LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Gl FT OF C/ass COMPLIMENTS OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM ZIEGLER No. 60 LIBERTY STREET NEW YORK CITY THE ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION 1903-1905 ANTHONY FIALA, COMMANDER SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OBTAINED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF WILLIAM J. PETERS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY IN CHARGE OF SCIENTIFIC WORK EDITED BY JOHN A. FLEMING PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY BY THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM ZIEGLER WASHINGTON, D. C. 1907 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY HUBBARD MEMORIAL HALL, i6iH AND M STS. WASHINGTON, D. C. WILLIS L. MOORE President HBNRY GANNETT Vice-President JOHN JOY EDSON Treasurer O. P. AUSTIN Secretary GILBERT H. GROSVENOR Editor ELIZA R. SCIDMORE Foreign Secretary F. B. EICHELBERGER Asst. Treasurer JOHN OLIVER LA GORGE Asst. Secretary 1005-1007 ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL HENRY GANNETT J. HOWARD GORE A. W. G'REELY GILBERT H. GROSVENOR ANGELO HEILPRIN O. H. TITTMANN JOHN M. WILSON BOARD OF MANAGERS 1906-1908 O. P. AUSTIN CHARLES J. BELL T. C. CHAMBERLIN GEORGE DAVIDSON JOHN JOY EDSON DAVID FAIRCHILD A. J. HENRY C. HART MERRIAM 1907-1009 HENRY F. BLOUNT C. M. CHESTER F. V. COVILLE CHARLES DENBY D. C. GILMAN RUDOLPH KAUFFMANN WILLIS L. MOORE S. N. D. NORTH CONTENTS Page Introduction by Anthony Fiala ...... i Section A Magnetic Observations and Reductions v B Notes and Sketches of the Aurorae Borealis 361 C Meteorological Observations and Compilations 369 D Tidal Observations and Reductions 489 E Astronomic Observations and Reductions 597 F Map Construction and Survey Work 623 iii 16S470 INTRODUCTION The scope of the scientific work of the Ziegler Polar Expedition* executed during 1903 to 1905 under the adverse conditions peculiar to the Polar Regions may be summarized by the following section headings of the results reported upon in this volume : A Magnetic Observations and Reductions ; B Notes and Sketches of the Aurorse Borealis ; C Meteorological Observations and Compilations ; D Tidal Observations and Reductions ; E Astronomic Observations and Reductions, and F Map Construction and Survey Work. Many other lines of desirable research were contemplated. The final selection, however, had to be governed by limitations of the Expedition, namely : the personnel could not be increased by the addition of experienced observers, and the time available for preparation and securing of instrumental outfits was all too short. As only occasional assistance could be rendered them by the other members of the Expedition practically the entire burden of the scientific work was borne by the following staff of observers : William J. Peters, Washington, D. C., Chief Scientist and Second in Command of the Expedition ; Russell W. Porter, Springfield, Vermont, First Assistant Scientist ; Robert R. Tafel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Second Assistant Scientist ; Francis Long, Brooklyn, New York, Weather Observer, and John Vedoe, Boston, Massachusetts, Assistant. Owing to the loss of the ship, the building of winter quarters, and the almost constant sledging of coal and supplies until far into the winter, there was little time for other than the work of providing shelter and food and the preparations for the spring sledge journey north- ward. In addition to the scientific work, observers were called upon for other duties in these exigencies, besides taking part in the sledge journeys and assisting in the hauling of the instru- ment from Teplitz Bay to the relief ship. The amount of work accomplished in the consequently scant time available is sufficient evidence of the indefatigable and persistent prosecution of the *The popular narrative of the Expedition, "Fighting the Polar Ice," by Commander Fiala, has been published by Messrs. Doubleday, Page & Co. The volume, now in its second edition, contains considerable information about the handling of Siberian ponies and dogs, the best clothing and equipment for Arctic work, and some useful directions for Polar photography. ED. v vi INTRODUCTION observations on the part of the scientific party. The difficulties encountered in the execution of work in the Polar Regions must be experienced in order to be properly appreciated. Storms are frequent in the winter, and observers, in going to and from observatories and instrument shelters, have often to crawl upon hands and knees in the face of high winds, whirling snow particles, low temperatures, and in the darkness of winter. The hearty and unselfish cooperation of all concerned is amply indicated by the execution of the great amount of detail work that is reported upon in this volume. The natural features and natural history of the Franz Josef Archipelago could have been studied to advantage but for the lack of trained men, while the impossibility of transporting collections discouraged any systematic attempt to secure specimens. It might, however, be noted that coal was discovered by Mr. Anton Vedoe at Cape Flora in August, 1904, and was used during the following winter. The vein is a lignite of poor quality, which, however, burns freely. Brown coal was found by Mr. Russell Porter on Coalmine Island, Booth Channel, at a high elevation. Another vein containing fossils was discovered by Mr. Anton Vedoe at Cape Washington, the eastern extremity of Ziegler Island. Traces of coal were also found at Cape Richthofen, and without doubt other deposits would have been uncovered on the different islands had extended search been made. A detailed geological survey of the Archipelago would present some difficulties, owing to the fact that its islands are for the most part covered by a dome-shaped ice-cap extending to the sea. Strata are, however, exposed on Alger Island from base to summit, while the southern coast of the Archipelago presents many oppor- tunities for the geologist. No discoveries were made in the flora of the Islands during the two brief summers of work. Of the fauna, ptarmigan were seen for the first time in the Archipelago, and several were shot at Teplitz Bay in the summer of 1904, as also on Alger Island and at Rubini Rock. The nesting place of a pair of brants was discovered by Messrs. Stewart and John Vedoe at Camp Ziegler in the summer of 1905, and the eggs secured. Mr. Miller, Assistant Ornithologist of the American Museum of Natural History, furnishes the following notes regarding the Ptarmigan : "The pair of Ptarmigan collected by the Expedition on Alger Island, Franz Josef Land, in June, 1904, belong to a little-known species of considerable rarity in collections. This is the Spitzbergen or Hyperborean Ptarmigan, Lagopus hyperboreus, a very near relative of two well-known species, the Alpine Ptarmigan, L. mutus of the mountains of Europe, and the Rock Ptarmigan, L. rupestris of the Arctic regions of both hemispheres. From both these species it differs in larger size and the presence of a greater amount of white on the tail feathers, though in the latter respect there is considerable individual variation. In habits it does not differ from its near relatives. "The Spitzbergen Ptarmigan was first described by Sundevall in 1838, and it is repre- sented by a colored plate in Elliot's Monograph of the Tetraonidae. It had not before been recorded outside of Spitzbergen, and from the fact that no Ptarmigan had previously been observed on Franz Josef Land it seems likely that the birds found there in 1904 had been blown over from Spitzbergen. "The present pair of birds is an excellent illustration of the fact, already recorded, that t he male of this species retains the white winter plumage considerably later in the spring than does the female. The male is wholly pure white, while the female, although taken at the same time, is in the brown plumage of summer. ' ' INTRODUCTION vii The Expedition is under great obligation for generous assistance received from sources other than that of its lamented organizer and donor, Mr. William Ziegler of New York City. Mr. Ziegler was personally interested in every phase of the work and in the hope of carrying out some of his last wishes the executors of his estate have published this volume. Acknowledgment is due Mr. William S. Champ, the rescuer of the party, whose opportune arrival at Cape Dillon saved both the members and records of the Expedition. The National Geographic Society, through its former President, Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, and its present President, Dr. Willis I,. Moere ; its Vice- President, Henry Gannett; its Secretary, O. P. Austin, and its Editor, Gilbert H. Grosvenor, and through its members individually, has given encouragement and assistance in many ways, both in the initiation and completion of the work of the Expedition. It was to this organization that Mr. Ziegler extended the privilege of selecting the scientific leader and it was by the unanimous action of its Board of Managers that Mr. Peters was commissioned in this capacity. The scientific work accomplished conforms, in general, with the suggestions made by the Research Com- mittee of this Society of which Professor G. K. Gilbert was chairman. Grateful acknowledgments are due Professor Geelmuyden, Director of the Christiania Observatory, who loaned a Repsold Circle when at the last moment it appeared that one could not be obtained. Mr. O. H. Tittmann, Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, on the part of himself and the members of his Bureau, extended every possible help in the way of instruction and suggestion. Through his courtesy the Expedition had also the use of the instrumental outfit necessary for the execution of the magnetic work. Dr. 1,. A. Bauer, Director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, devised the plan of observation best suited to the limited instru- mental outfit and conditions to be encountered, which plan experience proved successful. He has further suggested the general scheme of reduction of this portion of the observations. Professor Willis L,. Moore, Chief of the United States Weather Bureau, supplied a number of instruments for use in the meteorological observations. General A. W. Greely, of the United States Army, extended assistance by many valua- ble suggestions as the result of his own wide experience in Polar work ; he also arranged for the loan of some meteorological instruments from the United States Signal Corps. The task of preparing the scientific results for publication was taken up by Mr. Peters during September, 1905, upon the return of the Expedition. He was unable to complete this labor personally owing to his association on January i, 1906, with the Department of Terres- trial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington as Commander of the Magnetic Survey Yacht. In his absence, through the courtesy of Dr. I,. A. Bauer, Director, the burden of the completion of compilation, computation, editing, and publication of the results has been borne by Mr. J. A. Fleming, of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism. The principal assistance in the great amount of detail work necessary has been rendered by Messrs. E. H. Bowen, C. C. Craft, W. B. Corse, and W. N. Ross. ANTHONY FIALA New York City, July r, 1907 ERRATA Page iii Page iii Page 8 Page 10 Page 13 Page 116 Page 297 Page 303 Page 303 Page 320 Page 371 Page 371 Page 375 Page 391 Page 392 Page 392 Page 398 Page 418 Page 449 Page 477 Page 482 Page 495 Page 543 Contents, ist line, for " i " read " v". Contents, 2nd line, for " v" read " i ". nth last line, for "-- read "-r^-". sin p. sin u 2nd last line of 2nd last paragraph, take out comma after " 67657". last line of 2nd paragraph, for "3h 52m 373 (58 09') E" read " 3h 5im 565 (57 59') E". tabulation of azimuths, for " 108 oo 53" read " 180 oo 53". station number 3, for " 58 09 " read "57 59 ". 5th line, for " range of 32 , while " read " range of 32?, while ". 6th line, for "viz., 97. i " read " viz., 97/1 ". last line, for "58 09" read "57 59". illustration numbers, for "4", "5", and "6", read "5", "6", and "4". under illustration list, for "478" read "477". longitude east of Greenwich, for " 57 56' " read " 57 58' ". ist line, for "attz" read "at Teplitz". ist line, omit " Tepli ". last line under columns Reading of Fahrenheit Thermometer, for " 15.5 | 15.2 | 23.8 " read "17.0 | 15.5 | 15.2 ". last line under columns Reading of Fahrenheit Thermometer, for " 207.6 285.6 " read" 276.0 207.6". 2nd last line, under column Mean of Extremes, for " +380.0" read " +380.9 ". longitude east of Greenwich, for " 57 56' " read "57 58' ". formula at head of tabulation, for "A />==.#, sin (0 C,) B t sin (2 6 Q B s sin (3 6 - Q" read " A/ = B, sin(0+ Q + t sin (2 6 + Q +/? 3 sin ( 3 6>+ Q ". last line of 2nd last paragraph, for " figures 4 and 5 " read " figures 5 and 6 ". 6th last line, for "57 56' (3*1 5 im 435)" read "57 58' (3h 51111 53 s)". longitude east of Greenwich, for "57 56' " read " 57 58' ". A T A X 51 ."v" bB9i '' i " io\ ,9m.' V'.svo Kj " iol , ladmiin n<; ."gliriw ,'sf, lo 93061 " bsai " aliriw , t?. to 9gtiBT' iol ,3nil rfl ." I'.-Q ,.siv " bsai " i " tol .sail did - 1 " lo - os ' > '/GSI "o.o-r " 1o IB " bsai " xJ}fi " iol .anil Jei riqgT " Jimo ,9tirt Jei .\\>^7t >atnnloo isbnu sail JesI .".51 ! r,.r,I- " faB" " 8-S 'loo i^bai; 3n :;9i ,3ml JarJ bnc , k> :as-3 -jbuJtgaoi ,1; ni^ ,V\ <\/." 10} .nobfilucffiJ io bearf JB eluanol >\ + (,') + )ai ,^ \^. ' ' be aia -jiugfl " bB3i " ?, bas 4. aaiaga " loi .rfqB-iss-iBq Jeel bai to 9uil jasl bsei "(a|. mi?. 75" tol did ' bfi9i " 'd^ -j" 10^ .rioi-wa^siO :not III . OH ' SECTION A MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS AND REDUCTIONS BY W. J. PETERS In Charge of Scientific Work of the Expedition AND J. A. FLEMING Department Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington CONTENTS Page Introduction .5 Stations ... 5 Instruments 5 Magnetometer Constants ....... 6 Dip Circle Constants .... . .n Observations at Teplitz Bay ... 13 Site of Observatory 13 Description of Magnetic Observatory ."T 13 Permanence of Site and Preservation of Piers ..... 14 Declination 15 Azimuth Marks ...... .... 15 Pier AT and Its Twist ... . 16 Program and Methods of Observing 17 Axis Observations .... . . . . 18 Torsion 19 Records .............. 19 Tabulations of Records ........... 20 Notes Accompanying Declination Records at Teplitz Bay . . . -32 Tabulation of Magnetic Declinations Observed at Teplitz Bay . . . .41 Reductions from Declination Observations at Teplitz Bay 275 Diurnal Variation 275 Formulae Representing Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay 290 Characteristics of Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay . 295 Magnetic Disturbances ........... 302 Secular Change in Magnetic Declination ........ 303 Annual Variation in Magnetic Declination ....... 306 Inclination .............. 307 Instruments and Methods 307 Results .............. 309 Secular Change in Magnetic inclination . . . . . . . .312 Horizontal Intensity ............ 313 Instrument, Methods, and Results . . . . . . . . -313 Secular Change in Magnetic Horizontal Intensity . . . . . - . 318 Summary Showing Values of the Magnetic Elements and Their Secular Variations at Teplitz Bay ............. 320 Observations at Alger Island . . . . . . . . . . . -321 Site of Observatory . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 Declination . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321 Tabulations of Records ........... 322 Notes Accompanying Declination Observations at Alger Island .... 324 Tabulation of Magnetic Declinations Observed at Alger Island .... 325 Reductions from Declination Observations at Alger Island ..... 354 Diurnal Variation ............ 354 Inclination .............. 356 Instrument, Methods, and Results 356 Horizontal Intensity ............. 356 Instrument, Methods and Results ......... 356 Summary of Magnetic Elements at Alger Island ....... 357 Miscellaneous Observations ............ 358 A Tromso, Norway ............ 358 B Archangel, Russia 358 C Barents Sea ............. 358 D Determinations on Plane Table Traverse ........ 359 ILLUSTRATIONS Opposite page 1 Sketch Map of Camp Abruzzi, Teplitz Bay 12 2 Detailed Drawings of Magnetic Observatory at Camp Abruzzi, Teplitz Bay . . 14 3 Diagram Showing Variation in Mark Reading with Changes in Temperature at Teplitz Bay from September 28, 1903, to February 19, 1904 . . . .16 4 Diagram Showing Variation in Mark Reading with Changes in Temperature at Teplitz Bay from February 20, 1904, to July i, 1904 17 5 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period October 4, 1903, to October 30, 1903 276 6 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period November l i r 93> to November 28, 1903 .......... 277 7 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period November 29, 1903, to December 26, 1903 278 8 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period December 27, 1903, to January 23, 1904 279 9 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period January 24, 1904, to February 20, 1904 .......... 280 10 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period February 21, 1904, to March 19, 1904 .......... 281 1 1 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period March 20, 1904, to April 16, 1904 282 12 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period April 17, 1904, to May 14, 1904 283 13 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period May 15, 1904, to June n, 1904 ........... 284 14 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Period June 12, 1904, to July i, 1904 285 15 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Whole Period of Observation, October 4, 1903, to July i, 1904 ....... 286 16 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Month of July, 1903, as Interpolated from the Entire Series . 287 17 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Month of August, 1903, as Interpolated from the Entire Series 288 1 8 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Month of Sep- tember, 1903, as Interpolated from the Entire Series 289 19 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay for the Year July, 1903, to June, 1904, Showing the Summer and Winter Ranges 290 20 Annual Variation in Magnetic Declination at Teplitz Bay 306 21 Sketch Map of Camp Ziegler, Alger Island 322 22 Detailed Drawings of Magnetic Observatory at Camp Ziegler, Alger Island . . 324 23 Diurnal Variation in Magnetic Declination at Alger Island for the Period June 26, 1905, to July 31, 1905 . .354 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS INTRODUCTION STATIONS The principal and most extended magnetic observations of the expedition were made at Camp Abruzzi, Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island, Franz Josef Archipelago. (This station is here- after referred to simply as Teplitz Bay.) The observations here extended from September 28, 1903, to July i, 1904. A second series, covering the period June 26 to July 30, 1905, was made at Camp Ziegler, Alger Island, Franz Josef Archipelago, while waiting for the arrival of the relief ship. (This station is hereafter referred to simply as Alger Island.) Besides these primary series of observations a number of determinations (generally only of declination) were made at other points. These were limited necessarily in scope by the various exigencies arising, the numerous other duties of the observers, and the severe physical conditions encountered. The observations and reductions are herein taken up in the following order of their importance : Observations at Teplitz Bay Observations at Alger Island Miscellaneous observations INSTRUMENTS Through the courtesy of the Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mr. O. H. Tittmann, the expedition had the use of the following instruments belonging to that Bureau : Magnetometer No. IIII Dip circle No. 5676 These instruments had also been loaned to the Baldwin-Ziegler Expedition of 1901 to 1902. The magnetometer is one of the older magnetometers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, but being large and heavy, with large magnets, was better adapted for work at a base station in a cold climate than the smaller and more portable instruments. Unfortunately it was discovered upon its return in 1905 that at some time, probably in the fall of 1899, six small steel tacks had been used to fasten the cloth hood to the end of the maguet-house. As will be seen later, these had no appreciable effect on the declination, but materially reduced the value of the horizontal intensity. The necessary correction on this account has been applied to the intensity results as related below. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION The dip circle is of the usual pattern made for land observations by L. Casella of London, England. In addition to these, the compass needle of a four-inch theodolite by Berger & Sons of Boston, U. S. A., and the plane-table needles were used for the determination of declination at several random stations. The following compilation of constants for the primary magnetic outfit has been prepared by Mr. D. L. Hazard, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, under the direction of the Chief of the Division of Terrestrial Magnetism of that Bureau. MAGNETOMETBR CONSTANTS A new brass deflection bar was supplied in April, 1903, to take the place of the old one not returned by the first Ziegler Expedition. It is a single straight bar 88 centimeters long. The deflection distances, as determined by the United States Bureau of Standards, are 30.019 centimeters and 40.025 centimeters at 28. 75 Centigrade. The moment of inertia of intensity magnet No. 4 and stirrup has been determined several times by Mr. W. J. Peters, as follows : Place Date No. of sets log A" ao Weight Washington, D. C. . . Cheltenham, Md. . . Cheltenham, Md. . . Value adopted, weig May, 1903 Sept., 1905 Oct., 1905 hted mean . ii ii 10 2.45834 2.45812 2.45919 2 I 2 2.45864 The temperature coefficient of the intensity magnet has been determined by special obser va tions at various times, as follows : Place Date Observer Mean temp. Cent. 1 No. of sets Philadelphia 1848, Dec. J. S. Ruth . . o 2O.O .OOO252 4 San Francisco 1884, Oct. R. A Marr 2O. I 21O 6 District of Columbia . . . 1900, May J. B. Baylor . 15.0 192 2 From regular intensity observations values have been derived as follows : Place Date Observer Mean temp. Cent. q No. of observa- tions Gaithersburg . . . 1900, Jan. -Apr. . E. Smith . . o + 2.2 .000353 12 Washington . . . 1900, Nov. ii to 20 W. Weinrich . + 14-8 351 9 Teplitz Bay . . . 1903, Oct. -Dec. . W. J. Peters . IO. I 334 12 Teplitz Bay . . . 1904, Jan. -Feb. . W. J. Peters . -10.7 247 12 Teplitz Bay . . . 1904, March-May W. J. Peters . 12.2 200 13 Teplitz Bay . . . 1904, May-June . W. J. Peters . + 0.8 20 1 13 Cheltenham 1905, Sept. . . . W. J. Peters . + 24-3 416 4 Cheltenham . . . 1905, Oct. . . . W. F. Wallis . + 15-6 273 5 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS The value q =0.000192 was used in the computation of horizontal intensity at Teplitz Bay. Only the difference in temperature between oscillations and deflections is involved in this com- putation, and it rarely exceeded 2. For this value of q a value of (f /) of 2 would affect the value of H only i^r (.0000125 C. G. S.)> so it is evident that no revision of the computation is required. For the reduction of the values of the magnetic moment to the same temperature in order to obtain an estimate of the accuracy of the observations, a value of q = 0.00030 was adopted as the best value to be obtained from the above varying values. It is probable that q varies with the temperature, increasing as the temperature increases, but the observations are not sufficiently accurate to determine the relation. The induction coefficient has been determined as follows : Date Observer No. of sets li = mh April, 1900 Sept., 1905 Mean J. B. Baylor .... W. J. Peters .... value adopted .... 8 4 5-39 5.87 5.63 The first distribution coefficient, P, has been determined from deflections at two distances as follows : Place Date No. of sets P Weight Various stations . Nov., iSgg-Nov., 1900 33 -2.30 2 Teplitz Bay . . 1903-1904 .... 54 0.00 4 Cheltenham . Sept., 1905 .... 6 -1.49 I Cheltenham Oct., 1905 .... 7 -2.08 I Mean value adopted ... .... I.O The scale value of long magnet has been determined at var ious times, the recent values being : Place Date Observer Scale value t Gaithersburg, Md. Washington, D. C. . Teplitz Bay .... Cheltenham, Md. . . Mean value adop 1899, Nov. 1 8 1900, May 7 1903-1904 . . 1905, Sept. 21 ted E. Smith. . J. B. Baylor . W. J. Peters . W. J. Peters . 1.56 i-54 i. 60 1.56 i-57 The constants adopted for magnet No. 4 of magnetometer No. IIII for the reduction of the Teplitz Bay observations are as follows : 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Corrected distances on new brass deflection bar at o Centigrade : r log r log % S log C 30.003 cm. 1.47716 4.13045 5.86889 40.003 cm. 1.60209 4-505 2 4 5-49441 For an increase in temperature of i Centigrade log C decreases 0.000025 One division of scale = I'.^j Temperature coefficient : 7=0.00030 for i Centigrade Induction coefficient : fi = 5.63 ; (2/A i +] = o.oooi8 = 40 cm. = 0.00008 Distribution coefficient : P i.oo ; When r 30 cm. log ( i -- , J = 0.00048 = 40 cm. =0.00027 Moment of inertia : Temp. Cent. log n'J? 10 262 o 273 + 10 283 + 20 294 These constants are adapted for the methods of computation in use by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, where the following formulae are used in computing horizontal intensity : d (H ig In these formulae, H = horizontal intensity m = magnetic moment of magnet T' = observed time of one oscillation corrected for rate of chronometer A = angle through which magnet is turned by turning the torsion head through an angle / t ' temperature of oscillations / - temperature of deflections u = deflection angle MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 9 The observations are arranged so that two sets of deflections come between two sets of oscillations, and t and t' do not usually differ very much. Consequently an erroneous value of q has little effect on the resulting value of horizontal intensity. To determine the effect of the steel tacks on declinations as observed we have the following declination observations at the Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory : O) Before removal of tacks, by W. J. Peters : Date Declination 1905 west o / September 19 5 18.6 September 20 20.0 September 20 19.2 September 21 18.7 September 21 18.9 September 22 19.8 September 22 17.2 Mean 5 18.9 (V) After removal of tacks, by W. F. Wallis Date Declination 1 905 west o / October 27 5 18.5 October 27 18.7 October 28 18.9 Mean 5 r8.7 The results by the Observatory magnetometer No. 26 were : Date Declination 1 905 west O I September 5 18.7 October 5 18.9 All the above observations have been corrected for diurnal variation. They show that for declinations determined with Magnetometer No. IIII no correction is required. To determine the effect of the steel tacks in horizontal intensity observations we have the following results at the Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory : (a) Before removal of tacks, by W. J. Peters : Date Horizontal 1905 intensity r September 20 19809 September 21 20 September 22 n Mean 19813 io SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION After removal of tacks, by W. F. Wallis : Date 1905 October October October October Mean 25 27 27 28 Horizontal intensity Y 20068 64 68 72 20068 Observations by Magnetometer No. 26 gave the following results : Date 1905 September October Mean Horizontal intensity r 20057 65 20061 Consequently values of horizontal intensity determined with Magnetometer No. IIII before the removal of the tacks must be increased by about 250?-. The presence of tacks would affect only the oscillations, since throughout deflections the suspended magnet and the tacks would be always in the same relative position. Instead of the ordinary formulae, use should be made of the following to reduce observations of horizontal intensity made when the tacks were present : m(H+X) = K and = m sm u From the observations at Cheltenham in 1905, ^Ywas found to be very nearly 500 r- The application of this correction to the Teplitz Bay and Alger Island observations has been made as follows : The combination of the above equations in the usual way to eliminate m gives the value of I/ //(// + X), from which H may be derived when X is known. At Tep- litz Bay the average value of V H (_H + A') was65io?-, from which ^=6765 r, for X= 500^, or H = V H{H -\- X) + 255 r- The same correction applies for Alger Island. The last column in the following table gives the mean value of log m reduced to 20 Cen- tigrade for various groups of observations and furnishes the means for comparing the magnetic moment of the intensity magnet at Teplitz Bay and Alger Island and in the United States : Date Place Temp. Cent. No. of obs'ns logw., 1900, Jan. -Apr. . 1900, Nov. 1903 Oct Nov . Gaithersburg, Md. . . . Washington and Oregon . Teplitz Bay O + 1-9 + 14.8 IO. I 12 9 12 2.64062 2.64086 2.61.81,2 1904, Jan. Feb. . Teplitz Bay 10.7 12 2.63886 1904, March-May Teplitz Bay 2.2 I-J 2.63947 1904, May June . Teplitz Bay + O.2 12 2.64OS4 IQOS Tune Tulv . Alger Island + 6.8 8 2.64093 1905, Sept.-Oct. . . Cheltenham, Md. . . . + 19-5 9 2.64002 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS ii Observations in the United States before and after the instrument was used at Teplitz Bay show very little change in the magnetic moment of the intensity magnet. The observations at Teplitz Bay, however, indicate a gradual increase from beginning to end of the series. The cause of this change is not clear, as magnets are usually found to lose their strength with age. It is clearly not due to an erroneous temperature coefficient, as the mean temperatures of three of the groups are nearly the same. An error of .00087 i Q 1 m corresponds to an error of one part in 500 in H, which at Teplitz Bay would be only 13 7-. DIP CIRCLE CONSTANTS So little time was available between the return of the instrument by the first Ziegler Expedition and its reissue to the second, that no extended comparisons could be attempted. Observations were made at the Coast Survey Office in Washington as follows on May i r, 1903 : Needle No. 3 Needle No. 4 69 5 5 '.8 N 69 56'-3 The normal dip for the station was 69 56'. o N. Observations were also made in two planes making an angle of 60 with the magnetic meridian, so that the needles rested upon nearly the same parts of the pivots as at Teplitz Bay. These observations of May 23, 1903, resulted as follows : Needle No. 3 69 50'. 2 N Needle No. 4 69 53'. 6 Upon the return of the dip circle in the autumn of 1905 observations were made at the Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory as follows : (a) In the magnetic meridian : Date 1905 Observer Needle No. 3 Needle No. 4 September 20 W. J. Peters .... 1 70 29.6 N O / 70 28.7 N September 21 W. J. Peters .... 29.9 35-2 September 22 W. J. Peters .... 31.2 30.2 September 28 W. J. Peters .... 29.4 336 October 3 S. G. Townshend . . 28.3 30-9 October 10 S. G. Townshend . . 32.1 3 r -3 October 3 1 S. G. Townshend . . 33-3 34-i Means 7O 1O "\d. N 7O ^2 OO N I2 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION In planes making an angle of 60 with the magnetic meridian : Observed dip Reduced dip Date Observer 1905 Needle Needle Needle Needle No. 3 No. 4 No. 3 No. 4 / O / 1 t December 15 W. F. Wallis . . 7959-9 N 7956.6 N 70 34.3 N 70 28.2 N December 15 W. F. Wallis . . 58.1 58.0 31.0 30.8 December 15 W. F. Wallis . . 63.0 61.7 39'9 37-5 December 15 W. F. Wallis . . 61.1 58.9 36-4 32.4 December 16 W. F. Wallis . . 61.9 59-6 38.0 33-7 December 16 W. F. Wallis . . 59-2 57-8 33-o 30-3 Means 70 35.4 N 70 32.2 N The normal dip for this station is 70 26'. 4 N, as derived from the following observations with earth inductor : Date 1905 Dip o / September 18 70 24.7 N September 25 26 4 October 2 26.7 October 9 26.3 October 17 27-3 October 23 25-9 October 30 27.4 Mean 70 26.4 N These observations give the following corrections to the dip needles of dip circle No. 5676 : Year Meridian observations 60 out of meridian Needle No. 3 Needle No. 4 Needle No. 3 Needle No. 4 1903 1905 -fo'.2 -4.1 -o'. 3 -5-6 + 5'-8 9.0 + 2'. 4 5-8 In view of the change indicated between 1903 and 1905 and the probability that the cor- rection required becomes less as the dip increases, it is deemed best to apply no correction to the dip observations. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 13 OBSERVATIONS AT TEPLITZ BAY SITE OF OBSERVATORY The magnetic station occupied by the Italian Expedition at Teplitz Bay was examined with a view to reoccupying it, but at the time it was found impossible to accurately identify the point ; besides it was on the ice-foot, subject to overflow during summer thaws and to possible movement. Under the circumstances it seemed advisable to select another location which could be more conveniently recovered in the future. It was also intended to make observa- tions in a tent at a point as near to the Italian station as could be fixed from data appearing in their publications, but owing to the lateness of the season and the hurried debarkation, which required the help of all, this plan could not be carried out during the period of daylight in 1903 and was, therefore, postponed to the following spring. Six or seven points were examined. All of these, which were fairly well distributed over the small area free from ice, gave indications of local magnetic attraction, varying from 40' to 2. The exposed surface is basalt and contains considerable disseminated magnetite in minute grains. The point finally selected was the one which appeared to be the least affected and at the same time reasonably free from the destructive effect of ice. It is on the shore of Teplitz Bay about 6 feet above sea level and 6 meters from the water edge, in latitude 81 47' 30" N and longitude 3h 52m 373 (58 09') E. DESCRIPTION OF MAGNETIC OBSERVATORY The observatory is 4.56 meters long, 1.82 meter wide, 1.82 meter to the eaves, and 2.45 meters to the ridge. Its length is parallel to the magnetic prime vertical and allows a distance of 2.1 meters between the magnetometer and dip circle piers. The structure consists of a framework of wood. The floor, roof, and east and west sides are boarded. The north and south walls are each made of two layers of canvas, the outer layer extending over the board roof. The joints and fastenings are made by dovetailing, mor- tising, or by large brass screws. The canvas is held by copper tacks and brass nails, or by wooden cleats held in place by brass screws. Snow was banked against the walls up to the eaves and subsequent drifts finally buried the observatory in an even field. A shelf extends north and south across the middle of the room and serves both for a brace and for a table. Two lights were used on this shelf a brass bull's-eye lantern and a copper kerosene lamp. Their positions are shown in the plan which is drawn to scale. The bull's-eye lantern was used for illuminating the scale and rested on a small, wooden tripod stand with an adjustable wooden footscrew. Two large windows one in the east wall and one in the west wall admitted light on the return of day. The iron nails used in the window frames were all removed. A copper stove with copper stack was installed with a view to heating the room, if in extreme cold weather it became necessary to put in new fibers or do any other work requiring delicate manipulation. It was used but twice. The lamps and stove were each brought within 30 centimeters of the magnetometer, revolved and carried around the magnetometer without producing any noticeable effect. The original carrying magnetometer case was placed under the east window after adjusting- pins, screw-drivers, and other magnetic articles and material were removed. Magnet No. 4, used in declination observations, was stored in this case when not in use. There were two brass hooks on the east wall for garments and two on the south wall to hold the deflection bar in its case. I 4 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION The timepiece was a watch* regulated approximately to local time beginning at midnight. It hung on a small brass hook screwed into the middle stud of the south wall. The piers are of pine, 35 centimeters in diameter. That for the magnetometer is 2.3 meters long and is sunk 0.8 meter in coarse, frozen gravel, leaving 1.25 meter above the floor. The pier for the dip circle is 2.15 meters long, is 0.8 meter under the surface, and meter above the floor. These piers are marked Mand D respectively on the west side near the top- There is a vestibule 0.75 meter by 1.3 meter by 1.25 meter, with doors opening into the observatory and outwards into the open air. In cold weather considerable trouble was experienced from the collection of ice on the mirror, eyepiece, reading glass, and circle. The roof and walls of the observatory became studded with small ice crystals, the incessant fall of which covered the instrument and necessi- tated cleaning every day or two. During the construction of the observatory a memorandum was kept of every iron tool used and its removal was assured before magnetic work began. This precaution was necessary because of the frequent snowfalls. The building is absolutely non-magnetic and the only iron near by was the small adjusting pin, used to reduce the amplitude of the oscillations after the magnet was disturbed. This pin was placed vertically on pier D beyond the sphere of influ- ence and has since been brought away. In the spring of 1904 a bear attempted to break into the observatory while Mr. John Vedoe was observing. He failed to drive it away by noise or voice and was liberated from the embarrassing situation by finally arousing the pack dogs, whose barkings brought aid from the house. As a safeguard against recurrence of such visits a revolver was afterward placed at the far end of the sight shaft 4.5 meters distant from the magnetometer. On March i, 1904, this was taken away and instead a rifle was left outside standing against magnet box No. i . PERMANENCE OF SITE AND PRESERVATION OP PIERS Judging from the condition in which the living quarters of the Italian Expedition were found, it is to be concluded that the observatory with its piers may stand for a long time, but snow will collect about the building and hold a small supply of water coming from the summer thaws until it freezes again. Ice, accumulating annually in this manner, may gradually rise in the hut to the top of the piers. The distance and azimuth of the astronomic brick pier will, however, furnish a means of recovering the precise point, should it be buried in a future field of ice. The astronomic observatory is so situated as to be swept clear of snow by the strong winds, unless a decided and permanent change in the prevailing direction should occur. On the cessation of observations (July i, 1904) the observatory was left undisturbed with every article in place excepting the instruments. *In the tabulations of results the times by watch are listed as " Chronometer time." i ! MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS DECLINATION AZIMUTH MARKS Azimuth Mark No. i was the anemometer staff permanently fixed to the northwest corner of the astronomic observatory. It was used at first because of its early availability during daylight of October, 1903. Afterwards a hole 3 inches in diameter was cut through the east wall of this observatory. A cross radiating from this hole was painted on the wall to be used in daylight and a bull's eye lantern seen through the hole was used at night. The center of the hole was on the line of sight from the magnetometer telescope to the telescope of the Rep- sold circle in the astronomic observatory when these two were directed towards each other and it is designated Azimuth Mark No. 2. The distance is approximately 288 meters. It should be noted that a distant mark is seldom available at Teplitz Bay on account of darkness or thick weather. The azimuth of the magnetometer at the Repsold circle was first determined by measuring the angle between the magnetometer and the south pointing of the vertical thread as deter- mined from star transit on December 2 and December 18, 1903, and January 27, 1904. It was again determined by measuring the same angle as determined from a combination of the transits of 17 Cephei at lower culmination and i H. Draconis at upper culmination on March 17, 1904. Filially the angle between the astronomic meridian mark (6440 meters distant) and the magnetometer was measured July i, 1904, at the end of the season's work. It was measured on April n, 1905, without any sensible difference jn the results. These observations by Mr. R. W. Porter are given in the astronomic notes ; the result of of four days' observations are tabulated below : Date December 2, 1903 December 18, 1903 January 27, 1904 February 12, 1904 Method Star transits for time Star transits for time Star transits for time f Combining circumpolar 1 stars at U. C. and L. C Mean This with distance to the magnetometer, 287.82 meters, gives additive Hence the reverse azimuth Resulting azimuth of vertical thread Repsold circle 304 01 20 40 44 32 304 01 34 108 oo 53 124 02.5 This is the value adopted and used in the final reduction of the magnetic declination observations. For a rough check and to test the four-inch Berger & Sons' theodolities under existing unfavorable trigonometric and meteorologic conditions, some azimuths were obtained from solar altitudes with one of these instruments by Mr. W. J. Peters. The four-inch theodolite in these observations was placed about 36 meters south of the magnetometer and exactly on a line connecting the magnetometer with the astronomic meridian mark (approximately 6430 meters distant). Both circles were graduated to read by two verniers to single minutes. The instrument was reversed and opposite limbs of the sun were symmetrically observed. The means of each set of four pointings with the corresponding approximate local civil times, i6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OE ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION reckoned from midnight, and the deduced azimuth of the mark are given in the following tabulation in deriving which the value for latitude used was 81 47/5 N : Date 1904 Local civil time Altitude Angle between sun and mark Temp. C. Resulting azimuth h m s 1 o / O o / June 3 16 25 07.4 25 20.62 57 59-6 -3-5 2 14.2 June 3 17 18 17.8 23 30.12 8l 21. 1 3-5 14-7 June 6 6 18 36.4 23 04.67 90 51.6 2.9 13-9 June 6 6 27 34.7 23 24.00 88 36.4 2.9 12.2 June 6 17 34 22.8 23 19 94 85 oo. i -3-8 13.0 June 6 17 39 58-0 23 07.38 86 36.4 -3-8 I7.I June 7 6 32 32.2 23 39-50 87 32-8 O. 2 14.0 June 7 6 40 28.2 23 36-38 85 33-3 0.2 12. 1 ft lean 2 13-9 The angle at pier M between this astronomic meridian mark and azimuth mark No. 2, measured with the circle of the magnetometer, was 121 49'. 3 ; whence the azimuth of mark No. 2 is 124 03/2, a determination with the small instrument which agrees within one minute of the Repsold circle determination. By differentiating the spherical triangle and substituting values of the latitude, declina- tions and altitudes, and azimuths for the first observations of June 3 and June 6, A. M., there will result dA ^=-7-5 and 7.0 in which dA and dh are the mutually dependent changes in the azimuth and altitude, respect- ively ; from which we might expect an error in the azimuths about seven times greater than an assumed error in the altitudes. Presumably the altitude could not be measured with these instruments closer than one-half minute of arc so that the above results are within the limits to be expected from this uncertainty. PIER M AND ITS TWIST The magnetometer was mounted on the pine pier M which is, as stated, sunk 0.8 meter among large boulders and gravel. It was noticed while sinking the holes for the piers that the whole morainic mass of boulders and gravel was frozen together. The pier is not in contact with the floor and is quite firmly imbedded. The horizontal circle of magnetometer No. IIII is rigidly connected with the base which receives the footscrews and, therefore, has no independent motion. As the instrument was left mounted and undisturbed after each day's observations, the various pointings on the azimuth mark taken from time to time should presumably have given the same circle readings. Very soon after the beginning of the winter's work it was noticed that these readings began to vary. The striding level, as well as the stationary level, was carefully examined at each pointing of the mark. When the circle readings were about their maximum and minimum the telescope was reversed in its Y's without disclosing any appreciable collimation error. Readings were taken when the temperature of the hut, practically the same as the outside, had reached its lowest point, to see if any of the effect was due to the passage of the line of sight from the warmer air of the hut to the colder air outside. i I \ Ul 01 ~ = g < sz I rfl O iu 23 1 " I- O S o If I* E w - CO Q *~ H M UJ C B - s s' b o 'S S* E 2 4 < w 2 , c 1 t i D J| f \ : > \ ! / < ii CO / : (/ N .n 1- -a \ : / - ^ ?\ 1 H .= S K S ** K \ U (T I t IJ o 1- i. ' a: u u \ ' Q- ^ w s t -o \ ^Isk 1 ' , 5*-Sg | ' ;| [3 > i = v. 1- 1 i o 25 o H g g r I V 0-= * \ t S S-o i " u B * is is i a > 69 ; \ liJ < S u CC. 3 '- : !.* ., C Sj4 a 3 "2 S / ' < "- 5 S t i< 5 2 S 22" / : z* |S O X f ; j IS t i o: i i > .5 'V i i , \ ,\ \ * cn s / \ ' r i 1 ' ti 1 -V . -t*A S ^ } Q E / . -o M V : l_ 1 X 1 . 1 \ 1 i 1 .J \ ,r i MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS That these changes in the circle reading cannot be ascribed to any motion of translation of the pier M or the azimuth mark is evident from the small range in the azimuth determina- tions and the fact that the readings after having reached a maximum returned to near the same minimum. In the azimuth observations the Repsold circle was always pointed on, and bisected the illuminated object glass of the magnetometer after this had been directed towards the astronomic instrument. These readings, however, appear to be fuuctions of the temperature and the close agree- ment between the changes of temperature and changes of twist is graphically shown by curves in the plate opposite on which the dates are represented" by abscissae and the temperatures and pointings on the mark are shown as ordinates. PROGRAM AND METHODS OF OBSERVING A program for declination readings was arranged by Dr. L. A. Bauer. With a view to obtain a closed series every week, the observations were made to extend over four hours, these periods being selected daily in succession according to the following detailed program, in civil time, counting through 24 hours from midnight : Day of week Observations Duration Magnet scale From To h h h Monday . 8 .... 12 (noon) . 4 Erect Tuesday . 12 (noon) . 16 . . . . 4 Inverted Wednesday . o . . . . 24 (midnight) 24 Erect Thursday . . 16 . . . . 20 .... 4 Inverted Friday . 20 .... 24 (midnight) 4 Erect Sunday . o . . . . 4 .... 4 Inverted Sunday . 4 .... 8 .... 4 Erect Monday . 8 .... 12 (noon). . 4 Inverted Tuesday. 1 2 (noon) . 16 . . . . 4 Erect Wednesday. o . . . . 24 (midnight) 24 Inverted Thursday . . 16 . . . . 20 .... 4 Erect etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. In the beginning observers were changed, possibly more frequently than might have been desired. Later, when they had become accustomed to the routine, the cold, and privations which longer hours demanded, they willingly agreed to observe throughout 8 hours without change. When observers changed during observations they observed alternately for 10 min- utes or more. The observer is indicated by his initials, as follows : W. J. P., . . . W. J. Peters R. R. T., . . . R. R. Tafel J. V., .... John Vedoe R. W. P., . . . Russell Porter F. L Francis Long H. H. N., . . . Dr. Newcomb N. M. M. was an abbreviation used to denote that the incoming observer had been asked previously to his first observation if he had divested himself of all magnetic materials. It appears at every change of observers in the original record, but is left out of the published notes for lack of space. Observations were made at every two minutes. Sometimes one would be accidentally taken later than planned, in which case the tenths of a minute were noted. i8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION The time of one oscillation being about 10 seconds, the observer commenced at 10 seconds of the recorded time, and noted the scale reading at the end of the oscillation then occurring, whether left or right ; then the opposite extreme reading of the following oscillation. The recorded time is, therefore, within 5 seconds of the time corresponding to the mean reading. During magnetic disturbances the ten-second oscillation sometimes disappeared and the scale appeared motionless for ten seconds or more. This is indicated in the original by the remark " Quiescent," but in the published record it is shown by identical readings, scale right and left. Again during these disturbances the scale occasionally moved steadily and slowly ( recorded "slowly decreasing" or " slowly increasing") for 10 or even 60 seconds, and the record then shows the division that transited at the recorded time. Where the note " slowly increasing" appears in record, the reading, as tabulated on pages 41 et seq., is followed by the letter a, thus : 25. Sa ; where the note "slowly decreasing" appears in record, the tabulated reading is followed by the letter b, thus : 25.8^. As the observer had to glance at the watch in this case, the observation may be in error 5 seconds of time. Axis OBSERVATIONS Observations for axis were made immediately before and after the declination observation for the day, unless the disturbances were too great. Magnet No. 4, used in declination read- ings, is cylindrical, requiring some two minutes to place the scale truly horizontal. It was considered advisable to make these axis observations as rapidly as possible, owing to the fact that the changes in declination do not, in general, vary uniformly with the time, even over the short interval (sixteen minutes) usually consumed in making axis observations (United States Coast and Geodetic Survey method). Accordingly in the three positions of the scale E, /, , or /, E, I, the ends of consecutive oscillations were read as soon as the magnet was made nearly stationary instead of waiting for consecutive two-minute periods. Even then some very discordant results were obtained, and these have been arbitrarily rejected, and the mean of the remaining results for the week ending Sunday 8 A. M. are the values used in the final reductions. The values adopted at Teplitz Bay are shown in the following tabulation : Week ending at 8 A. M. Sunday Number of determina- tions Axis Week ending at 8 A. M. Sunday Number of determina- tions Axis 1903 d 1904 d October 4 6 53-12 February 2 1 4 53-36 October 1 1 7 52.88 February 28 6 53-74 October 18 6 53- '5 March 6 5 53-41 October 25 5 53-52 March 13 52.90 November i 8 52-97 March 20 8 53-35 November 8 8 53-25 March 27 5 53-42 November 15 3 52-62 April 3 | 5 53- 2 9 November 22 6 53-36 April 10 5 53-28 November 29 9 53-69 April 17 5 53-07 December 6 7 53-39 April 24 8 53-20 December 1 3 4 53-40 May i 7 53-38 December 20 8 53-37 May 8 10 53-27 December 27 5 53-43 May 15 ii 53- 6 5 1904 May 22 9 53- 6 9 January 3 5 53-32 May 29 ii 53-71 January 10 7 53-82 June 5 1 1 53-50 January 17 8 53-47 June 12 10 53-45 January 24 6 53-77 June 19 9 53-44 January 31 8 53-64 June 26 9 53-45 February 7 5 53-47 July i 4 53-8i February 14 4 53-69 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 19 TORSION Two fibers were used until Thursday, October i, 1903, when they were found broken. After this four fibers were used. New fibers were inserted March 27, 28, and 29, 1904, the last serving through the remainder of the observations. Several attempts to use two fibers alone failed, they being only sufficiently strong to suspend the torsion weight for but part of a day. Observations for torsion were made before and after regular declination readings, ex- cepting when the disturbances interfered. After the day's work the torsion weight was sub- stituted for the magnet, the plane of detorsion was determined and the torsion weight was left suspended until the next observations. When torsion had accumulated during observations and made necessary a shift of torsion head, the effect of 90 of torsion is noted in the foot- notes to tabulations. RECORDS The chronological program arranged by Dr. I,. A. Bauer could not be adhered to as closely as might have been desired during the fall and winter, owing to prevailing strong winds, when snow drifted to such an extent as to make travel to and from the observatory both difficult and dangerous. Under these conditions two men holding on to a leading line would struggle backwards to the observatory and dig out the entrance. This was filled again in a few moments, imprisoning the observer until again liberated by outside aid. In order to economize space, the original notes have been tabulated as far as possible, with the corresponding results. On pages 20 to 26 will be found the readings of the azimuth mark under the headings Azimuth Mark No. 2 and Azimuth Matk No. i. In the column headed Pointing will be found the letters B, A, which indicate respectively that the reading of the azimuth mark has been taken before or after the declination observations of the day. Where both letters appear the mean is published ; when none is given the azimuth marks were in- visible on account of drifting snow or dense fog. The readings corresponding to the position of the telescope when pointed on the magnet are given under the heading Circle reading of magnet. They are the mean of the readings taken before, after, and sometimes during the period of declination observations. When the telescope with the circle has been shifted during declination observation the values are omitted in this table, and will be found on pages 26 to 31, with corresponding time. This last mentioned table therefore shows when disturbances, so great as to require a shifting of the horizontal circle, have occurred. The times of observation first following these shif tings of horizontal circle in any day's work are also indicated in tabular summary of two-minute declinations by asterisks (*). The circle reading of the true south is given for each day on which declination observations have been made. Where there is no corresponding reading on an azimuth mark it has been found by interpolating according to the dates and without considering the temperature effect. In the temperature columns will be found the maximum and the minimum thermometer readings for the day, converted to Centigrade scale from the regular meteorologic record. The reductions of the individual two-minute readings for declination are tabulated on pages 41 et seq. To make this tabulation quite clear the following specimen computation for November i, 1903, is given : The scale readings for sh oom are (see page 71) left 59 d .8, right 65 d .3, the mean of which is 62". 5. The axis for week ending November i, 1903 (see page 18), is 53 d .o, whence the difference, scale minus axis (S A), 9*. 5, which converted into arc (see constants, page 8) is + 14'. 9. 20 SCIENTIFIC RKSUJ/fS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION The circle reading is found on page 27, under " Circle reading of mag- net," for corresponding time 67 07'. 3, whence magnetic south meridian reads 67 22'. 2. The true south meridian for the corresponding day and time is (see page 21 ) 42 09'. 4. Therefore the east declination, unconnected for an}' change in the plane of detorsion, is 25 12'. 8. But the plane of detorsion has shifted 29 in the direction of increasing azimuths in gh 4gm (see bottom page 71) and the effect of 90 of torsion as observed is 24'. 5 (see bottom page 71), which gives by in- terpolation according to time a correction of 4'. 4, whence the final value of last magnetic declination as observed at sh oom on Novem- ber i, 1903, is 25 08'. 4. Note that in the tabulation of reductions of declination observations the results are entered to the nearest minute ; in those cases where the figure in the tenths of a minute is 5 the rule is followed to take the nearest even minute as the result to be tabulated. TABULATIONS OF RECORDS Circle readings of azimuth marks, magnet, and true south at Tcplitz Bay Point- ing Date Azimuth mark No. 2, cross Azimuth mark No. i, anemometer staff Circle reading of magnet Circle reading true south Cent, tempera- ture Max. Min. 1903 / 1 O 1 / o B A Sept. 28 . 1 66 25.5 65 05.0 42 17.4 2.1 7-9 B A 29 166 25.2 64 52.3 42 17.2 - 5-6 9-6 30 . . . 42 17.1 6.7 - 14.6 . Oct. i * . 63 55-5 42 17.0 5.4 - 10.6 B . 2 . 166 25.0 64 30.1 42 16.9 5-2 9.0 . 3 . . 42 17-3 7.0 - 15-2 A . 4 . 166 25.8 . . . 42 17.7 9.0 - 16.2 A . 5 . 166 26.5 64 31.5 42 18.4 IO.O - 17-4 B . 6 . 166 26.5 65 10.0 42 18.4 8.2 12.6 . 7 . . 42 19.0 8 i 20.7 B . 8 166 27.7 . . . 42 19.6 20.7 27.3 B . 9 . 166 29.4 64 51.7 42 21.3 20. o 26 8 . 10 . . 42 20.4 - 16.0 20. 2 ii 42 19-5 - 15-7 - 21.8 A '. 12 166 21.5 166 26.7 65 05.0 42 18.8 15-1 - 18.5 B . 13 | 1 66 20.9 . . 42 18.4 10.6 I5-I . 14 . . 42 17-5 9.0 - '5-7 A . 15 166 19.2 . 64 47.0 42 16.7 8.3 15-7 . 16 . . . 42 14-7 15-5 - 20.7 . 17 . . 42 12.8 12.6 18.0 B . 1 8 i 66 13 3 . . 42 10.8 15.1 24 5 A . 19 1 66 14.3 64 35-7 42 ii. 8 - 22.9 , - 27.9 A . 20 166 13.9 . 64 41.7 42 ii. 4 - lS.2 - 22.9 B . 21 166 14.0 . 64 40.0 42 11.5 - 16.2 23.8 22 . . 66 16.8 42 n. o - 13.7 19.0 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 21 Circle readings of azimuth marks, magnet, and true south at Teplits Bay Continued Point- ing Date Azimuth mark No. 2, cross Azimuth mark No. i, anemometer staff Circle reading of magnet Circle reading true south Cent, tempera- ture Max. Min. 1903 O 1 1 / 7 o . Oct. 23 . . . 4 2 10.5 - 12.3 16.0 24 . . . 42 10.0 - II. 8 - 15-5 B A 25 166 12. o . 64 43. i 42 09.5 - 10.6 !5-7 A . 26 166 ii. 6 . . 4 2 09. i 7.0 11.4 A . 2 7 1 66 11.5 . . . 64 3i-3 42 09.0 9.0 i5-i . 28 . . . 65 02.1 42 09.2 8.4 12. A . 29 166 n. 8 ... 64 31.8 42 09.3 9.0 - 14-3 B A 30 166 12. o . 64 35-7 42 09.5 - 14-3 18.0 -zi ivs 19.6 B A *J Nov. i 1 66 11.9 42 09.4 \J \J - 17.7 ~y , v -27.9 A . 2 166 14.0 . . 42 11.5 - 25.6 29.0 B A 3 166 16.8 ... 64 56.5 42 14-3 27.8 -33-4 B A 4 166 17.1 ... 42 14.6 27.3 33-2 B A 5 166 17.7 . . . 64 53-4 42 15.2 - 26.4 -32.9 A . 6 166 17.5 . . . 42 15.0 24.0 29.9 . 7 . . . 28.0 32.3 B A 8 166 18.5 ... 42 16.0 -31-7 36.0 B A 9 1 66 20.8 . 65 09.0 42 18.3 35-0 -41.1 B A 10 166 22.6 . . 64 42.7 42 20. i -35-o -43-5 B A n 1 66 21.2 . . 42 18.7 38.8 -43-9 B A 12 1 66 21.2 . . 42 18.7 29.0 39-7 13 . . . 42 17.6 12.9 37-7 14 . . 42 16.4 2.5 - 28.4 B . 15 166 17.8 42 15-3 23-9 - 3 r -7 A . 16 1 66 20. 2 . 64 34-5 42 17-7 27-5 -34-6 B A 17 166 19.9 . . 42 17.4 22.9 - 30-4 B A 18 166 18.8 . . 42 16.4 29.6 36-8 B A 19 1 66 20.5 . . 42 18.0 29.6 -33-3 . 20 166 19.2 . 42 16.7 20. 2 31-7 B . 21 166 18.0 42 15-5 3-7 22.2 B . 22 166 16.3 . * 42 13.8 4.4 26.8 B . 23 166 17.2 . 65 10.4 42 14.7 6.7 26.8 B . 24 1 66 16.3 . 64 21.3 42 13-8 - 6.7 - I2. 4 25 . . . 42 13.6 - 12.4 18.0 26 . . 64 45-5 42 13-4 - 12.3 - 19-3 27 . . . 42 13-2 - "-3 18.0 28 . . . 42 13.0 7-9 - 17.0 29 . . . 42 12.8 ii. 8 14.8 B A 30 1 66 15.1 . . . 64 52.3 42 12.6 12.9 16.8 . Dec. i 166 15 2 . . . 64 44.5 42 12.7 - 16.3 - 21.4 B A 2 166 15.1 . . 42 12.6 - 21.2 - 25-1 B A 3 166 15 i 65 13-7 42 12.6 - 16.8 26.8 B A 4 1 66 15.2 . 42 12.7 - 15-3 - 18.0 . . 5 t 21.2 26 i B A 6 166 16.3 , . , 42 13.8 - 22.1 ^0.3 -37-7 A . 7 166 19.8 . . . 64 56.3 42 17-3 - 30.0 -37-2 22 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Circle readings of azimuth marks, magnet, and true south at Teplitz Bay Continued Point- ing Date Azimuth mark No. 2, cross Azimuth mark No. i, anemometer staff Circle reading of magnet Circle reading true south Cent, tempera- ture Max. Min. 1903 o ; 1 / / o A . Dec. 8 166 19.3 . . 64 47.7 42 16.8 26.0 -31.0 B . 9 166 19.9 . 42 17.4 26.0 29.5 . 10 . 64 51-7 42 16.8 - 23.0 29.0 . ii ... 64 50,7 42 16.2 19.8 - 23.0 . 12 . . . . . . . 42 15-6 2O. O 23.0 A . 13 166 17.5 . . . . 42 15-0 20. o 26.0 . H . . 65 14-3 42 15.8 - 22-5 -30-5 . 15 . . 65 28.7 42 16.6 27.9 31-9 . 16 . . ... . . . 42 17-5 26.9 31-9 B A 17 1 66 20.8 . 64 56.4 42 18.3 - 21.4 29.5 B A 18 1 66 20.9 . 64 53-5 42 18.4 20. 6 28.1 . 19 . . . 42 19.2 26.5 -33-3 . 20 . . . 42 19-9 27.3 35-5 A . 21 166 23.2 . 65 05.0 42 20.7 28.4 -32.8 . 22 . . 64 45.0 42 19.8 - 27.9 -31.8 B A 23 166 21.4 . 65 1 1. 1 42 18.9 26.7 30.0 B A 24 166 23.4 . 64 50.7 42 20.9 28.1 -34-4 25 . . . . -25-5 33-9 . 26 . . . . 26.2 32.0 . 27 . . . . -24.5 30.1 . 28 * ... . 26.8 29-5 B A 2 9 166 23.9 . 65 14.9 42 21.4 24.0 29.0 B A 30 166 22.1 . . . 42 19.6 -25.6 29.8 A . 31 166 20.8 . . . 42 18.3 20.0 25-7 1904 AB Jan. i 1 66 20.7 . . 42 18.2 - i 2 -5 27.9 . 2 . . . 21.4 35-o B A 3 166 21.5 . . . . . . 42 19.0 25.8 36.4 B A 4 166 22.2 . . 65 20.9 42 19.7 - 26.4 35-5 B A 5 166 23.4 . . . 64 38.1 42 20.9 28.3 38.8 B A 6 166 22.0 ... ... 42 19-5 22.3 -30.4 B A 7 166 21.0 . . 65 01.9 42 18.5 15-7 32-9 A . 8 166 22.3 . 65 04.7 42 19.8 27.1 32.8 . 9 . - . . . . 26.0 3 1 - 1 B A 10 166 22.1 . . . ... 42 19.6 30.0 35-0 B . ii 166 23.5 ... ... 42 21. -33-3 -43-3 B A 12 166 27.7 ... 64 54.6 42 25.2 42.8 46.1 B A r 3 166 27.5 . . . 42 25.0 -44.4 46.7 B A H 166 26.7 ... 65 23.2 42 24.2 40.0 45-6" B A IS 166 26.1 . . 64 45.0 42 23.6 30.8 41.2 . 16 ... ... * * . * > ii. i 3I- 1 B A 17 166 23.2 . . . . . 42 2O.7 ii. i 18.5 A . 18 166 21.0 . 64 59-7 42 18.5 10. I 18.0 B A 19 166 18.9 ... 65 02.0 42 16.4 10.0 -13-6 A . 20 166 16.1 ... 65 13.1 42 13-6 - 5-6 13-0 B A 21 166 16.2 . 64 34.2 42 13-7 0.6 21.2 . 22 . . . . . 3-3 - 23.4 B . 23 166 19.6 . . 42 I7-I 20.7 26.2 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Circle readings of azimuth marks, magnet, and true south at Teplits Bay Continued Point- ing Date Azimuth mark No. 2, cross Azimuth mark No. i, anemometer staff Circle reading of magnet Circle reading true south Cent, tempera- ture Max. Min. o / / / o / o o 1904 A . Jan. 24 166 17.2 . . 42 14-7 13-4 27.9 A . 25 166 18.8 . 64 55-3 42 16.3 16.2 21.8 A . 26 166 18.7 . . . 65 56.4 42 16.2 21.8 - 28.4 B A 27 166 18.9 . 64 51.1 42 16.4 26.4 -31-7 B A 28 1 66 20.7 . 64 50.9 42 lS.2 - 30.0 -33.6 . 29 . . 64 58.9 42 19.1 29.0 32.7 . 30 . . . 42 19-9 29.7 32.6 B . 3i 166 23.2 . . . 42 20 7 29.6 -34-5 A . Feb. i 166 24.7 ... 65 24.1 42 22.2 -31-7 -35-o B . 2 1 66 23.3 . 64 58.1 42 20.8 29 o 33-0 B A 3 166 22.9 . . . . 42 2O-4 24.5 31-7 A . 4 166 23.8 . 64 59.1 42 21.3 26.1 29-5 A . 5 166 23.0 . . 4 2 20.5 -24.1 29.0 . 6 . . . -23.4 -27.3 B A 7 166 23.1 . . 42 20.6 25.6 29-5 B A 8 166 24.7 . 42 22.2 20. 1 31-1 B A 9 166 24.2 . 65 03.1 42 21.7 20. 1 27.8 B A 10 166 22.2 4 2 19.7 -23.4 -27-3 A . ii 1 66 23.5 . 42 21. 22.9 -38-2 12 . . 64 43.2 42 20. 8 -38.3 42.0 '3 . . . 42 20. 6 24.0 -41.7 A . 14 166 22.9 . 65 29.8 42 20.4 - J 5-7 3I- 1 A . 15 166 25.0 . . 42 22.5 3i-i 41.7 B A 16 166 27.7 . 64 42.5 42 25.2 36.0 42-3 B . i? 1 66 26.7 . * 42 24.2 20.9 40.0 B A 18 1 66 24.6 . 64 36.6 42 22.1 15-7 38.2 B . 19 166 27.7 . 65 24.1 42 25.2 -31-6 42.6 . , 20 2O. I 7 T 1 B A 21 166 25.2 . . . 42 22.7 18^5 o' I 27.6 22 . 64 56.8 42 21.8 9-8 - 21.4 B A 23 166 23.4 166 29.3 64 58.4 42 20. 1 8.8 - 33- B . 24 166 25.0 . 42 22.5 5-0 35-2 B A 25 166 22.4 . 64 58.3 42 19.9 i5-i 27-5 B . 26 166 23.7 166 29.4 64 37.0 42 21.3 - 3-6 27-3 27 4-4 3 x -7 B A 28 166 21.4 . 65 01.6 42 18.9 19.6 26.8 2 9 . . . 65 02.8 42 17-3 i.o 13-3 B A M'ch i 166 18.2 166 23.8 64 57-6 42 14.8 5-o 22.9 B A 2 166 17.0 . 42 14-5 12.3 33-8 3 . . 64 20.3 42 16.5 22.7 -38.4 A . 4 166 21. o . 42 18.5 8.4 31-1 5 . . 23.6 37-6 6 . - I7-I 24-3 . 7 f ... T7 2 2*7 o A B 8 1 66 23.3 ... 64 58-3 42 20. 8 1 / * 27.2 * 7a 3-8 B . 9 1 66 23.7 . 65 01.4 42 21.2 27.8 30-5 B A 10 166 23.6 . . . 65 04.9 42 21. 1 30.5 " tj 34-2 24 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Circle readings of azimuth marks, magnet, and true south at Teplits Bay Continued Point- ing Date Azimuth mark No. 2, cross Azimuth mark No. i, anemometer staff Circle reading of magnet Circle reading true south Cent, tempera- ture Max. Min. 1904 / I o / o / o B A M'ch ii 166 24.4 .... 64 49.2 42 21.9 25.0 27.9 . . 12 . . . 26.2 - 42.8 B A '3 166 26.1 65 05.1 42 23.6 - 40.6 43-8 A . 14 166 22.3 65 41.1 42 19.8 36.0 - 42.2 B A i5 166 28.6 64 42.4 42 26.1 38.6 -44.4 B A 16 166 27.4 . 42 24.9 -40.7 46.3 A . i? 166 27.2 . 65 00.3 42 24.7 37-5 -43-8 A . 18 166 28.2 . 65 04.8 42 25.7 -33-8 45-6 . 19 . . . . 19.0 33-9 B A 20 166 24.8 . . 42 22.3 22.3 37-7 . . 21 . . 64 49 9 42 21.8 13-3 22.9 . . 22 ... . 65 27.7 42 21.4 12.9 25.2 A . 23 166 23.5 . 64 52.2 42 21. 25.2 31-7 A . 2 4 166 25.2 . . 65 06.8 42 22.7 -31-7 -38-3 B . 25 166 27.0 . 64 25.7 42 24.5 29.0 - 39-4 . . 26 . ... . . - 29.0 - 34-4 A . 27 166 27.7 . . 42 25.2 21.2 -34-9 B . 28 166 24.8 . 65 00.4 42 22.3 4.0 21.2 B A 29 1 66 20.8 . 64 42.2 4 2 18.3 3-3 - 12.4 B A 30 1 66 20.2 . . 42 17-7 - 12.4 30.9 B A 31 166 21.6 . . . 64 36.3 42 I 9 .I 15-1 31-7 B . April i 166 21. o ... ... 42 18.5 4.0 - I5-I . . 2 . . . . . 3-4 5-6 A . 3 166 20.0 . . 42 17-5 3-3 6.2 A . 4 166 19.3 . . 42 16.8 5-6 19.6 B A s 166 19.3 . 64 57-4 42 16.8 3-4 27.9 B A 6 166 18.9 . . 42 16.4 22.9 33-3 B A 7 166 19.2 . . 42 16.7 -23-4 31-4 B A 8 166 21. o . 42 18.5 25-3 33-1 9 . . . - 23.4 32.3 A B 10 166 22.2 . . . 42 19-7 22.5 30.1 A . n [66 22.2 ... . . 42 19,7 21.3 -3 2 -3 B A 12 166 25.2 . 65 02.7 42 22.7 32.2 -38.3 B A 13 166 25.7 . 4 2 23.2 27.6 -36.5 A . 14 166 25.3 . 64 51.4 42 22.8 27.1 32-9 B A 15 166 26.5 . 65 09.3 42 24.0 -32.8 37-9 , . 16 . . . . - 20.7 37-3 B A 17 166 25.5 . . 42 23.0 - 17.4 -24-5 A . 18 166 23.7 ... . 42 21.2 20. o - 30-9 B A 19 166 24.2 . 42 21.7 19.1 36-1 . . 20 ... . 64 39-1 4 2 20.5 15-7 19.6 A . 21 166 21.8 166 27.7 64 43-7 42 19-4 - 13-4 - 18.9 B A 22 166 21.5 166 27.3 64 39.6 42 18.1 - 16.2 22.6 . 23 . . . 16.8 - 24.0 A . 24 166 21. i 166 27.1 65 00.3 42 18.8 - 15-7 - 21.3 A . 25 166 21.4 166 27.1 65 08.7 42 19.0 - 19.6 22.2 B A 26 166 21.2 . 64 54.0 42 18.7 21.6 -28.1 B A 27 166 21.6 . . 42 19-1 - 22.9 29.5 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Circle readings of azimuth marks, magnet, and true south at Teplits Bay Continued Point- ing Date Azimuth mark No. 2, cross Azimuth mark No. i, anemometer staff Circle ' reading of magnet Circle reading true south Cent, tempera- ture Max. Min. 1904 / / / 1 o o A . April 28 . 166 27.9 64 44.9 42 19.6 23.2 30.3 B A 29 166 22. o 166 27.2 64 34.8 42 18.1 24.4 29.9 30 24.7 27.3 B A May i 166 21.3 . . 42 18.8 A . 2 166 21.5 166 27.4 . * 42 19-1 . B A 3 1 66 21.9 ... 64 34.8 42 19.4 . B A 4 1 66 20.4 ... 42 17-9 f . B A 5 166 19.1 166 24.4 65 02.8 42 15-6 ( . B A 6 166 19.4 166 24.6 . 42 15.8 t B A 8 166 18.8 166 24.0 42 15-2 J . B A 9 166 18.6 ... 65 09.2 42 16. i . . B A 10 166 17.1 . 64 51.1 42 14.6 , t . B A ii 166 16.7 . 42 14.2 t . B A 12 166 15.2 166 20.7 . 42 11.7 f t . B A 13 166 15.0 166 20.5 . * 42 11.5 . t B A 15 166 15.1 1 66 20.7 * . 42 11.7 . . 16 . 65 12. 1 42 13-0 t t t A . i? 166 16.0 . 65 I I. 2 42 13-5 . , A . 18 166 16.0 . * . 4 2 13-5 B A 19 1 66 15.3 1 66 20. 2 64 26.2 42 12.4 t B A 20 166 15.2 1 66 20.5 . . 42 11.7 . , 21 . . 7.3 - 10.5 B A 22 1 66 15.3 166 20.3 ... 42 12.5 7-3 17 6 A . 23 166 21.2 65 04.3 42 13.0 5-3 12. 1 A . 24 . 166 21.5 42 13.1 6.0 12.3 A . 25 166 15.2 . . 65 oi. o 42 12.7 6.7 ii. 8 B A 26 166 14.2 1 66 20. i 64 07.1 42 10.9 6.5 9.6 B A 27 166 14.3 166 19.3 64 51.0 42 10.7 + 2.O 6.7 . . 28 . J- ! 7 0.8 B A 29 166 13.0 166 17.7 42 09.3 1 * / + I.I 4-5 B A 30 166 13.0 65 07.8 42 10.5 3-9 9.6 B A 31 166 12.6 . . . 64 48.7 42 10. i 4-i 9-7 B A June i 1 66 12.5 166 18.2 42 09.1 5-2 8.4 B A 2 1 66 11.5 . 64 26.6 42 09.0 0.5 8.0 B A 3 166 11.3 166 16.8 64 01.7 42 07.8 0.5 6.0 . , 4 i B 2 7 6.0 B A 5 1 66 11.5 166 16.5 . 42 07.9 * / + 0.7 6.1 B A 6 1 66 11.5 . . 42 09.0 -f 0.6 2.8 A . 7 1 66 1 1. 2 . ... 42 08.7 -5 3-9 B A 8 166 11.4 166 16.8 1 4 2 07.9 + 0.6 2.2 B A 9 166 09.9 166 16.3 64 14.2 42 07.8 -f 0.6 5-3 B A 10 166 10.3 166 16.1 64 42.8 42 06.9 + 2-4 0.5 . ii t t . -f- i 6 o "; B A 12 166 10.0 1 66 15.5 . 42 06.5 1 * ** + 4-4 *-* j o.o A . 13 166 10.6 166 15.8 65 09.2 42 07.9 + 2.8 0.7 r 4 . . . . . . 64 42.6 42 07.8 + 1.0 0.5 2 6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Circle readings of azimuth marks, magnet, and true south at Teplitz Bay Concluded Point- ing Date Azimuth mark No. 2 cross Azimuth mark No. i, anemometer staff Circle reading of magnet Circle reading true south Cent, tempera- ture Max. Min. O f o / o / O 1 o o 1904 A . June 15 166 10.0 . 42 07.5 -1- 1.0 I.I B A 16 166 09.7 . . 42 07.2 0.5 2.9 B A 17 1 66 09.6 166 15.6 64 14-5 42 06.3 2. 5 5-8 . . 18 B . . + 0.4 3-6 B A 19 166 09.6 . 42 07.1 + 3-0 0.8 B A 20 1 66 10. i . 6.5 13-2 42 07.6 + 6.3 + i.i B A 21 166 10.9 . . . 42 08.4 + 4-2 i-7 B A 22 166 10. i . . 42 07.6 + 8.5 i.i A . 23 1 66 10.7 . 63 32.8 42 08.2 + 3-2 2.O B A 24 166 1 1. 2 . 64 42.1 42 08.7 + 3-9 O.2 . . 25 . . . . . + 3-3 i-7 B A 26 166 ii. o . . 42 08.5 + 1.7 I.I A . 27 166 12.2 . . 42 09.7 + 4-0 1.2 B A 28 166 14.3 . 64 51.2 42 ii. 8 + i.i i-3 A . 2 9 166 15.2 . 42 12.7 + 4-8 I.I B A 30 166 16.0 64 36.1 42 13-5 + 4-9 0.5 B A July i 1 66 14.9 . . . . . . 42 12.4 + 1-7 0.4 Circle reading of magnet for days on which the circle was shifted at Teplitz Bay Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet 1903 h m / 1903 h m o / 1903 h m / Sept. 30 00 64 40.6 Oct. 4 7 28 65 19.7 Oct. 8 17 52 65 22.0 o 48 65 10.0 7 CO 64 33-7 17 54 64 12.5 10 58 65 36.0 6 22 64 10.7 1 8 04 65 32.0 II IO 64 55-o 6 58 65 07.5 18 08 64 43.0 20 28 66 11.3 7 54 64 H-S 18 20 65 36.2 20 34 67 04.2 8 08 64 59.0 13 12 00 64 29.4 20 36 65 52.2 9 42 63 52.5 13 32 65 32.0 20 42 64 55-3 9 54 64 17.3 13 48 65 00.5 21 06 66 10.0 10 44 63 24.5 14 oo 64 17-5 21 10 65 02.3 10 52 63 54-5 14 00 65 30.7 21 28 65 52.2 10 54 64 16.0 o 04 65 58.7 21 38 66 52.0 22 36 66 07.0 O IO 65 35-0 21 42 65 06.7 22 44 66 38.0 I 04 64 43-3 21 48 66 29.0 22 46 65 36.5 I 26 65 29.7 21 5 2 65 20.1 23 oo 66 12.7 2 08 66 19.8 Oct. 4 O OO 64 52.7 23 06 65 33-5 2 44 67 21.0 4 48 65 29.7 23 12 65 ii. 2 2 46 67 57-3 6 51 66 05.8 8 16 02 64 46.5 2 5 66 39.0 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 27 Circle reading of magnet for days on which the circle was shifted at Teplitz Bay Continued Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet 1903 h m / 1903 h m / 1903 h m o t Oct. 14 2 56 68 oi.o Nov. i 02 66 46.8 Nov. i 4 26 71 32.6 3 04 66 06.0 04 68 04.6 4 28 7i 33-3 3 J 2 67 19-3 08 67 n. 8 4 30 68 34.9 3 18 66 31.3 14 66 19.7 4 32 66 16.6 3 20 68 oo.o 28 64 57-o 4 34 66 15.3 3 26 66 53-3 30 65 17-5 4 36 66 21.8 3 30 6? 54-7 32 66 13.5 4 38 67 14-3 3 36 68 49.7 36 64 50-7 4 40 66 45.3 3 38 67 58.0 42 65 07.2 4 42 67 04.3 3 44 66 53.3 2 10 64 07.3 4 50 66 35.0 3 52 65 5i-3 2 I 4 65 27.2 4 52 66 35.0 4 16 64 35-7 2 16 66 31.4 4 56 67 07.3 4 18 67 39-o 2 2O 67 56.5 5 04 68 50.2 4 26 66 59.6 2 22 68 32.5 5 6 71 14.2 4 28 67 30-5 2 2 4 66 44.5 5 10 66 14.9 4 42 66 12.5 2 26 67 12.5 5 H 68 20.3 8 58 65 26.8 2 28 68 28.3 5 16 67 42.8 18 46 64 38.3 2 30 67 10 o 5 18 68 17.6 18 58 65 12. 2 3 2 65 45-3 5 22 67 26.9 20 08 64 12.3 2 42 66 15.5 5 24 65 40-5 20 16 65 05.3 2 44 65 35-2 5 26 66 35-7 20 26 64 04.3 3 02 66 22.7 5 28 68 09.9 20 36 65 27.2 3 06 67 14.0 5 3i 65 35-6 20 38 65 02-3 3 H 69 05.6 5 34 64 54-9 20 52 66 00.2 3 18 70 22.6 5 36 65 01.3 20 56 67 39.2 3 20 68 46.5 5 38 66 00.5 21 O2 65 36.0 3 22 65 39-8 5 44 65 04.9 23 30 65 55-3 3 22 65 18.5 5 46 62 20.9 23 34 65 05.7 3 3 65 00.5 5 49 68 14.7 23 48 65 53-7 3 32 65 31-7 5 5i 64 40.0 16 20 00 64 49.2 3 34 65 21.2 5 54 67 10.5 20 10 65 36.8 3 38 67 54-1 5 56 69 54.2 20 24 64 22.7 3 4 72 50.8 5 58 69 02.9 21 04 64 10.0 3 44 73 38.7 6 oo 66 55.2 21 06 65 59-3 3 46 72 01.6 6 02 67 34-9 21 08 66 55.3 3 50 72 35-7 6 04 69 14-3 21 10 66 09.5 3 52 74 53-0 6 06 67 50.9 21 l6 64 53-3 3 54 72 06.8 6 08 66 31.5 23 58 64 57-7 3 56 70 21.5 6 10 68 01.5 18 o oo 64 24. i 3 58 79 19-5 6 14 68 42.6 4 08 65 15-2 4 06 68 55.8 6 16 66 25.9 26 7 59 66 01. i 4 08 66 53.2 6 18 64 46.5 9 56 64 5i-9 4 10 66 57.7 6 20 66 32.5 Nov. i OO 66 40.7 4 12 66 52.7 6 24 68 10.9 o 06 67 23.5 4 H 69 30.8 6 32 68 55.3 O 12 66 39-5 4 16 71 08.3 6 34 67 35-8 o 14 65 30.5 4 18 70 32.1 6 36 67 36.1 o 36 66 14.8 4 20 66 36.0 6 38 67 19-5 o 38 67 19.7 4 22 66 35.4 7 !6 68 15.3 o 46 66 06.5 4 24 69 34-3 7 24 67 09.4 2 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Circle reading of magnet for days on which the circle was shifted at Teplitz Bay Continued Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet 1903 h m O f 1903 h m o / 1903 h in / Nov. 2 8 oo 64 25.0 Nov. i r 18 14 65 57-2 Nov. 25 17 22 66 00.7 8 06 64 59-5 18 20 66 12.5 17 42 65 15-7 4 o oo 65 29.5 1 8 52 65 23.0 27 20 oo 65 06.7 o 02 64 40.3 21 08 65 38.3 23 14 66 15.7 13 02 63 48-7 21 12 64 36.3 23 16 65 54-7 16 26 65 50.0 22 46 65 28.0 23 38 65 39-5 16 46 67 02.7 22 50 67 08.3 29 00 64 37-5 16 50 70 55-2 22 51 65 42-2 4 36 65 38.8 16 52 72 10.7 22 58 64 5i-3 Dec. 2 o oo 64 18.2 16 54 70 11.7 12 15 58 65 24.7 3 14 65 11.9 17 oo 69 OO.2 16 28 64 33-2 5 46 66 18.9 17 C2 68 04.5 16 52 65 42.3 6 26 65 38.7 17 08 67 02.5 16 56 67 00.7 12 OO 64 58-2 17 10 65 42.2 17 oo 65 27.8 4 20 00 64 17-5 17 16 64 45-1 17 04 66 48.7 2O 12 63 32-8 6 20 oo 64 23.5 17 14 65 50.2 20 28 64 41.2 20 44 65 37-3 17 28 64 47-3 20 30 66 05.8 20 46 64 34-3 19 44 66 08.2 20 33 64 06. i 20 56 65 33-3 19 50 64 06.0 20 37 63 34-8 21 O6 64 35-5 15 o oo 64 31.2 20 40 65 08.9 8 O OO 64 58.0 4 30 65 29.5 2O 46 65 00.5 3 54 65 14.4 17 12 00 65 29.0 20 48 65 46.6 ii OO 65 35-i 14 38 64 39-4 20 52 65 15-5 o 36 67 13.8 18 00 64 09.2 20 56 64 48.3 o 38 65 37-7 o 38 65 05.1 2[ 00 65 16.2 o 40 66 35-9 15 26 64 10.3 21 08 65 33-7 o 48 65 14.8 23 12 64 49.6 21 16 64 3 1 - i 44 65 35-5 19 16 oo 65 05-3 2 3 04 65 43-7 2 42 66 06.5 19 40 65 22. 23 08 65 11.7 2 54 66 23.7 19 46 65 29.8 2 3 16 64 06.2 3 oo 67 06.7 19 56 64 36.9 23 26 64 40.0 3 to 67 42.5 20 20 OO 64 54.0 23 36 66 23.7 3 16 66 41.5 2 3 34 65 17-5 23 38 65 45- ! 3 20 67 38.0 23 42 65 07.0 23 46 65 35-7 3 44 66 16.9 23 46 64 44-5 23 48 65 ii. 2 4 36 65 I3.5 24 oo 65 3i-7 2 3 56 66 17.0 4 50 66 17.5 22 o oo 65 12.0 2 3 58 66 37.0 4 58 65 25.8 3 24 66 15.5 6 o oo 67 3i-7 6 10 65 37-5 3 3 67 10.3 o 02 66 03.8 8 06 64 35-5 3 38 67 49.7 o 08 65 42.5 8 12 65 08.5 3 4 68 25.5 O 12 66 55.0 12 08 65 22.1 3 42 67 28.9 o 16 66 08.2 '7 45 69 30.7 3 44 68 48.5 4 02 64 42.1 17 48 70 33.0 3 52 67 47-4 9 o 02 65 23.3 17 5 68 26.0 4 oo 67 20.7 20 20 65 23.7 17 52 66 37.2 4 H 66 42.0 20 32 64 23.2 17 56 65 50-5 4 20 66 25.8 20 36 65 05.0 18 oo 65 07.0 4 24 65 40.9 20 50 64 52.0 18 02 66 10.2 7 26 64 34-8 13 O OO 64 56.5 18 07 67 06.3 25 OO 65 03.8. 6 02 65 35-5 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 29 Circle reading of magnet for days on zvhich the circle ivas shifted at Teplitz Bay Continued Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet 1 903 h in o / 1904 h in O f 1904 h in o / Dec. 1 6 o 02 64 45.4 Jan. i 19 52 ^8- 06.2 Feb. 3 'o 50 67 39-5 20 58 65 22. 1 19 54 64 52.8 o 52 66 11.5 21 02 66 41.3 19 56 64 oi.o 1 S 2 65 37-5 21 08 65 08.7 '9 59 64 28.1 19 12 66 43-3 21 10 66 50.9 20 00 63 48.1 19 16 65 38.5 21 13 65 46.7 3 00 65 03.8 21 24 67 28.3 21 14 64 53-2 3 8 6 5 30.2 21 26 66 28.2 21 l6 66 25.0 6 o oo 65 18.4 21 30 65 12.2 21 2O 65 44-5 5 36 66 06.6 22 22 66 22.3 21 26 64 5-7 6 29 65 30-4 22 4O 64 53-2 4 2 42 65 21.2 10 08 64 55-6 5 2O OO 64 56-2 20 O OO 64 53-3 22 O8 66 54.0 21 14 68 22.0 3 6 65 57-7 22 12 66 03.1 21 l6 67 24.7 3 32 66 40.9 22 14 65 21.3 21 25 65 08.0 3 44 65 36.4 10 O OO 64 43-8 21 28 64 36.3 7 16 64 41.6 2 18 65 27.6 21 54 6^ 20.2 30 o oo 64 28.6 2 32 66 16.7 22 14 66 23.7 7 12 62 56.5 2 58 65 20.2 22 22 67 43.0 7 H 65 21.5 3 14 66 10.8 22 28 65 57-2 7 iS 64 23.3 3 56 67 37-5 22 32 64 27.2 7 24 65 01.3 4 24 66 42.4 23 16 65 24.9 7 42 66 22.9 ii 8 oo 65 28 2 7 O OO 65 01.6 7 48 65 25.8 ; 8 50 66 23.8 TO 65 33-4 8 34 64 27.0 9 18 65 35-1 o 16 64 56-2 9 52 63 340 9 38 64 56.2 o 18 65 48.7 10 44 64 44.8 '3 o 04 64 34.0 1 02 65 13-9 11 00 64 05.2 2 14 64 47.1 4 54 66 34.2 12 12 65 30-5 2 46 65 28.9 5 26 65 48.0 17 20 64 29.3 10 06 64 55-2 8 oo 64 57-7 3i 20 oo 65 58 7 23 H 66 12.3 8 8 oo 65 ii-5 21 IO 66 17.8 23 30 66 06.4 ii 14 64 24.5 21 l6 64 50.9 23 58 65 05.4 IO o oo 64 57-i 21 22 66 14.7 17 O OO 65 05.8 22 l8 66 20.7 21 24 65 11.8 o 50 66 04.0 22 21 64 34-7 21 26 65 55-o 4 oo 64 59-7 22 56 65 34-7 21 40 65 12.7 23 20 oo 65 i5-i 23 oo 66 31.7 2 3 2 4 66 27.8 22 12 66 07.0 23 02 64 49.0 23 26 i 65 21.0 22 36 64 53-2 23 20 65 347 23 46 66 19.8 22 54 65 44-i 23 32 64 30.3 23 53 65 H 3 24 o 02 64 43-2 ii 16 oo 64 59-7 2 3 55 65 19.2 4 06 65 26.8 19 36 66 30.7 23 56 66 48.8 3i o oo 65 04.8 19 38 67 42.3 23 58 66 15.3 | I 12 65 55-9 19 42 66 47.2 24 oo 64 56.7 I 30 66 31.7 19 5 2 67 24.7 1904 I 36 66 55-7 20 oo 6S 29.0 Jan. i 16 oo 64 55.8 4 04 64 33-3 15 8 oo 66 1 8.0 18 50 66 1 1. 2 4 08 65 3i-7 9 28 65 25.0 19 O8 65 21.7 7 04 64 22.9 17 o oo 64 44.8 19 34 64 34-3 Feb. 3 o oo 65 52.5 12 65 19.4 19 48 66 39.3 o 1 6 t>t> 03.5 2 3 2 66 02.? 3 o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Circle reading of magnet for days on which the circle was shifted at Teplitz Bay Continued Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet 1904 h m o / 1904 h m o / 1904 h m / Feb. 17 4 30 66 27.7 M'ch 27 2 52 65 52.0 April 3 I 38 65 32.8 5 06 65 15-0 4 oo 65 16.2 i 40 64 47.0 6 10 66 59.9 30 00 65 33-2 4 oo 66 03.0 6 14 66 49.2 21 46 65 37-5 5 46 67 37.7 6 28 66 43.4 April i 20 00 64 IO.2 5 48 66 25.7 6 44 65 42.2 2O 12 64 33-7 6 50 65 43-7 8 06 66 42.0 20 14 65 03.7 4 8 oo 66 02.4 8 28 65 39-2 20 17 66 12.2 8 26 65 12.2 12 32 64 49.2 2O 2O 63 38.8 II OO 64 03.4 21 04 66 12.2 2O 23 64 41.7 6 OO 64 42.6 21 10 65 29.3 2O 24 65 37.7 5 20 65 19.2 21 12 65 23.2 2O 27 62 41.4 5 54 66 11.3 21 22 67 56.7 20 29 66 32.7 6 46 65 10.7 21 26 66 12.2 20 32 64 54-i 12 36 64 38.4 21 28 64 24.8 20 34 64 10.7 14 22 63 55-6 21 30 63 29.2 20 38 65 174 23 04 64 47.0 21 32 65 "-S 2O 42 64 29.7 23 08 65 58-2 21 34 66 11.2 2O 46 65 35-5 23 18 64 59-8 21 42 64 32.5 20 48 66 06.7 23 30 65 32-2 22 04 65 12.4 20 52 64 46.7 23 32 64 52.6 22 IO 64 23.7 21 OO 65 43-i 7 16 oo 64 22.4 22 12 64 50.2 21 O4 64 21.0 19 oo 65 01.2 22 l6 66 33.2 21 12 65 38.2 19 30 63 52.5 22 30 65 3i-i 21 l8 65 08.7 8 20 00 64 45.8 21 O OO 64 48.6 21 24 64 39.1 20 56 64 17.8 4 oo 65 17-2 23 18 66 15.8 IO OO 64 52.4 24 OO 64 36.2 23 22 65 12.8 3 44 65 47-2 3 56 65 26.8 23 28 66 02.7 4 oo 65 29.2 10 18 64 36.6 23 31 67 03.4 4 14 66 15.3 M'ch 2 o oo 64 49.0 23 38 66 01.9 4 32 67 09.2 2 IO 64 48.5 23 40 65 29.5 4 34 68 05.2 20 l6 66 03.6 23 44 64 21.2 4 38 66 42.3 2O 22 68 08.3 23 46 64 59.8 4 44 66 30.8 2O 24 67 03.4 23 48 65 40.4 4 56 68 25.3 2O 28 67 30.4 23 56 6657.8 4 58 67 49.6 20 32 65 33-6 23 58 67 33-8 5 2 66 37.6 20 34 64 57-4 3 00 64 35-8 5 04 67 51.2 20 56 65 44-7 O 10 66 15.0 5 10 67 09.4 21 08 64 53-7 O 12 65 17.6 5 22 66 09.8 4 20 00 65 00.5 o 16 63 54-6 6 oo 65 15-2 2O O2 65 27.7 O 22 64 38.2 ii 8 oo 66 09.3 20 O4 66 19.3 o 28 66 03.1? 8 34 64 36.1 20 08 65 22.2 o 30 65 48.8 9 34 65 21.2 2O 10 65 42-3 o 32 67 01.5 T3 o oo 65 09.2 16 O OO 65 O2. 1 o 38 6$ 38.5 4 10 65 55-8 20 34 65 35-3 o 40 67 30.1 12 26 65 06.6 20 00 65 58.6 o 43 64 50.2 17 OO 64 53-4 7 04 66 03.7 o 52 65 39-4 4 26 65 49-7 27 o oo 65 00.4 I 10 64 25.8 18 8 oo 65 19-5 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 31 Circle reading of magnet for days on which the circle was shifted at Teplitz Bay Concluded Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet Date Chr'r time Circle reading of magnet 1904 h in / 1904 h in / 1904 h m o t April 18 8 32 64 41.9 May 18 i 20 ._ 64 40.7 June 8 4 38 65 29.5 8 56 64 09.9 2 52 65 24.4 12 o oo 64 26.8 9 58 64 36.3 9 08 64 25.7 5 14 65 05.8 19 12 OO 65 30.2 10 2O 65 21.4 15 o oo 64 49.2 15 52 64 40.7 10 32 64 19.0 17 10 64 09.2 27 00 65 33-3 18 56 63 21.8 18 06 63 28.8 3 42 65 09.0 19 14 64 22.2 18 52 62 47.2 May i o oo 64 36.4 20 20 00 63 59-i 20 48 62 07.4 3 So 65 38-3 20 22 62 59.8 21 38 63 45-8 4 22 66 37.0 2O 24 63 50.3 21 46 63 03.2 7 56 67 19.7 20 30 63 03-1 16 16 oo 64 05.5 2 8 oo 64 59.8 21 OO 6 3 46.8 18 06 63 26.7 10 46 64 48.7 22 12 64 09.3 19 00 64 30.4 4 o oo 64 25.2 22 l6 65 12-3 3 52 65 04.0 i 18 65 03.7 22 24 64 23.0 21 12 OO 64 46.6 13 06 64 22.2 22 O OO 64 53-9 15 10 64 01.7 6 20 oo 64 21.2 2 46 65 30-2 22 O OO 64 14.7 23 18 65 22.6 24 12 OO 65 33-2 I 58 64 59.0 23 22 64 16.4 13 50 65 01.2 5 22 65 58.4 8 00 64 42.5 15 06 64 2O.2 " 34 64 58.7 3 42 65 26.8 29 O OO 64 13-8 26 o oo 63 53-5 ii 00 64 57-5 i 18 65 27.2 4 oo 65 04.2 4 52 65 50.7 4 01 66 00.7 5 34 65 55-4 12 44 65 oo.o June i o oo 63 53-3 27 8 oo 65 35-8 12 16 oo 63 05.3 o 40 64 43.8 8 22 64* 39.8 18 26 64 06. 1 3 48 65 28.2 to 04 65 58-8 18 32 63 10.0 9 5i 64 27.9 10 36 65 09.2 13 20 oo 63 57-4 5 00 64 42.8 II 14 64 38.2 22 58 64 53-6 I 10 65 17.2 29 00 64 33-8 23 oo 65 4i.5 6 8 oo 65 07.6 5 06 65 43-6 23 04 64 3M 8 42 63 36.2 7 28 64 56.9 15 o oo 64 09.8 8 44 65 16.2 i3 48 63 58-0 2 52 65 03.8 7 12 OO 64 41.2 23 38 65 10.3 4 38 66 05.5 13 18 65 48.3 23 48 64 11.3 5 10 66 42.8 14 14 65 O2.2 July I 20 00 63 35-5 6 58 65 50.0 15 26 64 17.8 20 54 62 42.7 18000 64 05.1 15 46 63 27.5 21 50 63 22.8 o 44 64 56.9 8 00 64 55-i 22 04 64 07.0 i 18 65 47-3 3 2 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION NOTES ACCOMPANYING DECLINATION RECORDS AT TEPUTZ BAY October, 1903. 4, auroral display about 9:30, fog prevailing since 0:00; 4:03:48, daylight begins. 7:09: 24,* oscillation checked with steel pin; 7:09:46, scale passed off thread, 4". 5 estimated; 7:10:36, oscillation checked with pin; 7:10:32, quiescent for 10 seconds. 12, snow drifting, cloudy, daylight about 6 A. M., bright moon makes it difficult to determine daylight in cloudy weather. 14, slight aurora in east on beginning, sky 50 per cent clouded, windy ; 14: 07: oo, daylight begins ; 14: 20: 30, cloudy and foggy ; 14: 24: oo, thick, cloudy weather. 15, cloudy and foggy entire period of observation. 16:21:00, aurora appears ; 16: 21: 32, aurora disappears gradually overhead, low fog ; 16:21: 36, aurora again appears extending from north to southwest, but not very intense ; 1 6: 22: 34, wind rising ; 16:22:58, aurora has disappeared. 18, on beginning light aurora from southeast to south- west, clear and still ; 18:00:48, aurora has disappeared; 18:03:34, scale went from 4O a .8 to 42 a .5 in 30 seconds. 19, foggy; 19:09:13, scale traveled from 9:13 to 9:15 and then stopped. 21, clear; 21:04: 12, clouded over; 21:07:00, daylight begins; 21: 16:06, daylight ends ; 21: 18: 38 clouded entirely; 21: 20: 18, R. R. T. reports aurora in northwest. 22: 16: oo, daylight ends, clear; 22:18:42, very high wind in gusts; 22:19:32, faint auroral light in southwest. 23, observations omitted on account of blizzard. 25, foggy, clear overhead, still; 25:03:10, very slowly increasing; 25:03:12, very slowly increasing; 25:03:24, wind begins to rise; 25:04:00, partly cloudy; 25:07:00, daylight begins; 25:08:22, starts to decrease; 25:08:40, continues to increase from 22 4 .2. 27, northeasterly storm; 27:14:26, wind subsides; 27:15:00, wind rises. 28, cloudy and calm; 28:02:06, clouds breaking away overhead, foggy; 28:03: 14, took 30 seconds to make oscillation ; 28:03: 50.5, took one minute to make this oscillation beginning at 3:50; 28:07:34, daylight begins; 28:11:20, cloudy and calm, light snowflakes ; 28:17:50, snowing. 29:18:00, clouded entirely. 30: 22: 30, overcast and cloudy. November, 1903. i : oo: oo, auroral light is waning as observer begins ; i : oo: 22, stopped for an instant and continued to decrease ; r: oo: 28, clear sky, aurora has disappeared ; i : oo: 50, aurora appears again, not very brilliant, clear sky; 1:01: 12, passed g'.o and came back to recorded values, aurora not very brilliant from magnetic northeast to zenith and magnetic southwest; 1:01:22, aurora growing faint in northeast and zenith, southwest remains the same; i : 01 : 26, jumps off scale from 70*. 2; i : 01 : 38, brilliant light again northeast, zenith and west; 1:01:58, aurora fainter and in southeast; 1:02:10, aurora mostly in north; 1:04:12, a gradual change from 4:12 to 4:14.5; 1:07:10, aurora disappeared; 1:08:12, daylight begins. 2:08:15, cloudy, completely overcast. 3:12:32, steady at 33m and begins to decrease, no oscillation. 4:00:14, cloudy and snowing; 4:00:46, observations suspended to give order relating to ice gain signals; 4:04:12, clear sky; 4:07:58, daylight begins; 4: 17: 12, faint aurora stretching in line overhead from magnetic northeast to southwest ; 4: 19:28, bright, moonlight night; 4:22:20, faint aurora from overhead to magnetic south- west ; 4:22:44, aurora has disappeared. 5:16:00, thick fog prevails throughout observa- tions. 8:00: 10, clear, light fog on horizon; 8:04: 12, clear, moonlight, still. 9:08: 22, magnet had to be raised; 9:08:50, stationary for 10 seconds or more; 9:09:30, stationary for 10 seconds or more; 9:09:52, reaches 48 d .o at 9:53; 9:09:56, reaches 38*. 7 at 9:57.2. 11:00:34, reaches 7id at 0:34.5; 11:00:56, faint aurora in zenith; 11:01:42, reading *The first figure indicates day of month, the others the hour and minute on chronometer, civil reckoning from o hour through 24 hours, thus : 23: 21:08 means 23d day of month at 2ih o8m or gh o8m P. M. Directions unless ]otherwise"specified are magnetic. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 33 estimated ; 11:03: 30, decreasing, but stopped at this ; 11:03: 32.3, decreasing, but stopped at this; 11:03:42, scale goes off at 3:42.5; 1 1: 09: 20, decreased to 49*. r at 9: 20.3 ; 11:10:10, begins to decrease without oscillating ; 1 1 : 14: 04, faint aurora in magnetic north ; 1 1 : 16: oo, aurora in magnetic south ; n: 17:32, aurora, east to southeast; n: 17:45, oscillation had to be reduced with the pin as scale swung beyond the thread; 11:17:50, aurora, north to southwest; 11:19:32, faint aurora, north to southwest; 11:21:06, aurora magnetic east to west through south ; 11:21:26, aurora has disappeared; 11:21:50, faint auroral light from magnetic south to west; 11:22:06, aurora from west to east through zenith; 11:22:14, aurora from south through west, faint; 11:22:26, reached 75* and returned to this. 12:16:00, faint aurora magnetic north to southwest at beginning; 12:16:50, aurora from northeast by east to south ; 12: 16: 56, aurora extends in ill-defined bands from northeast to southwest, a bright band extends through the south, the others between this last and zenith, one through zenith ; 12: 17: 10, aurora, three bright streams northeast to southwest through zenith and through southern sky ; 12: 17: 30.3, aurora extending 45 vertically from horizon northeast ; 12: 18: 24, no aurora ; 12: 18:40, bright aurora northeast to east, 45 above horizon; 12: 19:36, auroral band east to south, 10 above horizon ; 12: 19:50, auroral streak north to west, 10 above horizon. 13, omitted on account of blizzard, hut inaccessible. 15:20:16, partly cloudy. 17, faint aurora at beginning, single strip northeast to southwest through zenith ; 17: 12: 20, sky overcast ; 17: 14:32, partly cloudy, faint aurora in west, vertical strips from 15 to zenith; 17: 14:40, faint aurora west to east through zenith; 17:14:50, faint aurora east to west through zenith and very faint patch in north 45 above horizon ; 17: 15: 10, aurora growing stronger in east, patch to north has disappeared; 17: 15:22, scale stopped at 67". 9 and then increased to 68 d .8 ; 17: 15:46, aurora has practically disappeared. 18:07:58, aurora in zenith extends to all points of the horizon, strongest in east and southeast ; 18: 08: 18, aurora has grown very dim, especially in the east ; 18: 08: 36, aurora has disappeared; 18:09: 36, partly cloudy; 18: 10: 34, overcast ; 18: n; 56, overcast ; 18: n: 14, clear in zenith, very faint aurora from northeast to southwest through zenith; 18: 12:48, aurora has disap- peared; 18: 13:04, faint aurora starts in zenith with increasing streamers extending 30 to southwest ; 18: 13:08, faint aurora, northeast to southwest, stronger in southwest ; 18: 13: 24, aurora increasing in strength, extending from zenith to horizon from north to east and north to southwest, stronger in east ; 18: 13: 30, aurora stronger in north, has disappeared in east ; 18: 18: 14, aurora through zenith from northeast to southwest ; 18: 18: 46, aurora has almost disappeared; 18:18:56, faint aurora in broken patches from north to east and half way to zenith ; 18: 19:08, aurora has disappeared ; 18: 19: 58, very faint aurora in north, west and south ; 1 8: 20: 10, aurora has disappeared ; 18: 20: 22, faint aurora in south and southwest ; 18:20: 32, aurora in arch from northeast to northwest, vertex of arch 45 above horizon, also streamers from zenith to south and west ; 18: 20: 42, very faint aurora extends in spots from east to west through zenith ; 18:21: oo, horizontal circle accidentally moved ; 18: 21 : 06, aurora has disappeared ; 18: 23: 12, clear sky, no aurora; 18:24:55, telescope reversed on azimuth mark and gave same reading. 19: 16:00, faint aurora at beginning from northeast to south- west through zenith, stronger in southwest; 19:16:30, aurora has disappeared; 19:19:36, aurora reappears from northeast to southwest along horizon. 20: 20: oo, southeast blizzard throughout observations. 22:01:58, strong gale from south with flying snow; 22:04:54, decreased to 27*. o. 23:08:30, increased to 42 d .g ; 23:08:36, decreased to 27*. 7 ; 23:11:22, decreased to 25*. 2; 23: 1 1 : 38, this oscillation in 30 seconds. 25: oo: oo, blizzard, 48 to 60 miles per hour, had to dig out entrance ; 25: n: 16, calm ; 25: 12: 50, wind rising ; 25: 18: 54, aurora northeast to southwest through south at 45 altitude; 25:21:06, cloudy. 26:16:00, east- southeast blizzard. 27:20:00, blizzard continues; 27:19:30, plane of detorsion is 352, this change since last reading probably due to slackening of fiber before 10: oo in an attempt to get intensity observations. 30: 11:38, foggy and snowing. 34 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OE ZIEGLER TOLAR EXPEDITION December, 1903. 1:12:22, overcast. 2:01:14, slowly decreasing after this reading; 2:02:06, 80 per cent thin clouds; 2:03:40, clear, calm, moonlight night; 2:03: 58, increased to54 d .2; 2:05:50, clear, moonlight, no auroral light; 2: 05: 54. i, 30 seconds for this oscilla- tion ; 2:07:40, aurora extending from zenith to within 10 of horizon from north to west through zenith ; 2:07:58, aurora from northeast through zenith; 2:08: 18, aurora has almost disappeared ; 2: 08: 24, aurora grows stronger from zenith to northeast and southwest ; 2: 08: 46, aurora very faint ; 2: 09: 02, aurora has practically disappeared ; 2: 09: 10, aurora grows stronger in southwest, has disappeared in northeast ; 2: 10:06, aurora has disappeared ; 2: n: 54, faint aurora northeast to southwest through zenith ; 2:12: 22, aurora extending from zenith in all directions, chiefly northeast and southwest, strongest in southwest ; 2: 12: 34, aurora in band from northeast to south 15 above horizon, also faint patches in southwest ; 2: 12:42, aurora has almost disappeared in southwest ; 2:12: 50, aurora very faint ; 2: 13: 10, aurora has disap- peared ; 2:16:58, 50 per cent clouded, no aurora; 2:18:04, 75 per cent clouded; 2:21:58, aurora in band from east to west through zenith, stronger in east ; 2: 22: 06, aurora has dis- appeared. 4:20:00, moon visible through clouds during most of observations, very well defined halo. 6:00:44, decreased to 26d; 6:01:38, 90 per cent thin clouds; 6:03: 12, sky overcast entirely; 6:05:50, clear sky. 7:08:00 moon has ill-defined halo, no aurora; 7: n: 24, very faint aurora in vertical stripes from horizon up to 15 ; 7: 11:48, aurora just starting in northwest and north-northwest, one vertical stripe in each direction, 15 long, half way between horizon and zenith. 8: 14: 22, aurora in several bands from northeast to south- west through zenith; 8:14:34, aurora growing stronger to eastward; 8:14:46, aurora has almost disappeared ; 8: 15:06, aurora grows stronger to the eastward ; 8: 15: 18, aurora grows weaker in the east ; 8: 15: 28, increased to 36 d .g ; 8: 15: 38, aurora in well-defined arch from northeast to southwest, vertex of arch in southeast 15 above horizon ; another arch later ap- peared above the first vertex southwest 50 above horizon. 9:00:00, aurora during axis observations; 9:02:16, wind rises; 9:03:32, high wind ; 9:05:48, increasing, but stopped a moment here; 9:08:02, shoveling snow from entrance, no time for observers to alternate; 9:10:10, calm; 9:10:48, wind rises; 9:14:14, shoveling snow from entrance, stopped at 14: 24 ; 9: 18: 22, shoveling snow from entrance ; 9: 20: 48, had to check needle with steel pin. 10:17:10, increased to s6 d .2 ; 10:17:14, decreased to 53 d . 7. 16-16:38, shoveling snow from entrance ; 16:16:50, no time for more alternation on account of drift against door of hut; 1 6: 21 : 30, checked with steel pin one minute before observation; 16:22:50, checked with steel pin one minute before observation. 17:16:00, partly cloudy. 18: 22: 20, aurora in snake-like clouds and streaks from southeast to southwest 20 above horizon, constantly changing position and shape; 18:22:32, aurora forms arch from east to west through zenith, also streak from south to west 15 above horizon ; 18: 22: 58, aurora growing weak ; 18: 23: 12, aurora in streaks southwest to west 15 above horizon ; 18: 23:42, aurora has dis- appeared. 21:08:08, aurora from zenith to northeast to north; 21:08:42, aurora has disappeared. 22:12:00, had to dig out entrance. 23: 03: 37, decreased to 33d; 23:03:50.2, 30 seconds for this oscillation; 23:07:32, 40-mile wind and drifting snow, had to dig out entrance; 23:12:52, aurora from northeast to southwest through zenith; 23:13:48, faint auroral light in north ; 23: 14:56, had to dig out entrance; 23: 15:04, ten auroral streams from northeast, not very bright ; 23: 18: 16, clear ; 23: 21: 28, very faint aurora, streaked north- east to southwest ; 23: 21 : 34, aurora growing considerably brighter in east ; 23: 21 : 40, aurora has mottled appearance in east, practically gone in west; 23:21:56, aurora has disappeared entirely in west and increased in east, with vertical streamer from horizon to zenith in east and mottled appearance in south ; 23: 22: 02, aurora has very much diminished to one small spot in northeast, with mottled appearance in southwest increasing ; 23:22:08, checked motion with steel pin ; 23: 22: 24, aurora has disappeared ; 23: 22: 36, aurora east to west through zenith, MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 35 partly mottled and partly moving streamers; 23:22:44, aurora growing stronger in west, snake-like streak in southwest from zenith to horizon, where it is mottled, very faint in north- east ; 23:22:52; snake-like streak northeast to southwest through zenith, also a horizontal streamer 10 above horizon southeast to southwest ; 23: 23: 28, aurora has disappeared. 25, observations were not taken on account special request of Mr. Fiala to be present at Christmas dinner. 26, the fibers were found broken, the suspension tube was taken to the dwelling- house to attach new fibers, meanwhile a strong blizzard came up preventing return to hut. 29:14:46, clear, moonlight. 30:00:00, cloudy; 30:06:14, increasing to 38d in one minute ; 30:06: 22, stops at 29*. 3 ; 30:06: 46, stops at 22 d .o and then continues to decrease to 6:48; 30:07:04, reached 42 d .5 after this reading; 30:07:08, rapidly decreasing to 9 d -5 ; 30:07: 10, increases to 6i d .g ; 30:06: 20, faint aurora through zenith to southwest, fog all along horizon; 30:08: oo, clouded all over; 30:09:54, increased to 39 d . i ; 30:09:24, faint aurora through zenith to northeast and southwest ; 30:09: 56, clear sky, no aurora ; 30: 13: 16, clear and moonlight ; 30: 15: 08, increased to 38d ; 30: 20: 18, clear, moonlight, no aurora ; 30: 23: 44, clouded over. 31 : 21 : oo, overcast and snowing. January, 1904. 1:17:14, snowing. 3:00:00, clear, moonlight night, no aurora. 4:08:00, clear, moonlight, no aurora ; 4:09:58, scale increases rapidly. 5: 12: 14, temperature falling rapidly outside; 5:12:44, aurora in streak 15 above horizon from west to north; 5: 12: 50, faint aurora northeast to southwest through zenith ; 5: 12:56, aurora growing stronger, streak becoming wavy; 5:13:00, aurora growing stronger in northeast, now two streaks; 5:13:12, aurora a series of bands close together northeast to southwest through zenith, stronger in northeast; 5:13:24, aurora growing fainter, particularly in southwest; 5:13:32, aurora stronger in southwest ; 5: 13; 44, aurora growing stronger in northeast ; 5: 14; 02, aurora very faint; 5:14:08, aurora in broad band from horizon to zenith northeast, extremely faint in southwest from zenith to horizon in baud ; 5: 14: 16, aurora in three wavy bands from north- east to southwest through zenith ; 5: 14: 54, aurora has entirely disappeared. 6:04: 18, scale decreases unsteadily; 6:10:00, high wind, snowing; 6:13:08, wind moderating; 6:16:28, calm; 6: 1 6: 20, overcast ; 6: 16: 36, snowing ; 6: 18: 50, calm, overcast, light snow; 6:21:14, temperature rising very rapidly outside. 7: 16:00, easterly wind, about 35 miles an hour; 7:19:42, calm. 8:20:00, easterly wind, about 25 miles an hour. 10:00:26, faint aurora, north wind, 20 miles; 10:06:06, after this small oscillation scale continues to increase. 11:08:30, aurora northeast to southwest through zenith. 12:12:00, overcast and foggy; 12: 15:28, aurora, faint, northeast to southwest, one arch with vertex 60 above horizon in southeast, another streak parallel to arch and above it ending in zenith ; 12: 15: 40, streak and arch have united to form one broad band stronger in northeast. 13:03: ro, magnet vibrating up and down ; 13:03: 14, vertical vibrations have ceased ; 13: 04: 16, magnet vibrating up and down; 13:04:20, clear, light fog on horizon; 13:04:28, vertical vibrations have ceased; 13:05:16, magnet checked with adjusting pin; 13:06:22, clear and calm; 13:07:50, scale continues to decrease after reading of 56 d .5 taken ; 13: 13: 44, arc-shaped aurora from northeast to northwest ; 13: 14: 56, aurora still northeast to northwest and bulk increased by about two ; 13: 15:40, aurora has disappeared ; 13: 16: 16, faint aurora north to west in arch northwest 10 above horizon; 13: 16: 32, aurora very faint ; 13:17:40, aurora has practically disappeared; 13:20:04, faint aurora in streak, northeast to southwest, stronger in northeast; 13:20:24, aurora has disappeared entirely in southwest; 13:20:32, aurora in two arches northeast to southwest, vertices of both in southeast, the one 20 and the other 50 above the horizon ; 13: 20:48, aurora in broad irregular band, northeast to southwest through zenith ; 13: 21: 28, aurora has disappeared ; 13: 22: 26, aurora reappears in two streaks from northeast to south 10 above and parallel to horizon, changing rapidly to mottled appearance ; 13: 22: 30, aurora 3 6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION from zenith northeast to south, snaky streamers with transverse rays; 13:22:38, aurora extremely faint ; 13: 22:44, aurora grows stronger; 13:22:56, aurora very faint ; 13:23:16, 78*. 7 estimated; 13:23:36, aurora growing faint. 15:20:00, clear sky; 15:21:32, hazy along horizon; 15:21:38, overcast. 17:00:00, overcast. 19:12:00, one fiber of the sus- pension broken during observations this day, but it apparently does not touch tube. 20:00:00, broken fiber removed before observations, magnet remaining suspended by but three fibers ; 40 mile wind from southeast, drifting snow; 20:00:26, magnet checked with adjusting pin ; 20: 07: 46, shoveling snow from entrance ; 20: 17: 04, very faint aurora in spots west to south 10 above horizon; 20:18:18, overcast; 20:20:22, calm. 22, observations omitted this day on account of blizzard, wind being 60 to 70 miles per hour. 23:20:00, partly cloudy ; 23: 21: 36, aurora in irregular band from east to south and from horizon to 10 above horizon ; 23:21: 46, aurora growing stronger and moving considerably ; 23: 22: 06, strong aurora from zenith to horizon northeast to south, stronger in east and moving rapidly ; 23: 22: 14, aurora from zenith in all directions, moving rapidly; 23: 22: 24, aurora fainter, it is now in the northeast and southwest to south ; stronger in southwest to south, where it consists of snaky clouds ; 23:22:46, aurora fainter; 23:22:58, aurora in irregular moving circular streaks having their centers in zenith ; 23: 23: 18, aurora in irregular, snaky streak from zenith to northeast and southwest ; 23: 23: 34, aurora in irregular streaks and spots in all parts of the sky; 23:23:56, scale decreases, stopped here and then continues to decrease. 24:02:22, wind rising ; 24: 03: 46, foggy, except in zenith ; 24: 05: 18, wind light ; 24: 06: 30, calm, cloudy, Snow. 25:08:00, overcast. 26:12:00, partly cloudy, wind southeast, velocity 35 miles; 26:13:20, calm. 27:00:00, clear, moonlight night, light wind, no aurora; 27:10:36, hazy 10 above horizon; 27:12:00, sky hazy; 27:14:18, sky clear, except in the south; 27:14:56, scale decreases; 27: 16: 14, calm, clear, moonlight; 27:19:30, thin clouds, stars and moon visible, light wind from east ; 27: 19:50, instrument slightly out of level ; it was probably leveled by striding level which appears level at present but probably has thin snow particles on axis; instrument not disturbed by attempting adjustment since level but slightly out ; fiber hangs free in center of tube ; 27: 21: 40, magnet starts from its quiet phases ; calm, moonlight, faint clouds all over sky but stars visible through them ; 27: 22: 30, scale suddenly increases to this : 27: 24:02, striding level taken off, cleaned, reversed and found to be in good adjustment ; the plate level is slightlv out of adjustment ; the wves appear clear. 28: 16:00, plate level adjusted before observations began; 28: 1 6: 12, very faint aurora northeast from horizon to zenith ; 28: 16:54. aurora has disappeared ; 28: 17:06, very faint aurora in south- west, zenith to horizon; 28: 17:46, aurora has disappeared; 28:18:56, aurora in irregular horizontal streak south to southwest 10 above horizon ; 28: 19:04, no aurora ; 28: 19: 26, after this scale increased to 32*.8 ; 28: 19: 36, aurora in irregular horizontal streak northeast to east 10 above horizon ; 28: 19:44, aurora northeast zenith to horizon ; irregular horizontal band southeast to south-southwest 10 above horizon; 28:19:52, aurora stronger from zenith in all directions northwest to southwest, horizontal streak northeast 10 above horizon. 31, magnet was dropped on floor in afternoon ; 31:01:52, wind rises, no aurora. February, 1904. 2: 12: 20, calm, overcast ; 2: 14:38, scale increased to 38". 9. 3:00:02, scale decreased to 45 a .o, then increased to 66*.o ; 3:00:44, scale stopped a moment here and then continued to 7od ; 3:00:50, scale reached 4od on this swing; 3:01:38, wind has risen; 3:05:12 and 14, scale increases very slowly; 3:07:30, decreasing slowly and irregularly; 3:07:36, wind in squalls, clear in north, moon visible, stars visible in north ; 3:07:44, shovel- ing snow from entrance; 3:08:22, high wind through 20:00; 3:14:46, cloudy; 3:15:50, shoveling snow from entrance; 3: 18:50, wind verv strong, at end observations wind light, 'rom northeast. 4:16:00, high wind, clear overhead, cloudy in south; 4:19:02, almost MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 37 calm, clear overhead, hazy to 30 above horizon. 5:21:06, scale stopped here, then decreased; 5:21: 18 to 22, unable to check magnet with pin, had to stop motion with block and then check with pin; 5:22: 10, aurora in northeast and zenith of irregular shape, light wind, clear overhead; 5:22:38, aurora faint in east; 5:23:12, aurora in faint streaks from zenith to northeast and east. 7:00:06, hazy 20 above horizon, aurora in south; 7:00:24, faint streaks of aurora in south and north ; 7:01:08, arc-shaped aurora from zenith to north- west ; 7:01:24, scale decreasing; 7:01:44, aurora has disappeared, sky overcast, calm, few stars to be seen ; 7:02: 28, faint streaks of aurora from northeast to zenith, more stars visible ; 7: 03: 34, no aurora visible, calm, sky hazy ; 7: 04: 34, scale increasing ; 7:04 142, scale increas- ing. 9: 14:42, daylight ends, about 5 hours' duration ; 9: 15: 24, very faint aurora in north- east. 10:00:00, faint aurora in south at 10 altitude, bank of clouds below; 10:01:06, scale increasing but does not pass 48 d .2; 10:01:52, scale reaches 45 a .5 at 1:53; 10:03:50, scale quiescent at 35*. i and then continues decreasing almost imperceptibly; 10:07:28, wind of 10 miles velocity from southwest, cloudy, no aurora; 10:08:22, scale decreased to 42*. o ; 10:08:34, scale increased about 7 divisions; 10:09:24, scale increasing; 10:10:50, scale decreasing; 10: 12:44, scale increases to 55 d .o ; 10: 16: 38, overcast ; 10: 22: 12, scale decreasing rapidly; scale reads i7 d .i 3122:14.4; 10:22:54, decreasing off scale. 11:19:34, brilliant aurora from northeast to southeast. 12: 20:00, sky clear, no aurora ; 12:22:56, bear trying to break into observatory ; 12: 23: 20, aurora in southeast ; 12: 23:40 to 48, observer investi- gating outside to see if bear is gone. 14:00:00, cloudy, light wind; 14:06:18, scale increased to 6o d .i. '17:01:08, scale decreasing to 2i d .2 ; 17:01:42, scale increased to 64 d -5 ; 17:01:56, scale decreasing; 17:03:00, high wind during balance this day's work; 17: 03: 40, scale decreasing ; 17:05: 58, scale decreasing to 4i d .o after 5: oo ; 17: 06: 42, magnet checked with adjusting pin ; 17: 07: 02, increasing ; 17: 07: 42, shoveling snow from entrance ; 17:08:38, daybreak; 17:08:42, niaguet oscillating vertically, hut perfectly steady in high wind; 17:08: 58, vertical oscillation has ceased; 17:12:08, shoveling snow from entrance; 17: 16: 05, no more alternating on account of snow drifting against entrance to hut. 18: 17: 48, faint aurora in northeast, wavy streak from horizon to zenith ; 18: 18: 22, aurora northeast to southwest through zenith ; 18: 18:48, after this oscillation scale decreased to 3o d .o ; 18: 18: 52, aurora much stronger in northeast where it consists of many irregular bands ; 18: 19: 48, after this scale increased to 42*. 8 ; 18:20:00, magnet dropped from top of pier to floor. 19, high wind throughout observations this day. 20:00:56, very faint aurora. 23, duration of daylight, 8 hours. 24, clear and calm at beginning of observations, wind rising to 60 miles an hour at 7: 10 and continuing until about 14:00, when it began to slacken, being light at end of day's work; 24:07:30, J. V. enters hut, has two small iron rings on person, these are removed; 24:08:08, reading increased on next oscillation to 55 d .2 ; 24:10:32, magnet checked with adjusting pin ; 24: 16: oo, temperature rising rapidly outside all day ; 24: 16: 58, daylight ends ; 24: 19: 26, magnet vibrating up and down ; 24: 21: 48, scale increasing to 55 d .8 at 21:49. 8; 24: 21 : 52, very faint aurora east to southeast ; 24: 22: 38, aurora becoming much stronger and extending from east to south. 28:00:00, sky overcast, revolver placed for first time in far end of sight shaft; 28:00:56, pocket knife found on person and removed ; 28:05: 26 and 28, scale increasing. March, 1904. i: 12:00, partly cloudy and snowing ; revolver not taken to hut. 2:00:00, revolver not taken to hut ; occasional gusts of wind ; 2: 06: 14, daylight begins ; 2: 12: 26, wind increasing; 2:14:18, wind diminishing, clear; 2:16:14, light clouds in south, balance sky clear, moderate wind ; 2: 17: 22, daylight ends ; 2: 19: oo, sky clear, wind very light ; 2: 20: oo, moon rises in east with very distinct four-armed cross through center ; 2: 20: 16, scale increased to 66 d .o ; 2: 20: 20 and 24, magnet checked with adjusting pin ; 2: 20: 30, irregular spiral aurora 3 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION in south and zenith; 2:20:42, very light wind, faint aurora in .south, cross still in moon ; 2: 20: 52, aurora from zenith to east and west ; 2:21: 12, faint aurora in west, dark clouds in east and west ; 2:21: 38, aurora has disappeared, partly cloudy in east, wind light. 3: 16: oo, revolver not taken to hut ; high wind. 4: 20: oo, revolver not taken to hut, aurora in north ; 4: 20: 46, passage to vestibule drifted in so much that observer cannot very well observe weather conditions or aurora. 