THE WITH ITS AMENDMEITS AND THE OP THE CITY OF MIDDLETOWN, TOGBTHEa WITH SUCH OTHER LAWS OF THE STATE AS RELATE TO CITIES. COMPILED ASB PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OP THE CITY GOVERNMENT. HVibblctonm : PRESS OF WILLIAM J. 8TABB. 1857. CONTENTS. PART I, SPECIAL ACTS. PART II. GENERAL ACTS. CITY ORDINANCES. BYLAW I. MAYOR, AND COMMON COUNCIL. BY-LAW II. POLICE. BY-LAW III. TAXES, REVENUES, AND EXPENDITURES. BY-LAW IV. FIRES. BY-LAW V. PUBLIC GROUNDS AJTD STREETS. BY-LAW VI. HEALTH. BY-LAW VII. REPBAL or TORM, BY-LAWS. INDBX. 2012427 To the Freemen of the City of Middletown. You have herewith presented to you the Charter of the City of Middletown, with the Amendments and Additions thereto, and the Public Acts relating to cities, together with the entire code of By-laws, the whole arranged for easy reference by suitable marginal notes followed by a copious index. The City of Middletown received its first charter as early as A. D. 1784. From that time to 1821, several acts additional or amendatory to the charter were passed, when the whole were revised, the revision being made alike appli- cable to the cities of Hartford, New Haven, New London and Middletown. From 1821 to 1856, several amendments were made to the revised charter, the most important of which were the substitution of a Recorder in the place of the Mayor as presiding judge of the City Court, and the clothing of the Mayor with additional executive powers. A leading feature in all city charters is the power conferred to enact by-laws on particular subjects, which when properly done, have all the force of statutes emanating from the charter making power. Pursuant to the power thus given, laws or ordinances of this character were OTacted by the city at various times during the entire period from 1784 to 1856, but during that period no very perfect, well digested code had been formed, Such by laws as were enacted, were published doubtless as required in the pa- pers of the city, at the time of their enactment, and one or more attempts were made to put them in pamphlet lorm. Under these circumstances, it was not easy to arrive at a correct knowledge of our municipal regulations, and as laws to be obeyed must be known, and as it is the duty of those in authority to afford all reasonable facilities for such knowledge, the necessity for a revision and republication in proper form was ap- parent. The subject was brought to the attention of the city government early last year, but before any action could with propriety betaken, it was proper that existing defects, of which it was evident there were several in the charter, should first be corrected. A revision of the charter was accordingly ordered and accomplished, and after passing the Municipal Board was submitted for your approval, which for want of time and other causes, it failed to receive as a whole, but instead thereof, several of its more important sections were adopted, with some modifications, and on application to the Legislature received the sanction of that body, and became on your acceptance, an integral part of the txibtii'g charter ol the city on the 4iL day of January, last , INTRODUCTION. The present Common Council, soon after entering'upon their duties, resumed the work which their predecessors had commenced, and early, in the season di- rected the collation of the charter and its amendments together with the pub- lic acts relating to cities in a suitable form for publication. They also directed the revision of the entire code of by-laws. The by-laws thus revised, after receiving the approval of the Common Coun- cil, received also your approval, and were thus duly enacted on the 13th day o* October last. In comparing them with the by-laws previously in force, it will be seen that several of the latter have been omitted as useless ; others have been amended or altered, and several new ones have been added to meet the increased wants of the city. In making the revision it was the aim to include only such provisions, as were calculated to promote the best good of those who were to come under their influence. The code as a whole, is not claimed to be perfect, but is believed to be an im_ provement on the one for which it has been substituted. The acts and proceed- ings of the City Corporation and its Officers, in order to be creditable and effec- tive, must be in accordance with the powers possessed under the charter and the rules or ordinances established under its authority, and it should not be forgot- ten that however good and wholesome the regulations adopted may be, their qualities in this respect will be of no avail unless understood and enforced. The present publication will bring them to the knowledge of all disposed to be- come acquainted with them, and it is to be hoped that such an increase of interest in whatever pertains to the welfare and prosperity of the city will hereafter be manifested as will ensure their enforcement. The concluding by-law repeals all previous by-laws, so that no occasion can exist for exploring records for laws of that character, which may have been enacted at any previous time. By order of the Common Council, ^ EDWIN F. JOHNSON, Mayor. CITY OF MIDDLETOWX, December IStb, 1857. STATE ACTS. PART I. SPECIAL ACTS OR THOSE ACTS AND PORTIONS OF ACTS WHICH RELATE PARTICULARLY TO THE CirY OF MlDDLETOWX. An Act incorporating the Cities of Hartford, New Haven, New London, Norwich, and Middletown. May, 1784. [This Act has been superseded by that of 1821 or has other- wise become obsolete, with the exception of one clause in Sec. 36, which is still in force,] as follows : * * * * Such record [the record of the clerk's k c i n o C i erkma mak chosen and sworn,] may be made by clerks hereafter chosen, rec ord of ifia of their being chosen and sworn, and shall be good and en'ectual,election. any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. Resolve establishing a Fire Engine Company in the City of Middletown. May, 1803. Resolved by this Assembly, That full power be, and is here- by granted to the mayor, aldermen and common council [coun- cilmen] in and for said city to cause to be raised, established,^ engine and organized within the limits thereof, a fire engine compan to consist of any numbers of said inhabitants not exceedingly, twenty, and to exempt them from military duties for and dur- ing the time they shall actually serve therein. 2 Additional Fire Company. CHARTER. Side-walks. Additional Act, authorizing a second Fire Engine Company of sixteen men. October, 1810. Be it enacted by tlie Governor and Council and House of Represen- tatives in General Court assembled, That power and authority be, and hereby is granted, to the court of common council, [the corn- Fire engine mon council,] for the city of Middletown, at their annual or teen!""^ other legal meetings, to nominate and appoint an additional company, to consist of sixteen men, living within the limits of said city, as firemen ; and that upon such nomination and ap- pointment, the persons designated by said court, [said common council,] shall be exempted from military duty, for and during the time they shall actually serve in said capacity. Additional Act authorizing the Court of Common Council to es- tablish Side-Walks. May, 1811. SEC. 1. Beit enacted by the Governor and Council and House of Represtnatives in General Court assembled, That the court of common council [the common council,] of the city of Middle- Common Coun-town, be, and they hereby are authorized and empowered, from t > as public convenient may require, to designate .and fix the width, course, height and level of side-walks, in and upon the streets and highways in said city. SEC. 2. For the purpose of rendering such side-walks con- venient, said court of common council [said common council,] (a) see Act of ma y from time to time, give orderfa) to the proprietor or pro- 1835, Sec. 1. e t ors o f the lands and buildings fronting on such side-walks, at May order pro-^ ie ^ r own expense, to level or raise the same on their several prietorstomakefronts, according to the width, course, height and level designa- tlftr WalkS at ted as aforesaid ; and also, to pave or to flag, and to protect by pense. posts or otherwise, and to improve in such manner as said court of common council [said common council,] shall direct, any side- walk in said city, as well those which have been heretofore de- signated by said court of common-council, [said common council,] in pursuance of the by-laws of said city, as those which shall hereafter be designated in pursuance of this act. And said - c 10 ' Eac ^ c5t ^ COUrt slia ^ liaVP P ower to a PP omt an d swear a clerk for such court, to continue in office during pleas- ure, who shall, as to matters relative to his office as clerk of City Court. _ GHAUT Bft. _ Clerk. Judges. such court, have the same power and authority as clerks of coun- ty[superior] courts have by law ; and the oath to be taken by the clerk shall be the same, mutatis mutandis as the oath provided by law to betaken by the clerks of the county [superior] courts. SEC. 11. The mayor [recorder,] of each city, for the timemayor is given being, and the two aldermen first chosen, at the annual meet-*, c a ^ c ^"' f ing of the city, shall compose the city court, where chosen, andjjgjta, ' be the judges thereof ; and the mayor [recorder,] shall be the -chief judge of said court, and the two aldermen shall be the as- sistan't judges of said court ; any two of whom in the absence of the other, taking to their assistance the senior alderman present, that is not a judge of said court, or if neither of the a l- dermen that are not judges of said court, cannot attend, one of the justices of the peace for the county in which the city is, and resident within such city, shall have power to hold a city court. If at any city court, there shall be but one judge present, he shall take to his assistance two other aldermen of the city ; and in case one or both of them cannot attend, he shall take one or two of the justices of the peace, as the case may re- quire, of the county in which the city is, resident in the city ; and they shall have the same power to hold a city court, as thejudg- es of the city court have. In case of the absence of the mayor, [recorder,] and the two aldermen, constitated by law judges of the city court, of either of said cities, or their disqualification to sit as judges, the other aldermen of such city, taking to their assistance any justice of the peace, residing in the county in. which such city is established ; or either of the aldermen of such city, in case of the absence or disqualification of the mayor, [recorder,] and other aldermen, taking to his assistance any two justices of the peace, of such county ; shall have power to hold a city court within and for such city. When a suit is pending before any city court, wherein the defendant or de- fendants do not appear, or which, pursuant to law, must be continued, in either case, any one competent judge of such court, shall have power, and the same is hereby granted to him, to render a judgment on default, or to continue the ac- tion, as the case may require. . , , o 10 mi r !-,< i.. t ' i Special coons DEC. 12. I he mayor [recorder,] of each city, or m his ab-how called. sence, the senior assistant judge of each city court, may, at the special instance and cost of any person moving therefor, hold a special city court, at such time and place, within said city, as the mayor [recorder,] or judge ordering the same, shall appoint ; which court shall proceed in the same manner, have the same power and authority, and, in all respects, be under the same regulations as the stated city courts of the city ; and all the taxable fees of city courts shall be the same as taxable fees of county [superior] courts. And the several city courts shall (fl) CH attor , have power to appoint attorneys (a) for their respective cities. ney elected at who shall be sworn to a faithful discharge of their office : 3 ' ' such attorneys shall have power to sue and prosecute for all pen-Act 0^866,' alties for the breach of the by-laws of said cities, in the name of Aldermen's Courts. CHARTER. Proceedings. Appeals. the city, by proper action before the city court. Recorder and al- SRC. 13. The mayor [recorder,] and aldermen of the several dermen to luy .--cities, respectively, shall severally, within the limits of the city i/u\ver ot jiisti-, 1-1 , i ,. n -i , J oes of peace. to which they belong, have cognizance ot all civil causes, by la\v cognizable by a justice of the peace, provided the cause of ac- tion arise within the limits of such city, and one or both of the parties live within the same ; and the mayor [recorder,] and aldermen shall, as to the causes by them severally cogn'z.ible, have the same power and authority, and proceed in the same manner, as justices of the peace now, or hereafter may have and proceed. And an appeal shall be allowed from the judg- ment or determination of said mayor [recorder,] and aldermen, in any cause by them cognizable, severally, to the next city court, to be holden within said city, in all causes in which an appeal is now, or hereafter shall be, allowed from a judgment of a justice of the peace ; the prevailing party, however, if plain- tiff, may, such an appeal notwithstanding, take out an execu- tion on such judgment, provided he give a bond, before the mayor [recorder,] of such city, or one of the judges of the city court, in the same manner as is provided in the case of appeal* from the city court. And in every action brought before the mayor, [recorder,] or either alderman of the city where they belong, in which the plaintiff lives without the limits of such city, or in which the plaintiff is a mariner or seaman, suing^ for wages due to him for service in his occupation, and the- defendaut lives within the limits of the city, no appeal shall be allowed to the defendant. SEC. 14. The taxable fees, in all causes cognizable by the mayor, [recorder,] or any of the aldermen of a city, severally, shall be the same as taxable fees, in like cases, before justices of the peace. And the processes, in all actions brought to city courts, shall be the same as processes to the county [superior) courts ; and the processes in actions brought before the mayor, [recorder,] or one of the aldermen of any city, shall be the same as in actions brought before a justice of the peace ; which process- How signed, shall be signed by the governor, lieutenant-governor, or justice of the peace, or by the mayor, [recorder,] or one of the aldermen of the city, or clerk of the city court, where the process is to be- served, and shall be served by a sheriff, deputy-sheriff, or con- Bonds for pros- stable to wh m directed, according to law and the provisions cution. of this act. And all bonds for prosecution, taken by any of the officers hereby empowered to sign writs, shall be good and effectual; and bonds for prosecution, special bail, and bonds Proviso. f or appeal, shall be taken to the adverse party : Provided, that no writs, (executions excepted,) or processes, signed by the mayor, [recorder,] or either of the aldermen, shall be of any ef- fect, without the limits of the city to which they belong. Time of service SEC. 15. When the defendant, who is sued to any city before the sit-court, lives within the limits of the city, the writ shall be serv- ting of the court e( } U p n him, at least six days before the sitting of the court to which the writ is returnable : but if the defendant lives with- Taxable fees. Processes. 'Return of Writs. CHARTER. Jurors. out the limits of the city, the writ shall be served at least twelve Return of writs days before the sitting of the court ; and all writs returnable to a to Clty cc city court, shall be returned to the clerk thereof, on or before the day of the sitting of the court, and before the first opening of such court. SEC. 16. The writs that are returnable before the mayor, [recor- der,] or either of the aldermen of a city shall, if the plaintiff and defendant both live within the limits of the city, or if the plaintiff live without and the defendant live within the limits of such city ; or if the plaintiff be a mariner or seaman, suing for wages due to Writs returna- him for service in his occupation, and the defendant lives within mayor or&\- ' the limits of the city, be served upon the defendant, at least three dermen. days before the sitting of the court to which it is returnable ; but if the defendant lives without the limits of the city, the writ shall be served upon him, at least six days before the sitting of tha court to which it is returnable. SEC. 17. In case any sheriff, deputy sheriff, or constable shall not serve a writ directed to and received by him, that is returna- ble to a city court, or shall neglect to make return of said writ, or %, na ^ ty f " j! b n e e r _ shall make a talse return thereof, and a suit for such default be gi ec t of duty, brought against him, to such city court, by the person, his executor or administrator, in whose favor the suit issued, and the defendant be found in fault, the court, over and above awarding just dam- ages to the party, shall, on said suit, set a suitable fine upon the defendant, according to the nature of the case, and may issue ex- ecution for the same, which fine shall be to the treasury of the city. SEC. 18. [The election of jurors in Hartford, New Haven, New London and Norwich is omitted.] The mayor, aldermen, and common council, [councilmen,] of each city, shall annually meet c h s<^ rS ' W for the election of jurors. They shall meet in the city of Middle- town, on the first Monday of February, and then choose thirty-six freemen of said city, or such greater number, not exceeding seven- ty-two, as said mayor, aldermen, and common council, [council- men,] shall then judge necessary, to serve as jurors at city courts. They shall return the names of the jurors chosen as aforesaid, un- Return, der the hand of the mayor of the city, if present, or in case of his absence, under the hand of the senior alderman present at such meeting, to the clerk of the city court, who shall write each juror's name thus chosen fairly, on a separate piece of paper, and roll up and put the same into a box, which he shall provide and keep for Clerks shall P"* i i -ii u n . i 11 names in a box. that purpose : and whenever either sheriff of any city shall receive a warrant from the clerk of the city court, to summon a jury to ap- pear before said court, the sheriff receiving such warrant, taking with him one of the aldermen of the city, shall repair to the clerk's office, and there, in the presence of such alderman and clerk, shall Jurors, how take out of said box as many papers as his warrant directs ; and drawn< the persons whose names shall be found written therein, shall be summoned to appear before the court, to which the warrant is re- , . . , Summoned. tamable, to serve as jurors, and in case of neglecting to attend, shall be liable to such penalties as shall be, by the by-laws of the ]Q City Court. CHARTER. Oaths. city, inflicted for such neglect ; and in case a complete panel shall not attend, or in case any shall be challenged or excused, the ^tar- iff attending the court, shall supply the deficiency, by drawing, in the presence of the court, others out of the said box, and summon- ing them to attend and serve, until the panel shall be complete ; and the names of such jurors as do not attend, or are excused, shall be returned into the box, and shall be liable to be drawn again. And sworn. ^ud the oath to be taken by the jurors, shall be the same as is by la\v provided to be taken by jurors in civil actions. And the name of each juror that attends any city court and serves, shall be again written on a separate piece of paper, and shall be rolled up and put into another box, which the clerk of the court shall provide for that purpose, and shall be liable to be drawn again, in case there shall not, by reason of death, removal, or other cause, be a suffi- ciency in the ether box, to complete the panels for that year in Issues of fact which they are chosen to serve. Provided, that the judges of each may be tried by c | t y C0 urt, shall have power to try and decide all issues in fact that a jury of six. shall come before them, by themselves, or by a jury of six free- men, where both parties shall agree to it. s SEC. 19. The mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, common council [coun- cilmen,] and clerks of each city, shall be sworn to the faithful dis- charge of their duty ; and the form of the oath to be taken by the mayor of each city shall be as follows, to wit : You beincj elected mayor of the city of , do swear by the Form of oath name of the ever living God, that you will, without any partiality, in- for mayor. differently adminis'er justice according to law, without respect of persons take no bribe, give no counsel in any matter that shall come before you, nor deny right to any, but well and truly perform your office of mayor of said city, according to your best skill: So help you God. Aldermen. And tne f rm f the oath to be taken by the aldermen of each city, shall be the same, mutatis mutandis, as is presc: ibed by law to be ta- ken by justices of the peace. And the form of the oath to be taken by the common council [councilmen] of each city, shall be as fol- lows, to wit : You being electd a common councilman [councilman] for the city of Councilmen. do swear by the name of the overliving God, that you wilt fait/if ally and upmjhtly discharge the duties of that office, so long as you shall hold the same : So help you God. Sheriffs. And the form of the oath to be taken, by the sheriffs of each city, shall be the same as is prescribed by Jaw, to be taken by sher- iffs, mutatis mutandis. And the form of the oath, to be taken by the clerk of each city, shall be as follows, to wit : You being chosen clerk of the city of , do wear, ly the Clerk. name* of the everliving God. t/mt you will truly and f tilth fit II ij at- tend, and execute the qjfice of clerk of sv.zd city according to your best skill, and make true entries and records of all the votes and pro- ceedings of said city, and such other mailers as by law, or by the by- laws of *aid city are to lie recorded in your office, and that you will deliver true copies of the records in your hands, irhen they *hall be required nf you, taking only your lawful fees : So help you God. Which oaths may be admistered by a justice of the peace, or Common Council. CHARM. General powers. 