, 43, 106, 176. Latouche, Robert, Harristtown, 159. Lawrence, T., Maidstoue, Kent., 100. Lax, A., 114. Lux, Mr., Dalton, near Richmond, 96. Lax, Mr., Ravensworth, 23. 32, 36, 39, 41, 73, 79, 99, 104, 118, 123, 128, 130, 157, 159, 162, 165, 167, 168, 174. Laxton, J., Morborne, 202. Laxton, Mr., Morborue Stilton, Hunts., 30, 36, 45, 78, 80, 99, 118, 128, 175. Laxton, R. W., Morborne, 202. Law, Mr., 23, 40, 107. Lawford, E. Southcott, Leighton Buzzard, 168, 181, 186, 198, 201, 209. Lawrence, Mrs., Studley, 123. Lawson, John, Brough Hall, 214. Lawson, John, Morden, near Darlington, 44, 50, 83, 114. Lawson, Messrs., Morden, 73, 102, 104, 123, 134, 143, 145. Lawson, Mr., Winthorpe, Newark, 173. Lawson, R., Stapleton, Darlington, 68, 69, 77, 78, 83, 90, 102, 104, 111, 122, 123, 136, 147, 154, 158, 160, 167, 170, 172, 178, 182, 185, 186, 191, 196. Lawson, Sir Wilfred, Brayton, 193. Lawson, Sir Wm., Brough Hall, 125, 176, 193,5195, 196, 198. Lawson, T., Stapleton Grange, 193, 205, 2U9. Lawton, J., Winthorpe, 205. Lawton, J. B., 162. Laytham, Mr., Wressle Castle, 94. Lee, C. H., 159. Lee, John, 94, 139. Leeds, Duke of, Hornby Castle, near Bedale, Yorkshire, 47, 93, 128, 155, 168. Leeds, Duchess of, 178. Leete & Brown, West Winch., near Lynn, Norfolk, 90. Lefroy, Baron, 156. Legatt, Mr., 83. Leighton, Mr., Willingham, 69, 97, 112, 123. Leney, C., Leavers, 213. Leney, F. & Son, Wateringbury, 214, 217. Lenhouse, J. S., 186. Leslie, C. P., M. P., Glasslough, 193. Lewis, W., 124. Leylaud, Mr., Walton Hall, Liverpool, 119. Liddle, John, 130, 136. Lilly, Mr., 127. Lincoln, Earl of, 144. Linton, W., Sheriff' Hutton, 86, 100, 147. 150, 162, 164, 168, 180, 184, 194, 207, 211. Linton & Wright, 159. Littledale, H., 167. Littleword, Mr., 104. Lister, Mr., 108. Lloyd, Mr., 42, 53, 131. Lloyd, Mr., America, 25. Loft, Mr., Trusthorpe, 127, 157, 159. Logan, J., Maindee House, 204. London Mercers Company, 124. Londonderry, Marquis of, Wynyard, Stockton-on-Tees, 116, 131, 161, 188. Long, Mr., 72. Longbourne, W. T., Grays, 157, 163, 166. Longmore, A., Rettie, Band 1 , 170, 171, 183, 186, 187, 192, 198, 303. Lonirstair, Mr., 122. Lonsdale, Earl of, 10, 18, 45, 54, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 76, 79, 80, 81, S3, S5, Sil. 90, 91, 92, 93. DO. 97, !>S, 100, 101, 104, 109, 110, 111, 113, 118, 1111, 121, 123, 125, 126, 130, 13d, 133, 134, 135, 136, 139, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 152, 157, 160, 17(1. Loraine, Mr., 109. Loraine, Sir C., 52. Lorton, Lord, Ireland, 79. Lovedren, Mr., 140. Lovell, Mr., Edgcott Lodge, near Banbury, 41, 70, 75 76 91, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103. 122, 126, 130, 135, 140, 143, 144, 145, 146, 150, 152, 154, 161. Lovell, Richard, 157, 164. Lowcock, Geo., Skipton, 96. Lowes, N., 156. Lowndes, R. C., West Derby, Liverpool, 163, 167, 168, Lownes, Mr., 'ill. Lubbock, Sir J.W., Bart., High Elms, Farnborough, 181, 18/2, 191. Lucan, Earl of, 101. Lund, Wm., Huntington, near York, 93. Lunn, Mr., 103. Lynn, John, Stroxton, 198, 212, 213. Lynn, R., Stroxton, Grantham, 78, 100, 101, 143, 176 183 195, 198, 207. Lyon, Mr., 100, 148. Lyon, E. G., Philadelphia Co., U. S. A., 122. Lythall, Mr., Radford Hall, 214. M: Macclesfield, Earl of, 216. Macdonald, Lord, 109. Mace, T., Sherbourne, 211. Machell, Mr., 56, 79, 113. Machin, Mr., 104. Mackenzie, Mr., Bamhill, Dumfries. Mackessack, J., Balnaferry, 197, 202, 206, 209. Mahard, J., Jr., Cincinnati, U. S. A., 86. 99, 100, 104, 120 Maidens, Mr., Brinkhill, Spilsby, 167, 176. Mairs, Mr., Vespra, Canada, 218. Maitland, Mr., 84. Maiver, Mr., Eagle Hall, near Lincoln, 104. Maiver, Wm., Noctou, 167. Majoiy, Mr., U. S. A., 86. Malius, G. W. R., Thelsford, 165, 168, 175. Maltby, Mr., 124. Mandeville, Viscount, 82. Mangles, G., 85. Mannering, Mr., 50. Manning, Dunkley, 116. Manning, Mr., Wimbledon Common, 156. Manning, W. D., Rothersthorpe, 68, 93, 124, 159, 166, 167, 169, 173, 177. Marfleet, E., Bassingham, 95. Marjoribanks,Stewart,Bushey Hall,near Walford,Herts 83, 144, 169, 172, 184, 185, 192, 194, 197, 202, 206. Marr, W. S., Upper Mill, 169, 202, 206, 214. Marris, Mr., 17, 100, 159. Marshall, Mr., Paterdale Hall, near Penrith, 145. Marshall, R., Darlington, 56. Marshall. T., Howes, 203, 208. Martin, Dr. S. D., Clark Co., Ky., U. S. A., 73, 75, 97, 107 122, 136, 137. 141, 142, 149, 181, 183. Martin, Short, 45. Martindale, Mr., 131. Mason, C., 82. Mason, Edward, near Cambridge, 96. Mason, Hopper & Rowe, 108. Mason, J., 84. Mason, Mr., Chilton, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 30, 31, 33, 35, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 66, 71, 82, 92, 95, 103, 113, 114, 151, 156. Mason, Mr., Dunchurch, 103. Massachusetts Agricultural Society, U. S. A., 40. Masterman, William, 130.' Watson, J. S., Paris, Ky., U. S. A., 182. Maudsley, John, 122. Mauleverer, Mr., Arnclitte Hall, Cleveland Inn, 72, 97, 127, 132, 149, 167. Maw, H. L., Tetley, near Crowle, 68, 82, 118, 133, 134, 136, 140, 142, 150, 151, 161, 164, 165, 167, 179. Mawer, Mr., 88. Maxwell, Mr., Everingham Park, Pocklington, York- shire, 75, 85, 136, 138. Maxwell, Mr., Ireland, 123. Maxwell, W.S., Keir, 215. Maynard. A.L., Martin le Moor,Ripon, 32, 37, 45, 64, 70, 76, 101, 110, 111, 116, 121, 131, 132, 152, 153, 157, 160, 163, 172, 174, 183, 189, 193, 195, 202, 209, 210. Maynard, A. L., Jr., 156. JMaynai-d, J.C., Hursley Hall, Northallerton, 16, 19, 20, 33, 43, 45, 49, 50, 166, 175, 188, 190, 191, 193, 199. Maynard, Messrs., 98. XVI I N D E X. Maynard, Mr., 11, 46, 48, 62, 65, 68, 69, 70, 78, 79, 82, 83, 89, 90, 91, 95, 102, 103, 108, 109, 112, 126, 128, 145, 160, 177. Mayo, Earl of, Hayes, 208. McConnel, Mr., Australia, 95, 124. Mcllvaine, Mrs., Ohio, U. S. A., 79, 98. Mclntosh, D., Marshall, near Romford, Essex, 153, 155, 158, 168, 201, 211, 212. Meir, H., Green Gates, 208. Mellish, Col., 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 35, 36, 39, 40, 118. Metcalfe, A., Eavenstonedale, Westmoreland, 178. Metcalfe, Mr., 104, 170. Metcalf, Rev. E., Prior Park, Bath, 50. Meynell, F.. Yarm, near Yorkshire, 32, 99. Middleton, 'J., Button Fields, 91, 93, 100, 121, 133, 137, 138, 164. Middleton, Sir W. F. F., 160. Midgely, Mr., Everingham, 117, 136. Miles, C. W., Burton Hill, 200. Miles, Mr., 87, 90. Mill, Mr., Faldonside, Roxborough, 139. Millard, Mr., 124. Millbank, Miss, Barningham, 10. Miller, Mr., 133, 156. Miller, Mr., Canada, 217. Miller, Geo., Markham, Canada, 218, 219, 220. Miller, Wm., Pickering, Canada, 219. Millor, Mr., Ingleston, 138. Mills, Mr., 109. Milne, G., Kinaldie, 194, 206. Milne, Mr., Dryhope. 176. Milne, Nichol, Faldonside, Melrose, 139, 167, 171, 175, 176, 181, 183, 184. Milner, Mr., 76. Milnes, K., 22. Milton, Lord, 101, 115. Milward, T., near Southwell, 112, 123. Minta, Mr., Normantown, near Grantham, 77/93, 99, 103, 114, 118, 133, 140, 153. Mitchell, A. & A., Alloa, 203, 211. Mitchell, G., Haddo, N. B., 174, 207, 210, 213. Mitchell, H., 180. Mitchell, Mr.. Andgathel, 132. Mitchell, W.,'Cleasby, 166, 180. 190. Mitton, Mr., Badsworth, Pontefract, Yorkshire, 18, 23, 37, 38, 60, 102, 107. Moftat, J., Ballyhyland, 204. Mofl'att, John, Dumfries, Canada, 219. Moffat. Stephen, Burnside, Canada, 218, 219. Moir, J. & Co., Memel, Prussia, 59. Mold, Wm., 140. Molyneux, Wm., 142. Monck, Viscount, Charleville, 185, 199. Monday, J., Fayette Co., Ky., 47. Montrose, Duke of, Buchanan House, 196, 210, 213. Morris, Mr., Maismore, Gloucester, 176. Morrison, Mr., 158, 161, 166. Moor, J., Morpeth, High House, 105. Moore, Capt., 130. Moore, Mr., Appleby Hall, 114. Moore, Mr., Lane House, Brandesburton, 135. Moore, Mr. Moor House, near Pontefract, 83. Moore, Mr., Plumpton, 152. Moore, Mr., Wooley, Wakefield, 40. Moore, R., Brandesburton, 138, 141, 146, 148, 153. Morgan, Sir C., 30, 35, 36, 37, 44, 50, 52, 107. Morrison, Mr., Montcoffer, 205. Morley, Mr., Eastoft, 133, 134. Morris, Mr., 151, 166. Morris, L. G., Mt. Fordham, N. Y., U. S. A., 178, 181, 183, 188, 190, 191. Morris, Paschal, Westchester, Chester Co., Pa., U. S. A., 93, 95. Morris, T., Maismore, 188, 200, 205. 210. Morrison, A., Mountblairy House, Turriff, 180, 190. Morrison, Mr., Bognie, Mountblairy House, Turriff, 176. Morritt, Mr., Rokeby, 13, 16, 19, 40, 73, 115. Morton, Mr., 78. Morton, J., Skelsmergh Hall. 201, 217. Morton, Thos., Skelsmergh Hall, 164. Moses, Mr., 120. Moss, Mr., 118. Mostyn, Sir Edward, Wales, 51, 53, 80, 86, 90, 93, 99, 113, 117, 122, 130, 131. Mostyn, Sir Pyers, 153. Mount Edgcombe, Earl of, 164. Mowbray, Mr., 72. Moyser, F., 36. Mullock, L., Lake View, Canada West, 194. Munson, J., Boston, U. S. A., 49, 56, 57. Mundy, Mr., West Thorpe, Greta Bridge, Yorkshire, 44, 78. Murdock, Mr., 147. Murray, John, Balass Farm, by Mintlaw, 133. Musgrave, Mr., Wolviston, 109. jVlus<;rove, E., Aughton Tower, 217. Musson, Colsterworth &Bullimore, North Witham, 111. Musson, Mr., Colsterworth, Grantham, 83, 88, 147, 148, 150, 156. Naper, Mr., 158. Napier, Mr., Ireland, 125. Neal, Mr., 74, 110. Neasham, D., Houghton-le-Skerme, 86, 127, 209, 213, 216. Neil, Black & Co., Port Philip, Australia, 180. Nelson, Mr. Scaife House, 105. New, G., 115. Newbold, Mr., 117, 130. New Brunswick Agricultural Society, 25, 29, 31, 32. New Brunswick House of Assembly, Speaker of, 26. Newby, John, West Thorpe, Greta Bridge, Yorkshire, 14, 19, 35, 44, 45, 53, 56, 66, 98, 112, 131. Newland, Mr., 119. Newsham, Rev. J., 100. Newstead, Mr., 95. Newton, J,, 113. Newton, Mr., 40, 41, 56, 108. Newton, Mr., Howe Bridge, 167. Niblett, Mr., Haresfield, near Gloucester, 45, 49, 70, 81, 91, 92, 105, 114, 148. Nice, Mr., near Haverill, Suffolk, 101. Nicholl, Mr., 154. Nicholson, Mr., 14, 28. Nicholson, Mr., Balrath Kells, Ireland, 64. Nicholson, Mr., Laurel Hill, Berwickshire, 86. Noakes, J. T., Brockley House, 213. Noble, W., 110. Norfolk, Mr., 79. Norman, Lee, Carbollis, Ardee, Ireland, 41, 42, 55, 58, 89, 95, 98, 105, 110, 125, 139, 148, 156, 159, 176, 181, 199. Norris, Mr., 69. Northey, G., 146. Northumberland, Duke of, 197. North wick, Lord, 130. Norton, W. F. N., 67. Nugent, Hon. Alfred F., Pallas, Tynagh, 162, 177, 178, 182, 185. Nutt, Mr., York, 152. O Gates, Mr., Meanwood Hall, Leeds, 29. O'Brien, Mr., 99. O'Callaghan, Col., 18. \ Oddie, Mr., Colney House, St. Albans, 84, 108, 160. O'Farrel, Mr., 70. Ohio Company, U. S. A., 45, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 62, 65, 66, 107, 195. Oliver, R. E., Sholebroke Lodge, 205, 213, 216. Orel, Mr., Whitflekl Hall, 130. Ormerod, Geo., Fern Hill, in Bacup, 139, 141, 151, 154. Ormsby, Mr., 106. Orne, Mr., U. S. A., 63, 142. Orr, James, Leeky, 126. Orr, S., Coleraine, Ireland, 77, 89, 106, 107, 118, 126, 130, 133, 147, 149, 163, 175, 183. Oscar, Mr., U. S. A., 93. Ostler, Mr., 19, 26, 32, 43, 45, 48, 52, 61, 62, 63, 64, 74, 88, 95, 108, 134, 137, 158. Other, Robinson & Topham, 73. Oustram, Mr., 87. Outhwaite, B., Bainesse, Catterick, 84, 148, 171. Outhwaite. J.. Bainesse. 215. Outhwaite, Mr., Hackforth, Catterick, 168. Outhwaite, R., Appleton, 178. Owen, Smythe, Condover Hall, Salop, 161, 167, 170, 172, 178,182. Owst, Mr., Halsham, Hull, 30, 33, 51, 57. Packe, C. W., M. P., Prestwold Hall, 208. Paget, Mr., 118. Palethorpe, J., Harlaxton, 195. Paley, W. F., Gledhow, Leeds, 24, 26, 29, 37, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 71, 82, 83, 87, 91, 92, 100, 102, 104, 107, 112, 115, 116, 117, 120, 122, 124, 127, 132, 149, 151. Palmer, Mr., Leicestershire, 124. Palmer, Sir J., 81. INDEX. XV11 Parker, Mr., 75, 127. Parker, Mr., Loughborough, 166. Parker, Mr., Petterill, Green Cumberland, 74. Parker, Mr., Button House, near Malton, 10, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 39, 56, 60, 63, 67. Parker, Messrs., Yarmouth Hall, near Penrith, 172, 182. Parker, Thos., 159. Parkinson, C., Easby, 161. Parkinson, Mr., Ley Fields, Ollerton, Notts., 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 113, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 127, 128, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 150, 152, 154, 157, 159, 162, 164, 167, 169. Parkin, Mr., Mealo House, Cumberland, 103, 113, 125. Parkinson, R., Babworth, Retford, 71, 101, 109, 112, 117, 123. Parrington, J. W., Middlesbro, Stockton-on-Tees, 28, 45, 46, 82, 105, 107, 111, 138, 151, 153, 219. Parrington, Mr., Jr., 49. Parrington, Mr., 32, 36, 38, 48, 53, 62, 72, 143. Parrington, T. W., 10, 12, 20, 107. Parry, Jones, Desharth Hall, Flintshire, 99. Parsons, Mr., 67, 101. Parveo, A., 162. Pasco, Jas., East Windsor, Conn., U. S. A., 84, 122, 146. Patterson, I. & R., Hall Beck, 135, 152. Patterson, Messrs., Hall Beck, 125, 132. Paul, Mr., 92. Pawlett, Mr., Beeston, near Stamford, 33, 113, 134, 138, 205, 206, 210, 211, 214, 215, 216. Payne, Mr., 60, 107, Payne, Mr., Sulby Hall, 145. Peacock, G., Hart, 203, 209. Peacock, H. T., Haddockstones, Ripon, 67, 91, 97, 104, 105, 119, 124, 129, 130, 142, 149, 156, 168, 181, 188, 193, 206. Pears, Mr., Plumpton Hall, near Penrith, 116, 125, 127. Pears, Mr., Thorney, near Peterborough, 53, 58, 64, 83, 94. Pearson, Jeremiah, 115. Pearson, John, Hay Close, 72, 84, 94, 115, 141. Pearson, Mr,, 58, 85, 98. Pearson, Mr., Tathwell, Lincolnshire, 154. Peel, J., Knowlmere Manor, 193, 201, 202, 204, 205, 213, 214. Peel, Sir Robert, 106, Pell, Mr., 143. Pennant, Col., Penrhyn, Bangor, 148, 187, 189, 203, 204, 208,209, Pennyman, Sir J., 28. Pennyman, Sir Wm., 145. Penrhyn, Lord, Penrhyn Castle, 213, 216. Percival, Mr., 77, 143. Perkin, L, 132. Phelps, B,, East Windsor, U. S. A,, 123. Philip, Mr., Boynds, 217. Philips, Sir Geo. R., 73, 79, 80, 83, 96, 110, 116, 122, 130, 143, 157, 206, 207, 212. Phillips, G. H., Ahafin House, 202. Philips, J. F. P., Broomborough, near Totness, 180, 184, 188. Philips, T., Beadlam Grange, Helmsley, Yorkshire, 67, 77, 93, 160. Pickersgill, C., Carthorp, 108. Pickhair, Mr., 88. Pickrington, Mr., 123. Pierce, Mr., 94. Pierson, Mr., 68. Pigot, Lady, Branches Park, 201, 204, 108, 210, 213. Pilkington, Mr., Park Lane, Doncaster, 12, 15, 22,24, 26, 27, 29, 35, 36, 38, 39, 61. Pilkington, Mr., Windle Hall, St. Helens, 92, 93, 101, 114, 131, 141, 148, 149, 184. Pilkington, Richard, 76. Pindar, Mr., 98. Pinkerton, Mr., Australia, 71. Pittam, Mr., near Stoney Stratford, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 155, 156, 162, 163. Plummer, Mr., Wilts., 116. Polhill, Mr., 159. Pollard, J., 163. Pollock, A. H. C., 169. Pollock, Mr., Ireland, 72, 105, 127, 157, 161, 170. Pontin, Mr., 92. Poole, Mr., 27, 41, 66. Pope, Mr., Cambridgeshire, 70, 146. Popple, Mr., 153. Porritt, H., Togston, 74, 122, 126. Porritt, J., Claxton, near Stockton, 74. Porritt, Mr., 25. Powell, Mrs., 100. a* Powel, Col., Powelton, U. S. A., 22. 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 42, 56, 59, 73, 107, 188. Power, Mr., 118. Pratt, Mr., Enniscoe, County Mayo, Ireland, 149. Prentice, Mr., U. S. A., 70. Price, Mr., 115. Prichard, Mr., 83. Priestly, Mr., 26, 132. Priestly, S. O., Trefan, 88, 115, 118, 131, 153. Prince, Mr., near Bedale, 70, 110. Prince Consort, 198, 200, 204, 206. Proctor, John, Close House, 127. Proctor, John, Long Preston, 79, 117. Proctor, Mr., Cathay, Bristol, 178. Proctor, Mr., near Hartlepool, 71. 165. Proctor, T., Walls Court, 192, 194. Pulleine, Col., Crake Hall, 115. Punnett, P. S., Chart Sutton, Maidstone, 187. Pym, Mr., The Hasells. near Biggleswade, 68, 69, 75, 88, 91, 92, 106, 108, 113, 122, 128, 194. Q Queen Victoria, 204, 206. Q,uin, Mr., Loughlother Castle, Ireland, 84. Radcliffe, J., Brandsby, York, 42, 44, 50, 51, 68, 74 77 78, 81, 82, 88, 92, 95, 107, 125, 127, 135, 138, 152, 153, 155, 187. Radcliffe, Mr., Farlington, 153. Raine, Jas., Morton, Staindrop, 43, 100. Raine, Mr., 48, 85, 97, 98. Raine, Mr., Jr., 89. Raine, R., Elmsthorpe, Leicestershire, 60, 194. Raine, T., Gainfprd, Darlington, 174, 179, 186, 189, 213. Raine, Wm., Gainford, Morton Tinmouth, near Darling- ton, 40, 41, 50, 51, 54, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 77, 89, 92, 93, 95, 100, 104. 105, 111, 112, 114, 125, 129, 138, 140, 141, 145, 148, 151, 157, 158, 163, 164, 165, 174, 182, 187, 188. Ramsay, G. H., 160. Ramsden, Carlton, near Worksop, 128. Ramsden, Sir John, Byram, near Ferrybridge, 25, 51 75 83, 90, 101, 115, 119, 132. Randall, H. S., Cortland, N. Y., U. S. A., 91, 144. Raven, J., 68. Rawdon, Mr., Briggs, 160. Rawsthorne, Mr., Heysham, Lancashire, 69. Raynes, F., 147, 150. Raynes, Geo., Everton, Bawtry, 57, 58. Raynes, Mr., 11, 27. Read, Jas., 160. Read, Rev. T. C. R., Frickley Hall, near Doncaster, 89. Reed, Mr., 45, 73. Reed, Thos., Westholme, 68. Reeve, J., Warden Hall, 90, 193. Reid, N., Danestown, 206, 210, 217. Renals, Mr., 170. Renick, Jas., Bourbon Co., Ky., U. S. A., 180. Renick, L. W., Chillicothe, Ohio, U. S. A., 184. Renick, Mr., Jr., Ohio, U. S. A., 116. Rennie, Mr., Kimblethmont, 155, 164. Rennie, Mr., Phantassie, 25, 34, 35, 36, 37. Renton, John, Farnley, near Otley, 81, 93, 131, 139, 153, 188. Reynolds, Mr., 85, 144. Rhodes, J., Scale Lodge, 200, 203, 207. Rhodes, Rev. J., Armitage, 39, 41, 44, 48, 52, 61, 62, 65, 106, 107, 147, 155. Riall, P., Old Conna Hill, 205, 211. Rich, E. W. & S., Didmarton, 180, 182, 185, 186, 193. Rich, Mr., 162. Rich, Stiles, Didmarton, 198, 204, 208, 211, 214. Richardson, Danl., 86, 124. Richardson, H. M., Rosefad, 169, 191. Richardson, John, 126. Richardson, Mr., 63, 76, 138. Richardson, Mr., Ireland, 85, 149. Richardson, Mr., Somerset, 107. Richmond, Duke of, 88, 109, 168, 171, 188, 200, 210. Richmond, J., Newton Grange, Darlington, 36. Ridgway, Mr., 129. Ridley, G. L., Harbor House, Durham, 43,53, 81, 98, 123, 128, 132, 140, 141, 155. Rigg, T., 67. Ripley. II. W., Lightcliffe, 185, 190. Robarts, A. J., Lilliugstone, 208, 212, 216. Roberts, Mr., 145. Roberts, Mr., Paxton, 176. Roberton, J., Lady Rig, Roxburghshire, 90. XVI 11 INDEX. Robertson, Dr., 158. Eobertson, Mr., Ladykirk, 20, 21, 22. 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57, 59, 61, 92, 96, 103, 121, 134, 144 Robinson, F., 158. Robinson, G., near Durham, 11, 16, 84, 127. Robinson, J., Clifton Hall, near Olney, Bucks., formerly of Bletsoe, near Retford, 105, 133, 135, 139, 151, 152, 158, 163, 173, 184, 189, 198, 201, 204, 205, 207. Robinson, J., Leckby Palace, 196. Robinson, Jas., 149. Robinson, John, 95. Robinson, Mr., 101, 123, 153, 158, 161, 162. Robinson, Mr., Acklam, 44, 63, 69, 95, 101. Robinson, Mr., Burton-on-Trent, 179. Robinson, Mr., Croft, near Darlington, 46. Robinson, R., Thorp, 104, 123, 128. Robinson, T., Hutton Hall, Greta Bridge, 96, 115, 121, 129, 136, 145, 154. Robinson, Thos., Marsh House, 27, 68, 87, 101, 129, 150, 151. Robinson, W., Billingham, 69, 105, 117. Robson, Geo., London, Canada, 218. Robson, Mr., 44, 81, 114, 135, 164, 169. Robson, Mr., Cadeby, Lincolnshire, 70, 78, 89, 129, 130. Robson, Mr., Headlam, 90. Robson, Mr., Holtby House, near Bedale, Yorkshire, 25, 118, 119, 129, 130, 147, 167, 169. Robson, Mr., Newton Morrel, near Darlington, 154. Robson, Messrs., Cadeby, Lincolnshire, 103. Robson, Peter, Lodge Farm, near Bishop Auckland, 119. Robson, R., 22. Rodman, Mr., New Bedford, Mass., U. S. A., 44, 47, 55, 57, 60, 83, 90, 119. Rodwelt, Mr., Skelton, near York, 77. Rogers, Mr., Knotting, 204. Rogers, Mr., Ranby, 71, 106, 134. Rolling, Mr., 68. . Roods. Mr., 47. Rooper, Mr., 69. Roper, Mr., 154. Rose, Mr., Cotham, Newark, Notts., 37, 69, 70, 93, 97, 101, 102, 103, 105, 110, 116, 117, 127, 132, 136, 139, 141, 152. Rotch, F. M., Otsego Co., U. S. A., 47, 52, 61, 75, 81, 83, 91, 92, 93, 105, 106, 108, 113, 115, 121, 128, 135, 136, 141, 145, 146, 148, 186, 191. Rowe, Mr., 164. Rowe, Mr., Tavistock, 132. Rowe, Mr.. Tolesby Hall, Stockton-on-Tees, 69, 84. 91, 127, 145. Rowell, Mr., 31. Rowland, John, 127. Rowlandson, Mr., Newton Morrell, 43, 68, 105, 149. Rowlay, Mr., Thirkleby, 109, 150, 154, 187. Rudd, Major, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 32, 34, 35, 65, 90, 92, 100, 110, 126. Russell, Mr., Brancepeth Castle, 120. Rutland, Duke of, Belvoir Castle, Grantham, 40, 42, 116, 118. Rutson, W., Newbywiske, 78, 196. Ryle, M., Herrington, near Durham, 50, 91, 108, 109, 113 S St. Marie, G. L., Paris, 68, 69, 81, 82, 89, 92, 94, 95 104 107, 113, 146, 157. St. Quintin, Sir Wm., Scampston, 20, 44. Sainsbury, G., The Priory, Corsham, 179, 183, 186 193 194, 196. Salvin, Mr., Burnball, near Durham, 75, 84, 110, 114. Sample, Thos., Bishop Burton, 118. Sams, Mr., 105. Samson, Mr., 108. Sanday, W., Holmepierrepont, 171, 183, 186, 194, 195, 203, 205, 207. Sandbach, Mr., Liverpool, 155. Sanders, Lewis, 61, 124. Sardinia, King of, 67, 85. Sargeant, Mr., 139, 143. Sartoris.F., Rushden, 162, 194, 204. Saulby, Mr., near Spilsby, 88. Saunders, R. W., Nunwick Hall, near Penrith, 97, 111 125, 126, 138, 150, 153, 165, 171, 176, 193, 183, 185, 212. Saville, Mr., Bocking, Essex, 87, 123, 124, 139. Sawney, Rev. R., 146. Sayle, T., Wentbridge, Yorkshire, 18. Schuyler, P. C., 90. Scotson, S., Toxteth Park, Liverpool, 53, 75, 76, 87 90 101, 103, 114, 118, 123, 130. Scott, Joel, Ky., U. S. A., 183. Scott, Luke, 29. Scott, Mr., 142. Scott, Mr., Hawick, Roxburghshire, 89, 115. Scott, Mr., Torworth, Bawtry, 22, 23, 25, 31, 35, 36, 37, 40. Scott, Rev. , Downside, Somersetshire, 127. Scroope, Mr., Danby, Yorkshire, 56, 58, 69, 75, 76, 81, 82, 104, 116, 120, 128. Scully, Mr., Ireland, 56. Searson, R., Cranmore Lodge, 185, 203, 208. Seaton, Mr., near Howden, Yorkshire, 17, 48, 135, 144. Sedgwick, Mr., near Skipton, Yorkshire, 66, 92, 144. Seels, Mr., 130. Selby, Mr., 82. Senhouse, Mr., 160. Sergeantson, Arthur, River Plenty, Port Philip, New South Wales, 87, 113, 154. Serjeantson, G. J., Camp Hill, near Ripon, 155, 161, 188, 198, 200, 206. Sergeantson, P., Liverpool, 154. Severs, L., Oliver, Richmond, 98. Severs, Mr., 81. Sewell, Mr., Newlands, 154, 183. Sewell, Russell, Little Oakley Hall, Harwich, Essex, 138, 141, 145, 152, 153. Seymour, L., Woodhouse Close, Darlington, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 124, 139. Shaftoe, Mr., Whitworth Park, near Durham, 41, 49, 50, 54, 78, 100, 113, 127, 134, 144, 178. Shakers, Society of, Union Village, Ohio, U. S. A., 185, 189. Sharp, Gen., 74. Sharpe, Mr., 100, 108. Sharpe, R., Courtlands, 212. Sharpe, R., Cracoa, near Skipton, Yorkshire", 115. Sharpe, W., Deeping St. Nicholas, 203. Sharpley, L, Calcethorpe, 209. Sharter, Mr., Chilton, 20. Shaw, John, Bootle, 72, 93, 124. Shawe, Capt. R. F., Brantingham Thorpe, South Cave, Yorkshire, 46, 47, 67, 68, 69, 96, 98, 103, 122, 131, 137, 138, 139, 140, 145, 148, 150, 157, 166, 167, 168, 170. Sheldon, H. J., Brailes House, 211, 216. Sheldon, J. O., Geneva, N. Y., II. S. A., 211. Shepherd, G., Shethin, N. B., 187, 190, 192, 194, 196, 197, 202. Shepherd, Mr., Thorningham, Warwickshire, 118. Shepherdson, Mr., Hutton, near Malton, 183. Sherborne, Lord, Sherborne Park, Northleach, 156, 163, 165, 176. Sherlock, Mr., Ireland, 46. Sherwood, Mr., Snow Hall, Darlington, 57. Sherwood, J. M., Auburn, U. S. A., 105, 137, 172, 181. Shield, W. H., Llandaff House, South Wales, 133, 147. Shinnard, Mr., Dublin, 98. Shipman, Matthew, Carlton Green, near Richmond, 123. Shipman, Mr., near Darlington, Eng., 47. Short, Mr., Martin Bawtry, 22, 24, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 156, 161. Shotbolt, Mr., 69, 90, 108. Sills, W., 97. Silsby, Mr., Boston, U. S. A., 43, 117. Simpson, C., Threepwood, 183. Simpson, Col., 12, 14, 20. Simpson, Ferguson, near Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire, 75, 134, 142, 155! Simpson, Geo., Newmarket, Canada, 218. Simpson, Hon. J. B., Babworth, Retford, Notts., 26, 30, 31, 35, 40, 59, 67, 71, 72, 75, 78, 93, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 107, 108, 109, 112, 115, 118, 122, 126, 130, 132, 139, 149, 177. Simpson, John, Darlington, Canada, 220. Simpson, Mr.. Babworth, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 22, 67, 106. Simpson, R., Cobairdy, 212. Simpson, Wilson, Roxburghshire, 78. Simpson, Mr., Halton East, Skipton, 101. 109. Simson, Gen., Pitcorthie, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 27, 29, 87, 39, 55, 67, 94, 97, 111, 118, 120, 142, 145. Simson, T., Blainslie, Roxburghshire, 74, 86, 125, 181. Simon, Mr., Greenfield, near Holy well, 72, 97. Sinkler, John, Shotton, 105. Singleton, J. R., Givendale, Pocklington, 176, 187, 189. Sisson, Mr., 87. Skelmersdale, Lord, Latham House, 217. Skipworth, Mr., Aylesby, Caistor, Lincolnshire, 50, 58, 70, 71, 75, 81, 83, 87, 88, 90, 102, 107, 108, 114, 119, 124, 133, 150. Skipworth & Dudding, 157. Skinow, T., 80. Slater, Mr., Carleton, near Lincoln. 25, 35, 38, 39, 69, 207, 210. Slater, S., 137. INDEX. Slye, W. W., West Haddon Lodge, 199, 205, 206. Smith, C. & Co., Hillhead, 198, 202. Smith, G., 144. Smith, Gen. Thos., America. 91. Smith, H., Drax Abbey, 65, 193. Smith, H., The Grove, near Bingham, 186. Smith, Jacob, 156. Smith, J., 132. Smith, J., Jr., 82. Smith, Mr., 35, 44, 48, 49, 57, 62, 64, 69, 72, 82, 88, 99. 103, 105, 114, 123, 132. 141, 146, 151, 153, 158. Smith, Mr., Acaster, 162. Smith, Mr., Bramham, 70. Smith, Mr., Burton, near Belford, 126. Smith, Mr., Camblesford Hall, 76, 81. Smith, Mr., Dishley, Leicestershire, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 44, 65, 95, 100, 107, 113, 115, 120, 131, 140, 142, 144, 148, 150, 152, 156. Smith, Mr., Grindon, Northumberland, 91, 121. Smith, Mr., Heath, near St. Albaiis, 164. Smith, Mr., Learmouth, 150. Smith, Mr., Oulston, 198. Smith, Mr.. Shedlaw, 62, 74. Smith, R., Burley, near Oakham, 96. Smith, R., Givendale, Borobridge, Yorkshire, 36, 48, 53, 76, 82, 85, 87, 88, 104, 119, 156. Smith, Rev. Alfred, Old Park, Devizes, 135, 152. Smith, Rev. Edward, Tollerton, Notts., 93, 96, 97, 113, 119, 124, 126, 131. Smith, Rev. Henry, Cropwell Butler, Notts., 70, 91, 123, 124, 134, 141, 153, 154, 171, 183. Smith, Rev. I., Aldercar Park, Derbyshire, 126. Smith, Rev. Win., 59. Smith, Thos., East Flamboro, Canada, 219. Smith, W., Burton, near Belford, Northumberland, 152. Smith, W., West Razen, Lincolnshire, 25, 26, 30, 33, 42, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 73, 90, 97, 99, 114, 118, 121, 133, 139, 140, 148, 162, 175, 178, 181, 185, 194, 198. Smurthwaite, David, Holme House, Northallerton, 18, 119, 121, 144. Smurthwaite, G., Cote House, near Bedale, 99. Snowdon, Geo., 20. Sonley, Mr., Lund Court, near Kirby, Moorside, 124, 131. Southampton, Lord, 164. Sowerby, Jos., Carlisle, 96. Sowerby, Thos., Newton Morrell, near Darlington, 87, 94, 132, 133, 144, 149, 151, 152. Spearman, H. J., Newton Hall, Durham, 56, 71, 73, 75, 88, 89, 122, 159, 170, 186, 193, 199. Spencer, Capt., 103. Spencer, Earl, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 56, 58, 60, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 75, 78, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 115, 117, 124, 128, 129, 131, 132, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 150, 151, 155, 156, 158, 159, 163, 164, 166, 180, 182. Spencer, Mr., 118. Spedding, Mr., 19, 27. Spink, Mr., Fairburn, near Ferrybridge, 75. Spooncer, Mr., 110, 116. Spours, Mr., Northumberland, 14, 15, 17, 21. Spraggon, M., Nafferton, 71, 85, 111, 120, 187, 201. Spunling, Mr., Shotly, near Ipswich, 106. Spurr, Mr., Wigthorpe, 88, 115, 144. Squier, Mr., Romanby, near Northallerton, 96, 97, 115, 116, 140. Stables, A., Kirkbank, 207. Stafford, Mr., 142. Stainforth, Rev. Thos., 20, 146. Stamper, Mr., North Holme, 124. Stanhope, J. B., Revesby Abbey, Horncastle, 157, 163, 174, 193, 205. Stanly, Sloane,. 91. Stanstield, Mr., 169. Stansfleld, W. C. R., Esbolt Hall, Leeds, 68, 153, 173. Stapylton, Mr., Myton, near Borobridge, Yorkshire, 28, Star key, Mr., Spy Park, 194. Stephen, Mr., Balmadies, 156. Stephens, E., Cornwall, 155.; Stephenson, Mr., Ketton, 15. Stephenson, J., Whelkdrake, 214. Stephenson, J., White House, 206. Stephenson, John, Wolviston, Stockton-on-Tees. 42, 43, 65, 69, 72, 105, 109, 122, 124, 127, 129, 145, 149, 155, 163, 172, 179, 193. Stephenson, Mr., Fourstones, 191. Stupheusoii, Mr., Stamford, 122. Stevens, Ambrose, N. Y., U. S. A., 172. Stevenson, Mr., 86, 108. Stewart, A. S., Dumfriesshire, 67. Stewart, John, Eramosa, Canada, 219. Stewart, Mr., Clapham, 166. Stewart, M. S., Southwick, Dumfries, 122, MO, 141, 147, 154, 175, 178, 187, 188. Stirling, W., M. P., Kier, 194, 196, 198, 201, 207. Stokes, C., 164, 166. Stokes, Mr., 83, 165. Stolson, Mr., Cross House, Bootle, 72. Stone, H., 216. Stone, Henry, Humberstone, Canada, 218. Stonehouse, Mr., 121. Stofford, W. B., Drayton House, 205. Storer, Rev. J., Hawksworth, near Newark, 176, 208 Storey, Mr., 94. Storry, Mr., 180. Stourton, Lord, Stourton Hall, 172, 210. Stow, Mr., 165. Strafford, Mr., Dudding Hill Farm, 199. Strathallan, Earl of, Scotland, 84, 178, 201, 207, 210. Strathmore, Earl of, 10, 18, 20, 47. Stratton, J., Acton Priors, 217. Stratton, Mr., Wroughton, Wilts., 76, 98, 136, 148, 157, 159, 163. Stratton, R., Broad Hiuton, 185, 194, 195, 199, 203, 207, 211, 212. Stratton, R., Salthorp, 172, 177, 178, 180, 217. Straw, Mr., 113. Strelly, Mr., 73. Strickland, Lady, 13, 16, 65. Strickland, Mrs., Apperley Court, 41, 47, 48, 49, 54, 64, 65, 158, 177. Strickland, Mr., Apperley Court, 159, 161, 165, 170, 191, 209, 214. Strickland, Mrs., Apperley Court, 88, 107, 182. Strickland, Sir Geo., Boynton Hall, Yorkshire, 28, 43, 48, 54, 157. Studholme, Mr., Morton, 195. Sturgeon, Mr., 67, 71, 77, 187, 191. Sturgeon & Sons, Gray's Hall, 205. Suffield, Lord, Gunton Park, 202. Suffolk, Earl of, 99. Sugden, Mr., 163. Sullivan, M. L., Ohio, U. S. A., 63, 80, 118. Swann, G., 98. Sydserff, T. B., Ruchlaw House, 192. Sykes, Mr., Tatton, 13, 114. Syme, R., Red Kirk, Gretua, 181, 182, 190, 193, 195, 198, 219. Syinpson, Mr., Skipton, 32. Taintor, Mr., 63. Talbot, Henry, Eramosa, Canada, 219. Talbot, W., Crosbie, Ardfert Abbey, 198. Tankerville, Earl of, 76, 114, 122, 124, 152. Tanqueray, J. S., Brent Lodge, Heudon, 181, 186, 188, 195. Taylor, J., Moreton Hall, 208. Taylor, J. P., Clark Co., Ky., U. S. A., 75, 178. Taylor, Mr., 48. Teasdale, Mr., Malton, 26, 164. Temple, Mr., 71. Temple, Mr., Barden, 82. Tempest, H., Croston Hall, near Chorley, Lancashire, 73, 134, 144, 145, 146, 149. Tempest, Sir Chas. R., Broughton Hall, Skipton, York- shire, 43, 46, 48, 49, 55, 56, 57, 60, 72, 73, 74, 75, 79, 82, 83, 85, 87, 98, 100, 103, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 134, 136, 141, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 165, 166, 171, 174, 191, 193. Tempest, Sir H. Vane, 9, 17, 18, 21, 22, 169. Tetley, Mr., near Leeds, 30, 50, 91, 101, 119. Thacker, Mr., 95, 113. Thayer, Col., Eyra, 122. Theakston, Rev. M., Hurworth, Darlington, 20. Thelluson, Miss, 96. Thomas, Mr., Chesterfield, 9, 11, 16, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40. Thomas, Mr., near Barnard Castle, 138. Thomas, R., Eryholme, 19, 23, 28, 31, 37, 38, 39, 67, 68, 99, 109, 128, 150, 156. Thompson, Col., 90. Thompson, E., Armin, near Howden, Yorkshire, 41, 52, 54, 57, 67, 70, 74, 76, 79, 88, 94, 98, 111, 115. Thompson, Geo., near Greta Bridge, 119, 121. Thompson, H. S., Moat Hall, 181. XX INDEX. Thompson, II. T., Bridekirk, 80, 154. Thompson, Jas., 64, 75, 92, 110, 135, 139, 165. Thompson, J. B., Alnaby, 168. Thompson, John, Girlington Hull, 11, 34, 37, 68. Thompson, L., Sheriff Button, York, 127, 191. Thompson, Lawrence, 87, 89, 143. Thompson, Mr., 16, 17, 71, 94, 109, 134, 160. Thompson, Mr., Canada, 178. Thompson, Mr., Darlington, 48. Thompson, Mr., Kirkhouse, near Brampton, Cumber- land, 137, 181. Thompson, Mr., Spaldington, 74, 117. Thompson, W., 83, 98, 119, 120, 145. Thomson, E. W., York, Canada, 218. Thomson, J., New South Wales, Australia, 81, 84, 87, 93, 96, 106 109, 111, 115, 122. Thome, S., Thorndale, N. Y., U. S. A., 201, 205, 206. Thornhill, Capt., 89. Thornthwaite, Mr., Arkleby, Cumberland, 77, 108, 140, 154. Thornton, R, Stapleton, Darlington, 24, 25, 26, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 43, 44, 48, 54, 58, 60, 61, 71, 74, 87, 92. 102, 104, 105, 107, 111, 119, 121, 126, 140, 144, 151, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 168, 170, 179, 181, 185, 188, 193, 211. Thorold, Mr., 108. Thorold, Sir John, 84. Thorpe, Robinson, Salvin Hall, Worksop, 168. Threshie, Mr., Monswald Place, 182. Thursby, F., Abingdon Rectory, 195. Thwaites, Mr., 113. Tibbitts, Mr., Barton Seagrave, 113. Tibbitts, Mr., Broughton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, 44. Timm, J., Farnborough Grange, Hunts., 188, 196. Timms, Mr., 91. Tod, Mr., 208. Todd, J., Mireside, 204. Todd, Mr., Breckenborough, Catterick, 71, 103, 126, 141. Tolton, John, Guelph, Canada, 219. Tolton, W. & E., Eramosa, Canada, 219. Tomes, Mr., Weston, Gloucestershire, 98, 180. Toosey, Mr., 24. Topham, C., Middleham Hall, 144, 165, 177. Topham, J., Keal Hall, Spilsby, Lincolnshire, 48, 54, 68, 71, 72, 79. 81, 85, 86, 92, 95, 99, 109, 117, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 143, 146, 157, 160, 165, 167, 185, 187. Topham, Mr., Dowestown, Navan, 189. Topham, Mr., Welford, 199. Topham & Kirkham, Lincolnshire, 109. Torr, W., Aylesby Manor. Grimsby, Lincolnshire, 172, 173, 177, 179, 184, 185, 186, 187, 192, 195, 197, 200, 201, 204, 205, 208, 210, 211, 214. Torr, W., Riby, Caistor, Lincolnshire, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, 97, 98, 108, 116, 128, 134, 136, 137, 140, 141, 142, 149, 158, 163, 165, 167, 211, 215. Torrington, Viscount, 146, 152. Torr & Dudding, Lincolnshire, 127. Tottenham, Mr., Ireland, 131. Toulman, E. P., Darlington, 134. Towneley, Col., Towneley Hall, Burnley, 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192, 195, 197, 199, 201, 202, 206, 210, 211, 213, 216. Towneley, Rev. W. G., Beaupre, Wisbeach. 197. Townshend, G., Sapcote Fields, Hinckley, 180, 188, 200, 201. Townshend, G., Stony Stanton, 195. Townsend, R., Kings Newnham, 77, 142, 151, 154. Tremble, Mr., 169. Trenholm, Mr., Butterwick, 75. Trotter, Col., 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 48, 51, 57, 64, 66, 75, 83, 93, 101, 107, 118, 127, 153. Trotter, G. D., Bishop Middleham, Ferry Hill, 167, 170, 171, 179. Trotter, Mr., 58. Trotter, Mr., Bywell, 159. Troutbeck, I. E., Blencow, 69, 84, 92, 125, 127, 137, 145, 176, 178, 183, 197, 199. Tucker, I!., Bourton House, Farringdon, 171, 174. Tucker, Mr., 159. Tunnicliffe, Mr., 216. Turnbull, Mr., Cavers Middles, 78, 100. Turner, Mr., 109, 156. Turner, Mr., Castle Howard, 127. Turner, Mr., Rook's Nest, Surrey, 111. Turner, T., near Ripon, 102, 110. Tute, J., 51. Twentyman, J., 132. Twinberrow, Mr.. 165. Tynte, J. P., Tynte Park, 197, 203. TJ Underwood, T., 91. Unsworth, II., Hayton, Blackrod, Lancashire, 74, 102, 136, 137, 138, 150, 161. Unthank, J., Netherscales, Penrith, Cumberland. 78, 82, 84, 85, 94, 107, 116, 141, 147, 151, 170, 174, 177, 180, 182, 183, 186, 193, 198, 205. Uppleby, Mr., 23. Upton, Mr., 104. Ushaw, Kirk, 82. Vail, Geo., Troy, N. Y., U. S. A., 179, 184. VanDieman's Land Company, 44, 60, 99, 100, 132. Vane, Rev. J., Wrington, 167, 169. Vanmeter & Cunningham, 103. Van Rensselaer, Col. P., U. S. A., 115. Van Rensselaer, Gen., U. S. A., 39, 68, 93, 97. 108, 135, 145. Vansittart, Mr., 33, 105. Vanvolson, Mr., Brussels, 86, 87. Vaughan, Rev. , 120. Verty, Mr., 117, 152. Vincent, Rev. Jas., Gorddinog, Bangor, Carnarvonshire, 70, 142, 148, 149, 153, 165. Wade, H., 98. Wade, Jno., Canada West, 30, 92, 100, 185, 218, 220. Wade, Mr., 85, 113. Wade, Ralph, Jr., Cobourg, Canada West, 188, 189, 190. Wade, Ralph, Sr., Hope, Canada West, 184. Wailes, A., Bearl, Northumberland, 10, 13, 18, 20. Wailes, John, 91. Wailes, J., Rounton Grange, Northallerton, 174, 192. Waistell, Mr., 19, 44, 131. Wait, Mr., U. S. A., 70. Wait & Bagg, Orange Co., U. S. A., 68, 100, 131. Waites, Mr., 150. Walbran, Mr., Topcliffe Manor, 100, 133, 147, 151. Walcott & Campbell, Oneida Co., N. Y., U. S. A., 217. Waldy, Mr., Barmpton, Darlington, 48, 86, 111, 121, 129, 133, 154. Walesby, D. B., Ranby, near Horncastle, Lincolnshire, 41, 72, 89, 112, 120, 151, 203. Walesby, JohnS., Ranby, near Horncastle, Lincolnshire, 80, 112. Walker, J., Fintray, Aberdeenshire, 89. Walker, J., Myton, Borobridge, 17, 19, 90. Walker, Mr., 82, 131. Walker, Mr., Barrington, 91. Walker, Mr., Cleasby, 51, 150. Walker, Mr., Dane's Hill, near Retford, 70, 132. Walker, Mr., Eastwood, 85. Walker, Mr., Leyburn, 17, 24, 31, 34, 36, 48. Walker, Mr., Londonthorpe, Grantham, 46, 58, 64. Walker, Mr., Maunby Hall, near Thirsk, 99, 154, 159. Walker, R., Ferrygate, Haddington, 130, 164. Walkington, Mr., 122. Wallis, T. M., Fayette Co., Ky'., U. S. A., 183. Walsingham, Lord, Merton Hall, 197, 204. Walton, J., Dinsdale, near Darlington, 70, 72, 73, 99, 155. Walton, W. H., near Liverpool, 157. Walton & Emmerson, Weardale, 129. Ward, Mr., 166. Wardle, Mr., 131. Ware, Col., U. S. A., 120. Ware, Mr., 132. Warfield, Mr., Lexington, Ky.,U. S. A., 77, 78, 81, 86, 90, 91, 96, 97, 103, 110, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119, 123, 132, 133, 140, 141, 145, 152, 156. Warfleld, N., 117. Waring, Mr., 112. Waron, Mr., 74. Warriner, Rev. G., Bloxham Grange, Banbury, 76, 167, 180, 183. Wasson,J., 119. Wastell, Mr., Bur don, 14. Watkin, S., Plumpton, Penrith, 73, 74, 77, 83, 96, 102, 104, 108, 110, 125, 126, 131, 136, 142, 145, 152, 153, 154, 155, 176. Watkin, W., Cleatham, near Staindrop, 135. Watson, H., Connecticut, U. S. A., 40, 110, 135. Watson, H., Walkeringham, Gainsbro, 72, 77, 112, 133, 143, 148, 150, 152, 158, 162, 163, 165, 172, 175. Watson, J., 143, 157. Watson, Jos., 164. Watson, J., Wauldby, 73, 85, 89, 92, 100, 105, 114, 115, 117, 122, 124, 147, 149, 154, 155, 160, 162, 164, 167, 172, 173, 182, 192. INDEX. XXI Watson, Mr., 144. Watson, Mr., Longwathly, 84. Watson, Mr., Ovington, 145. Watson, Mr., Speckley, 87. Watson, Mr., Seaton Ross, 88. Watson, Messrs., Wauldby, 73, 75, 104, 105, 114, 120, 122, 124. Watson, W., West Ella Grange, 92. Watts, Mr., Gloucestershire, 41. Watts, Dr. Arthur, Ohio, U. S. A., 184. Watt & Renick, U. S. A., 189. Waugh, W., Scales Hall, 84. Weastell, R., 170. Weaver, W., 121. Webb, Jonas, Babraham, 147, 167, 175, 176, 179, 181, 183, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 193, 196, 199, 200, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207. Webster, Mr., 29, 32, 46, 60, 84. Webster, Mr., America, 81. Webster, W., Upton, near Liverpool, 127. Welflt, Mr., 80. Wells, Mr., 107. Welsh, P., Trough House, Ireland, 201. Wentworth, Mr., Wooley Park, near Wakefleld, 75, 104, 116, 136. Wence, Mr., 154. West, Capt., 148. West, Mr., 71, 112. Westaby, Thomas, 97. Westminster, Marquis of, 131. Wetenhall, John, Nelson, Canada, 218. Wetherell, J., Barmpton, 13, 29, 49, 86, 103, 130, 166. Wetherell, Mr., 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37. 40, 49, 60, 63, 64. 66, 71, 78, 90, 92, 95, 105, 106, 110, 118, 122, 123, 137, 138, 158, 167, 168. Wetherell, T., Kirkbridge, 21, 183, 184, 186. Wetherell, W., Alborough, 194, 196, 200. Wetherell, W., Holme House, Darlington, 42, 53. Wharnclifle, Lord, 95. Whate, Mr., 144. Wheatley, Mr., Caldwell, 110, 141. Wheler, John P., Scarborough, Canada, 219. Whitaker, Mr., 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 80, 82, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 98, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 170. White, Holt, 159. White, John, Copson Lodge, near Hinckley, 86, 125. White, J. & J., Trafalgar, Canada, 219. White, Mr., Clinterly, 191. White, Mr., Coates, Loughboro, 11, 12, 21, 26, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 110. White, Mr., Gloucestershire, 117. White, Mr., Haywood Oaks, 127. Whitehead, Mr., Methlick, N. B., 177, 182. Whitney, Mr., New Haven, Conn., U. S. A., 96, 115, 117, 125. Whitton, Mr., Lowflelds, near Catterick, 88. Wightman, Mr., 68. Wiley, E., 134. Wiley, S., Brandsby, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 71, 72, 76, 87, 93, 94, 99, 104, 106, 108, 114, 121, 126, 132, 134, 139, 143, 144, 149, 153, 160, 161, 163, 171, 175, 177, 180, 187, 190, 191, 200, 209. Wilkinson, J., Lenton, near Nottingham, 40, 41, 46, 52, 76, 81, 85, 92, 96, 103, 106, 111, 115, 119, 121, 126, 142, 148, 149, 153, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 173, 177, 178, 181, 189, 195, 196. Wilkinson, John, 103. Wilkinson, Mrs. Dorothy, Feldair, near Richmond, 51, 57, 77, 82, 90, 101, 117, 131, 143, 647, 148. Wilkinson, Thos., Coldstorms, 93, 114, 148, 150. Wilks, Mr., 30. Williams, G. W., Bourbon Co., Ky., U. S. A., 178, 182, 191. Williams, Mr., 89, 91, 106, 122, 135, 144, 145, 149, 153. Williams, Samuel, London, 27. Williams, Stephen, Northboro, Mass., U. S. A., 27, 40, 62, 63, 130. Williamson, Mr., 132, 150. Willis, T., Bedale, 171, 179, 180, 190, 196, 202. Willows, Mr., 104. Wilson, B., Brawith, 74, 77, 78, 95, 109, 110, 115, 119, 120, 127, 129, 130, 141, 142, 149, 153, 155, 160, 162, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 180, 201. Wilson, Col. Thos., near Newark, O., U. S. A., 72, 79, 98. Wilson, J., Woodhorn Manor, 201. Wilson, John, Simprin, Roxburghshire, 117. Wilson, Mr., 83, 111, 156, 160, 164. Wilson, Mr., Boothby, 71. Wilson, Mr., Crackenthorpe Hall, near Appleby, 146, 156. Wilson, Mr., Cumlege, Dunse, 84, 129. Wilson, Mr., Thistlewood, 200. Wilson, T., 81. Wilmot, E. W., 91. Wilmot, Mr., Worksop, 72, 102. Wingate, Mr., Hareby, Spilsby, 176. Wingfield, Rowland, Guelph, Canada, 219. Winnal, Mr., 152. Wirtemberg, King of, 26. Witham, Mr., Lartington, 85. Wodehouse, Lord, 95. Wolston, Mr., 74. Wood, Edward, 90, 119. Wood, Gilbert, Whitworth, near Durham, 48, 54, 56, 67, 92, 101, 109, 130, 158, 182. Wood, Grove, Letterkenny, Ireland, 152. Wood, H., Croft Grange, near Darlington, 143. Wood, John, Hodsack, 141, 150. Wood, J., Stanwick Park, Darlington, 189, 191, 210. Wood, Jno., Kimblesworth, near Durham, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59, 60, 63, 74, 78, 86, 111, 117, 119, 130, 135, 149. Wood, J. G., Castle Grove, 199. Wood, Mr., 59, 77, 87, 109, 113, 121. Wood, Mr., Cockermouth, 77. Woodcock, Mr., Stirrup, Bantry, 14, 16, 18, 33. Woodgate, Mr., 117. Woodhouse, J., Bridge Hewick, Ripon, Yorkshire, 28, 30, 45, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 66, 77, 84, 88, 96, 98, 109, 113, 115, 119, 120, 121, 138, 147, 152, 177. Woodhouse, R., near Ripon, Yorkshire, 57, 68, 88, 134, 168, 171, 184. Woodward, Mr., 108, 109, 162. Woodward, W., Northway House, 209, 216. Woolf, Mr., 120. Woolin, Mr., Brearly Manor, 63. Worth, Mr., Marston, Grantham, 62, 104, 120. Worthington, Mr., near Coventry, 108. Wray, Mr., Cleasby, 54. Wright, G., Manfield, 16. Wright, Mr., Cleasby, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 33, 35,*40, 49, 50, 52, 53, 63, 109, 110, 113, 121, 122. Wright, Miss, Cleasby, 11, 12, 14, 19, 29, 31, 35, 91, 103, 150. Wright, W., Sigglesthorne Hall, near Hull, 187. Wrightson, Mr., Neasham, 75, 111, 112, 114. Wrottesley, Lord, Wolverhampton, 79. Wynne, Mr., Ireland, 132. Wythes, G., Reigate, Surrey, 181. Wythes. F., Ravensden House, 202. Wyvill, Mr., 75, 128. Yarborough, Lord, 59. Yeates, A., Grantley, 184. Yeates, Mr., Newby Park, 100, 105, 114, 132, 133, 148, 151. Yorke, Mr., Bewerley Hall, near Ripon, 136. Yorke, Mr., Thrapston, 81, 88, 115, 124, 134, 136, 149, 192. Yvart, Mons., France, 107. Zetland, Earl of, Aske Hall, Richmond, 67, 168, 169, 186 191, 192, 200, 205. PEDIGREES OF ENGLISH BULLS. LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. VOLUME I. (1) ABELARD. Calved 1812, bred by Major Bower, got by Cecil (120), d. Easby, by Lame Bull (359), by Booth's Old White Bull (89), bought at Darlington. (2) ACHMET. Red, bred by Col. Trotter, got by Comet (155), d. Amelia, by Frank (265), Marcella, by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), Hollon, bred by Mr. Hollon. (3) ADDITION. Calved 1817, bred by Coates and Alder- son, got by Young Wynyard (704), d. Rosette, by Palm- llower (480), Rose, by Patriot (486), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Barningbam (56), by a Bull bred by John Charge. (4) ADMIBAL. Roan, bred by R. Colling, got by Wel- lington (680), d. by Phenomenon (491), Old Black-well. (5) ADMIRAL. Red and white, calved 1821, bred by R. Booth, got by Pilot (496), d. Ariadne, by Albion (14), &c., as in Aaron (711). (6) ADONIS. Bred by Mr. Wright, got by Comet (155), d. Beauty, by Marske (417), Miss Washington, by Wash- ington (674). (7) ADONIS. Red and white, calved Oct. 2, 1819, bred by Mr. Simpson, of Babworth, got by Lancaster (360), d. Venus (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), by George (275), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), from a sister to the dam of the White Heifer that travelled. (8) ADONIS. Calved 1819, bred by R. Colling, got by Lancaster (.360). (9) AGAMEMNON. Roan, calved Dec. 1814, bred by R. Booth, got by Albion (14), d. Brighteyes, by Lame Bull (359), &c., as in Aaron (711). Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (11) A.IAS. Bred by the Rev. Wm. Glaister, got by Young Denton (963), d. Lydia, by Easby (232), by Danby (190), by Cleveland, by Ben (70), by Charge's Pre- mium Bull (124). (12) ALABASTER. Calved 1817, bred by Mr. Hutch- inson. u;ot by Col. Trotter's son of Baron (58), d. Wel- come, by Herod (307), &c., as in Coryphaeus (924). (13) ALBANY. Calved Nov. 18, 1818, bred by Mr. Ar- buthnot, got by Lancaster (360), d. Clarissa (bred by R. Colling), 'by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252).- -by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by a son of Hubback (319). Beauty, from the dam of Punch (531), by Broken Horn (95), bred by G. Best, Manfleld. (14) ALBION. Light roan, calved April 18, 1810, bred by < '. Colling. Full brother to Adonis (6). (15) YOI-NG ALBION. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Al- bion (1 !). d. Halnal.y. by Lame Bull (359), by Easby 0888), by Suwomw (ttW). (Hi) Ai.i-.iov- Calvi'd 1813, bred by Sir Henry Vane Tempest, got by Wynyard (703), d. Anna Boleyne, by 2 Favourite (252), Princess, by Favourite (252), by Fa- vourite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Waistell's Bull (669), by Masterman's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). (17) ALBION. Roan, calved 1818, bred by R. Colling, got by Lancaster (360), d. by Wellington (680), by Fa- vourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (18) ALBION. Red, calved April 27, 1819, bred by Mr. Smith. Dishley, got by Juniper (114-1), d. Cattle's Cherry, by a son of Comet (155), by Marske (418). (19) ALCOCK'S (RALPH) BULL. Bred by Michael Jack- son, of Hutton-Bonville, near Northallerton. (20) ALEXANDER. Bred by C. Colling, got by Favour- ite (252), d. Countess, by Cupid (177), Lady, by Grand- son of Bolingbroke (280), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), Favourite (alias Lady Maynard), by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). NOTE. Alexander does not appear in the produce of Countess, Vol. 1, p. 246. In the original edition of the E. H. B., his sire only is given. L. F. A. (21) ALEXANDER. Calved 1806, bred by William Job- ling, got by Duke (224), d. Bella, by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (22) ALEXANDER. Calved 1809, bred by C. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Cora, by Favourite (252), Count- ess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Alexander (20). (23) ALFRED. Red and white, calved 1809, bred by C. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Venus, by Ben (70), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), &c., as in Comet (155). (24) ALFRED. Red roan, calved July 20, 1820, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Lancaster (360), d. Red Rose, by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698). (25) ALFRED. Red and white, calved Feb. 18. 1821, bred by Mr. Whitaker. got by Ketton 3d (349), d. Alfrede, by Alfred (23), &c., as in Argo (758). (26) ALLISON'S GREY BULL. Got by Charge's Grey Bull (123). (27) ALONZO. Roan, calved April, 1817, bred by R, Booth, got by Rockingham (559), d. Ariadne, by Albion (14), &c., as in Aaron (711). (28) ALONZO. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Cleveland (146), d. Red Daisy (bred by Mr. Hust- ler), by Major (398), by Windsor (698), Old Daisy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (29) ALPHA. Calved 1816 or 1817, got by Midas (435), d. by Comet (155), by a son of Favourite (252). (30) ALPHA.-rGot by Midas, d. by Comet, by Favour- ite. (31) ANCASJER. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Thomas, got by Achmet (2), d. Amelia, by Atlas (42), Johanna of 1812 (bred by C. Colling), by Wetherell's Bull (690), Johanna of 1806, by Favourite (252), Old JoManna, by Lame Bull (357). (32) ANGUS' BULL. 10 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (33) ANTHONY. Calved May, 1816, bred by Col. Mel- lish, got by Charles (127), d. Aurora, (34) ANTONIO. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Cleveland (146), d. Wildair, by Meteor (431), by Yarborough (705), by Styford (629), by Hollon's Bull (313). (85) API?. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Eclipse (237), d. Brighteyes (bred by Mr. Gibson), by Meteor (431), &c,, as in Apollo -,(37). (36) ApOLLO.^Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Young Al- bion (15), d. Valentine, by Blucher (82), Countess, by Albion (14), by Shakspeare (582), by Easby (232). (37) APOLLO. Roan, calved Dec. 8, 1821, bred by Lord Althorp, got by His Grace (311), d. lo, by Cecil (120), Brighteyes, by Midas (435), Brighteyes (bred by Mr. Gibson), by Meteor (431), by Petrarch (488), by Alex- ander (20), by Traveller (655), by a son of Bolingbroke (86). (38) ARCHDUKE. Bred by Mr. Wright, got by Sir Charles (592). (39) ARCHDUKE CHARLES. Calved 1805, bred by W. Jobling, got by Duke (224), d. by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (40) ARTHUR. (41) ATHELSTAN. Calved 1812, bred by J. Hutchin- son, got by Alfred (23), d. Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), Old Eoany, by F. Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213), Roaned Heifer, by Checks (132), Red Sail, by Grimston's Bull (282), Sockburn Sail, by J. Coates 1 "Bull (148). (42) ATLAS. Roan, bred by Mr. Wright, got by Comet (155), d. Alpine, by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (43) ATLAS. Bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Marske (418), d. Young Laura, by Comet (155), Laura, by Favourite (252), Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), 4c., as in Alexander (20). (44) AYLESBY. Light roan, bred by R. Colling, got by Favourite (252), d. Red Rose, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (45) B. Roan, calved 1796, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Favourite (252), d. Fortune (bred by C. Colling), by Bolingbroke (86), by Foljambe (263), I bred by Mr. Maynard. (46) BACON'S SON OF COMET. Bred by Mr. Bacon, d. (bred by R. Colling) by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), Old Brighteyes, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Craven (1885). (47) BADSWORTH. Commonly called Mitton's Old Bull. Nearly all red, calved 1798, bred by G. Coates, got b^ Twin Brother to Ben (660), d. Roan Cow, by Haughton (294), Milbank (bred by Miss Milbank, Barningham), by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (48) BAINTON. Red roan, calved 1801, bred by G. Coates, got by Driffield (223), d. Roan Cow, by Haughton (294), Milbank, by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (49) BAKER'S (JOHN) BULL. Red and white, calved 1799, bred by G. Coates, got by Twin Brother to Ben (660), d. Grimstone, by Barningham (56), by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (50) BARD BRACY. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Hutch- inson, got by Sir Leoline (603), d. Sally 'O, by Orlando (471), Lucy, by Herod 0307), Crescent, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), Young Sail, by Chapman's Son of Puneh,(122),-jgbckburn Sail, by J. Coates' Bull (148). (51) BARKER'S (WILLIAM) BULL. Yellow, red and white, bred by William Barker, got by Lakeland's son of Studley Bull (626). (52) BARKER'S (RICHARD) BULL. Sire of C. Colling's Foljambe (263). Red and white, calved 1784, bred by R Barker, got by Mr. Hill's Red Bull, d. by a son of Lake- land's Bull. (53) BARKER'S BULL OF LAYTON. (54) BARMPTON. Roan, calved 1810, bred by R. Col- ling, got. by George (275), d. Moss Rose, by Favourite (252), Red Rose, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (55) YOUNG BARMPTON. Calved 1817, bred by R. Col- ling, got by Wellington (680), d. by , by Favourite (252). (56) BARNINGHAM. Red and white, calved 1788, bred by Geo. Coates, got by Manlield (404), d. Milbank, by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (57) BARNES. Bred by Thomas Jobling, got by Phe- nomenon (491). (58) BARON. Calved 1814, bred by Col. Trotter, got by Comet (155), d. by grandson of Favourite (252), Beauty, by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (59) BARON. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Earnshaw, got by Harold (291), d. by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47). (60) BARONET. Roan, calved 1806, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Chilton (136), d. Lydia, by Favourite (252), Nell, by Mason's White Bull (421), Fortune, by Bolingbroke (86), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319), bred by Mr. Maynard. (61) BARONET. Got by Wynyard (703), d. Trinket, by Phenomenon (491), Tragedy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (62) BARONET. Red, calved 1815, bred by B. Colling, got by Wellington (680), d. Red Rose, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Barmpton (54). (63) BARTLE (777). (64) BARWICK. Calved 1810, bred by Mr. Hutchin- son, got by Windsor (698), d. Crescent, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (65) BEARL. Roan, calved 1818, bred by A. Wailes, got by Duke of Wellington (231), d. Mary, by Yarbo- rough (705), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (66) BEAUCLERK. Calved 1817, bred by Mr. Hntch- inson, got by Blaize (75), d. Beauty, by Buston's Styford (103), Young Sail, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), Sockburn Sail, by J. Coates' Bull (148). (67) BEAUTiFUL.*-Calved 1816, bred by Mr. Hutchin- son, got by Herod (307), d. Beauty by Buston's Styford (103), &c., as in Beauclerk (66). (68) BEDFORD. White, calved 1819, bred by Sir H. Can- Ibbetson, got by Planet (503), d. Selina (bred by C. Colling), by Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (17'7), &c., as in Alexander (20). (69) BELLEROPHON. Red roan, calved 1821, bred by MA Brown, got by Warrior (673), d. Lady, by Patriot (486), Painted Lady, by a bull out of Coates' Roan Cow. (70) BEN. Red, bred by R. Colling, got by Punch (531), d. by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (71) BENGAL. Got by Simon (590), d. by Cupid (177), by Charles (126). (72) BILSDALE. Roan, calved 1816, bred by Mr. Dun- combe, got by Baron (58), d. Ruby (bred by C. Col- ling), by Ya Eliza. , , . . - ling), by Yarborough (705), Red Rose, by Comet (155), (73) BISHOP. Calved 1818, bred by Mr. Curwen got by Wellington (683). d. Arbutus, by Harlequin (289), etc., as in Conservative (3472). (74) BISHOP BURTON. Calved 1818, bred by T. W. Parrington, got by Baronet (61), d. by Cleveland (145), by Washington (674), by Cleasby (141). (75) BLAIZE. Red and white, calved 1810, bred by Mr. Mason, got by St. John (572), d. White Legs, by Favourite (252), Nell, by Mason's White Bull (421), Ac., as in Baronet (60). (76) BLAIZE. Red, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. Crimson (bred by Geo. Coates), by Patriot (486), &c., as in Cinnamon (139). (77) BLOSSOM. (78) BLUCHER. White, calved 1813, bred by Mr. Par- ker, got by Windsor (698), d. Cathlene (bred by C. Col- ling), by Washington (674), by a son of Cupid (177). (79) BLUCHER. Calved 1813, bred by the Earl of Strath- more, got by Marske (418), d. Symmetry, by Dales' Bull (187). (80) BLUCHER. Red, got by Alfred, d. by Bolingbroke (86). (81) BLUCHER. Bred by the Rev. Thomas Harrison. (82) BLUCHER. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Marshal Beresford (415), d. by Booth's Lame Bull (359), by Easby (232). (83) BLUCHER. White, calved Sept, 1816, bred by G. Coates, got by Mayflower (425), d. Beauty by Patriot (486), Young Hart, by Haughton (294), Hart, by a bull of Mr. Cornforth's. (84) BLUCHER. Roan, calved Jan. 1819, bred by Major Bower, got by Marshal Beresford (415), d. Blossom (bred TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACK. 11 by Colonel Trotter), by Comet (155), Belinda, by a icriii'1-oii of Favourite (25'2),--l!eautv, by Collinses son of Favourite a'.V.'). Old Beauty, by Colling'* sou of Fa- vourite (252), by Favourite (252). (S: BLYTH COMET. Red and white, calved 1811, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Comet (155), d. Magdalene (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), Miss Washington, by Washington (674). (86) BOLINGBROKE, ou LORD BOLINGBROKE. Red and white, calved Nov. 12, 17'88, bred by C. Colling, got by Foljambe (2(13). d. Young Strawberry (bred by Mr. May- May nard], by R. Alcock'sTSull (19), by J. Smith's Bull nard), by Dalton Duke (188), Favourite [alias Lady nurd], by R. Alcock's Bu <(i()S), by Jolly's Bull (337). (87) BOOTH. (88) BOOTH'S SON OF TWIN BROTHER TO BEN. Got by Twin Brother to Ben (060), d. by an own brother to Young Strawberry, by Dalton Duke (188), Favourite [Olios Lady Maynard], by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Boll (608), Strawberry, by Jolly's Bull (337). (S'.M BOOTH'S OLD WHITE BULL. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Sr.worrow (636), d. Fairholme, by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (600), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (90) BOUGHTON. Got by Windsor (698), d. by Colonel, by Styford (629), by a son of Hubback (319). (91) BRACKEN. Red and white, bred by Mr. Grimston, got by Bainton (48), d. by Bainton (48), by Bainton (48). (92) BRILLIANT. Red and white, calved Nov. 5, 1819, bred by Mr. Donkin, got by Young Star (619), d. Bess, by .Midas (435), Camilla, by Sir Oliver (605), by Chilton (136), by Ben (70). (93) BRISK. Got by Houghton (318), d. by Starling (620), by Henry (301), by Charge's Roan Bull (123), by Favourite (252). (94) BROCKLESBY. Roan, calved Nov. 3, 1820, bred by Mr. Simpson, got by Lancaster (360), d. Princess, by Ket- ton (846), Yarborough, by Eclipse (234), by Yarbo- rough (705). 11)5). BROKEN HORN. Red roan, calved 1787, bred by K. Colling, got by Hubback (319), d. by Hubback (319), bred by Mr. Watson, Manh'eld. (96) BROMFIELD. Calved Sept. 17, 1819, bred by Mr. Simpson, Babworth, got by Lancaster (360), d. Shepherd- ess, by Neswick (453). (97) BROWN'S (JAMES) OLD RED BULL. Bred by John Thompson, Girlington Hall, got by W. Barker's Bull (51). (98) BROWN'S (JAMES) WHITE BULL. Bred by Wm. Barker, got by Dalton Duke (188). (99) BRUCE (CURWEN'S). Red and white, calved 1818, got by Jupiter, d. Rolla. (100) BRUTUS. Calved Dec. 6, 1819, bred by Miss Wright, got by Marshal Blucher (416), d. Laurustina, by Comet (155), &c., as in Ajax (2946). (101) BUMPER. Roan, calved 1809, bred by Mr. Ma- son, got by Windsor (698), d. by Chilton (136), by Colo- nel (152). (102) BUSTLER. Got by Merlin (429), d. by Starling (620), by Henry (301), by Favourite (252), by Irishman (329), by B (45). (103) BUSTON'S (SON OF) STYFORD. Got by Styford (629). (104) BUTTERFLY. Bred by C. Colling, got by Cupid (177), d. Cherry, by Lame Bull (357), by Hubback (319), bought at Yarm Fair by the late Mr. Colling. (105) BUZZARD. Got by Juniper, d. by Comet (155), Cherry (bred by C. Colling), by Favourite (252), Cherry, by Lame Bull (357), by Hubback (31!)). bought at Yarm Fair by the late Mr. Colling [father of R. and C. Colling]. (106) C.ESAR. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, got by North Stan (4(50), d. Virginia, by Charles (127), Venus, by Comet (155), by Freeman (269), by Herdsman (1304). (107) CANDOUR. Roan, calved Feb. 26, 1815, bred by Major Bower, got by Marshal Hereford (415), d. Con- stantia, by Petrarch (488), Cora (bred by C. Colling), by Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., 'as in Alexander (:.>()>. (10S) CAPTAIN. Roan, bred by Mr. Raynes, got by Favourite (1033), d. Dainty, by Raynes' Roan Bull, bred by Mr. Uooth, Killerhy. (109) CAPTAIN. Got by Northumberland, d. by York- Bhireman. (110) CAPTAIN CANDID. Red roan, calved March 10, 1S1H, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Palatine <47S), d. by Slum-ton's Bull (623). (111) CARDINAL (839). (112) CARDINAL. Red and white, calved Feb. 25, 1815, bred by G. Coates. Full brother to Cinnamon (139 1. (113) CARDINAL. Roan, calved Dec. 8, 1819. bred by Mr. White, got by Denton (108). d. Lady (bred by Mr. Wetherell), by Comet (155), by Henry (301). (114) CARHAM. Calved 1816, bred by Mr. Compton, got by Blossom, d. Duchess, by Mayduke (424), by Car- lisle (115). (115) CARLISLE. Calved 1796, bred by C. Colling, trot by Favourite (252), d. Young Ilaughton, by Punch 1.7J1), Haughton, by Hubback (319). (116) YOUNG CARLISLE. Bred by Mr. Compton, got by Carlisle (115). (117) CARLISLE. White, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Cur- wen, got by Cumberland (176), d. Jennie Deans (bred by Gen. Simson), by Oscar (475). (118) CARNABY. Red and white, calved 1813, bred by G. Coates, got by Favourite (257), d. Daisy, by Palm- flower (480), Snowdrop, by Driffleld (223), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), Miss Dodsworth, by a son of Dalton Duke (188). Slaughtered 1817. (119) CATO. Red and white, calved 1815, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Charles (127), d. Clio, by Comet (156), Captive, by St. John (572), Cora, by Chilton (136), Marcia, by White Bull (421), or Simon (590), Gaudy, by Favourite (252), Fortune, by Bolingbroke (86), by Fol- jambe (263), by Hubback (319), bred by Mr. Maynard. (120) CECIL. Roan, calved 1810, bred' by C. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Peeress, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Remus (1369). (121) CHANCELLOR. Calved 1816, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Charles (127'), d. by Blyth Comet (85). (122) CHAPMAN'S SON OF PUNCH. (123) CHARGE'S GREY OR ROAN BULL (872). (124) CHARGE'S PREMIUM BULL. (125) CHARGE'S RED BULL. (126) CHARLES. Got by either Hubback (319), or Fol- jambe (263). (127) CHARLES. Roan, calved 1812, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Pope (514), d. Cora, by Chilton (136), &c., as in Cato (119). (128) CHARLES 2D. Calved 1816, got by Charles (127). Slaughtered Dec. 19, 1821. (129) CHARLES. Calved 1818, bred by. G. Robinson, got by Cupid (181), d. Cherry, by Magnum Bonum (2882), by Coates' Son of Patriot (486), by a grandson of Ben (70), by Dalton Duke (188). (130) CHARLY. Calved Dec. 29, 1818, got by Ellis' Alpha, d. Roseberry, by Comet, Judith, by Son of Fa- vourite. (181) CHARLY. Calved Nov. 13, 1820, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Harold (291), d. Mary, by Meteor (432), Magdalena (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), by Cupid (177), Slaughtered 1821. (132) CHECKS (WRIGHT'S). (133) CHESTERFIELD. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Tho- mas, got by Achmet (2), d. Charlotte (bred by Col. Trot- ter), by Cupid (179), by Ilntton (320), by Son of Fa- vourite (252), by Bolingbroke (86), by a son of Duke. (134) CHESTER'S SON OF ALEXANDER. (135) CHIEFTAIN. Bred by T. Bates, got by Daisy Bull (186). ,i NOTE. Mr. Bates notes in his copy of the E. H. B., "Dam by a grandson of Favorite, out of a black High- land cow Mr. Bates bought in Scotland in 1796." L. F. A. (136) CHILTON. Roan, calved 1803, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Favourite (252), or Simon (590), d. Lily, by Fa- vourite (252), Miss Lax, by Dalton Duke (188,) Lady Maynard, by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (137) CHILTON. White and red spots, calved Dec. 27, 1819, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley. u'ot by Cato (119), d. by Sir Oliver (605), by Cripple (171), by Irishman C'.O'.M. (138) CICERO. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Thomas, Ches- terfield. Full brother to Chesterlield (133). (139) CINNAMON. Red and white, calved April, 1813. bred by G. Coates, got by Palmflower (480), d. Crimson, LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by Patriot (486), Young Milbank, by Driffield (223), Milbank, by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (140) CLAREMONT. Calved 1818, bred by Major Rudd, got by Leopold (372), d. Stately, by Major (397), by an o%n Brother to the White Heifer that travelled. [She was by Favourite (252), d. Favourite cow. by Favourite (252), by Punch (531).] (141) CLEASBY. Bred by Mr. Wright, got by Dalton Duke (188). (142) CLEASBY. Calved April 15, 1820, bred by Miss Wright, got by Remus (550), d. Young Lively, by Tom (653), Lively, by Major (399). (143) CLEVELAND. Bred by C. Colling, got by Favour- ite (252), d. Sister to Simon, by Punch (531), by Boling- broke (86). (144) CLEVELAND. Bred by R. Colling, got by Ben (70). (145) CLEVELAND. Got by Windsor (698), d. by Wash- ington (674), by Cleasby (141). (146) CLEVELAND. Red and white, calved 1814, bred by T. Bates, got by Ketton 3d (349), d. Duchess 1st (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), by Favourite (252), by Daisy Bull (186), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (147) CLIFTON. Red and white, bred by C. Colling. (148) COATES' (JOHN) BULL. Red and white, calved 1788, bred by C. Colling, got by Dalton Duke (188). (149) C. COLLING'S GRANDSON op BOLINGBROKE (280). (150) C. COLLING'S WHITE BULL. (151) R. COLLING'S WHITE BULL (3421). (152) COLONEL. Bred by Col. Simpson, got by Lame Bull (357). (153) COLONEL. White, calved Dec. 1817, bred by Mr. Pilkington, got by Albion (14), d. Tulip, by Prince (521), by Neswick (453). &54) COLONEL COMMANDANT. Red roan, calved Aug. 22, 1819, bred by Major Bower, got by Marshal Beres- ford (415), d. Cora, by Favourite (252), Countess, by Cu- pid (177), &c., as in Alexander (20). (155) COMET. Red and white roan, calved 1804, bred by C. Colling, got by Favourite (252), d. Young Phoenix, by Favourite (252), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), Fa- vourite [alias Lady Maynard], by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). Died 1815. (156) YOUNG COMET. Bred by Mr. Wright, got by Comet (155), d. by Comet (155). (157) YOUNG COMET. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Al- bion (14), d. by Lame Bull (359), by Suworrow (636). (158) COMET, OB CORNET, 2649. Bred by Sir H. C. Ib- betson. (159) COMPTON'S SON OP CARLISLE, OR YOUNG CAR- LISLE (116). (160) COMPTON'S SON OF CUPID (177). (161) COMUS. Calved 1819, bred by T. W. Parrington, got by Symmetry (643), d. Daisy, by Windsor (698), by Washington (674), by Cleasby (141). (162) CONQUEROR. Red and white, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Symmetry (642), d. Sally, by Denton (198), Selina, by Wellington (678), by Dauby (190). (163) CONSTELLATION. Red, calved 1812, bred by Maj. Rudd, got by Petrarch (488), d. Countess, by Cupid (177), fcc., as in Alexander (20). (164) CONSTELLATION. Got by Redness Favourite (537), d. by North Star (459), by Eclipse, by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252), by Wressle Old Bull (702), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88). (165) CONSTITUTION. Calved 1819, bred by R. Fer- guson, got by Favourite (256), d. Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), Princess, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by G. Snowdon's Bull (612), by Waistell's Bull (669), by J. Masterman's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). (166) CONSTITUTION. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Hutch- inson, got by Orlando (471), d. Lucy, by Herod (307), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (167) CORPORAL. Roan, calved Oct. 30, 1820, bred by Mr. White, Cotes, got by Symmetry (642), d. Cora (bred by Mr. Wetherell), by Baronet (60), by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329), by Hubhack (3J<>). (Ki8) COSSACK. Bred by Col. Mellish. (169) COTTAGER. Red and white, calved 1812, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Pope (514), d. Cowslip, by St. John (572), Mora, by Favourite (252), Nymph, by White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Chilton (136). (170) COUNT. Red and white, calved Jan. 1813, bred by Mr. Earnshaw, got by Bracken (91), d. Young Count- ess (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as hi Alexander (20). (171) CRIPPLE. Red and white, calved 1800, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Irishman (329), d. Fortune, by Boling- broke (86), &c., as in B (45). (172) CRIPPLE. Calved 1808, bred by Mr. Seymour, got by Sweepstakes (637), d. Red Rose, by Favourite (252), by Bolingbroke (86), by a son of Duke. Died 1812. (173) CRIPPLE. Bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Comet (155), d. by Henry (301). (174) CRISPIN. Calved Oct. 25, 1813, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Prince (521), d. Magdalene, by .Comet (155), Miss Washington, by Washington (674). (175) CROCUS. (176) CUMBERLAND. Got by Duke (226), d. by Hill (309), by Hayfarm (297), by Cupid (177), by Charles (126), Old Detchard. (177) CUPID. Calved 1799, bred by C. Colling, got by Son of Favourite (253), d. Venus by Ben (70), Phoenix by Foljambe (263), &c., as in Alexander (20). (178) CUPID. Calved Dec. 1811, bred by Mr. Hutchin- son, got by Alfred (23), d. Crescent, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (179) CUPID. Bred by Mr. Seymour, got by Sir Dim- ple (594), d. Young Red Rose, by Hutton (320), Rose Bud, by , by Favourite (252), by Bolingbroke (86). (180) CUPID. Red, bred by Gen. Simson, got by Star, d. Queen, by Star. (181) CUPID. Red and white, calved Feb. 28, 1814, bred by G. Coates. Full brother to Cinnamon (139). (182) YOUNG CUPID. Bred by Mr. Earnshaw, got by Harold (291), d. Young Venus, by Bracken (91), &c., as in Bacchus (1664). (183) CUSTARD. White, calved 1817, bred by Mr. Ba- ker, got by Hermit (305), d. Buxom, by Lawnsleeves (365), Barmpton (bred by R. Colling), by Favourite (252), Brighteyes, by Favourite (252), Old Bright-eyes, by Fa- vourite (252), &c., as in Craven (1885). (184) CYRUS. Calved Feb.5,1820, bred by Miss Wright, got by Marshal Blucher (416), d. Juno, by Sir Charles (592), Virginette, by Tom (652), Virginia, by Major (399). (185) DAINTY DAVY. Roan, calved Nov. 24, 1818, bred by Major Bower, got by Cecil (120), d. Daisy, by a grand- son of Favourite (252), Old Daisy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). Castrated 1819. (186) DAISY BULL. Bred by C. Colling, got by Favour- ite (252), d. by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (187) DALE'S BULL. Got by J. Brown's White Bull (98). (188) DALTON DUKE (691). Brindled red and white, bred by J. Charge, got by W. Dobson's Bull- (218), d. by Studley White Bull (627). (189) DAMON. Roan, calved June 10, 1817, bred by Ma- jor Bower, got by Palatine (478), d. Daphne, by Jupiter (344), Daisy, by a grandson of Favourite (252), Old Daisy, by Favourite (252), by*Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (190) DANBY. Bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by James Brown's Paddock Bull (477), d. by J. Brown's White Bull (98). (191) DASH. Calved 1802, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Favourite (252), d. Red Rose, by Ben (70), a cow of John Newby's. (192) DAVISON'S BULL. Got by a Bull of Mr. Barker's. (193) DAWSON'S GREY BULL. Got by Cupid (177), d. by a Bull of Mr. Jobling's (a son of Duke), by Boling- broke (86), by a Bull of Mr. Buston's. (194) DEFENDER. Roan, calved April 12, 1816, bred by Major Bower, got by Eastern Comet (233), d. Daisy, by a grandson of Favourite (252), Old Daisy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (195) DE GRASSE. Red, calved Oct. 19, 1819, bred by Mr. Simpson, Babworth, got by Lancaster (360), d. Young Hadgtsr, by George (274), Badger, by William (696), by R. Colling's Son of Favourite (1033). TO WHICH AMEBICAH FED I G KERB TRACE. 13 (19(i) DEIGHTON'S BULL. (197) DKLMLLK. Red and white, calved Sept. 24, 1831, bred by Lord Althorp, got by His Grace (311), d. Cecilia, by Wellington (680), &c., as in Dandy (951). (198) DENTON. Bred by J. Wetherell, got by Comet (1.15), d. Young Red Rose, by St. John (572), by Trunnell (659), by Danny (190). ( 1 ii'.n DENTON. Got by Den ton (198), d. by Henry (301), by Favourite (.252). (200) DENTON JUNIOR. (201) DENTON COMET. Dark roan, calved 1810, bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson. got by Major (3!)7), d. Phuibe (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), by Favourite (252). (202) DERBY. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, got by North Star (4liO), d. Nelly, by Comet (155), Nancy, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190)." (203) DESMOND. Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1821, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Orlando (471), d. Daisy, by Lan- caster (3150), by Petrarch (488), by Marion (420), by the Brother to R. Ceiling's White Heifer. (204) DETCHART. (205) DIAMOND. Bred by Colonel Trotter, got by Planet (502), d. by Northumberland, by R. Grimston's Bull (282). (206) DIAMOND. Roan, calved 1817, bred by R. Colling. Full brother to Adonis (7). (207) DIAMOND. Red and white, calved 1818, bred by Sir II. C. Ibbetson, got by Planet (503), d. Selina, by Fa- vourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), &e., as in Alex- ander (20). (208) DIAMOND. Roan, calved July 25, 1820, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Lancaster (360), d. Cattle's Cherry, by a son of Cornet (155), by Marske (418). (209) DIAMOND. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Duncombe, got by Baron (58), d. Wildair (bred by R. Colling), by George (275), Wildair, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Dishley (217). (210) DIAMOND. Red roan, calved 1821, bred by Sir Geo. Cooke, got by Palatine (478), d. Ruby, by Welling- ton (683), by Windsor (698), by an own brother to North Star (459). (211) DIAMOND. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Harold (291), d. Dainty, by Palmflower (480), Young Daisy, by Badsworth (47), (bred by Mr. Bacon), by -, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (212) DICKSON'S (FRANCIS) SON OF MAGNUM BONUM. (213) DICKSON'S GRANDSON OF PUNCH. (214) DINNINGTON. Roan, got by Duke (226), d. by Traveller (655), by Traveller (655). (215) DINSDALE. Roan, calved 1815, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, got by Denton (198), d. Jane, by St. John (572), Wynyard, by Simon (590), by Danby (190). (216) DIOMED. Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1817, bred by Col. Hellish, got by Charles (127), d. Daphne (bred by Mr. Wright), by Barmpton (54), by a grandson of Fa- vourite (252). (217) DISHLEY. Red, calved May 24, 1821, bred by Mr. Smith, of Dishley, got by Barmpton (54), d. Young Non- pareil (bred by R. Colling), by Barmpton (54), Non- pareil, by Wellington (680), Juno, by Favourite (252), Wildair, by Favourite (252), by Ben (70), by Ilubback (819), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Sir J. Pennyman's Bull (601). (218) DOF.SON'S BULL. Bred by W. Dobson, got by J. Smith's Bull (608). (219) DOCTOR. Roan, calved Nov. 19, 1819, bred by Mr. Simpson, Babworth, got by Lancaster (360), d. Bon- ny, by Neswick (453), Young Nance, by George (274), Nance, by Neswick (453). (220) DR. SYNTAX. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Mason, got by -Mars (413). d. Caroline, by Miner (441), by Favourite (252), by Ben (70), by Ilnbback (319), by Snowden's Bull (612), by J. Pennyman's Bull (601). (221) DON. Red and white, bred by Lady Strickland, got by Cecil (120), d. by a Bull of J. Charge's, by Boyn- ton Old Dun. (222) LANCASTER. Roan, calved 1K21, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Denton (IKS;, d. Xerissi, by Comet (155).- Nancy, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (2C3) DI;IKKIKI,I>. Red and white, calved 17!ii). bivd by <;. Coales. U'ot by Twin Brother to Boa (660), d. Mil- bank, by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (-:.' 1) DUKE. Roan, bred by C. Colling, got by Favour- ite (252). (225) DUKE. Bred by J. Charge, got by Major (397), d. by Charge's Grey Bull (123). $26) DUKE. Calved 1809, bred by C. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Duchess, by Favourite (252), by Daisy Bull (186), by Favourite (252), by Ilubback (319), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (227) DUKE 2D. Light grizzle, calved Nov. 3, 1821, bred by T. Bates, got by Duke (226), d. Duchess 3d, by jetton 1st (709), Duchess 1st, by Comet (155), &c., as in Cleveland (146). (228) DUKE. Roan, calved 1813, got by Duke (226), d. by Bolingbroke (86). (229) DUKE. Red and white, bred by Lady Strickland, got by Cecil (120), d. by a Bull of J. Charge's, Duchess, by Boynton Old Dun. (230) DUKE HUMPHREY. Calved 1816, bred by Mr. Moritt, got by Captain (a son of Northumberland), d. Lily, by Mason's Yorkshireman, by son of Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Bolingbroke (86). (231) DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Roan, calved 1815, bred by A. Wailes, got by Wellington (683), d. Laura, by Chil- ton (136), by Bolingbroke (86). (232) EASBY. Roan, bred by Mr. Booth, got by Su- worrow (636), d. Fareholrne, by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (233) EASTERN COMET. Red and white, calved 1811, bred by Mr. Parker, got by Comet (155), d. Cathalene by Washington (674), by a son of Cupid (177). (234) ECLIPSE. Bred by Col. Mellish, got by Neswick (453), d. Beauty, by Patriot (486), by Driffield (223). (235) ECLIPSE. Got by a son of Favourite, d. by a son of Twin Brother to Ben (660). (236) ECLIPSE. Bred by Col. Trotter, got by Comet (155), d. by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favour- ite (252). (237) ECLIPSE. Red and w^hite, calved 1818, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Jupiter (342), d. Clio, by Comet (155), &c., as in Cato (119). (238) ECLIPSE. Light roan, calved July 1820, bred by R. Colling. Full brother to Dishley (217). (239) EDDLETHORPE. Bred by Tatton Sykes, got by Eastern Comet (233), d. Fareholme Strawberry. (240) EDMUND. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Ketton 3d (349), d. by Wellington (679), by Cupid (177), by Punch (531). (241) EDWIN. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Earnshaw, got by Harold (291), d. Miss Lowthorp, by Count (170), Venus, by Badsworth (47), by J. Baker's Bull (49). (242) ELECTION. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Hutchin- son. got by Surplice (H35). d. Welch Harp, by Herod (307), Marchioness, by M. Hutton's Bull. (243) EMPEROR. Calved Dec. 2, 1819, bred by Mr. Ar- buthnot, got by Baronet (62), d. Miss Lambert, by George (275), Mrs. Lambert, by Favourite (252), Yellow cow, by Punch (531). (244) ENCHANTER. Light grizzle, calved 1820, bred by T. Bates, got by His Grace (311), d. Fairy (bred by Mr. Hustler), by Duke (226), Old Daisy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Ilubback (319). (245) EQUINOX. Calved 1813, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, jiot by Northumberland (464), d. Old Roany, by Dicksou's Grandson of Punch (213), &c., as in Athelstan.(41). (246) EVERGREEN. Got by Juniper (1144), d. by Star- ling ((520), by Favorite (252). (247) EXPECTATION. Red and white, calved 1807, bred by G. Coates, got by Patriot (486), d. Youim Milbank, by Driffield (223), Milbank, by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (248) FACTOTUM. Roan, calved May 15, 1817, bred by Major Bower, got by Jupiter (344), d. Faculty, by Mar 1ml Beresford 1415), Florette, by Shakspeare (582). Old 1'eil Ro^e, by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (249) FALCON. Roan, calved April, 1818, bred by Ma- jor Bower, got by Marshal Beresford (415), d. Faculty, by Marshal 'Beresford (415), &<,, as in Factotum (248). (250) FALSTAFF. Red and white, cah ed 1S05. bred by Mr. Mason, got byChilton (136), d. Lily, by Fa\otirite (2T>2>, A:r., as in Chilton (136). 14 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (251) FARMER. Roan, calved 1818, bred by Mr. Ma- son, got by Bumper (101), d. (bred by the late John Newby). (252) FAVOURITE. Light roan, calved 1793 or 4, bred by C. Colling, got by Bolingbroke (86), d. Phoenix, by Foljambe (868). Favourite [alias Lady Maynard], by R. Alcock's bull (19), by J. Smith's bull (608), by Jolly's bull (337). Died 1809. (253) SON OF FAVOURITE. Bred by C. Colling, got by Favourite (252), d. Old Cherry, by Lame Bull (357), by Hubback (319), bought at Yarni Fair by the late Mr. Colling. (254) YOUNG FAVOURITE. Calved 1810, bred by C. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Countess, by Cupid (177), ifcc.. as in Alexander (20). (255) YOUNG FAVOURITE. Bred by Mr. Grant, got by Young Favourite (254), d. Laura, by Favourite (252), Lady.' by Urandson of Bolingbroke (280), &c., as in Al- exander (20). (256) FAVOURITE. Bred by J. Newby, got by R. Col- ling's Sou of Favourite (252), d. by H. Allison's Grey Bull (26). (257) FAVOURITE. White, calved Jan. 5, 1811, bred by Mr. Coates. Full brother to Cinnamon (139). (258) FERDINAND. White and red, calved 1820, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Carham (114), d. Spot (bred by Mr. Compton), by Duke (226), by Mayduke (424), by Cupid (177), by Favourite (252). Died Jan. 1821. (259) FITZ-DUKE (J. GRAY'S). Calved 1818, got by Duke, d. by Phenomenon, Red Rose. (260) FITZ-MARSKE. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Hutch- inson, got by Marske (418), d. Tulip, by Lancaster (360), Ruby, by Petrarch (488), by Major (397), Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (261) FLASH (GIBSON'S). Got by Baronet (60), d. by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329). (262) FLASH. Roan, calved 1816,- bred by Mr. Sey- mour, got by Sir Dimple (594). d. Carnation, by Cripple (172), Moss Rose, by Henry (301), by Misfortune (443), by Favourite (252), by Bolingbroke (86). (263) FOLJAMBE. White with a few red spots, calved 1787, bred by C. Colling, got by R. Barker's Bull (52), d Haughton (bred by Alex. Hall), by Hubback (319), by a Bull of Mr. Colling's (bought of J. Bainlet), by Waiste'll's Bull (669), bred by Mr. Pickering. (264) FORESTER. (265) FRANK. Bred by Col. Trotter, got by son of Fa- vourite (252). (266) FREDERICK. Calved Jan. 22, 1820, bred by Miss Wright, got by Remus (550), d. Jasmine by Jupiter (343), Young Lively, by Tom (652), Lively, by Major (399), Sprightly. (267) FREDERICK (1060). (268) FREEDOM. (269) FREEMAN. Roan, calved 1809, bred by Mr. Ma- son, got by St. John (572), d. by St. John (572), Merry- Lass, by Favourite (252), Red Rose, by Ben (70), bred by John Newby. (270) FURIOSO. CaJfved 1815, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Mason's son of Blaize (75), d. Stranger, by Chap- man's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (271) GARLAND. Roan, bred by Mr. Donkin, Sandoe got by Young Star (619), d. Grace, by Sir Oliver (605), Old Grace, by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (272) GENERAL. Calved 1817, bred by Gen. Simson got by Young Star (619), d. Queen. (273) GEORGE. Calved 1802, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Favourite (252), d. Red Rose (bred by Col. Simson) by Ben (70), bought of C. Colling, which cow Mr Col- ling had from John Newby. (274) GEORGE. Roan, calved April 11, 1808, bred by G. Coates, got by Patriot (486), d. Premium, by Driffield (275) GEORGE. Bred by R. Colling, got by Favourite (252), d. Lady Grace, by Favourite (252), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (276) GEORGE. Calved 1810, bred by C. Colling got by Comet (155), d. Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), &c., as in Alexander (20). (277) GLENARVON. Got by Meteor (431), d. by Harle- quin (289), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (278) GLOBE. Got by Foljambe (263). (279) GRANDISON. Calved Dec. 26, 1819, bred by Mr. Arbuthnot, got by Baronet (62), d. Clarissa, by Welling- ton (680), &c., as in Albany (13). (280) GRANDSON OF BOLINGBROKE (149). Red and white, calved 1793 or '94, bred by C. Colling, got by O'Callaghan's Son of Bolingbroke (469), d. Old Johanna, by Lame Bull (357). (281) GRANDSON OF COMET. Got by Mayduke (424), d. (bred by the late Mr. Nicholson), from the stock of J. Brown, Aldborough. . (282) GRIMSTON'S BULL. Got by Charge's son of Fa- vourite (252). (288) GROG. Calved March 8, 1818, got by Western Comet (689), d. by Patriarch (485). by Alexander (20), by Traveller (655), by a son of Favourite (252). (284) GUY MANNERING. (285) HALTON. Bred by T. Bates, got by Ketton 1st (709), d. by Daisy. (286) HAMLET. Calved 1813, bred by Mr. Spours, got by Pope (514), d. Viewly, by Baronet (60), by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329). (287) HAMLET. Calved 1816, bred by Mr. Woodcock, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. Dainty, by Captain (108), by Favourite (10a3). (288) HANOVER. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Hutchin- son, got by Orlando (471), d. Ruby, by Petrarch (488), by Major (397), Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (289) HARLEQUIN. Red, calved 1808, bred by Mr. Gib- son, got by Alexander (20, d. Liberty, by Washington (674), Young Haughton, by Punch (531), Old Haugh- ton, by Hubback (319), &c., as in Foljambe (263). (290) HAROLD. Calved 1809, bred by C. Colling, got by Windsor (698), d. Red Rose, by Comet (155), Eliza. (291) HAROLD. White, calved 1818, bred by R. Col- ling, got by Wellington (680), d. Wildair, by George (275), Wildair, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Dishley (217'). (292) HARRISON'S BULL (OF BARMPTON). Bred by Mr. Wastell, Burden, got by Jas. Masterman's Bull (422). (293) HASTINGS. Roan, calved 1818, bred by Major Rudd, got by Leopold (372), d. Prosperine, by Petrarch (488), Princess, by Comet (155), Peeress (bred by C. Colling), by Favourite (252), Cherry, by Favourite (252), by C. Colling's Lame Bull (357), by Hubback (319), bought at Yarm Fair by the late Mr. Colling. (294) HAUGHTON. Red and white, calved 1790, bred by G. Coates, got by Barningham (56), d. Paragon (bred by II. Allison), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (295) HAWDON'S BULL. Got by Cupid (179), d. by Wel- lington (680), by Danby (190), by Ben (7'0), by Ben (70), by Charge's Premium Bull (124). (296) HAWTHORN. Red, calved Dec. 1, 1821, bred by Mr. Brown, got by Talbot (644), d. Cowslip (bred by Maj. Rudd), by Lancaster (360), Sweetbrier, by Petrarch (488), by Major (397), by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer, by Butterfly (104). (2!)7) HAYFAHM. Got by Cupid (177), d. by Carlisle (115), by Charles (126). (298) HECTOR. Roan, calved May 3, 1812, bred by Maj. Bower, got by North Star (459), d. Cora, by Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), &e., as in Alexander (20). (299) HECTOR. (300) HECTOR. Got by Ketton (346), d. by Bainton (48), by Bainton (48). (301) HENRY. Roan, calved 1806, bred by Mr. Mason, got by St. John (572), d. Dandy, by Favourite (252), Lily, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Chilton (136). (302) HENRY. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Harold (291), d. Lady Newcombe, by Wynyard (703) (303) HERCULES. Calved 1818, bred by Mr. Compton,' got by Leopold (370), d. by Duke (226), by a son of Cupid (177). (304) HERDSMAN. Roan, calved 1804, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Favourite (252), d. Milkmaid, by Irishman (329), Nymph, by the White Bull (421), Lily, by Fa- vourite (252), &c., as in Chilton (136). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 15 (305) HEHMIT. Dark roan, bred by Mr. Baker, got by Lavvnsleeves CJt;;;i. d. M;iiitis<-ri])t. by Simon i.V;lb. l.y j)ais.\ Hull iisr.i. i.j Duke (224), -by Bolingbroke <>). (306) HERO. Calved April 14. ISIS, bred by Mr. Cham- pion. :^>t by Warrior (67'3>, d. by Prince (B8I), by Blyth Comet (85). (307) HEROD. Calved 1S11, bred by Mr. Hutchinson. got by Petrarch i Isst, d. strainer, by Chapman's Son of Punch (123), -Ac., as hi Athelstan (41). (308) HEROD. Calved June, 1820, bred by Mr. Kani- shaw, got by Harold 291), d. Lady, by Bracken (91), Young Countess, by Comet (165), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Alexander (20). (309) HILL. Got by Bengal (71), d. by Trunnell (659), by Charles (126). (310) HILL'S RED BULL. Bred by Mr. Hill, got by a brother to Dalton Duke (188), d. a red cow of Mr. Hill's. (311) His GRACE. Red and white, calved 1818, bred by T. Bates. got by Ketton 2d (348), d. Duchess 2d, by Ketton 1st (709), Duchess 1st, by Comet (155), &c., as in Cleveland (14(i). (312) HOLKHAM. Roan, calved June 13, 1819. bred by Mr. Pilkington, got by Diamond (206), d. Maria, by Blyth Comet (85), by Prince (521). (313) HOLLON'S BULL. (314) HOLMES' (CHRISTOPHER) BULL. (315) HONEST JOHN. (316) HORATIO. Calved July 27, 1819, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Warrior (673), d. by Blyth Comet (85). (317) HOUGHTON. Got by Mr. Langdale's Bull, d. Poppy, by Mr. Langdale's Bull. (318) HOUGHTON. Roan, calved 1815, bred by Mr. Mason, -rot by Charles (127), d. by Windsor (698), by Chilton (136), by Colonel (152). (319) Hi'RBACK. Yellow, red and white, calved 1777. bred by John Hunter, Hurworth, got by Snowdon's Bull (612), d. (bred by John Hunter), by a bull of Mr. Banks', Hurworth, bought of Mr. Stephenson, Ketton. The following account of the Pedigree of the dam of Hubback was given to George Coates by the under- named person: " I remember the cow which my father bred, that was the dam of Hubback : there was no idea then that she had any mixed or Kyloe blood in her. Much has been lately said that she was descended from a Kyloe ; but I have no reason to believe, nor do I believe, that she had any mixture of Kyloe blood in her. JOHN HUNTER. "HURWORTH, near Darlington, July 6, 1822." (320) HUTTON. Roan, calved 1808, bred by Mr. Sey- mour, got by St. John (572), d. Lady, by Bolingbroke (86). (321) HUTTON. Got by a son of Favourite (252), d. by a son of Favourite (252). (322) BUTTON'S BULL. Got by (86). son of Bolingbroke (323) BUTTON'S BULL, OF MARSKE. (324) HYMEN. Bred by Mr. Compton, got by Carham (114), d. by Duke (22(5). (325) HYPPOLYTO. White, calved 1815, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by a son of Denton Comet (201), d. Mi- randa, by Western Comet (689), Venus, by Major (397), by Charge's (irey Hull (123), by Favourite (252), de- scended from the Studley White Bull (627). (326) INCLINATION. Roan, calved Oct. 1818, bred by Mi-. Smith, got by Denton (198), d. Nancy (bred by Mr. (.l:,i^ter), by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (327) INNOCENT. Calved 1813, bred by Mr. Hutchin- son. got by Herod (307), d. Palmflower, by Windsor (fi9S), Young Sail, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), Sock- burn Sail, by J. Coates 1 Bull (148). (328) INTRODUCTION. Calved 1813, bred by Mr.Spours, got by Pope (514). d. Lively, by Baronet (60), by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329), by Hubback (319). ' (329) IRISHMAN. Red and white, calved 1798 bred by Mr. Ma), by Trunnell (659), by Favourite (252), by Mil- son's White Bull (421). 18 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (469) O'CALLAGHAN'S SON OF BOLINGBKOKE (86). Red and white brindled, bred by Col. O'Callaghan, Heighing- ton, near Darlington, got by Bolingbroke (86), d. a red polled Galloway Scotch Cow. This cow and another of the same breed were purchased of Mr. David Smurth- waite, near Northallerton, by Geo. Coates, who sold them to Col. O'Callaghan. O'Callaghan's Son of Boling- broke (469), when a few days old, became the property of C. Colling, and was the sire of Grandson of Boling- broke (280). (470) ORION. Got by Yarborough (705), d. by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (471) ORLANDO. Calved 1817, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by a son of Blaize (75), d. Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (472) ORLOFF. Calved 1811, bred by Lord Strathmore, got by Aylesby (44), d. Barton, by Charge's Grey Bull (123), Grizzled Lady, by Favourite (252). (473) ORPHEUS.-r-Bred by J. Booth, Killerby, got by Albion (14), d. by Lame Bull (359), by Suwarrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (474) OSCAR. Bred by Lord Lonsdale, got by Ossian (476), d. Flora (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155). (475) OSCAR. Calved 1816, bred by Gen. Simson, got by Cupid (180). (476) OSSIAN. Calved 1809, bred by C. Colling, got by Windsor (698), d. Magdalene, by Comet (155), Miss Washington, by Washington (674). (477) PADDOCK BULL. Bred by J. Brown, got by a Bull bred by R. Charge (which Bull was descended from the Studley breed), d. J. Brown's Old Red Cow. (478) PALATINE. Roan, calved April 1815, bred by Major Bower, got by Marshal Beresford (415), d. Prim- rose, by Albion (14), Florette, by Shakspeare (582), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (479) PALEMON. Roan, calved 1818, bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson, got by Atlas (42), d. Lavinia, by Comet (155), Lily (bred by Col. Trotter), by C. Ceiling's son of Favour- ite (252), &c., as in Vulcan (1557). (480) PALMFLOWER. Calved March 27, 1809, bred by G. Coates, got by Patriot (486), d. Young Milbank, by Driffleld (223), Milbank, by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (481) PALMFLOWER. Calved April 1816, got by Favour- ite (257). (482) PAM. Calved Feb. 8, 1819, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Neswick (453). (483) PARIS. White, bred by G. Coates, got by Fa- vourite (257). (484) PARIS. Red and white, calved May 18, 1816, bred by Major Bower, got by Windsor (698), d. Primrose, by Albion (14), &c., as in Palatine (478). (485) PATRIARCH. Got by Petrarch (488), d. by , Old Grace, by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (486) PATRIOT. Red roan, calved in 1804, bred by G. Coates. Full brother to Bainton (.48). (487) PETER. Red and white, calved in 1820, bred by Mr. Booth, got by Pilot (496), d. by Marshal Beresford (415), by Shakspeare (582), by Easby (232), by Suwor- row (636). (488) PETRARCH. Red and white, calved 1808, bred by C. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Venus, by Ben (70), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), &c., as in Favourite (252). (489) YOUNG PETRARCH. Red and white,calved March 30, 1820, bred by Mr. Brown, Welbourn, got by Leopold (372), d. Comely, by Lancaster (360), by Petrarch (488), by Major (398), by an own brother to R. Ceiling's North Star (459), bred by J. Charge. (490) PETRONIOUS. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Hutch- inson, got by Sir Peter (606), d. Mrs. Liddell, by Herod (307), Old Roany, by F. Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (491) PHENOMENON. Bred by R. Colling, got by Fa- vourite (252), d. by Ben (70), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Sir J. Pennyman's Bull (601). (492) YOUNG PHENOMENON. Got by a son of R. Col- ling's North Star (459), d. by Phenomenon (491), by Fa- vourite (252), by Punch (531). (493) PHENOMENON. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Major Rudd, got by Leopold (372), d. Favourite, by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by Fa- vourite (252). (494) PILOT. Calved 1813, bred by Sir H. Vane Tem- pest, got by Wynyard (703), d. Princess, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Albion (16). (495) PILOT. Calved 1814, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Neswick (453). (496) PILOT. Red and white, calved 1817 or 18, bred by R. Colling, got by either Major (398), or Wellington (680), d. Red^Rose, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531)', by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (497) YOUNG PILOT. (498) PILOT. Roan, calved 1819, bred by A. Wailes, got by Leopold (2199), d. Laura, by Chilton (136), by Boling- broke (86). (499) PILOT. Roan, calved July 25, 1820, bred by Mr. Smith, got by Lancaster (360), d. Alpine (bred by Col. Trotter), by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (500) PIRATE. Red, calved Feb. 14, 1822, bred by the Rev. H. Berry, got by Cleveland (146), d. Young Priest- ess (bred by Mr. Hustler), by Major (398). by North Star (459), by Windsor (698). (501) PITCORTHIE. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Curwen, got by Cumberland (176), d. (bred by Gen. Sim- son), by Star. (502) PLANET. Calved 1813, bred by Col. Trotter, got by Comet (155), d. Anna Maria, by a grandson of Favour- ite (252), Strawberry, by a son of Favourite (252), Hollon. (503) PLANET. Bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson, got by Meteor (432), d. by Alexander (20). Slaughtered 1818. (504) PLASTIC. Calved June 5, 1819, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Warrior (673), d. by Charles (127), by Blyth Comet (85), by Prince (521), by Patriot (486). (505) PLATO. Roan,bred by Col.Trotter, got by Planet (502), d. Anna Maria, by a grandson of Favourite (252), Strawberry, by a son of Favourite (252), Hollon. (506) PLATO. Calved 1821, bred by Mr.Alderson,got by Harold (291), d. Paragon, by Hyppolyto (325), Phoe- nix, by Wynyard (703), by a Bull of Mr. Bacon's, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), Brighteyes. (507) PLATOFF. Calved 1813, bred by Lord Strath- more, got by Marske (418), d. by Dale's Bull (187). (508) PLATOFF. Red, calved May 22, 1814, bred by Col. Mellish, got by Cossack (168), d. Harriet, by Alex- ander (22), Young Prize, by Neswick (453), Prize, by Driffield (223). (509) PLATOFF. Bred by Mr. Woodcock, got by Nes- wick (453), d. by Mr. Knight's Bull, by Mr. Wether- ell's . (510) PLOUGHBOY. Got by Snowdrop (616), d. Young Prize, by Neswick (453), Prize, by Driffield (223). (511) POINTS. White, calved Sept. 4, 1818. bred by T. Sayle, got by Bacon's Son of Comet (46), d. by Seaton's Son of North Star (578), by Badsworth (47). Slaugh- tered Jan. 1822. (512) POINTS. Calved Feb. 10, 1819, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Charles (127), by Prince (521), by Neswick (453). (513) POMPEY. Red, calved 1815, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Neswick (453). (514) POPE. White, calved 1809, bred by Mr. Mason, got by St. John (572), d. Brighteyes, by Favourite (252), or Simon (590), Lily, by Favourite (252), &c.,as in Hec- atomb (2102). (515) PRESIDENT. Red and white, calved 1807, bred by G. Coates, got by , d. by Barningham (56), by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (516) PRESIDENT. Bred by Mr.Champion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Neswick (453). (517) PRESIDENT. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Mitton, got by Atlas (42), d. by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47). (518) PRIMATE. Roan, calved May 12, 1819, bred by Major Bower. Full brother to Palatine (478). (519) PRIMUS. Calved 1805, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Buston's Styford (103), d. Young Sail, by Chap- man's Son of Punch (122), Sockburn Sail, by J. Coates' Bull (148). (520) PRIMUS. Calved 1815, bred by Col. Trotter. Full brother to Planet (502). TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 19 (521) PRINCE. Red and white, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Xeswick (453). (52*2) PRINCE. Roan, calved 1817, bred by J. Walker, eot by Marshal Blucher (41(i), d. Countess (bred by J. NYwby), by a Bull of Mr. Newby's, by II. Allison's Grey Bull (26). Slaughtered 1820. (523) PRINCE CHARLES. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Prospero (530), d. Magdalena (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), by Cupid (177). (524) PRINCE COBURG. Light roan, calved Oct.17, 1810, bred by Major Bower, got by Wellington (683), d. Con- stantia, by Petrarch (488), &c., as in Conspirator (917). Died 1818. (525) PRINCE EDWARD. Calved 1818, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Marquis (408). d. Venus (bred by Mr. Charge), by Major (397), &c., as in Hyppolyto (325). (526) PRINCE OF ORANGE. Got by Wynyard (703), d. by Badsworth (47). (527) PRINCE REGENT. Red and white, calved April 23, 1812, bred by Major Bower. Full brother to Ajax (10). (528) PRINCE op WATERLOO. Red and white, calved 1816, bred by Mr. Whitaker. Full brother to Marquis (408). Slaughtered 1820. (529) PROCLAMATION. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Hut- chinson, got by Surplice (635), d. Palmflower, by Wind- sor (698), &c., as in Innocent (327). (530) PROSPERO. Calved 1816, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Snowball (610), d. Miranda, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Hyppolyto (325). Slaughtered 1820. (531) PUNCH. Yellow red, bred by R. Colling, got by Broken Horn (95), d. by Broken Horn (95), bred by G. Best, Manfield. (532) PYRAMUS. Bred by Col. Trotter. Full brother to Planet (502). (533) PYRAMUS. Bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson, got by Meteor (432), d. by Shakspeare (582), Cora, by Eawby (232), Cherry, by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (534) Q.UALITY. White, calved 1820, bred by Alderson and Coates, got by Harold (291), d. Stately by Palmflower (480), Snowdrop, by Driffield (223), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), Miss Dodsworth, by a Bull bred by John Charge. (535) RADICAL. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Lord Al- thorp, got by Duke (226), d. Rosette, by Wellington (680), &c., as in Favourite (1029). Died 1821. (536) RAIN'S SON OF DENTON (198). Got by Denton (198), d. by Dinsdale (215), by a grandson of Favourite (253), by Danby (190). (537) REDNESS FAVOURITE. Got by North Star (459), his d. from Barmpton. (538) REED'S (ANTHONY) BULL. Got by J. Master- man's Bull (422). (539) REFORMER. (540) REFORMER. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Morritt got by Atlas (42), d. Lily, by Mason's Yorkshireman, by a son of Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Bo- lingbroke (86). (541) REGENT. Calved 1812, bred by Mr. Htitchinson, got by Alfred (23), d. Beauty, by Buston's Styford (103), &c., as in Beauclerk (66). (543) REGENT. Got by Archduke Charles (39), d. bv Traveller (655). (544) REGENT. Red and white, calved 1815, bred by R Colling, got by Wellington (680), d. Rosebud, by \V indsor $98), Red Rose, by Favourite (252), by Punch (:>31), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (545) REGENT. Calved March 22, 1815, bred by Col Melhsh, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. Red Rose (bred bv C. Colling), by Comet (155), Eliza, by Carlisle (115). (54) REGENT. Red and white,calved Feb.28,1816,bred by Alderson and Coates, got by a son of North Star (45!)), d. Rosette, by Palmflower (480), &c., as in Addition (3). (547) REGKNT. v (^i 8 ) R EGTT LATOR. Red and white, calved 1819, bred by R Thomas, got by a grandson of Wynyard (703), d. irighteyes, by Vv elhngton (680), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Favourite (252). (549) REMUS. Got by Sir Oliver (605). (550) REMUS. Calved 1816, bred by Mr. Wright, got . ' by Comet (155), d. Laura, by Tom (652), &c., as in ftu'nu /} /- O (551) REMUS JUNIOR. Bred by J. C. Maynard, got by Remus (550), d. Countess (bred by R. Colling), by Pe- trarch (488), Brighteyes, by Favourite (252), by Fa- vourite (252). Slaughtered 1821. (552) RHADAMANTHUS. White, calved Oct. 11, 1819, bred by Mr. Donkin, got by Young Star (619), d. Rose, by Midas (435), by Marquis (407), by Chilton (136), Red Rose, by Ben (70), bought by C. Colling of J. Newby. (553) RIVAL. Roan, calved 1818, bred by Mr. Ostler, got by Grey Robin (1089). d. Juno, by Aylesby (44), by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer, by Barningham (554) RIVAL. Calved March 16, 1819, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Warrior (673), d. by Prince (521), by Blyth Comet (85). (555) ROBERT. Calved 1807 or 8, bred by W. Jobling got by Duke (224), d. Cowslip, by Cleveland (144), by Bolingbroke (86). (556) ROB ROY. Bred by Mr. Gibson, got by Midas (435), d. by Meteor (431), by Petrarch (488), out of a Cow bred by Mr. Robinson of Fugall. (557) ROB ROY. Calved 1819, bred by Miss Wright, got by Remus (550), d. Lady Jane, by Comet (155), Cleasby Lady, by a son of Favourite (252), &c., as in B*t*- toU-OflO).. ft jc^ (2. 74. (J (558) ROB^ON'S (WILLIAM) BULL. Bred by Mr. Wais- tell, got by J. Masterman's Bull (422). (559) ROCKINGHAM. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Mar- shal Beresford (415), d. by Suworrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (560) ROCKINGHAM alias WELLINGTON (683). (561) RODNEY. Strawberry, calved Oct. 18, 1818, bred by Mr. Simpson, got by Ketton (346), d. Young Badger, by George (274), &c., as in De Grasse (195). (562) ROLL A. (563) ROLAND. Roan, calved March, 1820, bred by R Booth, got by Pilot (496), d. Rosina, by Rockinsham (559), Agnes, by Albion (14), Brighteyes, by Lame Bull (359) &c., as in Aaron (711). (564) ROMULUS. Bred by J. C. Maynard, got by Re- mus (550), d. Barmpton (bred by R. Colling), by Phenom- enon (491), Lady Grace, by Favourite (252), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (565) RONALD. Calved May 5, 1820, bred by Miss Wright, got by Remus (550), d. Countess, by Comet (155), Cleasby Lady, by a sou of Favourite (252), &c., as in Brutus (100). (566) ROSARIO. Bred by Mr. Spedding, got by Halton (285), d. by Styford (629). (567) ROSEBERRY. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Major Rudd, got by Leopold (372), d. Moss Rose, by Lancaster (360), Peerless, by Favourite (252), Cherry, by Favour- ite (252), &c., as in Buzzard (105). (568) RUBENS. Roan, calved 1819, bred by Sir George Cooke, got by Diamond (206), d. Ruby (bred by Mr. Par- ker), by Wellington (683), by Windsor (698), bv an own brother to North Star (459). (569) RUDBY. Calved 1809, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Windsor (698), d. Crescent, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (570) RUFUS. Calved 1813, bred by Mr. Hutchinson Full brother to Athelstan (41). (571) RULER. Roan, calved March 11, 1818, bred by Mr. Hepworth, got by Achmet (2). d. Rosa (bred by Col. Trotter), by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Fa- vourite (252), by Punch (531). (572) ST. JOHN. Roan, calved 1804, bred by Mr. Ma- son. Full brother to B (45). (573) ST. STEPHEN. Calved 1816, bred by Mr. Hutch- inson, got by Rufus (570), d. by Matthew Button's Bull Beauty, by Buston's Styford (103), &c., as in Beauclerk (66). (574) SALISBURY.. (575) SATELLITE. White, calved March 25, 1815, bred by Col. Mellish. Full brother to Meteor (433). (576) SATELLITE. Red and white, calved 1815, bred by Sir H. Carr Ibbetson, got by Meteor (432), d. Selina, by LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Al- exander (20). Died young. (577) SCOTCHMAN. Bred by Col. Simpson, got by Lame Bull (357). (578) SEATON'S SON OP NORTH STAR. Got by North Star (459), d. by brother to R. Colling's Moss Rose, by R. Colling's White Bull (151). (579) SEATON'S WHITE BULL. Got by North Star (459)> d. (bred by R. Colling), by Phenomenon (491). (580) SELIM. Calved 1810, bred by Lord Strathmore, got by Aylesby (44), d. by Cupid (177), by Dale's Bull (187). (581) SHAKSPEARE. (582) SHAKSPEARE. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Easby (232), d. by Suworrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (583) SHAKSPEARE. Calved 1817, bred by Mr. Hutch- inson, got by Mason's Son of Blaize (75), d. Palmflower, by Windsor (698), &c., as in Innocent (327). (584) SHANNON. Red, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, got by North Star (460), d. Columbine, by Denton (198), Ceres, by Comet (155), Cora, by Baronet (60), by Cripple (171), by Hubback (319). (585) SHERBURN. Got by Trunnell (659), d. by Dash (191), by a son of Punch (531). (586) SHIFT. (587) SHIPTON (MR. BOOTH'S). (588) SIGNIOR. Bred by Mr. Robertson, got by Lady- kirk (355), d. by Hubback (319), by Dalton Duke (188). (589) SILENUS. Calved 1819, bred by T. W. Parring- ton, got by Symmetry (643), d. Jenny, by Jupiter (343), by Alfred (23), by a son of Washington (674). (590) SIMON. Got by Favourite (252), d. by Punch (531), by Bolingbroke (86). (591) SIR ALEXANDER. Roan, calved April, 1820, bred by J. C. Maynard, got by Marske (418), d. Amelia (bred by R. Colling), by Lancaster (360), by North Star (459), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (592) SIR CHARLES. Bred by Mr. Wright, got by Comet (155), d. Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), &c., as in Alexander (20). (593) SIR CHARLES. Roan, bred by Mr. Seymour, got by Charles (127), d. by Button (320), by - , by Fa- vourite (252), by Bolingbroke (86). (594) SIR DIMPLE. Calved 1810, bred by C. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Daisy, by a grandson of Favourite (252), Old Daisy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (595) SIR GEORGE. Calved 1814, bred by Major Rudd. got by Petrarch (488), d. Lady Ann, by Comet (155), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Alexander (20). (596) SIR HARRY. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by Rev. M. Theakston, got by Achmet (2), d. by Albion (14), by Regent. (597) SIR HENRY. Red, bred by Mr. Booth, got by Suworrow (636), d. by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (598) SIRIUS. Bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk got by Midas (435), d. by Wellington (680), by Sultan (631), by Signior (588), by Ladykirk (355), Young Straw- berry, by Dalton Duke (188), &c., as in Bolingbroke (86). (599) SIR ISAAC. Calved 1812, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Alfred (23), d. Crescent, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (600) SIR JACOB. Calved 1813, bred by Mr. Hutchin- son, got by Herod (307), d. Crescent, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (601) SIR JAMES PENNYMAN'S BULL. Descended from the stock of Sir Wm. St. Quintin, Scampston. (602) SIR LAUNCELOT. Calved 1808, bred by Mr. Hut- chinson, got by Buston's Styford (103), d. Crescent, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (603) SIR LEOLINE. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Hutchin- son, got by Leopold (372), d. Ruby (bred by Major Rudd), by Petrarch (488), by Major (397), Stranger, by Chap- man's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (604) SIRLOIN. Red, calved May, 1820, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Regent (544), d. Nonpareil, by Wellington (680), &c., as in Dishley (217). (605) SIR OLIVER. Red and white, calved 1808, bred by Mr. Mason, got by St. John (572), d. Dandy, by Fa- vourite (252), Lily, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Mars (413). (606) SIR PETER. Light roan, calved 1815, bred by Major Rudd, got by Petrarch (488), d. Phyllis, by Pe- trarch (488), Peeress (bred by C. Colling), by Favourite (252), Cherry, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Buzzard (105). (607) SIR ROWLAND. Calved 1814, bred by Mr. Stain- forth, got by Prince Regent (527), d. by Windsor (698), by a Bull of R. Colling's. (608) SMITH'S (JACOB) BULL. (609) SMITH'S (T.) BULL. (610) SNOWBALL. Bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Den- ton (198), d. by Henry (301), by Chilton (136). (611) SNOWBALL. White, calved 1819, bred by Mr. Duncombe. Full brother to Bilsdale (72). (612) SNOWDON'S BULL (the sire of Hubback). Bred by George Snowdon, got by Wm. Robson's Bull (558). (613) SNOWDROP. White, calved 1810, bred by Colonel Mellish, got by North Star (459), d. Darling (bred by G. Coates), by Patriot (486), by Driffield (223), by a Bull of Mr. Hill's. (614) SNOWDROP. Bred by Col. Trotter, got by a son of Duke, d. White Rose, by Cecil, by Mr. 's Grey Bull, by Cupid, by Styford (629). (615) SNOWDROP. White, bred by Mr. Parker, got by Windsor (698), d. Cathalene (bred by C. Colling), by Washington (674), by a son of Cupid (177). (616) SNOWDROP (SIMPSON'S). Got by Ketton (346), d. Daphne, by Barmpton (54), by a grandson of Favourite (252), by J. Brown's Paddock Bull (477). (617) STAR. Calved March 5, 1818, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Neswick (453). (618) STAR. Roan, calved May 10, 1819, got by North Star (460), d. by Wellington (678), by Mr. Wade's Bull, by a Bull of Mr. Newby's. (619) YOUNG STAR. Red and white, bred by Gen. Simson, got by North Star (458), d. Mary, by Favourite (252), Venus, by Ben (70), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), &c., as in Favourite (252). Died 1819. (620) STARLING. Roan, calved 1811, bred by Mr. Ma- son, got by Sir Oliver (605), d. Snowdrop, by St. John (572), Flora, by Favourite (252), Nymph, by White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Hecatomb (2102). (621) STATESMAN. -Roan, calved 1818, bred by Alder- son and Coates, got by Palatine (478), d. Stately, by Palmflower (480), &c., as in Quality (534). (622) STERLING. Roan, calved Nov. 26, 1820, bred by Mr. Smith, got by Lancaster (360), d. Stella (bred by Col. Trotter), by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (623) STOURTON'S BULL. (624) STREAMER. Red and white, calved Feb. 18, 1813, got by Comet (155), d. Rosa, by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (625) STREPHON. White, calved in 1819, bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson, got by Planet (503), d. Prodigy, by Me- teor (432), Princess, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Regent (1365). (626) STUDLEY BULL. Red and white, bred by Mr. Sharter, of Chilton. (627) STUDLEY WHITE BULL. Got by Studley Bull (626). (628) STUDLEY. Roan, calved March, 1819, bred by R. Booth, got by Young Albion (15), d. Ariadne, by Albion (14), &c., as in Aaron (711). (629) STYFORD. Bred by R. Colling, got by Favourite (252), d. by Punch (531), 1:>y Foljambe (263), by Hub- back (319). (630) STYFORD. Roan, calved 1819,bred by Mr.W T ailes, got by a Bull of T. Jobling's, d. Diana, by Duke (228), by Yarborough (705), by Traveller (655), by Boling- broke (86). (631) SULTAN. Roan, bred by Mr. Robertson, Lady- kirk, got by a son of Punch (531), d. by Lame Bull (357), Young Strawberry, by Dalton Duke (188),' &c., as in Bolingbroke (86). (632) YOUNG SULTAN. Bred by Mr. Robertson, got by Sultan (631), d. by Lady Maynard's Bull (356). (633) SULTAN. Got by Butterfly (104). TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. (634) SURPLICE. Bred by C. Colling, got by Favourite CJ.VJi, (1. by , Phcenix, by Foljambe (263), &c.. as in Favourite (252 1. (635) SURPLICE. Bred by Mr. Mason, got by Bumper (101), d. by Charles (127), by St. John (572), by Chilton (136). by Pope (514), by Bolingbroke (86). (li.'itii Si \\ORROW. Bred by R. Colling, got by Styford (629), d. by Favourite (252). (637) SWEEPSTAKES. Bred by Mr. Seymour, got by Cliilton (136), d. Lady, by Bolingbroke (86), by a son of Duke. (638) SWINBURN. (639) SWINBURN. Calved in 1814, bred by Mr. Spours, got by Sir Oliver (605), d. Sarah, by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329), by Hubback (319). (640) SYDNEY. Bred by Mr. Gibson, got by Chilton (136), d. by Washington (67-1). (641) SYMMETRY. White, calved 1812, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Pope (514), d. by Chilton (136), by Colonel (152.) (642) SYMMETRY. Bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Denton (198), d. Venus, by Comet (155), by Freeman (269), by Herdsman (304). (643) SYMMETRY. Calved 1817, got by Baronet (61), d. by Butterfly (104). (644) TALBOT. Red and white, calved Jan. 1, 1818, bred by Mr. Simpson, Babworth, got by Ketton (346), d. Cowslip, by Neswick (453), by William (696). (645) TEASDALE'S BULL. (646) THE EARL. Yellow red, some white, calved Nov. 2, 1820, bred by T. Bates, got by Duke (226), d. Duchess 3d, by Ketton 1st (709), Duchess 1st, by Comet (155), &c., as in Cleveland (146). (647) THORPBASSET. Bred by Mr. Parker, got by Windsor (6iiS). (648) THROCKLEY. Calved 1807, bred by W. Jobling, got by Traveller (655), d. by Bolingbroke (86). (649) TIPPOO. Red and white, calved Dec. 16, 1820, bred by Mr. Smith, got by Ketton (346), d. Sally (bred by R. Colling), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (650) TITLINGTON. (651) TOM. Bred by C. Colling, got by Cupid (177). (652) TOM (WRIGHT'S). Got by a son of Favourite (252), d. by Checks (132). (653) TOY. Red and white, calved April 20, 1819, bred by Mr. Seymour, got by Sir Charles (593). d. Trinket, by Button (320), by Misfortune (443), by Favourite (252), by Bolingbroke (86). (654) TRANSIT. Calved 1815 or 16, bred by Col. Trot- ter, got by Planet (502), d. Tulip, by a son of Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (655) TRAVELLER. Calved 1798, bred by W. Jobling, got by Bolingbroke (86). (656) TROTTER'S THICK-HORNED BULL. Bred by Col. Trotter, got by a grandson of Favourite (252), d. by a son of Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (657) TROTTER'S SON OF BARON (58). (658) TROTTER'S SON OF WINDSOR (698). (659) TRUNNELL. Red and white roan, calved 1802, bred by Mr. Mason. Full brother to B (45). (660) TWIN BROTHER TO BEN. Red and white, bred by R. Colling, got by Punch (531), d. by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (Ml) VALENTINE. Red, bred by Mr. Robertson, Lady- kirk, got by Barmpton (54), d. by Midas (435), by Sul- tan (681), by Sultan (631), by Punch (531), by Lady- kirk (355). (662) VALENTINE. Roan, calved Feb. 18, 1822, bred by Mr. Simpson, got by Colling (900), d. Lily, by Ketton (346), Darling (bred by G. Coates >, by Patriot (486), by Driftield (228), by a Bull of Mr. Hill's. (663) VESPER. Red and white, calved June 7, 1815, bred by Col. Mellish, got by Comet (155), d. Venus (bred by Col. Trotter), by Colling's son of Favourite (252), by Ceiling's son of Favourite (252). (664) VESPER. (665) VICTOR. White and red, calved April 21, 1818, bred by Mr. White, got by Cripple (173), d. Venus, by a son of Wellington (680), by Henry (301), by Daiiby (190). (666) VISCOUNT. Bred by Mr. Donkin, got by Marquis (407), d. by Petrarch (488), by Tra\Hler (665), Old Grace, by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (667) VULCAN. Roan, calved May 7, 1821, bred by Mr. Brown, got by Talbot (644), d. Juno (bred by Col. Trot- ter), by Comet (155), by Colling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (668) WADDINGWORTH. Roan, calved in 1803, bred by G. Coates. Full brother to Bainton (48). (669) WAISTELL'S BULL, OR WM. ROBSON'S BULL. Got by J. Masterman's Bull (422). (670) WALKER'S BULL OR MASTERMAN'S BULL (422). (671) WALTON. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Thomas, got by Chesterfield (133), d. Woodbine (bred by Col. Mellish), by Charles (127), by a son of Windsor (698), by Butter- fly (104). (672) WARLABY. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Albion (14), d. by Sir Henry (597), by Suworrow (636). (673) WARRIOR. Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1815, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Wellington (680), d. by George (275), Diana, by Favourite (252), Wildair, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Dishley (217). (674) WASHINGTON. Roan, bred by C. Colling, got by Favourite (252), d. Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), &c., as in Alexander (20). (675) WASHINGTON. Bred by R. Colling, got by Wash- ington (674). (676) WATERLOO. Bred by Mr. Parker, got by Wind- sor (698), d. Crocus, by Windsor (698), by an own bro- ther to North Star (459). (677) WAVERLY. Calved 1814, bred by Mr. Gibson, got by Harlequin (289), d. Eglantine, by Petrarch (488), by Alexander (20), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (678) WELLINGTON. Bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by St. John (572), d. by Trunnel (659), by Danby (190). (679) WELLINGTON. Roan, calved 180-, bred by C. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Peeress, by Favourite (252), Cherry, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Buzzard (105). (680) WELLINGTON. Roan, bred by R. Colling, got by Comet (155), d. Wildair, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Dishley (217). (681) WELLINGTON. Red and white, calved 1811, bred by G. Coates, got by Palrnflower (480), d. Tulip, by Drif- field (223), Young Hart, by Haughton (294). (682) WELLINGTON. Calved 1811, bred by Col. Mellish, got by George (274), d. by Neswick (453), (bred by G. Coates), by Driffield (223). (683) WELLINGTON alias ROCKINGHAM (560). Bred by T. Jobling, got by Minor (441), d. by Phenomenon (491), by Colonel, by a son of Hubback (319). (684) WELLINGTON. Calved 1812, bred by Sir H. V. Tempest, got by Wynyard (703), d. Alexina, by Phenome- non (491), Anna Boleyne, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Albion (16). (685) WELLINGTON. Calved 1813. (686) WELLINGTON. Calved 1814, bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson, got by Denton Comet (201), d. Cora, by Easby (232), &c., as in Pyramus (533). (687) WELLINGTON. Calved 181-, bred by Mr. Parker, got by Windsor (698), d. Trotter, by Windsor (698), by Middleton's Bull (438), by Chapman's Bull. (688) WELLINGTON. Roan, calved April 22, 1817, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Warrior (673), d. by George (276). (689) WESTERN COMET. Calved 1809, bred by John Charge, got by Major (397), d. Gentle Kitty, by Charge's Grey Bull (123), Pretty Maid, by Bartle (777), by High- flyer (1112). (690) WETHERELL'S (THOMAS) BULL. Bred by T. Weth- erell, got by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (123), d. by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (123), by Favourite (252). (691) WETHERELL AND MAYNARD'S BULL, OR DALTON DUKE (188). (692) WHITENOSE. Bred by R. Colling, got by Wel- lington (680), d. Blackwell, by Wellington (680), descend- ed from the stock of Mr. Hill, Blackwell. (693) WHITTINGTON. (694) WHITTON. Calved 1818. bred by G. Ilutchinson, gol by Furioso (270), d. Sally, by Herod (307), Snowdrop, 22 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by M. Hutton's Bull, Crescent, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), Young Sail, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), Sockburn Sail, by J. Coates' Bull (148). (695) WHITWOBTH. Roan, calved 1815, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Charles (127), d. by Pope (514), by Chil- ton (136), by Irishman (329), by B (45). (696) WILLIAM (HINDLEY'S). Bred by Mr. Cocking, Headon, got by R. Colling 1 s son of Favourite (252). (697) WINCHESTER. Calved 1819, bred by Mr.Thomas, got by Achmet (2), d. Woodbine (bred by Col. Mellish), by Charles (127), Sophia, by a son of Windsor (698), by Butterfly (104). (698) WINDSOR. Roan, calved 1803, bred by C. Colling, got by Favourite (252), d. Venus, by Ben (70), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), &c., as in Favourite (252). (699) YOUNG WINDSOR. Bred by Mr. Parker, got by Windsor (698), d. Cathalene (bred by C. Colling), by Washington (674), by a son of Cupid (177). (700) WONDERFUL. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Major Rudd. Full brother to Phenomenon (493). (701) WOOBURN. Roan, calved May 16, 1820, bred by Mr. Pilkington, Park Lane, got by Marshal Beresford (415), d. by Blyth Comet (85), by Prince (521). (702) WRESSLE OLD BULL. Got by Badsworth (47). (703) WYNYARD. Roan, calved 1806, bred by Sir H. V. Tempest, got by Phenomenon (491), d. Princess, by Fa- vourite (252), &c., as in Albion (16). (704) YOUNG WYNYARD. Bred by R. Milnes, got by Wynyarcl (703). (705) YARBOROUGH. Calved 1801 or 2, bred by C. Col- ling, got by Cupid (177), d. by Favourite (252), by Hub- back (319). (706) YOUNG YARBOROUGH. (707) YORK. White, calved Nov. 25, 1819, bred by Mr. Simpson, got by Lancaster (360), d. Stella, by Charles (127), Stella (bred by Col. Trotter), by a son of Favour- ite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (708) YORKSHIREMAN. ADDENDA. (709) KETTON IST. Bred by T. Bates, got by Favourite (252), d.by Daisy Bull (186), by Favourite (252), by Hub- back (319), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (710) KETTON 2D. Got by Ketton 1st (709), d. by a grandson of Favourite (252), by Jas. Brown's Red Bull (97). VOLUME II. (711) AARON. Roan, calved 1824, bred by R. Booth, fot by Premier (1331), d. Anna, by Pilot (496), Ariadne, y Albion (14), Brighteyes, by Lame Bull (359), by Shipton (587), by a son of Suworrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (712) ACHILLES. Roan, calved 1826, bred by J. Cattle, got by Percy (1312), d. Princess, by Blucher (84), Queen, by Juniper (1144), Beauty, by Cardinal (111), Old Beau- ty, by Lawnsleeves (365), by C. Colling's White Bull (150). (713) ACKLAM. Roan, bred by J. Appleton, Acklam, got by Orpheus (473), d. by Meteor (431), by Yarbor- ough (705), by Styford (629), by Hollon's Bull (313). Slaughtered 1824. (714) ACKLAM. Roan, calved 1823, bred by J. Apple- ton, got by Young Lancaster (1162), d. Violet, by Major (898), by Alfred (23), by R. Colling's Grey Bull (1089). (715) ACORN. Roan, calved March 21, 1827, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Kehama (1150), d. Geraldine, by Sir Leoline (603), Jewel, by Surplice (635), Jessy (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), bred by Mr. Hill, Blackwell. (716) ACTON. Roan, calved Dec. 8, 1822, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Sir Stephen (1456), d. Young Priestess (bred by Mr. Hustler), by Major (398), by North Star (459), by Windsor (698). (717) ADAM. (718) ADAMANT (R. ROBSON'S). Got by Sir Charles (593), d. by Cleveland, by Comet (155), by Favourite (252). (719) ADONIS. Roan, calved 1819, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Warrior (673), d. Latona, by Comet (155), &c., as in Vulcan (1557). (720) ADRIAN. White, calved Feb. 9, 1827, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Columbus (903), d. Whiteface by Fred- erick (1060), Western Lady, by Western Comet (689), by Western Comet (689), by Western Comet (689)), Haughton, by a son of Favourite (252). (721) ADRIAN. Red, calved March 27, 1827, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Malcolm (1190), d. Belle. (722) AID-DE-CAMP. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Warrior (673), d. Miss Mason, by Charles (127), Miss Colling, by Prince (521), Magda- lene (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), Miss Wash- ington, by Washington (674). (723) A.IAX. Light roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Donkin, Sandoe, got by Duke (226), d. by Marquis (407), by Chilton (136), by Traveller (655), by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (724) AJAX. (725) A-LA-MODE. Roan, calved 1826, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Young Albion (15), d. Albinia, by Pilot (496), Alexina, by Warlaby (672), Agnes, by Al- bion (14), by Lame Bull (359), by Shipton (587), by a son of Suworrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (726) ALBA. White, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Harri- son, Lowfields, got by Cupid (938), d. Elvira 2d, by Em- peror (1010), Moss Rose, by Favourite (256), Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), Princess, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Waistell's Bull (669), by Masterman's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). (727) ALBERT. Roan, calved 1827, bred by R. Booth, got by Young Albion (15), d. Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), bred by Mr. Burrell, Burdon, near Darlington. (728) ALBERT. White, calved March 27, 1827, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Malcolm (1190), d. Belle. (729) ALBINUS. Light gray, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Short, got by Albion (14), d. Mistress, by Marske (418), by George (3877), by Aldwark Foljambe (734). (730) YOUNG ALBION. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Scott, Torworth, got by Albion (14), d. by Marske (418), by Prince (521), by Favourite (1033). (731) ALBION. White, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Rob- ertson, Ladykirk, got by Diomed (974), d. White Pipe, by Midas (435), Dairymaid, by Sultan (631), &c., as in Apollo (1644). (732) ALBION. White, calved April 5, 1822, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by a son of Harold (291), d. Lydia, by Atlas (42), Louisa (bred by G. Coates), by Paris (483), Laura, by Palmflower (480), Lady, by Patriot (486), Painted Lady, by a son of G. Coates' Roan Cow. (733) ALDERMAN. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Wetherell, Barmpton, sold to the New Brunswick Agri- cultural Society, got by Rockingham (560), d. Fanny, by Comet (155), by Henry (301), by St. John (572), by Trunnell (659), by Danby (190). (734) ALDWARK FOLJAMBE. Bred by R. Colling, got by^Favourite (252), d. by Favourite (252), by Favourite TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 23 (735) ALERT. Red, calved April, 1824, bred by Major Bower, irol by The Dandy (150?'), d. Alacrity, by ( 'andour (107), Alcmena (bred by Mr. Gibson), by Harlequin by I'etrarcb (488), by a Bull of C. Colling's. (736) ALEXANDER. Roan, bred by R. Thomas, got by Bannpton (54), d. by a grandson of Favourite, by Miner. (737) ALEXANDER. Red and white, calved 1821, bred by .Mr. Kit/herald, got by Adonis (719), d. Bluebell, by Charles (127), by Neswick (1266). (7!38) ALEXANDER. Calved Aug. 22, 1822, bred by Rt, Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Albany (13), d. Majesty, by Midas (486), Maria (bred by R. Colling), by George (275), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (730 ALFRED (FA WCETT'S). Calved 182-, got by Con- stitution (165), d. Elvirena, by Favourite (256), Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), &c., as in Alba (726). (740) YOUNG ALFRED. (741) ALT BABA. White, calved Sept. 11, 1824, bred by Sir H. Carr Ibbetson, got by Diomed (975), d. Emily, by Meteor (432), Lavinia. by Comet (155), Lily, by R. Colling 's son of Favourite (252), &c., as in Vulcan (1557). (742) ALLEN-A-DALE. Roan, calved April, 1824, bred by Mr. Dale, got by Snowball (2648), d. by Wellington (1574), by a grandson of Minor (141), by a Bull of Mr. Brown's, Aldborough. (743) ALMACK. Roan, calved 1826. bred by R. Booth, got by Arthur (761), d. Anna, by Pilot (496), c., as in Aaron (711). (744) AMBASSADOR. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Speculation (1472), d. Lady Grace, by Blai/.e (76), Empress, (bred by R. Colling), by Barmp- ton (54), Lady Grace, by Favorite (252), by Twin Bro- ther to Ben (660). (745) AMBITION. Roan, calved Feb. 1826, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Hector (1104), d. Lady, by North Star (459), by Petrarch (488), Countess (bred by C. Colling), by Cupid (177), &c., as in Alexander (20). (746) AMBO. Roan, bred by Mr. Hickson, got by Young Comet (157), d. by a grandson of Favourite, by WetherelTs Old Red Bull (1577), by a son of Twin Bro- ther to Ben (660). Slaughtered 1821. (747) AMOR. Light roan, calved June 4, 1824, bred by Major Bower, got by Prince (1338), d. Amelia, by De- fender (194), &c., as in Agate (1613). (748) ANTELOPE. White, calved April 6, 1822, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Ketton (346), d. Victoria (bred by Col. Mellish), by Charles (127), Venus (bred by Col Trotter), by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252), by R rolling's son of Favorite (252), Hollon. (749) ANTICIPATION. Roan, calved March 5, 1825, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Don Cossack (986), d Sprightly, (bred by Mr. Scott), by Albion (14), by Marske <41S>. by Neswick (1266), by Turiiell's Old Red Bull (1586), by Captain (108). (750) ANTICIPATION. Roan, calved Nov. 8, 1825, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, got by Aid-de-Camp (722} d Favourite, by Cupid (989), Luck's-All (bred by Mr. Up- pleby), by Young Favourite (254), by Orion (470), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (751) ANTI POPE. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford. got by Speculation (1472), d. Sprightly by Albion (14), &c., as in Anticipation (749). (752) ANTRIM. Calved 1824, got by Fitsc Marske (260), d. Lucy, by Herod 0307), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (753) APIS. Calyed June, 1825, bred by Mr. Grey, Mil- field Hill, got by Neptune (1263'. d. Lady Grace, by His Grace (311), Young Premium, by Leopold (370), Pre- mium, by Mayduke (424), by Cupid (177), by Favourite (252), Johanna, by Lame Bull (357). (Tot) APOLLO. Red roan, calved May, 1824, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Phenomenon (1318), d. Caroline, by Adonis (6), Camomile, by Lubin (388), by a grandson of Charge's Grey Bull (123). (755) APOLLO. Roan, calved April 1, 1825, bred by Major Bower, got by Pioneer (1321), d. Alacrity, by Can- dour (107), Ac., as in Alert (735). (75H) APOLLO. Red and white, calved 1825, bred bv Mr. < Ihampion, got by Blyth Favourite (801), d. Nutmeg, (bred by (J.Angus), by Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (1444), by Traveller (655), by Surly (2715), by Colonel. (7'57) ARCIIKH. -White, calved Nov. 28, 1824, bred by J. booth. Killerby. got by Young Albiom IT,), d. Modish, by Remus (550), Beauty, by Albion (14), by Easby (.232), Young Moss 1'ose, by a son of Suworrow (636) Rose, by Suworrow d>36). by Booth's son of Twin Bro- ther to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (758) ARGO. White, calved Feb. 6, 1827, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Columbus (903), d. April Daisy, by Frederick (1060), Adela, by Orpheus (473), Alfrede, by Alfred (23) by Windsor (698), Old Daisy, by Fa- vourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (759) ARGUS. Roan, calved 1825, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Young Albion (15), d. Anna, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Aaron (711). (760) ARTHUR (MR. BINNS'?.) (761) ARTHUR. Roan, calved 1824, bred by R. Booth, Studley. got by Sir Alexander (591), d. Formax, by Pilot (496), Fairmaid, by Agamemnon (9), Madam, by Mar- shal Beresford (415) Tuberose, by Lame Bull (359), Moss Rose, by Suworrow (636). (762) ASPARAGUS. Roan, calved Dec. 31, 1822, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Ketton (346), d. Strawberry, by Lancaster (360), Velvet, by grandson of Comet, by Prince. (763) ASTYANAX. Roan, calved April 16, 1827, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Hector (1104), d. Juno, by Young Star (619), &c., as in Castor (853). (764) ATTRACTION. Red and white, calved June 7, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Factotum (1022), d. Venus, by Lancaster (360), Cherry (bred by Wether- ell), by Ladrone (353), by Danby (190), by a son of Fa- vourite (2523. (765) BACHELOR. Red and white, calved Jan. 1, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Paragon (1303). d. Dishley Dinsdale, by Barmpton (54), Dinsdale, by Phe- nomenon (491), by Favourite (252). (766) YOUNG BADSWORTH. Calved May 15, 1824, bred by Mr. Mitton, got by President (517). d. Charlotte, by Atlas (42), by George (274), by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47). (767) BANKER. Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1824, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Ketton (346), d. Tuberose, by Lancaster (360), Cherry (bred by Wetherell), by La- drone (353), by Danby (190), by a son of Favourite (252). (768) BANQUO. White, calved August, 1827, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Malcolm (1190), d. Virginia (bred by Mr. Law), by General (272), Rosemary, by Flash (261), Red Rose, by Petrarch (488), by Alexan- der (20), by Traveller (655), by a son of Bolingbroke (86). (769) BARDOLPH. Calved 1823, bred by Mr. Lax, Ra- vensworth, got by North Star (459), d. Beauty (bred by Jobling), by Rockingham (560), by Sir Harry (1444), by Colonel, by R. Colling's Son of Hubback (319). (770) BAREFOOT. Calved 1823. bred by Mr. Hepworth, got by Ruler (571), d. Dinsdale (bred by R. Colling), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252). (771) BARMPTON (54), SON OF. Dam by Danby (190), by Favourite (252). (772) BARON. Got by Ketton 1st (709), d.Duchess (bred by Mr. Bates). (773) YOUNG BARONET. Calved Nov. 6, 1820, bred by . Mr. Assheton, Jr., got by Baronet (62), d. Damsel (bred by Rev. T. Harrison), by Crocus (1)32), by an own brother to North Star (459), by Favourite (252). (774) BARONET. Roan, calved March 13, 1824, bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson, got by Diomed (975), d. Diana, by Meteor (432), Selina, by Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Alexander (20). (775) BARONET. Red and white, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Barrister (776), d. Rosamond, by Northern Light (1281), by Snowdrop (614), by White Comet (1582). (776) BARRISTER. Roan, calved 1823, bred by R. Booth, got by Julius Ca'sar (1143), d. Bloom, by Pilot (498), Butterfly; by Marshal Beresford (415), Ariadne, by Albion (14), &c., as in Aaron (711). (777) BARTLE (63). Bred by Mr. Charge, got by Dalton Duke (188), d. descended from Studley White Bull (627). (778) YOUNG BARTLE. Bred by Mr. Charge, got by Bartle (777). (779) BARTON. Calved 1824, bred by Mr. Lax. Ravens- worth, got by Satellite (1420), d. Lady Mary, by North Star (459) Helen, by Snowball (610), by Sir Dimple (594). by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Bartle (777). LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (780) BASHAW. Eoan, calved 1823, bred by W. Job- son, got by Sultan (1485), d. Rolla (bred by Gen. Simson), by North Star (458). (781) BEAUCHAMP. Red and white, calved Aug. 7, 1822, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Sir Stephen (1456), d. Legacy (bred by Mr. Wright, Cleasby), by Adonis (6), Davison's Maudlin. (782) BEDLAMITE. Roan, calved 182-, got by Achmet (2), d. by Cato (119). (783) BELZONI. Red and white, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Holmes, Ireland, got by Capt. Parry (838), d. Modish, by Remus (550), &c., as in Archer (757). (784) BEN. Calved 1824, bred by D. Briggs, got by Young Major (1186), d. Miss Daisy, by Major (397), by Grey Robin (1090), of the Turnell breed. (785) BEN. Roan, calved Feb. 10, 1824, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Columella (904), d. Venus (bred by Mr. Walker), by Constellation (163), Nancy, by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177). (786) BENEDICT. Roan, calved Jan. 17, 1827, bred by the Rev. H. Berry, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Miss Beau- champ, by Sir Stephen (1456), Minerva, by Harold (291), Mary, by Meteor (432), Magdalena (bred by C. Col- ling), by Comet (155), by Cupid (177). (787) BILLY. Bred by Mr.Charge, got by White Comet (1582), d. Lilac, by Major (397), 2d Lady, by Favourite (252), 1st Lady, by Bartle (777), Old Simmon, descend- ed from Studley White Bull (627). (788) BILLT PITT. Roan, calved March 1, 1823, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Statesman (621), d. Crimson, by Stotirton's Bull (623), Poppy, by Bainton (48), bred by C. Colling. (789) BISHOP BRUNO. Red and white, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Fitz Marske (260), d. Brunette, by Sir Peter (606), Lucy, by Herod (307), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (790) BLAGDON. (791) YOUNG BLAGDON. Roan, got by Blrgdoa (790), d. by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (792) BLAIZE. (793) BLANCHARD'S BULL. Roan, bred by C. Colling. (794) BLOT. Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1820, bred by Major Bower, got by Candour (107), d. Blossom, by Comet (155), &c., as in Blucher (84). (795) BLUCHER. Roan, calved 1820, bred by W. Job- son, Newtown, got by Rockingham (560). d. Rolla (bred by Gen. Simson) by North Star (458). (796) BLUCHER. Red, calved 1823, bred by R. Thorn- ton, got by Brutus (821), d. Countess, by Clarence (888), by Minor (441), by George (275), by Ben (70), by Fa- vourite (252), by Punch (531). (797) BLYTH. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Warrior (673), d. Landlady, by Wellington (683), by Phenomenon (491), by Colonel, by a son of Hubback (319). (798) BLYTH. Calved 1824, bred by Col. Powel, Pow- elton, U. S. A., got by Champion (864), d. Shepherdess (bred by Mr. Champion), by Magnet (392), by Prince (521), by Duke of Leeds' Bull (992). (799) BLYTH ADONIS. Red and white, calved 1816, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. Cher- ry, by Foljambe's Bull, bred from his Cow Cherry, Old Chance. (800) BLYTH CHAMPION. Roan, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Toosey, got by Champion (864), d. Honeymoon, by Warrior (673), Primrose, by Charles (127),! Comet (85), by Prince (521), by Patriot (486). by Blyth (801) BLYTH FAVOURITE. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), or Brigade Ma- jor (817), d. Empress (bred by R. Colling), by Barmpton (54), Lady Grace, by Favorite (252), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (802) BOB. Dark roan, got by Cyprus (944), d. Old Moor, by Bolingbroke (86), bred by Mr. Curry, Bran- don White House. (803) YOUNG BOLINGBROKE. (804) BOLIVAR. Red and white, calved May 5, 1825, bred by Mr. W T hitaker, sold to Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Frederick (1060), d. Sweetheart, by Her- mit (305), Buxom, by Lawnsleeves (365), Barmpton, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Craven (1885). (805) BOLIVAR. White, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Rob- ertson, Ladykirk, got by Memnon (1218), d. Nekayah, by Diomed (974), Eva, by Barmpton (54), Music, by Wel- lington (679), Sarah, by Sultan (631), by Punch (531). (806) BOLIVAR, Roan, calved 1827, bred by Mr.Weth- erell, got by Stamford (1476), d. Nonpareil, by Rocking- ham (560), by Denton (198), Nancy, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (807) BONNY FACE. Calved 1823, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Dr. Syntax (220), d. by Cato (119). by Jupiter (342), by George (273), by Chilton (136), by Irishman (329), by B (45). (808) BOOTH'S (THOMAS) BULL. Got by Dr. Syntax (984), d. Col. Mellish's Julia. i (809) BORDERER. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Bar- ker, Layton, got by Satellite (1420), d. Strawberry, by North Star (459), by Sir Dimple (594), by Styford (629), by C. Colling's son of Bolingbroke, by Lame Bull (358), by Mr. Newby's . (810) BOREAS. White, calved Dec. 1825, bred by R. Jobson, got by Neptune (1263), d. Eveline, by Duke (226), by Marquis (407), by Chilton (136), by Traveller (655), Old Grace, by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (811) BOUNCE. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. For- tescue, Ireland, got by Brigade Major (817), d. Beauty, by Planet (1325), Blyth, by Wellington, by a grandson of Favourite. (812) BRAGANZA. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Emperor (1015), d. Phcenix, by Constellation (163), Lady Ann, by Comet (155), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Alexander (20). (813) BRAMPTON. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. W T etherell. Full brother to Doncaster (222). (814) BRANDON. Calved Nov. 1820, bred by Mr. As- sheton, Jr., got by Baronet (62), d. by Crocus (932), by Simon (590). (815) BRANDSBY. White, calved April, 1819, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by North Star (459), d. Rosabella (bred by Col. Trotter), by Comet (155), Rosette, by Cecil (120), Florette, by Shakspeare (582), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (816) BRANDSBY. Roan, calved Feb. 1827, bred by Mr Wiley. Full brother to Hector (1105). (817) BRIGADE MAJOR. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Champion, sold to Mr. Fortescue, Ireland. Full brother to Aid-de-Camp (722). (818) BRILLIANT. Roan, calved Aug. 2, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Candidate (832), d. Jasmine, by Comet (155), by a son of Favourite (252). (819) BRITTON'S BULL. (820) BROWN'S BULL, OF ALDBOROUGH. (821) BRUTUS. Roan, calved 1821, bred by R. Thorn- ton, got by Pilot (1319), d. by Pyramus (532), by White- nose (692), by George (275), by Ben (70), by Favourite (252), by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (822) BRUTUS. Calved May 27, 1826, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Ivanhoe (1130), d. Brighteyes, by Midas (435), fcc., as in Bolivar (1730). (823) BUCKINGHAM. White, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Pilkington, got by Charles 2d (879), d. by Young Lan- caster (1162), by Meteor (431), by Alfred (23), by But- terfly (104), by Yarborough (705). (824) BUMPER. Dark roan, calved in 1819, bred by Mr. Short, got by Barmpton (54), d. by Marske (418), by Aldwark Foljambe (734). Slaughtered 1825. (825) BUMPER. Red, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Adam- son, Ireland, got by Adonis (719), d. Bluebell, by Charles (127), by Neswick (1266). (826) BUONAPARTE. Calved 1825, bred by Mr. Fortes- cue, Ireland, got by Brigade Major (817), d. Blossom, by Planet (1325), Blyth, by Wellington, by a grandson of Favourite. (827) BURLEIGH. White, calved June 11, 1824, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, got by Emperor (1014), d. Luck's-All, by Young Favourite (254), by Orion (470), by Traveller $55), by Bolingbroke (86). (828) BURLEY. White, calved Feb. 1826, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Frederick (1060), d. Belina (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Barmpton (54), by a son of Wellington (680), by Laird (1158). (829) BURSTWICK. TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. (880) CAMILLUS. Roan, calved April 5, 1823, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Lancaster (300), d. Pyracan- tlia, by Barmpton (54), White Rose, by Wellington (680), by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252). CANDIDATE. Roan, calved May 4, 1822, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Darlington (!)r>5), d. Young Lupin (bred by Mr. Wright), by Comet (155), Lupin, by K. ( 'olling's son of Favourite, by Checks (132), Cherry. (833) CANNING. Roan, calved July 21, 1827, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Yann, by Symmetry (643), by Meteor (431), by Windsor (698), by Grey Bull (1089). (834) CANTAB. Calved Sept. 30, 1825, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Derby (965), d. Carols, by Chesterfield (133), Miss Chance, dam of Charles 2d (128). (835) CANTEEN. Roan and white, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Betsy, by Warrior (673), Blossom, by Blyth Comet (85), of the Blackwell breed, bought of R. Colling. (836) CAPTAIN. Got by Favourite (252). (837) CAPTAIN. Roan, calved in 1824, bred by Mr. Scott, Torworth, got by Mariner (1193). d. Lady, by Al- bion (14), by Mareke (418), by Neswick (1266), by Fa- vourite (1033). (838) CAPTAIN PARRY. Red and white, calved Feb 2, 1S23, bred by J. Booth, got by Pilot (496), d. Evadne, by Young Albion (15), Cowslip, by Albion (14), Young Gaudy, by a son of Suworrow (636), Gaudy, by Suwor- row (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (839) CARDINAL (111). Got by Pope (514), d. by Chil- ton (136), by Trunnell (659). (840). YOUNG CARDINAL. Got by Cardinal (839), d. by Narcissus (446), (bred by Mr. Angus, Styford), by Col- onel, by Styford (629), by a son of Hubback (319). (841) CARDINAL. Got by Pilot (496). (842) CARLETON. Roan, calved June 5, 1825, bred by Mr. Burrow, Carleton Hall, got by Young AVestern Comet (1575), d. Cinderella, by Mountaineer (1252), White Gil- liver, by Western Comet (689), Gilliver, by a son of Favourite. (843) CARLETON. Light roan, calved March 5, 1826, bred by Mr. Burrow, got by Young Western Comet (1575), d. White Gilliver, by Western Comet (689), Gil- liver, by a son of Favourite. (844) CARLTON. White, calved June 22, 1827, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by a son of Atlas, d. Miss Coates (bred by Sir J. Ramsden), by a son of Favourite (1035), by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47). (845) CARLTON COMET. Roan, calved July 7, 1816, bred by .Mr. Slater, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. Windsor, by Windsor (698). (846) CARLTON FAVOURITE. Roan, calved March 26, 1820, bred by Mr. Slater, got by Blyth Favourite (801), d. Young Venus, by Carlton Comet (845), Venus, by Prince (521), Old Venus, by Cupid (177). (847) CARLTON WARRIOR. (HIS) CARN. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Adamson, got by Sovereign, d. Raspberry, by Adonis (719), Ro- seile, by Charles (127), by Comet (155). (849) CAROLUS. Calved Oct. 10, 1824, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Walton (671), d. Carols, by Chesterfield (133), Miss Chance, dam of Charles 2d (128). (850) CARTER'S BROKEN-LEGGED BULL. CASSIUS. Calved July 18, 1826, bred by Major Bower, got by Navigator (1260), d. Camilla, by Marshal Beresford (415), Cora, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Conspirator (917'). (S52) CASTLE. Red and white, calved June 6, 1823, bred by Major Bower, got by Candour (107), d. Cant by Factotum (848), Caution, by Marshal Beresford (415),- Catherine, by Windsor (698), by a Bull of R. Ceiling's. (853) CASTOR. Calved Jan. 9, 1826, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Ivanhoe (1130), d. Juno, by Young Star il9),-by Midas (435), by Marquis (407), by Simon (58). (H5-1) YOUNG CATO. Red and white, bred bv Mr Wetherell, got by Cato (iu, d. by c ,m>t (ir,r. ' ) CATO.- Dark roan, calved April 12. 1S21. bred by Mr. Champion, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Kate, by 4 Wellington (683), Cathalene (bred by C. Colling), by Washington (674). (856) CATO. Roan, calved 1824, bred byR. Thornton, got by Achmet (2), d. White Rose, by Young Lancaster (1162), by Whitenose (692), by (ieor-e (275), by Ben (70), by Favourite (252), by Chapman's Sou of Punch (122). (857) CATO. Red, calved Feb. 1825. bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Grazier (1085), d. Cora, by Adonis (8), Lofty, by a grandson of Charge's Grey Bull (872,i. (858) CATO. Calved Nov. 26, 1825, got by Scipio (1421). d. Cassandra (bred by Mr. Donkin), by Duke (226), Red Rose, by Marquis (407), by Chilton (136), by Ben (70). (859) CATTLEY. (860) CATTON. Roan, calved 1824, bred by R. Booth, got by Cardinal (841), d. Alexina, by Warlaby (672), &c., as in A-la-mode (725). (861) CAVALIER. White, calved 1822, bred by W. Job- son, got by Blucher (795), d. Countess (bred by R. Col- ling), by Barmpton (54), Young Charlotte, by Welling- ton (680), Charlotte, by Comet (155), Cathalene, by Washington (674). (862) CAWDOR. Roan, calved March 7, 1826, bred by Major Bower, got by Navigator (1260), d. Constitution, by Marshal Beresford (415), &c., as in Conspirator (917). (863) CHALLENGER. Dark red, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Conqueror (915), d. Cinnamon, by Prince (521), Chesnut, by Blyth Comet (85), Cherry, by Foljambe's Bull, from his Cow Cherry, Old Chance. (864) CHAMPION. Dark roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Champion, sold to Mr. Lloyd, America, got by Warrio (673), d. by Palmtlower (480), by Driffield (223), b Champion, sold to Mr. Lloyd, America, got by Warrior (673), d. by Palmtlower (480), by Driffield (223), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), Miss Dodsworth, by a Bull bred by J. Charge, Newton. (865) CHAMPION. Roan, bred by Mr. Rennie, Phan- tassie, got by Pilot (496), d. by Satellite (1420), (bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk), by Barmpton (54), by Wel- lington (679). (866) CHAMPION. Red and white, calved March 5, 1823, bred by Mr. Slater, got by Carlton Comet (845), d. Honesty (bred by Mr. Champion), by Blyth Comet (85). (867) CHAMPION. Calved 1823, or 1824, bred by Mr. Robson, Holtby, got by Admiral (5), d. by Young Albion (15), by Apollo (36), by Punch (531). (868) CHANCE. Roan, calved May, 1826, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Emperor (1013), d. Carnation, by Phenom- enon (1318), Cora, by Adonis (6), Lofty, by a grandson of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (869) CHANCELLOR. (870) CHANCELLOR. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Wetherell, sold to New Brunswick Agricultural Society, got by Rockingham (560), d. Susan, by Denton (198), Selina, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (871) CHANCELLOR. Calved Aug. 4, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Juniper (1145), d. by a son of Lan- caster (360), by a grandson of Comet (155). (872) CHARGE'S GREY OR ROAN BULL (123). bred by J. Charge, got by Favourite (252), d. Flecked Lady, by Young Bartle (778), 1st Lady, by Bartle (777), Old Simmon descended from Studley White Bull (627). (873) CHARGE'S BULL. (874) CHARLES (MR. PORRITT'S). (875) CHARLES. Red, calved June 7, 1824, bred by Major Bower. Full brother to Castle (852). (876) CHARLES. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. For- tescue, near Dundalk, Ireland, got by Brigade Major (817), d. Championess, by Charles (127), by Young Nes- wick (454), by Neswick (1266). (877) CHARLES. Calved 1S25, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Neptune (1263), d. Caroline, byFitzduke (25i)>. A.C.. as In Carlos (1788). (878) CHARLES. Roan, calved April 28, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1080). d. Western Lady, by Western Comet (68! h, A:c., as in Adrian (720). (879) CHARLES 2o. Roan, calved 1821. bred by Mr. Cattle, got by Percy (1312), d. Beauty, by Cardinal '(111), &c., as in Achilles (712). (880) CHARLY. Roan, calved 1823. bred by J. Apple- ton, got by Young Lancaster (1162). d. Charlotte, by Or- pheus (473), by Duke (224), by Windsor (698), by R. Colling'* While Bull (151 1. LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (881) CHARLT. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, got by Rockingham (560), d. Tulip, by Comet (155), by Ladrone (353), by Danby (190). Slaughtered 1827. (882) CHARMER. Roan, calved 1823,bred by Mr.Briggs, got by Enchanter (244), d. Imogene, by Remus (550), Lady Jane, by Comet (155), Cleasby Lady, by Son of Favourite (1033), by Button's Bull (322), Lucy by Bar- ningham (56). Slaughtered 1827. (883) CHATSWORTH. Roan, calved May, 1824, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Ivanhoe (1131), d. by Regent (544), by Comet (155). (884) CHEROKEE. Calved 1826, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Wye Comet (1591), d. Lady, by a grandson of Ossian, by Wellington. (885) CHESTER. Calved Nov. 26, 1824, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Walton (671), d. Charlotte, by Cupid (179), &c., as in Chesterfield (133). (886) CHIEFTAIN. Got by Warrior (673), d. by Nes- wick (1266), by Captain Turnell's Bull. (887) CITIZEN. White, calved March, 1824, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Chilton (137), d. Tulip, by Ketton (346), Victoria, by Charles (127), &c., as in An- telope (748). (888) CLARENCE. Roan, bred by R. Thornton, got by Midas (435), d. by George (275), by Ben (70), by Lame Bull (358), by Punch (531). (889) CLARENCE. Roan, calved June 7, 1827, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), (supposed) by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (890) CLEASBT. Got by Suworrow (636). (891) CLEASBY. White, calved Nov. 27, 1823, bred by Mr. Gresham, got by Brutus (100), d. Symmetry, by Cleve- land (145), by Washington (674). (892) CLEVELAND. Got by Merlin (429), d. by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Butterfly (104), by Yarbor- ough (705), by Suworrow (636). (893) CLEVELAND. Roan, calved 182-, bred by Major Rudd, got by Emperor, d. by Barmpton (54), by Wel- lington (680) by Midas, by Minor, by Punch (531). (894) CLIFTON. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Pilk- ington, got by Robinson's Bull (1387), d. Jasmine, by Young Lancaster (1162), by Alfred (23), by Blaize (75), by Butterfly (104), by R. Colling's White Bull (151). (895) CLYFF. (896) COATHAM. Bred by Mr. Buston, got by Major (2255), d. by Thorpe (1515), by Northumberland (464), by Buston's Styford (103), by Lame Bull (358). (897) CCKLEBS. Bred by Mr. Priestly, got by Blyth Comet (85). (898) CcEUR-DE-LiON. Roan, calved Jan. 1827, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Symmetry (1495), d. Sylvia (bred by Mr. Champion), by Warrior (673), by Emperor (1009), by Blyth Comet (85). (899) COLLET MELLOW. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Pilot (496). (900) COLLING. Red, calved June 17, 1819, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Lancaster (360), d. Juno, by Fa- vourite (252), &c.,as in Dishley (217). (901) YOUNG COLLING. Red and white, calved Nov. 11, 1823, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Colling (900), d. Empress, by Ketton (346), Beauty, by Eclipse (234), by Neswick (1266). (902) COLLING. Roan, calved Sept. 6, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Juniper (1145), d. Pyracantha, by Barmpton (54), &c., as in Camillus (830). (903) COLUMBUS. Roan, calved May 15, 1825, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Red Daisy, by Major (398), &c., as in Alonzo (28). (904) COLUMELLA. Roan, calved 1821, bred by R. Booth, got by Pilot (496), d. Comely, by Young Albion (15), Twin, by Albion (14), by Lame Bull (359), by Suworrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (905) YOUNG COMET. Bred by Mr. Teasdale, got by Marmaduke Wetherell's Son of Favourite (252). (906). YOUNG COMET. Roan, calved April, 1822. bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Harold Jr. (1096), d. Rosabella, by Comet (155), &c., as in Brandsby (815). (907) COMMANDER. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blaize (76), d. Cora, by Blyth Comet (85), Old Chance. (908) COMMODORE. Bred by Mr. Charge, Newton, got by Sir Stephen (1456), d. Lilac, by Major (397), &c., as in Billy (787). (909) COMPETITOR. Red, calved June 11, 1826, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, got by Neesham (1261), d. Miss Cropper, by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (54), by Ex- pectation (247), by Ostler's Bull (1298). (910). COMPTON'S (SoN OF) FAVOURITE. Bred by Mr. Compton, got by Favourite (252). (911) COMUS. Red roan, bred by Mr. Ostler, Audby, got by Barmpton (54), d. by Aylesby (44), by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer, by Barniugham (56). (912) COMUS. Got by Meteor (431). (913) COMUS. (914) COMUS. Calved 1823, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, sold to King of Wirtemberg, got by Fitzmarske (260), d. Jewel, by Surplice (635), &c., as in Acorn (715). (915) CONQUEROR. Dark red, calved 1818, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Warrior (673), d. Cherry, by Foljambe's Bull, bred from his Cow Cherry, Old Chance. (916) CONRAD. Calved 1823, bred by Mr. Donkin, got by Duke (226), d. Daisy (bred by R. Colling), by Barmp- ton (54), by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (917) CONSPIRATOR. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Major Bower, got by Pioneer (1321), d. Consternation, by Prince (1338), Constitution, by Marshal Beresford (415), Con- stantia, by Petrarch (488). Cora (bred by C. Colling), by Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), Phcenix, by Foljambe (263). Favourite, by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (918) CONSTANTINE. Roan, calved March 19, 1827, bred by Major Bower, got by Navigator (1260), d. Con- science, by Defender (194), Consiantia, by Petrarch (488), &c., as in Conspirator (917). (919) CONSTELLATION. Red and white, calved 1819, bred by Marquis of Exeter, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. Profit (bred by Mr. Champion), by Neswick (1266). (920) CORINTHIAN. Roan, calved Oct. 1825, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Fitz Marske (260), d. by Won- derful (700), by North Star (459), by Petrarch (488), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Conspirator (917). (921) CORINTHIAN TOM. Roan, calved Oct. 12, 1823, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Frederick (1060), d. Cinderella (bred by Mr. Whitaker), byProspero (530), by Western Comet (689). (922) CORPORAL. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. For- tescue, Ireland, got by Brigade Major (817), d. Chance, by Planet (1325), Championess, by Charles (127), by Young Neswick (1268), by Neswick (1266). (923) CORRISOR. (924) CORYPHCEUS. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, sold to Speaker of House of Assem- bly, New Brunswick, United States, got by Sir Leolin-e (603), d. Welcome, by Herod (307), Beauty, by Buston's Styford (103), Young Sail, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), Sockburn Sail, by J. Coates' Bull (148). (925) COSSACK. Red, calved 1814, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Blyth Comet (85). d. Cherry, by Foljambe's Bull (bred from his Cow Cherry), Old Chance. (926) COTES. Red and white, calved March, 1818, bred by Mr. White, got by Denton (198), d. by son of Henry (301), by Henry (301), by Danby (190). (927) COUNSELLOR. Red and white, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Barrister (776), d. Red Mulberry, by Mars (413), by Snowdrop (614), by White Comet (1582). (928) COXCOMB. Calved 1822, bred by Rev. T. Harri- son, got by Northumberland (1286), d. Red Rose, by Windsor (698), &c., as in Damascus (948). (929) CRICKETTER. Calved Dec. 12, 1822, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Palmflower (480), d. Char- lotte (bred by Col. Trotter), by Cupid (179), &c., as in Chesterfield (133). (930) CRIMSTON. Roan, calved 1819, bred by R. Tho- mas, Eryholme, got by Lancaster (360), d. Clara (bred by R. Colling), by Lancaster (360), Venus, by Wellington (680), fec., as in Adonis (7). (931) CRIPPLE. Roan, calved 1819, bred by R. Thomas, Eryholme, got by son of Comet (155), d. by grandson of Favourite (252), by Phenomenon. TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. (!) '52) CROCUS. Calved 1810, bred by Rev. T. Harrison, Firl.y, not by a brother to North Star (459), d. Pink, by Simon (590), &c., as in Damascus (948). (933) CROSBY'S DUN BULL. ()) CRUSADER. Calved 1824, bred by W. Jobson. Full brother to Cavalier (861). (935) CULLEY'S SON OP COMET (155). (936) CULLEY'S GREY BULL. Got by a son of Comp- ton's Fat Cow, bred by C. Colling. (937) CUPID. Red. calved 1811, bred by Gen. Simson, got by North Star (458), d. by Punch (531), by Favourite (938) CUPID. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Bolden, got by Remus (550), d. Lady Jane, by Comet (155), &c., as in Charmer (882). (939) CUPID. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Conqueror (915), d. Moss Rose, by Charles (127), Cora, by Blyth Comet (85), Old Chance (940) YOUNG CUPID. White, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Hinde, Beaumont Castle, got by Cupid (938), d. Princess, by Favourite (256), Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), &c., as in Alba (726). (941) CUPID. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Pelias (1311), d. Countess, by Northern Light (1381), Red Rose, by Juniper (1144), White Rose, by Snowdrop (614), Cherry, by Charge's Son of Major (397). (942) CUPID. Roan, calved March, 1825, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Grazier (1085), d. Fair Ellen, by Adonis (6), Wildair, by Wrightson's Grandson of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (531). (943) CYMRO. Roan, calved Aug. 19, 1825, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Prima, by Mentor (427), Pretty Lass, by Harold (291), Pretty Maid (bred by Mr. Charge), by Duke (225), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), descended from Studley White Bull (627). (944) CYPRUS. Light roan, got by Mr. Wailes's - , d. by Butterfly, by Mr. Curry's -- . Slaughtered. (945) CZAR. Red roan, calved 1824, bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, got by Meteor (1226), d. Empress, by At- las (42), Innocence, by Windsor (698), by Windsor (698). (946) DAINTY DAVY. Calved 1822, bred by Mr. Tho- mas, Chesterfield, got by Palmflower (480), d. Dainty, by Captain (108), &c., as in Davy (959). (947) YOUNG DAISY. Roan, calved May, 1820, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Orpheus (473), d. Red Daisy, by Major (398), &c., as in Alonzo (28). (948) DAMASCUS. Bred by Rev. T. Harrison, got by Cecil (120), d. Damask, by Cecil (120), Red Rose, by Windsor (698), Pink, by Simon (590), by Colonel, by Styford (629), by a son of Hubback (319). (!M!)) DANBY (MR. POOLE'S). (950) DANBY, SON OF. (951) DANDY. Red and white, calved March, 1824 bred by Lord Althorp, got by Sirloin (604), d. Cecilia, by Wellington (680), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by a son of Hubback (319), Beauty, out of Punch's dam by Broken Horn (95), bred by Geo. Best, Manfield. (952) DANIEL. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Wetherell, Barmpton, got by Denton (198), d. Auro- ra, by Comet (155), by Henry (301), by Danby (190). (953) DARIUS. Bred by T. Robinson, Marsh House got by Young Lancaster (1162), d. by Windsor (698), by Butterfly (104), by Cupid (177). (!).> D DARIUS. Calved 1826, bred by Mr. Edmonds, got by The Squire (1512), d. Daisy, by Midas (435), by Bough- ton (90), by a son of Windsor (698). ir>5) DARLINGTON. Red roan, calved June 30, 1820. bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Lancaster (360) d \ ictoria, by Charles (127), &c., as in Antelope (748). (956) DARLINGTON. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. \\ ethereU, Barmpton, got by North Star (460), d. Cap- tive, by Comet (155), Cora, by Baronet (60), by Cripple (171), b.f Irishman (329), by Hubback (319). (957) DAVENPORT. Roan, calved June 13, 1827 bred by Major Bower, got by Pioneer (1321), d. Damsel, by Jasper (331), Daphne, by Jupiter (344), &c., as in Da- mon (189). (958) DAVID. Calved 1826, bred by Mr. Pilkington, got by Daniel (952), d. Caroline, by Wellington, CounCSsH (bred by Mr. Newby, Thorpe, out of a sister to his Pre- mium Cow), by a son of Favourite. (959) DAVY. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Thomas, Ches- terfield, got by Ancaster (31), d. Dainty (bred by Mr. Raynes), by Captain (108), Old Dainty (Captain's dam), by Rayne's Roan Bull, a thoroughbred Short-horned Cow, bought of Mr. Booth, Killerby. (960) DEFIANCE. Calved 1834, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. 8. A., got by Bishop (73), d. Stately (bred by Mr. Wetherell), by North Star (460), Laura, alias Su- san, by Denton (198), Selina, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (961) DENMARK. Bred by Mr.Hepworth,Rogerthorpe, got by Atlas (42), d. by Albion (14), Daisy, by Badsworth g'7), Premium (bred by Major Colling), by R. Grimston's ull (282), by Dalton Duke (188). (962) DENMARK. Calved April 8, 1823, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Lancaster (360), d. Dishley Dins- dale, by Barmpton (54), Dinsdale, by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252). (963) YOUNG DENTON. Roan, calved 1816, bred by Mr. Wetherell, Kirby Malery, sold to Samuel Williams, mer- chant of London, owned by Stephen Williams, Northboro, Mass., U. S. A., got by Denton (198), d. Cora, by Baronet (60), by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329), by Hubback (964) DENTON (198), SON OF. Dam Primrose, by Com- et (155), Old Red Rose, by Trunnell (659), by Danby (965) DERBY. White, calved July 9, 1823, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Dairymaid (bred by G. Angus), by Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (1444), by Duke (228), by Surly (2715). (966) DEVONSHIRE, 51. (967) DIADEM. White, calved Dec. 20,1825, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Prince Comet (1342), d. Dido, by En- chanter (244), Dandy, by Midas (435), Strawberry, by Yarborough (705), Snowdrop, by Duke (224), Darling, by Traveller (655), Flowery, by Bolingbroke (86), a Cow of Mr. Boazman's. (968) DIAMOND (MR. SPEDDING'S). (969) DICK. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by J. Cattle, got by Prince, d. Crooktail, by Juniper (1144), Old Beauty,by Lawnsleeves (365), by C. Ceiling's White Bull (150). (970) DIE REICH. (971) YOUNG DIMPLE. Bred by Mr. Allison, got by Sir Dimple (594). (972) DINMONT. White, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Hep- worth, got by Barmpton (54), d. Dinsdale (bred by R. Colling), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252). (973) DINNING'S BULL. Bred by Mr. Dinning, got by Barmpton (54), d. Caroline (bred by R. Colling), by Young Barmpton (55), Wildair, by George (275), Wildair, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Dishley (217). (974) DIOMED. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Rob- ertson, Ladykirk, got by Cato (119), d. Alba, by Barmp- ton (54), Vesta, by Midas (435), by Sultan (631), by Sultan (631), by Lady Maynard's Bull (356). (975) DIOMED. Red and white, calved April 21, 1822, bred by Sir H. Carr Ibbetson, got by Meteor (432), d. Wanton, by Regent (1363), Frolic, by , Playful, by . (976) DIOMED. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Cham- ?".on, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Duchess, by Duke, oung Diana (bred by R. Colling), by George (275), Diana, by Favourite (252), Wildair, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Dishley (217). (977) DIRECTOR. Red and white, calved March 2, 1825, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Paragon (13()3i, d. Rarity, by Lancaster (360), Spot (bred by Mr. Brent- nail), by a grandson of Comet. (978) DISCOUNT. Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1824, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Paragon (1303), d. Hyacinth, by Darlington (955), Lively, by Ketton (346), Fanny, by Blucher (80), by Pope (514). (979) DISHLEY. Red and white, calved Oct. 22, 1821, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, sold to A. Brentnall, Rah- way, N. J., U. S. A., got by Lancaster (360), d. Cattle's Cherry, by a son of Comet (155), by Marske (418). (980) DISHLEY COMET. Roan, calved Oct. 21, 1825, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Lancaster (360), d. LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Lively, by Ketton (346), Fanny, by Blucher (80), by Pope (514). (981) DISHLEY GRANGE. Roan, calved April 15, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Paragon (1303), d. Lilac, by Lancaster (360), Fanny, by Blucher (80), by Pope (514). (982) DISHLEY KETTON. Roan, calved June 27, 1822, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Ketton (346), d. Al- pine (bred by Col. Trotter), by R. Colling's son of Fa- vourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (983) DISPATCH. Bred by the Marquis of Exeter, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Matchless, by Warrior (673), Myrtle, by Windsor (698), by Windsor (698). (984) DOCTOR SYNTAX. Red and white, calved 1815, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Charles (127), d. Magda- lene (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), Miss Wash- ington, by Washington (674). (985) DODDINGTON. Got by Rockingham (560), d. sup- posed by a bull of Mr. Robertson's, Ladykirk. (986) DON COSSACK. Red and white, calved 1817, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Charles (127), d. Cherry, by Foljambe's Bull, bred from his Cow Cherry, Old Chance. (987) DON QUIXOTE. Calved 1826, got by Pizarro (1323), d. Elvirena, by Favourite (256), Elvira, by Phe- nomenon (491), &c., as in Alba (726). (988) DREADNOUGHT. Calved Nov. 29, 1824, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Paragon (1303), d. Violet, by Lancaster (360), Nancy (bred by Mr. Glaister), by Wel- lington (678), by Danby (190). (989) DRINKROW'S BULL. (990) DUKE. Got by Charles (127). (991) YOUNG DUKE. Got by Duke (225). (992) DUKE OF LEEDS' BULL. Bred by Sir George Strickland. (993) DUNSTON. Calved May 1, 1825, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Walton (671). d. Dairymaid (bred by G. Angus), by Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (1444), by A. Wailes' Duke (228), by Surly (2715). (994) DUPLICATE. Got by Blucher. (995) MR. DYON'S ROAN BULL. (996) EBOR. Red and white, calved 1824, bred by R. Thomas, Eryholme, got by Eryholme (1018), d. Young Charlotte (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), Charlotte, by Comet (155), Cathalene, by Washington (674), by a son of Cupid (177). (997) EBOR. Roan, "calved Feb. 1827, bred by Mr. Wi- ley, got by Midas (1230), d. Patch, by Adonis (6), by Mi- das (435), by Punch (531). (998) ECHO. Calved 1824, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Studley (628), d. Lottery, by a son of Albion (14), Lucy, by Favourite (257), Lily (bred by Mr. Langdale), by Bainton (48). (999) ECLIPSE. Got by Planet (1324), d. by Crocus. (1000) ECLIPSE JUNIOR. Got by Eclipse. (1001) EDMUND. Bred by J. W. Parrington, got by Alfred (23), d. by Washington (674), by Cleasby (141). (1002) EDWARD. Red and white, calved March 4, 1824, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Red Daisy, by Major (398), &c., as in Alonzo (28). (1003) EDWARD. Calved Sept. 7, 1825, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Walton (671), d. Ellen, by Capt. Candid (110), Eliza, by a grandson of Comet, bred by Mr. Nicholson, from a Heifer immediately de- scended from the stock of Mr. Brown, Aldborough. (1004) EDWARD. Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1827, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Malcolm (1190), d. Lady, by a grandson of Ossian, by Wellington. (1005) EDWIN. Roan, calved July 3, 1825, bred by Mr Whitaker, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Ella, by Enchanter (244), Emma, by Wellington (679), Venus, by Major (397) &c., as in Hyppolyto (325). (1006) EDWIN. Roan, calved Dec. 4, 1825, bred by Mr. Burrow, Carleton Hall, got by Young Western Comet (1575), d. Young Countess, by Diamond (205), Countess, by Favourite (256), by a Bull of Mr. Charge's. (1007) ELECTION. White, calved July 6, 1825, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Lancaster (360), d. North Daisy, by Charles (127). (1008) ELTON. Red and white, calved Feb. 9, 1827, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Kehama (1150), d. Jessy (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), descended from the stock of Mr. Hill, Blackwell. (1009) EMPEROR. Roan, calved 1812,bred by Mr. Cham- pion, Blyth, got by Prince (521), d. Magdalene (bred .by C. Colling), by Comet (155), Miss Washington, by Wash- ington (674). (1010) EMPEROR. Light roan, calved 1816, bred by Mr. Binns. Full brother to Constitution (165). (1011) EMPEROR. Bred by Mr. Curry, Brandon, got by Wellington (683), d. by Sir Rowland (1455), by a son of Phenomenon (491), by Irishman (329). (1012) EMPEROR. Got by Blyth Comet (85). (1013) EMPEROR. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Lord Feversham. Full brother to Diamond (209). (1014) EMPEROR. Roan, calved 1821, bred by the Mar- quis Exeter. Own brother to Czar (945). Died 1838. (1015) EMPEROR. Bred by Mr. Stapylton, got by Con- stellation (163), d. White Rose, by Leopold (372), Stately, by Major (397), by an own brother to R. Colling's White Heifer, from the stock of Sir J. Pennyman. (1016) EMPEROR. Yellow red and white, bred by Mr. Champion. (1017) ENCHANTER, SON OF. Bred by Mr. Brisrgs, got by Enchanter (244), d. Ceres (bred by Mr. Wright), by Atlas (42), Cleasby Lady, by Favourite (1033), &c., as in Charmer (882). (1018) ERYHOLME. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by R. Thomas, Eryholme, got by Barmpton (54), d. Clara, by Lancaster (360), Venus, by Wellington (680), &c., as in Adonis (7). (1019) ESK. (1020) ETON. Got by Windsor (698). (1021) EXMOUTH. Bred by W. Charlton, got by Duke of Wellington (231), d. by a son of Joining's Sir Harry (1444), by Duke (288), by Yarborough (705), by Boling- broke (86). (1022) FACTOTUM. Roan, calved Feb. 16, 1823, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley. Full brother to Lancaster 2d (362). (1023) FAIRFAX. Roan, calved June 14, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Matilda, by Marquis (408), Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), supposed by Chapman's son of Punch (122). (1024) FALCON. Calved Feb. 1825, bred by Mr. For- tescue, Ireland, got by Brigade Major (817), d. Favour- ite, by Wellington, by , by a son of Favourite, by Mr. Brown's White Bull. (1025) FANATIC. Red, calved 1809, bred by Mr. Short, got by Aldwark Foljambe (734), d. by Martin Aylesby (1205), by Barningham (56). (1026) YOUNG FARMER. (1027) FASHION. Roan, calved 1825, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Sir Alexander (591), d. Fatima, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Franklin (2036). (1028) FAVOURITE. Roan, bred by R. Thomas, Ery- holme, got by Whisker (1579), d. by Orpheus (473), by Alfred (23), by Grey Bull (1089). (1029) FAVOURITE. Roan, calved 1824, got by Ivanhoe, (1131), d. Rosabella (bred by Lord Althorp), by Lancaster (360), Rosette (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), Red Rose, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (1030) FAVOURITE. Roan, calved 1824, bred by J. Woodhouse, got by , d. Beauty, by Young Dimple (971), by Wellington (678), by Young Comet (905), by Layton (2190), by Goldfinder (1075). (1031) FAVOURITE. White, calved May 15, 1825, bred by Mr. Burrow, Carleton Hall, got by Young Western Comet (1575), d. Lady Betty, by Diamond (205), Betty (bred by Mr. Gibson, Guermore Park), by Favourite (256), by a Bull of Mr. Charge's. (1032) FAVOURITE. White, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. got byDiomed (974), d. Hyperbole, by Valentine (661), Short Tail, by Wellington (679), Honeysuckle, by Sultan (631), Jane, by Signior (588). (1033) FAVOURITE (252), SON OF. Bred by R. Colling, d. Brighteyes, by Favourite (252), Old Brighteyes, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Craven (1885). (1034) FAVOURITE (256), SON OF. (1035) FAVOURITE (257), SON OF. Dam by Badsworth (47). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. (1031!) FII;U> MA USUAL. Roan, calved 1820, bred by W. .Jobson, got by Rockingham < :><><)), d. Venus (bred by Luke Scott), by Cupid (180). Died 1S21. (1037) FIELD MARSHAL. Calved Sept. 1824, bred by R. Jobson, got by Blucher (795). d. Damsel (bred by It. Collins), by Barmpton (54), Dinsdale, by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252). * (1038) FINGAL. Red and white, calved in March, 1S23, bred by Mr. Beasley, Trussington, got by Conqueror (.M.-, il. by Midas (435), by Boughton (90), by Windsor (WS), by a son of Favourite (252). (1039) FIRBY. Roan, bred by Rev. T. Harrison, got by Northumberland (1286), d. Carnation, by Cecil (120), Pink, by Simon (590), &c., as in Damascus (948). (1040) FIRBY. Roan, calved April, 1826, bred by Rev. T. Harrison, Firby, got by Percy (1314), d. Red Rose, by Windsor (698), &c., as in Damascus (948). (1041) FITZ CHAKLES. Spotted red and white, bred by Mr. Pilkington. got by Charles 2d (879), d. Sweet Pea, by Younu Lancaster (11(52), by Blaize (75), by Butterfly (104), by Windsor (698). (1042) FITZ FAVOURITE. Calved Feb. 24, 1819, bred by Mr. Binns. Full brother to Constitution (165). (1043) FITZ MIDAS. Grey, calved Jan. 20, 1826, bred by Mr. Webster, got by Midas (1231), d. Lady, by Bed- ford (68), -Cora, by Meteor (432), Lucilla, by . (1044) FITZ SULTAN. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Jobson, got by Sultan (1485), d. Venus (bred by Luke Scott), by Cupid (180). (1045) FITZ WILLIAM. Red and white, calved Sept. 1825, bred by Mr. Gates, got by Malcolm (1190), d. Trine, by Bedford (68), Trinket, by Meteor (432), Princess, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Regent (1365). (1046) FLAMMOCK. Red and white, calved April, 1825, bred by Lord Althorp. got by Hector (1104), d. Countess (bred by Gen. Simson), by Young Star (619). (1047) FLASH. Roan, calved Feb. 1826, bred by Mr. Wiley. Full brother to Cupid (942). (1048) FLEANCE. Red, calved Aug. 1827, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U.S.A., got by Malcolm (1190), d. Lady Betty (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Alonzo (28), by Meteor (431), by Yarborough (705), by Styford (629), by Hollon's Bull (313). (1049) FLORIAN. Red and white, calved April, 1826, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Wye Comet (1591), d.Shepherdess, by Magnet (392), by Prince (521), by Duke of Leeds 1 Bull (992). (1050) FLORIZEL. Roan, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Tho- mas, Chesterfield, got by Palm flower (480), d. Fair Maid, by Pyramus (532), Anna Maria, by a grandson of Fa- vourite (252), Strawberry, by a son of Favourite (252), Hollon. (1051) MR. FOLJAMBE'S BULL. (1052) FORESTER. Calved Aug. 31, 1825, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Walton (671), d. Fair Maid, by Pyramus (532), &c., as in Florizel (1050). (1053) FORESTER. Red and white, calved Jan. 1826, bred by R. Booth, got by Pilot (496i.d. Fair Maid, by Aga- memnon (9), &c., as in Cossack (1880). (1054) FORESTER. Calved March 9, 1826, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Paragon (1303), d. Rosebud, by Ketton (346), Iris, by a son of Blyth Comet (&5). (1055) FORESTER. Roan, calved June 5, 1826, bred by J. Booth, sot by Percy (1313), d. Evadne, by Young Al- bion (15), &c., as in Captain Parry (838). (1056) FORTUNE. (1057) FOWBERRY. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Culley, got by son of Wellington, d. White Lady, by Chil- ton (Ki'ii. (1058) FRANK. Roan, calved Feb. 13, 1825, bred by Major Bower, got by Pioneer (1321), d. Faction, by Mar- shal Beresford (415), Faculty, by Marshal Beresford (415), &c., as in Factotum (248). (1059) FRANK. Roan, calved 1827, bred by R. Booth, got by Pilot ( litti), d. Fancy, by Agamemnon (9), &c., as in Franklin (2086). (1060) FUKDKRICK (267). Roan, calved Jan. 18, 1821, bred by Mr. Charge, got by Ilulton (1121), d. Orbit, by Comet (155), Splendour, by Comet (!.">).- Flecked Twin, by Major (397), Red Simmon, by Favourite (252), Flecked Simmon, by Bartle (777). Old Simmon, descend- ed from Studley White Bull (627). (1061) FREDERICK. Red and white, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Fitz Marske (260), d. Jessy (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), descended from the stock of Mr. Hill, Blackwell. (1062) FREEMAN. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Cat- tley, got by Son of Farmer (251), d. Fancy, by Whitworth (695), Strawberry, by Charge's Son of Comet (155), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (123). (1063) FREEMAN. Roan, calved Jan. 5, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley. Full brother to Discount (978). (1064) FREE MASON. Roan, calved Dec. 18, 1827, bred by J. Wetherell, Barmpton, got by Stamford (1476), d. Su- san, by Denton. (198), Selina, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (1065) GENERAL. Dark Roan, calved April 14, 1821, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Young Sedbury (1425), d. Bloody (bred by Lord Grantham), by Snowball (1463), Old Bloody, by Charles (127), by a grandson of Favour- ite (252). (1066) GEORGE. Bred by R. Colling, got by George (275), d. by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (1067) GEORGE (MR. CODD'S). (1068) GEORGE. Roan, calved 1821, bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, got by Northern Light (457), d. Esther, by Marske (418), &c., as in Christmas (1828). (1069) GEORGE. Roan, calved 1823, bred by the Mar- qnis of Exeter, got by George (1068), d. Duchess, by Me- teor (1226), Innocence, by Windsor (698), by Windsor (698). (1070) GEORGE. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, Barmpton, sold to New Brunswick Agricultural Society, got by Darlington (956), d. Nonpareil by Rock- ingham (560), by Denton (198), Nancy, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (1071) GEORGE (274), SON OF. Dam by Badsworth (47). (1072) GlRLINGTON. (1073) GLENDOWER. Roan, calved March, 1824, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Ivanhoe (1131), d. by His Grace (311), by Lancaster (360), Rosette, by Wellington (680), &c., as in Favorite (1029). (1074) GLOUCESTER. White, calved Feb. 28, 1825, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Adela by Orpheus (473), &c., as in Argo (758). (1075) GOLDFINER. Got by J. Brown's White Bull (98). (1076) GOLIAH. Roan, calved April 18, 1827, bred by Mr. Cattley. got by Isaac (1129), d. Countess, by North- ern Light (1281), &c., as in Cupid (941). (1077) GOVERNOR. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Pilot (496), d. by Albion (14), by Suworrow (636). (1078) GOVERNOR. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Chilton (137), d. Woodbine, by Atlas (42), Stella (bred by Col. Trotter), by R. Collinar's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite, by Fa- vourite (252). (1079) GOVERNOR. White, calved Feb. 6, 1825, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Marcia, by Blyth Comet (85), Mira (bred by Col. Mellish), by Charles (127), Maria (bred by R. Colling), by George (275), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (1080) GRANBY. Roan, calved May, 1825, bred by Mr. Beasley, got by Blyth (797), d. by Warrior (673), by Adonis (6), by R. Colling's son of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (531). (1081) GRANBY. Red, calved June, 1827, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Grazier (1085), d. Juno, by Phenomenon (1318'). Winifred, by North Star (459), Wildair, by a grandson of Phenomenon (491). (1082) GRANDSON OF COMET (155). Bred by Miss Wright. (1083) GRANDSON OF HERMIT. Bred by Mr. Baker, got by a son of Hermit (305). d. by Lawnsleeves (365), Barmpton (bred by R. Colling), by Favourite (252), &c., as in Craven (1885). (1084) GRANDSON or LANCASTER (360). Got by Clar- ence (888), d. by Lanraster (360), by Midas (435), by Simon (590). (1085) GRAZIER. Red, calved Dec. 1819, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Midas , I.T.), d. Patch, by Adonis (6), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). 30 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (1086) GRAZIER. Koan, calved May, 1824, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, got by Reform (1361), d. Vesta, by Reform (1361), Old Cora. (1087) GREENHOLME. Red, calved March 5, 1822, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Cleveland (146), d. Matilda, by Marquis (408), Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), supposed by Chapman's son of Punch (122). (1088) GRENADIER. Roan, calved June 15, 1824, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Landlady (bred by Mr. Jobling), by Wellington (683), by Phenom- enon (491), by Colonel (152), by a son of Hubback (319). (1089) GREY BULL. Bred by R, Colling, got by R. Ceiling's White Bull (151), d. by Punch (531), by Fol- jambe (263), by Hubback (319). (1090) GREY ROBIN. Bred by Mr. Ostler, Audby. (1091) GRIMALDI. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Cottrell, got by Sir Charles (1439), d. Geoi-giana (bred by Sir C. Morgan), by Furioso (270), by , Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1092) GUY. (1093) HACKFALL. Calved Dec. 5, 1823, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Studley (628), d. Lucy by Favourite (257), Lily (bred by Mr. Langdale), by Bainton (48). (1094) HAMILTON. Got by Brandon (814), d. Geranium, by Rob Roy (556), Sweetbrier, by Midas (435), Snow- drop, by Crocus (932), by Simon (590). (1095) HARDICANUTE. Roan, calved in 1821, bred by Mr. Tetley, got by Harold (291), d. Brighteyes, by Daw- son's Grey Bull (193), by Simon (590), by Favourite (252), by Bolingbroke (86). (1096) HAROLD JUNIOR. White, calved 1819, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Harold (291), d. by Adonis (6), by a grandson of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (531). (1097) HAROLD JUNIOR, SON OF. White, calved May, 1821, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Harold, Jr. (1096), d. Rosa- bella (bred by Col. Trotter), by Comet (155), Rosette, by Cecil (120). (1098) HARPHAM, (1744). Roan, calved 1820, bred by W. Cattle, got by Mars, d. Old Beauty, by Lawnsleeves (365), by C. Colling's White Bull (150). ' (1099) HARRY. Roan, calved 1822, bred Rev. T. Harri- son, got by Northumberland (1286), d. Damask, by Cecil (120), &c., as in Damascus (948). (1100) HARSTON. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. White, got by Rockingham (560), d. by Adonis (6), by a grandson of Favourite (252). (1101) HAUTBOY. Bred by Mr. Charge, got by New- ton (1271), d. Strawberry, by a son of Comet (155), by a son of Major (397), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Favourite (252), by Bartle (777). (1102) HEADLAM. Bred by Mr. Wade, Headlam, got by Washington (674), d. by a grandson of Favourite. (1103) HECTOR. Bred by Mr. Wilks, got by Welling- ton (679). (1104) HECTOR. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Don- kin, got by Duke (226), d. Red Rose, by Marquis (407), by Chilton (136), by Ben (70). (1105) HECTOR. Red and white, calved Jan. 1825, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Grazier (1085), d. Miss Colling, (bred by R. Colling), by Barmpton (54), Lady, by Wel- lington (680). (1106) HECTOR IST. White, calved June 6, 1820, bred by Mr. Claridge, got by Ambo (746), d. Vesper (bred by Col. Trotter), by Comet (155), Venus, by Colling's son of Favourite (252), by Colling's son of Favourite (252), out of Hollon. (1107) HECTOR 2D. White, calved June 5, 1821, bred by Mr. Claridge, got by Ambo (746), d. White Rose, by Meteor (431), &c., as in Lisbon (1172). (1108) HERCULES. Roan, calved Aug. 20, 1822, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Milo (439), d. Stella (bred by Col. Trotter), by Colling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (1109) HERO. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Owst, got by Marshal Blucher, d. Lady Frances, by Loyalty (1180), by Napoleon (1257), by Die Reich (970). (1110) HERO. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Wiley got by Grazier (1085), d. Elvira, by Phenomenon (1318), Lavinia, by Harold (291), Cora, by Adonis (6), Lofty, by a grandson of Charge's Grey Bull (123). (1111) HEWICK. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by J. W T oodhouse, got by , d. Beauty, by Young Dimple (971), &c., as in Favourite (1030). (1112) HIGHFLYER (MR. CHARGE'S). (1113) HILL'S BULL. Red and white, bred by Mr. Hill, Blackwell, got by F. Hunt's son of J. Masterman's Bull (422). (1114) HODSACK. (1115) HOLLYHOCK. Red, calved Nov. 28, 1821, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Colling (900), d. Princess, by Ketton (346), Yarborough, by Eclipse (234), by Yar- borough (705). (1116) HONEST JOHN. Red, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Comet (155), d. by Dauby (190). (1117) HOTSPUR. Bred by Rev. T. Harrison, got by Northumberland (1286), d. by Wellington (683), by Nar- cissus (1258), (bred by Mr. Angus, Styford), by Colonel, by Styford (629), by a son of Hubback (319). (1118) HOTSPUR. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. For- tescue, Ireland, got by Brigade Major (817), d. Honey- suckle, by Magnet (292), Honey, by Charles (127), Hon- esty, by Blyth Comet (85). (1119) YOUNG HOUGHTON. Bred by Mr. Mason, Chil- ton, got by Houghton (318), d. by Charles (127), Clio, by Comet (155), &c., as in Cato (119). (1120) HOWGRAVE. Got by Charles (127). (1121) HULTON. Bred by Mr. Charge, got by Newton (1271), d. Meteor, by Comet (155), Best Twin, by Fa- vourite (252), Flecked Simmon, by Bartle (777), Old Simmon, descended from Studley White Bull (627). (1122) HUNT'S ROAN BULL. (1123) HUTTON. Calved 1824, got by Young Dimple (971), d. by Adam (717), by Young Comet (905), by , by Goldflnder (1075). (1124) BUTTON'S RED BULL. (1125) BUTTON'S SON OF COMET (155). (1126) BUTTON'S SON OF MINER. (1127) HYMEN. Red and white, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Champion, Blyth, got by Magnet (392), d. Crimson, by Patriot (486), Young Milbank, by Driffield (223), Milbank, by Holmes' Bull (314). (1128) IRELAND. Calved 1823, got by Sir Leoline (603), d. Lucy, by Herod (307), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (1129) ISAAC. Roan, calved 1825, bred by R. Booth, Studley. Full brother to Albert (727). (1130) IVANHOE. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Donkin, Sandoe, got by Duke (226), d. Jessy, by Midas (435), by Sir Oliver (605), by Chilton (136), Old Grace, by a grand- son of Hubback (319). by a son of Hubback (319). (1131) IVANHOE. Roan, calved Feb. 1822, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Cecil (120), d. Brighteyes of 1817, by Midas (4&5), &c., as in Apollo (37). (1132) JACK CADE. Red and white, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Fitz Marske (260), d. Mrs. Liddell, by Herod (307), Old Roany, by Dickson's Grand- son of Punch (213), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1133) JACK TAR. Red and white, calved Oct. 21, 1822, bred by J. Booth, got by Pilot (496), d. Valentine by Blu- cher (82), Countess, by Albion (14), by Shakspeare (582), by Easby (282). (1134) JAMES. White, calved Jan. 27, 1827, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Malcolm (1190), d. Fairy, by Young Denton (963), Prize, by Young Den- ton (963), by Buckhorn. (1135) JASON. Roan, calved 1822, bredbyMr.Laxton, got by Cotes (926), d. by Rockingham (560), by Sir Harry (1444), by Cleasby, by a son of Daisy, by Colonel. (1136) JAVELIN. White and red, calved 1824, bred by W. Jobson, got by Sultan (1485), d. Ewart Charlotta, by Charles, by Yarborough (705). (1137) JEM OR JIM (MR. CHARLTON'S). (1138) JERRY. Calved March 20, 1822, bred by Mr. Al- derson, got by a son of Harold (291), d. Ruby, by Atlas (42), Rosette (bred by G. Coates), by Palmflower (480), Rose, by Patriot (486), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Barningham (56), by a Bull bred by J. Charge. (1139) JERRY. White, calved 1822, got by Barmpton, d. by Wellington, by Comet. (1140) JERRY. Calved 1825, bred by Mr. Hustler, got W r hisker (1579). d. by Major (398), by Yarborough (705) by Grey Bull (1089), by Styford (629). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 31 < 1 141) JOCELYNE. Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1827, bred by Mr. Grey. Millield Hill, got by Hector (1104), d. Jessica, by Duke (226), Juno, by Young Star (619), &c., as in Castor (853). (1142) JOHANNOT. Bred by C. Colling, got by Cupid (177). (1143) JULIUS CJRSAK. Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Young Albion (15), d. by Albion (14), by Easby (232), Red Rose. (1144) JUNIPER. Bred by Mr. Mason, got by Jupiter (342), d. by Freeman (269), got by Chilton (136), by B (45). (1145) JUNIPER. Roan, calved Feb. 1824, bred by Sir G. Crew, got by Tippoo (649), d. Aurora (bred by Col. Trotter), by Comet (155), Marcella, by a son of Favour- ite (252), by a son of Favourite, Hollon. (1146) JUNIUS. White and red, calved 1825, bred by W. Jobson. Full brother to Javelin (1136). (1147) JUPITER. Red, got by North Star (458), d. by Punch (531), by Favourite (252). (1148) YOUNG JUPITER. Bred by Mr. Mason, got by Jupiter (342), d. by Pope (514), by Chilton (136), by Fa- vourite (252), by B (45). Slaughtered about 1819. (1149) JUPITER AMMON. Roan and white, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Rowell, got by Exmouth (1012), d. Moor, by Bob (802), Old Moore, by Boliugbroke (86). (1150) KEHAMA. Roan, aalved 1824. bred by Mr. Hut- chinson, got by Fitz Marske (260), d. Peterella, by Sir Peter (606), Welcome, by Herod (307), &c., as in Cory- phoeus (924). (1151) KENULPH. Red and white, calved 1826, bred by Mr. White, Coates, got by Cardinal (113), d. Laures- tina, by Denton (198), Vesper (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680) by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (1152) KETTON. Nearly all white, bred by Mr. Hep- \vorth, Rogerthorpe, got by a son of Cupid (177), d. by C. Ceiling's son of Favorite (252). (1153) KILHAM. Got by Barmpton (54), d. (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), by Comet (155), by Fa- vourite (252). (1154) KINGSEY. Red and white, calved 1816, bred by Mr. Short, got by Marske (418), d. by Aldwark Foliambe (734). Slaughtered 1825. (1155) KINGSTON. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Tho- mas, Chesterfield, got by Walton (671), d. Katherine, by Achmet (2), Johanna of 1812, by T. Wetherell's Bull (690), &c., as in Ancaster (31). (1156) KIRBY. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, sold to New Brunswick Agricultural Society, got by Rockingham (560), d. Captive, by Comet (155), &c as in Darlington (956). (1157) LADURLAD. Calved 1824, bred by Mr. Hutch- insou, got by Fitz Marske (260), d. Christabel, by Sir Leoline (603), Lucy, by Herod (307), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (1158) LAIRD. Bred by Mr. Bates, got by Chieftain (135), d. Duchess (bred by C. Colling), by Daisy Bull (186),-by Favourite (252),-by Hubback (319),-by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (1159) LAIRD. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Cat- tley, got by Aaron (711), d. Lady, by Whitworth (1584), by White Cornet (1582), by a son of Major (397'). (1160) LAME BULL. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr Scott, Torworth, got by Mariner (1193), d. Moss Rose, by George (3877), by Prince (521), by Favourite (1033). (1161) LANCASTER. Got by Lancaster (360), d. Kate (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), by Phenom- enon (491), by Favourite (252). (1162) YOUNG LANCASTER. White, calved 1819, bred by R. Colling, got by Lancaster (3(50), d. Young Dinsdale, by Wellington KMU), Dinsdale, by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252). (1163) LAUREATE. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Hut- ehinson, got by Waterloo (2816), d. Ruby, by Petrarch (488),-by Major 097), Stranger, by Chapman's son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1164) LEGACY. Dark roan, calved 1822, bred by Mr. .Champion, got by Warrior (673), d. Miss Colling, bv Prince (521), Magdalene (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), by Washington (674). (1165) LEICESTER. Red, calved 1822, bred by Mr.Weth- erell, got by Rockingham (560), d. Ruby, by Denton (198), Old Red Rose, by Trunnell (659), by Danby (190). Died 1825. (1166) LENOX. Roan, calved Nov. 21, 1823, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Ketton (346), d. Miss Lenox (bred by Miss Wright), by Rernus (550), Baroness, by Baron (58), Susan, by Mr. Mason's , by a grandson of Favourite. (1167) LEONIDAS. Calved Aug. 29, 1825, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Walton (671), d. Lily (bred by Col. Trotter), by Eclipse (236), &c., as in Leon (368). (1168) LILLIPUT. White, calved 1821, bred by R. Thomas, Eryholme, got by Young Lancaster (1162), d. Young Charlotte (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), &c., as in Ebor (996). (1169) LILYPUT. Calved Oct. 1823, bred by Mr. Tho- mas, Chesterfield, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Lily, bred by Mr. Walker), by Dr. Syntax (984), by George (276), by Neswick (1266). (1170) LINDRICK. Bred by Mr. Harrison, Lindrick, got by Columella (904), d. Red Rose, by Honest John, by Wellington, by a son of Favourite, by Favourite. (1171) LIONEL. Got by Ossian (476), d. Young Laura (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), Laura, by Favour- ite (252), Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), &c., as in Regent (1365). (1172) LISBON. Calved April 2. 1826, bred by Mr. Clar- idge, got by Darius (933), d. White Rose (bred by Mr. Hustler), by Meteor (431), Fairy, by Duke (226), Old Daisy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (1173) LITTLE JOHN. Roan, calved March 12, 1824, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Lancaster (360), d. Cinara, by Colling (900), Bonny, by Neswick (1266), Young Nance, by George (274), Nance, by Neswick (1266). (1174) LOCKINGTON. Roan, calved June, 1822. bred by Mr. Smith. Dishley, got by Pilot (499), d. Laurustina, by Remus (550), Alpine (bred by Col. Trotter), by R. Col- ling's Son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (1175) LONGWAIST. Calved 1826, bred by Mr. Robert- son, Ladykirk, got by Memnon (1218), d. Helen, by Dio- med (974), Frolic, by Midas (435), Fancy, by Welling- ton (679), by Sultan (631), by Sultan (631), by Punch (531), by Ladykirk (355). (1176) LORD HENRY P. Roan, calved Dec. 1825, bred by R. Jobson, got by Doddington (985), d. Damsel (bred by R. Colling), by Barmpton (54), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252). (1177) LORD NELSON. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Rowell, got by Young Blagdon (791), d. Moor, by Bob (802), Old Moor, by Bolingbroke (86). (1178) LORENZO. Red and white, calved Jan. 1823, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Harold Jr. (1096), d. Winifred, by North Star (459), Wildair, by a grandson of Phenom- enon (491), by Punch (531). (1179) YOUNG LORENZO. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Fortescue, Ireland, got by Lorenzo (385), d. Blossom, by Planet (1325), Blyth, by Wellington, by a grandson of Favourite. (1180) LOYALTY. (1181) LUCIEN. Roan, calved July 20, 1827, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Hector (1104), d. Lady Grace, by His Grace (311), &c., as in Apis (753). (1182) LUMINARY. Calved 1825, bred by Mr. Robert- son, Ladykirk, got by Diomed (974), d. by Valentine (661), by Midas (435). (1183) MACGEORGE. Bred by Rev. J. Benson, got by George (273). (1184) MAGICIAN. Bred by Mr. Curwen, got by Gen- eral (272), d. Jeanie Deans, by Oscar (475), by Star, by North Star. (1185) MAJESTY. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by R. Thomas, Eryholme, got by Marquis (40!)). d. Prim-ess Charlotte, by Lancaster (3<>0), Youmx Charlotte, by Wel- lington (680), Charlotte, by Comet (155), Cathaleue, by Washington (674). (1186) YOUNG MAJOR. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Grant, got by Major (397), d. by Major (397), a Turnell Cow. (1187) YOUNG MAJOR. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Major (39Si, d. Ceres, by Comet (155), Cora, by Baronet (60), by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329), by Hubback (319). Slaughtered 1824. (1188) MAJOR. Calved 1823, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Palmflower (480), d. Mary, by Ach- 32 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS go Ch met (2), Johanna of 1812, by T. Wetherell's Bull (690), &c., as in Ancaster (31). (1189) MALBRO'. Red and white, calved May 4, 1824, bred by Mr. Whitaker. Full brother to Fairfax (1023). (1190) MALCOLM. Red and white, calved March 30, 1823, bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Enchanter (244), d. Western Lady, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Adrian (720). (1191) MALCOLM GK^ME. (1192) MARFLEET'S OLD RED BULL. (1193) MARINER. Roan, calved 1821, bred by R.Briggs, t by Pilot (496), d. Imogen, by Remus (550), &c., as in harmer (882). Slaughtered 1827. (1194) YOUNG MARMION. Roan, calved 1827, bred by Mr. Harrison, Lowfields, got by Marmion (406), d. Moss Rose, by Favourite (256), &c., as in Alba (726). (1195) MARPLOT. Roan, calved Sept. 5, 1826, bred by Rev. H. Berry. Full brother to Touchstone (1523). (1196) MARQUIS. Red and white, bred by Mr. Symp- son, Skipton, got by Rev. - Penny's Bull, d. Countess (out of Earl of Strathmore's Marchioness), by Marske (418). (1197) MARQUIS (MR. BAKER'S). (1198) MARQUIS. Calved Aug. 20, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Juniper (1145), d. Matchless, by a son of Midas (435), by a grandson of Comet. (1199) MARS. Red and white, calved June, 1818, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Jupiter (343), d. Rosabella, by Comet (155), &c., as in Brandsby (815). (1200) MARS. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Fitz Marske (260), d. Helena, by Norman Willy (456), Judith, by Orlando (471), Sally (bred by G. Hutchinson), by Herod (307), &c., as in Whit- ton (694). (1201) MARSKE. Got by Marske (418). (1202) MARSKE (MR. BOWMER'S). (1203) MARKSMAN. Red roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Bower, got by Blyth Favourite (801), d. Cherry, by Young Alfred, by St. John, by Windsor (698), by Cupid. (1204) MARSTON. Roan, calved 1822, bred by R.Thorn- ton, got by a grandson of Comet, d. Cowslip, by a son of Midas (435), by George. (1205) MARTIN AYLESBY. Bred by Mr. Ostler, got by R. Colling's White Bull, d. Ostler's Brown Cow, by - . (1206) MARTIN BREE. Red, calved 1824, got by Em- peror (1015), d. Rosa (bred by Mr. Stapylton), by Won- derful (700), Lady (bred by Maj. Rudd), by North Star (459), Lady Mary, by Petrarch (488). (1207) MASTER BARKE. Calved June 24, 1825, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Derby (965), d. Miss Barke, by Palmflower (480), Miss Barker, by Ach- met (2). (1208) MATCHEM. Roan, calved 1824, bred by J. Ap- pleton, got by Young Lancaster (1162), d. Venus, by Apollo (36), Ruby, by North Star (459), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by own brother to Ben (70). (1209) MATCHLESS. Red and white, calved July 21, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Malcolm (1190), d. Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), supposed by Chap- man's Son of Punch (122). (1210) MATT. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Dyon, got by Mariner (1193), d. Matilda, by Albion (14), Mar- tha, by Ostorius (1299), Miss Martin, by Young Neswick (454), Martin, by Fanatic (1025), by Dyon's ^Old Roan Bull, by Meynell (1229). (1211) MAXIMILIAN. Red and white, calved Aug. 11, 1823, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Enchanter (244), d. Nonsuch, by Harold (291), &c., as in Comet Halley (1855). (1212) MAXIMUS. Calved 1825, bred by Mr. Thomas Chesterfield, got by Walton (671), d. Mary, by Achmet (2), Johanna of 1812, by T.Wetherell's Bull (690), &c as in Ancaster (31). (1213) MAXIMUS. White, calved April 2, 1827, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Lancaster (360), d. Rosette by Inclination (326), Miss Colling (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), by Wellington (680). (1214) MAYDUKE. Got by Mayduke (424), d. by Minor (441), from the neighbourhood of Barmpton, near Dar- lington. (1215) MAYDUKE. Roan, calved 1824, bred by R. Thornton, got by Pilot (1319), d. by Lancaster (360), by Punch (531), by Simon (590). (1216) MAYNARDUS. Calved July 10, 1824, bred by Mr. Thomas, got by Walton (671), d. Mayflower, by Chester- field (133), Maynardia (bred by A. L. Maynard), by Adam (717), Favourite, by a Bull bred by Mr. Maynard, Grizzle, also bred by Mr. Maynard. (1217) MELLOW. White, calved 1825,bred by Mr.Dyon, got by Colley Mellow (899), d. Meteor, by Mariner (1193), Miss Martin, by Young Neswick (454), &c., as in Matt (1210). (1218) MEMNON. Roan, calved June, 1824, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk, got by Diomed (974), d. Hybla, by Sirius (598), &c., as in Heart of Oak (2100). (1219) MEMNON. Calved 1825, bred by Mr. Lax, got by Satellite (1420), d. Purity, by Eclipse (238), Margaret, by North Star (459), Esther, by Sir Dimple (594), by Den- ton (198), by Henry (301), by Styford (629), by a son of Bolingbroke (86), by the Lame Bull (358). (1220) MEMNON. Calved 1825, bred by Mr. Baxter, got by Whisker (1579), d. Beauty, by Baronet (61), by Alfred (23), by Cupid (177), by Barker's Bull. (1221) MEMNON. Roan, calved Oct. 19, 1825, bred by J. Booth, Killerby, got by Young Albion (15), d. Modish, by Remus (550). Died 1826. (1222) MEMNON. Roan, calved Nov. 20, 1825, bred by Mr. Wetherell, Barmpton, sold to New Brunswick Agri- cultural Society, U. S. A., got by Rockingham (560), d. Velvet, by Major (398), Vesta, by Denton (198), Vf nus, by Comet (155), by Freeman (269), by Herdsman (304). (1223) MEMNON. Red and white, calved Aug. 31, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Frederick (1060), d. Yarico, by Alonzo (28), Yellow Rose (bred by Mr. Baxter), by Major (398), by Grey Bull (1089), by Styford (629). (1224) MENTOR. Roan, calved Feb. 1827, bred by Mr. Dyon, got by Majesty (1185), d. Moggy, by Mariner (1193), Magdalene, by Regent (544), Miss Martin, by Young Neswick (454), &c., as in Matt (1210). (1225) MERCURY. Roan, calved Feb. 1826, bred by Mr. Wiley, Brandsby. Full brother to Hector (1105). (1226) METEOR. Red, calved 1814, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. a Turn ell Cow. (1227) METEOR. Red and white, calved Jan. 5, 1827, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Barrister (776), d. Moss Rose, by Whitworth (1584), Gaudy, by Snowdrop (614), by a grandson of Favourite (252). (1228) MEXICAN. Red, calved Feb. 28, 1827, bred by Mr. Webster, got by Magician (1184), d. Tidy, by Gen- eral (272), Frisky, by Western Comet (689), Eliza, by Patriarch (485), by Alexander (20), by Traveller (655). (1229) MEYNELL. Dark red, bred by F. Meynell, got by Barningham (56), or Haughton (294), d. (bred by G. Coates), by Barningham (56). (1230) MIDAS. Roan, calved Feb. 1820, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Midas (435), d. White Rose, by Lubin (388), Neesham, by R. Colling's Son of Phenomenon, by Punch (531). (1231) MIDAS. Red and white, calved May 15, 1823, bred by Sir H. Carr Ibbetson, got by Meteor (432), d. Red Rose (bred by Rev. T. Harrison-, and by him called Daf- fodil), by Windsor (698), by Narcissus (1258), by Fa- vourite (252). (1232) MIDAS, SON OF. Got by Midas (435), d. by Comet (155), by Baronet (,60), by Cripple (171), by Hubback (319). (1233) YOUNG MIDAS. Roan, calved 1826, got by Dio- med (974), d. Queen Mary, by Sirius (598), &c., as in Rob- ertson (2538). (1234) MIDDLESBRO'. Calved Nov. 25, 1826, bred by Mr. Parrington, got by Wonderful (700), d. by Baron (58), by Symmetry (643), by Jupiter, by Phenomenon, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (1235) MIDDLETON. Got by Brown's Bull of Aldbo- rough, d. a Cow of Mr. Thompson's, Girlington. (1236) MILO. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Robertson. Full brother to Favourite (1032). (1237) MINA. (1238) MINA. Calved 1823, bred by Mr. Donkin, got by Duke (226), d. Narcissa, by Midas (435), by Marquis (407), by Simon (590), by Traveller (655), by Styford (629), by Lame Bull (358). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 33 (1239) MINA. Calved March. IH-ri.got by Pi/arro d. Klvirena, by Favourite (256), Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), &c., as in Alba (726). (1240) MINA. Calved Nov. 26. 1825. bred by Mr. Grey, trot by Scipio ( 1 121), d. Minerva (bred by Mr. Donkiiu. by Duke (226), by .Midas (435), by Chilton (13i>>.- by Tra- veller (655), by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (1241) MINOR. Roan, calved March 11, 1826, bred by D. Brian*. got by Vounu' Major (1186), d. by Major (397), by Major (397), a Turuell Cow. d-M2) MINOS. Got by Achmet (2), d. by Satellite (1 42()). by Mr. Robertson's . (1243) MIRACLE. Roan, calved April, 1822, bred by Mr. Wiley, not by Harold Jr. (1096), d. Patch, by Adonis (6), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (1244) MIRZA. Roan, calved June 22, 1827, bred by the Rev. H. Berry, trot by Wharfdale (1578), d. Moppet, by Sir Stephen (1456), Mary, by Meteor (432). Magdalena, (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), by Cupid (177). (1245) MISSON LANCASTER. (1246) MONA (MR. VANSITTART'S). (1247) MONA. Bred by Sir II. C. Ibbetson, got by Bed- ford (68). (1248) MONK. Bred by Mr. Humble, got by a Bull of Mr. Wrightson's, Cusworth, d. bred by Mr. Fawkes, Bambro' Grange. (1249) MONK, alias OTTO (9463). Roan, calved 1824, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Bishop C:;>. d. Virginia, by General (272), &c., as in Banquo (768). (1250) MONK. Roan, calved July 10, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Diana (bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson ), 'by Meteor (432), Selina, by Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Alexander (20). (1251) MONKEY. Red and white, calved March, 1825, bred by 'Mr. Short, got by Mariner (1193), d. Caroline, by Barmpton (54). (1252) MOUNTAINEER. Got by Wellington, d. by Fa- vourite (256), by Favourite (256). (1253) MOUNTAINEER. Red and white, calved Feb. 21, 1825, bred by Mr. Assheton, Jr., got by Brandon (814), d. Geranium (bred by Mr. Edmunds), by Midas (435), Damsel (bred by Rev. T. Harrison), by Crocus (932), by an own brother to North Star (459) by Favourite (252). (1254) MUNDY'S BULL. (1255) MYNHEER. Roan, calved Dec. 23, 1825, bred by Rev. II. Bern-, not by Wharfdale (1578), d. Minna, by Nestor (452), &c., as in Jerry (4100). (1256) MY THUNDER. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Emperor (1015), d. Prin- cess, by Leopold (372), &c., as in Commodore Napier (3454). (1257) NAPOLEON. Red and white, calved 1815, bred by Mr. Owst, got by Patriot (486), d. Silversides, by Oc- cator (1290). (1258) NARCISSUS. Got by Chilton (136), d. Tidy (bred by Mr. Mason), by Simon (590), Fortune (bred by C. Colling), by Bolhlfcbroke (86), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (1259) NAVAIUNO. Roan, calved April 5, 1827, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Ivanhoe (1131), d. Datura, by Sir- loin (604), &c., as in Fergus (2016). (1260) NAVIGATOR. Light roan, calved Jan. 9, 1822, bred by Mr. Booth. Warlaby, got by Pilot (496), d. [Twin Cow], by Young Albion (15), Venus, by Lame Hull (359), Moss Rose, by Suworrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (1261) NEESHAM. Roan, calved June, 1822, bred by J. C. Maynard. trot by Sir Alexander (591). d. Eveline (bred by Wright, Cleasby), by Comet 1 155). Young Lu- pin, by Comet (155), &c., as in Candidate (32). (1262) NELSON. Red, calved Feb. 1823, bred by Mr. White, got by Buckingham (560), d. Vesper (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (1263) NEPTUNE. Roan, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Don- kin. Full brother to Conrad (916). Slaughtered April, (1264) NERO. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Thomas, < 'lies- terlield, got by Ancaster (31), d. Nancy (bred by Mr. 5 Woodcock), by Blyth Comet (85), Dainty, by a grandson of Favourite, Old Dainty, by a son of Favourite (252). (1265) NERO. Red. calved April. 1S2I1. bred by Mr. Wi- - by (ira/ier (1085), d. Catherine, by Phenomenon (1318), Beauty, by Adonis (6), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (1266) NESWICK (453). Red and white, bred by Mr. Grimston, Neswick, got by Bainton (48). d. Daisy (bred by Mr. Drinkrow), by (irandson of Bolingbroke (280), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Barningham (56). by a Bull of Miss Milbank's (bred by J. Charge). (1267) YOUNG NESWICK. (1268) YOUNG NESWICK. Bred by Mr. Champion, got by Neswick (1266). (1269) NETHERBY. White, calved Jan. 1, 1825, bred by Mr. Bradshaw, got by Sir J. G. Graham's Cupid, d. Rose- berry, by Western Comet (689), by Comet (155), by a son of Favourite (252). (1270) NEWBY. White, calved 1823, bred by Lord Grantham, got by Star (618), cl. Premium, by Snowball (1463). (1271) NEWTON. Bred by Mr. Charge, got by Comet (155). d. Fanny, by Charge's Grey Bull (872), Lady Short Tail, by Johannot (1142), 2d Lady, by Favourite (252), &<:., as in Billy (787). (1272) NICHOLLS' BULL. Got by Meteor. (1273) NICHOLSON'S BULL. (1274) NIMROD. Got by Blyth Comet (85). (1275) NIMROD. Roan, calved 1823, bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, got by Emperor (1014), d. Prolit (bred by Mr. Champion), by Neswick (1266), Red Rose, by . (1276) NORMAN. Roan, calved Oct. 9, 1821, bred by Mr. Claridce, Jerveaux Abbey. Full brother to Hector 1st (1106). (1277) NORMAN. Roan, calved March, 1825, got by Young Albion (15), d. Redneck, by Palms im (1302), Red- neck, by a son of Maynard's Old Yellow Favourite, Fa- vourite, by a son of Dalton Duke (188), Favourite, by R. Alcoek's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jol- ly's Bull (337). (1278) NORMANBY. Roan, calved May, 1824, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, got by Policy (1329), d. Miss Cropper (bred by R. Cropper), by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (54), by Expectation (2-17), by Ostler's Bull (1298). (1279) NORTHAMPTON. (1280) NORTHERN LIGHT. Roan, calved 1S20, bred by Mr. Barker, got by North Star (459). d. Lily, by Mr. Alli- son's Son of Sir Dimple (594), &c., as in Ohio (4607). (1281) NORTHERN LIGHT (RADCLIPFE'S). Got by Y'oung Juniper (1148), d. by Snowdrop, by Symmetry, by a grandson of Favourite. (1282) NORTHINGS. Roan, calved 1822, bred by J. Cat- tle, got by Young Cato (854), d. Crooktail, by Juniper (1144), Old Beauty, by Lawnsleeves (365), by C. Col- ling's W T hite Bull (150). (1283) NORTH POLE. Roan, calved May, 1819, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by North Star (459), d. Strawberry, by Adonis (tV,.- Xeesbam, by R. Colling's Son of Phenom- enon (491), by Punch (531). (1284) NORTH STAR, SON OF. Got by North Star < Jiiot, d. by Comet (155), by Baronet (60), by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329), by Hubback (319). (1285) NORTH STAR, SON OF. Bred by Mr. Appleton, got by North Star (459), d. by Duke (226), by R. Col- ling's Grey Bull (1089). (1286) NORTHUMBERLAND. Got by Barmpton (54), d. by Wellington (liSO).- Maria (bred by R. Colling), by George (275), by Midas (435). by Punch (531). (1287) NORTH. Calved 1819, bred by Mr. Earnshaw. trot by Atlas 1 12). d. Lady, by Bracken (91). Young Countess, by Comet (155), Countess, by Cupid (177), etc.. as in Regent (1365). (1288) NOTTINGHAM. Calved 1822. got by Satellite, d. by Baronet, by Cleveland, by Symmetry. (1289) NOVELTY. Roan, calved Aug. 15. 1S25. bred by Mr. Pawlett. got by Emperor (101 d. or (ieor-e (10H9). d. Speculation (bred by Marquis of Exeter), by Constella- tion (919), Cora, by Plienomeuun (191), --by Windsor (698), by Windsor (698). (1290) OCCATOK. 34 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (1291) OHIO. Calved 1825, bred by Col. Powel, Powel- ton, U. S. A., got by Wye Comet (1591), d. Virginia, by General (272), y Warrior (673), by Charles (127), by Prince (681>. (1346) PROTECTOR. Red and white, calved 1820, bred by J. Cattle, got by Percy (1312). d. Beauty, by Cardinal (111), Old Beauty, by Lawnsleeves (365), by C. Colling's White Bull (150). (1347) PROTECTOR. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by R. Booth, got by Pilot (496), d. Alexina, by Warlaby (672), c., as in A-la-Mode (725). (1348) PUBLICOLA. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Hall, got by Petronius (490), d. Kate (bred by G. Hutehinson), by Orlando (471), Duchess, by Herod (307), Alpha, by Alfred (23). Old Roany, by Dickson's Grand- son of Punch (213), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1349) QUAKER. Red and white, calved 1804, bred by Mr. Slater, got by Driffield (223), d. Old Beauty (bred by Mr. Cartwright), by Crossby's Dun Bull (933). (1350) QUALITY. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Moss Rose, by Charles (127). Cora, by Blyth Comet (85), Old Chance. (1351) QUATERNION. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blaize (76), d. Marcia, by Blyth Comet (85), &c., as in Governor (1079). (1352) RABBI. Calved 1825, bred by Mr. Short, got by Rough Robin (1404), d. Madam, by Marske (418). (1353) RABY. White, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Pilk- ington, got by Darlington, d. Caroline, by Wellington, Countess (bred by Mr. Newby, Thorpe, out of a sister to his Premium Cow), by a son of Favourite. (1354) RAINBOW. Red and white, calved July 2, 1827, bred by Earl of Chesterfield, got by Director (977), d. Princess (bred by Mr. Smith), by Chilton (187), Straw- berry, by Lancaster (360), Velvet, by a grandson of Comet, by Prince. (1355) RAJIILLIES. Roan, calved May 22, 1824, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Marquis (1197), d. Shift, by Hermit ^305), Bonny, by Lawnsleeves (365), Barmpton, by Fa- vourite (252), &c., as in Craven (1885). (1356) RANGER. Roan, calved 1824, got by Satellite, d. by a son of Wellington (680), by George, byPunch (531). (1357) RAYMOND. Calved 1825, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Wye Comet (1591), d. Stately, by North Star (460), &c., as in Defiance (960). (1358) RAYMOND. Red and white, calved April 8, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Midas (1231), d. Princess, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Regent (1365). ( 1 359) REALITY. Red and white, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Cottrell, got by Squib (1475), d. Racket, by Rocket (1390), by Furioso (270), by , Stranger, by Chap- man's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1360) REASBY BULL. (1361) REFORM. Roan, calved 1817, bred by C. Charge, trot by Snowball (610), d. by Headlam (1102), by Clyff (.895). by a Bull of Mr. Brown's, Aldborough. (1362) REGENT. Dark red and white, calved 1814, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Prince (521), d. Magdalene (bml by C. Colling), by Comet (155), Miss Washington, by Washington (674). (1363) REGENT. Got byMayduke (424), d. Juliet, bred by Mr. Charge, Newton. (1364) REGENT. (1365) REGENT. Calved I-Vb. 1Sr.V>. bred by Sir H. Carr Ibbeteon, got by Bedford (liS), d. I 'rim-ess, by Western Comet U,S'.)), Selina (bred by C. Colling), by 'Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), Favour- ite, by R. Alcork's 15 by .Jolly's Hull (337). (1366) REGENT. Red. calved 1823, bred by Rev. J. Benson, got by Western Comet (689), or son of General (272), d. Oriana (bred by Mr. Gibson), by Orion (470), by Alexander (20), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (1367) YOUNG REGENT. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Scott. Torworth, got by Rough Robin (1404), d. Snow- drop, by Regent (544), by Albion (14), by Marske (418), by Blyth Comet (85), by Favourite (1033). (1368) RK<;K.\T. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Cat- tley. got by Aaron (711), d. Rosabella, by Northern Light (1281), by White Comet (1582). jj), .riia'mx, uy r oijamoe (XOqi, ravour- ite, by R. Alcoc-k's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), * y Joll ' ~ (1369) REMUS. Calved August, 1820, bred by Riirht Hon. C. Ai-buthnot, got by Baronet (62). d. Portia, by Petrarch (488), Peeress (bred by C. Colling), by Favour- ite (252), Cherry, by Favourite (252), Old Cherry, by Lame Bull (357), by Hubback (319), bought at Yarm Fair by the late Mr. Colling. (1370) REMUS. Red and white, calved June 22, 1821, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Remus (550), d. Young Lupin (bred by Mr. Wright), by Comet (155), Lupin, by Colling's Son of Favourite, by Checks (132), Cherry. (1371) REMUS. Calved 1822, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Palmflower (480), d. Rosamond (bred by Col. Mellish), by Blyth Comet (85), Col. Mellish's Daisy. (1372) REMUS. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Short, got by Regent (544), d. Active, by Albion (14), Miss Elizabeth, by Marske (418), Starch, by Brother to North Star (459), Allspice, by Martin Aylesby (1205), by Barn- inghain (56), by Barningham (56). (1373) REMUS. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Harrison, Lowiields. Full brother to Alba (726). Died 1826. (1374) REVIEWER. Red and white, calved 1827, bred by J. Appleton, got by Prince (1341), d. Rosebud, by Young Lancaster (1162), Ruby, by North Star (459), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by an own brother to Ben (70). (1375) REX. Roan, calved Oct. 1824, bred by Mr. Far- rer, got by Emperor (1015), d. Harriet, by Leopold (372), Phoenix (bred by Major Rudd), by Constellation (163), Lady Ann, by Comet (155), Countess (bred by C. Col- ling), by Cupid (177), Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), Favourite, by R. Al- cock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (602), by Mr. Jolly's Bull (337). (1376) RICHARD. Bred by Mr. Mason, got by Dr. Syn- tax (220), d. by Cato (119), by Sir Oliver (605), Char- mer, by Chilton (136), Merry Lass, by Favourite (252), Red Rose, by Ben (70), bought by C. Colling from J. Newby. (1377) RICHARD. Roan, calved 1826, got by Wye Comet (1591), d. Fairy, by Young Denton (963), Prize, by Young Denton (963), Buckhorn. (1378) RICHARD PLANTAGENET. White, with roan ears, calved April 27, 1825, bred by Mr. Cottrell, got by Sir Charles (1439), d. Tredegar (bred by Sir C. Morgan), by Furioso (270), by , Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1379) RICHARDSON'S BULL. (1380) RICHMOND. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Rennie, Phantassie, got by Satellite (1420), d. by Barmp- ton (54), by Wellington (679), bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. (1381) ROAN. Bred by R. Colling, got by Favourite (252), or Yarborough (705). (1382) ROAN ROBIN. Roan, calved Feb. 13, 1824, bred by Mr. Slater, got by Triune (1531), d. Ruby, by Prince (521), by Marske (1202), Old Beauty (bred by Mr. Cart- wright), by Crossby's Dun Bull (933). (1383) ROBIN. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Scott, got by Rough Robin (1404), d. Mary Ann, by Albion (14), Moss Rose, by George (3877), by Prince (521), by Fa- vourite (1033). (1384) ROBIN ADAIR. Red and white, calved May 6, 1827. bred by Mr. Cottrell, got by Squib (1475), d. Racket, by Rocket (1390), Maria, by Furioso (270), by , Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Althelstan (41). (1385) ROBIN HOOD. Wbite, calved Feb. 9, 1825, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Lancaster (360), d. Pomona (bred by Miss Wright), by Primus (520), Laurustiua, by Comet (155), &c., as in Ajax (2946). (1386) ROBIN HOOD. Roan, got by Cleveland, d. by Diamond, by Major. (1387) ROBINSON'S BULL. Got by Baron (58), d. by Windsor oi'KS), by Cupid (177), by Roan (1381), by Su- worrow (636). (1388) ROB ROY. Red and white, calved 1821, bred by Mr Alderson, got by Harold (291), d. Crimson, by Stour- ton's Bull (623), Poppy, by Bainton (48), bred by C. Col- ling. (1389) ROB ROY. Roan, calved 1822. bred by R. Thorn- ton, got by Pilot (1319), d. Sweetbrier, by Clarence (888). 36 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Button's Eed Bull (322). (1390) ROCKET.' Roan and white, calved 1819, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Prince (521). (1391) ROCKET. Calved 1824, bred by Mr. Hepworth, got by Ruler (571), d. Rosette, by Atlas (42), Rosa, by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (1392) RODNEY. Red, calved April 12, 1827, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Dandy (951), d. Medusa, by Regent (544), Vixen, by a brother to R. Colling's Moss Rose, (bred by Mr. Charge), by a son of Favourite (252). (1393) HOLLA. Roan, calved May, 1824, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Phenomenon (1318), d. Lavinia, by Harold (291), &c., as in Hero (1110). (1394) ROMAN. Red and white, calved Nov. 16, 1822, bred by Mr. Laxton, got by Remus (1369), d. Maria (bred by Mr. Lax), by Lincoln (376), by Barmpton (54), by Lawnsleeves (365), by a son of Duke. (1395) ROMAN. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Hep- worth, Rogerthorpe. got by Barefoot (770), d. Rosemary, by Dinmont (972), Rosette.by Atlas (42),&c.,as in Rocket (1391). (1396) ROMEO. (1397) ROMEO. Roan, calved 1824, got by Jerry, d. by Diamond, by Major. (1398) ROMULUS. Calved Aug. 13, 1820, bred by Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Baronet (62), d. Portia, by Petrarch (488), &c., as in Remus (1369). (1399) ROMULUS. Calved 1820, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Warrior (673), d. Rosamond (bred by Col. Mellish), by Blyth Comet (85), Col. Mellish's Daisy. (1400) ROMULUS. Roan, calved March, 1824, bred by Mr. Short, got by Regent (544), d. Adept, by Albion (14), by Marske (418), by Sir Charles (592). (1401) ROMULUS. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Har- rison, Low-fields. Full brother to Alba (726). (1402) ROMULUS. White, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Rob- ertson, got by Memnon (1218), d. Euna, by Diomed (974), Europa, by Sirius (598), Shorttail, by Wellington (679), Honeysuckle, by Sultan (631), Jane, by Signior (588). (1403) ROMULUS. Roan, calved May 27, 1827, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Isaac (1129), d. Roseberry, by Whit- worth (695), Gaudy, by Snowdrop (614), by a grandson of Favourite. (1404) ROUGH ROBIN. Bred by Mr. Reunie, Phantas- sie, got by Sirius (598), d. by Baronet (62), by Cleveland (144), by Marske (418). (1405) ROWLEY. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Pil- kington, got by Daniel (952), d. Sweet Pea, by Young Lancaster (1162), by Blaize (75), by Butterfly (104), by Windsor (698). (1406) ROYAL DUKE. Red and white, calved Oct. 20, 1824, bred by Mr. Gresham, got by Denmark (961), d. Symmetry (bred by Mr. Parrington), by Cleveland (145), by Washington (674). (1407) ROYALIST. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr.Scott, got by a son of Albion (14), d. Mary Ann, by Albion (14), &c., as in Robin (1383). (1408) ROYAL PRINCE. Red roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Firby (1039), d. Ruby, by Atlas (42), &c., as in Jerry (1138). (1409) ROYSTON. Roan, calved May, 1825, bred by Mr. Grey, Milfleld Hill, got by Neptune (1263), d. by Fitzduke (259), by a son of Comet (155), by Compton's son of Favourite (252), from the stock of Sir W. St. Quintin. (1410) RUFUS. Red, calved April 19, 1824, bred by Mr. Farrer, got by Hastings (293), d. Red Rose, by Equinox (245), by a son of Favourite (.252), by Punch (531). (1411) SAILOR. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Dyon, got by Mariner (1193), d. Mary, by Ostorius (1299), Miss Martin, by Young Neswick (1268), &c., as in Matt (1210). (1412) ST. ALBAN'S (2584). (1413) ST. GEORGE. Calved Nov. 22, 1827, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Columbus (903), d. Alice Grey, by Albion (14), Madame, by Marske (418). (1414) ST. LEGER. Roan, bred by W. Wetherell, got by Sir Alexander (591), d. by Major (398), by Yarbor- ough (705), American Cow (bred by R. Colling), by Fa- vourite (252). by Punch (531), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (1415) ST. PATRICK. Calved 1825, got by Charles (874), d. Lucy, by Herod (307), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (1416) SALADIN. Roan, calved March 13, 1823, bred by Mr. Farrer, got by Young Lancaster (1162), d. Butter- cup (bred by Col. Trotter), by a son of Favourite (252), Georgiana, by a son of Favourite, by Punch (531). (1417) SALADIN. Roan, calved 1825, bred by J. Rich- mond, got by a son of Pilot (1319), d. Mayflower (bred by R. Thornton), by Barmpton (54), by Whitenose (692), by George (275), by Ben (70), by Favourite (252), by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (1418) SALIS. White, calved 1826, bred by Mr. For- tescue, Ireland, got by Brigade Major (817), d. Sweet- brier, by Magnet (392), Snowdrop, by Warrior (673), by Charles (127), by Prince (521). (1419) SATELLITE. Calved 1820, got by Warrior (673), d. Dowager, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Charge's Premium Bull (124). (1420) SATELLITE. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk, got by Sirius (598), d. Rose, by Wellington (679), Ruby, by Sultan (631), by Lady May- nard's Bull (356), Delight, by Foljambe (263), by Lady- kirk (355). (1421) SCIPIO. Calved 1821, bred by Mr. Donkin, got by Barmpton (54), d. Daisy, by Barmpton (54), &c., as in Conrad (916). (1422) SCOTT'S GREY BULL. Got by Albion (14). (1423) SECOND HUBBACK. Yellow red and white, calv- ed Jan. 25, 1823, bred by T. Bates, got by The Earl (646), d. Red Rose 1st, by Yarborough (705), &c., as in Red Rose Bull (2493). (1424) SEDBURY. Got by Poole's Red Bull, d. by a grandson of Favourite. (1425) YOUNG SEDBURY. Bred by F. Moyser, got by Carter's Broken Legged Bull (850). (1426) SELIM. Calved Sept. 6, 1827, bred by Sir B. Gra- ham, got by Isaac (1129), d. Fatima, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Franklin (2036). (1427) SENATOR. Calved July 28, 1823, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Statesman (621), d. Ruby, by Atlas (42), &c., as in Jerry (1138). (1428) SHADOW. Roan, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Ren- nie, got by Satellite (1420), d. by Baronet (62), by Wind- sor (698), by Corrisor (923). (1429) SHAKSPEARE. Red and white, calved 1817, bred by J. Allison, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Young Nes- wick (454), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033.) (1430) SHAKSPEARE. Got by Romeo (1396), d. Juliet, bred by J. Charge, Newton. (1431) SHYLOCK. Red and white, calved March 5, 1825, bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson. Full brother to Regent (1365). (1432) SILKWORM. Roan, calved May 31, 1827, bred bv Mr. Smith, Dishley. Full brother to Dreadnaught (988). (1433) SIMON, SON OF. Got by Simon (590), d. by Cupid (177). (1434) SIR ANDREW. Roan, bred by Mr. Rennie, got by Pilot (496), d. by a son of Lancaster (bred by R. Coiling), (bred by Robertson), by Sirius (598), by Wellington (679). (1435) SIR ANTHONY. Roan, calved April 6, 1824, bred by R. Smith, Givendale, got by Sir Alexander (591), d. Moss Rose, by Romulus (564), by Snowball (1-163), by Wellington (684), by Young Wynyard, by Simon (590), by Simon (590). (1436) SIR ARTHUR. White, calved Oct. 1822, bred by Rev. J. Benson, got by Wellesley (1571), d. Cometilla, by Young Comet (156), Judith, by Jupiter (343), Lydia, by a grandson of Favourite, Lucy (bred by Mr. Walker), by Barningham (56). (1437) YOUNG SIR CHARLES. Got by Sir Charles (592), d. by R. Colling's White Bull (151). (1438) SIR CHARLES. Got by Pilot (496), d. by a Bull of Mr. Robertson's. (1439) SIR CHARLES. White, with dark roan spots, calved April 6, 1823, bred by Mr. Cottrell, got by Hod- sack (1114), d. Cymro (bred by Sir C. Morgan), by Furioso (270), by Blyth Comet (85), by Bainton (48), Clara, by Driffield (223), by Barningham (56), by a son of Dalton Duke (188). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 37 (1410) SIR CHARLES. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Curry, Hramloii, got by Baronet (62), d. by Wellington (liS.Hi. by Sir Rowland (1455), by a son of Phenomenon ( I'.M I, by Middleton (1235), by irishman (329). (1441) SIR CHRISTOPHER. Roan, bred by Rennie, got by Aclimet (2>. d. by Satellite (1490, (bred by Robertson), by Barmpton (54), by Wellington (079). ( 1 1 1.2) SIK DIMPLE, SON OF. Got by Sir Dimple (5!) h, d. by an own brother to Miner (441), by J. Brown's White Bull (98), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (1443) SIK FRANCIS B - .Red, calved Jan. 1820, bred by R. Jobson. got by Ivanhoe (1130), d. Rose (bred by Donkin), Midas (435), c., as in Khadamanthns (552). (1444) SIR HARRY (5155). Red, bred by T. Jobling, irot l)y Phenomenon (491), d. by Traveller (655), by Colonel, by Lame Bull (357), by Hnbback (319). (14 15) SIR HARRY. Roan, got by Satellite (1420). d. by North Star, by a son of Barmpton (771), by. Sir Dimple, by Minor. (1446> SIR HENRY. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Young Marske (419), d. Lavinia, by Comet (155), Lily (bred by Col. Trotter), by Ceiling's son of Favourite (252), c., as in Vulcan (1557). (1447) SIR JOHN. Calved March 22, 1824, bred by Mr. Alderson, got by Studley (628), d. Lady Byram, by Wyn- yard (703), by Badsworth (47). (1448) SIR JOHN TROLLOPE'S BULL. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Fisher, got by Constellation, d. by Major (897). (1449) SIR JOSEPH. (1450) SIR KENNETH. Roan, calved 1824, bred by R. Thornton, got by Pirate (1322), d. Young Countess, by Adonis (8), Countess, by Clarence (888), Ac., as in Blu- cher (796). (1451) SIR LAUNCELOT. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Hall, got by Sir Leoline (603), d. Miss Baker 2d, by Orlando (471), Miss Baker, by Rnfus (570), by Herod (307), by Lawnsleeves (365). (1452) SIR MARK. Calved Oct. 1825, bred by Mr. Al- derson, got by Firby (1039), d. Lady Byram, by'Wynyavd (703), by Badsworth (47). (1453) SIR MARTON. Red roan, calved Jan. 1825, bred by A. .Maynard, got by Sir Alexander (591), d. Lady, bv Adam (717), Lady, by a son of Mr. Maynard's old yellow cow Favourite, &c., as in Touchstone (2771). (1454) SIR RALPH. Roan, calved March 21, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Adela, by Orpheus (473), &c., as in Argo (758). Castrated. (1455) SIR ROWLAND. Bred by Mr. Jobling. got by Minor (441), d. by Phenomenon (491), by Daisy Bull (186), by a son of Hubback (319). (1456) SIR STEPHEN, OR STEPHEN. Bred by Mr. Charge, Newton, got by White Comet (1582), d. Aurora, by Co- met (155), &c., as in Gambler (2046). (1457) SIR THOMAS. Calved 1824, bred by Mr. Thomas, got. by Winchester (697), d. Smart, by Palatine (478), Snowdrop, by Favourite (257), Sweetbrier (bred by Langdale), by Bainton (48), Narcissa, by Blanchard's Bulf(798). (1458) SIR WALTER. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Fairer, got by Hastings (293), d. Buttercup (bred by Col. Trotter), by a son of Favourite, Georgiana, by a son of Favorite, by Punch (531). (1459) SIR WALTER. Red and white, calved Nov. 4, 1S26. bred by Mr. Paley, got by Frederick (1060), d. Lovely, by Denton (198) by Comet (155), by Henry (301), by Favourite (252). (1460) SMITH'S BULL OF TOGSTON. SMUOCLER. Red and white, calved June 30, 1S26, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Paragon (1303), d. Spot, by a son of Blyth Comet 1 X52) SN-ADON. Got by Satellite (1420), d. by Baronet (62), by Windsor (698), by Corrisor (923). (1463) SNOWBALL (Commonly called LORD GRANT- HAM'S SNOWBALL). White, bred by Mr. Harrison, Lind- rick, trot, by Wellington U>7'8>, d. bred by Mr. Bower, Dinsdale, and descended from stock of R. Colling. (1464) SNOWBALL. White, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Forteseue. Ireland, got by Lorenzo (385), d. Snowdrop (bred by Mr. Champion), by Warrior (673). by Charles (127), by Prince (521). (I Kw) SXOWBAL L. Calved April, 1824, got by Pizarro (1:523), d. Khiivna, by Kavourhe (256), Elvira, by Phe- nomenon (491), &c., as in Alba (726). (11116) SNOWBALL. White, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Scott, got by Mariner (1193), d. by Albion (14), by Marske (418), by George (3877). (1467) SNOWBERRY. White, calved Aug. 30, 1825, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley. got by Lancaster (360), d. Young Selina, by Snowball (610), Selina, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (1468) SNOWDROP. Bred by Mr. Jobling, got by Wel- lington (683), d. by Phenomenon (491), by Colonel, by a son of Hubback (319). (1469) SOVEREIGN. Red, bred by Mr. Rose, Cotham, got by Rose's Son of Blyth Comet (85), d. by Crispin (174). (1470) SOVEREIGN. Calved May 9, 1825, bred by Mr. Mitton, got by President (517), d. by Atlas (42), by George (274), by Badsworth (47). (1471) SPANKER. Roan, calved Jan. 1822. bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Harold Jr. (1096), d. Camomile, by Lubin (388), by a grandson of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (1472) SPECULATION. White, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Warrior (673), d. Lavmia, by Charles (127), &c., as in Vulcan (1557). (1473) SPEEDWELL. Red and white, calved Dec. 19, 1827, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Columbus (903), d. Sylvia, by Warrior (673), by Emperor (1009), by Blyth Comet (85). (1474) SPORTSMAN. Roan and white, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blaize (76), d. Landlady, by Wellington (683), by Phenomenon (491), by Colonel (152), by a son of Hubback (319). (1475) SQUIB. Red, with a few white spots, calved April, 1824, bred by Mr. Cottrell, got by Rocket (1390), d. Georgiana (bred by Sir Charles Morgan), by Fnrioso (270), by - , Stranger, by Chapman's son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1476) STAMFORD. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. se, by . Wetherell, Barmpton, got by Denton (198), d. Primrose, by Comet (155), Old Red Rose, by Trunnell Danby (190). (1477) STANWICK. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Wetherell, Barmpton, got by Denton (198), d. Nelly, by Comet (155), Nancy, by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (1478) STAR. Red, calved March 2, 1821, bred by Mr. Fairer, got by Bilsdale (72*, d. Buttercup, by a son of Favourite, Georgiana, by a son of Favourite, by Punch (531). (1479) STAR. White, calved Oct. 19, 1823, bred by Rev. J. Benson, got by Western Comet (689), d. Come- tilla, by Young Comet (156), &c., as in Sir Arthur (1436). (1480) STEPHENSON'S BULL. Got by Waterloo, d. by Wynyard. (1481) STOCKSFIELD. Got by Marske (418), d. by Aylesby (44), bred by Thompson, Girlington. (1482) STRATHSPEY. Got by Marske (418), d. by Aylesby (44), bred by Thompson, Girlington. (1483) STUDLEY GRANGE. Bred by Mr. Judson, got by Warlaby, d. by a son of Barmpton (54), by James Brown's -- . (1484) SUDELEY. Red and white, calved 1827, bred by Mr. White, got by Pretender (1335), d. White Rose, by Ketton, Vesper (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (1485) SULTAN. White with red spots, calved 1818, bred by Gen. Simson, Pitcorthie, got by Jupiter (1147), d. Phoenix, by North Star (458). (1486) SULTAN. Bred by Col. Trotter. (14S7) SULTAN. Roan and white, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Forteseue, Ireland, got by Planet (1325), d. Snow- drop (bred by Mr. Champion), by Warrior (673), by Charles (127), by Prince (521). (1488) SULTAN. Red and white, calved Feb. ISvM, bred by Mr. Assheton, Jr. Own brother to Mountaineer (1253). (1489) SURLY. (1490) SURPRISE. While, bred by Mr. Ilorncastle. Hodsack, got by Palm (lower (480). (1491) SURPRISE. Calved 1S23, bred by Mr. Forteseue, Ireland, got by Palm (130]), d. Snowdrop (bred by Chain- 38 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS pion), by Warrior (673), by Charles (127), by Prince (521). (1492) SWEETBRIER. Calved April 27, 1825, bred by Mr. Mitton, got by Sweet William (1493), d. by President (517), by George (274). (1493) SWEET WILLIAM. Eoan, calved April 5, 1823, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by a son of Barmpton (54), d. Winifred (bred by It. Thornton), by a son of Pyramus (532), by Pyramus (532), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (1494) SWEET WILLIAM. Mottled, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Pilkington, got by Daniel, d. by Favourite (256), by Wellington (678), by North Star (459), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Styford (629). (1495) SYMMETKY. White, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Ald-de-Camp (722), d. by Charles (127), by Comet (155), by 11. Ceiling's Son of Favourite, by R. Ceiling's Son of Favourite, by Chapman's Bull (122), by Grimston's Bull (282). (1496) SYMMETRY. Red, calved March, 1826, bred by Mr. Slater, got by Carlton Comet (845), d. Sprightly, by Cossack (925), by Carlton Comet (845), by Prince (521), by Marske (1202), by Driffield (223). (1497) SYNTAX. Roan, calved 1823, bred by R. Thorn- ton, got by Dr. Syntax (220), d. Cowslip, by Pilot (1319), by Clarence (888), by George (275), by Punch (531). (1498) TALISMAN. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by W. Jobson, got by Sultan (1485), d. by Honest John (1116). (1499) TALISMAN. Red roan, calved Dec. 4, 1825, bred by Mr. Farrer, got by Son of Wonderful (1588), d. Daisy, by Constellation (163), Lady, by North Star (459), Lady Mary, by Petrarch (488), Countess, by Cupid (177), &c., as in Regent (1365). (1500) TANCRED. Calved 1827, bred by Mr. Langlands, got by Sultan (1485), d. Tulip, by Honest John (1116). (1501) TARRARE. Roan, calved Oct. 1823, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Harold Jr. (1096), d. Miss Colling (bred by R. Colling), by Barmpton (54), Lady, by Wellington (680). (1502) TARRARE. Red and white, calved 1826, bred by Mr.Robertson, Ladykirk, got by Diomed (974), d. Europa, by Sirius (598), Shorttail, by Wellington (679), Honey- suckle, by Sultan (631), Jane, by Signior (588). (1503) TAVISTOCK. Calved July 2, 1825, bred by Sir H. Carr Ibbetson, got by Bedford (68), d. Rosina (bred by Major Bower), by Marshal Beresford (415), by Windsor (698), by a son of Patriot. (1504) TECUMSEH. Red and white, calved 1827, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Malcolm (1190), d. Desdemona, by Frederick (.1060), &c., as in Bulwer (3241). (1505) THE ALDERMAN. Red roan, calved Oct. 17,1825, bred by Mr. Adamson, got by Adonis, d. Sophy, by Alex- ander (737), Sweet Pea, by Adonis (719), Strawberry, by Minor (441), by a brother to Wellington, by a son of Favourite (252). (1506) THE CAPTAIN. Bred by Mr. Edmonds, got bv The Squire (1512), d. Daisy, by Midas,-by Boughton (90), by a son of Windsor (698). (1507) THE DANDY. Roan, calved Jan. 15, 1820, bred by Major Bower, got by Eddlethorpe (239), d. Daphne bv Jupiter (344), &c., as in Damon (189). (1508) THE LORD HIGH ADMIRAL. Red and white, calved March, 1827, bred by R. Jobson, got by Neptune (1263), d. Rose, by Midas (435), &c., as in Rhadamanthus (552). (1509) THEODORE. Calved 1822, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Fitzduke (259), d. Tulip, by Young Star (619). by Culle's Son of Comet (935), by Compton's Son of Fa- vourite (252), from the stock of Sir William St. Quintin. (1510) THE RED PRINCE. Calved Sept. 1824, bred by R. Jobson, got by Prince (1339), d. Flora of Pitcorthie (bred by Gen. Simson). (1511) THE 2D EARL. Red and white, calved Nov. 19 1822, bred by T. Bates, got by The Earl (646), d. Duchess 3d, by Ketton 1st (709), Duchess 1st, by Comet (155), &c as in Cleveland (146). (1512) THE SQUIRE. Got by Baronet (62), d. Ruby bv Eton (1020), by a son of Windsor (698). (1513) THE YOUNG SQUIRE. Bred by Mr. Edmonds got by The Squire (1512), d. Geranium,by Rob Roy (556), Sweetbrier, by Midas (435), Snowdrop, by Crocus (932), by Simon (590). (1514) THE 3D EARL. Red and white, calved Dec. l r 1822, bred by T. Bates, got by The Earl (646), d. Duchess 8th, by Marske (418), &c., as in Duke of Northumber- land (1940). (1515) THORPE (MR. NEWBY'S). (1516) TICKLE TOBY. Light roan, calved Jan. 28, 1823 r bred by Major Bower, got by The Dandy (1507), d. Top- knot, by Candour (107), Topaz, by Wynyard (703), Young Tragedy, by Wynyard (703), Tragedy, by Fa- vourite (252), by Punch (531). (1517) TIMOUR THE TARTAR. Roan, calved Jan. 20, 1826, bred by Major Bower, got by Navigator (1260), d. Trap, by Candour (107), Young Tragedy, by Wynyard (703), &c., as in (1516), above. (1518) TIPPOO. Red and white, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Langlands, got by Sultan (1485), d. Tulip, by Honest John (1116). (1519) TOM. Calved March 20, 1822, bred by Mr. Al- derson, got by a son of Harold (291), d. Ruby, by Atlas (42), &c., as in Jerry (1138). (1520) TOM PAINE. Red and white, calved March, 1825, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Fitz Marske (260), d. Mrs. Liddell, by Herod (307), Old Roany, by Dick- son's Grandson of Punch (213), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1521) TOP KNOT. Calved 1822, bred by Mr. Bolden, got by Fitz Favourite (1042), d. Lady Jane, by Comet (155), Cleasby Lady, by Favourite (10&3), &c., as in Ajax (2946). (1522) TOUCHHOLE. Calved Aug. 31, 1826, bred by Mr.' Hutchinson, got by Kehama (1150), d. Christabel, by Sir Leoline (603), Lucy, by Herod (307), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (1523) TOUCHSTONE. Calved Aug. 1, 1825, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Millicent (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Prince of Waterloo (528), by May- flower (425), by a Bull of Mr. Nicholson's (descended from the stock of J. Brown). (1524) TRAFALGAR. Roan, calved April 23, 1827, bred by Mr. Cottrell, got by Squib (1475), d. Tredegar, by Fu- rioso (270), by , Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), &c., as in Athelstan (41). (1525) TRAVELLER. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Parrington, got by Cardinal (841). d. White Rose, by Symmetry (643), by Cleveland (145), by a son of But- terfly (104), by Washington (674), by Cleasby (141). (1526) TREMAINE. Dark roan and white, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Aide-d-Camp (722), d. Louisa, by Charles (127), Lily, by R. Colling's Son of Favourite (252), &c., as in Vulcan (1557). (1527) TREMAINE. Calved 1826, bred by Mr. Lang- lands, got by Sultan (1485), d. Tulip, by Honest John (1116J. (1528) TRIPTOLEMUS. Roan, calved March 25, 1822, bred by Mr. Farrer, got by Young Lancaster (1162), d. Buttercup (bred by Col. Trotter), by a son of Favourite (252), Georgiana, by a son of Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (1529) TRITON. Red and white, calved March 14, 1824, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Yellow Rose, by Major (398), by R. Colling's Grey Bull (1089), by Styford (629). (1530) TRIUMPH. White, calved 1820, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Prince of Waterloo (528), d. Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), supposed by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (1531) TRIUNE. Dark red and white, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blaize (76), d. Mira, by Charles (127), Maria (bred by R. Colling), by George (275), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (1532) TROJAN. Red and white, calved March, 1826, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Hector (1104), d. by Sirloin (604), Cecilia, by Wellington (680), &c., as in Danby (951). (1533) TURK. Roan, calved Jan. 1824, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Phenomenon (1318), d. Wildair, by a grand- son of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (531). (1534) TURK. Red and white, calved June 22, 1825, bred by Major Bower, got by Navigator (1260), d. Tar- kois, by Marshal Beresford (415), Topaz, by Wynyard (703), &c., as in Tickle Toby (1516). (1535) TURNELL. Red, calved April, 1827, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Young Albion (730), d. by Chief- tain, by Nimrod, by Marfleet's Old Red Bull (1192). (1536) TURNELL'S OLD RED BULL. TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 39 (1537) TYRANT. Red, calved Jan. 1823, bred by Lord Althorp. trot by Sirloin (lil)l). d. Kowena, by Warrior (073), Rosette, by Wellington (080), &c., as in Favourite (1039). ( 1538) Tvuo. Red and white, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Beasley, i:ot by Blyth (W). d. by Boddneham CM)) by jlarmpton (54), by Freeman (259), by Danby (190). (1539) VACANT. Roan, calved May 27, 1825, bred by Major I5ower. got by Pioneer (1321), d. Variety, by .Mar- -h;i] Beresford (415), Venus (bred by Mr. Parker), by Wellington (083), Trotter, by Windsor (698), by Mid- dteton's Bull of Newton (438), by Chapman's Bull of Dinsdale. (1540) VALENTINE. Red, calved Feb. 19, 1820, bred by Mr. Slater, iiot by Carlton Comet (845), d. Strawberry, by Prince (521), by Driffield (223). (1541) VALENTINE. Roan, cah'ed 1825, bred by Mr. Tlutchinson, got by Emperor (1015), d. Geraldine, by Sir Leoliue (608), &c,, as in Acorn (715;. (1542) VARDY'S WHITE BULL. i 1513) VAUNTER. Roan, calved May 23, 1825, bred by Major Bower, got by Pioneer (1321), d. Vanquish, by Defender <;< WALLACE. Red. calved Dec. 15, 1825. bred by Mr. Whitaker. got by Prince Comet (1342). d. Veniiia. by Enchanter (214). Venus (bred by J. Charge), by Major C., as in Hyppolyto ( :W5i. ' (1561) WALLACE. Red and white, calved March, 1827, bred by Mr. Bower, Ret ford, got by Young Albion (730), d. Isabel, by Harold (291), by Count (170i. by Bads- worth (47), by Badsworth (47), by Driffield (223), by Twin Brother to Ben iiii. (1562) WAMBA. Red roan, calved Nov. 1827, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, trot by Ivanhoe (1131), d. Countess (bred by (Jen. Sinison). by Young Star (619), bred by Gen. Sinison. (1563) WARDEN. Red and white, calved Aug. 28, 1826, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Young Priestess (bred by Mr. Hustler),by Major (398), by North Star (459), by Windsor (698). (1564) WARRIOR. Red and white, calved April 25,1824, bred by Mr. Slater, got by Triune (1531). d. Honey, by Warrior (673), Honesty (bred by Mr. Champion), by Blyth Comet (85). (1565) WARWICK. Calved 1825, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Wye Comet (1591), d. Belle. (1566) WASHINGTON. Red and white, calved 1821, sold to Gen. Van Ransallier, America, got by Shakspeare (1429). d. by Blyth Comet (85), by Prince (521), by Nes- wick (1266). (1567) WASTELL'S BULL. (1568) WATERLOO. White, calved 1822, bred by R. Thomas, Eryholme, got by Barmpton (54), d. Young Charlotte (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), &c., as in Ebor (996). (1569) WAT TYLER. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Fitz Marske (260). d. Mrs. Liddell, by Herod (307), Old Roany, by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213), &c., as in Althelstan (41). (1570) WAVERLEY. Got by Lonsdale (379), d. Cora, by Atlas (43), by Comet (155). (1571) WELLESLEY. Roan, calved 1818, bred by Rev. J. Benson, got by Wellington (680), d. Winifred, by Har- lequin (289), by Sidney (640), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (1572) WELLESLEY, SON OF. Roan, calved 1822, bred by Rev. J. Benson, got by Wellesley (1571), d. Columbine (bred by Mr. Gibson), by Harlequin (289), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (1573) WELLINGTON. (1574) WELLINGTON. Got by Barmpton. (1575) YOUNG WESTERN COMET. Roan, calved 1820, got by Western Comet (689), d. by Atlas (43). (1576) WESTON. Bred by Earl Bradford, got by Tal- bot (644), d. by Lancaster (360). (1577) WETHERELL'S OLD RED BULL. (1578) WHARFDALE. Roan, calved Aug. 8, 1823, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Enchanter (244), d. Miranda, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Hyppolyto (325). (1579) WHISKER. Roan, bred by Mr. Booth, got by Julius Ca>sar (1143), d. by Pilot (496), by Albion (14), by Lame Bull (359), by Easby (232), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (1580) WHITE BOY. White, calved Oct. 13, 1826, bred by Sir C. Knightley, got by Governor (1077), d. Livia (bred by Mr. Booth), by Julius Cwssir (1143), &c., as in Swing (2721). (1581) WHITE BULL. (1582) WHITE COMET. Bred by J.Charge,got by Comet (155), d. Mary, by Comet (155), Young Mary, by Charge's Grey Bull (872), Mary, by Favourite (252), Flecked Mary, by Bartle (777), descended from the Studley Bull (627). (1583) WHITE DAISY. White, calved Dec. 1825, bred by Rev. J. Armitage Rhodes, got by Young Daisy (947), d. White Moss Rose (bred by Mr. Whitaker). by Alfred (25), Moneta. by Harold (291), Marchioness, by Pros- pero (530), Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), sup- posed by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (1584) WHITWORTH. Liirht roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Cattley. got by Whitworth (>95i. d. Kosette. by Snow- drop (614), by White Comet (15S2), by ;i grandson of Favourite (252), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (1585) WILLIAM. (Jot by*Comet (155), d. by Trunnell (<;.-><)>. by Dash (191). (1586) WlI.UNGHAM. (1587) WiNsTo\.--Got bv Sweepstakes (637). d. by Scar- gill, by son of Bolingbroke (86), by Bolingbroke (86). 40 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (1588) WONDERFUL (700), SON OF. Bred by Lord Fe- versham, d. Wildair, by George (275), Wildair, by Fa- vourite (252), &c., as in Dishley (217). (1589) WOODEN WALLS. Calved Sept. 8, 1825, bred by Mr. Thomas, Chesterfield, got by Mariner (1193), d. Woodnymph, by Palmflower (480), Woodbine (bred by Col. Hellish), by Charles (127), Sophia, by a sou of Windsor (698), by Butterfly (104). (1590) WOODSTOCK. Red and white, calved March, 1824, bred by Mr. Moore, got by Frederick (1060), d. Eosina, by Plato (505), Eosetta, by Snowball (610), by Young Wynyard, by Cupid (177), by Punch (531). (1591) WYE COMET. Calved 1822, got by Blaize (76), d. White Rose, by Warrior (673), by Charles (127), by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). NOTE. Wye Comet was calved the property of Mr. Law, and used by Col. Powel and Mr. Watson, Con- necticut. L. F. A. (1592) YOUNG YORK. White, calved March 12, 1824, bred by Hon. J. Simpson. Full brother to York (707). (1593) YORKSHIREMAN. Roan, got by Young Lancas- ter (1162), d. by Major (3:IS), by Windsor (698), by Grey Bull (1089), by Cupid (177). (1594) ZENO. Roan, calved June, 1827, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Grazier (1085), d. Flora, by Columella (904), &c., as in Fitz Eustace (3803). ADDENDA. (1595) YOUNG ALBION. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Scott, got by Albion (14), d. by Marske (418), by George (3877), by Prince (521), by Favourite (1033). (1596) AMBASSADOR. (1597) CHANCE. Bred by Mr. Morritt, got by Refor- mer (540), d. Lady Rose by Wellington (679), the dam of Whitaker's Moss Rose, supposed by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (1598) ECLIPSE. Roan, calved 1820, bred by Marquis of Exeter, got by Meteor (1266), d. Innocence, by Wind- sor (698), by Windsor (698). (1599) PINK. Calved Feb. 21, 1826, bred by Mr. Mor- ritt, got by Chance (1597), d. Carnation, by Duke Hum- phrey (230), Careful (bred by Major Bower), by Marshal Beresford (415), Catherine, by Windsor (698), a daugh- ter of Flowery, by a Bull of R. Colling's. (1600) WYNDHAM. Roan, calved Feb. 1822, bred by Mr. Wiley. Full brother to Lorenzo (1178). V O L U M E III. (1601) AARON. (1002) ABERNETHY. White, calved April 19, 1830, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Charles (878), d. April Daisy, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Argo (758). (1603) ABRAM. Red and white, calved 1829, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by f by Mr. Newton), by Barpham (1098), by Percy (1312),- got by Shylock (2622), d. Milk Maid (bred Delicacy, by Ketton (346), by Expectation (247), by Magnum Bonum (2882), by Chapman's Bull (122), by Grimston's bull (282), by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (1604) ACHILLES. Roan, calved April 4, 1835, got by Belshazzar (1703), d. Evening Star, late Aquamarine (bred by Major Bower), by Cassius (851), Amethyst, by Pio- neer (1321), &c., as in Agate (1613). (1605) YOUNG ACHMET. (1606) ACMON. Roan, calved 1833, bred by W. Raine, Gainford, sold into America, got by Anti-Radical (1642), d. Sally, by Young Rockingham (2547), &c., as in Mel- moth (2291). (1607) ACTON (15551). (1608) ADMIRAL. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, Kirby Malery, presented to the Mass. Agricultural Society, U. S. A., by Admiral Coffin, got by North Star (460), d. by Comet (155), by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (1609) ADMIRAL BAWKE. Roan, calved July 22, 1832, bred by Mr. Butchinson, got by Sir Cloudesley Shovel ), d. Wildflower, by Kehama (1150), Geraldine, by Sir Leoline (603), &c., as in Acorn (715). (1610) ADMIRAL RODNEY. Roan, calved April 12, 1830, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Charles (878). d. Queen Oak, by Edward (1002), Pretty Face, by Frederick (1060), Pretty Lass, by Harold (291), Pretty Maid (bred by J. Charge), by Duke (225), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), descended from Studley White Bull (627). Died of the Quarter Evil, Dec. 30, 1830. (1611) ADOLPHUS. White, calved 1834, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Ambo (1636), d. Adelaide, by Al- bert (727), Anna, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Aaron (711). (1612) ADONIS. Bred by Mr. Wright, Cleasby, got by Comet (155), d. Beauty (bred by C. Colling), by Marske (417), Miss Washington, by Washington (674). (1613) AGATE. Roan, calved 1829, bred by Maj. Bower, got by Cassius (851), d. Amethyst, by Pioneer (1321), Amelia, by Defender (194), Altisidora (bred by Col. Trotter), by Comet (155), Marcella, by a son of Favour- ite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), Hollon. (1614) AGRICOLA. Roan, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holy- well, got by Bachelor (1666), d. Sprightly, by Barmpton (1677),-by Waverly (2819), by R, Colling's Son of Wash- ington (674). (1615) AINSTY, alias COLTON. Roan, calved 1832, got by Colton (1849), d. Flirt, by Chance (1597), Fancy, by Duke Humphrey (230). (1616) ALABASTER, White, calved April 19, 1830, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Firby (1040). d. Theresa, by Yorkshireman, by Sir Peter, by Button's Bull, by Cleasby. (1617) ALBANAC. Light roan, calved March 8, 1829, bred by Duke of Rutland, got by Belvoir (1708), d. Lady Jane, by Rose's Red bull (2568), by Blyth Cornet (85), by Neswick (1266), Old Bonny. (1618) YOUNG ALBERT. Roan, calved 1833, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Albert (727), d. Albinia, by Pilot (496), &c., as in A-la-Mode (725). (1619) ALBION. Bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, got by a son of Favourite, d. by Comet. (1620) ALBION. Red and white, calved July, 1833, bred by Mr. Williams, Northboro', Massachusetts, L T . S. A., got by Patriot (2412), d. Arabella, by North Star (460), &c., as in Sultan (2709). (1621) ALBUM. White, calved 1832, bred by Capt. Da- vies, Withersden, got by Highflyer (2122), d. Rosa, by Pirate (2430), Moss Rose, by Snowball (2648), Red Rose, by Wellington, Red Rose, by a son of Miner, Button's Yellow Cow, by Button's Red Bull. (1622) ALDERMAN. Roan, calved Nov. 24, 1826, bred by J. Booth, Killerby, got by Young Albion (15), d. Rose- berry, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Red Rover (2494). (1623) ALEXANDER. Got by a son of Favourite (252), d. by Miner (441). (1624) ALEXANDER. Bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, near Nottingham, got by a son of Favourite, d. by Comet. (1625) ALEXANDER. Roan, calved Dec. 14, 1827, bred Mr. Champion, got by Blyth Favourite (801), d. Alexina, by Bedford (68), Lavinia, by Comet (155), Lily, by Colling's son of Favorite (252), &c., as in Vulcan (1557). (1626) ALEXANDER. Got by Antony. (1627) ALEXANDER. Red, calved 18&5, bred by Mr. Crofton, Bolywell, got by Emperor (1974), d. Elvira, by Duke (1933), by Wellington (2824), by Young Remus (2522), by Midas (435), by Traveller (655), by Boling- broke (86). TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 41 (1628) ALEXAS. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by W. Raine, Gainford, got by Acmon (1600), d. Kate, by Young Rockingham (2547), by Rob Roy (557), by Den- ton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (1029) ALFRED (Mu. WALESBY'S). (1830) ALFRED. Roan, calved Nov. 26, 1830, bred by R. Bagshaw, Newton, got by Trincnlo (2775), d. Ringlet, i>y MacGregor (2235), Fairy, by Star (2699), Agnes, by Boughton (90). (1631) ALGERNON. Bred by Rev. T. Harrison, Firby, got by Cheviot (1822), d. Larkspur, by Hotspur (1117), Peony, by Northumberland (1286), Young Pink, by Cecil (120), Pink, by Simon (590), &<;., as in Damascus (948). (1632) ALGERNON. Roan, calved 1834, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Ambo (1636), d. Catherine, by Burley (1766), Young Anna, by Isaac (1129), Anna, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Aaron (711). (1633) ALPHA. Red, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Wellington (2826), d. Elvira, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Alexander (1627). (1634) ALPHA. (1635) ALTHORP. Dun and white, calved Nov. 31, 1835, bred by Mr. Watts, Gloucestershire, got by Mar- mion (2268), d. Young Arphodil, by a grandson of Eclipse, Arphodil, by a son of Cecil (120). (1636) AMBO, OR AMBO DEXTER. Calved 1829, got by Fleatham (2028), d. Orangeade (bred by W. Poole), by Wetherell's Son of Comet (155), Orange, by Scroope's Bull, a son of Northumberland (464). (1637) AMBULATOR. Roan, calved Dec. 14, 1832, bred by Earl Brownlow, Belton, got by Spectator (2688), d. Mary Ann (bred by Mr. Wilkinson), by a grandson of Wellington (680), by a grandson of Comet (155), by a son of Comet (155). (1638) AMERICAN COMET, 8. (1639) ANSON. Got by Sir Alexander (591), d. Isabella, by a son of Pilot (496), &c., as in Colonel (1846). (1640) ANTHONY. Roan, calved 1830, bred by Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot, the property of Mr. Lovell, Edgcott Lodge, near Banbury, got by Rufus (2576), d. Octavia, by Cumberland (176), by Midas (435), by Petrarch (488), Peeress, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Remus (1369). (1641) ANTHONY. Roan, calved April, 1834, bred by J. Booth, Killerby, got by Ambo Dexter (1636), d. by Matchem (2281), Bud, by Scipio (1421), Belinda, by Pilot (496), by Brother to Orpheus (473). (1642) ANTI-RADICAL, or YOUNG CUPID. Calved 1830, bred by Mr. Lax, Ravensworth, got by Cupid (938), d. Hannah, by Wellington (678), &c., as in Wallace (1559). (1643) ANTONY (Mr. CLARK'S). (1644) APOLLO. Roan, calved June 30, 1831, bred by Mr. Grey, Milfield Hill, got by Sultan (1485), d. Latona, by Albion (731), Purity (bred by Mr. Robertson), by Barmpton (54), Charity, by Wellington (679), Dairy Maid, by Sultan (631), Ruth, by a son of Punch (531), Broadhooks, by Hubback (319), by Dalton Duke (188). (1645) APPERLEY BLUCHER. Dark dun, calved May 16, 1816, bred by the Misses Strickland, Apperley Court, got by Viscount (2801), d. Bullace, by Clifton (147). (1646) APPLEGARTH'S BULL. Got by a Bull of C. Col- ling's. (1647) APPLETON. Roan, calved 1831, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Don Juan (1923), d. Primrose (bred by Mr. Newton), by Pioneer (1321), Prudence, by < 'andour (107), by Ketton (346), by Expectation (247), by Magnum Bonnm (2882), by H. Chapman's Bull, by R. Grimston's Bull, by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (1648) ARBITRATOR. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. llison, Stzergh, got by Ronald (565), d. Zefta, by Lionel (1171), Stumpy, by Pyramus. (1649) ARBUTUS. Roan, calved April 8, 1829, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Corinthian (920), d. Theresa, by Yorkshireman, by Sir Peter, by Matthew Button's Bull, by Cleasby. (1650) ARBUTUS, late NESTOR (2359). Red and white, calved April 16, 1829, bred by Lord Althorp, sold to Lee Norman. Ireland, got by Ivanhoe (1131), d. Datura, by Sirloin (ISO)), Arc., as in Fergus (2016). (1651) ARCHDUKE. (1652) AKriuiJAi.n. Roan, calved Jane 26, 1832. bred by Lord Althorp. Full brother to Alabaster .(1616). I (1653) ARGYLE. White, calved Feb. 22, 1831. bred by Mr. Gibbons, Rose Hill. r. H. A., cot by Bammo (768). d". Volage.by Charles (878), Seraphina, by Wharfdale (1578), Surprise, by Palajmon (479), Prodigy, by Meteor (432), Princess, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Regent (1365). (1654) ARMIN. Roan, calved Jan. 7, 1831, bred by E. Thompson, Arrnin, got by Myrtiltis (2346), d. Lady Anne, by Helmsley (2108), Lady Betty, by Leopold (373), Lady Byram, by Wynyard (703), by Badsworth (47). (1655) ARMITAGE. Roan, calved June 1, 1833, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, got by Kilnshaw (2175), d. Red Straw- berry, late Gaity, by Young Daisy (947), A.C., as in Sceptre (2602). (1656) ARNETT'S BULL. (1657) ARROW. (1658) ARROWSMITH'S BULL. Got by Charles (127). (1659) ASTON. Roan, bred by Mr. Attenbrow, got by Canteen Jr. (1780), d. Daisy, by Speculation (1472). (1660) ATLAS. Bred by Sir C. Ibbetson, got by Ber- tram (1716), d. Emerald, by Meteor (432), Lavinia by Comet (155), &c., as in Hobson (2129). (1661) ATTRACTION (MR. OSTLER'S). Got by Diamond. (1662) AUGUSTUS. Roan, calved Jan. 5, 1827, bred by J. Booth, Killerby, got by Young Albion (15), d. Dorothy, by Peter (487), Daphne, by Young Albion (15), Gaudy, by Albion (14), by Suworrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (1663) BACCHUS. Roan, calved March 23, 1836. bred by Mr. Edge, Strelley, got by Spectator (2688), d. Barnby (bred by G. Clark), by Jupiter (2169), by Roman (2559), by Prince Comet (1342), by Statesman (621), by Palm- flower (480), by Son of Blyth Comet (85). (1664) BACCHUS. Red, calved April 18, 1836, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Baylock (1694), d. Lady (bred by Mr. Earnshaw), by Count (170), Young Venus, by Bracken (91), Venus, by Badsworth (47), (bred by J. Baker), by Coates' son of Twin Brother to Ben (660), bred by Sir G. Strickland. (1665) BACHELOR. Bred by Mr. Angus, got by Ber- gami (1714), d. by North Star (2381), by Major (2251), by Goliah (2067), by Bolingbroke (86). (1666) BACHELOR. Dark roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Emperor (197'4), d. Gaudy, by Cato (119), by Whitworth (695), bought by Mr. Shaf- toe of Mr. Mason, Chilton. (1667) BACHELOR. Roan, calved March 3, 1831, bred by W. Bartholomew, Goltho, got by Monarch (2326). d. Coquette (bred by Mr. Allison, Bilby), by Conqueror (915), by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), by Favour- ite (1033). (1668) BACHELOR. Red and white, calved Feb. 1, 1832, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Princess, by Studley (2707), by Ruler (571), by Albion (14), by Meteor (431). (1669) BACHELOR. Roan, calved April, 1834, bred by Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot, trot bv Caliph (1774), d. Cour- tezan, by Sir Walter (2637). Aspasia. by Bolivar (805), by Symmetry (642), by Emperor (243), by Midas (435), Maria (bred by R. Colling), by George (275), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (1670) BACHELOR. Roan, calved Feb. 22, 1835. bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Holy well (2132), d. Bonny, by Sir Walter (1459), Brawny, by Wallace (1561), Bri- tannia, by Young Albion (1595), Red Duchess, by Blaize (76), by Chieftain (886), by Young Neswick (1268), by Marneet's Old Red Bull (1192). (1671) BACON'S BULL. (1672) BALANCE. -Roan, calved Oct. 4, 1833, bred by Jlr. iJower. Kettbrd, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Blanch, by Sir Henry (1446), Rachel, by Herod (308), Rebecca, by Count (170), Young Venus, by Bracken (91 1, Arc., as in Bacchus (IWiD. (1673) BANKER. Roan, bred by Mr. Attenbrow, got by Speculation (1472), d. Daisy, by Canteen (835). (1674) BARDEN. Bred by J. Temple, got by Allison's Danby, d. Elizabeth, by Snowball (610), by Leopold, by Wetherell's Duke. (1675) BARK-FOOT. Rod, calve:! J:yi. 23. 1830, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Henry (Uliii, d. Lady, by Count (1TO), etc., as in Bacchus (1664). LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (1676) BARGEMAN. Red, calved Nov. 1834, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Kenwood (2114), d. Minx, by Wharfdale (1578), Minna, by Nestor (452), &c., as in Jerry (4100). (1677) BARMPTON. Red, bred by C. Colling, got by Barmpton (54), d. Nonpareil, by Favourite (256), by a son of Windsor (698), by Butterfly (104). (1678) BARNABY. Bred by Mr. James, Stamford, got by Smith's (of Togstan) son of Bolingbroke (86), d. by Suworrow (2718). (1679) BARNEY, 14. (1680) BARON. Calved 1827, bred by Mr. Bellamy, Hageley, got by Rockinghain, d. Evelina, by Bearl (65), by Duke of Wellington (231), by Wellington (683), by Alfred, by Yarborough (705), by Bolingbroke (86). (1681) BARON. Roan, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Cat- tley, Brandsby, got by Baronet (775), d. Carnation, by Young Jupiter (1148), &c., as in Captain Ross (1785). (1682) BARON. Got by Commodore (1858), d. by A-la- Mode (725). (1683) BARON. Red and white, calved 18.35, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Bachelor (1666), d. Coun- tess, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (1684) BARON. Roan, calved Sept. 30, 1835, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Holywell (2132), d. Baffle, by Sir Walter (1459), Beautiful, by Sir Henry (1446), Red Duchess, by Blaize (76), &c., as in Bachelor (1670). (1685) BARONET. Red, calved Dec. 31, 1830, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Henry (1446), d. Lady, by Count (170), &c., as in Bacchus (1664). (1686) BARONET. Roan, calved 1831, bred by R. and J. Crofton, got by Marquis (2270), d. Daisy, by St. Albans (1412), by Waverly (2819), by R. Ceiling's son of Wash- ington (674). (1687) BARONET. Got by Mameluke (2257), d. Amelia, by Snowball (611), by Major (398), by Major (397), by Brown's Bull, Aldbro'. (1688) BARONET. Red, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Dud- ding, Panton, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Red Duchess, by Blaize (76), &c., as in Bachelor (1670). (1689) BARRISTER. Roan, calved July 27, 1833, bred by R. Bagshaw, Newton, got by Wetherell's Eldon (1960), d. Tulip, by Viscount (2802), Jessamine, by Goldiinder (2064), Fairy, by Star (2699), Agnes, by Boughton (90). (1690) BARRISTER. Roan, calved May 1, 1835, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, got by Edmund (1954), d. by Harlsey (2090), by Reform (1361), by a Bull of Sir G. Strickland's, by Northumberland, by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88). (1691) BASHAW. Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Crof- ton, Holywell, got by Emperor (1974), d. Countess, by Sir Charles (593), Ac., as in Candidate (1778). (1692) BASHAW. Dark roan, calved Nov. 22, 1833, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Monarch (2326), d. Em- press (bred by Mr. Earnshaw), by Herod (308), Straw- berry, by Count (170), Venus, by Badsworth (47), by Coates' son of Twin Brother to Ben (660), bred by Sir G. Strickland. (1693) BASSETLAW. Red and white, calved Aug. 1, 1831, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Britannia, by Young Albion (1595), Red Duch- ess, by Blaize (76), &c., as in Bachelor (1670). (1694) BAYLOCK. Red, calved Aug. 7, 1833, bred by Mr. Bower. Retford, got by Sir Walter (1459j, d. Beauty, by Count (170), Red Duchess, by Blaize (76), &c., as in Bachelor (1670). (1695) BEAUDLE. Got by Worthy. (1696) BEAUFORT. Roan, calved May 3, 1832, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by His Highness (2125), d. Belvidera, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Craven (1885). (1697) BEAUFORT. Roan, calved April 17, 1835, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Holywell (2132), d. Blanch, by Sir Henry (1446), Rachael (bred by Mr. Earnshaw), by Herod (308), Rebecca,by Count (170), Young Venus, by Bracken (91), Venus, by Badsworth (47), (bred by J. Baker), by Coates' son of Twin Brother to Ben (660), bred by Sir G. Strickland. (1698) BEAUMARIS. Nearly white, calved Oct. 12, 1835, bred by Capt. Hampton, got by Paganinj (2405), d. Fanny (bred by Col. Cradock), by Magnum Bonum (2243), bred by Mr. Bell, W T olsingham, Northumberland. (1699) BEAUPONT. Got by Mr. Harbottle's Son of Memnon, d. by Charles (127), by George. (1700) BECKINGHAM. Red and white, calved April 5 1833, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Brokenhorn, by Sir Henry (1446). Alice (bred by Mr. Earnshaw), by Harold (291), by Count (170), by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47). (1701) BEDFORD JUNIOR. Calved 1830, bred by Mr. Radcliffe, got by Bedford (68), d. by Barrister (776), by Northern Light (1281), by Snowdrop (614), by a son of Kitt (351), by Cattley's Grey Bull (1798). (1702) BELGRAVE. Roan, calved Jan. 1829, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Brandsby (816), d. Catherine, by Phe- nomenon (1318), &c., as in Nero (1265). Slaughtered 1831. (1703) BELSHAZZAR. Bred by Mr. Booth,Warlaby, got by Isaac (1129), d.' Young Ruby, by Admiral (5), &c., as in Maunby (7223). (1704) BELSHAZZAR. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Fairfax (1023), d. Lady Sarah (bred by R. Booth), by Pilot (496), White Cow, by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Bull (1768). (1705) BELUS. Roan, calved Dec. 12, 1834, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Maggot (2238), d. Belvidera, by Frederick (1060), Bright Eyes, by Hermit (305), &c., as in Craven (1885). Died 1835. (1706) BELVEDERE. Yellow roan, calved April 6, 1826, bred by Mr. Stephenson, Wolviston, got by Waterloo (2816), d. Angelina 2cl, by Young Wynyard (2859), An- gelina, by Phenomenon (491), Anna Boleyne, by Fa- vourite (252), Princess, by Favourite (252), (bred by R. Colling), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by G. Snowdon's Bull (612), by Harrison's Bull (292), by Masterman's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). (1707) BELVISER. See BELVEDERE (1706). (1708) BELVOIR. Roan, bred by Duke of Rutland, got by Emperor (1014), d. Lady Jane, by Rose's Red Bull (2568), by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), Old Bonny. (1709) BELZONI. Bred by W. Wetherell, got by North Star (459), d. Cleopatra (bred by R. Colling), by Lancas- ter (360), by George (275), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (1710) BENJAMIN. Roan, calved 1&34, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Don Juan (1923), d. Lady Sarah (bred by R. Booth), by Pilot (496), White Cow, by Agamemnon (9), by Barren's Bull (1768). (1711) BENLOMEN. (1712) BEPPO. Red, calved 1826, bred by Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Rufus (2576), d. by Robins'on's Son of Baron (1387), by Cleveland (892), by Alfred (23), by Butterfly (104), by Suwarrow (636). (1713) BERESFORD. (1714) BERGAMI. Got by T. Jobling's Blncher,d.Tulip, by Wellington (683), by Miner (441), by Sir Harry (1444), by Colonel (152), by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (1715) BERSHAM (MR. LLOYD'S). Roan, got by War- wick (2815), d. Young Ruby, by Sir Stephen (1456), Ruby. (1716) BERTRAM. Red, calved May 12, 1828, bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Frederick (1060), d. Red Daisy, by Major (398), &c., as in Alonzo (28). (1717) BERTRAM. Red and white, calved June 26, 1833, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Princess, by Studley (2707), by Ruler (571), by Albion (14), by Meteor (431). (1718) BERWICK. Calved 1827, bred by Lee Norman, Ireland, got by Primitive (2457), d. Dairymaid, by Nor- land (2378), Chesterfield. (1719) BINGHAM. Red and white, calved March 22, 1835, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Holywell (2132), d. Britannia, by Young Albion (1595), &c., as in Bach- elor (1670). (1720) BIRMINGHAM. Roan, calved July 21. 1830, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Henry (1446), d. Em- press, by Herod (308), &c., as in Bashaw (1692). (1721) BLACKLOCK. Roan, calved Nov. 25, 1829, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Henry (1446), d. Count- ess, by Count (170), Rosa, by Harold (291), &c., as in Warter (2896). (1722) BLACK PRINCE. Dark red, calved 1834, bred by J. Chrisp, Doddington, got by Bachelor (1666), d. Prin- cess (bred by J. Henderson), by St. Albans (1412), by Lawnsleeves (365), bred by Messrs. James, Stamford. TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. (1723) BLAIZE. Red, calved May 9. 1834, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Monarch (2326). d. Kosa, li.v Mar- iner (1193), Red Rose, by George (3877), by George -a Turnell Cow. (1724) BLAST. Roan, calved May 8, 1834, bred by Major Bower, trot by Margrave (2264), d. Blow, by Navigator (I960), Blossom, by Comet (155), &c., as in Blucher (84). (17-25) BLUCHER. Bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston. Full brother to Belvedere (1706). (1726) BLUCHEK. Roan, calved 1833, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by The Baronet (2745), d. Springflower, by Fairfax (1023), Snowdrop, by Snowball (1463), by Prince (522), by Favourite (256), by a bull of R. Col- ling's. (1727) BLUEBEARD. Roan, calved 1831, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Don Pedro (1924), d. Butterfly, by Sir Anthony (1435). Snowdrop, by Snowball (1468), A-c.., as iu Blucher (17215). (1728) BLYTH ECLIPSE. Dark roan and white, calved Nov. 10, 1827, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blyth Fa- vourite (801), d. Miss Points, by Aid-de-Camp (722), by Charles (127), by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). (1729) BOLIVAR. (1730) BOLIVAR. Calved Jan. 6, 1831, bred by Mr. Grey, Millfield Hill, got by Jocelyne (1141), d. Buttercup, by Hector (1104), Brighteyes (bred by Mr. Donkiu), by Midas (435), by Simon (590), by Traveller (655), by Styford (629), by Lame Bull (358). (1731) BOLLAM. Roan, calved Jan. 15, 1834, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Monarch (2326j, d. Rachel, by Herod (308), &c., as in Beaufort (1697). (1732) BOLLAM COMET. Red roan, calved April 28, 1836, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Holy well (2132), d. Annette, by Buckingham (1755), Adelaide, by Sir Walter (1459), Polly, by Eclipse (238), Orbit, by Comet (155), &c., as in Frederick (1060). (1733) BORDERER. Roan, calved Jan. 15, 1836, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Firby (1040), d. Rachel (bred by Mr. Earnshaw), by Herod (308), &c., as in Beaufort (1734) BORDER WILLIE. White, calved Nov. 1830, bred by Mr. Robertson, got by Grey Diomed (2076), d by Diomed (974), by Sinus (598), by Wellington (679), by Sultan (631), by Signior (588). (1735) BOSTON. Roan, calved 1829, bred by Mr. Curry, Brandon, sold to Mr. Silsby, North America, got by Newton (2366), d. Grace, by Dinning's Bull (973), by Admiral (4). by Sir Harry (1444), by Colonel, by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (1736) BOXER. Roan, calved June 14, 1835, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Baylock (1694), d. Buxom, by Sir Walter (1459), Empress, by Herod (308), Ac., as in Bashaw (1692). (1737) BOYNTON DUN. Bred by Sir G. Strickland, got by Ben (70). (1738) YOUNG BRANDSBY. Roan, calved Feb. 1829 bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Brandsby (816), d. Mida, by Midas (435), WildaTr, by a grandson of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (531). Slaughtered in 183-. (1739) BRIGHT. Roan, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Ben- son. Kennythorpe, got by Fairfax (1023), d. Snowdrop, by Snowball (1463), &c., as in Reformer (4921). (1740) BRILLIANT. Red, calved Sept. 23, 1831, bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to Mr. Latouche, Ireland. Full brother to Gambier (2046). (1741) BRILLIANT. Roan, calved May 16, 1835, bred by Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Regent (2518), d. Moss Itose, by Romulus (1403), Vesta, bv Isaac, (1129) bv Xort hern Light (1281), by White Comet (1582), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (1742) BRITON. Red and white, calved April 19, 1827 bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blyth Favourite (801), d. Bridget, by Blyth Comet (85), by Prince (521), by Nes- wick (121)6). (1743) BROADWOOD. Roan, calved 1829, bred by J Crofton. got by Marquis (2270), d. Duchess, by Barmpton ' rillCe88 t C> ' as hl C ' amli " (1744) BROTHER TO J. CATTLE'S FAT Cow. [Same as Harpham a 098)]. (1745) BROUGHAM. Roan, calved May 6. 1834, bred by C. Tempest, Broughton Hall, got by Brilliant (1740) d Vestris, by Cato (1794), &<., as'in Eryx (1982). (1746) BROUGHAM. Roan, calved Nov. 1834, bred by J. Chrisp, Doddington. got by Bachelor (1666), d. Duchess (bred by Mr. Curry), by Wellington (683), by Admiral (4). by Sir Harry (1444), by Colonel, by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (1747) BROWNLOCK. Red and white, calved April 25, 1832, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Beauty, by Count (170), Red Duchess, by Blaize (76), &c., as in Bachelor (1670). Slaughtered 183-. (1748) BROXSTONE. Red and white, calved May 19, 1833. bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Britannia, by Young Albion (1595), &c., as in Bachelor (1670). (1749) BRUNSWICKER. Red and white, calved Sept 25 1830, bred by Mr. Bower, Retford, got by Sir Henry (1446), d. Britannia, by Young Albion (1595), &c , as in Bachelor (1670). (1750) BRUTUS. Got by Belzoni (1709), d. Pippin, by North Star (459), by Comus (161), by Denton (198), by Henry (301). (1751) BRUTUS. Roan, calved Dec. 25, 1832, bred by L Ellison, got by Brutus (1750), d. by Young Rockingham (2547), by Wonder (2853), by Wonder (2853), by Den- ton (198), by Northumberland. (1752) BRUTUS. Roan, calved 1833, bred by R. Booth Studley, got by Burley (1766), d. Adelaide, by Albert (727), Anna, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Aaron (711). (1753) BUCCLEUGH. Roan, calved April 5, 1835, bred by Mr. Bower, got by Monarch (2326), d. Lady, by Count (170), &c., as in Bacchus (1664). (1754) BUCKINGHAM. Red roan, bred by Mr. Atten- brow, got by Canteen Jr. (1780), d. Carnation, by Specu- lation (1472). (1755) BUCKINGHAM. Roan, calved June 14, 1830, bred by Mr. Paley (sold to Mr. Archbold, M. P., Ireland), got by Sir Walter (1459), d. White Cow (bred by R. Booth), by Agamemnon (9), (bred by Mr. Barrel!, Burdon, near Darlington). (1756) BUCKINGHAM. Bred by J. Raine, got by Effing- ham (1958), d. by Morton, by Denton (198). (1757) BUCKINGHAM. Red, calved May 22, 1835, bred by Mr. Bower, got by Holywell (2132), d. Beauty, by Count (170), Red Duchess, by Blaize (76), &c., as in Bachelor (1670). (1758) YOUNG BUCKINGHAM. Bred by Mr. Rowland- son, Newton Morrell, got by Buckingham (1756), d. by Scipio (1421). (1759) BUDGET. Roan, calved March 15, 1830, bred by G. L. Ridley, got by Stephen (1456). d. My Lady, by R. Colling's Baronet (62), by Bergami (1714), by Snow- drop (1468). (1760) BULMER. White, calved 1830. bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Shylock (2622). d. Blueberry, by Candour (107), Blossom, by Comet (155), &c., as in Blucher (84). (1761) BUNUS. Red, calved April, 1829, bred by Mr. Wiley. Brandsby, got by Brandsby (816), d. Rachel, by Harold Junior (1096), Iris, by Lubin (388), by Irishman (329). (1762) BONAPARTE. Got by Castor (853), d. Brighteyes , by Midas (435), Ac., as in Bolivar (1730). (1763) BURDON. Bred by R. Thornton, Barmpton, near Darlington. (1764) BURGESS. White, calved Nov. 21, ia34, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen. got by Elector (1963), d. Moss Rose (bred by Mr. Ostler), by Rival (553), Ruby, by Barmpton (54), by Aylesby (44), by brother to R, Col- ling's White Heifer, by Barningham (56). (1765) BURLEIGH. Roan, calved August, 1834. got by Woodvilie (2856). d. Vacuna, by Emperor (1014). Miss Booth, by Roan Robin, Flora, by Sir Charles (592). Daisy, by Aylosby (44), by an own brother to R. Col- ling's White Twin Heifer. (1766) BURLEY. Bred by J. C. Maynard, Harlsey, got by Francisco (2032), d. Venilia. by Enchanter (244), Ve- nus, by Major (397), &c., as in Hyppolyto (325). (1767) BURLINGTON. Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr Botterill, Eastthorpe, got by Romulus (2563), d. East- thorpe Strawberry, by Malbro' (1189), Latona (bred by Mr. Karnshaw), by Harold (291), Strawberry, by Count (170), Venus, by Badsworth (47}, (bred by J. Baker), by Coates' son of Twin Brother to Ben (660), bred by Sir G. Strickland. (1768) BURRELL'S BULL (of Burdon, near Darlington). 44 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (1769) BUSKIN. Bed, calved Sept. 1832. bred by Mr. Assheton, Brandon, got by Young Tar rare (2736), d. Miss Foote, by Coxcomb (928), Miss O'Neil, by Miner (441), by a son of Phenomenon (491), by Traveller (655), by Colonel, by R. Colling's son of Broken Horn (95), by K. Colling's son of Hubback (319). (1770) CADET. Dark roan, calved April. 1834, bred by Mr. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Consul (1867), d. Claudia, by Tamboff (2729), Clara, by Miracle (1243), Ceres, by Midas (435), Iris, by Lubin (388), by Irishman (329). (1771) CAITHNESS. White, calved Nov. 26, 1833, bred by J. Chrisp, Doddington, got by Bachelor (1666), d. 3d Princess, by Snowball (2645), Princess (bred by J. Hen- derson), by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Black Prince (1722). (1772) CALDER. White, calved June 10, 1835, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, got by Kilnshaw (2175), d. Young Wil- liamina, by Charles (878), Williamina, by Frederick (1060), Winifred (bred by R. Thornton), by a son of Py- ramus (532), by Pyramus (532), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (1773) CALENDAR. (1774) CALIPH. Red and white, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. got by Sultan (1485), d. Dido, by Diomed (974), Purity, by Barmpton (54), &c., as in Apollo (1644). (1775) CAMBRIAN (Sm CHARLES MORGAN'S). (1776) CAMDEN. Red, calved Nov. 10, 1831, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Bertram (1716), d. Clarina, by Mor- timer (2340), China-aster (bred by Rev. T. Harrison), by Hotspur (1117), Mulberry, by Rob Roy (556), Damask, by Cecil (120), &c., as in Damascus (948). (1777) CAMILLTJS. Roan, calved June, 1834, bred by Mr Grey got by a grandson of Wellington, d. Tulip, by Lambert's Miner, by Duke of Wellington (231), by Al- exander (21). (1778) CANDIDATE. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Crofton. Holywell, got by Eclipse (1949), d. Lady, by Young Wellington (2826), by Wellington (2824), Coun- tess, by Sir Charles (593), Princess, by St. Albans (1412), Blossom, by Cupid (177), by Simon (590), by Punch (531), by Bolingbroke (86). (1779) CANNING. Roan, bred by Mr. Ellison, got by Top Knot (1521), d. by Coburgh (1841), by Lionel (1171). (1780) CANTEEN JR. Red roan, bred by Mr. Atten- brow, got by Canteen (835), d. Lily, by Speculation (1472)- (1781) CANTERBURY. Red roan, calved Jan. 7, 1833, bred by W. F. Paley, Gledhow, got by Buckingham (1755), d. Victoria, by Sir Walter (1459), Bessy (bred by R. Thornton), by Barmpton (54), descended from Broken Horn (95). (1782) CAPPY. Bred by Mr. Colling, Hurworth, got by Peter (487), d. by Ward's son of Denton (198), by Thos. Wetherell's Bull (2831). (1783) CAPTAIN. Got by Commodore (1853), d. by Dia- mond (209), by Major (398), by Major (397),~by Brown's Bull, of Aldbro'. (1784) CAPTAIN. Got by Jonathan Martin (2162). (1785) CAPTAIN Ross. Roan, calved Feb. 12, 1834, bred by Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Bedford Jr. (1701), d. Lily, by Pelias (1311), Carnation, by Young Jupiter (1148), by White Comet (1582), by a grandson of Fa- vourite (252), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (1786) CARADOC. Roan, calved May 1, 1835, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Maggot (2238), d. Fancy (bred by Mr. Dudding), by Childers (1824), Miss Roger- son, by Quaternion (1351), Attraction, by Rocket (1390), by Waddingworth (668). (1787) CARLOS. Roan and white, calved Oct. 27, 1828, bred by Mr. Rodman, New Bedford, Mass., U. S. A., got by Charles (878), d. Galatea (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Frederick (1060), Graceful, by Major (2252), by Comus, by Denton (198), by Mr. Wetherell's . (1788) CARLOS. Calved 1831, bred by Mr. Grey, Mil- field Hill, got by Smith's Premium Bull (2645), d. Caro- line, by Fitz Duke (259), by Cully's Son of Comet (935), by Compton's Son of Favourite (910), by Christopher, by Charles' Bull (1811), descended from the stock of Sir William St. Quintin. (1789) CARLOS. Red and white, calved April, 1836, bred by Mr. Fox, got by Priam (2452), d. Caroline (a good short-horned Cow, bought by G. Coates of Mr. Burnell for Mr. Fox). (1790) CARLTON. Full brother to Reformer (4921). (1791) CARTER'S BULL. (1792) CARTWRIGHT'S BULL. Got by a Bull of the Mar- quis of Exeter's. (1793) CASTELLO. White, calved April 9, 1832, bred by Mr. Rodman, New Bedford, Mass., U. S. A., got by Dev- onshire (966), d. Galatea, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Carlos (1787). (1794) CATO. Got by Phenomenon, d. by Jupiter. (1795) CATO. Got by Eclipse (238). (1796) CATO. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Bloor, Flintshire, got by Maggot (2238), d. Carnation, by Chan- cellor (1808), Selina (bred by Mr. Smith), by Grazier (1085), Favourite, by Northampton (2380), by Reform (1361), Old Cora. (1797) CATO. Red and white, calved Oct. 19, 1835, bred by Mr. Radcliff, sold to Van Dieman's Land Company, got by Luck's- All (2230), d. by Mason's Son of Farmer (251), from the stock of Mason and Charge. (1798) CATTLEY'S GREY BULL. Calved 1808, bred by J. Newby, got by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (1799) CAWTON. Red and white, calved Aug. 1834, bred by Mr. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Wauldby (2118), d. Cana, by Tarrare (1501), Carnation, by Phenomenon (1318), Cora, by Adonis (6), Lofty, by a grandson of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (1800) C. C. Roan, calved 1829, bred by T. C. Beasley, Harston, got by Northern Light (1280), d. Young Cora (bred by Mr. Champion), by Aid-de-Camp (722), Cora, by Blyth Comet (85), Old Chance. (1801) CEDRIC. Calved 1827, or 1828, bred by Mr. Tib- bits, Boughton, got by Coxcomb (928), d. by Baronet (62), Gambol, by Midas (435), Frolic, by Petrarch (488), by Major (397), by an own brother to R. Colling's White Heifer. (1802) CEDRIC. Red, calved Dec. 1833, bred by Mr. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Grazier (1085), d. Clelia, by Mer- cury (1225), Celia, by Miracle (1243), Ceres, by Midas (435), Iris, by Lubin (388), by Irishman (329). (1803) CHAMPAGNE. Roan, calved April, 1833, bred by Mr. Robson, sold to Capt. Hampton, got by Young Ery- holme (1981), d. by Bonny Face (807), by Colling's Duke. (1804) CHAMPION. Roan, calved Nov. 1, 1831, bred by Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Bedford (68), d. Vesta, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Brilliant (1741). (1805) CHAMPION. Red and white, calved 1832, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Grazier (1085), d. Cherry (bred by Mr. Robinson), by Wonderful (700), by Alfred (23), Chilton's Old Red Bull (1826). (1806) CHANCE. Bred by Mr. Mundy, Winston, got by Wellington (678), d. by Favourite (256). (1807) CHANCE. Roan, calved April 11, 1832, bred by S. Gill, got by a son of Frederick (1060), d. Venus, by Constellation (163), &c., as in Ben (785). (1808) CHANCELLOR. Got by Rolla (2557), d. by Gra- zier (1085), by Emperor (1013), by Candour (107), by Baron (58), by Butterfly (104). (1809) CHANCELLOR. Roan, calved Nov. 25, 1831, got by Duke, d. Dairymaid (Waistell's, Ailey Hill), by St. Albans (1412). (1810) CHARGES' RED BULL (125). Got by Kitt (7127), d. 2d Lady, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Billy (787). (1811) CHARLES' BULL. Got by Foljambe (263), d. by Hubback (319). (1812) CHARLES. Got by Bolingbroke (86). (1813) CHARLES. Got by Richard (1376), d. by Rufus (570), Cherry, by Mason's White Bull (421), by Chilton (136). (1814) CHARLES. Calved 1829, bred by J. Lawson, got by Matchem (2281), d. by a son of Dash (2668). by Jupiter (342), by Pope (514), by Bumper (101), by Chilton (136). (1815) CHARLES. Calved 1833, bred by J. Lawson, got by a son of Matchem (2678), d. by Son of Dash (2668), by Jupiter (342), by Bumper (101), by Chilton (136), by Mason's . " (1816) CHARLES. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Cherry (bred by Mr. Robinson), by Wonderful (700), by Alfred (23), by Chilton's Old Red Bull (1826). (1817) CHARLEY. Calved May, 1834, got by Eclipse (1950), d. Princess, by Young Cupid (940), Decora, by Young Marske (419), Cora, by Meteor (432), Lucilla, by , Elvira. TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 45 got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Esther, by Marske (418), by Freeman (269), by (1818) CHARLEY. Red and white, calved Nov. 1835, bred hv Luke Kllison, trot by Krlipsu (I'.KMh. d. by Youiiij; Cupid (940), by Yoium Marske (419), by Meteor (430), Lucilla, by - , Elvira. (1819) CHARLIE. Roan, calved 1832, bred by dipt. Davies, got by Highilyor (2122), d. Lily, by Pirate (2430), Lady Brough, by Young Albion (15). (1830) CHATHAM. Roan, calved April 11, 1828, bred by Mr. Whitaker, E-LA-MOTTK. Red and while, calved April. l,S2ii, bred by ,1 . Monday. Fayette Co., Kentucky, ('. S. A not by San Martin (3599), d. Mrs. Motte (bred by Mr. Shipinan, near Darlington. Eng). (1915) DESPOT. White, calved May. 1833, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Caliph (1774). d. Angelina, by Northampton (2880), &c,, as in Dandy (1902). (1916) DE VEAUX. Roan, calved Sept. 16, 1831, bred by Mr. Whi taker, got by Bertram (1716), d. Chiltona [or Mo. 12] Ibred by Mr. Mason), by St. Albans (1412), by Cato (119), by Jupiter (342), by George (273), by Chil- ton (136), By Irishman (329), by B (45). <1917) DEVIZES. Red roan, bred by Mr. Attenbrow, tjot by Canteen (835), d. Marchioness, by Conqueror (915). (1918) DILSTON. Roan, calved Nov. 1833, bred by Mr. Grey, got by a son of Alexander, d. Tulip, by Lambert's Minor, by Duke of Wellington (231), by Alexander (20). (1919) DOCTOR JOHNSON. White, calved Sept. 7, 1833, bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to Mr. Davvson, Gronant, Holywell, got by De Veaux (1916), d. Adamina, by Ber- tram (1716), April Daisy, by Frederick (1060), Ac., as in Argo (758). (1920) DODDINOTON. Got by Snowball (2647), d. by Porritt's Bull (2445), by Smith's Premium Bull (2645), by Smith's son of Bolingbroke (86), by Lord Strath- more's Sultan, by Mr. James' Burnaby. (1921) DOLPHUNBY. Red, calved 1833, bred by J. Crof- ton. Full brother to Monitor (2331). (1922) DON BERTRAM. Red, calved June, 1831, bred by Duke of Leeds, got by Bertram (1716), d. Dona (bred by Mr. Roods), by Stephenson's Bull. (1923) DON JUAN. Roan, calved 1827, got by Naviga- tor (1260), d. by Percy (1312), by Ketton (346), by a sou of Patriot (486), by Magnum Bonuin (2882), by II. Chap- man's Bull (122), by R Grims ton's Bull (282), by a son of Dalton Duke (188), (1924) DON PEDRO. Roan, calved 1829, bred by Mr. Benson, got by Don Juan (1923), d. by a son of Mare, by Defender (194), by Marshal Beresford (415), by Mag- num Bouum (2882), by Favourite (257), by Ben (70). (1925) DON PEDRO. Red roan, calved May 2, 1832, bred by Mr. Puley, Gledhow, got by Buckingham (1755), d. Violet, by Pilot (1319), by Thorp (1515), by Waistell's Bull. (1926) DON PEDRO. White, calved May 18, 1832, bred by Mr. Rodman, New Bedford, -Mass., U. S. A., got by Devonshire (9661, d. Dulcibella (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Frederick (1060), Delicia, by Major, by Comus, by Marske (418). by Wetherell's . (1927) DRACO. Red, calved March 8, 1836, bred by Karl Spencer, got by William (2840), d. No. 6, by Dr. Syn- tax (220), &c., as in Dag on (1899). (1928) DRIVER. Calved 1826, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Satellite (1420), d. by Cato (119), by St. John (572), by Chilton (13l>), Nymph, by the White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Chilton (136). (1929) DROMEO. Roan, calved June 25, 1832, bred by Mr. Rotch, Otsego Co., N. Y., U. S. A., got by Frederick <2038), d. Daisy, by Admiral (1608), &c., as in Don (3600). (1930) DROVER. Nearly all red, calved July 12, 1834, bred by Mr. Rotch. otsego Co., N. Y., U. S. A., not by Devonshire (966), d. Daisy, by Admiral (1608), &(!, as in Don (3600). (1931) DRUID. Red and white, calved April 8, 1831, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Firby (1040), d. No. 6, by Dr. Syntax (220), &c., as in Dagon (1899). (1932) DUDDING'S OLD RED BULL. (1933) DUKE. White, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Crof- ton, Holywell, got by Wellington (2824), d. Princess, by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (1934) DrivK. White, calved Feb. 13, 1829, bred by the Mi ;jd by Ketton 1st (709), Duchess 1st, by Comet (155), &c. as in Cleveland (146). (1938) DUKE op LEEDS. Roan, calved Sept. 21, 1835 bred by Duke of Leeds, sold to Ohio Company, U. S. A. got by Norfolk (2377), d. Vinea, by Frederick (1060), &c. as in Vesuvius (5559). (1939) DUKE OF NORFOLK. Red and white, calved March 21, 1835, late the property of the Ohio Company, U. S. A., got by Norfolk (2377), d. Modesty, by Magnet (2241), Prudence, by Don Juan (1923), Modesty, by Sir Anthony (1435), by Romulus (564), by Snowball (1463), Moss Rose, by Wellington (684), by Wynyard, by Simon (590), by Simon (590). (1940) DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Roan, calved Oct. 15, 1835, bred by T. Bates, got by Belvedere (1706), d. Duchess 34th, by Belvedere (1706), Duchess 29th, by Second Hubback (1423), Duchess 20th, by The 2d Karl (1511), Duchess 8th, by Marske (418), Duchess 2d, by Ketton 1st (709), Duchess 1st (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), by Favourite (252), by Daisy Bull (186), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), (bought by C. Colling, from Stanwix), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Died 1845. (1941) DUKE OF YORK. Red and white, calved July 18, 1833, bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to Ohio Company, U. S. A., got by Frederick (1060), d. Bernice, by Charles (878), Belvidera, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Craven (1885). (1942) DUNCAN. Roan, calved Oct. 15, 1834, bred by R. Bagshaw, Newton, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. Rosamond, by Pirate (2431), Mer-maid, by Goldrimler (2064), Humble, by Emperor, Damsel, by Boughton (90). (1943) DUNDAS. Bred by the Earl of Strathmore, got by Marske (418). (1944) EARL OF DARLINGTON. Roan, calved April 4, 1833, bred by T. Bates, sold to the Ohio Company, U. S. A., got by Belvedere (1706), d. Young Trinket, by Sym- metry (643), &c., as in Count (1884). (1945) 2D EARL OF DARLINGTON. Roan, calved May 31, 1834, bred by T. Bates, got by Belvedere (1706), d. Young Trinket, by Symmetry (643), &c., as in Count (1884). (1946) EARWIG. Red and white, calved Feb. 1835, bred by Capt. Shawe, Brantingham, got by Ambo (1635), d. Emily (bred by R. Booth), by Albert (727), by War- laby (672). (1947) EASTTHORPE. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Botterill. Full brother to Burlington (1767). (1948) ECLIPSE. Got by J. Brown's White Bull (98), d. Mr. Nicholson's (of Gibton), Old Red Cow. (1949) ECLIPSE. Roan, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Crof- ton, Holywell, got by Regent (2517), d. Young Nonpa- reil, by Snowdrop (2653), Premium, by Charles, Non- pareil (bred by C. Colling), by Favourite (256), by a son of Windsor (698), by Butterfly (104). (1950) ECLIPSE. Calved 1831, or 1832, got by Brutus (1750). d. Isabella, by Rob Roy (557), by North Star (460), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (333), by Henry (301). (1951) EDGAR. Roan, calved June 12, 1832, bred by Mr. Smith. WestRasen, got by Edmund (1954), d. Fanny, byLeighton's son of Duplicate (994), by Duplicate (994), by Blucher (78). (1952) EDGAR. Red and white roan, calved Feb. 7, 1833, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Prince William (1344), d. Frederica, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Frederick (3841). (1953) EDGCOTT. Red roan, bred by Mr. Attenbrow, got by Speculation (1472), d. Moss Rose, by Conqueror (915). (1954) EDMUND. White, calved May 5, 1830, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), d. Fortuna, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Cimon (1832). (1955) EDMUND. Red and white, calved 183-, got by Charles 2d (879), d. Young Beauty, by Percy (1818), Old Beauty, by Lawnsleeves (365), by C. Colling's White Bull (150). (1956) EDROM (5970). 48 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (1957) EDWIN. Eoan, calved 1834, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Burley (1766), d. Young Fortune, by Al- bert (727), Fortune, by Governor (1077), Fairmaid, by Agamemnon (9), &c., as in Cossack (1880). Strangled 1835. (1958) EFFINGHAM (MR. RAINE'S). Got by Yg. Rock- ingham (2547), d.by Wonder (2853), by Wellington (678), by Headlam (1103). (1959) EGREMONT. Calved Aug. 13, 1833, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, got by Kilnshaw (2175), d. Elegant, by Guy (2084), &c., as in Prince of Wales (6351). (1960) ELDON (MR. WETHERELL'S). (1961) ELECTION. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Bol- den, Hyning, got by Son of Eclipse (2670), d. Lady Jane, by Comet (155), &c., as in Charmer (882). (1962) ELECTION. Red and white, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Eclipse (1949), d. Elvi- ra, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Alexander (1627). (1963) ELECTOR. White, calved Feb. 16, 1832, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Edmund (1954), d. Miss Cropper (bred by R. Cropper), by Rob Roy (557), &c., as in Lincoln (2205). (1964) ELECTOR. Roan, calved July 14, 1833, bred by Mr. Ellison, Sizergh, got by Election (1961), d. Spangle (bred by R. Thornton), by George, by Button's son of Comet (155), by Miner (441). (1965) ELEMORE. Bred by Mr. Baker, Elemore. (1966) ELEMORE. Red, calved 1833, bred by G. Wood, got by Young Magog (2247), d. Rosebud, by Marerave (2263), by Leopold (2200), by Hector (2103), by Trav- eller (655), by Surly (2715), by Colonel. (1967) ELFORD. Red, got by Newton (2366), d. by Din- ning's Bull (973). Rockingham's (560) dam, by Phenom- enon (491), by Colonel, by a son of Hubback (319). (1968) ELLISON'S BULL. (1969) ELVINE. Calved 1832, got by Memnon (2293), d. Princess, by Young Cupid (940), &c., as in Charley (1817). (1970) ELWICK. Bred by Mr. Hunt, got by Son of Whitworth (2686), d. by Yorkshireman (2862), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Hill's Bull, by Newby's Bull, by Barningham (56). (1971) EMBLETON. White, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Hunt, got by Kimblesworth, d. White Rose, by Elwick (1970), by Yorkshireman (2862), by Eryholme, by Barningham (56). (1972) EMILIUS. White, calved June 18, 1835, bred by Mr. Smith, got by Edmund (1954), d. Juno, by Sheridan (2616), by Harlsey (2090), by T. Pearson's Bull (2417), by Nicholson's Bull (2369), by a Bull of Sir G. Strick- land's, by Northumberland, by Booth's Son of T\vin Brother to Ben (88). (1973) EMPEROR. Got by Young Dimple (971), d. Cher- ry (bred by J. Woodhouse), by Harrison's son of Wind- sor (698), by Studley Grange (1483), by Layton (2190), by Goldfinder (1075). (1974) EMPEROR. White, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Snowdrop (2(>53), d. Princess, by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (1975) EMPEROR. Calved 1829, bred by Mr. Parring- ton, sold to the Emperor of Russia, got by Wonderful (700), d. Countess, by Baron (58), &c., as in Count (1884). (1976) YOUNG EMPEROR (LORD FEVERSHAM'S). (1977) EMPEROR. Red and white, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Remus (2524), d. Rose, by Baronet (775), Rose, by Freeman (1062), Roseberry, by Whit- worth (695), Gaudy, by Snowdrop (614), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (1978) EMPEROR. Red and white, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Topharn, Keal Hall, got by Young Rockingham (2547), d. Empress, by Young Major (2254), Countess, by Regent (2516), Lofty, by Benlomen (1711). (1979) ERIN. (1980) ERYHOLME (MR. MAYNARD'S). (1981) YOUNG ERYHOLME. Got by Eryholme (1018), d. by Barmpton (54), by Young Wynyard (2859), by North- umberland (464), by a son of Favourite (252). (1982) ERYX. Roan, calved Jan. 17, 1836, bred by C. Tempest, Broughton Hall, got by Brutus (1752), d. Venus, by Sir Walter (2638), Vestris, by Cato (1794), Verbina, by a son of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. (1983) ESSEX. Roan, calved Feb. 25, 1832, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Bertram (1716), d. Lady Rudd, by Son of Commodore (2665), by Barmpton (54), by a Bull of R. Ceiling's. (1984) ETHELRED. Roan, calved April 10, 1832, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Edmund (1954), d. Splendour (bred by Mr. Ostler), by Soldier (2656), Cher- ry, by Grey Robin (1090), Ruby, by Barmpton (54), &c., as in Burgess (1764). (1985) EUREDALE. Roan, calved April 20, 1836, bred by Mr. Smith, Givendale, got by Pilot, d. Adelaide, by Hubback (2142), Aldborough, by Nero (1265), by Col- umella (904), by Snowball (1463), by Snowball (1463). (1986) EVELYN. White, calved June 19, 1834, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, got by Kilnshaw (2175), d. Emma, by Young Daisy (947), &c., as in Wharncliffe (2834). (1987) EWART. Got by Cupid, d. by a son of Comet, by George (273). (1988) EXPECTATION, sometimes called SON OP YOUNG ERYHOLME (1981). Roan, bred by Mr. Waldy, Barmp- ton, got by Young Eryholme (1981), d. by Charles 2d (878), by Merlin (429), by Alfred(23), by Butterfly (104). (1989) FABIUS. Calved 1830, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Jocelyne (1141), d. by Mason's , by Marquis, by Chilton (136), by Ben (70). (1990) FACTOTUM. Got by Young Cossack (1879), d. Matchless, by Rocket (1390), White Rose, by Young Waddingworth, Comely, by Young Major. (1991) YOUNG FAIRFAX. Roan, calved 1830, bred by J. Woodhouse, got by Fairfax (1023), d. Lady Ann, by Sir Alexander (591), Lady, by Young Dimple (971), Lady, by Young Comet (905), Cherry, by Favourite (1030), Old Cherry, by Goldfinder (1075). (1992) FALCON. Got by Volunteer (1553), d. Hospitali- ty, by Leicester (1165). (1993) FALSTAFF. Calved 1826, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Satellite (1420), d. by Cato (119), by Sir Oliver (605), Flora, by Favourite (252), Nymph, by White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Hecatomb (2102). (1994) FALSTAFF. Red and white, calved 1832, bred by the Misses Strickland, Apperley Court, got by Marquis (2271), d. Frisky, by Sir Stephen (1456), Fancy, by Eclii by* Ber about 1790)." (1995) FALSTAFF. Red roan, calved Nov. 6, 1834, bred by Major Bower, got by Colton (1849), d. Fabulous, by Amor (747), Fable, by Tickle Toby (1516), Faculty, by Marshal Beresford (415), Florette (bred by Mr. Booth), by Shakspeare (582), Red Rose, by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (1996) FANATIC. Roan, calved Sept. 28, 1835, bred by Earl Spencer, got by Firby (1040), d. Cant, by Mercury (2301), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (1997) FARMER. Bred by Mr. Farrer,got by Rex (1375), d. Harriet, by Leopold (372), Phoenix, by Constellation (163), Lady Ann, by Comet (155), Countess, by Cupid (177), Ac., as in Conspirator (917). (1998) FARMER. Roan, calved Aug. 21, 1829, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Milton (2314), d. Vanity, by Reform (1361), Old Cora. (1999) FARMER, Calved 1832, bred by R. Dudding, Panton, got by Childers (1824), d. Fancy, by Corporal Trim (1875), Fancy, by Pretender (2451), Beauty, by Favourite (2005), by Grey Robin (1090), by a brother to Grey Robin (1090). (2000) FARMER. Red and white, calved Oct. 28, 1834, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Cymro (1898), 'd. Feodore, by Bertram (1716), Fortuna, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Cimon (1832). (2001) FARMER. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Crof- ton, Holywell, got by Emperor (1974), d. Sprightly, by Barmpton (1677), by Waverley (2819), by a son of Washington (674). (2002) FAVOURITE (MR. SEATON'S). (2003) FAVOURITE (MR. CHARGE'S). (2004) YOUNG FAVOURITE. Got by C. Ceiling's Grey Bull. (2005) FAVOURITE (MR. TAYLOR'S). (2006) FAVOURITE (COL. TROTTER'S). (2007) YOUNG FAVOURITE (MR. WALKER'S). Calved May 28, 1823, got by Favourite (256), d. by Wellington TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 49 -by Alexander (20), by Traveller (655), by Boling- roke (86), bought by W. Jobling from Boazman, tain ton. (2017) FIESCHI. Red, calved March 14, 1836, bred by Mr. Tempest, got by Brutus (1752), d. Vesta, by Fred- erick (1060), Vestris, by Cato (1794), Verbina, by a son by Alfred (23), by Windsor (69S), by Cupid (177), 3 ford (629). (2008) FAVOURITE. Roan, bred by Mr. Hustler, got by Whisker aVT'.M, d. by Orpheus (473), by Alfred (23), by Grey Bull (1089). (2009) FAVOURITE, 64. Red and white, calved 1829, bred by Mr. Munson, Boston, U. S. A., got by Wye Comet (i:,91), d. Rosa, by Young Denton (9(>3), Tube- rose (bred by J. Wetherell), by North Star (460), Tube- rose, by Cripple (173), Tulip, by Comet (155), by La- drone (353), by Danby (190). (2010) FAVOURITE. Red roan, bred by Mr. Attenbrow, got by Speculation (1472), d. Daisy, by Conqueror (915). (2011) FAVOURITE. Rosin, calved 1828, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, got by Emperor (1014), d. Norah (bred by Mr. Grant), by Young Favourite (254), by Midas (436), by Major (397). (2012) FELIX. Roan, calved April, 1828, bred by Mr. Asshefon, got by Fairfax (1023), d. Lady Godiva, by Rockingham (560), by Denton (198), belonged to Mr. Wetherell. (2013) FELIX.- Light roan, calved April, 1835, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Danby (1902), d. Octavia, by Cumberland (176). by Midas (435), by Petrarch (488), Peeress, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Remus (1369). (2014) FELIX. Dark roan, calved March 8, 1836, bred by Mr. Edye, Strelly, got by Spectator (2688), d. Fable, by Tickle Toby (1516), &c., as in Falstaff (1995). (2015) FELTON. (2016) FERGUS. Roan, calved May 1, 1832, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Mercury (2301), d. Nereid, by Ivanhoe (1131), Datura, by Sirloin (604), Tuberose (bred by Mr Gibson), by Midas (435), Tuberose, by Sir Oliver (605), bj ' bn Stain ton. (2017) FIESCHI. Red, calved March 14, 1836, bred bi Tei (1 of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by the late Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. (2018) FIESCHI. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Par- rington, Jr., got by , d. Diamond, by Liston (2210), Ace., as in Granite (7047). (2019) FIFESHIRE. Roan, calved 1835, bred by James Chrisp, Doddington, got by Candidate (1778), d. 2d (Jos- wick, by Doddington (1920), Goswick, by Milfield (2312), Compton's Countess, by Carham (114), Venus, by Duke (226), Peggy, by a son of Carlisle, or Young Car- lisle (116). (2020) FINIS. White, calved Aug. 2, 1828, bred by Mr. Champion, Blyth, got by Sir Henry (1446), d. Tulip by Charles (127), Old Tulip, by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). (2021) FIREBRAND. White and red, calved Jan. 16 1832, bred by the Misses Strickland, Apperly Court got by Marquis (2271), d. Fancy, by Eclipse (237), &c., as" in Falstan (1994). (2022) FISHER'S OLD RED BULL. Bred by Mr. Fisher Cot ham, got by Turnell's Bull, d. by First Stone Hill Bull (3798), by Cornforth's Bull of Barforth. (2023) FITZ EDMUND. Roan, calved Dec. 11, 18,33, bred by Earl Brownlow, got by Edmund (1954). d. Duchess (bred by Marquis of Exeter), by Czar (945), &c as in Al- exander (2979). (2024) FITZ FORM. Got by Sir James (2627), d. For- mosa (bred by Sir II. C. Ibbetson), by Bedford (68) Angela, by Meteor (432), Venus, by Denton Comet (201) - Fairy, by Sir Henry (597), Beauty. (2025) FIT/. ItKMUs. Bred by Mr. Shaftoe, Whitworth got by Remus (550), d. Juno (bred by Mr. Wright Cleas- by), by Sir Charles (592), by Tom (652), by Major (399). (2026) FITZ ROSLYN. Roan, calved July 6 1832 got by a son of Boslyn (25(19), d. by North Star, by Youne North Star, by Jupiter. (2027) F.-AMiiKAu. Dark roan, calved March 8. !S8(i bred by Mr. Edge, Strelly, got by Spectator (2688), d. Fabulous, by Amor (747), &c., as in Falstaff (1995). (202S) FI.KATHAM. Dark red, got by Young Barmpton (.)5). d. Lavinia, by Aciimet (2i, by Wellington (678) by Eryholrae (1990). Died 1830. (2029) Fouu. Roan, calved June, 1S31, bred by Mi- Green well, got by Young Magog (2247), d. Fanny, No. (!.', (bred by Mr. Mason), by Monarch (2324), by Satellite (1420), by Dr. Syntax (220), by Cato (119), Cherry, by Sir Oliver (605>, Charmer.by Chilton . (2043) FRONTINUS. Red and white, calved April 6, 1835, bred by Mr. Nible.lt, got by Martin (2279), d. The Queen, by Guy (2084), Yorkshire Lady, by White Daisy (1583), Red Strawberry, by Young Daisy (947), 52), d. Oriflamme. by Alltion (7:51), Ilybla (bred bv A!i'. Robertson), bv Sinus (598), -Fancy, by Wellington (li;:h. ( 'i.\\ -lip. by Sultan (631 ). -Li\ ely,bv Sultan (631), Lady Bird, by Punch (531), My Lady, by Ladykirk (355). (2101) HEATHPOOL. Red and white, calved 1831, bred by J. Chrisp, Doddington, got by Doddington (1920), d. Young Princess. by Young Lancaster (361), Princess, by St. Albans (1412), by Lawnsleevea (305), bred by Messrs. James, Stamford, Northumberland. (2102) HECATOMB. White, calved June 14, 1834, bred by Karl Spencer, -jot by Firby (1040), d. No. 57 (bred by Mr. Mason i. by Monarch (2324), No. 13, by St. Albans v!412), by Jupiter (342), by Sir Oliver (605), Raspberry, by Trunnell (659), Strawberry, by Favourite (252), Lily, by Favourite (2.12), --Miss Lax, by Dalton Duke (188), Lady Maynard, by R. Aleock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). Slaughtered 1845. (2103) HECTOR, Got by Sir Harry (1444), d. by Cumber- land (176), by Surly (2715), by Surly (2715), by Colonel. (2104) YOUNG HECTOR, or HECTOR JR. White, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Curry, got by Hector (1104), d. Duchess, by Wellington (683), &c., as in Brougham (1746). (2105) HECTOR. Roan, calved Oct. 25, 1835, bred by E. Mostyn, got by Talacre (2727), d. Fairmaid, by Thorpe (2757), by Yonng Rockingham (2547), by Rob Roy (557), by Denton (198), by Charles (127). (2106) HEDDON. White, calved Nov. 1834, bred by J. Chrisp, Doddington, got by Bachelor (1666), d. Young Princess, by Young Lancaster (361), &c., as in Heathpool (2101). (2107) HELICON. Roan, calved Aug. 5, 1833, bred by Lord Althorp, got by William (2840). d. No. 57, by Mon- arch (2324), c., as in Hecatomb (2102). (2108) HELMSLEY (LORD FEVERSHAM'S). (2109) HELMSMAX. Roan, got by Mariner (1193), d. by Brutus (100), by Snowdrop (613). (2110) HEMSWORTH. Calved Sept. 1830, bred by Mr. Fox, Oran, got by Haphazard, d. Betha (bred by J. Tute), by Atlas (42), by George (274), by Badsworth (47). (2111) HENDERSKELF. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Belshazzar (1704), d. Daisy, by Cheviot (1822), Delicacy, by Ketton (346), &c., as in Abram (1603). (2112) HENLLYS. Nearly white, calved Oct. 12, 1835, bred by Capt. Hampton, got by Paganini (2405), d. Mary, by Magnum Bonum (2243), bred by Col. Cradock. (2113) HENRY. White, calved 1833, bred by J. Chrisp, Doddington. got by Regent (2517), d. Lucy, by Young Lancaster (361), Lucy Colling, by Comet (155), by . Washington (674). (2114) HENWOOD. Red, calved 1828, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Mona (bred by Sir J. Ramsden). by Firby (1039), by a son of George, by Badsworth (47). (2115) HERALD. Roan, calved Jan. 1833, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Sir Walter (2(537), d. by Blyth (797), by Midas (435), by Bonghton (90), by Windsor (698), by R. Colling's Son of Favourite (252). (2116) HERCULES. Dark roan, bred by Mr. Radcliffe, got by Young Jupiter (1148), d. by Charge's Red Bull, by a Bull of Mr. Thomas', by a grandson of Favourite (252). by Teasdale's Bull, by a son of Favourite (252). (2117) HERDSMAN. Calved 1827, bred by .Mr. Mason, got by Satellite (1420), d. by Cato (119), by Irishman (32<)),-by B (45). (2118) HERMES. Roan, calved Feb. 16, 1832, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Mercury (2:301), d. No. 57, by Mon- arch (2324), etc., as in Hecatomb (2102). (2119) HERO. Red and white, calved April 14, 1828, bred by W. F. Paley, got by Corinthian Tom (921), d. Faith, by Warlaby (672), Phyllis, by Agamemnon (9) by Chancellor (869). (2120) HERO, or WISETON HERO [or NERO (2358)1. Roan, calved May 6, 1835. bred by Earl Spencer. Full brother to Hecatomb (2102). (2121) HERRINGTON. Bred by M. Ryle. got by Match- cm, I22SH. d. Young Planet, by Eclipse (238), &c., as in Jamie (2155). (2122) HIGHFLYER. Roan, calved Aug. 1828. bred by Mr. Mason, got by Monarch (2324). d. No. 12, by St. Al- bans (1412). A:c., as in Do Veaux (1916). (2123) HILL. Got by Blot (794), d. Ceres, by Duke Humphrey (230). (2124) MR. HIRST'S SON OF VELVET. (Jot by Son of Denton (2fiii9). d. Velvet, by Northern Light (457), by a son ot Phenomenon. (2125) His HKJMNESS. Roan, calved Nov. 16, 1829, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Monarch (2321), d. Cliil- tona, or No. 12, by St. Albans (1412), etc., as in De Veaux (1916). Slaughtered Sept. 8, 1832. (2126) His HONOUR. Red, calved 1809, bred by Mr. Button, Marske, got by Marske (418), d. Old Ridley, by Mr. Huttoifs Bull (2145), Lofty (bought of Mrs. Wilkin- son, Fildair, near Richmond, and descended from the stock of R. Alcock). (2127) His HONOUR. White, calved June, 1835, bred by Mr. W T iley, Brandsby, got by The Doctor (2749 1, d. Her Highness, by His Highness (2125), Clotilde, by Brandsby (816), Catherine, by Phenomenon (1318), Beauty, by Adonis (1612), by Mr. Charge's Grey Bull (872). (2128) His MAJESTY. Roan, calved Oct. 29, 1831, bred by Mr. Cottrell, Rhodgate Lodge, got by His Highness (2125), d. Mirandola, by Forester (1055), Matilda by Eclipse (238), &c., as in Gambler (2046). (2129) HOBSON. Nearly red, calved Dec. 31, 1832, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Regent (2518), d. Edna, by Baro- net (774), Emerald, by Meteor (432), Lavinia, by Comet (155), Lily (bred by Col. Trotter), by Colling's Son of Favourite, by Colling's Son of Favourite, by a Bull of Mr. Chapman's, Dinsdale, by Griniston's Bull (262). (2130) HOLDERNESS. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Owst, got by Hero (1109). d. Hostelena, by Mina (2316), Silversides, by Patriot (486), Silversides, by Occator (1290). (2131) ROLLINGS. Red and white, calved 1809, bred by Mr. Button, Marske, got by Marske (418). d. Marske (Sister to Old Ridley), by Button's Bull (2145), Lofty (bought of Mrs. Wilkinson, near Richmond, and de- scended from the stock of R. Alcock). Slaughtered 1813. (2132) HOLYWELL. Red roan, calved May, 1832, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holy well, got by Highflyer (2122), d. Peeress, by Snowdrop (2653), Countess, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (2133) HOMER. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Ellison, Sizergh. Full brother to Harmonis (2092). (2134) HOMER. Roan, calved April 24, 1836, bred by Earl Spencer. Full brother to Hecatomb (2102). (2135) HOPEWELL. Bred by W. Raine, Gainford, got by Thorpe (2757), d. by Rob Roy (557), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (2136) HORATIO. Red, calved April 1, 1831, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Bertram (1716), d. Queen Oak, by Edward (1002), &c., as in Admiral Rodney (1610). (2137) HORNCASTLE'S BULL. Red, calved April 9, 1829, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Sir Walter (1459), d. Comely (bred by Mr. Booth), by Young Albion (15), &c., as in Columella (904). (2138) HOULEY'S BULL. (2139) HOUNDILEE. Red and white, calved 1830, bred by J. Chrisp, Doddington. got by Snadon (1462), d. Prin- cess (bred by J. Henderson), by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Black Prince (1722). (2140) HOWTHORPK. White, calved 1828, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Shylock (2622), d. Delicacy (bred byF. Dickson), by Ketton (346), &c., as in Abram (1603). (2141) HUBBACK. Red and white, calved June 10, 1828, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Sir Henry (1446). d. Hebe, by Conqueror (915), Tulip, by Charles (127), Old Tulip, by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). (2142) HUBBACK. Calved 1830, bred by J. Woodhouse got by Fairfax (1023). d. White Lady, by Snowball <2iils>. Lady, by Young Dimple (971), &c., as in Young Fair- fax (1991). (2143) VOI-M; IlrBBACK. Yellow red and white, calv- ed Jan. 30, 1836, bred by Mr. Edge. Strelly. got by Kiln- shaw (2175). d. Stately, by Rob Roy (557)', etc., as in Statesman (2700). (2144) HUNTER'S RED BULL. Got by Achmet. (2145) HTTTOX'S BULL OF MARSKE. D. a Cow of Mr. Walker's, Cleasby. (2146) HYACINTH. Got by Quaternion (1351), d. by Major (397). (2147) HYACINTH. Red and white, calvedDec.18, ia35, bred by Earl Spencer, got by Wiseton (2848), d. Iphigenia, LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by Mercury (2301), Azalia, by Corinthian (920), The- resa, by Yorkshireman, &c., as in Alabaster (1616). (2148) HYMEN. Red and white, calved Aug. 18, 1829, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Firby (1040), d. Ceres, by Yorkshireman, by M. Button's Bull, by Cleasby. (2149) ILEX. Got by Arthur (761), d. Isabella (bred by R. Booth), by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Bur- rell's Bull of Burdon. (2150) IMPERATOR. Red and white, calved Sept. 4, 1831, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Mercury (2301), d. Azalia, by Corinthian (920), Theresa, by Yorkshireman, !!i, d. by St. Albans (1412), by St. Albans (1412), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (2201) LIBERAL. Roan, calved April 19, 1832, bred by Lord Althorp, got by William (2840), d. Accession, by Corinthian (920), lo, by Cecil (120), &c., as in Apollo (37). (2202) LIBERATOR. Mottled red and white, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Bradshaw, got by Erin (1979), d. Pink, by Rob Roy (557), by Satellite (1420), by Sir Dimple (594), by Sty ford i29). by C. Ceiling's Son of Bolingbroke (86)", by Lame Bull (358), by a Bull of Mr. Newby's, Thorpe. <2.'(W) LIBERATOR. Red, calved Nov. 9, 1832, bred by Mr. Thompson. Armin, got by Bunus (1761), d. Lady Betty Jr. by Ebor (997), Lady Be'tty, by Leopold (373), Lady Byram, by Wynyard (703), by Badsworth (47). (2204) LILBURN. Red and white, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Curry, Brandon, got by Elford (1967), d. Red Rose, by Wellington (683), by Sir Rowland (1455), by a son of Phenomenon (491). (2205) LINCOLN. Roan, calved Nov. 13. 1834, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Senator (2610), d. Laurus- tina by Grazier (1085), Miss Cropper, by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (54), by Expectation (247), by Ostler's BUD (1298). (2206) LINDSEY. Roan, calved Dec. 18, 1833, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Shakspeare (2614). d. Lalona. by Harlsey (2090), Miss Cropper, by Rob Roy (.V>7), Ac., as in Lincoln (2205). (2207) LINTON. Red and white, calved Sept. 1829, bred by Mr. Wiley, Rrandsby. got by Grift 1 (2078), d. Red Rose, by Grazier (1085). Raspberry, by Harold Jr. (1096), Strawberry, by Adonis (1612), &c., as in David (1911). (2208) LINWOOD. Roan, calved May 31, 1832, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Edmund (1954), d. Lydia, by Milton (2314), by Policy (.1329) by Barmpton (54). (2209) LION. Roan, calved Feb. 1835, bred by Mr. Bloor, Flintshire, got by Maggot (2238). d. Larkspur, by Chancellor (1808), &c., as in Lupus (4:301). (2210) LISTOX. Roan, bred by Mr. Parrington, got by Wonderful (700), d. Princess, by Apollo (36). by Meteor (431), by Windsor (698), by Colling's son of Favourite (852). (2211) LITTLEBURN. Roan, calved 1836, bred by J. Crofton, got by Miracle 2d (2322), d. Brilliant, by Snow- drop (2653), Daisy, by St. Albans (1412). by Waverly (2819), by R. Colling's son of Washington (G74). (2212) LITTLE RED ROVER. Red, calved 1834, bred by G. L. Ridley, got by Young Magog (2247), d. Red Rose, bv a son of Ivanhoe (1130), Grey Wharney, by Sandoe (2598), by a Bull of R, Colling's. (2213) LIVERPOOL. Roan, calved March 2, 1836, bred by Sir E. Mostyn, got by Maggot (2238), d. Diana, by Young Kockinichain (8547), by ob Roy (557), by North Star (460), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Hen- ry (301). (2214) LLEWELLYN. Dark roan, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Lloyd, got by Bersham (1715), d. Cranberry, by Hen- wood (2114), Whinberry. by Wharfdale (1578), Miss Windsor, by a son of Wellington (678), by a son of Windsor (698). (2215) LLEWELLYN. Roan, ralved May 13, 1836, bred by Mr. Dawson, Flintshire, got by Maggot (22:38), d. (Jay. by Norfolk (2377), Gri/el, by Young Warlaby (2812), by a son of Sir Dimple (594), by Woodhouse's Roan Bull. (2216) LOCHINVAR. Roan, calved April 23, 1835, bred by Mr. Grey, Milfield Hill, got by Archibald (1652), d. La- tona, by Albion (731), &c., as in Apollo (1644). (2217) LOFTY. Red and white, calved Jan. 13, Ifttfi, bred by,). Woodhouse, not by Monarch (2329), d. Beauty, by Imperial (2151), &c., 88 in Colossus (1847). (2218) LOGAN. Roan, calved Oct. 27, 1835, bred by Ohio Company. I'. S. A., got by Duke of York (1941), MELVILLE. Roan, calved Aug. l34.brodby Mr. Wiley. Brandsby, got by Wanldby (2S18). d. Muta. by Brandsbj i8Hii. Miss .Mason, by Falstatl' (1993), A:r., as in George (1291D. t22!i:i) M KM NOV. Roan, bred by Mr. Harrison, Stubb House, got by St. Leger (1411), d. by Achmet (2), Lady Brough, by Young Albion (15). (2294) MKMNON. Roan, calved May, 1828, bred by Mr- Codd, got by A-la-Modt- (725). d. by Midas (2308), -l>y M a jor (398), by Major (397), by Brown's Bull of Aldbro'. (2295) M L-MNON. Got by Julius Ca-sar (1143). d. Straw- berry, by Pilot (496), Halnaby, by Lame Bull (359), by Easby (232). -by Suworrow (636). (2296) MEMNOX. Roan, calved 1830, bred by R. Crof- ton, Brancepeth, got by Ma.-<]uis (2270). d. Lady, by Wel- lington (2824), Nonpareil (bred by C. Colling), by Fa- vourite (256), by a son of Windsor (698), by^ Butterfly (104). (2297) MEMNON. White, roan neck, calved July 11, 18,33, bred by Mr. Rodman, New Bedford, Massachusetts I . s. A., got by Carlos (1787). d. Adeliza, by Frederick (1060), Adela, by Orpheus (473), &c., as in Argo (758). (2298) MEMNON. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Ed- wards. Market Weighton, got by Ganthorpe (2049). d. Prize 2d, by Malbro' (1189), Laura, by Marshal Beres- ford (415), &c., as in Mayday (2286). (2299) MENAI. Roan, calved July 16, 1830. bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Bertram (1716), d. Frederica, by Fred- erick (1060), &c., as in Frederick (3841). (2300) MENTOR. Roan, calved 1832, bred by R. Crof- ton. Brancepeth, got by Miracle (2320). d. Lady, by Wel- lington (2824). Nonpareil (bred by C. Colling), by Fa- vourite (256), by a son of Windsor (698), by" Butter fly (104). (2301) MERCURY. Red and white, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Monarch (2324), d. by Farmer (251), by Charles (127), by Henry (801), Lydia, by Fa- vourite (252), &c., as in Dagon (1899). (2302) MERLIN. Got by Midas (435), d. Miss Lambert, by George (275), Mrs. Lambert, by Favourite (252), Yellow Cow, by Punch (531), by A. Reed's Bull (538). (2303) MERRINGTON. Calved 1828. bred by Mr. Mason got by Falstaff (1993). d. by Cato (119), by Charles (127), by Windsor (698), by Chilton (136), by Colonel. (2304) METEOR. Got by Cripple. (2305) METEOR 2n. Bred by Sir C. Ibbetson, got by Barrister (774), d. Emerald, by Meteor (432), &c., as in Hobson (2129). (2306) METEOR. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Dolby got by George (2058), d. Meadow Maid, by Champion (864), by a son of Crispin (174). (2307) MICHAEL. Roan, calved Oct. 11, 1834, bred by Lord Althorp. got by William (2840), d. Quail, bv Hector (1104), Minna, by Regent (544), by Meteor. (2308) MIDAS. Got by Constellation (163). (2309) MIDAS. Roan, calved 1826. bred by Mr. Hutton, Marske. got by Remus (550), d. Young Grille, by War- laby (672), Grizzle, by Rollings (2131), etc:, as in Cupid (2310) MlDDLETOX. (2311) MID LOTHIAN. Red, calved 1833. bred (sup- posed) by Mr. Curry, Brandon, got by Elford ( 19ti7). d. Lady Fanny, by Young Hector (2104), &c., as in Frank (2312) MILFIELIX Got by Ewart (1987), d. by , by a grandson of Favourite, bred by Gen. Simson. (2313) MILO. Calved 1832, bred by Mr. Frank, got by Lottery (2225), d. by Young Midas, by North Star (459) by Adonis (1612). (3314) MILTON. Red. calved Oct. 11. 1827, bred by Mr Smith, West Kusen, sold to Mr. Burton, Ireland, got by Gra/.ier (1085). d. by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (51) by Expectation (247). (2315) MILTON. Roan, calved Feb. 1833, bred bv Mi- Wiley, got by Tasso (2739), d. Milia. by Tin-ran- (1501) Mida. by Midas (435), A:c., as in Corrector (1876). (2316) MIXA. Roan, got by Snowball, d. by Patriot (486), by Sir George. (2317) MINKK. Got by Young Prince, d. Strawberry, by Wellington (683;, Mos< K'o-e. by Traveller ((555), by Alexander (21). (2318) MINER.- Roan, calved Oct. 29, 1835, bred by Mr. DaWSOn. Cironant, got by Maggot (223S), d. Lady (bred by Mr. Budding), by Childera (1834), Young Lydia, by Factotum (1990), Lydia, by Cos-ark (925). Se'lina, by Eclipse, -Countess, by WaddingWOrth (ti(iS). (2319) MINSTREL. Red. bred by Rev. II. Berry. got by Martin (2279), d. Minna, by Nestor (452), &c., as 'in Jerry (2320) MIRACLE. Red. calved 1829, bred by Mr Mason got by Monarch c>324). d. by Fanner (251). by Charles (127), by Henry (801), Lydia, by Favourite (252), tc., as in Dagon (1899). (2321) MIRACLE. Roan, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Dud- ding, got by Comical (1856), d. Rosebud, by Columella (.904), &c., as in Romulus (8506). (2322) MIRACLE 2D. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Miracle (2320), d. Princess, by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (2323) MISER. White, calved May, 1836, bred by Mr- Whitaker, got by Goldtinder, d. Paulina, by Son of Match- em (2678), by Falstaff (1993), by Richard (1376), by Ju- piter (342). (2324) MONARCH. Calved 182G, bred by Mr. Mason, sold into Ireland, got by Satellite (1420), d. No. 1, by Cato (119), &c., as in Great Mogul (14651)- (2325) MONARCH. Calved 1826, bred by Lee Norman, Ireland, got by Blyth Favourite (801), d. Mace (bred by Mr. Champion), by Aid-de-Camp (722), by Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (1444), by Traveller (655), by Surly (2715), by Colonel. (2326) MONARCH. Roan, calved March 11, 1827, bred by Mr. Crofton. Holywell, got by Snowdrop (2653). d Countess, by Sir Charles (593), &c,, as in Candidate (2327) YOUNG MONARCH. Got by Monarch (2324), d. by a son of R. Ceiling's George (1066), by Young Wyn- yard (2859), Meteor, by a bull of Mr. Mason's, by Lawnsleeves (365). (2328) MONARCH. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Bns- ton, got by William (2839), d. Snowdrop, by Duke (1933), by Northumberland (464), by Buston's Styford (103) by Lame Bull (358), by Bolingbroke (86). (2329) MONARCH. Red, calved 1833, bred by J. Wood- house, got by Burley (1766), d. Lady Ann, by Sir Alexan- der (591), &c., as in Young Fairfax (1991). (2330) MONITOR. Roan, calved 1831, by Mr. Buston, got by Young Rockingham (2549) d. Snowdrop, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Monarch (2328). (2331) MONITOR. Roan, calved 1832, bred by J. Crof- ton, Littleburn, got by Miracle (2330). d. Brilliant, by Snowdrop (2653), &c., as in Littleburn (2211). (2332) MONMOUTH. MONTFORD. Red and white, calved Nov 27 1832, bred by Mr. Whitaker. got by Kilnshaw (2175). d. Tulip, by Eclipse (238). Pansey. by White Cornet (158-J), Violet, by Western Comet (689). Best Twin, by Fa- vourite (252), Old Simmon, descended in a direct line from Studley's White Bull (627). (2334) MONTGOMERY. Roan, calved Jan. 25, 1830, bred by Mr. Whitaker. got by Cicero (1831), d. Red Daisy, by Ma.jor (888), &c., as in Alonxo (28). Slaughtered Oct'. 1832. (2335) MORDEN. Calved 1834. got by Charles (1815), d. by Son of Dash (2668), by Blaize (75), by Bumper (101). (2336) MORET. Red, calved March 17, 1836, bred by C. Tempest. Broughton Hall, got by Morden (2335), d. Grisi, by Charles, by Rufus (570), by Chance (1806), by Shipperley. (2337) MORISCO. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Bol- den, Hyning, got by Magnum Boninn (2243), d. Kitty, by Eclipse (238), by Rob Roy (557), by Iloughton (318), Gentle Kitty, by Charge's Grey Bull (872), &c., as in Garnbier (2046). (2338) MORNING STAR. Got by Surprise (2717), d. by a son of Minor, by Windsor (698). (2339) MORPETII. Red and white, calved Aug. 28, 1829, bred by Mr. Palev. got by Sir Walter (M.V.h.d. Beauty, by Woodstock < I'.V.MH. - Mayilouer. by I'everil (1317), Kate, bv Constellation (163), Charlton, by Young Fa- vourite \255), by Major (397). 56 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (2340) MORTIMER. Bred by Rev. T. Harrison, Firby, got by Hotspur (1117), d. Young Pink, by Cecil (120), Pink, by Simon (590), &c., as in Damascus (948). (2341) MORTIMER. Red, got by Magog (2246), d. Juno, by Emperor (1013), by Ryedale, by Windsor (698). (2342) MOWBRA Y'S BULL. Got by J. Master-man's Bull (422). (2343) MOWTHORPE. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Bluebeard (1727), d. Maria, by Young Albion (15), &c., as in Ganthorpe (2049). (2344) MUNICIPAL BILL. Red roan, calved Aug. 2, 1835, bred by Earl Spencer, got by Walter (2811), d. Re- form, by Mercury (2301), &c., as in Magistrate (4313). (2345) MYNHEER. Bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Minna, by Nestor (452), c., as in Jerry (4100). (2346) MYRTYLLUS. Red and white, calved July, 1828, bred by Mr. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Mercury (1225), d. by Spanker (1471), Yellow Lass, by North Star (459) by a son of Cleasby, by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (2347) NAILER. Bred by Mr. Scroope, got by Lancas- ter (360), d. Meynell's Madge (supposed) by Alfred (23). (2348) NAPIER, Roan, calved 1832. bred by Mr. Elli- son, Sizergh, sold to Mr. Scully, Ireland, got by Navari- no (2352), d. Caroline (bred by Mr. Machell), by Ronald (565), Cherry, by Western Comet (689), by Cupid, by Henry, by Simon, by Punch. (2349) NAPOLEON. Got by Satellite (1420), d. by Cato (119). by Pope (514), Flora, by Favourite (252), Nymph, by White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Mars (413). (2350) NARCISSUS. Roan, calved April 13, 1835, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Regent (2518), d. Nonpareil, by Bedford (68), Palmfiower, by Barrister (776), Rosanna, by Whitworth (1584), by Young Jupiter (1148), by White Comet (1582), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (2351) NAVARIN. Roan and spots, calved June 17, 1827, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Governor (1079), d. Dahlia, by Wooburn (701), b/ Julius (339), by Charles (127). (2352) NAVARINO. Roan, calved 1827, bred by Mr. Bol- den, Hyning, got by Cupid (938), d. Isabella, by Son of Pilot (2681). &c., as in Colonel (1846). (2353) NAVARINO. Roan, calved 1831, got by Codring- ton (1842), d. by Leopold, by Snowdrop, by Styford (629), by Traveller (655). (2354) NEGOCIATOR. Roan, calved 1827, got by Percy (1312), d. by Mars (413), by Garrick, byCrokin's White Bull (1889). (2355) NELSON. -Roan, calved July 13, 1830, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Mercury (2301), d. Datura, by Sir- loin (604), &c.,'as in Fergus (2016). (2356) NERO. Red and white, calved June 5, 1827, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blyth Favourite (801), d. Young Cora, by Aid-de-Camp (722), Cora, by Blyth Comet (85), Old Chance. (2357) NERO. Red and white, calved 1833, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Burley (1766), d. Young Anna, by Isaac (1129), Anna, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Aaron (711). (2358) NERO [or HERO (2120)]. (2359) NESTOR, or ARBUTUS (1650). (2360) NEWBOROUGH. Roan, calved March 29, 1836, bred by Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Luck's-all (2230), d. Columbine, by Baronet (775), Carnation, by Young Jupiter (1148), &c., as in Captain Ross (1785). (2361) NEWBY. (2362) NEWSY'S GREY BULL. Got by Charge's Grey Bull (872). YOUNG NEWBY. Got by a Bull of Mr. Newby's, Thorpe (which was bought by Mr. Hunt), d. bought of R. Marshall, Darlington. (2364) NEWLANDS. Roan, got by Learmouth (367), d. Caroline, by Young Barmpton (55), Wildair, by George (275), Wildair, by Favourite (252), K )VKi;. Red. calved Feb. 3, 1828. bred by ,1. i;,>:>th, Killerbv, go! by Francisco r^):^). d. Romp, by Young Albion (15), Roseberry, by Pilot t J'.tii), --Hosalba, by Warliiby (l>;2i, Rosette, by Shakspeare (582), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (219.5) RED ROVER. Red, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Cut t lev, got by Romulus (1403), d. Rosamond, by North- ern Light (1281), Ac., as in Luck's-All (2230). (21%) RED ROVER. Red, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Baker, Cottesmore. got by Favourite (2011). or Prince, d. Graceful, by Emperor (1014*, Ac., as in Coronation (341(1). (2497) RED ROVER. Calved 1832, bred by Mr. Hutch- iiison, got by Sir Cloudesley Shovel (2;>2J), d. Geraldine, by Sir Leoline (603), Ac., as in Acorn (715). (2198) RED ROVER. Calved 1S34, bred by Mr. Har- greaves, not by Chorister (1827), d. Jessy, by Taurus (2740), by Young Wellington, -by Mr. Hutton's Old Bull, by Applegarth's Bull (1640). (2499) RED SIMON. Calved 1830, bred by Earl de Grey, got by Fairfax (1023), d. by Walker's Young Favourite (2007), by Honest John (1116). (2500) REFEREE. Got by Top Knot (1521). d. by Lionel (1171), by Favourite (256). REFORM. (2502) REFORMER. Roan, bred by Mr. Wood, got by Leopold (2200), d. by Herrington, by a son of Patriot (488). (2503) REFORMER. Red. calved 1829, bred by Mr. Crof- ton, Holywell, got by Monarch (232(i). d. Princess, by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (2504) REFORMER. Red, calved June, 1830, bred by Mr. Wiley, sold to J. Moir & Co., Memel, Prussia, got by Nero (1285), d. Grace, by Grazier 1 10S5), by Harold Jr. (1096), bred by Rev. Wm. Smith, from a Cow bought of Mr. Hustler, Acklain. (2505) REFORMER. Roan, calved April 8, 1831, the property of Ohio Company, U. S. A., got by Waterloo (2S1<>). d. by Blncher (796), by Snowdrop, PhuMiix, by Lancaster (360), Wildair, by George (275), Wildair, by Favourite (252), Ac., as in Dishley (217). (2506) REFORMER. Roan, calved March 29, 1831, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Pancake (2407), d. Edith, by Fitz Marske (260), Jessy (bred by R. Colling), by Wel- lington (680), descended from the stock of Mr. Hill, BlackwelL (2507) REFORMER. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Crofton, got by Emperor (1974), d. Sprightly, by Barmp- ton (1677), by Waverly (2819), by R. Ceiling's son of Washington (674). (2508) REFORMER. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Fairfax (1023), d. Prudence, by Candour (107), &c., as in Appleton (1647). (2509) REFORMER. Calved 1831, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Buonaparte (1762), d. Jane, by Rhadamanthus (552), &c., as in Indian Chief (2153). (2510) REFORMER. Red and white, calved April 7, 1832, bred by Mr. Colling, White House, got by Magnum Bonum (2243). d. Red Rose, by Forester (1055), Rachel, by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (2511) REFORMER. Red and white, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Son of Baronet (2663), d. Pink, by Isaac (1129), Carnation, by Young Jupiter (1148), Ac., as in Captain Ross (1785). (2512) REFORMER. Roan, calved 1832, bred by John Woodliouse, got by Young Fail-fax (1991), d. Beauty, by Imperial (2151), &c., as in Colossus (1847). (2513) REFORMER. Roan, calved 18*5, bred by Mr. Chrisp, Doddington, got by Jerome (2158). d. by Young Wellington (2826). by Snowball (2647), by Young Lan- caster. by Togstan (2762), by Barnaby (1678). (2514) REGENT. Got by Jupiter (343), d. by Clifton (147), by Easby (232). (2515) REGENT. Roan, calved 1823, bred by Mr. Ed- wards, got by Prince (1338), d. Tulip, by Regent (546), Ac.. a> in Clifton (5865). (2516) REGENT. Got by Warrior (673). (2517) REGENT. Roan, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Crof- ton, Holywell. got by Snowdrop (2!>53), d. Countess, by Sir Charles (5<)3, Ac., as In Candidate (1778). (2518) REGENT. Calved Nov. 17, 1829, bred by Sir C. Ibbetson, got by Percy (1315), d. Hoselle, by Meteor (432), Rosina (bred by Maj. Bower), by Marshal Beresford ( 4 !.", by Windsor (CDS), by a son of Patriot < Mi). Slaugh- tered 1835. (2519) KKGENT. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Colling. White House, got by Buckingham (1756i, d. Red Rose,"by Forester (1055), Ac., as in Reformer (2510). (2520) REGISTRATION. Red. calved June 19, 18.35, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Reformer (2512), d. Empress, by Imperial (2151), by Favourite (1030), by Snowball (2648), by Wellington (678), by Young Dimple (971). (2521) REMNANT. White, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Monarch (2324), d. by Jupiter (342), by Sir Oliver (605), Raspberry, by Trunnell (6S0), Ac., as in Mars (413). (2522) YOUNG REMUS. Got by Comet (155). (2523) YOUNG REMUS. Red and white grizzle, calved Aug. 5. 1830, bred by Mr. Hutton, Marske.' Full brother to Cupid (1894). (2524) REMUS. Roan, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Romulus (1403), d. Melona, by Isaac (1129), by Snowdrop (614), by Charge's Son of Kitt, by a grand- Son of Favourite. Sold to the Van Diemen's Laud Com- pany, Oct. 1831. (2525) RENOWN. Roan, calved June 16, 18:35. bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Statesman (2700), d. by Edmund (1954). by Dishley Comet (982), by Com us (1862), by Reform (1361), by a son of Eclipse, by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88). (2526) REVELLER. Roan, calved 1827, bred by Mr. Bel- lany, got by Rockingham, d. by Northern Light (457). by Denton (198), by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). Slaughtered 1881. (2527) YOUNG REVELLER. Roan, calved Dec. 1829, bred by Mr. Assheton, got by Reveller (2526), d. Carnation, by Denton (198), Geranium, by Midas (435), &c., as in Mountaineer (1253). (2528) REVELLER. Roan, calved April, 1832, bred by Mr. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Tamboff (2729), d. Rachel, by Harold Jr. (1096), Iris, by Lubin (388), by Irishman (329). (2529) REVELLER. Red roan and white, calved April, 1835. bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Dandy (1902), d. Courtezan, by Sir Walter (2637), Ac., as in Bachelor (1669). (2530) REVOLUTION. Red roan, calved Feb. 3, 1834, bred by Mr. Clarke, got by Morpeth (2339), d. by Bumper (824), by Albion (14. by Marske (418), by George (3877). by Brother to North Star (459) by Martin Ayles- by (1205), by Barningham (56). (2531) RICHMOND. Roan, calved Sept, 28, 1832, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Juniper (1145), d. by Young Col- ling (901), by Charles (127). (2532) RIFLEMAN. Red and white, calved March 27, 1834, bred by Mr. Clay, Kentucky, U. S. A., got by Oliver (2387), d. Nannette, (bred by Col. Powel), by Malcolm (1190), Volante, by Frederick (1060), Viola, by His Grace (311), Venus (bred by Mr. Charge), by Major (397). by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Favourite (252). descended from Studley White Bull (627). (2533) RISBY. Got by Major (397). (2534) RIVAL. Calved 1828, bred by Mr. Bellamy, got by Rockingham, d. by Denton (198), by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (2535) RIVAL. White, calved April 25, 1836, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Symmetry (2723), d. Raspberry, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Mulberry, by Isaac (1129), by Whit- worth (1584), by White Comet (1582), by a son of Kitt (7127). (2536) ROAN FAIRFAX. Bred by J. Woodhouse, got by Fairfax (1023). (2537) ROBERT. Red. calved 1835, bred by Mr. Wood, Kimblesworth. got by Young Magog (2247), d. Rosebud, by Richard (1376), by Fitz Remus (2025), by Whitworth (695), by Charles (127). (2538) ROBERTSON. White, red neck, calved April, 1833, bred by R. Jobson, got by Prince Edward (2462). d. Virgin (bred by Mr. Robertson), bv Memnon (1218), Thalia, by Diomed (974),-^ueen Mary, by Sirius (598), by Midas (435), by Wellington (1)79), by Sultan (631), by Punch (531), My Lady, by Ladykirk (355). (2539) YOUNG ROBIN (LORD YARBOROUGH'S). (2540) ROBIN. Red. calved 1834. bred by Mr. Wood. Kimblesworth. Full brother to Robert $537). (2541) ROBIN HOOD. Red and white, calved June 7, 1827, bred by Mr. Champion, got by Blyth Favourite (HM1 >. 60 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS cl. Blyth Lady, by Warrior (673), Lady, by Patriot (486), Painted Lady, by a son of G. Coates' Roan Cow. (2542) ROB ROT. Red and white, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Beasley, got by Blyth (797), d. by George (2055), by Warrior (673), by Prince Regent (2465), by Rayne's Red Bull (2483). (2543) ROB ROY. Got by Castor (853), d. by Young Star (619). by a son of Comet, by Simon (590), by Charge's Grey Bull (873). (2544) ROB ROY. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Ed- wards, Market Weighton, got by Romulus (2563), d. Prize 2d, by Malborough (1189), -Laura, by Marshal Beresford (415), &c., as in Mayday (2286). (2545) ROB ROY. Roan, calved Feb. 6, 1836, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Norfolk (2377). d. Ruth, by Tau- rus (2740), by a Bull of W. Dale's, by Button's Old Bull. (2546) ROCKET. Calved 1835, bred by Mr. Kargreaves, Waite's, by got by Norfolk (2377), d. Carnation, by Taurus (2740), by Young Wellington, by a Bull of W. Button's Old Bull. (2547) YOUNG ROCKINGHAM. Red and white, calved 1823, bred by R. Raine, Elmsthorpe, got by Rockingham (560), d. by Denton (198), by Elmsthorpe, by Welling- ton (678), by Ladrone (353). Died 1833. (2548) YOUNG ROCKINGHAM. Bred by Mr. Dent, Kil- lerby, got by Young Rockingham (2547). (2549) YOUNG ROCKINGHAM. Calved 1826, bred by W. Raine, Gainford, got by Young Rockingham (2547), d. by Rob Roy (557), by Denton (198), by "Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). Sold to Mr. Buston, and resold to Earl Derby. (2550) ROCKINGHAM. White, calved 1831, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Fairfax (1023), d. Maria, by Young Albion (15), &c., as in Ganthorpe (2049). Killed 1845. (2551) ROCKINGHAM. Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Booth, Warlaby, got by Isaac (1129), d. by Julius C:t-sar (1143), Strawberry, by Pilot (496), Halnaby, by Lame Bull (359), by Easby (232), by Suworrow (636). (2552) ROCKINGHAM, called HARRY (2094). (2553) ROCKINGHAM. Roan, calved April, 1833, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Tyro (2781), d. Rhoda, by Brandsby (816), Rachel, by Harold Jr. (1096), Iris, by Lubin (388), by Irishman (329). (2554) RODERICK. Nearly red, calved Feb. 28, 1831, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Bertram (1716), d. Yarm, by Symmetry (643), &c., as in Canning (833). (2555) RODERICK. White, calved June 4, 1835, bred by Mr. Colling, White House, got by Paganini (2405), d. Rosabella, by Highflyer (2122), -Rachel", by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (2556) ROLAND. Calved Feb. 10, 1836, bred by Mr. Colling, White House. Full brother to Reformer (2510). (2557) ROLLA. Red and white, calved April 1, 1829, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Charles (878), d. Fortmia (bred by J. Booth), by Pilot (496), as in Cirnon (1832). Died 1835. (2558) ROLLA. Red and white, calved Feb. 1, 1836, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Jessy, by Taurus (2740), &c., as in Red Rover (2498). (2559) ROMAN. Bred by Mr. Kelk, got by Columella (904), d. Charlotte Palatine, by Palatine (478), &c., as in Powyke Patriot (4746). (2560) ROMAN. Calved March 5, 1831, bred by Wm. Bartholomew, got by Roman (2559), d. Mary Ann, by Al- bion (14), &c., as in Robin (1383). (2561) ROMAN. White, calved June 12, 1835, bred by Earl Spencer, got by William (2840), d. No. 54, by Mon- arch (2324), &c., as in Jeremy (2157). (2562) ROMPER. Red roan, calved July 5, 1831, bred by Mr. Paley. got by Morpeth (2339), d. Bonnylass, by Sir Kenneth (1450), Violet, by Pilot (1319), by Thorpe (1515), by Waistell's Bull. (2563) ROMULUS. Red and white, calved March 25, 1828, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Grazier (1085), d. by Midas (1230), by Young Favourite (254), by Expectation (247). (2564) ROSARIO. Calved May 15, 1829, bred by Mr. Webster, got by Fitz Favourite (1042), d. by Young Marske. (2565) Roscius. Roan, calved Dec. 14, 1833, bred by Major Bower, got by Colton (1849), d. Rosette, by Navi- eator (1260), Ruth (bred by Mr. Parker), by Windsor (698), by Windsor (698), by Windsor (698). (2566) Roscrus. Calved Aug. 6, 1834, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Rosebud. (2567) YOUNG Roscius. Roan, calved Feb. 25, 1835, bred by Mr. Cattley, sold to the Van Dieman's Land Company, got by Regent (2518), d. Ruby, by Remus (2524), Mulberry, by Isaac (1129), by Whit worth (1584), by White Comet (1582), by a son of Kitt (7127). (2568) ROSE'S RED BULL (5009). (2569) ROSLYN. Red and white, calved Jan. 28, 1828, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Sir Kenneth (1450), d. Bessy, (bred by R. Thornton), by Barmpton (54), descended from Broken Horn (95). (2570) ROVER. Red and white, calved 1829, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Romulus (1403,) d. Palmflower, by Barrister (776), &c., as in Narcissus (2350). (2571) ROWLAND. Red, calved 1833, bred by Mr.Wood, Kimblesworth, got by Miracle (2320), d. Rosebud, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Robert (2537). (2572) ROWLEY. Roan, calved March 25, 1830, bred by Mr. Payne, got by Middlesbro' (1234), d. Modesty (bred by Mr. Mitton), by President (517), by George (274). (2573) RUBENS. Calved Sept,1833,got by Eclipse (1950) , d. by Young Rockingham (2547), by Rob Roy (557), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (2574) RUBINI. Red, calved April 21, 1836, bred by Mr. empest, got by Young Colling (1843), cl. Fiery, by Alli- son's Danby (1900), by Wilkinson's Bull (2838), bred by L. Carter, Applegarth. (2575) RUBY. Calved May 25, 1834, bred by Mr. Ive- son, got by Rolla (2557), d. Beatrice, by MacGregor (2236), by Julius Caesar (1143), by Bacchus, by Pilot (495) bought at Driffield. (2576) RUFUS. Red, calved 1824, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Northampton (2380), d. Olivia, by Bar- onet (62), Minerva, by Wellington (680), &c., as in Men- tor (426). (2577) RUFUS. Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Chrisp, sold to Mr. Boswell, Fifeshire, got by Young Wellington (2826), d.Young Princess, by Young Lancaster (361), &c., as in Heathpool (2101). (2578) RULER, Red and white, calved 1830, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Rufus (2576), d. by Midas (435), by Boughton (90), by Windsor (698), by R. Ceiling's son of Favourite (252). (2579) RUMPS. Got by Merlin (429), d. Miranda, by Julius (339), Maria (bred by R. Colling), by George (275), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (2580) RUPERT. Calved 1823, bred by Mr. Bellamy, got by Rockingham (560), d. by Denton (198), by Comet (155). (2581) RYDALE. Got by Baron (58). (2582) RYEDALE. Got by Baron (58), d. by Windsor (698), Killerby, by Booth's Old White Bull (89), by an own brother to Fareholme Strawberry. (2583) SACKVILLE. Roan, calved Dec. 8, 1831, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Second Hubback (1423), d. Virginia, by Frederick (1060), Viola, by His Grace (311), Venus, by Major (397), &c., as in Hippolyto (325). (2584) ST. ALBANS (1412). Roan, calved 1814, bred by Mr.Wood, Kimblesworth, near Durham, got by Wynyard (703), d. Nell Gwyn, by Phenomenon (491), &c., as in Dul- verton (3659). (2585) YOUNG ST. LEGER. Bred by Mr.Wetherell, got by St. Leger (1414), d. Cleopatra (bred by R. Colling), by Lancaster (360), by George (275), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (2586) ST. Louis. Red and white, calved July 20, 1833, bred by Mr. Rodman, New Bedford, Mass.,U. S. A., got by Carlos (1787), d. Dewdrop, by Charles (878), Dulcibella, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Don Pedro (192(5). (2587) ST. PATRICK. Roan, calved Nov. 14, 1827, bred by J. Booth, got by Young Albion (15), d. Roseberry, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Red Rover (2494). (2588) ST. PETER. Calved June 30, 1829, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Elton (1008), d. Barrel 1, by Kehama (1150), Clytemnestra, by Norman Willy (456), Judith, by Orlando (471), Sally, by Herod (307), &c., as in Whit- ton (694). (2589) SALADIN. Roan, calved June, 1833, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Caliph (1774), d. Glory, by Ru- fus (2576), by Blyth (797), by Midas (435), by Bough- ton (90), by Windsor (698), by R. Colling's son of Fa- vourite (252). (2590) SALWAY'S BULL. T W II I C II A M E R I C A X PEDIGREES TRACE. 61 (2591) SAMPSON. Roan, calved 1833, bred by R. Booth, Studlev, li'ol by Hurley (1766), d. Young Isabella, by Mrtn- 11011 (2296), Isabella, by I'ilot (496), Ac., as in Albert (727). (3593) SAM I'M >\. White, calved 1834, bred by the Earl Of Carlisle, got by Buckingham (2:>5ii). d. stately, by Snow- ball (1468), Delicacy, by Ketton (.340), &c., as in Ah rani (1608). (2593) SAMPSON. Red and white, calved April, 1835, bred by Rt. Hon. 0. Arbuthnot, srot by Dandy (1902), d. by Rufus (2576), by Cleveland (892), by Alfred (23), by Butterfly (104), by Suworrow (636). (2594) SAMPSON. Roan, calved April 2, 1835, bred by Mr. Dawson. (ironant. jjot by Maggot (2238), d. Grizel, by Young Warlaby (2812), by a son of Sir Dimple (594), by J. Woodhouse's Roan Bull. (2595) SAMSON. Red, calved May 18, 1828, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Corinthian Tom (921), d. Jessy (bred by Earl de Grey), by Sir Dimple, Roan, by Snowball. (259(5) SAMSON. Roan, calved Feb. 14, 1836, bred by Mr. Fawkes, got by Corner's Flecked Bull (1873), d. Brighteyes, by Charles (1813), by Rob Roy (557). (2597) SANCHO. Red and white, calved Oct. 1, 1834, bred by Mr. Rotch, Rose Hill, Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, IT. S. A., got by North Star (2382), d. Stately, by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Jupiter (2172). (2598) SANDOE. Bred by Mr. Donkin, got by Scipio (1421). d. Miranda, by Duke (226), Rose, by Midas (435), Ac., as in Rhadamanthus (552). (2599) SAN MARTIN. Imported into the U. S. A., by Lewis Sanders, in 1817. (2600) SAPPERTON. Calved 1828, got by Blyth (797), d. by Pretender (1335), by Wiley's son of North Star (459), by Adonis (1612). (2001) SCARLET. Got by Fitz Favourite (1042), d.Crim- son (bred by Sir H. Carr Ibbetson), by Meteor (432), Rosina (bred by Major Bower), by Marshal Beresford (415), by Windsor (698), by a son of Patriot (486). (2602) SCEPTRE. Red and white, calved Jan. 20, 1835, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, got by Kilnshaw (2175), d. Sylvia, by Young Daisy (947), Red Strawberry (late Gaiety), by Youn-r Daisy (947), Strawberry, by a son of Barmpton (54), Sarah (bred by R. Thornton), by a son of Pyramus (532), by Miner (441), by Favourite (252). (2603) SCREMERSTON. Roan, calved 1832, bred by J. Chrisp, Doddington, got by Son of Countess (2666), d. Charlton, by Snowball (2647), by Young Lancaster (361), by St. Albaris (1412). (bred by Messrs. James, Stain- ford), by Col. Trotter's Favourite (2006), by Barnaby (1678), by Suworrow (2718). (2004) SCRIP. Roan, calved 1833, bred by R. Crofton, got by Baronet (1686), d. Premium, by Snowdrop (2653), by St. Albans (1412), by Waverley (2819), by Wash- ington (675). (2li05) ScROOFE'sBrLL. Got by Northumberland (464), d. Cow of Mr. Meynell's, Yarm. (2606) SCROOPE'S BULL. Got by Albion, d. the Pre- mium Heifer. (2607) SEA GULL. Bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk, go! by Grey Diomed (2076), d. Mermaid, by Memnon (1218), Diana, by Diomed (974), Europa, by Sirius (598) Short Tail, by Wellington (679), &c., as in Favourite (1032). Died Aug. 1830 (2608) SEATON'S WHITE BULL. Got by North Star (469), d. (bred by R. Colling), by Phenomenon (491). (2609) SELIM. Red and white, calved Jan. 1834, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Caliph (1774), d. by Oliver (2386), by Mentor (426), by a son of Favourite (253), by Windsor (698). (2610) SENATOR. Roan, calved May, 1831, bred by Mr. Smith, West Risen, got by Childers (1821). d. Favourite, by Northampton (2380), Vanity, by Reform (1361), Old Cora. (2611) SERGEANT MAJOR. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Codd, got by Commodore (1858). d Cora by A-la- Mode (725), by Diamond (209), by George, by Major (398),-by Major (397). (2612) SEUFENT. Roan, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Elli- son, Sizergh, got by , d. Phoenix, by a grandson of Venus, Ac., as in Harmonis (2092). (2613) SEVERS' BULL. (2614) SHAKSPEARE. Red, calved Jan. 1831, bred by Mr. Ostler, got by Soldier (2656), d. by Cuto (857), by Major (398), by Barmpton (54), by White Bull (150), by Barn high am (56). (2615; SHEDLAW. White, calved April 9, 1H31, bred by R. Jobson, got by Son of Satellite (2682), d. Sonsie, by Sultan (1485), by a son of Trunnell, by Middleton, by a son of Ben (70), or Punch (531). (2616) SHERIDAN. Roan, calved April 23, 1828, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Grazier (1085), d. Favour- ite, by Northampton (2380), Vanity, by Reform (1361), Old Cora. (2617) SHERWOOD. Roan, calved July 20, 1826. bred by Mr. Champion. Full brother to Ambassador (744). (2618) SHIPLEY. Red and white, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Curry, got by Elford (1967), d. Duchess, by Welling- ton (683), &c., as in Brougham (1746). (2619) SHIPPERLY. Got by M. Garthorn's Bull (3864), d. supposed by Cripple (171), a Cow of Mr. Garthorn's, bred at Holme House. (2620) SHIPTON. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Ed- wards, got by Snowball (2651), d. Cave, by Ebor (997), by Seaton's White Bull (2608), by Seaton's Favourite (2002), by R. Colling's son of Ben (70). (2621) SHORT TAIL. Red and white, calved Oct. 4, 1834, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirkleavington, got by Belve- dere (1706), d. Duchess 32d, by 2d Hubback (1423), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). Slaughtered 1842. (2622) SHYLOCK. Roan, calved 1827, bred by J. Wood- house, got by Favourite (1030), d. by Hutton (1123), by Hewick (1111), by Emperor (1973), by Young Dimple, by Wellington. (2623) SIMPSON'S RED BULL. Got by Ebor (996), d. by Ebor (996). (2624) SIR CLOUDESLEY SHOVEL. Roan, calved May 9, 1830, bred by Mr. Hutchinson. Full brother to Reformer (2506). (2625) SIR FRANCIS. Calved 1829, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Brutus (822), d. Fanny, by Fitzduke (259), by Winston (1587), by a son of Comet (155), by Yarbo- rough (705). (2626) SIR HENRY. Calved Feb. 9, 1826, bred by Mr. Bradshaw, got by Young Marske (419). d. Tulip (bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson), by Meteor (432), Eleanor, by Shaks- peare (1430), Miss Gilling, by . (2627) SIR JAMES. Got by Fitz Favourite (1042), d. Nell, by Western Comet (689), by May Duke (424), by Comet (155). (2628) SIR JOHN. Red and white, calved March 19, 1833, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Buckingham (1755), d. Violet, by Pilot (1319), by Thorpe (1515;, by a Bull of Mr. Waistell's. (2629) SIR JOSHUA. Calved May, 1833, got by Brutus (1750), d. Daisy, by Young Rockiiigham (2.347), by Rob Roy (557), by Deuton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (2630) YOUNG SIR KENNETH. Got by Sir Kenneth (1450), d. Charlotte (bred by R. Thornton), by Clarence (888), by George (275), by Ben (70), -byLame Bull (358) , by Punch (531). (2631) SIR OLIVER. (2632) SIR PETER TEAZLE. Got by Highflyer (2122), d. Violet, by Rockiiigham, by Wellington, by Cupid, by Mason's White Bull (421). (2633) SIR ROBERT. Roan, calved Dec. 4, 1832, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Edmund (1954). d. Rosebud (bred by Mr. Ostler), by Soldier (2656), by Major (398), by Barmpton (54), by Aylesby (44). (2634) SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY (5187). (2635) SIR SAMUEL TREFAN. The property of Lloyd Edwards, got by Bersham (1715), d. Young Strawberry, by Monmouth (2332). (2636) SIR THOMAS (5193). (2637) SIR WALTER. Red, calved 1828, bred by Mi-. Pilkington, got by Rufus (2576), d. by Charles 2d (879), by Young Lancaster (1162), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Suworrow (636). (26:18) SIR WALTKR. Got by Ebor (996), d.by Barmpton (54), by Young Wynyard, by Northumberland (464). (2639) Siu WAI.TKU. Red. calved 1832, bred by R. Crofton. iiot by Miracle (232l)i. d. Premium, by Snowdrop (2653), by St. Albans (1412;, by Waverly (2819), by Washington (675). LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (2640) SIR WILLIAM, or WILLIAM (2839). Red and white, bred by W. Raine, Gainford, got by Thorp (2757), , d by Young Rockingham (2547), by Rob Roy (557), by ! Denton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (2641) SIR WILLIAM. Roan, calved Nov. 1832, bred by Mr Codd, Holton, got by Commodore (1858), d. by A-la- Mode (725), by Major (398), by Major (397). (2642) SKERNINGHAM, commonly called MR. ROBSON'S RED BULL. Got by Sir Kenneth (1450), d. by Barmpton (54), by Ward's grandson of Punch (531). (2643) SLATER'S PRIZE BULL. (2644) SLINGSBY. Roan, calved 1828, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Shylock (2622), d. Prudence, by Candour (107), &c., as in Appleton (1647). (2645) SMITH'S PREMIUM BULL. Roan, bred by Mr. Smith, Shedlaw, got by Borderer (809), d. Lady, by Rich- mond (1380), Maria (bred by Mr. Smith, Shedlaw). (2646) SNAP. Calved 1828, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Monarch (2324), d. Portia, by Cato (119), &c., as in Chil- ders (1824). (2647) SNOWBALL. Bred by Mr. Hunt, got by North- Ctern Light (1280), d. by Yorkshireman (2862), by a Son of Miner, by R. Colling's sou of Phenomenon (491;. (2648) SNOWBALL, commonly called LORD GRANTHAM'S SNOWBALL. White, bred by Mr. Harrison, Lindrick, got by Wellington (678), d. bred by Mr. Bower, Dinsdale, near Darlington, and descended from the stock of R. Colling. (2649) SNOWBALL. Got by Wellington (683), d. from Mr. Buston's stock. (2650) SNOWBALL. White, calved 1829, got by A -la- Mode (725), d. Old Fiddler, by Major (397), by Surprise (2716), by Brown's Bull, of Aldbro'. (2651) SNOWBALL. White, calved 1829, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Shylock (2622), d. Lady Sarah (bred by R. Booth), by Pilot (496), &c., as in Benjamin (1710). (2652) SNOWBALL. White, calved Dec. 16, 1835, bred by Earl Brownlow, got by Senator (2610), d. Abadore, by Roman (2559), Young Imogen, by Frederick (1060), Imogen, by Remus (550), &c., as in Charmer (882). (2653) SNOWDROP. White, calved 1824, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Wellington (2824), d. Non- pareil, by Favourite (256), by a son of Windsor (698), by Butterfly (104). (2654) SNOWDROP. W T hite, calved May 12. 1835, bred by Ohio Company, U. S. A., got by Reformer (2505), d. Lily of the Valley of the Tees, by Young Rockingham (2547), by Wonder (2853), by Denton (198), by Lad- rone (353), by Henry (301). (2655) SOL. Got by Young North Star (2384), d. Queen Bess (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Cleveland (146), Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), supposed by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (2656) SOLDIER. Red, bred by Mr. Ostler, got by Ju- piter (2168), d. Ruby, by Barmpton (54), &c., as in Bur- gess (1764). (2657) SOLICITOR. Got by Ronald (565). (2658) SOLICITOR. Red, calved Dec. 23, 1832, bred by Mr. Smith, got by Chancellor (1808), d. Venus, by Free- dom (2041), Fortune, by Regent (2514), by Reform (1361), the Old Red Cow, by a Bull of Sir G. Strick- land's, by Northumberland, by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88). (2659) SOMERVILLE. Red, calved May 20, 1829, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Fairfax (1023), d. April Daisy, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Argo (758). Slaughtered Dec. 30, 1830. (2660) SON OF ACUMET. Got by Achmet (2), d. by Wel- lington. (2661) SON OF BARMPTON (54) (MR. OSTLER'S). (2662) SON OF BARMPTON. Got by Barmpton (54), d. by Favourite (252). (2663) SON OF BARONET. Bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Baronet (775), d. Lily, by Pelias (1311), &c.,as in Captain Ross (1785). (2664) SON OF BLYTH COMET. Got by Blyth Comet (85) , d. Old Spangle. (2665) SON OF COMMODORE. Got by Commodore (908), d. Venus, by Lancaster (360), Lady Mary, by Petrarch (488), Countess, by Cupid (177), . d. Charl- ton, by Snowball (2047), Ac., as in Scrrmerston (2603). (2698) STAPLETON. Got by Magnum Bonnin, d. by Waiatell's Bull of Cleasby. a son of Stephen (1456), Leo- Soldine, by Emperor, a son of Comet, Beauty, by larske (417). (26!M) STAR. Red, calved 1814, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by .Mayduke (424), d. Gaudy, by Minor (441). (2700) STATESMAN. Koan. calved April 10, 1888. bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Premier (2448). d. Stately, by Rob Hoy (557). Favourite, by Northampton (8880), Vanity, by Reform (1361), Old Cora. (2701) STBAKSBY (5322). (2702) STEARSBY. Roan, calved 1829, bred by Mr. Cattley, <:ot by a son of Isaac (1129). d. Rosamond, by Northern Light (1281), &c., as in LuckVAH (2230). (2703) STEARSBY. Roan, calved Nov. 25, 18.33, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Champion (1804), d. Palmtiower, by Barrister (77'6), &c. as in Narcissus (2350). (2704) STEPHENSON'S BULL. (2705) STIRLING (5329). (27'06) STITTENHAM. Roan, calved 1830, bred by Earl, of ( 'arlisle. got by Fairfax (1023), d. Primrose, by Pioneer (1321), Prudence, by Candour (107), &c.,as in Appleton (1647). (2707) STUDLEY. Bred by Mr. Woolin. got by Protec- tor (1347), d. by Young Dimple (971), by Wellington, by Duke. (2708) STYFORD. Bred by Mr. Jobling, Styford, got by a son of Favourite (252). (2709) SULTAN. Red, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Wil- liams, Xorthbro. Mass.. U. S. A., the property of Mr. Taintor, irot by Frederick i2038), d. Arabella (bred l).y Mr. Wetherell), by North Star (460), Aurora, by Comet (155), by Henry (301), by Danby (190). (2710) SULTAN SELIM. Red and white, calved May 23, 1831, bred by R. Jobson. Turvelaws, got by Sultan (14M5), d. 1'ekuah, by Diomed (974), Purity, by Barmpton (54), Ac., as in Apollo (1644). (2711) STNNYSIDE. Roan, calved 1827, bred by Mr. Curry, got by Sir Charles (1440), d. Grace, by Dinning 1 * Bull (973), Ac., as in Boston (1735). (2712) SUPERB. Calved 1833, got by a brother of Ambo (1636), d. by a son of Pilot, by a red Bull bred by R. Booth, by a son of WethereH's Wellington, by Young Denton. (2713) SUPERFINE (Mil. OSTLER'S). Got by Cato (857). (2714) SUPERIOR. Mottled, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Orne, I". S. A., got by Frederick (2038), d. Yellow Rose, by Young Denton (963), Ac., as in Don (8600). (2715) SUISLY (T. JOBLING'S). Got by Daisy, a son of Favourite (252), d. by Colonel, by a grandson of Hubbark. (2716) SURPRISE (Mil. OSTLER'S). (2717) SURPRISE. --Got by Wonder. (2718) SUWORROW. Got by Dalton Duke (188). (2719) SWAP. Bred by Mr. Richardson, got by Lord Feversh;im's Major, d. Favourite (bred by Mr. Robinson, Ackhini), by Merlin (42!)), by Alfred (23,), by Butterfly (104), by a Hull of R. Colling's. (272.0 SWEET WILLIAM. Red, calved Feb. 1834,bred by lit. Hon. C. Arbuthnot. got by Caliph (1774). d. by Kufus <257(i).- -by Cleveland iS<)2), by Alfred (23), by Butterfly (104), by Suworrow (636). (2721) SWING. Roan, calved Oct. 1829, bred by Sir Charles Knightley.got by White Boy (1680), d. Livia (bred by Mr. Booth), by .Julius Caesar (1148), Young Primrose, by Pilot (496), Primrose, by Rockingham (559), Flora, by Young Comet i I5T), Beauty, by Albion (14), by Easbv (283), Young Moss Rose, by son of Suworrow (636). Moss Rose, by Suworrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (2722) SYLVAN. Whit", calved May 2. 1*32. bred by Mr. Grey. Millield Hill, got by Sir Francis (2625), d. La- tona, by Albion (731), Ac., as in Apollo (Kill). (2723) SYMMETRY.- Roan, calved May 3. 1N3J. bred by Mr. Cattley. got by Milo (2313). d. Nonpareil, by Bedford (6Si. Ac., a > in Narcissus (2350). (2724) SYMMETRY. Roan, calved Dec. 27, 1835, bred by Mr. Ellison. Si/.ergli. got by Chancellor i IS09i. d. Sym- metry, by Lnnesdate (2233). by Top Knot (1521). by Lionel (1171), by Western Comet (689). by Western Cornet (689), by a grandson of Favourite (252). (2725) SYNTAX (Mi:. WRIGHT'S). (2726) TAFFY. White, calved Aug. 9, 1834. bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant. got by Cymro (1898). d. Lavender, by Grazier (1085), Empress, by Emperor (1013). Mrs. Can- dour, by Candour (107), by Baron (58), by Butterfly (2727) TALACRE. Roan, calved March 18, 1834, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Brilliant (1740), d. Count- ess, by Baron (58), &e., M in Count (1884). (2728) TALLEYRAND. Red and white, calved July 19, 1834, bred by Mr. Paley. sold to M. Sullivan. Ohio I" S A., got by Rantipole (2478), d. Adelaide, by Sir Walter (1459), Polly (bred by Mr. Charge), by Eclipse (238), Orbit, by Comet (155), Splendour, by Comet (155), Flecked Twin, by Major (397), Red Simmon, by Favour- ite (252), Flecked Simmon, by Bartle (777), Old Sim- mon, descended from Studley While Bull (627). (2729) TAMBOFF. Roan, calved Dec. 1827, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Bilsdale (72), d. Beauty, by Baron (58), Young Moss Rose (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), Moss Rose, by Favourite (252), Ac., as in Barmp- ton (54). (2730) TAMERLANE. Roan, calved April 8, 1828, bred by Lord AHhorp, got by Firby (1040), d. Dimity, by Ivan- hoe (1181), Tuberose, (bred by Mr. Gibson), by Midas (435). Ac., as in Fergus (2016). (2731) TANFIELD. Red and white, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Wood. Kimblesworth, got by Young Magog (2247), d. Blossom, by Reformer (2502), Rosebud, by 'Margrave (2263), &c., as in Elemore (1966). (2732) TAPPER. Roan, got by Constantino (918), d. by Percy (1312), Miss Maynard, by Baronet (60), by Fa- vourite. (2733) TARQUIN. Red, calved Dec. 23, 1829, bred by Mr. Beasley, Chapel Brampton, got by Northern Light (1280), d. by Cedric (1801), by Charles (127'), by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). (27:34) TARQUIN. Red, calved 1834, bred by R. Booth, got by Ambo (1636), d. Laurel, by Burley (17'66), Prim- rose, by Memnon (2295), by Arthur (761). (2735) TARRARE. Roan, calved Nov. 1825, got by Ris- by (2583). d. by Major (398), by Surprise (2716), by Brown's Bull of Aldborough. (2736) YOUNG TARRARE. Roan, calved April 12, 1830, bred by Mr. Assheton, got by Tan-are (1502), d. Migno- nette, by Rupert (2580), Martha, by Allison's Son ol Sir Dimple, by a son of St. John, by a son of Punch (531 j. (2737) TARTAR. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Ben- son, Kenythorpe, near Malton, got by Algernon (1631), d. Moss Rose, by Navigator (1260), Variety, by Marshal Beresford (415), Venus (bred by Mr. Parker), by Wel- lington (683), Trotter, by Windsor (098). by Middle- ton's Bull (438), by Chapman's Bull, of Dinsd'ale. (2738) TARTAR. Roan, calved 1833, bred by R. Booth, Studley, got by Burley (1766), d. Young Fortune, by Al- bert (727), Fortune, by Governor (IOJ'7), Fairmaid, by Agamemnon (,'b, Ac., as in Cossack (1880). (2739) TASSO. Roan, calved March, 1830, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Tambon" (2729). d. Juliet, by Grazier (1085), Jessica, by Harold Jr. (1096). Jessy, by North Star (459), Iris, by Lubin (388), by Irishman (329). Slaugh- tered 1835. (2740) TAURUS. Bred by Mr. Harrison, Stubb House, got by Corregio (1877), d. by Gustavus (2U83), by Mars (413), Lady Brough, by Young Albion (15). (2741) TAURUS. Red and white, calved 1831, bred by T. Beasley, near Grantham, got by Northern Light (1280), Tapestry (bred by Lord Althorp), by Regent \544), by Lavuisleeves (365), -by Lawnsleeves (365). (2742) TEASEDALE. Roan, calved Dec. 1832, got by a son of Duke of Wellington (231), d. Tulip, by Minor, by Duke of Wellington (231). by Alexander. (2743) TKMI'I:.-T. Calved March 3. 1831, bred by Mr. lltitchiiison, got by , d. Violet, by Kmperor, Tulip, by Lancaster (360i, Ac., as in Commodore Napier (3454). 64 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (2744) TERRINGTON. Roan, calved 1833, bred by the Earl of Carlisle. Full brother to Ganthorpe (2049). (2745) THE BARONET. Roan, calved 1830, bred by the Earl of Cai'lisle. Full brother to Benjamin (1710). (2746) THE BEAU. Calved 1829, bred by Mr. Grey, got by Castpr (853), d. by Rhadamanthus (552), by Midas (435), by Simon (590), by Traveller (655), by Styford (629). (2747) THE COUNT. Calved 1832, bred by Mr. Asshe- ton, got by Young Reveller (2527), d. Lady Godiva, by Rockingham (560), by Den ton (198), belonged to Mr. Wetherell. (2748) THE DOCTOR. White, calved Nov. 24. 1832, bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to Mr. Archbold, M. P., Ireland, got by Abernethy (1602), d. Matilda, by Eclipse (238), &c., as in Gambler (2046). (2749) THE DOCTOR. White, calved Dec. 1832, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Abernethy (1602), d. Cana, by Tarrare (1501), &c., as in Cawton (1799). (2750) THE KICKER. Strawberry colour, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Baker, Cottesmore, got by Gainsborough (2045), d. Graceful, by Emperor (1014), &c., as in Coro- nation (3494). (2751) THE MILLER. Red and white, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Midas (435), d. Rachel, by Comet (155), &c., as in The Baron (18888). (2752) THE MONK. Bred by Mr. Clnridge, got by Jaques' Bull of Easby, d. by Lisbon (1172)) by Ambo (746), by Edmund (1001). (2753) THE PEER. Roan, calved July 31, 1829, bred by Mr. Smith, got by Grazier (1085). d. Peeress, by Ajax (10), Phoenix, by Lancaster (880), Wildalr (bred by R. Col- ling), by George (275), Wildair, by Favourite (252), &c., asinDishley (217). (2754) THE PLANET. Got by Young Magog (2247), d. Young Planet, by Eclipse (238), &c., as in Jamie (2155). (2755) THIRKLEBY. Roan, calved Feb. 1831, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Griff (2078), d. Laura, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Consul (1887). (2756) JAMES THOMPSON'S BULL. Got by Young Lan- caster (1162), d. by Windsor (698). (2757) THORP. Light roan, calved 1829, bred by W. Raine, Gainford, got by Charles 2d (879), d. Sally, by Young Rockingham (254?'), &c., as in Melmoth (2291). Slaughtered 1843. (2758) THRIVER. Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Ben- son, got by Algernon (1631), d. Strawberry, by Pirate (2430) Red Rose, by Pioneer (1321), &c., as in Plutarch (2441). (2759) TIMOUR. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Ben- son. Full brother to Tartar (2737'). (2760) TIPPOR. (2761) TITIAN. Red, calved Aug. 9, 1835, bred by Earl Spencer, got by Wiseton (2848), d. No. 55, by Monarch (2324), &c., as in Fitzroy (16058). (2762) TOGSTAN. (2763) TOM. White, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Edwards, got by Romulus (2563), d. Rosebud, by Ebor (997), &c., as in Young Ganthorpe (3860). (2764) TOMBOY. Roan, calved June, 1833, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Caliph (1774), d. by Rufus (2576) _(bred by Mr. Mason), by Monarch (2324), by Far- mer (251), by Jupiter (342), by Sir Oliver (605), -Rasp- berry, by Trunnell (659), &c., as in Mars (413). (2765) TOMBOY. Roan, calved 1834, bred by R. Booth, got by Ambo (1636), d. Woodbine, by Young Albion (15), Miss Foote, by Pilot (496), Fail-maid, by Agamemnon (9), &c., as in Cossack (1880). (2766) TOMMY. Light roan, calved Nov. 14, 1834, bred by Major Bower, got by Colton (1849), d. Theresa, by Navigator (1260), Tranquil, by Defender (194), Trap, by Candour (107), Young Tragedy, by Wynyard (703), Tragedy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (2767) TONEHAM. Bred by Mr. Pears, Thorney, got by Rockingham (560), d. by a son of Midas (435), by In- troduction (328), by George (273), by Cripple (171), by Irishman (329). (2768) TOPPER. Roan, bred by Mr. Cattle, got by Con- stantine (918), d. by Percy (1312), by Baronet, by Fa- vourite. (2769) TOPPER JUNIOR. Red and white, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Walker, Londonthorpe, got by Topper (2768), d. Clio, by Crispin (174), &c., as in Cottam (1881). (2770) TORY. White, calved March 7, 1836, bred by Mr. Cottrell, got by South Star (2687), d. Catalini, by His Majesty (2128), &c., as in Cataline (3295). (2771) TOUCHSTONE. Calved 1833, bred by A. L. May- nard, got by Burley (1766), d. Cora, by Sir Alexander (591), Cora, by a son of Marske (418), Lady, by Laird (1158), Lady, by a son of Maynard's Old Yellow Cow, Favour- ite, Lady Maynard, by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's bull (337). (2772) TRAVELLER. Bred by Col. Cradock, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Pirate (2430), by Rob Roy (557), by Houghton. (2773) TRIMMER. Calved 1829, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Monarch (2324), d. No. 24, by Satellite (1420). by Far- mer (251), by Jupiter (342), by Sir Oliver (605), Rasp- berry, by Trunnell (659), &c., as in Mars (413). (2774) TRINCULO. Got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Trinket by Meteor (432), Princess, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Regent (1385). (2775) TRINCULO. Roan, calved April 14, 1829, bred by R. Bagshaw, got by Hotspur (1117), d. Ladybird, by Gold- tinder (2084), Ann, by Boughton (90). (2776) TROTTER. Got by Match em, d. (bred by Col. Trotter), by Young Achmet. (2777) TULLOCHGORUM. Red and white, bred by Major Bower, got by Red Rover, d. Twinkle, by Amor (747), Twilight, by Navigator (1260), Torch, by Candour (107), Topaz, by Wynyard (703), &c., as in Tickle Toby (1516). (2778) TURK. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by R. Booth, got by Ambo (1636), d. Imogen, by Argus (759), by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Barren's Bull (1768), of Burdon. (2779) TURTLE. Dark roan, calved March 15, 1836, bred by Mr. Edge, got by Spectator (2688), d. Theresa (bred by Major Bower), by Navigator (1260), &c., as in Tommy (2766). (2780) TYRANT. Red, calved 1831, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Sir Walter (2637), d. Messalina, by Sirloin (604), Vixen, by a brother to R. Colling's Moss Rose, bred by Mr. Charge, and got by a son of Favour- ite (252). (2781) TYRO. Roan, calved Aug. 1829, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Tarrare (1501), d. Winifred, by North Star (459), &c., as in Lorenzo (1178). (2782) TYRONE. Red roan, calved July 12. 1&33, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Alabaster (1616), d. No. 55, by Monarch (2324), Ac., as in Fitzroy (16058). (2783) UMPIRE (5530). (2784) UPTAKER (5534). (2785) VACH AMOUR, alias AMOR (747). (2786) VALENTINE (MR. OSTLER'S). Got by Rival (553), d. by Barmpton (54). (2787) VALIANT. Red and white, calved Jan. 6, 1829, bred by the Misses Strickland, Apperley Coui*t, got by Isaac (1129), d. Vixen, by Cecil (120), Virgo, by a son of Clifton (147), Venus, by Clifton (147), Valentine, by Boynton Dun (1737). (2788) VAMPIRE. White and pale roan, calved March 12, 1831, bred by the Misses Strickland, Apperley Court, got by Marquis (2271), d. Vine, by Triumph (1530), Vixen, by Cecil (120), &c., as in Valiant (2787). (2789) VAMPIRE. Red and white, calved March 7, 1836 bred by Mr. Edge, got by Spectator (2688), d. Vicis- situde, by Navigator (1260), &c., as in Vulcan (2808). (2790) VANDAL. Red roan, calved April 9, 1830, bred by the Misses Strickland, Apperley Court, got by Mar- quis (2271), d. Veil, by Sir Stephen (1456), Viper, by Apperley Blucher (1645), Vanity, by Viscount (2801). (2791) VANDYKE. Roan, calved May 9, 1835, bred by Mr. Edge, got by Belshazzar (1703), d. Volumnia, by Navigator (1260), Vanity, by Candour (107), Venus, by Wellington (683), &c., as in Vacant (1539). (2792) VANGUARD. Red, calved June 3, 1829, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, got by Keharna (1150), d. Venus, by Em- peror (1015), Brunette, by Sir Peter (606), Lucy, by Herod (307), &c., as in Bard Bracy (50). (2793) VANQUISH. White, calved Feb. 27, 1832, bred by the Misses Strickland, Apperley Court, sold to Mr. Nicholson, Balrath Kells, Ireland, got by Duke (1934), d. Virtue, by Marquis (2271), Virgin, by Apperley Blu- cber (1645). Virgo, by a son of Clifton (147), &c., as in Va iant (2787). TO WHICH AM ERIC A 1ST PEDIGREES TRACE. 0-2791') V A NTOL. Calved May, 1834, got by Gainford (2044), d. by Thorpe (2757), by Young Rockingham (25 17), by li'ob Boy (537), by Denton (198), by Charles (127). t27'95) YARRO. Roan and spots, calved Oct. 11, 1827, bred by Mr. Champion. u r t by Blyth Favourite (801), d. Vanity, by Aid-de-Camp (722), by Magnet (392), by Prince (881), by Duke of Leeds 1 Bull (99sJ). (27Wi VKI.M II-KDE. Red, bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Francisco (2032), d. Lively (bred by Mr. Smith, Dish- ley), l>y Ketton (346), Fanny, by Blucher (80), by Pope (514). (2797) VENDOR. (2798) VESPER. Roan, calved 1835. bred by Mr. Bloor, Wales, got by Maggot (2238), d. Venus (bred by Mr. Smith, Drax Abbey), by Freedom (2041), Fortune, by Resjent (3614), The Old Red Cow, by a Bull of Sir G. Strickland's, by Northumberland, by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88). (2799) VICTOR. Dark dun and white, calved June 25, 1827, bred by the Misses Strickland, got by Marquis (2271}. d. Velvet, by Apperley Blucher (1045), Vixen, by Cecil (120), itc., as' in Valiant (2787). r.'.siH)) VICTORY. Roan, calved Dec. 29, 1833, bred by Earl Browulow, got by Edmund (1954). d. Laurel (bred bv Mr. Smith, West Rasen),by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Plenipo i2i3T. (2SOD VISCOUNT. Roan and white, bred by Lady Strickland, got by Cecil (120), d. Vestal, by President (515), Valentine, by Boynton Dun (1737). (281)2) VISCOUNT. Roan, calved March 17, 1826, bred by K. Basishaw. iiot by MacGreiror (2235). d. Ladybird, by Goldflnder (2064), Ann, by Boughton (90). (2803) VOLTAIRE. Pale dun and white, calved Feb. 23, 1828, bred by the Misses Strickland, got by Marquis (227 1 ). d. Vanity, by a son of Eclipse (237), Victory, by Viscount (2801), Vestal, by President (515), Valentine, by Boynton Dun (1737). (2804) VOLTAIRE. Roan, calved, May, 1828, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Mercury (1225), d. Juno, by Phenom- enon (1318), Winifred, by North Star (459), Wildair, by Wrighteon'8 Grandson of Phenomenon, by Punch (531). i2S05) VOLTAIRE. Red roan, calved March 1, 1829, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Corinthian Tom (921), d. Beauty, by General (1065), Venus, by Constellation (163), Ac,, as iii Ben (785). (2806) VOLUNTEER, or SPECTATOR (2688). (2807') VULCAN. Red, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Bloor, Wales, trot by Sackville (2583), d. Venus (bred by Mr. Smith, Drax Abbey), by Freedom (2041), &c., as in Ves- per (2798). (2808) VULCAN. Red and white, calved Feb. 18, 1834, bred by Major Bower, got by Colton (1849), d. Vanxhall, by Amor (747), Vicissitude, by Navigator (1200), Vice, by Candour (107), Violet (bred by Major Rudd), by Pe- trarch (488), by an own Brother to R. Ceiling's White Heifer, by Butterfly (104), by Globe (278). (2809) YOUNG WADDINGWORTH. (2810) WALTER. Dark roan, calved 1829, bred by Mr. Ellison, Sixergh, got by Solicitor (2057), d. Moss Hose (bred by Mr. Binns), by Favourite (250), &c., as in Alba (720). (2811) WALTER. Roan, calved July 24, 1832, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Firby (1010), d. No. I!), by St. Al- bans (1412), fec., as in Orator (2390). Slaughtered 1835. (2SJ2) YOUNG WARLABY. Got by Warlaby (072), d. by a son of Barmpton (54), descended from J. Brown's Bull (98). (2813) WARRIOR 2i). Red, calved 1822, bred by Mr. Beasley, got by Warrior (073), d. by Marske. (2814) WARWICK. Red and white, calved Feb. 1834, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes. Full brother to (.'alder (1772). (2815) WARWICK. Got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Pease Blossom, by Triumph (1530), by Arthur (700), by Alli- son's Grey Bull (20), by a son of Favourite (252). (2816) WATERLOO. Yellow red, calved Jan. 1819, bred by Mr. Stephenson, Wolviston, tcot by Young Yynyard (285!)). d. Angelina, by Phenomenon (491), ike., as in Bel- vedere (1700). Slaughtered 1835. (2817) YOUNG WATERLOO, 182. (2818) WATLDKY. Red and white, calved Dec. 1830, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by (ira/ier (1085), d. Winifred, by North Star (459), Arc., as in Lorenxo (117'S). 9 (2819) WAVERLEY. Roan, bred by Mr. Crofton. Holy- well, irot by Wellington (0X1), d. Blossom, by Cupid (177), by Simon (590), by Punch (531), by Bolingbroke (86). (2820) WAVBRLT.- Calved 1827, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Satellite (1420), d. No. 19, by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Orator (2390). (2821) WAXY. Dark roan, calved May, 1833, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Maggot (2238), d. Minna, by Nes- tor (452), &c., as in Jerry (4100). (2822) WEETON. White, calved April 1, 1830, bred by Mr. Whitaker. Full brother to Canning (833). (2823) WEIGHTON. Red and white, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Edwards, got by Romulus (2503), d. Prize, by Malbro' (1189), Tulip, by Regent (546), &c., as in Clifton (5865). (2824) WELLINGTON. Bred by T. Jobling, got by Wel- lington (683), d. by Phenomenon (491), by Colonel, by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a son of Hubback (319). (2825) WELLINGTON. Got by Wonderful (700), d. by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Butterfly (104), by Su- worrow (036). (2820) YOUNG WELLINGTON. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Wellington (2824), d. Princess, by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (2827) WELLINGTON 2D. Roan, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Buston, got by Wellington (2824), d. Nance, by Ma- jor (2255). by Thorpe (1515), by Northumberland (464), by Bolingbroke (80). (2828) WENTWORTH. Red and white, calved April 30, 1835, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Sir John (2028), d. Cora, by Middlesbro' (1234), Modesty, by President (517) by George (274). (2829) WEST HERRINGTON. (2830) MARMADUKE WETHERELL'S BULL. Got by Mr. Charge's Grey Bull (872). (2831) THOS. WKTHKKELL'S BULL. Got by Marma- duke Wetherell's Bull (2830). (2832) WHARFDALE. Roan, calved April, 1834, bred by Mr. Fawkes. Farnley, got by William 4th, d. Mary Ann, by Middlesbro' (1234), Prudence, by Edward (1002), Modesty, by President (517), by George (274). (2833) WHARTON. Roan, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holy- well, got by Miracle 2d ^2322), d. Lily, by Lame Bull (2182), by Albion (17), by Waverley (2819), by a son of Wash- ington (674). (2834) WHARNCLIFFE. Roan, calved Jan. 14, 1836, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, got by Norfolk (2377). d. Minna Ber- tram, by Bertram (1710), Emma (late Young Minna), by Young Daisy (947), Minna, by Frederick (1060), Wildair (bred by J. Appleton), by Meteor (431), by Yar- borough (705), by Styford (629), by a Bull of Mr. Hol- lon's. (2835) WHISKER. Calved 1828, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Monarch (2324), d. No. 19, by St. Albans (1412), <&C., as in Orator (2390). (2836) WHITAKER. Roan, calved Jane 12, 1834, bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to Ohio Company, U. S. A., got by Norfolk (2377), d. Minna, by Frederick (1060), etc.,' as in Wharnclitfe (2834). (2837) WHITE BOY. Calved 1834, bred by J. Berry, got by Martin (2279), d.Ella, byCymro (1897), Eliza, byDio- med (975), Stella, by Meteor (432), Selina, by Favour- ite (252), &c., as in Regent (1365). (2838) MRS. WILKINSON'S RED BULL (5658). Got by Cupid (1894), d. Pink, by Sedbury (1424), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (2839) WILLIAM, or SIR WILLIAM (2640). (2840) WILLIAM. Roan, calved Feb. 27, 1830, bred by Earl Spencer, got by Mairoii (2240), d. No. 19, by St. Al'- bans (1412), &c., as in Orator (2390). (2841) WILLIAM. Red and white, calved 18:34. bred by R. Booth, tcot by Ambo (1030), d. Emily, by Albert (727), by Warlaby (072). (2X 12) WILLIAM 4TH. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, got by Uuy (20X4). d. Williamina, by' Fred- erick (1060), etc., as in ( 'alder (1772). (2843) WILSON'S BULL. c2X4 1) WINDFALL. Bred by Mr. Mason, got by Mon- arch (2324), d. by St. Albans (1 112). by Farmer (251), by Ca'o (119), --by Charles (127), by St. John (572), by c'hilton (130), Nymph, by the White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), Ax-., as in Mars (413>. 66 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (2845) WINDHAM. Red and white, calved May 14, 1835, bred by Earl Spencer, sold to the Ohio Company, U. S. A., got by Firby (1040), d. Eloquence, by Mercury (2301), No. 52 (bred by Mr. Mason), by Falstaff (1993), by Dr. Syn- tax (220), by Farmer (251). (2846) WINDSOR, Calved 1829, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Monarch (2324), d. No. 19, by St. Albans (1412), &c., as in Orator (2390). (2847) WINSTON. Roan, calved 1834 or 1835, bred by W. Raine, Gainford, got by Gainford (2044), d. by Young Rockingham (2547), by Wonder (2853), byDenton(198), byLadrone (353) , by Henry (301). . (2848) WISETON. Roan, calved Sept. 25, 1832, bred by Earl Spencer. Full brother to Christopher (1829). (2849) WIZARD. Red roan, calved 1832, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Comus (1863), d. by Rufus (2576), by Young Lancaster (1162), by Alfred (23), by Blaize (75), by Butterfly (104), by R. Colliug's White Bull (151). (2850) WIZARD. White, calved Sept. 12, 1833, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Firby (1040), d. No. 19, by St. Albans (1412), &c., as iii Orator (2390). (2851) WOLDSMAN. Red roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Botterill, got by Snowball (2651), d.Vestris, by Baron (59), &c., as in Gar ton (2052). (2852) WOLSINGTON. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Flintoff, got by Bachelor (1666), d. Manuella, by Marquis (2270), &c., as in Magistrate (2239). (2853) WONDER (5677). (2854) WOODFORD. Roan, calved Feb. 1834, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Caliph (1774), d. Octavia, by Cumberland (176), by Midas (435), by Petrarch (488), Peeress, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Remus (1369). (2855) J. WOODHOUSE'S ROAN BULL. (2856) W T OODVILLE. Red, calved Dec. 4, 1830, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Bertram (1716), d. Virginia, by Frederick (1060), Viola, by His Grace (311), Venus, by Major (397), &c., as in Hyppolyto (325). (2857) WORCESTER. Got by Warden (1563), d. Lady Blanch, by Warden (1563), Pease Blossom, by Triumph (1530), i&c., as in Warwick (2815). (2858) WORTHY. Calved 1828, bred by Mr. Mason, got by Satellite (1420), d. by St. Albans (1412), by Charles (127), Newby. (2859) YOUNG WYNYARD, sometimes called YOUNG WELLINGTON. Bred by the Countess of Antrim, got by Wellington (680), d. Princess, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Albion (16). (2860) XMAS, same as CHRISTMAS (1828). (2861) YORICK. Roan, calved April, 1834, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Reveller (2528), d. Young Yarico, by Brandsby (816), Yarico, by Midas (1230), Yellow Lass, by North Star (459), by a son of Cleasby, by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (2862) YORKSHIREM AN, commonly called HUNT'S ROAN BULL. Bred by J. Newby, West Thorp. (2863) YORKSHIREMAN. Bred by Mr. Beckwith, got by a Bull of Mr. Mason's. (2864) YORKSHIREMAN. White, calved March 2, 1835, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Frederick (1060). (2865) ZEALOT. Roan, calved July 3, 1835, bred by Earl Spencer, got by Walter (2811), d. Roguery, by Mer- cury (2301), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). ADDENDA. (2866) ACCOMMODATION. Bred by Mr. Wetherell, of Brampton, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Rock- ingham (560), by Denton (198), by Comet (155), by Henry (301), by Danby (190). (2867) BEAUMONT. Calved Dec. 18a3, bred by Mr. Hunt, Thornington, got by Edrom (1956), d. by Leopold (370), by a son of Whit worth (695), by Wellington (683), by Yorkshireman (2862), by Eryholme (bred by Mr. Maynard), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (2868) BOUGHTON. Dark roan, calved April 26, 1834, got by Shakspeare, d. Stella, by Rockingham (560), Syl- via, by Denton (198), by Danby (190). (2869) CHALLENGER. Nearly red, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Barden (1674), d. Lingcropper, by Young Colling (1843), by Danby (1900), by a son of Rob Roy (557), by Remus (550). (2870) COLNEY. White, calved March, 1836, bred by the Duke of Buccleugh, got by , d. Lily, by Roman (2559), by Columella (904), by Albion (14), by Cinna- mon (139), by Neswick (1266). (2871) CONSERVATIVE. Red and white, calved April 10, 1836, bred by Mr. Sedgwick, got by Colossus (1847), d. Sabella, by Guy (2084), Red Strawberry, by Young Daisy (947), &c., as in Sceptre (2602). (2872) DENBY. Yellow red and white, calved April, 1834, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Young Docea (bred by R. Earnshaw), by Franklin (2036), Docea (bred by Mr. Earnshaw), by Harold (291), by Bracken (91), by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47), by Driffield (223), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (2873) DUBLIN (3627). (2874) YOUNG EASTTHORPE. Red and white, calved July, 1834, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Young Strawberry, by Harold (291), Strawberry, by Count (170), Venus, by Badsworth (47), &c., as in Magic (2881). (2875) ELMSTHORPE. (2876) FITZ IVOR. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Beasley, Chapel Brampton, near Northampton, got by Maclvor (2237), d. by Northern Light (1280). by Stam- ford (1476), by Blyth (797), by Wellington (684), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (2877) FLEATHAM. Bred by Mr. Poole, got by Fleat- ham \jwi u, GUNTHWAITE. Roan, calved July, 1835, bred by Mr. Bosville. Full brother to Denby (2872). (2879) HENDON. Got by Jerry, alias Old Red Bull (2880), d. by Young Rockingham (2547), by Pyramus (532), by Young Newby (2363), by Dash (191). (2880) JERRY, or OLD RED BULL. Got by Arrow- smith's Red Bull (1658), d. by Achmet (2), by Young Newby (2363). (2881) MAGIC. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Young Rebec- ca (bred by R. Earnshaw), by Herod (308), Rebecca, by Count (170), Young Venus, by Bracken (91), Venus, by Badsworth (47), (bred by J. Baker), by Coates' son of Twin Brother to Ben (660), bred by Sir G. Strickland. (2882) MAGNUM BONUM (COL. TROTTER'S). Got by a son of Favourite (252), d. by a son of Favourite (252). (2883) MORTON. (2884) NAFFERTON. White, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Western Lily, by Herod (308), by Bracken (91), by Patriot (486), by Driffield (223). (2885) ORVILLE. White, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Catt- ley, got by Luck's-all (2230), d. Vesta, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Brilliant (1741). (2886) PHANTOM. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Bos- ville, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Zilla, by Herod (308), Young Marion, by Herod (308), Eleanor, by Count (170), &c., as in Marquis (410). (2887) QUIXOTE. Red and white, calved June 6, 1828, bred by Lord Althorp, got by Firby (1040), d. by Regent (544), by Meteor (431). (2888) Ro ALL. Roan, calved 1831, bred by R. Earn- shaw, got by Herod (308), d. Gaiety, by Harold (291), &c., as in The Chieftain (2893). (2889) RUBY. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Sherwood Lass (bred by R. Earnshaw), by Sherwood (2890), Garcia, by Count (170), Young Venus, by Bracken (91), &c., as in Magic (2881). (2890) SHERWOOD, or BURNELL'S BULL. Bred by Mr. Burnell, got by Grazier (1085), d. Winnifred (bred by Mr. Wiley), by North Star (459), Wildair, by Wrightson's grandson of Phenomenon (491). (2891) SIR LOIN. Roan, calved April, 1833, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Young Marion (bred by R. Earnshaw), by Herod (308), Eleanor, by Count (170), &c., as in Marquis (410). STUDLEY GRANGE. THE CHIEFTAIN. White, calved May, 1835, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Roall Gaiety (bred by R. Earnshaw), by Herod (308), Gaiety, by Har- old (291), Helen, by Twin Brother to Count (170), by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47), by Driffield (223), by Badsworth (47), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 67 (2894) TIIK EARL. Roan, calved Sept. 7, 1834, bred by Mr. Beasley, Chapel Brampton. not l>v Noil hern Light (1280), (1. by Blyth (797), by Harold Jr. (10%), by Ado- nis (1612), by K. Colling's Son of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (531). (2895) TRUMAN. c.'S!j) WARTER. Roan, calvod 1831, bred by Mr. Bos- ville, got by Eastthorpe (111 17 1, d. Miss l)rinkro\v (bred by R. Earnshaw). by Franklin (203li), by Herod (308), Kosa, by Harold (891), Rosebud, by Badsworth (47), by Hads\vorth (47), (bred by J. Baker), by Coates' -on of Twin Brother to Ben (660), bred by Sir G. Strickland. (2897) WILLOUGHBY. Light roan, calved June 7, 1834, bred by Mr. Beasley, Chapel Brampton, got by Northern Light '(1280), d. by Blyth (75)7), by Midas (435), by Windsor (698), by a son of Favourite 0>52). VOLUME IV. (2898) ABACUS. White, calved April, 1837, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Si/ergh, got by Brutus (1751), d. Kli/n, by Election (1961), Mary Ada, by Navarino (2352), by Top Knot (1521), by Cobourg (1841), by Young Marske, by Ossian (476), Young Laura (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), Laura, by Favourite (252), Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), &c., as in Rex (1375). (2899) ABBOT. Bred by J. B. Simpson, got by Jumper (11 1:. d. Empress, by Ketton (346), Beauty, by Eclipse (234) ; _by Neswick (1266). (2900) ABBOT. Got by Headlam (1102). (2901) ABBOT. Roan, calved May 2, 1838, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Parker, got by Ranunculus (2179), d. by Meinnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Um- pire (2783). (2902) ABE. Roan, calved Oct. 1840, the property of Mr. Jopp, Aberdeen, got by Gainford (2044), d. a Cow of Mr. Bun-ell's, by a Bull of Col. Cradock's. (2903) ABERDEEN. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Croft on, the property of Mr. Simpson, got by Melmoth (2291), d. White Rose, by Comet (1854), Tuberose, by Young Highflyer, now called Holywell (2132), Rosebud, by Emperor (1974), by Barmpton (1677), by St. Albans (2584), by Simon (590) by Pope. (2904) ABINUS. White, calved March 28, 1839, bred by Mr. Datithwaite, the property of the Earl of Zetland, got by Rowland, d. Miss Scroope, by Dale's Danby, Nell, by Young Midas (4470), Miss Booth, by Young Al- bion (15), Miss Denton, by Denton, Crooked Horn, by Nailer (4528), Mrs. Scroope, by Old Lax (4195). (2905) ABRAHAM. Bred by R. Thomas, got by Young Sir Alexander, d. by a son of Denton, by Comet (155), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (2906) ABRAHAM NEWL AND. Roan, calved July, 1839, bred by Mr. Edge, the property of W. F. N. Norton, got by Belshaxxar (1704), d. Agatha, by Spectator (2688), &c., as in Agate (2940). (2907) ACCOMMODATION. Red and white, got by Corn- planter (3492), d. Mrs. Motte. (2908) ACMON. White, calved Nov. 11, 1838, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Parker, got by Ranunculus (2179), d. Sarah, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (2909) YOUNG ACMON. White, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Barnard, the property of Mr. Sturgeon, got bv Stam- ford, d. Alice, by Ivanhoe (1131), &c., as in Albert (5726). (2910) ACOMB. Bred by Mr. Davidson, Acomb. got by Magistrate, a son of Wellington (683), d. by Conrad, by Harlequin. (2911) YOUNG ACONITE. (2912) ACORN. (2913) ACORN. Roan, calved May 12, 1R38, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Farrow, trot by Ranun- culus (2179*, d. by ('odd's Albion, by Meinnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (424s,. (2914) ACTEON. (2915) ACTEON, Got by Cleveland, d. by Young Danby, by Julius ( -;i'sar (1143), by Abbot (2900), by Protector (1347), by Ambo (746), by Duke <22:>i. (d9ltt) ACTEON. Roan, calved Oct. 12, 1839, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of T. Rigg. got by Prime Minister (2456), d. Adelaide, by Prime Minister (2456), Short-Rib, by Young General (3866), Red Rose, by General (272), White Rose, by Sir Oliver (605), by Chilton (136), by Irishman (329), by Hubback (319). (2917) ACTEON. Red and white, calved May 23, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Bement, Albany, U. S. A., got by Independence (4070), d. Victoria, by Superior (2714), Delia, by Carlos (1787), Dulcibella (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Frederick (1060), by Major (2252), by Comus, by Marske (418), by Mr. Wetherell's . (2918) ADAM. Got by Nelson, d. by J. Brown's Pad- dock Bull. (2919) ADAM. Red and white, calved March 14, 1837, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, the property of Mr. Parsons, got by Coltness (3430), d. Adelaide, by Filho-da-Puta (3791), Miss Fisher (bred by Mrs. Fisher, Cottam), by Nimrod (4571), by a son of Blyth Comet (85), by Fish- er's Old Red Bull (2022), by Turnell's Red Bull, by a Bull out of the North. (2920) ADAM. Red and white, calved April 3, 1838, bred by W. Jobson, the property of A. S. Stewart, Dum- friesshire, got by Young Ladykirk (4171), d. Alicia, by Young Sea Gull, Ariel,' by Crusader (934), Amazon, by Sultan (1485), Bellona, by Mars (411), Rolla (bred by Gen. Simson, Pitcorthie, Fifeshire), by North Star (458). (2921) ADAM. Light roan, calved Oct. 1839, bred by and the property of G. Wood, got by Marquis (4388), d. Adelaide, by Agricola (1614), Countess, by Matchem (2281), Premium, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Cicero (3385). (2922) ADAM DUNCAN. Roan, calved 1838. bred by and the property of T. Phillips, got by Swap (5366), d. Non- pareil, by Wallace (5587), by Bilsdale (72). (2923) ADDISON'S BULL. Of Ulnaby, near Darlington. (2924) ADJUTANT. Roan, calved 1836, bred by and the Property of Capt. Shawe, got by Velocipede (5552), d. 'oung Anna, by Isaac (1129), Anna, by Pilot (496), , by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (3015) AMPHION. Roan, calved May 31. 1836, bred by Earl Spencer, sold to Mr. Allison, got by William u'SUii, d by Mercury (2301). by Sirloin (604), by Midas (435), by Sir Oliver tC>or. by Alexander (20), by Traveller (666),- by Bolingbroke (86), out of a Co\v bought by \\ . Jobling from Mr. Boa/man. Stainton, near Darlington. (3016) ANTHONY. -Roan, calved 1839, bred by J. Apple- ton, Hemlington, sold to R. Jordison, got by Roan Robin 70 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (4956), d. Victoria, by Hemlington (4004), &c., as in De- cision (5911). (3017) ANTINOUS. Roan, calved Nov. 28, 1838, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. O'Farrell, got by Wil- liam (2840), d. Calista, by Algernon (1631), by Miracle (2320), by Fitz Remus (2025), by Cato (119), by Whit- worth (695), from a cow bought by Mr. Mason for Mr. Shafto. (3018) ANTONIO (11115). (3019) ANTONIO. Roan, calved 183-, bred by Mr. May- nard, got by Plenipo (4724), d. Portia, by Cato (119), &c., as in Childers (1824). (3020) ANTROBUS. Got by , d. Darling, by Rock- ingham. Daphne, by Duty, Shadow, by Admiral, by Streamer, by Minor, by Traveller. (3021) ANTY. Red and white, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Harrison, Mortham Hall, the property of Mr. Wait, U. S. A., got by Antonio (3019), d. Red Lady, by Mortham (4512), Red Rose, by Pyramid (4852), by a son of Petrarch (488), by Farrer's Bull, by a son of Favourite (252). (3022) APOLLO. Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1838, bred by J. Walton, Dinsdale, near Darlington, got by Belvedere 3d (3128), d. Sherry, by Sir Walter (2639). (3023) APPLETON'S BULL. (3024) ARCADIAN. Red and white, calved April 7, 1835, bred by Rev. H. Smith, got by Stentor (5323), d. Galatea 4th, by Sirius (5161), by Young York (1592), Roan Ga- latea, by Albion (14), by Marske (418), by George, by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266), by Capt. Turnell's Old Brown Bull, by Captain, by Favourite (252). (3025) ARCAS. White, calved Jan. 16, 1837, bred by Mr. Niblett, got by Chilo (1825), d. Antonia (bred by Rev. H. Berry), by \Varden (1563), by Alonzo (28), by Prince Edward (525). (3026) ARCHDUKE. Red, calved 1830, bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, got by Emperor (1014), d. Marianne, by Meteor (1226), Profit (bred by Mr. Champion), by Nes- wick (1260), Red Rose, by . (3027) ARCHDUKE. Roan, calved Jan. 8, 1838, bred by Capt. Barclay, the property of Mr. Iveson, got by Em- peror (3716), d. Adelaide, by Commander (3439). Full brother to Ambulator (3012). (3028) ARCHER, 10. (3029) ARCHER. White, calved July 22, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Smith, Bramham, got by Rokeby (4988), d. Alice, by Anson (1639), Lady Jane, by Comet (155), &c., as in Charmer (882). (3030) ARCHITECT. Roan, bred by Mr. Harrison, Stub House, got by Poteightoes (4740), d. Maria, by St. Leger (1414), Cobweb, by Achmet (2), LadyBrough,by Young Albion (15), by Regent (544). (3031) ARDERIO. White, calved May 5, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Bell, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Arabella (bred by Mr. Codd), by A-la-Mode (725), by George (1067), by Surprise (2716), by Major (397), by Brown's Bull of Aldbrough (820). (3032) ARGO. White, calved June 30, 1839, bred by and the property of Capt. Hampton, got by Henllys (2112), d. Maria, by Beaufort, by Beaudle (1695). (3033) ARGUS. Red, calved 1839, bred by and the prop- erty of Mr. Robson, Cadeby, Lincolnshire, got by East- thorpe (1947), d. Amazon, by Prince Comet (1342), by Rival (553), by Constellation (163). (3034) ARGYLE. ARISTOTLE. Red, calved July 2, 1837, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Guliver, got by Anthony (1640), d. Mouche, by Edgcott (1953), by a son of Merlin. W. ARMSTRONG'S BULL. Bred by Mr.Harbottle, Anick Grange, near Hexham, got by Young Conrad (3466), d. Susanna, by Broomley (3226), Young Susan, by a Son of Daisy (186), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (3037) ARNATO or AMATO. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Dauthwaite, sold to Mr. Prince, near Bedale, got by Thornton (5476), d. Old Daisy, by a son of Youii"- Albion (15), by Ash, by Easby (232). (3038) ARROW. Got by Monarch (2328), d. Snowdrop, by Young Eryholme (1981), by Dunn's son of Barmpton (54), by a Bull of Mr. Jolly's. (3039) ARTHUR, same as MARQUIS (4387). Roan, calved 1836, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, the property of Mr. Walker, Dane's Hill, near Retford, got by Miracle 2d (2322), d. Annette, by Topper (2768), Anne, by a son of Aid-de-Camp (722), Anne, by Aid-de-Camp (722), Mari- anne, by Meteor (1226), Profit (bred by Mr. Champion), by Neswick (1266), Red Rose, by . (3040) ARTHUR. Red and white roan, calved July 10, 1838, bred by Mr. W T hitaker, the property of Mr. Gibbons, TJ. S. A., got by Charles (1815), d. Voluna, by Danby (3550), Lingcropper, by Remus (550), Pink, by Sedbury (1424) Beauty, by Hollings (2131), Lingcropper, by Partner (2409), Lady, by Button's Bull of Marske (2145), Lingcropper, by Marske (418), Lofty, descended from R. Alcock's Bull (19). (3041) ARTHUR. Roan, calved May 26, 1839, bred by Mr. Edge, got by Belshazzar (1704), d. Adelaide (bred by Mr. Rose), by Mason (4410), Alice, by Ivanhoe (1131), &c., as in Albert (5726). (3042) ARTHUR. -Red and white, calved Nov. 25, 1840, bred by and the property of Rev. J. D. Jefferson, Thicket Priory, near York, got by Benjamin (1710), d. Rarity, by Lisbon (1172), by Norman (1276), by Ambo (746), by Blaize (75), by Henry (301), by St. John (572), by George (273). (3043) ARVON. Dark roan, calved April 25, 1838, bred by and the property of Rev. J. Vincent, got by Maggot (2238), d. Avonia, by Wharfdale (1578), &c., as in Oughtred (4634). (3044) ASHBY METEOR. Got by Meteor (431). d. by Pat- riot (486), by Quaker (1349). (3045) ASHLY. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Prentice, U. S. A., got by Young Rubens (5026), d. Princess, by Henry (4008), Beauty, by Fitz Form (2024), White Princess, by Cupid (938), Young Princess, by Lionel (1171), Princess, by Favour- ite (256), Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), Princess, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Waistell's Bull (669), by Masterman's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). (3046) ASKH AM. White, calved Jan. 16, 1840, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of R. Bowman, got by Spearman (5288), d. Flora, by Young Hastings (3987), Strawberry, by Magician (1184), &c., as in Conservative (3472). (3047) ASSMER. Roan, calved 1838, bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, the property of Mr. Johnson, got by Al- gernon (1631), d. Hebe, by Woodville (2856), Pallas, by Emperor (1014), Juno, by Alexander (1624). (3048) ASTORIA alias ASTORIO. White with some red spots, calved July 14, 1838, bred by Mr. Bement, Albany, U. S. A., got by Ajax (2944), d. Delia, by Carlos (1787), &c., as in Acteon (2917). (3049) ATHELSTANE. Calved 1840, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Knightley, got by Little John (4232), d. Marguerite, by Marcellus (2260), Pearl, by Rufus (2576), Ruby, by Wellington (683), by Windsor (6 98) i _by Windsor (698), by an own Brother to North Star (459). (3050) YOUNG ATLAS. Roan, calved March 16, 1840, bred by and the property of the Earl of Londsdale, got by Prime Minister (2456), d. Aurora, by Sir William (2640), &c., as in Ambo (5754). (3051) ATTILA. Roan, calved June 21, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property 01 Mr. Thompson, Armin, got by Tarrare, (2735), d. Arabella, by A-la-Mode, (725), &c., as in Arderio ~-" % (3052) ATTRACTION. Bred by Mr. Skipworth, got by Attraction (1661), d. by C. Colling's Young Favourite (254). (3053) ATTRATUM. Roan, bred by Mr. Skipworth, got by Attraction (1661), d. by Grey Robin (1090), by Young Favourite (254), by Expectation (247). (3054) AUDITOR. Roan, calved May 15, 1838, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, the property of Mr. Pope, Cambridge- shire. Full brother to Jamie (2155). (3055) AUDLEY. (3056) AUGUSTUS. White, with red neck and head, calved Sept. 1836, bred by R. Jobson, the property of Mr. Brown, Watton, near Wick, Caithness, got by Sultan Selim (2710), d. by Boreas (810), by a grandson of Chil- ton (136), by Young Star (619), Mary, bred by Gen. Simson. (3057) AUGUSTUS, Calved 1838, the property of A.L. Maynard, Snow Hall, got by Velocipede (5552), d. by Young Matchem (4425), by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (418), by Favourite (252), by a son of Suwor- row (636). (3058) AUGUSTUS. Red, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Hepworth, got by Conrad (3467), d. Ada, TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 71 by Norfolk (3377). Young Alexina, by Pilot < !%>, Alex- ma, by \Varlaby (672). &c., as in A-la-Mode (7'25). (:;or>!t> An;ry Lottery i2-.'25],- -R.uby. by Young Midas (4472), -Lady, by North Star (469), Carnation, by Lubin (388). (3060) AUGUSTUS. Roan, calved July 30, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnard, Gosfield Hall. Essex, got by Stamford (5313), d. Rosea, by Imperial (4068), Raii!>y, by Helmsman (2109), bred by Mr. Rogers, Ranby. (3061 ) AUGUSTUS CAESAR. Red and white, calved Aug. 2^. is K), bred by and the property of R. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Jimia, by Rob- ertson (2538), &c., as in Junius (6108). (3062) AURAM. Got by Stirling (2705). (3063) AUSTERLITZ. Roan, calved May 8, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Napoleon (-1533), d. Rod Rose, by Norfolk (2377), Strawberry, by Sir Alexander (591), by Young Dimple (971), by Snow- ball (2648). by Lay ton (2190). (3064) AUSTRALIA. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Hunt, Thornington, the property of Mr. Pinkerton, Aus- tralia, got by Pedestrian, d. Lady, by Reformer (2502), &C., a sin Regent (4927). (3065) AVALANCHE. White, calved May, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Booth, Cotham. got by Waverley (5613), d. Nonsuch, by Ranby (4865), by Crispin (174), by .Meteor (431), by Meteor (431). (3066) AZIM. White, calved Aug. 7, 1839, bred by Mr. Aiglonby, the property of Mr. Blaylock. Burghby Sands, Cumberland, got by the Earl of Lonsdale's Monarch, d. White Rose, by Carleton, Rose, by Antonio (34), Red Rose, by Charlie (130), by Western Comet (689). (3067) BABWORTH. Roan, calved Nov. 25, 1837, bred by J. B. Simpson, the property of Mr. Thompson, got by Sir Henry (1446), d. Valentine, by Juniper (1145), &c., as in Valens (5538). (3068) BABWORTH. Roan, calved June 21, 1839, bred by Mr. Barnard, the property of Mr. Sturgeon, got by Othello (4631), d. Baroness (bred by Hon.'j. Simpson), by Juniper (1145), Peeress, by Lancaster (360), Jas- mine, by Neswick (1266), Old Yellow Cow. (3069) BACHELOR. Bred by Mr. Fenwick. (3070) BACHELOR. Roan, calved 1838, bred by J. Crof- ton, the property of Mr. Hill, Sidney, New South Wales, got by Baronet (1686), d. Manuella, by Marquis (2270), &c., as in Magistrate (2239). (3071) BACHELOR. Roan, calved Nov. 27, 1838, bred by Mr. Wiley, the property of Mr. Gofton, Wharram Percy, got by Northumberland, d. Breda (bred by E. Wiley), by a son of Chance (868), Brenda, by Chance (868), Bounce, by Grazier (1085), Buxom, by Plutarch (1327), Brilliant, by Midas (435), Beauty, by a grand- son of Simon (590). (3072) BACHELOR. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Bowman, got by Mango (4355), d. Fair Rosamond, by Count Comet (3509), &e., as in St Leonard (8524). (3073) BACHELOR. White, calved April, 1840, bred by R. Parkinson, the property of G. Dobito, Kirtling Hall, Newmarket, got by Amadis (3006), d. Blanch, 'by Sir Henry (1446), &c., as in Beaufort (1(597). (3074) YOUNG BACHELOR. Got by Bachelor (1666), d. 2d Goswick, by Doddington (1920), &c., as in Fifeshire (3075) BAGDAD. Calved 1837, bred by Sir C. Kni-'ht- ley, the property of Mr. West, got by Caliph (1774), d. Ate, by Argus (759), Semele (bred by Mr. Booth), by Jerry (405)7), Young Primrose, by Pilot (496). Prim- rose, by Rockingham (559), Flora, by Young Comet (3076) BAKER, alias ELEMORE. Got by Marquis (1197), d. Bonny, by Lawnsleeves (866), Barmpton, by Favour- ite (252), &c., as in Craven (1885). (5077) YOUNG BAKER. Bred by Mr. Houldsworth got by Baker (8078), d. by Atlas (42), Yenn^, by rolling's son oi Favourite (252), by Coding's son of Favourite (252), out of Holloii.' (3078) BAKER'S BULL. Bought of Mr. Wetherell, Red House, Durham. (3079) BALLOON. Red and white, calved Nov 25 is in bred by Earl Brownlow. the proper! v of Mr. Wilson. Boothby, got by Thorp (2757), d. Rarity (bred by Mr. Topham), by Eclipse (1949), Columbine, by Young Rockingham (2549), by George, by Cossack (925). (3080) BANKKK. Roan, calved May 12. 1s:;7, bred by Mr. Skipworth, the property of Mr. Mason. \ and the property of Mr. llindniarch. got by Young Ladykirk i4171 >. d. Young Venus, by SultanSelim (2710), Venus, by Sir Charles (1440), by Snowdrop, by Sir LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Rowland (1455), by a son of Phenomenon (491), by White Bull, by Irishman (329). (3104) BARONET JR. Bred by Mr. Parrington. (3105) BARRISTER. Roan, calved 1837, bred by J. Crof- ton, the property of Mr. Hill, Sidney, New South Wales, got by Baronet (1686), d. Blossom, by Wellington (2824), Princess, by St. Albaiis (2584), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (3106) BARRISTER. Roan, calved March 25, 1838, got by Rokeby, d. Primrose, by Laurel (2188), by Star (618), by Snowball (2648), by Roland (563), by Parker's White Bull, by Agamemnon (9), by Albion (14), by Punch (531). (3107) BAKWICK. Red roan, calved Oct. 30, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Jackson, Barwick Hall, West- moreland, got by Gambler (3858), d. Duchess, by Colonel (1846), Eliza, by a son of Sir Kenneth (1450), Kate, by Young Lancaster (1162), Elvira, by Merlin, by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), Butterfly, by Cupid (177). (3108) BASCOM. (3109) BASINGWERK. Calved June, 1838, bred by Mr. Simon, Greenfield, near Holywell, got by Samson (5082), d. Darling (bred by Mr. Almond), by Morisco (2337), by Sir Kenneth (1450), by Nelson (1262), Lady Mary, by Pilot (1319), by George (1066), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite. (3110) BASSETLAAV. Red, calved March 8, 1840, bred by Mr. Wilmot, the property of Mr. Hall, Kiveton, got by Clipper (1837), d. Landlady, by Beaufort (1696), by C. C. (1800), by Northern Light (1280), by Rockingham (560), by Phenomenon (491), by Colonel (152), by a son of Hubback (319). (3111) BATES. Red, calved June 25, 1840, the property of Col. Thos. Wilson, near Newark, O., U. S. A., got by Duroc (3666), d. Hon. Miss Barrington, by Belvedere (1706), Lady Barrington, by a son of Herdsman (304), Young Alicia, by Wonderful (700), Alicia, by Alfred (23), by Young Favourite (6994). (3112) BATES COMET. (3113) BEALL. Red and white, calved 1838, got by Phosphorus, d. Venus, by Young Matchem (4425), Clio, by Sir Thomas (2636), by Sir Alexander (591), from the stock of Mr. Maynard. (3114) BEAU. Roan, calved May, 1839, bred by and the property of J. G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Frederick (2039), d. Lady Hawthorn, by Remus (4932), Strawberry (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (680), by Favour- ite (252). (3115) BEAUMONT. Calved Dec. 1833, got by Edrom, d. by Leopold (370), by a son of Whitworth (695) by Wellington (683), by Yorkshireman (2S62), by Ery- holme (1980), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (3116) BEELZEBUB. White, calved Feb. 4, 1838, bred by J. B. Simpson, the property of Lord Hatherton, got by Saturn (5089), d. Constance, by Juniper (1145), Flow- ery, by Ketton (346), Fortune, by Neswick (1266), Bar- ton Primrose, by Yarborough (705). (3117) BEETROOT. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Hincks, got by Billy (3150), d. Larkspur, by Lot (2223), Audrey, by Argus (759) by Admiral (5), by Roland (563), by Cecil (120). (3118) BEGGARMAN. Red, calved Sept. 30, 1839, bred by and the property of Earl of Lonsdale, got by Prime Minister (2456), d. Brighteyes, by Young Hastings (3987), Mayflower (bred by Mr. Bolden), by Election (1961), by Barmpton (54), by Whitenose (692), by George (275), by Ben (70), by Favourite (252), by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (3119) BELLEROPHON. Red, calved March 2, 1832, bred by J. Stephenson, the property of H. Watson, Walker- ingham, got by Belvedere (1706), d. Helena, by Waterloo (2816), &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (3120) BELLERUS. Red, calved Feb. 1840, bred by Messrs. Dodds, the property of Mr. Mowbray, got by Bellerophon (3119), d. Peeress, by Alderman (2976) by Waterloo (2816), by Young Wynyard (2859), by a son of Simon (590), by Styford (629). (3121) BELLE VUE. White, calved March, 1840, got by Belvedere 4th (3129), d. by Remus (4933). by Lonsdale (379), by Irishman (329), by Styford (629), by Favour- ite (252). (3122) YOUNG BELSHAZZAR. Roan, calved July, 1838, bred by Mr. Wiley, the property of Mr. Pollock, Ire- land. Full brother.to Muley (4519). (3123) BELSHAZZAR. Roan, calved Nov. 2, 1839, the property of J. Forrest, Cheshire, got by Boz (3201), d. Cliilton 4th, by Scrip (2604), Chilton 3d, by Don Juan (1923), Chilton 2d, by Lindrick (1170), Valentine, by Sir Alexander (591), by North Star (459). (3124) BELTON. White, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Bar- nett, the property of Mr. Long, got by Van Amburgh (5543), d. White Rose (bred by Earl Brownlow), by Sen- ator (2610), Red Rose, by Columella (904), &c., as in Alford (2982). (3125) BELUS. Red. calved Sept. 14, 1838. bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of Mr. Edwards, Nan- horan, got by Kenwood (2114), d. Beauty, by A-la-Mode (3126) BELVEDERE 2D. Red and white, calved April, 1830, bred by J. Stephenson, afterwards the property of R. Emmerson, Eryholme, got by Belvedere (1706). d. Red Rose, by Waterloo (2816), Moss Rose, by Baron (58), Angelina, by Phenomenon (491), &c., as in Belvedere (1706). (3127) BELVEDERE 2o. Roan, calved April 20, 1835, bred by J. Stephenson, sold to Mr. Cowling, got by Bel- vedere (1706), d. Helena, by Waterloo (2816),' &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (3128) BELVEDERE 3D. Red, calved 1835, bred by J. Emmerson, the property of Mr. Walton, Low Dinsdale, got by Belvedere 2d (3126), d. Princess, by Ebor (996), by Etnperor, a son of Comet (155), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by a son of Favourite (252). (3129) BELVEDERE 4TH. Roan, calved 1836, bred by J. Stephenson, the property of J. Pearson, near Penrith, got by Belvedere 2d, d. Violet (bred by Mr. Lanchester), by a son of Remus (550), by Young Alive'o (2996), by Eclipse (236), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Paddock Bull (477), by Red Bull (97). (3130) BELVEDERE 4TH. Bred by J. Emmerson, the property of Mr. Walesby, Ranby, and J. Topham, West Keal, got by Belvedere 2d (3126), d. by Young Remus, by Alive'o (2995), by a son of Favourite, by Grey Bull (872), by Paddock Bull (477). (3131) BELVEDERE STH. Red, calved 1839, got by Bel- vedere 4th (3129), d. Young Dairy, by Remus (4933), &c,, as in Inglewood (4074). (3132) BELZONI. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Lord Feversham, the property of Mr. Hoare, Lillingstone, near Towcester, got by Symmetry (5385), d. Betsy, by Grazier (1085), by Parrington (4653), by Baron (58), by Windsor (698). (3133) BEN. Own brother to George (1067), got by Major (397). (3134) BEN. Red and white, calved March 11, 1839, the property of Mr. Mauleverer, Arnclifle Hall, Cleve- land, got by Borderer (3191), d. Lady, by Layton (2192), by Raby (2472), by Duke, a son of Rob Roy (557). (3135) BEN. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the prop- erty of Mr. Brigham, near Slingsby, Malton, got by Re- triever (4937), d. Blossom, by Viceroy (5561), by Apple- ton (1647), by The Baronet (2745), by Newtonian (23B8), by a Bull of Lord Feversham's. (3136) BENLOMOND. Roan, calved Jan. 8, 1840, bred by and the property of J. Stephenson, got by South Durham (5281), d. Jessy, by Belvedere (1706), Cherry, by Water- loo (2816), by a son of J. Brown's White Bull of Ald- brough, by a grandson of Punch. (3137) BENSON. Roan, calved April, 1840, bred by Mr. Stolson, Cross House, Bootle, the property of J. Shaw, near Bootle. got by Lord Melbourne (4264), d. a favourite Cow of Mr. Stolson's, from Durham. (3138) BEPPO. Red and white, calved Sept. 26, 1840 bred by and the property of Sir Charles Tempest, got by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Fanny, by Mowthorpe (2343), Fama, by Reformer (2512), by Don Juan (1923), by Sir Marton (1453), by Star (618), by Snowball (2648). (3139) BERGESS'S BULL. (3140) BERRINGTON (MR. SMITH'S). (3141) BERRY. Bred by Rev. H. Berry, the property of C. M. Gidings, Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A., got by Hen- wood (2114), d. Minikin, by Wharfdale (1578), Minna, by Nestor (452), &c., as in Berry (3142), below. (3142) BERRY. Roan, calved Nov. 3, 1837, bred by Mr. J. G. Carter, Liverpool, the property of Mr. Blundell, Daysbrooke, near Liverpool, got by Young Henwood (4012), d. Malibnui, by Maggot (2238), Minn ikin, by Wharfdale (1578), Minna, by^Nestor (452), Minerva, by TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. VOl'*^ JJltjr AJEtPt, the property of Mr. Viola, by Algernon by Percy (1812),] Harold rj'.in, Mary, by Meteor (4:52), Magdalena (bred by ('. Colling), by Comet (155), by Cupid (177). c5i 1:5) IJKIUIVMAN, 20, bred by Rev. H. Berry. CM if) BERTRAM 2o, 21. C5145) BEUTRAM 4-rn. Red and white, calved March, 1886, bred by Col. Powel. Powelton, near Philadelphia, the property of Dr. S. 1). Marl in, Clarke County, Ken- tucky, U. S. A., got by Bertram 2d (3144), d. Desdemona 2d, by Bertram (1716), &c., as in Bulwer (3241). CM 46) BERTRAM. Bred by Mr. Morritt, Rokeby, got by Highflyer (2122), d. by Sir Peter (5171), by Marshal Blucher (416). (3147) BERTRAM. Roan, calved Nov. 4, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Watson. Wanldy, got by Ronald C>wr. d. Blossom, by Belshazzar (1703), by Noble Henry (2374), by Simon (5134), by Young George (3885), by George (276). (3148) BIANCO. White, calved March 6, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Sizergh, got by Brutus (1751), d. Moss Rose 2d, by Navarino (2352), Moss Rose, by Favourite (256), Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), Prin- cess, by Favourite (252), (an own Sister to R. Ceiling's White Bull), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Masterman's Bull (422), by Harrison's Bull (292), bought of Mr. Pickering, Sedge- field, by Mr. Hall. (3149) BIG BEN. Roan, calved Nov. 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Spearman, got by Benjamin (1710), d. gernon (1631), Violet, by Harpham (1098), -Delicacy, by Ketton (346), &e., as in Abnini (1603). (3150) BILLY. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Ilincks, got by Johnny (4112), d. Yellow Neck, by Argus by Ilex (2149), by Roland (5(53), by Ambo (746), by Cecil (120), Sir G. Strickland's Boynton. Slaugh- tered 1840. (3151) BILLY. Calved Jan. 12, 1837, bred by Captain Barclay, the property of Mr. Hutchinson, Jr., Monyray, near Peterhead, got by Monarch (4495), d. Red Ears, by Invalid (4076), Ac., as in Mariner (7204). (3152) BIRMINGHAM. Roan, calved April 19, 1837, bred by Sir C. Tempest, got by Elector (1963), d. Vestris, by Cato (1794), Verbina, by a Son of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. (3153) BIRMINGHAM. (3154) BISHOP. Got by Ambo Dexter (1636). (3155) BISHOP MIDDLEHAM (MR. REED'S). (3156) BITHON. Red, calved March, 1840, bred by Messrs. Dodds, the property of R. Burdon, got byBeller- ophon (3119), d. Countess, by Alderman (2976), by Wa- terloo (2816), by a son of Wynyard (703), by Styford (629). (3157) BITHON. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of J. Emmerson, got by Vivian (5575), d. Cas- sandra, by Belvedere 2d (3126), by Sir Robert (5176), by Younu Rockingham (2540), by Charles 2d (128), by North Star (459), by the Red Bull. (3158) BLAIZE. Got by Rob Roy (557), d. by Wonder. (3159) BLAIZE. Roan, calved Feb. 3, 18:38, bred by Mr. \Vhita kcr. the property of the King of the French, u;ot by Daniel (3554), d. Lingtlower, byEllerton's Bull (37<)7), Gillyllower, by Young Colling (1843), by Danby (19(Mb, Pink, by Sedbury (1424), by Wilkinson's Bull (2838). C-JlliO) BLAIZE. Roan, calved May, 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Lawson, Mordon, got by Mus- sulman (4524), d. by Hector (3998), by Charles (1815), by Son of Matchem (2678), by Son of Dash (2668), by Jupiter (342), by Bumper (101), by Chilton (136), by Mr. Mason's . (3161) BLAMIRE'S BULL. Got by General (272), d. Ori- ana. by Orion (470), by Alexander, by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (3162) BLOOM. Red and white, calved February 6, 1811), bred by and the property of W. Jobson, irot by -J,[ Duke of Northumberland (364.6). d. Young BloB8Om,by Crusader (934), Blossom, by Honest John (1116), by Middleton (1235). (3163) BLOOM. Roan, calved Feb. 12, 1840, bred by Messrs. Watson, the property of Mr. Watson. Wanldbv, got by Helsha/xar (17U3), d. Uelhs. by Wauidby (8818), by Mustachios (4597),- by Simon (5184), by Young George (8885), by George (27(5). 10 (3164) BLOOMSBURY. The property of Mr. Strelly, got by Kin IT William, d. by Rockinidiam (2517), by Son of Pilot (2681), by Young Albion (15), by Comet (155). CM 65) P>LOOMSJH-KY. Red and white, calved Aug. 21. 1837, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale. the property of W Smith, got by Gainford (2044), d. Juno (bred by Mr. Fer- guson), by Monarch (4495) Duchess. (3166) BLOOMSBURY. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Walton, Dinsdale, the property of Mr. Brown, Seaton Del- aval, got by Belvedere 2d (3126), d. by Sir Walter (2639), by Marquis (2270). (3167) BLOOMSBURY. Roan, calved 1838, bred by T. Crisp, the property of Hunt and Thompson, Thorning- ton, got by Borderer, d. Stamford, by Togston (5487), by a son of Lawnsleeves (365), by Smith's Old Bull of Togston, a son of Bolingbroke (86), by Lord Strath- more's Sultan, by Barnaby (1678), bred by Messrs. James, Stamford, Northumberland. (3168) BLOOMSBURY. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Watkin, Plumpton, the property of Sir A. Buller, Dev- onshire, got by Chorister (3378), d. by Emperor (1974), by Snowdrop (2653), by Sir Charles (593), by St. Albans (2584), by Cupid (177), by Simon (590), by Punch (531), by Bolingbroke (86). (3169) BLOOMSBURY. Red and white, calved Jan. 3, 1839, bred by Earl Brownlow, the property of Mr. An- sell, got by Victory (2800). d. Rarity, by Eclipse (1949), &c., as in Balloon (3079). (3170) BLOOMSBURY. Red, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of Mr. Garforth, got by Marcus (2262), d. Mulberry, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Rival (2535). (3171) BLOOMSBURY. Roan, calved April 20, 1839, bred by and the property of Sir G. Philips, got by Reformer (2510), d. Mulberry, by Eclipse (1949), by Lottery (2224), by a son of George. (3172) BLOOMSBURY. Red, calved June 30, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Baker Greenwell, Barmpton, ijot by Belvedere 2d, d. Jessy, by Matchem 3d (4420), Kitty, by Waterloo (2816), by Borodino (3192), by Blu- cher (1725). (3173) BLOOMSBURY. Roan, calved Aug. 1839, bred by Messrs. Dodds, the property of Other, Robinson and Top- ham, got by Bellerophon (3119), d. Moss Rose, by Alder- man (2976), by Waterloo (2816), by Young Wynyard (2859), by a son of Simon (590), by Styford (629). (3174) BLOXHAM. Got by Mina (1238), d. by Champion, by Grog (283). (3175) BLUCHER. Roan, calved 1836, got by Holywell (2132), d. by Sir Henry (1446), by Herod (808), Kebecca, by Count (170), Young Venus, by Bracken (91), Venus, by Badsworth (47), by Coates' son of Twin Brother to Ben (660), bred by Sir G. Strickland. (3176) BLUE BEARD. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Lord Feversham, the property of Lord Huntingfield, got by Conservative (3471), d. Blessington, by Vulcan (2808), &c., as in Belmont (9950). (3177) BLUE BEARD. Red, calved March 16, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson. Gronant, not by Hen- wood (2114), d. Betty, by Hen wood (2114), by Premier (2448). (3178) T'.LYTII COMET. Got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by Patriot (48(5), Old Clubfoot. (3179) BOB. Roan, calved 1832, bred by F. lies, got by Brilliant (3215), d. Miss Bell, by a son of Major, Vesper, by Larkington, bred by Mr. Bell, Laceby. (3180) BOB. Calved 1836, bred by Mr. Buston, got by William (2839), d. by Young Rockingham (2549), by Wel- lington (2824), by Major (2255), by Northumberland (464), Styford (629), Bolingbroke (86). (3181) BOB. Red and white, calved Jan. 27, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Lax, Ravensworth, got by Mussulman (4525), d. Mi-s Shaftoe, by Miracle (2320), &c., as in Capt. Shaftoe (6833). (3182) BOB. Red, calved 1840, bred by and the prop- erty of A. Bell, Newsham. got by Newby, d. Crimson, by Mundig, (4521), by Young Rockingham (25-19), by Stan- wick (1477). (3183) BODKIN, alias MR. BODKIN. Red and white, calved March 20, 1840, bred by II. Tempest, the property of Mr. Almond, got by Birmingham (3152), d. Thimble (bred by Sir C. tempest), by Brutus (1752), The Foals Cow, tc. C!i8h UoLiNMinnKK, (Mi:. LA.iM'.KKT's). Dark roan, calved about 1.S-JO, bred by Kobt-on Lambert, Dilston, Nor- 74 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS thumberland, sot by Wellington (2824), d. Moss Rose, by Traveller (655), by , by Miner (441), by a son of Daisy. (3185) YOUNG BOLIVAR. Bred in America, got by Boli- var (804), d. Dr. Rogers' Beauty, by Gloucester (1074), Dr. Rogers' Silver Skin, by Champion (864), Snowball by , Virginia, by General. (3186) BOLSOVER. White, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Hutton, Gate Burton, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Butterfly, by Neptune (4554), Straw- berry, by Emperor (1013), by Snowball (611), by Baron (58), Wright. (3187) BONAPARTE. Red, calved 1840, the property of Mr. Watkin, Plumpton, got by St. Helena (5055), d. by Sir Robert (5176), by Young Surprise (5361), by Water- loo (2816). ^ (3188) BONDSMAN. Roan, calved 1839, bred by J. Crof- ton, the property of Gen. Sharp, got by Barrister (3105), d. Brighteyes, by Snowdrop (2653), Daisy, by St. Albans (2584), by Waverly (2819), by R. Colliug's Son of Wash- ington. (3189) BONIFACE. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Booth, Killerby, the property of Mr. Waron, got by Pam (4643), d. Landlady, by Matchem (2281), by Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15), Gaudy, by Albion (14), by Su- worrow (636). (3190) BONNER'S RED BULL. Got by Marfleet's Old Red Bull (1192). (3191) BORDERER, alias SMITH'S PREMIUM BULL. Bred by Mr. Smith, Shedlaw, got by Borderer (809), d. Lady, by Richmond (1380), Maria, bred by Mr. Smith, Shedlaw. (3192) BORODINO. Got by Blucher (1725), d. by Water- loo (2816). (3193) BOUGHTON. (3194) BOULTON'S BULL. (3195) BOUNCER. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Cal- decott, the property of Mr. Wolston, got by Swing (2721), d. Miss Foote, by Coxcomb (928), &c., as in Buskin (1769). (3196) BOUNCER. Roan, calved March 18, 1836, bred by Col. Cradock, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Forester (1055), by Paul Jones, by Frederick (1060). (3197) YOUNG BOUNCER. Roan, calved Oct. 1838, bred by Mr. Caldecott, the property of Mr. Neal, got by Boun- cer (3195), d. Silky (bred by W. Bagshaw), by a son of Fairfax (1023). (3198) BOURBON. White, calved Oct. 28, 1839, bred by Mr. Bower, the property of Mr. Thompson. Armin, got by Pickwick (4697), d. Primrose, by Laurel (2188), &c., as in Barrister (3106). (3199) BOWFIN. Roan, calved July, 1840, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, Farnsfield, got by Young Prince (4769), d Miss Butler, by Rinaldo (4949), bought in the North. (3200) BOWMONT. Red, calved March, 1836, bred by Mr. Hunt, Thornington, the property of Mr. Atkinson, Ewart, got by Borderer (3191), d. by Reformer (2502), by Snadori (1462), by Northern Light (1280), Hunt's Countess, by Yorkshireman (2862), by Wellington (678), by Maynard's Eryholme, by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (3201) Boz. Roan, calved 1837, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, the property of the Earl of Ducie, got by Bel- shazzar (1704), d. Red Butterfly, by Grazier (1085), But- terfly, by Sir Anthony (1435), Snowdrop, by Snowball (2648), by Prince, by Favourite (256), by a Bull of R. Colling's. (3202) Boz. White, calved April 1, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Bradford, Stonesby, got by Snowball (2652), or Earl Brownlow's Miracle (4485), d. Short Tail, by Prince (4764). (3203) YOUNG Boz. Red and white, calved Jan. 1840, bred by Sir C. Tempest, the property of Sir T. J. Traf- ford, got by Boz (3201), d. Empress, by Hubback (2142), &c., as in Emperor (3720). (3204) BRAN. Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1835, bred by J. Radcliffe, got by Edwin (1957), d. Tulip, by Bedford Jr. (1701), by Barrister (776), by Snowdrop (614), by White Comet (1582). (3205) BRANCEPETH. Red, calved April 4, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Hunter, East Park, Brance- peth, got by Barforth (3085), d. by Rowland (2571), by a son of Albion (17), by Henry (301), by St. John (572), by George (273). BRANDON. Calved 1827, bred by Mr. Curry, got by Sir Charles (1440), d. Duchess, by Wellington (683), &c., as in Brougham (1746). (3207) BRANDON. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Cal- vert, Sandysike, got by Brandon (3206), d. Spot, by Young Sovereign, by Lonsdale (379), by Walton (5593), by Barmpton (54). (3208) BRANXTON. Light roan, bred (supposed) by R. Thornton, the property of C. D. Fenwick, New So'uth Wales, got by Chance, d. by Sol (2655), by Rob Roy (557), by Sir Charles (5146), by Surprise (2717), by Wellington (678). (3209) BRAWITH. White, calved Dec. 21, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Parker, Petterill Green, Cumberland, got by The Earl, d. Bcllissima, by Sir Charles, by Kirkharle (2178), by Cleveland (893), by Duke, Traveller or Bolingbroke. (3210) BKAYTON. Bred by Sir James Graham, got by Barmpton (54), d. by Western Comet (689). (3211) BRAZEN NOSE. Red, calved May 16, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Wood, Kimblesworth, got by Chorister (3378), d. Broomley, by Reformer (2502), by Prudhoe (2468), by Leopold (2199), by a Bull of A. Wailes'. (3212) BRENTWOOD. Roan, calved March 12, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Beauford, got by Cossack (1880), d. Buttercup, by Parmesan (4652), Butterfly, by Neptune (4554), Strawberry, by Empe- ror (1013), by Snowball (611), by Baron (58), Wright. (3213) BRIGAND. Roan, calved Dec. 12, 1839, bred by Mr. Bower, Moorgate House, near Retford, the property of Mr. Hood, got by Pickwick (4697), d. Bertha, by Ser- geant Major (2611), by Frank (1059), by Albion (14), by Marske (418), by Brother to North Star (459), by Martin Aylesby (1205), by Barningham (56), by Bar- ningham (56). (3214) BRIGHTON. White, calved May 4, 1840, bred by and the property of T. Simson, Blainslie, Roxburgh- shire, got by Maitland (4335), d. by Hector (1104), by Sir Charles, by Sir Rowland, by a son of Phenomenon (491), by Irishman. (3215) BRILLIANT. Bred by Mr. Ostler, the property of F. lies, got by Soldier (2656), d. by Rival (553), Ruby, by Barmpton (54), by Aylesby (44), by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer. (3216) BRILLIANT. Red and white, calved April 15, 1837, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by a son of Freemason (1064), d. Lovely (bred by Lord Huntingfield), by Northumberland (1286), Rose- bell, by Barmpton (54), out of an own Sister to Apollo. (3217) BRILLIANT IST. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Vulcan (2808), d. Young Beauty, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Belmont (9950). (3218) BRILLIANT. Red and white, calved Nov. 1840, bred by J. Forrest, the property of Sir T. J. De Trafford, got by Major, d. Bella, by Luck's-all (2230), by Isaac (1129), by Snowdrop (614), by White Comet (1582). (3219) BRINKLEY. Roan, calved April, 1839, bred by Mr. King, Ormsby, the property of Mr. King, Brinkley, got by the White Bull, d. by Constellation, by Major, by Constitution or Constellation (163). (3220) BRISKET. Roan, calved Aug. 1839, the property of Mr. Unsworth, got by Pickwick, d. by Richmond, by Juniper (1145), by Young Colling (901), by Lancas- ter (360), by Prince (521). (3221) BRITON. Roan, bred by J. Porritt, Claxton, near Stockton, late the property of H. Porritt, Togston, got by Parrington's son of the Old Kirkleatham Bull (a son of Coates' White Bull of Driffleld), d. bought of Mr. Parrington, near Stockton. (3222) BRITON. Calved Sept. 30, 1836, bred by Mr. Bower, the property of Mr. Thompson, Spaldington, got by Holywell (2132), d. Bashful, by Sir Walter (1459), Rachel, by Herod (308), Rebecca, by Count (170), &c., as in Blucher (3175). (3223) BRITON. White, calved 1840, bred by B. Wil- son, Brawith, sold to go to Australia, got by Slashing Harry (5209), d. Ruby (bred by R. Booth), by Isaac (1129), Young Ruby, by Admiral (5), Ruby, by Pilot (496), by Albion (14), by Shakspeare (582), by a son of Twin Brother to Ben (660). (3224) BROKEN HORN. Got by Sorcerer (5280), d. Rose, by General (272), --Juliet, by Young Star (619). (3225) BROMFIELD'S BULL. TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 75 i:5226) BROOMLEY, alias HECTOR (2103). (3227) BROTHER TO BLOOMSBURY. Light roan, calved IS to, bred by T. Chrisp. the property of -las. Thompson, >outh Wales, got by Regent (2517), d. Stamford, by Togston (5487), &c., as in Bloomsbury (3167). (3228) BROUGH. Got by Mr. Allison's White Bull. (3229) BROUGH. (3230) BROUGHAM. Roan, calved July 27, 1840, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Alcock, got by Ran- unculus (2479), d. Crocus, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (3231) BROUGHTON. Calved July 20, ia36, bred by Sir C. Tempest, got by Monarch (2329), d. Annabella, by Re- former (2512), Fanny, by Imperial (2151), White Lady, by Snowball, Lady, by Young Dimple (971), Lady, by Young Comet (905), Cherry, by Favourite, Old Cherry, b> (inldnmler (1075). (3232) BROWN'S WHITE BULL, OF ALDBROUGH. (3233) BRUCE. Red, calved Sept. 14, 1836, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Rotch, U. S. A., got by Colossus (1847), d. Lady Mary, by Mercury (2301), Lau- rustina, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Lincoln (2205). (3234) BRUNSHAW. Roan, calved Aug. 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Eastwood, got by Arnato, d. Miss Poko, by Miracle, by Snowball (2648), by Wel- lington. (3235) BRUNSWICKER (MR. SCROOPE'S). Roan, calved 1830, got by Dale's Bull, d. Twin Cow, by Wyvill's son of Planet (502), Three Paps, by Mad Bull (4307), Young Yellow Cow, by Lax (4195), the Old Yellow Cow. (3236) BRUTUS. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Scot- son, got by Brutus (1750), d. by North Star, by Laclrone (353), by Charles (127). (3237) BRUTUS, 31. (3238) BUCHAN HERO. Roan, calved April 1, 1839, bred by Ferguson Simpson, Main of Pitfour, near Mint- law, Aberdeenshire, the property of Sir C. R. Tempest and Mr. Whitaker, got by White Bull (5643), d. Young Broadhooks, by Young Ladykirk (4170), by Albion (731), Europa, by Sirius (598), Short Tail, by Wellington (679), Honeysuckle, by Sultan (631), Jane, by Signior (588). (3239) BUCKINGHAM. Red and white, calved April 3, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Booth, Killerby, got by Mussulman (4525), d. Bracelet, by Priam (2452), Toy, by Argus (759), Vestal, by Pilot (496), Vestris, by Remus (550), Valentine, by Blucher (82), Countess, by Albion (14), by Shakspeare (582), by Easby (232). (3240) BULLION. Red, calved Oct. 28, 1839, bred by and the property of Dr. Martin and Mr. Taylor, Clarke Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by Lofty (2217), d. Beauty (bred by Mr. Parker), by Laurel (2181), by Star (618), by Snow- ball (2648), by Roland (563), by Parker's White Bull, by Agamemnon (9), by Albion (14), by Punch (531). (3241) BULWER. Red and white, calved May 21, 1838, bred by and the property of Dr. Martin, Clarke Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by Rifleman (2532), d. Desdemona 2d, by Bertram (1716), Zulinda, by Malcolm (1190), Desde- mona, by Frederick (1060), Delia, by Cleveland (146), Red Daisy (bred by Mr. Hustler), by Major (398), by Windsor (698), Old Daisy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (3242) BUMPER. Red and white, calved April 9, 1840, bred by and the property of T. Bagshaw, Oakley, near Kettering, got by Whitaker (5640), d. Pomona, by Young Comet (3436), Moss Rose, by Willoughby (5665), Young Gaudy, by Star (2699), Gaudy, by Miner '(441), bought of Mr. Ormby, Little Hutton, near Darlington. (3243) BURGHLEY. Roan, calved 1840,- bred by and the property of the Marquis of Exeter. Full brother to Brownlow (9997). (3244) BURLEIGH. Got by a Bull bred by Mr. Pym (from the Marquis of Exeter's breed), d. Tulip, by The Red Bull, bred by Lord Kilmorey, Old Tulip. (3245) BURLINGTON. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Edwards, the property of Mr. Henderson, Ca5;2). (3327) CHAMPION. Roan, calved June 9, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant. Full brother to Cupid (3534). (3328) CHANCE. Red, got by a son of Phenomenon (1318), d. by Jupiter (343). (3329) CHANCE. Bred by Mr. Bruere, got by Fairfax (3330) CHANCE. Roan, calved Nov. 1836, got by Ac- mon (1606), d. by Rob Roy (557), by a Bull of Mr. New- by's, Thorpe. (3331) CHANCE. Red and white, calved April 26, 1838, bred by Mr. Goodwin, the property of E. Kirby, got by Favourite (3771), d. Columbine, by Reform (1361), by Wellington, by Favourite, by Brown's Bull of Ald- brough. (3332) CHANCE. Roan, calved June 7, 1838, bred by Blr. Minta. the property of Mr. Billiatt, got by Clipper 1887), d. Helpmate, by Oscar (2392), &c., as in Horace (3333) CHANCE, alias CHANCELLOR. Light roan, calv- ed April, 1840, bred by Col. Cradock, the property of W. Raine, got by Matcnum Bonum (2243>, d. by Paganini (2405), by Pirate (2431), by Houghton, by Blucher. (3-334) CHANCE. Roan, calved Dec. 1840, bred by Mr. Bird, Catterton Hall, got by Belvedere 4th (3129), d. by Acmon (1606). (3335) CHANCELLOR. Red and white, bred by II. Wat- son, got by William (2810), d. by Firby (1040), orlvanhoe (1131). by Mariner (1193), by Oglesby's George, by Ogleby's George. (3336) CIIA.M i.i, LOR. Roan, calved March, 1839, bred by Mr. Jlobson, Cross House, the property of II. Ilod"- BOn, Corney Hall, Cumberland, got by Prime Minister r.M56i, d. Lowther (bred by Col. Cradock), by Magnum Bonum (2213). (3337) CHANCELLOR. Red and white, calved Feb. 13, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Atkinson, K\vart, got by Bowmont (3200). d. Mary, by Cato (3298). White Bet, by Leopold (2200), Old Bet, by Winston (5liC>9). (3338) CHANTICLKKK. Hoan, cahcdOct. 30, 1837, bred by Mr. Edge, the property of Mr. Townsend. Kin^s Newnham, got by Pilot (2i->?). d. by Cart \vri-lit 's son of Studley t()2Si. by a son of JJIytli Comet (H.', - -by a son ofWaddin-uorlh (U08). CVK9) CHAKITY. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of T. Jackson, P.anvick Hall, got by Gambler (3858), d. Young Jessy, by Colonel (1846), Jessy, by Con- queror, Luna, by Merlin (429). (3340) CHARLEMAGNE. Got by Regent (4925). (3341) CHARLES. Roan, calved May 1, 1834, bred by J. Radclifl'e, got by Bedford Jr. (1701), d. Empress, by Bed- ford i8), by Northern Light (1281), by White Comet (1582). (3342) CHARLES. Got by Noble Henry (2374). (3343) CHARLES. Roan, calved 1836, bred by R. Law- son, got by Charles (1815), d. Lily, by Forester (1055), by a son of North Star (459), by St. John (572), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (3344) CHARLES. Red and white, calved Dec. 26, 1837, bred by Mr. Warn" eld, near Lexington, U. S. A., got by Goldfinder (2066), d. Paulina, by Pontiac (4734), by Con- tention (3479), by San Martin (2599), by Paul Jones (4661), by Buzzard. Dead. (3345) CHARLES. Roan, calved May 30, 1838, bred by J. Woodhouse, the property of Mr. Rodwelt, Skelton, near York, got by Lofty (2217), d. Red Rose, by Ambo (1636), Cherry, by Imperial (2151), by Harrison's son of Windsor (698), Lady, by Young Dimple (971), Lady, by Young Comet (905), Cherry, by Goldfinder (1075). (3346) CHARLES. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Edge, the property of Mr. Eyre, got by Cossack (1880), d. Cora (bred by Mr. Booth, Cotham), by Match- em (2281), by Favourite (1028), by a brother to Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Fisher's Red Bull (3799). (3347) CHARLES. Red, calved Feb. 8, 1839, bred by Mr. Goodwin, got by George (3878), d. Cherry, by An- thony (1640), Columbine, by Reform (1361), by Wel- lington, by Favourite, by Brown's Bull of Aldbrough. (3348) CHARLES [See (5851)]. Roan, calved March 15, 1840, bred by J. Forrest, the property of Mr. Percival, got by Commander, d. Mary, by Match em (2281), Ves- tris, by Young Houghton (1119), Cato Cow, by Cato (119), by Jupiter (342), Young Gaudy, by Pope (514), Gaudy, by Favourite (252), Fortune, by Bolingbroke (86), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (3349) YOUNG CHARLES. Roan, calved May 10, 1840, bred by and the property of Mrs. Dorothy Wilkinson, got by Charles (1815), d. Beauty, by Young Remus (2523), Lingcropper, by Remus (550). , cVc., as in Sir Andrew (5141). 78 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (3359) CHARLEY BOY. Calved 1840, bred by and the property of T. Lambert, Elrington Hall, got by Prince Al- bert (4778), d. by Guardian (3948), Red Rose, by a son of Cumberland (176), by Memnon (4452), by Wellington (2824). (3360) CHARLIE BOY. Red and white, calved March 15, 1838, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Sol (2655), d. Moss Rose, by Maximus (2284), Pasta, by Punch (2471), Scrip, by Sailor (1411), by Pilot (1319). (3361) CHATSWORTH. Roan, calved Nov. 10, 1840, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Marmion (4379), d. Martha, by Fairfax (1023), Milkmaid, by Harpham (1098), &c., as in Abram (1603). (3362) CHAUCER. Calved 1836, bred by Earl Spencer, got by Wiseton (2848), d. Poetry, by Firby (1040), Lalage, by Ivauhoe (1131), Poplin, by Hector (1104), Platina, by Regent (544), Metal. (3363) CHEROKEE. Bred by J. B. Simpson, got by Silk- worm (5129), d. Penelope, by Juniper (1145), Effie, by Mentor (426), Europa, by Lancaster (360), Cherry, by Eclipse (234), Old Cherry. (3364) CHESTERFIELD. Roan, calved Sept. 20, 1838, the property of John Allen Gano, Centreville, Bourbon Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by Comet (1854), d. Ruby, by Sym- metry (5382), Multiflora, by Walter, Whiteface (bred by J. Charge), by Roland (563), by Constellation (163). (3365) CHEVALIER. Got by Pretender, d. Harmony, by Western Comet (689), by Harlequin (289), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (3366) YOUNG CHEVIOT. Got by Cheviot (1822), d. China-aster (bred by Rev. T. Harrison), by Hotspur (1117), Mulberry, by Rob Roy (556), Damask, by Cecil (120), Red Rose, by Windsor (698), Pink, by Simon (590), bred by Mr. Angus, Styford, by Colonel, by Sty- ford (629), by a son of Hubback (319). (3367) CHEVIOT. Red and white, calved 1838, bred by J. Chrisp, the property of Wilson Simpson, Roxburgh- shire, got by Prince Eugene (2463), d. 3d Princess, by Snowball (2647), Princess (bred by J. Henderson), by St. Alban's (2584), by Lawnsleeves (365). (3368) CHIEF. Got by a son of Memnon (2296), d. Brighteyes, by Morning Star (2328), by Denton (198), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (3369) CHIEFTAIN. Red, calved May 5, 1834, bred by Mr. Warfield, near Lexington, Kentucky, U. S. A., the SToperty of G. D. Hayworth, got by Pontiac (4734), d. May )acre, by Accommodation (2907), by San Martin (2599), Teeswater Cow, Ky. imp. 1817. (3370) CHIEFTAIN. 03371) YOUNG CHILDERS. Bred by Mr. Shafto, Whit- worth, got by Childers (1824), d. by Jupiter. (3372) YOUNG CHILDERS. Got by Childers (1824), d. Figurante, by Brutus (100), by Ketton (346), by Snow- drop. (&S73) CHILDERS. Red, calved May 1, 1840, bred by Mr. Bagnall, Leopard Farm, got by Major (4338), d. Rose, by Childers (1824), bought at Mr. Rose's sale. (3374) CHILLINGHAM. Got by Sultan (1485). (3375) CHILLINGHAM. Got by Young Sea Gull (5100). (3376) CHILTON. (3377) YOUNG CHILTON. Got by Chilton (137). (3378) CHORISTER. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Velocipede (5552), d. Osmunda, by Bur- ley (1766), by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (418), descended from Maynard's stock. (3379) YOUNG CHORISTER. White, calved Jan. 2, 1839. bred by J. Unthank, sold to Mr. Wetherell, got by Chor- ister (3378), d. by Young Rockingham (2549), by Duke (1933), by Major (2255), by Coathain (1840), by North- umberland (464). (3380) CHRISTMAS (1828), or XMAS (2860). Bred by the Marquis of Exeter, got by Aid-de-Camp (722), d. Esther, by Marske (418), &c., as in Alexander (2979). (3381) CHRISTOPHER. (3382) CHRISTOVAL. Roan, calved March 22, 1839, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Kemp, got by Wil- liam (2840), d. No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Chris- topher (1829). (3383) CHRYSALITE. White, calved Jan. 2, 1840, bred by and the property of J. Radcliff'e, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. White Rose, by Cyrus (3538), by Bedford Jr. (1701), by Remus (2524), by Baronet (775), by Snow- drop (614), by White Comet (1582). (3384) CICERO. Got by Ccelebs, d. Old Flora. Coelebs and Old Flora imp. to Boston, U. S. A., from Eiig. (3385) CICERO. Red and white, calved April 13, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Wood, Kimblesworth, got by Gainford (2044), d. Cowslip, by Young Magog (2247), Duchess, by Margrave (2263), Premium, by Sir Charles (593), by Sir Dimple (594), by St. Albans (2584), by Layton (366), Charge's Grey Bull (872), J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (3386) CINCINNATUS. Red and white, calved Aug. 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Laxton, got by Javelin (4093), d. Marmalade, by Prize (2467), Medlar, by Dispatch (983), Muta, by Cotes (926), Maria, by Lincoln (376), &c., as in Roman (1394). (3387) CLAN ALBIN. Calved April 15, 1839, bred by C. N. Bement, Albany, N. Y., U. S. A., the property of W. Bement, got by Dumfries (3660), d. Gertrude, by Carlos (1787), Geraldine, by Devonshire (966), Galatea, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Carlos (1787). NOTE. As Dumfries was an Ayrshire Bull, ClanAlbin is half Ayrshire. L. F. A. (3388) CLANSMAN. Roan, calved April, 1837, bred by Mr. Bosville. Full brother to The Chieftain (2893). CLANSMAN. Red and white, calved Maich 7, 1838, bred by W. Jobson, the property of Mr. Turnbull, Cavers Middles, got by Young Sea Gull (5100), d. Young Clarinda, by Crusader (934), Clarinda, by Sultan (1485), Young Cherry, by White Comet (1582), by a son of Chilton (136), by Bolingbroke (86). . (3390) CLAPHAM. Red and white, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Dauthwaite, the property of Mr. Foster, got by Thornton (5476), d. Young Daisy, by Sultan, Daisy, by a son of Young Albion (15), Ash, by Easby (232). (3391) CLARINDA BULL alias CLARION. Roan, calved 1834, bred by W. Jobson, got by Young Sea Gull (5100), d. Clarinda, by Sultan (1485), &c., as in Clansman (3389). (3392) CLARION. See Clarinda Bull. CLARION. Roan, calved Nov. 1840, bred by Mr. Robson, Cadeby, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Cadeby, by Prince Comet (1342), by Count (170), by Constellation (163). (3394) CLARKE. Roan, calved April 7, 1840, bred by Mr. Warfield, near Lexington, Fayette Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by Franklin (3834), d. Julia, by Goldfinder (2066), Phoenix, by Oliver (2387), Lady Durham, by San Martin (2599), Durham Cow. (3395) CLARKE'S BULL, OF KINOLTON GRANGE. Bred by Mr. Clark. (3396) CLASHER. Roan, calved Dec. 15, 1838, bred by Mr. Lynn, the property of Mr. Green, got by Clipper (1837), d. Snow r drop (bred by Mr. Codd), by Commodore (1858), by George, by Major (398). (3397) CLAXBY. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Har- greaves, the property of Mr. Mundy, got by Statesman (2700), d. Avon, by Shakspeare (2614), by Normanby (1278), by Slater's Bull. CLEASBY. Got by Peter (487). CLEMENTI. Roan, calved Sept. 29, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Rutson, got by Cossack (1880), d. Cassandra, by Miracle (2320), Garland, by Matchem (2281), by Fitz Remus (2025), byCato (119), by Whitworth (695), bought by Mr. Mason, for Mr. Shafto. (3400) CLEVELAND. Got by Zeno (1594). (3401) YOUNG CLEVELAND. Got by Wonderful (700), d. Princess, by Apollo. (3402) CLEVELAND. Got by Wellington, d. Baroness (bred by Lord Feversham), by Baron (58), Molly, by Hutton's Bull (322), by Butterfly (104), Daphne, by Globe (278). (3403) CLEVELAND. The property of Mr. Geekie, got by Matchem 3d (4420), by Young Eryholme (1981), by Belzoni (1709), by Comus (1861). (3404) CLEVELAND. Roan, bred by Mr. Morton, got by Xenophon (5693), d. by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Cyrus (184), by R. Colling's Barmpton. (3405) CLEVELAND. Bred by Mr. Lawson, Stapleton, got by Stapletou (2698). (3406) CLEVELAND. White, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawith, sold to go to Australia, got by New- ton (4567), d. Fashion, by son of Emperor (2671), &c., as in Brawith (7845). TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 79 (3407) CLEVELAND LAD. Roan, calved Dec. 2, 1830, bred by Mr. Hates, Klrkleavington, iXot by Short Tail <5.'(W1>, il. Matchem Cow, by MatHitm (2S81), by Young Wynyanl u'S.V.t). CMOS) -Jn ( 'i. I:\KLAND LAD. Roan, calved March 23, 1838, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirkleavington, the property of Mr. Burnett, Black Hedley, Northumberland, got by Short Tail (2(521), d. Matchem Cow, by Matchem (2281), by Young Wynyard (2859). (3409) CLIANTHUS. Roan, calved March 31, 1840, bred by Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Mowbray (4510), d. Glory, by Rufus (2570), &c., as" in Saladin (2589). (3410) CLIFFORD. White, calved Aug. 1840, bred by J. Proctor, got by St. Thomas (5063), \\. Penelope, by Hero (2119), Prudence, by Forester (1055), Pink, by Rob Roy (557), by Satellite (1420), by Sir Dimple (594), by Styford (029), by C. Colling's son of Bolingbroke (86), by R. Colling's Lame Bull (358), by a Boll of Mr. Newby's, Thorpe. (3411) CLIFTON. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Park- inson, got by a son of Ivanhoe (1131), d. Beauty, by Sher- idan (2616), by Crispin, by Cossack (925). (3412) CLIFTON. (3413) COBHAM. Red and white, calved Oct. 22, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Parkinson, got by Cos- sack (1880), d. Cora, by Matchem (2281), &c., as in Charles (3346). (3414) OLD COBOUKG (J. BURTT'S). Bred by Jno. Burtt. (3415) COBOURG. Got by Old Cobourg (3414), d. Ma- tilda, by Wellington (688), Myrtle, by Grandson of Wad- dingworth (3924), Old Cherry, by a son of Mai-fleet's Red Bull (1192). (3416) COBOURG. Red and white, calved 1838, bred by Mason Hopper, the property of Lord Wrottesley, Wol- verhampton, got by Marton (4408), d. Garland, by Match- em (2281), &c., as in dementi (3399). (3417) CODDINGTON MATCHEM. Roan, calved in 1834, bred by Jos. Burtt, got by Matchem (2281), d. Codding- ton Venus, by Young Crispin (3520), Profit, by a Bull of Mr. Wilkinson's, Lenton. (3418) COLDSTORMS. Got by Grazier (3927), d. Fiery, by Dauby (19(K)), by Wilkinson's Bull (2838), bred by L. Carter, Applegarth. (3419) COLLARD. Roan, calved Sept. 4, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Lord Lorton, Ireland Full brother to Clementi (3399). (3420) COLLARD. Roan, calved Sept. 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnard, got by Cottesmore (3505), d. Rosebud, by Pears' White Bull, (bred by Rev. T. Harrison), by Hotspur (1117), Red Rose, by Windsor (698), &c., as in Young Cheviot (3366). (3421) R. COLLING'S WHITE BULL (151). White, calved 1798, bred by R. Colling, Barmpton, got by Favourite (252), d. by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Nlasterman'g Bull (422), by Harrison's Bull (292), bought of Mr. Pickering, Sedgefield, by Mr. Hall. (3422) COLLINO. Red, calved June 20, 1840, bred by Mrs. Mdlvaine, the property of, or in the possession of Col. Thos. Wilson, near Newark, Ohio, U. S. A., got by Duroc (3000), d. Victoria, by Skiptou Bridge Bull (5308), Hon. Miss Harrington, by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Bates (3111). (3423) COLLINGWOOD (MR. SMITH'S). (3424) YOUNG COLNEY. Roan, calved July 28, 1838, the property of Mr. Bromfield, got by Colonel (3426), d. .Jessica, byColney (2-870), (bred by Mr. Clark, Barnby Moor), by Jupiter (2169), by Juniper (1145), by Colum- ella (904). (3425) COLONEL. Red, calved 1827, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Magician (1184), d. Thorn, by General (272), Brier, by , by Alexander (21). (3426) COLONEL (MR. BAGSHAW'S). (3427) COLONEL. Red and white, calved Nov. 10, 1837, bred by Sir ('.Tempest, -,,t by llerryman (31413), d. Morel, (3428) COLONEL. White, calved April 3, 1838, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of ,). Bowstead "o't by Gaintord (20-14), d. Cherry (bred by Mr. Culvert ),' by Samson (50HO), by Morpeth, by Lonsdale (879), Dairy or Daisy, by irishman (32!h. COL. WlLLOUGHBY'S BULL. (3430) COI.TXKSS. Roan, calved Jan. I, 1837, bred by Mr. Houlds\vorth. Farnstield, got by Velocipede i.";.V>:,!,, d. Columbine (bred by Mr. Maynard), by liatchem 3<1 (4420), by Borodino (3192). -by Alfred (2?,), by Major (397), by Windsor (698), by a son of Favourite \Xrti. (3431) COLUMBUS. Roan, calved Dec. 8, 1830, bred by Mr. Houldaworth, Farnslield, got by < 'oil ness (8480), d. Columbine, by Matchem 3d (4420), &<:., as in Coltness (3430). (3432) COMET (MR. LAX'B). (3433) COMET (MR. MACHELL'S). (3434) COMET. Red, calved Sept. 22, 18.35, bred by the Earl of Ilardwicke, got by Paragon (4G47), d. Rosa, by Red Bull (5462), Old Rosa, by Jupiter (4135), lo. (3435) YOUNG COMET. Got by Albion (14). (3436) YOUNG COMET. Bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson, got by Meteor (432). (3437) YOUNG COMET. Bred by E. II. Derby, Mass., U. S. A., got by Admiral (1608), d. Annabella, by Major (398), &c., as in Enchanter (3729). (8438) COMET. Roan, calved July 5, 1840, bred by and the property of G. Brinton, Jr., Chester Co., U. S. A., got by His Grace (4037), d. Victoria, by LuckVall (2230), Red Rose, by Bedford, Jr. (1701), Moss Rose, by Romu- lus (1403), Vesta, by Isaac (1129), by Northern Light (1281), by White Comet (1582), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (3439) COMMANDER. Got by Blaize (76), d. Cora, by Blyth Comet (85), Old Chance, by Burtt's Bull. (3440) COMMANDER. Roan, calved May, 1836, bred by Mr. Dudding, the property of Mr. Collingwood, got by A- hi-Mode (725), d. Carnation, by Childers (1824), Young Cowslip, by Ratify (2481), &c., as in Captain (3277). (3441) COMMANDER. Red and white, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Balfour, got by Sergeant Major (.2611), d. Caroline, by Tasso (2739), by Rough Robin (1404), by Barmpton (54), by Marske(418), by George, by Aldwark Foljambe (734). (3442) COMMANDER. White roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Iveson, got by Archduke (3027), d. Careless, by Commodore (1858), by Snowball (611), by Surprise (2716), by Brown's Bull (820). (3443) YOUNG COMMANDER. Got by Commander (3439), d. Adelaide, by Commander (3439), &c., as in Am- bulator (3012). (3444) COMMODORE. Bred by Mr. Allison, Bilby, got by Columella (904), d. by Shakspeare (1429), by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033). (3445) COMMODORE (MR. CARTWRIGHT'S). Got by Commodore (1858). (3446) COMMODORE. Got by Chieftain (1823), d. Spot, by Albany (13), Seagrave, by Midas (435), by Boughton (90). (3447) COMMODORE. Got by Pizarro (1323), d. by a son of Cupid (177), by Smith's Berrington (3140). (3448) COMMODORE, 3776. (3449) COMMODORE (MR. KNIGHT'S). (3450) COMMODORE. Roan, calved May, 1838, bred by Mr. Dudding, the property of Mr. Norfolk, got by Pleni- po (4724), d. Columbine, by Childers (1824), Young Cow- slip, by Ratify (2481), &c., as in Captain (3277). (3451) COMMODORE. Red and white, calved July 8, 1838, bred by Sir G. Philips, got by Maximus (2284), d. White Rose, by Monarch (4494), by a son of Favourite (252), by Cupid (177). (3452) COMMODORE. Roan, calved Sept. 1839, bred by Messrs. Dodds, the property of Mr. Topliam, got by Bel- lerophon (3119), d. White Rose, by Belvedere (1706), by Waterloo (2816), by Young Wynyard (2859), by Irish- man (329), by Styford (689). (3453) YOUNG COMMODORE. Light roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Brook, Laceby, sold to F. lies, got by Com- modore (1858), d. by A-la-Mode (725). by Snowball (611), by Major (398), by Major (397), by Rival (553), by Sir Charles (592), Aylesby (44). (3454) COMMODORE NAPIER. Roan, calved July 20, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Thompson, Armin, got by Troilus (5521), d. Geraldine, by Cedric (1802), Breeze, by Kit/ Marske (260), Princess, by Leopold (372), Tulip, by Lancaster (360).-Ruby, by Petrarch - bv Major (897X Stranger, by Chapman's son of Punch (122), Old Roany, by Grandson of Punch (213), Roaned 80 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Heifer, by Checks (132), Sockburn Sail, by J. Coates' Bull (148). (3455) COMUS (1861). (3456) COMUS. Roan, calved 1838, bred by E. Lakin, the property of Mr. Arnold, got by Powyke (4743), d. Crimson, by Trinculo (2774), Polly, by Powyke Wharf- dale (4748). (3457) COMUS. Roan, calved June 8, 1838, bred by Earl Brownlow, the property of Mr. Burridge, got by Victory (2800), d. Nonpareil, by Columella (904), &c., as in Admi- ral (2926). (3458) YOUNG COMUS. Roan, calved Sept. 1839, bred by and the property of John S. Walesby, got by Tartar (2738), d. Roan Conington, by Raby (2474), by Comus (911), by Mina (1238). (3459) CONISCLIFF. (3460) CONJURER. Got by Sorcerer (5280). d. Carna- tion, by Western Comet (689), Columbine, by Harlequin (289), by Traveller (655), by Boliugbroke (86). (3461) CONLOCH. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Dudding, got by Childers (1824), d. Molly, by Co- lumella (904), &c., as in Major (4348). (3462) CONQUEROR. Red roan, calved Feb. 15, 1838, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, the property of Mr. Hogarth, near Kelso, got by Sampson (2593), d. Gaudy, by Rufus (2576), &c., as in Dorimont (3614). (3463) CONQUEROR. Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1838, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Sir C. Ibbetson, got by Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Conquest, by Young Monarch (2327), Countess, by Young Rocking- ham (2547), by Paragon (2408), by Wellington (678), by Eryholme (1018), by Favourite (256). (3464) CONQUEROR. Bred by Mr. Whitaker, sold to T. Skirrow. (3465) CONQUEROR (MR. JACKSON'S, BARWICK HALL). (3466) YOUNG CONRAD. Got by Conrad (916). (3467) CONRAD. Red, calved April 9, 1836, bred by Mr. Fawkes, got by Colossus (1847), d. Medora, by Ambo (1636), &c., as in Grouchy (6051). (3468) CONRAD. Roan, bred by Mr. Hall, Kiveton Park, got by Chieftain, d. by Kiveton Reformer (4164), by Acklam, by Blaize (75), by Alfred (23), by But- terfly (104), by Suworrow (636). (3469) CONSERVATIVE. Roan, calved 1835, bred by F. lies, the property of Mr. Weliit. Full brother to Twin (5526). (3470) CONSERVATIVE. Roan, calved May, 1836, bred by Mr. Dudding, the property of Mr. Dixon, got by A-la- Mode (725), d. Young Cowslip, by Ratify (2481), <&c., as in Captain (3277). (3471) CONSERVATIVE. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Lord Feversham, the property of Mr. Hoare, Lilling- stone, got by Young Grazier (3928), d. Young Nancy, by Emperor (1013), by Baron (58), Evelina, by Marshal Beresford (415), Eve, by Lame Bull (359), by a son of Suworrow (636), by Suworrow (636), by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (3472) CONSERVATIVE. Roan, calved May 7, 1840, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Prime Minister (2456), d. Strawberry, by Magician (1184), Strawberry, by Pit- corthie (501), Arbutus, by Harlequin (289), Straw- berry, by Yarborough (705), by Duke (224), by Trav- eller (655), by Bolingbroke (86), bought of Mr. Boaz- man, Stainton. (3473) YOUNG CONSTANTINE. Got by Constantine (918), d. by Farmer (251), Beauty, by Cardinal (111), fee., as in Achilles (712). (3474) CONSTELLATION. Roan, calved May, 1837, bred by Mr. Crofton, the property of Mr. Dinning,' got by Comet (1854), d. Splendour, by Emperor (.1947), <&c., as in Majesty (2250). (3475) CONSTELLATION. Red roan, calved June 12, 1838, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Daw- son, Driffield, got by Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Venus, by Young Colling (1843), Lingcropper, by Remus (550), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (3476) CONSTITUTION. Red and white, calved Feb. 1, 1840, bred by Mr. Fawkes, the property of Mr. Mostyn, South Wales, got by Carcase (3285), d. Vervain, by Co- ossus (1847), &c., as in Highland Laddie (13026). (3477) CONSUL. Got by Pompey (513), d. by Prince (521), by Foljambe, a son of Favourite (252). (3478) CONSUL. Red and white, bred by Mr. Allison, got by Imperial (4068), d. Conqueress, by Columella (904), Coquette, by Conqueror (915), by Blyth Comet (85), Neswick (1266), Favourite (1033). (3479) CONTENTION. Bred in the U. S. A., got by Mo- hawk (4492), d. by San Martin (2599), by Tecumseh (1504),* Mrs. Motte. * More likely (5409). L. F. A. (3480) COPELAND (1871). Bred at Copland, got by Cul- ley's Charles, a Son of Comet (155). (3481) COPELAND TOM. Got by Culley's George. (3482) COPSON, 2665. (.3483) CORAL. White, calved June 7, 1838, bred by Capt. Hampton, the property of Sir R. Bulkeley, got by Henllys (2112), d. Sweetbrier (bred by Mr.Carter, Marske), by Midas, a son of Remus (550), a thoroughbred Short- horned Cow. (3484) CORDILLERAS. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Button, Marske, got by Young Remus (2523), d. Young Selina, by Remus (550), Selina, by Alonzo (27). (3485) CORELLI. Red and white, calved Nov. or Dec. 1836, bred by Rev. T. Harrison, got by Algernon (1631). d. Chauntress, by Miracle (2320), by Fitz Remus (2025), by Cato (119), by Whitworth (695). (3486J CORINTHIAN. Light roan, calved 1838, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham. Full brother to Conservative (3471). (3487) CORIOLANUS. White with roan head and neck, calved April 5, 1835, bred by Mr. Bement, Albany, N. Y., the property of Mr. Rose, got by Copson (3482), d. Do- rinda, by Carlos (1787), Dewdrop, by Charles (878), Dulcibella (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Frederick (1060), Delicia, by Major (2252), by Comus, by Marske (418), by Wetherell's . (3488) CORMORANT. Roan, calved Sept. 8, 1839, bred by W. Hall, Laughton, the property of J. P. Hague, got by Donald (3601), d. Canary, by Speedwell (1473), Caro- line, by Columella (904), Charlotte Palatine, by Palatine (478), &c., as in Powyke Patriot (4746). (3489) YOUNG CORINTHIAN. (3490) CORNELIUS. Calved April, 1840, bred by J. Burtt, got by Velvet, d. Young Cranberry, by Codding- ton Matchem (3417), Cranberry, by Welbourn (5617), by Scarlet (5094), by Regent (4925), by Remus, Young Cherry, by Red Twin (4912), Cherry, by Bonner's Bull (3190). (3491) CORNET. Roan, calved Dec. 15, 1840, bred by R. M. Jaques, the property of -, got by Clement! ), d. Aldboro (bred by D. Arcy Button), by . (3492) CORNPLANTER. Bred in the U. S. A., got by Tecumseh (1504), d. Lady Munday, by San Martin (2599), Mrs. Motte. (3493) CORONATION. Red, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Curtis, got by Archduke (3026), d.Cherry, by Count (170), &c., as in Cardigan (3286). (3494) CORONATION. White, calved June 28, 1838, bred by Mr. Baker, Cottesmore, the property of Mr. Laxton, got by Sultan (5346), d. Strawberry Graceful, by Gains- borough (2045), Graceful, by Aid-de-Camp (722), Grace- ful, by Emperor (1014), Lady (bred by Mr. Grant), by Major (397), Advance, by Major (397), of the Turnell breed. (3495) CORONATION. Calved June 28, 1838, got by Mendoza (4456), d. Sutton, by Brownlock (1747), by Own Brother to Jupiter (2169), byColumella (904), by Scott's Son of Albion (730), by a Son of Blyth Comet (85). (3496) CORONATION. Red and white, calved Sept. 28, 1840, bred by 'and the property of Sir G. Philips, got by Reformer (2510), d. Emma, by Architect (3030), by Sym- metry (2723), by Memnon (2293), by Comus. (3497) CORONER. Roan, bred by H. T. Thompson, Bridekirk, got by , d. Rose, by Schoose (5096), Car- nation, by Western Comet (689), Columbine, by Harle- quin (289), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (3498) YOUNG CORONER. Roan, calved March, 1836, bred by Mr. Hobson, Cross House, the property of Mr. Carter, got by Coroner (3497), d. Lowther, by (supposed) Magnum Bonum (2243). (3499) CORSAIR. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Torr, the property of F. lies, got by Count Comet (3509), d. Audby, by Cato (857), , bred by Mr. Crol ton the property of Dillanl and Dudley, U. S. A., trot by ! Melmoth (2201), d. Miss Hopper, by Duke (1933) by ! Waverley (2819), by Salvin's son of St. Albans (2584). (3521) YOUNG CRUSADER. 1 11 (.3525) CRUSOE. Got by Union (5532), d. Albinia, by Cato (857), by Emperor, by Favourite (256), by Snow- ball (2648). (3526) YOUNG CUMBERLAND. White, calved 1830, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Cumberland (176), d. Strawberry, by Magician (1184), &c., as in Conservative (3472J. (3527) CUMBERLAND LAD. Dark red, white patches, calved May 26, 1840, bred by and the property of R. Job- son, got by 2d Duke of -Nortlmmberlaud (3646), d. (bred by Earl of Lonsdale), by Brandon (3207), by Young Sov- ereign (5286), by Lonsdale (379), by Walton (5593). (3528) CUMMERSDALE. Red and white, calved Jan. 7, 1839, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mat- thew Brown, got by Gainford (2044) d. Belinda, by Ambo (1636), Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Bull (1768), of Burdon, near Darlington. (3529) CUNOBOLINE. Roan, calved April 27, 1838, bred by J. Renton, Farnley, the property of Mr. Jopp, Aber- deen, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Ceres, by Regent (2518), Emerald, by Meteor (432), &c., as in Hobsori (2129). (3530) CUNSWICK. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of T. Wilson. Full brother to Monkwray (4505). (3531) CUPID ,(1893). Got by Young Barmpton (55), d. by Wynyard (703), by Lawnsleeves (365), Barmpton, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Craven (1885). (3532) CUPID. Red, calved 1830, bred by J. Burtt, got by Young Scarlet (5095), d. Coddington Venus, by Young Crispin (3520), Profit, by a Bull of Mr. Wilkinson's, Len- ton. (3533) CUPID. Grey roan, calved Aug. 24, 1835, bred by Mr. Skipworth, got by Soldier (2656), d. Mindful, by Shakspeare, Affable, by Regent, Oaken Lady, by Crop- per's Young Major, by Barmpton (54). (3534) CUPID. Roan, calved Jan. 31, 1838, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Henwood (2114), d. Cora, by Maggot (2238), Catherine, by Edmund (1954). by Gra- zier (1085), Gaity, by Leighton's son of Duplicate (994), by Duplicate (994), by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (3535) CUPID. Roan, calved March 22, 1840, bred by E. Lakin, the property of J. Lakin, Sr., Halland, near Atherstone, Warwickshire, got by Powyke (4743), d. Cypress, by Foundling (382#), Colly, by Powyke Wharf- dale (4748). (3536) CUPID. Roan, calved March 28, 1840, bred by Mr. Hindmarch, the property of Mr. Thomson, Austra- lia, got by Young Lady kirk (4171), d. Venus, by Sir Charles (1440), &c., as in Baronet (3103). (3537) CYRUS. ' (3538) CYRUS. Roan, calved 1835, bred by J. Radcliffe, got by a son of Magog (2246), d. Mayflower, by Regent, by Baronet (775), by Snowdrop (614), by White Comet (1582), by Cattley's Grey Bull (1798). (3539) DAEDALUS. Light roan, calved March 22, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Niblett, got by Chilo (1825), d. Dulciana, by Enchanter (244), Red Daisy, by Major (398), y Snowdrop (614), by White Comet (1582), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (3608) DON JoHN.-Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Hunt, Thornington, the property of Mr. Wilson, got by Northumberland (4595), d. Young Lady, by Edrom, Lady, by Reformer (2503), &c., as In Regent (4927). (3I109) DON JUAN. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Velocipede (5552), d. Auricula, by Francisco (2032), &c., as in Ajax (2946). (3610) YOUNG DON JUAN. Bred by W. Cooper, got by Don Juan (1923), d. Lily, by Young Warlaby (5598), &c., as in Young Isaac (4080). (3611) DON QUIXOTE. Roan, calved Sept. 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Pears, got by Belvedere 4th (3129), d. Polly Hopkins, by Adolphus (1611), Primrose, by Colonel, Daisy, by Albion, by Symmetry. (3612) DON QUIXOTE. White, calved Dec. 22, 1840, ored by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Cupid (3534), d. Queen, by Maggot (2238), Quince, by Second Hubback (1423), Queen Oak, by Edward (1002), Prettyface, by Frederick (1060), Prettylass, by Harold (291), Pretty- maid (bred by J. Charge), by Duke (225), by Grey Bull (872), descended from Studley White Bull (627). (3613) DON TOM. Red and white, calved May 5, 1839, bred by and the property of W. Bagshaw. Full brother to Bumper (3242). . (3614) DORIMONT. Roan, calved June 19, 1838, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, the property of Mr. Dugdale, Warwickshire, got by Fop (3820), d. Spangle, by Dandy (1902), Gaudy, by Rufus (2576), by Young Lancaster (1162), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Suworrow (636). (3615) DRAGON. Red and white, calved March 3, 1837, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Ladds, got by William (2840), d. No. 6, by Dr. Syntax (220), &c., as in Dagon (1899). (3616) DRAGON FLY. Roan, calved Nov. 20, 1838, got by Lucifer (4292), d. Duchess, by Ivanhoe (1131). by En- chanter. (3617) DRAGON FLY. Red, calved Jan. 15, 1840, bred by Mr. Musson, the property of Mr. Stokes, got by Drag- onnette (3618), d. Cherry, bought in the North. (3618) DRAGONNETTE. Bred by Mr.Edge, got by Arch- duke (3026), d. Duchess, by Ivanhoe (1131), by Enchan- ter. (3619) DRIVER. White, calved 1837, bred by J. Law- son, Morden, got by Mameluke (2258), d. by Son of Dash (2668), by Jupiter (342), by Bumper (101), by Chilton (136). (3620) DRIVER. Red and white, calved 1838, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, the property of De Capel Brooke, got by Boughton (2868), d. Daphne, by Roman, &c., as in Dart (3563). (3621) DRIVER. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by and the property of R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, got by Charles (3343), d. Cora, by Commodore, by Cupid, by a son of North Star (459), by St. John (572), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (3622) DRONE. Bred in the U. S. A., from the Herd of Gen. Gerrard's, imp. 1817. (3623) DROVER. (3624) DROWSY. (3625) DRUID. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Rev. T. Har- rison, got by Algernon (1631), d. Dahlia, bought at the sale of Mr. Deighton, Thickley, near Darlington. (3626) DRYDEN'S BULL. (3627) DUBLIN. Light roan, calved 1834, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, got by Jupiter (2169), d. Daphne, by Roman, &c., as in Dart (3563). (3628) DUKE. Red and white, calved April 3, 1836, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Talacre (2727), d. Fancy, by Childers (1824), &c., as in Caradoc (1786). (3629) DUKE. Roan, bred by Mr. Buston, the property of W. Thompson, got by Young Rockingham (2549), d. by Coatham (1840), by a Bull of Newby's, by Styford (629), by a Bull of Mr. Boston's. (3630) DUKE. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Sir J. Rams- den, got by Young Gra/.ier (3929), d. by Byram (3255), by Firby (1039), by Duke Humphrey (230), by Wyn- yard (703), by Robinson's Bull (4974), by Badsworth (47). (3631) DUKE. Red and white, calved April 7, 1837, bred by Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Young Free- man (8844), d. Rosebud, by Freemason (1064). (3632) DUKE. Roan, calved Aug. 18, 1837, bred by and the property of Mr.Skipworth, got'by Talbot, d. Duchess, by Ostler's Commodore, by Valentine (2786), by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (54), and previously from Ost- ler's Bulls. (3633) DUKE. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Glover, Dalton Fields, got by Gen. Chasse (3874), d. by Blucher, a son of Rob Roy (557), by Rob Roy (557). 84 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (3634) DUKE. Roan, calved 1840, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, the property of Mr. Oddie, got by Boughton (2868), d. Daphne, by Roman, &c., as in Dart (3563). (3635) DUKE. Red and white, calved Nov. 1840, bred by Mr. Gaitskel, Ireleth, got by Roan, d. Cherry, by Punch (4849), by Anthony, by Young Western Comet (1575), by a son of Lay ton (366), by Lay ton (366), by Simon (590). (3636) YOUNG DUKE. Roan, bred by Mr. Salvin, got by Duke (1933), d. by Wellington, by Duiidas (1943), by St. Albans (2584), by Simon (590). (3637) DUKE OF CAMBKIDGE. Roan, calved Oct. 30, 1839, bred by Mr. Bates, the property of Mr. Icely, Aus- tralia, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Water- loo 2d, by Belvedere (1706), by Waterloo (2816), by Waterloo (2816). (3638) 2D DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Red. and white, calv- ed Oct. 2, 1840, bred by Mr. Bates. Full brother to Duke of Cambridge (3637). Died July 24, 1842. (3639) DUKE OF CLARENCE. Roan, calved May 30, 1839, bred by and the property of J. Woodhouse, got by Cyrus (3538), d. Beauty, by Imperial (2151), Beauty, by Favour- ite (1030), Beauty, by Young Dimple (971), Daisy, by Wellington (678), Beauty, by Duke, alias Young Comet (905), by Layton (2190), by Eclipse (1948). (3640) DUKE OF CLEVELAND. Roan, bred by Messrs. Dodds, got by Miracle 2d (2322), d. White Rose, by Bel- vedere (1706), &c., as in Commodore (3452). (3641) DUKE OF CUMBERLAND. Roan, calved Nov. 11, 1837, bred by J. Unthank, the property of Mr. Quin, Loughlother Castle, Ireland, got by Chorister (3378), d. Venus (bred by Mr. Buston), by Cripple (1887), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Wellington (2824), by Major (2255), by Northumberland (464), Styford, Bo- lingbroke (86). (3642) DUKE OF CUMBERLAND. Red, calved April 1, 1839, bred by J. Pearson, Hay Close, the property of W. Waugh, Scales Hall, got by Belvedere 4th (3129), d. by Remus (4933), by Election (1961), by Cleasby (142). (3643) DUKE OF KENT. Red and white, calved March 16, 1838, bred by R. Jobson, the property of R. Jones, Sydney, New South Wales, got by Sultan Selim (2710), d. Peggy, by Prince Edward (2462), &c., as in Junius (6108). (3644) DUKE OF KENT. Roan, calved April 1, 1840, bred by and the property of G. Johnson, Billingham, got by Richard (4945), d. Lame Cow, by Nonpareil, by a Bull of Mr. Crofton's, by Sir Leoline (603). (3645) DUKE OF MALBRO. Roan, calved June 24, 1839, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Maitland, got by Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Voluna, by Dan- by (3550), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (3646) 2o DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Red and white, calved Aug. 25, 1836, bred by and the property of Thos. Bates, Kirkleavington. Full brother to Duke of Northumberland (1940). (3647) 3o DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Red and white, twin, calved Oct. 11, 1839, bred by and the property of T. Bates, got by Short Tail (2621), d. Duchess 34th, by Belve- dere (1706), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). (3648) 3o DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Jobson, bought by J. Thomson, New South Wales, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. by Young Sea Gull (5100), by Sultan (1485). (3649) 4TH DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Red and white, twin, calved Oct. 11, 1839, bred by and the prop- erty of T. Bates, got by Short Tail (2621), d. Duchess 34th, by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). (3650) DUKE OF ROXBOROUGH. Roan, calved Aug. 28, 1&36, bred by and the property of T. Bates, got by" Bel- vedere (1706), d. Duchess 30th, by Second Hubback (1423), Duchess 20th, by The 2d Earl (1511), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). (3651) 2o DUKE OF ROXBOROUGH. Roan, twin, calved Nov. 17, 1840, bred by and the property of T. Bates, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Duchess 30th, by Second Hub- back (1423), Duchess 20th, by The 2d Earl (1511), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). Castrated. (3652) SD DUKE OF ROXBOROUGH. Red and white, twin, calved Nov. 17, 1840, bred by and the property of T. Bates, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Duchess 30th, by Second Hubback (1423), Duchess 20th, by The 2d Earl (1511), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). Castrated. (3653) DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Red and white, calved Oct. 26, 1838, by R. W. Ashburner, the property of W. At- kinson, got by Favourite (3772), d. by Punch (4849), by Anthony, &c., as in Rufus (5033). (3654) DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 55. (3655) DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Rowe, the property of Mr. Webster, got by Pedes- trian (4670), d. Premium, by Cleveland, Red Rose, by Ar- chitect, by Wonder (2853), by William's White Bull. (3656) DUKE WILLIAM. Red and white, calved Sept.30, 1839, bred by R.W. Ashburner, the property of J. Mason, got by Favourite (3772), d. Cherry, by Punch (4849), &c., as in Duke (3635). (3657) DUKE OF YORK. Roan and white, calved July, 1840, bred by and the property of J . Pasco, East Windsor, Ct., U. S. A., got by Prince (4771), d. Gift, by Whisker (5639), Lilac 2d, by Frederick (2038), Lilac, by Young Denton (963), Arabella, by North Star (460), Aurora, by Comet (155), by Henry (301), by Danby (190). (3658) DULCIMER. Red and white, calved Nov. 18,1840, bred by R. M. Jaques, got by dementi (3399), d. Young Rachel (bred by Mr. Colling, White House), by Magnum Bonum (2243), Rachel, by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (3659) DULVERTON. White, calved May, 1838, bred by J. E. Troutbeck, the property of Mr. Ladds, got by Chor- ister (3378), d. Dairymaid, by Wellington (224), Doro- thy, by Marmion (406), Nell Gwynne, by Layton (366), Nell Gwynne, by Phenomenon (491), Princess, by Fa- vourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Masterman's Bull (422), by Waistell's Bull (669), bought of Mr. Pickering, Sedge- field, by Mr. Hall. NOTE. For many years the Gwynne pedigrees have had the cross " by Merlin (430) " or "Daphne, by Merlin (430)," inserted between "Dorothy, by Marmion (406) " and "Nell Gwynne, by Layton (366)." It was probably found to be correct some time after the publication of this fourth volume. See Lord Cobham (20164). L. F. A. (3660) DUMFRIES. [An Ayrshire Bull, owned by Caleb N. Bement, Albany, N. Y., U. S. A. L. F. A.] (3661) DUNSE. Red and white, calved Oct. 5,1839, bred by Messrs. Bell, Kirkleavington, the property of Mr. Wil- son, Cumledge, Dunse, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Blossom, by Belvedere (1706), by Son of Second Hubback (2683). (3662) DURHAM. Got by Brother to Brutus (100), d. by Lancaster JrX363), by Northern Light (1280), by North Star. (3663) DURHAM. Roan, calved March 28, 1838, bred by G. Robinson, Hag House, near Durham, the property of Mr. Outhwaite, Bainesse, got by Newton (2367), d. by Duke (19a3), by Cupid (1895). (3664) DURHAM BULL (SiR JOHN THOROLD'S). (3665) DURHAM Ox BULL. (3666) DUROC. (3667) DURSLEY. White, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Par- kinson, got by Chorister (3378), d. Dorothy, by Marmion (406), &c., as in Dulverton (3659). (3668) DUSTY MILLER. Roan, bred by Mr. Chrisp or Crisp, got by a son of Waterloo (2816), d. by a grandson of Phenomenon (491), by Young Wynyard (2859). (3669) DUTCHMAN alias THE DUTCHMAN. Got by Myn- heer (1255), d. by Pretender. (3670) DUTY. (3671) EAGLE. White, calved Feb. 1839, bred by T. Chrisp, the property of Lord Strathallan, Scotland, got by Regent (2517), d. Eclipse, by Eclipse (1949), &c., as in Ravensworth (7400). (3672) EAMONT. Roan, bred by T. Fain, sold to Mr. Watson, Longwathly, got by Baronet (1686), d. Beauty, by Ellerton (3709), Widehooks, by Mayduke, bought from Mr. Sadler in Northallerton. (3673) EARL BEAUCHAMP'S WHITE BULL. (3674) EARL OF BEVERLY. Roan, calved June 2, 1840, bred by and the property of T. Bates, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Duchess 37th, by Belvedere (1706), Duch- ess 30th, by Second Hubback (1423), Duchess 20th, by 2d Earl (1511), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). Castrated. (3675) EARL OF DYSART'S BULL. Bred by Mr. Parkin- son, Ley Fields. TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 85 (3676) EARL OF ELDON. Roan, calved Sept. 11, 1839, bred by Messrs. Moll, Kirkleavlngton, the property of Ko, bred by Etches and Foreman, the property of Mr. Icely, Australia, irot by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Anecdote, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Craggs, by Son of Second Hnbback (2I5K3). (3678) EARL SPENCER. White, calved April 11, 1840, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of the King of Sardinia, got by Ranunculus (2479), d. Favourite, by Albion (29(57). by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Umpire (2783), by Logic (4248). (3679) YOUNG EASBY. (3680) EASTWOOD. Roar., calved Aug. 15, 1837,* bred by Mr. Walker, Eastwood, the property of Mr. Bartholo- mew, Goltho, near Ragby, got by Woodville (2856), d. Adela, by Rob Roy (557), Anemone, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Amateur (3007). * Adela produced a Cow Calf [Angela, by Spectator (2648), April 1, 1837]. See Page 6, Vol. 5, E. H. B. L. F. A. (3681) EBOK (MR. WADE'S.) (3682) YOUNG EBOR. Got by Major (4339), d. by Ebor, a son of Wynyard (703). by Rochester, bred by the late Mr. Marshall, Grimthorp. (3683) ECLIPSE. Bred by Mr. Witham, Lartington. (31584) ECLIPSE. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Cal- decott, the property of G. Faulkner, got by a son of Fair- fax (1023), d. Fancy (bred by Mr. Assheton), by Fairfax (1023). Lady Godiva. by Rockingham (560), by Denton (198), belonged to Mr. Wetherell. (3685) ECLIPSE. Bred by Mr. Holmes, Ireland, got by Second Comet (5101), d. Young Victoria, by Belzorii (783) Victoria, by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Great Mogul (14651). (3686) ECLIPSE. Roan, calved May 1, 1837, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of .1. Wilkinson, got by Cyrus (3538), d. Moss Rose, by Romulus (1403), &c., as in Bril- liant (1741). (3687) ECLIPSE. Bred by Mr. Beaumont, Bradley Hall. (3688) ECLIPSE. Dark roan, calved Nov. 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Ladds, got by Eclipse (1949), d. by Helmsman (2109), by Allison's Commodore, by Col- nmella (904), by Shakspeare (1429), by Magnet (392). by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033). (3689) EDEN. Roan, calved Feb. 23. 1839, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of David Hill, got by Gainford (2044), d. Countess, by Brandon (3207). Bright- eyes, by Young Hastings (3987), &c., as in Beggarman (3118). (3690) EDEN. Roan, calved Dec. 1839, bred by Mr. Pearson, the property of Mr. Unthank, Netherscales, got by Belvedere 4th (3129), d. by Monarch (4494), by Pizarro (1323), by Primus (519). (3691) EDGAR. Roan, calved Dec. 30, 1840, bred by and the property of Rev. C. James, Evenlode, got by Alfred (2988), d. by Stanhope (5315), Lady, by Ambo Dexter (1636), by Bin-ley (1766), by Sir Alexander (591), by Norman (1277), by Palmsun (1302). (3692) EDMUND. (3693) EDMUND 2o. Roan, calved Oct. 30, 1836, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got byllenwood (2114), d. Car- oline, by Edmund (1954). Matilda, by Gra/.ior (1085), by Young Lancaster (2184), by Reform (1361), by Nor- thumberland, by a son of Twin Brother to Ben (660). EDMUND. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by and the property of J. Topham, Real Hall, got by (Jain- ford 2d (3853), d. Aurora, by Kclipse (1949), Miss Points I Jr. by Northern Lisrht (1280), Mtefl Points tbred by Mr. Champion), by Aid-de-Camp (722), by Charles (127), by Prince (521), by Neswick (12(56). (3(595) EDWARD. Roan, calved Oct. 9. 1839. bred by Mr. Dawson. Gronant, the property of Mr. Mettington, Australia. Full brother to Edmund 2d (3693). <36%) EDWARD. Red, calved 1840. bred by and the property of the Marquis of Exeter, got by Pyramus ( 1S53), d. Maymee, by Prince (4764), Juno, by Alexander (162-1). (3697) EDWARD. Roan, calved Nov. 10, 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Bell, Kirkleavington, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Dinah, by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945). (3698) EDWIN. Red and white, calved April 24, 1839, bred bv and the property of (I. Mangles, got by Roland i2.V>6). d. Clarinda, by Swinton, &c., as in Prince of Or- ange (6341). (3699) EFFINGHAM (1958) (MR. RAINE'S). Got by Rock- ingham, d. by Wonder, Wellington, Headlam (1103). (3700) ELECTION. Roan, calved July 21, 1837, bred by Mr. Fawkes, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Wildair, by Re- former (2512), Cherry, by Imperial (2151), &c., as in Charles (3345). (3701) ELEMORE alias BAKER (3076). (3702) ELIS. Roan, calved Dec. 31, 1836, bred by Sir Charles Tempest, the property of Mr. Maxwell. Eve'ring- ham Park, got by Brutus (1752), d. Quenilda, by Fairfax (1023), by Bewick (1111), by Young Dimple (971), by Duke, alias Young Comet (905). (3703) ELIS. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by St. Helena (5055), d. Emily, by Sillery (5131), &c., as in Albert (2948). (3704) ELLA. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Messrs. Wat- son, Wauldby, got by Belshaxzar (1703), d. Premium, by Abraham (2905), &c., as in Skelbrook (5206). (3705) ELLERINGTON. Red, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Lambert, the property of Mr. Spraggon, got by a son of Cumberland (176), d. Princess, by Prince. by Copeland Tom (3481), by Marquis, by Donkin's White Bull. (3706) ELLERTON. Got by Olivas, Brougham Castle Bull. (3707) CHRIS. ELLERTON'S BULL. Got by Dan by (1900), d. by Norman Willy (456). (3708) ELLERTON'S ROAN BULL. Got by Newby's Roan Bull, of Thorpe. (3709) ELLERTON. Got by Adonis. (3710) ELLINGTON. Light roan, calved Dec. 1833, bred by Mr. Ladds, got by Red Rover (4902), d. by Beppo (1712), by Emperor (1014), Rev. R. Pointer's Old Darlington. (3711) EMBASSADOR. Imp. into the IT. S. A. by Hon. H. Clay. [A thoroughbred Hereford Bull, imp. about the year 1816. L. F. A.] (3712) EMIR. Red, calved 1835, bred by T. Chrisp, got by Bashaw (1691), d. by Eclipse (1949), by Togston (5487), by Lambert's Bolingbroke, by a son of Midas (435), by Twin-Brother to Ben (660). (3713) EMPEROR IST. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Emperor (1013), d. Beauty, by Baron (58), &c., as in Belmont (9950). (3714) EMPEROR 2o. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Emperor (1013), d. Palmflower, by Candour (107), by Windsor (698). (3715) EMPEROR 3o. Red, calved 1825. bred by Lord Feversham, got by Emperor (1013). d. Young Evelina, by Baron (58), &c., as in Splendor (5301). (3716) EMPEROR. Bred by Capt. Barclay, got by Mon- arch (4495), d. Rosebud, by St. Leger (1414), by Comus (1861), by Denton (198), by Henry (301). (3717) YOUNG EMPEROR. Light roan, calved May, 1833, bred by T. Crisp, got by Emperor (1974), d. (own sister to Stamford), by Togston (5487), by a son of Lawnsleeves (365), by Smith's Son of Bolingbroke (86), by Lord Strathmore's Sultan, by Barnaby (1678). (3718) EMPEROR, alias WILL HONEYCOMB. Roan, calv- ed 1834, bred by J. Beetham, Harlsey, near Northaller- ton, got by Frederick (3835), d. Priscilla, by Apollo (36), etc.. as in The Admiral (5418). (3719) EMPEROR. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Dud- ding, the property of Mr. Holland, got by Speculation CisXK)). d. by Childers (1824). by Wellington, by Panton Major, by the Panton Old Red Bull, by Waddingworth (668). (3720) EMPEROR. Red and white, calved March 23, 1837. bred by R. Smith, the property of Mr. Richardson, Ireland, got by Mowthorpe (23-13), d. Empress, by Hub- back (2142), by Don Juan (1923), by Sir Marton (1468), by Young Favourite (2007), by Star (618), by Snow- ball (2648). (3721) EMPEROR. Roan, calved Sept, 25, 1837, bred by Mr. Caldecott, the property of Mr. Reynolds, got by Bouncer (3195). d. by a son of Fairfax (1023). (bred by W. Bagshaw), by Oscar (4626), by Woodford (5684), by a son of Ceiling's Mayduke, by a son of Miner (441). (3722) EMPEROR. Got by Young Maximus (4436). (3723) EMPEROR. White, calved Sept, 28, 1838, bred by and the property of T. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by 86 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Vulcan (5580), d. Lily (bred by Lord Huntingfield), by Freemason (1004), Celia Jr. by , Celia (bred by the Duke of Cleveland). (3724) 2D EMPEROR. Red and white, calved 1838, bred by J. Topham, Ke;il Hall, got by Emperor (1978), d. Au- rora, by Eclipse (1949), c., as in Edmund (3694). (3725) EMPEROR. Roan, calved 1&39, bred by Mr. Cat- tlev, the property of Mr. Fawcett, got by Marcus o2;3iWi, d. Raspberry, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Ac., as in Rival (2535). (3726) EMPEROR. White, calved June 6, 1840, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Biddle, got by Ranuncu- lus (2479), d. Long Tailed White, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (3727) EMPIRE. Roan, got by Silkworm (1432), dam Young Peeress, by Juniper (1145). (3728) ENCHANTER. Got by Quaternion (1351), d. Sym- metry, by Rocket (1390), by Turnell's Red Bull (1588), by Waddingworth (668). (3729) ENCHANTER. Mostly red, calved 1831 or 1832, bred by Mr. Derby, Boston, Mass., the property of Mr. Hudson, Connecticut, U. S. A., got by Young Comet (3437), d. Emma, by Wellington (683), Annabella (bred by J. Wetherell), by Major (398), Ada, by Denton (198), Aurora, by Comet (155), by Henry (301), by Danby (190). (3730) ENDYMION. White, calved Nov. 3, 1838, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Greetham, Stain- field Hall, got by William (2840), d. Astarte, by Wiseton (2848) by Alabaster (1616), by a Son of Esk, by Re- gent (1366), by Wellesley (1571), by Viscount (666), by a son of George (273). (3731) ENNITJS. White, calved Feb. 24. 1838, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Christie, got by Ro- man (2561), d. Calliope, by Firby (1040), by Hector (1104), by Regent (544), Old York. (3732) ENTERPRIZE. Roan, calved July 18, 1839, bred by W. Linton, the property of Mr. Eland, got, by Marcus (2262), d. Nun, by Luck's-all (2230), (bred by TT Simpson), by a descendant of Alfred (23), by Equinox (245). (3733) EOLUS. Got by Harlsey (2091), d. by Scipio (1421), by Sir Stephen (1456). (3734) EPPERSTONE. White, calved Feb. 8, 1839, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, Farnsfield, got by Vanish (5546), d. Endive, by Velocipede (5552), Lavender, by Matchem (2-281), Cora, by Sir Alexander (591), Mary, by Stephen (1456), Mary, by Western Comet (689), Young Mary, by Charge's Grey Bull (872), Mary, by Favourite (252), Flecked Mary, by Bartle, and descended from the Stud- ley White Bull (627). (3735) ERNEST. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mason Hopper, got by Pedestrian (4670). d. Ganymede, by LTptaker (5534), Garland, by Matchem ( 228 l) ? _by Fitz Remus (2025), by Cato (119), by Whit- worth (695), bought by Mr. Mason for Mr. Shaftoe. (3736) ERYHOLME. (3737) ESPEHILL. (3738) ESPERSYKES. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Allen, the property of Mr. Jordan, got by Belshazzar (1704), d. an own sister to Don Juan (1923), by Navigator (1260), by Percy (1312), &c., as in Don Juan (1923). (3739) EUCLID. Dark roan, calved March, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Ladds, got by Fanatic (1996), d. by a son of Emperor (243), by Albany (13), by George (273), by the White Bull. (3740) EUCLID. Roan, calved May 31, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Wood, Kimblesworth, got by Hopewell (2135), d. Nonpareil, by Memnon (1219), by Wellington (678), by Achmet (2), by Cupid (177), by Cupid (177), by Mason's White Bull (421), by Lame Bull (357), bred by Mr. Hutton, Shaws. (3741) EUCLID. Red and white, calved April 5, 1839, bred by John White, Copson Lodge, near Hinckley, the property of Mr. Barker, Chadwick Grange, near Brooms- grove, Worcestershire, got by White Magnum (5650), d. by The Dutchman (5435), by Kenulph (1151), by Nelson (1262), by Marske (418), by a son of Danby (190), by Danby (190). (3742) EVELYN (D. RICHARDSON'S). Got by Emperor (1014). (3743) EVERGREEN. Got by Juniper, d. Acorell, bred by the late Mr. Neasham, Houghton-le-Spring. (3744) EVERY. Got by Mentor (426), d. Troy, by Cecil (120), Young Tragedy, by Wynyard (703), Tragedy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (374")) EWERBY. Bred by Mr. Burcham, got by Free- lan (1083), d. by Northern Light (1280). Young Tulip (the dam of Miss Points), by Charles (127), by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). (3746) EXCEPTION. Bred in U. S. A., thoroughbred from the herd of Gen. Gerrard, from the imp. of 1817. (3747) EXMOUTH. Bred by Mr.Coates, Haydon Bridge, got by Exmouth (1021), d. by Wellington (2824). (3748) YOUNG EXMOUTH. Dark roan, bred by Messrs. Angus, Broomley, got by Exmouth (1021), d. by Leopold (2199), Cherry, by Hector (2103), by Surly (2715). (3749) EXPECTATION. Roan, calved 1824, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Wonderful (700), d. Young Cowslip, by Waterloo (5608), purchased by Lord Feversham. (3750) EXPECTATION. Roan, calved 1838, bred by J. Emmerson, the property of Mr. Waldy, Barmpton, got by Belvedere 4th (3130), d. Dahlia, by Belvedere 2d (3126), by Sir Robert (5176), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Charles 2d (128), by North Star (459). (3751) EXPECTATION. Light roan, calved July, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Ladds, got by Jeremy (2157), d. by Beppo (1712), by Emperor (1014), Rev. R. Pointer's Old Darlington. (3752) EYON. Roan, calved March 20, 1840, bred by R. Emmerson, the property of Vanvolsem, Brussels, Belgium, got by Vivian (5575), d. Diana, by Belvedere 2d (3126), by Sir Robert (5176), by Young Surprise (5361). (3753) FAIRDALE. (3754) FAIRFAX, 61. (3755) FAIRFAX'S OEY. Roan, calved March, 1840, bred by and the property of Grant Duff, Eden, Aber- deenshire, got by Viceroy (5561), d. Springllower, by Fairfax (1023), &c., as in Blucher (1726). (3756) F AIRMAN. Calved 1840, bred by Messrs. Ibbet- son, Bridge Hewick, the property of J. Ackers, got by Pioneer (4711), d. Lucky, by Favourite (1030), Miss Thompson, by Studley Grange (1483), by a son of Sir Dimple. (3757) FAITHFUL. Roan, bred by Mr. Dudding, the property of Mr. Allenby, got by A-la-Mode (722), d. Fancy, by Corporal Trim (1875), &c., as in Farmer (1999). (3758) FALCON. Roan, calved 1838, bred by T. Chrisp, the property of Mr. Nicholson, Lermel Hill, Berwick- shire, got by Borderer, d. 4th Nancy, by George (2057), by a son of Lawnsleeves (365). by Barnaby (1678), by Barber's Bull, bought of Mr. Trotter, White House, near Darlington, about 1796. (3759) FANTASTICAL. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Buhner (1?'60), d. Fan, by Harpham (1098), Delicacy, by Ketton (346), &c., as in Abram (1603). (3760) FANTASTICAL. Red and while, calved Dec. 22, 1840, bred by and the property of J. Mahard, Jr., Cincin- nati, U. S. A., got by Napoleon, d. Duchess, by Denton (3583). Speckled Durham, by Cornplanter (3492), Dur- ham, by Champion. (3761) FARMER. Roan, calved April 10, 1838, bred by Sir E. Mostyn, got by Maggot (2238), d. Fairmaid, by Thorpe (2757), &c., as in Hector (2105). (3762) YOUNG FARMER. Roan, calved 1838, bred by N. Clark, Urpeth, the property of Mr. Stevenson, got by Farmer (2001), d. Jessy, by Chafes, by Snowdrop (2653), by Young Remus. (3763) FARMER. Red and white, calved Dec. 12, 1839, bred by Mr. Warfield, near Lexington, Ky., U. S. A., the property of J. Hughes, got by Oliver (2387), d. Paulina, by Pontiac (4734), by Contention (3479), by San Martin (2599), by Paul Jones (4661), by Buzzard (3253). (3764) FARMER. White and roan, calved ia39, bred by Mr. Majoiy, U. S. A., the property of Mr. Bourne, got by Superior (2714), d. Violet, by Patriot (2412), Volage, by Frederick (2038), Yellow Rose, by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Don (3600). (3765) FARMER. Red, calved Aug. 10, 1840, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Anderson. Full brother to Ammon (3014). (3766) FARMER'S FAVOURITE. Roan, calved Aug. 12, 1839, bred by and the property of Earl Howe, got by Simon (5135), d. Patience, by Ambo Dexter (1636), Pas- time, by Navigator (1260), &c., as in Pastor (2411). (3767) FARNSFIELD. Roan, calved Jan. 16, 1838, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, Farnsfield, the property of John Booth, Kelston, near Louth, Lincolnshire, got by Van- ish (5546), d. Barnby, by Morpeth (4511), by Columella TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 87 (904), by Albion,- by SeatoiTs son of North Star < I5!i. by Palmllower (480), by Patriot (486), by ilaiighton ("-J4)* (3768) FAVOURITE. Roan, calved 1828, bred by Mar- quis of Kxt'ti-r. got by Emperor (1014), d. Norah (bred by Mr. (jrant), by Young Favourite (254), by Midas (430), by Major (397). (37W9) FAVOURITE, Bred by Mr. Cook, Stilton, Hun- tingdonshire, got by Favourite (3768), d. by Younsf Al- bion (15), by a son of North Star, by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite $52), by Punch (531). (3770) YOUNG FAVOURITE (Mil. SISSON'S). Got by Yonng Lancaster (1162), d. bred by Mr. Robinson, Moral) House, near Stockton-on-Tees. (3771) FAVOURITE, Red and white, calved April 11, 1835, bred by Mr. Goodwin, the property of Mr. Miles, got by Comus (1863), d. Gaiety, by a son of Charles (127), by Charles (127). (3772) FAVOURITE. Red and white, calved April, 1836, bred by R. W, Ashburner, got by Yorkshirenian, d. by Young Western Comet (1575), by a sou of Laytou (366), by Layton (366), by Simon (590), (3773) FAVOURITE. Roan, calved 1837, got by Eclipse, d. White Rose, by Toneham (2769), Laura, by Cossack (925), by Patriot (486), (3774) FAVOURITE, Bred by Mr. Fain, got by Majesty (3775) FAVOURITE, Red, calved 1839, bred by Joseph Burtt, got by Viscount (5571), d, by Coddington Matchem (3417),-by Cato (3297). (3776) FA WDON. White and red, calved Jan. 18, 1839, bred by R Jobson, the property of Mr. Bolden, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Yellow Duchess, by Sultan Selim (27'IOJ, by Prince Edward (2462) by Wellington (683), Flora of Pitcorthie, bred by General Simson. (3777) FELDOM. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by -^descended from the stock of Mr. Thompson, Girlimr- ton. (3778) FELIX, Roan, calved April 17, 1836, bred by Mr. Skipworth, Full brother to Banker (3080). (3779) FELIX, .Red and white, bred by E. Lakin, the property of .Mr. Watson, Speckley. got by Powyke (4743), <1. Fanny, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748), Old Fanny, by Wallis' Red Bull (5589), Daisy. (3780) FELIX. Red roan, calved Feb. 12, 1838, bred by Mr. Puley. the property of Mr. Harrison, Lowfields, got by Bouncer (SIJMi), d. Clarinda, by Burkingham (1755), Clara, by Election (1961), Young Charlotte, by Pilot (1319), Charlotte (bred by R Thornton), by Clarence (888) by George (75), by Ben (70), by Lame Bull (358), by Punch (531). (3781) FELIX. Roan, calved June 14, 1839, bred by T. Sowerby, the property of Mons. Von Volson, got by Viv- ian (557'5), d. Red Rose, by Belvedere 2d, by Alive'o (2995). (3782) FERGUS. Roan, calved March 16, 1837, bred by R, Bagahaw, the property of Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot. got by Barrister (1689), d. Carmarine, by Magnum Bonum (2243),-by Pirate <2431),-Mermaid. by < ioldfinder (2064), by Emperor (243), by Boughton (90), by Crocus. (3783) FERGUS. Red and white, calved Feb. 19, 18, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Oustram, got by a son of Fanner (1998), d. Flora, by Lottery, by Ru- fus, by Cupid (942), by Firby (1040), by Harold Jr. (1096), by Favourite, by Bainton (48), bought of Mr. iJ oiling. (3784) F. F. TOGO. Roan, calved May, 1840, bred by Rev. J. mgrinson, got by Snowball (2651 ), d. Cicely (bred by Mr. Wiley), by a son of Milo (2313), by a 'son of Chance (868), Young Cowslip, by a son of Phenomenon (1318), Cowslip, by Miracle (1248), Dairymaid, by a son of Simon (590). (3785) FIDDLER, Got by Paganini (2405), d. by Outh- waite's son of Comet (166), by North Star. (3786) FIDDLER. Roan, calved Oct. 1835, got byPaga- nini (xMO.Y). d. I{.(HC, by Miraclc.