6, preparations for sledge journey being completed, no time to carry out observations this day. 7, sledge party left this A. M. 9:06: 26, observations interrupted by failure of light. 13:02:46, magnet vibrating up aud down; 13:04:02, daylight begins; 13:06:36, increasing but stopped a moment at this reading. 16:03:42, daylight begins; 16:08: 18, magnet taken out and replaced (not being level in stirrup either way); 16: 12: oo, clear overhead , light fog on ice field ; 16:12:32, scale increasing almost imperceptibly ; 1 6 : 1 6 : 32 , observer can see no cause for this jump of needle; 16:21: 18, daylight ends; 16:22:22, sky clear; 16:22:54, aurora from northeast to zenith increasing in intensity; 16:23:10, very faint aurora in zenith and southwest. 17; 16:00, instrument removed from pier in morning to clean grooves in which foot-screws set. 18: 22:00, wind velocity about 20 miles an hour, sky hazy. 20:00:00, instrument cleaned in morning, revolver not taken to hut; 20:03:28, day- light begins. 21:11:36, revolver not taken to hut; owing to 60 to 70 mile wind hut could not be reached before 11:30. 22: 12:00, revolver not taken to hut; 22: 14: 21, checked mag- net with adjusting pin. 23:00:00, revolver not taken to hut; 23:00:06, magnet checked with adjusting pin; 23:03:18, daylight begins; 23:05:30, wind ceases; 23:06:46, wind in gusts; 23:08: 58, light northerly wind, sky cloudy; 23: 15: 54, wind from northwest; 23:16:04, trouble with light cause of delay in observations; 23: 22: 06, sufficient light to see dwelling distinctly through flying snow; 23: 23: i8 > daylight ends. 24:16:00, revolver not taken to hut. 25:24: 10, fiber broke. 26: 11:30, put in four new fibers. 27:02:46, daylight begins; 27:05:22, decreased to this, stopped, and then increased. 28:08:00, fibers found broken; three new fibers put in and observations started as soon as torsion taken out; fibers again broken during intensity observations and replaced by four new fibers at 23 : oo. 29:13:54, scale increased to 57 d -4 at 13:55.2. 30: oo: oo, sky partly cloudy, north-north- east wind of velocity 48 miles per hour; 30:00: 12, observer found tin box in pocket and put same away where would not affect instruments; 30:06:00, wind decreasing; 30: 12:41.7, scale reached 28 d .7, decreased steadily, stationary for a moment at i6 d .8, decreased to io d .o after reading at 12:46, then increased to i8 d .7, and then oscillated as shown at 12:50; 30: 15: 04, scale decreased to n d .6; 30: 15: 54, magnet vibrating up and down; 30: 20: 02, scale increased to 22 d .9, stopped, decreased to 22*. i; 30: 20: 10.6, scale increased to 5i d .7; 30: 20: 38, increased to 49*. i, stopped, then increased to 5i".9 at 20: 38.9; 30: 20: 44, scale decreased to 38 d .7, stopped, then decreased to 34 d .9 at 20: 44.2; 30:20:46, then increased to 36 d .2; 30:21:13, scale in- creased to 26 d . 2; 30:21:14, decreasing to 28 d .i; 30:21:40, reading 6 d .4 estimated; 30:21:46, daylight ends. April, 1904. 1:20:00, revolver not taken to hut; 1:20:06.5, decreased to 28 d .o. 3:00:00, revolver not taken to hut; 3:00: 36. 4 ( scale increased to 78 d . i; 3:00:38, scale decreased until passed out of field of view; 3:02:26, daylight begins. 4:08:00, revolver not taken to hut ; 4: 10: 58, scale increased to 72 d .9. 5: 12:00, revolver not taken to hut. 6:02:00, sky clear, calm; 6:16:14, instrument slightly out of level. 7:16:00, sky clear, calm. 8 : 20 : oo, sky clear, light north wind. 10 : 02 : 08, scale decreased to 65 d .2 ; 10:03: 20, scale increased to 52*. 2 ; 10: 05:44, reading 78 d .7 estimated. n : 08 : oo, northeast wind of 40 miles per hour velocity. 12: 12:00, revolver not taken to hut ; 12: 12: 08, magnet oscillating up and down. 13:00:00, light southwest wind; 13:07:00, wind south, hazy, light snow; 13:09:12, from quiescence scale decreased; 13:16:59, scale now 2o d .6. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 39 14: 16: oo, sky clear, light north wind. 15:22:20, light east wind, hazy around horizon. 17: 04: 10, magnet checked with adjusting pin ; 17: 07: 02, scale increased to 3i d .3 ; 17: 07: 06, scale decreased to 6 J .y ; 17:07:08, scale increased to 32". 9 ; 17:07: 12, scale increased to 46 d .8; 17:07:20, scale decreased to 2g d .3. 18:08:00, sky hazy, wind variable. 19:12:00, re- volver not taken to hut, calm, sky clear ; 19:15:10, southeast wind rising. 20:00:00, re- volver not taken to hut, southeast wind of velocity 45 miles an hour, drifting snow ; 20: 07: 54, wind velocity now 60 miles an hour. 21: 16:00, revolver not taken to hut, wind southeast and east in gusts; 21:18:10, magnet oscillating- vertically. 22:20:00, revolver not taken to hut, wind south and east-southeast. 24: 00:00, -revolver not taken to hut, wind from southeast. 26:12:00, revolver not taken to hut, wind north and northwest. 27:00:00, revolver not taken to hut, wind northwest ; 27:06:34.5, scale now reads 5O d .8 ; 27: n: 18, no apparent cause for this movement of magnet ; sky clear, light northwest wind ; 27: 13: 20, calm. 28:16:00, after this date revolver no longer taken to hut, wind from northeast. 29: 20:00, wind light north to calm. May, 1904. 1:00:00, sky clear, wind light north to calm. 2: 10: 42, reading increased off scale to about 79 d ; north wind. 3: 12: 18, scale decreased to 49 d -3 ; wind north-northeast to north; 3:13:30, scale decreased to 3O d .8 ; 3:13:34, scale increased to 39 d .9. 4: oo: oo, calm; 4:03:50, partly cloudy around horizon; 4:08:02, calm and clear; 4:09:34, clouding up ; 4: 12: 48, scale increasing almost imperceptibly, but returns to reading at 12: 51 ; 4: 12: 56, scale increasing very slowly to 78 d .6 and returns to reading at 12: 58 ; 4: 14: 50, sun breaking through clouds, clouds disappearing ; 4: 17:20, sky again overcast; 4:22:00, scale decreased to 35 d .o ; 4:22:12, scale decreased to 37 d . i ; wind from northeast. 5:16:00, wind from north-northeast. 6:20:00, wind from northeast, sky overcast, snowing. 8:00:00, wind calm to east; 8:03:38, reading 79. d o estimated. 9:08:00, wind from southeast to east. 10 : 12:00, wind from southeast to calm. 11:00:00, sky overcast, wind from south; 11:08:54, wind has shifted through east-southeast to east, clouds mostly in horizon; 1 1 : 09: 14, scale increasing from 2i d .6 to 22 d .8, then quiescent ; 1 1 : 10: 24, sky again completely overcast; 11:12:10, sun breaking through clouds; 11:16:10, scattering cirro-cumulus clouds, wind has subsided; 11:23:56, magnet oscillating vertically. 12, wind from east. 13:20:00, in turning magnet stirrup slipped and made several turns in fiber, it took until 20: oo to recover plane of detorsion ; wind calm ; 13:20:18, magnet checked with adjusting pin ; 13: 20:36, observer found a pocket knife on his person ; the same was removed outside of hut between 20: 36 and 20: 38. 15, wind from north ; 15 : 02 : 42, scale decreasing ; 15:06:06, scale increased to 49*. 7 ; 15:07:36, reading 7/0 estimated. 17, wind from north- northwest. 18, wind from east, northeast, and north ; sky overcast generally throughout observations; 18:06: 12, scale increasing; 18:09:54, sun appears for a short time. 19, wind from north-northeast to north. 20, wind north, snow ; 20: 20: 15.8, scale increased to 67 d .o. 22, northeast wind. 23, northeast wind; 23:11:47.6, scale decreased to 22 d .3. 24, northeast wind. 25, sky overcast, light southeast and east wind, snowing; 25: 11:38, scale increasing to 42 d .6 ; 25:13:46, scale decreased to 3i d .6 ; 25:13:48, scale increased to 37 d .o and then decreased to quiescence at 13: 50. 26, sky overcast, variable wind. 27, east to south wind, snowing at end. 29, sky overcast, light east-southeast wind increasing in strength to east wind and snow at end ; 29: 01: 26, magnet checked with adjusting pin; 29:07:36, scale increasing. 30, west-southwest wind ; 30:08:04.4, scale decreased to 57*.9. 31, southwest to south-southeast wind at end. June, 1904. i, sky overcast, variable winds; 1:00:14, scale decreasing; 1:05:48, scale increasing; 1:06: 29.1, scale decreased to i6 d .9 and then increased steadily to 64 d .i at 6: 32.2; 4 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION 1:06:41.9, scale increased steadily to 6o d .9 at this time; 1:10:38, fog on horizon; 1:22:00, scale decreased to 53 d .2. 2, cloudy, strong east to north wind. 3, sky generally over- cast, southeast wind. 5, east wind to calm; 5:04: 59, scale decreased to 55 d .5 at this time; 5:05:45.2, scale decreased to 2o d .4 at this time. 6, east-southeast to south-southwest wind. 7, south-southeast wind; 7:12: 18.5, scale increased to 64*. i ; 7: 14: 12, reading 79 d .3 estimated. 8, southeast to southwest wind at end, generally cloudy; 8:04:35, scale increased to 76". 9; 8:05:58, scale increasing to 52". i; 8:05:59.3, scale increased to 6i d .o. 9, southwest wind, snowing, sky overcast, hazy. 12, east to south-southeast wind, sky overcast; 12:04:04, scale increasing; 12:06:22, scale decreasing. 13, east-southeast wind; 13:08:40.5, scale increased to 55*. 9. 14, easterly wind of velocity 40 to 50 miles per hour; snow. 15, sky overcast, east to northeast wind at end; 15:07:44, scale increasing; 15: 10:06, scale increases to 55 d .6, becomes quiescent and then continues to 56 d .3; 15:14:02, scale decreases to 59 d -3; 15: 15:30, first rain of the season begins. 16, west-northwest wind; cloudy; drifting snow. 17, cloudy; west wind. 19, southeast, east, calm to south wind, partly cloudy; 19:03:40, light fog; 19:05:22, scale increased to 52 (1 .o, fog gone; 19: 05: 24, scale increasing; 19:05:26, scale decreasing; 19:06:58, strong south wind. 20, calm to northeast wind. 21, east- southeast to east wind. 22, sky clear, calm. 23, light east-southeast wind. 24, calm. 26, east to southeast to south-southeast wind, cloudy; 26:03:38, raining; 26:06:22, fine hail. 27, southeast wind. 28, partly cloudy, calm. 29 : 09 : oo, calm, foggy, cloudy; 29: 14:40, scale increases to 48 d .5, then decreases to quiescence; 29: 19:54, clear overhead, va- riable wind; 29: 21: 50, east-southeast wind increasing rapidly. 30, southeast wind. July, 1904. i, sky overcast, snowing, northwest wind; 1:21:22.7, scale increased to 53 d -o. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS TABULATION OF MAGNETIC DECLINATIONS OBSERVED AT TEPL1TZ BAY STATION, RUDOLPH ISLAND FRANZ JOSEF ARCHIPELAGO SEPTEMBER 28, 1903, TO JULY 1, 1904 NORTH LATITUDE: 81 47'.4 LONGITUDE EAST OF GREENWICH: 3 h 52 m MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay 43 Monday, September 28, 1903 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, September 29, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d o / O h m d d O 1 O h m d d h m d d o t o 9 oo II 00 46.5 48.0 22 38 12 00 46-3 44-7 22 47 -2.1 14 oo 46.0 43.5 22 48 -2.O 02 02 46.8 48.7 39 O2~ ^9.9 49-4 41 02 48.5 46.3 44 04 04 46.0 47.6 38 04 51-3 Si- o 38 04 49.2 48.0 42 06 06 45-7 47-0 37 -1.6 06 48.5 46 i 44 06 46.6 44.6 47 08 08 45-2 45-3 35 08 46.5 44-3 47 08 45-3 42.6 50 10 10 44-6 45-3 35 10 48.5 46.3 44 10 45-4 42.4 50 12 12 46.0 46.3 37 12 43-4 41-9 52 12 49-3 46.3 44 14 14 44.8 46.0 36 14 42.2 38.5 55 -2.1 14 47-6 44.6 46 -2.0 16 16 44-3 45-3 35 16 43-8 41-3 22 52 16 45-6 43-8 48 18 18 43-7 44-4 33 18 37-6 35-0 23 oi 18 47-3 44-5 46 20 20 45-3 45-6 36 20 4L5 39-1 22 55 20 48.6 46.4 44 22 22 44.6 45.6 35 -1.4 22 42.6 41.2 53 22 48.4 46.6 44 24 24 45-0 45-9 36 24 45-5 43-8 48 24 46.3 44-5 47 26 26 45-3 45- 6 36 26 42.3 40.4 54 26 45-3 44-7 48 28 28 45-4 46.5 36 28 51.8 48.3 40 28 45-4 43-9 48 30 54-5 57-8 22 52 -2.9 30 44-9 46.1 36 30 55.6 51.0 35 -2.0 30 46.7 44.7 47 -1.8 32 53-6 55-0 SO 32 44-3 45-9 35 32 57-0 52.3 33 32 44-0 42.5 Si 34 48.6 50.4 42 34 43-3 45-0 34 34 67.0 57.8 21 34 44.0 42.6 Si 36 45-3 47-0 37 36 44-0 45-3 34 36 63-4 57-7 24 36 46.0 44.5 48 38 Missed 38 U5.3 47-0 37 -1.2 38 57-3 53-2 32 38 44-5 43-0 50 40 47-8 49.2 40 40 39-9 42.8 29 40 50.4 46.4 43 40 46.3 45-5 46 42 49.8 51.6 44 42 42.5 44-4 32 42 65.9 56.2 23 42 46.4 44-3 48 44 46.2 48.6 39 -2.6 44 42.3 44.6 32 44 68.0 52.3 24 -1.8 44 46.5 44-3 47 46 43-4 47-5 36 46 41.0 44.5 31 46 55-0 50.9 36 46 45-5 43-6 49 48 43.6 47-8 36 48 45 . 2 48 . o 38 48 60.8 50.4 31 48 44-5 43-2 So SO 46.0 49.3 39 50 44-3 46.9 36 50 62.4 57.9 24 50 44-9 43-3 49 52 48.0 50.8 42 52 40.6 43.8 30 -i.o 52 60.0 56.3 27 52 45-6 43-6 48 54 45.6 49.0 38 54 37.0 41.3 26 54 57-7 55-0 30 54 46.7 43.0 48 56 45.5 48.5 38 -2.4 56 37.2 40.6 25 56 60.4 58.7 25 56 46.5 43.0 48 58 46.4 48.7 39 58 i 39.4 43.0 29 58 58.0 56.0 29 58 45-6 43.5 48 10 oo 46.6 49.4 40 12 00 42.3 45-6 34 13 oo 57-7 56.7 29 -1.6 15 oo 46.9 44-5 47 02 47-0 49-7 40 02 45.0 46.9 36 02 62.0 59.3 23 02 47-8 45-3 46 04 47.2 50.0 41 04 43-9 46.3 35 04 63.1 60.6 22 04 48.2 45-3 45 06 45.0 48.0 37 06 40.9 43.2 30 06 63.2 60.2 22 06 48.6 45.6 45 08 45-9 47-8 38 08 40.7 43.0 30 08 60.9 59.1 24 08 48.2 45.0 45 10 48.0 50.4 42 -2.2 10 41.9 44.0 32 10 57-7 56.5 29 10 48.0 45.2 45 12 47.0 50.7 41 12 12 58.4 55-8 29 12 48.8 46.2 44 '4 46.9 49.8 40 M 14 59-0 55-6 28 -1.8 14 Si- i 48.1 41 -1-7 16 49-5 52.4 44 16 R. R. T. 16 59-7 56.2 28 16 54-5 50.8 36 18 48.2 50.3 42 18 observed 18 60.2 58.2 26 18 55-3 50.8 35 20 49-8 52.0 44 20 I2h O2m 20 61.4 59-5 24 20 52.5 48.5 39 22 50.6 52.5 45 22 to end 22 57-0 56.2 30 22 54.0 50.2 37 24 51.0 52.4 45 -2.1 24 2 4 53-5 53-3 35 24 54-8 50.5 36 26 58.0 61.3 58 26 26 55-9 54-8 32 26 56.5 47-5 37 28 59.2 61.5 22 59 28 28 54-5 52.5 35 28 54-5 46.1 40 30 62.5 64.2 23 04 30 30 52.3 50.6 38 -1.9 30 49-1 48.4 42 -1.8 32 50.3 51.8 22 44 32 32 Si.6 50.3 39 32 46.8 45.8 46 34 46.0 47.8 38 34 34 48.9 47-3 43 34 46.0 44.6 47 36 47.0 48.3 39 36 36 46.0 45.4 47 36 46.0 45.4 47 38 46.8 48.3 39 -2.1 38 38 49-7 47-5 42 38 46.6 45.4 46 40 45-2 47-5 37 40 40 50.6 49.1 40 40 43-5 43-5 50 42 46.3 48.0 38 42 42 46.7 44.7 47 42 42.0 40.4 54 44 46 44-4 45-2 41.6 43.6 35 31 44 46 3 48-0 45-3 38.3 37-5 45 22 59 -2.O i 43-0 41-5 43-4 38.6 52 22 54 -I." 48 44-0 44-3 34 48 48 36.8 36.6 23 oi 48 36.9 33-9 23 03 SO 45-5 46.3 36 50 50 44-4 43-6 22 50 S 41-6 37-0 22 57 52 45-3 47-0 37 -2.0 52 52 41-3 40.5 54 52 36.9 35.2 23 02 54 48.2 49.3 41 54 41.8 41.5 53 54 42.8 39-5 22 54 56 So.o 51.4 44 56 56 43-2 43.0 51 56 44.7 42.2 51 58 47.6 49.0 40 58 58 44-6 43-4 50 58 44-4 43-0 50 16 oo 46.1 44.7 47 -1.7 Correction to local mean time is + 3h 52m 325. Torsion head at gh 30m read 12 and at end read the same. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from Qh s8m to roh i8m. Correction to local mean time + im 403. Torsion head at nh 55111 read 327 and at end read the same. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T. 44 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, September 30, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, September 30, 1903 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Kight East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d o f h m d d o / O h m d d o / O h m d d o t O o oo 47-2 49.0 22 l6 -5-2 2 OO 51-6 52-9 22 52 -3-6 4 oo 65.8 67.7 23 14 -5-1 6 oo 56.2 58.0 22 59 -5-3 02 47-3 49-5 16 02 51-9 53-4 52 02 67.0 68.4 16 02 71.30 23 22 04 49.8 52.0 20 04 53-3 54-7 54 04 63.1 64.4 09 04 59.4 60.6 04 06 49-3 51-4 19 06 53-0 54-2 54 06 61.1 62.5 06 06 59.6 62.3 j 05 08 Si-3 53-0 22 08 53-6 55.0 55 08 60.4 61.9 05 08 63.9 64.9 II IO 56.5 59-0 31 10 54-7 56.4 57 10 64.9 66.8 13 10 64.6 65.9 12 12 58.0 61.0 34 12 56.0 57.1 58 12 66.5 68.5 15 12 59.1 60.8 04 14 58.2 61.0 34 -5-4 14 55-8 56.8 58 -3-7 14 71.3 72.2 22 -5.2 14 58.2 62.3 04 -5.5 16 57.6 60.4 33 16 56.0 57.2 58 16 66.0 66.2 23 13 16 56.2 58.4 00 18 58.0 60.5 33 18 56.3 57-4 59 18 54-6 56.8 22 57 18 68.7 70.5 19 20 59.4 62.0 35 20 54-i 55-0 55 20 55-6 57-2 22 58 20 61.9 63.5 08 22 60.3 63.2 37 22 53-7 54-7 55 22 57-8 59.4 23 02 22 66.ia 13 24 59-8 62.3 36 24 Si-7 52.6 52 24 SS-i 57-0 22 57 24 58.9 62.4 05 26 60.8 63.2 38 26 52.6 53.4 53 26 60.9 61.4 23 05 26 73-20 23 24 28 59-9 62.3 36 28 53-4 54-8 54 28 64.4 64.8 II 28 55-7 58.0 22 59 30 59.6 61.8 35 -4.8 30 51.2 52.2 51 -3-3 30 61 . 7 62 . 2 07 -5-0 30 71.8 72.8 23 23 "5-7 32 60.4 62.4 36 32 48.6 50.0 47 32 64.4 65.6 12 32 60.0 63.2 23 06 61.3 62.7 38 34 47-5 48.9 45 34 62.6 64.0 09 34 53-7 56.0 22 56 36 59.6 60.5 34 36 46.5 47-9 44 36 67.7 68.3 16 36 57-3 60.4 23 02 38 DI.I 62.4 37 38 45-5 47-0 42 38 64.0 64.3 10 38 59-6 64.8 07 40 6l.8 62.3 38 40 45.3 46.7 42 40 61.9 64.0 08 40 56.1 65.5 05 42 63.0 63.3 39 42 46.7 47-7 44 42 62 . 7 64 . i 09 42 61.7 62.0 07 44 66.4 66.8 45 -4-4 44 44-4 45-3 40 -3-8 44 62.9 64.3 09 -5-1 44 65.8 67.3 23 14 -5-3 46 69.0 70.0 49 46 43-3 43-8 38 46 64.2 64.6 IO 46 50.4 Si.3 22 49 48* 48.5 51-8 48 48 43-3 44-2 38 48 64.9 67.0 13 48 61.8 62.2 23 07 50 48.6 50.9 48 50 42.3 43-0 36 50 62.3 63.8 08 50 65.2 66.2 13 52 51.8 54-8 53 52 40.8 41.3 34 52 57-4 59-0 01 52 64.2 66. o 12 48.5 50.2 47 54 4L5 42.0 35 54 58.5 60.4 03 54 58.3 60.5 03 56 52.2 56.6 55 56 43-7 44-3 38 56 61.7 63.9 08 56 63.0 66.1 II 58 54-i 57-4 57 58 46.1 46.8 42 58 57.1 60.0 23 oi 58 61.6 63.3 08 I OO 52.8 56.9 56 -3-8 3 oo 48.6 49-4 46 -4-2 5 oo 53-9 56.7 22 56 -5-0 7 oo 59-9 62.4 06 -5-8 02 47-3 50.2 46 02 50.2 51.2 49 02 54-8 57-8 58 02 66.2 66.8 14 04 46.5 49.2 45 04 51-9 53-3 52 04 54-7 58.1 58 04 58.9 63.8 06 06 46.2 48.6 44 06 52.5 53-6 53 06 52.9 57-4 56 06 62.3 64.9 09 08 47.6 49.5 46 08 53-7 54-4 54 08 54-3 58.0 58 08 55-7 59-5 OO IO 44-5 45-4 40 10 54-8 55.6 56 IO 51-9 55-4 54 IO 58.5 59-7 O2 12 44-3 46.0 40 12 56.5 56.5 22 58 12 52-4 54-8 54 12 70.30 23 20 14 50.4 51-8 50 -3-6 14 59-8 59-8 23 03 -4-3 14 54-9 58.3 58 -5-0 14 56.8ft 22 59 10 47.6 48.9 45 16 59-1 59.8 03 16 55-9 58.5 59 16 63.2 64.2 23 10 -5-9 18 47.9 49.1 46 18 58.4 59-3 O2 18 54-2 58.0 58 18 60.3 62.0 06 20 51-8 54-5 53 20 58.6 59.4 02 20 56.2 58.0 59 20 62.4 63.2 08 22 49-7 51-5 49 22 59-0 59-9 03 22 52.9 55-7 55 22 62.2 63.1 08 24 50.3 52.4 50 24 60.8 61.5 05 24 52.0 54.3 53 24 64.9 68.1 J4 26 47.4 48.8 45 26 61.7 62.3 07 26 52.8 54-8 54 26 62 . 2 63 . 2 08 28 44.4 46.2 28 62.4 63.2 08 28 54-0 55-8 56 28 66.5 67.4 14 30 47.4 48.8 45 -3-4 30 63.1 63.9 09 -4-5 30 54-3 55-4 56 -5-0 30 6l.9 63.0 08 -6.0 32 49-i Si-7 49 32 63.9 64.9 10 32 Si-3 55-0 53 32 66.0 66.8 14 34 47-1 49.4 45 34 63.3 64.2 09 34 48.3 51.8 48 34 61.9 63.0 08 36 48.2 50.0 47 36 64.2 64.8 ii 36 48.3 52-3 48 36 63-3 64.7 IO 38 51-7 53-6 52 38 65.8 66.8 14 38 49-0 52.9 50 38 62.4 63.2 08 40 51-0 53-3 51 40 64.8 64.8 ii 40 48.0 51.7 48 40 64.2 66.3 12 42 48.4 50.4 47 42 64.8 65.2 12 42 51.6 54-8 22 53 42 64.2 65.3 II 44 48.3 50.7 47 -3-5 44 64.2 64.8 II -4-8 44 56.9 59-7 23 oi -4-9 44 63-3 65.3 IO -6.4 46 49-1 51-0 48 46 62.1 62.8 07 46 50.8 58.8 22 56 46 67.2 68.2 16 48 50.5 52.4 50 48 62.2 62.8 08 48 59-3 63.0 23 06 48 66.2 69.5 16 50 49-7 50.2 48 50 61.4 62.6 07 50 53.6 55-3 22 55 50 68.0 69.3 17 52 49-9 51-2 49 52 61.2 62.3 06 52 52.3 54-1 22 53 52 66.9 70.8 18 51-7 53-0 52 54 57-5 58.0 00 54 61.1 62.0 23 06 54 65.5 68.1 14 56 52.2 53.8 53 56 57-8 59-1 OI 56 63.2 65.4 10 56 66.2 67.8 IS 58 53-0 54-7 54 58 63.5 64.3 10 58 56.9 59-4 01 58 64.2 64.8 ii Observers W. J. P. and R. W. P., who alternated from oh i6m to oh 1 8m. Observers R. W. P. and R. R. T., who alternated 4)1 i8m to 4h 28m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 45 Chr'r time lesday, September 30, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, September 30, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East readings decli . Left Right nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Scale Cur r readings time Left Right East decli- nation Temp C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. d d o / O h m d d o / h m d d o / O h m d d O ' O 64.4 67.5 23 13 -7.0 10 OO 9-4 ii. 3 21 46 12 OO 49- S 52. I 22 34 -6.6 14 OO 42.8 47.8 22 26 -7.1 71.0 71.5 23 21 02 JS-3 18.3 56 -7.6 M -50-5 53-5 36 02 41.1 46.0 23 3^.3 37-3 22 27 04 17.5 18.8 58 04 50.7 53-7 36 04 37-3 42.7 17 37.6 40.0 30 06 12.7 14.7 51 06 56.2 59-3 45 06 41-2 45-3 22 35-9 37-8 27 08 16.5 19.1 58 08 5L7 53-4 37 OS 42.9 47.2 25 32.0 35.5 22 10 12.9 16.4 52 10 43-0 44.9 23 IO 44.4 48.2 27 35.2 38.2 27 12 14.6 18.3 55 12 38.3 40.7 17 12 47-0 50.6 31 36.6 39.8 30 -7.0 14 13-7 16.3 53 -7-8 14 40.0 42.7 20 -6.6 14 48.6 52.4 34 -7.2 34-2 37-3 26 16 13.0 16.5 53 16 46.2 47.7 28 16 43-3 46.6 25 40.8 45.0 37 18 l6.O 21.2 59 18 48.3 50.8 32 18 44.2 47.1 26 33-8 38.3 26 20 12.8 17.0 53 20 45-2 46.4 27 20 45-2 48.2 28 38.0 40.0 31 22 12.5 16.4 52 22 49-3 51-8 34 22 44 8 47.6 27 35-3 36.3 26 24 14-3 18.5 55 24 43.9 46.4 25 24 44-2 46.9 26 29.5 32.1 18 26 8.8 26.0 21 57 26 52.3 54-9 39 26 44-8 47-9 27 32.2 33.4 21 28 10.4 30.6 22 02 28 53-8 56.2 4i 28 45-7 48.2 28 29.9 3i 8 18 -7.0 30 20.4 2\. 5 05 30 50.3 Si.o 34 -6.8 30 47-0 49.2 30 -7.6 28.4 29.5 15 32 15.0 26.0 02 32 45-7 48.2 28 32 48.6 51.0 33 29.4 3i.6 17 34 17.0 24.3 02 -7.0 34 51-2 52.4 36 34 46.1 48.2 28 30.5 34-5 21 36 15.0 25.0 01 36 48.1 49.1 3i 36 45-1 47-2 27 30.5 36.0 22 38 13.5 36.3 09 38 42.2 43.8 22 38 45-8 47.2 28 30.4 37 6 23 40 26.0 35.0 17 40 43-2 43-8 23 40 47.4 48.9 30 27.2 35-8 19 42 22.0 28.9 09 42 42 . 8 44 . 2 23 42 47.9 49.2 31 42.5 44.0 37 -7.0 44 17-4 34-8 n -6.9 44 40.0 40.6 18 -7.0 44 49.1 50.6 33 41-7 Si-3 42 46 13-5 33-5 06 46 45-7 46.0 27 46 49-4 51-4 34 -8.0 26.3 33-4 16 48 11. o 32.5 04 48 43-8 44-5 24 48 48.8 50.4 32 29.5 39-9 24 50 17.5 27.2 05 50 40.5 40.6 18 50 49-7 51-4 34 26.7 33.0 16 52 9-4 29.5 00 52 45-6 45.8 26 52 48.3 49-8 32 23.5 32.8 14 54 12.8 30.3 03 54 47.4 47.8 29 54 48.7 50.4 32 24.9 32.9 15 ^6 19.0 25.6 05 56 48.0 48.8 30 56 45.8 46.9 27 31.4 36.0 22 58* 19.3 25.6 31 58 43-0 45.0 24 58 48.2 49.6 31 24.5 3i.o 13 II OO 15.3 29.0 30 -6.5 13 oo 40.0 41.8 19 -7.0 15 oo So.o 51.3 34 -8.0 37-2 45-8 35 -7.0 02 17.8 27.0 31 02 41-8 43-5 22 02 49.0 50.0 32 22.4 35.8 iS 04 24.5 25.8 35 04 47.6 48.5 30 04 47-4 49.8 31 29-2 35-4 20 06 ii. i 25.7 24 06 49-3 49-9 32 06 47.1 48.3 29 24.8 35.0 16 08 16.0 21.3 25 08 46.6 47.9 29 08 47-3 48.3 30 30.4 35-4 21 IO 42.2 54.6 3i 10 48-9 S0.3 32 to 47.2 48.1 29 29.4 33-8 19 12* 44-7 50.2 29 12 46.4 48.8 29 12 48.2 49.2 31 26.3 31.7 15 14 41.8 50.8 27 -6.7 14 43-6 45.5 24 -7.0 14 48.8 49.6 32 -8.1 24.8 29.4 12 16 31-8 62.3 28 16 44-7 46.3 26 16 48.9 49.8 32 30.6 32.6 19 -7.0 18 43.5 58.3 34 18 45-4 47-6 28 18 48.8 49.7 32 23.8 25.8 08 20 29.8 70.4 33 20 44.4 46.0 26 20 49.4 50.1 33 19.9 22.4 22 O3 22 40.2 48.5 24 22 45-3 46.5 27 22 48.9 49.4 32 14.0 17.0 21 54 24 29.6 59.0 24 24 44-7 46.3 26 24 48.2 48.7 31 17.0 20.3 59 26 19.5 63.8 20 26 47.4 48.2 30 26 48.6 48.8 3i 16.2 19.5 58 28 25.0 57.6 19 -7.0 28 44-8 45-9 26 28 49-0 49-3 32 16.1 18.8 57 -7.0 30 35-5 43-1 16 30 41.2 42.8 20 -6.9 30 49-8 49-9 33 -8.0 9.8 12.2 47 32 27.5 So.o 15 32 41.3 42.7 20 32 49-2 49-5 32 12.2 14.2 50 34 33-5 54-0 23 34 51-8 53-7 37 34 48.5 48.7 31 12.8 15.8 52 36 37-4 56.7 28 36 59-3 60.9 49 36 46.2 46.8 28 14.2 16.5 54 38 47.6 51.2 32 38 46.4 47.0 28 38 45-3 46.1 26 I3.I 16.3 53 40 48.4 53-0 34 40 46.2 46.6 27 40 45-3 46.8 27 12.3 14.6 51 42 46.7 50.7 3i 42 63.5 64.0 54 42 44-9 46.8 26 16.4 16.6 56 -7-1 44 42.8 47.8 26 44 40.2 47.4 23 -6.9 44 42.2 44.0 22 -7-9 iS.S 15.7 54 46 44.8 47.4 27 -7.0 46 51.2 55-0 38 46 42.0 44.3 22 14.4 17.2 54 48 44-2 46.7 26 48 40.6 43.5 20 48 40.8 43.6 21 16.0 17.5 56 50 45-5 48.1 28 50 50.2 54.2 36 50 41.9 45.6 23 16.0 17.5 56 52 45-1 47-2 27 52 52.0 56.9 40 S3 42.3 45.8 24 15.8 16.2 55 54 45.0 48.0 28 54 42.7 44.7 23 1 54 41.3 44.7 22 15-3 iS-6 54 56 49.6 52.4 35 56 28.2 33.0 03 56 43.7 46.3 25 II. 2 14.2 49 58 48.2 51.2 33 58 37.2 42.6 17 58 Overl'k'd Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 8h O2m to Observers R. W. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 8h I4m; W. J. P. and R. W. P., who alternated from nh 48m to to ish 54m. (W. J. P. I2h 48m to 130 24m.) I2h 02m. 4om 4 6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, September 30, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, September 30, 1903 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d / h m d d / O h m d d Of h m d d ' 16 oo 45-1 48.0 22 28 -7-7 18 oo 49-2 51.3 22 33 -7-4 20 oo 45.3 46.5 22 27 22 OO 31.8 43.8 22 39 -6.0 02 46.8 48.7 2 9 02 49-2 52.3 02 45-7 47-3 27 02 36.3 43.2 22 42 04 46.7 49.0 30 04 S0.7 53-2 36 04 45-3 47-5 28 04 51.2 62.O 23 O8 06 47-2 49.1 30 06 50-7 52.8 36 06 44.0 46.3 26 06 37.8 si- 6 22 50 08 46.6 49.3 30 08 Si.i 53-2 36 08 44.0 46.9 26 08 34.0 46.2 43 10 46.9 48.8 30 10 51-3 53-2 36 10 44-7 47-4 27 10 23.2 33.8 24 12 47-8 49.0 30 12 52. i 53.8 38 12 44-7 47-4 27 12 20. 6 30.6 2O 14 47.2 48.8 30 -7-6 14 50.3 Si-9 35 -7-4 14 44-5 46.7 26 14 19.8 29.8 19 ~6.o 16 48.1 49.8 31 16 48.3 50.3 32 16 44-5 46.8 26 -6-3 l6 25.0 28.S 22 18 49-2 51-1 33 18 48.1 51.2 32 18 45.0 47.0 27 18 26.7 30.3 ; 24 20 48.6 50.3 32 20 49.0 52.0 34 20 44.6 46.6 26 20 27.4 30.4 25 22 49-2 51-1 33 22 49-4 52.3 34 22 43-8 45-7 25 22 27.6 3O.6 26 24 48.9 50.8 33 24 49-3 52.3 34 24 37-8 41-2 17 24 29.4 32.3 28 26 48.9 50.8 33 26 50.1 52.6 35 26 41.6 44.5 22 22 26 30.6 32.8 30 28 48.8 50.8 33 28 50-8 53.0 36 28* 38.8 51.3 23 42 28 3I.I 33.0 30 30 48.2 50.9 32 -75 30 51.3 53-3 37 -7.0 30 Overl'k'd 30 30.5 32.5 29 32 47-9 50.6 32 32 50.3 52-3 35 32 33-0 54-5 30 32 31.4 33.3 30 -6.0 34 48-2 51.1 32 34 49-6 56.5 38 34* 14.5 17.0 4 8 -6.2 34 31-4 33-3 30 36 47-8 49.9 3i 36 48.8 50.7 33 36* 35-7 38.8 23 to 36 30.3 31.9 29 38 48.2 49.9 32 38 49-0 Si.o 33 38 18.7 21.3 22 43 38 30.4 32.8 29 40 48.5 50.2 32 40 49-5 Si-4 34 40 15-2 17-4 37 40 32.3 34.3 32 42 48.9 50.4 32 42 SO. 2 52.0 35 42* 34-1 41-8 14 42 32.7 34.5 32 44 49.2 50.8 33 -7-5 44 49-6 51.3 34 44 30.5 36.5 07 -6.0 44 31.6 33-2 31 -6.0 46 49-9 50.3 33 46 49.7 51.2 34 46 29-7 36.0 06 46 28.3 30.3 26 48 49-9 50.4 33 48 49-7 50.4 33 48 33-7 35-3 09 48 28.4 29.6 2S 50 49-9 50.3 33 50 48.3 49-8 32 50 37-2 38.9 14 50 29.3 31. i 27 52 49.2 49.8 32 52 47.6 48.8 30 52 37-1 38.3 14 52 31-1 32.3 30 54 48.9 49-6 32 54 46.4 48.0 29 54 46.8 56.3 36 54 30.8 32.0 29 56 49-2 50.1 32 56 46.6 47.5 28 56 47-4 52.3 33 56 31.2 32.2 30 58 50.6 51.8 35 58 46.0 47.0 28 58 52-7 63.9 46 58 31-8 32.8 30 17 oo 51-9 53.1 37 -7.6 19 oo 45.2 46.6 27 -7-7 21 OO 53.6 60.0 22 44 -6.0 23 oo 32.2 33.3 31 -6.0 02 51-9 52-9 37 02 45-3 47-2 27 02 64 . 8 72 . o 23 02 02 31.0 31.8 29 04 Si.o 51.9 35 04 46.0 47.9 28 04 54.0 58.0 22 43 04 30.6 31.8 29 06 51.8 52.0 36 06 46.2 48.0 28 06* 26.2 29.0 23 13 06 30.5 31.3 28 08 50.6 50.8 34 08 46.2 48.0 28 08 18.0 29.0 23 07 08 29.5 30.i 26 IO 49.2 49.7 32 10 47.0 48.2 29 10* 46.5 49-3 22 37 10 30.0 31.0 28 12 49.8 50.0 33 12 45-3 47-1 27 12 40.6 43.5 28 12 30.2 30.8 28 14 49.6 50.0 33 -7-6 14 46.1 48.5 29 -6.8 14 42.2 43.8 29 -6.0 14 28.3 29.2 25 16 49-9 50.8 34 16 46.6 48.0 29 16 25.3 30.7 06 16 27.7 28.2 24 -5-9 18 50.6 50.9 34 18 48.2 49.2 31 18 32.8 36.0 16 18 27.4 28.1 23 20 49.2 49.9 32 20 48.9 SO.O 32 20 43-5 44.8 31 20 28.0 28.8 24 22 48.9 50.3 32 22 49.2 50.1 32 22 39.8 40.8 25 22 27.4 28.4 24 24 49.0 50.0 32 24 48.7 50.2 32 24 47-2 50.8 39 24 23.4 23.5 16 26 49-9 50.7 34 26 ST. 2 52.6 36 26 45-o 59-7 22 44 26 28.0 29.O 24 28 50-3 50.9 34 28 49-2 50.3 33 28* 53-3 62.7 23 43 28 28.8 29.9 26 30 50.2 51.0 34 -7-5 30 49.4 50.2 33 -6-7 30 47-5 53-5 23 31 -6.0 30 29.6 30.2 27 -5-8 32 50.2 51.0 34 32 49-2 50.5 33 32 15-8 25.8 22 44 32 30.8 3I.I 28 8 49-9 51-0 34 34 49-6 50.9 33 34 25-5 46.3 23 08 34 33-6 33-6 32 36 50.8 52.0 35 36 49-9 Si-i 34 36 32.7 49-0 23 16 36 3S-o 35-0 35 38 50.3 51-4 34 38 50.2 51.5 34 38* 55-4 64.3 24 45 38 33-5 33-9 33 40 Si.i 52.3 36 40 50.6 51.9 35 40 37.0 63.6 24 31 40 32-7 33-3 32 42 Si-4 52.8 36 42 49-9 Si.2 34 42* 21.5 46.5 22 2O 42 31.3 31.5 29 8 S2.I 53-0 51-7 53-7 37 37 -7-5 44 46 48.9 50.4 47-4 48.5 32 30 -6.7 44 46 64.0 66.6 18.1 33-3 23 09 -6.0 22 O7 44 30.0 30.4 46 31.0 31.1 27 29 -5-7 48 50.9 52-7 36 48 46.8 47.8 29 48* 68.0 75.6 24 41 48 31.8 32.6 30 So 50.0 52.0 35 50 47-3 49-0 30 50 ii. 6 38.0 23 28 50 33.8 34.7 33 52 50.1 52.0 35 52 45-6 47.6 28 52* 16.0 34.5 22 19 52 35-0 36.9 36 54 50.4 52.2 35 54 44.9 46.4 26 54 19-3 33-5 21 54 40.5 44.0 46 56 So.i 52.2 35 56 45.2 46.0 26 56 23-3 39-8 29 56 45.2 47.0 S2 58 49-9 51-7 34 58 45-7 47-0 27 -6.5 58 40.6 51.4 52 58 47.0 48.6 22 55 60 57.4 58.1 23 10 -5-5 Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from igh 52m to 2oh o6m. (W. J. P. alternated R. R. T. also from i8h 16111 to i8h 22111 and observed readings from i8h 2401 to i8h 4401.) Correction to local mean time + 375. Torsion head at oh oom read 339 and at 24)1 3001 read the same. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplit." Bay Continued 47 Thursday, October i, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Friday, October 2, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale Chr r readings time Left Right East decli- nation Temp. Chr'r time 1 Scale East readings decli- Left sijtht nation Temp C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d O ' h m d d o / h in d d o / li m d d O 1 . 16 oo 18 oo 52.6 52.0 21 40 -2.9 20 oo 50.8 58.2 22 15 -5.0 22 OO 05-5 67.9 22 35 -4-7 02 3~c 02 52.3 52.0 40 02 49-0 51.1 08 02 64.3 67.6 33 04 n o 1 04 51-4 51-0 41 ! 04 54.6 58.2 18 04 65.3 68.4 35 oS n ~sr 06 50.9 50.6 42 06 55-7 58.2 19 06 65.9 68.6 35 08 E.C n 08 49.9 49.7 44 08 55-4 58.4 19 08 65.4 68.1 35 10 l% 10 49.3 48.9 45 1. 56.9 5S.7 21 IO 66.1 68.9 36 12 R " 3 12 48.1 47.7 47 12 56.2 58.2 2O 12 66.2 69.0 36 14 S-3 f 14 47.0 46.0 49 -3-0 14 54-8 56.6 17 -5.0 14 66.3 69.2 36 -4-4 16 3'e.jj TO [/) 16 44.1 43.6 53 16 53-0 54-7 14 16 64.4 69.7 35 18 P 18 43-9 43-0 54 18 46.4 49.0 OS 18 64.9 69.2 35 20 * ? 20 41.1 40.7 21 58 20 49-7 S2.3 IO 20 64.4 69.0 35 22 n ^ 3, a -.5. 22 39-1 37-8 22 O2 22 51-9 54-5 13 22 65.0 69.0 35 26 s* o n tr 2 24 26 36.5 35-7 34-3 33-7 05 08 26 52.8 54-8 52.7 54-4 14 24 26 65.0 68.6 65.1 68.8 35 35 28 3 ^ 28 35-8 34-8 06 28 54.9 56.0 17 28 66.1 69.0 36 30 3 SlFI" 30 36.8 35-8 05 -3-0 30 55-9 57-7 19 -4.8 30 65.4 68.1 35 -4-3 32 3 " ,52 32.3 31-5 12 32 55-9 57-1 19 32 65.3 69.0 35 34 "> i-h^> 34 31.8 30.6 13 34 55-3 57-0 18 34 65.3 69.0 35 36 w re" 3 36 32-4 31-2 12 36 54-9 56.3 17 36 64.9 68.4 34 38 38 32.3 30.5 13 38 55-4 57-6 19 38 64.1 67.8 33 40 1 1 40 30.4 28.8 15 40 56.2 58.7 20 40 65.0 68.5 35 42 5'2. 42 33-4 31.8 II 42 55-6 58.1 19 42 65.9 69.0 36 44 3 ~ 44 36.5 35-3 06 44 53-7 56.i 16 -4-7 44 66.0 69.4 36 -4.1 46 ^ i-*. 46 34-o 33-6 09 -3-0 46 54-9 56.0 17 46 65-9 67.3 34 48 fj ,. c/> O 48 38.5 37-3 O2 48 57-3 58.9 21 48 65.7 67.0 34 So 50 39.0 38.6 22 OI So 57-0 58.4 2O 50 65.9 67.4 34 52 O ""* C ^ 52 40-8 39.4 21 59 52 55-9 57-1 19 52 65.3 67.0 34 54 54 40.1 38.8 22 00 54 56.9 58.2 2O 54 64.3 65.9 32 56 56 40.1 38.4 00 56 56.8 57-8 2O 56 63.8 65.1 31 58 58 40.1 38.8 00 58 56.9 58.1 2O 58 63.9 64.6 3i 17 oo 57-0 51.5 21 37 -3.0 19 oo 38.5 37.4 02 -2.9 21 00 55-3 56.8 18 -4-8 23 oo 63.1 64.0 30 -4.0 02 58.8 52.0 35 02 38.8 37.0 02 02 58.2 60. i 23 02 63.5 65.3 31 04 56.8 55-2 34 04 40.1 38.3 22 OO 04 61.0 62.3 27 04 64.9 66.9 33 06 56.5 55-3 34 06 40.8 39.2 21 59 06 61.9 64.0 28 06 65.3 67.3 34 08 54-5 53-5 37 08 42.5 41.0 56 08 60.7 62.4 26 08 65.2 67.5 34 IO 53-3 51-9 39 IO 41.1 39.8 58 10 61.0 68.0 31 IO 64 . 9 67 . o 33 12 54-6 53-5 37 12 4I.I 4O.I 21 58 12 61.2 63.0 27 12 63.9 66.3 32 14 56.0 54.4 35 14 39.9 38.4 22 00 14 60.9 62.0 26 -4.8 14 62.7 65.0 30 -4.0 16 58.3 57-5 31 -3.0 16 39.7 38.0 oi 16 60.7 62.3 26 16 66.9 68.0 36 1 8 58.3 57-0 3! .8 39-9 38.6 22 OO 18 61.5 63.1 28 18 65.6 67.5 34 20 58.1 56.8 32 20 40.7 39.6 21 59 20 61.5 63.3 28 20 60.9 61.4 26 22 59-0 58.0 30 22 40.9 39.6 21 59 22 61.5 63.2 28 22 60.9 62.0 26 24 58.6 57-7 24 4O.I 39.O 22 OO 24 62.5 64.1 29 2 4 59-3 60.4 24 26 58.9 58.4 30 26 39-1 37.9 01 26 63.2 65.1 30 26 60.5 61.6 26 28 61.6 60.5 26 28 37-3 36.5 04 28 63.2 65.2 31 28 62.0 64.2 29 30 61.1 60.0 27 -3.1 30 37.8 36.8 03 -2.4 30 63.7 65.0 31 30 64.4 65.9 32 -4.0 32 63.0 62.0 24 32 37-7 36.8 04 32 64.0 65.3 31 32 63.8 67.0 33 34 62.8 62.0 24 34 36.6 35.7 05 34 63.5 64.0 30 34 63.0 66.2 31 36 60. i 59.6 28 36 35-8 34-9 06 36 64.0 64.1 30 36 63.0 66.0 31 38 62.4 6.1.9 24 38 V u 1 ^ 35-6 34-6 07 38 63.9 64.0 3 38 63.2 66.0 31 40 57.1 56.4 33 40 35-8 34.7 07 40 62.9 63.3 29 40 62.2 64.9 30 42 55-2 54.7 36 42 35-5 34-4 07 42 62.2 63.0 28 42 61.9 64.5 29 44 54-8 54-4 36 -2.9 44 35-7 34-7 07 -2.3 44 61.5 62.6 27 -5-0 44 63 . 3 65 . 8 31 -4.0 46 55-6 54-9 35 46 36.3 35-3 06 46 61.5 62.6 27 46 63.9 65.6 31 48 56.1 55.6 34 48 36.8 36.0 05 48 62.9 64.0 29 48 64.2 65.9 32 50 56.i 55-2 35 50 37-0 36.6 04 So 62.9 64.2 30 50 64.6 66. o 32 52 55-0 54.3 36 52 37-6 36.9 04 52 63.6 65.0 31 52 64.8 66.9 33 54 54-3 53-8 37 54 37-7 36.9 03 54 63.0 65.8 31 54 65.9 67.1 34 56 52.8 52.2 39 56 37-6 37-0 03 56 64.2 66.8 33 56 66.3 69.9 37 58 52-9 52-2 39 58 37-0 36.7 04 58 65.0 67.3 34 58 66.8 68.1 36 -2.8 20 00 36.0 35.8 06 -2.0 60 67.0 69.2 37 Correction to local mean time im O2s. 90 torsion = 20/6. Torsion head at 7h oom read 72 and at 2oh 26111 read 89, Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im o6s. Torsion head at igh 45111 read 222 and at 24h 2om read the same. Observer R. R. T. Of THE UNIVERSITY \ OF 4 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, October 4, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, October 4, 1903 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale East readings decli _ lnp. Left Right llation Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale g ast t readings decH . Temp. Left Right nation Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d ' h m d d o / o h m d d ' h m d d ' ' O o oo 53.1 50.0 22 38 2 00 46.3 45-2 22 47 -7.8 4 oo 48.5 56.3 22 34 6 oo 30.5 34-3 22 40 -7-9 02 55.6 52.2 34 -10.3 02 46.1 44-7 47 02 46.3 48.0 26 -7.3 02 52.6 54.3 23 13 04 Overl'k'd 04 46 . 2 44 . 8 47 04 44.O 44.8 21 04 41.0 48.6 22 59 06 58.2 57-8 27 06 45-1 43-2 49 06 45.7 46.8 24 06 32.1 36.0 22 42 08 56.5 54-9 31 08 44.1 42.0 51 08 54.7 54.8 38 08 49.9 52.9 ; 23 09 10 55-1 54-2 33 10 42.6 40.3 53 10 60.8 61.7 48 IO 54-2 59.0 18 12 55-7 54-7 32 12 4I-I 39-5 55 12 53-3 55-2 37 12 45.9 50.7 23 05 14 56.1 54.1 32 -ID. o 14 42.1 40.0 54 -7-7 14 54-2 55-8 38 -7.1 14 40.9 44.0 22 55 -8.0 16 55.1 52.2 34 16 41-3 39-2 55 16 57-2 57-4 42 16 39-2 42.8 53 18 55-3 52.0 34 18 43-1 40.2 S3 18 60.9 61.9 48 18 40.6 42.0 54 20 54.8 51.9 35 20 46.1 43-5 48 20 63-9 65.1 53 20 41.0 42.6 22 54 22 51.8 48.9 39 22 47-0 44.5 47 22 63-9 65.1 53 22 45-1 45-9 23 oo 24 50.7 48.0 41 24 47-9 45-4 45 24 62.2 64.2 51 24 46.2 47.9 03 26 50.3 48.2 41 26 48.0 46.0 45 26 63-1 65.9 53 26 50.2 52.0 09 28 48.6 46.3 44 28 48.2 46.3 44 28 63-5 66.3 54 28 53-7 54-2 13 30 47.0 45.3 46 -9.4 30 49.0 47.0 43 -7.8 30 63.2 66.0 53 -7.3 30 58.9 61.3 23 -8.0 32 47.1 45.2 46 32 50.0 48.2 41 32 61.2 64.9 51 32 54.9 56.2 16 34 4*5-5 45-0 46 34 50.0 48.2 41 34 58.9 62.0 47 34 66.3 69.3 35 36 47.5 44-8 46 36 49-5 48.0 42 36 59.2 62.0 47 36 64.9 66.7 32 38 49.1 45.8 44 38 49.5 48.6 42 38 63.9 66.8 54 38 65-1 65.9 32 40 49.1 45.9 44 40 50.3 49.0 41 40 62.2 64.6 51 40 65.7 66.8 33 42 48.2 45.0 45 42 51.0 49.7 40 42 63-2 65.7 53 42 57-9 60.2 21 44 48.4 45.0 45 -8.9 44 Si.o 50.3 39 -7.8 44 61.6 64.4 51 -7.5 , 44 6l.8 62.5 26 -8.0 46 48.1 45.6 45 46 49-4 48.5 42 46 66.6 69.9 22 59 46 58.6 58.8 1 21 48 49-0 45-3 44 4 8 49.2 48.0 42 48* 52.8 55.8 23 14 48 47.8 50.3 | 23 06 SO 49.0 45.6 44 50 49.8 48.8 41 SO S7-6 59-4 21 Si* 59.0 63.0 | 24 oo 52 49.3 46.0 44 52 48.6 47.3 43 52 52.0 54.8 13 52 47.2 51.0 23 42 54 48.1 44.9 45 54 48.4 47-2 43 54 50.4 52.5 10 54 39-7 42.3 23 29 56 48.0 44.9 46 56 48.6 47.2 43 56 54.2 54.4 14 56 19.0 22. O 22 57 58 49.0 46.3 44 58 48.8 47.6 43 58 62.7 63.3 28 58 33-i 34-0 23 17 I OO 49.6 47.0 43 -8.7 3 oo 49.3 48.0 42 -8.0 5 oo 65.5 66.5 32 -7.5 7 oo 32.2 37.0 19 -7.8 02 47-2 44.0 47 02 48.5 47-4 43 02 69.8 70.0 38 02 25.1 28.2 07 04 50.0 47.0 42 04 48.0 47.0 44 04 71.9 72.6 42 04 24.8 27.9 06 06 49-1 45-2 44 06 48 . 2 47 . o 44 06 69.8 70.3 39 06 21.0 25.7 23 oi 08 50.7 47-2 42 08 49.8 48.8 41 08 63.0 65.6 30 08 2O.3 22.8 22 58 10 51.7 48.1 40 10 51.2 50.6 39 10 64.0 67.2 32 10 I3-I 17-9 49 12 48.5 45.0 45 12 50.6 49-9 40 12 64.3 66.8 32 12 13.1 16.8 48 14 51. i 47-3 41 -8.3 14 48.6 47.6 43 -8.0 14 62.2 65.8 29 -7.6 , 14 16.8 18.8 S3 -7-5 16 50.5 47-9 4i 16 47-6 47-0 44 16 61.7 63.9 27 16 12.5 19.0 49 18 51.4 49-5 39 18 48.4 47-2 43 18 56.7 59.0 20 18 10.8 16.0 46 20 46.0 44.1 48 20 48.0 46.8 44 20 52.4 54.6 13 20 12.5 18.0 49 22 56.0 54.2 32 22 48.3 47-2 44 22 45.5 47.0 oi 22 18.0 20. o 55 24 54.1 52.9 34 24 48.8 47.6 43 24 45-9 47-3 02 24 12.5 14.0 45 26 42.8 42.7 51 26 49.1 47-0 43 26 43.9 47.0 23 oo 26 5.0 10. o 36 28 48.5 46.3 44 28 47-4 45-6 45 28 39.2 42.8 22 53 i 28* 36.9 40.8 40 30 53-6 52.2 35 -8.0 30 45-8 43-7 48 -8.0 30 37-0 39-9 49 -7-8 30 38.5 44-3 44 -7-5 32 55- 1 53-0 34 32 44 . o 42 . 6 50 32 40.9 43.1 55 32 43-4 46.4 49 34 53.8 52.0 35 34 43.8 42.2 Si 34 35-9 37-3 46 34 46.8 51.8 22 56 36 Si-3 50.0 39 36 45-0 43.2 49 36 31.1 33.7 40 36 Si-2 54-3 23 02 38 47-1 45-7 45 38 46.0 44.9 47 38 36.1 38.0 47 38 57-0 60.5 23 II 40 47.7 47.0 44 40 47-0 45.5 46 40 39.1 41.0 : 52 40 46.2 49.4 22 54 42 50.8 50.6 39 42 47-3 46.0 45 42 42.9 44.6 22 57 42 46.3 Si.S 56 44 56.0 50.3 35 -8.0 44 48.9 47-2 43 -7.8 44 45.6 48.1 23 02 -7.7 44 39.4 45.4 45 -7.6 46 50.1 48.4 41 46 47-5 45-o 46 46 40.9 44.0 22 55 46 38.3 43.8 43 48 49.0 47.4 43 48 44-0 41.1 52 48 38.9 42.9 53 48 38.8 45.8 45 SO 49.1 47.4 43 50 42.0 39.9 54 50 40.2 45.4 : 22 56 50 43.5 49.1 52 52 50.0 48.4 41 52 42.1 40.0 54 52 43-9 48.1 23 oi 52 44.6 51.5 54 54 56 50.2 48.7 41 54 46.1 45-8 46 56 47-1 44-6 48.2 46.1 47 45 54 56 37.0 39.2 22 49 54 39.2 46.8 22 56 56 40.6 47.7 48 47-8 55-0 i 59 58 46.4 45.1 47 58 46.6 44.9 47 58 58.2 60.7 23 22 58 41.6 46.8 48 -7-5 8 oo 46.7 48.5 53 Observers R. R. T. R. R. T. to 3h 46m.) (W. J. P. 2h 44m to 3)1 24m, alternated Correction to local mean time + im 095. Torsion head at 23)1 oom read 219 and at 8h 15111 read the same. Observers R. R. T. (W. J. P. 7h I4m to 8h 2om, alternated R. R. T. to 8h 32m.) MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Tcplits Bay Continued 49 Monday, October 5, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, October 6, 1903 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right d'ect *-* nation i Chr , r S( V? le East readings i rfecli- tlme Left Rfcht """ion Temp C. Chr'r time Scale East readings rfecli- mp. Left Right nation Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. i h m d d Of h m d d ' o h m d d h m d d t 8 oo 40-5 38.4 22 34 10 00 46.3 36.8 22 31 -9.6 '2 00 33-9 39-8 22 26 -6.2 14 oo 25-5 27.4 22 08 -6-5 02 39-3 37-5 36 -12.2 02 42.1 30.9 39 O2 35.1 41.3 28 02 24-9 26.5 07 04 35- 5 3L3 44 04 45.8 34.3 33 4 35.1 41.6 29 04 26.0 27.2 08 06 38.3 35-0 39 06 44.3 35.0 34 06 37.5 43.0 32 06 26.4 27.6 09 08 37-4 30.8 43 08 44.8 36.5 32 08 35.0 39.8 27 08 28.2 29.8 12 10 39-3 35-3 38 io 43.6 36.3 34 I2_ 36.2 39.3 28 io 29.5 30.5 13 12 39-0 34-3 39 12 44.0 34.6 35 12 34.9 38.0 26 12 29.1 30.4 13 14 40.0 37.0 36 -12.2 14 43.0 34.4 36 -8.8 14 33-0 37.7 24 -6.3 : 14 30.5 31-8 15 -6.3 16 43-3 38.3 32 16 42.0 34.0 37 16 38.2 43.9 32 16 28.3 29.1 ii 18 47-6 45.9 23 18 45.9 38.2 30 1 8 37-9 43-9 32 18 26.6 28.0 09 20 42.S 38.3 33 20 46.8 37.3 30 20 36.4 40.9 28 20 23.9 25.8 05 22 47.1 41.1 27 22 40.1 37.4 36 22 32.9 38.1 23 22 22. O 24.7 03 24 57-3 48.6 13 24 38.8 37-8 36 24 23.2 24.8 22 05 24 21.2 24.2 02 26 44-i 39-7 30 26 38.9 36.9 37 26 14.2 24.4 21 58 26 21.8 24.8 22 O3 28 38.3 33-8 40 28 38.1 35.3 39 28 14.3 23.2 21 57 28 19.0 21.6 21 58 30 27.2 23.1 57 -n. 9 30 40.9 39.0 34 -8.1 30 19.3 25.7 22 03 -6.4 30 24.0 26.2 22 06 -6.3 32 37-6 35-5 39 32 38.0 36.2 38 32 23.5 32.2 II 32 22.1 26.0 04 34 42-6 39.3 32 34 38.5 36.7 37 34 25-9 32.1 13 34 29-0 33-1 15 36 Si-3 45-4 20 36 39.1 36.9 37 36 26.8 34.8 16 36 27-5 30.8 22 12 38 43.3 38.2 32 38 39-3 36.4 37 38 26.0 33.2 14 38 18.0 21. i 21 57 40 43-3 38.3 32 40 41.9 40.0 32 40 27.9 34.8 17 40 20.9 24.8 22 O2 42 45-3 4i-i 28 42 43.0 40.0 31 42 31.0 35.0 19 42 29.9 32.4 IS 44 41.9 38.6 33 -".2 44 41.8 39.8 32 -8.0 44 34.3 35-9 22 -6.5 44 28.2 31.0 12 H5.3 46 43-5 39-2 31 46 43.9 40.1 30 46 30.1 34.0 18 46 29.0 30.3 12 48 42.9 39-2 32 48 46.1 41.1 28 48 27.0 31.0 13 48 29.8 32.0 14 SO 38.3 35-2 39 50 44.0 38.9 31 So 28.7 33.1 16 So 28.7 31.0 12 52 44-5 43-0 28 52 43-0 37-8 33 52 24.6 29.8 io 52 28.3 30.9 12 54 39-0 32.9 40 54 45-0 39-1 30 54 22.8 23.4 O4 54 28.1 30.8 12 56 37-4 37-2 38 56 43-9 37-3 32 56 25.8 30.1 II 56 27.9 30.3 II 58 44.0 43.0 28 58 43.1 38.0 33 58 21.3 22.3 02 58 26.0 29.0 09 9 oo 40.0 39.2 34 -10.9 ii oo 44.1 38.8 31 -7.7 13 oo 21.2 23.0 02 -6.6 15 oo 25.6 28.0 08 -6.2 02 43.6 41.2 30 02 Ovcrl'k'd 02 24.1 27.8 08 02 23.8 27.0 05 04 46.1 43.1 26 04 41.9 36.6 35 4 26.2 30.9 12 04 25.0 28.0 07 06 41.9 39.2 33 06 39-8 35-4 37 06 27.2 31.3 13 06 21.9 24.8 02 08 38.2 34.1 40 08 44.1 37.5 32 08 24.8 29.0 io . 08 23.7 29.0 07 IO 47.1 39.2 29 io 43.0 37.2 33 10 26.2 3O.O 12 10 25.7 31.2 10 12 48.1 46.1 22 12 41.0 36.5 36 12 28.0 31.5 14 12 25.2 31.8 IO 14 41.1 36.8 35 -10.6 14 42.0 36.2 35 -7.2 14 27.2 32.8 14 -6.5 .; 14 24.0 30.0 07 -6.2 16 39-1 32.6 40 16 40.1 34.3 38 16 26.8 30.3 12 16 22.9 28.3 05 18 48.3 41-2 26 18 38.2 34.6 39 18 25.6 30.6 II 18 22.8 28.0 05 20 46.2 37.6 3i 20 37.8 33.9 40 20 25.6 30.6 II 20 24.O 29.1 07 22 44.0 39.2 3i 22 37-8 33.1 41 22 25.3 24.8 06 22 25-5 30.8 09 24 44-0 39-9 3i 24 36.9 32.1 42 24 26.3 31.2 12 24 26.8 3I.I 10 26 46.6 43-3 26 26 41.9 36.1 35 26 24.7 29.3 io 26 28.1 32.0 12 28 40.4 37.0 36 28 42.9 36.1 34 28 22.0 27.0 06 28 28.5 32.0 12 30 40.0 36.7 36 -10.3 30 39-0 33-8 39 30 21.0 25.8 04 -6.6 30 27.8 31.0 II -6.1 32 41.0 34.9 37 32 40.3 34.2 38 -7-3 32 19.7 23.6 22 01 32 27.0 30.6 10 34 42-5 38.9 32 34 42.8 36.9 34 34 13.5 18.0 21 52 34 28.0 30.5 II 36 45-0 39-4 30 36 43.6 36.8 33 36 19.0 23.7 22 OO 36 29-3 31-9 13 38 43-8 39.8 31 38 43-7 37-3 33 38 20.8 24.9 03 38 28.7 31.2 12 40 37-3 32.1 42 40 41.0 35.7 36 40 19.2 23.3 22 OO 4O 28.6 3I.I 12 42 4S-2 37-3 32 42 38.9 34-5 39 42 l8.5 21-9 21 58 42 28.1 3O.2 10 44 4S-i 34-8 34 -io. i 44 40.0 35-2 37 -7-5 44 21.5 24.6 22 03 -6.5 44 28.8 30.7 II -5-9 46 45-0 35-5 33 46 43. c 38.1 33 46 22.8 25.6 OS 46 29.2 30.2 II 48 44.0 34.9 34 48 42.9 36.9 34 48 23.2 25.0 O4 48 29.8 30.8 12 SO 40.8 31.7 39 50 43.4 37.0 33 So 23.3 25.6 05 50 29.O 30.6 II 52 42.0 31.1 39 52 45.9 40.2 29 52 22.8 24.8 04 52 29.6 30.5 12 54 44.0 29.0 39 54 47-0 40.2 28 54 24.5 27.0 07 54 30.7 31-9 14 56 47-0 35.2 32 56 40.9 36.7 35 56 28.O 30.6 12 56 31-2 32.3 14 58 44-0 31-9 37 58 41.7 35.4 36 -7-6 58 27.3 29.4 II 58 31-8 33-1 IS 12 00 41.3 35.5 36 16 oo 31-2 32.7 14 Correction to local mean time is + im 02s. Torsion head at 8h oom read 210 and at the end read the same. Observers W. J. P., R. R. T., and F. L. Correction to local mean is + 585. 90 torsion = 25/1. Torsion head at I2h oom read 216 and at i6h 35m read 233. Observer R. R. T. (W. J. P. I3h I2m to I4h O2m, alternated R. R. T. to I4h 14111.) SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, October 7, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, October 7, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right nation Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d / h m d d / h m d d 1 o h m d d o t OO* 53.0 51.8 22 l6 2 00 30.1 28.7 22 52 -5.8 4 oo 49-8 49-1 22 21 -6.3 6 OO 33-2 30.0 22 48 -6.5 02 51.6 49.8 18 -6.8 02 39-0 38.3 37 02 51.3 50.2 18 02 39-4 36.0 39 04 49.6 47.8 21 04 45-5 42.2 29 04 50.3 49-7 19 04 42.1 36.6 36 06 49.5 48.2 21 06 40.8 37.9 36 06 42.4 41.8 32 06 37-3 33-9 42 08 50.4 48.3 20 08 42.3 40-3 33 08 41-2 40.3 34 08 32 . 2 28 . 9 22 50 10 47-8 45-7 24 10 43-4 41-5 31 10 38.0 36.3 40 IO 25.8 20.6 23 02 12 45-5 43-0 28 12 46.4 44.2 27 12 41.2 39.0 35 12 45.8 36.1 22 34 14 44.0 41.0 31 14 45-1 43.3 29 -5.9 14 43-9 42.9 30 -6-3 14 48.3 40.2 29 -6-5 16 42-5 38.8 34 -6.5 16 46.1 43-2 28 16 41.8 40.8 33 16 39-9 35-8 39 18 41-2 39-2 35 18 43-9 42-2 30 18 39-7 37-8 37 18 Overl'k'd 20 45-0 44-0 28 20 39-8 37-7 37 20 39-9 38.6 36 20 Overl'k'd 22 35 22 36.9 35-4 41 22 39-2 36.7 39 22* 22. l6.O 45 2 4 46.8 38.8 3i 24 33-3 31-7 47 24 37-0 35-5 41 24 Overl'k'd 26 37-8 35-7 40 26 36.1 32.6 44 26 33-9 31-3 47 26 25.9 20.2 39 28 43-2 41-8 28 42-2 39-4 34 28 31.9 29.0 50 28 20.8 15.2 47 30 40.8 39.0 35 -6.0 30 39-6 36.7 38 -6.1 30 30.9 28.0 52 -6-3 30 I5.I 12.2 22 53 -6.4 32 39-1 36.6 38 32 40.3 37-7 37 32 30.9 28.9 51 32 10.8 8.4 23 oo 34 41.8 39.0 34 34 44-7 41-8 30 34 31.2 29.3 51 34 24.6 21.8 22 38 36 45.6 44.0 27 36 49-2 45-8 23 36 32.9 30.3 48 36 29.8 22.6 34 38 45-6 45-1 27 38 45-6 42.5 29 38 31.8 29.6 50 38 21. l8.2 44 40 41.8 41-3 33 40 40.8 37.7 36 40 32.1 29.2 50 40 13-3 9-2 57 42 38.1 37-0 39 42 42.8 40.4 32 42 36.0 33.8 43 42 13-0 9-9 57 44 36.4 34-8 42 -5-8 44 44.1 41.8 30 44 39-0 36.6 39 -6.3 44 21.5 16.8 45 -6.0 46 39.2 36.0 39 46 42.2 39-5 34 -6.1 46 37-4 35-0 41 46 24.0 17.9 42 48 33-0 32.8 46 48 38.2 36.1 40 48 37-3 34-2 42 48 14.7 9.9 55 So 39-3 35-8 39 50 35-6 33-0 44 50 37-0 34-0 42 50 19.1 ii. i Si 52 41-7 39-1 34 52 34-7 32.0 46 52 38.8 35.3 40 52 16.9 8.8 55 54 40.8 38.8 35 35-4 32.5 45 54 39-2 36.7 38 54 22.1 l8.9 43 56 39-2 36.6 38 56 36.0 33.2 44 56 43-8 41-2 31 56 Overl'k'd 58 37-4 34-9 41 58 34-6 32.2 46 58 38.9 35-6 40 58* 61.1 60.6 36 I OO 35-9 35-3 42 -6.0 3 oo 31.7 28.8 50 -6.2 5 oo 37-0 34-5 42 -6-3 7 oo 61.8 60. i 36 -6.0 02 35-7 34-0 43 02 26.1 23.2 22 59 02 37-0 33-5 43 02 60.9 58.1 38 04 39-9 38.5 36 04 18.8 16.1 23 ii 04 34-7 32.0 46 04 63.8 61.0 34 06 42.8 41.6 32 06 20.2 I7.I 23 09 06 30.4 37-8 44 06 57-1 55-9 43 08 42.4 41.1 32 08 28.2 24.2 22 57 08 28.1 26.2 55 08 60.4 59.0 38 10 42.3 40.7 33 10 36.3 33.4 43 IO 26.8 24.7 58 IO 58.7 56.8 12 42.6 40.6 32 12 30.2 27.2 53 12 32.0 29.2 50 12 58.1 56.8 41 14 43-1 41-5 31 -5.8 14 32.1 28.3 50 -6.2 14 29 . i 26 . 9 54 -6.4 14 56.2 53.5 46 -6.2 16 43-3 41-2 32 16 34-5 30.8 47 16 27.0 25.3 57 16 55-5 53-6 22 46 18 44.0 42.6 30 18 34-2 31.1 47 18 28.0 26.1 22 56 l8 42.8 40.5 23 06 20 43.7 42.8 30 20 33-8 31-1 47 20 24.6 23.1 23 OI 20 48.1 44.1 22 59 22 42.8 41.3 32 22 36.6 34.1 42 22 23.8 22.4 23 O2 22 48.0 47.2 22 57 24 38.8 37.8 38 24 39-0 37-3 38 24 35-7 35-4 22 42 24 41.2 40.7 23 07 26 43-2 42.7 31 26 41-9 39-7 34 26 25.9 24.1 59 26 46.5 44.1 00 28 41.7 41.0 33 28 36.9 34-4 42 28 25.8 24.4 22 58 28 43-9 41-3 05 30 50.2 50.1 19 -6.0 30 32.0 29.3 50 -6.3 30 21.9 20. o 23 05 -6-5 30 47-4 43-9 oo -6.4 32 51-3 Si-i 17 32 29.8 27.2 53 32 13.9 12.7 17 32 47.2 44.1 23 oo 34 47-4 46.7 24 34 31.2 29.3 50 34 18.7 16.0 ii 34 47-9 45-0 22 59 36 53-3 52-5 15 36 32.9 30.7 48 36 22 . 20 . 6 23 04 36 45-7 38.4 23 06 38 47-6 47-4 23 38 33-8 31.8 46 38 30.1 29.9 22 51 38 SO.i 45.1 22 57 40 48.6 48.2 22 40 34-9 33-2 44 40 36.0 33-7 43 40 57-2 51- i 47 42 50.5 SO.i 19 42 35-5 33-8 43 42 39-9 38.2 37 42 63.8 58.9 35 44 49-4 49-3 20 -5.8 44 34-8 33-3 44 -6.3 44 41.0 38.3 36 -6.5 44 63.8 58.9 35 -6-5 46 51-8 50.7 18 46 37-0 36.0 41 46 41.0 40.8 34 46 63.0 56.0 38 48 44.4 44.0 28 48 41-3 39-0 35 48 38.8 37-4 22 38 48 68.0 58.7 32 50 40.6 40.2 34 50 45-0 44-4 28 So 25.2 22.5 23 oi 50 71.2 65.0 25 52 39-2 39-1 36 52 38.7 37-8 38 52 22.8 22.0 23 03 52 68.4 67.2 25 54 32.4 32-3 47 54 38.4 37-2 38 54 40.1 37-4 22 37 54* 41.2 31.7 21 56 27.5 26.2 56 56 41.8 40.8 33 56 50-5 45-0 23 56 51.0 45.6 03 58 29.0 26.9 54 58 48.8 48.0 22 58 36.8 32.1 44 58 i 28.1 24.6 37 Observers W. J. P. and R. W. P. alternated from oh I4m to oh 26m ; R. W. P. and R. R. T. alternated from sh 52111 to 4h O4m. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 5 1 Wednesday, October 7, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, October 7, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East - decli- le * nation np. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d h m d d / h m d d o / O h m d d o / O 8 oo 26.8 18.3 22 43 -6 5 10 oo 30.6 25.8 22 37 12 oo 31.8 25.6 22 35 -6.2 14 oo 39.7 39.1 22 18 -6.8 02 59-4 53-3 21 SO 02 26.8 25.6 40 -6.0 02 31.2 23.3 37 02 37-1 37.1 22 04 62.2 43.0 21 56 04 28.5 22.5 41 04 33-3 26.2 33 04 38.3 38.2 20 06 46.0 17.9 22 29 06 45-3 35-3 18 06 35.1 27.1 31 06 38.7 38.3 20 08* 56.9 37-1 49 08 52.0 42.0 08 08 34.2 27.0 32 08 37-3 37-2 22 10 Overl'k'd 10 37-0 30.3 29 10 . 36.4 29.9 28 10 41.4 40.5 16 12 46.0 36.7 58 12 25.0 16.0 49 12 37.4 31.4 26 12 41.2 40.6 16 14 68.8 55.0 26 -6 5 14 4i.3 33-3 23 -6.2 14 38.6 32.8 24 -6.1 14 42.8 42.3 13 -6.9 16 69.8 62.8 19 16 27.6 23.8 41 16 138.2 33-8 24 16 45.0 44.1 IO 18 68.7 65.5 22 18 18 Si-8 47-2 04 18 37.6 32.9 25 18 41.8 41.1 15 20 34-8 30.9 23 12 20 41.8 34.1 22 20 38.1 32.3 25 20 49.2 48.1 04 22 40.0 35.8 23 04 22 30.3 25.6 38 22 38-2 33.8 24 22 45.4 42.6 II 24 67.0 62.0 22 22 24 34-3 28.8 32 24 41.0 35.6 20 24 40.9 38.4 18 26 45-0 43.2 54 26 35-6 35-3 26 2U 40.5 35-7 2O 43.1 41.6 14 28 48-5 45-8 49 28 46.0 40.3 14 28 47-8 43-7 08 28 40.8 39.6 17 30 67.1 62.0 22 -6 3 30 46.3 34-3 18 -6.2 30 49-2 44-7 07 -6.0 30 40.2 38.7 18 -7.0 32 61.3 58.3 29 32 45-6 39.2 15 32 51. i 48-9 O2 32 39.8 38.8 18 34 46.0 46.0 51 34 46.8 31.0 20 34 47-8 44-2 08 34 37-7 36.7 22 36 67.0 61.7 22 36 48.0 30.0 22 20 36 46.4 42.9 IO 36 37-9 36.8 22 38 47.8 43.0 52 38 60.0 50.0 21 55 38 49-0 47-2 05 38 38.4 37.3 21 40 50.8 41.8 50 40 76.6 66.5 29 40 51. i 48.7 02 40 40.2 38.7 18 42 69.7 60.3 21 42 Overl'k'd 42 48.2 45.2 07 42 40.8 39.3 17 44 54-5 45-1 45 -6 i 44* 42.5 31-8 30 -6.2 44 48.7 46.1 22 O6 -6.2 44 [42.7 41.1 14 -7-1 46 64.0 58.2 27 46 21.8 19.2 56 46 52.6 50.4 21 59 46 45.8 44-7 09 48 60.3 57-0 22 31 48 28.6 15.0 21 54 48 49.4 47.3 22 04 48 48.2 46.3 22 06 50 41-3 34-3 23 04 50 13.2 8.1 22 12 50 46.3 44-3 Op 50 54-1 52-1 21 57 52 58.0 47.2 41 52* 29.0 15-5 24 52 45.8 43.2 10 52 57-0 55-7 52 54 58.0 48.2 40 54* 26.0 17.2 4 6 54 43-8 42.1 13 54 55-8 55-3 53 56 42.3 25.6 10 56 31-3 23.6 37 56 42.7 40.8 IS 56 55-0 53-9 55 58 59.8 52.8 35 58 32.3 27.2 33 58 44.1 40.8 14 58 53-3 52.7 21 57 9 oo 66.0 65.8 20 -6 O II OO 33-3 24.3 35 -6.0 13 oo 47-0 44-5 08 -6-3 15 00 ! 51.2 50.1 22 OO -7.2 02 38.0 35. 2 23 06 02 39-7 32.3 24 02 46.1 43.4 10 02 47-7 46.3 06 04 63-2 55-2 22 30 04 41-5 34-3 21 04 43.2 40.8 14 04 48.6 47.7 05 06 57-5 47-2 41 06 40.5 33-0 22 06 39-6 36.9 20 06 46-5 45-2 08 08 53.0 40.6 50 08 43-3 36.3 18 08 38.0 35-3 23 08 43-3 42-1 13 10 49-7 37-7 22 54 IO 35-8 29.9 28 10 36.6 34.4 24 IO 44-3 43-9 II 12 39.9 22.4 23 14 12 41-3 35-0 20 12 34-8 32-5 27 12 41.7 41.4 15 14 64.8 44.3 22 38 -6 I 14 49.0 42.2 08 -6.2 14 38.0 35.2 23 -6-5 14 39-8 39.2 18 -7-3 16 53-0 37-0 52 16 49-8 41-5 08 16 33-0 3i-3 30 16 37-8 36.1 22 18 54-4 42-2 47 18 49-0 41-3 09 18 33.8 32.0 29 if 41.9 40.6 15 20 61.6 44.7 40 20 48.0 40.6 II 20 1 34-8 33-3 27 20 40.2 39.1 18 22 66.5 43.0 37 22 43.6 36.6 17 22 |34-8 33-3 27 22 43-2 42.2 13 24 60.6 35.0 48 24 42.3 33-8 2O 24 135- 1 33-5 26 24 41.9 39-7 16 26 46.8 46.3 50 26 45-7 36.8 IS 26 36.8 36.0 23 26 37-2 36.3 22 28 69.5 66.5 16 28 46.8 39.8 12 28 37-9 37-1 21 28 33-7 33-1 28 30 63-2 Si.4 33 -6 o 30 44-0 37-2 16 -6.2 30 37.0 36.0 23 -6.6 30 37-7 37-5 21 -7-4 32 65.7 59-7 25 32 43-3 38.4 16 32 35-7 34-5 25 32 32-8 32-8 29 34 64.3 60.0 25 40.6 34.6 21 34 36.0 35.1 24 34 36-0 35-9 24 36 75-0 69.3 10 36 40.3 34.1 22 36 40.1 39.3 18 36 34-5 33-9 26 38 45.8 42.6 54 38 40.6 33.8 22 38 141.6 40.4 16 38 35-4 35-2 25 40 65.8 55-8 22 28 40 40.5 33-0 22 40 38.7 36.2 22 40 33-6 33-2 28 42* 58.1 55-2 21 28 42 44-6 38.2 IS 42 41.8 40.2 16 42 35-8 35-0 25 44 27-3 24.3 22 16 -6 o 44 42-5 35-5 19 -6.3 44 43.1 42.1 13 -6.6 44 35-4 34-8 25 46 10.6 4.5 45 46 34-1 25.6 33 46 43.6 42.5 13 46 36.3 34-6 25 -7-1 48 27.5 16.8 22 48 29.4 20.8 41 48 41.8 40.5 16 48 38.4 36.3 22 50 22.5 17.5 50 50 30.7 23.3 38 50 42.7 41.4 14 50 37-2 36.2 22 52 18.4 16.0 30 52 33-6 26.1 33 52 42.7 42.0 14 52 36.9 36.6 22 5 f 56 20. o 20. o 51.0 48.2 25 03 54 56 34-6 27.3 33-9 27.4 32 32 54 39.0 38.4 56 40-3 39-7 19 17 54 36.3 35-7 56 37-6 35-5 24 23 58 41.2 38.8 V 58 33-9 27.4 32 58 40.9 39-7 17 58 40.1 35.4 21 Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P. alternated from 8h 24m to 8h 32m. W. J. P. and R. W. P. alternated from nh 54m to I2h o8m. (W. J. P. I3h o8m to 13)1 38m.) Observers R. W. P. and R. R. T. alternated from 15(1 46m to i6h O2m. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, October 7, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, October 7, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Chr'r time Scale readings I.eft Right East - decli- T " nation np. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation feinp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings I.eft Right nation C. Chr'r time Scale readings I.eft Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d h m d d 1 h m d d 1 h m d d o / o 16 OO 40.2 35.6 22 21 18 oo 40.3 36.0 22 20 -7.2 20 oo 36.7 34.0 22 25 -8.6 22 oo 41.3 36.5 22 19 -I I. 2 02 41.0 36.7 19 02 41.6 35-7 19 02 37-5 33-9 24 02 45.8 37-5 I<5 04 38.8 33.0 24 04 42.9 36.8 18 04 36.7 33-7 25 04 51.4 42.7 06 06 37-9 34-0 24 06 40.3 35-2 21 06 35.6 32.1 27 06 47 . 8 40 . 2 II 08 37-8 34-7 23 08 41.8 37.0 18 08 35.2 32.1 27 08 48.0 41.2 IO 10 37-7 34 2 24 10 41.5 36.2 19 1 33-5 31-8 29 10 48.2 41.4 IO 12 37-9 35-6 22 12 42.3 38.3 17 12 34-8 32.1 28 12 49.2 42.6 08 14 38.2 35.7 22 -6 4 14 43-0 39-0 16 -7.0 14 35-6 32.9 26 -9.0 14 50.8 44.8 05 -ii. 3 16 38.9 34-8 22 16 40.7 38.9 18 16 35-8 33-8 25 16 51.3 45.2 04 18 38.0 34-0 24 18 40.3 38.0 19 18 35-9 34-0 25 18 50.6 45.2 05 20 37-3 33-2 25 20 40.3 37-5 19 20 35-1 33-1 27 20 50.9 45-5 04 22 37-3 33-3 25 22 40.3 38.3 18 22 34-9 32.8 27 22 49.3 44.4 06 2 4 38-1 34-8 23 24 39-7 37-3. 20 24 36.9 35.0 24 24 49.0 44.7 06 26 38.9 34.9 22 26 38.3 36.2 22 26 38.2 35.9 22 26 49.3 45-1 06 28 37-1 33.2 25 28 38.5 36.4 21 28 39.9 36.6 2O 28 46.5 42.5 10 30 37-3 34-6 24 -6 4 30 38.1 36.5 22 -7-0 30 40.8 38.1 18 -9.3 30 47.8 36.0 14 -ii. 6 32 38.8 33-8 23 32 38.3 34-3 23 32 39-3 38.4 19 32 29.5 25.8 22 37 39-0 34-1 39-1 35-0 23 22 34 36 42 . o 36 . 8 41-8 37-8 18 34 18 36 39-2 38.1 38.4 38.0 I') 20 % 8.8 7.6 49.0 8.0 23 07 24 26 38 37-9 34-2 24 38 38.0 34.8 23 38 38.1 38.1 20 38 32.3 24.8 26 40 37-4 33-0 25 40 39-5 35-6 21 40 39-6 38.4 19 40 20.6 8.2 48 42 38.4 33-6 24 42 40.2 36.4 20 42 39-3 37-8 20 42 48.3 34-3 06 44 38.1 33-3 24 -6.6 44 40.9 37.2 19 -7-1 44 42.6 41.4 14 -9-3 44* 36.5 3LO 24 49 46 37-8 35-o 23 46 41-9 35-6 19 46 44-9 43-5 II 46* 62 . o 39 . 6 23 21 -ii. 8 48 37-0 33-6 25 48 41.0 36.0 20 48 42.5 42.1 14 48 68. o 46.0 23 II 50 37-0 33-1 25 50 40.2 35.7 21 50 45-3 44-7 09 50 15-7 13.8 24 18 52 37-1 32.8 25 52 38.7 34-0 23 52 40.3 39-7 17 52 63.1 52.2 23 10 54 36.8 31.9 26 54 36.9 32.3 26 54 46.3 44-5 09 54 64.0 56.6 06 56 36.9 32.6 26 56 33-9 29.9 30 56 45-7 44-5 09 50 56.3 53-1 23 15 58 37-5 32.9 25 58 33-4 29.7 31 58 46.0 44.6 09 58 24.0 20.0 24 06 17 oo 40.9 34.2 21 -6 .7 19 oo 32.8 29.0 32 -7.3 21 OO 45-7 43-5 10 -9.9 23 oo* 29.0 15.8 24 42 02 42.9 35-4 19 02 33-1 27.8 32 02 46.3 44-3 09 02 66.6 50.6 23 45 ; 04 42.0 39.1 16 04 33-3 28.1 32 04 44.8 42.5 12 04 67.1 60.6 37 06 40.4 34.1 22 06 33.8 29.0 31 06 44-3 42.8 12 06* 57.2 50.5 IO 08 38.8 33-0 24 08 33-5 29.1 31 08 44-4 42.2 12 08 55.3 47-7 23 14 -II.9 10 38.9 33-7 23 10 35-0 30-3 29 10 44-5 42.2 12 10 72.0 65.7 22 46 12 38.0 34.1 24 12 34-7 30.4 29 12 44.0 41.5 13 12* 69 . o 66 . 3 22 29 14 37-9 34-0 24 -6 .8 14 35-1 31- i 28 -7-5 14 42.6 40.3 15 -IO.2 14 70.3 61.3 32 -12. 16 37-3 32.1 26 16 35-3 29.0 30 16 43-2 41-2 14 16 69.3 60.3 34 18 38.9 34-2 23 18 36.0 29.9 29 18 44.2 42.2 12 18 i 72.4 63-0 29 20 39-5 34-1 22 20 36.1 30.2 28 20 43-0 41-5 14 20 76.0 62.3 27 22 40.1 34.9 21 22 36.8 31.0 27 22 43-3 41-5 14 22 76.4 67.8 22 24 41.9 36.0 19 24 35-8 29.9 29 24 43.0 41.6 14 24 73-9 65.6 26 26 41.0 36.0 20 26 37-2 32.6 25 26 40.8 39.4 17 26 75-2 65.8 25 28 42.6 37-2 17 28 37-2 32.8 25 -7.8 28 40.3 38.6 18 28 73-2 67.3 25 30 40.0 36.8 20 -6.9 3O 36.7 29.8 28 30 40.2 39.0 18 -10.6 30 73.0 66.8 26 -12.4 32 40.0 36.0 20 32 37-3 31-1 26 32 40.5 39-7 17 32 73-8 67.3 25 34 40.8 37.7 19 34 37-1 31-1 26 40.0 39.0 18 34 7i-5 65.3 28 36 40.8 37-5 19 36 37-1 31-2 26 36 39.0 38.2 19 36 66.3 60.9 35 38 40.9 37.0 19 38 37-1 31.8 26 38 40.8 40.2 16 38 67.1 61.0 35 40 41-5 38.0 18 40 36.8 31-3 27 40 44-3 42.3 12 40 65.0 59.2 38 42 39-8 36.8 20 42 36.5 31-5 27 42 50.8 50.2 01 42 62.5 56.8 42 44 39.0 36.0 21 44 36.0 31.3 27 -8.2 44 49.0 48.3 04 -ii. o 44 63.2 57.5 41 -12.4 46 41.9 36.7 18 -7.0 46 36.3 32.5 26 46 51.2 50.8 00 46 61.3 56.6 43 48 42.7 37-0 18 48 36.9 32.8 25 48 5L3 50.4 22 OO 48 61.1 55.3 44 So 43-8 37-5 16 50 35-9 32.0 27 50 53.2 52.6 21 57 50 \ 59.8 54-6 45 52 40.9 36.9 '9 52 35-1 31-7 28 52 55-3 54-3 54 52 60.0 55.3 45 54 40.3 36.9 19 54 35-2 32.4 27 54 56.6 55.5 52 54 58.9 54-0 47 56 40.2 36.7 20 56 36.0 33.2 26 56 53-0 52.0 21 58 56 57-0 52.5 49 58 41-0 37-1 19 58 35-0 32.5 27 58 50.3 47.0 22 O4 58 58.6 54.6 46 24 oo 59.0 55-9 45 -12. 9 Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P. alternated from 2oh 28m to 2oh 38m. (W. J. P. i8h I2m and i8h 38m to i8h 42m.) Correction to local mean time is + im o6s. Torsion head at oh oom read 232 and at 24)1 oom read the same. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 2oh 28m to 2oh 38m. MAGNETIC OBERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 53 scale erect inursuuy, vjciuuci o, iyuj IHUJJIICL staic cicci i-imay, weiuuci y, iyuj uujflici M-*UC CIC(_L mvciicu Scale Chr'r readings time j Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right nation C. Chr'r titne Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d ' O h m d d / h m d d / ; h m d d / 16 oo 42.8 46.6 22 14 -17.0 18 oo 38.2 42.0 21 33 '-I5-3 20 oo 49-5 52.0 22 27 -5.2 22 OO 53-2 51.4 22 31 +0.5 02* 38.2 50.1 13 02 50.6 62.2 21 58 02 50.0 50.0 26 O2 53-7 50.8 32 04 34-3 52.7 12 04* 35-9 62.0 23 06 04 50.0 50.3 26 O4 53-0 49-7 33 06 35-2 5'-9 12 06 ii. o 15.0 22 10 06 49-5 50.2 26 06 52.7 So.o 33 08 39.2 43.0 08 08* 28.1 35.0 21 50 08 48.9 49.6 25 08 53-2 48.8 33 10 39.2 42.8 08 IO 24.8 29.0 21 42 ICL -48.9 49-7 25 IO 53-6 48.9 33 12 39-7 43-2 09 12 39-i 4-2-0 22 04 12 47-8 48-5 23 12 53-3 49-2 33 14 37.1 40.9 05 -16.9 14 39-5 44-0 06 -14.9 14 46.3 47.8 21 -5.5 14 53-2 49-3 33 + 1.1 16 40.0 42.5 08 16 48.2 49.2 17 16 46.1 46.9 2O 16 52.8 49.0 34 18 38.3 40.9 06 18 Si.o 54-0 22 23 18 46.4 47.1 21 18 52.0 48.8 34 20 36.8 39.0 03 20* 46.9 49-5 23 09 20 47-4 47-9 22 20 51.8 48.8 34 22 36.2 38.0 02 22 22.6 25.8 22 32 22 48.2 48.6 23 22 52.3 50.0 33 24 35-0 37-0 00 24 23-9 25.9 33 24 48.2 48.2 23 24 53-6 49-3 33 26 35-8 37-9 02 26 18.0 18.4 22 26 48.8 48.8 24 26 54-6 51.0 31 28 34.3 36.8 00 28 16.0 19.3 21 28 48.2 51.2 25 28 54-7 Si-i 30 30 36.1 37.8 O2 -17.2 30 I7.O 22. O 24 -14.9 30 48.8 50.9 26 -5. I 30 55-7 52.0 29 +2.5 32 36.2 40.0 04 3-2 18.6 23.6 27 32 48.1 52.9 27 32 54-5 Si.o 31 34 38.9 42.9 36 38.1 42.1 08 07 34 36 24.6 28.6 24.3 26.8 35 34 : i 48.9 53-8 48.0 53-9 28 27 56.0 52.9 55-3 5L9 28 29 38 37.4 42.2 06 38 22.3 24.7 30 38 48.2 53-8 27 38 5L3 48.9 35 40 40.0 44.0 IO 40 l8.3 21.0 24 40 49-8 54.0 29 40 49-9 47-3 37 42 37.1 42.0 06 42 20.5 23.4 28 42 50.1 54-5 30 42 47-2 45-0 41 44 36.1 38.9 03 -17.1 44 18.8 20.9 25 -15.0 44 52-0 53-8 30 -2.7 44 48.9 46.1 39 +3-2 46 34.8 37.9 OI 46 lS.2 20.2 24 46 Si-9 52-7 30 46 50.1 48.8 36 48 34.8 37.0 22 OO 48 l8.4 20.4 24 48 51-3 52-7 29 48 52.0 49.9 34 50 31.5 34.8 21 56 50 18.6 21.0 25 50 51-6 52-0 29 50 54-2 52-2 30 52 30.6 33.5 54 52 17-3 l8.5 22 52 50.4 52-9 28 52 54-1 52.6 30 54 27.9 30.8 50 55 15-3 18.0 20 54 50.9 52.6 28 54 55-0 52.2 29 56 27.0 30.0 49 56 16.1 18.5 21 56 Sc. invert. 56 54-5 52.2 30 58 27.5 30.9 50 58 16.3 18.5 21 58 53-9 52.7 30 58 54-2 51.2 31 17 oo 30.0 33.0 53 -16.9 19 oo 14.2 17.0 18 -15.3 21 00 54-0 53-0 30 1.3 23 oo 54-1 52.0 30 +3.9 02 32.2 38.0 21 59 02 13.2 18.8 19 O2 53-8 52.8 30 02 53-8 52.0 30 04 34.1 39.7 22 O2 04 14.9 20.0 21 04 54-7 53-6 28 04 53-4 52.0 31 06 34.2 39.0 OI 06 16.3 21.8 23 06 54-7 53-3 29 06 52.9 51-2 32 08 35.8 40.9 04 08 16.0 20.9 22 08 54-9 53-2 29 08 52.0 50.7 33 10 39.2 43.4 09 10 15.0 19.4 20 IO 55-2 52.3 29 10 51-8 50.7 33 12 40.4 43.3 IO 12 14.2 18.8 19 12 54-7 52.6 29 12 51-2 50.1 34 14 38.7 42.3 08 -16.5 14 13.4 18.0 18 -15.2 H 54-0 52.2 30 -o.o 14 51-0 50.1 34 +5.o 16 38.2 41.3 06 16 8.1 14.0 II 16 54-9 Si-9 30 16 51-2 50.1 34 18 39.6 41.5 08 18 2.2 8.2 02 18 54-7 51-3 30 18 51-2 50.1 34 20 37-0 39.1 04 20 4-3 10. o 05 20 53-8 51.3 20 50-9 49-9 34 22 38.0 4I.I 06 22 7-9 14-1 II 22 54-2 Si-8 30 22 50.1 49.1 36 24 39.1 42.8 08 24 7.2 13.2 10 24 53-5 Si-4 24 49-8 49-0 36 26 39.2 42.8 08 26 7.1 12.0 08 26 54-2 51-2 3 26 50.0 49.2 36 28 40.0 43.2 09 28 7.2 11.9 08 28 57-2 52-4 27 28 50.2 49.4 35 30 39.5 42.1 08 -I6.3 ! 30 13.0 17.2 17 -15-3 30 58.0 53.3 26 -o.o 30 50.5 49-8 35 +5-4 32 38.5 43.8 08 32 12.2 l8.2 17 32 58.8 55-0 24 32 51. i 49-7 34 34 39.1 44.3 IO 34 13.2 19.0 19 34 59-0 55.0 24 34 51-5 So.i 34 36 38.3 45-2 IO 36 1 I7.I 22.9 25 36 58.8 53.8 25 36 Si.o 49-7 34 38 34.0 42.1 22 04 38 l6.2 22.2 24 38 60. I 56.1 22 38 51.2 49.0 35 40 22.9 33.2 21 48 40 18.2 23.0 26 40 60.2 56.2 22 40 51.0 48.2 36 42 17-1 25.5 21 37 42 19.9 24.2 28 -15-3 42 58.2 55.8 24 42 Si-4 49-7 34 44 56.3 57-1 22 33 -16.0 44 19.8 23.2 27 44 57-9 55-0 25 +0.1 44 51-7 49-7 34 +5- 1 46 Overl'k'd 46 l8.7 22.2 26 46 58.3 54-1 25 46 50.7 49-9 34 48 Overl'k'd 48 l8.O 22. O 25 48 56.9 54-2 26 48 50.9 50.2 34 50 Overl'k'd 50 19.3 23.2 27 50 56.8 53-1 27 50 50.4 49.8 35 52* 6.4 35.2 22 12 52 18.3 21.5 25 52 56.0 52.8 28 52 51.2 50.4 34 54* 15-5 49-7 21 21 54 15.8 18.9 21 54 56.0 52.0 29 54 52.2 51.1 32 56 40.7 43.0 36 56 17.2 19.6 22 56 55-2 51.7 30 56 52.0 51.1 33 58 37.9 41.8 33 58 l8-9 19-7 24 58 54.6 51.1 3i 58 Si.i 50.3 34 20 00 17.0 18.8 22 24 oo 52.4 5I-I 32 +4.8 Correction to local mean time is + im 333. Torsion head at oh I4m read 233 and at the end read the same. Observers R. R. T. (W. J. P. i8h 30111 to i8h 58m.) Correction to local mean time is + im 345. 90 torsion = 26/06. Torsion head at 2oh oom read 270 and at the end read 264. Observer R. R. T. 54 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic decimations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Monday, October 12, 1903 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, October 13, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time retdhfgs a^ Temp. Left Right nation Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d O ' O h m d d ' h m d d / h m d d t 8 oo 10 00 40.2 42.8 22 28 -12.4 12 OO* 67.7 40.4 22 10 -O.6 14 00* 58.6 56.8 21 52 -0.2 02 SO-S 59-5 22 49 -13.0 02 39-3 39-5 24 02 78.3 52.1 21 52 02 54.4 51.5 22 OO 04 55-9 56.8 Si 04 37.2 38.8 22 04 64.5 63.0 21 54 04 43-2 42.2 16 06 60.7 61.5 59 06 38.9 41.2 26 06 56.0 54.2 22 08 06 44.8 41.5 15 08 58.2 58.8 54 08 42.0 45.0 31 08 60.2 57.1 02 08 38.6 36.2 24 10 57-5 58.1 54 10 40.8 43-5 29 10 56.3 56.1 06 IO 32.0 30.8 33 12 58.3 58.7 54 12 41.9 43-8 30 12 56.2 54.1 08 12 33.2 30.0 33 14 57-0 57-0 52 14 43-8 45-9 33 -12. 3 14 57-4 54-3 07 -1.2 14 26.8 26.2 41 -O.2 16 55-8 56.0 50 -I3-I 16 41.2 45.2 30 16 44.7 40.0 28 16 26.9 25.9 41 18 55-3 55-7 50 18 39.1 43.5 28 18 42-2 38.5 31 18 23.4 23.2 46 20 54-3 54-7 48 20 40.9 45.8 31 20 45-8 42-8 25 20 20.3 18.9 52 22 53-5 54-1 47 22 43-5 47-3 34 22 42.2 38-9 31 22 21.9 21.0 49 24 54-5 55-2 49 24 44-3 48-2 35 24 42.0 37-7 32 24 21. I 19.4 51 26 53-8 55.0 48 26 39.2 43.2 27 26 44.0 40.3 28 26 16.8 15.4 22 57 28 55-0 56.2 50 28 37.4 40.9 24 28 43-3 38.0 31 28 12.8 9.3 23 05 30 57-7 58.2 54 -13-2 30 37.7 41.8 25 -12.2 30 37-8 35.2 37 -1.6 30 24.9 24.5 22 44 -i.o 32 51-9 52.9 45 32 34-3 37-9 19 32 47-8 44-0 22 32 34.8 32.6 30 34 54-0 54.0 47 34 35.2 36.9 19 34 44-9 42-0 26 34 31.0 28.4 3 S 36 55-8 56.4 51 36 33-8 35-2 17 36 34-7 33-2 41 36 29.2 27.3 3 38 55-6 56.1 5 38 38.9 40.1 25 38 36.2 33.8 40 38 29.5 27.4 38 40 55-3 56.0 50 40 36.7 39.2 22 40 39-8 38.3 33 40 28.2 26.6 4 42 53-0 53-8 46 42 37.1 38.8 22 42 37-0 34.9 38 42 29.1 27.2 38 44 53-5 54-i 47 -13.2 44 38.2 4O.2 24 -12.0 44 28.0 25.3 22 53 -1-3 44 31.2 29.1 35 -1.4 46 5i-6 52.4 44 46 42.8 43.1 30 46 21.3 19-7 23 02 4 S 30.8 28.9 36 48 50-3 Si-2 42 48 42.2 43.0 30 48 26.0 24.3 22 55 48 32.9 31.3 32 50 49-5 50.6 41 50 38.0 39.6 24 50 30.0 28.2 49 50 37-2 35-3 26 52 51-6 52.5 44 52 40.0 41.6 27 52 37.0 36.0 37 52 36.6 34.2 27 54 52-3 53-7 46 39.8 42.7 27 54 40.1 38.0 33 54 36.9 34-2 27 56 54-7 55-3 49 56 35.2 37.2 20 56 35-9 33-9 40 56 35-4 32-8 29 58 52.7 57-0 49 58 35-9 38.4 21 58 28.2 25.6 52 58 36.9 33-0 28 9 oo 49-3 50.6 41 -13.2 II 00 38.3 40.3 24 -12.0 13 oo 33-0 29.8 45 -I.I 15 00 35.5 31.8 30 -2.2 02 48.2 49.6 40 02 39-3 41-3 26 02 32.2 29.0 46 02 35-8 31-0 30 04 48.8 50.2 40 04 35.9 37-4 20 04 32.3 28.7 47 04 35-9 30.6 30 06 48.3 49-4 39 06 40.0 40.9 26 06 29.0 26.6 Si 06 36.9 32.1 28 08 48.2 49.3 39 08 37-9 38.1 22 08 30.7 27.6 22 49 08 39.2 34.0 25 10 46.6 48.8 38 IO 38.2 39.8 24 10 22.4 21.6 23 oo 10 40.4 34.9 24 12 46.5 48.4 37 12 35.1 37.1 19 12 19.2 17.9 23 06 12 40.7 35.0 23 14 47.0 48.6 38 -13 o 14 33-8 37-3 18 -11.9 14 24.8 22.0 22 58 -0.7 14 39-9 33-9 25 -2.8 16 46.3 47-4 36 16 28.3 30.8 09 16 32-3 30.7 22 45 16 40.7 35.2 23 18 42-8 44.4 41 18 35.2 40.1 22 18 22.6 19.9 23 01 18 40.3 35.2 24 20 41.7 43.0 29 20 40.3 44.8 29 20 l6.O 12.2 12 20 38.0 33.0 27 22 41-0 42.3 28 22 43-3 48.7 35 22 18.1 14.0 O9 22 36.8 31.2 29 24 45-0 45-6 34 24 41.2 47.0 32 24 18.0 15.0 09 24 33.2 28.2 34 26 47-0 48.4 38 26 40.3 47-7 32 26 13.7 10. o 16 26 33.2 28.8 34 28 44.4 46.2 34 28 48.2 55.4 44 28 12.8 9.2 17 28 31.8 27.9 36 30 41.0 41.8 28 -13-0 30 40.3 48.8 33 -II. 6 30 10.8 7-3 20 -0.4 30 31.9 28.7 35 -32 32 44-0 45-3 33 32 36.0 45.9 27 32* 53.0 48.6 17 32 33-7 30.8 32 34 48-6 49-3 39 34 29.1 39-3 16 34 50.7 47.8 20 34 34-7 31-1 31 36 45-5 46-2 35 36 35-3 42-0 23 36 50.8 48.4 19 36 34.8 31.9 30 38 42-5 43-8 30 38 31.2 37.4 17 38 56.2 53-6 II 38 34-2 32.0 31 40 43-0 44-5 31 40 29-2 37-2 15 40 60. i 58.0 23 04 40 35.8 32.9 29 42 41.0 41.6 28 42 28.4 37.7 14 42 64.1 62.8 22 58 42 35-8 33-2 28 44 40.5 40.8 26 -12.9 44 32.2 39.0 19 -ii. 5 44 68.6 67.0 51 -o.o 44 37-2 33-8 27 -3-1 46 42.1 42-5 29 46 27-3 33-9 II 46 73.0 70.0 45 46 40.7 36.8 22 48 44.0 45.0 33 48 31.6 37-9 17 48* 64.2 55-7 32 48 40.1 36.8 22 So 45-0 45-5 34 50 26.0 29.3 06 50 61.6 58.0 32 SO 40.0 37.6 22 52 42.6 42.8 30 52 37.0 39.4 23 52 66.4 62.6 24 52 40.2 37.2 22 41-2 43-8 29 38.8 45.2 29 73.0 68.3 IS 40.4 38.2 21 56 42.4 43.1 30 56 27.2 29.3 07 56 72.5 69.2 14 56 41.2 38.6 20 58 41.3 44-0 30 58 23.9 28.8 04 58 77.6 75.2 22 06 58 42.3 38.7 19 -3.2 12 OO 27.3 31.8 09 16 oo 40.5 37.9 21 Correction to local mean time is + 555. 90 torsion = 24/7. Torsion head at 8h O2m read 246 and at I2h oom read 249. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 9h 44m to loh oom. Correction to local mean time is + 425. Torsion head at I2h oom read 327 and at the end read the same. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., change at I4h O4m. MAGNETIC OBERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 55 Wednesday, October 14, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, October 14, 1903 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale i E as t T readings ! dec]i . Ter Left Right nation ip. Chr'r time Scale Hast *r readings decli- Te "'P- Left Right nation Chr'r time Scale g ast readings decli . Te P- Left Right nation Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d ' Ii m d d ' h m d d ' h m d d o / O OO* 53.9 57.8 23 17 -9. 6 2 OO 54.6 58.5 23 17 -8.3 4 oo 47.1 54.9 23 30 -8.2 6 oo 37-8 39-4 23 32 -8.0 02 63.0 66.8 32 02 55.8 6l.7 21 O2 39.0 46.7 18 02 35-2 38.8 30 04* 22.6 36.1 23 04 04 61.0 66. o 28 04 37.1 45.6 15 04 33-1 37-0 26 06 14.8 29.6 22 52 06 72.2 77.8 46 06 42.3 50.4 23 06 30.6 33.8 22 08 15.4 17.8 22 44 08* 42.6 44.0 23 47 08 42.7 51.1 24 08 29-9 33-7 21 10* 1.8 3.2 21 58 IO 50.5 54-2 24 01 10 ^44.9 50.1 25 10 29-8 33-7 21 12 56.0 63.2 23 28 12 57.7 58.8 10 12 56.0 67.8 47 12 29.0 33.0 2O 14 48.0 53.4 14 -8 8 14 56.2 56.9 24 08 -8.2 14 58.9 59-7 23 43 -8.3 14 29.0 33.1 20 -7.8 16 40.8 45.8 23 02 16 37.6 40.1 23 40 16* 44-5 55-9 22 14 16 27-5 32-9 19 18 4O.I 41.8 22 58 18 24.3 29.2 21 18* 23.1 33.2 24 42 18 28.0 32.8 19 20 37.4 38.8 22.54 20 15.2 21.9 08 20 20.3 35-3 42 20 29.2 33.2 2O 22 44-1 46.5 23 05 22 25.2 31.4 23 22 IO-4 19.3 21 22 27.1 31-1 17 24 55.4 62.1 26 24 41.2 47.5 48 2 4 10.2 l8.9 24 21 24 24.2 29.0 13 26 41.7 45.6 02 26 36.9 41.1 40 26* 63.9 74.9 25 08 26 22.8 26.O IO 28 44.8 49.2 23 08 28 48.2 51.8 57 28* 47.4 56.9 II 28 26.1 29.7 15 30 37.2 41.8 22 56 -8 5 30 46.1 53-3 57 -8.4 30 53.1 59.7 18 -8.0 30 25.1 28.7 14 -7.6 32 32.5 37-2 49 32 23-3 35-6 25 32 48.8 58.9 14 32 23.9 27.2 12 34 29-2 33-5 43 34 23.6 30.6 21 34 63-3 64.8 30 34 25.2 28.8 14 36 32.5 37.4 49 36 19.3 28.1 16 36 44.8 55.7 25 08 36 28.3 30.6 18 38 36.8 41.2 55 38 29.8 38.9 33 38 13.9 19.8 24 16 38 27.6 30.5 17 40 36.1 44.4 57 40 40.5 48.6 23 49 40 6.0 17.8 24 08 40 26.7 28.2 14 42 27.2 31.4 40 42 53.3 64.3 24 II 42* 38.8 48.2 23 40 42 28.1 29.5 17 44 16.6 22.3 24 -8 6 44* 54.4 58.0 25 08 -8.4 44 35.8 43.6 23 34 -7.9 44 27.1 28.2 IS -7-5 46 15.8 21.9 24 46* 50.2 62.8 25 45 46 56.5 60.5 24 03 46 26.3 27.6 14 48 19.3 24.2 28 48 16.8 29.9 24 53 48 60.9 65.8 ii 48 29.2 29.9 18 50 19.5 23.9 28 50* 52.9 60. i 27 50 62.3 73.9 18 50 2Q.2 29.7 18 52 16.7 20. 6 23 52 34.0 45.9 01 52 55.4 68.1 08 52 27.8 28.9 16 54 13.9 18.3 19 54 62.1 66.1 24 29 54 60.0 76.0 24 18 54 27.0 28.3 15 56 14.2 17.8 19 56* 36.8 56.2 25 33 56 54-5 55-8 23 58 56 26.1 27.3 13 58 12.7 15.9 16 58 47-3 Si-9 38 58 37.9 42-0 34 58 26.9 27.O 14 I 00 12.9 15.9 16 -8 5 3 oo 25.4 42.0 25 13 -8.4 5 oo 36.7 39.1 31 -7.8 700 24.3 25.0 10 -7-3 02 12. i 15.0 15 02 21.2 26.5 24 57 02 32.8 35.8 25 02 21.8 23.0 07 04* 47.1 50.3 19 04* 46.6 60. i 23 49 04 26.8 30.9 17 04 23.1 23.9 08 06 47.0 50.7 19 06 44-0 55-0 43 06 25.1 28.6 14 06 25.3 26.8 12 08 46.3 49.6 18 08 43.3 61.2 23 47 08 24.0 26.7 ii 08 28.7 29.2 17 IO 48.4 51. i 20 IO 68.8 71.8 24 15 10 21.3 23.8 07 10 31.3 32.3 21 12 52.2 55.0 26 12* 34.8 49.2 44 12 19.0 21. i 03 12 29.9 31-0 19 14 55.0 58.0 31 -8 4 14 32.7 40.8 36 -8.4 14 19.6 21.7 04 -8.0 14 30.4 31.9 20 -7-3 16 58.8 61.5 37 16 28.6 30.4 25 16 20.8 22.2 OS 16 30.3 31.3 20 18 62.9 66.2 44 18* 55-7 57-3 24 19 18 20.7 22.7 06 18 31.7 32.3 22 20 67.1 70.0 50 20* 30.6 41.5 25 16 20 20. 6 22.7 05 20 32.4 34.4 24 22 66.8 69.2 49 22 36.5 40.6 25 19 22 20. 2 22.1 OS 22 33-0 34-9 25 24 70.1 74.0 55 24 23.6 24.2 24 56 24 20.8 23.0 06 24 34-2 35-2 26 26* 38.9 45.2 55 26* 22.2 34.9 23 57 26 21.6 24.3 07 26 32.0 33.8 23 28 36.1 42.0 50 28 56.5 66.1 24 48 28 22.7 24.8 09 28 33-5 34-7 25 30 38.6 43.8 53 -8 4 30* 36.6 48.1 25 20 -8.2 30 23.8 25.8 10 -8.0 30 32.8 34.0 24 -7-3 32 40.5 46.0 57 32 46.2 55.8 25 34 32 28.0 29.4 16 32 32.8 33-8 24 34 40.1 44.2 22 55 34 69.2 69.9 26 03 34 27.0 28.3 15 34 33-6 34.8 25 36 42.4 47.9 23 oo 36* 27.8 38.0 26 oo 36 29.0 31.0 19 36 33-4 35-3 25 38 44-8 49.2 02 38* Overl'k'd 38 33.2 35.2 25 38 33-7 35-3 26 40 48.2 54.1 09 40 28.4 45-7 25 15 40 35.0 37.1 28 40 33-0 35-0 25 42 51.7 57-0 14 42 20.0 27.1 24 54 42 39-3 41-1 35 42 32.1 34-0 23 1 54.3 59.2 18 -8 48.6 50.6 07 3 44* 46 38.1 45.2 18 -8.1 31.3 44.2 24 12 38.7 41.3 34 -8.0 40.0 42.4 36 44 46 34-0 35.7 34-0 35-7 26 26 -7.2 48 42.8 50.1 02 48 25.2 32.6 23 58 48 44.0 45.7 42 48 33-9 35-0 26 50 57.8 60.2 22 50 9.2 15.9 32 50 44.7 46.6 43 50 33-1 34.1 24 52 60.0 64.2 26 52* 43.0 52.4 25 52 43.0 44.9 40 52 34-1 36.0 26 54 62.2 65.8 29 54 43.8 52.0 25 54 42.0 44.0 39 54 33-8 36.1 26 56 59.5 61.7 24 56 43-3 50.9 24 56 41.2 44.0 38 56 33-0 34-9 25 58 59.7 62.3 24 58 45-8 53.0 28 58 39.2 43.0 36 58 33-3 35-2 25 Observer R. W. P. Observers R. W. P. and R. R. T. alternated 4h 02m to 4h I2m. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, October 14, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, October 14, 1903 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East ,,. decli- T ?J nation a. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right dtcH- *P. nation Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. 1 h m d d at o h m d d Of h m d d o / h m d d 1 8 oo 33-5 35. 2 23 25 -7.C 10 OO 29.8 38.4 22 39 -6.5 12 00 29.0 30.0 22 32 -5.6 14 oo 32.8 33.8 22 38 -S-i 02 35-1 36.0 27 02 42.7 46.1 22 56 02 31-6 31-8 36 02 31-3 32.9 36 04 34-9 36.3 27 04 47-3 49-3 23 02 04 35.2 36.2 42 04 29.0 30.5 32 06 34-1 36.1 27 06 49-2 Si-4 05 06 45.0 46.0 57 06 27.9 29.1 31 08 33-7 35-4 26 08 50.6 51.6 23 06 08 35-4 38.2 44 08 26.7 27.6 28 IO 32.0 34-2 24 IO 41.0 42.8 22 52 IO 27.5 30.0 31 10 23-3 24.7 24 12 30.7 33-0 21 12 46.8 48.0 23 oo 12 39-4 40.9 49 12 22.8 24.0 23 14 27.0 29.9 16 -7.0 14 54-4 56.3 13 -6-5 14 35-6 37-6 22 43 -5.6 14 21.6 22.8 21 -5-0 16 24.0 26.9 II 16 51-5 53-0 23 08 16 48.1 51.2 23 04 16 21.6 22.7 21 18 24.0 26.7 II 18 44-5 45-0 22 56 18 56.5 58.7 16 18 24.1 24.3 24 20 22.3 25.4 09 20 37-2 37-7 44 20 56.9 57-4 15 20 25.8 26.9 27 22 20.0 23.0 05 22 36.8 38.2 45 22 49-4 50.2 04 22 25.6 26.5 27 24 19.6 23.3 05 24 36.8 37-8 44 24 So.i 50.9 05 24 23.0 23.6 22 26 I8.S 23-3 04 26 37-3 38.3 45 26 Slowly in- 26 17.2 18.2 14 28 19.9 24.3 06 28 32.2 32.3 36 28 creasing 28 IS.8 17-4 12 30 21. S 24.5 08 -6.7 30 35-5 37-0 43 -6-5 30 Si.i 51.8 07 -5.4 30 17.8 19.3 15 -S.o 32 22.0 25.3 09 32 34-4 36.4 4i 32 49.8 50.4 05 32 23.0 24.4 23 34 22. 24.0 08 34 30.2 30.9 34 34 51.2 52.8 07 34 21.4 22.9 21 36 19.7 22.0 23 04 36 25.5 26.8 27 36 52.4 53-9 09 36 25.0 26.4 26 38 16.0 17.4 22 58 38 27.1 28.9 30 38 57-8 59-4 18 38 25.9 27.0 27 40 16.0 17.6 58 40 32.5 32.8 37 40 58.3 59-7 18 40 25.2 26.4 26 42 15.6 16.2 57 42 32.5 338 38 42 57-2 59-2 17 42 25.3 25.6 26 44 15.0 16.2 56 -6.7 44 35-4 37-o 43 44 55-7 58.0 IS -5-4 44 23.9 24.4 24 -5-0 46 13.6 14.7 22 54 46 29.8 31.6 34 -6-6 46 55-7 58.4 IS 46 19-5 20.9 17 48 17.8 18.6 23 oo 48 28.7 29.7 32 48 55.8 58.4 15 48 19.0 20.1 17 SO 15.0 18.4 22 58 50 28.7 31-5 50 55-9 58.4 15 50 21.4 23.3 21 52 23.6 25.4 23 10 52 31-1 32.5 36 52 50.2 52.6 07 52 24.1 25.0 24 23.1 25.1 23 09 54 33-5 35-1 40 54 52.4 54-9 10 54 25.3 26.9 27 56 14.7 17.6 22 57 56 27.8 30.6 32 56 50.2 52.9 07 56 27.2 28.0 29 58* 17.5 36.0 28 58 23.0 25.5 24 58 50.2 53.3 07 58 29.O 30.O 32 9 oo 9-1 14-5 04 -6.5 II OO 27-4 30.7 31 -6-4 13 oo 47-4 So.o 23 02 -5-4 IS oo 28.O 29.2 31 -4-8 02 14.0 38.0 27 02 34-8 36.2 42 02 43-1 45-7 22 56 02 27.3 29.0 30 04 29.6 34.6 36 04 35-2 37-2 43 04 39-0 41.9 49 04 27.1 28.9 30 06 28.8 36.8 37 06 35-0 39-0 44 06 37-9 40.2 47 06 20.5 27.5 08 32.6 37.2 40 08 38.3 4L9 49 08 38.5 4L3 48 08 25.3 28.0 28 IO 33-8 37-8 42 10 38.9 42.7 50 IO 38.5 40.4 47 10 27.2 30.9 31 12 35-0 38.3 43 12 39.6 41.6 50 12 39-5 40.9 49 12 28.6 3O.7 32 14 29.3 33-8 35 H5.5 M 38.7 40.8 48 -6.0 14 39-7 40-5 49 -5.4 14 27.7 30.7 32 -4.8 16 28.6 32.0 33 16 43.6 46.0 56 16 37-5 39-2 46 16 27.6 31.2 32 18 33-0 35-6 40 18 45 .-4 46.0 58 18 37-3 38.8 45 18 28.6 31.4 33 20 33-5 37-0 41 20 43-2 44-3 54 20 38.3 38.8 46 20 28.6 30.8 32 22 32.0 35.6 39 22 33-0 36.2 40 22 35-3 35-7 42 22 29.0 31.6 33 24 41.0 44.0 52 24 33-2 33-9 38 24 33-6 34.3 39 24 2.0 3O.6 32 26 42.2 45.2 54 26 28.1 31.4 32 26 32 . o 32 . o 36 26 28.0 30.6 32 28 41.8 44.0 53 28 23.0 25.0 24 28 36.7 37-3 44 28 28.6 3I.I 33 30 35-3 37-7 43 -6-5 30 22.5 23.0 21 -6.O 30 37-9 38.4 46 -S-4 30 30.7 33-7 36 -3-9 32 36.3 38.8 45 32 23-5 24.5 23 32 37-9 38.9 46 32 34-0 34-8 40 34 37.2 39.2 46 34 21.8 23.5 21 34 35-9 36.6 43 34 35-0 35-9 41 36 37-1 39.3 46 36 19.6 20. 8 18 36 36.4 37-4 44 36 34-9 36.5 42 38 41.3 44.0 53 38 20. o 20.3 17 38 27.0 28.0 29 38 33-8 36.7 41 40 46.3 47-3 59 40 22. 22.4 20 40 37-2 38.2 45 40 34-3 36.8 42 42 45-3 47-3 22 58 42 21.6 22.6 20 42 38.1 38.8 46 42 36.8 39.9 46 44 45-8 48.6 23 oo 44 19.9 20.2 17 -5-5 44 37-9 38.4 46 -5.3 44 35-9 38.4 44 -3-8 46 44-5 46.6 22 57 -6.5 46 20. O 21. O 18 46 37-8 38.9 46 46 35-8 37-3 43 48 44-0 46.3 57 48 24.O 24.1 24 48 37-9 38.8 46 48 37-5 41-0 47 SO 45-8 47-3 22 59 50 23.5 23.5 23 50 37-9 39-3 46 So 38.2 42.8 52 47-4 49-4 23 02 52 24.0 25.0 24 52 37-2 38.0 45 52 37-3 41-7 48 47-3 48.7 23 oi 54 18.7 20.8 17 36.2 37.8 44 54 38.1 41-3 48 56 40.3 42.0 22 50 56 12.6 13.2 06 56 36.7 37-7 44 56 37-3 39-6 46 58 31-0 32.3 36 58 | 23.2 25.8 24 58 34-2 35-9 41 58 38.6 39-8 47 Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P. alternated from 8h 26m to 8h 38111. (F. L. made a few alternations with W. J. P. iih 0401 to nh 1401.) Observers W. J. P. and R. W. P. alternated I2h 04111 to I2h i8m. R. W. P., F. L., and R. R. T. alternated I4h s8m to i6h O2ni. (R. R. T. I3h 2om to I3h s6m.) MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 57 Wednesday, October 14, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, October 14, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d h m d d ' 1 h m d d / h m d d / O 16 oo 40.0 40.9 22 49 -3.5 18 oo II. O I3.I 22 OS -4.0 20 oo 13.0 18.0 21 55 -3.3 22 00 13-5 13-5 22 l6 -3.1 02 37.4 38.9 46 02 14.3 15.9 10 02 15.4 18.8 58 O2 12.9 13.1 15 04 35-7 36.7 43 04 15.8 17.4 12 04 16.0 19.6 59 04 11.9 12.2 14 06 33-9 34-9 40 06 16.0 20.8 15 06 10.3 19.2 54 06 10.8 11.4 12 08 32.0 33-4 37 08 18.6 21.3 17 08* 41.0 50.0 43 08 II. S 12. O 13 10 30.1 32.0 35 10 21.3 27.0 24 10. _39-9 49-2 21 41 10 II.3 12. O 13 12 28.9 30.4 32 12 18.7 20.9 17 12 63.9 63.9 22 12 12 12.6 12.8 IS 14 25.2 26.9 27 -3.5 14 17-3 19-3 IS -4-0 14 Lost 14 12.4 12.8 IS -3-2 16 23.7 25.7 25 16 10.9 12.8 04 16* 14.9 67.0 22 29 16 12.4 12.8 IS l8 22.1 24.1 22 18 10.2 I3.I 04 18 67.3 73-9 23 15 -3-2 18 13.2 14.6 17 2O 22.1 23.9 22 20 13.6 15.8 09 20 37-6 73-1 22 51 20 15.4 15-6 19 22 22.1 23.4 21 22 17.3 20.3 15 22 54.3 56.7 22 51 22 19.6 20.5 26 24 20.8 22.0 20 24 16.2 19.3 13 25 5-0 31-3 21 53 24 19-5 20.7 27 26 19.8 21.2 l8 26 ii. 5 16.6 08 26* 28.7 41.8 19 26 22.3 23.2 31 28 18.2 19.6 15 28 10.9 18.3 09 28 47.3 63.9 21 51 28 22.3 23.4 31 30 16.4 l6.7 12 -3.7 30 16.9 19.9 15 -3.8 30 60.0 63.3 22 OO -2.8 30 2O.3 22.1 28 -3-2 32 15.0 16.4 10 32 20.7 25.7 22 32 33-3 4I-S 21 22 32 19-3 19-5 25 34 16.1 16.8 12 34 17.9 22.8 18 34 59.6 76.2 22 10 34 14.3 14-7 18 36 19.3 20.2 17 36 17.4 20.8 16 36* 28.3 40.3 22 40 36 18.0 18.5 24 38 20. 8 21.9 19 38 18.4 26.0 21 38* 11.5 26.0 21 51 38 2O.4 21.2 28 40 23.0 23.2 22 40 13.8 22.2 14 40 34.8 39.4 22 2O 40 30.2 30.6 22 43 42 23.5 24.0 23 42 16.3 25.3 18 42 13-3 33-3 21 58 42 42.3 46.3 23 05 44 26.8 27.4 28 -3.8 44 12.5 19.8 II -3.7 44 24.2 36.0 22 O9 -2.5 44 39.0 44.5 23 oo -3-3 46 28.1 29.1 31 46 8.7 14.3 04 46 44.0 54.0 38 46 30.6 33-4 22 45 48 27.7 27.9 29 48* 44.2 50.8 12 48 33-5 38.8 18 48 34-4 37-8 52 50 28.2 28.9 30 50 41.2 47.O 22 O7 50 34.7 43.3 22 23 SO 18.6 20.8 26 52 28.2 28.6 30 52 32.0 37-3 21 52 52* 49.5 63.8 2348 52 24.8 28.0 36 54 28.3 29.2 31 54 29-3 33-2 21 46 54 24.3 38.3 23 08 54 24.2 27.8 36 56 27.1 28.2 29 56 68.2 72.8 22 48 56* 59.7 71.3 25 4i 56 20. 6 23.8 30 58 26.5 27.4 28 58* 47.1 71.1 23 04 58 39.0 48.0 25 07 58 iS-3 17-7 21 17 oo 26.9 27.8 29 -4.0 19 oo 16.8 24.8 22 04 -3.4 21 oo 13.3 13.7 24 19 -2.9 23 oo 12.9 18.3 20 -3-2 O2 26.8 27.3 28 02 8.3 13.2 21 48 02* 23.3 24.5 22 33 02 14.6 18.8 21 O4 25.0 25.9 26 O4 14.2 20.6 58 04 17.4 18.8 23 04 21.2 24.7 31 06 24.1 25.4 25 06 12.3 20.1 56 06 19.7 22.3 28 06 18.0 21. o 26 08 22.7 24.O 22 O8 12.0 18.4 55 08 21.7 25.0 32 08 16.4 20. 23 10 22.6 23.8 22 10 ii. 3 17.0 53 10 13.5 16.2 18 10 18.9 21.4 27 12 19.8 2O.9 l8 12 13.2 19.8 21 57 12 13.0 16.2 18 12 19-3 23.8 29 14 17.0 18.1 13 -4.0 14 I7.I 24.1 22 03 -3.0 14 15.5 18.4 22 -2.9 14 23.0 27.6 35 -3-3 16 15.9 17.5 12 16 15.7 23.1 oi 16 19.0 22.8 28 16 23.5 28.2 36 18 15.9 17.5 12 18 16.0 22.9 oi 18 17.8 20.8 25 18 21. 26.0 32 20 l6.0 17.5 12 20 I5.O 22. 22 OO 20 14.2 18.4 21 20 17.4 27.6 30 22 l6.6 l8.0 13 22 13.1 19.5 21 57 22 13.8 17.2 19 22 23.2 37.2 42 24 15.8 l6.9 II 24 ii. 5 16.8 53 24 13.6 17.2 19 24 37.2 44.8 22 59 26 14.7 15.7 10 26 14-0 19-3 57 26 ii. 6 14.6 16 26 43-8 51-0 23 09 28 14.2 15.2 09 28 ii. i 21.9 57 28 10.6 13.6 14 28 67-9 74-3 23 47 30 14.9 16.1 10 -4.0 30 n. 3 21.9 57 -3.0 30 10.5 14.0 14 -3-0 30* 65-0 75-3 24 04 -3-3 32 15.3 17.3 II 32 10.2 19.2 54 32 12.2 15.2 17 32 32.3 36-3 23 08 34 14.9 17.0 ii 34 36 14.0 15.3 09 36 13-8 17-0 55 14.3 18.2 56 34 13.1 16.0 36 13.0 15.5 18 34* 17 36 27.6 31.3 38.0 42.6 22 II 28 38 13.2 14.9 08 38 14.8 18.2 57 38 12.6 15.1 17 38 41-3 47-5 22 34 40 11.9 12.9 05 40 12.8 15.3 53 40 14.7 17.4 20 40 66.0 68.0 23 to 42 12.7 13.9 07 42 13-0 iS-3 53 42 ii. 3 13.6 14 42 73-2 74-8 21 44 21. o 25.0 22 -4.0 44 16.2 18.6 21 58 -3.2 44 I3-I 15-8 18 -3.0 44 75-0 77-1 24 -3-2 46 24.9 31.1 30 46 l8.2 21.5 22 02 46 13.2 15.1 17 46 64.2 69.8 IO 48 19.8 28.1 23 48 20.4 23.1 05 48 12. I4.O 15 48* 51-6 56.6 38 50 16.9 24.9 19 50 l6.0 22. 22 OI 50 12. 13.6 IS SO 34-3 40.3 23 II 52 12.2 20.8 12 52 13.3 19.9 21 57 52 13.0 I4.I 16 52 22.6 28.3 22 53 54 20.0 22.0 19 54 13.1 18.8 56 54 n. 2 13.2 14 54 39-7 S2.i 23 25 56 26.0 28.8 29 56 12.7 18.1 55 56 8.7 10.3 10 57-5 25.6 26.3 22 53 58 12.3 14.6 07 58 ii. i 15.3 52 58 12.0 13.8 IS 58 37-0 37.0 23 II 24 oo 42.0 44.0 20 -3-1 Observers-R. R. T. and W. J. P. alternated from 2oh 20m to 2oh 32m. (W. J. P. i8h 20m to i8h 26m.) Correction to local mean time is + 30s. 90 torsion = 26/1. Torsion head at oh oom read 327 and at 24)1 lom read 324. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 2oh 2om to 2oh 32m. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Thursday, October 15, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Friday, October 16, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right i h m d d h m d d h m d d / h m d d 16 oo 59.1 47.0 22 31 -o.o 18 oo 43.1 40.7 22 48 -1.3 20 00* 45-2 45.8 22 22 -1 1. 2 22 OO 26.2 35.0 22 03 -9.O 02 60.6 47.7 29 02 41.8 40.0 50 O2 40.0 42.2 16 02 38.3 47.2 22 04 5S-3 50.7 31 04 41.8 40.2 49 04 37.7 40.2 12 04 32.1 43.6 14 06 52.0 48.6 35 06 42.8 42.0 47 06 38.2 42.8 15 06 29.8 43.1 12 08 53.3 49.8 33 08 44.7 43.0 45 08 50.6 55.5 22 34 08 38.0 39.3 16 10 55-7 51-5 30 10 46.3 44.7 42 10* 50.2 52.0 23 19 10 33-1 35-9 09 12 57-4 53-4 27 12 45.2 43.8 44 12 58.0 67.2 37 12 33-7 37-0 ii 14 59-7 56.0 23 -0.2 14 45-0 43-3 45 -i.o 14 58.4 60. I 23 31 -10.8 14 27.7 31.8 22 02 -9.0 l6 : 62.2 54.9 22 l6 49.0 46.5 39 16 26.7 32.4 22 45 16 25.9 29.7 21 59 iS 62.9 55.1 21 18 43-7 4L5 47 18 17.1 21.3 29 l8 26.6 3O.5 22 OO 20 62.6 57.7 20 20 47.0 45.2 41 20 8.5 ii. 7 14 20 33-9 36.0 10 22 62.8 55.6 21 22 46.6 44.9 42 22* 40.9 68.3 ' IO 22 40.3 42.2 20 24 62.9 56.2 20 24 44-3 42.4 46 24 50-7 55-7 08 24 39.1 41.2 18 26 64.0 57.9 18 26 43.0 41.6 47 26 50.9 54-7 07 26 36.3 39-2 14 28 64.7 57-8 18 28 44.1 42.7 46 28 51.9 55-4 09 28 35.6 38.3 13 30 ; 63.7 57.2 19 -0.4 30 45-5 44-3 43 -1.8 30 54-1 57-0 12 -10.5 30 33-5 36.0 10 -8.7 32 61.8 55.7 22 32 45-4 46.6 42 32 54-9 57-0 12 32 35-3 37-4 12 34 61.3 55-3 22 34 47.7 46.6 40 34 55-8 57.8 14 34 36.5 39-2 14 36 58.1 Si-5 28 3 6 48.2 47.0 39 36 56.7 57-7 14 36 36.5 38.8 14 38 58.5 52.0 27 38 49.1 47.9 38 38 57-2 57-8 IS 38 36.0 39.1 14 40 57.8 51.2 28 40 49.6 48.6 37 40 57.3 60.0 16 40 33-0 36.9 10 42 58.1 52.2 27 42 50.3 49-3 36 42 58.2 59-8 '7 42 38.5 41.8 18 44 58.0 53.3 27 -0.6 44 49.1 48.1 38 -2.0 44 53-9 59-7 14 -10.3 44 35-9 37-8 13 -9.0 46 60.3 56.5 22 46 51.0 50.0 35 46 52.4 59-8 13 46 i 35-8 38.4 13 48 60.5 56.2 22 48 51-8 50.7 33 48 57-0 59-3 16 48 ! 37.3 40.3 16 50 58.5 54.0 26 50 52.8 51.6 32 50 55-0 59-9 15 So 36.3 38.8 14 52 54.2 49.8 32 52 53-5 52.4 3i 52 50.1 51.2 04 52 38.3 40.6 17 54 54-3 50.9 31 54 52.8 52.0 32 54 49-2 49-3 22 O2 54 39.4 41.4 19 56 55-0 51-3 31 50 5L9 51-2 33 56 44-3 47-0 21 56 56 42.1 43.5 22 58 50.9 47.3 37 58 52.2 51.5 33 58 45.7 46.8 57 58 42.9 44.3 24 17 oo 49.9 46.3 38 -0.7 19 oo 51.4 50.9 34 -2.1 21 00 Lost -IO.O 23 oo 1 38.6 40.3 17 -9.2 02 49.1 46.6 39 02 50.2 49.6 35 O2 Lost O2 4I.O 41.8 20 04 45.8 42.9 44 04 49.8 49.1 36 4 * 48.0 67.1 22 O2 04 42.8 44.3 23 06 49.8 43.8 40 06 49.8 49.1 36 06* 34.1 36.2 23 16 06 40.9 41.8 20 08 36.9 33.8 58 08 49.4 48.6 37 08* 19.2 58.0 24 18 08 39-0 39.5 17 JO 37-2 35.0 57 10 48.3 47.4 39 10* 33-1 39-2 23 28 10 37-5 38.3 IS 12 37-3 36.2 22 56 12 47.3 46.8 40 12 37-9 54-5 44 12 36.2 37.4 13 14 34.6 32.3 23 oi -0.7 14 47.4 46.7 40 -2.2 14 23.6 32.0 23 IS -9-4 14 39.8 40.6 18 -9.3 16 30.2 26.8 09 16 47.1 46.7 40 16* 20.1 54.2 22 13 16 40.0 40.9 18 18 33-9 30.3 23 03 18 46.7 46.5 41 18 39-0 50.5 25 18 40.8 41.8 20 20 36.2 33.2 22 59 20 45.8 45.6 42 20 41.0 48.6 25 20 43.6 44.2 24 22 33-9 31-8 23 O2 22 45.6 45.4 42 22 38.8 42.1 19 22 44.8 45.4 26 24 31.3 28.6 07 24 46.0 45.7 42 24 38.8 46.8 22 22 24 45.0 45.3 26 26 29.1 23.9 12 26 45-3 44-9 43 26 10. i 29.3 21 46 26 44.5 45.0 25 28 21.3 17.8 23 28 44.8 44.4 44 28 22.1 24.4 21 52 28 44.4 44.8 25 30 II. 8 1 1. 2 36 -i.o 30 45.3 44.9 43 -2.5 30 29-3 33-2 22 O4 -p.O 30 46.0 46.0 27 -9.3 3:2 12.2 9.0 37 32 45.6 45.1 43 32 26.O 29.O 21 58 32 46.5 47.0 28 34 23.0 20.1 20 34 47.1 46.6 40 34 22.3 25.8 21 53 34 48.9 48.9 32 36 24.7 22.0 17 36 47.3 46.6 40 36 30.6 34.3 22 06 36 49.8 50.1 33 38 27.2 25.2 13 38 46.8 46.5 41 38 49.8 54.2 37 38 50.5 50.5 34 40 2(5.2 24.0 14 40 46.2 45.6 42 40 61.6 65.9 55 40 50.0 50.0 33 42 28.1 25.2 12 42 45.8 45-3 42 42 55-2 59-2 45 42 47.6 48.0 30 44 32.2 29.8 23 05 -i.o 44 45.4 45.o 43 -2.8 44 33-2 40.2 13 -9.n 44 48.4 48.8 31 -9.4 46 35-9 33-8 22 59 46 45-2 44.8 43 46 42.2 46.8 25 46 47.8 48.0 30 48 39-3 37-1 54 48 44.8 44-3 44 48 45-7 49-2 29 48 48.6 48.8 32 50 37-0 34.2 58 50 45-0 44.5 44 50 33-7 40.7 14 50 49.5 49.7 33 52 37.8 36.2 56 52 45.0 44.5 44 52 32.2 36.8 09 52 50.8 51.6 36 54 40.7 39-1 51 54 45.0 44.5 44 54 30.0 34.2 06 54 51.2 51.6 36 56 41.2 39.4 51 56 45.0 44.3 44 56 30.9 35-2 07 56 49.7 50.5 34 58 42.0 40.0 49 58 44.6 43.9 44 58 47-3 50.6 32 58* 49.8 50.2 38 20 OO 44.7 44-3 44 24 oo 50.5 51.2 39 -9.0 Correction to local mean time is + 303. ? Torsion head at 15)1 4om read 327 and at 2oh 24m read the same. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from i8h i8m to i8h 3om. Correction to local mean time is + 445. 90 torsion = 25/3. Torsion head at 2oh oom read 336 and at 24)1 25111 read 341. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 22h I4m to 22h 3om. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Tepliiz Bay Continued 59 Sunday, October 18, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, October 18, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d ' ' . h m d d o / h m d d o / 00 45.8 44.8 22 26 -13.0 2 OO 31.0 3I.O 22 48 -13-2 4 oot 35-6 34 o 22 42 6 oo 42.0 42.8 22 47 -13.2 02 46.2 45.6 25 O2 32.6 32.2 46 02 | 71.0 76.0 45 02 43-2 44.7 50 04 45.4 45.0 26 04 30.2 30.1 50 04 73-0 77-0 47 -12.8 04 39-3 39-8 43 06 39-0 38.0 36 06 30.6 30.6 49 06 71.2 75.2 45 06 35-3 36.3 37 08 39-8 38.6 35 08 29.3 29.3 51 08* 36.6 42.0 43 08 35-8 36.3 37 10 41.6 40.6 32 10 32.8 32.6 46 10 ~f 3~4 9 39-9 40 10 38.1 38.8 41 12 39.0 37-8 37 12 36.6 36.0 40 12 33-7 39-8 38 12 38.3 40.1 42 H 35-1 34.3 42 -13.2 H 33-8 33.o 44 -13.0 14 32.3 37-7 36 -12.3 H 39-8 40.2 44 -13.3 16 41.0 40.2 33 16 37.0 36.5 39 16 31.6 37.0 35 16 43-7 44-8 50 18 44.6 42.3 29 18 38.5 37-9 37 18 31.7 36-9 35 18 45-1 45-4 52 20 44.0 42.0 29 20 40.2 39.4 34 20 31.8 36.8 35 20 50.0 50.8 22 OO 22 41.6 39.6 33 22 39.1 38.6 36 22 33-9 38.3 38 22 52.6 54.3 23 05 24 38.2 29.8 44 24 37-5 37-0 39 24 35-6 39-7 40 24 56-3 56.8 IO 26 38.6 37.3 37 26 36.4 35-9 40 26 34-0 37.9 37 26 55-3 56.5 09 28 38.4 36.6 38 28 35-5 34-8 42 28 32.8 37.0 36 28 57-8 58.0 12 30 39-0 37-5 37 -13-3 30 34-6 33-6 43 30 28.9 33.8 30 -12.2 30 56.2 57.0 10 -13.5 32 41.2 39.8 33 32 32.6 31.8 46 -13.0 32 27-8 32.9 28 32 57.06 10 34 42.8 41.0 31 34 34-2 33-0 44 34 31-8 36.8 35 34 54-0 54-2 06 36 43.6 42.4 29 36 34.8 34.0 43 36 39.6 44.8 47 36 54-0 54-7 06 38 47.0 45.8 24 38 35-2 34-4 42 38 40.9 45.7 49 38 54-0 55-8 07 40 48.6 47.3 22 40 35-3 34-6 42 40 37.8 40.8 43 40 51.3 53-9 04 42 49.2 48.0 21 42 35-6 35-0 42 42 23.3 25.3 19 42 50.9 52.0 02 44 50.0 49.0 19 -13.6 44 36.8 36.0 40 -13.0 44 25.8 28.9 24 -12.2 44 50.4 50.8 OO -13.6 46 51.0 50.0 18 46 36.8 36.0 40 46 23.8 26.8 21 46 53-6 54-8 06 48 48.4 47.6 22 48 37.8 37-5 38 48 36.8 37-8 39 48 53-0 56.0 06 50 46.5 45.3 25 50 38.3 37-7 37 50 41.2 43.8 48 50 50.0 53.2 02 52 51.3 50.0 17 52 39.8 39.0 35 52 36.9 39-3 41 52 Si.o 53-2 03 54 52.8 51.8 15 54 44-3 43-0 28 54 44.2 46.0 52 54 52.0 54.9 05 56 51.6 50.8 17 56 43.3 42.3 30 56 48.2 50.1 58 56 52.0 53.9 04 58 51.0 50.5 17 58 42.0 41.5 32 58 40.1 41.2 45 58 54-7 56.8 08 I 00 51.4 50.5 17 -I3-7 3 oo 44.3 44.0 28 -1.5.0 5 oo 34.8 37-3 37 -I2..5 7 oo 53.8 56.3 07 -14.0 02 52.1 51.3 16 02 46.8 46.6 24 02 45.8 47.8 54 02 54-1 56.5 08 04 51.8 50.6 17 04 47.4 46.6 23 04 46.0 47.1 54 04 52.7 55-0 23 05 06 49-6 49.0 20 06 46.0 45.8 25 06 38.9 39-1 42 06 49-8 51-2 22 60 08 46.6 46.0 24 08 47.0 46.8 23 08 34.2 35.8 36 08 49.2 50.0 22 59 10 44.5 43.7 28 10 41.7 41.5 32 10 39.9 40.1 44 10 52.8 54.2 23 05 12 41.8 4I.I 32 12 45.9 45.7 25 12 30.8 31.8 30 12 49-6 51.1 22 00 14 39-0 37.8 37 -13.6 I 4 47.2 47.0 2 3 -13-0 14 26.0 27.3 23 -12.7 14 47.8 48.7 22 56 -14.0 16 36.0 35.5 41 16 46.4 46.4 24 16 49-0 50.3 22 59 16 52.9 53-2 23 04 18 36.5 35-9 40 18 47.3 47.3 23 18 62.30 23 19 18 53-9 54-2 06 20 36.0 35.4 41 20 46.8 46.4 24 20 74-0 74.0 37 20 53-2 54-0 05 22 34-5 33-5 44 22 46.6 46.1 24 22 64.16 23 21 22 50.0 51.8 OI 24 34-3 33-4 44 24 45.2 44.8 26 24 45- '6 22 52 24 52.0 52.8 03 26 36.7 36.0 40 26 42.8 42.1 3O 26 43-3 44-8 50 26 54-0 55.0 06 28 37-7 37-0 38 28 45.6 45.2 26 28 44-0 47-3 52 28 50.9 51-8 O2 30 37-5 36.8 39 -13.5 30 40.0 39.4 35 -13.0 30 29.7 32.9 30 -12.9 30 So.i 52.1 23 oi -14.1 32 37.6 37.0 38 32 38.7 38.3 37 32 19.6 22.0 13 32 48.3 50.7 22 59 34 37-1 36.7 39 34 40.8o 33 34 21. I 21.9 H 45-8 47-6 54 36 37-3 36.8 39 36 43-5 43-5 29 36 42.7 43.0 22 48 36 35-3 36.2 37 38 38.5 37-8 37 38 43-5 43-2 29 38 55-2 56.0 23 08 38 45-0 45.9 52 40 39.2 38.6 36 40 41.4 41.4 32 40 48.8 49.6 22 58 40 49.8 50.2 22 59 42 39.4 38.5 36 42 39-5 39-5 35 42 49.1 49.9 58 42 52.9 55-3 23 06 44 39.4 38.6 36 -13.3 44 37-5 37-5 38 -13-0 44 46.8 47.9 55 -13.0 44 54-3 55-0 07 -14.2 46 38.1 37.1 38 46 46.1 45.6 25 46 43-9 46.0 Si 46 55-9 56-6 09 48 35-6 34-7 42 48 42.8 42.3 30 48 40.2 41.2 45 48 56.9 58.5 12 50 33-7 33-3 44 50 46.8 46.1 24 50 44-3 45-3 50 56.4 57-9 II 52 , 32.7 32.3 46 52 48.4 48.3 21 52 48.8 49.0 22 58 52 56.9 57-9 II 54 32.1 31.6 47 56 31.8 31.5 47 54 46.0 45.6 25 56 42.0 41.6 31 50.2 50.6 48.0 48.8 23 oo 22 57 ^ 59.3 60. i 59-8 60.6 15 15 58 37.0 36.8 39 58 37-7 35-0 38 58 44-8 45-1 Si 58 56.7 57-6 II 8 oo 57-2 57-7 II Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is + 55s. Torsion head at oh oom read 340 and at 8h 25m read the same. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated 3)1 58111 to 4h 14111. t Scale inverted for readings at 4h oom. 6o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Monday, October 19, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, October 20, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right i Left Right Left Right 1 ' 1 h m d d h m d d ' o h m d d o / e h m d d 8 oo 58.1 47.1 22 25 10 oo 55-5 55-0 22 21 -19.0 12 oo 51.4 54.5 22 29 -I5.O 14 00 50.4 52.0 22 27 -14.2 02 42.1 38.8 44 -20.5 02 52.4 50.8 27 02 51.2 54.2 29 02 51.3 53-o 28 04 43-5 39-4 43 04.3 50.6 48.8 30 04 50.1 53-2 27 04 50.4 51.9 27 06 39.4 38.0 47 06 47-9 47-1 33 06 51-2 54-2 29 06 51.5 53.0 28 08 48.4 38.6 40 08 51.3 50.0 28 08 52.2 54.9 30 08 51.0 51.8 27 10 49.6 38.8 39 10 47.2 45.1 36 10 51-5 53-8 29 10 50.8 51.5 27 12 39-0 33-0 Si 12 52.8 50.1 27 12 51-4 53-4 29 12 51.2 52.O 27 -14.0 M 43-5 40.6 42 H 49.7 48.0 31 -18.3 14 51-7 53-9 29 -14.8 14 51. I 52.1 27 16 44.6 38.6 43 -20.5 16 49.3 46.2 33 16 5L3 53-8 29 16 51.2 52.0 27 18 Lost 18 47.0 46.0 35 18 50.4 53-0 28 18 51.0 52.3 27 20 57.6 49.6 24 20 60.8 59.7 13 20 51-2 53-8 29 20 51.5 52.2 28 22 38.6 28.0 22 55 22 56.8 54.0 21 22 Si.o 53-7 28 22 51.2 52.1 27 24 25.0 18.8 23 14 24 49.2 48.0 32 24 51-2 53-5 28 24 51.2 51.8 27 26 26.5 23.0 09 26 50.1 49.0 30 26 49.8 52.0 26 26 50.8 51.8 27 28 30.0 26.5 23 04 28 53-5 51-8 25 28 50.0 53.0 27 28 52.3 53-0 29 30 33.0 30.8 22 58 -20.4 30 55-1 53-0 23 -18.3 30 50.8 53.0 28 -14.7 30 52.0 52.6 28 -13.5 32 32.0 28.6 23 oo 32 52-3 51-3 27 32 Si.o 53-7 28 32 52.2 52.8 29 34 37.6 37.0 22 49 34 52.1 50.1 28 34 51-0 53-8 29 34 52.5 53-4 29 36 42.0 38.0 45 36 54.0 52.7 24 36 5L7 54-2 29 36 52.5 53-4 29 38 44-1 35-6 45 38 55-1 53.1 23 38 51.9 54-9 30 38 51.0 51.8 27 40 47-2 31-9 46 40 54.8 51.9 24 40 53-8 55-3 32 40 51.2 52.3 28 42 49-3 39-3 38 42 53.0 49.8 27 42 53-7 55-9 32 42 52.0 52.6 28 44 46 45.6 36.2 44 46.0 36.2 43 -20.3 8 52.9 49.2 28 53.8 50.4 26 -18.3 8 54.0 56.0 53-8 55.7 33 -M-4 32 44 51-5 52.2 28 -13.5 46 51.8 52.3 28 48 49.2 37.2 40 48 53.9 51. i 26 48.7 51-3 53-8 29 48 52.6 53.3 29 50 50.6 42.0 35 50 53.2 49.7 27 50 50.7 52.7 28 50 52.5 52.7 29 52 49.2 42.0 36 52 52.8 49.0 28 52 51-2 53-2 28, 52 51.6 52.0 28 54 51.0 45.0 33 54 52.7 49.2 28 54 53-1 55-1 31 1 54 51.8 52.2 28 57 48.5 44.0 35 56 54.1 49-2 27 56 53-0 54.5 31 i 56 52.4 52.8 29 58 50.7 47.0 31 58 51.2 47.5 30 58 51-0 53-0 28 58 52.6 52.8 29 9 oo 43.0 40.6 42 -20. o 11 OO 54.7 50.4 26 -18.2 13 oo Si.i 52.9 28 ,-14. 3 IS oo 53-5 53-6 30 -13-7 02 48.5 45.4 34 02 54.3 51.0 25 02.3 52.9 54.9 31 02 52.9 53.3 30 04 45-0 42.3 39 01 55.3 51.2 24 04 53-9 55-7 32 04 52.6 53.0 29 06 53.8 50.6 26 of. 55.2 51.9 24 06 53-0 54-9 31 06 53.6 53.9 31 08 49.0 46.0 33 08 61.8 58.0 14 08 53-0 54-8 3i 08 52.6 52.8 29 10 61.0 59-5 13 10 61.1 57.9 15 10 53-0 54.7 3i 10 55.8 56.1 34 12 50.8 46.6 32 12 60.8 59.0 14 12 52.5 54-2 30 12 52.0 52.0 28 15 54-3 54-3 23 14 59.8 59.0 15 -18.2 14 52.1 53-8 29 -14-3 14 52.3 52.6 28 -13.8 16 55-2 54-8 22 -20. 16 64.8 63.2 07 16 51-9 53-2 29 16 52.6 53.0 29 18 54-3 53-5 23 18 60.3 59-3 14 18 51-3 52.8 28 18 52.2 52.8 29 20 34.6 34.6 54 20 58.0 57.0 18 20 52.0 53.2 29 20 52.2 52.5 28 22 33-6 32.2 56 22 39.2 58.0 16 22 52.7 53-4 29 22 51.6 52.0 28 2 4 45-6 43.4 38 2 4 59-4 57-7 16 24 52.4 53-4 29 24 51.4 51.8 27 26 51-0 45-0 33 26 51.7 50.6 28 26 52.2 53.2 29 26 51.0 51.4 27 28 57-6 53.1 21 28 56.8 55.0 20 28 53-0 54-0 30 28 51.0 51.4 27 30 48.4 44.8 35 -20. 30 55.1 54-1 22 -18.3 30 52.6 53-8 30 -I4-3 30 51-1 51-5 27 -13.9 32 48.6 45.6 34 32 62.7 61.4 n 32 52.2 53-5 29 32 50.8 51.3 26 34 50.5 46.8 32 34 59.I& IS 34 51-3 52.3 28 34 51-3 51-9 27 36 58.0 54.7 20 36 56.0 55.1 21 36 51-4 52.8 28 36 Si-3 51.6 27 38 59-1 55.3 18 38 54.8 53.0 23 38 51-2 52.3 28 38 50.8 51.3 26 40 55-2 52.6 23 40 6l.O 60. 1 22 13 40 51-5 52-7 28 40 50.9 51-5 27 42 54-9 52.0 24 42 71.7 69.0 21 58 42 52.8 54.1 30 42 51.1 51.7 27 44 57-9 54-5 20 -19.7 44 66. o 63.1 22 07 -18.0 44 Si-9 53-i 29 -14-3 44 si-i 51.7 27 46 57-3 57-0 18 46 58.0 56.2 18 46.2 Si-5 52.8 28 46 51.9 52.4 28 -13.9 48 61.7 60.3 12 48 54.2 53.2 24 48 51-7 53-9 29 48 52.1 52.5 28 50 58.2 56.2 18 50 54-4 53-9 23 50 Si-9 54-0 29 50 51.9 52.3 28 52 58.1 55.2 19 52 57-7 56.2 19 52.4 51-2 53-8 29 52 ! 52.3 52.7 28 54 58.2 56.7 18 54 58.1 57.6 17 54 50.9 53-0 28 54 i 52.3 52.7 29 56 57-3 56.3 19 56 58.7 57-6 17 56 50.2 52.7 27 56 51-9 52.4 28 58 58.0 56.0 18 58 60.3 59.2 14 58 49-8 52-0 26 58 51.6 52.2 28 12 00 61.9 60.5 12 -18.0 16 oo 52.3 52.9 29 -14.0 1 Correction to local mean time is + im 155. Torsion head at 8h oom read 339 and at I2h 30m read the same. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 9h 4601 to i oh oom. Correction to local mean time is + im 373. Torsion head at nh 30111 read 339 and at i6h I5m read the same. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 14)1 lorn to 14)1 20111. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Tcplitz Bay Continued 61 Wednesday, October 21, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, October 21, 1903 Magnet scale inverted 1 Scale : East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings ' decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right i h m d d ' h m d d o t h m d d h m d d ' o o oo 51.2 48.6 22 34 -16.2 2 00 48.2 48.0 22 37 -15.5 4 00 52.0 50.8 22 32 -14.2 6 oo 49.0 48.0 22 36 -12. 02 50.0 48.0 36 02 49-0 49.0 36 O2 52.1 50.2 32 02 49.0 48.0 36 04 50.5 48.3 35 04 48.9 48.9 36 04 51.2 50.2 33 04 48.8 47.8 37 06 50.2 48.0 35 06 49-6 49.6 35 06 50.3 49.2 34 06 48.8 47.8 37 08 50.4 48.2 35 08 49-4 49-3 35 08 48.5 47-8 37 08 49.1 48.2 36 10 49.8 47.5 36 10 49.0 48.8 36 10 47-7 47-1 38 10 49-3 48.3 36 12 49.0 47.1 37 12 47.8 47.8 37 12 47.2 46.3 39 12 49.2 48.2 36 14 49.3 47.3 37 -16.2 14 48.0 48.0 37 -15.3 '4 48.0 47.0 38 -13.8 14 48.8 47-5 37 -ii. 8 16 50.0 48.2 35 16 48.3 48.0 37 16 48.6 46.4 38 16 48.2 47.5 37 18 49.5 47.8 36! 18 49.2 49.0 35 18 48.8 46.8 37 18 47.3 46.8 39 20.3 50.2 48.6 35 20 47-8 47.5 38 20 48.8 47.0 37 20 46.8 46.5 39 22 50.0 48.6 35 22 46.2 46.0 40 22 48.9 47-1 37 22 47.8 47.2 38 24 50.6 49.2 34 24 45-8 45-6 41 24 48.2 47.2 38 24 48.0 47.5 38 26 51-3 49-9 33 26 45-6 45.4 4i 26 48.3 47.0 38 26 48.0 47.7 37 28 52.6 51.3 31 28 45-6 45.6 41 28 48.9 47-3 37 28 48.4 48.0 37 30 53.1 51.8 30 -16.0 30 46.0 45.8 41 -15.2 30 48.8 47.1 37 -13.4 30 48.8 48.0 36 -ii. 6 32 53.6 52.3 29 32 45-4 45. I 42 32.3 48.7 47.0 37 32 48.7 48.2 36 34 53.1 52.0 30 34 46.6 46.2 40 34 48.0 46.5 38 34 48.7 48-5 36 36 52.2 51.2 31 36 46.8 46.4 39 36 48.2 46.8 38 36 49.1 48.8 36 38 52.4 51.2 31 38 46.7 46.3 40 38 48.2 47.0 38; 38 49.1 48.8 36 40 53.0 52.0 30 40 47-2 47.0 39 40 48.8 47-1 37 40 48.8 48.1 36 42 52.6 51.6 31 42 47-2 47.0 39 42 49.7 48.3 36 42 48.2 48.0 37 44 52.6 51.8 31 -16.0 44 47-3 47-2 38 -15.1 44 51.2 49.8 33-13.0 44 48.0 47-8 37 -ii.S 46 52.6 51.4 31 46 47-6 47.2 38 46 50.8 49.7 34 46 48.2 47.7 37 48 52.2 51.2 31 48 47-5 47-3 38 48 47-9 46.3 38 48 48.0 47.7 37 50 52.6 51.6 31 So 47-6 47-4 38 50 47.5 46.6 39 50 47.8 47.2 38 52 52.5 48.0 34 52 48.0 47.8 37 52 48.6 47.6 37 52 48.1 48.0 37 54 51.2 49.3 34 54 52.8 52.4 30 54 48.9 47.9 36 54 49.0 48.2 36 56 51.1 49.4 34 56 47-8 47.4 38 56 48.0 46.9 38 56 48.9 47-9 36 58 51.2 48.8 34 58 48.1 47.9 37 58 47.8 47.0 38 58 49.8 47.8 36 i oo 51.2 49.6 33 3 oo 47.4 47-2 38 -15.0 5 oo 48.6 47.9 37 --12.9 7 oo 52.8 47.2 34 -11.4 03 50.9 49-4 34 -15.8 02 46.5 46.3 40 02 48.2 48.1 37 02 51.8 48.2 34 04 50.8 49.4 34 04 46.0 45.6 41 04 47.2 47.2 38 04 51.3 47-9 35 06 50.6 49.3 34 06 45- 6 45-2 41 06 47.0 46.8 39 06 51.2 48.0 35 08 50.4 49.3 34 08 46.3 45-7 40 08 47.0 47.0 39 08 51.1 49.0 34 10 50.3 49-0 35 IO 47.4 46.8 39 10 48.2 48.0 37 10 51.0 48.0 35 12 49.8 48.6 35 12 48.2 47.8 37 12 49.7 49.1 35 12 50.2 46.1 37 14 49.4 48.4 36 -15.6 14 49.3 48.8 36 -14.9 14 50.0 49.1 35 -12.8 14 50.1 46.2 37 -10.9 16 49.1 48.2 36 16 50.1 49.9 34 16 49.6 49.2 35 16 50.2 46.6 36 18 49.3 48.4 36 18 50.6 50.4 33 18 49.1 49.0 36 18 49.0 45.6 38 20 50.0 49.1 35 20 51-4 51-2 32 20 49.2 48.4 36 20 50.1 46.0 37 22 50.2 49.3 35 22 52.3 52.1 31 22 48.8 47.8 37 22 50.2 46-1 37 24 50.6 49.6 34 24 52.5 52.3 30 24 49.7 48.2 36 24 49.0 45.2 38 26 50.6 49.8 34 26 53-0 53-0 29 26 49.2 47.9 36 26 48.8 46.2 38 28 51.0 50.1 33 28 52.6 52.2 30 28 49.2 48.0 36 28 49-7 47-8 36 30 51.0 50.0 33 -JS-6 30 51.6 51-3 32 30 49.0 47.2 37 -12.6 30 48.8 46.5 38 -10.8 32 50.6 50.0 34 32 50.6 50.4 33 -14.0 32 49.0 48.0 36 32 48.8 47.0 37 34 50.2 49.6 34 34 49.6 49.6 35 34 49.0 48.0 36 34 49.8 48.8 35 36 50.0 49.4 35 36 49-6 49-6 35 36 49.0 48.0 36 36 49.1 48.0 36 38 50.0 49.3 35 38 50.0 49.8 34 38 48.7 47-2 37 38 49-8 47-5 36 40 50.3 49.7 34 40 49.6 49.4 35 40 48.3 47-0 38 40 49-3 47-3 37 42 50.7 50.1 33 42 48.3 48.0 37 42 48.0 46.8 38 42 50.0 48.1 36 44 50-9 50-5 33 -15-5 44 47.1 46.8 39 -14.5 44 48.0 46.9 38 -12.2 44 48.8 46.4 38 -10.8 46 50.8 50.6 33 46 47.0 46.6 39 46 47-7 46.7 38 46 49.9 47.0 36 48 50.8 50.6 33 48 46.2 46.0 40 48 47.8 46.9 38 48 49.5 46.9 37 50 50.3 SO.o 34 50 47.1 46.8 39 50 48.9 48.1 36 50 50.0 47.1 36 52 49.3 49.2 35 52 48.0 47.7 37 52 49.1 48.7 36 52 50.0 47.1 36 54 48.9 48.6 36 54 48.8 48.3 36 54 49.9 49.2 35 54 50.1 47.0 36 56 49.3 48.8 36 56 50.0 49.3 35 56 49.8 49.0 35 56 49.0 46.5 38 58 48.3 48.1 37 58 51.1 50.8 33 58 49.2 48.2 36 58 49.0 46.4 38 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T. alternated from 3h 54m to 4(1 o8m. Observers R. R. T. and R. W. P. alternated from 7h 52m to 8h lorn. 62 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, October 21, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, October 21, 1903 Magnet scale inverted [ Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation 1 C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m i d d ' h m d d Ii m d d ' h m d d ' 8 oo 49.3 46.2 2238 -10.8 1000 51.2 50.2 2233 -ii. 2 12 OO 51-6 50-7 22 32 -1 1. 1 14 00 53.1 51.0 22 31 -12 02 49.0 45.9 38 02 50.1 49.8 34 02 50-9 49-5 34 02 53-6 Si-4 30 04 50.0 47.7 36 04 48.8 48.0 36 04 51-3 50-1 33 04 53-4 51-0 3' 06 49.0 47.2 37 06 47.2 46.8 39 06 52-5 51-5 31 06 53.6 51.1 30 08 48.3 47.1 38 08 47.1 46.3 39 08 51-9 51-1 32 08 55-3 53-7 -27 10 48.2 46.8 38 10 48.6 47.5 37 10 50-7 50.2 33 10 55-3 52-7 28 12 48.2 4;. 2 38 12 49.6 48.5 36 12 Si-o 50.0 33 12 55-3 52.7 28 14 49.3 48.2 36 -10.6 14 49-9 48.8 35 -n.i 14 Si-3 50-3 33 -ii. o 14 55-7 53-o 27 16 48.8 47.2 37 16 50.1 49.0 35 16 52-7 52-1 30 16 54.9 52. S 28 -11.9 18 49.1 48.1 36 18 51.4 50.4 33 18 53-3 52-3 30 18 53-3 Si-6 30 20 49.2 48.4 36 20 51.1 50.0 33 20 51-3 50-6 33 20 54.6 52.0 29 22 48.2 47.7 37 22 51.7 50.1 33 22 52-1 51-2 3! 22 55-9 53-5 27 24 48.7 48.0 37 24 51.3 50.1 33 24 51.6 51.2 32 24 56.0 53.7 26 26 48.6 48.2 36 26 51.3 50.3 33 26 Si-3 50-7 32 26 54.9 53.3 28 28 48.7 48.0 37 28 50.6 49.9 34 28 51-8 Si-5 31 28 54.1 51.6 30 30 48.2 48.1 37 -10.6 30 50.7 49.6 34 -ii. I 30 51-6 51-0 32 -ii. o 30 54.7 53.0 28 -ii. 6 32 49-2 48.7 36 32 50.5 49-0 34 32 52.6 51.8 3i 32 54.8 52.1 29 34 48.2 48.1 37 34 50.2 48.7 35 34 53-9 53-3 28 34 55.0 53.0 28 36 48.8 48.6 36 36 50.1 48.8 35 36 54-0 53-5 28 if) 55.4 52.6 28 38 49.0 48.7 36 38 50.8 48.2 35 38 53-5 52-8 29 38 55-5 53-6 27 40 49-7 48.7 35 40 49.9 48-4 35 40 52-6 52.5 30 40 55-5 53-3 27 42 50.4 49.7 34 42 51.6 50.0 33 42 52-7 52-4 30 42 55.7 54.3 26 44 50.0 49.7 34 -10.1 44 Si-6 50-3 33 -n. o 44 52.4 Si-3 31-11.1 44 56.6 54.6 25 -ii. i 46 49.2 48.1 36 46 50.1 49.2 35 46 52.2 50.9 32 46 55.6 55.0 26 48 48.7 48.1 36 48 50.7 49.1 34 48 52-6 51.2 31 48 56.1 54.7 26 SO 49.2 48.8 36 50 50.8 49.9 34 50 52.5 Si.i 31 SO 55.9 54.6 26 52 49.0 48.1 36 52 51.1 50.1 33 52 52-7 Si-5 31 52 54.0 53.0 28 54 48.7 47.8 37 54 52.0 50.9 32 54 51-4 50-3 33 54 53.3 52.7 29 56 49.3 48.0 36 56 51.1 49.9 33 56 Si-3 50.3 33 56 53.6 53.0 29 58 50.1 49.8 34 58 51.6 50.4 32 58 52-7 Si-4 3i 58 54.3 53.8 28 9 oo 49-2 48.7 36 -10.3 ii oo 50.9 49.9 33 -ii. i 13 oo 53-9 52.7 29 -11.5 15 oo 54.6 54.0 27 -10.8 02 49.6 48.2 36 02 51.1 49.9 33 02 53-7 52-9 29 02 55.5 54.6 26 04 50.0 48.0 36 04 50.3 48.4 35 04 53-3 51-3 30 04 56.0 55.3 25 06 51.2 49.0 34 06 51.2 50.3 33 06 53-4 52-7 29 06.5 54.6 54.1 27 08 52-5 50.5 32 08 50.8 50.2 33 08 53-8 53.0 29 08 53-5 53.0 29 10 51.1 49.8 33 10 51.8 50.9 32 10 53-5 52-9 29 10 53.1 52.6 30 12 50.0 48.2 35 12 50.5 50.0 34 12 53-4 52-4 29 12 53.3 52.9 29 l i 51.0 49.7 34 -ii. 4 14 50.7 49.8 34 14 52-3 5L4 31 -i i. 6 14 53-3 52.7 29 -II. n 16 50.2 47.6 36 16 51.0 50.8 32 -10.9 16 Si-4 50.4 32 16 54.0 53.4 29 18 50.9 48.7 34 18 52.0 51.3 32 18 51-8 50.5 32 1 8 55.5 55.0 26 20 50.9 48.9 34 20 51.6 51.1 32 20 52-4 Si-7 31 20 55.0 54.4 27 22 48.9 47-1 37 22 51.1 50.5 33 22 52.4 Si-4 3' 22 53-5 53-0 29 24 48.8 47.1 37 24 50.5 49-7 34 24 52-3 Si-7 31 24 53-3 52-3 30 26 46.9 45-3 40 26 50.8 50.2 33 26 53-o 52-2 30 26 53.3 53.0 29 28 48.8 46.6 38 28 50.8 50.1 33 28 53-2 52-3 30 28 53-3 53-0 28 30 48.7 46.7 38 -11.3 30 51.9 50.9 32 -10.9 30 52-5 51-8 31 -12.0 30 55-0 54-4 27 -n .0 32 47-5 46.6 39 32 51-0 50.1 33 32 53-6 52-4 29 32 54.1 53.6 28 34 46.2 45.8 40 34 51.4 49.9 33 34 53-7 52-7 29 34 53.6 53.0 29 3 S 46.1 45.7 40 36 52.0 50.2 32 36 52-8 52.2 30 36 53.4 53.0 29 38 46.6 45.7 40 38 50.5 49.1 34 38 53-3 52.7 29 38 53-7 53-3 28 40 46.2 45.2 41 40 51.7 49.6 33 40 52-5 52-0 31 40 54.2 53.8 28 42 49.8 48.5 35 42 50.7 49-0 34 42 53-5 53-3 29 42 54.2 54.0 28 44 50.4 49.8 34 -ii. 2 ; 44 51.0 49.0 34 -10.9 44 52-5 52.o 31 -12.0 44 53-9 53-5 28 -ii. o 4 = 47-9 46.8 38 46 52.0 50.3 32 46 52.3 51-9 31 46 54.4 53.9 28 48 48.7 48.0 37 48 51.2 49.5 34 48 52.2 51.6 31 48 54.3 54-1 27 SO 50.2 49.4 34 50 50.1 48.6 35 50 53-5 53-o 29 50 54.0 53.2 28 52 52.0 51.1 32 52 50.8 49.5 34 52 54-8 53-0 28 52 55.2 54.3 27 54 52-0 Si-3 3i 54 52.6 50.5 32 54 54-3 53-5 28 54 54.3 53.7 28 S a 51-7 50.8 32 56 52.2 50.8 32 56 53-8 52.6 29 56 54.1 52.9 28 58 51-0 50.7 33 58 51.5 50.5 32 58 53-4 52-0 30 58 54.1 52.9 28 Observer R. W. P. Observers R. W. P. and W. J. P. alternated I2h O2m to I2h 22m. W. J. P. and R. R. T. alternated 15)1 som to i6h o6m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplilz Bay Continued Wednesday, October 21, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, October 21, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Tcmi>. Chr'r readings decli- Temp ChrV readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. . Left Right . Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d Of h m d d O h 111 d d O ' : h m d d / o ifi 00 54-0 53-o 22 28 -II.O 18 oo 54.1 52.1 22 29 -9.7 20 00 58.8 55.2 22 23 -IO.4 22 00 52.4 40.3 22 40 -9-9 02 53-2 52.3 30 02 54.1 52.0 29 02 58.3 55-0 24 02 51.0 43-2 ^ 04 53-3 52.7 20 04 53-8 51.9 30 04 57-8 55.0 24 04 53-0 44.9 36 06 53.2 52.1 30 06 53.8 52.0 29 06 58. T 54.0 24 06 55-0 45-6 34 08 53.7 .52.2 20 08 53.7 52.2 29 08 57.8 53.8 25 08 53-0 44-0 36 TO 53.1 52.2 30 10 54.0 52.0 29 IO 56.9 53-3 26 10 53.9 40.0 39 12 53-5 52.5 20 12 53.8 52.2 29 12 "S7-4 54-3 25 12 61.0 41.2 32 14 53.0 52.0 30 -10.8 14 53.2 51. n 30 -9.8 14 60.9 57.9 19-10.4 14 49-3 41-2 42 -9-9 16 52.8 52.2 30 16 52.8 52.0 30 16 58.0 55.0 24 16 71.2 51.2 16 18 53-0 53.0 29 18 52.5 51.8 31 18 48.8 45.0 39 18 56.1 55-8 25 20 52.7 52.1 30 20 52.8 51.8 30 20 39-4 37-8 22 52 20 52.3 48.4 34 22 52.8 52.1 30 22 52.8 51.8 30 22 35.0 12.0 23 l6 22 50.9 47-6 35 24 53-3 52.6 20 24 53-2 52.1 30 24 38.5 36.8 22 53 24 53-2 47.4 34 26 53.6 52.9 29 26 54.0 53.0 28 26 50. o 48.9 35 26 55-2 47.1 32 28 53.0 52.2 30 28 54.6 53.6 28 28 61.0 56.8 20 28 60.3 45-9 29 .10 54-7 53-9 27 -ii.o 30 54-6 53-6 28 -9.9 30 65.1 59-8 15 -10.6 30 63-3 45-0 28 -9.8 ,12 54-9 54-1 27 32 54.4 53-4 28 32 66.5 59-9 13 32 6i.5 45-5 28 34 55-1 54.3 27 34 54-5 53-5 28 3 f 63-3 57-1 18 34 55-2 53.5 27 36 54.8 53.8 27 36 54.4 53.3 28 36 56.6 53.0 26 36 55-2 54-0 27 38 55-9 54-6 26 38 54-5 53-6 28 38 61.3 54-0 22 38 52.6 50.8 3i 40 55-5 54-2 26 40 54-5 53-7 28 40 61.4 54-2 22 40 52.1 49-2 33 42 56.3 54-1 26 42 54.8 54.2 27 42 61.0 54.0 22 42 52.6 49.7 32 44 57-8 55.6 24 -10.8 44 55.0 54.0 27 -10. 1 44 60.4 52.6 24 -10.6 44 52.8 49.5 32 -9-5 46 56.9 54.1 25 46 54-7 53-8 27 46 58.4 Si-7 26 4 52.6 48.9 33 48 56.2 54.8 25 48 54.5 53.2 28 48 58.8 52.0 26 48 51-2 47-8 35 So 56.0 53.2 27 50 54.7 53.2 28 50 57-2 51.5 27 50 51.0 48.1 35 52 57-3 54.3 as 52 54-5 53-5 28 52 58.6 52.3 26 52 51.1 48.6 34 54 56.4 54-0 26 54 54.2 53.2 28 54 58.6 50.1 27 54 51.9 49.6 33 56 55.8 54. o 26 56 54.2 53.6 28 56 59-0 51-0 26 56 52.9 50.3 31 58 55-3 54-0 27 58 54-1 53-1 28 58 56.2 54-4 26 58 54-0 51.1 30 17 oo 55-9 54-0 26 -ID. o 19 oo 54.0 53.1 28 -10.2 21 OO 57-5 55-0 24 -10.5 23 oo 56.2 53.0 27 -9-6 02 55-0 54.5 27 O2 54.0 53.0 28 02 56.8 55-1 25 02 53-5 50.6 3i 04 55-8 53.8 26 04 53-8 53-0 29 04 56.7 54-2 26 04 53-1 50.5 3i 06 55-9 53-5 27 06 53.8 52.0 29 06 56.2 54.6 26 06 53-2 Si.i 31 08 56.0 53.7 26 08 53.6 52.9 29 08 57-5 54-7 24 08 48.8 46.3 38 IO 55.6 53.1 27 10 54.0 53-1 28 10 56.8 54-0 26 10 49-9 45-6 38 12 55-3 53-1 27 12 53.5 52.8 29 12 53-7 52.3 29 12 50.9 47.6 35 14 55.0 53-2 28 -9 . 8 14 53.9 52.9 29 -10.5 14 55-3 52.8 28 -10.3 14 55-0 49.4 3i -9-7 16 55-1 52.0 28 16 53.8 53.0 29 16 55-8 53-2 27 16 47.7 40.9 43 18 55-3 Si-9 28 18 54.1 53.2 28 18 55-4 52-3 28 18 45-8 34-8 22 49 20 55-0 52.0 28 20 54.4 S3.8 28 20 55-1 51.1 29 20 25.8 18.9 23 17 22 54-9 52.1 28 22 54.2 53.8 28 22 56.0 51.7 28 22 34-3 25-8 23 05 24 55-0 52.3 28 24 54.2 53.8 28 24 54-8 50.4 30 24 45-6 34.7 22 50 26 SS.i 53.9 27 26 54. 1 53.7 28 26 55-1 51-0 29 26 36.1 25.2 23 04 28 54-5 53-0 28 28 54.2 S3. 8 28 28 55-2 51.8 28 28 43-9 35-1 22 50 30 54-4 53-1 28 -9.6 30 54-7 53-7 27 30 53-9 Si-7 30 -IO.O 30 3O.8 20. 2 23 12 -9-8 32 54-1 51.5 30 32 54-6 53-2 28 32 55-1 52.0 28 32 37-5 28.7 23 oi 34 53.9 50.0 3i 34 54-6 53.1 28 34 54-7 51-7 29 34 4I.O 3O.6 22 56 36 53-3 50.7 31 36 54-8 53-1 28 36 54-3 Si-9 29 36 34-4 31.7 23 oi 38 53-7 Si.o 30 38 i 54-9 53-8 27 38 54-2 51-8 29 38 35-1 33.1 225g 40 54-0 5L5 30 40 55-1 54.1 27 40 54-5 51-7 29 40 36.1 33-9 58 42 53-9 51.4 30 42 55.0 54.2 27 42 53-7 50.7 30 42 45-5 43-9 42 44 54-0 51.3 30 -9.3 44 55.1 54.2 27 -10.6 44 53-9 Si.i 30 -10. I 44 51-7 49-9 33 -9.8 46 54-1 52.2 29 46 55.8 54.0 26 46 Overl'k'd 46 54-6 52.2 29 48 54-1 52.2 29 48 57.1 55.9 24 48 S'-o 50.0 33 48 55-8 53-3 27 50 53-8 52.2 29 50 56.8 54.8 25 50 56.0 55.0 25 50 55-2 53-8 27 52 54-1 52.3 29 52 55.9 53.2 27 52 56.0 46.0 32 52 56.5 54-9 25 54 54-5 52.6 28 54 56.1 54.1 26 54 52 . o 42 . o 39 54 57-1 52.8 26 56 54-2 52.3 29 56 56.7 54.8 25 56 53.0 41.0 39 56 56.4 52.0 27 58 53-9 52.i 29 58 57.1 55-8 24 58 52.0 43.2 38 58 56.0 52.0 28 24 oo 55-8 52.0 28 -9.1 Observers R. R. T. and R. W. P. alternated igh 48m to 2oh O2m. (VV. J. P. J7h 24in to i8h 42m. F. L. i6h 54111 to 17)1 44111.) Correction to local mean time is + im 543. Torsion head at oh oom read 339 and at the end read the same. Observers R. W. P. (F. L. 2ih 50111 to 22)1 30111.) 