11 by the mayor, or either of the aldermen of the city, provided they JkjjJjJJ ad " have been first sworn according to this act. And the person ad- certificate 'to ministering the oath prescribed by this act, shall give a certificate be given and re thereof, to the person to whom he administered it, which certificate 00 shall be recorded in the records of such city, before the person to whom it is given shall be capable of executing the office to which he is chosen. SEC 20. [Those subjects of legislation which are identical with ( a ) For organ those allowed in the act of 1856 are omitted.] There shall be action of com, ., r ,-> P t i mou council. court ot common council [a common council] or each city, to be com- See g ec> ^ ^ c t posed of the^ mayor, aldermen, and common council, [council- of 185(5. men,] who, by a major vote, shall have power to make ty- by-law? laws ; Relative to channels ; Relative to trees planted for shade, ornament, convenience, or use, public or private, and to the fruit of such trees ; Relative to the sweeping of chimneys ; Relative to the for me of oaths to be taken by the inspectors of pro, luce brought to said cities for sale or exportation ; Relative to the qualifications, in point of property, of the may- or and aldermen ; Relative to the penalties to be incurred by those who, being chosen to any city office, shall (not being excused by the city) re- fuse to serve ; Relative to the mode of taxation, as to taxes levied by said cities ; And to prevent the future erection of any building or buildings, in the most compact and populous part of said cities, or the alter- ation or appropriation of any buildings already erected, to be used for bakers' shops, blacksmiths' shops, hatters' shops, or tallow-chan- dlers' shops, or any other buildings, for those or similar purposes, which, in the opinion of the common council of said cities, respec- tively, shall more immediately expose said cities to injury, and de- struction from fire. And the court of common council [the common council] of each city, shall have power to designate and assign the limits to their said cities, within which no person or persons, shall be permitted in future to erect, use, or occupy any building or buildings of the kind, or for the us-i mentioned in this act, without license from the court of common council, [the common council.] And relative to raising and collecting a revenue, by duties and indirect taxes, within said cities ; Relative to the assize of bread, crackers, and biscuits, and other manufactories of flour, made and sold within said cities ; And for securing to the inhabitants of cities, and other persons, the exercise of their rights, in the use of the public squares, streets au'l highways within said cities, free from obstruc- tion and molestation ; 12 General powers. CHARTKH. How exercised. For designating the place or places for military parades, in or near said cities ; For laying out and regulating public squares and walks ; For regulating military parades and rendezvous, within the lim- its of said cities ; And the marching of military companies with music in the streets of said cities ; For defining the powers and duties of the city watch, and car- rying them into effect ; Relating to prohibiting and regulating the bringing in and con- To inflict pen- ve y^ n out '' or s ^ or ^ n of gunpowder in said cities ; allies. -And to inflict penalties and forfeitures of goods and chattels, for the bre.ach of such by-laws ; which penalties and forfeitures, shall be to the use of said cities respectively, or to such person or per- sons, as the by-laws shall direct, to be recovered by the treasurers of said cities, for the use of the same, or by the } ersons to whom al. recovera ' forfeited, in an action on such by law, brought to the city court, in said city where the offense is committed ; in which action no ap- peal shall be allowed : Provided, that no penalty shall exceed the sum of thirty four dollars, and no forfeiture of goods and chattels-, shall exceed the value of thirty-four dollars ; and provided, that Limitation of sucn penalties shall not exceed thirty-four dollars, for a quantity Forfeitures* 11 of gun-powder, not exceeding twenty-five pounds, and for each and every further amount of twenty-five pounds, an additional penal- ty not exceeding fifteen dollars. And all penalties not exceeding seven dollars, may be sued for, before the mayor, [recorder] or aldermen of the city in which the offense is committed : and the defendant shall have liberty to appeal, when judgment is rendered against him, to the next city court, to be holden in and for said ci- ty, in the same manner as in other cases. [The last proviso is omit- ted for one contained in the Act of 1856.] SEC. 21. [Relates to the laying out of streets, &c., and is super- seded by Act of 1856, Sees. 6, 7, and 8.] SEC. 22. Each city shall have power to appoint inspectors of , every kind of produce of the United States, brought to such city Inspectors of . J , , J produce. f r sa l e anc * exportation. SEC. 23. All grants and leases of any real estate belonging to either of said cities, signed by the mayor, and sealed with the city Grants and leas- seal, and approved by the city, in a legal meeting, and recorded C8< in the town where the lands granted or leased lie, shall be effectu- al to convey such estate. SEC. 24. Whenever the mayor of either of said cities, or any other officer eligible by the freemen, shall resign, or be removed, Vacancies in by death or otherwise, another shall be elected in his place, and (if office, how sup- t ue appointment be annual) shall continue in office for the same p ' time as the person whom he succeeds would have done, had he not resigned, or been removed. Mayor be SEC. 25. The mayor of each city, or in his absence, the senior moderator of a id cn nan present, at any meeting of the city, or any court of com- meetings, which %, r ,, J .,-, , " ~ . J , nuyadjoura. mon council [the common council] shall, ex officw, be moderator thereof. A meeting of the city may be adjourned, from time to City meeting. CHAKTKlt. Fire company. 13 time, by a major vote of the freemen present. And a special Major vote to meeting of each city, may be called in such manner as said cities e shall direct ; and all questions, in a city meeting, shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the freemen present. SEC. 26 and SEC. 27. [Relate to the appointment of firemen in the cities of Hartford and New Haven.] SEC. 28. The inhabitants living within the limits of each city, !' nbflbita n , t j| ( j shall be and remain a part of the town within which such city is e par situated. SEC. 29. If this act, or any of the provisions contained in it, shall Act may ^ a j. be found inconvenient, or in any respect inadequate, the same may tered. be altered or revoked, on representation of either of said ci- ties, by the general assembly. And this act shall be a public act. Additional Act authorizing a new Fire Engine Company of sixteen men. May 1832. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened, That the mayor, aldermen and com- mon council [councilrnen] of the city of Middletown, be. and they are hereby authorized and empowered, to form a new en- xew fire engine gine company in said city, to consist of sixteen men living with- company ofsix- in the limits of said city, the same being an addition to the ^* men ' number of firemen now authorized by law in said eity of Mid- dletown ; and the said mayor, aldermen, and common council, [councilmcn,] shall have full power and authority, at any reg- ular meeting, to choose said additional number of firemen for the purpose of forming said company as aforesaid, and shall have full power to fill any vacancies that may occur in said com- pany raised as aforesaid, and to establish and make such rules and regulations relative to said fire-engine company as may, from timetotime be necessary, any lawto the contrary notwith- standing : Provided that this act may be altered, amended, or repealed, at the pleasure of the (Jcneral Assembly. 14 Side-walks. CHARTER. Gutters. Trains. An Act to amend the Charter, and for other purposes. May 1835. SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened, Thai whenever the court of com- mon council [the common council] of said city shall order If proprietors t j ie proprietors of land to level or raise side-walks, pave or flag dents" notice in the same, or pave gutters in front of their land, or to raise low writing to oc- grounds, or to make drains, in pursuance of power heretofore o'l^pavV^uffi? granted, and the proprietor does not reside in said city, notice cieut. in writing to the occupants of the land or building in front of which said side-walk or gutter is to be made or paved, or to the occupants of the ground to be drained or filled up, shall be sufficient notice of such order to all persons interested therein. SEC. 2 If such proprietor shall neglect to comply with such order, and the court of common council [the common council] shall direct the same to be executed by some other person, the expenses so incurred, with interest thereon, and costs of collee- In case of neg- tion, shall be a lieu or real incumbrance on the buildings and lots lect, common inrespectto which such expenses shall have been incurred ; and der^paviii^ "or ^ ne same ma y be recovered by action of debt in the name of the flagging afcost treasurer of said city, from the person on whose account the of proprietors. sam e may have been so incurred, his executors or administrators ; or the same may be recovered, or the payment thereof enforc- ed in like manner as if said lands or buildings were mortgaged to the corporation of said city for the payment thereof, or the same may be enforced by warrant of distress. SEC. 3. Whenever such warrant shall issue, it may be made in like manner as warrants for other taxes, and may include the same sum for said warrant as is allowed for executions in the superior court, and also officer's fees for collection ; and the offi- Warrantto col- cer s i ia ]j proceed with such warrant in the same manner, and lect expenses, 1,1 i , -i j i i bow made. under the same regulations as is prescribed by law in the case of public taxes, except that notice of the sale of real estate in a public newspaper of said city need only be given for three suc- cessive weeks before the sale. Resolve forming the Middletown Fire Hook and Ladder Company. May 1831. Resolvedly this Assembly, That the mayor, aldermen and corn- Fire hook andmon council [councilmen] of the city of Middletown be, and ladder company they are hereby authorized and empowered to form a fre com- pany in said city, to be called the Middletown Fh' Hook and Ladder Company ; said company to consist of not more than thirty men. Fire Company. CHAttTKU. Firemen. 1 Incorporation of Fire Engine Company No. 4, in Midddletown. May, 1838. Upon the petition of the mayor and aldermen of the city of Middletown. specially authorized for the purpose, by the vote of _,. - r .j / - ,, .. , ft J j FireFnmne the freemen of said city, in city meeting legally warned, pray ing Company No. 4, for power to raise an additional fire company, to consist of of not more than thirty members, and that the existing fire companies may be thirty meu> enlarged, so that each consists of thirty members, as per peti- tion on file appears. Resolved by this Assembly, That the mayor, aldermen and com- mon council [councilman J of the city of Middletown be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to form a fire en- gine company in said Middletown, to be called Fire Engine Com- pany No. 4 ; said company to consist of not more than thirty men. Resolved farther, That the mayor, aldermen and common Power to en- council, [councilmen,] be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to enlarge the existing fire companies, so that each shall consist of thirty members. [A part of this Act, and a part of the proceeding Resolve, included in the Resolution of 1842, are omitted.] Resolution to increase the number of Firemen in the City of Middletown. 1842. Upon the petition of the mayor, aldermen and common coun- cil [councilmen] of the city of Middletown, praying for pow- er to raise thirty additional members, to be attached to the existing fire companies of said city, as per petition on file : Rcsokcd, by this Assembly, That the mayor, aldermen, and common council [councilmenj of the city of Middletown, be, and they hereby are authorized and empowed to raise thirty additional firemen, to be attached to the existing fire engine Thirt(1ditirn . companies of said city, and entitled to all the powers, privileg-al Bremen may es and immunities granted by the Legislature to the other be raised - members of fire companies of said city. Resolved further, That all the fire companies of the city of Middletown, shall have po\ver to make any by-laws not incon- sistent with the laws of this iStuteor of the United States, and to 16 Recorder. CHAUTER. Mayor's Powers. Fire companies enforce the same by fine not exceeding five dollars for any one may make by- o jf ense . also, to impose taxes on themselves, and collect the same in like manner as other taxes are collected. Provided, That these resolves shall not be in force, unless the same shall be assented to by the mayor, aldermen, common Proviso reqnir- council [councilmen] and freemen of the city of Middletown, at ing assent of a meeting legally held for that purpose. cit> to.resolve3. Approved in city meeting, Aug. 0, 1842. An Act in addition to an Act entitled "An Act incorporating the City of Middletown." May, 1843. Be if enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened. SEC. 1. [The part relating to election of Re- corder, and to filling the office when vacant, is omitted, as su- duUesandpuw pcrsededby Sec. 3, Act of 1856.] That there shall be a recorder ers. for the city of Middletown, who shall be the chief judge of the city court of said city, and shall perform all the duties of a judge of said court, instead of the mayor of said city. And he shall also have and exercise all the other judicial powers and authority now by law appertaining to the office of mayor of said T , city, and said power and authority are hereby transferred from said office of mayor to said office of recorder. He shall Compensation, take the oath provided by law to be administered to other ju- dicial officers, and shall receive such compensation as shall be established l>y by-law of said city. SEC. 2. That the mayor and aldermen of said city of Middletown shall have, severally, the same power within said derraen^tneir ^^ to disperse and apprehend rioters, to keep the peace, and d ities and pow- to require sureties therefor, and the same criminal jurisdiction ers - over all crimes and offenses whatsoever, committed within the limits of said city, that justices of the peace have or may have in the towns where they reside, subject to any appeal that is now, or shall hereafter be allowed from justices of the peace in criminal cases. And where said mayor or aldermen have jurisdiction, they shall have the same power, se'/erally, that justices of the peace have to issue process against the offender or offenders, and a summons and capias for witnesses, and may at all times, if need be, require the aid of any sheriff, deputy sheriff, city sheriff, town or city constable or watch- man, or any or all of them, together Avith such other aid as shall be necessary. And the mayor, or in his absence, the senior alderman present shall, in all cases, have and exercise the same powers and duties, which were conferred on the mayrr of the city of New Haven, by an Act passed 1842, entitled, "An Act in addition to an Act entitled An Act In cor- Mayor. CHARTER. Powers of. 17 porating the City of New Haven." And all persons who shall resist, delay or refuse to obey the legal requirements of the mayor or either of the aldermen of said city of Middle- town, shall be subject to the same penalty as is provided by Penalties for re- ., i ,. , , ,, ,., ... J , ,v sistance of. ic. the last mentioned act for like offenses : and every person call- ed into service by the mayor or acting mayor, shall be paid as provided by the sixth section of said act. SEC. 3. The court of common council [the common council] shall at their next meeting after the passage of this act, and at Grand juror?, each annual meeting of said court [said common council] there- ^en^and how after, appoint from the common councilmen [the councilmen] Their powers by ballot, three grand jurors for the city, who shall be sworn, &c - and who shall have and exercise the same powers and duties within the said city as grand jurors have and exercise within their respective towns. And said grand jurors shall perform the duties of their office until others are chosen and sworn in their stead. An Act in addition to an Act entitled "An Act incorporating the City of New Haven." 1842. [Sections of this Act referred to in the preceding Act.] SEC. 4. The mayor of said city shall hereafter be the chief 1 executive magistrate thereof ; and it shall be his duty to be Mayor, his dn- vigilant and active in causing the laws to be executed and en-tj an <} powera forced, and he shall be conservator of the peace within said city, and shall have authority with force and strong hand, when necessary, to suppress all tumults, riots, routs, and unlawful assemblies, and to arrest without warrant, and commit to prison, for a time not exceding twenty-four hours, any person or persons who may be detected in reveling, quarreling, brawling, or otherwise behaving in a disorderly manner, to the disturbance or annoyance of the peaceable inhabitants of said city. He is also empowered to enter any house or build- ing which he has reasonable cause to suspect to be inhabited by persons of ill fame, or to which persons of dissolute, idle, or disorderly character are suspected to resort. And if any dis- solute, disorderly, or vagrant persons are found assembled in or about any such house or building, he shall command all such persons immediately to disperse, if in his opinion the good order of any portion of the city require it ; and in case of neglect or refusal to obey such command, he is hereby au- thorized to commit any person or persons so disobeying to prison for a term not exceeding forty-eight hours ; and he 3 18 Mayor. CHARTER. shall have, and may exercise within the limits of said city, all (n)Same as the powers given to sheriffs or other officers by the (a) 59th and 67th and i 68th gQth ( a \ sections of the act entitled " An Act concerning Crimes sections Compi- -A i i , ,. lation of 1854. and Punishments, and he may at all times, if need be, require the aid of any sheriff, deputy sheriff, town or city constable or watchman, or any or all of them, together with such other aid as may be necessary. And whenever he shall have rea- son to believe that great opposition will be made to the exe- cution of his authority, he shall have power to call out the several companies of militia in said city, or any or either of them, and may exert all the force necessary to enable him to execute the laws within the limits of said city. SEC. 5. If any person shall hinder or obstruct, resist or abuse the mayor in the execution of his office, or when com- manded to assist him therein, (being of sufficient age and abil- Penalty for re- ity,) shall refuse or unreasonably neglect so to do, such of- Bistingandrefu fender, being thereof duly convicted, shall pay a fine not ex- mayor. eyt e ceeding one hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months, or both, at the discre- tion of the court having cognizance of the offense. SEC. 6. Every commissioned officer and soldier when call- ed into service by the mayor of said city, in manner aforesaid, shall be entitled to the same pay, and for disobeying the com- mands of the said mayor, shall be subject to the same penalty as is provided when called into service by the sheriff of the county, by virtue of the act entitled " An Act relating to Sher- iffs." persed. Form of the proclamation, An Act concerning Crimes and Punishment. From the Statutes, Compilation of 1854, pages 320 and 321. [The sections referred to in the preceding Act.] SEC - 67 - Every justice of the peace, sheriff, deputy-sheriff, constable, and selectman, within the limits of his jurisdiction, on having notice or knowledge of any unlawful and riotous as- sembly of three or more persons, who shall have come togeth- er with intent to do any unlawful act, with force or violence, against the peace, or to the manifest terror of the people, shall be authorized, empowered, and required, to resort to the place where such assembly shall be, and coming to such rioters, or as near as he can safely come to them, then and there with an audible voice to command, or cause to be commanded, silence to be observed while proclamation is being made ; and after that, he shall openly and with an audible voice, make, or cause to be made, a proclamation in these words, or in words of a sim- ihir effect, to wit, " In the name and by authority of the state of Connecticut, I charge and command all persons assembled, Riots. CHARTER. Nuisances. 19 immediately to.dispcrse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, on penalty of the law." SEC. 68. If such persons, so unlawfully and riotously assem- bled, or any three or more of them, after proclamation made as aforesaid, shall not disperse, every justice of the peace, sheriff, to be apprehend deputy-sheriff, constable, or selectman, where such assembly ed - shall be, and such other person or persons as he shall command to assist him, is authorized and required to apprehend such persons so unlawfully and riotously continuing together, after proclamation made as aforesaid, and forthwith to carry the per- sons so apprehended, before some justice of the peace, in order to their being proceeded against according to law. An Act in addition to, and in amendment and alteration of, the Charter and the several Ads in relation to the City of Middletown. May, 1853. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened. SEC. 1. That the court of common council [the common conncill of said city shall be and they hereby ,i j i j , T, j .., .* Common conn- are authorized and empowered to cause all grounds within C n f the city of said city, where water at any time becomes stagnant, except Middletown, lands used for ordinary farming purposes, situated at such dis-^J^"^^ tance from the densely populated parts of said city as to offer lands: no prejudice to the health of the citizens, to be raised and fill- ed up or drained, and to cause all putrid and noxious substan- ces, whether animal or vegetable, to be removed, and to cause all nuisances injurious to health, to be abated, suppressed and removed SEC. 2. And to effect the purposes aforesaid, said court of common council [said common council] may, from time to time, as they shall judge it conducive to the health of the inhabitants of said city, give orders to the proprietor or proprietors of any p r ?Jtor terrain and all such grounds, subject at any time to be covered with the same, and stagnant water, to fill up and raise such grounds, at their own^^. pel com P li ~ expense ; and said court of common council [said common council] may designate how high such grounds shall be filled up and raised, and may limit such time as they" shall deem reasonable, for filling up and raising the same; and if such proprietor or proprietors shall neglect to fill up and raise such grounds, in such manner and within such time as said court of common council [said common council] shall have designated and limited, said court of common council [said common coun- 20 Nuisances. CHARTKK. Drains. cil] may, in such case, appoint and employ some meet person or personsto fill up and raise such grounds, and may adjust and liq- uidatethe expense thereof, and apportion and assess the same up- no such proprietors, and make a rate bill thereof, specifying each proprietor's share of such expense, if there be more than one, and appoint a collector or collectors to collect such assessment, and pay the same, within such time as said court of common council [said common council] shall limit, and to such person as they shall appoint to receive and apply the same, for the purpose of defraying such expense ; and said court of common council [said common council] shall cause such collector duly to account for the amount of such rate bill, and the mayor, or one of the aldermen of said city, shall issue a warrant of dis- tress to such collector, authorizing him to collect such assess- ment of such proprietor or proprietors, and every such collect- or shall proceed in the same manner, and have the same pow- ers, and be under the same regulations, as the law prescribes in case of collectors of public taxes: provided, that, whenever said court of common council [said common council] shall proceed When part or according to the powers given to them as aforesaid or accord- pease may^e & to tnose i n tne next section given, to cause any such borne by city, grounds to be filled up, raised or drained, or said drains to be altered, cleansed or repaired, the said court of common council fsaid common council] shall be, and hereby are authorized and empowered in every instance wherein they shall be of opinion that any part, or the whole, of such expense so incurred, ought to be borne by said city, or can not be obtained from any pro- prietor or proprietors, to order and direct that such part or the whole of such expense shall be paid out of the treasury of said city, and to draw orders on the treasurer of said city therefor. court f common council [said common coun- May designate SEC. 3 - whereand how cil] shall judge it conducive to the hralth of the inhabitants of drains shall be sa ^ c ft v ^ O p en an( j establish drains in said city, said court of opened. r M r . , .,-, J ' . common council [said common council] may, from time to time designate the places where such drains shall be opened, and the length, depth and width thereof, and they may open such drains through lands of individual proprietors, as well as through pub- lic highways, and may alter, cleanse and repair the same, when laid out and opened from time to time, as-in their opinion shall be proper and necessary. And to effect the purposes aforesaid, said court of common Ma y order *^ e council [said common council] may, from time to time, as they land "o ppen, shall judge necessary, give order to the proprietor or proprie- &t., drains. tors'of the lands wherein or whereon such drains are to ba laid out and opened, altered, cleansed or repaired, to open, cleanse, alter, and repair the same within such time as they shall deem reasonable for effecting the same, and if such proprietor or propri- etors, or any of them shall neglect to open, alter, cleanse or repair such drains, in such manner, and within such time as said court of common council [said common council] shall have designated Drains. CHAPTER. Nuisances. 