-My Lady, by _ , Red Rose, by North Star, a son of Young Comet, 'slaughtered (3787) FiDDi-En. or TIIK Finn. .IK, iiot by Pa-anini g405), by Highflyer (2122),-by Whitworth (1584), by White Comet (1582). C37XK) FIDI>I,KI:. Roan, calved June 27, 1840, bred by R. Smith, Givendale, the property of Mr. Fisher, Ripon, got liy Valentine (5540). d. Fairy, by Mowthorpe (2343), Fanny, by Reformer (2512), Florence, by Lindrick (1170), by Sir Alexander (591), by Star (618), by Snow- ball (2>48), by Sir Dimple (.V.H). (3789) FIELD MARSHAL. Roan, calved 1836, got by Sergeant Major (2611), d. Duchess, by Prime Minister (2454), &c., as in Conservative (5882). (.37110) FIGARO. Roan, calved Aug. 26, 1838, bred by Earl Spencer, sold into France, got by William (2840), d. Lily, by Alabaster (1616), by Corinthian (920), by Ivan- hoe (1131), by Regent (544), by Comet (155). (3791) FILHO-DA-PUTA. Red roan, calved 1830, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, Farnsfield, got by Young Baker (3077), d. by Baker's son of Lawnsleeves, a thoroughbred Short-horn, purchased at Mr. Thomas's sale at Chester- field. (3792) YOUNG FILHO. Red and white, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, got by Filho-da-Puta, d. -Miss Fisher (bred by Mrs. Fisher), by Nimrod (4571), &c., as in Adam (2919). (3793) FILLAN. Red, calved Nov. 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, got by Ryno (5044), d. Maid Marian, by Childers (1824), Abbess, by Comrade (1860), by Palmbloom (4642), Graceful, by Grey Robin, by Young Favourite (254). (3794) FINANCIER. Bred in U. S. A., got by Commo- dore (3448). (3795) FINBOROUGH. Roan, calved Dec. 1838, bred by Mr. Saville, Booking, Essex, the property of C. Boby, got by Cottesmore (3505), d. Fairmaid, by Sheridan (2616), &c., as in Findon (6007). (3796) FINNINGLEY. Got by TJptaker (5534), d. by Mir- acle (2320), by Fitz Remus (2025), by Whitworth (695), by Charles (127). (3797) FIREMAN. Roan, calved Jan. 4, 1839, bred by Sir C. Tempest, the property of Mr. Scotsou, got by Ber- ryman (3143), d. Fiery, by Danby (1900), by Mrs. Wil- kinson's Bull (2838), bred by L. Carter, Applegarth. (3798) FIRST STONE HILL BULL. Bred by C. Colling, got by a son of Favourite (252). (3799) FISHER'S OLD BULL. Got by Turnell's Bull, d. by First Stone Hill Bull (3798), by a Bull of Mr. Corn- forth's, or descended from, a Bull of Mr. Cornforth's, Barforth. (3800) FITZALN. Roan, calved 1837, bred by T. Chrisp, the property of J. Thomson, New South Wales, got by Regent (2517), d. by Wellington (2824), by a son of St. Albans (2584), by a son of Lawnsleeves (365), by Bar- naby (1678). (3801) FITZ CHARLES. Roan, calved July 26, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Sir T. Fairfax (5196), d. Camilla, by Plato (2433), Cherry, by Regent (2518), &c., as in Barney (5776). (3802) FITZCLARENCE. White, calved Jan. 18, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Sir T. Fairfax (5196), d. Strawberry, by Sir Alexander (591), by Young Dimple (971), by Snowball (2648), by Layton (2190). (3803) FITZ EusTAfK. White, calved Dec. 1839, bred by Mr. Wiley, the property of Mr. Serjeantson, River Plenty, Port Philip, New South Wales, got by Marmion (4379), d. Lilla, by Belshazzar (1704), Flora, by Colurnella (904), Lady, by North Star (459), by Petrarch (488), Countess, by Cupid (177), Lady, by Grandson of Boling- broke (280), Phoenix, by Foljambe (263), Favourite, by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull, by Jolly's Bull. (3804) FITZ HERBERT. Red and white, calved May 5, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Sir T. Fairfax (5196), d. Hortense, by Albion (2969), etc., as in Napoleon (4533). (3805) FITZ IVOR. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr.Beas- ley, Chapel Brampton, the property of Mr. Wood, got by Mac Ivor (2237), d. July, by Northern Light (1280), -Juli- et, by Stamford (1476), by Blyth (797), by Wellington (684), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (3806) FITZ JAMES. Red, calved Feb. 17, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Fawkes. got hv Sir T. Fairfax (51!Mii, d. Gilliver. by Young Colling (184*3), Lingrropper. by Remus (55!)), A.T., a- in Arthur (3040). (3807) FITZ MAURICE. Roan, calved March 31, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Fawkes, got 88 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by Sir T. Fairfax (5196), d. Lady Mary, by Mercury (2301), Laurustina, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Lincoln (2205). (3808) FITZBOY. Dark red, calved April 5, 1834, got by Monarch (2326), d. by Regent (544), by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266). (3809) FITZROY. Roan, calved March 15, 1838, bred by J Radclilfe, the property of Mr. Hopper, got by Cyrus (3538), d. Butterfly, by Bedford Jr. (1701), by Luck Vail (2230), by Mason's son of Farmer (251), from the stocks of Mason and Charge. (3810) FITZ WILLIAM. Roan, calved Nov. 20, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Musson, Colsterworth, got by Maclvor (2237), d. Maroon, by a son of Emperor (1014), by Emperor (1014). (3811) FITZ WILLIAM. Roan, calved July 10,1839, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Fox, Bramham Park, got by Sir T. Fairfax (5196), d. Wooduymph, by Sir Walter (2653), Elvira, by Reformer (2503), by Snow- drop (2653), by Wellington (2824), by Midas (435), by Orion (470), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (3812) FITZ WILLIAM. Roan, calved Nov. 26, 1839, bred by Mr. Thompson, Armin, the property of Mr. Watson, Seaton Ross, got by Wentworth (5631), d. Lady Betty Jr. by Ebor (997), &c., as in Jason (4089). (3813) FITZ WILLIAM. Roan, calved May, 1840, bred by Mr. Budding, the property of Mr. Cropper, got by Plenipo, d. Fancy, by Corporal Trim (1875), &c., as in Farmer (1999). (3814) FLAMBEAU. Red roan, calved July 14, 1839, bred by Earl Spencer, sold into France, got by Roman (2651), d. Cant, by Mercury (2301), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (3815) FLAMBEAU. Red roan, calved July 3, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Yorke, Thrapston, got by Fopling (3821), d. Juno, by Coxcomb, Juliet, by Juniper (2165), Jasmine, by Midas, by Boughton (90). (3816) FLODDEN 2o. Got by Archibald (1652), d. Fairy 1st (bred by Mr. Grey), by Buonaparte (1762), d. Fantasie, by a son of Satellite (1420), by Mason's , by Mar- quis (407), by Chilton (136), by Ben (70). (3817) FLORIST. Roan, calved May 30, 1837, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of the Duke of Richmond. Full brother to Figaro (3790). (3818) FOLLYFOOT. Got by Aid-de-Camp. (3819) FOLO. Calved April 24, 1837, bred by and the property of Mr. Skipworth, got by Talbot, d. Famous, by Soldier (2656), Fortune, by Young Favourite (254), Diana v bred by R. Colling), by Young Barmpton (55), Young Dinsdale, by Wellington (680), Dinsdale, by Phe- nomenon (491), by Favourite (252). (3820) FOP. Roan, calved Jan. 9, 1836, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Woodford (2854), d. Gaudy, by Rufus (2576), &c., as in Dorimont (3614). (3821) FOPLING. Roan, calved Feb. 26, 1838, bred by Mr. Yorke. Thrapston, the property of Mr. Hincks, Breckenbrough, near Thirsk, got by Fop (3820), d. Comely (bred by Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot), by Oliver (2!586), by Mentor (426), by a son of Favourite (252), by Windsor (698). (3822) YOUNG FORESTER. Got by Forester (1055). FORESTER. Roan, calved 1836, bred by R. Wood- house, got by Otterington (2399), d. Clara, by Young Fairfax (1991), &c., as in Albert (2953). (3824) FORESTER. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Hall, Kiveton Park, the property of Mr. Spurr, Wig- thorpe, got by Chieftain, d. Favourite, by Ambassador (3008), by Majesty, Green Mantle, by Mariner, Mag- dalen, by Regent (544), Miss Martin, by Scott's Neswick, by Short's Fanatic, by Dyson's Old Roan Bull, by Meynell (1229). (3825) FORESTER. Roan, calved April 13, 1839, bred by John Woodhouse, the property of Mr. Whitton, Low- fields, near Catterick, got by Sir Robert, d. Duchess, by Duke of Norfolk (1939), Nonsuch, by Reformer (2512), Red Lady, by Judson's son of Warlaby (672), -by Young Comet (905), by Mr. Harrison's son of Windsor ((J98),_by Layton (2190), by Eclipse (1948). (3826) FORESTER. Roan, calved March 30, 1840, bred by R. Smith, Givendale. got by Valentine (5540), d. Fancy, by Mowthorpe (2343), Flora, by Hubback (2142), e (bred by M. c.l!ingi, by Favourite (252), Red Ro*e. by Favourite (252), by Punch (5:51), by Foljumbe (263). by llubback (319). (3850) FULBECK. (3851) FULTHORP. Roan, got by a grandson of Wa- terloo. (3852) FURY. Roun, calved April 8, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Gilbert, Hexgreave Park, trot by Young Baronet (3098), d. White Lady, by a son of Chil- ton (137), by a son of Hermit, by a son of Blyth Comet. (3853) GAINFORD 2o. Red and white, the property of Mr. Dudding, got by Magnum Bonuin (2243), d. by Rob Roy (557), by Young Rockingham (2547). by North Star (46i)>, by Dentou (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (3854) YOUNG GATNFORD. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mr. Fawcett, fccaleby. Full brother to Colonel (3428). (3*55) YOTNC; GAINFORD. Red and white, calved April 1, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Croft on, got by Gainford (2044), d. Rosebud, by Emperor (1974), &c., as in Aberdeen (2903). (3856) GALEN. Red roan, calved July 1, 1840, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Crump, got by Sweet- Willlam (6868), d. Cassandra, by William (2840), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (8857) GALEWOOD. Red roan, calved March 16, 1840, bred by Mr. Atkinson, Ewart. the property of Mr. Scott, Ha wick, Roxburghshire, got by Bowmont (3200), d. Nan- n y, by Reformer (2507), by Ewart (1987), by Neptune. ' (3858) GAMBLER. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Ed- wards, the property of Thomas Jackson, Barwick Hall, Westmoreland, got by Gantborpe (2049), d. by Paul Pry (2418), by Marlbro' (1189), by Ebor (996), by Baronet (775;, by North Star (459), bred by R. Colling. (3859) GAMESTER. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Robson, Cadeby,got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Gratitude, by Prince Comet (1342), by Count (170), by Prince of Waterloo (528). (3800) YOUNG GANTHORPE. Red and white, calved Sept. 1836, bred by Mr. Edwards, the property of Mr. lies, got by Ganthorpe (2049), d. Foggathorpe, by Malbro 1 (1189), Rosebud, by Ebor (997), Tulip, by Regent (546), Primrose, by North Star (459), by R. Ceiling's White Bull (3421), bred by R. Colling. (3801) G ANTON. Red and white, calved 1833, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Young Grazier (3928), d. Favour- ite, by Parriugton (4653), by Baron (58), by Windsor (698). <3SB) GARNET. Red and white, calved April, 1839, bred by Mr. Lakin. the property of J. Grice, got by Po- wyke Emperor (4745), d. Gaudy, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748), Old Gaudy, by - , Snowball, by Wallis' Roan Bull (559U), Filpail, by Jolly's Bull (4116). (386:1) GARRICK. Red and white, calved June 26 1838 bred by Mr. Edge, the property of Capt. Thornhill, got by Eastwood (8680), d. Gem, by Kilnshaw (2175), &c as in Calmuck (3264). (3864) M. GAKTIIOKX'S BULL, OF EMM'S HILL. Bred by Mr. Atkinson, Smeltliouse. not (supposed) by Cripple, d. (bred by G. Angus, Stytbrd), by a Bull of Mr. Jobling's. (3M5) GAY LAD. Roan, calved 1839. bred by Mr. Bos- ?"Sl g0t T by ,^ C ( ~' SS1) ' '' E:lsk ' 1 ' 11 ^aiety, by Franklin (2086), RoaU Gaiety, by Herod (308), c., as in The Chief- tain (2893). <3Si v , , bred by tin- Karl of Lon-367>. (3891) GII.LINC;. (Jot by Smeaton (5212), d. bv ( .; Car- ter's Old Red Bull (8298). (3SU2) (Jii*ivi:i:. (Jot by Smeaton (5212) d bv G Car- ter's old Red Bull (32!)^i. 8) (Jn.riv White, with some red spots, calved April 5, 1840. bred by and tin- property of Mr Bement Albany. N.Y., L'. S. A., got by A>terio (3048). d. Gertrude, 90 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by Carlos (1787), Geraldine, by Devonshire (966), &c., as iu Gladiator (3894). (3894) GLADIATOR. Calved May 9,1837, bred by Mr. Be- ment, Three Hills Farm, near Albany, U. S. A., the prop- erty of P. C. Schuyler, got by President (4750), d. Geor- giana (bred by Mr. Hodman), by Carlos (1787), Geraldine, by Devonshire (966), Galatea (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Frederick (10(50), Graceful, by Major (2252), by Comus, by Denton (198), by Wetherell's . (3895) GLADIATOR. Koan, calved March 13, 1838, bred by W. Hall, Laughton, got by Warter (2896), d. Roall Gai- ety, by Herod (308), &c., as in The Chieftain (2893). (3896) GLADIATOR. White, calved Oct. 11, 1838, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Lofty (2217), d. Glory, by Argus (759), Miranda, by Imperial (2151), Jessy, by He wick (1111), Helen, by Young Dimple (971), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull, by Goldflnder (1075). (3897) GLAUCUS. Roan, calved April 14, 1836, bred by Mr. Balnbridge, got by Archibald (1652), d. Latona, by Albion (731), &c., as in Apollo (164-1). (3898) GLAUCUS. Red and white, calved May 17, 1838, bred by It. Bagshaw, the property of Leete and Brown, West Winch, near Lynn, Norfolk, got by Daniel (1904), d. XYZ, by Stamford (1476), Norah (bred by Mr. Wether- ell), by North Star (460), Nerissa, by Comet (155), by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (3899) GLAUCUS. White, calved March 12, 1840, bred by Sir Edward Mostyn, got by Rector (4886), d. Graceful (bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen), by Edmund (1954), Moss Rose, by Rival (553), Ruby, by Barmpton (54), by Aylesby (44), by a brother to R. Colling's White Heif- er, by Barningham (56). (3900) GLEDHOW, 533. (3901) GLEN. Red and white, calved May 4, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Atkinson, Ewart, got by Bow- mont (3200), d. Nanny, by Reformer (2507), by Ewart (1987), by Neptune. (3902) GLENDALE. Red, bred by Mr. Chrisp, the prop- erty of Lord Cloncurry, got by Prince Eugene (2463), d. Beauty (bred by Mr. Hunt), by Leopold (370), Young Columbine, by Whitworth (695), Columbine, by York- shireman (2862), Johanna, by Eryholme (1980), by Fa- vourite (256), Cinderella, by Hill's Bull (310), by Bar- ningham (56). (3903) GLENDALE. Red, calved Dec. 28, 1839, bred by Mr. Atkinson, Ewart, the property of J. Roberton, Lady Rig, Roxburghshire, got by Bowmont (3200), d. Eliza- beth, by Young Wellington (2826), by Ewart (1987), Old Bet, by Winston (5669). (3904) GLOUCESTER. Red and white, calved March 8, 1837, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Nimrod (2371), d Ruth, by Taurus (2740), by a Bull of W. Dale's, by Hut- ton's Old Bull (323). (3905) GOFTON'S BULL. (3906) GOG. Calved Dec. 22,1839, bred by and the prop- erty of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Kenwood (2114), d Satin, by Premier, Silk, by . (3907) GOHANNA. White, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Maynard, the property of the Duke of Devonshire got by Velocipede (5552), d. Hawthorn, by Matchem (2281), by Stephen (1456), by Newton (1271), by a son of Comet (155), by Western Comet (689), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Favourite (252). (3908) GOLDEN DROP. The property of Col.Thompson got by Ambo Dexter (1636), d. Valentine, by Navigator (1260), Virtue (bred by Major Bower), by Candour (107), Violet (bred by Major Rudd), by Petrarch (488), &c as in Vulcan (2808). (3909) GOLDFINCH. Roan, bred by and the property of Mr. Warfield, near Lexington, U. S. A , got by Gold- finder (2066), d. by Oliver (238?'), by San Martin (2599) Teeswater. (3910) GOLDFINDER. Red and white, calved July 27, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Goodwin, got by George (3878), d. Gaudy, by Matchem (4412), Gaiety by a son of Charles (127), by Charles (127). (3911) GOLDFINDER. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of R. Lawson, Stapleton, got by Magnum Bonnm (2243), d. Mary, by Commodore, Youn"- Cherry by Stapleton (2(398), by Cupid. by a son of North Star (459), by St. John (573), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (3912) GOLIAH. Calved April 10, 1836, br*d by Mr. Bement, Three Hills Farm, near Albany, U. S. A., the property of Mr. Fowler, got by Washington (1566). d. Georgiania, by Carlos (1787), &c., a* in Gladiator (3894). (3913) GOSBERTON. Red, calved May 3, 1839, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Shotbolt, got by Ranun- culus (2479), d. Short-tailed White, by Mernnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (3914) GOVERNOR. Red and white, calved April 4, 1838, bred by Mr. Goodwin, got by Stanhope, d. Gaiety, by a son of Charles (127), by Charles (127). (3915) GOVERNOR. Roan, calved 1839, bred by J. Crof- ton, the property of Mr. Jackson, got by Gainford (204-1), d. by Baronet (1686), by Memnon (2296). (3916) GOVERNOR. Calved Jan. 4, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Skipworth, got by Young Talbot (5395), d. Glory, by Tory (5507), Governess, by Commo- dore (1858), by Governor (1077), by Snowball (611), by Major (398), by Major (397), and previously from Bulls of Mr. Ostler's. (3917) GRACCHUS. Red roan, calved Sept. 21, 1838, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Hutton, Gate Burton, near Gainsborough, got by Roman (2561), d. Cas- sandra, by William (2840), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (3918) YOUNG GRACE. White, calved Nov. 25, 1840, bred by Sir E. Mostyn, got by Rector (4886), d. White Lily, by Maggot (2238), White Rose, by Young Albion (15), by Albion (14). (3919) GRAMMARIAN. Roan, calved April 14, 1838, bred by Sir E. Mostyn, got by Henwood (2114), d. Graceful, by Edmund (1954), &c., as in Glaucus (3899). (3920) GRAMPOUND. Roan, calved July 20, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Brown, Obthorpe, near Bourne, got by Orator (2390), d. Geranium, by Archduke (3026), by Fulbeck, Old Cherry, by Crispin (174). I lay H( son of Favourite (252). (3922) GRANDISON. Bred (supposed) by Mr. Allison' by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033). GRANDSON OF FAVOURITE. Bred by Mr.Robson, Headlam. (3924) GRANDSON OF WADDINGWORTH (668). Got by Kneeton Bull (4166), d. the Prize Cow, by Quaker (1349). by Haddington Bull, by Yellow Bull (5695), Hallilay's Cow, by J. Marshall's Bull (4396), descended from W. Fisher's Stock, Kirkby. (3925) GRAYRIGG. Roan, calved Oct. 25, 1838, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Edward Wood, got by Redgill (4893), d. Red Helen, by Tom Gwynne (5498), Helen, by Marmion (406), Helen, by St. Albans (2584) GRAZIER. Got by Quaker (1349). (3927) GRAZIER. Calved 1832, bred by Mrs. Dorothy Wilkinson, got by Young Colling (1843), d. Gilliver, by Mrs. Wilkinson's Red Bull (2838), by a son of Hollings (2131), by a son of Remus (550), by Sedbury (1424), descended from R. Alcock's Bull (19). YOUNG GRAZIER. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Grazier (1085), d. Fairy, by Par- rington (4653), by Baron (58), by Windsof (698), by a son of Washington (674). (3929) YOUNG GRAZIER. Bred by the late Sir J. Rams- den, got by Grazier (1085), d. by Firby (1039), by Duke Humphrey (230), by Wynyard (703), by Robinson's Bull (4974), by Badsworth (47). (3930) GRAZIER (MR. LANGDALE'S). Got by Grazier (1085). (3931) GRAZIER. Roan, calved April 1, 1837, bred by Mr. Goodwin, the property of Mr. Reeve, got by Osiris (4628), d. Gaudy, by Matchem (4412), Gaiety, by a son of Charles (127), by Charles ^127). (3932) GRAZIER. White and red spots, calved March 5, 1839, bred by Mr. Goodwin, the property of Mr. Miles, got by Sportsman (5304), d. Young Gaiety, by George (3878), Gaiety, by a son of Charles (127), by Charles (127). (3933) GRAZIER. Red, calved 1840, bred by N. Clark, Urpeth, the property of Mr. Laidler, got by Farmer (2001), d. by Mentor (2300), by a son of Hindley Lad. (3934) GRAZIER. Roan, calved Nov. 12, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Scotson, got by Martin 2d (4406), d. by Cato. TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 91 (39a5) GKEATIIAM. (3936) GREATHEAD'S GREY BULL. (3937) GREAT WESTERN. Red and white, calved July, 1839, bred by and the property of H. S. Randall, Court- land, X. Y., U. S. A., got by Volunteer (5578), d. Niobe (bred by F. Botch), by American Comet (1638), Norah, by Frederick (20&8), Nonpareil, by Young Deuton (963), &c., as in Nigel (4570). (3938) GREBBY. White, calved June 27, 1839, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Hotl', got by Ranunculus (2479), d. Caroline, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (3939) GREENWELL'S BULL. Got byMatchem 3d (4420), d. by Borodino, by Alfred, by Major, by Windsor (698), by a son of Favourite (252). (3940) GREY MOMUS. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Hunt, the property of G. Angus, got by Northumberland (45!)5), d. Young Columbine, by Edrom (1956), &c., as in North Star (4591). (3941) GRIMALDI, alias LATHAM (364). (3942) GRINDON. Bred by Mr. Smith, Grindon, North- umberland. (3943) GRIZZLED TWIN. Bred (supposed) by the late Mr. Maynard, got by , d. Maynard's Old Yellow Cow. (3944) GROG. White, calved Dec. 17, 1836, bred by Rev. H. Y. Smith, the property of Mr. Bates, Fithby, Notts., got by Rose's son of Matchem (2281), d. by Spectator (OBS8), Old Gossip, by Col. Willoughby's Bull (3429), by Alexander (1624), Norah, by Wynyard (703), by Col- ling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (3945) GRONANT. Red and white, calved April 11, 1838, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of Mr. Williams, got by Kenwood (2114), d. Fama, by Cymro (1898), Fancy, by Childers (1824), &c., as in Caradoc (1786). (3046) GROSVENOR, 10175. Red and white, calved Oct. 13, 1836, bred by Mr. Paley, the property of Gen. Thos Smith, America, got by Talleyrand (2728), d. Clarinda, by Buckingham (1755), &c., as in Felix (3780). (3947) GUARDIAN. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Col. Cradock, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. Old Cherry, by Pirate (2430), &c., as in Provost (4846). (3948) GUARDIAN. Bred by T. Lambert, sold to go into Russia, got by Son of Cumberland (5256), d. Bright- eyes, by Memnon (4452), by Wellington, by a Bull from the stock of Mr. Mason. (3949) GUERCINO. Roan, calved Feb. 24, 1840, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Sloane Stanly, got by Ro- man (2561), d. Cactus, by William (2840), No. 25 by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (3950) GUILLEMOT. Roan, calved Jan. 30, 1840, bred by E. W. Wilmot, the property of Mr. Timms, got by Pedestrian (4670), d. Stately, by son of Wonderful' (1588), by Wonderful (700), by Mars (413), by Trunnel (659). (3951) GULLIVER. Roan, calved Jan. 31, 1839, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Gilliver, by Young Colling (1843), Lingcropper, by Remus (550), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (3952) GUNBY. Red, calved Nov. 5, 1838, bred by Mr Houldsworth, Farnsfield. the property of Mr. Burtt Gunby, got by Coltness (3430), d. Mary Ann, by Filho- da-Puta (3791), Polly Hopkins, by Favourite (1028), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799), by a Bull bought in the North. (3!)53) GUNNERAVELL. Roan, calved May 30, 1836, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Robert Clark got by Sir William (2640), d. Duchess, by Crofton's Lame Bull (2182), &c., as in Monk (4504). (3954) GUSTAVUS. Bred by and the property of Mr. Hartley, Rose Hill, got by Barmpton (3090), d. Rosebud, by Sir Peter Teazle, or Sir Peter Teasdale, by Rocking- hum. by Denton (198), by Henry (301). (3!*r>5) GUSTAVUS. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr Lov- ell, the property of T. Underwood, got by Bagdad (3075), d. by Mortimer, by Anthony (1640), Gaudy. (3956) GUY. Red and white roan, bred by Mr Asshe- ton. got by Brandon (814), d. by Midas (1:55), by Crocus (982),-- by a brother to North Star (459), by Favourite (3957) GUY MANNERINO. Red and white, calved Jan. 84, ls;!7, bred by Mr. Fawkes, the property of Cattley, Lintoii and Wright, 6), Millicent (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Prince of Waterloo (528), by Mayflower (425), by a Bull of Mr. Nicholson's, descended from the stock of J. Brown. (3959) HADDOCK, called GOVERNOR (1077). (3960) HADDOCK. Got by a Bull of R. Booth's, d. Roany, by a son of Wellington (680). (3961) HADDOCK. Red, calved March, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Peacock, Haddockstone, got by Cadet (1770), d. Red Rose, by Governor (1077), Roany (the Premium Cow), by a son of Wellington (680) bought at Yarrii Fair. (3962) HAGGIN'S MIRANDA. [Probably same as (4488)] . (3963) HALLEY'S COMET. Red and white, calved 1835, or 1836, bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Velocipede (5552), d. Amelia, by Sir Thomas (2636), by Frederick (1060), Nonsuch, by Harold (291), &c., as in Comet Halley (1855). (3964) HALTON. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Rowe, the property of Mr. Hymers, got by Pedestrian (4670), d. Primrose, by Cleveland (3403), Red Rose, by Architect (3030), by Wonder (2853), by Witham's White Bull (5670). (3965) HAMPDEN. Roan, calved June 18, 1839, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of John Wailes, got by Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Lingtlower by El- lerton's Bull, &c., as in Blaize (3159). (3966) HANDEL. (3967) HAND'S BULL, op SCOTTLETHORPE. Bred by Mr. Hand, of the Turnell breed. (3968) HANLEY'S BULL. (3969) HANNIBAL. Got by Paganini (2405). (3970) HAPHAZARD. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by J. Middleton, Hutton Fields, sold to Mr. Eeles got by Layton (2192), d. Red Rose, by Red Highflyer (2488), by Snowball (2648), descended from tlie stock of Mr. Newby, Thorpe. (3971) HARDICANUTE. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Tetley, got by Harold (291), d. Brighteyes, by Dawson's Grey Bull (193), by Simon (590), by Favourite (252), by Bolingbroke (86). (3972) HARKA WAY. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of James Hopper, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. Pomona, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Mul- berry, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Barney (5776). (3973) HARLEQUIN (Miss WRIGHT'S). Got by Comet (155). (3974) HARLEQUIN. Red roan, calved 1835 or 1836, bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Velocipede, d. by Fran- cisco (2032), Auricula, by Lancaster (360), Countess, by Comet (155), Cleasby Lady, by a son of Favourite (252) Lucinda, by Button's Bull (323), Lucy (bred by Mr. Walker), by Barningham (56). (3975) HARLEQUIN. Calved Nov. 5, 1837, bred by Mr. Pym, the property of Mr. Bramston, got by Nottingham (4598), d. Rouge, by Red Rover (4903), Red Rose, by Alexander (1624), by a Bull of C. Colling's. (3976) YOUNG HARLSEY. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Ryle, Herrington, got by Harsley (2091), d. Jessy, by Forester (1055), Planet, by Eclipse (238), Planet, by White Comet (1582), Transit, by Comet (155), Young Farren, by Duke (226), Old Farren, by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (3977) HAROLD. Roan, calved May 15, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Pilkington, Windle Hall, got by Hopewell (2135), d. Hyacinth (bred by Jos. Berry), by Kenwood (2114), by Sir Stephen (1456), by a son of Comet (155). (3978) HARRINGTON. Roan, calved Feb. 3, 1837, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. llewison, got by Al- bion (2967), d. Holton Lady, by . (3979) HARRISON. Roan, calved Nov. 13, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. WarfirM. near Lexington, U. S. A., got by Goldtinder (2066), d. Delia, by Oliver (2387), by Contention (3479), by Paul Jones (4661), by Buzzard (3253). (3980) HARRISON'S BULL OF HURWORTH. Got by Mr. C' barge's Grey Bull (872). (3981) HARUY. Roan, calved 1836, bred by the late Mr. Harrison, Fir by, the property of Mr. Allen, Malton, LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS got by Algernon (1631), d. Bobtail, by Kirkharle, (217'8), by Baronet, by Duke, by Traveller (655), by Bol- ingbroke (86). (3982) HARRY. Roan, calved March 10, 1839, bred by and the property of R. Bagshaw, got by Duncan (1942), d. Victoria, by Rufus (2576), Ladybird, by Goldflnder (20(14), Ann, by Boughton (90). (3983) HARRY. White, calved Oct. 29, 1840, bred by J. Radclifie, the property of Mr. Frank, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. White Princess, by Young Roscius (2567), Butterfly, by Bedford Jr. (1701), by Farmer (251), the clam of Cato (1797). (3984) YOUNG HARRY BERTRAM. Light roan, calved Sept. 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Kyle, Ire- land, got by Harry Bertram (2095), d. Summit (bred by Mr. Sedgwick), by Kilnshaw (2175), Sabella, by Guy (2084). Red Strawberry, by Young Daisy (947), &c., as in Sceptre (2602). (3985) HARRY LORREQUER. Bred by the late Robert Thornton, Barmpton, got by Clarence (888), d. Old Sally, by Lancaster (360), by Punch (531), by Simon (590). (3986) HARTFORTH. Light roan, calved April, 1839, bred by W. Raine, sold to G. L. St. Marie, France, got by Guardian (3947), d. Red Rose, by Anti-Radical (1642), &c., as in Hector (6064). (3987) YOUNG HASTINGS. Roan, calved 1830. bred by Joseph Gillbanks, Whitefield House, got by Hastings (293), d. Crummy, by Wellington. (3988) YOUNG HASTINGS. Light roan, calved Sept. 1838, the property of Messrs. Angus, Broomley, got by Adolphus (1611), d. by Major, by Young Corinthian (3489), by Hastings (293), by Young Rival, descended from the stock of the late Major Rudd. (3989) HATFIELD. Got by Young Wynyard, d. by Northumberland, by Charge's Grey Bull (872). Slaugh- tered 1827. (3990) HAWTHORN. (3991) HAYTON CASTLE. Bred by Mr. Herd, Swinside, Yorkshire. (3992) HAZARD. Red and white, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Pontin, the property of E. Lakin, Powyke, got by Son of Prince (5266), d. by Trinculo (2774), by His Maj- esty (2128). (3993) HAZELWOOD (2098). Red roan, calved April 9, 1836, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Norfolk (3377), d. Prin- cetta, by Prince William (1344), Priscilla. by Corinthian Tom (921), Princess, by Young Pilot (497), Venus, by Constellation (163), Nancy (bred by Mr. Baxter), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177). (3994) OLD HEADLAM. Got by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (3995) HEADLAM. Bred by Mr. Wade, got by a son of Favourite (252), d. by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (3996) YOUNG HETACOMB. White, calved Oct. 10, 1837, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Mason, got by Ranunculus (2479), d. Jemima, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (3997) HECTOR. Got by Corinthian Tom (921). (3998) HECTOR. Red and white, calved May 20, 1835, got by Charles (1815), d. by Driver (1928), by Son of Dash (2668), by Jupiter (342), by Pope (514), by Chil- ton (136). Richard (1376), Rufus (570), Charles (127) St. John (572), Dash (191), White Bull (421), were all used by the breeder of Hector. (3999) HECTOR. Got by Ambo. (4000) HECTOR. Red and white, calved June,1840, bred by and the property of Gilbert Wood, got by Marquis (4388), d. Helen, by Young Masjog (2247), Violet, by Cu- pid (1895), by St. Albans (2584), by Layton (366), by a son of Cripple (171), by Styford (629). (4001) HECTOR. Red and white, calved Sept. 5, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Upton (5535), d. reo lore, by Henwood (2114), Fancy by Childers (1824), &c., as in Caradoc (1786). (4002) HELENUS. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Bird, Wolviston, got by Dusty Miller (3668), d. Columbine, by Bellerophon (3119), Caroline, by Ploughboy (4727). Milkmaid, by a son of Waterloo (2816), Noble, bought at the late Sir H. V. Tempest's sale. (4003) HELIUS. Dark roan, calved April 13, 1838, bred by Mr. Cottrell, the property of Mr. Niblett, got by Tory (2770), d. Neatness, by Henwood (2114), Norna bv Wharfdale (1578), Nun, by Triumph (1530), Young Priestess, by Major (398), by North Star (459), byWind- sor (698). (4004) HEMLINGTON. (4005) THOS. HENDERSON'S BULL. Got by North Star (459), d. by a son of Ladrone (353), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (4006) HENLLYS (2112). (4007) HENRY. Bred by Anthony Cundall, Middleham, got by a grandson of Albion (14), d. Duchess, by Swin- ton, Crissy, by David (3568), -by a son of Easby (232). (4008) HENRY. Got by Colonel (1846), d. by Pirate (2480), by Frederick (1060), by Rob Roy (557), by Houghton (318). (4009) HENRY. Red, calved July, 1838, bred by Mr. Pilkington, the property of Mr. Almond, got by Martin (2279), d. Moss Rose, by Waterloo (2816), by Young Wynyard (2859), by Irishman (329), by Styford (629). (4010) HENRY, alias SIR WALTER. Red, calved 1840, bred by Col. Cradock, the property of Enoch Harvey, got by Borderer (3191), d. Old Cherry, by Pirate (2430), &c., as in Provost (4846). (4011) HENRY STH. Red and white, bred by and the property of Mr. Benson, got by Henderskelf (2111), d. Myrtle, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Napier (6239). (4012) YOUNG HENWOOD, alia* HENWOOD 2o. Red, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Henwood (2114), d. Jenny Wren, by a son of Beauchamp (781), Avonia, by Wharf- dale (1578), &c., as in Oughtred (4634). Slaughtered March, 1839. (4013) HERCULES. Got by Ronald (565), d. by Layton (366), by Petrarch (488), byMasou's son of Chilton (136), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (4014) HERCULES. Red and white, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Ellison, Sizergh, sold to Mr. Benson, got by Bru- tus (1751), d. Phoenix (bred by Major Oudd), by a grand- son of Major Rudd's Venus, &c.,as in Harmonis (2092). (4015) HERCULES. Calved Feb. 16, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Pym, got by Ormsby's Red Bull (4622), d. Hebe (bred by Mr. Wilkinson), by Spectator, (2688), by a son of Harold (291), by Albion (1619), by Alexander (1624), by Wilkinson's Favourite, by a son of Favourite (252), by Wilkinson's Red Bull. (4016) HERDSMAN, 77. (4017) HERIOT. Dark roan, calved 1829 or 1830, bred by the late Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk, and presented to Mr. Heriot, Ladykirk, got by Grey Diomed (2076), d. Thalia, by Diomed (974), &c., as in Robertson (2538). (4018) HERMIT. White, calved March 9, 1839, bred by Capt. Hampton, the property of Richard Griffith, Carre- lwyd, Englesey, got by Henllys (2112), d. Gazelle (bred y Mr. James), by Beaufort, Gillyflower, by , by Cupid, Mayflower, by Charlie (130), by Western Comet (689). (4019) HERO. Red and white grizzle, got by Young Remus (2523), d. Flora, by Alonzo (27), Beauty, by Stranger (5335), Young Ridley, by Partner (2409), Old Ridley, by Button's Bull, Lofty, descended from R. Al- cock's Bull (19). (4020) HERO. White, and red roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., N. Y., the prop- erty of Mr. Collins, Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., got by North Star (2382), d. Hesper, by Frederick (2038), Har- riet (bred by J. Wetherell), by Denton (198), Henrietta, by Comet (155), Hannah, by Henry (301), by Danby (190), by a grandson of Favourite. (4021) HERO. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Topham, the property of Mr. Paul, got by Eclipse (1949), d. Polly, by Young Rockingham (2549), by a son of Major (398), by Cossack (925). (4022) HERO. Got by a son of Spectator (2688), d. by Albion (1619). (4023) HERO. Red and white, calved April 9, 1839, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Chorister (8878), d. Grey Helen (bred by E. Troutbeck), by Tom Gwynne (5498), Helen, by Marmion (406), Helen, by St. Albans (2584). (4024) HERO. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Hogarth, Eccles Tofts, bought by James Thompson, New South Wales, got by Conqueror (3462), d. by a son of Borderer, by a Bull bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk, by a son of Duke. (4025) HERO. Roan, calved May 5. 1840, bred by Mr. Watson, Wauldby, the property of W. Watson, West T O W II I C IE A M E R I C A N PEDIGREES TRACE. 93 t by Hexgreave (4030), d. Chi- ), Young Woodbine, by Lan- KU-i Grange. trot l).v Belshax/ar (1703). d. Esther, by No- ble Henry (2874), by Simon (5134), by Young George (:js.s;> i. by George (276). O02C.I YOUNG HERO. ( M-.>7) HEROD (Mu. W. RAINE'S). Light roan, calved Nov. 183I>. got by Acinon (KiOtii. d. Mayflower, liy Po- teightoe< i. !i KM, -by Wonder (5677), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353*. by Henry (1301). ( NI-JSI HKSUX.;. Red and white, calved June 14, 1840, bred by Mr. Kenton. the property of Mr. Benson, not by Napoleon (4533), d. Queen, by Norfolk (2377), by'Folly- foot (3818). (4029) HETHERINGTON'S BULL. (-1030) HEXGREAVE. Got by Baker, alias Elemore ClOili), d. Tabinette, by Comet (155), Alpine (bred by Col. Trotter), by K. Colling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (4031) HEXOHEAVE. Got b na-aster. by Paragon (1304) caster (31)0), Woodbine, by Atlas (43), Ac., as in Gov- ernor (1078). (1032) HIBISCUS. White, calved May 10, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Capt. Hall, got by Luci- fer i 1-.W>. d. Hazel, by Childers (1824), Figurante, by Brutus (100), by Ketton (34(5), by Snowdrop (616). (4033) HIGHLANDER. ( 403 M HILTON. Got by Gainford (2044). (4035) HINDLEY LAD. (403ti) His GRACE. White, calved March 8, 1836. bred by Sir K. Mostyn. got by Maggot (2238), d. Graceful, by Edmund (1954), &c., as in Glaucus (3899). (4037) His GRACE. Light roan, calved July 23, 1837, bred by late Uuke of Leeds, the property of P. Morris, Allerton Farm, near Westchester, Chester Co., Petin., U. S. A., got by Anthony (1641), d. Vinea, by Frederick (1060), Ac., as in Vesuvius (5559). (4038) His ROYAL HIGHNESS. Roan, calved Jan. 6, 1839, bred by Mr. Wiley got by Belshazzar (1704), d Her Highness, by His Highness (2125), &c., as in His Honor (2127). (4039) His ROYAL HIGHNESS. Dark roan, calved Mar. 30, 1840, bred by R. Jobson, the property of Earl of Lonsdale. Full brother to Prince Albert (4793). (4040) HOGARTH. Red, calved April 5, 1838, bred by Mr. Edge, got by Spectator (2688), d. Haphazard, by Commodore (1858), by Studley (628). ( Mil) HOLKAR. Dark red, a few white spots, calved Sept. 15, 1S3H, bred by T. Bates, Kirklea\ inirton, near Yann, the property of G. Duff, Eden, Aberdeenshire got by Belvedere (1706), d. by Second Hubback (1423), by Second Hubback (1423), descended from a son of Hubback (319), and from the stock of Mr. Angus, Styford. ( KH2) HOLLINS. Red and white, calved 1831, bred bv Mr. Dauthwaite, zot by Dale's Dauby, d. Old Daisy by a M>n of Young Albion (15), Ash, by Easby (232). (4043) HOLLYHOCK. Calved 1840, bred by Mr. Lathrop, South lladley. Mass.. U. S. A., got by Dairyman cftW), d. White Lady, by Admiral (1608), Harriet, by Denton (198), etc.. as in Jupiter (2172). (4044) HONESTY. Roan, calved May 19, 1838, bred by !\ Wilkinson, Coldstorms, got by Swinton (5373), d Lily, by J. Robinson's Bull (4>)7(>), Fairy, by Young 'Col- ling (181:!). -Fiery, by Mrs. Wilkinson's Bull (2888), by a son of Colling's Bull, d. from C. Parkinson's Stock, Easby. ( ,10 J5) HOPEWELL. The property of Mr. Oscar, U. S. A., got by Hopewell (2K35), d. Elvira, by Reformer (2503). ( M4<>) HOPKWKI.L 2i>. White, calved Sept. 16, 1840, bred by Mr. Pilkington, mot by Hopexvell (2135), d Bel- lona, by Belvedere (1706), by Blucher (1725), J. Ste- phenson'B favourite Red Cow. (4047) HORACE. Roan, calved Dec. 12, 183-, bred by Rev. K. Smith, (be property of Mr. Bate-,. Tythby Notts got by Homer (2134). d. by Stentor <5323i. by Wilkin- son s Young Lancaster, by Young York (1592), by Bui tan. (1018) HORACE. Roan, calved June 17, 18-10, bred bv and the property of Mr. Minta, got by Silvertop ( 5i:i d. Helpmate, by Oscar (2892), Halcyon, by Disliley Ket- ton (982), Harmless, by a son of Midas (485), by a grandson of Comet (155). (!OHi) HORNBY. Roan, calved Dec, 1, 1838, bred bv Mr. Kirkham, got by Field Marshal (3789), d. Jenny, by Reformer (4917), by Disliley Ketton (982), by Major (398). by Cossack (925). (4050) HOTSPUR. Roan, calved in Dec. 1839, bred by Thomas Chrisp, the property of J. Thomson, New South Wales, got by Regent (2517). d. Adelaide, by George (2057). by Bolingbroke (31X4). -by a son of Mi'das (435), and descended from the Stock of Mr. Riddell, Felton Park, Northumberland. (4051) HOTSPUR. Red and white, calved Feb. 2, 1840, bred by and the property of G. A. Grey, Milfield Hill, got by Northumberland (4595).d. Victoria, by Archibald (1052), Britannia (bred (supposed) by Sir Charles Lorraine), by Kirkharle (2178). by Duke of Wellington (231), by Yar- borough (7'05), by Traveller (655), out of the Old Fa- vourite Cow, by Bolingbroke (86). (1052) HOTSPUR. Red and white, calved April 16, 1840, bred by the property of the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Prime Minister (2456). d. Harriet, by Sir William (2640), Lily, by Y r oung Rockingham (2549), c., as in Lofty (4247). (4053) HOTSPUR. Red roan and white, calved April, 1840, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., the property of J. Beaumont, got by Archer (3028). d. Hes- per, by Frederick (2038), &c., as in Hero (4020). (4054) HUBBACK. Roan, calved 1839, got by Empire (3727), d. by a Bull bred by Earl Spencer. (4055) HUDIBRAS. Roan, calved June 7, 1839, bred by Mr. Edge, got by Belshazzar (1704). d. Haphazard, by Commodore (1858), by Studley (628). (4056) HCDSPETH'S ROAN BULL. Bred by Mr. Lam- bert, Elrington Hall, got by Wellington (2824), d. bred by Mr. Lambert. (4057) HUMBUG. (4058) HUNTINGDON. Roan, calved July 15, 1840, the property of William Lund, Huntington, near Y r ork got by Boz (3201), d. by Buhner (1760), by Henderskelf (2111), by Wonder, by Mr. Claridge's Wellington. (4059) J. HUNT'S BULL. Got by Northumberland (464) d. by a son of Favourite (252), by Danby (190). (4060) HURRICANE. Red and white, calved Jan. 7, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Fox, Bramham Park got by Norfolk (2377), d. Brighteyes, by Charles, Cherry, by Rob Roy (557), by Chance (1806), by Shipperly. (4061) HURRICANE. Roan, calved Nov. 1840, bred by Mr. Caldecott, the property of W. D. Manning, got by Emperor (3721), d. Belinda, by a son of Fairfax (1023), Miss Foote, by Coxcomb (928), &c., as in Buskin (1769). (4062) HUTCHINSON'S BULL. Got by Booth's Son of Pilot (2681). (4063) HUTTON. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Mid- dleton, Hutton Fields, got by Hilton (4034). d. Beauty, by Red Highflyer (2488), by Reformer (2510). by Constitu- tion, a grandson of Albion (14), by Snowball* (2648). (4064) BUTTON'S BULL. (4065) HYACINTHUS. Roan, calved April, 1840, bred by Mr. Beetham, the property of Mr. Braithwaite, got by Thornton, d. Lady Hustler, by Cleveland, &c., 'as in Horatio (7097). (4066) HYTON. White, calved Aug. 20, 1840, bred by and the property of John Shaw, Hyton Bootle, got by Lord Melbourne (4264), d. a favourite roan Cow, bred from the Stock of the Earl of Lonsdale. (4067) IAGO. Red and white, calved May 6, 1838, bred by Hon. J. B. Simpson. Full brother to Babworth (3068). (4088) IMPERIAL. Roan., bred by Mr. Rose, Gotham, got by Ivanhoe (1131), d. Old Chestnut, by Rose's Hed Bull (5009). by Fisher's Bull (3799). by a iirandson of Favourite (252), by a bull of Mr. Tin-nell's. (4060) IMPERIAL. Red and white, calved May 13, 1838, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Ganthorpe (2049), d. Imogen, by Argus (759), &c., as in Turk (2778), (4070) INDEPENDENCE. Bred by Gen. Van Ransalaer, U. S. A., got by Ajax (2944). (4071) INDEX. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Lord Fe- ver^bam. the property of Thomas Phillips, ^ot by Young Grazier (3928), d. Lucy, by Expectation (3719), Favour- ite, by Parrington (4653), by Baron (58), by Windsor (698), by a son of Washington (674). (4072) INGLEBORO'. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Foster, Clapham, ix<>t by Mendoza d. Lady Helen, by Sir John (2628), Miss Foote, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Cossack i.issm. 94 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (4073) INGLEWOOD. Roan. calved 1833, bred by Mr. Pears, Plumpton Hall, got by The Duke (5432), d. by White Walton (5653), by Jos. Lowthian's Bull (4285). (4074) IXQLEWOOD. Red, calved May 1, 1838, bred by Mr. Pearson, late of Hay Close, Cumberland, the prop- erty of Mr. Sowerby, Carlisle, got by Chorister (3378). d. Young Dairy, by Remus (4933), Dairy, by Lansdale (379), Dairy, by Irishman (329), by Styford (629), by Fa- vourite (252). (4075) INGLEWOOD. Red, calved May 10, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Unthank, Netherscales, got by Belvedere 4th (3129). d. Venus, by Cripple (1887;, &c., as in Duke of Cumberland (3641). (4076) INVALID (9237). (4077) INVINCIBLE. Got by Cyrus (184), d. by a son of Charles, by John (335). (4078) ION. White, calved Aug. 1836, bred by Mr. Wi- ley. got by Melville (2292), d. May Blossom (bred by B. Bur- nell), by Hector (1105), &c., as in White Kirtling (7718). (4079) IRT. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Gaitskell, got by Barmton, d. Glass Slipper, by Champagne (3317), Cinderella (bred by Mr. Burrow), by Mountaineer (1252), White Gilliver (bred by Mr. Ellis), by Western Comet (689), Gilliver, by a son of Favourite (252). (4080) YOUNG ISAAC (2154). Roan, calved 1829, bred by W. Cooper, got by Isaac (1129), d. Lily, by Young War. laby (5598), Young Strawberry, by Young Dimple (971) Old Strawberry, by Snowball (2648), by Layton (2190) (4081) ISAAC. Roan, calved July 9, 1838, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Isabel, by Bel- shazzar (1703), Imogen, by Argus (759), &c., as in Turk (2778). (4082) YOUNG IVANIIOE. Calved Aug. 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Booth, Cotham, got by Waverley (5613), d. Red Rose, by Fisher's Son of Favourite (1028), by Coelebs (897), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Fish- er's Bull (3799). (4083) IVOR. Roan, calved July 10, 1839, bred by Mr. Bullimore, the property of Mr. Thompson, got by Mac Ivor (2287), d. Strawberry, by a son of Belvoir (1708), bought in the North. (4084) JACK (Tnos. CRISP'S). (4085) JACK. (4086) JAMES. (4087) JAMES. Red, calved Sept. 9, 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Bell. Kirkleavington, got by Holkar (4041), d. Place, by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945), by a son of Second Hubback (2683). (4088) JANUS. Roan, calved Aug. 1, 1840, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Lacey, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Jane (bred by Lord Feversham), by Neptune (4555), Strawberry, by Emperor (1013), by Snowball (611), by Baron (58), Wright. (4089) JASON. Roan, calved Aug. 20, 1837, bred by Mr Thompson, Armin, the property of Mr. Laytham, Wres- sle Castle, got by Cedric (1802), d. Lady Alice, by Sir Cloudesley Shovel (2624), Lady Betty Jr. by Ebor (997) Lady Betty, by Leopold (373), Lady Byram, by Wyn- yard (708), by Badsworth (47). (4090) JASON. Roan, calved June 21, 1840, bred by Mr Parkinson, sold to Mons. St. Marie, Paris, got by Cossack (1880), d. Isabella, by Farmer (1998), by Normanby (1278), by Neesham (1261), by Reform (1361). (4091) JASPER. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by and the property of the Marquis of Exeter, got by Miracle 2d (2322), d. Gem, by Rufus (2576), Diamond, by Aid-de- Camp (722), Brilliant, by Meteor (1226), by Young Phe- nomenon (492), by Windsor (698). . JASPER. Light red spots, calved Feb. 12, 1839, bred by Mr. \\ hih.ker, the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Prince of Northumberland (482o), d. Jasmine by Ed- mund (1954), by Comus (1862), Roan Cow bought in (4093) JAVELIN. Red roan, calved Feb. 16, 1837, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of John Beasley, got bv Firby(KMO), d. Rosamond, by Alabaster (1616) &c as in Jeremy (2157). (4094) JEM. Red and white, calved Nov. 14, 1837, bred by Mr.Dawson, Gronant, the property of Mr. Pierce got A y i He " WOO(1 < 21]4) < d - Sweetbrier (bred by R. Booth), by A-la-Mode (725), Primrose, by Memnon (2295), bv Ar- thur (761). (4095) JENNER. Roan, calved March, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Curtis, got by Orator (2390), d. Juno, by Favourite (1028), by a son of Blyth Comet (85), by Fisher's Red Bull (2022), by Turnell's Red Bull (1536), by Foster's Bull (2031). (4096) JERRY. Red, got by Sherburn (585), d. by Achmet (2), by Young Newby (2363). (4097) JERRY (2159). Bred by Mr. Booth, got by Young Albion (15), d. Daphne, by Young Albion (15), &c., as in Augustus (1662). (4098) JERRY. Got by Maynard's Harlsey. (4099) JERRY. Light roan, bred (supposed) by Mr. Allison, Bilby, got by Fitzroy (3808), d. Juno, by Jupiter (2169), by Regent (544), by Blyth Comet (85), by Nes- wick (1266). (4100) JERRY. Red roan, calved July, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Harris, got by Mariner (4366), d. Judy, by Oughtred (4634), Mandane, by Henwood (2114), Young Minna, by Wharfdale (1578), Minna, by Nes- tor (452), Minerva (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Harold (291), Mary, by Meteor (432), Magdalena (bred by C. Colling), by Comet (155), by Cupid (177). (4101) JERRY. Red and white, calved April 25, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by son of Freemason (1064), d. Lovely, by Northum- berland (1286), Rosebell, by Barmpton (54). (4102) JERRY. Red and white, calved Aug. 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Ladds, got by Jeremy (2157), d. by Red Robin (2491), by Rufus (2576), by Northamp- ton (2380), by Julius (339), by George (275). by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (4103) JERRY HAWTHORN. (4104) JIM CROW. White, calved Oct. 1, 1837, bred by and the property of Capt, Hampton, got by Henllys (2112), d. Florence, by Peter (487), by Orpheus (4?'3), by Ma- jor (398), by Yarborough (705). (4105) JIM CROW. Red, calved Sept. 16, 1838, got by Roland (2556), d.My Lady, by North Star, by OldEasby (232). (4106) JIM CROW. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of James Appleton, got by Yellow Boy (5694), d. Fanny, by Roan Robin (4956), Strawberry, by Fred erick (3835), Virginia, by Whisker (1579), &c., as in De- cision (5911). (4107) W. JOBSON'S RED BULL. Red and white, calved 1831, bred by W. Jobson, got by Sea Gull (2607), d. Char- lotte, by Sultan (1485), Amulet, by Talisman (1498), Bellona, by Mars (411), Rolla (bred by Gen. Simson), by North Star (458). (4108) JOHN. Red, calved Sept, 3, 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Bell, Kirkleavington, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Greenwell, by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945), by Blucher (1725). (4109) JOHN BARLEYCORN. Bred by the late J. Burtt, got by Grazier (3926), d. Daisy, by the Kneeton Bull, y Q.uaker (1349). (4110) YOUNG JOHN BARLEYCORN. Calved 1823, bred by the late Jos. Burtt, got by John Barleycorn (4109), d. Myrtle, by a grandson of Waddingworth (668), Old Cherry, by Bonner's Bull. (4111) JOHN BULL. Red and white, calved March 3, 1840, bred by and the property of Earl Howe, got by Cos- sack (1880), d. Single (bred by Mr. Parkinson), by Cos- sack (1880). Sprightly, by Young Robin (2539), by the Marquis of Exeter's Simon, by Prime Minister (2454), by George (2055), by Codd's Red Bull. (4112) JOHNNY. Bred by the late John Lee, got by Ilex (2149), d. by A-la-Mo.-,.T). (4136) JUPITER. Roan, calved 1839, got by Hannibal (WUH), d. Violet, by Gilting (8891), by Magnum Bonum . -by Pirate (2130), by a son of Houghton (318). (4137) JUVEXAL. Roan, calved April, 1840, bred by R. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Clover, Kirtling Place, Newmarket, got by Amadis (3006), d. Juno, by Favourite 0028i, &c., us in Jenner (4095). (4138) KALI;II>!>SCOI>|.; (R. DIXON'S, C./'-ticK- i O\K). Got by Duke (1933), d. by Parlington (4051), by Meteor (4465), by Headlam (3995). (4139) KATHLIN. Roan, calved 1S39, bred by B. Wil- son, sold to go to Australia, got by Slashing Harry (520!)). d.Lady. by Sir Walter (2639), by Roseberry (567), Lady, by ( lupid (178), by Rull' of the Needle (,5030), by Consti- tution (166). (4140) KAY'S GREY BULL. Bred by Mr. Hodgson, Ra- vens worth. (4141) KAY'S BULL. Got by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (4142) KEAL ECLIPSE. Roan, calved 18.35, bred by Mr. Topham, got by Eclipse (1949), d. by Lottery (2224), Laura, by Cossack (925), Old Laura, by Patriot (486), &c. (4143) KEAL ROCKINGHAM. Red and white, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Topham, got by Young Rockingliam (2547), d. Lavender (bred by Mr. Ostler), by Major (398), Empress, by Barmpton (54), by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer, by Barningham (56). (4144) KEARNEY'S BULL. Bought from the late Mr. Mason. (4145) KEEPER. Calved Oct. 11, 1838, bred by E. Mar- fleet, Bassingham, the property of Mr. Bullen, Biggin Grange, near Oundle, got by Count Cornet (3511), d. by Young Matchem (4423), by Chilton (137), by Young Chieftain, by Chieftain (886), by Nimrod (1274), by Mai-fleet's Red Bull (1192). (4146) KEITHLY. Red and white, calved Dec. 30, 1840, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. McConnel, Australia, got by Mowthorpe (2343), d. Kersey, by Rinaldo (4949), Kitty Fisher, by Favourite (1028), Clio, by Cris- pin (174), by Magnet (392), by Fisher's Red Bull, by Turnell's Red Bull (1536), by Foster's Bull (2031). (4147) KELLINGTON. Bred by Sir S. Crompton, got by Mark (2266), d. by Meteor. (4148) KELSO. White, calved Nov. 1, 1839, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, Farnsfield, got by Coltness (3430), d. Kitty, by Sir Humphrey (5159), Kitty Fisher, by Favourite (1028), &c., as in Keithly (4146). (4149) YOUNG KETTOX, alias MR. SHEPHERD'S BULL, of THORNINGHAM. (4150) KILLERBY. Red roan, calved May, 1839, bred by W. Raine, got by Pyramus (4853), d. Twin Cow, by Young Rockingham (2547), &c., as in Snowball (6505). Dead. (4151) KILMAX. Red, calved Jan. 4, 1839, bred by Mr. Atkinson, Ewart, the property of Mr. Fernie, Fifeshire, got by Bowmont (3200), d. Bet, by Snadon (1462), Old Bet, by Winston (5659). (4152) KING ARTHUR. Roan, calved May 26, 1839, the property of Mr. Dudding, got by Belsha/xar (1704), d. Ad- elaide, by Eclipse (1949), Dorothy, by Young Rocking- ham (2547), Miss Points Jr. by Nprthern Light (1280), &c., as in Edmund (3694). (4153) KING'S BULL, op KIRKLEATHAM. Bred by Mr. King, got by a son of Young Lancaster, bred by Mr. Rob- inson, Acklam. (4154) KING CHARLES 2i>, 84. (4155) KING OF HEARTS. Got by Tomboy (5493), d. Queen of Trumps (bred by Mr. Maynard), by Matchem 3d (4420), by Borodino (3192), by'Blucher (1725), by Waterloo (2816), by a son of Favourite (252). (4156) KING OF TRUMPS. Roan, calved March 10, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Adeane, got by King of Hearts (4155), d. Lady Frances, by Spectator (2688), Young Hebe, by Sir Roger de Coverley (5187), by a son of Harold (291), by Albion (1619), &c., as in Hercules (4015). (4157) KING'S WHITE BULL. (4158) KING WILLIAM. Got by Priam (2452), d. by Jerry (4097), by Young Albion (15), by Comet. (4159) KING WILLIAM. (4160) KING WILLIAM. Calved 1839. bred by Messrs. Ibbitson, the property of II. Doughill, got by Pioneer (4711). d. Mayflower, by Prince George (4281). Lucky, by Favourite (1030). Miss Thompson, by Studley (.; range (1483), by a son of Sir Dimple. (4161) KIRBY. Yellow and white, calved 1837. bred by Kev. Wm. (Jlaistor, sent t<> Australia by Mr. Wei h- erell. got by Sir Richard (5175), d. Myrtle, by Superb (6366), Yellow Parker, by , by Admiral. 96 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (416-2) KIKKHAM. Got by Marshal Beresford (415). (41(53) KIRLEATHAM BULL. Got by a son of G. Coates 1 White Bull, of Great Driftield. (4164) KIVETON REFORMER. The property of Mr. Hall. Laughton, got by Young Rockingham, d. by Wel- lington, by Cupid, by Mason's White Bull, bred by- Mr. Hutton, Shaws. (4165) KLEBEH. Roan, calved May 27, 1836, bred by Mr. Warfleld. near Lexington. U. S.. the property of Mr. Brand, got by Triumph (5517), d. Olive, by Oliver (2387), by Contention (3479), by a son of Rising Sun, a Long- horned Bull, Teeswater Cow. (4166) KNEETON BULL. Got by Waddingworth (668). (4167) KNOCK. Red and white, calved April 22, 1837, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of T. Bland, got by Gainford (2044). d. Princess, by Sorcerer (5280), &c., as in Ploughboy (7338). (4168) LABDACUS. Red and white, calved Sept. 27, 1837, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of R. Kay, got by Archduke (3026), d. Landlady, by Hexgreave (4031), Lady Betty, by Rough Robin (1404), Juno, by Albion (14). by Marske (418), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033). (4169) LACEBY MAJOR. Roan, calved 1813. bred by Mr. Brook, Laceby, got by Major (397), d. by Ostler's Surprise (2716). by R. Colling's White Bull, own brother to the White Heifer that travelled. (4170) YOUNG LADYKIRK. Bred by Mr. Robertson, got by Albion (731), d. Pekuah, by Diomed (97'4), Pu- rity, by Barmpton (54), &c., as in Apollo (1644). (4171) YOUNG LADYKIRK. Roan, calved Feb. 23, 1836. bred by Mr. Heriot, the property of Mr. Hindmarch. got by Carnegie's Bull (3291), d. by a son by Grey Diomed (2076). out of Mermaid. Madam Vestris, by Albion (731), Pekuah. by Diomed (974), Purity, by Barmpton (54), &c.. as in Apollo (1644). (4172) LAMBERT. Calved 1838, got by G. Smith's son of Cumberland (176). d. by a son of Exmouth (1021), by Prince, by Duke of Wellington (231). by a son of Favorite. (4173) LANCASTER. White, calved 1839. bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, the property of Miss Thelluson. got by Boughton (2868), d. Lily (bred by Mr. Clark), by Ro- man (2559), &c., as in Loyalty (4289). (4174) LANCASTER. White, calved Feb., 1840, bred by Mr. Whitney. New Haven. Conn., U. S. A., got by Young Rocket (4979), d. Violet (bred by Geo. Lowcock, Skip- ton), by Regent (2517). (4175) YOUNG LANCASTER (MR. WILKINSON'S). Got by Sir Roger de Coverley (5187'). (4176) LANCOLOT or LANCELOT. Roan, calved Nov. 1840. bred by and the property of M. Davison, Long- houghton. got by Regent (2517). d. Snowdrop, by Rich- ardi (4944), by Smuggler (5218), by Young Juniper (4129). by Jobson's William, by Barnaby (1678), bred by Messrs. James, Stamford, Northumberland. (4177) LANERCOST. White, calved 1839, bred by Thos. Chrisp, the property of Mr. Thomson, Australia, got by Regent (2517). d. 2d Dunstan. by Bachelor (1666) Dunstan, by St. Albans (2584), by Widdrington. by Barnaby (1678), from the Stock of Messrs. James, Stamford, Northumberland. (4178) LANERCOST. White, calved 1840. bred by and the property of Mr. Watkin, Plumpton, got by St. Hele- na (5055). d. Wynyardia, by Herrington (2182), by Young Wynyard (2859), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, by Lawn- sleeves (365). (4179) LANERCOST. Roan, calved Feb. 22. 1840. bred by and the property of Sir George Philips, got by Re- former (2510), d. Fantasy, by Grey Diomed (2076), by Thorp (2757). (4180) LANERCOST. Dark roan, calved June 12, 1840, bred by and the property of Thomas Robinson, Hutton Hall, got by Ronald (5005), d. Marske, by Red Highflyer (2488), by Snowball (2648), by a Bull of Mr. Wright's, by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252). (4181) LANERCOST. Roan, calved Dec. 1840, bred by and the property of Jos. Sowerby, Carlisle, got by Ingle- wood (4073), d. Netherby, by Priam (4758), by Chevalier (3365), by Remus. (4182) LANNES. Roan, calved March 31, 1836, bred by Mr. Warfield, near Lexington, U. S. A., the property of J. Creath, got by Matt-hem (2283), d. May Dacre, by Accommodation (2907), by San Martin (2599), Tees- water Cow. (4183) LANSOLET. Light roan, calved Jan. 25, 1840, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of James Hopper, Kirby Grin dale, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. Pomona, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Mulberry, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Rival (2535). (4184) LANTON. (4185) LAPDOG. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe. got by Ronald (5005), d. Locket, bred by Rev. Thos. Harrison, by Algernon (1631), Cas- sandra, by Miracle (2320, &c., as in Clement! (3399). (4186) LARKINGTON. (4187) LARRY. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr.Beasley, the property of Rev. H. P. Costobadie, got by Mat-Ivor (2237), d. Lustre, by Blyth (797), by Snowball (611), by Adonis (1612), by a grandson of Charge's Duke. (4188) LARRY. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Cartwright, Tathwell, got by Young Frederick (3836), d. Old Laura by Favourite, by a son of Blyth Comet (85), Wyham Laura, by Major (397), a Turnell Cow. (4189) LAUGHTON. (4190) LAUNCELOT. Roan, calved Nov. 1839. the prop- erty of J. Greenwell, Thornton Hall, got by Trafalgar (5510), d. by Waterloo (2816), by Borodino (3192), by Blucher (1725). (4191) LAUNCELOT. Roan, calved April 1, 1840, bred by Rev. E. Smith, Tollerton, the property of Mr. Blount, Rempston, near Loughborough, got by Homer (2134), d. by Young Lancaster (4175), by Young York (1592), by Sultan (5344), Dewdrop, by Bergess's Bull (3139), Old Countess. (4192) LAUNCELOT. Dark roan, calved April 10, 1840, bred by and the property of John Woodhouse. Full brother to Charles (3345). (4193) LAUSUS. Roan, calved April 15, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Lacey, got by Bul- mer (1760), d. Laurustina, by Darlington (3561), Lady Betty, by Rough Robin (1404), &c., as in Labdacus (4168). (4194) LAVATER. Roan, calved Sept. 14, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Heywood, got by- Cossack (1880), d. Lady Betty, by Rough Robin (1404), &c., as in Labdacus (4168). (4195) LAX (2189). Bred by Mr. Lax, Dalton, near Richmond. (4196) LAYMAN. Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1834, bred by Mr. Hall, Kiveton Park, got by Topper (2768), d. Lilac, by Luke Seymour's Bull, Lily, by a grandson of Minor, Crocus, by Cupid (179), Carnation, by Cripple (172), Moss Rose, by Henry (301), Rosebud, by Misfortune (443), Red Rose, by Favourite (252), Lady, by Boling- broke (86), by a son of Duke. (4197) LEADER. The property of P. Greenall, St. Hel- ens, got by W T indle (5668), d. Isabella, by Eclipse, by Rockingham. (4198) LEADER. Red and white, calved June 3, 1837, bred by and the property of Mr. Squire, got by Young Matchem (4422), d. Red Rose (bred by T. King, Kirk- leatham), by King's Bull, by a son of Young Lancaster, by a Bull of R. Colling's, which was let for the season to Mr. Vansittart. (4199) LEANDER. Roan, calved June 10, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of R. Smith, Burley, near Oakham, got by Orator (2390), d. Latona, by Darlington (3561), Landlady, by Hexgreave (4030), &c., as in Lab- dacus (4168). (4200) LE BECK. Light roan, calved 1837, bred by and the property of Mr. lies, got by Champion (867), d. West Rasen, by Rob Roy (557), by Laceby Major (4169), Seliua, by Young Favourite (254). (4201) LEGACY. Red, calved Sept. 14, 1836. bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Lord Huutingtower, got by Clifton (3411), d. Landlady, by Hexgreave (4030), fec., as in Labdacus (4168). (4202) LEIGHTON'S BULL. (4203) LEMNOS. Roan, calved Aug. 1839. bred by Mr. Parkinson, property of Edward Mason, near Cambridge, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Landlady, by Hexgreave (4030), &c., as in Labdacus (4168). (4204) LEMON HORN. White, calved Sept. 15, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Sizergh, got by Brutus (1751), d. Pink, by Rob Roy (557), &c., as in Liberator (2202). (4205) LENTON. Roan, got by Spectator (2688) d. by Albion (1619), by Sir Peter (606), by Chapman's Son TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 97 of Punch (125), by Young "Washington, by Washing- ton 0'i Yor,\<; LENTON. Red and white, calved Jan. 13, issr. bred by the Eurl of Harchvicke, got by Lenton (42< ).', d. Venus, by Paragon (4047). Lucy, by Jupiter (4135), Enropu, a Cow from Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton. (4207) LENTON. Got by Spectator (2688), d. Helen. (4208) LEO. Calved Feb. 22, 1839, bred by Lord Du- cie, the property of Mr. Bowly. Siddington, got by Prince (4772). d. Lily (bred by Mr. Rose, Cotham), by Ivanhoe (1131), by Crispin (174), by Mr. Rose's Red Bull (6009). by Fisher's Old Bull (3709), by First Stone Hill Bull (3798), by Cornforth's Bull. (4209) LEON. White and red spotted, calved Sept. 9, 3840, bred by and the property of Dr. S. D. Martin, Clarke Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by Bertram 4th (3145), d. Leonida (bred by Mr. Peacock), by Red Simon (2499), Delia (bred by Mr. Peacock), by Governor (1077), Old Roany, by a son of Wellington (G80). (4210) LEONARD. White, calved Jan. 28, 1840, bred by and the property of R. Booth, got by Lord Lieuten- ant, d. White Strawberry, by Rockingham (2551), Strawberry 2d, by Young Alexander (2977), Straw- berry, by Pilot (496), Halnaby, by the Lame Bull (359), by Easby (232), by Suworrow (036). (4211) LEONIDAS. Got by Tomboy (5493), d. Little Toy, by Volunteer (1553), &c., as in Booth Royal (15073). (4212) LEONIDAS. Red, calved July 19, 1840, bred by the late Jos. Burtt, got by Velvet (5554), d. by Welbourn (5617), by Scarlet (5094), by Consul (3477). (4213) LEOPARD, 88. Bred by Gen. Van Ransalaer. (4214) LEOPOLD. A son of Clara. (4215) LEOPOLD. Roan, calved Oct. 15, 1838, bred by Mr. Bainbridge. got by Premier (2449), d. Lizette (bred by R. Booth), by Ambo (1636). Janet, by Barley (1766), Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Bur- reirs Bull (1768). (4216) LEOPOLD. Roan, calved March 4, 1839, bred by and the property of W. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3046). d. Lily of the Valley, by Re- former (2507), Bellflow'er. by Sultan (1485), Rolla (bred by Gen. Simson), by North Star (-458). (4217) LEPANTO. White, calved Sept. 23, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of W r . Smith, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Lucy, by Expectation (3749). &c., as in Index (4071). (4218) LEPORELLO. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Lord Feversham, the property of Lord Huntinglield, got by Vulcan (2808), d. Lily, by Wallace (5587), Duchess, by Expectation (37'49), Nonpareil, by Parringtou (4653), Ar.c.. as in Frickley (3849). (4219) LEXICON. Red roan, calved Feb. 9, 1838. bred by Karl Spencer, sold into France, got by William (2840), d. Calico, by Mercury (2301), by Star (1459), by West- ern Comet (089), by Viscount (000). ( 1220) LIBERAL. Roan, calved May 1, 1840, bred by and the property of G. Johnson, Billingham, got by Driver (3019), d. Margaret (bred by Mr. Cowling), by Waterloo (2810), -by a grandson of Comet. (4221) LILYMAN. Got by Magnum Bonum (2244). (4222) LILY WHITE. White, calved May, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, near Penrith, got by Elis (3702), d. White Rose, by Ganthorpe (204!*), Lucy, by Romulus (2503), Rosebud, by Ebor (997), &c., as in Young Ganthorpe (3860). (4223) LINCOLN. Got by Teuton (198), d. by Barmpton (54). (4224) LINCOLN. Red and white, calved March 13, 1836, bred by Earl Brownlow, the property of W. Sills, got by Victory (2800), d. Dorcas (bred by the Marquis of Exeter), by Emperor (1014), &c., as in Alligator (2997'). (4225) LINCOLN. Red and white, calved Sept. 29, 1839, bred by Mr. Golden, the property of Mr. Coltnian, Aid- borough Hall, got by Renown (2525). d. Mr. Golden's Fa- M>uritc. by Northern Light (1280), Feltwell, by Points (512), by Blyth Comet (85), by the Duke of Leeds 1 Bull. (4220) LINDLEY. Roan, calved Xov. 20, IS.'Jt, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Silkworm (1432), d. Young Peer- ess, by Juniper (1145), Hottania, by Kvery (:!? 'Hi. -Peer- ess, by Lancaster (360), Jasmine, by Neswick ( 12001. Old Yellow Cow. 0227) LINTOX. Got by Richmond (ISSOi. d. by Remus (.V>0). --Arbutus, by Comet (155), -Strawberry, by a son of Favourite (252), Sprightly. U) (4228) LION. Bred by R. Almond, the property of Mr. Simon. Greenfield, near Hols- \vcil. Flintshire, got by Hen- ry (4009), d. Beauty, by Fit/- Form (2024,) ; Jtc., as in Ashley (3045). (4229) LION. Roan, calved Dec. 3, 1839, bred by Rev. Edward Smith, the property of Mr. Bowley, Kingston Notts., got by Homer (2134), d. Lilac 2d, by Reformer, Old Lilac, by a son of Sir Roger de Coverley, Sweet- brier, by Young York (1592), Old Sweetbrier, by Sultan, by Bergess's Bull. (4230) LISTON. Roan, calved May, 1831, bred by Mr. John Cattle, got by Topper (270H), d. Lady Mary, by Charles 2d (879), by a brother to Wynyard (703), by R Croker's White Bull. (4231) LITTLE HARRY. Roan, calved Sept. 1840, bred by and tht d. Mo* (2313), by Magog (2240). d the property of Mr. Frank", got by Marcus (2202). >ss Rose, by Baronet (3099), Red Rose, by Milo (2576), &c., as in Athelstane (3049). (42:33) LiTTLETHORPE. White, calved 1840, bred by W. Cooper, got by Valentine (5540), d. Lofty, by Noble (4577). (4234) LITTLE WONDER. Red and white, calved Feb 20, 1839, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale. got by Gain ford (2044), d. Aurora, by Sir William (2040), &c., as in Ambo (5754). (4235) LIVERPOOL. Roan, calved Aug. 27, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Squier, got by Young Matchem (4422), d. Red Rose (bred by T. King), by King's Bull (4153), by a son of Young Lancaster, by a Bull of R. Calling's which was let for the season to Mr. Vansittart, Kirk- leatham. (4236) LIVERPOOL. Roan, calved Oct. 21. 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Sizergh, got by West- moreland (5633), d. Patelina, by Chancellor'* 180!)), Pru- dence, by Lunesdale (2233), Duchess of Orleans. (4237) LIVE'O, see ALIVE'O (2995). (4238) LLANFAES. Red and white, calved April 7,1838, bred byCapt. Hampton, the property of Mr. Collins, Gar- vary Lodge, County of Farmaugh, Ireland, got by Henllys (2112), d.Heart's-ease (bred byMr.Harn, by MasoiVsYoung Monarch, by Volunteer (2806), by Satellite (1420). (4239) LOCKSLEY. Roan, calved Nov. 1839, bred by Mr. Torr, the property of Mr. Lacey, got by Ormsby (4021). d. Aster, by Rival Jr. (4950), by Comrade (1800), by Palm- bloom (4042), by a son of Young Favourite (255). (4240) LOCKSLEY. Calved 1840, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, the property of Mr. Langston, got by Little John (4232), d. Sappho, by Marcellus (2200), Pink, by ( 'a- liph (1774), by Rufus (2570), by Daniel (952), by Young Lancaster (1102), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177'), by Suworrow (636). (4241) LOCOMOTIVE. Dark roan, or red and white, calved 1836, bred by Lord Fcversham, the property of Mr. Mauleverer, got by Vulcan (28(iSi, d. Duchess, by Ex- pectation (3749), Nonpareil, by Pariingkm (4653), c., as in Frickley (3849). (4242) LOCOMOTIVE, 92. (4243) LOFTY. Red, calved Dec. 1835, bred by Mr. Dudding, the property of Thomas Woslabv. got by A-la- Mode (725), d. Lady Mary, by Mina (2316). Red Duchess, by Blai/e (76), by Chieftain (886), by Young Neswick (1268), by Marfleet'8 Old Red Bull (1192). (4244) LOFTY (MR. RAINE'S). Red and White, calved Jan. 1837. Full brother to Gen. Gerard (3875). (4245) LOFTY. Red and white, calved Feb. 17, 1839, bred by Mr. Wai-field, near Lexington, I'. S. A., the property of J. Creath, scot by Goldfinder (2006), d. Orbit, by Oliver (2387), by Contention (3479), by San Martin (2599), by Paul Jones (4001), by Buzzard ^3253). (4240) YOUNG LOFTY. The property of Sir Richard Bulkeley, Beaumaris. got by Lofty (2217), d. Moss Ko-e, by a son of Ambo. Yountr Rose, by Fail-fax (1023), Old Rose, by Imperial (2151), by Snowball (2048). (4247) LOFTY. Light roan, calved March 23. 1840, bred by and the property of I lie Furl of Lonsdale. got by Prime Minister (2456), d, Laviaia ibred by Mr. Boston), by SirWiliiam i20H.- Lily, by A omi^ Uockindiam .2519), by Wellington (2824), by Northumberland 1 404), by Stytord Hi--".", by Lame Hull (858). (42-18 1 Loon (Mi :.!,!: H.MTON '.~i 1 'red by Mr. Leigh ton, got by Sic-i-linij (2705), d. Beauty, by Osiler'b son of Skip- 98 LIST OF EKGLISH BULLS worth's Favourite, by Honest Robin, by Chapman's Bull, by G. Coates' Bull. (4249) LORD ADOLPHUS FAIKFAX. Roan, calved Aug. 31, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. r Ju>rr, Lincolnshire, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5190), d. Conquest, by Young Monarch (2327), &c., as in Conqueror (3463). (4250) LORD BARRINGTON. Roan, calved March 16, 1839, bred by and the property of Mrs. Mcllvaine, Gam- bier, Ohio, U. S. A., now in the possession of Col. Thos. Wilson, near Newark, Ohio, got by Skipton Bridge Bull (5208), d. Hon. Miss Barrington, by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Bates (3111). (4251) LORD BROUGHAM. Roan, calved Jan. 12, 1837, bred by L. Severs, Oliver, Richmond, the property of Mr. Faultier, Ellersie, Isle of Man, got by Reformer (510), d. White Rose (bred by Mr. Jacques, Easby), by a son of Sailor, by Jupiter (343), by Clifton, by Easby (232). (4252) LORD CHARLES FAIRFAX. Red and white, calv- ed Sept. 27, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Whit- aker, got by St. George (5051), d. Miss Fairfax, by Fair- fax (1023), &c., as in Puritan (9523). (4253) LORD COLLINGWOOD. Calved August 20, 1839, bred (supposed) by H. Wade, the property of C. D. Fen- wick, New South Wales, got by Pyramus, d. by Camden, by Young Barmpton, by Achmet (2). (4254) LORD DE Roos. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Pearson, got by Belvedere 4th (3129), d. Ino, by Priam (4758), bred by Mr. Denton, late of Harraby. (4255) LORD FAIRFAX. White, calved Aug. 4, 1836, bred by Sir Charles Tempest, got by Elector (1963), d. Daisy, by Fairfax (1023), Lucy, by Warlaby (672), by Snowball (2648). (4256) LORD GEORGE. Reel, calved Jan. 6, 1839, bred by Mr. Fawkes, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Lady Jane (bred by J. Woodhouse), by Franklin (2036), Lady Ann, by Sir Alexander (591), Lady, by Young Dimple (971), Lady, by Young Comet (905), Cherry, by Favourite, Old Cherry, by Goldfinder (1075). (4257) LORD JOHN. White, calved July 4, 1839, bred by Sir C. Tempest, the property of Mr. Parkinson, got by Sir Robert (5181), d. Vesta, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Fieschi (2017). (4258) LORD JOHN. Roan, calved Oct. 15, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Crofton, got by Melmoth (2291), d. Lady Ann, by Comet (1854), Lady, by Young Wellington (2826), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (4259) LORD JOHN. Roan, calved March 17, 1840, bred by Mr. Fawkes, the property of Mr. Game, got by Nor- folk (2377), d. Leila (bred by Mr. Beasley), by Northern Light (1280), by Blyth (797), by Snowball (611), by Adonis (1612), by a grandson of Duke. (4260) LORD LIEUTENANT. Bred by Mr. Raine, got by Thorp (2757), d. by Young Rockingham (2547), by Den- ton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301), by G Lax's Red Bull. (4261) LORD LIEUTENANT. Red and white, calved Sept, 27, 1838, bred by L. Norman, Ireland, the property of Mr. Green, got by No Mistake (4580), d. Lavender by Prince George (2464), Lilac (bred by Mr. Holmes), by Volunteer (1553), by Adonis (719), by Charles (127), by Comet (155). (4262) LORD LIEUTENANT. (4263) LORD LOUVAIN. Red, calved Feb. 10, 1837, bred by Mr. Thompson, Armin. the property of Mr. Fawsit, Hunslet House, got by Cedric (1802), d. Lady Betty Jr. by Ebor (997), &c., as in Jason (4089). (4264) LORD MELBOURNE. Roan, calved July 2. 1838, bred by Sir C. Tempest, the property of Mr. Hobson, Cross House, Bootle, got by Berryman (3143), d. Vesta, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Fieschi (2017). (4265) LORD MORPETH. Red and white, calved Aug. 2, 1837, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, Full brother to Fieschi (2017). (4266) LORD PERCY. Roan, calved Sept. 23, 1839, bred by Messrs. Bell, Kirkleavington, the property of Messrs. Bolden, Port Philip, Australia, got by Duke of Northum- berland (1940), d. Nancy, by Belvedere (1706), Fletcher, by a son of Young Wyriyard (2859), descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (4267) LORD PRUDHOE. White and roan neck, calved Dec. 31, 1838, bred by R. Jobson, the property of Mr. Bolden, Hyniug, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Sonsie 2d, by Prince Edward (2462), &c., as in Prince Louis (20560). (4268) LORD RANCLIFFE'S BULL. (4269) LORD STANLEY. White, calved April 15, 1838, bred by Earl of Carlisle, the property of Messrs. May- nards and Booths, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Lady Sally, by Reformer (2508), Lady Sarah (bred by R. Booth), by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9). (4270) LORD SURREY. Red, calved Jan. 13, 1838, bred by Mr. Fawkes. Full brother to Lord George (4256). (4271) LORD WILLOUGHBY'S BULL. (4272) LORENZO. Roan, calved April, 183-, bred by G. L. Ridley, the property of Mr. Donald, Solway House, Cumberland, got by Newton (2367), d. Laura, by Budget (1795), Strawberry, by Sandoe (2598), Red Rose, by Copeland (1871), Grey Hook, by Marquis (407), by Sty- ford (629), by Bolingbroke (86), by a son of Hubback (319), by Hubback (319). (4273) LORIMER. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Capt. Shawe, the property of G. Swann, got by Sir Thomas (5194), d. Locket, by Algernon (1631), Cassandra, by Miracle (2320), &c., as in Clement! ~ (4274) LOTHARIO. Red and white, calved Feb. 1, 1838, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, the property of Mr. Pindar, got by Romeo (4996), d. Flirt, by Richmond, Jilt, by Juniper (1145), Latifolia, by Young Colling (901), Alc- meda, by Lancaster (360), Yellow Champion, by Prince (521), Blyth, bought of Mr. Champion. (4275) LOTHARIO. Roan, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, got by Vulcan (2808), d. Dahlia, by Young Grazier (3928), Duchess, by Expecta- tion (3749), Nonpareil, by Parringtou (4653). &c., as in Frickley (3849). (4276) LOTTERY (2226). Got by Thorp (2757), d. Twin Cow, by Young Rockingham (2547), &c., as in Snowball (6505). (4277) LOTTERY. Roan, calved 1836, bred by J. W T ood- house, the property of Mr. Shinnard, Dublin, got by Scrip, d. Cherry, by Imperial (2151), &c., as in Charles (3345). (4278) LOTTERY. Red and white, calved Dec. 1836, bred by Mr. Bloor, got by Vulcan (2808). d. Larkspur, by Chancellor (1808), &c., as in Lupus (4301). (4279) LOTTERY. White, calved Sept. 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Bird, Catterton Hall, got by An- tonio (3019), d. Fanny, by Acmon (1606). (4280) LOTTERY. Roan, calved March 7, 1840, bred by Mr. Adkins, the property of Mr. Stratton, Wroughton, Wilts., got by Cartwright's Tathwell (5399), d. Vanity, by Spectator (2688). Vicissitude, by Navigator (1260) &c., as in Vulcan (2808). (4281) Louis PHILIPPE. White, calved Sept. 11, 1838, bred by Sir C. Tempest, the property of Mr. Ingham got by Berryman (3143), d. Violet, by Frederick (1060), Vestris, by Cato (1794), Verbina, by a son of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by the late Mr. Robertson Ladykirk. (4282) LOWICK. Light roan, calved Feb. 8, 1839, bred by Mr. Atkinson, Ewart, the property of Mr. Henderson, Lowick, near Berwick, got by Bowmont (3200), d. by Cato (3298), by Ewart (1987), by Neptune. (4283) LOWTHER (LORD LONSDALE'S). Got by Cum- berland (176), d. Sly, by Magician (1184). (4284) YOUNG LOWTHER. Red and white, calved May 12, 1836, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Wm. Thompson, got by Gainford (2044), d. Mayflower, by Election (1961), &c., as in Beggarman (3118). (4285) J. LOWTHIAN'S BULL. (4286) LOXLEY. Red, calved Oct. 16, 1838, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Magnum Bonum, d. Ladybird, by Na- pier (4530), Third Lady, by W. Armstrong's Roan Bull , Second Lady, by Memnou (4451), Lady, by Hud- speth's Roan Bull (4056). (4287) LOXLEY. Roan, calved March, 1839, bred by Mr. Adkins, the property of Mr. Tomes, Weston, Glou- cestershire, got by Tathwell (5399), d. Clara (bred byRt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot), by Norman (2379), Clarinda, by Rufus (2576), Caroline, by Wellington (678), Countess, (bred by J. Newby), by Newby's - , by H. Allison's Grey Bull (26). (4288) LOYALIST. Roan, calved May 6, 1838, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Lumley (2232), d. Latona, by Al- bion (731), &c., as in Apollo (1644). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 99 (4289) LOYALTY. Red, calved 1840, bred by the Duke of Bucdeuch, the property of Mr. Kiiibb, not by Bough- ton (28(58), d. Laura, by Boughton (28(58), Lily (bred by Mr. Clark), by Roman, by Columella (904), by Albion, by a Bull out of Crimson, by Palmtiower (480), by NuMvick (1266). (4290) LuBiN,96. (4291) LUBIN, Bred by Mr. Thomas, late of Eryholme, got by Young Lancaster (1162), d. by Northumberland, a son of Comet (155), by a Grandson of Favourite (252). (4292) LUCIFER. White, calved June 6, 1836, bred by Mr. Edge, the property of W. Smith, got by Kilnshaw (2175), d. Lavinia, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Promoter (10658). (4293) LUCIFER. Roan, calved Feb. 17, 1839. bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Barnes, got by Wil- liam (2840), d. Calico, by Mercury (2301), by Star (1459), by Western Comet (689), by Viscount (666). (4294) LUCK'S-ALL. White, calved Nov. 7, 1836, bred by Sir E. Mostyn, got by Maggot (2238), d. Latona (bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen), by Harlsey (2090), Miss Cropper, by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (54), by Ex- pectation (247), by Ostler's Brindled Bull (1298). (4295) LUCK'S- ALL. Got by Red Highflyer (2488). (4296) LUCKY. Roan, calved April, 1840, bred by Mr. Beaumont, the property of Mr. Clover, got by The Mil- ler (5452), d. Jewess (bred by Mr. Wiley), by Wauldby (2818), Julia, by Harold Jr. (1096), Patch, by Adonis . (1612), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (4297) LUCULLUS. Roan, calved Aug. 21, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of W. Lamb, got by Orator (2390), d. Landlady, by Hexgreave (4031), &c., as in Lab- dacus (4168). (4298) LUDLOW. Red, calved Nov. 4, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Parkinson, got by Cossack (1880), d. Laudanum, by Clifton (3411), Laurustina, by Darling- ton (3501), Lady Betty, by Rough Robin (1404), &c., as in Labdacus (4168). (1299) LUMINARY. White, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, got by Splendour (5801), d. Lily, by Wallace (5587), Duchess, by Expecta- tion (3749), Nonpareil, by Parringtou (4653), &c., as in Frickley (3849). (4300) LUMLEY. Red and white, calved March 20, 1840, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, the property of Mr Wal- ton, Dinsdale. Full brother to Alfred (2989). (4301) LUPUS. Roan, calved July, 1839, bred by Mr. Bloor, the property of Jones Parry, Desarth Hall, Flint- shire, got by Vesper (2798), d. Lavender, by Maggot (^88), Larkspur, by Chancellor (1808), by Normanby (1278), by Candidate (831), by Reform (1361), by a son of Eclipse. (4302) LUTHER. Red, calved 1834, bred by Mr.Holmes, Ireland, got by Brilliant (1740), d. Victoria, by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Great Mogul (14651). (4303) LYNDHURST. Roan, calved Feb. 7, 1837, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Armitage (1655), d. Carnation, by Taurus (2740), by Young Wellington (2826), bv a Bull of Mr. Waite's, by Hutton's Old Bull (323). (4304) LYSIAS. Red, calved April 4, 1840, bred by Mr Parkinson, got by Cossack (1880), d. Lady (bred by Mr. Cartwright), by Cartwright's Favourite, by Commo- dore (1858), by Studley (5341), -by Triune (5519), by a son of Blyth Comet (85), a Turnell Cow. (4305) MACBETH. Red, calved Oct. 1838, bred by R. Booth, got by Morpeth (4511), d. Strawberry 2d, bv Young Alexander (2977), &c., as in Leonard (4210). (4306) MACDUFF. Roan, calved Oct. 5, 1840 bred by and the property of Mr. Walker, Maunbv Hall, got bv Macbeth (4305), d. Dolly, by Booth's Hatchem,-Old Dolly, by Whisker (1579), by a Bull of Mr. Rhine's, (jramford. i 1307) MAD BULL. Bred by Mr. Meynell, Yarm, got by Northumberland (464), d. Meynell's Madge, by Alfred. (4308) MADCAF.-Got by Cossack $85), d. Mr. Cra- crof B Columbia, by Palatine (478), by Palmiiower (480), (4309) YOUNG MAGic.-Red and white, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Magic (2881). d. Young Re- becca, by Herod (308), &c., as in Magic (2881). (1:510) MAGIC. White, calved Juno l(i. IS 10, bred by RUd the property of Mr. Lovell. got bv Anthony (1640) <1. Mom-.li, by Edgr.ott (l!)53,,-by a sun of Merlin. (4311) MAGICIAN. Red roan, calved Jan. 5, 1839, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of the Earl of Ducie and Earl of Suffolk, got by Warlock (5599), d. Sacontala, by William (2840), Clarion, by Childers (1824), &c., as in George 1st (19848). (4312) MAGISTRATE. Bought at T. Jobling's sale, by G. Davidson, got by Wellington. (4313) MAGISTRATE. Roan, calved July 17, 1836, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. O'Brien, got by Wil- liam (2840), d. Reform, by Mercury (2301), Liberty, by Ivanhoe (1131), by Regent (544), by Lawnsleeves (865), by Lawnsleeves (365). (4314) MAGISTRATE. Roan, calved April 12, 1837, bred by Mr. Harris, got by Marquis (4386), d. Alice Grey, by Warwick (2815), &c., as in Albert (5730). (4315) MAGISTRATE. White, calved April 27, 1840, got by Lord Lieutenant (4260), d. by Magnum Bonum (2243) by Linton (4227), by Jupiter (343), by Easby (232). (4316) MAGNET. Red and white, calved July, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Minta, got by Clipper (1837), d. Margaret (bred by Mr. Smith), by Paragon (1303), by a son of Midas (435), by a grandson of Comet (155), (4317) MAGNET. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Jack- son, Barwick Hall, got by Old Magnet, d. Young Bright- eyes, by Moriosco (2337), &c. Dead. NOTE. Young Brighteyes was out of Brighteyes, by Nelson (4545), -Elvira, by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), Butterfly, by Cupid (177), as in E. H. B., Vol. 5, p. 111. L. F. A. (4318) MAGNET. Roan, calved Dec. 6, 1840, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of the Van Dieman's Land Co., got by Marton Comet (4409), d. Minna, by Plato (2433), Daisy, by a son of Brandsby (816), by Hercules (2116), by Snowdrop (614), by Charge's Red Bull, by New- by's Grey Bull, by a Bull of Mr. Teasdale's. (4319) MAGNUM. Red and white, calved May 3, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Bromfield, Causton, got by Colonel (3426), d. Beauty, by Rebel (4882), Duchess by Star (2699), Old Duchess, by Mayduke (424). (4320) MAGNUM. (4321) MAGNUM 2r>. Light roan, calved Jan. 1839, bred by Col. Cradock, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Gainford (2044), by Hutton's Bull, bought at Mr. Outh- waite's sale at Marske. Lost oft' Cape de Verd in goiii"- to Australia, 1840. (432) MAGNTJM BONUM. Bred by the late G. Smurth- waite, Cote House, near Bedale,got by Charge's Grey Bull (872), d. Juno (bred by Jas. Brown, Aldbrough), by Pad- dock Bull (477). (4323) MAGNUM BONUM (MR. SMITH'S). Got'by Young Cato, d. Snowdrop, by Prince Charles, by Snowball (supposed) (2648). (4324) MAGNUM BONUM. Red and white, bred by the Messrs.Angus,got by Bachelor (1665), d. by Wallace (5588) by Shortlegs, by Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (1444), by Surly (1489), by Burrell's Bull. (4325) MAGNUM BONUM. Got by Morpeth (2339). (4326) MAGNUM BONUM. Red, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Topham, got by Eclipse (1949), d. Ruby, by Young Major (2254). (4327) MAGNUM BONUM. Light roan, calved Aug. 23, 1840, bred by and the property of J. Mahard, Jr., Cincin- nati, U. S. A., 'got by Prince Frederick (4820), d. Lady Ann, by Magnum Bonum (2243), by Linton (4227), by Jupiter (343), by Easby (232). . , , , . Houldsworth, Farnsn'eld, got by Coltness (3430) d Mar- tha,byFilho-da-Ptita (3791 ), Polly Hopkins (bred by Mrs. Fisher, Gotham), by Favourite (1028). by a son of Blyth . Comet (85), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799), by a Bull out of the North. (4329) MAGOG. Calved Dec. 22, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson,Gronant, got by Kenwood (2114), d. Satin, by Premier, Silk, by - . (4330) MAHOMET. Got by Achmet (2). (4331) MAHOMET. Got by Mahomet (4330). (4332) MAHOMET. Red, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Lax, Ravensworth, got by Mussulman (1525), d. Cripple, by William 4th (56(53), by Cupid (938), by Satellite (1420), by Wellington (678). (4333) MAIT>STONE. Roan, calved May, 1838, bred by Mr. Edge, the properly of .Mr. 1/^vton. C r ot by Spectator (2<)XSi, d. Minister, by Grazier (I0o5), Vc.. as in Bardney (8081). 100 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (4334) MAIDSTONE. Koan, calved April 2, 1840, bred by W Ba< r shaw. the property of T. Laurence, Maidstone, Kent, got by Whitaker (5640), d. Princess, by Sir H. C. Ibbetson's Young Comet, Young Gaudy, by Star (2699), Gaudy (bred by Mr. Dormer), by Miner (441), bought of Mr. Ormsby, Little Button, near Darlington. (4335) MAITLAND. Got by Ebor, d. by a Bull of Mr. Jobson's, Chillingham, by Smith's Eed Bull, of Shed- law, by Yorkshire Lad (5698), by Collingwood (3423). (4336) MAJESTIC. White.with a few roan spots, calved Feb 22, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Mahard, Jr.. Cincinnati, U. S. A., got by Prince Frederick (4820), d Florida, by Young Bolivar (3185), Pennsylvania, by Bolivar (804), by Gloucester (1074), by Champion (864), by Young Comet. (4337) MAJESTY. Eoan, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, the property of T. Crisp, got by llinaldo (4949), d. Maida, by Kilnshaw (2175), Marida, by Frederick (1060), Ma- tilda, by Eclipse (238), &c., as in Gambler (2046). (4338) MAJOR. Roan, calved May, 1835. bred by Mr. Codd. Holton Grange, the property of Mr. Bagnall, Leop- ard Farm, got by Baronet (1687), d. Moss Rose, by Gov- ernor (2069), by Diamond (209), by George, by Sur- prise (2716), by Major (397). (4339) MAJOR (MR. FLINT'S). Bred by Mr. Sharpe, got by Mattison's St. John, d. by Marshal Beresford (415), by Wellington (678), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (4340) MAJOR, 1825. (4341) MAJOR. Red and white, calved March 13, 1837, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by The Colonel (5427), d. Queen Eleanor, by Rebel (4882), Lady, by Star (2699), Gaiety, by Woodford (5684), Curious, by Star (2699). (4342) MAJOR. Roan, calved 1837, bred by R. Crof- ton. got by Scrip (2604), d. Countess (bred by Mr. Shaf- toe), by Spectator (2688), Fitz Remus (2025), by Whit- worth (695). Slaughtered. (4343) MAJOR. Red Roan, calved in . got by Baro- net d. Fanny, by Tullochgorum (2777), Fable, by Tickle Toby (1516), &c., as in Falstaff (1995). (4344) MAJOR. Roan, calved April 13, 1838, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale. the property of Jos. Hodgson, got by Gainford (2044), d. Comedy, by Acomb (2910), c., as in Onto (8802). (4345) MAJOR. White, calved 1838, bred by Lord Hnn- tingfield, sold to Wait and Bagg. U. S. A., got by Cramer (3515), d. Vesta (bred by Major Bower), by Colton (1849), Virtue, by Amor (747), Virtue, by Candour (107), Violet (bred by Major Rudd), by Petrarch (488), &c., as in Vulcan (2808). (4346) MAJOR. Red, calved May 6, 1839, bred by Mr. Houldsworth. Full brother to Magnus (4328). (4347) MAJOR. Calved 1839. bred by and the property of G. W. Hartley, Rose Hill, Cumberland, got by Barmp- ton (3090). d. Strawberry, by Young Eryholme, by Won- derful (700). by Apollo (36), by Merlin (429). by Cupid (177). by Butterfly (104), by Suworrow (636). (4348) MAJOR. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Dud- ding, the property of Mr. Marris, got by Plenipo (4734), d. Molly, by Columella (904), Lady, by Rough Robin (1404). by Albion (14), by George, by a son of Fa- vourite. (4349) MAJOR. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Middleton, Hutton Fields, the property of Mr. Pow- ell, got by Ronald (5005), d. Carnation, by Red Highflyer (2488), by Snowball (2648), descended from the Stock of Mr. Newby, Thorpe. (4350) MAJOR DOMO. Roan, calved July 3, 1838, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by The Baronet (2745), d. Madam Ducrow, by Buhner (1760), &c., as in Marma- duke (4376). (4351) MALT OF MIDOMSLKY. (4352) MANBY. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Walbran. Topclilfe Manor, got by Mango (4356), d. Victoria, by Roan Simon (4959), Bessy (bred by Mr. Yeates), by Hector, son of Ambo, by Snowball (2648). (4353) MANDARIN. Roan, calved Feb. 25, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of the Earl of Carlisle, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Mary, by Young Tarrare (2736), y Duke of Wellington (281), Lavinia, by Duke (228), by Yarborough (705), by Bolingbroke. (4370) M ARM AIH-KE. White, calved May 27, 1839, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Boz (3201), d. Madam Du- cro\v, by Bulmer (17(50), Miss J)ickson, by Sliylock (2C22), Dairy Maid (bred by F. Dickson), by Defender (194), by Expectation (247), by Magnum Bonuni (2Sh2), by Chapman's Bull (122), by Grimston's Bull (282), by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (4377) MARMION. White, calved Dec. 16, 1833, bred by Mr. Lovell, got by Anthony (1640), d. Mouch, by Edgcott (1953). by a son of Merlin. (4:578) MARMION. Roan, calved April 10, 1836, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Archibald (1652), d. Gillyflower, by Cupid. Mayflower, by Charley (130), by Western Comet (689). (4379) MARMION. Roan, calved 1836, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Lady Marion, by Fairfax (1023), Lady Mary, by Favourite (1030), Milkmaid, by Harpham (1098), &c., as in Abram (1603). (4380) MARMION. Red and white, calved Nov. 25, 1839, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of the Earl of Lucan, got by William (2840), d. Sophia, by Waverley (2820), &c., as in Metullus (4407). (4381) MARMION. Red and white, calved Jan. 23, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mrs. Wilkinson, fot by Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Lady Mary, y Mercury (2301), Laurustina, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Lincoln (2205). (4382) MARMION. Roan, calved Sept. 12, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Simpson, Halton East, near Skipton, got by Rockingham, d. Lucy, by Leopold (4214), Dahlia, by Sir Walter, Haddy, by Jerry Hawthorn (4103), Lucy, by Orpheus, by Alfred, by Windsor (698), by Ceiling's Grey Bull. (4383) MARMION. White, calved Sept. 11, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Pilkington, Windle Hall, got by Locomotive, d. Matilda, by Hopewell (2135), Bellona, by Belvedere (1706), J. Stephenson's favourite red Cow. (4384) MAROON. Red and white, calved Nov. 1840, the property of J. Greenwell, Thornton Hall, near Darling- ton, got by Trafalgar (5510), d. by Waterloo (2816), by Borodino (3192), by Blucher (1725). (4385) MARPLOT. Light roan, calved Sept. 1839, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, the property of Mr. Robinson, got by The Admiral (5418), d. Madcap, by Bulmer (1760), Maniac, by Rockingham (2550), Lady Marion, by Fairfax (1023), Lady Mary, by Favourite (1030), Milkmaid, by Hai-phiim (1098), &c., as in Abram (1603). (4:386) MAIMJUIS. Red and white, calved Oct. 19, 1834. bred by Mr. Harris, Laurel Grove, got by Minstrel (2319), d. Favourite, by Warden (1563), Amba (bred by Rev. H. Berry), by a son of Atlas, Actonia (bred by Sir J. Rams- den), by Duke Humphrey (230), by a son of George (1071), by Bads worth (47). ( 13S7) MARQUIS. Same as Arthur (3039). (WSH) MAROJ-IS. Roan, calved May, 1836, bred by and the property of Gilbert Wood, got by Emperor (1974), Rosebud, by Margrave (2263), &c., as in Elemore (1966). (4389) MARQUIS. Red and white, calved April 29, 1837, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale. the property of Mr. Fawcett, got by Gainford (2014). d. Strawberry, by Ma- gician (1184). Arc., as in Conservative (3472). (4390) MARQUIS (HJWi). ( 13!ll i .MAILU.DS. Rosm, calved 1S38, bred by Mr. Dud- ding, the property of Mr. Lynn. Stroxton. got by I'le- nipo, d. Mary Anne, by Young Cossack (1878) -Molly by Colnmella i. d. Sally (bred by Mr. Rose), by Fasourite (1028) by Crispin (174). by Fisher's Old Red Bull. by a grandson of Favourite (252), by a grandson of Favour- ite (252), descended from the stock of the late Mr. Corn- forth. Barforth, near Darlington. ( 1*13) MAI:S. Red. bred by Mr. Worth, got by Match- en, (2281), d. Roaebud,bylvanhoe (1181), Rosabella, by Lancaster (360), &c., as in Favourite (1029). (4394) MARS. Roan, calved Dec. 27, 1837, bred by Hon. J. I>. Simpson, bought bv Lord Milton, sot by Sat- urn (5089), d. Mulberry, by Silkworm (5129), Palrnbloom, by Juniper (1146), Peeress, by Lancaster (360), Jas- mine, by Neswick (1266), Old Yellow Cow. (4395) MARS. Roan, calved 1840. bred by E. Lakin, the property of Mr. Grice, Gloucestershire, got by Po- wyke (4743), d. Malibran, by Valiant (2787),-Old Straw- berry, by . (4396) J. MARSHALL'S BULL. (4397) MARSHAL SOULT. Red. calved July 25, 1838, bred by Mr. Hargreaves. got by Red Bull (4887), d. Em- ma, by Chilton (3376), &c., as in Paul (4659). (4398) MARSHAL SOULT. White, calved March 6, 1840. bred by R. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Nice, Great Bradley Hall, near Haveril, Suffolk, got by Dulverton (3659), d. Miss Salt, by Childers (1824), by a son of Blyth Comet (85). (4399) MARSHAL SUWORROW. Bred in U. S. A., a thor- ough-bred Bull, from Gen. Garrard's Herd. (4400) MARSHFIELD. Red and white, calved March, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Par- sons, got by Broughton (3231), d. Mary Anne, by Favour- ite (1028), &c., as in Master Shaftoe (10513). (4401) MARSKE. Bred by R. Orton, got by a son of Barmpton (771), d. by Wyvill's Burton, a son of Comet (155), by Smurthwaite's Bull (5219), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (4402) YOUNG MARSKE. Light Roan, calved 1837, bred by the late Mr. Button, Marske, got by Young Remus (2523), d.Doe, by Midas (2309), Young Grizzled Flower, by Alonzo (27), &c., as in Cupid (1894). (4403) MARTIN. Dark roan, calved Nov. 22, 1827, bred by Mr. Tetley, got by Edward (1002). d. Briseis, by Points (511), &c., as in Goliah (2068). (4404) MARTIN. Roan, calved Nov. 23, 1838, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Lyndhurst (4303), d. Sarah, by Lenny (2197), Fortune, by Cappy (1782), Jane, by West- ern Comet (689). (4405) MARTIN 2D. Roan, calved May, 1838, bred by Mr. Pilkington, the property of Mr. Carter, got by Martin (2279), d. Hyacinth (bred by Jos. Berry), by Henwood (2114), by Sir Stephen (1456), by a son of Comet (155). (4406) MARTIN 2o. Red, calved Feb. 7, 1838, bred by Mr. Pilkington, the property of Mr. Scotson, got by Mar- tin (2279), d. Maria, by Sir Peter Teazle (2632), &c., as in Robert Peel (4962). (4407) MARTIN LUTHER. Red, calved Feb. 1840, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of Neil Black, Strathdowrie, Port Philip, New South Wales, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. Fortune, by LnekVAll '(2230), Fanny, by Re- mns (2524), Flora, by Freeman (1062), by White Comet (1582). (4408) MARTON. Red, calved 1835, bred by Mason Hopper, sold to go to America, got by Uptaker (5534), d. May Rose, by Miracle (2320), Georgiana, by Fitz Re- mus (2025), by Whitworth (695), by Charles (127). (4409) MARTON COMET. Roan, calved 1838, bred by A. L. Maynard, Marton-le-Moore, got by Halley's Comet (3963), d. Young Duchess, by Burley (1766), Duchess (bred by T. Robinson, late of Marsh House), by Wonder- ful (700), Duchess, by Charles 2d (S7!)), Fanny, by Mer- lin (430), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177). Died Jan. 2, 1841. (4410) MASON. Dark roan, calved Feb. 20, 1835, bred by Mr. Rose, got by Matchem (2281), d, Lily, by Ivanhoe (1131), &c., as in Leo (4208). (4411) MASTERMAN. Roan, calved Oct. 22, 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Lord Viscount Gal- way, got by Chorister (33i'8), d. Magic, by Wallace (5586), &c., as in Marmaduke (14897). (4412) MATCHEM. Roan, calved 1829, bred by J. Cat- tle, Wharram Percy, late the property of Mr. Goodwin, got by Constantino (918), d. Lady Ellen, by Charles 2d (879), Lady, by Garrick (2051), by Brother to Wynyard (703), by Crokin's White Bull (1889). (4413) MATCHEM. Got by Mameluke (2258). (4414) MATCHEM (Mil. BHOWN'S). Got by Matchem (2281), d. by Achmet (2). (4415) MATCHEM. Got by Mr. Wyvill's Bull (bred by Col. Trotter), by Comet (155), d. by Easby, by Danby (949). (lll(i) MATCHKM. Bred by Miv. Wilkinson, got by Charles (1815), d. by Young Colling (1843), Violet, by 102 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Young Remus (2523), Pink, by Sedbury (1421), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (4417) MATCHEM. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Robert Lawson, Stapleton, got by Alfred (2988), d. Young Cherry, by Stapleton (2698), &c., as in Goldfinder (3911). (4418) MATCHEM. Red and white, calved Feb. 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Lawson, Morden, got by Mussulman 14524), d. by Goldfinder (2066), by Driver (1928), by Falstaff (1993), by Richard (1876), by Jupiter (342). (4419) MATCHEM. Calved 1840, bred by T. Turner, near Ripon, got by Lofty, d. Maid of the Mill, by Aaron (711), Miss Miller, by Pilot (496). (4420) MATCHEM 3D. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Ba- ker Greenwell, Barmpton, got by a son of Matchem (2281), d. Lady, by Borodino (3192), &c., as in Velocipede (5553). (4421) MATCHEM 4TH. Bred by B. Greenwell, Barmp- ton, got by Matchem 3d (4420), d. by Borodino (3192), by Alfred (23), by Major (397), by Windsor (698), by a son of Favourite (252). (4422) YOUNG MATCHEM. Roan, calved Oct. 1833, bred by the late Mr. Booth, Warlaby, got by Matchem (2281), d. Young Carnation, by Admiral (5), Carnation, by Pilot (496), by Albion (14), by Lame Bull (359), by Easby (4423) YOUNG MATCHEM. Roan, bred by Mr. Rose, got by Matchem (2281), d. by Coelebs (897), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799), by 1st Stone Hill Bull (3798), descended from Mr. Cornforth's stock. (4424) YOUNG MATCHEM (MR. BROWN'S). Got by Mon- arch (2324). (4425) YOUNG MATCHEM. Bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Matchem 3d, d. Venilia (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Enchanter (244), Venus (bred by Mr. Charge), by Major (397), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Favourite (252), descended from Studley White Bull (627). (4426) YOUNG MATCHEM. Red and white, bred by and the property of J. Forrest, Stretton, got by Matchem, d. Fairfax Cow, by Fairfax (1023), &c., as in Young Major (6175). (4427) MATCHLESS. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Robert Thornton, Stapleton, the property of Mr. Bostock Lei- cestershire, got by Matchem 4th (4421), d. by Pilot, by Sir Kenneth (1450), by Pyramus (532). (4428) MATCHLESS. Red roan, calved March 23, 1838, bred by Earl Brownlow, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch, got by Snowball (2652), d. Laurel, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Plenipo (2435). (4429) MATCHLESS. (4430) MATCHLESS. Roan, calved April 6, 1839, bred by and the property of Earl Howe, got by Prince (4772) d. Old Red Sally (bred by Mr. Rose); by Crispin (174) by Fisher's Old Red Bull (3799),- by a great grandson of Favourite (252), by a grandson of Favourite, descend- ed from the Stock of the late Mr. Cornforth, Barforth near Darlington. (4431) YOUNG MATCHLESS. Red and white calved Sept. 30, 1837, bred by Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, the property of Mr. Badkin, Sydney, got by Matchless, d. Lily (bred by Lord Huntingfield), by Freemason (1064), Celia Jr. by , Celia, bred by the Duke of Cleveland. (4432) MATILDA'S SON OF EMPEROR. Roan,calved 1827, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Emperor (1013), d. Ma- tilda, by Wonderful (700), by Baron (58), Juno bv Jupiter (844), by Windsor (698),-by Booth's Old White Bull (89), by an own brother to Fareholme Strawberry. (4433) R. MATTHEW'S BULL. (4434) MAURICE O'CONNELL. Roan, calved April 3 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Sizenrh' got by Westmoreland (5633), d. Miss O'Connell, by Dan- iel O'Connell (1905), &c., as in Plutarch (4729). (4435) MAXIMIN. White, calved Oct. 1, 18:38, bred by JSwPfS? 80111 /u e P r P ert y of Mr - Bell, got by Buhner (1760), d. Morea (bred by Mr. Codd). by Baron (11382) bv Midas (2308), by Ostler's Surprise, by Major (397) bred by Mr. Codd. (4436) YOUNG MAXIMUS. Roan, bred by Col. Cradock the property of Jno. Jopling, Salmon House, near Snape' Bedale, got by Maximus (2284), d. by Cupid (1894) Cleasby Lady, by , Bianca. (4437) MAXWELL. White, calved Feb. 8, 1840, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Rev. Jos. Arkwright, got by Amadis (3006), d. Magic, by Wallace (5586), &c., as in Marmaduke (14897). (4438) MAYDUKE. Roan, calved 1835. bred by R. W. Ashburner, got by Darlington, d. by Young Western Comet (1575), by a son of Layton (366), by Layton (366), by Simon (590). (4439) MAYDUKE (MR. BROMFIELD'S). (4440) MAYDUKE. Calved April 26. 1836, bred by and the property of Mr. Skipworth, got by Tory (5507), d. Milkmaid, by Attraction (1661), Oaken Lady, by Crop- per's Young Major, by Barmpton (54). (4441) MAYDUKE. Red, calved May 3, 1836, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Burtt, got by Arch- duke (3026), d. Somerton, by Dairyman (3541), &c., as in Salamis (5065). (4442) MAYFIELD. Got by Sir Roger de Coverley(5187), d. by Albion, by Lancaster (360), by a son of Windsor (698), by Comet (155). (4443) MAZEPPA. Roan, calved Nov. 1, 1836, bred by Mr. Rose, the property of Mr. Goodwin, got by Mars (4393), d. by Favourite (1028), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Prince (521), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799), descended from the Stock of the late Mr. Cornforth, Barforth, near Darlington. (4444) MAZEPPA. Roan, calved March 11, 1838, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, bought by Mr. Chambers, got by Othello (4631), d. Laurel, by Packington (4637), Palm- bloom, by Juniper (1145), Peeress, by Lancaster (360), Jasmine, by Neswick (1266), Old Yellow Cow. (4445) MEOENUS. Roan, calved Oct. 7, 1840, bred by Earl Spencer, in Australia. Full brother to Metullus (4467). (4446) MEHEMET ALL Calved Feb. 14, 1839, bred by B. Harrison, Newbegin, got by Mussulman (4524), d. by Pancake (2407), from the Stock of Mr. Jobling, Styford. (4447) MELAMFUS. Red and white, calved Dec. 30, 1839, bred by and the property of R. Emmerson, Ery- holme, got by Victory (5566), d. Jewess, bySillery (5131), by Champagne (3317), Cinderella (bred by Mr. Bur- row), by Mountaineer (1252), White Gilliver, by Wes- tern Comet (689), Gilliver, by a son of Favourite (252). (4448) MELBOURNE. Red or red and white, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. W T atkin, Plumpton, got by Prime Minister (2456), d. Whitefoot, by Herring- ton (2121), by Lenny (2197), by Eclipse (238), Violet, by Western Comet (689), Best Twin, by Favourite (252), Old Simmon, descended from the Studley White Bull (627). (4449) MELDON. Roan, calved Jan. 12, 1840, bred by Messrs. Bell, Kirkleavington, the property of Mr. Cairns, Meldon Park, near Morpeth, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Margery, by Belvedere (1706), by Jack Cade (1132), by Waterloo (2816). (4450) MEMNON. Got by St. Leger (1414), d. Cobweb, by Achmet (2), Lady Brough, by Young Albion (15), by Regent (544). (4451) MEMNON. Bred by T. Lambert, Elrington Hall, got by Prince (4765), d. by Cop eland Tom (3481), by Marquis (407), by Donkin's W r hite Bull. (4452) MEMNON. Roan, bred by and the property of Mr. Lambert, Elrington, got by Prince (4765), d. by Cope- land (1871), by George (276), by Mr. Bates' Comet, by Marquis (407). (4453) MEMNON. Roan, calved Oct. 3, 1835, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Bryan, Lower Slaughter, got by Pilot, d. Myrtle, by Anthony (1640), by a son of Merlin. (4454) MEMNON. Roan, calved April 17, 1838, bred by Mr. Rose, Gotham, bought by Mr. Wilmot, got by Prince, d. Minna, by Ivanhoe (1131), by Mina (2316), by Cris- pin (174), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799), by a great grand- son of Favourite (252), by a grandson of Favourite (252), descended from Mr. Cornforth's Stock. (4455) MEMNON. Red, calved Jan. 30, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Hen- wood (2114), d. Mona, byCymro (1898), &c., as in George (4456) MENDOZA. Roan, calved Dec. 24, 1836, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Talleyrand (2728), d. Eleanor, by Gled- how (2061), Cora, by Middlesbro' (1234), Modesty (bred by Mr. Mitton), by President (517), by George (274). (4457) MENDOZA 2o. White, calved Dec. 5, 1839, bred by and the property of H.Unsworth, Blackrod. near TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 103 Bolton, got by Mendoza (445(i), d. Clara Novella, by Re- former (2512), Princetta, by 1'rince William (1344), &c.. us in Ha/lew oo,l (3993). (!(> Mi;i:ri;.\ COMET. Got by Acmon (1606), d. by Sir Thomas (2886), by Alive'o (2995), by Young Lan- caster (861), Barmpton, by Phenomenon (491). ( 1 1.")!); MERCURY. Roan, calved Nov. 15, 1837, bred by and the property of Mr. Lovell, got by Middleton (4473), d. Myrtle, by Anthony (1640), by a son of Merlin. (4460) MERCUTIO. Bred (supposed) in U. S. A., got by Adonis, d. Zulindu, by Malcolm (1190), &c., as in Bulwer (4341). (4461) MERLIN. Roan, calved 1&35, bred by Mr. Bull- man, near Bishop Auckland, got by Newton (4566), d. by Young Childers (3371), by Remus, by Charles, a son of Comet (155). Slaughtered Aug. 1840. (4462) MERLIN. Bred by C.Barrett, got by Merlin (2802), d. Cowslip. (4463) MR. MERRYMAN, or MERRYMAN. Roan, calved Oct. 10, 1837, bred by Sir C. Tempest, got by Berryman 13143), d. Strawberry, by Ambo (1636), Fair Helen, by Young Albion (15), &c., as in Cossack (1880). (4464) MERRYMAN 2o. Roan, calved Aug. 1, 1840, bred by S. Scotson. got by Mr. Merryman (4463). (4465) METEOR. Bred by John Wetherell and got by Comet (155), (4466) METEOR, Red and white, calved 1840, bred by , Lord Huntingfleld, the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, Suffolk, got by Plato (2433), d. Lord Huntingtield's Strawberry. (4467) METULLUS. Roan, calved Dec. 23. 1837, bred by Earl Spencer, sold into France, got by Roman (25(51), d. Sophia, by Waverley (2820), No. 21 (bred by Mr. Mason), by Satellite (1420), by Cato (119), by Charles (127), by St. John (572), Nymph, by Mason's White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), Miss Lax (bred by Mr. May- nard), by Dalton Duke (188), Lady Maynard, by R. Al- cock's Bull (19), by Jacob Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (4468) MEUNIER. Roan, calved Jan. 1, 1837, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Sol (2655). d. Violet, by Harlsey, (2091), Lucy, by Sir Walter (2687), Lady, by Northern Light (1280), by Wellington (678). (4469) MIDAS. Calved 1829, bred by the late Jos. Burtt, got by Grazier (1085), d. Duchess, by Charlemagne (3340), Diana, by Wellington (688), Old Cherry, by Bonner's Bull (3190). (4470) YOUNG MIDAS. Bred by Mr. Cundall, got by Mr. Claridge's Ambo, d. Duchess, by , Chrissy by David, by Easby (232). (4471) MIDAS. Roan, calved Dec. 17, 1837, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Robertson, got by Middleton (4473), d. Maria, by Anthony (1640), by Edgcott (1953), by a son of Merlin. (4472) YOUNG MIDAS. Got by Midas (435), d. by Adonis (1612). (4473) MIDDLETON. Roan, calved 1835, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, got by Jupiter (2169), d. Annette, by Topper (2768), &c., as in Arthur (3039), (4474) MIDDLETON. Red and white, calved Dec. 30, 1840, bred by and the property of T. Fain, Frenchfleld, got by Archibald (1652), d. by Monitor (2331), by Baronet (1686), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Northumber- land (464). (4475) MIDGE. Light roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of John Wilkinson, got by Marcus (2262), d. Pomona, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Mulberry, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Rival (2535). (4476) MILFORD. Roan, calved Jan. 13, 1840, bred by W. S. Gill, the property of W. Groves, got by Robin Grey (4968), d. Florence, by Lindrick (117'0), &c., as in Centenary (3312). (4477) MILLOM. Red, calved April, 1840, bred by Mr. Hobson, Cross House, the property of Mr. Hodgson, got by Lord Melbourne (4264), d. Matron, by Champagne (3317), &c., as in Frederick (3838). (4178) MiLO.-Bred in the U. S. A., got by Mirandi (4488), d. by San Martin (25W.. Teeswater Cow. (4479) MILO. White, calved May 25, 1835), bred by Capt. Hampton, the property of Major Anderson, Mon- trave, Fife, got by Henllys (2112), d. Nidia, by The Pope (5467), by Stiidley Royal (5842), Whitaker's Primrose, by , by Wellington. f 1 ISO) M i I/TON. Red and w^hite, calved June 13, 1&38, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Romeo (4996), d. Re- becca, by Juniper (1145), Rosette, by Lancaster (360), Doukhorns. by George (274). (4481) MIXA. Red and white, calved April 20, 1838, bred by Mr. Bromlield, got by Mayduke (4439), d. Buxom, bred by Mr. Mason, Dunchurch, from W. Bagshaw's Stock, Thurlstone. (4482) MINE HOST. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Adkins, got by Tathwell (5399), d. Land- lady (bred by Mr. Cartwright), by Favourite (3768), by Studley (5341), by Triune, bred by Mr. Wiley. (4483) MINSTREL. White, calved March 30, 1839, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Capt. Spencer, got by Roman (2561), d. Symphony, by William (2840), Clarion. by Childers (1824), &c., as in George 1st (19848). (4484) MIRACLE. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Baker Greenwell, the property of John Greenwell. Thornton Hall, near Darlington, got by Matchem 3d (4420), d. Kitty, by Waterloo (2816), by Borodino (3192), by Blucher (1725). (4485) MIRACLE. Bred by Earl Brownlow, got by Sen- ator (2610), d. Abadore (bred by G. Clark), by Roman (2559), Young Imogen, by Frederick (1060), Imogen (bred by Miss Wright), by Remus (550), &c., as in Charm- er (882). (4486) MIRACLE. Roan, calved July, 1838, bred by Mr. Minta, the property of Mr. Limn, got by Clipper (1837), d. Margaret (bred by Mr. Smith), by Paragon (1303), by a son of Midas (435), by a grandson of Comet (155). (4487) YOUNG MIRACLE. Roan, bred by Mr. Todd, Breckenbrough, got by Miracle (2320), his dam bought of Mr. Crofton, near Durham. (4488) MIRANDI. Imported into the U. S. A., got by San Martin (2599), d. Teeswater Cow. NOTE. Mirandi was bred in Kentucky not imported. L. F. A. (4489) MISFORTUNE. Roan, calved Dec. 26, 1840, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of W. Crauford, got by An- thony (1640), d. Mereno, by Edgcott (1953), by a son of Merlin. (4490) MOCASSIN. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe, got by Ronald (5005), d. Milly (bred by Rev.T. Harrison), by Algernon (1881), Catalan!, by Miracle (2320), Cremona, by Merrington (2303), by Fitz Remus (2025), by Cato (119), by Whitworth (695), out of a Cow of Mr. Mason's or a Cow bought by Mr. Mason for . (4491) MOGHUL. Calved 1834, got by Farrer's Middles- bro 1 , d. by Charles 2d (128), byBilsdale (72), by Major Bower's Bull, by Alfred (23). (4492) MOHAWK. Red, bred in U. S. A., got by San Martin (2599), d. by Tecumseh (1504), Mrs. Motte. (4493) MOHICAN. Red and white, calved Dec. 24, 1838, bred by Mr. Warfield, near Lexington, Ky., U. S. A., the property of Vanmeter and Cunningham. Full brother to Farmer (3763). (4494) MONARCH. Roan, calved 1827, bred by Mr. Ben- son, late the property of Mr. Parkin, Mealo House, Cum- berland, got by Regent (1366), d. White Rose, by a son of General (272), Lily, by Western Comet (689), by Layton (366), by MacGeorge (1183). (4495) MONARCH. Calved 1830, bred by Capt. Barclay, got by Monarch (2324), d. No. 20, alias Lady Sarah, by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (4496) MONARCH. Got by Fairfax (1023). (4497) MONARCH (T. W. GRAHAM'S). Red and white, calved 1836, got by Young Monarch (2327), d. by Young Rockingham (2547), by North Star (460), by Welling- ton, by Eryholme. (4498) MONARCH. Roan, calved 1838,bred by Mr. Rose, the property of Messrs. Robson, Cadeby, got by Prince (4772), or Young Matchem (4423), d. Miranda, by Matchem (2281), &c., as in Champion (3325). (4499) MONARCH. Red and white, calved March 28, 18:38, bred by Earl Howe, the property of Mr. Dummeller, Shackerston, got by Woodlander (5685), d. Strawberry (bred by Mr. Wilkinson), by Spectator (2688). by a sou of Wilkinson's Roan Bull. by a son of Albion (1619). (4500) MONARCH. Roan, calved March 19, 1839, bred by Earl Brownlow, the properly of Mr. Lamb, got by Snowball (2652), d. Laurel, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Plenipo (2435). 104 LIST OF EKGLISH BULLS (4501) MONARCH. Boan, calved May 3, 1840, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Willows, got by Ranun- culus (2479), d. White Lily, by Albion (3967), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (4502) MONARCH 3D. Roan, bred by Capt. Barclay, got by Monarch (4495), d. Susan, by Champion (3321), Lucy, by Mars (411), by Brother to Whitworth (695). (4503) MONITOR. Roan, calved Oct. 1839, bred by and the property of Messrs. Lawson, Morden, got by Mus- sulman (4524), d. by Son of Matchem (3678), by Son of Dash (2668), by Jupiter (342), by Bumper (101), by Chilton (136), by Mason's . (4504) MONK. Red and white, calved Sept. 14, 1837, bred by Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Thomas Clark, got by Gainford (2044), d. Duchess (bred by Mr. Bustoii), by Crofton's Lame Bull (2182), by Wellington (2824), by Northumberland (464), by Styford (629), by C. Ceiling's Lame Bull (358). (4505) MONKWKAY. Light roan, calved March 1, 1838, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Gainford (2044), d. Stately (bred by Mr. Bolden), by Election (1961), Sophia, by Cupid (938). by Merlin (429), by Windsor (698), by Colling's White Bull, by a Bull of Mr. Ceiling's. (4506) MONMOUTH. Roan, calved Oct. 12, 1836, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Burtt, got by Arch- duke (3026), d. Mary Anne, by Favourite (10.28), &c., as in Master Shaftoe (10513). (4507) MOONSHINE. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by Mr Bartholomew, the property of Mr. Machin, got by Blyth Eclipse (1728), d. Hazel, by Childers (1824), Fig- urante, by Brutus (100), by Ketton (346), by Snowdrop (616). (4508) MOOR'S BULL. Roan, bred by Mr. Crofton, got by Duke (1933), d. by Barmpton (1677), by Waverley (2819). (4509) MORENGO, or MARENGO. Roan, calved Sept. 4, 1840, bred by Mr. Fawkes, the property of Mr. Metcalfe, got by Napoleon (4533), d. Gulnare, by Norfolk (2377), t by Bellerophon (3119), d. Princess, by Alderman (2!i,tii, &c., as in Hart Warren (11560). (4580) No MISTAKE. Bred by Mr. Holmes, Ireland, the property of Lee Norman, Carbollis, Ardee, got by Argus (750), d. Princess Britannia (bred by Mr. Adamson), by' Monarch (2324), by Dr. Syntax (220), by Charles (127), by St. John (572), Nymph, by the White Bull (421), Air., as in Metullus (4467). (451) XoNsrm Bri.u --Koan, calved March 2S. ls:!7, bred by Mr. Hates, Klrkleavington, the property of Mr. Robinson, late of Bletsoe, near ISedford, not b\- Short Tail (202D, d. Nonsuch 2d. by Belvedere (1706), Non- such(l>r'd byW. RobinBon),by Mami.-; cJ-.Mot. -by .Maj. : '.u- a son of Minor (441), Old Sally, by a grandson of ing's vourite (252), by Punch (531), by ilubnack (fjl'.i 106 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (4582) NORFOLK. Light roan, calved June, 1839, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, the property of Mr. Spunling, Shot- ley, near Ipswich, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Avarilla, by Kilnshaw (,2175), Sylvia, by Young Daisy (947), &c., as in Sceptre (2602). (4583) NORMAN. Light roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., the property of Mr. Rogers, got by Devonshire (966), d. Nonpareil (bred by Mr Williams), by Young Denton (963), Arabella (bred by Mr. Wetherell), by North Star (460), Aurora, by Comet (155), by Henry (801), by Danby (190). (4584) YOUNG NORMAN. Calved 1833, bred by Sir C. Knishtley, got by Norman (2379), d. Semele (bred by Mr. Booth), by Jerry (4097), Young Primrose, by Pilot (496), Primrose, by Rockingham (559), Flora, by Young Comet (157). (4585) NORTH COMET. Roan, calved in 1837, bred by R. W. Ashburner, Ireleth, got by Snowdrop, d. by Young Western Comet (1575), by a son of Layton (366), by Layton (366), by Simon (590). (4586) NORTHERN LIGHT. Got by Lionel (1171). (4587) NORTH STAR. Got by Young Comet, d. by Easby (232). (4588) NORTH STAR. Roan, calved Feb. 25, 1836, bred by Earl Brownlow, the property of Mr. Fletcher, got by Belvoir (1708), d. Laurel, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Plenipo (2435). (4589) NORTH STAR. Roan, calved in 1837, bred by Mr. Crofton, the property of Mr. Simpson, got by Comet (1854), d. Elvira, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Alexander (1627). (4590) NORTH STAR. Roan, calved June, 1838, bred by John Bulman, Bitchburn, the property of John Jopling, Salmon House, Snape, Bedale, got by Newton (4567), d. by Young Childers, a son of Childers (1824), by Sir Charles (592), by Whitworth, bought of Mr. Charge. (4591) NORTH STAR. Red, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Hunt, Thornington, got by Northumberland (4595), d. Caroline, by a son of Edrom (1956), Young Columbine, by Edrom (1956), Beauty, by Leopold (370), by Whit- worth (695), Old Columbine, by Yorkshireman (2862), by Eryholme, by a son of Minor. (4592) NORTH STAR. Red and white, calved March, 1840, bred by Mr. Collins, Conn., U. S. A., the property of Bartlett, Pasco, and Co., got by Hero (4020), d. Non- pareil, by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Nigel (4570). (4593) YOUNG NORTH STAR. Roan, calved Feb. 1840, bred by and the property of John Jopling, Salmon House, near Snape, got by North Star (4590) r (4594) NORTHUMBERLAND. Got by Corner's Red Bull (1874), d. by Rockingham, by Morton, Denton (198), Ladrone (353), Eryholme. (4595) NORTHUMBERLAND. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Hunt, Thornington, the property of Sir Robert Peel, got by Remnant (2521), d. Laura, by Edrom, by Raby, by Sir Rowland, bred by Mr. Curry, Brandon. (4596) NORTHUMBERLAND, 117. (4597) NORTHUMBERLAND. Roan, calved Feb. 1840, bred by Thomas Chrisp, the property of James Thomp- by Regent by Eclipse (1949), &c., asln Ravensworth (7400). son, New South W T ales, got by Regont (2517), d. Eclipse, (4598) NOTTINGHAM. Calved Nov. 5, 1834, bred by and the property of Mr. Pym, got by Lenton (4205), d. Tulip (bred by Mr. Wilkinson), by Spectator (2688), &c., as in Colonel (5868). (4599) NOVELTY. (4600) NUNTHORPE. (4601) OAKLEY. Calved 1834, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Woodford (5684). (4602) OAKLEY. Red, calved 1836, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, the property of 'Mr. Knibb, got by Bough- ton (2868), d. Daphne, by Roman, &c., as in Dart (3563). (4603) OBERON. Roan, calved March 4, 1837, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Young Harlsey (3976), d. Over- ture, by Premier (2449), Oriilamme, by Albion (731), &c., as in Heart of O; k (2100). (4604) OCTAVIUS. Red, calved Aug. 20, 1838, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthuot, the property of Mr. Latouche, Ireland, got by Sampson (2593), d. Octavia, by Cumber- land (176), by Midas (435), by Petrarch (488), Peeress '^ml by C. Colling), by Favourite (252), by Favourite ' >, by C. Colling's Lame Bull (357), by Ilubback (4605) OCTAVIUS. Red and white, calved Oct. 1838, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of J . Fawcett, got by Plato (2433), d. Nonpareil, by Bedford (68), &c., as in Narcissus (2350). (4606) OCTOBER. Red and white, calved Oct. 8, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Orr, Coleraine, Ireland, "ot by Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Remnant (bred by Mr. Errington), by Remus (550), White, by His Honour (2126), by North Star (459). (4607) OHIO. Bred (supposed) in the U. S. A.,* got by Mercutio (4460), d. Mandane (bred by Mr. Barker), by Richmond (1380), Mary Ann, by North Star (459), Lily, by Allison's son of Sir Dimple (594), by Sir Dim- ple (594), by Layton (366), by Sty ford, by C. Colling's son of Bolingbroke (86), by the Lame Bull (358). * Bred in England. Sent to America by Mr. Whitaker. L. F. A. (4608) 'OLIVAS, alias OLIVIAS. Got by Adam, d. by Ellerton, by Adonis (1612). (4609) OLIVER. Roan, calved Feb. 18, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Booth, Killerby, got by Roland (2556), d. Ivory, by Matchem (2281), &c., as in Pam (4643). (4610) OLIVER. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Dauthwaite, got by Rowland, d. Dahlia, by Gainford (2044), Belinda, by Danby (3550), &c., as in Cripple (3519). (4611) OLIVER CROMWELL. Red and white, calved Sept. 20, 1829, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by Sir H. C. Ibbetson's Young Comet, d. Governess, by Woodford (5684), Brilliant, by Pumpkin (4847), Butterfly (bred by Mr. Dormer, Finchbrooke), by Minor (441), bought of Mr. Ormby, Little Hutton, near Darlington. (4612) OLIVER TWIST. Roan, calved Nov. 9, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Bainbridge, got by Premier (2449), d. Rowena, by Stainton (2695), Sylvia, by St. Albans (2584). (4613) OLYMPUS. Roan, calved March 25, 1839, bred by and the property of Earl Spencer, got by Wiseton (2848), d. Welcome, by Firby (1040), &c., as in Orator (2390). (4614) OMEGA. Got by Rockingham (2549), dam by Young Major (2254), by George, a son of Walker's George, by Blyth Comet (85), by Cossack (925). (4615) OMEGA. White, calved May 21, 1838, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirkleavington, the property of Mr. Foster, Springfield, Ireland, got by Belvedere (1706), d. Short Horns 4th, by Belvedere (1706), Short Horns 1st, by Saladin (1417), Strawberry, by Hector 2d (1107), Red Rose, by Maynard's grandson of Laird (1158), by a son of Simon (590), by a Bull of G. Coates', by Suworrow (636). (4616) OPORTO. Roan, calved Feb. 1839, bred by Mr. Hancock, the property of Mr. Andrews, got by Prince, d. Lucinda, by Matchem (2281), by Favourite (1028), by Fisher's Red Bull, by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Turnell's Red Bull (1536). (4617) OPTIMUS. Roan, calved Oct. 25, 1838, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Belshazzar (1704), d. Miss Mason, by Falstaff (1993), &c., as 'in George (12941). (4818) OPTIMUS. Calved Jan. 7, 1839, the property of Matthew Brown, Cummersdale, Cumberland, got by Gainford (2044), d. Belinda, by Ambo (1636), Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Bun-ell's Bull (1768). (4619) ORION. (4620) ORMSBY. Got by Young Favourite (254), d. by Expectation (247). (4621) ORMSBY. Roan, bred by Mr. Cropper, the prop- erty of Mr. King, got by Midas (1230), d. by Barmpton (54), by Constellation (163), by Young Favourite (254). (4622) ORMSBY'S RED BULL. Calved July 25,1836, bred by Mr. Pym. the property of Mr. Ormsby, got by Red- gauntlet (4892), d. Rouge, by Red Rover (4903), Red Rose, by Alexander (1624), by a Bull of C. Colling's. (4623) ORONTES. Red, calved March 20, 1837, bred by and the property of Earl Spencer, got by William (2840), d.. Welcome, by Firby (1040), &c., as in Orator (2390). (4624) ORTHODOX. White, calved 1839, bred by and the property of J. G. Dixon, got by Frederick (2039), d. Lady Mary, by Barmpton Grazier, Rosette, by Midas (1230), by Young Favourite (254), by Expectation (247). (4625) ORVILLE. Got by Luck's-all (2230). (4626) OSCAR. Roan, calved Jan. 1, 1830, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by Sir H. C. Ibbetson's Young Comet, d. Young Gaudy, by Star (2699), Gaudy (bred by Mr. Dor- TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 107 mer, Finchbrooke), by Miner (441), bought of Mr. Ormby, Little Hutton, near Darlington. (4627) OSCEOLA. Red and white, calved April, 1836, the property of Dr. Martin and Mr. Allen, Kentucky, I". S. A., got by Bertram 2d (8144), d. Virginia 3d (bred by Col. Powel), by Bertram (1716), Lucilla 2d, by Mem- non (1223), Virginia (bred by Mr. Law), by General (272), Rosemary (bred by Mr. Curwen), by Flash (261), &c., as in Banquo (768). (4628) Osiuis. Got by Rockingham, d. Princess, by Deiiton, by C. Collmg's Major (397), by Mayduke. (4629) OSMOND. Red and white, calved Sept. 10, 1836, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Premier (2449), d. Red Rose, by Trotter (2776), by Lenny (2197). (4630) OSSIAN. White, calved March 15, 1838, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Marmion (4378), d. Overture, by Premier (2449), Oriflamme, by Albion (731), &c., as in Heart of Oak (2100). (4631) OTHELLO. Red and white, calved Dec. 7, 1835, bred by Hon. J. B. Simpson, the property of Mrs. Strick- land, Apperley Court, Tewkesbury, got byWiseton (2848), d. Lilac, by Juniper (1145), Cambrick, by Lancaster (360), Jane, by Ketton (346), Mottle, by Eclipse (234), Dundas. (4632) OTLEY. Bred (supposed) by Mr. Fawkes, the property of , U. S. A., got by Norfolk (2377), d. Mary Ann (bred by Mr. Payne), by Middlesbro' (1234), Prudence, by Edward (1002), Modesty (bred by Mr. Mitton), by President (517), by George (274). (4633) OTWAY. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Booth, Killerby, the property of H. Unthank, Blackrod, near Bolton, got by Priam (2452), d. Lady, by Alderman (1622), etc., as in Orphan Boy (11878). (4634) OUGHTRED (2401). Red, calved 1833, bred by Hev. H. Berry, got by Henwood (2114), d. Avonia, by Wharfdale (1578), Actonia, by Duke Humphrey (230), by a son of George (1071), by Badsworth (47). (4635) Ovis. Got by Osiris (4628), d. Dulcinea, by , Duchess, by Regent. (4636) OXFORD. Roan, calved 1838, bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, the property of Sir Charles Morgan, got by Jasper (4091), d. Goodluck, by Emperor (1014)," &c., as in Browulow (9997). (4637) PACKINGTON. Bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Juniper (1145), d. Thalia, by Ketton (346), Dorris, by Lancaster (360),-^Julia, by Neswick (1266), by Neswick (4638) PACTOLUS. Roan, calved Aug. 9, 1836, bred by Earl Spencer, sold to Mr. Carrington. Full brother to Pagan (4639). (4639) PAGAN. White, calved June 5, 1838, bred by Earl Spencer, sold into France, got by Hecatomb (2102), d. Fame, by William (2840), Primrose, by Star (1479), by Western Comet (689), by Yarborough (705), by Duke (224), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86), bought by \Villiam Jobling from Mr. Boazman, Staintoa, near Darlington. (4640) PAGAN. Calved June 26, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Skipworth, got by Sliakspeare, d. Prin- cess, by a son of Columella (904), by Gaunt's Valentine, by Snowball (till), by Barmpton Major, and previously bred from Mr. Ostler's Bulls. (4641) PALLISTER'S BULL, alias HENRY. Got by a grandson of Albion (14), d. Duchess, by Swinton, Chrissy, by David (3568), by a son of Easby (232). (4642) PALMBLOOM. White, calved 1817, got by Palm- flower (480). i. Hi 13) PAM, alias TROILUS. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Booth, Killerby, the property of Mr. Wells, got by Priam (2452), d. Ivory, by Matchem (2281), Augusta, by a son of Eclipse (238), alias Young Eclipse, Pandora, by Julius Caesar (1148), Phoebe by Pilot (496), Valen- tine, by Blucher (82), Countess, by Albion (14), by Sliakspeare (582), by Easby (232). (4644) PAN. Got by Pepin (2420), d. Minna (bred by the Earl of Carlisle), by Belshazzar (1704), Red Butter- fly, by (Jrujcier (1085), Butterfly, by Sir Anthony ), d. Primrose, by Gainford (2044), Princess, by Sorcerer (5280), &c., as in Ploughboy (7338). (4721) PLATO. Roan, calved Nov. 1840, bred by Mr. Ilobson, Cross House, the property of Mr. Wood, got by Lord Melbourne (4264), d. Moss Rose (bred by Mr.Thomp- son), by Duke (3629), Red Rose, by Champagne (3317) Venus, by Young General (3866), Maria, by Western Comet (689), Curwen's Lovely, by , Brighteyes, by Marquis (407), by Simon (590), by Traveller (655), by Lame Bull (357). (4722) PLATOFF. Roan, calved April 15, 1833, bred by J. Stephenson, got by Young Eryholme, d. Helena, by Waterloo (2#16), etc., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (4723) PLATOFF. Red and white, calved Dec. 15, 1839, bred by Mr. Atkinson, Ewart, the property of Duke of Richmond, not by Bowmont (3200), d. Lily, by Reformer (8507), by Snadon (1462), Old Bet, by Winston (5669). (4724) PLENIPO. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. May- nard, got by Young Matchem (4425), d. by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (418), Sylvia (bred by the late Mr. Wright, Cleasby), by Comet (155), bought of Mr. Mav- nard, Eryholme. 1 1725) PLENIPO. Bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Silkworm (5129 1, d. Hottania, by Every (8744), Peeress by Lancaster (360), Jasmine, by Neswick (1266), Old Yellow Cow. (4726) PLOI-CJHBOT. Red, calved 1831, bred by Mr. La- kin, got by Powyke Wharfdale (.4748). (1727') Pi.orciiinoY. Roan, the property of Mr. Mus- gravo. Wolviston. got by Miracle, d. by Plouehboy (2439) -by St. Alban^ (2584). ' (4728) PLon;miov. Iloan. calved 1840, bred by and the property of Robt, Chilton, Billingham Grange, got by Drover (3623), d. Cherry, by a sou of Eryholme (1980), -by Waterloo (2816), by Orlando (471). (1720) PLUTARCH. White, calved 18*;. bml by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Sixergh, not by Brutus (1751), d. Miss O'Connell, by Daniel O'Connell (1905), Baroness (bred by R. Thornton), by R. Thornton's son of Sir Kenneth (1450), by Pilot (1319). (4730) PLYNLIMMON. Roan, calved March 20, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Hickson, got by Cossack (1880), d. Pine Apple (bred by Mr. Maynard), by Plenipo (4724), &c., as in Romanoff (15181). (4731) POINTS, alias PITTACUS (4713). (4732) POLLINGTON. Roan, calved 1839, bred by R. Parkinson, got by Ca-nby (3259), d. Catalan! (bred by Mr. Mills), by a son of Ivanhoe (1131), by Durham (3662), by Young Quaternion (1351), by Waddingworth (668). (4733) PONTER. Roan, calved 1840, bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, the property of Mr. Turner, got bv Pyra- mus (4853), d. Pigeon, by Woodville (2856), Dove, by Fa- vourite (3768), Innocence, by Windsor (698), by Wind- sor (698). (4734) PONTIAC, 124. (4735) POPE 2o. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr.Ryle,. Herrington, got by Young Magog (2247), d. Planet, by Eclipse (238), &c., as in Young Harlsey (3976). (4736) PORRITT'S BULL. Bred by Mr. Thomas, late of Eryholme. (4737) PORT WINE. Red and white, calved June 3, 1837, bred by Capt. Hampton, the property of Collins, M.D., Ireland, got by Champagne (1803), d. Fanny (bred by Col. Cradock), by Magnum Bonum (2243), bred by Mr. Bell, Wolsington, Northumberland. (4738) POST CAPTAIN. Roan, calved Jan. 24, 1838, bred by Capt. Barclay, the property of Messrs. Topham and Kirkham, Lincolnshire, got by Young Commander (3443), d. Lily, by Monarch (4495), Julia, by Invalid (4076), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (4739) POST CAPTAIN. Roan, calved May, 1839, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Craven (1885), d. Western Straw- berry, by Eastthorpe (1947), Eastern Strawberry (bred by Lord Macdonald), by Roall (2888), Young Strawberry (bred by Mr. Earnshaw), by Harold (291), Strawberry,, by Count (170), &c., as in Burlington (1767). (4740) POTEIGHTOES. Roan, bred by Mr. Barrison,. Stub Bouse, got by Memnon, d. Litty, by Gustavus (2083),. Snowdrop, by Symmetry, Tulip, by Lawnsleeves, by a Bull of C. Colling's. (4741) POTENTATE. Red and white, calved March 29, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, sold to go into Australia, got by Belshazzar (1704), d. Pink (bred by Mr. Codd), by Tarrare (2735), Careless, by Commodore (1858), by Snowball (611), by Ostler's Surprise, by Brown's Bull of Albrough, near Darlington (820). (4742) POTENTATE. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Dauthwaite, got by The Pres- ident (5458), d. Dahlia, by Gainford (2044), Belinda, by Danby (3550), Ac., as in Cripple (3519). (4743) POWYKE. Roan, calved 1836, bred by and the property of Mr. Lakin, got by Progress (4839), d. Beauty, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748), Snowball, by WalHs's Roan Bull (5590), Fil pail, by Jolly's Bull (4116). (4744) POWYKE ECLIPSE. Calved 1837, bred by Mr. Topham, the property of Mr. Lakin, got by Eclipse (1949), d. Polly, by Rockingham (2549), by a son of Major (398), by Cossack (925). (4745) POWYKE EMPEROR. Red and white,calved 1837, bred by James Topham, the property of Mr. Lakin, got by Emperor (1978), d. Rosebud, by Soldier (2656), by Major (398), by Barmpton (54), by Aylesby (44). (4746) POWYKE PATRIOT. Calved 1834, bred by Mr. Kelk, the property of Mr. Lakin, got by Morpeth (2339), d. Roan Palatine, by Columella (904), Charlotte 'Pala- tine, by Palatine (478), Charlotte, by Palmtlower (480 1, Crimson, by Patriot (486), Young Milbank, by Drif- field (223), Milbank, by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (4747) POWYKE ROAN. Calved Jan. 10, 1836, bred by and the property of Mr. Lakin, got by Progress (4839), d. Beauty, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748). Snowball, by Wallis' Roan Bull (5590), by Jolly's Bull (4116). (4748) POWYKE WHARFDALE. Red, calved 1828, bred by Rev. B. Berry, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Actonia, by Duke Humphrey (230), by a son of George (1071), by Badsworth (47). (4749) PRENDWICK. Roan, calved 1840, bred by B. Chrisp, bought by J. Thomson, New South Wales, not by Cheviot (3367), d. by Bachelor (1666). by DoddingtOD (1920), by Mason's Bull, bred by Mr. Weir, Gosuick. (4750) PRESIDENT, 127. 110 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (4751) PRESIDENT, Bred by J. Beetham, got by Comet Halley (1855), d. Priscilla, by Apollo (30), &c., as in Admi- ral (2925). (4752) PRESIBET? T, Dark roan, bred by Messrs. Angus, Broomley, got by Young Exinouth (3748), d. Red Rose, Iby Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (1444), by Surly (2715). (4753) PKETENT>KR. Got by Antonio (34), d. by Cupid <177), by Ohartey (130). (4754) PRETENDER (SiR JAMES GRAHAM'S). (4755) PRETENDER. Got by His Grace (311), d. Beauty, by Wellington (679), by Cupid (177), by Punch (531). (4756) PRETENDER. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Young Grazier (3928), d. Primrose, by Expectation (3749), by Diamond (209), by Baron ,(58), Evelina, by Marshal Beresford (415), &c., as in Splendour (5301). y,, r . (4757) PRETENDER. White, calved July 16, 1838, bred "by L. Norman, Ireland, the property of Mr. Wright, got by No Mistake (4580), d. Pansy, by Hercules, Airy, by Arbutus (1650), April, by Pam (482), Pansy. (4758) PRIAM (MR. DENTON'S). Red, calved 1831, got by Shorthorns, d. Helena (bred by Mr. Hutchinson), by Norman Willy (456), Judith, by Orlando (471), Sally, by Herod (307), &c., as in Whitton (694). (4759) PRIAM. Got by Denton, a son of Sir Kenneth (1450) d. by Parlin^ton (4'iSl), a son of Achmet (2), by Meteor (431), by Headlam. (4760) PRIAM. Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1838, bred by and the property of Sir G. Philips, got by Challenger (3315), d. Fickle, by Bardon (1674), by Midas. (4761) PRIAM. Red and white, calved Nov. 7, 1839, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of W. Noble, got by Prime Minister (2456), d. Princess, by Sorcerer (5280), &c., as in Ploughboy (7338). (4762) PRIAM. Red and white, calved March 12, 1840, bred by Mr. Warfleld, near Lexington, U. S. A., the prop- erty of T. Gaines, got by Oliver (2387), d. Caroline, by Ooldfinder (2066), by Oliver (2387), by Mohawk (4492), by San Martin (2599), by Paul Jones (4661), by Buz- zard. (4763) PRIMUS?. Bred by Mr. Wheatley, Caldwell, got by Hutton's son of Sir Dimple (594), d. by a son of Miner (4764) PRINCE. Roan, calved 1827, bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, got by Emperor (1014), d. Lady (bred by Mr. Grant), by Major (397), Advance, by Major (397), of the Turnell breed. (4765) PRINCE. Bred by Mr. Salvin, Burnhall, Dur- ham, got by Burnhall (3247), d. by St. Albans (2584), by Simon (590), was the property of Mr. Taylor, Ash Hall. (4766) PRINCE. Got by a son of Waverley (2819), d. by St. Albans (2584), by Simon. (4767) PRINCE. Got by Young Sovereign (5286), d. by Lonsdale (379), by Irishman (329). (4768) PRINCE. Roan, calved June 17, 1836, bred by Mr. Goodwin, the property of Sir G. Philips, got by An- thony (1640), d. Pretty, by Matchem (4412), Pretty, by Brough, by Young Albion. (4769) YOUNG PRINCE. White, calved Feb. 17, 1838, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, Farnsfield, got by Prince, d. Wharfdale Lady (bred by Mr. Whitaker). by 2d Hubback (1423), Whiteface, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Adrian (720). (4770) PRINCE. Roan, calved March. 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison. Sizergh. got by Olym- pus (2388), d. Princess, by Lunesdale (2233), Ph(Enix (bred by Major Rudd), by a grandson of Major Rudd's Venus, &c., as in Harmonis (2092). (4771) PRINCE. White with red spots, calved April, 1R38, bred by and the property of H. Watson, East Windsor, U. S. A., got by Ajax (2944), d. Princess, by Washington (1566), Pansy, by Blaize (76), &c as in Petrarch (4684). (4772) PRINCE. Roan, calved July 19, 1835, bred by Mr. Rose, Cotham, the property of Mr. Langston, Sars- den House, near Chipping Norton, got by Young Match- em (4423), d. by Favourite (1028), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), &c., as in Mazeppa (4443). (4773) PRINCE. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Dud- ding, the property of Mr. Spooncer, got by Ranunculus (2479), d. Betsy, by Memnon, by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), -by Radical (4858). (4774) PRINCE. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Prince, the property of N. Clark, Urpeth, near Gateshead, got by Magnum, d. by Gainford, by Col. Cradock's Forester, by a son of Rob Roy (557). (4775) PRINCE. Red, calved May 25, 1840, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Cowslip, by Stapleton (2698), Rosamond, by Snowball (1463), by Young Dimple (971), by Punch. (4776) PRINCE. Light roan, calved Oct. 1840, bred by Mr. Caldecott, the property of Mr. Neal, got by Emperor (3721), d. Victoria, by a son of Menai (2299), Eliza (bred by Mr. Wetherell), by R. Bagshaw's Newton (4565), by Stamford (1476), by Rockingham (560), by Comet (155). (4777) YOUNG PRINCE. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of W. Watkin, Cleatham, got by Gain- ford (2044), d. Daisy (bred by R. Crofton), by Scrip (2604), Red Daisy, by Miracle (2320), by St. Albans (2584), by Waverley (2819), by R. Colling's son of Washington (675). (4778) PRINCE ALBERT. Bred by and the property of Thos. Lambert, Elrington Hall, got by Farmer (2001), d. Countess, by Exmouth (3747), Bright eyes, by Memnon (4452), by Wellington, by a Bull from the Stock of Mr. Mason. (4779) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved 1838, got by William (2840), d. Mayblossom (bred by Mr. Buniell), by Hector (1105), Maybud, by Swap (2719). Mayflower, by Emperor (1013), Lily, by Rydale (2581), by Windsor (698). (4780) PRINCE ALBERT. Red, calved 1838, bred by Mason Hopper, the property of Messrs. Chilton and Har- rison, Billingham. Full brother to Marton (4408). (4781) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved March 7, 1838, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirkleavington, the property of Mr. Backhouse, Darlington, got by Belvedere (1706), d. Shorthorns 1st, by Saladm (1417), &c., as in Omega (4615). (4782) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Lee Norman. Full brother to Lord Lieutenant (4261). (4783) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved 1839, bred by James Crofton, the property of C. D. Fenwick, New South Wales* got by Baronet (1686), d. Brilliant, by Snowdrop (2653), by St. Albans (2584), by Waverley (2819), by R. Colling's son of Washington (675). (4784) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved 1839, bred by B. Wilson, sold to go to Australia, got by Slashing Harry (5209), d. Velvet, by a son of Rob Roy, Rachel, by Pi- rate (2430), by Young Houghton (1119), by Newton (1271), by Sedbury (1424). (4785) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved 1839, bred by James Chrisp, the property of James Thomson, New South Wales, got by The Peer (5455), d. Miss Kent, by Candidate (1778), by Houndilee (2137), by Togston, the Fat Heifer. (4786) PRINCE ALBERT. Calved 1839, bred by T. Tur- ner, Quarry Moor, near Ripon, the property of Mr. Eden, got by Lofty, d. Maid of the Mill (bred by Mr. White), by Aaron (711), Miss Miller, by Pilot (496). (4787) PRINCE ALBERT. Calved 1839 or 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Blake, Ireland, got by Selim, d. Princess (bred by Mr. Rose), by Young Matchem (4423), by Favourite (1028), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Prince (521), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799), descended from Mr. Cornforth's Stock, Barforth, near Darlington. (4788) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved Feb.28,1839, bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawith, the property of William Burton, Water Fulford, York, got by Sir Walter (2639), d. Laurel, by Listen (2210), by Wonderful (700), by Young Lancas- ter, by Alfred (23). (4789) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan,calved March, 1839, bred by Rev. W. Glaister, got by Booth's son of Priam (2452), d. Lofty, by Fleetham, by Admiral (5), by Young Den- ton, by Young Albion (15). (4790) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan,calvedMarch,1839, bred by A. L. Maynard. Marton-le-Moor, got by Halley's Comet (3963), d. Janet (bred by R. Booth), by Burley (1766), Isa- bella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9). (4791) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved March,1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Cattley, got by Marcus (2262), d. White Rose, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Moss Rose, by Romulus (1403), &c., as in Comet (3438). (4792) PRINCE ALBERT. Red, calved April 1 , 1839, bred by John Pearson, the property of Thomas Carlisle, got TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. Ill by Belvedere 4th (3120), d. by Studholm's Monarch, by s ( HU3), by Barmpton (54). I'KINCI: ALBERT. Light roan, calved M.-.y 20, 1839, bred by and the property of R. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. White Sea Gull, by St-a Gull (3607), Frances, by Sir Francis B. (1443), by Sultan (1485), by Wellington (683), Flora of Pitcorthie, bred by the late Gen. Shnson. (4794) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved June 27, 1839^ bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, the property of Me^stxJf Musson.Colsterworth and Bullimore, North Witl^na;igOt t>y Will Honeycomb (5600), d. by Lenton (4207),-^ Spec- tator (2(588), by Woldsman, by Albion (1619), by Sir Peter (60(5). byVhapman's son of Punch(122), by Young Washington (5606), by C. Ceiling's Washington (674). (4795) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved Aug.3,1839, bred by Mr. Thompson, Armin, the property of Mr. Hoofe, Breighton, got by Wentworth (5631), d. Lady Alice, by Sir Cloiidesley Shovel (2624), &c., as in Jason (4089). ^ (4796) PRINCE ALBERT. Red and white, calved Nov. 29, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by J^ir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Lucy Bertram, by Kilnshaw <2175k Minna Bertram, by Bertram (1716), &c., as in Wharncliffe (2834). (4797) PRINCE ALBERT. Red roan, calved Dec. 30, 1839, bred by and the property of W. Bagshaw, got by David <1912), d. Queen Charlotte, by Rebel (4882), Lady Ann, by Guy (3956), Isabel, by Woodford (5684). (4798) PRINCE ALBERT. Red and white, calved Jan. by Lawnsleeves (365), bred by Messrs. James, Stam- ford, near Alnwick. (4799) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of John Emmerson, got by Vivian (5575), d. Dahlia, by Belvedere 2d (3126), &c., as in Expectation (3750). (4800) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved Feb. 2,1840, bred by and the property of J. Woodhouse. got by Lofty (2217), d. Violet, by Mowthorpe (2343), Cherry, by Imperial (2151), &c., as in Charles (3345). (4801) PRINCE ALBERT. Dark roan, calved March 29, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Sizergh, got by Sizergh (5205), d. Moss Rose 2d, by Navarino (2352), &c., as in Bianco (3148). (4802) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved March 31, 1840, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Bingham, got by Ranunculus (2470), d. Shotbolfs Cherry, by Albion (2967), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (4803) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan.calved April 1,1840, bred by and the property of J. Jackson, Reece, near Low Fur- ness, got by Capt. Barclay's Archduke (3027). d. Lively ' 4th (bred by Mr. Iveson), by Rockingham (2550), &c., as in First Fiddle (19749). (4804) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved April 7, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Lowndes, got by Young Rubens (5026), d. Adelaide (bred by Mr. Waldy), by Cleve- land (3403), &c., as in Bellerophon (11165). (4805) PRINCE ALBERT. Red roan, calved May, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Bayston, got by Mame- luke (2258), d. Rose Bud (bred by R. Thornton), by Pilot (a son of R. Colling's George), by Northumberland (464), by Punch (bred by Mr. Wrightson, Neasham), by a Bull of Mr. Harrison's, Hurworth. (4806) PRINCE ALBERT. Red and white, calved June 1, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Bowly, got by Woodchester (5681), d. Lady Byron, by Rupert '(2580), &c., as in Siddington (5127). (4807) PRINCE ALBERT. Calved June 24, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Jopling, Castle Law, near Coldstream, got by The Chief (5425), d. Red Rosalind, by Edrom, Young Rosalind, by Scipio (1421), Rosa- lind, by Hector (1104), Hose, by Midas (435). Red Rose, by Marquis (407), by Chilton (136), Mason's Red Rose, by Ben (70). (4808) PRINCE ALBERT. White, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, got by Splendour (5:301), d. Primula, by Young Grazier (3028), Primrose, by Expectation (3749), Amelia, by Diamond (200), Ce- cilia, by Baron (58), Evelina, by Marshal Beresford (415), &c.. as in Splendour (5301). (ISO'M PRINCE ALBERT. 133. US10) PKINCK ALKKKT. Calved Sept. 1S40. bred by and the property of J. G. Dixon. Cai-4or, got by Fred- erick (2039), d. Lady Bowena, by Barmpton Grazier (3()S)1), Rosette, by Midas U230), by Young Favourite (254), by Expectation (247). (4811) PHINCK ALBERT. Red and white, calved Oct. 2, 1840, bred by the Earl of Lousdale, the property of Mr. Wilson, got by St. Helena (5055), d. Princess, by Sorcerer (5280), &c., as in Ploughboy (7338). (4813) PRINCE ALBERT. White, calved Oct. 18, 1840, ttfeWbypmUtlie property of T. Jackson, Barwick Hall, he-ai 1 Bifrtt>rff4f t b% Gambler (3858), d. Lady Flora, by Eclipse (1950), Kitty\by Conqueror (3465), Kate, by Young Lancaster (1162), Elvira, by Merlin, by Alfred (23), by Windsor .(098* Butterfly, by Cupid. (4813) PRINCE" ALBERT. Roan, calved Nov. II, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Cupid (3534), 4. Jessy, by Sheridan (2616), &c., as in .fil (4163). -PttiKCK CHARLES. - (5815) ''PRINCE CHARLES. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by and the property of R. Lawson, Stapleton, got by Alfred (2988), d. Charlotte, by Charles (1815), Roan Cow, by Stapleton (2698), by Rob Roy (557). (4816) PRINCE EDWARD. Red roan, calved July 3, 1839 bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Turner, got by Alfred, d. Paulina, by a son of Matchem (2678), by Falstaff (1993), by Richard (1376), by Jupiter (342). (4817) PRINCE ERNEST. Roan, calved 1839, bred by T. Chrisp, the property of James Thomson, New South Wales, got by Carmelite (3290), d. Stamford, by Togston (5487), 80t, Roan Trinket, by Paul Pry (4664), Young Trin- ket, by Symmetry (613), Ac., as in Count U884). (4832) PRINCE OP WALES. Roan, calved Oct. 17, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Bowser, Thornaby 112 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (! ranee, sot by Prince Albert (4780), d. Emma 4th, by Bellei-ophon (3119), &c., as in Thornaby (6604). (4833) PRINCE OP WALES. Roan, calved Dec. 30, 1840, bred by and the property of G. A. Grey, Milfield Hill, got by Tertius (5415), d. Victoria, by Archibald (1652), >' Cossack (ISSO). d. IJosemarv, by Bro\\ nlock (1747), by Jupiter (2169), by Regent (544J, by Blyth S5), by Neswick (1266). (4879) RAVENSWORTH. Roan, calved Oct. 1840, bred b\- and the property of James Bell, Bavensworth, got by Roland <2556>, d. Violet, by Cleasby $898), Dinah, by Rob Roy (557), Daisy, by Wellington (678). (4880) RAWSO.VS. Roan, calved Feb. 10, 1836, bred by Mr. Ellison, Si/ergh, got by Election (.19(51), d. Moss Rose 2d, by Navurino (2352), &c., as in Bianco (3148). (4881) RAWSONS. Red, calved Jan. 25, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Si/ergh, got by Felix (3780), d. Emma (bred by Mr. Machell), by Cobourg (1841), by Young Marske (2275),^by Ronald (565). (4883) REBEL. Roan, calved Jan. 22, 1829, bred by W. BagshaWjgot by Fairfax (1023), d. Young Gaudy, by Star (2699), Gaudy (bred by Mr. Dormer), by Miner (441), bought of Mr. Arm by or Ormby, Little Hutton, near Dar- lington. (HS3) REBEL. (4884) RECRUIT. Dark roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Brook, Laceby, got by Soldier (2(15(5), d. by A-la-Mode (725), by Snowball ((511), by Major (398), by Major (397), by Ostler's Surprise, by Sir Charles (592), by Aylesby (44). (4885) RECRUIT. Red and white, calved June 3, 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Atkinson, Peepy, got by Gainford (2044), d. Leopoldine (bred by R. Crof- ton), by Sir Walter (2639), by Marquis (227'0), by Wel- lington (2824), by Leopold (2199), by Dunclas (1943), by Cupid (177), by Simon (590), by Punch (531), by Bolingbroke (86). (488(5) RECTOR. White, calved Oct. 8, 1&37, bred by Sir Edward Mostyn, got by Chance, d. White Rose, by Sta- pletoii (2698), by Sir Stephen (1456), by Young Denton (4887) RED BULL. Got by Chilton. (4888) RED BULL. Bred (supposed) by J. Chrisp, the property of Mr. Archbold, Riffington, got by Prince Eu- gene (2463), d. by Young Wellington (282(5), by Young Lancaster (361), by Togston (5487), by Grindon (3942), by Smith's son of Bolingbroke (86), Lord Strathmore's Sultan, Barnaby (1678). (4889) RED BULL (MATTHEW RYLES'). Got by Harl- sey, d. by Forester, by Eclip.se, by White Comet (1582), by Comet (155), by Duke, by Grey Bull (872). 04890) YOUNG RED FAIRFAX (2486). Bred by J.Wood- house. Full brother to Young Fairfax (1991). (4891) RED GAUNTLET. Got by Coxcomb (928), d. Daphne, by The Miller (2751), Miranda, by Julius (339) by George (275), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (4892) RED GAUNTLET. Bred by Mr. Pym, got by Red Rover (4903), d. by Wimpole (5666). (4893) REDGILL. Roan, calved May 4, 1836, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mr. Thwaites Full brother to Monkwray (4505). (4894) RED JACKET. Red, calved April, 1838, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co.,U. S. A., the property of Mr. Wood, got by Bertram 2d (3144), d. Daisv, by Ad- miral (1608), &c., as in Don (3600). (4895) RED ROAN. (48%) RED ROBIN. Red, bred by Messrs. Ansnis, got by Sir Harry (1444), d. by Jobling's Colonel, bv a son of Phenomenon (491), by Surly (1489), by Traveller (655). (4897) RKD ROBIN. Red, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Har- rison, Mortliain Hall, the property of Mr. Gregory, got by Architect (3030), d. Miss Points, by Waterloo (2816), by Sir Leoline (603), by 'Magnum Bonum. by Bustoif s Sty- ford (103), by a son of Wetherell's Bull (690). (4898) RED ROBIN. Red, calved 1837, bred by and the ?:'operty of Mr. Cartwright, got by Commodore (3445), d. allow Cow, by Tathwell Favourite (54IK)). Old Yellow Cow, by Tathwell Studley (5401), a Turnell Cow, a Turnell Cow. (4899) RED ROBIN. Roan, calved April 3, 1838, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Berrvman (3143). d. Red Daisy by Chorister (1827), Ruth, '>>' Taunts u'J'lO), by a Bull of W. Dale's. - -by Huttoifs Bull (323). (4900) RED ROB ROY. (4901) RI;D ROCKET. Red, calved 1H3S, bred by Mr. Dndding, the property of Mr. Straw, jjot by Frederick, 15 d.by A-la-Mode (725). by Rob Koy (.V.7).l>.v Wellington, by Panton Major, by the Pan ton old Red Bull, by Wiiddingion (4902) Run ROVKR. Dark roan, calved Oct. 1829, bred by Mr. Tibbits, P.arton Seagrave, not by Red Gauntlet, d. by Coxcomb (928), by Northampton (8880). by Julius (339), by George (275), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (4903) RED ROVER. Bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Rufus (2576). d. Columbine, by Young Lancaster (1162), by Alfred (23), by Butterlly (104), by Cupid. (4904) YOUNG RED ROVER. Red and white, calved 1831, bred by the late Mr. Booth. Warlaby, got by Red Rover (2494), d. Young Comely, by Jerry (4097), Comely, by Young Albion (15), Twin, by Albion (14), by the Lame Bull (359), by Suworrow (636). (4905) YOUNG RED ROVER. Red and white, calved 1833, bred by the late Mr. Booth, Warlaby. Same pedi- gree as (4904). (4906) RED ROVER. Red, calved 1833, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Kenwood (2114), d. by Wharfdale (1578) by Triumph (1530), Young Priestess (bred by Mr. Hust- ler), by Major (398), by North Star (459), by Windsor (698). (4907) RED ROVER. Red, calved 1836, bred by Marquis of Exeter, got by Miracle 2d (2322), d. Rachel, by Favour- ite (3768), "Marianne, by Meteor (1226), Profit (bred by Mr. Champion), by Neswick (1266), Red Rose, by . (4908) RED ROVER. Red, calved April 2, 1839, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Bourne, got by Ranun- culus (2479), d. Holtoii Lady, bred by Mr. Sharp. (4909) RED ROVER. Red, calved 1839, bred by Lord Feversham, the property of Rev. R. Harrison, Lasting- ham, got by Leporello (4218), d. Rosamond, by Young Grazier (3928), Young Red Rose, by Grazier (1085), Red Rose, by Expectation (3749), Caretta, by Candour (107), Young Cowslip, by Waterloo (5607), Old Cow- slip, purchased by Lord Feversham of Col. Trotter. (4910) RED ROVER. Red, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Cat- tley, the property of Arthur Serjeantson, River Plenty Port Philip, New South Wales, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. Venus, by Bedford Jr. (1701), c., as in Earl De Grey (12795). (4911) RED STAR. Got by Wonder (2853), d. by a son of Northumberland (464), by Atkinson's son of Favour- ite (256), by Chance (1806). (4912) RED TWIN. Red, calved 1812, bred by J Burtt got by Quaker (1349), d. by The Shinnard Bull (5119) Old Judith, by Boulton's Bull (3194). (4913) REFORM (MR. WADE'S). (4914) REFORMER. Red and white, calved 1829, bred by Mr. Johnson, got by Sir Ibbetson's Young Marske. d. Rosina, by Marshal Beresford (415), Cora bv Easbv (232). (4915) REFORMER. Roan, calved April 1, 1831, bred by Rev. E. Smith, Tollerton, got by Spectator (2688) d Tu- lip 2d, by R. Thomas' l.ubin (4291), Old Roan Tulip bred from the stock of Mr. Colling or Mr. Mason. (4916) REFORMER. Roan, calved Dec. 4, 1831, bred by Mr. Shaftoe, Whit worth, got by son of Match em (2678), d. (bred by Mr. Wright, < leasby), by Remus (5.50), (bred by Mr. Mason, Chilton), by Whitworth (695), by a Bull of Mr. Wright's, late of Escomb. (4917) REFORMER. Got by a son of Major (398), d. Anemone (bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley),by Paragon (1303)' Strawberry, by Lancaster (360), Velvet (bred by Mr.' Thacker), by a grandson of Comet (155), by Prince (521). (4918) REFORMER. Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Dixon, Broadwalh, the property of Mr. Parkin, Mealo House, got by Young Marmion,son of Marmion (406) d by Hastings (298), by Constitution (165). (4919) RKKOKMKK. Got by Buckingham (1756K d.Char- lotte,by Paragon (2408), Tulip, by Symmetry, by Hunt's Bull. (4920) REFORBIER. Got by Red Rover, dam Millicent (bred by Mr. Pawletl ), by Anticipation <7'50i, Folly (bred by Marquis of Kxe.ten, by Kmperor (1011) , by Young Windsor (099), by Windsor ui9M. (4921) REFORMER. Bred by Mr. Benson. Kennythorpe, got by (Jra/ier (10X5). d. Snowdrop, by Snowbafl cJ(HS), Dahlia (bred by .1. New'.oni, by a son of Mars ( l!:',i by Defender (194), by Marshal Beresford (-!15). 1>\- M;i"-- nuin Bonum <2SS2>, by Patriot . 186), -by Ben (7'0). Got by Short Ilorru (5122). 114 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (4923) REFORMER. White, calved Dec. 17, 1839, bred by Mr. Minta, Norman ton, got by Thorp (2757), d. Ros- ette (bred by W. Smith), by Edmund (1954), by Soldier (2656), by Major (398), by Barmptdn (54), by Aylesby (44). ' (4921) REFORMER. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by Messrs. Watson, Watildby, the property of Mr. Wat- son, got by Belshazzar (1703), d. Alice, by Camden (1776), Ada, by Noble Henry (2374), by Simon (5134), by Young George (3885), by George (276). (4925) REGENT. Red, calved 1818. bred by Jos. Burtt, got by Crispin (174), d. Young Cherry, by Red Twin (4912), Cherry, by Bonner's Red Bull (3190). (4926) REGENT. Got by Young Denton, d. by Denton. (4927) REGENT. Red, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Hunt, Thoniington, the property of Mr. Atkinson, Ewart, got by Borderer (3191), d. Lady, by Reformer (2502), Young Countess, by Snawdon (1462), Old Countess, by York- shireman (2862), by Wellington (678), by Eryholme, by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (4928) REGENT. Roan, calved Oct. 29, 1837, bred by Mr. Goodwin, the property of Mr. Carter, Coventry, got by George (3878), d. Romp, by Rufus (2576), No. 46 (bred by Mr. Mason), by Monarch (2324), by Farmer (251), by Jupiter (342), by Sir Oliver (605), Raspberry, by Trunnell (659), Strawberry, by Favourite (252), Lily, by Favourite (252), Miss Lax, by Dalton Duke (188), Lady Maynard, by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull, by Jolly's Bull. (4929) REGENT. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Dud- ding, the property of Mr. Cropper, got by Plenipo (4724), d. Rosebud, by Columella (904), &c., as in Romulus (8506). (4930) REGINALD. Roan, calved April, 1840, bred by Mr. Hobson, Cross House, the property of Mr. Sykes, got by Lord Melbourne (4264), d. Jessamine, by Duke (3629), Eliza, by Mountaineer (1252), Lady Betty, by Diamond (205), Betty, by Favourite (256), by Mr. Charge's . (4931) REMEMBRANCE. Red, calved March 17, 1840, bred by Thomas Wilkinson, Coldstorms, the property of Mr. Drax, got by Charles (1815), d. Moss Ross, by C. Eller- ton's Bull (3707), Fairy, by Young Colling (1843), by Mrs. Wilkinson's Bull (5658), Fiery (bred' by Leonard Carter, Applegarth, near Richmond). (4932) REMUS. Red roan, calved 1829, bred by J. G. Dixon, got by Grazier (1085), d. Rosette, by Midas (1230), by Young Favourite (254), by Expectation (247). (4933) REMUS. Got by Machell's Hercules (4013), d. Ursula, by Layton (366), by Harlequin (289). ,(4934) RENDLESHAM. Red, calved Nov. 24, 1838, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, the property of Mr. Smith, got by Coltness (3430), d. Robina, by Bertram (1716), &c., as in Moscow (4514). (49&5) REPEALER. Red and white, calved April 28, 1840, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Tempest, got by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Vestris, by Cato (1794), Verbina, by a son of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. (4936) RETFORD. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Kelk, got by an own brother to Jupiter (2169), d. by Prince Comet (1342), by Regent (544), by Son of Blyth Comet (2664), by a Bull of Mr. Foljambe's, the sire of Mr. Champion's Cherry. (4937) RETRIEVER. Roan, calved 1837, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, the property of Lord Huntingfleld, got 1 y Bulmer (1760), d. Retribution, by Rockingham (2550), &c., as in Morpeth (7254). (4938) REUBEN, or RUBENS (5027). (4939) REVENUE. Roan, calved Nov. 2, 1839, the prop- erty of Mr. Greetham, Stainiield Hall, got by William (2840), d. by Tarrare (2735), by Burleigh (827), by Me- teor (1226). (4940) REVOLUTION. Roan, calved Feb. 13, 1839, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Mowthorpe (2343), d. Ret- ribution, by Rockingham (2550), &c., as in Morpeth (7254). Slaughtered 1842. (4941) REVOLUTION. Roan, calved July 11, 1840, bred by Messrs. Watson, the property of Mr. Watson, Wauld- by, got by Belshazzar (1703), d. Laurustina, by Grazier (1085), &c., as in Lincoln (2205). (4942) REX. Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Skip- worth, got by Young Favourite (254), d. R. Colling's Vio- let, by North Star (459), by Mida* (435), by Punch (531). (4943) RHESUS. Roan, calved June 24, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Niblett, got by Helius (4003), d. Rhene, by Chilo (1825), Rhea (bred by Mr. Wiley), nby Nero (1265), Raspberry, by Harold Jr. (1096), Straw- berry, by Adonis (1612), Neasham (bred by Mr. Wright- son), by R. Colling's son of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (531). (4944) RICHARD or RICH ARDI. Dark roan, calved May, 1836, bred by R. Jobson, the property of Mr. Davison, Longhoughton, got by Black Prince (1722), d. White Sea Gull, by Sea Gull (2607), &c., as in Prince Albert (4793). (4945) RICHARD. Roan, calved May, 1837, bred by | John Lawson, Morden, the property of G. Johnson, Bil- lingham, got by Hector (3998), d. by Charles (1815), by Satellite (1420), by Jupiter (342), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (4946) RICHMOND. Roan, calved Oct. 28, 1838, bred by Mr. Goodwin, the property of W. Goodwin. Full bro- ther to Rover (5016). (4947) RICHMOND. Red and white, calved Dec. 10, 1839, bred by W. Raine, the property of Earl Brownlow, got by Pyramus (4853), d. Sally of the Tees, by Magnum Bo- num (2243), Old Sally, by Young Rockingham (2547), &c., as in Gen. Gerard (3875). (4948) RIENZI. Roan, calved May 23, 1839, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Premier (2449), d. Rarity, by Harlsey (2091), Rowena, by Stainton (2695), Sylvia (bred by Mr. Salvin), by St. Albans (2584). (4949) RINALDO. Red and white, calved Feb. 19, 1834, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Ro- bina, by Bertram (1716), &c., as in Moscow (4514). (4950) RIVAL JR. Roan, bred by Mr. Robson, got by Rival (553). (4951) RIVAULX. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Lord Fe- versham. Full brother to Frickley (3849). (4952) ROAN BULL. Roan, calved March, 1833, bred by Mr. Chrisp, got by George (2057), d. by a son of Wel- lington, by Togston (5487). (4953) ROAN BULL. Roan, calved 1837, bred by the Earl of Tankerville, got by Young Sea Gull (5100), d. Fa- vourite, by Sultan (1485), by Crusader (934), by Chil- lingham (3374). (4954) ROAN EBOR. Calved Jan. 29, 1838, got by Croft Ebor (3522), d. Lady Croft, by Belvedere (1706), Baron- ess, by Baron (58), by Beautiful (67), by Herod (307). (4955) ROAN JOHN. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Yeates, Newby Park, got by Mango (4356), d. Snowdrop, by Roan Simon (4959), by Fairfax, by Hector, by Snowball (2648). (4956) ROAN ROBIN. Roan, calved 1836, bred by A. Lax, the property of Jas. Appleton, got by Red Robin (2492), d. Lady, by a son of Young Albion (15), by Sir Alexander (591), by Palmsun, by Adam, bred by Mr. Maynard, Eryholme. (4957) ROAN ROBIN. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Lakin, the property of Mr. Langford, got by Retford (4936), d. Old Strawberry. (4958) ROAN ROBIN. Roan, calved 1839, bred by and the property of W T illiam Cooper, got by Sir Robert (5181), d. Young Rose, by Noble (4577), Old Rose, by Hubback (2142), Red Rose, by Don Juan (1923), Grizzle, by Stud- ley Grange (1483), Young Fanny, by Young Dimple (971), Old Fanny, by Layton (2190). (4959) ROAN SIMON, late WATERLOO. Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Yeates, sold to Earl de Grey, got by Waterloo, d. Milkmaid, by Fairfax, by Hector, by Rob Roy. (4960) ROANT. Roan, calved Oct. 9, 1840, bred by and the property of W. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northum- berland (3646), d. Sister to Snowdrop, by Heriot (4017), by Heriot (4017), Old Snowdrop, by Valentine (661), regularly descended from the late Mr. Robertson's Herd of Short Horns, by various Bulls which were not named. (4961) ROBERT. (4962) ROBERT PEEL. Red, calved April 4, 1840, bred by Mr. Pilkington, the property of Mr. Scotson, got by Merryman (4463), d. Maria, by a son of or by Sir Peter Teazle (2632), Fortune, by North Star, Luna (bred by Mr. Hutchinson), by Sir Leoline (603), Willow, by Fu- rioso (270), Palmflower, by Windsor (698), Young Sail, by Chapman's son of Punch (122), Sockburn Sail, by J. Coates' Bull (148). (4963) ROBERTUS. White, with red neck and head, calved Nov. 27, 1837, bred by R. Jobson, the property of TO WHICH AHEBIOAK PEDIGREES TRACE. 115 II. Jones, Sydney, New South Wales, jot by Sultan Selim (2710), (1. by Boreas (SID), by a grandson of Chilton, by a son of Chilton (136), by Young Star (619), Mary, bred by Gen. Simson. (4964) Ro BIN. Roan, calved May 23, 1837, bred by Mr. Moore, Appleby Hall, the property of S. S. Briscoe, Fir Tree House, Dudley, got by Martin (2279), d.Jenny Wren, by a son of Beaachamp (781), Avonia, by Wharfdale (1578), &c., as in Oughtred (4634). (4965) ROBIN. Red and white, calved Jan. 2. 1838, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Ryle's Young Harsley (3976), d. Almacks, by Harlsey (2091), &c., as in" Alfred (2989). (4966) ROBIN GOCH. Red, calved 1835, bred by Rev. H. Berry, the property of Mr. Priestly, Trefan. Full brother to Bargeman (1676). (4967) ROBIN GRAY. (4968) ROBIN GREY. Roan, calved June 9, 1836, bred by Mr. Allison, got by Imperial (4068), d. Bessy, by Helms- man (2109), &c., as in Albert (7766). (4969) ROBIN GREY JR. Bred by and the property of Mr. Copes, Chester Co., near.Marshalton, U. S. A., got by Robin Grey (4968), d. Donna Maria (bred by Mr. Pa- ley), by Buckingham (1755), Lucky, by Corinthian Tom (921), Lady (bred by J. Woodhouae), by Young Dimple (971), Lady, by Young Comet (905), Cherry, by Fa- vourite, Old Cherry, by Goldfinder (1075). (4970) ROBIN HOOD. Red and white, calved March 10, 1833, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, got by Spectator (2688), d. Venus, by Sir Roger de Covefley (5187), Lancaster, by Albion (1619), by Lancaster (1161), by a son of Windsor (698). (4971) ROBIN HOOD. Red and white, calved Sept. 6, 1837, bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, the property of Mr. Yorke, Thrapston, got by Sampson (2593), d. Tuberose, by Caliph (1774), by Rufus (2576), by Daniel (952), by Young Lancaster (1162), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Suworrow (636). (4972) ROBIN HOOD. Got by Barlbro. (4973) ROBIN-O'-DAY. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by B. Wilson, Brawith, the property of G. Duff, got by Can-use (*>N5>, d. Well-o'-Day, by Sir Walter (2639), by Roseberry (567), Lady, by Cupid (178), by Leopold (4974) ROBINSON'S BULL. Bred (supposed) by Mr. Robinson, Hutton Hall, bought for the late Sir J. Rams- den. (4975) ROBINSON'S BULL. Got by Catterick (a303), d. Brough, by Scroope's Danby, by Easby (232), descend- ed from the Stock of the late Sir J. Lawson. (4976) JOHN ROBINSON'S BULL. Bred by Col. Pulleine, Crake Hall, got by R. Thomas' Viscount (5569), d. by Henry (4007), by Albion. (4977) ROB ROY. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Har- greaves, the property of V. New, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Ruth, by Taurus (2740), by a Bull of W. Dale's, by Hutton's Bull (323). (4978) ROBSON'S RED BULL. Got by Sir Kenneth (4979) YOUNG ROCKET. Roan, calved July, 1836, bred byR. Sharpe, Cracoa, near Skipton, Yorkshire, the prop- erty of Mr. Whitney, New Haven, U. S. A., got by Nor- folk (2377), d. Carnation, by Taurus (2740), by Welling- ton (2826), by Wait's Bull, by Hutton's Bull. (4980) ROCKINGHAM. Roan, calved Feb. 22, 1837, bred by Sir Charles Tempest, the property of Mr. Eastwood, got by Nimrod (2371), d. Splendour, by Bedford Jr (1701) &c., as in Don John (3607). (4981) ROCKINGHAM. Roan, calved Jan. 7, 1839, bred by Mr. Thompson, Armin, the property of Mr. Clarke, Hellaby Hall, got by Wentworth (5631), d. Lady Betty Jr. by Ebor (997), &c., as in Jason (4089). (45)82) RODERICK. White, calved Nov. 25, 1837, bred by Hon. J. B. Simpson, bought by Lord Milton, got bv Sir Henry (1446), d. Lilac, by Juniper (1145), &c.fas in Otiicllo (4031). (4983) RODERICK. White, calved April 1 , 1839, bred by and the property of Earl Spencer, got by William cjsioi, d. Pageant, by Monarch (2324), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (4984) RODERICK RANDOM, alias THE KICKER (2750). <4'.5) RODNEY. White, calved Feb. 3, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, (iedgrave Hall, got 1>V V ulcan <:>:>SIM, ,1. strawberry (bred by Lord Iluutintflield), by Freemason (1004). (4986) RODRICK DHU. Red, calved Feb. 1840, bred by and the property of G. A. Grey, Milfield Hill, got by Floddeii 2d (3816), d. Red Cow, by Espe Hill (8^7). (4987) ROKE Y. Got by Symmetry (642), d. by Pope (514), by Petrarch (588), by Daisy, by Bolingbroke. (4988) ROKEBY. Roan, calved May 13, 1836, bred by Mr. Harrison, Mortham Hall, the property of Robinson Greenwood, Jr., Burnley. Full brother to Red Robin (4897). (4989) ROKEBY. Roan, calved May, 1840, bred by Mr. Morritt, Rokeby, the property of John Langdale, Lecon- field Park, Beverley, got by Antonio (3019), d. by Victory (5565), by Highflyer (2122), by Rob Roy (557), by Coat- ham (1840), by Sir Peter (5171). (4990) ROLAND. Roan, calved Aug. 26, 1839, bred by and the property of Rev. N. C. Lane, got by Snowball (2652), d. Red Rose, by a son of Denton. (4991) ROLLA. Light roan, calved Feb. 16, 1834, bred by Col. P. Van Ranssalaer, the property of Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., got by Admiral (1608), d. Romp, by Admiral (1608), Moss Rose, by Young Den- ton (963), Rosa, by Young Denton (963), Ruby, by Young Denton (963). (4992) ROLLA. Red and white, calved May 14, 1839, got by Borderer (3191), d. Primrose, by Layton (2192), by G. Thompson's Son of Rob Roy (5268), by Wonder (2853), by Son of Sir Dimple, by Robson's Grandson of Favourite. (4993) ROLLA. Dark roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Hindmarch, bought by James Thomson, New South W r ales, got by Young Ladykirk (4171), d. Venus, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as "in Baronet (3103). (4994) ROMAN. Calved 1837, bred by Mr. Hall, Kiveton Park, the property of Mr. Spurr, got by Kiveton Re- former (4164), d. Favourite, by Embassador (3008), &c., as in Forester (3824). (4995) ROMAN. Red, calved Oct. 1, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Squire, got by Young Matchem (4422), d. Red Rose (bred by T. King, Kirkleatham), by King's Bull (4153), by a son of Young Lancaster, by a Bull of R. Ceiling's, which was let for the season to Mr. Vansit- tart, Kirkleatham. (4996) ROMEO. Roan, calved Dec. 15, 1835, bred by Hon. J. B. Simpson, the property of Lord Milton, got by Wiseton (2848), d. Mulberry, by Silkworm (5129), &c., as in Mars (4394). (4997) ROMEO. Roan, calved Sept. 1838, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Craven (1885), d. Marpessa, by Eastthorpe (1947), Hessle Str'awberry, by Franklin (2036), or Herod (308), Young Strawberry, by Harold (291), Strawberry, by Count (170), &c., as in Burlington (1767). (4998) ROMEO. White, calved 1839. bred by J. Carne- gie, the property of J. Thomson, New South Wales, got by Emperor (1977), d. Venus, by Champion (865), Masie, bred by Mr. Hogarth, near Kelso. (4999) ROMEO. Roan, calved March 21, 1839, bred by John Pearson. Hay Close, Cumberland, the property of Jeremiah Pearson, got by Belvedere 4th (3129). d. by Remus (4933), Daisy, by Lonsdale (379), by Irishman (329), by Styford (629), by Favourite (252). (5000) ROMULUS. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Hett, got by Roman (2559), d. Ruby (bred by Mr. Scott), by Rough Robin (1404), by Marske (418), Moss Rose, by George, by Prince (521), by Favourite (1033). (5001) ROMULUS. Got by Dishley Ketton (982), d. Vio- let, by Major (398), by Cossack (925). (5002) ROMULUS. Bred (supposed) by Mr. Kirkham, got by a son of Major (398), d. Anemone (bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley), by Paragon (1303), Strawberry, by Lan- caster (360), by a grandson of Comet, by Prince. (5003) ROMULUS. Calved 18:35, bred by Mr. Hall, Kive- ton Park, the property of Mr. Arkwriirlit, got by Kive- ton Reformer (4164), d. Red Rose, by Lavghton (4189). Red Rose, by Mariner (1193), Ruth, by Mariner (111)3), by Regent (544), by Ostorius (1299). (5004) ROMULUS. Roan, calved Dec. 2, 1839, bred by Mr. Yorke, the property of Mr. Price, got by Robin Hood (4971 K d. Comely (bred by Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot), by Oliver (2386), by Mentor (42(5), by a son of Favourite (252), by Windsor (698). (5005) RONALD. White, calved July 6. 1836. bred by John Colling. White House, near Darlington, the prop- erty of Mr. Watson, Wauldby, got i>\ Magnum Bomun (2243), d. Rosabella, by Hisrhflyer (2122), Ruchel by Fred- erick (HAW), by Pluiiet (502). 116 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (5006) RONAI.D. Roan, calved April 27, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Bell, got by Buhner (1760), cl. Rosebud, by Navigator (1260). Gloucester, by Emperor (1013), &c., as in Parmesan (4652). (5007) YOUNG RONALD. Calved Aug. 15, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Unthank, Netherscales, got by Chorister (3378), d. Lily, by Charley, by Ronald (565). (5008) Roscius. Roan, calved June 21, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Parkinson, got by Amadis (3006), d. Ruby, by Rough Robin (1404), &c., as in Romulus (5000). (5009) ROSE'S OLD RED BULL (2568). Calved July 19, 1813, got by Blyth Comet (85), d. by First Stone Hill Bull (3798), by TindalTs Old Red Bull, by Fisher's Bull (3799). (5010) ROSEBERRY. Got by Roseberry (567), d. by Wy- ham Favourite, by Major. (5011) ROSEBERRY. Roan, calved Jan. 27, 1840, bred by and the property of R. Booth, got by Raspberry (4875), d. Blossom 3d, by Young Red Rover, Blossom, by Isaac (1129), Blossom, by Pilot (496), Twin Cow, by Albion (14), by Lame Bull (359), by Suworrow (636). (5012) ROUGE. Red and white,calved Feb.23.1840,bred by Mr. Dauthwaite, the property of Mr. Bruere, got by Arnato (3037), d. Miss Scroope (bred by Mr. Scroope), by Dale's Dauby, &c., as in Abinus (2904). (5013) ROUGH ROBIN. Roan, calved Aug. 1835, bred by Mr. Budding, the property of Mr. Spooncer, got by A-la-Mode (725), d. Rosebud, by Columella (904), -, by .Monarch, Raspberry, by ', Strawberry. (5047) ST. ALBANS. Roan, calved April, 183!), bred by M e<-rs. Dodds, Hart Warren, the property of Mr. Jopp, Aberdeen, got by Bellerophon (3119), d. Princess, by Al- derman (2976), etc., as in Hart Warren (11500). (5048) ST. ALBANS 2n. Bred by Mr. Fawcus, Dunstan Steads, Northumberland, got by a son of St. Albans (2584), d. (bred by the late Mr. Henderson, Dunstan Square), by St. Aiban- r.WK by Lawnslecves (365), (bred by .Mr. Henderson, Newton-by-the-Sea, from the Stocks of Messrs. James, Stamford, Northumberland). (5049) ST. ANDREW. Red and white, calved Dec. 26, 18--JS. bred by Mr. Whitney, New Haven, Conn., IT. S. A., got by Hopewell (4045), d. Betsy, by Young Norfolk. (5050) ST. CITTHBEBT. White, calved Nov. 8, 1840, bred by and the property of T. Chrisp, got by Regent (2517). d. Hilda, by Borderer, Dunstan, by Bachelor (1666), by St. Albans (2584), by Widdrington, by Bar- mi by (1678). (5051) ST. GEORGE. Roan, calved April 23, 1837, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Fortescue, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Countess, by Young Rockingbam (2547), A:c.. as in Conqueror (3463). (5052) ST. GEORGE. Red and white, calved Dec. 9, 1839, bred by R. W. Ashburner, the property of G. Col- ton, got by Favourite (3772), d. by Favourite. by Punch (4849), by Anthony, &c., as in Rufus (5033). (5053) ST. GEORGE 2n. Roan, calved April 23, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Dawson, Newel, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Red Lady, by Hubback (2142), by Don Juan (1923), by Woodhouse's Bulls. (5054) ST. HELENA. Roan, calved 1831, bred by Mr. Holmes, Ireland, got 'by Napoleon (2349), d. Tuberose (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Enchanter (244), Matilda, by Marquis (408), Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), (supposed) by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (5055) ST. HELENA. Red and white, calved April 6, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Wood, Kimbles- worth, got by Hopewell (2135), d. Charlotte, by Young Magog (2247), Countess, byMatchem (2281), Premium,' by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Cicero (3385). (5056) ST. JOHN. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Hunt, Thornington, got by Northumber- land (4595), d. Young Lady, by Edrom, Lady, by Re- former (2502), Ac., as in Regent (4927). (5057) YOUNG ST. JOHN. (5058) ST. LEGER. White, calved April 19, 1838, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, the property of Lord Hunting- field, got by Henderskelf (2111). d. Sweetlooks, by Shy- lock (2622), &c., as in Broker (9993). (5059) ST. NINIANS. Dark roan, calved May 12, 1839, bred by Jas. Chrisp, the property of John Wilson, Sim- prin, Roxburghshire, got by The Peer (5455), d. Horten- sia. by Bachelor (1666), 4th Princess, by Snowball (2647), Princess (bred by J. Henderson), by St. Albans (2584), by Lawnsleeves (365). (5060) ST. PATRICK. Red and white, calved March 17, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Bain bridge, got by Premier (2449), d. Brighteyes (bred by Mr. Verty), by Morninir Star r.'H&S), by Denton (198), by a son of Charge's (irey Bull (872). (5061) ST. PATRICK. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Chrisp, got by The Peer (5455>, d. Rosebud, by Exmouth (374?'), etc., as in Ruby (6424). (5062) ST. THOMAS. White, calved Dec. 21, 1838, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, the property of the Kinii of France, got by Melmoth (2291), d. Elvira, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Alexander (1627). (.W,:i> ST. THOMAS. White, calved Dec. 21, 1838. bred by Mr. I'aley, the property of Mr. .John I'roetor, Long Preston, trot by Mendoza (4156t. d. Avarilda. by Norfolk (2377), -Alice, by An^on (1689), Lady Jane, by Comet (155). A.T., as in Charmer (fs,S2). (506 1 1 S.M.AIHN. Red and \vliite. calved .June 9. 1840. bred by and the property of Mr.Daws.n, Uronant. Full brother to Jem (4091 1. <5(M>.- SAL AMIS. Roan, calved July, 1839, bred by R. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Allison, <:ot by Cossack llssiM. d. Stalely, by Darlington (8561), Somerton, by Dairyman i:>.">ll>, Susan. !>\ Hes^reave. Sophia, by Chieftain (NMi),- --by Nimrod (1374), by Martinet's Red Bull (lll). (5(>r,r>) S.U.KSMAN. White, calved April 10, 1838. bred by Earl Spencer, sold to Mr. Watson, got by William (2840). d. Clarion, by Childers (1824), &c., as in George 1st (19848). (5067) SAM. White, calved 1836, bred by and the prop- erty of Mr. lies, got by Champion (867). d. West Rasen. by Rol) Roy (557). by Laceby Major (4169), Selina, by Young Favourite (254). (5068) SAM. Red, calved Sept. 15, 1838, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, sold to W. Robinson for to go to Aus- tralia, got by Henwood (2114), d. Nelly, by Premier, Nutmeg, by A-la-Mode (725). (5069) SAM PATCH. Bred in U. S. A. (5070) SAM SLICK. Red and white, calved Nov. 9, 1839, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Premier (2449), d. Rowena, by Stainton (2695), Sylvia, by St. Albans (2584). (5071) SAM WELLER. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr- Lakin, the property of Mr. White, Gloucestershire, got by Powyke (4743), d. Star, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748), Old Strawberry. (5072) SAM WELLER. Roan, calved Sept, 21, 1840, bred by Mr. Paley, the property of Mr. Midgely, Everingham, got by Mendoza (4456), d. Cotharn (bred by Mr. Bland), by Favourite (1028), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Fisher's Red Bull (2022), by Tnrnell's Bull (1536), descended from Mr. Cornforth's Stock. (5073) SAMBO. Red and white, calved Aug. 19, 1840, bred by Mr.Warfield, near Lexington, U. S. A., the prop- perty of N.Warfield, got by Goldfinch (3909), d. Medora, by Oliver (2387), by Mohawk (4492), by San Martin (2599), by Paul Jones (4661), by Buzzard (3253). (5074) SAMPSON. Red, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Silsby, Boston, U. S. A., got by Boston (17:35), d. Boston, by Sir Charles (1440), Duchess, by Wellington (683), &c., as in Brougham (1746). (5075) SAMPSON. Light roan, calved 1833, bred (sup- posed) by Mr. Topham, got by Reformer, d. by Dishley Ketton (982), by Major (398), by Cossack (925), Old Laura, by Patriot (486), &c. (5076) SAMPSON. Roan, calved Dec. 31, 1837, bred by Mr. Rose, bought by Mr. Newbold, got by Prince (4772), d. by Crispin (174), by Red Bull (5009), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799), by Shelton Bull (5112), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799), descended from Mr. Cornforth's Stock. (5077) SAMPSON. Roan, calved Feb. 10, 1838, bred by and the property of John Woodhouse, got by Halley's Comet (2088), d. Beauty, by Imperial (2151), &c., as in Duke of Clarence (3639). (5078) SAMPSON. White, calved Jan. 5, 1840, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, got by Charleville (3353), d. Jewess, by Harlsey (2091), Fig, by Herrington (2121), by Midas (435). (5079) YOUNG SAMPSON. White, calved Feb. 26, 1840, bred by Sir E. Mostyn, got by His Grace (4036), d. Jessica, by Maggot (2288), Jesay, by Sheridan (2616), &c., as in Jupiter '(4133). (5080) SAMSON. Got by Pizarro (1323), d. by Favourite (256). by Denton (199), by Ketton (709), by a son of C. Colling's Venus. (5081) SAMSON. Roan, calved July, 1834, bred by Mrs. Wilkinson, got by Young Danby (1900), d. Violet, by a son of Remus (550), Pink, by Sedbury (1424), &c., as in Ar- thur (3040). (5082) SAMSON. Got by Colonel (1846), d. lo 2d, by Montgomery (2o24), lo (bred by Mr. Bolden), by Cupid (938) Isabella, by son of Pilot (2681), Isabella, by Pilot (496). (5083) SAMSON. Red, calved 1839, bred by Jos. Burtt, got by Viscount (5571), d. by Coddington Matchem (3417), by Patriot (4657), by Cossack (8502). (5084) SAMUEL. Roan, calved 183S. bred by R. Booth, got by Wentworth.d.by Marirrave (8868), Strawberry 3d, by Young Alexander (2977), Strawberry, by Pilot t liit. (5085) SANCHO PANZA. Red, calved in 1840, bred by Mr. Lakin. the property of Mr. Woodgate, got by Powyke (4743). d. Old Strawberry. (5086) SANCTON. Red and white, calved May 14. 1839, the property of Mr.Tliompson. Spaldington. got by Mel- bourne (2290), d. by Freeman (2042), by Romulus (2563), by Malbro' (1189), by Ebor (9!>>. (508D SANimoK. Got by Streamer (5337), d. by Comp- ton's (ieorge,--by Wellington (683), --descended from Mi-s Hill, by Major (3<>7), ^c.' 118 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (5088) SANDY. Reel, calved Dec. 1837, bred by Mr. Ba- ker, got by Sheridan (2616), d. by Ivanhoe (1131), by Re- form (1361). (5089) SATURN. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Hon. John Simpson, bought by Mr. Dewdney, got by Juniper (1145), d. Jennett, by Young Colling (901), Stella (bred by Col. Mellish), by Charles (127), Stella (bred by Col. Trotter), by Colling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favour- ite (252), by Favourite (252). (5090) SAWBRIDGE. Roan, calved May, 1838, bred by Mr. Caldecott, the property of Mr. Spencer, got by Haw- thorn (3390), d. Dorah (bred by Mr.Wetherell), by Eldon (I960), by Darlington (956), by Rockingham (560), by Denton (198), by Comet (155). (5091) SAXE COBOURG. Roan, calved Feb. 6.1840, bred by Sir C. Tempest, the property of Mr. Maw, Tetley, near Crowle, got by Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Lu- cetta, by Otterington (2399), &c., as in Capt. Rock (5834). (5092) SCAMPSTON. Got by Osgodby, d. by Newton, by Sir Charles. (5093) SCARGILL (MR. Moss's). (5094) SCARLET. Red, calved 1824, bred by Jos. Burtt, got by John Barleycorn (4109), d. Whitehorns, by Re- gent (4925), Myrtle, by grandson of Wadclingworth (3924), Old Cherry, by Bonner's Bull (3190). (5095) YOUNG SCARLET. Bred by Joseph Burtt, got by Scarlet (5094), d. by Champion's Robin, son of Blyth Comet (85). (5096) SCHOOSE (MR. CURWEN'S). (5097) SCIPIO. (5098) SCRAPS. Red, calved March 30, 1833, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by WetherelTs Young Comet, d. Young Gaudy, by Star (2699), Gaudy (bred by Mr. Dormer), by Miner (441), bought of Mr. Armby or Ormby, Little Hut- ton, near Darlington. (5099) SEAGRAVE'S BULL. (5100) YOUNG SEA GULL. Roan, calved March 9, 1831, bred by W. Jobson, got by Sea Gull (2607), d. Bellflower, by Sultan (1485), Rolla (bred by Gen. Simson), by North Star (458). (5101) SECOND. COMET, alias WILLIAM (5661). Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Robson, Holtby House, the prop- eaty of Mr. Power, got by Studley Royal (5342), d. by a son of Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15), by Apollo (36). (5102) SELIM. Roan, calved Jan. 1837, bred by Col. Cradock, bought by Mr. Laxton, got by Paganini (2405), d. by Magnum Bonum (2243), by Rob Roy (557). (5103) SELIM. Roan, calved Feb. 24, 1837, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale,the property of G. Blaylock, got by Gain- ford (2044), d. Blossom (bred by R. Booth), by Memnon (2295), by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Bull, of Burdon, near Darlington. (5104) SELIM. Roan, calved Aug. 1, 1838, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of S. O. Priestly, got by Kenwood (2114), d. Fatima (bred by W. Smith, West Ra- sen), by Grazier (1085), by Reform (1361), Old Cora, (5105) SENATOR. Roan, calved Nov. 29, 1836, got by Clifton (3411), d. Susan, by Darlington (35(51), by Dairy- man (3541), by Hexgreave, by Chieftain (886), by Nim- rod (1274), by Mai-fleet's Old Bull (1192). (5106) SEVERS' BULL. (5107) SHAFTOE. Roan, calved Jan. 27, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Lax, Ravens worth, got by Mus- snlman (4525), d. Miss Shaftoe, by Miracle (2320), &c., as in Capt. Shaftoe (6833). (5108) SHAKSPEARE. Roan, calved March 24, 1831, bred by Mr. Bellamy, near Warwick, late the property of Mr. Briscoe, Fir Tree House, Dudley, got by Stam- ford (1476), d. Camilla, by Young Major (1187), Chess, by Denton (198), by Comet (155), by Henry (301). (5109) SHAKSPEARE. Roan, calved April 1, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Vulcan (5580), d. Red Rose, by Young Freemason (3844), Celia, bred by the Duke of Cleveland. (5110) SHAMROCK. Dark roan, calved Sept. 28, 1836, bred by Samuel Orr, Coleraine, got by Colossus (1847), d. Lady (bred by Mr. Dawson, Otley), by Heathfield's Bull. (5111) SHANNON. Roan, calved May 8, 1840, bred by M. L. Sullivant, U. S. A., the property of Mr. Wai-field, near Lexington, got by Favourite (2009), d. Premium, by Son of Cicero (5252), Old Flora. (5112) SHELTON BULL. Got by First Stone Hill (3798), d. by Tindall's Red Bull, descended from Mr. Corn- forth's Stock, Barforth, near Darlington. (5113) SHEPHERD'S BULL OF THORNINGHAM, Warwick- shire, alias YOUNG KETTON. (5114) SHERBURN (MR.ARROWSMITH'S). GotbyCharles (127), d. by Trunnell (659), by George (275), descended from Dash (191). (5115) SHERIFF. Roan, calved April 7, 1839, bred by Sir C. Tempest, the property of Mr. Scotson. got by Ed- mund 2d, d. Vestris, by Cato (1794), Verbina, by a son of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by Mr. Rob- ertson, Ladykirk. (5116) SHERWOOD. Got by Spectator (2688). (5117) SHERWOOD. Red and white, calved Feb. 12, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Gilbert, got by Coltness (3430), d. Nonpareil, by Son of Studley (5277), by Studley (2705), by Ben, own Brother to George (1067), by the Duke of Leeds' Bull (992), by Cartwright's Turnell. (5118) SHERWOOD'S WHITE BULL. (5119) SHINNARD BULL. Got by Marfleet's Red Bull (1192). (5120) SHIPPERLET (2619). Got by Michael Garthon's Bull (3864), d. (supposed) by Cripple (171), a Cow of Mr. Garthorn's, by , bred at Holme House. (5121) SHIRLEY. Red, calved Jan. 3, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of the Duke of Rutland, got by Othello (4631), d. Miss Smith (bred by Hon. J. Simpson), by Silkworm (1432), Moss Rose, by Tippoo (649), Lau- rustina, by Remus (550), Alpine, by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (5122) SHORT HORNS. Got by Sir Alexander (591), d. by Young Lancaster (361). (5123) OLD SHORTLEGS. (5124) SHORTLEGS. Roan, bred by Messrs. Angus, Broomley, got by Ajax (723), d. Red Rose, by Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (5155), by Surly (1489), by Bur- rell's Bull (3248). (5125) SHYLOCK. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. La- kin, the property of Mr. Paget, got by Powyke Patriot (4746), d. 3d Strawberry, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748), Snowball, by Wallis' Roan Bull, Filpail, by Jolly's Bull. (5126) SIBTHORP. Got by Favourite (1028), d. by Cris- pin (174), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by First Stone Hill Bull (3798), by Tindall's Bull, from the Stock of Mr. Cornforth, Barforth, near Darlington. (5127) SIDDINGTON. Red and white, calved June 18, 1839, bred by Mr. Bowly, got by Frederick (3837), d. Lady Byron (bred by Mr. Bellamy), by Rupert (2580), by North Star (460), by Cripple (173), by Minor, by Freeman (269), by Danby (190). (5128) SIDNEY. White, calved Dec. 7, 1836, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Majesty (2250), d. Wamba, by Harl- sey (2091), &c., as in Cobden (6872). (5129) SILKWORM. Roan, calved 1829, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Juniper (1145), d. Fashion, by Lancaster (360), Daylight, by Charles (127), Moonlight (bred by Mr. Champion), by Blyth Comet (85), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, Chilton. (5130) SILKY. Dark red, calved Sept. 1837, bred by and the property of Mr. Ladds, got by Red Robin (2491), d. by Darius (954), by Cumberland (176), by Albany (13), by Midas (435), by Meteor (431), by Traveller (655), by Styford (630), by Hubback (319). (5131) SILLERY. Got by Champagne (3317), d. Red Gilliver (bred by Mr. Burrow), by Young Western Comet (1575), White Gilliver (bred by Mr. Ellis), by Western Cornet (689), Gilliver, by a son of Favourite. (5132) SILVERTOP. White, calved May 6, 1837, bred by Earl Brownlow, the property of Mr. Minta, got by Vic- tory (2800), d. Penelope, by Shakspeare (2614), &c., as in Promoter (10658). (5133) SIMON. Got by Simon (590), d. by Trunnell (659), by Mason's White Bull (421). (5134) SIMON. Bred by Thomas Sample, Bishop Bur- ton, got by Symmetry (641), d. descended from the Stocks of Messrs. Angus and Jobling, Styford. (5135) SIMON. Roan, calved 1836, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, the property of Earl Howe, got by Miracle 2d (2322), d. Molly, by Emperor (1014), Mary, by Aid-de- Camp (722), Marianne, by Meteor (1226), Profit (bred by Mr.Chumpkm), by Neswick (1206), Red Rose, by . TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 119 (5136) SIMON. Got by Prime Minister (2454), d. by Ma- jor CWSi. (5137) SIMON. Red and white, calved March 12, 1838, bred by Mr. Dawson, (Jronant. the property of Mr. Daw- sou. near st.Asaph. m>t }>y llenwood (2114), d. Wood- note, by Cymro (1898), Woodlass, by Kolla (2557), by Vender (2797), by Reform (1361), Old Daisy. (5138) SIMON. Roan, calved Dec. 24, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Skipworth, got by Shakspeare. d. Mis-; Tory, by Tory (5507), Roan Laceby, by Young Fa- vourite (254), Red Laceby, bred from the Herd of the late Mr. Bell, Laceby. (5139) YOUNG SIR ALEXANDER. Got by Sir Alexander (591), d. by a son of Denton (198), by Comet (155), by Marmaduke Wetherell's Bull (2830). (5140) SIR AMPHION. Red and white, calved May 9, 1840, bred by Mr.Whitaker, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Amethyst, by Prince of Northumberland (4826), Young Amazon, by Crusader (934),) Amazon, by Sul- tan (1485), Bellona, by Mars (411), Rolla, by North Star (458). Slaughtered 1842. (5141) SIR ANDREW. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawith, got by Sir Walter (2639), d. Ro- sina, by Young Star (5319), by Roseberry (567), by Con- stitution (166), by Innocent (327), by Leopold (375). (5142) SIR ARCHY. Red roan, calved Jan. 24, 1837, bred by Mr. Tetley, got by Colossus (1847), d. Apple Blos- som, by Martin (4403), by Middlesbro (1234). (5143) SIR ARTHUR. Roan, calved Aug. 6, 1839, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Foulds, Frawden House, near Colne, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), or Prince of Northumberland (4826), d. Violet, by Young Colling (1843), Violet, by Remus (550), Pink, by Sed- bury (1424), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (5144) SIR ARTHUR. White, calved April 27, 1840, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by St. Helena (5055), d. So- phia, by Gainford (2044), Countess, by Young Rocking- ham (254!)), by Northumberland (464), by Newby's Bull, by Lame Bull (358). (5145) SIR CHARLES. Bred by Lord Feversham, got by Grazier (1085), d. Young Nancy, by Emperor (1013), &c., as in Conservative (3471). (5146) SIR CHARLES. Bred by Mr.Smurthwaite,Holme House, got by Young Duke (991), d. by Kay's Roan Bull (4141). (5147) SIR CHARLES. Roan, calved 1838, bred by C. Garthorne, the property of Mr. Peacock, got by Baronet (1686), d. Duchess, by Duke (1988), Coraforth, by Mag- net (.2240), etc., as in Bacchus (17338). (5148) SIR CHRISTOPHER. Calved Oct. 5, 1840, bred by and the property of Peter Robson, Lodge Farm, near Bishop Auckland, got by Matchem (4413),' d. by Miracle. (5149) SIR DIMPLE. Calved Sept. 21, 1836, bred by C. N. Bement, Albany, U. S. A., got by Superior (2714), d. Dorinda (bred by Mr.Rodman), by Carlos (1787), y Mrs. Lawrence, Studley. got by R. IJooih's - , d. byMemnon (1221). by Peacock's Old Roan Bull (4667), Mr. Milthorp's Cow. (5343) SUFFOLK. Light roan, calved Nov. 1839, bred by Mr. Saville, Booking. Essex, the property of Mr. Boby, got by Cottesmore (3505), d. Snowberry (bred by R. W. Baker), by Sheridan (2(>1(>), &c., as in Symmetry (6560). (5344) SULTAN (MR. CHAMPION'S). (5345) SULTAN. Roan, calved 1825, bred by the late Mr. Booth. Warlaby, got by Pilot (496), d. by Young Al- bion (15), Venus, by the Lame Bull (359), Killerby HOBS Rose, by Suworrow (636), by a son of the Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (5346) SULTAN. Bred by Mr. Baker, Cottesmore, got by Sheridan (2616), d. Miss Noon, by Czar (945), Baron- ess, by Eclipse (1598), Exeter, by Meteor (1226), Rasp- berry, by Wellington (683), by a son of Cleasby, Son of Daisy, Duke. (5347) SULTAN. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Lord Fe- versham, the property of Thomas Freer, got by Young Grazier (3928), d. Sophia, by Wallace (5587), by Baron (58), by Button's Bull (322), by Butterfly (104), Old Daphne, by Globe (278). (5348) SULTAN. Spotted red and white, calved May, 1836, bred by Col. Cradock, the property of Mr. Lax, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Pirate (2430), by Hough- ton (318), by Blucher, bought of W. Colling. Stapleton, and descended from the Stocks of Messrs. Charge and Wright. (5349) SULTAN. Red and white, calved Jan. 29, 1837, bred by Capt. Barclay, got by Monarch, d. Adelaide, by Commander (3439), &c., as in Ambulator (3012). (5350) SULTAN. Red and white, calved 1837, bred by Robert Lawson, got by Charles, d. Moss Rose, by Sta- pleton (2698), by a son of Rob Roy (557), Jane, by Mark (2266), by Rufus (570). (5351) SULTAN. Red, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Lakin, the property of Mr. Smith, Gloucestershire, got by Po- wyke (4743), d. Red Strawberry, by Ploughboy (4726), Old Strawberry. (5352) SULTAN. White, calved Feb. 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Lawson, Mordon, got by Mus- sulman (4524), d. by Charles (1815), by Driver (1928), by Son of Dash (2668), by Jupiter (342), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's. (5353) SULTAN. White, calved Nov. 6, 1840, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, got by St. Helena (5055), d. Snow- drop, by Lottery (2226), Gainford (bred by W. Fenwick), by Thorp (2757), a Cow of Mr. Lawson's Doe Park), by a Bull of Mr. Hutchinson's, Egglestone. (5354) SULTAN. Roan, calved Dec. 15, 1840, bred by S. Scotson, got by Merryman (4463), d. Edna 2d, by Ru- bens (2573), Edna, by Baronet (774), &c., as in Hobson (2129). (5355) SUNDERLAND. Roan, calved June 27, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Melmoth (2291), d. Young Blossom, by Eclipse (1949), Blossom, by Wellington (2824), Princess, by St. Albans (2584), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (5356) SUPERB. Got by a son of Fleetham. (5.357) SUPERB FAIRFAX. Roan, calved Sept. 16, 1840, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Maxwell, Ire- land, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Superb, by Young Colling (1843), &c., as in Agitator (5718). (5358) SUPERIOR. Dark roan, calved 1839, bred by and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. Full brother to Stanley (5316). (5359) SUPERIOR. Red and white, calved July 20, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Warfield, near Lexing- ton, U. S. A., got by Matchem (2283), d. Olive, by Oliver (2387), by Contention (3479), by a son of Rising Sun, a Long-horned Bull, Teeswater Cow. (5360) SUPERIOR. Red and white.calved June 10,1840, bred by and the property of B. Phelps and Jonathan Col- ton, East Windsor, U. S. A., got by Splendid (5297), d. Filpail, by Whisker (5(539). Miranda 2d. by Frederick (2038), Miranda, by Young Denton (963). Arabella (bred by Mr. Wether ell), by North Star (460), Aurora, by Comet (155), by Henry (301), by Danby (190). (5361) YOUNG SURPRISE. Bred by Matthew Shipman, Carlton Green, near Richmond, got by Surprise, d. by a grandson of Comet (155), by a son of Minor (441). (5362) SURPRISE. White, calved Oct. 56, 183-, the property of R. Robinson. Thorp, near Barnard Castle, got by Antonio, d. by Parlington (4651), by Meteor, by Headlam. 124 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (5363) SURPRISE. Roan, calved April, 1837, bred by and the property of John Shaw, Hyton Bootle, got by Prime Minister (2-156), d. Maria, by YoungWestern Comet (1575), Lovely (Mr.Curwen's),by General (272), Bright Eyes, by Marquis, by Simon (590), by Traveller (655), by Lame Bull. (5364) SURPRISE. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by Messrs. Watson, the property of Mr. Watson, Wauldby, got by Belshazzar (1703), d. Rosanne, by Velocipede (5552), Hawthorn, byMatchem (2281), &c., as in Gohan- na (3907). (5365) SWAFFHAM. Roan.calved Oct.1840, bred by Mr. Saville, Booking, Essex, tha property of Mr. Barnard, Gosfield Hall, got by Musician (4523), d. Snowberry, by Sheridan (2616), &c., as in Symmetry (6560). (5366) SWAP. Bred by Daniel Richardson, got by Swap (2719), d. Favourite, by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Butterfly (104). (5367) SWEEPSTAKES (637) (L. SEYMOUR'S). Got by Chilton (136), d. Lady, by Bolingbroke (86), Miss Corn- forth, by a son of Duke. (5368) SWEETWILLIAM. Roan, calved May 14, 1837, bred by and the property of Earl Spencer, got by William (2840), d. Clarion, by Childers (1824), &c., as in George 1st (19848). (5369) SWEETWILLAM. Roan, calved May 8, 1839, bred by Rev. E. Smith, the property of Mr. Palmer, Leices- tershire, got by Homer (2134), d. Wide Hips, by Yorick (5696). (5370) SWEETWILLIAM. Red roan, calved Feb. 7, 1840, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Biddle, got by Ranunculus (2479), d. Matilda, by Albion (2967), by Rat- ify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (5371) SWINDLER. (5372) SWING. Got by Satellite (1420). (5373) SWINTON. Got by David (3568), a son of Midas (435), d. by Easby (232), by Danby (949). (5374) SWINTON. Got by Champion (3323), d. by Ju- piter (4134), by Easby (232), by Danby. (5375) SWINTON. Roan, calved Dec. 1837, bred by Thomas Chrisp, the property of Mr. Hunter, Swinton, Kelso. Full brother to Hotspur (4050). (5376) SWIVELLER. Red roan, calved June, 1839, bred by Mr. Barker, Ruddington, the property of Thomas Bradford, Stonesby, near Melton Mowbray, got by a son of Spectator, d. Gaudy, by Magnum Bonum (4325), by Magnet, by Blyth Comet (85). (5377) SYDNEY (MR. CHILDERS') (7572). (5378) SYDNEY. Roan, calved June 20, 1839, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr.Maltby, got by Ranuncu- lus (2479), d. White Lily, by Albion (2967), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (5379) SYLLA. Red, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Lakin, the property of Mr. Grice, got by Powyke Patriot (4746), d. Star, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748), Old Strawberry. (5380) SYLVAN. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Lakin, the property of Mr. Millard, got by Powyke Emperor (4745), d. Old Strawberry. (5381) SYMMETRY. Got by John Hunt's Bull (4059), d. by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (5382) SYMMETRY. Calved March 12, 1832, bred by H. Peacock, Haddockstone, near Ripon, bought for W Dun U. S. A., got by Red Simon (2449), d. Red Rose, by Had- dock, now called Governor (1077), Roany, by Wellina;- lington (680), by Blaize (75). (5383) SYMMETRY. Red, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Jal- land, got byBurtt's Welbourn (5617), d. Venus, by Young Crispin (3520), by a Bull of Mr. Wilkinson's, Lenton. (5384) SYMMETRY. Red, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Son- ley, Lund Court, near Kirby Moorside, got by Wallace (5587), d. by Matilda's son of Emperor (4432), by Alfred (23), out of Daniel Richardson's Old Red Rose. (5385) SYMMETRY. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Young Grazier (3928), d. Sunflower, by Expectation (3749), by Emperor (1013), &c., as in Splendor (5301). (5386) SYMMETRY. Red, calved Jan. 18,35, bred by Jno. Stephenson, Wolviston, got by Platoff (4722), d. Rosette by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Prince of Wales (20589). (5387) SYMMETRY. Roan, calved Oct. 2, 1836, bred by Mr. Goodwin, the property of Mr. Langston, got by George (38?'8), d. Susan, by Matchem (4412), Snowball, by Stanwick (1477), Smoker, bred by J. Cattle. (5388) SYMMETRY. Roan, bred by Mr. Cattley, the Property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Plato (2433), . Splendour, by Symmetry (2723), Pomona, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Mulberry, by Isaac (1129), by Whitworth (1584), by Comet (1582), by a son of Charge's Kitt. (5389) SYMMETRY. Roan, calved Feb. 28, 1839, bred by and the property of Thomas Forrest, got by Doctor (3596), d. Mary, by Matchem (2281), &c., as in Charles (3348). (5390) SYMMETRY. Roan, calved March 27, 1839, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of Mr. Bloor, got by Kenwood (2114), d. Salvia, by Ambo Dexter (1636), Sweetbrier, by A -la-Mode (725), Primrose, by Memnon (2295), by Arthur (761). (5391) SYMMETRY. Roan, calved Nov. 16, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Hunt, Thornington, got by Don John (3608), d. Carnation, by Pedestrian (4670), Young Columbine, by Edrorn (1956), &c., as in North Star (4591). (5392) SYRIAN. Red, calved June 12, 1840, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Colton, got by Belshazzar (1704), d. Symmetry, by Commodore (1858), by Tarrare (2735), by Major (397), by Brown's Bull, Aldbrough (5393) TAFFY. Roan, calved Jan. 9, 1837, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, sold to go to Ireland for the London Mercers Company, got by Maggot (2238), d. Fama, by Cymro (1898), Fancy, by Childers (1824), &c., as in Car- adoc (1786). (5394) TAFFY. Red roan, calved Aug. 7, 1840, bred by Capt. Hampton, the property of W. Lewis, got by Henllys (2112), d. Erne, by Captain, Roan Cow, by Rob Roy, by Charles 2d, by Pirate. (5395) YOUNG TALBOT. Calved Nov. 21, 1836, bred by and the property of Mr. Skipworth, got by Talbot, d. White Rose, by Superfine (2713), Abigail, by Ostler's Grey Robin, Roan Heifer, by Young Favourite (254). (5396) TALLY-HO. Roan, calved March 3, 1840, bred by Mr. Paley, tHe property of Mr. McConnel, Australia, got by Don John (3604), d. Princetta, by Prince William (1344), &c., as in Hazelwood (3993). (5397) TANCRED. Roan, calved May 2, 1839, bred by Rev. E. Smith, the property of Rev. H. Smith, got by Homer (2134), d. Tansy, by Spectator (2688). (5398) YOUNG TARQUIN. Red, calved 1836, bred by H. T. Peacock, the property of Mr. Yorke, got by Tar- quin (2734), d. Cherry, by Roderick (2554), &c., as in Ad- miral (2928). (5399) TATHWELL. White, calved May 24, 1837, bred by Mr. Cartwright, got by Pilot (2427), d. Snowdrop, by Favourite (3768), Nonpareil, by Tathwell Studley (5401), Twine Tail, by Blyth Comet (85), a Turnell Cow. (5400) TATHWELL FAVOURITE. Roan, calved March 14, 1832, bred by Mr. Cartwright. got by Favourite (3768), d. Nonpareil, by Tathwell Studley (5401), Twine Tail, by Blyth Comet (85J, a Turnell Cow. (5401) TATHWELL STUDLEY. White, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Cartwright, got by Studley (628), d.Laura, by Major (397), a Turnell Cow. (5402) TAURUS. Got by Meteor, d. by Windsor, by Cupid, by Styford, T)y Waterloo. (5403) YOUNG TAURUS. Bred by Mr. Stamper, North Holme, got by Taurus. (5404) TAURUS. Red and white, calved March 16, 1838, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Lumley (2232), d. Tulip, by Miner (2317), by Duke of Wellington (231), by Alex- ander (21). (5405) TAURUS. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Earl of Tankerville, got by Young Ladykirk (4171), d. Duchess, by Young Sea Gull (5100), by Crusader (934), by Chillingham (3374). (5-106) TAURUS. White, calved Aug. 5, 1840, got by a son of Lord Carlisle's Reformer, d. Lady Strickland, by Midas, by a Bull of Sir G. Strickland's. (5407) TAYLOR'S ROAN BULL. (5408) TEASDALE. Bred by Mr.Bowser, Chapel House, near Gainford, got by Stephenson's son of Belvedere (1706), d. by Raine's Old Rockingham, by Allison's grand- son of Sir Dimple. (5409) TECUMSEH. Imported from England into the U. S. A. 1817, by L. Sanders. (5410) TEETOTAL. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by W. D. Manning, the property of Mr. Caldecott. got by Daniel (1904), d. Bee (bred by Mr. Bagshaw), by Weth- erell's Young Comet, (Quakeress, by MacGregor (2235), TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 125 Myrtle, by Romulus. Haughty, by Goldfinder (2064), Kie.-mor, l)y Young Windsor, Allies, by Boughton (90). (5411) TEETOTALLER. Roan, calved March 2, 1840, bred by and the property of Thomas Simson, Blainslie. Koxburghshire. trot by Maitland (4335). d. Sister to Wa- terloo, by Thornfiigton (5473), by Kichmond (1380), by Hector (1104), by Sir Charles (1440). by Sir Rowland (Hr>:. by a sou of Phenomenon (491), by Irishman (889), (5412) TELEMACHUS. Red and white, calved May 24, 1840, bred by Mr. Paley. the property of W. S. Gill, got by Mendo/a (H.'.fii. d. Clarinda, by Buckingham (1755), &c., as in Felix (3780). (5413) TEMPERANCE. White, calved Aug. 15, 1840,bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Vulcan (5580), d. Julia, by Freemason (1064), Celia, bred by Duke of Cleveland. (5414) TEMPEST. White, calved July, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Whitney, New Haven, Conn., U. S. A., got by Merryman (4463), d. Strawberry, by Am- bo (1636), Fair Helen, by Young Albion (15), &c., as in Cossack (1880). <:. J15) TERTIUS. Calved March, 1838, got by Guardian (3948), d. Countess, by Exmouth, Brighteyes, by Mem- non (4452), by Duke of Wellington (231), by a Bull bred by Mr. Mason, Chilton. (5416) THALBERG. Bred by Mr. Troutbeck. (541?) THE ABBOT. Roan, calved Dec. 24, 1840, bred by Mr. Beauford, the property of Capt. Kindar, got by Van Amburg (5543). d. Gaylass, by Sir Walter (1459), Grimson, by Duke Humphrey (230), (bred by Col. Grim- ston), by Ketton (346), by Bainton (48). (5418) THE ADMIRAL. Roan, calved 1836, bred by and the property of Mr. Beetham, got by Plenipo (4724), d. Priscilla, by Apollo (36), Nonpareil, by Major (398), by Duke (226), by Windsor (698), by R. Colling's White Bull. (5419) THE APOTHECARY. Got by Chorister. (5420) THE BARON. Roan, calved 1837, got by Cleve- land, d. by Thorp, by Denton (198), by Snowball (610), by Henry (301), by Ladrone (353), by Danby (190). (5421) THE BEAU. Red and white, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Bosville, got by Clansman (3388), d. Gaylass, by Eastthorpe (1947), Roall Gaiety, by Herod (308), &c., as in The Chieftain (2893). (5422) THE CAPTAIN. Dark roan, calved Jan. 12, 1838, bred by Capt. Barclay, got by Hector, d. Violet, by Mon- arch (4495), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (5423) THE CAPTAIN. Roan, calved Oct. 1840, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. Sylvia, by Luck Vail (2230), Stately, by Romulus (1403), &c., as in Don John (3607). (5424) THE CHANCELLOR. White, calved Nov. 13, 1840, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, got by Rock- ingham (2550). d. Vanity, by Sir Walter (2638), Verbina, by a son of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by the late Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. (5425) THE CHIEF. Calved April,1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Jopling, Castle Law, near Coldstream, got by Capt, Barclay's Pedestrian, d. Beaufronte, by To- nio (5504), by Morning Star (2:338), by Denton (198), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (5426) THE CHIEFTAIN. Roan, calved 1839, the prop- erty of (supposed) J. Topham, got by Emperor (3716), d. Mary, by Invalid (4076), Rose, by Satellite (1420), by Baronet (60), by Symmetry (641). (5427) THE COLONEL. Red and white, calved May !. 1835, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. Julia, by Woodford (5684), Susan, by Pumpkin (4847), by a son of Miner (441). (5428) THE COLONEL. Light roan, calved Jan. 1838, bred by and the property of W. Raine. Full brother to Gen. Gerard (3875). (5429) THE COUNSELLOR. Roan, calved Aug. 13, 1836, bred by W. Bagshaw, the property of Mr. Napier, Ire- land, got by Barrister (1691), d. Satin, by Rebel (4882) Olivetta, by Fairfax (1023), Jewel, by Nero, Golden Pippin, by Woodford (5(584), Bounty, by Pumpkin (4847), Trinket, bought of Mr. Lythall. (5430) THE DOCTOR. White, calved March 4,1838. bred by Sir ('.Tempest, trot by Berryman (3143). d. Vestris, by Cato (17'94i.- Verbina, by a son of Wellington ((579), a favourite Cow, bred by the late Mr.Robertt.on, Ladykirk. (5431) THE DRAGON. White, calved May 15, 1840. bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, trot by St. George, d. Matilda, by Elector (1963), Daisy, by Fairfax (1023), Lucy, by Warlaby (672), by Snowball (2648). (5432) THE DUKE. Roan, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Pears, Plumpton Hall, got by Tarnire (1501), d. Rose, by Wellington (680), by May duke (424), by Old White Bull. (5433) THE DUKE. Red and white, calved March 16, 1838, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of the King of the French, got by Sultan Selim (2710), d. Amethyst, by Prince of Northumberland (4826), &c.,aa in SirAmphion (5140). (5434) THE DUKE. Roan, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Harris, got by Marquis (4386), d. Judy, by Oughtred (4634), &c., as in Jerry (4100). (5435) THE DUTCHMAN. Bred by Mr. White, Copson Lodge, near Hinckley, got by Mynheer (2345), d. by Pre- tender (1335), by Charles (127), by Comet (155), by Mason's Freedom, by Herdsman (304). (5436) THE EARL. Roan, calved 1835, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of W. Hodgson, got by Gen- eral (3867), d. Princess, by Sorcerer (5280), &c., as in Ploughboy (7338). (5437) THE EARL. Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1838, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mr. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, got by Gainford (2044), d. Empress, by General (3867), &c., as in Emperor (9084). (5438) THE EARL. Red and white, calved Aug. 8, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Gainford (2044), d. Marchioness, by Eclipse (1947), Countess, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (5439) THE EARL. Dark roan, calved Sept. 3, 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Patterson, Hall Beck, got by Plumpton (2440), d. Lily of the Valley (bred by Mr. Burrow), by Sillery (5131), by Champagne (3317), Yel- low Gilliver, by Young Western Comet (1575), Young Gilliver, by Diamond (205), W T hite Gilliver (bred by Mr. Ellis), by Western Comet (689), by a son of Favourite (252). (5440) THE EARL. White, calved Dec. 9, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Radcliffe, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. Mayflower, by Remus (2524), &c., as in Cyrus (5441) THE FALCONER. Red and white, calved May 1840, bred by and the property of Thomas Chrisp, got by Regent (2517), d. Queen of Trumps (bred by James Chrisp), by Brougham (1746), Duchess of St. Albans, by St. Albans 2d (5048), by St. Albans (2584), by Lawn- sleeves (365), bred by Mr. Henderson, Newton-by-the- Sea, from the Stock of Messrs. James, Stamford, Nor- thumberland. (5442) THE FIDDLER. Roan, bred by and the property of Sir William Lawson, got by Paganini (2405), d. Rose, by Young Miracle (4487). (5443) THE FRIAR. Roan, calved April 15, 1840, bred by and the property of Rev. J. D. Jefl'erson. got by Pres- ident (4751), d. Lavender (bred by Mr. Claridge), by Booth's Son of Pilot (2681), by Darius (953), by'Ambo (746), by Edmund (1001). (5444) THE GENERAL. Red and white, calved Jan. 12, 1839, bred by R. Jobson, the property of Lee Norman, Ireland, got by2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. by Sultan Selim (2710), by Boreas (810), by a grandson of Chilton, by a son of Chilton (136), by Young Star (619), Mary, bred by the late Gen. Simson. (5445) THE II. C. B. Red and white, calved Feb. 27, 1840, bred by and the property of Grant Duff, got by The Peer (54">5), d. Eglantine, by Brougham (1746), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, Chilton, bred by Mr. Weir, Goswick. (5446) THE IRISHMAN. Red roan, calved Dec. 14, 1840, bred by and the property of William Dale, Catterirk. trot by Dan O'Connell, d. Strawberry, by Roland (255(5), by a 'Bull of Mr. Booth's, Killerby. (5-147) THE LEOPARD. Calved Jan. 18:38, bred by Mr. Whitaker, bought by Mr. Fawkes. (5448) THE LORD MAYOR. Roan, calved 1S39, bred by Mr. Watkin, Pbunpton, the property Mr. Parkin, Mealo House, got by Chorister (337S>. d. by Monitor (2331), by Snowdrop (2653), by Barmpton (1677), by Waverley (2819), by a son of Washington (675). (544!)) THE LORD MAYOR. Red and white, calved Aug. 16, 1839. bred by the Karl of Carlisle, the property of the Karl of Cawdor, Stackpole Court. South Wales, trot by The Admiral (5118), d. Lady Marion, by Fairfax (1023), 126 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by Honest John, alias Favourite (1030), Milkmaid, by Harpham (1098), &c., as iii Abram (1603). (5450) THE MAJOR. Ked, calved in Jan. 1840, bred by Major Bealey, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Young Forester, a son of Forester (1055), by Baron (58). (5451) THE MILLER. Got by Young Rockingham (2549), d. by Yorkshireman, by Sir Peter (5171), by Button's Bull (323), by Cleasby (142). (5452) THE MILLER. White, calved June, 1838, bred by Mr. Beaumont, Finningley Park, the property of Mr. Greetham, Stainfield Hall, got by Ion (4078), d. Juliana (bred by Mr. Wiley), by Tamboflf (2729), Julia, by Harold Jr. (1096), Patch, by Adonis (1612), by Midas (435), by Punch (531). (5453) THE MONK. Roan, calved May, 1837, bred by Mr. Claridge, got by Dantzic (3559), d. Young Lily, by Jacques 1 Bull (2156), by Darius (953), by Ambo (746), by Edmund (1001). (5454) THE MONK. Red, calved Nov. 22. 1839, bred by and the property of Rev. Jos. D. Jefferson, got by JSolus, d. Red Velvet, by Croft (1888), by St. Leger, by a son of Achmet (2). (5455) THE PEER. Dark red with a little white, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, the property of Grant Duff, Eden, Aberdeenshire, got by Comet (1854), d. Peeress, by Snowdrop (2653), Countess, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (5456) THE PHYSICIAN. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr.Watkin, Plumpton, the property of Mr. Abbot,Thorn- thwaite Hall, got by The Apothecary (5419), d. by Young Easby (3679), by Alderman, by Easby. (5457) THE POPE. (5458) THE PRESIDENT. Roan, calved in the Autumn, 1836, bred by and the property of Mr. Beetham. got by I Comet Halley (1855), d. Priscilla, by Apollo (36), &c., as j in The Admiral (5418). (5459) THE PRINCE. Calved April 4, 1839, bred by Mr. I Wilkinson, Lenton, the property of Mr. Bergess, Cot- ! grave Place, got by King of Hearts (4155), d. Melissa, now Lively, by Young Matchem (4425), Lively, by Ketton (346), by Blucher (796), by Pope (514). (5460) THE PRIOR. Roan, calved Jan. 19, 1840, bred by and the property of Hon. John Simpson, got by Dulver- ton (3659), d. Nun, by Sir Henry (1446). Abbess, by Ab- bot (2899), by Juniper (1145). Paris, by Colling (900), Peeress, by Lancaster (360), Jasmine, byNeswick (1266), Old Yellow Cow. (5461) THE RECTOR. Red and white, calved Dec. 26, 1840, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, got by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Innocent (bred by Mr. Whita- ker), by Colossus (1847), Ingham, by Son of Young Daisy (2667). (5462) THE RED BULL. Bred by the late Lord Kilmor- ney, from the Stock of Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton. THE RIVAL PRINCE. Roan, calved May 21, 1838' bred by and the property of Mr. Annesley, Clifford Lodge' near Stratford-on-Avon, got by Despot (1915), d. Fairy by Fairfax (1023), &c., as in Consul (1868). (5464) THE RUSTIC. Roan, calved April 29, 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Lovell, got by Sampson (2593), d. Marcia, by Anthony (1640), by Edgcott (1953), by a son of Merlin. (5465) THE SECRETARY. Calved May 13, 1839, bred by and the property of the Rev. Daniel Guilt, Icklingham, Suffolk, got by Jack (4084), d. Tuberose (bred by Mr. Chrisp), by Vulcan (5580), Julia, by Freemason (1064), Celia (bred by the Duke of Cleveland). (5466) THE SHERIFF. Red and white, calved May 29, 1839, bred by R. M. Jaques, got by Lord Lieutenant (4261), d. The Abbess (bred by Mr. Claridge), by Dantzic (.3559), by Darius (953), by Ambo (746), by Edmund (1001). (5467) THE SQUIRE. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Barker, Kirby Knowle, near Thirsk. Full brother to Sir Andrew (5141). (5468) THE WANDERING BOY. Calved 1840, got by The Baronet (2745), d. Red Rose, by Bright (1739), by Vaunter (1543), by Blucher (84), by Windsor (698). (5469) THE WHITE BULL. White, got by Tathwell Fa- vourite (5400), d. by Childers (1824), by Monarch (2326), by Hymen (1127). (5470) THE WHITE BULL. White, calved March 25, 1839. bred by and the properly of Mr. Hindmarch, got by Young Ladykirk (4171), d. by Prince of Northumberland (4826), by Young Sea Gull (5100), bred by Mr. Taylor, Presson. (5471) THOMAS. Red and white, calved Dec. 24, 1840, bred by and the property of Messrs. Bell, Kirkleavington, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Margery (bred by Mr. Bates), by Belvedere (1706), by Jack Cade (1132), by Waterloo (2816). (5472) THORNINGTON. Bred by Mr. Hunt, got by Tyll Side (5528), d. by Raby (2473). by Lanton (4184), by Hunt's son of Whitworth (695). (5473) THORNINGTON. Got by Pilot, d. by Leopold, by Yorkshireman (2862), by Miner (441). (5474) THORNINGTON BULL. (5475) THORNTON. Bred by R. Thornton, Stapleton, near Darlington, got by Neasham, d. by Dalesman, by Dunn's son of Pyramus. (5476) THORNTON. Red and white, bred by Mr. Todd, Breckenbrough, the property of F. Robertson, got by Catterick (3303), d. by Miracle 2d (2322). (5477) THORNTON. Roan, calved April 1839, bred by and the property of J. G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Freder- ick (2039), d. Lady Rowena, by Barmpton Grazier (3091), Rosette, by Midas (1230), by Young Favourite (254), by Expectation (247). (5478) THORP (MR. JOLLY'S). (5479) THRIMBY. Red and white, calved May 10, 1837, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of John Rich- ardson, got by Gainford (2044), d. Comedy, by Acomb (2910), &c., as in Cato (3302). (5480) THUNDER. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Cal- decott, got by a son of Menai (229!)), d. by a son of Fair- fax (1023), by Mr. Assheton's Guy. (5481) THUNDER. Red, calved July 25, 1839, by Mr. Orr, Coleraine, the property of James Orr, Leeky, got by Harry Bertram (2095), d. Lady (bred by Mr. Dawson, Ot- ley), by Heathfield's Bull. (5482) TIDMARSH. Red and white, calved Nov. 6, 1838, bred by Mr. Hargreaves, the property of Mr. Ingleby, got by a son of Charles (1815), d. Myrtle, by Stapleton (2698), Patch, by Rob Roy (557), by Midas (435). (5483) TILNE. Roan, calved Jan. 14, 1835, bred by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Silkworm (1432), d. Clemence, by Juniper (1145), Crocus, by Mentor (426), Clement- ina, by Lancaster (360), Virgin, by Ketton (346), by George (274). (5484) TISBITE. Red, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Lovell, got by Bagdad (3075), d. Thetis, by Anthony (1640), by Edgcott (1953), by Audley (3055), by a grandson of Merlin, by a son of Merlin. (5485) TITIAN. Calved 1839, the property of Mr. Fa w- cett, Scaleby Castle, Carlisle, got by Smeatonian (5213), d. by Champion (3319), by Young Phenomenon (492), by Allison's Grey Bull (26). (5486) TITUS. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Plenipo (4724), d. Rosamond, by Jack Tar (11:33), by Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15). (5487) TOGSTON. White, calved 1823, bred by Henry Porritt, Togston, Northumberland, got by Briton (3221) , d. by Briton (3221). (bought of the late Major Colling, Hurworth, near Darlington), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (5488) TOGSTON, from Major Rudd's Stock. (5489) TOLLERTON. Roan, calved March 10, 1839, bred by Rev. Edward Smith, the property of Rev. I. Smith, Aldercar Park, Derbyshire, got by Homer (2134), d. Old Lilac, by Wilkinson's Young Lancaster, Roan Sweet- brier, by Young York (1592), by Sultan. (5490) TOM. White, with roan and red spots, calved April 1, 1838, bred by R. Jobson, the property of Mr. Smith, Burton, near Belford, got by Sultan Selim (2710), d. Virginia, by Bachelor (1666), Virgin, by Memnon (1218), &c., as in Robertson (2538). (5491) TOM. Roan, calved March, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, got by The Earl (5437), d. Cowslip, by Wallace (5586), by Tom Gwynne (5498), by Marmioii (406), bred by Mr. Mat- thews, Durham. (5492) TOM. Roan, calved May, 1840, bred by Mr. Har- greaves, got by Charleville (3353), d. Ruth, by Taurus (2740), by a Bull of W. Dale's, by Button's Bull (323). (5493) TOMBOY. Red and white, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Ambo (1636), d. Young Anna (bred by R. Booth), by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Rivers (10716). TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 127 (54'.)4) TOMBOY. Red, calved 188!), bred by and the property of 1). Bird, Catterton Hall, got by Guinford U'041), d. by Ulivus (4608). (5495) TOMBOY. calved 1839 or 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Blake, Ireland, got by Selim, d. Maria (bred by Mr. Rose), by Matchem (2281), by Favourite (1028), bought in the North. (549(5) TOMBOY. Roan, Calved June 5, 1840, bred by and the property of Baker Greenwell, Barmpton, got by Trafalgar (5510), d. Red Rose, by Miracle (4484), by Matchem 3d (44x50), by Waterloo (2816), by Borodino (3192), by Blucher (1725). (5497) TOMBOY. Calved 1840, bred by and the prop- erty of T. Lambert, Elrington Hall, got by Prince Albert (4778), d. Red Rose, by a son of Cumberland (176), by Memnon (4451), by Wellington (2824). (5498) TOM GWYNNE. Bred by Mr. Troutbeck, got by Blamire's Bull (3161), d. Nell Gwyiine, by Laytou (366), Ac., us iu Dulverton (3659). (5499) TOM JONES. Roan, calved May 1, 1838, bred by Mr. Radcliffe, the property of Mr. Child, got by Plato (2433), d. by Regent (2518), by Barrister (776), by Snow- drop (614), by White Comet (1582), by Cattley's Grey Bull (1798). (5500) TOM PAINE. Got by Magnum Bonum (2243). (5501) TOM PAINE. Roan, calved June, 1836, got by Magnum Bonum, d. by Primus, Laurustina, by Comet, &c. Slaughtered 1840. (5502) TOMMY. Red,calved 1840, bred by and the prop- erty of the Marquis of Exeter, got by Pyramus (4853), d. Nanny, by Woodville (2856), Anne, by a son of Aid-de- Camp(722), &c., as in Arthur (3039). (5503) 2D TONEHAM. (5504) TONIO. Got by Antonio (3018), d. by Charley (130), by Western Comet (689). (5505) TOP NOT. Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1840, bred by and the property of Earl Brownlow, got by Thorp (2757), d. Lively (bred by Mr. Topham), by Sampson (5075), Duchess, by Eclipse (1949), by Young Major (2254), by a son of George, Duchess, by Captain (108). (5506) TORY (10968). (5507) TORY. Got by Edmund (1954),d.Faithful,by Ost- ler's Attraction, Fortunate, by Young Favourite (254), Diana, bred by R. Colling. (5508) TOUCHSTONE. Roan, calved Jan. 25, 1837, bred by Sir Charles Tempest, the property of Mr. Fox, Bram- hain Park, got by Brutus (1752), d. Bell, by Bertram (1716), &c., as in Midsummer (14951). (5509) TRAFALGAR. Red and white,calved Oct. 31,183-, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Brown. Full brother to Gohanna (3907). (5510) TRAFALGAR. Red, calved Feb. 10, 1837, bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston, the property of Baker Green- well, got by Belvedere (1706), d. Helena, by Waterloo (2816) &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (5511) TRAMP. Red, calved 1840, bred by and the prop- erty of Mr. Rowe, Tolesby Hall, got by Pedestrian (4670), d. Adelaide, by Commander (3439), &c., as in Ambulator (3012). (5512) TRANSPORT. Red and white,calved Feb. 14,1838, bred by Mr. Botterill, sold to G. Robinson for to go abroad, got by Woldsman (2851), d. Martinmas Maid, by East- thorpe (1947), Variety, by Malbro' (1189), by Baron (59), by Bracken (91), by Ketton (346). (5513) TREASURER. Got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Trin- ket (bred by Sir H. C. Ibbetson), by Meteor (432), Prin- cess, by Western Comet (689), &c., as in Regent (1365). (5514) TREASURER. Roan, calved Dec. 17, 1838, bred by Mr. Paley, the property o f John Proctor, Close House, got by Mendoza (4456), d. Lady-day, by Reformer (2512), Miss Foote, by Pilot (496), &c., as in Cossack (1880). (5515) TRIPTOLEMUS. Roan, calved Nov. 20, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Ellison, Sizersh, got by West- moreland (5633), d. Cowslip (bred by Mr. Buston), by William (2839), &c., as in Dan Lambert (3556). (5516) TRISTRAM SHANDY. Roan, calved Oct. 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Pears, Plumpton Hall, got by Belvedere 4th (3129), d. Ino, by Mr. Denton's Priam (4758), bred by Mr. Denton, late of Harraby. (5517) TRIUMPH. (5518) TRIUMPH. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Lord Feversham, the property of John Rowland, got by Symmetry (5385), d. Young Nancy, by Emperor (1013), &c., as in Conservative (3471). (551!)) TKI IM:. Got by Triune (1531). (55:20) TRIUNE (Mi$. CAKTWIUGIIT'S). Got by Mr. Sla- ter's Triune, d. Mr. Grant's Laura, by Major (397). (5521) TROILUS, see Pam (4643). (5522) TRUE BLUE. Roan, calved Sept. 1833, bred by Lord Feversham, the property of Messrs. Torr and Dud- ding, Lincolnshire, got by Wallace (5587), d. Young Nancy, by Emperor (1013), &c., as in Conservative (3471). (5523) TRUEMAN. Roan, calved No.v. 18, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Hunter, East Park, Brancepeth, Durham, got by Barforth (3085), d. Thomasin, by Em- peror (1974), by a son of Albion (17), (bred by Mr. Nees- ham, Houghtou-le-Spring), by Henry (301), by George (273). (5524) TUDOC. Got by Reformer, d. by Red Star, by Chance (1806), by Shipperley. (5525) TURNER. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Tur- ner, Castle Howard, the property of Mr. Thompson, Sheritf Hutton Park, got by Grazier (1085), d. by Navi- fator (1260), by Kirkham (4162), by Percy (1312), trawberry, by R. Ceiling's Grey Bull. (5526) TWIN. Roan, calved 1836, bred by F. lies, sold to Mr. Loft, got by Brilliant (3215), d. Dairymaid, by Lace- by Major (4169), by Young St. John (5057), by the Grey Bull, by R. Ceiling's White Bull, by Cupid (177). (5527) TWIN BROTHER. Roan, calved 1840, bred by W. Cooper, the property of Mr. Parker, got by Western (5632), d. Old Lady, by Young Don Juan (3610), &c., as in Navigator (4542). (5528) TYLLSlDE. (5529) TYNEDALE. Roan, calved Nov. 18, 1838, got by Bachelor (1666), d. by Marlish (4375), by Eclipse, by Sir Harry Liddeil (5157). (5530) UMPIRE (2783). Calved 1824, bred by Mr. Elli- son, Sizergh, got by Lionel (1171), d. Minerva, by Lionel (1171), by Favourite (256), by a son of Elvira, by Phe- nomenon (491). (5531) UMPIRE. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Lakin, the property of Rev. Scott, Downside, Somerset- shire, got by Powyke (4743), d. (bred by Mr. Lilly), by , by a son of Emperor (1014). (5532) UNION. (5533) UNLUCKY. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Beau- mont, the property of Mr. Clover, got by Paul Pry (4666), d. Minna, by Ion (4078), &c., as in Attila (5764). (5534) UPTAKER (2784). Bred by Mr. Shaftoe, got by Miracle (2320), d. by Richard (1376), by Fitz Remus (2025), by Cato (119), by Whitworth (695). (5535) UPTON. Roan, calved 1837, bred by Capt. Bar- clay, the property of W. Webster, Upton, near Liverpool, fot by Emperor (3716), d. Princess, by Invalid (4076), [elena, by Champion (865), by Magnet (392), by Palm- nower (480). (5536) URY. Roan, calved March 25, 1838, bred by Capt. Barclay, the property of Mr. Pollock, Mountains- town, Ireland, got by Emperor (3716), d. Phantasie, by Champion (865), Marcia, by Mars (411), by Juniper (341), by Alfred (23). (5537) UTTERBY. White, calved Jan. 10, 1838, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Foster, got by Ranuncu- lus (2479), d. by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (483). (5538) VALENS. Calved Jan. 24, 1840, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr.White, Haywood Oaks, got by Amadis (3006), d. Valentine, by Juniper (1145), Q,ueen, by Ketton (346), Young Stella, by Charles (127), Stella (bred by Col. Trotter), by Colling's son of Favour- ite (252), by a son of Favourite (252). (5539) VALENTINE. White, calved Feb. 14, 1837, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Jamie (2155), d. Tulip, by Mi- nor (2317), by Duke of Wellington (231), by Alexander (21). (5540) VALENTINE. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of W. Cooper, got by Plato (2433), d. W T hite Rose, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Moss Rose, by Romulus (1403), &c., as in Comet (3438). (5541) VALENTINE. Roan, calved Feb. 9, 1840, bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawith, the property of Mr. Mauleverer, Arnditr Hall. Full brother to Prince Albert (4784). (5542) VAMPIRE. Red, calved Dec. 22, 1838, bred by Mr. HouldBWOrth, Farnsliuld, the property of Mr. 128 LIST OF EHGLISH BULLS Doughty, got by Coltness (3430), d. Verbina, by Kinaldo (4949), Wharfdale Lady, by 3d Hubback (1423), White- face, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Adrian (720), (5543) VAN AMBUKG. White, calved Sept. 30, 1836, bred by T. Bates, the property of Mr. Barrett, Stratton Park, and H. Beauford, Bletsoe, near Bedford, got by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945), d. Short Horns 1st, by Saladin (1417), &c., as in Omega (4615). (5544) VANDYKE. (5545) VANGUARD. Roan, calved Feb. 22, 1837, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Adeane, got by Ro- man (2561), d. by Firby (1040), by Corinthian (920), by Ivanhoe (1131), by Regent (544), by Comet (155). (5546) VANISH. Roan, calved Feb. 1835, bred by Mr. Houldsworth, Farnsfield, the property of Mr. Booth, Kelston, got by David (3569), d. Wharfdale Lady (bred by Mr.Whitaker), by 2d Hubback (1423), Whiteface, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Adrian (720). (5547) VAN SPEYK. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, got by Ryno (5044), d. Spae- wife, by Count Comet (3509), Saxby (bred by J. W. Dud- ding), by Sheridan (2616), by Ivanhoe (1131), by Re- form (1361), by Cossack (925). (5548) VANTOL. Red, calved Oct. 9, 1840, bred by J. Forrest, the property of Mr. Burgess, got by Major, d. Innocence, by Vantol (2794), Louisa, by Mercury (2301), Grazier Cow, by Grazier (1085), Lavinia, by Charles (127), Latona, by Cornet (155), Lily, by a son of Fa- vourite (252). (5549) VAUX. Roan, calved Nov. 1840, bred by and the property of D. Bird, Catterton Hall, got by Belve- dere 4th (3129), d. Monitor, by Petteril (4685), Snow- drop, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Monarch (2328). (5550) VAUXHALL. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of James Dresser, got by Plato (2433), d. Pomona, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Mulberry, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Rival (2535). (5551) VELOCIPEDE (MR. SCROOPE'S). Roan, calved 1828, got by Jerry, d. Nell, by Anthony Cundall's Bull, Miss Booth, by Young Albion (15), Miss Denton, by Denton (198), Crooked Horn, by Nailer, Caroline, by Danby (190), Mrs.Scroope,by Lax (4195), Mr.Scroope's Old Red Cow. (5552) VELOCIPEDE. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Maynard, got by Young Matchem (4425), d. Portia, by Cato (119), &c., as in Childers (1824). (5553) VELOCIPEDE. Roan, calved 1838, bred by and the property of Baker Greenwell, got by Belvedere 2d, d. Lady, by Borodino (3192), by Alfred (23), by Major (397), by Windsor (698), by a son of Favourite (252). (5554) VELVET. Calved 1838, bred by Jos. Burtt, got by Welbourn (5617), d. by Young Crispin (3520), by a Bull of Mr. Wilkinson's, Lenton. (5555) VENDOR. Roan, calved March 31, 1837, bred by Mr. Parkinson, got by Archduke (3026), d. Venus, by a grandson of Marquis (1197), bred by Mr. Werge, Hex- greave Park. (5556) VERITY. Roan, calved Jan. 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Laxton, got by Sir Jocelyn (5162), d. Minx, by Lefevre (2195), Medea, by North Star (460), Maria (bred by Mr. Lax), by Lincoln (376), by Barmp- ton (54), by Lawnsleeves (365), by a son of Favourite (252). (5557) VERMILLION (MR. PYM'S). Bred (supposed) by Mr. Pym, got by Velocipede (5552), d. Cypress (bred by Mr. Maynard), by Young Matchem (4425), White Rose, by Francisco (2032), by Leopold (372), by Major (397), by an own brother to R. Ceiling's White Heifer, de- scended from the Stock of Sir James Pennyman. (5558) VESPASIAN. Red and white, calved June 29, 1839, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, the property of Jas. Hes- lop, Urpeth, Durham, got by Lumley (2232), d. Vexation, by Harlsey (2091), Fancy, by Trotter (2776), by Stain- ton (2695). (5559) VESUVIUS. Dark roan, calved Dec. 1839, bred by Duke of Leeds, the property of Mr. Wyvill, got by Roland (2556), d. Vinea, by Frederick (1060), Varna, by Sweet William (1493), Valentine, by Points (511), by George (274), by Badsworth (47), by Badsworth (47). (5560) VICE PRESIDENT. Roan, calved Oct. 18, 1839, bred by Rev. Jos. D. Jefferson, or Mr. Claridge, the prop- erty of R. Robinson, Thorpe, got by President (4751), d. Rarity, by Lisbon (1172), &c., as in Arthur (3042). (5561) VICE ROY. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Earl of Carlisle, the property of Capt. Davies, got by Rocking- ham (2550). d. Venus, by Shylock (2622), Valentine, by Sir Anthony (1435), bred by Mr. Mason, Chilton. (5562) VICTOR. Bred by G. P. Harrison, got by Vic- tory (5565), d. by Pyramid (4852), by a grandson of Cupid (177), by a son of Cupid (177), by Cupid (177). (5563) VICTOR. White, calved March 8, 1838, bred by Sir C. Tempest, got by Berryman (3143), d. Vanity, by Sir Walter (2638), Verbina, by a son of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by the late Mr. Robertson, Lady- kirk. (5564) VICTOR. Calved 1838, bred by Mr. Hall, Kive- ton Park, the property of Mr. Ramsden, Carlton, near Worksop, got by Chieftain (3370), d. Venus, by Young Eryholme, Countess, by W T onderful (700), Carnation, by Apollo (36), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Butterfly (104), by Stiworrow (636). (5565) VICTORY. Calved 1832, bred by Geo. P. Harri- son, got by Waterloo (2816), d. by Pyramid (4852), by Harry Lorrequer (3985), by Blucher (84), by Magnum Bonum (4322), by Buston's Styford (103), by a son of Wetherell's Bull (690). (5566) VICTORY. Got by King William (4158), d. by Young Rockingham (2547), by son of Pilot (2681), by Jerry (4097), by Young Albion (15), by Comet (155). (5567) VINCENT (11008). (5568) VIRGIL. Calved 1839, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Knightley, got by Marcellus (2260), d. Pearl, by Rufus (2576), &c., as in Athelstane (3049). (5569) VISCOUNT (R. THOMAS'). Got by Young Wyn- yard (2859), d. by Garrick, a son of Favourite (252). (5570) VISCOUNT. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Crof- ton, Holywell, the property of Mr. Hill, Sydney, New South Wales, got by Emperor (1947), d. Countess, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (5571) VISCOUNT. Red, calved 1836, bred by Jos. Burtt, got by Welbourn (5617), d. Coddington Venus, by Young Crispin (3520), by a Bull of Mr. Wilkinson's, Lenton. (5572) VISCOUNT. Red, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Cat- tley, the property of Mr. Hopper, got by Marcus (2262), d. Clio, by Bedford Jr. (1701), &c., as in Planet (4719). (5573) VISCOUNT. Roan, calved May, 1839, got by The Peer (5455), d. by Bachelor (1666), by Snowball (2647), by St. Albans (2584), by Lawnsleeves. (5574) VITRUVIUS. Roan, calved Nov. 28, 1840, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Kemp, got by Sweetwilliam (5368), d. Ornament, by Roman (2561), Welcome, by Firby (1040), &c., as in Orator (2390). (5575) VIVIAN. Light roan, calved Sept. 25, 1837, bred by and the property of R. Emmerson, got by Belvedere 2d (3126), d. Victoria, by Sir Robert (5176), by Croft (1888), by Young Surprise (5361), by Grey Bull (872), by Paddock Bull (477). (5576) VOLTAIRE. Roan, calved Oct. 1828, bred by Mr. Booth, got by Jerry (4097), d. Bessy Bedlam, by Gov- ernor (1077), Duchess, by Pilot (496), Duchess, by Blu- cher (82). (5577) VOLTAIRE. Light roan, calved 1838, the prop- erty of G. L. Ridley, got by Fiddler, d. by Young Matchem (2282), by North Star (1284), by Albion (14), byEasby (232), by a son of Suworrow (636), or by Suworrow (636). (5578) VOLUNTEER, White and light roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., the property of Messrs. Mussons, got by Memnon (2297), d. Volage, by Frederick (2038), Yellow Rose, by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Don (3600). (5579) VORTIGERN. W T hite, calved 1837 or 1838, bred by J. G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Sergeant Major (2611), d. Moss Rose, by Governor (2069), by Diamond (209), by George, by Surprise (2716), by Major (397). (5580) VULCAN. Roan, calved April 17, 1836, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Freeman (1064), d. Lovely (bred by Lord Huntingfield), by Northumberland (1286), Rosebell, by Barmpton (54), out of an own sister to Apollo. (5581) YOUNG VULCAN. Roan, calved April 13, 1838, bred by Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, the property of Mr. Badkin, Sydney, New South Wales, got by Vulcan (5580), d. Lady (bred by Lord Huntingfield), by Freemason (1064), Lord Huntingfield's Lady. (5582) VULCAN. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of W. Cooper, got by Valentine (5540), d. Red Lady, by Noble (4577), Old Lady, by Young Don Juan (3610), &c., as in Navigator (4542). TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 129 v; WALBURN. Cllved 1831, got by Young Colling 1. Lingcropper, by Remus (550), &c., as hi Arthur :.V,s|i WALCOURT. Red and white, calved June 21, 1887, got by Clifton (3411), d.Wildair, by Sheridan (2616), by ivanhoe (1131), by Cri-pin. (5585) WALDY'S ROAN BULL, alias THICK HOCK (6601). Bred by Mr. Waldy, Barmpton, near Darlington, got by Matchem 4th (4421), d. Rosebud (bred by T. Robinson, Marsh House), by Young Eryhome (1981), by Wonder- ful (700), by Merlin (459), by Alfred (23), by Cupid (177), by Suworrow (636). (5586) WALLACE. Got by Olivas (4608), d. Sly, by Magician (1184), Jane, by Hill (309), Bridget, by Mar- quis, Jessamy, by Chilton (136), Old Grace, by Remus (549), by Petrarch (488), by Traveller (655). (5587) WALLACE. Roan, calved 1829, bred by Lord Feversham, got Emperor (1013), d. Gloucester, by Em- peror (1013), &c., as in Parmesan (4652). (5588) WALLACE. Red roan, bred by Messrs. Angus, Broomley, got by Reformer (2502), d. Cherry, by Short- legs (5124), Old Cherry, by Hector (2103), by Sir Harry <.-,'!. ->:, by Surly (1489). (5589) WALLIS' RED BULL. (5590) WALLis 1 ROAN BULL. (5591) WALTER. (5592) WALTER. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawith, the property of Mr. Dixon, got by Sir Walter (2639), d. Diamond, by Liston (2210), &c., as in Granite (7047). (5593) WALTON. Got by Young Barmpton (55), d. Dairy, by Irishman (329), by Styford (629), by Favour- ite (252). (5594) WALTON. White, calved Jan. 28, 1840, bred by anil the property of Mr. Greenall, Walton Hall, got by Pactolus (4638), d. Jane, by Rob Roy. (5595) WARDEN. Red, calved Feb. 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Beasley, Chapel Brampton, got by Javelin (4093), d. Wilhelmiua, by Northern Light (1280), &<.., as in Warder (5597). (5596) WARDER. Roan, calved Nov. 1837, bred by T. Chrisp, the property of Mr. Wilson, Camledge, Berwick- shire, got by Borderer (3191), d. Adelaide, by George (2057), &c., as in Hotspur (4050). (5597) WARDER. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Beasley, Chapel Brampton, got by Jave- lin (4093), d. Winsome, by Maclvor (2237), Wilhelmina, by Northern Light (1280), by Blyth (797), by Midas (435), by Windsor (698), by a son of Favourite (252). (5598) YOUNG WARLABY. Roan, bred by W. Cooper, got by Warlaby (672), d. Young Cherry, by Snowball (2648), Old Cherry, by Layton (2190). (5599) WAHLOCK. Roan, calved Oct. 6, 1&36, bred by Earl Spencer, sold into Australia, got by Firby (1040). d. Eloquence, by Mercury (2301), No. 52, by Falstaif (1993), by Dr. Syntax (220), by Farmer (251). (5600) WARRIOR. Roan, calved 1837, bred by B. Green- well, the property of Mr. Harland, Stob House, near Durham, got by a son of Eryholme (1018), d. Strawberry, by Borodino (3192), by Waterloo (2816). (5601) WARRIOR. Red and white, calved March 20, 18:38, bred by and the property of Mr. Bainbridgc, got by Young Harlsey(3976), d. Fatima 2d, by Sir Francis (2625), , d. Ruby (bred by <:. Colling), by Yarborough u<)5i. by Comet (1ST;), Eli/a, by a grandson of Favourite (252). (5608) WATERLOO. Got by Windsor (698). (5609) WATERLOO. Red and white, calved Aug. 25, 1839, bred by Mr. Lanchester, the property of J. Emnier- son, got by yEolus (2938), d. by Belvedere 2d (3126), by Eryholme (1018), by Eclipse (236), by Grey Bull (872), by Paddock Bull (477), by Red Bull (97). (5610) WATERLOO 2D. Red and white, calved Dec. 10, 1836, bred by J. Stephenson, the property of J. Hett, got by Bellerophon (3119), d. Cherry, by Waterloo (2816), by a son of J. Brown's White Bull, of Aldbrough, by a grandson of Punch. (5611) WATERLOO 2o. Red, calved May, 1840, bred by Messrs. Dodds, the property of Mr. Frizzle, got by Bel- lerophon (3119), d. Rosebud, by Blucher '(1725), by Young Wynyard (2859), by a son of Simon (590), by Styford (629). (5812) WATLASS. Bred by Sir E. Dodsworth, got by a Bull of Mr. Claridge's. (5613) WAVERLEY. Red, calved 1836, bred by and the property of Mr. Booth, Cotham, got by Cetlric (3311), d. Nonpareil,by Ranby (4865), by Crispin (174), by Meteor (431), by Meteor (431). (5614) WAXWORK. Roan, calved 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Robson, Cadeby, got by Farnsfield (3767), d. YVaxyhorn, by Prince Comet (1342), by Count (170), by Prince of Waterloo (528). (5615) WAXY. Roan, calved May 6, 1840, bred by and the property of Henry T. Peacock, got by Cadet (1770), d. Young Jessamine, by Tarquin (2734), Jessamine, by Roderic (2554), Lily, by Governor (1077), by Studley Grange (1483), Delia, by Governor (1077), Roany, by a son of Wellington (680). (5616) WEARDALE. Red, calved Nov. 26, 1838, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, the property of Walton and Em- merson, Weardale, got by Melmoth (2291), d. Eleanora, by Eclipse (1974), Elvira, by Duke (1933), Ac., as in Al- exander (1627). (5617) WELBOURN. Red, calved 1827, bred by Joseph Burtt, got by Scarlet (5094), d. by a son of Nimrod, Myrtle, by Grandson of Waddingworth (3924), Old Cherry, by Bonner's Bull. (5618) WELHAM. Got by Vachamour (2785), d. Car- mine, by Navigator (1260), Carnation, by Eddlethorpe (289), Camilla, by Marshal Beresford (415), Cora, by Favourite (252), &c., as in Conspirator (917). (5619) WELLINGTON. Bred by Mr. Dudding, got by Northern Light (457), d. by Waddingworth (668). (5620) WELLINGTON. Roan, calved Feb. 1827, bred by Thomas Robinson, Marsh House, near Stockton, got by Wonderful (700), or Charles 2d (879), d. Fanny, by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Cupid (177), by Suworrow (636). (5621) WELLINGTON. Got by Rockingham. (5622) WELLINGTON. Got by Wonderful (700), d. by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Butterfly (104), by Su- worrow (636). (5623) WELLINGTON. Red and white, calved 1834, bred (supposed) by Mr. Topham. got by Young Rockingham (2549), d. Dairymaid, by Toneham (2767), by Monarch. (5624) WELLINGTON. White, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Hett, got by William, d. Ruby, (bred by Mr. Scott), by Rough Robin (1404), &c., as in Romulus (5000). (5625) WELLINGTON. Roan, calved April 8, 1837, bred by Mr. Robson, Holt by, got by William (5li(il), d. by Fleatham (2028), by Admiral (5), by Young Albion (15), by Apollo (36), by a son of Twin Brother to Ben (lilim. (5626) WELLINGTON. Roan, calved 1838,bred by Baker Green well, sold to go to Ireland, got by Belvedere 2d, d. Matilda, by Magnum Honum (2243), by Rob Roy (557), by Grey Bull. ' (5627) WELLINGTON. White, calved Nov.27, 1839, bred by James G. Carter, Liverpool, the property of Mr. ifidgway, irot by .Merrymaii. d. Malibran, by Mau'got (2288), &C., as in Berry (3142). (5628) WELLINGTON. Red and white, calved March 26, 1840, bred l>v W. Raine. the property of Earl Brown- low, srot by The Colonel (512S-, d. Young Deiiton, by Young Rockingham (2547), Ac., as in Ha/ard (2097'). 130 LIST OP ENGLISH BULLS (5629) WELLINGTON. Red, calved May 9, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Kenwood (2114), d. Fig, by Premier (2448), Fatima, by Grazier (1085), by Reform (1361), Old Cora. (5630) WELLINGTON. Red roan, calved Oct. 4, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Greenall, Walton Hall, got by Major, d. Dora, by Martin, by Emperor, by Wellington, by Midas (435), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (5631) WENTWORTH. Light roan, calved April 28, 1838, bred by Mr. Booth, Warlaby, got by Rockingham (2551), d. by Julius Ctesar (1143), by Edwin Hurst's Bull, bought of T. Wetherell, Oxneyfield, near Darlington. (5632) WESTERN. (5633) WESTMORELAND. Roan, calved March 13, 1837, bred by and the property Mr. Ellison, Sizergh. Full brother to Bianco (3148). (5634) WESTMORELAND. White and red, calved March 20, 1840, bred by Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mr. Darley, Hutton Lodge, near Malton, got by St. Helena (5055). d. Rosebud, by Gainford (2044), Belinda (bred by R. Booth), by Ambo (1636), Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Bull, of Burden, near Dar- lington. (5635) WESTON. Red and white, calved May 27, 1832, bred by Mr. Wood, Kimblesworth. sold to Sir G. Philips, got by Magog (2247), d. by Leopold (2200), by a son of Charles (127), by Old Leopold, by Hector. (5636) WETHERELL' s OLD RED BULL, late of HOLME HOUSE. (5637) W T HAINFLEET. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Cartwright, the property of Mr. Seels, got by Young Frederick (3836), d. Nonpariel 3d, by Commodore (1858), Nonpareil 1st, by Tathwell Studley, Twine Tail, by Blyth Comet (85), a Turn ell Cow, a Turnell Cow. (5638) WHIG. Red, calved Sept. 10, 1839. bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Jargo- nelle, by Majestic (2249), Jasmine, by Edmund (1954), by Comus (1862), the Roan Cow, bought in the North. (5639) WHISKER. Red roan, calved Oct. 1834, bred by Mr. Williams, Mass., U. S. A., the property of Mr. Bart- lett, East Windsor, Conn., got by Patriot (2412), d. Mi- randa 2d, by Frederick (2038), &c., as in Superior (5360). (5640) W T HITAKER. Red and white spotted, calved Nov. 18, 1834, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by Rebel (4882), d. Narcissa, by Fairfax (1023). Insect, by Woodford (5684), Curious, by Star (2699), Countess, bred by Mr. Newbold, Babington, Warwickshire. (5641) WHITE BOWMONT. White, calved April, 1837, got by Borderer (3191), d. by Reformer (2502), by Sna- don (1462), by Northern Light (1280), Hunt's Countess, by Yorkshireman (-2862), by Wellington (678), by May- nard's Eryholme, by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (5642) WHITE BULL. Got by Comet (155). (5643) WHITE BULL. Bred by R. Walker, Ferrygate, Haddington, got by Young Ladykirk (4170), d. an own sis- ter to Rennie's Romulus Cow, by Romulus (1402). Lady Ann, by St. Leger (1414), Empress, by Comus (1861), by Midas (435), by Phenomenon (491), &c. (5644) WHITE BULL. Calved 1828, bred by Rev. H. Berry, got by Wharfdale (1578), d. Miss Beauchamp, by Sir Stephen (1456), &c., as in Benedict (786). (5645) WHITE BULL (J. T. BARTHOLOMEW'S). Got by Tathwell Favourite (5400), d. by Favourite (3768). (5646) WHITE COMET. White, calved 1837. bred by Mr. Williams, U. S. A., got by Whisker (5639), d. Yellow Rose, by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Don (3600). (5647) WHITE JACKET. Bred in the U. S. A., got by Young Regent, d. Horsel (bred by S. Scotson, Toxteth Park, Liverpool), by Regent, Flora, by George, a son of Phenomenon. (5648) WHITE LEGS. Red and white, calved Feb. 7, 1840, bred by Mr. Orr, Coleraine, the property of Capt. Moore, got by Shamrock (5110), d. Remnant (bred by Mr. Errington), by Remus, White, by His Honour (2126), by North Star (459). (5649) WHITELOCK. White, calved June 22, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Horsley, Scackleton. near Malton, got by Snowball (2651), d. Stately, by Luck's-all (2230), by Romulus (1403), by Baronet (775), by Free- man (1062). (5650) WHITE MAGNUM. Bred by John Wetherell, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Stamford (1476), by Wellington (683), by Denton (19$), by Wellington (678), by Danby (190). (5651) WHITE ROSE. White, calved Jan. 1840, bred by John Carter, Higher Bebington, Cheshire, got by Upton (5535), d. by Magnum Bonum (2243). (5652) WHITE WALTON. Bred by Mr. Calvert, Sandy- sike, got by Walton (5593), d. by a son of St. John (572), by Favourite (252). (5653) WHITFIELD. Roan, calved July 2, 1838, bred by and the property of Mr.Ord, Whitfield Hall, got by New- ton (2367), d. by Raby (2474), by Chilton. (5654) WHITFORD. Roan, calved March 14, 1839, bred by Sir E. Mostyn, got by Kenwood (2114). d. White Rose (bred by Mr. Topham), by Toneham (2767), Laura, by Cossack, Laura, by Patriot (486), &c. (5655) WHITTINGTON. (5656) WIDDRINGTON. Yellow roan, bought from the County of Durham, about the year 1815, by Mr. Arnett, Widdrington, Northumberland. (5657) WILFRED. Dark roan, calved Aug. 17, 1840, bred by and the property of Henry T. Peacock, got by Valentine, d. Burletta, by Tarquin (2734), Red Rose, by Governor (1077), Roany, the Premium Cow, by a son of Wellington (680), bought at Yarm Fair. (5658) MRS. WILKINSON'S RED BULL (2838). (5659) WILL. Roan, calved Aug. 18, 1837, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of Mr. Cottrell, got by Maggot (2238), d. Model, by A-la-Mode (725), &c., as in George (3880). (5660) WILL HONEYCOMB, alias EMPEROR (3718). (5661) WILLIAM, alias SECOND COMET (5101). Calved April 9, 1833, bred by Mr. Robson, Holtby, sold to Mr. Fox, Foxhall, Ireland. Same pedigree as (5101). (5662) WILLIAM. Roan, calved Feb. 26, 1840, bred by and the property of Hon. J. Simpson, got by William (2840), d. Emmeline, by Plenipo (4725) , Emma, by Juni- per (1145), by Hollyhock (1115), by Lancaster (360), by Eclipse (234), by Neswick (1266). (5663) WILLIAM 4TH. Bred by Col. Cradock, the pro- perty of Mr. Lax, Ravensworth, got by Thorp (2757), d. Col. Cradock's large Red Cow, by Rob Roy (537). (5664) WILL-O'-THE-WISP. White, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawith, the property of Wm. Masterman, got by Slashing Harry (5209), d. Diamond, by Liston (2210), &c., as in Granite (7047). (5665) WILLOUGHBY. Red and white, calved Dec. 30, 1824, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by Woodford (5684), d. Bounty, by Pumpkin (4847), Trinket, bought of Mr. Lythall. (5666) WIMPOLE. Roan, calved June, 1825, bred by the late Earl of Hardwicke, got by Jupiter (4135), d. Lily, by a son of Alexander (1624), Old Lily, by Alexander (1624). (5667) WINDLE, 185. (5668) WINDLE. Red, calved May 16, 1836, bred by Rev. H. Berry. Full brother to Oughtred (4634). WINSTON (1587). Got by Sweepstakes (637), d. by Scargill (5093), by a son of Bolingbroke, by Boling- broke (86). (5670) WITHAM'S WHITE BULL. Got by , d. by Fa- vourite. (5671) W T ITHER'S BULL. Got by Alexander (1624), d. by Favourite, by a son of Favourite (252). (5672) WITTON CASTLE. Roan, calved Dec. 29, 1840, bred by and the property of T. Bates, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Wild Eyes 3d, by Belvedere (1706), Wild Eyes 1st, by Emperor (1975), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). Castrated. (5673) WIZARD. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Gilbert Wood, the property of Mr. Liddle, got by Monitor (2331), d. Peeress, by Agricola (1614), Premium, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Cicero (3385). (5674) WIZARD. Roan, calved 1838, bred by and the property of Mr. Robson, Cadeby, got by Eastthorpe (1947), d. Waxy Horn, by Prince Comet (1342), by Count (170), by Prince of Waterloo (528). (5675) WIZARD. Roan, calved Dec. 3, 1839, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Lord Northwick, got by Bagdad (3075), d. Witch, by Magnet Jr. (2242), by a grandson of Merlin, by a son of Merlin. TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES T R A C E. 131 (5676) WOBURN. Bred by Mrs. Wilkinson, got by Young Colling (1843), d. Lingcropper, by Young Remus (2523), Pink, by Sedbury (1423), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (5677) WONDER (2853). Got by Wellington (678), d. by Simon (590), by Danby (190). (5678) WONDER. Roan, calved 1837, bred by and the property of Mr. Sonley, Lund Court, near Kirby Moor- side, got by Wallace (5587), d. Wildair, by Wallace (5589), by Emperor (1013), by a son of Candour (107). (5679) WONDER. White, calved Nov. 15, 1839, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Marmion (4379), d. Dowager, by Belshazzar (1704), &c., as in Dorset (5930). (5680) WONDERFUL. Roan, calved 1833, bred by Wm. Ohilton, got by a grandson of Barmpton (1677), d. by Waterloo (2816), by SirLeoline (603) , by Saltholme Old Red Bull. (5681) WOOCHESTER, or WooDCHESTER. Bred by and the property of Mr. Bowly, Siddington, got by Helicon (2107), d. Young Venus, by Isaac (1129), Venus, by Tri- umph (1530), Vixen, by Cecil (120), by Rubicon. (5682) WOODCOCK. White, calved March 12, 1840, bred by Sir E. Mostyn, got by His Grace (4036), d. White Rose (bred by Mr. Topham), by Toneham (2767), Laura, by Cossack, Old Laura, by Patriot (486), &c. (5683) WOODEND. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Hincks, Breckenbrough, got by Kellington (4147), d. Audrey, by Argus (759), by Admiral (5), by Roland (563), by Cecil (120). Slaughtered. (5684) WOODFORD. Roan, calved March 8, 1819, bred by W. Bagshaw, got by Merlin (2302), d. Gaudy (bred by Mr. Dormer), by Minor (441), bought of Mr. Armby, Little Hutton, near Darlington. (5685) WOODLANDER. Roan, calved 1833 or 1834, bred by W. Bartholomew, Goltho, got by Blyth Eclipse (1728), d. Cossack, by Cossack (168), by Blyth Comet (85), by Patriot (486), by a son of Wadding worth (668). (5686) WOODMAN. White, calved Dec. 4, 1837, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Tottenham, Ireland, got by Berryman (3143), d. Woodnymph, by Sir Walter (2639), &c., as in Fitz William (3811). (5687) WOODMAN. Roan, calved March 16, 1839, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of the Marquis ot Westminster. Full brother to Simon (5137). (5688) WOOLSINGTON, Got by Bashaw (1691), d. by Ac- ton (1607), by Twin Brother to Ben. (5689) WRY NOSE. Calved Aug. 3, 1833, got by Cupid (3532), d. by Cassias (851), by Regent (4925), by Remus, by Red Twin (4912), Old Cherry, by a son of Marfleet's Red Bull (1192). (5690) YOUNG WYNFORD. Calved 1837, bred by Mr. Iveson, got by Ruby (2575), d. by Rolla (2557), by Mac Gregor (2236), Helen, by Hatfleld (3989). (5691) WYNYARD. White, calved Jan. 31, 1838, bred by the Marquis of Londonderry, got by Young Rutland (5042), d. by Musgrove's Roan Bull, by Sir Leoline (603). (5692) WYVILLE. Roan, calved 1834. bred by the Mar- quis of Exeter, got by Woodville (2850), d. Daffy, by Aid- de-Camp (722), Daphne (bred by Mr. Grant), by Major (397), Advance, by Major (397). (5693) XENOPHON. Bred by Mr. Waistell. (5694) YELLO\V BOY. Yellow red, calved 1837, bred by A. L. Maynard, Marton-le-Moor, got by Halley's Comet (3963), d. Cora, by Sir Alexander (591), Cora, by a son of Marske (418), Lady, by a son of Mayuard's Old Yel- low Cow, Favourite, Lady Maynard. (5695) YELLOW BULL. (5696) YORICK. White, bred by Rev. Edward Smith, got by Young York (1592), d. by Young Albion (730). by I Albion (14), by Marske (418), by George, by Capt. Turneirs Old Roan Bull, by Colling's Captain. (5697) YORK. Roan, bred by Mr. Pilkington, got by Lancaster (360), d. Rosemary (bred by Mr. Smith, Dish- ley), by Darlington (!)55), Wildair, by Ketton (316), &c., as in Sunflower (6556). (5698) YORKSHIRE LAD (MR. JOPLING'S). (5699) YOUKSHIREMAN. Bred by Mr. Newby, got by Miner (441), &c. (5700) YORKSHIREMAN, 189. VOIIKSIMREMAN. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Cattley, bought by Wait and Bagg, to go to America, got by Plato (2433), d. Nonsuch, by Luck's-all (2230), Nonpareil, by Bedford (68), &c., as in Narcissus (2350). (5702) ZENITH. White, calved Aue. 18, 1840, bred by and the property of Earl Spencer, got by Sweetwilliam (5368), d. Roguery, by Mercury (2301), &c., as in Zaratau (21134). (5703) ZERCON. Roan, calved Aug. 1838, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of W. Lamb, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Zulma, by Frank (1059), &c., as in Zodiac (6697). (5704) ZERO. Red, calved Jan. 1&38, bred by Mr. Priest- ley, Trefan, the property of Mr. Lloyd, got by Brutus (3236), d. Minx, by Wharfdale (1678), &c., as in Jerry (4100). (5705) ZOHRAB. Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1839, bred by and the property of D. Briggs and E. Holland, got by Roland (2556), d. by Young Matchem (2282), by Danby, by North Star (459), by Old Easby (232). SUPPLEMENT. (5706) ABBOT. Red, calved May 31, 1841, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Cupid (3534), d. Nun, by Hen- wood (2114), Nelly, by Premier, Nutmeg by A-la-Mode (725). (5707) A BRITISH YEOMAN. Roan, calved 1842, bred by S.Watkin, Plumpton, got by Sir Harry, d.Whiteface, by Chorister (3378), Wreath, by Wallace (5586), by Mar- mion (406), by Ossian (476). (5708) ACCORDION. Roan,calvedDec.l841,bred by Mr. Jaques,the property of Mr. Adkins, got by Clement! (3399), d. Mermaid, by Snowball (2651), Lady Marion, by Fair- fax (1023), Lady Mary, by Honest John or Favourite (1030) Milkmaid, by Harpham (1098), &c., as in Abram (1603). (5709) ACKMOUTH. Got by Frank, a son of Favourite. (5710) ADAMANT. White, calved Oct.1841, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe. Full brother to Amateur (3007). (5711) ADMIRAL. (5712) ADMIRAL. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Cartwright, got by Adonis (2936), d. Red Strawberry, by Stirling (5330), Strawberry, by Favour- ite (3768), by Tathwell Studley (5401), a Turnell Cow. (5713) ADMIRAL STOPFORD. Roan, calved Aug.14,1841, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr.Wardle, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Comela, by Plato (2433), Cherry, by Regent (2518), &c., as in Barney (5776). (5714) ADRIAN. Roan, calved March 13, 1842, bred by and the property of W. Cooper, got by Valentine (5540), d. Cherry Cheeks, by Noble (4577), Cora, by Young Don Juan (3610), Red Cherry, by a son of Young Dimple (971), Bobby Shaftoe, by Young Dimple (971), Old Strawber- ry, by Snowball (2648), Old Cherry, by Layton (2190). (5715) AGAMEMNON. Roan, calved June 12, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Bainbridge, got by Rareeshew (4874), d. Ada, by Premier (2449), Adelaide, by Trotter (2776), &c., as in Jamie (2155). (5716) AGENT. Roan, calved Feb. 18, 1842, bred by Mr. Renton, the property of Mr.Walker, got by Conqueror, d. Minna, by Reformer (4914),-by Follyfoot (3818),-Spaw, by Hero (1110). (5717) AGITATOR. Red and white, calved June 29,1841, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, got by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Lofty, by C. Ellerton's Bull (3708), Fairy, by Young Colling (1843), &c.,as in Honesty (4044). (5718) AGITATOR. Roan, calved Oct. 18, 1841, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Martindale, got by Dan O'Connell (3557) d. Superb, by Young Colling (1843), by Young Remus (2522), by Remus (550), by Greathead s Grey Bull (3936), by Ellertoirs Roan Bull (3708). (5719) A.IAX. Roan, calved March 11, 1841, bred by W. Cooper, got by Valentine (5540), d. Twin Sifter, by Val- entine (5540), Old Lady, by Young Don Juan (3610), &c., as in Navigator (4542). (5720) ALADDIN. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by and the property of J. A. Gano, Centreville, Bourbon Co., U. S. A., got by Chesterfield (3364), d. Rosette, by Oliver (2887), Beauty, by Mohawk (4492), by a Bull bred by James Munday, the Teeswater Cow, imported by the late Capt. W. Smith. (5721) A-LA-MODE. Roan, calved April. 1812, bred by W. S. (Jill, irot by Marlbro' (4374), d. Damsel (bred by Mr. 132 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Paley), by Fits Roslyn (2026), Penelope, by Hero (2119), c., as in Clifford (3410). (5722) ALBERT. Bred by Mr. Carrington, got by Barge- man, <1. an own sister to The Kicker. (5723) ALBERT (EARL BEAUCHAMP'S). (5724) ALBERT. Bed and white, calved Feb. 5, 1841, bred by Mr. Jopp, the property of Mr. Williamson, got by Gainford, d. Miss Crofton, by Matchem 4th (4421), by Matchem 3d (4420), by Morton. (5725) ALBERT. Koan, calved Jan. 28, 1842, bred by and the property of Hon. J. Simpson, got by Clark's Cor- onation, d. Emmeline, by Plenipo (4725), &c., as in Wil- liam (5662). (5726) ALBERT. Roan, calved Feb. 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnard, got by Baron (3096), d. Ad- elaide, by Prince (4772), Alice (bred by Mr. Rose), by Ivanhoe (1131), by Favourite (1028), by Crispin (174), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by the First Stone Hill Bull (3798), by Tindall's Old Red Bull. (5727) ALBERT. Roan, calved Feb. 26, 1842, the prop- erty of Duke of Devonshire, got by Wonder (5679), d. by a son of Young Beaver, &c. (5728) ALBERT. Red, calved March 28, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Hobson. Cross House, got by Lord Melbourne (4264), d. Young Lowther, by Prime Min- ister (2456), Lowther (bred by Col. Cradock), by Mag- num Bonum (2243). (5729) ALBERT. Roan, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Harrison, Mortham Hall, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland, d. Young Sally, by Architect (3030), &c., as in Norfolk (9442). (5730) ALBERT. White, calved May 14, 1842, bred by Mr. Harris, the property of Mr. Priestly, got by Jerry (4100), d. Alice Grey, by Warwick (2815), Amba (bred by Rev. Henry Berry), by a son of Atlas, Actonia (bred by Sir John Ramsden), by Duke Humphrey (230), by a son of George (1071), by Badsworth (47). (5731) ALBERT. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Buston, the property of Mr. Sowerby, Newton Mor- rell, got by Gainford 2d, d. Countess, by Count (1883), by Baronet (1686), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Wellington (2824), by Northumberland (464), by Sty- ford (629), by the Lame Bull (358), by Bolingbroke (86). (5732) ALBERT. (5733) ALBERT, PRINCE OF WALES. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Yeates, got by Mango (4356), d. Strawberry, by Roan Simon (4459), by Fairfax (1023), by Hector, by Snowball (2648). (5734) ALBINIAN. Roan, calved Feb. 1841, bred by Mr. Wiley, the property of Mr. Wynne, Ireland, got by Albus (2975), d. Adelina, by Rockingham (2550), Adeline, by Physician (2426), Adelaide, by Grazier .(1085), No. 4, by Jupiter (342), &c., as in Fitzroy (16058). (5735) ALBION. Roan,calved 1837,bred by Mr. Adeane, got by Robin Hood (4970), d. Helen, by Albion, &c., as in Pam (6272). (5736) ALBION. White, calved 1841, bred by and the property of J. Carter, Higher Bebington, Cheshire, got by Upton (5535), d. Helena, by Gilling'(3891), (bought of Col. Cradock's Butler), by Magnum Bonum (2243). (5737) ALBION. Roan, calved March 7, 1842, bred by Mr. Sowerby, Newton Morrell, got by Guardian (3947) d. by Scipio (1421), by Sir Stephen (1456). (5738) ALBION. White, calved March 25, 1841, bred by Mr. Ashburner, the property of W. Atkinson, got by North Comet (4585), d. Jasmine (bred by Mr. Hethering- ton), by a Bull of Mr. Hetherington's, by a Bull of It Booth's, by Pilot (496), bred by R. Booth. (5739) ALDBOROUGH. Calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Coltman, Aldborough Hall, got by Lin- coln (4225). d. Harmless, by Lofty (2217), Ruby (bred by R. Booth), by Ambo (1636), by Albert (?'27), by Arthur (761). (5740) ALEXANDER. Red roan, calved Feb. 18, 1842, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Charles Hoare, got by Ranunculus (2479), d. Thais, by Roman (2561). &c as in Fitzroy (16058). (5741) ALEXANDER. White, calved May 8, 1842, bred by and the property of Rev. Jos. D. Jefferson, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Alexandria, by Belsha/JKir (1704), Adeline, by Physician (2426), Adelaide, by (ii-;i- /icr (1085), No. 4, by Jupiter (312), etc., as iu Fitzroy (16058). (5742) ALFRED. Red and white, calved Dec. 1840, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Messrs. Patter- son, got by St. Helena (5055), d. Adelaide, by Prime Min- ister (2456), &c., as in Acteon (2916). (5743) ALFRED. Roan, calved Jan. 8, 1841, bred by Mr. Cattley, sold to the Van Diemen's Land Company, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. April Daisy, by Plato (2433) Stately, by Romulus (1403), &c., as in Don John (3607). (5744) ALFRED. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Cart- wright, the property of J. Smith, got by Albert (2950), d. Favourite, by Tathwell Favourite (5400), by Tathwell Studley (5401), by a son of Waddingworth (668), a Tur- nell Cow, a Turnell Cow. (5745) ALFRED. Red and white, calved April 11, 1842, bred by and the property ot Mr. Crofton, Holy well, got by The Earl (5438), d. Adelaide, by Emperor (1974), Gaudy,by Monarch (2326), by Cato (119), by Whitworth (695). (5746) ALFRED. White, calved April 28, 1842, bred by Mr. Jopp, Aberdeen, the property of Mr. Mitchell, Aud- gathel, got by Cunoboline (3529), d. Sarah, by , Lady Sarah, alias No. 20, by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Jeremy (5747) ALFRED. Red and white, calved Oct. 5, 1842, bred by and the property of C. Jordison, Stainsby, got by Young Pilot, d. by Uptaker (5534), by Lancaster, by Orpheus, by Windsor (698). (5748) ALPHA. Roan, calved 1840, bred by G. L. Rid- ley, the property of Mr. Ware, got by Chorister (3378), d Miss Cairns, by Rowland (2571), by Baronet (1686), by Russell's Roan Bull, bred by Mr. Hutchinson, by Rus- sell's Young Albion, by Colling's Albion. (5749) ALPHONSO. White, calved Aug. 1841, bred by Mr. Row r e, Tavistock, the property of I. Perkin, got by Bloomsbury, d. Alpha (bred by J. Twentyman). by Twen- tyman's White Bull, by Carlisle (117), by Western Comet (689). (5750) ALTHORP. Roan, calved 1842, bred by A. Cruik- shank, Sittyton, got by Florist, d. Woodbine, by , Chrisp, by , by Bowmont, Lily, by Reformer, by Snadon (1462), by Winston. Young Matchem (4425), by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (418). (5752) AMBASSADOR. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Dudding, got by True Blue (5522), d. Attraction, by Young Frederick (3836), by A-la-Mode (725), by Cbilders (1824), Rosebud, by Columella (904), &c., as in Romulus (8506). (5753) AMBO. Red, calved Oct. 10. 1841, bred by and the property of C. Jordison, Stainsby, got by Prince Al- bert, d. by Uptaker (5534), by Lancaster, by Orpheus, -by Windsor (698). (5754) AMBO. Roan, calved Dec. 4, 1841, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mr. Hudson, got by Archibald (1652), d. Aurora (bred by Mr. Buston), by Sir William (2640), Adelaide, by Young Rockingham (2549), by Wellington (2824), by Major (397), by Northum- berland (464), by Styford (629), by Bolingbroke (86). (5755) ANDREW. Red and white, calved July 24, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Warfield, U. S. A., got by Otho, d. Laura, by Oliver (2387), Lady Durham (bred by Mr. Smith), by San Martin (2599), Durham Cow. (5756) ARBITRATION. (5757) ARBUTUS. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Cart- wright, the property of Mr. Carter, got by Stirling (5330), d. Strawberry, by Favourite (3768), by Tathwell Stud- ley (5401), a Turnell Cow. (5758) ARNCLIFF. Red and white, calved July 14, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Mauleverer, Arncliff Hall, Cleveland, got by Holkar (4041), d. Golden Drop, by Ganthorpe (2049), Foggathorpe, by Malbro' (1189), &c., as in Young Ganthorpe (3860). (5759) ARTHUR (MR. WALKER'S, DANES HILL). (5760) ARTHUR. Roan, calved June, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Dudding, got by King Arthur (4152), d. Attraction, by Young Frederick (3836), byA-la-Mode (725), by Childers (1824), Rosebud, by Columella (904), &c., as in Romulus (8506). (5761) ARTHUR. Red, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Buston, got by Gainford 2d, d. Red Roan, by Wharton (2833), by Sir William (2640), by Young Rockingham (2549), by TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 133 Major (2255), by Northumberland (40 1), by Lame Bull (868). (5762) ATHAMAS. Roan, calved April, 1839, bred by Mr. Sowerby. Newton Morrel, got by .Eolus (2938), d. l)y Harlsey (2091). (57'(>3) ATHELSTAXE. Roan, calved Oct. 31, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Maw, Tetley, got by Prince Albert (4781), d. by Young Waterloo, by Kitt (2179), by Page's Bull. (5764) ATTILA. Red and white, calved Jan. 26, 1842, bred by and the property of James Clover, Jr., got by Julius (41-24). d. Miuii. bv Ion (4078),-by Romulus (1400), by Roman (2559). by Rough Robin (1404), Red Hamp- ton, by Barmpton (54), Mistress, by .Marske (418), by George (1066), by Aldwark Foljambe (734). (5765) ATTILA. White, calved March 19, 1842, the property of Sir David Baird, got by Commodore (3451), d. Eli/a, by Handel, Fortuna, by Architect (3030), Lily, by Gustavus (2083), Snowdrop, by Symmetry, Tulip, by Lawnsleeves (365), by a Bull of C. Colling's. (5766) AUCKLAND. Roan, calved April, 1839, bred by Mr. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, the property of R. Bagshaw, got by You nu; Gainford (3854), d. by Regent, Cometilla, by Young Comet (156), &c., as in Sir Arthur (1436). (5767) AUGUSTUS. Red, calved Aug. 12, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of W. H. Shield, Llandatf House, South Wales, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Arabella, by A-la-Mode (725), Ac., as in Arderio (3031). (5768) AUSTHORPE. Calved Aug. 3, 1839, bred by Mr. Burcham, Ewerby Thorpe, got by Fitz Edmund (2023), d. d. Aurora, by Northern Light (1280), Young Tulip, by Charles (127), Tulip, by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). (5769) BACCHUS. Red and white, calved April 4, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, got by Prince Talleyrand (-1829), d. r.lanche (bred by Mr. Assheton), by Edgar (1902), Fairy, by Fairfax (1023), &c., as in Consul (1868). (5770) BACHELOR. Roan, calved April 7, 1841, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of John Caddy, got by Monarch 3d (4495), d. Belinda, bred by R. Booth), by Ambo (1636), Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Barren's Bull, Burdon, near Darlington. (5771) BACHELOR. Roan, calved Sept. 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Morley, Eastoft, got by Bourbon (3198), d. Maiden, by Miller, &c. (5772) BARDNEY. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Cart- wright, the property of Mr. Clay, Bardney, got by Stir- ling (5330), d. Mrs. Bowling, by Favourite. <:>773) BARFORD. Red roan, calved Oct. 31, 1842, bred by and the property of M. Bowser, Thornaby Grange, got by Prince of Wales (4832), d. Emma 1st (bred by T. Bowser), by Young Rockintcham (2547), by Northern Light (1280), by a son of Sir Dimple (594), by a grand- son of Favourite (252). (5774) BARMPTON. Got by George (1066), d. by Adonis (8), Burdon, by George (275), by Phenomenon (491), by a Bull of R. Ceiling's, by Favourite (252). (5775) BARNABT. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Walbran, got by Mango (4356), d. Junia, by Roan Simon (4959). Bessie (bred by Mr. Yeates), by Hector, by Snowball (2648). (5776) BARNEY. Roan, calved March 6, 1842, bred by Mr. Orr, Coleraine, the property of Mr. Miller, got by George 3d (3888), d. Daisy, by Shamrock (5110), Cherry (bred by Mr. Cattley), by Regent (2518), Mulberry, by Isaac, (1129), by Whitworth (1584), by White Comet (1582), by a son of Kitt (7127). (5777) BARON. Roan, calved April 14, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Ruler (5038), d. Victoria, by a son of Vulcan (5580), Lovely, by Northumberland (1286), Rosebell, by Barmp- ton (54). (5778) BARONET. Calved 183-, bred by Mr. Bajrnall, got by Major (4338), d. Rose (bred by Mr. Bartholomew), by Childers (1824), bought at Mr. Rose's Sale. (5779) BARRISTER. White, calved Oct. 15, 1841, bred by II. Watson, Walkeringham, the property of Mr. Dai- ton, got by Eareeshew (4S7'4), d. Uessy (bred by Mr. Waldy), by Waldy's Roan Bull, Thick Hock, Barmpton Rose, by a son of Young Eryholme (1981), by Belzoni (1709), by Comus (1861), by Denton (198). (5780) BAYFORD. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by and Hie property of Mr. Baker, Bavfonlhury. near Hert- ford, not by The Major (5150), d. Celma (bred by Mr. Parkinson), by a son of Colonel (1846), Catherine (bred by R. Booth), by Burley (17T.6), Young Anna, by Isaac, (1129), &<-., as in Rivera , got by Hogarth, d. Fairy, by . ) CARLOS. White, calved Feb. 27, 1842, bred by .Mi-. Parkinson, the property of L. Cowley, got by Cos- sack ilSSUi, d. Columbine (bred by Mr. Kobson), by Prince Comet (1342), by Count (170), by Constellation (108). (5840) CASSIUS. Roun, calved Jan. 15, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Duke of Devonshire, got by Cossack (1880), d. Catherine (bred by R. Booth), by Burley (176(5), Young Anna, by Isaac (1129), &c., as iu Rivers (10716). (5841) CASSIUS. Roan, calved Jan. 26, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Sir William Fairfax (5204), d. Fancy, by Childers (1824), &c., as in Caradoc (1786). (5842) CATO. Roan, calved 1841, bred by John Em- merson, got by Waterloo (5609), d. Cherry, by , Violet, by u sou of Remus (550), &c., as in Belvedere 4th (3129). (5843) CERDIC. Red and white, calved March 21, 1839, bred by Mr. Clark, Hellaby, late the property of Mr. J. Knowles, Atterclifte, near Sheffield, and is now in Ameri- ca, got by Cedric (1802), d. Rosamond, by Topper (2768), Miss Hutton, by Protector (1346), by a Bull of Mr. Colling's. (5844) CESARROW or C.ESARROW. (5845) CHAMPAGNE. Red and white, calved July 3, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Wood, Kimbles- worth, got by St. Helena (5055), d. Cowslip, by Young Magog (2247), c., as in Cicero (3385). (5846) CHAMPION. Got by Favourite (256), d. Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), Princess, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252). (5847) CHAMPION. Roan, calved April, 1841, bred by and the property of Samuel W. Barlett, East Windsor, Hartford Co., U. S. A., got by Prince (4771), d. White Tulip (bred by Mr. Watson, U. S. A.), by Whisker (5639), Tulip (bred by Mr. Williams), by Patriot (2412), Li- lac 2cl, by Frederick (2038), &c., as in Splendor (5303). (5848) CHAMPION. Red, calved Oct. 5, 1841, bred by and the property of Earl of Lousdale. Full brother to Cato (3302). (5849) CHANCE. Red and white, calved March 4, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Bromfield, Dunchurch, got by Peel, d. Duchess, from Hon. J. Simpson's Stock, Babworth. (5850) CHANCELLOR. Calved 1842, got by Mahomed, d. Emily, by Reformer (2509), by Blucher (1725), by North Star (458), by North Star (460), by George (276), by Irishman (329). (5851) CHARLES. Roan, calved March 15, 1840, (sup- posed) the property of Mr. Almond, got by Commander, a son of Tom Paine (5501), d. Mary, by Match em (2281), S59) CHILLINGHAM. Red and white, calved March 31, 1842, bred by and the property of J. Thompson, got bred by W T . Cooper, the property of J. Cooper, got by Valentine (5540), d. Venus, by Noble (4577), Lofty, ' by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Alicia, by Young Sea Gull 1,5100), fcc., as in Adam (2920). Ci.At-DK. Roan, calved March 14, 1841, bred by and the property of J. Radclitle, got by Mart on Comet (4409). d. Empress, by Bedford (68), by Northern Light (1281), by White Comet (1582). (5861) CLEATHAM. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of W. Watkin, Cleatham, near Staindrop, got by Gainford (2044), d. Countess, by Spectator (2688), by Fitz Remus (2025), by Whitworth (695). (5862) YOUNG CLEMENTI. White, calved March 27, 1842, bred by and the property of G. Dull', got by de- menti (3399), d. Hortensia (bred by J. Chrisp), by Bach- elor (1666), 4th Princess, by Snowball (2647), Princess (bred by J. Henderson), by St. Albans (2584), by Lawn- sleeves (365), bred by Mr. Henderson. (5863) CLEVELAND. Got by Whisker (1579), d. by Or- pheus (473), by Sir Leoline (603). (5864) CLEVELAND. Got by Wellington (2825), d. Ba- roness, by Baron (58), by Beautiful (67), by Herod (307). (5865) CLIFTON. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Robinson, Clifton Hall, near Olney, Bucks., got by Short Tail (2621), d. Malibran, by Gan- thorpe (2049), Mayflower, by Malbro 1 (1189), Tulip, by Regent (546), Primrose (bred by Mr. Seaton), by North Star (459), by R. Colliug's White Bull (151), bred by R. Colling. (5866) COATHAM. Got by Major (2225), d. by Thorpe (1515), by Northumberland (464), by Styford (629), by Lame Bull (358), by Bolingbroke (86), by Mr. Brown's Bull, of Aldbrough. (5867) COLLIN. Roan, calved March 31, 1842, bred by and the property of W. Hobbs, got by Collard (3420), d. Fairy, by Cottesmore (3505), Fairmaid, by Sheridan (2616), &c., as in Findon (6007). (5868) COLONEL. Cream coloured, calved Sept. 1840, the property of Rev. Alfred Smith, Old Park, Devizes, got by Francisco (3830), d. Tulip, by Spectator (2688), by Sir Roger de Coverley, by Albion, by Lancaster, by Windsor (698), by Comet. (5869) COLUMBUS, 40. (5870) COMET. Roan, calved Oct. 1840, bred by Mr. Bergess, Cotgrave Place, the property of Mr. Lakin, got by Homer (2134), d. White Rose, by Orator (2390), by Lenton (4205), by a Bull of the late Mr. WetherelTs, bought of Mr. Wiley. (5871) COMMANDER. Red, calved May, 1838, got by Tom Paine (5501), d. Goliah Cow, by Baron, a son of Comet (155). (5872) COMMISSIONER. Got by Cleveland (3405), d. by Mr. Waistell's Bull, of Cleasby, a son of Stephen (1456). (5873) COMMISSIONER. White, calved Sept. 24, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Greetham, Stainlield Hall, got by The Miller (5452), d. Moss Rose, by Alderman (2976), &c., as in Bloomsbury (3173). (5874) COMMODORE. Bred by Mr.Chapman, Blackwell, near Darlington, got by a son of Cupid (177), d. by Cupid (177). (5875) CONFUCIUS. White, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Moore, Lane House, Brandesburton, got by Young Ebor (3682), d. Hebe, by Ebor, alias Harold Jr. Son of (1097), Young Favourite, by Blanchard's Grazier, Favourite, by Mason, Young Dolly, by Blanchard's Bull, bought of C. Colling, by Mr. Blanchard, Thorpe. (5876) CONQUEROR. Calved March 9, 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Attenbrough, got by Baronet, d. Cowslip, by Anthony (1640), by Edgcott (1953), by Audley, by a son of Merlin. (5877) CONQUEROR. White, calved March 29, 1841, bred by Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Majesty (4337), d. Evergreen (bred by Lord Huntingfleld), by Freemason (1064). (5878) CONQUEROR. Roan, calved Aug. 13, 1841, bred by and the property of W. Bagshaw. got by Darling (5909). d. X U, by Whitaker (5640), Pomona, by Young Comet (3436), &c., as in Bumper (3242). (5879) CONQUEROR. Red and white, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., got by Bertram 2d (3144), d. Conquest (bred by Mr. Van Ransallaer), by Washington (1566), Pansy, by Blaize (76), &c., as in Petrarch (4684). (5880) CONQUEROR. Red and white, calved Oct. 24, 1842, bred by and the property of I. and R. Patterson, 136 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS got by Favourite, d. Pink, by a son of Conqueror (3465), by Alba (726), by Viscount. (5881) CONRAD. Eoan, calved Jan. 9, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Edge, got by Cossack (1880), d. Coquette (bred by Mr. Budding), by A-la-Mode (725), Young Cowslip, by Ratify (2481). Cowslip (bred by R. Colling), by Wellington (080), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (5882) CONSERVATIVE. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Adkins, the property of Mr. Stratton, got by Tathwell (5399), d. Victoria, by Despot (1915), Adelaide (bred by Mr. Codd), by Baronet (1687), Duchess, by Prime Min- ister (2454), by Major (398), by George, by Ostler's Surprise (2716), by Mr. Brown's Bull, Aldbrough, near Darlington. (5883) CONSERVATIVE. Calved June 22, 1841, the prop- erty of Mr. Yorke, Bewerley Hall, near Ripon, got by Pioneer (4711), d. by Woodhpuse's Matchem, by New- by's Baronet, by Smith's Sir Alexander, by Newby's Old Snowball. (5884) CONSERVATIVE. Roan, calved March 21, 1842, bred by Mr. Wentworth, Woolley Park, the property of Mr. Hepworth, Rogerthorpe, near Pontefract, got by Plenipo (4724), d. Cascarella, by Young Cheviot (3366), Cassandra, by Miracle (2320), &c., as in dementi (3399). (5885) CONSTITUTION. Roan, calved June 21, 1842,bred by and the property of Mr. Maw, Tetley, got by Saxe Cobourg (5091), d. by Wiseton (2848). CORDILLERAS. Red, calved Oct. 8, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Robinson, Hutton Hall, got by Col. Cradock's son of Borderer, d. Marske, by Red High- flyer (2488), by Snowball (2648), by a Bull of Mr. Wright's, by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252). (5887') CORIOLANUS. Red and white, calved May 27, 1842, bred by and the property of Earl Spencer, got by Ranunculus (2479), d. No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (5888) CORNELIUS. Red and white, calved April 25, 1842, bred by and the property of Dr. Martin, U. S. A., got by Speculation (5293), d. Camilla, by Rifleman (2532), Burletta 2d, by Bertram (1716), Burletta, purchased by Col. Powel, from Mr. Whitaker. (5889) CORNWALL. Roan, calved Jan. 30, 1841. bred by W. Cooper, the property of Mr. Midgley, got by Valen- tine (5540), d. Miss Fashion, by Noble (4577), Fashion, by Young Don Juan (3610), Grizzle, by Studley Grange (1483), Young Fanny, by Young Dimple (971), Old Fan- ny, by Layton (2190). (5890) CORONATION. White, calved Feb. 20, 1841, bred by and the property of W. Bagshaw, got by David (1912), d. Sunflower, alias Strawberry, by Rebel (4882), Moss Rose, by Willoughby (5665), Young Gaudy, by Star (2699), Gaudy (bred by Mr. Dormer), by Miner (441), bought of Mr. Ormby or Arrnby, Little Hutton, near Dar- lington. (5891) CORONATION. Roan, calved March 13,1841, bred by J. Clover, Kirtling, near Newmarket, got by Johnny (4113), d. Mina, by Ion (4078), &c., as in Attila (5764). (5892) CORONATION. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Watkin, Plumpton, the property of the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Monarch, d. White Daisy, by Chorister (3378), Wildflower, by Monitor (2331), by Snowdrop (2653), by Barmpton (1677), by Waverley (2819), by a son of Washington (675). (5893) CORONATION. Red and white, calved Dec. 7, 1841, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of John Liddle, got by Archibald (1652), d. Cherry, by Samson (5080), &c., as in Colonel (3428). (5894) CORREGIO. Red, calved March 26, 1841, bred by R. M. Jaque-;, got by Hogarth (4040), d. Etta (bred by Mr. Booth, Cotham), by Cedric (3311), by Nimrod (4571), by Crispin (174), by Meteor (431), by Meteor (431). (5895) YOUNG COSSACK. Roan, calved Jan. 24, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Crombie, Kirk Hill, Ab- erdeen, got by Cossack (1880), d. Alicia (bred by Mr. Parkinson), br Lord Feversham's Young Grazier (3921), Agnes, by Kilnshaw (2175), Amelia, by Milton (2314), by Policy (1329), by Barmpton (54). (5896) COTHAM. Roan, bred by Mr. Rose, Cotham, got by Young Matchem (4423), d. by Favourite (1028), by Crispin (174), by Rose's Red Bull, by Shelton Bull -by Fisher's Red Bull. (5897) CROFT. Roan, calved Oct. 10, 1842, bred by and the property of Robert Lawson, Stapleton, got by Har- forth (3986), d. Clara, by Charles (3343), Roan Cow, by Stapleton (2698), by Rob Roy (557). (5898) CROFTER. White, calved April 8, 1841, bred by Mr. Bates, the property of Mr. Unsworth, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. W T hite Rose 1st, by Gambler (2046), White Rose, by Young Wynyard (2859), by Bulls bred by R. and C. Colling. (5899) CUMBERLAND. Roan, calved in Autumn of 1842, bred by and the property of R. W. Ashburner, got by Hector, d. Countess, by Prime Minister (2456), Jasmine .(bred by Mr. Hetherington), by Mr. Hetherington's , by a Bull of R. Booth's, by Pilot (496), bred by R. Booth. (5900) CUPID. Bred by Mr. Chapman, Blackwell, near Darlington, got by C. Colling's son of Charles (Charles was descended from Favourite), d. Phoenix, by Welling- ton or a son of Wellington, by Comet (155). (5901) CUPID. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by R. W. Ashburner, the property of T. Butter, got by Lord Melbourne (4264), d. iMiss Nicholson, by Favourite (3772), Fairy, by a Bull of Mr. Hetherington's. (5902) CYRUS. Roan, calved March 15, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Yorke, Thrapston, got by Dul- verton (3659), d. Clara, by Woodford (2854), Comely (bred by C. Arbuthnot), by Oliver (2386), by Mentor (426), by a son of Favourite (252), by Windsor (698). (5903) DAMON. Roan, calved Aug. 1, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Parkinson, got by Sir Thomas Fair- fax (5196). d. Dairymaid, by Wellington (2824), &c., as in Dulverton (3659). (5904) DANDY. Roan, calved June 8, 1841, bred by Mr. W T hitaker, the property of Earl of Essex, got by Rock- ingham (2550), d. Daisy, by Albion (2965),- by Charles (1814), by Chance (1806), by Shipperley (5120). (5905) DANDY. Roan, calved Feb. 18, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, got by King Charles 2d (4154), d.Fringe, by Dan O'Connelf(3557), Fancy (bred by Mr. Cattley), by Remus (2524), &c., as in Usurper (13928). (5906) DANDY DINMONT. Roan, calved Dec. 2, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, got by Pilgrim (4701), d. Dusty-foot, by Childers (1824), by Sheridan (2616), by Reform (1361), by Cossack (925). (5907) DANIEL. Roan, calved May 18, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, got by Dan O'Con- nell (3557), d. Vestris, by Cato (1794), Verbina, by a son of Wellington (679), a favourite Cow, bred by Mr. Rob- ertson, Ladykirk. (5908) DARDANUS. White, calved April 6, 1841, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Darramor, got by Cossack (1880), d. Dairymaid, by Wellington (2824), &c., as in Dulverton (3659). (5909) DARLING. Bred by Rt. Hon. C. Arbuthnot, got by Fergus. (5910) DASH. Roan, calved Oct. 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Greenall, Walton Hall, near Warrington, got by Belshazzar (3123), d. Mary, by Sir Peter, Duchess, by Sir Kenneth, by a son of Gloster, by Pilot (496), by Warlaby (672), by Albion (14). (5911) DECISION. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of James Appleton, got by Commissioner (5872), d. Victoria, by Hemlington (4004), Virginia (late Virgin), by Whisker (1579), Vesta, by Apollo (36), Violet, by Major, by Alfred (23), by R. Colling's Grey Bull. (5912) DEFENDER [See (3577)]. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, got by Major Domo (4350), d. Delia, by True Blue (5522), Dainty, by Young Grazier (3928), Young Dairymaid, by Expec- tation (3749), Dark Roan Twin, by Baron (58), &c. (5913) DEMOCRAT. Red and white, calved March 21, 1841, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., the property of the Butternuts Agricultural Society, got by Archer (3028), d. Dahlia, by Rolla (4991), Daisy, by Admiral (1608), &c., as in Don (3600). (5914) DEMOSTHENES. Calved Jan. 7, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Maxwell, Everingham Park, got by Elis (3702), d. Nectarine (bred by Sir C. Tempest), by Norfolk (2377), Superior (bred by Mr. Whitaker), by Gambier (2046), Splendour (bred by Mr. Bolden), by Anson (1639), Sophia, by Cupid (938), by Merlin (429), by Windsor (698), by R. Colling's White Bull, by a Bull of R. Colling's. (5915) DENMARK. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Pittam, got by Young Boughton, d. Spotted Boughton (bred by Mr. Edmonds), by Crusa- der, Bombazine. TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 137 (5916) DERBY. White, calved April 16, 1842, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Mar- mion (43T'!)>, d. Rose, by Gohaima (3907), Adelaide, by .May Held til Id. (5917) DIAMOND. White, calved Oct. 5, 1841, bred by and the property of Dr. Martin, Ky., U. S. A., got by Specie (5289), d. Diadem, by Paragon of the West (4649), Desdemona ad, by Bertram 1.1716), &c., as in Bulwer (3341). (5918) DIAMOND. Roan, calved March 29, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Booth, Killerby, got by Ru- bens (5027), d. Necklace, by Priam (2452), Toy, by Argus (759), &c., as in Buckingham (,3239). (5919) DIAMOND. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by and the property of John Emmerson, got by Snowdrop (5233), d. Bee's-wing (bred by Messrs. Dodds), byBeller- ophon (3119), by a grandson of Matchem (2281), Clara, by Alderman (2976), &c., as in Harbinger (9183). (5920) DION. Roan, calved April 19, 1841, bred by Mr. Beaseley, Chapel Brampton, the property of Mr. Hough- ton, Sunning Hill, Berkshire, got by Sir Jocelyne (5162), d. by Beaufort (1696), by C. C. (1800), by Sapperton (2600). (5921) DION. White, calved June 27, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of S. Slater, got by Cossack f'lssoi, d. Dido (bred by I. E. Troutbeck), by Wallace (5586), Dairymaid, by Wellington (2824), &c., as in Dul- verton (3659). (5922) DOBISON. Red and white, calved Aug. 31, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), d. Wild Eyes 5th, by Short Tail (2621), Wild Eyes, by Emperor (1975), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). (5923) DOCTOR. White, calved Feb. 22. 1841, bred by and the property of F. lies, got by Young Ganthorpe (3860), d. White Lady, by Brilliant (3215), by Radical (4858), by Laceby Major (4169), by Young St. John, by Grey Bull, by Ceiling's White Bull, by Cupid (177). (5924) DR. BUCHAN. Red and white, calved Aug. 20, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Whitaker, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Garland, by Colossus (1847), Gilliver, by Young Colling (1843), Lingcropper, by Re- mus (550), &c, as in Arthur (3040). (5925) DOLPHIN. Roan, calved Oct. 1842, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe, got by Splendid (5298), d. Dewdrop, by Adjutant (2924), Dowager (bred by Mr. Benson), by Algernon (1631). Daisy, by Emperor (1013), by Percy (1314), by Blucher, by Jupiter (344). by Marshal Beresford (415), by Crocus (932), by a Bull of R. Ceiling's. (5926) DON. Roan, calved Feb. 11, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bowly, got by Leo (4208), d. Victoria, by Ovis (46&5), Delight, bred by Mr. Bellamy. (5927) DONATION. Light roan, calved June 15, 1841, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, the property of Mr. Thomp- son, Kirkhouse, near Brampton, Cumberland, got by Sir Tatton. d. Sweetbrier, by Snowball (2651), Strawberry, by Pirate (2430), by Pioneer (1321), by Candour (107), by ( 'iirdinal (111), by Lawnsleeves (365), by R. Ceiling's White Bull. (5928) DON JOHN. White, calved July 11,1841, bred by Stephen Clarke, got by Don John (3604), d. Blossom, by M;tgnuin Bonuni. a son of Prince William (1344), by Major, by Adonis (1612). (5929) DON PEDRO. Red, calved June 20, 1842, bred by Earl Brownlow, the property of Mr. Hand, got by Richmond (4947), d. Dulcibella, by Plenipo (2435), De Berry (bred by 'the Marquis of Exeter), by Archduke (3026), Graceful, by Emperor (1014), Lady, by Major (397), Advance, by Major (3!7). (5930) DORSET. White, calved Oct. 24, 1842, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by 'a son of Gohanna (3907), d. Dolly, by Marmion (4379), Dowager, by BeLshazzar (1704), Miss Dickson, by Shy- lock (2622), Dairy Maid (bred by F. Dickson), by De- fender (194), by Expectation (247), by Magnum Bonum* by Harry Chapman's Bull. by Ralph Grimston's Bull, by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (5931) DOUBTFUL. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the properly of James Appleton, got by Jim Crow (4108), d. Tulip, by Paul, Virginia, by Whisker (157'!)), Ac., as in Decision (5911). (5932) I)KA<;OMAN. Roan, calved Feb. 1. IS 12, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, got by Clarion (3393), d. Dulcimer, by Urmsby (4621), Prima Donna, by Count 18 Comet (3509), Audby (bred by Mr. Ostler), by Cato (857), Cherry, by Grey Robin, Ruby, by Uai-mpton (54). by Aylesby (44), by Brother to R. Colling's While Heifer, by Barningham (56). DRAKE. Calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Fittam. got by Rufus, d. Turnip, by Cupid, Red Neck, by Spotted Dishley, &c., as in Pioneer (6294). (5934) DRAMATIST. Roan, calved Dec. 8, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, got by Count Comet (3509), d. Drama, by Statesman (2700), Avon, by Shakspeare (2614), by Normanby (1278), by Slater's Bull. (5935) DRATTON. Roan, calved Jan. 8, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Bromfield, got by Peel, d. Red Rose, byMayduke(4439), by Spot, byDenbeigh (3581). (5936) DRIVER. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Sherwood, U. S. A., got by Ni- gel (4570), d. Daisy, by Admiral (1608), &c., as in Don (3600). (5937) DROVER. Roan, calved Feb. 10, 1841, bred by and the property of Geo. Johnson, Billingham, got by Prince Albert (4780), d. Daisy, by Wonderful (5680), by a son of Wellington, by a son of Headlam. (5938) DROVER. Roan, calved March 23, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Brown, Seaton Delaval, near North Shields, got by , d. White Rose, by Matchem 3d (4120), by R. Thornton's George, by Pilot (1319), by Buston's Thorp, by Waistell's Bull. (5939) DRUDGE. Got byllexgreave (4030), d. by Roan, by Prince, Young Waddingworth, Turnell. (5940) DUCROW. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Middleton, Hutton Fields, got by Raby (4854), d. Tulip, by Cripple (3518), by Snowball (2648), descended from the Stock of Mr. Newby, Thorpe. (5941) 3o DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, 1034, Roan, calved Sept. 14, 1841, bred by Mr. Bates, the property of Sir An- thony Buller, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Waterloo 2d, by Belvedere (1706), by Waterloo (2816), by Waterloo (2816). (5942) 4TH DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Red, calved Oct. 9, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by Duke of Cambridge (3637), d. Red Princess 6th, by Short Tail (2621), Red Princess 5th, by Belvedere (1706), Red Princess 3d (bred by Mr. Fletcher), by James Thomp- son's Bull (2756), Red Princess 1st, by Son of Orlando (2680), by Orlando (471), the last Heifer Calf of Prin- cess, by Young Wynyard (2859), Princess, by Favourite (252), Ac., as in Bianco (3148). (5943) STH DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Roan, calved Nov. 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by Duke of Cambridge (3637), d. Duchess 45th, by Short Tail (2621), Duchess 30th, by 2d Hubback (1423), Duchess 20th, by The 2d Earl (1511), &c., as in Duke of Northumber- land (1940). (5944) DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Roan, calved June 29, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Kemp, got by Chris- toval (3382), d. Cora, by Ranunculus (2479), The Kicker, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248). (5945) DUKE OF CORNWALL. Roan, calved Feb. 17, 1841, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of Mr. Hopper, got by Marton Comet (4409), d. Clio, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Ac., as in Planet (4719). (5946) DUKE OF CORNWALL. Red roan, calved Oct. 14, 1841, bred by Stephen Clarke, got by Orion, by a son of Reveller (2528), d. Cherry, by Duke, Venus, by Firby (1039), by Duke Humphrey (230), by Wynyard (703), by Robinson's Bull, by Bads worth (47). (5947) DUKE OF CORNWALL. Roan, calved Nov. 30, IS 11, bred by Mr. Harrison, Mortham Hall, the property of Mr. Wetherell, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), d. Lily, by Young St. Leger (2585), Sally, by North Star (459), Ac., as in Norfolk (9442). (5948) DUKE OF CORNWALL. Roan, calved Jan. 20, 1842, bred by and the property of G. A. Grey, got by Lowick (4282), d. Victoria, by Archibald (1652), Ac., as in Hotspur (4051). (5949) DUKE OF CORNWALL. Roan, calved April 10, 1842, bred by and the property of R. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (36-16), d. Queen, by Augustus (3056), &c., as in Prince Alfred (.8421). (5950) DUKE OF LANCASTER. Roan, calved March 9, 1841, bred by II. Unsworth. sold to Seymour Deighton, got by Otway (4o33>, d. by Holyweil (2132), by Sir Wal- ter (145'J), by Herod (808), by Count (17(,-by Bads- worth (47), by Coates' son of Twin Brother to Ben (MO), bred by the late Sir Ceo. Strickland. 138 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (5951) 2~D DUKE OF LANCASTER. Roan, calved Sept. 9, 1841, br>ed by and the property of H. Unsworth, Black- rod, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945), by Blucher (1725). (5952) DUKE OF NORFOLK. Roan, calved Sept. 22, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), d. Duchess 38th, by Norfolk (2377), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharfdale (26033). (5953) 5TH DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Red and white, calved Sept. 23, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), d. Duchess 43d, or Oxford Premium Year Old, by Belve- dere (1706), Duchess 34th, by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). (5954) DUKE OF OXFORD. Roan, calved Aug. 31, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Oxford 2d, by Short Tail (2621), Matchem Cow (bred by Mr. Brown), by Matchem (2281), by Young Wynyard (2859). (5955) DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Light roan, calved Jan. 1842, bred by and the property of W. Raine, got by The Colonel (5428), d. Dash, by Magnum Bonum (2243), Young Denton, by Young Rockingham. (2547), &c., as in Hazard (2097). (5956) DUKE WILLIAM. Calved 1842, bred by and the property of R. W. Ashburner, got by Hector, d. Daisy, : by Favourite (3772), Gilliver, by Punch (4849), by An- thony, by Y'oung Western Comet (1575), by a son of Layton (366), by Layton (366), by Simon (590). (5957) DUKE OF YORK. Calved March 10, 1841, bred by J. W. Parrington, the property of G. Dickson, got by Prince Albert (4780), d. Giddy, by Nunthorpe (4600), Ringlet, by son of Emperor (5258), Young Wildair, by Wonderful (700), Wildair, by Cleveland (145), Madcap, by Butterfly (104), descended from Sir J. Pennyman's Bull (601). (5958) DUKE OF YORK. Roan, calved Oct. 3, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Duchess 41st, or York Premium Two Years Old, by Belvedere (1706), Duchess 32d, by2dHubback(1423), Duchess 19th, by 2d Hubback (1423), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharfdale (26033). (5959) 2D DUKE OF YORK. Roan, calved Sept. 15. 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Duchess 41st, or York Pre- mium Two Years Old, by Belvedere (1708), Duchess 32d, by 2d Hubback (1423), Duchess 19th, by 2d Hub- back (1423), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharfdale (26033). (5960) DUNCAN, THE HERO. Roan, calved Oct. 11, 1842, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Bolina, by Charles (1815), Beauty, by Young Remus (2523), Lingcropper, by Remus (550), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (5961) DUTIFUL. Red and white, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Pittam, gotbyBoughton, d. Dewdrop, by Attraction Lily (bred by J. C. Barratt), by Old Merlin, by Midas, by Denton. (5962) EAMONT. Calved April 3, 1841, bred by Mr. Saunders, Nunwick Hull, the property of Mr. Atkinson, got by Prime Minister (2456), d. Barbara, by Gainford (2044), by Acomb (2910), by Atlas (43), Barbara, by Comet (155), Flora, by Comet (155). (5963) 2o EARL OF BEVERLEY. Red and white, calved Sept. 12, 1842. bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Duchess 37th ^by Belvedere (1706), Duchess 30th, by 2d Hubback (319), Duchess 20th, by the 2d Earl (1511), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). (5964) EARL OF BUCHAN. Roan, calved Aug. 18, 1842, bred by and the property of Mi-. Whitaker, got by Buch- an Hero (.3238), d. Portia, by Colossus (1847), &c., as in Sir Peter (5173). (5965) EARL OF DURHAM. Roan, calved 1841, bred by James Crofton, the property of Mr. Millor, Ingleston got by Gainford (2044), d. Beuseina, by Cripple (1887), &c., as in Lord Durham (9311). (5966) EARL STANHOPE. Roan, calved Nov. 22, 1841, bred by Robert Bell, Jr., the property of Mr. Thomas, near Barnard Castle, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Blossom (bred by Messrs. Bell), by Belvedere (1706), by son of Second Hubback (2683). (5967) ECLIPSE. White, calved Nov. 1841, bred by J. Radcliffe, the property of Mr. Belt, got by Prince Albert (4791), d. Fancy, by Cyrus (353H), Shrimp, by Bedford Jr. (1701), by Banister (776), by Whitworth (1584), by Jupiter (1148), by White Comet (1582). (5968) ECLIPSE. Red, calved April 27, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Almond, got by Prince Albert, a son of Sir Thomas Fairfax, d. by Arrowsmith's Eclipse, by Norfolk (2377), from Mr. Billan. (5969) EDEN. (5970) EDROM (1956). Bred by Mr. Carnegie, Edrom Newton, got by Pilot (496), d. Duchess, by Satellite (1420), by Sirius (598), by Wellington (679), out of a Cow from the herd of Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. (5971) EHEN. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Gaitskell, bought by John Hastie, got by Romulus, d. Crocus, by Conjuror, Young Cowslip, by Moses, Cow- slip (bred by Mr. Burrow), by Young Western Comet (1575), by Favourite (256), &c. (5972) ELASTIC. Red and white, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe, got by Splen- did (5298), d. Esther, by Ambo (1636), Emily (bred by R. Booth), by Albert (727), by Warlaby (672). (5973) EMERALD. Red and white, calved Jan. 16, 1842, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Marmion (4379), d. Lady Sarah, by Gohanna (3907), Matchless, bred by the late Mr. W T ebster, Norton. .(5974) EMILIUS. Roan, calved Nov. 30, 1841, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Sir Hugh Hoare, got by Roman (2561), d. Calliope, by Firby (1040), Faustina, by Hector (1104), Brenda, by Regent (544), Old York. (5975) EMPEROR. Got by Mr. Wiley's Good Intent, d. Brilliant, by Mr. Wiley's Chance. (5976) YOUNG EMPEROR. Bred by Mr. Gibson, got by Emperor, d. Beauty, by Phenomenon Jr. (5977) EMPEROR. Red and white, calved Sept. 20, 1836, bred by Mr. Adeane, the property of Mr. Adkins, got by Robin Hood (4970), d. Millicent (bred by Mr. Pawlett), by Anticipation (750), &c., as in Burleigh (5817). (5978) EMPEROR 2D. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. BusLon, got by Emperor (1974), d. Lady, by Monitor (2331), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Major (2255), by a Bull of Mr. Newby's, by Northumberland (464), by Styford'(629), by Bolingbroke (86). (5979) ENDYMION. Red and white, calved May, 1841, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Garrick, d. Ellen, by Re- mus (4933), Dairy, by Lonsdale (379), &c., as in Ingle- wood (4074). (5980) ENGINEER. Red, calved March 2, 1841, bred by and the property of John Woodhouse, got by Sampson (5077), d. Splendid, by Reformer (2512), Beauty, by Im- perial (2151), Daisy, by Hutton (1123), Beauty, by Young Dimple (971), by Wellington (678), Beauty, by Young Comet (905), by Layton (2190). (5981) ENIGMA. Roan, calved 1835, bred byR. Moore, Brandesburton, the property of Mr. Richardson, got by Weighton, d. Violet, by W. Moore's Bull, Young Fa- vourite, by Blanchard's Grazier, Favourite, by Mason, Dolly, by Blanchard's Bull, bought of C. Colling by Mr. Blanchard, Thorpe. (5982) ENSIGN. Roan, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of W. Raine, got by The Squire, d. Lily, by Pyramus (4853), Trusty, by Magnum Bonum (2243), &c., as in Snowball (6505). (5983) ENTERPRISE. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Adkins, the property of Mr. Fisher, got by Des- pot (1915), d. Morel (bred by Mr. Dudding), by Minor (2316), by Young Quaternion, by Gneetham's Bull, by Cossack (925), by Cracroft's Bull. (5984) ENTERPRISE. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Middleton, Hutton Fields, got by Snowball (5227), d. Eclipse, by Hilton (4034), by Luck's-All (4295), by Snowball (2648). (5985) ENTHORPE, alias WILSON'S BULL. Got by Wal- lace (5587), d. by Bilsdale (72). (5986) EPICURUS. Calved Nov. 21, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Maxwell, Everingham Park. Full brother to Centurion (3314). (5987) ERNEST. Calved Sept. 19, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, got by Elis, d. fcBrighteyes. by Gainford (2044). Lively, by Young Rock- ingham (2549), by Major (2255), by Duke (1933), by Coatham (1840), by Northumberland (464). (5988) ERRINGDEN COMET. White, calved Aug. 24, 1842, bred by S. Clarke, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Emma, by Wharncliffe (2834), Young Elegance, by Re- former (2175), &c., as in Prince of Wales (6351). ' (5989) .ESSEX. Calved April 15, 1842, bred by and the property of R. Sewell, Little Oakley Hall, got by Son of TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 139 Selim, d. Hebe, by Oakley, Constance (bred by Hon. J. B. Simpson), by Juniper (1145), &c., as in Beelzebub (3116). (5990) ETHELRED. Red and white, calved Dec. 12, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by The Earl (5438), d. Emily, by Comet (1854), Elea- nora, by Eclipse (194!)), Elvira, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Alexander (1627). (5991) EWERBY. Roan, calved March 8, 1831, bred by Mr. Burcham, Ewerby Thorpe, near Sleaford, sold to A. J. Gilliat, Scrafleld, got by Freeman (1063), d. Aurora, by Northern Light (1280), Young Tulip (bred by Mr. Cham- pion), by Charles (127), Tulip, by Prince (521), by Nes.- wick (1266). (5992) EXPECTATION. Roan, calved 1841, bred by E. Lakin, got by Powyke (4743), d. Empress, by Stamford, bought at Leicester Fair. (5993) EXPECTATION. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, near Aber- deen, got by Inkhorn, d. Jeary, bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. (5994) FACTOTUM. Calved April 29, 1841, bred by and the property of L. Norman, Ireland, got by St. George, d. Fancy (bred by Lord Cloncurry), by Constitution, Eliza, by Wellington, Sally. (5995) FAIRFAX. Roan, calved June 21, 1841, bred by S. Clarke, got by Dalrymple, d. by Sir Thomas Fairfax, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Bess, by St. John, Young Dunholme, by Gledhow (2061). (5996) YOUNG FAIRFAX. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by Sir A. Buller, the property of Mr. Davis, Corn- wall, got by Sir T. Fairfax (5196), d. Quakeress (bred by Mr. Carr), by Constantine. (5997) FAIRY KING. Roan, calved May 15, 1842, bred by .Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Ormerod, got by Superb Fairfax (5357), d. Fairy Queen, by Sir Robert (5181), Fairy, by Mowthorpe (2343), &c., as in Fiddler (3788). (5998) FALSTAFF. Roan, calved March 14, 1841, bred by G. A. Grey, the property of Mr. Mill, Faldonside, Rox- borough, got by Fawdon (3776), d. Merrythought, by Chrisjrs Bachelor, bred by Mr. Mason, a granddaugh- ter of Comet (155). '"(5999) FARMER. Red and white, calved Feb. 18, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Renton, Farnley, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Minna, by Reformer (4914), by Follyfoot (3818), Spaw, by Hero (1110). (6000) FAVOURITE. Roan, calved May 18, 1837, bred by Mr. Fain, Frenchfield, got by Majesty (2250), d. by Ellerton, by Alexander, by Olivas (4608), by North- umberland. (6001) FAVOURITE. Red, calved March 29, 1842, bred by Mr. Jopp, Aberdeen, the property of R. Jopp, got by Cunoboline (.3529), d. Tulip (bred by'Sir C. Ibbetson), by Regent (2518), Selina, by Baronet (774), Flirt, by Me- teor (432), out of Frolic. (6002) YOUNG FAVOURITE. Bred by Mr.Rose, Cotham, got by Whisker, Orpheus, Alfred, Colling's Grey Bull. (6003) YOUNG FAVOURITE. Roan, calved Jan. 1842, bred by and the property of R. W. Ashburner, got by Rufus (5033), d. Flora, by Stephen, Lady (bred by W. Hodgson), by Young Western Comet (1575), by a son of Layton (366), by Layton (366), by Simon (590). (6004) FAWSLEY. Roan, calved March 29, 1842, bred by Sir C. Knightley, the property of Mr. Beasley, Chapel Brampton, Northamptonshire, got by Little John (4232) d. Sylph, by Sir Walter (2637), &c., as in The Baron (13833). (6005) FERDINAND. Roan, calved Oct. 18, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Hincks, Breckenbrough, got by Fopling (3821), d. Audrey (bred by the late J. Lee), by Argus (759), by Admiral (5), by Roland (563), by Cecil (6006) FESTUS. Red, calved July 31, 1842. bred by J. Thompson, got by Felix (3780), d. Cherry, by Robson, by Robert, by Alba (726), by Old Symmetry. (6007') FINDON. Roan, calved Oct. 1841, bred by Mr. Saville, the property of W. llobbs, Bocking, Essex got by Stamford, d. Fairmaid, by Sheridan cJ(ili;. ,- more Ellen, by Gainsborough (2045), Fair Ellen, by Eclipse (1598), Burleigh, by Crispin dill). (6008) PINOAL. Roan, calved June 20, 1841, bred by Earl of Lonsdale, the property of .Mr. Fin. NOTE. Fingal was got by Beggarman (3118), out of Flora (Vol. 5, p. 376), by Young Hastings (3<87), Straw- berry, by Magician (1184), &c., as in Conservative (3472). L. F. A. (6009) FIREBRAND. Roan, calved July 24, 1841, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Sargeant, got by Roman (2561), d. Cant, by Mercury (2301), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (6010) FITZ CLAIR. Roan, calved May 2, 1841, bred by Mr. Fawkes, sold to Mr. Jackson, got by Sir T. Fairfax (5196), d. Cleveland (bred by Mr. Robinson), by Sher- wood's Reformer, by Cleveland, by Brandsby. (6011) FITZ GARLAND. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Robinson, late of Bletsoe, now of Clifton Hall, near Olney, got by Fitz Redmayne (G013), d. Jemima, by Benjamin (1710), Foggathorpe, by Mal- bro r (1189), &c., as in Young Ganthorpe (3860). (6012) FITZ JAMES. (6013) FITZ REDMAYNE. Red and white, calved Sept. 20, 1839, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Rob- inson, Clifton Hall, near Olney, late of Bletsoe, near Bedford, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Red Points, by Martin (2279). Redberry, by Kenwood (2114), Young Minna, by Wharfdale (1578), &c., as in Man Friday (14893). (6014) FITZ WALTER. Roan, calved April 13, 1841, bred by Mr. Fawkes, sold to Mr. Parkinson, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Wildair, by Reformer (2512), Cherry, by Imperial (2151), &c., as in Charles (3345). (6015) FLAMBEAU. White, calved May, 1842, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe, got by Splendid (5298), d. Flirt, by Belshazzar (1704), &c., as in Fop (6021). (6016) FLASH. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Lakin, the property of Mr. Herbert, got by Powyke (4743), d. Fanny, bv Powyke Wharfdale (4748), Old Fanny, by Wallis' Red Bull (5589), Daisy. (6017) FLAVEL. Roan, calved April, 1841, bred by Mr. Wiley, the property of Mr. Seymour, got by Alb us (2975), d. Flavilla, by Belshazzar (1704), bought from Rev. R. Swann. (6018) FLORIAN. Roan, calved Feb. 7, 1841, bred by Mr. Bement, Three Hills Farm, near Albany, U. S. A., the property of Mr. Brinn, got by Astoria (3048), d. Pris- cilla (bred by Mr. Bullock), by Copson (3482), Old Rosa, by Nelson. (6019) FLORIST. (6020) FOLDS' BULL, OF FAWDEN. (6021) FOP. White, calved March, 1841, bred by Capt. Shawe, the property of Mr. Fawcett, got by Ronald (5005), d. Flirt, by Belshazzar (1704), Fanny (bred by J. Cattle), by a son of Cato (119), Lady, by Garrick, by a brother to Wynyard (703), by Crokins' White Bull (1889). (6022) FORESTER. Red, calved Feb. 13, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Sir Wm. Fairfax (52(>i), d. Fruit, by Talacre (2727), Fashion, (bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen), by Edmund (1954), by Grazier (1085), Lame White Cow, by Reform (1361), Roan Cow, bought in the North. (6023) Foss. Roan, calved May 16, 1842, bred by and the property of the Earl of Burlington, got by Buhner (1760), d. Foston (bred by Mr. Greame), by Coxcomb, by Magnum Bonum, by Favourite, -by Palmllower (480), by Neswick (1266), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (6024) FOUCHE [See (6025)]. Roan, calved April 3, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Aus- terlitz (3063), d. Favourite (bred by Mr. Hall, by Bright (1739), Campanula, by Shylock (2622), by Percy (1314), by Blucher, by Jupiter (344), by Marshal Beresford (415), by Crocus, by a Bull of R. Colling's. (6025) FRANCIS THE FIRST. Red and white, calved April 3, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Austerlitz (3063), d. Favourite (bred by Mr. Hall), by Bright (1739), &c., as in (6024). (6026) FRANKENSTEIN. Roan, calved Jan. 12, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bainbridge, got by Ri- enzi (4948), d. Fortuna, by Lumley (2232), Queen Hess, by Archibald (1652), Britannia, by Kirkharle (2178), &c., as in Hotspur (4051). (6027) FREE TRADER. Calved Dec. 11, 1841, bred by Mr. Fa \vkes, the property of E. Jennings, got by Fi!/.- william (3811), d. Daisy, by (ira/ier. Favourite, by Bright (17:!!)), Arc., as in Fouchc UiittJ). (6028) FKENZY. 140 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (6029) FUSBUS. Red, calved Nov. 22, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Cupid (3534), d. Fame, by Kenwood (2114), Fama, by Cymro (1898), Fancy, by Childers (1824), &c., as in Caradoc (1786). (6030) GAINFORD SD. Calved 1839, bred by Mr. Buston, got by Gainford (2044), d. by Young Rockingham (2549), by Wellington (2824), by a Bull of Mr. Newby's, by Northumberland (464), by Styford (629), by Lame Bull (358), by Bolingbroke (86). (6031) GAINFORD 2r>. Red and white, calved Aug. 16, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Crofton, Holy- well, got by Gainford (2044), d. Eglantine, by Emperor (1974), Elvira, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Alexander (1627). , (6032) GAINFORD COMET. Roan, calved April, 1841, bred by and the property of W. Raine, got by The Col- onel (5428), d. Kate, by Young Rockingham (2547), &c., as in Alexis (1628). (6033) GAMMON. Red and white, calved Jan. 31, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawsou, Gronant, got by Sir William Fairfax (5204), d. Fama, by Cymro (1898), Fancy, by Childers (1824), &c., as in Caradoc (1786). (6034) GAY LAD. White, calved Dec. 2, 1840, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Lovedren, got by Bag- dad (3079), d. Goody, by Anthony (1640), Gaudy. (6035) GAZETTE. Roan, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Helena, by Row- land (2571), by a son of Albion (17), Harriet, by Henry (301), by St. John (572), by George (273). (6036) GENERAL WASHINGTON. Red and white, calved Feb. 5, 1841, bred by Mr. Bates, the property of Joshua Knowles, Atterclift'e, near Sheffield, got by Duke of Nor- thumberland (1940), d. Wild Eyes, by Emperor (1975), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). (6037) GEORGE. Roan, calved May 21, 1841, bred by G. L. Ridley, the property of Mr. Thornthwaite, got by St. Helena (5055), d. Nanny, by Young Magog 0&42), Yellow Cow, by Harlequin (289), by Snowdrop (1468), by Sir Harry (1444), by Colonel (152), Simon (590), Styford (629), Lame Bull (358). (6038) GEORGE. White, calved Feb. 26, 1842, bred by and the property of A. Geekie, got by The Baron (5420), d. Jane (bred by Capt. Barclay), by Hector, Venus, by Champion (865), Masie (bred by Mr. Hogarth, near Kelso). (6039) GLAUCUS. Red roan, calved Jan. 8, 1841, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Booth, got by Hec- atomb (2102), d. Cactus, by William (2840), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (6040) GLEASTON CASTLE BULL. (6041) GLEN. Roan, calved March 31, 1841, bred by and the property of M. S. Stewart, Southwick, got by Adam (2920), d. by Belshazzar (1703), by Young Alex- ander, alias Young Sir Alexander, by a grandson of Comet (155). (6042) GOLD BUD. Roan, calved March 31, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Warfield, near Lexington, IT. S. A., got by Goldiinder (2066), d. May Dacre, by Ac- commodation (2907), by San Martin (2599), Teeswater Cow. (6043) GOLDEN DROP. Dark roan, calved April 4, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Squire, got by Augustus (3057), d. Moss Rose, by Rockingham (2551), Red Rose (bred by T. King, Kirkleatham), by King's Bull (4153), by a son of Young Lancaster, by a Bull of R. Ceiling's, which was let for the Season to Mr. Vansittart, Kirk- leatham. (6044) GOLD SNAP. Roan, calved Feb. 19, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Warfield, near Lexington, U. S. A., got by Goldfinder (2086), d. May Dacre, by Accom- modation (2907), by San Martin (2599), Teeswater Cow. (6045) GONDOLIER. White, calved June 10, 1841, bred by mid the property of Mr. Torr, got by True Blue (5522), d. Go wan, by Remus (4932), by Prince Comet (1342), by Count (170), by Constellation (163), by Young Fa- vourite (255). (6046) GONDOLIER. Roan, calved May, 1842, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe, got by Ronald (5005), d. Gem, by Cucumber (1891), Garnet, by Statesman (2700), Graceful, by Edmund (1954), &c., as in Glaucus (6047) GRAZIER. Bred by the late Mr. Blam-hard, Thorpe, got by a Bull bred by C. Colling, a son of Comet (155), d. bought of C. Colling. (6048) GREGORY. White, calved Feb. 3, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Kemp, got by Christoval (3382), d. Caroline, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), -by Radical (4858). (6049) GRENADIER. Calved Sept. 1832, bred by Mr. Pittam, got by Spotted Dishley, d. Lustful, by Attraction, Geranium (bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley), by Sterling (622), by Rain's Son of Denton (536), by Ladrone (353), by Mr. Deighton's . (6050) GRIMSTON LAD. Red, calved July 25, 1842, bred by W. S. Gill, got by Marlbro' (4374), d. Adeliza, by Grim- ston (2079), Victoria, by Sir Walter (1459), Bessy (bred by R. Thornton), by Barmpton (54), descended from Broken Horn (95). (6051) GROUCHY. Red and white, calved Feb. 28, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Auster- litz (3063), d. Gulnare, by Norfolk (2377), Medora (bred by R. Booth), by Ambo (1636), Blossom, by Memnon (2295), own sister to Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Aga- memnon (9), by Burrell's Bull, Burdon, near Darlington. (6052) GWRGANT. Red, calved July 19, 1842, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of Mr. Hughes, Gell, Abergell, got by Sir William Fairfax (5204), d. Bee, by Henwood (2114), by A-la-Mode (725). (6053) HANNIBAL. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Buston, got by Gainford 2d (6030), d. Lily, by Count (1883), by Sir William (2640), by Wellington 2d (2827), by a Bull of Mr. Newby's. (6054) HAPHAZARD. White, calved July 10, 1842, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Wonder (5679), d. Beauty, by Improver, Myrtle, by May- field (4442). (6055) HARLSONIO. Roan, calved Jan. 20, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Beetham, got by The Presi- dent (5458), d. Madcap (bred by the Earl of Carlisle), by Bulmer (1760), Maniac, by Rockingham (2550), Lady Marion, by Fairfax (1023), Lady Mary, by Honest John, alias Favourite (1030), Milkmaid, by Harpham (1098), &c., as in Abram (1603). (6056) HAROLD. Red and white, calved Sept. 16, 1842, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, got by Wonder (5679), d. Nonsuch, by Gohanna (3907), Cuckoo, by Sir Robert. (6057) HARRY VANE. Red, calved June, 1841, bred by and the property of Messrs. Dodds, got by St. Albans (5047), d. Wildair, by Bellerophon (3119), Red Rose, by Alderman (2976), by Waterloo (2816), by Young Wyn- yard (2859), by a son of Simon (590), by Styford (629). (6058) HARVESTER. White, calved Nov. 25, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Maw, Tetley, got by Prince Albert (4781), d. Belle (bred by Mr. Cowling, Richnal Grange), by Belvedere 2d (3127), by Bellerophon (3119), by Kitt (2179), or Waterloo (2816). (6059) HAZARD. Red, calved June 12, 1841, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of William Mold, got by , d. Fatima, by Henwood (2114), Fig, by Pre- mier (2448), Fatima (bred by Mr. Smith, W T est Rasen), by Grazier (1085), by Reform (1361), Old Cora. (6060) HAZLE BULL. Roan, calved Sept. 12, 1840, bred by and the property of R. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Young Snowdrop (bred by Mr. Heriot, Ladykirk), by a Bull of Mr. Smith's (late of Grindon, now of Buckton, near Belford), by Heriot (4017), Old Snowdrop, by Valentine (661), regularly descended from the late Mr. Robertson's Herd of Short Horns. (6061) HEATHFIELD'S BULL. Got by Charles (878), d, by Frederick (1060). (6062) HECTOR. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Pit- tam, the property of Mr. Cook, got by Cupid, d. Spotted Boughton (bred by Mr. Edmonds), by Crusader, Bom- bazine. (6063) HECTOR. Roan, calved Jan. 17, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Ashburner, got by Lord Mel- bourne (4264), d. Fairy (bred by Mr. Hetherington), by a Bull of Mr. Hetherington X Bloom (bred by R. Booth), by Pilot (496), Butterfly, by Marshal Beresford (415), Ariadne, by Albion (14), &c., as in Aaron (711). (6064) HECTOR. Roan, calved April, 1841, bred by and the property of W. Raine, got by Nero (4557), d. Red Rose, by Anti-Radical (1642), alias Young Cupid, Old Sally, by Youns; Rockingham (2547), by North Star (460), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (6065) HECTOR. Roan, calved June, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Minta. F^ll brother to Horace (4048) . TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 141 (6060) IlK( mi:. Red and while, calved Sept. 7, 1H42, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Wonder (.WH). d. Elegant, by Gohanna (8907), Cuckoo, by Sir Robert (5176), bred by the late Mr. Em- merson, Hunwick. (i><)67) HECTOR. Red and white, calved Oct. 27, 1842, bred by Mr. Gray, the property of Mr. Unthunk, got by Elis (3703), d. Miss Raine, by William Noble's Young Gainford, late the property of Mr. Pears. (6068) HELMSLEY. Red and white, calved 1841, the Cperty of Mr. Benson, Kennythorpe, got by , d. .vena (bred by Lord Feversham), by Vulcan (2808), Rebecca, by Matilda's Son of Emperor (4432), &c., as in Frickley (3849). (6069) HENCHMAN. Roan, calved April 15, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr Torr, got by Pilgrim (4701), d. Audby (bred by Mr. Ostler), by Cato (857), &c., as in Dragoman (5932). (6070) YOUNG HENDERSKELF. Roan, calved 1839, bred by R. Moore, Brandesburton, the property of Mr. But- tc:s. got by W. Moore's Bull, d. Mina, by W. Moore's Bull, &c., as in Plutus (6299). (6071) HENRY. Red and white, calved April 7. 1842, bred by and the property of Lindsay Carnegie, Spnie, got by Scott's Bull, Newton. (6072) HENRY CLAY. A full bred Durham Bull, of the U. S. A. (15073) HERCITLES. Calved Feb. 11, 1842. bred by and the property of Mr. Hutchinson. Jr., Monyray, near Peterhead. got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Jessy, by Sov- ereign (5285), &c., as in Wallace (6657). (fi( 174) HERCULES. Roan, calved 1842. bred by and the rperty of Mr. Cruickshank, got by Inkhorn, d. Victoria, . , Diamond, by Chichester, Crompton, by Fitz James. (6075) HERD BOY. Dark red and white, calved April 9, 1841, bred by and the property of Marquis of Hastings, got by Herdsman, d. Barmpton, by Barmpton (1677), by Borodino, by Alfred, by Windsor (698), by a son of Favourite, &c. (6076) HERDSMAN. Got by Hexgreave, d. by Meteor, by Waddingworth (668), a Turnell Cow. (6W7> HERDSMAN. Red and white, calved 1838, bred by G. L. Ridley, the property (supposed) of Marquis of Hastings, got by Newton (2367), d. Down Horn, by Budget (1759), &c., as in Cripple (3519). (6078) HERDSMAN. Red and white, calved April. 1841, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., the property of Mr. Beaumont, got by Archer (3028), d. Hesper, by Frederick (2038), &c., as in Hero (4020). (Ii079) HESIOD. Red and white, calved April 25, 1841, bred by and the property of Rev. Henry Smith, got by Horace (4047), d. Thetis, by Orator (2390), by Reformer (4915). (6080) His GRACE. Roan, calved Dec. 29, 1841, bred by Mr. Clover, Kirtling, near Newmarket, got by Julius (4124), d. Young Graceful (bred by R. W. Baker), by Sher- idan (2616), Graceful (bred by the Marquis of Exeter), by Aid-de-Camp (722), Graceful, by Emperor (1014), Lady (bred by Mr. Grant), by Major (397), Advance, by Major (397), of the Turnell breed. (6081) KOBE. (6082) HORNSEA. Roan, calved June, 1842, bred by W. Raine, got by Chancellor, d. Victoria, by Pyranuis (4853), Young Denton, by Young Rockiugham (2547), &c., as in Hazard (2097). HOTSPUR. Red, calved July 14, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Beauford, got by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647), d. Landlady, by Hexgreave (4030), &c., as in Labdacus (4168). (T.OX4) HOWARD. Roan, calved April 14, 1841, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Ormerod, got by Rockingliain (2550), d. Amethyst, by Prince of Northum- berland (48315), &c., as in Sir Amphion (5140). (60S5) HOWARD. White, calved March 6, 1842, bred by M. S. Stewart, Southwick, ^ot by Burlington <32-irn, . bred by and the property of R. Jobson. got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (36-16), d. Septimia, by 2d Duke of 142 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Northumberland (8646), Junia, by Robertson (2538), Peggy, by Prince Edward (3462). by Sir Frances B. (1443), by Sultan (1485), by Wellington (683), Flora of Pitcorthie, bred by Gen. Simson. (6109) JUPITER. White, calved 1841, bred by and the property of R. W. Ashbnrner, got by Lord Melbourne (4264). d. Miss Slater, by Snowdrop, Lady (bred by Wil- liam Hodgson), by Young Western Comet (1575). by a son of Layton (366), by Layton (366), by Simon (590). (6110) JUPITER. Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Davvson, Gronant, got by Sir Wm. Fairfax (5204), d. Janette, by Ambo (3009), Jessy, by Sheridan (2616), &c., as in Jupiter (4133). (6111) KENDALL. Roan, calved April 16, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Stafford, got by Prince Talleyrand (4829), d. Kalmia, by Cossack (1880), Kate, by Alfred (2983), Rebecca, by Parrington (4653), Nonpareil, by Parrington (4653), &c., as in Frickley (3849). (6112) KILLERBY. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Benson, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Isabel, by Belshazzar (1703), Imogen, by Argus (759), &c., as in Turk (2778). (6113) KILNSHAW. White, calved Oct. 8, 1839, got by Reformer (2512), d. Filpail, by Beaufort (1696), Filpail, by Bertram (1716), Fragrance, by Major (2252), by Denton (198), by Denton (198), by Wetherell's Bull. (6114) KING ALFRED. White and red, calved Feb. 4, 1841, bred by W. Jobson, the property of G. A. Grey, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Aurora, by Young Sea Gull, Young Amazon, by Crusader (934), Amazon, by Sultan (1485), Bellona, by Mars (411), Rolla (bred by Gen. Simson), by North Star (458). (6115) L (EARL OF AYLESFORD'S). Got by Sir Rober* (5178). (6116) LADDIE. Red and white, calved May 1, 1841, bred by and the property of Robinson Greenwood, got by Bellerophon (3119), d. Ruby (bred by Messrs. Dodds), by Matchem 3d (4420), by Waterloo (2816), by a son of Wynyard (703), by Styford (629). (6117) LAD OF THE ISLE. Roan, calved Oct. 18, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Maw, Tetley, got by Prince Albert (4781), d. Jemima (bred by Mr. Cowling, Richnal Grange), by Belvedere 2d (3127), by a Bull bred by R. Thornton, by Kitt, by Middleton's Red Bull. (6118) LAIRD OF BUCHAN. Red and white, calved July 19, 1842, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Wilkinson, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Beata, by Young Ladykirk (4171), Bee's-wing, by Young Sea Gull (5100), Young Blossom, by Crusader (934), Blossom, by Honest John (1116), by Middleton (1235). (6119) LAME BULL. Calved April,1841, bred by and the press, by Comus, by Midas (435), by Phenomenon. (6120) LAMMAS. Roan, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Wat- kin, Plumpton, got by The Earl, d. White Stockings by Majesty (2250), White Legs, by Prince (4767), by White Walton (5652), by Lonsdale (379), by Oscar (474), by Comet (155), by Favourite (252). (6121) LANDLORD. Roan and white, calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Adkins, got by Despot (1915), d. Landlady (bred by Mr. Cartwright), by the Marquis of Exeter's Favourite (3768), &c., as in Mine Host (4482). (6122) LAUNCELOT. Roan, calved May 31, 1842, bred by and the property of R. Bagshaw, got by Auckland (5766), d. Carmarine, by Magnum Bonum (2243), &c., as in Fergus (37'82). (6123) LAWFORD. Red and white, calved May 5, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Townsend, King's Newn- ham, got by Chanticleer (3338), d. Lucia (bred by Mr. Parkinson), by Dulverton (3(559), Laura, by Archduke 03026), Lady Betty, by Rough Robin (1404), &c., as in Labdacus (4168). (6124) LE CONTE. Dark roan, calved March 27, 1842, bred by and the property of Rev. Thomas Cator, Skel- brook Park, got by Belshazzar, d. Red Heifer, by Sir Charles, a son of Columbus (903), Artless, by Meteor (432), Janette, by Mandeville (403), Mulberry by Pyra- mus (533), Jemima, by Sultan, Miss Gilling, by a son of Favourite. (6125) LEONIDAS. Roan, calved July 11, 1842, bred by and tlio property of Dr. Martin, U. S. A., got by Specie (5289), d. Leonida (bred by Mr. Peacock), by Red Simon (2499), Red Rose, by Governor (1077), Rouny (the Pre- mium Cow), by a son of Wellington (680), bought at Yarm Fair. (6126) LEOPARD 2o, 90. (6127) LEWIS. Roan, calved May 17, 1841, brexi by Mr, Beasley, Chapel Brampton, the property of Mr. Hasel- wood, got by Sir Jocelyne (5162), d. by Blyth (797), by Snowball (611), by Adonis (1612), by a grandson of Charge's Duke. (6128) LICTOR. Roan, calved Aug. 10,1841, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Button, got by Ranunculus- (2479), d. Calico, by Mercury (2301), by Star (1479), by Western Comet (689), by Viscount (666). (6129) LIEUTENANT. Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Beetham, got by The Admi- ral (5418), d. Lady (bred by Mr. Hawdon), by Reformer (2510). by Corner's son of Waterloo (2816), by Wood's son of St. Albans (2584), by Hawdon's Bull (295), (6130) LIKELY. Dark roan, calved 1827, bred by Mr. Pittam, got by Young Merlin, d. White Rumps (bred by J. C. Barratt), by Old Merlin, by Midas, by Deiiton. (6131) LILYSON. Roan, calved March 13, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Nor- thumberland (3646), d. Lily of the Valley, by Reformer (2507), Bellflower,by Sultan (1485) , Rolla (bred by Gen. Simson), by North Star (458). (6132) LINKIE TWINE. Roan, calved June21,1842,bred by and the property of Mr. Crombie, Kirk Hill, Aberdeen, got by Cossack (1880), d. Ruga (bred by Mr. Parkinson), by Bulmer (1760), Ruby (bred by Mr. Scott), by Rough Robin (1404), &c., as in Romulus (5000). (6133) LISTON. Bred by Mr.Cattle,got by Topper (2768). (6134) LITTLE JOHN. Calved 1838.bred by and the prop- erty of Mr. Pittam, got by Cupid, d. Young Geranium, by Bonghton, Bounty,by Spotted Dishley, Geranium(bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley), by Sterling (622), by Rain's son of Denton (536), by Ladrone (353), by Mr. Deighton's- (6135) LITTLE WONDER, White, calved March 4, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Cottrell, got by Freder- ick (3841), d. Lactometer, by His Majesty\2128), Laud, by Benedict (786), Lactea, by Governor (1077), by Ju- lius Caesar (1143), by Pilot (496), by Warlaby (672). (6136) LIVELY. White, calved 1842, got by a son of Billy 2d (5794), d. Lady Sarah 2d, by , Cecily (bred by Capt. Barclay), by Invalid (4076), Lady Sarah, alias No. 20by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (6137) LLANGE ERYRI. White, calved April 22, 1842, bred by and the property of Rev. James Vincent, got by Arvon (3043), d. Catalani, by His Majesty (2128), &c., as- in Cataline (3295). (6138) Loco Foco. Roan, calved June 13, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Collins, Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., got by Yorkshireman (5700), d. Lucilla, by En- chanter (3729), Louisa, by Boston (1735), Boston, by Sir Charles (1440), Duchess, by Wellington (683), &c., as in Brougham (1746). (6139) 2o LOCOMOTIVE. Roan, calved Dec. 5,1841, bred by Mr. Bates, the property of Mr. Etches, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Oxford Premium Cow, by Duke of Cleveland (1937), Matchem Cow (bred by Mr, Brown), by Matchem (2281), by Young Wynyard (2859). (6140) LOFTY. White and red, calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Gregory, Garrettsville, Otsego Co., U. S. A., got by Nigel (4570), d. Lucy, by Patriot (2412). Lily (bred by Mr. Orne), by Admiral (1608), Yellow Rose, by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Don (3600). (6141) LOFTY. Roan, calved April 13, 1842, bred by and the property of R. Bagshaw,. got by Auckland (5766), d. Adelaide, by Trinculo (2775), Quail, by MacGregor (2235),-Imogen,by Goldfinder (2064),-Rhoda, by Bough- ton (90). (6142) LONDESBRO'. Roan, calved March 31, 1841, bred by Mr. Botterill, the property of Mr. Torr, got by Tom- boy (2765), d. Martinmas Maid, by Eastthorpe (1947), &c., as in Transport (5512). (6143) LORENZO. Calved 1841, bred by Mr. Pittam, the property of Mr. Clarke, got by Rnfus, d. Young Ge- ranium, by Boughton, &c., as in Little John (6134). (6144) LORD FAIRFAX. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Molyneux, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Cousin Betty (bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawith), by Darius (3560), by Sir Charles (5145), by Constitution (166), by Sovereign (5283). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 143 (ill 45) LORD HENRY FAIRFAX. Red. calved March 12, 1S,'1. bred by and the property of Mr. Whitaker, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (519tiK d. Venus, by Young Colling dsttt. Lingcropper, by Remus (.550), &c., as in Arthur (8040). (6146) LORD HILL. White, calved May 21, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Knowles, Attercliffe, near Sheffield, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Diamond ;>t,'the property of Mr. Percival, got byBelshazzar (3123), cL Old Garland, by Matchem (2281), Moss Rose, by Jupiter (342). (6154) LOYAL. Red and white, calved Nov. 18, 1841, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of J. Wat- son, got by Archibald (1652),' d. Lavinia, by Sir William (2640), &c., as in Lofty (4247). (6155) LUBIN. Roan, calved March 7, 1841, bred by Mr. Watson, Walkeringham, the property of Mr. Brown, got by Renown (2526). d. Lily (bred by Mr. Golden), by Tartar (2738), Miss Camidge, by Colton (1849), &c., as in Royal Butterfly 17th (22774). (6156) LTJBIN LOG. Red and white, calved 1842, bred Laura, by Major (397). (6157) LUCK'S-ALL. Roan, calved Sept. 13, 1841, bred by and the property of R. Bagshaw, got by Mowbray (4516), d. Golddrop, by Duncan (1942), Victoria, by Ru- fus (2576), Ladybird, by Goldh'nder (2064), Ann, by Boughton (90). (6158) LUCRETIUS. Red and white, calved Oct. 15, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Beetham, got by The President (5458), d. Laburnum, by Teasdale (5408), Lady (bred by Mr. Hawdon), by Reformer (2510), by Corner's son of Waterloo (2816), by Wood's son of St Albans (2584), by Hawdon's Bull (295). (6159) LUCULLUS. Roan, calved Feb. 3, 1841, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Sarneant, got by Roman (2501), d. Daphne, by WLHia.ni (2*40)'. Carmine, bv Mer- cury (2301), No. 29 (bred by Mr. Mason), by Satellite (1420), out of Newby the Younger. (6160) LUCULLUS. Spotted roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Lakin. got by Powyke (471:{>. , d. Bed Rose, by Goldiinder (2000), by a sun of Dash (.2668). (01SI) MARK. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of John Joplinti, Salmon House, near Snape, lledale, got by Xonh Star (4590), d. by the late C. Pick- 144 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS ersgill's Bull of Carthorp, by a Bull belonging to John Greenwell. (6185) MARMION. Roan, calved Oct. 1840, bred by and the property of Sir Thomas J. de Traftbrd, got by Birm- ingham (3152), d. Minna (bred by the late Mr. Edwards), by Ganthorpe (2049), Duchess, by Romulus (2563), Prize, by Malbro' (1189), Tulip, by Regent (546), Prim- rose (bred by Mr. Seaton), by North Star (459), by R. Ceiling's White Bull, bred by R. Colling. (6186) MARQUIS (4390). Got by Live'O (4237), d. by Hilton Middleton's Red Bull, by Achmet (2), by Comet (155). (6187) MARQUIS. Roan, calved May, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Pittam, got by Rufus, d. Jessy, by Boughton, Bounty, by Spotted Dishley, &c., as in Little John (6134). (6188) MARQUIS. White, calved April 13, 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of G. Smith, got by Mercury (4459), d. Mercy, by Anthony (1640), Margaret, by An- thony (1640), by Edgcolt (1953), by a son of Merlin. (6189) MARQUIS. Red, calved Oct. 31, 1842, bred by and the property of the Earl of Lonsdale, got by Prince Ernest (4818), d. Maria, by Gainford (2044), Cherry, by Samson (5080), &c., as in Colonel (3428). (6190) MARQUIS OF CHANDOS. Roan, calved Oct. 20. 1842. bred by and the property of Mr. Wiley, got by Buck- ingham (3239), d. Lilla, by Belshazzar (1704), &c., as in Fitz Eustace (3803). (6191) MARTIN. Red, calved 1833, bred by Mr. Shaftoe, got by Miracle (2320), d. Garland, byMatchem (2281), &c., as in dementi (3399). (6192) MARTIN. Roan, calved June 13, 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Whate, got by Baronet, d. Miranda, by Anthony (1640), Mereno, by Edgcott (1953), by a son of Merlin. (6193) MASON. Got by Mr. Mason's Yorkshireman, d. by Pope (514), by George (273), by Trunnell (659), by Irishman (329). (6194) MASTER HUMPHREY. Red and white, calved Feb. 2, 1841. bred by and the property of Mr. Majori- banks, Bushey Hall, Watford, Herts., got by Norfolk (2377), d. Pevil, by Percy (1315), White Rose, by Meteor (432), &c., as in Lisbon (1172). (6195) MATTHEW. White, calved April 24, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Tempest, Croston Hall, near Chorley, Lancashire, got by a son of Elector (1963), d. Young Matty (bred by Mr. Sedgwick) by Armitage (1655), Matty, by Wharfdale (1578). (6196) MAY DUKE. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Randall, got by Baronet, d. by Anthony (1640), by Edgcott (1953), by a son of Merlin. (6197) MAY DUKE. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Pittam, got by Rufus, d. Prudence, by Cupid, Gulliver, by Boughton, Geranium (bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley), by Sterling (622), by Rain's Son of Denton (536), by Ladrone (353), by Mr. Deighton's . (6198) MELBOURNE. White, calved Sept. 18, 1841, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Watson, got by Chris- toval (3382), d. Jemima, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (6199) MELLOW. Spotted roan, calved March 20, 1842, bred by and the property of J. Grant Duff, Eden, by Banff, Aberdeenshire, got by Fairfax's Oey (3755), d. by Darius (3560), Zebetta, by Sir Walter 2639), by Young Star, son of North Star (459), by Roseberry (567), by Constitution (166). (6200) MELMOTH. Red, calved May 6, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Whitaker, got by Marmion (4381), d. Beauty, by Young Remus (2523), Lingcropper, by Re- mus (550), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (6201) MENTOR. White, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Lov- ell, got by Anthony (1640), d. Minerva, by Mortimer, by Anthony (1640), by Son of Merlin. , MENTOR. Roan, calved June 6, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Spurr, got by Mow- thorpe (2343), d. Molly, by Columella (904), &c., as in Major (4348). (6203) MERLIN. Got by R. Ceiling's Midas (435). (6204) YOUNG MERLIN. Red roan, calved 1822, bred by J. C. Barratt, Woodford, got by Old Merlin, d. by Mi- das, by Denton. (6205) MERRYMAN. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr Sowerby, got by Col. Cradock's Guardian (3947), d. by a son of Barmpton. (6206) METEOR. Roan, calved April, 1842, bred by Mr. Bayston, got by Mameluke (2258), d. Woodbine, by Young Matchem (4424), Rosebud (bred by R. Thornton), by Pilot, a son of R. Ceiling's George. (6207) MIDAS. Got by Young Irishman, d. Gaylass, by Bishop Burton (74), Strawberry, by a son of Comet (155), by a son of Duke (224). (6208) MIDSUMMER. Roan, calved June 25, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Topham, Middleham, got by Bloomsbury (3173), d. Fraise (bred by Mr. Smurthwaite, near Masham), by Jacques' Bull, of Easby, Smurth- waite's Favourite), by Major (398), by a son of Danby, by T. Ascough's Mad Bull. (6209) MILES. Got by Lottery. (6210) MILETUS. White, calved June 2, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Parkinson, got by Flambeau (2027), d. Molly, by Columella (904), &c., as in Major (4348). (6211) MILO. Red and white, calved Feb. 17, 1839, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of the Earl of Lin- coln. Full brother to Major (4348). (6212) YOUNG MILTON. Roan, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Pittam, got by Mr. Clarke's Milton, d. Doubtful, by Spotted Dishley, &c., as in Rex (6384). (6213) MINA. Got by St. Stephen, d. by Wellington (678). (6214) MODERATOR. Red and white, calved Jan. 21, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Annesley, got by The Rival Prince (5463), d. Purity, by Despot (1915). Quality (bred by Mr.Bellamy),by Napoleon (4531), Dido, by Rival (2534), Diana, by Darlington (956), &c., as in California (10017). (6215) 2o MOHICAN. Calved 1841, the property of Mr. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, got by Memnon (2295). (6216) MONARCH. Roan, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Pit- tam, sold to Mr. Faulkner, got by Viceroy, d. Spotted Boughton (bred by Mr. Edmonds), by Crusader, Bom- bazine. (6-217) MONARCH. Roan, calved Jan. 1839, bred by Mr. Caldecott, the property of Mr. Reynolds, got by a son of Magnum Bonum (2243), d. Sally (bred by W. Bagshaw), by Rebel (4882), Lassy,by Guy (3956), Gaylass,by Wood- ford (5684), Susan, by Pumpkin (4847), by a son of Miner (441). (6218) MONARCH. White, calved March 31, 1841, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Raree-shew (4874), d. Matilda, by Premier (2449), Charity, by Duke of Wellington (231), by Alexander (21). (6219) MONARCH. Roan, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Majesty (4337), d. Evergreen (bred by Lord Huntingfield), by Freemason (1064). (6220) MONS. VESTRIS. Red and white, calved Dec. 1840, bred by and the property of R. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Madam Vewtris (bred by the late Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk), by Albion (731), Pekuah, by Diomed (974), Purity, by Barmpton (54), &c., as in Apollo (1644). (6221) MONTEZUMA. White and red, calved March 15, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Collins, Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., got by Hero (4020), d. Young Miranda (bred by Mr. Williams), by Frederick (2038). Miranda, by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Superior (5360). (6222) MONZANI. Roan, calved Dec. 30, 1841, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Robert Burgess, got by Ranunculus (2479), d. Sackbut, by William (2840), &c., as in George 1st (19848). (6223) MORNING STAR. Red, calved Aug. 24, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Booth, Killerby, got by Raspberry (4875), d. Bracelet, by Priam (2452), &c., as in Buckingham (3239). (6224) MORRICK. Got by Prince William (1344). (6225) MOSES. Got by the late Mr. Milham Hartley's Young General, d. by Yates' Bull, by John Munroe's Lowther Bull, Fox's Durham, by Lord Darlington's Bull. (6226) MOSES. Red and white, calved March 27, 1841, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of Sir R. B. Buckley, got by Cupid (3534), d. Nut, by Maggot (2238), Nelly, by Premier, Nutmeg, by A-la-Mode (725). (6227) Moss TROOPER. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of John Gelderd, Patterdale, got by Lily White (4232), d. Cowslip, by Wallace, by Tom Gwynne (5498), Red Rose, by Marmion (406). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 145 (6228) MOUNTAINEER. Bred by Mr. Troutbeck, the property of .Mr. Marshall. Paterdale Hall, near Penritli, t by Wallace (55S6), d. Dairymaid, by Wellington (2824), ., a- in Dulverton (3659). (t)22!)) MotrNTEBANK. Red and white, calved April, 1(942, bred by and the property of Capt, Shawe, got by Splendid (52!)S), d. Milly, by Algernon (1631), &c., as in Mocassin (4490). (6230) MOWBRAY. Calved Jan. 18, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Booth, Killerby, not by Macbeth (4305), d. Mayday, by Matchem (2281), Mulberry, by Stephen (1456), Belinda, by Pilot (496), by Brother to Orpheus (473). (6231) MULBERRY. Calved May 18, 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Hadland, got by Baronet, d. May Ho\ver,by Anthony (1640), Mouch, by Edgcott (1953), by a son of Merlin. (6232) MUNCASTER. Red, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Burrow, Carlton Hall, got by Sillery (5131), d. by Cham- pagne (3317), by Young Western Comet (1575), Dora, by Diamond (205), Kitty (bred by Mr. Gibson, Quern- more Park), by Mr. Charge's . (6233) MUSCOTTS. (6234) MUSICIAN. Red and white, calved Dec. 1840, bred by Mr. Watson, Ovington, the property of W.Thomp- son and T. Robinson, got by Violin, a son of Paganini (2405), d. (bred by Col.' Cradock), by Gainford (2044), (bred by the late Mr. Hutton, Marske), by Remus (550). (6235) YOUNG MUSSULMAN. White, calved Aug. 1841, bred by and the property of Messrs. Lawson, Mordon, got by Mussulman (4524), d. Daisy, by Charles (1815), by Son of Matchem (2678), by Son of Dash (2668), by Jupiter (342), -by Bumper (101), by Chilton (136), by Mr. Mason's . (6236) NABOB. Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Sir Wil- liam Fairfax (5204) d. Cherry, by Henwood (2114), Cora, by Maggot (2238), &c., as in Cupid (3534). (6237) NABOB. Red and white, calved April 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Rotch, Butternutts, Otsego Co., N. Y., U. S. A., got by Bertram 2d (3144), d. Nell <;\vynne,by Hero (4020), Nannette, by Patriot(2412),&e., as in Nigel (4570). (6238) NAPIER. Roan, calved Nov. 20, 1840, bred by and tire property of John Stephenson, got by South Dur- ham (5281), d. Rosette, by Belvedere (1706), c., as in Prince of Wales (20589). (6239) NAPIER. Calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Benson. Kennythorpe, got by Belshazzar (1704), d. Myrtle, by Grazier (1085), Lily, by Young Lancaster (1162), Nancy (bred by Mr. Baxter), by Alfred (23). by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Barker's Bull of Lay- ton (53). (6240) NAPIER. Roan, calved March 27, 1841, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of Mr. Griffith, got by Cupid (8534), d. Fama, by Cymro (1898), Fancy, by Guilders (1824), &c., as in Caradoc (1786). (6241) NED POINS. Red and white, calved April 13, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Cottrell, got by Frederick (3841), d. Neatness, by Henwood (2114), &c., as in Helius (4003). (6242) NELSON. Roan, calved Sept. 1835, bred by J. Benson, got by Chevalier (3365), d. Princess, by Regent (1366), White Rose, by a son of General. (6243) YOUNG NELSON. Roan, calved July 20, 1841, bred by Mr. Beauford, the property of Mr. Roberts, got by Coltness (3430), d. Formosa (bred by Mr. Maynard), by Sir Thomas (2636), by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (US), Sweetbrier, by North Star, by Welling- ton (680), by Favourite (252), by Ben (70). (6244) NERO. Roan, calved May 13, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Wai-field, near Lexington, U. S. A., got by Cossack (3503), d. Claudine, by Prince Charles (241)1), Orbit, by Oliver (23S7), by Contention (3479), by San Martin (2599), by Paul Jones (4661), by Buz- zard. (6245) NKSTOB. Got by Caliph (1774), d. Prudence, bred by Right Hon. C. Arbuthnot. (624(1) NKSWICK. Bred by Mr. Lovell, got by Nestor, d. by Anthony (1640), by Baronet, by Edgcott (1953), by Son of Merlin. (6217) Xi:\v EXULANDEU. Yellow, red and white, calv- ed May 24, IS 42, bred by Mr. Collins Hartford. Conn., I . S. A., the property of Earl Spencer, got by Hero (4020), d. Narcissus (bred by Mr. Rotch), by Bertram 2d 19 (8144), Nonpareil (bred by Mr. Williams), by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Nigel (4570). (6248) NICHOLAS, 115. (6249) N. NICKLEBY. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Watkin, Plumpton, the property of Mr. Bunting, got by Pickwick (4698), d. Western Belle, by Majesty (2250), by The Duke, a son of Young Albion, by Marmion (406). (6250) NID. Red and white, calved Nov. 17, 1840, bred by R. Jobson, the property of Mr. Brodie. N. B., got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Red Duchess the Younger, by Sultan Selim (2710), Red Duchess, by Field Marshal (1037), Duchess, by Wellington (683), Flora of Pitcorthie, bred by the late Gen. Simson. (6251) NIMROD. Red and white, calved March, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Ot- sego Co., N. Y., U. S. A., got by Archer (3028), d. Nan- nette, by Patriot (2412), &c., as in Nigel (4570). (6252) NINEPIN. Red and white, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Ot- sego Co., U. S. A. Full brother to Nigel (4570). (6253) NORTH AMERICAN, 116. Bred by Mr. Collins, Hartford, Conn., U. S. A. (6254) NORTH OF ENGLAND. (6255) YOUNG NORTH STAR. Roan, calved 1825, bred by Mr. Payne, Sulby Hall, got by Wetherell's North Star, d. Beauty. (6256) NovELTY.-Jioan, calved Jan. 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Pittam, got by Young Boughton, d. Dorinda, by Viceroy, Diana, by Spotted Dishley, La- vender, by Young North Star, Lily, (bred by J. C. Bar- rat), by Old Merlin, by Midas, by Denton. (6257) OAKLEY. Nearly white, purchased of Robert Clark, Barforth, near Darlington, by Russell Sewell, Oakley Hall, Harwich, Essex, got by Acmon (1606), d. by Lottery (2226), by Young Rockingham (2547), by Raine's Wonder, by Whittinarton. bv" Mars (412) bv Sweepstakes (637). (6258) O'CONNELL, 118. (6259) OMEGA. White, calved April, 1841, ored by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., the property of Mr. Hollis, got by Archer (3028), d. Oneida, by Memuon (2297), Orphan Girl, by Frederick (20:38), Lovely, by Young Denton (963), by Young Denton (963), by Young Denton (963). (6260) O P Q. Red and white, calved May, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., got by Bertram 2d (3144), d. Conquest (bred by Mr. Van Ransallaer), by Washington (1566), Pansy by Blaize (76), &c., as in Petrarch (4684). (6261) OI-TIMUS. Light roan, calved Sept. 20, 1840, bred by and the property of Geo. Carter, Sedbury, near Richmond, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by a son of Ainbo (1636), by Sedbury (1424). (6262) ORLANDO. White, calved June 6. 1841, bred by and the property of the Earl of Carlisle, got by Sir Laun- celot (5166), d. Orelia (bred by Mr. Allen, Malton). by Harry (bred by Mi'. Harrison, Firby, by Algernon (1631), out of Bobtail), Violet, by Navigator (1260), &c., as in Young Rockingham (13612). OWliS) OIIMKI;Y 3i).- Roan, calved March, 18-12, bred bv Sir William Pennyman, the property of W. Raine, got by Ernest, d. Lady Ann, by Sir Peter (606), by Alfred (23), Lady Colling, by Barmpton. (6264) ORODES. White, calved Jan 14, 1841, bred by John Clark, Hellaby Hall, got by Rockingham (4981), d. Helena, by Alpha, Rosamond, by Topper (27<'>8), Miss Halton, by Protector (1340), Daffodil, by a Bull of C. Colling's. Slaughtered 1842. ((i2(M) OiM'HKis. White, calved Mays. 1SI2, bred by and the property of Mr. Tempest, Croston Hall, near (.'horley, got by Ot\vay (4633), d. Lily, by Sol (8865), Eclipse, by Duke (1933), by a son of Prince (1341), by Pope (2444), by Malt of Midomsley (4351), by Lawn- sleeves (365). (6266) OSIRIS. Roan, calved April 6, 1842, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Ron e, got bv Roman (2561), d. Welcome, by Firby (1040), cV.c.,as in Orator (2390). (6267) OTIIO. In the U. S. A., got by Sol. (l)2li.S) PA<;AN. Re.laml vJiHe, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of W. Raine, got by l'ro\u-; d. Sally of the Tees, by Magnum Bonum (2213), Old Sally, by Young Rockingham (2547), etc., as in Gen. Ger- ard (3875). 146 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (6269) PAGE'S BULL. Descended from R. Ceiling's Stock. (6270) PAINTER. Red, calved April 17, 1842, bred by Mr. Jopp, Aberdeen, the property of Mr. Beat-tie, Duny- deer, got by Cunoboline, d. Flora, by Young Kimbleth* moat, Sarah, by , Lady Sarah, by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (6271) PALEFACE. White, calved April 21, 1842, bred by Mr Whitaker, the property of Rev. Thos. Staniforth, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Vidonia, by Plato (2433), Victoria, by Luck's-all (2230), &c., as in Comet (3438). (6272) PAM. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Adeane, got by King of Trumps (4156), d. Fair Helen, by Specta- tor (2688;, Helen, by Albion (1619), by Sir Peter (606), by Chapman's Son of Punch (122), by a gon of Wash- ington, by Washington (674). (6273) PAM. Red and white, calved June 12, 1841, bred by Rev. H. B. Benson, Utterby House, near Louth, got by Crocus, d. Chance (bred by Mr. Topham), by Eclipse (1949), a Turnell Cow. (6274) PANTON MAJOR. Got by Mr. Pell's Major. (6275) PARIS. Roan, calved Jan. 2, 1831, bred by R' Moore, Brandesburton, got by Moore's Bull, d. Young Favourite,by Blanchard's Grazier, Favourite, by Mason, Young Polly, by a son of Comet (155). (6276) PARTISAN. Roan, calved March 5, 1841, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Lord Torrington, got by Sweetwilliam (5368), d. Zeal, by Roman (2561), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (6277) PARTNERSHIP. Bred (supposed) in the L T . S. A. (6278) PATROON. Red, calved March, 1841, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., the property of Mr. Pope. Full brother to Petrarch (4684). (6279) PATROON. Roan and white, calved May 13, 1841, bred by and the property of James Pasco, East Windsor, U. S. A., got by Prince (4771), d. Gift, by Whisker (5639), &c., as in Splendor (5303). (6280) PAUL PRY. Red and white, calved Aug. 17, 1841, bred by and the property of A. Geekie, got by The Baron (5420), d. Buby, by Emperor (3716), Cecily, by Invalid (4076), No. 20, by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (6281) PEAKILL. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the g-operty of Mr. Cartwright, got by Adonis (2936), d. Long orned Laura Heifer, by Young Frederick (3836), Long Horned Laura, by Favourite (3768), by a son of Blyth Comet (85), Wyham Laura, by Major (397), a Turnell Cow. (6282) PENSIONER. Roan, calved Jan. 21, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mons. St. Marie, Paris, got by Cossack (1880), d. Pincushion, by Colling (902), &c., as in Pandarus (4645). (6283) PERCY. Red and white, calved March 16, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Beauford, Bletsoe, near Bedford, got by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647), d. Caroline, by Columella (904), &c., as in Killjoy (14759). (6284) PERFECTION. Roan, calved Feb. 19, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Cottrell. got by Magistrate, d. Placida, by His Majesty (2128), Moina, by Benedict (786), Mysinda, by Agate (1613), Margaret, by Naviga- tor (1260), May, by The Dandy (1507). Mayfly, by Can- dour (107), Mayflower, by T. Robinson's Bull, a son of Favourite, by R. Ceiling's White Bull, by Lord Car- lisle's Bull, Simon's dam, by Punch (531), Brafferton. (6285) PETER. Bred by Mr. Arrowsmith, got by Pope (514). (6286) PETER. Roan, calved March 24, 1841, bred by Mr. Tempest, Croston Hall, sold to Mr. Almond, got by Charleville, d. Red Rose (bred by Mr. Hargr eaves), by Berryman (3143), Ruth, by Taurus (2740), by a Bull of Mr. White's, by Button's Old Bull (323). (6287) PEVERIL. Red, calved May 19, 1841, bred by Mr. Parkinson, got by Flambeau (2027), d. Miss Points Jr. (bred by Mr. Topham), by Northern Light (1280), &c., as in Cossack (3503). (6288) PHILIP. Roan, calved Sept. 29, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, got by Dan O'Con- nell (3557), d. Maria (bred by Mr. Cattley), by Brilliant (1741), Daisy, by a son of Brandsby (816), &c., as in Mag- net (4318). (6289) PHCEBUS. Roan, calved March 12, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir John Cathcart, got by An- thony (1640), d. Maglonia, late Leonora (bred by Mr. Lov- ell), by Pilot (4705), Lady, by Anthony (1640), Lilac, by Edgcott (1953). (6290) PHCENIX. Roan, calved April, 1833, bred by Mr- Bellamy, the property of S. Stone Briscoe, Fir Tree House, Dudley, got by Shakspeare, d. Lady Byron, by Rupert (2580), &c., as in Siddiiigton (5127). (6291) PILOT. Roan, calved 1829, bred by Mr. Pittam, got by Attraction, d. Lily (bred by J. C. Barratt), by Old Merlin, by Midas, by Denton. (6292) PILOT. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by Geo. Cowling, Richnal Grange, the property of Robert Emmerson, Eryholme, got by Belvedere 2d, d. Hard Times, by Bellerophon (3119), by Barmpton, a son of George (1066), by Charge's Kitt, a son of Comet (155), by Kitt, by a Bull of Mr. Page's, descended from the Stock of Mr. Colling, by Mr. Middleton's Bull. (6293) PILOT. Red, calved July 25, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Kemp, got by Christoval (3382), d. Crocus, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (6294) PIONEER. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Pittam, the property of Mr. Gulliver, got by Young Boughton, d. Tulip, by Boughton, Red Neck, by Spot- ted Dishley, Lavender, by Young North Star, Lily (bred by J. C. Barratt), by Old Merlin, by Midas, by Denton. (6295) PIPIN. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Cartwright, got by Albert, d. White Nonpareil, by Stirling, Nonpareil 2d, by Commodore (1858), Nonpareil 1st, by Tathwell Studley (5401), Twine Tail, by Blyth Comet (85), a Turnell Cow, a Turnell Cow. (6296) PIRATE. Red, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Pittam, the property of Mr. Ayers, got by Rufus, d. Tulip, by Boughton, &c., as in Pioneer (6294). (6297) PLAYFELLOW. Bred by the late Adam Bogue, the property of Mr. Lambert, Elrington Hall, got by Mr. Robertson's Young Ladykirk, d. by Pilot (496), by Sir- ius (598). (6298) PLENIPO. Red and white, calved Dec. 22, 1842, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mr. Wil- son, Crackenthorpe Hall, near Appleby, got by Beggar- man, d. Playful, by Gainford (2044), &c., as in Ploughbov (7338). (6299) PLUTUS. Roan, calved 1841, bred by R. Moore, Brandesburton, the property of Mr. Dunn, got by Young Henderskelf, d. Clara Novella, by Tarquin, Mina, by W. Moore's Bull, Young Favourite, by Blanchard's Grazier, Favourite,by Mason, Young Dolly by Blanch- ard's Bull, bought of C. Colling by Mr. Blanchard, Thorpe. (6300) POMPEY. Roan, calved April 22, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Sir William Fairfax (5204), d. Nun, by Kenwood (2114), Nelly, by Premier, Nutmeg, by A-la-Mode (725). (6301) PONSONBY (MR. BOWSTEAD'S). (6302) POODLE. White, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Lov- ell, the property of Rev. R. Sawney, got by Baronet, d. by Middleton, by Anthony (1640), by Edgcott (1953). (6303) PORTRAIT. Roan, calved Jan. 19, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Barthropp, got by Lord Hun- tingfield's Rockingham, d. Persuasion, by Belshazzar (1704). (6304) PORTREVE. White, calved May, 1838, bred by G. Northey, got by Scaleby, d. Charlotte, by Solomon, Princess, by Regent (1366). (6305) POTENTATE. White, calved March 22, 1842, bred by Mr. Smith, the property of Mr. Annesley, got by The Rival Prince, d. Cecilia, by Chevalier (1821), Fairmaid, by Young Reveller (2527). (6306) POWYKE FAVOURITE. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Lakin, got by Powyke, d. Old Strawberry. (6307) PREMIER. Light roan, calved March 8,1842,bred by and the property of the Earl of Lousdale, got by West- moreland (5634), d. Premium, by Gainford (2044), Blos- som (bred by R.Booth), by Memnon (2295), by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Bull, of Burdon, near Darlington. (6308) PREMIER, Calved in 1842, the property of Mr. Cruickshank, near Aberdeen, got by Mahomed, d. Mary Ann, by Sillery, Miss Gibson, by Carleton (843), Dora, by Diamond (205), Kitty, by Diamond (205). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 147 (6309) PRESIDENT. Red and white, calved April 1, 1841. bred by and the property of It. Emmerson, got by Marcus (2.'2(W), d. P.eauty, by Air. Allison's Danby, &c., as in Oatterick (3304). (6310) PRESIDENT. Red, calved in 1842, bred by Mr. Cruickshank, got by Inkhorn, d. Moss Rose, by , Cecily, by Samson, Marion, by Wallace. (6311) PRESTON. Roan, calved July 81, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of W. H. Shield. Llandatl' House, South Wales, got by Cossack (1880), d. Princetta, by Prince William (1344), &c., as in Hazehvood (3993). (6312) PRETENDER. Roan, calved 1829, bred by Sir J. R. G. Graham, got by Antonio (34), d. Nell, by Cupid, Palintiower, by Charlie, Calista, by Wynyard (703), by Palmflower (480), by Driffield (223), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), Miss Dodsworth. (6313) PRIAL. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of J. Grantham, got by Arbitration, d. Twi- light, by T. Man-is 1 Bull, bred by Mr. Codd, by Sergeant Major (2611). by Tarrare (2735), by Diamond (209), by George (1067), by G. Coates 1 Bull. (6314) PRIAM. Roan, calved July 16, 1841, bred by Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mr. Clover, got by Albert, d. Primrose, by Gainford (2044), Princess, by Sorcerer (5280), &c., as in Ploughboy (7338). (6315) PRIMUS. Got by a son of Minor (441). (6316) PRINCE. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Mr. Pit- tarn, got by Young Merlin, d. Lily (bred by J. C. Barratt), by Old Merlin, by Midas, by Denton. (6317) PRINCE. Calved 1837, bred by Mr. Pittam, the property of Mr. Cooke, got by Cupid, d. Lady, by Young Merlin, Lily (bred by J. C. Barratt), by Old Merlin, by Midas, by Denton. (6318) PRINCE. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of A. Bell, Newsham, got by Newby (4561), d. Rachel, by Mundig (4520), by Killerby (2174). (6319) PRINCE, 130. (6320) PRINCE. Red, calved March 7, 1841, bred by M. S. Stewart, got by Adam (2920), d. Brilliant (bred by Mr.Wsitson), by Sir Thomas (5194), by Noble Henry (2374), by Young Sir Alexander. (6321) PRINCE. Red and white, calved Dec. 2, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall got by Albert (2903), d. Red Rose, by Young Freemason (3844), Celia (bred by the late Duke of Cleveland), by . (6322) PRINCE. Roan, calved March 28, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bagnall, got by Major, d. Moss Rose, by Young Aconite (2911), by Roan, by Prince, by a son of Waddingworth (668). ^~~, PRINCE. Roan, calved April 22, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bullimore, got by Prince Albert (4794), d. Young Strawberry, by Roderick Random (4984), Strawberry, by a son of Belvoir (1708). (6324) PRINCE. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr.Walbran, Topclitle. got by Prince Albert d. Beauty, by Touchstone (2771), by Red Albion, by Hector, by a son of Snowball. (6325) PRINCE, 131. (6326) PRINCE ALBERT. Roan, calved March 24, 1842, got by Sir Arthur (5143). d. Yomm Minna ISertram, by Reformer (2512), Minna Bertram, by Bertram (1716), &c., as in Wharnclilte (2834). (6327) PRINCE ALBERT. Light roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. York, Abbey, srot by Koder- ick (4983), d. Sylph, by Orion (4(519), by C. C. (1800), by Blyth (797), by Warrior 2d (2813), by George (2(tr>r>), Gaiety. (6328) PRINCE ALBERT. Red and white, calved Oct. 20, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Hobbs. got by King of Trumps. (6329) PRINCE ALFRED. Red and white, calved May 7, 1841, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Daw- son, got by Prince Edward (481(1), d. Lady Martha, by Lofty (2217), Lady Mary 2d, by Franklin (8088),- Lmly, by Snowball (8648), Lady, by Sir Dimple (971), Lady, by Younir Comet (905), Cherry, by Favourite (1030), Old Cherry, by Goldfinder (1075). (6330) PRINCE ARTHUR. Roan, calved Sept. 21, 1841, bred by and the property of Vi-cotint (Jahvay, u'ot by Arthur, d. Everton (bred by the late I- 1 . Kayncsi. lty-la- piter (8169), by Marshal Hereford (415), by Rubens l.ViS), -by Mr. Kavnrs' Kuan Hull. (6331) PRINCE CHARLIE. Got by Roland (2556). (6332) PRINCE CHARLIE. Roan, calved 1842, bred by 'Mr. Milton, icot by (Jainford 2d, d. Strawberry, by Whar- ton (28.33), by Young Rockingham (254!!), by Welling- ton (2824), by Newby's Grey Bull, by Styford (629), by Bolingbroke (86). (6-333) PRINCE EDWARD. Roan, calved April 8, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Ha^nall, not by Major, d. Rose (bred by Mr. Bartholomew^ by Childers (1824), bought at Mr. Rose's Sale. (6334) PRINCE EDAVARD. Red and white, calved May 13, 1842, bred by and the property of R.Lawson, Staple- ton, got by Augustus (3057), d. Charlotte, by Charles (1815), Roan Cow, by Stapleton (2698), by Rob Roy (557). (6335) PRINCE EUGENE. (6336) PRINCE EUGENE. Roan, calved Jan. 21, 1841, bred by and the property of John Woodhouse, got by Sampson (5077), d. Duchess, by Duke of Norfolk (1939), &c., as in Forester (3825). (6337) PRINCE GEORGE. Red and white, calved 184-, bred by and the property of J. Webb, got by King of Trumps, d. Adelaide, by Consul (3478), Moppet (bred by Mr. Allison), by Commodore (3444). PRINCE GEORGE. White, calved Sept. 27, 1841, bred by Mr. Musson, Colsterworth, the property of G. Bryan, Jr., Leicestershire, got by Prince Albert, d. Straw- berry, by Baron (1682), Profit, bred by Mr. Turner. (6339) PRINCE GEORGE. White, calved 1842, bred by ' and the property of R. W. Ashburner, got by Hector, d. Miss Nicholson, by Favourite (3772), Fairy, by a Bull of Mr. Hetherington's. (6340) PRINCE GEORGE. Calved Oct. 19, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Robson, Holtby House, near Be- dale, got by Wellington (5625), d. Caroline, by Young Matchem (2282), &c., as in Robin Hood (9556). (6341) PRINCE OP ORANGE. Red and white, calved Oct. 21, 1841, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Wellington (5625), d. Clarinda, alias Clara, by Swinton (5374), Clara, by Marske, Son of Barmpton (771), Milkmaid, by Burton (3250), by Sedbury (1424), by Smurthwaite's Bull (5219), by Jolby (4115), by Burton (3249). (6342) PRINCE OF WALBURN. Red and white, calved May 26, 1842, bred by and the property of Mrs. Wilkin- son, got by Marmion (4381), d. Violet, by Remus (550), Pink, by Sedbury (1424), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (6343) PRINCE OF WALES. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Budding, got by True Blue (5522), d. Premium, by A-la-Mode (725), Peeress, by Childers (1824), by Mina, by Wellington, by Cossack (925), by Panton Major, by Waddingworth (668). (6344) PRINCE OF WALES. Roan, calved April 17, 1841, bred by and the property of Geo. Johnson, got by Prince Albert (4780), d. Margaret (bred by Mr. Cowling, Eichnal Grange), by Waterloo (2816), by a grandson of Comet, by Kitt. (6345) PRINCE OF WALES. Red and white, calved May 6, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Unthank. Full brother to Duke of Cumberland (3641). (6346) PRINCE OF WALES. Roan, calved July 8, 1841, bred by Mr. Orr, Coleraine, Ireland, the property of Mr. Mnrdock, got by George 3d (8888), d. Lady, (bred by Mr. Dawson, Otley), by Heathiield's Bull, by Edward (1002). (6347) PRINCE OF WALES. Red and white, calved Sept. 18, 1841, bred by W. Linton, the property of Mr. Cattle, got by Prince Albert (4791), d. Gertrude, by Red Rover (2494), &c., as in Young Marcus (4362). (6348) PRINCE OF WALES. Roan, calved Dec. 10,1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Cattley, u;ot by Prince Albert (4790), d. Vesta, by Plato (21:,!:*), A:c., as in Earl de Grey (12795). (6349) PRINCE OF WALES. Roan, calved Feb. 1, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Tempest, trot by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Lucetta, by Otterington (2399), etc., as in Capt. Rock (5834). (6350) PRINCE OE WALES. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Jas. Croft on, got by Ca-sarrow (5844), d. Countess, by Baronet (1686), Duchess, by Barmpton (1677). Princess (bred by Mr. Crofton), by St. Albans (r.Sl), &c., as in Candidate (177S). (635!) PKIXCI: OF WALKS.- Koan, calved March 11,1842, gol by Sir Arthur (51 13), d.Youiiir Elegance (bred by Rev. J.A. Rhodes), by Reformer (8612), Blegant,by Gay (8084), J48 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Elegance, by Frederick (1060), Europa, by Pyramus (338), Aurora, by Meteor (432). (6352) PRINCE OF WALES. Calved April 29, 1842, bred by and the property of Lee Norman, Ireland, got by Prince Albert (4782), d. Fancy (bred by Lord Cloncurry), by Con- stitution, Eliza, by Wellington, Sally. (6353) PRINCE OF WALES. Red, calved June 13, 1842, bred by and the property of Rev. James Vincent, got by (Jeonje (3884), d. Alice Grey, by Henllys (2112), Avonia, by Wharfdale (1578), &c., as in Oughtred (4634). (6354) PBOCTOB. Bfean, calved March", 1842, bred by Mr. Rotch, Butternuts, Otsego Co., U. S. A., the prop- erty of Mr. Davis, got by Bertram 2d (3144), d. Patroona, by President (4750), Ac., as in Petrarch (4684). (6355) PROFESSION. Roan, calved Sept. 28, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Tempest, got by Rock- inghsun (2550), d. Bella, by Edmund 2d (3693). Annabella, by Reformer (,2512), &c., as in Broughton (3231). (6356) PUNCH. Calved March, 1841, bred by and the roperty of Mr. Hutchinson, Jr., near Peterhead, got by illy (3151), d. Favourite (bred by Capt. Barclay), by Em- peror (3716), Lucy, by Mars (411), by brother to Whit- worth (695). (6357) QUAKER. The property of Rev. R. T. Dillard, U. S. A., got by Oliver (2387). d. Nancy, by Girard's Bull, Sally (imp. from Eng. by Capt. West), by Segar's Snow- ball, Thompson's Cow. (6358) QUALITY. White, calved Feb. 17, 1841. bred by p B and the property of J. Forrest, Stretton, nearWarring- ; got by Symmi ley;, by Bedford Jr. (1701), Moss Rose, by Romulus ton, got by Symmetry, d.White Rose (bred by Mr. Catt- (1403), &c., as in Comet (3438). (6359) QUILP. Red, calved 1840, bred by and the prop- erty of R. Moore, Brandesburton, got by Ilenderskelf (2111), d. Mina, by W. Moore's Bull, &c., as in Plutus (6299). (6360) RADICAL. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Ad- kins, the property of Mr. Stratton, got byTathwell (5399), d. Chambermaid, by Despot (1915), Landlady (bred by Mr. Cartwright), by Favourite (3768), &c., as in Mine Host (4482). (6361) RAINBOW. Roan, calved July 21, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Watson, Walkeringham, got by Raree-shew (4874), d. Ruby (bred by Mr. Golden), by Re- nown (2525), Adelaide, by Premier (2448), Anemone, by Grazier (1085), Emily, by Statesman (621), by Plato (506), by a grandson of Comet (155). (6362) RALPH. Roan, calved June 2, 1841, bred by and the property of Christopher Jordison, Stainsby. near Stockton on Tees, got by a son of Harlsey, d. by Gain- ford, by Lancaster, by Orpheus, by Windsor (698). RALPH. Red and white, calved March 22, 1842, bred by and the property of Thomas Wilkinson, Cold- storms, got by Marmion,d. Lily, by Robinson's Bull (4976), &c., as in Honesty (4044). (6364) RANGER. Roan, calved July, 1842, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe, got by Ronald (5005), d. Ratafia, by Cucumber (1891), Rarity (bred by Mr. Smith, West Rascn), by Sir William, by Grazier (1085), by Northampton (2380), by Reform (1361). (6365) RAPHAEL. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Buston. got by Gainford 2d, d. Sally, by Emperor (1974), Cranberry, by Sir William (2640), by Young Rockingham (2549). by Wellington (2824), by Newby's Grey Bull, by Styford (629), by Bolingbroke (86). (6366) RATHREAGH. Roan, calved Aug. 12, 1841, bred by Mr. Fox, Ireland, the property of Mr. Watson, Walk- eringham, got by Collard, d. Red Rose,by 2d Comet (5101), Moss Rose, by Matchem (2281). Portia, alias No. 2, by Cato (119), &c., as in Childers (1824). (6367) RAVENSWORTH. Red and white.calved Jan.1842, the property of W. Raine, got by The Colonel, d. by Re- former, by Buckingham (1756), by Eflingham (1958), by Young Rockingham (2547). (6368) RECORDER. Roan, calved April 10, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Greetham, got by The Miller (5452), d. Fortune, by Barrister (1690), by a son of Me- teor, by Midas (436). (6369) RED ALBION. (6370) RED BARON. Red, calved Sept, 13, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Musson, Colsterworth, got by Prince Albert, d. Baroness, by Banm (1882), Cherry, bought in the North. (6371) REU BOWMONT. (6372) RED EARS. White, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Inkhorn, d. Snowdrop, by a son of Sovereign. (6373) RED GEORGE. Red, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Burchamp, Ewerby Thorpe, near Sleaford, got by George, d. Aurora, by Northern Li;ht (1280), Young Tulip (bred by Mr. Champion), by Charles (127), Tulip, by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). (6374) REDMOND. Red. calved April 11, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Fitz Redmayne (6013), d. Red Rose, by Norfolk (2377), &c., as in Auster- litz (3063). (6375) RED NECK BULL. Calved 1829, bred by Mr. Pit- tarn, got by Attraction, d. Geranium (bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley), by Sterling (622), by Rain's son of Denton (536), by Ladrone (353), by Mr. Deighton's . (6376) RED ROBIN. Calved March 15, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Outhwaite, Barnesse, near Cat- terick, got by Bob, d. Feldom (bred by Mrs.Wilkinson), by a son of Partner (2409), Gilliver, by Rollings (2131), descended from R. Alcock's Stock. (6377) RED ROVER. Red, calved 1842, bred by and the property of T. Lambert, Elrington Hall, got by Prince Albert (4778), d. Myrtle, by Farmer (2001), by a son of Cumberland (176). (6378) REGENT. Roan, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Pittam, got by Young Boughton, d. Use- ful, by Boughton, Dewdrop, by Attraction, &c., as in Rex (6384). (6379) REGENT. Roan, calved July 8. 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Kemp, got by Christoval (3382), d. Pink, by Ranunculus (2479), Betsy K, by Albion (2!i7), byMemnon (2294), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (6380) REGILLUS. Dark roan, calved May 22, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Niblett. Full brother to Rhesus (4943). (6381) REMUS. White, calved 1839, bred by and the property of Mr. Adeane, got by Vanguard (5545), d. Hebe (bred by Mr. Wilkinson), by Sir Roger de Coverley, by a son of Harold (291), Hebe, by Wilkinson's Albion, by his Alexander, by his Favourite, by Favourite. (6382) REMUS. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of John Emmerson, got by Waterloo (5609). d. Lily, by Belvedere 4th (3130), &c., as in Albert 3d (6725). (6383) REVELLER. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of T. Lambert, Elrington Hall, got by Prince Albert (4778), d. Princess, by Guardian (3948), by Prince (4765), by Copeland Tom (3481), by Marquis, by Don- kin's White Bull. (6384) REX. Red and white, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Pittam, the property of Mr. Higgins, got by Young Boughton, d. Baroness, by Boughton, Doubtful, by Spotted Dishley. Dewdrop, by Attraction, Lady, by Young Merlin, Lily (bred by J. C. Barratt), by Old Mer- lin, by Midas, by Denton. (6385) REX. White, calved April 4, 1842, bred by Sir Charles Tempest, the property of Rev. Thomas Cator, Skelbrook Park, got by King Charles 2d (4154), d. Flounce, by Berryman (3143), &c., as in Usurper (13928). (6386) RISING SUN. Imported into the U. S. A. [A thoroughbred Long-horn bull imported by Col. Lewis Sanders in 1817. L. F. A.] (6387) ROAN COSSACK. Calved in 1834, bred by Mr. Burcham, Ewerby Thorpe, got by Carlton Cossack, d. Aurora, by Northern Light (1280), Young Tulip (bred by Mr. Champion), by Charles (127), Tulip, by Prince (521), by Neswick (1266). (6388) ROAN JERRY. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Geo. Yeates, sold to Mr. Lyon, got by Mango, d. Miss Fletcher, by Monarch (2329). (6389) ROBERT. Roan, calved Dec. 27, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Almond, got by Leader (4197), d. Annette (bred by Mr. Pilkington), by Hopewell (2135), Bellona, by Belvedere (1706), byBlucher (1725), John Stephenson's favourite Red Cow. (6390) ROBIN. Roan, calved Nov. 1840, got by Rufus, d. Bashful, by Cupid, Doubtful, by Spotted Dishley, &c., as in Rex (6384). (6391) ROBIN. Red and white, calved May 24, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave, got by St. Leger, d. Westow, by Cheviot (1822). (6392) ROBIN. Red and white, bred by Col. Pennant, got by Reformer, d. Savanilla, by Kilnshaw (2175), Syl- via, by Young Daisy (947), &c., as in Sceptre (2602). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 149 (6393) ROBIN HOOD. White, calved June 29, 1841, bred '>y and the properly of J. G. Curler, Liverpool, got by Berry (3142), d. Miss Martin (bred by Richard Pilklngton), by Martin c^7!)i. Rellona, by Belvedere (170(1), by Blucher (1725), John Stephenson'a favourite lied Cow. (6394) ROBIN Hoon.- -Roan, calved March 4. 1843, the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Marmion, d. Tulip, by Gohanna, Tulip, by Norfolk. (6395) ROBSON'S RED BULL. Got by Sir Kenneth, d. by a grandson of Comet (155). (6396) ROCKET. Red and white, calved Aug. 9, 1837, bred by Mr. Orr, Coleraine, Ireland, got by Nelson, d. Lady (bred by Mr. Dawson, Otley),by Heathfleld'a Bull, by Edward (1002). (6397) ROCKET. Roan, calved Aug. 22, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Tempest, Oroston Hall, near Chorley. got by Rockingham (2550), d. Flora, by Berry- man (3143), Eclipse, by^Duke (1933), &c., as in Orpheus (6265). (6398) ROCKINGHAM (LORD HUNTINGFIELD'S). Got by Rockingham (2550), d. Pandora (bred by Mr. Cattley), by Luck's-all (2230), Pink, by Isaac (1129), Carnation, by Young Jupiter (1148), by White Comet (1582), by a grandson of Favourite, by a son of Charge's Grey Bull. (6399) RODNEY 2o. Calved Aug. 1840, bred by Mr- Whitaker, got by Sir Solomon (5191), d. Judy, by Colossus (1847), Jacquelina, by Atlas (1660), Juno, by Meteor 2d (2305), Fairy, by Baronet (774), Flirt, by Pyramus (533), Wanton, by Regent, Frolic. (6400) ROLAND. Red and white, calved June 28, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Wood, Kimblesworth, got by St. Helena, d. Red Rose, by Magog (2246), Rose- bud, by Margrave (2263), &c., as in Elemore (1966). (6401) ROLAND. Roan, calved Sept. 26, 1842, bred by and the property of Dr. Martin, U. S. A., got by Specie (5289), d. Rosalie (bred by Mr. Paley), by Cadet (1770), Leonida (bred by Mr. Peacock), by Red Simon (2499), Delia, by Governor (1077), Roany, by a son of Welling- ton (680). (6402) ROLLA. Roan, calved May 21, 1842, bred by and the property of Hon. J. Simpson, got by William (5662), d. Rosalia, by The Miller, Rosalind, by Imperial, by Speedwell (1473), by Columella (904), by Shakspeare (1429), by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite. (6403) ROMAN. Calved 1836, bred by Mr. Pittam, got by Boughton, d. Gulliver, by Boughton, &c., as in May- duke (6197). (6404) YOUNG ROMULUS. Red roan, calved 1823, bred by J. C. Barratt, Woodford, got by Romulus (1398), d. by Midas, by Denton. (6405) ROMULUS. Got by Broken Horn, d. by Regent (1366). (6406) ROMULUS. Red, calved in 1839, bred by Mr. Adeane, got by Vanguard (5545), d. Hebe (bred by Mr. Wilkinson), by Sir Roger de Coverley (5187), by a son of Harold (291), Hebe, by Wilkinson's Albion, by his Alexander, by his Favourite, by Favourite. (6407) ROMULUS. Roan, calved Jan. 1841, bred by M. Hopper, the property of Mr. Fawkes. Full brother to Ernest (3735). (6408) ROMULUS. Roan, calved Sept. 16, 1841, bred by Mr. Hutton, Gate Burton, the property of Mr. Pratt. En- niscoe, County Mayo, Ireland, got by Gracchus, d. Spot, by Ganthorpe, Miss Spot, by Cossack, by Sir Henry. (6409) ROMULUS. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of J. Emmerson, got by Waterloo (5607j, d. Ca- duceus, by . (6410) ROMULUS. Dark roan, calved April 7.1842, bred by Mr. Hobson, Cross House, Bootle, got by Lord Mel- bourne, d. Roan Cherry. (6411) RORY O'MoRE. Red roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of York Abbey, got by Pilot (4706), d. Beauty, by Pilot (4706), Lily, by Crusader, Jessica, by The Squire (1512),-Jasmine, by Midas (435), by Bough- ton (90). (6412) RORY O'MoRE. Roan, calved Sept. 1841, bred by and the property of A. Bell, Newsluun. got by Xewby (4561), d. Ruby, by M midig ( l.V20>, by a Bull of Mr.Dale's, Girlington, by Si anwick \1477). (6413) ROSAMON. White, ciilved Oct. 20. 1842. bred by and the property of Mr. Sovserby. Newton Morrell, got by Guardian (3!tl7>, d. Moss Rose (bred by Ah'. Rowland- son), by Sol (26,w),-by llarlsey (2091). (6414) RosAiuo. White, calved March 28, 1842, bred by Mr. York. Th raps ton, the property of Mr. Cra \vley, got by Dulverlon (365!)). d. Blush Rose, by Woodford (2864), White Rose (bred by the late G. Clark, Barnby Moon, by Roman, by Columella (904), by Leopold, by Snowball. by Dawson's Grey Bull, by Simon (590), by Favourite (,252), by Bolingbroke (86). (6415) ROSART. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Fox, Ireland, the property of Mr. Richardson, got by Second Comet (5101), d. May Rose, by Young Matchem (4425), Ac., as in Marrhmont '(9367). (6416) ROSTRUM. Red, calved June, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Wiley, got by Yellow Boy (5694), d. Rosa Bianca (bred by Mr. Farrer), by Red Robin (2492), by Middlesbrough, a son of Emperor (1013), by Talis- man (1449), Red Rose, by Equinox (245), by a son of Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (6417) ROYAL DUKE. Red and white, calved May 25, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Collins, Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., got by Yorkshireman (5700), d. Ruby (bred by the late Mr. William), by Sampson (5074), Young Miranda, by Frederick (2038), Miranda, by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Superior (5360). (6418) ROYAL OAK. Red and white, calved May 29, 1841, bred by and the property of Rev. Jas. Vincent, got by Arvon (3043), d. Avonia, by Wharfdale (1578), Ac- tonia, by Duke Humphrey (230), by a son of George (1071), by Badsworth (47). (6419) ROYAL OAK. Roan, calved April 14, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, got by Kin^ Charles 2d (4154), d. Dahlia, by Edmund 2d (3693). Daisy, by Fairfax (1023), Lucy, by Warlaby (672), by Snowball (2648). (6420) ROYALTY. Roan, calved April 18. 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Caldecott, got by Emperor (3721), d. Sally, by Rebel, &c., as in Monarch (6217). (6421) RUBICON. Roan, calved Feb. 1841, bred by Mr. Wiley, the property of Mr. Stephenson, got by Albus, (2975), d. Rarity, by Corrector (1876), &c., as in Kumor (7456). (6422) RUBICON. White, calved Oct. 13, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, got by Pilgrim (4701), d. Lalla Rookh, by Ormsby, Lusus, by Childers (1824), Aster, by Rival Jr. (4950), by Comrade (I860), by Palm- bloom (4642), by a son of Young Favourite (255). (6423) RUBY. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr.Watson, Wauldby, got by Ronald, d. Clio, by Camden (1776), by Noble Henry (2374), by Simon (5134), by Young George (3885), by George (276). (6424) RUBY. Red, calved Nov. 5. 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Mauleverer, got by Newton (2367), d. Rosebud (bred by Mr. Lambert, Elrington), by Exmouth (3747),_by Prince (4765), by Leopold (370), by Duke of Wellington (231), by a son of Sir Harry (1444), by Duke (226), by Yarborough (705), by Bolingbroke (86). (6425) RUFUS. Red and white, calved 1836. bred by Mr. Clarke, Denshanger, the property of Mr. Pittam, got by Pittam's Young Merlin, d. Young Pigeon, by Merlin. (6426) YOUNG RUFUS. Calved 1841, bred by Mr. Pit- tam, the property of E.Clarke, got by Rufus. d. Gaiety, byBoughton, Spotted Boughton (bred by Mr.Edmonds), by Crusader, a son of Cedric, Bombazine. (6427) RUFUS. Roan, calved April 9, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Hobson. Full brother to Reginald (4930). (6428) RUFUS. Red, calved Feb. 2. 1842, bred by Mr. Cattley, the property of James Robinson, got by Prince Albert (4791), d. Princess Royal, by Marcus (2262). Syl- via. by Luck's-all (2230), Stately, by Romulus (1403), &c., as in Don John (3607). (6429) RUFUS. Red, calved March 6. 1842. bred by and the property of Mr. Harrison, Mortham Hall, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland, d. Red Lady, by Mortham (4512), &c., as in Anty (.3021). (6430) RUFUS. Red, calved April 6, 1842, bred by and the property of William Burton, Water Fulford, York, got by Prince Albert (4788), d. Desdemona (bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawilh), by Sir Charles i514:. by Roseberry (567). Lady.by Cupid (178), byRuff of the Needle (5030), by Constitution. (6431) RULER. Roan, calved Jan. 11, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Goodwin, got by Count (8508), d. Young Romp, by George (8878), Romp, by Rufus (2576), Ale., as iu Regent (I'J^j. 150 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (6432) YOUNG RUMPS. Red, calved 1823. bred by J. C. Barratt, Woodford, got by Rumps, d. by Merlin. (6433) SADDLEBACK. Calved Sept. 5, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr.Saunders, Nunwick Hall, got by Lily- white (4222), d. Strawberry, by Chorister (3378), by Wellington (5621), by Marmion (406), by Ossian (476). (6434) SAILOR. Roan, calved Oct. 16, 1842, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Chats- worth, d. Fanny, by Gohanna. (6435) ST. FRANCIS. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Benson, Kennythorpe, the property of Air. Rowlay, got by Belshaz/ar (1704). d. Tulip, by Bright (1739), -Lily (bred by Mr. Robinson. Marsh House), by Young Lan- caster (1162), Nancy (bred by Mr. Baxter), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Barker's Bull (53). (6436) ST. JOHN. Roan, calved Sept. 30, 1841. bred by and the property of Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by St. Thomas (5062), d. Lily, by Melmoth (2291), by Bachelor (1666), by Duke (1933), by a son of St. Albans (2584). (6437) ST. PATRICK. Roan, calved March 9, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir C. Tempest, got by Marmion (4381), d. Clara (bred by T. Wilkinson), by Charles (1815), Shipley (bred by Mr. Waites), by Stainton (5311), by Chance (1806). (6438) SALADIN. Roan, calved Aug. 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnett. Strattoii Park, got by Strat- ton (5336), d. Moss Rose, by Senator (2610), &c., as in Alford (2982). (6439) SAMBO. White, calved Jan. 20, 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Williams, got by Mercury (4459), d. Sail, by Mortimer, by Anthony (1640), by Edg- cott (1953). (6440) SAMSON. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Cattley, got by Prince Albert (4791), d. Fortune, by Luck's-all (2230), Fanny, by Remus (2524), Flora, by Freeman (1062), by White Comet (1582). (6441) SAM WELLER. Red calved 1841, bred by and the property of G. P. Harrison, got by 4th Duke of Nor- thumberland (3649), d. Mary, by Waterloo (2816), by Pyramid (4852), by a grandson of Cupid (177), by a son of Cupid (177), by Cupid (177). (6442) SAM WELLER. Roan, calved July 28, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Unsworth, got by Raspberry (4875). d. Strawberry 3d, by Young Matchem (4422), &c., as in British Prince (14197). (6443) SARACEN. Red and white, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of Capt. Shawe, got by Bel- shazzar (1703). d. Symmetry, by Belshazzar (1704), &c., as in Sobraon (9672). (6444) SATELLITE. Bred by Mr. Buston, got by Sir William (2640), d. by Duke (1933),-by Coatham (1840), by Northumberland (464), Styford, Colling's Lame i>ull (ooo). (6445) SATIRIST. Roan calved Jan. 17, 1842, bred by Mr. Musson, Colsterworth, the property of E. Hallam Goadby Marwood, Leicestershire, got by Prince Albert, d. Cherry, bought in the North. ^9... S m*?^~ Roan ',-, calv( : d Au S- 31 > 1841, bred by ot by Bates's Prince , . ^v Vonno- Wntpvlnn Inr TTUf /O1C-n\ K, Bull, from Albert, d. by Young Waterloo, bykitt (2179)" by Pag'e's R. Colling's Stock. (6447) SAXON. Roan, calved Sept. 25, 1841, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Earl Ducie, got by Ranun- WMV ( * 47 ? } o d ' Matron > ^y Roman (2561). Sacontala, by A\ illiam (2840), Clarion, by Childers (1824), &c as in George 1st (19848). (6448) SCALEBY. Roan, calved June, 1836, bred by Mr iawcett, got by a grandson of Mr. Mason's Monarch, d. Young Cometina, by Regent (1866), CometiUa (bred by M iss \V right), by ^ oung Comet (156),-Judith, by Jupiter (343) Lydia, by a grandson of Favourite, Lucy (bred by Mr. Walker). (6449) SCOTT'S BULL OF NEWTON. Got by a son of R. Colling s Minor, d. by Major (398), by Yarborough (705) -own Sister to Red Rose, by Favourite. (6450) SECOND HOLKAR. Red, with a few white spots calved March 25, 1842, bred by and the property of Grant Duft, got by Ilolkar (4041), d. PhuMiix, by Sampson (2592) 7uSi? SlS! , mt ', l>y (Jr!l!!ier (1085), Pnyfiis, by Harpham (1098),-by Percy (131 2),-I)elicacy (bred by F.Dickson) by k.-HoM tfHil.-by Expectation (34~).-by Magnum K,,I nom (2882), by Harry Chapman's Bull, by Ralph Grim- Ston s Bull, by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (6451) SECRETARY. Red, calved Oct. 23, 1842, bred by and the property of John Wood, Hodsack, got by Lord Stanley, d. Moss Rose, by Tomboy, by Francisco. (6452) SELIM. (6453) SELIM. Calved April 28, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Sir William Fairfax (5204), d. Sweetbread, by Kenwood (2114), Sweetbrier (bred by R. Booth), by A-la-Mode (725), Primrose, by Memnon (2295), by Arthur (761). (6454) SELIM. W T hite, calved Oct. 3, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Watson, Walkeringham, got by Ra- ree-shew (4874), d. Strawberry (bred by Mr. Fox, Ire- land), by 2d Comet (5101), Mulberry, by Prince Paul (4827), Lavender (bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley), by Dar- lington (955), Lively, by Ketton (346) , Fanny, by Blu- cher (80), by Pope (514). (6455) SENATOR. Roan, calved May 25, 184^1, bred by and the property of Mr. Skipworth, got by Shakspeare, d. Famous, by Soldier (2656), &c., as in Folo (3819). (6456) SENECA. Roan, calved June 22, 1841, bred by Mr. Watson, Walkeringham, got by Clements (3399), d. Sylvia, by Eclipse (1949), Snowberiy, by Reformer, Snowball, by Dishley Ketton (982), by Major (398), by Cossack (925). (6457) SEPTEMBER. Calved Sept. 20, 1841, bred by Mr. Caldecott, the property of J. Foster, got by Emperor (3721), d. Jessamine, by Bouncer (3195), by a son of Fairfax (1023), by Young Comet. (6458) SEPTIMUS. White and red, calved Sept. 2, 1840, bred by R. Jobson, the property of Mr. Smith, Lear- mouth. Full brother to Fawdon (3776). (6459) SERLBY. Roan, calved May 15. 1840, bred by and the property of Lord Galway, got by William (2840), d. Everton (bred by the late F. Raynes), by Jupiter (2169), by Marshal Beresford (415), by Rubens (568), by Raynes' Roan Bull. (6460) SERPENT. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Crisp, Gedgrave Hall, got by Albert (2963), d. Spot, by Vulcan (5580), Lady (bred by Lord Huntingfield), by Freemason (1064), Lord llunt- ingfield's Lady. (6461) SHAKSPEARE. Bred by Mr. Ostler, got by his Soldier, d. Lady, by Mr. Wiley's Cato, Lavender, by Barmpton Major, Empress, by Barmpton (54), by R. Colling's W T hite Bull, an own brother to the White Heifer that travelled, by Barningham (56). (6462) SHARDELOES. Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1838, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Drake, got by An- thony (1640), d. Matilda, by a son of Merlin. (6463) SHEPHERD. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Caldecott, got by Emperor (3721), d. Sheperdess, by Hawthorn (3990), Myrtle, by a son of Fairfax (1023), by WethereU's Northern Light, by a son of Phenomenon (491). (6464) SHERIFF. Roan, calved Aug. 9, 1841, bred Jby W. Linton, the property of Mr. Eland, got by Prince Albert (4491), d. Hutton, by Luck's-all (2230), by Don Juan (1923). (6465) SHINER. Roan, calved March 9, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Skipworth, got by Shakspeare, d. Gaylass, by Tory (5507), Governess, by Commodore (1858), &c., as in Governor (3916). (6466) SIMON. Roan, calved March 8, 1841, bred by Mr. Parkinson, got by Dulverton, d. Stately, by a son of Wonderful (1588), by Wonderful (700), by Mars (413), by Trunnell (659). (6467) SIMON. White, calved March 5, 1842, bred by and the property of A. Geekie, got by The Baron (5420), d.Wallflower (bred by Capt. Barclay), by Emperor (3716), Carnation, by Monarch (4495), Susan, by Champion (865), Lucy, by Mars, by a brother to Whitworth (695). (6468) YOUNG SIR ALEXANDER. Bred by R. Thomas, late of Eryholme, got by Lilliput (1168), d. by Welling- (6469) SIR ALFRED. Got by Sir Thomas Fairfax. (6470) SIR ANTHONY. Roan, calved 1841, bred by and the property of J. Crofton, got by Albert, d. Blossom, by Marquis (2270), Leopoldine, by Wellington (2824), by Leopold (2199), by Dundas (1943), by Cupid (177), by Simon (590), by Punch (531), by Bolingbroke (86). (6471) SIR CHARLES/ Roan, got by Columbus (903), d. Young Rosette, by Percy (1315), &c., as in Sir Charles (7501). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 151 (6472) YOCM; Siu CHARLES. "Roan, calved June, 1840, l>red by S.Clarke, the property of (.Jeo. Ormerod. Fern Hill, in Bacnp,got by Sir Charles. d. Pretty Daisy, by Kiln- .-ha\v.--Lueiana, by William 4th, &c. ((5173) YOUNG SIR CIIAKI.KS. (t;i;n SIB GHABLES. Red, calved Feb. 4 18, bred by and the property of Mr. Kemp, got by Cliristoval (3382), d. Shotbolt's Cherry, by Albion (2967), by Ktitify (2481), by Logic (4248),- by Radical (4858). (6475) SIR FAIRFAX. Roan, calved March 7, 1842, bred 2 Mr. Townsend, King's Newnham, the property of . .Morris, got by Prince Albert, d. Sunflower, alias Strawberry, by Rebel (4882), &c., us in Coronation (5890). (647(5) SIR FIRBY. Red and white, calved July 15, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Townsend, King's Newnham, got by Whitaker (5640), d. Sunflower (bred by Earl Spencer), by Firby (1040). Zoraide, by Flam- mock (1046), by Tyrant (1537), Brampton, bred by Mr. Robinson, Low Field, near Catterick. (6477) SIR FRANCIS. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Unthank, got by Mango , d. Fair Helen, by Gainford (2044), Venus (bred by Mr. Buston), by Cripple (1887), by Young Rocking- ham (2549), by Wellington (2824). by Major (9366), by Northumberland (464), Sty ford (629), Bolingbroke (86). (6478) SIR GREGORY. Bred by W. S. Gill, got by - , d. Victoria (bred by Mr. Paley), by Sir Walter (1459), Bessy (bred by R.Thornton), by Barmpton (54), descend- ed from Broken Horn (95). (6479) SIR MANGO. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Walbran, got by Mango (4356), d. Junia, by Jioan Simon (4959), late Waterloo, Bessy (bred by .Mr. Yeates), by Hector, by Snowball (2648). (6480) SIR ROBERT. Red and white, bred by and the property of George Carter, Sedbury, near Richmond, got by Barden (1674), d. by Magnum Bonum (2243), by Sed- bury (1424). (6481) SIR ROBERT. Roan, calved Jan. 5, 1841, got by Bedlamite, d. Polly Hopkins, by Premier (2449), Row- *na, by Stainton (2695), Sylvia, by St. Albans (8684). . (6482) SIR ROBERT. Roan, calved April 10, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Jopling, got by Northumber- land (4595). tL Young Wellington, by - , Honeysuckle, by Sultan, by Signior, &c. (6483) SIR ROBERT. Calved Nov. 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Briggs, Oxcombe House, near Louth, Lincolnshire, got by Zohrab (5705), d.Moss Rose, by The Peer, Moss Rose, by Turnell Major. (6484) SIR ROBERT. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Buston, Wharton Hall, got by Gainford 2d, d. Red Roan, by Wharton (2833), &c., as in Arthur (5761). (6485) SIR ROBERT PEEL. Roan, calved Feb. 1, 1841, bred by Mr. Robinson, Clifton, the property of Mr. Lind- say Carnegie, of Spynie and Boysack, N. B.. got by Bate's Nonsuch, d. Bee's wing, by Commodore (1858), by Tur- nell Major. (6486) SIR ROBERT PEEL. Calved March 6, 1842, bred by and the property of J. W. Parrington, got by Ernest, d. Princess Victoria, by Diamond, Roan Trinket, by Paul Pry (4664), Young Trinket, by Symmetry (643), &c., as in Count (1884). (6487) SIR ROLAND, Roan, calved Oct. 6, 1841, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Tempest, got by Rock- ingham (2550), d. Morel, by Norfolk (2377), &c., as in Colonel (3427). (6488) SIR SOLOHONSD. Red, calved May 15, 1841, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Sir Solomon (5191), d. Judy, by Colossus (18-17), &c,, as in Rodney 2d (6399). (6IHH) Sue TATTON. Got by Boz. (6490) SIB THOMAS. Roan, calved Dec. 25, 1840, bred by Mr. Jopp, Aberdeen, the property of Mr. Gordon, Newton, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Nancy Dawson, by Colossus (1847), Morpeth, by Navarino (6491) SIR THOMAS. Red and white, calved May 15, 1842, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax, son of Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196). (6492) SIR THOMAS. Roan, calved 1842, bred by Rev. J. D. Jefferson, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (519(5). d. Daisy. (6493) SIR THOMAS FAIRFAX 2o. Light roan, calved April 29, 1842, bred by Grant Duff, trot by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196). d. Jane, by Young Barmpton (30S9), Arc., as in Rubens (5027). SIT: THOMAS FAIRFAX. Got by Sir Thorns Fair- fax (.-,1!t(5), d. .Minna Bertram, by Bertram (1716), &c. as in Wharncliffe, (x!S34). (6495) SIR THOMAS NKWTON. Red and white, calved 1H.-W. bred by T. BousliHd. Newton Kigg, the property of \V illiam Bowstead, Hackthorpe Hall, got by Gainford (2044), d. by Olivas. (6496) SIR WALTER. White, calved May 7, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Maw, Tettley, near Crowle, got by Lord John (4259), d. Christmas Morn, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Lady Jane, by Franklin (2036), &c., as in Lord George (4256). (6497) SIR WALTER. Roan, calved Aug. 5, 1842 bred by and the property of Mr. Gilbert, Hexgreave Park, got by Pilot (4704), d. Primula, by a son of Ivanhoe (1131) by Barefoot (1675). (6498) YOUNG SIR WILLIAM. Roan, calved Sept 16 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Harland, Studley got by Sir William (5203), d. Roan Cherry, by Noble (4577), Young Cherry, by Imperial (2151), Old Cherry by Young Isaac (2154), &c., as in Navigator (4542). (6499) SISSON'S YOUNG FAVOURITE. Got by Young Lancaster (1162), d. bred by Thomas Robinson, Marsh House, near Stockton-on-Tees, who for many years bred from the Stocks of R. Colling and Mr. Mason. (6500) SMITHFIELD. Red and white, calved April 27, 1841, bred by and the property of Earl Spencer, got by Sweetwilliam (5368), d. Gentian, by Roman (2561) Ca- lypso, by William (2840), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c as in Christopher (1829). (6501) SMITH'S BULL, OF PIERCE BRIDGE. Got by J. Ceiling's Ronald, d. by Harlsey, by Memnon, by Bel- zoni, by Comus, by Comus. (6502) SMUGGLER. Red, calved Aug. 7, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Gilbert, Hexgreave Park, got by Pilot (4704), d. Mary, by Snowball (2650), by a son of Studley (5277),-by Ben (3138), by Ormsby (4620). (6503) SNOWBALL. White, calved May 24, 1841, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Smith, got by Ranun- culus (2479), d. Violet, by Albion (2967), by Ratify (2481) by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (6504) SNOWBALL. White, calved June 11, 1841, bred by John Forrest, the property of Mr. Gullion, got by Belshazzar, d. Snowdrop, by Magnum Bonum (2243), Red Rose, by Young Rockingham (2547), Orpheus Cow by Orpheus (473), White Rose, by Meteor (431), &c., as in Lisbon (1172). (6505) SNOWBALL. White, calved March, 1842, bred by and the property of W. Raine, got by The Colonel (5428), d. Trusty, by Magnum Bonum (2243). Twin Cow, by Young Rockingham (2547). by Rob Roy (557), bv Denton (188), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (6506) SNOAVBALL. White, calved April 1, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Hobson, Cross House, Bootle got by Lord Melbourne (4264), d. Cowslip, by Prime Min- ister (2456), Young Mary, by Coroner (3497), Mary, a favourite Short-horned Durham Cow. (6507) YOUNG SNOWBALL. Calved May 14, 1842, bred by Sir John Cathcart, the property of Sir David Baird got by Retriever, d. Eliza (bred by the Earl of Carlisle), by Snowball (2651), Virtue, by Algernon (1631), Moss Rose, by Navigator (1260), &c., as in Tartar (2737). (6508) SNOWDROP. White, calved May, 1842, bred by Mr. Bayston. got by Prince Albert (4805), d. Skylark, by Mameluke (2258), Moss Rose, by Mameluke (2258), Rosebud (bred by R. Thornton), by Pilot, a son of R. Col- ling's George, by Northumberland (464), by Wright- sou's Punch, by a Bull of Mr. Harrison's Hurworth. (6509) SOCKBURN. Roan, calved Sept. 12, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bates, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3(548), d. Blanche 3d, by Short Tail (2621), Blanche 2d, by Norfolk (2377), &c., as in Colum- bus (12616). (6510) YOUNG SOL. Red and white, calved June. 1838, bred by Mr. Sowerby, got by Sol (2655), d. Fortune, by North Star (459), &c., as in Robert Peel (4962). the Chanty, Old Cossack, by Codd's George. (6512) SOLOMON. Red, calved in 1829, bred by Mr. Drewry, got by Brayton, d. Harmony (bred by Rev. John Benson), by Western Cnuet ((>V.M. Columbine (bred by Mr. (Jibson), by Harlequin (2.SSO, by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (Sli). 152 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (6513) SOLOMON. Red, calved March, 1840, bred by A. L. Maynard, the property of Rev. Thomas Cator, Skel- brook Park, got by J. Colling's Ronald, d. by Gainford, by Baron, by Remus (550), by son of Favourite (252). (6514) SOLOMON. Bred by and the property of Mr. Cattley, got by Prince Albert, d. Lass of the Tees, bought at Darlington. (6515) SOLON. Roan, calved March 8, 1841, bred by Mr. Parkinson, got by Dulverton, d. Stately, by a son of Wonderful (1588), by Wonderful (700), by Mars (413), by Trunnell (659). (6516) SON OF CHEVIOT. Got by Cheviot (1822). (6517) SON OF COMET. Got by Comet (155), d. Gentle Kitty (bred by Mr. Charge), by Grey Bull (872), by Fa- vourite (252). (6518) SON OF YOUNG DIMPLE. Got by Young Dimple (971), d. Old Strawberry, by Snowball (2648), Old Cherry, by Lay ton (2190). (6519) SON OF YOUNG GRAZIEK. Got by Young Grazier (3928). (6520) SON OF YOUNG KIMBLETHMONT. (6521) SON OF MAXIMUS. Roan, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Sowerby, got by Maximus (2284), d. by Keharna (1150), by Equinox (245). (6522) SON OF MERLIN. Bred by Mr. Barratt, Wood- ford, late the property of Mr. Lovell, got by Merlin, a son of Midas (435), d. Cowslip, by Harold (290), by Bar- onet (60), by Cripple (171). (6523) SON OF MONARCH. Got by Monarch (2324), d. by Wynyard (703). (6524) SON OF SELIM. Red and white, calved April 15, 1839, bred by and the property of Russell Sewell, Little Oakley Hall, Harwich, Essex, got by Selim, d. Susan (bred by Mr. Rose. Cotham), by Mars, by Crispin (174), by Fisher's Old Bull, by a grandson of Favourite (252), descended from Mr. Cornforth's Stock, Barforth, near Darlington. (6525) SON OF SHYLOCK. Got by Shylock (2622), d. Lady Sarah, &c. (6526) SON OF SIR THOMAS FAIRFAX. Red roan, calved April 25, 1842, bred by Grant Dutf, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Constantine, by Lord Feversham's Sir Charles, Lady, by Sir Walter (2639), &c., as in Kathlin (4139). (6527) SON OF SOVEREIGN. (6528) SOUTH COMET. Roan, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Robinson, Clifton Hall, near Olney, Bucks., got by Fitz Redmayne, d. Taglioni, by Elis (3702) Malibran, by Ganthorpe (2409), &c., as in Clifton (5865). (6529) SPANGLE. Roan, calved May 21. 1841. bred by W. Jobson, the property of Grove Wood, Letterkenny, Ireland, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Sprittle (bred by the Earl of Tankerville), by Young Sea Gull (5100), by Sultan (1485), by Crusader (934), by a son of Sultan (1485). (6530) SPANGLE. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. La- kiu, the property of Mr. Gardiner, Yarra River Port Philip, Australia, got by Codd's Major, d. Old Straw- berry. (6531) SPECULATION. Red and white, calved July 21 1842, bred by and the property of W. Smith, Burton' near Belford, Northumberland, got by Leopold, d. Duch- ess (bred by the Earl of Tankerville), by Young Sea Gull (5100), by Crusader (934), by Chillingham (3374). (6532) SPLENDOUR. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr Lakin, the property of Mr. Winnal, got by Powyke d' Star, by Powyke Wharfdale, Old Strawberry. (6583) SPLENDOUR. Roan, calved July 3, 1841, bred by John Forrest, the property of Viscount Torrington sot ' by Belshazzar (3123), d. Mary, by Matchem (2281), &c , as m Charles (3348). (6534) SPLENDOUR. Red and white, calved April 16 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Gano, Centreville' Bourbon Co., U. S. A., got by Chesterfield (3364), d. Anne Boleyne, by Exception (3746), Dione, by Drone (3622) by Champion (3322),-by Tecumseh (1504), by Buzzard (6436). (6535) SPORTSMAN. Roan, calved Oct. 1, 1841. bred bv and the property of Mr. Horsley, Scackleton, near Maf- JSW^iP Bl mer [ 17( ! 0) ' d ' Combine, by Symmetry ( , i* 3 .)' Moss Rose, by Red Rover (2495), by Romulus (1703), by Freeman (1062), by Emperor (1013). (6536) SPORTSMAN. Red and white, calved Oct. 16, 1841, bred by and the property of I. and R. Patterson, Hall Beck, got byPlumpton (2440), d. Lovely (bred by the Earl of Lonsdale), by William (2839), Duchess, by Rob Roy (557), by Wellington (28.24), by Mr. Crofton's , by Blucher. (6537) SPOTLESS. White, calved July 23, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Nutt, York, got by Prince Albert (4788), d. Variety (bred by Mr. Benson), by Ganthorpe (2049), Violet, by Algernon (1631), &c., as in Vagabond (9765). (6538) SPOTTED DISHLEY. Red and white, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Pittam, got by Young North Star, d. Ger- anium (bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley), by Sterling (622), by Rain's Son of Denton (536), by Ladrone (353), by Deighton's . (6539) SQUEERS. Roan, calved April, 1842, bred by Mr. Watkin, Plumpton, the property of Mr. Bainting, got by Pickwick (4698), d. Wallflower, by Stainton (2095), by Mina (1238), by Lenny (2197), bought of Mr.Spraggon. (6540) STADTHOLDER. Roan, calved June, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Watson, Walkeringham, got by Bellerophon (3119), d. Sylvia, by Eclipse (1949), &c., as in Seneca (6456). . (6541) STAFFORD. Light roan, calved Dec. 22, 1841, bred by and the property of M. Bowser, Thornaby Grange, got by Warrior (5602), d. Emma 5th, by Sol (2655), Emma 1st, by Young Rockingham (2547), by Northern Light (1280), by a son of Sir Dimple (594), by a grandson of Favourite (252). (6542) STAMFORD. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Ad- eane, the property of Rev. Alfred Smith, Old Park, De- vizes, got by Vanguard (5545), d. Ladybird, by Robin Hood (4970), Mfflicent, by Anticipation (750), &c., as in Burleigh (5817). (6543) STANLEY. Roan, calved Jan. 16, 1841, bred by and the property of A. Geekie, got by The Baron, d. Diana (bred by Capt. Barclay), by Monarch (4495), May- flower, by Invalid (4076), Rosebud, by St. Leger (1414), by Comus, by Denton (198), by Henry (301). (6544) STANLEY. Roan, calved Jan. 24, 1841, bred by and the property of Rev. Jos. D. Jeft'erson, got by Ben- jamin (1710), d. Jennet, by Jaques' Bull (2156), &c., as in Thirsk (6602). (6545) STATESMAN. Red and white, calved Nov. 1841, bred by J. Radcliffe, the property of Mr. Coverdale, got by Prince Albert (4791), d. Maidensworth, by Plato (2433), Minerva, by Regent (2518), Empress, by Bedford (68), by Northern Light (1281), by White Comet (1582). (6546) STILTON. Roan, calved in Spring of 1841, the property of James Clover, Greeting, near Needham Mar- ket, got by Cook's Favourite, d. Gulnare, by Oliver (2386), Young Rosalind, by Albany (13), by a son of George (273), by a son of White Bull. (6547) STRATHMORE. Roan, calved Feb. 27, 1842, bred by and the property of A. Geekie. Full brother to Stan- ley (6543). (6548) STUDLEY. Roan, calved Jan. 5, 1842, bred by John Woodhouse, the property of Mr. Moore, Plumpton, got by Sampson (5077), d. Red Rose, by Ambo (1636), &c., as in Charles (3345). (6549) STURDY. Calved 1830, bred by Mr. Pittain, got by Young North Star, d. Haymaker (bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley), by Sterling (622). (6550) SUFFRAGE. Roan, calved Nov. 13, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Whitaker, got by Whig (5638), d. Victoria, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Walnut, by Colussus (1847), Woodville, by Champagne (1803), by Major, a son of Denton (198). (6551) SULTAN. Red and white, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Adeane, got by Robin Hood (4970), d. Helen, by Al- bion, &c., as in Pam (627.2). (6552) SULTAN. White, calved Feb. 24, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr.Warfield, near Lexington. IT.S.A., got by Althorp (3005), d. Caroline, by Goldflnder (2066), by Oliver (2387), by Mohawk (4492), by San Martin (2599), by Paul Jones (4661), by Buzzard. (6553) SULTAN. Roan, calved March 18, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Bainbridge, got by Rienzi (4948), d. Sultana, by Premier (2449), Brighteyes (bred by Mr. Verty), by Morning Star (2338), by Denton (198), by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). (6554) SULTAN. Roan, calved April 28, 1842, bred by Mr.Dawson, Gronant,got by Sir William Fairfax (5204), TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 153 (1. Sweetbread, by Kenwood (2114), Sweetbrier (bred by K. liooiin. by A-la-Mode (725), Primrose, by Mem- 11011 (2295), by Arthur (761). (I>.V>.Y) Srr.TAN. White, calved May 14, 1842, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Mar- niioii, d. Endive, by Gohanna, Mary, by Mayfield. i.Vj(j) SUNFLOWER. White, calved March 12, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnett, Stratton Park, got by Stratton (5336), d. Cauliflower, by Colling (902), Columbine, by Tippoo (649), Wildair, by Ketton (346), Victoria, by Charles (127'), Venus (bred by Col. Trotter), by It Ceiling's Son of Favourite (252), by a sou of Fa- vourite (252), Hollon. (6557) SURVEYOR. White, calved Oct. 21, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Botterill. got by Tomboy (2765), d. Eastthorpe Strawberry, by Mu'lbro 1 (1189), &c., as in Burlington (1767). (6558) &UTTEY. Roan, calved 1828, bred by Mr. Pit- tain, tcot by Young Merlin, d. White Rumps (bred by J. C. Barratt), by Old Merlin, by Midas, by Denton. (6559) SWERFORD. Red and white, calved March 30, 1841, bred by Mr. Bowly, the property of Mr. Williams, got by Leo (4208), d. Delight (bred by Mr. Bellamy), by (6560) SYMMETRY. Roan, calved Sept. 1, 1842, bred by and the property of W. Hobbs, got by Stamford, d. Snow- drop, by Cottesmore (3505), Siiowberry (bred by R. \V. Baker), by Sheridan (2616), Burberry, by Emperor (1014), by Meteor (1226), Raspberry, by Wellington (683), by a son of Cleasby, Son of Daisy, Duke. (6561) TAFFY. Roan, calved March 1, 1842, bred by and the property of Rev. J. Vincent, got by Robin, d. Butterily, by Warwick (2815), Bella, by Wharfdale (1578), Miss Beauchamp, by Sir Stephen (1456), &c., as in Benedict (786). (6562) TALIESIN. Red and white, calved May 6, 1842, bred by and the property of Rev. J. Vincent, got by Robin, d. Avonia, by Wharfdale (1578), &c., as in Oogh- tred (4634). (6563) TARIFF. Red, calved April 2, 1842, bred by Mr. Renton, Farnley, the property of Mr. Robinson, got b*y Constitution, d. White Oak, by Norfolk (2377), b/Folly- foot (3818), Spaw, by Hero (1110). (6564) TARIFF. Roan, calved May 11, 184S, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, the property of Mr. Adeane. got by Will Honeycomb (5660), d. by Ivanhoe, by Crispin, by Rose's Red Bull, by Fisher's Old Bull, by TarnelTs Red Bull. (6565) TARIFF. Light roan, calved May 18, 1842, bred by Earl Brownlow, the property of Mr. Minta, ur- per (13928). (6575) THE CHIEF. (6576) THE CROWN PRINCE. Red and white, calved (6577) THE COUNT. Calved 1841, bred by and the prop- erty of A. L. Maynard, Snow Hall, got by Violin, d. White Rose, by Isaac (1129), by Jerry (4097), by Albion (19), by a son of Comet (155). (6578) THE DRUID. Dark Roan, calved Sept. 24, 1841, Jerry (4100). (0579) THE DUKE OF CORNWALL. Calved Feb. 27. 1841, bred by Mr. Jackson. Tibbersley, near Stockton on Tees, the property of the King of France, got by Prince Albert, by Uptaker.d. Her Majesty, by Alexander (1627), by Hail- sey (2091), by Snowdrop (2653), by Northumberland. (6580) THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Red and white, calved 1842, bred by Mr. Wat kin, Plumpton, got by The Earl, d. Wildliower, by Monitor (2331), &c., as in Coro- nation (5892). (6581) THE DUKE OF YORK. Red, calved May 2, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Jackson, Tibbersley, got by I'rince Albert, d. Her Majesty, by Alexander (162?'), by Harlsey (2091), by Snowdrop (2653), by Northum- berland. (6582) THE CENERAL. Red and white,calved 1841, bred by and the property of James CroAon, got by (iainford (2040, d. Manuella, by Marquis (2270), &c., as in Magis- trate (2239). (6583) THE GUARDSMAN. Calved 1842. bred by and the property of A. L. Mavnard, Snow Hall, got by Augustus (3057). d. Squint by Tomboy (5493), by Velocipede (5rf^). by Burley (1766), by Matchem (2281), by North Star (459), by a son of Suworrow (636). (H5S4) THE HERO. Calved Dec. 6, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Stansfield. got by Revolution (4940), d. Everilla. by Reformer (2508'), Thornthorp Cow, by Bright (1789), by Yaunter (1543), by Percy (1314), by Windsor (69S). (6585) THE HERO DON JOHN. Roan, calved Oct. 7, 1842, bred by and the proper! v of Mr.W'nitaker. got byBuchan Hero (3238), d. Young Jessamine, byTarquin (2784), .te- as in Waxy (5615). (6586) THE INFANT PRINCE. Calved March 22, 1842, bred by and the property of J.W. Parrington. got by Prince of Wales, d. Ruby, by a son of Nunthorpej Bar- oness, by James Appletoifs Bull. (6587) THE LORD OF GILLINC;. White. calved Jan. 15, 1842. bred by and the property of Mr.Wilc-v. go) by Sir Thomas Fairfax (515)6), d. Hypolita, by Belsha/xar (1704), Giantess. (6588) THE LORD OF HAINAULT. Roan, calved Aus. 24. 1842, bred by Mr. Bates, the property of Mr. Mclntosh, Marshalls, near Romford. Essex, got by 4th Duke of Nor- thumberland (3648), d. Wildeyes 6th, by Duke of Nor- thumberland U'.MO), Wildeyes 2d, by Belvedere (1706), &<\, as in Wild Duke (19148). (6589) THE LORD MAYOR. Red and white, calved Jan. 21, 1842, bred by and the property of Sir Charh--* Tem- jot bv Dan O'Coiinell (3557). d. Fancy (bred by Mr. Cattley), by Remus (2524), &c., as in Usurper U3928). (6590) THE MAJOR. Red, calved Jan. 1840, got by Magnum Bonum (2243). d. by Young Forester, a son of Forester (1055), by Baron (58). (6591) THE MOOR. Roan, calved Jan. 13, 1839, bred by Mr. Russell Sewell, Little Oakley Hall. Harwich. Essex, the property of Mr. Barthropp. got by Othello (4631). d. Constance, by Juniper (1145), Arc., as in Beelzebub (31 16). <65! 12) TIIKODOKK. Roan, calved 1S41, bred by John Radclille. the property of Mr. Ruddille, Farliugton, got 154 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by a son of Cyrus, d. by Bedford (68), by Barrister (776), bv \Vhite Comet (1582). (0593) THE PEASANT. Eed and .white, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Roper, got by Baronet, d. by Anthony (1640), by Edgcott (1953), by Audley, by a son of Merlin. (6594) THE YOUNG PRINCE. Eed and white, calved Oct. 10, 1842, got by Colonel Cradock's Guardian, d. by Harlsey (2091), by Croft (1888), by St.Leger (1414), by Hunter's Bull, by Achmet. (6595) THE RAJA. Light roan, calved May 17, 1842, bred by and the property of Grant Duff, got by Holkar, d. Modesty, by Lord Feversham's Sir Charles, Rachel, by Pirate (2430), by Young Houghton (1119), by New- ton (1271), by Sedbury (1424). ((5596) THE TOUCHES. Roan, calved 1840, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, the property of Mr. Cruickshank, got by Gen. Picton (3876), d. Phoebe, by Whitelaw, by Rennie's Romulus, by St. Leger (1414), by Comus, by Midas (435), by Phenomenon (491). (6597) THE TRUMP. Red, with a little white, calved March 20, 1842, bred by Grant Duff, got by Holkar, d. White Rose (descended from Peel's Heifer), by Moghul (bred by Mr. Packington). (6598) THE WELCHMAN. Roan, calved March 1, 1842, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Ormerod, got by King Charles, d. Gillyflower, by Young Colling (1843), &c., as in Blaize (3159). (6599) THE WHARFDALE HERO. Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Whitaker, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Vestalia, by Colossus (1847), Venus, by Young Colling (1843), Lingcropper, by Re- mus (550), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (6600) THE WHITE BULL. Bred by Mr. Werge, got by a son of Chilton (137). (6601) THICK HOCK (the late MR. WALDY'S). Got by Greenwell's Matchem 3d, d. Rosebud, by Young Ery- holme (1981), &c., as in Waldy's Roan Bull (5586). (6602) THIRSK. Red and white, calved Oct. 1842, bred by P. Serjeantson, Liverpool, the property of Mr. Ser- jeantson, New South Wales, got by Young Berry, d. Car- oline, by The Miller (5451), Jennet, by Jaques's Bull (2156), by Danby(1900), by Nailer (4528), by Lax (4195), Mr. Scroope's Old Yellow Cow. (6603) THOMAS. Red and white, calved July 31, 1842, bred by and the property of Whitfield Harvey, Liverpool, got by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638), d. Kirkleavington 1st (bred by Messrs. Bell), by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Nell Gwynne, by Belvedere (1706), by Son of 2d Hubback (2683). (6604) THORNABY. Roan, calved Jan. 14, 1842, bred by and the property of M. Bowser, got by Warrior (,5602) d. Emma 4th, by Bellerophon (3119), Emma 1st (bred by Thomas Bowser), by Young Rockingham (2547), by Northern Light (1280), by a son of Sir Dimple (594), by a grandson of Favourite (252). (6605) THORP 2n. White, calved Nov. 26, 1841, bred by and the property of W. Bowstead, got by Archibald (1652), d. Gainford, by Thorp (2757), a Cow of Mr. Law- son's, Doe Park, by a Bull of Mr. Hutchinson's, Egtrle- stone. (6606) TIMOTHY. Red and white, calved Dec. 16, 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, the property of Mr. Harbinge, got by Baronet, d. Thetis, by Anthony (1640), &c., as in Tisbite (5484). (6607) TIPPOO. Red, calved April 1, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Cupid (3534), d. Cherry, by Kenwood (2114), Cora, by Maggot (2238), &c., as in Cupid (3534). (6608) TITMOUSE. Roan, calved Oct. 5, 1841, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Cupid (3534), d. Nutmeg, by Kenwood (2114), Nectarine, by Young Wai-lab v, by A-la-Mode (725). . TOM. Red and white, calved March 6, 1842, bred by and the property of M S. Stewart, South wick got by Burlington (3245), d. Tulip (bred by Mr. Watson Wauldby), by Camden (1776), by Noble Henry (2374) by Young Sir Alexander. (6610) TOM FAIRFAX. Red, calved Jan. 19, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Walker, Alaunby Hall, near 1 hirsk, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Ruby bv Isaac (1129), &c., as in Briton (3223). (6611) TOMMY LAD. Red roan, calved 1842, got by Westmoreland, d. Grace, by Prime Minister (2456), Red Helen, by Tom Gwynne, Helen, by Marmion (406), by St. Albans (2584). (6612) TOPSMAN. Roan, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Rob- son, Newton Morrel, near Darlington, the property of Mr. Brown, Seaton Delaval Hall, got by John Booth's Son of Matchem, d. by Sol, by Seamour's son of Wel- lington (683), bred by the late C. Colling. (6613) TORY. Roan, calved Dec. 20, 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Thornthwaite, got by Charles 12th (3350), d. Mary, by Broken Horn (3224), by Regent (1366). (6614) TORY. Roan, calved Feb. 28. 1842, bred by Mr. Townsend, the property of Mr. Copson, got by Prince Albert, d. Tulip (bred by W.Bagshaw), by Rebel (4882), Queen Mary, by Sir H. C. Ibbetson's Young Comet, Governess, by Woodford (5684), Brilliant, by Pumpkin (4847), Butterfly (bred by Mr. Dormer), by Miner (441), bought of Mr.Ormby, or Armby, of Little Hutton, near Darlington. (6615) TOUCHSTONE. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Watkin, Plumpton, the property of Mr. Nicholl, got by St. Helena (5055), d. Wear, by Harlsey (2091), Emma, by Childers (1824), by Matchem (2281), by Rich- ard (1376). (6616) TRAJAN. Red and white, calved Jan. 8, 1842, bred by and the property of Thomas Robinson, Hutton Hall, got by Clemen ti (3339), d. Flora, by Layton (2192), Old Wyclifle, by Rob Roy (557). (6617) TRAVELLER. Roan, calved 1839, bred by and the property of R. Lawson, Stapleton, got by Guardian (3947), d. Mary, by Commodore, fec., as in Goldiinder (3911). (6618) TRISTRAM. Dark roan, calved May, 1842, bred by Mr. Rowlay, Thirkleby, got by Launcelot, d. by Cor- rector, Victoria, by Thirkleby (2755), Stately, by Pi- rate, by Cecil (120), Durham Cow. (6619) TROJAN. Red and white, calved Dec. 29, 1840, bred by Lovell, the property of Mr. Gossaye, got by Bar- onet, d. Thenis, by Middleton (4374), by Edgcott (1953), by Audley, by Son of Merlin. (6620) TRYO. Bred by Mr. Sewell, Newlands, after- wards the propery of Mr. Lambert, Elrington Hall, got by Maximus (2284), d. by Monarch, Primus. (6621) TURK. Roan, calved Jan. 8, 1842, bred by and the property of Rev. Henry Smith, got by Bates's Hore, d. Tansy, by Spectator (2688), Tulip 2d, by Lubin (4291), Old Roan Tulip. (6622) TURK. Red, calved Sept. 1842, bred by Mr. Bay- ston, got by Prince Albert (4805), d. Moonshine, by Vic- tory (5566), by Neasham (4543). by Raine's Bull, of Mor- ton (4860), by Bishop Middleham (3155). (6623) TURNELL MAJOR. Bred by Mr. Pearson, Tath- well, Lincolnshire, got by Major (397). (6624) TWENTYMAN'S WHITE BULL. White, calved 1827, bred by H. T. Thompson, got by Star (1479), d. Amelia, by Regent (1366), Mayflower,by Western Comet (689), by Yarborough (705). (6625) TWIN. (6626) ULYSSES. Roan, calved April 3, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Dawson, Gronant, got by Sir William Fairfax (5204), d. Sweetbrier, by A-la-Mode (725), Primrose, by Memnon (2295), by Arthur (731). (6627) UNICUS (7657). (6628) USURPER. Roan, calved 1842, bred by Mr. La- kin, the property of Mr. Bourne, got by Powyke {4743), d. Upton, by a son of Treasurer (5513), by Bagnall's Fa- vourite. (6629) VALENTINE. (6630) VALENTINE JR. Roan, calved Feb. 27, 1842, bred by and the property of W. Cooper. Full brother to Adrian (5714). (6631) VALERIAN. White, calved April 23, 1841, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Caswell. Full brother to Valens (5538). (6632) VAMPIRE. Roan, calved April 7, 1841, bred by Mr. Barnett, Stratton Park, the property of Mr. Davis, got by Van Amburgh (5543), d. Juno, by Favourite (1028), &c., as in Jenner (4095). (6633) VANGUARD. Roan, calved July 22, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Edge, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Victoria, by Eclipse (1949), Miss Points Jr. by Northern Light (1280), &c., as in Ed- mund (3694). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 155 (6634* VAN W INKLE. White, calved Oct. 5, 1841, the property of the Earl of Carlisle, got by Valentine <.V>4()t, (1. White Fashion (bred by W. Cooper) by Mowthorpe (3343), Fashion, by Young Don Juan (3610), &c., as in Cornwall (5889). (6635) VELOCIPEDE. Red and white, calved Sept. 27, 1841, bred by Stephen Clarke, got by Dalrymple (3548), d. Helen, by Velocipede, Rhoda, by Young Matchem, Cora, by Sir Alexander (591), &c., as in Epperstone (3734). (6636) VENDOR. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Wat- son, Wanldby, the property of J. Watson, got by Ronald, d. Wijd Eyes, by Wauldby (2818), by Abraham. (6637) VERAX. White, calved Feb. 18, 1843, bred by and the property of Earl Spencer, got by Ranunculus <2<7'.), d. Fixture, by Roman (2561), Cant, by Mercury (3801), No. 36, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (66138) VICEROY. Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Pit- tarn, got by Spotted Dishley, d. Vermillion (bred by Mr. Edmonds), by Cedric, by The Squire, by Midas. (6639) VICEROY. White, calved 1842, bred by and the property of John Radcliffe, got by Bulmer (1760), d. Em- press, by Bedford (68), by Northern Light (1281),- -by White Comet (1582). (6640) VICTOR. Roan, caived April 2, 1842, bred by Mr. Bainbridge, got by Rienzi (4948), d. Victoria, by Bel- lerophon (3119), Moss Rose, by Alderman (2976), &c., as in Bloomsbury (3173). (6641) VICTOR. Roan, calved May 24, 1842, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Superb Fairfax (5357), d. Victoria, by Young Grazier (3929), by Firby U039), by Duke Humphrey (230), by Wynyard (703) by Robinson's Bull of Button Hall, by Badsworth (47). (6642) VICTORY, alias BOWSTEAD'S PREMIUM BULL. (6643) VICTORY. Red, calvUd March, 1842, bred by and the property of John .Stephenson, got by Commo- dore (3452), d. Maid of Orleans, by Mameluke (2258), &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (6644) VICTORY. White, calved Oct. 15, 1842, bred by and the property of the Earl of Burlington, got by Sir Latmcelot, d. Violet, by Cyrus (35:38), by Luck Vail (22:*)), by Isaac (1129), by Young Jupiter (1148), by White Comet (1582), by Cattley's Grey Bull (1798). (6645) VILLIERS. Roan and white, calved Feb 1842 bred by and the property of the Duke of Leeds, got by Buckingham (323!)), d. Vanilla, by Norfolk (2377), Vinea, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Vesuvius (5559). (6646) VIOLIN (MR. ALMOND'S). (6647) VIOLIN 2o. Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1842, bred by Richard Almond, got by Violin, d. Daisy, by Hopewell (2135), Bellona, by Belvedere (1706), by Blucher (1725), Stephenson's favourite Red Cow. (6648) VIRGINIUS. Red and white, calved April 26 1841, bred by G. L. Ridley, got by St. Helena (5055), d. Red Rose 2d, by Newton (2367), Red Rose, by Son of Ivanhoe (2675), Wharney, by Sandoe (2598), by a Bull of R. Colling's. (6649) VISCOUNT. Red, calved Jan. 31, 1841, bred by Mr. Barnard, the property of Mr. Hall, got by Stamford (5313), d. Viscountess (bred by Mr. Adeane), by Robin Hood (4970), or Clown, Countess, by Clown (1838), Millicent.by Anticipation (750), Folly,by Emperor (1014) by Young Windsor (699), by Windsor (698). (6650) VISCOUNT. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Watkin. Full brother to Lammas (6120). (6651) VOLTAIRE. White, calved 1842, bred by Mr Watkin, Hampton, got by Charles 12th (3350), d Wellin"-- ton, by Captain, by Exmouth (3747), by Wellington. (6652) WAKERLEY. Red, calved April 22, 1841, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of Mr. Fridlington jrot bv Christoval (3382), d. Gaudy, by Ranunculus 479), Shot- bolt's Cherry, by Albion (2967), by Ratify (2481) bv Logic (4248),-by Radical (4858). (6653) MR. WALDY'S RED TWIN BULL. Got by Thick Hock, d. by Matchem 3d, by Belzoni (1709), by Comus (1861). (i;i>r>l) W.U.KHAM. Red and white, calved IS 42, bred by Sir A. Buller, the property of E. Stephens, Cornwall got by Bloomsbttry. d. Grern Mantle (bred by B. Wilson Brawith), by Sir Walter (2639), by a turn' of Booth's Jerry, by Roseberry (567), by Roseberry (667), by Young Star, by Constitution, by Leopold \:>>}'-i]. (iiii.-,5) WALLACE. Red and while, calved Feb. 5, is 12 bred by and the property of Mr. Da \vsmi, (ironant, got by Sir William Fairfax (5204), d. Nut, by Maggot (2238), Nelly, by Premier (2448), Nutmeg, by Hen wood (2114), Nectarine, by Young Warlaby, by A-la-Mode (725). (6656) WALLACE. Roan, calved March, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Ashburner, got by Rufus (5033), d. Jasmine (bred by Mr. Hetherington), by a Bull of Mr. Hetherington's, by a Bull of R. Booth's, by Pilot (496), bred by R. Booth. (6657) WALLACE. Calved June 4, 1842, bred by and the property of J. Hutchinson, Monyruy, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Kirton, by Billy (3151), Jessy (bred by Mr. Rennie, Kimblethmont), by Sovereign (5285), Rose, by Satellite (1420). by Baronet (60), by Cleveland (144), by Symmetry (641). (6658) WALTON. Roan, calved Dec. 13, 1841. bred by and the property of Whitfield Harvey, Walton, Liverpool, got by Locomotive (4242), d. Olive Leaf, by Belvedere (1706), Lady Barrington, by a son of Herdsman (304), &c., as in Bates (3111). (6659) WALTON. White, calved Sept, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Greenall, Walton Hall, near Warrington, got by Symmetry (5389), d. Mary, by Sir Peter, &c., as in Dash (5910). (6660) WARRIOR. Calved Feb. 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Serjeantson, Camp Hill, near Ripon, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Rosemary (bred by Mr. Allen, Malton), by Grazier (1085), Lady Mary, by Charles 3d (879), by Garrick (2051), by a brother to Wynyard (?'03), by Croker's White Bull (1889). (6661) WARWICKSHIRE LAD. White, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Adkins, the property of Mr. Baker, got by Tath- well (5399), d. Countess (bred by Mr. Cartwright), by Studley (5341), by Mr. Cartwright's Blyth Comet (3178), a Turnell Cow, bred by Mr. Cartwright. (6662) WATERLOO. Roan, calved April 14, 1841, bred by Lord Barrington, Beckett House, Wilts., the property of Mr. Mclntosh, Marshalls, Essex, got by Beckett, d. by Calvert's Captain, by Mr. Mason's Yorkshireman, by Blaize (75), by a son of Bolingbroke (86). (6663) WATKIN. Red, calved April 24. 1841, bred by Mr. Dawson, Gronant, the property of Mr. Sandbach, Liverpool, got by Cupid,* d. Woodnote, by Cymro (1898), fec., as in Simon (5137). * In the list of Woodnote's produce, Vol. 5, p. 1121, Hen- wood (2114), is given as the sire of Watkin. L. F. A. (6664) WEIGHTON. Roan, bred by the late Mr. Ed- wards, Market Weighton, got by Romulus (2563), d. by Marshal Beresford (415), White Rose, by Seaton's Fa- vourite, Primrose, by North Star (459), by R. Colling's White Bull, bred by R. Colling. (6665) WELCOME. White, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Fox, Ireland, the property of Mr. Ganby, got by 2d Comet (5101), d. White Rose, by Velocipede (2796), May Rose, by Young Matchem (2282), by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (418), Sweetbrier, by North Star (459), by Wel- lington (680), by Favourite (252), by Ben (70). (6666) WELLINGTON. Calved 1841, bred by and the property of Mr. Faulkner j got by Eclipse (3684), d. Young (6667) WELLINGTON. White, calved March 2, 1841, bred by and the property of B. Harrison, Newbegin, got by Nelson (4549), d. Jessy, by Bertram (3146), Myrtle, by Pancake (2407), from the Stock of the late Mr. Jop- lihg, Styford. (6668) WELLINGTON. Red and white, calved March 29, 1841, bred (supposed) by Stephen Clarke, got by Sir Charles, a son of Columbus (903), d. Dseftl!. by Per- former, a son of Reformer (2512), by Guy (2884). (6669) WELLINGTON, Roan, calved Aug. 21, 1841, bred by Mr. Kemp, the property of the Australian Agricultu- ral Company, got by Christoval (33S2). d. Crocus, by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248), by Radical (4858). (6670) WELLINGTON. Calved May 1S42, bred by and the property of Ferguson Simpson, Main of Pitfour, near Mintlaw, A.berdeenshlre, got by Buchan Hero, d. Young Broadhooks, by Young Ladykirk (4170), etc.. as in Buchan Hero (3238). (6671) WENTWORTH. Roan, calved April 6, 1841, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Rev. J. A. Rhodes, -ot byRockingham (2550), d. Red Rose, by Champion (3323), by Young Fairfax (1991), by Argus (7;,!)i. U>672) WKSTI.KTOV. Koan, calved Feb. 25, 18 12. bred by Lord Huntin-clield, the properly of Mr. Barthropp, Crelliiigham Bookery,nearWoodbri). Lavima, by Ormsby (4621), by Cossack (925),-by Alpha (3004),-by Captain (3271). (6724) ALBERT 2i>.-Bred by J. Backhouse, got by Prince Albert (4781), d. by Young Matchem (2282) -bv King W T illiam,-by a bull of Mr. Mason's. (6725) ALBERT 3o. Roan, calved April 26, 1843, bred by J. Emmerson, the property of H T Peacock Albert 2d (6724), d. Lily, by Belvedere . 4th , . , r . by , Be r l vedere 2d (^6),-Egina, by Young Alive'o ..i!i() ). by Eryholme (1018), by Eclipse (236) bv Grpv Bull (872),-by Paddock Bull (477),-by Red Bull (97) . (6732) ALFRED -Roan, calved April 15, 1844, bred by Mr. Charge, got by Dnl.-imer <*55H>, d. Duchess by Max- iiuas (2284), & c ., as in Prince Alfred (10638) (6745) ANGUS HERO. Roan, calved April 10, 1844, bred by Mr. Millar, the property of Mr. A. Harvey, got by Whistlebinkie (7715), d. Countess Matilda, by The Knight (7607), Silver Locks, by Young Mina, bred by Mr. Ste- phen, Balmadies, Cowslip, by Valentine (661), bred by Mr. Mason, Chilton. (6751) AUGUSTUS. Roan, calved April 5, 1840. bred by Lord Sherborne, the property of Mr. Game, got by Wa- verley (5613), d. Victoria, by Victory (2800), by a grand- son of Blyth Comet (85), by Ccclebs (897), by Neswick (1266), by Fisher's Old Red Bull (3799). (6752) AUGUSTUS. Dark roan, calved Aug. 1839, bred by A. L. Maynard, Jr., the property of Mr. Brown, Wei- bourne, got by Young Matchem (4425), d. by Plenipo (4724), by Tomboy (54!):',), -by Sir Alexander (591), by .Marske (418), by Windsor (698), by Favourite (1033), by Western Comet (689). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 157 Ari.n ROBIN- GRKY. White, calved -Tan. 19, 1H41, l)rod by W. T. Carruthers. Arthington Hull. Full brother to Sir Thomas (7516). !0;(i2) BAKONKT. Roan, calved June, 1839, bred by Sir Charles Knightly, Burt., the property of Richard Lo- vell, got by Ballad (3(>7'5), d. Sylph, by Sir Walter (2037), Ac., as in The Baron (13833). (On>3) BARONET. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Sir C. Knightly, Bart,, the property of Mr. Topham, Keal Hall, got 'by Little John (4232), d. Gertrude, by Caliph (1774), Ate, by Argus (759), Saemele, by Jerry (2159), Young Primrose, by Pilot (490), Primrose, by Rockingham (;V>!. Flora, by Young Comet (157), Beauty, by Albion (14), c., as in Cimon (1832). (670(0 YOUNG BARONET. Red, calved 1842, bred by R. Thornton, got by Baronet (3101), d. Cherry, by Match- less (4427), etc., as in Chance 2d (7891). (6770) BEAU OF KILLERBY (7821). (6778) BELLVILLE. Roan, calved May 14. 1843, bred by and property of J. Mason, Hopper, got by Newton (2367), d. Ganymede, by Uptaker (5534), &c., as in Ernest (3735). (6780) BELTED WILL. Red and \vhite, calved Oct. 11, 1842, bred by William Raine, got by Chancellor (3333), d. Young Sally, by Rob Roy (557), &c., as in Melmoth (2291). (6781) BELVOIR. Roan, bred by Mr.Beasley,Harstone, the property of Mr. Cropper, got by Gran by (1080), d. Columbine, by Blythe (797), by George (1066), by Me- teor (431), by Windsor (698), by Narcissus by Favour- ite (252). (6786) BILLINGHAM. Red, calved Oct. 12, 1841, got by Prince Albert (4780), d. by Mango (4:354), Adelaide, by Belvedere (1706), by Waterloo (2816), by Herod (307). (6788) BILLY 3D (5794).--Got by Billy (3151), d. (bred by Captain Barclay), by , Red Ears, by Invalid (4076), &c.. as in Mariner (7204). (6793) BLUCHER. Bred by Sir G.Strickland about 1812. (6801) BRA WITH BOY (7846). (6811) BROUGHTON HEEO. Roan, calved March, 1844, bred by Sir Charles R. Tempest, the property of W. T. Longbourne, Grays, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. F&ncy, by Remus (2524), &c., as in Usurper (13928). (6814) BRUNSWICK. Red, calved May 27, 1844, bred by and the property of Mr. Adkins, got by Duke of Corn- Avail (5947). d. Charmer, by Little John (4242). Graceful, by Caliph (1774). Sylph, by Sir Walter (2637), &c., as in The Baron (13833). (6816) BUCEPHALUS. White, calved Jan. 8, 1841, bred by Sir George Phillips, got by Commodore (3451), d. Venus, by Grazier (3927), by Mrs. Wilkinson's Red Bull (2838), by Danby (1900). (6819) BUCKINGHAM. Calved Sept. 1842, bred by Mr. Booth, of Gotham, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Rosa, by Cedric (3311), Red Rose, by Mr. Fisher's Son of Favourite (1028). (6822) BURLEY FAIRFAX. White, calved Oct. 27, 1843, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Pollock, Ire- land, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Easter Miracle, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Venus, by Young Colling (1843), Lingflower, by Remus (550), Pink, by Sedbury (1424), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (6830) CAPTAIN. Red, calved 1825, got by Bearl (65), d. Peggy, by Hector (2103), Lavinia, by Duke (228), by Yarborough (705), by Bolingbroke (86). (6833) CAPTAIN SHAFTOE. Red, calved Aug. 19, 1842, bred by Mr. Lax, Ravensworth, the property of Mr Loft. Trusthorpe, got by Mehemet AH (7227), d. Miss Shaftoe, by Miracle (2320), by Richard (1376), by Fitz Remus (2025), by Whitworth (695), by Charles (127). (6&S6) CATO. Calved May 27, bred by the Earl of Du- cie, got by Helicon (2107), d. Clarence, by Hen wood (2114), Minna, by Nestor (452), &c., as in Jerry (4100). (OS42) CHAMPAGNE. Red and white, calved June 12, 1N43, bred by the Earl of Lonsdale, the property of Mr Ion. got by His Royal Highness (4039), d. Cherry Ripe, by Gainfonl (2044), Cherry, by Samson (.-,080), by Mor- peth, by Lonsdale (379), by Irishman (32!)). 0>863) CIIESHIREMAN. Red and white, calved Dec. 1843, bred by -J. Forrest, the property of W. Cooper, got by Symmetry <;VW!M, d. Rally, by Magnum Bonum (2:243), Red Rose, by Forester (105.")), Rachel, bv Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (0872) COKDKV.- Roan, calved Aug. 2!). 1813. bred by and the property of Mr. Favvkes. Farnle.v Hall. 1:0 1 by Milton (7238), d. Fairweather, by Sir Thoe. Fairfax (5196), Wamba, by Harlsey (2091 1, -by Mcrrinirton (2303). by Wynyard (259), by a Bull of l\lr. Mason's, by Lawn- sleeves (365). (6885) CONO.UKKOR. Calved 1812, bred by Mr. Heppel, the property of E. Hunter, got by Peepy, d. from Sir C. Loraine's Stock. (08S8) CONSPIRATOR. Red and white, calved April 24, 1841, bred by Mr. Atkinson, the property of Mr. Hotrartli, Eccles Toft, Roxburghshire, got by Guy Faux (7063), d by Bowmont (3200), by Reformer (2507), by Leopold (2200), by Ewart (1987). (6893) YOUNG CONSUL. Roan, calved 1837, bred by T. Game, got by Consul (1868), d. Old Rose. (6895) CORIANDER. Red, calved in 1838, bred by R. Holmes, Ireland, the property of Lord Castlemain, got by Punch (7386), d. Penelope, by Monarch (2324), by Satellite (1420), by Cato (119), by Charles (127), by Windsor (698), by Chilton (136), by Colonel (152). (6899) CORPORAL. Red and white, calved April 8, 1843, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Stratton, Wroughton, got by Cossack (1880), d. Carmine, by Ambo (1636). Catherine, by Barley (1766), Young Anna, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Rivers (10716). (6901) COTGRAVE. Roan, calved Dec. 6, 1842, bred by Mr. Burgess, Cotgrave, the property of E. Lakin, got by Albert (2954), d. Roan Cow, by Homer (2134), by a bull of Mr. Rogers 1 , bred by Mr. Bartholomew. (6902) COTHERSTONE. White, calved Feb. 1843, bred by Sir G. Phillips, got by Commodore (3451), d. Duchess, by Count (3506), by Linton (4227), by Jupiter (343), by Easby (232). (6903) COTHERSTONE. White.calved April 15,1843,br ed by W. Harrison, Mortham, the property of A.L.Maynard, Martin-le-Moor, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Young Sally, by Architect (3030), &c., as in Norfolk (9442). (6904) COUNSELLOR. Roan, calved Aug. 25, 1843, bred by Mr. Duddiug, Panton, got by True 'Blue (5522). d. Caidby Lass, by Prince Comet (,1312), by Count (170), by Constellation (163). (6907) CRAMER. Roan, calved Nov. 6, 1842, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of B. Stanhope, Revesby Abbey, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Cassandra, by Miracle (2320), &c., as in Priam (18507). (6914) CROTCH. White, calved Nov. 22, 1842. bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mons. St. Marie, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Clara, by Algernon (1631), Cassandra, by Miracle (2320), &c., as in Priam (18567). (6918) DANDY. Roan, calved 1834, bred by I. Boswell, got by Red Rover (7409), d. Prudence, by a son of North- ern Light (1280), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, by Blu- cher, by Lawnsleeves (365). (6919) DARKNESS. Bred by C. Holmes, Ireland, got by R. Holmes' Eclipse (3685), d. Turban, by K. Holmes' Sul- tan, by Napoleon, bred by Mr. Robson, Holtby, near Bedale. (6937) DUKE. Roan, calved March 12, 1841, bred by Mr. Adeane. the property of F. Fowler, got by King of Trumps (4156), d. Princess, by Robin Hood (4970), Peer- ess, by Red Rover (4902), Milicient, by Anticipation (750), Folly, by Emperor (1014), by Young Windsor (699), by Windsor (698). (6941) DUKE. Got by Dulverton (3659), d. by Chorister (3378), Clio, by Wallace (5586), Cripple, by Marmion (406), Daphne, by Merlin (430), &c., as in Charley (17541). (6942) DUKE OF BERWICK. Roan, calved March 20, 1842, bred by Mrs. Brook, Donegal, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Octave, by Clarion (.3392), Rosebell, by Young Crusader (.3524), Rosebell by Sul- tan (1485), White Rose, by Wellington (680). by Phe- nomenon (491), from the Stock of Mr. Hill, Blackwell. (6943) DUKE OF ROTHSAY. White, calved Nov. 4, 1842, bred by Mr. Fawkes, the property of Capt. Shaw and J. Watson, got by Buchan Hero (32138), d. Victoria, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Medora, by Ambo (1636). 'AM-.. as in Grouchy (0051). (6945) DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. Light roan, calved Aug. 24, 1843, bred by Win. H. Walton, near Liverpool, got by Walton (6658), d. Kirkleavington 2d. by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Nell Gwynne, by Belvedere (1706), by a son of 2d Hubback (2t5s:{j. (0917) DUKE OF YORK. Roan, calved Jan. 1843, the property of Messrs. Skipworth and Duddiug. trot by rifinenti (339!)), d. by Rockinirham (2.">Ii'. 'by 1'riaiii (2452), by Jerry (2159), by Julius Cu:sar (1148), by 8 Bull of W. Ruino's. 158 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (6952) DUPLICATE DUKE. Keel and white, calved Jan. 2, 1844, bred by Mr. Grant Duff, got by 2d Duke of Nor- thumberland (3046), d. Carnation, by Benjamin (1710), by Ganthorpe (2049), Foggathorpe, by Malbro (1189), &c., as in Baron Foggathorpe (9931). (6955) EARL OF ESSEX. Roan, calved March 7, 1843, bred by J. H. Downs, sold to Mr. Barnett, got by Cleve- land Lad (8407). d. Gaiufordine, by Gainford (2044), &c., as in Harold (10300). (6956) EARL OP NORTHUMBERLAND. Roan, calved Apr. 30, 1844, bred by Mr. Mclntosh, Marshalls, the property of B. B. Herring, Wroughton, Wilts, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649),\l.Delia, by Cossack (1880),-Dido, by Wallace (5586), Dairymaid, by Wellington (2824), &c., as in Dulverton (3659). (6963) EDWARD. Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1844, bred by Mr. Charge, got by The Irishman (5446), d. Victoria, by Sol (3856), Duchess, by Maximus (2284), &c., as in Prince Alfred (10638). (6969) ELEVATOR. Red, calved 1843, bred by and the roperty of Mr. T. Garnef, got by Lord John (4259), d. rudence, by Consul (1868), Pye, by Newnham (2365), &c., as in Havelock (14676). (6973) EMPEROR. White, calved Feb. 26, 1844, bred by Mr. Button, Gate, Burton, the property of Mr. Weth- erell, got by Lictor (6128), d. Blossom, by Gracchus (3917), Springflower, by Ganthorpe (2049), by Midas (7236), by Grazier (1085). (6974) EMPEROR. Bred by Mr. Ostler, got by Soldier (2656), d. Cherry, by Roan Robin, Ruby, by Barmpton (54), by Aylesby (44), by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer. pr Pr EVANDER. Roan, calved Nov. 11, 1842, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Hall, got by Roman (2561), d. Calliope, by Firby (1040), by Hector (1104), by Regent (544), Old York. (6987) FAIRFAX ROYAL. Roan, calved 1844, bred by Mr. T orr, the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249), d. Fair Rosamond, by Count Comet (3509), &c., as in St. Leonard (8524). (6994) YOUNG FAVOURITE. Got by Favourite (252). (6995) FAVOURITE. Calved March 9, 1834, bred by the Misses Strickland, got by Marquis (2271), d. Mab, by Sir Stephen (1456), Mouse, by Cecil (120). (6998) FAVOURITE (MR. WILKINSON'S). Got by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872), d. by a son of Charge's Grey Bull (872). by Favourite (252). (6997) FAVOURITE. Got by Sovereign (7539). (7007) FITZ CHAMPION. Bred by and the property of Capt. Harcourt, Swinton, got by Champion (3323). (7008) FITZ FAIRFAX. Roan, calved Aug. 11, 1843, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Lord Marlbro' (7166), d. Fancy, by Mowthorpe (2343), Flora, by Hubback (2142), Florence, by Lindrick (1170), by Sir Alexander (591), by Star (618), by Snowball (1463), by Sir Dimple (594). (7009) FITZ HARRY. Roan, calved April 19, 1842, bred by Mr. Fawkes, sold to Mr. Dudding, Panton, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Haidee, by Norfolk (2377) Medora, by Ambo (1636), &c., as in Grouchy (6051). ' (7010) FITZ LEONARD. White, calved June 12, 1843 bred by and the property of R. Booth, got by Leonard (4210), d. Isabella, by Young Matchem (4422), Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Bull of Burdon. (7020) FRANK. Roan, calved Nov. 22, 1835, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, got by Spectator (2688), d. by Sir Roger de Coverley (2634))-by Harold Jr. (1096),-by Albion (1619), by Alexander (1624), by Favourite (6996) bv a son of Favourite (252). (7023) FREDERICK (MR. SMITH'S). Bred by Mr. Naper got by Young Frederick (7024), d. Yarico, by Alonzo (W Yellow Rose, by Major (398), by Grey Bull (1089) descended from an own sister to the dam of R. Collinz's Red Rose. (7024) YOUNG FREDERICK. Bred by Mr. Naper, got by Frederick (1060), d. Magnificent, by Enchanter (244) Moss Rose, by Western Comet (689), Lady, (supposed) by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (7025) FKEKBOOTEK. Roan, calved 1842, bred bv the Earl of Carlisle got by Bulmer (1760), d. Fairmai'd, by Plato (2433),-Vesta, by Luck's-ull <2230),-by Bedford 8),- by Ilan-i-tei- (776),-by Whitworth 1584) -by Young Jupiter (1148), by White Comet (1582) (7029) GAINFORD. Bred by W. Raine, the property of F. Robinson, got by Ravensworth (6367), d. by Magnum Bonum (2243), by Young Rockingham (2547), by Rob Roy (557), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Hen- ry (301), by Danby (190). (7030) GAZER. Roan, calved 1838, got by Star Gazer (7553), d. by Conqueror (915). (7038) GEORGE 3D. Calved Feb. 22, 1841, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, got by Will Honeycomb (5660), d. by Matchem 3d (4420), by Borodino (3192), Blucher (1725), by Waterloo (2816), by a son of Favourite (252). (7041) GOLDEN RULE. Roan, calved 1843, bred by and the property of Mr. Robinson, Clifton Hall, got by Fitz- redmayne (6013), d. Jemima, by Benjamin (1710), Fog- gathorpe^ by Marlbro' (1189), &c., as in Baron Fogga- thorpe (9931). (7047) GRANITE. Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1843, bred by Mr. Hutchison, got by Punch (6356), d. Betty Flos, by Cleveland (3406), Ranunculus, by Conservative (1865), Diamond, by Liston (2210), by Wonderful (700), by Symmetry (643), by Jupiter (345), Trinket, by Phenom- enon (491), Tragedy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (7051) GREGORY. Red and white, calved March 6, 1841, bred by Mr. Hutchison, got by Billy (3151), d. Prin- cess, by Sovereign (5285), Queen, bred by the late Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. (7P64) GRIM ALDI. Roan, calved 1843, bred by Mr. Robinson, Clifton Hall, the property of Mr. Watson, Walkeringham, got by Eclipse (3684), d. Malibran, by Ganthorpe (2049), c., as in Clifton (5865). (7058) GUSTAVUS THE HERO. Roan, calved Sept. 7, 1842, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of the Duke of Devonshire, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Science, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Starville, by Young Sea Gull (5100), &c., as in North Star (9447). (7062) GUY FAUX. Light roan, calved Nov. 1840, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holy well, the property of Mr. Archbold, M. P., got by Gainford (2044), d. by Matchem 3d (4420),-- by Wellington (2824), by St. Albans (2584), by Simon (590), by Pope (514). (7064) HAMPDEN (8129). (7068) HARTFORTH. Roan, calved Jan. 2, 1841, bred by R. Lawson, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. Miss Sta- pleton, by Stapleton (2698), by a son of Rob Roy (557), Leopoldine, by Emperor, a son of Comet (155). (7071) HAWTHORN. Red and white, calved May 1, 1843, bred by Mr. Morrison, got by Gregory (7051), d. May- flower, by Speculation (7544), Lily, by Monarch (4495), Fairy, by Invalid (4076). (7074) YOUNG HECTOR. Red and white, calved June, 1841, bred by G. Wood, got by Marquis (2273), d. Helen, t)V YOllll " W'* ff ^ rf 'OO4C*\ AT^y-vl^vf KTT f"1ivr\lA /lOOSA IV n .^ .-. in Newton by Young Magog (224?'), Violet, by Cupid (1895), &c., as a (2367). (7077) HERCULES. Calved 1843, bred by and the prop- erty of Mr. Beasly, Harstone, got by Javelin (4093), d. by Beaufort (1696), by Dishley Ketton (982), by a son of Midas (435), by a grandson of Comet (155). (7087) HIGHLAND LAD. White, calved Sept. 19, 1841, bred by and the property of W. G. Haytor, M. P., got by Nonsuch (4581), d. Rosebud, by Eclipse (1949), by Attra- tum (3053), by The Red Bull. (7088) HIGHLAND LADDIE. Roan, calved Nov. 23, 1842, bred by Sir C. Tempest, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Lady Blanche, by Berryman (3143), Annabella, by Re- former (2512), &c., as in Broughton (3231). (7090) YOUNG HOLKAR. Roan, calved May, 1842, bred by I. Boswell, the property of Dr. Robertson, got by Hol- kar (4041), d. Favorite, by Dandy (6918), Keepsake, by Tip Top (7633), Old Lady, bought of Mr. Mason, Chilton. (7097) HORATIO. Red and white, calved March 6, 1844, bred by and the property of Mr. Beetham, got by Harl- sonio (6055), d. Honeysuckle, by Yellow Boy (56!)4),~ Lady Hustler, by Cleveland, by Baxter's son of Whis- ker (1579), Vesta, by Apollo (36), Violet, by Maior (398), by Alfred (23), by R. Colling's Grey Bull (1089). (7102) HUMBER. Roan, calved Nov. 24, 1842, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Hall, got by Orontes (4623), d. No. 57, by Monarch (2324), &c., as in Hecatomb (2102). (7103) HUNT. Light roan, calved Feb. 10. 1842, bred by Mr. Hunt, the property of R. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646). d. Lady, by Reformer (2502), by Snawdon (1462), by Yorkshireman (2862), by Wei- TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 159 lington (678), by Eryliolme (1980). by J. Brown's Red Hull (97). (71'H) INHERITOR. Light roan, calved 18-13. bred by ,1. Croft on. got by Sir Anthony (6470), d. Burletta, by Moni- tor (2881), Bright Eyes, by Miracle (2320), by Marquis (2270). by St. &bans (1412), by Waverley (2819), by K. Colling's Son of Washington. (7113) JOHN OF WEATHAMSTEAD. Roan, calved Dec. 1842, bred by Mr. Kinder, got by The Abbott (5417), d. Judy, by Bachelor (1669), &c., as in John Ford (9253). (7118) KENILWORTH. Dark roan, calved July 6, 1843' bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Stratton, Wroughton, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), d. Kate, by Vanish (5.>l(i). Kitty. by Sir Humphrey (5159), Kitty Fisher, by Favourite (1028), &c., as in Keithly (4146). (71:22) KILLKRBY. Roan, calved March, 1842, bred by J. Booth, Killerby, the property of Lee Norman, Ireland, got by Buckingham (3239), d. Tetotum, by Young Match- em (2282), Little Toy, by Volunteer (1553), &c., as in Booth Rcyal (15673). (7127) KITT (2179). Bred by Mr. Charge, got by a son of Comet (7534), d. Mary, by Western Comet (68!)), by Grey Bull (872), by Favourite (252), by Bartle (777), descended from the Studley White Bull (627). NOTE. This pedigree is a correction of that given at (2179), and the number (7127) is uniformly affixed to Kitt in the later volumes of the E. H. B., (2179) being com- pletely ignored. L. F. A. (7131) LAUDABLE (9282). Roan, calved March 15, 1844, the property of Mr. Forrest, got by Leonard (4210). d. Clara, by Young Fairfax (1991), Qnenilda, by Fairfax (1023), Beauty, by Hewick (1111), Beauty, by Young Dimple (971), by Young Comet (905). (7134) LENTON HERO. Roan, calved April 26, 1842,bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, the property of W. R. Baker, Bayfordbury, got by Will Honeycomb (56(50), d. by King of Hearts (4156), by Sir Roger de Coverley (2634), by Harold Jr. (1096), by Albion (1619), by Alexander (1624), by Wilkinson's Favourite (6996), by a son of Favour- ite (252). (7140) LIBERATOR. Roan, calved May 18, 18-13, bred by Sir C. R. Tempest, the property of Messrs. Linton and Wright, got by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Lily, by Brutus (1752), &c., as in Abraham Parker (9856). (7141) LIBERTY. Calved Jan. 3, 1836, bred by Mr. Strickland, the property of C. H. Lee, got by Vampire C27SS), d. Lass, by Triumph (1530), Lofty, by Blucher (6793), Lady, by Viscount (2801). (7152) LORD ARTHUR FAIRFAX. Roan, calved Oct. 21, 1843. bred by and the property of F. lies, got by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249), d. Hipshot, by Champion (867) &c., as in Chieftain (5858). (7164) LORD LOWTHER. Dark roan, calved 1843, bred by Seymour Deighton, Winston, the property of Mr Brown, Welbourn, got by Violin 2d (7684), d. by Gainford (2044), by Thorpe (2757), by a Bull of Mr. Hutchinson's, Egglestone. (7U.5) LORD LUMP.- Red, bred by Mr. Burtt, Wel- bourn. got by Rufus (7454), d. by Scarlet (5094), by Con- sul (3477). (7166) LORD MARLBRO'. Red and white, calved 1841, bred by Earl of Carlisle, the property of Mr. Tucker got by Belshazzar (1704), d. Lady Marion, by Fairfax (1028), Lady Mary, by Favourite (1080). by Harpham (1098), by Percy (1312), Delicacy, by Ketton (346), A:c as in Abram (1603). (7167) LORD WARDEN. Roan, calved 1844, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Hall, got by Duke of Cornwall (5!) 17). d. by Fop (3820). by Rufus <2576),-by Daniel (052), by Younir Lancaster (1162), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177) by Suworrow (63(5). (7179) LUKE. Roan, calved March 20, 1841, bred by Mr. Ellison, sold to Mr. Birchall, got by Westmoreland Cobourg ^ 1841 )'~ b i' Yoiin r Marske (2275), (7180) LYCURGUS. Red, calved May 27, 1843, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Mr. Hall, got by Orontes (4623), d. Galaxy, by Hecatomb (2102), Cassandra, bv William (2840), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c as in Christopher (1S29). (71S3) MAD CAP. Roan, calved April 16, 1836. bred by Robert Latouche. Harristown, m>t by Prince 1'anl (4S27J d. Electra. by Charles, by Young Albion (15), Vestris, by Remus (550), &c., as in Guy (71S5) MAGICIAN. Red and white, calved June 29. 1841. bred by and the property of Mr. Lax, Ra\ ensworth. L r ot by Bob (3181), d. Fanny, by William 4th (5663), &c., as in Magician 2d (10486). (7204) MARINER. Roan, calved Jan. 1838, bred by Capt. Barclay, the property of Mr. Loft, got by Emperor (3716), d. Red Ears, by Invalid (4076), Flora, by Columella (904). by Albion (14), by Seaton's White Bull (579), Bonny Lass, by Palmflower (480), Beauty, by Patriot (486), Young Hart, by Haughton (294), by a Bull of Mr. Cornforth's. (7212) MARS. Light roan, calved 1843, bred by Mr. Barnard, M. P., the property of Holt White, got by Mu- sician (4523), d. Ruby, by Imperial (4068), Red Lady, by Juniper (1145), &c., as in Prince Leopold (20557). (7213) MARS. Roan, calved 1838, bred by Mr. Polhill, got by Othello (4631), d. Minna, by Plenipo (4725), Bar- oness, by Juniper (1145), Peeress, by Lancaster (360), Jessamine, by Neswick (1266). (7215) MASTER CHARLEY. Red roan, calved 1841, bred by H. J. Spearman, the property of Mr. Dudding, got by Newton (2367), d.by Belshazzar (1704), by Grazier (1085), by Sir Anthony (1435), by Snowball (1463), by Prince (522), by Favourite (252), bred by the late R. Colling. (7220) MATCHEM. Red roan, bred by Mr. Burtt, Wel- bourn, got by Coddington-Alatchern (3417), d. by Cato (7221) MATCHEM. Roan, calved June 1, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Trotter, By well, got by Cleveland Lad 2d (3408), d. Cato, by Duke of Wellington (231), by Exmouth (1021), by Yarboro 1 (705). (7223) MAUNBY. White, calved June 14, 1843, bred by and the property of Mr. Walker, Maunby, got by dem- enti (3399), d. Buby, by Isaac (1129), Young Ruby, by Admiral (5), Ruby, by Pilot (496), by Albion (14). by Shakespeare (582), by a son of TwinBrother to Ben(660). (7227) MEHEMET ALL Roan, calved May 4, 1840, bred by Mr. Lax, Ravensworth, the property of Sir C. Tem- pest, Bart., got by Mussulman (4525), d. Fanny, by Wil- liam 4th (56(53), &c.. as in Magician 2d (10486). (7236) MIDAS (MR. MARRIS'S). Got by Midas (435), d. by Major (397). (7238) MILTON. White, calved July 11, 1841, bred by Mr. Fawkes, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Vetch by Norfolk (2377), Verbena, by Burley (1766), &c., as in Highland Laddie (13026). (7249) MONARCH. Roan, calved June 3, 1843, bred by and the property of W. D. Manning, got by Eclipse (3684), d. by Duncan (1942), by Young Comet (3436), by Mac- Gregor (2235), by Star (2699), by Boughton (90). (7254) MORPETH. White, calved Feb. 15, 1840, bred by and the property of Earl Ducie. got by Viceroy (5561), d. Retribution, by Rockingham (2550). Rose, by Navi- gator (1260), by Jasper (331). by Marshal Beresford (415), by Cecil (120), by a son of Favourite (252). (7255) MORPETH. Roan, calved May 6, 1844, bred by and the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Milton (7238), d. Medora, by Ambo (1636), &c., as in Grouchy (6051). (7260) MOWBRAY. Roan, calved March 3, 1844, bred by and the property of J. Booth, irot by Morning Star (6228), d. Mantalini, by Marcus (2262), .Maiden, by Match- em (2^81), &c., as in Orphan Boy (11878). (7261) YOUNG MOWTHORPE. Roan, calved June 1, 1841, bred by and the property of Thomas Parker, got bv Mow- thorpe (2343), d. by Prince (4772), by Matchem (2281), by Rose's Red Bull (500!)), descended from the Bulls of the late Mr. Fisher and Mr. Rose, Cotham. (7266) NAPIER. Roan, calved April, 1842, bred by and the property of Thomas Chrisp. Hawkhill, got bv Keiient (2517), d. Young Red Duchess, by The Peer (5455), Red Duchess, by Bachelor (1666), &c., as in Comet (10079). (7273) NEPTUNE. Roan, calved March 2(5, 1844, bred by Mr. Kirkham, got by Prince Comet (134,'K d. Vanity, by Reformer (4917), Venus, by Madcap* (808), by Major (398), by Cossack (925), by Captain (108). (7280) NORFOLK. White, calved Nov. 17, 1843, bred by R. Bagshaw, the property of Messrs. Brown, Denver, Norfolk,' got by Lucks-all ((.157), d. Adelaide, by Trincu- lo (2775), 'Ac., as in Da\ id (1:>) S.\vni:i;>. White, calved Nov. (5, 181:3. bred by the Earl of Carlisle, got by Sly- sie, by Champion (865), Marcia, by Mars (41:3), by Ju- niper (340), by Alfred (7612) THE PACHA. Red roan, calved 1840, bred by Capt. Barclay, got by Mahomed (liiroi. d. Julia, by Pa- ganini (2405), &c., as in Mahomed 2d (10492). (7615) THE PRINCE. Red, calved April 4, 1839, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, the property of R. Burgess, got by King of Hearts (4155), d. Melissa, by Young Matchem (4425), Lively, by Ketton (346), Fanny, by Blucher (80), by Pope (514). (7620) THE RED DUKE. Red, calved Nov. 18, 1842, bred by Mr. Bell, the property of H. L. Maw, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. Blossom, by Belvedere (1706), Burrell 1st, by a son of 2d Hubback (2683). (7623) THE STUART. Roan, calved Oct. 29, 1842, bred by and the property of Mr. Fawkes, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d.Fair Spots, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Spots, by Garton (2052), Latona, by Harold (291), Strawberry, by Count (170), Venus, by Badsworth (47), by Twin Brother to Ben (660), by a Bull of the late Sir G. Strick- land's. (76.33) TIP TOP. -Roan, bred by Capt. Barclay, got by Champion (865), d. Tulip, by Columella (904), Magnet, by Magnet (392), by Palmflower (480). (7653) TYNE. Bred by Mr. Chrisp, Hawkhill, got by Regent (2517), d. by George (2057), by Lawnsleeves (365), by Barnaby (1678), by Baker's Bull. (7656) UNCLE DAN. Roan, calved June 8, 1842, bred by Sir Chas. R. Tempest, the property of Smythe Owen, Condover Park, got by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Cousin Mary, by Lyndhurst (4303), Violet, by Harlsey (2091), Lucy, by Sir Walter (2637), Lady, by Northern Light (1280), by Wellington (684). (7657) UNICUS (6627). Red and white, calved March 25, 1842, bred by R. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northum- berland (3646), d. Sonsie 3d, by Sultan Selim (3710), &c., as in Prince Louis (20560). (7662) VALIANT Calved March 3, 1844. bred by and the property of Mr. Strickland, got by Mars (7213), d. Viol, by Marquis (2271), &c., as in Viceroy (7678). (7669) VANDYKE. Red roan, calved March, 1842, bred by Mr. Pollock, Ireland, the property of S. Wiley, got by Noble (4578), d. Violet, by Monarch (4495), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (7678) VICEROY. Calved May 17, 1840, bred by and the property of Mr. Strickland, got by Othello (4631). d. Viol, by Marquis (2271), Vale, by Isaac (1129), Virago, by Blucher (6793), Vixen, by Cecil (120), Virgo, by Ru- bicon, bred by Mr. Strickland. (7684) VIOLIN 2o. Got by Violin (6646). (7706) WELLINGTON. Roan, calved Oct. 1836, bred by the Marquis of Londonderry, got by Bellerophon (3119), d. Flora, by Rutland (5041), by Matchem (2281), by Symmetry (643), by Jupiter $45), Trinket, by Phenom- enon (491), Tragedy,by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (7713) WHARFDALE BURLEY. Dark roan, calved Feb. 22, 1844, bred by Mr. Whitaker, the property of Mr. Ser- jeantson. Camp Hill, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Beauty, by Young Remus (2523), Lingcropper, by Remus (550'), &c., as in Arthur (3040). (7715) WHISTLE BINKIE. Red, calved April 6, 1842, bred by Capt. Barclay, got by Mahomed (6170>. d. Mar- garet, by Emperor (3716), Magnet, by Invalid (4076), Magnet, by Magnet (392), by Palmflower (480). (7718) WHITE KIRTLING. White, calved March 29, 1843, bred by John Clover, the property of James Clover, got by Count Conrad (3510), d. Dahlia, by The Miller (5452), May Thorn, by Reveller (2528), May Blo^mn. by Hector (1105). May Bud, by Swap <271!M, May Flow- er, by Emperor (1013), Lily, by Rydale (2581), by Wind- sor (698). (7724) WILLIAM. Bred by Mr. Short, got by Roman, d. by Bumper (824), Alice Grey, by Albion (14), Mad- ame, by Marske (416), Georgina, by , by George (276), Starch, by a brother to North Star (459), All- spice, by Martin Aylesby (1205). (7734) YOUNG WYHAM FAVOURITE. Bred by the late Mr. (irant, Wyham, got by Wellington, d. Bftlpress, by Old Wyham Favourite, by Major (897). 21 162 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Y 00,11 ME VII. N (7755) ACASTEK. White, calved May 23, 1843, theprop- 'erty of Mr. Smith, Acaster, got by Sir Philip (8590), d. by Young Talbot (5395), Miss Denton. by Norfolk, by Baronet, by Meteor, by Marshal Beresford. (7766) ALBERT. Ked and white, calved Feb. 8, 1843, bred by Mr. Beauford, the property of Mr. Sartoris, got by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647), d. Anna, by Bach- elor (1669), Bessy, by Helmsman (2109), Betty, by Col- umella (904), by Shakspeare (1429). by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033). (7767) ALBERT (6714). Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1842, bred by Mr. Charge, got by Guardian (3947), d. Victoria, by Sol (2655), Duchess, by Maximus (2284), Duchess, by Matchem (2281), Duchess, by Scipio (1421), Mary, by Stephen (1456), &c., as in Epperstone (3734). (7771) ALBION. Roan, calved Nov. 24, 1844, the prop- erty of Mr. Barnes, Ireland, got by Morning Star (6223), d. Modish, by Lord Stanley (4269), &c., as in Orphan Boy (11878). (7777) ALFRED. Red and white, calved April 16, 1845, bred by Mr. King, the property of Mr. Parkinson, got by Red Baron (7404), d. Rose of Raby, by Mowbray (4516), Magnolia, by Fop (3820), Daffodil, by Rufus (2576), by Daniel (952), by Young Lancaster (1162), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Suworrow (636). (7778) ALLAN-A-DALE. Red, calved 1842, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Knightley. Full brother to Athelstane (3049). (7779) ALMACKS. Red and white, calved Nov. 1845, bred by Sir C. R. Tempest, got by Buchan Hero (3238), d. Fashion, by Berryman (3143), Fancy, by Remus (2524), &c., as in Usurper (13928). (7785) ANDREW. Roan, calved Nov. 11, 1844, bred by Mr. Burtt, Gunby, the property of H. Bell, Caville Hall, got by Lord Howe (5147). d. by Matchem (7220), by Lord Lump (7165), by Midas (4469). (7811) BARON OF RAVENSWORTH. Roan, calved Jan. 29, 1845, bred by Mr. Lax, Ravensworth, the property of W. Smith, West Rasen, got by Mehemet Ali (7227), d. Cripple 2d, by Bob (3181), by William 4th (5663), by Cupid (938), by Satellite (1420), Faith, by Wellington (678), by Snowball (610), by Sir Dimple (594), from the Stock of Mr. Brown, Aldborough. (7813) BARON WARLABY. Roan, calved May 14, 1845, bred by and the property of R. Booth, got by Bucking- ham (3239), d. Blossom 3d, by Young Red Rover (4909), Blossom, by Isaac (1129), Blossom, by Pilot (496), Twin Cow, by Albion (14). (7816) BATTUS. Red,' calved Dec. 2, 1845, bred by J. H. Downs, the property of Mr. Clover, got by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249), d. Bessy, by Thick Hock (6601), &c., as in Brennus (8902). (7821) BEAU OF KILLERBY (6770). Roan, calved July 4, 1843, bred by A. Bannerman, the property of Hon. Alfred Nugent, got by Raspberry (5875), d. Madaline, by Marcus (2262), &c., as in Plantagenet (11906). (7825) BELLMAN. Red and white, calved Feb. 4, 1841, bred by W. Jobson, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Bluebell, by Bachelor (1666), Bellflower, by Sultan (1485), Rolla, by North Star (458). (7828) BENEDICT. Roan, calved Dec. 25, 1844, bred by and the property of R. Booth, got by Buckingham (3239), d. Hawthorn Blossom, by Leonard (4210), &c as in First Fruits (16048). (7830) BERKELEY. Red, calved Jan. 10, 1845, bred by the Earl of Ducie, the property of Mr. Rich, got by Duke of Cornwall (5947), d. Bessy, by Helicon (2107), &c., as in 2d Gi*and Duke (14640). (7838) BOCCACCIO. Roan, calved March 8, 1845, bred by and the property of H. Watson, Walkeringham got by Rathreagh (6366), d. Buttercup, by Garrick (3863), &c., as in Master Butterfly (13311). (7841) BOUGHTON. Red and white, calved July, 1831, bred by Mr. Edmunds, Boughton House, got by Crusader (7939), d. Jessica, by The Squire (1512), Jessamine, by Midas (435), by Boughton (90). (7845) BRA WITH. Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1843, bred by and the property of Mr. Jopp, got by Cunoboline (3529), d. Sibyl, by Newton (4567), Fashion, by son of Emperor (2671), Dahlia, by Wonderful (700), by Cardinal (841), Strawberry, by Baronet, by Cleveland (145), by But- terfly (104), by Globe (278). (7846) BRAWITH BOY (6801). Red and white, calved 1844, bred by Mr. Wilson, Brawith, got by Buckingham (3239), d. Victoria, by Reformer (2510), -by Linton (4227), by Jupiter (343), by Easby (232). (7847) BREWSTER, Roan, calved Aug. 13, 1845, bred by Mr. Linton, got by Liberator (7140), d. Vesper, by Prince Albert (4791), Nunthorpe, by Marcus (2262), by Luck's-all (2230), by a descendant of Alfred (23), by Equinox (245). (7848) BRIBERY. Roan, calved March 20, 1845, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Buck- ingham (3239), d. Jemima, by Raspberry (4871), &c., as in British Prince (14197). (7849) BRIGADIER. Roan, calved May 30, 1845, bred by and the property of J. Booth, Killerby, got by Morning Star (6223), d. Birthday, by Lord Stanley (4269), Brace- let, by Priam (2452), &c., as in Buckingham (7851) BRILLIANT. Calved 1842, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, the property of Mr. Robson, got by The Pro- vost (4846), d. Matchless, by Gainford (2044), &c., as in Gainford 4th (11501). (7852) BRISTOL. [Twinned with (7830)]. Roan,calved Jan. 10, 1845, bred by Earl Ducie, the property of Col. Kingscote, got by Duke of Cornwall (5947), d. Bessy, by Helicon (2107), &c., as in 2d Grand Duke (14640). (7857) BRUNEL. White, bred by Mr. Woodward, got by Augustus (3057), d. Snowdrop, by Ronald (5005), by Sir Thomas (2636), by Francisco (2032), by Wellington (683), by Barmpton, by Phenomenon. (7861) BURGUNDY. Red roan, calved May 19, 1845, bred by Mr. Birchall, the property of Win. Ellison, got by Champagne (6842), d. Elvira, by Prince Ernest (4818), Countess, by Brandon (3207). Bright Eyes, by Young Hastings (3987), Mayflower, by Election (1961), &c., as in Emperor (9084). (7877) CARMINTA. Roan, calved 1843, bred by and the property of Mr. Pittam, got by Novelty (6256), d. Dorin- da, by Viceroy (6638), Diana, by Spotted Dishley (6538), Lavender, by Young North Star (6255), Lily, by Mer- lin (2302), by Midas (435), by Denton (198). (7890) CHANCE. Roan, calved 1826, bred by Rev. J. Watson, got by White Walton (5652), d. bred by Mr.Cal- vert, Sandysike. (7891) CHANCE 2D. Red, calved 1845, bred by R. Thornton, got by Hartforth (7068), d. by Newton (2367), Cherry, by Matchless (4427), Beauty, by Barmpton (3088), by Young Eryholme (1981), by Thorpe (1515), by Yorkshir eman (708), by Bolingbroke (86), by Punch (531). (7898) CHIEFTAIN. Roan, calved April, 1845, bred by A. Cruickshank, the property of A. Parveo, got by Pre- mier (6308), d. Moss Rose, by Grazier (1085), Cicely, by Samson, Marion, by Wallace (1560). (7915) COMUS. Red, calved Feb. 16, 1845. bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of J. B. Lawton, got by Prince Ernest (4818), d. Cressida, by Cossack (1880), &c., as in Priam (18567). (7922) CONSTELLATION. Red and white, calved March 16, 1845, bred by and the property of E. Lakin, got by Cotgrave (6901). d. Cathlene, by Powyke (4743), Cher- ry, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748), Old Strawberry. (7932) CORPORAL TRIM. Red and white, calved Feb. 19, 1845, bred by and the property of Messrs. Atkinson, Peepy, got by Albert (5729), d. Leopoldine, by Sir Walter (2639), &c., as in Recruit (4885). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 163 (7938) CRUSADE. Roan, calved March 2, 1845, bred by A. L. Maynard, Marton-le-Moor, got by Cotherstone (6903), d. Rarity, by Acmon (1606), Rosamond, bv Mag- num Bonnm (2243), Rachel, by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (7939) CRUSADER. Bred by Mr. Edmonds, got by Ce- dric (1801), d. Lily, by Brandon (814), Sweetbriar, by Midas (435), Snowdrop, by Crocus (932), by Simon (590). (7941) CUPID. Red and white, calved 1834, bred by Mr. Pittam, Furtho, got by Boughton (7841), d. Sarah, by Attraction (764), Lady, by Young Merlin (6204), Lily, by Old Merlin (2302), by Midas (135), by Denton (198). (7949) DANNECKER. White and red, calved April 29, 1844, bred by Grant Duff, got by 2d Duke of Northum- berland (3646), d. Jane, by Young Barmpton (3089), Polyanthus, by Eclipse (238), &c., as in Bacchus (17a38). (7956) DAYLIGHT. Light roan, calved June 21, 1844, bred by W. D. Ferguson, Rosebank, county of Dublin, got by Darkness (6919), d. Dewdrop, by Halley's Comet (2088), -Diana, by Brutus (1750), Duchess, by Magnet (392), Highness, by Sultan (631), Countess, by Solo- mon (8612), by Streamer (624). (7957) DECEPTION. Roan, calved 1845, bred by T. Game, the property of J. Pollard, got by Elevator (65)69), d. Wellington Lady, by Raffler (7391), by Consul (1868), by Gazer (7030). (7967) D'ISRAELI. Roan, calved in 1845, bred by R. Thornton, got by Young Liverpool (8227), d. by Colonel (5428), by Baronet (3101), by Taurus (2740), by Hart- ley's Bull (8134). (7971) DOMINUS. Roan, oalved April 1, 1845, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, got by Leonard (4210), d. Dustiefoot, by Childers (1824), &c.,as in Donald (7972). (7972) DONALD. White, calved April 2, 1845, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, got by Leonard (4210), d. Dunsinane, by Ormsby (4621), Dustiefoot, by Childers (1824), by Sheridan (2616), by Ivanhoe (1131), by Re- form (1361), -by Cossack (925). . (7984) DUKE 7TH. Red, calved 1844, bred by A.Cruick- shank, Sittyton, Scotland, the property of Mr. Elmslie, Lochend, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (36i(>), d. 3d Goswick, by The Peer (5455), 2d Goswick, by Dod- dington (1920), &c., as in Cunningham (11323). (7985) 2o DUKE OF BERWICK. Roan, calved July 17, 1845, bred by and the property of Mr. Orr, Coleraine, got by Duke of Berwick (6942), d. Sabina 3d, by George 3d (3888), Young Sabina, by Harry Bertram (2095), &c., as in Royal (1074!)). (7987) DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Roan, calved June, 1842, bred by Mr. Kemp, got byChristoval (3382), d. by Ranun- culus (2479), by Memnon (2294), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248). (7993) DUKE OF LINCOLN. Roan, calved March 8, 1845, bred by B. Stanhope, the property of Mr. Dudding, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649). d. Waterloo 5th. by Duke of Northumberland (1940), by Norfolk (2377), by Waterloo (2816), by Waterloo (2816). (7996) DUKE OF RICHMOND. Roan, calved Aug. 8, 1844, bred by Mr. Bates, got by Cleveland Lad 2d (3408), d. Duchess 50th, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Duch- ess 88th, by Norfolk (2377), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharf- dale (26033). (8001) DUKE OF ST. ALBANS. Light roan, calved June 4, 1844, bred by Mr. Hunt, Thornington, got by Sir Rob- ert (5184), d. Duchess of St. Albaiis, by St. AlWhns 2d (5048), by St. Albans (2584), by Lawnsleeves (365). (8016) EARL FITZWILLIAM. Roan, calved Jan. 16, 1845, bred by J. II. Downs, the property of W. T. Longbourne got by Rockingham (2550), d. Princess Koyal. bv Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), &c., as in Prince John (950S). (8021) ECLIPSE. Roan, calved 1832, bred by J. Baily got by Winston (5669), d. by a son of Rob Roy (557). (8039) ESSEX LAD. Roan, calved Feb. :,. 1S45, bred by J. H. Downs, Grays, the property of Mr. Burnett, St rat- ton Park, got by Earl of Essex (fii.Vn, d. Lady Ann, by Antonio (3019), &c., as in Harold come, by Firby (1040), s!i). d. Mermaid by Snowball (2651 ), Lady Marion, by Fairfax (1023). Lady Mary, by Honest John, late Fa- vourite (1030\ Milkmaid. by Harpham (1098), c., as in Abram (1603). (8545) SELIM. Roan, calved March 16, 1843, bred by Mr. Dugdale, M. P., the property of J. S. Crosland, go't by Dorimont (3614), d. Selina. by ( 'aliph (1774), Loeta, by Tory (10968), &c., as in Rebellion (10084). (8548) SENATOR. Roan, calved March 27. 1845, bred by erty of W. Holland, got by Lord se, by Burlington (3245), &c.,as Earl of Carlisle, the property of W. Holland, got by Lord Marlbro 1 (7166). d. Sunris in Sunbeam (10898). (8551) SENATOR. Calved Oct. 21, 184-1, bred by and the property of Mr. Saunders, got by Homer (2134), d. Sun Flower, by Serjeant Major (2611), White Lady, by William (7724). by Frank (1059). by Barmpton (54), - by Marske (418). by Aid vvark Foljambe (734), by Broth- er to North Star (45!)j. (8555) SHAMROCK 2o. Roan, calved 1844, bred by Mr. Topham, got by Shamrock (7488), d. Vienna, by 2d Em- peror (3724). Vienna, by Reformer (4917), by Romulus (5002), by Madcap (4308) by Major ( :',.iS). b'y Cossack (925),- -by Captain (108). (S557) SIII;LDON. Red and white, calved March 12, 1815. bred by and the property of Mr. Lax, Ravensworlh. got by Mehemet Ali (7227), d. Thorp Cherry, by The Col- onel (5428), Old Cherry, by Pirate (.2430), &c., as in Pro- vost ( ISiii). . -by Rockingham (660), by Comet (155), by a son of Wynyard by St. John (572), by Dauby (1!)0). (S7IH) TIHRTV-TWO.- Roan, calved May 16, 1815. bred bv Sir C. R. Tempest, the property of Mr. Strickland, Apperley Court. Full brother to Uncle Dan (7656). 166 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (8714) TOM OF LINCOLN. Roan, calved Oct. 29, 1845, bred by Sir C. R. Tempest, got by Lord Adolphus Fair- fax (424!)), d. Strawberry, by 2d Comet (5101), &c., as in Selim (6454). (8717) TRIUMPH. Calved June 18, 1844, bred by and the property of Duke of Buccleugh, got by Boughton (2868), d. Mulberry, by Thorp (2757), Myrtle, by Colu- mella (904), by Albion (14), by Palmflower (480), by Patriot (486), by Haughton (294), by Cornforth's Bull. (8725) UNICORN. Got by Sovereign (7539). (8726) UNION JACK. Red, calved May 20, 1843, bred by Mr. Stewart, Clapham, the property of Mr. Garnett, got by Dan O'Connell (3557), d. Belvedera, by Belvedere 4th (3129), Princess, by Remus (2523), by Election (1961), by Cleasby (142). (8733) YOUNG VANDYKE. Bred by C. Stokes, got by Vandyke (2791), d. Jane, by Phantassie (8389), by Roc.k- ingham (560), by Denton (198), by a son of Windsor (8739) VICTOR. Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1845, bred by and the property of A. Bannerman, got by Beau of Kil- lerby (7821), d. Alba, by Lord Stanley (4269), Ivory, by Matchem (2281), Augusta, by a son of Eclipse (238),- Pandora, by Julius Caesar (1143), Phoebe, by Pilot (496), Valentine, by Blucher (82), Countess, by Albion (14), by Shakespeare (582), by Easby (232). (8746) VULCAN. Got by Charles (127), d. Venus, by a son of Favourite (252), Hollon,by a son of DaltonDuke (188). (8757) YOUNG WATERLOO. Bred by Mr. Cowling, got by Waterloo (2816), d. by Kitt (2179). (8771) WHITAKER'S COMET. Roan, calved Feb. 28, 1845, bred by and the property of W. T. Carruthers, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Superb, by Young Colling (1843), &c., as in Agitator (5718). (8794) YORKSHIRE LAD. Roan, calved 1843, bred by and the property of G. P. Harrison, Forcett, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Calista, by Victory (5565). Gain- fordine, by Gainford (2044), &c., as in Harold (10300). (8796) ZADIG. Red and white, calved Dec. 29, 1844, bred by Earl Spencer, the property of Messrs. G. A. Grey, J. Hunt, and R. Jobson, got by Wizard (6688), d. Roguery, by Mercury (2301), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (8797) YOUNG ZEALOT. Roan, calved 1842, bred by C. Stokes, got by Zealot (2865), d. Beauty, by Young Spec- tator (8619), by Phantassie (8389),-by Rockingham (560), by Denton (198). (8799) ZERO. Roan, calved 1844, bred by C. Stokes, got by Old Bull (8368), d. Beauty, by Young Spectator (8619), by Phantassie (8389), by Rockingham (560), by Denton (198). VOLUME VIII. (8806) ADMIRAL. Roan, calved Feb. 26, 1840, bred by W. D. Manning, Rothersthorpe, the property of Sir H. R. Hoare, got by Eclipse (3684), d. Fancy, by Duncan (1942), Valentine, by Young Comet (3436), by Mac- Gregor (2235), by Star (2699), by Boughton (90). (8813) AJAX. White, calved May, 1845, bred by J. Ingham, the property of Mr. Crossley, Scaitclifte, got by Petrarch (7329), d. Adelaide, by Eclipse (1949), Doro- thy, by Rockingham (2547), Miss Points Jr. by North- ern Light (1280), &c., as in Edmund (3694). (8816) ALBERT. Roan, calved March 18, 1846, bred by W. G. Hayter, M. P., got by Standish (7550), d. Red Duchess, by Bachelor (1666), &c., as in Count (10079). (8817) ALBERT. Red and white, calved Jan. 28, 1847, bred by E. Lakin, the property of Mr. Ward, got by Constellation (7922), d. Azalia, by Powyke (4743), Ab- bess, by Powyke Patriot (4746). (88.35) AMBASSADOR (3008). Bred by J. Wetherell, Brampton, got by Stamford (1476), d. Phoebe, by Rock- ingham (560), by Denton (198), by Comet (155). (8839) ANTONIA. Roan, calved June 3, 1846, bred by Mr. Bowly, Siddington, got by Snowball (8602), d. by Alfred (2988). by Stanhope (5315), by Harlsey (2091), bred by Mr. Rowlandson, Newton. (8843) ARTICHOKE. Roan, calved Sept. 23, 1845, bred by R. F. Shawe, the property of Mr. Collins, Danthorpe, got by Belshaxzar (1703), d. Actress, by Sir Thomas (5194), Amy, by Velocipede (5552), Auricula, by Fran- cisco (2032), &c., as in Barningham (11144). (8844) ARTIZAN. Roan, calved Oct. 4, 1844, bred by R. F. Shawe, the property of Mr. Collins, Danthorpe, got by Splendid (5298), d. Actress, by Sir Thomas (5194) Amy by Velocipede (5663), Auricula, by Francisco (2032), &c., as in Barningham (11144). (8848) AUGUSTUS. Roan, calved 1846, bred by J C Maynard, Harlsey, the property of J. Emmerson, Erv- holme. got by Young dementi (8959), d. by Augustus (3057), by Francisco (2032), -by Marske (418), bV Lan- Cle-isb (3 0) '~ by Comet <>155),-bred by Miss Wright, (8849) AUSTRALIA. Got by Newton (4567). (8867) BARON OF KIRTLING. Roan, calved Aug. 30, 1S4J) bred by J. Clover, the property of Mr. Green, got by White Kirtling (7718), d. Cordelia, by Fergus (3782) -Antonia, by Sampson (2593,,-Octavia, by Cumberland (lib), &c., as in Octavius (460-1). (8879) BELUs.-Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1846, bred by Ivn; ; Diicie. the property of Mr. Morris, got by Vandyke Broker (9998^ T ' by JJclshazzar ()/&c., u ; in (8881) BEN. Red and white, calved Jan. 30, 1847, bred by Mr. Parker, Loughborough, got by Young Zealot (8797), d. Amulet, by Young Vandyke (8733), by Filho- da-Puta (3791), by Bertram (1716), by Pilot (496). by Albion (14), by Brother to Easby (232), by Mr. Booth's son of Twin Brother to Ben (88). (8885) BERNARDO. White, calved Jan. 26, 1847, bred by and the property of W. Mitchell, Cleasby, got by Hamlet (8126), d. White Rose, by Pam (4643), Straw- berry, by Young Matchem (2282), Rosamond, by Jack Tar (1133), by Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15). (8888) BILLY. White, calved 1835, bred by Mr. Hay, Shethin, got by Monarch (4495), d. May Flower, by Inva- lide (4076), &c., as in Stanley (6543). (8895) BOATSWAIN. Roan, calved Feb. 9, 1845, bred by Mr. Stewart, Clapham, got by Union Jack (8726), d. W T estern Lily, by Planet (4718), Rosemary, by Berry- man (3143). Rue, by Harlsey (2091), Fortune, by Re- gent (2514), Blossom, by St. Albans (1412), by North Star (459). (8900) BRAMPTON. Red, calved Aug. 12, 1846, bred by J. Beasley. got by Lord Warden (7167), d. Joanna, by Javelin (4093) , Josephine, by Dagon (1899), Justina, by Northern Light (1280), Jonquille, by Blyth (797), by Wellington (684), by Phenomenon (491). by Favour- ite (252), by Favourite (252). (8902) BRENNUS. Roan, calved Nov. 21, 1846, bred by J. H. Downs, the property of W. T. Lontrbourne, got by Sweet William (7571), d. Bessy, by Thick Hock (6601), Barmpton Rose, by Expectation (1988), by Belzoni (1709), by Comus (1861), by Denton (198). (8905) BRILLIANT. Roan, calved June 4, 1846, bred by W. D. Manning, Rothersthorpe, the property of His Royal Highness Prince Albert, got by Hurricane (4061), d. Spot- ted Boughton, by Crusader (7939), Bombazine, by Re- gent (544). (8906) BRITISH YEOMAN. Roan, calved April 26, 1846, bred by and the property of W. Cooper, got by Chesh- ireman (6863). d. Moss Rose, by Valentine (5540), Cherry Cheeks, by Noble (4577), Cora, by Young Don Juan (3610), Red Cherry, by a son of Young Dimple (6518), Bobby Shaftoe, by Young Dimple (971), Old Strawberry, by Snowball (2648), Old Cherry, by Layton (2190). (8925) CAPTAIN. Red and white, calved Dec. 1846, bred by Capt. Barclay, the . property of Mr. Morrison, Bognie, got by The Pacha (7612), d. Favourite Straw- berry, by Tathwell Favourite (5400), Strawberry 2d, by Commodore (1858), Old Strawberry, by Favourite (2011), by Tathwell Studley (5401). (8929) CAPTAIN EDWARDS. Roan, calved Oct. 16, 18-17, bred by and the property of Mr. Ambler, Watkinson TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 167 Hall, not by Captain Shaftoe (6883), d. Honeysuckle, by William (2840), Bimbah, by Rodney (1329), by Apollo c' ! ' > (8939) CHAMPION. Bred by Mr. Cartwright, got by Prince George (9507). d. Pyracantha, by Bannpton (54), White Rose, by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252). <8305), byTrun- nell (659), -by Bolingbroke (86). (9070) ECLIPSE. Roan, calved May 23, 1846, bred by R. Lawson, got by Sir Robert (7510), d. Daisy, by Young Stapleton (5318), Cora, by Commodore (5874), Cherry, by Cupid (5900), by a son of North Star (459), by St. John (.572), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (9075) EGEHMONT. Roan, calved Nov. 26, 1842, bred by .Mr. Almond, the property of H.Littledale, got by Sym- metry (.5389), d. Chilton 4th, by Scrip (2604), &c., as in Belshazzar (3123). (9084) EMPEROR. Red, calved Oct. 4, 1844, bred by and the property of W. Bowstead, Hackthorpe Hall, got by His Hoyal Highness (4039), d. Emily, by Prime Min- ister (2456), Empress, by General (3807), May Flower, by Election (1961), by Barmpton (54), by White Nose (692), by George (275), by Ben (71)), by Favourite (252), by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). (9085) EMPEROR 2o. Bred by Mr. Parrington, got by Emperor (1975), d.by Cardinal (112), Wildair, by Cleve- land (145), by Butterfly (104). (9087) EMPEROR. Red and white, calved June 1, 1846, bred by Jonas Webb, the property of Mr. Cotton, Hil- dersham, got by Hamlet (8128), d. Lady Ann, by Pam (6272), Countess, by Vanguard (5545), Dodona, by Ala- baster (1616), No. 6, by Dr. Syntax (220), &c., as in Da- gon (1899J. (9091) ERNEST. Red roan, calved Feb. 1846, bred by I). r..Colvin, the property of Mr. Field, got by Prince Ernest (4M8), d. Dirce, by Chorister (8378), Dairymaid, by Wellington (2S24), A;c.. as in DuheMon (36.59). 168 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS iwwoj ESSEX HEKO. Roan, calved May 24, 1846, bred by Mr. M'Intosh. the property of Mr. Bramstone, M. P., got by Broushton Hero (6811). d. Delia, by Cossack (1880), Dido by Wallace (5586), Dairymaid, by Wellington (2824), &c., as in Dulverton (3659). (9097) EUCLID. Bred by and the property of T. Bates. Full brother to Baron Foggathorpe (9931). (9099) EVENLODE. Roan, calved July, 1846, bred by Rev. C. James, got by Accordion (5708), d. Lady Fanny, by Tathwell (5399), Catalina, by Caliph (1774), Prim- rose, by Scipio (1421), Primrose, by Billy (787), Violet, by Western Comet (689), Best Twin, by Favourite (252), Old Simmon, descended from The Studley White Bull (627). (9114) FAVOUR. Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1847, bred by and the property of H. T. Peacock, Haddockstones, got by Ravenworth (9532), d. Rosette, by Roan Robin (4958). Red Rose, by Governor (1077), Roany, by a son of Wellington (680). (9116) FAVOURITE. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Hay, Shethin, got by Kelly (9264), d. Sister Ann, by Arch- ibald (1652), Sarah, by Fabris (1989), Snowdrop, by Jocelyn (1141), by Diamond (974), byCumberland (176), by Cupid (177). (9122) FINANCIER. Light roan, calved Feb. 22, 1847, bred by R. F. Shawe, the property of J. B. Thompson, Anlaby, got by Artizan (8844), d. Flirt, by William (2840), Zabetta, by Rodney (1392), by Tyrant (1537). (9124) FITZ ADOLPHUS FAIRFAX. Red with a little white, calved April 25, 1846, bred by and the property of Mr. Hutchinson, Monyruy, got by Lord Adolphus Fair- fax (4249), d. Margaret, by Tartar (2738), Marion, by Amor (747), Mary, by Pioneer (1321), Maria, by Wind- sor (698), Cathlene, by Washington (674), by a son of Cupid (177). (9130) FLAGEOLET. Red, calved May 8, 1847, bred by Mr. Hall, got by Lamplighter (8204), d. Melodrame. by Orontes (4623), Sacontala, by William (2840), Clarion, by Childers (1824), &c., as in George 1st (19848). (9136) FREDERICK. Red and white, calved May, 1847, bred by J. Emmerson, Eryholme, got by Inheritor (7104), d. Bright Eyes, by Wallace (9799), by Newton (4566), by Childers (3371), by Fitz Remus (2055), by Whit- worth (695). (9144) GAY LAD. Roan, calved Sept. 29, 1847, bred by and the property of Mr. Eastwood, Burnley, got by Harl- sonio (6055), d. Gipsy, by Planet (4718), &c., as in Richard Coeur de Lion (13590). (9151) GEORGE. Got by George (3877), d. by Monarch by Charles (127), by Prince (521), by Neswick (1126)' (9172) GREY FRIAR. Roan, calved March 9, 1846, bred by and the property of Sir Charles Knightley, got by Friar Tuck (3848), d. Cathleen, by Caliph (1774), &c.. as in Royal Counsellor (20725). (9175) HACKFORTH. Roan, calved Aug. 15, 1847, bred by the Duke of Leeds, the property of Mr. Outhwaite, Hackforth, Oatterick, got by the Duke (9036), d. Sweet Rose, by Lord Stanley (4269), Sweetbrier, by Sir Rich- ard (5175), Caroline, bought by Mr. Burnell. (9183) HARBINGER. Roan, calved June 12, 1841, bred by W. G. Hayter, M. P., the property of Mr. Lawford, got by Bellerophon (3119), dam Jessy, by Matchem 3d (4420), Clara, by Alderman (2976), by Waterloo (2816), by Young Wynyard (2859), by Son of Simon (590), by Styford (629). (9184) HARKAWAY. Roan, calved Dec. 16, 1845, bred by R. C. Lowndes, West Derby, got by Tatton (9706), d. Velveteen, by Baron (3095), &c., as in Chieftain (8951). (9200) HECTOR. Red, calved May, 1844, bred by Geo. Faulkner, got by Nelson (4547), d. Venus, by Eclipse (3684), Favourite, by Milton (8315), Sweetbrier, by Young Merlin (6204), by Midas (435), by Denton (188). (9215) HIGH CONSTABLE. Roan, calved July 31, 1847, bred by and the property of Mr. Lax, got by Sheldon (8557), d. Lily, by Mehemet Ali (7227), Jessy, by Mag- num Bonum (2243), Feldom, by Young Remus (2523), from a Cow bought by Col. CradockatMr. Button's Sale, Manke. (9223) HORNBY 2D. White, calved Dec. 23, 1846, bred by the Duke of Leeds, the property of Robinson Thorpe, Salvln Hall, Worksop, got by Leonard (4210), d.Vine, by Lord Stanley (4269), Vinea, by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Vesuvius (5559). (9228) HUDSON. Red, calved July 19, 1846, bred by and the property of W. Lin ton, Sheriff Hutton, got by Liber- ator (7140), d. Julia, by Prince Albert (4791), Gertrude, by Red Rover (4904), by Young Pilot (4702), by Pilot (498) Dainty (bred by Sir Thos. Frankland), bred by Parrington, by a Bull of Mr. Wiley's. (9236) INGRAM. Roan, calved Feb. 4, 1847, bred by and the property of W. Linton, Sheriff Hutton, got by Liber- ator (7140), d. Gertrude, by Red Rover (4904), &c., as in Hudson (9228). (9237) INVALIDS (4076). Bred by Captain Barclay, got by Satellite (1420), d. Marcia, by Mars (413), by Juniper (1144), by Alfred (23). (9239) ISAAC. Roan, calved April, 1846, bred by Mr. R. Thornton, got by Sir Robert (7510), d. Cherry, by Matchless (4427), &c., as in Chance 2d (7891). (9240) IVANHOE. White, calved June 26, 1841, bred by Sir C. Knightley, the property of G. W. R. Malins, got by Little John (4232), d. Pearl, by Rufus (2576), &c., as in Athelstane (3049). (9253) JOHN FORD. Red, calved Feb. 11, 1846, bred by Mr. Kinder, got by John of Weathamstead (7113), d. Judy, by Bachelor (1669), Jannette, by Napoleon (2349), Sweetbrier, by Columella (904), by Shakespeare (1429), by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), by Favour- ite (1033). (9264) KELLY. Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Hay, Shethin, N. B., got by Bil}y (8888), d. Melrose, by Mon- arch (4495), Cassandra, by Rob Roy (556), Cornelia, by Hector (1185), by Fitz-Duke (259), by a son of Comet (155), by Mr. Compton's son of Favourite (251). (9265) KELLY 2o. Roan, calved May 1, 1845, bred by Mr. Hay, Shethin, N. B., got by Favourite (9116), d. Ma- rion, by Anthony (1640), Miranda, by Anthony (1640), Merino, by Edgcott (1953), Matilda, by Son of Merlin (6522). (9269) KING DICK. Red roan, calved Feb. 17, 1847, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Captain Shaftoe (6833), d. Blos- som, by Gracchus (3917), Springilower, by Ganthorpe (2049), by Midas (7236), by Grazier (1085). (9273) LAMBTON. Roan, calved Feb. 16, 1847, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Captain Shaftoe (6833), d. Sweet- brier, by Earl of Durham (5965), Argent, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), Auricula, by Young Sea Gull (5100), Young Amazon, by Crusader (934), Amazon, by Sultan (1485), Bellona, by Mars (411), Rolla, by North Star (458). (9277) LANSDOWNE. White, calved Aug. 13, 1847, bred by Earl Ducie, got by Cramer (6907), d. Lady Bird, by Cato (6836), Luna, by Helicon (2107), Lavender, by Matchem (2281), &c., as in Epperstone (3734). (9282) LAUDABLE (7131). Roan, calved March, 1844, bred by R. Woodhouse, North Otterington, the property of Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Liverpool (4235), d. Clara, by Young Fairfax (1991), &c. See No. 7131, then the property of Mr. Forrest, by whom the entry was made in Vol. 6. This pedigree is certified by Mr.Fawkes. (9292) LEOPARD. Roan, calved March 13, 1845, bred by Mr. Caldecot, the property of Mr. Faulkner, got by Young Bouncer (3197), d. Sally, by Rebel (4882), &c., as in Monarch (6217). (9294) LEOPOLD. Roan, calved Aug. 1, 1847, bred by J. S. Crosland, Burbage, got by Selim (8545), d. Adelaide, by Champion (8939), Young Bilby, by Earl Howe's Red Bull, Bilby, by Jupiter (2165), by Roman (1394), by Palatine (478), by Wynyard (703), by Bacon's Son of Comet (46), by Favourite (252), Bright Eyes, by Fa- vourite (252), Old Bright Eyes, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319), .by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Waistell's Bull (669), by Masterman's Bull (422). (9303) LOCHNAGAR. Red, calved March, 1847, bred by A. Cruickshank, the property of the Duke of Richmond, got by Fairfax Royal (6987), d. Moss Rose, by Grazier (1085), Cecily, by Sampson, Marion, by Wallace (1560). (9305) LONSDALE. Red and white, calved March 18, 1845, bred by the Earl of Zetland, got by Premier (6307), d. Bella, by Monarch 3d (4502), Bright Eyes, by Young Hastings (3987), Mayflower, by Election (1961), &c., as in Emperor (9084). (9311) LORD DURHAM. Roan, calved July 18, 1844, bred by R. Emmerson, the property of B. B. Colvin, Monkhams, got by The General (6512), d. Beusina, by Cripple (1887), Brilliant, by Snowdrop (2653), by St. Albans (2584), by Waverley (2819), by R. Coliing's son of Washington. TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 1G9 (9313) I,om> GEORGE. Roan, calved Sept. 21. IS!:,, bred by W. I5o\s stead, the properly of Mr. Tremble by Sir Thomas Newton <6195), d. Primrose, by 1'riaiu (4761), Hackthorpe, by General (3867). C.Kii;') I.OKD <.I:OI;<,K BKNTINCK. Roan, calved April 29, 1845, bred by Thos. Hates, Kirklevington, the prop- erty of Mr. Burnett, Black Hedley, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), d. Wild Eyes 2d, by Belvedere (irotii, etc., as in Wild Duke (19148). (9318) LORD JOHN. Red and white, calved April 5, ISM. bred by Mr. Harvey Combe, the property of Stew- art Majoribanks, not by Fitz Fairfax (7008), d. Faith, by Buhner (1760), Fancy, by Cramer (3515). Zilla, by Young Matchem (4425), by Matchem (2281), by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (418), by Lancaster (360), by North Star (459), by Favourite (252). (9325) LOUD OF THE ISLES. Red, calved May 7, 1846, bred by and the property of Lord Hill, sot by Prince of Wales '(7378), d. Nymph, by2d Comet (5101), Cactus, by Prince Paul (4827), Princess Britannia, by Monarch (2324), by Dr. Syntax (220), by Charles (127), by St. John (572), Nymph, by The White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), Miss Lax, by Dalton Duke (188), Lady Mayn.-ird. by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by Jolly's Bull, by Snath's Bull. (9331) LORD WARDEN. Red and white, calved Nov. 11, 1846, bred by Rev. J. Vane, Wriniiton, got by Duke of Cornwall (9041), d. Pomona, by Bellerophon (3119), Cherry, by Waterloo (2816), by a son of J. Brown's White Bull (98), by a grandson of Punch (531). (9336) Louis D'OR. Red, calved Oct. 14, 1846, bred by and the property of Mr. Grant, Dull', got by Duke of Richmond (7996), d. The Mint, by Robiu O'Day (4973), &c., as iu Gladstone (26256). (9337) LOWDHAM. Got by Ormsby (4621). (9352) MAJOR. Red and white, calved July 1. .1846, bred by W.T.Carruthers, the property of Mr. Stansfleld, got by Petrarch (7329), d. Young Moss Rose, by Matchem (4422), & c ., as in Royal Buck (10750). (9367) MARCHMONT. Roan, calved Aug. 26, 1846, bred by Mr. Parkinson, the property of Mr. Game, got by Prince Ernest (4818), d. Marigold, by 2d Comet (5101), May Rose, by Young Matchem (4425), by Sir Alexander (591), by Mai>ke (418), Sweetbrier, by North Star (459), by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252), by Ben (70). (9402) MOIDORE. Red and white, calved Jan. 18, 1847, bred by Mr. Hall, sot by Lamplighter (8204), d. Titania, by Orontes (4623), Zinc, by Guardian (39 17), Roguery, by Mercury (2301), &c., as in Zanitan (21134). (9413) Moscow. Roan, bred by Sir Henry Vane Tem- pest, got by Wynyard (703), d. Elvira, by Phenomenon (491), &c., as in Alba (726). (9430) NARCISSUS. White, calved May 30, 1847, bred by A. Harvey, Tillygreig, the property of Mr. Marr, got by Angus Hero (6745), d. Queen of the Meadow, by Pre- mier (6308 1. (9440) NICHOLAS NicKLEBY.Roan.bred byMr.Collins, Danthorpe, got by Invincible (4077), d. Madam Grisi, by a sou of Patriot (486). (9442) NORFOLK. Roan, calved 1845, bred by and the property of \V. Harrison, Greta Bridge, got by Duke of Norfolk (5952), d. Young Sally, by Architect (3030), Sally, by North Star (459), by Alexander (1623), by a grandson of Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hub- back (319). (! J 17) NORTH STAR. Roan, calved April 12, 1847, bred by W. T. (Jamithers, the property of Mr. Birchall, Rib- bleton Hall, got by Star of Northumberland (7554), d. Starville, by Young Sea (full (5100), by Crusader (934), Clarinda. by Sultan (1185). Young Cherry, bv White Comet (1582), by a son of Chilton (136), by Bolingbroke (86). (.9463) OTTO, late MONK (1249). (9464) OXYGEN. -Roan, calved July 3, 1847, bred by Mr. Button, Sowber Hill, the propertyofW.CoHinKridge, Goddington, got by Buckingham (3239), d. Camilla, by Clementi (3399), Cactus, by Raspberry (4S75), Lily, by Rockingham (2551), Lively, by Jerry (4097), by Julius Casar (1143), by Albion (15). (9466) PANTALOON. Dark roan, calved March 2. 1812, bred by Mr. P.ramstone, .M. P., got by Harlequin (39T5I, d. K'lie. IM- Lenlon (4205), by Spectator (-J(iSS).- by a son of Alexander ditii,,- -by Sir Arthur. (9470) PEG TOP. -Light roan, calved Jan. 21. 1SH. bred by Mr. Bramstone, M. P., got by Pantaloon OW6), d. 22 Jeanie. by Special or (2688),- by Sir Ifo-'er de Coverley (5187), by Favourite (6996), by Wilkinson's Red Bull. (9472) PERCY. Bred by T. Hates. Kirklevington, the property of Mr. Glass, irot by Duke of Northumberland (1940), d. by Short Tail (2621), by Belvedere (1706), by Son of 2d Ilubback (2683 1. (9477) PHOSPHORUS. White, calved 1846, bred by Earl Fitzwilliam, got by Nero (4557), d. Snowdrop, by Thorp (2757), Diana, by Eclipse (1949), Laura, by Cossack (925), Old Laura, by Patriot (48(i). (9483) PLANET. Roan, calved Dec. 10, 1844, bred by and the property of W. D. Manning. Rothersthorpe, got by Hurricane (4061). d. Primrose, by Eclipse (3684), Dahlia, by Magnum Bonum (2243), &c., as in Hotspur (10336). (9487) POSTMASTER. Light roan, calved Dec. 19, 1844, bred by and the property of the Earl of Zetland, got by Premier (6307), d. Ruth, by Belvedere 4th (3129), Polly Hopkins, by Adolphus (1611), Primrose, by Colonel 1 (3425), by Alba (726), by Old Symmetry, by Marquis (H96), by Alexander. (9488) PREFACE. Red and white, calved March 23, 1847 bred by J. Gulland, tjot by Sir William (8598), d. Perfect, by Earl of Durham (5965), Rarity, by Cleveland (3403), Red Rose, by Architect (13030), by Wonder (2853), by Witham's White Bull (5670). (9502) PRINCE ARTHUR. Bred by Mr. Holmes, Ireland, got by Argus (759), d. Penelope, by Monarch (2324), &c., as in Coriander (6895). (9505) PRINCE COMET. Bred by Mr. Robson, got by Prince Comet (1342), d. by Count(170), by Major (1186). (9506) PRINCE EDWARD FAIRFAX. Roan, calved in March, 1847, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, got by Fairfax Royal (6987). d. Princess, by Lowdham (9337),_by Youna; Wyham Favourite (77:34). by Old Wy- ham Favourite (6692), by Slator (2643), Laura, by Ma- jor (397). (9507) PRINCE GEORGE. Got by William 4th (9834). d. Columbine, by Tippoo (649), Wildair, by Ketton (346), Victoria, by Charles (127), Venus, by a son of Favour- ite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), Hollon. (9508) PRINCE JOHN. Roan, calved March 8, 1846, bred by J. II. Downs. Grays, the property of Mr. Barnett, Strat- ton Park, got by Grimaldi (7054), d. Princess Royal, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Wamba. by Harlsey (2091), by Merrington (2303), by Young Wynyard (2859), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, by Lawnsleeves (365). (9512) PRINCE OF WALES. Roan, calved Dec. 4, 1841, bred by Messrs. Dodds. got by Commodore (3452), d. Princess, by Alderman (2976), &c., as in Hart Warren (11560). (9523) PURITAN. Roan, calved July 3, 1846, bred by Earl Ducie. the property of Harvey Combe, got by Duke of Cornwall (5947), d. Lady Buchan Fairfax, by Buchan Hero (3238). Lady Elizabeth Fairfax, by Sir Robert (5181), Miss Fail-fax, by Fairfax (1023), Lily, by Younix War- labv (5598), by Young Dimple (971), by Snowball (2648), by Layton (2190). (9532) RAVENSWORTH. Roan, calved Nov. 18, 18-13, bred by J. Emmerson, Eryholme, the property of the Earl of Harewood. got by Magician (7185). d. by Belve- dere 2d (3126), by Young Alive'o (3996), by Eryholme (1018), by KHip-e (236), by The Grey Bull (123), by Paddock hull (477), by Red Bull (97). (9542) REMNANT. Got by Premier (2149). d. Lily, by Harlsey (2091), by Forester (1055), by Kclipse (238). by White Comet (1582), by Comet (155), by Duke (226), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (9550) ROBERTO. Roan, calved April 16, 1846, bred by A. H. C. Pollock, the property of II. M. Kichardson, Rose- fad, got by Try (5536). d. Rosa, by Young Belshazzar (8122), Rosina, by Gainford (2044), Rosette, by Cupid (1892), Rachel, by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (.9553) KOBIN BURN. Bred by Mr. Dale, Catterick, got by Bob (3181), d. Strawberry, by Rowland (2556), by a Bull of Mr. Booth's. (9555) ROBIN HOOD. Roan, calved Oct. 29, 1816, bred by Harvey Combe, the property of B. Fuller, Dorking, u'J)t by The Old Bull (8368), d. Young Ruby, by Kingston (8201), Baby, by Zealot (2865). by Young Spectator (S619). by Phantassie (8890), by Rockingham (560). (95561 1,'oniN HOOD. Koan. calved Sept. 11. 