6 4 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Thursday, October 22, 1903 Magnet scale erect Sunday, October 25, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East I Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. ' time nation C. Left Right Left Right i Left Right Left Right h m d d O ' h m d d o / o h m d d ' h m d d ' 16 oo 36.2 38.7 23 40 +4.7 18 oo 32.8 33-1 23 33 +1.9 o oo 52.5 52.6 22 32 -10.7 2 oo 47-9 48.2 22 25 -8.1 02 34-6 37-0 38 02 31.2 31.9 3i 02 51.0 51.6 30 02 47. Q 48.1 25 04 34.8 36.8 38 04 30.1 31.0 30 04 52.0 52.0 31 04 47.8 48.0 25 06 33-2 34.9 35 06 26.8 28.2 25 06 52.6 53.1 32 06 48.6 48.7 26 08 32.5 34-2 34 08 26.0 27.7 24 08 53-0 53-6 33 08 49.0 49.2 27 10 33-2 34.4 35 10 25.2 27.2 23 10 52.6 53.1 32 10 50.3 50.5 29 12 35-9 37-0 39 12.2 25.6 27.5 23 12 50.9 Si-3 30 12 50.7 51.0 29 14 34-9 36.3 38 +4-4 14 26.0 28.1 24 +1.9 14 51.8 52.2 31 -10.6 14 50.9 51. i 30 -8.0 16 33-3 34-8 35 16 24.2 26.8 22 16 Si-S 52.1 3i 16 51.6 Si.7 3i 18 3i.o 32.5 32 18 22.8 24.6 19 18 52.1 52.3 32 18 52-9 53-1 33 20 38.2 39-8 43 2O 22.8 24.7 19 20 54-7 54-7 36 20 49.3 49-6 27 22 37-5 39-0 42 22 23.2 25.0 20 22 56.3 56.5 38 22 54-8 55-3 36 24 31.2 32.8 32 24 23.9 2S.I 20 24 56.1 56.9 38 2 4 55-3 55.6 36 26 34-7 36.2 37 26 24.3 25.8 21 26 52.2 52.8 32 26 55. 6 56.0 37 28 30.2 31.8 30 1 28 22.8 23.9 18 28 52.3 53-0 32 28 56.2 56.6 38 30-3 29.2 30.2 28 +3-8 30 21.6 23.3 17 +2.3 30 52.8 53.2 33 -10.3 30 56.4 56.8 38 -7.8 32.6 26.2 28.0 24 32 21.6 23.4 17 32 53-3 53-8 34 32 56.2 56.6 38 34 26.0 26.5 23 34 21.6 23.2 17 34 53-4 53-9 34 34 55.2 55.6 36 36.3 24.1 24.8 20 36 21. O 22.5 16 36 53-6 53-9 34 36 54.6 54.8 36 38 23.2 26.0 20 38 21.5 22.8 17 38 52.8 53.4 33 38 54.0 54.3 34 40 23.8 26.0 21 40 23.2 24.4 19 40 53-0 53-5 33 40 54-3 54-6 35 42 21. i 23.2 17 42 23-3 24.S 19 42 52-5 53-0 32 42 54.6 54.8 36 44 20.1 23.1 16 +2.O 44 23.2 24.2 19 44 52.2 52.6 32 -IO.I 44 54.8 55.2 36 -7-5 46 18.8 21.4 13 46 23.1 24.1 19 +2.9 46 51.8 52-3 31 46 55-6 55.8 37 48.2 17.4 20.5 II 48 25.1 25.8 22 48 52.0 52.3 31 48 55-2 55-4 36 SO 21.0 23.8 17 50 26.2 28.O 24 SO 52.0 52.3 31 So 55.8 56.2 38 52 22.8 25.4 2O 52 25.2 26.0 22 52 51.5 52.0 31 52 56.6 57-1 39 54 25.3 27.8 23 ty 24.O 24.8 20 54 50.9 51.2 30 57.2 57.6 40 56 28.2 30.8 28 56 23-7 24.5 20 56 50.6 51.0 29 56 57.8 58.2 41 58 30.9 33-2 32 58 23-7 24.3 2O 58 50.0 50.7 29 58 58.1 58.3 41 17 oo 33-1 35. o 35 +3-1 1 9 oo 23-1 23.3 18 +2.6 I OO 49.6 50.0 28 -9-5 3 oo 56.9 57-3 39 -7-2 02 35-0 37-0 38 02 23.7 24.0 19 02 49.8 50.2 28 02 54.6 55.0 36 04 35-3 37-7 39 04 23.0 23.3 18 04 50.0 50.4 28 04 51.0 51.6 30 06 36.3 38.2 40 06 24.0 24.3 20 06 50.0 51.1 29 06 48.06 25 08 36.2 38.1 40 08 22.8 23.3 18 08 51.3 51.8 30 08 46.5 46.5 23 10 35-4 37-2 39 10 23.7 24.1 19 10 51.4 51-9 31 IO 47.53 24 12 35-8 37-0 39 12 24.4 24.6 20 12 51. 6 51.8 31 12 50.20 28 14 35-2 36.8 38 +2.1 14 20. 6 20.9 14 +1.9 14 51.3 51.6 30 -9.1 14 52.3 52.3 32 -7-i 16 34-0 35-o 36 16 21.7 21.8 16 16 51.0 51.3 30 16 54.8 54.8 36 18 33-4 34-0 35 18 21. O 21.2 IS 18 51.0 51.3 30 18 54.5 54-8 35 20 31.8 32.0 32 20 21.0 21. O 15 20 51.3 51-8 30 20 54-7 54-9 36 22 31-8 32.7 32 22 21.2 21.6 15 22 51.3 51.6 30 22 52.5 52.7 32 24 32.4 32-7 33 2 4 21.3 21.8 16 24 50.8 51.3 30 24 52.3 52.5 32 26 33-2 33-8 34 26 23-3 23.5 19 26 51.0 51.5 30 26 52.6 53.1 32 28 34-2 34-8 36 28 23.6 24.O 19 28 So.8 51.3 30 28 53.6 54.1 34 30 33-8 34-2 35 +2-5 30 22.7 23.2 18 +0.6 30 50.8 51.3 30 -8.8 30 52.6 53.0 32 -6.9 32.5 35-0 36.0 38 32 25-0 25.6 22 32 50.7 51. i 30 32 51.3 51-6 30 34 36 36.9 37-2 35-6 36.8 40 39 34 36 23.9 24.0 23-5 24.4 19 19 34 36 50.3 50.8 29 50.0 50.3 28 a 51.0 51.3 30 50.8 51.2 30 38 2.1.4 31-0 29 38 24.O 25.O 2O 38 50.6 51.0 29 38 50.8 51.2 30 40 30.3 31-6 30 40 22.8 23.2 18 40 51.0 51.3 30 40 51.2 51.4 30 42 32.8 34.1 34 42 21.3 21.9 16 42 51.2 51.5 30 42 51.5 51.6 30 1 32-3 33-2 33-0 34-0 33 ty +2.2 a 2O.9 21.2 22.0 22.8 15 -o.o 17 44 46 Si-3 51-6 30 50.6 51.0 29 -8.5 3 Si-5 51-9 31 52.8 53-1 33 -J 48 340 35-1 36 48 21.6 22.2 16 48 50.9 51.1 30 48 52.0 52.3 31 SO 35.7 36.0 38 50 21.8 22.4 17 50 50.9 51. i 30 so Si-3 Si-5 30 52 34-9 35-2 37 52 20.9 21.2 15 52 50.0 50.0 28 52 51.0 51.3 30 54 37-2 37-7 40 54 19.8 20. o 13 54 50.0 50.3 28 54 52.0 52.6 32 56 34-3 34-9 36 56 19.2 20. O 13 56 49.3 49.6 27 56 53-0 53-5 33 58 33-8 34-2 35 58 20.1 20.5 14 58 48.5 48.7 26 58 53-5 53-9 34 20 oo 21.2 21.9 16 -0.3 Correction to local mean time is + 2m 255. Torsion head at oh oom read 339 and at oh 30111 read the same. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated l8h i8m to l8h 3om. Observer W. J. P MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Tcplits Bay Continued Sunday, October 25, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Monday, October 26, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale Kast Scale East Chr'r readings tlecli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time .nation C. time nation C. Left Right i Left Right Left Right Left Right [ h in d d Of o h m d d h m d d ' h m d d / O 4 oi 54-8 53-6 22 32 -6.2 6 oo 56.1 55.3 2230 -4.8 8 oo 34.7 39.2, 2327 -9.0 1000 53.0 55.0 22 44 -6.8 02 56.0 55.0 30 02 53-1 49-7 37 02 34.5 38.7, 26 02 54.8 56.0 46 04 55-8 55-0 31 04 50.6 48.1 40 04 35.5 40.2 28 04 57.2 59.0 51 06 56.1 55.3 30 06 51.9 49.6 38 06 28.3 34.5 18 06 56.0 57.7 49 08 57-3 57-0 28 08 55-5 52.9 32 08 32.8 36.5 23 08 57.2 58.2 50 10 56.5 5S-9 29 10 55-0 52.9 33 IO 29.5 3S.I 20 10 56.3 57.3 49 12 54.8 54.0 32 12 54-5 51.8 34 12 26.7 31.2 14 12 51.9 52.9 42 14 55.2 51.2 34 -6-0 14 53.0 50.8 36 -4.8 14 26.6 31.2 14 -8.7 14 52.9 53.0 43 -6-5 16 51.8 51.0 37 16 47.9 46.2 44 16 23.5 27.8 09 16 54.2 54.8 45 18 52.5 Si.S 36 18 51.0 49.2 39 18 24-3 32.3 13 18 54-0 55.2 45 20 55-8 S3- 8 32 20 55-9 53-0 32 20 25.9 27.0 10 20 56.2 57-3 49 22 55-9 54-8 31 22 51.4 49.2 39 22 29.36 15 22 57.9 59.0 Si 24 54.1 52.8 34 24 50.0 46.8 42 24 22.5 23.4 05 24 60.0 61.1 55 26 54.0 52.0 34 26 50.0 47.2 41 26 22.4 23.8 05 26 58.1 59.1 52 28 51.7 50.1 38 28 51.0 48.3 40 28 22.0 23.3 04 28 57.2 58.8 5i 30 50.9 49.6 39 -5-8 30 55- 1 51.7 34 -4-8 30 19.2 20.8 23 oo -8.5 30 56.1 57.2 48 -6.6 32 48.8 47.7 42 32 56.0 55.0 30 32 17.6 19.2 22 58 32 55-0 57-0 48 34 47-1 45-8 45 34 54-7 53-0 33 34 22.6 24.8 23 06 34 55.0 57-2 48 36 50.7 49.8 39 36 55-1 53-9 32 36 21.6 23.2 04 36 56.0 57.7 49 38 S0.9 49-7 39 38 53.8 32. 8 34 38 21. S 23.2 04 38 58.6 59-9 52 40 48.8 48.2 4' 40 55.0 54.0 32 40 20.8 22.2 O3 40 57-3 58.9 51 42 49.2 48.2 41 42 55-7 54-5 31 42 25.0 25.5 08 42 58.7 59.5 52 44 49.2 48.0 41 -5-5 44 56.8 55.2 30 -4.8 44 21.0 22.9 03 -8.3 44 57-1 58.5 50 -6.6 46 47.5 45.7 44 46 55-0 53-2 33 46 22.0 23.8 05 46 57-2 57-9 50 48 47.8 46.0 44 48 51.0 50.0 38 48 20.2 20.8 01 48. 55-7 57-4 48 50 49.0 47.9 42 SO ! 54-1 53-4 33 50 21. 22.2 03 50 45-86 32 52 49.2 47.6 42 52 53-5 52.1 35 52 10.8 31.8 02 52 43-8(1 28 54 52.0 49.2 38 54 55- 1 54.1 32 54 22.2 26.2 23 O7 54 53-8(1 44 56 54.3 51.1 35 56 52.8 52.0 35 56 l6.9 20.0 22 58 56 58.8 59-2 52 58 54.7 51.9 34 58 54-9 54-0 32 58 l8.9 22.0 23 OI 58 60.3 60.8 55 500 54.5 51. 8 34 -5-3 7 oo 55.8 54.1 31 -4.8 9 oo 17.4 20.6 22 59 -7.8 n oo 61.0 61.0 55 -6.6 02 55.0 51.9 34 02 57-2 55. 8 29 02 18.8 20.9 23 oo 02 59.8 60.7 54 04 55.1 52.6 33 04 57-0 55.8 29 04 19.2 20.8 oo 04 59.2 61.0 54 06 55. i 52.2 33 06 55-7 55-3 30 06 19.6 20.4 OO 06 60.2 61.4 55 08 53.9 51.2 35 08 50.2 49.2 40 08 20.2 20.6 23 01 08 52.5 53-8 43 10 52.3 50.1 37 10 53-5 52.2 35 IO 15.4 i6-9 22 54 IO i 42.2 44.0 27 12 51. I 49.2 39 12 55.0 54.0 32 12 IS.8 18.4 56 12 46.3 47-7 33 14 52.2 50.1 37 -5-0 14 57.2 56.0 29 -4.8 14 18.9 19.4 59 -7-5 14 49.8 51.6 39 -6.6 16 51 -i 49-2 39 16 56.6 55.5 30 16 18.9 19.9 59 16 | 54.1 57-1 47 18 49.7 48.4 41 18 58.1 S7.o 27 18 10.9 11.9 47 18 56.2 59.2 50 20 49.0 47.2 42 20.3 56.6 55.9 29 20 10. o ii. o 45 20 52.4 55-0 44 22 48.0 46.0 44 22 56.9 54.8 30 22 IO.2 12. 46 22 50.9 54.4 42 24 47.1 45.0 45 24 57.6 55.9 29 24 IO.I 12.2 46 24 51.8 54.8 43 26 48.6 47.0 42 26 57-2 54.9 30 26 10.8 12.9 47 26 49.7 52.2 40 28 48.8 47.3 42 28 55-3 53-8 32 28 9.6 11.3 45 28 51.2 54.0 42 30 50.0 40.3 40 -4.9 30 52.0 51-2 37 -5-0 30 7.7 8.8 42 -7.1 30 50.9 53-8 42 -6.5 32 49.8 48.0 41 32 58.1 56.1 28 32 9-5 n. 2 45 32 ; 50.6 52.4 40 34 47.8 46.1 44 34 1 55-8 53-7 32 34 7.4 8.5 41 34 53-5 55-0 45 36 50.7 49-5 39 36 57-8 55.5 29 36 9.0 9.2 43 36 53.4 55-2 45 .18 52.5 50.7 36 38 54.8 52.4 33 38 10.6 11. i 46 38 52.8 54-1 43 40 51.9 50. i 38 40 58.0 55.4 29 40 9.3 9.8 44 40 51. 2 52.4 41 42 49.1 47.2 42 42 56.1 54.2 31 42 9-2 9-8 44 42 1 53-0 54-0 44 44 48.2 46.2 44 -4.8 44 53-0 51.6 36 -5.0 44 8.1 8.8 42 -6.8 44 i 54-3 55-3 46 -6-5 46 52.2 50.8 37 46 58.8 57-3 26 46 8.2 10.3 43 46 ; 53-8 55-4 45 48 53.8 51.3 35 48 52.8 51.8 36 48 8.2 10. o 43 48 57-8 59-9 52 50 51.9 49.3 38 50 55-9 53.8 32 50 9-0 10. S 44 50 55-8 57-9 49 52 52.0 49.8 38 52 54-2 53-7 33 52 8.1 10.5 43 52 57-5 59.1 Si 54 51-6 49-1 39 54 57.0 56.8 28 54 8.9 9.9 44 54 59.1 61.3 54 ; 56 51.8 49.8 38 56 58.9 58.7 25 56* 47-2 55.3 40 56 58.9 61.9 54 58 55.1 52.6 33 58 58.8 58.2 26 58 47.2 55.2 40 58 56.3 59-8 5i 8 oo 51.8 50.8 37 -5.1 12 oo 55.0 57.8 48 -6.4 Correction to local mean time is + 2m 255. Torsion head at oh oom read 339 and at the end read the same. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated 4)1 04111 to 4(1 16111. Correction to local mean time is + im 513. 90 torsion = 25/1. Torsion head at 8h oom read 336 and at I2h 53111 read 339. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated 8h 4Otn to 8h 52111. 66 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, October 27, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, October 28, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp, i Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right r.eft Right i h m d d h m d d / O h m d d > h m d d 12 00 47.9 45.3 22 32 -10.8 14 oo 46.8 44.0 22 34 -9-2 OO 37-3 39.0 23 30 -9.0 2 00 52.6 54.0 22 53 -6.0 02 52.0 50.7 25 02 49.9 47.0 30 02 37-2 38.7 29 02 57.2 59.1 23 01 04 54- 1 52.1 22 04 .44.1 41-0 39 04 37-3 38.7 20 04 55-8 57.8 22 59 06 52.7 49.6 25 06 47.3 44.3 34 06 37-3 38.7 29 06 56.0 57.8 22 59 08 49.3 46.8 30 08 47.9 45- 1 32 08 37-4 38.7 20 08 56.8 57.8 23 oo 10 49.7 47.8 29 10 46.0 44.0 35 IO 36.8 37.8 28 10 55.6 57.2 22 58 12 39-4 39-1 44 12 49-0 46.4 3i 12 36.6 37-5 28 12 55.0 56.2 57 14 40.9 40.0 42 -10.3 14 45.0 42.5 37 -8-9 14 36.5 37-5 28 -8.5 14 53-7 54-8 55 -5-6 16 44.3 42.7 37 16 46.0 43.8 35 16 35.0 36.8 27 1 6 54.2 55.6 56 18 42.2 41.0 40 18 46.3 44.0 35 18 35.8 36.6 26 18 52.1 53.6 53 20 45.3 44.9 35 20 45.6 43.6 36 20 38.0 39.0 30 20 52.4 53-8 53 22 47.8 47.7 31 22 47.2 45.2 33 22 38.6 40.0 31 22 5t.3 52.5 5i 24 46.9 46.1 32 24 49.3 47.5 30 24 39.0 30.6 31 24 50.3 51-3 5" 26 51.2 50.8 25 26 47.7 46.3 32 26 39.6 41.6 33 26 50.7 51-3 50 28 52. o 51.9 24 28 45.6 44.1 35 28 39.8 40.8 33 28 51.0 52.6 51 30 52.2 51.0 24 -io. o 30 45.0 43.5 36 30 41.0 41.7 35 -8.0 30 51.0 51.5 50 -5-5 32 53.0 50.2 24 32 44.0 42.8 37 32 41.3 42.0 35 32 49.5 50.2 48 34 51-8 49-6 26 34 45. & 44-7 35 34 41.9 42.3 36 34 47.8 48.5 45 36 50.8 49.6 27 36 46.0 45.0 34 -8.5 36 42.2 42.6 36 36 47.4 48.0 45 38 49.9 48.1 29 38 45.2 44.2 36 38 41.4 42.0 35 38 47.0 47.2 44 40 \ 52-7 50.9 24 40 43.8 42.8 38 ( 40 39-3 39-9 32 40 44.3 44.6 39 42 53-7 52.1 22 42 42.3 41.3 40 42 39-3 39-7 32 -7-5 42 43-0 43-4 38 -5-2 44 56.1 53.2 20 -10.0 44 42.6 41.3 40 -8.5 44 39-3 39-7 32 44 42.3 42.9 37 46 57.6 56.3 16 4 42.5 41.5 40 46 40.7 41.1 34 46 43.6 44.0 38 48 56.1 54.9 18 48 42.3 41.3 40 48 40.5 40.9 34 48 45.0 45.0 40 50 55-8 53-9 20 So 43-0 42.3 39 50 41.2 41.7 35 50 45-3 45-5 4' 52 52.2 51.1 24 52 42-5 41-5 40 52 41.6 41.9 35 52 46.3 46.6 42 54 53-1 51-9 23 54 42.0 41.0 40 54 4T.5 4L9 35 54 46.2 46.3 42 56 57.1 56.1 17 56 41.2 40.2 42 56 41-5 4'.9 35 56 45.3 45.6 41 58 58.4 58.2 14 58 40.0 38.8 44 58 41.6 41.8 35 58 47.2 47.7 22 44 13 oo 62.8 60.5 09 -9.7 IS 00 39-7 38.7 44 -8-3 I OO 41.1 41.3 34 -7.0 3.00 a 02 64.2 63.5 05 02 40.8 40.3 42 02 41-3 41-5 35 02 64.0 64.0 23 TO -S-o 04 61.8 60.2 io 04 38.7 38.5 45 04 40.9 41.1 34 04 61.1 61.7 06 06 63.2 63.1 06 06 36.2 35.2 50 06 40.6 40.8 34 06 59 . o 60 . i 23 03 08 ; 64.2 63.2 22 06 08 33.2 33.1 54 08 41.0 41.2 34 08 56.0 56.0 22 58 io 71-5 69.7 21 55 10 35-3 34-0 5i 10 40 . o 40 . o 32 io 55-0 55-0 56 12 65.9 62.8 22 O4 14 58.8 54.9 16 -9.6 12 '4 39-9 39-3 42.6 41.8 43 39 -S.2 12 14 39-1 39-3 39-5 39.8 3T 12 32 14 53.8 54.0 54 50.6 52.0 50 -5-o 16 54.1 49.7 24 16 41.8 40.6 41 16 38.5 38.9 30 -6.8 16 51.5 52.0 51 18 53.8 49.0 25 18 46.0 45.3 34 18 38.9 39-3 31 18 54.3 54.8 55 20 45-3 40.9 38 20 48.0 47.2 3i 20 38.9 39-3 31 20 54-5 55-2 56 22 48.2 44.8 32 22 44. t> 44.0 36 22 39-3 39-5 32 22 56.6 57.3 50 24 ; 54-8 50.7 23 26 57-8 53.9 18 26 48.3 47.8 45-6 45-1 30 34 24 26 41.7 41.9 42.0 42.2 35 24 36 26 55-1 55-5 5^> 53-6 54-3 54 28 57.2 51.8 20 28 46.8 46.3 32 28 42.3 42.4 36 28 54-5 55-0 56 30 54.7 48.1 25 -9.4 30 48.6 48.2 30 -8.1 30 42.0 42.1 36 -6.5 3" 54.6 55.1 5(> -5-0 32 57.0 50.7 21 32 47-4 47-0 3i 32 42.4 42.6 36 32 54-0 54-3 55 34 55-5 50.2 23 34 47-3 46.5 32 34 42.7 43-3 37 34 52.6 53.0 53 36 57-3 51-2 20 36 48.3 47-8 30 36 41.8 42.2 36 36 51.6 51.9 51 38 &l 5 i' 4 I7 38 46.0 45.5 34 38 41.5 41.8 35 38 51-5 51-7 5i 40 60.8 56.1 14 n 40 46.8 46.3 32 40 40.9 41.1 34 40 51.0 51.9 50 42 60.6 56.8 13 42 47-3 46.7 32 42 40.5 40.9 34 42 51-3 51.9 5i 44 58.3 54-6 17 -9-3 44 48.2 48.2 30 -8.0 44 40.9 41.3 34 -6.0 44 55-0 55-5 56 -4.9 46 57-6 54-i 18 46 47.3 46.7 32 46 41.2 41.4 35 46 47.1 47.4 44 48 55-7 50.7 22 48 47.5 47.3 31 48 41.6 41.6 35 48 56.6 56.8 59 50 51.1 47.2 28 50 47.3 47.3 31 50 42 . 2 42 . 2 36 50.5 53.0 55.8 55 52 ] 49-3 45-1 3i 52 47-7 47-3 31 52 43-2 43.8 38 52 53-3 53-3 53 54 55-i 51.5 22 56 51.2 46.8 29 54 ! 47-3 47-1 56 48.2 48.0 31 30 54 56 44. T 44.2 44-7 44-9 39 40 5 i 56 55-1 55.3 56 53.2 53.8 54 58 49.0 45.0 32 A 58 47-1 47.0 32 -8.0 58 47.8 48.0 45 58 52.8 52.8 53 io oo 47.2 40.9 32 II Correction to local mean time is + im 545. Torsion head at loh som read 339 and at the end read the same. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated 13(1 52m to 14)1 o6m. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teflitz Bay Continued 67 Wednesday, October 28, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, October 28, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East I'lir'r readings dccli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings dccli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. ; time nation C. time nation C. Left Rijrht Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d h m d d h m d d ' h m d d o 4 00 53.2 53-3 22 53 -4.8 6 oo 65.9 66.2 23 13 -4.0 8 oo 47.1 48.1 2244 -3.3 IO OO 37.8 38.0 22 29 -2.5 02 54.8 55.2 56 02 57.0 57.4 23 00 02 45.2 46.4 42 02 38.9 39.1 31 I 04 56.6 57.1 59 04 50.9 51.8 22 50 04 48.2 49.2 46 04 39-0 39-2 31 06 56.1 56.6 58 06 55.8 56.2 22 58 06 44.2 45.8 40 06 40.0 40.7 33 08 54.2 54.8 55 08 60.6 62.4 23 06 08 43.9 45.1 40 08 38.1 38.2 30 K) 54.2 54.6 55 10 64.8 65.4 12 10 46.5 47.5 44 10 36.3 36.9 27 i 12 54.8 55.3 56 12 65.7 68.7 IS 12 44.6 45.7 40 12 38.0 38.5 30 14 54.2 SS.O 55 -4.5 14 67.1 70.0 17 -3.9 14 44-4 44-9 40 -3.0 14 38.4 39.0 30 -2.3 16 51.1 52.0 51 16 68.2 69.4 18 16 45-0 45.9 41 16 38.0 38.7 30 18 47.3 48.2 45 18 66.2 67.6 15 18 43.2 43.4 38 18 37.2 38.2 29 20 44 . 6 45 . 2 40 20 67.8 69.1 17 20 42.0 43.0 36 20 36.9 37-3 28 22 43.1 43.8 38 22 63.7 66.2 12 22 44.1 45.3 40 22 37.2 37.8 29 24 42.7 43.1 37 24 62.7 65.9 ii 24 43-7 45-8 40 24 37.4 38.2 29 26 43.2 44.1 38 26 58.9 61.9 04 26 38.6 39-9 31 26 37.0 38.0 29 28 44.2 44.8 40 28 60.2 62.2 06 28 38.4 39.8 31 28 36.4 37-6 28 30 45.0 46.1 41 -4.2 30 62.0 65.0 09 -3.9 30 40.2 41.7 34 -2.8 30 35.8 36.9 27 -2.2 32 45.2 46.0 41 32 61.9 62.3 23 07 32 37.3 38.5 29 32 35.3 36.6 26 34 45.2 46.8 42 34 55-5 57-9 22 59 34 37-8 39.0 30 34 35.2 36.4 26 36 45.7 46.8 42 36 55-1 56.9 58 36 43-0 43.9 38 36 35-9 36.9 27 38 44.9 46.0 41 38 53-0 55-4 55 38 43.2 43.6 38 38 35-5 37-2 27 40 45 .5 46 . 6 42 40 54-2 56.6 57 40 39.26 31 40 35-9 37-1 27 42 46.8 47.8 44 42 55.2 57.6 58 42 38.8 39.0 31 42 35.0 36.2 26 44 45. i 46.2 41 -4-1 44 55-2 57-9 58 -3-7 44 39.0 39.8 32 -2.8 44 36.3 37-7 28 -2.2 46 47-2 48.1 44 46 55-0 57-2 22 58 46 39.8 41.2 33 46 36.2 37.8 28 48 46.8 48.0 44 48 56.1 59.0 23 oo 48 38.6 40.7 32 48 36.3 37.5 28 50 47.6 49.2 46 50 54-3 57-8 22 58 50 37.9 38.2 29 50 37-1 38.4 29 52 47.1 48.0 44 52 55-2 58.2 59 52 35.9 36.6 26 52 37-6 38.5 29 54 49-2 So.o 48 54 54-4 58.0 58 54 33-5 35-3 24 54 37.5 38.2 29 56 49.7 50.8 48 56 51.2 55.6 22 54 56 39.2 40.9 32 56 37-8 38.5 30 58 47.8 49.2 46 58 58.8 63.8 23 06 58 40.6 41.6 34 58 38.7 39.4 31 5 oo 47.8 48.8 46 -4.0 7 oo 50.2 56.2 22 53 -3.6 9 oo 36.0 37.3 27 -2.7 II 00 37.9 38.4 30 -2.1 02 51.9 52.3 51 02 54.0 58.0 58 02 36.2 37.0 27 02 36.6 37.5 28 04 53-1 53-9 54 04 52.8 58.4 57 04 37-9 39-1 30 04 35.9 36.6 26 06 56.2 57.4 22 59 06 52.9 57.7 56 06 37.0 38.0 29 06 35.6 36.1 26 08 58.7 59-6 23 02 08 51.3 56.0 54 08 36.0 37.3 27 08 35.0 36.0 25 10 S7-0 57-3 22 59 IO 50.6 53.9 22 52 10 37.6 38.7 30 10 36.1 37.1 27 12 56.2 57.1 58 12 55.8 58.8 23 00 12 34.6 35.2 24 12 36.0 37.0 27 14 54-8 55.2 56 -4.0 14 52.0 55.7 22 54 -3.6 14 39.5 40.6 32 14 36.0 36.9 27 -2.2 16 51.9 52.3 51 16 54-2 57.2 57 16 38.5 39-0 30 -2.7 16 37.1 37.6 28 18 50.7 51.4 50 18 56.0 58.2 59 18 36.9 37-5 28 18 37.5 38.1 29 20 50.9 52.1 51 20 54.0 56.1 56 20 37.3 37.6 28 20 37.7 38.2 29 22 50.9 52.1 51 22 54.2 55.0 55 22 40.6 40.6 34 22 38.8 39.0 31 24 48.8 49. i *6 24 53.2 54.0 54 24 42.3 42.9 37 24 39-3 39-6 32 26 49.1 49.8 47 26 48.9 49.9 47 26 38.5 39-2 3' 26 39.6 39.8 32 28 49.7 50.0 48 28 47.7 49.0 46 28 39-7 39-9 32 28 38.6 38.9 30 30 51.2 52.6 22 51 -4.0 30 49.3 51.8 49 -3-4 30 41.4 42.2 35 -2.5 30 37-6 37-9 29 -2-3 32 57.2 58.0 23 oo 32 47.1 48.9 45 32 40.0 40.9 33 32 37.8 38.2 29 34 51.0 51.9 22 50 34 48.6 50.0 47 34 38.8 40.1 32 34 37-3 37-7 29 36 54.2 55.8 22 56 36 49.0 50.0 47 36 38.2 39.1 30 36 36.9 37-1 28 38 57.8 58.2 23 01 38 50.8 51.6 50 38 40.8 41.7 34 38 36.7 36.9 28 40 63.9 65.2 n 40 49.8 51.0 49 40 40.1 40.2 33 40 36.1 36.4 26 42 61.7 63.2 08 42 50.3 50.7 49 42 36.4 36.4 27 42 35.7 35.8 26 44 61.3 63.3 08 -4.0 44 51.2 52.3 51 -3.4 44 33.2 33.8 22 -2.6 44 35-7 35-9 26 -2.2 46 63.7 64.2 10 46 47.9 48.0 45 46 40.0 40.0 32 46 36.2 36.5 27 48 62.6 63.8 09 48 50.1 51.2 49 48 41.8 42.3 36 48 35.8 36.2 26 50 63.0 64.9 10 50 46.7 48.2 44 50 38.0 39.2 30 50 36.5 36.7 27 52 61.1 63.1 07 52 46.7 49-0 45 52 36.1 36.3 26 52 37-5 37-6 29 54 62.2 64.6 99 54 47.8 50.1 46 54 35.8 36.5 26 54 37.8 38.0 29 56 63.2 63.9 09 56 47.3 48.8 45 56 36.0 36.4 26 56 38.0 38.2 30 58 55-5 59-7 oo 58 48.1 50.0 47 58 37.0 37.2 28 58 38.2 38.4 30 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T. alternated from 4)1 l8m to 4)1 3401. R. R. T. and R. W. P. alternated from ;h 52m to 8h o8m. Observers R. W. P. 9h o6m.) (R. R. T. observed readings from 8h 32m to 68 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, October 28, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, October 28, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East . Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right , Left Right h m d d o h m d d o / h m d d ' h m d d 12 00 37.1 37.2 22 28 -2.2 14 oo 34-3 35-7 22 25 -i.S 16 oo 31.4 32.4 22 20 -1-7 l8 00 3I.O 31.7 22 19 -1.2 02 36.2 36.8 27 02 34-8 35-8 25 02 31.8 32.9 20 02 30.7 31.3 l8 04 35-9 36.9 27 04 33-8 35-1 24 04 32.9 33-8 22 04 29.6 30.2 17 06 36.6 37.0 28 06 33-6 34-9 23 06 33.6 34.4 23 06 28.8 29.4 15 08 38.0 38.7 30 08 33-5 34-7 23 08 35-0 35-9 25 08 26.5 27.0 12 10 36.0 36.9 27 10 33-0 34-3 22 10 34-5 35-9 25 10 23.8 24.2 07 12 35-5 36.8 26 12 34-6 35-0 24 12 34.9 36.O 25 12 22.3 24.2 06 14 36.8 37.8 28 -2.2 14 34-5 36.7 26 | -1.6 14 34.8 36.8 26 -1.3 14 23.2 25.0 08 -1.2 16 38.0 39.2 30 16 32.6 33.6 22 16 35.9 37.4 27 16 23.9 25.3 08 18 36.4 36.9 27 18 32.4 33-0 21 18 36.0 37.8 28 18 23.8 25.4 08 20 36.8 38.0 28 20 31-5 32.2 2O 20 36.0 38.0 28 20 25.4 27.2 ii 22 46.3 47.2 43 22 32.5 33-0 21 22 35-5 37-4 27 22 26.4 29.1 13 24 38.5 38.9 30 24 31-8 32.4 20 24 35-5 37-2 27 24 27.8 30.8 16 26 30.5 30.9 18 26 32.6 33.6 22 26 34-7 36.4 25 26 29.0 32.0 18 28 24.5 25.0 08 28 32.5 33-3 21 28 33.9 36.0 24 28 32.0 34.9 22 30 23.8 24.6 08 -1-5 30 32.3 33-0 21 -1.6 30 34.8 36.3 25 -1.2 30 33-0 35-3 23 -1.3 32 27.1 28.3 13 32 32.3 33-4 21 32 35.5 36.8 26 32 34-3 37-0 26 34 29.3 30.7 17 34 33-5 34-1 23 34 36.1 36.9 27 34 34-2 36.9 25 36 29.6 31.3 17 36.2 33-5 34-2 23 36 36.0 36.9 27 36 35-9 38.2 28 38 31.8 32.8 20 38 32.6 33-2 21 38 35-5 36.3 26 38 36.1 37.9 28 40 32-5 33-8 22 40 32.9 33-4 22 40 35.2 36.3 26 40 36.2 37.7 28 42 37-8 39-2 30 42 33-2 33-8 22 42 34-9 35-7 25 42 37.0 38.3 29 44 31.0 32.6 20 -1-5 44 33-8 34-3 23 ! -1.8 44 34-7 35-7 25 -1.2 44 37-2 38.7 29 -1.2 46 32.2 33.5 21 46 > 33-8 34.4 23 46 35-0 35-7 25 46 40.2 41.3 34 48 31-9 33-4 21 48 33-2 33.6 22 48 34-3 35-1 24 48 41.1 42.7 35 50 33-o 33-9 22 50 32.6 33.3 21 50 34.0 35-2 24 50 40.8 42.1 35 52 32.9 33-8 22 52 31.6 32.2 2O ! 52 34.0 35.2 24 52 39.2 40.8 32 54 32.1 33-8 21 54 30.4 31-0 18 54 34.2 35.2 24 54 41.0 42.2 35 56 31-9 34-3 22 56 31-0 31.6 19 56 34.0 34.7 24 56 40.3 41.2 34 58 31-3 33-5 20 58 32.8 33.1 21 58 33.8 34.2 23 58 36.2 38.0 28 13 00 31.4 34.3 21 -1-5 15 oo 31-8 32.4 2O -2.0 17 oo 33-1 33-8 22 -1.2 19 oo 34.2 35.2 24 -1.2 02 33-5 35-0 23 02 31-4 31-9 19 02 33-2 33-8 22 02 34.1 34.6 24 04 33-5 35-2 24 04 30.7 31-2 18 04 33-0 33-8 22 04 34.2 35.8 25 06 32.8 34.3 22 06 30.6 31.3 18 06 33.2 34.3 23 06 34-t 35-7 24 08 33-0 34-0 22 08 29.8 30.4 17 08 33-9 35-0 24 08 32.9 33.1 22 10 33-2 34-3 23 10 30.6 31.2 18 10 34.1 35.3 24 10 30.1 32.1 19 12 34-8 35.5 25 12 30.3 31-0 18 12 34.5 35.9 25 12 30.2 31.2 18 M 34-3 34-9 24 -1-5 14 30.1 30.9 18 -1.9 14 34.2 35.8 25 -1.3 14 31. i 32.5 20 -1.2 16 33-5 34-3 23 18 32.1 32.6 20 16 18 31-5 31-9 31-6 32.0 19 20 16 18 34-6 35-4 25 36.8 37.2 28 16 31.2 32.3 19 18 29.0 31.3 17 20 33-6 33-8 23 20 29-5 30.3 17 20 35.6 36.8 26 20 29.0 30.4 16 22 34.0 34.5 23 22 29.7 30.3 17 22 35-0 35-9 25 22 29.3 31.2 17 24 34-9 34-9 24 24 30.3 30.9 18 24 33.8 34.8 24 24 30.7 32.1 19 26 34-3 34-3 24 26 29-3 30.o 16 26 32-3 33-6 21 26 3O.9 32.1 19 28 33.8 34.2 23 28 30.2 31.1 18 28 31.8 31.9 20 -1.3 28 30.1 32.1 io 30 35-2 35-6 25 -1.6 32 36.0 36.5 26 34 36.8 36.8 28 36 35-o 35-6 25 30 30.5 31.2 32 30.8 31.6 34 30.5 31-2 36 31.6 32.5 18 19 18 20 -1.9 30 32 30.9 32.1 19 31.0 32.1 19 30.8 32.0 19 31.0 32.2 19 30 28.9 30.2 16 -1.3 32 32.5 32.8 21 34 31.8 32.6 20 36 32.0 32.8 20 38 34-3 34-6 24 38 31.0 31.8 19 38 31.7 32.3 20 38 30.8 31.8 19 40 34-3 34-5 24 40 31-2 31-5 19 40 31.8 32.9 20 40 28.7 29.7 16 42 33-3 33-8 22 42 32.3 32.8 21 42 31. I 32.7 20 42 28.1 29.2 15 44 32.3 32.8 21 46 31-3 31-6 19 -1.6 32-3 32.8 31.8 32.2 21 2O -1.9 44 46 30.4 31.9 19 -1.3 30.7 31.9 19 44 27.2 28.1 13 -i.j 46 26.5 27.8 12 48 30.2 30.6 17 .O flQ 30.8 31.2 18 48 30.4 32.0 19 48 25.8 27.0 ii 50 32.8 33.6 22 50 31.3 31.9 19 So 30.2 31.0 18 SO 2.2 27.4 12 52 31.8 32.6 20 52 31.8 32.0 20 52 30.5 31.2 18 52 26.9 28.5 13 54 31-8 33.2 21 54 : 31.5 32.1 31-9 33-2 21 56 31.9 32.2 58 33-8 35.4 24 58 31.5 31.9 2O 20 19 54 56 58 30.9 31.6 19 30.6 31.2 18 31.2 31.8 19 54 27.4 29.2 14 56 27.9 29.1 14 58 27.7 29.1 14 . i Observers R. W. P. and W. J. P., who alternated from I2h O4m to I2h 22m. W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from ish 52in to i6h o6m. Observers R. R. T. and R. W. P., who alternated from 19)1 48111 to igh 58111. (W. J. P. observed readings 17)1 50111 to i8h 08111.) MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 6 9 Wednesday, October 28, 1903 Magnet scale erect Thursday, October 29, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli-. Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right I,eft Right Uft Right 1 1 | h m d d o t o h m d d h m d d ' O h m d d o / O 20 00 27.8 29.1 22 14 -i-3 22 00 24-7 26.3 22 IO -1.6 16 oo 41.3 37.8 22 44 -1.2 18 oo 51.1 50.9 22 26 -2.3 02 27.3 28.6 14 02 26.2 28.2 12 02 39.0 36.0 47 02 50.5 50.5 26 04 26.O 27.2 12 04 27.8 30.0 15 04 37.6 34.8 49 04 49.0 48.9 29 06 26.7 27.9 12 06 27.7 29.7 15 06 39.6 36.6 46 06 49.6 49.2 28 08 37.8 28.6 14 08 27.5 29.1 14 08 39.3 36.6 46 08 50.7 50.6 26 10 28.5 29.0 15 10 28.2 29.7 IS _w- : 40.6 38.3 44 10 50.0 49.7 28 12 27.9 28.2 14 12 29.0 30.0 16 12 40.3 37.6 45 12 50.5 50.3 27 14 26.8 27.3 12 -i.o 14 30.2 31.3 18 -1.7 14 41-7 39-5 42 -i-5 14 S0.5 50.2 27 -2.3 16 26.5 26. Q 12 16 31.0 32.1 19 16 36.1 34.8 50 16 ; 50.9 50.1 26 18 27.7 27.8 13 18 33-4 34-4 - 23 18 32.4 30.7 22 56 18 52.2 51.2 24 20 26.8 27.0 12 20 32.8 33-5 22 20 27.5 27.0 23 03 20 54-3 53-8 21 22 28.2 28.4 14 22 31-6 32.2 2O 22 19.6 17.9 l6 22 54-3 53-6 21 24 28.8 29.8 16 24 29.5 30.1 17 24 19.6 18.2 16 24 56.9 55-4 18 26 27.5 27.8 13 26 28.0 28.9 14 26 17.6 16.3 19 26 59-7 58.0 13 28 27.O 27.2 12 28 28.1 28.8 14 28 18.9 17.5 17 28 61.0 59.2 II 30 24.7 25.0 09 -1-3 30 27.6 28.0 13 -1-8 30 20-4 l8.5 15 -2.O 30 57-7 55-9 16 -2.2 32 24.0 24.7 08 32 28.5 29.5 is 32 21.0 19.3 14 32 53-2 52.5 23 34 24.9 25.1 09 34 28.5 28.6 14 34 24.0 21.4 10 34 51. 6 50.9 25 36 25.2 25.9 10 36 28.1 28.9 14 36 29.6 27.3 23 oi 36 51.0 50.7 26 38 25.6 27.1 II 38 27.2 27.8 13 38 : 33.6 30.5 22 56 38 52.8 51.5 24 40 26.3 27.9 12 40 26.9 27.3 12 40 . 36.3 33-5 Si 40 52.5 si-i 24 42 25.0 26.6 10 42 28.2 29.0 15 42 37-6 35-3 49 42 52.0 51.2 25 44 25.3 26.7 10 -1.4 4A 30.9 31-8 19 -1.8 44 40.5 37-8 44 -2.0 44 52.2 51.1 25 -2.2 46 26.8 27.6 12 46 33-2 34-2 23 46 42.8 39.9 41 46 52-7 51-6 24 48 26.5 27.7 12 48 33-4 34-6 23 48 44.1 41.5 38 48 52.8 51-9 24 50 25.1 25.8 10 50 33-3 34-3 23 50 45-4 42.9 36 SO 52-4 Si-7 24 52 23.6 24.5 07 52 37-7 39-0 30 52 46.2 44.2 35 52 51.6 50.8 25 54 24.8 25.1 09 54 40.3 42.2 34 54 44.4 42.6 37 Si-7 Si.i 25 56 26.7 27.2 12 56 42.3 43-7 37 56 56.3 54-3 19 56 53-2 52.2 23 58 25.6 26.0 IO 58 41.5 42.8 36 58 53-7 50.7 24 58 53-9 52.7 22 21 00 26.2 26.9 II -1-5 23 oo 41.0 41.9 35 -1-9 17 oo 56.3 53.8 19 -2.2 19 oo 56.9 55-9 17 -2.2 02 24.8 25.3 09 02 40.4 41.2 34 02 58.1 56.3 16 02 58.1 57-1 IS 04 23.0 23.5 06 04 40.0 41.1 33 04 60. i 58.5 13 04 61.0 59.8 II 06 25.3 25.8 10 06 38.1 39-1 30 06 60.6 58.9 12 06 63.1 62.0 08 OS 26.4 27.4 12 08 37-6 39-1 30 08 61.0 59.4 ii 08 64.7 63.8 05 to 27.8 28.7 14 IO 41.3 44.0 37 10 61.3 59.6 ii 10 i 64.9 64.2 04 12 27.7 28.7 14 12 43-6 44-0 38 12 58.6 57.0 15 12 62.8 62.1 08 14 26.2 27.6 12 -i-5 14 39.4 41.2 33 -2.0 14 56.6 55.0 18 -2.2 14 63.0 61.8 08 -2.2 16 26.2 27.3 12 16 39-0 41-3 33 16 56.5 55-5 18 16 61.6 60.7 IO 18 25.2 26.1 10 18 36.4 38.3 28 18 58.6 57.6 15 18 59-8 58.7 13 20 25.3 26.1 10 20 35-0 37-0 26 20 59.3 58.6 13 20 61.2 60.8 10 22 25.3 26.3 IO 22 34-8 36.5 26 22 6O.3 59.8 12 22 62.0 61.7 09 24 24.5 25.7 09 2 4 33-8 35-3 24 24 61.1 60.3 10 24 63.1 62.9 07 26 23.9 25.7 09 26 33-8 35-4 24 26 61.3 60.9 10 26 65.6 64.9 03 28 24.8 28.1 II 28 33-5 34-8 23 28 60.7 60. 1 II 28 65.8 65.1 03 30 25.9 28.9 13 -1.5 30 35-0 36.3 26 -2.0 30 61.6 61.3 09 -2-3 30 63.1 62.2 07 -2.3 32 24.9 27.5 II 32 32.8 33-8 22 32 63.1 62.4 07 32 61.0 60.2 10 34. 25.8 30.3 14 32.1 32.8 2O 34 i 63.7 63.1 06 61.0 60.3 IO 36 28.0 32.0 17 36 31.0 32.2 19 36 65.3 64.8 04 36 54-6 54-3 20 38 25.8 29.4 13 38 36.0 36.9 27 38 67.8 67.1 22 00 38 57-0 56.8 16 40 26.2 29.0 13 40 31-8 32.3 2O 40 69.0 68.1 21 58 40 57-4 56.4 16 42 23.9 28.2 IO 42 33-2 34.0 22 42 68.3 67.4 21 59 42 56.9 55-3 18 44 25.8 29.6 13 -1.6 44 35-5 35-6 25 -2.1 44 64.7 64.1 22 05 -2.3 44 56.9 55-2 18 -2-3 46 25.4 29.2 13 46 36.2 37.0 27 ! 46 60.9 60.3 10 46 53-9 Si-7 23 48 22.3 25.7 07 48 38.5 38.5 30 48 ; 58.6 57.9 14 48 53-8 50.8 24 50 22.9 25.3 08 50 38.2 39-1 30 50 57.6 56.6 16 SO 53-8 50.9 24 52 22. 25.O 07 52 37-0 38.5 29 52 57.6 57.0 16 52 54-5 51-9 22 54 23.7 25.9 09 54 34-8 35-9 25 54 57-6 57-0 16 53-2 51.2 24 56 23.9 25.9 09 56 35-0 35-3 25 56 56.3 55-5 18 56 51.8 50.6 58 23.5 25.5 08 58 36.5 37-3 2 58 54-3 53-9 21 58 51.3 50.8 26 24 oo 37-0 37-7 28 -1.4 20 oo 50.8 50.0 27 Correction to local mean time is + im 583. Torsion head at oh oom read 339 and at the end read the same. Observer R. W. P. Correction to local mean time is + 2m us. 90 torsion = 22/4. Torsion head at oh 22m read 339 and at 2oh 47111 read 348. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from l8h l6m to i8h 3om. 7 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Friday, October 30, 1903 Magnet scale erect Sunday, November I, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d ' h m d d h m d d o / o 20 00 36.5 41.9 22 04 -7.3 22 00 48.8 49-7 22 2O -4.8 000* 46.8 38.3 2447 -13.0 200 3I.I 2.5.7 23 36 -12. I 02 34-7 39-2 01 02 50.2 51.2 23 02 24.2 IO.5 25 27 02 29.6 19.4 40 04 38.8 41.9 06 04 52.8 53.8 27 04 68.8 42.3 26 08 04 30.6 29.9 32 06 44.9 48.2 16 06 45.9 46.8 16 06* 65.6 21.3 25 29 06 20.0 6.8 58 08 44.1 47.2 15 08 43.1 44.8 12 08 57.3 36.6 23 08 45.0 32.0 23 19 10 39.8 44.3 09 10 44.8 46.6 15 IO 46.9 30.3 25 31 10* 44.5 40.3 22 13 12 41.9 46.1 12 12 46.2 46.8 l6 12* 67.4 60.7 24 12 12 23.7 12.0 22 51 14 43-3 47-0 14 -7.0 14 46.2 47.8 17 -4.4 14* 59.8 41.0 23 25 -12.9 14* 35.6 16.6 23 58 -12.2 16 40.7 45.2 10 16 47.0 47.4 17 16 77.2 44.6 08 16* 38.0 22.5 24 56 18 40.1 45.2 10 18 48.2 49.0 19 18 57.0 54.5 16 18 30.6 18.2 25 04 20 41.0 45.3 ir 20 48.8 50.0 20 20 57.6 54.0 16 20* 62.5 42.5 25 45 22 43.0 47.0 14 22 58.2 59.0 35 22 41.0 40.9 40 22* 43.0 15.3 26 58 24 43.2 47.0 14 24 57. i 58.1 33 24 43.8 36.2 41 24* 63.2 10. o 24 59 26 43.0 46.2 13 26 61.4 62.2 40 26 56.5 54-5 17 26* 22.0 14.0 25 55 28 40.2 44.0 09 28 64.8 65.2 45 28 65.5 60.8 04 28* 44.0 35.0 26 37 30 38.1 41.6 06 -6.4 30 70.8 71.8 55 -4.3 30 60.8 57.2 10 -12.8 30* 69.2 58.3 24 41 -12. 32 37.2 41.9 05 32 63.8 64.5 44 32 52.4 38.6 23 32 32* 18.3 11. 5 33 34 40.2 44.8 10 34 61.2 63.2 41 34 18.5 11. o 24 20 34 37.2 31.8 24 02 36 45.1 48.0 16 36 56.4 58.8 33 36* 28.8 19.0 24 50 36 77.2 67.0 23 03 38 50.6 53.3 24 38 56.0 57.9 32 38* 54.6 41-0 25 17 38 42-6 33-5 23 57 40 51.2 55.4 27 40 56.0 57.8 32 40 73-3 55-0 24 52 40 11. 6 8.3 24 41 42 50.2 54.6 25 42 54-1 55-8 29 42 74.8 72.0 37 42* 29.3 9.0 24 57 44 46.1 51.4 19 -5-8 44 Si-3 53-2 25 -4.2 44 76.1 75.1 34 -12.6 44* 75.8 67.0 22 55 -12.0 46 47.8 52.1 21 46 51.0 52.0 24 46* 52.0 44.5 24 04 46 57.0 53.5 23 20 48 46.1 51.1 19 48 44.4 45.8 14 48 70.3 66.3 23 32 48 38.5 35-8 23 4 50 47.2 51.7 20 50 42.2 43.8 10 50 27.3 25.4 24 38 50 22.2 19.2 24 '4 52 48.2 52.9 22 52 40.3,42.1 08 52 24.1 18.8 46 52 24.8 14.4 24 16 54 50.1 54-3 25 54 42.6 43.0 10 54 42.3 26.3 26 54 36.8 35-0 23 50 56 50.3 54.3 25 56 43.1 44.4 12 56 49.5 41.4 08 5(1 25.5 14.5 24 M 58 50.8 54.8 26 58 44.3 45.3 13 58 34.0 27.4 24 31 58 ; 20.8 8.2 24 23 21 00 49-5 52.9 23 -5.4 23 oo 46.1 47.1 16 -4.1 I 00 ii. 5 9.5 25 03 -12.5 3 oo I 37.0 30.3 23 53 -12.0 O2 48.2 5O.8 21 02 46.3 47.3 16 02* 26.2 18.9 25 24 02*3 4.3-0 31.3 24 35 04 50.1 52.3 23 04 46.6 47.2 17 04*5. 47.0 39.9 . 26 09 04 54.3 50.8 24 ii . 06 49.9 52.2 23 06 47.0 47.2 17 06 43-4 37-3 26 13 06* 14.3 13.3 26 03 08 42.9 51.0 17 08 44.8 45.1 13 08* 59-3 47-8 25 oo 08 ! 53.1 36.8 25 14 10 53-1 55-1 28 10 44.8 45.8 14 10 25.5 22.3 46 10 22.7 7.3 26 oi 12 47.1 49.4 19 12 46.2 47-2 l6 12 30.5 23.0 25 42 12 16.7 II.5 03 14 43.4 44.7 12 -5.2 14 47.0 47.9 17 -4.0 14* 55-5 43-7 24 14 -12.3 14* 57-5 42-2 58 -12.0 16 43.0 45.2 12 16 44.2 45.8 14 16 73.3 50.6 23 55 16 73.0 40.3 26 48 18 47.3 49.7 19 18 45.3 47.0 15 18 59-7 54-3 24 02 18* 23.0 15.0 29 04 20 47.8 5O.8 20 20 47.0 48.3 l8 20 63.5 44-7 24 07 20* 61.0 34.0 26 43 22 45.4 46.8 IS 22 44.5 45.8 14 22 68.6 60.6 23 51 22* 63.6 SI.O 23 21 24 44.2 46.8 14 24 44.2 45.2 13 24 76.6 63.0 42 24* 64.6 35.3 ii 26 46.2 49.7 18 26 46.0 46.2 15 26 72.0 70.2 23 40 26 65.2 13.5 28 28 47.9 51.7 21 28 47.2 48.0 18 28* 64.0 46.0 22 43 28 37.2 21.5 23 43 30 48.2 51.2 21 -5.1 30 46.1 46.9 16 -4.1 30* 24.5 10.6 24 O2 -12.2 30* 67.5 5C).3 22 34 -12.0 32 43-3 44-1 12 32 46.4 48.0 17 32* 43.5 30.2 28 . 32* 28.0 12.3 24 II 34 46.1 47.1 16 34 48.3 49.9 20 34 61.0 36.2 24 10 34* 75-0 49-0 22 54 36 45.2 46.9 15 36 51.0 52.2 24 36* 42.1 33.3 23 04 36 69.0 47.0 23 oo 38 40.2 43.3 08 38 51.0 52.0 24 38 39.2 38.2 03 38* 67.5 18.0 25 57 40 35-7 37-8 or 40 51.2 52.8 25 40 30.0 18.5 25 40* 44.0 28.0 31 04 42 40.2 42.0 08 42 52.6 54.1 27 42* 25.5 19.0 45 42 37-5 ii. o 2.5 44 36.7 37-0 01 -5.0 44 55-8 57.8 32 -4.2 44 29.2 22.6 38 -12. o 44* 75.0 28.5 31 28 -12.0 46 40.2 41.8 07 46 57.6 58.9 34 46 41.3 30.6 22 46* 46.3 13.6 30 25 48 38.3 38.8 04 48 57-8 59-2 35 48 49.6 36.8 ii 48 5i-3 9-5 30 24 50 43.2 43.8 ii 50 56.9 57-4 33 50 49.2 35.0 13 50* 38.3 21.8 31 19 52 37.8 38.0 02 52 56.0 56.9 32 52 48.5 34-3 14 52* 74.6 27.8 32 43 54 36.70 oi 54 54-3 55-8 29 54 30.3 27.3 34 54* 64.0 12.8 30 16 56 40.8 42.1 08 56 52.2 54.3 26 56 34.0 26.0 32 56* 61.6 21.0 28 27 58 43-3 44-3 12 58 52.8 54.2 27 58 29.0 22.0 39 58* i 66.3 8.2 37 31 24 oo 55.9 57.8 32 -4.4 [ Correction to local mean time is + 2m 205. Torsion head at igh 38m read 348 and at 24h i6m read the same. Observer R. R. T. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Sunday, November i, 1903 Magnet scale erect Monday, November 2, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Chr'r time Scale readings East decli- nation Temp. Chr'r C. time Scale East readings decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale East readings decli- nation .! Temp. Chr'r C. time Scale readings East decli- Temp, nation C. Left Right Left Right h m d iU.'i h m d d o h m | d d ' h m d d / O 4 oo Ovcrl'k'd 6 oo* 30.1 71.7 2437 -IO.O 8 oo* 70.0 61.3 21 54 -20.5 10 OO 41.8 41.2 23 08 -16.6 02 Lost while -II .3 02* 40.9 61.2 25 16 02 46.7 33-5 22 34 02 38.3 37-3 14 04 reversing 04* 38.3 64.1 26 56 04 28.5 20. o 22 59 4 34-8 32.1 21 06* 26.0 44.3 26 15 06* 18.8 53.1 25 09 06* 33.0 27.5 23 24 06 40.0 38.1 13 08* 24.1 74.0 24 34 08* 14.3 34.2 23 32 08 47.0 42.0 23 02 08 45-3 43-8 04 10* 16.8 61.0 22 10* 48.3 60.3 25 48 ro -52.2 48.0 22 53 10 46.0 42.4 04 12* 41.4 46.9 24 25 12 Lost 12 42.8 33.2 23 12 12 42.0 40.1 IO 14*5 56.7 59-3 27 25 -ii. o 14* 25-7 37-2 25 54 -IO.O 14 41.2 38.0 10 -19.5 14 45-3 43-3 04 -16.2 16* 32.9 57.8 28 43 16* 33.0 65.8 24 05 16 37-0 32-7 17 16 44-2 42-9 06 18* 8.5 14.5 27 14 18* 55.2 72.8 22 48 18 41.0 38.5 23 10 18 44-3 43-0 06 20* 31.8 58.8 24 10 20* 35.2 45.8 23 58 20 52.0 49.4 22 53 20 43-0 41-0 08 22* 25.0 50.0 23 58 22 64.4 74.3 24 43 22 50.6 45.5 22 57 22 41.2 38.2 12 24*3 48 . o 68 . i 27 29 24* 25.6 49.7 25 32 24 41.2 36.2 23 II 24 37.9 36.0 16 26* 47-7 73-0 29 31 26 29.7 59-7 43 26 38.0 18.7 28 26 45-8 43-2 23 04 28* 10.8 28.1 28 27 28 34.9 72.7 58 28 51-3 34-5 04 28 50.9 46.2 22 58 30* 42. i 63.8 26 21 -10.4 30 24.6 55-5 25 36 -9.9 30 50.6 35-8 23 04 -18.7 30 51.2 48.6 56 -16.0 32* 42.0 60.8 24 01 32* 29.2 66.7 26 33 32 54.0 52.3 22 49 32 52.7 50.2 53 34* 7.2 56.3 23 29 34* 12. i 73.4 25 05 34 59.6 56.8 41 34 53-8 52.2 5i 36* 16.0 54.9 23 41 36* 19.8 78.1 15 36 54.8 46.0 53 36 57-7 56.3 45 38* 7.0 46. i 24 19 38* 66.0 67.7 25 27 38 59.0 49.5 47 38 57-8 57.1 45 40* 37-3 74-2 36 40 42.8 44.2 24 49 40 53.6 46.5 22 54 40 50.2 58.0 43 42* 34-8 71.0 51 42 38.2 48.2 49 42 50.3 39.5 23 02 42 61. I 60.7 38 44 25.4 60.8 35 -10.2 44 37.1 44.3 2445 44 56.0 47.3 22 51 -l8.3 44 64.6 63.0 34 -15.8 46 10.0 43.8 24 10 46 51.1 52.8 25 03 46 51.2 42.8 58 46 63.2 62.1 36 48 17.3 19.0 23 55 48 41.2 46.0 24 49 -10. 48 52.3 44.4 22 56 48 61.8 60.5 39 SO* 17.7 18.9 23 27 50 24.9 36.3 29 50 45.8 37.6 23 07 50 61.8 60.0 39 52 62.8 66.8 24 39 52 40.8 43.8 47 52 51.9 44.2 22 57 52 68.8 67.1 28 54 67.2 72.8 48 54 43.0 49.1 24 53 54 48.7 43.6 , 23 oo 54 68.4 65.7 29 56* 46.8 56.0 51 56 50.4 63.3 25 10 56 42.7 37.8 09 56 64.4 62.6 35 58 36.1 55.0 2441 58 33-8 49-3 24 46 58 48.8 42.5 oi 58 68.8 66.1 29 5 oo 59.8 65.3 25 08 -10.3 7 oo 44.1 46.8 24 52 9 oo 47.3 42.1 23 02 -18.0 II 00 76.3 71.7 18 -iS-5 02 Lost 02 50.9 53.2 25 02 02 51.3 45.6 22 57 02 73-4 64.7 27 04* 29.2 49.8 26 is 04 39.9 41.2 24 44 04 39.8 36.6 23 13 04 66.8 59.0 36 06* 28.7 48.8 28 38 06 55.2 58.0 25 10 06 40.5 35.8 13 06 64.3 62.3 36 08 Lost 08 52.3 58.3 08 08 44.0 37-8 08 08 57-2 52.5 49 10* 38.2 43.5 23 42 10 51.2 57.3 06 10 42.0 35-6 12 10 51.7 48.1 22 57 12 Lost 12 52.1 60.9 10 12 42-3 33-3 14 12 47-7 43-1 23 04 I 4 * 7.9 19.2 25 04 -10.3 14 58.1 68.9 21 -10.7 14 42.7 37.4 10 -17.9 H 39-9 35-6 16 -15-2 16* 21.2 52.0 03 id* 26.2 42.2 30 16 42.5 37-5 10 16 42.9 38.2 ii 18* 46.3 74.8 26 16 18 15.8 33-4 15 18 46.5 42.7 03 18 48.1 41.8 04 20 25.6 45.0 25 36 20 18.1 18.7 25 05 20 42.1 37.0 ii 20 45-8 38.2 23 09 22* 23-7 32.7 24 34 22 10. i 12.8 24 54 22 43.1 40.9 07 22 51-2 45-0 22 59 24* 70.0 71.8 23 55 24* 47.8 56.1 52 24 42.0 38.2 23 10 24 50.9 46.8 58 26* 49.6 52.6 24 18 26 43.8 49.5 43 26 48.9 44.8 22 59 26 54-7 49-6 53 28* 18.9 36.1 25 15 28 43-3 52.1 45 28 47-2 44-4 23 oi 28 62.8 57-3 41 3i* l6.2 25.8 22 31 -10.3 30 36.8 45.0 34 -10.8 30 47.9 42.9 02 -17.6 30 56.0 54.8 49 -15-0 32 27-3 55-0 23 03 32 32.1 39.0 26 32 38.2 33-5 : 17 32 54-8 52.3 52 34* 47.1 75.7 22 54 34 43-1 45.4 40 34 38.2 32.5 18 34 51-9 50.2 22 55 36* 22.2 71.3 22 37 36 48.6 50.3 24 48 36 33.8 27.3 25 36 48.2 45.7 23 02 38* 19.8 44.0 23 13 38 60.5 61.8 25 06 38 39-0 33-1 17 38 47-1 43.7 04 40 23.2 77.8 42 40 64.9 67.1 14 40 35.4 32.2 20 40 48.3 45-3 O2 42 Overl'k'd 42 65.1 65.9 13 42 36.7 32.1 19 42 48.0 44.9 03 44* l8.2 33.3 22 08 -IO.O 44 56.4 59.6 01 -II. O 44 46.6 42.2 23 04 -17.0 44 49-7 46.7 23 oo -15-0 46* 43.0 71.0 20 13 46 59.3 60. i 14 46 49.8 47.2 22 57 46 52.2 50.2 22 55 49* 48.8 67.8 26 09 48 63.6 64.4 ii 48 49.7 47-8 57 48 57-2 55-4 47 Si* 31.1 35-1 21 55 50 58.9 60. i 25 04 50 57.9 54-8 45 50 57-8 56.9 45 52 Overl'k'd 52 56. oil 24 58 52 52.8 51.0 52 52 54-9 52.9 5i 54* 45.2 72.3 25 05 44-9 45-9 41 54 5I.I 48.2 22 56 61.0 59.3 41 56* 18.2 42.8 27 05 56 50.7 52.2 50 56 46.3 44-2 23 03 56 68.8 62.7 32 58* 14.0 69.1 26 31 58 45-3 45-8 41 58 43-8 43-3 05 58 60.8 56.1 44 8 oo 40.3 42.1 34 : 12 OO 60.0 55.0 46 -14.8 Correction to local mean time is + 2m 363. 90 torsion = 24/5. Torsion head at 23h 30111, October 31, road 348 and at 9)1 igm, November I, read 17. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 3h 58m to 4h 18111. Correction to local mean time is + 2m 385. 90 torsion = 24/0. Torsion head at 7h 40111 read 339 and at iah 29m read 321. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from gh 22m to 9h 36m. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, November 3, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, November 4, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d o / h m d d h m d d ' O 12 00 Delayed 14 oo 53-5 56.8 22 45 -17-3 00* 69.0 68.2 22 51 -20. 2 OO 33-6 33.1 22 57 -17.2 02 account 02 55-9 59-0 49 02* 47.3 40.6 40 O2 33.9 33-1 22 57 04 frosted 04 56.2 59.0 49 04 42.5 35-8 48 04 31.6 30.6 23 oo 06 mirror 06 55-2 58.1 48 06 37.6 32.8 54 06 30.0 29.4 23 03 08 08 51-5 53-6 4i 08 37-3 32.1 22 55 08 33-5 33-1 21 57 10 40.3 49.0 22 29 -18.5 10 51-0 53-0 40 IO 32.6 27.8 23 02 10 34.6 34-2 55 12 42.6 SO.2 31 12 54-2 55-2 45 12 35.0 30.1 22 58 12 33-6 33-3 57 14 45-3 51-7 35 14 54-3 56.5 46 -16.9 14 35-2 31.0 57 -19.5 14 33.6 33.6 22 56 16 49.0 52.0 38 16 54-7 57-2 46 16 38.5 34-3 52 16 31.2 30.6 23 01 18 49.8 53.3 40 18 50.3 53-2 40 18 39-6 35-7 So 18 Lost 20 51.0 54.5 41 20 49.6 52.8 39 20 42.7 39.0 45 20 32.0 31.2 23 oo -17.0 22 48.2 50.8 36 22 50.2 52.8 40 22 41.5 37.6 47 22 36.0 36.0 22 53 24 40.5 43.6 25 24 49-9 52.7 39 24 43-1 38.9 45 24 37.2 37-2 51 26 35-0 36.3 15 26 47-1 49-3 34 26 45.8 42.5 40 26 36.8 36.8 51 28 31.0 33.2 09 28 47-2 49-1 34 28 40.6 35.6 22 49 28 35.8 35-8 22 53 3 27.3 28.3 02 !-l8.5 30 47.1 49-4 34 -16.7 30 32.8 28.2 23 01 -18.8 30 30.6 30.6 23 01 -16.9 32 33.0 33.0 10 j 32 45-5 47-2 31 32 32.3 28.3 02 32 3L5 31-5 23 oo 34 26.5 29.5 03 34 45-9 46.8 31 34 33.0 29.2 oo 34 32.8 32.6 22 58 36 29.0 33.3 08 36 47.2 48.8 34 36 32.4 28.9 23 01 36 33-3 33-3 57 38 27.5 31.7 22 05 38 45-8 47-7 32 38 33-3 30.3 22 59 38 32.1 31.8 22 59 40 20.8 28.8 21 58 40 44.6 46.2 30 40 34.0 31.4 58 40 31.3 31-3 23 oo 42 24.3 34.0 22 04 42 42.5 44.2 27 42 34.8 32.0 22 57 42 34-3 33-5 22 56 44 34.4 37.0 15 -18.5 44 38.8 41.2 22 -16.6 44 31.8 28.6 23 02 -18.5 44 33-3 33-3 57 -16.8 46 34.8 38.6 16 46 48 36.8 42.0 20 48 30.8 31.9 29.1 30.2 08 05 46 29.5 26.0 06 46 48 Observer 48 39-9 39-9 47 41.2 40.7 45 50 36.8 39.8 19 50 31-5 31-9 08 50 called 50 43.0 43.0 42 52 35.4 41.8 19 52 41.9 44.2 26 52 '. away 52 45-7 45.1 38 54 33-3 35-9 13 56 37-4 38.0 18 44-7 48.8 39.8 44.2 32 25 54 i 56 22.3 19.8 16 56 44.4 43.0 41 42.9 42.2 43 58 34.8 40.6 18 58 38.7 42.1 22 58 21.0 18.9 18 58 43.0 42.1 43 13 oo 39.0 45.7 25 -18.3 15 oo 39-8 43-2 24 -I6.3 i oo ! 18.3 16.8 22 -18.3 3 oo 42.0 40.8 44 -16.5 02 40.3 45.8 26 02 41.0 44.0 25 02 20.6 18.8 18 02 40.2 39.5 47 04 42.0 45.8 28 04 43.2 46.0 29 04 26.8 25.3 08 04 41.0 40.3 45 06 44.5 48.3 31 06 43.9 46.8 30 06 31-3 29.4 23 02 06 38.0 37.6 50 08 5i-7 52-7 41 08 46.1 49.0 33 08 32.8 31.2 22 59 08 34-5 34-0 56 10 52.5 54.8 43 10 47-5 50.8 36 10 33.1 31.8 58 10 35-7 34-8 54 12 Si-9 55-3 43 12 47-2 49.9 35 12 34-6 33-3 56 12 36.5 35-8 53 14 16 52.6 56.5 44 -18.2 56.0 58.6 49 14 16 46.2 49.4 45.2 48.6 34 -16.2 32 14 35-0 33-8 55 -18.0 14 i6 35-0 33-9 55 16 37-0 36.3 52 36.0 35.6 53 -16.5 18 53.8 56.8 46 18 47-1 49-9 35 18 33-8 33.0 57 18 37-3 36.8 51 20 57-3 60.9 52 20 47-3 50.2 35 20 36.5 35.3 53 20 36.0 35-5 53 22 57-3 60.6 51 22 49-8 52.7 39 22 35.6 34.8 54 22 38.0 37.6 50 24 55-4 59-3 49 24 51-3 53.1 41 24 : 33.6 32.8 57 24 39.6 38.3 48 26 59-3 62.9 55 26 50.2 52.4 39 26 34.7 34.0 55 26 40.0 39.0 47 28 57.6 6l.6 52 28 47-2 50.7 35 28 36-4 35-8 52 28 44-8 43-5 40 30 60.0 63.6 56 -18.0 30 44.6 48.2 32 -16.0 30 38.1 37-3 So -17-8 30 45.6 44.6 38 -16.4 32 61.5 64.8 58; 32 45-2 49-6 33 32 40.3 39.7 46 32 44.2 43.0 41 34 60.6 64.0 57 34 48.6 52.8 38 34 40.0 39.8 47 34 45-8 45-0 38 36 60.3 63.3 56 36 42.1 46.0 28 36 41.2 40.8 45 36 46.5 45-3 37 38 57-5 59-9 Si 38 44-2 47-9 31 38 40.8 40.2 46 38 47.2 46.0 36 40 55-3 57-8 47 40 46.0 49.2 33 40 39.2 39.2 48 40 51.9 51.7 28 42 55-3 58.6 48 42 47-7 51-2 36 42 37-9 37-9 50 42 54.8 54-0 24 44 46 53.0 56.4 45 ,-18.0 52.8 54.8 43 44 46 51-0 54-8 53-0 56.7 42 -15-8 45 44 37-2 37-2 Si -17-5 46 36.2 36.2 52 * 54.0 53.4 25 55.0 54.5 23 -16.3 48 50.8 54.0 41 48 52.4 56.7 44 48 34-5 34-5 i 55 48 52.0 51.2 28 50 52.2 55.9 43 50 53-9 58.1 47 50 34.8 34.8 55 50 48.3 47-7 34 52 54-5 58.3 47 52 49-0 53-2 39 52 34-5 34-5 ' 55 52 49.4 48.7 32 54 53-7 57-1 46 54 42.9 46.8 29 54 34-7 34-5 55 47.8 46.8 35 56 53-0 57-2 45 56 43-0 46.3 29 56 33-6 33.3 57 56 44.8 43.6 40 58 53.6 56.8 45 58 48.2 51.6 37 58 32.3 31-8 59 58 39.8 38.8 48 16 oo 49-2 53-7 39 -15-7 i . Correction to local mean time is + 2m 375. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 3h s6m to Torsion head at nh 44m read 315 and at i6h 30m read the same. 4h lom. ^ Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from I3h 4601 to 4h oom. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 73 Wednesday, November 4, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, November 4, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings ' decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / h m d d / h m d d " ' h m d d / 4 oo 37-1 35-9 22 52 -16.1 6 oo 22.6 22.3 23 14 -15.4 8 oo 44.0 39.6 22 44 -15.1 IO 00 41.0 37-8 22 47 -15-2 02 39-8 34-8 51 02 22.8 22. 14 02 42.8 38.8 45 02 48.6 43.8 37 4 39-2 33.9 52 04 26 . o 25 . o 09 04 43.8 40.0 44 04 42.0 36.2 48 06 37.2 32.2 55 06 27.8 27.0 23 06 06 43.8 41.2 43 06 40.1 33-8 51 08 34-8 30.3 58 08 33.2 32.2 22 58 08 41.2 38.8 46 08 35-9 30.4 57 IO 35-1 31.0 57 10 31.0 29.0 23 O2 IO 43-4 40.8 43 IO 37-4 33-5 54 12 37-9 34-2 53 12 3O.6 29.O 02 | 12 42.2 40.0 45 12 40.5 35-6 50 14 42.8 38.1 46 -16.0 14 31.0 26.7 04 -15.4 14 44.3 41-8 42 -15.2 14 39-7 35-1 51 -I5.I 16 44-3 39-5 44 16 26.2 24.0 10 16 43-0 41.1 43 16 43.8 39.0 44 18 42.8 37.7 46 18 30.8 29.0 02 18 45-6 43.2 40 18 48.6 45.5 35 20 43-7 39-1 44 20 32.0 30.8 23 oo 20 48.1 46.7 35 20 50.8 46.0 33 22 45-9 41-0 41 22 36.2 35.9 ! 22 53 22 41.2 40.2 45 22 45.0 40.3 42 24 46-8 42.3 39 24 38.2 37.8 50 24 34.8 33.2 56 24 37.0 31.6 55 26 45-8 41.2 41 26 40.2 39.2 47 26 35-8 34.2 54 26 35-0 31-9 57 28 46.1 42.2 40 28 39-2 37.3 49 28 36.1 33-0 55 28 38.7 35-3 : 22 51 30 45-5 4I-I 41 -15.9 30 33-6 32.9 22 57 -15-4 30 36.3 35-2 53 -15.2 30 32.5 28.8 I 23 01 -15-0 32 43-2 39-8 44 32.1 31.8 29.0 23 02 32 40.4 34.8 50 32 32.5 29.5 01 34 43-2 39.2 45 34 34-8 32.9 22 56 34 39-8 31.2 54 34 33-4 29.5 23 oo 36 44-4 40.0 43 36 42.0 40.0 45 36 42.8 37.0 47 36 35-3 31-2 22 57 38 44.8 42.1 41 38 41.8 40.0 45 38 34-9 3i.i 22 57 38 31.6 29.0 23 02 40 48.1 45-3 36 40 45-8 43-2 39 40 34.1 28.2 23 oo 40 33.6 29.2 oo 42 47.1 44-8 37 42 40.5 39.0 47 42 38.3 32.3 22 54 42 31.0 28.6 02 31 46 38.8 37-2 36.5 34-0 SO 54 -15-8 8 36.0 34.2 39-0 37.6 54 49 -15.3 8 42.2 37.3 47-9 43-8 47 37 -14.9 22.0 19.4 20.7 18.1 17 19 -14.7 48 35-2 33-2 56 48 45-1 42.2 41 48 47-4 40.8 40 48 25.3 22.8 12 50 37-0 35-8 52 50 47.8 46.2 35 50 40.0 33.9 51 50 32.5 29.5 oi 52 35-8 34.0 55 52 40 . 2 38 . o 48 52 38.4 32.7 54 52 31.2 28.3 03 54 33-2 31-9 22 58 54 40.2 39.1 22 47 54 42.8 38.8 45 54 28.0 24.7 O8 56 29.9 29.0 23 03 56 30.8 29.0 23 02 56 39-5 36.8 49 56 26.5 24.0 10 58 24.8 23.8 II 58 35-5 32.3 22 56 58 38.6 36.2 51 58 26.0 23.5 10 5 oo 21.9 21. O 23 16 -15-7 7 oo 33.4 28.8 23 oo -15.3 9 oo 42.8 40.3 44 -15.1 II OO 23.0 19-3 16 -14.6 02 34-2 33-2 22 56 02 39-0 34-0 22 52 02 43.4 41.8 42 02 26.O 22. 12 04 30.7 29.7 23 02 04 32 . 8 28 . o 23 02 04 44.0 41.2 42 04 29.O 25.0 07 06 37-1 35-9 22 52 06 37.9 36.0 22 51 06 43-9 41-5 42 06 30-1 25.0 06 08 38.2 37-8 50 08 41.5 37.0 22 48 08 42.5 39.0 45 08 24.8 20. o 14 10 38.3 37-3 50 10 30.2 26.0 23 05 IO 40.9 36.5 49 10 27.2 23.8 09 12 36.8 36.3 52 12 37-7 3i.i 22 55 i 12 | 45-9 43-5 39 12 23.9 20.4 IS 14 35-0 34.2 22 55 14 44.6 41.2 42 -15.3 14 49-0 44.8 36 -15.1 14 19-3 17-0 21 16 28.0 27.1 23 06 16 42.0 35.8 48 16 46.2 43.8 39 16 22.9 19.6 16 -14.7 18 30.9 30.0 23 o_> 18 39-1 35-3 51 18 41.8 38.8 46 18 28.0 23.2 09 20 33-1 32.9 22 57 20 43.2 40.1 44 20 44-8 43-5 40 20 25.6 21. I 13 22 31-8 30.7 23 oo 22 35-0 31-3 57 22 45-7 44-7 38 22 18.9 14.9 23 24 36.5 35-0 22 53 24 36.0 30.8 57 24 51-3 49-5 30 24 23-9 15.8 18 26 36.5 36.0 52 26 48.2 45.0 36 26 51-4 50.4 29 26 20.3 13.5 23 28 35-7 34-8 54 28 40.3 32.8 52 28 49.1 47.1 34 28 17.9 10.8 27 30 34-0 33-2 22 56 -15.7 30 34.8 29.3 59 -15.2 30 50.2 49.0 31 -15.0 30 21. O 15.2 21 -14-5 32 31.4 29.0 23 02 32 55.8 52.5 24 32 53.5 48.0 30 32 24-4 I9-I 15 34 30.1 28.0 23 04 34 45-2 39-8 42 34 53-8 52.5 26 34 17.0 12. O 26 36 33-8 31.0 22 58 36 38.9 34-0 52 36 52.6 48.1 30 36 19-0 I3-I 24 38 35-4 35-1 54 38 56.1 51.0 25 38 48.8 44.7 36 38 25.1 20.9 13 40 45-0 42-3 40 38.9 35.2 51 40 44.5 39.2 44 40 28.5 24.3 08 42 33-8 31.2 58 42 40.5 36.1 49 42 45-5 40.5 42 42 29-3 23.3 08 8 01. 60.8 63.0 61.3 13 -15-6 12 44 46 45-4 41-8 44.8 41.7 41 -15.1 44 45.6 41.0 41 46 50.6 48.3 32 -15.2 44 34-0 29.0 46 32.9 30.1 00 23 oo -14.2 48 44.8 44.2 22 39 48 39-2 36.3 50 48 48.2 38.0 42 48 33-3 30.3 22 59 50 27.0 25.3 23 08 50 36.9 33-8 54 50 43.2 38.8 45 50 33-0 29.3 23 oo 52 19.0 18.1 20 52 44.8 42.2 52 43.4 40.4 44 52 30.8 27.0 04 54 22.2 21-9 15 54 42.8 39.4 45 54 43.3 41-2 43 54 3L3 27.8 23 03 56 15.2 13.6 27 56 39.8 36.8 49 56 40.7 39.6 46 56 33-9 30.8 22 59 58 19.0 18.0 20 58 41-3 38.0 47 58 46.6 39.8 41 58 36.6 33.9 54 Observer R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and R. W. P., who alternated from 8h 24m to 8h 38m; R. W. P. and W. J. P., who alternated from loh 32m to loll 42m. F. L,. observed readings from nh o6m to I2h s8m. 74 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, November 4, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, November 4, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t h m d d V / h m d d O ' h m d d / o 12 00 37-0 34.6 22 53 -14.2 14 oo 15.0 11.9 22 37 -13.0 16 oo 20.8 19.1 22 26 -I3-I 18 oo 51.9 51.2 22 33 -14.0 02 36.3 35-2 53 02 16.9 13.2 34 02 22.1 19.9 25 02 54.2 52.0 31 04 38.0 34.7 52 04 19-4 15.9 30 04 22.1 19.8 25 04 55.6 53.7 28 06 39-4 34-7 51 06 18.2 15.3 31 06 22. O 20.2 24 06 57-3 55-3 26 08 37-1 34-7 53 08 17.8 14.1 33 08 21.6 19.9 25 08 58.8 57.2 23 10 40.0 36.9 49 10 17-7 14-3 33 10 21.0 19.2 26 10 59-8 59-0 21 12 43.9 40.6 43 12 15-9 12.4 35 12 16.2 14.2 34 12 61.3 60.8 18 14 45-5 44-6 39 -13-8 14 16.8 13.5 34 -13.0 14 14-3 12.3 37 -I3-I 14 61.8 61.0 18 -14.1 16 51-2 46.7 32 16 16.4 13.2 34 16 14.2 I4.O 35 16 63.8 60.4 17 18 49-9 47-0 33 18 15.4 12.8 35 18 16.2 15.8 33 18 65.2 62.0 20 67.0 59.6 22 10 20 16.8 14.0 34 20 19.8 16.8 29 20 66.8 64.2 ii 22 75-9 71-0 21 54 22 17.6 14.7 32 22 16.7 13.4 34 22 65.6 64.0 12 24 76.7 67.0 57 24 14.8 13.0 36 24 15.8 14.2 22 34 24 66.0 65.1 II 26 74.0 67.0 21 59 26 J5-I 13.0 36 26* 48.2 44.4 ; 23 46 26 66.3 65.1 II 28 66.1 55.1 22 14 28 13.6 ii. 8 38 28 47-7 43-3 48 28 66.0 64.8 12 30 68.0 58.1 10 -13.8 30 12.8 ii. 2 39 -13.0 30 51.2 47.0 42 -13-1 30 64.3 62.9 14 -14.0 32 60.0 48.5 24 32 15.0 12. 1 36 32 49-4 45-8 44 32 62.9 61.7 16 34 56.0 44.6 30 16.1 13-3 35 34 50.0 46.8 43 34 61.1 60. i 19 36 57-5 46.6 28 36 15.3 12.8 36 36 50.4 46.0 43 36 60. i 59.1 20! 38 63.1 56.4 16 38 15.2 12.7 36 38 54.2 49.0 38 38 59-5 58.3 22 40 60. i 41.9 29 40 16.7 14.8 33 40 52.7 48.2 ; 23 40 40 58.6 57.7 23 42 66.0 48.9 19 42 19.8 16.8 39 42 38.2 33.5 24 03 42 57-3 56.3 25 44 61.9 53-3 19 44 18.1 15.3 31 -12.0 44 19.2/7 24 29 -13.2 44 56.8 55-4 26 -14.0 46 ! 59.9 48.9 24 -13-9 46 16.1 11.7 36 i 46* 25.0/7 25 32 i 46 55-8 54-3 i 281 48 58.0 50.8 24 48 17.1 12.6 34 49 39-8 23.0 , 25 22 48 55.6 54.3 28 50 57-0 47.3 28 50 17.1 12.7 34 50* 54-7 54-2 28 39 50 56.1 54.8 27 52 54.2 48.0 29 52 18.0 14.0 33 52* 47.0 41.2 | 30 10 52 57-0 55.6 26 54 54-5 49-2 28 54 18.8 15.0 31 54* 41.2 36.8 ! 28 19 54 57-3 56.0 25 56 59-9 52-7 21 56 17.2 13.7 34 56 36.2 26.2 ; 28 32 56 57-4 56.3 25 58 73.0 66.1 22 OO 58 16.2 13.0 35 58 77.7 77.0 27 19 58 56.3 55-6 26 13 oo Lost 15 oo 17.2 14.0 33 -12.9 r7 oo* 51.7 51.2 26 48 -13.2 19 oo 55-6 55-0 27 -14.0 02* 52.5 49-3 21 38 -13.5 02 17.8 15.0 32 02* 58.3 40.7 25 56 02 56.0 55.0 27 04 49-8 47-5 41 04 17.9 14.9 32 04 56.9 47.7 51 04 55.0 54.5 28 06 60.0 51.5 30 06 19.8 16.1 30 06 64.8 56.2 38 06 55.0 54.5 28 08 56.8 46.5 37 08 21.2 l8.3 27 08* 51.1 36.3 25 03 08 55-8 55-3 27 IO 12 45-3 41-5 36.1 28.8 21 50 22 O7 10 12 21.0 17.8 19.7 16.8 27 29 10* 40.3 38.8 23 49 12.3 62.7 57.6 17 10 12 55-3 54-7 28 53-6 53-0 30 14 26.2 18.7 23 -13.5 14 20.2 l8-5 27 -13.0 14 75.0 67.1 1 23 oo -13.0 14 52.7 51-9 32 -14.0 16 19.6 12.8 32 16 21.8 19.8 25 1 6* 45.8 30.3 22 55 16 51.6 51.0 33 18 13-0 7-4 42 18 22.8 20.8 23 18 50.0 36.3 46 18 52.2 51.2 33 20 15.8 10. o 37 20 23.4 21.8 22 20 45-8 43.7 44 20 52.3 51.6 33 22 20.8 14.5! 30 22 23.1 21.2 23 22 45-2 34-9 Si 22 51-5 50.9 34 24 18.1 12. o 34 24 23.1 22.0 22 24 46.9 36.9 48 24 51.1 50.3 id 26 28 I5.O IO.2 12.8 9.6 38 40 26 28 23.8 22.8 21 26.0 24.0 18 26 28 48.0 38.8 46 46.5 38.2 48 28 Si-4 50.6 51.2 50.0 34 35 30 12.8 9.1 41 -13-4 30 26.8 24.3 18 -13.0 30 47.0 39.2 46 -13-3 30 51.6 51.0 33 -14.0 32 12. O 7.1 43 32 29.1 26.0 14 32 48.2 41.7 44 32 51.8 51.1 33 34 12.8 9.2 40 34 29.1 26.7 14 34 47.4 40.8 45 34 51-9 51-3 33 3 S 38 12.3 7.2 ii. i 6.8 42 44 38 28.4 26.2 28.0 26.3 15 is 36 38 47-7 41-8 48.1 42.2 44 43 36 38 51-3 50.7 57-3 56.8 34 40 12. I 7.9 42 40 29.0 28.O 13 40 48.1 43-1 43 40 55-9 53-1 'S 42 12.8 9.1 4 1 42 31-8 29.9 09 42 49-1 44.7 40 42 56.3 52.7 28 1 12.7 9.1 13-0 8.5 41 -13.2 44 46 3I.O 30.0 30.7 27.2 10 12 -13.1 44 48.9 44.2 46 45-9 44-2 44 -13.8 44 46 55-2 52.2 57.3 54.3 30 26 -14.2 48 II. O 7.0 44 48 27.9 26.0 15 48 47.2 46.0 41 48 57.6 54.8 26 50 ii. o 7-3 43 50 28.2 25.8 15 50 47-8 45-9 41 50 57-3 54-8 26 52 12. i 8.6 41 52 26.8 25.0 17 52 46.7 45-0 42 52 57-o 53.1 28 54 12.2 9.1 41 54 25.8 24.2 18 54 47-3 46.3 54 53-3 SO.o 33 M 11.9 8.2 42 56 24.5 23.5! 20 56 50.7 49-6 35 56 53-4 50.5 32 58 14.7 II- 2 37 58 21.9 2O.3 24 58 52.0 51.0 33 58 53-0 50.6 33 Observers F. I,, to I2h s8m ; W. J. P. to I3h 20m, and R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from i8h i8m to i8h 32m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 75 Wednesday, November 4, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, November 5, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale Kast Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation ' C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d h ra d d h m d d ' ' O h m d d / o 20 oo 54.8 52.4 22 30 -14.4 22 00 60. 1 59.O 22 21 -I5-O 16 oo 43.2 56.3 22 33 -18.0 18 oo 52.9 53.4 22 38 -15.0 02 55.3 53-0 29 02 59.8 58.2 21 02 43.8 56.1 33 02 51.8 52.7 37 04 55-3 53-0 29 04 60.5 59.O 20 04 47.8 49.8 31 04 51-9 52.7 37 06 54.8 52.8 29 06 60.3 58.9 20 06 47.8 49.7 31 06 i 52.9 53-3 38 08 54-7 52-3 30 08 60.3 58.6 21 08 49.2 50.8 33 08 49.0 50.2 33 10 53.2 51.2 32 10 60.8 59.2 20 ia _47.4 49.8 31 10 48.0 48.5 30 12 55-0 52.6 29 12 59.5 57.2 23 12 49.0 50.7 33 12 | 48.2 49.0 31 14 52.6 50.3 33 -14.4 14 56.5 54.2 27 -15.0 14 44.9 46.8 27 -18.0 14 50.8 51.2 35 -14.8 16 53-0 51.0 32 16 52.0 51.1 33 16.3 46.0 47.4 28 16 52.4 52.8 37 18 52.0 50.2 34 18 54-8 50.6 31 18 46.9 48.5 30 18 48.2 49.1 31 20 52.2 50.9 33 20 57.9 49.2 30 20 49-2 50.7 33 20 47-7 48.0 30 22 53-6 51-6 31 22 66.3 58.1 16 22 51-4 53-3 37 22 45.0 46.0 26 24 55-2 53-4 29 24 59-8 51-3 27 24 52.8 54.0 38 24 43-8 45.2 25 26 51-6 50.0 34 26 62.9 54.9 22 26 53-8 55. o 40 26 39-5 39-7 17 28 57-6 56.3 25 28 64.2 57.6 19 28 51.7 52.8 37 28 33-0 33-2 07 30 58.6 57-3 23 -14-5 30 64.8 58.0 18 -15.0 30 48.2 50.1 32 -17-4 30 38.0 39.2 15 -14-3 32 59-1 57-4 23 32 65.8 59.0 16 32.5 50.6 53.2 36 32 37-2 37.8 14 34 58.1 56.8 24 34 66.8 60.6 14 34 49-8 52.8 35 34-2 35-6 36.0 II 36 57-3 55-6 25 36.1 66.1 60.7 15 36 50.7 53-0 36 36 39.3 40.1 17 38 56.9 55-6 26 38 66.3 60.8 14 38 50.6 52.4 36 38 38.6 39.7 16 40 55-2 54-0 28 40 67.0 61.3 13 40 48.8 50.2 32 40 39-9 40.6 18 42 54-8 53-4 29 42 67.6 61.9 13 42 49-3 51-7 34 42 41-8 42.5 21 44 53-3 52.3 3i -14.6 44 66.8 M.I ! 14 -15.0 44 51-0 52.9 36 -17.0 44 41.5 43-0 21 -I4.I 46 53-0 52.0 32 46 65.9 60.3 IS 46 51.9 54-8 38 46 42.5 43-3 22 48 55-8 54-6 27 48 65 . i 60 . o 16 48 51.2 53-8 37 48 42.5 43-7 22 50 54-3 53-3 30 50 62.0 56.7 21 50 51-9 53-9 38 50 43.0 44.4 23 52 53-9 53-0 30 52 59.8 54.8 24 52 53-0 55-0 39 52 42.6 43.8 22 54 52.5 51-3 33 54 57.8 52.3 28 54 50.2 52.2 35 54 40.8 42.2 2O 56 5L7 50.8 34 56 55.1 SI. 2 31 56 49-7 51-1 34 56 41-4 43-1 21 58 50.2 49-5 36 58 ; 54-7 50.0 32 58 48.7 49.1 31 58 43.2 45.4 24 21 00 49.4 48.7 37 23 oo 50.8 45.7 38 -15.0 17 oo 46.3 47-8 28 -I6.S 19 oo 44.0 46.0 25 -14.0 O2 50.3 49-9 35 02 46.8 42.8 44 02 48.2 49.2 31 02 45-1 47-3 27 4 51-6 50.8 34 04 41.8 36.1 53 04 48.4 49.2 31 04 47.0 48.0 29 06 52.6 52.0 32 06 39-0 33-6 57 06 49-2 49.8 32 06 47.6 50.0 31 08 52.1 51.3 33 08 37.8 32.4 59 08 50.8 51.8 35 08 52.2 55-1 39 IO 52.3 51.8 32 10 37-8 33-0 59 10 49-3 50.2 33 IO 49-4 52.8 35 12 52.9 52-3 31 12 39-5 34-9 56 12 49.2 49.4 32 12 47-5 49-6 31 14 52.1 51-7 33 -14.8 14 41.9 37.7 52 -15.0 14 52.2 52.8 37 -16.0 14 45.1 43.2 24 -14.0 16 52.2 51.6 33 16 44-8 40.9 47 16 50.1 52.0 35 16 43.1 46.0 25 18 52.2 51.6 33 18 48.3 43-9 42 18 48.2 50.2 32 18 43.1 46.1 25 20 52.2 51.8 32 20 47.2 44.8 1 42 20 47-1 49.3 30 20 42.4 45.1 23 22 52.8 52.2 32 22 50.3 49-3 36 22 48.9 50.8 33 22 40.8 44.0 21 24 52.0 51.5 33 24 58.4 55-0 23 24 49-2 51.9 34 24 37-2 40.4 16 26 Si.o 50.5 34 26 59-1 55.3 24 26 48.8 50.2 32 26 41.1 42.9 21 28 50.7 50.1 35 28 60.9 56.8 22 28 47-2 48.7 30; 28 36.0 37.9 13 30 50.6 49.9 35 -15-0 30 63.9 60.2 17 -14.9 30 48.7 49-7 32 -I5-I 30 42.0 43.6 22 -14.0 32 52.7 52.0 32! 32 52.9 Si.o 33 32 49.6 51.9 34 32 43-4 44-8 24 55-0 53-3 29 34 61.1 56.2 22 34 SO.i 52.2 35 34 43.1 44.9 24 36 53-6 51-9 31 36 71.6 68.2 04 36 50.8 52.8 36 36 43.2 44.8 24 38 53-0 51-4 32 38 74-5 71-3 oo 38 51-9 53-8 38 38 45-3 47-0 27 40 52.5 si- i 33 40 69.7 68.0 06 40 52.1 54-0 38 40 46.0 47.5 28 42 53-3 52.2 31 42 7L3 67.8 05 42 52.1 54-2 38 42 45-3 46.6 27 44 56.0 54.9 27 -15-0 44 72.0 69.0 03 -15.0 44 52.3 54-8 39 -15.5 44 45-6 47-0 27 46 56.5 55-6 26 46 68.1 64.5 10 46 54-1 54-9 40 46 44-9 45-6 26 -13.8 48 56.9 56.0 25 48 67.2 65.2 10 48 54-6 55-1 41 48 42.0 42.9 21 50 57-2 56.3 25 50 68.7 67.3 07 50 54-3 55-3 41 50 43-0 44.3 23 52 58.4 57.5 23 52 68.0 66.4 09 52 53-9 54-7 40 52 42.9 44-3 23 54 58.8 58.0 56 58.5 58.0 22 23 11 66.2 65.7 64.5 62.9 II 14 'so" 53.2 54.0 39 53-2 53-9 39 41.4 42.5 41.8 43.2 2O 21 58 60.0 58.3 21 58 64.9 63.8 13 58 53-0 53.4 38 58 41.2 42.9 21 -13-3 24 oo 65.0 63.3 13 -15.0 20 00 39-5 40.8 18 Correction to local mean time is + 2m sos. 90 torsion = 27/9. Torsion head at oh com read 315 and at 24)1 2im read 310. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 22h o6m to 22h i6m. Correction to local mean time is + sm us. 90 torsion = 27/9. Torsion head at ish 2Om read 355 and at 2oh l6m read 350. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from i8h 22m to i8h 36m. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, November 6, 1903 Magnet scale inverted. Sunday, November 8, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right H i h m d d o h m d d / h m d d ' h m d d Of 2O OO 45.2 44.1 22 22 -17-3 22 00 47.2 46.8 22 30 -15-5 00* 41.4 47-8 22 28 -19.8 2 OO 49.2 49.8 22 36 -17.6 O2 43.O 41.6 26 02 46.9 44.9 32 02 41.8 47.6 29 02 49.4 50.1 36 04 ! 38.2 36.7 33 04 47.2 45.2 32 04 40.0 45.8 26 04 50.8 51.5 39 06 42.8 40.0 27 06 48.8 46.8 29 06 43-5 49-3 31 06 50.3 51.0 38 08 44.0 42.0 25 08 49.8 47.9 27 08 47-8 52.8 37 08 51.3 52.0 39 10 39.7 36.8 i 32 10 49.1 47.6 28 10 48.0 53-3 38 10 ! 52.2 52.6 41 12 39-1 37-7 32 12 49-7 48.0 27 12 47-3 52.0 36 -19.4 12 51.0 51.6 39 14 37-1 35.0 35 -17.0 14 47.8 46.1 30 -15.3 14 50.2 54.0 40 14 50.3 50.9 38 -17-3 16 35.8 34.9 37 16 46.8 43.7 33 16 50.5 55-0 41 16 49.8 50.2 37 18 33- 3>> 40 18 45.1 42.6 35 18 53.8 57-8 46 18 49-0 49-8 36 20 34.8 34.1 38 20 45-2 43-7 34 20 59 . o 62 . o 53 20 49-8 50.8 37 22 31.8 29.5 44 22 45.2 42.7 35 22 55-6 58.2 48 22 52.0 52.8 41 24 25.0 22.2 55 24 45.7 42.8 35 24 53-6 56.6 45 24 52-4 52.8 41 30.8 28.0 46 26 45-7 43-2 34 26 51.8 54 . 5 42 26 52.4 53.1 28 32.8 29.1 43 28 45-3 43-0 35 28 49-7 52.3 39 28 54-7 55-7 45 30 33.0 28.9 43 -17.0 30 44.2 42.1 36 -15-0 30 47-3 50.2 35 -T9-0 30 54-3 55-0 44 -17.1 32 37.8 30.0 39 32 43-8 40.5 38 32 47.1 49.0 34 32 52.5 53-5 42 34 36.7 34-2 37 34 41.8 38.6 34 Si- i 53-5 41 34 51.2 51.6 39 36 35-0 33-0 39 36 42-2 39-3 40 36 49-3 51.6 38 36 52-3 52.9 41 38 34-9 33-8 38 38 45-1 42.9 35 38 Si-7 53-3 4i 38 53-8 54.3 43 40 27.2 20.6 54 40 44-9 42.2 36 40 52.4 54-5 42 40 54-3 54-6 44 42 27.2 18.0 22 56 42 44-2 41-9 37 42 52-0 53.6 41 42 54-7 55-3 45 44* 56.1 49.8 23 23 -16.8 44 40.9 38.1 42 -14.8 44 52-3 54-1 42 -18.6 44 57-o 58.0 49 -17.0 46* 41.8 25.0 22 50 46 41-2 37-4 42 46 50.3 52-5 39 46 58.1 59-3 Si 48 31.2 16.3 23 06 48 42.2 37-6 4' 48 50.5 52.4 39 48 59-4 60.3 52 50 32.0 17.2 04 50 45-1 40.2 37 50 49.6 50.8 37 5 60.6 62.2 55 52 30.2 15.7 07 52 45.0 40.2 37 52 54-0 56.2 45 52 62.8 64.2 22 58 54 32.1 15.2 06 54 44-7 40.2 38 54 52.9 54.1 42 54 65.2 66.8 23 02 56* 57.8 41.7 24 56 43-3 39-2 39 56 52.9 54-8 43 56 66.9 68.1 04 58 70.6 57-0 i 23 02 58 43-3 39-2 39 58 52-4 53-8 42 58 67.3 68.9 05 ! 21 oo 78.2 65.3 22 49 -16.3 23 oo 42-9 39-1 40 -14.7 I OO 53-4 54-9 43 -18.2 3 oo 67.8 69.0 06 -16.9 02 67.7 52.7 23 07 02 42.2 38.9 40 02 57-6 58.6 50 02 69.1 70.6 08 04 67.6 56.0 23 05 04 42.3 39-1 40 04 55.6 56.8 47 04 71.0 72.5 II 06* 42.1 33.3 j 22 45 06 41.8 38.2 06 60.5 61.8 54 06 72-3 73-3 13 08 44.0 36.6 41 08 41.2 38.0 42 08 62.3 63.5 57 08 73-0 73-6 10 51.7 41.0 31 10 41.3 38.0 42 10 58.6 59.3 51 10 74-0 74.6 IS 12 44.7 35.2 41 12 42-3 39-0 40 12 56.9 57-9 49 12 74-8 75-6 17 14 48.2 37-7 37 -16.0 H 42.0 38.9 -14.7 14 57-o 58.5 49 -18.2 14 75.o 75.8 17 -16.6 16 33.9 26.2 57 16 43-7 40.7 38 16 61.4 63.7 57 16 74-4 75-6 16 18 46.0 30.4 44 18 43-7 40.8 38 18 62.4 64.8 22 58 18 73-5 74-2 14 20 40.5 28.1 50 20 43.2 41.2 38 20 64.6 66.2 23 oi 20 75-6 76-3 18 22 47-1 36.3 39 22 45-4 43-0 35 22 66.8 67.8 04 22 70.9 71.8 ii 24 53.7 43.2 28 24 43-8 41.1 38 24 65.1 67.2 23 02 24 69.8 70.3 09 26 49.0 40.5 34 26 41-8 39-5 40 26 60.3 61.3 22 54 26 66.9 67.2 23 04 28 48.7 41.8 33 28 40.8 38.7 42 28 61.6 62.6 56 28 61.8 62.9 22 56 30 57-1 50-4 ' 20 -15.8 30 40.8 38.9 42 -14.6 30 58.6 58.9 51 -18.0 30 60.5 61.2 54 -16.5 32 53.0 45.0 27 32 41.2 38.2 42 32 58-0 58.9 So 32 57-0 58.2 49 34 45.0 36.0 40 34 41.4 38.1 42 34 58.8 59-2 Si 34 58.7 60. i 52 36 31.0 29.3 22 57 36 41.8 38.2 41 36 50.6 52.0 39 36 59.3 61.0 53 38 26.2 24.0 i 23 05 38 41-7 37-8 42 38 48.9 49.7 36 38 58.2 60.0 Si 40 27.1 24.8 | 03 40 43-8 39.9 38 40 53-4 54-6 43 40 57-5 58.8 50 42 18.2 13.8 ! 19 42 43-1 40.7 38 42 55-0 55.6 45 42 58.9 59-9 52 44 12.8 9.2 27 -15.6 44 44.0 41.0 37 -14.6 44 53-6 54-3 43 -17-9 44 60.9 61.8 55 -16.5 46 14.6 9.6; 25 46 44.2 39.8 38 46 52.8 53-5 42 46 63.6 64.8 59 48 23-3 20.3 ; 10 48 43-3 39-2 39 48 52.0& 40 48 63.2 64.6 59 50 22.2 20.9 10 50 43-2 39.4 39 50 50. ob 37 50 62.6 63.4 58 52 17.0 15.2 23 Ip 52 42.7 38.7 40 52 50.0 50.2 37 52 61.6 62.2 56 54 32.2 29.4 22 56 54 41.3 37-7 42 54 54-0 54-4 44 54* 51-3 52.6 22 57 56 42.2 41.0 39 56 41-8 39-8 40 56 56.3 56.9 47 56 54-3 56.3 23 02 58 45-8 45-0 33 58 42.1 40.8 39 58 Si-i 52-3 40 58 ; 52-9 55-0 OO 1 24 oo 41.0 40.1 40 -14-5 i ! Correction to local mean time is + 5m 363. Torsion head at igh 40111 read 350 and at 24)1 20111 read the same. Observer R. R. T. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 77 Sunday, November 8, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Monday, November 9, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings i decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d ( h m d d / h m d d Of 4 oo Magnet 6 oo 50.1 46.3 23 06 -15.3 8 oo 45.8 47-5 22 41 -26.2 10 00 42.3 44.8 22 36 -22.0 inverted 02 45.5 46.0 40 02 42 . i 46 . i 37 02 49.0 48.0 23 06 -16.2 02 55-2 50.0 22 59 04 43.5 44.0 37 04 42.8 46.2 i 38 04 47-5 46.5 08 04 52.8 47-8 23 03 06 42-3 43-3 35 06 ; 44.0 47.0 40 06 48.1 46.2 08 06 53.1 49.4 02 08 45-5 47-3 41 08 43.2 46.0' 38 08 49.0 47.6 06 08 51.0 48.2 04 IQ_ ! 49-9 50.6 47 10 42.8 46.2 38 10 48 . i 46 . 3 08 10 49.9 48.0 23 05 12 46.3 47.8 42 12 44-3 46.3 39 12 46.2 44.2 ii 12 57-1 54-0 22 55 14 47.4 50.3 45 -25.1 14 42.0 43.9 36;-2l.5 14.3 46.2 43.1 12 -16.0 14 54-8 52.9 22 58 -15.2 16 ! 54-5 57-o 56 16 42.2 44.7 36 16 43.0 39.8 17 16 52.1 49-2 23 03 18 56.3 57-6 57 18 42.9 45.8 38 18 40.3 36.1 22 18 48.0 46.1 08 20 50.9 53.0 So 20 42-9 45-7 38 20 45.8 42.6 13 20 42.9 41.1 16 22 44.3 48.3 41 22 40.7 43.0 34 22 48.4 46.0 08 22 41-9 39-5 18 24 42.3 44.8 36 24 40.7 42.7 34 24 53-1 50-3 oi 2 4 43-8 41-8 IS 26 43.8 45.4 38 26 41.2 42.9 34 26 50.8 48.1 05 26 52.4 51.8 23 oo 28 45-3 47-3 41 28 44.0 45.0 38 28 52.8 49-5 02 28 ; 57-9 55-1 22 53 30 48.7 51.0 46 -24.4 30 42.4 43-9 36 -21.3 30 46.9 45.7 09 -15.8 30 52.8 50.2 23 oi -15.2 32 51-5 54-5 Si 32 38.6 44.1 33 32 44-7 43.2 13 32 47-7 44-6 10 34 46-1 47-7 42 34 39-3 42-2 32 34 47-7 45-5 09 37-6 34.8 25 36 43.8 46.0 39 36 1 41.2 43.0 34 36 48.0 46.2 08 36 41.3 37-8 20 38 39.7 42.3 33 38 45-0 47.1 40 38 50.6 49.1 04 38 46.9 45-9 09 40 40.8 42.8 34 40 42.3 46.2 38 40 46.3 45-3 10 40 45-0 44-1 12 I 42 44-3 45-9 39 42 42.7 45.8 38 42 44 48.3 47.1 07 43-8 41-8 15 -15-7 42 44 45-0 42.3 49-3 47-7 141 06 -15.2 44 i 43-8 44-4 46 47.50 37 43 -24.0 9 44.0 46.0 45-2 46-2 39 40 -21. 46 45-5 43-7 12 46 52.2 50.0 02 48 51.3 52.0 49 48 44-0 44-8 38 48 45.9 44.1 ii 48 52.0 50.1 02 So 56.3 56.3 56 50 42-2 43.2 35 50 41.1 38.6 20 50 49-8 47-1 06 52 49.5 49.8 46 52 40.4 42.0 33 52 40.0 36.7 22 52 49.2 46.8 07 54 43.8 44.7 38 54 40.2 41.7 32 54 39.8 37.2 22 54 49.7 48.2 05 56 47.5 49-3 44 56 40.9 42.8 34 56 38.2 35.5 24 56 47-2 44.8 IO 58 51.4 52.5 50 58 41.6 42.9 34 58 33.2 31.2 32 58 51.7 49-1 03 900 49.1 51.3 47 -23.5 II OO 41-5 43-9 35 -20.9 5 oo 38.1 36.1 24 -15-7 7 oo 48.3 46.1 08 -15-2 02 50.0 51.6 48 02 42.0 44.7 36 02 40.8 38.0 20 02 44-8 42-3 14 04 44.0 46.0 39 04 42.2 44.9 36 04 39-7 37-2 22 04 49.1 48.5 05 06 41.0 42.3 34 06 44-1 46.3 ; 39 06 41.2 38.2 20 06 47-8 45.7 09 08 43.0 44.3 37 08 43-8 45-7 38 08 39.1 36.9 22 08 49.7 48.4 05 10 40.1 41.5 32 IO 44.2 45.8 39 10 39-8 38.4 21 10 44-4 44-2 12 12 j 36.8 37.3 26 12 44-3 46.0 39 12 41.8 40.8 17 12 45.8( 10 14 45-4 47-3 41 -23-1 14 43.0 46.0 I 38 -20.8 14 45.2 42.2 13 -15.6 14 40.8 40.8 18 -15-2 16 50.2 50.8 47 16 43.0 46.0 38 16 44.1 41- I j 15 16 39-8 39-2 20 18 47.6 48.9 44 18 43-9 47-2 40 18 44.8 42.1 14 18 41.1 39.2 ig 20 43-5 44-6 37 20 43.0 46.1 38 20 46.9 43.1 ii 20 41.2 40.2 lo 22 38.1 39.6 29 22 42.1 45-0 36 22 42.2 38.3 19 22 46.1 45.6 10 24 42.9 43.3 36 24 41-8 45-5 37 24 34.8 32.8 29 24 51.0 48.8 23 04 26 45-3 45-6 39 26 43.8 46.4 39 26 33-0 31.9 31 26 53-9 51-2 22 59 28 44.6 44.9 38 28 45-5 48-2 41 28 33.8 33.2, 29 28 53-8 52.5 59 30 ! 44-3 44-3 38 -22.8 30 44.2 47.3 40 -20.7 30 36.0 34.2 27 -15.5 30 56.5 53-3 56 '-IS- 2 32 46.6 47.0 42 32 42.9 46.5 38 32 41.8 39.8 18 32 58.0 56.5 52 34 46.3 47-3 42 34 42.9 46.2 38 34 41.0 39.3 19 34 53-1 52.7 59 36 ' 42.30 35 36 42.8 46.2 38 36 41.7 38.6 19 36 59-5 58.7 49 38 43.0 44.3 37 38 42-3 46-2 38 38 44.8 41.8 14 38 53-7 Si-7 59 40 45.3 46.0 40 40 41.7 44.8 36 40 49-3 46-1 07 40 54-3 53-3 22 58 42 ; 44.0 45.0 38 42 40.9 43-9 35 42 46.3 42.7 12 42 51-8 50.7 23 02 44 43.1 44.4 37 -22.5 44 39-1 4J-7 32 -20.5 44 37.8 34.3 26 -15.4 44 51.6 50.8 02 -15.2 46 45.1 46.2 40 46 39.8 42.0 , 32 46 41.8 38.5 19 46 50.8 49.2 23 04 48 47-0 48.3 43 48 ! 40.7 42.0 33 48 46.8 42.2 12 48 53.0 52.0 22 59 50 , 45-6 45-6 40 50 38.2 40.4 30 SO 42.3 38.1 19 50 50.8 50.1 23 03 52 41.60 34 52 38.8 40.6 30 52 40.8 36.7 21 52 51.1 49.0 23 04 54 56.0 56.3 56 54 36.1 38.9 27 54 43.7 38.0 18 54 55.7 52.9 22 57 56 46.86 42 56 36.9 39-8 28 56 37-3 33-2 27 56 51.5 48.1 23 04 58 38.5 39-6 29 58 37-8 40.9 30 58 41.8 35.7 21 58 55-3 53-5 22 57 24 oo 40.3 43.2 34 8 oo 53-2 50.8 23 oo Correction to local mean time is + 7m 123. 90 torsion = 27/6. Torsion head at oh oom read 351 and at 9)1 15111 read 354. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 4)1 o6m to 4h i6m. Correction to local mean time is + 2m 345. Torsion head at 7h 2Om read 356 and at I2h 30111 read the same. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated gh 56111 to loh 04111. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, November 10, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, November 11, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d Of O h m d d o t h m d d ' o h m d d " ' 12 oo 54.9 53.9 22 20 -26.O 14 00 37-7 34-7 22 48 -23-1 o.oo* 38.0 38.8 22 54 -26.0 2 OO 32.4 35.6 22 48 -23.0 02 54.0 52.8 21 02 39-9 37.2 45 02 38.5 39-8 22 55 02 35.1 39.6 53 04 56.7 55- 1 18 04 37-8 35.0 48 04 4L5 43-1 23 oo 04 35-3 40.1 53 06 56.7 55-2 18 06 i 35-4 33-3 06 37.0 39.2 22 54 06 36.3 40.1 54 08 56.6 55.1 18 08 31.3 30.0 22 57 08 43.0 44.3 23 02 08 36.3 39-3 54 10 51.2 50.2 26 10 28.8 26.8 23 02 10 40.40 22.57 10 38.0 40.9 22 56 12 51.7 50.1 25 12 32.8 30.6 22 55 12 34.0 34.0 47 12 41.3 43.9 23 oi 14 59.8 48.0 28 -25.9 14 32.8 31.2 55 -22.7 14 37.0 38.3 53 -25.5 M 44-6 46.5 06 -23.0 16 48.8 48.1 29 16 32.0 31.2 55 16 37-3 38.7 22 54 16 48.1 49.8 ii 18 50.5 49.1 27 18 36.3 34-8 49 18 i 43.0 44.8 23 03 18 51.6 54.0 17 20 46.0 44.3 34 20 36.3 35.o 49 20 50.2 52.5 14 20 55.0 57.1 22 22 47-4 46.2 32 22 35-8 34-5 50 22 i 43.3 47.6 05 22 62.0 63.8 33 24 50.8 48.8 27 24 35-3 33-6 Si 24 44.0 48.8 07 24 6i-5 64.3 33 26 48.8 47.6 30 26 34-5 33-2 52 26 44.5 49-3 07 , 26 60. 1 62.3 30 28 45-4 44-3 35 28 35-6 34-3 SO 28 44.9 48.0 07 28 64.3 66.7 37 30 47-8 47.0 31 -25-4 30 33-3 32.0 54 -23.0 30 44.9 47.8 06 -24.8 30 56.5 59.2 25 -22.6 32 49.1 46.4 30 32 33-0 3I-S 55 32 46.0 47.3 07 32 54.6 55-6 21 34 47-3 43-9 34 34 37.2 35.5 48 34 60.00 23 28 34 60.5 62.6 31 36 45-1 43-1 36 36 40.6 39.5 42 36* 21.5 28.0 24 ii 36 62.2 64.4 34 38 44.9 41-8 37 38 42.3 41-3 40 38* 61.0 65.5 23 36 38 64.6 68.5 39 40 44.0 41.2 38 40 41.0 40.0 42 40* 37.0 42.3 57 40 73.1 74.3 23 50 42 41.9 39-8 41 42 39-5 38.2 44 42 IO.2 12.6 13 42* 62.0 66.3 24 06 44 43-7 41-4 3 -25.0 38.1 37-3 46 -23.0 44 37-0 45.0 23 59 -24.3 44 65.0 69.8 ii -22.5 4 o 44.0 42.0 38 46 38.5 38.0 45 46 48.1 54-7 24 15 46 64.0 69.3 10 48 43-0 39-9 40 48 41.3 40.7 48* 49-5 53-7 22 54 48 59.3 69.7 24 06 So 42.1 37-3 43 So 40.0 38.8 43 So 43-3 53-3 22 49 50 49.8 54.3 23 47 52 46.3 40-7 37 52 39-0 38.6 44 52 61.5 77.0 23 22 52 to. 6 58.0 23 50 54 44-7 39-0 40 54 39-5 38.6 44 54 73.0 78.0 23 32 54* i.i 70.0 24 25 56 42.2 37.0 43 56 39-0 38.3 45 56 14.0 26.6 22 05 56 37-9 48.2 23 50 58 42.8 37.3 42 58 38.0 37.6 46 58 34-2 50.9 22 40 58 59-0 65.9 24 20 13 oo 41-8 36.3 44 -24.5 15 oo 37-3 36.6 47 -23.2 I oo 56.0 58.3 23 03 -23.8 3 oo* 43.8 58.3 24 45 -22.3 02 41-1 34-8 46 02 38.4 37-9 45 02 34.6 38.6 ! 22 31 02 59.8 72.0 j 25 09 4 41-8 35-6 44 04 41.0 40.8 41 04 72.8 78.5 23 32 04 37-7 45-4 24 31 06 4i-6 35-9 44 06 42.0 40.8 40 06 36.5 38.8 22 33 06 66.1 71.9 25 14 08 41-7 36.0 44 08 38.7 37-7 45 08 26.5 29.3 17 08 57.0 62.3 24 59 10 39-1 34-2 48 10 38.4 37-4 46 10 53-0 55.5 22 59 10* 64.3 73.6 25 49 12 40.0 35-1 46 12 38.6 37.4 46 12 75-0 75.0 23 3' 12 61.5 71.1 2545 '4 39-7 34-9 47 -24.1 !4 37-9 37-3 46 -23.2 14 36.3 36.8 22 31 -23.6 14 23.0 32.5 2445-22.3 18 42.7 35-6 44-8 38.2 44 40 16 18 37-2 36.5 38.6 37-8 47 45 16 18 31-6 33-0 36.0 41.5 24 34 16* 18 33-0 44-5 53-0 61.3 01 24 30 20 45-9 40.0 38 20 40.8 39.8 42 20 32.3 33-3 25 20* 33-2 52.0 25 04 22 45-1 39-5 39 22 46.9 46.0 32 22 28.8 30.2 20 22 25.0 43-3 24 So 24 46.7 40.6 37 24 47-1 46.5 32 24 22.7 24.3 IO 24 34-0 38.9 24 54 26 48.3 42.3 34 26 48.0 47.7 30 26 18.8 22.2 06 26 54.0 56.3 25 23 28 47-0 43.5 34 28 48.6 48.1 29 28 21.5 23.9 09 28 40.6 45.2 25 04 30 45-9 41-3 37 -23-9 30 50.9 50.3 26 -23.3 30 22 . 8 24 . 6 II ^3-4 30 32.5 32-5 24 48 -22. 32 42.1 39-8 41 32 49-9 48.8 28 32 24.9 28.1 IS 32.3 15-5 15.5 21 34 37-6 35-2 48 34 46.8 45.4 33 34 25.4 28.4 16 9.7 10. o 12 36 36.1 34-0 50 36 46.0 44.9 34 36 33-3 36.5 28 36 17.2 19.0 25 38 33-9 33-1 S3 38 44-3 43-1 37 38 18.2 19.8 03 38 9.6 10.1 12 40 35-1 34-0 Si 40 43-4 42.6 38 40 17-8 20.2 22 03 40 17.7 20.6 27 42 32.1 30.1 56 42 42.7 42.3 38 32 o.o 2.3 21 35 42 18.56 24 26 44 30.0 28.6 22 59 -23-7 44 41-1 40-3 -23-5 44* 25.6 26.6 22 35 -23.2 44* 45-0 52.6 23 52 -22. o 29.1 25.2 23 03 46 39-9 38.9 43 46 24.0 25.6 33 46 47-0 53-8 23 55 48 27.5 23.7 05 48 36.7 36.3 48 48 26.0 27.3 36 48 56.5 66.5 24 12 50 27.1 22.6 06 50 36.3 35-7 49 50 27.3 28.9 38 So 50.0 58.6 24 oi 52 29.0 25.0 2303 52 37-6 38.4 46 52 23.7 24.3 32 52 49.8 56.3 23 59 54 32.7 27.9 22 58 54 40.7 40.4 42 54 23.3 24.3 32 54 42.7 48.9 48 5 30.0 32.0 51 56 40.7 40.0 42 56 23.4 25.3 32 56 45-6 55-2 23 55 58 30-3 33-0 51 58 40.1 39.8 43 -23-4 58.3 27.6 31.6 41 58 53-3 57-3 24 02 16 oo 39-5 39-1 43 Correction to local mean time is + 3m o6s. Torsion head at nh oom read 356 and at i6h 2om read the same. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated ish s6m to 14!) o6m. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 79 Wednesday, November n, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, November n, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / h m d d h m d d ' h m d d 4 oo 63.0 68.6 24 19 -22.0 6 OO 34.2 35.9 22 40 -20.1 8 00 20.7 22.1 22 30 -19.0 10 00 46.8 48.0 22 42 02 63.7 68.7 19 02 45.1 47.5 22 57 02 20.8 23.2 31 O2 46.8 48.0 42 -19.5 04 55-0 58.3 24 04 04 54.2 55.8 23 II 04 13.2 I7.I 20 04 47.6 48.3 43 06 39.1 44-2 23 41 06 53-2 55.7 10 06* 42.1 50.9 07 06 50.6 Si-3 47 08 41-3 43-2 42 08 49-8 53-7 23 06 08 48.9 58.9 19 08 50.1 50.5 46 10 36.8 37.2 34 10* 27.3 46.2 22 54 M - 63.7 73-3 42 10 49. ob 44 12 45.6 46.1 48 12 21.2 39.9 22 44 12* 51-7 57-7 53 12 44.0 46.8 39 14 44.8 47-7 48 -21.9 14 34.6 5I.I 23 03 -20.0 14 50-2 55-3 50 14 42.6 43.6 35 16 42.4 48.3 47 16 38.2 58.2 12 16 47.2 54.3 22 47 -18.8 16 41.3 42.0 33 -19.6 18 39-2 44-7 41 18 34.0 50.7 23 03 18 59.1 64.2 23 04 18 36.0 39.6 27 20 45-9 54-2 54 20 30.2 45.8 22 56 20 52.6 57.4 22 54 20 39.8 44.2 33 22 49-2 54-5 57 22 25.9 41.8 49 22 56.1 60.2 22 59 22 41.0 45.3 35 24 30.2 34.8 27 24 32.2 45.0 57 24 60.9 65.8 23 07 24 37.0 41.0 29 26 21. i 25.3 12 26 32.6 44.3 57 26 66.5 70.2 14 26 40.6 42.8 33 28 15.1 21.7 05 28 30.8 43.5 55 28 63.7 67.2 10 28 ; 48.1 50.5 45 30 24.4 27.2 16 -21.4 30 14.2 25.2 27 30 58.8 6l-5 02 -l8.7 30 46.3 48.3 42 -19.7 32 37-2 42.7 38 32 14.2 24.7 27 -19.8 32 57.7 60.9 23 oo 32 40.0 41.0 31 30.3 36.8 23 28 34 26.9 36.8 46 34 52-1 55-8 22 52 34 45.6 47.8 41 36* 44. i& 22 42 36 31.6 44.6 22 56 36 48.2 51.2 45 36 45.0 45.8 39 38 24.9 25.2 12 38 39.9 49.4 23 06 38 51.3 54.9 22 51 38 46.3 48.2 41 40 20.2 2O.9 04 40 36.4 47.3 02 40 57.2 60.9 23 oo 40 48.1 49.6 44 42 27.2 2Q.2 17 42 45-3 55-3 23 15 42 55-0 58-8 22 56 42 46.0 47.3 40 44 45.5 44 44 33.2 39.7 22 53 -19.6 44 55-8 60.2 58 -18.9 44 44.6 45.0 38 -19.6 46 53-6 56.1 22 58 46 II.3 20.6 21 46 55-5 58.8 57 46 47.5 48.6 43 48 63.00 23 II 48 27.8 34.3 45 48 51-6 55-5 51 48 51.5 52.6 49 50* 39-3 45-2 42 SO 30.9 38.5 5i So 53-o 57-i 22 54 SO 51-5 S2-5 49 52 35-8 38.7 35 52 30.3 38-9 5i 52 59.0 63.2 23 03 52 | 49.4 51.5 46 54 11.7 18.2 23 oo 54 24.2 31.9 40 54 59.2 61.9 23 02 54 52.0 52.3 49 56 9-8 15-9 22 56 56 29.9 38.8 22 50 56 55-5 58.6 22 57 56 51-5 53-2 49 58* 22.7 39-3 33 58 36.1 44.4 23 oo 58 60.0 62.0 23 03 58 49.2 49.6 45 5 oo 26.9 45.5 41 -20.7 7 oo 37.8 48.2 23 04 -19.3 9 00 56.8 59.0 22 58 -18.5 II oo 48.6 51.5 46 -19.6 02 34-3 51-3 22 52 02 30-3 37-5 22 49 02 54-5 56.3 54 02 50.6 55.6 51 04 46.1 63.9 23 II 04 28.2 34.3 22 45 04 52.5 54.9 22 52 04 54-9 59-4 57 06 51.6 66.0 17 06 45-2 53.9 23 14 06 60.4 62.2 23 04 06 54.6 55.3 S3 08 50.1 63.2 23 13 08 55.1 60.3 23 27 08 68.3 70.4 16 08 48.6 52.6 47 10 40.2 51.2 22 56 10 32.8 40.2 22 54 10 66. o 68.5 13 10 44.5 46.3 39 12 34-1 45-3 47 12 55.1 61.1 23 27 12 65.0 67.0 ii 12 47.8 50.8 45 14 26.8 36.4 34 -20.3 14 46.3 52.0 13 -19.3 14 62.0 64.2 23 06 -19.0 14 42.5 46.2 37 -19.8 16 23-2 31-5 27 16 58.8 62.2 31 16 54.6 55-6 22 54 16 39.0 43.6 32 18 29.8 38.2 38 18 55.7 61.1 28 18 54.0 55.4 53 18 47-5 51- S 45 20 41-3 50.3 56 20 52.1 56.1 21 20 53.06 50 20.2 45.3 49.0 41 22 40.3 49.1 22 55 22 55.9 60. 1 27 22 47.0 50.6 44 22 44.6 46.9 39 24 45-2 Si- 3 23 oo 24 54.4 60.7 26 24 50.6 54.3 49 24 48.0 51.0 45 26 45-i Si- 1 23 oo 26 49.1 56.0 18 26 53.1 57-6 54 26 48.3 50.6 45 28 35-8 42.2 22 46 28 42.2 47.5 07 28 46.7 52.3 45 28 46.7 49.7 43 30 26.2 31.9 30 -20.3 30 40.8 46.1 23 04 -19.2 30 41.6 44.0 34 -19.2 30 44.2 48.0 40 -20.0 32 20.9 24.9 20 32 35.8 39-9 22 56 32 53.2 54.3 52 32 44.3 47.0 39 34 22.4 31.3 22 27 34 45.0 48.1 : 23 09 34 56.6 58.3 57 34 44.0 46.0 38 36 47-8 52.2 23 03 36 41.0 41.8 01 36 53-2 56.5 53 36 43-1 45.9 37 38 45-0 48.8 22 58 38 41.9 42.2 23 02 38 53-0 56.4 53 38 44.2 47.9 39 40 33-7 36.5 40 40 37-7 39-9 22 57 40 48.2 53.0 47 40 48.0 51.0 45 42 34-2 38-1 41 42 45.6 46.9 23 09 42 31.2 37.0 21 42 49.3 51.8 47 44 42.8 48.8 22 56 -20 2 44 41.9 45.0 04 -19.0 44 37.0 42.0 29 -19.6 44 48.8 51.1 46 -20. 46 53-3 58.3 23 12 46 42.1 46.0; 23 05 46 43.6 47.0 38 46 46.8 48.8 42 48 47-8 52.1 23 03 48 38.5 41.8 22 59 48 43.5 45-9 37 48 46.3 48.7 42 50 32.3 36.6 22 30 50 34.1 38.8 53 50 52-9 55-5 52 50 45.0 46.7 39 52 29-2 35.1 35 52 37-4 40.3 57 52 56-3 59-3 58 52 40.8 42.8 33 54 16.3 21.5 14 54 24.9 28.9 38 54 53-6 56.5 54 54 41. i 43.2 33 56 28.2 30.1 30 56 35-5 37-8 54 56 46.3 49.3 42 56 39.5 41.3 31 58 45-8 48-6 58 58 28.2 31.6 43 58 44.0 45.0 37 58 38.3 39-8 29 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 4)1 04111 to 4h I2m. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 8h 44m to 8h 54m. 8o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, November n, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, November n, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp . Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation ' C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Righl Left Right h in d d h m d d ' h m d d h m d d Of 12 OO 36.8 37.8 22 26 -20. 14 00 38.4 39.8 22 42 -20. 6 16 oo 40.0 41.3 22 44 -18.8 1800* 37.1 75.0 22 54 -18.3 02 34.8 35.1 22 02 39.4 40.6 44 02 39.3 40.8 43 02* 38.0 53.8 23 41 04 36.2 37.2 25 04 40.0 41.0 45 04 39.2 40.8 43 04 31-7 51-9 23 35 06 37-3 37-7 26 06 36.7 37-7 39 06 39.6 41.2 44 07* 5-8 37-8 24 oo 08* 38.3 38.9 42 08 36.2 37.3 39 08 37.4 38.8 41 08 6.0 34 . o 23 56 10 3S-0 35-8 37 IO 33-8 35.8 36 10 36.4 37-3 38 10 13.1 33-3 24 oi 12 32.3 33-0 32 12 34-0 36.5 36 12 34-4 3S-3 35 12 9-3 35-8 24 oo H 34-7 35-0 36 -19.8 14 Lost -19-4 14 33-2 33.2 33 -19.0 14* 30.1 60.8 23 27 -18.0 16 30.0 31.2 29 16 30.7 41.7 38 16 33-9 34-2 34 16 55.2 74.8 58 18 32.9 33-0 33 18 28.7 38.7 34 18 34.6 35-3 35 18 Lost 20 33.0 34.6 34 20 29.2 38.4 34 20 33-9 34-0 34 20* 27.8 58.0 38 22 34.9 36.8 37 22 30.2 38.2 34 22 32.7 33.7 33 22 22.5 49.6 28 24 40.4 42.2 46 24 29.3 36.6 32 24 35-4 36.9 37 24 23.2 47.3 26 26 44.9 46.8 53 26 29-1 35-9 32 26 35.2 37.0 37 26 28.3 50.8 33 28 48.0 SO.O 22 58 28 30.6 36.5 33 28 38.0 39.9 42 28 19.7 40.8 19 30 51-3 54-0 23 04 -19.9 30 3L5 35-9 34 -18.8 30 42.2 42.6 47 -19.4 30 21. i 40.5 20 -l8.0 32 54.2 56.0 07 32 34.2 37.8 37 32 42.3 43.2 48 32 22.9 42.7 23 34 56.6 58.2 it 34 36.2 39.4 40 34 44.3 44.9 51 34 17.2 35.9 13 36 55-4 57.8 10 36 39.2 42.7 45 36 46.0 47.9 54 36 12.5 29.2 04 38 56-0 57.8 10 38 39.2 42.8 45 38 45.0 47-0 53 38 10.7 26.4 23 oo 40 58.0 58.8 13 40 38.2 41.4 43 40 45.3 47-0 53 40 9.0 23.9 22 57 42 63.0 64.0 21 42 37.9 41.6 43 42 46.0 46.8 54 42 13.0 16.2 54 44 62.1 63.0 19 -19.7 44 38.2 41.7 43 -18.6 44 46.0 47.0 54 -19.3 44 8.5 9.9 46 -18.0 46 60. i 62.0 17 46 40.9 44.2 47 46 44.0 44.8 50 46 7.6 10.7 46 48 54-7 55-0 07 48 39.9 42.9 46 48 42.0 42.3 47 48 7.0 9-5 44 50 52.2 53.7 04 50 38.2 44.1 45 i 50 40.9 4L9 46 50 6.5 9.7 44 52 51-2 53.4 03 52 38.1 40.8 43 52 38.0 38.9 41 52* 39.0 41.0 44 54 51-0 52.9 02 54 36.2 38.2 39 54 36.6 38.9 40 54 38.5 40.4 44 56 51.4 52.0 02 56 37-0 39-1 40 56 37.0 38.0 40 56 : 38.2 40.5 44 58 50.3 51-8 oi 58 37.8 39-8 42 58 36.2 38.5 39 58 38.5 40.6 44 13 oo 53.9 54.6 06 -19.8 15 oo 39.5 41.3 44 -18.5 17 oo 34.7 37.6 37 -18.5 19 oo 39.6 41.6 45 -18.0 02 54-0 55-0 07 02 38.8 40.8 43 02 33.6 35-2 35 02 39.6 41.6 45 04 49-3 51-3 oo 04 37-6 39-3 41 04 33-7 34-0 34 O4 i 38.0 40.0 43 06 52.5 53-4 04 06 37.7 39-0 41 06 32.8 35.9 34 06 36.6 38.5 41 08 54-0 55-9 07 08 38.2 40.2 42 08 34.2 36.6 36 08 35-4 37-0 38 10 49.9 51.0 oo 10 40.2 42.2 45 10 33-8 35-9 35 10 34-5 35-8 37 12 51-7 53-2 03 12 41.9 43.9 48 12 35-9 37-6 38 12 33-5 35-0 35 14 51.9 52.6 03 -19.1 14 43.2 45.1 50 -18.5 14 36.3 38.1 39 -18.3 14 34-5 36.5 38 -18.2 16 53-1 54.3 05 16 43.9 45.8 51 16 33-9 35-7 35 16 39.6 42.8 46 18 54.0 56.3 07 18 46.1 47.9 55 18 32.1 33-8 32 18 44.5 47.0 53 20 52.4 54.3 05 20 47.5 50.0 22 57 20 31.0 32.9 31 20 47.0 49.0 22 57 22 51.9 53.3 04 22 49.8 50.9 23 oo 22 31.8 33.4 32 22 49.5 51.3 23 oi 24 50.6 51.7 23 oi 24 47.8 50.3 22 58 24 31.8 33.4 32 24 46.5 49.5 22 57 26 48.7 49.3 22 58 26 47.1 49.9 22 57 26 31.2 33.2 32 26 45.5 46.6 54 28 45.0 45.6 52 28 48.9 51.8 23 oo 28 25.1 27.1 22 28 39-4 42.0 46 30 44.2 45.8 52 -19.0 30 50.0 52.4 oi -18.5 30 21.2 22.2 i 15 -I8.5 30 42.5 44.6 50 -18.6 32 44.0 46.8 52 32 52.8 54.2 05 32 27.8 30.5 22 27 32 42.3 44.6 50 34 45.0 47.6 54 34 55-5 57-3 09 34 56.1 66.0 23 17 34 44-9 46.2 53 36 40.8 43.0 47 36 56.9 57.9 ii 36 37.8 44.7 22 45 36 46.0 47.4 55 38 44.8 46.4 52 38 54.7 55-8 07 38 29.5 35.9 32 38 39.0 41.0 44 40 44.4 46.6 52 40 54-0 55.3 06 40 32.5 36.8 22 35 40 41.0 43.2 48 42 43-6 45-4 51 42 53-1 54-4 05 42 72.2 73.8 23 35 42 Lost 44 42.8 44-3 49 -19.0 44 50.4 52.1 23 oi -18.6 44*6 41.5 52.5 27 03 44 41.9 45-7 50 -18.5 46 41.0 42.0 46 46 48.9 48.9 22 58 46 Lost 46 43.6 45.6 22 52 48 42.0 43.5 48 48 46.7 47.0 54 48*2 19.7 20.2 27 23 48 50.0 52.3 23 02 50 42.1 43.6 48 50 46.0 46.3 53 SO* 39.2 62.0 26 04 50 56.9 59-3 13 52 40.8 41.4 45 52 44-9 45-3 52 52*2 34.1 57-7 24 08 52 63.2 66.8 24 54 40.8 40.9 45 54 43.2 44.0 49 54 7.8 40.9 23 34 54 62.9 65.7 23 56 38.0 38.0 41 56 41.9 42.5 47 56* 19.2 50.5 04 56 59.7 64.8 19 58 31.8 32.8 32 58 40.0 41.1 44 58 39.9 64.9 31 58 57.6 61.6 15 Observers W. J. P. and F. L., who alternated from I2h 1401 to I2h 24m; F. L. and W. J. P., who alternated from I2h 58111 to 13)1 I2tn; W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 14!] 08111 to 14)1 I4m. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from i8h 4om to i8h som ; W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 19)1 34m to 19!] 44m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 81 Wednesday, November u, 1903 Magnet scale erect Thursday, November 12, 1903 Magnet scale erect inverted Scale : East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings : decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Ch r'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. tin ic nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d h rr. d d / h i add O 1 O 20 oo 5I.I 57.8 23 07 -18.3 22 00 54.0 56.5 22 22 -17-7 16 oo 37.3 37-9 22 43 -10. o 18 c o 46.2 43.7 22 44 -18.8 02 43-3 47-9 22 53 02 53-1 57. 8 22 02 37-3 38.1 44 o 2 47.3 44-7 42 04 39.2 44.1 47 04 58.8 62.6 30 04 37-0 37.4 44 o 4 50.4 47-7 37 06 38.8 42.4 45 06 43.0 56.5 22 13 06 37-6 37.9 44 o 6 50.8 48.6 36 08 36.0 39.0 41 08 33-6 35-6 21 49 08 36.6 36.8 43 o 8 51.8 49.3 35 10 37-3 41-8 44 10 36.3 43-4 58 10- 36.5 37-3 43 10 52.4 49-9 34 12 33-6 37.1 37 12 33.1 44.6 56 12 37-i 37-8 43 12 i 54-8 52.4 30 14 36.1 39.8 22 41 -18.4 14 35.7 40.3 55 14 37-3 38.2 44 -19.0 I 4 56.0 53.6 28 -18.5 16 47.3 52.1 23 oo 16 29.7 33.0 44 -17.4 16 36.0 37.0 42 i 6 55-2 53.0 29 18 4I.I 47-2 22 51 18 25.6 31.6 21 40 18 35-7 36.1 41 18 52.5 54-5 30 20 42.1 47.2 52 2O 52.O 56.6 22 2O 20 34-0 34-9 39 20 55.2 53.7 29 22 42.0 51-5 55 22 70.1 70.3 45 22 32.8 34-8 38 22 48.0 46.0 40 24 40.2 45.7 49 24 6O.O6 29 24 Scale 2 4 48.0 46.3 40 26 3i.o 37-2 35 26 6l.3 6l.3 31 26 inverted 2 6 45-3 43-6 44 28 28.5 37-9 34 28 60.0 62.1 31 28* 46.6 36.1 34 28 45.3 44.0 44 30 28.6 33.0 30 -18.4 30 53-6 55.6 21 -17.5 30 46.3 36.3 34 -19.0 30 47.8 46.6 40 -18.5 32 31-5 35-4 34 32 53.8 56.3 21 32 42.7 42.2 32 32 48.1 46.0 41 34 37.7 46.4 48 34 46.8 48.9 10 45-3 45-3 27 34 48.4 46.9 39 36 33.0 41.3 40 36 41.1 44.6 02 36 41.6 39.8 35 36 48.9 47-8 39 38 43.6 47.2 22 53 38 42.5 44.8 04 38 35.8 34.9 43 38 43-2 41.2 49 40 55.9 74-1 23 24 40 52.0 52.6 17 40 27.9 30.3 53 4 o 37.7 36.0 57 42 18.3 49.2 22 35 42 62.3 65.0 35 42 33-7 32.6 46 42 36.5 35-3 58 44 26.1 34.5 29 -18.5 44 61.0 72.3 22 40 -17.5 44 36.7 35.1 42 44 38.3 37-6 22 55 -18.6 46 21.6 27.6 20 46*3 51.2 65.5 23 18 46 36.8 33.8 43 -19.0 46 34.8 33.6 23 oi 48 17.9 2=;. 8 16 48 Lost 48 30.6 28.1 22 53 48 33.6 32.3 23 03 50 19.6 26.8 18 50* 6.0 25.5 23 52 50 19.8 18.8 23 08 50 40.1 38.9 22 53 52 20.7 27.4 19 Si* 32.3 37-0 22 55 52* 51-0 40.3 23 36 52 45.5 44.0 44 54 24.7 30.5 25 54 12.3 21.0 27 54 33.0 18.2 24 08 5 4 43-8 42.7 47 56 26.9 33.2 29 56 6.0 14.3 17 56* 50.3 38.8 57 5 6 42.7 41.7 22 48 58 26.9 35.3 31 58* 37-0 53.8 21 58 74-3 64.3 24 18 58 32.4 31.8 23 04 21 OO 27.9 34.7 31 -18.1 23 oo 42.6 60.0 31 -17.3 17 00*1 38.9 23.1 23 45 -19.0 19 oo 27.8 26.8 12 -18.3 O2 24.0 30.2 24 02 52.8 56.3 36 02 22.9 6.0 24 10 o 2 17.8 15.4 29 04 24.5 33.6 27 04 53-5 57-3 37 04* Si-9 39-1 43 o 4 26.9 24.8 23 15 06 29.4 65.1 22 56 06 59-3 62.3 46 06 73-3 57-6 12 06 37.4 36.2 22 58 08* 26.7 65.6 23 09 08 56.2 59.2 41 08 70.7 60.2 12 08 ' 46.9 44.6 44 10 Lost 10 48.6 51.6 29 10 75-1 65.9 04 10 50.5 48.1 38 12* 14.9 24.8 21 26 12 55-1 58.5 39 12 79.0 67.2 24 oo 12 ! 55.8 52.7 30 14 54.6 55.6 22 22 -17.8 14 49.6 52.3 30 -17.3 14* 56.3 48.7 23 34 -18.8 i 4 57.4 54.8 27 -18.1 16 41.6 44.4 O2 16 57.4 60.0 42 16 45-9 41-2 48 i 6 57-4 52-7 29 18 44.3 45.8 06 18 54.0 57.8 38 18 52.7 46.1 38 i 8 55-2 50.7 32 20 43.8 47.2 06 20 53-0 56.0 36 20 65.2 60.4 17 2 o 58.8 49.2 30 22 43.2 48.1 07 22 47.8 50.0 27 22 74.0 68.9 04 2 2 54-9 50.3 32 24 42.0 47.0 05 24 52.8 53.9 34 24 73-1 69.5 04 24 55.6 51.2 31 26 58.8 60.8 29 26 59.3 60.3 44 26 75-3 72.7 23 oo 26 56.7 52.3 30 28 65.3 68.8 40 28 59.0 60.8 44 28*2 41.2 32.2 22 j6 2 8 56.9 52.9 29 30 62.2 65.2 35 -17.8 30 62.3 63.0 48 30.3 43-8 34.1 53 -18.8 3 o 56.8 53.1 29 -18. i 32 53.9 57.2 22 32 61.8 65.6 50 32 46.5 40.2 46 32 52.9 51.3 33 34 53.2 55-4 20 34 64.2 70.0 55 -17.3 34 49-1 43.1 4i 34 57-2 55-1 28 36 52.8 55.2 20 36 66.0 69.3 56 36 51.1 46.1 37 36 67.7 63.7 13 38 52.0 52.6 17 38 68.0 71.0 59 38 52.2 47.6 36 38 69.1 66.1 10 40 54.2 55.2 21 40 60. i 65.0 48 40 52.9 48.2 34 40 63.3 53.2 24 42 42.2 42.2 27 42 59.4 62.2 46 42 51.8 47.7 36 4 2 49.3 45.1 22 42 44 58.0 60.4 28 -17.7 44 59.3 62.8 46 -17.3 44 50.8 47.3 37 -18.8 44* 68.3 66.1 23 31 -18.0 46 52.8 55.9 20 46 61.6 66.5 50 46 Si.o 47-3 36 46 58.1 55-7 23 47 48 48.2 52.4 14 48 60.8 66.2 50 48 50.9 47-3 36 48 Overl'k'd So 51.2 52.8 17 50 61.8 66.4 51 50 50.1 47.1 37 50* ' 44.5 14.7 22 28 52 46.5 48.8 10 52 62.5 67.5 52 52 50.2 47.3 37 52 45.2 30.5 15 54 46.9 48.8 10 54 63.1 67.5 53 48.9 45.9 39 54 51-3 33-9 07 56 53.0 55.6 20 56 59.5 64.3 47 56 46.9 44.1 42 5 6 41.8 34.2 22 15 58 55.9 59.4 25 58 54-5 58.3 38 58 46.8 44.2 43 5 8 72.4 61.2 21 29 2 4 oo 61.2 64.6 49 -17.2 20 o 51.7 40.8 22 O2 -17-5 Correction to local mean time is + 3m 545. 00 torsion = 28/7. Torsion head at oh oom read 356 and at 24!! ism read 351". Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 2ih 5201 to 22h 02m. Correction to local mean time is + 4m 545. 90 torsion = 29'. Torsion head at ish oom read 344 and at 2Oh torn read 329. Observers R. R. T. (W. J. P. I7h I4m to l8h 4001, alternated to i8h 52m.) 82 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, November 15, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, November 15, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Eight Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d o / h m d d ' h m d d o / o oo* 46.3 40.3 22 30 -15.0 2 OO 32.8 29.1 22 50 -14.1 4 oo Scale made 6 oo 36.0 36.8 22 49 -ii. 7 02 46.3 41.0 30 02 31.7 29.2 51 02 erect 02 33-7 34-5 45 04 44.9 39.6 32 04 30.9 28.8 52 04 73-1 75-3 22 50 -12. 8 04 33-4 34-9 45 06 44.9 39.8 32 06 28.9 27.1 54 06 73-1 76.2 50 06 34-2 35-2 46 08 44.3 39-4 33 08 29.1 26.9 54 08 73.8 77-1 52 08 33-3 35-1 45 10 47.8 43.5 27 10 30.6 28.6 52 10 73-6 76.4 51 10 35-2 36.8 48 12 46.0 42.O 29 12 35-0 33.3 45 12 73-1 75-8 50 12 34.1 35.0 46 14 45.8 42.2 29 -14.6 14 35-7 34-2 44 -14.0 14 73-7 75.8 51 -12. 7 , 14 33-8 34-6 45 -ii. 7 16 44.6 40.9 32 16 35-7 31.6 46 16 73.2 76.4 51 16 33-7 36.7 47 18 46.0 44.8 26 18 35-3 31.8 18 74.7 76.8 52 18 33-3 36.2 46 20 43.3 40.0 33 20 35-2 32-1 46 20 74.8 77-4 53 20 30.6 33.6 42 22 41.8 38.8 35 22 35-2 32.2 46 22 75.1 77.8 53 22 32.1 34.8 44 24 41-6 38.5 36 24 34-0 30.9 48 24 74.9 77.2 53 24 32.5 34-7 45 26 39.8 36.8 38 26 31.8 28.8 Si 26 75-2 77-4 53 26 33-6 35.8 46 28 39-8 37.1 38 28 30.0 27.7 53 28 76.8 78.3 55 28 33-3 35-2 45 30 41.1 38.9 36 -14.7 30 32.1 29.5 50 -14.0 30* 36.8 42.0 54 -12. 4 30 31-8 33-1 42 -ii. 3 32 41.7 38.1 36 32 37-2 33.2 43 32 37.1 42.3 54 32 31.6 32.9 42 34 42.9 39.3 34 34 38.1 34-2 42 34 37.6 42.9 55 34 33-1 34.6 45 36 42.3 39.4 34 36 37-0 33-3 43 36 38.3 41.8 54 36 33.8 34.8 46 38 39-8 36.8 38 38 33-6 29.8 49 38 38.7 41-7 55 38 31-5 32.2 42 40 39-8 37-2 38 40 33-1 28.9 50 40 40.1 42.7 57 40 29.4 30.6 39 42 40.8 39.1 36 42 33-8 29.8 48 42 37-8 39-8 53 42 32.8 33.4 44 44 41.0 38.0 36 -14.6 44 33.2 29.2 50 -13-9 44 34-8 36.8 48 -12. I 44 34.2 35.2 46 -11.2 46 41.6 37.8 36 46 34-0 27.2 So 46 33-0 35.7 46 46 31-8 35-2 44 48 40.7 37-7 37 48 33-1 27.1 Si 48 35.8 38.8 50 48 31-8 34-3 43 50 40.9 38.1 36 50 33-2 27.7 50 37-7 39-8 52 50 37-1 40.3 52 52 42.7 40.1 34 52 34-8 29.4 48 52 34-4 36.8 48 52 29-8 33-7 54 42.5 39.9 34 54 32.9 27.9 5i 54 35-2 37-7 49 54 30.8 33.3 42 56 42.0 39-4 35 56 32.3 27.9 56 38.2 39.2 52 56 31.1 34.1 43 58 41.2 39.2 35 58 32.4 28.2 51 58 35-3 37-0 48 58 31.1 33.2 42 [ I 00 41.8 39-8 34 -14.7 3 oo 32.6 29.0 50 -13.8 5 oo 33.0 34.1 44 -12. o 7 oo 31.9 34.0 43 -11. I 02 41-3 38.3 36 02 33-2 30.0 49 02 33-1 34-8 45 02 30.1 33.5 42 04 39-8 37-1 38 04 32.8 30.0 49 04 35-3 37-7 49 04 30.3 33-8 42 06 40.0 36.9 38 06 33-6 31.2 48 06 34.0 36.0 47 06 31.0 33.3 42 08 40.9 37-3 37 08 32.3 30.2 50 08 32.0 34.3 44 08 31.1 32.9 42 10 40-3 37-2 38 10 31.8 29.3 51 10 30.0 32.8 41 10 31.1 32.7 42 12 40.5 37-3 37 12 32-4 30.0 50 12 35-4 37-3 49 12 31.4 32.8 42 14 39-8 36.8 38 -14-6 14 32.2 30.0 50 14 35-3 38.1 49 -12 14 30.3 3I.I 40 -1 1.0 16 39-2 36.3 39 16 33-6 30.0 48 16 30.2 33.8 42 16 29.9 33.9 42 18 39.0 36.1 40 18 33-1 29.7 49 18 32.5 35-7 45 18 3I-I 35-1 44 20 39.1 36.2 39 20 32.3 29.1 50 20 33-7 36.4 47 20 28.9 32.9 40 22 37.7 36.8 40 22 31.8 29.3 Si 22 31.4 34.0 43 22 30.3 34-1 42 24 38.8 36.3 40 24 33-2 31.0 48 24 31.9 34.1 43 24 29.1 33.1 40 26 37-8 35.9 41 26 34-8 32.8 45 26 35-8 37-6 49 26 29.6 33-2 41 28 38.8 36.8 39 28 35-1 33.4 45 28 34.9 36.1 47 28 31.9 35-8 45 30 38.1 35.9 40 -14.3 30 34-8 33-1 45 -13-4 30 30.8 33.2 42 -12 o 30 32.0 35.2 44 -10.8 32 37-3 33-3 43 32 34-0 33-3 46 32 30.3 32.9 41 32 30.1 32.0 40 35.8 32.2 45 34-2 33-8 45 34 31.3 33-2 42 34 29.8 31.7 40 36 36.6 33.2 44 36 34-8 34-6 44 36 33.9 36.1 47 36 27.8 29.7 37 38 36.4 33.2 44 38.3 33-9 33-2 46 38 31.2 33.8 43 38 28.8 30.0 38 40 35.8 33.2 44 40 34-3 33-9 45 40 32.2 33.9 43 40 36-2 39.6 51 42 34-9 32-1 46 42 35-2 34.9 44 42 32.6 34.0 44 42 35-9 36.9 49 44 34-3 31.3 47 -14-2 34-8 34-2 44 -13-3 44 35.1 36.0 47 -ii 9 44 30.3 31-1 40 -10.7 46 33.8 29.8 48 46 34.6 32.0 46 46.3 35.1 36.0 47 46 31.2 32.3 41 48 35.0 30.9 47 4 8 34-3 31-8 47 48 33-2 34-1 44 48 33-2 34-8 45 50 34-9 30.8 47 50 34-8 32.6 46 50 33.4 34-8 45 50 31.0 32.8 42 52 34-3 29.9 48 52 34-6 32.3 46 52 34.2 34.7 46 52 32.5 33-7 43 33-7 29.6 49 54 33-8 31-7 47 54 36.1 37.9 50 54 33-7 34-6 45 56 33-4 29.4 49 56 34-4 32.4 46 56 33-4 34-4 45 56 31.8 32.9 42 58 33.0 28.9 50 58 35-3 34-9 43 58 34.6 36.0 47 58 32.7 34-2 44 1 8 oo 31.9 33.2 43 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 5m 583. Torsion head at oh OOm read 324 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Monday, November 16, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, November 17, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' . h m d d t O h m d d h m d d O t O 8 oo 41-8 35-7 22 40 -22.0 10 OO 39-3 37-9 22 40 -18.2 12 OO* 40.2 44.4 22 54 -14.7 14 oo 14.7 15.9 22 12 -13.8 02 39.8 36.8 40 02 40.3 37-6 40 02 38.8 44.2 22 53 02 12.2 I3.I 08 04 41.1 37-8 39 04 39-8 37-3 40 04 48.5 51.6 23 06 04 II. I 12. O 06 06 40.8 37.8 39 06 39-4 37-4 40 06 45.1 48.8 23 01 06 13.2 14.8 10 08 43-8 39-6 35 08 39-5 37-3 40 08 40.6 43.3 22 54 08 15.8 17.9 14 10 44-8 39-2 35 10 39-6 38.1 40 10 39.1 40.3 50 IO l8.2 20. 2 18 12 43.8 38.9 36 12 39-9 39-1 39 12 39-9 42.7 53 12 ! 14.3 I6.I 12 14 42.2 37-5 38 -21.5 14 39-3 37-7 40 -17.8 M 44.0 46.3 22 59 -14.6 14 14.0 14.8 10 -13.6 16 42.3 35-2 40 16 38.9 37.0 4i 16 45-9 48.3 23 02 16 8.9 11.7 04 18 42.0 35.1 40 18 39-3 36.3 4i 18 43.8 46.0 22 58 18 8.2 10.8 03 20 42-9 35-9 39 20 39-8 37-0 40 20 40.5 42.2 53 20 11.7 14 . i 08 22 42.8 36.4 38 22 40.0 37.8 40 22 37-7 4o.o 49 22 15.8 18.6 15 24 44.2 38.2 36 24 39-8 37.7 40 24 33-8 35-8 42 24 ! 19.4 21.7 20 26 42.8 37.0 38 26 39-6 37-8 40 26 31.0 32.9 38 26 17.4 21-5 18 28 42.2 36.8 39 28 40.1 38.8 39 28 27.1 29.8 32 28 16.8 17.8 15 30 43-0 37.9 37 -21.0 30 39-8 38.6 39 -17.7 30 25.2 27.9 29 -14.5 30 17.3 18.1 16 -13.4 32 42-7 35-7 39 32 40-5 37-7 39 32 22.2 25.9 25 32 9-3 ii. 2 04 34 40.6 38.8 38 34 39-8 37-1 40 34 24.7 2.I 29 34 10. i 11.9 05 36 39.8 38.0 40 36 39-5 36.9 41 36 26.1 29.8 32 36 6.8 8.2 oo 38 38.9 37.4 41 38 39-8 37-3 40 38 25.8 29.1 31 38* 37.8 43.3 02 40 39.7 38.1 40 40 39-8 37-7 40 40 24.9 28.2 29 40 37.0 43.1 OI 42 39-4 38.4 40 42 40.9 39.2 38 42 24.3 28.1 29 42 40.7 45.9 06 44 39.2 38.0 40 -20.9 44 42.0 40.5 36 -17.8 44 22.9 25.5 26 -14.4 44 38.0 42.1 OI -13.2 46 39-9 36.2 41 46 41.5 40.2 37 46 23.3 26.2 26 46 ; 41.9 45.9 07 48 40.3 37.2 40 48 40.7 39.6 38 48 23.O 25.9 26 48 40.2 44.7 05 5" 4-8 37-9 39 50 40.7 39.8 38 50 23.8 25.8 27 50 37.9 41.9 OI 52 40.9 37-8 39 52 40.3 39-7 38 52 23.4 25.8 26 52 38.2 41.7 OI 54 39.2 37.0 41 54 40.1 39-5 38 54 22. 23.8 24 54.2 38.3 41-2 00 56 41-0 37-9 39 56 40.2 39.8 38 56 23.9 25.2 26 56 38.2 41.2 22 OO 58 43-0 40-3 35 58 39-8 39-6 38 -18.0 58 26.0 27-5 30 58 36.4 39.8 21 58 9 oo 42.8 40.3 36 -20.4 ii oo 39-5 39-2 39 13 00 24.8 26.0 28 -14.2 15 oo 41.1 44.8 22 06 -13.1 02 40.8 38.6 38 02 39-3 39-2 39 02 24.2 25.1 26 02 44.5 46.2 09 04 39-3 37-3 40 04 39.6 39.2 39 04 20. 6 21.8 21 04 47.6 50.1 IS 06 39.1 37-2 41 06 39-7 39-3 39 06 21.8 23.2 23 06 48.3 50.7 16 08 39.1 38.1 40 08 39-6 39-4 39 08 19.8 20.8 20 08 49.4 52.1 18 10 39.1 37.9 40 IO 38.9 38.9 40 10 18.1 19.1 17 10 49-3 51-8 18 12 38.2 37.2 42 12 39-1 39-1 39 12 20.0 21.7 20 12 48.8 5O.9 16 14 38.4 37.3 41 -19.8 14 39-8 39-2 39 -18.0 14 22.3 24.2 24 -14.2 14-5 56.1 57-2 27 -13.1 16 39-0 36.7 41 16 40-0 39.5 38 16 26.1 27.2 30 16 60.2 60.3 33 . 18 39-2 37.2 41 18 39-6 39-2 39 18 23.9 25.0 26 18 63.9 64.2 39 20 39.8 37.6 40 20 40.1 39.2 38 20 24.3 25.3 27 20 I 63.9 64.7 39 22 39.6 37.8 40 22 40.7 40.0 37 22 23-4 24.4 25 22 ! 67.1 67.9 44 24 39.8 38.1 40 24 40.2 39.3 38 24 21 . 8 22 . 3 22 24 68.8 69.6 47 26 39.6 38.2 40 26 40.6 40.2 37 26 20.9 21.8 21 26 71.4 71.8 51 28 39.2 38.1 40 28 39-3 38.9 39 28 22.6 23.O 24 28 72.8 73.7 53 30 39.0 38.2 40 -19.0 30 40.0 39.3 38 -18.0 30 21-4 21.9 22 -I4.I 30 71.9 72.3 Si -13.2 32 40.1 37.4 40 32 40.7 39.8 38 32 20.9 22.7 22 32 72.1 72.9 52 39.8 37.8 40 34 40.9 40.2 37 21.7 22.6 22 34 72.8 73-7 53 36 39.9 38.0 40 36 40.8 40.2 37 36 21.8 22.2 22 36 73-1 73.7 53 38 39.4 37.8 40 38 41.8 40.9 36 38 23.2 23.9 25 38 73-5 74-2 54 40 39.1 37.3 41 40 41.1 40.1 37 40 22.2 23.0 23 40 74.1 74.6 55 42 37.8 36.5 42 42 42.0 40.9 36 42 22.1 22.9 23 42 76.0 77.1 58 44 38.1 36.9 42 -18.0 44 42.8 42.2 34 -18.2 44 22.3 23.6 24 -14.0 44 73-8 74.7 55 -13.2 46 38.2 36.8 42 46 44.0 42.9 32 46 21.9 22-7 23 46 72.8 74-1 53 48 39-7 38.3 39 48 44-8 43-3 32 48 2O.4 21.8 21 48 72.1 73-5 52 50 39-3 38.3 40 50 43-3 42.2 34 50 22.7 23.5 24 50 71.2 72.6 Si 52 39-9 38.7 39 52 42.5 41-0 35 52 23.2 23.9 25 52 69.6 71.2 49 54 40.2 38.7 39 54 43-1 42.1 34 54 21.8 22.5 22 54 ; 67.9 69.8 46 56 39-7 37-8 40 56 42.8 42.2 34 56 20. 2 2O.9 20 56 66.8 68.8 45 58 39.8 38.0 40 58 42.7 41.9 34 -18.1 58 18.2 19.5 17 58 66.3 67.8 43 12 00 1 42.7 39.2 36 6 oo 64.9 66.1 41 -13.2 Correction to local mean time is + 6m ois. 90 torsion = 25/6. Torsion head at 7h 3om read 324 and at I2h 30m read 321. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 6m 155. Torsion head at nh oom read 318 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. 8 4 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic decimations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, November 18, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, November 18, 1003 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- . Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d / O h m d d / h m d d ' o 00* 39.0 38.0 22 l6 -17.7 2 OO 47-5 45-7 22 59 -15.8 4 oo 36.8 35.0 23 16 -15.8 6 oo 44.6 44.6 23 02 -16.0 02 39-5 38.4 16 02 48.5 46.5 58 02 36.0 34.4 17 02 46.0 45.6 oi 04 39-6 38.3 16 04 49-4 47-8 56 04 35-4 34-0 18 04 44.6 43.9 03 06 39-9 38.6 15 06 50.8 49.2 54 06 34-4 33-0 20 06 41.8 41.3 07 08 39-0 37.8 16 08 51.2 49-2 54 08 35-4 33-8 18 08 42.8 42.3 06 10 37.2 36.3 19 IO 52.1 50.3 52 IO 37-8 36.4 14 10 33.0 32.5 21 12 35-3 34-8 22 12 50.5 48.6 55 12 41.4 40.8 08 12 28.4 27.4 29 14 33-5 33.3 24 -17.3 14 48.6 46.6 22 58 -15-7 14 45-4 45-0 02 -16.0 14 33.8 32.2 21 -15.9 16 30.1 29.5 30 16 47.2 45.2 23 oo 16 46.2 45.1 23 01 16 40.0 38.2 ii 18 30.6 29.4 30 18 47-5 45-5 23 oo 18 50.5 49-4 22 54 18 41.8 40.6 08 20 28.0 26.6 34 20 49-3 47-3 22 57 20 54-4 53-5 48 20 43.0 4I.O O7 22 23.2 21.7 42 22 51.8 49-8 53 22 56.4 55-3 45 22 45.0 43.3 03 24 22.3 21.0 43 24 53-0 51-3 5i 24 56.0 55.0 45 24 39.0 37.5 13 26 22. o 20. 1 44 26 50.1 49.0 55 26 53-1 51.9 So 26 35-3 33-8 18 28 20.5 18.5 46 28 48.8 47.6 57 28 52.6 51.6 51 28 33-4 32.3 21 30 17-3 15-3 51 -17.0 30 49-9 48.3 55 -15-7 30 60.3 59.1 39 -16.1 30 34-5 33-4 19 -15.8 32 17-3 15-7 Si 32 51.6 50.5 52 32 60.8 59-9 38 32 29.0 26.8 29 34 14-3 n. 4 22 56 34 54.2 53-0 48 34 64.9 63.3 32 29.7 28.3 27 36 9.3 7.0 23 04 36 55-9 54-4 46 36 66.2 64.5 30 36 28.6 27.0 29 38* 45-3 38.7 07 38 54-2 52.6 49 38 65.0 64.3 3i 38 25.2 24.0 34 40 40.3 39.1 10 40 52.3 5i.o 52 40 64.3 64.0 32 40 24.2 23.6 35 42 40.3 38.8 10 42 52.5 51-5 51 42 65.3 64.4 3i 42 27.2 26.2 31 44 38.8 37.7 13 -16.6 44 52.8 51.6 Si -15.6 44 68.0 66.5 27 -16.1 44 29.56 26 -15-8 46 38.3 37-3 13 46 55-1 54-1 47 46 65.6 64.5 30 46 22.9 22.6 37 48 38.0 36.6 14 48 58.0 57.0 42 48 62.7 62.3 34 48 22.0 21.2 39 50 39.6 38.0 12 50 58.3 57-1 42 50 65.30 30 50 24.0 23.3 36 52 40.0 38.0 ii 52 58.8 57.6 41 52 64.6 64.6 31 52 23.6 23.4 36 54 42.8 41.2 07 54 61.3 60.0 37 54 62.2 62.2 35 54 30.1 29.3 26 56 42.6 39.4 08 56 62.3 61.4 36 56 61.4 61.2 36 56 26.2 25.8 32 58 42.0 40.0 08 58 60.9 60.4 37 58 58.4 58.4 4i 58 19.8 18.6 42 I 00 43.8 42.3 05 -16.3 3 oo 60.6 60.6 37 -IS.6 5 oo 55-8 55-3 45 -16.1 7 oo 18.5 17.6 44 -15.8 02 47.0 45.6 23 oo 02 59.2 58.8 40 02 53 -5& 48 02 23.5 22.6 36 04 50.1 49.3 22 54 04 57-6 56.9 43 04 52.3 52.0 Si 04 20.2 19.5 41 06 51.06 52 06.3 53-8 53.0 49 06 52.6 52.2 50 06 25.3 25.3 33 08 50.6 50.0 54 08 56.2 55.5 45 08 54-3 54-0 48 08 31.3 30.9 24 10 50.0 49.8 54 IO 57.2 56.2 44 10 54-5 54-2 47 10 29.0 28.3 28 12 51.0 50.8 53 12 56.2 54.6 46 12 55-0 54-3 47 12 30.3 30.3 25 14 58.0 56.5 43 -16.2 14 51.9 50.3 52 -15.8 14 58.1 57-1 42 -16.1 14 29.3 28.7 27 -15.8 16 58.0 55.6 43 16 48.0 46.2 22 58 16 56.7 55-9 44 16 29.0 27.8 28 18 60.0 58.3 40 18 43.1 42.0 23 06 18 57-9 57-0 42 18 26.5 25.5 32 20 55-9 54-9 46 20 42.8 41.3 07 20 56.6 55.0 45 20 25.3 22.7 35 22 58.0 56.8 42 22 37.8 36.8 14 22 57-2 56.8 43 22 28.3 24.9 31 24 55-5 54-6 46 24 38.0 36.0 14 24 58.9 58.0 41 | 2 4 29.4 25.6 29 26 49.4 47.8 56 26 35-4 33-8 18 26 56.8 56.0 44 26 32.0 28.8 25 28 51.8 51.0 52 28 36.0 33-8 18 28 55-4 55-0 46 28 27.5 24.3 32 30 55-3 54-3 46 -16.0 30 34.6 32.0 20 -15.8 30 57-8 57-0 42 -16.1 30 28.6 25.6 30 -16.3 32 54.5 54-2 47 32 30.8 28.2 26 32 61.7 61.7 36 32 31.0 27.3 27 34 56.6 55.1 45 34 33-3 31-0 22 34 67.0 66.3 28 34 30 . 2 26 . 28 36 56.6 54.6 45 36 30.6 28.4 26 36 58.06 41 36 27.5 24.6 32 38 57.1 55.6 44 38 29.9 28.1 27 38 55-0 53-9 47 38 29.4 25.8 29 40 56.0 54.8 46 40 31.5 30.4 24 40 54-6 54-0 47 40 29.9 27.3 28 42 55-3 53-7 47 42 32.6 31.4 22 42 57-0 56.3 44 42 27.8 26.3 30 44 52.6 51.2 51 -16.0 44 33-6 31-9 21 -15.8 44 56.9 56.3 44 -16.0 44 28.3 26.3 30 -16.0 46 51-7 50.3 52 46 34-4 31.6 21 46.2 56.0 55.5 45 46 21.8 18.6 41 48 51-5 50.2 53 48 34-5 32.0 2O 48 55-8 55-0 46 48 25-3 23.7 34 SO 50.8 49.5 54 50 34-6 32.1 20 50 53-2 52.8 49 50 29.0 27.3 28 52 50.7 49-3 54 52 37-3 35-3 15 52 50.2 49.8 22 54 52 31.0 29.0 25 54 51.0 49.4 54 54 35-9 33-4 18 54 45-6 45.2 23 oi 54 33.6 28.8 24 56 50.5 48.8 55 56 38.2 36.3 14 56 46.6 45-3 oo 56 36.0 34-6 17 58 48.5 47.0 58 58 37-6 35-2 15 58 44-5 43-5 04 58 36.0 35-3 17 Observer W. J. P. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, November 18, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, November 18, 1903 Magnet scale inverted ! Scale East , Scale East Scale East Scale East Clir'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. ' Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. | Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right i 1 h m d d ' h m d d / h m d d ' h m d d / 8 oo 39.4 38.9 23 ii -15.8 10 oo 52.2 51.4 22 51 -15.0 2 00 62.8 59.6 22 36 -13.8 14 oo 65.6 64.9 22 30 -13-5 02 38.0 37.3 14 i 02 49-4 49-2 55 02 56.2 54.3 46 I] 02 63.8 63.0 33 04 38.2 36.9 14 04 48.8 47.6 57 04 53-0 49.7 52 04 65.0 63.8 32 06 38.6 40.3 II 06 53-0 50.2 22 52 06 49.0 46.4 22 58 06 66.4 65.7 29 08 40.8 39.3 10 08 39-0 38.3 23 12 08 45.7 41.9 23 04 08 66.1 64.9 30 10 45.6 45.2 oi 10 36.5 34-4 17 10 48.4 45.2 22 59 10 65.5 64.1 31 12 42.O 40.4 08 12 35-9 35-1 17 12 50.0 48.9 55 12 65.6 64.6 30 H 45-7 43-9 02 -15.6 14 34-2 32.9 2O 14 48.7 45.2 22 59 -13.8 14 67.0 66.1 28 -I3.C 16 45.1 42.8 04 16 38.9 38.5 12 -15.0 16 47.4 41.7 23 03 16 68.8 67.7 26 18 35.2 34.6 18 18 45-9 43-9 O2 18 45.0 39.9 06 18 68.2 66.8 27 2O 40.2 37.8 II 20 45-3 42.3 23 04 20 47.6 41.8 02 20 70.8 69.7 22 22 39.9 36.2 13 22 48.2 46.8 22 58 22 47.9 41-2 2303 22 70.0 68.2 24 24 37-8 34-8 16 24 48.8 46.4 58 24 49-5 43-7 22 59 24 66.2 65.0 30 26 39.8 36.1 13 26 48.0 46.1 22 59 26 53-4 49-0 52 26 63.3 62.2 34 28 36.3 33-7 18 28 44-5 43-0 23 04 28 51.9 47-7 54 28 65.5 64.2 31 30 37-6 35.6 15 -15.4 30 48.1 45.6 22 59 -14.8 30 48.9 44.9 59 -13.7 30 64.5 63.4 32 -13.7 32 40.9 38.9 10 32 47.2 46.1 22 59 32 57.1 52.8 46 32 63.0 62.1 34 34 45-5 44.0 02 34 46.2 45.1 23 oi 34 60.0 56.2 41 34 62.6 61.8 35 36 41.1 40.0 09 36 57-0 53-5 22 46 36 55.2 50.8 49 36 62.0 61.5 36 38 47.4 45-7 oo 38 62.1 59.6 37 38 58.1 53-3 45 38 60.8 oo.o 38 40 42.1 40.0 08 40 54-9 51-7 22 49 40 60.2 54.7 42 40 61.5 60.9 36 42 47.4 45.4 oo 42 44-9 43-0 23 04 42 59.6 53.4 44 42 64.0 63.5 33 44 37-7 36.7 14 -I5-3 44 44.1 41.8 05 -14.6 44 57.7 52.1 46 -13.9 44 65.4 64.4 31 -14.0 46 30.1 26.3 28 46 42.1 41.2 07 46 60.8 52.7 44 46 69.0 67.0 26 48 35-9 32.7 19 48 39-3 38.3 12 48 61.2 54.9 42 48 66.2 63.9 30 50 39-7 35-7 23 13 50 41-2 39-6 09 50 58.7 51.6 46 50 64.8 62.8 32 52 51.7 47.9 22 54 52 44-8 43-3 23 04 52 53.0 48.1 53 52 66.0 63.3 31 54 52.3 48.2 54 54 49.5 48.2 22 56 54 56.0 51.2 48 54 65.5 63.2 32 56 55.2 52.0 48 56 50.3 49-2 22 54 56 58.6 53.8 44 56 74.0 71.3 18 58 52.6 49.2 53 58 44.8 44.2 23 03 58 60.0 56.0 42 58 74.6 72.2 17 9 oo 57.8 54.7 44 -15.2 II OO 40.1 40.1 10 -14.4 13 oo 63.1 59-3 36 -13-9 15 oo 72.8 70.8 20 -14.0 02 55.8 52.8 47 02 37-5 36.2 15 02 63.5 60. i 36 02 74.3 71.7 18 04 52.4 50.2 52 04 46.9 45-2 00 04 63.0 60. i 36 04 ! 73.8 71.6 18 06 52.7 52.2 50 06 42.2 40.9 23 07 06 68.8 64.8 28 06 73-3 71-5 19 08 58.8 56.2 42 08 47.2 48.1 22 59 08 68.9 64.6 28 08 74.4 72.1 18 10 58.3 55- o 44 10 50.1 48.1 55 IO 66.4 63.3 31 10 70.2 68.1 24 12 51.2 48.1 22 55 12 56.6 52.8 47 12 64.8 61.6 33 | 12 70.9 69.0 23 14 45.9 41.8 23 04 -15.2 14 61.0 59.0 38 -14.1 '4 60.9 58.3 39 -14.0 14 74.1 72.2 18 -14.0 16 40.1 36.4 13 16 49.4 48.7 56 16 61.2 59.2 38 16 72.2 70.3 21 18 41.8 37.3 10 18 47-3 46.2 59 18 59.6 58.2 40 18 73-5 72.0 18 20 40.O 37.2 12 20 50.7 49.2 54 20 54-1 53-3 48 20 ! 75.1 72.7 17 22 43.2 39-9 23 07 22 50.3 49-8 54 22 52.4 50.3 52 22 | 74.9 71.6 18 24 52.8 49.3 22 52 24 49-8 49.2 22 55 24 53.7 52.2 50 24 77-0 74.2 14 26 43.6 42.2 23 05 26 44-7 44-1 23 03 26 56.8 54.1 46 26* 43.8 38.2 14 28 45.7 43.8 02 28 53-1 52.9 22 49 28 63.0 61.1 35 28 42.2 36.9 16 30 47.0 45.2 23 oo -15-1 30 58.9 58.6 40 -14.1 30 64.7 61.8 33 -14.0 30 44.1 37.1 14 -14.0 32 52.2 50.6 22 52 32 62.6 61.2 35 32 64.1 63.2 33 32 46.9 36.8 12 34 51.8 48.9 22 54 34 56.9 55-9 44 34 66.1 64.3 30 34 43-2 38.0 14 36 46.1 45.6 23 oi 36 56.4 55-7 45 36 65.8 64.3 30 36 42.9 38.5 14 38 39-9 37-1 12 38 59-4 58.0 40 38 65.7 64.0 31 38 41.8 37-2 16 40 42.8 39.9 23 08 40 54-6 53-2 48 40 65.7 63.4 31 40 40.9 36.9 17 42 48.8 47.9 22 57 42 56.0 54.5 46 42 62 . 9 62 . 2 34 42 39-9 36.4 18 44 45.1 43.2 23 03 -15-0 44 51-9 49-3 53 -14-0 44 65.1 62.6 32 -13.9 44 43.3 39-6 13 -14.0 46 48.2 46.9 22 58 46 49.7 48.1 56 46 68.0 67.8 26 46 39.9 36.7 18 48 54.9 52.8 48 48 51.8 49.7 53 48 68.8 67.5 26 48 39-9 37-8 17 50 52.5 50.1 52 50 56.6 54-1 46 50 69.8 69.1 24 50 28.5 25.2 36 52 49.0 47.9 57 52 53-4 51-9 50 52 67.1 67.0 27 52 26.5 24.6 38 54 53-8 51-8 50 54 50.9 50.2 53 54 65.9 65.4 30 54 33.0 30.0 28 56 53-9 52.6 49 56 53-7 51-3 50 56 63.1 61.9 34 56 40.8 38.2 16 58 58.5 56.1 43 58 62.8 61.7 35 58 63.7 62.3 34 58 48.0 47.0 03 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 8h oom to 8h loin. Observers R. R. T. and R. W. P., who alternated from I3h 36m to I4h 46m. 86 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OP ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, November 18, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, November 18, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right 1 Left Right Left Right h m d d h m d d O / h m d d o / h m d d / O 16 oo 44.86 22 08 -14.2 18 oo 30.0 29.0 22 32 -14.8 20 OO 46.5 43-1 22 08 -14.4 22 OO 28.9 27.4 22 33 -14.6 02 43.1 42.1 ii 02 28.6 28.0 34 02 48.7 43.8 06 02 26.2 25.6 37 04 45.1 44.3 08 04 26.9 26.1 36 04 45-8 4i-3 IO O.J- 24.7 24.2 39 06 46.6 44.7 06 06 26.8 25.9 37 06 41-8 37-9 16 OO 23.8 23.2 40 08 41.9 40.3 13 08 27.9 27.2 35 08 39-6 35-9 19 08 24-5 23.5 40 10 42.0 40.0 13 10 26.2 25.8 37 IO 38.2 34.9 21 10 23.7 23.3 40 12 38.0 36.6 19 12 24.O 23.9 12 38.0 34.6 21 12 22.0 21.7 43 14 40.1 39.9 15 -14.2 14 23.8 23.2 41 -14.8 14 39-1 35-8 20 -14.6 14 20.0 19.3 47 -14.7 16 42.6 41.5 12 16 21.7 20.1 45 16 39-7 34-9 2O 16 19.0 17.9 49 18 44.8 43.0 09 18 13-9 14-4 56 18 41-7 37-2 16 18 18.6 17.8 49 2O 41.8 41.1 13 20 15-7 H.9 54 20 42.8 38.9 14 20 18.3 17-9 49 22 41.1 41.0 14 22 20.5 19.6 47 22 44-5 41-0 II 22 19.0 18.3 48 24 37.0 36.0 21 24 27.7 25.9 36 24 46.5 43-2 08 24 20.3 19.9 46 26 37-9 37-6 19 26 32.9 32.8 27 26 47-8 44-7 06 26 23-3 23.7 41 28 41.2 40.8 13 28 38.8 38.8 17 28 48.7 45-6 04 28 25.6 25.3 38 30 44-9 43-4 09 -14.4 30 40.8 4O.I 15 -14.6 30 46.3 44.2 07 -14.6 30 25.6 25.3 38 -14.8 32 43.2 42.0 II 32 45-8 42.8 09 32 43-2 40.3 13 32 24.0 23.5 40 34 41.1 39-9 14 34 46.9 44.3 07 34 42.0 39.1 15 34 23 . O 22 . 6 42 36 39-0 37-3 18 j 36 50.1 47.6 22 02 36 40.1 37.2 18 36 26.3 25.6 37 38 37.2 36.7 20 ! 38 51.2 49.2 21 59 38 37-8 35-3 21 38 28.4 28.0 33 40 37.8 37.2 19 40 48.7 47.2 22 O3 40 36.9 34-9 22 40 29.0 28.6 32 42 37-8 37-5 19 42 43-8 42.2 II 42 39-7 34-2 2O 42 30.3 29.8 30 44 36.2 35.3 22 -14.4 44 44-2 42-5 IO -14-3 44 36.0 33.9 24 -14.6 44 31.0 31.0 29 46 37.5 35.8 20 46 41.2 40.0 14 46 33-5 32-6 26 46 32.6 32.3 27 -14.8 48 30.1 28.8 32 48 41.0 39.4 15 48 31.8 31.2 29 48 30.6 30.1 30 50 33-4 31-4 27 50 41.2 39. z 15 50 30.9 30.0 30 50 27-3 26.3 35 52 33-6 32.1 26 52 39-5 37-8 18 52 30.9 29.9 30 52 24-5 23.3 40 54 37-4 36.2 20 54 38.1 36-8 20 54 31-3 30.3 30 22.0 2O. I 44 56 40.9 40.5 14 56 35-6 34-2 24 56 30-5 29.5 56 20.2 17.2 48 58 39- la 16 58 36.6 35-3 22 58 30.9 29.8 31 58 18.4 16.0 50 17 oo 37-9 37-8 19 -14-5 19 oo 34-9 33-7 24 -14-3 21 OO Lost -14.6 23 oo 18.1 16.3 50 -15.0 02 36.66 20 02 35-9 35-2 22 02* 32.2 26.8 3 1 02 18.0 15.1 52 04 35-5 35-3 22 04 37-8 37-0 20 04 32.1 27.3 31 04 16.6 14.3 53 06 35-5 35-0 23 06 36.5 35-2 22 06 32.8 27.1 30 06 13-1 II- 3 2258 08 36.4 37.2 20 08 34-2 33-2 25 08 34-9 29.3 27 08 11.3 10. o 23 oi IO 33-3 32.3 27 IO 33-4 32.3 27 10 36.1 31.0 25 10 8.7 7.6 05 12 30.9 30.2 30 12 31-1 30-2 30 12.2 35-5 30.8 25 12* 30.6 29.6 10 14 31-9 31-3 28 -14.6 H 30.8 30.2 30 -14.4 14 35-0 30.2 26 -14.6 14 34-3 29.8 07 -14.9 16 32.1 31.8 28 16 31.8 29.0 30 16 35-3 3i-7 25 16 35.6 31.6 04 18 31.7 31.2 29 18 32.0 29.6 30 18 33-2 29.8 28 18 36.2 32.2 23 03 20 36.7 35-5 21 20 29.7 27.8 33 20 32.9 29.9 28 20 39.6 36.8 22 57 22 41.9 41.2 13 22 28.2 25.8 36 22 34-2 3L3 26 22 42.8 40.0 52 24 42.1 41.8 12 24 27.9 25.5 36 24 34-9 31-9 25 24 44.3 42.0 49 26 41-3 4I-I 13 26 29.0 27.1 34 26 35-4 32-3 26 44.3 41-7 50 28 36.6 35.9 21 28 31.8 29.4 30 28 34-1 31-7 26 28 43.3 40.8 51 30 37.2 36.8 20 -14.7 30 33-1 3LI 28 -14.4 30 33-8 33-2 25 -14.6 30 43-5 41-2 50 -15.0 32 35-2 33-8 24 32 35.4 32.2 25 32 35-9 33-8 23 32 44-3 41-8 50 34 39-0 38.1 18 34 30.0 33-3 24 34 34.3 30.0 27 34 45.8 43.4 47 36 36.5 36.2 21 36 36.8 34-1 23 36 34-3 30-0 27 36 46.3 43-7 46 38 31.9 31-7 28 38 37-1 34-9 22 38 35-8 32.1 24 38 45-6 43-6 47 40 26.7 26.2 37 40 37-3 35-2 21 40 37-8 34-1 21 40 47-3 45-6 44 42 25.1 24.5 39 42 37-8 35-8 20 42 37-7 33-8 21 42 44.6 42.6 49 44 26.8 26.1 37 -14.7 44 38.7 36-6 19 -14-5 44 36-8 33.1 23 -14.4 44 45-6 44-3 47 -15.0 46 26.8 25.8 37 46 38.9 35-7 2O 46 36.8 35.1 21 46 45-4 43-8 47 48 25.8 25.0 38 48 38.9 36.0 2O 48 36.3 36.0 21 48 47-4 45-3 44 50 28.9 28.1 33 50 40.1 37.2 18 50 35-8 35-2 22 50 46.4 45.2 45 52 30.8 30.1 30 52 42.2 39.3 14 52 36.1 35-7 21 52 43.6 41.6 50 54 29.2 28.8 33 54 43-3 40.7 12 54 35-1 34.2 23 54 42-3 40.3 52 56 30.7 29.9 30 56 44-3 40.6 12 56 33-3 32.2 26 56 39-8 37.6 56 58 33.8 32.8 26 58 44.9 41.4 10 58 31.3 29.8 30 58 38.3 36.9 58 -15.0 i 24 oo 38.0 36.6 58 Observers R. W. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from i8h l6m to l8h 3Om. Correction to local mean time is + 6m 285. 00 torsion = 24/6. Torsion head at oh oom read 318 and at 24?! 3Om read 308. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 2oh torn to 22h 20m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Thursday, November 19, 1903 Magnet scale erect Friday, November 20, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right , h m d d h m d d ' h m d d or o h m d d or' o 16 oo* 39.7 40.7 22 27 -21.7 l8 00 40.8 44.3 22 30 -I7-I 20 oo* 46.3 44.9 22 50 -II-4 22 OO 5I.O 49.O 22 43 -IO.2 02 39.8 41.6 28 02 40.7 45-5 31 02 50.7 45.6 46 O2 48.8 48.2 45 04 38.0 42.4 27 04 39-6 44.1 29 04 51.8 48.0 43 04 49.2 49.0 44 06 39.2 43.6 29 06 39.1 43.7 29 06 52.4 49.2 41 06 49.2 49.1 44 08 38.8 43.0 28 08 40-3 44-7 30 08 sr.7 48.5 42 08 50.2 48.9 43 10 38.8 42.7 28 10 40.2 44.2 30 10 _ 50. i 47.2 45 10 51.3 49.7 42 12 40.5 43.6 29 12 41.0 44.8 31 12 50.6 47.0 44 12 Si-5 50.0 42 14 41.1 44.1 30 -21.0 14 40.2 43.6 30 -16.8 14 51.1 47.6 44 -ii. 3 14 51.8 49.8 41 -10. o 16 41.8 45.5 32 16 41.7 42.9 30 16 51.3 46.2 45 16 52.3 50-3 4i 18 42.6 45.8 33 18 42-3 43-7 31 18 49.9 45.2 46 18 52.8 50.9 40 20 42.6 46.0 33 20 42.2 43.2 31 20 49.6 44.5 47 20 52.0 50.7 4i 22 44.8 48.1 37 22 42.8 43.6 32 22 50.7 45.8 46 22 52.6 51.2 40 24 46.5 49-3 39 24 42-7 43-7 32 24 49.9 45.8 46 24 51.9 50.7 4i 26 46.2 49.0 38 26 42.8 43.8 32 26 50.0 45.9 46 26 49.8 48.4 44 28 46.8 48.8 39 28 42.0 42.8 30 28 50.8 46.7 45 28 50.9 49-7 42 30 46.3 48.9 38 -20.0 30 41-5 42-3 30 -16.5 30 50.7 46.8 45 -ii. 3 30 49.8 48.2 44 -9-9 32 46.8 49.0 39 32 39.2 40.4 26 32 48.9 47.1 46 32 49.0 46.1 46 34 46-8 49-2 39 34 39.2 40.1 26 34 50.2 48.5 44 34 48.0 45.2 48 36 46.4 48.3 38 36 37-8 38.7 24 36 49.1 46.6 46 36 49-3 46.3 46 38 45.9 47.8 37 38 35-5 36-8 20 38 50.8 48.9 43 38 50.5 47.9 44 40 , 45.4 46.7 36 40 34.8 38.2 21 40 49.9 48.1 44 40 50.4 48.0 44 42 46.4 47.5 38 42 34.1 38.6 21 42 49.8 48.8 44 42 49.9 47.5 45 44 46.9 47.8 38 -19.3 44 36.0 40.8 24 -16.3 44 48.7 48.7 45 -II -I 44 49.0 46.4 46 -9.8 46 : 45.3 47-1 36 46 41.7 44-8 32 46 50.3 48.3 44 46 48.3 46.0 47 48 45-7 47-1 37 48 41.8 44.2 32 48 50.2 48.2 44 48 47.2 45.0 49 50 45.4 47.3 37 50 40.4 42.3 29 50 i 50.0 48.3 44 50 47.4 45.2 48 52 45-3 47-1 36 52 38.7 40.8 26 52 49.7 48.7 44 52 47.8 45.7 48 54 45-1 46.8 36 54 37.2 39.6 24 54 50.2 49.0 43 54 48.3 46.1 47 56 44.5 46.2 35 56 36.9 39.7 24 56 51.4 50.2 41 56 47.8 45.7 48 58 44.5 46.1 35 58 37-2 39-3 24 58 50.4 49.3 43 58 48.5 45-9 47 17 oo 44.0 45. 2 34 -18.4 19 oo 36.1 37.7 22 21 OO 5O.I 49.0 43 -ii. o 23 oo 49.9 47.4 45 -9-7 02 44.4 45.8 34 02 34.9 37.2 20 -16.2 02 ! 52.7 50.3 40 02 51.6 47.2 44 04 44.3 45.8 34 04 34-8 37.1 20 04 51.9 49.3 42 04 52.8 48.2 42 06 43.8 45.2 34 06 34.8 37.0 20 06 ! 55.0 53.1 36 06 55.0 48.0 40 08 i 43.2 44.7 33 08 35-4 37-8 21 08 j 56.4 52.7 36 08 54.8 48.7 40 10 43.2 44.1 32 10 33-8 36.6 19 10 ! 57-7 55-2 33 10 56.3 50.9 37 i-' 43.2 43.8 32 12 32.7 35.4 17 12 58.0 54.2 33 12 52.2 48.0 42 14 42.8 44.3 32 -18.0 14 34.0 36.4 19 -16.0 14 57-9 54-2 33 -10.9 14 52.1 47-2 43 -9-4 16 40.9 43.8 30 16 32.9 34-4 16 16 58.1 53-0 34 16 49.0 46.8 46 18 41.8 44.8 32 18 33-0 34-6 17 18 57.0 52.2 35 18 49-7 47-9 44 20 40.7 42.3 29 20 36.1 37.8 22 20 56.2 52.1 36 20 47.0 43.0 50 22 39.1 40.9 27 22 37.7 38.9 24 22 56.2 52.8 36 22 47.2 42.5 51 24 37.7 40.2 26 37.8 40.0 25 24 25 26 36.8 37-7 22 33-8 34-7 17 24 55-3 52-3 26 54.6 52.1 37 38 24 49.4 44.2 26 43.6 39.0 48 56 28 38.2 40.8 26 28 32.2 33.2 15 28 j 55.1 52.6 37 28 43.5 38.2 57 30 39.3 41.0 27 -17.8 30 30.4 31.8 12 -15.8 30 55-8 53-2 36 -10.5 30 42.7 37.8 22 58 -9.4 32 38.9 42.0 27 32 31.0 32.8 14 32 , 57-3 54-0 34 32 35-6 18.3 23 19 34 39-3 42.5 28 34 36.4 37.8 22 34 55-0 52.1 37 34* 52.2 30.0 20 36 40.1 42.8 29 36 51.0 53.4 22 46 36 54.8 51.5 38 36 35.9 18.8 42 38 40.1 43.0 29 38 60. i 64.2 23 01 38 | 53.2 50.2 40 38 23.8 9.2 59 40 39.3 41.8 27 40*2 41.9 45.0 22 48 40 53-9 50.8 39 40 29.8 15.9 49 42 39.2 41.3 27 42 50.2 65.6 23 II 42 53-9 50.4 39 42* 46.0 15.6 23 26 44 38.6 40.8 46 39.0 43.2 26 -17.3 44 28 46* 32.9 45.9 22 42 -14.7 21.2 51.8 45 44 55-4 52-9 46 54.7 52.9 36 -10.3 37 44 61.1 34-9 46* 71.3 42.1 22 59 ] -9-3 23 48 39-3 43-8 29 48 33-7 46.2 51 48 52.7 50.9 40 48 74.8 47.2 16 50 40.1 43.4 29 50 18.9 33.9 29 50 56.4 56.0 33 50 69.2 42.2 24 52 39-5 42-7 28 52 10.2 23.7 14 52 52.7 51.9 39 52 64.7 39.0 30 54 38.6 41.7 27 54 6.0 18.9 07 54 49-7 47-7 4S 54 66.7 42.0 22 26 56 38.7 42.4 27 56* 37-8 52.9 06 56 54-0 53-2 37 56 42.9 21.6 23 or 58 40.2 44.0 30 58 37.0 52.8 05 58 57-5 55-9 32 58 40.4 15.3 08 20 OO 38.3 52.8 06 -15.3 24 oo* 65.0 39.5 17 -9-2 Correction to local mean time is + 8m 495. Torsion head at I4h 25m read 308 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + gm 035. Torsion head at 19)1 3om read 318 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, November 22, 1903 Magnet scale erect Sunday, November 22, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' ! h m d d / O 1 h m d d Of h m d d ' O 00* 38.0 39.0 22 35 -6.0 2 oo 35.1 35.3 22 30 -3.3 4 oo* 66.8 62.8 2449 -3.1 600 44.0 41.9 2344 3-4 02 38-0 39.3 35 02 33-8 34-3 28 02 68. o 60.6 50 02 46.3 44.8 39 8 38.3 39-3 35 04 33-7 34-2 28 37.8 38.6 34 06 35-7 36.0 31 04 71.2 64.6 06 73.1 66.3 44 04 51 .ob 31 41 06 37.3 35.1 23 54 08 37-3 38.1 34 08 38.3 38.7 35 08 69.5 61.3 48 08 34.0 30.2 24 oo IO 36.5 37-3 32 10 42.3 43-9 42 10 68.1 63.0 48 10 28.2 26.3 24 08 12 36.3 36.9 32 12 45-8 46.0 46 12 71.2 69.3 40 12 38.6 36.3 23 52 14 36.3 36.8 32 -5.2 14 49.8 51.4 22 54 -3.3 14* 57-7 5i-7 26 -3.2 14 47.3 43.4 40 -3-4 16 36.0 36.8 32 16.9 55.3 56.3 23 02 16 66.3 61.3 24 12 16 43.3 38.9 46 18 36.9 37-4 33 18 58.1 59-8 07 18 77-5 68.0 23 58 18 46.6 42.2 41 20 37-1 37-7 33 20 61.2 62.1 ii 20* 69.7 61.1 53 20 39.8 35.4 52 22 37-4 37-9 33 22 65.5 65.7 17 22 69.6 67.8 48 22 4I.I 36.3 50 24 37-9 38.5 34 24 69.3 69.9 24 24* 52.5 42.2 37 24 57-6 52.1 25 26 38.0 38.3 34 26 72.5 72.6 28 26 56.3 46.3 30 26 62.4 58.4 16 28 37-5 38.0 34 28 74-4 74-8 32 28 56.8 53.8 24 28 57-2 52.3 25 30 36.8 37.3 32 -4.6 30 75.6 76.8 34 ; -3-3 30 58.0 54.6 22 -3.2 30 49.6 45.6 ' 36 -3-5 32 35-5 36.1 31 32 76.9 77-7 36 32 57-3 52.9 24 ! 32 45.3 42.3 42 34 34-7 35-3 29 34 75-3 77-5 34 34 57-0 53-2 24 34 46.5 43-3 40 36 32.4 33.1 26 36 74.6 76.0 33 36 47.4 44.4 39 36 47-2 44-5 39 38 29.5 30.0 21 38 71-1 73-1 28 38 47.4 47-0 37 38 50.0 47-2 35 40 28.2 28.6 19 40 67.3 68.9 21 40 45.6 42.7 42 40 40.6 43-3 40 42 29.3 29.7 21 42 08.3 69.9 23 42 38.3 36.9 52 42 40.2 38.0 50 44 29.8 30.3 22 -4.2 44 : 67.6 68.3 21 -3-3 44 43.6 43.1 43 -3.2 44 35-6 33-6 23 57 -3-4 46 29.3 29.9 21 46 65.3 66.7 18 46 47.9 46.9 36 46 34-0 30.1 24 pi 48 28.6 29.2 20 48 61.2 61.7 ii 48 52.7 51.9 29 48 32.6 30.3 24 02 50 28.6 29.1 2O 50 59.9 60.6 09 50 47.4 47.4 36 50 37.6 35.8 23 53 52 29.9 30.3 22 52 6i.8a ii 52 37-9 37-1 23 52 52 31.2 28.8 24 04 54 31.3 31.6 24 54 65.9 67.0 19 54 ! 28. ob 24 07 54 28.9 26.4 24 08 56 32.2 32.5 25 56 62.7 63.7 23 14 56 36.1 35-5 23 55 56 43-9 41-3 ' 23 44 58 33-3 33-5 27 58 52.3 53-7 22 58 58 39-3 37-6 51 58 57-3 51-9 25 I 00 34.3 34.5 28 -4.0 3 oo 58.0 60.0 23 07 -3-3 5 oo 41.1 40.3 47 -3-2 7 oo 67.5 64.1 08 -3-5 02 35-2 35.4 30 02 55-6 57-1 23 03 02 38.9 37-0 52 02 71.9 67.3 23 02 04 37-2 37-6 33 04 53-2 54-3 22 59 04 39-0 35.6 52 04 75-4 71.2 ' 22 56 06 40.1 40.3 38 06 51-8 54-2 58 06 36.7 34-3 23 55 06 73-3 70.3 22 58 08 41.1 41.7 39 08 48.9 49.1 51 08 30.1 27.6 24 06 08 65.0 61.9 23 ii IO 43.5 44.1 43 IO 44-3 44-9 44 i 10 28.6 25.1 24 09 IO 59-3 56.5 20 12 43.6 44.6 44 12 47-0 49-0 22 50 12 36.3 33-5 23 56 12 64.7 63.0 ii 14 43.1 44.0 43 -3-8 14 54-9 57-3 23 02 -3-3 14 37-0 35-2 54 -3-3 14 70.5 67.5 23 03 -3-5 16 42.2 43.1 41 16 62.3 65.5 15 16.6 47.3 44.3 39 16 79-o 74-7 22 50 18 42.3 43.2 41 18 59-7 62.9 II ! 18 49.0 45.0 37 18.5 75-5 72.6 22 55 20 42.4 43.2 42 20 64.5 67.0 18 20 59.6 49.7 25 20 72.3 69.8 23 oo 22 41.9 42.9 41 22 73-2 76.1 32 22 59.0 54.3 22 22 74-3 71-3 57 24 43-3 43-7 43 24* 28.3 39-7 31 24 56.3 51.7 26 24 75.0 72.0 23 50 26 41.5 41.7 40 26 35-3 44-9 41 26 59-3 54-7 22 26* 40.3 32.O 22 48 28 40.6 41.0 38 28 47-0 56.3 23 59 28 57-3 53-1 24 28 31.8 23.8 23 01 30 40.8 41.6 39 -3-5 30* 30.3 48.3 24 34 -3-3 30 66.6 56.2 15 -3-3 30 26.3 19.6 09 -3-5 32 41.2 41.8 40 32 35-8 55-8 45 32 66.3 62.1 10 32 24.8 18.0 II 34 38.9 40.0 36 34 52-8 55-3 24 57 34 66.8 63.3 09 34 24.3 18.0 12 36 37-9 38.9 35 36 60.2 69.3 25 14 36 63.3 59-6 IS 36 31.6 24.0 23 01 38 40 36.8 37-3 32 36-3 36.9 32 38* 40* 52-3 73-2 49-7 68.3 25 50 26 20 38 60.5 56.8 40 60.5 56.8 19 19 38 40 34.0 26.0 22 57 38.6 31.9 50 42 35-9 36.6 31 42* 20. 44.8 24 42 42 57.8 52.0 25 42 47-3 39-0 37 44 33.9 34.6 28 -3.4 44* 33.2 00.0 26 24 -3-3 44 59-0 53-0 23 -3-4 44 54-0 52.2 21 -3-5 46 33-1 33.6 27 46 49-8 50.3 26 29 46 53-6 48.6 31 46 33 8 31-2 22 54 48 32.5 33.1 26 48 28.0 33-5 25 59 48 48.9 44.5 38 48 28.7 25.2 23 03 50 32.4 32.9 26 50 18.7 25.3 25 45 50 45.2 40.8 43 50 27.8 24.1 04 52 32.5 33.0 26 52* 30.8 31.6 24 59 52 40.5 35-7 Si 52 25.5 21.4 08 33.0 33.4 26 54 15.5 18.7 37 54 43-8 39-3 46 54 28.2 25.8 23 02 56 34.6 35.0 29 56 IO-4 12.0 27 56 44.5 36.3 48 56 33-2 30-9 22 55 58 35-3 35.6 30 58 29-7 33-3 59 -3-2 58 38.8 35-8 52 58 30.3 27.1 23 oo 1 8 oo 29.3 26.7 01 \ -3-5 Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is + 9m 325. Torsion head at oh oom read 314 and at 8h I7m read the same. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 89 Monday, November 23, 1903 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, November 24, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d Of O h m d d ' O h m d d ' h m d d o / . 8 oo 37-8 42.9 22 35 -io. o io oo 37-3 38.6 22 31 -6.0 12 OO 43.7 42.3 22 24 -6.5 ! 14 OO 32.0 29.9 22 43 -4-7 02 39.2 43.8 37 02 37-2 39.0 31 O3 42.6 40.9 26 O2 32.6 30.8 42 04 41.5 42.9 38 04 29.8 32.8 21 04 42.8 41.4 26 04 32.4 30.3 43 06 38.1 40.2 33 06 29.7 31.2 19 06 45.7 43.8 22 06 31.9 30.3 43 08 37-3 40.2 32 08 28.8 29.8 17 08 48.8 45.3 18 : 08 32.6 30.9 42 10 38.8 42.4 35 IO 33-3 34-3 24 io 49.8 46.9 16 io 32.1 30.6 43 12 34-6 37-9 28 12 32.8 35.0 25 12 53.1 49.1 12 12 32.6 30.9 42 14 35-8 39-1 30 -9-5 14 29.1 31.2 19 -6.2 14 51.7 48.9 13 -6.2 14 32.3 31.0 42 , -4.6 16 37-4 39-9 32 16 34.0 36.8 27 16 48.2 45.2 : 19 16 i 32.1 30.4 43 18 37-4 39-1 31 18 35.0 38.4 29 18 46.1 42.2 23 18 31.9 30.1 43 20 32.3 33-5 23 20 35-9 38.8 30 20 43.1 38.1 28 20 30.6 29.0 45 22 35-0 36.3 27 22 34-2 37-3 27 22 44.7 4O.2 25 22 30.6 29.2 45 24 38.2 39.3 32 24 39.1 41.2 34 24 42.9 37-8 29 24 30.9 29.5 44 90 38.1 38.5 32 26 41.1 42.2 37 26 43.8 38.6 27 26 30.4 28.8 45 28 29-7 30.2 18 28 41.2 42.1 37 28 44.3 39.2 26 28 29.8 28.2 46 30 32. oa 22 30 39-1 39-9 33 -5-9 30 41.9 37.3 30 -6.1 3 29.0 27.8 47 -4-3 32 39-9 42.1 36 -9.0 32 35-3 35-8 27 32 42.9 39-7 27 32 30.0 28.3 46 34 36 33-8 34.4 33.36 25 24 8 34.8 35.3 26 32.0 33.7 23 g 44.2 40.4 25 44-4 41-3 25 30.0 28.6 30.0 28.9 4O 4O 38 28.5 29.3 17 38 33-1 35-0 25 38 45.0 42.3 23 38 30.4 29.3 45 40 39.6 40.0 22 34 40 32.7 34.1 24 40 47.2 44.8 20 40 30.7 29.8 44 42 60. i 60.3 23 06 42 32.3 34-1 24 42 45-8 43-1 22 42 29.2 28.3 47 44 47.2 50.9 22 48 -8.4 44 32.8 34.7 24 -5.6 44 44.3 41.7 24 -6.0 29.5 27.9 47 -4.1 46 37-0 39-2 31 46 36.0 37.6 29 46 42.5 40.1 27 46 29.8 28.6 46 48 40.7 43-9 38 48 37-0 39.0 31 48 42.0 39.3 28 48 30.2 29.1 45 50 35-8 39-1 30 50 35-5 36.9 28 50 40.9 38.2 30 50 32.0 31.0 42 52 33-9 37-3 27 52 34.1 35.7 26 52 39-1 37.3 32 52 32.0 30,6 43 54 35-0 38.2 29 54 36.0 36.9 28 54 39-1 38.0 31 29.9 28.2 56 35-1 37.8 28 56 36.1 36.8 28 56 37-7 36.2 34 56 30.0 28.7 46 58 34-3 37-9 28 58 36.7 37-3 30 58 39-0 37-2 32 58 30.7 29.1 45 9 oo 35-0 36.9 28 -8.0 II OO 35-9 36.3 28 -5-4 13 oo 39-3 37.1 32 -5-8 15 oo 30.8 29.8 44 -4.0 02 37-1 38.2 30 02 35-8 36.1 28 02 38.7 37-3 32 02 31.0 30.2 44 04 39.0 40.2 34 04 39.7 40.4 34 04 37-0 35.9 35 04 31-3 30.5 43 06 38.0 39.1 32 06 38.4 40.1 33 06 36.1 35-0 36 06 31-9 3i.o 43 08 35-6 36.8 28 08 36.2 38.0 30 08 35-9 35-0 36 08 30.9 30.0 44 IO 36.7 37-9 30 10 33-2 34-3 24 IO 37-2 36.7 34 IO 30.9 30.1 44 12 37-0 38.4 31 12 34.2 35.3 26 12 35-1 34.9 37 12 30.6 30.0 44 l i 16 33-2 35-8 34-1 37-1 26 -7.6 27 a 36.6 37.8 30 37-2 38.9 31 -5-2 a 35-2 34.8 36.0 34.6 37 -5-4 36 14 16 29.9 29.3 29.9 28.9 4 i 46 -3-8 18 36.8 40.3 32 18 31.1 32.1 21 18 36.3 35-2 36 18 29.1 28.7 47 20 3I-I 34-5 23 20 29.5 30.6 18 20 36.6 35.5 35 20 31-6 30.1 43 22 31.8 35-6 24 22 27. Sb 15 22 35.6 34.6 37 22 32.2 31.4 42 24 32.1 34-8 24 24 26.6 28.1 14 24 34-6 33-2 24 32.0 31.1 42 26 29.2 31.9 19 26 30.1 30.1 19 2O 34-7 33-7 38 26 31.6 30.6 43 28 34-8 36.3 27 28 27.3 27.8 15 28 32.9 31-9 41 28 30.3 29.5 45 30 34-5 35-1 26 -7.2 30 24.8 25.7 ii -5-1 30 31.0 30.6 43 -5-2 30 28.9 28.0 47 -3-6 32 37-8 38.3 31 32 22.0 22.8 O7 32 30.2 29.9 45 32 28.0 26.8 49 39-2 40-7 25.5 25.8 12 34 30.4 29.8 45 34 28.3 27.1 48 36 36.6 37.2 29 36 26.8 27.2 14 36 32.2 32.0 36 27.5 26.4 50 38 36.3 36.7 29 38 29.7 32.4 20 38 33-3 32.9 40 38 28.0 26.9 49 40 34-3 35-0 26 40.3 32.3 35.1 24 40 32.2 32.2 40 28.7 27.9 47 42 33-3 34-3 24 42 34-5 36.8 27 42 32.8 32.1 41 42 29.2 28.6 47 44 29.2 30.3 18 -6.8 44 34.9 37.2 28 -5-o 44 33-8 32.9 40 -4-9 44 29.7 28.9 46 -3-4 46 28.0 28.3 16 46 35.0 36.9 28 46 32.7 32.3 46 30.6 29.7 45 48 28.1 31.0 18 48 35-1 39-0 30 48 30.9 28.9 45 48 31-8 31.0 43 50 35-6 35-8 27 50 33-4 37-7 27 50 28.8 27.3 48 50 32.8 31.6 41 52 36.8 37-9 35-5 37-7 30 52 29 54 30.8 34-9 23 33.2 36.8 26 52 54 29.2 27.2 48 30.8 29.2 45 52 30.6 29.0 54 29.8 28.2 8 56 36.2 37.3 29 56 35-9 39-1 30 56 32.2 30.1 43 56 29.1 28.1 47 58 37-1 40.7 32 58 35-7 38.5 30 58 32.4 30.3 43 58 28.9 27.8 47 12 00 36.0 39.7 31 -4.8 16 oo 28.9 27.9 47 -3-2 Correction to local mean time is + 283. Torsion head at 7h 25m read 310 and at I2h I5m read the same. Observer R. R. T. 7 Correction to local mean time is 223. Torsion head at nh 52m read 307 and at i6h 25m read the same. Observer R. R. T. 9 o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, November 25, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, November 25, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- ! Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d / O h m d d O f h m d d r O OO* 39-7 4i-7 22 30 -9-8 2 OO 46.3 46.6 22 39 -6.3 4 oo 46.2 46.5 22 39 -5.2 6 oo 47.5 48.3 22 41 -4-7 02 40.9 42.6 31 02 45-8 46.3 38 02 46.8 47.0 40 02 50.6 51.0 4 6 04 42-3 43-8 33 04 45.8 46.2 38 04 47.0 47.4 40 04 51.6 52.3 47 06 43-0 44-3 34 06 46.3 46.8 39 06 46.9 47-3 40 06 50.3 50.9 45 08 43-0 44.5 34 08 46.3 46.8 39 08 47-2 47.6 40 08 46.6 47.8 40 10 43.2 44.4 35 10 46.3 46.8 39 10 47-4 47-7 40 10 43-5 44-5 35 12 43-2 44.3 34 12 46.6 47.1 39 12 47-7 47-8 41 12 46.1 46.4 38 M 43-0 44-3 34 -9.2 14 46.6 47.0 39 -6.1 14 48.4 48.6 42 14 45.8 46.0 38 -4.6 16 43-3 44-6 35 16 46.8 47.0 39 16 49-3 49-5 43 -5-1 16 41.9 42.6 32 18 43-0 44-3 34 18 48.2 48.4 42 18 48.8 49.3 43 18 44.6 45.6 37 20 43-6 44-6 35 20 47.8 48.2 41 20 49-3 49-5 43 20 50.6 51.7 46 22 43.6 44.6 35 22 47-5 47-8 41 22 48.1 48.5 42 22 49-3 50-3 44 24 43-5 44-6 35 24 1 47.3 47.7 40 24 47.7 48.0 41 24 47.9 48.6 42 26 44-2 44-9 36 26 48.2 48.4 42 26 47-0 47.3 40 26 : 47.0 47.6 40 28 44-2 45.8 37 28 48.6 48.8 42 28 46.6 47.0 39 28 48.3 48.9 42 30 43.8 44.6 35 -8.7 30 48.8 49.2 43 -6.0 30 46.0 46.6 39 -5-0 30 48.3 48.9 42 32 43.6 44.0 35 32 49-3 49-4 43 32 47-2 47-5 40 32 46.6 47.6 40 -4.6 34 43-6 44-2 35 34 47.6 47.8 41 34 47.6 47-8 41 34 42.6 43.2 33 36 43-0 43-6 34 36 46.0 46.2 38 36 47-7 47-9 41 36 40.5 41.9 31 38 43-5 44-3 35 38 45.7 46.0 38 38 48.0 48.2 41 38 46.8 48.0 40 40 44.0 44.9 36 40 46.3 46.6 39 40 47-8 48.3 41 40 41.6 42.8 32 42 44-3 45-0 36 42 46.6 47.3 39 42 47-9 48.2 41 42 39-7 41-3 30 44 44-6 45-5 37 -8.2 44 47.3 47.9 41 -6.0 44 47-3 47-6 40 ' -5.0 44 45-3 46.7 38 -4.6 46 44-8 45-5 37 46 47.6 48.3 41 46 47-0 47-3 40 46 49-7 50.7 45 48 45-3 45-6 37 48 48.0 48.6 42 48 46.0 46.0 38 48 42.6 43.6 34 50 46.4 47.0 39 50 48.3 48.9 42 50 44-3 44-9 36 50 40.8 41.6 31 52 46.0 46.6 39 52 48.6 49.2 43 52 43-8 44.0 35 52 43-0 43-6 34 54 45.6 46.0 38 54 48.1 48.6 42 54 42.6 43.6 33 54 43.6 44.4 35 56 47-8 48.5 41 56 47.3 47.9 41 56 43-3 43-8 34 56 42-3 43-6 33 58 49-3 49-6 43 58 47-2 47.8 40 58 43-1 43-5 34 -5-0 58 41.2 42.6 32 I 00 48.3 48.8 42 -7-8 3 oo 47-0 47-6 40 -5.8 5 oo 43-4 43-6 34 7 oo 42-3 43-7 33 -4.6 02 48.5 48.7 42 02 46.7 47.3 40 02 43-3 43-7 34 02 43-0 44-3 34 04 48.3 49-6 43 04 46.9 47.3 40 04 44.2 44.4 35 04 44-6 45.6 37 06 48.0 48.4 42 06 47-2 47-7 40 06 44-3 44-6 36 06 45.0 46.6 38 08 47-9 48.5 42 08 46.7 47-3 40 08 43-6 43-8 34 08 44-7 46.3 37 10 47-3 47-7 40 10 47-1 47-5 40 IO 43-1 43-3 34 IO 42.8 44.5 34 12 47.6 48.0 12 47.8 48.3 41 12 42.8 42.9 33 12 42.6 43.5 33 3 48.1 48-5 46.6 47.3 42 40 -7-3 It 47.9 48.6 48.3 48.8 42 42 -5.6 14 16 43.9 44.0 45-3 45-6 35 -5-0 37 14 16 41.7 42.7 41.3 41.6 32 31 -4.6 18 47-6 48.3 41 18.2 48.8 49.5 43 18 46.5 46.8 39 18 42.3 42.7 33 20 48.6 49.0 42 20 49.8 49-2 44 20 48.3 48.6 42 20 42.3 43-1 33 22 48.3 48.6 42 22 48.7 49.3 43 22 50.6 50.6 45 22 41-3 42-3 32 24 47-6 48.3 41 24 47-9 48.6 42 24 51.6 51-8 47 24 40.9 41.8 31 28 48.0 48.4 48.6 49.3 42 43 26 47.6 48.3 28 47-6 48.0 41 41 28 54-7 54-9 56.1 56.3 52 54 26 28 42.2 42.6 41.6 41.6 32 31 30 47-3 47-9 41 -7-0 30 48.1 48.4 42 -5-4 30 5L9 52-4 48 -4.9 30 43-3 44-1 34 -4-5 32 47-5 48.2 41 32 47.9 48.2 41 32 47-4 47-7 40 32 42.7 43-7 34 34 47.8 48.2 41 34 47-3 47-7 40 34 45.8 46.0 38 34 40.3 40.8 30 36 46.3 46.6 39 36 47.3 47.6 40 36 47-0 47-3 40 36 39-3 40.7 29 38 45.8 46.3 38 38 46-8 47-2 40 38 48.2 48.6 42 38 38.5 41-3 29 40 45.6 46.1 38 40 46.8 47.2 40 40 46.8 47.1 40 40 43-2 44-9 35 42 46.5 46.8 39 42 47-3 47-6 40 42 45-3 45-3 37 42 47-5 49-3 42 44 46.1 46.3 38 -6.8 44 46.5 46.8 39 -5-3 44 45-0 45-2 37 -4-8 44 43-8 45-9 36 -4-5 46 46.4 46.8 39 46 46.5 46.9 39 46 42.7 43.0 33 46 41-2 43-1 32 48 47-2 47-6 40 48 46.7 47.3 40 48 43-6 43.6 34 48 47-3 49-1 42 So 46.9 47-3 40 50 46.9 47.3 40 50 54-Sa 52 50 42.4 44-3 34 52 46.3 46.9 39 52 47-3 47-7 40 52 57-3 57-9 56 52 42-2 43.7 33 54 46.1 46.6 39 47.6 47.8 41 54 55.0 55.6 53 54 44.3 46.2 37 56 46.4 46.9 39 56 47.2 47.6 40 56 54-0 54-9 51 56 43.2 45.8 36 58 46.6 47.1 39 58 46.6 47.0 39 58 51.5 52.4 47 58 41.9 44.4 34 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 7h 44m to 7h 54m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 9 1 Wednesday, November 25, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, November 25, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- ,Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation . C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O h m d d Of O h m d d ' h m d d 1 O 8 oo 41-7 43-1 22 33 -4.2 10 oo 32.3 40.7 22 23 -5.0 12 OO 41.2 43.1 22 32 -4.6 14 oo 39-2 41-8 22 29 -S.o 02 42.2 44.1 34 02 35-1 44.2 28 02 42.1 44-1 34 02 39.5 42.0 30 04 43.0 44.8 35 04 35-2 44.1 28 04 41.8 43.5 33 04 39-4 41-8 30 06 41.1 42.4 31 06 36-3 44-3 29 06 40.1 41.3 30 06 39-3 41-5 29 08 38.3 40.2 27 08 34.6 41.8 26 08 39-2 40.8 29 08 40.1 42.2 30 IO 37-2 39.1 26 10 38.6 45.8 32 10 ^40.3 42.1 31 10 41-3 43-2 32 12 38.8 40.7 28 12 37-2 44-7 30 12 40.8 42.0 31 12 39-2 41.0 29 a 38.3 40.9 37-3 39-7 28-4.0 14 26 16 36.5 44-8 34-0 41-2 30 -5-1 25 14 4O.O 41.2 30 -4.4 14 16 39.4 40.8 29 16 39.0 41.0 39-4 41.2 29 29 -5-0 18 37-7 39-2 26 18 35-3 42.1 27 18 40.1 41.7 30 18 38.8 40.1 28 20 39.0 41.0 29 20 36.0 42.1 27 20 41.0 42.2 31 20 38.4 40.1 27 22 38.6 40.0 28 22 38.0 44.0 30 22 41.8 43.0 32 22 39-8 41-4 30 24 40.0 42.1 30 24 38.3 44-2 31 24 42.0 43-0 33 24 40.5 42.0 31 26 43-7 46.1 36 26 39-3 44-2 31 26 42.2 43.6 33 26 40.5 42.0 31 28 45-2 47-1 38 28 35-8 40.6 26 28 43.0 44.0 34 28 40.8 42.2 31 30 44-9 48.3 39 -4-1 30 36.2 40.8 26 -5.0 30 43.7 44.7 35 -4.3 30 40.4 42.2 31 -S.o 32 47.6 49.1 42 32 37-1 42.3 28 32 42.6 44.0 34 32 41.0 42.4 31 1 46.3 49.2 39-3 43-5 41 31 36 38.7 43-1 38.9 43-1 30 30 34 42.2 43.3 33 34 36 41.6 42.8 32 36 40.2 42.0 40.7 42.3 30 31 38 37-7 39-7 27 38 38.5 42-8 30 38 40.1 41.3 30 38 39-9 4I.I 40 38.8 41.9 29 40 39.1 42.9 30 40 39.3 40.3 28 40 39-2 40.3 28 42 32.6 34.9 19 42 40.2 43.7 32 42 40.7 41.1 30 42 39.1 40.2 28 36.2 38.1 24 -4.3 44 38.1 41.9 29 -4-9 44 42.4 42.8 33 -4-2 44 39-9 40.9 29 -5-0 46 43-1 45-0 35 46 39.0 42.0 29 46 41.9 42.5 32 46 39.0 40.0 28 48 43-3 45-5 36 48 39-7 42.9 31 48 42.3 42.7 33 48 39-1 40.1 28 50 43-8 44.8 35 50 37-4 40.6 27 50 42-7 43-0 33 50 39-2 40.1 28 52 41.4 42.8 32 52 37-6 40.7 27 52 42.2 43-1 33 52 39.8 40.7 29 54 44.3 46.0 37 54 36.2 38.6 25 54 42.2 42.8 33 54 39.1 40.0 28 56 44-4 45-2 36 56 38.2 39.6 27 56 42.8 43.3 33 56 37-8 38.8 26 58 40.3 40.7 30 58 41.0 42.7 32 58 43.2 43.9 34 58 38.0 38.8 26 9 oo 36.8 38.2 25 -4.4 ii oo 41-6 43.2 32 -4-8 13 oo 43.3 43.9 34 -4.3 15 oo 38.6 39.3 27 -5-2 02 35-8 38.0 24 02 38.9 40.8 28 02 43-9 44-9 35 02 38.8 39-7 27 04 38.6 42.5 30 04 40.8 41.8 31 04 43.8 44.8 35 04 38.0 38.8 26 06 38.9 42.9 30 06 40.5 41-8 30 06 43.8 44.6 35 06 38.1 38.9 26 08 42.6 46.2 36 08 40.2 41.6 30 08 43-0 44-7 35 08 37-8 38.2 26 10 38.3 41-7 IO 39-3 40.9 29 IO 42.1 43-7 33 10 37-9 38.4 26 12 37-7 41-4 28 12 39-3 40.8 29 12 41.7 42.8 32 12 37-5 38.0 25 14 40-7 43-2 32 i -4-5 14 40.1 41.6 30 -4.8 14 41.0 42.0 31 -4-7 14 37-7 38.0 25 -5-2 16 42.6 44.7 34 16 41-6 43-0 32 16 39.6 41.2 29 16 38.3 38.7 26 18 33-3 37-6 22 18 41.9 43.0 32 18 39.8 41.2 29 18 38.8 39-2 27 20 37-0 43-0 2 9 20 41-9 43-1 33 20 38.2 40.0 27 20 39-3 39-7 28 22 43-8 48.7 38 22 40.9 41.8 31 22 38.0 40.8 28 22 39.9 40.2 29 24 43-1 47.9 37 24 41-3 42.8 32 24 38.3 40.9 28 24 40.2 40.5 29 26 39-8 43-8 32 26 39-9 41-5 30 26 39.2 42.7 30 26 40.1 40.2 29 28 38.0 40.9 28 28 39-9 41-2 29 28 38.3 39-2 27 28 40.1 40.3 29 30 39-5 43-0 31 -4.6 30 41.0 42.9 32 -4-7 30 37.7 40.5 27 -5.0 30 40.1 40.4 29 -5-2 32 36.9 40.8 27 32 40-7 43-1 32 32 37.4 40.2 27 32 4O.2 40.7 29 3 32.1 33-3 34-1 38.0 17 22 34 36 39-8 42.2 38.7 40-5 28 34 38.0 40.0 27 36 38.2 39.9 27 34 39-9 40.5 36 41.0 41.8 29 31 38 32.2 36.2 20 38 37-7 39-7 27 38 38.3 42.1 29 38 42.1 42.5 32 40 34-0 39-7 24 40 39-2 41.4 29 40 38.0 42.2 29 40 41.9 42.3 32 42 34-8 43-7 27 42 39.0 40.6 28 42 38.9 42.6 30 42 42.2 42.8 33 44 34-1 41-6 25 -4-8 44 39-8 41-2 29 -4-7 44 39.5 44.0 31 -5.0 43.8 44.2 35 -5-2 46 36-1 42.9 28 46 40.9 42.7 32 46 40.0 43.1 31 46 43-7 44-0 35 48 35-4 43-2 28 48 41-5 43-2 32 48 38.8 41.7 29 48 43-3 43-6 34 50 35-3 42.2 27 50 41.4 43.0 32 50 37.8 41.1 28 50 43-2 43-5 34 52 36.1 43-8 28 52 43-2 44-7 35 52 39.2 42.7 30 52 43-5 43-8 34 54 37-2 43.9 29 54 42.8 44.3 34 54 39-5 42.7 30 54 43-7 43-9 35 56 32.5 41-0 23 56 41.6 43.0 32 56 39-8 42.7 31 56 43-4 43-8 34 58 34-1 42.2 26 58 41.8 43.7 33 58 39-8 42-2 30 58 44-1 44-3 35 Observer R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and R. W. P., who alternated from I3h 28m to I3h 38m. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, November 25, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, November 25, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp, Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation 1 C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right i Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d * h m d d f o h m d d * h m d d o > 16 oo 02 44-3 44-7 44-7 44-8 22 36 36 -5-3 18 oo 02 42.1 43-8 41.8 43-8 22 45 45 -5-4 20 oo 27.6 28.0 02 27.0 27.3 22 21 2O -5.8 22 OO 02 25.6 28.9 28.9 32.6 22 20 26 -5-0 04 44-1 44-3 35 04 43-0 44-9 47 04 27.8 28.1 22 04.2 33-3 35-3 32 06 44-7 44-8 36 06 41.0 43-0 44 06 29.0 29.5 24 06 33-5 37-2 33 08 44.4 44.6 36 08 39-9 41-4 42 08 27-0 27.3 2O 08 31-3 34-7 30 10 44.0 44.2 35 IO 38.3 40-1 39 10 25.3 26.0 18 IO 32.3 35-2 31 12 43.9 44.1 35 12 37-4 38.7 37 12 26.6 27.0 20 12 31-7 34-3 3 43.9 44.1 35 -5-3 14 37-5 38.9 38 -5.8 M 28.0 29.0 23 i -6.0 14 3i.i 33-2 28 -4-9 16 43-1 43-3 34 16 40.0 40.6 41 16 25.8 28.2 20 16 33-6 36.6 33 18 43-3 43-7 34 18 40.8 41.9 43 18 26.3 28.7 21 18 27.0 30.3 23 20 43-4 43-6 34 20 44-2 44-3 47 20 26.3 27.0 20 20 29.3 32.1 26 22 42-9 43-3 34 22 43.0 44.0 46 22 26.3 28.3 21 22 29.2 31.8 26 24 42.8 43.2 33 24 43-2 44-2 46 24 28.7 30.5 24 24 30.6 32.6 27 26 42.6 43.0 33 26 39-3 41-6 41 26 31-6 32.7 28 26 31-8 33-2 29 28 42.5 42.9 33 28 46.9 47-3 52 28 26.3 29.7 22 28 31-3 33-0 28 30 43.0 43.2 34 -5-2 30 46.7 47-4 52 -5-9 30 25.6 26.6 19 -5-9 30 33-3 33-9 31 -4-9 32 44.0 44.2 35 32 40.8 42.3 43 32 35-2 36.6 34 32 32.6 33.6 30 3*6 44-9 45-1 45-4 45-8 37 38 34 36 38.5 38.9 37-2 38.2 38 37 1 31-8 32.3 32.3 33-3 28 29 34 36 30-3 31-3 29-5 30.7 26 25 38 44-8 45-2 37 38 38-2 38.4 38 38 34-4 36.4 33 38 32-5 34-7 31 40 43-7 44-0 35 40 36.6 37-0 36 40 43.8 46.8 49 j 40 33-5 34-9 31 42 42.9 43.2 33 42 33-2 33-7 30 42 42.0 46.3 47 42 34-9 36.3 34 8 42.8 43.0 42-5 42.7 33 33 -5-2 44 46 34-0 34-2 38.30 31 38 -5-8 1 36.3 39-0 35-2 38.0 37 35 -5-5 1 31-8 34-2 33-6 36.0 30 32 -4.8 48 42.6 42.9 33 48 45-3 45-4 49 48 33-0 34-6 3 1 48 33-2 35-0 31 so 42.1 42.3 32 50 46.6 47-4 52 50 37-1 38.1 37 50 32.1 33-8 29 52 41.6 41.9 31 52 37-6 40-9 39 52 40-3 43-3 43 52 32-9 33-6 30 54 40.2 40.5 29 54 34-1 37.8 34 54 35.6 37-6 22 35 54 31-8 33-3 29 56 39.7 40.0 28 56 33-0 36.4 32 56 46.8 58.8 23 oi 56 33.0 34.7 31 58 39-2 39-3 27 58 3I-I 33-8 29 58 46.6 62.6 04 58 32.5 34-1 30 17 oo 38-9 39-3 27 19 oo 23-5 25.3 16 -5-4 21 OO 48.2 68.2 09 -5-3 23 oo 30.4 32.3 27 -4.8 02 38.8 39.0 27 -5-3 02 19.8 23.2 12 02 66.8 79.0 23 32 02 33-0 34-5 31 04 37.8 38.2 26 04.3 24 . 2 28 . 2 19 04 Lost 04 31-6 33-3 29 06 37-8 38.0 25 06 27.2 30.6 23 06 27-7 36.3 22 28 06 33-3 35-5 32 08 37-6 37-8 25 08 27-1 30.5 23 08 29.0 37.0 30 08 33-8 36.2 33 10 34-8 35-0 21 IO 30.2 32.6 27 10 27-2 34-8 26 IO 34-6 37-0 34 12 34-2 35-8 21 12 31-9 34-0 29 12 30.3 37-5 31 12 35-2 37.7 35 14 34-i 35-0 20 -5.2 14 31-5 34-1 29 -5.2 14 26.3 33.3 25 -5-i 14 34-5 37-2 34 -4-9 16 40.6 42.2 31 16 29.3 31-3 25 16.2 24.3 28.2 19 16 34-4 36.8 34 18 49.0 50.2 44 18 25.6 28.3 20 18 23.6 28.4 19 18 35-6 37.8 35 20 57-4 58.0 22 56 20 28.7 31-1 25 20 22.1 28.7 18 20 33-3 35-0 31 22* 32.1 38.0 23 18 22 31.2 32.6 28 22 28.2 31.6 25 22 31.0 32.2 27 24 17.8 24.2 22 56 24 32.3 33-3 29 24 29.8 31.3 26 24 33-8 37-2 34 26 19.0 24.9 57 26 31-5 32.6 28 26 21.4 22.8 13 26 32.5 34-3 30 28 21.8 22.8 58 28 32.0 32.8 29 28 26.7 29.2 22 28 32.5 34-0 30 30 I9.I 21.2 54 -5-2 30 30.4 31-2 26 -5-2 30 26.7 33.1 25 i -5-0 30 34-3 35-3 32 -5-0 32 18.9 19.3 53 32 29.9 30.9 25 32 40.0 45.6 45 ! 32 35-3 36.3 34 34 22.0 23.3 22 58 34 30.4 31-3 26 34 36.5 41.7 39 34 34.6 36.6 34 36 23.3 26.0 23 oi 36 30.4 31.2 26 36 26.8 34.3 26 36 32-7 34-3 30 38 13-5 17-0 22 47 38 30.6 31.4 26 38 29.6 37.8 31 38 32.8 34.2 30 40 42* 10.5 14.2 43.9 46.0 42 48 40 42 30.6 31.2 29.9 30.7 26 25 40 42 26.3 38.6 28.6 36.8 29 29 40 42 34-5 36.1 36.5 37-8 33 36 44 43.9 46.6 49 -5-3 44 30.7 31-3 26 -5.5 44 32.8 37-2 33 -5-0 44 35-8 36.9 35 -S-o 46 42-3 45-6 47 46 30.7 31-3 26 46 32.8 36.2 32 46 36.2 36.5 35 48 40.0 42.6 43 48 29.7 30.3 25 48 36.3 39-6 37 48 34-4 35-5 33 50 52 41.8 44.3 43-7 45-4 42.4 44-3 41.5 44.0 1 46 45 50 52 29.0 29.6 24 29.9 30.2 25 30.4 30.8 26 29.7 29.9 25 50 52 54-2 34.0 38.6 27.2 31.2 25.4 27.8 28.4 31.7 35 24 20 25 50 i 36.4 37-3 36.9 37-4 37-3 37-8 33-8 34-6 36 36 37 31 58 42.3 43-8 45 58 24.1 24.3 16 58 26.8 29.2 22 58 34-2 34-9 32 1 24 oo 36.3 37-6 36 Observers R. W. P. and W. J. P., who alternated from igh oom to igh 14111. Correction to local mean time is 055. Torsion head at oh oom read 307 and at 24h 2Sni read the same. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 93 Thursday, November 26, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Friday, November 27, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings . decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right 1 i !l h m d d ' h m d d O > h m d d h m d d / 16 oo 52.7 51.7 22 34 -8.4 18 oo Si-3 Si.o 22 36 -6.8 20 OO* 38.8 4O.I 22 31 -10.9 22 00 40.0 40.2 22 32 -8.5 02 53.0 51-8 34 02 51-6 51-1 36 02 36.2 37.2 27 02 38.9 39-1 30 04 53-1 52.1 34 04 51-8 51-3 36 04 37-3 38.3 29 04 38.9 39-0 30 06 53-1 52.4 34 06 51-9 51-7 35 06 38.6 40.0 31 06.2 38.9 39.0 30 08 53-0 52.3 34 08 Si-9 51-8 35 08 40.0 41.2 33 08 39.0 39.2 31 10 52.5 52.0 34 IO 51.9 51-8 35 10 -40.7 41.9 34 10 38.6 38.8 30 12 53-0 52.3 34 12 52.0 52.0 35 12 39.7 40.7 3 2 12 39-1 39-3 31 14 53-2 52.7 33 -8.1 14 51-9 51-9 35 -6.8 14 40.0 40.9 33 -10.4 14 39.0 39.0 30 -8.2 16 53-3 52.8 33 1 16 51-9 51-8 35 16 39.9 40.8 33 16 39-0 39-4 31 18 53-7 53-0 33 18 Si-9 Si-7 35 18 39-9 40.7 33 18 38.7 39-2 30 20 54-0 53-3 32 20 51.8 51-2 36 20 39.8 40.3 32 20 39-1 39.7 31 22 53-7 53-1 33 22 51-9 51-4 35 22 40.1 40.8 33 22 40.0 40.3 32 24 53-3 53-0 33 2 4 51.8 51-4 35 24 40.1 40.6 33 24 39-3 39-9 31 26 53.2 52.9 33 26 51-8 51.4 35 26 40.9 41.4 34 26 40.2 40.8 33 28 53-1 52.6 34 28 51-8 51-3 36 28 41.9 42.4 35 28 38.0 38.2 29 30 53-2 52-7 33 -8.0 30 52.0 51.7 35 -6.8 30 41.9 42.4 35 -IO.O 30 36.9 37-1 27 -8.1 32 53.6 52.9 33 32 52.3 52.0 35 32 40.8 41.2 | 34 32 35-3 36.0 25 34 53-3 52.6 33 34 52.6 52.2 34 34 40.0 40.5 32 34 35-8 36.7 26 36 52.9 52.1 34 36 52.1 52.0 35 36 40.7 41.0 33 36 37-1 37-9 28 38 52.5 51.8 35 38 51.8 51-4 35 38 40.8 41.2 34 38 35-7 36.1 25 40 52.0 51.2 35 40 51-2 51-1 36 40 40.2 40.7 33 40 35-2 35-8 25 42 51.9 51.2 36 42 Si.o 50.8 37 42 40.1 40.6 33 42 33-3 34-3 22 3 51.9 Si.i 36 51.7 Si.o 36 -7.8 44 46 51.2 50.9 52.0 51.8 36 35 -6.8 8 40.6 41.0 40.2 40.8 33 33 -10. 44 46 34-3 34-9 33-2 34-4 24 22 -8.1 48 51.7 5I-I 36 48 52.8 52.3 34 48 39.9 40.2 32 48 31-6 32-4 20 50 51-9 51-5 35 50 53-1 52.7 33 50 39.9 40.8 33 50 33-4 34-0 22 52 Si-9 51-9 35 52 53-5 53-0 33 52 40.8 41.7 34 52 33-1 33.3 21 54 52.1 51.9 35 54 53-8 53-2 32 54 40.7 41.6 34 30.9 32.0 19 56 52.0 51.8 35 56 53-8 53-1 33 56 40.9 41.7 34 So 32.8 33-5 21 58 52.1 51.8 35 58 53-7 53-0 33 58 40.7 41.2 33 58 33-0 33-2 21 17 oo 52.2 51.9 35 -7.4 19 oo 53-9 53-1 32 -6.7 21 OO 40.2 40.8 33 -9.7 23 oo 32.1 33-8 21 -8.0 02 52.2 51.9 35 02 54-2 53-7 32 O2 40.0 40.7 33 02 31-8 33-8 21 05 52.2 51.7 35 04 54-1 53-8 32 04 40.1 40.8 33 04 36.1 38.8 28 06.6 52.3 51-9 35 06 54-4 54-1 31 06 40.7 4I.O 33 06 50.2 55.2 52 08 52.2 51.9 35 08 54-2 53-9 32 08 4O.8 41.2 34 08 48.2 57-7 52 10 52.1 51.4 35 10 53-3 52-9 33 10 40.6 41.0 33 IO 34-9 48.2 34 12 51.9 51.2 36 12 52.4 51.8 35 12 40.8 41.1 33 12 47.6 61.8 22 55 14 52.0 51.3 35 -7.0 14 51-2 50.4 37 -6.6 14 40.3 40.8 33 -9.4 14* 20.8 48.2 23 32 -7-9 16 51-9 51-3 35 16 50.9 50.2 37 16 40.1 40.7 33 16*2 9.8 42.1 22 58 18 Si-9 51-3 35 18 5I-I 50.4 37 18 40.0 40.3 32 18 8.2 32.9 22 49 20 51-9 51-3 35 20 51.5 50.9 36 20 39.9 40.2 32 20 16.2 43.3 23 04 22 Si-9 51-4 35 22 52.8 52.1 34 22 39.9 40.2 32 22 23.0 43.2 09 24 51-9 51-4 35 24 53-4 52.9 33 24 39.6 40.0 32 24 31.0 48.6 20 26 51.9 51.4 35 26 53-3 53-0 33 2O 40.0 40.3 3 2 26 48.0 59.7 42 28 52.0 51.6 35 28 53-0 52-7 34 28 40.2 40.7 33 28 41-1 55-9 33 30 Si-9 51.5 35 -7-0 30 52.6 52.2 34 -6-5 30 40.4 40.8 33 -9-3 30 48.8 67.2 48 -7.8 32 52.0 51.6 35 32 51-9 Si-4 35 32 40.8 41.1 34 32 18.9 36.3 01 34 52.0 51.6 35 51-8 51.2 36 34 40.4 40.8 33 34 35-3 55-8 29 36 52.1 51.8 35 36 52.0 51.8 35 36 39-9 40.1 32 36 27-3 42.3 23 it 38 52.0 51.6 35 38 52.9 52.6 34 38 39.8 40.0 32 38* 10.8 35.6 22 38 40 51.8 51-3 36 40 52.7 52.2 34 40 39.8 40.1 32 40 ! 8.2 25.3 28 42 51.6 51.1 36 42 53-0 52.6 34 42 39.8 39.8 32 42 9.1 24.1 28 44 51.4 51.0 36 -6.8 44 53-0 52.6 34 -6.5 44 39-2 39-3 31 -9-1 44 8.8 22.7 27 -7-8 46 51.3 51.1 36 46 52.8 52.2 34 46 39.1 39.2 31 46 16.9 19.2 30 48 51.0 51.0 36 48 52-3 51-9 35 48 39.1 39.6 31 48 9-4 13-3 2O 50 51.0 51.0 36 50 52.7 52.2 34 50 39-0 39-3 31 50 9.1 14.2 20 52 51.2 51.0 36 52 53-0 52.8 33 52 40.1 40.4 32 52 21.3 25.1 38 54 51.3 51-2 36 54 54-7 54-0 31 54 39-6 39.9 32 54 14.1 18.8 28 ! 56 51.5 51.2 36 56 57-4 57-0 27 56 39.0 39.1 30 56 12.8 16.8 25 1 58 51.6 51.1 36 58 59-0 58.6 24 58 38.8 39.0 30 58 14.2 18.8 28 j 20 oo 59-8 59-5 22 23 -6-3 24 OO I4.I I9.O 22 28 -7-9 1 1 I ' Correction to local mean time is 025. Torsion head at ish 4im read 307 and at 2oh 30m read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 355. Torsion head at igh 3om read 352 and at 24h oom read the same. Observer R. R. T. 94 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, November 29, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, November 29, 1903 Magnet scale inverted erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp, Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right j Left Right i Left Right Left Right 1 ~ h m d d O t h m d d h m d d h m d d ' OO* 41.9 40.8 22 44 -4 5.0 2 oo 42.2 42.0 22 43 -7.6 4 00.5 67.0 65.2 22 44 -4.9 6 oo 37.1 39.9 23 02 -6.3 02 42.0 40.8 44 02 42.6 42.0 43 02 67.1 65.7 45 02 36.5 39.4 oi 04 06 42.1 41.0 43-0 42.1 44 42 04 44-9 44-0 39 06 46.7 46.1 36 04 06 09.1 07.9 71.0 69.2 48 50 04 06 37.1 39.8 02 38.0 40.1 03 08 42.5 41-3 43 08 45.2 44.9 38 08 72.4 71-3 53 08 36.1 37.9 23 oo 10 42.7 41.9 42 10 43-7 43-2 41 IO 71.8 70.7 52 10 35.9 36.8 22 59 12 43-0 42-2 42 12 43.1 42.6 42 12 71.8 70.8 52 -4.6 12 38.7 40.7 23 04 14 42.8 41.9 42 -8.0 14 44.3 43.9 40 -7-4 '4 70.1 69.2 50 '4 36.1 38.0 23 oo -6.6 16 42.0 41.1 44 16 43.1 42.8 42 16 70.1 69.4 So 16 35-3 37-1 22 58 18 41.9 41.0 44 18 41.7 41.3 44 18 70.1 69.2 50 18 37.8 37.8 23 oi 20 42.7 42.0 42 20 41.7 41.2 44 20 72.9 72.2 54 20 44.1 45.0 12 22 42.4 41.8 43 22 39-9 38.9 47 22 72.4 73-0 54 22 44.1 45.0 12 24 26 41.6 41.2 41.7 41-2 44 44 24 34-0& 56 26 32.7 32.1 58 20 72.8 73-4 55 24 74.0 74.3 57 26 40.9 42.7 07 38.0 40.3 03 28 41.6 41.1 44 28 33-3 32.3 57 28 74-6 75-i 5 28 40.1 41.2 06 30 41.7 41-0 44 -8.0 30 34.9 34.5 55 -7-3 30 75.0 75.4 22 s -4.6 30 40.8 43.1 08 -6.8 32 42.1 41.2 44 32 36.1 35-2 53 32 77-0 77-7 23 02 32 44.3 45.8 12 42.2 41.9 42.8 41.8 43 42 34 35-8 35-2 53 36 35-1 34.1 55 1 78.0 78.3 37.i 42.2 03 04 34 36 46.2 48.8 16 46.1 48.7 16 38 42.7 41.5 43 38 36-7 36.1 52 38 36.9 41.8 03 38 47.1 49.7 18 40 42.2 41.9 43 40 37-7 36.8 51 40 38.7 44.0 07 40 45-2 47-8 15 42 41.6 40.7 44 42 37-6 37-1 50 42 43-9 47-7 14 . 42 47.1 50.2 18 44 42.0 40.4 44 44 37-7 37-1 50 -7.2 tl 42.0 46.8 II -4.8 44 50.8 53.8 24 -6.9 46 4I.I 40.1 45 -8.0 46 36.9 36.6 51 4 C 39-7 43-5 07 4 49.1 50.8 20 48 41.4 40.3 45 48 37.1 36.9 51 48 37-2 40.2 02 48 51.8 54.2 25 SO 41.9 40.9 44 50 37-4 37-1 51 So 37-7 41-1 03 50 54.1 55-8 28 52 42.8 41.9 43 52 37-4 37-2 50 52 43.1 47.2 13 52 54-9 57-7 30 54 43-5 42.3 42 54 37-2 37.1 51 54 46.8 49.7 17 54 61.1 63.5 40 56 44-3 43-1 40 56 38.1 37.8 50 S 45.9 48.0 15 56 60.9 62.8 39 58 44-5 43-5 40 58 37-8 37.8 50 58 47. 8 49-7 18 58 59.4 61.0 36 I OO 45.0 44.2 39 -7-9 3 oo 38.2 37.9 49 -7.1 5 oo 47.8 49.3 18 -5.2 7 oo 58.3 60.5 35 -7.0 02 43-8 43-2 41 02 , 38.0 37.8 50 j 02 55-3 56.7 3O 02 54-0 55-1 27 04 43-7 42.8 41 04 37-9 37-7 So 04 59-0 59-2 34 04 52.7 53.9 25 06 44-3 43-2 40 oo 37.8 37.8 50 06 61.6 62.8 39 ob 51.0 52.1 23 08 43.0 42.1 42 08 39.1 38.9 48 08 63.9 64.0 42 08 53-2 55-3 27 10 42.0 41.0 44 10 ; 39-9 39-7 47 IO 68.0 70.9 51 10 61.4 63.3 40 12 40.5 39-4 46 12 40.8 40.3 45 12 68.1 69.9 50 12 62.2 64.1 41 a 40-1 39-5 39-8 39-0 46 -7.8 14 40.7 40.1 46 47 16 41.2 40.9 45 -7.0 14 16 62.3 67.3 43 -5-5 H 56.3 59-8 33 16 57.6 60.0 34 -7.0 59-9 62.4 38 18 37-4 36.9 Si 18 41.3 41.0 44 18 53-4 57-7 29 18 58.9 61.9 36 20 37.9 37-1 50 20 40.0 39.7 46 20 55.2 58.8 31 20 61.4 63.8 40 22 39.3 38.9 48 22 40.1 40.1 46 22 52.7 58.1 29 22 59.6 61.8 37 24 40.2 39.8 46 24 40.7 40.3 45 24 52.8 56.8 28 24 62.8 64.2 41 26 39.2 38.9 48 26 41.9 41.4 44 26 57-1 59-3 33 26 63.3 65.1 42 28 38.9 38.1 48 28 41.2 40.6 45 28 57-4 58-8 33 28 61.7 63.7 40 30 36.8 36.6 51 -7-7 30 41-1 40.9 45 --6 30 57-8 59-1 33 -5-8 30 56.0 56.8 30 -7.0 32 37-1 36.9 5i 32 41.6 41.4 44 32 57-2 58.3 32 32 52.8 54.1 25 34 36.6 36.6 Si 34 42.8 42.6 42 34 51.7 53.8 24 34 49.8 51.3 21 36 37-5 37-3 So 36 41.8 41.5 44 36 49.8 51.2 21 36 49.2 50.8 20 38 40.8 40.8 45 38 42.2 41.7 43 38 53.8 54.8 27 38 50.1 51.2 21 40 38.8 38.5 48 40 42.6 42.1 42 40 56.3 56.7 30 40 5O.2 52.2 22 42 39.6 39.2 47 42 42.1 41.3 43 42 53.7 54.2 26 42 45.2 46.8 14 44 36.2 35.4 53 - 7.6 44 41.2 40.9 45 -5.8 44 52.3 53.2 24 -6.0 44 42.8 44.6 10 -7.1 46 37-8 37-1 50 46 37-5 37-5 50 i 46 50.0 SI.I 21 4 2 37.3 39.8 02 48 38.7 38.1 49 48 37.2 36.8 51 48 47-7 49-3 18 48 40.3 42.8 07 50 38.7 37-8 49 50 37.2 37.1 51 50 45.3 47.0 14 50 37-5 39-3 02 52 38.8 37-6 49 52 ! 36.5 36.2 52 52 45.2 48.1 15 52 38.6 39-8 03 54 41.5 40-1 56 39.2 38.1 45 48 54 i 36.3 36.0 52 56 1 37-7 37-2 50 54 43.8 46-8 13 56 41.1 44.2 : 09 i 43.2 45.2 II 44-3 45.6 12 58 45.6 44.7 38 58 39-7 39-2 47 58 38.0 41.2 04 o 58 45.1 46.4 13 8 oo 42.7 43.4 09 -7.2 i Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im ois. 90 torsion = 21/1. Torsion head at oh oom read 342 and at 8h 2om read 339. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 95 Monday, November 30, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, December I, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East j Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Tempt Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Clir'r readings , decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation I C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d o / o h m d d / h m d d / O 8 oo 61.0 59.2 22 29 -10.3 10 oo 61.0 59.1 22 29 -6.8 12 00 46.1 47.1 22 21 -8.0 14 oo 48.4 48.6 22 24 -6.8 02.3 60.2 58.1 31 02 61.3 59.1 29 02 55-2 56.1 35 02 49.0 49.1 25 04 57-9 S6.i 34 04 61.0 58.8 29 04 54-5 54-9 34 04 49.1 49.3 25 06 57-7 56.3 34 06 58.9 57-6 32 06 48.9 49.9 26 06 51.1 51.1 28 08 55-8 54-5 37 08 59-2 57.9 32 08 49.1 50.2 26 08 50.9 51.1 28 10 54-i 53-2 39 IO 59-i 58.2 32 IQ_ .48-3 49-8 25 10 52.9 53-1 31 12 53-9 52.1 40 12 58.8 57-9 32 12 50.1 51-2 27 12 54.1 54.1 33 M Si-9 50.5 43 -9-8 14 58.3 57-3 33 -6.4 14 49.2 50.2 26 -7-8 14 i 53-9 54-9 33 -6.7 16 Si-4 50.2 44 16 59-1 58.7 31 16 50.9 51-7 29 16 55-3 55-7 35 18 53-2 52.0 41 18 6o-7 59-3 29 18 49-8 50.8 27 18 54-8 54-8 34 20 52.6 52.0 41 20 60.2 58.9 30 20 53-1 53-7 32 20 54-3 54-8 34 22 54-8 52.2 40 22 58.9 58.6 31 22 50.2 51.3 28 22 53-8 54-0 33 24 57-9 55-9 34 24 58.5 57-3 33 24 51.7 52.1 29 24 55-0 55-2 35 26 57-7 55-3 35 26 60.7 57-8 31 26 57-3 58.3 39 26 53.9 54.2 33 28 57-2 55-2 35 28 60.0 57.8 3i 28 55-4 57-6 37 28 j 54.0 54.3 33 30 58.1 57-0 33 -9-3 30 62.1 59.6 28 -6.2 30 46.8 48.8 23 -7-6 30 53-9 54-1 33 -6-5 32.3 63.3 62.1 25 32 61.1 59.1 29 32 45-9 47-7 22 32 53-9 54-i 33 34 57-5 56.1 34 61.0 58.2 30 34 48.3 49-9 25 34 54-8 54-8 34 36 45-3 44-8 22 53 36 60.9 58.0 30 36 49-7 50-9 27 36 55-1 55-3 35 38 39-i 36.6 23 04 38 59-3 57-o 32 38 55-1 55-4 35 38 55-2 55.4 35 40 45-7 42-3 22 54 40 59-3 57-2 32 40 53-3 55-2 33 40 55-5 55-8 35 42 56.3 56.1 35 42 60. i 58.0 3i 42 52.2 53.3 3i 42 55-6 55-8 35 44 56.6 56.1 35 44 60.5 58.1 30 -6.1 44 45-3 46.9 20 -7-4 44 55-8 56.0 36 -6.4 46 48.1 47.7 48 46 60.9 58.5 30 46 47-0 49-0 23 46 56.0 56.2 36 48 50.0 48.6 46 48 60.8 58.9 30 48 48.1 49-9 25 48 56.3 56.7 37 SO 50.0 48.9 46 -8.7 50 60.6 58.3 30 50 49-4 Si- i 27 50 56-3 56.8 37 52 56.1 54-9 36 52 M.I 59-5 29 52 47-8 49.2 24 52 54-9 55-3 35 54 55-7 54-2 37 61.3 59-8 28 54 46.6 48.1 22 54 54-1 54-6 33 S6 , 56-0 55. o 36 56 61.2 59.6 29 56 45-4 47-6 21 56 54-3 55-0 34 58 57-1 55-4 35 58 61.2 59.6 29 58 45-0 46-3 2O 58 55-0 55-3 35 9 oo 58.1 56-2 34 -8.2 ii oo 58.9 57.2 33 -6-1 13 oo 45-3 46.9 2O -7-3 15 oo 54.8 55.2 34 -6.2 02 60.2 56.8 32 02 57.9 56.2 34 02 43-9 45-9 18 02 55-4 55-9 35 04 60. i 57.4 31 04 57.8 56.2 34 04 39-1 40-3 10 04 55-0 55.2 35 06 58-4 56.3 34 06 57-5 56.6 34 06 43-8 45-3 18 06 56.3 56.5 37 08 57-5 54-3 36 08 59-7 58.7 3i 08 44-0 45.7 18 08.3 57-3 58.0 39 10 58.1 55-0 35 IO 63.1 M.I 26 10 42.8 44.1 16 10 58.2 58.8 40 12 60.7 57-7 31 12 6l.4 60.8 28 12 39-3 39-8 10 12 59.1 59.3 41 14 61.8 59.3 29 -7.7 14 59.5 59.0 3i -6.0 14 40.7 41.7 13 -7-i 14 59.2 59.6 41 -6.2 16 59-4 57-7 32 16 57-4 57-1 34 16 42.4 42.6 15 16 60.0 60.4 43 ! 18 6o-3 57-9 3i 18 58.1 56.3 34 18 44.0 44.2 17 18 60.3 60.8 43 20 61.2 59.2 29 20 59-4 57-6 32 20 43-9 44-2 17 20 61.3 61.9 45 22 60.6 59.1 30 22 59.1 57.2 32 22 45-1 45-1 19 22 61.9 62.4 46 24 60.3 59.2 30 2 4 59-7 50.4 32 24 42.2 42.2 14 24 61.9 62.3 46 26 60.9 59.2 29 26 59-8 57-8 3i 26 43.8 44.0 17 26 61.9 62.1 45 28 60.3 59.1 30 28 58.6 56.4 33 28 43-6 45-0 18 28 6l.2 6l.S 44 30 59-7 58.2 31 -7-3 30 57-9 55-9 34 -5-9 30 42.7 42.8 15 -7.0 30 61.8 62.0 45 -6-2 32 60.6 59.6 29 32 58.5 56.9 33 32 43.6 44.4 17 32 62.8 63.0 47 34 60.7 59.9 29 34 59-2 57-7 32 34 46.3 47.8 22 34 61.5 61.7 45 36 60.3 59-4 30 36 59-4 57-9 32 36 46.2 46.7 21 36 60.9 60.9 44 38 60.3 60.0 29 38 59-4 57-8 32 38 42.8 43.4 16 38 60.3 60.5 43 40 58-9 57-9 32 40 61.0 59.5 40 45-3 45-7 19 40 60. i 60.3 43 42 58.1 57-2 33 42 61.8 60.6 28 42 43-1 43-7 16 42 60.4 60.6 43 44 57-2 55-4 35 -7.0 44 60.3 59.7 29 -5-7 44 46.0 47.0 21 -7-0 44 60.2 60.4 43 -6.1 46 55-7 54-6 37 46 59.8 58.8 30 46 46.7 47.4 22 46 59-6 59-9 42 48 56.2 55.1 36 48 60.3 59-5 30 48 47.0 47.4 22 48 58.8 58.8 40 SO 58.7 57-9 32 50 61.1 60.3 28 50 47.8 48.1 23 50 57-7 57-8 39 52 59-3 58.4 31 52 6o-3 59-7 29 52 47-8 47.8 23 52 56.8 57-0 37 54 oo.o 59.2 30 54 60.3 59.3 30 54 48-7 48.9 25 54 56.2 56-4 36 56 61.7 60.4 28 56 59-3 58.3 3i 56 48-1 48-3 24 56 56-3 56-8 37 58 60.9 60.0 29 58 58.3 57-7 33 58 47-7 47-9 23 58 56-2 56.4 36 12 OO 60. i 60.0 29 -5-4 16 oo 55-8 56-0 36 -6.0 Correction to local mean time is im 305. Torsion head at 7h 36m read 339 and at 12)1 2om read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 255. 90 torsion = 22/6. Torsion head at joh lorn read 336 and at i6h 25m read 341' Observer R. R. T. 9 6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic decimations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, December 2, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 2, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time . nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t O h m d d e / h m d d / h m d d * . 00* 32.3 3L3 22 39 -13.3 2 OO 40.8 40.6 22 26 -9-9 4 oo 47.8 46.2 23 09 -9-3 6 oo 56.0 55.0 24 03 -9-1 02 31.9 31-6 40 02 41-4 41-3 25 02 45-3 45-3 12 02 64.6 62.1 23 51 4 31-5 30.3 41 04 40.9 40.5 26 04 37- 3& 25 04 69.8 68.6 41 06 31.2 30.4 41 06 37-6 37-6 30 06 40.0 38.3 22 06 69.4 67.5 43 08 33-3 33-0 37 08 37-4 37-2 31 08 37-0 35.8 26 08 70.1 68.6 41 10 34-4 34-3 35 10 36.8 36.5 32 10 39-5 38.6 22 10 71.0 69.2 40 12 36.5 36.0 33 12 34.3 33.7 36 12 39-6 39-3 21 12 70.2 68.6 41 !4 38.6 38.1 29 -12.6 14 33.3 33.0 37 -9.8 14 36.6 36.0 26 -9.3 14 63.8 62.0 Si -9.0 16 39-3 39-o 28 16 31.6 31.3 40 16 37-9 37-3 24 16 63.9 62.6 51 18 37.0 36.2 32 18 31.3 30.8 41 18 32.6 32.3 32 18 69-3 67.5 43 20 35.0 34.0 35 20 30.1 29.6 43 20 30.6 29.6 36 20 70.1 68.9 41 22 33-3 32.7 38 22 27.8 27.3 46 22 32.9 31.3 33 22 75-2 72-6 34 24 35-0 34.5 35 24 26.7 26.0 48 24 40.6 38.6 21 24 79-0 77.5 27 28 37-6 36.3 31 37-5 37-2 31 26 25.5 25.3 50 28 24.6 24.1 51 26 47.5 46.7 09 28 47.5 47.1 09 26* 28 56.7 49-6 6i-3 55-3 27 18 30 37-8 37.0 31 -12.0 30 24.1 23.6 52 -9.6 30 47.8 46.8 09 -9-3 30 57-2 55.6 21 -9-O 32 37-3 36.3 32 32 23.5 22.7 53 32 43.1 42.0 16 32 59-3 57-0 19 % 34-9 34-3 35 34 21.4 21.3 56 34 40.8 39.9 20 34 61.0 59.8 15 3 8 33-1 32.5 3 36 19.3 19.0 22 59 36 36.9 36.3 26 36 60.2 59.3 16 38 34-6 34-0 35 38 18.4 18.3 23 oi 38 35-3 32.7 30 38 59-8 58-2 17 40 33-3 32.8 37 40 18.8 18.3 oo 40 31.6 31.3 34 40 58.8 58.2 18 42 31-3 3i.o 40 42 18.0 17.6 OI 42 34.8 34.2 29 42 62.7 61.8 12 % 48 34-3 33-7 28.0 27.6 28.6 28.5 46 45 -"3 48 17-8 17.6 18.3 18.3 17.0 17.0 02 01 03 -9-6 44 46.4 48 30.0 29.5 30.0 29.3 34-6 33-8 37 37 30 -9-1 44 46 48 59-3 58.5 62.5 61.0 67.3 66.6 17 13 05 -g.o 50 29-5 29.3 43 50 17.2 17.0 02 50 34-4 33-3 30 50 61.6 60.2 14 52 32.3 32.3 39 52 16.0 15.8 04 52 41-6 39-6 19 52 56.0 55.0 23 54 31.0 30.6 41 54 15-8 15-4 54 43.6 41.0 17 56.3 55-3 22 n 28.8 28.8 44 56 14.6 14.6 06 56 50.3 47.5 07 56 56.3 55-0 23 58 27.9 27.1 46 58 14-3 13-7 07 58 53.6 51.0 i 23 oi 58 55-3 55-0 23 I OO 23.8 22.5 53 -ii. o 3 oo 13-5 13-3 08 -9-5 5 00 56.1 52.6 22 58 -9-1 7 oo 58-9 58.5 18 -9-o 02 23.O 22.1 54 02 14-3 13-8 07 O2 59-3 56.8 52 02 55-0 53-8 25 08 10 24.6 23.8 24-6 24-3 26.3 26.0 27.3 26.8 5i 47 So 08 10 14-6 14.3 13-7 13-7 13.0 13.0 10.6 10.4 07 08 09 13 08 10 59-8 57.2 60.5 58.1 60.8 57-9 60. I 57.9 51 50 50 SO 04 06 08 IO 53-0 52.5 56.1 55-3 44-7 44-3 46.0 45.2 27 22 40 38 12 27.6 27.5 46 12 8.0 7-3 18 12 62.6 60.0 47 12 36.8 35.6 53 14 16 18 25-6 25.3 21.6 21.6 21.8 21.2 49 1 -10.5 14* 16 18 44.8 40.0 39-3 38.7 38.8 38.4 17 22 23 -9-4 I4 t 16 18 63.7 61.0 45 61.1 59.8 48 58.3 57-0 53 -9-1 14 16 18 44.6 44.0 44-5 43-8 42.3 39-5 40 46 -9-o 20 2O.4 19.7 58 2O 38.3 37-9 23 20 55.8 54.3 22 57 20 41.1 38.4 48 22 2 28 22.8 21.8 26.6 25.8 25.6 24.7 25.6 25.O 54 48 50 50 22 28 36.3 36.2 36.1 35-9 36.0 34.6 35-8 35-0 26 27 28 28 22 24 26 28 53-3 51-2 23 or 53-0 51-3 01 50.0 49.0 05 49-3 47-4 07 % 28 45- oa 52.6 50.7 49-3 48-5 52.3 49.5 39 29 33 3O 30 32 25-3 24.7 26.0 25.3 50 49 -IO.2 30 32 36.6 36.3 32.6 31.8 26 -9.2 33 30 45.1 43.1 14 32 43.2 41.2 17 -9-0 30 32 44.0 41.5 38.2 35.3 43 52 -9-i 1 38 40 42 25.1 24.5 25.0 24.6 23.2 22.7 23.8 23.0 21.8 21.8 50 50 53 53 55 34 36 , 38 40 42 35-5 34-5 37-5 37-3 43.8 42.8 48.8 47.6 57-6 56.3 28 24 23 08 22 54 34. 39-4 38.2 22 36 40.6 39.1 21 38 36.6 35.5 27 40 27.0 23.4 44 42 20.3 18.8 23 53 34 36 , 38 40 42 42-6 39.0 49-2 45-6 49-2 45-0 45-0 41-8 44-6 40.5 46 3 36 42 43 29.2 28.8 44 -10.0 44 56.0 55-4 22 56 -9-2 44 , 8.5 6.8 24 ii -9.0 44 36.9 35-2 23 53 -9.0 46 48 50 30.1 29.7 31.3 30.9 31.6 31.3 42 41 40 46 48 50 52.0 51.0 55-0 54-5 60.4 58.6 23 02 22 57 50 46* ; 56.0 48.0 08 48 48.8 45.6 16 50 46.2 42.6 20 50 32-3 27.8 23.1 22.6 21.3 l6-7 24 03 14 20 52 33-3 32.8 38 52 63.2 61.8 45 52 46.9 44.0 19 52 21.4 17.6 24 19 54 34-3 34-0 36 54 60.6 59.5 49 54.1 58.0 52.8 03 54-2 34-6 30.3 23 59 58 37-3 37-3 39-4 39-3 28 58 54-8 54-3 52. 8a 22 58 23 oo 56 57-6 57-2 24 oo 58 59-3 57-6 23 58 58 35-9 31-2 33-3 29.9 23 57 24 oo Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 7h 48m to 7h 58m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 97 Wednesday, December 2, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 2, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right i Left Right i h m d d / h m d d o / h m d d / h m d d o / o 8 oo 36.8 33.4 23 55 -8.8 10 OO 64.8 62.1 23 ii -8.6 12 00*3 56.1 50.8 22 46 -8.7 14 oo 51.2 49.2 : 22 51 -8.5 02 37-8 35.1 53 02 66.3 64.0 08 02 57-1 52.9 43 02 47-9 46.7 55 04 45-9 4L2 42 04 65.9 64.0 08 04 59.8 55.8 39 04 46.9 45-5 22 57 06 50.9 48.3 32 06 63.8 61.9 12 06 59-1 55.3 40 06 42.2 41.2 23 04 08 55-1 49.9 28 08 63.2 63.2 II 08 60.0 56.1 39 08 42.3 41.1 04 10 44.2 38.2 45 10 62.2 61.8 13 IO 59-2 55-7 40 IO 41-0 39-5 06 12 45-5 38.2 44 12 62.0 61.5 13 12 58.7 54.7 41 12 41-7 40.3 05 14 38.3 33-7 54 -8.7 14 58.8 58.5 18 -8.6 14 59-9 56.3 38 -8.6 14 43-8 42.5 02 -8.5 16 35-2 31.0 58 16 57-8 57-4 20 16 59-8 56.4 38 16 44-5 43-5 OI 18 38.6 32.7 54 18 57.1 56.6 21 18 57-7 54-0 42 18 42.2 41.1 04 20 36.8 30.1 23 58 20 56.0 55.0 23 20 59-9 57-7 37 20 40.3 39-5 07 22 28.0 22.1 24 II 22 55.0 54.5 24 22 65.8 62.1 29 22 39-1 38.3 09 24 20.3 17.8 20 24 57.7 56.1 21 24 58.8 54.0 41 24 40.0 39.5 07 26 24.3 20.8 24 15 26 56.0 54.8 23 26 58.9 56.1 39 26 41.6 40.8 05 28 34-0 31.1 23 59 28 56.2 55.9 22 28 55.2 52.4 45 28 41.1 40.4 06 30 20.4 15.3 24 22 -8-7 30 60.9 60.2 IS -8.7 30 54-1 50.1 48 -8.7 30 42.5 42.1 03 -S-5 32 29.7 25.9 24 06 32 60.9 60.5 15 32 51-9 47-5 52 32 41.0 39.8 06 34 37-3 34-6 23 54 34 61.3 60. I 15 34 50.1 46.7 54 34 37-8 37.2 ii 36 43-7 39-1 45 36 61.1 60.2 15 36 55-3 50.7 46 36 36.8 35.6 13 38 39-8 34-0 52 38 62.1 61.7 13 38 57-1 52.3 44 38 36.6 35.3 13 40 43-7 36.9 47 40 63.1 62.0 12 40 54-0 49-5 48 40 34-9 33-8 16 42 45-0 38-7 44 42 63.9 63.1 II 42 48.1 44.8 22 57 42 34-5 33-6 16 47-4 40.8 23 41 -8.7 63.6 62.8 II -8.7 44 46.2 42.7 23 oo -8.8 44 35-3 34-1 15 -8.5 46 33-0 29.0 24 02 46 62.7 62.0 12 46 44-6 40-9 23 02 46 33-3 32.6 18 48 42.9 37.8 23 47 48 61.9 60.9 14 48 47-5 43.8 22 58 48 33-0 32.3 18 50 49-8 44.3 36 50 61.8 60.3 14 50 49-3 45-3 55 50 32-4 31.6 19 52 55-7 48.1 29 52 62.0 60.8 14 52 56.1 5L7 45 52 34-8 33-9 16 49.9 44.0 37 54 63 . i 62 . i 12 54 59-2 55-8 39 34-6 34-1 16 56 52.8 46.1 33 56 66 . 2 65 . o 07 56 60.7 57-2 37 56 35-3 34-4 15 58 47-6 43.0 39 58 68.8 68.0 03 58 58.8 56.0 40 58 37.8 36.3 12 9 oo 49-2 44.1 37 -8-7 II OO 67.9 67.1 04 -8.7 13 oo 55.7 54.2 44 15 oo 38.3 37-6 IO -8-5 02 52.2 47.7 32 02 67.7 66.9 04 02 50.7 47-8 52 -8.9 02 38.0 37-1 II 04 57-9 52.8 23 04 62.8 62.6 12 04 46.7 44-8 58 39-9 38.7 08 06 59-1 54-8 21 06 64.7 64.7 23 00 06 48.3 46.2 55 06 41-3 40-3 05 08 60.7 56.9 18 08 74.6 74.1 i 22 54 08 48.8 47.0 54 08 44-3 42.8 01 10 58.7 56.1 20 10 73-4 72.7 56 10 53-0 50.5 48 10 45-6 43-6 23 oo 12 60 . 2 56 . I 19 12 71.0 70.8 22 59 12 53-1 Si-4 48 12 47-1 45-5 22 57 14 57-8 54.2 22 -8.7 ! 14 68.6 66.0 23 05 -8.6 14 Si-7 50.2 50 -9-0 14 48.5 46.6 55 -8.5 16 60. I 56.2 19 16.2 70.9 68.3 01 16 50.3 48.6 52 16 48.0 46.1 56 18 61.8 57-3 17 18 66.3 63.7 08 18 48.9 47.2 54 18 47-2 45-6 57 20 61.6 56.7 17 20 63-3 60.4 13 20 45-4 44-7 59 20 46.6 45.4 57 22 63-2 58.9 22 64.2 62.1 ii 22 48.7 48.1 54 22 45-6 44-0 22 59 2 4 63.7 58.8 14 24 64.3 62.6 ii 2 4 51.6 49.8 50 24 45-0 44.1 23 oo 26 67.6 62.0 08 26 65.1 63.1 IO 26 59-6 56.1 39 27 45-3 44-5 22 59 28 65.8 61.0 ii 28 65.7 63.9 08 28 58.9 58.4 38 28 46.0 45.4 58 30 64.7 60. i 12 -8.7 30 66.9 65.3 06 -8.6 30 M.I 60.3 34 -9-0 30 46.5 45-9 57 -8.6 32 64.2 60. i 13 32 66.3 64.9 07 32 58.4 57-2 39 32 47.2 46.6 56 34 62.7 58.8 15 34 71.2 69.2 oo 34 58.3 57-0 39 34 47.6 47.1 55 36 63.8 60.0 13 36 63 . i 62 . i 12 36 58.7 56.2 40 36 48-3 47-7 54 38 63.4 60.2 13 38 62.2 60.0 14 38 60.8 58.6 36 38 49-3 48.3 53 40 65.3 61.4 II 40 63.8 61.7 12 40 61.9 60.2 34 40 50.0 49.1 52 42 65.1 62.1 10 42 64.7 62.3 II 42 65.1 63.1 29 42 53-r 51-5 48 44 65.1 61.0 ii -8.7 44 65.1 62.3 IO -8.6 44 64.2 62.8 30 -8.7 44 54-5 52.8 46 -8.7 46 62.8 59.7 14 46 59-7 58.6 18 46 64.7 63.3 29 46 55-3 53-8 44 48 62.7 58.8 15 48 64.1 62.9 II 48 62.0 60.5 34 48 56.3 54-6 43 50 63.9 59.2 14 50 68.2 66.2 05 50 59.3 58.2 38 50 55-7 54-3 43 52 64.3 61.9 ii 52 68.8 67.0 04 52 55.5 54.0 44 52 55-0 53.5 45 54 64.1 61.1 12 54 68.2 66.9 23 04 54 52.8 51.0 48 54 56.0 55.0 43 56 63.5 62.1 12 56 73-3 71.5 22 57 56 51-3 49-4 51 56 56.0 54.6 43 58 65.8 63.5 09 58 74-7 73-1 54 58 51.9 49.8 50 58 56.6 55.4 42 i Observer R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from I3h 32m to !3h 40m. 9 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, December 2, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 2, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / O h m d d ' h m d d t o h m d d " ' o 16 oo 57-6 56-2 22 40 -8.8 18 oo 63.5 62.6 22 30 -9-5 20 oo 64.7 64.4 22 28 -9-7 22 OO 52.0 49.0 22 50 -9.9 02 58.8 57.6 38 02 63.0 62.5 31 02 66.1 65.9 25 O2 57.1 54.0 42 04 60.0 58.3 37 04 63.1 62.0 3i 04 66.0 65.9 26 04 58.7 57.2 38 06 60. i 58.4 37 06.2 62.3 62.3 31 06 65.0 65.0 27 06 54.1 51.2 47 08 60.9 59-3 35 08 62.3 6l.3 32 08 66.2 66.1 25 08 53.8 52.0 46 IO 60. i 58.6 36 IO W.I 59-4 35 10 66.9 66.6 24 10 54.8 52.1 45 12 62.3 60.8 33 12 6o.O 59.0 36 12 65-9 65.3 26 12 57.8 54.0 41 14 16 66.3 64.5 68.5 67.2 27 23 -8.9 3 58.7 57-7 38 -9-5 58.5 57-2 38 14 16 65.7 65.0 66.6 66.0 27 25 -9-6 14 16 55-8 51.2 60.7 57.6 45 36 -10. 18 67.5 66.3 25 18 57-8 57-0 39 ; 18 65.9 65.2 26 18 58.5 54.2 41 20 63.5 62.3 3 l 20 56.7 55.2 41 20 65.4 64.9 27 20 57-8 54-0 4 1 22 60.5 59-4 36 22 57-0 56.8 41 22 65.2 65.0 27 22 56.6 54.1 42 24 58.1 57-4 39 24 60.8 59.9 i 34 24 66.6 65.9 25 24 56.7 53.6 43 26 57-7 56.4 40 26 63.9 62.5 30 26 66.8 66.2 25 26 61. i 57.7 36 28 59-4 58.6 37 28 62.4 61.7 32 28 67.1 66.3 25 28 61.3 59.2 35 30 59-i 58.3 38 -9.0 30 63.2 62.3 31 -9-5 30 67.1 66.6 24 -9-7 30 61.0 58.3 35 -IO.O 32 57-8 57-0 40 32 65.0 63.1 29 32 66.9 66.1 25 32 60.0 58.0 36 34 57-8 57.0 40 34 62.9 61.1 32 34 68.1 67.9 22 60.9 59.2 35 36 58.3 57-5 39 36 62.3 60.7 33 36 67.3 66.3 24 36 62.1 59.9 38 3?- I 7 ' 5 39 38 61.7 60. 1 33 38 67.4 66.4 24 38 60.3 58.5 36 40 60.8 60.0 35 40 03.0 61.9 31 40 68.3 67.8 22 40 58.4 56.6 39 42 6i.s 61.2 33 42 65.3 63.8 28 42 68.9 68.0 22 42 62.8 61.1 32 44 66.3 65.3 26 -9.0 44 65.8 64.3 27 -9.4 68.9 68.0 22 -9-7 63.8 62.3 30 -IO.O 46 69.1 67.2 23 46 66.1 64.8 27 46 70.2 69.7 19 46 63.3 62.0 31 48 71-6 69.3 19 48 64.8 63.8 28 48 73.0 72.2 IS 48 63.3 61.8 31 50 76.0 73.2 12 50 63.2 62.3 31 50 72.1 71.1 17 50 64.0 62.7 30 52 79-0 76.5 07 52 62.0 61.1 33 52 72.0 71.0 17 52 64.1 62.6 30 54 77-5 75-1 09 54 62.7 61.8 32 54 69.0 67.8 22 65.0 63.1 20 56 73-8 71.5 15 56 62.1 61.0 33 56 69.8 68.1 21 56 66-7 64.9 26 58 69.4 68.0 21 58 63.2 62.6 30 58 71.7 70.0 18 58 65.2 64.0 28 17 oo 66.8 64.8 26 -9-0 19 oo 62 . 9 62 . i 31 -9-4 21 OO 71.0 69.6 19 -9-7 23 oo 63.7 62.2 30 -9.9 02 61.0 59.9 34 02 64.0 63.5 29 O2 70.9 69.7 19 02 62.4 61.1 32 04 57-5 56.0 40 04 65.8 65.1 26 04 71.1 70.1 18 04 62.1 61.1 32 06 54-6 52.8 22 45 06 67.6 66.9 24 06 68.8 67.1 23 06 62.9 61.7 08 43-1 41-3 23 03 08 68.1 67.7 23 08 68.9 67.8 22 08 62.2 61.2 3 2 IO 44-3 43-2 01 IO 68.6 68.0 22 IO 68.8 67.3 22 10 62.8 61.7 12 41-8 39-3 06 12 68.8 68.1 22 12 67.2 66.0 25 12 62.9 61.9 31 14 38.2 36.7 10 -9-0 14 69.4 68.9 21 -9-4 14 69.8 68.5 21 -10. o 14 63 . o 62 . i 3i 16 38.2 36.8 IO 16 70.1 69.7 19 16 69.8 69.1 20 16 62.8 62.1 31 18 4LI 39-3 06 18 70.1 69.2 2O 18 67.3 66.8 24 18 62.9 62.0 31 20 43-2 41.8 02 20 70.6 69.9 19 20 71.0 69.2 19 20 63.3 62.7 30 22 398 37.9 08 22 71.0 70.2 18 22 70.9 69.3 19 22 62.8 61.9 31 24 40.0 39.5 06 24 70.0 69.2 20 24 71.7 70.2 18 2 4 62.2 61.6 32 26 43-8 42.0 23 02 26 69.3 68.8 21 26 74.1 72.9 14 26 62.3 61.8 32 28 44-9 44.6 22 59 28 69.2 68.9 21 28 73-7 72.1 15 28 62.3 61.8 32 30 44-3 43-2 23 oi -9-3 30 68.3 68.0 22 -9-5 30 73.8 71.6 IS -10. 30 62.1 61.2 32 -9.8 32 51-5 50-3 22 49 32 68.7 68.2 22 32 73-3 71-6 IS 32 61.7 60.9 33 34 Si.o 51.0 49 34 68.8 68.2 22 34 70.0 68.1 21 61.7 60.9 33 36 53-2 52.8 46 68.2 67.8 22 36 66.4 65.3 26 36 62.0 61.7 32 38 54-5 54-0 44 38.4 69.2 69.0 21 38 69.1 68.3 21 38 61.7 61.2 33 40 56.0 55.2 42 40 69.1 68.8 21 40 65.2 63.9 28 40 62.1 61.7 32 42 56.6 55.7 41 42 68.8 68.1 22 42 70.0 69.2 20 42 62.1 61.7 44 57-8 57-o 39 -9-3 44 67.7 67.2 23 -9-6 44 66.1 65.7 26 44 61.8 61.1 33 46 58.0 57.4 39 46 67.7 67.0 23 46 66.8 66.0 25 46 61.3 60.7 33 48 57-5 56.9 39 48 67 . 2 67 . o 24 48 69.6 67.1 22 48 61.3 60.8 33 50 52.9 52.4 47 50 66.1 65.9 25 50 68.4 67.3 23 50 61.3 60.8 33 52 59-3 59 i 36 52 65.8 65.7 26 52 60.9 57.2 36 52 61.1 60.6 34 54 5 62.1 62.0 63.2 62.9 32 30 54 56 66.7 66.3 66.2 65.8 25 25 54 56 54-0 52.2 50.6 49.8 45 50 54 56 60.3 59-9 60.0 59.6 35 35 58 63.9 63.1 29 58 65.1 64.8 27 58 46.9 42.8 59 58 60. I 59-7 35 24 oo 60.3 59-8 35 1 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from i8h 20m to i8h Correction to local mean time is 3m 02s. Torsion head at oh oom read 341 and at 24h 2om read the same. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 99 Thursday, Decemer 3, 1903 Magnet scale erect Friday, December 4, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East 1 Scale East j Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t h m d d Of O h m d d h m d d o / 16 oo 40.1 42.7 22 42 -5.5 18 oo 34-1 34-4 22 31 -6.6 20 oo 53.9 52.8 22 05 22 OO 39-9 36.2 22 43 -9-3 02 39-3 41-8 41 02 35-1 35-5 33 02* 54-7 53-9 22 03 -10. 02 38.0 34.3 45 04 39.1 41.2 40 04 36.2 36.7 34 04 57-3 56.8 21 59 04 43-7 38.8 38 06 38.1 39-9 38 06 36.8 37.0 35 06 58.1 57.0 58 06 56.3 52-3 17 08 36.8 39.8 37 08 36.5 36.8 35 08 ! 59.0 58.2 56 08 60.9 58.3 08 10 37-1 39-9 38 10 36.2 36.2 34 m 70.2 69.2 39 10 65.2 62.5 02 12 37-1 39.8 37 12 35-7 35.9 33 12* 49.5 45.2 30 12 63.2 62.7 03 14 36.0 38.2 36 -5.8 14 34.9 35.1 32 -6.5 14 54.8 50. i 22 -9-7 14 66.9 63.0 00 -9-3 16 35-8 37-9 35 16 35.3 35.3 33 16 58.8 57-8 21 12 16 64.2 60.9 04 18 36.8 38.9 37 18 35-1 35-i 32 18 69.6 64.2 20 59 18 66.0 62.3 22 01 20 36.3 38.3 36 20 35-7 35-8 33 20 71.0 65.9 57 20 67.2 64.1 21 59 22 35-3 37-6 34 22 36.3 36.5 34 22 73-4 65.0 20 55 22 66.8 64.3 21 59 2 4 35-i 37-0 34 24 36.8 36.8 35 24 65.4 55.8 21 09 24 64.0 61.9 22 03 26 34.9 36.6 33 26 35.8 35. 8 33 26 37.1 30.2 21 51 26 67.2 64.6 21 59 28 35-3 36.9 34 28 35.1 35.1 32 28* 75.8 43.5 , 22 19 28 68.8 66.3 56 30 34-6 36.1 33 -6.0 30 34.9 34.9 32 -6.4 30* 64.9 I4.I 24 IS -9-5 30 69.5 67.8 54 -9-3 32 35-1 36.7 34 32 34-7 34-7 32 33* 51-2 44-3 22 02 32 68. o 66.2 57 34 35-6 36.9 34 34 33-8 33-8 30 34 42.2 26.7 22 23 34 68.4 66.5 56 36 35-9 37-1 35 36 ; 33-3 33-3 30 37* 59-5 19-8 21 44 36 69.2 66.2 56 38 34-8 36.1 33 38 34.2 34.3 31 38.2 78.2 40.7 21 13 38 68.1 64.0 58 40 35-3 36.3 33 40 34.1 34.1 31 40* 34.8 14.2 23 42 40 70.9 64.0 21 56 42 35-6 36.8 34 42 i 33-3 33-4 30 42 60.3 30.1 09 42 57-i 51-9 22 17 44 35-8 36.7 34 -6.2 44 33-8 33.9 30 -6.4 44 63.2 36.8 02 -9-3 44 49-9 43-8 29 -9.3 46 35-8 36.8 34 46 33-8 33.9 30 46* 63.2 23.4 04 46 56.8 50.5 18 48 35-2 36.1 33 48 32.4 33.7 30 48*5 55-4 20.5 58 48 56.3 5L3 18 50 35-9 36.8 34 50 32.3 32-3 28 50 78.3 41.3 24 So 57-8 51.7 16 52 36.2 37.1 35 52 32.9 33-0 29 52* 67.8 16.3 21 52 55-0 50.1 20 54 36.8 37-6 36 54 33-8 33-8 30 54 50.8 18.1 23 33 54 48.6 48.0 26 56 35-9 36.5 34 32.1 32.8 28 56* 76.8 33.1 22 33 56 40.0 37.8 41 58 34-6 35-2 32 58 31- 1 3L2 26 58.2 66.3 31.2 22 43 58 28.8 27.8 22 58 17 oo 34-2 35-0 32 -6.3 19 oo 31.2 31.2 26 -6.5 21 00* 46.3 16.1 23 38 -9-0 23 oo 21. O 12. I 23 16 -9-3 02 34-6 35-2 32 02 31-2 31-3 26 02 54-8 15-9 32 02 12.5 10.8 24 4 34-2 34-9 31 04 31-9 3L9 27 04 66.4 34-7 OS 04* 59.7 47.7 31 06 34-2 34-9 31 06 31-9 31-9 27 06 45.8 13.8 23 41 06 71.2 59.1 23 13 08 34-1 34-8 08 32.3 32.5 28 08* 35.8 9.3 24 10 08* 65.8 53.7 22 49 10 32.4 33-2 29 10 33-93 30 10 38.0 15.6 ' 24 03 10 57.6 44.2 23 03 12 32.4 33-1 29 12 34-2 34.4 3i 12 i 70.3 5I.O 23 10 12 48.5 38.2 23 15 -9.2 14 33-2 33-8 30 -6.4 14 34-7 34-9 32 -6.7 14 70.8 50.1 23 10 -9.0 14 70.1 59-8 22 41 16 33-9 34-3 3r 16 33-3 33-4 30 1 6* 41.9 19.5 22 54 16* 46.2 29.6 18 18 34-6 35.1 32 18 32.1 32.2 28 18 43.1 22.1 51 18 38.2 23.6 29 20 34-1 34-8 31 20 31.5 31.9 27 20 43-0 23.5 50 20 38.0 25.2 28 22 33-8 34-2 31 22 31.6 31.9 27 22 49.1 29.6 40 22 32.1 19.2 37 2 4 33-7 34-1 30 24 32.2 32.8 28 24 53-8 34-6 33 24 20.8 9.9 53 26 33-8 34-2 31 26 31.2 32.1 27 26 52.3 33-8 35 26* 38.5 29.0 58 28 34.1 34.7 31 28 31.7 32.1 27 28 55-9 38.9 28 28 54.0 48.0 30 33-3 33-9 30 -6.5 30 31-9 32-0 27 -6-7 30 49-3 46.9 27 -9-1 30 50.9 46.5 22 35 -9-3 32 34-8 35-1 32 32 3I-I 31-3 26 32 49-3 47-9 26 32 20.3 14.6 23 24 34 33-7 34-2 30 34 29.1 29.1 23 34 64.2 60.9 : 22 O4 34 41-3 29.0 22 56 36 33-4 33-9 30 36 28.9 29.0 23 36 71.9 68.8 21 52 36* 48.2 36.7 24 28 38 32.6 33-9 30 38 29.0 29.2 23 38 68.2 64.1 21 58 38* 61.1 52.3 23 27 40 33-9 34-2 31 40 29.9 30.1 24 40 51.9 47.6 22 24 40 68.9 59-7 15 42 34-3 34-8 3i 42 29.9 30.0 24 42 47-3 45-2 30 42 45-9 35-8 52 44 34-1 34.6 31 -6.6 44 30.0 30.2 25 -66 44 43-2 40.4 37 -9.2 44 7i.i 55-0 17 -9-3 46 34.1 34.4 31 46 29.2 29.7 24 46 37.1 34.7 46 46* 41.0 20.6 59 48 34-7 35-1 32 48 29.0 29.1 23 48 34-9 33-3 49 48*3 39-4 21.0 35 50 35-2 35-7 33 50 29.0 29.2 23 50 39-8 37.9 41 50.2 31.5 12.3 48 52 34.1 34.4 52 29.2 29.5 23 52 38.2 37.1 43 52 36.8 21.2 37 54 33-7 33-9 3 54 29.8 30.2 24 54 39-8 35-6 43 54 37.1 19.8 23 38 56 33-0 33.1 29 56 30.7 30.9 26 56 35-0 31-1 i So 56* 60.3 39.0 24 10 58 33-5 33-8 30 58 32.1 32.3 28 58 39-8 35-7 43 58*2 42.8 21.7 24 58 20 00 31-8 32.1 22 27 -6.5 24 oo 31-2 9-3 25 16 -9-3 Correction to local mean time is 195. Torsion head at i$h I5m read 344 and at 2oh 24m read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 22s. 90 torsion = 23/3. Torsion head at igh I5m read 324 and at 24)1 ism read 333. Observer R. R. T. IOO SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, December 6, 1903 Magnet scale erect Sunday, December 6, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East ChrV readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / h m d d / e h m d d o / ] h m d d / 00* 27.0 42.6 24 49 -14.6 2 OO 18.5 18.9 23 oo -II. 4 oo Lost 6 oo 43.6 40.3 22 47 -10. 02* 21. O 32.6 23 08 02 18.8 19.3 23 oo 02* 38.5 38.0 22 52 -9-5 02 46.0 43.3 42 04 13-3 26.3 22 57 04 16.8 17.0 22 57 04 38.6 38.1 52 04 43.0 41.0 46 06 24-3 35-o 23 13 06 13-0 13-3 51 06 36.8 36.0 22 55 06 ; 44.3 42.3 44 08* 41.0 61.8 26 08 10.4 10.8 47 08 32.3 32.0 23 02 08 44.0 42.1 45 IO 54-0 61.3 23 35 10 9.8 10.1 46 10 27.3 27.3 09 10 43.2 42.0 45 12* 21-4 38.3 24 04 12 8.6 9.0 44 12 24.3 23.3 15 12 44.1 41.0 45 14 7.0 20.6 23 39 -13-8 14 10.0 10.3 46 -10.6 14 22.5 22.2 17 -9-4 14 40-3 37-7 51 -IO.O 16* 30.0 47.4 31 16 12.0 12.3 49 l6 23.5 23.0 '; l6 16 42.0 39.8 48 18 36.2 55.0 42 18 12.7 13.0 Si 18 29.3 29.1 ! 23 06 18 43.1 41.5 46 20 36.5 38-5 29 20 13-7 13-9 52 20 35-0 34-1 22 58 20 45.8 45.0 41 22 38.0 40.2 32 22 iS-3 15-5 55 22 35-3 34-3 58 22 46.9 46.1 39 24 37.8 40.0 31 24 16.3 17.0 57 24 36.3 35-7 56 2 4 49.6 48.9 35 26 40.5 42.6 36 26 17.5 18.0 58 26 36.7 35-9 55 26 47-5 46.1 39 28 47-6 48.5 46 28 iS-4 15-6 55 28 38-3 37-0 53 28 46.1 45.0 41 30 53-9 57-5 58 -13-0 30 16.7 16.8 57 -10.3 30 37-8 37.0 53 -9-5 30 46.3 44-7 41 -10.2 32 53-8 56.7 57 32 16.4 16.8 57 32 39-5 38.3 51 32 40.7 40.3 49 34 48.4 48.6 47 34 18.0 18.3 22 59 34 39-5 37-6 52 34 41-3 40-5 48 36 46.2 47.7 44 36 18.4 18.6 23 oo 36 40-3 38.7 50 36 39-8 38.8 Si 38 43-3 46-2 38 17.9 18.1 22 59 38 42-3 40-9 47 38 35-6 35-3 57 40 35-9 36.5 27 40 20. o 20.7 23 02 40 44-8 43-5 43 40 37-9 37-0 54 42 45-00 41 42 20.5 20.9 03 42 46.8 45.6 40 42 42.6 41.5 46 44 28. Ob 14 -12.5 44 19.6 20.2 O2 -10.2 44 45-3 44-6 42 -9-5 44 39-9 37-8 Si -10.3 46 22.5 23.6 07 46 20.9 21.3 04 46 46.2 45.5 40 46 38.0 35.8 54 48 27.3 28.0 14 48 21. o 21.3 04 48 42-5 41-3 46 48 39-8 38-2 51 50 29.6 30.6 18 50 21.7 21.8 05 50 40.2 38.3 51 50 44.5 41.6 45 52 33-7 34-3 24 52 21.3 21.3 04 52 37-0 34-5 56 52 42.6 39.5 : 48 54 39.1 40.6 33 54 19.7 20. o 23 02 54 36.5 33-9 22 57 54-3 42-5 41-3 47 56 35-3 37-2 27 56 17. 6b 22 58 56 34-3 32.6 23 oo 56 43-3 42.3 45 58 34-9 37-1 27 58 14.6 14.6 54 58 28.6 26.0 09 58 44.1 42.6 44 I 00 29.0 31.0 18 -12. 3 oo 14.0 14.1 53 -10. 5 oo 25-9 23.9 13 -9.6 7 oo 45-1 43.9 42 -10.6 02 20.4 24.0 05 02 15-2 15.5 55 02 24.6 23.3 IS 02 45-0 43.5 43 04 25.7 29.2 13 04 15.5 15-5 55 04 24.8 22.2 15 04 47-3 44-5 40 06 30.2 31.6 19 06 IS-o 15.0 54 06 21. I 19.7 20 06 47-0 44-8 40 08 25.0 26.3 ii 08 14-7 15-0 54 08 27.3 25.1 II 08.3 48.6 47.2 37 IO 26.3 27.7 13 IO 13-7 13-9 52 10 29.8 29.1 23 O6 10 52-3 50-7 31 12 26.2 28.2 13 12 IS-o 15-5 54 12 35. oa 22 57 12 50-9 49-3 34 14 30-3 32-7 20 -II. 9 14 18.0 18.5 59 -IO.O 14 44.0 43.2 22 44 -9-8 14 Si-7 50-7 32 -II. 16 35-1 36.7 27 16 16.3 16.7 56 16.2 33.0 31.0 23 02 16 46.8 45.4 40 18 29-5 30.1 17 18 14.0 14.3 53 18 27.9 25.9 IO 18 48.8 48.1 36 20 26.7 27.3 13 20 14-3 15-0 20 21.2 22.6 18 20 49-5 47-2 36 22 30.6 30.9 19 22 17.3 17-7 22 58 22 23.4 22.6 16 22 42.6 40.7 47 24 29.5 30.2 17 24 18.6 19.4 23 oo 24 22.3 21.8 18 24 50.3 48-1 35 26 30-3 31-5 23 19 26 20. o 20.4 23 02 26 31.8 30.6 03 26 43-9 40-5 46 28 18.56 22 59 28 17.0 17.7 22 58 28 32.5 31.5 23 02 28 44.6 42.0 44 30 I3-I 13-3 22 51 -11.4 30 16.6 17.0 57 -9-9 30 39-5 39-0 22 51 -9-9 30 44-9 43-1 43 -II. 32 19-50 23 oi 32 15-2 15-7 55 32.3 42.3 40.8 47 32 44-3 40-9 45 34 ! 22.7 23.3 07 34 iS-o 15-3 54 34 42.8 40.4 47 34 46.0 41.8 36 18.7 20.3 23 oi 36 14.0 14.0 52 36 38.8 38.5 52 36 48.6 45.9 38 38 17.3 18.0 22 58 38 13-6 13-9 52 38 39-1 38.3 22 52 38 41-3 38.3 50 40 17.6 18.6 59 40 13-0 13-1 51 40 30.6 30.2 23 05 40 41-2 39-5 49 42 16.4 17.3 57 42 13.0 13.0 42 28.30 23 08 42 4L5 40-3 48 44 15-3 16.3 46 17.4 18.4 i -II. I 4*0 13-2 13-7 iS-o 15-5 51 54 -9-8 44 46 35-2 33.8 44-6 44-3 22 58 43 -10. I 42.8 40.5 45-3 42-8 47 43 -II. 48 14.4 15.3 54 48 15-3 15-6 55 48 42-1 41-3 47 48.2 47.0 38 50 15.8 17.0 i 56 50 13-3 13.6 50 41.6 40.1 48 50 45- 6b 41 52 17.6 18.6 59 52 II.4 12.0 49 52 38.6 36.3 54 52 46.7 46.3 39 54 18.0 18.8 22 59 54 13-0 13.4 51 54 40.0 38.0 51 54 50.3 49-8 34 56 19.2 20.2 23 oi 56 13-4 14-0 52 56 40.6 37.8 Si 56 44-3 42.2 44 58 16.6 17.3 22 57 58 13.8 14.0 52 58 41.5 37-8 So 58 45-1 44-0 42 8 oo 44.0 40.0 46 -II. Observer W. T. P. Correction to local mean time is 2os. Torsion head at oh ootn read 336 and at 8h 55m read the same. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 101 Monday, December 7, 1903 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, December 8, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r : readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d . h m d d o / h m d d / h m d d 1 . 8 oo 53-0 54-7 22 40 -22.7 10 00 52.1 58.1 22 42 -18.8 12 OO 49-9 48.7 22 37 -18.7 14 oo 47-5 46.6 22 41 -15.1 02 52-7 53-9 39 02 49-7 55-0 37 02 48.8 47.0 39 02 49-2 47-9 39 04 54-7 56.9 43 04 48-2 54.3 36 04 52-3 Si.o 34 04 51-6 50.1 35 06 Si- i 53-5 37 06 48-6 52.3 34 06 53-8 52.3 31 06 56.8 55-1 27 08 54-9 55-1 42 08 41.8 47.2 25 08 54-2 52.7 31 08 56.4 55-2 27 10 52.5 53-9 39 10 36.7 40.7 16 10 54-1 53-2 31 10 57-6 56.8 25 12 50.4 54-3 37 12 42.8 46.2 25 12 53-1 52.2 32 12 54-5 53-6 30 14 51.2 54.2 38 -22.0 14 39-2 43-3 20 -18.7 14 50.0 49.7 36 -18.2 14 54-1 53-1 31 -15-0 16 52-3 55-0 39 16 43-2 46.1 25 16 50.7 49-4 36 16 54-9 53-7 30 18 45-5 48-4 29 18 38.4 43-2 19 18 SO.S 50.0 36 18 56.4 55-6 27 20 47-0 49-i 31 20 41.5 45.8 24 20 47-9 47-3 40 20 57-9 55-9 25 22 49-1 52.8 35 22 38.3 44.3 20 22 48.4 46.7 40 22 54-5 51-2 32 24 45-6 49-0 30 24 43.0 47.2 26 24 49-2 47.7 39 55-2 51.3 32 26 42-9 45-2 24 26 43.8 48.1 27 26 50.9 48.6 37 26 Si-S 48.2 37 28 46.2 48.0 29 28 42.8 46.5 25 28 50.2 48.8 37 28 49.1 46.6 40 30 45.9 48.1 29 -21.3 30 42.3 47.1 25 -18.4 30 Si. I 48-8 36 -17-8 30 51.7 48.8 36 -14.7 32 38.9 41.4 18 32 38.0 43.1 19 32 53-0 51-3 33 32 49.2 46.8 39 34 36.1 37.1 13 34 37-0 43.7 19 34 54-4 51.8 31 45-2 42.7 46 36 46.2 47.1 28 36 39-3 44-3 21 36 47-1 43-8 43 36 42.7 39.2 50 38 43.7 44.7 25 38 36.6 39-0 15 38 48.7 46.2 40 38 39-2 37.2 55 40 40.1 40.7 19 40 46.2 47.8 29 40 50.9 48.9 36 40 38.0 35.7 | 57 42 40.3 42.1 20 42 44.3 46.8 27 42 53-7 50.9 33 42 37-8 34-9 ! 22 58 44 40.2 41.7 19 -20.7 44 44.3 46-8 27 -18.2 44 52.9 50.2 -17-3 44 34.8 32.0 23 02 46 45.6 47.7 28 i 46 44.8 47.2 27 46 Si. i 48.8 36 46 35-0 32.6 02 -14.8 48 40.2 41.1 19 48 43-9 45-9 26 48 47-7 45-7 41 4 8 35-7 33-2 OI So 38.9 40.2 17 50 42.9 44.9 24 50 46.6 44.8 43 50 36.3 34-2 23 oo 52 45-2 45.9 27 52 41.2 41.9 20 52 48.6 47.0 40 52 37-7 35-7 22 57 54 41.8 42.4 21 42.1 43.8 23 54 52.8 51. i 33 54 37-4 35-9 22 57 56 39-9 40-9 19 56 41.1 42.4 21 56 53-3 52.2 32 35-3 33-9 23 oo 58 41.0 43.8 22 58 42.8 43.8 23 58 48.3 47.8 39 58 38.8 37-3 22 55 9 oo 45.8 49.4 30 -2O. I II OO 41.1 42.0 20 -17.9 13 oo 53-9 Si-8 32 -16.8 15 00 38.0 36.9 56 -14.7 02 | 35-2 37-4 12 O2 41.0 42.7 21 02 61.2 60.9 19 02 37-7 36.6 56 04 37-3 38.8 15 04 40.9 42.7 21 04 62.8 61.9 17 04 37-0 35-8 58 06 39.0 40.6 18 06 44-1 45.1 25 06 61.1 60.4 19 06 35-7 35-0 22 59 08 46-30 28 08 38.2 40.8 17 08 54-4 53-2 30 08 35-6 34-3 23 oo 10 39-0 39-8 17 10 45.2 46.0 27 10 58.8 57-8 23 IO 33-0 31-8 04 12 36.3 40.2 IS 12 42.8 43.9 23 12 62.0 60.4 19 12 30.2 29.1 08 M 41.8 45.2 24 -19-3 14 38.9 39-9 17 -17-7 14 61.0 60.2 20 -16.3 14 29.0 27.8 IO -14.6 16 36.8 39.3 15 16 40.6 43.3 21 16 59-3 57-3 23 16 28.6 27.2 II 18 35-2 39-0 14 18 42.8 44.3 24 18 55-0 52.7 30 18 28.8 27.9 10 20 38.2 40.6 17 20 37.9 40.2 16 20 49.0 47.1 39 20 26.9 25.8 13 22 40.8 42.1 20 22 4O.I 42.2 20 22 48.2 46.8 40 22 30.7 29.9 07 24 ! 42.O 44.1 23 24 41.8 44.2 23 24 49.1 47.8 39 24 31-8 31-2 05 26 37-7 39-7 16 26 41.8 44.0 23 26 50.9 49-6 36 26 33-1 32.9 23 03 28 41.8 41.8 21 28 42.7 44-9 24 28 52-8 51-3 33 28 36.10 22 58 30 44.6 44.8 25 -19.2 30 44.9 47-0 27 30 Si. i 50.0 35 -16.0 30 37-6 36.9 56 -14.4 32 36.0 43.8 18 32 45.8 47.2 28 32 50.9 49-7 36 32 38.8 38.0 55 34 36.5 41-6 16 34 43.8 45.9 26 34 54.2 52.9 31 38.1 37.1 22 56 36 32.8 39.9 12 36 40.2 41.9 2O 36 56.0 55.2 27 3 35.6 34.5 23 oo 38 35-0 41.2 15 38 38.8 40.8 18 38 55.9 55.1 28 38 35.4 34.2 oo 41 28.6 34.8 OS 40 43.9 46.2 26 40 56.1 55-3 27 40 32.8 31.4 04 42 34-3 41-4 15 42 45.8 47.3 28 42 54-0 53-0 31 42 32.8 31.3 05 44 31-8 41.1 12 -I9.O 44 47.0 48.7 30 -17.0 44 51.0 49.3 36 -15-6 44 33-9 32.3 03 -14.1 46 34.7 44.1 17 46 46.3 48.3 30 46 50.3 49.6 36 46 34.8 33.2 23 01 48 41.1 49.8 20 48 44.8 46.3 27 48 49.1 48-9 38 48 36.9 35-9 22 58 So 43-3 50.9 29 So 42.6 43.9 23 SO 48.3 47-3 40 SO 36.4 35-5 58 52 i 37.8 45.2 2O 52 50.1 50.8 34 52 47-7 47.0 40 52 36-0 35-0 22 59 54 35-0 40.3 14 54 46.1 47.3 29 54 47.0 46.2 41 54 35-0 33.8 23 oi 56 38.8 45.3 21 56.2 43-8 45.7 25 56 47.1 46.5 41 56 33-7 33-0 02 58 38.8 44.8 21 58 42.86 22 58 48.5 47-6 39 58 32.3 3i.i 05 12 00 38.00 IS 16 oo 30.9 30.0 07 -13-9 Correction to local mean time is 135. Torsion head at 7h 3om read 336 and at I2h 30m read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 073. Torsion head at nh 3om read 347 and at l6h 2Om read the same. Observer R. R. T. X^ / OF THE I UNIVERSITY ) \ OF / IO2 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, December 9, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, December 9, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings : decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d 1 O h m d d / h m d d f o h m d d / o o oo Lost -17.0 2 OO 41.6 41.6 22 48 -14.5 4 oo 53-5 54-1 23 08 -14.5 6 oo 45-7 47-2 22 57 -15.0 02* 36.1 37.4 2240 02 41.8 42.0 4 8 02 Si.i 51-9 04 02 53-0 54-8 23 08 04 38.0 38.1 42 04 41-0 41-3 47 4 52.1 52.5 05 04 52.5 55-3 08 06 39.0 40.1 44 06 40.3 40.6 46 06 53-5 54-3 08 06 58.3 60.3 23 17 08 39-3 39-9 44 08 40.5 40.7 46 08 54-3 5S-0 09 08 44.06 22 53 10 38.5 39-5 43 10 41.2 41.4 47 10 56.0 56.8 12 IO 34-8 36.0 39 12 38.3 39-3 43 12 40.8 41.1 47 12 57-3 57-9 13 12 42.3 44.0 22 51 14 37-3 37-8 41 -16.5 14 40.6 40.6 46 -14.4 *4 58.0 58.9 15 -14-5 H 47.8 50.8 23 oi -15.0 16 18 38.4 39-0 39-3 39-3 43 44 16 18 40.0 40.2 46 40.5 40.8 46 10 18 59.0 59.7 60.2 60.8 16 18 16 18 41.0 43.2 22 50 38.1 41.5 46 20 22 40.6 40.3 39-1 39-6 45 44 20 22 46.0 46.3 55 41.5 41.8 48 20 22 63.0 63.8 65.5 66.8 23 27 20 39.4 41.9 47 22 41.7 43.3 50 24 38.1 38.3 42 24 42.3 42.6 49 24 67.8 68.8 30 24 38.2 40.2 45 26 38.0 38.3 42 26 42.3 42.6 49 26 67.3 68.1 29 26 35-4 37-5 41 28 38.6 38.8 43 28 42.2 42.3 49 28 67.5 68.5 30 28 35-6 37.7 41 30 38.6 39.0 43 30 42-3 42.5 49 -14.4 30 67.0 67.6 29 -14-7 30 40.3 43-2 49 -15.2 32 38.0 39.0 43 32 42.0 42.3 49 32 66.3 66.5 27 32 41-7 44-5 51 j 43-6 44-8 51 446.1 34 41.4 41.4 47 34 63.9 64.1 23 34 36.9 39-5 43 36 45.6 46.2 54 36 40.6 41.0 46 36 61.6 62.0 20 36 37-6 38.3 43 38 46.6 47-3 56 38 41.2 41.6 47 38 63.0 63.2 22 38 44-4 45-7 40 46.6 47.3 56 40 42-4 43-0 49 40 61.6 61.9 20 40 46.7 48.3 58 42 47.6 47-8 57 42 42.4 42.6 49 42 62.5 63.1 22 42 39.3 41.6 47 44 44-3 44-8 22 52 -15-6 44 43.9 44.6 52 -14.3 44 63.9 65.3 24 -14.7 44 37.7 40.6 45 -15.2 46 50.4 51.2 23 02 46 47-5 47-5 57 > 46 66.6 67.6 28 46 38.7 41.7 47 48 50.6 51.1 02 48 48.1 48.6 58! 48 66.1 66.8 27 48 42-3 45-i 52 50 51.6 52.5 04 50 46.3 46.7 56 50 67.8 68.9 30 50 44-3 46.8 55 52 51-9 52.5 04 52 45.8 46.0 54 52 68.5 69.0 31 52 38.1 39.8 45 54 51-0 51-9 03 54 48.0 48.2 22 58 54 [67.1 67.6 29 54 29.4 31.6 31 56 50.6 51.6 02 56 49-3 49-6 23 oo 56 65.7 66.1 26 56 30.3 33-8 34 58 49-8 50.7 02 58 50.6 50.9 02 58 67.5 67.8 29 58 35-3 37-3 41 I OO 48.7 49-3 OO -15-2 3 oo 50.0 50.0 23 oi -14.3 5 oo 69.3 69.3 32 -14.8 7 oo 30.5 32.5 33 -15.2 02 49-8 50.3 01 02 47-5 47-9 22 57 02 68.3 70-3 32 02 28.6 30.0 30 04 48.6 49.0 00 04 47-0 47-0 56 04 60. i 60.8 19 04 35.4 36.3 40 06 48.7 49.0 23 00 06 44-9 45-3 53 06 55-3 56.3 ii 06 39.5 41.5 47 08 48.6 48.9 22 59 08 44.6 45.0 53 08 60.2 61.0 18 08 36.8 38.3 42 IO.2 48.2 48.4 59 10 43-6 43-8 52 10 55-4 56.6 23 ii 10 34.4 36.8 39 12 48.0 48.3 59 12 42-3 42.7 50 12 47-3 47-6 22 57 12 33-3 34-2 36 14 48.5 48.7 59 -15.1 14 41.0 41.3 48 -14.3 14 36.2 37.8 41 -14.8 14 41.6 42.6 50 -15.2 16 47-7 48.3 58 16 41.1 41.4 48 16.5 33-0 34-0 36 16 46.8 48.6 58 18 46.6 46.9 56 18 41.6 41.8 49 18 35-6 36-0 39 18 40.4 42.2 48 20 45-3 45-6 54 20 41.9 42.2 49 20 42.8 43-5 Si 20 36.6 39.1 43 22 44-7 44-9 53 22 42.3 42.4 50 22 40.5 41.0 48 22 43.2 46.0 54 24 43-6 43-9 51 24 43-3 43-6 51 24 32.9 33-3 36 24 45.1 46.3 55 26 43-0 43-4 26 44.1 44.2 52 26 28.3 29.1 29 26 43.3 46.1 54 28 43-1 43-6 51 28 44-9 44-9 54 28 25.8 27.0 25 28 40.9 42.8 49 30 42.6 42.6 50 -I5-I 30 45-6 45-6 55 -14.4 30 26.6 28.6 27 -15-0 30 44-6 46.5 55 -15.2 32 42.8 43.1 50 32 46.0 46.0 55 32 30.1 31-0 32 32 44.4 47.2 55 34 42.6 42.8 50 34 46.1 46.1 56 34 31-6 34-0 35 34 44.0 46.0 22 55 36 42.5 42.8 50 36 46.8 47-0 57 36 37-4 38.6 43 36 50.2 53.4 23 06 38 43-3 43-4 5i 38 48.3 48.6 22 59 38 37-2 37-6 43 38 48.3 51-5 23 03 40 43-1 44.3 5i 40 49.8 50.0 23 02 40 41.3 42.6 So 40 42.4 45.0 22 53 42 44-3 44-6 53 42 51.3 Si-3 04 42 42.7 43.0 51 42 39-9 43-0 49 44 44-3 44-5 52 -14.8 44 52.1 53.0 06 44 44.6 45.0 54 -15-0 44 45-7 48.5 58 -15.2 46 43-9 43-9 52 46 55-7 56.3 II -14.5 46 45-00 22 54 46 46.6 49.1 59 48 43-1 43-1 50 48 62.3 63.4 22 48 54-3a 23 09 48 47-8 45 8 58 50 43-3 43-5 Si 50 59.56 17 50 48.3 50.0 02 50 43-9 45-6 55 52 43-9 44-0 Si 52 51-56 04 52 48.0 49.7 oo 52 44.1 47.5 22 56 43-7 43-8 Si 54 50.6 50.8 03 48.6 49.1 oo 54 47.8 51.8 23 02 56 43-1 43-3 50 56 57.56 13 56 49.6 50.4 23 02 56 41.8 46.6 22 54 58 42-3 42-5 49 58 56.8 58.1 13 58 45-2 45-4 22 55 58 36.8 39.6 44 Observer W. J. P. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 103 Wednesday, December 9, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, December 9, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale 1 East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d / . h m d d o / O h m d d / O 8 oo 36.3 40.6 22 44 -15.2 10 OO 32.3 37.2 ; 22 39 -13.8 12 OO 25.8 26.3 22 26 -13-9 14 oo 3I-I 31-4 22 34 -14.1 02 44-3 48.2 57 02 33.8 39.0 42 02 26.2 27.2 27 02 3I-I 31-9 34 04 45-6 50-3 59 04 30.9 34-7 36 04 26.3 27.3 27 04 32.2 32.8 36 06 35.8 42.7 46 06 30.8 34.1 36 06 26.0 27.9 27 06 33-0 33-2 37 08 41.6 48.8 22 55 08 23.6 28.7 25 08 26.0 26.8 27 08 31-9 32.2 36 10 46.3 50.9 23 01 10 26.1 30.1 29 10 25.4 26.7 26 10 31-8 32.1 36 12 42.3 47.8 22 55 12 23.7 28.8 26 12 26.7 27.8 28 12 31-3 31-8 35 14 41.1 46.1 53 -15.0 14 18.3 22.7 17 -13.8 14 26.8 28.0 28 -14.0 14 30.8 31-8 35 -14.1 16 42.8 46.7 54 16 18.2 23.2 17 16 26.1 26.8 27 16 29.0 31.3 33 18 35-9 38.8 43 18 I5-I 20.5 13 18 25.8 26.7 26 18 29.6 32.0 34 20 30.8 34.3 35 20 16.8 24.0 17 20 28.7 29.8 31 20 29.1 32.2 34 22 38.6 40.2 46 22 17-3 21.7 IS 22 29.3 30.1 32 22 26.7 33-9 33 2 4 28.7 34-1 i 33 24 23.2 26.8 24 24 27.9 28.3 24 26.9 34.8 34 26 35-8 36.8 41 26 25.7 30.2 29 26 26.9 27.9 28 26 26.3 34.0 33 28 37.8 39.9 45 28 26.7 30.9 30 28 27.1 28.0 28 28 25-7 32.3 31 30 28.2 31.8 31 -14.9 30 26.3 31.8 30 -13.7 30 27.6 28.6 29 -14.0 30 22.8 29.3 27 -14.1 32 31-0 32.3 34 32 32.7 37.8 40 32 3I-I 31-9 35 32 22.9 28.7 26 34 33-2 35.1 38 34-1 38.8 42 34 33-7 34-1 39 34 20.5 27.3 23 36 36.0 38.2 42 36 3I-I 37-3 38 36 32.2 33.7 37 36 21. O 27.O 23 38 . 33-6 35.2 38 38 34-1 39-5 42 38 29.6 31.1 33 38 21.3 29.1 25 40 34-8 36.2 40 40 30.3 34-8 36 40 30.2 31.3 33 40 23-5 30.7 28 42 32.2 34-5 36 42 26.4 30.4 29 42 31-0 32.0 35 42 26.3 27.0 28 44 46 32.0 35.1 34-7 37-2 37 40 -14.7 44 46 26.0 29.7 30.5 34-7 28 36 -13.7 44 46 27.8 29.1 28.0 29.7 30 30 -14.0 4*6 25.5 26.0 26.3 26.8 26 27 -13-9 48 38.0 40.8 46 48 24.8 29.9 28 48 28.8 29.9 31 48 27.0 28.0 29 SO 38.0 41.0 46 50 17-5 21. I 15 50 28.3 29.8 31 50 27.6 28.2 30 52 34-1 36.7 40 52 12. l6.2 07 52 29.2 30.2 32 52 26.1 27.0 27 54 28.2 30.8 30 54 I4.O 19.4 II 54 30.1 31.2 33 54 26.1 26.4 27 56 27.2 31.2 30 56 18.6 22.8 17 56 34-2 34-7 39 56 27.2 27.6 29 58 31-3 36.2 37 58 19.1 23.5 18 58 32.2 32.8 36 58 24.3 25.2 24 9 oo 32.7 36.2 38 -14-3 II OO 20.9 25.8 21 -13.7 13 oo 31.8 32.2 35 -14.0 15 00 23-7 24.3 23 -14.0 02 33-5 36.2 39 02 22.2 25.2 22 02 31-8 32.2 35 02 24-6 25.3 25 04 31-2 34-8 36 04 23.8 27.2 25 04 32.2 32.9 36 04 24.4 24.8 24 06 30.7 33-7 35 06 25-3 29.0 27 06 33-7 34-1 38 06 23-9 24.3 23 08 32.3 36.8 38 08 24.3 27.5 25 08 33-6 34.1 38 08 23-0 23.5 22 10 33-1 37.2 39 IO 22.2 25.8 22 10 32.6 33.1 37 10 21.6 22. O 2O 12 30.2 33-3 34 12 20.9 23.8 20 12 32.2 32.8 36 12 21.7 22.3 2O 14 30.3 33-2 34 -14.2 14 24.3 26.9 25 -13.7 14 31.2 32.1 35 -14.0 14 23-3 24.3 23 -14.2 16 28.2 33.8 33 16 24.8 27.6 26 16 29.9 30.7 i 33 16 24.6 25.0 25 18 22.7 28.5 24 18 28.2 3O.2 30 18 30.0 30.9 33 18 24.3 24.6 24 20 16.0 22.0 14 20 28.9 31.2 32 20 31-7 32.3 35 20 24-4 24.9 24 22 ii. i 16.9 06 22 29.0 3I.I 32 22 31-2 31-8 34 22 25.5 26.1 26 24 23.3 28.9 25 24 29.9 32.2 33 24 32.0 32.6 36 24 28.0 28.6 30 26 30.0 33.1 33 26 29.9 32.7 34 26 33-0 33-8 37 26 28.7 29.4 31 28 27.8 32.9 32 28 27.8 29.4 29 28 33-0 33-3 37 28 28.5 29.3 31 30 22.6 25.2 21 -14.1 30 28.7 30.1 31 -13.8 30 29.7 30.4 32 -14.0 30 30.1 31-0 33 -14-4 32 30-4 35-0 35 32 30.1 31-7 33 32 29.0 30.2 32 32 30.4 31-3 34 34 33-8 37-1 39 34 29.0 30.7 31 34 31-9 32-5 36 34 31.2 31-7 35 36 32.4 37-8 39 36 28.8 29.9 30 36 32.2 32.8 36 36 32.2 32.8 37 38 35-7 40.0 43 38 28.2 29.8 30 38 30.9 31-8 34 38 33-7 34-0 39 40 40.7 45-8 52 40 26.1 27.9 27 40 3-0 30.3 32 40 33-3 33-7 38 42 38.3 43-3 48 42 26.7 27.2 27 42 31.9 32.0 | 35 42 34-9 34-6 40 44 32.2 37-9 39 -14.0 44 25.0 25.9 24 -13.8 44 35-3 35-6 40 -14.1 35-4 35-9 41 -14-5 46 39-0 45-2 51 46 24-4 25.2 23 46 36.1 36.3 42 46 36.5 36.8 43 48 31-3 36.3 38 48 25.8 26.7 26 48 36.3 36.7 42 48 36.3 36.6 43 50 36 50 27.0 27.9 27 50 35-1 35.8 40 5 35-0 35-3 41 52 38.6 45.1 50 52 27.2 27.9 28 52 33-9 34-3 38 52 36.3 36.7 43 37-3 43-6 48 26.O 26.2 25 54 32.1 32.8 36 36.8 37-3 44 56 32.6 38.9 41 5" 26.O 27.1 27 56 30.8 31.2 34 56 38.8 39-4 47 58 32-3 39-1 41 S8 26.8 27.3 28 58 30.2 30.8 33 58 40.1 40.5 49 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T. changed at 8h torn; no time for alternating observations account snow drifts. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from I4h 26m to I4h 36m. IO4 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, December 9, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, December 9, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o * h m d d / h m d d e t h m d d o / e 16 oo 38.9 39-3 22 47 -14.8 18 oo 35-3 36.3 22 42 -15.1 20 OO 32.6 33-3 22 38 -14.6 22 OO 56.7 58.4 22 46 -15.0 02 37-8 37-9 45 O2. 2 36.3 37-0 44 02 32.1 32.9 38 02 57-3 59-3 47 04 39-5 39-9 48 04 36.8 37-2 44 04 30.1 30.8 34 04 56.2 57.9 45 06 38.7 39.0 46 06.2 38.5 38.5 46 06 29.8 30.8 34 06 56.1 58.0 45 08 37-8 38-0 45 08 37-3 38.0 45 08 28.9 29.8 33 08 54-5 56.1 43 IO 36.1 36.4 42 10 39.8 41.0 49 10 27.3 28.2 30 IO 54-3 56.0 42 12 35-6 36.0 42 12 38.9 40.1 48 12 27.8 28.8 31 12 57-7 59-1 47 14 36.0 36.3 42 -14.8 14 37-3 38.0 45 -15.1 14 26.3 27.3 29 -14-7 14 54.0 56.0 42 -14.9 16 36.6 36.8 43 16 37-3 37-7 45 16 31-3 33-8 38 16 53-3 55-3 41 18 36.9 37-1 44 18 38.0 38.7 46 18 37-6 45-0 22 51 18 53-5 55-1 41 20 36.8 36.9 44 20 38.5 39-2 47 20* 48.2 60.9 23 12 20 52.9 55-3 41 22 36.8 36.9 44 22 37-0 37-3 44 22 56.1 74-9 30 22 52.7 55-0 40 24 37-2 37-4 45 24.2 36.3 38.3 45 24.2 55-2 56.8 15 24 52.9 54-8 40 26 38.4 38.8 47 26 35-5 38.8 44 26 51.4 68.0 23 21 26 51-9 54-1 39 28 38.3 38.5 47 28 35-0 38.2 43 28 24.2 34-8 22 33 28 52.8 55.2 40 30 38.2 38.4 46 -15.0 30 35-2 39-2 45 -15.0 30 42.2 74.0 23 18 -14.8 30 53-4 55-8 41 -14.7 32 36.7 37-0 44 32-5 37-0 41-4 48 32* 38.7 70.8 22 13 32 52.3 54-0 39 34 35-3 35-6 42 34 37-2 41-1 48 34 38.3 72.8 14 34 52.2 53.8 39 36 34-0 34-3 40 36 38.1 42-1 50 36* 19-5 65.9 35 36 52.7 53-9 39 38 33-8 34-0 39 38 36.8 40.0 47 38 7-7 47-3 ii 38 53-4 55-1 41 40 35-3 35-6 42 40 35-9 37-9 45 40 8.1 51.1 15 40 54.0 55-9 42 42 36.0 36.0 43 42 34-5 39-0 44 42 13-7 54-8 22 42 56.8 57.5 i 45 44 36.9 37.0 44 -15.1 44 35-1 37-3 44 -14.9 44-2 20.5 58.6 31 -14.8 44 56.3 58-5 46 -14.7 46 38.0 38.0 46 46 34-1 36.2 42 46 37-8 69.7 53 46 56.3 57-9 45 48 38.2 38.6 46 48 34-1 36.1 42 48 Lost 48 59-3 61.2 50 So 38.6 39-1 47 50 34-4 36.3 42 50* 35-6 43-9 18 50 56.1 59-1 46 52 38.3 38.7 47 52 34-7 36.3 43 52 4I-I 55-2 32 52 59-1 60.9 So 54 36.6 36.8 44 34-7 36.3 43 54 43-9 52.3 32 54 61.6 64.7 56 56 35-2 35-6 42 56 35-2 36.9 43 S6 > 47-6 56.9 38 56 64.1 66.9 22 59 58 34-3 34-8 40 58 35-8 37-2 44 58 34-1 41.9 16 58 64.3 68.9 23 01 17 oo 32.6 33-3 38 -15.1 19 oo 35-0 36.3 43 -14.8 21 00 36.0 45.9 20 -14.9 23 oo 67.0 70.2 23 04 -14.6 02 30.9 31-3 35 02 34-3 35-8 42 O2 39-9 48.3 25 02 60.9 63.9 22 54 04 31.6 32.4 36 04 34-8 36.2 42 4 42.3 50.3 29 04 55-1 57-3 45 06 37-0 37.5 45 06 35-1 36.3 43 06 41.8 50.0 28 06 Si-7 54-7 40 08 35-0 35.6 42 08 35-1 36.3 43 08 39-8 48.8 25 08 49-3 52.2 36 10 30.4 30.6 34 10 35-0 36.1 42 IO 42.7 50.8 29 10 49-9 52.2 37 12 25.3 26.4 27 12 35-2 36.2 43 12 44-1 51.9 32 12 51.9 54.3 40 14 25.1 25.6 26 -15.1 14 35-1 36.1 43 -14-6 14 44-8 52.2 32 -14.9 M 54-0 56.1 43 -14-5 16 26.1 27.1 28 16 35-6 36.6 43 16 45-5 52.8 33 . 16 55-2 57.2 45 18 24.5 26.3 26 18 35-5 36.6 43 18 47-1 53-9 35 18 58.8 61.0 51 20 38.3 45-8 22 52 20 35.6 36.6 43 20 47-8 54-3 36 20 59-7 61.5 52 22 44-4 54-4 23 04 22 35-2 36.1 43 22 48.1 54-3 36 22 57.9 59-8 49 24 54.0 61.0 16 24 34.5 35.6 42 24 48.7 54-5 37 24 56-3 58.3 46 26 55-0 61.5 17 26 34-2 35-3 41 26 49-2 54-9 38 26 57-6 59-i 48 28 55-3 60. i 17 28 33-9 34-7 40 28 SO.i 55-4 39 28 53-6 55.0 42 30 49-3 Si.o 23 05 -15.1 30 33-7 34-3 40 -14.4 30 50.6 55.7 39 -15.0 30 54.1 55.4 42 -14-3 32 43-2 44-5 22 55 32 33-6 34-3 40 32 52.0 56.8 41 32 57-0 58.2 47 34 39-0 39-4 48 34 33-7 34-2 40 34 54-0 58.3 44 34 58.1 59-2 48 36 34-8 35-2 41 36 33-2 33-9 39 36 54-7 58.9 45 36 60.2 oi.l 52 38 32-2 33-3 37 38 33-3 33-8 39 38 54-2 58.3 44 38 58.8 59.8 50 40 30.3 31-0 34 40 33-8 34-2 40 40 54-1 58.0 45 40 56.8 57-8 46 42 29-4 30.3 33 42 34-9 35-3 42 42 54-7 58.i 44 42 57-2 58.0 47 30.4 31-0 34 -15.0 35-3 35-9 43 -14.4 44 54-2 57-8 44 -15-0 44 57-0 58.0 47 -14-5 46 31.3 31-8 35 46 33-9 35-1 41 46 54-2 57.7 44 46 56.8 57-3 46 48 32.4 33-0 37 48 33-3 34-4 40 48 55-7 58.7 46 48 57-2 58.1 47 50 33-9 34-3 40 50 33-5 34-7 40 50 55-9 58.6 46 50 57-1 57-8 46 52 33-9 34-3 40 52 33-2 34-1 39 52 56.0 58.4 46 52 56.0 56.8 45 8 35-5 36.0 35-3 35-8 42 42 8 32.2 33-7 32-3 33-1 38 54 55-5 58.1 56.3 58.7 46 54 56 56.8 57.2 56.9 57-2 4 < 46 58 35-3 35-6 42 58 33-0 33-7 39 58 56.3 58.6 46 58 55-9 56.3 44 24 oo 55-4 56.0 44 -14.6 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from i8h 3om to i8h 36m. Correction to local mean time is + 365. 90 torsion = 25/0. Torsion head at oh com read 5 and 24h I5m read 345. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued I0 5 Thursday, December 10, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Friday, December ii, 1903 Magnet scale erect. Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- ; Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O t h m d d " ' O h m d d / O h m d d O / O 16 oo 57-2 53.6 22 32 -17-4 18 oo 54-6 54-2 22 33 -14.7 20 oo 5I-I 51-9 22 32 -15.0 22 00 54.2 S4.6 22 36 -12. 02 56.3 52.9 33 02 55-7 55-3 32 02 51.8 52.6 33 02 54-2 54-4 36 04 56.1 53-0 33 04 56.1 55.9 31 04 52-7 53-2 34 04 53-3 53-8 35 06 55-8 52.8 34 06 55-1 55.1 32 06 53-1 53-9 35 06 54-1 54-2 36 08 55-5 53-0 34 08 55-0 54-8 33 08 S3-2& 34 08 55-7 56.0 38 10 55-8 53-2 33 10 54-6 54-3 33 10 53-8 53-8 35 10 53-8 54.1 35 12 55-7 53-3 33 12 55-9 55-8 31 12 S3- I 53-2 34 12 52.5 52.8 33 J 4 55-1 53-0 34 -17.0 4 53-9 53-9 34 -14.6 14 53-1 53-1 34 -14-3 14 52.7 52.9 34 -12.0 16 SS.i 53. 2 34 16 54.6 54.2 33 16 53-2 53.2 34 16 53-2 53-8 35 18 54-6 52.9 34 18 55-7 55-5 31 18 53-0 53.1 34 18 53.1 53.3 34 20 54-1 52.4 35 20 55-8 55-8 31 20 52.7 52.8 33 20 52-9 53-2 34 22 54-2 52.8 35 22 55-2 55.2 32 22 52.2 52.3 33 22 53-6 54-2 35 24 54-7 53-3 34 24 55-1 55.1 32 24 52.2 52.2 33 24 50.7 51-3 31 26 54-7 53-2 34 26 55-5 55-3 32 26 52.9 52.9 34 26 50.8 52.1 31 28 54-3 53-2 34 28 55-1 55-0 32 28 53-1 53.1 34 28 51-2 52.2 32 30 SS-i 54-0 33 -16.6 30 55-4 55-2 32 -14.2 30 53-4 53-7 35 -13-7 30 50.2 51.2 30 -12. 32 56.2 55.3 31 32 55-1 54-9 32 32 53-2 53.2 34 32 50.2 51.3 30 34 52.8 52.2 36 34 54-4 54-1 34 34 53-ofr 34 34 49-4 50.2 29 36 54-2 53-0 35 36 53-9 53-6 34 36 51-8 51.8 32 36 Si- i 51-9 32 38 56.4 55-7 31 38 53-4 53.1 35 38 51.9 5L9 32 38 52-9 53-4 34 40 55-9 55-2 32 40 53-6 53-2 35 40 5L7 51-8 32 40 50.1 50.6 30 42 55-9 55-3 31 42 53-9 53-7 34 42 50.9 51-2 31 42 50.1 50.9 30 44 55.8 55.2 32 -16.2 44 53-9 53-6 34 -14.0 44 51-2 51-8 32 -13-3 44 52.9 53-1 34 -II.9 46 55-7 55-0 32 46 53-0 52.8 36 46 51-9 52.4 33 46 52.2 52.9 33 48 56.8 56.2 30 48 53-2 53.1 35 48 52.1 52.4 33 48 52.3 52.9 33 50 58.1 57-7 28 50 52.9 52.7 36 50 52.3 52.7 33 50 53-2 53-9 35 52 55-7 55-2 32 52 52-7 52.2 37 52 52-8 53-1 34 52 52.8 53.2 34 54 55-7 55-2 32 54 52.4 52.2 37 54 52.3 52.8 33 54 52.0 52.4 33 56 55-7 55-2 32 56 53-7 53-3 35 56 52.9 53-1 34 56 Si-9 52.8 33 58 56.0 56.0 31 58 52.9 52.7 36 58 53-2 53-4 34 58 52-8 53.2 34 17 oo 56.8 56.3 30 -15.8 19 oo 52.8 52.6 36 -13.9 21 OO 53-1 53.1 34 -12.9 23 oo 51-8 52.3 32 -ii. 8 02 57-0 56.8 30 02 53-2 53.1 35 02 53-1 53.1 34 02 53-8 54.2 36 04 56.5 56.i 30 04 53-0 52.7 36 04 52.9 53-0 34 04 53-9 54-9 36 06 55-2 55-1 32 06 53-0 52.8 36 06 53-1 53-i 34 06 55-0 55-8 38 08 54-7 54-3 33 08 53-0 52.9 36 08 52.9 52.9 34 08 53-8 54-i 35 IO 55.8o 31 10 53-2 53.0 35 10 52.2 52.2 33 10 53-6 53.9 35 12 56.9 56.9 30 12 53-8 53-3 35 12 52.4 52.6 33 12 54-1 54-8 36 14 54. 6b 33 -15.5 14 53-1 53.0 35 -13-9 14 52.7 52.9 34 -12.7 14 55-2 55-9 38 -11.7 16 54-7 54-7 33 16 53-7 53-2 35 16 53-4 53-7 35 16 54-7 55-3 37 18 57-0 57.0 29 18 53-9 53-6 34 18 54-0 54-1 36 18 55-2 56.0 38 20 55-5 55-3 32 20 54-1 53-9 34 20 54-5 54-8 36 20 55-8 56.2 39 22 54-7 54-2 33 22 54-2 54-0 34 22 54-2 54-2 36 22 56.2 56.9 39 24 55-4 55-2 32 24 54.1 54.0 34 24 54-2 54-4 36 2 4 55-3 55-9 38 26 55-3 55-1 32 26 54.2 54.1 34 26 54-1 54-2 36 26 57-2 57-8 41 28 54.8 54-2 33 28 54.0 53.9 34 28 54-2 54-3 36 28 57-9 58.8 42 30 54-8 54-2 33 -15-0 30 53-8 53.3 35 -13.9 30 54-1 54-1 36 -12.3 30 S6.8 57-0 40 -ii. 7 32 54-2 53-9 34 32 53-8 53.4 35 32 53-9 54-0 35 32 56.3 56.9 40 34 55-1 55-1 32 34 53-8 53.6 34 34 53-3 53-8 35 56. ia 39 36 57-3 57-1 29 36 53-5 53-2 35 36 53-8 53-9 35 36 54-8 55-1 37 38 56.i 55-7 38 53-8 53.4 35 38 53-8 53-9 35 38 54-8 55-1 37 40 55.0 55.0 32 40 53-7 53-5 35 40 53.1 53.1 34 40 53-8 54.0 35 42 56.1 56.1 31 42 53-8 53-7 34 42 52.8 52.9 34 42 52.8 53.0 34 44 i 56.0 55.9 31 -14-9 44 53-8 53-4 35 -13-9 52.4 52.8 33 j-12.0 44 54-9 55-0 37 -ii. 7 46 54.2 54.2 34 46 53-9 53-8 34 46 53-0 53.1 34 46 | 53-4 53-8 35 48 54-8 54-8 33 48 54-0 54-0 34 48 53-0 53. i 34 48 53-2 53-9 35 50 57.1 57.0 29 50 53-9 53-8 34 50 53-2 53-8 35 50 56.1 56.4 39 52 56.1 56.1 3i 52 54-7 54-3 33 52 53-8 S4-0 35 52 56.0 56.2 39 54 54-7 54-2 33 54-1 54-0 34 54-2 54-6 36 54 54-1 54-6 36 56 53.2 53.2 35 56 54-1 53-8 34 56 54-7 54-9 37 56 54-4 54-7 36 58 53-8 53.7 34 58 53-8 53-3 i 35 -13-8 58 54-8 54-9 37 58 54.2 54.5 36 20 oo 53.9 53.2 35 24 oo 54.0 54.8 36 -ii. 7 Correction to local mean time is + im 495. 90 torsion = 24/6. Torsion head at ish 4om read 347 and at 2oh 2om read 341. Observer W. J. P. 8 Correction to local mean time is Torsion head at igh 45m read 344 Observer R. R. T. 20S. and at 24)1 ism read the same. io6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic decimations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, December 13, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, December 13, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right ; Left Right Left Right h m d d h m d d O / o h m d d o t o h m d d o t o 00* 55.0 52.8 22 41 -IS -3 2 OO 55-9 55-9 22 38 -12.9 4 OO 53-i 54-2 22 42 -ii. 8 6 oo Si.2 57-2 22 43 -1 1. 2 02 56.1 54-1 39 02 56.8 56.3 37 02 52.8 54.3 42 02* 48.5 54-0 23 17 04 56.7 54-7 38 04 56.1 55-9 37 4 53-2 54.9 43 04 52.0 57.2 22 06 55-2 53-9 40 06 55-2 SS-i 39 06 Si.i 52.3 39 06 46.1 49.8 12 08 55-6 54.1 39 08 54-4 54-2 40 08 51-1 52.8 39 08 Si.o 56.5 21 10 54-1 52.7 42 10 54-7 54-3 40 IO 50.9 52.1 39 IO 55-8 59-1 27 12 51-3 50-3 46 12 54-7 54-5 40 12 49-9 50.9 37 12 54-2 57-9 25 14 52.2 51.8 44 -15-0 14 54-2 54-1 40 -12.8 14 50.9 52.0 38 -i i. 6 14 58.1 60.4 30 -II. 2 16 55-3 53-9 40 16 54-3 54-2 40 16 51.2 52.2 39 16 54.0 56.8 24 18 58.8 57-7 18 54-4 54-2 40 18 Si-9 52-9 40 18 55. i 56.3 24 20 55-9 55-1 38 20 54-0 53-9 41 20 51-9 53-0 40 20 5S-8 57-7 26 22 53-8 52.7 42 22 S4-I 54-0 41 22 52.2 53.1 40 22 46.5 48.0 II 24 53-5 52.4 42 24 53-9 53-8 41 24 54-6 55-9 44 2 4 58.00 28 26 54-3 53.6 41 26 53-8 53.7 41 26 57-7 58-8 49 26 61.0 62.0 33 28 56.6 55.5 37 28 53-0 52.9 42 28 58.6 59.4 50 28 56.9 58.9 28 30 56.8 55-8 37 -14.6 30 52.0 51.9 44 -12.7 30 57-8 58.8 49 -ii-S 30 54-0 56.2 23 -II. 2 32 54-3 53-2 41 32 52.6 52.3 43 32 58.8 59-5 Si 32 51-1 52.8 18 34 53-2 52.3 43 34 52.8 52.8 42 34 59.1 60.6 Si 34 51-8 52-S 18 36 51-9 Si.i 45 36 53-1 53-0 42 36 59-4 60.2 52 36 56.1 56.8 25 38 53-1 52.i 43 38 53-7 53-2 42 38 59.8 60.8 52 38 54-7 55-3 23 40 56-3 55-7 37 40 54-2 54-1 40 40 58.1 58.9 50 40 48.2 49.9 42 56.5 56.1 37 42 54-1 53-9 41 42 57-0 57-9 48 42 49-0 50.1 14 44 54-7 54-2 40 -14.2 44 54-2 54-1 40 -12.7 44 56.3 57- i 47 -ii. S 44 42.0 44.3 04 -I 1. 4 46 54-0 53-4 41 46 55-2 55-1 39 46 5S-9 56.2 46 46 46.8 47.2 10 48 54-3 53-9 40 48 56.1 56.1 37 48 54-3 54-8 43 48 48.1 48.9 13 So 54-2 53-9 41 50 56-9 56.8 36 50 54-1 54-8 43 50 46.9 47-8 ii 52 54-2 53-9 41 52 57-i 56-9 36 52 52-8 53.1 41 52 45-6 45-8 08 54 53-8 53-1 42 54 58.1 58-0 34 54 52-2 52.8 40 54 50.1 50.8 16 56 52.8 52.3 43 56 57-8 57-3 35 56 51-3 52.0 39 56 48.1 50.1 14 58 52.9 52.6 43 58 56.9 56.8 36 58 52.2 52.9 40 58 44.2 44.7 06 I 00 53.8 53-6 41 -13-9 3 oo 56.5 56.2 37 -12.4 5 oo 53-0 53-4 41 -11.4 7 oo 49-0 50.3 IS -II.4 02 55-1 54-9 39 02 55-9 55-8 38 02 52.2 52.3 40 02 46.9 47.7 ii 04 56.1 56.0 37 04 55-7 55-4 38 04 53-3 53-8 42 04 4S-I 45- 6 23 08 06 56.9 56.7 36 06 54-8 54.2 40 06 54-8 55-1 44 06 38.2 38.4 22 57 08 57-2 57-1 36 08 52.9 52-5 43 08 54-3 54-7 43 08 37-20 22 55 10 57-7 57-3 35 10 52-3 52.i 43 IO 56.0 56.2 46 10 54-9 55-1 23 23 12 57-8 57-5 35 12 52.1 Si- 9 44 12 57-7 58.2 49 12 34-8 37.5 22 53 14 58.2 58.0 34 -13-4 J i 52.1 5L9 44 -12.3 14 58.8 59.0 SO -ii. 3 14 40.6 41.0 23 oi -II.4 16 57-9 57-7 35 16 52.2 52.0 44 16 60. i 60.2 52 16 46.9 48.9 12 18 57- 2 57-1 36 18 53-2 53.1 42 18 60.9 61.1 53 18 47.3 48.4 12 20 56.9 56.8 36 20 53-9 53-2 41 20 63. 70, 58 20 40.1 41.0 23 oo 22 56.2 56.1 37 22 53-9 53-8 41 22 63-9 63.9 22 58 22 36.8 38.7 22 56 24 S6.i 55-9 37 24 53-9 53-7 41 24 65.2 65.2 23 oo 24 37-7 39-6 22 57 26 56.3 56.1 37 26 52.9 52-7 43 26 66.6 67.0 02 26 40.2 42.0 ! 23 01 28 56.2 56.1 37 28 52.4 52.1 43 28 67-1 67.3 03 28 33-3 35-3 22 50 30 56.3 56.1 37 -13-2 30 51-9 Si-7 44 -12. I 30 66.2 66.8 02 -1 1. 2 30 30.7 33.2 47 -II.4 32 56.1 56.0 37 32 51-9 51.8 44 32 65.0 65.9 23 oo 32 33-4 35-2 50 34 55-7 55. 6 38 34 52.1 52.0 44 34 63.3 64.0 22 58 34 26.8 3O.O 22 41 36 55-8 55-7 38 36 52.9 52.8 43 36 63.8 64.3 58 36 39.3 40.7 23 oo 38 56.1 56.0 37 38 53-7 53-2 42 38 62.9 63.8 57 38 30.4 33.0 22 46 40 55-7 55-2 38 40 53-1 53-0 42 40 62.6 62.9 56 40 32.3 34.8 49 42 54-9 54-8 39 42 53-9 53-5 41 42 62.6 62.0 56 42 37.2 40.1 57 44 54-4 54-3 40 -13-0 44 53-8 53-6 41 -12. 44 62.0 62.3 55 -II. 2 44 36.2 37.9 55 -i i -5 46 53-7 53-7 41 46 53-9 53-5 41 46 62.4 62.8 56 46 31.2 33.7 48 48 53-9 53-9 41 48 54-8 54.6 40 48 59.9 61.0 22 S3 48 34-8 37-7 53 SO 54-1 54-0 40 50 54-9 54-8 39 50 67.90 23 04 50 36.6 37.2 55 52 5S. 2 55-0 39 52 55-1 55-0 39 52 70.3 71- i 09 52 31-2 32.S 47 54 56.1 56.1 37 54 54-7 54-3 40 54 71.20 09 54 27.8 28.3 56 56.2 56.1 37 56 54-8 54-7 40 56 73.80 14 56 28.0 29.0 41 58 55- 8 55-7 38 58 55-1 55-0 39 58 76.20 23 17 58 24.5 28.0 38 8 oo 2O. 2 25.O 32 -ii. S Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is 453. Torsion head at oh oom read 350 and at 9h 3om read the same. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 107 Monday, December 14, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, December 15, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O / O h m d d O / e h m d d / h m d d / 8 oo 53-4 52.8 22 59 -18.0 10 OO 55-1 54-8 22 56 -l6.9 12 OO 35-9 34-7 22 44 -2O. O 14 oo 32.2 32.4 22 39 -17.1 02 55-6 54.3 56 02 56.1 55-6 22 55 02 33.2 34.8 j 42 02 30.8 31.0 37 04 58.3 56.7 52 47.2 46.8 23 09 04 32.3 33-7 40 04 30.9 32.2 38 06 53-9 52.8 59 06 59-5 59-1 22 49 06 33-9 34-7 42 06 31-1 32.1 38 08 54-8 53-8 57 08 59.8 58.7 49 08 34-0 35-1 42 08 32.9 33-3 40 10 53-3 52.3 22 59 10 58.1 57-3 52 10 33-2 34-1 41 IO 32.2 32.8 39 12 51.8 50.0 23 02 12 59.0 58.0 51 12 32.8 33-4 40 12 31.7 32.1 38 14 51.5 49-7 03 -I 7 .8 H 58.2 57.5 52 -16.7 H 33-2 34-2 41 -19.7 14 31-4 31-8 38 -17.0 16 48.7 47-3 07 16 58.7 57-9 Si 16 34-8 35-4 43 16 32.3 32.7 39 18 51-5 50.2 23 03 18 58.2 57.2 52 18 35-8 36.7 45 18 31.8 32.9 39 20 53-8 52.9 22 59 20 59-2 58.2 50 20 36.0 36.8 45 20 33-3 34-0 41 22 52.9 52.0 23 oo 22 58.3 57-4 52 22 35-1 36.0 44 22 33-3 33-9 41 24 54-9 54-0 22 57 24 58.2 57.4 52 24 30-7 3I-I 37 24 34-2 35-0 43 26 57-2 56.0 54 26 58.7 57-9 51 26 27.8 28.3 32 26 34-2 34.8 43 28 57-2 56.2 53 28 59-0 58.1 51 28 28.8 29.3 34 28 32.2 32.9 39 30 53-9 53-1 22 58 -I 7 .8 30 61.3 60.3 47 -16.6 30 29-2 30.4 35 -19.2 30 31-8 32.8 39 -16.9 32 49-7 48.7 23 05 32 62.0 61.3 46 32 33-3 34-3 41 32 33-2 34-0 41 34 49-1 47-7 06 34 61.8 61.0 46 34 34-8 35-7 43 33-1 33-9 41 36 47-4 46.3 09 36 61.3 60.8 47 36 36.1 37.1 46 36 33-2 34-1 41 38 46.3 46.1 : 10 38 61.1 60.6 47 38 36.8 37-2 46 38 32.9 33-9 41 40 48.4 48.2 07 40 61.0 60.3 47 40 34-6 35-2 43 40 32.2 33-2 40 42 46.3 45.0 ii 42 60.7 60.0 48 42 33-2 34.0 41 42 33-1 33-7 41 44 49.2 48.0 06 -I7-7 44 61.0 60.2 47 -16.5 44 32.2 33.0 39 -I9.O ' 44 33-0 33.7 -16.7 46 49-8 49-3 05 46 61.8 61.1 46 46 32.1 32.6 39 46 33-0 33-6 41 48 49.2 47.9 06 48 62.3 61.7 45 48 31-9 32.5 39 48 32.9 33-4 40 50 50.0 49.3 04 50 63.0 62.3 i 44 50 33-3 34-1 41 50 32-9 33-3 40 52 51.7 50.2 02 52 62.0 61.5 ! 46 52 34-0 34-9 42 52 32.2 32.9 39 54 50.7 49.3 04 61.9 61.3 46 54 33-8 34-4 42 32.0 32.4 39 56 48.1 47-9 07 56 61.2 60.8 47 56 33-3 34-2 41 56 32.1 32.3 39 58 46.1 46.1 IO 58 61.5 61.1 46 58 32.5 33-0 40 58 31-9 32.2 38 9 oo 48.1 48.0 07 -I 7 .6 II OO 62.6 62.0 45 -16.4 13 oo 32.7 33-0 40 -18.4 15 oo 32.7 33-0 40 -16.6 02 47.1 46.8 09 02 63.0 62.7 44 02 32.1 32.6 39 02 32.2 32.8 39 04 46.4 46.4 10 04 63 . 9 63 . 2 43 04 32.5 32.9 40 04 32.7 33-1 40 06 48.1 47.4 08 06 62.9 62.2 44 06 33-0 33-6 41 06 33-2 33-9 41 08 49.9 49.2 05 08 63.8 63.3 43 08 34-7 35-1 43 08 33-2 33-8 41 IO 52.9 51.9 oo IO 63.0 62.7 44 10 35-1 35-8 44 10 32.7 33-1 40 12 49.3 48.8 05 12 62.3 62.0 45 12 33.6 34.0 41 12 32.0 32.3 39 14 47.8 47.1 08 -17-3 14 63.0 62.7 44 -16.2 14 31-3 32.0 38 -18.0 i 14 32.1 32-9 39 -16.3 16 50.7 50.1 03 16 62.7 62.1 44 16 31-8 32.1 38 16 32.1 32.7 39 18 ! 47.9 47.1 08 18 62.3 61.9 45 18 32.0 32.1 38 18 31 6 31.9 38 20 46.9 46.5 09 20 63.5 63.0 43 20 32.8 32.9 40 20 32.2 32.7 39 22 49-3 48.2 06 22 63.0 62.4 44 22 32.1 32.5 39 22 28.3 28.7 33 24 49-2 48.7 06 24 62.7 62.1 44 24 31.6 31-7 38 24 27.2 27.4 31 26 51.8 50.8 02 26 62.9 62.3 44 26 32.3 32-7 39 26 24.2 25.0 27 28 52.8 51.5 01 28 62.6 62.2 44 28 32.6 32.8 40 28 25.9 26.1 29 30 53-2 52.2 00 -I7.I 30 62.2 61.9 45 -16.2 30 34-1 34-7 42 -17.8 30 28.6 28.8 33 -16.0 32 53-1 52.2 23 oo 32 62.1 61.9 45 32 34.8 34.9 43 32 28.8 28.8 34 56.2 55.1 22 55 62.2 61.9 45 34 33-1 33-3 40 34 28.1 28.9 33 36 58.9 57-7 51 36 62.3 62.1 45 36 32.3 32.8 39 36 30.1 30.2 36 38 58.0 56.9 52 38 62.0 61.8 45 38 32.6 32.8 40 38 31-5 32.0 38 40 55-9 54-2 56 40 61.3 61.1 46 40 3L3 31-8 38 40 31-8 32.1 38 42 57-0 55-9 54 42 62.1 61.9 45 42 29.9 30.1 35 42 31-8 32.1 38 44 57.6 56.8 53 -17.0 44 62.1 62.0 45 -16.2 44 30.1 30.1 36 -17.3 44 32.1 32.9 39 -iS-9 46 53-1 52.6 59 46 62.0 62.2 45 46 32.1 32.1 39 46 32.1 32.9 39 48 57-9 57-3 52 48 63.8 63.3 43 48 32.1 32.1 39 48 30.6 31.3 37 50 56.9 56.1 i 54 50 63.8 63.2 43 50 30.4 30.8 36 50 29.1 29.7 52 56.6 56.0 54 52 63.2 63.0 43 52 30.1 30.2 36 52 31.1 32.1 38 56.8 56.1 i 54 54 62.7 62.4 44 54 30.3 30.9 36 54 33-9 34-3 42 56 55-1 54-7 56 56 62.7 62.1 44 56 31-9 32.6 39 56 33-7 33-9 41 58 57-0 56.3 54 58 65.2 64.8 40 58 32 . I 32 . 2 39 58 32-9 33-1 40 12 OO 65.1 64.9 40 -16.0 16 oo 32.7 33-8 41 -15.6 Correction to local mean time is 035. 90 torsion = 24/1. Torsion head at 7h 3om read 350 and at I2h 2om read 356. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is i8s. 90 torsion = 24/9. Torsion head at I2h oom read 351 and at i6h oom read 341. Observer R. R. T. io8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, December 16, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 16, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings ' decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o t h m d d * h m d d / h m d d t o 00.2 40-3 39-1 22 49 -20.5 2 OO 39-2 37-8 22 51 -17.9 4 oo 46.3 45-3 22 40 -16.9 6 oo 30.2 29.8 23 05 -16.2 02* 38.3 37-1 S3 02 33-6 33-0 59 02 44-3 43-4 43 02 28.8 28.2 07 04 39-5 39-0 50 04 36.6 35-8 55 04 42.7 42.3 45 04 31-0 30.6 03 06 42.2 38.6 48 06 35-8 35-4 56 06 40-3 39-9 49 06 33-0 32.3 23 oo 08 42.3 40-0 47 08 36.6 36.0 55 08 40-3 39-8 49 08 35-3 34-7 22 57 IO 44-4 4L3 44 10 37-0 36.8 54 10 41-5 41-3 47 IO 36.0 35.3 56 12 45.0 42.6 43 12 38.6 38.2 52 12 44-4 44-0 42 12 36.0 35.1 56 14 46.2 44.3 41 -20.0 H 38-1 37-5 52 -17.8 I4.I 44-6 44-0 42 -16.8 14 35-3 34-3 57 -16.5 16 46-2 43.5 41 16 40.2 39.9 49 16 45-0 44.5 42 16 34-0 33-2 22 59 18 43-4 42-2 44 18 40.4 40.0 49 18 43-3 43-0 44 18 33-0 32.0 23 oi 20 43-7 42-3 44 20 41.2 40.6 48 20 41.3 40.9 47 20 32.2 31.0 02 22 42.7 41.6 46 22 39-7 39-3 50 22 41.8 41.5 46 22 33-5 32.6 23 oo 24 43.0 41.8 45 24 39-9 39-5 49 24 41.6 41.3 47 24 34-1 33-3 22 59 26 42-3 41-3 46 26 39-2 38.8 50 26 41.6 41.3 47 26 34-2 33.3 59 28 42 . 6 42 . i 45 28 38.5 38.1 52 28 42.0 41.6 46 28 34-6 33-7 58 30 39-3 38.7 50 -19-5 30 38.3 38.0 52 -17.7 30 42.2 41.9 46 -16.7 30 35-3 34-3 57 -16.5 32 39-3 39-1 50 32 38.6 38.5 51 32 41.0 40.4 48 32 37-o 36.4 54 34 39-4 39-1 50 34 38.5 38.3 52 34 38.8 38.7 Si 34 39-3 38.3 51 36 38.3 38.2 52 36 36.8 36.3 54 36 41-3 41-3 47 36 39-0 37-6 52 38 39-5 39-5 50 38 35-9 35-6 56 38 41.0 40.8 48 38 37-8 36-8 S3 40 40.1 39.8 49 40 35-2 34-8 57 40 40.6 40.1 48 40 36.0 35.2 22 56 42 40.6 40.2 48 42 35-3 35-0 57 42 39-3 38.9 50 42 31.6 30.6 23 03 44 41.2 41.1 47 -18.9 44 35-5 33-0 58 -17-5 44 38.2 37.8 52 -16.6 44 30.6 28.7 23 05 -16.6 46 41.8 41.6 46 46 36.3 36.0 55 46 37-9 37-5 53 47 35-3 33-3 22 58 48 41.6 41.4 47 48 37-0 36.6 54 48 37-0 36.3 54 48 38.9 3S-I 54 SO 41-7 41-3 47 50 37-3 37-1 53 50 35-1 34.7 57 50 42.5 39-3 48 52 41-5 4I-I 47 52 35-3 34-6 57 52 36.1 35-8 55 52 42.8 40.2 47 40.2 39.8 49 54 35-3 35-1 56 54 37-1 36.6 54 54 42.0 40.0 47 56 38-3 38-1 52 56 35-2 34-9 57 56 33-8 33-3 59 56 42.6 40.4 47 58 39-2 38.8 50 -18.6 58 37-3 37-0 53 58 39-0 38-5 Si 58 42.0 40.0 47 I OO 40.8 40.3 48 3 oo 38.1 37-7 52 -17.5 5 oo 38.1 37-3 53 -16.5 7 oo 39-6 37-6 51 -16.8 02 39-6 38.8 50 02 38-0 37-5 53 02 35-3 34-6 57 02 37-0 36-0 54 04 37-3 36.9 53 04 40-3 39-9 49 04 35-0 34-2 57 04 38.2 37.2 53 06 35-0 34-3 57 06 43-2 43-0 44 06 36.6 36.3 55 06 39-1 38.2 Si 08 34-5 34-1 58 08 43-0 42-5 45 08 36-2 35-3 22 56 08 39.6 38.0 Si IO 35-0 34-6 57 IO 42.6 42.3 45 10 32-1 31-8 23 02 10 44.1 42.0 44 12 33-8 33-4 59 12 41.9 41.5 46 12 29-9 29.3 05 12 47-8 46-3 38 14 36.7 36.5 54 -18.2 14 40.7 40.3 48 -17.4 14 30.0 29.5 05 -16.4 14 44-9 44-3 42 -17 o 16 39-2 39-0 50 16.2 38.3 38.3 52 16 29.9 29.3 OS 16 40.5 39-5 49 18 40-0 39.5 49 18 37-6 37-3 53 18 30-3 30.1 04 18 39-2 37-8 Si 20 41.2 40.0 48 20 38-3 38.1 52 20 32.3 32.0 23 oi 20.3 40.0 39.0 50 22 40.0 39.3 50 22 39-2 39-0 50 22 34-0 33-6 22 59 22 35-6 35.3 56 24 42.1 41.0 46 24 40.0 39.8 49 24 34-0 33-4 59 24 35-8 34-7 56 26 40.5 40.0 49 26 40.6 40.2 48 26 37-1 36.5 22 54 26 35-3 34-2 57 28 38-3 37-5 52 28 38-9 38.3 Si 28 29.6 28.7 23 06 28.2 40-0 39-3 ! 50 30 40.2 39.0 50 -18.2 30 37-7 37-3 S3 -17.2 30 29.8 29.3 05 -16.3 30 41-3 40-5 48 -17.0 32 40.2 39.2 49 32 37-8 37-3 53 32 29-3 28.7 06 32 36.0 33.0 22 58 34 41.3 40.4 48 34 37-4 37-4 53 34 28.3 28.1 08 34 29.0 25.8 23 09 36 41-5 41-3 47 36 38.2 37.6 52 36 29-7 29-3 05 36 26.4 22.4 14 38 41-3 39-9 48 38 40-0 39-5 49 38 30.9 30.6 04 38 26.3 22.0 14 40 40.0 38.6 50 40 41-2 40-5 48 40 32.6 32.4 OI 40 31-5 29.5 23 04 42 38.9 37-8 52 42 39-3 38.5 51 42 33-3 33-1 oo 42 38-5 36.0 22 S3 44 42.0 40.8 47 -18.0 44 40-3 39-5 49 -17.0 44 33-5 32-6 oo -16.2 44 44-3 41-6 44 -17.0 46 43.2 42.3 45 46 41.2 40.8 47 46 32-3 31-7 02 46 46.0 45.0 40 48 42.3 41-6 46 48 41-3 40-3 48 48 31-3 30.3 03 48 46.0 44.1 4 1 So 40.2 39.0 50 50 40-3 39-5 49 50 29.3 29.0 06 50 48.0 45.2 3| 52 41.7 40.3 47 52 39-7 39-1 50 52.2 28.9 28.3 07 52 49-3 44-1 38 54 39-7 39-2 SO 54 4L3 40.3 48 54 30.9 30.5 04 54 50.2 45.6 36 56 38.2 37.6 S2 56 42.2 41.0 46 56 33-0 33-0 oo 56 53-4 49-3 31 5 36.0 35.0 56 58 45-9 45-2 40 58 32.3 32.0 OI 58 56.1 51.0 28 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 7h 52m to 8h o6m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 109 Wednesday, December 16, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 16, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings i decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O / h m d d O 1 o h m d d I o h m d d o * O 8 oo 54-0 51.7 22 2p -17.0 10 00 50.7 48.4 22 34 -16.4 12 OO 47-7 47-3 22 37 -16.2 14 oo 49-1 48.9 22 35 -16.2 03 53.2 48.1 32 02 44.1 42.1 44 02 47-7 47-3 37 02 50.1 50.0 33 04 49-3 45-1 38 04 45-9 45-1 40 04 47-7 47-6 37 04 49-8 49-3 34 06 47-2 42.5 41 06 Sl.i 50.2 32 06 48.7 48.4 36 06 49.2 49.2 34 08 48.2 44.2 39 08 51-9 50.9 31 08 48.1 48.1 36 08 51.86 30 10 51-7 47-2 34 10 50.2 48.9 34 IO 48.0 47.9 36 10 53-8 53.3 28 12 51.8 47.8 34 12 47-9 45-9 38 12 47-8 47.6 37 12 53-2 53-0 28 14 41-9 38.7 48 -17.0 14 46.8 44.3 40 -16.4 14 47-8 47.5 37 -16.2 14 53-0 52.9 29 -16.3 17 41.1 37-2 So 16 48.2 46.3 38 16 47-7 47-2 37 16 52.7 52.1 30 18 44-9 40.9 44 18 47-5 45-7 38 18 47-6 47.2 37 18 53-4 53-0 28 20 47-1 44-3 40 20 48.9 46.9 36 20 47-9 47-7 37 20 54-1 53-7 27 22 49-7 41-1 40 22 47-0 45.9 39 22 48.0 47.8 36 22 Si-5 50.8 32 24 42.8 40.0 47 2 4 42.9 42.9 44 24 47-7 47-1 37 24 51-2 50.7 32 26 44.8 42.2 43 26 44.8 44.2 42 26 48.2 47.8 36 26 50.4 50.2 33 28 44-9 41.8 44 28 47.0 46.2 38 28 47.2 47.0 38 28 50.8 50.1 33 30 40.0 37.0 51 -16.9 30 SO.o 49.7 34 -16.3 30 47-8 47.1 37 -16.3 30 50.3 49-7 33 -16.3 32 4L3 37-5 50 32 50.2 49.2 34 32 48.1 47.6 37 32 50-3 50.0 33 34 45-4 42.2 43 46.0 45.9 40 34 49.0 48.6 35 34 50.8 50.2 32 36 46.8 43.6 41 36 46.2 45.5 40 36 48.3 47-8 36 36 50.0 49.4 34 38 39-1 36.9 52 38 46.0 45.1 40 38 49 . o 48 . 6 35 38 50.0 49.7 34 40 36.0 33-7 57 40 47.0 46.0 39 40 48.8 48.1 36 40 49-2 49.0 35 42 42.6 42.4 45 42 47-7 46.7 38 42 49.0 48.8 35 42 49.0 48.6 35 44 45-9 45-2 40 -16.9 44 50.6 49.9 33 -16.3 44 49-9 49-2 34 -16.2 44 49.0 48.7 35 -16.3 46 45-9 45-0 40 46 48.9 48.0 36 46 49.0 48.8 35 46 49.1 48.8 35 48 45-9 45-0 40 48 49-1 47.7 36 48 47-9 47-3 37 48 48.4 48.1 36 50 42.7 41.2 46 So 46.9 45-9 39 50 47-7 47-2 37 50 48.2 47.9 36 52 43.2 42.0 45 52 47.8 46.8 37 52 47.8 47.8 37 52 48.2 47-7 36 54 46.2 45.1 ; 40 54 48.9 48.0 36 54 47-3 47-0 38 54 48.0 47-7 37 56 47.9 46.7 37 56 48.9 48.0 36 56 47-8 47-3 37 56 47-9 47-6 37 58 46.3 45-1 40 58 49-3 48.9 35 58 49-2 48.9 35 58 47-9 47-5 37 9 oo 44-9 44-1 42 -16.8 II OO 49-9 48.9 34 -16.3 13 oo 49-4 48.9 35 -16.1 15 oo 47-9 47-4 37 -16.3 02 45-7 45-0 4i 02 49.8 48.8 34 02 48.7 47-9 36 02 47-3 47-1 38 04 40.1 38.2 50 04 49.8 48.8 34 04 48.8 48.1 36 04 46.3 46.1 39 06 39-8 38.3 50 06 50.7 49-1 33 06 48.9 48.2 36 06 45-7 45-2 40 08 40.9 40.1 48 08 51.9 50.7 31 08 49-7 49-0 34 08 45-2 45-0 41 10 44.0 42.2 44 10 52.5 SO.i 31 10 49.2 48.6 35 IO 45.1 44.8 41 12 45-7 43-2 42 12 53-6 52.0 29 12 49-7 49-1 34 12 44.6 44.2 42 14 47.6 46.0 38 -16.7 14 54.8 53.8 26 -16.2 14 50.1 49.8 33 -16.1 14 44-1 43-7 43 -16.4 16 50.3 48.4 34 16 57-2 55.9 23 16 51-2 51.0 32 16 45-2 45-0 4i 18 50.9 49-2 33 18 59-0 57-3 20 18 50.0 49.8 33 18 45-8 45-4 40 20 55-6 53.8 26 20 54-9 52.0 28 20 49-9 49-2 34 20 45-3 45-1 41 22 54-0 52.0 28 22 54-7 53-2 27 22 51-8 51-3 31 22 45-8 45-6 40 24 52.8 51-4 30 24 52.2 50.4 3i 24 48.1 47.7 37 24 46.1 45.9 40 26 53-2 52.1 29 26 55-7 54-8 25 26 47-9 47-8 37 26 45-8 45-7 40 28 54-3 53-7 27 28 Si-7 SO.i 32 28 47-3 47-1 38 28 45-9 45-7 40 30 52.1 50.2 32 -16.6 30 49-8 49.2 34 -16.2 30 46.2 45.9 40 -16.0 30 45-9 45-7 40 -16.3 32 47-0 46.3 38 32 48.1 47.0 37 32 47-2 46.9 38 32 45-1 45-0 41 34 52.0 51.1 31 34 48.7 47.6 36 34 48.1 47-9 36 34 44.4 44.2 42 36 50.1 50.1 33 36 48.1 46.9 37 36 48.0 47.8 36 36 45-3 45-1 4i 38 50.1 49-2 34 38 48 . o 47 . o 37 38 47-9 47-6 37 38 44.8 44.8 41 40 47-9 47-0 37 40 47-7 46.7 38 40 47-7 47-2 37 40 44-7 44-4 42 42 44-3 42.6 44 42 48.2 47.3 37 42 47-3 47-0 38 42 44-5 44-2 42 44 49.1 47.9 36 -16.4 44 48.5 47.6 36 -16.2 44 47-2 47.1 38 -16.1 44 44-4 44-2 42 -16.3 46 50.7 49.6 33 46 47.8 46.9 37 46 48 . 2 48 . 36 46 44.0 43.8 43 48 50.8 49.7 33 48 47-2 46.7 38 48 48.8 48.6 35 48 44-3 44-2 42 So 48.9 47.7 36 50 47-2 47.2 38 50 48.8 48.0 36 50 45-1 45.1 41 52 j 47.0 46.1 | 39 52 48.7 48.4 36 52 46.9 46.8 38 52 44.8 44.8 41 54 47.7 46.4 38 48.6 48.4 36 54 47.1 46.9 38 54 44.8 44-8 4i 56 48.8 47.8 36 56 48.0 48.0 36 56 47-0 47.0 38 56 45-0 45-0 4i 58 48.3 47-3 37 58 47-7 47-3 37 58 47-0 47-0 38 58 45-2 45-1 41 . Observer R. R. T. Observer R. R. T. no SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, December 16, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 16, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d o / h m d d / o h m d d o / O 16 oo 45-5 45-2 22 41 -16.3 18 oo 46.2 45.2 22 40 -16.0 20 oo 49.3 49.0 22 35 -16.0 22 00 54-0 53-0 22 33 -15.8 02 45-7 45-5 40 02 46-3 45-2 40 02 50.5 49-8 33 02 53-9 53-0 33 04 46.3 46.1 39 04 46.5 45-5 40 04 51.2 50.6 32 04 55-2 54.4 31 06 46 . 8 46 . 7 38 06 46.5 45-6 40 06 51-8 50.8 31 06 56.1 55-7 29 08 47-0 47.0 38 08 46.5 45-7 39 08 53-4 52.3 29 08 55-6 55-1 30 10 47-3 47-2 38 IO 46.6 46.0 39 10 53-6 53-2 28 10 54-1 53-3 32 12 47-3 47-2 38 12 47-0 46.3 38 12 50.3 49-6 33 12 SS.O 54.3 3i 14 47-1 47.0 38 -16.3 14 47-3 47-0 38 -16.0 14 54-0 53-3 28 -16.0 14 54-0 53.o 33 -16.0 16 47-2 47-1 38 j| 16 47.3 46.8 ! 38 16 54-3 53-3 27 16 55-4 55-o 30 18 47-1 46.9 38 18 46.5 46.3 39 18 55-0 53-9 26 18 58.00 26 20 47-0 46.9 38 20 46.3 45-9 39 20 54.8 53.4 27 20 58.7 58.5 25 22 46.7 46.2 39 22 46-0 45.5 40 22 54-3 53-3 27 22 58.2 $.2 26 24 46.3 46.1 39 24 46.1 45.6 40 24 54-3 53-3 27 24 56.8 56.8 28 26 46.7 46.2 39 26 46.1 46.1 39 26 53.2 53.0 28 26 57.0 57.0 27 28 46.8 46.6 39 28 46.0 45.6 40 28 51.2 50.6 32 28 55.6 55.3 30 30 45-3 45-1 41 -16.3 30 46.3 46.0 39 -16.0 30 50.6 50.0 33 -16.0 30 55-7 55-5 30 -16.0 32 44-9 44-7 41 32 46.9 46.5 38 32 50.0 49.3 34 32 52.3 52.0 35 34 44.8 44.8 4i 34 46.6 46.3 39 34 So.o 49.3 34 34 60.8 60.2 22 s 45-8 45-8 40 36 46.4 46.2 39 36 50.2 49.6 33 36 52.5 50.1 36 3 45-3 44-8 41 38 46.8 46.4 38 38 49.6 49.3 34 38 39-8 37-4 22 56 40 48.2 46.8 37 40 46.7 46.7 ; 38 40 49-3 48.3 35 40 20.6 6.0 23 36 42 48.0 45.1 39 42 46.9 46.6 38 42 48.5 47-5 36 42* 61.0 41.0 23 08 44 48.0 45.0 39 -16.3 44 47-5 47-2 37 -16.0 44 49-3 48.2 35 -16.0 44 64.8 55.4 22 53 -16.0 4 2 47-8 44-6 39 46 48.1 47.8 36 46 49-7 48.7 34 46 59-6 39-3 23 10 48 47-5 44-3 40 48 48.0 48.0 36 48 49-0 48.3 35 48 65.1 51.1 22 56 50 47-3 44-5 40 50 48-7 48.3 36 50 48.4 47.4 36 So 64.3 63.0 48 52 47-2 44-8 40 52 47-6 47.2 37 52 53-0 52.2 29 52 59.1 58.0 56 54 47-5 45-0 39 54 47-6 47.3 37 54 55-3 So.o 29 54 67.0 65.3 44 56 48.0 45.6 38 56 47 . o 46 . 6 38 56 43 o 33.0 22 52 56 58.6 58.4 56 58 48.2 46.0 38 58 46.6 46.1 39 58* 42 . o 28 . o 23 33 58 63.4 61.5 50 17 oo 48.3 46.3 37 -16.2 19 oo 46.8 46.2 39 -15.8 21 OO 64.O 24.0 19 -16.0 23 oo 69.5 69.0 39 -16.0 02 48-3 46.5 37 02 46 . 9 46 . 6 38 02* 56.3 36.3 24 35 02 62.7 60.4 Si 04 48.3 46.5 37 04 47-3 47-0 38 04 48.4 7.0 25 04 04 60.6 59.0 06 48.6 47.0 37 06 47-2 47.0 38 06 69.3 65.3 24 02 06 65.0 61.6 48 08 48.1 46.3 38 08 47-5 47-3 37 08* 47.0 30.0 23 15 08 68.3 61.6 46 IO 47-6 46.3 38 10 48.5 48.3 36 10* 56.7 25.0 24 53 10 65 . i 64 . o 46 12 47-7 46.0 38 12 48.3 48.0 36 13* 76 . o 52 . o 23 13 12 i 69.0 67.9 40 14 47 . 8 46 . o 38 -16.0 14 47-5 47-1 37 -16.0 14* 6o.5 34-0 22 45 -15.8 14 72 . 6 72 . 2 34 -16.1 16 47-6 46.3 3 16 46.8 46.4 38 \ 16* 47-8 34-3 24 27 16 68.7 66.5 41 18 48.0 46.4 38 18 45-7 45-4 40 18 56.3 30.3 24 23 18 64.0 61.0 50 20 48.1 46.8 37 20 45-3 45-1 4i 20* 66.8 45.0 23 23 20 66.8 66.1 43 22 47-9 46.7 37 22 45-8 45.2 40 22 53-5 43-5 35 22 64.2 63.8 47 24 48 . o 46 . 9 37 24 45-6 45-5 40 24 72.8 53-2 23 12 24 63.0 61.0 50 26 47-8 46.8 37 26 46.0 45.6 40 26* 73-1 33.o 22 34 26 63.6 61.9 49 28 47-5 46.5 3 28 45-6 45.3 40 28 64.7 48.3 28 28 69.9 68.6 39 3 47-3 46.1 38 -16.0 ; 30 46.0 45.8 40 -15-9 30 67.0 65.3 13 -15-5 30 72.3 70.9 35 -16.0 32 46-6 45.3 40 32 46.0 45.8 40 32 68.5 67.4 10 32 73.0 71.6 34 34 46.2 44.8 40 34 46.0 45.8 40 34 67.0 65.3 13 34 71.2 69.9 37 36 45-9 44-7 41 36 46.3 45-7 40 36 66.6 65.3 13 36 68.2 66.6 42 38 45-9 44-6 41 38 48.0 47.8 36 38 65.2 63.9 16 38 71.0 70.1 37 40 46.0 44.7 41 40 49-3 46.3 37 40 63.8 62.8 17 40 70.1 69.1 38 42 46.3 44-9 40 42 46.9 46.3 38 42 62.3 6l.3 20 42 68.3 67.3 41 44 46.4 45-3 40 -16.0 44 46.8 46.3 39 -16.0 44 60.8 59.8 22 -15-6 44 70.0 69.0 38 -16.3 4 46.7 45-5 39 46 46.5 46.3 39 46 60.0 58.8 24 46 70.3 69.5 38 48 47-i 45-7 39 48 46.7 46.7 38 48 58.3 57-3 26 48 68.6 68.3 40 50 46.3 46.0 39 50 47-0 47.0 38 50 56.6 55.3 29 50 69.0 68.3 40 52 46.8 45.6 39 52 46.5 46.5 39 52 55-0 53-8 31 52 67.4 66.8 42 54 40.0 45.6 39 54 45-7 45-7 40 54 54.6 53.6 32 54 68. 5 67.8 41 56 46.3 45.3 40 56 46.3 46.1 39 56 54-0 53-3 ' 33 56 69.3 68.0 40 58 46.3 45-3 40 58 47-2 46.7 38 58 54.0 53.0 33 58 69.3 68.1 40 24 oo 68.3 67.1 41 -16.3 Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from l6h 44m to l6h 46m. Correction to local mean time is + 325. 