21 and limited, said court of common council [said common coun- cil] may, in the case of each and all such neglecting proprietor or proprietors, appoint and employ some meet person or persons to open, alter, cleanse or repair such drains, and may adjust Incase of refu- and liquidate tlie expense thereof, and apportion and assess the ^^ assessed', same upon the several neglecting proprietors of the lands through or on which said drains are located, and also upon the proprietors of such grounds as are drained thereby : and such assessment or assessments shall be collected, accounted for, paid over and applied in the same manner prescribed in the preceding section, and for those purposes the same powers are hereby granted, and the same duties enjoined. Provided always, that if any person shall be aggrieved by the doings of said court of common council [said common council] ed'may prefer under this or the next preceding section of this act, he or she complaint to may prefer a complaint, in such matter to the next county superior court - [superior] court to be holden in the county of Middlesex, by causing a true copy of such complaint to be left with the clerk of said city, at least twelve days before the sitting of said court. And if said court, on hearing of such complaint, shall be of the opinion that any part or the whole of such expense, so incur- red, ought to be borne by said city, said court shall order and direct that such complainant be relieved from the payment of such part, or from the whole of such expense, as to them may appear just and reasonable. And if it shall appear on such hearing, that said complainant hath actually paid any sum or sums of money, in the matter complained of, which ought to be refunded, said court may grant execution therefor in favor of said complainant against said city. SEC. 4. Said court of common council, [said common coun- Powers of com- cil] by themselves, or by a committee of their own number, which they are hereby authorized from time to time, to appoint, ces. as a standing committee on nuisances, whenever in the opinion of said court of common council [said common council,] or of their said committee, it shall appear necessary and conducive to the health and comfort of the inhabitants, to order and cause all putrid and offensive substances, of every kind, in said city, to be removed, and to order and cause all places within said city, emitting or containing noxious, offensive, or pestilential va- pors or stenches, to be cleansed and purified at the expense of the owner or occupant of the buildings or lands wherein or whereon such substances, or the places emitting such stenches may be, and the expense thereof shall be liquidated, assessed, collected and paid, in the manner prescribed in the second sec- tion of this act, and to this end the same powers are hereby granted, and the same duties enjoined. SEC. 5. And this act shall be to all intents and purposes a public act. 22 Police. CHARTBR. Gas Company. An Act in addition to, and amendment of the Charter of the City of MIddietown. May, 1853. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativss in Common coun- General Assembly convened. SEC. 1 That the court of common cilof the city of council [the common council] of said city may, from time to ma dd a, et oint time, appoint such number of persons as they may see fit, not special consta- exceeding tn the whole twenty-five, as special constables within bles. said city, which said constables, as also the city watch now or hereafter to be appointed by said court of common council, [said common council,] shall take the oath by law provided for executive officers ; and said constables shall hold their offices until ten days after the next annual city meeting unless sooner removed by said court of common council [said common coun- cil;] and said constables and said city watch shall have and exercise the same powers and be subject to the same duty to preserve the peace and secure offenders, within said city, as constables have and are in their respective towns. SEC. 2. If any person shall resist or abuse such special con- Penalty for re- sables, or said city watch, in the execution of their respective sisting or abus- offices, such person or persons so offending shall be liable to the 8t4b S les C . . . T ioeo \ A n m e , -^ the annual meeting in January, 1808.) All officers of said city, other than those above named, except as is herein otherwise ex- pressly provided for, shall be chosen by the common council of said city, and all the officers of said city shall hold their respective offices until others shall be duly appointed and qualified in their places. Orinmizationof SEC. 4. The mayor, aldermen, and councilmeu of said city shall c .imuoii coun- constitute and be a body known and denominated " The Common cl1 ' Council of the City of Middletown," nine of the members of which including the mayor, or person acting as mayor for the time being, shall, at all meetings warned and held according to law, constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business that may properly r-werto make come before them, and the common council so convened shall have power, by a major vote of those present, to make and ordain by- laws or ordinances : Relative to markets and commerce Avithinthe limits of said city ; Relative to persons to attend and serve as jurors in said city ; Relative to the streets, highways, public grounds, sewers, drains and gutters of said city, and relative to making, paving, repair- ing and using the same ; Relative to hacks, carriages, carts, tj-ucks, and other vehicles, and the prices for the transportation of persons and property therein, within said city ; Relative to the manner of warning meetings of said city and common council, arid the time and place of holding the same ; Relative to noise and disturbance in the night season ; Relative to licensing cartmen, truckmen, butchers, bakers, and the weight of bread, petty grocers or hucksters, and common vic- tualers, under such restrictions and limitations as to said common council may seem necessary and proper ; Relative to all nuisances in said cify ; Relative to encumbrances on railroad tracks and the speed of railroad trains in said city ; Relative to telegraph lines, and to wharves and the anchoring, moving and mooring of vessels, within the limits of said city ; Relative to the planting and preservation of trees in the public streets and grounds of said city ; General powers, CHARTKK, How exercised 17 Relative to trespasses upon persons or property, public or pri- vate, in said city ; Relative to walks, buildings, landing places, public and private, in said city ; Relative to fires, and means of preventing the same ; Relative to gunpowder ; Relative to fire crackers, and other fire works ; Relative to fire arms, and the firing thereof, and of cannon, with- in the limits of said city ; Relative to the beating of drums, and the ringing of bells within said city ; Relative to water works and the water fixtures of said city, and the use of the same ; Relative to the cleanliness and health of the said city ; Relative to gas, gas fixtures, and public lights of said city, and use of the same ; Relative to the oaths and bonds of the officers of said city, to secure a full and faithful discharge of their duties ; Relative to all fines and penalties incurred by any breach of any of the by-laws, ordinances or lawful orders of the common council of said city ; Relative to the city watch ; Relative to the burial of the dead and the protection and pres- ervation of the public burial grounds, and the fences, posts, rail- ings, monuments, trees and shrubbery within and around the same ; Relative to the restraint of all kinds of animals from going at large within the limits of said city ; Relative to the removal and disposal of all nuisances,, incum- brances and obstructions in the streets, highways, walks and oth- er places in said city, And relative to any and all other subjects that shall be deemed necessary and proper for the protection and preservation of the health, property and lives of the citizens, And to inflict penalties for the breach of any and all snch by- laws, ordinances and orders of the common council ; provided that Limitation of no greater penalty shall be inflicted for any one violation of any penalties, one by-law, ordinance, or order of the common council, than a fine of one hundred dollars, and the forfeiture of goods and chattels of the value of one hundred dollars ; provided that all the by- laws made by said common council shall be approved by said city in legal meeting assembled, and after being so approved shall be published at least three weeks successively in at least one news- By-laws to be . i . if , i 11 i f rj-A i approved nd paper in said city , before *the same shall be of any validity ; al- published. ways provided that no by-laws of said city shall be made repug- nant to the laws of this state or the United States ; and that the by-laws of said city shall at any time, upon application made within six months after they are made, be liable to be repealed by nny superior court holden in Middlesex county, if by such superi- ^ a ? b g e u p'^!~ or court, on a hearing, the same be adjudged unreasonable and un- court, just. 28 Health. CHARTER. Highways. Cleaning of docks. SEC. 5. The common council shall constitute and be a board of Common conn- health in said city, and as such, shall hare and execute all snch oil a board of p Ower an( | authority as shall be necessary and proper for the pro- health. J .. , , , ,., -.-., ..f motion and preservation ot the health of the citizens and the pre- vention of the spread of disease, and may make and cause to be Health commit- executed all such orders in relation thereto as may be necessary tee, their power an( j proper, and may appoint such health committee or commit* and authority. te&g ^ ^^ guCQ p Ower anc j authority in relation thereto as they shall judge expedient ; and the common council or such health corn- Removal of mittee in said city may cause all filthy, putrid or unhealthy sub- substances inju- stances of every kind, and all other substances which they shall rious to health, deem injurious to the health or cleanliness of its citizens, to be re- moved at the expense ef the proprietor or proprietors, or occu- pants of the land or building in, upon or in front of which said sub- stance may be, or of the person or persons causing, suffering or continuing the same ; and for that purpose may after giving reas- onable notice to the proprietor or occupant, enter into and upon all lands and buildings of every description, and into all vessels, boats, cellars and other places in said city And said common council or committee may, after giving reasonable notice to the pro- prietor or occupant, cause all docks in said city to be cleaned out, filled up or altered, when necessary, for the preservation of the health of the city, at the expense of the owners or occupant or oc- cupants thereof, or the proprietor or proprietors, or occupants of the land or lands and buildings fronting said docks. And the said common council shall liquidate, adjust and apportion the expense of cleaning out, filling up or altering the same among the persons liable to pay the same, after giving them reasonable notice to ap- pear and be heard in relation thereto, and may thereupon order the same to be paid by each person accordingly SEC. 6. The common council of said city shall have power and authority to lay out new highways, streets, public walks, public av- enues and public landing places in said city, and to alter, extend or enlarge any highway, street, public walk, public avenue, or public landing place in said city, and to discontinue or exchange the same for other highways, streets, public walks, public avenues or public landing places in said city, and to make and cause to be executed all such orders relating thereto as shall be proper and necessary. Any public highway, public street, public avenue, public walk, or public landing place in said city, may be opened or laid out by any individual with the consent of the common council previously there- to had and obtained, expressly authorizing the same to be done, and the same shall become and be a public highway, public street, pubHc avenue, public walk or public landing place, whenever the same shall be so opened and laid out, and a survey and particular by indi- description thereof shall be made by the party so opening the same, viduaia must be and shall be approved and accepted by the common council and ma^vote ^recorded * n tue records thereof; but no public highway or publie "he'common landing place in said city shall be opened cr laid out by any iadivid- council. ual, unless by a vote of a majority of the common council previous- Power of the common coun- cil in relation to highways, streets, &c. Laying out of highways. CHARTER. Preceedings. 2 ly thereto, expressly authorizing the same to be done ; and a sur- vey and particular description of the same made by the i arty opening the same, be accepted by the common council and re- corded in the records thereof. SEC. 7. Before the common council shall determine to lay out, P'f h ^ ay t s> * alter, extend or enlarge any highway, street, public walk, pub- p " vedTn cfty lie avenue or public landing place, in said city, they shall sub- meeting, mit the same for approval to a city meeting duly and special- ly warned for that purpose, and if approved, they shall give notice to the owner or owners of the land upon, over or through which the same is intended to be laid out or altered, to appear Notice to own . before said common council, and be heard in relation thereto, e rs of land, which said notice shall be in writing, signed by the mayor, or one of the aldermen of said city, and shall be served by reading How served, the same in the presence and hearing of said owner or owners, or in their absence from, or residence without the state, in the presence and hearing of the occupant, or person having the care of the same, or by leaving a true and attested copy at his or their usual place of abode, by either of the sheriffs, or by any indifferent freeman of said city, at least ten days before the meeting of said common council on said subject ; and thereup- on, at the time and place mentioned in said notice, and at any regular adjourned meeting therefrom, said common council shall hear all the parties in interest, that may appear before them ; and if after such hearing, said common council shall determine to lay out, alter, extend or enlarge said street, highway, public walk, public avenue or public landing place, then it shall be the Common conn- duty of said common council by themselves or a committee by with owners of them appointed for that purpose, to make such lay out or alter- lend respecting ation, and to agree with the persons specially interested there- Damages or Len- in respecting the damage or benefits, as the case may be, re- sulting to them respective]}' from said lay out or alteration; and in case said common council or said committee cannot agree with all said persons respecting said damages and bene- fits, then it shall be the duty of the mayor, or inliis absence of the senior alderman present in said city, to appoint three ju- Appraisers, dicious and disinterested freeholders of said city to estimate * d henappoint " and appraise the damages that may be sustained by any per- son or persons with whom said common council or committee cannot agree, above and upon the special benefits he or they may receive from said lay out or alteration, and also to estimate and appraise the benefits that may accrue to any other person or persons with whom said common council or committee cannot agree, above and beyond the damages sustained by him or them by said lay out or alteration, and report said damages and benefits, and the persons to whom they respectively belong, thus ascertained, to the common council. Before said freehold- MDS< be ? wnra ers shall proceed to execute the duties of their said appoint-S^lasd '* ment, they shall be sworn to a faithful and impartial discharge corded, of their Baid duties by the person so appointing them, and a cer- 30 Highways. CHARTER. Laying out of. tificate of their said appointment, and the administration of said oath, shall be made under the hand of the person thus ap- pointing them, and recorded in the records of the common Must give no- council. And it shall be the duty of the said freeholders to i ye not i ce to tne parties specially interested in said lay out or alteration, in the same manner as in this section is above pro- vided, to be present at such time and place as shall be designat- ed in said notice, to be heard in relation to the assessment of said damages and benefits, and at the time and place mentioned in said notice and at any other times and places to which said freeholders may adjourn therefrom, said freeholders shall pro- ceed to hear the parties in interest Avho may appear before them, and shall thereupon ascertain and determine what per- son or persons will be damaged by said lay out or alteration, and the amount thereof over and above any special benefits he or they may receive thereby, and also what other person or persons will be specially benefited by said layout or alteration, and the amount thereof over and above any damages he or they may receive thereby, and they shall thereupon report the t0 arnoun * ^ tne damages and benefits thus ascertained and de- council the' a- termined, and the names of the persons to whom the same be- mount of dam- i on g respectivelv, to the common council, who may accept said acres and bene- " ' , . , , ,', .1 .j fits determined, report or return the same to said freeholders lor their reconsid- eration and correction ; and upon the acceptance of said report Common shall be the duty of the clerk of the common council to re- reconsiderTtion cor( ^ ^' e same m the records of the common council and give of report. notice thereof to the parties interested therein accordingly ; provided, that the whole amount of benefits assessed for any par- ticular lay out or alteration shall not exceed the whole amount of damages assessed on account of said lay out or alteration. And the common council shall order the damages thus assessed danrages. an ^ determined to be paid to the persons to whom they belong respectively, out of the treasury of said city, and shall order the benefits thus assessed and ascertained to be paid by the per- sons upon wlrftm they are assessed respectively into the treasu- ry of said city, within such time as they shall judge just and Assessments .of reasonable to limit and appoint : and the assessments of ben e- benefits a lien ,,. j , ,, , .. I . * ,. , . , upon the land, fits so made shall be ana remain a hen upon the land on winch they are respectively made, and in default of payment of the same, maybe collected out of said land in the same manner as town taxes are collected ; and it shall be the duty of said com- mon council to make a survey of said lay out or alteration, Survey to be with a particular description thereof, which being accepted by the common council, shall be signed by the mayor, or in his ab- sence, by the senior alderman present in said city, and record- ed in the records of said common council ; and the said corn- Common conn-mon council shall limit the time within which said street, high- oil to limit the wft y ( p UD ii c W alk, public avenue or public landing place so laid ing 6 a highway . u t or altered, shall be opened, and at the expiration of the time so limited, may adopt any or all such measures, and make Highways. CHARTER. Laying out of. 31 - - - - -- and cause to be executed all such orders as shall be necessary and proper to appropriate the same to the purposes for which the same was laid out or altered ; provided that no street, high- way, public avenue or public landing place, shall be opened, Damages to be -..' fi i i i it u -j j , 1 A i 'deposited in until the damages assessed snail be paid or deposited in the the city treasu- city treasury for the use of the person to whom the same may ry. belong. SEC. 8. All persons aggrieved by the estimate of freeholders, or of damages occasioned by any lay out, alteration or design a - grieved" ma'y a p tion of lines made according to the provisions of this act, and ply to a judge all persons aggrieved by the assessments by them respectively ot l ^ e su i )erior ordered to be paid, according to the provisions of this act, may within twelve days after notice of such estimate or assessment, apply by petition to any judge of the superior court for a re- estimate of such damages or a re-assessment of the sums by them ordered to be paid, giving reasonable notice in writ- ing to the clerk of said city, of the time and place, when and where, and the judge to whom such application will be made. And said judge shall appoint three judicious, disinterested free- holders of said city of Middletown, to re-estimate said damages ^ej^udge shall or re-assess the benefits ordered to be paid as aforesaid ; and erJ! said freeholders shall re-estimate said damages or re-assess the sums or benefits ordered to be paid as aforesaid, under oath, and make report of their doings to said judge, who shall have authority for any cause which he shall judge sufficient, to set aside such report, to correct the same, to order another esti- ^m^jori? mate or assessment to lie made, or to make such order thereon correct it &c. an to justice shall appertain. If upon any such application for ri'-c^timutr of damages, said damages shall be increased or the amount of benefits assessed shall be decreased by said freehold- Cos * of . ch suh alication shal 11 ' ers, the cost of such application shall be paid by said city ; crwtse they shall be paid by such applicant. SEC. 9. The common council of said city shall be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to designate aline or Common conn- lines on the lands of anv proprietor or proprietors adjoining cv- cil may dwrig- i.i i r 11 ii- ' 11 nate building ery highway, street or public walk, or public avenue already ] iues . laid out, or hereafter to be laid out in said city, between which line and such highway, street, public walk or public avenue, no building or part of a building shall be erected, provided such lines shall not be more than fifteen feet distant from such high- way. street, public walk, public avenue. When said common Li u ? tion of - ., , ,, 1 i ,. ,. , such hues. council shall so designate a line or lines on the lands of such proprietor or proprietors, they shall give such proprietor or proprietors reasonable notice to be present at the time such designation shall be made. And in making such designation, due regard shall lie had to the general line of such highway, street, public walk or public avenue ; and a survey shall be made by direction of said common council, containing a partic- ^ch'iinesto be ular description of such line or lines, with the quantity of land made and re- on which the proprietor or proprietors arc prohibited to build, corded. 