1S43, bred by Mr. Kobson, Holtby, the property of Karl Fitzwilliam, got by Forester (3825), '1. Caroline, by Young Matchem -Lady -Jane, by Studley Royal (53-12), by Fleet- 170 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS ham (2028), by Admiral (5), by Young Albion (15), by Apollo (36), by a son of Twin Brother to Ben (600). (9573) HOLLO. Roan, calved May 2, 1846, bred by Mr. Pollock, got by Ury (5536), d. Rosina, by Gainford (2044), A:c.. as in Roberto (9550). (958(5) RUBINI. Roan, bred by the Earl of Lonedale, the property of Mr. Metcalf, got by Prince Ernest (4818), d. Ruth, by Gainford (2044), bred by Mr. Atkinson, Tem- ple, Sowerby. (9592) SAILOR. Roan, calved Nov. 1846, bred by Mr. R Thornton, got by Reveller (8480), d. by Earl Stanhope (5966), by Cripple (3518), by Taurus (2740), by a grand- son of Lancaster (360), by a son of North Star (459). (9594) ST. GEORGE. Red, calved April 19, 1847, bred by Mr. Hall, got by Orontes (4623), d. Joan, by Warlock (55!)9), Rosamond, by Alabaster (1616), &c., as in Jeremy (2157). . (9616) SEAFIELD. Red with a little white, calved Jan. 10, 1846, bred by and the property of A. Longmore, got by Duplicate Duke (6952), d. Constantino, by Sir Charles (5145), Lady, by SirWalter (2639), &c., as in Kathlin (4139). (9625) YOUNG SHAFTOE. Roan, calved April 19, 1847, bred by and the property of Mr. Christy, Fort Union, Adare, got by Capt, Shaftoe (6833), d. Constance, by Dandy Dinmont (5906), Clove,by Mariner (7204), by Mina(2316), by Major (397), by Midas (436). (9639) SIR HARRY SMITH. Roan, calved Aug. 1847, bred by and the property of F. Fowler, got by Oberlin (7294), d. Saveloy, by Stratton (5336), Violet, by Van Am- burg (5543), White Rose, by Senator (2610), Red Rose, by Columella (904), &c., as in Alford (2982). (9641) SIR JOHN. Roan, calved June 22, 1847, bred by R. C. Lowndes, West Derby, got by Dominus (7971), d. Juliet, by Sultan (9697), Adelaide, by Cleveland (3403), &c., as in Bellerophon (11165). (9645) SIR ISAAC. White, calved May 20, 1844, bred by Mr. Spearman, Newton Hall, the property of Mr. Smyth Owen, Condover Hall, Salop, got by Newton (2367), d. by Emperor (1976), by Corner's Roan Bull (1873), by Charles (127). bred by Mr. Arrowsmith,Sherbourne,who for more than twenty years used Bulls entirely bred by Mr. Mason. (9648) SIR MARK. Light Roan, calved July, 1847, bred by M. Fowlis, Heslerton, the property of the Earl of Car- lisle, got by Hon. Charles Fairfax (7605), d. by St. Martin (7467), by Tomboy (2765), by Duncan Shaftoe, by a Bull of Major Bower's, supposed Blast (1724). (9658) SIR ROBERT PEEL. Roan, calved Nov. 24, 1846, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnes, Ireland, got by Prince Ernest (7366), d. Modish, by Lord Stanley (4269), &c., as in Orphan Boy (11878). (9661) SIR THOMAS. Roan, calved Nov. 16, 1847, bred by and the property of R. Lawson, got by Bellville (6778), d. Beauty, by Mussulman (4524), Aly, by Gainford (2044), Miss Slee, by Magnum Bonum (2243), Brighteyes, by Sir Stephen (1456), Jane, byMark (2266), byRufus(570), by St. John (572), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (9667) SKELTON. Roan, calved Feb. 5, 1847, bred by and the property of J.Unthank, got by Capt. Shaftoe (6833), d. Portia, by Eden (3689), &c., as in Gen. Havelock (16130). , SLIDING SCALE. Roan, calved April 1,1842, bred by Mr. Hodgson, Snotherton, Durham, got by St. John (5056), d. by Beaumont (3115), by Reformer (2510). (9672) SOBRAON. Roan, calved Dec. 5,1846, bred by Mr. R. F. Shawe, got by Artizan (8844), d. Sylph, by Belslmz- zar (1703), Symmetry, by Belshazzar (1704), Snowdrop, by Snowball (2648), by Prince (522), by Favourite (256), by a Bull of R. Colling 1 *. (9675) SOLON. Roan, calved April 19, 1847, bred by G. D. Trotter, got by Second Duke of Oxford (9046), d. Son- sie 4th, by Second Duke of Northumberland (3646), Son- sie 2d, by Prince Edward (2462), &c., as in Prince Louis (20560). (9687) STAR. Roan, calved Aug. 14, 1846, bred by W.T. Camithers, got by Petrarch (7329), d. Lady Frances, by Sultan Selim (2710),- Frances, by Sir Francis B (1443), by Sultan (1485), by Wellington (683), -by North Star (458). (9694) SUFFOLK. Roan, calved Feb. 1846, bred by Mr. Pollock,the property of Mr. Renals, got by Norfolk (2377), d. Soho, by Noble (4578), Sophia, by Monarch (4495), Fancy, by Rob Roy (2543), by Firm Duke (259) by Win- ston (1588), by an own brother to Albion (14), by Yar- borough (705). (9697) SULTAN. Red, calved March 19. 1842, bred byR. C. Lowndes, West Derby, got by George (3884), d. Ruby, by Baron (3095), Adelaide, by Cleveland (3403), &c., as in Bellerophon (11165). (97'01) SWEET WILLIAM. Roan, calved Sept. 15, 1847, bred by and the property of Mr. Cattley, got by Libera- tor (7140), d. Sweet Maid, by Prince Albert (4791), &c., as in Earl De Grey (12795). (9706) TATTON. Roan, calved June 21, 1843, bred by R. C. Lowndes, West Derby, got by Marmion (4383), cl. Splendid,byMatchem3d(4420), &c., as in Chieftain (8951). (9707) TELEGRAPH. Red and white, calved March 12, 1846, bred by Geo. Faulkner, the property of Mr. Cave, got by Launcelot (6122), d. Triumph, by Eclipse (3684), Tulip, by Boughton (7841), by Young Merlin (6204), by Midas (435), by Denton (198). (9721) THE EXCHEQUER. White, calved April 3, 1847, bred by A. Cruickshank, the property of Irvine Boswell, got by Fairfax Royal (6987), d. Amelia, by General Pic- ton (3876), by Young Monarch (2327), by Pilot (496), by Satellite (1420). (9731) THE ORPHAN BOY. Red and white, calved April 25, 1841, bred by Col. Cradock, got by Provost (4846), d. by Magnum Bonum (2243), by Forester (1055), by Rob Roy (557), by Marshal Blucher (416). (9748) TINSLEY. Red and white, calved 1846, bred by and the property of Mr. Knowles, got by General Wash- ington (6036), d. Buttercup, by 2d Duke of Northumber- land (3646), Young Blossom, by Crusader (934), Blos- som, by Honest John (1116), by Middleton (1235). (9750) TOM BOY. Roan, calved Feb. 1847, bred by J. Emmerson, Eryholme, got by Chancellor (8944), d. Lady Sarah, by Magician (7185), by Belvedere 2d (3126), by Young Alive'o (2996), by Eryholme (1018), by Eclipse (236). by Grey Bull (123), by Paddock Bull (477), by Red Bull (97). (9758) TWILIGHT. White, calved July 8, 1846, bred by Mr. Hall, Wiseton, got by Humber (7102), d. Rosalita, by Wiseton (2848), by Mercury (2301), by Blyth Comet (85). (9760) UPSTART. Roan, calved May 8, 1847, bred by Mr. Hall, Wiseton, got by Lamplighter (8204), d. Gold, by Orontes (4623), Cassandra, by William (2840), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (9763) USURER. Roan, calved April 8, 1846, bred by Mr. Hall, got by Lord W T arden (7167), d. Gold, by Orontes (4623), Cassandra, by William (2840), No. 25, by Rich- ard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (9765) VAGABOND. Light roan, calved Jan. 17, 1847, bred by Col. Kingscote, the property of Mr. Adkins, got by Duke of Cornwall (5947), d. Vesper, by Belshazzar (1704). Vestris, by Bright (1739), Violet, by Algernon (1631)', Moss Rose, by Navigator (1260), Variety, by Marshal Beresford (415), Venus, by Wellington (683), Trotter, by Windsor (698), by Middleton's Bull (438), by Chapman's Bull. (9770) VAN AMBURG. Light roan, calved March 11, 1847, bred by and the property of Mr. Strickland, got by Thirty-Two (8704), d. Viol, by Marquis (2271), Vale, by Isaac (1129), Virago, by Blucher (6793), Vixen, by Cecil (120). (9788) VISCOUNT W T INKLE. Roan, calved Oct. 23, 1847, bred by Jas.Ladds, got by Sweet William (7571), d. Vetch, by Norfolk (2377), Verbena, by Burley (1766), &c., as in Highland Laddie (13026). (9799) WALLACE. Roan, bred by Mr.Flintoff, Brance- peth, got by Sir William (5202), d. by Monitor (2331), bred by R. Crofton. (9805) YOUNG WALTON. Red and white, calved June 2, 1847, bred by R. C. Lowndes, West Derby, got by Wal- ton (6658), d. Moss Rose,by Locomotive (4242) , Adelaide, by Cleveland (3403), &c., as in Bellerophon (11165). (9806) WARRIOR. Red, bred by R. Weastell, got by Waterloo (2816), d. by Meteor (431), by Major (398), by Coates' Bull, bred by C. Colling, from the Stock of Mr. Hutchinson, Sockburn. (9815) WEATHERCOCK. Red, calved Sept. 26, 1847, bred by Mr. Hall, got by Orontes (4623), d. Nebula, by Zenith (5702), Lactea, by Sweet William (5368), Galaxy, by Hecatomb (2102), Cassandra, by William (2840), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (9821) WHARFDALE HERO. Bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Rockingham (2550), d. Rosalind, by Martin (4403), by MiddlesDro 1 0234), a Cow of Mr. Tetley's. TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 171 WHITE BULL (MR. OUTHWAITE'S). Got by Com- et (166). (!>S27) WHITE FRIAR. White, calved March 10, 18K5, bred l>y Sir Charles Kniirhtlry. irot by Friar Tuck cjsifii, d. C'reusa, l>y Maivellus (2260), Ulrica, by Caliph (1771), Quickly, by Swing (2721), A-la-Mode, by Argus ! ;:,!),. Valuable, by Defender (194), Violet, by Petrarch (488), fcc., aa in Vulcan (2808). )) Wn.r.EKroRCB. Roan, calved March, 1846, bred by Mr. Wiley, the property of T. Willis, got by Vandyke <7ii3). d. Bessy, by Helicon (0107), Ac., as in 2d Grand I Mike ( 1 It. 10). (!)!l5()t BI:I. MONT. Ut-d and white, calved IS 17. bred by and the properly of Lord Fevershatn, Dnnconibe Park, Helmsley, gol by Ivirl of J!e\ erlcy (5!I63 V , d. Brunette, by ] Conservative (3471), Blessington, by Vulcan (2808), Young Beauty, by Grazier (1085), Beauty, by Baron (58), Young Moss Rose, by Wellington (680), Moss Rose, by Favourite (252), Red Rose, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319). (9960) BEN NEVIS. Roan, calved 1849, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, llelmsley, got by Mountain Dew (10548), d. Beverley, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Sylvia, by Symmetry (5385), Sarah, by Young Grazier (3928), Sally, by Dixon's Bull (3595), Vi- olet, by Wonderful (700), Young Molly, by Baron (58), Molly, by a Bull of Mr. Button's, by Butterfly (104). (9967) BILLY PITT. Roan, calved Oct. 30, 1849, bred by R. Bell, Kirklevington, near Yarm, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), d. Blossom, by Belvedere (1706), Burrell 1st, by a son of 2d Hubback (2683), from the Stock of Mr. Bates. (9970) BLETSOE, 2548. (9972) BLOOMSBURY. White, calved March, 1848, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, the property of Duke of Richmond, got by Fairfax Royal (6987), d. Eliza, by White Bull (5643), &c., as in Brigand (12494). (9980) BORROWBY BOY. Red and white, calved June 10, 1847, bred by B. Wilson, Brawith, Thirsk, the prop- erty of F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Bra- with Boy (7846), d. Moss Rose 2d, by Sir Walter (2639), Moss Hose, by Belvedere 2d (3127), &c., as in Mosstrooper (11827). (9983) BOURTON HERO. Light roan, calved March 11, 1844, bred by H. Tucker, Bourton House, Farriugdon, the property of Mr. Brown, got by Gustavus The Hero (7058), d. Victoria, by Champion, Young Pyracantha, by Barmpton (54), Pyracantha, by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252). (9993) BROKER. Roan, calved March 23, 1849. bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the property of Mr. Am- bler, Watkinson Hall, Halifax, got by Usurer (9763), d. Sister Mary, by Belshazzar (1704), Sweet Looks, by Shy- lock (2622), Stately, by Snowball (1463), Delicacy, by Ketton (346), by Expectation (24?'), by Magnum Bomim (2882), by H. Chapman's Bull, by R. Grimston's Bull (282), by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (9997) BROWNLOW. White, calved 1841, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, Burghley House, got by Pyramus (4853), d. Good Luck, by Emperor (1014). Misfortune, by De Veaux (1916), Rosanne, by North Star <459\ Sur- prise, by Major (398), Ked Rose, by Yarborough (705), The American Cow, by Favourite (.252), by Punch (531). by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319), by Jas. Brown's Red Bull (97). (10000) BRUTUS. Roan, calved April 25, 1847. bred by and the property of Mr. Jopp, Aberdeen, got by Otley (S:i7i). d. Clara, by Cunoboline (3529),- Miss Crofton, by Matchem 4th (4421), by Matchem 3d (4120). by Morton. (10005) BUMPER. Red and white, calved March 25, isn;. bred by and the property of H. Booth, Warlaby, Northallerton. got by Buckingham (3239), d. Jemima, by Kaspberry (1S7'5), Strawberry 3d, by Young Matchem ( ! 122), AM'-.. a< in British Prince (14197). (10007) Bri:<;i.Ai:. Roan, calved Feb. 9. 1S47, bred by R. Woodhouse, Otteriiigion, Northallerton, the property 172 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS of F. Chaplin, Tathwell, got by Buckingham (3239), d. Cora, by Reformer (2512), Lucy, by Imperial (2151), by Favourite (1030), by Young Dimple (971), by J.Brown's White Bull (98). (10017) CALIFORNIA. Reel and white, calved Jan. 27, 1849 bred by Mr. Bowly, Siddington House, Cirencester, got by Antonio (8839), d. Joyous, by Leo (4208), Playful, by Frederick (3837), Delight, by Rival (2524), Diana, by Darlington (956). Dahlia, by Denton (198), Gaudy, by Rockingham (5(30), by Mr. Jobling's son of Phenome- non (491), by Phenomenon (491), by Colonel (152), by Sty ford (629). (10023) CAPTAIN HARDINGE. Red and white, calved May 30, 1849, bred by Messrs. Parkers, Yanwath Hall, near Penrith, the property of J. Gelderd, Patterdale, got by Lord Hardinge (10449), d. Octavia, by Second Duke of Northumberland (3646), Junia, by Robertson (2538), etc., as in Junius (6108). (10033) CAVAIGNAC. White, calved Oct. 15, 1848, bred by H. Watson, Walkeringham, the property of Mr. Wat- son, Wauldby, Hull, got by Usurer (9703), d. Cassia, by Leonard (4210), Cactus, by Raspberry (4875), Lily, by Hockineham (2551), Lively, by Jerry (2159), by Julius Ciesar (1143), by Albion (15). (10048) CHIEFTAIN. Roan, calved Aug. 11. 1848, bred Mr. Bates, Kirklevington, Yarm, got by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), d. Foggathorpe 2d, by Duke of Northumber- land (1940), Foggathorpe, by Marlbro' (1189;, &c., as in Baron Foggathorpe (9931). (10050) CHEVALIER. Roan, calved Aug. 23, 1847, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirklevington, Yarm, got by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), d. Foggathorpe 2d, by Duke of Northumber- land (1940), Foggathorpe, by Marlbro' (1189), &c., as in Baron Foggathorpe (9931). (10054) CHILTON. White, Jan. 3, 1848, bred by J. M. Hopper, Newham Grange, Stockton-on-Tees, the prop- erty of J. Emmerson, Eryholme, Darlington, got by Belle- ville (6778), d. Queen of Trumps, by Belleville (6778), Zenobia, by Ernest (3735), Dido, by Marton (4408), Caroline, by Uptaker (2784), by Wonderful (700), by Mars (413), by Trunnell (659), by George (273), by Dash (191). (10057) CLARET. Dark roan, calved May 4, 1847, bred by W. Ellison, Sizergh, near Kendall, the property of Mr. Jones, Mullinabro', near Waterford, got by Burgundy (7861), d. Rosamond, by Westmorland (5(533), Rose, by Chancellor (1809). by Umpire (5530), by Northern Light (4568), by Young Alfred (2993), by Mr. Ferret's Lemon Horns, by Witham's Bull of Hardwick. (10063) COLUMBUS. Roan, calved Dec. 1847, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, Burghley House, Stamford, got by Ozier (10588). d. Nun, by Chancellor (3333), Columba, by Algernon (1631). Pigeon, byWoodville (2856), Dove, by Favourite (3768), Innocence, by Windsor (698), by Windsor (698). (10071) CONTRACT. Roan, calved June 6, 1849, bred by and the property of Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, Wot- ton-under-Edge, got by Usurer (9763), d. Clarence, by Hen- wood (2114), Minna, by Nestor (452), &c., as in Man Friday (14893). (10079) COUNT. Roan, calved March 4, 1846, bred by by Bachelor (1666), Duchess, by Wellington (683), Bright Eyes, by Admiral (4), by Sir Harry (1444), by Colonel (152), by a grandson of Hubback (319), by a sonofHubback(319). (10087) CROWN PRINCE. Roan, calved May 10, 1849, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, North- allerton, got byFitz Leonard (7010), d. Charity, by Buck- ingham (3239), &c., as in Clarence (14279). (10088) CRUSADER. Red and white, calved Feb. 25, 1848, bred by Mr. Crossley, Scaitcliffe, Todmorden, got by Ajax (8813), d. Cowslip, by Belshazzar (17'03), Ceres, by Cn'sar (3260), by Newton (2367), bred by Mr. Ar- rowsmith, near Darlington. (10108) DE GREY. Roan, calved 1849, bred by and the property of A. L. Maynard, Marton-le-Moor, Ripon, got by Earl Stanhope (5906), d. White Strawberry, by Yellow Boy (5694), Strawberry, by Red Robin (2402), Straw- berry, by Burley (1766), by Sir Alexander (591), by Norman (1277), bred by the late Mr. Maynard. (10121?) DICK. Roan, calved in March, 1849, bred by Hiii.vtlu; Owen, Condover Hall, Shrewsbury, got by Earl of Durham 2d (9060), d. Dainty, by Victory (5566), Dar- ling (twin sister to the Prize Heifer at Smithfield, 1841), by Miracle (2321), bred by Mr. Phillips, Warkley. (10125) DISRAELI. Red roan, calved Sept. 22,1847, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirklevington, the property of Mr.Burnett, Black Hedley, Northumberland, got by 2d Duke of Ox- ford (9046), d. Rosalind 4th, by Cleveland Lad (3407), &c., as in Bearl (5?'81). (10140) DRUID. Roan, calved June 27, 1848, bred by Mr. Torr, Aylesby, the property of C. J. Knox, Coleraine, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), d. Daura, by Conloch (3461), Prima Donna, by Count Comet (3509), Audby, by Cato (857), Cherry, by Grey Robin (1090), Ruby, by Barmp- ton (54), by Aylesby (44), by Brother to Ceiling's White Heifer, by Barningham (56). (10149) DUKE OF ALBANY. Red and white, calved Jan. 13, 1848, bred by and the property of T. C. Hincks, Breckenbrough, Thirsk, got by 3d Duke of York (10166), d. Clementina, by Clement! (3399), Rosalind, by Rasp- berry (4875), Audrey, by Argus (759), by Admiral (5), by Roland (563), by Cecil (10). (10150) DUKE OF ATHOL, 445. (10152) DUKE OF EXETER, 449. (10153) DUKE OF GLOUCESTER. Red and white, calved May 2, 1848, bred by R. Stratton, Salthorp, got by Red Duke (8694), d. Elegance, by Lottery (4280), Moss Rose, by Lottery (4280), by Phoenix (6290). (10159) DUKE OF RICHMOND. Roan, calved Jan. 29, 1845, bred by W. Ellison, Sizergh, near Kendal, the prop- erty of Lord Stourton, got by Prince Albert (4801), d. Lively, by Chancellor (1809), Baroness, by a son of Sir Kenneth (1450), by Pilot (1319). (10161) DUKE OF RICHMOND. Red roan, calved Feb. 5, 1847, bred by Mr. Gillett, Haseley, Wheatley, gotbyCapt. Shaftoe (6833), d. Springfiower, by Ganthorpe (2049), Pretty Lass, by Midas (7236), Ruby, by Grazier (1085). (10166) 3D DUKE OF YORK. Red, calved Oct. 31, 1845, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirklevington, Yarm, got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), d. Duchess 51st, by Cleveland Lad (3407), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (10167) 4TH DUKE OF YORK. Roan, calved Dec, 22, 1846, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirklevingtou, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), d. Duchess 51st, by Cleveland Lad (3407), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (10168) 5TH DUKE OF YORK. White, calved Oct. 21, 1849, bred by the Executors of Mr. Bates, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), d. Duchess 51st, by Cleveland Lad (3407), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (10174) EARL OF ANTRIM. Red, calved May, 1846, bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston, the property of A. Stevens, New York, U. S., got by Gen. Sale (8099), d. Maid of Or- leans, by Mameluke (2258), &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (10176) EARL OF CHATHAM, Red and white, calved 1847, bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston, the property of Col. Sherwood, Auburn, New York, U. S., got by Napier (6238), d. Duchess, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), &c., as in Prince of Wales (20589). (10177) EARL OF DERBY. Red, calved Jan. 2, 1848, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirklevington, near Yarm, the prop- erty of C. W. Harvey, got by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), d. Wild Eyes 14th, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Wild Eyes 3d, by Belvedere (1706), Wild Eyes, by Em- peror (1975), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). (10178) EARL OF DUBLIN. White, calved Aug. 1848, bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston, the property of J. C. Adkins, Milcote, Stratford-upon-Avon, got by Gen. Sale (8099), d. Princess, by Napier (6238), Maid of Athens, by St. Albans (5047), Helena, by Waterloo (2816), &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (10181) EARL OF SEAHAM, 462 and 1499. (10210) EUGENE ARAM. Roan, calved July 5, 1848, bred by B. Wilson, Bra with, Thirsk, got by Emperor (6973), d. Uncertainty, by Sir Walter (2639), by Roseberry (567), by Constitution (166), by Hastings (293), by Julius (338), by Constellation (163). (10231) FITZROY. Red and white, calved June 8, 1848, bred by R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, Darlington, got by Eclipse (9070), d. Moss Rose, by Prince Edward (6334), &c., as in Farnley (14536). (10232) FiTZ-W ALTER. Roan, calved May 20, 1848, bred by B. Wilson, Brawith, the property of F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley. got by Sir Walter (2639), d. Fanny,by Reubens (5027), -- -Fare well, by Young Matchem (4122), Flora, by Isaac (1129), by Young Pilot (497), by Pilot (496), by Julius Ca-sar (1143). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 173 (10M10) FOI:KI:ST. Red and white, calved March 12, IS Ifi, bred by and the property of K. Booth, Warlaby, NorthaUerton, got by Buckingham <,::W), d. Bli-s, iy Leonard (4210), &e., as in Bismark (25637). (10245) FKAXCISCO. Koan. calved March, 1847, bred by F. H. Fawkes. Farnley Hall, the property of Mr. Ak- royd, Denton Park, Otley, tiot by Petrarch (7'326) GEN. ELLIOTT. Roan, calved July 23,1848, bred by and the property of W. C. R. Stanstield, M. P., Esholt Hall, near Leeds, got by Major (9352), d. Rosebud, by The Hero (6584), Rose, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Fair, by Sultan (1485), by Thornington (5472), bred by Mr. Grey, Milfield, from the Stock of Sir C. Loraine. (10277) GOLDSMITH. Roan, calved Dec. 26, 1846, bred by Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Grimsby, the property of Lord Calthorpe, got by Helmsman (8141), d. Giltedge, by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249), Golden Locks, by Remus (4932), Golden Beam, by Prince Comet (1342), by Count f 1 70 1. by Prince of Waterlooo (528), by Young Favour- (10279) GONE AWAY. Red and white, calved June 29, 1847, bred by B. Wilson, Brawith, the property of L. Hodg- son, Highthora, Thirsk. got by Sir Walter (2(339), d. Gai- ety 2d, by Prince William (4834), Gaiety, by Beal (3113), 18, by Mark (3266), by Meteor (431), by North Star (IliO). by a son of Barmpton (51), Red Rose, by Wellington (li7'9). (10380) GOVERNOR. Roan, calved 1843, bred by Mar- quis of Exeter, Burghley House, Stamford, got by Chan- cellor (3333), d. Governess, by Miracle 3d (2322), Rejrina, by Woodville (2S5f>), Archduchess, by Christmas (:;;NO, Empress, by Atlas (42), Innocence, by Windsor (698). - -by Windsor (698). (10284) GRAND DUKE, 545. (10297) HARBINGER. Roan, calved Oct. 9, 184S,bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, Northallerton, got by Baron Warlaby (7813). d. Hope, by Leonard (4210), &C., as in Clarence (14279). 0, d. "Fanny, by Prince Knu-st v7366), lora, by Prince Arthur (9502), Bea uty, by Comet. (!(>:;S7> LA I!i. \ciii-:. White, calved July 2-1. 18-47, bred by C. Barnett, Stratton Park, Biggleswade, the property of the Earl of Hardwicke, u'ot by Kssex Lad (8039), d. White Rose, by Senator (2lil()i,- Keel Rose, byColumella (904), A:e., as in Alford (2fl 00107) LAUKBL. Roan, calved April 30, 1846, bred by R. Duddinu;, Panton, Wraicby, the property of N. Carf- \\right. Haugham, Loath, got by Duke of York (i!M7>. d. Laura .'M. by Vomit; Frcderi'-k (:iN:iiii. Laura, bv Favour- ile (2011), -by a son of Blyth Comet (85), Wyham Laura, by Major tfi7). 174 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (10414) LEONIDAS. White, calved Sept, 6, 1847, bred by and property of K. Booth, Warlaby, Northallerton got by Leonard (4310), d. Innocence, by Buckingham (3:239), -Isabella, by Young Matchem (4422),-Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Ball of Burdon. (10421) LILYVICK. Roan, calved Jan. 17, 1849, bred by Burrell Fuller, Holcomb, Dorking, got by Shamrock 2d (8555) d. Lily, by Shamrock (7488), by Prince Albert ^4781), by a son of Reformer (4917). (10422) LINCOLN. Roan, calved April 12, 1848, bred by J B Stanhope, Revesby Abbey, Horncastle, the proper- ty of J G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Romulus (850G), d. Louisa, bvPlenipo (4724). -Lady Ann, by Childers (1824), Miss Leighton, by Umpire (2783), Young Cowslip, by Ratify (2481), Cowslip, by Wellington (080), by Favour- ite (252), by Punch (531). (10434) LORD CLARENDON. Roan, calved May 7, 1849, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnes, Westland, Moy- nalty, Ireland, got by Hamlet (8126), d. Lady Sarah, by Barley Fairfax (6122), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (10435) LOKD CHANCELLOR. Red and white, calved Dec 30, 1849, bred by and the property of F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Laudable (9282), d. Cherry Ripe by Sir Walter (2639), Young Cherry, by Young Waterloo (8757), Cherry, by Waterloo (2816), Old Cher- ry, by Waterloo (2816), by Kitt (2179), byKitt (2179), by Page's Bull (6269), by Middleton's Bull (438). (10437) LORD FOPPINGTON. Red and white, calved May 1849, bred by and the property of F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Laudable (9282), d. Fancy, by Cobden (6872), Fanny, by Norfolk (2377), Favourite, by Bright (1739), &c., as in Fugleman (14580). (10439) LORD GEORGE. White, calved June 2, 1846, bred by J. Booth, Killerby, Catterick, got by Fitz-Leon- ard (7010), d. Birthday, by Lord Stanley (4269), Bracelet, by Priam (2452), &c., as in Buckingham (3239). (10441) LORD GEORGE. Red roan, calved April 21, 1848, bred by and property of Wm. Fletcher, Radmahtlrwaite, near Mansfield, got by True Briton (10975), d. Beauty, by Fitz-Walter (6014), Princess Royal, by Cossack (1880), Watson,by Imperial (4068),-by Helmsman (2109). (10443) LORD GEORGE. Roan, calved 1848, bred by and the property of A. L. Maynard, Marton-le-Moor, Ripon, got by Cotherstone (6903), d. Old Red Rose, by Young Matchem (4425), lied Cheeks, by Fairfax (1088), Rye Neck, by a son of Marske (418), by Palmsun (7311), by a Bull of Mr. Maynard s, byMaynard's Son of Favourite. (10446) LORD GREY, Roan, calved Sept. 6, 1849, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard, got by Sir Mark (9648), d. Lady Grace, by Blast (1724), by Speeton, by Magnum Bonum (2882), by Favourite (257), by Palm- flower (480), by a grandson of Neswick (1266), _ by Charge's Grey Bull, from the stock of Geo. Coates. (10449) LORD HARDINGE. Roan, calved Sept, 6, 1846 bred by Thomas Bell, Kirklevington, near Yarm, got by Second Duke of Oxford (9046), d. Harriett, by Fourth Duke of Northumberland (8649), Hilpa, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Ac., as in Duke of Cambridge (12747). (10457) LORD MARCH. Roan, calved July 21, 1847 bred by and the property of W. Ellison, Sizergh, near Kendal got by Duke of Richmond (10159), d. Mary, by Sizenrh (5205), Rose, by Chancellor (1809), by Umpire (5530) by Northern Light (4586), by Young Alfred (2993), V Porrett's Lemon Horns, by Witham's Bull of Hard wick. (10459) LORD MARQUIS. White, calved Feb 3 1849 bred by and the property of F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall' & g ^ by ., LaU ab l? ( 9282 )' d- Lady Milton, by Milton (7238), Zuleika, by Norfolk (2377), Medora, by Ambo (1686), Blossom, by Memnon (2295), Sister to Isabella by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Bun-ell's Bull of Burdon. (10461) LORD MILTON. White, calved Nov. 12 1847 bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, the property of j' II. Langstone. M. P., Sarsden. got by Laudable (9282) d' Lady Milton, by Milton (7238), At;., as in Macbeth (13266)! (10465) LORD OP BRAWITH. Roan, calved May 17 1849 brt-l by B. Wilson, Brawith, Thirsk, got bv Em'neror (6978), d. Moss Rose 2d, by Sir Walter (2639),~Moss Rose by Belvedere 2d (3127), &c., as in Mosstrooper (11827). (10467) LORD OF THE VALLEY. Red and white, bred by Col. Cradock, Hartforth, Richmond, the property of Mr. Archbold, Ireland, got by Provost (4846), d. Grace Darling, by Magnum Bonum (2243), by Buckingham (1756), by a Bull of Mr. Mutton's, Marske. iQ^ ^ , Lo1 '" F TIIE MA NOR. White, calved Jan. 8, 846, bred by U. Emmerson, JEryholme, Darlington, got by \oung RoryO'More (10m d. Annabella, by Vivian (5575), Aurora, by Sir Williarti (52f)2), by Monitor C>'1) bWdr P l ~ U53) '~ by ^""Pton (1077), by Waver- (10469) LORD VANE TEMPEST, (10472) LOTTERY. White, calved April 10, 1849., bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the property of Harvey Combe, Cobham Park, Surrey, got by Usurer (9763), d. Lace, by William (2840), by Mercury (2301), by Star (1419), by Western Comet (689), by Viscount (666). (10476) LOVEMORE. Roan, calved April 15, 1848, bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, the property of Mr. Doig, got by Snowball (8602), d. Lilla, by Caliph (1774), Amy, "by Norman (2379), Walnut, by White Boy (1580), Pauline, by Wyville's Bull, by a Bull of Mr. Charge's. (10479) LOYALIST. Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1849, bred by Harvey Combe, Cobham Park, Surry, got by Fanatic (8054), d. Lillywhite. by Young Vanish (5546), White Rose, by Orator (2390), by Lenton (4205), by a Bull of Wetherell's, from a Cow bought of Mr. Wiley, Brandsby. (10486) MAGICIAN 2o. Red, calved May 5, 1848, bred by and the property of Mr. Lax, Ravensworth, Richmond, got by Duke (9032), d. Fanny 2d, by Bob (3181), Fanny, by William 4th (5663), by Prince William (1344), Faith, by Warlaby (672), Phyllis, by Agamemnon (9), by Chan- cellor (869). (10487) MAGISTRATE. Light roan, calved Jan. 18, 1849, bred by W. Raine, the property of T. Raine, Gainford, Darlington, got by The Colonel (5428), d. Young Sally of the Tees, by Pyramus (4853), Sally of the Tees, by Mag- num Bonum (2243), &c., as in 2d Earl of Derby (15960). (10488) MAGNET. Roan, calved Feb. 1849, bred by and the property of T. Game, Broadmore, Northleach, got by Cramer (6907), d. Meg Merriles, by Harold (8131), Edgcott Rose, by a son of Anthony (1640), Old Rose. (10492) MAHOMED 2o. Red, calved 1845, bred by Capt. Barclay, the property of G. Mitchell, lladdo, N. B., got by The Pacha (7612), d. Cicely, by Mahomed (6170), Julia, by Paganini (2405), by Jerry (2159), by Rob Roy (557), by Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15), by Miner (441). (10504) MARQUIS. Red and white, calved May 26, 1848, bred by Mr. Caldecott, Rugby Lodge, the property of Geo. Faulkner, got by Royalty (6420), d. Heartsease, by Emperor (3721), Belinda, by Rebel (4882), Miss Foote, by Coxcomb (928), &c., as in Buskin (1769). (10506) MARQUIS OF ROCKINGHAM. White, calved April 21, 1846, bred by Sir C. R. Tempest, Bart., got by Rockingham (2550), d. Lady Blanche, byBerryman (3143), Annabella, by Reformer (2512), Fanny, by Imperial (2151), White Lady,by Snowball (1463), Lady, by Young Dimple (971), Lady, by Young Cornet (905), Cherry, by Favourite, Old Cherry, by Goldtinder (1075). (10513) MASTER SHAFTOE. Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1847, bred by and the property of H. Tucker, Bourton House, Farringdon, got by Capt. Shaftoe (6833), d. Martha, by Darlington (3561), Mary Anne, by Favourite (1028), by- Crispin (174), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Turnell's Red Bull (1536), by a Bull bought in the North. (10514) MASTER THANKFUL. Roan, calved Nov. 15, 1849, bred by and the property of F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall,Otley, got by Borrowby Boy (9980),d.Lady Millicent, by Laudable (9282), &c., as in Master Grateful (11797). (10537) MOLE CATCHER. White, calved Feb. 6, 1847, bred by Sir C. R. Tempest, Bart., the property of Mr. Unthank, Netherscales, Penrith, got by Mowb ray (7260), d. Venus, by Bellerophon (3119), &c., as in Sir Charles (12075). (10548) MOUNTAIN DEW. Red and white, calved 1846, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, Buncombe Park, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), d. Dewdrop, by Druid (3625), Sunbeam, by Young Grazier (3928), &c., as in Splendor (5301). (10552) NAPOLEON. Bred by Mr. Wailes, Rounton Grange, Northallerton, got by Bellerophon (3119), d. Clara, by Alderman (2976), &c., as in Harbinger (9183). (10563) NEWMARKET. Roan, calved March 6, 1819, bred by and the property of Mr. Kirkham, Hagnaby, near y Lord George (1 f, got by Lord George (10439), d. Necklace, by Zoh- rab (5705), by Ormsby (4621), by Major (398), by Cap- tain (108). (10564) NEW YEAR'S GIFT. White, calved Jan. 2, 1849, bred by and the property of Mr. Unthank, Netherscales. Penrith, got by Skelton (9667), d. Bracelet, by Sir Francis TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 175 by M.i.j.^ty 02250), by Young Rock- in.- -!i.y Duke (1933),- by Major (2255), by Coatham (1640), by Northumberland (4<;i,. (10588) OZIER. Red, calved 18 J5. bred by and the property of Marquis of Kxoter. IHirghley House, Stam- lord, got by Prince of Wales (6845), d. Willow, by Selim (5103), by Alfred (2984), Duchess, bred by the Duke of Northumberland. e property of Lord Feversbam, Buncombe Park, Earl of Beverly (5963), d. Pamfonia, by Cleveland (10598) PAUL PRY. Roan, calved May 26, 1849, bred by Rev. T. Cator, Skelbrook Park, Doncaster, got by Selim n. d. Fair Maid of Athens, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), fec., as in Privy Seal (18642). (10601) PERCY. Red and white, calved 1848, bred by and the p: got by Ea Lad (3407), Primula,by Young Grazier (3928), -'-Primrose, by Expectation (3749), &c., as in Perambulator (18530). (10003) PESTALOZZI. Roan, calved Sept. 28, 1847, bred by H. Watson, Walkeringham, the property of the French Government, got by Buckingham (3239), d. Cassia, by Leonard (4210), Cactus, by Raspberry (4875), &c., as in Oxygen (9464). (10605) YOUNG PESTALOZZI. Ron, calved Nov. 1849, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank. Sittyton, Aberdeen, got by Pestalozzi (10603), d. Rose, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), Rose, by Victory (5565), by Pyramid (4882), by Harry Lorrequer (31)85), by Blucher (84), by Magnum Bonum (4322), by Bus- ton's Son of Styford (103), by a son of T. Wetherell's Bull (690). (10606) PETER PLOUGH. Roan, calved Nov. 2, 1848, bred by and the property of N. Milne, Faldonside, -Mel- rose. Full brother to Leader (11674). (10608) PIUENIX. Red, calved March 28, 1848, bred by and the property of T. Chrisp, Hawkhill, Alnwick, got by Ronald (8507), d. Duchess, by Guy Faux (7062), Young Red Duchess, by The Peer (5455), Red Duchess, by Bachelor (1666), &c., as in Count (10079). (10631) PRIDE. Roan, calved May 24, 1847, bred by and the property of M. S. Stewart, Southwick, Dumfries, got by The Provost (4846), d. Emily, by Comet (1854), Eleanora, by Eclipse (1949), Elvira, by Duke (1933), &c., as in Alexander (1627). (10634) PRINCE ALBERT. White, calved April 6, 1844, bred by W. Fletcher, Radmanthwaite. Mansfield, got by Fit /.waiter (6014), d. Watson, by Imperial (4068), by Helmsman (2109). (10638) PRINCE ALFRED. Light roan, calved Jan. 7, 1847, bred by Mr. Forrest, the property of Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Prince of Wales (7378), d. Adelaide, by Magnum Bonum (2213), Duchess, by Maximus (2284), Duchess, by Matchem (2281), Duchess, by Scipio (1421), Mary, by Stephen (1456). Mary, by Western Comet (689), Mary, by Charge's Grey Bull (872), Mary, by Favourite (252), Flecked Mary, by Bar tie (777), descended from the Studley White Bull (627). (10644) PRINCE ERNEST 2o. Roan, calved Jan. 20, 1848, bred by Mr. Barnes, Westland, Moynalty, the prop- erty of Mr. Keeting. Ireland, got by Prince Ernest (7366), d. Modish, by Lord Stanley (4269), &c., as in Orphan Boy (11878). (10657) PROCURATOR. Roan, calved June 12, 1849, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, the property of R. Hand- son, West Rasen, got by Promoter (10658), d. Poppy, by Buckingham (3239), Lady, by Ranunculus (2479), by Albion (2967), by Ratify (2481), by Logic (4248). (10658) PROMOTER. Roan, calved Jan. 16, 1847, bred by and the property of W. Smith, West Rasen, Lincoln- shire, got by Baron of Ravensworth (7811), d. Peeress, by Thorpe (2757). Penelope, by Shakspeare (2614). Lavinia., by Grazier (1085), Miss Cropper, by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (5J), by Expectation (247). (10662) PROTECTION. Red roan, calved Feb. 25, 1846, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, the property of J. G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Nero (1557), d. Lady Flora, by Thorpe (2757), Flora, by Plenipo (2435), Sweetbrier, by Columella (904), &c., as in John Ford (9253). (10671) (Jt'ARRiNGTON. White, calved July 2, 1849, bred by and the property of J. M. Hopper, Newham Grange, Stockton-on-Tees, got by Belleville (6778 i, d. Miss .Meggy, by Ravensworth (7400), Jessy, by Long- niddry (8233), Whitie, by Invalid ( t078), Lucy, by Mars (411), by Brother to Whitworth (i'.95i. (lOtlSin R UKNSCROFT. Rich roan, calved 1846. bred by I. Boswell. Kingcausie, Aberdeen, got by Billy (3151), d. Shanks, by Peter Parley (4681), Duchess of St. Al- bany by St. Albans 2d (5048), by St. Albans (2584), by Lawnsleeves (3<;5). (10(584) REBELLION. White, calved July 8, 1848, bred i.y G. \\". R. Malins, Thelsford, the property of Mr. Lax- ton, Marborne, Stilton, trot by Ivanhoe (,9240), d. Beauty, by Little John (4232), Poly hinnia, by Bairdad (3075), Hermione. by Young Norman (4584), Loeta, by Tory (10968), Trumpery, by Argus (759), Travis, by Pioneer (1321), Tranquil, by Defender (194), Trap, by Candour (107), Young Tragedy, by Wynyard (703), Tragedy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (10691) RED ROAN KIRTLING. Red roan, calved March 4, 1848, bred by J. Clover, Kirtling, the property of J. Webb, Babraham, got by Battus (7816), d. Dahlia, by The Miller (5452), &c., as in White Kirtling (7718). (10695) REFINER. Roan, calved April 11, 1846, bred by Mr. Bates, Kirklevington, Yarm, got by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), d. Wild Eyes 8th, by Due of Northumber- land (1940), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). (10704) REPORT. Roan, calved April 8, 1849, bred by and the property of S. Wiley, Brandsby, York, got by Rumour (7456), d. Amina, by Albus (2975), Young Sul- tana, by Belshazzar (1704), Sultana, by Sultan (1485), Milta, by Tarrare (1501), Mida, by Midas (435), by a grandson of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (531). (10713) REVOLUTION. Roan, calved Feb. 27, 1848, bred by and the property of G. W. R. Malins, Thelsford, got by Ivanhoe (9240), d. Polyhmnia, by Bagdad (3075), &c., as in Rebellion (10684). (10716) RIVERS. Roan, calved Dec. 6, 1849, bred by Harvey Combe, Cobham Park, Surry, got by Fanatic (8054), d. Rosebud, by Auld Robin Grey (6753), Red Rose, by Scrip (2604), Rose, by Burley (1766), Young Anna, by Isaac (1129), Anna, by Pilot (496), Ariadne, by Albion (14), Bright Eyes, by Lame Bull (359), by Shipton (587), by a son of Suworrow (636), by Booth's son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (10721) ROAN ROBIN. Roan, calved Oct. 26, 1846, bred by .Mr. Barnard, Gosfield, got by Senator (10793), d. Ru- by, by Imperial (4068), Red Lady, by Juniper (1145), &c., as in Prince Leopold (20557). (10734) ROLAND. Light roan, calved Feb. 1848, bred by and the property of J . Hunt, Thornington,Coldstream, got Zeno (9850) d. Peggy, by Magnum 2d (4321), Peer- ess, by Archibald (1652), Young Lady, by Edroni (1956), Old Lady, by Reformer (2502), Young Countess, by Snawdon (1462), Countess, by Northern Light (1280), Old Countess, by Yorkshireman (2862), by "Wellington (678), by Eryholme (1980), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (10743) RORY O'MoRE. Bred by Mr. Holmes, Ireland, got by Argus (759), d. by Monarch (2324), No. 8, by Dr. Syntax (220), by Charles (127), by St. John (572), by Chilton (136), Nymph, by White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), Miss Lax, by Dalton Duke (188), Lady Maynard, by R. Alcock's Bull (19). (10744) YOUNG RORY O'MoRE. Bred by J.C. Maynard, Harsley Hall, Northallerton, got by Rory O'More (10743), d. by Francisco (2032), by Marske (418), descended from the Stock of the late Mr. Maynard, Eryholme. (10746) ROUSSEAU. Red, calved Aug. 30, 1844, bred by R. Emmerson, Eryholme, Darlington, got by Magician (7185), d. Rose, by a son of Miracle (2320), Old Red Cow, by Outhwaite'a White Bull (9825), My Lady, by North Star (459), by Young Comet, by Easby (232). (10749) ROYAL. Roan, calved April 2, 1842, bred by S. Orr, Coleraine, Ireland, got by George 3d (3888), d. Young Sabina, by Harry Bertram (2095). Sabina, by Guy (2084), Strawberry, by a son of Barmpton (54), Sarah, by a son of Pyramus (532), by Miner (441), by Favour- ite (252). (10750) ROYAL BUCK. Red and white, caved 1846, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, North- allerton, got by Buckingham (3239), d. Minnette, by Leonard (4210), Young Moss Rose, by Young Matchem (4422), Moss Rose, by Priam (2452), by Young Alexan- der (2977), Dairy Maid, by Pilot (496). (10756) ROYALTY. White, calved May 12, 1848, bred by Mr. Forrest, got by Rolla (9573). d. Consonant, by Prince Knu-st (48 J 8). Cowslip, by 2d Comet (5101), &c., as in Consummate (1 1321 ). (10760) RUBY. Roan, calved Jan. 11, 1848, bred by and the property of W. R. Baker, Bayfordbury, ilcn- ford, got by Diamond (591SK d. Melody, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196). Magic, by Wallace (.5586), vc., as in Mar- madiike (1489D. 176 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (10764) RUFUS. Red, calved April 10, 1849, bred by and the property of Mr. Maidens, Brinkhill, Spilsby, got by Djalma (9084), d. Belvidera, by Belvedere 4th (3130), Mace, by Prince Comet (9505), Nutmeg, by Belvoir (lirf-U), Rosebud, by Roseberry (5010), Langton, by Young Favourite (255), Marsland, by a son of Wadding- worth (668). (10769) SAILOR. Roan, bred by Mr. Wingate, Hareby, Spilsby, got by Soldier (5239), d. by Rockihgham (2547), by Cato (8571 Lavender, by Major (398), by Barmp- ton (54), by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer, by Barningham (56). (10775) ST. LAWRENCE. Red roan, calved Aug. 2, 1848, bred by and the property of N. G. Barthropp, Creting- ham Rookery, Woodbridge, got by Orontes (4623), d. Magnolia, by Fop (3820), &c., as in Alfred (7777). (10777) ST. THOMAS. Roan, calved 1841, bred by S. Watkin, Plumpton, Penrith, got by Pickwick (4698), d. White Lily, by William (2839), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Wellington (2824), by Major (2255), by Northumberland (464), by Styford (103), by Boling- broke (86). (10779) SALISBURY. White, calved Dec. 25, 1847, bred by and the property of J. S. Cropland, Burbage House, Hinckley, got by Selim (8545), d. Youthful, by Don Tom (3613), Yelk, by Whitaker (5640), Virgin, by Scraps (5098), by Guy (5959), Susan, by Pumpkin (4847), by a son of Minor (441). (10780) SAM GLEN. White, calved March 11, 1848, bred by N. Milne, Faldonside, Melrose, the property of Mr. Milne, Dryhope, got by Ethelred (5990), d. Young Princess, by Ethelred (5990), &c., as in Melrose (11805). (10788) SCIMITAR. Roan, calved July 7, 1848, bred by and the property of Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, Daventry, got by Janizary (8175), d. Florence, by Little John (4232), Oathleen, by Caliph (1774), &c., as in Royal Counsellor (20725). (10791) SCRIVENER. Red roan, calved April 16, 1849, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the property of Jonas Webb, Babraham, Cambridge, got by Usurer (9763), d. Cream, by Orontes (4623), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c.. as in George 1st (19848). (10792) SELIM. Roan, calved April 6, 1841, bred by Mr. Morris, Maismore, Gloucester, got by Raspberry (4875) d. Silk, by Acton (716), bought of Henry Strickland. (10793) SENATOR. White, calved Aug. 19, 1843, bred by Mr. Barnard, Gosfield, got by Musician (4523), d. Fan- ny, by Stamford (5313), Fair Maid, by Sheridan (2616), Cottesmore Ellen, by Gainsbro (2045), Fair Ellen by Eclipse (1598), Burleigh, by Crispin (174). (10803) SHAMROCK. Roan, calved June 10, 1849, bred by and the property of Mr. Morris, Maismore, Glouces- ter, got by Moldore (9402), d. Stately, by Vincent (11008), Sprite, by Duke (1934), Star, by Acton (716), bought of II. Strickland. (10804) SHEPHERD'S PURSE. Roan, calved Dec 7 1848 bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, Daventry' got by Janizary (8175), d. Flourish, by Little John (4232) Cathleen, by Caliph (1774), &c., as in Royal Counsellor (10805) SHERBORNE. Roan, calved Nov. 17, 1842, bred by Lord Sherborne, Sherborne Park, Northleach sot bv Harold (8131), d. Kate Nickleby, by Cedric (3311) bv i \"^" ; J k i"\V 1 ' a ^ ljJiB NAPIER - Roan, calved Jan. 22, 1848, bred by Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, York, the property of the Bishop of Carlisle, got by Liberator (7140), d Stately Lady, by Prince of Wales (6348),-Countess by Cyrus (3538), &c., as in Zealot (14046). ifi-, i R r d T? nd white ' calv , 1847, bred by W. Bowstead, Hackthorpe Hall, Penrith the property of Mr. Atkinson, got by Emperor (9084), d! Cherry, by Sir Thomas Newton (6498), Strawberry bv 549? US (4618) '~ Old Strawberry, by Young Rockingham * Sir Harry was purchased by Mr. Troutbeck in the name of Conservative. (10821) SIR HARRY. Roan, calved June 30, 1849 bred by and the property of R. W. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, 1 ennth, got by Lord Hardinge (10449), d. Counter 2.1 by Homer (2134),-Countess, by Chorister (3378), White Rose, by (iaiitl.orpe (204), by Romulus (25(53), by Ebor (907), by Regent (546),-by North Star (459), -by R Collmg's White Bull (151), bred by R. Colling y (10824) SIR HENRY. Roan, calved May, 1846, bred by J. La Touche, Harristown, Kilcullen, the property of Lord Clonbrook, got by Narcissus (4540), d. Mistress Ber- tram, by Prince Paul (4827), Lady Bertram, by Bertram (1716), Lady Rudd, by a son of Commodore (2665), by Barmpton (54), by a Bull of R. Colling's. (10827) SIR LEONARD. Roan, calved March 6, 1847, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, North- allertpn, got by Leonard (4210), d. Cherry Blossom, by Buckingham (3239), Blossom 3d, by Young Red Rover (4904), by Isaac (1129), by Pilot (496), by Albion (14). (108&3) SIR ROGER. Red roan, calved March 27, 1846, bred by St. G. Grey, the property of Thomas Lee Nor- man, Carbollis, Ardee, got by Sir John Sinclair (5165), d. Rose de Meaux, by Collard (.3419), Moss Rose, by Match- em (2281), Portia, by Cato (119), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (10834) SIR WALTER 2o. Red and white, calved June 7, 1847, bred by B. Wilson, Brawith, the property of Hon. F. Noel Hill, Berrington, Shrewsbury, got by Sir Walter (2639), d. Uncertainty, by Sir Walter (2639), &c., as in Eu- gene Aram (10210). (10846) SNOWBALL. White, calved Aug. 29, 1845, bred by W. R. Baker, Bayfordbury, the property of Earl Cow- per, got by Lenton Hero (7134), d. Caradori, by dementi (3399), The Nun, by Dantzic (3559), by Lisbon (1172), by Norman (1276), by Acklam (713), by Meteor (431), by Duke (226), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (10855) SNOWDROP. White, calved 1845, bred by Rev. C. James, Evenlode, the property of Mr. Roberts, Pax- ton, got by Snowball (8602), d. by Locksley (4240), by Red Robin (2492), c., as in Bruin (12503). (10858) SOMERSET. White, calved Feb. 26, 1849, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the property of Mr. Morrison, Bognie, Montblairy House, Turriff, got by Us- urer (9763), d. Sweet Mary, by Belshazzar (1704), Sweet Looks, by Shylock (2622), &c., as in Broker (9993). (10880) STATESMAN. White, calved Jan. 7, 1845, bred by Mr. Botterill, Eastthorpe, got by Highland Laddie (7088), d. Snowdrop, by Woldsman (2851), Strawberry, by Burlington (1767), by a son of Marlbro' (1189), by Baron (59), bred by the late Mr. Botterill. (10894) SUGAR PLUM. Red, calved Feb. 8, 1848, bred by Mr. Hall, Wiseton, the property of Sir Thomas Cart- wright, Aynhoe, Brackley, got by Usurer (9763), d. Bon- bon, by Orontes (4623), Sylph, by Sir Walter (2637), &c., as in Usurer (19035). (10898) SUNBEAM. Roan, calved Jan. 22. 1849, bred by Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard, got by Duke of York (9049), d. Sunrise, by Burlington (3245), Snowdrift, by Rockingham (2550), Snowdrop, by Snowball (1463), Dahlia, by a son of Mars (413), by Defender (194), by Marshal Beresford (415), by Magnum Bonum (2882), by Patriot (486), by Ben (70). (10899) SUPERIOR. Roan, calved June 1, 1845, bred by Mr. Barnard, Gosfield, got by Symmetry (6560), d. May Flower, by Stamford (5313), Mant-a. by Imperial (4068), Minna, by Helmsman (2109), Muskham, by Columella (904). (10901) SURPLICE. White, calved May 11, 1848, bred by J. R. Singleton, Givendale. Pocklington, got by Fran- tic (8088), d. Cream, by Cornwall (5889), by Navigator (1260). (10907) SYLVAN. Roan, calved 1846, bred by Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, the property of William Button, Gate Burton, Gainsbro 1 , got by Cleveland Lad 2d (3408), d. Sylvia, by Symmetry (5385), &c., as in Ben Nevis (9960). (10918) THE BARONET. White, calved Feb. 17, 1849, bred by Sir W. Lawson, Bart., Brough Hall, the property of W. Ellison, Sizergh, near Kendal, got by Hautboy (10305), d. Mable, by Lord Lieutenant (4260), &c., as in Lord Stanley (16452). (10922) THE BONUS. Roan, calved Dec. 1848, bred by Rev. J. Storer, Hawksworth, near Newark, the property of R. Lynn, Stroxton, near Grantham, got by Grouchy (6051), d. Matchem 2d, by Young Mowthorpe (7261), by Matchem (2281), by Rose's Red Bull (5009), descended from Messrs. Rose's and Fisher's Stock of Cotham. (10929) THE DUKE OF LANCASTER. Red, calved Oct. 4, 1848, bred by Mr. Eastwood, Bnmshaw, the property of Mr. Towneley, Towneley Hall, Burnley, got by Duke (9032), d. Lavinia, by Prince Ernest (4818), ), d. , Jessamine 2d, by Robin O'Day (45)73), Jes- samine, by St. Helena (5055). by Newton (8867), by Al- bert (727), by Young Albion (15), by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9). by Marshal Beresford (415), by Lame Bull (359), by Suworrow (636). (10938) THE MARQUIS. Red and white, calved Jan. 28, 1848, bred by and the property of Mr. Wilkinson, Len- ton, Nottingham, got by Prince Royal (7371), d. Duchess, by Will Honeycomb (5660). by Chorister (3378), by Wallace (5586), by Marmion (406), by Merlin (430), Nell Gwynne, by Laytou (366), &c., as in Charley (17541). (10941) THE MUNSTEB LAD. Red and white, calved March 4, 1849, bred by and the property of J. Christy, Fort Union, Adare, got by Shotley 2d (7494), d. Daisy, by Old Bull (8368), Duchess, by Young Spectator (8619), by Phantassie (8390), by Young Rockingham (8498). (10943) THE PAINTED LADDIE. Roan, calved April 27, 1846, bred by S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, Middleham, got by Gainford (7029), d. Damsel, by Rouge (5012), Strawberry, by Shipton (2620), Damsel, by Cleveland (3404), by Danby (3550), by a son of Studley Grange (1483), by a son of Duke (225), by Midas, by Nailer (4528), by Ambo (746). (10947) THE SILKEY LADDIE. White, calved June, 1847, bred by C. Topham, Middleham Hall, the property of R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, Middleham, got by Gainford (7029), d. Fanny, by The Irishman (5446), Rouge, by Borderer (3191), Rosa, by Paganini (2405), Red Rose, by Forester (1055), Rachel, by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (10951) THE STAR. Roan, calved May 15, 1848,' bred by W. D. Manning, Rothersthorpe, Northampton, the property of Sir Hugh Richard Hoare, Lillingstone, Buck- ingham, got by Planet (9483), d. Sweetbrier, by Hurri- cane (4061), Gaudy, by Milton (8315), Sweetbrier, by Young Merlin (6204), by Midas (435), by Denton (198). (10954) THE TWIN BULL. Bred by Mr. Maynard, Ery- holme, got by a son of Dalton Duke (188), d. Old Yellow Cow, by Manfield (404), or Barningham (56), Sister to Young Strawberry, by Dalton Duke (188), Favourite, by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (10966) TORT WORTH. Roan, calved Feb. 28, 1848, bred by Earl Ducie, the property of Mr. Field, Pyrgo Park, Essex, got by Duke of Cornwall (5947), d. Cream, by Orontes (4623), No. 25, by Richard (1376), &c., as in Christopher (1829). (10968) TORY (5506). Roan, calved 1828. bred by Hon. J. Simpson, Babworth, East Retford, got by Juniper (1145), d. Toy, by Cecil (120), Young Tragedy, by Wyn- yard (703), Tragedy, by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (10975) TRUE BRITON. Red, calved Jan. 14, 1846, bred by Wm. Fletcher, liadmanthwaite, Mansfield, got by Fitzwalter (6014), d. Lady, by Fitzwalter (6014), Wat- son, by Imperial (4068), by Helmsman (2109). (10978) TRUMPETER. Red and white, calved Feb. 25, 1848, bred by Col. Cradock, Hartforth, Richmond, the jperty of Mr. Douglas, Athelstaneford, N. B., got by Norfolk (9442), d. Grey Rose, by Roland (2556), &c., as in Richmond (13592). (10981) TWIN. White, calved Feb. 18, 1848, bred by and the property of J. Hutchiuson, Monyruy, Peterhead, proj Nor got by Fit* Leonard (7010), d. Beauty, by White Bull (5643), Young Broadhooks, by Young Ladykirk (4170), &C., aa in Brigand (12491). (10984) YOUNG UBY. Light roan, calved 1845, bred by Capt. Barclay, Ury, Stonehaven, the property of Mr. Whitehead, Methlick, N. B., got by The Pacha (7612) d Emily, by Reformer (2509), &c., as in Chancellor (5850). (10985) YOUNG USURER. Red roan, calved Dec. 22, 1848, bred by and the property of R. Chaloner, King's Fort, Moynalty, got by Usurer (9763). d. Bon Bon, by Orontes (4623), &c., as in The Baron (13833). , VALIANT. Red roan, calved July, 1849, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Hall, Burnley, got by Victor (8739), d. Mantle, by Marcus (2262). Floranthe, bv Match- em (2281), &c., as in George (12938). (10992) VAN DUNCK. Roan, calved July 19, 1848, bred by and the property of S. Wiley, Brandsby, York got by Vandyke (7669), d. Eliza, by Rumour (7456), Ma- vella, by Belshazzar (1704), Fairy. (10994) VANGUARD. Roan, calved April 3, 1847, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, Northaller- ton, got by Buckingham (3239), d. Isabella, by Young Matchem (4422), Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamem- non (9), by Bun-ell's Bull (3248). (10998) VELVET JACKET. Roan, calved March 12, 1849, bred by and the property of Mr. Unthank, Netherscales Penrith, got by Skelton (966?'), d. Small Hopes, by Ho- mer (2134), Weardale, by St. Helena (5055) Wear by Harsley (2091), Emma, by Childers (1824), by Matchem (2281),-by Richard (1376). (11002) VICE-PRESIDENT. Roan, calved April, 1848, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, the prop- erty of Mr. Cochrane, Glasgoforest, got by Fairfax Roy- al (6987), d. Alicia, by Young Grazier (3928), Agnes, by Kilnshaw (2175), Amelia, by Milton (2314), by Policy (1329), by Barmpton (54). (11008) VINCENT (5567). Red and white, calved Jan. 11, 1835, bred by Miss Strickland, Apperly Court, got by Sackville (2583), d. Vale, by Isaac (1129), &c., as in Vice- roy (7678). (11022) WASHINGTON. Red and white,calved 1849, bred by J. Collings, Danthorpe, Hedon, got by Artisan (8844) d. Roland, by Sliding Scale (9069), by Nicholas Nickleby (9440), by Invincible (4077), by a son of Patriot (486). (11024) WATER KING. Roan, calved March 28, 1847 red by and ' " " Grimsby, got bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Grimsby, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), d. Water Witch, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), &c.,as in Watch- man (17216). (11025) WATERLOO. Red, calved June 18, 1849, bred by t by Red Duke (8694), oss Rose, by Phoenix R. Straiten, Salthorp, Swindon, got by Red Duke (8694), d. Ruby, by Kenilworth (7118), Moss (6290). (11040) WHIT AKER. Roan, calved April 1, 1848, bred by and and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Grimsby, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), d. Village Belle by Pilgrim (4701), &c., as in Sovereign (27538). (11041) WHITE COMET. White, calved April 1847, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, Nottingham, got by Prince Royal (7371), d. Lupin, by Frank (7020), Lady, by Spec- tator (2688), Lancaster 2d, by Albion (1619), Lancaster, by Lancaster (360), by Windsor (698), by Comet (155). (11056) WOLDSMAN, 1108. VOLUME X. (11099) ALEXANDER, 4. (11115) ANTONIO (3018). Bred by Sir J. R. Graham, Netherby, got by Alexander (22), d. by Charles (127), by Pyramus (582), Aurora, by Comet (155), Marcella, by son of Favourite (252), by son of Favourite (252), Hol- lou, by son of Dalton Duke (188). (11119) ARROW, 11. (11122) ASHLAND, 220. (11125) AUGUSTUS, 225. 23 (11132) BAMBOO. White, calved Jan. 18, 1817, bred by Hon. A. Nugent, Pallas. Tynagh, irot by Ueau ofKillerby (7S21), d. by Windle (12314), Young Beauty, by Monarch (2324), Old Beauty, by Planet (2432), by Streamer (624). (11136) BANKER. Roan, calved April, 1848, bred by Mr. Woodhoose, got by Bumper (10005). d. Milkmaid, by Samuel (6084), Cora, by Reformer (2.">12), Lucy, by Im- perial (2151), by Favourite 1 1030). by Young Dimple (971), by J. Brown's White Bull (98). 178 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (11142) BARNABY RTTDGE. Red and white, calved De- cember 26, 1849, bred by Mr. Towneiey, Towneley Park, the property of the Earl of Strathallan, got by V ictor (8739) d. Gipsey, by Planet (4718), &c., as in Richard Cceur de Lion (13590). (11143) YOUNG BARNEY, 1125, alias PRIAM, 128. (11144) BARNINGHAM. White, calved 1843, bred by J. P. Taylor, Carlisle, Ky., U. S. A., got by Specie (5289), d. Juliet, by Bertram 4th (3145), Jessy, byPlenipo (4724), Dearlove, by Young Matchem (4425), Auricula, by Fran- cisco (2032), by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (418), Laurustina, by Comet (155), Laura, by Tom (652), Cleasby Lady, by a son of Favourite (252), Lucinda, by Button's Bull (322), Lucy, by Barningham (56). (11147) BARONET. Calved April 23, 1820, bred by Mr. Edmonds, Boughton, got by Baronet (62), d. Carnation, by a son of Wynyard (703), by Simon (590), by Broken Horned Bull (95). (11151) BARON ALBANY. Red, calved Oct. 15,1851, bred by and the property of Mark Faviell, Snydale Ball, Pon- tefract, got by Duke of Albany (10149), d. Wildeyes 17th, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), Wildeyes 5th, by Short Tail (2621). Wildeyes, by Emperor (1975), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). (11156) BARON OF KIDSDALE. Red, calved May, 1849, bred by M. Stewart, Southwick, Dumfries, got by Baron Ravensworth (7811), d. Louisa 4th, by Fitzmaurice (8809), Louisa, by Belshazzar (1703), by Noble Benry (2374), by Symmetry (641). (11160) BEAU CLERC. Roan, calved July 14, 1851, bred by F. B. Fawkes, Farnley Ball, Otley, got by Beaufort (9943), d. Lady Virginia, by Laudable (9282), Fair Vetch, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), &c., as in Bighland Laddie (13026). (11161) BEAUFORT. Red, calved March 7, 1851, bred by R. Stratton, Broad Hinton, Swindon, the property of Mr. Proctor, Cathay, Bristol, got by Red Duke (8694), d. Splendour, by Earl of Northumberland (6956), Lily, by a grandson of Stanhope (5315), from the Stock of Sir C. Knightley. (11164) BELLE MONT. Roan, bred by the Dowager Duchess of Leeds, the property of R. Outhwaite, Apple- ton, got by Yorkshiremau (4742), [?] d. by Roland (2556), by Priam (2452). (11165) BELLEROPHON. Red and white, calved July 13, 1851, bred by and the property of R. C. Lowndes, Club Moor, Liverpool, got by Lord Clarendon (10434), d. Allspice, by Walton (6658), Orinda, by Marmion (4383), Adelaide, by Cleveland (3403). by Young Eryholme (1981), by Wonderful (700), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Cupid (177), by Suworrow (636). (11166) BELVEDERE, 16. (11172) BERNARD, 19. (11173) BERRINGTON BOY. Roan, calved April 26, 1851, bred by and the property of Bon. B. Noel Bill. Berring- ton, Shrewsbury, got by Juniper (10367), d. Bra with Lass, by Brawith Boy (7846), &c., as in Benjamin (12465). (11182) BLENCOW. Roan, calved Aug. 1849, bred by Mr. Troutbeck, Blencow, the property of G. B. B. Borne, Argaty, Stirling, got by St.Thomas (10777), d. Bonest Mrs. Gwynne, by Conservative (3472), White Moll Gwynne, by Wallace (5586), &c., as in Charley (17541). (11203) BRIDEGROOM. Roan, calved Dec. 2, 1850, bred by and the property of R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, Darlington, got by Lansdowne (9277), d. Agnes, by Matchem (4418), Miss Siee, by Magnum Bonuin (2243), &c., as in Sir Thomas (9661). (11205) BRISTOL. Roan, calved Feb. 1, 1851, bred by and the property of R. Stratton, Broad Binton, Swindon, got by Bero of the West (8150), d. Rosette, by Corporal (6899), Young Moss Rose, by Lottery (4280), Moss Rose, by Phcenix (6290). (11206) BRITISH BOY. Red, calved Aug. 22. 1850, bred as in Lord Red Rose (22205). (11216) BRUTUS. Roan, calved March 14, 1846, bred by and the property of Geo. Falkner, Rothersthorpe, Northampton, got by Bector (9200), d. Dimity, by Nelson (4547), Dahlia, by Milton (8315), Lily, by Old- Merlin (2302), by Midas (435), by Denton (198). (11217) BUCCANIER. Red and white, calved Oct. 20, 1850, bred by Mr. Bolding, Byning, Lancaster, got by Royal Buck (1075U), d. Florence, by 2d Duke of York (5959). Fame, by Raspberry (4875), &c., as in Royal Bodth (27350). (11218) BUCCANIER. Roan, calved March, 1849, bred by and the property of Smythe Owen, Condover Ball, Shrewsbury, got by Red Rover (11982), d. Q,ueen Anne, by Uncle Dan (7656), Adelaide, by Plumpton (2440), or Young Ronald (5007), Fair Belen, by Gainford (2044), Venus, by Cripple (1887), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Wellington (2824), by Major (2255), by Northum- berland (464), by Styford (103), by Bolingbroke (86). (11219) BUCKINGHAM. Roan, calved Feb. 11, 1846, bred by and the property of A. F. Nugent, Pallas, Tynagh, Galway, got by the Beau of Killerby (7821), d. Elspeth, by Cossack (1880), Eudocia, by Orator (2390), Echo, by Romulus (5000), by Mariner (1193), by Regent (544), by Albion (14), by Marske (418), by George (2055), by Alwark Foljambe (734). (11224) BURLEIGH, 2587. (11228) BUSH RANGER. Roan, calved Nov.l6,1850,bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, the property of Mr. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, got by Bopewell (10332), d. Village Maid, by the Baron of Ravensworth (7811), Wood Lass, by Borner (2134), by Stamford (8629). (11229) BUSTON. Roan, calved Nov. 12, 1847, bred by A. Metcalfe, Ravenstonedale, Westmoreland, the prop- erty of Mr. Cartmel, Cartmel, got by a son of Rubini (9586), d. Lavender, by Emperor (1947), Lady, by Mon- itor (2331), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Major (2255), by a Bull of Mr. Newby's, by Northumberland (464), by Styford (103), by Bolingbroke (86). (11240) CAPTAIN. Red and white, calved Feb. 1851, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Boughton Bouse, Ket- tering. the property of Mr. Thompson, Canada, got by Lamartine (11660), d. Clara, by Matchless (4428), Cherry, by True Blue (5522), by Baronet (1688), by A-la-Mode (724), by Mameluke (2257). (11246) CARDINAL. Red, calved May 8, 1851, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, Dav entry, got by Grey Friar (9172), d. Fillet, by Fawsley (6004), &c., as in Sarawak (15238). (11261) CATO, 1336. White, calved Aug. 1850, bred by L. G. Morris, Mount Fordham, New York, U. S. A., got by Lamartine (11662), d. Rose, by Dandy (11328), Daffodil, by Samson (5081), Daisy, by Danby (1900), by Mrs. Wilkinson's Bull (5658), by Greathead's Grey Bull (3936), by Ellerton's Roan Bull (3708). (11276) YOUNG CHILDERS. Bred by Mr. Shaftoe, Whit- worth, got by Guilders (1824), d. by Whitworth (695), bred by Mr. Shaftoe, by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, Chilton, (11278) YOUNG CHILTON, 1131. (11287) CLAYTON, 1365. (11302) CONCORD. Roan, calved Aug. 6, 1849, bred by B. Ambler, Watkiuson Ball, Balifax, the property of Mr. Akroyd, Denton Park, Otley, got by Captain Edwards (8929), d. Jenny Lind, by Senator (8548), Fanny Fairfax, by Valentine (5540), Lady Fairfax, by Nimrod (4573), Young Fairfax,by Imperial (2151), Miss Fairfax, by Fair- fax (1023), Lily, by Young Warlaby (5598), by Young Dimple (971), by Snowball (2648), by Layton (2190). (11307) CONSTITUTION. Bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Len- ton, Nottingham, got by Spectator (2688), d. Perfection, by Sir Roger de Co\ erley (5187), Eliza, by Cupid, owu brother to Alexander (1624). (11316) COUNT FATHOM, 381. Roan, calved Aug. 1851, bred by F. B. Fawkes, Farnley Ball, Otley, got by Lord Marquis (10459), d. Fairy Tale, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), &c., as in Bashaw (12449). (11319) CRESCENT, 47. White, calved May, 1842, bred by Maj. G. W. Williams, the property of J. Allen Gano, Centreville, Bourbon county, Kentucky, U. S. A., got by Otley (4632), d. Fashion, by Young Don Juan (3610), Grizzle, by Studley Grange (1483), Young Fanny, by Young Dimple (971), Old Fanny, by Layton (2190). (11323) CUNNINGHAM. Red, calved July, 1850, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, got by Budson (9228), d. Goswick 8th, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Goswick 5th, by The Peer (5455), Goswick 2d, by Doddington (1920), Goswick 1st, by Millfield (2312), Countess, by Carham (114), Venus, by Duke (226), Peggy, by Young Carlisle (116). (11327) DANDY. Bred by R. Bolmes, Ireland, got by Volunteer (1553), d. Modish, by Remus (550), Beauty, by Albion (14), by Easby (232), Young Moss Rose, by a son of Suworrow (636), Moss Rose,by Suworrow (636), TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 179 by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (6(50). (11328) DANDY, 50. (11330) DANIEL BOONE, 16605. (11338) DAYBREAK. White, calved Feb. 10, lS51,bred by J. C. Adkins, Milcote, the property of Mr. Knight, Norton Hall, got by Earl of Dublin (10178), d. Starlight, by Snowball (2651), &c., as in Midsummer (14951). (11339) DAYLIGHT. White, calved March 17, 1850, bred by and the property of J. C. Adkins, Milcote, Stratford- on-Avon, got by Snowdrop (10855), d. Starlight, by Snow- ball (2651), &c., as in Midsummer (14951). (11340) DECEIVER, 409. Roan, calved July 28, 1850, bred by and the property of Mrs. Gage, Bellarena, N. L., Vady, 'got by Deception (7957), d. Strawberry, by Royul (10749), Snowdrop, by Harry Bertram (2095). (11346) DE GREY. Roan, calved Dec. 1850, bred by J. Emmerson, Eryholme, the property of Messrs. Cattley, Radclille and Linton, got by Chilton (10054), d. Tulip, by Ravensworth (9532), Red Rose, byAlexas (1628), Bees- wing, by Bellerophon (3119), Jessy, by Match em 3d (4420), &c., as in Harbinger (9183). (11347) DELIVERANCE. Red, calved June, 1850, bred by Mr. Willis, the property of Mr. Thornton, Stapleton, got by Wilberforce (9830), d. Elizabeth Fry, by Wharfdale Hero (9821), Lily, by Shipton (2620), by Fitz Champion (7007), by Young Snowball (7521). (11356) DICTATOR. Red, calved March 12, 1850, bred by Geo. Faulkner, Rothersthorpe, Northampton, got by Hector (9200), d. Damsel, by Nelson (4547), Daisy, by Barrister (1689), &c., as in The Baron (12180). (11357) DIAMOND, 416. * (11375) DUKE OF ARGYLE. Roan, calved Sept. 23, 1851, bred by L. Maw, Tetley Crowle, got by Sir Archibald (8566), d. Daisy, by The Duke (8676), Datura, by Mow- bray (4516), &c., as in Duke of Tyne (17751). (11376) 2o DUKE OP ATHOL. Roan, calved Sept. 10, 1851, bred by and the property of Mr. Towneley, Towne- ley Park, Burnley, got by Lord George (10439), d. Duchess 54th, by2d Cleveland Lad (3408), Duchess 49th, by Short Tail (2621), Duchess 30th, by 2d Hubback (1423), Duch- ess 20th, by The 2d Earl (1511), &c., as in Duke of Nor- thumberland (1940). (11377) DUKE OF BEAUFORD. Roan, calved March 23, 1851, bred by and the property of Jonas Webb, Babra- ham, got by Red Roan Kirtling (10691), d. Celia, by 3d Duke of Northumberland (,3047), &c., as in Lord Wal- lace (24473). (11378) DUKE OF BEDFORD. Roan, calved April 15' 1850, bred by R. Holmes, Waterstown, the property of R- S. Fetherstouhaugh, Rock View, Killucan, got by Lord John (11731), d. Crocus, by2d Comet (5101), Carnation, by Prince Paul (4827), &c., as in Consummate (14321). (11382) DUKE OF GLOSTER, 2763. (11387) 4TH DUKE OF OXFORD. Red and white, calved Nov. 25, 1850, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the property of Mr. Sainsbury, The Priory, Corsham, got by <;r:ui!), Sonsiu 2d, by Prince Edward (24(12), &c.., as in Prince Louis iiiiWiO). UTII DCKI: op YOUK. Roan, calved Aug. 11, bivd by (',. I). Trotter, Bishop .Middleham, got by 3d Duke of York (10166), d. Fanny 4th, by Duke of Rich- mond (79!i<>), Fanny 3d, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), Fanny, by Magnum Bonum (2243), bred by Mr. Bell, Wolsington. (11410) 2o EARL OFSCARBORO'. Red and white, calved April 4, 1850, bred by and the property of T. Raine, (Jain- ford, Darlington, got by Earlof Scarboro' (9064), d. Straw- berry, by Guardian (3947), &c., as in 2d Earl of Derby (15960). (11412) EARL OF WARWICK. Roan, calved April, 1849, bred by Mr. Stephenson, Wolviston, the property of R. Gilbert, Burton Fields, Hinckley, got by General Sale (8099), d. Laura, by Napier (6238), &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (11417) EASTBURN. Red roan, calved Dec.8, 1850, bred by Mr. Jerdan, Eastburn House, Driffield, got by Sun- beam (10898), d. Angelica, by Snyders (7525), by Alger- non (1631), by Buhner (1760), by Don Juan (1923), by Don Pedro (1924), by Snowball (2651). (11425) ECONOMIST. Roan, calved March 15,1850, bred by Mr. Bowly, Siddington, the property of G. Edmonds, Eastleach, got by Snowball (8602), d. Nancy, by Leo (4208), Geneva, by Henwood (2114), Gazelle, by Sir Stephen (1456), Millicent, by Prince of Waterloo (528), by May Flower (425), by a Bull of Mr. Nicholson's, de- scended from the Stock of J. Brown. (11443) ENTERPRISE. Roan, calved March, 1850, bred by T. Game, Broadmoor, Northleach, the property of G. Game, Eastington, got by Fitzhardinge (8073), d. Belle, by Harold (8131), Beauty, by Fairfax (1023), Beautiful, by Speculation (1472). (11446) ESCAPE. Bred by Lord Castlemaine, Ireland, got by Young Childers (11276), d. by Matchem (2281), by Richard (1376). (11450) EXHIBITION. Red and white, calved Sept. 1, 1851, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, Halifax, got by Broker (9993), d. Isabel, by Noble (4578). Jessica, by Pedestrian (4670), May Dacre, by Uptaker (2785), May Rose, by Miracle (2320), Georgiana, by Fitz Remus (2025), by Whitworth (695), by Charles (127). (11456) FAIR ECLIPSE. White, calved Sept. 30, 1848, bred by and the property of Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Liberator (7140), d. Panza, by Prince of Wales (6348), Violet, by Prince Albert (4791). Daisy, by Plato (2433), Stately, by Romulus (1405), White Rosette, by Juniper (1144), by Snowdrop (614), by White Comet (1582), by Cattley 's Grey Bull (1798). (11463) FANCY MAN. Red and white, calved Nov. 4, 1850, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, the property of Mr. Barnett, Stratton Park, got by Borrowby Boy (9980), d. Fanchette, by Austerlitz (3063), &c., as in Fantachini (12862). (11464) FARMER'S BOY, 2842. Roan, calved Oct. 1851, bred by and the property of R. Thornton, Stapleton, Dar- lington, got by Major (11771), d. Fair Helen, by Belvedere 2d "(3127), by Waterloo (2816), by a son of Kitt (2179). (11473) FILBERT. Light roan, calved April 29, 1850, bred by G. D. Trotter, Bishop Middleham, the property of J. C. Grant Duff, Eden, near Banff, got by Apollo (9899), d. Flirt', by Newton (4567), Young Wildair, by Wonder- ful (TOO), Wildair, by Cleveland (145), Madcap, by But- terfly (104), by Hollon's Bull (313), descended from Sir J. Pennyman's Bull (601). (11477) FITZ-CLARENCE. Roan, calved Dec. 24, 1850, bred by and the property of E. Clarke, Lillingstone, Buckingham, got by Hotspur (10336). d. Clara, by Car- minta (7877), Cherry, by Cupid (7941), Dorinda, by Viceroy (6688), Diana, by Spotted Dlshley (6588),Lav- ender, by Young North Star (6255), Lily, by Old Merlin (2302), by Midas (435), by Denton (198). (11483) FLOWER KING. Roan, calved March 21. 1850, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Grimsby, got by Vanguard (10994), d. Flower Girl, by Lord Addlphus Fairfax (4219), Flora of Farnstield, by Rinaldo (4949), Formosa, by Sir Thoma^ (263(1), by Sir Alexander (591). by Marske (418), Sweetbrier, by North Star (459), by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252), by Ben (70). (11487) FORTUNE. Red and white, bred by G. Vail, Trov, N. Y., U. S.A.. got by Meteor (11811), d. Ruby, by Symmetry (12170), -Willy 3d, by Mars, Youn* Willy, by York Old Willy, imp. from England by A. Hammond, Westchester, N. Y., U. S. A. (lUS'D FISKDKUK-K. Roan, calved Feb. ('.. IS -19, bred bv and the property of Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, Burnley, got by Duke (5Hi:W>. d. BeBSy, by Thick Hock 180 LIST OF EKGLISH BULLS (G601), Barmpton Rose, by Expectation (1988), by Bel- zoni (1709), by Comas (1861), by Denton (198). (11497) FRIAR'S COWL. Roan, calved Feb. 24, 1850, bred by Sir C. Knightly, Bart., Fawsley Park, Daventry, got by Grey Friar (9172), d. Catalina, by Caliph (1774), &c., as in Morocco (16590). (11499) FUSILEER, 1584. Calved Feb. 3, 1851. (11500) GAINFORD 3o. Red, calved 1847, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Gainford 2d (6031), d. Rosa- bella, by Provost (4846), Rosy, by Borderer (3191), Rosina, by Gainford (2044), Rosetta, by Cupid (1892), Rachel, by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (11501) GAINFORD 4TH. Red, calved March, 1850, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, the property of Mr. Douglas, Athelstaneford, Drem., got by Gainford 3d (11500), d. Matchless, by Gainford (2044), Splendour, by Emperor (1947), Sprightly, by Barmpton (1677), by Waverley (2819), by a son of Washington (675). (11506) GARRICK. Roan, calved Oct. 1851, bred by J. C. Adkins, Milcote, the property of Mr. Tomes, Weston- on-Avon, got by Earl of Dublin (10178), d. Graceful, by Lycurgus (7180), &c., as in George 1st (19848). (11507) GARRICK. Red and white,calved Sept. 19, 1849, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, the property of Messrs. Neil, Black & Co., Port Philip, Australia, got by Gay Lad (9144), d. Lavinia, by Prince Ernest (4818), Lady Ann, by Ganthorpe (2049), by Rockingham (2550), by Bulmer (1760), by Don Juan (1923). (11508) GAVAZZI. Roan, calved Oct. 26, 1851, bred by Mr. Bolden, Hyning, Lancaster, the property of Mr. Un- thank, Netherscales, got by Leonidas (10414), d. Brocade, by Benedict (7828), Legacy, by Roland (2556), by Red Robin (4897), by Sir Peter (2632), by Captain (109), by Thorpe (1515), bred by Mr. Newby, Thorpe. (11514) GAT LAD. Roan, calved Dec. 10, 1847, bred by B. Wilson, Brawith, Thirsk, the property of R. Chilton and A. Harrison, Billingham, Stockton-on-Tees, got by Brawith Boy (7846), d. Gaiety, by Beal (3113), &c., as in Gone Away (10279). (11519) GENERAL FAIRFAX. Roan, calved July 2, 1848, bred by Mr. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, the prop- erty of W. Linton, Sheriff Button, York, got by Fair- fax Royal (6987), d. Peeress, by Sovereign (7539), Coun- tess, by Miracle (2320), by Wallace (1560). (11521) GENERAL PICTON. Roan, calved Jan. 2, 1851, bred by and the property of Mr. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Fair Eclipse (11456), d. Empress, by Prince Albert (4791), &c., as in Zealot (14046). (11524) GENERAL WORTH. Light roan, calved Sept. 1, 1847, bred by Jas. Renwick, Bourbon Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by Ashland (11122), d. Victon, by Tippancoe, Nonpareil, by Comet Halley (1855), Josephine, by Nor- folk (2377), Minna.by Frederick (1060), &c., as in Wharn- cliffe (2834). (11529) GILLIVER. White, 'calved Sept. 8, 1851, bred by and the property of Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, Burnley, got by Lord George (10439), d. Blanche 5th, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), &c., as in Columbus (12616). (11532) GIPSET KING. Red roan, calved Dec. 10, 1850, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, the property of T. Willis, Carperly, Bedale, got by Duke of Lancaster (10929), d. Gipsey, by Planet (4718), &c., as in Richard Coeur de Lion (13590). (11535) GLANVILLE. Roan, calved May 2, 1851. bred by and the property of R. Btratton, Broad Hinton, Swin- don, got by Waterloo (11025), d. Rosaline, by Hero of the West (8150), Young Moss Rose, by Lottery (4280), Moss Rose, by Phoenix (6290). (11542) GRATZ. Roan, bred by Messrs. Dudley, and Gratx, Fayette Co., Kentucky, U. S. A., got by Carcase CW.-C,), d. Splendour, by Bedford Jr. (1701), &c., as in Centurion (3314). (2840), No. 41, by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Margrave (2265). (11552) HALTON, 556. (11559) HARRY OF THE WEST. Light roan, calved July 31, 1847, bred by J. M. Khmaird, the property of C. H. Harrison, Fayette Co., Kentucky. Full brother to John Moore (11619). (11560) HART WARREN. Roan, calved 1846, bred by Messrs. Dodds, Hart Warren, the property of Mr.Storry, got by Napier (6238), d. Princess, by Alderman (2976), by Waterloo (2816), by St. Albans (1412), by Noble (455), by Irishman (329), by Styford. (11561) HAUGHAM. Roan, calved 1841, bred by T. T. Cartwright, Tathwell, Louth, got by Stirling (5330), d. Jane, by Barmpton Major (3092), by Alpha (3004), by Captain (108). (11576) HIGHFLYER. Roan, calved Sept. 30, 1849, bred by R. Booth, Warlaby, Northallerton, got by Helmsman (8141), d. Isabella Buckingham, by Buckingham (3239), Isabella, by Young Matchem (4422), Isabella, by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Bull of Burdon. (11591) HORROX. Roan, calved June 9, 1851, bred by and the property of R. Bell, Mosbro' Hall, Rainford, St. Helens, got by Fifth Duke of York (10168), d. Briar, by Second Duke of Oxford (9046), Beauty, by Second Cleve- land Lad (3408), Beauty, by Second Earl of Darlington (1945), by Duke of Cleveland (1937), from the Stock of Mr. Bates. (11593) HUBBACK,81. (11609) JASPER. Roan, calved April 5, 1851, bred by and the property of Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Jeweller (10354), d. White Summerton,by Sweet Wil- liam (5368). Summerton, by Homer (2134), Summerton, by Dairyman (3541), by Hexgrave (4031), by Chieftain (866), by Nimrod (4571), by Marfleet's Old Red Bull (1192). (11610) JAVELIN. Roan, calved'Aug. 10, 1851, bred by and the property of Lord Hill, Hawkestone, Shrewsbury, got by Julian (10364), d. Intrigue, by Lord of the Isles (9325), Melody, by Dulcimer (3658). Hyacinth, by Sec- ond Comet (5101), Picotee, by Prince Paul (4827), Pen- elope, or No. 62, by Monarch (2324), by Satellite (1420), by Cato (119), by Charles (127), by Windsor (698), by Chilton (136), by Colonel. (11611) JEMMY. Roan, calved April 10, 1851, bred by J. Beasley, Overstone, the property of A. Morison, Mountblairy House, Turriff, got by Lord Warden (7167), d. Jocasta, by Friar Tuck (3848), Junta, by Warden (5595), &c., as in Earl of Hendon (12814). (11616) JETHRO TULL. Red and white, calved Jan. 16, 1851, bred by and the property of G. Townshend, Sap- cote Fields, Hinckley, got by Earl of Chatham (10176), d. Princess, by Napier (6238), Maid of Athens, by St. Al- bans (5047), Helena, by Waterloo (2816), &c.,as in Gen. Napier (24023). (11618) JOHN BULL. Red, calved April 20, 1850, bred by and the property of S. Wiley, Brandsby, York, got by Rumour (7456), d. Mayoress, by Carcase (3285), &c., as in George (12941). (11619) JOHN MOORE. White, calved June 15, 1848, bred by J. M. Kinnard, Lexington, the property of C. W. Innes, Fayette Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by Sir Thomas (12097), d. Alice, by Daniel Boone (11330), Lavinia, by Carcase (3285), Adeline, by Comet (1854), Adelaide, by Magnum Bonum (2243), Beauty, by George (1066), Beauty, by Lancaster (360), Clara, by Lancaster (360), Venus, by Wellington (680), by George (275), by Fa- vourite (252), by Punch (531), from a 'sister to the dam of the White Heifer that travelled. (11621) JOHN O' GAUNT, 1707. (11637) KING LEAR. Roan, calved Dec. 4, 1850, bred by II. Mitchell, the property of W. Mitchell, Cleasby, Darlington, got by Water King (11024), d. Dinah, by Dia- mond (5918), Strawberry, by Young Matchem (2282), Rosamond/by Jack Tar (1133), by Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15). (11639) KiRKLEViNGTON. Roan, calved in Sept. 1850, bred by J. F. P. Phillips, Broomborough, near Totness, the property of Mr. Fowler, Henlow, near Baldock, got by Grand Duke (10284), d. Wild Eyes 19th, by Second Duke of Oxford (9046), Wild Eyes 10th, by Fourth Duke of Northumberland (3649), Wild Eyes 2d, by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). (11640) KIRKLEVINGTON, 610. (11642) KOH-I-NOOR. Red, calved March 19. 1851, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the property of E. W. & S. Rich, Didmarton, got by 4th Duke of York (10167), d. Crystal, by Prince Ernest (4818), &c., as in Duke of Ulster (12774). (11646) KOSSUTH. Roan, calved Jan. 26, 1851, bred by S. E. Bolden, Red Bank, Lancaster, the property of Mr. Unthank. Netherscales, got by Leonidas (10414), d. Cice- ly, by Mahomed (6170), Julia, by Paganini (2405), by Jerry (2159), by Rob Roy (556), by Pilot (496), by TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 181 Young Albion (15), by Minor (441), by Twin Brother to Ben (600). (11660) LAMARTINE. Roan, calved April 1848, bredbY and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch, Boughton House, Kettering, got by Belted Will (6780), d. Bessy Bell, by Trajan, Duchess, by Thorpe (2757), Kilmeny, by Matchem (2281), by a son of Ceiling's George, by Wyn- yard. (11662) LAMARTINE. Roan, calved March 27, 1847, bred by J. M. Sherwood, Auburn, the property of L. G. Morris, Mount Fordham, N. Y., U. S. A., got by Symmetry (12170), il. Lalla Rookh, by Archer (3088), Lily, by Windle (5667), Netherby, by Monarch (4494), Moss Rose, by Barmp- ton (54), Roseberry, by Western Comet (689), Judith, by a son of Favourite (252). (11663) LANCASTER COME r. Roan, calved Nov. 2, 1850, bred by and the property of Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, Not- tin-ham, got by The Queen's Roan (7389), d. by Will Honeycomb (5660), Lupin, by Frank (7020), Lady Lan- caster, by Spectator (2688), Lancaster 2d, by Albion (1619), by Lancaster (360), by a son of Windsor (698), by Comet (155). (11665) LANERCOST. Roan, calved Dec. 18, 1849, bred by Mr. Thompson, Kirkhouse, Brampton, the property of Mr. Syme, Redkirk, got by Sir William (8594), d. White Rose, by Monarch 3d (4502), Beauty, by Ronald (565), Violetta, by Layton (366), Peerless, by Petrarch (488), by Mason's son of Chilton (136), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (11674) LEADER. Roan, calved Nov. 22, 1849, bred by Nicol Milne, P'aldonside, the property of T. Simson, Blainslee, got by Dusty Miller (9055), d. Bessy Bell, by Ethelred (5990), Amelia, by Gainford (2044), Adelaide, by Emperor (1974)) Gaudy, by Monarch (2326), Gaudy, by Cato (119), by Whitworth (695). (11683) LEONTODEN, 633. (11697) LOCOMOTIVE. Roan, calved July, 9, 1850, bred by and the property of G, Wythes, Reigate, Surrey, got by Lord John (9318), d. Gezina, by Rockingham (2550), Graceville, by Hubback (2142), Germanville, by a son of Young Warlaby (2812), by Imperial (2151), (supposed) by Young Comet (905). (11698) LOCUM. White with red spots, calved 1844, bred by Jas. Duncan, the property of J. Allen Gano, Centreville, Bourbon Co., U. S. A., got by Locomotive (4242), d. Helen, by Bertram 2d (3144), Ruby 2d, by Ber- tram (1716), Ruby, by Young Dimple (971), Daisy, by Wellington (678), Beauty, by Young Comet (905), Lucy, by Young Comet (905), by J. Brown's White Bull (98). (11704) LORD ADOLPHUS. Red and white, calved Sept. 1, 1850, bred by H. T. Peacock, Haddockstones, Ripley, got by Lord George (10443), d. Hawthorn, by Albert 3d (6725), Adelaide, by Haddock (3961), Crimson, by Tar- quin (2734), Leonida. by Red Simon (2499), Red Rose, by Governor (1077), Roany, by a son of Wellington (680). (11708) LORD BARMPTON. Bred by R. Thornton, Sta- pletori, Darlington, got by Isaac (9239), d. Burdon, by a son of Lord Stanley (4269), by Nelson (4549), by Match- em 3d (4420), by Waterloo (2816), by Borodino (3192), by Blucher (1725). (11710) LORD BYRON. Red and white, calved Dec. 6, 1849, bred by and the property of H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, Halifax, got by Laudable (9282), d. Gulnare, by Nor- folk (2377), &c., as in Grand Master (12968). (11715) LORD ERTHOLME 2o. Roan, calved Sept. 5, 1851, bred by L. G. Morris, Mount Fordham, New York, U. S. A., got by Lord Eryholme (12205), d. Pottawatamie. by Arrow (11119), Phillipine, by Archer (3028), Pansy 2d, by Ajiix (2944), Sprightly, by Washington (1566), Pansy, by Blaize (76), Primrose, by Charles (127), by Prince (521), by Patriot (486). (11728) LORD JOHN. Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1851, bred by and the property of J. H. Downs. (Jrays. Essex, got by Norfolk (!M2), d. Lady Elizabeth, by Earl of Essex (6956), Qainfbrdine, by Gainford (2044), &c., as in Harold (10800). (11731) LORD JOHN. Roan, calved Nov. 4, 1847, bred by II. S. Thompson, Moat Hall, the property of R. Holmes, Ireland, tcot by Hamlet, (8126), d. Lady Ann, by Newton (2867), Lady Mary, by Emperor (3716), Lady Sarah, by Satellite (1420), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (11734) LORD LIEUTENANT. Red, calved Jan. 18, 1849, bred by Mr. Bolden, Hyning, Lancaster, the property of Mr. Hpdgson, Yealand Conyers, go! by l>enedict (7H2K), d. Legacy, by Roland (,2556), &C., as in (iava/./i (115()>S). (11743) LORD OF THE NORTH. Roan, calved April 12, 1850, bred by and the property of Jonas Webb, Babra- hum, got by The Minstrel (8687), d. Belinda, by Ranun- culus (2479), &c., as in Usurer (19035). (11746) LORD SHAFTOE. Red, calved March 30, 1851- bred by Mr. Bowly, Siddington, the property of E. Law, ford, Southcott, Leighton Buzzard, got by Master Shaftoe (10513), d. Caroline, by Will Honeycomb (5660), by Spec- tator (2688), by a son of Sir Roger de Coverley (5187), by a son of Albion (1619), by Alexander (1624). (11765) MAGNET. Red and white, calved Jan. 28, 1849, bred by Lee Norman, Corbollis, got by Killerby (,7122), d. Viscountess, by Lord of the Valley (10467), by Gan- tliorpe (2049), No. 17, by St. Albans (1412), No. 5, by Farmer (251), by George (273), by Chilton (136), by Irishman (329), by B (45). (11771) MAJOR. White, calved Feb. 1849, bred by and the property of Mr. Thornton, Stapleton, Darlington, got by Isaac (9239), d. Lily, by Chance (7891), by Matchless (4427), by Neasham (4543), Mona. (11772) MAJOR BRAGG. Red roan, calved April 30, 1847, bred by John Allen Gano, Centreville, Bourbon Co., U. S. A., got by Sir Henry (5158), d. Phoenix, by Oliver (2387), Lady Durham, by San Martin (2599), imported Durham Cow. (11779) MARIO, 683^. Roan, calved March 8,1851, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Brent Lodge, Hendon, the property of Mr. Godson, Sandal Grange, Doncaster, got by Hora- tio (10335), d. Melody, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Magic, by Wallace (5586), &c., as in Marmaduke (14897). (11782) MARLOW, 686. Roan, calved 1844. the property of Dr. Martin, Colbyville, Kentucky, U. S. A. (11787) MARQUIS, 687. (11788) MARQUIS OF BUTE. Dark roan, calved Nov. 19, 1850, bred by and the property of Jonas Webb, Bab- raham, got by Red Roan Kirtling (10691), d. Countess,by Vanguard (5545), Dodona, by Alabaster (1616), No. 6, by Dr. Syntax (220), &c., as in Dagon (1899). (11789) MARQUIS OF CARRABAS, 3122. (11795) MASTER BELLEVILLE. Roan, calved 1850, bred by J. M. Hopper, Newham Grange, the property of J. Emmerson, Eryholme, Darlington, got by Belleville (6778), d. Young Moss Rose, by Young Matchem (4422), &c., as in Royal Buck (10750). (11797) MASTER GRATEFUL. Roan, calved Sept. 1, 1851, bred by and the property of H. Champion, Ranby, Retford, got by Beaufort (9943), d. Lady Millicent, by Laudable (9282), Millicent, by Grouchy (6051), Fail- Frances, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Feldom, by Young Colling (1843), Lily, by Red Bull (.2838), Lily, by Son of Hollings (2131), by Partner (2409), by R. Al- cock's Bull (19). (11800) MATADORE. Roan, calved Sept. 1, 1850, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, the property of A. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, got by Hopewell (10332), d. Moselle, by Baron of Ravensworth (7811), Magnet, by Mariner (7204). by Mina (2316), by Commodore (1858), by Rival (553). (11805) MELROSE. Roan, calved Nov. 19, 1850, bred by N. Milne, Faldonside, the property of Mr. Hunt, Thornington, got by Skelton (9667). d. Young Princess, by Ethelred (5990), Prendwick Princess, by Bachelor (1666), 3d Princess, by Snowball (2647), Princess, by St. Albans (1412), by Lawiisleeves (3(55), bied by Messrs. James, Stamford. (11807) MERCER, 702. (11811) METEOR, 104. (11818) MINSTREL. Red and n-hile, calved Oct. 31, 1851, bred by and the property of Sir J. W. Lubbock, Bart., High Elms,Farnborough, got by Shepherd's Purse, (10804), d. Mulberry, by Mo/.art ( 1 1S30), Strawberry, by Diamond (5918), Young Nonpareil, by Albert (2950), White Nonpareil, by Sfirlins; (6880), Nonpareil 2d. by Commodore (1858), Nonpareil, by Tathwell Studley (5401), Twine Tail, by Blyth Comet (85), a Turnell Cow. (11824) MONK. White, calved Nov. 26, 1849, bred by R. Booth, Warlaby. Northallerton, got by Leonidas (10414), d. Monica, by Raspberry (4875), &c., as in Lord Red Rose (22205). (11827) Moss TROOPER. Roan, calved Oct. 19, 1850, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Olley, the property of A Cruickshank, Sittyton. L'ni by Francisco (10242), d. Moss Hose 3d. by Sir Walter cJli:{'.M, Moss Ho-e.by Hel- \cdere, 2d (3127),- by Waterloo (2816), by Barmpton 182 LIST OF EKGLISH BULLS (5774), by Kitt (2179), by Kitt (2179), by Page's Bull (6269), by Middleton's Bull (438). (11830) MOZART. White, calved Jan. 22, 1844, bred by Earl Spencer, Wiseton, the property of Sir J.W.Lubbock, Bart., High Elms, Farnborough, Kent, got by Wizard (6688), d. Sackbut, by William (2840), &c., as in George 1st (19848). (11834) NABOB. White, calved March 15, 1850, bred by the Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard, the property of the Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth, got by The Yeo- man (12220), d. Nancy Dawson, by Norfolk (2377), by Tomboy (2765), by Major (2245), by Vesper (1547), by a Bull of Mr. Charge's. (11847) NEPTUNE, 3192. Calved Nov. 14, 1850. (11856) NICAXOR, 114. (11859) YOUNG NOBLE. Roan, calved June, 1845, bred by G. Wood, got by Noble (4578), d. Young Fanny, by Marquis (4388), Fanny, by Young Magog (2247), Violet, by Cupid (1895), &c., as in Newton (2367). (11870) OLD STRICKLAND. Roan, calved Jan. 7, 1837, bred by Mrs. Strickland, Apperley Court, sold to Messrs. E, W. and S. Rich, Didmarton, got by Favourite (6995), d.Modest, by Marquis (2271), Mab, by Sir Stephen (1456), Mouse, by a Bull of the Rev. T. Harrison's, Firby. (11877) ORONTES 2n, 1966. (11878) ORPHAN BOY. Roan, calved July 23, 1851, bred by Mr. Barnes, Westland, Moynalty, the property of A. F. Nugent, Pallas, Tynagh, Galway, got by Hamlet (8126), d. Modish, by Lord Stanley (4269), Maiden, by Matchem (2281), Lady, by Alderman (1622), Lady Mowbray, by Pilot (496), Sylph, by Remus (550), by Sir Charles (592), Alpine, by Colling's son of Favourite (252), Young Strawberry, by son of Favourite (252), Strawberry. (11880) OSCAR. Red and white, calved June, 1842, bred by Dr. J. M. Kinnaird, Fayette Co., Kentucky, U. S. A., got by Carcase (3285), d. Adaline, by Comet (1854), &c., as in John Moore (11619). (11886) YOUNG PARAGON, 1155. (11889) PATRICK HENRY. Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1837, bred by Dr. J. M. Kinnaird, Fayette Co., Kentucky, got by Matchem (2283), d. Olivia, by Oliver (2387), Rosetta, by Accommodation (2907), Nancy, by son of San Martin (2599), by Paul Jones (4661), by Buzzard (3253). (11896) PHCENIX. Red, calved March 8, 1850, bred by Mr. Watson, W'auldby, the properiy of G. H. B. Home, Argaty, Stirling, got by Boccaccio (7838), d. Moss Rose by Belshazzar (1703), Miss Ann, by Ronald (5005), May Rose, by Young Camden (3266), by Wauldby (2818). (11904) PIONEER. Roan, calved June, 1850, bred by Mr. Gamble, Thorp, Downham, got by The Captain (5422) d. Prudence, by Orontes (4623), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (11906) PLANTAGENET. Red. with a little white, calved March, 1851, bred by C. Towneley, Towneley Park, the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by The Duke of Lancaster (10929), d. Madaline, by Marcus (2262) Landlady, by Matchem (2281), by Pilot (496), Daphne by Young Albion (15), Gaudy, by Albion (14) by Su- worrow (636), by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (11918) PRECEDENT. Roan, calved Aug. 17, 1850, bred by Messrs. Parker, Yanwath Hall, the property of W Bowstead, Hackthorpe Hall. Penrith, got by Benedict (7828), d Cora, by Gainford 2d (6030) -Cranberry, by Sir William (2640), by Young Rockingham (2549), by Wel- lington (2824) -by Newby's Grey Bull (2362),-by Styford (103), by Bolmgbroke (86). (11919) PRELATE. Light roan, calved July 5, 1851, &LW B 8F 1 >ie ' Turtworth Court, got by Contract (100,1) , d. Pomp, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), Princess Royal, by Thick Hock (6(501). Barmpton Rose by Ex- pectation (1988),-byBelzoni (1709), by Comus (1861) by Denton (198). ifl^n 9 x 5) , P V BE * IDENT - Red and white, calved Sept. 17, 1850, bred by J. S. Matson, Paris, Bourbon Co., the prop- erty of C). H. Burbridge, Bourbon Co., Kv., U S A eot by Daniel Boone (11330), d. lantha.by Bai-forth (3085), by Rowland (2571), by Snowdrop (2653) bv Henrv (301),-by St. John (572),-by George (273) y y (11933) PRINCE ALBERT. Bred by R. Holmes. Ireland got by Noble (4578), d. Pink, by Prince Paul (4827 - Princess Britannia, by Monarch (2324), No. 8 bv Dr Syntax (220), &c,, as in Comus (12625). (11950) PROORKSS. Roan, calved Aug. 16, 1849 bred by and the property of J. Christy, ] Joy ton Hull, Chelms- ford, got by Essex Hero (9096), d. Fairy, by Peg Top (9470), Strawberry, by Harlequin (3975), Beauty, bred by Mr. Baker, Ellemore. (11956) PROTECTION. Red, calved July 15, 1850, bred by Geo. Faulkner, Rothersthorpe, Northampton, got by Hector (9200), d. Pigeon, by Nelson (4547), by Eclipse (3681), by Boughton (7841), Old Pigeon, by Young North Star (6255), Symmetry, by Attraction (764). (11967) RABY. Red, calved March 30, 1850, bred by and the property of R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, Dar- lington, got by Lansdowne (9277), d. Sally, by Driver (3621), Moss Rose, by Stapleton (2698), Red Rose, by a son of Rob Roy (557), Jane, by Mark (2266), by Ru- fus (570), by St. John (572), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (11975) REDKIRK. Red and white, calved 1847, bred by Mr. Syme, Redkirk, the property of Mr. Mackenzie, Barnhill, Dumfries, got by Strathmore (6547), d. by Sir William (12102), by George (2057), by Togston (5487). (11976) RED KNIGHT. Red, calved July 28, 1850, bred by and the property of J. Booth, Killerby, Catterick, got by Royal Buck (10750), d. Mother Red Cap, by Hamlet (8126), Bounty, by Buckingham (3239), Rhodacantha, by Roland (2556), Rubicon, by Priam (2452), by Sci- pio (1421), by Hulton (1121), by Young Albion (15). (11982) RED ROVER. Red, calved Dec. 1847, bred by and the property of Smythe Owen, Condover Hall, Shrewsbury, got by Uncle Dan (7656), d. Statira, by Bel- lerophon (3119), Silvia, by Eclipse (1949), Suowberry, by Reformer (4917), Snowball, by Dishley Ketton (982), by Major (398), by Cossack (925). (11985) REFORMER. Bred by Mr. Raine.Gainford, Dar- lington, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), d. by Young Rock- ingham (2547), by North Star (460), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353). (11987) REMUS. Red, calved Dec. 6, 1847, bred by Mr. Threshie, Mouswald Place, got by Diamond (5918), d. Lucilla, by Prince Ernest (4818), Lena, by Orator (2390), Laurustina, by Darlington (3561), Lady Betty, by Rough Robin (1404), Juno, by Albion (14). by Mai-ske- (418), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033). (11998) ROAN OAK, 150. (12019) ROMULUS, 925.- Roan, bred by G. W. Williams, sold to J. S. Matson, Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by Carcase (3285), d. Fashion, by Young Don Juan (3610), &c., as in Crescent (11319). (12020) ROSEBANK. Light roan, calved Oct. 4, 1850, bred by and the property of Lord Dufferin and Clancle- boye, at Clandeboye, got by Daylight (7956), d. Found- ling, by Buchan Hero (3238), Clarion, by Charles (1815), Shipley,by Stain ton (5311), Shipley, by Red Star (4911), by Chance (1806). (12037) ST. LAWRENCE, 1005. (12038) ST. PATRICK. Roan, calved Sept. 25, 1851, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, Daventry, got by Earl of Dublin (10178), d. Amaranth, by Janizary (8175), Cathleen, by Caliph (1774), &c., as in Royal Coun- sellor (20725). (12045) SAMSON. Red, calved June 21, 1849, bred by George Faulkner, Rothersthorpe, the property of George Dix, Blisworth, got by Hector (9200), d. Velvet, by Nel- son (4547), Venus, by Eclipse (3684), Favourite, by Milton (8315), Sweetbrier, by Young Merlin (6204), by Midas (435), by Denton (198). (12047) SANTIAGO. Roan, calved March 13, 1850, bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, Daventry, the property of the Marquis of Exeter, Burghley Park, Stam- ford, got by Grey Friar (9172), d. Floretta, by Fawsley (6004), Lalla Rookh, by Little John (4232), Anna, by Young Norman (4584), Walnut, by White Boy (1580), Pauline, by Wyville's Bull, by a Bull of Mr. Charge's. (12049) SARSDEN. Red and white, calved Aug. 27, 1837, bred by J. H. Langstone, M. P., Sarsden House. Chipping Norton, got by Stanhope (5315), d. Sprightly, by Young Remus (2523), by Ronald (565), Cherry, by Western Comet (689), by Cupid (177), by Henry (301), by Simon (590), by Punch (531). (12062) SHAKESPEARE, 2195. (12070) SILK VELVET. White, calved April 13, 1850, bred by Mr. Unthank, Netherscales, the property of H. Tempest, Newland Park,Wakefield, got by Dusty Miller (9055), d. Young Venus, by Mango (4395), Venus, by Cripple (1887), &c., as in Gen. Havelock (16130). (12073) SIR ARTHUR, Red, calved Feb. 28, 1850, bred by and the property of Mr. Whitehead, Methlic, N. B., TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 183 got by Prince Alfred (8421), d. Patience, by Duke 7th (7984), Temperance, by Teetotaller (5411), by Ivanhoe ( 1 lol >, by a son of Hlyth Comet (85), by Atlas (42), by u sou of Favourite (252). (12075) SIR CHARLES. Roan, calved Dec. 25, 1851, bred by Mr. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, Penrith, got by Abra- ham Parker (9856), d. Venus, by Bellerophon (3119), Verbena, by Renown (2525), Venus, by Tartar (2738), Mi:->), d. -Jenny Lind, by Grouse (11545), Jessica, by Sarsden (12049). Lofty, by George (3K7H), Laurustinus, by Osiris (ip- berry (4875), &c., as in Royal Booth (27350). (12260) VATICAN. Roan, calved April 17, 1851, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the property of Win. San- day, Holmepierpoint, andll. Smith, the. Grove, Cropwell, Butler, got by L'surer (9763), d. Virginia, by Petrarch (7*i!)), Victoria, by 2d Duke of York (5959), &c., as in Victor (15458). (12261) VATICAN. Roan, calved June 30, 1850, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, the property of li.VY. desVcrux, Drakelowllall.lUirton-iipon-Trenl.got by Minstrel (8687), d. Lady Ann, by Pain (JW72), Countess, by Vanguard 184 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (5545), Dodona. by Alabaster (1616), No. 6, by Dr. Syntax (220), by Henry (301), Lydia, by Favourite (252), Nell, by White Bull (421), Fortune, by Bolingbroke (86), by Foljambe (263), by Hubback (319), bred by Mr. Maynard. (12268) VICTOR, 1068. Eed and white, calved Nov. 2, 1851, bred by and the property of George Vail, Troy, New York, U. S. A., got by Fortune (11487), d. Esterville 3d, by O'Connell (6258), Esterville 2d, by Dan O'Connell (a557), Esterville,by Alfred (2987), Amethyst,by Prince of Northumberland (4826), Young Amazon, by Crusader (934), Amazon, by Sultan (4485), Bellona, by Mars (411), -Holla, by North Star (458). (12274) VOLTIGEUR. Eoan, calved March 2, 1850, bred by and the property of Earl of Burlington, Holkar Hall, Milnthorpe, got by Allan-a-Dale (7778), d. Gazelle, by Sir Launcelot (5166), Granny, by Rockingham (2550), by Ganthorpe (2049), by Don Juan (1923). (12284) WARLABY. Roan, calved Feb. 13, 1849, bred by R. Woodhouse, the property of Mrs. A. Yeats, Grant- ley, got by Bumper (10005), d. Cora, by Reformer (2512), Lucy, by Imperial (2151), by Young Dimple (971), by J. Brown's White Bull (98). (12287) WARRIOR, 1076. (12298) WHITE PRINCE. White, calved Dec. 10, 1849, bred by Nicol Milne, Faldonside, the property of Mr. Hodgson, Carlisle, got by Dusty Miller (9055), d. Young Princess, by Ethelred (5990), &c., as in Melrose (11805). (12299) WHITTINGTON. White, calved 1846, bred by Mr. Holland, Eppleworth, the property of T. Wetherell Kirkbridge, got by Duke of Rothsay (6943), d. White Strawberry, by Chieftain (2893), &c., as in Statesman (15342). (12307) WILL WATCH. Roan, calved May 19, 1851, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Grimsby, got by Vanguard (10994), d. Village Belle, by Pilgrim (4701), &c., as in Sovereign (27538). (12314) WINDLE. Bred by Mr.Pilkington,Windle Hall, St. Helens, got by Martin (2279), d. by a son of Waterloo (2816), by a son of St. Albans (1412), by a Bull of W. Rairie's. (12317) WISEMAN. Roan, calved Jan. 22, 1850, bred by Lord Hill, Hawkestone, the property of Mr. Higgins, Jr., Alford, got by King Dick (9269), d. Harmony, by Dulci- mer (3658), Hyacinth, by 2d Comet (5101), &c., as in Javelin (11610). VOLUME XL (12331) AARON SMITH. Red roan, calved June, 1853, bred by and the property of J.Robinson, Clifton, Olney, got by Upstart (9760), d. Naphtha, by Lord Warden (7167), Telluria, by Orontes (4623), Zinc, by Guardian (3947), Roguery by Mercury (2301), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (12338) ADAM, 197. Roan, calved Feb. 7, 1850, bred by J. Clarke, Aldborough, Darlington, sold to Dr. Arthur Watts, Ohio, U. S. A., got by Earl of Scarboro' (9064), d. by Magician (7185), by Beggerman (3118), by Paganini (2405), by Paul Jones (8383), by Pirate (2430), by Sed- bury (1424), by Charge's Grey Bull (872). (12374) ALFRED, 205. Roan, calved April 10, 1852, bred by John Clarke, Aldborough, near Darlington, sold to L.W. Renick, Chillicothe, Ohio, U. S. A., got by Adam (12338), d. by Old Red Bull, by Paganini (2405), by Paul Jones (8383), by Pirate (2430), by Sedbury (1424), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), (12378) ALI PACHA. Red roan, calved March 17, 1854, bred by T. C. Constable, Burton Constable, the property of Mr. Jordan, Eastbourn House, Driffield, got by Louis Napoleon (13260), d. Rose, by Artichoke (8843), Lola Montes, by Sliding Scale (9669), by Nicholas Nickleby (9440), by Invincible (4077), by a son of Patriot (486). (12383) ALMA. Roan, calved April, 1854, bred by J. G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Hatcliffe (12997), d. Lily, by Lincoln (10422), by Frederick (2039), by Barmpton Gra- zier (3091), by Remus (4932), by Rex (4942), by Wel- lington (680), by Punch (531). (12393) AMERICAN BELLEVILLE. White, calved Feb. 8, 1853, bred by and the property of Ralph Wade, Sr., Hope, Canada West, got by Robin Hood (13608), d. New- ham Lily, by Belleville (6778), Hybiscus, by Clementi (3399), Strawberry, by Rockingham (2551), Lively, by Jerry (2159), by Julius Caasar (1143), by Young Albion (12394) AMERICAN BELTED WILL, 210. (12395) ANDES, 213. (12414) AUSTRALIAN. Roan, calved April 10, 1854, bred by Mr. Barnes, Westland, Moynalty, the property of Mr. Coppiriger, County Cork, got by Hopewell (10332), d. Britannia, by Albion (7771), &c., as in Lord Napier (12426) YOUNG BALCO, 1124. (12427) BALCONI, 2518. (12431) BALTIC. White, calved Feb. 25, 1854, bred by and the property of Col. Cator, Pickhurst, Bromley Kent, got by 4th Duke of York (10167), d. Bessy by Helicon (2107), &c., as in 2d Grand Duke (14640). (12444) BARON MARTIN, 2524. (12449) BASHAW. Roan, calved Feb. 11, 1854, bred by F. H. Fawkes. Farnley Hall, Otley, the property of T. Game, Broadmoor, got by Nabob (11834), d. Betty Foy, by Borrowby Boy (9980), Lady Fairy, by Laudable (9282), Fairy Tale, by Sir Thos. Fairfax (5196), Thom- asine, by Stillington (5327), by Young Rockingham (2547), by Driver (1928), by Richard (1376). (12451) BATES, 236. Red and white, calved May 12, 1852, bred by Hon. p. Duncombe, M. P., the property of Wm. Linton, Sheriff Button, York, got by Financier (9122), d. Dolly, by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), Dinah, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), Dinah, by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945), Red Thompson, a Cow of Mr. Bates'. (12452) BATES. Roan, calved Nov. 10, 1853, bred by and the property of J. F. P. Phillips, Broomborough, Totnes, got by Weathercock (9815), d. Lady Barrington 10th, by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), &c., as in Gen. Bar- rington (21810). (12456) BEESWING. Red, calved April 1, 1854, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, the property of Mr. Campbell, Kinnellar, got by Matadore (11800), d. Flora, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Jessica, by Premier (6308), Venus, by Saturn (5089), Dairymaid, by Favourite (6997), by Grindon (3642), bred by Mr. Renuie, Phantassie. (12464) BELTED WILL 4TH, 13464. (12465) BENJAMIN. Roan, calved March, 1853, bred by and the property of Hon. H. Noel Hill, Berrington, Shrewsbury, got by Monk (11824), d. Brawith Lass, by Brawith Boy (7846), Certainty, by Sir Walter (2639), by Roseberry (567), by Constitution (166), by Hast- ings (293), by Constellation (163). (12469) BEST OF THREE. Red and white, calved May 24, 1844, bred by R. Holmes, Moycashel, Ireland, got by Sir John Sinclair (5165), d. Victoria 3d, by 2d Comet (5101), Victoria 2d, by Belzoui (783), &c., as in Great Mogul (14651). (12477) BLOCKLET, 268. (12493) BRIDEMAN. Roan, calved April 13, 1852, bred by R. Booth. Full brother to British Prince (14197). (12494) BRIGAND. White, calved June 4, 1854, bred by and the property of Stewart Marjoribanks, Bushey Grove, Watford, got by Bushranger (11228), d. Fair Belle, fiy Prince Edward Fairfax (9506), Eliza, by White Bull (5643), Young Broadhooks, by Young Ladykirk (4170), by Albion (731), Europa, by Sinus (598), Short-tail, by Wellington (679), Honeysuckle, by Sultan (631), Jane, by Signior (588). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 185 (12497) BRITISH SOLDIER. Roan, calved March, 1853, bred by R. Dudding, Panton, the property of 11. He-arson, Cramnore Lodge, got by Leonidaa (10414), d. Barom^s, by Red Duke (7620), Sarah, by Hecatomb (2102), by Belvedere 2d (8127), by Barmpton (5774), by Kitt (217!)), by Middleton's Bull (4:38). (12500) BROKEN HORN. Roan, calved April, 1849, bred by R. Holmes, Moycashel. Kilbeggan, the property of A. F. Nugent, Pallas, Tynagh, got by Hamlet (8126), d. Cro- cus, by 2d Comet (5101), Carnation, by Prince Paul(4827), &c., as in Consummate (14321). (12503) BHUIN. Red, calved April, 1853, bred by Rev. C. James, Evenlode, got by Weathercock (9815), d. by Evenlode (9099), by Locksley (4240), by Red Robin (2492), by Sir Alexander (591), by Twin Bull (10954), Lady, by Dalton Duke (188), Lady Maynard, by R. Al- cock's Bull (19), by Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (12507) BRUTUS, 293. (12509) BUCKINGHAM 2o, 297. (12513) BURGOMASTER. Roan, calved May 3, 1851,bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, Lincoln, the property of G. Bland, Coleby, Lincoln, got by Hopewell (10332), d. White Lady, by Duke of York (6947), White Maid, by Tory (5507), Empress, by Emperor (6974), by Com us (911), Diana, by Young Barmpton (55), Young Dinsdale, by Wellington (680), Dinsdale, by Phenomenon (491), by Young Favourite (254). (12519) BUXTON 2o. Calved 1848, bred by John Wade, Canada West, got by Buxton, d. Adeline, by George (12939), by Pyramus (4853), by Magnum Bonum (2243), -by Young Rockingham (2547), by Rob Roy (557), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301), by Dauby (190). (12521) CADET. White, calved March 20, 1853, bred by R. Chaloner, Kingsfort, Moynalty, the property of Vis- count Monck, M. P., Charleville, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Heath Rose, by Baron Warlaby (7813), Ho- henlinden, by Pilgrim (4701), Honesty, by Shakespeare (2614), by Sheridan (2616), by Normanby (1278), by a Bull of Mr. Smith's, West Rasen. (12525) CAFFRE JACK. Red, calved June 8, 1851, bred by S. Marjoribanks, Bushey Grove, Watford, the prop- erty of W. Fletcher, Radmanthwaite, Mansfield, got by Sir Harry Smith (9639), d. Victoria, by Duke (6987), Vanity, by Reformer (4917j. Virginia, by Romulus (5002), by Madcap (4308), by Major (398), by Cossack (925), by Captain (108). (12546) CAPTAIN BALCO, 1316. (12549) CAPTAIN LAAVSON, 310. (12556) CARDIGAN. Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1854, bred by and the property of Richard Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d.Caroline, by Fitz-Leonard'(7010), &c., as in England's Glory (23889). (12572) CHAFF CUTTER. Red, calved Nov. 15, 1853, bred by and the property of Col. Kingscote, Kingscote Park, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), d. Chaff, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), &c., as in Royal Arch (18749). (12573) CHAMPION. Roan, calved March 11, 1852, bred by and the property of W.Fletcher, Radmanthwaite, Mansfield, got by Lord of Brawith (10465), d. Gaudy, by Prince Albert (10634), Lady Mary, by Pitz- Walter ((5014), Princess Royal, by Cossack (1880), Watson, by Im- perial (4068), by Helmsman (2109). (12579) CHANCELLOR, 1346. (12583) CHARLEY. Roan, calved April 16, 1851, bred by and the property of H. W. Ripley, Lightclifie. got by Romilly (13623), d. Gambol 2d, by Jester, Gambol, by Hurricane (4060), Gipsey,by Orville (4625), Fan,by Bul- mer(1760), Fairy, by Rockingham (2550), Fan, by Harp- ham (1098), Delicacy, by Ketton (346), by Expectation (247), by Magnum Bonum(2882), by II. Chapman's Bull by R. Grimston's Bull, by a son of Daltou Duke (188)' (12588) CHELTENHAM, 2620. Calved Dec. 18, 1852. (12589) CHERRY DUKE. Red, calved Dec. 31,1854, bred by S. E. Bolden. Springfield Hall, Lancaster, ttie property of R. Jefferson, Preston Hows. Whitehaven, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Cherry Duchess, by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as in Cherry Duke 3d (15763). (12605) CLARENDON. Roan, calved Jan. 1850, bred by and the property of R. Stratton, Broad Hinton, got by Red Duke (8694), d. Old Moss Rose, by Phoenix (62'JO). (1:'1<5) Coi.rMiu-s. Light roan, calved Sept. 14, IK;,:', bred by and the property oFMr. Towneley, TowneleyPark, Burnley, got by Valiant (10989), d. Blanche 5th, by Duke of 24 Northumberland (1940), Blanche 2d,by Norfolk (2377), Blanche,by Belvedere (1706), Lupin, by Belvedere (1706) Tulip, by !. 60), Ruby, by Petrarch (488), by .Major (897), Stranger, by Chapman's Son of Punrh (122), Old lioany, by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213), Roaned Heifer, by Checks (132), Red Sail, by R. Grim- ston's Bull (282), Sockburn Sail, by J. Coates' Bull (148). (12625) COMUS. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Fox, Fox Hall, Ireland, got by Collard (3419), d. Nymph, by2d Comet (5101), Cactus, by Prince Paul (4827), Britannia, by Monarch (2324), Mason's No. 8, by Dr. Syntax (220), by Charles (127), by St. John (572), Nymph, by White Bull (421), Lily, by Favourite (252), Miss Lax, by Dal- ton Duke (188), Lady Maynard, by R. Alcock'sBull (19), by J. Smith's Bull, by JoUy's Bull. (12628) CONQUEROR. Roan, calved Sept. 30, 1854, bred by and the property of R. A. Alexander, Woodburn, Mid- way, Ky., U. S. A., got by 2d Duke of Athol (11376), d. Victoria, by Diamond (5918), Vestris, by Young Bel- shazzar (3122), Verbena, by Noble (4578), Violet by Monarch (4495), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (12632) CONRAD, 370. (1-26:33) CONSTABLE. White, calved Jan. 1853, bred by Mr. Lawson, Stapleton, the property of R. Thornton, Stapleton, got by Bridegroom (11203), d. Rarity, by Sir Thomas (9661), Dora, by Alfred (2988), Cora, by Com- modore (5874), Cherry, by Cupid (5900), by a son of North Star (459), by St. John (572), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (12634) CONSTITUTION. Roan, calved 1841, bred by Mr. Harrison, the property of Mr. Jolly, Londonderry, near Bedale, got by Rowland (2556), d. by Mortham (4512). Red Rose, by Pyramid (4853), by a son of Petrarch (488), by Mr. Farrow's Bull, by a son of Favourite (252). (12645) COTHERSTONE. Roan, calved Sept. 20, 1852, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, the property of N. Cart- wright, Haugham, got by Harbinger (10297), d. Charmer, by Humber (7102), Fascination, by William (2840), Laura, by Firby (1040). Campanula, by Ivanhoe (1131), Niobe, by Ivanhoe (1131). (12650) COUNT OF GLOSTER. Red, calved Nov. 1, 1853, bred by and the property of C.P.Grenfell. Taplow Court, Maidenhead, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), d. Chintz, by Usurer (9763), Chaff, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), &c., as in Royal Arch (18749). (12655) COXCOMB, 382. (12659) CRIPPLE. Roan, calved 1843, bred by Mr. Top- ham, West Keal, Spilsby, got by Prince Albert (4781), d. Tartar Cow, by Tartar (2738), by Emperor (1978), by Pilot, by a son of Barmpton Major. (12665) CROWN IMPERIAL. Roan, calved May, 1853, bred by Mr. Torr. Aylesby Manor, the property of R. W. Saunders, Nnnwick Hall, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Flower Girl, by Londesbro' (6142), &c., as in British Flag (213*3). (12667) CRUSADER, 387. White, calved July 5, 1&52, bred by James Douglas. Athelstaneford, Drem, N. B., the property of the Society of Shakers. Warren Village, Ohio, U. S. A., got by Crusade (7938), d. Crocus, by Dan- iel (5907), Woodlass, by Homer (2134), by Stamford (12671) CUNNINGHAM, 1415. (12683) DAN O'RouRKE. Red and white, calved 1852, bred by R. Holmes, Moycashel, got by Lord John (11731), d. Miss Jones, by Scamp (13674), by Sir John Sinclair (5165), Miss Jones, by Eclipse (3685), by a son of Prince George (4827), by Volunteer (1553), by Young Albion (15), by Easby (232). (12687) DEFENDER, 2704. (12707) DON, 425. (12715) DOUGLAS. White, calved May 8, 1848, bred by R. S. Holford, Weston Birt, the property of E. W. and S. Rich, Didmarton, got by Percy (1)172), d. Lady, by Ery- holme (3736), by Reformer (11985), by Young Favour- ite (3770). (12730) DUKE OF AIRDRIE, 9798. (12734) THIRD DUKE OF ATHOL. Red, calved Oct. 29, 1852, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, Burnley, the property of H. Cholmeley and Messrs. Cattley and Radclille, Brandsby, York, got by Duke of Athol (10150), d. Jenny Lind, by n-.-ii (8881), Kuby. by Selim (8! Lady, by tin- Earl of Aylfsford's L. (6115), -Lily, by Sir Robert (5178), bought at Lord Aylesford's Sale. 186 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (12738) DUKE OF BOLTON. Roan, calved April 4, 1853, bred by Mr. JBolden, Hyning, Lancaster, got by Grand Duke (10284), d. Florence, by 3d Duke of York (5959), Fame, by Raspberry (4875), &c., as in Royal Booth (27350). (12739) SECOND DUKE OF BOLTON. Red roan, calved March 11, 1854, bred by Mr. Bolden, Hyning, the property of Mr. Sunday, Holmepierpont, and H. Smith, The Grove, near Bingham, got by Grand Duke (10284), d. Florence, by Second Duke of York (5959), Fame, by Raspberry (4875), &c., as in Royal Booth (27350). (12742) DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Red, calved Dec. 15, 1852, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, Lancaster, the property of Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, Daveiitry, got by Grand Duke (10284), d. Cambridge Rose 7th, by Third Duke of York (1010(3), Cambridge Rose 5th, by Second Cleveland Lad (3408), &c., as in Cambridge Duke 4th (25706). (12743) SECOND DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Red, calved April 14, 1854, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, Lancaster, the property of Geo. Sainsbury, The Priory, Corsham, got by Grand Duke (10284), d. Cambridge Rose 7th, by Third Duke of York (10166), Cambridge Rose 5th, by Second Cleveland Lad (3408), &c., as in Cambridge Duke 4th (25706). (12746) DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, 1469. . (12747) DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. White, calved Feb. 21, 1854, bred by and the property of R. W. Saunders, Nun- wick Hall, Penrith, got by Abraham Parker (9856), d. Honeysuckle, by Third Duke of York (10166), Hilpa 2d, by Second Duke of Oxford (9046), Hilpa, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Hawkey, by Red Rose Bull (2493), Hart, by Rex (1375), bred by Mr. Richardson, Hart. (12748) DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. Roan, calved April 10' 1854, bred by J. S. Lenhouse, the property of Mr. Un" thank, Netherscales, Penrith, got by Sir Charles (12075)' d. Moll Gwyune, by Sir Harry (10819). Fanny Gwynne, by St. Thomas (10777), Dowager Gwynne, by Prime Minister (2456), White Moll Gwynne, by Wallace (5586), &c., as in Charley (17541). (12761) DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Roan, calved June 10, 1852, bred by and the property of Thos. Weth- erell,Kirkbridge, Darlington, got by Lord George (10439), d. Red Duchess, by Second Cleveland Lad (3408), &c., as in Royal Wharfdale (22805). (12762) FIFTH DUKE OF OXFORD. Red, calved March 6, 1853, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the prop- erty of Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, Yorkshire got by Duke of Gloster (11382), d. Oxford llth, by Fourth Duke of York (10167), Oxford 6th, by Second Duke of Northumberland (3446), &c., as in 18th Duke of Oxford (25995). (12765) SIXTH DUKE OF OXFORD. Red roan, calved March 21, 1854, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, the property of Mr. Gunter, Brampton, got by Duke of Glos- ter (11382), d. Oxford llth, by 4th Duke of York (10167) Oxford 6th, by Second Duke of Northumberland (3646) &c., as in 18th Duke of Oxford (25995). (12772) DUKE OF SUSSEX. White, calved May 2, 1853, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, the property of E Lawford, Leighton Buzzard, got by Duke of Richmond (7996), d. Songstress, by Snowball (10846;, Melody bv Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196),-Magic, by Wallace (5586), &c., as in Marmaduke (14897). (12774) DUKE OF ULSTER, Rich roan, calved June 3, 18o3, bred by and the property of E. W. and S. Rich Did- mai-ton, got by Fourth Duke of York (10167), d Ursula by Usurer (9763),- Crystal, by Prince Ernest (4818), Co- quette, by A-la-Mode (725), Young Cowslip, by Ratify (2481),-Cowslip, by Wellington (680),-by Favourite (252) by Punch (531). (12784) TWELFTH DUKE OF YORK. Red and white, oalved 1852, bred by the Earl of Zetland, Aske Hall Richmond, the property of W. Dickinson, New Park Lymington, Hants, got by Third Duke of York (10166)' d. Sonsie 7th, by Second Duke of Northumberland (3646)' by Prince Edward (^2), &., as in Prince (12790) DuNDAS.-Roan, calved March 11, 1853, bred by the Earl of Zetland, Aske Hall, Richmond, the prop- perty of R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, Darlington, got by Tenth Duke of York (11398), d. Viscountess, by Fourth Duke of York (10167), &c., as in Stout (17048). (12795) EARL DE GREY, 2801. Roan, calved Oct 22 red by K. Cattley. Stearsby, got byDe Grey (11346)' d. Lavender, by Sir Charles Napier (10816), Sweet Pea by Liberator (7140), Sweet Maid, by Prince Albert (4791) ' Vestris, by Marton Comet (4409), Vesta by Plato (2433), Venus, by Bedford Jr. (1701). Vesta, by Isaac (1129), by Northern Light (1281), by White Comet (1582), by Cattley's Grey Bull (1798). (12799) EARL DUCIE. Roan, calved May 2, 1852, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Scrivener (10791) d Lady Caroline, by Golden Rule (7041), Duchess of Rich- mond, by Pam (6272), Victoria, by Chancellor (3335) Medusa, by Helmsman (2109), by Speedwell (1473), by Columella (904). (12800) EARL OF ABERDEEN. Roan, calved 1852, bred by Mr. Hay, Shethin, the property of A. Longmore Ket- tle, Banff, got by Grand Duke (10284), d.Scotlund's Queen, & litz Adolphus Fairfax (9124), Lady Franklin, by Wellington (6670),-Lady Ann, by Buchan Laddie (5814), Young Broadhooks, by Young Ladykirk (4170), &c.,as in Brigand (12494). ARL OF DERBT --Light roan, calved June 15, &c., as in 2d Earl of Derby (15960). ii EA ??' OF T HEN:DO N, 461. Rich roan, calved Aug. 'w' red by J ' S> Tan .5t>),- 1. ossom.by Memiiou (2295), Own Sister to Isa- , - bella, by Pilot (490), by Agami'innon (9),- by I'.urreU's Jinn ot Buraon. (,KAM) TfKK, . .j - ----- \w^.,, -Vanity, by R- former (4917), Virginia, by Romulus (5003), by Madcap ?no? } '~ by Major b Cossack 935 b a (108). , Cossack (935), by Captain (12997) HATCLIFFE. Red, calved May, 1851, bred by J Grantham, the property of J. G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Gen. Cavaignac (10365), d. Cowslip, by Baron Warlaby (7818), by Albion (2967), by Captain (1783). (13003) HECTOR. Roan, calved Jan. 13, 1851, bred by J. Hodson, Twyford, Athlone, got by Mystery (13364), d. Hero, by a son of The Baronet (13834), Haidee bv Urv ^X-Harriet, by Noble (78WHlen, by Invalid (4076), Lady Sarah, by Satellite (1430), &c., as in Friar (13005) HEIR-AT-LAW. White, calved Jan. 7, 1853, bred by Mr. Douglas, Athelstaneford, the property of M S Stewart, Southwick, got by Hopewell (10333), d. Birth- right, by Hamlet (8136). Birthday, by Lord Stanley (4269), Bracelet, by Priam (2452), &c., as in Buckingham (13035) HIGHLAND DUKE. White, calved April 16, 1853, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, Dun- combe Park, Helmsley. got by Ben Nevis (9960), d. Duch- ess 61st, by 3d Duke of Oxford (9046), Duchess 51st, by Cleveland Lad (3407), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23739). (13036) HIGHLAND LADDIE. Roan, calved Aug. 1 1853 bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, the property of P. S. Punnett, Chart Sutton, Maidstone, got by Bridegroom (11203), d. Laurel, by Petrarch (7329), Fair Vetch, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Vervain, by Colossus (1847) Verbena, by Burley (1766), Young Alexina, by Pilot (496), Alexina, by Warlaby (672), by Albion (14), Bright Eyes, by Lame Bull (359), by Shipton (587), by Son of Suworrow (636), by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (13028) HIGHTHORN. Roan, calved Aug. 33, 1851 bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Hope- well (10332), d. Hawthorn Blossom, by Leonard (4210) &c., as in First Fruits (16048). (13036) HOGARTH. Red and white, calved Oct.10, 1853 bred by and the property of Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, Burnley, got by Harbinger (10397), d. Rosa, by Ba- ron of Ravensworth (7811), Briseis, by Raree Show (4874), Bessy, by Thick Hock (6601), Barmpton Rose, by Expectation (1988), by Belzoni (1709), by Cornus (1861), by Denton (198). HOMER. Roan, calved July 1, 1853, bred by Mr Barnett, Stratton Park, BigglesAvade, sold to Mr. Stur- geon, for Australia, got by Horatio (10335), d. Lucinda by Essex Lad (8039), Shepherdess, by Stratton (5336), Laura, by Arch Duke (3026), Lady Betty, by Rough Robin (1404), by Albion (14), by Marske (418), by Nes- wick (1266), by Favourite (1033). (13040) HONEST TOM. Roan, calved June 29,1853, bred by and the property of W. Wright. Sigglesthorne Hall, near Hull, got by Whittaker (11040), d. Lady Watson by Foigh-a-Ballagh (8082), Landlady, by Bellerophon (3119), Laurustina, by Grazier (1085), Miss Cropper, by Rob Roy (557), by Barmpton (54), by Expectation (247). * (13055) HUMPHREY CLINKER. Rich roan, calved April 14, 1852, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, the prop- erty of W. W. Champion, Calcot, Reading, got by Lord Marquis 00159), d. Cherry Ripe, by Sir Walter (2639), &c., as in Lord Chancellor (10435). (13058) HYMEN. Red, calved Nov. 21, 1854, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, the property of Mr. Douglas, Athelstaneford. Drem. got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Bride Cake, by Crown Prince (10087), Bridget, by Baron Warlaby (7813), &c., as in Kismark (25637). (13065) INHERITOR. Red and white, calved April 16, IS.M, bred by A. Longmore, Rettie, Banff, got by Balmo- ral (9920). d. Legacy, by The Pacha (7612), Crocus, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (8646). Norah, by Sillery (5131), Emily, by Sillery (5131), Eli/a, by Young Wi-{- ern Comet (1575), Lady Betty, by Diamond (205), Betty by Favourite (356), by Charge's Bull (1810). (13076) IRISHMAN. Roan, calved 1S48, bred by J. Rad- cliffe, Brandsby, York, the property of Mr. Rowley, icot by Liberator (7110). d. Pansy. b.\ Cyrus (3538), Minerva, byRegenl i2.~>i8i. Kinpro-.s, by Bedford (68),- by North- i-i-n Liu r ht ti'.'sn. by White Comet (15 188 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (13082) JERVEAUX. Bred by J. C. Maynard, Harlsey Hull, Northallerton, got by Royal Prince (5024), d. Rose, by Lisbon (1172), by Norman (1276), by Acklam(713), by Meteor (431), by Duke (226), Old Daisy, by Favour- ite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (13088) JOHN O'GAUNT, 1707X- White, calved Jan. 5, 1853, bred by L. G. Morris, Mount Fordham, the prop- erty of D. Brooks, Avon, Livingston Co., New York, U. S. A., got by John O'Gaunt (11621), d. Romelia, by Fla- geolet (9130), Romelia 2d, by son of St. Leger (5058), Young Romelia, by St. Leger (5058), Romelia, by Eclipse (1941), Sylvestine, by Commodore (3446), by Darius (954), by McGregor (2235), Lily, by Albany (13), Bar- ton, by Midas (435), Beauty,by Boughton (90), Cowslip, by a son of Windsor (698). (13089) JOHN O'GAUNT 2D, 17435. Got by John O'- Gaunt (11621), d. Daura Gwynne, by Creon (8998), Deci- ma, by Alfred (7777), &c., as in 17435. (13090) JOHN O'GROAT. Red, calved Jan. 9, 1854, bred by and the property of F. H. Fawkes, Farniey Hall, got by Bridegroom (11203), d. Juliette, by Capt. Edwards (8929). Judith, by Dan O'Connell (3557), Rosa, by Nor- folk (2377), Miss Hartley, by Snowball (1463). (13101) KALAFAT. Roan, calved Dec. 13, 1852, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, the prop- erty of J. Timm, Farnborough Grange, Hants. Full brother to Sarawak (15238). (13110) KING ARTHUR. Roan,calved Nov.30,1853, bred by and the property of J. Booth, Killerby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Venus Victrix, by Vanguard (10994), Bloom, by Buckingham (3239), Hawthorn Blossom, by Leonard (4210), &c., as in First Fruits (16048). (13120) KIRKLEVTNGTON 3D. Roan, calved Aug. 30, 1854, bred by and the property of J. F. P. Phillips, got by Weathercock (9815), d.Wildeyes 27th, by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), Wildeyes 17th, by 2d Duke of Northumber- land (3646), Wildeyes 5th, by Short Tail (2621), Wild- eyes, by Emperor (1975), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). (13153) LIBERATOR, 639>. (13164) YOUNG LOCKINVAR. Roan, calved Aug. 9,1854, bred by and the property of F. H. Fawkes. Full brother to Highland Laddie (13026). (13165) LOCOMOTIVE, 645. (13169) LONDONDERRY. Roan, calved Oct. 18, 1853, bred by Sir C. Krightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, the prop- erty of C. J. Adkins, Milcote, got by Earl of Dublin (10178), d. Candytuft, by Janizary (8175), &c., as in Royal Coun- sellor (20725). (13170) LORD BARRINGTON IST. Roan, calved Dec 16 1853, bred by and the property of N. G. Barthrop, Cret- ingham, got by Gilliver (11529), d. Lady Barrington 5th, by Earl of Liverpool (9061), Lady Barrington 4th by Cleveland Lad (3407), Lady Barrington 2d, by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Gen. Barrington (21810) (13171) LORD BARRINGTON 2o, 1792. (13173) LORD BATHURST. Roan, calved July 5, 1854, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Monarch (13347), d. Lancaster 16th, by The Marquis (10938), &c., as in Lancaster Royal (18167). (13$1) LORD DUCIE, 662. Calved May 2, 1852. (13184) LORD ELGIN, 662^. Calved March, 1852, bred by Ralph Wade, Jr., Cobourg, Canada West, got by Am- erican Belted Will (12394), d. Queen of the Forest, by Belted Will (6780),-Clarentina, by George (12939),-by Gamford (2044), by Rob Roy (557), by Peterill (4685) by Charley (880), by Ronald (565). (13187) LORD FANNY. White,calvedAug.31, 1849 bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farniey Hall, sold to Thomas Bentley, Pannel Hall,Wetherl>y, got by Laudable (9282). d. Fanny, (1739 >' *"- as (13205) LORD MORPETH. Red, calved June 25 1847 ? y " entoil > Farniey, the property of Thomas Gillmg, Lmdley, got by Laudable (9282), d. Michaelmas , . Touchstone (2771),-by Laurel (2188),-by Snow- (2o48). (13209) FOURTH LORD OF ERYiioi.ME.-Roan, calved Nov. 2t, 1852, bred by L. G. Morris, Mount Fordham, the property of S. Baker, Dunham, Canada East, got by Lord of Eryholme (12205),d. Woodbine 3d, by Lamartine (11662), -Woodbine, by Monitor (2331), Elvira, by Reformer (2503), by Snowdrop (21553), by Wellington r&SSl) by Midas (435),-by Orion (170) -by Traveller (655),-by Bol- (13216) LORD OF THE SOUTH. Rich roan, calved March 24, 1853, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, the property of Messrs. Fisher, Adelaide, South Australia, got by the Marquis of Bute (11788), d. Belinda, by Ranunculus (2479), &c., as in Usurer (19035). (13224) LORD RAGLAN. Red and white, calved Aug. 8, 1854, bred by J. Booth, Gotham, the property of C. Don- caster, Middlethorp, got by Exhibition (11450), d. Moss Rose 3d, by Laurel (8213), by Grouchy (6051), Moss Rose, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), White Rose, by Waverley (5613), Rosa, by Cedric (3310), Red Rose, by Fisher's son of Favourite (1028), by Ccelebs (897) by Rose's Red Bull (5009), by Fisher's Bull (3799). (13244) LORD RAGLAN. Roan, calved April 15, 1853, bred by and the property of M. S. Stewart, Southwick, got by Crusade (7938), d. Brenda, by Maunby (7223), Blackberry, by Raspberry (4875), Reel, by Rockingham (2551), Old Dolly, by Whisker (1579), by a Bull of Wm. Raine's. (13245) LORD RAGLAN. Roan, calved June 29, 1854, bred by and the property of G. Townshend, Sapcote Fields, got by Gen. Sale (8099), d. Laura, by Napier (6238), &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (13248) LORD RAINE. Roan, calved Jan. 1852, bred by W. Raine, Morton, the property of R. Thornton, Staple- ton, got by Gay Lad (12922), d. Lady Lax, by High Con- stable (9215), by Thorpe (2757), by Young Rocking- ham (2547), by Wellington (678). (13249) LORD SACKVILLE. Roan, calved March 15,1854, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Matadore (11800), d. Baroliana, by The Pacha (7612), Clara, by Mahomed (6170), Jane, by Reformer (2509), by Raby (2474), by Neesham (1261), by Marske (418). (13253) LORD STANWICK, 668. (13259) Louis NAPOLEON 2o. Roan, calved March 14, 1852, bred by the Marquis of Londonderry, sold to J. Bowstead, Beck Bank, got by 3d Duke of York (10166), d. Points, by Newton (4567), by Sir Walter (2639), by Emperor (1975), by Cardinal (641), by Baronet (61), by Cleveland (145), by Butterfly (104), by Globe (278). (13260) Louis NAPOLEON. White, calved Feb. 28, 1852, bred by T. C. Constable, Burton Constable, the property of Mr. Beecroft, got by Washington (11022), d. Blossom, by Snowball (5227), by Gainford (2044), by Reformer. (13266) MACBETH. Roan, calved Nov. 22, 1851, bred by and the property of F. H. Fawkes, Farniey Hall, got by Bridegroom (11203), d. Mrs. Malaprop, by Lord Chan- cellor (10435), Lady Milton, by Milton (7238), Zulieka, by Norfolk (2377), Medora, by Ambo (1636), by Mem- non (2295), by Pilot (497), by Agamemnon (9), by Bur- rell's Bull of Burdon. i) MACDONALD. Roan, calved June 3, 1854, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, the property of Mr. Morris, Maismore, got by 5th Duke of York (10168), d.Mary, by Lord Durham (9311), Medusa, by Mowthorpe (2843), Magic, by Wallace (5586). by Wellington (2824), by Mar- mion (406), by Merlin (430), by Layton (366), by Phe- nomenon (491). by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Wais- tell's Butt (669), by Masterman's Bull (422), by The Studley Bull (626). (13269) MACDUFF, 673. Red and white, calved 1827, bred by Col. Powel, Powelton, U. S. A., got by Malcolm (1190), d. Annabella, by Peter (487), Attraction, by Py- ramus (532), Aurora, by Comet (155), Marcella, by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Favourite (252), by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (13270) MACGREGOR, 675. (13277) MAGNUM BONUM. Roan, calved Feb. 9, 1853, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of the Duke of Richmond, Gordon Castle, got by Matadore (11800), d. The Vine, by Fairfax Royal (698?'), &c., as in Vampire (19043). (13279) MAJESTIC. Red and white, calved Nov. 13, 1853, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Modesty, by Bucking- ham (3239), Monica, by Raspberry (4875), &c., as in Lord Red Rose (22205). (13289) MAMELUKE. Red, calved April 9, 1854, bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart., the property of J. C. Adkins, Mil- cote, got by Janizary (8175), d. Fillet, by Fawsley (6004), Ac., as in Sarawak (15238). (13290) MAN FKIDAY. Roan, calved April, 1852, bred by H. T. Peacock, IIaddocktones, the property of G. J. TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. 189 Serjeantson, Ctimphill, icot by Warlaby (102SI). d. Dahlia, liy 'Favour (9114). Duchy, by Itoan Robin ( 4!5M), Red Jessamine, by Haddock (3691), Young Jessamine, by Tarqum (2734), by Roderick (2554), by Governor (1077), by Studley Grange (1483), by Governor (1077), by a son of Wellington (680). (18307) MARQUIS OP SPEKE. Red, calved July 24, 1853' bred by R. Bell, Mosbro' Hall, the property of T. Ather" ton, Speke, near Liverpool, Hiii).- Old Love, by Or- ville (4025), by Tomboy (8765), by Vesper (1547). (13403) OHIO, 764. White, calved Feb. 20, 1843, bred by the Society of Shakers, Union Village. Ohio, U.S.A., got by Karon Steuben (3097), d. Victoria, by son of Mac- dun' (18269), Maria, by Macdutt' (13269), ---by Barmpton (1677). (13-117) OMI.K I'.\< n \. Koan, calved Sept. 20, 1853, bred by and the property of T. Raine, (iainford, got by iM Earl of Scarboro (11410), d. Sprightly,by Riclimond (8485), Silverlocks, by The ( 'olonel (5428), Red Rose, by Anti- Radical (1642), Old Sally, by Young Rockingham (2547), by North Star (460), by Denton (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (13427) ORION, 780. Calved April 15, 1836. (13429) ORPHAN BOY. Red, calved March 22, 1854, bred by and the property of Mr. Topham, Dowestown, Navan. got by Hopewell (10332), d.Victoria 4th, by Prince Albert (11933), &c., as in Great Mogul (14651). (13443) OXFORD LAD, 3240. Calved June 2, 1853. (13458) PATHFINDER, 805. (13462) YOUNG PEER. Red, calved March 31, 1848, bred by and the property of Messrs. Atkinson, Peepy, got by Duke of St. Albans (8001), d. Young Red Duchess, by The Peer (5455), Red Duchess, by Bachelor (1666), &c., as in Count (10079). (13463) PENRYHN. Roan, calved Nov. 21, 1852, bred by and the property of Col. Pennant, Penryhn, Bangor, got by Loveuiore (10476), d. Trifle, by Lauucelot (6122), Tur- tle, by Eclipse (3684), Tulip, by Boughtou (7841), by Young Merlin (6204), by Midas (435), by Denton (198). (13465) PERCY. Red, calved 1840, bred by Mr. Chrisp, Hawkhill, got by The Peer (5455), d. Prendwick Princess, by Bachelor (1666), &c., as in Melrose (11805). (13494) PRINCE ALFRED. Roan, calved Jan. 19, 1854, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Vivandiere, by Buckingham (3239), &c., as in K. C. B. (26492). (13497) PRINCE ARTHUR. Roan, calved Feb. 11, 1852, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Vivandiere, by Buckingham (3239), &c., as in K. C. B. (26492). (13503) PRINCE CHARLIE, 862. (13507) PRINCE DUKE. Red, calved Oct. 6, 1853, bred by and the property of C. P. Grenfell, Taplow Court, Maidenhead, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), d. Prin- cess Fairfax, by Lord A. Fairfax (4249), Princess Royal, by Thick Hock (6601), &c., as in Prelate (11919). (13510) PRINCE GEORGE. Red and white, calved May 9, 1852, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Monica, by Raspberry (4875), &c. 3 as in Lord Red Rose (22205). (13511) PRINCE JOHN. Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1854, bred by and the property of J. R. Singleton, Great Givendale, got by George (12941), d. Charity, by Surplus (10901), by Bachelor (3071), by Navigator (1260). (13532) PROPHET, 845. Calved April, 1850. (13587) REMBRANDT. Roan, calved Sept. 16, 1853, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, the property of Mr. Barber, Sprotley, got by Valiant (10989), d. Rosa, by Ba- ron of Ravensworth (7811), &c., as in Hogarth (13036). (13590) RICHARD COSUR DE LION. Roan, calved Nov. 15,1853, bred by and the property of Mr.Towneley,Towne- ley Park, got by Jasper (11609), d. Ruby, by Duke (9032), Gem, by Harisonio (6055), Gipsey, by Planet (4718), Miss Peacler, by Sol (2655), Rue, by Harsley (2091), by Regent (2514), by St. Albans (1412), by North Star (459). (13592) RICHMOND. Red and white, calved 1847, bred by Col. Cradock, Hartforth. got by Billingham (67S6). d. Grey Rose 1st, by Roland (255iii.--Ked Ro-o. by Rob Roy (557), by Marshal Blacker (416), by Houghton (318), Colling, from the Stocks of Messrs. Wright and Charge (13600) RIVINGTON. Red and white, calved Sept. 15^ 1852, bred by and the property of R. Ashton, Limefield, got by The Squire (12217), d. Rosebud, by Earl of Dur- ham (5965), White Rosalind, by Pedestrian (7321), Roan Rosalind, by Edrom (1956), Young Rosalind, by Scipio (1421), by Hector (1104), by Midas (435), by Marquis (407), by Chilton (136), by Ben (70). (13603) ROAN DUKE. Roan, calved 1852, bred by A. L. Maynanl, Marton-le-Moor, Ripon, got by Duke of Richmond (7996), dam Cherub, by Crusade "(71)38), by Napoleon (10552), by a son of Darius (953), from the Stock of Mr. Jackson, Normanby. (13608) ROBTX HOOD. 915. Calved Jan. 18-18. bred by R. Wade, Jr.. Coburir. C. W.. -rot by Am. Helled Will (l-j:!'.U). d. Clarentine. by < 19), &C,, as in Lord El-in (13184). 190 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (13610) ROBIXSOX CRUSOE. Roan, calved April 6, 1853, bred by and the property of F. II. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Lord Marquis (10459), d. Lovely, by Triumph (S7]7), Lydia, by Matchless (4428), Laura, by Boughton (&SIJ8), Lily, by Roman (2559), by Columella (904), by Albion (14), by Cinnamon (139), by Neswick (1266). (13612) YOUNG ROCKIXGHAM. White, calved in 1840, bred by Mr. Holmes, Ireland, got by Kockiiigham (2550), d. Violetta, by Young Cheviot (3366), Young Violet, by Shylock (2622), Violet, by Navigator (1260), Beauty, by Percy (1312), Delicacy, by Ketton (346), by Expect- ation (247), by Magnum Bonum (2882), by H. Chap- man's Bull, by R. Grimston's Bull, by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (13615) ROGER. Red, calved March 25, 1844, bred by and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, got by The Touches (6596), d. Duchess, by Thorpe (2757), Kilmeny,by Matchem (2281), by a son of George (1066), by Wynyard (703). (13619) ROMEO. Rich roan, calved April, 1850, bred by Marquis of Exeter, Burghley Park, the property of L. G. Morris and N. J. Becar, New York, U. S. A., got by Columbus (10063), d. Juliet, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Miranda, by Bellerophon (3119), &c., as in Chieftain (14267). (13623) ROMILLY. White, calved May 13, 1849, bred by and the property of H. W. Kipley, Lightcliffe, got by Senator (8548), d. Emily, by Sir Phillip (8588), by Pre- mier (2448), by Alfred (2985). (13629) ROSETTE BULL. Bred by J. C. Maynard, Harl- sey Hall, got by Jerveaux (13082), d. Rosette, by Mon- arch 3d (4502), Ruth, by Gainford (204-1), Ruth, bred by Mr. Atkinson, Temple Sowerby. (13631) ROTHEKSTHOBPE, 928. (13636) ROYAL. Roan, calved March 3, 1852, bred by Mr. Wiley, Brandsby, the property of Mr. Game, Broad- moor, got by Prince Royal (8428), d. Amy, by Rumour (7456), Hypolita, by Belshazzar (1704), Giantess, by a Bull of Mr. Hunter's, Gilling. (13641) RUBENS. Red with a little white, calved Mar. 10, 1854, bred by and the property of Mr. Morrison, Mountblairy, Tarriff, got by Jemmy (11611), d. Ruth, by Duke of St. Albans (8001), Ruby, by Guy Faux (7062), Little Red Rose, by Pedestrian (7321), by Lucien (2228), by Raby (2473). (13649) YOUNG RUFUS. Red, calved 1843, bred by Mr. Jolly, Londonderry, Bedale, got by Rufus (5032), d. by Raspberry (4875), by Young Comet (1853), descended from the Stock of Mr. Jolly. (13663) SAINT NICHOLAS, 4347. (13674) SCAMP. Red and white, calved 1844, bred by C. Holmes, Ireland, got by Sir John Sinclair 105), d. Flap- per, by Prince Albert (11933), Wild Duck, by Dandy (11327), Hospitality, by Leicester (1165). (13675) SCAPULARY (15244). (13681) YOUNG SCOTLAND. Roan, calved June 24, 1854, bred by and the property of Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by .Marquis of Bute (11788), d. Mockingbird, by Scrive- ner (10791), Jenny Lind, by Minstrel (8687), Lady Lou- isa, by Paris (7314), Countess, by Vanguard (5545), Dodona, by Alabaster (1616), No. 6, by Dr. Syntax (220), &c., as in George (12941). (13687) SENATOR 2o, 958. (13692) SHEEPSTOR. Red, calved Feb. 20, 1850, bred by Sir A. Buller, Pound, Tavistock, got by Weathercock (9815), d.Lela, by Red Duke 2d (8460), Snowberry, by Orator (23'JO), Young Snowdrop, by Reformer (4915), Snowdrop, by Yorick (5696), by Sirius (5161) by Lu- bin (4291), by Sultan (53-44), by Mr. Burgess' Bull (3139). , SHEFFIELDER, 961^. Roan, calved Dec. 31, 1850, bred by Mr. Hall, Kiveton Park, got by His Grace (10323), d Sally, by Tinsley (9748),-Sarah, by Fitz-Harry (7009),-White Rose, by Plenipo (4724), by A-la-Mode (725), by Childers (1824), by Columella (904), by Al- bion (14), by Marske (418), by Blyth Comet (85), by Favourite (1033). (13698) SHYLOCK, 965. (13705) SIR CHARLES. Red, calved March 6, 1854, bred by and the property of R. Syme, Redkirk, got by Laner- cost (11666), d. Snowdrop, by Strathmore (6547) Cath- erine 3d, by Playfellow (6297), Young Catherine, by Sir William (12102), by Emperor (1974). (13712) SIR CHARLES NAPIER. Roan, calved March, 1853, bred by J. M. Hopper, Nowluun Grange, the prop- erty of Ralph Wade, Jr., Cobourg, C. W., got by Belle- ville (6778), d. Polly, by Belleville (6778), Madeline, by NeAvham (4563), Ganymede, by Uptaker (2784), Gar- land, by Matchem (2281), by Fitz-Remus (2025), by Cato (119), by Whitworth (695), bought of Mr. Mason. (13718) SIR COLIN CAMPBELL. Roan, calved Nov. 11, 1854, bred by and the property of H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), d. Violet, by Duke of Richmond (7996), Victoria, by Fourth Duke of North- umberland (3649), by Eclipse (9069), by a son of Rob Roy (557), Old Cow, bred from the stock of C. and R, Colling. (13735) SIR JOHN. Roan, calved April 26, 1854, bred by and the property of R. Syme, Red Kirk, Gretna, got by Baron of Kidsdale (11156), d. Syren, by Petrarch (7329), Countess, byEthelred (5990), Sarah,by Hecatomb (2102), by Belvedere 2d (3127), by Barmpton (5774), by Kitt (2179), by Middleton's Bull (438). (13737) SIRIUS, 4371. (13749) SIR THOMAS. Roan, calved May 25, 1853, bred by and the property of W. Mitchell, Cleasby, got by Bride- groom (11203), d. Miss Lonsdale, by Lonsdale (9305). by Buckingham (3209), by Raspberry (4875), by Studley Royal (5342). (13758) SMILING WILLY, 980. (13766) SOLON. White, calved April 4, 1853, bred by T. Featherstonhaugh, The College, Kirkoswald, got by Abra- ham Parker (9856), d. Strawberry, by St. Thomas (10777), Strawberry 2d, by Conservative (3472), Old Strawber- ry, by Chorister (3378), Strawberry, by. Tom Gwynne (5498), by Wellington (2824), by Marmion (406), by Ossian (476). (13775) SPECULATOR. Red, calved April 20, 1854, bred by and the property of Mr. Shepherd, Shethin, got by Red Knight (11976), d. Waterloo 14th, by Grand Duke (10284), Waterloo 13th, by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047), Waterloo 9th, by Second Cleveland Lad (3408), Water- loo 6th, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), by Norfolk (2377), by Waterloo (2816), by Waterloo (2816). (13779) SQUIRE GWYNNE 2n, 1001. (13789) STATESMAN. Bred by Mr.Holland, Eppleworth Grange, near Hull. Same pedigree as Statesman (10880). (13799) SUFFOLK HERO. Red, calved Jan. 9, 1854, bred by and the property of N. J. Becar, Smithtown, New- York, U. S. A., got by Marquis of Carrabas (11789), d.Lady Barrington 12th, by Fourth Duke of York (10167), Lady Barrington 8th, by Second Duke of Oxford (9046), Lady Barrington 5th, by Fourth Duke of Northumberland (3649). Lady Barrington 3d, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Lady Barrington 2d, by Belvedere (1706). Lady Barring- ton, by a son of Herdsman (304), by Wonderful (700), by Alfred (23), by Young Favourite (6994). (13819) SYLVAN KING. Roan, calved Feb. 12, 1854. bred by and the property of T. Willis, Bedale, got by Gipsey King (11532), d. Fanny, by The Irishman (5446), Rouge, by Borderer (3191), Rosa, by Paganini (2405), Red Rose by Forrester (1055), by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502)' (13822) TALLY Ho. Roan, calved Sept. 13, 1853, bred by and the property of N. J. Becar, Smithtown, New York, U. S. A., got by Romeo (13619), d. Apricot, by 3d Duke of York (10166), Annie, by 4th Duke of North- umberland (3649), Anna, by Short Tail (2621), Acomb, by Belvedere (1706), a Cow of Mr. Bates, Kirldevington. (13825) TECUMSEH, 2280. (13829) TENANTRY. Roan, calved March, 1851, bred by Mr. Langston, M. P., Sarsden, got by Lord Milton (10461) d.Mary Comely, by a son of Sherborne (10805), Comely, by Bucephalus (6816), Comely, by Stanhope (5315). (13830) TERTIUS. Red roan, calved June, 1848, bred by J. G. Dixon, Caistor, the property of Mr. Ilobson, Kit- tleby Thorpe, got by St. Leonard (8524), d. Octavia, by Barmpton Grazier (3091), by Soldier (2656), by Cato (857), by Barmpton Major (3092), by Barmpton (54), by brother to R. Colling's White Heifer. (13833) THE BARON. Red, calved Feb. 17, 1853, bred by R.Chaloner, King's Fort, Moynalty, Ireland, the property of A.Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), d. Bon Bon, by Orontes (4623), Sylph, by Sir Walter (2637), by Hotspur (1117), by Coxcomb (928), by Mi- das (435), Rachel, by Comet (155), by R. Colling's son of Favourite (252), by same son of Favourite (252), by Hubback (319). (13834) THE BARONET. Bred byMr.Fetherstonhaugh, got by Sir John Sinclair (5165), d. Funny Eye, by Eclipse TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 191 (3685), Fanny, by Belzoni (783), from the stock of Mr. it, Castle Baggot. (l;;s:',r,i TIIK HCCK. Roan, calved May 10, 1S54, bred b\- and the property of Mr. < 'on i lie. Cobham Park, got by Puritan (9523). d. Cambridge Hose lith, by 3d J)uke of York (10166), &c., as in Cambridge Duke 4th (25706). (13870) THE PRIOR. Red roan, calved Feb. 25, 1853, bred by Sir A. Buller, Pound, the property of Sir J. W. Lubbock, Bart., High Elms, got by Sheepstor (13692), d. Mantilini, by 3d Duke of Cambridge (5941), Green Man- tle, by Sir Walter (2639), by Young Jerry (8177), by Roseberry (567), by Roseberry (567), by Young Star (5319), by Constitution (166), by Leopold (372). (13890) TOMMY BATES. Roan, calved Feb. 1, 1852, bred by L. G. Morris, Mount Fordham, New York, the prop- erty of Gen. Geo. Cadwalader, Philadelphia, U. S. A., got by Lord of Eryholme (12205), d. Oxford 5th, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Oxford 3d, by Short Tail (2621), by Matchem (2281), by Young Wyuyard (2859). (13892) TORTWORTH DUKE. Roan, calved Aug. 1852, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, the property of Mr. Bowly, Siddington, got by 4th Duke of York, (10167), d. Stella, by Rockingham (2550), Starville. by Young Sea Gull (5100), &c., as in North Star (9447). ' TREASURER. Bred by J. C. Maynard, Harlsey Hall, got by Rosette Bull (13629), d. by Augustus (6752), by Velocipede (5553), by Sir Alexander (591), by Marske (418), from the Stock of Mr.Maynard,Eryholme. (13901) TRORY. Roan, calved April 17, 1852, bred by H. M. Richardson, the property of N. M. Archdall, Rose- fad, got by Roberto (9550), d. Hannah, by Noble (4578), Helen, by Invalid (4076), Lady Sarah, by Satellite (1420) Ac., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (13907) UDOLPHO. Bred by J. C. Maynard, Harlsey Hall, got by Crusade (7938), d. Red Rose 2d by Royal Prince (5024), Red Rose, by Augustus (6752), &c., as" in Bushey (15712). (13912) UNCLE TOM. Roan, calved 1850, bred by Sir C. R. Tempest, Bart, the property of Mr. Strickland, got by Tom of Lincoln (8714), d. Fun, by Buchan Hero (3238) Fancy, by Remus (2524), &c., as in Usurper (13928). (13926) UNRIVALLED. Roan, calved Feb. 1852, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of Mr White Clinterly, got by Young Pestalozzi (10605) d. Lady Ann Fairfax, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Goswick 3d, by The Peer (5455), Goswick 2d, by Doddington (1920), te, Kingscote Park, got ?& h lke , f T r (101(i7) ' f I- Thompson, Shernll Hutton, York, got by Prince Royal (8128), d. Hernia, by Buckingham (3239), Ilypolita, by Belshazzar (1704), Giantess, by a Bull of Mr. Hunter's, Gilling. (13960) VOCALIST. Red, calved Dec. 23, 1X54, bred by S.E.Bolden, Springfield Hull, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Garcia, by Grand Duke (1028-4), &c., as in Grand Duke of Lancaster (19883). (13964) VOLTIQEUR. Roan, calved 1853, bred by Mr. Chrisp, Hawkhill, the property of Mr. Stephenson, Four- stones, got by Phoenix (10608), d. by Napier (7266), by Percy (13465), Charlotte, by Regent (2517), Dnnstan, by St. Albans (2584), by Widdrington (5656), by Barn- aby (1678). (13966) VOLTIGEUR. Red, calved Dec. 22, 1852, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Valiant (10989), d. Lavinia, by Prince Ernest (4818), Lady Ann, by Gan- thorpe (2049), by Rockingham (2550), by Buhner (1760), by Don Juan (1923). (13987) WELLINGTON. Roan, calved Jan. 5, 1841, bred by J. Howitt, Guelph, Canada West, got by Young Far- mer,* d. Strawberry, by Reformer, Lily, by Warden (1563), Beauty, by Rockingham (560), by Sir Harry (1444), by Colonel (152), by a son of Hubback (319). *A. H. B., 62. L. P. A. WELLINGTON, 1087. Roan, calved May 21, 1852, bred by R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, the property of Messrs. Hankins and Coulter, Clinton, Ohio, U. S. A., got by Lausdowne (9277), d. Cycle, by King Lear (8196), Zone, by Orontes (4623), Roguery, by Mercury (2301), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (13991) WESTCHESTER, 1089X- Roan, calved April, 1845, bred by Mr. Collins, the property of Mr. Rotch, Morriss, New York, U. S. A., got by Yorkshireman (5700), d. White Rose, by Splendid (5297), Yellow Rose by Young Denton (963), &c., as in Don (3600). (13993) WHIG, alias INNES' WHIG, 588. Red and white calved 1842, bred by G. W. Williams, the property of C. W. Innes, Fayette Co., Kentucky. (14001) WHITE KNIGHT. White, calved March 5, 1854, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, the property of Mr. Lamb, Auburn, got by Valiant (12253), d. Beauty, by Victor (8739), Mantle, by Marcus (2262), Floranthe, by Matchem (2281), &c., as in George (12938). (14005) WHITTINGTON 2o, 2385. Rich roan, calved May 17, 1851, bred by J. Wood, Stanwick Park, sold to Messrs. Hankins, Seymour and Coulter, U. S. A., got by Whit- tington (12299), d. Beeswax, by Noble (4578), Beeswing, by St. Helena (5055), Blossom, by Reformer (2502) Rosebud, by Margrave (2263), by Leopold (2199), by Hector (2103), by Surly (2715), by Traveller (655), by Colonel (152). (14009) WILL o 1 THE WISP. Roan, calved Jan. 29, 1851 bred by Earl Fitz William, Wentworth Park, got by Dul- cimer (9052), d.Well o'Day, by Sir Walter (2639), by Rose- berry (567), Lady, by Cupid (178), by Leopold (372). (14013) WINDSOR. White, calved Oct. 1, 1851, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Wariaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Plum Blossom, by Buckingham (3239), &c., as in First Fruits (16048). (14015) WISETOX. Roan, calved July 6, 1852, bred by Jonas W T ebb, Babraham, sold to Mr. Sturgeon, for Aus- tralia, got by Red Roan Kirtling (10691), d. Minuet, by Orontes (4623), Symphony, by William (2840). Clarion, by Childers (1824), &c., as ha George 1st (19848). (14039) YORKSHIRE LAD, 2398. White, calved March 6, 1854, bred by and the property of P. L. Cable, Scott Co., Ky., U. S. A., got by De Grey (11346), d. Yorkshire Rose, by Gen. Fairfax (11519), Purple, by Liberator (7140), Hannah, by .Matchem (4422), Sowerby. by Hed Rover (4904), or Rockingham (2551), by Whisker (1579), by Pilot (496). (140-13) YORKSHIRE MAYNARD, 2401. (14046) ZEALOT. Roan, calved Dec. 12, 1852, bred by R. A. Alexander, Woodburn, Ky., U. S. A., got by Puri- tan (1)523), d. Peeress, by Lord Mann ion (8244), - Empress, by Prince Albert (4791), Countess, by Cyrus (3588), Empress, by Bedford (68), by Northern Light (1281), by White Comet (1582). (14047) ZETLAND. Red and white, calved March 12, 1852, bred by the Earl of Zetland, Aske Hall, the prop- erty of S. Wiley, Brandsby. icot by 3d Duke of York (10166), d. Figurante, by Zenith (670B), by Orontes (4628), by William ^40), by Childers (18a4),-*y Richard (1876), by Jupiter (342), by Charles (127),- -by WLid.-'or ('ills;, by Chilton (13(5), by Colonel (15.-J-). (14050) ZOUAVE, 2465. 192 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS VOLUME XII. (14072) ALBION. Roan, calved Dec. 23, 1855, bred by J Beetham, West Harlsey, the property of Mr. Elliot, eot bv Eugene Aram (10210), d. Adelaide, by Prince Al- bert (4780), Kuby, by a son of Nunthorpe (4600), Bar- oness, by Appleton's Red Bull (8008), Jenny 3d, by Lis- ton (2210), by Wonderful (700), by Baronet (61), by Jupiter (345), by Alfred (23), by a son of Washington (675). (14099) ARCHDUKE. Roan, calved Dec. 23, 1855, bred by and the property of Capt. R. Gunter, The Grange, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Duchess 69th, by 4th Duke of York (10167), Duchess 59th, by 2d Duke of Ox- ford (9046), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (14102) ARGUS, 2502. Roan, calved Dec. 14, 1855, bred by H. Combe, Cobham Park, sold to the Illinois Com- pany, U. S. A., got by The Beau (12182), d. Annie, by Broughton Hero (6811), Minosa, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), Minna, by Fergus (3782), Starlight, by Dandy (1902), by Oliver (2386), by Blyth (797), by Midas (435), by Boughton (90), by Windsor (698), by a son of Fa- vourite (252). (14106) ARTHUR. Roan, calved Dec. 24, 1853, bred by and the property of T. Proctor, Walls Court, got by Beau- fort (11161), d. Ariel, by Earl of Dublin (10178), Ruby, by Gustavus the Hero (7058), Nosegay, by Tathwell (5399), by Red Rover (4906), by Wharfdale (1578), by Palemon (479), by Meteor (432), by Western Comet (689), by Favourite (252), by Cupid (177), by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), by Foljambe (263), by R.Alcock's Bull (19). (14134) BARON HOPEWELL. Roan, calved Aug.12, 1856, bred by T. Barnes, Westland, the property of Col. Towne- ley, Towneley Park, got by Hopewell (10332), d. The Baroness, by Baron Warlaby (7813). Ophelia, by Hamlet (8126), &c., as in Lord Napier (26688). (14150) BELLEVILLE 3o, 1246. (14154) BELSHAZZAR 2D. Roan, calved May 5, 1845, bred by J. Wailes, Rounton, got by Fancy Bull (14533), d. Clara, by Alderman (2976), by Waterloo (2816), by Young Wynyard (2859), by Son of Simon (590), by Sty- ford (103). (14155) BELSHAZZAR. Roan, calved in 1837, bred by Messrs. Watson, Wauldby, got by Belshazzar (1703), d. Laurustina, by Grazier (1085), Miss Cropper, by Rob Roy (557), byBarmpton (54), by Expectation (247), by Ostler's Bull (1298). (14159) BENEDICT BALCO. Rich roan, calved March 5, 1856, bred by T. B. Sydserff, Ruchlaw House, the prop- erty of A. Longmore, Rettie, got by Capt. Balco (12546), d. Beatrice Mayflower, by Benedict (7828), Sprightly, by Young Hector (7074), Cowslip, by Young Hastings (3988), by Wallace (5588), by Ivanhoe (1130), by Leo- pold (2199), by Hector (2ia3), by Sir Harry (5155), by Surly (2715), by Burrell's Bull (3248). (14169) BLOOD ROYAL. Red, calved May 16, 1855, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Duke of Bolton (12738), d. Gertrude, by Lord George (10439), &c., as in Booth Royal (15673). (14183) BOSQUET. Red, calved July 29, 1854, bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, the property of G. Shepherd Shethin, got by Friar's Cowl (11497), d. Aloyse, by Earl of Dublin (10178), Meadowsweet, by Grey Friar (9172), Freckle, by Fawsley (6004), &c., as in Duke of Sutherland (19645). (14193) BRIGADIER. Roan, calved April 1, 1855, bred by the Hon. H. N. Hill, Berrington, the property of H. W. Dashwood, Dunstew, got by Benjamin (12465), d. Or- ange, by Flower King (11483), Olive Bud, by White Comet (11041), Olive Leaf, by Orontes (4623), &c., as in King of Trumps (22047). (14197) BRITISH PRINCE. White, calved June 11, 1854, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Bianca, by Leonard (4210), Bagatelle, by Buckingham (3239), Jemima, by Raspber- ry (4875), Strawberry 3d, by Young Matchem (4422), Strawberry 2d, by Young Alexander (2977), Strawberry, by Pilot (496), by Lame Bull (359), by Easby (232), by Suworrow (636). (14203) YOUNG BUCKINGHAM. Roan, calved 1844, bred by T. Jolly, Warlaby. got by Buckingham (3239), d. Fairy, by Raspberry (4875), by Constitution (12634), descend- ed from the Stock of Mr. Jolly, Worsall. (14224) CAMBRIDGE BARRINGTON SD. Rich roan, calv- ed July 8, 1855, bred by and the property of the Earl of Burlington, Holker Hall, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Lady Barrington 8th, by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), Lady Barrington 5th, by 4th Duke of Northum- land (3649), Lady Barrington 3d, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Lady Barrington 2d, by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Gen. Barrington (21810). (14247) CARPENTER. Bred by W. Dale, Catterick, got by The Monk (2752), d. Belinda, by Taurus (2740), Old Belinda, bred by Mr. Scroop, Danby Hall. (14250) CAVALIER. Roan, calved April, 1855, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, Burghley Park, the property of Mr. Yorke, Thrapstoue, got by Master Thankful (10514), d Pythia 4th, by Romeo (13619), Pythia 3d, by Govern- or (10280), Pytliia 3d, by Friar Tuck (3848) Pythia, by Algernon (1631), by Emperor (1014), by Meteor (1226). (14252) CHALLENGER, 324. (14265) CHERRY DUKE 2o. Red ; calved March 15, 1856, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, the property of G. Shepherd, Shethin, got by Second Grand Duke (12961), d. Cherry Duchess, by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as in Cherry Duke 3d (15763). (14267) CHIEFTAIN. Roan, calved Feb. 1856, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, Burghley Park, the property of Mr. Barnett, Stratton Park, got by Francisco (12893), d. Manama, by Santiago (12047), Miranda, by Bellerophon (3119), Perfection, by Sillery (5131), by Champagne (3317), by Favourite (256), by Gibson's Sampson. (14274) CHRISTMAS ROSE. White, calved Jan. 5, 1849, bred by A. Harvey, Tillygreig, got by Duke of Clarence (9040), d. Buchan Heroine, by Wellington (6670), Kate, by Chieftain (3370), Lady Sale, by Buchan Hero (3238), Rose, by Commander (3439), by Magnet (392), by Palmflower (480). (14279) CLARENCE. Roan, calved May 28, 1854, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Leoni- das (10414), d. Cheerful, by Lord George (10439), Charity, by Buckingham (3239), Hope, by Leonard (4210), Faith, by Raspberry (4875), by Young Matchem (4422), by Isaac (1129),-by Young Pilot (497),-Pilot (496),-by Ju- lius Caesar (1143). (14280) CLARENDON. Red, calved April 24, 1856, bred by G. Shepherd, Shethin, got by Red Knight (11976), d. Princess Royal 3d, by Grand Duke (10284), Princess Royal, by Robin O'Day (4973), Vesta, by Leander (4199), Varna, by a son of Matchem (2281), by Sir Henry (1446), by Young Neswick (1268), by a son of Rose's Red Bull (2568), by Southampton, by Prince (521). (14283) CLEVELAND LAD 3D. Roan, calved Dec. 12, 1845, bred by Hon. Col. Duncombe, M. P., Waresley Park, got by Cleveland Lad 2d (3408), d. by Duke of Northum- berland (1940), by Belvedere (1706), by Emperor (1975), by Wonderful (700), by Cleveland (145), by Butterfly (104), by Hollon's Bull (313), by Mowbray's Bull (2342), by Masterman's Bull (422), descended from the Stock of M. Dobison. (14287) COBHAM. Roan, calved July, 1855, bred by S. Marjoribanks, Bushey Grove, the property of the Earl of Zetland, Aske Hall, got by Duke of Argyle (11375), d. Careless 2d, by Squire Gwynne (12140), Caroline, by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), Careless, by Short Tail (2621), Crasigs, by a son of 2d Hubback (2683), bought of Mr. Bates, and descended from the Stock of Mr. Maynard, Eryholme. (14321) CONSUMMATE. Roan, bred by W. Coppinger, Barry's Court, got by Alfred (6732), d. Cowslip, by 2d Comet (5101), Carnation, by Prince Paul (4827), Lady Bird, by Monarch (2324), Lavender, by Darlington (955), by Ketton (346), by Blucher (80), by Pope (514). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 193 (1 4353) CROWN PRINCE. White, calved June 14, ls.v>, bred bv R. W. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, got by Crown [mperia] ii2t.r>>.d. Pearl :>th, by Abraham J?arker (9866), Pearl, by Homer (2134), Windermere, by Emperor (1974), Peeress, by Snowdrop (2658), Countess, by Sir Charles (593), &c., as in Candidate (1778). (14355) CRUISER. Red, calved 1855, bred by and the property of A. L. Maynard, Marton-le-Moor, got by Cru- sade (7938), d.Brenda, by The Baron (86(36), Short Tail, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), Sprittle, by Young Sea Gull (5100), by Sultan (1485), by Crusader (934), by Chillingham (3374). (14359) CUPID. Red and white, calved April 7, 1856, bred by G. Sainsbury, The Priory, the property of E.W. and S. Rich, Didmarton, eot by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), d. Darlington 6th, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11:387), Darlington 1st, by Thomas (5471), &c., as in Duke of Darlington (21586). (14364) DAISY BULL SD. Red, calved June 20th, 1856, bred by H. J. Spearman, Newton Hall, the property of R. Thornton, Stapleton, got by Usurer (9763), d. Wild Flower, by Duke of Richmond (7996), by Belvedere 2d (5024), by Lisbon (1172), Rosa, by Norman (1276), by Acklam (713), by Meteor (431), by Duke (226), by Fa- vourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). (14366) DANDY. Red and white, calved March 19, 1856, bred by T. W. Bramston, M. P., The Skreens, the prop- erty of J. Reeve, Warden Hall, got by Orestes (15027), d. Betsey Bell, by Senator (8548), Belle, by Belvedere 2d (3127), by Bellerophon (3119), by Kitt (2179), or Water- loo (2816). (14405) DR. BUCKINGHAM, 2720. (14419) DUKE. Roan, calved July 11, 1856, bred by and the property of Sir Wilfred Lawson, Hart., Brayton, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Catchit, by Earl of Dublin (10178), Meadowsweet, by Grey Friar (9172), Freckle, by P'awsley (6004), &c., as in Duke of Suther- land (UMM5). (14428) DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. Red and white, calved March 31, 1855, bred by R. Booth, Warlaby, the property of R. F. Housman, Lune Bank. Full brother to Gen. liavelock (16110). (14433) YOUNG DUKE op CAMBRIDGE. Roan, calved Aug. 7, 1855, bred by and the property of J. Webb, Bab- 2-aham, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Dafly Gwynne, by Sir Harry (10819). Daphne Gwynne, by Conservative (3472), &c., as in Charley (17541). (14447) DUKE op Moscow. Red and white, calved March 1, 1S56, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, the B:-operty of J. Peel, Knowlmere Manor, not by 2d Giand uke (12961), d. Victory, by 3d Duke of York (10166), Vienna, by Duke of Richmond (7996), Victoria, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), Queen, by Eclipse (9069), -by Col. Cradock's son of Rob Roy (557), Old Cow, from the Stock of C. and R. Colling. (14453) DUKE OF RICHMOND. Rich roan, calved May 19, 1842, bred by T. Chrisp, Hawkhill, got by Regent (2517), d. by Borderer (3191), by Eclipse (1949), by Tog- si on (5487), by Bolingbroke (3184). by a son of Midas (435), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (14455) DUKE OF SOUTHWICK, 450. (14 456) DUKE op SUFFOLK. Roan, calved July 19, 1855, bred by and the property of N. G. Barthropp, Creting- ham Rookery, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Lady Blanche, by 4th Duke of York (10167). Lady Barrington Xth, by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), Lady BarringtonSth, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), Lady Barrin"- ton 3d, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Lady Barrington 2d, by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Gen. Barriugton (21810). (11468) EARL COURTNEY, 3901. Roan, calved in May, 1856, bred by and the property of J. Stephenson, Wol- i. got by Gen. Sale (SO!)!)), d. Me'a!, by Lord Warden (7167), Titania, by Orontes (4623), Zinc, by Guardian (W47), Roguery, by Mercury (2301), etc., as' in Zaratan (11176) EARL OF HARDWICKE. Roan, calved May 1, 1,-O.t;. bred by and the property of J. Webb, Babraham, got by Marquis of Bute (11788), d. Countess of llanhvirke by Percy UWS>, Celia, by 3d Duke of Northumberland (:{< in. etc.. as in Lord Wallace (24473.). (14KT) EARL VANE, 464. (11 NS) KDWIN. Red ;:nd white, calved July 1, lsr,;i. bred by and the property of II. Smith, Drax Abbey eol by iirideman U-,'Hi:J>. d. Kmily. by Capt. Shaftoe ( Emma, by Promoter (iu<;:>S),--by Libeiator (714 Belshazzar (14155), by Norfolk (2377;, by Baronet (774), 86 by Meier, , (482), by Marshal Bere>ford (115), by Windsor (608). < Ills;)) I>FTNELL.- -Red and white, calved Aim. 13, 1*51. bred by Sir C. Knighlley, Bart.. Fawsiey Park, the property ol J. G. Dixon, < ai>!or. mot by Friar'- (11497), d. London Pride, by Janizary (8175), &c., as in Sir Charles (16948). (14491) ELLINGTON. Roan, calved March 1, 1856, bred byT. T. Drake, Shardeloes, the property of J. Chamber-, Adelaide, S. A., got by Scapulary (15244), d. Loc-lia, bv Killjoy (14759), Lucetta,by3d Duke of Northumberland (3647), Louisa, by Bashaw (1692), Caroline, by Colu- mella (904), by Palatine (47S), by Palmnower (480), by Patriot (486), by Driffield (223), by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (14505) EMPEROR. Rmn, calved April 29, 1856, bred by and the property of J. B. Stanhope, M. P., Revesby Abbey, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Eugenie, by Grey Friar (9172), Fidelia, by Fawsiey (6004), Flour- ish, by Little John (4232), Lilla. by Caliph (1774) by Norman (2379), by White Boy (1580), by Wyville's Bull! by a Bull of Mr. Charge's. (14509) EMPEROR NAPOLEON. Roan, calved March 3, 1856, bred by J. Unthank. Netherscales, the property of Sir C. R. Tempest, Bart., Brouerhton Hall, got by Duke of Cambridge (12748), d. Portia 4th, by Dusty Miller (9055) &c., as in Gen. Havelock (16130). (14520) YOUNG EVENLODE. Bred by Rev. C. James, Evenlode, got by Bruin (12503), d. by Evenlode (9099), by Locksley (4240), by Sir Charles (8568), by Red Robin (2492), by Sir Alexander (591), &c., as in Bruin (12.-0:;). (14533) FANCY BULL. Roan, calved 1840. bred by J. C. Maynard, Harlsey Hall, got by Viceroy (5561), d. Fancy, by Belshazzar (1704). Fanny, by a son of Cato (119), by Garrick (2051), by Brother to Wynyard (703), by Cro- kin's White Bull (1889). (14536) FARNLEY. Red and white, calved Dec. 25, 1856, bred by and the property of T. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, got by Young Lochinvar (13164), d. Moss Rose, by Prince Edward (6334), Flora, by Traveller (6617), Dido, by Charles (3343), Cora, by Commodore (5874), by Cupid (5900), by Parson (1306), by St. John (572), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (14539) FAWKES, 6729. Light roan, calved Feb.26, 1855, bred by Mr. Syme, Redkirk, the property of W. Arm- strong, Markham. Canada West, got by Sir John (13735), d. Ladybird, by Remus (11987), Red Rose, by Strath- more (6547), by Playfellow (6297), by Scrip (2604), by Thornington (5-172). (1 4552) FITZ CLARENCE. Roan, calved Nov. 22, 1856, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Clarence (1427!)). d. Nectarine !>los -om. by Crown Prince (10087), Hawthorn Blossom, by Leonard (4210), Ac., as in First Fruits (16048). (14555) FITZ WILLIAM. Roan, calved June 12, 1846, bred by Sir W. Lawson. Bart.. Brough Park, got by Fitz Leonard (7010), d. Mabel, by Lord Lieutenant (4260), &c., as in Lord Stanley (16452). (14580) FUGLEMAN. Rich roan, calved Feb. 19, 1856, bred by R. Chaloner, King's Fort, the property of C. P. Leslie. M. P., (i!asslou-h, got by Hopewell (10332), d. by Prince Ernest (7366), Favourite, by Bright (1739), Cam- panula, by Shylock (26.22). by Percy (1314), by Blucher (4) 5 _by Jupiter (344), by Marshal Beresford (415), by Crocus (932), by a Bull of R. Ceiling's. (14586) GAME BOY. Roan, calved in Nov. 1852, bred by II. T. L'earork, lladdockstoiies. mot by Lord Adolphus (1 1701i, d. Gillyflower, by Roan Robin (4958), Easter, by Tarquin (2787), - Ripley, by Granby (1081), Beauty, by Blucher, by Snowball <26JS), by North Star (459), by Alfred (23), by Windsor ((598), by Cupid (177), by Sty- ford OW'J). (14605) GEN. I'KI.ISSIKI;. Red and white, calved June, 1855. bred by F. H. Fa \\kes. Farnley Hall, the property of Messrs. Game and Mace, Broadmoor, got by Bride- groom U1203U1. Lady Isabelle, by Belleville (677S). Lady Helen, by St. Helena (5u55).- -Lady Mary, by Emperor (8716), Lady Sarah, by Satellite (1420), &(., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (14606) GEN. SALE 2o, 3962. (14609) GEN. WASHINCTIIN, 3965. (14640) 2n < ; i: A \ n I >r K B. niin* ( 'i. URXHDOfr. 