90 torsion = 25/1. Torsion head at l6h 3om, December 15, read 341, and at oh 25m, December 17, read 346. Observer-W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued HI Thursday, December 17, 1903 Magnet scale erect Friday, December 18, 1903 Magnet scale inverted 1 Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings j decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / o h m d d o / O h m d d o / O h m d d o / O 16 oo 49.1 51.8 22 33 -17.8 18 oo 54.0 54.0 22 39 -14.8 20 OO 53-3 52.2 22 36 -16.8 22 OO 59-9 58.2 22 26 -15.7 02 48.4 51.0 32 02 54.0 54.0 39 02 53.1 52.2 36 02 59-8 58.2 26 04 SO. i 52.7 35 04 54-0 54-1 39 04 53-0 52.1 36 04 59.8 58.0 26 06 51.2 53-7 36 06 54-0 54-1 39 06 53-1 52.2 36 06 60.0 58.6 26 08 Si-8 53-9 37 08 53-9 54-0 39 08 53-3 52.7 36 08 60.0 59.1 26 10 52.3 54-3 38 10 53-5 53-8 39 10 53-0 52.4 36 10 58.7 57-9 27 12 53-2 55. i 39 12 53-8 53.9 39 12 53-9 53-1 35 12 58.0 57.5 28 14 53-8 55.6 40 14 54.0 54.0 39 -14.7 14 54-1 534 35 -16.8 H 55-8 54-9 32 -IS-3 16 54-5 56.0 4i -17.5 16 53-8 53-9 39 16 54-0 53-3 35 16 56.8 55-8 30 18 54-3 56.0 41 18 53-8 53.9 39 18 54-1 53-7 34 18 55-8 54-3 33 20 54-8 56.2 41 20 53-8 53.8 39 20 54-0 53-5 35 20 54.9 53-8 34 22 54-8 56.2 4r 22 53-8 53-9 39 22 54-0 53-6 34 22 54-9 54-0 24 54-8 56.2 41 24 53-9 53-9 39 24 53-7 53-1 35 24 52.0 50.7 38 26 54.7 56.1 41 26 53-9 54-0 39 26 53-6 53-0 35 26 51-9 50.7 38 28 54-6 55-9 41 28 53-9 54-0 39 28 53-9 53-2 35 28 58.8 58.1 27 30 54-3 55-6 40 -17.0 30 53-8 53.9 39 -14.6 30 53-8 53-2 35 -16.8 30 55-1 54-9 33 -I5-3 32 54.2 55.2 40 32 53-9 54-0 39 32 53-8 53-2 35 32 57-0 56.0 30 34 54-3 55-3 40 34 53-9 53-9 39 34 53-9 53-3 35 34 56.2 56.0 3i 36 53-7 54-7 39 36 53-9 54-1 39 36 54-1 53-9 34 36 56.2 55.0 32 38 53-1 54- i 38 38 53-9 54-0 39 38 54-6 54-1 34 38 56.9 56.2 30 40 53-2 54.2 39 40 53-8 53.9 39 40 54-2 54-0 34 40 57-3 56.2 30 42 53-1 54.0 38 42 53-9 53-9 39 42 54-8 54-2 33 42 58.0 57.3 28 44 53-2 54-0 38 -16.2 44 53-8 53-9 39 -14.3 44 54-8 54-4 33 -16.7 44 56.8 55.6 31 -15-0 46 53-2 54.0 38 46 53-6 53-8 39 46 55-2 54.9 33 46 57-5 56.9 29 48 53-6 54.2 39 48 53-4 53-8 38 48 55-3 54-8 33 48 58.0 57-6 28 SO 53-8 54-3 39 50 53-4 53-7 38 50 55-2 54-6 33 50 57-0 56.0 30 52 53-7 54-2 39 52 53-6 53.8 39 52 56.6 56.1 30 52 58.0 57.2 28 54 53-1 53-9 38 53-7 53-9 39 54 56.8 56.0 30 54 57-6 56.6 29 56 52.9 53-8 38 56 53-6 53-8 39 56 58.3 57-6 28 56 55-0 53-8 34 58 52.8 53.1 37 58 53-1 53.2 38 58 58.7 58.0 27 58 53-0 52.1 36 17 oo 52.2 52.8 37 -15.8 19 oo 53-0 53.1 38 -14.0 21 00 57-9 57-2 29 -16.3 23 oo 52.1 51-1 38 -15-0 02 52.1 52.7 36 02 53-3 53-7 38 02 57-8 57.1 29 02 50.8 50.1 40 04 52.3 52.8 37 04 53-3 53-7 38 04 57-2 56.6 30 04 Si-9 Si- i 38 06 52.9 53-2 38 06 53-4 53-8 38 06 56.7 56.0 30 06 52.2 51.0 38 08 53-8 54.1 39 08 53-6 53-8 39 08 56.2 55.7 31 08 52.5 51-2 38 IO 54.2 54.7 40 10 53-7 53-9 10 56.2 55.7 31 10 51.2 50.6 39 12 54-6 54-8 40 12 53-3 53-4 38 12 57-9 57-1 29 12 51-8 50.7 39 14 54-5 54-8 40 -15-4 14 53-1 53.2 38 -14.0 14 58.0 56.8 29 -16.3 14 52.0 51.1 38 -14.9 16 54-2 54-8 40 16 53-2 53.6 38 16 57-7 56.5 28 16 Si-3 50-3 39 18 54.2 54.8 40 18 53-3 53-7 38 18 57-9 57-1 29 18 50.3 49-2 41 20 54-2 54-8 40 20 53-0 53-1 38 20 58.1 57-2 28 20 50.3 49-8 40 22 54-1 54-3 39 22 53-0 53.0 38 22 59-0 58.2 27 22 50.2 49.5 4i 2 i 54-2 54.4 40 24 52.9 52.9 37 24 57-9 57-4 28 24 50.1 49-3 41 26 54-1 54.2 39 26 53-2 53-3 38 26 58.3 57-9 28 26 48.7 48.0 43 28 54-2 54-7 40 28 53-9 54-0 39 28 58.7 57-7 28 28 49.1 48.7 42 30 54-8 54-8 40 -15-2 30 54-2 54.2 39 -14.0 30 59-9 59.1 26 -16.0 30 49-0 47-5 43 -14.8 32 54-7 54-8 40 32 54-0 54-0 39 32 58.3 57-9 28 32 50.1 49.6 4i 34 54-8 54.8 40 54-1 54-2 39 34 58.3 57-9 28 34 Si.o 50.4 39 36 54-1 54-3 39 36 54-2 54.2 39 36 58.0 57-7 28 36 51-3 50.9 39 38 54-0 54.0 39 38 54-2 54-2 39 38 57-2 57-1 29 38 51-2 50.9 39 40 53-9 53-9 39 40 54-0 54-0 39 40 56.9 56.9 30 40 51-0 50.7 39 42 54-0 54-1 39 42 54-1 54-2 39 42 56.8 56.4 30 42 50.9 50.7 39 44 54-2 54-3 39 -15.0 44 54-5 54-6 40 -14.0 44 57-2 57-0 29 -15.9 44 51.0 50.8 39 -14.6 46 54-1 54-2 39 46 54-2 54-2 39 46 57-9 57-6 28 46 51.0 50.7 39 48 54-0 54-1 39 48 53-8 53-9 39 48 59.0 58.1 27 48 50.8 50.4 39 SO 53-8 53.8 39 50 53-2 53-3 38 50 59-7 59-1 26 50 50.7 50.1 40 52 53.8 53.8 39 52 52.9 53-8 38 52 58.8 58.5 27 52 50.4 50.0 40 54 54-0 54-1 39 54 52.9 53-6 38 54 59-7 58.9 26 54 50.7 50.2 40 56 54-1 54-1 39 56 52.8 53.3 38 56 59-3 58.9 26 56 50.9 50.6 39 58 54-1 54-1 39 58 52.8 53.3 38 58 59-7 59-0 26 58 Si- I 50.7 39 20 00 52.9 53-6 38 -14.0 24 oo Si.o 50.8 39 -14-5 Correction to local mean time is + 455. Torsion head at ish lorn read 344 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 435. Torsion head at igh ism read 346 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. 112 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, December 20, 1903 Magnet scale erect Sunday, December 20, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale ; East Chrr readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d O / h m d d / h m d d o r O 00* 51.6 53. 8 22 32 2 00 55-4 55-8 22 37 -20. 4 oo 57.8 52.3 23 14 6 oo 42.6 40.0 23 36 -19-3 02 52.0 54.6 33 02 55-1 55-6 36 02 58.0 53.0 13 -19.0 02 38.6 37-5 41 04 53-3 55-6 35 04 56.0 56.8 38 04 56.1 51.2 16 04 39-4 38.1 40 06 54.0 55.4 35 06 57-5 58.0 40 06.2 55-8 50-8 17 06 39-4 35-2 42 08 54.5 56.6 37 08 56.0 56.6 38 08 56.0 51.4 16 08 38.0 36.8 42 10 54.0 56.0 36 10 53-9 54-6 35 10 57-3 53-6 14 10 37-3 35-3 44 12 S4-5 56.0 36 12 54-5 54-7 35 12 57-5 53-8 13 12 43-1 39-6 36 14 56.3 56.3 38 -21.7 14 53-9 54-3 35 -2O. O 14 55-7 53-0 IS -19.0 14 42.6 39.6 36 -19-3 16 S6.3 56.9 38 16 53-5 53-8 34 16 58.0 54.6 12 16 42-5 40.8 35 18 54-9 55-6 36 18 53-3 53-3 33 18 57-3 53-6 14 18 44-3 42.6 32 20 53-7 54-3 34 20 53-0 53-3 33 20 56.9 53-6 M 20 43-3 42.3 33 22 55-0 55.6 36 22 53-1 53-6 33 22 58.0 54.0 12 22 33-6 33-1 48 24 53-7 54-3 34 24 53-6 53-9 34 24 59-5 56.3 10 24 31-8 30-3 52 26 54-0 54-3 35 26 54-3 54-9 35 26 56.3 54-0 14 26 30.0 27.0 56 28 55-3 55-7 37 28 55-3 56.0 37 28 54-3 52.4 17 28 37-0 33-6 45 30 32 SS-o 55.3 58.0 58.3 36 41 -21.5 30 32 55-3 56.1 57-4 58.0 37 40 -20. 30 32 56.6 54-9 13 54-9 53-5 IS -19.1 30 32-6 33-6 29.6 25-6 24.4 23 Si 24 01 -19-3 34 56.3 56.5 38 34 60. i 61.3 45 34 56.5 54-3 13 34 33-6 29-5 23 5i 36 52.5 53-5 ' 33 36 63.7 64.0 50 36 60.3 58.2 08 36 35-9 34-6 45 38 53-0 54.2 34 38 67.0 67.3 55 38 60.3 58.3 07 38 44-6 44-3 31 40 52-8 53.9 33 40 66.5 66.5 54 40 59-0 57-3 09 40 54-8 52.6 16 42 50.6 51.6 30 42 69.3 70.0 59 -20.0 42 60.3 59-2 07 42 57-0 55-2 12 44 49-9 Si-o 29 -21.3 44 69.0 69.6 58 44 58.8 58.2 -19.2 44 57-8 560 II -19-3 46 Si- I 51.6 30 46 68.6 69.1 22 58 46 60.2 58.0 O 46 59.0 58.3 08 48 55-0 55-5 36 48 70.0 70.6 23 oo 48 60.2 57.7 08 48 57-8 56.0 ii SO 56.7 57-3 39 50 70.6 71.1 OI 50 55-5 54-6 14 50 53-8 5i-5 18 52 57-3 57-9 40 52 72.8 73-8 05 52 57-3 56.7 ii 52 50.3 48.9 23 57-5 57.8 40 54 73-3 74-i 05 54 57-5 56.3 ii 54 52.6 50.8 19 56 57-6 57-6 40 56 73-3 74-0 05 56 53-5 53-5 16 56 55-8 54-3 14 58 56-0 56-3 38 58 73-5 78.3 06 58 48-8 48-3 24 58 56.9 56.0 12 I OO 54-7 54-9 36 -21. 3 oo 73-3 74-0 05 -19.8 5 oo 48.6 48.2 24 -19 o 7 oo 58.6 58.0 09 -19-3 02 54-1 54-3 35 02 72.8 73-7 05 02 55-3 53-0 15 02.2 6l.3 6l.O 23 05 04 53-3 53-5 33 04 76.0 76.5 09 04 56.7 54-3 13 04 66.6 65.5 22 57 06 52-4 52-7 32 06* 33.6 40.0 12 06 57-0 54-2 13 06 63.6 62.0 23 02 08 Si-7 52-0 31 08 38.5 40.1 16 08 59-0 54-8 II 08 63.5 61.0 23 03 IO 51-4 51-6 30 10 36.3 38.1 12 IO.2 60.2 S9.O 07 10 71.3 69.3 22 SO 12 Si-3 51-6 30 12 34-3 35-1 08 12 60.6 5.3 O7 12 72.0 71.0 48 14 S6.0 56.3 38 -21.0 14 37-5 39-2 14 -19-5 14 58.6 56.0 10 H 73.8 72-0 46 -19-3 16 55-7 55-7 37 16 43-6 45-8 24 16 6i-3 58.3 07 -19.2 16* 42.0 38.9 42 18 50-7 50.8 29 18 53-3 54-6 39 18 60.6 57.2 08 18 42-0 35-3 45 20 51-2 Si-3 30 20 58.5 59-5 23 47 20 59-7 56.3 09 20 43-6 35-3 44 22 54-3 54-7 35 22 67.0 69.0 24 01 22 59-1 55-3 II 22 45-3 38.6 40 24 54-4 54-6 35 24 67.7 70-3 02 24 58.0 53.6 13 24 43-3 37-8 42 26 54-0 54-6 35 26 68.7 71-8 04 26 56.5 52.5 15 26 39.0 32.8 49 28 54-7 55-2 36 28 69.9 74.2 07 28 52.2 49.0 21 28 43.5 38.0 42 30 55-6 56.5 37 -21. 30 69.5 74-9 07 -19-5 30 50.3 47-3 24 -19.0 30 43-2 36.4 43 -19-3 32 57-4 57-6 40 32* 49-0 53-0 17 32 47-3 42.5 30 32 41.5 35-0 46 34 56.3 56.8 38 34 38.8 43-0 24 01 34 44.3 41.0 34 34 40.9 40.2 42 36 56.5 56.7 38 36 25.8 28.8 23 40 36 47.2 44.8 28 36 39-3 38.5 44 38 56.1 56.3 38 38 27.2 29.0 4i 38 50.6 49.0 22 38 38.8 37-5 46 40 S6.3 56.3 38 40 13-3 16.3 20 40 58.7 57-3 10 40 43-3 43-0 38 42 57-3 57-6 40 42 IO.O& 13 42 56.6 55-3 13 42 42.0 41.3 1 40 8 55-4 55-7 54-5 54-6 37 35 -20.5 44* 46 44.5 51.5 42.3 48.9 08 04 -I9-5 44 46 55.00 14 55-5 Si.i ! 17 -19.0 8 35.1 34.3 51 36.6 36.3 48 -I9-5 48 54-3 54-7 35 48 42.0 47.1 03 48 53.6 51. 6 18 48 36.6 36.6 48 SO 54-7 55-3 36 50 44-8 49-o 06 SO 51.6 51.0 20 50 31.6 30.8 22 57 52 54-0 54.6 35 52 55-5 58.6 22 52 49.6 49.0 23 52 30.3 27.9 23 oo 54 53-9 54-5 35 54 57.0 60.6 25 54 50.3 49-6 22 54 30.3 29.3 22 59 56 53-0 53-6 33 56 60.5 61.6 29 -19.4 56 51.3 50-7 20 56 32.0 29.5 22 57 58 54-0 54.6 35 58 52.3 55-3 17 58 52.0 51.0 20 58 27.3 23.7 23 06 8 oo 30.3 26.3 OI -19.6 ! Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time + 465. Torsion head at oh oom read 348 and at the end read the same. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Monday, December 21, 1903 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, December 22, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East 1 Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time natioa C. time ' nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / h m d d / o h m d d o / o h m d d o t O 8 oo 58.2 59.3 22 53 IO OO 70.2 70.8 23 II -20. 12 oo 46.0 45.4 22 37 -22.2 14 oo 48.7 47.6 22 34 -19.1 02 55-i 66.3 22 56 -25.0 02 69.1 69.8 09 02 45.1 44.8 39 02 47 . o 46 . 2 36 04 62.1 66.9 23 02 04 67.7 68.1 07 04 45-0 44-7 39 04 46.2 45.6 37 06 63.9 68.0 04 06 64.7 65.1 02 06 46 . 4 45 . 6 37 06 46.6 46.1 36 08 67.9 69.9 09 08 65.2 67.0 04 08 47.9 47.1 35 08 43-9 43-0 41 IO 69.9 72.1 12 10 67.1 67.8 06 io_ 146.5 46.0 36 10 43-3 42.8 42 12 67.1 69.7 08 12 66 . 9 67 . i 06 12 45-3 43-9 39 12 44.7 44.0 40 14 69.3 71-3 II -24.5 14 66.8 67.2 06 -19.7 14 ; 46.1 44.8 38 -21.7 14 46.1 45.8 37 -18.9 16 69.1 71.3 II 16 67.9 68.2 07 16 47.1 45.9 36 16 47-3 47-0 35 18 66.0 68.5 06 18 67.8 68.0 07 18 47.1 45-8 36 18 46.1 45.7 37 20 67.9 69.7 08 20 68.7 68.9 ! 08 20 46.8 44.9 37 20.4 46.8 46.2 36 22 67.9 69.8 08 22 68.1 68.7 08 22 46.6 4S.6 37 22 47.2 46.7 36 24 68.2 69.8 09 24 68.0 68.9 08 24 46.8 45.8 36 24 45.1 44.6 39 26 66.3 67.9 06 26 67.2 68.2 07 26 48.8 48.1 33 26 46.2 45.9 37 28 65.0 66.2 23 04 28 67.9 68.7 08 28 49.1 48.0 33 28 47.2 46.8 35 30 62.5 63.5 22 59 -23.8 30 64.2 65.5 23 02 -19.4 30 47.6 46.7 35 -21.0 30 45-5 44-9 38 -18.7 32 61.1 61.9 57 32 61.2 61.9 22 57 32 47.7 46.6 35 32 44.1 43-7 40 34 61.9 63.5 22 59 34 61.2 61.5 57 34 49-7 49-0 32 34 44.7 42.9 40 36 63 . 2 64 . 1 23 oo 36 59-7 60.2 55 36 49.3 48.7 32 36 43.3 42.9 41 38 63.9 65.1 02 38 59-7 59-8 54 38 49.9 49.6 31 38 43.0 42.3 42 40 65 . 2 66 . 9 04 40 61.6 62.2 58 40 51.2 51.0 29 40 43.1 43.0 42 42 62.9 63.9 OO 42 62.0 62.9 22 58 42 50.6 50.3 30 42 47.4 46.2 36 44 63.3 64.8 OI -22.8 44 62.7 63.7 23 oo -19.1 44 49-4 49-2 32 -20.3 44 47-5 47-2 35 -18.3 46 62.6 63.8 oo 46 63.1 63.3 00 46 48.9 48.4 33 46 47.9 47.6 34 48 64-3 65.9 03 48 64.2 65.1 02 48 48.9 48.3 33 48 49-2 48.9 32 50 66.8 68.0 06 50 64.7 65.0 23 02 50 48.2 47.4 34 50 46.9 46.8 36 52 70.6 71.3 12 52 62.0 62.8 22 58 52 48.3 47-5 34 52 46.8 45.7 36 54 70.7 71.8 12 54 60.9 61.9 57 54 49.7 48.8 32 54 48.2 47.5 34 56 69.7 70.8 II 56 57-0 57-8 50 56 48.8 48.0 33 56 48.1 47-3 34 58 69.5 70.8 II 58 56.3 56.8 49 58 48.6 48.0 33 58 48.8 48.2 33 9 oo 70.2 70.9 II -22. II OO 45-8 46.8 33 -I8.9 13 oo 48.9 48.1 33 -20.0 15 00 49.9 49.0 32 -18.2 02 70.2 70.9 II 02 44.0 44.7 30 02 49.8 48.9 32 02 50.7 49.1 31 04 68.8 69.7 09 04 43-9 44-6 30 04 49-3 48.8 32 04 49.2 48.1 33 ^06 68.7 68.9 08 06.2 43.0 44.1 29 06 49.7 48.9 32 06 48.5 47-2 34 08 66.3 66.9 05 08 40.0 40:5 24 08 48.2 47.6 34 08 49.6 48.7 32 10 67.3 67.8 06 IO 43-3 44-1 29 IO 47-8 47.2 34 10 48.5 47-7 34 12 68.2 68.5 08 12 45-3 45-7 32 12 47.2 46.5 36 12 47-1 46.3 36 14 65 . i 66 . o 23 03 -21.8 14 47.5 48.0 35 -18.7 14 47.9 47.6 34 -I9-7 14 46.2 45-2 37 -18.0 16 599 61.4 22 56 16 49.1 50.0 38 16 48.1 47.8 34 16 46.5 45-3 37 18 56.8 57.1 50 18 48.3 48.8 37 18 49.6 48.8 32 18 48.7 47.6 33 20 61.8 62.0 58 20 49.7 51. i 40 20 50.5 49-6 30 20 47-8 47-0 35 22 59.2 60.2 54 22 55-8 57-7 49 22.4 49-2 49.2 32 22 47-9 47-1 34 24 58.1 58.9 52 24 57-1 57.9 51 24 49-9 49-7 31 24 46.8 45.6 36 26 55-9 57-0 49 26 57-2 57-9 51 26 49.7 49.2 32 26 47.2 46.1 36 28 57-2 58.0 Si 28 58.2 58.9 52 28 49-2 49-2 32 28 47.8 46.2 35 30 57-3 58.2 5i -21.2 30 56.9 57-6 50 -18.3 30 49-6 49-2 32 -19.6 30 47-1 45-7 36 -17.9 32 58.3 58.9 52 32 57-1 57-9 51 32 50.8 50.1 30 32 47.6 46.0 35 34 59.9 60. i 55 55-2 56.2 48 49.1 48.8 32 48.8 46.9 34 36 62 . o 62 . 3 22 58 36 55-5 56.1 48 36 47-7 47-4 34 36 48.2 46.7 35 38 64.0 64.3 23 01 38 54-7 55-1 47 38 47.4 47.0 35 38 49-1 47.6 33 40 66.76 05 40 55-0 55.9 47 40 46.7 45.6 37 40 48.8 48.0 33 42 66.6 66.8 05 42 53-0 53.8 44 42 46.8 45.9 36 42 48.3 47.6 34 44 68.60 08 -20.8 44 57-2 57-7 50 -18.0 44 47-3 46.7 35 -19.2 44 49.1 48.1 33 -17.8 46 71.2 71.3 12 46 56.3 56.8 49 46 48 . o 46 . 9 35 46 49 . i 48 . i 33 48 69.9 69.9 10 48 57-2 57-3 50 48 47.6 46.8 35 48 48.8 47.7 33 50 70.1 70.4 II 50 58.1 58.1 52 50 45-8 44.9 38 50 48.6 47.3 34 52 69.7 70.2 10 52 57-2 57.8 51 52 44-0 43-0 41 52 48.0 47.1 34 54 70.7 71.1 12 54 59-3 60. I 54 54 46.0 44.6 38 54 47-8 46.9 35 56 70.6 71.2 12 56 56.9 57-3 50 56 44-2 43.6 40 56 48.8 47.8 33 58 70.1 70.9 II 58 57-2 57-8 Si 58 47.2 46.1 36 58 49.1 48.2 33 12 00 58.1 58.2 52 -17.9 16 oo 49.0 48.0 33 -17.7 Correction to local mean time is + 375. 90 torsion = 25/4. Torsion head at 8h lorn, December 20, read 348", and at iah 3om, December 21, read 15 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 30s. Torsion head at nh 40m read 345 and at the end read the same. Observer Not noted. 114 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OP ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, December 23, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, December 23, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d o t h m d d O ' O h m d d o r o oo 52.6 55-6 22 53 -18.0 2 OO 53-4 54-3 22 53 -17.4 4 oo 66.3 66.3 23 12 -16.7 6 oo Si-3 51-6 22 49 -16.9 02 60.3 64.6 23 06 02 54-3 55-4 54 02 68.36 16 02 52.6 52.9 51 04 68.8 72.8 23 20 04 52-3 53-3 51 04 61.26 23 04 04 51.4 51-4 49 06 50.06 22 47 06 55-0 56.1 56 06 54.56 22 54 06 50 . 2 50 . 6 48 08 5L3 52.3 50 08 55-6 56.6 56 08 48.86 45 08 47.6 48.5 44 10 49.8 51.6 48 10 55-8 56.6 57 10 46.66 42 10 51-4 52.6 50 12 48.0 49.3 45 12 54-5 55-2 54 12 45-3 45-6 40 12 53-4 54-2 53 14 49.8 50.1 47 -18.0 J 4 54.1 54.9 54 -17.3 14 44.0 44.2 38 -16.7 14 52.5 53-2 -17.0 16 49.0 51.0 47 16 54-7 55-3 55 16 44-2 44.2 38 16 50.4 51-6 48 18 53-3 54-9 53 18 56.9 57-3 58 18 46.6 46.6 42 18 53-4 54-0 53 20 45-3 48.5 42 20 56.8 57-6 58 20 47.60 43 20 56.6 57-3 58 22 44-3 45-6 39 22 54-7 55-3 55 22 49-8 49-8 47 22 55-0 56.0 56 24 43-3 43-9 37 24 5L7 53-5 Si 24 49-0 49.0 45 24 50.8 51.0 48 26 47-3 49-3 44 26 50.6 51.2 48 26 48.5 48.9 45 26 51.8 52.2 50 28 44-4 47-5 40 28 52.3 53-1 51 28 48.7 49.0 45 28 50.2 50.6 48 30 45-6 47-8 42 -17.8 30 55-8 56.2 56 -17.1 30 47.8 48.0 44 -16.7 30 50.6 51.0 48 -16.9 32 46.0 48.0 42 32 54-9 55-3 55 32 46.8 47.2 42 32 53-5 54-0 53 34 44.6 46.7 40 34 52.7 53-1 51 34 47.6 48.0 43 52.6 52.9 51 36 44-3 46.1 39 36 50.6 51.0 48 36 45-3 45-5 40 36 50.5 50.6 48 38 46.3 48.5 43 38 50.8 51.2 48 38 45-4 45-6 40 38 49.0 49.0 45 40 44-3 45-8 39 40 51-9 52-3 50 40 48.0 48.9 44 40 47.6 48.0 43 42 41-3 43-5 35 42 53-0 53-6 52 42 53-10 52 42 45-6 45.8 40 44 47.6 48.6 44 -17.8 44 53-1 53-5 52 44 56.2 56.6 57 -16.7 44 49-6 50.4 47 -17.0 46 55-8 56.0 56 46 51-7 52.1 So 46 56.2 56.6 57 46 50.1 50.3 47 48 47-7 48.7 44 48 50.6 50.9 48 48 57-5 58.0 59 48 51.6 52.6 50 50 45.2 46.8 41 50 49.6 50.0 47 50 57-8 58.3 59 50 49-8 50.6 47 52 39-7 45-6 35 52 49.6 49.9 46 52 54-3 54-5 54 52 Lost 54 43-4 48.7 41 54 50.0 50.2 47 54 49-5 So.o 46 54 50.3 50.3 47 56 47-0 53-0 47 56 50.5 50.7 48 56 49-5 50.0 46 56 52.4 53-2 Si 58 48.4 53-0 48 58 Si-3 51-7 49 58 50.0 50.6 47 58 55-0 55-7 55 I 00 47-6 52.8 47 -17.6 3 oo 51-8 52.0 50 -17.0 5 oo 51.6 52.6 50 -16.7 7 oo 56.9 57-5 58 -16.9 02 52-5 58.5 56 02 51.1 51-1 49 02 52.6 53.4 52 02 57-3 57-9 59 04 53-5 56.6 55 04 50.3 50.5 48 04 54-7 55-0 22 54 04 56.4 56.8 57 06 52.6 55-6 53 06 49-1 49.5 46 06 58.1 59.0 23 oo 06 54-5 54-8 54 08 53-4 57-9 56 08 48.3 48.3 44 08 58.7 59.8 OI 08 57-2 57.2 58 10 55.6 58.6 S 10 48.5 48.5 44 10 58.7 59-3 OI IO 57-5 57-5 22 59 12 55-9 58.9 22 58 12 48.6 48.8 45 12 58.9 59-9 23 02 12 59.9 60. i 23 03 14 58.0 59-8 23 oi -17.7 14 49-3 49-6 46 -17.0 14 56.9 58.0 22 58 -16.8 14 60.2 60.4 03 -16.8 16 51-3 54-2 22 SI 16 50.5 50.9 48 16 55-3 56.3 56 16 59-9 60.0 02 18 53-0 55.9 54 18 50.3 50.6 48 18 54-0 54-9 54 18 62.30 06 20 50.8 52.4 49 20 48.8 49-3 45 20 53-3 54-0 52 20 62.9 63.3 08 22 47-9 49-9 45 22 47-1 47-3 42 22 51.0 51.6 49 22 62.3 63.0 07 24 49.8 50.8 47 24 46.6 46.8 42 24 50.9 Si-5 49 24 59-9 60.9 03 26 50.1 51-7 48 26 46.6 46.6 42 26 49-3 49-9 46 26 60.0 62.0 04 28 47-2 48.7 44 28 46.6 46.7 42 28 50.0 50.3 47 28 64-5 67.3 12 30 47-7 49-1 44 -17.6 30 45-4 45-8 40 -16.9 30 51.6 51-8 50 -16.9 30 66.9 69.9 16 -16.8 32 48.2 49.4 45 32 43.06 36 32.2 53-3 54-6 53 32 66.7 68.8 15 34 48.6 49.4 45 34 39-06 30 34-3 54-3 54-7 54 34 64.5 67.0 12 36 49-3 50.7 47 36 34.06 22 36 54-3 55-0 54 36 64-5 67.3 12 38 50.7 52.1 49 38 33-70 21 38 53-3 54-3 53 38 63-3 66.6 10 40 5L3 52.6 50 40 41.00 33 40 52.3 54-2 52 40 62 . o 64 . o 07 42 50.3 51-5 48 42 50.0 50.6 47 42 55-1 56.3 56 42 60.8 62.9 05 44 51.8 53-2 Si -17.5 44 54-7 55-4 55 -16.8 44 53-6 S4-6 53 -17.0 44 59.0 60.2 02 -16.8 46 52.8 54.2 52 46 53-o6 52 46 53-2 54-3 53 46 57-2 59-8 00 48 51-5 53-0 50 48 46 . o 46 . o 41 48 52.7 53-3 52 48 56 . 6 62 . 2 02 50 50.5 51.8 48 50.2 42.1 42.8 35 50 52.6 53.3 52 50 60.0 64.3 06 52 52.3 53-5 Si 52 40.1 40.3 32 52 52-6 53.0 Si 52 58.3 61.0 02 54 Si-9 53-0 51 54 45-00 39 54 So.i 50.3 47 54 57.1 60.8 01 56 53-3 54-3 53 56 52.50 22 SI 56 49-30 46 56 59-1 62.1 04 58 53-5 54-4 53 58 59-50 23 02 58 Si-7 Si-7 50 60.9 63.5 06 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 7h 42111 to 7h 48m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, December 23, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, December 23, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time ,. nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right . h m d d ' o h m d d / O h m d d o / h m d d o / 8 oo 63.2 65.9 23 10 -16.3 IO OO 39-6 41.5 22 32 -I4-7 12 oo 45.7 46.2 22 40 -14.9 14 oo 35.9 42.8 22 30 -15.0 02 : 66.8 67.9 14 02 42.2 44.1 36 02 45-1 45.7 40 02 35-0 41-5 28 04 66.7 69.0 IS 04 40.1 41.6 32 04 46.0 46.3 41 04 36.1 42.0 30 06 67.1 69.2 15 06 39.9 41.0 32 06 46.7 46.9 42 06 38.0 42.6 32 08 64.7 66.8 12 08 40.7 42.2 33 08 45-2 45-8 40 08 40.7 41.8 33 10 62.0 63.2 23 07 10 40.3 40.7 32 icr 44.0 44.9 38 10 41.7 42.0 34 12 57-3 58.5 22 59 12 36.9 37-3 27 12 44.2 45.0 38 12 40.6 41.2 33 14 49.8 51.8 48 -16.0 14 36.3 37-3 26 -14.6 14 44.8 45.5 39 -14.8 14 41.8 42.6 35 -14.8 16 48.3 49-4 45 16 37-8 37.8 28 | 16 45.2 45.9 40 16 39.8 40.8 32 18 51.9 53.6 22 SI 18 37.9 39.0 29 18 45.0 45.7 40 18 35-6 37.0 25 20 59.9 60.3 23 03 20 36.1 36.8 26 20 47.8 48.0 44 20 31-0 32.5 18 22 60.5 61.3 04 22 34.8 37.2 25 22 46.7 47.1 42 22 37-5 38.5 28 *4 64.1 64.1 09 24 35-8 37.8 26 24 46.2 47.0 42 24 39.5 40.6 31 26 64. i 64. i 23 09 26 34-7 38.8 26 26 46 . 6 47 . 2 42 26 38.8 39.5 30 28 56.1 56.8 22 57 28 32.9 35-6 22 -14.7 28 44-7 45-1 39 28 38.9 39-5 30 30 52.2 52.7 51 -15.6 30 36.0 38.1 26 30 43-8 44-3 37 -14.8 30 38.4 39-0 29 -14.8 32 50.3 51.2 4 32 32.3 36.1 22 32 45-9 47-3 42 32 39-0 39-5 30 34 50.1 51-0 48 34 32.7 37-7 24 34 45-3 46.7 41 34 39.8 40.2 31 36 46.0 46.4 41 36 30.0 32.2 17 36 46.0 46.8 41 36 41.5 42.2 34 38 42.3 43-3 36 i 38 27.1 32.7 IS 38 43-8 44.6 38 38 42.2 42.6 35 40 44.9 45.9 40 40 28.7 33-1 17 40 41.9 42.8 35 40 37-0 38.0 27 42 47.0 48.1 43 42 28.8 31.3 16 42 42.0 42.9 35 42 41-0 41-5 33 44 46.9 47.8 43 44 28.5 30.9 15 -14.9 44 41.1 42.7 34 -14.8 44 38.8 39-3 30 -14.9 4 o 47-2 48.5 43 -15-3 46 30.2 32.8 18 46 42.1 42.9 35 46 39-7 39-8 3i 48 47.0 48.2 43 48 34-3 37-4 25 48 40.9 41-4 33 48 39-4 39-9 3i 50 47.2 48.2 43 50 38.2 41.3 3i 50 38.2 39.0 29 50 41.4 41.7 34 52 48.9 50.4 46 52 37-1 41.8 30 52 37.6 38.4 28 52 42.4 43-0 35 54 49.1 50.6 47 54 34.2 40.1 27 54 37.8 38.0 28 54 40.0 40.3 31 56 49-7 51.8 48 56 33-0 37-0 23 56 35.1 35-8 24 56 39-1 39-2 30 58 50.2 52.1 49 58 35-4 39-1 27 58 35.0 35.8 29 -14.8 58 4L3 41-3 33 9 oo 47.7 49.6 45 -15-3 II 00 36.2 40.0 28 -14.9 13 oo 38.7 39.1 29 15 00 41-3 4L5 33 -15.0 02 49.0 50.8 47 02 37-0 40.9 29 02 38.4 39.0 29 02 39-3 39-6 30 04 47-8 50.3 45 04 38.9 43-6 33 04 37-6 38.4 28 04 40.0 40.6 32 06 42.8 44.8 37 06 37.1 38.8 28 06 36.2 36.9 26 06 39.9 40.6 32 08 41.4 43.8 35 08 36.1 38.5 27 08 37-7 38.4 28 08.2 40.1 40.6 32 10 37-0 39-3 28 IO 37-8 40.4 30 IO 38.6 39.2 29 IO 40.6 41.0 32 12 41.6 43.9 35 12 38.1 41.8 31 12 39-0 39.7 30 12 41.0 41.4 33 14 42.6 46.9 38 -15.0 14 37-6 40.3 29 -14.9 14 39-8 40.3 3i -14.8 14 38.6 39.6 30 16 41.1 45.2 36 16 38.3 41.6 31 16 40.7 41.9 33 16 37.8 38.6 28 -15.0 18 40.9 43-3 34 18 39-0 42.5 32 18 40.8 41.4 33 18 38.8 39.6 30 20 43-1 45-1 38 20 39-9 42.7 33 20 40.6 41.1 32 20 38.8 39.8 30 22 41.2 43.8 35 22 41.2 44.7 36 22 38.8 39.4 30 22 38.4 39.4 29 24 42.2 43.1 35 24 42.3 44-9 37 2 4 38.0 38.8 29 24 38.8 39.0 29 26 42.8 44.1 36 26 37-7 40.1 29 26 39.1 40.0 30 26 40.0 40.6 32 28 42.2 44.2 36 28 35-3 38.5 26 28 40.6 41.9 33 28 36.0 36.6 25 30 42.1 44.8 36 -14.9 30 38.1 41.2 31 -14.8 30 40.7 41-7 33 -15.0 30 37-3 37-7 27 -15.0 32 41.2 44.8 36 32 39-3 43-1 33 32 40.7 41.9 33 32 39.3 40.3 31 34 41.7 45-1 36 34 38.3 41.9 3i 34 38.7 39-2 29 34 38.8 39.8 30 36 41.1 44.2 35 36 39-0 41-6 32 36 40.3 40.3 32 36 39.0 40.6 31 38 40.1 43.0 34 38 40.4 42.8 34 38 40.1 40.7 32 38 40.0 41.6 32 41 40.1 42.8 33 40 42.0 44.0 36 40 39.3 40.0 31 40 41.6 42.8 35 42 40.2 42.8 34 42 44.2 45-9 39 42 36.8 37.1 26 42 42.0 43.1 35 44 41.2 43.2 35 -14.8 44 41.2 42.6 34 -14.8 44 36.5 36.9 26 44 41.8 42.8 35 -15.0 46 41.4 43-0 35 46 39-3 40.7 31 46 36.9 37-3 27 46 40.6 41.8 33 48 41.0 42.2 34 48 42.0 43.2 35 48 37-1 37-8 27 48 41.3 42.1 34 50 39-8 41-0 32 50 42.9 44.0 36 50 38.2 38.8 29 50 41.4 42.2 34 52 39-3 40.5 3i 52 41.3 42.8 34 52 39-0 39-3 30 52 40.3 41.1 32 54 40.8 41.2 33 54 42.4 43-4 36 54 40.8 41.1 33 54 40.8 41.4 33 56 41.6 42.8 35 56 43-3 44-7 37 56 40.2 43.6 34 56 40.6 41.1 32 58 40.7 41.6 33 58 43-2 44-2 37 58 37-0 41.7 30 58 39.6 40.1 31 Observer R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from I4h O2m to I4h o8m. u6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, December 23, 1903 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, December 23, 1903 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d 48.2 47.1 39 36 39-0 39-4 3i 36 38.6 38.8 31 38 48.7 47.9 38 38 48.7 47.4 38 38 39-2 39-8 32 38 40.0 40.3 33 40 48.8 48.0 38 40 48.7 47.6 38 40 39-2 39.9 32 40 40.1 40.6 33 42 48.7 47.8 38 42 48.2 47.3 39 42 38.7 39-1 31 42 39-7 40.1 32 44 48.5 47-7 38 44 48.9 47.9 38 -19.0 44 38.8 39.2 31 -18.3 44 39-1 39-9 32 46 48.9 47-9 38 46 49.2 47.9 37 46 39-1 39-9 32 46.2 39-2 39.9 32 -15-0 48 49.0 48.0 38 48 49.1 48.0 37 48 39-2 39-9 32 48.2 38.9 39.2 31 50 49.0 48.0 38 , 50 49-0 47.9 38 50 38.8 39.2 31 50 38.3 38.9 30 52 48.9 48.1 38 52 49.0 47.9 38 52 39-0 39-2 31 52 38.3 39-3 31 54 48.9 48.3 37 54 48.9 47-9 38 54 38.8 39.2 31 54 38.3 39-3 31 56 49-0 48.7 37 56 49.0 48.0 37 56 39-1 39-3 31 56 38.2 39.3 31 58 49.0 48.8 37 58 49-0 47-7 38 58 39.9 40.1 33 58 38.5 39-3 31 17 oo 49.0 48.9 37 -19.8 19 oo 49.1 48.0 37 -19.2 13 oo 39-3 39-8 32 -17.8 15 00 38.3 39-2 31 -14-7 02 49-3 48.8 37 02 48.9 47.7 38 02 39-2 39-5 32 02 39-1 39-7 32 04 49-4 48.8 36 04 49.0 47.8 38 04 39.0 39.2 3i 04 39-1 39.8 32 06 49-6 49.0 36 06 49.2 48.1 37 06 39.8 40.0 32 06 39-0 39.6 32 08 49.4 48.9 36 08 49.0 48.0 37 08 39.8 40.2 33 08 39-1 39.9 32 IO 49-0 48.7 37 10 49.0 48.1 37 10 39.6 40.1 32 10 39-2 39-9 32 12 49 .0 48.3 37 12 49.2 48.0 37 12 39-7 40.2 32 12 38.1 38.9 30 14 49.1 48.2 37 -19.4 14 49.1 47.9 37 -19.4 14 39-3 39-9 32 -17-3 14 38.9 39-8 32 -14-7 16 49.4 48.1 37 16 48.3 47-6 38 16 38.9 39.8 32 16 40.0 40.9 33 18 49.8 48.6 36 18 48.9 48.0 38 18 39-1 39.8 32 18 39-2 40.1 32 20 50.2 49.1 36 20 49.0 47.9 38 20 39-1 40-0 32 20 38.1 38.8 30 22 50.9 49-4 35 22 48.9 47.6 38 22 39-1 39.8 32 22 38.8 39-3 31 24 50.8 49.5 35 2 4 48.8 47.9 38 24 38.9 39-4 31 24 39-1 39.9 32 26 50.7 49-4 35 26 48.7 47-7 38 26 39.8 40.2 32 26 38.8 39.3 31 28 50.5 49-5 35 28.5 48.1 47.6 39 28 40.2 40.8 33 28 38.9 39-3 31 30 50.5 49-7 35 -I9.I 30 48.6 47-7 38 -19.6 30 40.1 40.7 33 -17.0 30 39-0 39-5 31 -14.7 32 49.9 49.2 36 32 48.7 47.1 38 32 39-2 39-9 32 32 38.9 39-3 31 34 49.0 48.3 37 34 48.9 47-3 38 34 38.7 39-0 31 34 38.9 39 3 31 36 48.9 48.3 37 36 48.7 47-2 38 36 40.1 40.3 33 36 38.7 39.o 3i 38 49.0 48.5 37 38 49-0 47.9 38 38 40.0 40.2 33 38 38.3 38.9 30 40 48.8 48.1 38 40 48.6 47.7 38 40 39-2 39-9 32 40 38.3 38.9 30 42 48.8 47.9 38 42 48.8 48.0 38 42 39-1 39.7 32 42 38.8 39-1 31 44 48.9 48.2 37 -19.0 44 49.0 48.5 37 -19.8 44 39.6 40.1 32 -16.8 38.5 38.9 31 -14.8 46 49-4 48.1 37 46 49.0 48.8 37 46 39.1 40.0 32 46 38.3 38.9 30 48 49.6 48.1 37 48 49-7 49-2 36 48 39.2 40.1 32 48 38.9 39-3 31 50 49-1 47-7 38 50 50.3 49-1 36 50 39-2 40.1 32 50 38.3 40.6 32 52 49-1 47-9 37 52 50.7 48.6 36 52 39.3 40.2 32 52 38.9 40.6 32 54 48.9 47-6 38 54 49-9 47-7 37 54 39.2 40.2 32 54 39-1 40.7 32 56 48.7 47.1 38 56 49-8 47-7 37 56 39-3 40.2 32 56 38.8 40.2 32 58 48.2 46.7 39 58 48.9 47-8 38 58 39-1 39-9 32 58 39-3 40.4 32 20 oo 50.8 49.3 35 -19.7 16 oo 39-1 40.3 32 -14-7 Correction to local mean time is + 2is. Torsion head at I5h 4om read 345 and at 2oh ism read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im o8s. 90 torsion = 24/8. Torsion head at 7h 55m read 201 and at i6h 4om read 210. Observer W. J. P. 11$ SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, December 30, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 30, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale i East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t h m d d / h m d d / h m d d / O 00* 38.8 32.2 22 37 -18.8 2 OO 30.4 29.9 22 45 -17.4 4 oo 37-3 37-0 22 34 -17.0 6 oo 34-3 33-7 22 39 -16.5 02 36.7 35-3 36 02 33-2 32.3 41 02 37-8 37.5 34 02 32.2 32.0 42 04 37-1 35.3 36 04 3L9 31-3 43 04 39-3 39-0 04 33-5 33-3 40 06 37-2 35.2 36 06 32.3 32.0 42 06 40.5 40.1 29 06 33-1 33-1 41 08 Lost 08 32.3 32.0 42 08 41.3 40.9 28 08 31-8 31.8 43 IO 37-6 35-6 35 10 31-3 3I-I 44 10 42.3 42.1 26 10 30.0 30.0 46 12 37-8 35-8 35 12 33-8 33-5 40 12 42.0 41.8 27 12 30.6 30.3 45 14 37-4 35-6 36 -18.3 H 32.8 32.3 42 -17-3 14 41-3 40.7 28 -16.9 14 36.00 36 -16.4 16 35-9 34-1 38 16 32.7 32-3 42 16 38.8 38.2 32 16 40.00 30 18 36.6 35-1 37 18 33-6 33-1 40 18 37-2 36.8 35 18 39.4& 31 20 36.6 35-2 36 20 31.3 30-3 44 20 35-6 35-3 37 20 34 -56 39 22 35-6 34.1 38 22 28.3 28.0 48 22 34-6 34-2 39 22 30.36 45 24 34-9 33-7 39 24 30.9 30.5 44 2 4 34-1 33-8 39 24 30.2 30.1 45 26 35-3 33-7 39 26 30.9 30.5 44 26 32.5 32.5 42 26 37.20 34 28 35-3 33-5 39 28 29.1 28.8 47 28 31-6 3L3 43 28 37.6 37.4 34 30 34-1 32.3 -18.1 30 29.7 29.3 46 -17.3 30 31.7 31-5 43 -16.9 30 41.3 41.0 28 -16.3 32 33-3 31.3 42 32 31-0 30.8 44 32 31.8 31-6 43 32 39-4 34-6 35 34 33-7 30.4 43 34 35-0 34-4 38 34 31.0 30.8 44 34 37-4 37-2 34 36 31.1 29.0 46 36 35-6 35.3 37 36 29.6 29.1 47 36 37-6 37-4 34 38 30.3 27.3 48 38 35-4 34-2 38 38 29.3 29.1 47 38 35-6 35.6 37 40 30.6 29.3 46 40 30.0 29.0 46 40 29-3 29.1 47 40 40.9 40.6 29 42 32.6 31-3 43 I 42 27.0 26.7 Si 42 33-5 32.9 41 42 43.1 43.0 25 44 33-8 32.2 41 -17.9 44 29.4 29.0 47 -17.2 44 36.8 36.8 35 -16.8 44 25.46 53 -16.4 46 33-2 32.5 41 46 27.8 27.4 49 46 40.0 40.0 30 46 24.56 54 48 32.6 31.6 42 48 29.2 28.2 48 48 41-3 41-1 28 48 21.8 21. I 22 59 50 33-3 32.7 41 50 30.8 30.2 45 50 41-5 41-3 28 50 21. O 2O. 2 23 oo 52 35-3 34-3 38 52 29.3 28.3 47 52 42.0 41.9 27 52 23 . I 22 . 8 22 57 56 34-6 33-7 35-8 35-0 39 37 54 56 27.8 27.1 29-3 28.7 50 47 B 41-3 41-3 40.3 40.3 28 29 54 56 26.6 26.2 33-7 32.7 51 41 58 37-1 36.0 36 58 28.6 28.2 48 58 40-5 40.5 29 58 26.56 51 I 00 37-6 37-0 34 -17.8 3 oo 28.0 27.4 49 -17.2 5 oo 40.1 40.1 30 -16.7 7 oo 22. O 22. O 58 -16.3 02 38.3 37-3 33 02 27-5 27.1 50 02 41.3 41-0 28 02 28.00 49 04 38.7 38.3 32 04 24.4 24.0 55 04 41.6 41.4 27 04.5 34-6 34-3 39 06 38.4 37-8 33 06 25.3 24.8 53 06 42.36 26 06 22 38 08 39-3 38.7 32 08 26.1 25.8 52 08 40.36 29 08 15.00 23 09 IO 36.3 35-3 37 10 30.1 27.3 48 10 39-3^ 31 IO 59-0 59-0 22 00 12 36.0 35-5 37 12 28.9 28.5 48 12 39-2 39-2 31 12* 35-3 27.5 21 II 14 38.0 37-4 34 -17.8 H 30.9 30-5 44 -17.2 14 36.3 35-9 36 -16.5 14* 25.6 25.6 23 45 -16.2 16 37-0 36.1 36 16 29.9 29.5 46 16 35-0 34-9 38 16 50.00 23 07 18 36.8 36.0 36 18 27.3 26.7 50 18 34-5 34-3 39 18* 47-3 37-9 22 21 20 35-5 35-3 37 20 24.8 24.8 54 20 34-9 34-7 38 20 22.3 14.7 58 22 35-7 34-7 38 22 23.0 23.0 57 22 33.76 4O 22 22.2 19.5 22 55 24 34-1 33-3 40 24 22.36 58 24 31.2 30.6 44 24*3 28.0 24.5 23 24 26 33-0 32.3 42 26 22.2 22.0 58 26 29.0 28.7 47 26.2 39.6 36.8 05 28 33-3 32.4 41 28 22.2 22. O 58 28 30.9 30.8 44 28 41.0 38.0 03 30 30.6 29.3 46 -17.7 30 23-3 23.3 56 -17.0 30 33-4 33-4 40 -16.4 30 38.8 34.0 08 32 30.0 28.8 47 32 26.7 26.0 Si 32 34-2 34-0 39 32 28.3 21.8 26 -16.0 34 30.5 28.8 46 34 30.3 30.1 45 35 34-0 33-6 40 34 38.3 29.8 12 36 32-3 30.4 44 36 33-9 33-1 40 36 34-5 34-3 39 36 37-7 28.3 14 38 33-3 32.0 41 38 35-3 34-4 38 38 35-9 35-5 37 38 25.0 17.2 32 40 33-5 31-7 41 40 35-7 34-9 37 40 34-9 34-9 38 40 16.5 9.0 45 42 31-0 29.3 45 42 35-2 34-6 38 42 35-8 35.8 36 42* 65.5 So.o 56 44 31-3 30.3 44 -17.5 44 36.4 35.6 36 -17.0 44 35-4 35-4 37 -16.5 44 71-5 58.3 4i -16.0 46 31.1 30.0 45 46 40.00 30 46 33-8 33-8 40 46 69.9 58.7 46 48 32.1 31.0 43 48 42.5 42.3 26 48 34-5 34-3 39 48* 43.0 30.0 33 1 50 30.9 30.1 45 50 40.6 40.0 29 50 35-9 35-9 36 50 45-0 30.5 31 52 30.6 30.0 45 52 38.0 37.6 33 52 35-9 35-9 36 52 44-0 33-2 29 54 30.0 29.3 46 54 38.3 37-8 33 54 36.3 36.3 36 54 45.8 44.2 19 56 31-5 30.6 44 56 39-5 39-0 31 56 36.3 36.3 36 56 49.7 48.1 13 58 32.2 31.1 43 58 37-8 37-5 34 58 36.7 36.3 35 58 53-9 53-1 06 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 7)1 46m to 56m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 119 Wednesday, December 30, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 30, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East 1 Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O / h m d d o / o h m d d o r h m d d O f 8 oo 52.9 49-9 23 09 -15.1 10 00 39-4 36.0 21 39 -14.0 12 00 27.00 22 27 -13-8 14 oo 60.0 56.8 23 03 -14-3 02 50.9 48-3 12 02 49-3 43-0 26 02 32.8 29.7 20 02 54-8 52-5 II 04 50.9 47.2 13 04 34.8 30.0 47 04 19.2 17.0 41 04 54-3 51-9 12 06 47.7 46.0 16 06 33-3 27.0 51 06 17-0 15-1 44 06 56.2 54.8 08 08 45.8 45.1 19 08 30.7 26.1 21 53 08 21.2 19.0 38 08 53-0 51-2 13 10 47.6 45.5 17 10 22.8 17.6 22 06 10 12.8 9.9 22 52 10 53-0 52-3 12 12 39.0 37.2 30 12 15.9 10.7 22 17 12"* 58.2 48.0 23 II 12 51-8 51.0 14 14 37-8 35-4 33 -14.9 14 38.20 21 38 -14.0 14-5 60.5 52-2 06 14 59-3 59-0 O2 -14.5 16 39-2 35-2 32 16 21.3 21. I 22 05 16 55-9 47-0 14 -13-9 16 55-3 55-0 08 18 39.1 36.0 31 18 29.70 21 52 19 58.9 50.2 09 18 58.4 58.0 04 20 34-3 29.1 40 20 3 6.2& 41 20 60.4 50.6 23 07 20 54-8 54-0 10 22 57-i 53-9 23 03 22 31.9 29.7 50 22 65-2 57-1 22 58 22 47-7 47-0 21 24 61.2 55.9 22 58 24 40.6 37.8 37 24 63-9 55-7 23 oi 24 46.9 46.2 22 26 57-7 52.8 23 03 26 31.8 29.7 50 26 64-3 57-0 22 59 26 47-4 45-6 22 28 65.8 61.8 22 50 28.5 25.9 24.2 21 59 28 66.1 58.9 56 28 50.2 48.8 17 30 74.9 69.1 37 -14.6 30.5 23 . 2 22 . 2 22 O2 -13.8 30 63.9 59-0 58 -14.0 30 49-4 48.3 18 -14.5 32 77-2 73.9 31 32 23.3 21.0 03 32 63.8 59-2 22 58 32 49-2 48.7 18 34* 47.1 32-7 29 34 25.0 22.0 01 62.3 58.2 23 oo 34 49.0 48.7 18 36 46.1 34.8 28 36 24.O 22.8 OI 36 62.0 58.2 00 36 48.2 45-7 21 38 41.5 28.2 36 38 13.0 10.4 20 38 62.4 58.1 23 oo 38 50.2 48.6 17 40 43-2 27.0 36 40 II. 2 IO.2 21 40 62.0 59.1 22 59 40 55-3 54-4 08 42 37-2 33-3 36 42 10.7 9.7 22 42 55-9 51-8 23 10 42 52.0 51.0 14 44 39-4 35-1 33 -14.4 44* 56.2 49.1 26 -13.8 44 51.8 46.4 17 -14.1 44 52.3 51-3 13 -14.7 46 43.6 40.9 25 46 59-9 52.1 21 46 44-0 38.4 30 46 52.4 51-8 13 48 42-9 39-2 27 48 62.9 59.6 13 48 36.1 30.4 42 48 47-1 45-5 22 50 37-5 34-8 34 50 56.1 52.0 24 50 37-1 32.4 40 50 47 . i 46 . o 21 52 34-1 3I-I 40 52 63.2 58.2 14 52 34-5 29.7 44 52 42.3 41-3 29 54 37-70 32 54 61.3 57-8 15 37-9 32-4 39 54 41-0 39 -'3 31 56 42.2 37-3 29 56 65.1 62.0 09 56 45.9 40.7 27 56 41.9 40.3 30 58 45.8 44.9 ! 20 58 7I-I 65.3 22 O2 58 44.8 40.1 28 58 48.3 47.0 20 9 oo 36.9 31-9 37 -14.2 II 00* 48.9 45-9 21 55 -13.4 13 oo 54-7 Si-i ii -14.2 15 00 46.0 44.7 23 -15.0 02 37-0 36.3 34 02 5i-7 47-3 21 52 02 53-9 49-2 14 02 41.5 41.0 30 04 48.00 16 04 45-2 41-8 22 01 04 58.1 54-5 06 04 36.9 36.6 37 06 42-7 40-7 26 06 41-5 36.4 08 06 58.8 57.2 04 06 32.3 31-6 44 08 37.8 34-9 , 34 08 37-9 32-0 15 08 59-0 57-0 04 OS 37-00 37 10 32.6 28.8 43 10 39-0 34-7 12 IO 49-3 47-4 19 10 45-0 45-0 24 12 29.2 24.9 49 12 30.9 25.6 25 12 44.1 41.2 28 12 51-3 51-3 14 14 40.9 39.8 t 28 -14.0 14 32.5 27.1 23 -13.4 14 42-1 38.9 31 -14.1 14 59-0 57-0 03 -iS-0 16 44.3 43.2 23 16 34-0 27.6 21 16 44.6 41.4 28 16 52.3 49-6 15 18 48.1 46-3 17 18 31.0 24.1 26 18 42.0 39-9 31 18 53-0 49-5 14 20 41.90 25 1 20 25.1 20.1 34 20 39-4 39-0 33 20 44.2 42.1 27 22 49.6 46.0 16 22 24.9 19.5 35 22 37-5 36.5 37 22 38.3 35-3 37 24 56.1 49.1 09 24 24.1 19.8 35 24 35-9 35-0 39 24 38-3 35-5 37 26 47-7 44-0 19 26 24.6 20.1 34 26 37-8 36.7 37 26 42.9 40.3 29 28 52.0 51.1 10 28 22.9 18.2 37 28 38.8 36-8 36 28 43-4 40.6 29 30 41.16 27 -14.0 30 27-1 23.5 30 -13.5 30 43-3 41-0 29 -14.2 30 44-4 41-6 27 -15-0 32 47-7 43-1 20 32 21.8 19.1 37 32 43-0 41-0 29 32 43 8 40.3 29 34 6i-3 54-2 OI 34 17.2 13.5 45 34 49.2 46.6 20 34 40.0 39.0 33 36 55-2 49-9 22 O9 36 17.9 14.8 44 36 49-0 45-8 21 36 41.0 40.5 3i 38 65.9 60.2 21 52 38 11.7 10.6 52 38 51.1 48.1 17 38.3 44-0 43-5 26 40 70.7 65.6 | 44 40 15.1 12.8 48 40 56.9 54-4 08 40 45-2 44.0 24 42 61.8 57.1 58 42 12.7 10.6 51 42 52.5 49-2 15 42 46.3 44.6 23 44 67.1 63-7 4 8 -14.0 44 13.0 12.5 49 -13.7 44 56.0 53.2 09 -14.4 44 52.2 50.1 14 -15.2 46 64-1 59-8 46 9.2 7.2 57 46 56.9 54-8 07 46 57-5 55-4 06 48 75-2 69.3 38 48 14.6 12.2 48 48 58.7 56.7 23 04 48 56.3 55-0 07 50 74-9 70.2 37 1 50 17-3 I4-I 45 50 63.9 61.8 22 56 50 54-0 52.2 ii 52* 47-3 37-3 32 52 19.9 18.0 40 52 57-3 56.0 23 06 52 46.6 45.0 23 54 48.8 40.0 28 54 20.3 16.7 40 54 58.3 56.7 05 54 58.6 54.3 23 06 56 37.6 27.9 47 56 17.2 14.2 45 56 55-8 54-2 09 56 62.3 60.5 22 58 58 34-7 27.8 49 58 22.8 21.8 34 58 60.9 58.9 OI 58 46.3 44.0 23 24 Observer R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 14)1 oom to I4h o8m. 120 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, December 30, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, December 30, 1903 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d f h m d d o t O h m d d O / h m d d o r O 16 oo 44.0 41.3 23 28 -I5-3 18 oo 28.0 27.9 22 49 -15-5 20 00 40.2 38.4 22 31 -I3-9 22 OO 37-2 36.3 22 36 -13.0 02 48.8 46.3 20 02 31.0 31.0 45 02 41.2 40.1 29 02 42.8 41.4 27 04 48.6 45-3 21 04 29.7 29.3 47 04 41.6 40.6 29 04 44-5 42.7 25 06 48.6 46.3 20 06 32.6 32.6 42 06 38.0 37.0 34 06 42.7 40.3 28 08 45.6 42.8 25 08 32.1 32.1 43 08 38.3 37-9 33 08 41-8 39-2 30 10 47-2 44.5 22 10 32.3 32.3 42 10 37-1 36.4 35 10 41-3 39-1 30 12 51.2 49-5 15 12 35-0 35-0 38 12 37.8a 34 12 44-4 42.3 25 14 16 57-0 54-6 60.3 57.6 07 02 -15-3 I6 4 32.6 32.4 33-6 33-0 42 41 -15.6 14 16 36.4 36.1 38.8 36.9 36 34 -13.8 14 16 43-3 42.2 39-8 38.1 26 32 -12.9 18 60.5 58.2 01 18 35-6 35-3 38 18 46.7 44.8 21 18 36.9 35.8 36 20 56.2 53.6 08 20 32.3 31.6 43 20 45-4 43-9 23 20 34-9 33-5 40 22 53-8 52.0 II 22 31-3 30.3 45 22 42.2 39.9 29 22 33-9 32.2 41 24 56.0 54.0 08 24 27.6 26.8 51 24 37.1 34-7 37 24 36.3 34-7 38 26 57-6 55-4 06 26 32.5 32.3 42 26 36.6 35.2 37 26 38.0 37-2 34 28 59-7 58.0 O2 28 39-8 37-7 S 2 | 28 40.2 37.8 32 28 38.0 36.9 35 30 61.0 59.3 23 oo -15-5 30 40.6 39-5 30 30 42.2 39.7 29 -13.6 30 39-9 38.2 32 -12.3 32 61.3 60.5 22 59 32 39-5 38.3 32 -15-3 32 44-3 41-9 25 32 39-2 37-5 33 34 61.0 59.5 23 oo 34 38.2 36.8 34 34 44.1 42.2 25 34 40.2 38.1 32 36 62.0 60.9 22 58 36 37-9 37-2 34 36 41-9 39-3 30 36 38.9 37-1 34 38 61.7 60.5 59 38 43-2 42.1 26 38 42.2 40.2 29 38 38.3 36.8 34 40 62.7 61.5 57 40 41.9 41.1 28 40 44-0 42.9 25 40 36.7 35-0 37 42 69.7 68.5 46 42 40.1 39.6 30 42 47-2 44.9 21 42 38.0 36.9 34 44 65.0 64.0 53 -15-5 44 40.0 39.2 31 -14-9 46.9 45.0 21 -13.4 44 39-9 37-9 32 -12. 46 67.8 66.8 49 46 40.8 39.6 30 46 47-2 45-1 21 46 41.2 38.9 30 48 68.0 67.2 48 48 39-9 38.7 31 48 42.3 40.2 28 48 39-0 37.2 34 50.3 70.1 69.3 45 So 38.7 37-3 34 50 40.8 38.2 31 50 37.8 36.8 35 52 70.0 69.0 45 52 37-9 36.7 35 52 42.2 39.9 29 52 37-0 35.8 36 54 69.9 69.1 45 54 37-0 35-9 36 43.2 40.8 27 54 38.2 36.3 35 56 70.6 69.5 45 56 36.5 35-4 37 56 42 . 9 40 . 6 28 56 37-8 36.1 35 58 69.6 68.6 46 58 35-0 33.9 39 58 42.3 39-8 29 58 38.1 37-1 34 17 oo 66.7 65.6 Si -15.6 19 oo 35-2 33-3 39 ^-14-3 21 OO 42.0 39.1 29 -I3-4 23 oo 37-9 37.1 34 -ii-S 02 67.5 66.3 49 02 35-4 34-2 39 02 43-2 39-8 28 02 39-9 37-9 32 04 68.9 68.0 47 04 35-1 33.9 39 04 40.9 37-7 31 04 37-9 36.3 35 06 68.2 67.5 48 06 37-5 36.1 35 06 40.1 37.1 32 06 36.1 34-3 38 08 66.9 66.3 50 08 39-8 38.6 32 08 40.8 37.1 32 08 34-2 32.7 41 10 65.0 64.0 53 10 40.0 38.7 31 10 41-4 37-9 31 IO 33-3 31-9 42 12 61.3 60.5 59 12 39-9 38.8 31 12 37-9 34-8 36 12 35-2 33.3 39 14 61.0 60.4 59 -iS-7 14 37-9 37-0 34 -14.2 14 35-2 32.2 40 -13.3 14 35-3 33-0 40 -II. 2 16 68.6 68.4 47 16 38.8 37.0 34 16 38.0 35.1 36 16 34-3 31-3 42 18 78.0 78.0 32 18 40.8 38.2 31 18 42.0 38.0 30 18 34-2 31.3 42 20* 51.6 43-3 19 20 38.0 36.2 35 20 45-3 41-3 25 20 35-2 32.1 40 22 59.0 52.0 06 22 37-8 36.2 35 22 47-0 43.1 22 22 35-9 34-1 38 24 58.0 51.0 08 24 40.9 39.1 30 24 45.8 42.7 24 24 34-8 32.8 40 26 54-6 48.8 12 26 41.9 40.2 29 26 42.9 40.1 28 26 36.2 34.0 38 28 48.3 42.5 22 28 41.6 40.2 29 28 45-9 43-9 23 28 38.0 35.9 35 30 44-4 38.6 28 -15-5 30 41.1 39.9 30 -14.1 30 44.2 42.1 26 -13-2 30 38.9 36.9 34 -II.O 32 40.3 35-3 34 32 38.9 37-4 33 32 41-2 39-6 30 32 39-5 37-2 33 34 37-3 32.0 39 34 37-0 36.8 35 34 41.9 39-8 29 34 39-3 36.9 34 36 37-2 32.3 39 36 35-8 34-8 38 36 45-8 44-9 22 36 39-8 37-1 33 38 37-0 35-6 36 38 35-2 34.1 39 38 45-1 43.8 23 38 39-8 37-2 33 40 39.0 38.2 33 40 36.5 34-9 37 40 48.1 47-5 : 18 40 41.0 38.2 31 42 34-1 33-5 40 42 41.1 39-1 30 42 48.6 47.8 18 42 41-3 38.7 31 44 34-7 33-6 40 -15.6 44 45-7 43-9 23 -14.0 44 43-9 43-3 25 -13-0 44 43-2 40.2 28 46.2 36.3 35-7 37 46 44-3 42-3 25 46 41-7 40-3 29 46 42.8 39.9 28 48 35-2 34.4 38 48 41-7 39-7 29 48 40.8 39.0 31 48 45-2 42.9 24 50 33-8 33-3 40 50 38.0 36.1 35 50 41.9 40.2 29 50 47-1 43.7 22 52 33-2 32.7 41 52 37-1 35-2 36 52 41-5 39-8 29 52.3 45.1 41.7 25 54 3L5 31-2 44 54 37-7 35-7 36 4I-I 39-9 30 54 41.8 38.1 31 56 31-3 30.8 45 56 36.9 35-3 37 56 37-2 36.1 36 56 39-3 36.1 34 58 30.0 29.6 47 58 38.0 36.8 34 58 36.8 35-6 36 58 37-9 35-9 35 24 oo 37-8 35-8 36 10.9 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from i8h 24m to l8h 34m. Correction to local mean time is im 155. Torsion head at oh oom read 225 and at 24)1 2om read the same. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 121 Thursday, December 31, 1903 Magnet scale erect Friday, January I, 1904 Magnet scale inverted [ Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Riebt Left Right h m d d f h m d d e I h m d d O ' h m d d / O 20 oo* 44-7 45-2 23 27 -15-0 22 00 28.7 40.2 22 25 -II. O 16 oo* 49.2 49.0 22 44 -15.0 18 oo 67.4 61.2 22 15 -12.5 02 42-9 44-0 25 02 30.0 40.4 26 02 50.5 49-2 42 02 66.1 60.7 16 04 41.4 42.3 22 04 23.6 33.8 16 04 52.9 51-7 38 04 64.2 59.1 19 06 42.1 42.8 23 06 28.7 38-7 24 06 56.1 54-3 33 06 63-9 59.1 19 08 41.0 42.2 22 08 25-1 35-2 18 08 56.8 56.0 31 08 63.1 58.8 20 10 39-9 41-2 20 IO 20. i 28.2 09 10 60.2 56.7 28 10 63-8 59.6 19 12 38.7 39-9 18 12 26.2 33.4 18 12 62.8 58.2 25 12 62.4 58.1 22 14 37-4 37-5 IS -14.2 14 28.0 35.2 20 -10.8 14 63.2 59-8 23 -14.9 14 63-6 59-9 18 -12.2 16 34.0 36.0 12 16 36-7 42.1 32 16 64.2 60.8 22 16 65.1 61.8 17 18 34-9 36.5 13 18 40.1 46.2 38 18 63.3 60.6 23 18 64.2 61.1 17 20 35-3 36.6 13 20 41.7 47.2 40 20 61.1 58.7 25 20 61.9 58.9 21 22 38.9 41.1 19 22 37-3 44-6 35 22 59-1 56.9 28 22 58.9 56.3 25 24 39.5 41.4 20 24 32.1 37.6 25 24 56.8 54-2 32 24 58.0 55-8 26 26 40.4 41.0 21 26 30.0 36.2 23 26 54-8 52.1 36 26 56.8 54.7 28 28 40.0 41.2 20 28 30.2 36.0 23 28 53-8 50.1 37 28 52.6 50.2 34 30 37-1 40.8 18 -13-5 30 28.8 33-9 20 -10.7 30 52.3 50.1 39 -14-5 30 47-8 44.7 42 -12. 1 32 38.2 41.4 19 32 28.6 32.0 18 32 51.8 49.1 40 32 38.2 35.0 22 57 35-0 39.0 15 34 29.0 32.8 19 34 51.6 49-7 40 34 21. I l8.2 23 26 36 34-0 37-6 13 36 30.8 34-2 22 36 Si-4 49-9 39 36 ii. 8 6.8 40 38 35-7 39-3 16 38 32-0 35.1 23 38 51.1 49.6 40 38 22.4 2O. 2 21 40 33-0 36.9 II 40 31-3 38.8 26 40 50.8 49-3 40 40 22.8 20. 2 21 42 33-o 37-0 12 42 36-2 39-5 30 42 51.1 50.0 40 42 34-7 33-9 23 oi 44 33-0 37-4 12 -12.8 44 38.8 41-9 34 -10.6 44 50.2 49.2 41 44 36.7 34-9 22 58 -12.0 46 34-4 37-9 13 46 37-8 41-0 32 46 49.6 48.8 42 46 36.2 33-8 22 59 48 36.2 39.6 16 48 35-6 37-8 28 48 50.2 49.2 41 -14.0 48 21.3 20.2 23 22 50 37-0 40-3 17 50 34-8 37.7 27 50 50.2 50.2 39 50* 62.5 49-7 42 52 37.8 40.9 18 52 44.2 48.2 43 52 51-2 50.8 38 52 62.3 50.0 42 54 37-4 40.0 17 54 48.0 51.0 48 54 53-2 52.7 35 54 38.5 3I-I IS 56 36.8 38-9 16 56 Si.o 55-5 54 56 53-9 53-2 34 56 64.1 50.8 40 58 34-9 36.8 13 58 52-0 55.9 55 58 54-6 53-8 33 58 73-0 67.1 19 21 OO 34-0 36.0 12 -12.2 23 oo 49-5 52.0 50 -10.4 17 oo 54-2 53-0 34 -13.5 19 oo 69.0 62.2 26 -12. O2 34.7 36.0 12 02 53-ia 22 54 02 53-9 53-0 35 02 74-7 70.1 16 04 40.8 42.4 22 04 65 . o 67 . 2 23 15 04 54-1 53-2 34 04 77.0 69.8 14 06 46-2 47-9 30 06 60.0 66.5 IO 06 50.1 49-3 40 06 77.2 74.2 ii 08 58.4 61.1 So 08 59-0 65.5 23 08 08 51-5 50-2 38 08* 52.3 44-5 23 03 10*2 33-0 41-5 34 10 48.0 56.5 22 53 10 54-1 52-9 34 10 57-8 48.7 22 56 12 40.8 47.8 45 12 54-0 54-0 56 12 57-3 56.4 29 12 62.9 54.2 23 47 14 27.9 30.0 23 21 -12.0 14 49-8 58-6 56 -10.2 14 59-0 58.5 26 -13-1 14 65.8 59-2 22 41 -II.8 16*2 31.1 61.2 22 21 16 50.0 55.2 53 16 58.0 56.9 28 16 66.9 60.3 39 18 28.7 62.0 20 18 39.8 64.9 22 53 18 55-8 54-7 31 18 68.8 62.8 36 20 43-5 71-5 22 39 20 48.0 70.0 23 03 20 55-0 53-8 32 20 69.2 64.7 34 22* 27.0 40.7 23 26 22 21.2 38.2 22 17 22 54-3 52-9 33 22 71.1 65.7 32 24*3 45-5 66.8 22 58 24*4 25-4 33-0 23 31 24 58.7 57-2 26 2 4 73.2 67.3 29 26* 58.0 74.6 ; 23 57 26*2 37-8 57.0 22 53 26 60.9 59.6 23 26 74.0 68.8 26 28.3 40.2 57-5 30 28 42.0 60.9 23 oo 28 61.5 60.0 22 28 74.9 70.2 25 30 38.5 53-5 25 -II.4 30 39-3 59-2 22 56 -10. 30 59-4 58.2 25 -12.9 30 76.2 72.7 22 -ii. 8 32 19-8 39-6 23 oo 32 30-3 49-2 41 32 58.0 56.9 27 32 78.2 74.1 19 34 13.0 37.8 22 53 34 30.2 47.9 40 58.1 57-2 26 34* 50.2 40.1 21 36 14.9 27.7 47 36 32.0 37-8 22 34 36 57-3 56.7 27 36 47-6 35.4 26 38 8.4 28.4 42 38 45-2 65.3 23 06 38 55-9 55-3 30 38 48.9 37-8 23 40* 28.2 47.6 30 40 52.0 57-7 05 40 53-2 52.8 34 40 54-8 44-0 13 42 21.3 41.4 20 42 53-0 68.7 15 42 57-7 56-3 27 42 53-9 45.1 13 44 24.0 41.5 22 -II. 2 44 54.0 66.1 13 -9.7 44 64.3 62.8 17 -12.8 44 35-1 32.9 37 -ii. 7 46 24.9 42.1 23 46*3 29.0 58.9 23 47 46 66.9 65.8 12 46 45-6 36.1 22 27 48 24.1 39-2 20 48.2 55-9 75-3 24 21 48 73.0 71.7 03 48* 14.8 13.1 25 14 SO 23-8 38.2 19 50 Lost 50 74.1 71.2 02 50 Lost 52 23-5 37-2 18 53*5 53-1 60.8 23 02 52 74-1 71-5 02 51*8 65.9 49-8 25 32 54 26.7 29.2 14 55* 41-7 71-3 23 06 54 64.7 59.2 19 1 54* 64.9 13.7 22 47 56 27.6 40.0 24 56* 28.7 60.9 24 17 56 54-5 50-3 34 56* 70.9 II. 2 21 52 58 28.0 40.2 24 58* 12.7 46.2 23 19 58 61.9 56.2 24 59* 65.8 49.7 54 H oo* 49.0 73-0 22 51 -9.3 20 OO* 58.2 35.2 31 -11.2 Correction to local mean time is im 335. Torsion head at igh 25m read 225* and at 24h lorn read the same. Observers J. S. V. (R. R. T. observed readings 23h 53. 5m to 24h oom.) 9 Correction to local mean time is im 475. 90 torsion = 22/1. Torsion head at I5h 30m read 228" and at 2oh lorn read 268. Observer R. R. T. 122 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, January 3, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, January 3, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m a d o / h m d d o r o h m d d o / 00* 50.5 51-8 22 45 -21.6 2 OO 58.5 59-6 23 oo -17.7 4 oo 69.4 68.7 22 55 6 oo 34.8 28.7 23 58 -16.3 02 54-6 58.1 53 02 57-8 58.8 22 59 02 67.2 66.3 22 59 02 38.8 34-1 50 04 58.2 61.8 22 58 04 56.3 57-4 56 04 64.1 62.9 23 05 04 49-7 43-8 34 06 59.2 62.8 23 oo 06 54-7 56.1 54 06 64.4 62.7 05 06 52-8 47.1 29 08 61.7 64.7 03 08 54-7 56.9 54 08 65.8 62.9 03 08 55-2 50.6 24 10 64.2 66.6 07 IO 56.2 58-3 22 58 10 65.3 63.1 03 10 56.7 Si-7 22 12 64.6 65.9 06 12 57-5 59-7 23 oo 12 64.1 61.8 05 -16.0 12 58.6 54-9 18 14 64.2 65.9 06 -20.8 14 57-8 59-4 00 -17.4 14 62.0 59.5 09 14 58.7 55-2 18 -16.3 16 65-9 67.3 08 16 59.8 61.0 02 16 62.0 59.5 09 16 60.8 57.2 15 18 67.0 68.4 10 18 61.1 62.3 04 18 61-2 59.5 09 18 63.9 61.7 09 20 68.0 69.1 12 20 60.3 61.8 03 20 62.0 60.2 08 20 64.1 61.9 09 22 68.9 70.0 14 22 61.1 63.0 05 22 59-8 58.8 12 22 61.3 58.8 14 24 69.1 70.5 H 24 62.3 63.9 07 24 61.4 60.7 09 24 58.7 55-3 18 26 67.0 68.7 II 26 62.1 63.8 06 26 63.9 63.2 05 26 58.1 55-3 19 28 65.6 67.5 09 28 63.8 65.3 09 28 60.8 60.4 10 28 58.8 56.1 17 30 64.0 65.4 06 -19.8 30 63-4 65.3 09 -17-3 30 58.3 57-9 13 -16.1 30 60.0 57.1 16 -16.3 32 64.1 65.2 06 32 64.0 64.3 09 32 57-6 57.3 15 32 59-8 57-0 16 36 65.2 66.7 64.9 65.8 08 07 34 36 63.8 64.2 68.0 68.4 09 IS 2 57-0 56.5 58.0 57.2 16 '4 a 57-9 55.8 55-1 52-8 19 24 38 63.8 64.8 06 38 61.7 62.3 05 38 58.0 56.8 14 38 54-6 52.3 24 40 62.5 64.0 04 40 60.8 61.0 04 40 54-9 54-3 19 40 55-4 53-7 23 42 64.2 65.3 07 42 59-7 59-7 02 42 55-0 54-2 20 42 59-3 57-7 16 44 63.7 64.9 06 -19.2 44 60.8 61.1 03 -17.1 44 56.8 55.4 17 -16.1 44 60.0 58.1 16 -16.2 46 69.0 69.8 14 46 64.2 65.4 10 46 58.0 56.0 16 46 60.9 58.3 IS 48 67.1 68.1 II 48 64.8 65.9 II 48 63.1 61.5 07 48 62.1 59.2 13 50 65.1 66.5 08 50 65.8 67.0 13 50 61.5 60.7 09 50 63.0 60.9 ii 52 64.4 66. o 07 52 67.4 69.0 16 52 54-4 52.8 20 52 59.8 57-9 16 54 64.2 65.8 07 54 69.7 70.9 19 46.1 45-5 33 54 56.2 54.1 22 56 62.8 64.7 06 56 69.2 70.3 18 56 46.8 45.7 33 56 55-9 53-7 23 58 63.0 64.3 06 58 69.0 70.0 18 58 42.7 40.8 40 58 59-4 56.7 18 I OO 64.7 66.2 08 -18.8 3 oo 70.2 71.4 20 -17.1 5 oo 38.8 38.1 46 -16.1 7 oo 59-1 57-3 17 -16.2 02 67.1 69.2 13 02 73-3 74-1 24 02 48.3 47-1 31 02 55-9 54-5 22 04 68.3 70.8 IS 04 73-7 75-4 25 04 56.7 55-6 18 04 55-2 54.2 23 06 67.1 69.6 13 06 74.2 76.8 27 06 61.3 60.3 23 10 06 56.0 53.9 22 08 66.7 69.0 12 08* 56.9 63.3 30 08 69.1 68.0 22 58 08 56.1 54-1 22 IO 66.3 68.9 II 10 55-1 62.4 28 10 69.6 68.8 22 57 10 58.6 56.9 18 12 63.0 65.0 23 06 12 52.6 62.0 25 12 60.9 59.3 23 II 12 59-3 57-0 18 It 57-6 59.8 56.1 58.9 22 58 57 -18.3 14 16 52.1 60.3 51-8 58.2 24 22 -16.9 14 16 58.8 58.0 Si-o Si-9 14 25 -16.2 14 16 6o.3 57-7 58.6 57-3 17 18 -16.1 18 57-1 59-8 22 58 18 50.3 55-6 18 18 49.0 48.8 29 18 5L9 50.7 29 20 60.3 63.0 23 03 20 49-8 53-1 16 20 46.2 45.8 34 20 55-9 54-0 23 22 64.8 66.8 09 22 49-1 52.2 14 22 48.60 30 22 59-1 57-2 18 24 64.0 65.7 08 24 Si.o 54-2 18 24 52.0 50.8 26 24 59-2 57.7 17 26 71.0 72.4 19 26 52.7 55-0 21 26 55-0 54.7 20 26 58-5 56-3 19 28 68.9 71.0 16 28 52.7 54-8 2O 28 53-3 52-6 23 28 59-9 58.8 16 30 64.7 66.3 09 -18.0 30 51-5 52-9 18 -16.7 30 5L9 50.8 26 -16.3 30 58-3 56.1 20 -16.0 32 65.8 67.2 10 32 50.8 52.1 17 32 45-0 40.5 39 32 56.9 54-0 23 34 65.9 67.3 II 34 49-1 50.8 14 34 39-2 34-0 23 49 34 58.9 57-0 19 36 67-3 68.7 13 36 48.0 49.6 12 36 31.1 26.3 24 01 36 63.8 61.0 12 38 66.9 67.8 12 38 48.7 50.1 13 38 27.0 24.7 06 38 66.9 64.0 07 40 61.7 62.9 04 40 48.2 49.5 12 40 17.9 16.0 20 40 71.2 69.0 23 oo 42 60.3 61.9 03 42 47-2 48-5 II 42 12. o 9.6 30 42 72.7 70.1 22 57 44 59.8 61.1 01 -17.9 44 45-4 46.9 09 -16.6 44 21.2 17.7 16 -16.3 44 72.5 70.8 22 57 -iS-9 46 59-9 61.8 O2 46 45-0 46.1 08 46 26.8 21.6 09 46 61.0 59.8 23 15 48 60.6 62.1 03 48 44-7 45-8 07 48 21.2 17.6 24 16 48 57-9 56.7 20 50 61.2 62.8 04 50 43-8 44.9 06 50 34-8 29.5 23 56 50 50.2 48.1 33 52 61.1 62.4 04 52 44-1 45-7 07 52 36.0 33.2 52 52 57-i 55-6 22 54 59-9 61.1 02 54 42.1 43.8 04 54 36.7 33-1 52 54 56.0 54.8 23 56 58.8 60. i 00 56 42.2 44.2 04 56 36.4 32.7 53 56 Si.S 50.6 30 58 59.9 60.8 O2 58 4I-I 43-1 02 -16.4 58 36.0 29.7 56 58 56.8 56.0 22 8 oo 60.7 58.7 16 -15-9 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is Torsion head at oh oom read 255 Observer R. R. T. 2m 075. 90 torsion = 22/6. and at gh ism read 185. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 123 Monday, January 4, 1904 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, January 5, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East ! Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / O h m d d o ' O h m d d o / o h m d d / 8 oo 41.8 44.6 22 45 -19-4 10 00 38.6 39.8 22 43 -18.0 12 OO 40.3 39-6 22 40 -16.4 14 oo 19-8 18.7 23 14 -17.0 02 39-7 43-7 42 02 37-2 39.3 42 02 44-2 43-1 34 02 21.2 19.6 12 04 41.9 43-0 44 04 38-9 40.1 44 04 41-0 39-3 39 04 22.3 20.9 IO 06 37-9 4i-8 40 06 45.1 46.1 54 06 41.9 40.6 38 06 21.2 20. 6 II 08 36.8 38.9 37 08 44-3 45-3 52 08 44.0 42.0 35 08 17.9 17-3 16 10 31.2 35.3 29 10 42.9 44.9 51 10 42.3 40.4 37 10 21.8 20.7 II 12 29.9 33-8 27 12 42-6 45-3 52 12 39-9 37-3 42 12 18.6 17.8 15 14 36.2 40.1 37 -19.2 14 42.0 44.3 50 -17.9 14 42.8 41.1 37 -16.8 14 19-4 18.7 14 -17.0 16 43.2 46.3 47 16 41.8 45.4 5i 16 46.9 44-3 31 16 20.7 19.2 13 18 42.2 44.6 46 18 43.2 46.8 53 18 51-7 48-8 24 18 18.0 15.3 18 20 37.9 41.7 40 20 43-6 45-5 52 20 49-0 45-9 28 20 20.3 18.0 H 22 41.7 44.9 46 22 43.7 46-8 53 22 45-5 42.2 34 22 20.9 18.7 13 24 39.2 42.8 42 24 45-1 48-0 56 24 44-9 42.0 35 24 24.2 21.9 08 26 38.7 42.2 4i 26 46.7 49-8 22 59 26 45-0 42-7 34 26 25.1 21.7 07 28 3LO 33-8 28 28 47-2 50.3 23 oo 28 47-9 45-7 29 28 25.9 22.3 06 30 35.1 46.4 34 -19.0 30 44-7 47-4 22 55 -17.8 30 49-3 47-6 27 -17.0 30 28.7 25.1 23 02 -17.0 32 44.9 46.5 50 32 47.1 48.8 22 58 32 47-9 46-8 28 32 33-8 29.2 22 55 34 45-6 47-4 Si 34 49-8 52.2 23 03 34 47.2 46.1 29 34 36.1 33-3 50 36 41.1 42.2 43 36 47-3 50.2 23 oo 36 45- 4b 31 36 37-2 34.1 48 38 36.7 38.8 37 38 43-8 45.3 22 54 38 48 . o 47 . o 28 38 37-7 34-9 47 40 40.5 42.2 43 40 41.3 43.3 50 40 46.3 45-9 30 40 37-9 35-6 47 42 41-1 43-7 45 42 35-3 36.3 40 42 48.2 47.9 27 42 38.2 36.0 46 8 42.5 42.8 49.2 49.2 46 56 -18.9 ^ 46 32.8 34.6 35-1 35.9 36 40 -17.8 8 55-8 53-9 55-8 54-4 17 16 -17.2 44 46 38.1 36.7 38.1 37-2 46 46 -17.0 48 46.1 46.2 22 51 48 39-7 40.7 47 48 49-3 47-4 27 48 39-5 38.8 43 SO 52.8 52.8 23 02 50 38-3 39-3 45 50 48.1 46.8 29 50 39-2 38.8 43 52 44-30 22 49 52 42.8 44.2 52 52 47-2 44-9 31 52 39-7 38.8 43 54 57-7 58-8 23 II 54 32.2 34.7 36 54 43-7 40.2 37 54 38.6 37.9 45 56 52-9 53-2 23 02 56 30.8 31.8 33 56 43-2 41-1 37 56 38.6 37.9 45 58 45-6 47-1 22 52 58 38.8 39.8 47 58 42.9 40.0 38 58 39.0 38.1 44 9 oo 39-2 41.5 42 -18.7 II 00 39.7 40.8 48 -17.6 13 oo 40.8 39.2 40 -17.2 15 oo 38.4 37-7 45 -17.0 02 37-4 39-1 39 02 34-8 36.6 41 02 39-1 38.5 42 02 38.0 37.0 46 04 32-1 33-8 32 04 38.0 40.1 46 04 40.26 40 04 38.8 37.0 45 06 31.3 32.0 29 06 37-3 39-8 45 06 37.9 36.6 45 06 40.3 39-0 43 08 29.1 29.9 26 08 34-9 36.8 41 08 34-9 33-9 49 08 40.0 38.7 43 10 32.1 32.8 31 IO 32.8 36.0 38 IO 37-8 35.9 45 10 39-3 37-8 44 12 33-1 33-7 32 12 37-1 40.9 47 12 38.8 36.4 44 12 38.9 37-2 45 14 36.8 38.3 38 -18.4 H 36.9 39-1 45 -17-6 14 36.9 35-2 47 -17.2 14 39-2 37.9 44 -17.0 16 39.0 41.0 43 16 34-7 36.3 41 16 36.4 34-2 48 16 39-9 38.3 43 18 39-8 41-9 44 18 34-8 36-9 4i 18 33-9 32.0 52 18 42.9 41.2 39 20 46.2 50.0 56 20 36.7 37-7 44 20 33.6 31.8 52 20 44.8 42.8 36 22 42.4 45-8 49 22 38.8 39.6 47 22 34-0 32.5 5i 22 42.9 40.2 40 24 36.9 40.1 41 24 39-4 40.1 48 24 32.2 31.2 53 24 42.0 39.8 41 26 40.8 45.2 48 26 36.8 37-8 44 26 30.1 29.8 56 26 42.7 40.8 39 28 35-2 39.8 40 28 36.1 37-1 43 28 31-2 30.9 55 28 41-2 39-9 4i 30 40.3 45-1 48 -18.3 30 36.8 37-1 43 -17-5 30 33-6 32.7 Si -17.2 30 42.2 40.7 40 -16.9 32 36.8 40.8 42 32 37-1 37.4 45 32 33-8 33-0 51 32 43-7 43-3 37 34 42.9 45-9 50 34 36.8 37.4 45 34 32.9 32.2 52 34 42.9 42.2 38 36 36.7 39-1 40 36 35.8 36.1 43 36 32.1 31.2 54 36 42.9 42.3 38 38 42.0 44.6 49 38 36.9 37-3 44 38 32-8 31.9 53 38 43-7 42.3 38 40 38.7 41-4 44 40 36.6 36.9 44 40 32.2 31.2 54 40 48.1 47-3 30 42 39-0 40-3 43 42 35-7 36.2 42 42 30.4 29.7 57 42 51-3 49-7 26 44 34-0 35-5 36 -18.1 44 34-8 36.0 42 -17.4 44 28.9 28.2 22 59 -17-1 44 51-9 49-1 26 -16.8 46 38.8 40.1 43 46 34-2 36-3 42 46 28.2 27.3 23 oi 46 52.5 49.2 26 48 33-1 34.8 34 48 34-8 36.6 43 48 27.0 26.4 02 48 51.8 48.1 27 SO 30.4 32.0 31 50 34-2 36.3 42 50 22.9 22.3 08 50 52.9 48.6 26 52 34-8 36.1 37 52 34-1 35.8 41 52 22.1 21.7 09 52 53-2 46.9 27 54 39-6 41-3 45 54 34-1 36.6 42 54 23 . 22 . I 08 54 49-0 43-9 33 56 37-2 38-4 41 56 31-2 33-3 38 56 21.3 20.7 ii 56 49.8 44.6 3i 58 38.8a 43 58 35-3 37-8 45 58 21.2 20.3 ii 58 47.0 43.0 35 12 00 32.3 34-8 40 -17-3 16 oo 48.3 43-3 34 -16.6 Correction to local mean time is 2m 323. 00 torsion = 23/6. Torsion head at 8h oom read 175 and at I2h 3om read 130. Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is 2m 553. 90 torsion = 20/8. Torsion head at nh 2om read 135 and at i6h 25m read 117. Observer R. R. T. 124 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, January 6, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, January 6, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East j Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time ne tion C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d / O h m d d t h m d d / O O 00* 40.6 40.8 22 38 -23.0 2 OO 45-3 46.3 22 46 -21.4 4 oo 49-3 49-6 22 52 -20. 6 6 oo 16.1 24.8 22 54 -19.4 02 41.6 41.9 40 02 45-3 45-5 46 02 51-2 51-6 55 02 23.5 30.0 2304 04 42-2 42.3 41 04 44-7 45-7 45 04 49-7 SO.i 53 04 31.0 40.0 23 18 06 41.8 42.0 40 06 44-8 45-4 45 06 49-5 50.3 22 53 06 20 . o 25 . 5 22 58 08 41-5 41-9 40 08 44-7 45-2 45 08 59.0 59.0 23 07 08 9.8 18.0 44 10 41.6 42.0 40 10 44-4 44-6 44 10 61.0 61.3 IO 10 13 . 20 . 48 12 41.2 41.2 39 12 42.26 41 12 60.3 60.9 10 12 16.2 23.3 53 14 41.0 41-3 39 -22.5 14 39-0 39-3 36 -21.2 14 64 . o 65 . 2 16 -20.5 14 17.8 25.6 % -19.2 16 40.0 40.3 37 16 39-3 39-6 36 16 64.56 16 16 ii. 6 18.2 46 18 39-3 39-8 37 18 38.0 38.0 34 18 64.3 64.6 16 18 ii. 3 I9-I 22 46 20 39-3 39-7 37 20 35-6 36.0 31 20 62.16 12 20 41-3 50.3 23 34 22 39.4 39.8 37 22 34.3 34.7 29 22 59-4 59-9 08 22 47-3 57-6 45 24 38.9 39-3 36 24 34-3 34-6 28 24 58.6 593 07 24 55.0 63.0 23 55 26 38.1 38.3 34 26 35-6 36.0 31 27.2 61.3 62.3 12 26 61.3 75.0 24 10 28 37-0 37-3 33 28 36.2 36.6 32 28 62.6 64.2 14 29*2 32-5 45-6 22 48 30 35-5 35-8 30 -22.3 30 36.6 36.8 32 -21.0 30 66.9 67.6 2O -20.4 30 34-8 54-3 22 56 -18.8 32 35- S 35-6 30 32 37.8 38-4 34 32 70.7 7i-i 26 32 66.6 71.6 23 35 34 36 35-1 35-i 35-0 35-0 30 29 34 36 37-8 38.3 37-6 38.0 34 34 34 36 75-5 77-2 71-3 73-0 34 28 n 67.5 71-0 69.2 72.8 3 38 35-3 35-5 30 38 38.2 38.4 35 38 69.7 72.2 26 38 57.6 63.0 21 40 35-0 3S-2 30 40 39.9 40.0 37 40 66.3 69.2 21 40 61.3 68.3 28 42 33-9 34-1 28 42 39-0 39.3 36 42 6l.6 64.1 i 13 42 64.5 70.6 ; 32 8 33-6 33-9 33-6 34-1 27 27 -22.1 44 46 43-9 44-6 47.1 47.6 44 49 -21.0 8 67.8 69.0 22 -20.1 O2.6 64.0 14 8 56.8 62.8 20 -18.6 53.2 63.1 18 48 34-9 35-5 30 48 51-3 51.8 55 48 60.3 61.9 10 4 8 48.8 56.8 09 SO 36.9 37-4 33 50 53-3 53-7 22 58 50 59.7 S9.7 08 50 58.8 64-5 23 52 38.1 38-5 35 52 55-5 56.1 23 02 52 56.6 58.3 23 05 52 60.0 69.3 28 38.2 38.6 35 54 55-4 56-0 O2 54 54-0 54-5 22 59 54 62.2 69.5 30 56 38.4 38.7 35 56 55-3 55-7 02 56 53-0 54-9 59 56 59.6 62.0 22 58 38-4 38.8 35 58 54-7 55-3 01 -21. 58 45-9 47-7 48 58 60.8 61.8 23 I 00 38.6 38.8 35 3 oo 54-2 54-9 23 oo 5 oo 51-9 52.8 22 57 7 oo 63.2 64.0 26 -18.5 02 39-1 39-3 36 -22.0 02 53-3 53-9 22 59 02 59.2 61.8 23 09 -20. o 02 59.1 60.0 20 04 39.0 39.0 36 04 52-2 52.8 57 04 48.0 51-3 22 52 04 55-8 57-3 15 06 38.4 38.7 35 06 51-9 52-2 56 06 49.0 51.6 53 06 53-0 54-4 ii 08 37-4 37-6 33 08 53-oa 22 58 08 53-1 54-7 22 59 08 52.0 54.0 i) 10 37-3 37-5 33 10 54-1 54-7 23 oo IO 58.8 60.0 23 08 IO 55-3 56.5 14 12 36.3 36.7 32 12 55-6 56.0 O2 12 54-2 54-4 oo 12 53.6 54-1 ii 14.2 36-4 36.8 32 -22. 14 55-0 55-0 01 -21.2 14 55-7 57-0 03 -19.9 14 56.3 57-7 i<5 -18.5 16 36.3 36.6 32 16 54-5 54-5 23 oo 16 61.0 62.2 ii 16 52.3 61.0 15 18 36.3 36.6 32 18 53-6 53-6 22 59 18 62.6 63.9 14 18 66.5 71-3 35 20 36.0 37.2 32 20 51.8 52.0 56 20 67.3 67.3 20 20 62.9 67.0 2S 22 35.6 35-8 31 22 50.0 50.0 53 22 72 . o 72 . 7 28 22 59-7 63.4 23 24 35-6 35-8 31 24 48.56 Si 24 69.0 69.0 23 24 52.6 57.6 13 26 35-3 35-5 30 26 47-8 47-8 50 26 58.5 60.0 07 26 50.2 54.6 09 28 36.0 36.1 31 28 47-8 47-8 50 28 57-8 59-3 23 06 28 47-7 52.0 05 30 35-4 35-7 30 -21.7 30 48.0 48.3 50 -20.9 30 54.06 22 59 -20.0 30 47-8 51.5 23 04 -18.4 32 35-5 35-9 31 32 46.3 46.7 48 32 57-oa 23 04 32 44.7 48.0 22 59 34 36.7 37-3 33 34 49-8 SO.i 53 34 48.0 50.6 22 52 34 39.7 42.5 51 36 37-6 38.0 34 36 51-5 52.6 22 56 36* 49-2 51-8 23 42 36 38.3 41.5 49 38 37-7 38.1 34 38 55-2 55-8 23 02 38 46.6 46.6 36 38 34.0 35.6 41 40 38.6 39.0 35 40 62.00 12 40 50.5 Si-8 43 40 36.4 38.2 45 42 41.1 41.3 39 42 67.0 68.0 20 42 52.0 55-6 47 42 32.9 35.3 40 44 43.8 44.6 44 -21.5 44 63.1 64.3 14 -20.7 44 57-0 61.3 55 -19.6 44 45.0 4-5.0 58 -18.2 46 45-4 47-0 47 46 60.5 60.7 10 46 5i-4 53-6 45 46 27.8 30.5 32 48 46.0 48.1 48 48 58.3 59-3 07 48 56.5 57-o Si 48 24.9 28.0 28 50 47.4 48.4 SO 50 60. i 60.8 09 SO 48.8 56.0 45 50 26.0 28.3 29 52 48.4 49.3 51 52 57-6 58.5 06 52 43-0 55-6 40 52 26.5 28.8 30 54 48.0 49.0 51 54 54-5 55-5 23 oi 54 24.6 31.8 23 07 54 25-3 28.6 29 56 47.6 48.6 50 56 53-5 54-7 22 59 56 19-2 25.4 22 57 56 26.8 29.9 3i 58 47.8 48.8 50 58 51-3 52.3 56 58 13-0 19-3 48 58 30.0 32.0 35 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. 58m. P. and J. V., who alternated from 7h 48111 to 7h MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Tepliiz Bay Continued 125 Wednesday, January 6, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, January 6, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O / O h m d d O ' O h m d d o / O h m d d o / O 8 oo 29-0 32.3 22 34 -17.6 10 OO 16.4 21. I 22 l6 -16.6 12 00 45-8 51-0 22 27 -15.6 14 oo 51.0 53.0 22 33 -14.9 02 34-3 39-0 44 02 I9.O 2/.0 23 02 50.0 56.9 35 02 49-3 53-0 32 04 31.8 35-2 39 04 20.6 23.5 21 04 50.0 58.5 37 04 48.2 52.0 30 06 33-1 36.7 41 06 9.0 13.0 22 04 06 52.3 60.2 40 06 48.8 49.9 29 08 31-2 35-0 38 08* 22.8 32.6 21 55 08 56.4 65.1 47 08 48.7 50.2 29 10 32.8 35-0 40 10 30.0 36.8 22 04 10- 59.0 68.8 52 IO 48.0 50. i 28 12 31.2 33.0: 37 12 35-5 42.1 12 12 60.9 71.9 56 12 46.8 50.6 28 14 27 . i 28 . 9 30 -17.4 14 34.4 40.0 10 -16.6 14 60.0 66.8 51 -IS-5 14 46.4 50.9 28 -14.8 16 24.2 26.3 26 16 37-4 39-3 12 16 59-4 66.5 SO 16 48.0 50.2 29 18 26.3 27.5 28 18 42.0 47.7 22 18 59-0 65.9 49 18 48.7 52.6 31 20 27.4 27.4 29 20 41-5 47-2 21 20 62.0 67.9 53 20 49-8 54.2 33 22 34.0 34.7 40 22 35-0 39-8 10 22 63.4 67.0 54 22 Si.o 55. i 35 24 36.9 39.0 46 24 31.9 43-2 10 24 61.0 66.0 Si 2 4 55.0 58.0 40 26 34.0 35.2 41 26 32.3 39-7 08 26 60.8 62.3 48 26 56.0 58.5 4 1 28 28.6 37-8 39 28 34-8 38.9 09 28 60.3 62.0 48 28 53-0 54-4 36 30 22.6 25.2 24 -17.2 30 42.0 46.0 20 -16.6 30 59.2 61.0 46 -15-3 30 Si.6 55-6 36 -14.6 32 32.2 35.0 39 32 30.5 38.0 05 32 58.2 65.0 48 32 52.8 57.5 38 34 31.0 36.1 39 34 39-5 48.0 20 34 56.7 64.0 46 53-0 57.1 38 36 33.6 36.6 41 36 43-0 47-0 22 36 56.3 62.8 45 36 52.6 57.8 38 38 35-3 37-4 43 38 42.0 48.9 23 38 56.9 63.0 45 38 52.2 56.0 36 40 35-2 35-8 42 40 43-9 52.7 27 40 56.7 62.0 45 40 54.0 56.2 38 42 22.4 26.6 25 42 38.0 46.0 17 42 56.6 61.5 44 42 52.2 55.5 36 44 27-3 28.9 31 -17.2 44 47-4 55-0 32 -16.7 44 56.4 60.9 44 -15-2 44 51.8 54.1 35 -14.5 4 S 37.6 40.3 48 46 43-7 53-5 28 46 57.6 60.0 44 46 S2.5 55-0 36 48 34-0 35-4 4i 48 41.7 51.0 24 48 59-0 59.0 44 48 53-3 S7.o 38 5 29.3 32.8 35 SO 42.0 51.5 25 50 58.6 61.0 45 50 52.0 55.6 36 52 27.0 30.1 52 45-8 57.9 33 52 57-0 59.6 43 52 Si.o 55-9 35 54 25.0 27.8 28 54 40.3 43-0 17 54 54.0 57.0 39 54 51.9 55.8 36 56 22.0 23.7 22 56 44-3 53-7 28 56 57-0 59.0 42 56 51-8 55.9 36 58 24.O 28.2 27 58 46.0 56.6 32 58 58.0 59.9 44 58.8 *-'-' * 51-6 55-4 35 9 oo 23.0 27.0 26 -17.0 II 00 44-2 53-2 28 -16.7 13 oo 59-5 59-5 45 -15.2 15 00 Si.o 55-0 35 -14.4 02 04 27.5 29.2 31 26.6 28.2 29 02 04 44-1 53-9 46 . 2 56 . 2 28 32 02 04 59-7 62.5 59-3 61.7 4 l 46 02 04 Si. i 55-3 50.8 54.0 35 34 06 21.2 24.3 22 06 41.6 54.2 27 06 60. i 61.8 47 06 50.1 54.6 34 08 23.S 26.5 26 08 37.2 46.1 17 08 61.7 63.5 50 08 Lost 10 22. O 24.8 23 10 31.0 38.2 06 IO 62.0 64.5 51 10 Lost 12 21. I 24.O 21 12 37.2 42.7 14 12 62.0 6s. o Si 13 49-0 54-5 33 !4 28.0 32.4 34 -16.7 14 50.0 55.2 34 14 66.0 68.8 57 -IS-I 14 44.2 49.8 25 -14.2 16 26.2 32.0 32 16 54-2 48.5 32 -16.5 16 64.9 68.1 56 16 40.0 44.6 18 18 27.9 31.2 33 18 Si-4 55-5 35 18 63 . o 66 . o 53 18 44.0 48.0 24 20 27.6 32.5 34 20 54-0 59-5 40 20 61.3 64.5 50 20 46.6 49.9 27 22 25.0 28.8 29 22 53-1 S8.o 39 22 60. i 63.0 48 22 43-6 47-9 23 2 4 22. O 29.9 27 2 4 44-5 49-8 25 24 59-0 61.8 46 24 43-2 47-0 22 26 21.6 31.5 28 20 42.9 47-9 23 26 57-9 60.7 44 26 45-0 48.8 25 28 24-4 33-2 32 28 41.5 44-6 19 28 56.1 59-0 42 28 46.9 Si.o 28 30 30.3 37-9 40 -16.6 30 46.2 49.2 26 -15.8 30 54-1 58.2 40 -15.0 30 47-6 52.1 30 -14.0 32 30.4 39-8 42 32 50.0 54.0 33 32 59-0 59-0 44 32 49-0 52.9 31 34 29.1 39-6 40 34 55-4 57-8 40 34 56.1 58.0 4i 50.4 53.0 33 36 27.0 36.0 36 36 46.8 48.1 26 36 47-7 51-3 29 36 49.0 52.9 31 38 27.1 34.0 34 38 43-9 46.5 22 38 46.5 49-9 27 38 48.0 51.0 29 40 26.0 34.3 34 40 41.0 42.0 17 40 45.8 49.0 26 40 47-4 Si. i 29 42 23.8 32.0 30 42 48.0 50.0 28 42 46.5 48.0 25 42 48.8 52.3 31 44 23.2 31.8 30 -16.8 44 49-1 Si.S 30 44 40.8 41.9 16 -15.0 44 Si.o 52.7 33 -14.0 46 24.9 31.9 31 4 52.7 55-9 37 -15.6 46 48.2 49.4 28 46 49-3 53-0 32 48 24.5 31.4 30 48 50.0 54.4 33 48 SO.o 52.0 32 48 50.6 53.2 33 SO 23.2 30.4 29 50 47-4 53-0 30 50 Si.o 52.5 33 50 50.5 52.4 32 52 24.9 31.5 3i 52 47-0 51-6 29 52 51-4 53-5 34 52 52.5 52.5 34 54 19.4 26.9 23 54 47-7 Si.2 29 54 Si.o 53-5 33 54 Si.i 53-1 33 56 20.4 25.7 23 56 44-0 49-1 24 56 51-0 53-0 33 56 Si-4 54-2 34 58 18.9 24.6 21 58 45-6 49-3 26 58 Si- i 53-0 33 58 49-9 52.9 32 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and R. R. T., who alternated from ish 55m to l6h 04m. 126 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, Januarv 6, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, January 6, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Pig'it Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d o / o h m d d o / O h m d d o / 16 oo 50.5 53.2 22 33 -13.8 18 oo 58.3 59-4 22 44 -12. 20 OO 49-8 52.1 22 32 -II. 22 OO 37-7 49-1 22 20 -10.4 02 50.8 54.9 34 02 59-8 61.3 47 02 49-2 52.8 32 02 41.1 48.3 22 04 50.9 54-1 34 04 60.3 62.3 48 04 50.1 53-1 33 04 45-4 52.2 28 06 Si- 2 55-3 35 06 60.4 62.6 48 06 So.i 53.3 33 06 60.0 70.8 22 54 08 50.0 53.2 32 08 60.3 62.3 48 08 51-1 54-3 34 08* 18.1 44.3 23 59 10 51-2 53-9 34 10 60. I 61.8 47 10 5i.8 54-8 35 IO 26.7 57.2 24 16 12 52.1 54-8 35 12 60.0 61.9 47 12 50.8 53.4 34 12* 33-1 47-2 23 22 14 50.9 Si-9 32 -12.8 14 60. i 61.8 47 -II. 9 14 50.0 52.5 32 -II. 14* 30.5 38.0 22 31 16 47-6 48.3 27 16 60.5 61.1 47 16 49-0 51.7 31 16 25.2 29.9 20 -IO.2 18 45.2 46.1 23 18 60.3 61.1 47 18 48.9 50.4 30 18 29-2 34-9 28 20 45.9 46.8 24 20 59-9 60.5 46 20 46.2 48.8 26 20 24.6 29.9 2O 22 45.9 46.1 24 22 59.1 60.3 45 22 44.1 47.2 23 22 37-8 39-1 38 24 44-7 45-8 22 24 59.1 6O.2 45 24 44 . o 46 . i 22 24 36.7 38.8 36 26 44-8 45-3 22 26 | 58.7 59-8 44 26 45-0 47.1 24 26 47-8 55-4 58 28 44-9 45-4 22 28 59.0 60.0 45 28 46.0 48.1 26 28 49-2 53.8 58 30 45-0 45-3 22 -12.6 30 59.2 60.3 45 -ii. 8 30 46.1 48.7 26 -II. O 30 46.1 52.4 55 -IO.O 32 46.7 47.6 25 32 59-6 59-8 45 32 46.4 48.8 26 32 39-1 44-2 43 34 45.6 46.8 24 34 59-1 59-8 45 45-1 47.1 24 31.0 36.7 30 36 47-3 48.9 27 36 58.7 59-6 44 36 45-3 47-9 25 36 34-8 39-6 36 38 48.7 50.8 29 38 ] 58.7 59-7 44 38 45-2 48.1 25 38 26.3 33-9 25 40 47.9 50.0 28 40 58.1 59.2 43 40 45-0 47-9 25 40 39-8 48.7 47 42 47.9 49.2 28 42 57-9 59-2 43 -ii. 6 42 44.2 47.7 24 42 39-3 45-9 44 K 45.9 46.8 50.2 52.4 24 32 -12.6 44 57-3 59-3 46 57.2 58.8 43 43 8 44-7 47-7 45-0 48.3 24 25 -10.9 41.1 48.9 39-4 44-3 48 43 -IO.O 48 S2.6 55-3 36 48 56-1 57-4 40 48 44-7 47-9 24 48 39-7 44-9 44 SO 55- 1 57-9 40 50 55-3 56.6 : 39 so 44-5 47-0 50 36.1 41-7 38 S2 55-3 58.1 40 52 54-9 55-7 38 52 47.6 49.8 28 52 35-9 39-8 37 54 54-7 57-7 40 54 55-0 55-9 38 54 48.9 Si.i 30 54 34-9 44-2 39 56 53-4 56.i 37 56 55-i 55-8 38 56 49-8 51-8 32 56 40.0 45.7 44 58 52-4 55-3 36 58 54-8 55-4 38 58 49-9 52.1 32 58 41.6 48.8 48 17 oo 54-1 55.1 37 -12.3 19 oo 54-0 54-8 37 -11.4 21 OO 49.0 51.0 30 -10.8 23 oo 33-2 38.1 33 -10. 1 02 56.1 56-9 40 02 53-8 54-8 37 02 47-3 48.6 27 02 38.6 45.8 44 04 54-8 55-9 38 04 53-8 55-0 37 04 47.0 48.2 26 04 35-4 40.3 37 06 54-3 55-2 37 06 53-8 54-8 ! 37 06 45-9 47-8 25 06 27.6 33-3 25 08 53-9 55-1 37 08 54-o 55.3 37 08 44.6 45.8 23 08 39-7 47-1 45 IO 52.9 54-1 35 10 53-1 54-2 36 10 45-3 47-1 24 10 42.8 46.9 48 12 51-6 53-J 34 12 52.6 53-7 35 12 46.3 48.7 26 12 41-7 45-9 46 14 50.1 52.8 32 -12.2 14 52.6 53-2 35 -1 1. 2 14 44-7 46.4 23 -10.7 14 41.9 47-8 48 -10. 16 48.7 50-3 29 16 52.6 53.8 35 16 40-7 43-1 18 16 30-1 37-4 30 18 50.1 51.9 32 18 52.3 53-7 35 18 40.2 42.1 16 18 21.3 26.1 14 20 50.8 52.5 32 20 52.9 53-9 36 20 41.2 43.8 18 20 19.8 23.2 ii 22 Si.o 52.4 33 22 53-6 54-5 36 22 42-3 44-8 20 22 18.3 22.7 10 24 52-0 53.8 35 24 52.8 53.9 35 24 42-3 44-1 JQ 24 22.1 26.4 15 26 52.8 54.7 36 26 52.2 53-2 34 26 41.2 43.1 18 26 25-2 29.3 20 28 53-9 55-7 38 28 52-1 53-1 34 28 40.9 43-0 18 28 14.3 18.1 22 03 30 54-3 56.2 38 -12. I 30 Si.i 52.0 33 -II. 2 30 41.0 43.0 18 -10.5 30 10.3 14.4 21 57 -IO.O 32 55-3 57-2 40 32 50.5 52.8 33 32 42.8 44.9 20 32 14.1 18.1 22 03 34 54-8 56.3 39 34 51-0 53-9 34 34 44.0 46.2 23 34 14.3 18.1 03 36 54-0 55-8 38 36 51-8 54-6 35 36 44-7 46.9 24 36 24.3 26.1 17 38 53-1 54-7 36 38 Si-2 53-9 34 38 45-2 47.6 25 38 21.2 24.O 13 40 53-7 54-2 36 40 Si-i 53-9 34 40 48.1 50.4 29 40 22.9 24.9 15 42 54-4 55-3 38 42 51.2 53-2 34 42 48.8 50.3 30 42 2S.O 26.8 18 44 54-1 54-8 37 -12.0 44 50.7 52.1 32 -1 1. 1 44 44 . i 46 . i 23 -10.5 44 2.7 29.6 22 -10. 46 54-3 55-1 37 46 50.7 52.8 33 46 41.8 45.2 20 46 30.8 32.8 27 48 52.8 55-8 37 48 50.8 52.8 33 48 50.00 30 48 31-9 33-4 28 So 54-8 56.9 39 50 Si.i 53-1 34 50 45.1 46.8 24 50 36.2 37.2 35 52 59-i 60.8 46 52 50-6 52.3 32 52 40.2 40.3 15 52 38.8 39-7 39 54 57-4 59-1 43 54 49-2 5L3 30 54 37-16 IO 54 34-0 35-6 32 56 57-5 58-5 43 56 48.8 51.1 30 56 35-2 35-5 07 56 34-1 35-8 32 58 58.6 59.9 44 58 49.2 51.9 3i 58 35-6 38.3 10 58 27.2 28.9 21 24 oo 35-2 36.2 33 -9.9 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 155. Torsion head at oh oom read 117 and at 24)1 oom read the same. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 127 Thursday, January 7, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Friday, January 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d o / O h m d d o / O h m d d h m d d / 16 oo 46.0 43.9 22 57 -16.0 18 oo 59-4 58.2 22 36 -15.7 20 OO 51.8 54-9 22 44 -18.4 22 OO 47-9 48.9 22 36 -15-7 02 46.6 44.9 56 02 59-0 58.7 36 02 51-2 55-8 44 02 48.0 49.8 37 04 47-9 45-2 55 04 58.1 57-7 37 04 49-3 56.2 43 04 48.7 50.3 38 06 49-3 47-2 52 06 58.2 58.0 37 06 49-8 54.0 42 06 49-9 51-3 40 08 50.3 48.7 50 08 58.2 57-8 37 08 49-0 53-0 40 08 49-2 50.8 39 10 51.1 48.9 49 10 57-7 57-3 38 10 48.8 52.7 40 10 49-2 51.2 39 12 52.0 50.5 47 12 57-1 56.9 38 12 48.7 52.3 40 12 49-3 51-4 39 14 52.8 50.8 46 -16.3 14 56.9 56.1 39 -15.8 H 47-7 50.8 38 -17.9 14 49-6 51.8 40 -15-5 16 54-8 51-3 45 16 56.9 55-3 40 16 46.8 49.8 36 16 49-3 51.3 39 18 54-8 52.0 44 18 56.5 55-1 40 18 47-7 49-9 37 18 49-5 50.7 39 20 54-6 52.1 44 20 56.2 54.9 4i 20 46.8 49.8 36 20 49.8 50.8 39 22 54-9 52.3 44 22 56.3 54-8 4i 22 45-7 48.8 34 22 49-2 50.4 39 24 55.0 52.7 43 24 56.6 54.3 41 24 46.7 49.1 36 24 48.8 49.6 38 26 55-8 54.2 42 26 56.6 54.3 41 26 48.0 50.0 37 26 49-3 SO.o 38 28 56.2 54.2 4i 28 56.8 54.2 41 28 49-0 51.3 39 28 50.2 50.8 40 30 56.8 54.2 41 -i6. 3 30 56.8 54.2 4i -15.8 30 50.1 52.4 41 -17.4 30 50.8 51.6 41 -I5.3 32 56.2 54.0 4i 32 56.9 53-7 41 32 50.2 53.4 42 32 49-3 50.9 39 34 55-5 53-2 43 34 56.8 53.6 41 34 50.5 54-1 43 34 48.1 49.9 37 36 55-8 53.2 42 36 56.8 54.0 41 36 51-5 54-8 44 36 48.8 50.8 39 38 55-8 54-2 42 38 56.8 54.4 40 38 51.6 54-7 44 38 48.9 51-0 39 40 56.0 53.9 42 40 56.6 54.9 40 40 51-2 54-1 43 40 48.9 50.7 39 42 56.3 54-1 4i 42 56.7 55-1 40 42 Si.o 53-1 42 42 48.2 50.8 38 44 56.7 54-3 41 -i6. 3 44 56.4 54.8 40 -15.7 44 Si.i 52.8 42 -17.1 44 48.1 50.0 37 -15-2 46 56.8 55.0 40 46 55-8 55-1 41 46 52.2 52.9 43 46 47.7 50.2 37 48 57-2 55-6 39 48 55-7 55-1 41 48 51.46 41 48 47-8 51.0 38 50 57-0 55.0 40 50 55-2 54.6 42 50 48.0 48.9 36 50 48.2 51.4 39 52 57-1 55.1 40 52 55.2 54.6 42 52 47-9 49-3 37 52 48.5 51.3 39 54 57-2 55-1 40 54 55-4 54-5 42 54 48.1 49.9 37 54 49.2 52.0 40 56 56.9 55-2 4 2 56 55-3 54-2 42 56 48.0 49.6 37 56 49-4 5L3 39 58 57-7 56.3 38 58 55-3 54-6 42 58 49-3 Si.o 39 58 50.2 52.7 41 17 oo 57-4 56.7 38 -16.1 19 oo 55-3 54-2 42 -15.8 21 OO 50.1 52.0 40 -16.7 23 oo 49-3 51.3 39 -15.0 02 56.1 54-6 41 02 55-8 54-2 42 02 50.8 53.7 42 02 49-1 51.8 40 04 56.6 54.9 40 04 56.8 55-2 40 04 52.0 54.9 44 04 48.1 50.3 38 06 56.8 55-2 40 06 57-2 55.7 39 06 52.2 55.2 45 06 47-8 50.1 37 08 57-1 55.9 39 08 56.8 55.2 40 08 52.2 55.1 45 08 48.1 50.2 38 IO 58.0 56.2 38 IO 56.2 55.3 40 IO 51-5 54-5 44 10 49-2 51.8 40 12 57-9 56.0 39 12 55-1 54-9 42 12 50-7 53-2 42 12 50.1 52.9 4i 14 58.0 55.7 39 -16.0 J 4 55-0 54-1 42 -15.7 H SO.o 53.6 42 -16.3 14 50-3 53-0 42 -14.9 16 57-0 53.1 42 16 55-3 54-4 42 16 50.9 52.2 4i 16 49.3 52.8 40 18 57-5 55-6 39 18 55-8 55.0 4i 18 49-9 50.4 39 18 49-7 51.8 40 20 57-9 55-9 39 20 55.8 54.8 41 20 49-2 50.1 38 20 50.2 53.1 42 22 58.2 56.2 38 22 56.0 55-2 40 22 49-7 50.8 39 22 48.1 50.9 38 24 57-9 55-9 39 24 56.0 55.0 41 24 49-8 50.9 39 24 47.7 50.2 37 26 57-4 55-7 39 26 56.0 55.0 41 26 50.2 50.6 40 26 50.9 52.8 42 28 57-1 55.6 40 28 55-9 54-9 4i 28 49-9 50.7 39 28 50.9 52.9 42 30 56.9 55-7 40 -15.8 30 56.2 55.2 40 -15.6 30 SO.o 51.3 40 -16.0 30 50.3 52.0 41 -14.8 32 57-6 55-8 39 32 56.9 55-2 40 32 50.8 51.7 41 32 Si.o 52.6 42 34 57.1 55.8 39 34 56.8 55-0 40 34 48.9 49-8 38 34 52.1 53-8 44 36 56.8 55-5 40 36 55-9 54-2 42 36 48.4 50.2 38 36 52.7 54.3 44 38 59-1 55-8 38 38 55.8 54.1 42 38 47.0 48.9 36 38 51-9 53-2 43 40 50.7 55-8 40 40 56.2 54.7 41 40 47-2 49.2 36 40 52.8 54.2 44 42 56-9 55-8 40 42 56.3 54-2 41 42 45-3 47-7 34 42 53-8 53-8 45 44 57-3 55-3 40 -15-7 44 55-9 53-2 42 -15.5 44 45-3 47-8 34 -15-9 44 53-0 55-3 45 -14-5 46 57-0 54-8 40 46 > 55-7 52.3 43 46 45-1 46.7 32 46 52.9 54-5 45 48 57-2 55.1 40 48 55-7 52.4 43 48 46.5 48.0 34 48 52.0 53.0 43 50 57-3 55-1 40 50 55-6 52.7 43 50 47.0 48.0 35 So 54-6 58.5 49 52 57-9 55.8 39 52 55-9 53-0 42 52 46.2 47.4 34 52 54-8 55-9 47 54 58.2 56.2 38 54 55-1 54-1 42 54 46.8 47.6 34 54 55-0 56.2 48 56 58.7 57-2 37 56 55-9 54-2 42 56 47-3 48.4 36 56 55.8 57.8 50 58 59-2 58.1 36 58 55-5 54-1 42 58 48.1 48.8 36 58 53-3 55-5 46 20 00 55-3 53-8 42 -15.2 24 oo 50.8 51.8 41 -14.4 Correction to local mean time is 465. The torsion head at 15)1 25m read 102 and at 2oh 25m read the same. Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is 385. 90" torsion = 17/5. Torsion head at 2oh 25m, January 7th, read 102, and 24)1 2om read 98. Observer R. R. T. 128 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, January 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, January 10, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d e ' h m d d O h m d d / o h m d d o r o o oo* 37-5 37-0 22 50 -20.0 2 00 42.0 39.0 22 45 -I9-5 4 oo 48.5 50.2 25 II -19.6 6 oo 22.06 23 33 -19.0 02 Lost 02 43-2 40.9 43 02 4I.O 47.6 03 02 10.8 11.3 16 04 35-5 33-0 55 04 45-5 43-1 39 04 42.0 43.1 25 oo 04 28.60 43 06 32.0 30.8 59 06 43-0 40.1 44 06 33-0 36.0 24 48 06 36.5 37-0 23 56 08 35-0 34-0 54 08 40.4 38.7 47 08 24.8 27.0 34 08 46.0 50.0 24 14 IO 39-7 37-9 48 10 35-0 32.8 22 56 10 12.6 13.9 14 10 40.3 42.0 03 12 44.2 44.0 39 12 29.0 29.0 23 03 12 26.0 26.8 35 12 38.0 41.6 01 14 45-3 44-8 38 -18.4 14 Overl'k'd 14 27.9 28.7 38 -18.8 14 39-3 42.3 02 -19.0 16 45-0 43.6 39 16 30.8 28.1 O2 -19.5 16 34-7 35-6 49 16 42.8 44.0 06 18 42.7 4i-3 43 18* 30-5 30-2 45 18 30.8 33.2 44 18 44-1 45-3 08 20 41.9 40.0 44 20 21.3 21. O 23 59 20 25.2 28.0 35 20 50.8 53.3 20 22 44-4 42-8 40 22 15.0 ii. o 24 12 22 13-3 18.0 18 22 49-0 55-0 20 24 46.0 45.6 37 24 10.2 7.0 19 24* 37-8 46.3 04 24 41-8 45-3 24 07 26 45-5 44-4 38 26 20.5 14.0 24 06 26.3 42.5 49-3 10 26 36.0 40.5 23 58 28 48.8 47.0 34 28 31-4 25.6 23 48 28.3 47-6 55-8 20 28 33-8 37-0 54 30 49.9 48.7 31 -18.0 30.5 30.0 28.5 23 47 30 39-7 47-5 07 -18.6 30 36.0 38.5 57 -19.3 32 46.5 46.5 36 32* 26.2 21.4 24 44 32 39-5 47-0 06 32 26.8 31.0 44 34 46.0 45.2 37 34 19.0 I9.O 52 -19.0 34 42.3 49-8 ii 34 21. o 25.8 35 36 44-7 43-7 39 36 19.0 18.9 52 36 52.0 60.6 27 36 29.0 32.5 46 38 41.4 40.0 45 38 31.0 28.8 35 38 55.8 63.8 32 38 22.3 26.0 36 40 39-8 37-o 48 40 39-5 36.9 22 40 50.4 59-3 24 40 14-5 18.2 24 42 40.5 39-5 46 42 4I.I 38.0 20 42 56.8 57.2 28 42 l6.7 20.1 27 44 41.9 41.0 44 44 53-8 49.8 00 -18.9 44 49-3 50.1 16 44 17.6 20.2 28 -19.5 46 46.4 45-7 36 -18.4 46 37-8 36.8 23 46 45-7 46.7 24 ii -19.0 46 24.3 26.2 38 48 44-0 43.7 40 48 53-0 51-0 OO 48 36.0 37.3 23 56 48 23.3 25.0 36 50 37-9 37-6 50 50 35-8 33.0 24 28 50 41.4 43.0 24 05 50 21.0 22.8 33 52 38.0 37.6 49 52 57-0 50.0 23 58 52 44.0 48.2 ii 52 26.9 29.1 42 45-2 44.6 38 54 6.0 2.0 25 15 41.2 45.0 06 54-5 27-7 30-5 44 56 49-8 48.9 31 56 48.5 43-0 24 10 S6.8 38.8 42.8 02 56 28.8 32.7 46 58 49.0 47-7 33 58* 41.2 36.0 23 24 58 37-4 40.8 24 oo 58 35-7 37-5 56 I OO 49-3 48.7 32 -18.9 3 oo 47.0 42.0 15 -18.9 5 oo 32.3 36.3 23 52 -19.1 7 oo 30.6 32.5 48 -19.5 02 51-3 50.4 29 02.5 44-o 38.9 20 02 35-4 37-8 23 56 02 30.4 32.4 48 04 49.8 48.0 32 04 46.2 39.7 18 04 40.3 42.1 24 03 04 29.0 31.6 46 06 50.3 50.3 30 06 36.9 33-8 30 06 37-0 39.3 23 58 06 27.0 28.7 42 08 51-5 51-0 28 08 20.5 18.9 23 54 08 36.0 39.6 58 08 21. O 22. O 32 IO 52.0 51.6 27 IO 13.8 ii. 2 24 05 10 36.6 40.5 23 59 IO 18.2 19.7 28 12 54-7 53-3 24 12 14.0 9.8 24 06 12 49-7 54-3 24 20 12 18.0 19.9 28 14 53-2 52.2 26 -19.1 14* 35-1 24.0 23 39 -19.0 14 59.8 63.6 35 -19.2 14 17.0 18.5 26 -19.5 16 51-5 50.3 29 16 30.9 19.8 24 36 16 70.5 72-5 51 16 22.0 23.0 34 18 49.8 48.6 31 18 19.9 9.0 53 18 68.3 70-5 47 18 24.3 26.3 38 20 49.9 48.6 31 20 29.2 14.0 42 20 67.6 69.6 46 20 23.6 24.6 36 22 50.5 49-5 30 22 42.0 30.3 19 22 53-6 54.3 23 22 23.0 25.2 36 24 50.3 49-2 31 24 37.2 30.0 23 24 45.06 24 09 24 I9.O 20.9 30 26 51-3 50.0 29 26 29.7 20. o 37 26 38.1 39-1 23 59 26 13-3 14-3 20 28 50.7 49-3 30 28 19.3 12.6 51 28 45-8 47-8 24 12 28 21.5 23.0 33 30 50.4 49-2 30 -19.2 30 26.2 19.5 40 -19.1 30 56.1 56.6 27 -19.1 30 26.2 27.7 41 -19.4 32 53-2 52-2 26 32 32.0 29.0 28 32 58.56 30 . 32 32-5 33-1 50 34 53-4 53-0 25 34 26.9 22.2 37 34 46.06 ii 34 32.3 32.7 49 36 54-8 53.8 23 36 37-4 33-5 20 36 42.3 42.3 05 36 27.56 42 38 54-0 53-6 24 38 40-1 35-5 16 38 42.0 42.3 04 38.2 21. O 21.6 32 40 51-8 51-8 27 40 41.0 36.3 IS 40 41-8 42.3 24 04 40 17.8 19.6 28 42 49.0 46.8 34 42 34-6 29.5 25 42 30.06 23 45 42 15.6 16.5 24 44-5 45-2 43.0 39 -19.4 44 38.9 34-0 18 -19.2 44 24-56 37 -19.0 44 19.6 22.3 31 -19.4 46 43.8 40.0 43 46 38.0 32.5 20 46 21. O 21.0 31 46 20.3 21.5 31 48 43-1 39-9 44 48 32.0 25.4 31 48 32.30 49 48 14.6 I7.I 23 50 44.2 40.8 42 50 30.8 22.3 23 34 50 35-6 37.0 55 50 10.5 ii. 6 16 52 44-2 41.3 42 52 13.0 6.0 25 oi 52 26.3 27.5 41 52 10.2 12.3 16 54 41.8 39.0 45 ED. 3 ii. o 24 53 54 25.6 26.2 39 10.5 ii. 8 16 i 41-5 39-0 46 56* 67.5 64.0 24 59 56 22.36 33 56 9.4 10.6 14 58 42.4 39-8 44 58 60.9 59.2 25 08 58 22.3 22.7 34 58 7.2 8.2 10 -19.0 8 oo 7-5 8.0 10 Observers J. V. and W. J. P., 4h 04m. who alternated from 3h 5om to Correction to local mean time is 22s. 00 torsion = 17/5. Torsion head at oh oom read 93 and at gh 30m read 06. Observer W. J. P. \' v O- : ' UNIVERSITY MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 129 Monday, January u, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, January 12, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East i Scale East Chr'r readings . decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / h m d d o / h m d d r h m d d o r O 8 oo* 38.0 35.8 23 33 -23.0 10 00 52.9 50.4 22 38 --20.6 12 OO 59-9 60.3 22 40 -29.0 14 oo S6.I 58.1 22 35 -25.8 02 40.8 38.7 29 02 52.0 50.3 39 02 57.8 58.9 37 02 56.7 59-2 36 04 37.8 36.8 33 04 50.7 48.9 41 04 56.9 58.8 36 04 55-2 57-8 34 06 37-8 36.4 ' 33 06 49.9 48.2 42 06 57-0 57-7 35 06 54-0 56.8 32 08 38.9 37-2 32 08 51-8 49.2 40 08 54-1 55-2 31 08 54-3 56.7 32 10 42.8 41.2 25 10 48.8 46.5 44 io_ 55.40 32 10 54-8 56.7 33 12 41.4 41.0 26 12 43-0 41.2 53 12 51.2 52.0 26 12 55.1 56.8 33 14 38.2 36.2 33 -22.9 14 45-3 43-5 50 -20.6 14 51-2 52.9 27 -28.4 14 55-0 56.8 33 -25.4 16 34-0 32.0 39 16 48.2 47.2 44 16 50.1 51-6 25 16 55-9 57-5 34 18 31.2 29.3 44 18 50.2 48.9 42 18 47-1 49.2 21 18 55-1 56.4 33 20 33-1 31-9 40 20 49-9 48.3 42 20 46.5 47-2 19 20 54-7 56.4 32 22 31-7 29.2 44 22 49-6 48.7 42 22 45-3 47-1 18 22 55-8 57-3 34 24 32.3 30.7 42 24 49.0 48.0 43 24 46.6 49.4 21 24 55-1 56.3 33 26 30.7 28.6 45 26 48.0 47.2 44 26 45-0 48.3 19 26 54-2 56.0 32 28 28.2 25.7 49 28 48.5 46.8 44 28 52-7 53-8 29 28 53-4 55-2 31 30 25.2 22.3 54 -22.3 30 49.1 47.8 43 -20.7 30 54-7 60. i 36 -28.0 30 54-0 55-3 31 -25.2 32 25.9 24.9 5i 32 50.0 49.1 42 32 54-3 58.8 34 32 Si.i 53-5 28 34 24.8 24.2 53 34 48.9 47-5 44 49-9 54-9 28 34 Si.i 52.3 26 36 26.9 26.3 49 36 49.2 48.1 43 36 45-1 49-8 20 36 51-3 53-0 27 38 28.3 25.2 49 38 49-8 48.9 42 38 53-2 59-1 34 38 54-3 55-7 32 40 27.2 26.7 49 40 49-9 48.1 42 40 52.2 57.8 32 40 50.5 53-3 27 42 22.2 2O.4 58 42 48.0 46.5 45 42 52.1 57-1 31 42 49-9 52.7 26 44 26.6 23.5 23 52 -22.0 44 47.7 46.7 45 -20.5 44 52.6 56.5 31 -27.8 44 49-8 52.2 26 -25.0 4 S 18.3 16.2 24 04 46 45-4 44-0 49 46 53-9 56.3 32 46 52.5 55-7 30 48 18.2 17.2 03 48 46.1 44.8 48 48 55-3 57-8 34 48 55-7 58.4 35 So* 48.70 10 50 47-2 45.7 46 50 55-5 57-6 34 50 53-0 55-7 31 52.4 55-6 54-0 24 01 52 48.2 46.8 45 52 57-1 59-0 36 52 55.2 58.1 34 54 63.8 60.9 23 49 54 48.4 47-3 44 54 56.4 58.2 35 54 54-3 56.1 32 56 69.3 66.6 40 56 50.8 48.7 41 56 55-1 59.1 35 56 55.2 58.0 34 58 72.4 67.7 : 37 58 50.3 48.2 42 58 53-3 58.0 33 58 56.9 59-3 37 9 oo 61.2 57.6 54 -21.6 II 00 50.2 48.2 42 -20. 6 13 oo 52.2 57.2 31 -27.2 15 oo 53-3 55-9 31 -25.0 02 69-3 65.3 4i 02 51.8 49.9 39 02 55-3 59-2 35 02 54-1 57-9 33 04 69.3 67.1 40 04 50.2 48.1 42 04 58.2 61.2 39 04 55-1 57-7 34 06 65.6 64.7 45 06 Si-3 48.3 4i 06 57-7 60. i 38 06 56.3 58.7 36 08 64.0 62.5 48 08 49.8 48.2 42 08 57-5 59-9 38 08 58.0 59.2 37 10 71.0 69.2 37 10 48.0 45.7 46 10 55-1 57.7 34 10 57-1 58.0 36 12 70.0 69.2 38 12 54-2 52.9 35 12 55-2 57.8 34 12 58.2 59.9 38 '4 69.7 68.9 38 -21.2 14 55-0 53-1 34 -20.5 14 58.2 60.2 38 -26.9 14 58.4 59-0 38 -25.0 16 77-8 76.2 26 16 51-3 48.3 41 16 59.6 61.3 40 16 61.0 62.7 42 18* 49-8 44-3 24 18 50.9 48.3 41 18 57-2 59-0 37 18 66.3 67.8 Si 20 49.1 42.1 26 20 54-8 51-2 36 20 57.0 58.8 36 20 69.8 71.7 56 22 5L3 45-7 22 22 50.9 47-9 42 22 57-1 58.8 36 22 66.7 68.8 52 24 47.8 41.8 28 24 53-9 50.9 37 24 55-9 57-4 34 24 65.2 67.2 49 26 48.9 42.0 27 26 53-4 49-7 38 26 55.1 56.8 33 26 65.0 67.1 49 28 57-6 50.3 14 28 58.5 55-4 30 28 54.0 55.8 32 28 64.2 66.3 48 30 62.4 55.8 23 05 -21. 30 61.8 57-6 26 -20.7 30 50.3 52.0 26 -26.4 30 62.3 64.6 45 -24.7 32 67.8 60.3 22 58 32 63.9 62.5 20 32 52.0 53.0 28 32 61 . i 63 . i 43 34 77.8 66.9 45 34 61.7 59-2 24 34 53-2 54.1 30 62.0 63.8 44 36 76.3 70.2 43 36 58.4 56.0 29 36 52.9 54.0 29 36 63.5 65.0 46 38* 53-1 47-2 40 38 55-3 53-8 34 38 50.7 52.7 26 38 66.1 67.7 50 40 51-9 46.8 42 40 53-8 52.2 36 40 50.0 51.0 25 40 66.0 66.3 49 42 53-2 48.9 39 42 52.5 49-3 39 42 52.0 52.6 28 42 63.8 64.8 46 44 46 52.6 48.0 53-9 48.9 40 38 -2O.7 44 46 57-1 53-0 57-8 54-3 33 31 -20.7 44 46 53-3 54-8 54.2 56.9 30 32 -26.0 8 65.0 65.9 63.8 64.8 48 47 -24.7 48 55-3 Si-4 35 48 54-2 51.2 36 48 52.2 55.4 30 4 8 64.0 64.6 46 SO 55-3 51.8 35 50 50.8 48.3 42 50 51-3 54-0 28 50 63.2 64.0 45 52 54-0 50.9 37 52 51.2 48.8 41 52 52.9 55-1 30 52 64.6 65.0 47 54 56.1 53-2 33 54 51.9 49.2 40 54 51-9 54-2 29 64.9 65.1 47 56 56.2 53.7 33 56 52.0 49.4 40 56 52.5 55-8 30 56 65.1 65.3 48 58 54-1 51-5 36 58 52.9 50.8 38 58 55-6 58.0 35 58 61.9 62.3 43 12 OO 52.1 49.4 40 -20.6 16 oo 69.9 70.i 55 -24.7 Correction to local mean time is 405. Torsion head at 7h oom read 96 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 495. Torsion head at llh ism read 87 and at the end read the same. Observer W. J. P. 130 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Tepliiz Bay Continued Wednesday, January 13, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, January 13, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East II Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- 'emp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d / O h m d d o / h m d d f o oo 2 OO 22. O 21.2 22 59 -28.5 4 oo 54-0 53-6 23 03 27.9 6 oo 57-6 57-0 22 58 -27.8 02 02 20.3 18.3 23 03 02 55-3 55-0 01 02 56.8 55-6 23 oo 04*5 26.0 25.3 22 53 29.2 04 18.5 17.8 04 04 50.9 49-0 10 04 SO.ob 09 06.2 26.0 23.8 22 54 06 10.2 9.0 18 06 46 . 2 44 . 2 17 06 45.7 44-3 17 08 20.3 20.1 23 oi 08 14.2 13.6 ii 08 47.6 45-2 15 08 47.0 46.8 14 10 27.3 22.5 22 54 IO 17.6 16.6 06 IO 41.6 39-7 24 IO 45-3 41-0 2O 12 30.8 28.6 46 12 8.6 6.4 21 12 46 . o 45 . o 16 12 45-3 4i.o 2O 14 28.3 26.0 22 50 -28.8 14* 21.6 19.8 14 -28.4 H 48.6 47.2 13 27.8 14 44-3 40.6 21 -27.8 16 20.5 18.6 23 02 16 24.3 23.6 09 16 49-5 48.0 12 16 43-0 39-4 23 18 14.0 12. o 13 18 28.0 26.5 23 03 18 48.4 47-0 13 18 51.6 44.0 13 20 14.0 12.7 23 12 20 34.00 22 53 20. 2 45-0 44-5 18 20 50.2 47.8 II 22 32.0 31.2 22 43 22 36.0 35.6 50 22 43-3 42.3 21 22 45-6 39-3 21 24 32-6 31-3 43 24 37-8 37-0 47 24 42.0 41.0 23 24 45-0 37-5 23 26 38.2 38.0 33 26 40.0 39.3 44 26 43-5 41-9 21 26 45-7 43-6 18 28 42.0 38.6 30 28 38.2 37.6 47 28 47-3 46.3 14 28 5i.o 50.4 08 30 31-6 30.3 45 -28.6 30 38.5 38.0 46 -28.3 30 49.0 48.2 12 -27.9 30 52.3 49-4 08 -27.7 32 35-5 35-0 38 32 37-5 37-3 47 32 47-7 47-0 14 32 56.6 52.2 23 02 34 44-3 42.3 25 34 38.3 38.1 46 34 47-8 47.0 14 34 61.6 59.5 22 53 36 47.6 46.3 19 36 37-2 36.4 48 36 46.6 46.0 15 3 S 68.7 66.5 42 38 44-0 43-5 24 38 38.3 37-6 47 38 42.6 42.3 21 38 72.0 69.3 37 40 35-0 34-0 39 40 36.6 36.3 49 40 45-4 45-0 17 40 70.3 68.8 39 42 37-7 36.6 35 42 36.3 35-3 50 42 47-3 46.5 14 42 62.0 60.0 52 44 31-3 29.5 46 -28.7 44 32.4 32.2 22 55 -28.2 44 48.9 48.3 12 -27.9 44 60.3 58.6 55 -27.6 46 35-9 34-3 38 46* 27.0 24.0 2348 46 52.3 Si-3 07 46 63.0 61.0 Si 48 35-5 34-2 38 48 42.0 39-0 24 48 55-6 55-1 23 oi 48 60.5 59.0 54 50 33-0 32.6 22 42 50 43.6 38.0 24 50 58.6 58.3 22 56 50 60.6 59.2 54 52 20.3 19.5 23 02 52 49.0 43.0 16 52 57-2 56.0 22 59 52.2 59-9 58.4 55 54 21.0 20.3 OI 54 39-8 35-0 29 54 53-8 51.8 23 05 54-3 60.0 58.5 55 56 14.56 10 56 48.0 43.3 16 56 54-2 52.6 04 56 60.9 59.5 53 58 11.5 ii. o 15 58 48.2 44.0 16 58 51-7 5L3 07 58 63.0 62.3 50 I 00 8.6 7-5 20 -28.8 3 oo 46.8 43.3 17 -28.2 5 oo 53-2 51.6 06 -27.8 7 oo 61.0 59.6 53 ^27.6 02 iS-i 13-5 23 II 02 46.0 45.0 16 02 54-1 53-0 23 04 02 60. i 59.0 54 04 23-3 23.3 22 56 04 47-8 42.8 17 04 57-2 56.5 22 59 04 60.3 58.9 54 06 30.6 30.3 22 45 06 56.3 53-3 02 06 58.1 57-3 57 06 60.0 58.2 22 55 08 19.8 18.8 23 03 08 54-3 51.7 05 08 57-8 57-5 57 08 57-3 55-3 23 oo IO 26.8 24.6 22 53 10 49.6 48.6 ii 10 60.0 59.7 54 IO 56.7 54-6 23 oi 12 25.3 25-0 54 12 45.6 41.8 19 12 58.86 22 56 12 58.2 56.5 22 58 14 26.0 24.7 53 -28.8 14 53-3 51-3 06 H 57-8 53-2 23 oi 14 60.7 59-0 22 54 -27.5 16 28.0 26.8 50 16 56.7 54-3 OI 16 55-0 55-0 02 -27.8 16 55-5 47-8 23 07 18 30.2 29.2 46 18 51-5 So.o 08 18 56.3 55-6 23 oo 18 53-4 51-9 05 20 31-2 30.0 45 20 48.2 46.8 13 20 56.9 56.7 22 59 20 51.6 50.8 08 22 33-5 33-0 4i 22 49-0 47-3 12 22 58.3 58.3 56 22 55-5 54-0 02 24 34-4 34-0 39 24 51.2 49.0 09 24 60.8 60.6 53 24 56.7 54-7 23 oo 26 36.0 35.8 37 26 57-0 55.0 OO 26 62.5 62.3 50 26 59-5 58.0 22 56 28 34-6 34.3 39 28 56.0 55.2 23 oi 28 63-4 63.3 48 28 59-6 59.3 55 30 32.3 32.1 42 -28.8 30 59-1 58.3 22 56 -27.9 30 63.4 63.2 48 -27.7 30 59-0 57-4 22 56 -27.7 32 35- 4& 37 32 58.0 57.3 22 57 32 64-3 64.3 47 32 51.4 49.0 23 09 34 26.6 26.3 52 34 Si-3 SO.o 23 08 34 62.9 62.4 50 3 2 48.0 45.3 IS 36 27.3 27.0 Si 36 48.3 47-5 13 36 59-5 58.9 22 55 36 49.0 45.2 H 38 24.8 23.6 55 38 47-3 46.0 15 38 56.6 56.0 23 oo 38 52.0 48.0 09 40 27.3 26.3 Si 40 54-0 52.3 04 40 56.3 55-7 23 oo 40 51-6 46.3 II 42 30.7 29.3 46 42 54-5 53-3 03 42 59.00 22 55 42 58.9 52.4 01 44 32.0 30.4 44 -28.5 44 50.3 49-7 09 -27.9 44 64.00 47 -27.7 44 56.0 49.3 05 -27.8 46 31-0 29.5 46 46 50.3 49-9 09 46 69-5 69.5 39 46 61.3 51.0 23 oo 48 29.3 26.8 49 48 50.3 49-6 10 48 70.5 70.3 37 48 64-4 55-3 22 54 50 24-7 23-5 55 50 51.6 50.0 08 50 68.6 68.0 41 50 59-2 56.5 57 52 23.2 21.7 58 52 56.6 53.8 23 oi 52 66 . o 65 . 2 45 52 59-5 58.0 56 54 25.0 23.4 55 54 59-9 57-5 22 56 54 59-6 59-0 22 55 54 59.0 56.6 57 56 23.8 21.6 57 56 54.0 50.3 23 06 56 56.0 56.0 23 oo 56 61.0 58.6 54 58 26.0 24.3 54 58 54-5 51-5 05 58 63.3 56.6 22 54 58 59.6 58.4 55 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and J. V., who alternated from 7h 42m to 7h 52m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, January 13, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, January 13, 1004 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o r h m d d o / O h m d d o / O h m d d t O 8 oo 59-9 58.0 22 55 -26.2 10 00 73.0 69.8 22 36 -26.1 12 OO 58.0 56.0 22 25 -25.8 14 oo 55- o& 22 28 -25.0 02 62.0 60.0 52 02 75-2 73-8 31 02 58.0 57.1 24 02 53-5 52.6 31 04 59-0 57.7 22 56 04 76.6 74.0 30 04 56.5 56.5 26 04 53-8 53-0 30 06 57-0 53-8 23 oi 06* 57.8 56.5 24 06 55-5 55-5 27 06 56.0 55.0 27 08 55-0 50.3 05 08.5 66.5 58.0 17 08 53-3 52.3 31 08 57-0 57.0 25 IO 56.5 51-4 03 -26.2 10 56.8 55.0 26 IO 54-0 53-0 30 IO 55-5 55-5 27 12 48.2 42.5 17 12 57-6 55.6 25 12 58.2 57.7 23 12 54-5 54-1 29 14 48.8 40.0 18 14 58.4 57-2 23 -26.0 14 57-3 55-9 25 -25.7 14 55-0 55-0 28 -25.0 16 52.5 43-8 12 16 54-5 53-8 29 16 53-0 51.1 33 16 55.1 54.0 29 18 48.3 34-8 23 18 57-7 54-7 26 18 53-0 52.0 32 18 55.1 54.9 28 20 54.0 44.6 IO 20 59-0 56.0 24 20 52.0 51.1 33 20 58.0 56.8 24 22 52.9 42.7 13 22 60.0 57.1 22 22 54-6 53.0 30 22 57-2 55.0 26 24 53-6 34-2 19 24 56.0 55.0 27 24 58.5 51-2 28 24 58.2 57.0 24 26 57-8 39.0 12 26 60.0 56.0 23 26 52.2 49.9 34 26 60.0 57.9 22 28 55-0 40.5 13 -26.2 28 59-7 54-9 24 28 50.9 50.0 35 28 61.0 58.2 21 30 60.0 47.0 04 30 56.2 50.0 31 -25.8 30 50.0 49.1 36 -25.6 30 60.2 57.5 22 -25.0 32 55-0 42.5 12 32 53-1 48.5 34 32 50.3 So.o 36 32 60.2 57.9 22 34 55-0 38.6 14 34 51-5 48.1 36 34 53-1 53-0 31 34 58.0 55.8 25 36 53-0 34-0 2O 36 48.4 45-5 41 36 53-2 52.5 31 36 57-3 55-0 26 38 57-3 32.8 23 17 38 51.8 49-3 35 38 55-0 55-0 28 38 59-8 57.5 22 40 70.5 49.4 22 54 40 51. I 48.6 36 40 55-8 54.9 27 40 58-3 56.2 24 42 51-6 35-0 23 20 42 54-5 46.1 35 42 54-2 54-0 29 42 58.8 56.5 24 44 67.8 48.8 22 56 -26.5 44 49.0 44.7 44 56.2 55.0 27 -25.5 44 57-0 54-2 27 46 69.8 44.4 58 46 46.0 42.8 44 -25.8 46 55-7 54-0 28 46 55-1 52.8 30 48 66.4 48.9 57 48 47-0 44-0 43 48 55-3 54-8 28 48 56.3 54-0 28 -24.8 50 66.5 46.5 59 50 53-0 50.2 33 50 54-1 53-1 30 50 55-3 53.1 29 52 72.4 50.5 52 52 54-0 51.4 31 52 54-7 53-9 29 52 54-7 53-0 30 54 67.0 49.0 57 54 54-5 51-8 31 54 54-5 53-5 29 54 53-8 53-0 30 56 73-0 55.8 47 56 53.8 51.2 32 56 55-3 55-0 28 56 54-5 52.8 30 58 73-2 58.2 45 58 54.6 51.0 31 58 56.0 54.5 28 58 55-7 54-8 28 9 oo 72.3 60.0 44 -26.8 II 00 57-8 55.0 25 -25.9 13 oo 56.0 53.9 28 15 00 56.3 55-6 26 -24.8 02 73-2 60.7 43 02 55-6 52.4 29 02 57-2 54.9 26 02 55-0 54-3 28 04 64-1 54-5 55 04 53-8 50.8 32 4 55-5 53-2 29 -25.2 04 56.20 26 06 72.8 62.8 06 S3.o 50.9 33 06 55-0 53-5 29 06 59.0 59.0 22 08 72.2 60.5 44 08 52.0 50.0 34 08 55-2 53-0 29 08 58.0 57.2 24 10 69.0 58.4 48 10 51.7 48.9 35 IO 54-1 51-5 3i 10 56.8 56.0 26 12 66.5 54-5 53 12 51.2 48.2 36 12 54.9 52.7 30 12 58.3 57-2 24 14 74-5 64.5 39 -26.7 14 51.0 48.0 36 -26.0 14 56.0 53.5 28 -25.1 14 56.4 55.1 27 -24.7 16 74.8 66.1 37 16 52.9 49-8 34 16 54.8 51.0 31 16 51-7 50.4 34 18 73-4 66.8 38 18 53-2 50.0 33 18 54-9 Si.o 31 18 52.0 50.9 34 20 68.9 62.8 45 20 54-2 50.7 32 20 56.0 52.0 29 20 52.3 51.8 33 22 69.5 62.2 45 22 53-3 50.0 33 22 55-4 51-8 30 22 52.1 51-3 33 24 72.0 67.2 39 24 55-0 51.8 30 24 56.2 52.0 29 24 53-2 52.8 31 26 68.6 65.1 43 26 60.0 57.2 22 26 56.5 52.1 29 26 53-8 52.8 30 28 61.2 57.5 55 28 56.8 55.7 26 28 56.2 53.2 28 28 55-9 54-8 27 30 68.7 65.0 43 30 58.7 57.8 23 -26.0 30 56.2 53.2 28 -25.1 30 59.8 57.8 22 -24.8 32 62.2 60.4 52 32 59.0 57.8 22 32 54-7 52.9 30 32 60.3 59.6 20 34 65.7 63.0 47 34 60.2 58.4 21 34 54-9 53-8 29 34 58.7 56.6 24 36 73-0 70.9 35 -26.2 36 54.4 53-2 30 36 55-0 54-0 29 36 56.4 54-2 27 38 71.0 70.0 37 38 54-0 51.3 32 38 53-6 53.0 30 38 55-8 53-7 28 40 68.1 67.0 42 40 49.2 47.2 38 40 52.86 31 40 56.2 54-9 27 42 65.5 65.0 46 42 47-9 45-7 41 42 52.0 52.0 33 42 55-3 53-8 29 44 64.6 62.0 48 44 49-0 46.7 39 -26.0 44 52.0 51.0 33 44 52.8 50.0 34 -24-5 46 61.8 61.0 52 -26.1 46 48.9 47-8 38 46 53-0 52.0 32 46 54-0 52.0 3i 48 64.6 62.9 48 48 48.9 46.6 39 48 Si-3 50.3 34 48 54-0 52.5 31 So 65.6 65.2 45 50 49-0 47.6 38 50 52.1 51.1 33 -25.1 So 53-9 Si-9 31 52 66.7 63.8 46 52 53-0 50.5 33 52 54-8 52.1 30 52 56.0 54.0 28 54 73-9 71-0 34 54 58.3 51-9 28 54 56.0 54.4 28 54 56.2 55.2 27 56 69.0 64.5 43 56 55-0 52.5 30 56 54-0 51.5 32 56 54-8 54-3 29 58 74.2 69.2 35 58 55-3 54.1 28 58 54-8 52.5 30 58 53-8 53.0 30 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and R. R. T., who alternated from i$h 42m to 52m. 132 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, January 13, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, January 13, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East 1 Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' o h m d d o t h m d d O 1 !h, d d ' o 16 oo 52.9 52.0 22 32 -24.0 18 oo 55-3 Si.o 22 31 -24.0 20 oo 44.3 43.0 22 46 -23.3 22 00 49.4 48.2 22 38 -23 4 02 53-0 51-5 : 32 02 54-1 Si.8 31 02 41.9 41.1 49 02 49.2 47.2 38 04 51.8 50.1 ' 34 ; 04 52.9 50.8 33 04 40.2 38.4 52 04 5i-3 49.2 35 06 51.8 49.9 34 ! 6 52.2 50.4 34 06 38.0 37.2 55 06 52.2 49.4 34 08 51-0 50.3 35 08 52.8 50.1 34 08 38.9 37-3 54 08 52.9 50.6 33 10 51.2 50-5 34 10 53-0 50.1 33 10 37.6 36.9 22 56 10 53-7 Si.i 32 12 52-9 50-5 33 12 52.8 50.7 33 12 34.0 33.0 23 02 12 53.2 51.0 32 14 54-9 53-0 30 -23-8 14 51-9 50-3 34 -24.0 14 34-8 33-1 01 -23-3 14 53-2 50.9 33 -23.4 16 54.8 52.0 30 16 51-6 50.3 34 16 34-2 32.8 O2 16 54-1 52.4 31 18 53-5 Si-o 32 18 50.2 49.2 36 18 32-8 31.0 04 18 54-8 52.8 30 20 56.2 54.2 28 20 49.1 48-1 38 20 35-2 32.7 23 oi 20 54.0 52.8 30 22 56-7 54-3 27 22 49.3 48.2 38 22 37-2 35-5 22 57 22 52.7 50.2 34 24 55-2 53-3 29 24 50.1 48.9 37 24 39-1 37-1 54 24 46.1 44.9 43 26 55-3 53-8 29 26 51.0 49.7 35 26 42.0 40.0 50 26 38.0 36.9 56 28 56.0 53.7 28 28 50.8 49.2 36 28 43-1 40.2 49 28 42.6 40.7 22 49 30 56.3 54.6 27 1-23.9 30 50.8 49.3 36 30 44-4 4i-8 46 -23.6 30 32.8 28.9 23 06 -23.4 32 56.3 54-6 27 32 50-7 49-7 35 -24-0 32 45.8 42.8 45 32 37-9 35-1 22 57 34 56.8 54.7 27 34 51.8 50-3 34 34 46.2 42.9 44 34 16.9 14.9 23 29 36 56.3 54-2 28 36 52.0 50.9 34 36 46.0 43.4 44 36 34-1 27.1 23 06 38 55-7 53-8 28 38 52.5 51.2 33 38 47-0 44.0 43 38 38.2 32.5 22 59 40 54-9 53-4 29 : 40 53.0 52.0 32 40 47-7 45-0 42 40 39-2 34-2 57 42 56.7 54-2 27 42 53-5 52.9 31 42 47.2 44.8 42 42 44-3 39-2 49 44 59.8 57.0 22 -24.0 44 53-i 52.3 32 -24.0 44 47.6 45.1 42 -23.8 44 45-4 41-7 46 -23.6 46 57-5 55-1 26 46 53.1 52.0 32 46 47-8 44-6 42 46 42.9 38.9 50 48 57.1 54-1 27 48 52.3 51-2 33 i 48 47-2 44-2 42 48 46.9 43.0 44 50 58.1 56.2 24 50 51-3 50.3 34 50 45-7 43-7 44 SO 49-9 44-2 40 52 57.9 55.1 26 52 50.5 49-7 36 52 46.9 45.1 42 52 49-7 45-3 40 57.4 55.1 26 54 50.1 49.1 36 54 48.1 46.0 40 54 52.9 48.5 35 56 57.1 54.9 26 ! 56 50.0 49.2 36 56 46.9 45.2 42 56 54-3 49-5 33 58 57.3 55.2 26 58 ' 50.0 48.9 37 58 46.0 45.2 43 58 54.1 50.0 33 17 oo 57-3 55-2 26 -24.0 19 oo 51.2 49.5 35 -24.0 21 00 46.0 44.8 43 -23-9 23 oo 57-0 52.2 28 -23.7 02 54-9 53-3 29 02 50.4 48.4 37 02 45.0 44.2 44 02 56.0 51.1 30 04 54-9 53-3 29 04 50.9 48.9 36 04 45-0 43-1 45 04 55-0 50.3 32 06 56.0 63.9 28 06 50.1 47.9 37 06 ; 44.2 43.0 46 06 53.8 51-2 32 08 55-4 53-0 29 08 49-3 47-3 38 08 43-2 42.1 47 08 49.9 47.8 38 10 53-9 51-9 31 10 48.8 47.1 39 10 49-3 47-0 39 10 46.9 44.8 22 42 12 53-9 51-3 32 12 47.7 46.7 40 12 51.3 49-2 35 12 29.46 23 08 14-3 53-9 52-5 31 14 47-2 45.8 41 -23.9 14 50.2 49.2 36 -23-8 14* 59-7 41-0 52 -23.4 16 54-3 52-0 31 -24.0 16 46.8 45.7 42 16 50.8 48.6 36 16 78.7 65.5 23 18 18 54-3 52.2 31 18 46.0 45.2 43 18 50.2 48.2 37 18 36.2 25.1 24 23 20 52-9 Si-i 33 20 46.8 44.9 42 20 49.9 48.1 37 20 36.3 22.1 24 26 22 52-7 51-2 33 22 46.0 44.3 43 22 51-8 49-2 35 22 70.9 6S.5 23 24 24 54-2 52-3 31 24 46.1 44-3 43 24 Si-i 49-1 36 24 78.3 69.5 23 IS 26 54-8 52.3 30 26 46.8 45.0 42 26 50.4 48.3 37 26 3O.O 29.1 24 25 28 53-8 Si-3 32 28 44.6 42-3 46 28 50.4 48.3 37 28 73-9 69-3 23 19 30 53-8 Si-9 31 -24.0 3 44.9 42.1 46 ^23.8 30 49.8 48.1 37 ^23-8 30* 45-2 30.5 24 06 32 53-8 51-9 31 32 43-9 42.8 46 32 49-5 48.8 37 32 58.3 44-9 23 44 -23-5 52.0 51.1 33 34 44-9 43-7 44 34 49.0 47.7 38 34 66.8 52.5 32 36 52.8 52.0 32 36 43-3 42-1 47 36 48.7 47-1 39 36 62.2 51.7 36 38 53-0 52-3 32 38 45-6 43-3 44 38 48.9 47-2 39 38 63.6 51-8 35 40 53-9 52-2 31 40 46.4 43-3 44 40 48.7 46.9 39 40 65-4 55-4 31 42 53-9 52.2 31 42 46.0 43.2 44 42 48.2 46.9 40 42 62.2 54.1 34 44 52-3 51-2 33 -24.0 44 46.2 43-3 44 -23.5 44 47.6 46.0 4i -23.7 44 60 . i 52 . 5 37 -23.4 46 54-1 52.2 31 46 45-8 43-2 44 46 47.0 46.1 41 46 58.2 50.9 40 48 54-2 52-4 30 48 43.9 41.6 47 48 47.2 46.7 41 48 46.1 38.6 23 59 50 54-0 51-3 32 50 43-8 42.0 47 50 47.2 46.7 41 50 39.2 26.8 ; 24 14 52 54-0 50.9 32 52 43-2 42.2 47 52 49.2 48.9 37 52 48.9 33.7 24 oo 54 54-i Si- i 32 54 44.6 43.0 45 54 50.0 49.1 36 54 72.9 60.3 23 21 56 54-8 50.8 31 56 44-3 43-2 46 56 49.2 48.2 38 56 8O.O 64.5 12 58 54-8 51-2 31 58 45-1 43-9 44 58 49.3 48.0 ; 38 58*2 38.2 21.0 23 18 24 oo 60.8 51.0 22 37 -23.3 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 5os. Torsion head at 22h 45m, January 12, read 81 the same. Observer R. R. T. and at the end read MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 33 Thursday, January 14, 1904 Magnet scale erect Friday, January 15, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d / o h m d d o f o h m d d o / 16 oo 40.5 41.0 22 39 18 oo 38.1 39-8 22 36 -2O. O 20 oo 44.1 40.7 22 39 -21.4 22 OO 43.9 42.1 22 38 -17.9 02 40.8 41.0 39 -19.4 02 38.3 40.0 36 02 47-6 43-9 34 02 44.8 43.6 36 04 40.1 40.4 38 04 36.8 39.8 35 04 47-4 43-2 34 04 45-3 44-2 35 06 40 . o 40 . 7 38 06 36.9 39-7 35 06 46.6 44.0 34 06 44-8 43-7 36 08 39-3 40.8 38 08 36.8 39-5 35 08 45-6 43.0 36 08 42.1 41.2 40 10 38.8 40.3 37 10 36.8 39-3 1 34 10 44.8 41.8 37 10 43-3 43-1 38 12 38.7 40.3 37 12 36.6 38.9 34 12 43.8 42.4 38 12 42.2 41.9 39 H 37-9 39-8 36 -19.6 H 36.8 38.9 34 -20. H 43.7 42.0 38 -20.9 14 42.2 42.2 39 -17.8 16 37-6 39-7 36 16 36.5 39-0 34 16 44.9 42.7 37 16 42.7 41.1 40 18 38.1 38.8 35 18 36.7 38.8 34 18 46.9 44.2 34 18 43-2 42.2 38 20 38.7 39-5 36 20 37-1 38.9 35 20 49.2 46.8 30 20 43-7 42.1 38 22 39.1 40.8 38 22 37-4 39-2 35 22 48.2 46.2 31 22 44-3 42.1 38 24 38.7 40.2 37 24 37-7 39-3 35 24 47-2 45.4 33 24 44-3 42-0 38 26 38.9 40.2 37 26 38.0 40.0 36 26 46.9 45-4 33 26 44-3 42-1 38 28 38.7 41.8 38 28 38.7 40.8 37 28 47-2 44.8 33 28 43-9 42.1 38 30 39-2 42.5 39 -19.6 30 39.2 41.0 1 38 -20.0 30 47-9 45-9 32 -20.0 30 42.8 41.1 40 -17.6 32 40.9 42.7 40 32 39.0 41.9 38 32 48.6 45.1 32 32 43-3 4I-I 39 40.8 42.2 40 34 39.2 41.6 38 34 50.5 47-7 28 34 43.1 41.8 39 36 39-3 41-0 38 36 39.0 42.0 38 36 50-3 48.3 28 36 43-2 41-6 39 38 39-0 40.3 37 38 39.6 41.7 39 38 50.2 47.2 29 38 42.7 40.9 40 40 38.8 40.0 36 40 39.9 41.8 39 40 51.9 48.9 26 40 40-3 39-0 43 42 39.2 40.2 37 42 39-7 41-3 39 42 5L9 49-9 26 42 40.0 39.0 43 44 39-3 40.3 37 -19.6 44 39.7 41.1 i 38 -20.0 44 52.8 51.0 24 -19.2 44 40.2 39.8 43 -17.3 46 38.8 40.2 37 46 39-7 41-7 39 46 53-2 50.7 24 46 41.0 39.8 42 48 39-2 40.0 37 48 39.9 42.0 39 48 52.1 50.1 25 48 39-2 38.2 45 50 38.8 40.3 37 50 40-5 42.4 40 50 52.1 49-9 25 50 39-3 38.2 45 52 38.3 40.3 36 52 40.3 42.1 40 52 53-9 51-7 22 52 41.0 40.1 42 54 38.8 40.8 37 54 40.1 41.9 39 54 56.9 54-9 18 54 41.2 40.2 42 56 38.9 40.8 37 56 39-1 41.0 38 56 55-1 53-2 20 56 43-1 42.1 38 58 38.4 40.8 37 58 39.0 41.8 38 58 53-7 51-7 23 58 46.3 45-0 34 17 oo 38.1 40.3 36 -20.0 19 oo 39.0 41.2 38 21 00 53-0 51-0 24 -18.3 23 oo 47-7 46.7 3i -17.1 02 37-9 39-8 36 02 38.5 41-8 38 02 53-8 49-7 24 02 47.8 46.1 32 04 37-6 39.9 36 04 38.1 42.0 38 04 54.0 49.4 24 04 50.8 48.7 27 06 37-7 39-7 36 06 38.4 42.2 38 06 53-9 49-9 24 06 52.4 50.2 25 08 37.8 40.0 36 08 38.2 42.2 38 08 54-2 50.5 23 08 54-0 52.3 22 10 38.0 40.3 36 10 38.3 42.1 38 10 55-3 51-9 21 10 57-2 55-2 17 12 38.5 4-3 37 12 38.7 42.8 38 12 55-9 52.7 2O 12 60.9 58.7 II 14 38.7 40.2 37 -2O. O 14 38.8 42.0 38 -20. 14 56.8 54. o 18 -18.0 14 59-4 57-0 14 -17.0 16 39.2 40.0 37 16 38.4 41-5 37 16 57-0 55-8 17 16 55-7 52.8 20 18 39.3 40.2 37 18 38.2 41.0 37 18 58-5 56.9 15 18 54-0 51.7 22 20 39-1 40.3 37 20 38.2 40.3 36 20 53-8 52.8 22 20 Si. i 49-1 27 22 39.6 40.0 37 22 38.2 40.3 36 22 56.9 56.2 17 22 49.6 48.1 29 24 39.1 40.0 37 24 38.6 40.6 37 24 56.1 55-4 18 24 49-3 48-3 26 39-7 40.8 38 26 38.7 40.8 37 26 56.1 55-2 18 26 49.5 48.8 28 28 39-8 41-1 38 28 38.3 40.4 36 28 55-8 54-9 19 28 48.7 47.8 30 30 39.7 40.8 38 -20.0 30 38.4 40.3 36 -20. 30 55-1 53-9 20 -18.0 30 47-3 46.9 31 -16.9 32 38.9 41.1 37 32 37-7 40.4 36 32 52.8 52.6 23 32 45-7 44-2 35 34 39-0 41.8 38 37-3 39-8 35 34 48.7 48.4 29 34 45-6 44-0 35 36 39.3 41.8 39 36 36.8 39-1 34 36 48.8 48.2 29 36 45-0 43-7 36 38 39.1 41.0 38 38 36.7 38.9 34 38 44.8 44.4 35 38 44-6 43-0 37 40 39.0 40.0 37 40 36.7 38.3 34 40 45-9 45-2 34 40 43-9 42.8 37 42 38.4 40.0 36 42 36.4 38.0 33 42 50.3 48.8 28 42 44.0 42.1 37 44 38.7 39-8 36 -20.0 44 36.3 38.0 33 -2O. O 44 51.2 49.9 26 -17.9 44 43-7 42.0 38 -16.8 46 38.7 40.0 37 46 36.9 38.1 34 46 48.9 47.7 30 46 44-2 42.4 37 48 38.6 40.0 36 48 35-6 40.7 34 48 45-1 43-9 36 48 45-9 40.9 37 SO 38.2 39.8 36 50 36.0 40.2 35 50 40.4 39.2 43 50 45-3 40-3 38 52 38.0 39.7 36 52 35.8 40.3 35 52 40.2 38.8 43 52 44.6 39.8 39 54 38.0 39-8 36 54 35.8 40.0 34 54 41-4 39-3 42 54 43-0 38.3 42 56 38.3 39-8 36 56 36.0 39.9 34 56 41.8 39.9 41 56 42-9 38.4 42 58 38.2 39.8 36 58 36.0 39.8 34 58 41-3 38.9 42 58 42.9 38.6 41 20 OO 36.0 39.2 34 -20. 24 oo 41-3 39-0 42 -16.4 Correction to local mean time is 563. Torsion head at ish 20m read 84 and at the end read the same. Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is 325. Torsion head at igh 25m read 84 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. 134 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, January 17, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, January 17, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d o / h m d d / O h m d d / O OO* 39.2 40.9 22 24 -9-0 2 OO 26.7 29.3 23 04 -7-3 4 00*2 51-7 51-0 22 44 -6.4 6 oo 45-2 41.0 22 58 02 38.0 39.3 22 02 24.7 28.2 02 02 52.8 49.2 44 02 51.8 49.6 46 -6.6 04 38.6 41-7 24 04 26.3 30.8 05 04 53-0 49-9 44 04 49-7 46-3 50 06 38.8 39.6 22 06 24.1 27.2 23 oi 06 54-5 54-2 39 06 45-1 42.2 57 08 40.9 43.4 28 08 23.0 26.9 22 59 08 54-6 54-1 39 08 44.1 40.9 59 10 47.0 48.2 36 10 24.9 28.2 23 02 IO Si.i 50.7 45 10 43-7 40.9 59 12 47-5 So.i 38 12 28.1 31.0 07 12 49.0 49.0 48 12 45-6 41-5 57 14 47-8 50.0 38 -8.9 14 24.0 26.0 oo -7. i 14 49.2 48.6 48 -6-5 14 50.0 47.9 22 49 -6.6 16 46-3 49-9 37 16 25.7 26.2 OI 16 48.9 47.7 49 16 43-2 40.3 23 oo 18 49-9 53-6 22 43 18 26.9 27.3 23 03 18 i 49.1 46.3 50 18 44.9 42.4 23 57 20 62.8 64.0 23 01 20 21.6 21.8 22 54 20 48.3 45-3 51 20 50.0 48.1 22 49 22 49-8 55-7 22 44 22 20.3 21.7 22 53 22 48.0 45.2 51 22 45-3 43-7 56 24 64.1 66.7 23 04 24 24.8 25.2 23 oo 24 47.2 44.3 53 24 44-1 44-1 56 26 57-8 61.9 22 55 26 32.0 33.2 II 26 47.2 44.1 53 26 44.1 42.4 58 28 56.9 62.2 55 28 30.0 31.9 09 28 46.4 44.0 54 28 50.4 47.2 49 30 57-3 64.1 57 -9.0 30 29.1 31.8 08 -7. i 30 47-7 45-3 52 -6-5 30 52.3 48.8 46 -6.7 32 47-6 59-3 45 32 25.0 27.8 23 02 32 49.2 46.9 50 32 46.1 43-2 22 55 49-9 58.7 47 34 22.7 25.2 22 58 34 49.8 47.0 49 34 43-9 39-1 23 oo 36 44-7 54-9 40 36 22.6 24.1 57 ! 36 49-5 47-7 49 36 45-4 42.3 22 57 38 4i.9 5i.9 35 38 23.3 25.0 58| 38 50.7 48.4 47 38 50.2 47.0 49 40 52.7 57-3 48 40 22.9 24.8 22 58 40 49.3 47.7 49 40 51.6 48.2 47 42 57-0 63.8 22 56 42 25.0 26.3 23 oo 42 49.2 47.3 49 42 51.8 49-1 46 66.7 73.1 23 II -8.9 44 24.9 26.7 23 oi 44 49.7 47.1 49 -6.6 44 48.1 45-5 52 -6.5 46 62.8 76.2 II 46 23.9 25.8 22 59 -7-1 46 50.3 48.2 48 46 50-9 47-7 48 48 66.5 74.3 12 48 23.0 25.8 58 48 49-4 47-7 49 48 53-3 49-7 45 50* 38.0 44-8 25 50 22.2 24.8 57 50 49-2 47-2 49 50 50.4 47.2 49 52 30.1 42.2 17 52 21.6 23.1 55 52 48.7 46.6 50 52 48.9 45-5 Si 54 24-9 35-4 07 54 20.2 21.7 53 54 47-3 45-2 53 54 51.3 48.9 47 56 27.0 37.8 II 56 18.4 20.7 51 56 46.2 45.0 54 56 49.9 46.8 49 58 28.1 36.9 ii 58 18.2 20.5 Si 58 47-7 45-8 52 58 47-4 44-1 54 I OO 23.6 32.2 03 3 oo 18.9 2O.4 Si -7.1 5 oo 50.3 47-8 48 -6.6 7 oo 44-9 43-0 57 -6.5 02 26.9 34.0 08 -8.7 02 I9.I 21.9 53 02 53-3 50.5 44 02 44.8 44.6 55 04 29-8 37-8 13 04 2O. I 22.9 54 04 53-9 51.8 42 04 51-3 48.7 47 06 33-8 40.3 18 06 19.7 22.4 54 06 ( 53-9 Si.2 43 06 56.8 55.8 37 08 35-1 43.2 21 08 19.2 21. I 52 08 51.1 48.2 47 08 44.0 43.1 22 57 10 39.4 46.1 27 10 18.9 20.8 52 IO 48.3 45-0 52 10 36.3 35-8 23 09 12 38.2 45-9 26 12 I9.I 2O.9 52 12 48.2 45.2 52 12 43-9 42-9 22 57 14 25.0 31.1 04 H l8.9 2O.9 52 -7.0 14 49-9 47-2 49 -6.7 14 49.8 49.2 48 -6.4 16 33-7 38.7 17 -8.4 16 19.2 21.2 52 16 53.8 49.8 44 16 55-2 53-3 40 18 43-1 46.9 31 18 18.7 20.7 52 18 54-7 Si.i 42 18 51-9 So.i 46 20 34-0 39.1 17 20 19.2 21.8 53 20 53-3 49-9 44 20 49.0 47.2 51 22 31.2 36.8 13 22 19-5 22.4 54 22 47-8 44-1 53 22 44-8 43-6 57 24 18.9 25.7 22 55 24 18.6 21.8 52 24 45.0 41.6 57 24 49.1 47-1 50 j 26 24.6 30.8 23 03 26 I7.O 20.2 50 26 44.1 41.8 57 26 57-0 55-9 37 28 30.8 37.0 13 28 I5.I 19-7 48 28 43-7 42-0 58 28 5L9 50.3 46 30 27.8 34.1 08 -8.1 30 13-8 17.3 45 -7.0 30 47.1 44.7 ! 53 30 44.0 42.6 58 32 33-4 38.1 16 32 13-6 17-3 45 32 50.0 48.2 48 32 48.3 46.0 52 -6.4 34 32-3 36.1 14 34 13-3 I7-I 45 34 47-7 44-8 52 34 51.8 49.9 46 36 > 3I-I 35-2 12 36 13.8 17-9 46 36 44-8 42.5 22 56 36 49-1 46.7 Si 38 3i.o 35.3 12 38 14.2 18.7 47 38 42.9 40.0 23 oo 38 44-1 41-2 22 59 40 33-1 38.0 16 40 15-3 20.1 49 40 43-1 41-8 22 58 40 39-6 37-2 23 06 42 36.2 40.3 20 42 16.7 18.8 49 42 47-7 45-9 51 42 41-0 37-8 23 04 44 29.8 33.1 10 44 16.8 19.8 50 -7.0 44 47.2 44.3 53 -6.6 44 53-8 50-9 22 44 46 28.7 32.9 23 09 46 17.8 19.9 Si 46 51.0 48.5 47 46 59-2 57-2 35 48 22.8 26.8 22 59 48 17.1 19.2 49 48 46.2 43.7 54 48 57-0 54-9 38 50 26.5 30.3 23 05 50 14-7 17.5 46 50 48.9 42.0 22 54 50 48.3 46.7 52 52 25.2 29.0 03 52 13-1 16.4 44 52 40.8 37-7 23 03 52 47-4 45-7 S3 54 26.9 30.1 05 54 15.1 18.8 47 54 44-5 42.0 22 58 54 50.9 50.2 47 56 23-7 27.3 23 oo 56 15.2 18.2 47 56 49.1 46.0 51 56 56.2 54-5 39 58 22. O 25.1 22 57 58 14.1 16.8 45 58 45.0 40.6 58 58 52.8 50.8 45 8 oo 55-9 Si.i 42 -6.5 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 4h ors. 90 torsion = 13/8. Torsion head at oh oom read 87 and at loh oom read 63. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 135 Monday, January 18, 1904 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, January 19, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East 1 Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o h m d d o / h m d d o / o h m d d o t o 8 oo 51.9 53.8 j 22 40 -10. 10 00 51-7 53-0 22 39 -6.8 2 OO 51-9 50.7 22 49 -1.8 14 oo 54-5 52.9 22 46 -2.2 02 50.1 51.8 37 02 51-2 53-1 39 02 52.1 SI.I 49 02 54-4 53-1 46 04 55-4 57-7 45 04 SO.i 52.1 37 04 52.8 51.3 48 04 54-7 53-2 45 06 50.7 53-9 39 06 48.9 51.0 35 06 53-1 50.7 49 06 54-9 53-4 45 08 49-9 53-3 38 08 47-3 48.3 32 08 52.7 51.2 49 08 54-9 53-6 45 IO 50.5 53-0 38 IO 49-9 52.4 37 10 52.4 50.7 49 IO 54-7 53-2 45 12 49.2 52.3 36 12 52.7 54-3 41 12 53-3 50.5 49 12 54-6 53-1 46 14 53-8 57-3 44 -9-1 14 SO.i 52.3 37 -6.7 M 53-7 Si.i 48 -1.8 14 54-3 53-2 46 -2.2 16 52.8 54.1 41 16 48.9 49.1 34 16 53-2 52.1 47 16 54-8 52.4 46 18 50.9 54.1 39 18 Si-8 52.1 38 18 52.1 50.9 49 18 54-8 52.2 46 20 52.0 53.8 40 20 51.2 51.3 37 20 52.2 50.9 49 20 54-7 52.2 46 22 48.3 51.2 35 22 50.7 Si.o 36 22 52.9 51-9 48 22 54-9 53-0 45 24 53-3 55-7 42 24 54-2 54-8 42 24 53-2 52.1 47 24 54-9 53-0 45 26 51.0 52.3 38 26 49-2 50.4 35 26 52.9 51-9 48 26 54-8 53-0 45 28 48.3 50.3 34 28 51-3 52.8 38 28 52.2 51.5 49 28 54-9 53-0 45 30 53.1 54.9 42 -8.9 30 51-9 52.6 39 -6.3 30 52.8 51.6 48 -2.O 30 54-8 53-7 45 -2.2 32 48.6 50.9 35 32 49-9 50.9 36 32 53-0 51-8 48 32 54-2 53.8 45 34 49.2 51.1 35 34 50.9 51-6 37 34 53-9 51-2 48 34 54-1 53-4 46 36 5L5 52.9 39 36 50.9 52.1 38 36 53-9 50.9 48 36 54-2 53-2 46 38 56.0 57.6 46 38 51.2 53-8 39 38 53-8 50.3 48 38 54-4 53-3 46 40 48.2 50.1 34 40 53-1 55.5 42 40 53-2 50.5 49 40 54-8 53.3 45 42 47-9 50.8 34 42 53-2 54-8 42 42 53-1 50.9 48 42 55-1 53-3 45 44 51.2 54.1 39 -8.3 44 56.6 57.9 46 -6.2 44 53-8 51-2 48 -2.2 44 55-2 53. i 45 -2.2 46 51.9 53-1 39 46 55.1 56.4 44 46 54-1 50.9 48 46 55-7 52.9 45 48 52.9 54-3 41 48 52.2 54-7 41 48 53-9 51-2 48 48 55-6 S3- i 45 50 51.0 52.0 38 50 52.1 54-5 40 SO 53-1 50.9 48 50 55-9 53-0 45 52 52.0 52.5 38 52 Si.o 53-9 39 52 53-1 Si.i 48 52 55-7 52.8 45 54 51-9 52.9 39 50.9 53-9 39 54 53-3 Si-7 48 54 55-2 52.9 45 56 51.1 52.3 38 56 5L9 52.5 39 56 53-3 51.8 48 56 55-2 52.9 45 58 50.7 51-9 37 58 52.2 52.9 39 58 53-2 51-5 48 58 55-2 53-2 45 9 oo 51-4 53-1 39 -8.0 II 00 52.0 52.9 39 -6.0 13 oo 53-2 51-2 48 -2.2 IS 00 55-3 53-3 45 -2.2 02 52.1 52.9 39 02 51.4 53-2 39 02 53-9 Si-i 48 02 55-2 53.1 45 04 52.7 54-1 41 04 53-1 53-9 40 04 54-0 51.1 48 04 55-9 52.8 45 06 53-1 55.0 42 06 52.6 54-2 41 06 54-3 Si-4 47 06.4 55-8 52.9 45 08 51.0 53.1 38 08 52.8 54.3 41 08 54-1 Si- 8 47 08 55-8 52.8 45 IO 51.3 54-3 40 10 52.3 54-7 41 IO 54-3 42.0 47 10 55-7 52.9 45 12 50.7 53-3 38 12 52.2 54.3 40 12 54-3 52.2 47 12 55-8 52.9 45 14 50.8 54.0 39 -7-7 14 52.0 54.7 40 -5-9 14 53-9 52.2 47 -2.2 H 55-2 53-2 45 -2.3 16 Si.i 53-5 39 16 Si-9 56.1 42 16 53-3 51.6 48 16 55-2 53. i 45 18 Si.i 53.4 39 18 51.6 55-1 40 18 54-0 52.0 47 18 55.1 53-3 45 20 51-7 53-3 39 20 51-9 55-6 41 20 54-1 52.1 47 20 54-8 53.8 45 22 50.9 52.1 38 22 5L3 55-0 40 22 54-1 51.9 47 22 54-9 53-9 45 24 52.0 53-0 39 24 Si-5 55-2 40 24 54-1 51-7 47 2 4 55-0 53-8 45 26 51-9 53-0 26 Si.i 53.9 39 26 54-0 5L7 47 26 55-0 53-9 45 28 51-6 52.2 38 28 50.8 53.9 39 28 54-2 52.1 47 28 55-1 53.9 45 30 52.3 54-1 40 -7-2 30 SO.i 53-2 38 -5-8 30 54-2 52.2 47 -2.2 30 55-4 53-2 45 -2.3 32 51-2 51-9 38 32 50.2 53-8 38 32 54-7 52.1 46 32 56.1 52.5 45 34 52.7 53-3 40 34 50.2 53.7 38 34 55.0 52.2 46 34 56.1 52.8 45 36 52.3 52-3 39 36 50.6 54.0 39 36 54-8 52.8 46 36 56.2 52.7 45 38 50.3 51.2 36 38 50.3 54-1 39 38 54-3 52.9 46 38 56.2 52.7 45 40 48.7 49.0 33 40 50.7 54-2 39 40 54-2 52.8 46 40 56.2 52.7 45 42 52.6 53.8 40 42 Si-7 55-0 40 42 54-0 52.7 46 42 56.1 52.9 45 44 48.9 49.7 34 -7.0 44 52.1 55-2 41 -5.6 44 54-2 52.9 46 -2.2 44 56.0 53.0 45 -2-3 46 51.0 52.0 38 46 51.8 54.8 40 46 54-7 53-2 45 46 56.2 52.9 45 48 52.2 53.9 40 48 52.4 55-0 41 48 54-9 53-1 45 48 56.1 52.9 45 50 48.2 50.1 34 50 51.8 54-1 40 SO 54-2 52.7 46 50 55-9 53-5 44 52 SO.i 51-7 37 52 52.2 54-5 40 52 54-1 52.1 47 52 55-8 53-9 44 54 53-2 54-1 41 54 52.7 54-8 41 54 54-5 52.7 46 54 55.8 53.8 44 56 Si-7 52.2 38 56 52.3 56.1 42 56 54-9 53-2 45 56 55-9 53-8 44 58 49-3 SO.i 35 58 52.2 56.1 42 58 54-7 52.9 46 55-7 53-7 44 12 OO Si.i 53.1 39 -5-3 16 oo 55-1 53-2 45 -2-3 Correction to local mean time is + 3m los. 90 torsion = 12/8. Torsion head at toll oom, January 17, read 63 and at I3h lorn, January 18, read 60. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 2m 355. Torsion head at nh 45m read 60 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. 136 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, January 20, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, January 20, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d r O h m d d / h m d d o / O h m d d o / OO 39-3 41-6 22 38 -6.5 2 OO 40.6 40.8 22 39 -5.0 4 oo 42.0 42.2 22 41 -4-3 6 oo 41.5 41.6 22 40 -3-8 02 38.9 4L3 38 02 40.6 40.8 39 02 40.7 40.7 39 02 42.0 42.2 41 04 38.9 41-2 38 04 40.4 40.6 39 04 40.3 40.5 38 04 41.3 41.0 40 06 38.6 40.8 37 06 40.3 40.7 39 06 40.8 40.8 39 06 40.6 40.9 39 08 38.4 40-5 37 08 40-3 40-7 39 08 40.4 40.4 38 08 39.8 40.2 38 IO 38.3 40-3 37 IO 40.4 40.6 39 10 40.2 40.2 38 IO 40.3 40.6 38 12 38.4 40.4 37 12 40.1 40.4 38 12 40.3 40.3 38 12 39-3 39-6 37 14 39.0 40.3 37 -6.2 14 39-4 39-6 37 -5.0 14 39-7 39-9 38 -4.2 14 39-4 39-8 . 37 -3-9 16 38.9 40.3 37 16 39-3 39-3 37 16 39-8 39-9 38 16 39-2 39-5 37 18 38.0 40.3 37 18 39.7 40.0 38 18 40.6 40.9 39 18 40.4 40.6 39 20 39-0 42.5 39 20 30.6 40.3 38 20 40.6 40.9 39 20 41.0 41.1 39 22 39-3 42.6 39 22 40.5 40-5 39 22 41.1 41-3 40 22 41.2 41.4 40 24 39-3 42-3 39 24 40.5 40.6 39 24 41-3 41-3 40 24 40.2 40.6 38 26 40.5 41.3 39 26 41.3 41.6 40 26 41.6 41.6 40 90 40.9 41.0 39 28 40.3 41.0 39 28 42.0 42.0 41 28 41.7 41.7 -4.2 28 38.3 39-9 37 30 40.5 41-2 39 -5-7 30 41.9 41.9 41 -4.9 30 41.6 41.6 40 30 37-1 37-6 34 -4.0 32 40-5 4I-I 39 32 41.8 41.9 41 32 42 . o 42 . o 41 32 41.9 42.0 41 40.4 41.0 39 34 41.6 41.6 40 34 41.8 41.8 41 34 43-3 44-1 44 36 40.5 41.0 39 36 41.0 41.2 40 36 40.6 40.6 39 36 43-4 44-0 44 38 40.5 41.0 39 38 40.8 41.0 39 38 41.0 41.0 39 38 40.0 40.9 38 40 40.3 40.6 38 40 41.0 41.0 39 40 41.9 41.9 41 40 41.0 41.5 40 42 40.5 40.9 39 42 41 . 