32 Penalties. CHARTER. Sewers. f which being accepted by said common council, shall be signed by the mayor or senior alderman, and recorded in the records of said common council ; and the damages done to such pro- f prietor or proprietors by such designation, shall be estimated by three judicious, disinterested freeholders of said city, who shall be appointed and sworn by the mayor, or in his absence by the senior alderman of said city, and a certificate thereof shall be made and recorded in the records of said common council, and it shall be the duty of said freeholders to make returns of their doings to the clerk of said common council, who shall record the same. SEC. 10. Any person or persons who shall contrary to the P rov i s i ns f thisact, erect any building or part of building, be- Sec. a. tween any line designated, as is by this act provided, on any highway, street, public walk, or public avenue in said city, shall forfeit and pay for the use of said city, a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in addition to such fine, all such build- ings shall be annually assessed four fold in the list and ratable estate in said city of Middletown. SEC 11- The common council of said city shall have power and authority, as they shall judge needful, to construct, or cause Common coun-^o be constructed, a sewer or sewers within the limits of said cilmaycn- city, through or along any highway or highways, or public struct sewers. pr rounc is in said city, or across, through, in or upon the land or lands of any person or persons, for the purpose of draining any low, wet, or swampy portion of said city. And the common council and the mayor and other officers of said city, in locating, laying out, establishing and building, and constructing said sewer or sewers, and the assessing the damages and benefits that may result to any person or persons thereby, shall have the ' same power and authority, and proceed in the same manner, as is herein provided in case of laying out or altering streets, highways, public walks, public avenues, or public landing pla- ces in said city. SEC. 12. This act may at any time be altered, amended, or Repea 1 . repealed at the pleasure of the general assembly. SEC. 13. This act shall be to all intents and purposes a public act, and shall not take effect until the same shall be accepted by said city of Middletown, at a city meeting specially called for This act mrst that purpose, and it shall be the duty of the 'clerk of said city be accepted., to cause a certified copy of the vote of acceptance to be record- ed in the office of the secretary of state. PART II. GENERAL ACTS IN RELATION TO CITIES. Offenses against Decency and Morality. June 5, 1830. From the Statutes, Compilation of 1854, page 341. SEC. 138. [Anatomical or surgical experiments upon dead 'bodies in any medical institution or appurtenances, except un- der certain restrictions, prohibited.] SEC. 139. The mayor and t\vo senior aldermen of any city, inspection of and the selectmen of any town in which such college, academy, colleges, &o, school, or medical institution, may be located, shall have au- thority, at all times, to enter and inspect every part of such building. An Act Authorizing the Inspection of Leather, Hides and Skins. June 9, 1841. From the Statutes, Compilation of 1854, page 627. SEC. 33. The several cities in this state may make by-law8 regulating the inspection of leather, hides and skins, within their respective limits. Provided, that no penalty imposed for Inspection of the violation of any such by-law, shall exceed twenty dollars leatber * c for one offense. 5 34 Hacks. CHARTER. Carriages.. An Act concerning the Driving of Carriages and the Manage- ment of Steamboats. June 20, 1848. From the Statutes, Compilation of 1854, page 399. SEC. 4. The court of common council of the respective cities of this state, may, from time to time, make such orders, rules Common conn- and ordinances as they may deem necessary for the regulation oil may regu- O f the public hacks or other public carriages for the conveyance ifack^Tafld car-<>f passengers in said cities respectively ; may establish the ria^es, and es- rates of fare for the conveyance of any passengers to or from any tabiish rates ^of s t eam fooat landing or railroad depot or station, or other place or fare without the . , . , ,. . ,, , l . '. ,11.1 concurrent ac- places within the limits of such city ; may assign and establish tion of a city suitable and convenient stands for such hacks, or other public meeting. carriages, in the streets, at the steamboat landings and railroad stations, in such cities respectively ; may make all necessary rules and orders for the safe and orderly occupation of such stands ; may prescribe such penalties for each and every viola- Penalty, tion of any such order, rule, ordinance or regulation, as they may deem proper, not exceeding thirty-four dollars for any one offense. SEC. 5. All such orders, rules, regulations and ordinances, shall be certified by the clerk of said common council, and mu?t be'pub- published in one or more newspapers published in said cities Hehed. respectively, at least once a week, for three weeks before the same take effect. SEC. 6. Every driver, owner or person having charge of any public hack, or other carriage for the conveyance of passengers, _ .. who shall refuse to conform to any such order, rule, regulation or ordinance, so made and published as aforesaid, or who shall in any respect violate any such order, rule, regulation or ordi- nance, so made and published, shall forfeit and pay to the treas- urer of the city to which they shall respectively belong, such fine as shall be by said court of common council prescribed there- for. IN ADDITION, JUNE 22, 1850. That whenever final judgment shall be rendered against any person, under and by virtue of and 'bow en?** *k e sixth section of the act to which this is an addition, for the forced if not fine or forfeiture thereby incurred and for costs, if such person 8 ^ a ^ not P a ^ t ^ ie same ^thin thirty days after the judgment Q^H fc e rendered, he shall be committed to the work-house in the town where he dwells, to be kept at hard labor not exceed- ing twenty days, or the county jail in the county where the defendant dwells, there to be kept in close confinement not ex- ceeding a like term of twenty days ; and the court before which judgment shall be had, shall issue execution accordingly. Pro- vided, that in case the person thus committed shall be unable Ninepin Alleys. _ CHARTER. _ Billiard Tables. 35 to pay the expense of his support in the work-house or jail, the Proviso, rela- same shall be paid by the plaintiff : and provided also, that if Se?impnro! ' , e such person shall pay such execution, costs, and expenses, he mnt.' shall be thereupon released from the work-house or jail. Offenses against Public PoEcy. June 27, 1848. Prom the Statutes, Compilation of 1854, page 329. NINEPIN ALLEYS. SEC. 105. Every person who shall keep in his custody or pos- Ninepin aileyi session, or in any house, or building, or its appurtenaces, or in peSiS^d'by any place in his occupation, any ninepin alley, so called, or place town, borough in his occupation, any ninepine alleys, so called, or place for . r cit y autQ n- playing bowls, skittles, or nine pins, whether more or less than Penalty 850. nine pins are used in such play, shall be punished by fine, not exceeding fifty dollars, nor less than seven dollars. Provided, that the selectmen, or a major part of the selectmen, of any town, may, by an instrument in writing under their hands, au- thorize such an alley to be kept at any place IB their respective towns, not included within the limits of any city, or borough, duly incorporated by the laws of this state ; and the mayor, ^cSffiiS aldermen, and common council, of any such city, or a majority poses only. of them, or the wardens and a majority of the burgesses of any such borough, may, in like manner, authorize such an alley to be kept at any place in such city, or borough, respectively, when said selectmen, or other authorities, shall be satisfied the same will be used solely for the purpose of health and recrea- tion, in which case said penalty shall not be incurred ; and it shall be the duty of said selectmen, or said other authorities, to revoke the liberty given by them, whenever any such alley shall be used contrary to the intent of this section. One half Penalty, how the penalty recovered, and actually received, from any person disposed of. for any violation of this section, shall be paid, under the order of the court having cognizance of the offense, to the person who shall complain, and furnish evidence, to any informing officer, of such violation. BILLIARD TABLES. SEC. 106. Every person who shall keep in his custody, or Billiard table* possession, or in any house, or building, or its appurtenances, or P roh ' bit *d,nn- in any place in his occupation, one or more billiard tables, shall town! tourouS be punished by a fine, not exceeding two hundred dollars. or city aathori- Pracided, that the selectmen and grand jurors of any town, or pe^jtv $100 the major part of such selectmen and grand jurors, may, by an instrument in writing under their hands, authorize one or more 36 City Meetings. CHARTER. Firemen exempt- May be licensed billard tables to be kept at any placein their respective towns.not for certain pur- included within the limits of any city, or borough, duly incorpo- poses only. ra ted by the laws of this state ; and the mayor, aldermen, and common council, of any such city, or a majority of them, or the warden and a majority of the burgesses of any such borough, may, in like manner, authorize one or more billiard tables to be kept at any place in such city, or in such borough, respectively, when said selectmen, or said other authorities, shall be satisfied the same will be used solely for the purposes of health and re- creation, in which case said penalty shall not be incurred ; and it shall be the duty of said selectmen, and grand jurors, or said other authorities, to revoke the liberty by them given, whenev- er they shall be satisfied that such table or tables, are used contrary to the intent of this section. One half the penalty recovered from any person for a violation of this section, shall be paid, under the order of the court having cognizance of the case, to the person who shall complain, and furnish evidence of such violation. An Act in addition to "An Act concerning Communities and Corporations." June 22, 1849. CITY MEETINGS. OBJECT TO BE SPECIFIED.'! Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative* in Gen- eral Assembly convened : Every warning of any meeting of any borough, city, ecclesi- ' astical society, school society, school district, or other public community, shall specify the objects for which such meeting is thir objects, to be held. An Act relating to Firemen. June 25, 1852. EXEMPT FROM JURY SEBVICE. Bt it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative in Gen- eral Assembly convened : SEC. 1. That all persons who shall be members of any fire froml. com P aii y'' authorized by and organized under the laws of tin's itaryorjury state, and all persons who shall be engineers, or wardens of erviceand poll an y fir e department, in any of the towns of this state, shall dur- ing the time of such service be exempt from serving as jurors in Firemen exempt. CHARTER. "Maine Law." 37 any of the courts of this state, from the payment of poll taxes, g^ page 39 and from the performance of military duty except in the case of war or insurrection. EXEMPTION AFTER SIX YEARS' SERVICE. SEC. 2. All persons who, after the passage of this act, shall serve six successive years in the above-mentioned capacity ofpi remenjft ft er firemen, or as engineer and warden, shall he and remain there- six years' ser- after exempt from the performance of military duty, except in ^p't^ror^mfi- the case of war or insurrection, from serving as jurors in any of itary or jury the courts of this state, and from the payment of poll tax in the "e^ice or poll town in which such duty and service is performed. SEC. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. An Act for the Suppression of Intemperance. June 22, 1854. SUCH PARTS AS RELATE TO CITIES. SEC. 19. Every selectman, and every constable, within his ( , Maine . own town, and every mayor and every alderman, within his own city, shall have the same powers as a grand juror, to in- Mayor or alder- stitute and conduct prosecutions for all violations of this act ; men may pros- and the foes of such selectman, constable, mayor or alderman, ecute m Cltics ' for such services, shall be the same, and shall be paid in the SEE COMPILA- same wav, as foes of grand jurors for like services. TION ^, ^ 85 A'. toe* a i T n A i i s i .PAGES 830,834 IK ADDITION. 1854. bEC. 1. In all cities the judges (a) of, Q x gee 38 [the] police courts and [* *j other courts and the [* *] may- ors, aldermen and other officers, who noir have or may "hereafter have jurisdiction in any criminal capes, shall severally and in- dividually have and exercise within their respective cities, con- Judges of po- currently with justices of the peace, on and after the 1st' day lice or otl ? er of August, 1854, the same criminal jurisdiction and the same offlc^shavmg powers and duties which justices of the peace in the several criminal juris- towns will, after said first day of August next, have and exer-^ ic v tlo . n '.l l . y cise under the provisions of "An Act for the Suppression of In-tkm of offense* temperance," passed at this present session, and such other against Maine acts as have been or shall be passed in addition to or in altcra- aw ' tion thereof. And from the judgments of such judges, mayors, aldermen and other officers, an appeal may be taken to the county (b) courts in the same manner and upon the same con- ditions as from the judgments of justices of the peace in like Appeals,how cases under said act ; and such appeals shall be by said county taken< courts disposed of in the same manner as appeals fiom the ius-,,. ...i j . j (o)SCP. COfRT. ticeg of the peace under said act. A< 5 T OF i 866- SKC. s. * * * * All justices of the peace residing within 38 Police Court. CHARTER. Firemen exempt Jurisdiction of any eit y, shall, after said " Act for the Suppression of Intemper- the peace! 01 anc e" shall have taken effect, have and exercise the same crim- inal jurisdiction, and the same powers and duties which justices of the peace in the several towns may then have and exercise under the provisions of said last named act, or any other act in addition to or in alteration thereof. [The provisions of any other private or public act to the contrary notwithstanding.] An Act granting Jurisdiction to Police Courts. June 28, 1855. # Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Gen- eral Assembly convened : That in the several incorporated cities of this state, in which jurisdiction in certain criminal cases is committed by law to po- Police courts to ij ce courts sa j tering and grading highways and streets in said cities, shall be lt3 ' done solely by the proper authorities thereof, according to the provisions of their respective charters. SEC. 2. The twenty-ninth section of the act of which this an alteration is hereby repealed, Provided that said repeal shall Rpeal. not affect any proceeding now pending. [The part relating to New Haven is omitted.] 42 Fire Marshal. CHARTER. Fire Marshal. An Act to prevent Incendiary Fires. June 27, 1857. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Gen- eral Assembly convened : Common court- SEC ^- That the mayor, aldermen and common council of cil may appoint each city, and the wardens and burgesses of each borough in fire marshal. t his state, may appoint a fire marshal for each of their several incorporations, who shall hold his office for one year. That said fire marshal shall have power to inquire into the cause of any fire which may happen in the limits of the corporation for which he is appointed, on being requested so to do by a proper officer of said corporation, or by anv one interested in the prop- erty burned, at the expense of the applicant. Said marshal Marshal to in- may summon witnesses to appear before him at such times and of 'nr^and^rT-P^ 068 as ne ma ^ .designate, and examine said witnesses on oath, port. touching said fires, and shall make a report of his examination, and the facts fyund by him to the clerk of the city or borough for which he is appointed. SEC. 2. In case any fire shall happen in this state out of the limits of an incorporation in which there may be a fire marshal shaT C confered r an 7 pe rson interested in the property burned, may apply to any on justice of justice of the peace in the town where said fire has taken place, peace. an( j g^ft j us tice, in like manner as is provided in the first sec- tion of this act, and at the expense of the applicant, may sum- mon witnesses before him, and examine them on oath in relation to said fire, and shall find the facts as they may be proved before him, which finding shall remain in the files of his office. F Ces . SEC. 3. The fees of such fire marshal or justice of peace, while engaged in investigating the cause of any fire as afore- said shall be two and one half dollars per day ; witness fees, subpoenas, and the service of subprenas, shall be the same, as are allowed in the superior court. BY-LAWS. BY-LAW I. MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL. Enacted Sept. 28. 1851. Approved Oct. 13. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Coundlmen and Free- men of the City of Middletown : SEC. 1 . The mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city, Powers and du- and as such shall have a general supervision of the affairs O f ties of mayor, the city. He shall preside at all meetings of the common council and of" the freemen of the city, and shall call meetings of the common council whenever in his opinion their action or advice is needed for the good government of the city, and when the common council is thus assembled, he shall make such sugges- tions and recommendations as in his judgment will most con- duce to the best good of the city ; and at the close of each year of his service, he shall make a statement in writing of the Mayor's report, condition of the affairs of the city, addressed to the freemen thereof, with such suggestions and recommendations relative to the condition of the city, and proper administration of its affairs, as in his judgment may be needful and proper. In the performance of his duties all subordinate officers will give him their active cooperation and support, and he will exercise such powers for the preservation of peace and good order in the city as are devolved upon him in the charter and public acts relating to the city, and in the by-laws of the city. SEC. 2. In the event of the absence or inability of the may- or, the duties devolving upon him by by-law, shall be perform-^ e a n n io t r ald . er ~ ed by the senior alderman, or by the alderman highest in absence^r may- rank and precedence in the city as designated in Sec. 3, of the or - Act amending the City Charter, passed May session, 1856, and said alderman is to be obeyed and respected accordingly. SEC. 3. Meetings of the freemen of the city shall be held at the most convenient place within the limits of the city. The city meetings city clerk shall attend all such meetings and keep an accurate re- where held, cord of proceedings ; which record and all papers of importance relating to said meetings shall be carefully preserved by the clerk and be deposited for safe keeping in such place as the com- 9 !t ? clerk hia mon council shall direct. The clerk shall, previous to any meet- " ing for the election of Officers prepare for use at such meeting a list of persons entitled to vote therein. SEO. 4. The common council shall assemble for the transac- tion of business as often as once every month and oftener if re- 4 6 Common Council. BY LAWS Common Council. Clerk of the common coun- cil. quired by the mayor as provided in Sec. 1, or if demanded by a majority of their number. The order in both cases to be in writing, to be served by the city sheriff in the usual manner of Meetings of the serving writs by summons, service to be made at least three common coun- i if J.IA- c j e j.- cil how warded. ours " e f re the time fixed tor any meeting. SEC. 5. The proceedings of the common council shall be re- corded in a book or books to be provided for the purpose, and all important reports, and documents relating to the affairs of Sm m onc f oun e - the cit ^ sha11 be carefull J preserved. The city clerk shall be cil. clerk of the common council unless otherwise directed by the common council, and shall receive such compensation for his services as the common council shall deem to be just and proper. The clerk shall be notified, as provided above, of all meetings of the common council, and in case of his absence or inability the common council may appoint from one of their number a clerk Clerk pro tern, pro tern. SEC. 6. The meetings of the common council shall be held in the common council room of the city, unless there shall exist an urgent necessity for meeting in some other place, and it shall _, be the duty of the common council to see that the council room \ /ommon coun* * , * -\ . / j i / i rii cil room. 1S kept in proper condition for the safe keeping of books, maps, documents and whatever else may be proper to be preserved Preservation of in the archives of the city, and in case there shall be no fire &c k beionglnK P ro f sa ^ e m sa ^ council room or in the room occupied by the to the city. clerk, the records and whatever else shall be most valuable shall be deposited, when not in use, by the clerk in some fire- proof safe, approved by the common council, convenient of ac- cess to said council room. SEC. 7. The common council shall have power by a major vote of their number to call a meeting of the freemen of the city. The order therefor shall be in writing, signed by the may- how called by' or an< ^ addressed to the city clerk, who shall cause notice of common coun- such meeting to be printed with large type and posted in the most conspicuous places in said city, at least two days before the time fixed for such meeting, and shall also cause the same to be published by an insertion in such of the newspapers of the cit3 r as may be issued prior to said meeting. Meetings of the freemen of the city shall also be called in a similar manner whenever the mayor shall be requested so to do by the written petition of not less than fifty in number of the freemen of the city. Notices of the annual meeting of the freemen of the city for the election of officers shall be posted as above and publish- ed in all the city papers at least once prior to said meeting. SEC. 8. If any person elected to the office of alderman or coun- lect to" serve ~ oilman shall refuse, or if he shall neglect to take the oath of office asaldermen or ag prescribed, for two months after being thus elected, he shall pay councilman. r . , ' . , 11 a fine into the city treasury of five dollars, and his election shall considered void, and the common council may proceed to call a cil. By request of citizens. Notices. Penalty f or neg- Another elec- tion. city meeting to make another election. Common Council. Police 4 7 SEC. 9. The city shall have a corporate seal, the devise upon which shall be as follows : In the foreground, a railroad locomotive with implements of agricultural, manufacturing and mechanical in- dustry. In the middle ground a ^ of thc city> river bearing on its surface, a steam- er and other vessels and in the back-ground the rising sun with a landscape the whole to be sur- rounded by the words " City of Middletown, Connecticut," of which device the annexed figure is a representation ; which seal shall be kept by the Mayor and shall only be appended to such documents as require the signature of the Mayor or alderman acting as mayor. Enacted Sept. 28. BY-LAW II. POLICE. 