0632. Red, cahed Jan. 26, Isr.C.. bred by J.Webb, Babraham, the property of Mr. Belts, New York, I". S. A., u'ot by Chel- tenham 1.125SS). d. Bo-.ldice, by [' \m , --y. by Helicon (2107), Beeswing, by Sir Thomas (2636), Yin- 194 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS ili:i, by Enchanter (344), by Major (397), -by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Favourite (252), by Studley White Bull (627). (14651) GREAT MOGUL. Roan, calved Oct. 26,1856, bred by and the property of S. Marjoribanka. Bttsney Grove, gbt bv Grand Turk (12969), d. Victoria 8th, by Sir John Sinclair (5105), Victoria 4th, by Prince Albert (11933), Victoria 2d,by Belzoni (783), Victoria, by Satellite (1420), No.l, by Cato (119), by Pope (514), by Favourite (252), by White Bull (421), by Favourite (252), by Dalton Duke (188), by K. Alcock's Bull (19), by Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (14654) GRISDALE. Bred by Mr. Fawcett, Scaleby Cas- tle got by Capt. Shaftoe (6833), d. by a son of General (3867'), by Pizarro (1323), by Western Comet (689). (14676) HAVELOCK. Roan, calved May, 1856, bred by and the property of T. Game, Broadmoor, got by Ba- shaw (12449), d. Pink, by Marchmont (9367), Young Pye, by Young Consul (6893), Pye, by Newnham (2365), by Satellite (1420). by Jupiter (342), by Sir Oliver (605), by Trunnell (659), by Favourite (252), Lily, by Favour- ite (252), by Dalton Duke (188), by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (14682) HAWTHORN HERO, 4011. (M683) HEART OF OAK. Rich roan, calved April 11, 1856, bred by and the property of W. Holland, LIghtcliffe, got by Grand Turk (12969), d. Acorn, by Star (9687), Oakleaf, by Sir Launcelot (5166), Old Love, by Orville (4625), by Tomboy (2765), by Vesper (1547'). (14684) HEARTS OF OAK, 1646. (14697) HERMIT. Red, calved Nov. 1, 1855, bred by and the property of R. Stratton, Broad Hinton, got by Hick- ory (14706), d. Duchess Bfc Gloucester 5th, by Waterloo (11025), Elea-ance,by Lottery (4280). Young Moss Rose, by Lottery (4280), Moss Rose, by Phoenix (6290). (14699) HERO. Red, calved March 18, 1843,bred by Mr. Pym, the Hasells,got by Hercules (4015), d. Rosemary, by Vermilion (5557), Helen, by Reformer (4920), Rose- bud, by Sir Roger de Coverley (5178), Red Rose, by Al- exander (1624). (14705) HIAWATHA. Red, calved Feb. 3, 1856, bred by Stirling, Playful, by th Duke of Northumberland (3649), Place 2d. by Duke of North- umberland (1940), Place 1st. by Earl of Darlington (1945), by son of 2d Hubback (2683), a Cow of Mr. Bates', Kirklevington. (14706) HICKORY. Roan, calved Sept. 13, 1853, bred by Lord Hill, Hawkstone. the property of R. Stratton, Broad Hinton, got by Highthorn (13028), d. Scrip, by Symmetry (5389), Premium, by Gainford (2044), Blossom, by Mem- non (2295), by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Bur- rell's Bull of Burden. (14708) His HIGHNESS. White, calved Oct. 4, 1854, bred by Mr. Sanday, Holmepierrepont, the property of R. Stratton, Broad Hinton, got by Harbinger (10297), d. Lady Foggathorpe, by 3d Duke ot Oxford (9047), Fog- gathorpe 4th, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), &c., as in Baron Foggathorpe (9931). (14714) HOMER. White, calved May 27, 1856, bred by and the property of T. Jolly, Warlaby, got by Harbinger (10297), d. British Qjieen, by British Boy (11206), &c., as in Raj ah (18665). (14719) YOUNG HOPEWELL. Light roan, calved Jan. 11, 1852, bred by and the property of J. Duck. St. Giles, got by Hopewell (10332), d. by Robin Hood (9556), Bedale La*s, by Foster's Newton, bred by S. Scroope, Dauby Hall. (14720) HOSILLS. Roan, calved May 5, 1845, bred by Mr. Pym, The Hasells, got by Hero (14699), d. Melissa, by Will Honeycomb (5660), by Spectator (2688), by Albion (1619), by Alexander (1624). (14746) JOE MILLER. Red and white, calved June 1, 1855, bred by J. Christy, Fort Union, the property of L. Mullock, Lake View. Canada West, got by Duke of Beau- ford (11377), d. Dimple, by The Minister Lad (10941), Eva, by Shotley 2d (7494), Actress, by Magnum Bonum, Sylph, by Robin, by Regent (544), by Cecil (120), by Midas (435), by Meteor (431), by Petrarch (488), by Alexander (20), by Traveller (655), by a son of Boling- broke (86). (14753) JUSTICE. Roan, calved 1849, bred by T. Jolly, Warlaby. not by Bribery (7848), d. Blackberry, by Rasp- berry (4875), &c., as in Lord Raglan (13244). (14756) KELVINSIDE. Roan, calved May 2, 1856, bred by W. Stirling, M. P., Keir, the property of G. Milne, Kinaldie, got by Stirling (15346). d. Nell 16th. by Phccnix (11896), Nell 15tb,by Sobraon (9672), Nell 6th, by Prince Augustus, Nell 4th, by Septimus (6458), by Reformer (2307) . by Borderer (809), by a son of Chilton (136), by Northern Light (1280). (14759) KILLJOY. Bred by Mr. Sartoris, Rushden, got by Albert (7766), d. Kate, by Van Amburgh (5543), Cath- erine, by Helmsman (2109), Caroline, by Columella (904), Charlotte Palatine, by Palatine (478), Charlotte, by Palmflower (480), by Patriot (486), by Driffiekl (223), by C. Holmes' Bull (314). (14760) KING ALFRED, 3053. (14763) KING JOHN. Red, calved July 1, 1853, bred by R. Stratton, Broad Hinton. the property of L. Cowley, Ashby St. Legers, got by Waterloo (11025), d. Old Moss Rose, by Phoenix (6290). (14767) KING OF TRUMPS, 1739. (14791) LEONIDAS. Red and white, calved June 1, 1856, bred by G. Sainsbury, The Priory, the property of T. Proctor, Walls Court, got by 2d Duke of Cambridge (12743), d. Violet, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), Gar- land, by Gainford (2044), by Monitor (2331), by Snow- drop (2653), by Barmpton (1677), by Waverley (2819). (14828) LORD MAYOR. Roan, calved March 13, 1856, bred by and the property of W. Wetherell, Aldborough, got by Whittington (12299) ,d.Cosy, by Cotherstone (6903), &c., as in Alderman (17293). (14836) LORD OF THE MANOR. White, calved Feb. 10, 1853, bred by R. Stratton, Broad Hinton, the property of Mr. Starkey, Spy Park, got by Glanville (11535), d. Match- less, by The Red Duke (8U94), Old Moss Rose, by Phoe- nix (6290). (14837) LORD OF THE VALLEY. Red, calved Aug. 30, 1856, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince(10087),d.Red Rose,by Harbinger (10297), &c., as in Lord Red Rose (22205). (14849) LORD RAGLAN. Roan, calved Oct. 7, 1854, bred by W. Smith, West Rasen, the property of G. Bland, Coleby Hall, got by Harbinger (10297), d. Edith, by Mon- zani (6222). Donsona, by Thorpe (2757), Dulcibella, by Plenipo (2435), De Berry, by Archduke (724), by Em- peror (1014), by Major (397), by Major (397). (14851) LORD RUBY. Red, calved May 22, 1855, bred by W. W. Champion, Calcot, the property of Mr. Betts. Aylesford, got by Humphrey Clinker (13055), d. Ruby 2d^ The Red Duke (8694), Ruby, by Kenilworth (7118), Moss Rose, by Phoenix (6290). (14852) LORD SCARBRO'. Roan, calved Oct. 15, 1854, bred by and the property of W. Wetherell, Aldborough, got by Duke of Northumberland (12T61), d. Lady Scar- boro', by Earl of Scarboro 1 (9064), &c., as in Statesman (15342). (14858) LORD YTHAN. Roan, calved April 9, 1856, bred by G. Shepherd, Shethin, the property of A. Harvey, Til- leygreig, got by Red Knight (11976), d. Lovely, by The Hero (10934), Lady Ythan, by Robin O'Day (4973), Lady, by Favourite (9116), Marion, by Anthony (1640), by An- thony (1640), byEdgecot (1973), by Son of Merlin (6522). (14877) YOUNG MAGISTRATE. Red, calved Oct. 1853, bred by R. Raine, Thorpe, the property of J. Bulmer. Aisalby Grange, got by Magistrate (10487), d. by Norfolk (9442), by Colonel (5428), Magnum Bonum (2243), by Young Rockingham (2547), by Denton (198), by Lad- rone (353), by Henry (301), by Dauby (190). (14880) MAGNUS TROIL. Roan, calved March 23, 1856, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of W. Linton, Sheriff Hutton, got by The Baron (13833), d. Al- binia, by Velvet Jacket (10998), &c., as in Western Star (25430). (14893) MAN FRIDAY. Red and -white, calved Nov. 24, 1854, bred by and the property of G. S. Foljambe, Osber- ton. got by Lord of Brawith (10465), d. Mantilla, by Cra- mer (6907), Minerva, by Helicon (2107), Young Minna, by Wharfdale (1578), Minna, by Nestor (452), Minerva, by Harold (291), by Meteor (432), by Comet (155), by Cupid (177). (14895) MARC ANTONY. W^hite, calved Aug. 15, 1854, bred by M. Barroby, Dishforth, got by Crusade (7938), d. Emma 3d, by Young Noble (1 185!)), Emma, by Roland (2556), Anna Marin'.by Priam (2452), Red Cow,by Outh- wauVsWhite Bull (9825), by North Star(459), by Young Comet (157), by Easby (232). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 195 (14897) MABMABUKB. Roan.calved March 7,1855, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, the property of H. Combe, Cobhain Park, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), d. Min- erva 2d. by St. Martin (8525), Minerva, by Prince Ernest (4818), Medusa, by Mowthorpe (2343), Magic, by Wal- lace (5580), by Wellington (2884), by Marmion (406), Daphne, by Merlin (430), Nell Gwynne, by Layton (366), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252). by Fa- vourite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by WaistelTs Bull (669), by Master-man's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). (14906) MARQUIS OP EXETER. Roan, calved March 4, 1855, bred by R. Lynn, Stroxton. the property of J. Ptile- thorpe,llarlaxton, got by MasterTliankful (10514), d. Cres- cent, by Brownlow (9997), Diana, by Pyramus (4853), Goddess, by Miracle 2d (2322), Minerva, by Prince (4764), by Emperor (1014), by Alexander (1624). (14916) MASTER ANNANDALE. Roan, calved Jan. 29. 1856, bred by Messrs. Atkinson, Peepy, the property of Mr. Dickinson, Whitlield, got by Abraham Parker (9856), d. Lady Amiandale, by Bumper (10005), Erinside Lass, by Speculation (8621), Victoria, by Young Hastings (3988), by Bachelor (1666), by Sir Harry Liddell (5157), by Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (5155), by Surly (2715), by Traveller (655), by Colonel (152). (14918) MASTER BUTTERFLY SD. Red. calved July 3, 1855, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, the prop- erty of A. Cruickshank, Sittytbn, got by Master Butter- fly (13311), d. Vestris 2d, by Valiant (10989), Venilia. by Tom of Lincoln (8714), &c., as in Royal Butterfly 17th (22774). (14928) MASTER GRAHAM, 4159. Roan, calved Oct. 27, 1855, bred by T. W. Bramston, M. P., The Skreens, the property of R.Bown, Canada West, got by Orestes (15027), d. Lady Mary, by Tortworth (10966), Mary Graham, by Hon. C. Fairfax (7605), Lady Grace, by Blast (1724), by Speeton, by Magnum Bonum(2882), by Favourite (257), by Palmflower (480), by a grandson of Neswick (1266), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), from the Stock of G.Coates. (14930) MASTER LOWNDES, 3140>f. Roan, calved May XT>. lSfi5, bred by R. C. Lowndes, Rice House, sold to the Ohio Imp. Co., got byBellerophon (11165), d. Carradorio, by Alderman (9882), Alice.byColonel (8967), Moss Rose, by Locomotive (4242), Adelaide, by Cleveland (3403), by Young Eryholme (1981), by Wonderful (700), by Merlin (429). by Alfred (23), by Cupid (177), by Su- worrow (636). (14933) MASTER OF ATHELSTANE. Roan, calved July 5, 1856, bred by J. Douglas, Athelstaneford, the property of Mr. Bon, Australia, got by Hymen (13058), d. Birth- right,by Hamlet (8126), Birthday, by Lord Stanley (4269), Bracelet, by Priam (2452), &c., as in Buckingham (3239). (14951) MIDSUMMER. White,calved June 28,1855, bred by Dr. Cranfield, Enniscorthy, the property of S. Arm- strong, Enniscorthy, got by Hudibras (10339), d. Star- light, by Snowball (2651 ). Stella, by Sydney (7572). Bel- ladonna, by Brutus (1752), Bell, by Bertram (1716), Belvedera, by Frederick (1060) , Bright Eyes, by Her- mit (305), Barmpton Cow, by Favourite (252), Bright Eyes, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Fa- vourite (252), by Punch (531), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Masterman'a Bull (422), by WaistelFs Bull (669). (14958) MONARCH 2o. White, calved Dec. 10, 1854, bred by J. Wilkinson, Lenton, the property of Mr. Brett, Bur- ton, got by Monarch (13347). d. Fair Helen 2d, by The Queen's Roan (7389), Fair Helen, by George 3d (7038), Nell, by Will Honeycomb (5660), by Spectator (2tiSS), by Albion (1619), by Sir Peter (606), by a son of Punch (531). by a son of Washington (675), by Wash- ington (674). ( 1 1!)62) MORNING STAR, 725. (14963) MoBTON. Roan, calved 1848, bred by Mr Stud- holme, Morton, got by North Star (ir>(H)li), d. by Young Atlas (8050). by Maximus (228D, by Monarch I ll'.in - by PIzarro (1323), by Mina (6213), by Primus (476:5). (14!)!)1) NF.WTONIAN, 745. (!>; Nor.LK. Roan, calved Jan. 19. 1K>(i, bred by I{. Btratton, Broad Hinton, the property of Finlay Dun got by Nottingham (15014), d. Red Star, by Duke of Glouces- ter (10168), Star, by Hero of West (S150), Star, by Cor- poral (68!)',)), Star, by Kenihvorth (7118). (15006) NORTH STAR. Red, bred by J. Hunt, Thorn- Ington.got by Bloomsbury (3172), d.' Princess, b v Kx- inotith (1022). -by Wellington (2SCl), by Wellington (683), from the Stock of flr.Coates. (15014) NOTTINGHAM. Roan, calved May 27'. 1854, bred by W. Banday, Holmepierrepont, the property of R. Stratton, Broad Hinton, got by Harbinger (10297), d Princess, by Noble (4678), Peeress, by Agricola (1614) Premium, by Sir Charles (593), by Sir Dimple (594), bySt.Albans (1412), by Lavton (866), by Charge's Grev Bull (872), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (15017) OLD BucK.-Red, calved May 23, 1855, bred by Sir Charles Kmghtley, Bart,. Fawsley Park, the property of C. O. Eaton, Tixover Hall, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), d. Amaranth, by Janizary (8175), Cathleen, by Caliph (1774), &c., as in Royal Counsellor (20725). (15020) OLD ROWLEY. W T hite, calved June 5, 1S55, bred by and the property of G. Townshend, Stony Stan- ton, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), d. Minna, by Luke (7179), Dorothy Gwynne, by Conservative (3472), Crip- ple, by Marmion (406), Daphne, by Merlin (430)' &c as in Charley (17541). (15027) ORESTEs.-Roan, calved April 13, 1852, bred by T. W. Bramston, M. P., The Skreens; got by Agamem- non (9866), d. Princess Alice, by Essex Hero (9096) Duchess, by Duke of Marlboro (3645), Miss Chrisp by Captain (3273), Nanny, by Emperor (1974), by Snow- ball (2647), by son of St. Albans (1412), by son of Lawn- sleeves (365), by Barnaby (1678). (15036) OXFORD DUKE. Red roan, calved April, 1855 bred by and the property of A. L. Maynard, Marton-le- Moor, got by Roan Duke (13603), d. Oxford 9th, by 3d Duke of York (10166), Oxford 2d, by Short Tail (2621) Matchem Cow, by Matchem (2281), by Youn<* Wvn- yard (2859). - (15095) PRINCE IMPERIAL. Roan, calved March 16 1856, bred by and the property of S. E. Bolden, Sprin"-' field Hall, got by 2d Grand Duke (12961). d. Bridecake by Crown Prince (10087), Bridget, by Baron Warlaby (7813), &c., as in Bismark (25637), (15100) PRINCE OF COBOURG. Roan, calved April 1853 bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Matadore (11800), d. Matchless 4th, by Velvet Jacket (10998) - Matchless 2d, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Matchless by Holkar (4041), Premium, by George (2057), by Togston (5487), bred by Mr. Laing, Longhoughton. (15107) PRINCE OF WARLABY. Roan, calved July 21 1855, bred by and the property of R. Booth. Full bro- ther to British Prince (14197). (15138) REDKIRK. Rich roan, calved March 25, 1855, bred by R. Syme, Redkirk, the property of S. Beattie Markham, Canada West, got by Sir John (13735), d Ladv' by Remus (11987), by Strathmore (6547), by Playfellow (6297) -by Scrip <2604),-by Thornington (5472) (15163) RIFLEMAN. Rich roan, calved June 22, 1854 bred by and the property of Sir W. Lawson, Bart,,Brough Park, got by son of Chilton (10054), d. Bell, by Bucking- ham (3239), Mabel, by Lord Lieutenant (4260), &c as in Lord Stanley (16452). (15164) RINGLEADER. Roan, calved Aug. 8, 1855, bred by Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, the property of N C-irt- wright, Haugham, got by Vanguard (10994), d. Rennet, by Fanatic (8054). Rosebud, by Auld Robin Grey (6753) Red Rose, by Scrip (2604), Rose, by Burley (1766) by Isaac (1129), by Pilot (496), byAlbion (14), by Lame Bull (359), byShipton (587), by son of Suworrow (63fi) by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Bro- ther to Ben (660), (15167) ROAN KNIGHT. Roan, calved March 21, 1855, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, the property of J. Grundy, The Dales, got by Horatio (10335), d. Beauty by Victor (8739), &c., as in Red Knight (16808.) (15181) ROMANOFF. Red and white, calved Oct 19 1855, bred by Rev. F. Thursby, Abington Rectory, the property of E. Clarke, Lillingstone, got by Aaron Smith (12331), d. Railway, by South Star (7538), Verbena by Van Amburgh <;V,43>. Pineapple, by Plenipo (4721), Jonquil, by Young Matchem <442.->i. by Sir Tlionrts 03686), by Marske (418), by Comet (166), by Tom((>52) by Son of Favourite (252), by Huttoifs Bull <:2) _ bv Barningham (56). (15185) ROMULUS. White, calved Jan. 26, 1856, bred by and the property of T. Barber, Sproatly Kise. got by Rembrandt (13587), d. Emerald, by Garrick (11507) Eti- quette, by K'oMn Hood (8492), Kndive, by Lord John (4257), by Sandy (5088), by Ely th Eclipse (1728). (15200) ROYAL FA vor KITE. Roan, calyed -Jan. 29.1855 bred by J. Booth, Killerby, the property of Mr. Hen'eage' HaintOU Hall, got by Koyal Buck (lo;:>Oi. ,1. Calomel by Hamlet (Sl-jiii. chalk, by Leonard (1210) -Bellona' bv Buckingham (323!)). 196 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (15214) RUFUS. Red, calved April 30, 1847, bred by and the property of Hon. Col. Duncombe, M. P., Wares- ley Park, got by Cleveland Lad 3d (14283), d. by 2d Earl of Beverle'y (596:)), by Cleveland Lad 2d (3408), by Cap- tain (6830), by Exmouth (1021). by Wellington (683), by Duke (228), by Yarborough (705), by Bolingbroke (86). (15238) SARAWAK. Rich roan, calved Jan. 18, 1856, bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, got by Earl of Dublin (10178), d. Fillet, by Fawsley (0004), Mar- guerite, by Mareellus (2260), Pearl, by Rufus (2576), Ruby,by Wellington (683), by Windsor (698), by Wind- sor (698), by aii own brother to North Star (459). (15244) SCAPULARY (13675). Roan, calved April 24, 1852, bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, the property of T. T. Drake,"Shardeloes, got by Friar's Cowl (11497), d. Veronica, by Grey Friar (9172), Fidelia, by Fawsley (600-1), &c., as in Emperor (14505). (15249) SEBASTOPOL. Roan, calved Feb. 12, 1855, bred by H. Combe, Cobham Park, the property of J. Timm, Farnboro' Grange, got by The Beau (12182), d. Sally, by John Ford (9253), Lucky Beauty, by Marquis (8285), Lady Adela, by John of Wheatampstead (7113), La- vinia, by Oddie (7297), by Candour (107), by Ketton (346), by Expectation (247), by Magnum Bonum (2232), by H. Chapman's Bull, by R. Grimston's Bull, by a son of Dalton Duke (188). (15287) SIR HARRY. Roan, calved 1850, bred by Sir W. Lawson, Bart., Brough Park, the property of J. Duck, St. Giles, got by Postmaster (9487), d. Belle, by Bucking- ham (3*39), Mabel, by Lord Lieutenant (4260), &c., as in Lord Stanley (16452). (15290) SIR JAMES THE ROSE. Red, calved Dec. 1, 1855, bred by and the property of Mr. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Capt. Balco (12546), d. Rose of Summer, by Velvet Jacket (10998), Rose of Autumn, by Sir Henry (10824), &c., as in Prince Alfred (27107). (15298) SIR RICHARD. Roan, calved March 30, 1856, bred by G. Sainsbury, The Priory, the property of J. Lane, Barton Mills, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), d. Darlington 5th, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), Darling- ton 3d, by Percy (9472), &c., as in Duke of Darlington (21586). (15302) SIR SAMUEL. Roan, calved March 22, 1855, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Charity, by Buckingham (3239), &c., as in Clarence (14279). (15303) SIR WALTER RALEIGH. Roan, calved June 12, 1855, bred by J. Webb, Babraham, the property of E. Frost, Wratting Hall, got by Marquis of Bute (11788), d. Miss Bletsoe, by Scrivener (10791), Celia, by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647), &c., as in Lord Wallace (24473). (15306) SKYROCKET. Red roan, calved Oct. 26, 1856, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, got by 5th Duke of Oxford (12762), d. Swift, by Diamond (11357), Seabreeze, by Sylvan (10907), Sun- shine, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Sunbeam, by Young Grazier (3928), by Expectation (3749), by Emperor (1013), by Baron (58), by Marshal Beresford (415), Eve, by Lame Bull (359). by a son of Suworrow (636), by Suworrow (636) , by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (15338) STARLING. Roan, calved June 24, 1853, bred by T. C. Hincks, Breckenborough, the property of W Rutson, Newbywiske, got by Sweet William (12161), d. Wheatear, by W T arrior (6660), Bantam, by Beetroot (3117),-Canary, by Lot (2223),-Yellowneck, by Argus (759), &c., as in Billy (3150). (15342) STATESMAN. White, calved Nov. 20, 1855, bred by and the property of Mr. Wetherell, Aldbrough, got by Earl of ^ r "- '- 1 * , -, , ~ . . *, Scarboro' (! Strawberry, by Roall (2888), by Harold (291;, by : ~Co~unt"(170) 'by Badsworth (47), by Coates' Son of Twin Brother to Ben (660), bred by Sir G. Strickland, Bart. (15346) STIRLING. White, calved 1854, bred by W Stirling, M. P., Keir, the property of R. Brown, Maryhill' got by Blencow (11182), d. La Belle Laiterie, by The Lord of Gilling (6587), Anna Maria, by Vandyke (7669), Am- ina, by Albus (2975), Young Sultana, by Belshazz-ir (1704), by Sultan (1485), by Tarrare (1501), by Midas (435), by a grandson of Phenomenon (491), by Punch (581 ). (15351) SCLTAN. White, calved June 11, 1855, bred by R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, the property of C. Cra- dock, Hartforth Hall, got by Dundas (12790), d. Venus, by Lansdowne (9277), Jenny Lind, by Sir Robert (7510), Red Rose, by Prince Edward (6334), Sally, by Driver (3621), by Stapleton (2698), by a son of Rob Roy (557) by Mark (2266), by Rufus (570), by St. John (572), by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (15358) SULTAN. Roan, calved Sept. 26, 1855, bred by and the property of J. Timm, Farnboro 1 Grange, got by Neptune (11847), d. Medora, by Donald (7972), Young Dorothy, by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249), Dorothy, by Plenipo (4724), byA-la-Mode (725), by Columella (904), by Rough Robin (1404), by Albion (14). (15332) SUPERIOR. Roan, calved Feb. 28, 1854. bred by J. Wilkinson, Lenton, the property of Messrs. Budding and Thorpe, got by St. Albans (7462), d. Wiseton Lady, by Humber (7102), Zeal, by Roman (2561), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (15378) THE CORSAIR. Roan, calved Mar. 26, 1855, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Crown Prince (100^7), d. Specimen, by Crown Prince (10087), Sample, by Exquisite (8048), Isabella Buckingham, by Buckingham (3239), Isabella, by Young Matchem (4422), by Pilot (496), by Agamemnon (9), by Burrell's Bull. (15384) THE GARIOCH BOY. Roan, calved July 15,1854, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Matadore (11800), d. Nonpareil 10th, by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506), &c., as in States- man (32607). (15385) THE GIPSEY CHIEF. White, calved Sept. 17, 1855, bred by T. Willis, Carperby, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, got by Gipsey King (11532), d. Sympathy, by Wilberforce (9830), Elizabeth Fry, by Wharfdale Hero (9821 ), Lily, by Shipton (2620), by Fitz-Champion (7007), by Young Snowball (7521). (15401) THE SQUIRE. Roan, calved May 10, 1853, bred by J. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by New Year's Gift (10564), d. Lady Pitfour, by Wellington (6670), Fanny, by Nelson (8348), Rose, by Commander (907), Magnet, by Magnet (392), by Palmflower (480). (15443) VALASCO. White, calved March 28, 1855, bred Crown Hope- well (10332), Bliss, by Leonard (4210), &c., as~ in Bis- mai-k (25637). (15458) VICTOR. Red and white, calved Aug. 23, 1856, bred by C. P. Grenfell, M. P., Taplow Court, the prop- erty of J. Christy, Boynton Hall, got by Prince Duke (13507), d. Victorine, by Usurer (9763), Victoria, by 2d Duke of York (5959), Rachel, by Sir Thomas (7516), Ruby, by Sultan Selim (2710). by Satellite (1420), from the stock of Mr. Smith, Shedlaw. (15460) VICTOR EMMANUEL. Roan, calved Feb. 3,1856, bred by Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, the property of the Duke of Montrose, Buchanan House, got by Glou- cester (12950), d. Vauxhall, by Duke of Cambridge (7987), Vestris, by Zorab (5705), Daisy, by Commodore (3445), by Ormsby (4621), by Barmpton Major (3092). (15471) VISCOUNT. Red, calved March 12, 1854, bred by G. Shepherd, Shethin, the property of the Duke of Buc- cleuch, Dalkeith Park, got by Red Knight (11976), d. Countess, by Grand Duke (10284), Wanton 4th, by Fa- vourite (9116), W T anton, by Leander (4199), &c., as in Fairservice (16022). (15475) VOLTIGEUR. Roan, calved Feb. 1850, bred by R. Chilton, Billingham Grange, the property of J. Rob- inson, Leckby Palace, got by Hambletonian (8125), d. Younsi Gaudy, by Prince Albert (4780), Louisa, by Prince of Wales (4831), Gaudy, by Young Rutland (5042), Ade- laide, by Belvedere (1706),-by Waterloo (2816), -by Herod (307). (15483) WAR EAGLE. Roan, calved June 8, 1855, bred by and the property of R. Booth, W'arlaby, got by Crown Prince (10087), d. Welcome, by Water King (11024), Vi- vandiere, by Buckingham (3239), &c., as in K. C. B. (26492). (15494) YOUNG WEATHERCOCK. Bred by Rev.C. James. Evenlode, got by W T eathercock (9815), d. by Almacks (7779), by Tathwell (5399), by Caliph (1774), by Scipio (1421), by Billy (787), by Western Comet (689), by Fa- vourite (252), descended from Sttidley White Bull (627). (15495) YOUNG WEATHERCOCK. Roan, calved March 10, 1853, bred by and the property of J. H. Langston, M. P., Sarsden House, got by Weathercock (9815), d. Roan Daisy, by Prince of Wales (H }:). Daisy, by Bucephalus (,6816), Daisy, by Stanhope (5315). Helen, by Blyth Fa vourite (801), by a son of Wellington (683). by and the property of R. Booth,Warlaby, got by < Prince (10087), or Windsor (14013), d. Blythe, by TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 107 (15497) WKU-OMK GuBST. White, calved MjiyO.1856, bred l).v and tin- property of l{. I'ootli, \\ r :irl:ihy. irot by Crown Prince <1()087>, or Windsor (14013), d. Welcome, by Water King (11024), Vivandiere, by Buckingham (3239), Ac., as in K. C. 13. (20492). (15518) WOLFSBANE. Roan, calved May 13, 1854, bred by Sir C. Knightle.y. Hart., Fawsley Park, the property of Mr. Bea.v Newton (2367), by Vanish ), b . y Pilot (2427), by Commodore (1858), by Stir- ling (5330). (1(1545) MASTER REMBRANDT. Roan, calved Dec. 25, 1X57, bred by and the property ol' T. Barber, Sproafley Rise, got by Rembrandt (135S7), d. Miss Feathers, by Vol- tigiier (13966), Flora, by Valiant (10989), Feathers, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), Lily, by Fergus (3782), by Dandy (1902), by Blyth (797), by Midas (435), by P.ou-hton (90). by Windsor (698), by R. Ceiling's son of Favourite (252). (16553) MAY DUKE. Red, calved March 30, 1857, bred by II. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, the property of G. S. Fol- jambe, Osberton Hall, got by Grand Turk (12969), d. Cherry 4th, by Gain ford 2d (10255), Cherry 2d, by Prince of Wales (7374), Strawberry, by Optimus (4618), Old Strawberry, by Rockingham (2549). (16555) MAYO. Bred by T. Connolly, Castletown, got by Linton (4227), d. Lable, by Lorenzo (4272), by Albion (2970), by Lincoln (2205), by Streamer (624). (16590) MOROCCO. Red, calved Jan. 5, 1857, bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart.. Fawsley Park, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742). d. Pintail, by Janizary (8175), Cata- lini, by Caliph (1774), Primrose, by Scipio (1421), Prim- rose, by Billy (787), by Western Comet (689), by Fa- vourite (252), Old Simmon, descended from the Studley White Bull (627). (16621) NOBLE ARTHUR. Roan, calved March 4, 1857, bred by J. G. Wood, Castle Grove, the property of Mr. Stratford, Dudding Hill Farm, got by Prince Arthur (13497), d. Norma, by Druid (10140), Little Red Rose, by Petrarch (7329), Florence, by 2d Duke of York (5959), Fame, by Raspberry (4875), &c., as in Royal Booth (27350). (16626) NONSUCH. Red roan, calved May 24, 1857, bred by and the property of Lee Norman, Corbollis, got by Yalasro (15443), d. Nina, by Valiant (10989), Frederica, by Hamlet (8126), Fanny 2d, by General (3871), Fanny 1st. by Prince Ernest (7366), by Prince Arthur (9502), by Comet. (16662) ORTHODOX 14TH. Roan, calved Jan. 1857, bred by and the property of J. G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Hat- clifle (12997), d. Young Lady Hawthorn, by Protection ( I0>ti2), Lady Hawthorn, by Remus (4932), Strawberry, by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252). (16664) ORTHODOX 16TH. Red, calved March 20. 1857, bred by and the property of J. G. Dixon, Caistor, got by Effinell (14489), d. Young Daphne, by Protection (10662), Lady Mary, by Barmpton Grazier (3091), Laura, by Frederick (2039), Charlotte,by Barmpton Grazier (3091), by Barmpton Grazier (3091), by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252). (16688) PAUL POTTER. Roan, calved March 2, 1858, bred by and the property of Viscount Monck, Charleville, trot by Alonzo (15578), d. Myrtle 5th, by Buckingham (11219), Myrtle 1st, by Albion (7771), Lady Mary, by Qry (5536), by Noble (4578), by Sir Robert (5177), by Paul Pry. (16710) PRIAM. Roan, calved Dec. 18, 1858, bred by and the property of Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Baron Hopewell (14134), d. Pearl, by Richard Coeur tie Lion (13590), Pearley, by Royal Buck (10750), Man- ille, by Brigadier (7849), Pearl, by Leonard (4210). by Priam (2452), by Pilot (496), by Remus (550), by Bluch- er (82), by Albion (14), by Shakespeare (582), by Easby (16723) PRINCE ARTHUR. Red, calved Oct. 23, 1858, bred by and the property of 11. Ambler. Watkinson Hall, fot by Lord of the Valley (14837), d. Florence, by Hex (6885), Fair Maid of Athens, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (:>l!i), &c., as in Privy Seal (18642). (1(17:54) PIMM K FREDERICK. Roan, calved Jan.25, 1858, bred by and the property of J. II. Lan^ston, M. P., Sars- den House, got by Gloster's Grand Duke (1294!)). d. Champion, by Vagabond (97(55), Silver, by Locksley (4240), Silver, by Stanhope (5315), Silver, by Marquis (2271). (16757) PRINCE OSCAR. Roan, calved March 5, 1857, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, . d. Enii > by Marquis of Rockingham (K)50ii).- Kni-ma, by Wi/.ard (6688), Tutsan, by Ranunculus (2479), No. 55 Chilton Sale, by Monarch (2324), &c., as in Fit/roy (16058). (16808) RED KNIGHT. Red, calved March, 1850, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Gay Lad (9144) d. Beauty, by Victor (8739), Mantle, by Marcus (2262), Floranthe, by Matchem (2281), Flora, by Wonderful (700), by Hulton (1121), by Comet (155), by Major (397). (16809) RED KNIGHT. Red, calved Nov.2, 1858, bred by and the property of Mr. Grundy, The Dales, got by Roan Kninht (15167), d. Venilia, by Tom of Lincoln (8714), &c as in Royal Butterfly 17th (22774). (16833) REX. Roan, calved March 10, 1858, bred by J. E. Troutbeck, Blencow, the property of Mr. Topham, Welford, got by Duke of Cambridge (12747), d. Sukey Gwynne.by St. Thomas (10777), Sail Gwynne, by Prime Minister (2456), Cripple Gwynne, by Marmion (406), Daphne Gwynne, by Merlin (430), Nell Gwynne, by Lay- ton (366), &c., as in Dulverton (3659). (16834) RICHARD. White, calved March, 1857, bred by J. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, got by D'Israeli (10125), d. by Morton (14963), by Titian (5485), by Smeaton (5212). by Champion (3319), by Emperor (1010), by Allison's Grey Bull (26). (16862) ROYAL BUTTERFLY. Roan , calved Aug. 12, 1857, bred by and the property of Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Frederick (11489), d. Butterfly, by Jeweller (10354), Buttercup, by Garrick (3863), Barmpton Rose, by Expectation (1988), by Belzoni (1709), by Comus (1861), by Denton (198). (16865) ROYAL DUKE. Roan, calved Aug. 14, 1857, bred by and the property of W. W. Slye, West Haddon Lodge, got by Second Duke of Bolton (12739), d. Apricot, by Fu- sileer (11499), Augusta, by 3d Duke of York (10166), Annie, by Second Cleveland Lad (3408), Annabella, by Duke of Cleveland (1937), by Belvedere (1706), a Cow of Mr. Bates', Kirklevington. (16870) ROYAL OAK. Roan, calved Dec. 1, 1858, bred by and the property of H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Heart of Oak (14683), d. Alice, by Captain Shaftoe (6833), Agnes, by Acaster (7755), Anna, by Ronald (5005), by Young Midas (4472), by Normanby (1278;, by Grazier (1085). (16875) ROYAL TURK. Rich roan, calved April 8, 1858, bred by and the property of H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Heart of Oak (14683), d. Princess Royal, by Baron Warlaby (7813), Wiseton Lady, by Humber (7102), Zeal, by Roman (2561), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (16916) SCARLET VELVET. Red, calved March 24, 1857 bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of S- Campbell, Kinellar, got by The Baron (13833), d. Verdure* by Plantagenet (11906), Verdant, by The Exchequer (9721), &c., as in Champion of England (17526). (16948) SIR CHARLES. Roan, calved Feb. 24, 1857, bred by and the property of Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Cheltenham (12588), d.Erminstade,by Friar's Cowl (11497), London Pride, by Janizary (8175), Aline, by Snowball (8602), Lilla. by Caliph (1774), by Norman (2379), by White Boy (1580), by Wyville's Bull, by a Bull bred by Mr. Charge. (16980) SIR JAMES. Roan, calved Dec. 16, 1857, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby. got by Sir Sam- uel (15302), d. Nectarine Blossom, by Crown Prince (10087), Hawthorn Blossom, by Leonard (4210), &c., as in First Fruits (16048). (16985) SIR JOHN. Bred by J. C. Maynard, Harlsey Hall, got by Francisco (2032), d. by Sir Kenneth (1450), by Pilot (1319), by Clarence (888). (16991) SIR ROGER. Roan, calved June 16, 1857, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, ;ot by Wind- sor (14013), d. Chastity, by Crown Prince (10087), Mod- esty, by Buckingham (3239), Monica, by Raspberry (4875), &c., as in Lord Red Rose (22205). (16992) SIR SAM. Roan, calved April 2, 1858, bred by Mr. Barnes, West land, the property ol K. Siratton, Broad Hinton, got by Sir Samuel (15302). d.Plm-nix 2d. by Baron Warlaby (7813), Phoenix, by Second Comet (5101), Pau- line, by Prince of Northumberland ( IS-JCn. Paulina, by Mason's Son of Matchem (267'S). by Falstaff (1993). by l.'irhard (1376), by Jupiter (342), by Rufus (570), by Pope (511). (17015) So.MNA-H'.ri. IST. Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1858, bred by and the property of Mr. Adkins, Milcote, got by 200 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Mameluke (13289), d. Sweetheart 2d, by Earl of Dublin 10178), &c., as in Sweetmeat (20924). (17025) SPEARMAN. Keel and white, calved June 20, 1858, bred by and the property of S. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Forerunner (12891), d. Miss Crofton, by Zadlg '(87%), Cowslip, by Sir Harry (5156), Red Rose, by Premier (2449), by Emperor (1974). by Barmpton (1677), by St. Albans (1412), by Simon (590), by Pope (514). (17042) *STEWARD. Roan, calved March 14, 1844, bred by Mr. Morris, Maisemore, got by Selim (10792), d. Sprite, by Duke (1934), Star, by Acton (716), bred by Mr. Strickland. (17048) STOUT. White, calved April 24, 1858, bred by and the property of the Earl of Zetland, Upleatham, got by Cobham (14287), d. Amelia, by Apollo (9899), Vis- countess, by 4th Duke of York (10167), Venus, by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), Velocity, by Velocipede (5552), by a son of Colonel Cradock's Rob Roy (557), bred by Mr. Kitchen, from the Stock of C. and R. Colling. (17092) THE BUSHEL. Red, calved Feb. 27, 1857, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of Earl Fitz- william, got by The Baron (13833), d. Bounty, by The Pacha (7612), &c., as in Baronet (15614). (17157) URY. Bred by Capt. Barclay. Ury, got by Em- peror (3716), d. Mary, by Invalid (4076). Rose, by Satel- lite (1420), by Baronet (60), by Cleveland (144), by Symmetry (641). (17216) WATCHMAN. Red and white, calved May 28, 1858, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Man- or, got by Hopewell (10332), d. Water Maid, by Vanguard (10994), Water Witch, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), Waterloo 3d, by Norfolk (2377), Waterloo Cow, by Waterloo (2816), by Waterloo (2816). (17241) YOUNG WINDSOR. White, calved Ja*n. 18, 1858 , bred by and the property of Mr. Barnes, West-land, got by Windsor (14013), d. Empress, by Hopewell (10332), Lady Sarah, by Burley Fairfax (6822), &c., as in Friar Tuck (17892). (17261) YORKSHIRE EOT. Roan, calved March, 1856, bred by and the property of G. J. Serjeantson, Camphill, got by Man Friday (13290\ d. Lavender, by Warrior (6660), Lavinia, by Emperor (1974), Red Roan, by Wharton (2833), by Sir William (2640). by Young Rockingham (2549), by Major (2255), by Northumberland (464), by Lame Bull (358). VOLUME XIV. (17292) ALDERMAN 2o. Roan, calved Dec.13,1859, bred by and the property of H. Aylmer, West Dereham, got by Alderman (17293), d.Roseleaf, by Whittington (12299), Lady Welbourn, by Lord Lowther (7164), Eliza, by Panton Favourite (4646), Miss Eliza, by a grandson of Grazier (1085), by a son of Grazier (1085), by a son of Vulcan (667), by Vulcan (667), by Quaker (1349), by First Stone Hill Bull (3798). (17293) ALDERMAN. Roan, calved April 23, 1857, bred by Mr. Wetherell, Aldborough, the property of Mr. Wil- son, Thistlewood, got by Earl of Derby (12810), d. Cozy, by Cotherstone (6903), Peeress, by Lord Stanley (4269), Red Rose, by Velocipede (5552), Old Red Rose, by Pri- am (2452), by Jerry (4097), from the Stock of Mr. Booth. (17338) BACCHUS. Roan, calved Sept. 2, 1842, bred by C. Garthorn, Cornfortli, got by Ca-sarovitz (3261), d. Miss Newton, by Newton (2367), Cornforth, by Magnet (2240), Polyanthus, by Eclipse (238), Primrose, by Billy (787), by Western Comet (689), by Favourite (252), de- scended from the Studley White Bull (627). (17339) BACCHUS. Roan, calved April 7, 1858, bred by and the property of J. Rhodes, Seale Lodge, got by Se- bastopol (15249), d. Brownie, by Neptune (11847), &c., as in Walter (21058). (17348) BARLEYCORN. Roan, calved Jan. 20, 1859, bred by Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, the property of G. Graham, Yardley, got by Sarawak (15238), d. Corn- bind, by Janizary (8175), &c., as in Lackey (24291). (17423) BLOOD ROYAL. Red, calved Oct. 14, 1858, bred by and the property of Mr. Cattley, Stearsby, got by 3d Duke of Athol (12734), d. Lady Raglan, by De Grey (11346), May Blossom, by Liberator (7140), May Bloom, by Prince Albert (4791), Palmflower, by Octavius (4605), by a son of Magog (2246), by Pilot (2428), by Baronet (775). (17441) BRIDEGROOM. Red, calved March 21, 1860, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by John Bull (11618), d. Bridesmaid, by Sir Arthur (12072) Crescent, by The Pacha (7612), Dainty, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), by Emperor (3716), by Invalid (4076), by Magnet (302), by Palmflower (480). (17442) BRIDEGROOM, Red, calved March 12,1859, bred by and the property of C. W. Miles, Burton Hill, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), d. Bridesmaid, by Young Evenlode (14520), by Evenlode (9099), by Snowball (8602), by Locksley (4240), by Red Robin (2492), by Sir Alexander (591), by Twin Bull (10954), by Daltoii Bu " (19) '- by Smith ' s E " (17471) BUCKINGHAM. Red, calved May 24, 1858 bred by and the property of H. R. II. the Prince Consort, got by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184), d. Bracelet, by Prince Alfred (13494), Cowslip, by Belleville (6778), Cowslip, by Pedestrian (4670), Rarity, by Cleveland (3403), by Architect (3030), byWonder (2853), by Witham's White Bull (5670). (17526) CHAMPION OF ENGLAND. Roan, calved Nov. 29, 1859, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Lancaster Comet (11663), d. Virtue, by Plantagenet (11906), Verdant, by The Exchequer (9721), Prigg, by Young Holkar (7090), Tranquil, by Billy (3151), by a son of Northern Light (1280), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, by Blucher (3175), by Lawnsleeves (365). (17530) CHANTICLEER. Red and white, calved Dec. 23, 1857, bred by and the property of Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, got by 5th Duke of Oxford (12762), d. China, by 4th Duke of York (10167), Chaff, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), &c., as in Royal Arch (18749). (17541) CHARLEY. Roan, calved Feb. 4, 1858, bred by G. Townshend, Stony Stanton, the property of B. B. Col- vin, Pisliobury, got by Lord Raglan (1325-5), d. Orphan Gwynne, by Duke of Gloster (11382), Daphne Gwynne, by Conservative (3472), White Moll Gwynne, by Wallace (5586), Dorothy Gwynne, byMarmion (406), Daphne, by Merlin (430), Nell Gwynne, by Layton (366), Nell Gwynne, by Phenomenon (491), Princess, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), byHubback (319), by Snow- don's Bull (612), by Waist ell's Bull (669), by Master- man's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). (17552) CHERRY DUKE 4TH. Red, calved Aug. 17, 1859, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, the property of R. Jert'erson, Preston Hows, got by Prince Imperial (15095), d. Cherry Duchess 3d, by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as in Cherry Duke (25752). (17568) CIRENCESTER DUKE, 7690. (17632) COUNT DE GOURCY. Roan, calved Sept. 8, 1859, bred by and the property of Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Young Duke of Cambridge (14433), d. Countess of Cale- don, by The Minstrel (8687), Countess of Hardwicke, by Percy (6283), Celia, by Third Duke of Northumberland (3647), &c., as in Lord Wallace (24473). (17655) DAIRY PRINCE. Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1860, bred by and the property of R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Prince George (13510), d. Rose Bloom, by Sylvan King (13819), Red Rose, by The Painted Laddie (10943), La Belle, by Rouge (5012), Jenny, by Chance (3329), by Cleveland (3404), by Danby (3550), by a son of Studley Grange (1483), by a son of Duke (225), by Midas (4470), by Nailer (4528). by Ambo (746). (17681) DIPTHONG. Red, calved June 16, 1860, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of S. Campbell, Kinellar. got by Lord Stanley (16454), d. Delight, by Vel- vet Jacket (10998), &c., as in Duke of Devonshire (21588). (17697) *DUKE 3. Reel and white, calved June 1, 1844, bred by the Duke of Richmand, Gordon Castle, got by TO WHICH AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. Monsieur Vestris (6220), d. Almond Flower, by Ilolkar (4041), Eglantine, by Brougham (1740), by a Hull of Mr. .M;i^m's, Chilton, bred by Mr. Weir. Goswiek. (17710) DUKK of CIIKSTKI:. IJed and white, calved Nov. 20, 1858, bred by Lord Feversham, puneombe Park, the property of G. Carrington, Great Missenden Abbey. Full brother to Chanticleer (17530). (17724) DUKE OF LEINSTER. Red and white, calved June 25, 1859, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnes, Westland, got by Harbinger (10297), d. Sylph, by Hope- well (10332), &c., as in Lord Napier (26688). (17738) 9TH DUKE OF OXFORD. Roan, calved Jan. 19, 1859, bred by and the property of the Duke of Devon- shire, Holker Hall, got by Prince Imperial (15095), d. Ox- ford 15th, by 4th Duke of York (10167), &c., as in 18th Duke of Oxford (25995). (17742) 12-TH DUKE OF OXFORD, 2315. (17748) 2o DUKE OF THORNDALE, 2788. The property of C. Howard, Biddenham, and J. Robinson, Clifton Pas- tures. (17749) 3o DUKE OF THORNDALE, 2789. The property of D. Mclntosh, Havering Park. (17750) 4TH DUKE OF THORNDALE, 2790. The property of E. Hales, North Frith. - (17751) DUKE OF TYNE. Roan, calved Nov. 10, 1858, bred by M. Spraggon, Nafterton, the property of J. Wil- son, Woodhorn .Manor, got by Richard Coeur de Lion <13590). d. Welcome, by George (12938), Duce, by Duke of Albany (10149), Duchess, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), Datura, by Mowbray (4516), by Caliph (1774), by Ru- fus (2576). by Daniel (952), by Young Lancaster (1162), by Merlin (429), by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), by Cupid (177), by Suwarrow (6:36). (17753) DUKE OF WETHERBY. White, calved Oct. 23, 1860, bred by and the property of Captain Gimter, The Grange, got by 7th Duke of York (17754),d. Duchess 77th. by Otii Duke of Oxford (12765), Duchess 70th, by Duke of Gloster (11382), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharf dale (26033). (17754) 7xn DUKE OF YORK. White, calved Jan. 24, 1859, bred by and the property of Captain Gunter, The Grange, got by 6th Duke of Oxford (12765), d. Duchess 69th, By 4th Duke of York (10167), Duchess 59th, by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046). &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (17768) EARL HOWE. Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1860, bred by and the property of Col. Kingscote, Kingscote Park, got by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184), d. Honey Bee, by Chaffcutter (12572), Helen, by Oregon (8371), Honey- suckle, by Premier (7344). Eglantine, by Bellerophon (3119), by Alderman (2976), by Waterloo (2816), by Young Wynyard (2859), by a son of Simon (590), by Sty- ford (103). (17787) EARL OF WALTON. Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1860, bred by ('. W. Ilarvev, Walton-on-tlie-IIill. the property of Mr. Bowly, Siddington, got by Delhi (15865), d. Kirk- levington 7th, by Earl of Derby (10177), &c., as in 6th Earl of Walton (86078). (17788) EARL OF WINDSOR. Roan, calved Nov. 3, 1860, bred by and the property of Mr. Carr, Staekhouse, got by Windsor (14013), d. Red Rachel, by Highflyer (11576), Young Rachel, by Warrior (6660), Rachel, by Bob (31H1), Red Rose, by Roland (2556), by Carpenter (14247), by Jacques 1 Bull (2156). (17796) ELFIN KING. Roan, calved June 26, 1859, bred by' and the property of K. Booth. Warlaby, trot by Sir Samuel (15302). d. (Jueen Mab. by Crown Prince (10087'), Red Rose, by Harbinger (10297), &c., as in Lord Red ROM- (22205). (17807) YOUNG EMPEROR. Roan, calved Feb. 6, 1860, bred by and the property of B. Wilson, Brawith, got by Hmpeior (6973), d. Seriousness, by Sir Walter (2689) ' ( 'ertainty, by Sir Walter (2639), by Roseberry (W), by lloseberry (567), by Constitution (106), by Hastings (293), by Constellation (163). (17848) FINAL HOPE. Roan, calved April 8, 1859, bred by Mr.Torr, Aylesby Manor, the property of T. T. Drake, Shardeloes, got by Hopewell (10332), d. The Flower, by Baron Warlaby (7813), Flower Girl, by Londesboro' (15142), Ac., as in British Flag (21323). (17Sr,6) FORTH. Roan, calved Jan. 25, 1860, bred by and the property of W.Stirling. M. P., Keif. 4, ,1. Anna Rose, by John O'Groat (13090), Kovinna, by Lovcmore (10476). ( 'eres.bv Ant hoiiy (16 40), Cynthia, by Middle-ton U173), by Anthony (1040), by Magnet Jr. ^0242), by Kdgcott (1U.VJ). 20 (17884) FREEDOM. Roan, calved Nov. 2->, is:,:), bred by Col. Towncley, Towneley Park, the proper! v of Mi- Morton, SkelsiiHTgh Hall, got by Frederick (11489), d. Alice Butterfly, by Master Butterfly (13311), &c., as in Royal Butterfly 20th (25007'). (17889) FREE TRADER. Red, calved Dec. 18, 1844, bred by C. Garthorn, Cornforth, got by General (3872), d. Uo-e. by Sprightly (5308), Cornforth, by Magnet (2240), &c., as in Bacchus (17338). (17892) FRIAR TUCK. Roan, calved Feb. 23, 1860, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnes, Westland. uot by Dr. McHale (15887), d. Ruby, by Royal Buck (10750). Lady Sarah, by Burley Fairfax (6822), Violet, by Monarch (4495), Julia, by Invalid (4076), No. 20, or Lady Sarah, by Satellite (1420), No. 2, or Portia, by Cato (119), by Jupiter (342), by George (273), by Chllton (136), by Irishman (329), by B (45). (17919) GARIBALDI. Red, calved Aug. 28, 1860, bred by and the property of Miss Comb, Cobham Park, got by 3d Grand Duke (16182), d. Cambridge Rose 6th by 3d Duke of York (10166), &c., as in Cambridge Duke 4th (26706). (17949) YOUNG GENERAL. Roan, calved July 8, 1860, bred by G. Townshend, Stony Stanton, the property of J. Benson, Tavistock, got by Charley (17541), d. Lady Sale, by Old Rowley (15020), &c., as in Gen. Napier (24023). (17953) GENERAL HOPEWELL. White, calved Feb. 18, I860, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Hopewell (10332), d. Campfollower, by Crown Prince (10087), Vivandiere, by Buckingham (3239), &c., as in K. C. B. (26492). (17985) GONDOMAR. Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1860, bred by and the property of Jon. Peel. Knowlmere Manor, got by Valasco (15443), d. Bountiful, by 2d Grand Duke (12961), Blissful, by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as in Bis- marck (25637). (17993) THIRD GRAND DUKE, 2292. (17995) GRAND DUKE OF ESSEX. Roan, calved July 3, 18(50, bred by and the property of Mr. Mclntosh, Haver- ing Park, got by Grand Duke 3d (16182), d. Lady Bates 2ci; by The Buck (13836), Ac., as in Grand Duke of Es- sex 4th (24068). (17997) GRAND DUKE OF WETHERBY. White, calved June 11, 1859, bred by and the property of Capt. Gunter, The Grange, got by Sixth Duke of Oxford (12765), d. Duchess 67th, by Usurer (9763), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (18034) HAUTBOY. White, calved Nov. 9, 1857, bred by and the property of Viscount Strathallan. Strathallan Castle, got by Crown Prince (14353), d. Harpsichord, by Abraham Parker (9856), Harmless, by Cleveland Lad (.3407), etc., as in Delhi (15M.:). (18055) HERO. Roan, calved Jan. 11, 1852, bred by Hon. Col. Duncombe, Waresley Park, got by Rufus (15214), d. Countess 2d, by 2d Earl of Beverley (5963), Countess 1st, by St. Luke (7466), Cherry, by Brougham (1746), by Bachelor (3069), by Adonis (2933), by Hec- tor (2103), or Leopold (2199), by Sir Harry (596), by Hollon's Bull (313), by Traveller (655). (18061) HERO OF THORNDALE. Roan, calved Dec. 13, 1859, bred by S. Thorne, Thorndale, U. S. A., the prop- erty of F. Welsh, Trough House, Ireland, got by Grand Turk (12969), d. Lalla itookh. by The Squire (12217), Lavinia, by Prince Ernest (4818), &c.,asin Garrick(11507). (18068) HILDEBRAND. Roan, calved July 4, 1860, bred by Lady Pigot, Branches Park, the property of fit. Ayl- mer, West Dereham, got by Prince Alfred (13494), d. Hildegarde, by Highflyer (11576), Hilda, by Hope-well (10332). Hester, by Hamlet (8126), a Cow bred by Mr. Booth. (18083) IMPERIAL DUKE, 5803. (18084) IMPERIAL OXFORD. Red, calved Aug. 16. isno, bred by S. Thorne, Thorndale, U. S. A., the property of E. Lawford, Southcott, got b"y2d Grand Duke (12961), d. Oxford 13th, by 3d Duke of York (10166), &c., as in Ox- ford (20150). (18086) IMPERIAL WINDSOR. Roan, calved April 3, 1860, bred by and the property of Mr. Carr, Staekhouse, got by Windsor (14013), d. Farewell, by Royal Buck (10750), Ac., as in Scottish Chief (22849). (18115) JOHN O'GROAT. Rich roan, calved Aug. 20, is:>!>, bred by and the pn>pert.\ of Mr. Lawford, South- it bv John ()'( Jaunt (16322). d. New Guinea, by Duk.-'.'.f Sussex (18778),- Nymph, by Udolpho (13907),- 202 LIST OP ENGLISH BULLS Matilda, by Lord Stanley (4269). Red Rose, by Veloci- pede (5552), by Priam (2452), by Jerry (4097), from th(3 stock of Mr. Booth. (18122) JULIUS CJESAR. Red, calved Aug. 1855, bred by K. Duddine, Panton, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), d. Janette, by Gen. Washington (6036), &c., as in Gen. Hope- well 3d (24021). (18154) KNIGHT ERRANT. Red and white, calved Nov. 15, KStiO, bred by R. Booth, Warlaby, the property of T. C. and J. B. Booth, Killerby, got by Sir Samuel (15302), d. Vivandiere, by Buckingham (3239), &c., as in K. C. B. (36483). (18167) LANCASTER ROYAL. Red roan, calved March 13, 1860, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by The Baron (13833), d. Lancaster 25th, by Matadore (11800), Lancaster 16th, by The Marquis (10938). Lancaster 12th, by Will Honeycomb (5660), Lancaster 10th, by George 3d (7038), Lancaster 9th, by Spectator (2688), by Albion (1619), by Lancaster (360), by Son of Windsor (698), by Comet (155). (18219) LORD CLYDE. Roan, calved April 19, 1858, bred by Lord Dufferin, Clandeboye, the property of J. Ander- son, Grace Dieu, got by Welcome Guest (15497), d. Flora 4th, by King William (10379), Flora 3d, by Petrarch (7329), Lady Frances, by Sultan Selim (2710), Frances, by Sir Francis B. (1443), by Sultan (1485), by Welling- ton (683), by North Star (458). (18239) LORD HOPEWELL. Roan, calved Jan. 28, 1860, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Hopewell (10332), d. Chastity, by Crown Prince (10087), Modesty, by Buckingham (3239), Monica, by Raspber- ry (4875), &c., as in Lord Red Rose (22205). (18258) LORD OF LORN. Roan, calved May 18, 1859, bred by G. Shepherd, Shethin, the property of W. Marr, Upper Mill, got by Cherry Duke 2d (14265), d. Lovely 3d, by the Hero (10934), &c., as in Lord Lansdowne (29128). (18267) LORD OF THE HILLS. Roan, calved April 16, 1860, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby. Full brother to Lord Red Rose (22205). (18275) LORD STANLEY. Roan, calved July 26, 1859, bred by and the property of Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, got by Alderman (17293), d. Lady Stanley, by Earl of Derby (12810), Young Jenny Lind 2d, by Betehazzar (14154), ^Jenny Lind, by Crusade (7938), Lydia, by Em- peror (9085), by Chilton's Bull. (18285) Louis NAPOLEON. Roan, calved March 24,1859, bred by and the property of W.Fletcher,Radmanthwaite, got by Champion (12573), d. Lady, by Lord George (10441), Lily,by Fitz- Walter (6014), Watson, by Imperial (4008), by Helmsman (2109). (18313) MALACHITE. Rich roan, calved Feb. 23, 1859, bred by and the property of Jonathan Peel, Knowlmere Manor, got by Duke of Moscow (14447), d. Cowslip 5th, by Chieftain (10048), Cowslip 2d, by Duke of Norfolk (5952), Cowslip 1st, by Waterloo (2816), by Kitt (2179) by Kitt (2179), by Page's Bull (6269), byMiddleton's Bull (438). (18355) MASTER McIlALE, 5945. The property of G. II. Phillips, Ahafln House. (18357) MASTER MARADAN, 5942. The property of G. H. Phillips, Ahafln House. (18372) MAY DUKE 2o. Roan, calved May 28, 1859, bred by C. Howard, Biddenham, the property of Mr. F. Wythes, Ravensden House, got by May Duke (13320), d. Lady Spencer 2d, by Usurer (9763), Lady Spencer, by Shamrock (7488), No. 55 Chilton Sale,by Monarch (2324), &c., as in Fitzroy (16058). (18391) METEOR. Roan, calved Nov. 1853, bred by Mr. Ladds, Ellington, the property of Mr. Laxton, Morborne got by BroughUm Hero (6811), d. Moss Rose, by Mahom- ed (6170), Picotee, by Jeremy (2157), Belle, by Red Rover (4902), by Red Robin (2491), by Beppo (1712) by Emperor (1014). (18414) MoNARCH.-Roan, calved June 20, 1846, bred by W. Button, Gate Burton, got by Lictor (6128), d. Sun- on^f r ' b ^ Gra hus (3917),-Springflower, by Ganthorpe (2049),-Pretty Lass, by Midas (7236),-Ruby, by Grazier (lOoo). (18420) MORBORNE. Roan, calved Oct. 25, 1846, bred by R. W. Laxton, Morborne, got by Cincinnatus (3386) ?nof aCt U "1' by L >' cur S us (2234),-Fickle, by Dispatch (983), * lash, by Roman (1394), Fancy, by Roddngham (;>60), by Sir Harry (596), by Cleasby (142), by a son of Daisy Bull (186), by Colonel (153). (18530) PERAMBULATOR. Roan, calved Nov. 27, 1857, bred by Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, got by Glou- cester (12950), d. I'erfume, by 2d Cleveland Lad (8408), Pansy, by Young Grazier (3928), Primrose, by Expecta- tion (3749), Amelia,by Diamond (209), Cecilia,by Baron (58), Evelina, by Marshal Beresford (415), by Lame Bull (359), by a son of Suwarrow (636), by Suwarrow (636), by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (18552) PLATO. Roan, calved 1854, bred by J.Gamble, Shouldhamthorpe. the property of Lord Suffield, Gun- ton Park, got by The Saxon (12215), d. Princess, by The Captain (5422), Prudence, by Orontes (4623), &c., as in Zaratan (21134). (18567) PRIAM. Roan, calved April 15, 1859, bred by and the property of W. F. D. Dickinson, Ulverstone, got by Florian (12887), d. Young Cressida, by Duke of Athol (10150), Cressida, by Cossack (1880), Cassandra, by Mir- acle (2320), Garland, by Matchem (2281), by Fitz-Remus (2025), by Cato (119), by Whitworth (695). (18630) PRINCE OF WALES, 5100. (18642) PRIVY SEAL. Roan, calved March 18, 1860, bred by C. Smith & Co., Billhead, the property of J. Mackessack, Balnaferry, got by Lord Privy Seal (16444), d. Rose of the North, by Sir James the Rose (15290), Ultima Thule, by Master Charlie (13312), Fair Maid of Athens, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Medora, by Am- bo (1636), by Memnon (2295), by Pilot (496), by Aga- memnon (9), by Burrell's Bull of Burdon. (18665) RAJAH. Red and white, calved Jan. 9, 1859, bred by T. Jolly.Warlaby, the property of R. Gell, Grim- ston Hill, got by Prince Oscar (16757), d. British Empress, by Prince George (13510), British Queen, by British Boy (11206), Leonora, by Fitz-Leonard (7010), by Young Rufus (13649), by Constitution (12634), by Young Comet (1853), descended from Jolly's Bull (4115). (18676) RED DUKE. Red, calved Feb. 10, 1858, bred by and the property of A. L. Maynard, Marton-le-Moor, got by Oxford Duke (15036), d. Ceres 2d, by Squire Blanche (12139), Ceres, by Emperor (6973), Ceres 3d, by Sir- Walter (2639), Ceres, by Mark (2266), by Meteor (431), by North Star (460), by son of Barmpton (54), by Wel- lington (679). (18696) RHESUS. Roan, calved Nov. 24, 1859, bred by and the property of T. Jolly, W T aiiaby, got by Majestic (13279), d. Vesta, by Van (13934), Venetia, by Young Buckingham (14203), by Raspberry (4875), or Roseberry (5011), by Constitution (12634), by Young Comet (1853), descended from Jolly's Bull (4115). (18704) RIFLEMAN. Roan, calved April 15, 1859, bred by and the property of J. Laxton, Morborne, got by Me- teor (18391), d. Judith 4th, by Rebellion (10684), Judith 2d, by Morborne (18420), Judith, by Orontes (4623), Rosamond, by Alabaster (1616), &c., as in Jeremy (2157). (18748) ROYAL ALFRED. Roan, calved Dec. 28, 1858, bred by and the property of T. Willis, Manor House, got by King Alfred (16334), d. Ruth llth, by Dan O'Rourke (12683), Ruth 9th, by Lord John (11731), Ruth 7th, by Comus (12625), Ruth 3d, by Sir John Sinclair (5165), by Layton (2192), by Cupid (1892), by Frederick (1060), by Planet (502). (18749) ROYAL ARCH. Red and white, calved Dec. 6, 1860, bred by and the property of J. H. Langston, M. P., Sarsden House, got by Archduke 2d (15588), d. Countess, by GlosteVs Grand Duke (12949), Charmer, by 4th Duke of York (10167), Chaplet, by Usurer (9763), Chaff, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), Challenge, by Morpeth (7254), by Helicon (2107), by Kenwood (2114), by Nestor (452), by Harold (291), by Meteor (432), by Comet (155), by Cupid (177). (18754) ROYAL BUTTERFLY 3D. Red, calved Sept. 2, 1859, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, the prop- erty of Mr. Barber, Sproatley Rise, got by Royal Butter- fly (16862), d. Frederick's Evadne, by Frederick (11489), Emily, by Kossuth (11646), Baroness Emilia, by Baron of Ravensworth (7811), Emily, by Comet (1854), by Eclipse (1949), by Duke (1933), by Wellington (2824), by Young Remus (2522), by Midas (435), by Traveller (655), by Bolingbroke (86). (18756) ROYAL BUTTERFLY 5TH. Roan, calved Jan. 4, 1860, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, the prop- erty of S. Marjoribanks, Busliey Grove, mot by Royal But- terfly (16862), d.Violante,by Valiant (10989), Roan Duch- ess 2d, by Frederick (11489), &c., as in Royal Wharfdalo (32805). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 203 (18767) ROYAL ESSEX. Roan, calved Oct. 27,1858, bred by E.Clarke, Lillingstone, cot by Romanoff (151S1), d. Seniphiue, by Sweet William (7571), &c., as in (Sheriff (18774) ROYAL OXFORD, 5157. (18807) SELEUCUS. Red, calved Sept. 21, 1854, bred by and the property of G. Carrington, Great Missendon Ab- bey, got by Solon (9675), d. Patty, by Rory O'More (8508), Rosamond, by Bargeman (1(576), Premium, by Snow- drop (8668), by St. Albans (2584), by Waverley (2819), by son of Washington (675). (18820) SHEET ANCHOR. Red, calved April 3, 1859, bred by R. Chaloner, King's Fort, the property of J. P. Tynte, Tynte Park, and R. Chaloner, King's Fort. got by Harbinger (10297), d. Miss Warlaby, by Baron Warlaby (7813), Ophelia, by Hamlet (8126), &c., as in Lord Na- pier (26688). (18862) SIR RODERICK DHU. Red and white, calved Dec. 23, 1860, bred by and the property of T. Jolly, War- laby. got by Sir Roger (16991), d. Laurel Leaf, by Starling (15388), Laurel Bud, by British Boy (11206), Laurel, by Fitz-Leonard (7010), by Young Rufus (13649), by Con- stitution (12634), by Young Comet (1853), descended from Jolly's Bull (4115). (18865) SIR SAMSON. Red roan, calved May 9, 1859, bred by R. Searson, Cranmore Lodge, the property of W. Sharpe, Deeping St. Nicholas, got by Sir Samuel (15302), d. Coquette, by Lambton (9273), Celia, by Sweet William (5368), Camilla, by Speculation (5290), Miss Mason, by Childers (1824), by Columella (904), by Al- bion (14), by Marske (418), by Blyth Comet (85), by son of Favourite (252). (18867) SIR SIMON. Roan, calved April 25, 1859, bred by and the property of R. Searson, Cranmore Lodge, got by Sir Samuel (15302), d. Constance, by Sugar Ham (10894), Casket, by Frederick (10243), Cassandra, by Belvedere 4th (3130), Miss Spooncer, by Master Charley (7*215), by Miracle (2321). (18952) SWEETMEAT. Roan, calved Nov. 26, 1859, bred by and the property of Mr. Sanclay, Holmepierrepont, got by Sir James (16980), d. Sugar Plum, by 2d Duke of Bolton (12739), Sweet Lily, by Vatican (12260), Sweet- brier 4th, by Baron Foggathorpe (9931), Sweetbrier 2d, by Quality (8446), by Sweet William (5368), by Homer (2134), by Sirius (5161), by Lubin (4291), by Sultan (5314), by Burgess' Leopard, Old Countess. (18981) THE DRUID. Roan, calved April 3, 1860, bred by and the property of Mr. Barnes, Westland. got by Dr. Mcllale (15887), d. The Baroness, by Baron Warlaby (7813), Ophelia, by Hamlet (8126), &c., as in Lord Na- pier (26688). (18982) THE DUKE. Rich roan, calved Jan. 23, 1858, bred by and the property of L. Hodgson, Highthorn, got by General Canrobert (16102), d. Dolly 4th, by Free Gift (12H01), Dolly 2d, by Gone Away (10279), Dolly, by Gainford 2d (6031), Charlton, by Snowball (2647), by Young Lancaster (361), by St. Albans (2584), by Fa- vourite (2006), by Baruaby (1678), by Suwarrow (2718). (19005) TOMBOY. Red and white, calved Sept. 19, 1856, bred by J. Rhodes, Scale Lodge, got by Kalafat (13101), d. M argery, by Essex Hero (9096), &c., as in Wonder (21126). (19025) TYNESIDE. White, calved March 2, 1859, bred by and the property of T. Marshall, Howes, got by Rich- ard ( 'anir-de-Lion (13590), d. Countess, by Abraham Par- ker (9856), Red Duchess 3d, by Young Peer (13462), Caroline 3d. by Duke of St. Albans (8001), Caroline, by Tyne (7653), by Wolsington (2852), by Brandon (3206), by Young Sovereign, by Lonsdale (379), by Irishman (329). (19035) USURER. Roan, calved June 9, 1859, bred by and the property of Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Earl of Hardwicke (14476), d. Lady Bird, by Usurer (9763). Belinda, by Ranunculus (2479), Sylph, by Sir Walter (2637), by Hotspur (1117), by Coxcomb (928), by Mi- das (435), by Comet (155), by R. Colling's son of Fa- vourite (252), by same son of Favourite (252), by Hub- back (319). (19043) VAMPIRE. Red and white, calved Feb. 1. 1860, bred by and the property of Hon. Col. Pennant. M. P., Penrhyn Castle, got by Marmaduke (14897), d. The Vine, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Picotee, by Premier (6308), Sunflower, by Unicorn (8725), by Young Satellite (8538), by Valentine (661), bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. (19053) VICEROY. Roan, calved Feb. 9, 1846. bred by C. Garthorn, Cornforth, got by Csesarovitz (3261), d. Rose, by Sprightly (5308), Cornforth, by Magnet (2240), &c., as in Bacchus (17338). (19054) VICEROY. Red, calved April 30, 1859, bred by and the property of A. Longmore. Kettie, got by Impe- rial Rome (16292), d. Mimi, by Inheritor (13065,). Me" Dodds, by Seafleld (9616), Spaewife, by Jacob (16306), Enchantress, by Ury (17157), by Heriot (4017), by Grey Diomed (2076), by Juniper (1144). (19073) VICTORY. Roan, calved Feb. 25, 1848, bred by G. Peacock, Hart, got by Viceroy (19053), d. Lady Mary Lennox, by Sir Charles (5147), Lady Seymour, by Duke of Cleveland (3640), Rosette, by Bellerophon (3119), Red Rose, by Warrior (9806). (19110) WANDERING WILLIE. Roan, calved Jan. 21, 1859, bred by J. S. Crawley, Stockwood Park, the prop- erty of Mr. Barnett, Stratton Park, got by Welcome Guest (15497), d. Susan, by Duke of Athol (10150), Spin- ster, by Royalty (10756), Slut, by Tom Steele (3715), Slipshod, by Ronald (5005), by Cucumber (1891), by Belshazzar (1704), by Snowball (2648), by Prince (522), by Favourite (256). (19120) WARWICK. Red roan, calved Nov. 15, 1859, bred by and the property of R. Stratton. Broad Hinton, got by Nottingham (15014), d. Matchless 4th. by Waterloo (11025), Matchless 2d, by The Red Duke (8694), Moss Rose, by Phoenix (6290). (19126) WATER PRINCE, 13112. (19148) WILD DUKE. Roan, calved Feb. 27, 1858, bred by N. G. Barthropp, Cretingham Rookery, the property of T. Crisp, Butley Abbey, got by Duke of Suffolk (14456), d. Wild Eyes 16th, by Second Duke of Oxford (9046), Wild Eyes 15th, by Fourth Duke of Northumberland (3649), Wild Eyes 8th. by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Wild Eyes 2d, by Belvedere (1706), Wild Eyes, by Emperor (1975), by Wonderful (700), by Cleveland (145), by Butterfly (104), by Hollon's Bull (313). by Mowbray's Bull (2342), by Masterrnan's Bull (422), de- scended from Mr. Dobinson's Stock. (19157) WINDSOR ^AUGUSTUS. Red roan, calved Oct. 28, 1860, bred by and the property of Mr. Carr, Stack- house, got by Windsor (14013), d. Lady Flora, by Gain- ford 5th (12913), Flora, by Bumper (10005), by Royal Buck (10750), Cherry Brandy, by Rousseau (10746), by Ilarlsonio (U055), by Belvedere 2d (3127). by Waterloo (2816), by Kitt (2179), by Kitt (2179), by Page's Bull ), by Middleton's Bull (438). VOLUME XT. (19-209) ALBION, 2482. White, calved March 14, 185(5, bred by R. A. Alexander, Woodburn, the property of T. Greethain, Suuniield Hall, got by Grand Turk (1296!)), d. Frances Fairfax, by Crusade (7938), Fair Frances, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Feldom, by Young Colling (ISC!), Lily, by Red Bull (2838), by son of llollimr's (2181), -by Partner (8409), by Holltnga (2131), by R. Al- cock's Bull (19). (1l24 li AIITHITK C WYNNE. White, calved Oct. 27, 18(50, bred by and the property of A. A: A. Mitchell, Alloa. got by Prince Arthur (13497), d. Nevosa (Jwynne, by Sir Harry Gwynne (13080), Nevosa 2d, by The Baronet (10918), Fanny, by Prince Albert (4801), Rose, by Chan- cellor (180!)), by Umpire (5530), by Northern Light (4586), by Young Alfred (2993), by Lemon Horns (2196), by Witham's Bull (5670). ( 19313) HIKTHMAY. Red, calved Oct. 19, 1861, bred by D.P. Walesby, Ranby, the property of U. Searson, ( 'ran- more Lodge, got by Cock of the Walk (15782), d. Fanny, by Julius Ca;sar (18122), Old Fanny, by Statesman (5321), 204 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS by Belvedere 4th (3130), by Raby (2474), by son of Cossack (925), by George (1067). ' (19316) BLACK KNIGHT. Red roan, calved June 6, 1862, bred by and the property of Lord Walsingham, Mertoii Hall, got by Red Knight (16809), d. Legacy, by La Blache, (10387), Lovely Kate, by Hosills (14720),-Clementia, by Young Wynyard (15524), Cheerful, by Young Lenton (4206), by Burleigh (3244), by Woodville (2856), by George (1068), by Constellation (919), by Young Fa- vourite (254), by Midas (436), by Major (397). (19332) *BOWER'S BULL. Roan, calved Nov. 14, 1830, bred by Mr. Bagshaw, Thurlstone, got by Spectre (2689), d. Juliet, by Goldfinder (2064), Ann, by Boughton (90). (19337) BREASTPLATE. Roan, calved July 16, 1861, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Dr. McHale (15887), d. Bracelet 3d, by Vanguard (10994), Young Bracelet, by Hopewell (10332), Sylph- ide, by Morning Star (6223), Parasol, by Priam (2452), by Volunteer (i"553), by Argus (759), by Pilot (496), by Remus (550), by Blucher (82), by Albion (14), by Shakespeare (582), by Easby (232). (19349) BRITANNICUS 2o. Roan, calved Feb. 6, 1859, bred by F. Sartoris, Rushden Hall, the property of Mr. Rogers, Knotting, got by British Prince (14197), d. Sur- mise, by Duke of Gloster (11382), Silence, by Earl of Derby (10177), Secret 3d, by Duke of Sutherland (6945), Secret 2d, by Locomotive (4242), by Short Tail (2621), by Gambler (2046), by Young Wynyard (2859), by Bulls of C. & R. Colling. (19351) BRITISH FLAG. Roan, calved April 24, 1862, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Wurlaby, got by Lord of the Valley (14837), d. Bridal Wreath, by Crown Prince (10087), Bride Elect, by Vanguard (10994), &c., as in Royal Benedict (27348). (19368) BULL'S RUN. Roan, calved May 18, 1861, bred by and the property of Sir C. Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, got by Barleycorn (17348), d. Galleon, by Morocco (16590), Polytint, by Earl of Dublin (10178), Cornbind, by Janizary (8175), &c., as in Lackey (24291). (19397) CARACTACUS. Roan, calved Jan. 7, 1862, bred by and the property of G. R. Barclay, Keavil, got by Champion of England (17526), d. Nonpareil 20th, by The Baron (13833), Nonpareil llth, by Hudson (9228), Non- pareil 8th, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Nonpareil 3d, by Young Frederick (3836), by Commodore (1858), by Tathwell Studley (5401), by Blyth Comet (85). (19507) CONTE DE VERMANDOIS. Red and white,calved Aug. 14, 1862, bred by and the property of Lady Pigot, Branches Park, got by Prince Alfred (13494), d. La Val- liere, by Gaiuford 5th (12913), &c., as in Scottish Chief (19542) CYNRIC. Roan, calved Sept. 18, 1861, bred by Jon. Peel, Knowlmere Manor, the property of G. Game, Churchill Heath, got by Grand Duke 3d (16182), d.Bashful, by Prince Imperial (15095), &c., as in Bismarck (25637). (19585) DON WINDSOR. Roan, calved Aug. 18, 1860, bred by and the property of Mr. Carr, Stackhouse, got by Windsor (14013), d. Bella Donnar, by Majestic (13279), Violet, by Lord George (10439), Nancy, by Vanguard (10994), by Hamlet (8126), by Sir Roger (7515), by Studley Royal (5342). (19600) 2D DUKE OF AIRDRIE, 2744. The property of C. Howard, Biddenham, and J. Robinson, Clifton Pas- tures. (19601) STH DUKE OF AIRDRIE, 3843. The property of T. Barber, Sproatley Rise. , 6TH DUKE OF AIRDRIE, 3844. The property of E. L. Betts, Preston Hall. (19611) DUKE OF CLARENCE. White, calved Jan. 29, 1861, bred by and the property of Capt. Gunter The Grange, got by 7th Duke of York (17754), d. Duchess 80th, by (irand Duke of Oxford (16184), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (19614) DUKE OF GENEVA, 3858. The property of Col. Pennant, M. P., Penrhyn Castle, calved Feb. 16, 1860. v , DUKE OF KNOWLMERE. Roan, calved March 31, 1861, bred by Jon. Peel, Knowlmere Manor, the prop- erty of J. Logan, Maindee House, got by 3d Grand Duke (16182), d. Bountiful, by 2d Grand Duke (12961), Bl Bliss- ful, by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as in Bismark (25637')! (19631) 7TH DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. Roan, calv- ed March 30, 1862, bred by and the property of T Barber Sproatley Kise, got by Royal Hutterlly 3d (18754), d. Duch- ess of Northumberland, by Romulus (15185),- -Duchess Nanny, by Jasper (11609), &c., as in Duke of Grafton (19632) HTH DUKE OF OXFORD. White, calved March 9, 1861, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, the property of J. Hull, Warton Bank, got by 3d Grand Duke (16182), d. Countess of Oxford 2d, by Cambridge Barrington 2d (14224), Countess of Oxford, by Earl of Warwick (11412), &c., as in 18th Duke of Oxford (25995). v-ic/vnju, 12TH DUKE OF OXFORD. Roan, calved Sept. 26, 1862, bred by and the property of the Duke of Dev- onshire, Holker Hall, got by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997), d. Oxford 15th, by 4th Duke of York (10167), &c., as in 18th Duke of Oxford (25995). (19637) IST DUKE OF OXFORD AND GLOUCESTER. Red, calved Sept. 16, 1861, bred by Lord Feversham, Dun- combe Park, the property of E. A. Fawcett, Childwick Hall, got by Chanticleer (17530), d. Chesterfield, by Glou- cester (12950), Choice, by Highland Duke (13025), Chi- na, by 4th Duke of York (10167), &c., as in Chanticleer (17530). (19640) DUKE OF RICHMOND. Roan, calved March 27, 1856, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, got by Viscount (15471), d. Lily, by Kossuth (11646), Ros- anne, by Sir William (8598), Rosy, by Roger (13615), Lady Derby 2d, by Thorp (2757), by Albion (731), by Wellington (679), by Sultan (631), by Signior (588). (19644) DUKE OF SUSSEX, 3891. Calved June, 1859. (19645) DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. Red and white, calv- ed Dec. 19, I860, bred by the Prince Consort, the prop- erty of Her Majesty the Q,ueen, got by Fitz Clarence (14552), d. Duchess, by Duke of Cambridge (12742), Cold Cream, by Earl of Dublin (10178), Pansy, by Grey Friar (9172), Freckle, by Fawsley (6004), Furbelow, by Little John (4232), by Marcellus (2260), by Caliph (1774), by Swing (2721), by Argus (759), by Defender (194), by Petrarch (488), by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer, by Butterfly (104), by Globe (278). (19648) DUKE OF WHARFD ALE. Rich roan, calved June 28, 1861, bred by and the property of Capt. Gunter, The Grange, got by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997), d. Duchess 73d, by 6th Duke of Oxford (12765). Duchess 70th, by Duke of Gloster (11382), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharfdale (26033). (19649) 2o DUKE OF WHARFDALE. Rich roan, calved June 20, 1862, bred by and the property of Capt. Gunter, The Grange, got by 7th Duke of York (17754), d. Duch- ess 73d, by 6th Duke of Oxford (12765), Duchess 70th, by Duke of Gloster (11382), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharf- dale (26033). (19693) EMPEROR. Roan, calved Nov. 20, 1862, bred by S. Rich, Didmarton, the property of J. Harward, Win- terfold, got by Earl Howe (17768), d. Eugenia, by 12th Duke of York (12784), Sweetbread, by Belshazzar 2d (14154). by Napoleon (10552), by Plenipo (4724), by Sir John (16985), by Rex (1375), by Baron (58), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, by FalstaiF (250), by Irishman (329). (19701) ENGLISHMAN. Roan, calved Sept. 6, 1859, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, the property of G. R. Bar- clay, Keavil, got by Sir Charles (16948), d. English Rose, by Cheltenham (12588), Lady Stuart, by Red Roan Kirt- ling (10691), Countess of Hardwicke, by Percy (6283), Celia, by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647), &c., as in Lord Wallace (24473). (19704) ENTERPRISE. Roan, calved May 31, 1862, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, got by Lord Hopewell (18239), d. Ellenna, by Fitz Clarence (14552), Elenor, by Friar John (12905), Ellana, by Count (10079), Eleanor, by a son of Boz (3201), by Waverley (5613), by Cedric (3311), by Fisher's son of Favourite (1028), by Ccelebs (897), by Rose's Bull (5009), by Fisher's Bull (3799). (19749) FIRST FIDDLE. Red, calved May 18, 1862, bred by R. Jefferson, Preston Hows, the property of J. Todd, Mireside, got by Cherry Duke 4th (17552), d. Holly Bush, by Welcome Guest (15497), Heartsease, by Ploughboy (73:38), Lively 5th, by Pearl (4668), Lively 4th, by Rock- ingham (2550), Lively 3d, by Rolla (2557), Lively 2d, by.MacGregor (2236), Lively,by Major (2255), by York- shireman (5699), by Northumberland (464), by Styford (103), by Bolingbroke (86). (19839) GEN. CLYDE. Red roan, calved Nov. 24, 1861, bred by J. Molfat, Ballyhyland, the property of S. Arm- strong, Enniscorthy, got by Lord Clyde (18219), d. Sall- ron, by Berrington Boy (11173), Sixpence, by Claret (10057), Strawberry 2d, by Sir Charles (7501), Sylph, by son of Cupid, by Exotic (16012). (19841) GEN. HAVELOCK. Roan, calved March 15, 1856, bred by and the property of E. L. Betts, Preston Hall, got by Young Preston (20515), d. Harmony 2d, by Preston TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 205 (90514), Harmony, by Hack forth (9175), by Robin Burn v )-w3), by The Irishman (5446), by Roland (2.V,6. (19S IS) (;i;oi;(ii: IST. Koau, calved Feb. 27, 1859, bml by ,j. . Stanhope, M. P., lievesby Abbey, the property of W. B. Stopford, Drayton House, got by Emperor (14505). d. Graceful, by Duke of Bolton (12738), Garland 3d, by Daylight (11339), Garland, by Brunswick (6814), Graceful, by Lycurgus (7180), Marcia. by Ranunculus (2479), Sackbut, by William (2840), Clarion, by Child- era (1824), No. 25. by Richard (1370), by Jupiter (342), by Charles (127). by Windsor (698), by Chilton (136),- by Coldnel (152). (19867) GONDAMAR. Roan, calved Oct. 1862, bred by ; and the property of T. Game. Broadmoor, got by 6km- j domar (17985), d. Bloomer, by Gen. Pelissier (14605), j Bloom, by Royal (13636), Young Blossom, by Magnet | (10488), toy Fitz Hardinge (8073). by Elevator (6969), j by Consul (1868), by Gazer (7030). (19874) GRAND DUKE 4TH. Red, calved April 25, 1861, bred by S E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, the property of I J. Began, Dawpool, got by Grand Duke 3d (16182), d. Grand Duchess 8th, by Prince Imperial (15095), &c., as in Grand Duke 16th (24063). (19875) GRAND DUKE STH. Red, calved Sept. 14. 1861, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, the property of C Howard, Biddenham, and J. Robinson, Clifton Pas- tures, got by Grand Duke 3d (16182), d. Grand Duchess 5th, by Prince Imperial (15095), Grand Duchess 2d, by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as hi Grand Duke 16th (24063). (19877) GRAND DUKE 7TH. Roan, calved Dec. 29, 1861, bred by S. E. Bolden. Springfield Hall, the property of R. E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, got by Grand Duke 3d (16182), d. Grand Duchess 4th, by Cherry Duke (12589), Grand Duchess, by Grand Duke (10284), Duchess 51st, by Cleveland Lad (3407), &c., as in Grand Duke 16th (24063). (19879) GRAND DUKE 9TH. Roan, calved Aug. 13.1862, bred by and the property of J. Began, Dawpool, got by Grand Duke 3d (16182), d. Grand Duchess 5th, by Prince Imperial (15095), Grand Duchess 2d, by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as in Grand Duke 16th (24063). (19883) GRAND DUKE OF LANCASTER. Rich roan, calv- ed May 25, 1862, bred by and the property of W. W. Slye, Beaumont Grange, got by 3d Grand Duke (16182), d. Czarina, by 2d Grand Duke (12961), Garcia, by Grand Duke (10284), Vaudeville, by Humber (7102), Guitar, by Zenith (5702), by Roman (2561), by Childers (1824), by Richard (1376), by Jupiter (342), by Charles (127), by Windsor 698), by Chilton (136), by Colonel (152). (19908) GREY GAUNTLET. Red roan, calved June 16, 1861, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Dr. McIIale (15887), d. Gauntlet, by Van- guard (10994), Gorget, by Crown Prince (10087), Glist- en, by Vanguard (10994), -Gleam, by Baron Warlaby (7813), Glitter, by Londesboro (6142), Glow Worm, by Ranunculus (2479), Golden Locks, by Remus (4932), by Prince Comet (1342), by Count (170), by Prince of Waterloo (528), by Young Favourite (255). (19910) GUELDER ROSE. White, calved June 8, 1861, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, the property of Rev. W. Bullock, Falkbourn Hall, got by Sir Charles (16948), d. The Beauty, by Puritan (9523), &-c., as in Cambridge Duke 4th (25706). (19943) HENGIST. White, calved May 20, 1861, bred by Jon. Peel, Knowlmere Manor, got by War Eagle (15483), d. Princess Maud, by Prince Arthur (13497), Bustle, by Valiant (10989), Bonnet, by Buckingham (3239), Bliss, by Leonard (4210), &c., as in Bismark (25637). (19973) HOPEWELL. Roan, calved July 12, 1861, bred by and the property of Mr. Pawlett, Beeston, got by Sheet Anchor (18S20), d. May Dew, by Hopewell (10332), Molly Bawn, by Hamlet (8126), Faithless, by Prince Ernest (7366), Favourite, by Bright (1739;, by Shylock ), by Percy (1314). by Bliicher (84), by Jupiter i. by Marshal Beresford (415), by Crocus (932), by a Bull of R. Coliing-s. (mm) IMPROVER. Red, calved June, 1852, bred by J. Lawton, Winthorpe, got by Improver (10344), d. Young Anna, by Comas (7915), Anna, by Buckingham (6819), Mary Anne 3d,by Lord John! 1257), Mary Aime, by Filho da-Puta (3791). by Favourite (1028), by a son of JJlyth Comet is;. by Fisher's Bull (3799), by a Bull bought in the North. (20006) IN<,I,K\VOOI>. -Kuan, calved Feb. I860, bred by .1. I 'nt lia'nk. Net herscales, the property of J. liowstead, Beck Bank, got by Freemason (12902), d. Miss Frances, by Sir Thomas (13749), -Fanny, by King Lear (11037), Nancy, by Van-nard (10994), by Hamlet (8126), by Sir Roger (7515),- by Studley Royal (5342). .(200*3) JOSEPH. Rich roan, calved April 7, 1861, bred by Messrs. Atkinson, Peepy, the property of T. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, got by Richard C(Bur de Lion (13590), d. Miss Chrisp, by Abraham Parker (9856), Sweet Rose, by Tyne (7653), Flora, by Wolsiiurton (2852), by Bran- don (3206), by Acton (15551), by' Twin Brother to Ben (660). (20047) KENT OXFORD. Rich roan, calved March 19, 1861, bred by E. Hales, North Frith, the property of T. Morris, Maisemore Court, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11887), d. Janetta 6th, by Cardinal (11246), Janetta 2d, by Belleville (6778). Janetta, by Homer (2184). Jessica, by Gainford (2044), by Lowther (4283), bred by Mr. Atkinson, Temple Sowerby. (20049) 3o KENT OXFORD. Roan, calved March 28,1861, bred by E. Hales, North Frith, sold to Sturgeon and Sons, Gray's Hall, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), d. Patty Gwynne, by Young Benedict (15641), Pricky Gwynne, by St. Thomas (10777), Old Pricky Gwynne, by Conservative (3472), Red Nell Gwynne, by Chorister (3378), Poll Gwynne, by Wellington (2824), Dorothy Gwynne, by Marmion (406), &c., as in Charley (17541). (20052) KILLERBY LAD. Roan, calved March 12, 1861, bred by Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, the property of P. Riall, Old Conna Bill, got by Booth Royal (15673), d. Killerby Maid 3d, by Vanguard (10994), Lady Hopetown, by Hopewell (10332), Gertrude, by Lord George (10439), Maid of Mowbray, by Bob (3181), by Priam (2452), by Volunteer (1553), by Argus (759), by Pilot (496), by Remus (550), by Blucher (82), by Albion (14), by Shakespeare (582), by Easby (288). (20075) KNIGHT OF ATHELSTANE. Red, calved Sept. 14, 1861, bred by Mr. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Sir James the Rose (15290), d. Playful, by 4th Duke of York (10167), fec., as in Hiawatha (14705). (20140) LORD ABBOT. Roan, calved Aug. 12, 1861, bred by and the property of Mr. Carr, Stackhouse, got by Monk (11824), d. Bella Donna, by Majestic (13279), &c., as in Don Windsor (19585). (20143) LORD ALBERT. White, calved May 11, 1862, bred by and the property of T. C. and J. B. Booth, Kill- erby, got by Lord of the Valley (14837), d. Dora, by Windsor (14013), Charlotte, by Crown Prince (10087), Caroline, by Fitz-Leonard (7010), Christiana, by Buck- ingham (3239), by Roseberry (5011), by Priam (2452), by Jerry (4097), by Young Pilot (4702). (20160) LORD CHANCELLOR. Red, calved May 8, 1861, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Usurer (19035), d. Red Rose, by Marmaduke (14897), &c., as in Cambridge Duke 4th (25706). (20164) LORD COBHAM. White, calved May 4, 1860, br ; ed by the Earl of Zetland, Upleatham, the property of Mr. Fawkes, Farnley, got by Cobham (14287), d. Cynthia, by Apollo (9899), Daisy, by Lottery (10472), Delight, by Duke of Cornwall (5947), Destiny, by Prince Ernest (4818), Dido, by Wallace (5586), Dairymaid, by Welling- ton (2824), Dorothy, by Marmion (406), by Merlin (430), by Layton (366), &c., as in Dulverton (3659). (20188) LORD LANGUISH, 4114. (20214) LORD OXFORD, 3091. The property of the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Ball. (20215) LORD OXFORD 2o. White, calved Nov. 8, 1861, bred by Mr. Thome, Thorndale, the property of T. Ath- erton, Chapel House, got by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17J50), d. Oxford Kith, by 3d Duke of York (10166), tc., as in Baron Oxford (23375). (20221) LORD RAGLAN 2o. Roan, calved Dec. 3, 1861, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank. Sittvton, got by Lord Raglan (13244), d. Gold Drop, by The Baron (13833), Pure Gold, by Young 4th Duke (9037), &c., as in Golden King (31268). (20235) LORENZO. Red, calved May 26, 1856, bred by Mr. Morison. Montcoller, got by Omer 1'acha r,>0134), d. Laurel, by Northern Willie, Missie, by son of Duke 3d (17697), Countess, by The Pacha (7612), Jessamine, by Mahomed (6170), by Plenipo (4725), by Abbot (2899). (20249) LVSIDAS. Red and white, calved Nov. 17, 1860, bred by Mr. Sauday, Holniepierrepont. the property of J. N. Beasley. Chapel Brampton, got by , Sir James U(>9SOi, d. Lncilla. by Harbinger (10897). Laundry Maid, by I'suren'.);*;:!).-- La\emier. by Dan 0'Connell(8667), Lily, by Mnitus (i;'52).--by Frederick (KMiOi, - by Cato (li ( .M, --by a son of Wellington (679), bred by Mr. Robertson, Laclykirk. 206 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (20284) MARMADUKE. Roan, calved June 1] ,1861, bred by A. Crnickshank. Sittyton, the property of N. Reid, Danestown, got by Lord Stanley (10454), d. Jessamine, by Matadore (11800), Albina, by Velvet Jacket (10998), Antelope, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Fancy, by Billy (3151), by Sovereign (7539), by Satellite (1420), by Baronet (60), by Cleveland (144), by Symmetry (641). MONARCH 3o. Roan, calved Jan. 8, 1858, bred by and the property of J. Brett, Burton Joyce, got by Monarch 2d (14958). d. Lancaster 24th, by Prince Royal (7371), Lancaster 10th, by George 3d (7038), &c., as in Lancaster Royal (18167). (20370) MONARCH 4TH. Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1862' bred by J. Brett, Burton Joyce, the property of Mr- Brooks, New York, U. S. A., got by Monarch 3d (20369)' d. Ruby 9th, by Monarch 2d (14958), Ruby 6th, by Irn" prover (20003), Ruby 5th, by Lord Arthur Fairfax (7152)' Ruby 4th, by Homer (8153), by Snap (2646), by Shake' speare (1429), by Rubens (568). (20383) MOUNTAIN CHIEF. Roan, calved Aug. 10, 1862, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Lord of the Hills (18267), d. Soldier's Bride, by Windsor (14013), Campfollower, by Crown Prince (10087), Viv- andiere, by Buckingham (3239), &c., as in K. C. B. (26492). (20405) NEXT OF KIN. White, calved Oct. 22, 1862, bred by Mr. Douglas, Athelstaueford, got by Freemason (12902), d. Rose of Sharon, by Heir-at-Law (13005), Rose of Autumn, by Sir Henry (10824), &c., as in Prince Alfred (27107). (20434) OMER PACHA. Red, calved April 15, 1854, bred by J. C. G. Duff, Eden, got by llth Duke of York (11399), d. Guineas, by Young 4th Duke (9037), The Mint, by Robin O'Day (4973), &c., as in Gladstone (26256). (20450) OXFORD. Red and white, calved March 26, 1861, bred by S. Thome, Thorndale, the property of W. W. Slye, Beaumont Grange, got by 2d Grand Duke (12961), d. Maid of Oxford, by Lord of Eryholme (12205), Oxford 13th, by 3d Duke of York (10166), Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Oxford 2d, by Short Tail (3621), by Matchem (2281), by Young Wynyard (20457) YOUNG PACHA. Red, calved March 19, 1862, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, the property of W. Marr, Upper Mill, got by Dipthong (17681), d. Margaret, by The Garioch Boy (15384), Barbara, by Unrivalled (13926), Isabella, by The Pacha (7612), Crocus, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), by Sillery (5131), by Sillery (5131), by Young Western Comet (1575), by Diamond (205), by Favourite (256), by Charge's Red Bull (1810). (20486) PERCIVAL. Roan, calved Nov. 6, 1860, bred by H. T. Peacock, Haddockstones, the property of G Ser- jeantson, got by Faithful (16024), d. Peach, by Horatio (10335), -Priscilla, by Paul Pry (10598),-Princess Royal, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), Wamba, by Harlsey (2091), -by Merrington (2303),-by Wynyard (2859), by a Bull of Mr. Mason's, by Lawnsleeves (365). (20514) PRESTON. Red and white, calved May 21, 1850, bred by and the property of E. L. Betts, Preston Hall, got by Duke of Richmond (10161), d. Rosabell, by Margate (82,6) Ida, by Evandar (6981), Clio, by Orontes (4623), by William (2840), by Ivanhoe (1131), byBlyth Comet (20515) YOUNG PRESTON.-Red and white, calved Nov. i?n' )ret l by and the Property of E. L. Betts, Preston Hall, got by Preston (20514), d. Spring Flower, by Duke of Richmond (10161), Splendour, by Powyke (4743) Stella, by Powyke Patriot (4746), Star, by Powyke Wharfdale (4748),-Old Strawberry. 1*PSP*?'& JAMEs.-Red and White, calved Aug. 17, 1862, bred by and the property of Mr. Pawlett, Bees- 5?^!?* v y Sl !' J ;l me ? ( 169 )> d. Fairy, by The Corsair Booth (27350 Petrarch (7329), &c., as in Royal ie^ 57) ,F BINC ? LEO *U>- Rich roan, calved April 16, 1802, bred by and the property of H. Aylmer, WestDere- ham, got by Red Knight (16809), d. Gem bj (20560) PRINCE Louis. Roan, calved March 24 1861 bred by Lord Kinnuird, Rossie Priory got by Prince S' thur (18497), d. Louise 3d, by Lord Ragian 3244 -Lou- ise, by Filbert (11473). Day's Eye by Youn- 4th DnS (y037),-Sonsie 10th, by Hunt (7103), -SoS 5th by Id s"lh U !!^ 0rt !i umberliuul (3M(i),-Sonsie 3d, by Sultan Selim (2,10),-Sons 1 e2d ) by Prince Edward (S&6& Son- pie. by Sultan (1485), by a son of Trunnell (659), by Middleton (1235), by a son of Ben (7'0), or Punch (531). (20567) PRINCE OF BATTERSEA. Red and white, calved Sept. 5, 1862, bred by and the property of R. Booth, War- laby, got by Prince Arthur (13497), d. Queen of the Ocean, by Crown Prince (10087), Red Rose, by Harbinger (10297), &c., as in Lord Red Rose (20576) PRINCE OF SAXE COEOURG. Roan, calved May 9, 1862, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, got by British* Prince (14197), d. Peeress, by Lord Ythan (*W<$)-Duch-/4 ess 5th, by Prince of Cobourg (15100), Duchess 2d, by Christmas Rose (14274), Duchess 1st, by Duke of Clar- ence (9040), by Angus Hero (6745), by Darlington(3561). (20577) PRINCE OF THE BLOOD. Roan, calved March 3, 1861, bred by and the property of Mr. Carr, Stack- house, got by Valasco (15443), d. Lady of the Valley, by Lord of the Valley (14837), Wide Awake, by Royal Buck (10750), &c., as in Sir Windsor Broughton (27507). (20578) PRINCE OF THE EMPIRE. Red and white,calved Sept. 24, 1861, bred by and the property of Mr. Carr, Stackhouse, got by Elfin King (17796), d. Wide Awake, by Royal Buck (10750), &c., as in Sir Windsor Broughtoii (27507). (20589) PRINCE OF WALEs,6067. Red and white,calved June, 1862, bred by and the property of J. Stepheuson, White House, got by Duke of Sussex (19644), d. Princess, by Earl Courtney (14468), Princess, by Gen. Sale 2d (14606), Hose Ann, by Gen. Sale (8099), Duchess 2d, by Gen. Sale (8099), Duchess, by 4th Duke of Northumber- land (3649), Rosette, by Belvedere (1706), Red Rose, by Waterloo (2816), Moss Rose, by Baron (58), Ange- lina, by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252), Prin- cess, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Hub- back (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Masterman's Bull (422) by Harrison's Bull (669). (20597) PRINCE OF WORCESTER. Roan, calved Feb. 27, 1862, bred by and the property of W. Fletcher, Rad- manthwaite, got by Louis Napoleon (18285), d. Princess Alice, by Cafl're Jack (12525), Princess, by Prince Al- bert (10634), Princess Royal, by Cossack (1880), by Imperial (4068),by Helmsman (2109). (20623) RAMPANT. Red, calved Jan. 27, 1860, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, the property of Sir G. R. Philips,Bart.,Weston Park.gotby Grand Duke 3d (16182), d. Garcia, by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as in Grand Duke of Lancaster (19883). (20628) RAVENSPUR. Red and white, calved July 10, 1861, bred by and the property of R. Booth, Warlaby. Full brother to Lord Red Rose (22205). (20718) ROYAL BUCKINGHAM. Red and white, calved Nov. 4, 1862, bred by and the property of Mr. Carr, Stack- house, got by Don Windsor (19585), d. Wide Awake, by Royal Buck (10750), &c., as in Sir Windsor Broughton (27507). (20724) ROYAL BUTTERFLY 16TH. Roan, calved Dec. 24, 1862, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Royal Butterfly (16862). d. Pearl, by Richard Coeur de Lion (13590), &c., as in Priam (16710). (20725) ROYAL COUNSELLOR. Red and white, calved July 12, 1861, bred by and the property of J. H. Langston, M. P., Sarsden House, got by Royal Turk (16875), d. Coquelicot, by Duke of Cambridge (12742), Blouzelind, by Earl of Dublin (10178), Candytuft, by Janizary (8175), Cathleen. by Caliph(1774), Rosy,by Rob Roy(557), by Satellite (1420), by Sir Dimple (594), by Styford (629). (20743) ROYAL PRINCE. Roan, calved Oct. 23, 1861, bred by the Prince Consort, got by Buckingham (17471), d. Ruby, by Prince Alfred (13494), Rachel, by Goldsmith (10277), Matchless, by Fitz Hardinge (8073), Myrtle, by Harold (8131), by Cedric (3311), by Nimrod (4571), by Crispin (174), by Meteor (431), by Meteor (431). (20750) ROYAL SEAL. Roan, calved March 19, 1862, bred by and the property of J. McKessack. Balnaferry, got by Privy Seal (18642), d. Venus 9th, by Bosquet (14183), &c., as in Great Seal (21873). (20770) SAILOR BOY. Red, calved April 16, 1861, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Sir Walter Raleigh (15303), d. Miss Bmily, by Young Duke of Cambridge (14433), &c., as in Lord W T allace (24473). (20889) SQUIRE OF BUSHEY. Roan, calved April 1,1862, bred by S. Marjoribanks, Bushey Grove, the property of G. Milne, Kinaldie, got by Royal Butterfly 5th (18756), d. Elegance, by Lord Raglan (14849), Variety, by 3d Duke of York (10166), Valentine, by Belleville (6778), Helena, by Dulcimer (3658), by Sol (2655), by Maximum (2884), by Matchem (!81), by Scipio (1421), by Ste- TO WHICH AMERICAN PE DIGS BBS TRACK. phen (145*)), by Western Comet (089). by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Favourite rj:,;>>, by Bartle (777), de- scended from the Studley While Bull (627). <-..'< )!>-.' I) s \VKKTME.\T. Roan, calved Nov. 12, 1861, bred by ,j. Robinson, Clifton Pasture-, sold to Mr. llethering- ton, for Canada,got by Duke of Lei n455>, by George (2057), by Togston (5487), bred by Mr. Laing, Longhoughton. (20948) THE DRUID. Roan, calved March 12, 1861,bred by -). W. Baker, Little Rollright, the property of G. Game, Churchill Heath, got by Sir Sam (16992), d. Cot- tager 3d, by Nottingham (15014), Cottager, by Waterloo ( 1 1025), by Hero of the West (8150), by Corporal ((5899), by Lottery (4280). (2i)<)52) THE FLORIST. Red, calved Feb. 24, 1862, bred by G. Carrington, Great Missenden Abbey, the property of C. A. Barnes, Charleywood House, got by Duke of Chester (17710), d. Flower, by Seleucus (18807), Flora, by Refiner (10695), Pastime, by Rory O'More (8508). Rosamond, by Bargeman (1676), by Snowdrop (2653), by St. Albans (2584), by Waverly (2819), by Washing- ton (675). (20958) THE HERO. White, calved May 9, 1862, bred by and the property of Mr. Eastwood, Whitewell, got by Priam (16710), d. Heroine, by Brideman (12493), Hebe, by Capt. Shaftoe (6833), Hope, by Duke of York (6947), Faith, by Shakespeare (2614), by Soldier (2656), by Young Favourite (254), by Young Barmpton (65), by Wellington (680), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (252). (20976) THOKND ALE'S GRAND DUKE. Red, calved No- vember 16, 1862, bred by and the property of J. H. Lang- ston. M. P., Sarsden House, got by 2d Duke of Thorn- dale (17748). d.Coquelicot, by Duke of Cambridge (12742), &c., as in Royal Counsellor (20725). (20989) TRAGEDIAN. Roan, calved Dec. 29, 1861, bred by and the property of J. Christy, Boynton Hall, got by Comedian (15789), d. Polyanthus, by Orestes (15027), Oxlip, by Progress (11950), Cowslip, by Roan Robin (10721), Countess of Liverpool, by Mars (7212), bv Karl of Liverpool (3677). by .-Arthur (3099), by Imperial (4068), by Juniper (1145), by Colnmella (904), by Shak- s]H>an,- (1 I25M, by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033). (.MO 13) VLADIMIR. Roan, calved March 29, 1854, bred by Mr. liny. Shelmn, the property of G. Mitchell, lladdo, got by Red Knight (11976), d. Venus 2d, by Grand Duke -Venus, by Kelly 2d (9265), c., as in Great Seal (2187'3). (21058) WALTER. Red, calved Aug. 26, 1859, bred by Mr. Rhodes, Seale Lodge, the property of Mr. Bateman got by Sultan (15358), d. Brownie, by Neptune (11847), Crisis, by Essex Hero (9096), Countess, by Duke of Marlborough (3645), Fairy, by Harlequin (3975), by Captain (3273), by Emperor (1974), by Snowball (2647), by St. Albans (2584), by.son of Lawnsleeves (365), by Barnaby (1678). (21063) WARLABY. Roan, calved June 27, 1860, bred by W. Linton, Sheriff Hutton, the property of A. Stables, Kirkbank, got by Magnus Troil (14880), d. Miss Clark by 3d Duke of Athol (12734), Red Rose, by De Grey (11346), Carmine, by Gen. Fairfax (11519), Hebe, by Liberator (7140), by Young Matchem (4422), by Red Rover (4904), or Rockingham (2551), by Whisker (1579), by Pilot (496). (21084) WAVERLEY 4-rn. Red and white, calved March 7, 1861, bred by Mr. Sanday, Holmepierrepont, the prop- erty of J. Lynn, Stroxton, got by Sir James (16980), d. Welcome, by Harbinger (10297) Water Nymph, by Pes- talo//i (10603), Water Witch, by Marmaduke (8280), White Hart, by Belshazzar (1703), by Wauldby (2818), by Abraham (2905). (21118) WINDSOR CASTLE. Red roan, calved March 10, 1861, bred by and the property of R. Stratton, Walls Court, got by Young Windsor (17241), d. Emma, by Kin." John (14763), Helen, by Hero of the West (8150), Duch- ess of Gloster, by the Red Duke (8694), Elegance, by Lottery (4280,) by Lottery (4280), by Phoenix (6290). (21124) WIZARD OF WINDSOR. Roan, calved Aug. 8, 1861, bred by and the property of R. S. Bruere, Braith- waite Hall, got by Windsor (14013), d. Fairy Flower, by Sylvan King (13819), Lilac, by the Silky Laddie (10947), Lingflower, by St. Martin (8526), Lily, by Rouge (5012), by Cleveland (3404), by Burton (3250). (21125) WOLVISTON, 1109. (21126) WONDER. Red and white, calved Jan. 25, 1861, bred by J. Rhodes, Seale Lodge, the property of R. Boys, Eastbourne, got by Bacchus (17339), d. Minna, by Sebas- topol (15249), Margery, by Essex Hero(9096), Auricula, by Superior (10899), Attraction, by Stamford (5313), by Imperial (4068), by Juniper (1145), by Colnmella (904) } _by Shakespeare (1429), by Blyth Comet (85), by Neswick (1266), by Favourite (1033). (21134) ZARATAN. Roan, calved Oct. 1861, bred by J. Gamble, Shouldhamthorpe, the property of J. Aylmer, Fincham Hall, got by Plato (18552), d. Prudence, by Oron- tes (4623), Zeal, by Roman (2561), Roguery, by Mercury (2301), Pageant, by Monarch (2324), No. 13, by St. Al- bans (2584), by Jupiter (342), by Sir Oliver (605), Rasp- berry, by Trunnell (659), Strawberry, by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), Miss Lax, by Dalton Duke (188), Lady Maynard, by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). VOLUME XVI. Red, calved Jan. 3, 1863, bred by W. Stirling. M. P., Keir. the property of Visct. Strathallan, Strathallan Castle, u'ot by Forth (17866), d. Princess ot Cambridge, by Duke of Cambridge (12742), Chemisette, by Ivirl of Dublin (10178), Smicket, by Grey Friar (9172), chinchilla, by Allan-a-Dale (7778), by Little John '>.. Marcellus u'CtitM, by ( 'aliph (1774), by Swing (27-2l),~b.v Argus (750), by Defender (194), by Petrarch < 188), -by Own Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer, by Butterfly (104), by Globe (278). (21189) * ARTHUR. Bred by Mr. Slater, North Carlton, got by Humbug (4057), d. Aubourn, by Major (397), by (Ml.-rx BrindledfBuU (1298), by Bell's Bull, descended from the Turnell Stock. (21195) ATHERTON'S OXFORD. Red roan, calved Oct. 21, 1864, bred by and the property of T. Atherton, Chapel House, got by Lord Oxford 3d (20215), d. Annette, by Horrox (11591), Active, by 4th Duke of York 00167'), Actress, by Duke of Northumberland O'.MOi. Anna. by- Short Tail (2621), by Belvedere (1706), a Cow of Mr. Bates', Kirklevington. (21196) ATHOL WARLABY. Rich roan, calved Feb. 26, 1864, bred by and the property of A. Stables, Kirkbank, got by Warlaby (210M), d. Susan, by 3d Duke of Athol (12734), Mignionette, by Bates (12451), Henrietta, by Ingram (9236), Rose of Lucerne, by Liberator (7140), by Prince Albert (4791), by Young Matchem (4422), by Young Red Rover (4904), or Rockingham (2551), by Whisker (157!)), by Pilot (496). (21209) BAIU/EYCOUX TIIK Yor\oKK. Roan, calved April 27, 1863. bred by Sir C. KnightUry, Hart., Fawsley Park, the property of Sir (J. R. Philips, Bart., Weston 208 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Park, got by Barleycorn (17348), d. Galleon, by Morocco (16590), Polytint, by Earl of Dublin (10178), Cornbind by Janizary (8175), &c., as in Lackey (24291). (21212) BARON BOOTH. Red, calved Feb. 13, 1863, bred by and the property of R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Prince George (13510), d. Vesper, by King Arthur (13110), &c., as in Booth's Royal Signet (28061). (21238) BARON RIBBLESDALE. White, calved Nov. 21. 1864, bred by J. Taylor, Moreton Hall, the property of Mrs. Dugdale & Sons, Mytton Bridge, got by 2d Duke ~ '" " lly, by Vanguard Selina, by Boatswain (8895), Sal, by Tom of Lincoln of Whai-fdale (19649), d. Sally, by Vans (8714), -Chance, by Daniel (3554), by Danby (1900), by Grazier (3927), by Red Bull (5658), by Sedbury (1424), by Smurthwaite's Bull (5219), by Nailer (2347), by Danby (190). (21239) BARON ROSED ALE. Roan, calved Feb. 1, 1864, bred by Rev. J. Storer, Hellidon, the property of H. Meir, Green Gates, got by Ravenspur (20628), d.Rosy, by Master Belleville (11795), &c -> as ^ Ravens- (21400) CHARLESTON. Rich roan, calved May 1 1863 bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, the prop- erty of J.Harward,Winterfold,got by Lord Oxford (20214), d. Countess of Barrington, by 3d Grand Duke (16182), Jffi& b y Gran T d Turk (12969),-Lally, by Earl of Derby (10177),-0hve Leaf 3d, by Earl of Liverpool (9061) -by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638), by Belviclere (1706) by son of Herdsman (304), by Wonderful (700), by Alfred (23), by Young Favourite (6994). (21421) CHiEFTAiN.-Richroan,calvedAug.6,1863,bred by and the property of W. Lambe, Aubourn, got by Great Mogul (14651), d. Favourite, by White Knight (14001)!- ( 10043 >' b y Defender (9015), n/ 449 } CoMET.-White, calved Feb. 16, 1863, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, the property of W.Tod got bv Earl 7om(&y Pride (10631) -by Fitz-Maurice (3807),-by Camden (1776), by Noble Henry (2374),-by Young Alexander (2977). i?f 1} 1 C , MMANDER-iN-CiiiEF.--Roan, calved May 19, 1864, bred by R. Booth, the property of T.C. Booth War- laby, got by Valasco (15443), d. Campfollower, by Crown Prince (10087),-Vivandiere. by Buckingham (3239) -MI- nette, by Leonard (4210),*- Young Moss Rose, by Youne ) '- b y Young Aiexande? (21487) COSTA. White, calved April 28, 1863, bred by G. Graham, Yardley, got by Barleycorn (17348), d. Colum- bine, by Londonderry (13169), Charmer 2d, by White Friar (9827), &c., as in Duke of Kent (25979). (21493) COUNTERPART. Red and white, calved Dec. 30. 1864, bred by and the property of N. Cartwright, Hang- ham, got by Ringleader (15164), d. Coma 4th, by Cother- stone (12645), Coma 3d, by Haugham (11561), Coma 2d by Young Frederick (3836), Coma, by Tathwell Studley (5401), by Commodore (1858), by Triune (1531), by Blyth Comet (85). (21498) COUNT OF WINDSOR. White, calved Jan 28 1863, bred by Mr.Carr, Stackhouse, the property of C.W. Packe, M. P., Prestwold Hall, got by Prince of the Blood (20577), d. Countess of Windsor, by Windsor (14013) Cal- endula, by Majestic (13279), Calomel, by Hamlet (8126), Chalk, by Leonard (4210), by Buckingham (3239) from the stock of M.W. Ridley, Bart. (21512) CROWN PRINCE OF ATHELSTANE, 5487. (21546) DIDMARTON DUKE. Roan, calved March 15, 1864,bred by Stiles Rich, Didmarton. the property of Isaac Do-Wiling, Turner's Hill, got by 7th Duke of York (17754), d. Fairy Queen, by Duke of Ulster (12774), Felicia, by Koh-i-noor (11642), Flourish, by Usurer (9763), Floren- tia, by Zenith (5702), by Sweet William (5368), by Ro- man (2561), by Monarch (2324), by Jupiter (342), by Sir Oliver (605), by Trunnell (659), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Dalton Duke (188), by R. Al- cock's Bull (19), by Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (21547) DIPTHONG 3D. Red, calved Feb. 1864, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Dipthong (17681), d. Ury, by Scarlet Velvet (16916), Ury Lass, by Beeswing (12456) &c., as in Prince Charlie (27123). (21555) DOUGLAS OF ATHELSTANE, 5514. Calved May 26, 1864. (21565) DUKE OF BARRINGTON. White, calved Aug.iO, 18(33, bred by and the property of A. J. Robarts, Lilling- stone, got by 3d Grand Duke (16182), d. Lady Barriugton 4th, by Kirklevington 3d (13120), &c., as in Gen. Barring- (21576) 2o DUKE OF CLAKO. Rich roan, calved July 25, 1864, bred by and the property of Captain Gunter, The Grange, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), d. Duchess 79th, by 6th Duke of Oxford (12765), Duchess 67th by Usurer (9763), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (21586) DUKE OF DARLINGTON. Red, calved March 25, 1864, bred by and the property of Col. Pennant, M. P., Penrhyn Castle, got by Duke of Geneva (19614), d Dar- lington 10th, by Marmaduke (14897), Darlington 8th, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), Darlington 3d, by Sir Hugh (12082),-Darlington 3d, by Percy (9472), Darlington 1st, by Thomas (5471). by Eryholme (3736), by Reformer (4914), by Young Favourite (3770), by Wellington (2825). (21588) DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. Roan, calved May 20 1864, bred byA.Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of R. Searsoii, Cranmore Lodge, got by Lord Raglan 2d (20221) d. Delightful, by The Baron (13833), Delight, by Velvet Jacket (10998), Fancy, by Billy (3151), Jessy, by Sov- ereign (7539), by Satellite (1420), by Baronet (60), by Cleveland (144), by Symmetry (641). (21951) 2o DUKE OF GENEVA. Roan, calved Feb. 27, 1864. bred by and the property of Col. Pennant, M. P., Penrhyn Castle, got by Duke of Geneva (19614), d. Grand Duchess, by Cherry Duke 2d (14265), Wildair, by San- tiago (12047), Wildeyes 8th, by Duke of Northumber- land (1940), &c., as in Wild Duke (19148). (21592) 3D DUKE OF GENEVA. Red and white, calved Oct. 17, 1864, bred by and the property of Col. Pennant, M. P., Penrhyn Castie, got by Duke of Geneva (19614), d. Cherry Duchess 7th, by Grand Duke 3d (16182), Cherry Duchess 3d, by 2d Grand Duke (12961), &c., as in Cherry (21594) DUKE OF GRAFTON. Red, calved April 15,1864, bred by and the property of Col. Pennant, M. P., Pen- rhyn Castle, got by Duke of Geneva (19614), d. Duchess 1st, by Master Rambrandt (16545), Duchess Nanny, by Jasper (11609), Duchess Nancy, by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), Nettle, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) by Belvedere (1706), by son of 2d Hubback (2683), from a cow of Mr. Bates'. (21604) 13TH DUKE OF OXFORD. Roan, calved April 28, 1863, bred by and the property of the Duke of Dev- onshire, Holker Hall, got by Lord Oxford (20214), d.Grand Duchess of Oxford, by 3d Grand Duke (16182), Countess of Oxford, by Earl of Warwick (11412), &c., as in 18th Duke of Oxford (25995). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. (21005) I.JTII DUKE OF OXFORD. Roan, calved July 3, 180.-J. bivd by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, the property of J. Fawcetl. Sraleby Castle. got by llth Duke of Oxford (I%:J2K (I. Counties of Oxford, by Karl of War- wick (11412), &-., as in 18th Duke of Oxford (2:>9!)5). (2 ItilS) 2D DUKE OF WETHEUBY. White, calved Aug. 20, 1863, bred by and the property of Capt. Gimter, The Grange, got by Duke of Clarence (19011), d. Duchess 77th, by lith Duke of Oxford (12765). Duchess 70th, by Duke of Gloster (11382), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharfdale (26033). (21619) 3D DUKE OF WHARFDALE. Roan, calved April 10, 1864, bred by and the property of Capt. Gunter, The Grange, got by 2d Duke of Wharfdale (19649), d. Duchess 86th, by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharfdale (20033). (21621) STH DUKE OF YORK. Bred by Mr. Peacocki Hart, got by 7th Duke of York (11395), d. Princess Alice* by Victory (19073), Princess Royal,by Freetrader (17889). Snowdrop, by Sir Charles (5147). Lady Arabella, by Duke of Cleveland (3640), by Bellerophon (3119), by Warrior (9806). (21638) EARL OF DERBY. Roan, calved Aug. 6, 1863, bred by and the property of Mr. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Forerunner (12891), d. Blink Bonny, by Grey Friar (9172), Albina, by Boccaccio (7838), Adeline, by Duke of Rothsay (6943), Arabella, by Ronald (5005), by Bel shazzar (1703), by Wauldby (2818), by Abraham (2905). (21662) EARL OF WESTMORELAND. Rich roan, calved Nov. 26, 1863, bred by E. A. Fawcett, Childwick Hall, got by 1st Duke of Oxford and Gloster (19637),d. Rose of War- wick, by Perambulator (185:30). Rosa, by 5th Duke of Oxford (12762), Rose Qwynne.bySquire Gwynne (12140), Rosamond, by Young Zealot (8797). by Zealot (2805), by Young Spectator (8619), by Phantassie (8390), by Rockingham (560). (21676) ELEGANT PRINCE. White, calved July 26, 1863, bred by Messrs. Atkinson, Peepy, property of T. Hodg- son, Gilcrux, got by Prince Patrick (10760), d. Elegant, by Richard Coeur de Lion (13590), Graceful, by Abraham Parker (9856), Remnant, by Ethelred (5990), Young Lady, by Gain ford 2d (6031), by Fitz Maurice (3807), by Gainford (2044), by Baronet (1686), by Duke (1933). (21720) FALSTAFF. Red, calved Oct. 29, 1864, bred by and the property of G. S. Foljambe, Osberton Hall, got by Imperial Windsor (18086), d. Sybil, by Mayduke (16553), Seraphine, by Monarch (13347), Seraph, by Lord of Brawith (10465), Sylphide. by Pestalozzi (10603), &e,,as in Robin (24968). (21760) FITZ ROY. Roan, calved June 1, 1864, bred by T. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, got by Joseph (20033), d. Eugenie, by Farnley (14536), Helen, by Raby (11907), Bright Eyes, by Bernardo (8885), Agnes, by Matchem (4418), by Magnum Bonum (2243). by Sir Stephen (1456), by Mark (2206), by Rufus (570), by St. John (57'2),- by Pope (514), by Chilton (136). (21810) GEN. BARRING TON. Roan, calved May 28, 1863, bred by J. Benson, Tavistock, the property of J. Hors- well, North Milton, got by Young General (17949), d. Lady Harrington 6th, by 2d Duke of Cambridge (12743), Lady Barrington 4th, by Kirklevington 3d (13120), Lady Barrington 3d, by Weathercock (9815), Lady Bar- rington 10th, by 2d Duke of Oxford (9010). Lady Bar- rington 2d, by Belvedere (1706), Lady Barrington, by son of Herdsman (304), by Wonderful (700) , by Alfred (23), by Young Favourite (6994). (21848) GRAND DUKE IOTH. Red, calved June 12, 1863, bred by and the property of J. Hegan. Dawpool, got by Grand Duke4th (19874), d. Grand Duchess \ aonof Rose's Red Hull (500 ( .M, by Southampton, by Prince (521). i) llAii.sTox-E. KV.l, calve, I Jan. 1, 1803, bred by C. Cradock, Hart forth, the property of R. Kilby, Apple- ton Roebuck, got by Dairy Prince (17655), d. Strawberry Maid, by Sultan (15:354), Strawberry Jelly, by Richmond (13592), Strawberry 3d, by Guardian (3947), Strawberry 2d.by Magnum Bonum (2243), by son of Frederick (1060), by Rob Roy (557), by Marshal Blucher (416), bred by W. Colling, from the Stocks of Wright and Charge. (22043) KING OF THE ROSES. Roan, calved Oct. 10, 1864, bred by and the property of E. L. Betts, Preston Hall, got by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749), d. Moss Rose, by Marmaduke (14897), Cambridge Rose Oth, by 3d Duke of York (10166), &c., as in Cambridge Duke 4th (25706). (22047) KING OF TRUMPS. Roan, calved Jan. 1863,bred by Hon. H. N. Hill, Berrington, the property of I). Xes- ham, Haughton-le-Skerne, got by Friar Tuck (17892), d. Sueen of Lydia, by Sir Roger (16991), Omphale, by May uke (13320), Olive Blossom 2d, by Sir Walter 2d (108:34), Olive Leaf, by Orontes (4623), by Warlock (5599), by Wiseton (28-18), by Ivanhoe (1131), by Regent (544), by Prince (521). (22111) *YOUNG LOCKSLEY. Red, bred by J. H. Langs- ton, Sarsden House, got by Locksley (4240), d. Cherry, by Stanhope (5315), Cherry, a cow bought in the North of England. (22126) LORD BLITHE. Red and white, calved Dec. 12, 1864. bred by executors R. Booth, property of T.C.Booth. Warlaby. srot by Lord of the Valley (14837), d. Lady Blithe, by Windsor (14013), Blithe, by Hope-well (10882), Bliss, by Leonard (4210), &c., as in Bismarck (25657). (22200) 3D LORD OXFORD, 4958. (22204) LORD PANTON. Roan, calved Sept. 1, 1860J>red by Mr. Dudding. Panton, the property of I. Sharpley, Calcethorpe, got by Sir Roger (16991). d. Lady Mary Boun- tiful, by Baron Warlaby (7813), Lady Bountiful, by Us- urer (9768), Belinda, by Ranunculus (2479), Sylph, by Sir Walter (2037'), by Hotspur (1117), by Coxcomb (928), by Midas (435), by Comet (155), by R. Calling's son of Favourite (252), by same son of Favourite (252), by Hub back (319). (22205) LORD RED ROSE. Red and white, calved May 4, 1863, bred by R. Booth, the property of T. C. Booth, Warlaby, got by Sir Samuel (15302), d. Red Rose, by Har- binger (10297), Medora, by Buckingham (3239), Moni- ca, by Raspberry (4875). White Straw berry, by Rock- imrham (2551), by Young Alexander (2977), by Pilot (490), by Lame Bull (359), by Easby (232), by Suwar- row (030). (22-^87) MARMADUKE 2D. Roan, calved Feb. 1, 1862, bred by Col. Pennant, 31. P., Penrhyn Castle, the prop- erty of W T . Woodward, Northway House, got by Marma- duke (14897), d. Ayrshire Rose, by Whittington (12299), Moss Rose, by Cotherstone ((5903), Nancy, by Guard- ian (3SI-17 1 ), by Red Highflyer (2488), by Rob Roj by Marshal Blucher (416), by Houghtoii (318). (22292) MARQUIS. Roan, bred by R. Crofton, Brance- pelh, got by Marquis (2270), d. BarmptonCow. by Barmp- ton (1677), Princess, by St. Albans (2584), Blossom, by Cupid (177), by Simon (590), by Punch (531), by Bo- lingbroke (86). (22307) MARTON DUKE. Roan, calved Dec. 21, 1859, bred by A. L. Maynard, Martou-le-Moor, got by Oxford Duke (15030), d. Red Sail, by Roan Duke (13603), Flora, by Crusade (7938), -Flora, by Cotherslone (6908), Flora 2d, by Yellow Boy (5694), by Red Robin(2492), by Bur- ley (1766), by son of Young Albion (15), by Sir Marton (1453), by Palmsun (7311), by a Bull of Mr.Parrington's. (22349) MERRY MONARCH. Roan, calved March 21. 1804, bred by R. Booth, Warlaby, the property of J. B. Booth, Killerby, got by Lord of the Valley (14837). d. Lady Mirth, by Sir Samuel (15302), Lady Blithe, by Windsor (14013), Blithe, by Hopewell (103:52), Bliss, by Leonard (4210;, by Young Matchem (2282), by Jerry (4097), by Young Pilot (4702), by Pilot (496), by son of Apollo (36). (22J71) OXARTKS. Roan, calved Jan. 5, 1864, bred by !;. Law ford, Southcott, the property of Mr. Strickland, Cokethorpe Park, got by Imperial Oxford (18084). d. Ox- ygen, by John O'Gaunt (16322), Lady Oxford, by 4th Duke or Oxford (1138i'), White Lady, by Annuity (9S92). Silvia, by Leo (4208). by Hvinvood (2114),- -by Sir Ste- phen (1456.), by Prince of Waterloo (528), by Mayflower (425), by a Bull of Mr. Nicholson's, descended from the Stock of J. Brown, Aldbrough. 210 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (22515) PHILIP. Roan, calved Feb. 13, 1840, bred by Mr. Slater. North Carltou, got by Arthur (21189), d. Pretty Fact-, by Champion (86T), Pilot Cow, by Pilot (499), by Carlton Comet (845). (.22516) PHILOSOPHER. Roan, calved Oct. 15, 1864, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, got by The Druid (20948), >>, d. Soldier's Joy, by Lord of the Val- ley (14837), Campfollower, by Crown Prince (10087), Vivandiere, by Buckingham (3289), &c., as in K. C. B. (26492). (23102) VAIN HOPE. Red and white, calved July 28, 1804, bred bjjJBooth, the property of T. C. Booth, War- laby. not by Lord of the Valley (11837). d. Welcome Hope, by Hope-well (1033-2), Welcome, by Water King (11024), Vivandiere, by Buckingham (323!)'), etc., as in K. C. B. (36492). (23178) WARRIOR. Red, calved March 6, 18(52, bred by A. A A. Mitchell, Alloa, not by First Fruits (16048). d Lady Eagle;, by War Eagle (15483), Red Rose, by Van- guard (10994), Lenny, by Leonard (4210), by Bucking- ham (3239), by Raspberry (4875), by Jerry (4097). (23226) WINDSOR 2o. Roan, calved Aug. 6, 1803, bred by W. Linton, Sheriff Ilutton, not by Karl of Windsor (17788), d. Venus, by Blood Royal (17423), Beauty 2d, by Magnus Trpil (14880), Beauty, by Bates' (12451), Topsy, by Gen. Fairfax (11519), by Liberator (7140), by Prince Albert (4791 ), by Young Matchem (4422), by Young Red Rover (4904), or Rockingham (2551), by Whisker (1579), -by Pilot (490). VOLUME XVII. (2:5293) ALBERT VICTOR. White, calved March 26, '.red by and the property of Mr. Thornton, Staple- ton, got by Joseph (20033). d. Annie Laurie, by Rhesus (18696), Lady Vulcan, by Homer (14714), Smith Lass, by a son of Vanguard (10994), by The Prince (12213). (23364) BARON KILLERBY. Red, calved April 7, 1865, bred by and the property of Mr. Pawlett, Beeston, got by Breastplate (19337), d. Pearl, by Richard Cosur de Lion (13590), &c., as in Priam (16710). (23371) BARON OF OXFORD, 2525. (23375) BARON OXFORD. Red, calved April 14, 1865, bred by D. Mclntosh, Havering Park, the property of Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Duke of Geneva (19014), d. Lady Oxford 5th, by 3d Duke of Thorndale Lady Oxford 4th, by 2d Grand Duke (12961), .Maid of Oxford, by The Lord of Eryholme (12205), Ox- ford 13th, by 3d Duke of York (10106), by Duke of North- umberland (1940), by Short Tail (2621), oy Matchem (2281), by Young Wynyard (2859). / (23376) BARON OXFORD 2o. Red and white, calved May 14, 1866, bred by D. Mclntosh, Havering Park, the property of Mr. Bulteel, Pamflete, got by Grand Duke 4th (19874), d. Lady Oxford 5th, by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749), , bred by T. Game and Son, Broadmoor, the prop- erty of T. Mace, Sherborne, got by Gondomar (19867), d. Royal Blossom, by Royal Oak (16870), Blooming, by Bashaw (12449), Bloom, by Royal (13636), Young Blos- som, by Magnet (10488), by Fit/c-Hardinge (8073), by Elevator (6969), by Consul % (1868), by Gazer (7030). (23471) BRITISH SAILOR. Roan, calved March 29, 1864, bred by R. Chaloner, King's Fort, the property of P. Riall, Old Conna Hill, got by British Flag (19351), d. Vil- lage Rose, by Blood Royal (14109), &c., as in Sovereign (27538). (2:3539) CHARLES 2D. Rich roan, calved Aug. 30,1866, bred by C. A. Barnes, Charleywood, got by Lord Charles (24371), d. Baby, by Noble Arthur (10021), Bonny Lass, by Prince Duke (13507), Bibby, by 4th Duke of York (10167), Bessy, by Helicon (2107), by Sir Thomas (2630), ii.v Enchanter r2U>, -by Major (397), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by Favourite (252), by Studley White Bull (627). r.':5555) CHERRY PRINCE. Red, calved March 17, 1866, bred by and the property of Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, not by Prince of Warlaby (15107), d. Cherry Duchess 10th, by Duke of Wetherby (17753), Cherry Duchess :jd, by 2d Grand Duke (12901), &c., as in Cherry Duke (,25752). (23580) CLIFTON DUKE, 3700. (23717) 3i> DUKE OF AIKDKIK, 4712. (2:$71Si 7rii DI-KK OF AiKi.mi-:.- Roan, calved Sept. 13, 1SUI. bred by R. A. Alexander, Woodburn, 1 T . S. A., got by Clifton Duke (23580), d. 3d Duchess of Airdrie, by Duke of Airdrie (12780), Duchess of Airdrie. by 2d Duke of Athol (11876), Duchess of Athol. by 2d Duke of Ox- ford (9046). Duchess 54th, by2d Cleveland Lad (3408), Duchess 49th, by Short Tail (2621), Duchess 30th, by 2d Hubback (1423), Duchess 20th, by 2d Earl (1511), &c., as in Duke of Northumberland (1940). (23722) DUKE OF BEDFORD. Roan, calved March 13, 1862, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, Sitty- ton, got by Bridegroom (17442), d. Admah 2d, by The Baron (13833), Aroma, by Matadore (11800), &c., as in Royal Oak (22792). (23724) DUKE OF BRAILES. Red and white, calved Oct. 19, 1805, bred by and the property of H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, got by 4th Duke of Thorndale (177'50), d. America, by Marmaduke (14897), Asia, by 2d Grand Duke (12961), Apricot, by Fusilier (11499), Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166), by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), by Duke of Cleveland (1937), by Belvedere (1706), a Cow of Mr. Bates'. (23727) 3o DUKE OF CLARENCE. Roan, calved April 25, 1866, bred by Captain Gunter. Wetherby Grange, the property of Col. Kingscote, Kingscote Park, got* by 2d Duke of Wharfdale (19649), d. Duchess 80th, by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (23729) 3D DUKE OF CLARO. White, calved May 30, 1866, bred by and the property of Capt. Gunter. Wetherby Grange, got by 2d Duke of Wharfdale (19649), d. Duchess 87th, by 7th Duke of York (17754), Duchess 80th, by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184), Duchess 72d, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), Duchess 67th, by Usurer (9763), Duchess 59th, by by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), Duch- ess 56th, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), Duchess 51st, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Duchess 41st, by Belve- dere (1706), Duchess 32d, by 2d Hubback (1423), Duch- ess 19th, by 2d Hubback (1423), by The Earl (646), by Ketton 2d (710), by Comet (155), by Favourite (252), by Daisy Bull (186), by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (23752) 2o DUKE OF GENEVA, 5562. Red, calved Jan. 6, 1805, bred by J. O. Sheldon, Geneva, U. S. A., got by Imperial Oxford (24185), d. 3d Duchess of Geneva, by Oxford Lad (24713), Duchess of Geneva, by 2d Grand Duke (12901), Duchess 71st, by Duke of Gloster (11382), Duchess 00th, by 4th Dnke of York (10167), &c., as in 5th Duke of Wharfdale (20033). (23753) 3o DUKE OF GENEVA, 5563. (23771) DUKE OF MONTROSE. White, calved Oct. 17, 1804, bred by S. Rich, Didmarton, the property of Rev. K. B. Rennard, Marnhull, got by 7th Duke of York (17754), d. Duchess of Richmond, by Fitx-Hcy (10058), Duchess of Gloster, by Duke of Gloster (11382), etc.. as in Earl of Verulam (20077). (23794) OTH DUKE OF THORNDALE, 4752. DUKE OF Y"ORK. Rich roaii, calved June 10, 1805, bred by Mr. Barnes. Westlaml. not by Ravenspur (2002S), d. Sylph, by Hopewell (l(i:;:), etc., as in Lord Napier (200S8). (23808) STH DUKE OF YORK. Roan, calved July 2, 1865, bred by Et Stratton, Walls Court, got by 7th Duke of York (17764). d. Maid of Honour, by Young Windsor (17241), Duchess of Gloster Oth, by Kiuir John (14703), ... as in James 1st (242U2). LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS (23832) EARL OF EGLINTON. Rich roan, calved April 10, 1S66. bred by and the property of Mr. Ssutmlers , Nun- wi.'k Hail "t by 10th Grand Duke (21818), d. Lady El- vira, by Lord Oxford (20214), Countess Emma, by Beir- ut-Law* (18005), Baroness Emma, by Baron of Ravens- worth (7811), Emily, by Comet (1854), by Eclipse (1949), -by Duke (1933), by Wellington (2824), by Young Re- mus (2522), by Midas (435), by Traveller (655), by Bo- lingbroke (86). (23844) 2o EARL OF OXFORD. Rich roan, calved April 20, 18(30, bred by Capt. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, got by 2d Duke of Wliarfdale (19649), d. Oxford Rose, by 6th Duke of Oxford (12765), Moss Rose, by Ravensworth (jiiVtt) Graceful, by Freebooter (7025), Treasure, by Ganthorpe (2049), by Belshazzur (1704), by Don Juan (1923), by Shylock (2622), by Muggeen's Bull. (23889) ENGLAND'S GLOKY. Roan, calved Jan. 3, 18G6, bred by and the property of T. C. Booth, Warlaby, got by British Flag (19351), d. Alfreda, by Prince Alfred (13494), Caroline, by Fitz Leonard (7010), Christiana, by Buckingham (3239), Young Christou, by Roseberry (5011), by Priam (2452), by Jerry (4097), by Young Pilot (4702). (24021) GEN. HOPEWELL SD. Roan, calved June 3, 1866, bred by II. Aylmer, West Dereham, got by Gen. Hopewell (17953), d. Miss Goldschmidt, by Rajah (18665), Jenny Lind, by Vanguard (10994), Jacinth, by Leon- idas (10414), Janette, by Gen. Washington (6036), by Virgil (5568), by Emperor (1014), by Young Favourite (255;, by Young Major (1186). (24023) GEN. NAPIER. Rich roan, calved Dec. 10, 1865, bred by D. Mclntosh, Havering Park, the property of E. H. Cheney, Gaddesby Hall, got by Grand Duke 4th (19874), d. Lady Sale, by Old Rowley (15020), Lady Coke, by Jethro Tull (11616), Lady, by Gen. Sale (8099), Laura, by Napier (6238), Maid of Orleans, by Mameluke (2258), Helena, by Waterloo (2816), Moss Rose, by Baron (58), Angelina, byPhenomenon(491), Anne Bo- leyn, by Favourite (252), Princess, by Favourite (252, by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull (612), by Waistell's Bull (669), by Mastermau's Bull (422), by Studley Bull (626). (24063) GRAND DUKE 16. Red, calved July 10, 1865, bred by E. L. Betts, Preston Hall, the property of A. J. Robarts, Lillingstone Dayrell, got by Imperial Oxford (18084), d. Grand Duchess 8th, by Prince Imperial (15095), Grand Duchess 2d, by Grand Duke (10284), Duchess 51st, by Cleveland Lad (3407), Duchess 41st, by Belve- dere (1706), by 2d Hubback (1423), by 2d Hubback (1423), by The Earl (646), by Ketton 2d (710), by Com- et (155), by Favourite (252), by Daisy Bull (186). by Favourite (252), by Hubback (319), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (24068) GRAND DUKE OF ESSEX 4TH. Rich roan, calv- ed May 2, 1866, bred by D. Mclntosh, Havering Park, the property of D. R. Davies, Mere Old Hall, got by Grand Duke 4th (19874), d. Lady Bates 3d, by 4th Duke of Ox- ford (11387), Lady Bates 2d, by The Buck (13836), Lady Bates, by Duke of Gloster (11382), Lady Blanche, by 4th Duke of York (10167), by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), by Cleveland Lad (8407), by Belvedere (1706), by a son of Herdsman (304), by Wonderful (700), by Alfred (23), by Young Favourite (6994). (24071) GRAND DUKE OF YORK. Rich roan, calved Jan. 1865, bred by Capt. Blathwayt, Dyrham, the property of W. Butler, Badminton, got by 7th Duke of York (17754), d. Fidget 4th. by 4th Duke of York (10167), Fidget 2d, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Fidget, by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945), Fletcher, by a son of Young Wyn- yard (2859), descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (24078) GRAND MASTER. Light roan, calved April 6, 1861, bred by Col. Healey, Morris Grange, the property of R. Emmerson, Ery holme, got by Cobham (14x8 7), d. Ruth, by Albert (7767), Rachel, by Noble (4579) by Co- relli (3485), by Wauldby (2818), by Wellington (5620), bred by Major Rudd. (24148) HOGARTH 2o. Roan, calved Aug. 30, 1866, bred by Rev. W. Holt Beever, Pencraig Court, got by Royal Butterfly 17th (22774), d. Rue, by Rex (16833), Hearts- rase, by Hogarth (13036), Snowdrop, by 4th Duke of York (10167), Science, by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), by Young Sea Gull (5100), by Crusader (934), by Sul- tan (1485), by White Comet (1582), by son of Chilton (136), by Bolingbroke (86). (24185) IMPERIAL OXFORD, 4905. calved Nov. 10, 1865, of Gloster, by The Red Duke (8694), Elegance, by Lot- tery (4280), by Lottery (4280), by Phoenix (6290). (24240) KING CHARLES. Roan, calved June 25, 1866, bred by T. C. Booth, Warlaby, got by Lord of the Valley (14837), d. Charlotte, by Crown Prince (10087), Caroline, by Fitz Leonard (7010), &c., as in England's Glory (23889). (24291) LACKEY. White, calved May 11, 1865, bred by Sir G. R. Philips, Bart, Weston Park, got by Bull's Run (19368), d. Lactea, by Sarawak (15238), Cornbind, by Janizary (8175), Golden Rod, by Snowball (8602), Flor- ence, by Little John (4232), by Caliph (1774), by Rob Roy (557), by Satellite (1420), by Sir Dimple (594), by Sty ford (629). (24363) LORD BYRON. Red, calved April 16, 1865, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Champion of Eng- land (17526), d. Butterfly, by Matadore (11800), &c., as in Breadalbane (28073). (24371) LORD CHARLES. Red roan, calved July 5, 1864, bred by Mr. Sharpe, Courtlands, the property of Col. Barttelot, M. P., Hilliers, got by Lord Chancellor (20160), d. Purity Queen 2d, by Somnambulist (17015), Purity, by Norman (13394), Janetta 6th, by Cardinal (11246), Janetta 2d, by Belleville (6778), by Homer (2134), by Gainford (2044). by Lowther (4283), bred by Mr. At- kinson of Temple Sowerby. (24473) LORD WALLACE. Red, calved Oct. 21, 1864, bred by R. Sharpe, Courtlands, the property of C. A. Barnes, Charleywood, got by Lord Chancellor (20160), d. Miss Emily, by Young Duke of Cambridge (14433), Young Celia 2d, by Lord of the South (13216), Young Celia,' by Lord of the North (11743), Celia, by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647), Cornflower, by Bashaw (1692), Columbine, by Helmsman (2109), by Columella (904), by Regent (544), by Palatine (478), by Palmflower (480), by Patriot (486), by Driffield (223), by C.Holmes' Bull (314). (24514) MAJOR. Roan, calved May 1, 1840, bred by R. Simpson, Cobairdy, got by North Star (4589), d. Dolly, by Porter's Bull. Woodbine, by Monitor (2331), &c., as in 4th Lord of Eryholme (13209). (24561) MASTERPIECE. Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1865, bred by T. Game & Son, Broadmoor, got by Gondomar (19867), d. Maid of Honour, by Royal Oak (16870), Miriam, by Bashaw (12449), Meg Merilies, by Harold (8131), Edg- cott Rose, by Son of Anthony (1640), by a Bull of Mr. Champion's of Blyth. (24666) NORFOLK THORNDALE DUKE. Red, calved Dec. 17, 1864. bred by H. Aylmer, West Dereham, got by Thorndale's Grand Duke (20976), d. Queen of the May, by Lord of the Harem (16430), Sally, by Gloster's Grand Duke (12949), Silky, by Bristol (11205), Champion, by Vagabond (9765), by Locksley (4240), by Stanhope (5315), by Marquis (22292), from Mr. Jobling's Stock, of Styford. (24691) ORBLISTON. Roan, calved March 10, 1847, bred by J. Geddes, Orbliston, the property of Mr. Bruce, Broadland, got by son of 2d Holkar (6450), d. Rose, by son of Borderer (809), Sprightly, by Edrorn (1956), Brandon, by Reformer (2502), by llaby (2473), by Sir Rowland (1455). (24711) OXFORD GWYNNE, 12551. (24713) OXFORD LAD, 4220. (24748) PILOT, 7108. (24870) PRIZEMAN. Red and white, calved July, 1864, bred by J. Lynn, Stroxton, got by Waverley 4th (21084), d. Pride, by Great Comet (16192), Pomp, by Sir John (12084), Priscilla, by The Bonus (10922), Pearl, by Her- cules (7077), by Richmond (4947.), by Belvoir (1708), by Sir Roger de Coverley (5187), by Albion (1624), by a son of Favourite (252). (24878) PROVOST. White, calved June 17, 1864, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, Burghley Park, the property of C. Barnett, Stratton Park, got by 4th Duke of Thorn- dale (17750), d. Monitress, by Ozier (10588), Governess, by Miracle 2d (2322),-Regina, by Woodville (2856), Arch- duchess, by Christmas (3380), by Atlas (42), by Wind- sor (698), by Windsor (698). (2191!)) *Ri:n Lrccs. White;, red ears, calved Jan. 20, 1850, bred by C. Bruce, Broadland, got by Orbliston (24691), d. Jenny Lind, by Jacob (6101), a well-bred Cow of Lewis Crombie's, bought at a Sale in England. TO W II I r IE AMERICAN" PEDIGREES TRACE. (Ol!i6S) Ronix. Koan, calve. i Sept. 04, 1864, bred by Mr. Koljambe, Osberton Hall, got !>v Imperial Windsor I, <1. .Miss NightiniraU-, by' May Duke (16553), Mrs. l-'ry, by Man Friday d 1893), Sympathy, by Master Grate- ful (11797), Sylphide, by Pestalo/zi (10603), by Lamp- lighter (80M), by Zenith (571)0), by Warlock (55!)'.o. bv Alabaster (1616), by Monarch (0804), by Satellite ( 1 100). by Cato (119), by Jupiter (MO), by George (073), by Chilton (136), by Irishman (309), by B (45). r,'l!i91) ROKY O'MoRE. Roan, calved April 28, 1865, brc-d by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of G. Mitchell, Meikle Haddo, got by Champion of England (I750ti), d. Rosemary, by Procurator (10657), Prize Rose, by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506), Rose, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (304:-)), Rose, by Red Highflyer (0488), by Pyramid (1850), by Harry Lorrequer (3985), by Blucher (84), by Magnum Bonum (4300), by Buston's Styford (103), by Son of YVethereH's Bull (690). (24998) ROSOLIO. Red, calved Nov. 2, 1866, bred by Lady Pigot, Branches Park, got by Ravenshope (00681), d. White Ladye, by Valasco' (15443), Ladybird, by Sir Thomas (13749), Charity, by Lord George (10439), Fa- miliar, byPitz-Leonard (7010), by Velocipede (5550), by Young Matcliem (OOSO), by Jack Tar (1133), by Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15). (05007) ROYAL BUTTERFLY 20TH. Rich roan, calved Oct. 20, 1866, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Royal Butterfly (16860), d. Alice Wharfdale, by Duke of Wharfdale (19648), Alice Butterfly, by Master Butter- fly (13311), Alice Od. by Duke of Athol "(10150), Mada- line, by Marcus (0260), by Matchem (2281), by Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15), by Albion (14), by Su- \varro\v (636), by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88), by Twin Brother to Ben (660). (25014) ROYAL DUKE. Red, calved May 17, 1866, bred by .Mr. Barnes, Westland, got by Royal Sovereign (02802). d. Grand Duchess 2d, by British Flag (1935 f),- -Grand Duchess, by Grand Duke 3d (16182), Sylph, byHopewell (10332), &c., as in Lord Napier (26688). (25001) ROYAL DUKE OF OXFORD, 4337. (25003) ROYAL GEORGE. Red and white, calved Oct. 26. 1866, bred by Messrs. Atkinson, Peepy, got by Killer- by Lad (00050), d. Tulip 4th, by Prince Patrick (16760), Tulip 2d, by Richard Coeur cle Lion (13590), Opulent, by Abraham Parker (9856). Flounce,by Tomboy (9750), by Magician (7185), by Vivian (557'5), by Belvedere 2d (3126), by Ali\e n o (0995), by Eclipse (286). by Charge's Grey Hull (872), by Paddock Bull (477), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (25044) ROYAL SOVEREIGN. White, calved March 13, 18116. bred by Mr. Barnes. Westland, got by Royal Sov- ereign (OOSOO), d. Blossom 4th. by Duke of Bedford (11378), Blossom Od, by Suffolk (9694), Blossom, by Na- poleon (2349), Bloom, by Satellite (1420), by Farmer (251),- by Cato (119), by Charles <127i.--by St. John -\ Chiltoo (186), by White P.ull (481), vourite (05;:), by Dalton Duke (188),- by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by -J. Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). (25099) SCOTCH ROSE. Red, calved Oct. 18, 1866, bred by the Duke of Montrose, Buchanan Castle, got by Scot- tish Chief (00X49), d. Rosedale, by Valasco (15443), Rosy, by Master Belleville (11795), Red Rose, by Vanguard (10994), Dinah, by Diamond (5918), by Young Matchem (2282), by Jack Tar (1133), by Pilot (496), by Young Albion (15). (05100) SCOTLAND'S PRIDE. Roan, calved April 16, 1866, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton. got by Grand Monarque (21867). d. Lovely 8th, by Bosquet (14183), Lovely, by Kelly Od (9065), c., as in Lord Lansdowne (29108). (25203) SPECULATION. Red with a little white, calved 1865, bred by T. Raine, Gainford, the property of Mr. Nesham, Haughton-le-Skerne, got by Young Emperor (17807), d. Lady Maynard, by Problem (16767), Miss .May- nard, by Earl of Derby (12810), Dolly, by Earl of Derby (12810), Young Strawberry, by The Colonel (5428), by Guardian (3947), byMagnum Bonum (2243), by Young Rockingham (2547), by North Star (460), by Dentoii (198), by Ladrone (353), by Henry (301). (25335) TROOPER, 7335. Calved Sept. 21, 1846. (25378) VICTORIOUS. Roan, calved Oct. 7, 1865, bred by Lady Pigot, Branches Park, got by British Flag (19351 ), d. Victoria Regia, by British Prince (14197), Victoria, by Hopewell (10332), Britannia, by Albion (7771), &c., as Lord Napier (26688). (25430) WESTERN STAR. Red, calved March 17, 1857, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of Mr. Bruce, Broadland, got by Grand Knight (12967), d. Jessa- mine, by Matadore (11800), Albinia,' by Velvet Jacket (10998), Antelope, by Fairfax Royal (6987), Fancy, by Billy (3151), by Sovereign (7539), by Satellite (1420), by Baronet (60), by Cleveland(144), by Symmetry (641). (25468) WIZARD. Red, calved May 23, 1865, bred by R. E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, the property of T. T. Drake, Shardeloes, got by Grand Duke 7th (19877), d. Wily Witch, by Royal Butterfly 5th (18756), Water Witch, by Lord Scarborough (14852), Wallflower, by Lord Raine (13048), Windsor Flower, by Earl of Scarborough (9064), -,-by Ma-ncian (7185), by Sir Thomas (2636), by Kry- holme (1018), by Eclipse (236), by Charge's Grey Bull (872), by the Paddock Bull (477), by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). (25480) ZEALOT. Roan, calved Aug. 3, 1865, bred by J. Gamble, Shouldhamthorpe, got by Zaratan (21134), d. Flirt, by Nechos (13376). Fusee, by Pioneer (11904), Fuchsia, by The Captain (5422), Favourite, by Hero (4021), by Percy (1314), by a son of Comet (155). VOLUME XVIII. (25637 1 P.ISMAKK.- Rich roan, calved Aug. 28, 1866, bred by J. Peel, Knowlmere Manor, the property of Mr. Dei-ham, Stoneleigh, got by llengist (19943), d. Bloom, by Sir James (16980), Blush, by 3d Grand .Duke U01SO), I!a>hful, by Prince Imperial (15095), Blissful, by Grand Duke (10284), Bridget, by Baron Warlaby (7813), Bliss, by Leonard (4010), by Younir Matchem (0080), by Jerry I50). d. Wild Cherry.' by (.'berry Dnke :M (15768), Wild Rn-o, by Orthodox 14th (16660). Woodbine, by Lincoln (10400), While Charity, by Tory CM' 17). byCo- mns (911). by Young Barmpton (55), by Wellington (,680), by Phenomenon (491), by Favourite (050). (25704) CAESAR AUGUSTUS. Red, calved Jan. 6, 1867, bred by A. Cruickshank, Siltyton, got by Champion of England (17526), d. Emily, by Lord Sackville (13049), Elixa, by Brutus (10000), Laura, by Duplicate Duke (6950), Sibyl, by Sir Walter (2639), by son of Emperor (90! 1), by Wonderful (700), by Cardinal (841), bv Bar- onet (62), by Cleveland (145), by Butterfly (104), by Globe (278). (25706) CAMBRIDGE DUKE 4Tii. Red and white, calved June 1, 1867, bred by C. Leney, Leavers, the property of J. Lynn, Stroxton, got by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750), d. Red Rose,by Marmaduke (14897), The Beauty, by Pu- ritan (9583), Cambridge Kuche.-s 9th, by Marmaduke (14897), Cherry Duchess 6th, by 3d 214 LIST OF ENGLISH BULLS Grand Duke (16182), Cherry Duchess 3d. by 3d Grand Duke (12961), Cherry Duchess 2d,by Grand Duke (10284), Brandy Cherry, by Sheldon (8557), by The Colonel (5428), by Thorp (2757), by Pirate (2430), by Houghton (318) ? _ by Marshal Blucher (416), from the Stocks of Wright and Charge. (25763) CHERRY PRINCE 3D. Roan, calved March 28, 1867, bred by Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Prince of Warlaby (15107), d. Cherry Duchess 3d, by 2d Grand Duke (12961), &c., as in Cherry Duke (25752). (25934) DUKE OP BABRAHAM, 11684. (25979) DUKE OF KENT. Roan, calved Sept. 15, 1868, bred by F. Leney & Son, Wateringbury, got by Lord Ox- ford 3d (20215), d. Twin Duchess, by 4th Duke of Thorn- dale (17750), Charming, by Mameluke (13289), Charmer 6th, by Cardinal (11246), Charmer 2d, by White Friar (9827), Charmer, by Little John (4232), by Caliph (1774), by Sir Walter (2637), by Hotspur (1117), by Coxcomb (928), by Midas (435), by Comet (155), by R. Ceiling's son of Favourite (252), by same son of Favourite (252), by Hubback (319). (25995) 18TH DUKE OF OXFORD. Red, calved Aug. 12, 1868, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, got by 10th Grand Duke (21848), d. Grand Duchess of Oxford 5th, by Priam (18567), Countess of Oxford, by Earl of Warwick (11412), Oxford 15th, by 4th Duke of York (10167), Oxford 6th, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), Oxford 2d, by Short Tail (2621), by Matchem (2281), by Young Wynyard (2859). (26020) 12TH DUKE OF THORNDALE, 6694. The prop- erty of D. R. Davies, Mere Old Hall. (26022) 3D DUKE OF TREGUNTER. Roan, calved Aug. 18, 1868, bred by Capt. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, the property of Mr. Bowly. Siddington House, got by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750), d. Duchess 94th, by 2d Duke of Wharfdale (19649), Duchess 84th, by Archduke (14099), Duchess 72d, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), &c., as in 3d Duke of Claro (23729). (26033) STH DUKE OF WHARFDALE. Red, calved Feb. 12, 1867, bred by Capt. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, the property of Downing & Harward, got by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619), d. Duchess 86th, by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997), Duchess 70th, by Duke of Gloster (11382), Duchess 66th, by 4th Duke of York (10167), Duchess 55th, by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649). Duchess 38th, by Norfolk (2377), Duchess 33d, by Bel- vedere (1706), Duchess 19th, by 2d Hubback (1423). Duchess 12th, by The Earl (646), Duchess 4th, by Ketton 2d (710), Duchess 1st, by Comet (155), by Favourite (252), by Daisy Bull (186), by Favourite (252), by Hub- back (319), by Brown's Red Bull (97). (260770 EARL OF VERULAM. Rich roan, calved Sept. 18, 1868, bred by S. Rich, Didmarton, the property of Mr. Strickland, Cokethorpe Park, got by 2d Duke of Claro (21576), d. Ursula 19th, by 7th Duke of York (17754), Ursula 12th, by Gen. Canrobert (12927), Duchess of Gloster, by Duke of Gloster (11382), Ursula, by Usurer (9763), by Prince Ernest (4818), by A-la-Mode (723), by Ratify (2481), by Wellington (680), by Favourite (252), by Punch (531). (26078) 6TH EARL OF WALTON. Red, calved March 28 1867, bred by C. W. Harvey, Walton-on-the-Hill, the prop- erty of Mr. Bowly, Siddington, got by 3d Lord Oxford (22200), d. Kirklevington 15th, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), Kirklevington 10th, by Delhi (15865). Kirklev- ington 8th, by Gen.Canrobert(12926), Kirklevington 7th, by Earl Derby (10177), by Earl of Liverpool (9061), by Duke of Northumberland (1940), by Belvedere (1706), by son of 2d Hubback (2683), a Cow of Mr. Bates 1 de- scended from the Stock of Mr. Maynard, Eryholme. (26111) ESKDALE. Red, calved Jan. 8, 1867, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, the property of S. Campbell, Kinaller, got by Royal Errant (22780), d Flora, by Victor Emanuel (15460), Flavia, by Baron War- laby (7813), Frances, by Gen. Washington (6036) Fan- ny., by Kit/, Harry (7009),-by Plenipo (4724), by Corporal I rim 187o).-by Pretender (2-151), by Favourite (2005), by Grey Robin (1090), by Brother to Grey Robin (1090)1 (26143) FAWSLEY CHIEF, 10051. (26161) FITZ ARTHUR. Roan, calved 1864, bred by Sir JW?? 1 *^ 11 ' B v art " Brough 1Ia11 ' S ()t by King Arthur 13110), d. Ciss, by Young Hopewell (1471 9), -Cecily by Bellemont (1l1fi4).- Celia, by Dun O'Connell (3557). Ma- beUby Lord Lieutenant (4860), by Onthwaite's White omct ^<* (26166) FITZ KILLERBY. Roan, calved Jan. 15, 1867, bred by Mr. Pawlett, Beeston. the property of Mr. Ly- thall, Radford Hall, got by Baron Killerby (23364), d. Charmer 6th, by Cardinal (11246), &c., as in Duke of Kent (25979). (26193) FREDERICK. Roan, calved July 4, 1865, bred by Mr. Barber, Sproatley Rise, the property of J. Ste- phenson, Wheldrake, got by 7th Duke of Northumber- land (19631), d. Amelia, by Frederick (11489), Amy, by Sir Isaac (9645), Amelia, by Prince of Wales (6345), Adelaide, by Plumpton (2440), by Gainford (2044), by Cripple (1887), by Young Rockingham (2549). by Wel- lington (2824), by Major ^2255), by Northumberland (464), by Styford (103), by Bolingbroke (86). (26239) GEN. NAPIER, 8199. (26256) GLADSTONE. Red, calved March 7, 1866, bred by A.Cruickshank, Sittyton, the property of S. Campbell, Kinaller, got by Royal Oak (22792), d. 7th Mint, by Bar- onet (15614), 5th Mint, by Lord Raglan (13244). 2d Mint by Duplicate Duke (6952), The Mint, by Robin O'Day (4973), Brawith Bud, by Sir Walter (2638), by Young Jerry (8177), by Roseberry (567). by Roseberry (567). by Constellation (163), by Hastings (293), by Hastinirs (293), by Leopold (372). (26290) GRAND DUKE OF LIGH TBURNE. Red and white, calved June 8, 1867,bred by A. Brogden, M. P., Ulverston, the property of C. Howard, Biddenham, got by Grand Duke 16th (24063), d. Red Rose 4th, by Grand Duke 4th (19874), Red Rose2d, by Englishman 09701), Red Rose, by Marmaduke (14897), &c., as in Cambridge Duke 4th (25706). (26492) K. C. B. Roan, calved March 25, 1867, bred by and the property of J. B. Booth, Killerby Hall, got by Knight Errant (18154), d. Soldier's Dream, by Windsor (14013), Soldier's Nurse, by Crown Prince (10087), Vi- vandiere, by Buckingham (3239), Minnette, by Leonard (4210), by Young Matchem (4422), by Priam (2452), by Young Alexander (2977), by Pilot (496). (26523) KING RICHARD, 8469. Calved Jan. 29, 1867. (26544) KNIGHT OF ST. GEORGE, 8472. Calved March 12, 1867. (26625) LORD CHATHAM. Red, calved Jan. 2. 1868. bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Lord Byron (24363), d. Oak Apple, by Lancaster Comet (11663), Oak Leaf, by The Baron (13833), &c., as in Royal Oak (227 ( J2). (26677) LORD LYONS. Roan, calved March 14, 1866, bred by and the property of J. Peel, Knowlmere Manor, got by Hengist (19943), d. Blush, by 3d Grand Duke (16182), &c., as in Bismark (25637). (26688) LORD NAPIER. Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1868, bred by and the property of T. Barnes, Westland, got by Ra- venspur (20628), d. Alpine, by British Prince (14197), Sylph, by Hopewell (10332), Ophelia, by Hamlet (8126), Britannia, by Albion (7771), Milliner, by Lord Stanley (4269), Mantilini, by Marcus (2262), by Matchem (2281), by Alderman (1622), by Pilot (496), by Remus (550), by Sir Charles (592), by R. Coliing's son of Favourite (252), by son of Favourite (252), Strawberry. (26762) 5TH LORD WILD EYES, 8539. The property of Lord Fitzhardinge, Berkeley Castle. (26766) LORD YORK. Roan, calved Jan. 17, 1868, bred by and the property of J. Harward, Winterfold, got by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619), d. Duchess of York, by 7th Duke of York (17754), Grand Duchess, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), Juliet, by Sol (8608), Kate, by Leo (4208), byTreasurer (5513), by Rupert (2580), byNorth Star (460), by Cripple (17'3), by Minor (441), by Free- man (269), by Danby (190). (26773) MACDUFF. Roan, calved March 29, 1867, bred by Mr. Bruce, Broadland, the property of W. S. Marr, Uppermill, got by Great Seal (21873). d. Alexa., by West- ern Star (25430), Snowdrop, by Red Luggs (24919), Young Lousea, by Major (24514), Lousea, by Jock o' Darlington, Mary of Eden. (26801) MANFRED. Red and white, calved Feb. 6, 1867, bred by and the property of T. C. Booth, Warlaby, got by Lord Blithe (22126), d. Mildred, by Lord of the Hills (18267), Melina, by Crown Prince (10087), Caroline, by Fitz Leonard (7010), Christiana, by Buckingham (3239), by Roseberry (5011), by Priam (2452), by Jerry (4097), by Young Pilot (4702). (2(5802) MANHATTAN.-Roan, calved May 5, 1864, bred by J. Christy, Jr., Boynton Hall, the property of R. Crabb, Great Baddow, got by Tragedian (20989), d. Myrtle, by Kirklevington (11639), Madelina, by The Squire (8697), TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACK. 215 Martha J>y Euclid C-$r:5!h. M.-i-, ll.mcr, by Eclipse (1949), by Stockwood t.5331),- by Attratnin (3053). (&i!W7 > NOIH.KM AN.- -KVd, calved March 26, 1862, bred by and the property <>fs. Campbell, Kinaller, irot by Scar- kt Velvet (16916), d. Elizabeth, by Gartoch i'.ov Buchiiii Lassie, by Narcious ((MHO). Whitehead, by iiiur ;2).--Miss Grant Duft'. by Prince Alfred (8431), by Duplicate Duke (6952), by Bachelor (UHH5), by Emperor (1974), by Houndilee (2139), by Togston (,5487) . (27019) OXFORD DUKE. Roan, calved June 28, 1867, bred by and the property of Rev. R. B. Kennard, Marn- hull, got by Duke of Montrose (23771), d. Empress of Ox- ford, by Imperial Oxford (18084), Grand Duchess, by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), &c.,asin Lord York (26766). (27107) PRINCE ALFRED, Rich roan, calved July 25, 1867, bred by and the property of Mr. Pawlett, Beeston, got. by Banm Killerby (23364), d. Rose of Hope, by Prince Alfred (13494), Rose of Promise, by Heir-at-Law (13005), Hose of Autumn, by Sir Henry (10824), Pelerine, by Buckingham (3239), by Marcus (2262), by Matchem (2381), by Alderman (1622), by Pilot (496), by Remus <.T><)). by Sir Charles (592), by R. Colling's son of Fa- vourite (252), by son of Favourite (252), Strawberry. (27123) PRINCE CHARLIE. Roan, calved Sept. 2, 1866, bred by S. Campbell, Kinaller. the property of G. Isaacs, Holdiman, U. S. A., got by Prince of Worcester (20597'), d. Try 2d, by Diptliong (17681), Ury Lass, by Beeswing (!2{5<>i, Miss Isabella, by Moss Trooper (11827), Don- side Lassie, by Vice-President (11002), by The Pacha (7812), by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3646), by Sil- lery (5131), by Sillery (5131), by Young Western Com- et (1575), by Diamond (205), by Favourite (256), by Charge's Red Bun (1810). (27161) PRINCE op BUCKINGHAM, 8857. (27262) REGAL BOOTH. Rich roan, calved Dec. 7, 1868, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Royal I Sooth (22772), d. Star Queen, by The Sutler (23061). star of Windsor, by Windsor (14013), Vesper, by King Arthur (13110), &c,, as in Booth's Royal Signet $8061). (27810) ROBERT NAPIER, 8975. (27348) ROYAL BENEDICT. Roan, calved July 1, 1867, bred by and the property of T. C. Booth, Warlaby, got by Prince Christian (22581), d. Royal Bridesmaid, by Prince Alfred (13494), Royal Bride, by Crown Prince (10087), Bride Elect, by Vanguard (10994), Bianca, by Leonard (4210), by Buckingham (3239), by Raspberry by Young Matchem (4422), by Young Alexander (2977), by Pilot (4%), by Lame Bull (359)! by Easby (,232), by Suwurrow (636). (27350) ROYAL Boorir.-Rich roan, calved Oct. - bred by and the properly of Mr. I'a\v!ett, Beeato by Baron Killerby (23364), d. Flora, by Booth Koval I), Faithful, by Sir James (16980), Faith, b) sir Charles (12075), Fanchette, b\- Petrarch (7329),- i by K'aspberr\(4H75), Farewell, by Yomig Matclici, by Isaac (1129), by Young Pilot (4702)", by Pilot (496), by Julius Caesar (1143). (27351) ROYAL BRITON, 9014. (27352) ROYAL BROUGHTON. Roan, calved July 10, 1868, bred by and the property of T. C. Booth, Warlaby got by Commander-in-Chief (21451), d. Lady Mirth, by Sir Samuel (15302). Lady Blithe, by Windsor (14013), Blithe, by Hopewell (10332), Bliss, by Leonard (4210) - by Young Matchem (2282), by Jerry (4097), by Young Pilot (4702), by Pilot (496), by a son of Apollo (36). (27435) SCOTSMAN, 10951. (27441) SENATOR. Roan, calved March 8, 1867, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Caractacus (19397), d. The Gem, by Lord Kairhui < 18244), Young Strawberry by Red Duke (22693), Strawberry, byKhimeea (10371), Ennet, by Jacob (6101), by Cleveland (3403), by Dod- dington (1920), Kate of Darlington. (27507) SIR WINDSOR BROUGHTON. Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1868, bred by Mr. Carr, Stackhouse, the property of T. Bracewell, Clitheroe, got by Prince of the Realm (22627), d. Windsor's Queen, by Windsor (14013), Wideawake by Royal Buck (10750), Bonnet, by Buckingham (3239). Bliss, by Leonard (4210), by Young Matchem (2282), by Jerry (4097), by Young Pilot (497), by Pilot (496), by a son of Apollo (36). (27538) SOVEREIGN. Roan, calved April 11, 1866, bred by R. Chaloner, King's Fort, Ireland, got by Royal Sov- ereign (22802), d.Village Rose, by Blood Royal (14169) Village Maid, by Crown Prince (10087), Wharfdale Maid, by Sir Leonard (10827), Village Belle, by Pilgrim (4701) Wharfdale Lady, by2dHubback(1423), Whiteface, by Frederick(1060), Western Lady.by Western Comet(689), by Western Comet (.689), by Western Comet (689), by son of Favorite (252). (27834) WOODRANGER. Roan, calved May 17,1867, bred by and the property of W T .Bolton, The Island, got by Grey Gauntlet (19908), d.Woodbine 2d. by Clydesdale (15779), Woodbine, by The Bushel (17092). Wallflower, by Will o' the Wisp (14009), Wentworth Lass, by Phospho- rous (9477), by Gen. Washington (6036), by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646). by Crusader (931), by Honest John (1116), by Middleton (12& r >). VOLUME XIX. W i P.ANN KK BEAUKR. 11326. The property of Sir W. S. Maxwell, Bart., Keir. (27930) BARONET. Roan, calved May 10,1866, bred by J. Beattie, Newbie House, got by Baron Solway i27!ir>S), d. Sylph, by I.anercost (11665), Snowdrop, by Strathmore (6547), Catherine 3d, by Playfellow(6297), Young Cath- erine, by Sir William (12102), by Emperor (1974). (27949) BARON KILLERBY. Red and white, calved March 17, 1864, bred by and the property of J. Outhwaite, r.aiiiesse, got by Knight of Windsor (16849), d. Rosa- mond, by Apollo (9899), Ruth, by Albert (7767), Rachel, by Noble (4579), by Corelli (3485), by Wauldby (2818), by son of Wonderful (700). BARON SOLWAY. Red and while, calved Feb. 17, 1863, bred by J. Beattie, Newbie House, got by Knight Errant US154), d. Cherry, by Cardigan (12556), Comfort, by Nobleman (18898), Carnation, by Newton (2367), Cowslip, by Young Magog (2247), by Margrave (2263), by Sir Charles (593), by Sir Dimple (594), by St. Albans (2584), by Lay! on (36 S ot bv 5th Duke of Wharfdale (26033), d. 5th Maid : 3 71 $ of Oxford, by 7th Duke of Airdrie < ttctt* ^Oxford 20th, by Marquis of Carrabas (11789). Oxford 5th, by Duke of Northumberland (1940), Oxford 2d, by Short Tail (2621), by Matchem (2281), by Young Wynyard (2859). (28458) IOTH DUKE OF THORNDALE, 5610. (28459) 14TH DUKE OF THORNDALE, 8031. (28480) STH DUKE OF YORK, 11867. The property of Messrs. Allen, T. Bell and Tunnicliffe. (28492) EARL LALLY. Roan, calved April 27, 1870, bred by Mr. Harward, Winter-fold, got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), d. Lally 7th, by 3d Lord Oxford (22200), Lally 2d, by Malachite (18313), Lally, by Earl of Derby (10177) Olive Leaf 3d, by Earl of Liverpool (9061), by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638), by Belvedere (1706), by a son of Herdsman (304), by Wonderful (700), by Alfred (23), by Young Favourite (6994). (28524) EARL OF WARWICKSHIRE 3D. Roan, calved Nov. 4, 1869, bred by H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House the property of G. Game, Churchill Heath, got by Duke of Brailes (23724), d. Lady Emily 2d, by 7th Duke of York (17754), Lady Emily, by Duke of Bolton (12738) Eu- genie, by Grey Friar (9172), Fidelia, by Fawsley (6004) by Little John (4232), by Caliph (1774), by Norman (2379), by White Boy (1580), by Wyville's Bull, -by a Bull bred by Mr. Charge. (28757) GRAND DUKE OF GORDON, 11216. (29006) KNIGHT OF THE CRESCENT. Roan, calved Feb. 87, 18G9, bred by J. Booth, Killerby, the property of B. St. John Ackers, Prinknash Park, got by K. C. B. (26492), d. Hecate, by Knight Errant (18154), Hecuba, by Hope- well (10332), Helen,by Hamlet (8126), byLeonard (4210). (29056) LORD ABRAHAM, 11223. (29128) LORD LANSDOWNE. Red,calved March 24,1870, bred by and the property of A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Caesar Augustus (25704), d. Lovely 10th, by Duke of Bedford (23722). Lovely 6th, by Bosquet (14183), Lovely 3d, by The Hero (10934), Lovely, by Kelly 2d (9265), by Robin O'Day (4973), by Favourite (9116), by Anthony (1640), by Anthony (1640), by Edgcott (1953), by a son of Merlin (6522), by Acton (1607;. (29255) MAJESTIC. Roan, calyed Oct. 18, 1869, bred by and the property of Mr. Pawlett, Beeston. got by Prince Alfred (27107), d. Faithful, by Sir James (16980j, &c., us in Royal Booth (27350). (29535) PEABODY, 12575. (29542) PETER PIPER. Light roan, calved Feb.12, 1869, bred by and the property of W. Woodward, Hardwick Bank, got by Marmaduke 2d (22287), d. Pretty Face by Mayduke (13320), Prize Flower, by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047), Janetta 3d, by Sheldon (8557), Jannetta 2d by Belleville (6778), by Homer (2134), by Gainford (2044), by Lowther (4283), bred by Mr. Atkinson, Temple Sowerby. (29553) PIONEER, 12593. Red, calved Dec. 18, 1870, bred by and the property of Mr. Pawlett, Beeston, got by Baron Killerby (23364), d. Rose of Warlaby, by British Flag (19351), Rose of Hope, by Prince Alfred (13494), &c., as in Prince Alfred (27107). (29647) PRINCE NICHOLAS, 11235. (29852) ROYAL CHESTER, 12847, The property of Mr. Taylor, Sydney. (29857) ROYAL COMMANDER, 10914. (29964) SHERIFF. Roan, calved June 8, 1870, bred by A. J. Robarts, Lillingstone Dayrell, the property of H. Stone, got by Cherry Duke (25752), d. Seraphina 3d, by Royal Essex (18767;, Spangle, by Fitz Clarence (11477), Seraphine, by Sweet William (7571), Seraphina, by Earl of Essex (6955), by Stratton (5336), by Fanatic (1996), by Red Rover (4902), by Rufus (2576),-by Em- peror (1014). (30031) SORCERER. Red roan, calved July 14, 1869, bred by D. Nesham, Gainford, got by Speculation (25203), d. White Silk, by Athol Warlaby (21196), White Velvet, by Warlaby (21063), Violet, by Gay Lad (11514). -by Prince Eugene (6336), by Valentine (5540), by Mow- thorpe (2343). (30055) STANDARD BEARER, 13293. Red, calved April 29, 1869, bred by and the property of Dudding & Sons Panton, got by Ravenswood (22682), d. Soldiers 1 Bride, by Superior (15362), Splendid, by Baron Warlaby (7813) Symmetry, by Leonard (4210), Stately, by Counsellor (6904;, by Snowball (8605). (30170) TOWNELEY OXFORD. Roan, calved Aug. 16, 1869, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, the prop- erty of Hosken & Son, Hayle, got by Baron Oxford (23375), d. Towneley Butterfly, by Count of Windsor (21498), White Butterfly, by Butterfly's Nephew (15714), Paris Butterfly, by Master Butterfly (13311), Rosemary, by Gavazzi (11508), by Baron of Ravensworth (7811), by Raree Show (4874).-by Thick Hock (6601). by Expec- tation (1988), by Belzoni (1709), by Comus (1861) by Denton (198). TO WHICH AMERICAN PEDIGREES TRACE. 217 VOLUME XX. (30418) BARONET. Red, calved March 18, 1869, bred by S. Campbell, Kiaaller, the property of N. Reid, Danes- town, got by Nobleman (26907), d. Ury 3d, by Dipthong (17681), &c., as in Prince Charlie (27123). (30577) BREADALBANE, 11439. (30958) 4TH DUKE OF GENEVA, 7931. (30959) GTH DUKE OF GENEVA, 7933. (30975) 3D DUKE OF HILLHURST, 13991. (30996) IST DUKE OF ONEIDA, 9925. The property of Lord Skelmersdale, Lathom House. (30997) 6Tii DUKE OF ONEIDA. Red, calved Oct. 24, 1871, bred by Walcott & Campbell, Oneida, U. S. A., the property of F. Leney & Son, Wateringbury, got by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958), d. 10th Duchess of Geneva, by 2d Duke of Geneva (23752), 5th Duchess of Geneva, by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184), Duchess of Geneva, by 2, Red Star, by Washing- ton (1566), Pansy, by Blaize (76), Primrose, by Charles (127), by Blyth Comet (85), by Prince (521), by Patriot (486). [104] CAPTAIN (11240). Imported by the late E. W. Thomson, York Township, near Toronto, the property of Geo. Miller, Markham, Co. York. [115] CHANCE, 13633. [118] CHARLES, 16020. [129] CLEASBY, 1366. Red and white, calved 1838,bred by Geo. Simpson, Newmarket, Co. York, the property of John Wade, Hamilton Gardens, near Port Hope, Co. Durham, got by imp. Roseberry [632], d. imp. Lady Jane, by Sir Walter (2639), by a son of Booth's Jerry (4097), by Young Star (5319), by Roseberry (567), by a son of Comet (155). [133] CLIFTON DUKE 2o, 7711. [136] COBDEN, 13670. [137] COLBORNE. Red and white, calved July 30, 1852, bred by the late John Wetenhall, Nelson, Co. Halton, the property of Thos. Hatt, Ancaster, Co. Wentworth, got by Don Jnan, 2725, d. Wheat Ear, by Prince Albert, 5085, Nonpareil, by Bonaparte, 273, Countess 4th, by Duke, 440, Countess 2d, by Leopold, 91, Countess 1st, by Son of Comet, 991, imp. Princess, by Lancaster (360), Golden Pippin, by North Star (459), by Favourite (252), by Favourite (252), by Favourite 0.52), by Broken Horn (95), bred by Mr. Best, Manfield. [141] COMET, 11540. [145] YOUNG 'COMET. Calved 1849, bred by and the property of Nathaniel Davis, Yonge Street, near Toron- to, got by Wellington, 183, d. Princess Royal, by Mar- quis, 14863 [437], Victoria, by Holderness, 14498 [346], Strawberry (imp. from Eng. by Mr. Mairs, Vespra, in 1837), by Old Windsor, by North Star (460), by Whita- ker's Snowball, bred by Mr. Watson, Newland. [160] DAIRYMAN, 13747. [164] DEERFOOT, 13788 [alias Canadian Chief, 5416]. [184] DUKE OF BOURBON, 5546. [213] DURHAM, 1488. Roan, calved June 10, 1847, the property of the Adelaide Tp. Agricultural Society. [216] EARL DUDLEY. Red, calved Nov. 24, 1865, bred by Geo. Robson, London, Co. Middlesex, the property of Thos. H. Brettell, Delaware, Co. Middlesex, got by Royal Duke of Gloster, 5155, d. Agate 2d, by Halton, 556, imp. Agate, by 3d Duke of York (10166), Annie, by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), Annabella, by Duke of Cleve- land (1937), Acomb (bred by T. Bates), by Belvedere (1706), a cow of Mr. Bates 1 , Kirkleavington. [217] EARL OF GLOSTER, 18696. The property of Ar- thur Hogge, Thornham Cottage, Guelph. [220] EDMUND IRONSIDES, 9995. The property of Jas. Cowan, Clockmohr, Waterloo. [224] EMPEROR, 14194. [235] YOUNG ETHELBERT, 18824. [242] FARMER. Roan, calved Jan. 20, 1863, bred by John lies, Puslinch, the property of John Duftield, Era- mosa, Co. Wellington, got by Harry [337], d. Mayflower 2d, by Friar John, 2892, Mayflower, by Tortworth Duke (13892), imp. Margaret, by Snowball (8602), Red Neck, by Harbinger (9183), by Nonsuch (4581). [271] FREDERICK. Red, calved April 13, 1862, bred by John M. Bell, Pickering, the property of F. Green, Pick- ering, Co. Ontario, got by Charles 16020 [118], d. imp. Lucy Neal, by Sir Charles (13705), Young Rose, by Re- mus (11987), Rosa, by Strathmore (6547), Rose, by Sir William (12102), Catherine, by Emperor (1974). [274] FRIAR JOHN, 14278. [275] FRIAR JOHN 2o, 2893. The property of Robert Cromer, Pilkiugton. [276] FRIAR JOHN 3o, 14279. [282] GARIBALDI, 14300. [283] GARIBALDI, 17136. [311] GEORGE. Red roan, calved 1844, bred by Na- thaniel Davis, Yonge Street, near Toronto, the property of Martin Dew, Eramosa, Co. Wellington, got by George 3d, 1611, d. Red Lady, by Young Comet [145], Brindle, by Sir Charles, 15477 [666], by Briton 1279#, Queen, imp. from Eng. by the late Hon. Receiver Gen. Dunn. [315] GLANFORD, 14360. Red, white and roan, calved July, 1852. [332] GUELPH, 17266. Red roan, the property of Fer- gusson & Watt, Fergus, Nichol, Co. Wellington. [337] HARRY. Roan, calved Jan. 30, 1861, bred by and the property of John lies, Puslinch. Co. Wellington, got by Friar John 3d, 14279 [276], d. Blanche, by Kossuth, 619. Snowdrop, by Durham, 1488, Flora, by Welling- ton, 183, Victoria. byAgricola (1614), Beauty, by Snow- ball (2647), by Lawnsleeves (3tJ5), by Charles (127). SUPPLEMENT. 219 [346] HOLDERNESS, 11498. [371] JOE, 14592. (372] JOE MILLER (14746) 1375] JOHN O'GAUNT 2o (13089). [376] JOHN O'GAUNT 7TH, 14620. [393] YOUNG LINCOLN, 18600. The property of Thos. Smith, East Flamboro, Co. Wentworth. [410] LORD ELGIN, 14767. [421] LORD OF THE VALLEY, 14786. [429] MAJOR. Red and white, calved Dec. 26, 1860, bred by Arthur Hogge, Thornham Cottage, Guelph, Co. Wellington,gotby The Marquis, 15584 [740], d. imp.Maud, by Gauntlet (10260), Margaret, by Sweet William (8646), Madeliua, by Harold (8131), Kate Nickleby, by Cedric (8311), byNimrod (4571), by Coelebs (897), by Neswick (1866), by Fisher's Old Bull (3799). [437] MARQUIS, 14863. [438] MARQUIS. Dark roan, calved Feb. 16, 1857, bred by and the property of Stephen Moffatt, Burnside, North Dumfries, Co. Waterloo, got by Belleville [52], d. Duch- ess, by Prince Albert, 5085, Dairymaid, by Young Far- mer, 62, Cowslip, by Reformer, 898 [605], imp. Pedi- gree, by Mynheer (2345), Van da, by Young Marske (419), Trinket, by Meteor (432), Princess, by Western Comet (689), Selina, by Favourite (252), Countess, by Cupid (177), Lady, by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280), Phos- nix, by Foljambe (263), Favourite, 'by R. Alcock's Bull (19), by Smith's Bull (608), by Jolly's Bull (337). [463] .MILTON, 18759. [465] MINOR, 14929. [473] NAPOLEON, 18766. The property of I. H. Ander- son, West Flamboro, Co. Wentworth. [491] NERO, 14989. [494] NICHOL. Red roan, calved May 25, 1861, bred by J. W. Armstrong, Eramosa, Co. Wellington, the property of John Moffat, Dumfries, Co. Waterloo, got by Guelph, 17266 [332], d. Mayflower, by Hero, 574. Cherry, by Kos- suth, 619, Dairymaid, by Halton, 556, Beauty 2d, by Duke of Wellington, 55, Victoria, by Agricola (1614), Beauty, by Snowball (2647), by Lawnsleeves (365), by Charles (127). [497] NICOL, 5037. Imported in 1856 by and the prop- erty of George Miller, Markham, Co. York. [503] NORTH STAR, 18770. The property of John Tol- ton, Guelph. [505] NORTH STAR. White, calved Sept. 8, 1851, bred by John Howitt, Guelph, Co. Wellington, the property of Stephen Moft'at, North Dumfries, Co. Waterloo, got by Prince Albert, 5085, d. Pedigree, by Prince Albert, 5085, Cowslip, by Reformer, 898 [605], &c., as in Marquis [438]. [511] ONTARIO, 15040. [514] OSWALD GRAY. Red and white, calved Jan. 24, 1865, bred by and the property of James Cowan, Clock- mohr, Waterloo, got by Oxford Lad, 5056, d. Red Rose 10th, by 3d Duke of Cambridge, 1034 (5941), Red Rose 4th, by Earl of Chatham (10176), Red Rose 2d, by Na- pier (6238), Tuberose, by South Durham (5281), Rose Ann,by Bellerophon (3119), Rosette, by Belvedere(1706), Red Rose, by Waterloo (2816), Moss Rose, by Baron (58), Angelina, by Phenomenon (491), Anne Boleyn, by Favorite (252), Princess, by Favorite (252), by Favor- ite (252), by Hubback (319), by Snowdon's Bull ((512) by Waistell's Bull (669), by Masterman's Bull (422). ' by Studley Bull (626). [525] PATRIOT, 15106. [529] PEVERIL, 10598. Roan, calved Jan. 10,18*' br ^ d by Thomas L. Ilarison, Morley, St. Lawrence < y " N - Y - the property of T. H. Brettell, Delaware, Co. ilddlesex, got by Hotspur, 4030, d. Pixy, by Harrington 1229, Pic- otee, by John O'Gaunt 2d (13089), Willey 5"< ] ^' Amen- can Comet, 119(5, Willey, by Meteor, lM*-Y ung " , ley, by York, 2396, Old Willey, imp. by~ Ir - Hammond, Westchester Co., N. Y. [536] PRESIDENT, 15173. [537] PRESIDENT, 15174. Got b; Baron Sohvay, 6432. [546] PRINCE ALBERT, 18783.-The property of Philip Buck, Trafalgar, Co. Halton. [5(511 PRINCE EDWARD.-lled roan, bred by Stephen Moltatt, North Dumfries Co. Waterloo, tht> property <>l Joseph Salkeld, Downie, Co. Perth got Polly, by Marquis [438], Isabella, by Duchess, by Prince Albert, 5085, &c., as [573] PRINCE PAUL, 8873. [576] PRINCE OF WALES. Red and white, calved April 4, 1857, bred by and the property of J. & J.White.Trafjil- gar, Co. Halton, got by Prince Albert, 18783 [546 d La- dyday 2d, by Rocket, 18796 [622], Young Ladyday, by Berry (3141), Ladyday, by Armitage (1656), Superior, by Gambler (2046), Splendor, by Anson (1639), Sophia by Cupid (938), by Merlin (489), by Windsor (698), by R. Colling's White Bull (151). [584] PRINCE OF WALES 2o. Red and white, calved Jan. 1, 1860, bred by John Stewart, Eramosa, Co.Welling- ton,the property of Henry Talbot, Eramosa, got by Prince of Wales, 2083, d. Alice, by Kossuth, 619, Anna, by Re- mus, 146, Annette, by Devonshire, 51,-Adeliza, by Fred- erick (1060),-Adela,by Orpheus (473),-Alfrede, by Alfred (23), by Windsor (698), Old Daisy, by Favorite (252) by Punch (531), by Hubback (319). [589] PRIOR, 15238. [598] RED DUKE. Red and white, calved March 13, 1864, bred by John lies, Penterry Farm, Puslinch, Co, Wellington, the property of William and Edward Tolto, Eramosa.Co. Wellington, got by Friar John 3d,14279 [I d. Miss Maud, by imp. John O'Gaunt 2d (13089), Maud, by Gauntlet (10260), &c., as in Major [429]. [600] RED KIRK (15138). Roan, calved Apr.- , by Robert Syme,Red Kirk, Dumfriesshire, Scotr f V m P- by Wm. Miller, Pickering, Co. Ontario, and N. Davis, Oswego, Kendall Co., 111., got (13735), d. Lady, by Remus (11987), Red ~ more (6547), Ladybird 2d, by Playfello bird, by Scrip (2604), by Thornington [605] REFORMER, 898. Red and 1832, bred in England, imp. by and land Wingfield, Guelph, Co.' ' (2857), d. imp. Favorite, by a son of Atlas (42), Actonia, by a son of George (1071),) [611] ROBIE BURNS, 15354-' ' [622] ROCKET, garth, East Flamboro, '.n, calved April, 1836, bred by Idlesbro, Stockton-upon-Tees, (700), by Jupiter (345), by Phe- dy, by Favourite (252),! " iiwuicinjii \*aj) y by (141). [643] RoYAi-' 1 '" 5 [652] SAI/ ATRIC *' [657] [666] [6741/ R , r s SIR DIMPLE, 15481. j ( !!{ SIR HENRY, 18804. J92] SIR WILLIAM, 15491. ! :;).-,! YOUNG SOVEREIGN. Calved about 1825 or 1830, ored and owned in England, got by Sovereign (6888), d. by Albion (14), by Meteor (431). [717] STRATHMORE, 15551. [718] SULTAN, 15555. [7221 SULTAN. Red and white, calved April 20, 1864, ed by John P. Wheler, Scarborough, Co. \ork, the ropertv of Simon Beattie, Markham Co. ^ ork gut by al'o ir.r.ti, d. Amethyst, by Young Marnock, is . -K- rvil e 4th by Box, 2S.-Esterville 2d. by Dan O ConneU ( 8K7) t-top. Esterville. by Alfred (2987),-Amethyst, by Prince of Northumberland (4S2ii),-Young Ania/oii, by Crusader (984),-Amazon, by Sultan (1 K,, - -helk.ua, D] Mars (lll),-Hollu, by North Star (458). [740] THE MARQUIS, 1558-1. [7 1:5) THK PuiKi-T, (i-.'K;. Bred by R. A. Alexander, Ky- [751] TOM BISHOP, H2:>3. [758] TKH-MPH, irrfill: [7(53] VALIANT, 1SS14. The property of W. C. Ileaty, Tr:italg:ir. Co, Halton. nn ingto^la 15399 ' , i.ii,,. m COLON, bred te r ' LIST OF CANADIAN BULLS. [774] WALLACE, 15994. Roan, calved March 27. 1854, bred by John Wade, Hamilton Gardens, near Port Hope, the property of John Simpson, Darlington, Co. Durham, got by Tecumseh, 2280, d. imp. Lady Eden, by Huds- worth, Fisher Roan, by Maynard's Duke of Wellington, by Waterloo (2616), by Pyramus (4853). [788] WELLAND, 15691. [823] YOUNG WHITE, 15796. [830] BELL DUKE OF OXFORD, 6449. [843] GLENLYON, 18722. [860] OXFORD DUKE, 18775. [945] BELL DUKE OF MARKHAM. Roan, calved March 14, 1868, bred by Geo. Miller, Markham, Co. York, the property of Birrell & Johnston, Maple Hall, Pickering Co. Ontario, got by Bell Duke of Oxford, 6449, d. Snow- drop, by Prince of Wales, 5100, Queen of the May, by Young England, 5281, imp. Miss Syme, by Baron of Kidsdale (11156), Spoors 3d, by Remus (11987), Helen, by Strathmore (6547), Spoors 2d, by Sir William (12102), Old Spoors, by Togston (5487), by George (272). [2421] WELLINGTON, 15692 (32828). ton v (127),- (486). [104] Thomson of Geo. j- [115] C. [118] C