1 41.1 40 42 40.6 40.8 39 42 39.9 40.7 38 44 40.6 41.1 39 -5-6 44 40.8 40.8 39 -4-7 44 39-7 39-8 37 -4-1 44 37-6 37-9 34 ~4-O 46 40.5 40.9 39 46 40.6 40.6 39 46 39-9 40-0 38 46 37-4 37-8 34 48 40.2 40.6 38 48 41.1 41.1 40 48 39-9 40.0 38 48 37-8 38.1 35 50 40.2 40.6 38 50 41.2 41.3 40 50 40.8 41.0 39 50 39-0 39-6 37 52 40.2 40.6 38 52 40.5 40-5 39 52 40.8 41.0 39 52 40.0 40.5 38 54 40.0 40.5 38 54 39-6 39-8 37 54 39-6 39-8 37 54 40.5 40.9 39 56 40.1 40.3 38 56 39-7 39-7 37 56 40.6 40.9 39 56 39-5 39-5 37 58 40.6 41.0 39 58 39-3 39-4 37 58 40.9 40.9 39 58 40.0 40.3 38 I OO 41.0 41.3 40 -5-5 3 oo 39-6 39-6 37 -4.6 5 oo 41.0 41.0 39 -4.0 7 oo 39-9 40.3 38 -4.0 02 40.9 41.2 39 02 39-9 40.0 38 02 41-3 41-3 40 02 40.6 41.5 39 04 40.5 40.9 39 04 40.0 40.0 38 04 41.0 41.0 39 04 40.8 41.2 39 06 40.3 40.6 38 06 39.9 40.0 38 06 40.8 40.8 39 06 39.9 40.1 38 08 40.3 40.6 38 08 40.3 40.6 38 08 40.0 40.4 38 08 38.9 39-1 36 10 40.6 40.8 39 10 41.0 41.0 39 10 40.3 40-5 38 10 39.7 40.0 38 12 40.3 40.6 38 12 40.2 40.3 38 12 41.0 41.0 39 12 37-0 37-8 34 14 40.6 40.8 39 -5-4 14 40.9 40.9 39 -4-5 14 40.5 40-5 30 -4.0 14 37-0 37-1 33 -4.0 16 40.7 40.8 39 16 41.0 41.0 39 16 40.0 40.0 38 16 37-5 38.1 34 18 40.4 40.6 39 18 40.2 40.2 38 18 40.4 40.7 39 18 40.0 40.8 38 20 40.4 40.6 39 20 39-6 39-6 37 20 41.8 42.0 41 20 42.0 42.3 41 22 40.4 40.6 39 22 40.0 40.0 38 22 40.8 41.0 39 22 38.0 38.2 35 24 40.4 40.6 39 24 39.4 39.6 37 24 40.0 40.1 38 24 39-0 39-8 37 26 40.0 40.3 38 26 39.9 40.0 38 26 39-2 39-6 37 26 39-3 40.1 37 28 40.1 40.3 38 28 40.5 40.5 39 28 39-7 40.1 38 28 40.5 41-2 39 30 40.1 40.3 38 -5-2 30 39.8 40.0 38 -4-5 30 40.9 40.9 39 -3-8 30 39-6 40.3 38 -4-0 32 40.1 40.3 38 32 40.1 40.1 38 32 41.0 41.3 40 32 40.7 41-0 39 34 39-8 39-9 38 34 40.4 40.6 39 34 41.5 41.6 40 34 38.8 39-6 37 36 39-6 39-6 37 36 40.3 40.3 38 36 41.2 41.6 40 37 39-0 39.7 37 38 39-6 39-6 37 38 39-9 39-9 38 38 40-3 40-5 38 38 38.6 39.3 36 40 39.6 39.6 37 40 39-7 39-7 37 40 41.1 41.2 40 40 38.4 39-0 36 42 39 7 39-9 38 42 39-6 39-6 37 42 40.2 40.3 38 42 38.0 38.6 35 44 39-6 39-7 37 -5-2 44 39-6 39-7 37 -4-4 44 40.0 40.4 38 -3-8 44 39-5 39-8 37 -4.0 46 39-6 39-9 37 46 39-9 39-9 38 46 40.8 41.0 39 46 40-5 41-3 39 48 39.8 40.0 38 48 40.2 40.3 38 48 40.8 41.0 39 48 37-8 38.8 35 50 40.1 40.3 38 50 39-9 40.0 38 50 40.8 41.0 39 50 38-8 39.3 36 52 40.3 40.3 38 52 39-9 40-0 38 52 39-7 39-8 37 52 39-5 40-4 38 54 40.6 40.6 39 54 40.0 40.7 38 54 40.3 40.7 39 54 38.8 39-7 37 56 41.2 41.3 40 56 41-3 41-6 40 56 41.1 41-3 40 56 37-6 39.0 35 58 41.0 41.1 39 58 41.9 42.0 41 58 40-7 40-9 39 58 42.0 43.1 42 _ Observer W. J. P. Observers S6m. -W. J. P. and J. V., who alternated from 7h som to MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 137 Wednesday, January 20, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, January 20, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right U Left Right Left Right h m d d o / h m d d / O h m d d / h m d d ' " ' O 8 oo 40.7 41-2 22 39 -3-9 10 OO 39-3 40.3 22 38 -3-3 12 00 39-2 39-2 22 37 -3-1 14 oo 35.4 36.0 22 31 -3-0 02 40.0 40.2 38 02 38.9 40.1 37 02 39-3 39-7 37 02 36.0 36.0 32 04 37-9 38.7 35 04 39-0 40.3 37 04 40.0 40.8 38 04 36.2 36.2 32 06 38.4 38.9 36 06 39.0 40.1 37 06 39.8 40.1 38 06 36.5 36.5 32 08 37-5 37.8 34 08 38.9 40.0 37 08 39-8 39-8 38 08 36.1 36.1 32 10 38.0 38.5 35 10 38.8 39.4 36 10 40.2 40.2 38 IO 37-10 33 12 39-0 39.4 37 12 38.2 39.2 36 12 40.2 40.2 38 12 37-1 37-8 34 14 39.0 40.0 37 -3-8 14 38.2 39.6 36 -3-3 14 40.2 40.3 38 -3-0 14 36.3 37-0 32 -3-0 16 43-5 44-8 44 16 39.0 40.2 37 16 39.8 40.1 38 16 36.6 37.0 33 18 38.8 38.9 36 18 39-1 40.2 37 18 39-9 40-2 38 18 36.9 37.2 33 20 31-5 32.0 25 20 38.9 40.0 37 20 39.9 40.1 38 20 36.8 37.0 33 22 40.3 41.8 39 22 38.8 40.0 37 22 39-4 39-9 37 22 37-0 37-6 34 24 40.3 41.0 39 24 39.2 40.0 37 24 39.3 40.0 37 24 35-9 36.2 32 26 37-4 38.0 34 26 39.0 40.0 37 26 39-5 40.0 37 26 36.0 36.6 32 28 38.2 39.0 36 28 39-5 40.4 38 28 39-4 39-9 37 28 37-1 37-6 34 30 40.0 40.5 38 i -3-6 30 39-5 40.3 38 -3-5 30 39-0 39-7 37 -3-0 30 37-0 37-5 33 -2-9 32 38.4 39-0 36 32 39.0 40.0 37 32 39-4 40-7 38 32 35-6 36.0 31 37-2 37-9 34 34 39-5 40.3 38 34 39-2 39-7 37 34 35-9 36-3 32 36 38.0 38.8 35 36 39.0 40.0 37 36 39-4 39-4 37 36 37-0 37-4 33 38 38.6 39.2 36 38 38.8 39.6 37 38 39-5 39-5 37 38 36.7 37-2 33 40 | 39.6 40.8 38 40 38.1 39.1 36 40 39-1 39-2 37 40 35-6 36.2 31 42 1 39.2 40.0 37 42 38.7 39-7 37 42 39-2 39.4 37 42 36.1 36.8 32 44 38.4 39-9 36 -3.7 44 38.3 39-7 36 -3-4 44 39-2 39.2 37 -3-0 44 36.9 37-4 33 -2.7 46 39.2 40.2 37 46 39-4 41-6 39 46 39-2 39-2 37 46 37-0 37.5 33 48 38.8 39.2 36 48 39-3 40.3 38 48 39-2 39.4 37 48 37-0 37.6 34 50 38.0 38.6 35 50 38.7 39-8 37 50 39-0 39.2 37 50 36.8 37-3 33 52 38.8 39.3 36 52 39-2 40.3 37 52 39-1 39-1 37 52 37-7 38.0 34 54 38.4 39-1 36 54 38.8 39-7 37 54 39-3 39-3 37 54 36.3 36.7 32 56 39-8 40.7 38 56 39.8 40.4 37 ! 56 38.5 39-0 36 56 36.2 36.7 32 58 38.0 39.2 36 58 39-0 39-8 37 58 38.3 39-0 36 58 36.4 36.7 32 9 oo 37-9 38.1 35 -3-7 II OO 39-0 39.5 37 -3-4 13 oo 38.2 38.9 36 -2.9 15 oo 36.5 37-0 33 -2.5 02 39-4 39-8 37 02 39.1 39-6 37 02 39-0 39-9 37 02 36.2 36.7 32 04 38.3 38.3 35 04 39-4 39-8 37 04 38.7 39-3 36 04 35-4 35-8 31 06 38.40 35 06 39-1 39-6 37 06 39.2 40.0 37 06 37-3 37-3 34 08 39.7 40.0 38 08 36.9 39-3 35 08 39-0 39-8 37 08 36.00 32 IO 39.0 39.8 37 IO 38.1 39-3 36 IO 38.5 39-0 36 IO 39-50 37 12 37-9 38.2 35 12 39-2 39.7 37 12 38.6 39-1 36 12 38.6 38.8 36 14 37-9 38-2 16 39.0 39-7 35 -3-8 37 3 40.0 40.4 38.7 39-3 1 -3-3 14 16 38.5 39-0 38.7 39-2 36 36 -2.9 3 39.0 39.0 39.2 39.2 36 37 -2.5 18 39.0 40.0 37 18 38.6 38.8 36 18 38.5 39-0 36 18 39-1 39-3 37 20 38.4 39.1 36 20 38.8 39-3 36 20 38.20 35 20 39-2 39-7 37 22 38.4 39-6 36 22 39-0 39.5 37 22 37-8 38.2 35 22 35-0 35-8 31 24 37-9 38.8 35 24 39.6 40.0 38 24 39.2 40.0 37 24 35-0 35-3 30 26 37-8 39.0 35 26 39-8 39.9 38 26 38.8 39-5 37 26 34-4 35-0 29 28 39.0 40.1 37 28 39-7 40.0 38 28 37-3 37-9 34 28 35-3 36.0 31 30 38.5 39-8 37 -3-8 30 39-8 39-8 38 -3.3 30 38.0 38.4 35 -3-0 30 35-5 36.0 31 -2.4 32 39-3 40-4 38 32 39.8 40.1 38 32 38.0 38.8 35 32 34-6 35-1 30 34 39.0 40.1 37 34 39-5 39-8 37 34 37-5 38.1 34 34 34.2 34.7 29 36 38.4 39-9 36 36 39-5 39-5 37 36 37.0 37.6 34 36 35-0 35.8 : 31 38 37-8 39-8 36 38 39-5 39-5 37 38 37-9 38.0 34 38 34-9 35-9 31 40 38.7 40.0 37 40 39-0 39-7 37 40 37.4 38.0 34 40 34-9 35-7 30 42 39-3 40.8 38 42 39-6 39-8 37 42 36.7 37-0 33 42 34-8 35-4 30 44 39.0 40.4 37 -3-6 44 39-5 39-9 37 -3-2 44 35-8 36.5 32 -3-0 44 35-0 35-5 3O -2.4 46 39-8 40.7 38 46 39-0 39-3 37 46 35-8 36.3 32 46 35-0 35-7 30 48 38.2 39.2 36 48 39-1 39-4 37 48 35-5 36.1 31 48 35-3 36.0 31. So ; 37-9 39-0 35 50 39-2 39-7 37 50 34-9 35-5 30 50 35.0 35. 8 31 52 3.3 39-5 36 52 39-5 40.1 38 52 35-7 36.5 32 52 35-5 36.0 31 54 38.0 39.2 36 54 39-0 39.2 37 54 34-8 35-8 3i 35-1 36.8 3i 56 37-1 38.1 34 56 39-4 40.0 37 56 35-0 35-5 30 56 35-1 36.0 31 58 39.0 40.0 37 58 39-8 39.8 38 58 35-0 35-5 30 58 35-9 36.9 32 : Observer J. V. 10 Observers J. V. and R. R. T., who alternated from 15)1 52m to l6h 04111. 138 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, January 20, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, January 20, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d 1 o h m d d o / o h m d d f O h m d d / O 16 oo 35-5 36.0 22 31 -2.2 18 oo 34-0 35-5 22 30 -1.6 20 00 26.2 27.8 22 17 -1-3 22 00 30.1 31.0 22 23 -2.3 02 34-8 35-9 30 02 34-1 35-6 30 02 27.0 28.1 18 02 28.1 30.7 31 04 34.8 36.0 31 04 34-1 35-8 30 04 27.2 28.3 18 04 27.1 29.7 2O 06 34-3 35-3 30 06 34 9 36.2 31 06 26.1 27.0 17 06 31-3 33-9 26 08 35-0 35.2 30 08 35-8 37-0 32 08 25.5 26.7 16 08 34-1 36-4 30 10 35-2 35-8 31 10 36.8 37-3 33 10 24.1 25.4 14 10 30.7 32.1 24 12 35-4 35-9 31 12 36.6 37.0 33 12 23.8 25.5 14 12 34-3 36.3 30 14 35-2 35-7 31 -1.9 H 36.9 37.2 33 -1.6 4 24.5 26.2 15 -1.4 14 38.9 39-9 37 -2.6 16 36.0 36.6 32 16 36.0 37.2 32 16 23.7 25.2 13 16 34-2 35-8 30 18 36.4 37-0 33 18 36.1 37-7 33 18 26.7 28.1 18 18 35.1 36.8 31 20 35-2 35-7 31 20 35-8 36.8 32 20 28.2 29.1 20 20 30.7 33-2 25 22 36.2 36.4 32 22 35-2 37-0 32 22 29.1 30.0 21 22 34-1 35-8 30 24 36.0 36.8 32 24 35-8 37-5 32 24 30.9 32.1 24 24 33-8 36.0 30 26 34-9 35-8 31 26 35-7 37-3 32 26 30.1 30.8 23 26 34-7 36.1 3i 28 35-2 36.1 31 28 35-2 37-0 32 28 29.7 30.2 22 28 34-3 35-9 30 30 34-9 35-8 30 -1.8 30 34-9 36.9 31 -1.6 30 29.9 30.9 23 -1.6 30 33-6 36.1 30 -2.8 32 34-8 35-0 30 32 36.3 38.9 34 32 30.6 31.7 24 32 34-4 37-0 31 34 35-2 35.2 30 34 33-9 36.2 30 34 33-8 34-3 28 34-3 37-0 31 36 35.8 36.1 31 36 33.6 36.0 30 36 33-7 34-3 28 36 33-2 33-8 28 38 36.1 36.9 32 38 33.9 35-9 30 38 33-1 34.5 28 38 33-2 35-8 29 40 36.1 36.9 32 40 34-1 36.9 31 40 33-3 34-3 28 40 32.2 33.8 27 42 35-8 36.8 32 42 37-5 398 36 42 33-5 35-5 29 42 32.2 34.4 27 44 35-0 36.8 31 -i-7 44 33-5 35-5 29 -i-S 44 33-2 33.9 28 -1.8 35-1 37.8 32 -2.8 46 34-9 37-2 31 46 33-0 34-6 28 46 32.8 34.1 27 46 34-7 36.8 31 48 35-3 37-8 32 48 32.2 33.9 27 48 32.1 33-7 27 48 34-8 37-1 31 50 35-6 37-7 32 50 32.0 33.3 26 50 33-1 34-6 28 50 37-5 39-0 35 52 35-0 36.9 31 52 31.2 32.9 25 52 33-6 34-3 28 52 35-9 37-2 32 54 34-9 35-3 30 31-5 32.8 26 54 34-1 34-9 29 54 36.9 38.7 34 56 34-8 35-9 30 56 31-0 33-0 25 56 33-9 35-2 29 56 35-1 37-9 32 58 34-7 35-9 30 58 30.9 32.3 25 58 32.9 34-8 28 58 34-1 36.5 30 17 oo 34-7 36.1 3i -1-7 19 oo 30.7 32.2 24 -1.4 21 OO 32.1 34-7 27 -1.9 23 oo 32-5 35-4 28 -2.8 02 33-9 35-9 30 02 29.9 32.1 24 O2 32.2 35-2 28 02 36.1 38.7 34 04 33-9 35-9 30 04 29-3 31-9 23 04 32-6 35-3 28 04 38.0 40.1 36 06 34-1 36.3 30 06 28.7 31-6 22 06 32.3 35-4 28 06 41.9 43.8 42 08 33-8 35-9 30 08 28.0 31.3 22 08 33-0 35-0 28 08 41.2 43.9 42 IO 32.8 35.3 28 IO 28.0 31.0 21 10 33-1 34-8 28 IO 40.3 42-9 40 12 33-1 35-8 29 12 27.8 30.4 21 12 33-0 34.3 28 12 38.0 40.9 37 14 32.8 35-0 28 -i-7 14 27.6 29.7 2O -i-3 14 33-9 34-9 29 -2.O 14 37-1 39-2 35 -3-0 16 32.2 35.1 28 16 27.7 29.5 2O 16 34-0 35-7 30 16 36.9 39-5 35 18 32.6 35-0 28 18 1 28.7 30.2 21 18 34-2 35-9 30 18 37-8 40.2 36 20 32.5 35-0 28 20 28.7 30.3 21 20 32.1 34-2 27 20 37.9 40.9 37 22 33-0 35-1 28 22 i 28. I 29.9 21 22 32.1 34-4 27 22 41.0 43.2 41 24 33-2 35-0 29 24 j 28.2 29.2 20 24 3i.i 34-0 26 24 41-2 43-3 41 26 33-2 34-7 28 26 29.1 29.1 21 26 31-8 34-6 27 26 38.3 40.3 37 28 32.7 34-2 27 28 27.9 28.0 19 28 3I-I 34-4 26 28 39.9 41.2 39 30 32.6 34-2 27 -i-7 30 29.7 30.1 22 -1.2 30 30.1 33-8 25 -2.1 30 43-1 44-5 44 -3-0 32 33-2 34-8 28 32 30.0 30.8 23 32 31.8 34-9 27 32 39.0 40.8 38 3*0 34-2 35-8 34-6 36-3 30 31 H 29.1 30.1 27.9 28.9 22 2O 34 36 31.8 33.8 28.8 31.2 27 22 34 36 38.5 40.1 37 38.0 39.8 36 38 34-7 36.6 31 38 27.0 28.0 i 18 38 30.0 31.3 23 38 37.8 39.6 36 40 35-0 36.8 31 40 26.9 27.9 18 40 25.2 26.8 16 40 36.2 38.0 33 42 34-7 36.3 31 42 26.8 26.8 17 42 26.0 27.3 17 42 37-5 40.0 36 44 33-9 35-6 29 -i-7 44 25.9 26.5 16 -1.2 44 27.1 28.2 18 -2.2 44 37 8 39.9 36 -3.0 46 34-1 35-8 30 46 22 . 8 24 . 2 12 46 27.4 28.2 19 46 39-9 42.0 39 1 48 34-2 36.1 30 48 22.8 24.0 12 48 27.1 28.1 18 48 40.2 41.9 39 SO 35-3 36.9 32 50 22 . 9 24 . I 12 50 29.1 29.8 21 50 36.6 41.9 37 52 34-7 36.2 31 52 2S.O 26.8 16 52 28.7 29.2 20 52 36.9 40.2 36 56 34-2 36-5 33-8 36.1 30 30 | 24.7 25.8 24.1 26.0 15 14 t 29-7 30.3 29.2 30.2 22 22 54 56 35-8 39-9 36.2 40.8 34 36 58 33-8 35.7 ' 30 58 27.O 28.1 18 58 31-0 32.4 25 58 36.1 41.2 36 24 oo 37-1 41-9 37 -2.9 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 2s. Torsion head at oh oom read 40 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 139 Thursday, January 21, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Saturday, January 23, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings ' decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right i Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O / h m d d O 1 O h m d d o r h m d d 1 O 16 oo 48.9 44.8 22 31 -3.3 18 oo 41-5 40.7 22 40 -2.3 20 oo* 36.9 38.1 22 32 -16.2 22 OO 35-3 43-1 22 35 -13-9 02 50.4 45-7 30 02 39.9 38.8 43 02 35-8 37-6 31 02 42-7 47-8 44 04 47-8 43.1 34 04 40.1 38.9 43 04 35-9 37-2 31 04 41.0 49.8 45 06 48.1 44.2 32 06 40.9 39.9 42 06 36.3 37-6 31 06 43-0 52.8 22 49 08 47-3 44-3 33 08 41.9 41.1 40 08 36-8 38.0 32 08 55-1 62.4 23 06 10 46.7 44.2 34 10 39.9 39.0 43 10 37-2 38.7 33 IO 42.2 53.8 22 49 12 45-3 43-2 36 12 39-9 39-1 43 12 37-8 39.1 34 12* 38.7 61.3 23 44 14 45.0 42.1 37 -3-3 14 40.1 39-2 43 -2.3 14 38.3 39-8 35 -16.0 14 28.3 42.6 21 -13.9 16 46.9 44.7 33 16 42.9 42.2 38 16 38.0 39.8 34 16 28.6 47.3 25 18 47-2 44-5 33 18 45-7 44-8 34 18 38.9 39-7 35 18 22.8 45.9 19 20 22 46.0 43.5 35 43.7 41.6 38 20 22 45-2 44.0 44-1 43-7 35 36 20 22 39-2 40.1 39-4 40.2 36 36 20 22 34-8 44-1 23.0 28.1 06 24 40-5 39-0 43 24 44-1 42.4 37 24 39.2 40.0 36 24 41.9 44.8 33 26 39-9 38.8 43 44.8 44.0 35 26 39.0 39.8 35 26 30.0 33.0 15 28 39-5 38.6 44 28 42.6 41.2 39 28 38.8 39-3 35 28 21.9 25.3 23 02 30 39-8 38.9 43 -3.0 30 43.1 42.2 38 -2.3 30 38.1 39-1 34 -15.3 30 9-7 10.3 22 41 -13.8 32 40.0 39.3 43 32 42.9 42.3 38 32 38.2 39.0 34 32 24.3 24.8 23 04 34 40.8 40.0 42 34 43.0 41-9 38 34 38.3 39-1 34 34 10.9 ii. 8 22 43 36 40.9 40.2 41 36 43.0 41-9 38 36 38.4 38.5 34 36*5 52.2 59-9 40 38 41.3 40.7 41 38 44.0 42.5 37 38 38.0 38.5 34 38 55-6 61.3 43 40 41.9 40.9 40 40 43.0 41.0 39 40 37-7 38.3 33 40 53.8 58.8 40 42 41.9 41.1 40 42 43-7 41-5 38 42 38.0 38.9 34 42 50.8 54.9 35 44 42.7 41.9 38 -3-0 44 43.4 42.3 38 -2.4 44 38.6 38.6 34 '-I5.o 44 50.7 55-1 35 -13-7 46 41.8 40.8 40 46 42.9 42.0 38 46 37-8 39-3 34 i 46 50.8 54.8 35 48 41.6 41.0 40 48 43.1 41-9 38 48 37-5 39-8 34 48 48.5 Si.i 30 50 41.7 40.2 41 50 43.2 41.8 38 50 37-3 39-4 34 50 56.0 62.1 22 44 52 43-3 41-9 38 52 43.8 42.9 37 52 37-8 39-9 34 52 73-3 76.i 23 09 54 43.5 42.6 38 42.6 41.3 39 38.2 40.3 35 54* 52.2 60.8 56 43-2 42.6 38 56 40.8 40.0 42 56 39-3 41.2 37 56 35-3 48.1 23 08 58 44-0 42.7 37 58 44-3 43-7 36 58 40.3 41.8 38 58 23.2 36.6 22 50 17 oo 42.9 41-2 39 -2.8 1900 45.7 44.1 35 -2.6 21 oo 40.3 41.1 37 -14.7 23 oo 31- I 47-0 23 04 -13-4 02 43.1 42.0 38 02 43-7 43-1 37 02 4O.I 41.7 38 02 55-3 72.1 42 04 43-3 43-1 37 04 42.7 42.1 38 04 38.7 40.4 36 04. 31.2 46.2 03 06 44.2 44.2 36 06 43.8 42.7 37 06 38.0 39-9 35 06 45-1 58.1 24 08 44.8 43.8 35 08 43-7 42-9 37 08 37-9 39-9 35 08 36.1 47-1 23 08 IO 45-9 45-0 34 10 42.9 42.3 38 IO 38.0 40.2 35 IO 24.8 36.5 22 50 12 46.7 45-2 33 12 44-4 43-1 36 12 38.6 40.9 36 12 39-2 49-4 23 12 J i 46.0 45-5 33 -2.6 14 44.0 42.8 37 -2.8 14 38.2 41.1 36 -14.4 14 42.1 50.0 23 15 -13-3 16 47-9 47-2 30 IO 44.9 44.0 35 16 38.3 40.6 35 16 31.8 38.0 22 57 18 49.0 48.1 29 18 43.9 42-3 37 18 38.9 40.4 36 18 II. 5 19.9 27 20 49.1 48.2 29 20 43-5 41-4 38 20 39-9 40.9 37 20 12.2 ig.O 27 22 47.8 47.2 30 22 42.7 4I.I 39 22 40.3 42.0 38 22 16.8 21.4 22 33 24 47-9 47-5 30 24 43.7 41.7 38 I 24 41.0 42.0 39 2 4 38.0 39-8 23 04 26 48.4 48.0 29 26 44-9 43-7 35 26 40.2 42.1 38 26 39- i 40. i 05 28 47-9 47-4 30 28 44-1 42-9 37 28 40.3 42.0 38 28 57-1 61.2 35 30 47-2 46.9 31 -2-5 30 43-7 42.2 38 -3-0 30 40.5 42.1 38 -14.0 30 46.1 47-5 16 -I3-4 32 47.1 46.0 32 32 43-7 41-9 38 32 37-3 39-2 34 32 44-8 47-1 15 34 47-3 46.0 32 34 42.9 42.0 38 35-1 37.2 30 34 40.3 41-3 23 07 36 45-8 44-3 34 ! 36 42.0 41.1 | 40 36.4 30.9 34-8 25 36 32.5 32.8 22 54 38 45-8 44-2 34 38 42.2 41.2 40 38 24.1 31.4 17 38 24.9 26.0 42 40 46.0 44.9 T4 JT 1 40 43-0 42.1 38 40 27.8 37-8 25 40 22.3 23.2 38 42 44-9 43-3 36 42 43-8 42.8 37 42 26.2 30.7 IS 42 23.1 23.9 39 44 44-8 43-3 36 -2.4 44 44-1 43-1 37 -3.0 44 29.9 38.1 27 '-14.0 44 20. 8 21. i 35 -13-3 46 44.8 42.8 36 46 44-0 43-8 36 46 31-9 37-9 28 46 20.7 21.9 36 48 44.2 42.9 37 48 45-1 42.5 36 48 26.1 34.1 21 48 25.9 27.1 44 50 43-2 41.8 38 50 43.9 42.9 37 50 32.8 39.3 30 50 30.0 31.0 50 52 42.1 40.4 40 52 44-5 42.8 37 52 29.0 36.1 25 52 33.4 34.2 55 5 2 42.0 40.2 40 45-0 43-4 36 27.8 36.0 24 54 30.7 31.9 52 56 41-8 39-8 41 56 45-0 43.3 36 56 32.2 40.2 30 56 23. ab 39 58 42.3 40.9 40 58 44-9 43-1 36 58 36.3 45-7 38 58 22. 23.0 38 20 oo 45-7 43-0 35 -3-0 Correction to local mean time is 443. Torsion head at ish lorn read 34" and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 275. 90" torsion = 14'. Torsion head at igh 2om read 34 and at gh 4om on the 24th read 28. Observers R. R. T. and J. V., who alternated from 23)1 som to 24!! oom. 140 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, January 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, January 24, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r ; readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o t h m d d / O h m d d O t h m d d o r o 00.5 46.8 44.9 22 41 2 OO 39-0 37-8 22 53 -ii. 6 4 oo Lost 6 oo 43-3 43-6 22 56 -8.0 02* 4L5 40.7 48 02 37-8 36.7 55 02. 6 70.0 71.0 22 55 -8.6 02 40.2 41.8 52 04 35.2 35.0 22 58 04 37-7 36.8 55 04 70.8 71.2 i 56 04 36.9 37-8 46 06 Lost 06 37-5 36.3 55 06* 40.1 44.0 54 06 38.5 39-0 48 08 34.8 30.6 23 02 08 38.3 37-2 54 08 42.1 46.0 57 08 40.0 40.3 50 10 30.1 27.0 23 08 10 38.9 38.0 53 10 42.5 45-9 57 10 42.0 43.0 54 12 36.2 34.2 22 58 12 38.9 38.3 52 12 42.7 45-0 56 12 42.0 42.6 54 14 41.1 40.9 49 -II. 7 14 39.0 38.6 52 -1 1. 2 14 44.0 46.0 ; 58 -8.2 14 41-9 42.3 54 -8.0 16 44-8 43-9 43 16 38.9 38.0 53 16 144.5 46.1 59 16 43-8 44.0 56 18 S S" 46.1 45.6 41 18 36.8 36.6 55 18 44.8 46.1 59 18 40.7 41.0 52 20 45-2 44.3 43 20 38.2 38.0 53 20 44-5 45-0 58 20 39-3 40.0 5 22 46.0 45.7 41 22 39-0 39.0 52 22 44-5 45-9 58 22 40.0 40.0 50 24 48.1 47.9 38 24 40.0 39.8 50 24 45.0 46.2 22 59 24 42.0 42.1 54 26 45.8 45.0 42 26 40.7 40.2 50 26 45-3 46.4 23 oo 26 43-0 43.0 55 28 45-0 45-0 42 28 41-5 40.8 48 28 47.1 48.0 02 28 42.3 42.3 54 30 40.5 40.0 50 -n. 8 30 41.0 40.2 49 -II.O 30 48.3 49.1 04 -8.2 30 41.06 52 -7-9 32 42.4 41.8 47 32 41.0 40.5 49 32 50.0 51.1 07 32 39-50 50 [ 45-3 45-0 42 34 4L5 40.8 48 34 54-0 54-7 13 | 34 42.3 42.3 54 36 46.1 45-1 41 36 42.7 42.0 46 36 53-5 54-0 12 36 41.76 53 i 38 46.7 45-3 41 38 42.9 42.3 46 38 50.9 51-2 08 38 39- 1& 49 i 40 47.6 45.2 40 40 42.5 42.0 47 40 47-8 47-8 23 03 40 35-7 35-7 44 42 44.2 44.0 44 42 41.8 41.4 48 42 44.0 44.8 22 57 42.5 37-5 38.5 47 44 42.8 41.6 47 -ii. 8 44 42.4 42.0 47 -n. o 44 40.2 41.3 51 -8.2 44 39-3 40.1 50 -7-7 46 43-8 42.8 45 46 43-0 43-0 46 46 36.8 37.0 45 46 40.0 41.0 Si 48 45-5 44-2 43 48 42.5 42.5 46 48 36.0 36.8 45 48 40.0 39.0 50 50 44.9 44.0 43 SO 41-5 4L5 48 50 35-8 36.4 44 So 35-4 36.6 44 52 43-7 43-0 45 52 40.8 40.8 49 52 37-7 38.2 47 52 35-2 35-7 43 54 44.1 43-8 44 54 40.8 40.8 49 54 39.0 40.0 50 54 38.0 39.0 48 56 44.0 42.9 45 56 40.8 40.8 49 56 44.7 44-7 22 58 56 39.1 40.0 50 58 42.1 41.0 : 48 58 40.2 40.0 50 58 48.30 23 04 58 36.8 37.0 45 I 00 42.0 41.3 48 -12.6 3 oo 39-0 38.9 52 -10.6 5 oo 49-2 49.9 05 -8.2 7 oo 36.3 37-0 45 -7-5 02 43.0 42.2 46 02 38.5 38.2 53 02 49-5 So.o 06 02 39.0 39.2 49 04 42.5 41-9 47 04 39.2 38.8 52 04 50.0 52.2 08 04 40.7 41.1 52 06 39. ob 52 06 39-9 39-2 5i 06 53-0 53-5 ii 06 41.5 42.0 53 08 37-9 37-5 54 08 40.0 39.0 51 08 52.3 52.9 10 08 40.0 40.8 Si IO 40.0 39.5 51 IO 39.8 36.8 51 10 50.2 51.1 07 10 39-0 39.4 49 12 41.0 41.0 49 12 39-8 39-0 51 12 47-9 48.8 23 03 12 39-0 39.3 49 14 42.6 42.0 46 -12. i 14 39-7 38.7 51 14 45.1 46.0 22 59 -8.2 14 39-0 39.5 49 -7-3 16 43.4 42.8 45 16 39-9 38.8 51 16 43-5 44-2 56 i 16 41.0 41.4 52 18 43.7 42.8 45 18 39-0 38.9 52 18 42.1 42.9 54 ! 18 42.0 42.9 54 20 42.9 42.1 46 20 39-9 38.8 51 20 41.8 42.2 54 1 20 40.4 40.8 Si 22 42.2 41.6 : 47 22 39-8 38.8 51 22 43-6 44.5 22 57 22 36.0 36.1 44 24 43.0 42.3 46 24 39-9 38.7 51 24 46.2 47.1 23 oi 24 34-6 35-0 42 26 41.1 40.9 49 26 39-0 37-8 53 26 45.8 46.0 23 oo 26 33-9 34-0 41 28 39-9 39-5 5i 28 39.2 38.2 52 28 44.1 44.8 22 57 28 37-8 39-1 48 30 41.2 40.5 49 -12. i 30 39-2 37-8 52 -9-5 30 44.9 45.2 22 58 -S.i 30 39-5 39-7 50 -7.2 32 42.8 42.0 46 32 40.0 38.9 Si 32 45.8 46.3 ; 23 oo 32 33-6 34-4 4i 39-9 39-0 51 34 40.7 39-7 50 34 45.1 45-5 ' 22 59 34 35.7 36.0 44 36 40.6 40.0 50 36 40.3 39-3 50 36 44.0 44-8 57 36 35-0 36.3 43 38 40.9 40.0 50 38 41.0 40.0 49 38 43-6 44-5 57 38 42.06 54 40 41.0 40.0 49 40 40.5 39-5 50 40 42.0 42.6 54 40 34.56 42 42 40.1 39-1 51 42 39-6 38.7 52 42 40.6 41.2 52 i 42 31-2 31-2 36 39.8 39.0 38.9 38.9 51 52 -12. 44 46 38.9 38.0 53 38.9 37-9 S3 -9-3 $ 39.6 40.0 50-8.1 44 39.8 40.0 50 46 30.0 30.1 29.2 29.9 35 34 48 40.3 39-2 51 48 39-0 37.9 53 48 39-1 39.5 49 48 30.2 31.0 36 -7-1 50 40.8 40.2 49 50 38.7 37-7 53 50 38.7 39-0 48 50 29.36 34 52 40.0 39.3 51 52 38.4 37-7 53 52 37.7 38.0 47 52 28.8 29.2 33 40.2 39-3 51 54 39-6 39-0 Si 54 37.4 37-0 46 54 30.4 31-0 36 56 40.5 39-6 50 56 39-2 38.7 52 56 39.0 39.1 49 56 32.2 33.0 39 58 39-9 38.8 5i 58 37-5 37-2 54 58 40.4 40.6 51 58 32.2 32.9 39 8 oo 33-0 33-5 40 -7-0 Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is 335. 90 torsion = 14'. Torsion head at I9h 25m on 23d read 34 and at 9h 40m read 28 Observers J. V. (W. J. P. axis observations). MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 141 Monday, January 25, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, January 26, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation | C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' o h m d d / h m d d O / o h m d d O / O 8 oo '48.1 47.8 22 48 -12.2 10 00 56.6 56.1 22 35 -IO.O 12 OO 55-8 57-0 23 44 -11.7 14 oo 54-2 56.1 23 43 -10.3 02 49.9 48.0 46 02 56.o 53.7 37 02 54-2 56.8 43 02 54-1 55.1 42 04 50.9 55.1 35 04 59-8 58.1 31 04 53-0 54.9 41 04 53-9 54-9 41 06 55-9 55-1 36 06 55-9 53-4 37 06 53-9 56.0 42 06 56.1 57-5 45 08 53.8 52.8 39 08 S8.t 55-8 34 08 56.0 57.9 45 08 56.1 57-1 45 to 49.7 48.9 46 10 53-8 51-7 40 10 54.6 56.1 43 10 50.1 56.9 45 12 49-2 48.2 47 12 57-3 54-1 36 12 52.6 55.0 41 12 54-1 SS-i 42 14 52.5 51.8 41 -12.0 14 57-1 54.6 36 -IO.O M Si-7 53-2 38 -II-3 14 53-2 53-7 40 -10.3 16 SS-i 53-9 38 16 58.0 54.2 35 16 54.0 56.8 43 16 55-1 55-5 43 18 i 55.0 54.0 38 18 59-7 56.7 32 18 53.4 56.8 43 18 54-9 55-3 43 20 53-9 53-0 39 20 58.1 56.1 34 20 52.8 55-3 41 20 54-6 55-1 42 22 52.2 51.8 42 22 56.9 55-0 35 22 49.0 52.2 35 22 55-0 55-5 43 24 ! 51.1 50.9 43 24 57-7 55-9 34 24 53-8 57-3 43 24 56.0 56.8 45 26 56.1 54.8 36 26 57-2 55-5 35 26 57.2 60.2 48 26 58.0 58.6 48 28 58.0 56.0 34 28 58.2 56.8 33 28 56.1 58.9 46 28 57-8 58.5 47 30 55-3 52.9 38 -II. 8 30 58.0 56.1 34 -9.8 30 54-0 56.6 43 -II. I 30 55-9 56.9 45 -10.4 32 55-7 53-9 37 32 57-9 57-0 34 32 53-1 55-3 41 32 52-8 54.8 41 34 56.2 54.8 36 34 57-0 56.2 34 34 53-1 55.1 41 34 52.1 53-8 39 36 55-9 54-0 37 36 58.0 57-1 33 36 52.1 53-1 36 50.2 52.1 36 38 54-8 52.8 39 38 57-8 56.7 33 38 52.0 52.4 38 38 48.7 49-8 33 40 i 54-9 53-0 38 40 56.3 55-3 36 40 52.8 53-2 39 40 Si.o 52.5 37 42 55-0 53-7 38 42 56.9 55-7 35 42 53-1 53-8 40 42 51-9 53 3 30 44 53-9 52.9 39 -"5 44 56.9 55-7 35 -9.7 44 53-3 54.1 40 -II. O 44 51-0 52.9 38 -10.4 46 ! 59-7 55-9 32 46 56.8 55-1 35 46 54-1 55-2 42 46 50.0 51.1 35 48 64.5 63.1 23 48 56.2 54.6 36 48 52.7 54-5 40 48 So.o 51.3 35 50 56.0 53.8 37 50 57-0 54-8 35 50 52.0 53.2 38 50 50.0 50.5 35 52 57-4 56.0 34 52 56.2 54.0 37 52 53-2 53-8 40 52 50.3 50.9 35 54 57-0 55-0 35 54 56.5 54-2 36 54 53-6 54-0 41 51-0 51.6 37 56 ' 52.9 50.3 42 56 55-9 54-1 37 56 54-5 55.1 42 56 Si.o 51.6 37 58 51.3 49.0 45 58 55-9 53-8 37 58 56.2 56.8 45 58 49.6 49.9 34 9 oo 56.9 55-2 35 -II. 2 II 00 56.9 55-2 35 -9-4 13 oo 56.0 56.8 45 -10.9 15 00 50.0 50.0 34 -10.7 02 59-7 58.1 31 02 56.3 54-8 36 02 55-8 56.7 44 02 50.0 50.9 35 04 55-8 55.1 36 04 57-3 55.8 34 04 55-8 57-0 45 04 49.0 50.2 34 06 ,55.1 54.1 37 06 59-0 57.7 32 06 56.1 57.8 45 06 48.9 50.5 34 08 53.1 52.4 40 OS 57-8 55-7 34 08 56-8 58.3 46 08 48.7 50.8 34 10 53-9 52.9 39 10 57-0 55-0 35 IO 56.2 57.8 45 10 48.9 51.1 34 12 54-0 53-9 3 12 56.1 54-2 37 12 55-8 57-1 45 12 50.1 52.4 36 14 53-8 53-0 39 -10.9 14-4 68.3 66.7 17 -9-2 r 4 55-7 56.5 44 -10.8 14 51-3 53-9 38 -10.7 16 54.1 52.5 39 16 68.6 67.1 17 16 55-2 57.1 44 16 52.0 54.5 40 18 56.0 54.1 37 18 58.1 57-4 33 18 55-1 57-0 44 18 52.1 54-8 40 20 55-2 53.3 38 20 59-2 58.9 30 20 54-7 56.8 44 20 53-2 55-2 41 22 53.0 52.0 40 22 60.2 59.0 30 22 55-3 57-2 44 22 53-9 55-1 42 24 54-9 53-2 38 2 4 61.8 60.3 27 24 55-6 57-3 45 24 54-3 55-1 42 26 _ 53-2 51-8 41 26 60 . o 58 . i 30 26 55-7 57-2 45 26 54-1 54-8 28 54-2 52.6 39 28 59-9 57-9 31 28 55-0 57.0 44 28 54-8 55-3 42 30 54-2 53-1 39 -10.5 30 60.0 58.1 30 -9-2 30 54-1 57-2 43 -10.8 30 55-4 55-9 43 -10.7 32 54-3 54-1 38 32.3 59-8 56.2 32 32 56.0 58.8 46 32 55.1 56.8 44 34 54-3 54-3 38 34-4 59-7 58.0 31 34 57.0 59.6 48 56.8 57-8 46 36 54-1 53-7 38 36 6o-5 57-7 30 36 56.3 58.9 46 36 56.7 57-8 46 38 55-8 54-7 36 38 62.3 59-7 27 38 56.2 59.1 46 38 57-1 58.1 46 40 54-7 53-9 38 40 60.2 57.5 31 40 56.7 59-3 47 40 57-0 57-9 46 42 55-4 54-7 37 42 58.9 57-3 32 42 56.2 58.3 46 42 57-7 58-2 47 44 52.9 52.0 41 -10.3 44 58.8 58.0 32 -9-2 44 57-0 58.9 47 -10.8 44 58.1 59.0 48 -10.7 46 55.8 54.0 37 46 58.5 58.0 32 46 56.2 57.8 46 46 58.1 58.8 48 48 53-2 52.3 40 48 572 56.9 34 48 55.8 56.9 44 48 56.2 59.9 47 50 54-0 53-0 39 50 58.0 57.1 33 50 55-0 56.0 43 50 57-7 61.3 50 52 54-3 53-6 38 52 57-5 56.8 34 52 53-9 55-1 42 52 59-8 63.1 52 54 55-9 55-2 36 54 58.2 57.1 33 54 53-8 55-0 41 54 61.0 64.6 55 56 54-3 53-8 38 56 56.9 56.2 34 56 53-3 54-3 41 56 60. i 63.7 53 58 55.0 54-2 38 58 60.0 58.2 30 58 54-1 55-7 42 58 56.9 60.8 48 12 00 60.2 57.6 31 -9-1 16 oo 52.9 57.4 43 -10.6 Correction to local mean time is im us. Torsion head read 28 at beginning and ending. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im 255. Torsion head at nh 4om read 35 and at i6h 30m read the same. Observer R. R. T. 142 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, January 27, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday January 27, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right 1 Left Right Left Right Left Right 1 h m d d / O h m d d / h m d d O f \ O h m d d O / O o oo 48.9 47-9 22 43 -16.3 2 OO 49-8 47-4 22 43 -13.5 4 oo 49-3 47-9 22 43 -13-0 6 oo 48.2 45.9 22 45 -13.0 02 48.9 48.8 42 02 ! 50.0 47.3 43 02 49.1 48.1 43 02 48.3 46.7 44 04 49'. 2 48.1 43 04 49-9 47-2 43 04 48.9 48.2 43 04 50.2 48.2 42 06 49-9 48.2 42 06 SO.o 47-5 42 06 49-2 45-3 45 06 47-9 45-7 45 08 50.3 49-2 08 49-9 47-5 42 08 49-1 45.4 45 08 46 . i 44 . 2 48 10 Si.o 49-3 40 10 49.8 47.6 42 10 49.8 46.2 44 10 48.4 46.9 44 12 50.8 49.3 40 12 49-7 47-2 43 12 50.1 46.9 43 12 48.3 46.6 44 H 50.4 49.1 41 -I5-9 14 49-5 47-2 43 -13.2 14 49-8 46.7 43 -12.9 14 48.2 46.2 45 -13.0 16 50.7 49.0 4 1 16 49.7 47.1 43 16 49.1 46.8 44 16 50.0 48.2 42 18 50.4 48.7 41 18 49-8 47-1 43 18 49-2 47-0 43 18 49.0 48.0 43 1 20 50.3 47-8 42 20 49.9 47.0 43 20 48.1 46.6 45 20 46.3 44-9 47 22 50.3 48.0 42 22 49-7 46.8 43 22 47-9 45-9 45 22 48.5 47-3 44 24 50.7 48.1 24 49.1 46.3 44 24 47-9 45-9 45 24 48.6 42.5 47 26 50.3 48.9 41 26 48.8 46.7 44 26 48.3 46.3 45 26 49.2 47.7 43 28 50.2 47.8 42 28 48.7 47.1 44 28 48.2 46.2 45 28 50.3 48.9 41 30 49-9 47-3 43 -IS-3 30 48.5 47.5 44 -13-0 30 48.0 46.2 45 -13.0 30 46.3 44.3 48 -13.0 32 49-1 47-7 43 32 48.9 47.5 43 32 49.1 46.1 44 32 40.9 39-7 56 34 48.8 47.6 43 34 49.2 47.2 43 34 48.9 45-5 45 44.0 43.7 50 36 48.8 47-3 44 36 49.2 47.6 43 36 48.9 46.1 45 36 49.2 48.9 42 38 48.7 47-9 43 38 49-1 47-7 43 38 49.2 46.5 44 38 49-8 47-3 43 40 48.9 48.2 43 40 49.1 47.9 43 40 48.8 46.2 44 40 49-8 47-9 42 42 49-2 48.5 42 42 48.8 47.6 43 42 48.8 46.7 44 42 47.9 45-0 46 44 49-4 48.9 42 44 , 48.7 47-5 43 -13.0 48.2 46.7 45 -13-0 45.9 43.8 48 -13.0 46 50.0 49.2 41 -15.0 46 49.0 47.1 44 46 47-8 46.3 45 46 52.0 49.9 39 48 50. 8 49.0 40 48 49.1 47.2 43 48 47-8 46-3 45 48 53-0 49.9 38 50 50.7 49.0 41 50 49.8 47-5 43 So 47-9 45-9 45 50 52.2 49.0 40 52 50.3 49-0 41 52 50.0 47.9 42 52 49.0 46.8 44 52 45.4 44.0 49 54 50.7 48.9 41 54 50.9 48.3 41 54 50.1 47.8 42 54 42.0 41.3 54 56 50.2 48.7 41 56 51.0 49.0 40 56 49.7 46.8 43 56 46.4 44.8 47 58 49.9 48.0 42 58 51.0 49.2 40 58 48.9 46.3 44 58 50.6 48.9 41 I 00 49.8 47.9 42 -14.7 3 oo 51.0 49.2 40 -13-0 5 oo 49.1 46.9 44 -13.0 7 oo 46.7 44.8 47 -13-0 02 49.4 48.4 42 02 50.8 48.9 41 02 48.8 47.2 44 02 | 47.8 45.2 46 04 49-5 48.4 42 04 50.8 48.9 04 48.3 47-5 44 04 49.9 47.9 42 06 49.3 48.3 42 06 50.7 48.5 41 06 48.7 47-3 44 06 47.5 45. o 46 08 49.4 48.2 42 08 50.4 48.3 41 08 49.0 47.2 43 08 46.7 43-6 48 IO 49.1 48.2 43 10 50.4 48.4 41 10 48.1 46.6 45 10 47.8 45-2 46 12 48.9 48.2 : 43 12 50.2 48.3 42 12 48.2 46.9 44 12 49.3 46.8 44 14 48.8 48.0 43 -14-3 14 50.1 48.5 41 -13.0 14 47-8 46.7 45 -13-0 14 53.1 50.7 37 16 49-1 47.3 43 16 50.5 48.9 41 16 48.1 47.2 44 16 49-9 47-8 42 18 49-1 47-8 43 18 Si.o 49.2 40 18 49.1 48.1 43 18 46.9 44.8 47 20 49-2 47.3 43 20 50.3 49.1 j 41 20 48.5 47-8 43 20 48.0 46.6 45 22 49-2 47.2 43 22 S0.7 49-1 40 22 47-9 47-0 44 22 44.7 42.8 50 24 49-7 47-4 43 24 50.2 48.8 41 24 48.2 47.2 44 24 44.2 42.2 51 26 49-4 47-2 43 26 49.8 48.2 42 26 48.2 47.2 44 26 45.8 43.0 49 28 49-0 46.9 44 28 49-3 48.0 43 28 47-7 46.6 45 28 47-3 45-i 46 30 48.8 46.9 44 .-14.0 30 49.3 47-8 43 -13-0 30 47.7 46.0 45 -13-0 30 47.9 45.6 46 -13-0 32 48.8 46.9 44 32 49.5 47.2 43 32 47-9 45-8 45 32 47-8 46.0 45 1 48.9 46.9 44 49.0 47.2 43 34 ! 49-9 47-2 36 50.0 47.1 43 43 34 48.3 46.7 36 49.2 47.1 44 43 34 36 48.1 46.1 45 45.1 42.2 50 38 49-3 47-3 43 38 50.3 47-0 43 38 48.1 45-9 45 38 40.1 38.2 57 40 49-3 47-7 43 40 50.4 47-3 | 42 40 48.0 45.9 45 40 44.1 42.2 i 51 42 49-3 47-9 43 42 50.0 47.0 43 42 47.9 46.2 45 42 46.1 43.9; 48 44 49.3 48.0 43 -13.8 44 49-8 46.9 43 -13-0 44 49.2 47.9 43 -13-0 44 45-0 43-9 49 ,-12.9 46 49-8 47-8 42 46 49-1 47-3 43 46 49-7 47-7 42 46 50.8 49.8 40 i 48 49-9 47-8 42 48 48.8 47.2 44 48 47-9 46.4 45 48 44-9 43-8 49 SO 50.8 47.2 42 50 48.8 47.9 43 50 48.9 46.5 44 50 48.1 40.9 49 52 50.3 47-8 42 52 48.9 48.0 43 52 48.1 45-8 45 52 48.0 46.0 45 54 50.4 47-9 42 54 49.1 48.2 43 54 47-8 45.2 46 54 45-7 44-0 481 56 SO.i 47.6 42 56 49.0 48.0 43 56 48.5 46.1 45 56 43-9 42.3 Si 58 49-9 47-5 42 58 49.0 48.0 43 58 48.8 46.1 44 58 47-3 46.9 45 I Observer R. R. T. Observers- 58m. -R. R. T. and J. V., who alternated from 7h 48m to 7h MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued '43 Wednesday, January 27, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, January 27, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d 1 ' h m d d o / o h m d d o / h m d d o / o 8 oo 47-9 47-0 22 44 -12.6 10 OO 53.0 52.0 22 36 -I I. 2 12 OO 56.2 55.0 22 32 -II.O 14 oo 56.0 54.7 22 32 -II.O 02 48.8 48.0 43 02 51.8 50.2 39 02 55-9 55.0 32 02 56.1 55-0 31 04 50.2 49.4 i 41 04 51.6 50.8 38 04 55-0 54.2 33 04 57-0 56.2 30 06 44-7 44-0 49 06 53-0 52.0 36 06 56.4 55-3 31 06 58.1 57-0 29 08 46.3 46.0 46 08 52.2 51.8 37 08 56.0 55-0 32 08 59-0 57.8 27 IO 42. gb 52 10 53-0 52.4 36 10 55.0 54-8 33 10 59-0 57.8 27 12 44.0 42.8 51 12 53-0 52.2 36 12 54-2 53-0 35 12 59-1 58.3 27 14 48.0 46.9 44 -12.3 14 53-8 52.9 35 -1 1. 1 14 55-0 54-0 33 -II.O 14 58.9 58.0 27 -II.O 16 50.4 49.5 40 16 53-9 52.0 36 16 54-9 53-8 34 16 59-0 58.1 27 18 50.0 48.7 41 18 53-4 53-0 35 18 57-5 55-2 30 18 60.5 59-5 25 20 48.1 44.0 47 20 50.7 50.7 39 20 55-5 54-9 32 20 61.0 60.0 24 22 44-7 44-7 49 22 53-9 52.8 35 22 I 56.1 52.2 34 22 60.5 59.8 24 24 46.1 45.3 47 24 52.3 50.0 39 24 56.6 56.0 30 24 60.4 59.0 25 26 44.0 41.2 52 26 53-8 53.0 35 26 55-0 54-2 33 26 60.0 58.7 26 28 48.3 47-8 44 28 53-6 53.1 35 28 56.8 56.0 30 28 58.8 57-4 28 30 47-4 46.8 45 -12.0 30 55-3 54-2 33 -II. I 30 55-4 54-3 33 -i 1. 1 30 58.0 56.8 29 -II. O 32 48.1 47.0 44 32 52.8 52.3 36 32 56.5 55-2 31 32 58.5 57.6 28 34 47-6 47-3 44 34 57-7 57-7 28 34 57-0 55-8 30 34 59-5 S8.I 26 36 50.3 49-o 41 36 55-06 32 36 55-8 54.0 33 36 59-3 58.0 27 38 53.0 52.0 36 38 51.16 39 38 55-3 54-9 32 38 58.2 57.3 28 40 48.9 46.0 44 40 51.0 50.2 40 40 55-2 54-3 33 40 55.2 54.9 32 42 48.9 47.9 43 42 54-0 53.6 34 42 55-7 55-7 31 42 52.3 51-7 37 44 46 46.66 46 49.2 48.5 42 -ii. 9 46.5 55-3 55-0 57-3 S6.o 32 30 -1 1. 1 44 ; 55-0 55-0 46 57.0 56.0 32 30 -ii. i a 54-5 53-8 55-5 53-0 34 34 -II. I 48 50.2 43.0 46 48 57-3 57-1 29 48 55-9 55-2 32 48 57-9 56.9 29 50 57-0 55.8 30 50 53.6 52.8 35 50 56.2 56.0 31 50 58.2 57.6 28 52 i 53-0 50.9 37 52 5L9 Si.o 38 52 53.0 52.6 36 52 58.0 57.6 28 54 48.0 47.1 44 54 49.1 49.0 42 54 54-8 53-8 34 54 i 57-8 57-1 29 56 50.0 48.9 41 56 53-8 53.0 35 56 57.0 56.2 30 56 58.06 28 58 50.0 49.7 41 58 56.2 56.0 31 58 56.0 55.2 32 58 56.2 56.2 31 9 oo 50.2 49.9 40 -i i. 8 ii oo 58.86 26 -11.2 1300 55-1 54-3 33 -i 1. 1 15 00 56.50 30 -II.O 02 51.7 50.4 39 , 02 58.86 26 02 . 55-9 55-0 32 02 57-3 57-3 29 04 55-0 54.2 33 04 58.2 57.4 28 04 57-0 55.8 i 30 04 57-4 57-2 29 06 51.8 49.8 39 06 57-9 56.9 29 06 56.8 55.5 31 06 58.5 58.0 28 08 54-1 53-3 34 08 59-5 59-2 25 08 56.8 55-5 31 08 58.0 57.5 28 10 54-0 53-0 35 10 58.9 57-9 27 10 58.0 56.8 29 10 57-2 56.1 30 12 54-3 52.3 35 12 59-6 59.1 26 12 58.0 56.2 29 12 56.0 54.6 32 14 56.0 54.6 32 -ii. 6 M 59-7 59-0 26 -11.2 15 56.5 55.01 31 -i 1. 1 14 55.1 53.7 34 -1 1. 1 16 52.2 51.8 37 16 57-3 56.9 29 16 55.8 54.1 33 16 55-0 53.2 34 18 51.2 50.0 40 18 58.8 58.2 27 18 57.7 56.4 29 18 55-3 54-2 33 20 50.5 49.5 40 20 59-0 58.5 27 20 59.3 58.7 26 20 56.0 55-0 32 22 52.8 51.0 37 22 60.3 =;g.8 25 22 60.8 59.5 24 22 56.0 55.2 32 24 53-0 51-8 37 24 60.8 60. i 24 2 4 60.2 59.0 25 24 56.1 55-5 31 26 46.1 45.2 47 j 26 60.5 60.0 24 26 58.0 57.0 29 26 56.2 55.5 31 28 54.0 52.8 35 28 59-3 58.9 26 28 56.9 55-5 31 28 57-1 56.5 30 30 51.5 49.0 40 -ii. 6 30 57-5 57-0 29 -II.O 30 57.1 56.0 30 -II.O 30 56.9 56.8 30 -II. 2 32 51.2 49.2 40 32 56.2 56.3 30 32 58.0 57.0 29 32 55-9 55-0 32 34 55.0 52.2 35 59-0 57.8 27 34 58.9 58.0 27 34 56.3 55-7 31 36 53-0 50.5 38 36 57-3 56.0 30 36 60.0 59.0 25 36 56.5 55-8 31 38 52.2 49.6 39 38 55-8 54.4 32 38 60.3 59.5 25 38 56.0 55.8 31 40 54.2 52.2 35 40 SS.i 53.1 34 40 58.2 57.5 28 40 56.5 56.0 3i 42 51.9 49.6 39 42 56.6 54.8 31 42 58.0 57.4 28 42 56.3 55-9 31 8 52.2 51.0 38 52.2 50.5 38 -11.4 44 46 57-0 55.1 56.2 54.3 3i 32 -II.O 44 46 57-9 57-3 58.6 57.8 28 28 -II.O 44 46 57-4 56.8 57-3 56.8 29 29 -"5 48 53-3 52.5 36 48 56.9 54-7 31 48 58.2 57.1 28 48 57.2 56.5 30 50 54-3 53-2 34 50 60.9 59-4 24 50 58.0 56.5 29 50 57-0 56.2 30 52 55-2 54-2 33 52 56.9 54-2 32 52 57.8 56.1 30 52 57-0 56.3 30 54 51.4 50.0 39 54 54-2 53-0 35 54 58.0 56.7 29 54 56.2 55.3 31 56 49.0 47.0 44 56 55-8 54.6 32 56 58.9 57-5 28 56 56.1 55-6 31 58 50.7 50.0 40 58 56.7 55-6 31 58 57-0 55-7 30 58 56.5 55-9 31 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from ish 54m to l6h 144 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, January 27, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, January 27, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation J C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Eight Left Right Left Right h m d d O / O h m d d O 1 h m d d " ' h m d d O f O 16 oo 56.6 56.6 22 30 -ii. 5 18 oo 52-5 51-9 22 37 -H. 5 20 oo 54-0 53-9 22 34 -12. 1 22 OO 57-3 56.3 22 30 -12.8 02 57-0 56.6 30 02 52-3 51-8 37 02 55-0 55-0 32 02 55-9 54-8 32 04 57-0 56.4 30 04 52-5 52.0 37 04 54-1 53.9 34 04 53-0 52.5 36 06 57-3 57-1 ' 29 06 52-5 52.0 37 06 54.2 54.0 34 06 51-9 50.6 38 08 56.3 55-9 3i 08 52-7 52.1 37 08 54-3 54-3 34 08 52.1 50.9 38 IO 56.3 55-9 3i 10 52.6 52.4 36 IO 54-5 54-4 34 10 52.3 51.2 38 12 56.3 55-3 31 12 52.6 52.4 36 12 54.8 54.8 33 12 52.5 51-3 37 14 55-5 54-5 32 -II.O 14 52.9 52.6 36 -ii. 6 14 54-9 54-9 33 -12.2 14 52.6 51.6 37 -12.8 16 55-5 54-5 32 16 52-9 52.6 36 16 54.0 54-0 34 16 53-2 52.3 36 18 55-1 54-1 33 18 53-0 52.6 36 18 54-1 53-7 34 18 54-9 54-3 33 20 55-1 54-0 33 20 53-0 52.6 36 20 54-1 53-8 34 20 55-2 54-5 33 22 54-7 53-9 34 22 52.8 52.3 36 22 54-6 54-3 34 22 56.6 56.0 30 24 55-2 54-4 33 24 52.3 51-8 37 24 54-9 54-6 33 24 58.8 s8.o 27 26 55-1 54.1 33 26 52.2 51.9 37 26 54-7 54-5 33 26 58.2 56.3 29 28 55-1 54-1 33 28 52.3 51-9 37 28 55.1 55.0 32 28 57-8 56.0 30 30 55-5 54-5 32 -ii. i 30 52.6 52.0 37 -ii. 6 30 55-3 55-0 32 -12.2 30 59-5 57-3 27 -12.8 32 55.0 54-3 33 32.3 52.0 51-8 37 32 56.0 56.0 31 32 59-7 57-9 26 34 55-0 54-0 33 34 52.1 51.7 37 34 55.0 55.0 32 34 59-8 58.0 26 36 54-1 53-3 34 36 52.6 52.2 37 36 55-7 55-5 32 36 60. i 58.2 26 38 54-3 54-0 34 38 52.6 52.3 37 38 56.0 55.6 31 38 59-5 57-6 27 40 54-3 54-1 34 40 52.6 52.2 37 40 56.2 55.9 31 40 58.6 56.9 28 42 53-6 53-4 35 42 52.6 52.1 37 -ii. 6 42 56.3 56.0 31 42 58.0 56.2 29 44 54-1 53-9 34 -II- 2 44 52.5 52.3 37 44 55.8 55-2 32 -12.3 44 57-0 55-3 31 -12.8 46 55-3 55-1 32 46 52.6 52.0 37 46 , 55-0 54-8 33 46 56.0 54.6 32 48 54-5 54-3 34 48 52.6 52.3 37 48 55.6 55.2 32 48 57-o 55-3 31 50 54-8 54-8 33 50 52.7 52.3 36 50 55-6 SS.i 32 50.2 54-6 53-3 34 52 54-8 54-8 33 52 52.8 52.5 36 52 56.3 56.1 31 52 54-o 52.6 35 54 54-5 54-5 33 54 52.8 52.4 36 54 56.9 56.4 30 54 53-6 52-3 36 56 55-7 55-5 32 56 52.8 52.5 36 56 57.0 56.6 30 56 53-4 52.0 36 58 17 oo 55-3 55-3 56.2 56.2 32 31 -II. 2 58 19 oo 52.7 52.5 36 52.6 52.5 36 -ii. 8 58 21 OO 56.2 55.9 55-6 55.6 3i 58 32 -12.4 23 oo 53-8 52.6 53-3 52.3 36 -12.9 02 56.2 56.1 31 02 52.7 52.6 36 02 56.0 55.8 3i 02 53-1 52.3 36 4 S6.o 55.9 31 4 53.0 52.8 36 04 56.1 56.0 31 04 52.5 51.6 06 56.6 56.5 30 06 53-0 53-0 36 06 55-2 55-0 32 06 52.2 51.2 38 08 56.2 56.2 31 53-0 52.6 36 08 55-4 55-2 32 08 52.3 51-6 37 IO 55-5 55-3 32 IO 53-4 53-2 35 10 55-1 54-9 32 10 52.5 Si-9 37 12 55-3 55-3 32 12 52.8 52.5 36 12 54.9 54.7 33 12 52.3 Si-9 37 14 55-2 55-i 32 -II. 3 U 53-0 53-0 36 -11.9 14 55.1 54.9 32 -12.5 14-3 53-6 53-o 35 -13.0 16 55-5 55-3 32 16 52.9 52.7 36 16 55-3 55-1 32 16 53-9 53-3 35 18 54-5 54-5 33 18 53-3 53-3 35 18 55-6 55-4 32 18 53-9 53-2 35 20 52.0 52.0 37 20 53-0 53-0 36 20 55-1 54-9 32 20 53-3 52.6 36 22 53-7 53-3 35 22 53-2 53-0 35 22 54-9 54-7 33 22 53-0 52.5 36 24 54-0 53-5 35 53-2 53-0 35 24 54-6 54-2 34 24 52.6 52.3 37 26 Si-o 50.3 40 26 53-3 53-1 35 26 53-9 53-5 34 26 53-0 52.6 36 28 52.0 51.6 38 28 53-3 53-1 35 28 : 53-9 53-5 34 28 53-0 52.6 36 30 54-0 54-0 34 -II-4 30 53-3 53-2 35 -12.0 30 i 54.0 53-8 34 -12.6 30 53-3 53-0 35 -13.0 32 55-0 54.7 33 32 53-3 53-0 35 32 53-6 53-6 35 32 52.8 52.4 36 SS-o 54-6 33 34 53-6 53-3 35 34 54-0 53-8 34 34 52.2 51.6 37 36 53-9 53-3 35 36 53-3 53-3 35 36 54-0 53-8 34 36 52.5 52.2 37 38 52-7 52.3 36 38 53-2 52.8 36 38 54-5 54-3 34 38 54-2 54-0 34 40 54-1 53-5 34 40 53-3 52.9 35 40 56.0 55.8 31 40 54-0 53-9 34 42 54-3 53-9 34 42 53-3 53-0 35 42 57-6 56.8 42 53-5 53-0 35 44 54-1 53-6 34 -II- 4 44 53-0 52.7 36 -12.0 44 58.6 56.9 28 -12.8 44 52.2 52.0 37 -13.0 46 52.6 52.3 37 46 54-1 53-9 34 46 59-3 57-6 27 46.2 53-1 52.8 36 48 52-6 52.1 37 48 53-2 53-0 35 48 59.6 58.1 26 48 53-2 52.6 36 50 52-4 52.2 37 50 53-6 53.3 35 50 58.8 56.8 28 50 53-6 53.1 35 52 52.6 52.3 37 52 i 53-9 53-6 34 : 52 59-0 57-2 28 52 53-4 53-0 35 53-0 52.6 36 54-2 54-0 34 54 59-0 57-5 28 54 53-3 53-0 36 56 52.9 52.4 36 56 53-0 52.9 36 56 59-3 58-0 27 56 52.9 52.5 36 58 52.9 52.3 36 58 54-2 54-2 34 58 59-1 57-8 27 58 52.5 52.1 37 -13.0 24 oo 52.0 51.6 38 Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is im l6s. Torsion head at oh oom read 34" and at the end read the same. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued '45 Thursday, January 28, 1904 Magnet scale erect Friday, January 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d t O h m d d o * O h m d d / O 16 oo 57.8 58.3 22 39 -20.8 18 oo 47.3 50.2 22 24 -19.4 20 oo 52.9 52.2 22 42 -19.4 22 00 53-2 51.2 22 44 -17.2 02 60.0 60.8 43 02 49.2 52.1 27 02 53.0 52.2 41 02 53-2 51-9 43 04 59.7 62.3 44 04 48.2 51.1 | 26 04 53-0 51-8 42 04 53-2 52.0 43 06 59.0 62.7 43 06 48.0 50.1 24 06 52-7 51-5 42 06 52.7 51-4 44 08 56.7 60.2 40 08 47-9 49-4 24 08 52-3 51- i 43 08 52.3 51-3 44 10 55-0 59.1 37 IO 45-3 47-1 20 IO 52.1 50.9 43 10 52.2 51.2 44 12 53-9 58.7 36 12 41.1 42.9 13 12 54.2 50.0 42 12 51.9 50-9 45 14 54.2 58.9 37 -20.8 14 39.8 41.1 II -19.2 14 54.2 49.6 42 -19.0 M 5L9 50.7 45 -17.0 16 53-0 57-4 35 16 37-5 39-7 08 16 54-7 SO.o 42 16 52.9 50.1 45 18 53-8 57-9 36 18 38.6 40.7 09 18 54-8 50.2 41 18 53-2 50.9 44 20 54-9 58.2 37 20 40.1 42.2 12 20 54.6 50.2 42 20 53.9 51.1 43 22 55-2 58.5 37 22 42.0 44.2 15 22 54.8 50.3 41 22 53-9 51-7 42 24 26 53-8 57-2 53-5 56.0 35 26 44.0 46.7 18 45.7 48.3 21 2 54.2 50.2 42 55.6 51.4 40 24 53.8 51-8 26 53-5 51-8 42 43 28 53-1 55-8 33 28 45.0 47-1 19 28 57.1 52.7 38 28 53-5 52.1 42 30 52.7 55-1 33 -20.4 30 43.0 45.1 16 -19.1 30 56.0 53-0 39 -18.7 30 53.1 52.2 43 -17.0 32 51.3 54-8 31 32 41.0 42.3 12 32 5S-3 52.1 40 32 54-0 53-3 41 34 51-0 53-9 30 34 38.8 39.9 09 34 54.2 51.0 42 34 57-7 56.6 36 36 50.6 52.9 29 36 37.1 38.2 06 36 52.7 49.8 44 36 61.1 60.2 30 38 51.2 54.1 31 38 36.3 37.2 05 38 53.1 50.1 43 38 61.3 59-7 31 40 51.8 54.8 32 40 35.6 35.9 03 40 53-9 Si-i 42 40 66.5 65.0 23 42 52.2 55.0 32 42 37.7 38.0 06 42 53-9 51-0 42 42 65.8 63.1 25 44 46 52.2 54.4 32 -20.0 44 37.6 38.2 07 52.2 53.8 31 46 37.2 38.8 07 -19.0 53.0 50.2 43 53.2 49-8 44 -18.2 44 64.8 64.0 46 65.3 64.3 25 24 -17.0 48 50.9 52.8 29 48 38.1 39.6 08 48 53-7 50.2 43 48 66.0 64.6 23 50 51.2 52.9 30 50 36.9 38.3 06 50 53-3 50.2 43 50 64.9 63.8 25 52 49-5 51-5 ' 27 52 33-9 34-8 22 01 52 53-8 50.3 43 52 64.2 63.1 26 54 48.9 50.1 ! 26 54 30.0 31.9 21 55 54 53-9 51-2 42 54 63.2 62.8 27 56 48.1 4Q.o 24 56 30.8 31.9 56 56 54.2 51.9 41 56 60.7 60.0 31 58 47.9 48.3 23 58 3i.i 31-9 57 58 54-4 52.0 41 58 58.8 58.1 34 17 oo 48.1 48.5 23 -20. o 19 oo 24.9 26.2 47 -19.0 21 00 54-7 52.3 41 -18.0 23 oo 57.3 56.3 37 -17.0 02 48.1 48.8 23 02 21.2 22.8 42 02 55-8 53.5 39 02 : 55-9 55-6 38 04 48.2 48.8 24 04 24.8 25.8 47 04 56.1 54.2 38 04 i 56.3 55-9 38 06 48.8 48.8 24 06 25.9 26.2 48 06 56.8 54.1 38 06 56.7 56.1 37 08 48.1 48.7 23 08 26.5 26.9 21 49 08 55-6 52.8 4O 08 57.1 56.8 36 IO 47.2 47.9 22 10 33-6 34-4 22 01 IO 54-8 52.1 41 10 56.0 55-2 38 12 47.5 48.3 23 12 30.7 3I.I 21 56 12 55-5 53-1 40 12 54-5 53-9 41 14 47-8 48.3 23 -19.9 14 34.0 34.8 22 01 -19.0 14 55-5 53-5 39 -17.8 14 53-9 53-1 42 -17.0 16 48.1 48.8 23 16 38.0 39.2 08 16 55-7 53-7 39 16 53-8 53-1 42 18 48.7 49.6 25 18 35-2 37-o 22 O4 18 55-2 53-9 39 18 54-5 54-0 41 20 49-0 50.3 25 20 32.1 33.8 21 59 20 54-9 53-9 39 20 54-7 54-1 40 22 49-5 50.8 26 22 28.7 30.4 53 22 54-8 53-7 40 22 54-2 54.0 41 24 48.8 49.9 25 24 30.9 31.9 56 2 4 55-2 52.8 40 24 54-1 53-7 42 26 46.1 47.9 21 26 29.2 30.8 21 53 26 55-1 51.9 41 26 54-9 54-4 41 28 46.2 47.O 21 28 35.1 36.3 22 O2 28 54-8 51-2 42 28 54-9 54-3 41 30 45-7 46.1 20 -19.7 30 34.1 36.8 22 O2 -18.9 30 54-5 51.8 42 -17.4 30 55-2 54.5 41 -16.9 32 45-8 46.1 2O 32 29.7 33.0 21 56 32 54-3 51-8 42 32 55-0 54.2 41 45-3 46.0 19 21 55 34 54-8 52.2 41 34 54-8 54-0 41 36 45-4 45-7 19 36 34-5 38.0 22 03 36 55-2 52-7 40 36 55.0 53-6 41 38 48.1 48.3 23 38 44.1 48.0 19 38 54.9 52.8 40 38 56.1 55-0 39 40 48.5 48.9 24 40 46.0 48.9 21 40 55.0 52.6 40 40 62.1 60.9 30 42 50.2 50.8 27 42 46.8 48.4 21 42 54.9 52.7 40 42 62.6 61.6 29 44 51-7 52-0 29 -19.6 44 64.9 67.8 51 -18.9 44 54-9 52.5 40 -17.2 44 6i.5 59-3 32 -16.5 46 51.1 52.0 28 46 67.8 69.1 22 54 46 54.0 52.8 41 46 60.3 58.6 33 48 51.8 52.8 30 48 75-7 78.4 23 07 48 53.8 52.2 42 48 60.0 58.4 33 50 50-1 51.7 28 50 59.2 61.9 22 41 50 53-8 51-9 42 50 61.1 58.2 33 52 48.8 50.1 25 52 43-2 52.1 21 52 53-2 51-3 44 52 60. i 57.4 34 54 46.7 48.2 22 37-2 50.1 15 54 53-2 51-1 44 54 59-9 56.7 35 56 46.2 48.2 22 56 48.4 63.8 35 ; 56 53.1 51.0 44 56 58.9 55-1 37 58 46.6 49.6 23 58 48.3 62.0 33 58 53-3 Si.i 44 58 58.7 55-9 36 20 00 62.8 79.1 58 -18.9 24 oo 58-1 55-3 37 -16.2 i Correction to local mean time is I2s. 90 torsion = 12/8. Torsion head at ish lorn read 23 and at 20h 30m read 38. Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is 37s. 90" torsion = 12/8. Torsion head at 2oh oom read 49 and at 24h 4Om read 27". Observer R. R. T. 146 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Sunday, January 31, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, January 31, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o r O h m d d o t O h m d d O 1 O h m d d o / 00* 51-3 52.0 22 41 -18.9 2 00 8.0 ii. o 23 25 -17.1 4 oo 61.2 53.2 24 29 6 oo 6o.O 58.0 23 02 -17.0 02 51-0 51-9 41 02 19.8 24.0 j 45 02 77.2 71.8 24 02 02 57-9 57-0 05 04 51-3 52.2 41 04 12.0 17.7 34 04* 36.2 22.1 | 22 51 04 57-0 54.0 08 06 51-0 51.8 41 06 14.2 18.0 36 06 28.9 14.0 23 03 06 51.0 49.9 16 08 5i.o 52.3 41 08 19.4 23.9 45 08* 54-9 36.9 23 08 45-1 44-9 24 10 50.0 50.3 39 10 10.5 12.8 23 29 10 Si-o 33-9 29 10 41-5 39-5 32 12 48.1 49.0 36 12 37-4 4I-I 24 12 12 47-5 32.0 33 12 47-3 42.5 25 14 47-0 47-6 34 -18.5 14 40.2 43.0 16 -17.2 H 53-1 38.8 23 -16.6 \ H 49-0 46.9 20 -17.2 16 46.7 47-3 34 16 42.4 44.2 19 16 57-1 43-2 16 16 39.1 36.0 36 18 46.8 41.1 34 18 40.8 42.1 16 18 61.3 48.1 09 18 42.2 39.8 31 20 48.2 48.5 36 20 37-7 39-0 24 ii 20 55.0 41.0 20 20 50.7 47-4 18 22 49-8 50.7 39 22 28.6 30.9 23 57 22 57.2 43-2 23 16 22 56.0 53.0 10 24 52-0 52.3 42 24 25 . o 26 . i 51 24 60.8 59-7 22 54 24 59-6 57-7 03 26 51.9 52.6 42 26 26.8 27.2 23 53 26 67.1 56.3 58 26 56.9 54-3 23 08 28 51-0 51-9 41 28 34-0 34.7 24 05 28 67.0 59.0 56 28 61.9 60.8 22 59 30 51-4 51-8 41 -18.3 30 37-3 38.1 10 -17.2 30 72.1 64.1 48 -16.9 3 61.1 60. i 23 oo -17.3 32 53-2 54-0 44 32 37-1 38.1 10 32 67.0 58.0 57 32 59-8 58.5 02 34 53-0 54-0 44 34 33-0 34.0 04 34 68.0 60.4 54 34 59-6 57.9 03 36 51.2 52.0 41 36 34-6 35.8 06 36 70.5 62.1 51 36 57-0 55-5 07 38 49.8 50.8 39 38 34-1 35-2 OS 38 75.0 68.0 43 38 58-1 57-2 23 05 40 49-8 50-5 39 40 35-6 36.9 08 40 73.1 65.5 46 40 65-3 65.3 22 53 42 49-3 50.2 38 42 35-4 36.9 08 42 70.0 6l.O 22 52 42 65.8 64.0 53 44 49.2 50.0 38 -18.0 44 34.1 36.3 06 -17.2 44 58.8 50.5 23 09 -17.0 44 64.3 62.7 55 -17.2 46 50.1 50.8 39 46 36.0 37.5 08 46 : 59-7 55-0 23 05 46 66.9 65.0 52 48 50.2 51.0 39 48 33.0 34.4 04 48 69.0 62.5 22 52 48 64.1 63.6 55 50 49-9 50-7 39 50 34.0 37.2 07 50 69.8 63.9 50 50 67.2 64.0 52 52 49-8 50.1 38 52 35-2 37.1 08 52 70.0 63.5 50 52 67.9 65.2 Si 54 49.2 50.1 38 54 34-3 36.2 06 54 68.5 62.0 53 54 65.8 64.0 53 56 46.7 48.7 35 56 40.7 42.0 16 56 66.2 60.5 56 56 70.0 69.8 45 58 48.8 50.0 38 58 42.0 43.7 18 58 64.9 59-0 58 58 63.3 63.0 56 I 00 50.6 52.0 40 -18.0 3 oo 35-0 36.4 07 -17.2 5 oo 64.2 59.1 22 58 -17.0 7 oo 65.9 63.1 54 -17.3 02 56-5 56-9 22 49 02 33-2 34-2 04 02 61.0 56.2 23 03 02 66.9 66.0 51 04 62.3 67.0 23 oi 04 33-0 33-5 03 04 63.0 58.0 23 oo 04* 41-5 35-2 26 06 67.0 69.6 07 06 31.3 32.0 24 oo 06 69.0 65.1 22 50 06 41.0 29.0 22 31 08 68.3 70.0 08 08 28.3 29.7 23 56 08 64.6 59.5 58 08 15.3 11.3 23 05 10 69.3 70.7 10 10 20.5 22.7 45 10 65.9 62.0 55 10.5 14.0 7.0 23 10 12* 40.2 47.8 20 12 24.2 26.5 51 12 67.6 62.9 53 12 25.5 lS.2 22 52 4 36.8 43.0 14 -18.0 14 26.8 29.2 23 55 -17.2 14 64.0 59.1 22 59 -17.0 14 36.2 31.9 22 33 -17.2 16 53-2 69.3 47 16 32.9 35-1 24 04 16 61.0 56.8 23 03 16 I3.O IO.9 23 08 18 27.4 68.9 27 18 37-0 38.2 10 18 66.2 62.8 22 54 18 14.0 ii. o 23 07 20 35.1 43.8 13 20 33-9 35-5 05 20 58.6 54.9 23 06 20 32.1 29.0 22 38 22 20.5 52.1 08 22 36.0 39.0 10 22 49.9 46.9 19 22 30.1 26.4 42 2 4 45.0 65.8 38 24 34-2 38.1 08 24 60.0 56.7 04 24 26.5 21.6 49 26 27-6 54-3 15 26 36.0 39.0 10 26 59.9 57.3 03 26 21.3 16.5 57 28 32-9 54-0 23 19 28 45.1 48.0 24 28 59-9 57-2 03 28 26.3 24.0 47 30* 42.2 60. I 24 07 30 49.4 52.1 30 -17.2 30 57-9 54-3 07 -17.2 30 31.4 29.0 39 -17.2 32 36.0 54.8 23 58 32 50.0 51.9 31 32 60.0 ^8.2 02 32 24.9 25.5 47 34 Lost 34 41.0 45.0 24 18 34 55-5 52.i ii 34 20.3 18.1 56 36* 33-1 42.1 24 10 36 30.5 31.0 23 59 36 54.2 51.9 12 36 26.8 23.1 47 38 22.0 42.O 01 38 31.4 33.2 24 02 38 57-3 55-0 23 07 38 25.3 24.0 48 40 38.0 52.3 22 40 37.5 40.2 12 40 65 . o 62 . o 22 55 40 25.2 23.0 48 42 38.0 53.0 22 42 35-0 36.0 24 07 42 01. 3 59-9 23 oo 42 24.8 23.6 48 44 63.0 7I.I 56 -17.2 44 22 . 24 . 9 23 48 -17.5 44 56.0 53.2 08 -17.2 44 22.2 2O.9 53 -17.2 46 40.2 49.8 22 46 17.2 20. 2 40 46 57.0 54.5 08 46 30.9 28.6 40 48 40-4 52-8 24 48 12.2 14.5 32 48 58.1 56.7 23 05 48 26.5 24.9 46 SO 46.5 52-4 28 50 14.8 17.0 36 50 63.8 62.3 22 56 50 24.2 23.2 49 52 57-o 64-0 4 6 52 21.8 23.2 46 52 55-1 52.0 23 ii 52 32.8 30.0 37 54 46-3 51-0 24 27 54 25.8 27.9 53 54 57-3 55-9 06 54 26.1 25.O 46 56 19.9 22.8 23 44 56 29.2 32.3 23 59 56 56.8 55.5 07 56 25.6 24.O 47 58 8.2 13.2 28 58 42 . i 46 . o 24 20 58 59-9 58.2 02 58 25-2 24.3 48 8 oo 27.7 26.2 44 -17.2 Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is im I2s. Torsion head at oh oom read 35 and at the end read the same. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 147 Monday, February I, 1904 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, February 2, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East 1 Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation ! C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d 0,0 h m d d / h m d d o , O 8 oo Lost -24.0 10 00 36.8 49.2 22 45 ^-19. 2 12 OO 47-6 46.7 22 47 -14.7 14 oo 36.2 35.2 23 05 -14.9 02 Lost 02 32.0 44.3 38 ! 02 4S-3 44.i; Si 02 35-6 35.1 06 04 42.0 45.0 22 46 04 20.2 34.2 21 04 44-8 43-7 52 04 38.2 38.2 01 06 43.1 44.0 46 06 14.6 30.2 13 06 44-9 44-0 52 06 38.0 38.0 23 02 08 46.1 48.2 52 08 23.1 26.2 16 08 47.2 45.9 48 08 40.1 39-7 22 59 10 39.6 41.9 42 10 24.0 32.4 22 10 45.0 42.9 52 IO 41.0 40.1 58 12 42.0 43.8 45 12 21.9 37-8 25 12 44-7 43-6 52 12 39-8 39.2 22 59 14 41.2 42.1 43 -23.4 14 28.0 39.9 31 -19.0 14 46.2 44.7 SO -15.0 14 39-2 38.3 23 oo -14.9 16 47.6 48.0 53 16 32.8 42.0 37 16 45.4 44.0 Si 16 37-8 37-1 03 18 Lost 18 32.3 42.2 36 18 45-2 43.3 52 18 39-9 38.3 oo 20 42 . o 42 . o 44 20 35-2 44-6 40 20 49.1 44.8 48 20 39-3 38.3 00 22 39.5 42.0 42 22 29-7 39-3 32 22 49.1 46.4 46 22 39-3 38.1 oo 24 43.0 45.2 47 24 32.0 40.0 34 24 47-1 43.3 50 24 39.9 39-0 23 oo 26 41.0 44.2 45 26 34.0 39.8 36 26 48.5 44-2 49 26 40.2 39.0 22 59 28 37.0 38.8 37 28 24.8 32.9 23 28 50.5 47-8 44 28 40.8 39.4 22 58 30 37-2 39.8 38 -23.4 30 15.1 23.5 08 -18.8 30 47-9 44-3 49 -15-2 30 39-3 38.0 23 01 -14.9 32 38.0 40.5 39 32 16.2 30.1 14 32 45-1 41.8 53 32 38.3 38.0 01 34 43.4 46.2 48 34 18.8 30.3 23 34 46.9 43.6 50 34 37-4 37.1 03 36 44.0 46.8 49 36 23.6 41.3 29 36 45-9 41-8 52 36 38.0 38.0 02 38 33-6 37.0 33 38 15.5 31-0 14 38 45.0 41.2 54 38 38.20 23 01 40 27.0 29.8 22 40 20.8 28.8 17 40 42.7 38.8 22 57 40 4I.I 4O.O 22 58 42 29.2 30.8 25 42 35-3 43-1 39 42 41.1 37.6 23 oo 42 41.1 40.2 58 44 27.2 29.4 22 -22.0 44 27-5 41.8 32 -18.2 44 42.9 39.9 22 56 -15.3 44 42.2 4I.I 22 56 -14.9 46 33-2 34-4 31 46 20.7 31.1 19 46 41.2 38.2 59 46 39-7 39-1 23 oo 48 Lost 48 22.1 31.3 20 48 42.3 39-2 57 48 38.6 38.2 01 50 37.0 40.2 38 50 27.2 38.9 30 ! SO 43-7 4I-I 55 50 40.0 38.7 23 oo 52 36.4 41.0 39 52 29.6 41.3 34 52 43.6 41.2 55 52 41.0 40.2 22 58 54 26.0 32.3 24 54 29-7 38.3 31 54 41.5 40.1 57 54 42.1 41.3 56 56 31.8 34.8 30 56 31-5 39-9 34 56 40.7 39.2 59 56 42.8 41.7 ss 58 28.0 30.2 24 58 25.1 34-0 24 58 41.2 41.0 22 57 58 45.3 44.1 51 9 oo 25.0 27.4 19 -2F.O II 00 32.3 40.4 35 -18.0 13 oo 39-7 39-2 23 oo -15.2 15 oo 44-7 44-1 52 -15.0 02 29.2 33.8 27 02 34-6 42.0 38 02 41.6 39.6 22 58 02 41.6 41.1 56 04 29.0 30.4 24 04 26.0 33.7 25 04 41-0 39-5 58 04 42.8 41.3 55 06 33.2 36.0 32 06 28.7 34.6 28 06 42.3 40.9 56 06 44-0 43-2 53 08 30.5 37-8 32 08 29.1 36.1 29 08 40.7 39.0 22 59 08 43-3 42.9 54 10 25.8 29.5 21 10 29.2 34.8 28 10 40.4 38.3 23 oo 10 43.0 42.2 54 12 32.2 37.8 22 33 12 31.0 35.6 30 12 37-1 34-8 05 12 44.9 43.9 j 53 14 57-4 62.5 23 12 -20.5 14 30.4 35-0 29 -18.0 3 34-8 33.0 08 -15.0 14 47-3 46.2 48 -15.0 16 50.6 57.2 02 16 32.4 36.9 32 16 34.0 32.7 09 16 48.2 47.3 46 18 58.0 66.1 IS 18 39-3 44-0 43 18 36.9 34-7 05 18 49-2 47-9 45 20 6o.O 64.2 23 IS 20 36.6 41.1 39 20 37-2 35-5 04 20 50.0 48.6 44 22 26 . 2 30 . 2 22 22 22 39-3 44-5 44 22 37-3 34-8 23 05 22 49-7 47-8 45 24 23.4 27.6 18 24 34.0 36.9 34 24 44.2 41.8 22 54 24 48.9 47-4 46 26 33-1 38.2 34 26 32.3 36.0 32 26 42.8 40.5 56 26 48.9 47.2 46 28 42.0 48.9 49 28 30.1 34.9 29 28 41-6 39-6 58 28 49-8 48.9 44 30 38.0 ST. i < 48 -20.0 30 33-0 37-8 34 -18.0 30 41.8 39.8 57 -15.0 30 49.4 48.6 44 -15.0 32 21.8 32.2 2O 32 36.7 41-6 39 32 41.8 40.4 57 32 48.9 48.2 45 34 15-2 23.4 08 34 38.6 42.9 42 34 41.9 40.7 56 49.1 48.3 45 36 30.2 39.9 33 36 3L5 34-6 30 36 40.6 39.9! 22 58 36 48.8 48.2 45 38 24-3 35-0 24 38 32.6 36.1 32 38 39.6 39.1 23 oo 38 47.8 46.8 47 40 32.1 41.8 36 40 25-7 30.3 22 40 39. i 39. i oo 40 47-9 47-1 47 42 32.0 39-9 34 42 23.2 28.0 18 42 37-2 36.7 03 42 48.0 46.3 47 44 29.0 37-4 30 -19-5 44 24.9 30.1 21 -17.9 44 37.2 36.3 04 -14.9 44 47-4 46.0 48 -15.0 46 36.9 47-2 46 26.1 30.4 22 46 37-9 36.8 03 46 47-3 45-8 48 48 26.2 37.0 28 48 28.9 32.3 26 48 35.2 34.2 07 48 49-1 48.7 44 50 29.8 41.9 34 50 26.3 31.1 23 SO 35.1 34.9 06 SO 53-2 50.3 40 52 31-1 42.4 36 52 23.9 27.2 18 52 32.9 32.9 10 52 53-9 51-2 39 54 32.0 44-5 38 54 23.7 26.9 18 54 30.9 29.8 14 54 53-3 51.2 39 56 27.1 37.8 29 56 28.3 31.2 24 56 32-1 31-8 ii 56 53-1 Si- I 40 58 29.0 41.6 33 58 32.1 34.7 30 58 34-3 33-1 08 58 53-9 52.2 38 12 00 25.8 29.6 21 -17-7 16 oo 55-0 53-3 36 -14.8 Correction to local mean time is + im 585. Torsion head at 7h 35111 read 31" and at the end read the same. Observer H. H. N. Correction to local mean time is 175. 90 torsion = 13/7. Torsion head at nh 2501 read 18 and at i6h 35m read 29. Observer R. R. T. 148 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, February 3, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, February 3, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East ! Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation Vx* Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right 1 h m d d t h m d d / h m d d f O h m d d , O o oo* 49.80 23 26 -20.5 2 00 32.9 36.6 22 48 -18.5 4 oo 64.3 65.1 23 35 -17.8 6 oo 48.6 51.2 23 12 -17.1 02 55- Ob 34 02 30.3 35-0 44 02 68.0 69.2 41 02 47.0 49.8 09 04 63-50 48 04 37.0 38.5 22 52 04 62.3 64.0 32 04 53.2 57.9 20 06 46.2 54.6 23 27 06 45.3 48.7 23 07 06 59.6 61.0 28 06 46.0 53.2 23 ii 08 13-8 16.5 22 32 08 46.4 48.3 08 08 61.0 62.5 30 08 38.0 43.3 22 57 10 25.00 22 47 IO 47-3 49-4 09 10 59.8 61.2 28 10 49.3 54.6 23 15 12 79.00 24 12 12 47.0 48.8 08 12 59-2 61.3 28 12 49.6 53.2 14 14 30.06 22 55 14 44.0 45.2 03 -18.4 14 69.6 72.2 44 -17.8 14 41.6 47.0 03 16* 37.o 51.7 23 29 -20. 16 48.3 49.0 10 16 75-8 78.0 54 16 39.8 46.0 oi -17.0 18 40.0 53-5 32 18 47-5 49-0 09 18 75-5 78.0 54 18 45.6 52.8 10 20 24.7 36.4 07 20 42.5 43 9 oi 20 69.9 72.6 45 20 40.6 43.8 23 oo 22 21-5 34-0 03 22 46.3 49.1 08 22 65.5 67.3 37 22 37-3 42.6 22 56 24 26.0 40.0 ii 24 52.9 55.9 19 24 63 . o 64 . o S3 24 44.7 49.3 23 07 26 20.6 32.8 OI 26 53.6 56.0 19 26 51.2 52.5 15 26 30.3 31.6 22 42 28 21.4 33-3 02 28 53.0 54-9 18 28 48.2 49.6 10 28 13.0 15.0 22 15 30 30.8 34.4 IO -19-5 30 57-6 59-0 25 -18.3 30 54-0 54.6 18 -17.5 30 52.8 58.0 23 20 -I7.I 32 38.0 39.0 20 32 58.4 59.8 26 32 48.5 49-9 10 32 41.9 49-3 23 05 34 49-3 49-6 37 34 49.6 51.2 12 34 Si.i 52-3 14 34 33-0 37-5 ! 22 48 36 48.7 49-9 36 45.6 47.0 06 36 45-6 45.8 05 36 40.3 45.5 2301 38 45-6 47-6 32 38 43-9 45-0 03 38 44-3 45-0 03 38 33-9 37-7 22 50 40 39-3 42.6 23 40 44-3 45-6 04 40 44-8 50.5 08 40 29.9 35.5 44 42 39.7 42.2 23 42 43.0 44.0 02 42 47-0 47.9 08 42 3I-I 35-1 45 44 55-60 46 -19-3 44 45.8 46.4 06 -18.0 44 47.8 48.0 08 44 29.8 34.0 43-17-2 46 63.06 23 58 46 47.8 49.1 09 46 49.8 50.2 12 -17.5 46 32.3 35-4 46 48 70.00 24 09 48 50.0 50.5 12 48 45-9 46.3 06 48 31.6 34.5 45 50* 9.2 26.5 24 23 50 45-8 46.2 23 05 50 48.0 48.3 09 50 24-7 27.5 34 52* 37-6 43.0 23 30 52 39-3 4i.o 22 56 52 48.5 49.8 10 52 17.3 21.0 23 54 27-8 34-5 16 54 44-5 46.5 23 05 49.6 50.0 II 54 15.1 18.0 19 56 21.6 25.3 04 56 48.0 49.5 IO 56 48.0 48.6 09 56 16.3 18.7 2F 58 22.5 26.3 05 58 50.6 51.6 14 58 44-7 45-3 23 04 58 29.9 31.6 41 i oo 19.3 23.0 oo -19.0 i 3 oo 49-3 50.3 II -18.0 5 oo 39-9 40.3 22 56 -17.3 7 oo 24.3 26.0 33 -17.1 O2 19.4 22.2 23 oo 02 50.2 51.3 13 02 36.3 37-0 51 02 26.0 26.6 34 04 ig.O 22.3 22 59 04 47-3 48.0 23 08 04 30.6 31.0 42 04 33-5 34-5 47 O6 27.6 29.6 23 12 06 40.1 41.0 22 57 06 30.8 30.8 42 06 30.3 32.0 42 08 I 27.3 29.6 12 08 35-0 36-2 49 08 34-6 34-9 48 08 21. I 23.O 28 IO 22.6 25.6 05 10 36.0 37-3 Si 10 35-6 35-6 22 49 10 22.8 23.0 29 12 22. 23.0 02 12 37-3 38.5 53 12 44.06 23 02 12 22.3 23.0 29 14 21.3 24.0 03 14 39.7 40.3 22 56 -18.0 '4 53.o6 16 -17.3 14 24.0 24.5 16 24.0 26.5 07 -19.0 16 42.3 42.6 23 oo 16 60.9 61.5 29 16 26.8 28.0 36 -17.0 18 24.0 26.1 06 18 40.9 41.6 22 58 18 56.5 57-5 23 18 29.6 3O.6 40 20 24.3 26.9 07 20 39-9 41-0 57 20 44-4 46.2 23 04 20 39-6 40-7 56 22 25.8 27.7 09 22 40.3 41.1 57 22 38.3 40.5 22 55 22 25.2 33 24 27.6 30.0 12 24 39-6 40.5 56 24 39-8 40.5 22 56 24 15-0 16.3 18 26 23.9 26.6 07 26 35-3 36.0 49 26 44.2 44.9 23 03 26 16.5 19.6 22 28 23-9 25.3 06 28 32.1 33-0 44 28 45-5 46.8 06 28 25.1 26.0 33 -17.0 30 24.8 28.0 08 -19.0 30 25.3 25.5 33 -18.0 30 4S-0 45-0 23 04 -17.2 30 21.6 27 32 26.6 29.3 II 32 26.0 26.6 34 32 39-7 40.3 22 56 32 22.0 22.9 28 36 21.4 24.O 16.5 18.3 23 03 22 54 i 29.3 29.6 34-0 34-3 39 47 34 36 39-3 39-7 46.0 46.3 22 55 23 06 34-1 34-6 37-9 39-5 47 54 38 16.3 I7.I 53 38 37.6 38.3 53 38 45-5 46.1 05 38 27.8 29.6 38 40 16.8 17.6 54 40 38.6 39-8 55 40 47.8 48.3 09 40 19.0 20.6 24 42 14-3 14-5 50 42 37-1 37-8 52 42 50.06 12 42 23.6 26.6 33 44 17.0 17.6 54 -18.9 44 35-0 36.0 49 -18.0 59.0 60.5 27 44 27.0 29.0 37 -17.2 46 19.9 20.3 59 46 37-2 38.0 22 52 46 56.3 57-6 22 -I7.I 46 25.0 28.3 35 48 19.8 20.3 58 48 42.8 44.6 23 02 48 55-6 57-0 22 48 26.4 30.3 38 50 18.3 19.31 57 44-7 45-1 23 04 50 52.6 53.0 16 50 28.5 31.8 40 52* 37.3 42.3! 56 52 4I.O 41.6 22 58 52 47-5 48.0 08 52 26.0 28.9 36 54 i 36.3 40.3! 53 54 47.8 48.3 23 09 54 46.4 47.8 07 54 26.0 29.0 36 56 34-5 38.1 50 56 56.00 21 56 53-8 55-0 19 56 27.1 29.2 37 58 38.3 42-3 56 58 55-3 57-0 21 58 53-0 55-0 18 58 27.5 29.9 38 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and J. V., who alternated from 7h 48m to 7h 58m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 149 Wednesday, February 3, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, February 3, 1904 Magnet scale erecc Scale East i Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'i readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time ! nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / h m d d o / O h m d d o / h m d d O / O 8 oo 28.1 29.9 22 39 10 OO 24.2 27.0 22 33 -16.4 12 OO 23.6 24.3 22 31 -16.6 14 oo 24.0 24.7 22 31 -17.0 02 24.7 26.8 34 -16.5 02 26.0 28.0 36 02 24-1 25.3 32 02 25.1 26.0 33 04 26.2 28.6 36 04 25.8 28.1 35 04 26.3 27.1 35' 04 24-5 25.0 32 06 27.3 30-3 38 06 25.0 27.0 34 06 | 27.2 28.1 36 06 25.0 25.8 33 08 29.0 31.6 41 08 26.9 27.2 36 08 27.6 28.9 38 08 26.0 27.0 35 10 27.4 31-8 40 10 28.1 29.5 38 10 27.0 28.0 36 10 26.3 27.2 35 12 24-3 29.0 35 12 26.8 28.9 37 12 27.4 28.1 36 12 26.0 27.0 35 14 24.1 29.0 35 -16.4 14 25.2 27.0 34 -i6.5 14 28.0 29.0 38 -16.8 14 27.0 28.0 36 -17.0 16 25.1 29.9 36 16 24.9 26.2 33 16 27.4 29.2 38 16 26.9 27.8 36 18 24.8 29.5 36 18 25.1 26.7 34 18 28.3 29.8 39 18 26.7 27.9 36 20 24-3 29.1 35 20 25.2 26.5 34 20 28.9 30.1 40 20 26.0 27.0 35 22 26.0 30.0 37 22 25.6 25.8 34 22 28.6 30.0 39 22 26.4 27.8 36 24 24.0 28.1 34 24 26 . 2 26 . 2 34 24 28.5 29.6 39 24 26.9 28.1 36 26 22.9 26.0 32 26 26.0 26.3 34 26 29.O 29.9 39 26 27.2 28.8 37 28 3i.o 36.7 46 28 25.9 27.0 35 28 29.1 30.0 40 28 26.8 28.0 36 3 30.5 34-5 44 -16.2 30 26.9 28.0 36 -16.5 30 29.0 29.8 39 -16.9 30 26.0 27.2 35 -16.9 32 27.2 32.4 40 32 26.8 27.9 36 32 28.0 28.7 38 32 25.4 27.0 34 34 21.8 26.0 3i 34 27.0 28.1 36 27.1 27.8 36 34 26.3 27.8 36 36 20.9 25.2 29 36 26.4 27.7 36 36 27.1 27.9 36 36 27.0 28.1 36 38 26.7 34-7 4i 38 26.2 27.0 35 38 27.5 28.1 37 38 26.3 27.4 35 40 28.0 36.3 44 40 25-4 26.9 34 40 28.8 29.3 39 40 26.2 27.0 35 42 28.6 36.1 44 42 25.2 27.0 34 42 29.0 29.7 39 42 25.9 26.8 34 44 24 . 6 32 . i 38 -16.2 44 27.0 29.0 37 1-16.6 44 28.5 29.4 39 -17.0 44 25.9 26.6 34 -16.9 46 23.8 30.2 36 46 27.0 29.0 37 46 ; 27.7 28.0 37 46 26.7 27.2 35 48 24.7 31.0 37 48 26.1 28.0 36 48 27.0 27.4 36 48 26.8 27.2 36 50 24.5 30.8 36 50 26.1 28.0 36 50 26.7 27.0 35 50 27.0 27.8 36 52 23.8 28.8 34 52 27.7 29.3 38 52 27.0 27.9 36 52 27.3 28.0 36 54 21.0 25.8 30 54 27.0 29.0 37 54 28.0 29.1 38 54 27.8 28.4 37 56 21.8 23.7 29 56 27.1 28.9 37 56 28.0 29.3 38 56 27.9 28.2 37 58 22 . 25 . I 30 58 27.2 29.0 37 58 27.9 28.9 38 58 26.5 27.6 36 9 oo 26.3 30.1 38 -16.2 n oo 26.2 28.2 36 -16.6 13 oo 27.2 28.1 36 -17.0 15 00 26.6 27.8 36 -16.9 02 28.4 31.8 40 02 26.9 28.8 37 02 27.0 28.1 36 02 26.7 27.7 36 04 31-8 34.0 45 27-5 29.1 38 04 27.0 28.2 36 04 27.7 28.9 38 06 30.3 32.1 42 06 27-3 29.0 37 06 26.9 27.8 36 06 28.0 29.8 38 08 25.0 26.2 33 08 27.0 28.3 36 08 27.0 28.2 36 08 27.3 28.2 37 10 16.8 19.2 22 IO 27.1 29.1 37 10 29.2 29.8 40 10 27.0 27.9 36 12 21. o 23.0 28 12 27.7 29.3 38 12 28.2 30.0 39 12 26.8 27.7 36 14 23.3 25.2 31 -16.2 14 27.4 29.3 38 14 26.8 29.1 37 -17.0 14 27.0 28.0 36 -16.8 16 24.0 26.5 33 16 26.6 28.1 36 -16.5 16 26.0 28.0 36 16 27.4 27.9 36 18 24 . 26 . 2 33 18 27.6 29.0 38 18 27.1 28.6 37 18 26.9 27.3 36 20 23.7 27.2 20 27.1 28.9 37 20 28.1 29.6 38 20 26.0 26.7 34 22 25.0 29.0 36 22 25.7 27.0 34 22 29.1 30.6 40 22 26.0 26.3 34 24 24.5 28.0 34 24 26.0 27.2 35 24 28.4 30.0 39 24 25.7 26.0 34 26 25.1 29.0 36 26 27.8 29.1 38 26 27.9 29.3 38 26 24.8 25.1 32 28 27.3 30.8 39 28 297 31-0 41 28 26.9 28.0 36 28 24.2 25.0 32 30 27.3 31-0 39 -16.5 30 29.8 30.7 41 -16.4 30 26.0 27.1 35 -17.1 30 25.0 25.2 33 -16.8 32 28.1 31.6 40 32 27.8 28.5 37 32 26 . 7 27 . 2 35 32 25.8 26.3 34 34 28.9 29.9 39 24.9 25.9 33 34 25.6 26.7 34 34 25.8 26.1 34 36 23.5 25.6 32 36 24.0 25.9 32 36 25.1 26.3 34 36 24.8 25.0 32 38 21. I 24.0 29 38 23.0 24.8 31 38. 26.5 27.7 36 38 25.0 25.0 32 40 25.0 26.0 33 40 23.8 26.0 32 40 27.1 28.2 36 40 25.8 26.0 34 42 27.2 27.8 36 42 25-2 27.3 34 42 , 25.8 26.5 34 42 26.0 26.0 34 44 24.1 25.8 32 -16.5 44 24.3 26.2 33 -16.5 44 25.0 26.0 33 -17.1 44 25.4 25.8 33 -16.8 46 22.7 24.1 30 46 23.8 24.0 31 46 : 25.0 25.4 33 46 24.2 24.7 32 48 27-3 29.9 38 48 22.9 24.1 30 48 25.2 20. o 33 48 21.9 24.1 29 50 28.1 31.0 40 50 23.5 24.4 31 so 25.2 25.9 33 50 24.0 26.1 32 52 25.8 27.0 35 52 26.0 28.0 35 52 26.2 27.0 35 52 24.0 27.1 33 54 20.1 23.9 28 54 27.0 28.5 36 54 27.7 28.1 37 54 24.0 27.1 33 56 24.4 28.5 35 56 25.4 27.1 34 56 23.3 24.0 30 56 24.0 27.2 33 58 24 . i 27 . o 33 58 25.0 26.6 34 58 22.2 23.2 29 58 24.1 27.0 33 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and R. R. T., who alternated from ish 56111 to i6h o8m. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, February 3, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, February 3, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East 1 ' ! Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d 1 h m d d o / e h m d d O / h m d d 1 O 16 oo 23.7 26.1 22 32 18 oo 25.6 26.0 22 34 -15-9 20 oo 23.8 24.4 22 32 -15-4 22 OO 34.0 36.0 22 23 -14.6 02 23.9 26.4 33 02 25.2 25.8 33 02 25.9 26.5 35 02 36.7 38.8 27 04 24.0 26.5 33 04 25-1 25.4 33 04 26.8 26.8 36 04 36.9 39.2 27 06 24.2 27.1 33 06 24.8 25.2 32 06 26.9 26.9 36 06 37-1 38.9 28 08 24.6 27.9 34 08 24.5 24.9 32 08 26.3 26.3 35 08 37-8 39-i 28 10 24.6 26.8 34 10 24.3 24.8 32 10 26.1 26.1 35 10 39-0 39-9 30 I 12 25-9 27.9 35! 12 24.2 24.4 31 12 25.2 25.9 34 12 43-3 46.3 38 14 26.5 27.9 36 -16.2 '4 23.6 23.8 30 j-15.8 14 25.8 26.0 35 -15.3 14 45-0 49.3 42 i-H.4 16 26.5 28.1 36 16 22.9 23.1 29 16 25.5 26.3 35 16 45-3 46.9 40 18 26.0 28.0 36 18 22.3 22.8 18 26.1 27.2 36 18 48.1 49.1 22 44 20 26.1 27.8 35 20 21.9 22.2 28 ! 20 25.7 26.0 35 20 64.1 65.9 23 10 22 26.1 27.7 35 22 21.8 22.1 28 22 25.0 25.8 34 22* 23.0 35.6 24 24 25.7 27.2 35 24 22.1 22.4 28 24 25.8 26.5 35 24 21. I 32.8 20 26 25.5 27.1 34 26 22 . 2 22 . 8 29 26 25.6 26.0 35 26 24.5 37-0 26 28 26.4 28.8 36 28 22. 22-3 28 28 25.9 26.1 35 28 18.7 31.2 17 3 26.2 28.8 36 -16.0 30 22.2 22.9 29 -15.8 30 25.2 25.9 34 1-15-3 30 18.9 40.7 25 -14.4 32 26.1 28.3 36 32 22.9 23.8 30 32 24.2 24.5 32 32 20.8 39.1 25 34 25-3 27.7 35 34 23.0 23.8 30 34 23.5 24.1 32 34 40.2 61.8 58 36 25-9 27.8 35 36 23.6 23.8 30 36 22.7 23.2 30 36 10.7 28.7 09 38 27.0 29.0 37 38 24.2 24.5 3i 38 21.6 22.2 28 38 8.2 25.4 ; 23 04 40 27.9 30.0 39 40 24.8 25.1 32 40 21. 21.6 28 40* 53.1 77.0 22 51 42 26.2 28.1 36 42 25.2 25.7 33 42 20.8 21.2 27 42 47-8 65.1 37 44 26.2 28.9 36 6.1 44 24.7 25-7 33 -15-9 44 21.0 21.5 27 -15-2 44 49.7 71-0 44 -14.4 46 26.8 29.7 38 46 24.1 24.9 32 46 20. 2 21. 26 46 49.0 68.2 41 48 25.3 27.8 35 48 24.7 24.9 32 48 2O. O 21. O : 26 48 52.2 70.3 45 SO 2S.I 27.1 34 50 24-3 25-3 32 50 2O. O 21. 26 50 53.2 69.9 45 52 25.8 27.8 35 52 24.2 25-4 32 52 2O. O 21.2 26 52 Overl'k'd 24.3 27.6 34 54 25.6 26.9 34 54 19.6 21.2 26 54 50.0 66.6 40 56 23.9 26.9 33 56 2.I 29.9 39 56 19.7 21.8 27 56 47.9 63.0 36 58 24.3 27.8 34 58 35-9 37-9 22 51 58 20. o 21.5 27 58 46.4 60.8 33 17 oo 24.6 28.2 35 -I5-9 19 oo 44-2 51.8 23 09 -15.8 21 OO 19.7 21.2 26 -15.0 23 oo 45-2 59-9 31 -14.4 02 25-5 28.9 36 02 36.3 37-0 22 51 02 18.0 19.7 24 02 45-7 60.3 32 04 25.1 28.2 35 04 37.0 40.7 22 54 04 16.9 18.1 22 04 44-5 58.3 30 06 24.0 27.1 33 06 54-9 58.3 23 22 06 I4.I l6.7 18 06 46.2 60.4 32 08 24.2 27.4 34 08 58.9 60.3 27 08 ii. 9 15-6 16 08 48.3 61.8 35 10 25.0 28.0 35 10 72. 7& 47 IO 12. I 14.9 15 IO 52.3 64.8 41 12 24.9 27.9 35 12* 31.2 42.0 56 12 II. I 14.2 14 12 53-2 64.9 41 14 24.8 27.1 34 -15.8 14 31-9 39-9 55 -15.8 14 12. 15.2 15 -15.0 M 53-2 63.9 41 -14-5 16 25.2 27.8 35 16*3 44-1 45-0 23 04 16 IO.9 I4.O 14 16 53.2 64.2 41 18 25-3 27.3 34 18 33-6 35-9 22 49 18 13.7 I7.I 18 18 53-0 63.3 40 20 25.8 27.2 35 20 31-0 34-0 45 20 22.0 26.5 32 20 51.6 61.5 38 22 26.1 27.5 35 22 26.8 30.0 39 22 36.1 46.5 22 59 22 49.9 58.8 34 24 26 26.2 27.6 35 26.4 27.9 36 2 25.7 28.0 26.2 28.8 36 37 24* 33.2 68.9 26* 15.7 53-2 25 04 23 38 *6 49-3 58.4 33 51.2 59.8 36 28 26.3 27.8 36 28 25.9 27.8 36 28.2 26.9 67.4 58 28 51-2 59-7 36 30 26.6 27.6 36 -15.8 30 26.3 27.8 36 -15.6 30* 54.2 74.0 23 09 -14.8 30 52.6 60.4 38 -14-5 32 26.9 27.7 36 32 25.9 26.1 35 32 38.2 75.9 22 57 32 51.0 61.3 37 26.6 27.1 35 34 25.1 26.0 34 34 24.8 6l.8 22 36 34 49-9 59-9 35 36 26.8 27.2 36 36 24.3 25.0 33 36 6l-3 70.8 23 12 36 50.1 59.8 35 38 26.9 27.5 36 38 23.8 24.4 32 38 50.9 58.4 22 54 38 50.0 59.0 34 40 26.4 27.1 35 40 24.7 25.3 33 40 42.9 50-9 42 40 Si.i 59-1 35 42 26.1 26.8 35 42 23.9 24.6 32 42 30.8 38.8 23 42 52.1 59-9 37 44 26.1 26.8 35 -15.8 44 22.7 23.3 30 -I5-4 44 28.0 36.8 19 -14.7 44 51-9 58.2 35 46 26.2 27.0 35 46 23.5 24.0 31 46 28.9 36.4 Ip 46 53-9 59-8 38 -14-5 48 26.0 26.8 35 48 23.8 24.3 32 48 28.6 35-9 18 48 53-1 59-7 37 50 26.1 26.8 35 50 24.0 24.0 32 50 30.6 37.9 22 50 53-2 59.0 37 52 25.9 26.7 34 52 24.2 24.8 33 52 33-7 40.2 26 52 53-6 58.9 37 54 25.9 26.6 34 54 21.9 22.9 29 54 27.7 31.7 '4 54 54-0 58.9 37 56 25.7 26.1 34 56 22 . 9 23 . 7 31 56 30-5 32.8 18 56 55-3 59-9 39 58 25.3 25.9 33 58 22.8 23.5 30 58 34-1 37-0 24 58 56.7 61.4 41 24 oo 56.7 63.1 43 j-14-5 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im 595. 90 torsion = 14/9. Torsion head at oh oom read 26 and at 24)1 26m read 28. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Thursday, February 4, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Friday, February 5, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East II Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time ' nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t o h m d d o / h m d d o t h m d d ' O 16 oo 54.5 54.5 22 36 -22. 18 oo 56.9 56.1 22 33 -17.9 20 00* 41.2 41.9 22 17 -19-5 22 OO 35-0 42.9 22 37 -15.9 02 55.0 53.9 , 36 02 57-1 56.9 32 02 40.8 41.1 16 02 35-0 42.2 36 04 54-7 53-5 37 04 57-1 56.9 32 04 40.9 41.2 16 04 37-6 46.9 42 06 54.0 53.0 38 06 56.8 56.0 33 06 39-9 40.5 15 06 46.3 54-5 22 55 08 54-4 53-2 37 08 56.5 55. 8 34 08 39.2 40.2 14 08 61.0 68.9 23 18 10 55-2 53-4 36 10 56.0 55-2 35 10 38.9 39-4 13 10 60.3 66.1 15 12 56.2 55.2 34 12 55-9 55-2 35 12 37-5 38.8 12 12 79.0 80.0 40 14 56.8 55.0 34 -21. I 14 55-9 55-2 35 -17.7 14 38.0 39.0 12 -18.8 14* 36.0 46.8 44 -15.9 16 57- o 55 i 34 16 55-9 55-2 35 16 37-3 38.3 II 16 17.0 33.0 18 18 58.8 56.0 32 18 56.0 55-8 34 18 37-8 38.3 II 18 41.8 49.8 23 51 20 57-3 55-4 33 20 56.2 56.2 34 20 37-9 38.9 12 20 63.0 77.5 24 29 22 57-7 55-9 33 22 56.3 56.1 34 22 39-4 40.0 14 22* 53-3 55.1 25 24 24 57-8 55-6 33 24 55-9 55-8 34 24 39-5 40.0 14 24 31-1 42.2 24 56 26 57-1 55.8 33 26 55-8 55-2 35 26 40.5 41.0 16 26 40.5 49.0 25 09 28 56.8 55-2 34 28 56.0 55-8 34 28 41-3 42.0 17 28* 38.5 48.9 23 21 30 57.2 56.0 33 -20. 30 56.0 55-8 34 -17.4 30 41.1 4L9 17 -18.3 30 13-5 27.7 22 45 32 56.9 55-8 33 32 56.2 55-8 34 32 41.9 43.0 18 32* 40.0 49.0 21 53 34 56.0 55.0 35 3 J 57-0 56.1 33 34 42-2 43.9 19 34 41.9 58.0 22 01 -15.3 36 55-6 54-5 36 36 57-1 56.6 33 36 43.0 44.2 20 36 51.2 62.0 12 38 56.5 55-7 34 38 56.8 56.0 33 38 43.1 44.0 20 38 50.9 60.0 22 10 40 56.4 55-7 34 40 56.6 56.0 33 40 43-5 44-1 20 40 42.5 50.4 21 56 42 56.3 55-7 34 42 56.4 56.0 34 42 43-3 44-2 20 42 61.0 64.8 22 21 44 56.2 55.2 34 -19.9 44 57-1 56.6 33 -17.2 44 42.9 43.1 19 -18.0 44 67.0 72.2 32 -15.2 46 55-1 54-3 36 46 58.0 57.3 31 46 42.0 43.0 18 46 61.4 66.5 23 48 54.9 54.2 36 48 58.1 57-7 31 48 40.8 41.2 16 48 63.2 69.0 26 50 56.0 55.6 34 50 58.0 57-5 31 50 39-7 40.1 14 50 67.0 72.0 32 52 56.7 56.0 33 52 58.2 57.9 31 52 40.1 41.2 15 52 65.8 70.4 30 54 57-0 56.5 33 54 58.8 58.0 30 54 40.4 41.2 16 60.2 64.0 20 56 57-1 56.7 32 56 59-0 58.5 30 56 39.0 40.2 H 56 62.1 67.0 24 58 57-0 56.5 33 58 59-5 59-0 29 58 31-3 33-5 02 58 65.0 69.0 28 17 oo 57-9 57-5 31 -19.4 19 oo 59-5 58.9 29 -17.0 21 00 31-5 33-3 02 -17-5 23 oo 68.8 72.0 33 -15.1 02 57-5 57-3 32 02 59-0 58.7 30 O2 30.9 32.6 02 02 69.5 71-8 34 04 59-0 58.2 30 04 58.8 58.2 30 04 30. i 32. i 22 OI 04 68.2 70.6 32 06 57-7 57-0 32 06 58.7 58.2 30 06 25.8 29.0 21 55 06 71.0 73-0 36 08 57-7 57-2 32 08 59.0 58.7 30 08 21.8 26.1 21 49 08 73-0 75-1 39 10 58.1 57-9 31 10 59-0 58.5 30 10 26.3 35.2 22 00 IO 75-6 77-0 42 12 59.0 58.6 30 12 57-90 31 12 45-8 54-5 22 30 12 75.0 76.9 42 14 58.6 58.2 30 -19.0 14 57-7 57.2 32 -17.0 14* 33-0 52.2 25 44 H 76.3 78.1 44 -15.1 16 57-9 57-4 3i 16 57-5 57-2 32 16* 15-0 59-0 24 38 16* 38.5 46.5 47 18 57-2 56.9 32 18 57-8 57-5 31 18 Lost 18 40.1 48.0 50 20 57-0 56.7 33 20 58.6 58.1 30 20 Lost 20 39-0 45-9 47 22 57-0 56.5 i 33 22 58.3 57-9 31 22 Lost 22 36.7 43-0 43 24 56.8 56.2 33 24 58.1 57-8 3i 25* 21.8 29.4 22 04 24 35-0 41.2 40 26 56.0 55.5 34 26 58.2 57.7 31 26 13.0 19.0 21 49 26 34.8 40.2 39 28 55-0 54-7 36 28 58.2 57-7 31 28* 26.8 32.9 39 28 34-0 39-2 38 30 55-0 54-8 36 -18.5 30 58.3 58.0 31 -16.6 30 22.8 28.0 32 -16.3 30 34-0 39-1 38 -15.0 32 55-5 55-0 35 32 58.2 58.0 3i 32 21.2 26.8 30 32 33-3 38.3 37 34 55-0 54-4 36 57-9 57-4 31 23.8 29.0 33 34 34-5 39-1 38 36 54-8 54-1 36 36 58.0 57-8 31 36 23.1 28.2 32 36 36.0 40.5 40 38 55-0 54.7 36 38 58.8 58.2 30 38 27.8 33-6 40 38 38.5 43-0 44 40 55-5 55-2 35 40 58.9 58.4 30 40 32.9 37-1 47 40 39-5 44-5 46 42 56.0 55.7 > 34 -18.2 42 58.2 58.1 3i 42 37.6 42.2 21 54 42 38.0 42.1 43 44 56.0 55.9 34 44 58.2 57.9 31 -16.4 44 44.6 47.9 22 04 -16.0 44 37-0 40.9 42 -15.0 46 55-9 55-4 35 46 57-9 57-8 31 46 55.4 58.0 21 46 38.1 42.0 43 48 55-9 55-2 35 48 57-5 57-5 32 48 57.8 60.0 24 48 38.1 40.8 42 5 56.1 55.6 34 50 57-5 57-0 32 50 67.2 71.0 40 50 37-9 41-0 42 52 56.4 55-9 34 52 58.2 57.6 31 52 71-4 75-4 47 52 37-3 40.3 41 54 56.2 55.8 34 54 58.6 s8.o 30 54* 47-2 57-3 58 36.1 39-0 39 56 56.2 55.8 34 56 57-5 56.9 32 56 46.8 57.0 57 56 34-9 36.9 37 58 56.2 55.9 34 58 58.3 57-7 31 58 40.2 48.0 45 58 33-7 35-8 35 20 OO 58.0 57-3 31 -16.3 24 oo 38.0 39.7 41 -14.3 Correction to local mean time is + 9s. Torsion head at 15!) 4Om read 28 and at the end read the same. Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is - Torsion head at igh ymi read 28 Observer J. V. - 53. 90 torsion = 13/3. and at 24)1 2Otn read 32. 152 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, February 7, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, February 7, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d o / O h m d d o t h m d d o / o OO* 50.2 30.2 23 02 -20. 2 OO 52.1 48.7 22 58 -17.7 4 oo 63.8 66.1 23 II 6 oo 35-2 41.3 23 03 -15.5 02 43.0 12.0 23 22 02 47-9 45-5 23 04 02 56.0 59.2 23 oo 02 36.0 40.3 23 03 04 74-5 69.5 22 12 04 43.8 40.9 II 04 54-2 56.3 22 56 04 31.0 36.0 22 56 06 51.5 42.0 22 52 06 41-0 37-9 16 06 Overl'k'd 06 31-3 37-0 22 57 08 41.0 31.9 23 08 08 46.1 42.6 08 08 52.0 56.8 55 08 35-5 40.9 23 03 10* 24.0 19.0 24 03 10 44-9 4I.I 10 IO 56.0 57.8 59 IO 34.2 40.0 02 12 59.0 29.9 23 27 12 40.3 36.3 17 12 52.8 53.2 52 12 38.8 46.0 IO 14 61.0 35.4 21 -19.4 14 37-9 34-8 20 -17.4 14 49.0 50.0 47 -15-5 14 42.0 47.0 13 -15-4 16* 55-2 17-3 03 16 40.0 36.9 17 16 48.5 49.0 46 16 46.0 50.8 19 18* 69.0 35-4 30 18 44.9 41.2 IO 18 46.6 47.2 43 18 46.0 49.7 18 20 71-1 37-3 27 20 Si-i 47-9 23 oo 20 50.0 51.0 49 20 46.6 50.5 20 22 54-3 19-0 55 22 52.2 49.1 22 58 22 52.1 52.3 Si 22 41.0 43.9 IO 24 58.9 28.0 44 24 48.0 45.2 23 04 24 51.0 51.2 50 24 41.8 44.0 II 26 53-0 23.3 52 26 54-8 52.9 22 53 26 49-3 49-9 47 26 40.1 42-5 08 28 51.2 24.0 53 28 60.3 58.2 44 28 50.2 50.2 i 48 28 37-4 38.i 23 03 30 63.2 41.5 30 -18.8 30 60.5 58.3 44 -17.2 30 48.8 49.6 46 -15.6 30 34-0 35-3 22 58 -15-3 32 61.0 43.5 30 32 60.5 58.4 44 32 46.0 46.7 42 32 37-0 39-2 23 03 34 61.0 41.6 32 34 63.3 61.8 39 34 47.0 48.2 44 34 35-9 39-0 23 02 36 60.6 41.2 32 36 53-8 52.0 54 36 53 -I" 53 36 34-0 36.5 22 59 38 65.0 46.0 25 38 51-2 49-6 58 38 51.0 51.0 49 38 36.4 38.1 23 02 40 56.2 37.6 38 40 50.7 49-2 22 59 40 SI.C* 49 40 36.0 37.1 23 oi 42 60.1 42.9 3i 42 50.0 48.8 23 oo 42 5O.O 5O.6 22 48 42 30.7 32.9 22 53 44 61.3 43-2 30 -18.6 44 49.1 47-9 oi -17.0 44 56.8 59.0 23 oo -15-7 44 26.8 29.1 47 -15-2 46 53.1 38.0 41 46 49.3 48.3 23 oi 46 56.6 58.0 22 59 46 24.5 26.3 43 48 50.2 31.8 48 48 50.9 49-7 22 58 48 55-2 57.8 22 58 48 23.0 25.3 41 SO 43.6 38.3 48 50 50.2 49.3 59 50 60.0 61.2 23 04 50 26.8 29.9 48 52 50.0 36.2 44 52 51-7 50.8 57 52 72.5 73-0 23 52 24.2 26.0 22 43 54 50.2 39.0 42 54 52.6 51-8 55 54* 25.6 35-0 37 54 35-0 38.2 23 oi 56 70.0 58.5 23 II 56 52.8 51-6 55 56 16.0 23.0 20 56 48.8 49-8 21 58 78.4 65.9 22 59 ; || 58 51.8 Si- 1 57 58 27.7 36.1 40 58 62.2 65.0 43 I 00 76.9 66. o 23 oo -18.4 3 oo 52.1 Si-4 56 -16.9 5 oo 15-7 25.1 22 -15-5 7 oo 64.0 68.3 47 -15.1 02* 57.0 45.0 22 57 02 53-1 52-5 54 02 21.4 31-1 31 02 63.5 65.0 44 04 55.9 44.4 22 59 04 52.0 51.4 56 04 28.2 37.2 41 04 72.0 73.0 57 06 52.1 46.5 23 oo 06 57-7 52.6 Si 06 22.9 34.0 34 06 56.0 57.8 33 08 50.0 40.0 07 08 53-8 52.8 54 08 II. I 21.8 15 08 58.9 60.0 37 IO 53.5 45.0 23 oo 10 54-o 53-8 53 10 I5.O 26.O 22 10 39-5 42.7 08 12 63-9 55-2 22 44 12 53-0 52.3 55 12 21.9 29.9 30 12 58.4 60.8 37 14 65.0 56.9 42 14 Si-5 50-7 57 -16.7 14 6.O l6.3 ': O7 -iS-5 14 39-9 41-2 07 -15.0 16 59.5 56.6 46 -18.3 16 52.0 50.9 57 16 9.0 17.5 10 16 48.4 50.0 21 18 56.5 48.7 55 18 50.7 49-5 59 18 I9.I 27.8 26 18 40.9 44.5 10 20 56.2 50.2 ! 22 54 20 52.4 51-7 56 20 25.9 34-9 37 20 58.3 59-9 36 22 44.1 42.9 23 09 22 52. I 51.2 56 22 18.9 25.3 24 22 65.0 68.4 48 24 33-0 31-2 27 24 50.0 49.8 22 59 24 l8.7 22.1 23 22 24 S4-5& 23 29 26 30.0 28.1 32 26 49-0 49-3 23 oo 26* 26.0 36.1 22 52 26 32.5 38.1 22 59 28 38.3 35-8 19 28 50.3 49.8 22 59 28 24.2 35.0 50 28 44.0 48.1 23 16 30 38.7 36.2 19 -18.0 30 50.9 50.9 57 -16.4 30 28.9 38.2 56 -15.5 30 37-0 47-2 23 10 -15-1 32 38.8 35.i 19 32 52.00 54 32 31-2 39-4 22 59 32 20.9 32.0 22 45 34 31-3 29.4 30 34 54-9 53-5 52 34 43.6 52.0 23 18 3* 26.0 40.7 22 56 36 34-5 32.5 25 36 56.0 55.6 50 36 48.7 60.2 29 36 32.0 40.9 23 oo 38 32.2 30.0 28 38 55-8 55-1 50 38 44.0 53.8 23 20 38 29.9 36.0 22 55 40 42.0 40.0 13 40 66.8 66.1 33 40 26.0 35.8 22 52 40 21.0 31.0 44 42 39.2 37-0 17 42 55-9 55-3 50 42 23.2 32.4 47 42 15-3 28.5 38 44 39.0 37-2 17 -17.8 44 53-9 53-5 53 -16.3 44 24.7 34.0 49 -15-5 44 21. I 29.0 43 -15-1 46 26.0 24.0 38 46 52.0 51.8 56 46 30.4 39.0 22 58 46 29.7 39.1 57 48 24.5 22.1 41 48 Si-3 50.4 22 58 48 31.7 40.0 23 oo 48 17.1 21.9 34 SO 35-5 32-2 24 50 48.5 48.2 23 oi 50 36.0 40.0 03 50 23-5 33-6 48 52 35-5 32.o 24 52 50.9 50.0 22 58 52 47-0 54.0 23 52 21.8 30.1 44 38.7 35-8 19 54 52.3 52.0 55 54 48.2 53.4 23 54 18.0 24.0 36 56 35-2 32.0 25 56 51-8 51-0 57 56 46.0 52.8 21 56 25.5 29.2 22 46 58 40-5 36.3 17 58 52.7 52.0 55 58 39-1 45.3 IO 58 15.0 16.1 21 38 8 oo* 41.0 42.0 22 18 -15.1 Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is im 335. Torsion head at oh oom read 34 and at the end read the same. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 153 Monday, February 8, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, February 9, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale H East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d h m d d . , h m d d , h m d d O / o 8 oo* 48.9 41.8 23 02 -20. o 10 00 64-3 58.2 22 37 -16.7 12 00 4I-I 45-7 22 25 -18.3 14 oo 45-0 47.7 22 30 -16.0 02 S3- 2 45-3 22 56 02 67.2 59.9 34 02 41.8 42.8 24 02 41.9 44.1 25 04 52.3 41.5 23 oo 04 64.3 55-0 40 04 38.9 42.7 21 04 42.9 44.1 26 06 46.2 34.9 10 06 63.9 54-6 40 06 33-2 38.0 13 06 45-6 45-9 29 08 I 43-7 33-2 13 08 66.0 60.2 34 08 28.1 29.3 22 02 08 48.6 49.9 35 10 48.9 38.0 05 IO 66.7 60.6 34 to 19.8 22.0 21 SO IO 47-1 48.3 32 12 50.4 4I.O 02 12 68.4 62.9 30 12 12.2 IS.2 39 12 44.8 46.1 29 14 36.2 21.3 28 -20.5 14 67.0 61.2 33 -16.4 14 II. I 22.1 43 -17-8 14 46.0 47.0 30 -16.0 16 19.8 16.5 45 16 68.0 64.3 30 16 20.7 30.3 21 57 16 48.0 49.5 34 18 32.1 20.2 32 18 68.3 64.8 29 18 27.9 31-3 22 04 18 j 46.3 49.1 32 20 35. 2 23.3 28 20 68.3 64.3 29 20 22.5 27.1 21 56 20 47-5 48-8 33 22 23.9 l8.7 40 22 67.5 64.3 30 22 21.8 29.0 57 22 47-i 48.4 32 24 29.0 21.9 34 24 65.1 63.0 33 24 10. I 20.8 42 24 51-3 52.0 38 26 50.7 40.6 23 02 26 65-7 62.3 33 26 12. O 21.2 43 26 50.3 50.6 37 28 53.1 43.3 22 58 28 67.5 64.1 30 28 II. I 22. O 43 28 43-5 44-2 26 30 53.0 45.5 22 56 -I9.I 30 68.3 64.6 29 -16.2 30 17.7 24-4 21 50 -17.3 30 45-2 45-4 29 -16.0 32 33-3 25.1 23 28 32 66.8 63.5 31 32 29-1 45-3 22 l6 32 46.5 46.8 30 34 40.9 27.6 20 34 66.0 62.3 33 34 24.1 40.0 08 46.3 46.7 30 36 40.7 30.2 18 36 64.9 61.8 34 36 28.2 45.1 15 36 46.70 31 38 44-4 33 o 13 38 49-S 47-3 57 38 35-2 49-8 24 38 49-4 49-8 35 40 46.0 35.4 10 40 56.2 52.1 48 40 35-2 49-2 24 40 46.0 47.2 30 42 43.9 30.8 15 42 61.8 58.3 39 42 40.7 52.9 31 42 45.0 46.0 39 44 40.4 23.0 24 -18.5 44 64-9 59-7 36 -16.1 44 40.6 55.3 33 -17.0 44 45-6 46-8 30!-i5- 9 46 51.2 28.3 23 ii 46 72 . i 66 . 2 25 46 33-3 46.7 20 46 49.10 34 48 57.8 38.4 22 58 48 66.7 60.6 34 48 36.2 49.1 24 48 48.7 48.9 SO 52.1 35-7 2305 50 59-2 55-3 44 50 38.2 51.0 27 SO 49.8 50.8 36 52 47.0 33.2 23 10 52 72-4 67.3 24 52 42.1 52.7 32 52 51-3 54-1 40 54 55.1 44.0 22 56 56 59.9 42.5 53 73-5 66.2 68.8 63.3 24 30 i 44-1 54-4 47-9 57-7 35 40 Ii 50.8 52.3 49-2 51-3 38 36 58 60.9 43.3 52 58 78.7 72.0 IS 58 49-8 58.2 42 58 52.7 54-3 41 900 61.7 51.2 45 -18.3 ii oo 70.2 67.6 25 -16.0 13 oo 47-4 54-5 37 -16.7 15 oo 52.1 54-5 41 -15.9 02 67.6 57-4 35 02 70.7 65.0 27 02 38.2 46.1 24 02 54-1 55.6 43 OA 57.8 47.3 Si 04 63-9 59-4 37 04 41.8 48.0 28 04 54-6 56.0 44 06 S9-7 49-9 47 06 67.3 61.9 32 06 44-5 49-8 31 06 SS-i 56.0 44 08 59-3 So.5 47 08 74-8 67.3 22 08 43-3 49-0 30 08 57-o 58-0 48 10 61.0 52.4 44 10 68.7 55-5 36 10 43.2 48.6 30 10 58.4 59-0 So 12 55-3 49-7 Si 12 70.8 58.2 22 32 12 44-8 45-5 28 12 58.8 59-2 SO 14 59-9 54-2 44 -18.0 14* 76.8 71-3 21 30 -15.6 14 42.7 46.7 28 -16.4 14 56.0 56.0 45 -15.8 16 56.3 50.0 50 16 64.8 43.2 22 O2 16 41.2 45.4 25 16 59-2 59-7 50 18 62.2 57.1 40 18 64 . 9 44 . 8 OO 18 37.9 42.2 20 18 62.6 63.1 56 20 61.6 55-7 41 20 58.8 40.0 09 20 38.0 42.7 21 20 62.3 63.8 56 22 61.3 57.6 40 22 57-2 43.4 07 22 38.8 42.9 21 22 63.0 65.3 22 58 24 59-3 53-6 45 24 64.8 43.2 02 24 35-6 41.8 18 24 66.7 69.2 23 04 26 64.7 50.2 43 26 49-3 30-2 24 26 39-2 44-2 23 26 62.3 64.7 22 57 28 54.4 44.7 22 56 -17.4 28 50.8 34.9 19 28 36.2 40.8 18 28 65.8 67.9 23 02 30 47.1 38.0 23 07 30 46.5 33-2 24 -15.0 30 32.8 36.0 ii -16.2 30 68.2 70.8 06 -15.8 32 55- 4 43-9 22 56 32 52.0 41.1 13 32 31.1 36.8 10 32 68.8 70.7 06 34 59.8 44.0 52 34 36 63.0 42.9 50 36 S4-8 42-2 S0.3 37-0 IO 18 34 36 38.0 39.7 34-2 36.8 18 13 H 68.2 69.4 67.0 68.8 OS 23 04 38 61.6 48.2 47 38 43-8 36.9 23 38 34-8 37-3 14 38 63-9 65.5 22 59 40 54-9 41-3 58 40 45-1 37.2 22 40 33-2 37-3 13 40 64.3 66. o 59 42 59.6 50.8 47 42 44.0 33.9 25 42 31-3 35-9 10 42 67.7 68.8 04 44 57-4 SO.o 49 -17.0 44 40.2 28.7 32 -14.8 44 33-8 38.2 14 -16.1 44 65.1 66.7 23 oo -15.8 46 59.4 50.7 47 4 6 33.4 24.2 41 46 35- I 37-2 14 46 62.3 64.3 22 56 48 62.7 53.5 42 48 34-6 26.8 38 48 38.6 39-8 19 48 64.0 65.8 59 50 59.8 51. i 46 50 34-4 26.5 39 50 43-2 43-9 26 50 63.9 64.8 58 52 62.3 52.4 l 43 52 36.8 22.5 40 52 44-5 45-8 28 52 61.0 62.4 54 54 63.4 55.1 i 40 41.9 28.8 31 46.6 47.0 31 63-9 65.1 22 58 56 63.3 56.6 39 56 45-5 30.2 27 56 45-1 45-9 29 56 66.7 68.4 23 03 58 66.0 60.9 34 58 45-8 29.9 27 58 44-0 45-9 28 58 63.9 65.7 22 59 1 12 OO 42.0 27.3 32 -14-7 16 oo 63.9 65.8 59 -15.6 i Correction to local mean time is + 4m 235. Torsion head at 7h 25m read 29 and at the end read the same. Observer H. H. N. Correction to local mean time is + 535. 90 torsion = 13/8. Torsion head at lih 25m read 25 and at i6h 42m read 38. Observer R. R. T. OF THE ( UNIVERSITY J SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, February 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, February 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings ; decli- Temp. Chr'r readings clccli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o O h m d d O / O h m d d o / h m d d o / O o oo* 39-5 37-1 23 02 -18.0 2 OO 43-6 43-3 22 54 -16.5 4 oo 24.0 23.6 23 24 -16.0 6 oo 31-0 30.3 23 14 -16.0 02 39-5 37-5 23 oi 02 45-6 45-3 50 02 27.3 25.7 20 02 34-3 34-0 08 04 41.5 40.0 22 57 04 46.3 45-7 49 04 30.3 29.3 15 04 33-5 33-5 23 09 06 43-5 41-9 55 06 47-1 46.5 48 06 3i. i 30.3 14 06 Overl'k'd 08 45-3 43-6 52 08 47.1 46.7 48 08 29.7 28.3 16 08 41.00 22 57 IO 48.0 47.0 47 IO 48.3 47-9 46 IO 31-3 30.3 13 10 48.3 47-3 47 12 SO.i 49-3 44 12 48.3 48.0 46 -16.4 12 33-0 31-3 II 12 50.2 50.0 43 H 52-5 Si-2 40 -17.7 14 46.8 46.4 49 J4 35-3 34-3 07 -16.0 14 50. ob 43 -16.0 16 53-3 52-5 39 16 46.0 45.8 50 16 29.4 28.6 16 16 42.6 41.6 56 18 55-6 54-8 35 18 47-2 47.0 48 18 33-6 32.3 23 10 18 48.1 47.0 47 20 58.8 58.0 30 20 46.9 46.6 48 20 41.3 40.1 22 58 20 49.3 48.8 45 22 59-4 58.3 29 22 48.2 47.8 46 22 39-5 39-0 23 oo 22 48.3 47-5 46 24 59-9 58.9 28 24 44-4 44-1 52 j 24 40.3 39-7 22 59 24 48.2 47.6 22 46 26 60.4 59.1 28 26 48.6 48.3 46 26 39.3 38.6 23 oi 2O 39.6 39.4 23 oo 28 58.3 57-1 31 28 49-8 49-2 44 28 38.6 38.0 02 -16.0 28 32.06 12 30 54.2 52.6 58 -17-5 30 49.8 49.2 44 -16.3 30 38.5 37-9 02 30 29.7 28.7 16 -15-8 32 51.8 50.8 41 32 49-4 49-0 44 32 38.0 37.8 02 32.2 33-5 33-0 10 34 36 51-6 50.8 51-3 50.8 41 42 a 47-6 47.3 46.4 45-3 47 SO 34 36 34-1 33.3 09 28.8 28.6 17 34 36 29.2 27.6 22.8 21.6 17 27 38 49.8 49.0 44 38 45-3 44-3 Si 38 26.1 25.5 21 38 26.3 24.9 22 40 48.3 48.0 46 40 44-9 44-3 52 40 20.8 20.1 30 40 27-5 24.3 21 42 48.3 48.0 46 42 43-8 43.0 54 42 20. 6 20.6 29 ! 42 23.5 19.9 28 44 49-3 48.8 45 -17-3 44 46.2 44.6 50 -16.2 44 24.2 23.9 24 -16.0 44 25.5 23.5 23 -15-6 46 49-8 49-2 44 46 41.8 41.3 56 46 28.3 28.1 18 46 26.8 24.0 22 48 49-3 48.5 45 48 48.8 48.2 ; 46 48 36.3 35-3 06 48 23.2 21.2 27 SO 48.2 47.3 47 50 46.3 45-3 \ 50 50 39-3 39-0 oo 50 28.0 23.2 22 52 49-3 48.5 45 52 42.7 41.6 56 52 37. Sb 02 52 35-3 33-3 08 54 46.0 45.6 ; 50 54 40.9 40.0 58 54 34-6 34-3 08 36.0 32.7 08 56 47-6 47-2 47 56 42.2 41.0 56 56 33-6 33-3 09 56 35-1 31.0 10 58 47.5 47-o 48 58 47.6 47.2 47 58 32.6 32.4 ii 58 37-0 34-5 06 I 00 46.6 46.3 49 -17.0 3 oo 49.8 48.2 45 -16.2 5 oo 30.0 28.2 16 -16.0 7 oo 36.5 33-3 07 -15-7 02 46.8 46.3 49 02 46.7 45-4 50 02 27.6 26.6 19 | 02 34-0 31-8 10 04 46.5 46.3 49 04 46-5 45-4 50 04 24.6 24.1 24 04 31-3 29.7 14 06 47-8a 47 06 47.2 45.8 49 06 24.1 22.9 25 06 29.0 25.5 19 08 48.2 48.1 46 08 46.8 45.5 49 08 28.3 27.9 18 08 34.4 29.8 ii 10 48.5 48.2 46 09 46.8 45.4 49 10 28.2 26.8 18 10 37-3 33-3 06 12 48.1 47.7 46 12 46.1 44.8 50 12 25.2 24.1 23 12 36.0 31.6 09 14 47.8 47.3 47 -17.0 14 45-2 43-7 52 -16.0 14 25.0 24.3 23 -16.0 14 34.0 26.8 14 -15.6 16 49.3 49-3 44 16 43-6 42-6 54 16 29.7 28.8 16 16 32.0 24.7 17 18 49.6 49.3 44 18 42.0 41.0 57 18 29.3 28.5 16 18 30.0 27.8 16 20 50.8 50.3 42 20 41.2 40.7 57 20 32.5 32.3 ii 20 30.7 27.6 16 22 51-6 51-3 41 22 41.3 40.1 22 58 22 37-6 37.0 23 03 22 29.6 27.6 17 24 50.8 50.6 42 24 39.6 38.4 23 oo 24 40.5 40.0 22 59 24 28.9 26.2 19 26 50.8 50. 6 42 26 37.6 36.7 03 26 41.2 40.6 58 26 32.0 29.3 14 28 48.2 48.2 ! 46 28 37-8 36.8 03 28 45-2 44-0 52 28 34-8 33.0 08 30 48.3 48-1 46 30 38.8 38.1 23 oi -16.0 30 47.2 46.7 48 -14.0 30 28.0 27.0 18 -iS-5 32 48.2 48.1 46 32 41.5 40.6 22 57 32 53.1 52.6 39 32 27.5 26.0 20 34 49-2 48.7 45 34 44-4 43-3 53 34 51.3 51.0 41 23-8 21.5 26 36 48.0 47.8 46 36 45-6 44-8 51 36 47.0 45.5 49 36 24.6 20. 27 38 46.5 46.5 49 38 43-7 43-3 53 38 42.5 39.8 22 57 38 3LI 28.3 IS 40 47-5 47-3 47 40 41.1 40.9 57 40 26.5 23.3 23 23 40 26.7 23.4 22 42 46.9 46.6 48 42 41.9 41.2 56 42 18.5 16.8 34 42 33.6 30.0 12 44 45-8 45-6 50 -I6. 5 44 40.6 40.3 22 58 -16.0 44 24-31 24 -16.0 44 26.9 22.0 23 -15-4 46 44-5 44-5 52 46 39-3 39-1 23 oo 46 33-3 32.5 10 46 24.2 20.2 27 48 43-5 43-5 53 48 37- Sb 03 48 34-9 34-3 07 48 35-0 31-3 10 So 44-3 43-7 53 50 35- ob 07 50 29.3 27.8 17 50 27.3 24.3 21 52 41. 8a 56 52 33- Sb 09 52 23.6 22.0 26 52 41-0 37-3 23 oo 54 42.5 42-2 55 54 31.0 31.0 13 54 19.9 19.6 3i 54 53-0 47-8 22 43 56 43-5 43-2 54 56 30-5 30-5 M 56 22. O 21.2 28 56 42.1 39-9 57 58 46.2 45.6 50 58 28. ib 18 58 23.0 22.2 26 58 45-3 41-8 53 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and J. V., who alternated from 7h 40m to Som. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued '55 Wednesday, February 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, February 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- .Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time J nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right : h m d d O ' h m d d O f O h m d d h m d d o t O 8 oo 43.1 38.0 22 58 -15.0 10 oo 55.2 53.0 22 37 -14.2 12 00 57-2 56.1 2233 -14.0 1400.5 48.0 47.5 22 47 02 40.0 34.9 23 03 02 50.0 47.9 45 02 56.9 56.1 33 02 45.1 41.5 54 -13-7 04 37-9 35-4 23 04 04 53-4 50.4 40 04 54-3 53-9 37 04 45-8 43-1 52 06 62.5 60.8 22 25 06 50.1 46.9 46 06 56.0 55.0 34 06 46.0 42.4 52 08 51.2 50.4 42 08 56.3 53-8 35 08 55-0 53-7 36 08 41.6 40.0 22 58 IO 44.0 38.9 57 IO 57-2 54-9 34 10 56.3 55.7 34 10 40.0 37.8 23 oi 12 42.2 38.9 58 12 53.1 52.8 39 12 56.1 55-3 34 12 39-8 37.2 23 01 14 54-0 52.2 38 -15.0 14 55-9 54-5 35 -14.2 14 58.2 58.9 30 -14.0 14 41-7 39-5 22 58 -13.8 16 43-5 42.2 22 54 16 57-5 56.9 32 16 57-9 57-2 31 16 38.0 37.0 23 03 18 29.3 24.8 23 19 18 61.7 59.6 27 18 55-2 55-0 35 18 40.5 39-0 22 59 20 56.5 46.0 22 41 20 60.5 59.2 28 20 53-0 52.1 39 20 42.0 40.3 57 22 58.2 54.7 22 33 22 60.4 58.9 28 22 56.0 54-3 35 22 43-2 41.1 56 24 34-2 33-2 23 09 24 61.9 59-8 26 24 54-8 54.1 36 2 4 43.8 42.0 54 26 42.0 40.8 22 57 26 57-0 55-3 34 26 58.0 56.7 32 26 45-3 43-5 52 28 49.1 46.0 47 28 59-2 55-1 32 28 58.3 57-5 31 28 49.0 48.6 45 30 43.0 40.5 22 56 -14.9 30 55.9 52.0 37 -14 3 30 57-1 55-8 33 -13-9 30 47-5 46.8 48 -13-7 32 40.2 36.9 23 oi 32 55.2 52.2 37 32 56.2 55.1 34 32 48.0 46.4 48 34 77-0 73-5 22 04 34 54-5 51.0 39 58.0 57-7 31 34 50.4 49-5 43 36 60.9 59.0 22 28 36 57-1 53-2 35 36 55.8 55-6 34 36 50.5 49-9 43 38 13-5 7-5 23 45 38 60.0 57.0 30 38 54-0 54-0 37 38 50.2 49.2 44 40 27.3 26.1 23 20 40 58.0 56.0 32 40 55-3 54-8 35 40 Si-9 51-6 40 42 52.5 49-5 22 42 42 58.5 57-6 31 42 55-0 35 42 53-9 53-1 38 44 53-0 49.0 42 -14.9 57-0 55-1 34 -14-3 44 48.6 43.0 50 44 55-0 53-9 36 -13-5 46 46.0 42.6 52 46 61.1 58.9 28 46 45.0 44.8 51 -13.9 46 55-4 56.2 34 48 49-3 45-3 47 48 64.0 61.5 23 48 56.1 55-3 34 48 57-0 56.0 50 49-2 47.9 46 50 58.2 57.0 31 50 57-9 57-0 32 50 54-8 53-8 36 52 41.9 39.0 58 52 62.7 59.9 25 52 59.8 58.9 28 52 55-0 54.0 36 54 44-2 37-8 57 54 01. I 59-8 27 54 56.7 55-7 34 54 55-4 53-4 36 56 45-2 42.5 53 56 61.0 60.9 26 56 55-0 53-3 37 56 55-2 54-5 36 58 48.1 41.0 52 58 58.1 56.0 32 58 56.8 55-3 34 58 56.0 55.2 34 9 oo 52.3 42.2 48 -14.8 II 00 58.2 57.2 31 -14.1 13 oo 59-2 57-7 30 -13.8 15 oo 57-5 56.5 32 -I3-5 02 46.6 38.0 55 02 61.8 61.0 25 02 59-0 57-9 30 02 58.1 57-3 31 4 06 43-7 38.5 49.8 43.2 57 04 56.56 49 06 58.0 58.0 33 31 So 60.7 59-3 63.2 61.8 28 24 4 06 59.2 58.8 60.9 60.0 29 27 08 43-1 38.8 58 08 58.4 56.2 32 08 62.4 61.0 25 08 60.9 59.9 27 IO 50.0 47.0 46 IO 53-0 50.2 41 10 61.8 60.0 26 IO 61.8 60.5 26 12 48.0 44.5 49 12 61.1 60.0 27 12 57-0 55-8 33 12 60.3 59-4 28 M 46.8 42.0 52 -14.8 14 60.4 60.0 27 14 55-4 54-7 35 -13-6 14 62.8 61.5 25 -13-3 16 45-1 41-9 5.5 16 56.5 55-0 34 -14.0 16 53-9 53-0 38 16 62.5 61.8 , 24 18 49-9 45-9 46 18 57-5 55-9 33 18 59-8 57-5 30 18 63.0 62.0 23 20 45-0 42.3 53 20.;. 58.5 57-0 31 20 59-1 58.0 30 20 62.0 61.2 25 22 45-0 41-8 54 22 59-5 58.1 29 22 58.2 57.3 31 22 64.0 62.8 22 24 49-2 48.9 24 62.5 60.3 25 2 4 59-8 58.0 29 24 64.9 63.8 21 26 49-1 47-5 46 26 1 59-1 57-7 30 26 58.1 55-9 32 26 64.5 62.9 22 28 53-5 50.0 40 28 56.9 55.2 34 28 59-0 57-1 31 28 63.6 62.4 23 30 56.9 53-9 35 -14-3 30 56.5 55-6 341-14.0 30 60.0 58.8 28 -13.6 30 63.9 62.0 23 -13.2 32 56.6 48.2 40 32 56.0 53.9 36 32 60.8 59.0 28 32 65.O 63.0 21 34 53-1 51.2 40 34 55.2 54.0 36 34 58.4 57-0 31 34 | 64.0 62.9 22 36 56.0 47.0 4 I 36 53-9 52.1 38 36 60.7 59-2 28 36 64.3 63.1 22 38 59.0 50.0 36 38 57-0 55-5 34 38 64.7 62.3 22 38 ! 62.9 61.0 24 40 58.0 51.8 36 40 55-7 53-1 36 40 65.3 64.1 2O 40 63.1 61.8 24 42 49-0 43-0 50 42 oo.o 58.2 29 42 66.2 64.0 2O 42 64.0 62.0 23 44 54-0 52.0 38 -14.1 44 60.3 58.5 28 -14.0 44 64.2 63.6 21 -13.7 44 64.7 61.5 23 -13.2 46 54-6 52.8 37 46 59.6 58.2 29 46 61.9 59.8 26 46 67.2 64.4 19 48 55-0 54-0 36 48 61.0 60.0 27 48 60.7 59.0 28 48 65.0 63.0 21 50 55-7 54-0 36 50 57-5 55-7 33 50 58-7 57-6 30 50 65.0 63.8 21 52 53-0 50.1 41 52 ; 59-0 57-0 31 52 55-2 55-0 35 52 63.8 62.5 23 54 54-0 52.0 38 54 1 57-5 56.5 32 54 50.0 49.9 43 54 65.8 64.0 20 56 51.6 49.0 43 56 ! 56.9 55-3 34! 56 52.0 51. i 4i 56 6S.O 63.2 21 58 52.2 49.9 42 58 57-2 55-9 33 58 49-7 48.8 44 58 65.5 63.7 20 i Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and R. R. T., who alternated from 15(1 54m to i6h 04m. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, February 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, February 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / O h m d d r o h m d d O / O h m d d o t o 16 oo 02 63.0 62.1 63.2 62.5 22 24 23 -13.0 18 oo 02 52.0 50.1 51-9 48.8 22 42 43 -ii. 8 20 00 02 55-5 54-7 58.0 56.7 22 35 32 -ii. 6 22 OO 02 60.9 57-9 63-9 61.3 22 28 23 -II. 2 04 65.2 64.2 20 04 50. i 48.8 44 04 58.1 56.6 32 04 62.9 59.2 26 06 63.1 62.9 23 06 50.2 48.8 44 06 58.2 56.7 32 06 62.0 59.0 27 08 63.7 63.4 22 08 Si.o 49-3 43 08 58.4 57-0 31 08 51-0 48.5 43 10 62.4 62.0 24 10 50.8 48.9 44 IO 60.0 58.2 29 IO 56.3 50.1 22 38 12 65.8 62.6 21 12 50.7 49-2 43 12 59-4 58.3 29 12 23.06 23 26 14 63.5 60.8 24 -I2.S 14 51.5 50.4 42 -n. 8 J4 59-5 58.2 29 -ii. 7 14 42.2 40.3 22 57 -II. 2 16 63.9 61.0 24 16 51.7 50.3 42 16 58.8 57.2 16 32.1 31.7 23 12 18 63.0 60.7 25 18 52.2 51.4 40 18 60.8 58.6 28 18*4 54.1 53.6 24 oi 20 62.1 59.2 27 20 52.4 51-4 40 20 59-9 58.2 29 20*6 48.8 28.9 22 38 22 62.1 59.0 27 22 52.3 52.0 40 22 59-0 56.9 22 57-9 43-2 2O 24 62.0 58.8 27 24 52.2 51.9 ' 40 24 58.5 57-0 31 24 50.9 35-8 31 26 61.7 58.8 27 26 50.1 50.0 43 26 58.7 57-2 3i 26 45-6 31.6 39 28 61.2 58.2 28 28 49.6 48.8 44 28 59-1 57.4 30 28 47-8 33-2 36 30 64.1 61.3 23 -12.2 ; 30 49-4 49-0 44 -ii. 8 30 58.9 57-4 30 -"5 30 44-4 3L3 40 -11.2 32 66.2 64.1 19 32 49.2 48.6 45 32 58.8 57-6 32 38.7 29.1 46 65.9 63.1 20 34 49-3 48-1 45 34 58.2 57.0 31 50.9 42.8 26 36 63.9 60.9 24 36 50.2 48.9 44 36 58.3 57-2 31 36 58.8 50.9 13 38 62.8 60.0 25 38 50.5 49.3 43 38 58.3 57-1 31 38 51.7 42.1 26 40 63.8 60.8 24 40 50.3 49.3 44 40 58.8 57-4 30 40 49-9 41-9 27 42 62.8 60.4 25 42 51.7 50.3 42 42 58.4 57-2 31 42 i 48.6 39.3 30 44 61.7 59.6 27 -12.0 44 52.4 51.0 40 -n. 8 44 58.5 57-4 ' 31 rll.4 44 54-3 45-8 21 -II. I 46 60.4 58.5 28 46 52.2 51.0 41 46 59-3 58.8 29 46 .40.0 32.8 42 48 60.9 59.0 28 48 53.0 50.0 41 48 60.2 59.2 28 48 45-4 37-8 34 50 59-7 57-6 30 50 53.1 50.0 41 50 61.1 59.6 27 50 i 39-7 3i.o 44 52 59-5 57-8 30 52 53.1 48.7 42 52 60.2 58.7 28 52 ! 28.2 25.1 22 58 57-7 56.0 33 54 52.8 48.2 42 60.5 58.9 28 54 15.06 23 16 56 56.4 55-0 34 56 52.0 48.0 43 56 60.2 58.3 29 56* 41.7 25.6 47 58 56-1 54-6 35 58 52.0 48.1 43 58 59-9 58.3 29 58 28.8 27.8 23 55 17 oo 55-3 53-9 36 -12.0 19 OO 51.9 48.2 43 -n. 6 21 OO 59-7 58.1 29 -i i. 4 23 oo* '72.3 42.0 24 07 -II. 02 56.6 55.0 34 02 51. i 48.4 44 O2 59-0 58.1 30 02* 69.0 23.1 22 41 04 57-3 55-1 06 57-3 55-2 34 34 4 06 50.9 48.5 44 50.8 48.8 44 00 59-8 58.7 60. i 59.4 04 70.4 24.1 06 72.7 38.8 40 22 26 08 57-0 54.5 08 51. I 49-2 43 08 60.6 60. i 27 08 34.0 12.7 23 17 10 55-8 53-3 36 10 51.4 49-8 42 10 59-8 58.9 29 ! 10 61.0 38.9 22 35 12 55-2 53-0 37 12 51.2 49.5 43 12 55-0 54-1 36 12 62.8 43.0 31 '4 54-0 51-6 39 -ii. 9 14 51.4 49-9 42 -n. 7 14 47-8 43.0 50 rll.4 *4 65.1 45-0 27 -II. IO 54-9 53-2 37 16 .52.0 50.6 41 16 53-0 52.3 39 16 48.8 29.1 22 52 18 54-1 53-0 38 18 54-3 52.5 38 18 73.8 62.2 15 18 37-7 19-2 23 09 20 55-9 54-2 35 20 54-2 52.4 38 20 68.8 58.1 22 20* 36.1 34-0 44 22 56.1 SS.o 34 22 54-2 52.7 38 22 68.9 61.8 19 22 59-8 45-2 23 17 2 55-6 54-3 56.2 55.0 36 34 24 26 53-9 52.2 54-2 52.6 38 38 2 69.3 61.0 69.1 63.1 20 18 24 i 72-8 58.7 26 66. o 52.2 22 56 23 06 28 56.1 55-0 34 28 54-0 53-0 38 28 71.2 64.4 15 28 68.7 54.3 23 03 30 56.0 54.8 34 -11.9 30 54.1 52.2 38 -ii. 7 30 69.3 63.1 18 -11.4 30 78.3 68.0 22 44 -II. 32 55-2 53-8 36 32 53-3 52.0 39 32 68.1 62.3 19 32* 44.8 28.2 38 34 53-4 51.8 39 34 52.4 Si.o 41 34 66.9 61.9 21 34 44-5 26.4 39 36 52.9 50.8 40 36 52.4 51.2 40 36 67.1 62.2 2O 36 44.0 27.8 39 38 52.2 50.1 41 38 52.2 51.1 41 38 66.9 62.7 20 | 38 44-7 27.7 38 40 52.0 49.9 42 40 52.9 51-2 40 40 66.2 62.4 21 40 40.9 24.7 43 42 52.9 50.3 4i 42 53-8 51-9 39 42 67.8 62.8 19 42 39.0 24.0 45 44 52.0 49.8 42 -11.9 44 55-2 53-3 37 -ii. 6 44 66.1 61.8 21 -II-3 44 41.4 26.3 42 -II. 46 51-3 49-0 43 46 55-8 53-9 36 46 65.8 61.4 22 46 41.8 28.1 40 48 5I.I 48-9 43 48 56.0 54-8 35 48 65.9 62.2 21 48 41.0 27.2 41 50 52.1 49-9 42 50 55-3 54-5 36 50 64.8 61.2 23 50 37-7 25.3 S 2 53-5 51-8 39 52 54-7 53-5 37 52 64.8 61.8 22 52 42.2 30.2 38 54 52.1 50.6 41 54 54-8 53-2 37 54 64.7 61.4 23 39.3 28.2 42 50 52.1 50.3 41 56 55-9 54-3 35 56 63.2 60. i 25 56 38.5 28.5 42 58 52-5 50.9 40 58 54-8 53-5 37 58 61.7 59-2 27 58 39-8 29.4 41 24 oo 37-9 27.8 43 -II. O Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 135. 90 torsion = 14. 'o. Torsion head at oh oom read 32 and at 24h 22m read 31. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 157 Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Thursday, February n, 1904 Magnet scale erect Friday, February 12, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d O f o h m d d o h m d d / o 16 oo* 52.2 54.9 22 38 -18.7 18 oo 50.8 52.0 22 35 -16.9 20 oo ! 41.8 41.2 22 42 -24.9 22 OO 40.8 39.2 22 44 -22.6 02 52.9 54-8 39 02 50.7 51-9 35 02 1 41.0 40.7 43 02 41.9 39.0 43 04 53-7 SS-i 40 04 50.7 51-9 35 04 41.9 40.3 42 04 41-1 39-1 44 06 53-8 54-9 40 06 51.0 52.1 35 06 41.9 38.6 44 06 41-2 39-0 44 08 53-9 55-1 40 08 51.8 52.9 37 08 42.3 37-1 44 08 41.1 38.9 44 10 52.8 54.2 38 10 52.0 53-5 37 10 41.8 37.0 45 10 40.9 38.2 45 12 Si-9 53-2 37 12 51.8 53-4 37 12 41.9 37.4 45 12 40.8 38.0 45 14 Si-i 53-0 36 r-l8.2 14 51-7 53-8 37 -16.9 14 41.8 37.2 45 -24.0 14 40.0 38.0 46 -22.5 16 50.8 52.3 35 16 51-7 54-1 38 16 42.0 37- i 45 16 41.1 38.0 45 18 49-9 52.2 34 18 Si-7 54-1 38 18 42-4 37-7 44 18 41.1 39-0 44 20 49-3 Si-2 33 20 51-7 54-0 37 20 42.2 37.6 44 20 41.0 39.0 44 22 49-1 51-3 33 22 Si- i 53-2 36 22 42.3 37-8 44 22 41.0 39.4 44 24 49-2 Si-7 34 2 4 50.2 52.3 35 24 ' 42.9 38.2 43 24 40.9 39-5 44 26 49-2 51.4 34 26 50.2 52.1 35 26 42.9 38.2 43 26 40-9 39-9 43 28 49-6 51.6 34 28 50.1 52.0 35 28 42.8 38.7 43 28 4I-I 39-9 43 30 49-3 50.8 33 -17.9 30 50.1 51.8 34 -17.0 30 42.6 39.0 43 -23 9 30 41.9 40.2 42 -22.4 32 49-2 51-0 33 32 50.1 51.2 34 32 42.8 39.0 42 32 43-0 40.5 41 49.0 50.8 33 34 50.2 52.1 35 34 42.8 39.0 I 42 34 43-2 40.4 41 36 49-2 50.8 33 36 50.7 Si-9 35 36 42.3 39.1 43 36 43-8 40.9 40 38 49-7 50.8 33 38 50.5 51-8, 35 38 41.8 38.8- 43 38 43.9 41.0 40 40 50.2 51.0 34 40 50-2 51.3 34 40 41.1 39.0 44 40 44.8 41.8 39 42 50.5 Si.o 34 42 49-7 50.9 34 42 41.0 38.7 1 44 42 44.8 41.2 39 44 50.7 5i-i 34 -17-7 44 49.2 50.2 32 -17.0 44 41.1 38.6 44 -23.6 44 45-2 41-7 39 -22.2 46 50-3 Si-i 34 46 49-6 51-2 34 46 41-5 37-9 44 46 46.0 41.0 38 48 50.1 50.8 34 48 49-8 51-3 34 48 42.0 38.1 44 48 46.0 40.9 39 50 50.9 51-4 35 50 50-1 51-7 34 50 42.4 38.8 43 50 46.0 41.0 38 52 52.1 52.3 36 52 50.2 51.9 35 52 42.7 38.7 43 52 45.6 42.0 38 52.9 53-3 38 54 51.3 52.6 36 54 1 42-1 38.1 44 54 42-3 42.0 41 56 54-3 54-8 40 56 Si-8 52-9 37 56 j 41.5 38.1 44 56 Bear 58 55-3 55-8 42 58 52.0 52.9 37 58 j 41.2 38.0 44 58 outside 17 oo 55-2 55.8 42 -17-3 19 oo 51-8 52.9 37 -17.0 21 OO i 40.9 37.8 45 -23-4 23 oo 45-8 42.3 38 -22. I 02 54-1 54-9 40 02 Si-9 53-0 37 02 40.0 38.1 46 02 45-6 43-1 37 04 54-3 55-3 41 04 52.4 53-8 38 04 40.7 38.4 45 04-3 45-3 43-2 37 06 54-1 55.5 41 06 52.8 54.2 38 06 40.9 39-0 44 06 45-0 43-3 37 08 54-5 55-3 41 08 53-0 54-7 39 08 41.0 39-9 43 08 45.0 43.0 38 10 54-5 55-4 41 10 52-7 54-1 38 10 41.0 40.0 43 10 44-8 43-8 37 12 53-8 54-7 40 12 52-6 54-0 38 12 40.8 39.4 44 12.5 44-3 42.5 39 14 53-9 54-7 40 -I7.I 14 52.0 52.9 37 -17.0 14 40.5 39-2 44 -23.2 14 44.1 43.0 38 -22. 16 54-0 54-6 40 16 50.8 52.0 35 16 41.0 38.8 44 16 43-7 43-7 38 18 55-1 56.0 42 18 50.8 51.7 35 18 40.7 37-4 46 18 44-0 43-6 38 20 55-2 56.0 42 20 50.1 50.9 34 20 40.0 37.0 46 20 Overl'k'd 22 52-9 54-1 38 22 49-7 50.5 33 22 40.5 37-8 45 22 40.8 40.2 43 24 52.9 53-5 38 2 4 49-7 50.3 33 24 40.8 38.0 45 24 41.8 42.3 41 26 54-9 55-3 41 26 48.1 48.8 30 26 40.2 37.8 46 26 48.5 47-8 31 28 54-7 55-2 41 28 48.0 48.3 30 28 39.9 39-0 45 28 49-0 47-4 31 30 53-2 54.4 39 -17.0 30 46.0 46.0 27 -17.0 30 38.9 38.4 46 -23.0 30 49-0 47-3 31 -22.2 32 53-3 54-5 39 32 44.0 45-0 24 32 38.8 37-4. 47 32 49.8 48.2 30 34 53-2 54-2 39 34 42.1 50.7 22 27 34 38.1 37.8 47 34 49 . 8 48 . i 30 36 52-2 53.2 37 36* 49-5 59-8 24 II 36 38.9 38.3 46 36 50.0 48.0 30 38 52.2 53.2 37 38* 27.6 48.7 57 38 39-0 38.2 46 38 50.0 48.2 30 40 52.5 53-8 38 40 6.7 32.9 28 40 40.3 38.2 45 40 Lost 42 52.8 53-7 38 42* 36.3 73-8 28 42 39.1 38.8 46 42 on 44 52.5 53-1 37 -l6.9 44 27.6 52.6 24 05 -17.0 44 39-5 38.9 45 -22.9 44 account 46 52-7 53-0 37 46 ii. 2 34.1 23 37 46 39-1 38.9 46 46 of 48 52.3 53-1 37 48 23-7 37-8 50 48 39-1 38.4 46 48 bear 50 51-9 52.8 37 50 17-5 38.1 23 46 50 39.8 38.4 45 50 46.9 45-3 34 52 51.2 52.0 36 52* 41-4 74-3 25 10 52 40.4 39.0 44 52 43-o 41.8 40 54 Si-i 51.9 35 54 28.7 48.5 24 40 54 40.0 38.6 45 54 41.8 38.7 44 56 50.8 51.8 35 56 50.2 67.8 25 12 56 40.2 39.1 45 56 37-5 33-1 Si 58 50.7 51.8 35 58 71.9 76.8 36 58 40.3 39-0 45 58 39-9 32-0 50 20 00* 13.1 21.3 II -17.0 24 oo 40.1 31.2 Si -22.5 Correction to local mean time is 475. Torsion head at ish 30111 read 30 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im I2s. Torsion head at igh 30m read 28 and at the end read the same. Observer J. V. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, February 14, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, February 14, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Clir'r readings decli-. Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right 1 Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O ' h m d d h m d d o / h m d d i O o oo 39.7 42.0 22 49 2 OO 31.9 32.1 22 35 -15.7 4 00.4 61.1 58.4 23 oo 6 oo 45-5 45-0 23 23 -13.1 02 40.8 41.9 50 -19.0 02 34.8 34.9 ^o 02 61.0 58.5 23 oo 02 40.0 38.0 32 04 41.0 42.7 51 04 37-0 37-4 44 04 61.5 59-0 22 59 04.4 40.0 39.5 31 06 42.0 43.0 j 52 06 38.1 38.4 45 06 60.8 w.o 23 oo 06 42.4 42.0 28 08 41.8 43.0 52 08 39.0 39.6 47 08 58.8 57-0 03 08 34-1 34.0 40 10 40.8 42.0 50 10 39.8 40.2 48 10 58.0 56.1 04 10 33.9 32.0 42 12 42.2 42.7 52 12 39.0 40.0 47 12 60.6 50.0 oo 12 42.2 4O.6 29 14 43.0 43.8 53 -18.0 14 36.0 37-0 42 -15-2 14 59-8 58.3 01 -13-0 14-5 33-0 32.0 23 43 -13-2 16 42-9 43-6 53 16 37.9 39.0 45 16 60.9 59.0 00 16 21.8 20.9 24 oo 18 42.1 43.0 52 18 41.2 41.0 50 18 60.5 59-0 23 oo 18 28.00 23 50 20 40.8 41-5 SO 20 40.4 41.0 49 20 63.0 61.8 22 56 20 60. I 58.2 OI 22 39.9 4O.8 48 22 40.3 40.9 49 22 64.7 63.0 54 22 50.1 49-2 16 24 37-9 38.5 45 24 40.4 40.6 49 24 64.7 63.0 54 24 41.8 40.9 29 26 42.8 43-5 53 26 38.0 38.1 45 26 62.1 60.9 57 26 26.8 25.2 53 28 43-0 44-0 53 28 37.9 38.0 45 28 61.2 60.0 22 59 28 36.1 34-8 38 30 42-8 43-2 S3 -17-7 30 37-8 38.0 45 30 59-1 58.1 23 02 -13.1 30 44-3 43-7 25 -13.1 32 41.9 42.9 52 32 37.1 37.6 44 32 57-5 56.8 04 32 48.7 47-7 18 34 43.6 44-4 54 34 37-7 37-9 44 34 59.0 58.2 02 34 57.0 48.0 ii 36 44-9 45-7 56 36 37.0 37.2 43 36 58.0 57.4 03 36 49.6 48.9 16 38 44.1 45.8 56 38 35-4 35-6 4< 38 58.5 58.0 O2 38 35.0 33-1 40 40 45-2 45.8 56 40 34.2 34.2 39 40 58.7 57-8 02 40 34-2 33-0 41 42 44.0 44.4 54 42 34.4 34.7 39 42 60.0 59.2 23 oo 42 53-3 40.0 13 44 42-3 42.8 52 -17-5 44 35.8 36.0 41 44 61.0 60.0 22 59 -13.1 44 55-5 48.0 23 12 -13.0 46 41-3 41-8 So 46 35-3 35-9 4i -15-0 46 56.4 54-8 23 06 46 62.0 60.8 22 57 48 40.7 41.0 49 48 34-0 34-5 39 48 56.0 54.0 07 48 63.0 61.5 56 50 41.9 42.0 51 50 35. 8 36.0 41 50 55-7 53-8 08 50 63 . i 61 . i 56 52 45-2 45-8 57 52 36.0 36.8 42 52 52.0 50.4 13 52 69.2 67.6 , 46 54 46.0 46.9 58 54 36.0 36.2 42 54 5L9 49-7 14 54 67.8 66. < 48 ^ 56 44.9 45.1 56 56 36.8 37-0 43 56 50.0 48.5 16 56 63.0 61.8 56 58 42.1 42.5 52 58 37-3 37-8 44 58 57-0 55-2 06 58 69.7 69.0 45 I OO 39.0 39.2 46 -17.0 ; 3 00 37-0 37-4 44 -14-9 5 oo 57-0 55.1 06 -13.1 7 oo 74.0 72.0 39 -13.0 02 37-1 37-4 44 02 37-1 37.3 44 02 59.0 57.2 02 02 62.8 62.0 22 56 04 35.8 36.0 41 04 36.9 37.1 43 04 60.2 58.9 00 04 53-9 51-9 23 ii 06 33-9 34-0 38 06 38.7 39-0 46 06 60.2 59.2 23 oo 06 56.0 54.4 23 07 08 32.0 32.5 36 08 36.0 36.8 42 08 61.7 60.9 22 57 08 61.4 50.8 22 59 10 32.5 32.8 36 10 37-2 37-9 44 10 64.0 63.2 54 10 62.8 60.3 22 57 12 33-7 33-8 38 12 31. 6 32.2 35 12 63.3 62.1 22 55 12 58.0 56.9 23 04 14 33.8 34.0 38 -16.8 M 29.6 30.1 32 -14-7 14 57-8 56.9 23 04 -13.2 14 59.1 56.1 : 03 -13.0 16 32.9 33-1 37 10 31.9 32.0 35 T6 54.1 53-0 ro 16 57.2 54.0 06 18 31-7 31-9 35 18 35-4 35-5 41 18 51-5 54-0 09 18 53.0 52.9 ii 20 29.9 30.1 32 | 20 36.5 36.9 43 20 56.0 55.9 06 20 57.6 55.7 : 05 22 30.4 3i.o 33 22 36.9 37-3 43 22 54.0 53.0 TO 22 59.9 58.9 oo 24 31-0 31-5 34 24 36.9 37-3 43 24 52.0 50.0 14 24 60.0 57.9 23 or 26 33-2 33-7 38 26 37.5 38.0 44 26 50.2 48.8 16 26 63.1 6l.8 22 56 28 34.9 35.1 40 28 36.8 37.7 44 28 46.0 45.2 22 28 66.0 63.7 52 30 36.0 37.0 42 -16.3 30 35.2 36.0 41 -14-3 30 44.2 43.3 25 -T3-2 30 63.9 62.0 22 55 12.9 32 38.0 38.0 45 32 35-0 35-3 40 32 46.0 45.0 22 32 61.3 58.8 23 oo 34 39-1 39-8 47 34 34-9 35-2 40 34 42.8 41.9 27 34 64.3 62.0 22 55 36 40.8 40.0 49 36 34.0 34-9 39 36 43-2 42. T 27 36 72.9 72.0 40 38 40.1 40.2 48 38 34.4 35. o 40 38 41.0 40.0 30 38 76.8 75-2 34 40 40.4 41.0 49 40 35-0 35-3 40 40 45-0 43.5 24 40 71.0 70.0 42 42 41.5 42.1 Si 42 36.3 37-0 43 42 43.9 42.2 26 42 64.0 62.0 55 44 40.8 41.0 49 ; -i6.o 44 38.0 39.1 46 -14.0 44 44.0 43.8 25 -13-2 44 65.0 62.9 53 -12.8 46 39.9 40.3 48 46 42.3 42.9 52 46 44.0 43.0 25 46 64.8 62.9 54 48 40.0 40.5 48 48 43-0 43-4 53 48 37-1 36.3 36 48 63.8 60.8 i 56 SO 39.2 40.0 47 50 44.8 45-2 56 50 39- i 37-3 34 50 60. i 60. 1 59 52 37-0 37-8 44 52 44.9 45.4 56 52 4S.o 44.3 24 52.5 62.2 61.2 57 54 34.0 35.0 39 54 45.9 46.2 57 54 47.0 46.1 21 54 61.9 61.0 22 57 56 32.0 32.2 36 56 46.2 47.0 22 58 56 43.0 42.2 27 56.5 53-4 52.0 23 n 58 30.8 31-2 34 58 46.9 48.0 23 oo 58 ; 42.O 42.O 28 58 52.5 22 56 8 oo 62.8 59-9 57 -12.6 ; ; : 1 Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is Torsion head at oh oom read 30' Observer J. V. - im 40S. 90 torsion = and at oh 55111 read 39". 9/7- MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued '59 Monday, February 15, 1904 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, February 16, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale i East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation ; C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d , D h m d d ' h m d d / h m d d O ' O 8 oo* 38.7 38.9 23 33 -24.O IO OO 31.6 35.8 22 32 -20-5 12 00 6V). 6 66.8 21 54 -25.8 14 oo 56-6 55-5 22 13 -23-4 02 34.6 3Q.O 30 O2 29-2 33.3 28 02 68.7 66.7 21 55 02 56.0 54.9 14 04 36.1 40.1 32 04 29.9 32.0 i 27 04 57-9 54-8 22 13 04 54-2 53-0 17 06 35-8 39-4 31 06 29.6 32.0 27 06 57.1 54.8 13 06 54-0 53-1 17 08 25.9 29.1 IS 08 30.3 31-6 27 08 58.0 56.8 ii 08 52.7 Si-9 19 10 30.8 32.5 21 10 34-1 35.0 33 10 50.6 49.6 22 IO 52.8 51-9 19 12 27-9 30-3 17 12 35-9 37-2 36 12 48.5 47-0 26 12 54-0 52.8 17 14 28.0 30.8 18 -23-4 14 31.1 31.9 28 -20.4 14 50.7 49.8 22 -25-5 14 52.6 52.6 19 -23-3 16 37-7 41-9 34 16 30.3 31-5 27 16 54-8 54.1 16 16 55-9 55-0 14 18 38.6 40.3 34 18 32.1 33-3 30 18 50.0 50.0 23 18 57-5 56.3 12 20 ; 40.8 41.6 36 20 34-3 35-5 33 20 49.1 48.3 25 20 60. i 59-5 07 22 37-6 38.8 32 22 34-2 35.0 33 22 44.6 44.0 32 22 61.3 60.7 05 24 32.3 34.4 24 24 36.7 37-4 37 24 42.4 41-5 35 24 61.7 60.9 22 05 26 32.2 34-4 24 26 36.5 38.0 37 26 42.7 42.0 35 26 66.0 65.5 21 58 28 32.2 34.8 24 28 26.9 38.5 30 28 40.6 40.0 38 28 56.2 56.0 22 13 30 41.8 44.1 39 -22.8 30 31-9 33-2 30 -20.4 30 39-7 38.7 40 -25.0 30 61.0 60.6 06 -23-2 32 ! 41.9 44-9 40 32 34.2 34.9 33 32 40.1 38.8 39 32 62.1 61.4 04 34 45-2 48.3 45 34 39.5 40.1 41 34 40.7 39-0 39 34 59-3 58.0 09 36 40.0 44.0 38 36 38.7 39-9 40 36 40.6 39.0 39 36 56.8 55-7 13 38 36.6 39.5 31 38 35-8 36.5 35 38 38.9 37-8 41 38 56.7 55-6 13 40 35-2 36.3 28 40 37-0 37-3 37 40 36.8 35-7 44 40 48.5 47-0 26 42 34-8 36.2 27 42 34-5 35-1 33 42 36.9 35-6 44 42 47-1 45.7 28 44 36.2 38.1 30 -22.7 44 34-2 35-4 33 -20.4 44 39-7 38.1 40 -24.8 44 43.9 42.1 34 -23.2 46 41.2 45-0 39 46 34-0 34.8 ' 33 46 41.6 39.7 37 46 45.0 43.0 32 48 37-9 42.7 35 48 34-9 35-6 34 48 37-4 36.0 44 48 43.6 42.0 34 So 35-3 38.8 30 50 35-4 39-2 i 37 50 37-2 36.7 43 50 41.7 40.2 37 52 34-1 34-8 26 52 40.0 40.4 42 52 36.6 36.0 44 52 41.6 39.6 37 54 36.5 39-6 31 54 37.1 39.2 38 54 33-9 33-6 48 54 43.0 41.8 35 56 39-2 44.0 37 56 36.1 37-3 36 56 35.6 35-0 46 56 43-1 41-3 35 58 41.2 44.1 38 58 33-5 34-1 32 58 37.0 36.5 44 58 41.9 40.8 36 9 oo 44-3 46.5 43 -22.6 II 00 37.1 39.2 38 -20.3 13 oo 40.3 38.8 39 -24.4 15 00 43-5 42.5 34 -23.1 02 3S-2 37-9 29 02 37-5 38.0 38 02 41.3 40.1 37 02 42.7 41.1 35 04 33-4 34-9 25 04 36.0 36.9 36 04 46.4 45.5 : 29 04 43.0 41.6 35 06 40.8 41.5 36 06 36.5 36.8 36 06 39.7 38.9 39 06 44.0 42.7 33 08 40.9 41.2 36 08 35-4 36.0 35 08 36.0 35-1 45 08 43.9 42.6 33 10 39-3 39-9 34 IO 36.3 37-4 36 IO 36.1 34-7 46 10 42.6 40.9 36 12 35-2 36.5 28 12 36.1 36.6 36 12 36.0 35-8 44 12 41.6 40.0 37 14 22.8 23.9 08 -22.2 14 37-8 38.5 38 -20.3 14 38.6 37-5 42 j-24.0 14 39-8 38.5 40 -23.0 16 22.1 23.2 07 16 42.0 43-1 45 | 16 43-1 41.0 35 ' 16 39-1 37-9 4i 18 22.9 25.2 09 18 39.2 40.5 41 ! 18 46.6 44.9 29 i 18 38,0 37-1 42 20 17-3 19-0 23 oo 20 39.0 39.9 40 i 20 49.6 48.0 24 | 20 38.6 36.6 42 22 15.0 16.9 22 57 22 36.9 37-8 37 22 46.1 43.9 30 22 37-2 36.6 43 24 10. I II. 2 48 24 38.8 39-4 40 24 42.1 40.5 36 24 37.8 36.7 43 26 8.9 10. i 47 26 39.5 39.8 41 26 40.0 38.0 40 26 38.6 37-3 42 28* 34-9 42.0 39 28 36.4 37.0 36 28 40.6 38.9 39 28 38.9 37-9 41 30 33-0 38.7 35 -21.8 30 36.7 37.2 37 -20.3 30 42.8 41.9 35 -23-9 30 39.6 37.6 41 -23.0 32 32.8 38.6 35 32 31.2 33.3 29 32 44.0 42.0 34 32 38.9 37-3 41 34 30.5 36.6 31 34 29.4 30.1 25 34 39.6 38.0 40 34 40.7 38.5 39 36 35-2 39-9 38 36 29.3 30.4 26 36 40.6 39.2 38 36 40.7 38.6 39 38 41.7 47.0 48 38 40.3 42.0 43 . 38 42.1 41.0 36 38 40.1 37-2 41 40 41.2 46.8 48 40 42.2 43.1 46 i 40 45.6 43.9 3i 40 39-6 37-0 41 42 39-9 45-7 46 42 36.9 38.0 37 42 47.5 46.2 28 42 39-4 37-2 41 44 40.8 45.5 46 44 35-0 36.2 34 -20.3 44 49-1 47-4 26 -23-8 44 37.8 36.2 43 -22.9 46 ! 38.8 42.9 43 46 34-3 34-9 33 46 52.0 50.0 21 46 40.8 38.9 39 48 ! 37-3 43-2 42 -21. O 48 36.2 38.4 37 48 57-1 56.0 12 48 41.4 39.6 38 50 36.8 41-3 40 50 34-6 35-8 34 50 62.1 6o.O 22 05 50 41.7 39-6 37 52 37.2 42.0 41 52 33-0 33-0 30 52 65.6 64.0 21 59 52 40.5 38.9 39 54 36.6 41.1 40 54 33-2 33-6 31 54 65.7 64.6 21 59 39-9 37-4 41 56 36.7 41.5 40 56 31-8 34-3 30 56 64.0 62.8 22 02 56 40.2 38.3 40 58 34.3 40.0 37 58 31-8 34-5 3i 58 58.1 57-1 II 58 41.1 39-2 38 12 00 37-o 41-4 40 -20.1 16 oo 42.3 40.9 36 -22.9 Correction to local mean time is Torsion head at 7h 45m read 39 Observer H. H. N. im 505. and at the end read the same. Correction to local mean time is im Sis. 90 torsion = 15/3. Torsion head at nh 25m read 36 and at i6h 26m read 46. Observer R. R. T. i6o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, February 17, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, February 17, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o t O h m d d / h m d d O f o h m d d o / O o oo* 52.3 58.0 22 23 -27.1 2 00 57-8 58.0 23 02 -22. 4 oo 37-20 23 12 -19.6 6 oo 52.06 22 49 -18.6 02 58.3 63.0 32 02 57-0 57-9 OI 02 38.3 39-0 IS 02 4O.O 41.5 31 04 65.2 73.0 45 04 59.2 60.5 05 04 40.1 40.9 18 04 40.5 40.8 22 31 06 62.0 69.0 40 06 61.2 62.1 08 06 45-7 46.7 27 06 62.0 62.3 23 04 08 i 63.0 68.9 40 08 68.0 68.8 19 08 51-5 57-9 40 08 76.5 77-o 23 27 IO 69.2 73.0 22 48 ' T0 56.5 56.9 oo IO 53-0 55-0 39 10* 36.3 46.6 24 17 12* 52.1 6O.9 23 oo 12 58.8 59-0 04 12 56.0 57-3 ! 43 12 30.4 33-5 02 14 56.1 63.0 05 -25-5 14 59-1 59.3 04 -21.6 14 57-0 58.4 1 45 -19.5 14* 48.0 59-2 25 16 58.2 64.0 | 07 16 58.3 58.9 03 16 62.0 64.0 53 16 ; 43.2 58.6 21 18 63.0 68.6 ! 