1851 Approved Oct. 13. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Councilmen and Freemen of the city of Middletown : SEC. 1. The first sheriff shall have, under the direction of the sheriff, to hav mayor, the command of the entire constabulary and police force of control of po- the city, including constables, special constables and watchmen, c and he shall be active and vigilant in suppressing all irregularities and in preserving peace and good order within the limits of the city, and shall make report to the mayor from time to time be required of his doings, He shall have charge of the city pris- on or watch kouse and its furniture, and the supplying of the same To have charge with the necessary light and fuel, and the inmates, if any, with ne- of watcn - nouae cessary food at the expense of the city. SEC. 2. It shall be his duty, in addition to the powers and du- TO attend on ties devolving upon him under the city charter and its amendments ; the city court. To attend on the city or recorder's court, for which service he shall receive such compensation as said court may deem proper, not ex- ceeding two dollars per day. To serve notices of meetings of the common council as prescribed above in Sec. 4, by-law I ; council. To cause the city bell to be rung on occasions of city meetings, as directed by the common council ; To riag beUt To be present at all fires in the city, to assist thereat in the pre- 48 Police. BY-LAWS Police. To be present servation of order and in the protection of property, at which said fires he shall wear his distinguishing badge ; To attend meet- To attend all meetings of the common council and of the freemen ings of common of the city, and to see that the halls for such meetings are in suita- council and city ble condition and properly lighted and warmed, and to be present at the opening of such meetings and remain until they are closed un- less sooner excused. SEC. 3. In case of the absence or inability of the first sheriff the Absence or ina- powers and duties devolving upon him as above shall be exercised bility of first and performed by the second sheriff, and in the absence or inability of both of the sheriffs, the constable first named on the list of city constables shall perform the said duties and exercise the said pow- ers as far as allowable under the city charter and public acts of the State. Sheriff's bond. SEC. 4. Each sheriff shall give a penal bond for the faithful per- formance of the duties of his office with such surety as the mayor shall approve. The amount of the bond to be not less than five hundred dollars. The sheriffs for services rendered shall receive such compensation as may be deemed proper by the common coun- Sheriff's com- c jj j n tj lose cases where their compensation is not fixed bv the laws pensation. . ~, of the State. Constables and SEC. 5. The constables, special constables, and watchmen, shall watchmen to be vigilant in preventing and suppressing all irregularities within suppressed! ir- the limits of the city, by which the peace and quiet of its citizens regularities, are disturbed, and the safety of property endangered, and shall hold themselves in readiness at all times to respond to the call of sheriffs, or of the mayor for assistance, and shall obey promptly all such orders as they may receive from those officers. The con- To be cresent stables and special constables shall be present at all fires in the city to assist the sheriffs in the preservation of order and the protection of property, and for service rendered by them they shall receive Compensation. sucu compensation as the common council shall deem to be just and proper. SEC. 6. All officers charged with the preservation of the peace Officers' badges, of the city shall wear when on duty at fires, or at meetings of the common council or of the freemen of the city, their distinguishing badges as prescribed by the common council. SEC. 7. If any person shall beat or cause to be sounded any _ . f drum or fife, or shall discharge or cause to be discharged any pis- drumsf&c. fir- tol, guu or piece of ordnance, or fireworks, or ring any bell, or blow ing of pistoh, an y steam whistle, or by any other means or instruments shall ftea'm l0 v^!i"ue / cause or produce within the limits of the city any noise of like char- and other nois- acter, to the aniioyance and serious discomfort of any citizen, the es prohibited. p ersou so O ff eu diug shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars for each offense, and double that amount if the offense is committed on the sabbath or Lord's day, or in the night season between sunset Except by per- and sunrise of the following day. Provided that on occasions of mission ou public festivity, and of military exercises and parade, it shall be lawful for the mayor, or common council by an order in writing to allow such noise, under such restrictions as to time and place, and Police. Taxes, BYLAWS. Revenues, &c. 49 instruments used as they may deem proper. Provided also, that Common coun- it shall be lawful for the common council to make such order in re- elSate ri De- lation to the ringing of church and other bells, and the blowing ing of bells ani of steam whistles, on occasions other than those designated above, blowing of , .1.1 whistles, as they make think proper. SEC. 8. If any person shall be a party to or concerned in any conduct of a nature to disturb the quiet und peace of any citizen, penalty for either alone or congregated with others, or shall disturb the peace breach of peac and quiet of the city, by marching or promenading through the streets or public grounds of the city, shouting or hallooing or ut- tering sounds and making noises of a disorderly character the per- son so offending shall forfeit and pay a fine of two dollars for each offense, and double that amount if the offense is committed on the sabbath or in the night season as above specified. SEC. 9. The common council are hereby authorized, as occasion may require, to offer such rewards as to them shall seem proper for the detection of trespassers and persons guilty of breaches of the peace or of any crime within the limits of the city, which rewards Rewards for de- shall be paid from the city treasury, and the said common council is authorized to employ a special watch for the detection of tres- passers and preservation of the peace and the property of the city and of the citizens thereof, which watch shall receive for services rendered such compensation as the common council shall deem to be just and proper. BY-LAW III. TAXES, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. Enacted 28. 1857. Approved Oct. 13. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Coundlmen and Freemen cf the City of Middletoicn : SEC. 1. The city treasurer shall have the custody of the funds of the city and shall take the oath required of town treasurers, Cit ? treasurer, and give a bond to the amount of not less than two thousand dol- lars, with such sureties as shall be approved by the mayor, which bond shall be renewed, or new sureties added, at the pleasure of the common council. SEC. 2. All moneys due or owing to the city, excepting taxes and shall keep accn assessments on property, shall be collected by the treasurer, who rate ace >unt of shall keep an accurate account thereof and of all moneys received mo ? e ^ i, and . . ,- c ,, . , J . , . make! illreport by him, and shall keep a like account of all moneys paid out by him for the city, and shall make a full report of all such receipts and ex- penditures at the close of each year of his term of service, which report shall be rendered to the common council on or before the sec- ond Monday in January, in each year ; the report to state distinc- tively the source whence received and the amount of each payment 7 50 Taxes, Revenues, BY-LAWS. Expenditures. into the treasury, and the amount of each bill or claim paid, the character and object thereof, and the name of the person or per- sons to whom paid, and it shall also contain a statement of bills or claims which remain unpaid, whether the same be due or owing to or from the city ; and it shall contain also a classification or analy- sis of the disbursements made during the year, showing the aggre- gate amount paid under each general and separate head with such explanations as may be necessary to the full understanding of the condition of the finances of the city. SEC. 3- All pa ers, vouchers, c. relating to claims due or ow- Claims to be S to tne C ^J> an( ^ to a ^ claims paid by the treasurer shall be care- presented to the fully preserved by him, and all claims against the city before being ^ ( !^ o D ^v^i P a id by the treasurer shall be presented to the common council for cn ior approval * .. * before payment their examination and approval, and when thus approved, the inajr- or shall draw an order for the sum allowed upon the treasurer, and the several claims thus allowed, shall be numbered, filed and pre- served in the treasurers office, and all orders drawn as above for the payment of claims shall be registered in a book kept for the . purpose. Provided, that orders for interest moneys due by the toTutere and 6 c ' t y an ^ a ^ payments of moneys borrowed by the city, may be borrowed mon- drawn by the mayor without the approval of the common council e >' 8 ' being first had and obtained therefor. SEC. 4. The treasurer shall, upon the levying of any tax by the city, Tr su rto P re P are f r tne use of the collector of taxes from the last preceding prepare tax assessment, an accurate list of persons liable to pay taxes, with the fists. amount due from each, which list shall be delivered to the collector in time to enable him to collect such tax within the time fixed for the purpose. SEC. f). For services rendered by the treasurer he shall receive Treasurer's snc ^ compensation as the common council shall deem proper, and compensation, when any treasurer shall retire from office he shall deliver to his suc- cessor, or in default of a successor to the mayor all moneys, books His duty on re; papers, &c., belonging to the city in his possession, arid shall also office? 11 render therewith a full statement as above of all moneys received and disbursed by him up to the date of his retirement. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the city assessor immediately after the first day of October in each year, to prepare a list of persons liable to pay taxes within the limits of the city, which list pre y arTa^ax t0saa ^ ^ ave a PP en ^ e d to tne name of each person the character and list. assessed value of the , roperty belonging to said person on the said first day of October, which list shall be completed and presented to the common council on or before the first day of January next following, but before completing and presenting such list as . aforesaid, the assessor shall give at least two weeks notice in the lce ' newspapers of the city, to the tax payers of the city, to enable them to appear on a day fixed, to make objections, if they shall have any, to the amount of their several assessments. The ob- jections and corrections if any consequent thereon, to be made previous to the certificate and return of said assessment to the common council on the first day of January as above stated. Collector of Taxes. BY-LAWS Fire Companies. 51 SEC. 7. The assessor before entering upon the discharge of Assessor's oath, his duties as above, shall take the oath required of town asses- sors, and shall receive for services rendered such compensation Compensation, as the common council may deem just and proper. SEC. 8. The city collector of taxes previous to entering upon Cit counter, the duties of his office shall give a bond for the faithful perfor- mance of his duties to an amount not less than the sum total of To give bonds, the tax to be collected, with such sureties as the mayor shall approve, and when thus qualified, he shall, after giving to the citv treasurer a receipt, and being charged with the full amount T?.^ char ged e \, L .a A . f with amount of of the tax entrusted to him to collect, receive from the mayor tax, &c. a warrant sealed with the city seal, empowering him to proceed to the execution of the trust confided to him, which said war- rant shall specify the time within which said tax shall be col- lected, which tax as fast as collected shall be paid to the city treasurer who shall receipt and credit the same to said collector. SEC. 9. In case the said collector shall be unable to collect any dMdtmML- 11 " tax due from any person in consequence of the inability of such cannot be col- person, from poverty, sickness or any infirmity, or absence from lected< the state, or for the reason that said person was illegally or im- properly assessed, then the said collector shall be excused from collecting the same, provided, that in the opinion of a commit- tee of the common council specially appointed for the purpose, there is good and sufficient cause for his being so excused, and for the amount thus uncollected and uncollectable he shall re- ceive an order from the mayor upon the city treasurer, the amount of which order shall be placed to his credit on the books of the treasurer. BY-LAW IV. FIRES. Enacted Sept. 28. 1857. Approved Oct. 13. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Counrilmen and Free- men of the City of Middktown : SEC. 1. The common council shall at all times maintain an or- ganized force with the necessary engines and apparatus for the prevention and extinguishment of fires, which force shall be constituted as follows : Engineers. 1st. An engineer and a first and second assistant engineer. 2d. Two fire engine companies, one hook and ladder com pa- Fire-compani ny, and two hose companies, with a first and second foreman ^ lheu-offi " and clerk to each, and such number of members to each as the resolves of the general assembly and the common council of the city may authorize and direct. 52 Engineers. BY-LAWS. Fire Companies. ment. Fire-wardens. 33. A firewarden and one assistant firewarden for each ward in the city. 4th. A fire marshal as authorized by the General Assembly in Marshal. ,g^,. Tobe elected SEC. 2. The above persons phall be elected by the common by common council. The officers named shall be elected at the annual meet- council. j n g O f t |j e comm on council on the first Monday of February, and shall continue in office for one. year, and (excepting the fire mar- shall,) until others are chosen and qualified in their places, un- less sooner removed by the common council. Voluntary en- SEC. 3. The members of the several fire companies shall be- liatment come such by voluntary enlistment, and when enlisted they shall subscribe to an agreement in the form following : We the subscribers, living; within the limits of the city of Form of agree- Middletown do ^reby enlist into nt. J . n . company of said city, and engage to per- form the duties of a member of said company for a period of not less than one year from the day of 18 subject to all the by-laws and ordinances of said city and all such rules and regulations, consistent with such by-laws and ordinances as shall from time to time be made and adopt- ed by said company. This agreement to be terminated at any time after the expiration of the year as above, on the undersign- ed giving one week's notice to that effect, to the foreman of said company and to the engineer. Dated at the City of Middletown, this day of 18 ^ EC- ^' ^ ue on< i cers named in section 1, and the members of the several fire companies shall receive each a certificate of his election, signed by the mayor and sealed with the city seal, and no person shall be deemed to be an officer or member of any fire company and entitled to its immunities until he has subscri- bed to an agreement as provided in the last section, and his name has been duly registered by the city clerk in a book kept for the purpose. SEC. 5. The engineer and assistant engineers, and fire wardens - and officers and members of the several fire companies of the 1 . , ,, n *.i ^ c T n , city shall annually in the month of January or February, prior to the annual meeting of the common council, meet together to nominate by ballot an engineer and assistant engineers for the year next to ensue, which nominations may be presented to the common council for their consideration when electing such offi- cers. The engineer shall give notice of said meeting and its object by posting on the door of the house of each company, and by personal notice served upon the assistant engineers and firewardens, and on the foreman or clerk of each company at Nomination of least three days before the time of holding said meeting. In foreman by the ij k e manner the members of each fire company shall assemble . ,. . . . J . .. on the call of their respective clerks, when requisite to nomi- nate for the consideration of the common council suitable persons for the office of foreman and second foreman in each company, Ceriifiateof election xr * Nomination engineers. fire companies. Engineer. BY-LAWS. Engineer. 53 SEC. 6. The common council may at discretion discharge any Discharge of en- engineer, officer or member of any fire company, and the may- p jj. l t e '!'' and ^ or, 'or the engineer with the approval of the mayor, may alsobersof fiie-com. discharge any member who may apply therefor, or, without panies. such application, may discharge any member, not an officer, for any misconduct, absence or other cause by them deemed suffi- cient. All discharges to be valid must be in writing, and must specify whether the person is honorably discharged or otherwise, and a copy or duplicate thereof must be delivered to the city clerk, who will make a record accordingly. Powers and du SEC 7. The engineer shall have, under the direction of the ties of the en- mayor, the control of the entire force employed for the extin-s iueeri guishment of fires in the city, and all officers and members of To ] iave con t ro i fire companies and fire-\var from the month of April to November inclusive, unless other- wise; directed by the engineer, at which times the engine and apparatus belonging thereto shall be tested, and if not in good working order, shall be immediately repaired and put in such order, and it shall be the especial duty of the foreman to see that when the engines or other fire apparatus of their respective companies are returned to the usual places of keeping the same, TO have rare O f after any fire or any drill or exercise, they are in good working engines, Ac. 56 Fire Apparatus. BY-LAWS. Wards. condition, and ready at any moment to do good and efficient ser- vice, and it shall furthermore be the duty of the foremen to see that the exercise and drills of their respective companies are cou- Foremer J to P re ' ducted in an orderly and fireman like manner, and that no impro- perve order in . . J . their companies, pnetiesor irregularities are permitted by any member either when on drill or within the building occupied by the said companies. SEC. 19.. The common council may from timeto time procure such fire-buckets and hose and other fire apparatus, as may be needful for the use of the city, and order such repairs to the same an( ^ to the engines, engine houses, and reservoirs as may be necessary, but the said common council shall not purchase any new fire engine or organize any new fire engine company or hook and ladder or ho^e company or erect any new engine house or purchase land therefor, or build any new reservoirs, without first obtaining the consent therefor of the freemen of the city in city meeting assembled. SEC. 20. A.11 persons present at a fire not connected with the fire department or police of the city are required to refrain from giving orders or direoions, and to conduct in an orderly man- ner without noise or disturbance, and to obey the directions of those authorized to command, and to aid in extinguishing the fire and saving the property in danger, and any person of suita- ble age and ability, refusing thus to obey and to assist in work- ing the engines or other fire apparatus, or in passing water, or in saving property, or refusing to assist in any other way when called upon to do so, by any proper officer, shall for every act of disobedience forfeit and pay a sum not less than two dollars nor more than ten dollars. Fire anparatus SEC 21. The fire engines and hose and hooks and ladders and not to be used other fire apparatus of the city shall not be used, without leave service oi' the mr from injury or depredation, and to aid the sheriff in p reserving j^" 8 "" order and preventing; noise and disturbance. SEC. 24 It shall be the duty of the several fire-wardens an- nually in the months of November and Hecember, and at other To ^mine times as occasion may require, to examine each building through- hl , 11 ' di ' 4 - ' fr L xi A- " 3 Ai! j places ve, out their respective wards, the fire-places, furnaces, stoves and & c . chimneys therein, and all other means of warming, and also the means of lighting each building, and the places where ashes are kept, and if in their opinion property is endangered by any defect in the same, they shall order said defect to be immedi- ately remedied by the person owning or occupying the build- ing where such defect exists, said order to specify in writing the defect to be remedied and the time allowed for compliance there- with ; and if any person shall neglect or refuse to obey such or- der and to correct the defect therein pointed out within the pen ^^ t ^ time allowed for the purpose, such person shall forfeit and pay ders ot nre-war- the sum of three dollars, and one dollar additional for every dens, month thereafter that such person shall continue to neglect or refuse to remedy such defect. SEC. 25. The fire-wardens shall also examine each building as above, and ascertain if :he same is provided with the requisite means of gaining access to the several apartments and to the to roof, roof in case of fire by means of stairs, ladders and scuttles suita- bly placed, and whether said buildings are supplied with fire- And whether , , , , ... ,'.' , ., buildings UPC buckets as required by law, and if not so supplied, the said war- sup p]ied with dens shall give their order as above to the owner of the build- fire-buckets, ing where such defect exists, and if the said defect is not reme- died within the time allowed in the said order, the said owner shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars, and one dollar ad- Penaltics - ditional for each month thereafter that said owner shall neglect or refuse to comply with said order. SEC. 26 Every resident owner of a building in which fire is for any part of the year kept, shall for each story of such build- private fire- ing provide and keep in constant readiness and repair one good buckets, leather bucket, or bucket made of india rubber, or gutta percha, separate or combined with canvass, water light, of the capacity of not less than two gallons, and in case the owner of any build- ing is not a resident of the city, then the occupier of such build- ing shall provide such bucket at the cost of the owner thereof, and every person who shall neglect fb keep a bucket or buckets as herein required, shall forfeit and pay the penalty prescribed p ena it y . in the last section. Provided that the requirements of this and 8 58 Fire-Wardeiis. BY LAWS. Fire Limits. Penalty. Badges. Proviso. the two last preceding sections shall not apply to any building standing more than ten rods from any other building. Fire- wardens to SEC. 27. The fire-wardens shall immediately after their annual report. inspection of buildings as above, make report in writing to the common council of the general condition of said buildings, and the common council are authorized to give and enforce such di- rections as in their opinion are needful to be observed to pie- vent the occurrence of fires destructive to property in the city. Compensation. The fire-wardens for service actually rendered by them, shall re- ceive each one dollar and fifty cents per day, and the owners or occupants of buildings shall not in any manner obstruct the said. fire-wardens in the proper discharge of their duties, and any owner or occupant of a building who shall refuse to any fire- warden the privilege of entering and examining the same when requested so to do at any proper time, shall forfeit and pay a g ne O f no t mO re than ten dollars nor less than two dollars. SEC. 28. The mayor, city sheriffs, city constables and special constables, fire-wardens and assistant fire-wardens, when present at any fire shall be distinguished by some appropriate badge to be worn or carried by each, which badge shall be* prescribed by the common council. Any fire-warden desiring to enter and ex- Fire-warden to amine any building, shall, on being requested so to do by the own- t^ficateonre- 1 " er or occupant thereof, exhibit his certificate of election to the quest. office of fire warden, and in default of his so doing, the owner or occupant shall not be liable to the penalty prescribed in the last preceding section. SEC. 29. No person shall carry on any business in any build- ing or lot within the limits of the city, which in the opinion of businessman" the common council, from its character and manner of being gerous to prop- conducted, peculiarly exposes to destruction by fire the proper- erty or liie. ^.y O f anv O t,] ier person, or the life of any other person, and the said common council shall have power to prohibit the carrying on of such business, and any person who shall disobey such or- der of the common council, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars, and ten dollars additional for every week he shall continue to carry on such business after being served with such written notice or order from said common council. SEC. 30. No building shall hereafter be erected in that por- Fire limits. tion of the city situated upon or east of High and Prospect streets, or upon or south of Spring street and the north burial ground, the outer walls of which shall be constructed wholly or principally of wood, without the consent first had and obtain- ed of the common council, on penalty of twenty dollars, and five dollars additional for each month such building, if erected, shall be continued after its removal has been ordered by the common council. Penalty for SEC. 31. If in consequepce of the foulness or otherwise of any chimney being chimney or smokeflue, the mutter contained therein shall take fire Qp ^ e jg n it e( ] j n a (j r y time, or in the night season so as to cause a blaze to appear from the top of the same, or if in consequence it tin' at an Fire Apparatus. BY-LAWS. Fire-works. 