15 18 58.8 59.0 04 18 61.5 64.0 53 18 66.0 77.3 54 20 68.3 76.2 25 20 57-2 57-8 23 02 20 61.9 64.6 53 20 65.5 70.0 48 -18.3 22 68.1 76.2 24 22 54.0 54-6 22 57 22 65.0 67.3 58 22 62.7 70.1 45 24 7I.I 78.0 28 24 56.2 58.0 23 01 24 64.6 67.3 23 58 24 64.3 70.0 24 47 26 60.6 75.0 25 26 58.1 58.7 03 26 68.6 71.5 : 24 04 26 i 73.1 78.1 25 oo 28 68.2 73.2 22 28 67.0 67.2 17 28 74.0 76.0 12 28* 36.0 50.5 24 03 30 61.8 68.0 13 -25.0 30 74.0 74.4 28 -20.9 30* 58.8 60. i 24 13 -19.2 30 36.1 49.0 24 02 -18.1 32 58.9 63.2 07 32* 49-8 54-1 36 32 48.5 49-1 23 56 32 26.3 44.2 23 Si 34 57.0 60.2 03 34 52.0 56.1 39 34 49-0 50.3 23 58 34 33-0 46.0 23 57 36 54-8 58.0 23 oo 36 49.5 52.8 34 36 56.6 59-5 24 II 36 35-5 49.0 24 02 38 49-0 53-0 22 51 38 46.1 49.8 29 38 58.0 60.3 12 38 20.5 35-0 23 39 40 46.0 48.8 4 6 40 47-6 50.4 31 40 53-2 57-9 24 07 40 17.0 31.1 33 42 43.0 45-7 41 42 45-3 47-9 27 42 47-9 51-0 23 57 42 9-0 17-5 16 44 38.2 40.9 33 -24.7 44 40.8 42.9 20 -20.8 44 42.8 45.4 49 -19.1 44* 42.9 45-0 23 03 -18.0 46 36.5 39-0 30 46 36.0 38.0 12 46 41.0 45.0 47 46 32.1 35-0 22 47 48 38.8 40.2 33 48 34-1 36.9 10 48 39-1 43.0 44 48 34-0 36.0 49 SO.S 38.8 41.1 34 50 34-0 37-0 IO 50 37-0 40.9 41 50 40.0 40.6 58 52 41.0 43-0 37 52 33-0 35-9 08 52 34-5 37-0 36 52 40.8 42.0 59 54 47-9 49-8 22 48 54 29.5 32.9 03 54 33.0 34.8 33 54 37-0 37.0 53 56 Lost 56 28.9 32.6 O2 56 29-5 32.0 28 56 30.0 30.0 41 58 55-8 58.5 23 oi 58 31-6 33-8 06 58 27.5 30.1 25 58 28.0 29.1 39 T OO 6O.O 6l.O 23 06 -24.2 3 oo 32.1 34.8 07 -20.5 5 oo 23.0 26.0 18 -19.0 7 oo 31.0 33-1 44 -18.0 02 55-8 55.8 22 59 02 28.0 31.2 23 oi 02 15-2 16.5 23 04 02 30.2 37-8 48 04 45.9 46.1 44 O4 21.6 28.4 22 53 04 4-4 5-9 22 48 04 37-9 38.9 54 06 44-0 44-8 41 06 24.0 26.0 53 06* 50.0 56.1 50 06 33-5 36.0 49 08 38.06 31 08 21.5 23.8 50 08 47-8 52.3 46 08 27.0 27.8 37 10 25.6 26.9 12 10 21. 23.2 49 10 49-7 53-0 22 48 10 31-0 33-0 44 12 29.0 31.0 18 12 23 . I 25 . 2 52 12 I3-I 17-0 21 SO 12 35-0 35-7 50 M 34-7 37-2 28 ^23-9 14 25.9 28.2 22 57 -20.3 14 40.3 53-0 22 47 -19.0 14 33-7 34-0 47 -18.0 16 41-2 43.5 38 16 28.7 30.8 23 oi 16 48.2 51.9 46 16 30.0 30.4 42 18 43-0 44-9 40 18 34-5 37-0 10 18 48.3 52.0 46 18 35-8 37.2 52 20 41.8 43.9 38 2O 36.6 38.5 23 13 20 43-5 47-0 38 20 30.0 41.0 57 22 39.0 41.2 34 22 26.1 28.1 22 57 22 36.7 41.0 28 22 38.0 40.0 55 24 40.3 42.8 36 24 27.0 28.9 22 58 24 38.1 42.5 30 24 29.8 32.9 43 26 40.1 42.1 36 26 29.9 32.0 23 03 26 46.0 51.2 22 43 26 23.0 25.2 32 28 40.8 43.0 37 28 22.8 24.4 22 51 28 61.9 64.0 23 06 28 26.9 28.0 37 30 48.5 ST.O 22 49 -23.0 30 20. o 21.5 47 -20.1 30 68.9 71.8 17 -18.9 30 28.2 29.6 40 -18.0 32 61.0 62.9 23 08 32 I9.O 20.3 45 32 60.5 65.0 23 05 32 30.0 30.1 41 34 63.0 64.0 23 II 34 16.0 17.8 41 34 55-9 57-2 22 56 34 32.5 33-3 46 36 55-9 56.0 22 50 36 17.0 18.4 42 36.5 53-0 55-0 22 51 36 33.6 34.0 47 38 54-9 55-0 22 58 38 22.2 22.9 50 38.5 63.0 64.1 23 07 38 34-6 36.0 50 40 56.3 56.8 23 oo 40 27.O 3O.O 59 40 71-5 73-5 21 40 27.0 27.1 37 42 61.10 07 42 18.0 20. o 44 42 62.7 64.2 06 42 20.9 22.6 28 44 62.3 62.8 09 -22.6 44 18.8 20.0 45 -2O. I 44 64.7 66. o 23 10 -18.7 44 13.0 17.0 18 46 66.8 67.0 16 46 23.2 24.0 Si 46 55.2 57.2 22 55 46 8.8 13.0 ii 48 68.0 68.8 19 48 24.3 25.2 22 53 48 44-3 47-0 38 48 16.0 21.9 24 50 67.0 67.2 17 50 30.2 31.7 23 03 50 50.5 Si.o 47 50 36.6 41.6 22 56 52 66.2 66.6 16 52 30.0 30.3 02 52 45- Ob 38 52 49-5 54-0 23 IS 54 66.2 66.6 16 54 30.4 30.4 02 54 42.0(1 33 54 44-5 51-9 23 10 56 65.2 66. o 14 56 32.0 32.5 05 56 39.5a 29 56 23.8 29.2 22 36 58 60.0 60.9 06 58 33-2 34-0 07 58 53-2 55-9 53 58 28.0 31.2 41 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 7h 48m to 8h com. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 161 Wednesday, February 17, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, February 17, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right \ h m d d , h m d d o r O h m d d or o h m d d / O 8 oo 50.1 57.0 23 18 -17.4 10 oo 25.6 30.8 22 35 -17.3 12 00 29.9 31.2 22 39 -I7-I 14 oo 50.8 53.2 22 23 -16.2 02 Overl'k'd 02 22. 28.0 30 02.5 28.3 29.1 36 02 51.6 53-8 24 04 53.6 56.0 20 04 21.9 26.8 29 04 25.2 25.7 31 04 53-6 54-5 26 06*2 33-8 42.6 54 06 24.5 28.6 33 06 21.8 22.3 26 06 54.7 56.3 28 08 37.0 42.8 57 08 22.3 26.0 29 08 23-5 28.3 32 08 56.2 57.2 30 IO 25-3 31-3 38 10 21.0 25.3 28 10 26.3 31.0 36 10 54-1 55-8 27 12 26.6 30.8 39 12 23.4 28.3 32 12 20.6 24.8 27 12 53-4 54-3 26 14 35-1 40.5 53 -17.2 14 23.3 29.7 33 -17-4 14 23-7 29.5 33 :-!7.l 14 56.1 58.0 31 -16.1 16 18 30.7 37.2 25-8 31-3 47 39 16 18 25.3 32.9 19.0 26.0 37 27 16 18 25-6 34-1 38 20. o 30.0 10 16 56.1 58.1 18 56.5 58.0 31 31 20 (22 24 26 28* 30 32 34 36 38 40 43 t! 46 48 SO S3 54 56 58 9 oo 02 19.5 22.6 II. O 12.2 9.9 12. I 7.6 12.0 39.2 42.0 31.0 32.8 22.2 25.3 29-3 35-3 42.4 45.6 36.6 39.8 31-8 34-8 30.5 33-8 30-5 33-6 29.0 32.3 28.4 30.5 27.4 29.4 27.6 30.0 29.0 30.3 31.6 34-2 31-2 33-6 31-0 33-2 30.6 33.6 27 12 II 23 09 22 55 41 28 22 42 23 oo 22 51 44 42 41 39 37 36 36 38 43 42 42 42 -17.0 -17.0 -I7.I 20 22 24-5 26 28 30 32 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 II OO 02 20. o 27.6 22.6 31.2 23-9 31-2 22.8 28.2 26.O 3O.8 25.3 31-6 24-3 29.3 24-7 30-5 25.5 31-0 25.3 30.2 26.6 30.8 26.0 30.2 24.9 27.6 28.2 31.1 28.8 31.5 27.3 30.0 21. O 24.O 23.6 28.5 24-3 29-5 24-6 30.3 28.0 33-6 29.0 34.0 29 33 34 31 36 36 33 36 35 35 36 35 32 38 38 36 26 32 33 34 40 41 -17.3 -17.2 -17.2 20 22 24 26 28 30 32" 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 58 13 oo 02 16.0 25.3 17.5 26.0 19.3 28.3 15-5 24.1 14.0 22.0 8.8 16.6 34.0 46.0 38.9 50.3 40.1 49.0 45-9 55-6 48.9 57-6 49-8 57-4 49-7 59-1 54.2 60.8 58.5 65.0 52.7 59-9 50-4 57-0 53.0 60.2 48.3 54-5 50.8 57.2 35-5 42.4 42.0 46.5 24 25 29 22 19 II 04 ii II 21 25 25 27 32 38 30 26 30 22 26 02 IO -16.8 -16.0 -16.1 20 56.4 58.4 22 55.2 56.8 24 58.3 59.4 26 59.4 60.5 28 63.2 63.8 30 i 57-0 59-2 32 Si.o 53.0 34 52.2 54-1 36 53-3 55-2 38 57-1 58.0 4O ! 62.2 62.8 42 ; 58.6 59.3 44 , 47.6 48.8 46 41.0 42.2 48 51-2 53-3 50 52.4 55-0 52 50.0 51-4 54 49-1 50.0 56 : 51.0 52.2 58 < 50.3 52.0 15 oo 49.8 50.8 02 53.3 54.2 31 29 34 35 41 32 23 24 26 32 39 34 23 26 21 19 22 21 2O 26 -16.1 -16.1 -15-9 04 06 08 31-0 33-3 24.0 26.0 24.3 26.0 42 30 31 04 25.0 30.0 06 ; 27.4 31.6 08 24.6 28.4 35 38 33 04 06 08 42.7 49.1 50.2 54.2 54.6 60.0 13 23 11 04 54-7 55-6 i 28 06 56.5 57-0 30 08 61.00 V7 10 27.1 27.6 34 10 24.5 27.0 32 10 5O.2 55.4 24 10 65.7 66.7 45 12 28.7 29.7 37 12 27.2 33.3 39 12 44-9 5O.2 16 12 61.1 61.3 37 -15-7 14 16 28.3 31.3 26.1 27.3 38 -17.2 14 i 29.7 35.2 16 ! 27.4 33.4 42 39 -17. T 14 16 45.6 40.0 42.5 46.0 16 10 -16.2 14 59-5 6o.O 16 61.8 62.0 35 38 18 19-3 25.3 26 18 I 22.4 28.8 31 18 46.2 50.0 17 18 50.2 60.2 35 20 17-0 24.3 24 20 22.3 23.8 2 7 20 48.2 52.8 20 20 56.5 57.1 3O 22 19-5 26.3 27 22 27.3 32.9 38 22 45.6 51.0 17 s > *i* 22 6l.O 6l.3 37 24 14.9 22.9 21 24 ; 24.3 29.9 34 48.0 52.4 20 24 59-1 59.1 34 26 2O. O 21.8 24 26 25.O 29.6 34 26 50.6 54.8 24 26 67.9 68.1 48 28 35.0 42.0 52 28 28.3 32.8 39 28 49-1 54-0 22 28 ! 62.2 62.6 39 30 25.3 27.3 33 -17.2 30 26.6 31.3 36 -17.1 30 53.8 57-0 28 -16.1 30 61.0 62.3 39 -15-6 32 24.5 29.5 34 32 27.3 31.3 37 32 52.0 56.6 26 32 57-9 58.1 32 34 36.0 40.8 Si 34 27.3 31.1 37 34 53.4 58.0 29 34 ! 62.4 63.4 40 36 35-5 39-0 50 36 29.4 32.6 40 36 54-5 59-1 30 36 62.9 63.1 40 38 21.8 25.6 28 38 29.8 33.3 4 1 38 52.7 57-6 28 38 61.4 61.4 38 40 20. 8 25.0 27 40 j 26.2 29.9 35 4O 56.2 60.0 32 40 62.5 62.7 39 42 23.0 28.0 31 42 ; 29.0 31.0 38 42 59-8 63.5 38 42 60.7 60.9 37 44 22.3 30.3 32 -I7-3 44 31-5 33-8 42 -17.1 44 58.1 61.4 35 -16.1 44 60. 1 60.3 36 -15-3 46 26.6 33.2 38 46 31-3 33-6 42 46 57-8 59-8 34 46 56.2 56.9 30 48 31-6 37-3 45 48 27-3 29.5 36 48 54-8 57-2 29 48 56.0 57-1 30 SO 28.5 31-6 38 50 29.7 31- 1 39 So 51-0 54-0 24 50 56.1 57-2 30 52 23.6 28.6 32 52 ' 24.3 25.8 30 52 52.1 54.7 25 52 55-0 56.0 28 54 21.6 28.0 30 54 26.3 28.4 34 54 52.0 55-7 26 54 54-2 55-6 27 56 23.8 30.0 33 56 30.1 31-6 40 56 53-5 55-5 27 56 55-3 56.8 29 58 26.0 32.5 37 58 31-3 32.6 41 58 51-9 54-6 25 58 54-2 56.2 28 Observer W. J. P. Observers J. W. P. and R. W. P., who alternated from I2h 26m to I2h 32m. i6a SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, February 17, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, February 17, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d / h m d d t o h m d d o t o h m d d O ' O 16 oo 55-6 57-8 22 30 -15.0 18 oo 69.0 70.0 22 50 -12.4 20 OO 53-9 58.0 22 29 -12.0 22 00 61.0 69.8 22 27 -1 1. 3 02 52.2 54.2 25 02 69.5 70-9 51 02 52.2 56.2 26 02 63.0 67.0 22 25 04 45-8 48.3 IS 04 71.0 72.2 54 04 52.i 55.9 26 04* 55-2 66.4 23 oo 06 45-7 48.8 15 06 72.3 73-2 55 06 52.1 5S-8 26 06 21.3 53-0 22 23 08 45-9 48.8 16 08 70.2 71.0 52 08 52.2 55-9 26 08 IO.7 48.8 22 II IO 44-3 47-7 S3 TO 71.0 71. I 53 IO 52.1 56.1 26 10* 29.0 70.2 21 54 12 48.3 Si-7 20 12 71.2 71-8 54 12 52.2 56.3 26 12* 3O.O 69.3 i 22 2O 14 So.o 53.1 22 -14.7 14 70.0 71.0 52 -12.3 14 51.6 55-8 26 -T2.O 14 32.9 68.1 22 22 -1 1. 3 16 48.3 51.2 19 16 68.8 69.1 40 16 50.3 54-9 24 16* 31.9 52.8 23 52 18 52.4 54-8 25 18 67.8 67.8 48 18 49-3 53-0 21 18 50.5 74-7 24 23 20 55-6 57.2 30 20 6s. o 6s. 8 44 20 48.3 51-8 2O 20 I4-I 37-3 23 26 22 56.1 57-5 30 22 67.2 68.8 48 22 48.0 51. i 19 22 14.8 36.8 26 24 54.2 55.7 27 24 60. i 70.7 5i 2 4 46.9 49-7 17 24 22.8 43-9 38 26 55-1 56.2 28 26 68.8 69.9 50 26 45-0 48.1 14 26 21.9 40.9 34 28 55-7 56.9 30 28 66.7 67.2 46 28 45-4 48.2 15 28 9.1 25.2 23 12 30 54-8 55-0 28 -14.0 30 64.7 65.2 43 -12.2 30 45-7 48.9 16 -12. 30* 32.7 49-6 22 48 -"3 32 56.1 57-6 30 32 65.1 65.8 44 32 42-7 47-0 12 32 23-1 39-3 32 34 55-6 56.1 29 34 67.7 68.2 48 34 42.1 47.2 II 34 20.4 36.2 28 36 56.0 57.2 30 36 66.1 67.0 46 36 39-2 44-5 22 07 30 18.9 34.0 24 38 56.5 57-8 31 38 6s. 8 66.3 45 38 31-7 36.9 21 55 38 19.4 33.8 25 40 56.1 58.1 31 40 66.0 66.8 45 40 35-9 39-8 22 00 40 19-8 33-3 3 42 57-4 59-4 S3 42 67.2 68.0 47 42 34-9 38.9 21 59 42 20.4 33.8 26 44 59.1 60.9 35 -13-7 44 66.2 67.1 46 12. I 44 32.0 37-8 56 -12. o 44 23-0 34-9 28 -II. 4 46 60.2 61.2 36 46 65.3 66.3 44 4 31-8 39-2 21 57 4 22.4 34.0 27 48 61.1 61.8 38 48 63.5 64.2 4i 48 12 6d.i 65.3 43 12 50-3 60. i 35 12* 33-9 35-1 29 12 30.5 37-2 36 14 66.9 67.9 47 -13-0 14 57.9 58.5 32 -12.0 14 33-9 35-1 29 -u-7 H 29-3 35-8 34 -II. 4 16 67.0 67.9 47 16 58.1 -;8.7 31 16 33-2 33-9 29 16 33.2 39.1 40 18 65.7 66.7 45 18 61.0 61.8 ?8 18 31-9 34-7 22 28 18 32.3 38.1 38 20 6s. 2 66. o 44 20 59.8 60. i 35 20 60.00 23 09 20 34.2 39.1 40 22 66.0 66.4 45 22 59.0 59.9 34 22* 29.5 7o.o 25 27 22 32.7 37.4 38 24 66.2 67.2 46 24 59-7 60.6 36 24 Lost 24 31.9 36.8 37 26 64.7 66.2 44 26 54.8 66.4 36 26* 42.9 56.5 23 42 26 ; 34.0 38.2 40 28 6s. o 66.9 45 28 54-9 65.9 36 28* 40.8 45.8 21 45 28 35.1 39.0 41 30 66.5 67.8 47 -12.8 30 54-3 64.2 34 -12.0 30* 20.3 55-3 20 40 -H.6 30 : 34.3 39.0 40 -II. 4 32 68.1 68.8 49 32 54-6 63.8 34 3-'* 61.2 69.9 23 06 32 25.1 29.9 26 34 68.3 69.8 50 34 54.4 62.8 33 34* 10.8 19.1 22 46 34 23.0 26.6 22 36 66.2 67.7 46 36 55-3 63.1 34 36 69.3 71-7 24 M 3 25.5 28.8 26 38 66.7 68.2 47 38 56.2 63.6 35 38 32.6 46.0 23 25 38 27.2 30.4 28 40 67-7 69.3 49 '' 40 55-3 62.1 33 40 15-9 21.9 22 53 40 28.8 31.6 30 42 68.8 70.2 So 42 55-7 62.1 34 42* 58.1 71-9 26 42 29.8 32.7 32 44 70.5 72.2 53 -12.7 44 56.5 62.6 35 -12.0 44 47.2 60. i 09 ,-11.4 44 29.0 31.9 31 -II. 4 46 69.9 71-3 52 46 55-7 61.3 33 46 46.1 55-8 04 4 28.3 31-2 30 48 70.6 72.0 53 48 53-0 58.8 29 48 44-9 55-1 3 48 28.3 31-4 30 50 70.9 72.3 53 50 53-7 59-0 30 50 48.7 57-8 08 50 29.8 32.7 32 52 72.7 73-8 22 56 52 Si. i 56.8 26 52 50.4 59-9 ii 52 31.8 34.1 , 35 54 74-7 76.1 23 oo 54 52.0 56.7 26 54 56-1 64.5 19 54 32.3 34.2 35 56 72-1 73-0 22 55 56 54-6 58.8 30 56 57-8 65.8 22 56 i 31-7 32.3 33 58 71.1 72.2 54 58 54-7 58.9 30 58 60. i 68.8 26 58 32.0 33.5 34 24 oo 32.7 33-7 35 -II. 4 Observers R. to i6h 02111. W. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from i6h oom Correction to local mean time is im 555. Torsion head at oh oom read 36 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 163 Thursday, February 18, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Friday, February 19, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Tei np. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r i readings decli- Temp. time nation. C time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o t ' h m d d o / o h m d d h m d d O ' o 16 oo 40.2 37.0 22 38 -22 .4 18 oo 36.5 34-7 22 42 -20.7 20 oo 37-0 37.2 22 33 -26.1 22 00 39-1 39-3 22 37 -23.0 02 39.9 36.0 39 02 38.2 36.0 40 02 36.8 37-1 33 02 38.8 38.8 36 04 40.2 36.9 38 04 40.4 38.8 36 04 37-0 37-4 33 04 39-2 39-4 37 06 40.8 37-2 37 06 39-9 38.7 37 06 36.9 37-3 33 06 39.4 39-8 37 08 40.3 37.0 38 08 39-9 38.8 37 08 36.8 37.4 33 08 39.7 40.2 38 10 41-2 37-8 36 TO 39-7 38.9 37 10 36.0 36.3 32 10 39.9 40.5 38 12 41-9 38.2 36 12 39-5 38.4 37 12 37-2 37-8 34 12 4O.O 4O.9 38 14 40.7 37-5 37 -22 .2 14 38.5 37-2 39 -20.7 14 38.0 39-0 35 -25-8 14 41.0 41.8 40 -22.9 16 40.8 37.8 37 16 38.1 37-0 39 16 40.1 40.7 38 16 41.0 41.5 40 18 42.8 40.0 33 18 40.0 39.0 36 18 39-7 40.0 38 18 40.1 40.4 38 20 42.3 40.2 34 20 40.0 38.2 37 20 39-0 39-5 37 20 ! 4O.O 40.5 38 22 41-8 39-7 34 22 39-0 37-3 38 22 40.1 40.9 39 22 40.9 41-3 40 24 42.0 40.0 34 24 37-8 36.7 40 24 30.0 39.7 37 24 41.0 41.5 40 26 42.0 40.0 34 26 37-8 36.7 40 26 38.9 39-0 36 26 4O.8 4I.O 39 28 41.8 39.4 35 28 37-8 36.2 40 28 38.9 39-2 36 28 40.3 4O.4 38 30 41.7 39.2 35 -22 o 30 37-8 36.1 40 -20.5 30 30.0 39-7 37 -25.4 30 39-7 40.0 38 -22.5 32 41.1 38.8 36 32 36.0 35.1 42 32 39-0 39-7 37 32 39-0 30.3 *6 34 40.9 38.8 36 34 35-8 35-2 43 34 39- T 39-9 37 34 38.4 38.9 36 36 41-2 39-1 35 36 34-8 34-3 44 36 38.7 39-0 36 36 38.3 38.9 36 38 42.4 40.1 34 38 35-2 35.0 43 38 38.4 39.0 36 38 39-0 39-2 36 40 42.2 40.1 34 40 33-9 33-5 45 40 37-9 38.0 34 40 39-5 40.0 37 42 42.3 40.7 33 42 33-2 33-1 46 42 40.0 40.1 38 42 39.8 40.0 38 44 42.9 41.0 33 -2i 9 44 33-4 33-0 46 -20.4 44 40.1 40.6 38 -25.0 44 40.0 40.2 38 -22.1 46 43-1 42.0 32 46 34-0 33-4 45 46 40.1 40.3 38 46 40.4 41.0 39 48 43-8 42.4 31 48 33-8 32.2 46 48 40.3 40.9 39 48 40.5 41.2 39 So 43-8 42.2 31 50 30.o<7 5i 50 30.3 39-9 37 50 40.8 41.3 39 52 43-6 42.1 31 52 32.8 32.8 47 52 39.0 30.5 37 52 40.8 41-2 39 54 45-2 44-1 28 54 33.0 32.8 47 54 38.7 39.1 36 54 40.5 41.0 39 56 44-2 43-2 30 56 34-2 33-8 45 56 39.2 39.9 37 56 40.1 40.8 38 58 44-0 43-4 30 58 35-5 34-9 43 58 30.3 39-8 37 58 40.4 40.8 39 17 oo 43.8 43.0 30 -21 .3 19 oo 35-3 34-8 43 -20.2 21 00 40.0 40.3 38 -24.8 23 oo 40.5 40-9 39 -22. 02 43.2 42.5 31 02 37-2 36.2 41 02 40.4 40.0 39 02 41.6 41.9 40 04 43-0 42.2 32 04 37-9 36.8 40 04 40.0 40.8 38 04 40.8 41.1 39 06 42.8 42.2 32 06 39-8 39-1 36 06 40.5 40.9 30 06 40.7 40.9 39 08 43.1 42.4 31 08 39.6 39.0 37 08 40.1 40.3 38 08 40.8 41.0 39 10 42.9 42.2 32 10 39-8 38.9 37 TO 4O.O 4O. T 38 10 40.7 40.9 30 12 . 43.2 42.6 31 12 38.9 38.0 38 12 30.2 30.6 37 12 4O.O 4O.4 38 14 43-7 42.5 31 -21 .1 14 39.4 38.2 37 -20.0 14 38.7 38.9 36 -24.3 14 4O.O 42.O 39 -21.8 16 42.6 41.3 33 16 39-7 38.2 37 16 38.2 38.7 35 16 30.0 39.9 37 18 41.8 40.8 34 18 40.1 38.8 36 18 38.9 39-0 36 18 38.8 39-2 36 20 40.8 30.6 35 20 40.7 39.2 36 20 39-4 39-7 37 20 38.7 39.2 36 22 39-9 38.6 37 22 40.8 39.2 35 22 39.6 40.0 38 22 38.3 39-1 36 24 38.2 37.0 39 24 40.1 38.8 36 24 39.6 40.0 38 24 38.5 39-1 36 26 38.3 37.0 39 26 39.0 38.0 38 26 39.2 39.7 37 26 39.3 39-5 37 28 35-6 35-0 43 28 39-1 38.1 38 28 39.0 40.0 38 28 40.5 40-9 39 30 36.2 35.8 42 -21 .0 30 40.9 39-3 35 -20.0 30 39.8 40.1 38 -24.0 30 41.4 41.5 40 -21.6 32 35-7 35-0 43 32 40.1 38.8 36 32 39-3 39-9 37 32 41.5 41-5 40 34 35-9 35-2 43 34 38.0 37-0 39 34 39.7 40.0 38 34 41.6 41-7 40 36 36.9 36.2 41 36 37-1 36.1 41 36 39.6 40.0 38 36 41.1 41.2 40 38 36.7 36.1 41 38 37-2 36.0 41 38 30.0 39.1 36 38 i 40.1 40.3 38 40 33-5 33-0 46 40 39-2 38.8 37 40 38.7 39.0 36 40 39-3 39-4 37 42 33-o 32.0 47 42 41.0 40.1 35 42 38.4 38.7 35 42 39-1 39-1 36 44 31-8 30.2 50 i-20 9 44 42.1 41.1 33 -20.0 44 38.8 39.0 36 -23.5 44 39-4 39-5 37 -2T.4 46 31.6 29.2 51 46 42.9 42.2 32 46 38.7 38.9 36 46 39-4 39-8 37 48 29.8 27.2 54 48 41.9 41-0 33 48 39.0 39-1 36 48 39-5 40.0 37 50 27.9 26.2 56 50 40.9 39-9 35 50 39.2 39.4 37 50 39-8 40. T 38 52 ; 29.6 27.8 53 52 38.5 38.0 38 52 39.2 39.8 38 52 40.0 40.3 38 54 32.0 30.2 49 54 40.9 40.7 34 54 39-1 39-5 37 54 40.4 40.7 39 56 i 33-8 32.2 47 56 42.9 41. J 32 56 39.0 39-2 36 56 40.7 40.9 39 58 35-9 34-0 44 58 44.9 44.1 28 58 39-1 39-3 37 : 58 40.2 40.6 38 20 00 48.8 48.0 22 -20.0 24 oo i 40.7 40.8 39 1 I Correction to local mean time is 2m oos. Torsion head at ish 35m read 36 and at the end read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 2m igs. Torsion head at 190 25m read 36 and at the end read the same. Observer J. V. i6 4 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Sunday, February 21, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, February 21, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O / O h m d d O t O h m d d / h m d d o / O O 00* 45-9 45-2 22 38 -18.0 2 OO 38.9 37-5 22 50 -16.2 4 OO* So.i 52.0 22 51 -14.9 6 oo 52.3 55-4 22 55 -14.2 02 44.8 44.0 40 02 40-3 38.7 48 02 49-9 51-8 So 02 Si.i 55.4 54 04 43-2 41.9 43 04 40.2 39.0 48 04 49-0 51.2 49 04 50.9 55-8 54 06 44-2 43.1 41 06 40.8 39-9 4 6 06 Si.o 54-9 54 06 51.1 56.0 55 08 45-1 44-2 40 08 41-2 39.3 47 08 52.2 55.8 55 08 51-3 56.0 55 10 44-0 43.0 41 IO 41.8 39.9 46 IO 53-5 56.0 56 IO 51.1 SS.o 54 12 43.8 42.8 42 12 41.8 39.9 46 12 51-9 55-0 54 12 49.9 52.0 51 14 42.6 41.3 44 -17-3 14 42.0 40.1 45 -16.1 14 49-2 52.0 50 -14.3 14 49-5 52-3 Si -14.1 16 42.8 41.2 44 16 41. i 39.2 47 16 48.9 51-1 49 16 51.8 53-7 53 18 41.8 40.1 45 18 40.8 38.8 47 18 48.8 51-8 50 18 50.8 52.5 52 20 40.8 39.3 47 20 40.2 38.1 48 20 49.1 52.0 50 20 50.0 51.4 ! 50 22 40.1 39-1 48 22 39-4 37-7 49 22 49-5 51-9 50 22 51.6 53-0 53 24 39-4 38.9 48 24 39-7 37-9 49 24 49.9 52.2 , 51 24 51.8 54-0 54 26 38.9 38.7 49 26 39-0 37.4 50 26 50.7 53-0 ' 52 26 50.7 52.0 51 28 38.3 37-9 50 28 38.8 37-3 50 28 50.0 51.8 51 28 51.0 51.9 ; 51 30 39-3 38.8 48 -17.1 30 38.3 37-1 Si -16.0 30 48.5 50.2 48 -14.0 30 49-7 Si.2 | 50 -14.0 32 39-9 39-6 47 32 37-3 36.0 52 32 48.5 50.9 49 32 48.9 52.1 50 34 40.1 39.3 47 34 36.3 35-2 54 34 49.0 50.0 48 34 49.0 52.2 50 36 40.0 39.1 48 36 37-9 37-1 51 36 50.2 51.3 ! 50 36 49.0 51.9 50 38 39-6 38.8 48 38 37.2 36.9 52 38 Si.i 51- 1 51 38 50.0 53.2 52 40 37-8 37-2 51 40 37-8 37-3 51 40 Si- i 51-4 Si 40 51.8 54-7 54 42 37-6 37-0 Si 43 37-8 37-2 Si 42 51.1 51-8 Si 42 51-3 53-1 53 44 37-8 36.7 Si -17.0 44 37-5 37-o Si -16.0 44 52.0 52.5 53 -14.0 44 48.0 50.0 48 14.0 46 37-1 35.7 53 46 37-2 36.6 52 46 51.0 52.0 51 46 47.1 50.0 47 48 37-8 36.8 51 48 35-8 34-8 54 48 50.5 50.8 50 48 47.2 50.0 47 50 36.6 35.9 53 50 33-3 32.2 58 50 50.5 51.0 50 50 47.2 49.5 46 52 35-9 35-1 22 54 52 32.2 31.7 60 52 50.4 51-0 50 52 47.0 49.5 46 54 56 31-5 30.3 28.8 26.4 23 oi 06 54 56 33-9 32.5 34-8 33-2 58 56 54 55. 6 51.2 51. 6 51 51.0 51.4 51 54 56 47.2 50.0 48.S 51-9 47 49 58 30.8 29.1 03 58 35-6 34-3 55 58 50.8 51.0 51 58 49.0 53.0 SI I OO 31-0 29-7 23 02 -16.9 3 oo 35-0 33-9 50 -15.8 5 oo 50.9 51.3 51 -14.0 7 oo 49.9 54.1 52 14.0 02 34-0 32.8 22 57 02 34-6 33-7 56 02 50.0 51.2 50 02 47-1 54-1 50 04 35-6 34-0 55 04 33-9 33-2 57 04 50.8 52.3 5i 04 45.8 52.1 ; 47 06 35-8 33-8 55 06 33-2 32.3 58 06 53-0 54.2 22 55 06 45.9 51-2 47 08 37-5 35.0 53 08 33-3 32.7 58 08 56.3 58.8 23 or 08 46.8 53-0 49 10 38.2 36.2 5i IO 33-7 32.9 57 10 57-7 59-5 03 IO 48.9 54.2 51 12 38.3 36.1 Si 12 33-9 33-1 57 12 56.O 58.O 23 OO 12 49.9 54.9 53 14 38.2 36.2 51 -16.8 14 33-4 32.8 58 -15-8 14 55-0 57.0 22 59 -14.2 14 49-4 53-0 51 -14.0 16 38.4 36.3 51 16 33-0 32.1 59 16 53-9 55-3 56 16 47.9 50.0 48 18 38.1 36.2 51 18 33-6 32.2 58 18 50.6 52.7 52 18 47.8 50.3 48 20 38.1 36.2 51 20 | 34-3 33-0 57 20 49-9 Si.i i SO 20 48.5 50.0 48 22 38.5 36.7 51 22 | 36.7 34-2 54 22 51-7 52-3 52 22 49.5 50.0 49 24 39-0 37.2 50 24 37-8 35-2 52 24 54-5 55.0 57 24 50.6 51.9 51 26 38.8 37-0 50 26 38.4 36.2 5i 26 53-1 55-3 . 56 26 48-3 50.6 48 28 38.8 36.9 SO 28 38.6 36.8 51 28 52.2 54.6 54 28 49-1 51.9 So 30 39-2 37-3 50 -16.5 30 38.1 36.5 Si -15-7 30 52. o 54.5 54 -14.2 30 48.8 51-5 49 -14.0 32 39-1 37-0 50 32 38.2 37.1 Si 32 Si.i 53-0 52 32 49-9 52-5 51 34 38.3 36.2 51 34 38.4 37-6 50 34 Si- 8 S3- 7 53 34 Si.o 54-0 53 36 38.0 35.2 52 36 37-3 36.8 52 36 50.2 53.0 Si 36 So.7 52.7 Si 38 37-3 34-7 53 38 36.8 36.0 53 38 49-0 51.0 49 38 51-6 53-5 53 40 38.1 34-7 53 40 36.7 35-5 53 40 48.9 SO.i 48 40 52.S 54-5 55 42 36.8 34-6 54 42 36.7 35-1 53 42 47.7 49.1 47 42 Si-7 53-0 53 44 37-4 35-5 53 -16.2 44 36.8 35.1 53 -15-3 44 47.0 48.8 46 -14-3 44 51.2 52.0 52 -14.0 46 36.8 35.1 53 46 36.6 35.0 53 46 49-5 52.0 i 50 46 Si.o 53-1 53 48 36.1 34-3 54 48 36.0 34.8 54 48 53-3 55-6 56 48 51-5 53-0 53 So 37-1 35.2 53 50 34-7 33-9 56 50 55-3 58.1 60 50 51.8 52.1 52 52 37-8 36.4 51 52 34-0 33-1 57 52 55- o 57-0 59 52 50.0 50.3 49 54 38.2 36.7 5i 54 35-2 34.3 S5 54 51-0 53-0 52 54 47-0 52.0 48 56 37-7 35-9 52 56 36.1 35-1 54 56 Si.o 53-8 53 56 47-1 S2.o 48 58 37-8 36.2 52 58 35-8 35-1 54 58 52.0 55-0 55 58 44-9 56.0 50 8 oo 48.0 54.0 Si -14.0 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 2m 265. 90 torsion = 14/6. Torsion head at oh oom read 34" and at 9h 25m read 36. Observers R. R. T. and J. V., who alternated from 4h I2m to 4h 22m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Monday, February 22, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, February 23, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Iveft Right Left Right h m d d , h m d d / h m d d . h m d d ' 8 oo 42.2 39.8 22 55 -16.8 10 00 50.0 45.2 22 46 -13.3 12 OO 45-9 46.9 22 27 -19.4 14 oo 42.1 43.4 22 21 -19.0 02 43-1 41.2 53 02 51. i 46.4 44 02 44-6 45.3 24 O2 44-8 45-8 25 04 44.6 41.3 52 04 Si. I 47-2 44 04 44-8 45-8 25 04 45.7 46.3 26 06 46.0 43-3 50 06 52.3 47-9 42 06 43.9 44.0 23 06 46.7 47.3 28 08 46.9 44.8 48 08 51-7 48.0 43 08 42.8 44.2 22 08 48.2 48.7 30 10 47-6 45-3 47 10 51.8 48.2 42 10 44-8 45-3 25 10 ' 48.2 48.4 30 12 47.2 46.8 46 12 50.2 47.5 44 12 44-5 45-8 25 : 12 i 48.5 48.9 30 14 49.8 48.2 43 -15-5 14 49.0 46.8 46 -13-2 14 47-2 49-1 29 -20. o 14 48.0 48.4 30 -19-0 16 50. i 48.9 42 16 47-3 45-8 48 i6.3| 47.6 49.9 30 16 47.2 48.2 30 18 49-3 48.1 43 18 47-1 45.6 48 18 48.5 50.1 31 18 46.9 48.1 29 20 46.5 45-3 48 20 46.2 45.1 50 20 49-2 50.1 32 20 47.2 48.6 29 22 46.2 45.1 48 22 47.2 46.7 48 22 45-9 47-4 27 22 49.2 50.1 32 24 45-9 45-3 48 24 48.2 47.6 46 24-4 45-1 46.2 25 24 49.1 49.9 32 26 46.0 45.1 48 26 49-2 47-3 46 26 49-2 50.2 32 26 48.9 49.7 31 28 42.8 42.0 53 28 49-8 47-9 45 28 49. i 50.8 32 28 48.7 49.1 31 3C 46.3 45.0 48 -14-7 30 49.6 47.3 45 -13.2 30 43-8 45-2 24 -20.0 30 48.4 48.9 30 -19.0 32 46.6 45.3 48 32 49-9 47-6 45 32 39.8 41.0 17 32 47.4 48.0 29 34 47.3 46.2 47 34 49-5 47-5 45 34 38.8 39-9 16 34 47-4 47-9 29 36 48.2 47.1 45 36 49.6 47-4 45 36 40.2 41.4 18 36 48.1 48.6 30 38 So.o 47.3 44 38 49.9 48.1 44 38 32.2 32.8 05 38 49.8 50.0 32 40 49.6 47.5 44 40 50.2 48.1 44 40 35- 8 37-8 12 40 50.2 50.8 33 42 49.3 46.7 45 42 50.0 48.3 44 42 37-8 3-4 14 42 49.8 50.0 32 44 49.1 46.8 45 -14.3 44 50.1 48.8 44 -13.1 44 37-2 38.1 13 -19. 8 44 49-3 50.1 32 -18.9 46 48.3 45.8 46 46 49.8 47-6 45 46 39.7 40.2 17 46 49.1 49.5 31 48 46.9 44.7 48 48 49.6 48.7 44 48 40.3 41.1 18 48 46.9 47-9 28 SO 47-3 45-6 47 50 49.9 48.6 44 50 41-2 44-1 21 50 45.2 46.0 25 52 47-9 45-8 47 52 49.4 48.0 45 52 40.8 43.8 20 52 43.0 43.2 22 54 49-0 47-2 45 54 49.4 48.2 45 54 41.7 45.2 22 54 43.0 43.6 22 56 50.8 48.2 42 56 49-5 47-7 45 50 42.8 40.1 24 56 44.0 44.9 24 58 49.0 47.8 44 58 48.7 47-1 46 58 42.5 46.9 24 58 45-9 46.8 27 9 oo 49-8 48.5 43 -14.0 II 00 48.9 47-5 46 -13-1 13 oo 43.1 46.8 25 -19.7 15 oo 45.8 40.8 27 -18.9 02 48.1 47-3 45 02 49-3 47-9 45 02 42.4 45.8 23 02 45.7 46.8 26 04 48.6 47.3 45 04 49-9 47-9 45 04 44-3 47-3 26 04 40.0 47-4 27 o5 48.9 48.0 44 06 50.2 47.7 45 06 44.6 47.1 26 06 46.8 47-9 29 08 48.8 46.1 46 08 49.8 47.3 46 08 45.1 48.8 28 08 47.3 48.7 30 10 47.6 46.2 47 10 50.2 47.2 45 10 43-7 46.3 25 10 49-2 50.1 32 12 47.4 46.3 47 12 49-9 47-2 46 12 47-7 So.o 31 12 49.3 50.3 32 14 47-6 47.0 46 -13-8 14 48.9 46.2 47 -13-0 14 46.8 49.8 30 -19-7 14 i 50.1 50.9 33 -18.8 16 48.8 47-3 45 16 51.2 48.3 44 16 45.4 48.3 27 16 49.2 50.2 32 i 18 47-3 46.8 47 18 51.2 49.0 43 18 46.7 49-3 29 18 49.2 50.1 32 20 48.0 46.4 46 20 51.4 48.9 43 20 44.2 47.0 25 20 i 49.8 50.4 33 22 47.6 45.8 47 22 51-7 48.8 43 22 43-5 45-8 24 22 | 49.2 50.0 32 24 47.2 45.2 48 24 51.0 48.2 44 24 43-1 45-0 23 24 i 49.6 50.3 32 26 46.3 43.6 50 26 Si. i 48.7 44 26 44.4 49.3 27 26 49-8 50.9 33 28 49-9 47-3 44 28 50.7 48.8 44 28 44.1 46.0 25 28 49.4 50.8 33 30 50.4 48.3 43 -13-5 30 52.3 47-5 44 -13-0 30 42.7 44-1 22 -19.6 30 48.3 49-7 31 -18.8 32 46.1 44.4 50 32 51.9 47.2 44 32 37-2 39-9 14 32 45-8 47-0 27 34 47.2 46.7 47 34 51.6 46.5 45 34 33-1 35-5 08 34 44-3 45-4 24 ; 36 48.3 47.0 46 36 51-0 46.3 46 36 32.1 33-9 06 36 43.7 44.6 23 38 48.2 47-3 46 38 50.9 46.4 46 38 31-8 33-9 05 38 43.2 44.2 23 40 49-7 47-4 44 40 Si.2 47.3 45 ; 40 29.1 31.7 02 40 41.5 42.9 20 42 48.6 47.2 45 42 51-6 47-8 44 42 29.8 32.2 03 42 41.2 42.1 19 44 49.0 46.6 45 -13.5 44 51.8 48.1 44 -12.9 44 28.1 30.2 oo -19-3 44 41.9 42.3 20 -18.8 46 49-3 47-1 45 46 52.2 48.0 44 46 28.8 31.4 OI 46 39-9 40.9 17 48 48.8 48.0 45 48 52.3 48.1 44 48 28.5 30.3 00 ! 48 39.1 40.0 16 50 49.8 46.7 45 50 52.1 48.4 44 50 28.1 30.3 OO 50 37-8 38.0 13 52 49.0 45.4 47 52 52.3 49-2 43 52 31- 1 33-2 04 52 37-4 38-1 13 54 49.2 45.1 47 54 52.5 48.9 43 54 33-4 35-8 08 54 37-9 38.4 14 56 49-7 45-3 46 56 52.4 48.8 43 56 36.2 38.2 12 56 36.7 37-2 12 58 SO.i 44.9 46 58 53-8 48.4 42 58 38.3 40-7 16 58 37.8 38.8 14 i 12 00 51-6 49-7 43 -12. S 16 oo 40.2 40.9 18 -18.6 Correction to local mean time is 2m 39.53. 90 torsion = 14/57. Torsion head read 36 and 14 at beginning and end respectively. Observer H. H. N. Correction to local mean time is im o6s. 90 torsion = 16/91. Torsion head read 30 and 40 at beginning and end respectively. Observer R. R. T. 1 66 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, February 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, February 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale i East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'i readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp time nation. C. time aation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right i h m d d h m d d mi o h m d d ' h m d d o oo* 38.3 36.0 22 40 -22. 2 OO 30.8 30.0 22 50 -19.4 4 oo 54.3 52.4 23 05 6 oo 49.8 49.0 23 ii -17.4 02 37.5 35.0 41 02 30.2 29.0 51 02 61.6 59.5 22 53 02 45.8 44.0 18 04 36.3 33-5 43 ; 04 30.2 29.5 Si 04 62.3 60.2 52 04 45-0 43-8 19 06 34-3 31-2 47 06 30.0 29.4 5i 06 60.3 58.0 56 06 48.5 46.6 14 08 28.0 26.0 56 08 30.6 30.3 50 08 60.5 58.3 55 08 54-5 52.0 05 10 38.5 35-8 40 10 32.0 31.5 48 10 60.4 58.6 55 10 53-0 51-3 07 12 27.O 24.8 57 12 32.6 32.1 47 12 60.6 59.0 55 12 55.2 54.4 02 14 30.0 28.0 52 -21.6 14 33-5 32.8 46 -19.1 14 62.8 61.0 51 -18.0 14 52.06 07 -17.2 16 31.0 28.3 51 16 34-6 33-6 44 16 65.6 63.5 47 16 48.6 48.0 13 18 33-0 31-9 47 18 36.3 35-5 42 18 65.6 63.5 47 18 49.6 48.4 12 20 34-0 31.6 46 20 38.8 37-8 38 20 65.6 63.9 47 20 48.3 47-5 14 22 32.0 29.5 50 22 39-3 38.3 37 22 65.0 64.1 47 22 44.6 44.O 19 24 31-6 29.3 50 24 38.1 37-3 39 24 64.5 63.3 48 24 43-3 42.0 22 26 32.0 29.7 50 26 35-5 34-9 43 26 65.0 63.6 47 26 42.3 41.0 23 28 31.6 29.4 50 28 33-5 33-3 46 28 66.1 64.6 46 28 45.6 44.0 18 30 32.8 30.8 48-21.1 30 32-5 32.3 47 -18.9 30 68.8 67.6 42 -17.9 30 46.3 45.7 17 -17.2 32 33-4 32.0 47 32 32.0 31.3 48 32 68.2 67.0 42 32 47.0 45.6 16 34 29.5 28.3 53 34 31.2 30.8 49 34 67.2 66. o 44 34 46.5 44.4 18 36 28.8 27.6 54 36 30.3 29.6 51 36 68.1 64.5 44 i 47-0 44-5 17 38 30.8 30.0 50 38 31.0 30.6 50 38 67.2 65.1 45 38 49-2 47.3 13 40 32-5 31-3 48 40 31.6 30.9 49 40 66.9 64.9 45 40 5O.O 48.3 12 42 32.3 31-0 48 -21 .0 42 30.6 29.8 Si 42 66.5 65.0 45 42 53-3 Si- i 07 44 31.8 30.6 49 44 30.1 29.1 52 -18.9 44 64.0 62.1 50 -17.8 44 52.0 49.7 09 -17.0 46 32.8 32.0 47 46 31-7 30-7 49 46 63.8 63.0 49 46 46.8 45.0 17 48 32.6 31.3 48 48 32.6 31.3 48 48 66.5 65.0 45 48 51.9 49.8 09 SO 33-6 32.3 46 50 33-4 32.3 46 50 68.5 67.3 42 50 54.0 51.0 23 06 52 33-8 32.4 46 52 34-0 33-3 45 52 71-7 70.3 37 52 60.0 57-5 22 57 54 33-5 32.7 46 54 33-6 32.8 46 54 70.4 69.4 39 54 48.8 45-3 23 15 56 33-6 32.5 46 56 34-0 33-0 45 56 67.3 65.6 44 56 41.2 38.5 26 58 34-3 33-5 45 -20.5 58 32.6 31.8 47 58 63.9 62.6 49 58-7 34-3 32.9 36 I 00 35-0 34.0 44 3 oo 33-0 32.3 46 -18.8 5 oo 62.5 61.3 51 -17.7 7 oo 35-3 33-6 35 -17-0 02.5 34-7 34-0 44 02 33-2 32.7 46 02 64.3 62.7 49 02 31.2 30.0 41 04 34-7 33-8 44 04 33-3 33-0 46 04 61.3 60.3 53 04 37.0 29.3 37 06 34-3 33-7 45 06 34-2 33-3 45 06 60.0 59.2 55 06 25.O 22. 52 08 34-0 33-1 45 08 32-9 31-7 47 08 61.7 60.6 53 08 29.5 27.0 45 10 32.3 31.6 48 10 29.5 28.9 52 10 63.6 63.0 49 10 38.0 30.3 35 12 32-3 31.8 48 12 29.4 28.6 52 12 65.0 64.6 47 12 34.0 32.0 37 14 33-2 32.8 46 -2O. I 14 29.3 28.4 53 -18.6 14 65.3 64.5 47 -17.6 14 31.3 29.3 41 -17.0 16 33-3 32.3 46 16 30.3 5i 16 65.1 64.0 47 16 32.0 29.6 40 18 32.8 32.0 47 18 31-3 30.9 49 18 65.0 64.0 47 18 34-6 33-2 36 20 33-1 32.3 47 20 34-1 33-8 45 20 69.0 67.6 41 20 37.0 34.5 33 22 33-5 32.7 46 22 37-7 37-2 39 22 69.0 67.9 41 22 30.2 26.0 45 24 33-5 33-0 46 24 33-8 33-6 45 24 67.3 66.8 44 2A ***T 32.0 29.2 41 26 33-3 32.9 46 26 27. ib 55 26 66.9 65.3 45 26 29.0 26.5 45 28 33-2 32.9 46 28 25.6 25.5 58 28 66.5 65.3 45 28 i 24.0 23.5 52 30 32.6 32.3 47 -20. o 30 26.6 26.1 57 ! -i8.4 30 65.0 64.0 47 -17-5 30 23.3 21.5 54 1-16.9 32 32-9 32.6 47 32 28.0 27.0 55 32 64.3 63.3 49 32 26.5 24.3 49 34 33.0 32.4 47 34 29.7 28.3 52 34 66.5 66.0 45 34 34-0 31.3 38 36 32.6 32.2 47 36 26.7 25.7 57 36 67.3 66.5 44 36 38.0 36.3 30 38 32.8 32.2 47 38 35-0 33.5 44 38 64.5 64.0 48 38 42.3 40.0 24 40 33-0 32.2 47 40 35-1 33.6 44 40 64.6 63.5 48 40 42.5 41.0 23 42 32.6 32.0 47 42 33-5 3L7 47 42 64.0 63.0 49 42 42.0 40.3 24 44 33-3 32.6 46 -19.7 44 34-3 31-6 22 46 -l8.I 44 65.3 64.0 47 -17.4 44 37.0 36.0 31 46 33-3 32.3 46 46 24.5 23-3 23 oo 46 64.2 62.7 49 46 45.0 44.3 19 -16.5 48 33-2 32.3 47 48 23.6 22.6 O2 48 64.5 63.7 48 48 49.6 49.0 ii 50 33-5 32.6 46 50 21 .0 19.6 06 SO 62.3 61.6 52 50 53.0 52.0 06 52 33-3 32.5 46 52 21. O 2O. O 06 52 62.0 60.5 53 52 53-3 50.7 07 54 32.6 32.3 47 54 14.8 12.2 17 54 60.6 59.5 55 54 51.1 48.9 10 56 32.0 31.3 48 56* 40.0 37.0 28 56 59-0 57-5 22 57 56 49-3 47-0 13 58 31-3 30.6 49 58 54-3 44- 5 ii -18.0 58 56.0 54.0 23 02 58 49.5 46.8 13 , II Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and J. V., who alternated from 7h 46m to 7h 52m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 167 Wednesday, February 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, February 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East , ! Scale East Scale East ' Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time natioa C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation i C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h in d d O h m d d ' ' ; h m d d o / o 800 52.0 48.0 23 10 -15.8 10 oo 73.1 70.3 22 36 -13-9 12 OO 45-7 44.0 22 28 -II. i 14 oo 38.9 36.8 22 39 -9-0 02 56.8 52.1 03 02 75-8 73-7 3i 02 . 47-8 45-3 25 02 38.9 37.2 38 04 53.0 49.4 08 04 68.2 66.1 43 04 44.4 42.0 30 ; 04 39.0 37-6 38 06 53.0 49-0 09 06 69.7 67.2 41 06 47.9 45.0 25 06 39-9 38.9 36 ; 08 53-5 52.0 06 08 74.8 71.0 34 08 46.4 43.7 27 08 40.8 39-9 35 10 53.0 49.6 08 10 74.1 70.1 35 10 46.0 43.2 28 : 10 40.8 40.0 35 12 56.3 54-6 02 12 74.9 71.0 34 12 45.2 42.2 29 12 40.6 40.0 35 14 56.0 55-0 23 02 -15-7 14 72.0 68.3 38 -13-3 14 45.6 42.3 29 -II. o 14 39.9 39.2 36 -8.9 16 58.3 55-2 22 60 16.8! 77.7 71.3 i 32 16 48.0 43.8 26 16 40.1 38.3 37 18 57-2 54-8 6l 18* ' 48.3 36.2 32 18 48.0 43-0 27 18 40.9 39.8 35 20 65.9 63.1 47 20 46.2 36.2 34 20 49.5 45.2 24 20 40.8 39-9 35 22 71.0 67.8 40 22 45-9 33-8 36 22 48.1 44.5 25 22 39-7 39-2 37 24 67.0 64.5 46 24 48.2 36.3 32 24 47.8 45.0 25 24 39.3 38.2 37 26 63.1 61.1 Si 26 46.0 32.0 37 26 44.0 41.5 31 26 40.1 39.0 36 28 70.7 67.6 40 28 45-2 32-3 37 28 49.4 47.1 22 28 40.6 39.1 36 30 69.3 65.8 43 -15.2 30 44-9 32.3 37 30 49-9 48.1 21 IO. 8 30 40-7 39-0 36 -8.8 32 65.2 62.9 48 32 39.0 36.6 39 -12.5 32 50.0 48.5 21 32 42.1 38.3 35 34 65.2 62.8 48 34 41.6 37.1 37 34 50.2 49.2 20 34 43-7 39-0 33 36 64.0 61.5 50 36 39.1 36.7 39 36 48.5 47.9 22 36 44-1 39.9 32 38 67.0 64.9 45 38 38.7 35-0 40 38 48.9 48.2 22 38 44.6 40.1 32 40 70.1 67.0 41 40 39-2 36.8 i 38 40 46.5 45.6 26 40 46.0 38.0 32 42 70.6 68.9 39 42 36.2 33.2 44 42 45-9 45-0 27 42 45-0 37-8 33 44 68.0 65.0 44 -15.0 44 35-3 32.9 44 -12.2 44 45-5 44-4 27 -10. 3 44 44-1 37-9 34 -8-4 46 68.9 65.9 43 40 38.2 35-3 40 46 45.0 42.0 30 46 43-8 38.0 34 48 70.1 68.6 40 48 38.0 36.0 40 48 43-2 39-9 33 48 43-3 37-9 34 50 68.3 67.3 42 50 37-9 36.4 40 50 44.9 41.8 30 50 43-5 38.0 34 52 68.0 65.1 44 52 36.2 35.0 42 52 42.8 41.0 32 52 43-0 37-7 35 54 67.1 66.6 44 54 37-6 36.7 i 40 54 43.0 41-5 32 ' 54 42.6 37.6 35 56 69.7 64.9 43 56 37-0 35-3 41 56 42.1 39-5 34 56 42.5 37-6 35 58 70.2 66.0 42 58 | 37-3 35-6 41 58 42.0 39.7 34 58 41.9 37.2 36 9 c 68.2 65.6 44 -14-4 ii oo 40.1 38.1 37 -12. 13 oo 42-5 39-3 34 -io. o 15 oo 41-2 37-8 36 -8.2 02 66.1 62.5 48 02 39.1 36.3 39 02 43-0 37.5 34 02 41.0 38.2 36 04 71.2 67.8 39 04 42.9 40.0 33 04 41.9 38.0 35 04 40.3 37-8 37 06 71.2 68.2 39 06 43-2 41-2 32 06 41.2 37.0 37 06 39-0 37-0 38 08 70.0 68. o 40 08 43.7 42.0 31 08 40.0 36.2 38 08 40.2 38.3 37 10 69.0 66. o 43 10 39-8 38.0 37 10 40.0 36.8 38 IO 41-0 39-5 35 12 72.7 69.4 37 | 12 38-7 37-9 38 12 39-0 36.3 39 12 40.8 39-7 35 14 74.1 72.4 34 -14-3 14 43.1 42.7 31 -II.9 14 39.1 36.1 39 -9. 8 14 40.0 38.7 36 -8.2 16 68.9 68.0 4i 16.3 42.7 40.5 33 16 37-5 35-1 41 16 39-9 37-0 37 18 70.0 68.9 40 18 43.6 42.0 31 18 37- J 35-5 4i 18 40.3 37-0 37 20 73-8 72.5 34 20 43.9 42.0 31 20 40.9 38.1 36 20 40.0 37.1 38 22 73-3 73-1 34 22 47-3 45-3 25 22 42.1 39-3 34 22 40.0 37.5 37 24 64.8 63.8 48 24 48.1 40.8 24 24 42.0 40.3 33 24 39.9 37.2 38 26 68.7 68.5 41 26 47.1 45.2 26 26 41.8 39.8 34 26 39-7 37-2 38 28 70.9 70.6 38 28 ! 44.3 41-9 30 28 42.1 39.8 34 28 39-5 36.8 38 30 73-8 73-3 33 -14-3 30 45.3 42.7 29 -ii. 6 30 42.9 40.8 32 -9 3 30 39.0 36.8 39 -8-0 32 72.8 71-9 35 32 45.0 42.5 29 32 43-1 40.0 33 32 37-9 37-5 39 34 70.9 70.9 37 34 47-5 45-0 26 34 42.5 40.0 33 34 38.2 38.2 38 36 70.9 70.4 38 36 47.2 45-8 25 36 44.0 40.8 32 36 38.7 38.7 37 38 , 73-9 73-1 33 38 47.0 44.2 27 38.4 44.9 42.0 30 38 39.0 38.8 37 40 73-3 71-2 35 40 44.8 42.2 30 40 43.8 41.1 32 40 38.4 38.0 38 42 74-1 73-1 33 42 44.6 42.7 30 42 42.1 39-9 34 42 38.8 38.6 37 44 76.1 75-3 30 -14-1 44 44.1 42.5 30 -II. 2 44 42.2 39.9 34 -9 I 44 39-7 39-3 36 -7.9 46 1 72.2 68.8 38 46 43.8 41-9 3i 46 40.1 36.9 37 46 40.9 39-8 35 48 i 72.2 69.0 38 48 46.0 44.0 27 48 41.1 37.9 36 48 41-3 40.3 34 , 50 75-0 72.1 33 50 47-8 44.9 25 50 45.0 42.1 30 50 41.2 40.5 34 52 77-9 74-1 29 52 47.0 44.1 27 52 43.0 39.8 33 52 41.2 40.5 34 54 75-3 72.8 32 54 45.0 41-9 30 54 40.3 37-2 37 54 41. I 40.5 34 56 ! 71.9 69.8 37 56 46.1 43.7 28 56 41-7 38.1 35 56 41.0 40.7 34 58 73-9 71-8 34 58 44.7 42.9 29 I 58 42.0 39.0 34 58 40.9 40.2 34 i 1 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and R. R. T., who alternated from ish som to i6h com. i68 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OP ZtEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, February 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, February 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d , h m d d 1 o h m d d i ' h m d d o t 16 oo 41-6 39-2 22 35 -7.0 18 oo 38.0 37.3 22 39 -5-4 20 oo 38.4 37.6 22 39 -6.1 22 OO 64.0 62.3 21 60 -7.9 02 41-6 39-2 35 02 37-8 37-2 39 02 37-9 37-7 39 O2 61.9 60.2 22 03 04 41-5 39-2 35 04 37-7 37-0 39 04 37-9 37-7 39 04 62.8 61.0 22 02 06 41-2 39-1 35 06 37-9 37-0 40 06 38.3 38.0 39 06 64-5 63.4 21 59 08 40.8 38.7 36 08 37-9 37-7 40 08 38.5 38.1 39 08 62.7 62.0 22 OI 10 40.8 37-8 36 IO 38.2 36.9 40 IO 38.6 38.2 38 IO 58.2 58.0 08 ' 12 40.9 39-1 35 12 38.2 37.0 40 12 39-2 37-9 38 12 56.8 56.8 IO 14 40.8 39.0 35 -6.8 14 38.2 37.2 40 -5-2 14 39-3 38.0 38 -6.1 14 56.9 56.i 10 -8.0 16 40.8 39.2 35 16 38.1 37-3 40 16 39.3 38.1 38 16 56.8 56.1 IO 18 40.8 39.1 35 18 38.0 37.2 40 18 39.7 38.2 38 18 55-0 54-2 13 20 40.5 39-1 36 20 38.0 37.2 40 20 39-7 38.2 38 20 53-0 52.4 16 22 40.5 39-2 36 22 38.0 37-5 40 22 39-7 38.1 38 22 49-9 49-3 21 24 40.0 39.1 36 24 38.2 37.8 39 2 4 39.2 38.2 38 24 49.4 48.3 22 26 40.0 39.3 36 26 38.7 38.0 39 26 39.0 37.9 38 26 49.1 48.1 23 28 40.3 39-6 35 28 38.8 38.1 38 28 38.8 37.4 39 28 50.0 49.4 21 30 40.2 39.8 35 -6.2 30 38.8 38.1 38 -5-3 30 38.9 37-5 39 -6.4 30 49.9 49.6 21 -8.2 32 40.2 39.5 36 32 38.7 37-8 39 32 39-2 37-4 39 32 50.7 49.6 2O 8 39-9 39-1 39-2 37.7 36 37 34 38.6 37-7 36 38.3 37-4 39 39 8 39-2 37-8 38 39-1 37-8 38 34 36 51-2 49-2 54-7 52.8 2O IS 38 38.8 38.1 38 38 38.1 37-1 40 38 39-9 38.4 37 38 56.8 51. I 14 40 38.0 37-5 39 40 38.0 37-1 40 40 39.9 38.8 37 40 50.3 44-2 24 42 37-8 37-2 39 i 42 38.0 37-2 40 42 40.1 38.8 37 42 47-9 39-9 30 i 44 37-7 36.9 39 -6-0 44 37-9 37-1 40 -5-3 44 40.1 38.8 37 -6-7 44 42.8 35-3 38 ; -S.8 46 37-8 37-2 39 46 37-8 37-2 40 46 39.9 38.1 38 46 42.0 35-7 38 48 38.5 38.0 38 48 38.1 37-8 39 48 40.1 38.3 37 48 31.5 28.8 22 52 SO 38.8 38.1 38 So 38.1 37-9 39 50 40.9 39-3 36 50 29.1 19.7 23 01 52 39-2 38.7 37 52 38.1 37-9 39 52 41-7 39-9 35 52 29.9 19.7 23 oo 54 40.1 39-2 36 54 38.4 38.1 39 54 42.7 41.1 33 54 36.2 27.4 22 49 56 39.8 39.0 36 56 38.2 37-8 39 56 43-5 42.1 32 56 5I.I 12.2 49 58 39-0 38.5 37 58 38.2 37.8 39 58 44.2 43.1 30 58 54-0 16.7 44 17 oo 38.2 38.0 38 -5.8 19 oo 38.2 37-8 39 -5-3 21 OO 44.8 44.0 29 ; -6.9 23 oo 60.2 24.8 32 -8.9 02 37-9 37-6 39 02 38.2 37.7 39 O2 45.2 44.1 29 02 54-9 24.3 37 04 37.8 37-2 39 04 38.2 37.7 39 04 44.9 43-8 29 04 49.9 16.8 47 06 37-8 37-2 39 06 38.5 37-9 39 06 44.8 43.7 29 06 52.1 22.2 41 I 08 38.0 37-5 39 08 39.3 38.9 37 08 45. 43-8 29 08 57-9 20.2 38 IO 38.3 37-7 38 10 39.8 39.2 37 10 45-3 44-0 29 IO 48.9 6.0 56 12 39-2 38.8 37 12 39-2 38.9 38 12 45.4 44.2 28 12 4O.9 2O. 2 Si 14 40.2 39.2 36 -5-6 14 39-1 38.9 38 -5-8 14 45. 2 44-0 20 -7.0 14 42.3 18.1 52 -8.9 16 40.4 39-2 36 16 38.8 38.3 38 16 45.2 44.0 29 16 46.7 25.1 43 18 40-3 39-3 36 18 38.9 38.2 38 18 45-0 44.0 29 18 49.3 29.1 37 20 40.0 38.8 36 20 39-2 38.8 38 20 45-2 44-1 29 20 50.3 28.9 37 22 39-9 38.6 37 22 40.0 39.2 37 22 45.2 44.1 29 22 40.3 17.9 S3 24 40.2 38.9 36 24 39-2 38.8 38 24 45.8 44.8 28 24 49.8 29.0 37 26 39-8 38.2 37 26 38.7 38.1 38 26 45.5 44-3 28 26 49.2 26.7 39 28 40.2 38.9 36 28 37-9 37-4 40 28 45.2 44-2 29 28 47.9 26.1 4i 30 40.1 38.9 36 -5-5 30 37-8 37-2 40 -6.0 30 45-8 44-6 28 -7.3 30 54-6 36.1 28 -S.8 32 40.2 39.0 36 32 38.2 37.7 39 32 45.8 44.4 28 32 58.0 40.3 22 34 39-9 38.8 36 34 38.3 37-9 39 34 45.0 44.2 29 34 51-0 39-3 28 36 39-6 38.8 37 36 38.7 38.2 38 36 44.8 44-1 29 36 46.6 31.1 3 38 39-7 38.9 36 38 38.8 38.2 38 38 44.6 44.1 29 38 48.8 33-2 35 40 39-2 38.6 37 40 38.9 38.2 38 40 44.8 44.1 29 40 44-7 30.2 40 42 38.9 38.0 38 42 38.9 38.2 38 42 45.2 44.6 28 42 50.7 36.7 30 44 38.3 37-6 39 -5-4 44 39-4 38.8 37 44 47.0 46.2 26 -7.6 44 52.9 39.8 ->6 -8.8 46 38-3 37-2 39 1 46 39-9 39-0 37 46 48.1 47-7 24 46 50.8 38.3 29 48 38.3 37-2 39 48 40.0 39.0 37 48 52.80 16 48 47-9 36.1 33 50 38.2 37-6 39 50 40.1 39-0 37 50 57.6 56.2 10 So 46.0 33.8 30 52 38.2 37-5 39 52 39-9 38.3 37 52 60.8 60.2 22 O4 52 45-0 33-3 38 37-9 37-1 39 54 39-8 38.2 38 54 65.8 64.7 21 57 54 44-3 33-2 38 56 37-9 37-2 39 ; 56 39-3 38.2 38 56 65-3 65.1 57 56 43-6 33-2 39 58 37-9 37-2 39 58 38.9 38.0 38 58 64.0 62.8 59 58 42.3 32.6 40 24 oo 41.8 32.8 40 1 i 1 1 Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 9.55. Torsion head read 31.5 at beginning and ending. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 169 Thursday, February 25, 1904 Magnet scale erect Friday, February 26, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d / o h m d d o / O h m d d O ' O 16 oo 52.4 53-9 22 37 -17-7 18 oo 51-7 SS-o 22 40 -16.3 20 oo 39.9 34.4 22 42 -6.7 22 00 41.2 39.8 22 36 -5.3 02 51-7 53-8 37 02 54-9 55-2 40 02 40.1 39.0 38 02 40.7 39-1 37 04 52.6 54.5 38 04 55-0 55-3 41 04 40.1 39-1 38 04 41.2 39.9 36 06 52.3 54-2 38 06 54-4 54-9 40 06 40.1 39-2 38 06 41-2 40.3 36 08 52.1 54-2 37 08 54-2 54-9 40 08 40.7 39-8 37 08 42.3 4i.i 34 10 52.2 54-4 38 10 54.2 55.0 40 10 40.8 39.9 37 10 41.9 40.6 35 12 52.7 54-9 39 12 53-9 54-9 39 12 41.0 40.1 36 12 40.8 39.7 37 14 52.9 54-9 39 -17.9 14 53-5 54-8 39 -16.1 14 41.0 40.3 36 -6.1 14 41.6 40.2 36 -5-2 16 53-1 55-0 39 16 54.0 55.0 40 16 40.9 40.1 36 16 40.9 39.8 37 18 54-2 55-7 40 18 54-3 55-3 40 18 41.4 40.8 35 18 40.2 39.0 3S 20 53-1 54.8 39 20 54-7 55-8 41 20 41.8 41-3 35 20 39-8 38.4 39 22 53.0 54-8 39 22 ! 54-8 55-8 41 22 42.8 42.0 33 22 38.6 37.7 40 24 53-2 55-0 39 \ 24 55-2 55.8 41 24 42.8 42.2 33 24 38.5 37-7 40 26 53-5 55-0 39 26 54-9 55-2 40 26 42.4 41.9 34 26 38.6 37-5 40 28 52.8 54-2 38 28 54-9 55-2 40 28 42.4 41.8 34 28 37.9 37.0 41 30 52.3 54-2 38 -17.8 30 55-1 55.4 41 -16.0 30 42.4 42.0 34 -5-5 30 37-4 36.8 42 -5-1 32 52.9 55-0 39 32 55-1 55-7 41 32 42.8 42.2 33 32 37-3 36-6 42 34 53-0 55-1 39 34 55-0 55-7 41 42.6 42.0 34 34 37-2 36.5 42 36 53-1 55.2 39 36 55-2 55-7 41 36 42.5 42.2 34 36 37-7 37-0 4i 38 52.8 55-0 39 38 55-4 55-9 41 38 43-5 43-0 32 38 38.0 37-4 4i 40 50.7 53-0 35 40 55-5 55-9 42 40 44.2 43.9 31 40 38.0 37-6 41 42 49-5 51-6 33 42 55-9 56.4 42 42 44-0 43-8 31 42 37-9 37-3 41 44 48.0 49.6 31 -17-3 44-3 55-8 56.7 42 44 44-2 43.9 31 -5-5 44 38-1 37-6 41 -S-i 46 46.7 48.2 28 46 55-6 56.4 42 46 44-3 44-1 31 46 38.2 37-6 40 48 46.8 48.2 29 48 55-7 56.3 42 48 44-7 44-2 30 48 38.0 37-8 40 SO 47.2 48.1 29 50 55-8 56.5 42 50 44-8 44-2 30 50 38.1 37-9 40 52 47.2 47.9 28 52 56.0 56.9 43 52 45-4 45-0 29 52 37-6 37.0 41 54 48.4 48.8 30 54 56.2 57.0 43 54 45-7 45-1 29 54 37-0 36.8 42 56 49.8 50.2 33 56 56.1 56.9 43 56 46.4 45.9 28 56 36.7 36.2 43 58 50.9 51.2 34 58 55-1 57-0 42 58 45-2 44-7 29 58 36.4 36.1 43 17 oo i 51.2 51.8 35 -17.0 19 oo 55.0 56.9 42 -15.6 21 00 44-9 44-3 30 -5-7 ! 23 oo 37.4 37.0 42 -S-o 02 52.9 53-7 38 02 54.7 56.4 41 02 44-9 44-5 30 02 37-8 37-5 41 04 54.2 55.0 40 04 54-1 56.4 41 04 43-7 43-1 32 04 37-5 37-5 41 06 55.6 56.1 42 06 53-9 55-9 40 06 43-3 43-0 32 06 36.4 36.1 43 08 57.4 58.0 45 08 54-1 55-8 40 08 43.0 42.6 33 08 36.5 36.1 43 10 57-9 58.6 45 10 54.2 56.0 41 10 41.5 41.1 35 IO 36.6 36.0 43 12 57-2 57-9 44 J2 54-3 55-9 41 12 40.1 39.8 38 12 36.5 36.2 43 14 57-7 57-9 45 -17-0 14 54-1 55-8 40 -iS-3 14 39-6 39.1 38 -5-7 14 36.2 36.0 43 -5-0 16 57-8 58.0 45 16 54.1 55.9 40 16 39-7 39-0 38 16 36.1 35-9 43 18 57.4 57.8 44 18 54-8 56.2 4i 18 39-8 39-5 38 18 36.3 36.0 43 20 57.8 58.0 45 20 55.1 56.8 42 20 42.0 41.6 34 20 36.9 36.3 43 22 57-6 57-9 45 22 55.1 56.8 42 22 42.6 42.0 34 22 36.9 36.5 42 24 57-3 58.0 44 24 55-3 57-0 42 24 44.2 44.0 31 24 36.8 36.4 43 26 56.7 57.6 44 26 55.1 56.8 42 26 47-3 46.4 26 26 36.0 35.2 44 28 56.2 57.0 43 28 55-2 56.7 42 28 48.8 47-3 25 28 35-2 35.0 45 30 56.1 56.9 43 -16.8 30 54-2 55.8 41 -15.0 30 48.6 46.3 26 -5-7 30 36.1 35-7 44 -5-0 32 56.1 56.9 43 32 54-0 55-2 40 32 48.0 45.4 27 32 37-8 37-0 41 34 56.0 56.9 43 34 53-8 54-9 39 34 45-2 43-3 31 37-9 37-1 41 36 55-9 56.9 43 36 52.0 54.0 37 36 47-3 45-4 27 36 37-2 36.5 42 38 55-3 57-0 42 38 52.2 54-3 38 38 46.7 44.4 29 38 36.5 35-9 43 40 55.0 56.8 42 40 52.8 54-4 38 40 46.5 44-6 29 40 36.1 35-5 44 42 55.2 56.9 42 42 53-1 54-7 39 42 45-8 44-0 29 42 36.4 35-9 43 44 55-3 57-0 42 -16.7 44 53-9 55-0 39 -15.0 44 46.0 44.0 29 -5-5 44 37-0 36.8 42 -5-0 46 55.8 56.6 42 46 54-9 56.0 41 46 44.0 41.9 33 46 37-8 37-3 41 48 SS.i 56.8 42 48 55-4 56.4 42 48 41.8 40.0 36 48 37-5 37-1 41 50 54-4 55-9 4i 50 55-4 56.4 42 50 42.5 40.9 50 37-3 37-0 42 52 54.2 55.4 40 52 55-2 56.1 41 52 41.4 40.1 36 52 37-0 36.8 42 54 54-3 55-8 40 54 55-2 56.2 41 54 42.0 40.3 35 54 37-4 37-1 42 56 54-4 55-4 40 56 55-7 56.8 42 56 41.3 40.0 36 56 38.9 37-4 40 58 54-5 54-9 40 58 55-9 56.7 42 58 42.1 40.8 35 58 38.7 38.2 40 20 oo 55-9 56.6 42 -14.9 24 oo 38.7 38.3 39 Correction to local mean time is + 153. Torsion head read 30 at beginning and ending. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 395. Torsion head read 27 at beginning and ending. Observer H. H. N. 12 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Sunday, February 28, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, February 28, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr't readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d , O h m d d ' o h m d d , O 00 54-0 56.1 22 45 2 OO 49.1 56.0 22 41 -II. 9 4 00.4 53-8 51-0 22 45 6 oo 52.9 52.5 22 44 -9-5 02 54-0 55-8 45 -14-5 02 49.3 56.2 41 02 53-1 52.0 45 02 53-9 53-5 : 43 04 53-5 56.3 45 04 50.0 56.0 42 04 52.5 52.2 45 04 52.6 52.3 45 06 53-1 57-0 45 06 50.0 56.3 42 06 53-0 52.8 44 06 51-5 Sl-2 46 08 52.2 57.0 44 08 50.8 56.8 43 08 52.0 51.8 45 08 51.2 51-0 47 10 53-0 56.0 44 IO 51-2 56-3 43 10 52.0 51.9 45 IO Si-7 51.2 46 12 52.0 58.8 45 12 Si.i 55-6 42 12 52.0 51.9 45 12 52.4 52-0 45 14 56.2 58.2 48 -I3.8 14 50.8 54.9 41 -II. 4 14 52-8 52.5 44 -IO.O 14 52.0 52.0 45 -9-3 16 50.2 58.2 43 16 51.6 53-2 41 16 53-5 53-1 43 16 53-0 52.3 44 18 50.5 58.0 43 18 52.0 53-8 41 18 53-2 53-0 44 18 53-3 53-3 43 20 50.5 57-2 43 20 52.8 54.2 42 20 52.8 52.7 44 20 53.0 52.7 44 22 50.8 57.0 43 22 52.9 54-9 43 22 52.8 52.7 44 22 ! 52.3 52.3 45 24 51-2 56.7 43 24 52.9 54-8 43 24 53.1 52.9 44 24 52-3 52.0 45 26 50.0 57.2 42 26 53-0 54-9 43 26 53-4 53-1 43 26 52.3 52.2 45 28 50.0 57.0 42 -13-3 28 53-2 55-2 43 28 53-3 53-3 43 28 52.0 52.0 45 30 50.5 57-0 43 30 53-4 55-1 43 -IT-3 30 53-0 53-0 44 -IO.O 30 52.6 52.5 45 32 51-6 57-8 44 32 53-7 54-5 43 32 53-7 53-4 43 32 51.8 51.2 46 34 52.7 58.0 45 34 53-5 54-0 43 34 54-8 54-6 41 34 49.8 49.2 49 36 52-7 58.5 46 36 53-9 54-2 43 36 54-1 54-0 42 36 50.7 50.3 48 38 52.0 58.0 45 38 53-7 54-1 43 38 53-1 53-0 44 38 52.2 52.2 45 40 52.9 58.6 46 40 53-0 54-0 42 40 53-8 53-5 43 40 52.7 52.3 45 42 53-0 58.6 46 42 53-0 54.3 42 42 54-9 54-8 41 42 53-0 52.9 44 44 52. 6 58.0 45 -13.0 44 53-0 54-5 43 -" i 44 54-0 54.0 42 -IO.O 44 53-0 52.7 44 ').< 46 50.8 58.2 44 46 52.0 55-0 42 46 53-0 52.8 44 46 52.9 52.3 44 48 50.9 57-7 44 48 52.0 55-0 42 48 53-0 52.8 44 48 52.2 52.2 45 50 Si- 2 57-1 43 50 52.0 55.0 42 50 53-8 53-6 43 50 52.6 52.2 45 52 51.8 57-4 44 52 52.5 55-5 43 52.3 52.8 52.3 45 52 52.2 51.8 45 54 51-9 57-0 44 54 53-1 55.7 44 54 52.2 52.0 45 54 52.2 52.0 45 56 Si.i 56.7 43 56 52.8 54-9 43 56 53-0 52.8 44 56 52.1 51-9 45 58 50.8 56.0 42 58 53-1 54.9 43 58 53-1 53-0 44 58 52.2 52.0 45 I 00 50.8 56.0 42 -12.9 3 oo 54-0 55-5 44 -ii. o 5 oo 52.1 52.0 45 -9.9 7 oo 52.5 52.1 45 -g.2 02 52.3 56.1 43 02 53-2 56.0 44 02 52.0 51-5 46 02 52.5 52.0 45 04 54-0 57-8 46 04 52.0 55.2 42 04 52.9 52.8 44 04 52.5 52.0 45 06 54-1 57-8 46 06 51-3 55-0 42 06 53.8 53.5 43 06 53-0 52-7 44 08 53-7 57-0 45 08 52.0 55.0 42 08 52.9 52.2 45 08 52.0 51.9 45 10 53-3 56.0 44 JO 52.0 55.2 42 IO 52.1 52.1 45 10 52.0 52.0 45 12 53-9 55-7 44 12.4 52.1 55.7 43 12 52.8 52.5 44 12 52.2 52.2 | 45 14 54-1 55-2 44 -12.6 14 51.8 55.2 42 -10.9 H 53-1 53-0 44 -9.8 14 53.0 52.0 45 -9-1 16 53-0 55-7 44 16 51.5 56.0 43 16 55-0 54-2 41 16 53-0 52.7 44 18 52.0 55-0 42 18 51-9 55-5 43 18 57-0 56.0 38 18 53-2 53-0 44 20 51.8 53-7 4i 20 52.5 56.0 43 20 55-0 54-9 41 20 52.2 52.1 45 22 51-5 52.8 40 22 52.7 55-9 44 22.3 54-9 54-8 41 22 52.1 52.0 45 24 52.3 Si.i 40 24 52.6 56.0 44 24 52-5 52-0 45 24 54-0 53-8 42 26 50.4 51-9 39 26 51.8 54.8 42 26 51.3 51.0 47 26 54-0 53-9 : 42 28 50.2 52.1 39 28 52.1 54.8 42 28 53-5 53-1 43 28 53-7 53-0 43 30 50.3 S3-o 39 -12.2 30 52.9 54-9 43 -10.7 30 54-5 54-3 42 -9.8 30 53-1 53-1 44 32 50.0 53.2 39 32 53-0 55.2 43 32 53.1 52.3 44 32 53-5 53-5 43 34 49-1 53.0 38 34 53-4 55-7 44 34 53.2 52.2 44 34 53-0 52.9 44 36 48.8 52.3 38 36 ' 52.2 54- 8 42 36 53-0 52.7 44 36 53-1 52.9 44 38 48.8 52.3 38 38 51-0 53-8 41 38 52.2 52.2 45 38 52.9 52.9 44 40 49-7 53-0 39 40 52.0 54.0 42 40 53-6 53-0 43 40 52.3 52.3 45 42 50.2 53.4 40 42 52-5 54-7 42 42 54.2 54-0 42 42 54.2 54-0 42 44 46 50.1 53.1 50.4 53-9 39 40 -12. 44 46 53-1 55-1 52.7 54-8 43 -10-5 43 44 52.8 52.1 45 46 51.8 51.6 46 -9-7 44 46 54-1 53-9 53-7 53-2 42 43 -9.0 48 51.8 54-2 42 48 53-0 55-0 43 48 53-0 53-0 : 44 48 53-0 53-0 44 50 52.8 54-9 43 50 53-2 55-0 43 50 52.0 52.0 45 50 53-3 53-2 43 52 52.5 54-2 42 52 53-0 54-4 43 52 51.2 51.0 47 52 54-0 52.1 44 54 50.0 56.7 42 54 50.0 57.0 42 54 52.0 51.9 45 54 54-0 53-0 43 56 49.4 56.2 41 56 50.0 56.9 42 56 52.2 52.0 45 56 54.0 54.0 42 58 49.1 56.0 41 58 49.8 52.0 38 58 51-7 51-2 46 58 54-3 53-9 42 8 oo 54-0 53-9 42 -9.0 Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is + 17.53. Torsion head at 23)1 3om read 22 and at gh 3im read the same. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 171 Monday, February 29, 1904 Magnet scale erect Tuesday, March i, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East II Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli-. Temp. 1 Chr'r ; readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation, C. time nation C. time nation, C. time nation C. Left Right Left Kight Left Right Left Right h m d d ' o h in d d / h m d d o / h m d d O ' O 8 oo 53.5 55-6 22 47 -13.0 10 00 54-4 54-7 22 47 -IO.2 12 OO 52.9 51-3 22 45 -1.2 14 oo 54-9 50.3 22 44 -2.7 02 51.6 53-9 45 02 54-5 54-7 47 02 53-2 51-5 44 02 55-0 49-3 45 04 52.2 53-9 45 04 55-1 55-3 48 04 56.1 49-5 44 04 56.5 49.1 44 06 54.0 55.0 48 06 54-3 54-6 47 06 55-8 50.2 43 06 55.8 50.0 44 08 55-3 56.8 50 08 53-6 54-0 46 08 56.0 50.2 43 08 55-2 SO.o 44 10 54-6 56.4 49 IO 53-1 53-4 45 10 57.0 50.7 42 10 55-3 49-4 44 12 57-3 58.2 52 12 53-7 54-0 46 12 57-3 51.8 41 12 56.0 49.1 44 14 55-7 57-1 50 -12.4 14 54-1 54-7 47 -IO.O 14 57-0 52-3 41 -i-7 14 56.0 49.2 44 -2.9 16 56.0 57.3 50 16 52.6 53-0 45 16 56.9 52.7 40 16.2 56.0 48.9 44 18 55-8 57-2 50 18 52.5 52.9 44 18 57-4 52.2 40 18 55-4 48.3 45 20 56.1 57-3 Si 20 54-1 54-3 47 20 57-0 51-8 41 20 55-7 48.4 45 22 55-9 57-1 50 22 54-1 54-4 47 22 55-8 51.1 43 22 56.0 48.5 45 24 56.2 57.3 51 24 53-6 54-0 46 24 55-0 51-7 43 24 55-5 47-7 46 26 56.3 57.6 51 26 53-7 53-9 46 26 55-2 51-6 43 26 54.4 47.4 47 28 57-1 57-9 52 28 52.6 52.9 44 28 54-8 50.7 44 28 54.2 48.2 46 30 56.8 57-5 51 -II. 8 30 51.8 52.1 43 -io. o 30 55-0 50.4 44 -2.O 30 53.9 49.0 46 -3-0 32 56-4 57-3 Si 32 53-5 54-1 46 32 55-0 50.3 4-1 32 52.2 48.5 47 34 56.9 57-6 51 34 53-6 54-3 46 34 54-3 50.3 44 34 51.1 48.8 48 36 55-7 56.2 49 36 53-1 53-4 45 36 54.2 49.8 45 36 50.7 46.8 50 38 55.0 55-8 49 38 53-1 53-7 45 38 54-8 50.8 44 38 51.8 47.0 49 40 55.1 56.0 49 40 53-6 53.9 46 40 55-3 52.0 42 40 57-8 48.0 44 42 57-1 57-7 52 42 53-3 53-8 46 42 56.0 52.1 42 42 51-7 46.1 50 44 56.4 57-0 51 -il. 7 44 52.8 53-1 45 -9.8 44 55-9 52.1 42 -2.1 44 51.9 47-3 49 -3-0 46 55-2 55-9 49 46 53-7 53-9 46 46 56.2 52.0 42 46 52.0 48-7 48 48 54-6 55-1 48 48 53-1 53.6 45 48 56.0 52.8 41 48 52.3 49.2 47 50 55-4 55-8 49 So 55-2 55.8 49 50 56.0 51.8 42 50 53.0 49.7 46 52 55-7 56.2 49 52 54-7 55-0 48 52 56.1 51.6 42 52 53-4 48.7 47 54 55-1 55.7 49 54 52.6 52.9 44 54 57-0 51.9 41 54 52.9 49.0 47 50 55-5 56.0 49 56 51-0 51-2 42 56 55-7 Si-8 42 56 52-3 49-4 47 58 55-1 55-6 49 58 51.9 52.2 43 58 55-7 Si.8 42 58 53-5 50.6 45 900 54-9 55-1 48 -i i. 3 II OO 52.8 53-o 45 -9-3 13 oo 55-9 51-7 42 -2.1 15 oo 53-0 50.2 40 -3. I 02 54-3 54-8 47 02 52.6 52.9 44 02 54-6 52.2 43 02 51.8 50.9 46 04 53-2 53-8 46 04 51.9 52.2 43 04 54-2 52.3 43 04 52.2 51.3 45 06 53.0 53.4 45 06 51-5 51-8 43 06 54-0 53.0 43 06 53.0 51.9 44 08 53.1 53.7 45 08 Si.i 51-5 42 08 53-8 53-0 43 08 52.0 51.5 ; 45 10 53.6 53-9 46 10 51-6 51-9 43 io 54.0 52.4 43 IO 51.7 50.6 46 12 53.8 54.0 46 12 ! 52.O 52.4 44 12 53-2 52.4 44 12 Si-4 50.9 46 14 54-1 54.2 47 -II. 14 52.0 52.8 44 -9-3 14 52.7 52.0 44 -2.2 14 51-3 50.8 47 -3-1 10 53-9 53-9 46 16 51-9 52-5 44 16 52.9 Si.o 45 16 52.7 50.9 45 18 53-6 53-9 46 18 Si-3 Si-9 43 18 53-0 50.8 45 18 53-9 51.8 44 20 54.0 54.2 47 20 Si.i 51.4 42 20 53-1 50.2 46 20 53-9 52.0 44 22 53.8 54- o 46 22 49-5 50-9 40 22 53-9 50.5 45 22 54-0 52.0 43 24 53-9 54-2 46 24 49-1 49.5 39 24 55-9 51-3 42 24 53-3 51-7 44 26 53-7 54-0 46 26 49-5 49-7 39 26 54-6 51-2 44 26 52.9 51.2 45 28 53-9 54-1 46 28 51-4 51-7 42 28 55-0 51-2 43 28 52.3 50.9 46 30 54-1 54-2 47 -10.8 30 53-0 53-7 45 -9.0 30 54-5 52.2 43 -2.5 30 53-0 51.9 44 32 54-1 54-1 47 32 50.7 51-2 42 32 54-9 52.1 43 32 52.6 52.0 44 -3.3 34 53-8 53-9 46 34 49-8 50.3 40 34 53-9 52.5 43 34 52.7 50.9 45 36 53-7 53-9 46 36 52.2 52.7 44 36 53-0 51.8 44 36 51.0 49-4 48 38 53-7 53-9 46 38 52.4 52.9 44 38 51-9 50.8 46 38 51.0 48.3 49 40 Overl'k'd 40 52.1 52.7 44 40 51.8 50.7 46 40 49.7 47.2 51 42 53-i 53-4 45 42 50.9 51-2 42 42 51.2 50.0 47 42 49.7 47.0 51 44 53-1 53-3 45 1 44 50.2 50.8 41 -9-0 44 53-2 Si-4 44 -2.8 44 47.4 44.7 54 -3-2 46 52.9 53-0 45 -10.4 46 50.6 50.7 41 46 54-2 50.2 45 46 45.6 42.9 57 48 53.8 54.0 46 48 50.7 51.2 42 48 55-0 50.9 44 48 44-9 43-0 58 50 53-1 53-5 45 50 51.8 52.0 43 50 54-2 50.8 44 50 43-2 42.0 60 52 52.0 52.9 44 52 51-7 51-9 43 52 53-9 4.i 47 52 48.3 45-6 53 54 53-1 53.4 45 54 51-3 52.0 43 54 53-8 47-9 47 54 50.2 44.1 53 56 54-1 54-2 47 56 51.4 52.0 43 56 54.1 49.6 45 56 48.6 43-3 55 58 54-2 54-4 47 58 51-9 52.3 44 58 55-0 50.6 44 58 52.0 46.3 49 12 00 51.2 51-9 42 -8-5 16 oo 50.2 46.1 51 -3-2 Correction to local mean time is 28.55. Torsion head at 7h 4om read 22 and at I2h 3om read 22 Observer H. H. N. Correction to local mean time is 395. 90 torsion = 10/63. Torsion head at lih 25m read 25 and at i6h 2Sm read 33. Observer J. V. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OK ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, March 2, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, March 2, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chrr readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' o h m d d o / h m d d o / O h m d d / O 00* 60.3 65.0 , 22 48 -10.4 2 OO 60.2 60.7 22 45 -6.8 4 oo 58.1 60.2 22 43 -5-6 6 oo 58.8 59-3 22 43 -4-9 02 63.4 70.1 , 55 02 60.2 60.9 45 02 58.3 60.8 43 02 59.1 oo.o 43 04 66.9 70.8 58 04 60.3 60.9 45 04 58.3 60.5 43 04 Oo.2 62.6 40 06 64.0 68.8 22 54 06 59-7 59-9 44 00 58.2 60.4 43 00 63.8 05.8 52 08 70.6 72.3 23 02 08 59-2 59-4 43 08 58.7 60.4 43 08 64.2 66.2 52 10 72.3 76.8 07 10 59.2 60.2 44 IO 58.0 60.3 43 IO 62.7 64.0 49 12 72.7 76.1 23 07 12 59.9 60.8 45 12 5P-9 6l.b 45 12 61.1 62.1 47 H 66.9 69.5 22 57 -9.8 J4 60.0 60.9 45 -6-7 14 00.9 62.3 47 -5-3 14 58.9 60.2 43 -4.8 16 70.9 73.1 23 03 16 59.9 60.7 45 16 61.0 61.9 46 16 59.4 60.9 44 18 67.1 70.7 22 58 18 59.2 60.2 44 18 60.9 62.0 46 18 59.2 60.9 44 20 69.1 70.1 59 20 59-0 59.7 43 20 60.3 61.7 46 20 60.3 61.9 46 22 63.1 64.8 50 22 59-3 60.3 44 22 60. i 62.7 i 46 22 61.1 62.3 47 24 58.2 59-8 43 24 59.9 61.0 45 24 60.7 62.0 46 24 61.6 62.8 48 26 64.00 50 26 58.9 59-8 43 26 59-7 61.0 45 26 60.8 62.0 46 28 67.8 69.8 22 58 28 57-6 58.8 41 28 59.5 60.9 44 28 60. i 61.6 45 30 73.9 76.9 23 08 -9.0 30 57-8 58.4 41 -6-3 30 00.2 6l.8 4 -5-2 30 61.9 62.8 48 -4-7 32 67.8 69.2 22 58 32 58.2 58.9 42 32 60.3 02.0 46 32 63.2 63.9 50 34 68.3 70.9 59 34 59-1 59.9 43 34 60.3 62.2 46 34 60. i 60.8 45 36 65.4 66.7 54 36 60.3 60.8 45 36 59.0 60.8 44 36 57-2 57.9 40 38 65.2 66.2 53 38 61.2 61.4 46 38 57.3 58.8 41 38 59-2 59.4 : 43 40 60.9 62.1 47 40 61.5 61.8 47 40 59.1 60.0 43 40 61.8 62.7 i 48 42 60.9 62.7 47 42 61.1 61.7 46 42 62.9 63.8 49 42 63.0 63.9 i 49 44 62.2 64.1 49 -6.8 44 60.0 60.4 44 -6.2 44 65.2 6(5.7 53 -5-1 44 60. i 60.9 45 4 .(- 46 68.0 70.7 22 59 46 59.0 60.0 43 46 65.1 66.1 53 46 59.1 00. I ! 43 48 70.8 72.7 23 03 48 60. i 60.9 45 48 62.8 63.4 49 48 59.0 60.^ 43 SO 70.8 72.1 23 02 50 62.0 62.8 48 50 60.2 Oi.o 45 50 59.1 62.8 46 52 67.8 69.8 ; 22 58 52 63.0 63.8 49 52 61.9 63.0 48 52 60.8 64.0 48 54 66.1 67.7 55 54 64.2 64.9 Si 54 64.2 65.6 52 54 57.7 61.0 43 56 65.3 66.8 54 56 63.9 64.2 50 56 65.7 66.5 54 56 56.9 59-8 41 58 64.0 65.2 51 58 62.9 63.3 49 58 62.0 62.8 48 58 60. i 62.8 46 -4-3 I 00 63.1 63.9 50 -8.0 3 oo 62.7 63-3 49 -6.1 5 oo 59.2 60.4 44 -5-0 7 oo 60.0 63.2 47 02 62.8 63.4 49 02 62.0 63.0 48 02 60.0 61.0 45 02 58.3 61.7 44 04 61.9 62.3 47 04 61.1 62.2 47 04 59-9 60.7 45 04 59.0 61.8 45 06 60.6 61.2 46 06 61.1 62.1 47 06 61.2 61.7 46 06 59-9 61.1 45 08 60.9 61.8 46 08 60.7 61.2 46 08 62.9 63.4 49 08 59-3 61.3 45 10 61.6 62.7 47 10 59-8 60.3 44 IO 61.7 62.0 47 10 58.8 61.8 45 12 63-3 64.3 50 12 59.9 60.4 44 12 61.3 62.0 47 12 58.9 61.1 44 14 64.0 65.0 51 7-7 14 59.6 60.3 44 -5-9 14 60.2 60.9 45 -S.o '4 57.8 59-8 42 -4-J 16 63.5 64.1 50 16 60. i 60.9 45 16 60.8 62.1 46 16 58.8 60.0 | 43 18 63-1 63.9 50 18 59.9 60.9 45 18 63.7 64.8 51 18 56.6 57-8 40 20 62.8 63.3 49 20 59.9 61.0 45 20 61.4 62.8 ; 47 20 59.6 60.0 44 22 61.7 62.2 47 22 59.9 61.0 45 22 59.8 60.4 44 22 62.8 62.8 49 24 60.2 61.2 45 24 58.8 59-9 43 24 58.8 59.2 43 24 63.06 49 26 59.4 60.2 44 26 58.5 59-4 42 26 62.8 63.1 49 26 56.3 56.8 39 28 58.7 59-1 42 28 60.3 61.1 45 28 64.3 65.1 52 28 58.7 60. i 43 30 59.1 59.2 43 -7.2 30 62.7 63.4 49 -5-8 30 65.0 65.8 53 -5-0 30 62.5 63.9 49 -4-3 32 59.2 59.8 43 32 63.1 63.4 49 32 64.1 04.8 Si 32 60.8 61.0 46 34 60.5 60.8 45 34 62.8 63.1 49 34 63.2 63.8 50 34 58.4 59-1 ] 42 36 61.0 61.1 46 36 62.0 62.1 47 36 62.3 62.8 48 36 59-0 59-7 43 38 61.3 61.8 47 38 61.4 61.8 47 38 62.9 63.7 49 38 57-8 57-9 4i 40 61.5 61.9 47 40 60.9 61.2 46 40 63.7 64.0 50 40 57.4 58.9 41 42 61.1 61.8 46 42 61.3 62.0 47 42 62.8 63.2 49 42 57-0 57-2 40 44 60.2 61.1 45 -7.0 44 62.2 62.8 48 -5-8 44 63.2 64.0 50 -5-0 44 57-8 59-1 42 -4-5 46 60. i 60.9 45 46 63.8 64.0 50 46 61.7 62.4 47 46 62.1 63.1 48 48 60.3 61.1 ; 45 48 62.7 65.8 51 48 60.3 61.3 45 48 61.0 61.9 i 46 So 61.0 61.9 46 50 62.2 64.9 50 50 64.7 65.2 52 50 57-7 58.9 41 52 62.0 62.6 48 52 61.0 63.4 48 52 66.2 67.4 55 52 61.1 62.2 47 54 62.7 62.9 49 54 58.7 61.0 44 54 62.3 63.2 48 54 61.8 62.7 48 56 62.1 62.2 47 56 57.9 60. i 43 56 61.9 62.3 47 56 60.0 60.8 45 58 61.1 61.2 46 58 58.1 60.2 43 58 60.0 60.8 45 58 57-9 58.8 41 Observer R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and H. H. N., who akernated from j\\ 4001 to 7h 50m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, March 2, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, March 2, 1904 Magnet scale erect 1 1 i Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Ghr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time . nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Uft Right Left Right Left Right Left Right ; h 111 d d , o h in d d O h m d d > h m d d / 8 00 61.4 61.7 22 47 -4.3 TO OO 63.2 64.0 22 SO -4.0 T2 OO 38.3 39-9 22 II -5.1 14 OO 43-7 44- S 22 19 -7.0 02 61.0 61.9 4 6 02 62.2 62.8 48 02 41.5 44.0 T7 02 50.1 50.6 29 04 59-6 61.3 45 04 60.9 6l.S 46 04 41.0 44.4 '7 04 51-2 51-6 31 06 63.2 65.1 Si 06 62.2 62.6 48 06 42.3 43.8 17 06 51.8 52.5 32 08 59-3 59-9 43 08 62.6 62.9 48 08 41.8 42.0 16 08 53.6 54-0 34 10 60.6 61.0 45 TO 62.7 63.4 49 IO 41.2 42.7 16 10 54.6 54.8 36 12 61.9 63.6 48 12 61.9 62.6 48 12 41.7 43.4 17 12 55.9 56.2 38 14 61.7 62.8 48 -4-3 M 64.5 64.8 5i -4.0 T4 43.2 45.1 10 -5.2 14 56.0 56.8 38 -7-1 16 59-2 59.6 43 16 61.9 63.0 48 16 42.8 43.0 18 16 56.7 57.2 39 18 57-6 58.9 41 18 63.3 63.3 49 18 47-5 48.6 2^ 18 55-0 56.1 37 20 60.7 61.9 46 20 60.6 6r.6 46 20 42.4 44-9 18 20 55-4 56.3 38 22 61.0 62.4 47 22 61.3 62.2 47 22 44.0 46.1 21 32 56.8 58.2 40 24 57-3 58.9 41 24 62.0 62.5 48 24 43.8 45.6 2O 24 58.1 59.5 42 26 61.6 63.1 48 26 65.1 65.3 52 26 42.6 43.9 T8 26 57.6 58.7 41 28 59-8 61.3 45 28 59.2 61.1 44 28 40.5 42.2 T5 28 55.8 57.0 38 30 59-0 5Q.6 43 4-1 30 60.9 61.8 46 -4-0 30 41.1 42.6 16 5-5 30 55-3 56.1 37 -7-2 32 59-7 60.2 44 32 57-8 58.3 4i 32 43-7 45-3 20 32 S3- i 53- S 34 34 58.6 59.0 42 34 57-6 59-9 42 34 46.0 48.7 24 34 50.5 51-2 30 36 61.6 62.7 47 36 60.6 61.1 45 36 51-5 52.9 32 36 49.0 50.3 29 38 58.9 59-4 43 38 59-1 59.8 43 38 54-9 57-6 38 38 48.8 49-6 27 40 61.3 62.2 47 40 59-6 59.9 44 40 55- T 56.3 37 40 48.3 49-0 26 42 59.9 60.5 44 42 56.9 57-3 40 42 56.8 57-6 40 42 48.9 49-5 27 44 60.4 61.3 45 44 57-4 58.0 41 -4.0 44 50.0 60. i 43 -5-6 44 ST. i 51.8 31 -7-3 46 59.8 60.4 44 46 58.1 59-8 42 46 58.7 59.9 43 46 52.7 53-2 33 48 60.1 61.2 45 -4-1 48 59-2 59.9 43 48 60.3 61.4 45 48 53-8 54-2 35 50 61.8 63.6 48 50 56.3 56.8 39 50 50.3 60.3 44 50 54-0 54-7 35 52 61.3 62.7 47 $2 53-6 54. o 34 52 57.2 58.8 4i 52 54.6 55.1 36 54 62.2 63.9 49 54 55.3 56.4 38 54 56.4 57.9 40 54 55-3 55- 7 37 56 62.5 63.4 49 56 56.6 57-8 40 56 57.1 58.2 40 56 =!5.o 55.4 37 58 60.2 62.3 46 58 59-3 60.2 44 58 56.5 57-8 40 58 55.8 56.1 38 y oo 61.3 63.2 48 -4.0 n oo 58.1 58.5 41 4-1 13 oo 56.4 57.9 40 6.0 IS oo 55-5 55.8 37 -7-5 02 61.9 62.7 48 02 58.9 59-4 43 02 55.6 57-2 38 02 55-2 55-6 37 04 06 60.6 62.3 61.1 62.0 46 47 a 56.2 57-3 55-7 56.1 39 38 04 0 33 -TT.9 02 45.0 45.8 21 02 54-6 56.0 37 02 41.8 43-2 17 02 43-6 53-8 32 04 43.8 46.1 20 04 55-2 56.2 37 04 4T.O 43.1 16 04 40.5 49.0 25 06 44.8 46.6 22 06 55-3 57-0 38 06 37-0 37. i 08 06 42.5 Si.o 29 08 44-0 47-2 21 08 54-9 56.2 37 08 36.2 38.5 22 08 08 45-3 53- T 33 IO 44.9 47.6 22 IO 54-2 55-8 36 10 27.0 30.7 21 55 10.4 48.2 53.9 35 12 45-7 47-7 23 12 54-1 55-5 36 12 25-3 3T.O 2T 54 T2 49.0 54.2 36 '4 44.6 47.3 22 -8.0 14 53-5 55-2 35 -10.0 14 42.51 22 17 14 49-3 53-9 36 -12.0 16 47.0 48.0 25 16 52.4 55-9 35 i6 23. T 3T.5 23 08 16 ST. 7 56.3 40 18 48.0 48.8 26 18 52.5 55-7 35 18 23.2 70.0 23 38 18 ST. 8 57.0 4T 20 50.5 51-8 30 20 51.6 55-2 34 20 Lost 20 51. T 56.0 30 22 51-1 52.0 31 22 51-6 55-0 34 22* 62.0 62.0 26 07 22 49-4 54-3 37 24 52.6 53.7 33 24 53-0 55-4 35 2 4 48.8 50.0 24 50 24 47-9 ST. 2 33 26 54.0 54.8 35 26 53-9 56.2 36 26 47.5 69-0 56 26 45-5 49-9 30 28 54-3 55-0 36 28 54-0 57-0 37 28* 3T.O 55-3 60 28 46.0 50.2 3T 30 54-2 55-7 36 -8.5 30 55-0 57.2 38 -10.2 30 12.5 48.5 24 40 -10.9 30 46.8 51.2 32 -12. T 32 54-9 55-2 36 32 55-2 58.5 39 32 17.4 ST.T 22 49 32 47-2 52.0 33 34 55-2 55-5 37 34 55-5 59-0 40 34* 20. o 59.0 21 34 47-9 53-0 34 36 55-3 55-8 37 36 55-7 59-2 40 36 TI.7 56. T 12 36 48.8 54-7 36 3 54-0 54.7 35 38 55-2 59-0 40 38 22.0 08 51-9 55-3 34 08.3 50.0 53.2 3i 08* T7.6 48.5 07 08 47.0 51. 5 33 IO 51-0 55-0 33 IO 49.0 52.5 30 TO 21.0 53. T T3 TO 47.0 52. T 33 12 50.9 55-1 33 12 49-2 53-2 30 T2 24.0 54.0 17 12 47.0 52.4 33 14 52-3 56.1 ! 35 -9.6 14 49.0 52.2 29 -10.4 T/t 22.8 50. T 12 -TI.O T4 46.0 ST. 2 32 -12.6 16 53-0 56.2 | 36 16 48. T 53.2 29 T6 26.2 5T.8 17 16 45.0 52. T 31 18 Si-3 56.9 35 18 49-0 53-5 30 18 29.O 53.0 2O 18 44-7 ST. 6 31 20 55-8 57-0 38 20 49-9 54-0 31 20 30. T 52.8 20 20 45.0 ST. 8 3T 22 54-0 58.9 38 22 50.0 54.0 32 22 32.0 53.2 22 22 45-0 ST. 6 3T 24 54-7 59-7 40 24 50.3 53-0 31 2A 35.0 S4-8 26 24 46.0 52.0 32 26 54-0 59-0 39 26 50.2 53.0 31 26 35.0 52.8 24 26 46.2 52.2 33 28 53-1 58.6 38 28 49-5 52.0 30 28 36.0 53.0 25 28 46. T 5T.3 32 30 52.3 57-5 36 -9-7 30 49-8 51-9 30 -10.6 30 37.2 54.2 27 -TT.2 30 46.5 52.0 33 -12.8 32 52.0 56.3 35 32 49-0 51.5 29 32 42.0 56.7 33 32 17.0 52.0 34 34 52.5 56.4 35 34 49.7 51.2 29 34 40.5 54.0 ; 29 34 48.8 52.8 35 36 53- T 56.0 36 36 48.5 49-5 27 36 38.5 50.2 25 36 48. T S2.O 34 38 52.3 56.2 35 38 47.9 48.5 26 J8 38.2 49.2 24 38 48.0 5T.T 33 40.3 53-0 56.7 36 40 48.0 48.9 26 40 38.4 49-7 24 40 48.7 ST. 2 .14 42 53-2 57-0 36 42 49.0 49.3 27 42 41.7 52.0 29 42 47-9 SI- 5 33 44 53-2 57-4 37 -9.8 44 48.3 48.9 26 -10.8 44 42.7 51-9 30 -TT.3 44 46.7 50.4 3T -13.0 46 53-8 57.0 37 46 46.2 48.3 24 46 42.0 53. T 30 46 45-7 50.2 31 48 S3-' 58.7 38 48 45-7 48.0 23 48 44.0 56. T 34 48 !< 3 49-3 30 50 54-8 58.8 39 So 45-8 47-5 23 50 48.4 59-8 40 50 43.0 47.8 : 27 52 54-1 58.0 38 52 45-0 47-0 22 5* 48.0 58.0 39 52 .4T.5 46.4 24 54 54-0 58.0 38 54 44.1 45.8 20 51 45-7 56.2 35 54 38.8 44-7 '. 2i So 54-1 57.8 38 56 44.0 46.0 21 56 46.0 57.3 36 56 36.2 do.o '5 58 54-0 57-0 37 58 43-0 45-5 '9 58 44-0 55- T 33 58 j.?.o 45.2 ; 25 24 oo 4 '.i 47-9 25 Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is 48.55. Torsion head at oh oom read 18 and at 24)1 T8m read 18*. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 175 Thursday, March 3, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Friday, March 4, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation c. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h 111 d d o / o h m d d o / O Ii in d d t o h in d d ' 16 oo 29.6 28.8 22 42 18.9 18 oo 29. O 28.7 22 42 -16.3 20 00* 45-5 66.0 22 46 -19.2 22 00 j I8.O 21.0 22 31 02 29.2 28.3 43 02 28.8 28.6 43 02* 65-3 74-7 23 35 O2 l8.5 21.9 32 04 29-9 29.7 41 04 29.1 28.8 42 04* 42.0 50.2 49 04 17.9 21.3 31 06 29.2 28.7 42 06 29.2 28.9 42 06 8.7 26.1 23 04 06 18.5 21.8 32 08 30.1 29.8 41 08 29.4 29.0 42 08* 4i.i 55-9 22 56 08 19.2 21.9 32 10 30.9 30.6 39 10 29-7 29.2 41 10* 52.2 69.1 23 35 IO | 20. 2 22.8 34 12 30.0 28.8 4T 12 30.3 29.8 40 12 52.0 62.2 30 12 i 19.8 22.2 33 u 3I.I 30.3 39 -18.3 14 30.8 30.. 1 40 -16.3 T4 39-1 51.0 II -19.0 14 20. o 22.9 33 -18.8 16 31.4 30.5 39 ifi 31.3 30.8 30 16 56.0 64.0 34 16 19.3 23.0 33 18 32-5 3T.2 38 T8 31.0 30.6 39 18 49-8 59.8 26 l8 I9.O 22.7 33 20 32.0 30.8 38 20 31-0 30.7 39 20 43-o 50.8 13 2O l8-9 22.7 33 22 3T.9 30.8 38 22 31-3 31. T 39 22 41.0 47.7 09 22 2O. O 23.O 34 24 32.3 31. I 38 24 30.0 29.5 4f 24 41.8 49.9 12 24 22.0 24.8 37 26 32.4 31.0 38 26 30.1 29-4 41 26 38.1 42.7 03 26 22.8 25.0 37 28 32.3 31.2 38 28 30.2 29.3 41 28 35-4 40.6 00 28 22.8 25.0 37 30 32.4 31.3 38 -18.0 30 30.3 29.6 4T -16.3 30 37-8 42.3 03 -19.0 30 22.1 24.0 36 -18.7 32 32.3 31-2 38 32 30.4 29.8 40 32 43-5 47-9 23 12 32 20.1 23.0 34 34 31-9 31-0 38 34 29.7 29.1 41 34 37-0 38.0 22 59 34 20.3 22.7 34 36 31. I 30-3 39 36 29.9 29.4 4T 36 31-7 35-3 52 36 20. o 22.3 33 38 32.0 31.3 ' 38 38 30. S 29.9 40 38 19-5 30.0 39 38 20.3 22.9 34 40 32.2 31.4 38 40 30.8 30.2 40 40 40-5 35-3 22 59 40 20.4 22.5 33 42 32.5 31-4 38 42 30.6 30.0 40 42 37-2 42.0 23 02 1 42 l8.9 20. 30 44 30.2 29.6 41 -17.2 44 30.5 29.9 40 -16.3 44 27.0 32.0 22 46 1 -19.0 44 l8.7 20.1 30 46 30.8 29.7 40 46 30.6 30.1 40 46 25.0 30.1 43J 46 18.6 20.0 30 48 30.1 29.6 41 48 30.4 3O.I 40 48 23.8 26.8 40 48 l8.9 19.6 30 SO 30.0 29.1 4T 50 30.8 30.3 40 50 I9.O 22. 22 32 50 19.4 20.7 31 52 30.6 29.9 4O 52 3T.3 3T-0 39 52 37-5 41-0 23 or 52 17.1 18.8 28 54 30.0 29.6 41 51 3T.O 31.0 39 54 37-0 38.9 22 59 54 18.5 19.0 29 56 30. T 29-7 41 5(> 3'- 5 31.3 38 56 24.5 29.0 42 56 17.0 18.0 27 58 29.6 29. T 42 58 32.2 31.6 38 58 22. 28.0 39 58 16.8 17.2 27 17 oo 29-4 28.9 42 -T7-3 19 oo 32.0 31.8 38 -16.2 21 OO 30.7 36.7 53 -19.2 23 oo 16.2 16.9 26 -18.8 02 3O.2 29.9 40 02 33-7 33-4 35 02 26.T 32.O 45 02 15.0 16.2 24 04 30. S 30.2 do 04 33 7 33 I 35 04 3T.3 35-3 52 04 16.2 17.1 26 ofi 30.3 29.9 40 06 33-3 32-9 36 06 28.2 34.7 49 06 16.2 17.0 26 08 29.8 29.2 41 08 33-3 33-0 36 08 26.3 29.8 44 08 16.0 16.8 26 TO 30.3 29.9 40 ro 32.5 32.1 37 10 23.0 26.0 38 10 15.5 16.0 25 12 30.4 30.1 40 12 32-3 3T-7 37 12 17.0 21.3 30 12 16.3 17-3 26 14 j 30.0 30.4 40 -17.0 r4 3T.9 31.2 38 -j$.i 14 15.9 20.8 29 -19.1 14 17.3 17-9 27 -18.8 16 [ 30.3 29.0 40 16 35.2 33.9 33 16 18.8 21.5 32 16 17.8 19.4 29 18 20.6 20.3 4T 18 36.8 36.2 30 ^8 19. r 22.0 32 18 17.3 19-9 29 20 29.8 29.2 41 20 36.6 35.8 31 20 19.0 21.0 31 20 15.8 18.0 26 22 20.8 2Q.3 4T 22 37-3 36.8 30 22 20.0 21.8 33 22 15.7 18.0 26 21 29.9 20-3 41 2/1 36.9 35-2 3r 24 20-7 22. O 33 24 16.2 18.2 27 26 29.7 29. T 4T 26 36.0 35-3 32 26 2O.4 22. O 33 26 17.0 19.0 28 28 29.8 20.0 4T 28 35.9 34-9 $2 28 19.7 21.8 32 28 17-0 19-3 28 30 29.4 28.8 42 -16.9 ! 30 35.4 34-7 33 16.0 30 19.7 21.4 32 19.0 30 I9.I 21.0 31 -18.8 3-! 29. T 28.7 42 32 35.9 35-0 32 32 20. o 21.9 33 32 21.0 21.8 33 31 20. T 28.6 42 31 36.4 35.5 31 34.5 21. O 23.O 34 34 21. 21.3 33 36 29.0 28.7 42 36 37.5 36.6 30 36.5 21.7 23.3 35 36 21.0 23.7 35 38 20.0 28.6 42 38 37 -T 36.7 30 38 21.3 23.5 34 38 21. O 23.8 35 40 28.2 28.0 44 40 37-0 36.7 30 40 22.4 24.0 36 40 22.3 24-5 37 42 27.6 27.3 45 42 37.2 36.4 30 42 2O.7 22. O 33 42 23.5 25.9 39 44 28.4 28.0 43 -Bft.5 44 37-0 36.4 30 -15.9 44 20.6 21.3 33 -19.0 44 25.0 27.1 4i -18.8 46 28.7 28.2 43 46 35-7 35.3 32 46 20.3 21.3 33 46 25-5 27.1 41 48 28.9 28.4 43 48 35.7 36.2 3T 48 21. O 21.8 33 48 25.8 27.1 4t 90 28.7 28.3 43 50 36.5 36.2 31 50 19-0 22.9 33 So 25.0 26.7 41 52 29.0 28.8 42 52 36.8 35.7 3T 52 18.6 21.2 3i 52 21.8 22.7 35 54 29. O 27.2 43 54 36.3 34-9 32 54 l8.9 21.9 31 54 27.2 28.5 44 56 28.6 28.6 43 56 36.2 35. T 32 56 18.4 21.3 31 5" 29-3 33-0 49 58 [ 28.9 28.7 42 58 35-9 34-3 .32 58 l8.5 21.0 31 -18.8 58 30.2 33.2 50 20 00 36.2 35.7 3T -r6.o 24 oo 31.0 32-5 50 -iS.S 1 - | Correction to local mean time is 1111 i8s. Torsion head at rsh 35m read 18 and at 2oh 10111 read the same. Observer H. H. N. Correction to local mean time is im 15.55. Torsion head at 19?] 25111 read 16 and at 24!! 2Om read the same. Observer J. V. 176 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Tuesday, March 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, March 9, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East || Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. ; Chr't readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right li in d d o t o h m d d o / h m d d o / h m d d O f 12 OO 53-2 54-8 22 39 -20. 2 14 oo 52.0 52.5 22 36 -19.0 o oo 50.3 48.9 22 45 -20.2 2 OO 47.9 47.6 22 48 -19.2 O2 52.6 54-7 39 02 55-2 55-7 41 02 50.2 49.1 45 02 48.3 48.0 48 04 51-9 52.0 36 04 48.8 49.2 31 04 50.1 49.0 45 04 47-4 47-1 49 06 52-3 S2-5 37 06 48.06 30 06 50.0 49.1 45 06 47-8 47-7 48 08 51-8 53-4 37 08 46.5 47.1 28 08 50.6 49-7 44 08 47-7 47-7 49 IO 51-6 52.1 36 TO 46.3 47-5 28 10 50.9 49.8 44 10 47.6J 49 12 50.8 51.3 34 12 47.6 48.0 29 12 Si.o 50.2 44 12 46.9 46.7 50 14 54-2 54-9 40 -20.0 14 47-7 48.3 30 -79.0 14 51-7 50.8 43 -20.5 14 47.2 46.9 50 -19.1 16 53-1 53.9 38 16 47.0 48.2 29 16 Si-4 50.7 43 16 47-8 47-5 49 18 52.2 52.9 37 18 46.1 47.3 28 18 50.9 50.3 44 18 47-8 47-6 48 20 52.9 53-7 38 20 45-4 46.9 27 20 51.4 50.8 43 20 48.6 48.4 47 22 52.3 53-2 37 22 45-9 47-3 28 22 51-2 50.7 43 22 48.7 48.2 47 24 54-8 55-6 41 24 44-6 45.8 25 24 50.9 50.3 44 24 48.3 48.1 48 26 57-1 57-8 44 26 44.8 46.0 26 26 50.6 50.1 44 26 48.3 48.2 48 28 59-1 6o-3 48 28 45.8 46.6 27 28 50.4 49.9 45 28 48.2 48.0 48 30 57.6 59-4 46 -19-9 30 45-2 46.5 26 19.0 30 50.7 50.3 44 -20.5 30 48.2 48.0 48 -19.0 32 55-5 57-0 43 32 44-6 45-3 25 32 50.9 50.3 44 32 48.6 48.3 47 34 S3- i 54-4 39 34 43-3 44-5 23 34 50.8 50.3 44 34 48.9 48.5 47 36 54-3 55-6 41 36 44-1 45.0 24 36 50.2 50.0 45 36 48.8 48.6 47 38 55-7 56.6 43 38 44-7 45-8 25 38 50.2 49.9 45 38 48.2 47.9 48 40 53-2 55.0 39 40 44-7 45-4 25 40 51-0 50.8 43 40 47.8 47-4 49 42 51-8 53-4 37 42 47-6 48.5 30 42 51.2 50.9 43 42 48.7 48.4 47 44 Si-7 52.6 36 -19.9 44 48.0 40.2 31 -18.9 44 50.4 SO.i 44 -2O.4 44 49.0 48.8 46 -19.0 46 53-4 54-7 39 46 47-5 48.2 29 46 49.4 49-2 46 46 49-3 40.0 46 48 52.9 54.9 39 48 47-3 48.1 29 48 49.8 49-3 45 48 49.2 48.8 46 50 54-2 56.0 41 So 49.4 49.8 32 50 49.2 48.8 46 So 48.9 48.5 47 52 57-1 58.3 45 52 49.2 49.9 32 52 48.7 48.4 47 52 48.9 48.6 47 54 58.7 59-8 47 48.5 49-3 31 54 49.4 49-1 46 54 49-1 48.7 46 56 55-7 56.9 43 56 49.6 49.8 32 56 49.8 49.3 45 56 48.2 47.9 48 58 53-9 55-3 40 58 48.9 49-8 32 58 49-8 49.6 45 58 48.3 48.1 48 13 oo 53-8 54-9 40 -19-9 IS 00 49.0 49.7 32 -18.7 I 00 50.3 SO.i 44 -2O. I 3 oo 48.1 47.8 48 -18.7 02 55-4 56.5 42 02 50.2 50.9 34 02 50.9 50.6 44 02 47-9 47-7 48 04 56.2 56.7 43 04 50.1 50.4 33 04 Si.o 50.7 43 04 47-1 46.9 So 06 55-3 56.6 42 06 51-2 51-9 35 06 Si- 1 Si.o 43 06 48.3 48.0 48 08 53-1 54-0 38 08 52.9 53-2 38 08 51-2 51-0 43 08 49.2 48.9 46 IO 54-3 55-2 40 TO 53-0 53.4 38 10 51-9 Si.6 42 10 50.8 50.6 44 12 55-0 55-9 41 12 51.8 52.6 36 12 53-0 52.8 40 12 51-4 51- 1 43 14 53-5 54-2 39 -19.6 14 51-5 51-8 35 -18.5 14 54-1 54-3 38 -19-9 14 49-9 49-5 45 -18.6 16 53-4 54-3 39 16 51.7 52.1 36 16 55-2 55.0 37 16 49.0 48.8 46 18 Si-5 52.7 36 18 50.8 51.2 34 18 55-4 55.1 37 18 47-9 47-7 48 20 48.8 50.3 33 20 47.6 47.9 29 20 55.1 54.8 37 20 48.4 48.3 47 22 49-8 50.7 33 22 47-4 47-8 29 22 54-4 54-1 38 22 48.9 48.6 47 24 49-7 50.4 33 24 47-2 47.9 29 24 54.0 53-8 39 24 49.2 40.1 46 26 50.0 50.0 33 26 48.6 48.9 31 26 53-2 53.0 40 26 49.2 48.9 46 28 50.8 51. 8 35 28 49.00 31 28 53-1 52.6 40 28 48.8 48.6 47 30 53-3 54-1 39 -19-5 30 49-6 49-8 32 -18.4 30 52.8 52.4 41 -I9-9 30 49.2 48.9 46 -18.2 32 53-9 54-4 39 32 50.2 50.7 33 32 51.1 50.8 43 32 48.1 48.0 48 34 55-8 57-0 43 34 50.6 51.0 34 34 49.9 49.4 45 34 48.8 48.6 47 36 54-7 55-9 41 36 51-3 52.0 35 36 49.5 49.2 46 36 49.1 48.8 46 38 53-1 53-9 38 38 48.3 49-0 31 38 48.8 48.7 47 38 48.9 47-7 47 40 53-5 54-4 39 40 49.8 50.6 33 40 48.8 48.8 47 40 47-3 4fi-8 SO 42 53-8 54-2 39 42 50.5 51.2 34 42 49.0 48.7 47 42 46.4 46.1 51 44 53.5 53-9 39 -I9.T 44 50.5 51-3 34 -18.3 44 48.9 48.8 47 -19.6 44 47.2 46.8 50 -18.1 46 53-8 54-6 30 46 49.3 49.9 32 46 48.4 47-9 48 46 47-9 47-7 48 48 53-6 S3. 8 30 48 50.0 50.3 33 48 46.8 46.5 50 48 47-2 46.9 50 50 53-2 53-7 38 50 49.8 50.1 33 50 47.0 46.8 50 50 47-3 47-0 49 52 54-3 S4-6 40 52 50.3 50.4 33 52 47-3 47-2 49 52 48.8 48.3 47 54 52.9 53.4 38 54 51.8 52. t 36 54 47-2 47.1 49 54 48.5 48.2 47 56 53-0 S3- 6 3f 56 51-9 52.4 36 56 47-0 46.3 50 56 48.0 47.7 48 58 52-9 53-8 38 58 Si.o Si-7 35 58 47-3 47-1 49 58 47-6 47-2 49 T6 OO Si.2 ST. 4 35 -18.3 Correction to local mean time is 2m 445. Torsion head at iih 30m read 19 and at i6h 4om read the same. Observer H. H. N. Observer H. H. N. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 177 Wednesday, March 9, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, March 10, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d o / O h m d d o / o h m d d O f O h m d d o / o 4 oo 48.9 48.2 22 47 -18.0 6 oo 43.7 43.2 22 55 -17.6 16 oo 44-9 45-8 22 32 -23.4 18 oo 49-7 52.4 22 41 -22.9 02 50.0 49.7 45 02 39.8 39.1 ! 23 01 02 43-1 45-3 30 02 50-7 52.3 42 04 49-6 49-1 46 04 44.9 44.3 22 53 ' 04 43.2 44.4 30 04 51.8 54.8 44 06 48.3 47-9 48 06 48.2 47.7 48 o5 ' 43.5 44.6 30 06 53-9 54-5 46 08 47-8 47.4 49 08 46.7 46.1 50 08 44.6 45.7 32 08 52.7 53-8 44 10 47-6 47-2 49 10 46.2 45.9 si I0_ -43-8 45.9 3i IO 53-3 54-2 45 12 48.3 47-9 48 12 48.7 48.1 47 12 44.4 46.2 32 12 54-0 55-3 46 14 47-6 47.4 49 -18.0 14 51.4 51.1 43 -17.5 14 44.5 46.2 32 -23.0 14 54-7 55-4 47 -22.7 16 47-7 47-4 49 16 46.8 45-4 51 16 45-3 46.9 33 16 54-9 55-8 48 18 48.4 48.1 48 18 41.7 40.8 59 18 47.4 48.3 36 18 54-7 55-3 47 20 48.8 48.5 47 20 41.9 41-3 58 20 48.9 50.2 38 20 52.8 5-1- 1 45 22 ; 49.4 49.1 46 22 43-3 42.9 56 22 48.3 49-5 38 22 51-9 52.7 43 24 49.9 49.6 45 24 45.8 45.2 52 24 48.5 51.2 39 24 Si- i 51-3 41 26 50.4 49.9 45 26 48.7 48.3 47 26 48.9 50.7 39 26 49-6 51.2 40 28 47-9 47-4 49 28 Light 28 50.8 54-0 43 28 48.2 49.0 37 30 46.3 45-4 51 -18.0 30 failed 30 50.7 53.8 43 -23.3 30 47.7 48.2 36 -22.7 32 46.9 46.1 50 32 32 51.2 55.0 i 44 32 47.2 47.9 35 34 48.8 48.1 47 34 34 ST. 6 54.9 ! 44 34 46.2 47.0 34 36 49-3 48.7 46 36 36 51-3 54-6 44 36 45-7 46.5 33 38 48.5 47-7 48 38 1 38 51-2 54-4 44 38 45-8 46.4 33 40 47.1 46.2 50 40 40 Si- i 54-3 44 40 45-7 46.5 33 42 48.3 47-5 48 42 42 50.2 54.2 43 42 45-5 46.2 33 44 47-1 46.3 50 -18.0 44 44 51-2 53-8 43 -23-3 44 45-3 46.1 32 -22.4 46 47.2 46.9 50 46 46 Si.8 54-7 44 46 45.4 45.6 32 48 47-1 46.4 50 48 48 52.2 55-9 45 48 45-7 46.3 33 50 46.0 45.8 51 50 50 52.3 56.4 46 50 45-6 47-8 34 52 46.5 46.1 50 52 52 52.2 56.5 46 52 47-5 48.4 36 54 48.2 47-6 48 54 52.6 55.7 46 54 47-6 48.5 36 56 49.1 48.6 47 56 56 52.8 54-5 45 56 47.2 48.0 35 58 48.3 47-8 48 58 58 52.0 54.7 44 58 49.0 49.9 38 5 oo 48.2 47-7 48 -18.0 7 oo 17 oo Si-4 53-7 43 -23.3 19 oo 50.5 51.6 4' -22.3 02 48.2 47.9 48 02 02 51.2 52.9 42 02 53-7 54-8 46 04 47-4 47-1 49 04 04 50.1 50.9 40 04 53.1 54.3 45 06 47-2 46.0 50 06 06 49.3 49.8 38 06 58.7 59-3 53 08 47-3 47-1 49 08 08 48.2 48.6 37 08 60.2 60.9 56 IO 47-0 46.7 50 10 10 47-5 47-8 35 IO 59-6 60.3 55 12 48.9 48.2 47 12 12 47.4 48.0 36 12 59-4 59-9 54 14 49.9 49.7 45 -17.9 14 14 47-6 48.9 36 -23.2 14 57-7 58.0 52 -22.1 T6 SO.i 49.6 45 16 16 47.4 48.6 36 16 57-9 58.3 52 18 40-3 49-1 46 18 18 47-3 48.8 36 18 56-8 57-3 50 2O 48.8 48.6 47 20 20 47-8 49-7 37 20 55-9 56.0 48 22 47-9 47-3 49 22 23 48.1 49.7 38 22 56-1 56.3 49 24 47-8 47-3 49 24 24 48.2 50.0 37 24 57-4 58.2 52 2rt 46.5 46.1 50 26 2rt 47-8 49-9 37 26 58.3 58.7 S3 28 46.4 46.3 50 28 28 48.1 49.7 38 28 62.2 62.7 59 30 47-2 47.0 49 -17-9 30 30 47-7 49-8 37 -23-1 30 61.8 62.1 58 -22.1 32 47-3 46.9 49 32 32 46.6 49.1 36 32 59-3 59-5 54 34 47-9 47-5 48 34 34 47-0 49-6 37 34 58.8 59-0 53 36 46.oft Si 3(5 36 48.2 49.7 38 36 59.6 60. i 55 38 50.2 50.0 45 38 38 46.8 48.7 36 38 59-5 59-9 54 40 47.0 46.8 50 40 40 47-0 47-5 35 40 59.4 60.0 54 42 46.7 46.6 50 42 42 47-1 47.9 35 42 58.3 58.8 S3 44 46.8 46.6 So -17.7 44 44 46.6 47.0 34 -23.0 44 57-9 58.6 53 -22. 46 47-3 46.8 50 46 46 46.5 46.8 34 46 57-6 59-7 53 48 47-8 47-5 49 48 48 47-2 47-5 35 48 57-8 59-5 53 50 46.8 46.4 50 50 50 46.8 48.7 36 50 57-6 58.5 52 52 46.5 46.4 50 52 52 48.3 50.2 38 52 | 58.2 60.3 22 54 54 46.2 45.9 Si 54 SO.i 53.8 42 54 63.1 64.0 23 oo 56 49.0 48.8 46 56 j : 56 51- I 53-3 43 56 61.4 61.9 22 5X 58 48.1 47-5 48 58 58 50.6 53-4 42 58 59.8 61.0 56 20 oo 60.9 61.7 57 -22. Correction to local mean time is 2m 475. Torsion head at oh oom read 19 and at 6h 30m read 18 Observer H. H. N. Correction to local mean time is 3m 33.55. 00 torsion = 20/41. Torsion head at ish 2om read 15 and at 2oh 30in read 13". Observer H. H. N. i 7 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, March 1 1, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, March 13, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East j Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Clir'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. tinrte nation C. Left Right r.cft Right Left Right [.eft Ripht h m d d / o h in d d o / O h m d d O f O h m d d o t 20 oo 58.8 57-6 22 19 -2O. I 22 00 64.9 55-8 22 l6 -19-3 o oot 47-8 45-8 22 32 2 OO 56.4 57-0 22 48 24.0 02 58.5 57-4 2O 02 58.8 49-4 25 02.4 56.1 61.7 51 -28.7 02 50.5 57-3 48 04 59-2 58.1 18 04 59-5 Si-9 23 04 57-7 61.8 52 04 55.8 56.7 47 06 60. 1 59-3 17 06 61.8 31. i 22 06 58.1 61.9 53 06 55-0 56.7 47 08 50.9 58.7 17 08 56.1 46.9 22 3O 08 57-9 61.3 52 08 56.0 56.8 47 10 58.3 57.6 20 IO 32.8 21.7 23 08 10 55.9 58.8 48 TO 55-7 56.1 46 12 58.9 58.3 18 12 49-8 43-2 22 37 12 54-9 57-1 46 12 56.0 56.0 ^ 14 60.3 59.9 16 -2O. I \ 14 55-3 46.5 30 -19.0 14 53-8 55-9 44 -28.0 14 55-1 55-8 45 -3.8 16 60.4 59-7 16 16 56.7 46.6 29 16 51-8 53-9 41 T6 54-7 SS.o 44 18 59-8 59-3 17 18 59-3 51.2 24 18 51-0 53-3 40 T8 54.9 56.0 45 20 59.8 59.2 17 20 S8.i 50.3 25 20 40-8 52.2 38 20 59- oa ST 22 58.4 57-9 19 22 54-2 47-6 30 22 49-9 52.1 38 22 57-0 57-8 |8 24 60.9 59-6 16 24 54-7 47-1 30 24 49.0 50.9 37 24 59.2 60.0 52 26 60.8 59.9 16 26 57-8 50.9 25 26 48. T 50.1 36 26 61.2 61.2 51 28 60.3 59-2 17 28 57-9 51.8 24 28 48.1 50.3 36 28 6l.O 6T.2 54 30 60.2 59.5 16 -20.2 30 57-7 Si-7 24 -18.8 30 48.1 49.8 35 -27.0 30 60.5 61.1 54 -23.5 32 61.8 60.6 14 32 56.9 51-2 26 32 48.0 50.6 36 32 60.9 63.1 56 34 63.3 61.6 12 34 58.8 54-3 22 46.3 48.8 33 34 6b. I C.2.O 54 36 66.8 65.7 06 36 57-8 53-6 23 36 46. T 48.6 33 36 60.7 62.8 55 38 69.6 65.3 05 38 46.8 43-8 39 38 46.1 48.2 32 38 61.0 62.8 56 40 71.8 69.4 oo 40 55-2 51-0 27 40 47-2 49.1 34 40 58.1 60. I Si 42 70.9 68.6 01 42 47-9 45-4 37 42 47-8 49.5 35 42 59.9 62.0 54 44 69.5 67.2 03 -20.1 44 40.0 46.0 36 -18.7 44 48.3 50.2 36 -26.3 44 61.3 63.2 56 -23.2 46 70.0 67.3 03 46 49.9 46.2 35 46 49-8 50.9 37 46 60.2 62.9 55 48 68.6 65.9 05 48 49-7 47-1 34 48 50.2 SI. 2 38 48 59.2 62.2 54 50 67.4 65.2 06 50 46.1 43.4 40 50 51-1 52.0 39 50 60.0 63.2 55 52 67.1 65.6 06 52 46.8 43.2 40 52 53-1 53.8 42 52 6T.T 63.8 56 54 67.0 65.5 06 54 47.6 46.1 37 54 55.6 56.1 46 54 59-7 62.2 51 56 63.5 61.6 12 56 46.2 43.7 40 56 56.8 56.8 48 56 59.3 62.2 sj 58 50.2 57-8 18 58 42.8 39-9 P 58 56. T 56-8 47 58 60. T 61.8 54 21 oo 56.5 54.8 23 -2O. O 23 oo 45-5 44-3 40 -18.7 I OO 56.2 56.5 47 -25.8 3 oo 60.4 62.0 54 J^.o 02 58.8 57.1 20 02 50.2 47.4 34 02 58.0 59-2 50 02 67.5 63.1 56 04 51.8 50.6 30 04 49.6 46.3 35 04 58.9 50.8 52 04 63.6 64.9 22 50 06 50.5 49.1 32 06 50.2 46.8 34 06 57-0 57.9 49 06 66. T 68.0 23 oi 08 50.9 49.2 32 08 47-6 4S-S 37 08 57-8 58.7 50 08 68.1 69.7 07 10 52.3 50-4 30 IO 49.8 47-1 3.1 TO 58.8 50.3 5i TO 67.2 60.3 o'') 12 50.6 49.2 32 12 47-3 45-5 38 12 57-8 58.1 40 T2 64.9 66.8 02 14 5T-3 49-9 31 -19.8 14 49-6 47.7 34 18.2 14 57-o 57-4 48 25.4 T4 65.2 66.8 02 -22.0 16 50.8 49.5 32 16 47-9 45-6 37 16 57.6 58.0 49 T6 65.2 66.9 23 02 18 51-6 5I-I 30 18 50.8 49.1 32 18 57-8 58-4 50 T8 63.9 65.2 22 60 20 54-4 5.?. 6 26 20 52.9 50.7 ; 20 57.9 58.8 50 20 61.0 63.0 56 22 59-9 58.0 18 22 52.0 50.6 30 22 58.1 59-0 So 22 61.8 62.8 56 24 63.5 60.7 13 24 52.2 50.9 30 24 58.8 59.7 5t 24 63.0 63.9 58 26 62.8 58.3 15 26 46.9 46.2 37 26 59.7 60.3 Si 26 61.6 62.0 5-5 28 45.8 40.0 22 43 28 45-2 44.0 40 28 61 . 6 f>2 . 5 22 56 28 60.8 6r.8 55 30 34-6 13.8 23 12 30 46.3 45-4 .-,8 -iS.o 30 64.4 65.9 23 OT -25.0 30 59.8 6i.T =13 -2J.S 32 32.0 8.1 19 32 45-7 44-9 30 32 65.1 66.9 O2 32 60.2 6r.T 51 34 30.2 ii. 8 23 17 34 46.4 45-8 38 34 67.2 68.0 04 34 59.8 60.9 S3 36 48.2 31.1 22 48 36 46.9 46.3 37 36 68.0 65.9 07 36 60. T 6T.9 51 38 36-3 26-5 23 oi 38 45-4 45-1 30 38 68.6 69.8 07 38 61.6 fu.n 56 40 60.0 51.5 22 23 40 43-1 42.5 4? 40 67.1 67.8 04 40 6T.T 62.1 55 42 58.9 So.3 25 42 44-2 43-5 42 42 64.8 65.5 23 oi 42 50.8 60.7 53 44 48.2 38.7 42 -19-5 44 44.5 44-0 41 -iR.o 44 63.7 64.8 22 59 -24.6 44 57-8 SO.o SO -22.7 46 65.4 53-0 17 46 44-4 43-9 41 46 61.7 63.0 56 46 57-5 58.3 40 48 54-6 44-2 22 33 48 44-3 43-8 4i 48 62. T 63.2 57 48 56.2 57. T 47 So 26.8 18.3 23 15 50 45.6 45.0 39 So 62.0 63.0 58 50 55-8 56.8 47 52 25.3 20. r 23 15 52 44-7 44-5 40 52 62.7 63.8 SB 52 53- T 53-0 42 54 53-3 40.4 22 37 54 42.6 42.3 44 54 60.5 6l.S 54 54 53-9 54-2 4^ 56 58.7 48.8 26 56 4T.8 41.2 45 56 57-9 58.9 50 56 55-4 56.4 .16 58 68.2 53-7 IS 58 41.2 40.4 46 58 S6.9 57-6 48 58 57. T 58.6 .r> 24 oo 40.6 39.9 47 Correction to local mean time is 3m 47.55. Torsion head at loh 15171 read 13" and at oh 00111 read Observer H. H. N. Ohserver R. R. T. t Scale inverted for this reading. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 179 Sunday, March 13 , 1904 Magnet scale inverted Monday, March 14, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right ll Ml d d / o h m d d o / h m d d r h m d d ' o 4 oo. i 49-6 45.2 22 5O -22.2 6 oo 50. ob 22 46 -21.3 8 oo 33-5 42.5 22 57 -28.4 10 00 31-0 31-3 22 46 -24.6 02 48.9 44-4 JJl 02 32.9 32-4 23 13 02 34-0 39.5 55 02 30.8 31.0 46 04 47-6 43.8 53 04 38.0 36.6 23 06 04 35.1 37.1 54 04 30.2 31.7 46 06 47.8 44.6 52 O6 45.2 44-0 22 55 06 38.3 39-0 58 06 28.8 30.4 44 08 46.8 44.2 S3 08 39-9 39-8 23 02 08 37-3 39-5 58 08 29.0 31.7 45 IO 46.2 44.7 53 10 46.7 45.2 22 52 10 27.0 32.0 44 10 20.0 32. T 45 12 44-2 43.1 56 T2 37.2 36.2 23 07 12 35-2 39.0 56 12 28.2 31.2 44 14 46-9 45-3 52 22.0 14 44.8 41.3 22 57 -21.0 14 37-0 39-4 57 -28.0 14 27.9 30.9 44 -24.4 16 45-7 44-8 54 16 38.6 37.1 23 05 16 33-9 37-8 54 16 28.1 31. o 44 18 42.7 41-9 58 18 i 43-3 41-9 22 58 18 35-8 390 56 18 29.2 32. T 46 20 44-2 43.8 56 20 43.8 .(2.8 22 56 20 37- i 39-0 57 20 28.1 32. T 45 22 45-8 45-2 S3 22 36.0 34-8 23 09 22 35-0 35-9 53 22 27-7 31.2 44 24 45-7 44-8 54 24 36.2 35-0 09 24 34-2 36.7 53 24 27.2 31.8 44 26 45-3 44-6 54 26 j 42.0 40.9 oo 26 30.3 36.8 50 26 27-9 31-3 44 28 44-3 43-2 56 28 ' 38.9 37-2 05 28 37-1 39.0 57 28 28. T 32.2 45 30 45-8 44-7 54 22.0 ?.o 37-2 34.3 08 -21. 30 37-3 38.5 57 -27.2 30 27.1 30.8 43 -24.0 32 46.7 44-9 53 32 36-2 35-0 23 09 32 37-3 39-0 57 32 27.7 31.1 4-1 34 47-3 45-8 52 34 45-9 43-1 22 55 34 35.7 37.2 55 34 25.8 30.0 41 36 46.8 44.6 53 36 29.20 23 19 36 32.8 34.9 5i 36 26.0 30.0 41 38 47-1 43-5 S3 38 31.8 30.1 16 38 32.8 34.0 50 38 26.2 29.2 41 40 46.8 43.1 54 40 38.4 35-9 06 40 33-9 34-3 5 T 40 27.2 30.3 42 42 46.7 43-2 54 42 30.8 27.9 18 42 34-6 35.3 52 42.5 28.2 30.9 44 44 46.4 43.2 54 -22.0 44 29.8 29.1 18 -2O.9 44 34-9 35-3 53 -26.8 44 28.5 31.0 44 -24.0 46 50.2 48.3 47 46 29.9 29.2 18 46 34-1 34-8 5i 46 26.9 30.5 42 48 50.8 48.1 47 48 35-/ 08 48 33-0 33-4 50 48 27.1 30.0 42 So 48.3 46.2 50 50 32.0 30.6 IS 50 31-8 32.5 48 50 27.9 29.8 43 52 44.9 43-2 56 52 34-3 32-4 12 52 33-8 34-3 5i 52 27.9 30.0 43 54 44.0 41-7 57 54 34-9 33-5 II 54 33-7 34-6 Si 54 27.8 30.2 43 56 51-9 48.7 46 56 28.5 26.8 21 56 32.6 34.1 50 56 28.0 30.9 44 58 54-8 52-2 40 58 30.1 29.0 18 58 31.0 32.2 47 58 28.4 31.0 44 5 oo 47-3 43-8 22 53 -22.0 7 oo Light -20.8 9 oo 33-7 34.5 51 -26.2 IT 00 28.8 30.0 44 -23.7 02 38.4 36.3 23 06 02 28.7 26.1 22 02 35.2 36.6 54 02 28.5 28.7 42 04 36.2 34.6 09 04 25.1 24.2 26 04 35.8 37-0 55 04 27.5 29.0 42 06 38.5 36.5 06 06 29.4 27.2 20 06 34-0 35-3 52 Ofi 27.3 29.0 42 08 40.3 37-8 03 08 29.7 25.9 21 08 33-0 34.5 50 08 20. o 30.0 44 IO 40.8 37-4 03 10 28.8 27.2 2T 10 37-0 38.6 57 TO 28.8 29.7 43 12 40.4 36.1 04 12 31.0 27.7 18 12 36.8 37.4 56 T2 28.8 30.1 44 14 34.3 31.0 13 -21. 9 14 34.3 30.4 14 -20.8 T4 32.8 34.1 50 -26.0 14 28.0 30.1 43 -23.5 16 35-4 32.1 12 16 36.2 33.7 10 16 32. T 34.1 50 16 27. I 30.8 43 18 37-2 33-9 09 18 36.2 33.2 10 18 3T.7 32.9 48 18 26.1 29.2 41 20 40. ^ 37.8 23 03 20 38.2 34.2 08 20 31.8 33.4 49 20 26.9 30.9 43 22 47-7 44-2 22 52 22 37-4 34-1 23 09 22 3T.2 33.0 48 22 26.0 31.0 43 24 54.0 S2. 2 40 24 56.9 52.1 22 39 24 32.2 33.2 49 24 27.8 3T.8 44 26 53-8 52.6 41 26 29.0 26.7 23 21 26 35-0 36.6 54 26 26.1 31.0 42 28 46.4 45.6 52 28 47-7 44-5 22 52 28 32.1 33.0 48 28 25.0 30.1 41 30 45-3 43-9 54 -21.8 30 51.2 47.8 47 -20.8 30 29.1 30.3 44 -25.4 30 23.8 27.9 38 -23.2 32 43-9 42.2 57 32 43.5 40.6 50 32 31-5 33-0 48 32 22.9 26.0 36 34 46.1 44-9 53 34 TO. 2 47-8 48 31 28.5 30.8 44 34 24.0 26.1 35 36 43-8 42.1 22 57 36 48.2 45.8 51 36 29.0 31.9 45 36 25.2 28.1 39 38 39-8 37.6 23 04 38 48.2 46.1 SI 38 31.4 34-8 50 38 25.7 28.4 40 40 40.8 39.7 23 01 40 48.7 47.0 50 40 31.0 34-6 49 40 27.2 29.0 42 42 47.1 46.0 22 52 42 49.9 49.0 47 42 35.4 38.6 56 42 25.8 28.0 40 44 47.8 46.2 22 51 21.6 44 52.0 50.2 44 20.8 44 32.0 35.2 50 -25.0 44 25. T 27.8 39 -23.0 46 40.0 38.5 23 03 46 49-8 47.9 48 46 28.9 31.0 44 46 25.8 28.7 40 48 34.7 33-2 II 48 51.4 49-4 46 48 31.2 36.2 50 48 26.9 29.8 42 50 41-9 39-7 23 oo 50 49-4 47-1 49 50 25-8 28.3 40 50 28.0 30.9 44 52 46.2 45.2 22 53 52 50.2 47.3 48 52 28.4 31.0 44 52 28.0 3T.T 44 54 42.0 41.2 59 54 53.8 51.2 42 54 33-0 38.6 54 54 27.9 30.9 44 56 48.0 46.7 50 56 48.8 45-7 50 56 35-8 36.2 54 56 2(5.O 32.2 43 58 51-9 So.o 45 58 49-1 47-0 49 58 32. T 32.9 48 58 26.0 31.2 42 8 oo 50.2 47.8 48 -20.7 II 12 00 26.O 32.0 43 Correction to local mean time is 24.53. Torsion head at oh oom read 14 and at 8h 20111 read the Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is Torsion head at 7h 48m read 1 j Observer J. V. - 59-5S. and at I2h 2itn read i8o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Tuesday, March 15, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, March 16, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- jTemp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d o / h m d d o / h m d d o / O 12 00 41.1 38.0 22 38 -26.0 14 oo 44.0 40.4 22 34 -23.8 o oo* 56.1 57-9 22 43 -27.6 2 00 57-2 57-8 22 44 -26.1 *v 40.7 39-7 37 02 42.4 42.0 34 I 02 55-9 57-7 43 02 57-9 58.2 44 04 40.0 38.1 39 04 42.0 40.3 36 04 56.0 58.0 43 04 57-7 58.1 44 06 40.7 35-8 40 06 42.9 39-9 35 06 56.2 58.4 44 06 57-2 57.9 44 08 41-0 35-5 40 08 42.6 39-9 36 08 S6.I 57-7 43 08 57.2 58.1 44 10 40.1 37-0 40 IO 43.0 40.9 34 10 56.2 58.5 44 10 57-8 58.4 45 12 40.0 37.1 40 12 42.9 40.6 35 12 55-1 58.3 42 12 57-1 58.0 44 14 40.8 37-0 39 -26.0 14 41.9 40.6 36 -23.3 14 55-2 58.3 42 -27-3 14 57-1 58.3 44 -26.0 16 39-8 38.0 39 16 41.2 38.9 37 16 54-9 58.1 42 16 56.3 58.8 44 18 42.8 40.0 35 18 39-0 37-2 40 18 55-1 58.1 42 18 58.8 44 20 42.0 39.8 36 20 38.8 36.8 41 20 55-6 58.0 43 20 56.6 58.8 44 22 40.9 38.2 38 22 38.0 37.0 41 22 55.9 57-9 43 22 56.8 58.7 44 24 39.9 37.2 40 24 39-0 38.1 40 24 56.0 57-7 43 24 56.8 58.2 44 26 39-8 37.2 40 26 40.2 40.0 37 26 56.6 57.8 43 26 56-2 57-8 43 28 39.1 37.5 40 28 40.1 39-4 38 28 57-2 58.1 44 28 56.2 57.8 43 30 36.8 36.4 43 -25.9 30 40.2 38.2 39 -23-0 30 59-1 45 -27.2 30 55-7 57-2 42 -25-0 32 3<5.9 35-6 43 32 41.2 39.0 37 32 58.8 60.7 47 32 56.1 56.9 42 34 36.9 35. 9 43 34 43-2 40.2 35 34 60.2 62.1 So 34 56.7 57-3 43 36 37-4 36.4 42 36 45-3 41-9 32 36 60.8 62.5 50 36 57-2 57.7 44 38 37-2 37-1 42 38 44.9 42.2 32 38 59-2 61.8 48 38 57-7 57-8 44 40 38.0 37-2 41 40 45-4 41-3 32 40 58.7 61.0 47 40 57-6 57-8 44 42 39.8 38.0 39 42 45.0 40.0 33 42 58.2 60.8 47 42 57- i 57-7 44 44 37-8 36.9 42 -25.6 44 45.0 40.1 33 -23.0 44 58.7 fii.o 47 -27.2 44 56.9 57.6 43 -25.8 46 38.1 36.9 41 46 45.0 41.0 33 46 58.8 61.0 48 46 57-2 57-4 43 48 38.1 37-0 41 48 44.0 39.2 35 48 58.1 60. i 46 48 57-4 57-8 44 SO 37-3 36.9 42 50 43-0 37.8 37 So 58.3 60.4 47 So 57- T 57-6 44 52 37-0 36.5 42 52 43.0 38-0 36 52 58.3 60.3 47 52 56.7 57-1 43 54 38.1 36.0 41 54 43-7 38.8 36 54 57-9 59-9 46 54 56.0 57-5 43 56 38.0 37-8 41 56 42.2 37.6 38 ! 56 57-9 50.0 4 56 57.0 57.4 43 58 38.0 36.9 42 58 41-1 37-8 38 58 58. T 6o.2 4 fi 58 58.1 58.8 45 13 oo 37.9 36.4 42 -25.2 IS oo 41.9 37-0 38 -22.8 I 00 58.2 fio.2 4r. 27.0 3 00 SO.o 59.3 46 -25.4 02 ; 38.0 35-o 43 02 42.2 38.2 37 02 59.1 60.8 48 02 58.6 59.0 46 04 ! 38.0 35.2 43 04 42.0 38.0 37 04 59-5 61.1 48 04 59.0 59.0 46 06 38.3 35-8 42 06 41-8 37-0 38 06 59.2 60.7 48 06 59-9 60. i 48 08 38.9 36.2 41 08 41-1 37-0 39 08 SO.o 60.3 47 08 6o.O fiO.2 48 IO 30.o 36.5 41 10 41-0 37-3 39 10 58.7 59.8 46 IO 59-7 60.3 48 12 38.8 36.3 41 12 40.2 37.7 39 T2 57-8 50.2 45 12 59.1 50.0 47 14 39.0 36.8 41 -25.0 14 40.9 37-1 39 -22.7 14 57.2 58.3 44 .ffi . 14 59.1 60. o 47 -25-2 16 39-5 36.9 40 16 42.1 36.9 38 16 Sfi.8 58.1 44 16 59.9 60.3 48 18 40.5 37-5 39 18 41.8 36.0 39 T8 57-0 58.0 44 T8 60.3 fio.9 49 20 41.0 38.9 .18 20 42.0 37.3 38 20 56.8 57-7 43 20 fio.5 6l-3 49 22 42.0 30.0 36 22 42.2 39.1 36 22 56.3 57.2 42 22 60.8 61.8 50 24 4T.9 38.8 37 24 42.5 39-2 36 24 Sfi-O 57-5 43 24 60.0 fii.8 50 26 41-0 37.7 38 26 42.0 39-9 36 26 56.0 57.1 43 26 60.2 60.9 IS 28 41-0 37-8 38 28 42.0 40.0 36 28 56.7 56.8 42 28.7 59.6 60.0 47 30 42.2 39.4 36 -24.7 30 41.8 39.6 36 -22.6 30 56.2 56.8 42 -26.7 30 58.8 59.0 47 -25.0 32 43.8 40.2 34 32 41.0 40.2 36 32 56.2 56.8 42 32 58.0 58.0 44 34 44.9 40.0 34 34 41-3 39-8 36 34 56.3 57-1 42 34 57-7 58.0 44 36 43- T 41- I 34 36 41-3 39-8 37 36 56.2 57.0 42 36 57-4 58.0 44 38 42.8 40.1 35 38 41-3 39-0 37 38 5fi-i 57-0 42 38 57-8 58.3 44 40.4 43-1 39-7 35 40 40.9 38.6 38 40 56.1 56.9 42 40 57-3 S8.o 44 42 45-0 40.9 33 42 40.9 37-8 38 42 56.1 56.9 42 42 57.2 57.9 44 44 45-1 41-5 32 -24.1 44 40.4 38.1 39 -22.5 44 56.2 57.2 42 -26.4 44 57.0 57.8 44 -2S.O 46 44.2 40.1 34 46 41-3 36.3 39 46 56.0 57.2 42 46 57-1 58.1 44 48 43-1 39-0 36 48 40-9 35-8 40 48 56.2 57.2 42 48 57-7 58.7 45 SO 42.2 39.2 36 50 40.9 35-3 40 50 56.8 57-2 43 50 57-8 58.7 45 52 42.1 39.9 36 52 41.0 34-8 41 52 57-1 57-8 44 52 57.3 58.2 44 54 43-2 39.7 35 54 41.0 34-2 41 54 57-8 58.2 44 54 57-6 58.1 44 56 43.8 40.8 34 56 42.0 35.9 39 56 57-7 58.3 44 56 57-9 58.3 45 58 43-9 41.0 34 58 43.0 36.8 38 58 57.2 58.0 44 58 58.2 58.3 45 16 oo 40.2 40.1 37 1 Correction to local mean time is 9.55. Torsion head at I2h oom read 14 and at i6h 35111 read 13 Observer J. V. Ohserver R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 181 Wednesday, March 16, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, March 16, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings i decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' O h m d d h m d d / h m d d - ' 4 oo 58.6 58.8 22 46 -25.0 6 oo 62.4 63.3 ] 22 52 -24.0 8 oo 62.2 63.1 22 52 -23.9 10 00 60.2 60.3 22 48 -23.5 02 57-7 58.0 44 02 61.3 61.9 50 02 60.2 60.2 48 02 60.4 60.6 48 04 57.2 57-5 44 04 62.1 62.7 ! 51 04 61.2 61.8 50 04 59-8 60.0 48 06 58.1 58.3 45 06 62.6 63.3 52 06 61.6 62.1 51 06 58.8 59-3 46 08 58.2 58.8 45 08 63.0 63.6 S3 08 61.3 61.9 50 08 59-3 59-6 47 10 59-0 59-2 46 10 61.0 61.7 50 10 61.0 61.0 49 IO 59-4 59-8 47 12 59-2 59.5 47 12 60.9 60.9 49 12 60.4 61.2 49 12 59-3 59-5 47 H 59-2 59-8 47 -25.0 14 62.0 62.2 ; 51 -24.0 14 61.8 62.2 51 14 58.7 59-3 46 -23.5 16 58.8 59-7 46 16 62.7 63.2 52 16 60.2 61.0 49 16 58.0 58.3 45 18 58.3 59-1 46 18 60.9 61.0 49 18 Magnet 18 57-8 58.3 44 20 57-9 59-0 45 20 61.4 62.0 So 20 centered 20.2 57-6 58.3 44 22 58.6 59-5 46 22 63.1 63.4 53 22 22 57-7 58.4 45 24 59-7 60.6 48 24 62.2 62.7 51 24 61.5 61.8 SO 24 58.5 59-3 46 26 59-9 60.8 48 i 26 61.6 62.0 Si 26 60. i 60.3 48 26 59.0 60.0 47 28.3 59-2 59-9 47 28 61.9 62.6 Si 28 61.0 61.5 50 -23.5 28 58.5 59-3 46 30 58.8 59-7 46 -24.8 30 61.0 61.7 50 -24.0 30 61.9 62.3 51 30 58.3 59-3 46 -23.4 32 59-1 59-9 47 32 61.0 61.3 50 32 60.2 60.8 48 32 58.2 59.0 45 34 59.8 60.6 48 34 62.9 63.1 52 34 58.8 60. i 47 34 58.3 59-0 45 36 59.1 59.9 47 36 61.7 62.0 Si 36 59-7 61.3 48 36 58.3 58.8 45 38 58.9 59.1 46 38 61.2 61.7 SO 38 60.6 62.1 50 38 58.3 58.5 45 40 59.2 59.8 47 40 61.5 62.0 50 40 6o.O 61.6 49 40 57-8 57-8 44 42 60. 1 60.4 48 42 61.9 62.1 51 42 60.4 61.7 49 42 57-9 57-9 44 44 60.2 60.9 48 -24.8 44 61.9 62.1 Si -24.0 44 61.3 62.1 50 44 57-5 57-6 44 -23.3 46 60.2 60.9 48 46 62.0 62.5 Si 46 60.6 61.4 49 -22.9 46.2 57-5 57-9 44 48 59.6 60.4 48 48 62.0 62.2 5i 48 61.0 61.7 ' 50 48 57-3 57-9 44 SO 59.0 60.0 47 50 61.3 61.8 50 50 60.5 61.7 50 50 57-0 57.3 43 52 59.8 60.8 48 52 61.0 61.4 50 52 59.9 61.0 48 52 56.7 57-1 43 54 60.3 61.8 49 54 61.1 61.8 50 54 61.8 62.6 51 54 56.8 57-0 43 56 61.3 62.3 51 56 60.2 60.4 48 56 62.5 63.3 52 56 56.8 57-0 43 58 59.3 60.2 47 58 62.0 62.7 Si 58 60.5 61.3 49 58 57-3 57-9 44 5 oo 58.8 59-8 47 -24.8 7 oo 63.3 64.0 53 -24.0 9 oo 58.3 59-3 46 -23.0 II OO 57-4 57-8 44 -23.2 02 60. 1 61.5 49 02 61.0 61.3 50 02 59.4 60.2 47 02 56.3 56.9 42 04 59-7 60.6 48 04 61.0 61.1 49 04 59-3 59-7 47 04 56.0 56.3 42 06 58.8 59-7 46 06 62.0 62.9 Si 06 58.6 59.6 46 06 56.3 56.7 42 08 58.3 59-3 46 08 60.9 61.4 50 08 58.7 60.5 47 08 56.0 56.6 42 10 57-0 57-8 44 10 59.0 60.0 47 IO 60.6 61.6 50 IO 56.5 56.9 42 12 57-6 58.5 44 12 62.5 63.3 52 12 60. i 61.6 48 12 56.6 57.0 43 14 62.8 63.2 52 -'4-4 M 61.6 62.3 Si -24.0 14 6l.6 62.3 SI -23-2 ' 14 57-0 57-3 43 -23.1 16 63.3 63.8 53 16 63.1 64.0 S3 16 60.3 61.0 49 16 57-3 57-4 44 18 61.2 61.4 50 18 60. i 61.5 49 18 59-8 60.8 48 18 56.5 57-0 42 20 61.0 61.7 50 20 60.0 60.8 48 20 60.3 61.0 49 2O 56.1 56.5 42 22.3 60.9 61.8 So 22 62.7 63.8 53 22 60.3 60.6 48 22 55-1 55.5 40 24 60.0 61.0 48 24 60.2 61.4 49 24 60.5 61.1 49 24 54.7 54.7 39 26 63.6 64.0 55 26 61.7 63.3 52 26 60.3 61.0 49 26 55-0 55-3 40 28 63.2 63.4 53 28 60.3 62.1 SO 28 59-1 59-6 47 28 55-1 55-3 40 30 62.1 62.1 ; 51 -24-3 30 62.7 64.8 54 -24.0 30 59.6 60.0 47 30 55-6 55-8 41 -23.0 32 61.4 62.1 50 32 62.8 64.3 53 32 60.3 60.6 48 -23-3 32 55-1 55-3 40 34 62.1 62.7 SI 34 58.6 60.8 47 34 60.3 60.6 48 34 54-3 54-7 39 36 62.1 62.5 51 36 60.6 62.9 SO 36 60.5 61.1 49 36 53-8 54-2 38 38 6l.6 62.O 51 38 60.0 62.1 49 38 60.6 61.5 49 38 54-0 54-4 39 40 6l.8 62.2 SI 40 59-9 62.1 49 40 60.7 61.8 50 40 54-6 55.2 40 42 61.2 61.8 50 42 H.I 63.2 51 42 60.6 61.5 49 42 54-6 55.0 40 44 60.8 6l.7 ] 50 44 6o.O 61.8 49 -24.0 44 59.8 60.6 48 -23.5 44 54-6 55.2 40 -23.0 46 6l.3 62.O SO -24.O 46 60.7 62.8 50 46 59-1 60. i 47 46 54-8 SS-3 40 48 60.7 61.2 ; 49 48 60.9 62.8 5i 48 60.3 60.6 48 48 54-6 55-3 40 50 61.1 61.8 50 SO 59.8 61.8 49 50 60.4 60.8 49 50 54-1 54-5 39 52 61.7 62.2 Si 52 61.2 63.1 Si 52 61.2 61.6 SO 52 54.0 54.2 38 54 62.0 62.3 5i 54 60.9 62.2 So 54 61.7 62.0 51 54 53-1 53-3 37 56 60.9 61.9 SO 56 59-8 60.8 48 56 61.6 62.0 Si 56 53-6 53-7 38 58 61.3 61.9 So 58 60.9 61.3 SO 58 60.4 60.8 49 58 53-3 53-3 37 1 Observer R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 8h I4m to 8h 24m. 182 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, March 16, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, March Id, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale . East Scale .Hast Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation, C. lime nation C. time nation C. time nation C. I*eft Right Left Kight Left Right Left Right h m d d o / h m d d , h m d d , h m d d / O 12 00.3 58.6 58.7 22 45 -23.0 14 oo 46.6 47.0 22 27 -22.0 16 oo 46.2 48.7 22 28 -21.9 18 oo 51.8 54-0 22 36 -21.4 02 53.8 54.0 38 02 47.7 48.0 27 02 47-5 49.0 29 02 Si.o 55-4 37 04 54-3 55-1 39 04 49-1 49.4 31 04 45-9 47-8 27 04 48.3 54-5 34 06 54-8 55-5 40 06 49-3 49-5 3i 06 45-1 47.3 26 06 47-1 52.5 32 08 53-9 55-1 39 08 48.8 49.2 30 08 45-2 46.7 20 08 47.3 53.0 32 10 53.0 54-6 38 10 48.3 48.6 29 10 43-5 44-9 23 10 47-6 54-7 34 12 53-8 55-3 39 12 48.6 49.6 31 12 41.2 43.7 2O 12 47.0 55-2 34 14 54-6 55-0 40 -22.8 14 49.0 49.6 31 -22.1 14 41-9 45-3 22 -21.2 14 47-2 55.8 34 -21.6 16 52.0 53-0 36 16 47-5 48.3 29 16 42.6 46.4 23 16 47.0 57.2 35 18 51.0 51.6 34 18 47-3 48.2 28 18 42.7 46.8 24 18 49.0 58.3 38 20 49.8 50.2 32 20 48.3 49-3 i 30 20 41.9 46.0 22 20 49-5 57-6 38 22 51.0 51.1 34 22 48.0 49.0 30 22 40.9 45-3 21 22 49.6 58.0 38 24 52.3 52.9 36 24 47-3 48.2 28 24 40.1 45.0 20 24 48.4 57-0 36 26 58.0 59-8 46 26 47-0 47-7 28 26 41.0 45.6 22 26 47.9 56.1 35 28 57.6o 44 28 46.1 46.9 26 28 42.8 47.9 25 28 49.5 56.5 37 30 53- oa 37 -22.6 30 46.1 46.6 26 -22.0 30 43-0 48.0 25 -21.3 30 49.0 55.0 35 -21.8 32 55-60 41 32 46.5 46.7 Z? 32 39-9 44-2 19 32 46.3 53-0 3i 34 56.96 43 34 47-5 47-8 28 34 40.8 45.0 21 34 45-7 Si.o 29 36 54-Oft 38 36 48.0 48.0 , 29 36 42.1 45-0 22 36 46.5 52.0 31 38 50.6 51.3 33 38 46.6 46.6 , 27 38 42.3 44-2 21 38 ! 47-8 52.9 32 40 50.5 5i.o 33 40 48.3 48.6 29 40 40.0 42.9 18 40 45.8 49.1 28 42 52.6 52.8 36 42 50.0 50.0 32 42 39-8 41-8 18 42 46.0 49.0 28 44 51-1 51-3 34 -22.6 44 47-0 47.0 27 -22. 44 38.0 40.0 15 -21.4 44.2^ 46.8 48.2 28 -21.8 46 50.0 50.3 32 46 46.0 46.4 26 46 37.8 40.0 14 46 47.0 48.2 28 48 49.0 49.0 30 48 47-3 47-5 28 48 41-8 43-2 20 48 ! 47.9 49.0 29 SO 49.8 50.0 32 50 45.8 46.0 25 50 43-8 44-5 23 50 49-3 50.2 32 52 51.0 51.0 34 52 45.1 45.3 24 52 44-8 45-1 24 52 47.0 49.0 29 54 49.0 49.4 3i 54 45-8 46-3 26 54 44-2 45.2 24 54 46.9 47.7 28 56 48.3 48.3 29 56 45-0 45-6 25 56 42.0 43.2 20 56 1 47.2 47.8 28 58 48.5 48.7 30 58 44-0 45.0 23 58 41.0 42.0 19 58 i 46.8 47.8 28 13 oo 48.8 49.0 30 -22.4 15 00 44-0 45.0 23 -22. 17 oo 42-5 42.8 20 -21.4 19 oo 47-8 48.5 29 i-21.9 02 47.0 47.3 28 02 43-5 44-9 23 02 43.0 44.8 22 02 1 49.0 51.5 32 04 47.1 48.0 28 04 43-2 44-5 22 04 42.0 44.0 21 04 49.0 5I.O 32 06 50.0 51.3 33 06 43.0 44.3 22 06 42.3 44-5 22 06 ; 47.9 51.2 31 08 51.0 52.0 34 08 43.0 44.4 22 08 41-7 43-9 21 08 47-5 51-3 31 10 49.3 50.1 32 IO 43-3 44-4 22 IO 39.9 42.2 18 10 48.0 52.0 32 12 48.3 49-1 30 12 43-6 44-9 23 12 40.0 43.0 19 12 48.3 51.0 31 14 48.0 48.6 29 -22.2 14 43-6 45.0 23 -22.0 14 42.6 46.2 23 -21.5 14 49.0 54.2 34 -21.9 16 47-7 48.3 29 16 43-8 45.0 23 16 44-0 47.8 26 16 49.0 54.0 34 18 48.6 49.4 30 18 44.9 45.3 24 18 43-0 45-9 22 18 44-5 53-5 30 20 49-7 50.3 32 20 44.9 45.2 24 20 45-8 49-1 28 20 44.2 53-8 30 22 50.0 50.6 32 22 44-3 44-5 23 22 42.0 52.4 28 22 43.8 52.7 29 24 50-7 51-0 33 24 44.6 45.3 24 24 45.0 50.0 28 24 44.0 52.8 29 26 49.8 50.6 32 26 43.5 44.3 22 26 45-8 49.8 29 26 i 43.6 52.2 29 28 48.3 48.9 30 28 42.5 43.1 21 28 43-8 48.2 26 28 43-0 52.0 28 30 46.8 47.6 28 -22.3 30 43.6 44-5 22 -22.0 30 45-2 47-9 26 -21.2 30 43.8 51.2 28 -21.9 32 45.8 46.1 26 32 43.7 44-3 22 32 47.0 50.0 30 32 43-2 Si-7 28 34 47-5 48.1 29 34 45-1 45-9 25 34 48.0 50.4 31 34 43.3 51-8 28 36 48.8 49.0 3 36 45.9 46.6 26 36 49-1 52.3 33 36 43-8 50.9 28 38 49-7 50.0 32 38 46.5 46.9 27 38 50.6 53.9 36 38 44-9 Si- I 29 40 50.3 50.6 33 40 46.3 47.1 27 40 50.8 53.9 36 40 46.0 51.2 30 42 51-9 52.1 35 42 46.6 47.6 28 42 49.4 52.9 34 42 45-8 51-9 30 45 49.9 50.6 32 -22.3 44 48.8 50.0 31 -22.0 44 49-2 51-8 33 -21.2 44 45-1 50.8 29 -21.9 46 50.2 50.6 33 46 49.6 50.0 32 46 48.9 52.0 33 46 44.5 49-9 28 48 Si-9 52.5 35 48 47.8 48.6 29 48 Si.o 52.3 34 48 46.3 Si.o 30 50 52.2 S3-o 36 50 47.8 48.6 29 50 52.8 54-0 37 50 46.9 Si.i 30 52 54-4 55-0 39 52 47.0 48.6 29 52 52.0 52.9 36 52 46.9 52.1 31 54 54-5 55-0 39 54 46.3 49-5 29 54 51-3 53-0 35 54 46.3 52.0 31 56 50.9 52.0 34 56 46.8 50.0 29 56 Si-7 53-1 36 56 45-5 52.0 30 58 47.0 47.9 28 58 45-2 47-6 26 58 52.2 52.5 36 58 45-8 52.0 30 Observers W. J. P. and J. V., who alternated from 15)1 52m to Observer J. V. i6h 02111 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, March 16, 1904 Magnet scale erect Thursdaj', March 17, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale . East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings . decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation, C. time nation C. Left Might Left Right Left Right Left Right li m d d , o h m d d O 1 o h m d d ' h m d d o / o 20 OO 46.2 52.1 22 31 -22.0 22 OO 23.O 28.1 22 27 -22.4 16 oo 5O.8 49.8 22 4O -26.9 18 oo 52.0 50.6 22 39 -24.2 O2 44-8 53-0 30 02 23.2 27.O 26 02 5O.8 50.O 40 02 52.1 50.6 39 04 46.1 53-2 31 O4 23.2 29.2 28 04 5I.O 50.2 40 04 51.9 50.8 39 01 45-3 5-'. 3 30 00 21.9 24.8 23 06 51-3 50.3 40 06 51.8 50.9 39 08 40.0 53.0 31 08 20. o 24.2 21 08 51.7 50.2 40 08 51-8 51. i 39 10 49-0 55.0 35 IO j 22.0 25.9 24 10 53-1 48.7 40 10 51.2 51.2 39 12 55-1 Co. I 44 12 26.0 31.2 32 12 53-3 49-2 39 12 51.8 51.2 39 14 57-0 63.1 48 -22. 14 23.1 23.8 23 -22.5 14 54.1 50.2 38 -26.3 14 51-9 51.7 38 -24.0 16 54-5 58.8 42 16 27.0 31.0 32 16 53-2 50.4 38 16 5L9 51.6 38 18 52.6 59.0 41 1 8 23.1 26.0 25 18 52-3 50.2 39 18 52.2 51.7 38 20 56.8 57-5 43 20 25.0 29.3 29 20 52.7 50.7 38 20 52.1 51.4 38 22 49-0 51.5 32 22 27.9 3I.O 33 22 53.8 52.0 36 22 52.1 51-4 38 -'4 49-2 Si-5 32 24 27.2 31.1 32 24 52.8 51-2 38 24 52.2 51.5 38 26 49-2 45.4 28 26 27.0 32.0 33 26 52.9 52.1 37 26 52.3 51.7 38 28 48.5 54-3 34 28 25.0 30.0 30 28 52.8 Si-9 37 28 52.2 51-3 38 30 56.2 60.6 22 45 -22.1 30 25.8 31.0 31 -22.6 30 52.2 51.8 38 -25.9 30 52.0 51.3 38 -24.0 32 02.1 77-8 23 03 32 25.1 32.3 32 32 52-3 51-3 38 32 52.1 51. 6 38 34* 52.0 63.5 17 34 . 27.0 34.0 34 34 52.2 51. i 38 34 52.1 51.6 38 36 57.1 60. I 19 36 30.0 36.8 39 36 51.8 51-0 39 36 5L9 51.2 39 38 48.0 56.9 23 09 38 28.2 35.0 36 38 51.3 50.2 40 38 51-7 50.7 39 40 36.0 48.8 22 S3 40 27-9 31-7 34 40 51.0 50.0 40 40 Si- I 50.7 40 42 27-5 40-9 40 42 29.9 38.8 40 42 51.3 50.2 40 42 50.9 50.2 40 44 24.2 36.1 34 -22.1 44 28.0 36.7 37 -22.7 44 51.4 50.4 40 -25.4 44 50.9 50.4 40 -23-9 40 21.3 34-9 31 46.5 32.9 36.9 41 46 52.3 50.8 39 46 51.2 51.0 39 48 17.1 21.8 17 48 32.0 36.0 40 48 52.9 51-2 38 48 51.2 51.2 39 50 19.0 26.2 22 50.5 33-0 36.7 41 50 53.6 52.0 36 50 51.1 50.8 40 52 17-5 29.0 23 52 31-8 35-0 39 52 54.2 52.0 36 52.3! Si- 1 50.8 40 54 23.0 31.2 29 54 39-4 38.0 47 54 54-8 52.5 35 54 ! Si.o 50.8 40 56 19.0 31.0 26 56 i 37-8 38.8 47 56 54-8 52.7 35 56 51.2 50.8 39 58 19.0 28.0 24 58 33-0 35-2 40 58 54-7 52-7 35 58 52.2 51.5 38 21 OO 16.5 24.9 19 -22. I 23 oo 34-2 36.0 42 -22.8 17 oo 54-3 52.6 36 -25.0 19 oo 53-i 52.2 37 -23-9 02 19.9 26.0 23 02 32.8 34.3 39 02 53-9 52.8 36 02 53-0 52.8 36 04 18.0 25.1 20 04 31.3 33-2 37 04 53-9 53-1 35 04 53-1 52.2 37 06 18.2 25.0 20 06 32-9 35-0 ; 40 06 53-8 53-0 36 06 52.8 52.0 37 08 18.2 26.0 21 08 32.6 35.2 40 08 53-8 53-1 36 08 52.2 51.9 38 IO 20.2 26.2 23 10 30.0 32.7 36 10 53-7 53-1 36 10 52.0 51.2 38 12 23.9 28.5 28 12 31.8 33-0 38 12 53-7 53-1 36 12 52.1 51.3 38 14 24.0 32.0 31 -22.2 14 31-0 31-7 36 -22.8 14 53-4 53-0 36 -24.9 14 51-8 50.9 39 -23.9 16 25.0 32.O 31 16 29.9 31.7 35 16 53-5 52.8 36 16 51.9 50.8 39 18 14-5 26.3 19 18 29-3 31-3 34 18 53-3 52.8 36 18 51.9 50.8 39 20 12.8 23.2 15 20 30.0 32.0 35 20 53-0 52.7 36 20 51.2 50.3 40 22 17.2 26.5 21 22 33-3 35-0 40 22 52.9 52.7 36 22 SI.6 SO.O 40 24 16.5 27.9 22 24 35.2 36.1 42 24 52.8 51-7 38 24 51.2 49.9 40 26 24.2 26.0 26 26 31-0 33-0 37 26 52.3 51-5 38 26 50.9 49.6 4i 28 17.0 27.2 22 28 32.0 34.3 39 28 52.2 51.4 38 28 50.3 49.2 41 30 20.9 32.0 28 -22.2 30 33-1 36.0 41 -22.Q 30 52.1 51.0 39 -24.8 30 50.3 49.2 41 -23.8 32 23.0 31.9 30 32 33-2 36.5 41 32 52.2 51.2 38 32 50.4 49.6 41 34 22.9 31.2 29 34 30.9 34-1 38 34 5L9 51-3 38 34 50.3 49.4 41 36 25.0 31.3 31 36 31.0 34.2 38 36 52.0 51.3 38 36 50.8 49.5 41 38 24.0 29.2 28 38 30.8 34.1 38 38 52.1 51-6 38 38 50.5 49-3 41 4O 22.3 25.7 24 40 31.0 34.2 38 40 52.2 51-7 38 40 50.9 50.0 40 42 23.5 26.9 26 42 31-0 34-6 38 42 52.2 51.9 38 42 50.8 50.0 40 44 19.8 22.9 20 -22.3 44 32.2 35.0 39 -22.9 44 52.0 51.8 38 -24.5 44 50.8 49-3 41 -23.7 46 20.6 26.0 23 46 32.8 34-1 39 46 52.2 51.6 38 46 51-3 49-7 40 48 21.8 24.1 23 48 32.1 33.5 38 48 52.2 51.3 38 48 50.8 49-3 4i 50 23.0 26.7 26 50 32.2 34.0 39 So 52.1 51-2 38 50 50.9 49.4 4i 52 17.2 23.2 18 52 32.1 34-0 38 52 52.1 51- i 38 52 50.5 49-3 4i 54 22.2 29-8 28 54 31.2 36.0 39 54 52-3 51-2 38 54 Si.o 49.3 4i 56 l6.5 22.2 17 56 32.0 36.9 41 56 52.1 50.8 39 56 50.9 49-3 4i 58 22.1 28.9 27 58 30.6 35.0 38 58 52.2 50.8 39 58 50.9 49.9 40 24 oo 30.6 35-0 38 20 oo 50.9 49-8 40 ^23.7 Correction to local mean time is + 3.55. 90 torsion = 27/47. Torsion head at oh com read 11 and at 24)1 25m read 23. Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is i8s. 90 torsion = 26/53. Torsion head at 15)1 15111 read 13 and at 2oh 2Om read 15. Observer R. R. T. 1 84 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, March 18, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, March 20, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East . Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time natioa a time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d / h m d d ' h m d d / o h m d d , o 20 oo 53-8 55-0 22 41 -23-3 22 OO 42.0 48.2 22 26 -21.9 o oo* 54-2 47-9 23 40 -18.2 2 OO 47-9 47-7 23 45 -16.4 02 52.0 55. 2 39 02 42.1 48.2 26 02 53-9 48-1 40 02 47-4 47-1 46 04 51.7 56.o 40 04 41.2 48.4 26 04 53-9 48.3 40 04 47-2 47-1 46 06 50.2 56.7 39 06 42.0 48.8 26 06 52.8 47-8 41 06 47.4 47.2 46 08 49.9 56.2 38 08 41.1 48.2 25 08 52.3 47-3 42 08 47.1 46.9 46 10 50.3 56.0 39 IO 40.8 47.6 25 10 52.0 47.9 41 10 47.1 46.3 47 12 SI- 2 55-4 ' 39 12 41.0 48.0 25 12 52.9 48.6 40 12 47.3 46.9 40 14 52.0 55.2 39 -23-4 14 41.1 46.8 24 -21-5 14 52.7 48.3 41 -18.0 14 46.8 46.2 47 -16.3 16 53-0 54.1 39 16 43-0 45-7 25 16 52.2 48.3 41 10 46.3 46.1 48 18 52.9 54.9 40 18 44.0 46.1 26 18 52.2 48.3 41 18 4(1.9 46.6 47 20 52.7 54-1 39 20 44.9 46.2 27 20 52.3 49-2 40 20 46.8 46.7 47 22 52-3 54-2 39 22 44.8 46.0 26 22 52.4 49.2 40 22 47-2 47.0 46 24 52.0 53-1 38 24 45.1 46.7 27 24 51.9 48.9 41 24 47-2 47.0 46 26 Si. I S2.3 36 26 46.0 46.1 28 26 Si-3 48.7 42 26 47.8 47-2 46 28 50.3 52.1 36 28 45.2 48-8 29 28 51.5 48.8 41 28 48.3 47-9 45 30 49-3 51-3 34 -23.7 30 46.7 51.0 32 -21.3 30 51.9 49.2 41 -17.9 30 48.9 48.1 44 -16.1 32 49.8 50.4 34 32 46.1 51.0 31 32 52.6 50.2 40 32 49.2 48.4 44 34 48.0 49-7 32 34 45-2 50.2 30 34 52.9 50.8 39 34 49-1 48.7 43 36 47-1 49-5 31 36 45.2 49.8 30 36 53-2 50.9 38 36 50.0 49-5 42 38 46.9 50.0 31 38 45-1 49.0 29 38 53-0 51. i 38 38 50.1 49.8 42 40 46.4 50.0 31 40 40.0 48.0 29 40 52.3 50.8 39 40 SO.i 49.7 42 42 46.5 50.0 31 42 42.1 43-2 22 42 52.0 50.8 40 42 50.1 49.7 42 44 46.5 50-3 31 -23.7 44 40.0 40.2 18 -21.1 44 52.0 50.8 40 -17.7 44 49.8 49.4 42 -16.0 46 46.7 Si-3 32 46 4O.8 42.2 20 46 52.7 Si.i 39 46 49.8 49.2 42 48 46.2 51.0 32 48 42.1 44-5 23 4 52.2 50.9 39 48 49.9 49.2 42 SO 46.2 51.0 32 50 39.0 40.1 17 50 52.7 51-7 38 50 49.7 49.1 43 52 46.1 51.0 31 52 43.5 47.2 26 52 52.1 51-3 39 52 49.0 48.8 43 54 47-1 52.0 33 54 43-2 47-4 26 54 51-4 50.7 40 54 49.0 48.8 43 56 48.1 50-9 ! 33 56 41.6 45.0 23 56 51.1 50.6 40 56 49-9 49-5 42 58 49-1 51.0 34 58 43-3 47-1 26 58 52.0 51-2 39 58 50.3 50.1 41 21 OO 49-5 50.3 34 -23.2 23 oo 43-1 48.2 27 -20.9 I 00 52.7 52.0 38 -17.2 3 oo SO.i 49-9 42 -16.0 O2 48.3 5J.8 34 02 43-1 49.0 28 02 53-2 52.9 37 02 49.4 49-2 43 04 48.2 50.8 33 04 43.0 49-2 28 04 53-3 52.9 37 04 49.8 49-2 42 06 49-0 50.5 33 06 42.0 49.0 27 06 53-9 53-3 36 06 49.8 49.2 42 08 49-7 50.6 34 08 39-1 46.2 22 08 54-1 53.7 36 08 48.8 48.4 44 IO 49.0 51.0 34 10 38.7 46.2 22 IO 53-3 53-1 37 10 ! 48.2 48.0 45 12 49.4 50.2 34 12 38.5 44-2 2O 12 53-0 52.7 37 12 48.3 48.1 44 14 49-7 50.3 34 -23.0 14 38.7 45.0 i 21 -20.6 14 52.2 52.1 38 -16.9 14 48.9 48.6 44 -16.0 16 49.5 50.8 34 16 41.0 46.5 J 24 16 51.4 51.0 40 16 49.0 48.6 44 18 49-9 50.3 34 18 48.9 Si.o 34 18 50.9 50.4 4i 18 48.7 48.1 44 20.3 49- 1 49-9 33 20 45-9 52.0 32 20 50.7 50.2 41 20 48.5 48.2 44 22 48.8 50.0 33 22 55-9 59-6 46 22 50.3 50.1 41 22 48.2 48.0 45 24 49.2 50.0 33 24 60.6 61.7 51 24 50.2 50.1 41 24 47-8 47-6 45 26 49-6 49-8 33 26 61.2 65.8 55 26 50.2 50.0 41 26 47-2 47-1 46 28 48.3 50.0 32 28 56.7 60.0 47 28 50.7 50.2 41 28 47.5 47.2 46 30 48.1 50.1 32 -22.9 30 51-8 57-0 41 -20.5 30 50.9 50.7 40 -16.8 30 47-9 47-7 45 -16.0 32 48.9 50.0 33 32 52.2 57-5 41 32 51.0 50.5 40 32 48.8 48.1 44 34 47.9 49-1 31 34 45-0 51-5 31 34 51-1 50.7 40 34 49-3 48.9 43 36 48.0 49.0 31 36 47-2 57-2 37 36 51.2 50.8 41 36 50.8 50.2 41 38 47-6 49.3 31 38 42.6 47.8 26 38 Si.o 50.3 41 38 51.8 Si-i 40 40 48.2 48.7 31 40 45.0 49.8 30 40 49.6 49.1 43 40 52.0 51.5 39 42 47.9 48.6 31 42 46.8 50.7 32 42 49-3 48.9 43 42 50.3 50.0 41 44 48.1 48.8 31 44 47-0 49-9 31 -20.5 44 49-8 49-2 42 -16.5 44 48.1 47-9 45 -16.0 46 46.2 47.7 29 46 46.8 49-5 31 46 50.0 49.1 42 46 47-2 47-0 46 48 47.0 48.8 30 48 47-4 49-0 31 48 49.8 49-0 43 48 48.8 48.7 44 SO 46.2 47.8 29 So 47.0 48.0 30 So 49.5 49.0 43 50 SO.i 49.9 42 52 47-0 47-8 30 52 46-8 47-3 29 52 49.8 49-7 42 52 51.1 50.6 40 54 46.2 46.9 28 54 45.2 51.2 31 54 49-8 49-3 42 54 53-1 52.9 37 56 45.7 46.1 27 56 46.3 51-8 32 56 48.5 48.1 44 56 S2.9 52.3 38 58 42.5 48.2 26 58 47.1 51.1 32 58 48.2 48.1 45 58 50.8 50.2 41 -16.0 24 oo 48.2 52.0 34 Correction to local mean time is 11.55. Torsion head at igh 27m read 16 and at 24)1 23m read the same. Observer J. V. Observer R. R. T. . MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Sunday, March 20, 1904 Magnet scale erect Monday, March 21, 1904 Magnet scale inverted I Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d o / o h m d d o / o h m d d o / O 4 oo 57-3 58.8 23 44 -16.0 6 oo 71.7 73-1 24 06 -16.9 8 oo High 10 oo 02 58.3 59-2 45 02 72-1 73.8 07 02 winds 02 04 58.8 59-7 45 04 70.8 71-7 04 04 prevented 04 06 59-1 59-5 46 06 70.8 72.1 05 Of) reaching 06 08 59-0 59.2 45 08 71.3 72.1 05 08 observatory 08 10 59-2 59-4 46 10 70.2 70.9 03 10 10 12 59.9 60.2 47 12 69.3 69.8 24 02 12 12 14 60.7 61.0 48 -16.0 14 07.0 68.1 23 59 -16.9 14 14 16 61.3 62.0 49 16 67.7 68.3 23 59 16 16 18 61.7 62.2 So 18 68.2 69.0 24 oo 18 18 20 61.6 62.1 50 20 69.2 70.1 02 20 20 22 61.3 61.8 49 22 70.6 71.4 04 22 22 24 61.4 61.9 49 24 70.0 70.8 03 24 24 26 61.9 62.1 50 26 69.2 70.1 02 26 26 28 62.2 62.4 50 28 69.1 70.2 O2 28 28 30 62.8 62.9 51 -16.1 30 69.1 69.8 OI -i6.y 30 30 32 62.7 63.0 Si 32 69-5 70.9 02 32 32 34 62.3 62.9 5i 34-5 68.7 69.7 01 34 34 36 61.3 61.9 49 36 67.4 68.8 24 oo 36 36 38 60. i 60.0 47 38 67.1 68.0 23 58 38 38 40 60. i 60.4 47 40 68.7 69.1 24 oi 40 40 42 60.5 61.0 48 42 70.0 70.9 03 42 42 44 60.2 60.5 47 -16.3 44 72.1 73-0 06 -17.0 44 44 46 01. 