59 shall emit burning sparks or cinders, the occupant of the building or part of the building to which such chimney or flue belongs shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar, and if any such chim- ney or flue emit a dense smoke to the injury of the property of Dense smoke any person, or to the great annoyance and discomfort of such per-* rom chimneys son, or of his family or household, the occupier of the build- ing or apartment or persons using such chimney or flue und causing (-aid smoke, shall, on notice from any fire warden or or- der from the common council, immediately abate the same, and if the offense is continued after such notice, the offender shall pay a fine of two dollars for each and every week it is so con- tinued. SEC. 32. No person shall carry into any barn or hay loft On inclosed where hay or straw is stored, or into any building where wood- ^S^- &c - en shavings or matter of a highly combustible character is ex- posed, any lighted candle or lamp not enclosed in a lantern, nor any lighted cigar or pipe, nor any burning substance not securely enclosed, on penalty of three dollars for each offense, and double that amount if the offense is committed in the night season. SEC. 33. If damage be done to any city well, pump, hydrant, reservoir or pipe or conduit leading toor from any reservoir, or Penalty for dam to anv fire engine or fire apparatus owned by the city, or to a S etoflr ? a PP a ,,- . , , . . A , ratus.wells.&c any fife engine house or house containing lire apparatus, by taking away or destroying or breaking or cutting or displacing any part thereof, or by causing any obstruction or impediment in or about the same or any part thereof, each person so of- fending shall incur a penalty of five dollars, and pay in addition whatever may be the amount of such damage, the penalty to be doubled if the offense is committed in the night season. SEC. 34. If any person shall knowingly give a false alarm of fire in the city, or shall cause alarm by making a noise in rese blance of the cry of fire, or shall proclaim that any fire is ex-flie. tinguished when it is not, such person shall forfeit and pay for each offense the sum of fifteen dollars, and double this amount if the false cry or alarm is given in the night season. SEC 35. Any person who shall set fire to or discharge any rockets, fire-balls, crackers, or other fire-works, or shall aid or sa "e"7fire- a-ssist therein within the limits of the city, shall forfeit and pay works prohibit- a fine of three dollars, which penalty shall be doubled if the of- ed> fense is committed in the night season, and no person shall sell or offer for sale such fire-works, or keep them in any build- ing in the city, except by permission first had and obtained of the common council, on penalty of ten dollars, and five dollars additional for each days continuance of the offense, after notice to desist. Provided that any person or persons may on occa- sions of public festivity, discharge rockets, and other fire-works Proviso, at such place and time as the mayor or common council may designate in writing. SEC. 36. Any person who shall keep or have for sale or for any other purpose in. any house, store or other building, or in or 6 Fire Penaltie . BY-LAWS. Public Grounds. Saieof sun-now U p On anv vessel, boat or other water craft, within the limits of der without h- .V , ..-,... , ce^se prohibi- tne Clt 7 or jurisdiction thereof any quantity of gun powder or ted. gun cotton, or fuse exceeding one pound in weight of gun pow- de , two ounces in weight of gun-cotton, and five yards of fuse, without special license from the common council, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dol'ars, and five dollars additional for Notice. eac ^ da - vs con tinuance of the offense after being notified to desist by any executive officer, and any person so licensed, shall gyve notice thereof by a sign erected in a conspicuous place in fr^nt of the building where gun powder or gun-cotton or fuse is deposited or sold, on penalty, in case of neglect, of ten dollars. Proviso. Provided, that nothing contained in this section shall be con- strued to prohibit vessels or boats loaded wholly or in part with gun powder, gun-cotton or fuse from passing up or down the Connecticut river. Recovery and * SEC. 37. All penalties, or forfeitures incurred under the sev- dispsalof pen-eral sections of thisby- : aw shall be paid, one half to the inform- alties. eF) if demanded by him, and the remainder to the treasurer of the city. The said penalties and forfeitures to be recovered on complaint made by any person to any court proper to try the same, and when any minor shall be guilty of any violation of the provisions of the several sections in this by-law, the parent guardian or master of such minor shall on the conviction of such minor pay the penalty therefor and the same shall be re- covered of such parent or guardian or master by action of debt before any court proper to try the same. BY-LAW V. PUBLIC GROUNDS AND STREETS. Enacted Sept. 28. 1857. Approved Oct. 13. Be if, urdii.rtfd by the M>y<>r Aldermen, C'ouncilmen and Freemen of the City f Middlftnwn : SEC 1 The common adjoining to and immediately west of the north !>urial ground, on tin- north side of which stands the Roman Catholic Church, shall e called St. John's Square. I'ark. The common on the north side of which stands the Methodist Church, and on the south side the South Congregational Church, shall be called as heretofore, Union Park. The common extending west from the houses of Samuel Rus- |> rton sell and Charles R. Alsop, Esq's., to the west burial ground, shall be called Washington Square. "r d^e st. The highway from the mouth of the Sebetha or Little river to St John's Square shall be called as heretofore, Bridge street. The highway from St. John's Square to Union Park, on which Maiu at. the court house and several churches are situated, shall be cal- led as heretofore, Main street. Streets. BY LAWS. Streets. 61 The highway from Union Park southerly to the turn pike South Main, bridge over the Pameacha creek, shall be called Sou h Main street, as heretofore. The highway from South Main street near the turnpike bridge over the Pameacha creek, south-westerly to the city limits, near Warwick< what was formerly Warwick bridge, shall be called Warwick street, as heretofore. The highway from Warwick street near the city boundary northerly, passing east of the buildings of the Wesleyan Univer- Mgh. sity and ending at the east end of Washington Square, shall be called as heretofore, High street The highway from Connecticut river to West river, passing Washington. on the north side of the building of the Berkley Divinity School and following the line of the MidUetown aodMeriden turnpike, shall be called as heretofore, Washington street. The highway next south of Washington street, and nearly Court parallel thereto, terminating at High street on the west and at the Connecticut river on the east, shall be called as heretofore, Court street. The highway next south of Court street and nearly parallel thereto, leading easterly from Main street nearly opposite 'the Center court house to the Connecticut river, shall be called as hereto- fore, Center street. The highway next south of Center street terminating at High street on the west and the Connecticut river on the east, and college, crossing Main street by the Uuiversalist Church, called Parson- age street heretofore, shall hereafter be calle*! College street. The highway next south of College street, terminating at William. High street on "the west and at the Connecticut river on the east, crossing Main street by the Baptist church, shall be called as heretofore, William street. The highway west from Union Park to High street shall be called Church street, as heretofore. The highway east from Union Park to Connecticut river, Union< shall be called Union street, as heretofore. The highway from south Main street west to High street, Loveland. situated next south of Church street, shall be called Loveland street, as heretofore. The highway from South Main street near Loveland street Mm south-easterly to Mill Hollow, shall be called as heretofore, Mill street. The highway from Church street southerly to Loveland street, Hnbbard. next west of and parallel with South Main street, shall be called Hubbard street, as heretofore. The highway from Union street, southerly to the bridge over 8unm Sumner or Pameacha creek, shall be called, as heretofore, Sumner street. The highway from Pumner street, near the creek bridge north- eastfi y to the east end of Union street, shall be called as here- south tofort, South street. 6*2 Streets. BY-LAWS. Streets. The highway from the east end of Union street and passing near the margin of the Connecticut river northward to an inter- section with Bridge street near the ferry shall be called Water street, as heretofore. The Highway from the junction of Sumner \vithUnion street northerly to William street, shall be called Hanover street, as heretofore. The highway from College street to Court street next west of Water street, situated on the bank of the river,shall be called as heretofore, Bank street. The highway trom near the east end of Court street, north- erly and thence easterly to Water street, shall be called as here- tofore, Elm street The highway next west of and parallel with Main street, be- tween Church and Washington streets, shall be called as here- tofore, Broad street. The highway next west of, and paralled with Broad street between College and Washington streets, shall be called Pearl street, as heretofore. The highway next west of Broad street, between Church and College streets, meeting the latter near the High school, shall be called as heretofore, Hamlin street. The highway leading southerly from near the east end of Washington street to Water street, shall be called as heretofore, Lumber street. The highway next north of Washington street, between Main street and the Connecticut river, shall be called as heretofore, Ferry street. The highway next west of Water street, between Washing- ton and Ferry streets, shall be called as heretofore, Cherry street. The highway next north of Ferry street, between Main street and the river shall be called as heretofore, Green street. The highway from St John's Square northerly on the east side of St. John's Church to the railroad depot, shall be called St. John's street. The highway from the west side of St. John's square, north- westerly to KobertJohnson's, shall be called as heretofore, Spring street. The highway northerly from Spring street near it? west end, shall be called as heretofore, Johnson street. The highway leading from the north side of Washington square near its east end north-westerly to West river, following the line of, the Middletown and Berlin turnpike, shall be called Berlin street. Prospect. The highway from the west end of Spring street southerly to Berlin street, and thence to Washington square shall be called Prospect street, as heretofore The high way leading northerly from Washington street next Wetmore Place wes ^ of Main street and terminating at the Liberty street burial ground, shall be called Wetmore Place. Water. Hanover. Faik. Elm Broad, Pearl. Hamlin. Lumber. Perry. Cherry. Green. St. John's. Spring. Johnson. Berlin. Str- BY-LAWS Streets. The now highway from Washington street near Pearl street, x ,,. t!l north to Spring street, shall he ra! id North Pearl street. The hij;lr.v iy IV >\\ M un street w.'-t to Prospect street and thence to Berlin =treet, next north of Washington street, shall be called i-> b . Lib art 7 street. The highway leaving Washington street near West river and Facto , running easterly Dear tint river, and joining Washington street near the fo t of the hill, slmll be called Factory street. The highway from Washington street opposite to the en- Baldwin trance to the Indian llili cemetery, westerly to Berlin street, shall he called Baldwin street. The highway from Baldwin street westerly to the bridge over Jllck West river at the plain factory, shall be called Jackson street. The highway from High street a little south of William street Cross. west to the south west side of Indian Hill, shall be called Cross street, as heretofore. The highway from Washington street next west of the cn-niii. trance to the Indian Hill ei inetry, southerly on the west side of the hil 1 until it meets Cross street, shall be called Hill street, in- stead ( f Butternut street, as heretofore. The highway from the west end of Washington square south- erly to Cross street on the south east side of Indian Hill, shall vine- be called Vine street, instead of Swamp street, as heretofore The highway from Vine street south-easterly to Cross street, park shall be called Park street. The highway from Washington square southerly to Cross Mt y (rnon street, next west of High street, shall be called Mt Vernon street, as heretofore. The highway from High street next south of Court street, wyiiis. westerls to Mt. Vernon street, shall be called Wyiiis street. The highway leading westerly from the junction of Hill and Butternut. Cross streets to the city line, shall be called as heretofore, But- ternut street. The highway from the west end of Washington street, near West river, southerly to the city line, shall be called as heretofore, Westt A Vest street. The highway from West street south-westerly, near West rivei to the city line, shall be called Middlefield street. The highway from Cross street near the south end of Indian Long j ane> Hill southerly to the city line, shall be called as heretofore, Long lane. The highway from Cross street next east of Mt. Vernon Pine> street southerly to the city line, shall be call Pine street, instead of Low street, as heretofore. The highway south from Cross street next west of High street, College Place, shall be called College place, as heretofore. The highway from High street a little north of Loveland Huber Place. street westerly, shall be called lluber place. The highway west from Main street, next north of Liberty Chase. street, shall be called Chase street. (U S reets. BY-LAWS. Street Commissioner. Width of streets SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the common council in laying out any new street to make the said street if possible, not less than sixty feet in width, and to increase to that amount the width of the more prominent of the existing streets which have a less width than that, whenever the same can consistent- ly be done. It shall be the duty also of the common council to ies ' have as early as practicable, the grade lines of the streets where- on buildings have already been or are about to be erected, es- tablished by accurate levels, with a view to the best system of drainage, and the most economical grading of the same, which levels shall be put upon record, and it shall be their duty also to establish upon all such streets the lines on which curb stones and shade trees may be placed, which lines shall not be less than ten feet from the side lines of the street nearest there- Lines for curb to, for the curb-stones, and eight feet for the trees in a width of stones and street of sixty feet, and in that proportion for a greater or less- er width "Record of SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the city clerk to enter in a streets an i nub- book to be provided for the purpose, to be called the "Record of streets and Public Grounds," the lay out or survey of all the "treets and public grounds, now, or hereafter to be laid out by the city, with the diagrams illustrating the same, and to enter in said book the lay out of all side and cross walks, with their level and the width and position of the flagging upon the same ; and to enter also in said book, the levels of the grade and curb lines of the several streets and public grounds, as the same shall from time to time be established, and to enter also the lay out and dimensions of all drains and culverts constructed in part or whole by the city, and to enter also the position of all street lamps and of all lines for gas pipes and telegraph lines where- ever the same have been laid under the sanction of the author- ities of the city. The book to contain in fine all matters of im- portance relating to the streets and public gronnds of the city, and to be properly indexed, the clerk to receive for making such record such compensation as the common council shall deem to be proper. SEC. 4. The common council shall at their annual meeting or soon after, appoint a highway surveyor or street commissioner Street commis-to serve for the year ensuing, who shall superintend and direct sioner. the opening of all new streets with their walks, and the repairs of existing streets under the direction of such committee of their number as the common council may appoint. The said Toeivebond street commissioner shall give penal bonds to an amount not less than five hundred dollars with such sureties as the mayor shall approve, for the faithful performance of his duties, and in making any new street or repairing any existing one, or in build- ing any drains or cu'verts or walks therein, it shall be his duty How to per- to see that said work and repairs are done in such manner as ;ies 'to conform to the established lines and levels of such street and of its wa.ks, and in repairing the roadway of any street which Streets. BY-LAWS Side-walks. 65 has not been graded, the repairs shall be made in such manner as to bring the surface of the street nearer if possible to its proper grade, and the culverts and drains shall be constructed accordingly, and in working or repairing any street, the path- way for vehicles shall be kept equidistant from the two side lines of the street, the work to be done in all other respects as the common council by their committee or otherwise shall direct. SEC. 5. The street commissioner shall from time to time as re- S joner tomake 9 ~ quired, make report of his doings to the common council, and reports, shall during the week next preceding the annual election of city officers, make to the said common council a written report of his doings for the year preceding, stating therein all facts of impor- tance connected with the discharge of his duties, including the amount of labor and money expended under his direction during- the year, the extent of new highway opened or altered, with such remarks ami suggestions, as he may deem to be of importance in improving the condition of the streets of the city. For services compensation, ren lered by the street commissioner he shall receive such com- pensation as the corn non council may deem to bejust and proper. SEC. 6. The common council in ordering any side-walk to be Stone for side- built, shall have power to designate the kind or quality of the waikd - stone to be used in flagging the same, and the dimensions thereof, provided that no stone are used of a less length than four feet, and of a less width than one and a half feet. The use of brick Brick and wood for the paving of side-walks is hereby prohibited, and the use of for ^de-walks wood is also prohibited, and no shade trees shall be placed in any P rohibited - street or in any of the public grounds of the city, except such as Trees, shall be approved by the common council. SEC. 7. The erecting or setting up, within the limits of any Nuances de- street or of any of the public grounds of the city, any building ol fined, any kind, or part of a building, or of any fence, or wall, or posts, or poles, or the making of any bridge or culvert, or of any drain, or the altering of the course of any stream of water, or tiie lay- ing or placing therein of any building materials, or of any vehicles, or any ashes, boxes, rubbish, or any other obstruction or itK-uin- brance whereby the travelling or passing in the same shall be rendered dangerous oq inconvenient, or the eye be oflVnded, ^r the good order and peace of the city be disturbed, or shall plant any trees in places not approved by the street commissioner or corn,- mon council, or shall allow any limbs to remain on any tree so as to improperly shut out the light from any portion of any street ; all these several acts shall be deemed nuisances, and any person who shall erect or set up any building or part of a buil-ling, or any fence, or wall as aforesaid, shall incur a penalty of tilty dollars, Penalties, and any person who shall do any other act declared above to be a nuisance, shall incur a penalty of not more than ten dollars, nor less than two dollars for each offense, which penalties shall be paid into the city treasury. Provided, that nothing in this section shall p . prevent the deposit within the limits of any street or upon any of the public grounds of materials which are being used for building, or 66 Street Nuisances. BY LAWS. Street Nuisances- Eemoval of ntmaaces. Remoyal of nuisances. Proviso. Disposal of ar- ticles constitu- ting nuisances. of any gas or water pipes, or the digging of trenches for the latter under such restrictions as may be imposed by the street commission- er or the common council, the deposit of ashes or of any other arti- cles under a like restriction, or the moving of any building across or along any street, provided it is thus moved with suitable speed uu- der the direction of the street commissioner. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the street commissioner to take notice of all offenses contained in this chapter, and give informa- tion thereof to the city attorney, that prosecution may be had thereon, and said street commissioner shall warn and order each and every person who shall do any act declared in this last section to be a nuisance, to remove such nuisance, and repair the damage done thereby, within such reasonable time as said commissioner shall designate, and if such person shall not remove such nuisance within the time so designated, the said person shall incur a further penalty equal to the penalty above prescribed for causing such nuisance. SEC. 9. If any person upon being warned as aforesaid shall neg- lect to remove any nuisance as above, and to repair the damage done thereby, within the time designated by the street commission- er, or if the person causing any such nuisance is unknown, it shall be the duty of the said commissioner to cause such nuisance to be removed and the damage done thereby to be repaired at the expense of the city, and his reasonable account therefor shall be allowed and be ordered to be paid by the common council ; and whenever any expense of removing any nuisance or repairing the damage caused thereby cannot be recovered of the person causing such nuisance, such expense and costs of prosecution and damage shall be paid out of the city treasury as above, and it shall be the duty of the court before whom such prosecution is had to draw an or- der upon the city treasurer for said costs. Provided, that before removing any building or part of a building, or any fence, or wall as a nuisance, the street commissioner shall obtain the consent of the common council or of the committee on streets of said com- mon council. SEC. 10. Whenever the street commissioner shall remove or cause to be removed from any street or public ground in the city, any nuisance of the character above described in sec. 8 of this by-law, and shall take the article constituting the nuisance in to his pos- session for safe keeping, it shall be his duty to give notice by ad- vertising in one or more of the newspapers published in this city, for two weeks successively, that such articles (which articles are to be described in the notice,) will be sold at auction at the end of thirty days from the date of such advertisement, and if the owner of such articles shall not appear at or before the expiration of said thirty days, and pay the expense of removing and keeping such articles, and for the advertisements, the said commissioners shall sell such articles at auction, to the highest bidder, and from the amount received from such sale, he shall deduct the expenses of re- moving and kjqjing such articles, aud of advertising aud sdlngi Street Obstructions. BY-LAWS. Side-walks. 67 the same, and the balance he shall deposit in the treasury of the Articles of ihe city for the use of the owner of such articles, to be paid to him. valu ^" f *? and when he shall call for the same. Provided, that if the nuisance or e Tof. W articles removed shall not be of the value of five dollarsand over, then the same shall not be advertised as above, but may be dispos- ed of iu such manner as the street commissioner may deem best, and the proceeds of the sale, if any, shall be deposited as above in the city treasury. SEC. 11. Whenever any person, whether contractor or proprie- tor, shall have occasion under the permission or approval of the ^"j!, d mer?han- street commissioner as above, to deposit any building materials, ordi*e,&c. not to make anv excavation or place any quantity of earth, or of gas or ** dt 'P sited ! D , J .,, ,, , *., ,. J r ,, ' , .. the kt'teis with water pipe within the limits ot any street or upon any of the public O ut' lights, grounds of the city, and whenever any person or clerk or agent of such person, or any common carrier or truckman shall have occa- sion, by reason of inability to remove the same, to leave any goods, wares or merchandize or any other article within the limits of any street or public ground, during the night season, it shall be be the duty of said person, to place and maintain during the said night season, suitable light, near where such articles are placed, so that they can be distinctly seen, which light shall be continued du- ring the night season, as long as said articles remain to endanger the passing in the street, or public grounds, and any person who shall neglect the duty imposed by this section, shall forfeit and pay to the treasury of the city the sum of thirty four dollars, and any per- son who shall wilfully remove or extinguish any light when placed as above, shall forfeit and pay to the treasury of the city the sum of fifty dollars, which said penalties s'lall be recoverable before any Mv\n% said" court proper to try the same. Provided, that nothing herein con-lights, tained shall be held to impair the requirements of the preceding sections of this chapter. SEC. 12. The master or employer, or principal of any clerk, Provi80 ' servant or agent, or the parent or guardian of any minor, shall be w . ,. , , , ,. ,. . . i J , . Minors, liable to pay the forfeiture or penalty incurred as above in conse- quence of a violation of the provisions of the preceding sections of this by-law by any such clerk, servant, agent or minor. SEC. 13. If any person shall wilfully or negligently ride, lead or drive any cattle, horses, mules, whether the same be attached . or not to any vehicle, upon or along any portion of any street used 8e " <5 n S id as aside-walk, except for the necessary purpose of crossing such walks, side-walk to enter or leave the adjacent ground, the said person shall pay one do lar to the treasury of the city for each offense. If any persons shall wilfully or negligently break down or injure any post or tree standing in a proper position between the side- walk and cart-way, or side drain oi any street, or destroy any railing u placed in such proper position, or shall injure or destroy any lamp post or lamp, or gas fixture, whether public or private, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay to the city treasury a sum not ex- ceeding ton dollars nor less than oue dollar, and to the party or parties thus injured their just damages. 68 Side-walks. BY-LAWS Hay wards. SEC. 14. If any minor, apprentice, or servant, shall be convict- of any breach or violation of the provisions of the last section, the Minors, Jcc. parent, guardian, or master of such minor, apprentice or servant shall be liable to pay the forfeiture incurred by such violation, \vhichforfeituremaybecollectedofauy such parent, master, or guardian by action of debt. SEC. U. It shall be the duty of every owner or occupnnt of any land within the limits of the city, at all times to keep the public S5dewa'ks to be sidf-walk adjoining or fronting such land, clear and free from all en- kept dear of curnbrances and obstructions, and especially to keep it free and ice, &c. clear from snow, ice or sleet, and whenever any snow, ice or sleet shall fall on such side-walk, the said owner or occupant shall imme- diately remove the same so that the passing shall not be obstruct- ed uor rendered dangerous or inconvenient, and on failure to remove such snow, ice or sleet from such side-walk at any time when thereto ordered by the street commissioner, or the chairman of the street committee of the common council, and within the time limited, such owner or occupant shall forfeit and pay to the city treasury the sum of two dollars, to be sued for and recovered by action of debt Penalty. before any court in the city proper to try the same. In case of the neglect or any such owner or occupant to remove such snow, ice or sleet from such side-walk when thereto ordered and within the time In case of neg-i irn ited iii said order, it shall be the duty of the street commission- ikc \oVemove 8 ' er to cause the same to be removed forthwith, and the expense ice, &c. thereof shall be recovered of such delinquent owner or occupant in any roper action before any court in said city proper to hear and try the same. If such expenses and cost of suit for the same cannot be recovered of said owner or occupant, the same shall be paid out of the city treasury. SEC. 1 6. The common council shall, at their annual meeting, ap- point a number of persons not exceeding ten, to act as hay wards, Haywards. and to serve for the year ensuing or until discharged, or others are chosen in their places. The said common council shall also pro- vide one or more pounds suitably constructed and located, and main- tain the same in good condition, and shall, at their annual meeting, Ponnd and appoint a pound-keeper to each pound, to serve for the ensuing year pound-kee ( ,ers. or ailt u discharged or others are chosen in t'ae ; r stead The hay- wards, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall take the oath prescribed for town haywards, and the said oaths shall be re- cor. ed in the city records. Haywards to be SKC. 17. No cattle, horses, mules, swine, sheep, goats, geese, sworu. ducks, turkeys, rabbits or poultry shall be allowed to go at large C ttie &c not Ul an y ot ttle stl ' eetb or P ulj lic grounds of the city, and if any such to g> at Urge animals shall be tound going at large in said streets or public in the city. grounds, or estray elsewhere within the limits of the city, it shall be the duty of the haywards, and it shall be lawful for any other person, to impound sucii animals in any pound in the city and the owner of suca animals shall pay the expeuse of keeping them ia wtKcXtuI* 110 ' 1 P^ lllld au " a shil11 also P a J in ad itiou thereto, before any such going at large, animals are released from said pound, the sain ot fifty cents for each Impounding. BY-LAWS. Impounding. 69 head of cattle and for every horse, mule, swine or goat, and sixteen cents for each sheep, and ten cents for each goose, duck, turkey or rabbit, and six cents for each head of poultry, three-fourths of which said sums shall be paid to the impouuder, and the remaining one- fourth to the pound-keeper. If the said cattle, horses, mules, swine or goats or sheep are uot taken from the piund with- in ten days, and the geese, ducks, turkeys, rabbits and poultry with- in three days from the time of their being impounded, then the said noYt^ke^a from pound-keeper may sell the said animals at public auction at said pound in a giv- pound to the highest bidder, after first giving written notice of entime> such sale by posting upon the public sign-post of the city six days before selling the said cattle, horses, mules, swine or sheep, and throe days befoiv selling the other animals named, the animals to be particularly described in the said notice. The said pound-keep- er in addition to his foes for impounding and expenses of keeping said animals, hall be further entitled toivceive from the proceeds of the sale thereof, an amount equal to that which the hayward is entitled Expenses, as specified above for impounding the same, and shall from such proceeds pay to the hayward or other person impounding said ani- mals, his fees for impounding the same* and the remainder of the proceeds, if any, the said pound-keeper shall pay to the owner of such animals, if demanded within one month from the time of sale, and if not so demanded, then said remainder shall be paid by said pound-keeper into the treasury of the city ; and each pound keep- er shall, on demand of the mayor or city treasurer, at any time, give to said officers a statement of moneys received by him and ex- penses paid by him in the performance of the duties of his office, and in particular he shall make report in writing some time during p und-keeperi the week preceding the annual election of city officers, of his doings statement and and of moneys received and expended as aforesaid, for the year re P rt - preceding, which report shall be made to the common council, and if the proceeds of the sale of animals shall not be sufficient to cover the fees and expenses of impounding, keeping, and selling the same, the difference or deficiency shall be allowed and paid to said poun 1 keeper from the city treasury. SEC 18. Upon the replevin of any animals impounded as above or other dispute in law arising thereon when the hayward or other person, impounding the same, has under oath declared the place Evidence in re from whence he took such animals, judgment shall be rendered P levin - against the owner or claimant of such animals to pay just dam- ages and cost, unless said owner can show to the satisfaction of the court or justice that the said animals were not found estray, or going at large in the streets of the city. IS KG. 19 If any person shall rescue or shall assist in so doing, or shall make the attempt to rescue any animals as aforesaid out of the hands or custody of any person going to pound therewith, Rescue, or shall in any manner resist him tlurein, or shall by any means convey said animals out of the pound or custody of the law con- trary to the tenor of this act, the person so offending shall for every such rescue or resistance pay a penalty of seyen dollars, m:non earn- ers. 70 Common Carriers. BY-LAWS. Public Grounds. to the impounder, nnd in addition thereto shall pay all damage to the pound or otherwise, caused in consequence, and a further amount, if by reason of such rescue the said animals are not im- pounded, equal to the fees and charges &c, as above prescribed to the impounder and pound-keeper, to redeem the same from the pound when impounded. Sec. 2' Ti\e common council may make such order in relation to the hackmen and common carriers of the city, and the vehicles Hackman and use d by them and their charges, as they may deem proper, con- rfr -nfin -_! *i_ It"! sistent with the city charter, and if any person who is a hnckmen or common carrier shall violate any such order or regulation, he shall forfeit and pay for each offense into the city treasury the sum of five dollars. SEC. 21. Trials of speed with horses or mules, and riding or driving; of the same at a furious rate in the streets of the city is Racing. hereby prohibited, and any person offending herein shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for each offense. Any person who shall leave any horse or mule in any street of the city unfastened or not securely and properly fastened, shall forfeit and pay the sum b?St iSfli of one dollar ' to the treasury of the city. tened. SEC. 22. It shall be the duty of the common council to main- tain a suitable enclosure or fence around Union Park and it shall Union parkand h their duty also, to maintain a suitable enclosure or fence around square? g E Washington square, whenever the same shall be ordered to be built by the city. The said fence or enclosure to be far enough from the side lines of said square for a street to surround the same, and the said square may be divided into two or three parts by one or two streets crossing the same, as the common counncil shall direct, and trees shall be planted at suitable points in said square and the walks laid out as the common council shall direct ; and it shall be the duty of the street commissioner to attend to the keep- ing and maintenance of such walks on all the public grounds, in suitable condition for public use, and it shall be his duty also in working and repairing the streets around Washington square to see that the same are worked at the proper distance from the out- lines of such square. BY-LAW VI HEALTH. Enacted Sept. 28. 1851. Approved Oct. 13. Be it nrdnined bv the Mayor, Aldermen, Councl'men and Free- men of the City of Middletown : SEC. 1. The common council shall in conformity with the city charter be aboard of health for the city, and shall appoint from their number a health committee, whose duty it shall be to see that Health BY-UWS. Health Nuisances. 71 the laws of the state and by-laws and ordinances of the city in Health commit- regard to the preservation of the health of its citizens are duly tee ' and properly enforced. SEC. 2. If any person shall deposit at any place within the limits of the city and permit the same to remain for a longer pe- riod than twenty-four hours, any filthy, putrid or unhealthy sub- Fiithysubstan stance in a situation where the health of the citizens is liable to ces - be impaired or be endangered thereby, such person so offending shall forfeit an-,1 p;iy into the treasury of the city the sum of three dollars for sucli offense, and one dollar additional for every day the said substance shall be suffered to remain unmoved from within the limits of the city, after notice given to remove the same by the health committee or by the street commissioner. SEC. 3. No person shall keep any swine, in any sty or enclosure within five rods of any street or highway, or any dwelling house, store or shop, other than his own within the limit of the city, on Swine - penalty of three dollars for each offense, and one dollar additional lor each week the said offense shall be continued after notice to abate the same from the health committee. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the health committee to cause all substances which shall be deemed injurious to the health of the citizens to be removed, and all filthy places which may be in like Removal of manner deemed injurious, to be cleansed ajid purified, and if any ril!ust" C heVith U putrid, filthy or unhealthy substance injurious to health, shall be and cleansing found upon land owned or occupied by any person in the street in " f filtby places, front of land so owned or occupied, and if there shall be any filthy place on such land, injurious to health, the said health committee, shall notify, in writing such owner and occupant to remove or cleanse the same ; and if not so removed or cleansed within the time to be specified in the notice or order, it shall be the duty of the Proceedings, health committee to cause the same to he removed or cleansed, and the expense of such removal or cleansing shall be paid by such owner or occupant, and he shall forfeit and pay in addition thereto two dollars for each day's neglect to comply with the or- der of said health committee, and on a refusal of such owner or Expense occupant to pay such expense, the same shall be recovered of such owner or occupant by action of debt. SEC. 5 All substances and all places within the limits of the city, from which a noxious, pestilential or offensive effluvia is emit- ted shall be removed, cleansed or purified, by the owner or occupant, of such substances or places, in such manner as the health com- N . x ' U8efflu * mittee shall direct, and if any person who shall be the owner or oc- m ' cupant of such substance or place, or who shall be instrumental in causing such effluvia, shall refuse or neglect to remove or cleanse the same when ordered so to do by the health committee or the major part of them for two daysafter being so directed, it shall be the duty of the said health committee to proceed in regard to such person as prescribed in the last section, and such person shall forfejt and pay the penalty prescribed in the said last section for his refusal or neglect. 72 Health Nuisances. BY LAWS. Health Nuisances. SEC. 6. No person shall erect or cause to be erected, or shall convert, use, hire or lease, or cause to be converted, used, hired or leased, any building or part of a building within the limits of the slaughter hou- c ity ; for the purpose of a slaughter-house, and any person guilty of a violation of this law shall forfeit and pay to the city treasury the sura of fifty dollars, and the further sum of ten dol lars for every week the said building or part of a building shall continue to be used by such person as a slaughter-house alter notice given to remove the same by the health committee or the common council. SEC. 7. No person shall dress or clean any fish or desposit or expose for sale, or for any other purpose any fish, clams, oysters, Dressineof fish lobsters or any animal or vegetable substance of a character to &c or offering i ncommoc j e annoy or offend the citizens of the city, within the them for tale. ,. ., . J . e f ,, ,,. 111 . limits of any street or or any of the public grounds, unless by vir- tue of a written license previously obtained of the common council, and any person guilty of violating this law shall, on notice from the health committee or street commissioner, forthwith desist therefrom, and on refusing or neglecting so to do, shall forfeit and pay the Penalty. sum of five dollars to the city treasury, and in addition thereto shall pay all charges and costs of removing the same by the said health committee or street commissioner, who are hereby authorized to effect such removal; and if such person so offending as above, shall immediately or soon after repeat or permit, or cause to be repeated or permitted the said offense, in the same or any other equally im- proper place within the limits of any street or public ground of the city, such person shall forfeit and pay into the city treasury the further sum of ten dollars. SEC. 8. The selling or offering for sale within the limits of the city, any substance for food not in a wholesome condition, or con- taining poisonous ingredients, or ingredients calculated to induce The sale o* ar- disease or injury to health, or the selling or offering for sale within ti(; i e * t j' )r fo ." d . said limits, any drink or beverage of an unwholesome kind or con- '"'" ' "taming ingredients of a poisonous character and injurious or pre- judicial to health, is hereby strictly prohibited, and any person who shall be found guilty of violating this law, shall forfeit and pay into the city treasury the sum of twenty dollars, and nny person who shall after having been thus convicted, repeat or cause to repeat- ed a further violation of said law, shall forfeit and pay into the city treasury the sum of fifty dollars for each repetition SEC. 9. No person shall put into any spring, or well, or into any stream within the limits of the city, the water in which is used as a beverage or for washing or bathing, any substance tice, servant or agent shall pay into the city treasury the penalty or penalties affixed to such violation, to be recovered by actiou of debt. BY-LAW VII. REPEAL OF FORMER BY-LAWS. Enacted Sept. 28. 1857. Approved Oct. 13. Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, Councilmen and Free* men of the City of : That all by-laws of the city of Middletown, in force on the first day of September, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven, be and the same are hereby repealed. 11 1 1ST D E X . ACT incorporating city and amendments to be deemed public acts ; 13, 21, 24, 32 how altered or revoked, - - .13, 34 ALDERMAN Senior, to be moderator of city meetings and of meetings ) 12, 45 of Common Council in absence of mayor, - power of, in absence of mayor, - ALDERMEN, may sign warrant to collect assessments for aide-walks, - * to make complaint to mayor for negligence of collector, have same power as justices of peace in civil cases, appeal from to city court, when allowable, fees in trials before, processes in action before, how taken, writs before, how served ; to be present with clerk at drawing of jury, to be sworn ; relative to property, qualifications of, - IK same power to keep the peace as justices of the peace, may issue processes against offender and summon witnesses, may require aid of any sheriff, constables or watchmen, persons resisting, penalty, and compensation for aiding, number and "election of, 25 ; may enter and inspect medical institutions, duties, and powers relative to intemperance, - when elected, penalty for refusing to serve, AMENDMENTS to charter, how made, ANCHORING of vessels, power to regulate, ANIMALS, power to make by-laws relative to, impounding of ; any person may impound, - 68, 6! replevin and rescue of, ANIMAL Substances, relative to sale and deposit of in streets, ANNUAL election ot city officers, APPEAL, when aggrieved by laying of sidewalks, from city court 6, from aldermen to city court, from assessments for drains and nuisances, from reappraisement in laying out of streets, Ac., - APPRAISERS of land for highways, appointment of, ASSESSOR city, election of, 25 ; duties of, to report to common council, - oath and compensation of, ATTORNEY city, to prosecute for breach of by-laws, and to be sworn, - - 7, 66 election of, - - ... - 7, 25 VENUES, public, (see streets,) BADGES of city officers, and of police to be worn at fires, Ac., - - - 48 > 55 INDEX. 76 BAKEKS, power to license, 26 BALLOTS, how deposited at election of officers, - 4 how to he counted, not to be received after box is opened, - 4 BALLOT BOX, city to provide, how constructed, fcc., 4 bow long to remain' open at election, - 23 BEACON LIGHTS, when to be placed on streets, penalty for neglecting or removing, bo BELLS, ringing of, power to regulate, 27 ; relative to, - 48, 4 BEVERAGE, selling unwholesome aud poisonous, prohibited, - "I'i BILLIARD TABLES, bowls, uiiie-piu alleys. BOARD OF HEALTH, powers of, - 28 BONDS, to be given by sheriffs 5, 48 ; for prosecution in issue of writs, - 8 of city officers, power to make by-laws relative to, - 27 of treasurer, 49 ; of street commissioner, - fi4 BOUNDARIES, of city, - 25 BREAD, power to make by-laws relative to assize of, 1 1 weight of, power to regulate, - 2(> BRICK, tor side-walk? prohibited, - 65 BUILDINGS, power to make by-lnws relative to, to guard against fire, - - 11,27 of wood not to be erected within certain limits*. - 58 to be inspected by fire-wardens, to be provided with fire-buckets &c., - 57 BURIALS and burial grounds, power to make by-laws relating to, 11 relative to, - - 73 BUTCHERS rower to license, - - ..... 26 BUTTERNUT STREET, north part changed to Hill Street. - 63 BY-LAWS, to be approved by freemen of city ; publication of; repeal of by Superior ct 27 prior to Sept. 1, 1857, repealed, - - - 73 CANNON' FIRING of, power to regulate, Ac., - - 27,48 CARRIAGE and Carts, power to make by-laws relative to, - 2t> CARTMEN, power to license, - - 26 CHANNELS, power to make by-laws relative to. - - 11 CHARTER, of 1784, page 1 ; revised 1821, page4 ; amendments to, - 13 and amendments, public acts, - ... 13,21,24,32 CHIMNEYS, power to make by-laws relative to, - 11 emitting fire, &c. - - - 58 CIGARS and pipes, when lighted, prohibited in barns, &c., - - 59 CITY, corporate title and powers of, - ... 24, 25 liability of, by default ot sheriff, 5 inhabitants ot, part of town of Middletown, - - - - 13 CITY ATTORNEY, (see Attorney,) CITY CONSTABLES, election, number and powers of, - - 25 .CITY COURT, time of holding, jurisdiction of, - 5 appeals from, sureties in relation to, - 6 limitation as to appeal?, writs of error, - - ... 6 organization of, absence of members, how supplied, ... 7 power of a single judge, special election to be held, power of, 7 t'des of, same as superior courts. - - , . 7 service of writs, and when returnable, - - ... 7 power of, in issues of fact, - - - - - - 10 powers of. not affected, by act relative to courts, - - - - 39 writs of error in stay of execution, . - 39, 49 CITY OFFICERS, oath of, to be recoMd before being qualified to act, - - ' 25 CITY MEETINGS, may be adjourned by major vote, . 12 special, to be called as city directs, ... - - 12 questions to be decided by a majority of those present, - 12 annual, officers to be voted for on one ballot, . ' . - - 25 power of waraing ; to make by-laws relative to, - - - 26 object of, to be specified in warning, - - . - 36 \vhentobebeld.recordsoftobepreserved, - - - 45 common council may call, notice of, how to be given, - -46 INDEX. 77 to be called on petitioo of 50 freemen, - - 46 to supply vacancies in city offices. - 4fi CLEANLINESS and health of city, power to make by-laws relative to, - 27 CLERK OF CITY, may make record of his own election, 1 election aud duties of ; records by valid, - - 4,25 to be sworn, to enroll names on electors lit-t, - 23 to attend meetings, and prepare list of voters at election. - 45 to be clerk ot common council, and to be notified of meetings, - 46 to register names of members ot fire department, - -52 to make records of discharges from fire department, - 53 compensation of. - - - ... 46, 64 CLERK OF CITY COURT, his powers, oath of, - instructions to, relative to jurors, - 9 to issue warrant for sheriff, to summon jury, 9 COLLECTOR'S WARRANT, relative to side-walks, how signed, his powers, 3 COLLECTOR OF TAXES, how appointed, his powers, when accountable, 5 when neligent, mode of proceeding against, 5 election of, - - - - - - - - 25 to be furnished with list of tax-payers by treasurer, - iO to give bond with sureties, - - - 51 to receive warrant from mayor, - . - -51 to pay over tax aa fast as collected, - - 51 if unable to collect tax, how excused, . - - * 51 COMMON CARRIERS, compousatiou of ; common council to regulate, - - 70 COMMERCE, power to make by-laws, relative to, - 26 COMMON COUNCIL, to establish side walks, and alter same, - 2 to order grading and flagging of side-walks, - ... 2 to limit time for constructing, and apportion expense of side walks, 2 to build or improve side-walks, when proprietors neglect, - 3 to appoint collector, to collect assessments for side-walks, - 3 to establish cross-walks, - ... 3 annual meeting of, - .9 to elect jurors for city courts, - 9 how organized, powers of by major vote to make by-laws, - 11 power to prohibit buildings of wood within certain limits, - 11 to organize and establish rules for engine co. No. 3, - 13 to organize fire engine co. No. 4, .... 15 to raise thirty additional firemen, - . ... 15 to cause certain health nuisances to be removed ] and how places to be filled, and apportion i/xpense -19,20 on individuals and the city, and appoint collector, j may construct, or cause drains to be constructed, j and assess expense and collect as above, ) may remove all offensive substances and assess j expense as above, J may appoint special constables, - - - - - 22 to perfect list of voters. - ... 23 to direct expenditures on streets, . 24 to appoint highway or street commissioner, - .... 24 organization and quorum of, ... 26 meetings of, power to make by-laws relative to warning of, - - 26 a board of health ; may appoint health committee, - . - "28 assent of, necessary to lay-out of streets, - to notify owners before lay-out of streets, - may appoint committee to lay out streets, - may order reconsideration of appraisement of land, - to make survey of lay-out of streets, and put on record, (o limit time of opeaiug of streets, 28 29 29 30 30 30 78 INDEX. authorized to provide for widening streets, - 31 authorized to construct sewers, and assess expense on individuals, - - 32 may regulate carriages. c., and price of conveyance J without concurrence of city meeting, may license nin-piu-alleys, bowls, and skettles, - 35 may license billiard tallies, - 35 may regulate theatrical exhibitions, circuses excepted, - - 40 may appoint flre marshals',. . -42 meetings monthly, records of, to be preserved, - . ' 46 to prescribe budges for police, - ... 48 to regulate ringing of church bells, and blowing of steam whistles, - .49 may offer rewards to detect trespassers, and ^mploy special watch, - .49 may require treasurer to renew bonds, - ... 49 to approve oi all claims before payment, except monies j - , loaned to city, and interest monies, to fix compensation of treasurer and assessor, - . . - 50 51 to elect and discharge members of fire department, . . - 52 i powers of, relative to purchase of flre apparatus, - may allow fire-works, - - 59 to approve of shade-trees in streets, to direct as to deposit of building material, &c., to order payment of; expense for removing street nuisances, to provide pounds for animals, to regulate common carriers and hackuien, power and duty of, to inclose public grounds j aud keep walks therein in order, &c., to provide hearses at expense ot city, and f appoint hearsemasters, 73 COMMON VICTUALERS power to make by-laws relative to. 26 COMPENSATION to persons aiding in preservation o)' peace, of city officers, aldermen 8, assessor 51, clerk, of sheriffs 48, of street commissioner, 24. of treasurer, ot engineer 54, of fire-wardens 58, of fire companies, CONSTABLES and special constables, their duties, 4854 CONVEYANCES in city, power to regulate, price ol, - . ' 2 g COUNCILMEN, number and election of, when elected, penalty for refusing to serve, to be sworn, oath of, . JQ CROSS-WALKS, to be established by common council, - to he built at expense of city, - DAMAGE to city wells, reservoirs, &c., penalty for causing, DEAD BODIES, relative to dissection of, DISCHARGE of members of fire department, DISEASE contagious, deaths by, bodies how interred, DISTURBANCE in night season, penalty for, DRAINAGE of land, by common council, DKAINS, repairs of, by common council, if proprietors neglect to make, may be assessed, proprietors if aggrieved may appeal, ... power to make by-laws relative to, DRINKS, unwholesome and poisonous, penalty for Belling, DRUMS beating of, power to regulate, mayor and common council may allow - penalty if not allowed, ELECTION of city officers, clerk and treasurer, - penalty for illegal voting at, - annual 25, how conducted, - . 03 if no choice, a new one to be held, ENCUMBRANCES ou railroad tracks, power to make by-lavra relative to, INDEX. ENGINEERS of fire department, exempted from military ) 3 g 37 duty, serving on jury and poll tax, j ENGINEER and assistants of fire department, their powers and duties, (see fire department.) EXHIBITIONS, theatrical, &c., except circuses, regulation of, 40 FIRE, false alarm of, penalty for, 69 FIRE, Hook and Ladder company, resolve of ; general assembly authorizing, 14 FIRE-ARMS use of, power to make by-laws relative to, 27 FIRE BUCKETS, owners and occupants of building to keep, - - 51 FIRE COMPANIES, to have 30 men each, - 15 authorized to make by-laws, and impose taxes on themselves, 15, 16 FIRE DEPARTMENT, organization of, - 51 members of, exempt from jury and military service and poll tax, 1, 2, 36, 37, 38 officers and members of, elected by common council, discharge of members, ) enlistments in, how made, and certificates of election, 62 register of names, and time of service, nomination of officers, discharge to be in writing, and to be recorded, ~) engineer to have control of, under mayor, discipline and drill of members, inspection of engines and apparatus, <5cc., - 53 amount which engineer is authorized toexp'd annul'y engineer to report annually to common council, j engineer to have entire command at fircp. .... 5 engineer may command aid of persons present atfirea, ] and may demolish buildings with assent of civil | authority present, his duties subsequent to fires and 1 compensation, compensation of fire companies, payments | when made, powers and duties of assistant engineers. J penalty for disobeying orders, duties of firemen on alarm of fires. ~] penalty for absence from firs, or from drill, what excuses valid/ foremen and assistant foremen, of companies, J. . 55 their powers and duties, penalty for disobeying engineer, when to | call out their companies for drill, to have care of engines, &c., j foreman to preserve order in their companies, in engine- houses and") elsewhere, purchase of fire apparatus, duties of persons at fires, not | members of fire department, penalty for refusing to assist, improper \ - 56 use of fire engines and apparatus.'and taking same from city without | leave prohibited, division of city into wards, their boundaries FIRE ENGINE Cjo. No. 1, resolve o* assembly authorizing,- - 1 No. 2, act of general court authorizing, j 2 No. 3, act of general assembly authorizing, - .1 13 common council to establish rules for ... . IS No. 4. resolve of general assembly, authorizing, ... 15 FIRE ENGINES and fire apparatus, and engine houses, penalty for injury to, - 59 FIRE LIMITS, defined and erecting of wooden buildings prohibited - 59 FIRES, power to make by-laws relative to, - ... 27 sheriffs to be present at, and wear badge, ... 47 constables and special constables to be present at, and wear badge - 48 business exposing to prohibited, - .58 duties of persons at. not members of fire department, - 56 incendiary, investigation into causes of, - 42 FIRE MARSHALL election of, his duties and powers of, . 42 52 FIRE WARDENS, to be elected by common council ... 52 to be residents of their respective wards, duties of, on occasion of fires ) to inspect buildings annually and report in relation to their security' > and means of access, ' ' I to wear badges at fires, and produce certificate of their election if reauir- ) ed by owner or occupant of building inspected ; their compensation, 57 - 58 INDEX. SO exempt from military and jury service and poll tax, - 36 37 FIRE-WOKKS, power to regulate, - 27 penalty of illegal burninsr or sale of, on occasions of festivity allowed, - 48, 59 FISH, relative to sale and dressing of in streets, - - 72 FLOUR, manufactures of, power to make by-laws relative to, 11 FLUES, (see chimneys,) FOOD, unwholesome or poisonous, penalty for selling, 72 FREEDOM OF CITY, power to grant, and privileges conferred by, - 5 FUSE, (see gunpowder,) GAS, and gas-pipes, &c., power to regulate, 27 GRAND JURORS, how appointed, number and duties of, ) ,- to be sworn, term of office f GROCERS petty, power to license, ... - 26 GUARDIANS, responsible for wards, .... 60 GUNPOWDER, power to make by-laws relative to 12, 27 GUNPOWDER, gun-cotton and fuse, how kept and sold, &c., 60,73 GUNS, pistols, c., firing of prohibited, - 48 GUTTERS, power to make by-laws relative to, - -26 HACKMEN, and common carriers, relative to, - 70 HACKS, power to license and make by-laws relative to, - -26 HACKS, carriages, &c.. common council to regulate and ^ regulations to be published, HAYWARDS, election of, their power and duties, - 68,69 HEALTH, power to make by-laws relative to, common council a board of, 27, 28 sale of articles prejudicial to prohibited ; nuisances, - - 72 HEALTH COMMITTEE, how appointed, powers of, - 28, 71 72 to cause putrid and unhealthy substances to be removed, ) . 9R expense how defrayed, HEARSES and hearsemasters, relative to, - - 73 penalty for using improperly, or injuring, - 73 HIDES, leather, &c., power to make by-laws relative to, - 33 HIGHWAY surveyor (see street commissioner,) - - - HIGHWAYS, (see streets,) - . HOOK AND LADDER company, members of, exempt from military duty, ) , and from commutation tax, HORSES AND MULES, racing of in streets prohibited, { penalty for leaving unfastened, HOUSES for fire engines, engineer to attend to repairs of, - - - 53 ILL FAME houses of, relative to, - - - . 17 IMPOUNDING of animals, ; 27 68 INCENDIARY fires, relative to, ... INHABITANTS of city, part of town, .... 13 INSPECTORS of produce, by-law relative to, oath of, - 11 city to appoint, .... INSTITUTIONS medical, right of mayor and aldermea to enter, - 33 INTEMPERANCE, relating to suppression of, trials, fees and appeals, - 37, 38 jurisdiction of police courts in relation to, - - s INTERMENTS, relative to, .... JUDGES of city court, ... 7 JURORS of city court, to be elected annually by common council, ) names ot to be returned to clerk of city court, -- - - 9 how drawn by sheriffs, penalty for neglect of, j deficiency in number how supplied, oath of, ... 10 power to make by-laws relative to, .... 26 JURORS GRAND, how appointed, their duties, number, ) to be sworn, term of office, JURORS duty, exemption from, - . . - - 36 37 JURY of six, in issues of fact, . . . . ' jo JUSTICES of peace, when to act as members of city court, ... 7 powers of relative to intemperance, ... 37 INDEX. 81 LAMPS, and lamp posts, penalty for injury to, - 67 LANDING places, power to regulate, ... r 27 power to lay out, &c., see streets, - 28 LEATHER, hides,'&c., power to make by-laws relative to, - -33 LICENSES, power to make by-laws relative to, - 26 LIFE, power to make by-laws for the protection of, - 27 LIGHTS public, power to regulate, ..... 27 in barns, c., to be enclosed, - 59 beacon, where to be placed on streets, and penalties ) -- for neglecting or removing, LIMITS OF CITY, ..... 25 LIST of electors, preparation f, ..... 23 MAINE LAW, (see intemperance,) . . ... 36 37 MARKETS, power to make by-laws relative to, .... 6 MARSHAL FIRE, relating to, ..... 42 MASTER, responsible for servants and apprentices, . J . 60,73 MATERIALS, and merchandise in streets relating to, ... 67 MAYOR, to issue warrant to collector relative to side-walks, . . 3 and aldermen ballots at election to be deposited in presence of, . 4 or alderman to sign tax collectors warrant, . . . 5, 51 and aldermen collector accountable to, . ... 5 to issue warrant against estate of negligent collector, . 5 to be sworn, ....... 10 property qualificatian of, power to make by-laws relative to, . 11 to sign transfers of real estate of city, .... 12 vacancy in office of, how filled, ..... 12 to be moderator of meetings of city and common council, . 12,45 power of, may issue process against offenders and summon witnesses. 16 may require aid of any sheriff constable or watchman, . . 16 persons resisting, penalty, persons aiding, compensation, . . 17 to be chief executive magistrate and conservator of the peace, . 17,45 may suppress riots, tumults, maybe laid out by committee of common council, . . 2'J land for, to be obtained by agreement, if possible, if not to be appraised, 29 appraisers for, how appointed, to be sworn, ... 29 appraisers to notify owners, their award to be recorded, . . 30 benefits assessed in lay-out of, c., not to exceed damages, . . 30 damages to be paid from city treasury, . . 30 benefits assessed for, to be a lien on land, mode of collecting, . 30 survey of ; to be signed uy mayor and recorded, . . . 30 time of opening to be fixed by common council, damages first to be paid, 30 persons aggrieved by lay-out of, &c., may apply to superior court for ) reappraisement, power of court, costs how paid, provision for widening by designating line for erection of buildings, damages to bo appraised, penalty for erecting buildings beyond designated line, . 32 discontinuance of ; lay-out by selectmen prohibited, 41 disturbance in, ...... 43 names of, ...... 60. 63 width of ; lines for curbstones and trees in, and lay-out ) proceedings relating to, to be recorded in separate book, j relative to repairs of, 65 obstructions in ; beacon lights to be placed, . . 65 SWAMP STREET, changed to river street, ... 63 SWINE, relative to keeping of, . ^ TAX LIST, assessors duty, &c., . 5o TAX payers to be notified by assessor, . 50 TAXES, exemption from, . . . . ^2, 36, 37, 38 TAXES, how levied and collected, . 5 power to make by-laws relative to, . H indirect and duties, power to make by-laws relative to, warrant to collector ; to be paid as collected, . 51 common council may abate, ... 51 TELEGRAPH LINES, power to make by-laws relative to. .' 26 THEATRICAL EXHIBITIONS, except circuses, regulation of; power to license, 40 TOWN OF MIDDLBTOWN, to maintain bridges in city as heretofore 24 TRANSPORTATION IN CITY, power to make by-laws relative to, . 26 TREASURER, election of ; accountable to city, . . . 4 ? 25 his term of office and power, ... '4 to receive penalties under by-laws, . . 12 to have custody of city funds, and bo sworn, to give bonds, ) to collect city dues except taxes, to keep account of receipts and > . 49 expenditures and report annually, j to preserve papers and vouchers, to make payments on order of mayor, 50 to present collector with list of persons liable to pay taxes, . 50 his compensation, and duty on retiring from office, 50 TREES AND THEIR FRUITS, power to make by-laws relative to,' 11 26 for shade in the streets, to be approved by common council, ' 65 TRESPASSERS, power to make by-laws relative to, . 27 86 INDEX. detections of, &c., ...... 49 TRUCKMEN, and truck?, power to licence and make by-laws relative to, . 26 UNION PARK, relative to ; to be properly enclosed, . . 60, 70 UNION STREET, VALIDITY OF BY-LAWS, VEGETABLES, relative to pale and doposite of in streets, VEHICLES, power to make by-laws relative to, VESSELS, anchoring of; power to regulate, power to make by-laws relative to moving and mooring of, VICTUALERS common, power to license, VOTERS, qualification of, .... at elections to be checked on list, list of; to be perfected by common council, list of to be perfected by city clerk, VOTES, when equal for different candidates, choice bow made, VOTING ILLEGALLY, penalty for, 61 27 72 26 25 26 26 4 23 23 45 5 12, 27 WALKS AND PUBLIC SQUARES, power to lay-out by by-laws. . power to remove obstructions from, .... 27 WARDENS. (Fee fire wardens,) ..... 31 WARDS, city, description of, ..... 56 WARNING OF MEETINGS power to make by-laws relative to, . of city meetings, to specify object of meeting, ... 61 of common council and city meetings, power to make by-laws relative to. 26 WARRANTS TO COLLECTOR, ..... 5 WARWICK. Washington and William streets Cl ; Water street ) and Wetmore place 62 : Willys and West street, WASHINGTON SQUARE, . . . . . . 60, 70 WATCH powers and duties of to be defined by by-laws, ... 12 duties of ; penalties for resisting, .... 21 city, power to make by-laws relative to, ... special, ...... 49 WATCHMEN, duties of, ...... 4g WATER-WORKS and fixtures, power to make by-laws relative to, . 27 WATER in wells and streams, penalty for injury to, . . . 72 WELLS, city, engineer to inspect, .... 53 damage to, .... 59 WHARVES, power to make by-laws relative to, WHISTLES, steam, relative to, . 48 49 WIDENING of streets, &c., provision for, . . ' 31 WOOD for side-walks prohibited, . . 65 WOODEN buildings prohibited within certain limits. WRIT of error, .'..... g WRITS on processes by city officers, valid only within limits of city, service of; when returnable, .... before recorder or aldermen, how served, . . 9 ERRATA. Page 4. sec. 3, lOlh lino, insert (a) after the word same. Page 10, last line, for " admistered " read " admit- idered." Page 12, 2Ut line, insert " (a) " after -'dollars," audia margin opposite insert, "(a) see see. 4, act 1856." Page 15, 8ih line from bottom, for ' empowcd " read empowered. Page 20. l!)th line from bottom, for " barlib " read heilih. Page 22, 2d line, for " Mlddietown" read Middlelou-n. Page 2(J. insert, in margin against 4th section the word quorum. Page 29, llih line from bottom, f<.r ' upon" read btyond. Page 32, ailvl at bottom [accepted by the city of MiiMletown, Jan. 14th, and the acceptance recorded in the office of the Secretary of State.] Pages 31 to 43, for ' charter" at head of page, read general acts. Page 31, 3d line, for "compilation'' read contpilation. Page 3"), sec. 105, 4th line, omit all except the word for. Page :>7, substitute and for or in marginal note against 2d section. Page 37, 12th line from bottom, for " 1955" read 1855. Page 47, 2d line, for ' devise'' renA device. Page 48. 5lh line 5th section, insert after " of" the word the. Page 49, laat line, lor "distinctively " read distinctly. Page al. 17th line from bottom, lor " to the " read, to e'ich of the. Page 5.~>, i!,~>th lino, after the word "or" Insert fire apparatus, or if he. Pago ">:*. in* 'i l. at beginning of 23-J line, if damage be done. Page 64. 4th paragraph, for "westerly " read northerly. Pd./f tio. ">tli paragraph, lor "plain" wad plane. Page 6(J. 3d line, after tbe word "council" insert >r. P.igi; (>(>. 4l!i liii'.-from bottom, lor commission TS" read commissioner. Page 6G, bottom line, for " sellngi " read telling. Page 67, 20th line, for " suitable" read a suitable. Page 68, put " hay wards to be cworn " in margin opposite sec. 16. Page 70, sec 20, 4th lin-, for - backmen " read hackman. Pago 72, 14th lint; from bottom, for "repeated " read bertpenled. Pig; 8 >, Index, Ittb line, -'guardians, &c." add page 67, 68, 73 Page 81, do. 16th do. " masters, &c." do page C7, 68, Page 72. do. 1st do. li minors, Ac." do page 67. Page 85. do. 33d line, for "river '' read Vint. A 000105497 2