1 61.4 49 46 72-9 74-0 08 46 46 48 62.3 62.9 5i 48 71.7 72.2 05 48 48 50 62.9 63.3 52 50 72.1 72.3 06 50 50 52 03.0 63.3 52 52 74-9 75-8 ii 52 52 54 62.8 63.3 Si 54 73-9 74-7 09 54 54 56 63.1 64.0 52 56 72.0 73.3 06 56 56 58 63.8 64.9 54 58 71.7 72.3 06 58 58 5 oo 64.6 65.8 55 -16.7 7 oo 70.2 71.4 04 -17.0 9 oo II 00 02 64.2 65.0 54 02 72.2 72.7 24 06 02 02 04 65.5 66.1 56 04* 32.9 38.8 23 14 04 04 06 66.1 66.8 57 06 30-4 35-3 09 06 06 08 66.1 66.7 57 08 30.0 34-9 23 08 08 08 10 66.9 67.2 58 10 24.0 28.2 22 59 10 10 12 66.2 67.1 57 12 24.3 28.8 22 59 12 12 14 65.9 66.9 57 -16.8 14 28.0 31.0 23 04 -17.0 14 14 16 65.0 65.8 55 16 29.1 32.0 06 16 16 18 65.0 65.8 55 18 28.7 31.1 05 18 18 20 65.1 66.1 55 20 28.0 30.9 23 04 20 20 22 65.0 66.3 55 22 25.0 27.3 22 59 22 22 24 66.0 67.4 23 57 24 24.1 26.7 58 24 24 26 67.6 68.8 24 oo 26 23.1 25.3 56 26 26 28 67.7 68.8 24 oo 28 23.1 25.3 56 28 28 30 67.1 68.3 23 59 -16.8 30 24.5 26.0 57 -16.9 30 30 32 66.9 67.9 23 58 32 ] 24.9 26.3 58 32 32 34-6 67.6 69.0 24 oo 34 24.1 25.4 56 34 34 36 67.6 69.1 oo 36 22.5 24.1 54 36 36 45-3 44-0 22 42 -16.8 38 67.8 69.2 00 38 21.9 23.2 53 38 38 46.1 45-0 40 40 68.0 69.1 24 oo 40 22.3 22.9 53 40 40 46.2 44.8 40 42 66.9 67.9 23 58 42 22.6 23.8 54 42 42 47-0 44-7 40 44 66.2 67.2 57 -16.8 44 21.2 21.8 Si -17.0 44 44 48.0 44-9 39 -16.8 46 67.2 68.2 59 46 22.7 23.8 54 46 46 48.1 45-1 39 48 67.0 67.9 58 48 25.0 25.4 57 48 48 48.2 44.5 39 50 67.0 68.0 58 50 19.8 19.8 49 50 50 46.4 45.9 40 52 67.2 68.7 23 59 52 23-5 24.4 55 52 52 46.0 45.5 40 54 67.7 68.8 24 oo 54 23.90 55 54 54 46.1 45-1 40 56 68.1 69.3 oo 56 21. O 21.5 Si 56 56 46.1 45-1 40 58 69.7 71.1 03 58 22.8 23.2 54 S8 58 48.3 43-1 40 8 oo 21.2 21.9 5i -17.0 12 00 49.0 44.0 39 -16.6 Correction to local mean time is 515. 90 torsion = 17/58. Torsion head at oh oom read 27 and at 9h oom read 30. Observer R. R. T. 13 Correction to local mean time is is. Torsion head at nh osm read 28 and at I2h 3om read 27 Observer J. V. 1 86 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, March 22, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, March 23, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'i readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. ' Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d o / o h 111 d d o / O h m d d o / O h m d d o / O 12 00 39-7 4I.I 22 46 -16.2 14 oo 39.2 40.0 22 45 -14.4 o 00.4 50.4 44.2 22 41 -18.8 2 00 47.8 46.7 22 41 -15-0 02 39-8 41.8 47 02 39.6 40.2 45 02 50.1 44.3 41 02 47.9 40.7 41 04 40.2 41.9 47 04 39.2 39.8 44 04 49-2 43-5 42 04 47.8 46.6 41 06 40.0 41.3 46 06 26.3 45.6 39 06 48.0 45.8 41 06 47.4 46.7 41 08 39-8 41-0 46 08 27.8 44-8 40 08 48.2 45-8 41 08 47.1 46.5 42 10 40.3 41.7 47 IO 27-4 43-5 38 IO 48.1 45-8 41 IO 47.2 46.8 41 12 40.7 42.2 47 12 27.8 43.0 38 12 47-8 45.8 42 12 47-1 46.7 41 14 40.7 42.3 48 -15.8 14 28.8 43-1 39 14 47.9 44.3 43 -17.9 14 47.2 46.8 41 -15.0 16 40.7 42.1 47 16 29-3 43-0 39 14.2 16 48.3 44.0 43 16 47.0 46.7 42 18 40.7 42.1 47 18 29.8 42.7 39 18 47-7 43-9 43 18 47-2 46.7 41 20 40.8 42.3 48 20 30.1 42.1 39 20 48.3 44.0 43 20 47.9 47.2 40 22 40.8 42.3 48 22 35-8 36.8 40 22 48.2 44.5 42 22 48.3 47. 6 40 24-5 40.9 42.3 48 24 35-6 36.7 39 24 48.6 45.1 42 24 48.7 47.9 39 26 41.0 41.9 47 26 35-4 36-4 39 26 48.2 45.0 42 26 49.0 48.3 39 28 40.7 41-7 47 28 35-3 36.3 39 28 47-8 44.7 42 28 49.0 48.2 39 30 40.7 41.6 47 -15-4 30 35.6 36.8 39 -14.1 30 48.1 45-8 41 -17.0 30 48.7 47-9 39 -15-0 32 4L3 42.2 48 32 35-7 36.8 39 32 48.0 45.8 41 32 48.3 47-6 40 34 41.9 42.9 49 34 35-6 36.8 39 34 48.3 46.0 41 34 48.0 47.3 40 36 40.7 41.8 47 36 35-6 36.8 39 36 48.8 46.2 40 36 47-8 46.9 4i 38 39.6 40.2 45 38 35-8 37-0 40 38 48.8 46.8 40 38 47-3 46.2 42 40 40.2 41.1 46 40 36.0 37.2 40 40 49-3 47-6 39 40 47-5 46.1 42 42 39.9 40.7 46 42 36.1 37-1 40 42 49.6 47-8 39 42 47.8 46.2 41 44 39-0 39-9 44 -15-2 44 35-9 37-1 40 -14.0 44 49-3 48.2 39 -16.3 44 47-6 47-1 42 15-0 46 39-3 40.2 45 46 35-9 36.9 40 46 49-1 47-8 39 46 47-9 46.3 41 48 40.3 41-2 40 48.4 35-2 36.5 39 48 48.3 47-2 40 48 48.1 47.0 40 SO 39.9 40.8 46 So 35-2 36.4 39 50 47-8 46.7 41 50 48.3 47-4 40 52 39.2 40.2 45 52 35-2 36.7 39 52 47.1 46.3 42 52 48.3 47.8 40 54 39.8 40.5 40 54 35-1 36.3 38 54 46.3 45.6 43 54 47-9 47-3 40 56 40.0 40.8 46 56 34-8 36.0 38 56 45-7 45-0 44 56 47.6 47.2 41 58 39.8 40.6 46 58 35-1 36.3 38 58 45-7 45-1 44 58 47.2 46.9 41 13 oo 39.6 40.0 45 -15.0 15 oo 35-8 36.8 40 -14.0 I OO 46.1 45.4 43 -15-7 3 oo 47-1 46.4 42 -15.0 Q2 39-7 40.1 45 02 36.7 37-7 41 02 46.0 45.8 43 02 46.9 46.4 42 04 40.1 40.7 46 04 37-1 38.0 41 04 45-7 45-7 43 04 46.9 46.3 42 06 40.2 41.1 46 06 37.1 38.0 41 06 45-8 45-3 44 06 46.9 46.3 42 08 40.1 40.7 46 08 37-4 38.3 42 08 45-8 45-2 44 08 46.8 46.1 42 IO 39-3 40.1 45 IO 37-6 38.6 42 10 45-9 45-3 44 10 47-0 46.3 42 12 39.2 40.0 45 12 37.6 38.2 42 12 46.3 45-4 43 12 47-3 46.8 41 14 38.9 39-7 44 -14.9 14 37-1 37-8 41 -14.0 H 46.9 45.9 42 -15-2 14 47-8 47.0 41 --14.9 16 38.1 39-2 43 16 36.4 37-3 40 16 47-3 46.3 42 16 47.8 47.1 41 18 38.0 39.0 43 18 36.2 37-1 40 18 47.9 46.5 41 18 47.9 47-2 40 20 38.1 39.0 43 20 36.2 36.8 40 20 48.2 46.8 40 20 48.0 47.0 40 22 38.3 39-3 43 22 36.1 36.7 40 22 48.8 47.1 40 22 48.0 47.0 40 24 38.8 39-8 44 24 35-8 36.2 39 24 49.1 47.2 40 24 48.3 46.3 41 26 38.4 39-3 43 26 35-4 36.1 38 26 49.2 47.4 39 26 48.2 46.3 41 28 38.2 39.0 43 28 35-5 36.0 38 28 48.8 46.9 40 28 48.0 46.3 41 30 38.8 39-3 44 -14.8 30 35-8 36.3 39 -13.9 30 47.9 46.3 40 -15-2 30 47-8 46.3 41 -14-9 32 39.9 40.6 46 32 35-7 36.3 39 32 47.4 46.0 42 32 47.8 46.2 41 34 40.0 40.3 46 34 35-3 36.1 38 34 47-1 45.9 42 34 47-4 46.0 42 36 39-1 39-9 44 36 35-1 35.7 38 36 47-0 45-9 42 36 47.2 46.1 42 38 38.7 39-8 44 38 34-8 35-4 38 38 47-5 46.4 41 38 47-1 45.9 42 40 39-0 40.3 45 40 34-9 35-4 38 40 47-7 46.7 41 40 47-4 45-8 42 42 39-2 40.5 45 42 35-3 35-8 38 42 47.8 46.8 41 42 47-3 45-8 42 44 39.2 40.8 45 -14.7 44 35.6 36.2 39 -13.9 44 47.8 46.8 41 -15.2 44 47.1 45-6 42 -14.9 46 39.2 40.7 45 46 35.6 36.2 39 46 48.0 47.1 40 46 47-0 45-6 42 48 38.5 39-9 44 48 36.0 36.7 40 48 48.0 47.1 40 48 47-2 45-8 42 SO ! 38.2 39.3 43 50 36.6 37.2 40 50 48.1 47-3 40 50 47-2 45.9 42 52 38.6 39.5 44 52 37-8 38.2 42 52 47-9 47-2 40 52 47.2 46.0 42 54 38.1 38.9 43 54 38.1 38.8 43 54 48.0 46.9 41 54 47-2 45.8 42 56 38.S 39-2 43 56 38.1 38.8 43 56 48.0 46.8 41 56 46.8 45.4 43 58 39.1 39.9 44 58 37-7 38.2 42 58 47.9 46.7 41 58 46.7 45-3 43 16 oo 37-1 37.7 41 -13.9 Correction to local mean time is 373. 90 torsion = 16/01. Torsion head at nh 3om read 24 and at i6h 2om read 22. Observer R. R. T. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 187 Wednesday, March 23, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, March 23, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / o h m d d o / O h m d d o / O h m d d o / o 4 oo 46.6 45.6 22 43 -14.9 6 oo 35-9 35-2 22 59 -14.8 8 oo 42.5 40.0 22 50 -14.2 IO OO 44-5 42.3 22 47 -15.0 02 46.7 45-8 42 02 36.3 35-2 59 02 43-9 40.0 49 02 44-8 41-1 48 04 46.8 45.8 42 04 37-2 36.3 57 04 43-1 39-4 50 04 45-2 41.0 47 06 46.8 411.0 42 06 37.9 36.9 56 06 42.4 39.2 5i 06 45-9 41-0 47 08 47.2 46.2 42 08 39.0 38.0 55 o8_ 42.3 39.2 51 08 45-9 40.7 47 10 47.2 46.6 41 10 40.3 39-1 53 IO 42.5 40.0 50 10 45-8 41-8 46 12 47.0 46.3 42 12 40.9 40.1 Si 12 42.5 41-0 50 12 45-5 41-8 47 14 46.8 46.0 42 -14.9 H 39-4 38.8 54 -14.8 14 42.8 41-9 49 -14.6 14 45.2 42.0 47 -15-2 16 46.4 45.6 43 16 36.2 35.0 59 16 43-3 41-8 48 16 46.0 41.9 46 18 46.1 45-2 44 18 37-1 36.4 57 18 42.3 41-6 49 18 46.1 41.9 46 20 46.3 45-2 43 20 37-7 36.8 57 20 42.2 40.9 50 20 46.2 41.8 46 22 46.3 45.0 44 22 38.8 37-7 55 22 41.9 40.8 50 22 45-4 42.5 46 24 46.3 45.2 43 24 37.4 36.6 57 24 41.8 40.2 51 24 45-3 42.2 46 26 46.8 45-9 42 26 37-1 35-9 58 26 42.1 40.1 50 26 45-3 42.3 46 28 46.9 45-7 42 28 36.2 35-1 59 28 42.7 40.0 50 28 44-3 43-0 47 30-3 46.2 44.9 44 -14.9 30 36.1 34-9 22 59 -14.8 30 42.1 40.9 50 -14.7 30 44-7 42.5 47 -15.3 32 46.0 44-7 44 32 34-1 32.7 23 03 32 42.1 40.0 51 32 44-9 42.5 46 34 45-8 44-5 44 34 35-8 34-0 23 oo 34 42.2 39.9 51 34 44.8 42.8 46 30 45-3 44.2 45 36 36.2 35.1 22 59 36 42.6 40.5 50 36 45-1 43-6 46 38 45.8 44.6 44 38 38.5 37-2 56 38 42.8 41.2 49 38 45.0 43-6 46 40 45-8 44.7 44 40 39.2 38.2 54 40 42.3 41-0 50 40 45-1 43.2 46 42 46.0 44.9 44 42 39-7 38.3 54 42 41.3 40.2 Si 42 44-7 43-9 46 44 47.0 45.6 42 -14.9 44 39-4 38.3 54 -14.7 44 42.0 39.0 Si 44 44-7 44-1 45 -15.6 46 47.8 45-9 42 46 38.1 37-2 56 46 42.1 38.7 52 46 46.2 43.8 44 48 47-0 45-1 43 48 37-9 37-2 56 48 42.9 38.8 51 48 46.3 44.2 44 50 45.9 44.1 44 So 36.7 35.8 22 58 50 42.7 38.8 51 50 45-7 44-1 45 52 45-7 43-9 45 52 33-0 32.2 23 04 52 44.0 38.6 50 52 45-3 43-9 45 54 46.1 44-7 44 54 34-5 33-2 02 43-7 39-o 50 54 45-8 43.1 45 56 46.9 45.2 43 56 35-3 33-7 01 56 44.0 39-6 49 56 45-3 43-9 45 58 46.0 44.8 44 58 36.1 34-4 23 oo 58 45.2 39.8 48 58 44-9 43-9 45 5 oo 45-3 44-2 45 -14.9 7 oo 36.9 35-2 22 58 -14.4 9 oo 44.9 39.0 49 -14.6 II OO 44.8 44-2 45 -15.9 02 44-3 43-3 46 02 37-4 36.0 57 02 44-2 38.9 So 02 45.0 43-8 45 04 44-1 43-0 47 04 37.2 36.0 58 04 44-0 39-2 50 04 46.2 43.6 45 06 44-7 43.2 46 06 36.7 35-3 58 06 44.0 40.0 49 06 46.1 44.0 44 08 45-4 44-3 45 08 37.9 36.8 56 08 43.9 40.0 49 08 46.9 44.0 44 10 45.2 44.0 45 IO 37.9 36.0 57 10 43.9 40.0 49 IO 46.4 44.0 44 12 45-5 43-3 45 12 37-2 35-8 58 12 44-2 39-9 49 12 46.1 44.0 44 14 44.8 42.0 46 -14.9 14 37.2 36.0 58 -14.3 14 44-2 39-8 49 -14.6 14 46.4 43-9 44 -16.0 10 44-8 43-2 46 16 38.2 37-4 56 16 45-0 38.6 49 16 46.8 43.0 45 18 45-0 43.6 46 18 40.2 39.2 53 18 44.8 38.0 50 18 47-0 42.9 45 20 44-8 43.2 46 20 40.4 39.2 52 20 44.1 39.0 50 20 47-3 43-2 44 22 44.1 42.6 47 22 39-4 38.3 54 22 44.8 40.2 48 22 47.5 44.0 43 24 43.3 42.2 48 24 36.2 35.4 59 24 45.0 40.0 48 24 47.9 44.7 42 26 44.0 42.8 47 26 36.0 35.0 59 26 44-1 39-5 49 26 46.7 44.6 44 28 46.0 45.0 44 28.5 38.4 37-6 55 28 43-0 39-5 50 28 46.3 44.1 44 30 47.2 46.5 42 -14.8 30 40.0 39.3 53 -14.2 30 42.8 39-8 50 -14.8 30 47-5 45-4 42 32 45-7 45-0 44 32 40.0 39.3 53 32 44.0 39-9 49 32.2 49-2 45.9 40 34 42.7 42.3 48 34 36.8 35-6 22 58 34 44.4 40.0 49 34 50.0 45-3 40 36 42.7 42.2 48 36 34-9 34-1 23 01 36 43.9 40.6 49 36 49.2 45.2 41 38 45-o 44-2 45 38 37-1 35-2 22 58 38 44.8 41.1 48 38 48.5 44-4 42 40 45-0 44-3 45 40 40.0 37.9 54 40 45-0 41-9 47 40 48.0 43.9 43 42 42.9 42.4 48 42 42.2 38.5 52 42 45-0 42.1 47 42 47-1 43.0 44 44 41. 1 40.3 Si -14.8 44 41.8 37-8 53 -14.2 44 44.8 41.3 46 -14.9 44 47.0 42.8 45 -16.5 46 40.7 40.1 52 46 41.2 38.0 53 46 42.9 42.8 48 46 46.3 43.0 45 48 41.3 40.7 Si 48 41-6 38.7 52 48 43.0 42.0 48 48 46.3 43.0 45 50 43-7 43-1 47 50 41.6 38.7 52 50 42.8 42.0 i 48 50 46.9 44-5 43 52 46.2 45.4 43 52 4I.I 39-3 52 52 42.8 42.5 48 52 47.0 44.2 44 54 45-9 45-3 44 54 40-7 39-5 52 54 43-5 42.8 47 46.6 44.2 44 56 41.8 41-3 50 56 40.9 39.1 52 56 43-8 42.3 48 56 47-0 45-1 43 : 58 36.8 36.2 58 58 41-2 39-3 52 58 43-9 42.9 47 58 47.8 46.9 4i Observers R. R. T. and J. V., who alternated from 7h 32m to Observer J. V. 7h 42m. 1 88 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZlEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, March 23, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, March 23, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h MI d d o / O h m d d o / o h m d d o / h m d d O 12 00 49.2 48.1 22 39 -16.9 14 oo 56.0 52.0 22 30 -18.0 16 oo 52.6 49.6 22 35 -18.2 18 oo 51.6 51.0 i 22 35 -17.6 02 51.0 48.0 37 02 54-3 52.8 31 02 52.4 49.6 35 02 51.3 50.9 35 04 51.0 48.9 37 04 53-9 53-3 31 04 52.7 So.i 34 04 51-3 50.7 35 06 49.8 48.2 38 06 54-0 53-8 30 06.4 53-3 50.6 34 06 51.2 50.7 35 08 48.1 47.0 40 08 54-2 53-0 30 08. i 53-3 50.6 34 08 51.2 50.8 35 10 50.0 42.8 42 10 54-7 53-0 30 10.4 53-6 51.1 33 10 Si.i 50.7 35 12 51.0 42.8 41 12 55-0 52.8 30 12 53-8 50.6 33 12 Si.i 50.9 35 14 51.8 44.0 40 -17.0 14 54-9 52.7 3i 18.0 14 53-2 50.8 33 -18.0 H Si.i 50.9 35 -17-5 16 53.1 44.6 38 16 55-0 52.8 30 16 52.6 50.7 34 16 51.4 51.2 34 18 52.9 45-3 38 18 55-8 52.4 30 18 52.6 50.8 34 18 51.7 51.3 34 20 52.3 45-1 39 20 54-3 52.3 31 20 52.6 51.1 34 20 51.6 51.3 34 22 51.2 45-0 40 22 53-5 Si-9 32 22 52.6 51.2 34 22 51.6 51.4 34 24 50.8 45.0 40 24 53-0 Si. I 33 24 52.7 51.2 34 24 51.9 51.8 34 26 51-2 45-2 39 26 53-0 51-0 33 26 52.6 51.1 34 26 52.2 SI.9 33 28 Si-o 45-7 39 28 52.4 50.8 34 28 52.7 51-3 33 28 52.2 51.8 33 30 50.3 45-8 40 -17.2 30 52.0 50.8 34 -18.0 30 53-1 51-9 33 -17.9 30 52.3 51.8 33 -17.6 32 51-2 44-3 40 32 52.0 50.0 35 32 53-1 52.3 32 32 52.2 51.9 33 34 51.2 45-0 40 34 51-9 50.5 35 34 53-0 51-9 33 34 52.2 SI.8 33 36 51.1 44.9 40 36 52.0 51.0 34 36 52.6 51.6 33 36 52.1 51.8 34 38 51-0 44-2 40 38 52.9 51-6 33 38 53-1 52.0 33 38 52.1 51.6 34 40 50.0 44.0 41 40 52.8 50.4 34 40 53-2 52.3 32 40 52.3 51-7 33 42 50.0 44.0 41 42 52.0 49.8 35 42 53-3 52-8 32 42 52.4 51.8 33 44 50.5 44-0 41 -17.4 44 52.3 49-1 35 -18.1 44 53-2 52.6 32 -17.8 44 51.8 51-5 34 -17.6 46 50.9 44.5 40 46 53-3 49-5 34 46 52.7 52-3 33 46 52.0 51.4 34 48 50.5 4S-0 40 48 55.0 48.4 34 48 53-0 52.5 32 48 52.3 51-6 34 50 50.3 46.0 40 So 55-8 49-0 33 50 52.8 52.4 32 50 52.3 51-9 33 52 50.8 46.9 38 52 55-7 50.6 32 52 52.6 52.3 33 52 53-0 51-8 33 54 51.0 47-2 38 54 57-2 51-0 30 54 52.2 51.6 34 54 53-3 52.1 32 56 51.8 47-8 37 56 57-0 51-8 30 56 51.7 51.1 34 56 52.8 51.3 33 58 52-3 47-8 36 58 58.0 53-0 28 i 58 52.1 51.2 34 58 53-3 52.3 32 13 oo 53-1 47-5 36 15 oo 59-i 54-0 26 -18.2 17 oo 52.3 Si-3 34 -17-7 19 oo 53-6 52.3 i 32 -17.6 02 52.5 47-6 36 -17.6 02 60. i 54.0 26 02 52.1 51-4 34 02 53-9 53-0 31 04 52.6 47-1 37 04 oo.o 53.0 26 04 52.2 51.5 34 04 53-4 52.9 32 06 52.8 47.0 37 06 60. i 53-6 26 06 52-3 51-8 33 06 53-1 52.8 32 08 52.7 47-2 37 08 61.0 53.0 26 08 52.4 Si-9 33 08 53-0 52.8 32 10 53-9 47-8 35 IO 59.9 52.4 27 IO 52.6 52.0 33 10 53-2 52.8 32 12 53-0 48-8 35 12 59-4 52.5 27 12 52.7 52.1 33 12 53-3 53-2 32 14 53.2 48.0 36 -17.8 14 59.0 52.6 27 -18.5 14 53.1 52.3 ; 32 -17X5 14 53-3 53-0 32 -17-5 16 52.0 48.8 36 16 58.2 52.0 28 16 53-3 52.7 32 16 54-3 53-8 30 18 52.0 48.1 36 18 58.9 Si.o 29 18 53-3 52.4 32 18 53-9 53-5 31 20 52.2 47.5 37 20 57-0 51. i 30 20 52.7 51-4 33 20 53-2 52.8 32 22 52.0 48.1 36 22 56.7 51-3 30 22 52-5 51-6 33 22 53-8 53-4 31 24 53.2 48.6 35 24 55-9 Si.i 31 24 53-1 52.3 32 24 54-3 54-0 30 26 54.0 49.0 34 26 54.0 49.2 34 26 52.8 52.0 33 26 54-3 53-9 30 28 54.0 49.0 34 28 51.1 48.0 37 28 52.6 51.7 33 28 53-7 53-7 31 30 55-0 49-1 33 -18.0 30 51-3 49-7 36 -18.6 30 52.6 51.8 33 -17-5 30 55-8 55-4 28 -17.5 32 55-0 49-0 33 32 53-9 50.4 33 32 52.7 51-9 33 32 55-3 54-9 28 34 55.0 48.4 34 34 55-0 53-5 30 34 52.6 51.8 33 34 56.5 55-8 27. 36 55.0 49.2 33 36 56.9 54-4 28 36 52.6 51.9 33 36 56.3 55-3 27 38 54-2 49.1 34 38 59-0 55-0 26 38 52.8 52.2 33 38 57-1 56.2 26 40 55-8 49.9 32 40 58.5 57-0 24 40 52.6 51.9 33 40 57-2 55-8 26 42 55.0 50.8 32 42 59.2 57.0 24 42 52.6 52.0 33 42 58.3 56.6 25 44 54-2 Si-o 32 -18.0 44 57-9 55-2 26 -18.7 44 52.5 52.1 33 -17-5 44 57-8 56.2 26 -17.6 46 53-9 Si-o 33 46 56.2 55-0 28 46 52-4 51-9 33 46 58.2 57.0 25 48 54.1 51.8 32 48 55-3 54-3 29 48 52.2 51.7 34 48 58.9 57-0 24 50 56.0 52.3 30 50 54-2 53-8 30 50 52.0 51.6 34 50 58.1 56.7 25 52 56.0 52.5 30 52 53-6 53-2 3i 52 52.0 51.6 ' 34 52 59.0 57.6 24 54 56.0 52.5 30 54 53-0 52.9 32 54 51-8 51-2 34 54 57-8 56.3 i 26 56 56.9 53-5 28 56 53-5 51-3 33 56 51.6 51.0 35 56 58.0 56.6 25 58 57-0 52.9 29 58 52. 8 50.8 34 58 51-6 50.9 35 58 58.5 57.3 24 Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 15)1 46m to Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 189 Wednesday, March 23, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, March 24, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East ChrV readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right 1 h m d d o t O h m d d o r O h m d d o r h m d d O I o 2O oo 59-3 58.0 22 23 -17.7 22 OO 59.3 58.0 22 23 -18.0 16 oo 47.9 48.8 22 36 -20.7 18 oo 47.2 47-8 22 35 -19.0 02 59-5 58. T 23 02 60.3 58.6 22 02. 2 47-6 48.3 36 02 48.1 48.4 36 04 59. o 57.8 23 04 60.3 58.9 22 04 47-7 48.3 36 04 49.1 49.2 37 06 58.5 57-5 24 06 58.4 57-2 24 06 48.1 48.9 36 06 49-2 49.7 38 08 58.8 57-9 24 08 58.3 57-6 24 08 47.4 48.0 35 08 49.1 49.4 38 10 61.0 59.4 20 IO 57-5 57-0 25 IQ 48.1 48.3 36 10 48.7 48.9 37 12 61.5 60.3 19 12 57.0 56.8 26 12 48.2 48.8 36 12 47-9 48.3 36 14 61.0 60.3 20 -17.9 14 55-7 55-5 28 -18.2 14 48.2 48.8 36 -20. 2 14 47-9 48.2 36 -19.0 16 62.3 61.3 18 16 55-3 55-0 28 T6 47-5 47-8 35 16 48.1 48.4 36 T<8 63.0 62.0 17 18 55-5 55-3 28 18 47-3 47-8 35 18 48.2 48.7 36 2O 62.2 60.7 19 20 56.1 55-7 27 20 47-1 47.9 35 20 48.4 48.8 36 22 61.0 60.2 20 22 55.0 51.8 29 22 46.8 47.7 34 22 47-9 48.7 36 24 58.9 58.8 23 24 54.4 53-9 30 24 45.9 47-0 33 24 48.5 48.9 .37 26 57.2 57. T 25 26 53-8 53-3 31 26 46.2 47.7 34 26 49.1 49.6 38 28 58.1 57.8 24 28 54-8 54- T .to 28 45-9 47-1 33 28 49-1 49-7 38 30 57.3 56.3 26 -18.0 30 55-7 54-9 28 -18.3 30 45.0 46.2 32 -19-7 30 40.1 49.4 38 -19.0 32 56.9 56.0 26 32 55.8 55.0 28 32 45.5 46.8 33 32 48.8 49.4 37 34 56.3 55.9 27 34 56.3 55-3 27 34 46.2 47.8 34 34 48.2 48.9 36 3 57-4 56.4 26 36 55-6 54.5 20 36 46-3 47-9 34 36 48.6 49.0 37 38 57-3 56.3 26 38 55-8 54.8 28 38 46.9 48.2 35 38 48.6 48.9 37 40 57-0 55-6 27 40 56.1 55-3 28 40 47.2 48.4 35 40 48.7 49.0 37 42 57.2 55.8 26 42 56.7 56.0 27 42 46.9 48.2 35 42 49.6 49-9 38 44 58.5 57.2 24 -18.0 44 55-8 55-3 28 -18.4 44 46.9 48.0 35 -I9-3 44 49-1 49.4 38 -19.0 46 58.3 56.9 25 46 54-0 53-5 & 46 46.5 47-3 34 46 49.2 49.6 38 4 58.3 57-o 25 48 53-6 53-2 31 48 46.2 47.1 33 48 49.0 49-3 37 50 58.6 57-7 24 50 53.0 52.4 32 50 46.0 47.3 33 So 40.3 49-8 38 52 62.3 61.1 18 52 53-3 53-0 32 52 46.2 46.9 33. 52 48.9 49-3 37 54 61.5 60.3 19 54 54-3 53-7 30 54 46.7 47-0 34 54 48.3 50.1 38 56 6i.r 59.3 20 56 52.8 52.3 33 56 46.6 47.1 34 56 48.8 50.8 38 58 6i.9 59-3 20 58 53-3 52.7 32 58 46.6 46.9 34 58 48.7 50.8 38 21 OO 62.2 60.5 19 -18.0 23 oo 52.1 sr. 6 34 -18.4 T7 00 46.7 47.0 34 -I9.I 19 oo 40.2 51.3 .39 -19.0 O2 62.0 6o.5 19 02 52.1 51.9 33 03 46.5 46.9 34 02 48.3 50-7 38 O4 63.4 61.8 17 o.i 52.6 52.3 33 OJ 46.7 47.1 34 04 40.0 50.9 39 06 6.1.7 60.5 18 06 52.7 52.2 33 06 46.7 47-0 34 06 48.3 50.2 38 08 (17.8 64.2 TI 08 52.2 51.6 34 08 46.0 46.2 33 08 47.9 49-3 36 IO 66.3 62.7 14 TO 52.1 51.8 34 IO 47.1 47.3 34 10 48.5 49-7 37 12 60. T 58.9 22 T2 52.1 52.0 33 12 46.9 47.3 34 12 48.8 49.8 38 14 57.0 54-3 28 -18.0 14 52. T 51.0 33 -18.5 14 46.3 47.0 33 -I9.I 14 49-7 50.5 .30 -19.0 16 65.0 6l.6 16 16 52.1 51.8 34 16 45-1 45.8 32 16 49-3 50.3 38 18 60.7 57.3 22 18 52.3 51.6 34 18 45.7 46.0 .32 18 50.0 50.8 39 20 61.0 58.3 22 20 52.3 51-4 34 20 46.0 46.2 33 20 49.9 50.6 39 22 59.0 57.5 23 22 52.8 51.9 33 22 .16.0 46.6 33 22 49-9 50.5 39 24 55.6 52.0 31 24 52.5 51.4 34 24 46.2 46.7 33 24 40.7 50.4 39 2fi 51.0 49.2 36 26 52.2 51.0 34 26 45.8 46.4 33 26 48.7 40.3 ' 37 .?8 so. 3 >;6.6 24 28 51.8 50.6 35 28 45-1 45-8 32 28 48.0 48.8 36 SO 60.8 67.2 07 -18.0 30 53.8 52.8 31 -18.5 30 45-2 45-8 32 -I9.O .30 47-3 48.1 35 -19.0 32 66.6 63.7 I.I 32 53-3 52.3 .32 32 44-9 45-1 3i .32 47.2 48.1 35 31 61.6 62.0 16 31 53.5 52.4 32 34 45-1 45-2 31 34 46.9 47-7 35 16 61.8 59.2 20 36 53.6 52.4 32 36 45-0 45-3 31 36 47.1 47-8 34 38 54-3 51-5 32 38 53.9 52.6 32 38 44-8 45-1 31 38 47-0 47.3 34 .:o 54.3 52.0 32 40 53.2 52.1 32 40 45-2 45-3 31 40 47-1 47-4 34 J2 U.8 ^T.8 31 42 53.6 52.3 .32 42 45-7 46.1 32 42 47.1 47.4 34 44 61.2 $8.8 21 -T8.0 44 53.6 52.6 32 -18.5 44 45.8 46.1 32 -I9.O 44 47.3 47.8 35 -19.0 46 62.0 60.3 '9 46.4 53.0 52.2 32 46 45.9 46.2 32 46 46.9 47-3 34 48 59-5 57-6 23 48 53.0 52.1 33 48 46.9 47.0 34 48 46.4 47-1 34 50 59.2 57.6 23 50 52.0 52.1 33 50 47.0 47-3 34 50 45.9 46.6 33 52 5"-3 57.6 23 52 53-8 52.9 31 52 46.8 47.1 34 52 44-9 45-7 3' 54 58.3 56.3 25 54 54-1 53.5 31 54 47-1 47-3 34 54 43-3 44-2 2O <*5 57.7 56.0 26 56 54-3 53-5 30 <6 47.2 47-6 35 56 42.8 43.0 28 58 58.3 56.7 25 58 54.2 53.2 .31 58 47-o 47-3 34 58 42.8 43.6 28 24 oo 54-2 53.1 31 -180 20 00 42.8 43.3 28 -19.0 Correction to local mean time is 245. Torsion head at oh oom read 25 and at 24)1 20m read the same. Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is + 22.55. 90 torsion = i7-'59- Torsion head at 15)1 3om read 31 and at 2ph apm read 35. Observer R. R. T, 190 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Friday, March 25, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, March 27, 1004 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time natioa C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o t O h m d d o / o h m d d o r O h m d d o / 20 OO 39.4 30-1 22 24 -23.0 22 00 42.1 40.3 22 2O -21.2 00* 42.3 45-8 22 2T -25.9 2 OO 66.2 67.0 22 57 21.9 02 39-2 38.8 24 02 42.5 40.2 2O 02 44-0 47-0 23 02 64.1 65.0 54 04 39-1 38-5 24 04 42.3 41-5 19 04 44.2 46.8 23 04 65.2 66.0 56 06 39-1 38.8 24 06 43-1 42.3 18 06 46.7 49-2 27 06 62.3 62.8 5i 08 40.8 40.1 22 08 42.1 41.0 20 08 45-9 47-9 26 08 60.6 61.3 48 10 41.3 40.2 21 TO 43.8 42.9 17 10 48.2 50.0 30 10 59.9 60.3 47 12 42.4 40.6 20 12 41.0 40.5 21 12 53-8 54-7 37 12 50.0 50.8 46 14 42.3 40.7 20 -22.7 14 41-9 41-3 2O -21. 14 57-1 S8.I 42 -25.0 14 58.0 58.7 44 -21.3 16 43-7 41-4 18 16 42.3 41.8 19 16 60.3 60.9 47 16 59.8 60.2 47 18 42.0 39.2 21 18 39-9 39-4 23 18 62.1 63.0 51 18 57-7 58.3 44 20 43-3 4i.o 19 20 37.7 36.8 27 20 63.2 63.8 52 20 50-3 60. i 47 22 41.4 40.3 21 22 38.6 38.0 25 22 64-7 65.3 54 22 63.7 64.3 53 24 41.0 41.1 2O 24 44-0 42.5 17 24 63.7 64.0 52 24 62.2 63.0 22 51 26 42.8 40.7 2O 26 37-6 36.3 27 26 64.0 64.0 52 26 68.2 60.8 23 01 28 42.4 40.6 2O 28 37.8 36-3 27 28 6T.3 6T.9 48 28 65. T 66. T 22 56 30 41.2 39.0 22 -22.5 30 38.4 37-5 26 -20.7 30 61.3 62.0 40 -24.9 30 59.0 50.0 46 -21. 32 42.9 40.2 20 32 35-8 34.0 30 32.2 6T.2 6l.7 48 32 55.0 57-8 42 34 40.0 38.0 23 34 35-9 34-7 30 34 60.2 60.8 47 34 58.8 60.8 47 36 38.7 38.1 25 36 36.1 34.6 30 36 60.7 6T.3 48 36 6T.I 63. T So 38 40.5 37-3 24 38 36.3 35-4 29 38 50.3 60.8 46 38 58.7 60.8 47 40 37.8 36.6 27 40 35-9 35-5 29 40 50.7 60.6 46 40 58.2 59-9 46 42 41-7 39-5 21 42 35-0 34.3 31 42 60.2 60.8 47 42 55.0 57-0 41 44 43-5 41-0 19 -22.3 44 34-5 33-4 32 -20.J 44 48 -23.7 44 55.0 56.0 40 -20.0 46 42. T 40.3 20 46 33-4 32.4 34 46 55. 3& 39 46 61.7 62.8 22 51 48 43-3 42.4 18 48 33-0 32.1 34 48 55.6 56.7 40 48.5 fr>. T 71.2 23 03 50 43-5 42.7 17 50 32.3 31-5 35 50 56.3 57-5 41 50 75. T 76.0 T2 52 43.2 42.6 18 52 32.2 30. T 36 52 58.8 59.6 45 52* 30.0 46.4 T2 54 42.5 42.1 10 54 31.6 30. i 36 54 56.3 57-4 4i 54 35- T 40.0 23 04 56 42.1 41.7 TO 56 31.0 30.8 36 56 58.0 50. T 44 56 27.0 33.5 22 52 58 44-3 42.9 17 58 31.9 30.4 36 58 58.6 50. 8 45 58 25.2 3T.9 50 21 OO 43- 5 42.1 T8 -22. 23 oo 32.3 3T.I 35 -2O. O I OO 58.0 50.0 45 -23.0 3 oo 26.3 32.8 51 -20.6 02 42.8 41.3 TO 02 30.8 29.9 37 02 cS.o 50.0 44 02 26.4 32.8 5' 04 43-6 42.8 T7 04 32.2 30.5 36 04 60.9 61.8 48 04 28. T 33.8 53 ofi 42.1 40.4 20 ofi 3T.9 30.2 36 06 57. T 58.8 43 06 28.8 34. T 54 08 41-5 39-7 2T 08 32.4 30.8 36 08 58.7 50. T 45 OS 27.1 32.0 5T 10 41.3 40.8 21 TO 33. a 30.7 35 TO 62. T 6^.4 ST TO 25.8 3T.T 50 12 41.7 30.6 2T T2 33.8 29.-; 36 T2 66. T 67. T 57 12 27.0 33.2 53 14 41.6 39.3 22 -22. T4 32. * 29.6 36 -2O. O 14 6.3.1 63.8 52 -22.8 T4 3T.T 36.2 22 58 -20.3 ifi 41.1 30.0 22 Tfi 3T.8 20.6 37 T6 57.2 "57.0 43 T6 36.3 41.0 23 06 18 40.3 38.5 23 T8 3T.8 28.7 ?8 18 61.7 62.5 50 TR 3T.3 35-0 22 57 20 30.7 38.6 24 20 32.6 29.8 36 20 50.3 60.2 46 20 28.0 33-7 54 22 40.8 30.5 22 22 32.8 30.1 36 22 6r.8 62.7 50 22 26.7 30.8 50 24 40.0 38.8 24 24 31.8 29.3 37 24 62.8 63.8 52 24 27.4 3T.2 5i 26 39.8 38.2 24 2f> 33.3 3T-5 34 26 6t.i 62.1 40 26 21.5 25.5 42 28 40.0 38.3 24 28 33.4 3T.2 34 28 6T.2 62.2 49 28 22.9 26.7 44 3O 42.0 40.2 20 -21.7 30 33-5 30.6 35 -20. 30 64.0 65.8 55 -22.3 30 24. T 2fi.8 45 -20.0 32 42.2 40.7 20 32 29.6 27.7 40 32 63.6 64.7 5.1 32 3T.5 33.2 22 56 34 43-4 42.8 17 ,V 29.=; 27.8 40 34 63.0 63.7 52 34 34.2 36.4 23 OT 36 43-6 42.3 18 36 3T.8 20.3 37 36 63.4 64.0 52 36 33-1 35.7 22 59 38 45-3 43-2 16 ?8 30.7 28.0 30 38 60.8 61.8 40 38 32.T 33.0 22 57 40 44-1 42.7 17 40 32.2 30.1 36 40 59.6 60.3 46 40 35-0 36.8 23 02 42 44. T 43.6 16 42 30.8 28.2 39 42 50.8 60.7 47 42 30.0 4T.2 08 44 43-3 43-1 17 -21.4 44 30.6 27.5 40 -19.8 44 50.2 60.2 46 -22.0 4a 34.7 36.0 23 OT -20. n 46 43-4 42.2 18 46 31.9 28.2 38 46 6T.T 6T.5 40 46 27. 29.3 22 49 48 43-2 42.7 18 48 31. T 27.6 30 48 6<.T 66.6 22 56 48 28.2 3T-8 22 52 50 43.0 42.2 18 50 30.7 27.2 40 50 68. T 60.2 23 OO 50 33-8 36.7 23 OT 52 44-9 42.4 T7 52 3T.6 28.-! 38 52 63.4 64.4 22 53 52 34-0 37-6 O2 54 42.7 41-2 TO 54 32.0 28.8 37 54 67.2 68.3 50 54 34-8 37.2 23 O2 56 41.0 40.6 20 56 3T.O 29.0 37 56 67.2 68.7 50 56 33.2 35.2 22 59 58 41.8 40.0 21 58 32.6 20.2 36 58 66.7 67.9 58 58 29.8 31.8 54 24 oo 32.3 28.3 37 -19-7 Correction to local mean time is + 19.55. Torsion head at igh 3om read 35 and at 24h oom read the same. Observer H. H. N. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 191 Sunday, March 27, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Monday, March 28, 1904 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d / O h in d d O r O h m d d O / O h m d d , , O 4 oo* 49.0 47.4 23 02 -19.8 6 oo 29.1 28.5 23 33 -18.9 8 oo Fibre 10 00 02 48.1 47.1 23 02 02 24.4 22.2 42 02 broken ; 02 04 52.4 51-9 22 56 04 40.9 40.5 14 04 had to 04 06 50.2 48.8 23 oo 06 34-8 32.8 25 06 remove 06 08 47-5 46.2 04 08 31-9 31-1 23 29 08 torsion 08 10 45.1 44.0 08 10 51-9 50-9 22 58 IO new fibre IO 12.4 44-3 42-9 09 12 42.8 42.1 23 12 12- 12 14 45-4 43-7 08 -19-7 14 36.0 35.1 23 -18.9 14 14 16 48.8 46.7 23 03 16 36.9 35-0 22 16 16 18 50. 8 48.9 22 59 18 36.2 35.1 23 18 18 20 49-2 47.7 23 02 20 35-7 34-1 24 20 20 22 50.0 48.3 oo 22 34-6 33.2 25 22 22 24 50.0 48.8 oo 24 33.7 32.4 27 24 24 26 48.0 47.1 03 26 38.3 36.6 20 26 26 28 48.9 48.2 23 01 28 37-2 35.7 22 28 28 30 51.2 50.6 22 58 -19.4 30 34.3 32.6 26 -18.8 30 30 32 48.3 47.9 23 O2 32 36.2 34-8 23 32 32 34 47.0 46.1 04 34 35-1 33-5 25 34 34 36 44-3 42.1 10 36 33-5 33-1 26 36 36 38 41.1 40.8 13 38 31.0 30.2 31 38 38 40 42.10 12 40 37-8 37-2 2O 40 40 42 47.8 47-8 23 02 43 39-2 37.8 18 42 42 44 52.0 SI. 2 22 57 -19-3 44 41-0 38.7 16 44 44 46 48.3 47-6 23 02 46 43.3 40.8 13 46 46 48 49.8 49.1 OO 48 42.9 39.1 14 48 48 50 48.1 47-2 03 50 40.3 38.9 17 50 So 56.8 59.8 22 46 -10.3 52 44-8 44-8 07 52 43.7 42.2 12 52 52 57-9 59-7 47 54 45- 1& 07 54 43.1 42.1 12 54 54 5S-6 57-9 43 56 46.7 45-3 06 56 40.9 39.8 16 56 56 54-2 56.5 41 58 46.1 45.6 06 58 41.0 40.1 15 58 58 53-3 55-9 40 5 oo 43-7 42-9 10 -19-3 7 oo 47-4 45-8 06 -18.8 9 oo II 00 53-3 55-7 40 -10.7 02 46.0 45.3 23 06 02 37-5fr 20 02 02 52.9 56.0 40 04 51.0 50.5 22 58 04 35.9 34.2 24 04 04 54-4 56.7 42 06 45-8 45.3 23 06 06 41-3 39-6 16 06 06 54-8 56.4 42 08 46.8 45-1 23 06 08 42.7 41.2 13 08 08 54-6 56.2 41 IO 61.1 57. S 22 45 IO 44-3 42-5 ii 10 IO 57-0 58.5 45 12 69.4 68.9 29 12 36.2 34.1 24 12 12 57.6 59.3 46 14 53.06 22 SS -19.1 14 36.9 35-7 22 -18.7 14 14 58.1 59-9 47 -10.7 16 27.80 23 34 16 40.8 39.8 16 16 16 58.2 60. i 47 18 44.26 09 18 42.2 39-3 IS 18 18 56.1 58. i 44 20 33-S& 25 20 36.2 33-8 24 20 20 56.8 58.3 45 22 27-3 27.3 35 22 39.2 36.0 20 22 22 57-2 58.4 45 24 49.0 48.2 02 24 34-1 3i.i 28 24 24 56.1 57-7 44 26 44-1 43.2 10 26 35.0 29.9 28 26 26 55-2 57-0 42 28 43-1 41.6 12 28 30.9 25.3 35 28 28 54-2 55.8 41 .30 48.9 48.2 02 -19.0 30 42.1 38.6 16 30 30 54-1 56.3 41 -10.3 32 48.3 48.0 03 32 34-9 30.3 28 -18.3 32 32 54-9 58.2 43 34 44.1 43.1 IO 34 36.3 34-6 24 34 34 58.0 59-9 47 36 36.2 35.3 22 36 32.9 30.1 30 36 36 57-6 59-1 46 38 34-7 33-3 25 38 31.9 26.7 33 38 38 58.3 60. i 47 40 42.2 40.8 13 40 23.9 18.8 46 40 40 55-0 56.8 42 42 48.0 46.7 04 42 22.8 2O. I 46 42 42.2 57-0 57.9 44 44 50. 8 47.2 OI -18.9 44 16.6 14.2 55 -18.3 44 44 49-1 Si-7 34 -IO.2 46 31.1 29.1 31 46 20.9 16.4 So 46 46 49-2 50.9 33 48 47.8 46.2 04 48 27.1 26.1 38 48 48 50.9 52.2 35 50 46.9 46.1 04 50 22.9 18.8 47 SO SO 49.6 50.8 33 52 47-2 46.9 04 52 25.2 21.3 43 52 52 51.2 53-0 36 54 34-4 33-6 25 54 26.8 22.3 41 54 54 56-0 57-9 44 56 42. 2& 12 56 30.2 25.6 36 56 56 57-3 58.9 46 58 31-1 30.2 30 58 31.3 26.7 34 58 58 57-7 58.5 46 8 oo 31-7 25.8 34 -18.3 12 OO 56.1 57-2 43 -9-7 Correction to local mean time is 95. 90 torsion = 12/84. Torsion head at oh oom read 86 and at loh lorn read 45. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 285. 90 torsion = 9/03. Torsion head at loh 45m read 294 and at I2h 2om read 297. Observer R. R. T. 192 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, March 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, March 30, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o h m d d O ' O h m d d O 1 O h m d d / O 12 OO 54-8 53-2 22 22 -4.4 14 oo 65.8 65.3 22 O2 -3-0 O 00* 25.1 28.1 22 34 -9.0 2 OO 28.0 33.0 22 39 -9.4 02 54-6 52.7 23 02 68.5 67.8 21 57 02 28.0 38.0 44 02 29.2 34.1 41 04 57-0 55-0 19 04 68.0 67.7 21 58 04 26.6 32.3 38 04 30.1 34.2 42 06 53-9 52.3 23 06 64.4 63.9 22 03 06 24 . 2 34 . I 37 o(S 31-2 35-2 43 08 49.2 47.1 31 08 61.0 60.4 09 08 18.1 27.1 27 08 31-0 34-7 43 10 49.8 48.2 30 10 58.9 58.3 12 IO 17.0 32.0 30 IO 33-0 37. T 46 12 52. oa 25 12 58.0 57-8 13 12 21. 3I.O 32 12 32.6 36.8 46 14 52.3 Si-8 25 -4.6 14 60.6 60.0 09 -2.9 T4 10.9 25.9 21 -9-3 14 31.7 36.2 44 -9-5 16 48.2 48.2 31 16 60.2 59.6 IO 16 18.1 27.0 27 16 32.8 37.0 47 18 48.8 48.8 30 18 59-1 58.1 12 18 15.0 31.5; 28 18 33.0 38.8 48 20 48.2 48.2 31 20 57-1 56.4 14 20 16.1 33.1 30 20 37.5 43-0 54 22 46.1 45.6 34 22 55-3 54-3 18 22 12.0 29-5 21 22 30.0 43.4 .56 24 46.9 46.1 33 24 56.1 55-2 16 24 T4.8 3T.O 28 24 38.0 42.0 55 26 48.1 47.2 32 26 53-0 5T.8 22 26 14.8 3T.O 28 26 37.0 4T.6 53 28 47.9 47.2 32 28 52.8 51.0 22 28 20.0 34- n 34 28 33.0 38.0 48 30 48.1 47.6 31 -4-3 30.2 51.8 50.2 24 -2.8 30 IS. 3 20.8 27 -9-5 30 35.8 37. T 48 -9.6 32 49-3 48.3 30 32 50.8 50.1 25 32 13-3 26.3 2T. 32 35-9 30.0 50 34 50.3 49-5 28 34 Si -I 50.2 24 31 13.3 25.0 22 34 37.2 40.8 52 36 49.9 49.2 28 36 51.0 Si.o 23 36 T5-7 27.0 25 36 38.2 4T.O 53 38 49.0 48.6 29 38 52.6 51.3 22 38 17. I 27.9 27 38 38.O 4T. T 54 40 50. a 49.8 27 40 53-2 52.2 21 40 25.2 3=;. 2 30 40 37.7 40.5 53 42.4 49.8 49.8 28 42 54-1 52.2 2O 42 26.5 35.2 40 42 30.0 42.0 55 44 49-7 49-3 28 -4-3 44 54-9 52-7 19 -2.8 44 26.0 34.3 30 #.8 44 38.8 4T.2 54 9.8 46 Si. I 50.7 26 46 54-9 52.1 19 46 24.0 33-2 36 46 30.0 4T.5 54 48 52.0 51-7 24 48 54-2 52.2 2O 48 2T.7 30.0 31 48 3O. O 42. 55 So Si- 1 50-7 26 50 56.0 54.0 V 50 18.2 26.0 27 17.8 21.8 25 56 40.7 42.2 56 58 Si.i 50.9 26 58 55-3 54-9 17 58 2O. o 28.0 30 58 42.4 43.4 22 59 13 00 51-6 51-0 25 -4.0 15 oo 55.1 54.9 17 -2.7 I OO 20.8 28.9 IT -0-7 3 oo 43.9 44.9 23 oo -10. 02 Si-9 51-2 25 02 56.1 55-3 16 02 24. 32. *6 02 44.8 47.6 O1 04 53-5 52.6 22 04 56.0 54.8 16 04 23.8 31. 35 (M 40.O .5T.O Tn 06 56.1 54.2 T9 06 56.8 55-2 15 0* 22. 20. 8 .32 06 48.9 5O.2 08 08 55-4 53-8 20 08 56.8 55-4 IX 08 23.0 30.7 34 08 42.6 4.5. T 23 OO 10 55-0 53-1 21 10 55-0 53-8 18 TO 23. T 30.3 33 TO 37.O 4T.O 22 53 12 56.1 53.9 T9 12 54-8 53-2 18 12 2.4. T 3T.T 35 T2 38.T 42.2 54 14 55-5 53-1 20 -3-7 14 55-0 53-8 17 -2.8 14 22. O 20. O 32 -9.6 11 30.0 4-1.2 22 57 -TO. T 16 55-3 52.7 2O 16 55-1 53-7 17 16 23.5 28.0 33 1* 4-1. 48.O 23 04 18 54.0 51.2 23 18 54-0 53-0 TO 18 22.3 27.2 30 T8 4O.2 C-1.8 T3 20 52-3 49.7 25 20 53-7 53-0 19 20 22. T 27.0 30 20 5-1. T S8.? TO 22 SI. 2 48.4 27 22 53-2 52.0 20 2? 23.6 2-7.8 32 72 sS.o 61.6 25 24 51.3 49-1 26 24 53-2 52.2 20 2*1 24. T 28.2 32 2-1., 57-3 50.0 23 26 51.8 50.0 25 26 53-8 52.5 TO * 2*. 5 2O. 2 34 26 50.0 6T.o 25 28 51-8 50.7 25 28 54-5 53-0 18 28 26.O ?O.O 35 ?8 50.3 fio.T 25 30 51.8 50.7 25 -3-5 30 54-2 52.9 T9 -3-0 30 25.9 28.O .34 -0.3 3O 58. T 50.2 23 -TO. 3 32 51-8 50.2 25 32 53-7 52-3 19 32 27. O 3O. 5 37 12 54. T e6.o T7 34 52.1 Si.i 24 31 53-3 52.5 19 J/t 27.O 3O. A 36 3-1 5-1.0 56.0 T7 36 51.8 50.5 24 36 53-8 52.6 19 & 27. T 31. O 37 >{, ,18 o in.S 08 38 Sr.5 50.2 25 38 53-7 52.9 TO 18 '0.8 34.0 12 38.. 46.8 48.8 06 40 52.1 50.9 24 40 53-3 52.7 19 JO., 32.0 34.7 44 .7 40 27-9 33-3 33 40 36.7 33-1 24 40 63.7 62.0 40 42 38.3 46.2 28 42 35-2 37.9 42 42 42.3 37-8 16 42 67.7 66.7 34 44 38.2 44.6 27 -4.0 44 16.3 19.6 13 -3-3 44 38.3 35-6 21 -6-7 44 67.3 65.2 35 -3-9 46 31- I 39-2 17 46 22.7 23.8 21 46 33-2 28.3 31 46 71.0 68.4 30 48 35-9 44-8 -'5 48 19.1 21.8 23 17 48 34-3 30.2 28 48 69.8 68.1 3i 50 37-5 46.9 28 50* 27.7 36.2 22 53 50 33-2 29.8 30 50 69.9 69.0 30 52 35-6 44.1 24 52 39-1 43.8 23 08 52 31-8 27.3 33 52 71.0 69.8 29 54 36.7 42.8 24 54 47-2 53-3 23 22 54 36.3 33-3 24 54 73-0 72.3 25 56 42.8 50.5 35 56 24.2 27.8 22 43 56 41-2 35-5 19 56 69.8 69.3 30 58 38.7 46.8 29 58 17.8 21.8 22 34 58 34-3 31.8 27 58 70.80 28 S oo : 37.2 45.7 27 -4.0 7 oo 45-8 47.3 23 16 -3-2 9 oo 48.1 44.1 23 07 -6.0 II 00* 40.9 3I-I 14 -3-7 02 ! 46.2 52.9 39 02 43-3 48.0 14 02 55-8 53-1 22 54 02 38.8 29.3 17 04 51-7 59-8 23 49 04 49-0 53-0 23 04 62.6 59.8 43 04 35-3 27.9 21 06 59.4 67.1 24 01 06 55-6 57.9 32 06 52.2 50.0 59 06 36.4 28.3 20 08 62.3 69.2 05 08 58.7 62.1 37 08 56.3 53-1 53 08 36.2 28.1 20 IO 64.0 68.9 06 IO 58.2 61.0 36 10 58.8 55-3 22 SO IO 38.8 28.1 18 12 70.1 75.8 16 12 58.6 60.9 36 13 49-3 48.2 23 03 12 35-1 25.4 23 H 66.1 72.1 24 10 -4.0 14 ' 53-5 57-1 | 30 -3-2 14 54-2 50.0 22 57 -5-8 14 32.9 21.7 27 -3-4 16 53.1 60.7 23 Si 16 49.8 52.8 23 16 62.9 60.9 42 16 29.9 20. o 31 18 43-1 50.9 36 18 57.6 63.9 38 18 67.0 64.3 36 18 28.4 17-7 34 20 37-7 44-3 26 20 52.8 52.8 26 20 62.3 61.9 42 20 22. 12.8 43 22 31.8 37-8 16 22 403 44.1 09 22 53-3 50.2 58 22 2O-9 12. 45 24.6 27.2 32.7 09 24 54.6 59-8 32 24.6 57-9 54-4 Si 24 22.2 I3.I 43 26 35.4 40.8 22 26 47.1 48.9 18 26 53-0 49-7 22 58 26 21.7 13-8 42 28 30.3 36.2 14 28 53-9 55-2 28 28 51.8 48.7 23 oo 28 l8.9 II.3 46 30 25.1 31-8 06 -3-8 30 64.1 67.2 46 -3-1 30 48.3 44-9 06 -5-2 30 23.2 15.9 40 -3-4 32 29.0 33-2 II 32 55-3 62.2 35 32 49.7 46.8 23 03 32 19-8 13-3 44 34 35.1 38.4 19 34 42.2 46.9 13 34 52.2 50.0 22 59 34 16.3 12.3 48 36 48.1 51-2 40 36 59-3 62.4 38 36 49-6 46.5 23 04 36 23.4 20.0 36 38 54-3 58.8 23 50 38 62.9 67.8 45 38 43.0 40.9 13 38 23.3 20.9 36 40 59-7 66.0 24 oo 40 36.0 37.2 00 40 42.1 40.2 14 40 23.4 21. I 35 42 63.6 67.2 04 42 38.1 44-5 07 42 43-4 4i.o 13 42 26.9 24.6 30 44 68.7 72.5 24 13 "3-7 44 44-7 50.0 17 -3-0 44 42.2 39.9 15 -5-0 44 24.1 22.8 34 -3-3 46* 49-2 49.7 25 14 46 67.2 72.1 52 46 40.9 39.4 16 46 2O.4 l8.9 40 48* 23. i 24.0 23 22 48 58.3 59-9 35 48 38.9 37-3 19 48 24.9 23.9 32 50. 6| 41.1 48.1 23 55 50 56.3 59-8 34 50 39-3 38.0 18 50 26.2 25.8 30 53 45-4 53-2 24 02 52 50.2 53.7 24 52 39-9 38.0 18 52 23.8 23.6 33 54 SO.o 55.3 07 54 48.4 51.8 21 54 37-6 36.1 21 54 22.8 2O.7 36 56 46.2 50.9 OI 56 49.2 58.2 27 56 37.6 36.1 21 56 22.1 19.3 38 58 47-8 54-1 04 58 47-2 52.9 21 58 35-0 34-3 25 -4.4 58 24.3 I9-I 36 800 49-8 55-8 26 -3-0 12 00 25.7 21. 1 34 -3-1 Correction to local mean time is + 645. Torsion head at oh oom read 352 and at gh oom read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im 20.55. 90 torsion = 16/00. Torsion head at 8h 35m read 355 and at I2h 25m read 360. Observer R. R. T. 198 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Tuesday, April 5, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, April 6, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d O 1 h m d d o t O h m d d o / O 12 OO Si.o 53-9 22 4O -5.1 14 oo 47.2 49.3 22 35 -4.0 o oo* 57-5 56.7 22 2O 2 OO 31-0 30.9 23 oi -10.4 02 47-9 50.9 35 02 47-3 49-9 35 02 59-9 57-0 18 02 30.7 29.8 02 3 47.1 49.8 47-8 50.8 33 35 Co 48.0 50.0 49-3 Si-4 36 38 04 06 59.0 56.0 58.5 56.9 zo 19 04 06 31.1 30.0 31.2 30.1 02 O2 08 48.6 51-7 36 08 50.8 52.3 40 08 58.9 54.9 21 08 31.0 30.0 23 02 10 48.3 5I-I 35 IO 50.7 52.9 40 IO 58.4 54-0 22 IO 32.5 32.0 22 59 12 47.2 49.7 33 12 48.6 50. i 36 12 55-0 50.0 27 12 32.0 32.0 23 oo 14 44-0 47-7 30 -5-o H 48.0 49.8 36 -4.0 14 49-4 45-3 36 -ii. 9 14 30.3 30.3 02 -10. 1 16 43-8 46.3 28 16 47-8 49.5 35 16 46.3 Si-o 34 16 30.5 30.0 02 18 46.1 48.7 32 18 47.0 48.9 34 18 50.2 43.8 36 18 32.2 30.8 23 oo 20 49-5 52-1 37 20 48.1 49.0 35 20 49-4 43-5 37 20 33-2 32.0 22 59 22 50.3 52.8 38 22 48.1 49.3 35 22 53.0 46.3 32 22 33-0 31-1 23 oo 24 48.0 49.2 34 24 48.1 49.2 35 24 50.0 43.3 37 24 33-5 32.0 22 58 26 44.2 46.9 29 26 49-1 So. i 37 26 51.3 45.0 34 26 34-0 32.8 58 28 50-9 53-3 40 28 48.9 50.0 36 28 Lost 28 34.0 33.0 57 30 48.3 51-2 36 -4-7 30 47.2 48.8 34 -3-9 30 48.2 47.0 35 -10.8 30 33-1 32.8 22 58 32 45-3 48.1 31 32 46.5 47-2 32 32 49.8 46.8 34 32 30.4 30.1 23 02 34 49.1 51-3 36 34 46.7 47-7 33 34 49.4 47.0 34 34 28.0 27.0 07 36 53.2 56.0 43 36 46.8 47-7 33 36 45-8 44-7 39 36 27.0 26.8 08 38 50.4 53-3 39 38 43-9 45- i 29 38 45-4 43-4 40 38 25.8 25.0 IO 40 50.0 52.3 i 40 44.9 45. 8 30 40 45-8 45-0 39 40 25.0 24.0 ii 42 48.8 51.2 36 42 4S-4 46.4 31 42 44-1 43-0 42 42 25.2 24.9 ii 44 49-1 51-4 37 -4-4 44 44.2 45. o 29 -3-9 44 43.8 42.2 42 -10.9 44 29.2 28.8 04 IO.O 46 Si- i 53-0 40 46 43.2 44.7 28 46 46.9 44.0 39 46 31-2 31-1 OI 48 49-3 51-3 37 48 42.5 43-6 ^ 48 49.2 46.1 35 48 31.8 31-0 01 SO 49-7 50.7 36 50 42.1 43-1 26 50 48.2 46.0 36 50 31.0 30.0 02 52 48.0 49.1 34 52 41.2 42.4 25 52 46.3 44.0 39 52 32.2 31.0 oo 54 49.2 50.3 36 54 40.2 42.2 24 54 46.5 44-6 38 54 32.5 31-0 23 oo 56 48.1 49-3 34 56 40.9 41-4 24 56 45.2 43.0 41 56 33-2 32.1 22 59 58 44.8 46.8 30 58 40.5 42.2 24 58 44.0 42.0 42 58 31.0 30.1 23 02 13 oo 45.0 46.3 30 -4.2 15 oo 41.9 43.1 26 -3-9 I OO 43.0 40.5 44 -10.9 3 oo 29.2 28.5 05 -IO.O 02 46.0 47.8 32 02 42.1 43.4 26 02 43.0 40.7 44 02 27.1 26.9 07 04 46.1 47-1 31 04 42.9 43-9 28 04 37.86 50 04 28.0 27.1 07 06 47.2 48.0 33 06 44.0 45.8 30 06 39.0 37.0 50 06 26.9 26.0 08 08 43-7 45-0 28 08 45.1 47-2 32 08 36.9 36.4 52 08 25.0 24.8 ii IO 41.1 42.2 23 10 44.6 46.6 31 IO 36.0 34-1 22 55 10 24.0 23.7 12 12 45-1 45-9 30 12 45-8 47.5 32 12 30.2 28.1 23 04 12 24.00 12 14 45-1 45.9 30 -4.0 14 45-9 47-7 33 -3-9 14 28.8 26.2 07 -10.8 14 26.0 25.9 09 -IO.O 16 42.2 43.2 25 16 44-3 45-3 30 16 27.0 24.0 it 16 26.9 26.5 08 18 43-9 45-1 28 18 43.2 44.8 29 18 24.1 19.0 16 18 26.0 25.8 09 20 45-1 46.7 30 20 42.5 43-7 27 20 14.56 27 20 25.0 24.8 ii 22 45-5 47-3 31 22 41.9 43.1 26 22 19.2 19.0 20 22 25.0 24.2 ii 24 46.8 48.2 33 24 43.0 44.9 28 24 28.9 27.8 05 24 24-5 23-7 12 26 46.8 48.8 33 26 42.7 44.0 28 26 30.9 29.9 23 02 26 25.9 24.8 IO 28 46.9 48.2 33 28 42.8 44.2 28 28 34-7 34-5 22 56 28 25.4 25.0 10 30 47.0 48.4 33 -4.0 30 43.1 44.2 28 -3-9 30 38.1 37-6 50 -10.7 30 25.0 24.1 II -IO.O 32 46.0 47-3 31 32 44-8 45.9 31 32 32.9 31.0 60 32 24.8 24.2 II 34 46.8 47.6 32 34 44.0 45.1 30 34 36.0 34.1 55 34 24.8 24.2 II 36 47-4 47-9 32 36 45.1 46.0 31 36 33-0 31-7 59 36 26.7 26.2 08 38 46.1 46.9 31 38 47-1 47-9 34 38 34.0 32.3 22 58 38 27.8 27.0 07 40 46.8 47-3 31 40 47.7 48.2 35 4O 31.9 30.2 23 oi 40 28.0 26.8 07 42 47-0 47-9 33 42 48.2 49.0 36 42 35-0 33-0 22 56 42 27.0 25.6 09 44 48.9 49-3 35 -4.0 44 49.1 49.6 37 -3-9 44 34-6 32-7 57 -10.6 44 27.0 25.5 09 -io. o 46 47.2 48.1 33 46 50.8 51.1 40 46 33-3 32.0 59 46 30.0 27.9 04 48 48.2 49.2 35 48 50.0 51.0 39 48 35-9 35-8 54 48 32.0 29.0 02 SO 52 49-8 51. I 50-3 51-9 38 39 50 52 49-2 50.S 49-1 So.i 38 38 50 52 37-3 35-0 33-9 32-5 22 58 50 52 29-5 27.2 ; 05 28.0 26.O O8 54 49-3 Si.o 37 54 48.2 49.3 36 54 29.6 28.5 23 04 54 27.9 25.6 08 56 48.7 50-3 36 56 47-3 48.5 35 56 30.9 29.8 02 56 3O.O 2.2 23 04 58 48.2 50.2 36 58 47.9 49.0 36 58 28.7 27.9 05 58 38.0 34-5 22 53 16 oo 47-7 48.7 36 -3-9 Correction to local mean time is im 31.55. 90 torsion = 13/78. Torsion head at nh 2om read 352 and at i6h 2om read 331". Observer R. R. T. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 199 Wednesday, April 6, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, April 6, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale , East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. ChrV readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time natioa C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O 1 h m d d o / o h m d d o / o h m d d / 4 oo 38-0 35-5 22 52 -IO.O 6 oo 35.9 24.8 24 31 -9-9 8 oo 51. I 46.1 23 02 -IO.O 10 oo 59-6 58.8 22 45 -9.2 02 33-2 32.8 22 58 02 40.8 30.9 22 02 51-0 47-6 23 oi 02 60.3 59.7 44 04 24.5 23.8 23 12 04 54-0 44-2 02 04 54.0 49.8 22 56 04 61.0 59.9 43 06.4 25. oft II 06 SO.2 42.1 24 d6 06 58.0 54.6 50 06 61.8 61.0 42 08 24.0 23.1 13 08 55.0 46.0 23 59 08 55-4 52.3 54 08 61.6 60.7 42 10 21.0 20. O 18 10 55.2 49.0 57 10 56.0 52-5 53 10 60.5 59.9 44 12 19.80 19 12 58.0 52.0 23 52 12 58.0 55-3 49 12 60.3 59.7 44 14 24.2 23.8 12 -10. 14 52.1 46.9 24 01 -9-9 14 56.5 53-3 52 -9.8 14 60.0 59.4 44 -9.2 16 27.1 26.0 08 16 52.8 46.1 OI 16 58.2 55-4 49 16 59-3 58.5 46 18 27.0 26.0 08 18 51.0 46.0 24 02 18 59-3 56.7 47 18 59-3 58.5 45 20 21. I 21. O 7 20 61. 54-2 2348 20 59-4 57-2 46 20 61.3 61.0 42 22 18.0 17.0 22 22 66. bi.2 39 22 61.9 59.9 42 22 62.4 61.6 4i 24 16.9 16.0 24 24 67. 60. I 39 24 62.2 59.6 42 24 Lost 26 23.1 22.0 14 26 68. 62.0 37 26 61.6 59.0 43 26 63.5 63.0 39 28 26.1 25.8 09 28 68. 63.0 36 28 59-0 58.2 46 28 63.6 62.3 39 30 24-5 23.1 12 -10. 30 65.0 61.0 40 -IO.O 30 59-0 57-8 46 -9-6 30 62.9 61.6 40 -9.1 32 20. o 18.7 20 32 63-0 59-5 42 32 58.5 56.3 48 32 61.9 60.7 42 34 17-0 15-5 24 34 70. i 66. i 32 34 57-0 54-8 50 34 61.6 61.1 42 36 14-7 13-0 28 36 70.0 66.7 31 36 57-3 55-6 50 36 61.8 61.1 42 38 15-0 13-2 28 38 65.9 63.8 37 38 60.6 58.7 44 38 62.6 62.0 40 40 18.0 11. 8 26 40 65.8 63.2 37 40 57-6 55-3 50 40 62.3 61.6 41 42 12. O II. 6 31 42 73-7 7o.o 26 42 59-o 56.9 47 42 61.8 61.2 41 44 7.2 6.0 40 -9-9 44 77-8 75-o 19 44-3 59.4 57.6 46 -9-5 44 61.2 60.6 42 -9-0 46 10. i 9.0 35 46* 46-2 35.1 14 46 57-0 55.1 So 46 62.0 61.3 41 48.4 14.2 13.2 28 48 47.1 39.0 10 48 56.3 54-5 Si 48 62.4 61.9 40 50.5 20. i 18.9 19 50 49.0 41.8 07 50 58.1 56.4 48 50 62.2 61.5 41 52 21.2 2O. O l8 52 48.0 40.2 09 52 57-3 55-6 50 52 63.3 62.8 39 54 21. 19.9 18 54 47.0 40.9 09 54 57-5 56.2 49 54 54-6 53-6 53 56 20. 6 20. 2 18 56 43-2 37-8 14 56 56.2 55.2 Si 56 64.3 63.3 38 58 lp.6 19.6 19 58 32.1 26.2 32 58 56.0 54-8 Si 58 64.0 63.2 38 5 oo I5-9& 25 -10. 7 oo 26.0 22. O 40 -10. 9 oo 56.2 55.7 50 -9-5 II OO 63.3 62.3 39 -9-0 02 14.0 12.5 29 02 31.0 28.7 31 02 57-8 56.3 48 02 62.6 61.8 40 04 13.1 12.8 30 04 47.0 41.0 09 04 59-0 57-3 47 04 63.0 62.7 29 06 12.6 12. 1 30 06 44-8 38.0 13 06 57-4 55-2 50 06 60.7 60.5 43 08 13.2 12.2 30 08 44-0 38-0 14 08 56.6 54.6 51 08 61.0 60.5 43 10 10.6 9.8 34 10 38-9 31-9 22 10 58.6 56.8 47 IO 61.0 60. i 43 12 8.0 7.0 38 12 37.0 30.0 23 25 12 59-9 57-2 46 12 58.6 57-8 47 14 10.0 9.0 35 -IO.O 14 54-9 47-9 22 57 -10. 14 55-8 54-3 52 -9-5 14 59-0 58.3 46 -9.0 16 8.0 9.0 36 16 42.0 34.0 23 18 16 56.8 55-1 50 16 58.9 58.6 46 18 8.0 6.7 38 18 39.0 30.0 24 18 57.4 56.6 48 18 60.9 60.9 42 20* 35-i 26.8 38 20 45-1 37-4 13 20 58.3 57-1 47 20 63.80 38 22 35.0 26.1 39 22 49.1 42.8 06 22 59-6 58.6 45 22 64.2 64.0 37 24 36.2 27.2 37 24 52.0 46.1 23 01 24 58.8 57-8 46 24 63.3 63.1 39 26 38.1 31-0 32 26 58.0 51.9 22 52 26 58.2 57.2 47 26 63.2 62.8 39 28 37-9 30.2 33 28 57-1 Si- 1 22 53 28 60.5 59-5 44 28 63.3 62.9 39 30 33.9 27.0 39 -9-9 30 52.0 46.0 23 oi -IO.O 30 60.6 59-3 44 -9-4 30 65.6 65.1 36 -S.9 32 30.O 22. 46 32 52.1 46.5 23 oi 32 60. i 58.6 45 32 65.9 65.0 35 34 2S-9 20.0 50 34 60.0 53-5 22 49 34 59-9 58.8 45 34 65.3 64.6 36 36 26.O 20.2 50 36 62.0 58.0 44 36 60.0 59.9 44 36 67.3 66.2 33 38 24-3 19-2 52 38 63-9 59-9 4! 38 59-2 58.4 46 38 66.8 65.8 34 40 28.0 22.5 47 40 65.0 61.5 39 40 58.6 57-8 47 40 67.0 65.5 34 42 25.2 30.2 43 42 65.5 59-9 40 42 58.7 58.3 46 42 63.0 62.1 40 44 28.0 23.4 46 -9-9 44 66.5 61.8 37 -10. 1 44 58-9 58-3 46 -9-3 44 64.6 63.6 37 -8.8 46 22. O l8.O 55 46 64.0 59.6 41 46 59-3 58.6 46 46 64.30 37 48.5 22. l6.O 57 48 62.8 58.0 43 48 59-0 58.3 46 48 68.60 30 SO 21.9 I9.I 54 50 57-3 52.8 52 50 59-7 59-3 45 50 69.1 68.6 30 52 18.2 16.8 23 59 52 57-0 53-0 52 52 60.6 60.3 43 52 68.2 67.8 31 54* 39.0 34.9 24 21 54 SS-o 50.2 22 55 54 60.3 60.0 43 54 70.6 70.2 28 56 33-o 25-5 33 56 51.8 47.2 23 oo 56 60.6 59.5 44 56 71.0 70.6 27 58 , 30.1 22.2 38 58 49.9 46.0 03 58 59-6 58.5 45 58 69.6 69.0 29 Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 7h 56m to 8h O2in. Observer W. J. P. 20O SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, April 6, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, April 6, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale . East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d o t O h m d d / O h m d d / O 12 OO 68.0 67.4 22 32 -8.6 14 oo 63.1 58.6 22 IO -8.0 16 oo 20.6 19.3 22 32 -7-8 18 oo 26.1 25.1 22 23 ! -7.2 02 67.3 66.5 33 02 66.0 61.6 06 02 25-9 25.3 23 02 25.8 24.4 23 04 70.0 69.6 28 04 67.6 63.3 03 04 26.4 25.1 22 04 25-3 24.1 24 06 70.6 70.2 27 06 63-1 59-9 09 06 25-3 23.5 24 06 24.7 23.1 25 08 70.0 69.7 28 08 60. i 56.9 14 08 24.7 22.9 25 08 23.8 22.1 -!/ 10 70.0 69.5 29 10 56.0 52.3 21 IO 24.3 23.6 25 10 22.1 2O. 8 39 12 68.3 <>8.i 3i 12 55-1 51-8 22 12 26.9 24.3 23 12 21.9 20. 6 30 M 69.9 69.5 29 -8.4 14 61.3 59.1 II -7.9 14 36-7 33-8 08 -7-4 14 21. I 19.9 31 -7-1 I6. 3 71.8 71.5 26 16 65.3 61.6 06 16 36.2 33.3 08 16 20.8 19.3 3i 18 69.9 (19.3 29 18 66.1 62.2 22 O5 18 28.7 27.0 1 9 18 19-8 18.7 33 20 69.7 69.3 29 20 73.0 70.0 21 53 20 2S.O 22.8 25 20 19-3 18.3 33 22 71.6 71.3 26 22* Si.o 45-2 47 22 25.2 22.2 26 22 19.1 18. i 34 24 71.4 71.2 26 24 50.0 49.3 45 24 24.1 20. 8 28 24 18.8 17.9 34 26 73.0 72.5 24 26 45-0 38.3 21 5 8 26 22.2 I9.I 30 26 18.2 17.2 35 28 74.8 73.6 22 28 32.2 25.3 22 18 28 24.8 21.8 26 28 18.2 17.3 35 30 72.8 71.6 25 -8.2 30 30.7 24.7 19 -7-8 30 20.8 19.1 32 -7-3 30 18.9 18.0 34 -7-1 32 73-1 72.6 24 32 31.0 26.0 18 32 14-9 I3-I 41 32 19.9 19.0 32 34 74-i 73-7 22 34 32.5 27.3 16 34 18.2 16.8 35 34 20.5 19-4 32 36* 63.0 58.2 II 36 32.0 36.5 22 O9 36 23.9 23.0 26 36 20.8 19.8 31 38 66.6 63.0 04 38 47-3 41-3 21 53 38 24.8 23.8 25 38 21.3 20.9 30 40 64.0 58.8 09 40 45.6 40.8 21 55 40 25.2 23.2 25 40 21.3 20.9 30 42 55.0 48.6 24 42 38.2 33.5 22 O6 42 21.3 20. I 30 42 20. 8 20. o 31 44 56.5 49-5 22 -8.1 i 44 38.8 35-0 05 44 22.3 21.2 29 -7-3 44 20.8 2O. I 31 -7-1 46 54-3 48.3 25 46 34-6 28.4 13 -7-8 46 23.3 21.8 27 46 20.9 20.4 30 48 55.2 49.5 24 48 24.0 19.3 29 48 22-5 22. O 28 48 20.9 20.3 30 SO 50.6 45-6 30 50 21.6 16.6 33 50 22.3 22. 28 50 20.4 20. I 31 1 52 53-9 49-3 25 52 21.2 l6.2 33 52 I9.O l8.7 33 52 19.9 19-5 32 54 58.5 53-9 18 54 22.6 18.0 31 54 16.9 16.1 37 54 19.2 19.0 33 56 60.0 56.5 14 56 21.6 17.0 32 56 17.9 17.9 35 56 18.3 18.0 34 58 59-0 53-6 17 58 24.3 20. 28 58 18.2 17.9 34 58 17-9 17-6 35 13 00 60.0 56.0 15 -8.2 15 OO 23.6 19.7 29 -7-5 17 oo 18.2 18.0 34 -7-4 1900 17.5 17-1 % -7-1 02 66.1 62.1 22 05 02 22.8 19.0 30 02 17.1 16.4 37 02 I7.I I7.I 36 04 70.0 66. o 21 59 04 22.6 I9.O 30 04 16.8 16.5 37 04 16.9 16.9 36 06 7i-3 67-6 21 57 06 2O.7 I7.O 33 06 20.9 19.9 31 06 17.0 17.0 36 08 69.3 65.2 22 OO 08 23.2 19.2 30 08 20.7 19.7 31 08 17.8 17.3 35 10 61.3 57-4 13 10 24.7 21.3 27 IO 20. i 19.1 32 IO 18.6 18.1 34 12 54.4 49.4 24 12 24.7 21. I 27 12 20.9 19.9 31 12 19.0 18.4 33 U 49-3 44.0 32 -8.1 14 25.9 21. I 26 -7-8 14 21.2 20.1 30 -7-4 14 18.6 18.1 34 -7-1 16 56.1 51-1 22 16 27-3 23.3 23 16 21.3 20.2 30 16 19.1 18.4 33 18 56.2 50.5 22 18 27-0 23.3 23 18 22.1 21. I 29 18 19.4 18.9 33 20 60.3 54.8 15 20 28.1 24.6 22 20 22.9 22.1 27 20 19.9 19.2 32 22 65.8 61.8 06 22 28.6 24.8 21 22 22.7 22. O 28 22 19.2 18.9 33 24 66.8 63.3 04 24 24.5 21.5 27 24 22.7 22.2 28 24 18.3 17-9 34 26 66.8 62.8 04 26 24.6 23.2 25 26 23.1 22.1 27 26 18.2 18.0 34 28 64.9 61.2 07 28 21.8 19.0 31 28 23.8 22.2 27 28 18.5 18.1 34 30 62.6 58.9 10 -8.1 30 19.3 16.7 34 -7-7 30 23.8 22.5 26 -7.2 30 18.9 18.7 33 -7-1 32 60.3 57-1 14 32 17.8 16.0 36 32 23.2 21.8 27 32 18.9 18.6 33 34 60.3 56.5 14 34 24.3 21.3 27 34 22.5 21.6 28 34 18.9 18.3 34 36 60.0 56.3 14 36 25.5 23.6 24 36 21.9 21. I 29 36 18.8 18.3 34 38 63.8 60.8 08 38 21.9 19.6 30 38 22.4 21.9 28 38 19.8 19.1 32 40 65.5 61.7 06 40 19-3 17-8 34 40 23.3 22.4 27 40 20. 1 19.0 32 42 68.7 65.5 22 OO 42 18.0 16.5 36 42 24.O 22.7 26 42 19.9 19-2 32 44 70.9 67.5 21 57 -8.1 44 18.3 17-1 35 -7-8 44 23.8 22.3 27 -7-2 44 20.7 20. o 31 -7-1 46 68.1 65.0 22 01 46 19-5 17-6 34 46 24.1 22.7 26 46 21.9 21.5 29 48 66. o 62.1 05 48 21.6 19.8 30 48 24.9 23.8 25 48 21.6 20.9 30 SO 61.9 58.6 II 50 26.3 25.0 23 50 25-3 24.2 24 50 20.1 19.2 32 52 59-4 55-4 16 52 26.5 25.3 22 52 25.2 24.1 24 52 18.8 17.8 34 54 58.5 54-3 17 54 22.0 2O.3 30 54 26.7 24.7 22 54 17.2 10.7 36 56 59-9 56.3 14 46 20.8 19.2 31 56 24.9 24.O 24 56 17.0 16.1 37 58 58.3 54-5 17 58.1 21. O 20.2 3O 58 25-5 24.7 23 58 20.7 19.9 31 Observers W. J. i6h o6m. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from I5h s6m to Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 201 Wednesday, April 6, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, April 7, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- 'Temp. Chr'r readings decli- femp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d o / O h m d d C , o h m d d - ' o 20 oo 27.0 26.7 22 21 -7-1 22 OO 27.1 26.8 22 21 -7-1 16 oo* 49-9 50-5 22 OO -II.9 18 oo 60.4 65.9 22 19 -IO.2 02 2O.9 20. 2 31 02 27.2 27.0 20 02 53.8 54.0 06 02 59-4 65.0 17 04 19. p I9.I 32 04 27.1 27.1 20 04 53-0 54-0 06 04 59.O 64.8 17 06 19.2 18.9 33 06 26.9 26.9 21 06 53-8 59-8 II 06 57-8 63.9 IS 08 17.9 17-3 35 08 26.2 26.1 22 08 55- 5 60.2 12 08 55.0 60.3 10 10 16.9 16.2 37 10 25-9 25.5 22 10 56.0 59.8 12 IO 56.6 61.2 12 12 16.4 15.9 38 12 25.6 25.0 23 12 52.5 60.0 JO 12 58.0 63.1 IS 14 16.4 15-9 38 -7-1 14 25.0 24.5 24 -7-1 14 52.0 58.3 08 -ii. 9 14 57-4 62.0 13 -IO.I 16 16.3 15-9 38 16 23-9 23.3 26 16 52.0 58.9 08 16 56.3 61.0 12 18 16.2 15.8 38 18 23.0 22.3 27 18 53-0 59-0 09 18 54.2 58.9 08 20 16.2 15.3 38 20 22.5 21.9 28 20 50.8 56.0 05 20 53-0 58.0 07 22 16.3 15-8 38 22 22.9 22.1 27 22 53-8 59-3 22 IO 22 55-3 59-8 IO 24 17.0 16.1 37 24 23.2 23.O 26 24 47.0 49.0 21 57 24 54.4 58.3 08 26 16.4 15.8 38 26 24.2 23.8 25 26 51.0 55-0 22 O4 26 54-5 59-0 08 28 iS-3 14-9 39 28 25-5 25.1 23 28 55-0 59-8 II 28 55-3 59-8 IO 30 14-3 i3-9 41 -7-0 30 27.1 20.3 21 -7-1 30 55-2 59-2 II -n. 5 30 55-2 59-9 IO -IO.I 32 15.0 14.1 40 32 27.1 26.1 21 32 55-2 58.2 IO 32 55-9 59-9 IO 34 16.0 15.4 38 34-2 28.O 27.O 20 34 54-1 57.9 09 34 54.0 58.9 08 36 15.1 14.8 39 36 29.1 28.1 18 36 Si-7 55-9 06 36 55-3 59-0 09 38 14.2 13.7 41 38 29.O 28.1 18 38 50.7 54-1 03 38 54-5 58.8 08 40 16.7 13-1 39 40 29.2 28.7 17 40 47-0 53.0 22 OO 40 50.9 55-5 03 42 14.2 13.7 41 42 29.9 29.1 16 42 41-5 48.3 21 52 42 50.0 53.2 oo 44 15.0 14.1 40 -7-0 44 29.9 29.1 16 -7-0 44 41.3 49.1 52 -1 1. 1 44 49-0 57.2 22 O3 -IO.O 46 15-3 14-9 39 46 30.1 30.0 16 46 39.9 46.0 4 8 46 47-9 50.8 21 56 48 15-8 15-1 39 48 30.1 30.0 16 48 37-0 45-1 45 48 48.1 51.0 21 57 SO 16.8 15-9 37 So 30.9 30-9 14 So 37.8 46.0 47 50.5 51.2 53-2 22 OI 52 16.2 15.7 38 52 31-4 30.6 14 53 32.0 39.0 37 52 57-3 59-0 IO 54 15-9 15-1 38 54 ! 30-9 30.2 IS 54 37.0 44-2 44 54 73-0 75-9 36 56 15-9 15-2 38 56 34-9 34-7 08 56 39-3 45-3 47 56 70.0 78.0 35 58 14.9 14.5 40 58 39-9 38.7 OI 58 39.8 45.0 47 58 65-0 73-7 28 31 OO 15-7 15-2 39 -7-0 23 oo 32.0 27.8 16 -7.0 17 oo 39-0 42.2 44 -II. O 19 oo* 38.0 48.1 25 -IO.O O2 16.9 16.0 37 02 13.0 9.7 45 02 40.5 45-0 48 02 32.7 50.8 23 04 16.9 16.0 37 04* 42.1 36.2 53 04 40.0 43.0 46 04 29.0 43.3 22 14 to6 16.3 iS-7 38 06 44.3 41.2 22 47 06 44.1 47.1 52 06 9.2 13.2 21 35 08 15.9 iS-i 38 08* 65.7 52.2 23 33 08 44-0 47-0 52 08 7.0 II. 2 32 10 15.1 14-2 40 IO 57-9 46.1 44 10 48.3 50.1 58 10 14.9 21.9 46 12 15-7 14-9 39 12 59-1 50.6 39 12 49.6 50.0 59 12 13.5 15.0 40 14 16.1 15.2 38 -7.0 14 68.8 66.0 20 -7-0 14 49.0 49.8 58 -10.9 H 22.1 22.2 52 -9-9 16 15-1 14-5 40 16 66.1 61.1 26 16 45-8 48.3 54 16 21.3 30.6 58 18 15.0 14.2 40 18* 43-2 30.2 IO 18 45.8 48.0 54 18 I4.I 27.O SO 20 16.4 15.6 38 20 36.1 22.0 23 20 45.0 47-8 53 20 16.0 25.7 50 22 18.0 17.2 35 22 32.2 19.8 26 22 43.3 46.0 50 22 17-2 27.5 53 24 18.7 18.1 34 24 46.2 36.8 02 24 47.0 49.3 56 24 18.3 22.9 50 26 20. o 19.6 32 26 18.76 38 26 47-2 50.1 57 26 8.5 17-8 38 28 21.7 21. I 29 28 26.9 24.0 2 7 28 49-0 Si-3 21 59 28 7.6 15.9 28 30 22.9 21.9 28 -7.0 30* 38.3 28.0 23 48 -7-0 30 49.8 51.2 22 OO -10.8 30* 49.8 59.8 35 32 23.5 22.7 26 32* 57-0 45-2 22 4O 32 51.9 54.0 03 32 48.2 56.8 31 34 23-9 22.9 26 34 53-2 43-8 44 34 53-3 55-3 06 34 51-9 57-8 35 36 24.O 23.1 26 36 63.0 52.8 29 36 53-1 54-9 05 36 55-0 60.5 39 38 24.2 23.4 25 38 68.8 59-3 19 38 51-8 52.7 22 O2 38 58.0 63.0 44 40 24.1 23.3 26 40 ; 69.9 59.1 19 40 49.0 50.2 21 58 40 58.9 63.2 44 42 24.0 23.2 26 42 07-3 57-4 22 42 52.3 54-1 22 O4 42 61.5 66.0 48 44 24.2 23.2 26 -7.0 44 67.9 58.6 21 -7-0 44 57-1 57-5 IO -10.5 44 62.2 66.8 50 -10.7 46 24.7 23.9 25 46 61.9 53.2 30 46 59-0 59-5 13 46 61.3 65.3 48 48 24.8 24.1 24 48 58.1 50.9 34 48 55-8 63.0 13 48 62.9 67.8 Si 50 25.0 24.7 24 50 49.8 42.1 48 50 56.1 62.4 13 50 65.0 70.7 55 52 25.4 25.1 | 23 52 52.8 43-9 44 52 54.9 61.8 12 52 65.8 70.1 55 54 25-9 25.7 22 54 53.8 46.6 41 54 56.5 62.2 13 54 64.9 69.8 54 56 26.2 26.1 22 56 i 50.7 44-3 45 56 59-8 65.9 18 56 66. o 70.2 55 58 26.8 26.5 21 58 44-7 38.0 55 58 60.0 66. o 19 58 66. o 69.0 54 24 oo 52.6 46.0 43 -7.0 20 oo 64.5 68.1 52 Correction to local mean time is im 46.55. 90 torsion = 16/64. Torsion head at oh oom read 336 and at 24)1 osm read 344. Observer R. R. T. 14 Correction to local mean time is 2m o8.5s. 90 torsion = 15/78. Torsion head at sh 35m read 344 and at 2oh 2om read 8". Observer J. V. 202 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Friday, April 8, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, April 10, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp, : Chr'i readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O ' O h m d d t O h m d d ' O h m d d t O 20 OO* 56.0 55-6 22 23 -15.0 22 OO 46.2 41.8 22 14 -15.1 00* 58.2 59.7 22 42 -16.3 2 OO 49.2 49-8 22 28 -13.0 02 57-0 55-8 22 02 48.4 44.8 IO 02 58.1 58.9 41 02 52.9 54-3 34 04 56.8 55-2 23 04 50.5 48.0 06 04 58.2 59-2 41 04 59- 8a 44 06 58.6 57-3 2O 06 50.0 46.7 07 06 57-7 58.3 40 06 69.3 69.3 59 08 6o.O 57.8 18 08 52.9 47-7 04 08 58.8 59-5 I 42 08 69.26 59 10 61.8 57-3 18 10 50.7 46.1 07 IO 57.3 58.0 i 40 IO 60.9 61.2 46 12 62.0 58.6 16 12 51.2 45-8 07 12 57.6 58.3 i 40 12 57-6 59-8 43 14 62.5 59-7 15 -15.0 14 52.0 48.8 22 O4 -15.1 M 57.9 58.2 i 40 -15.8 14 50.3 52.1 31 -12.8 16 61.9 59-1 16 16 54-8 51.8 21 59 16 58.9 59-7 42 16 48.1 50.1 28 18 62.0 59.2 16 18 53-8 51-9 22 OO 18 59.8 60.3 44 18 47.1 49.0 26 20 62.5 60.0 15 20 54-2 56.8 21 56 20 60.4 61.0 45 20 SO.i 52.3 31 22 63.0 60.7 14 22 54.0 50.8 22 OI 22 60.7 61.1 45 22 52.9 54-0 34 24 64.1 60.9 13 24 51.9 49-4 04 24 61.0 61.3 45 24 52.1 54-6 34 26 65.1 62.1 ii 26 52.1 50.0 03 26 62.0 62.3 47 26 56.8 58.3 41 28 65.9 62.8 10 28 49.0 47.5 07 28 62.1 62.8 47 28 54-0 55-3 36 30 66.1 62.5 IO -15.0 30 50.8 48.8 05 -15.5 30 61.1 61.8 46 -15-0 30 40.2 50.9 22 -12.4 32 65.3 63.0 10 32 50.0 48.0 06 32 60.4 61.1 45 32 45-9 47-9 24 34 65.6 63.0 IO 34 51.1 48.0 05 34 60.9 61.3 46 34 39.8 42.9 16 36 65.0 62.8 II 36 48.9 46.9 08 36 61.2 61.9 ! 46 36 36.2 38.1 09 38 65.0 62.8 II 38 53-8 50.8 OI 38 62.0 62.7 47 38 37-7 38.8 II 40 63.8 62.3 12 40 48.0 47.2 08 40 62.1 62.7 47 40 39.6 40.7 14 42 63.5 62.0 13 42 46.8 46.0 IO 42 62.8 63.2 48 42 42.1 42.9 17 44 66.2 64.2 09 44 44-7 43-5 H -15.8 44 63.1 63.6 49 -14.7 44 45.7 46.1 23 -12.3 46 68.0 67.8 04 -15.0 46 49.2 48.0 07 46 63.3 64.0 49 46 49-0 49-3 28 48 69.2 68.9 03 48 45-2 44.2 13 48 63.1 63.8 49 48 50.0 51.7 31 50 71.2 69.4 22 OI So 46.5 46.0 II 50 62.1 62.8 48 50 50.0 51.1 30 52 74-5 72-7 21 56 52 46.0 45-7 II 52 67.00 56 52 50.7 52.1 31 54 75-2 73.0 55 54 46.0 45.5 II 54 66.9 67.9 55 54 49-9 5I-I 30 56* 60.9 56.0 51 56 47.0 46.2 IO 56 68.1 69.8 22 58 56 48.9 50.1 29 58 57-7 50-7 58 58 46.0 45.2 II 58 70.6 70.9 23 oo 58 47.3 48.0 26 21 OO 58.9 57-9 51 -15-0 23 oo 46.0 45.2 ii '-16.0 I OO 69.8 70.2 00 -14.0 3 oo 44-9 45-8 22 -12. 1 O2 58.3 52.8 56 02 46.9 45-8 IO 02 71.0 71.9 02 02 42.7 43-8 19 04 57-4 Si.o 58 04 47.6 46.1 10 04 71.1 71.7 02 04 45-1 46.1 23 06 57-4 51-8 57 06 47.0 45.0 II 06 69.6 70.8 23 oo 06 48.5 49-0 27 08 56.2 50.7 59 08 45-4 43-5 13 08 67.9 68.8 22 57 08 46.8 46.8 24 IO 56.0 50.3 00 10 46.9 44-9 II IO 66.9 67.2 55 10 41.1 42.1 16 12 56.2 50.8 21 59 12 47.7 44.1 II 12 65.3 66.0 53 12 39-2 39-5 13 14 55-1 50.6 22 OO -15.0 14 46.1 43.0 13 -16.0 14 63.2 63.6 49 -13-8 14 37-8 37-9 IO -12. 1 16 53-3 49-8 O2 16 44.0 40.2 17 16 61.2 61.7 46 16 40.8 41.0 15 18 53-5 50.2 O2 18 41-5 38.0 21 18 61.7 62.0 47 18 44.6 44-8 21 20 50.9 47-5 06 20 41.2 38.0 21 20 60.7 61.0 45 20 49.80 29 22 50.1 49.3 05 22 42.0 39.0 19 22 59.8 60.0 44 22 53-9 54-3 36 24 49.8 48.2 06 24 40.8 38.0 21 24 61.8 62.0 47 24 56.0 56.4 39 26 50.0 48.0 06 26 43-2 41-8 16 26 61.8 62.3 47 26 58.8 59-0 44 28 50.7 48.0 06 28 45-2 43-0 14 28 62.3 62.8 48 28 60.5 61.0 46 30 50.2 47-8 06 -15.1 30 45-8 44.1 12 -16.2 30 59.5 60.3 44 -13-4 30 60.2 61.0 46 -12. 32 52.9 48.0 04 32 46.8 44.0 12 32 58.2 58.8 42 32 61.9 62.2 48 34 52.9 48.7 03 34 47-1 44-2 II 34 58.7 59.1 43 34 61.8 61.8 48 36 52.0 49.0 04 36 47-1 43-1 12 36 57-6 57-9 41 36 63.2 63.8 51 38 51.0 41-7 22 IO 38 48.0 44.3 II 38 57-0 57-2 40 38 65.1 65.3 22 54 40 58.2 56.8 21 53 40 48.9 45-6 09 40 57-3 57-7 40 40 69.2 69.4 23 oo 42 63.8 60.0 46 42 48.8 45.2 09 42 57-0 57-3 40 42 75-3 75-7 IO 44 66.8 63.1 41 -15.1 44 49-1 47.0 08 -16.5 44 55-8 56-8 39 -13-2 44* 41.0 47.8 16 46 63.2 59-9 21 46 46 48.5 47-8 07 46 54-7 55-2 36 46 49.2 55.2 ; 28 48 54-9 49-9 22 OI 48 49.0 48.0 07 48 54-8 55-3 36 48 52.1 57.1 32 50 46.0 37.8 17 50 54-0 52.5 00 50 55.8 56.2 38 50 53-0 58.3 34 52 41.0 37.0 22 22 52 47.8 45-8 IO 52 57-9 58.7 42 52 50.8 56.1 30 60.2 54.2 21 53 54 46.8 44.0 12 54 56.1 56.3 38 54 46.0 50.2 22 56 52.3 46-1 22 06 56 45-2 43-0 14 56 56.4 57-4 40 56 42.7 46.1 16 58 46.0 42.0 14 58 45.0 42.9 H 58 56.2 57.8 40 58 39.4 42.3 10 ! 24 OO 45-5 43-0 14 -16.1 Correction to local mean time is 2m 51.53. 90 torsion = 12/12. Torsion head at igh 32111 read 9 and at 24h 24m read 17". Observer J. V. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 203 Sunday, April 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Monday, April n, 1904 Magnet scale erect i Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' ' o h m d d o / o h in d d " ' o h m d d O / 4 oo* 52.0 46.1 23 19 -II. 7 6 oo* 47-8 39-2 23 15 -II. 8 oo* 49.1 51.8 23 45 -14.0 10 oo 36.1 39-7 2238 -13.8 02 SI.9 44-7 20 02.3 51.5 46-2 06 02 54.1 54.9 52 02 36.9 39-9 38 04 51.5 45. I i 20 04 48.0 43.0 II 04 53-0 54.2 50 04 38.8 41-8 42 06 48.9 42.2 24 06 43-9 39-0 18 06 54-6 55-9 53 06 41-3 43-9 45 08 41-9 34-9 35 08 46.3 40.9 IS 08 57-2 58.1 57 08 42.2 44.7 46 10 27.9 22.6 23 56 10 45- 6 41-9 14 10 57-2 59-7 1 58 10 42.1 44.3 46 12 19.2 13.8 24 10 12 41.0 37.7 21 12 56.3 57-3 56 12 41.6 43.6 45 H* 44-7 31-9 i 22 -a,2 14 41-9 38.3 20 -IO.9 14 57-2 58.4 57 -13.2 14 41.4 43.1 44 -14.0 16 48.2 36.9 15 16 45.0 40.9 16 16 58.8 60.5 60 16 40.9 42.2 44 18 55. 7 44.9 03 18 48.8 44.7 10 18 57-1 59-0 57 18 40.6 43.0 44 20 46.9 36.3 17 20 50.0 45.4 08 20 52.6 55-1 5i 20 41.1 43-2 44 22 46.5 33-1 19 22 51.0 47.1 06 22 48.2 52.2 i 45 22 40.0 42.3 43 2 4 4O.2 29.8 : 27 24 52.8 48.7 23 03 24 35-1 38.1 24 24 39-9 41-9 42 26 44.2 32.7 22 26 57-3 52.2 22 57 26 30.5 33.2 16 26 39-2 41-1 41 28 34-4 27.7 ; 33 28 55-8 52.1 59 28 26.0 26.7 2308 28 37-6 39.7 39 30 34.0 22.7 24 38 -II. 7 30 58.8 55-2 54 -10.9 30 15.3 18.1 22 52 -12.8 30 36.2 38.0 36 -14.2 32* 49-9 32.9 25 II 32 56.9 53-1 57 32 9-9 12.9 44 32 35-3 36.9 35 34* 54- 8 28.8 26 06 34 58.9 56.3 53 35* 52.7 61.5 23 34 | 35-2 36.5 34 36 69.0 44.8 25 43 36 57-8 55- i 22 55 36 43.0 49.9 06 36 36.9 37-8 37 38* 41.1 11.4 25 08 38 53-1 49.2 23 03 38 49-2 54-0 14 38 38.4 39-3 39 40 47-7 23.0 24 54 40 58.9 55-2 22 54 40 56.1 Co. 8 25 40 39.0 40.3 40 42 48.3 20.1 55 42.7 59-4 56.6 52 42 57.1 61.7 26 42 38.7 39-9 40 44* 55.9 32.1 29 44 58.7 55-2 54 -10.9 44 51.9 57-2 19 -12.3 44 37-9 39-1 39 -14.3 46 75-7 47-5 01 -II-3 46 59-9 57-0 52 46 46.1 49.8 08 46 36.9 37-8 37 48 60.8 34.7 24 23 48 60.8 56.7 51 48 50.1 53.1 | 14 48 35-9 36.6 35 SO 27.2 6.5 25 II SO 58.1 56.2 54 50 57.9 61.2 26 50 35-3 36.0 34 52 50.8 33.3 24 32 52 65.1 62.9 43 52 59-5 63.0 29 52 36.2 36.8 36 54 31.1 7.2 25 08 54 67.1 62.6 42 54 58.3 61.8 27 54 37-2 37-8 37 56* 44-3 23.7 26 39 56 67.7 65.9 38 56 60.0 63.7 30 56.3 37-1 37-4 37 58* 70.5 54.9 25 18 58 62.9 61.3 46 58 60.2 64.2 31 58 36.1 36.8 35 5 oo 44.7 26.2 26 01 7 oo 63.2 61.7 46 -IO.9 9 oo 66.2 69.2 39 -12.3 " oo 35-9 36.3 35 -14-3 02* 32.8 14.1 25 08 02 55-5 51-7 59 02 63.3 66.6 : 35 02 38.8 39-3 40 04*4 30.9 37-0 26 05 04 65.0 63.1 43 04 61.8 64.8 32 04 39.6 40.2 41 06 40.9 24.1 26 07 06 58.7 58.1 52 06 62.2 60. i i 29 06 39.2 40.2 41 08 69.1 53-2 25 22 08 55-0 52.7 59 08 63.1 64.8 33 08 39.6 40.9 41 10* 63.9 47.7 24 49 10 66.8 66.1 39 10 64.2 66.9 36 10 40.0 41.3 42 12 65,9 50.1 | 45 12 59.8 58.6 51 12 66.1 68.2 38 12 40.0 41.7 42 14 67.2 58.1 38 -II. i 14 60.70 48 14 66.3 68.1 38 -12.4 H 39.1 40.7 41 -14.4 16 62.3 57-6 43 ib 70.1 70.1 33 16 65.8 66.7 37 16 37.1 38.9 38 18 68.7 63.2 33 18 60. i 59.1 50 18 64.1 65.1 34 18 36.1 37-3 36 20 69.2 66.1 31 2O 59-0 58.1 52 20 65.4 65.9 36 20 36.3 37-6 36 22* 43.1 34.5 16 22 57-0 56.0 55 22 67.2 67.7 39 22 35- I 36.9 35 24 49.2 37.8 09 24 58.9 57-9 52 24 68.8 69.1 41 24 34-6 36.0 34 26 54-9 43-2 oo 26 64.9 63.2 43 26 70.0 70.4 43 26 35-3 36.3 34 28 52.7 44.4 24 01 28 64.8 64.8 42 28 71.0 71.8 45 28 33-0 33-8 31 30 55-7 47-6 23 56 -II. O j 30 56.9 56.1 , 55 -10.8 30 73-o 73-8 i 48 -13.0 30 32.8 33.2 30 -14.7 32 63.3 S6.I 43 32 54.6 54.2 ; 59 32 76.2 76.9 ; 53 32 32.3 32.8 29 34 62.3 55.2 45 34 S6.I 55-3 56 34* 46.6 50.3 ! 54 34 31.7 32.1 28 36 72.7 66.1 28 3 58.1 57-9 53 36 46.2 51.2 55 36 33-7 34-1 31 38 73.2 65.3 29 38 58.8 57-3 53 38 47.4 51.8 56 38 34-0 34-3 32 40 68.3 60.2 36 40 60. i 59.0 51 40 49-3 53-7 59 40 34-0 34.6 32 42 71.9 61.8 32 42 58.9 57-2 53 42 i 49.1 53.5 59 42 34-2 34.8 32 44 78.7 68.1 22 -II. 44 56.3 54-3 57 -10.7 44 47-2 51-2 55 -13-3 44 34-3 35.0 33 -14.9 46 69.4 57.1 28 46 60. i 58.6 51 46 ; 45.0 48.1 5i 46 34-2 34-5 32 48 68.2 55-8 40 48 59-0 57.1 53 48 41-7 45-2 46 48 35-0 35-3 33 50 69.8 61.1 35 50 62.0 60.0 48 50 42.1 46.1 48 50 36.1 36.1 35 52 72.9 64.0 30 52 64.8 63.1 i 44 52 41.7 45.4 46 52 36.3 36.8 36 54 64.8 56.8 , 42 54 63.9 61.9 45 54 39-7 43-2 43 54 35-8 36.0 35 56 61.5 57-6 44 56 64.9 62.9 44 56 35.8 36.2 35 56 35-3 35-9 34 58 73-2 71-2 24 58 65-9 63.9 42 58 35-0 38.8 36 58 36.6 36.8 36 8 oo 68.1 66.8 38 -10.6 12 OO 36.3 36.7 36 -15.0 Correction to local mean time is 28s. 90 torsion = 14/25. Torsion head at oh oom read 17 and at 9h 25m read 341. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im 035. 90 torsion = 14/29. Torsion head at 7h 35m read 14 and at I2h ism read 24. Observer R. R. T. 204 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, April 12, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, April 13, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d O I O h m d d o / o h m d d / 12 OO 53-9 51-7 22 41 -19.8 14 oo 57-2 57.0 22 34 -19.8 o oo* 40.2 40.9 22 26 -22.9 2 OO 43.8 45.2 22 32 -23.5 02 52.8 50.8 42 02 57-3 57-0 34 02 38.9 39-2 24 02 38.8 40.0 24 04 51.2 50.6 44 04 57-4 57-2 34 04 37-7 38.0 22 04 37-8 38.7 23 06 S2.3 50.9 43 06 57-1 57-1 34 06 36.5 38.0 21 06 38.8 40.0 24 08 52.1 50.4 43 08 57-0 56.4 34 08 37-3 39-2 23 08 40.0 42.8 28 IO 52.2 50.9 43 IO 56-3 55-8 36 IO 37.0 38.0 22 IO 43-9 44-8 32 12 52.1 51.0 43 12 57-0 56.0 35 12 36.8 39.2 22 12 42.2 43.0 30 14 52.2 50.8 43 -20. o 14 57-2 56.3 34 -19.8 14 37.0 39.0 22 -22.9 14 46.0 47.0 36 -23.3 16 52.2 51.3 42 16 57-8 56.1 34 16 37-2 40.3 23 16 42.2 43.8 30 18 53-0 52.1 41 18 57-3 55-7 35 18 37.7 40.5 1 24 18 46.2 46.9 36 20 53-8 52.6 40 20 57-1 55-6 35 20 37.6 40.4 24 20 45-0 45-3 34 22 53-8 52.6 40 22 56.8 55- I 36 22 38. i 40.8 22 45-3 46.9 35 24 53-5 52.1 41 24 56.7 55-0 36 24 39.2 42.0 26 24 49-5 Si. I 42 26 54-0 53-0 40 26 56.7 55-2 36 26 38.8 40.3 24 26 47-0 49-4 38 28 55-1 54-0 38 28 57-2 56.2 34 28 35-0 37-0 19 28 45.0 46.9 35 30 55-1 54-2 38 -20. 30 57-1 -56.0 35 -19.8 30 35-2 37-2 20 -23.0 30 44-0 45-1 32 -23.0 32 55-2 54-9 37 32 57-8 55.2 35 32 38.5 38.9 23 32 44-0 44.9 32 34 55-6 55-1 37 34 57-2 55.9 35 34 40.0 40.3 26 34 44-2 46.5 34 36 55-2 55.2 37 36 S6.9 55-5 35 36 38.0 38.3 22 36 49.0 51.0 41 38 55-0 54-3 38 38 57-0 55.3 35 38 38.9 39.7 24 38 Si.o 53.8 45 40 54-0 53-4 39 40 57-8 55-9 34 40 39.0 39.7 24 40 52.0 55.2 47 42 53-3 52.3 41 42 58.0 56.0 34 42 41.1 42.1 28 42 53-2 55.0 48 44 54.0 52.9 40 -2O. O 44 57-9 55-8 34 -19.7 44 42.8 43.2 30 -23.2 44 49-7 Si.o 42 -22.8 46 53-2 51.9 41 46 56.2 55.0 36 46 44-2 44-7 32 46 50.1 52.2 43 48 53-1 51-9 41 48 55-9 54-1 37 48 46.0 46.8 36 48 45-5 47-7 36 So 52.3 si. i 42 50 55-2 54-0 38 50 42.2 43.0 30 50 47.2 48.5 38 52.2 53-1 52.3 41 52 55-5 54-0 38 52 39.8 40.9 26 52 50.7 51-8 43 54 54-1 53. i 39 54 57-6 55-9 34 54 38.1 39-2 23 54 50.9 52-9 44 56 55-9 54-2 37 56 62.0 60.3 28 56 38.8 39-8 24 56 50.9 53-0 44 58 55-9 54-2 37 58 65.1 64.0 22 58 38.9 39-8 24 58 51.8 52.1 44 13 oo 56.5 54-9 36 -2O. O 15 oo 65.1 64.2 22 -19-7 I OO 39-9 41-0 26 -23.2 3 oo 58.8 60.3 56 -22.6 02 57-9 56.0 34 02 64.0 63.3 24 | 02 37.8 45-8 28 02 53-7 55-0 48 04 58.3 56.8 33 04 62.9 62.0 26 04 37.0 45.7 28 04 58.0 58.4 54 06 58.2 56.1 34 06 60.8 59.9 29 06 36.9 44.3 26 06 57-3 58.2 S3 08 58.0 56.5 34 08 60.4 59-3 30 08 36.2 43.2 25 08 57-8 58.0 54 IO 57.8 56.1 34 IO 59.0 58.0 32 IO 29.0 36.1 ; 14 IO 53-0 54-0 47 12 57-3 56.1 34 12 58.9 57-7 32 12 31-3 37-9 17 12 53-7 54-8 48 H 56.0 55-4 36 -2O. O 14 59-8 58.5 31 -19.6 14 34.9 40.3 22 14 57-2 57.8 53 -22.6 16 56.0 55.0 36 16 58.8 56.9 33 16 36.9 42.1 25 -23.4 16 59.0 60.6 57 18 55-8 54-7 37 18 58.7 57-1 33 18 38.0 43.1 26 18 58.7 60.0 56 20 57-0 55-8 35 20 59-0 57-2 32 20 38.0 42.9 ; 26 20 59.8 61.0 57 22 57-8 57-0 33 22 58.3 56.6 33 22 39-0 43-2 27 22 55-8 57-1 51 24 58.0 57-7 33 24 56.3 54-5 36 24 38.8 43-2 27 24 55-0 56.0 50 26 58.3 58.0 32 26 56.1 54-2 37 26 39.0 43.2 27 26 56.1 56.8 Si 28 57-0 56.8 28 56.8 55.1 36 28 35-0 38.2 20 28 57-2 57-5 53 30 56.2 55-7 36 -I9-9 30 57-7 56.2 34 -19.6 30 36.0 39.9 22 -23.5 30 57-0 57-2 52 -22.8 32 56.6 55-7 35 32 57-7 57-0 34 32 36.8 40.0 23 32 56.9 58.1 53 34 57-4 56.9 34 34 54-0 53-8 39 34 35-6 38.2 21 34 59.0 60.0 22 56 36 58.0 57.0 33 36 54-8 54.1 38 36 33-5 36.2 17 36 63.2 64.2 23 03 38 59.8 58.8 30 38 55-3 55-1 37 38 34-1 36.1 18 38 69-8 75-3 16 40 58.3 57-1 33 40 55-0 55-0 37 40 32-8 34-7 16 40 72.8 74-0 18 42 56.4 55-3 36 42 55-8 55-2 36 42 32-8 35-0 16 42 74-2 75-4 20 44 57-4 56.7 34 -19.8 44 57-9 57-2 33 -19-5 44 35-4 38.0 20 -23.5 44 73-4 75-0 19 -22.8 46 57-8 57-1 33 46 58.3 58.2 32 46 35-7 38.2 21 46 71-5 73-5 16 48 57-8 57-1 33 48 58.2 58.2 32 48 34-1 37.1 18 48 73-8 75-3 20 SO 57-1 56.9 34 50 59-8 59-8 30 50 35-4 38.0 20 50 72.0 74.2 17 52 57-4 57-0 34 52 59-3 59-0 31 52 36.5 39-2 22 52 71-6 73-5 16 54 57-8 57-0 33 54 59-8 59-3 30 54 39-3 41-9 26 53 73-9 76.2 20 56 57-7 57-1 33 56 60.4 60.0 29 56 41.9 44.3 30 56 75-2 77.0 22 58 57-7 57-2 33 58 59.6 58.9 30 58 45-5 46.3 35 58 75-8 77-0 23 16 oo 58.9 57-9 32 -19-5 Correction to local mean time is im 433. 00 torsion = 16/03. Torsion head at iih 25m read 40 and at i6h 2om read 31. Observer R. R. T. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 205 Wednesday, April 13, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, April 13, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O f h m d d O / O h m d d O r O h m d d O t O 4 oo 70.2 72.1 23 14 -22.8 6 oo 23.3 24.6 22 47 -22.8 8 oo 52.3 52.5 23 32 -22.2 10 00 22.9 24.0 22 46 -21.9 02 68.0 72.5 13 02 25.9 27.2 Si 02 52.0 53-5 32 02 21.6 22.6 44 04 67-9 71-5 12 04 26.8 28.0 52 04 52.2 54-0 33 04 18.8 20.0 40 06 70.3 74.0 16 06 28.0 29.6 54 06 49-7 52-5 30 06 26.3 27.1 51 08 72.6 75-3 19 08 28.4 30.2 55 08 44.6 46.2 20 08 26.6 27.0 Si 10* 44.0 51.0 24 10 29.5 31-0 57 10 Overl'k'd 10 26.6 27.5 52 12 44-8 51-1 24 12 31-1 33-0 22 OO 12 41.5 44.2 16 12 28.6 29.5 55 14 43-3 48.9 22 -22.9 14 32.0 34.3 23 oi 14 48.4 50.5 27 -22.0 14 25-5 25.9 50 -21.8 16 37-3 43-1 12 16 34-1 37-0 05 16 41.9 44.3 17 16 26.7 27.6 52 18 37-9 43-1 13 18 35-0 38.2 07 18 42.3 44.0 17 18 23.1 23.9 46 20 38.0 43.1 13 20 36.1 40.1 09 20 48.5 So.i 27 20 25.6 26.2 So 22 42.0 47.3 19 22 38.1 42.1 12 22 43-5 45-6 19 22 24.6 25.3 48 24 47-0 52.0 27 24 41.0 43.0 IS 24 43-3 44-5 18 24 24.3 25.6 48 26 44-3 48.3 22 26 39.0 44.0 14 26 43-3 46.3 20 26 23.6 24.0 47 28 39-1 43-2 14 28 36.0 41.0 IO 28 45-2 47.8 22 28 22. O 22.3 44 30 33-0 37-4 23 04 -22.8 30 35-2 40.2 08 30 41.8 43.8 16 -22. 30 24.2 24-4 47 -21.6 32 29.9 32.2 22 58 32 34-3 38.8 06 32 43-6 45-6 19 32 21. O 21.2 42 34 28.0 30.4 55 34 33-8 38.0 06 34 40.6 42.6 14 l8.5 I9.I 39 36 27.8 30.2 22 55 36 38.3 42.0 12 36 36.7 38.6 08 36 18.4 18.9 39 38 32.6 34.9 23 02 38 43.1 46.8 2O 38 34.6 36.0 05 38 I9.O 19.9 40 40 35-0 37-2 06 40 47-8 51.0 27 40 31-7 36.6 23 03 40 18.3 18.7 38 42 4i.o 43-6 16 42 38.8 45-3 15 42 31-6 32.1 22 59 42 17-3 18.3 37 44 38.9 41-2 12 -22.8 44 45-0 48.0 22 -22.1 44 37-0 39-5 23 09 -22. 44 17-3 18.3 37 -21.5 46 37-9 38.6 09 46 49.0 51.2 28 46 40-4 43-5 15 46 l8.3 19.0 38 48 38.8 39-1 IO 48 57.0 60. i 41 48 39-5 42.1 13 48 I7.I 17.9 37 50 37-1 37.1 08 50 58.0 60.8 42 50 42.5 45.8 18 50 16.0 17.4 36 52 33-0 33-1 23 oi 52 47-3 50.7 26 52 40.1 43.1 14 52 17.3 18.7 38 54 31.0 31.0 22 58 54-4 46.5 49-0 24 54 34-6 38.3 06 54 18.2 19.6 39 56 30.2 31.2 57 56 52.9 54-0 33 56 39.8 41.6 13 56 19.9 21.0 41 58 20.1 29.8 55 58 59-7 61.0 44 58 36.4 37-0 07 58 18.6 20. i 40 5 oo 28.5 29.9 55 -22.8 7 oo 56.2 64.0 44 -22.0 9 oo 36.9 37-4 08 -22.0 II OO 19.6 20.5 4i -21.4 02 28.9 29.2 55 02 52.6 53.0 32 02 34-0 35-2 04 02 20.3 21.3 42 04 29.0 29.8 55 04 49.8 52.0 29 04 37-3 37-5 08 04 19.4 20. 6 41 06 27.2 28.7 53 06 45-5 46.8 22 06 33-1 33.6 02 06 17-3 17-6 36 08 26.5 28.0 52 08 54.0 58.4 38 08 32-6 33-0 OI 08 14-5 15-5 33 IO 24.9 25.9 49 10 63.0 65.2 So IO 32.2 32.2 OO IO 14-1 14-5 32 12 22.8 23.4 46 12 5Q.8 61.1 44 12 33-0 33-0 23 oi 12 16.9 17-5 36 14 23-3 24.2 46 -22.9 14 59-1 61.3 44 -22.3 14 31.0 31.8 22 58 -22. 14 17.2 19.0 38 -21.3 16 23.1 24.0 46 16 56.4 58.3 39 16 34.6 34.9 23 04 16.9 17.4 17.4 36 18 23.2 24.0 46 18 56.0 59-7 40 18 31-3 32.7 00 18 19-7 20.3 41 20 22.2 23.4 45 20 54-0 56.9 36 20 31.6 32.8 23 oo 20 18.0 18.6 38 22 23.2 24.0 46 22 54-0 57.0 36 22 31-6 32.3 22 59 22 17-9 18.3 38 24 21.9 22. O 44 24 56.3 58.2 39 24 29-3 30.9 56 24 20. 6 22.2 43 26 21. I 22.0 43 26 56.2 60.7 41 26 27.6 29.0 54 26 20. 6 21.3 42 28 I9.I 17.8 38 28 63.0 65.0 50 28 28.0 29.7 54 28 l8.3 I9.I 39 30 17-9 I9-I 38 -22.8 30 57-2 59-2 -22.3 30 28.1 29.6 54 -22. 30 15.9 16.8 35 -21.2 32 18.1 19.3 39 32 53-2 54.8 34 32 26.1 27.0 51 32 16.0 16.4 35 34 29.2 29.9 56 34 54-0 55-3 35 34 26.0 26.6 Si 34 14.0 14.7 32 36 18.0 18.0 38 36 57-3 58.1 40 36 25.4 26.8 50 36 11. 8 12.8 29 38 14.9 16.0 33 38 56.0 56.0 37 39 29-5 30-3 56 38.3 11.5 12.6 28 40 II. I 12.0 27 40 56.1 58.2 39 40 27.3 28.7 22 53 40 12.7 13.7 30 42 IO.8 II. 2 26 42 58.8 60. i 42 42 31-3 34-0 23 oo 42 13-4 14-2 31 44 13-9 13-9 31 -22.8 44 61.5 63.0 47 -22.2 44 27.8 29.7 22 54 -22. 44 10.9 n. 7 27 -21. 1 46 17.0 17.2 36 46 61.2 61.9 46 46 30.3 32-3 58 46 12.2 12.9 29 48 19.7 20.7 41 48 52.3 53.2 32 48 29.2 30.7 56 48 II. I 11.7 27 50 I9.O 20. 2 40 50 56.9 57-0 39 50 27.0 28.9 53 50 7.8 9.1 22 52 18.3 19.0 38 52 62.6 62.8 48 52 27.3 29.0 S3 52 7.6 9.6 23 54 2O. I 2O.3 41 54 54-5 56.2 36 54 25.0 27.0 50 54 7-5 9-6 23 56 I9.O 19.8 40 56 54-3 54-3 34 56 25.6 27.3 Si 56 8.2 IO.O 24 58 20.0 21.4 42 58 47.0 47.1 23 58 22.9 24.9 47 58 8.0 9.8 23 Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 7(1 s6m to 8h o6m. Observer-W. J. P. 206 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, April 13, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, April 13, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d f h m d d o / O h m d d / o 12 00 11.4 12.8 22 28 -21.0 14 oo 37-3 39-8 22 2O -21.0 16 oo 30.9 31-0 22 08 -20.5 18 oo 33-6 34.8 22 14 -19.6 02 7.8 8.8 22 02 35-6 39.8 19 02 31-9 32.1 IO 02 34-1 35-9 15 04 9.8 0.8 25 04 36.7 39-1 2O 04 31-0 31-0 08 04 34-1 35- 8 15 06 10.3 10.8 26 06 33-6 37.0 16 06 32.9 34-0 12 06 32.9 34-9 13 08 14.0 14.6 32 08 I 33-8 37-6 16 08 33-9 34-3 14 08 33-5 35-0 14 10 14.0 14.2 32 10 37.6 40.8 22 IO 37-1 38.0 19 IO 32.7 34-0 12 12 it. 3 II- 9 27 12 31.2 35.2 12 12 46.2 46.7 33 12 31.8 32.8 II 14 11.3 I3-I 28 -21.0 14 30.3 33-3 IO -20.8 14 42.8 44.4 28 -20.3 14 31-2 32.3 IO -19.6 16 11.3 12.6 28 16 30.6 35-6 12 16 42.8 44.1 28 16 32.6 33.0 12 18 10.1 12.4 27 18 34-5 39-4 18 18 41.0 42.3 25 18 32.8 33.4 12 20 10.5 12.3 27 20 37-3 42.5 23 20 40.1 41.0 24 20 34-1 35.0 14 22 7-5 10.2 23 22 39-7 43-3 25 22 41.0 44.5 27 22 33-7 34-8 14 24 6.4 9.6 22 24 39.6 43.3 25 24 36.7 39-1 20 24 33-3 34-6 13 26* 40.0 42.8 25 26 37-3 40.5 21 26 36.2 37.1 18 26 33.0 34.0 13 28 37.8 40.6 22 28 35-6 39-4 19 28 38.0 38.9 20 28 33-o 33-9 12 30 41.0 44.0 27 -20.8 30 35.6 39-2 19 -20.8 30 36.5 37-4 18 -20. o 30 34-3 35-5 15 -19.5 32 42.3 45-0 28 32 32.0 35.6 13 32 34-9 35-1 15 32 36.1 36.5 17 34 41-7 44-3 28 34 30.3 33-9 IO 34-2 35.2 36.1 16 34 36.1 36.9 17 36 40.3 42.6 25 36 34.0 37.0 16 36 35-3 37-0 17 36 36.3 37-2 18 38 41.2 42.7 26 38 33-3 36.2 14 38 34-2 35.0 14 38 36.3 37-2 18 40 38.6 40.6 22 40 36.5 38.3 19 40 32.8 33.4 12 40 36.8 37.8 19 42 40.2 41.5 24 42 33-3 35-4 14 42 29-9 3i.o 08 42 37-7 38.9 20 44 38.6 40.0 22 -20.8 44 33-3 34-8 13 -20. 6 44 3i.O 32.3 10 -20. o 44 38.7 39-9 22 -19.7 46 37-6 39.3 2O 46 37-3 39-9 21 46 28.8 31.9 08 46 30.1 39.0 22 48 36.8 38.7 19 48 33.6 37-0 16 48 26.1 28.7 22 03 48 38.1 38.7 2O So 38.6 41.3 23 50 33. 3 .'4-8 13 50 24.1 26.0 21 SO SO 37.1 38.0 19 52 41.9 43.2 27 52 38.9 3-7 22 52 24.0 25.0 21 58 52 37-1 37-8 19 54 43.0 44-0 20 54 35-3 36.3 16 54 25.1 26.1 22 00 54 37-3 38.0 19 56 42.9 43-5 28 56 20.8 31.9 08 ;6 27.0 27.3 03 56 37-2 37-8 19 58 42.3 42.6 27 58 30.2 32.2 09 58 25 . 2b 22 00 58 36.9 37.2 18 13 oo 41.0 42.3 2-; -20.8 T5 00 28.2 31. 3 07 -20. 6 17 oo 13.8 14.0 21 42 -19.7 19 oo 36.6 37.8 18 -19.8 02 41.3 42-7 26 02 32.6 34.6 13 02 20. i 21.7 53 02 36.1 37.7 18 04 41.8 42.7 26 04 26.4 28.7 03 04 24.0 25.0 21 59 04 36.0 36.0 17 06 43-6 45-5 30 06 25.3 26.6 22 OT 06 27.8 29.8 22 OS 06 36.0 36.8 17 08 42.6 43-6 28 08 21.6 23.6 21 56 08 28.3 31.9 07 08 35.8 36.9 17 IO 41.3 42.4 26 TO 26.0 27.2 22 02 IO 26.5 29.5 o-l IO 34.2 35.0 14 12 39-4 40.0 22 12 29.9 3i.o 08 12 25.2 27.9 02 12 36.8 38.7 ir 14 42.1 43-2 27 -20.9 14 33.3 34-5 I? -20.5 14 26.3 28.9 03 -19.6 14 42.1 45.3 29 -19.8 16 4O.6 41.4 24 16 ?6.6 37.5 T8 16 25. 9 20. I 03 16 37.6 40.8 22 18 30.8 40.4 23 18 38.1 39.2 2T 18 26.1 28.9 03 18 38.2 41. o 22 20 38.2 39.7 21 20 36.6 37.2 18 20 27.4 29.2 04 20 36.6 38.8 19 22 38.3 4I-I 22 22 40.5 41.3 24 22 29.0 29.9 06 22 37-7 42.0 23 24 41.6 43-9 27 24 40. S 42.0 25 24 26.O 27.0 02 24 41.1 46.0 28 26 38.0 41.2 22 26 35-5 35-8 16 26 27-3 28.3 04 26 33-9 30.1 17 28 36.2 39.8 20 28 33.8ft '3 28 25-0 25.3 00 28 28.4 28.8 05 30 36.5 42.0 22 -2T.O .w 28.0 28.2 04 -20.5 30 24.9 2S.4 22 OO -19.6 30 30.0 34.8 ii -19.9 32 37-3 43-0 23 32 33-0 34-3 13 32 23.0 24.8 21 <3 32 30.9 35. R 12 34 34.0 38.6 17 34 33-3 34-8 13 34 24.O 25.3 59 34 35-0 39- T 18 36 28.3 32.5 08 <6 30.6 32.3 09 96 22 . 1 23 . 8 56 36 37.4 42.9 23 38 25.0 32.7 05 38 30.7 32.5 IO 38 23.9 24-9 58 38 40.8 45.7 28 40 29.8 35.0 IT 40 31-5 33-5 ii 40 23.2 24-4 57 40 36.9 4I-I 21 42 33-2 38.6 16 42 31.0 33-0 IO 42 22.1 23.8 56 42 36.1 40.9 2O 44 32.8 39-8 17 -21.0 44 31. T 33-0 10 -20.5 44 20.9 22.3 54 -19.7 44 36.0 38.0 19 -20. 46 33.3 40.7 18 46 31.8 33.0 IT 46 20.2 21. I 52 46 38.7 41.8 23 48 37-8 43-3 24 48 29-7 31-0 08 48 22.8 24.3 21 57 48 32.7 35-8 14 50 40.9 45-3 28 50 29.7 31-2 08 50 25.5 26.9 22 OI 50 32.7 35-8 14 52 41.9 46.3 29 52 31-6 33.0 II 52 26.6 28.7 03 52 37-9 41-8 23 54 37-3 40.1 21 54 31-0 31-5 09 54 31.8 33-3 II 54 37-2 40.9 21 56 36.3 37-3 18 56 31-3 32.3 IO 56 32.1 33.3 II 56 38.1 41-3 22 58 35-8 37-6 18 58 30.0 30.8 08 58 33-6 35-3 14 58 40.8 44-1 27 Observers W. J. P and R. R. T., who alternated from I5h s8m to i6h o8m. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 207 Wednesday, April 13, 1904 Magnet scale erect Thursday, April 14, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp time nation C. ' time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O 1 o h m d d o / h m d d o / O h m d d / 20 oo 41.2 44.9 22 28 -20. o 22 OO 44.0 44.8 22 30 -20.1 16 oo 60.9 55.9 22 20 -19.1 18 oo 57-9 57-1 22 22 -19.2 02 41. I 44.3 27 02 43-9 45-2 30 02 59-9 56.9 2O 03 57.8 58.1 21 04 41-2 43.9 27 04 45.0 46.1 32 04 59.9 57.2 20 04 58.3 57-9 21 06 40.7 43-9 26 06 45.0 46.7 32 06 60.0 57.9 20 06 58.9 57-3 21 08.6 42.1 44.8 28 08 46.3 48.0 34 08 59.5 57-6 20 08 59.0 57-2 21 TO 41.9 44-2 28 10 47-3 48.8 35 10 59-8 57.8 20 IO 58.7 57-2 21 T2 40.8 43-3 26 12 46.9 48.3 35 12 60.2 58.7 19 12 60.0 56.3 21 14 36.5 38.3 19 -20.0 14 45-8 47.0 33 -20.2 14 60.0 58.5 19 -19.1 14 59-3 56.0 22 -19.2 16 39-9 40.7 23 16 46.1 47-3 33 16 60.3 58.9 18 16 59-4 56.2 21 18 39-2 41.2 23 18 47-2 48.8 35 18 61.0 59.0 18 18 59-8 56.2 21 20 37-7 38.8 20 20 46.3 47-8 34 20 61.3 59-4 17 20 59-1 56.0 22 22 39-8 46-3 28 22 46.6 47.8 34 22 63.1 61.3 14 22 50.0 56.1 22 24 38.5 40.0 22 24 47.0 48.1 35 24 63.3 61.6 14 24 58.9 56.0 22 26 38.1 39-0 20 26 46.0 47.3 33 26 63.2 61.6 14 26 58.7 55-5 22 28 41. I 41-9 25 28 45-5 46.8 32 28 63.2 62.0 14 28 58.1 54-2 24 30 4O.O 40.7 2.-* -20.0 30 45 . i 46 . 2 32 -20. 2 30 64.0 62.6 13 -19.1 30 57.6 54-9 24 -19.2 42.2 44.0 28 32 46.6 47.0 34 32 64.5 62.0 12 32 56.9 54-9 24 34 43-3 44-9 29 3 2 50.2 51.0 39 34 65.0 63.8 II 34 56.9 53-5 25 43-2 44.9 29 36 40.4 49.1 30 36 65.0 64.0 II 36 56.5 53-8 25 38 42.7 44.1 28 38 47.9 48.8 36 38 64.2 63.8 12 38 57-0 53-9 25 40 43-9 45-5 30 40 40.9 49-2 31 40 63.9 63.0 12 40 55-3 53-0 27 42 45-3 47-0 32 42 47.3 48.0 35 42 62.3 61.8 15 42 54-3 52.9 28 44 46.7 48.0 34 -2O. O 44 46.1 47.0 33 44 60.5 60.2 17 -19.2 44 53-0 51- 1 30 -19.2 46 46-1 47-3 33 4 S 46.2 47-1 33 -20. 2 46 58.9 58.2 20 46 52.2 51.2 31 48 44.0 45-4 30 48 47.6 48.2 35 48 58.1 57.0 22 48 51.8 51-0 31 50 42.6 44.0 28 50 47-8 48.3 3 I 50 57.4 56.2 23 50 50.0 50.2 33 52 42.8 44.0 28 52 47.9 48.7 3 52 57-4 55-0 24 52 Si- 8 50.5 32 54 43-9 45-0 30 54 48.2 49.2 36 54 57.1 55.0 24 54 51.7 50.0 31 56 44.9 46.0 31 56 48.7 49-3 3 Z 56 56-8 55-0 24 56 51.8 51-8 31 58 44-2 45-4 30 58 48.0 48.9 36 58 56.1 54-1 25 58 52.2 52.0 30 21 OO 44.1 45.0 30 -20. 23 oo 47.8 48.9 36 -20.2 17 oo 55.0 52.6 28 -19.2 19 oo 52.8 52.8 29 -I9-3 02 45-0 45.4 31 02 48.8 49.2 37 02 55.4 53.2 27 02 52-9 52.0 30 04 45.0 46.0 32 04 49-1 50.0 38 04 54.2 51.1 29 04 53-1 52.2 29 06 46.3 46.9 33 06 49-9 50.8 39 06 54.2 50.5 30 06 53-0 52.1 30 08.2 46.8 47-5 34 08 50-7 51-3 40 08 53.0 50.0 31 08 53-0 52.2 29 IO 47.2 48.0 35 10 50.8 51.9 41 IO 52.8 50.2 31 10 53-8 51.8 29 12 48.0 48.8 3 2 12 40-7 50.3 38 12 51.5 49.3 33 12 54.2 51.0 29 14 40.1 40.8 38 -20. 14 48.7 49-2 37 14 51. i 49.1 33 -19.2 14 53-2 51.1 30 -19. < 16 48.0 48.9 36 16 48.2 40.0 36 -20. 2 16 51.2 49.5 33 16 52.3 50.3 31 18 48.8 49.1 37 18 48.0 48.7 36 18 51- i 49-9 33 18 52.8 50.0 31 20 48.1 49.0 36 20 47.9 48.2 35 20 51.7 50.2 32 20 52-3 49.4 32 22 47-9 48.7 36 22 48.9 49.2 3 l 22 51.0 50.8 32 22 52.0 48.5 33 24 47-7 48.4 35 24 49.1 49.8 3 24 52.0 51.5 31 24 51-4 48.2 34 26 47-1 47-8 34 26 49.6 50.0 38 26 52.3 50.0 32 26 51-5 48.5 34 28 46.1 46.6 33 28 50.0 50.6 39 28 53.2 50.2 31 28 50.4 47.4 35 30 46.2 46.8 33 -2O. O 30 50.3 51.0 39 -20. 2 30 53.2 49-8 31 -19.1 30 48.9 46.2 37 32 46.6 46.8 33 32 50.2 50.7 39 32 54-0 50.1 30 32 48.4 46.8 37 34 46.2 46.2 33 34 50.0 50.3 39 34 54-3 50-7 .30 34 48.0 44.8 39 36 47.0 47.1 34 % 49-9 50.3 39 36 54-9 51-0 20 3f> 50.8 46.0 36 38 45-3 45-9 32 38 50.2 50.9 39 38 54.9 51.6 28 38 52.0 47-8 34 40 45-7 46.0 32 40 51-0 Si-4 40 40 55.3 53-8 26 40 53-5 49.2 31 42 46.1 46.7 33 42 51-9 52.1 42 42 56.8 53-2 26 42 54.0 50.5 30 44 47.8 48.2 35 -20.1 44 52.0 52.5 42 -20.2 44 57-3 53-1 25 -19.1 44 54-2 51- i 29 -19.8 46 46.3 47-0 33 46 52.0 52.1 42 46 58.0 54-2 24 46 53.0 49-7 31 48 46.1 46.8 33 48 52.9 52.9 43 48 57-4 55-1 24 48 52.6 49-5 32 So 45.7 46.2 32 50 52.8 53-0 43 So 58.3 55-1 23 50 52.9 40.2 32 52 43-7 44-2 29 52 52.6 53-0 43 52 58.2 55-0 23 52 52.0 48.8 33 54 42.1 42.8 27 54 52.7 53-1 43 54 58.0 55-8 22 54 50.5 48.0 35 56 41.0 41.9 25 56 52.3 53-0 43 c,6 58.8 55-9 22 56 49.0 47-8 36 58 42.1 43-1 27 58 52.2 52.9 42 58 58.1 56.0 22 58 49.0 48.1 3<5 24 oo 53-0 53-9 44 -20.3 20 00 49-5 49-1 35 Correction to local mean time is im i6s. Torsion head at oh oom read 35 and at 24!! lorn read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 555. Torsion head at ish 3om read 33 and at 2oh igm read the same. Observer J. V. 208 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OP ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, April 15, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, April 17, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- 'emp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t h m d d / h m d d / h m d d 1 o 20 oo 36.8 39.2 22 22 -23.0 22 OO 34.0 34.4 22 l6 -24.2 00* 50.0 49.3 22 -)6 -19.2 2 00 50.9 50.1 22 34 17-0 02 38.9 41.7 25 02 33-0 34-0 14 02 50.1 49.5 36 02 51.0 49.7 35 04 40.0 42.5 27 04 34-0 34-8 16 04 49.2 47.9 38 04 50.8 49.3 35 06 40.9 43.0 28 06 34-4 35-0 16 06 48.3 47-2 39 06 50.4 49-1 36 08 41.0 43.8 28 08 35-0 35-5 17 08 47-8 46.3 40 08 50.3 49-1 36 IO 39-0 41.1 25 10 37-2 37-8 21 -24.4 10 46.7 45-7 41 IO 50.5 49-2 35 12 37-2 39-9 22 12 37-2 37-8 21 12 46.0 45.1 42 12 50.8 49.8 35 14 33-2 36-7 17 -23.2 14 37-7 38.0 21 14 46.0 45.1 42 -18.9 T4 50.8 49.9 35 -17.8 T6 33.4 36.0 17 16 37.2 38.1 21 16 46.0 45.7 42 16 50.3 40.2 36 18 34-7 37-3 18 18 37-7 38.2 21 18 46.3 46.0 41 18 49.8 48.6 36 20 35-5 38.9 20 20 37.0 39-0 22 20 46.3 46.0 41 20 48.9 47-7 38 22 36.0 38.6 20 22 38.2 40.0 23 22 45-9 45-4 42 22 48.9 47.7 38 24 36.0 30.0 21 24 39.0 41.0 25 24 45-0 45-3 42 24 48.4 47-0 39 26 36-3 38.2 20 26 39.0 41.0 25 26 45.8 45.3 42 2fi 48.6 47.0 39 28 35-4 37-3 10 28 39.8 41.5 26 28 45-0 45-4 42 28 48.2 46.7 39 30 35.2 36.8 18 -23.6 30 40. T 42.1 26 -24.4 30 46.2 45.8 42 -18.9 30 47.9 46.1 40 -17-6 32 35-9 36.8 10 32 4T.2 42.3 27 32 46.7 46.2 41 32 48.7 47-2 39 34 35.4 36.2 18 34 42. T 42.4 27 34 47-0 46.3 41 34 48.8 47-1 30 36 34-5 34-8 16 36 40.1 41.0 25 36 46.2 45.8 42 36 40.2 47.9 38 38 34-0 35.1 16 38 39.3 40.9 25 38 45-7 45-0 43 38 48.0 47.7 38 40 31-9 36.3 T6 40 37-7 38.2 21 40 45-9 45-1 42 40 48.8 47-6 38 42 32.0 36.1 IS 42 3^.1 37-0 10 42 46.0 45.4 42 42 48.1 47- i 39 44 32.0 36.1 15 -23.9 44 3S-7 36.T 18 -24.3 44 4fM 45-7 42 -18.7 44 47.4 46.6 40 -17-3 46 31-9 35-3 IS 46 35-0 35-9 18 46 47-2 45-9 41 46 47.8 46.2 40 48 34-0 37.2 18 48 36-8 37-2 20 48 47.1 46.0 4' 48 47.6 46.1 40 50 33-2 36.6 17 50 36.9 37.7 20 50 47.1 46.1 41 50 47- T 45-9 4T 52 34.0 36.2 17 52 37-7 38.3 22 52 47.9 46.9 39 52 47.6 46.3 40 54 34-0 37-0 18 54 3^.0 38.8 22 54 48.0 47.2 39 54 47.0 46.0 41 56 35.8 37-2 19 56 38.0 39.0 22 56 48.0 47.4 39 56 4^.9 45-8 41 58 36.2 37-8 20 58 38.4 39.1 23 58 48.0 47.8 39 58 46.2 45.1 42 21 00 37-3 38.9 22 -24.0 23 oo 38.9 39-8 24 -24.3 I OO 48.0 47.8 39 -18.3 3 oo 45.6 44.2 43 -17.2 O2 37-9 30.0 22 02 39-4 40.2 24 02 48.2 47.7 39 02 45-0 43.0 45 Od 37.2 38.2 21 04 40.0 40.9 25 Od 48.2 47.7 3" 04 44-7 42.0 45 06 38.0 39. 6 23 06 39.9 40.5 25 06 48.2 47.8 38 06 44-5 42.8 45 08 38.3 40.1 24 08.5 39-5 40.3 25 08 48.4 47.8 38 08 44-0 43- T 45 IO 38.0 40.3 24 TO 39.2 .40.0 24 TO 48.1 47-3 39 TO 44.8 43-3 45 12 38.1 39-9 23 T2 39.3 40.2 24 T2 47.9 47.0 39 12 46.1 44.8 43 14 38.9 40.0 24 -24.2 Id 30.1 41.9 26 -23.3 Id 47.9 47-1 39 -I8.T T4 47-2 45-7 4T -17.2 16 37-3 30-0 22 16 38.3 40.2 24 16 48.7 47-2 30 Tfi 40.0 47.2 38 18 36.9 38.2 21 18 38.7 40.3 24 18 49-0 47.8 tf 18 48.2 46.0 39 20 36.3 37.8 20 20 37.2 41-5 24 2O 40.0 47.7 38 20 47.8 46.2 40 22 36.9 38.1 21 22 38.0 42.O 25 22 48.3 47-3 30 22 46.9 45.8 4t 24 37.4 38.3 21 24 38.0 43.O 26 24 47.9 47.1 39 21 46.9 45-n 41 26 38.0 39-9 24 26 40.2 44.0 28 26 47.1 46.7 40 2fi 47-7 46.8 40 28 39.6 40.9 25 28 4I.O 44.9 29 28 46.0 45.8 42 28 47-6 45-1 41 30 39.9 40.9 25 -24.2 30 42.0 45-7 31 -24.2 30 45-5 45-1 43 -T8.0 30 45.8 43.3 44 -17- o 32 39-7 40.0 24 32 42.7 45-9 32 32 45-7 45-0 43 32 44-8 42.7 45 34 39-8 40.1 25 34 42.2 45.2 31 r O h m d d t o h m d d o / o h m d d o t o 12 OO* 49-8 51.2 23 04 -16.3 14 oo 58.9 60. i 23 18 -16.0 o oo 55-7 52. T 22 l8 -17.7 2 00 32.0 30.3 22 53 -16.7 02 50.3 52.0 OS 02 50.0 60.5 10 02 56.3 52.1 17 02 33-6 31. I Si 04 52-0 53.8 08 04 58.0 60.0 18 04 56.6 53.0 Tfi 04 31. 7 29.1 54 06 53-5 54-0 IO 06 56.9 57-8 15 06 57-0 53.0 T6 06 32.9 30.7 52 08 54-6 55-8 12 08 55-9 57-1 14 08 56.9 52.4 16 OS 33.2 30.7 52 TO 55-0 55.8 12 10 50-3 52.0 05 10 56.9 52-3 T6 TO 32.9 30.2 53 12 55.2 56.5 13 12 54-2 56.0 12 12 56.1 52.3 17 12 3I.O 29.2 54 T4 56.0 57.0 14 -16.3 14 54.8 56.2 12 -15. o 74.2 55.2 51.4 18 -17.3 T4 .32.8 30.0 53 -16.4 16 55-3 56.0 12 16 51-9 54-0 08 T6 54-3 50.8 20 16 29.9 27.2 22 57 18 55-9 56.7 13 18 | 50.1 51. 2 04 18 54-0 50.7 2O 18 27.9 25.8 23 oo 20 56.1 57-0 14 20 47.9 40.0 OI 20 54.1 51. i 2O 20 25.0 22.9 05 22 55-4 56.2 13 22 46.0 48.1 23 oo 22 56.4 53-5 16 22 23.6 21.2 07 24 55-8 56-9 13 M 46.8 48.1 22 TO 24 56.0 54-1 T5 24 23.2 20. 6 08 26 55-0 56.1 12 26 45-0 47-0 58 26 56.3 54-0 *) 26 25.3 22.7 04 28 57-2 58.7 16 28 46.8 47-0 22 59 28 56.8 54.1 15 28 24.4 22. 06 30 57-2 58.3 16 -16.2 30 47.2 .17.8 23 oo 30 57.0 54.0 14 -17.1 30 23.9 2T.2 07 -16.0 32 57-7 SO.o 17 32 48.3 49.5 O2 32 58.8 56.8 II 32 2H3 T8.9 ii 34 57.0 58.1 15 34 47-5 48.5 23 oo 34 60. I 58.4 oo 34 18.0 15.7 16 36 56.5 57-9 IS 36 45-5 46.2 22 57 36 62.2 60.6 06 36 18.1 15.9 IS 38 56.1 57-3 14 38 | 43-9 45-1 55 38 62.8 61.0 05 38 18.7 17.2 14 40 56.9 57-5 IS 40 44.9 45.0 56 40 63.2 61.8 04 40 21. S 2O. IO 42 56.6 57. o 14 42 43-2 44-1 53 42 63.9 62.0 03 42 25.0 23.9 04 44 56.0 57-4 15 -16.2 44 43.2 44-1 53 -16.0 44 63.2 61.5 04 -17.0 44 26.0 24.0 02 46 55-8 56.0 13 46 44-0 45-0 55 46 62.9 61.1 05 46 27.1 26.0 oo -15-9 48 56.0 56.5 T3 48 43-2 44-0 53 48 63.5 61.5 04 48 24.7 24.0 04 50 57-9 58.1 16 50 41-3 42-1 50 50 61.1 50.3 08 50 23.1 22.7 06 52 50.0 59-3 18 52 36.7 37-0 43 52 50.6 57.8 TO 52 23.1 22.2 07 54 58.7 59-1 18 54 35-3 36.1 41 54 58.0 57.0 II 54 25-T 2-1.1 23 04 56 57-5 57-9 16 56 36.0 37.0 42 S6 55-4 53-7 16 56 20.8 28.0 22 56 58 57-6 57-9 16 58 34-3 35-8 40 58 54 .2 52 . 5 18 58 30.4 30.0 (W 13 00 57-2 57-5 T5 -16.1 IS 00 32.8 34.0 37 -16.0 I OO 52.4 50.6 21 -17.0 3 oo 20. * 20. o rf 02 57.1 57.9 IS 02 31.3 32.2 35 02 51.8 40.3 2.3 02 28.8 28.1 22 58 -T5-9 04 58. T 58.9 V 04 29-9 30.5 32 o.t 50.2 48.2 25 04 27. T 26.8 2,3 00 06 58.0 58.7 17 06 27.5 28.1 29 06 50.3 48.1 25 06 28.0 28.2 22 57 08 58.0 58.9 17 08 26.1 27.0 27 08 49.9 47.8 26 08 2O. 7 20. T 56 IO 60.0 61.0 20 10 25-5 26.2 26 TO 40.7 47.7 26 TO 20.8 29.2 56 12 59.5 60.5 19 12 22.3 23.0 20 12 51. I 48.8 24 12 3T.2 3O.O 53 14 60.7 61.0 2O -16.1 14 23.1 24.0 22 -16.0 14 51. 2 49.0 23 -16.9 11 33.2 32.8 "M -15.0 16 62.6 63.0 24 16 26.2 27.8 27 16 52.0 50.0 22 16 34.6 34-2 48 18 64.0 64.8 26 T8 27.3 29.0 29 18 53-3 ?i." 2O T8 34-9 34-4 48 20 64.8 65.8 28 20 30.1 31.2 33 20 54.2 51.8 TO 20 35.3 34-8 47 22 63.3 64-2 S 22 29-9 30.8 33 22 52.4 49.7 22 22 36.0 35-5 *6 24 63.1 64.2 25 24 26.1 27.9 27 24 51. 8 40.3 23 21 34-5 34-0 48 26 64.5 65.2 27 26 26.1 28.0 27 26 50.0 47.8 2f, 26 ^3.0 32.3 51 28 63.2 64.9 26 28 23.0 24.5 22 28 40. 5 47-0 26 28 32.6 32.0 51 30 62.1 64.5 24 -16.0 30 23.0 25.0 23 -16.0 30 47.7 45.T 20 -16.8 30 33.0 32.7 51 -TS.8 32 62.0 63.0 23 32 22.9 24.7 22 32 45.8 A3.0 32 32 35.4 35.0 47 34 61.0 62.0 22 34 23.7 25.2 23 34 45. T 42.8 31 34 36.1 35-7 46 36 60.3 61.8 21 36 22.7 24.3 22 tf 43-8 41. I 36 V5 35.0 34-2 48 38 61.2 62.5 22 38 20. o 21.5 18 38 43.0 42.1 35 38 33-0 33-2 50 40 60.9 61.8 21 40 17.1 19.1 !3 40 40.7 38.6 40 4O 32.0 32.2 5i 42 59-2 59-8 18 42 13.7 15.2 08 42 30.0 37-2 42 42 33-6 33.1 50 44 58.2 59.0 17 -16.0 44 13.7 15.4 OS -16.0 44 38.3 35.7 44 -16.8 44 34.7 34- T 48 46 59-r 59-7 18 46 13-9 15.5 08 46 36.0 33 -I 48 46 37-8 37-0 43 -I5-7 48 59.9 60. i 19 48 8.0 10.9 22 OO 48 34-4 32. T 50 48 35. T 34.6 47 50 59-9 60.2 19 50 6.5 8.4 21 57 50 33.8 31.8 51 50 40.8 40.8 .38 52 59.9 60.0 19 52' 35.0 40.0 54 52 33.4 31-2 51 52 38.9 38.1 42 54 57-8 58.1 16 54 32.8 38.0 51 54 33.8 3T.4 51 u 37.0 36.8 4* 56 58.2 58.9 17 56 29-9 33-7 46 56 34.0 32.0 50 5 37.0 36.7 i 44 58 59-0 59-6 18 58 29.9 34-0 46 58 32.8 30.0 53 58 36.4 36.0 45 16 oo i 29.0 32.9 44 -16.0 i i 1 Correction to local mean time is 2m 22.55. Torsion head at iih 28m read 42 and at i6h z6m read the same. Observer J. V. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 211 Wednesday, April 20, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, April 20, 1904 Magnet scale inverted 1 Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings deHi- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Rich! Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d o / h m d d o * O h m d d o / 4 oo 36.3 35-9 22 45 -15.5 6 oo 34-1 33.0 22 50 -15.0 8 oo 30.4 29.1 22 56 -15-0 TO OO 30.1 28.7 22 56 -14.6 02 36.3 36.1 45 02 29.0 28.0 57 02 30.8 28.8 55 02 29.4 28.0 57 04 36.0 35.9 46 04 30.8 29.3 55 04 30-5 28.8 56 04 32.0 30.0 53 06 36.2 36.0 45 06 30.7 30.0 55 06 33-0 30.9 52 06 33-5 31-8 51 08 3*5-1 36.0 46 08 31.0 30.0 54 08 34-2 32.8 50 08 35-0 33-3 48 10 38.0 37-7 43 10 34-1 34.0 49 TO 32.7 32.5 Si TO 37.0 35.5 45 12 37-2 36.8 44 12 35-8 35-0 47 12 32.0 30.6 53 12 38.5 37-0 43 14 38.8 38.1 42 -15.4 14 34-3 33-1 49 -TS.o 14 34-4 33-6 49 -14. 8 14 40.0 38.3 41 -T4-5 16 33.1 32.8 50 T6 33.1 31.8 51 16 35-3 33-9 48 16 30. 6 38.0 4i 18 36.0 35.2 46 18 31.0 29.2 55 T8 34-3 33-0 49 18 38.0 36.6 44 20 36.8 36.4 45 20 20.3 27.9 57 20 34-6 33.3 49 20 36.0 34.3 47 22 36.3 36.0 45 22.4 28.8 27.0 58 22 35-3 34-0 48 22 35-8 34-2 47 24 35-7 35-0 47 24 30.1 29.0 56 24 33-8 33-0 50 24 36.3 34-0 47 26 33-2 32.9 So 26 34.1 32-7 50 26 33-1 32.5 Si 26 36.6 34-4 46 28 33-0 32.3 51 28 33-9 32.7 5O 28 29.6 28.4 57 28 37.0 34-4 ! 46 30 31-1 30-4 54 -15.3 30 33-1 32.0 5i -TS.O 30 29.5 29.0 56 -14.8 30 36.3 34.0 : 47 -T4-3 32 33- T 32.5 51 32 34-0 32.0 50 32 30.6 29.8 55 32 35-3 32.6 , 49 3 2 35-1 34.3 48 34-3 33-8 32.8 50 34 29.4 28.3 57 34 35-3 32.8 : 49 36 36.0 35-3 46 36 35-3 34-6 47 36 32.9 32.2 Si 36 36.3 32.4 ! 48 38 33.6 32.7 50 38 34-5 33-9 48 38 33-3 33-0 So 38 37-2 35-3 45 40 39-0 38.1 42 40 33-1 32.7 50 40 32-5 3T.8 52 40 37-3 35-3 45 42 35-8 35-2 46 42 29.8 28.8 22 56 42 31.6 31-3 53 42 35-7 34-3 47 44 32.7 32.1 Si -15.2 44 27.0 25.7 23 oi -15-0 44 30.8 30.3 54 -14.8 44 35-4 34-0 48 -14.2 46 34.0 34-2 48 46 28.4 26.8 22 59 46 32.0 31.0 53 46.2 35-6 34-8 47 48 30.8 30.8 54 48 29.1 28.O ! 22 57 48 31.8 31.0 53 48 36.0 34.4 47 SO 28.9 28.9 57 50 25.8 24.2 23 03 50 32.6 32.O Si 50 35-2 34.3 48 52 27.9 27.9 58 52 27.2 25.8 23 oo 52 34-0 33.3 49 52 35.6 34.6 47 54 27.3 27.2 59 54 28.9 27-8 22 <# 54 32.8 31-8 Si 54 35-3 34-6 47 56 28.3 27.0 58 56 29.3 28.2 57 56 32.3 31.5 52 56 35-2 34.0 48 <8 31.8 31.6 52 58 27.4 26.7 60 58 33-6 33.0 50 58 34.6 33.6 48 5 oo 32.7 32.0 5i -15.2 7 oo 30.8 29.2 55 -15-2 9 oo 34-4 33-6 49 -14.8 II OO 35-3 34-5 47 -14.1 02 33-7 33-1 50 02 32.0 3I.I 53 02 34-3 33-3 49 02 35-9 35.3 46 04 31-7 30.4 53 04 32.5 31.7 52 04 34-0 33-3 49 04 36.4 36.1 45 Ofi 30.5 28.3 22 56 06 32.8 31-8 51 06 33-3 33-2 50 06 36.6 36.5 45 08 25-4 24.1 23 03 08 33.0 32.0 51 08 33-6 32.5 50 08 36.0 35-6 46 TO 22.2 2O. 6 09 10 31.0 29.8 54 TO 31-3 30.3 54 TO 36.1 35.9 46 12 25-5 23.9 23 03 12 28.0 27.0 59 12 32.3 31.0 S2 12 35-5 35-3 47 14 30.0 28.5 22 56 -15.0 14 30.8 29.9 54 -TS.O 14 35.3 34-4 47 -14.7 14 35-o 34-5 48 -14.1 T6 32.0 30.9 53 16 33-2 32.1 Si 16 36.3 34-7 46 16 35-3 35-3 47 18 31. o 30.0 54 18 32.8 31-2 52 T8 33-5 31-9 51 18 35-3 35-3 47 20 28.8 27.4 58 20 34-1 32.9 50 20 34-3 33-0 49 20 35-4 35-2 47 22 28.3 27. T 59 22 35- T 33-7 48 22 33-8 32.3 50 22 35- I 34-6 47 24 28.3 27.1 59 24 30.8 20.9 54 24 34-3 33-0 49 24 35-0 34-7 47 26 28.1 26.9 50 26 27.9 26.4 60 26 36.6 35.0 46 26.2 34-7 34.3 48 28 30.3 29.1 56 28 31. I 29.9 54 28 36.2 35.0 46 28 35-3 35-3 47 30 32.4 31.2 52 -15.0 30 34-9 34-0 48 -15-0 30 36.7 35-1 46 -14.6 30 36.3 36.1 45 -14.1 32 33.8 32.5 50 32 33-7 33-0 50 32 35.0 34.0 48 32 36.8 36.3 45 34 33-9 32.3 50 3 2 30.0 29.3 56 34 34-4 32.6 50 34 37-8 37-3 43 36 33-T 31-8 5T 36 32.0 32.0 52 36 31.3 32.6 50 36 39-0 37-6 42 38 30.8 29.3 55 38 33-9 33.2 50 38 36.4 33-7 47 38 35.8 34.7 47 40 29.1 28.1 57 40 33-3 32.2 51 40 34-o 3T-4 51 40 36.4 35-3 46 42 33.2 31.8 5i 42 28.9 28.2 57 42 34-4 32.0 So 42 36.6 35.7 45 44 36.0 35-0 46 44 32. T 30.6 53 -IS.O 44 34.6 32.0 50 -14.6 44 38.2 37.2 43 -14.0 46 34.0 33.8 49 -15.0 46 33.2 32.2 51 46 33.6 3T.T SI 46 39.7 38.6 41 48 27.2 26.9 60 48 33-0 31-8 =;i 48 36.T 33-8 47 48 41.3 40.0 38 ?0 29.8 29.2 56 50 29.7 27.2 58 50 .36.6 35.0 46 50 40.6 30.5 39 ?2 32.2 31.7 52 52 29-7 27.9 57 52 34.9 33.0 49 52 39-3 38.3 4i 54 34-0 33-8 40 54 30.2 28.0 56 54 34-3 33-3 49 54 39.6 38.8 41 56 34.4 34-1 48 56 31.5 30.3 54 56 33-4 32.6 50 56 39.4 39.3 41 58 37-2 37-0 44 58 3O.6 29.0 55 58 33-0 31-5 52 58 40.5 39-5 39 Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 7h 56m to 8h o6m. Observer W. J. P. 212 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, April 20, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, April 20, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale | ! East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. ChrV readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d , h m d d o t h m d d 1 12 OO 40.1 39.3 22 4O -14.0 14 oo 46.0 44.7 22 31 -14.2 16 oo 45.2 44.9 22 32 -14.4 18 oo 42.6 42.2 22 36 -14.2 02 40.1 39.3 40 02 45-3 44-3 32 02 45-1 44-3 32 02 41.0 40.8 | 38 04 40.3 39-5 40 04 45-3 44-5 32 04 44-3 43-9 33 04 40.1 40.0 39 06 40.3 39-8 39 06 45-3 44-1 32 06 45-0 44-2 32 06 40.4 40.1 39 08 39-3 38.7 41 08 45-1 44.1 32 08 45-0 44.7 32 08 41.1 41.0 38 10 39-3 39-1 41 10 45-0 43-9 32 10 45-3 45-0 32 10 42.0 41.9 36 12 40.3 39-4 40 12 44-5 43-3 33 12 45-6 45-2 31 12 42.3 42.2 36 14 39-3 39-8 40 -14.0 14 44-5 43-3 33 -14.2 14 45-9 45-9 30 -14.1 14 42.0 41-9 36 16 40-1 30.5 40 16 44-3 43-7 33 16 46.9 46.3 29 16 42.5 42.1 36 18 40.4 40.2 39 18 45-0 44-7 32 18 46.8 46.4 29 18 43.0 42.8 35 20 41.0 40.3 38 20 45-4 45-3 31 20 46.7 46.2 29 20 43-0 42-7 35 22 41.0 40.4 38 22 44-7 44-3 32 22 46.2 46.2 30 22 42.3 42.0 36 24 41-3 40.3 38 24 46.0 45.6 30 24 47.9 47-0 28 24 42.0 41.4 37 26 4i.o 39-9 39 26 47-5 47-3 28 26 47.9 47.2 28 26 42.3 4i.o 37 28 40.2 39.3 40 28 47-3 47-1 28 28 47-9 47-2 28 28 40.9 40.3 38 30 41.0 40.1 38 -14.1 30 47-3 47.2 28 -14.3 30 46.5 46.2 29 -14-0 30 4i-3 41-0 38 -14.2 32 40.3 39-6 40 32 48.3 48.0 27 32 46.1 45.6 30 32 42.8 42.3 35 34 40.3 39-3 40 34 48.0 48.3 26 34 45-8 45.2 31 34 44-2 43-8 33 36 41.3 40.6 38 36 48.8 48.4 26 36 45-3 45-0 3i 36 45-3 45-0 31 38 42.1 41.8 36 38 51.0 50.3 23 38 45-9 45-3 31 38 45-9 45-3 31 40 40.8 40.6 38 40 50.1 49-8 24 40 46.0 45-9 30 40 45-8 45-4 31 42 39-3 39-0 41 42 49.3 49.0 25 42 45-3 45-0 31 42 45-4 45-1 31 44 40.6 40.0 39 -14.2 44 48.1 47-9 27 -14.3 44 44.2 44.0 33 -14.0 44 44.8 44.3 32 -14.2 46 43-6 43.0 34 46 48.3 47-8 27 46 44-7 44-1 32 46 44-5 44-1 32 48 45-2 45.0 31 48 47.8 47.1 28 48 45.0 44.7 32 48 44-5 44-1 32 50 46.0 44.4 31 50 48.2 47.4 27 50 45-2 45.0 32 50 44-6 44-1 32 52 46.5 45-8 30 52 42.6 41.7 36 52 44.8 44.8 32 52 44-9 44-9 32 54 45-8 44-5 31 54 48.6 47.0 26 54 45-0 44.7 32 54 45-1 45-0 32 56 41-3 4i.o 38 56 49.8 48.8 25 56 45-2 44.9 32 56 44.8 44.6 32 58 43-2 42.3 35 58 50.0 49.3 24 58 45.1 44.9 32 58 44.0 44.0 33 13 oo 43.6 42.6 34 -14-3 15 oo 48.1 47.5 27 -14.4 17 oo 45-7 45-3 31 -14.0 19 oo 44-0 43-8 33 -14.3 02 42.8 41.8 36 02 46.6 46.0 29 02 45-5 45-2 31 02 43-1 43.0 35 oa 42.3 41-3 36 04 46.0 45.3 31 04 45-1 45-0 32 04 42.2 42.1 36 06 41-3 40.3 38 06 47.5 46.6 28 06 44.8 44.1 32 06 42.4 42.2 36 08 40.9 40.0 39 08 46.0 44.8 31 08 44.3 44.0 33 08 42.1 41.9 36 10 41.5 40.6 38 10 46.2 45.3 30 10 44.3 44.1 33 10 42.0 41.8 36 12 43-0 42.3 35 12 48.2 47-3 27 12 44.2 44.0 33 12 41.9 41.8 36 14 43-3 41- 1 36 -14.3 14 50.0 48.6 25 -14.5 14 43.8 43.2 34 -I4.I 14 41.6 41.2 37 -14.3 16 45-8 44.8 3i 16 49.6 48.2 25 16 43.0 42.8 35 16 41.2 41.0 38 18 47.0 46.4 29 18 40.4 47.9 26 18 43-1 42.9 35 18 41.0 41.0 38 20 47-7 46.9 28 20 48.0 46.6 28 20 43-5 43-0 34 20 40.8 40.7 38 22 48.0 47.8 27 22 46.0 44.5 31 22 43-2 43.0 34 22 40.1 40.0 39 24 48.2 47.6 27 24 44-8 43-6 33 24 43-2 43-0 34 24 39-2 39.2 41 26 49-7 49-3 24 26 45-3 44-3 32 26 43-9 43-8 33 26 39-9 39-8 40 28 51-6 51-0 22 28 47-3 45-7 29 28 44-3 44-1 33 28 40.2 40.0 39 30 51-8 51-3 21 -14.2 30 48.5 47.3 27 -14.6 30 46.2 46.0 30 -14-2 30 41.9 41.8 36 -14.5 32 51-3 Si.o 22 32 48.8 47.8 26 32 47-2 46.9 28 32 42.0 41.9 36 52.3 51-7 2O 34 48.0 47.2 27 34 47.0 46.3 29 34 42.4 42.2 36 36 54-3 53-7 17 36 46.0 45.3 31 36 45-0 44.8 32 36 43-5 43-3 34 38 53-3 52.4 19 38 45-2 44-9 32 38 43-8 43-4 34 38 43-1 43.0 35 40 5i. i 50.3 22 40 44-3 43-6 33 40 43.8 43.4 34 40 43-8 43.6 34 42 54-3 53-7 17 42 43-3 43-3 34 42 43-8 43-4 34 42 43-9 43-3 34 44 52.6 52.3 20 -14.3 44 44.3 44.0 33 -14.6 44 44.0 43.9 33 -14.2 44 44-9 44-7 32 -14.7 46 52.0 51.8 21 46 44-5 44-0 33 46 43-2 43-2 34 46 44.8 44.4 32 48 51.0 50.8 22 48 44.6 44.3 32 48 43-2 42.9 35 48 44-1 43-9 33 50 47.8 47-6 27 50 45-2 45.2 31 50 44.9 44.8 32 50 42.9 42.5 35 52 46.7 45-5 30 52 45-2 45-0 31 52 45-1 45-0 32 52 42.0 41.3 37 54 52.0 51.2 21 54 45-0 44.9 32 54 45-2 44-9 32 54 41.1 40.8 38 - 56 52.3 50.9 21 56 44-3 44-0 33 56 44-8 44.0 32 56 41.0 40.9 38 58 46.5 45-2 30 58 44-7 44-3 32 58 43-8 43-2 34 58 41.4 41-0 37 Observers W. J. P. and J. V., who alternated from i6h oom. 46m to Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 213 Wednesday, April no, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, April 21, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time i nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. i Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h ni d d o / o h m d d o / O h m d d w i h m d d / 20 00 41.5 4I-I 22 37 -14.8 22 OO 46.1 46.0 22 30 -14.9 16 oo 54-2 56.2 22 27 -ii. 8 1800 55-7 55-9 22 28 -10.9 02 40.3 40.2 39 O2 47.1 46.8 28 02 54-2 56.0 27 02 55-2 55-7 28 04 40.7 40.5 38 04 48.3 48.0 27 04 54-2 56.0 27 04 55-0 55-3 27 06 41.3 4I-I 37 06 47.0 46.8 28 06 54-8 56.1 28 06 55-3 55-9 28 08 41.5 41-2 37 08 46.0 45-3 31 08 55-0 56.8 28 08 55-8 56.0 28 IO 41.8 41.1 37 IO 46.7 46.0 29 10 55-0 56.3 28 IO 56.0 56.4 29 12 42.7 42.1 36 12 46.0 45.9 30 12 54-5 56.0 27 12 56.7 56.8 30 14 41.9 41.3 37 -14-8 14 46.0 45.8 30 -14.9 14 54-2 55.8 27 -"5 14 56.2 56.8 30 -10.9 16 41.1 40.9 38 16 44-9 44-4 32 16 55-1 56.9 29 16 56.2 56.2 29 18 42.1 41-3 37 18 44-2 44-0 33 18 55-7 57-0 18 56.1 56.2 29 20 42.8 42.1 36 20 43-9 43-7 33 20 54-6 56.0 28 20 56.2 56.8 30 22 43-9 42-9 34 22 43.0 42.8 35 22 53-1 54-3 25 22 56.7 57.0 30 24 44-0 43-0 34 24 42.4 42.1 36 24 52.0 53.1 23 24 56.8 57-1 30 26 45-0 44.2 32 26 43-1 42.9 35 26 5L7 52.6 23 26 57-0 57-4 31 28 46.0 45.5 30 28 43-5 43-1 34 28 52.3 53-2 28 57-6 58.0 32 30 46.9 46.1 29 -14.8 30 43-2 43.0 34 -14.9 30 53-9 54-9 26 -ii. 4 30 56.2 56.8 30 -10.9 32 46.1 45.6 30 32 42.9 42.9 35 32 55-2 56.0 28 32 56.1 56.7 29 34 46.0 45.2 31 34 42.7 42.2 36 34 56.0 56.9 29 34 58.1 58.5 32 36 48.0 47.2 27 36 42.3 42.1 36 36 56.0 56.9 29 36 57-8 58.1 32 38 46. 1 46.0 30 38 42.1 42.0 36 38 58.1 58.9 33 38 57-7 57-9 32 40 45.2 44.2 32 40 41-5 41-2 37 40 58.8 59-5 34 40 57-4 57-8 31 42 43-8 41-8 35 42 41.2 41.1 38 42 59-0 59.9 34 42 57-3 57-8 31 44 44.0 42.1 35 -14-8 44 41.2 41.1 38 -14.0 44 59.2 60. I 34 -II. 2 44 57-0 57-3 30 -II.O 46 43.8 42.5 34 46.2 40.8 40.2 38 46 59.3 60.4 35 46 57-1 57-3 31 48 46.1 44.4 31 48 40.9 40.4 38 48 59.4 60.0 34 ' 48 57-3 57-8 31 50 46.2 43.9 32 So 40.9 40.7 38 50 59-1 59.8 34 So 57-2 57-6 31 52 45.2 42.9 33 52 41.0 40.8 38 52 58.8 59-1 33 52 57-2 57-5 31 54 43.0 41.0 36 54 41.0 40.8 38 59-2 59-7 34 54 57-1 57.2 30 56 44.9 42.9 33 56 4L5 41.0 37 56 59-1 59-7 34 56 57-0 57-0 30 58 43.7 42.0 35 58 42.3 42.0 36 58 59.1 60.0 34 58 56.8 57.0 30 21 OO 45-8 43-9 32 -14-8 23 oo 42.5 42.1 36 -14.9 17 oo 59-3 59-9 34 -II. I 19 oo 56.8 57-0 30 -II.O O2 44-8 42.5 34 02 42.0 41.5 37 02 59.4 59.8 34 02 56.1 56.3 29 04 46.5 44.9 30 04 40.9 40.7 38 04 59-0 59-2 34 04 56.1 56.3 29 06 43.4 41.2 36 06 40.0 39.9 40 06 58.9 59.0 33 06 56.3 57-0 30 08 ; 45.3 43.2 33 08 39-8 39-4 40 08 58.8 59-0 33 08 56.9 57-2 30 10 43-8 41-1 36 IO 40.2 39.9 39 IO 58.9 59-0 33 IO 57-0 57-7 3i 12 43.1 4I.I 36 12 41.7 41-0 37 12 58.8 59-0 33 12 57-0 57-2 30 14 42.1 40.5 37 -14-9 14 42.8 42.4 35 -14.9 14 59-1 59-3 34 -II. O 14 57.0 57-0 30 -II.O 16 ! 44.1 42.9 34 16 43-1 42.9 35 16 59.3 60.0 16 57.3 58.0 31 18 43-2 41-6 36 18 42.8 42.1 36 18 60. i 60.7 36 18 57-8 58.2 32 20 43-9 42.1 35 20 41.0 40.7 38 20 60. i 60.7 36 20 58.0 58.2 32 22 44.1 42.8 34 22 40.0 39.8 40 22 59-0 59-7 34 22 58.0 58.1 32 24 45-2 42.0 34 24 39.1 39.0 41 24 58.1 59-9 33 24 58.0 58.0 32 26 42.2 40.5 37 26 38.3 38.1 42 26 58.1 58.8 32 26 58.0 58.0 32 28 41.3 40.8 38 28 38.0 37.9 43 28 58.4 59-0 33 28 58.0 58.1 32 30 42.5 42.0 36 -14.9 30 37-9 37-5 43 -14.9 30 58.6 59.1 33 -II. O 30 58.3 58.7 33 -II. I 32 44-9 44-1 32 32 37-2 37-1 44 32 58.9 59-3 34 32 58.7 59-0 33 34 42.9 42.3 35 34 36.9 36.8 44 34 58.7 59-0 33 34 58.9 59-3 34 36 43-7 43-1 34 36 36.5 36.3 45 36 58.3 59.0 33 36 58.9 59-3 34 38 43.0 42.8 35 38 36.2 36.0 45 38 58-3 58.9 33 38 58.4 58.9 33 40 43-0 42.9 35 40 36.3 36.0 45 40 58.4 58.9 33 40 58.1 58.8 33 42 43-1 43.0 35 42 36.4 36.1 45 42 58.3 58.7 33 42 58.1 58.7 33 44 44-0 43-9 33 -14.9 44 37-0 36.8 44 -14.8 44 58.7 59.0 33 -IO.9 44 58.2 58.8 33 46 45-2 45-1 31 46 37-8 37-2 43 46 58.9 58.9 33 46 58.2 58.9 33 48 44.9 44.7 32 48 38.8 38.2 42 48 58.6 58.8 33 48 58.4 59.0 33 50 44.0 43.9 33 50 40.1 39.8 40 50 58.3 58.8 33 50 58.9 59-2 33 52 43.0 42.4 35 52 41.8 41.1 37 52 58.2 58.2 32 52 59-1 59-8 34 54 42.0 41.2 37 54 42.9 42.1 35 54 57-6 57-9 32 54 59-9 60. I 35 56 44-1 43.7 33 56 43-0 42.5 35 56 56.9 57-2 30 56 60.0 60.4 35 58 45-2 44.8 32 58 42.3 42.0 36 58 56.0 56.2 29 58 60. i 60.4 35 24 oo 42.0 41.0 37 20 00 59-8 60.7 35 Correction to local mean time is + im. 90 torsion = 16/49. Torsion head at oh oom read 42 and at 24h 2im read 35". Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is + 2tn 26.55. Torsion head at I5h 35m read 38* and at 2oh I2m read the same. Observer R. R. T. 214 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, April 22, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, April 24, 1904 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation, Temp. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Righi East decli- nation Temp. C. h in d d o t o h in d d o / O h m d d o / u h m d d o t O 20 oo 55-4 54-0 22 19 -13.0 22 OO 58.8 55-3 22 16 -13.7 o oo 47.1 47-9 22 33 -14.7 2 00 37.0 37.2 22 l6 -13.9 02 55-2 54-1 19 02 58.1 54.0 17 02 46.7 47.8 32 02 37.2 37.8 17 04 53-7 52-7 22 04 57-0 53-2 18 04 47.1 47.9 33 04 37-4 38.1 17 06 53-0 52. I 23 06 56.9 53-2 19 06 47.1 47.8 32 06 38.8 39-2 19 08 53-7 52-2 22 08 57-8 54-8 17 08 47.0 47.6 32 08 38.7 39-1 19 10 55-3 54-0 19 10 58.9 55-9 15 10 46.8 47-3 32 IO 39-2 39.9 20 12 52.2 50.6 24 12 56.4 54-8 18 12 i 46.3 47.2 3i 12 40.2 40.9 22 14 52-9 50.7 24 -13.0 14 59.4 58.0 13 -13.7 14 46.0 46.8 31 -14-3 14 41.1 42.0 23 -13.8 16 53-9 52.9 21 16 60. o 59.1 12 16 45.2 46.1 30 16 42.0 42.5 24 18 55-3 53-7 19" 18 61.2 60.7 10 18 43-9 44-8 28 18 41.2 42.0 23 20 56.! 55-8 17 20 61.9 60.7 09 20 43-9 44-8 28 20 41.8 42.2 24 22 55-9 55-0 18 22 61.5 60.8 09 22 42.9 43-7 26 22 42.8 43.0 25 24 51.9 Si.o 24 24 62.1 61.3 08 24 42.1 43.0 25 24 43-0 43-1 26 26 51. 1 50.0 26 26 61.9 60.9 09 26 41.7 42.2 24 26 43.9 44.0 27 28 51-0 49-7 26 28 60.0 59.1 12 28 41.7 42.2 24 28 43.9 44.4 27 30 50.6 49.2 27 -13.0 30 61.0 60.2 IO -13.9 30 41.1 42.0 23 -14.3 30 44.1 44.9 28 -13-7 32 45-9 44-8 34 32 63.1 61.2 08 32 40.9 41.8 23 32 44.2 45.0 28 34 45.0 42.0 37 34 63.1 61.2 08 34 41-3 42.1 24 34 45-1 45-9 29 36 42.7 39.8 40 36 61.8 60.0 09 36 41.1 41.8 23 36 45-2 45-9 29 38 38.8 35-3 47 38 60.9 59.2 ii 38 41.0 41.3 23 38 45-1 45-9 29 40 40-4 38.3 43 40 60.2 58.9 12 40 40.9 41.0 22 40 45.9 46.2 30 42 48.9 48.3 29 42 60.8 59.2 II . 42 41-5 42.0 24 42 45-9 46.2 30 44 46.7 44-1 34 -13.1 44 59-9 59-0 12 -13.9 44 41.3 42.0 23 -14.2 44 47.0 47-4 32 -13-6 46 39-2 34-8 47 46 60.8 59.2 u 46 41.8 42.3 24 46 47-7 48.2 33 48 57-3 50.2 21 48 60. i 58.7 12 48 41.5 42.2 24 48 48.4 49-1 34 SO 52.9 48-2 26 50 58.0 56.1 16 50 41. 1 41-9 23 50 48.1 48.9 34 52 53-3 47-8 26 52 56.9 55-1 17 52 40.8 41.8 23 52 47.6 48.2 33 54 58.3 52.3 18 54 56.7 54-5 18 54 39.9 40.3 21 54 47-3 48.0 33 56 61.9 57.0 12 56 55-2 53.8 19 56 39.0 39-8 20 56 48.9 49-1 35 58 61.9 57-6 II 58 55-1 53-1 20 58 38.7 39-2 19 58 49-5 50.0 36 21 OO 62.9 58.3 IO -13.2 23 oo 54-3 53-0 21 -14.0 I OO 39.2 4O.O 20 -14.2 3 oo 49.2 49.8 36 -13-6 O2 63.5 58.6 09 02 56.9 54-9 17 02 4O.I 4I.O 22 02 47.9 48.7 34 04 63.6 58.9 09 04 S6-3 54-9 18 04 40.4 41-3 22 04 47.0 47-6 32 06 63-9 59-1 08 06 57-4 55-9 16 06 4I.O 41.9 23 06 46.2 47.0 31 08 63-8 59-3 08 08 55-1 54.0 19 08 39.9 40.9 21 08 47-7 48.3 33 IO 63-9 59-6 08 10 55- 3 54-1 10 38.3 39-1 !9 10 48.2 49.0 3* 12 63.1 59-2 09 12 55-8 54-9 12 38.2 39.0 19 12 49.1 49-8 36 14 63-3 59-6 09 -13.2 14 55-0 54-2 19 -14.2 14 38.7 39-2 19 -14.1 14 50.1 50.9 37 -13-4 16 64.0 59.6 08 16 54-4 53-9 20 16 39.0 40.0 20 16 50.2 51.1 37 18 63.9 59-4 08 18 52.7 52.1 23 18 41.2 42.3 24 18 50.8 51-8 39 20 63.9 6o.O 08 20 51.8 51.0 24 20 42.0 43-0 25 20 Si-7 52.3 40 22 63.9 60. I 08 22 53-9 53-1 21 22 42-8 43-3 26 22 53-1 54-4 42 24 63.4 60. i 08 24 52.0 5L3 24 24 42.0 42.9 24 24 55-1 56.1 45 26 63.2 60.0 08 26 56.9 55-9 16 26 40.1 40-9 22 26 55-4 56.5 46 28 63.2 60. I 08 28 51-9 Si-9 24 28 39-3 40-3 20 28 56.0 56.9 46 30 63.4 60.5 08 -13.3 30.4 51.4 50.0 26 -14.3 30 39.2 40.0 2O -14.0 30 54-9 55-8 45 -13.2 32 63.0 60.9 08 32 50.7 49-6 26 32 38.6 39.2 19 32 54-3 55-4 44 34 62.3 60. i 09 34 50.1 49.2 27 34 39-1 39-9 20 34 53-2 54-8 43 36 61.9 59.8 IO 36 49-7 48.1 28 36 39-1 39-9 20 36 51-9 52.9 40 38 61.7 59-8 10 38 48.0 47.1 30 38 39-0 39-8 20 38 49.2 50.6 36 40 61.9 60.0 IO 40 47-3 46.7 3i 40 38.3 39-1 20 40 47-2 48.5 33 42 61.7 59-8 IO 42 47-1 46.5 32 42 39-0 39-7 20 42 46.9 47.8 32 44 61.5 59-2 10 -13.5 44 47.0 46.0 32 -14.7 44 39-3 40.0 20 -13.9 44 47.1 48.1 33 -13-2 46 62.1 58.9 IO 46 47-1 46.2 32 46 39-3 40.1 20 46 47.1 47-8 32 48 63.0 58.9 09 48 46.1 45.9 33 48 38.0 38.9 18 48 47-3 48.3 33 SO 62.7 58.8 IO 50 47-8 47-2 30 50 37-1 37.9 17 50 49-8 50.7 37 52 61.3 58.0 12 52 47-8 47-1 31 52 36.3 37-0 15 52 54-1 SS-o 44 54 60.3 57-1 13 54 46.7 46.1 32 54 35-7 36.3 14 54 57.3 58.0 48 56 59-8 56.3 14 56 47-1 46.1 32 56 36.5 36.9 16 56 59-3 S9-7 51 58 59.1 55-8 IS 58 48.1 47-9 30 58 37-0 37-2 16 58 61.8 62.1 55 24 oo 46.7 45.8 32 -14.8 Correction to local mean time is + 2m 093. 90 torsion = 14/95. Torsion head at igh 3om read 38 and at 24h 2Om read 42. Observer R. R. T. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 215 Sunday, April 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Monday, Apul 25, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation ' C. Left Right Left Uight Left Eight Left Right h m d d o / h m d d o / h m d d o / o h m d d or 4 oo 41.8 37-0 23 03 -13-2 6 oo 36.8 35-5 23 08 -II. 3 8 oo 48.8 49.8 2243 -14.6 10 oo 42.1 43-0 22 33 -13.8 02 40.2 35.6 06 02 36.2 35.4 09 02 48.0 49.0 42 02 43-3 44-2 34 04 38.3 34-2 08 04 37-o 30-3 08 04 50.2 51.7 46 04 44-2 44.9 36 06 37-9 34-1 09 06 37-7 36.4 07 06 52.0 54.2 49 06 42.7 43.2 33 08 37-0 34-0 09 1 08 39-8 38.5 04 08 49.6 51-7 45 08 41.8 42.1 32 10 39-6 36.5 05 10 42.0 40.1 01 IO 48.8 51.0 44 IO 42.3 43-0 33 12 40.0 37.5 04 12 41.5 40.1 01 12 55.3 57-1 54 12 44-8 45-0 36 14 40.3 38.0 04 -12.7 14 39-9 37-8 04 -II.O 14 45-4 48-3 39 -14.6 14 44.1 44.8 36 -13-7 16 4i-i 39-3 02 16 42.2 40.7 23 oo 16 4(5.1 48.3 40 16 43-6 43-9 34 18 41.1 39.9 OI 18 42.9 40.9 22 59 18 45-6 47.6 39 18 43-0 43-4 34 20 41.1 39.9 OI 20 45.9 45-0 22 54 20 39-3 41-7 30 20 43.7 44.0 35 22 41.8 41.0 oo 22 4I.O 4O.O 23 01 22 44.8 48.0 39 22.4 43.1 44.0 34 24 42.0 41.2 00 24 39-0 37-9 05 24 52.7 54-0 50 24 44.2 44.8 36 26 41.9 41.2 00 26 38.1 37-0 06 20 48.9 59-9 Si 26 45-3 45-9 37 28 41.4 41.0 00 28 38.1 36.3 07 28 48.9 50.2 44 28 44-8 45-4 37 30 41. i 40.7 OI -12.8 30 35-8 34.0 IO -10.8 30 48.0 48.5 42 -14.6 30 43-8 44-3 35 -13-4 32 40.0 39.2 03 32 37.1 34.2 09 32 46.0 48.2 40 32 43-1 43.3 34 34 38.2 37.3 06 34 40.3 38.0 04 34 50.1 Si-4 46 34 42.0 42.8 32 36 ! 37.0 36.1 08 36 40.8 38.1 03 36 50.1 51-9 46 36 43-3 43-9 34 38 ' 37.0 36.1 08 38 41 -2 38.9 23 02 38 53-3 55-2 Si 38 45-0 45-2 37 40 36.9 36.1 08 40 46-9 45-0 22 53 40 53-2 54-0 50 40 44.0 44.2 35 42 37-7 36.7 07 42 46.6 45.0 22 53 42 53-8 54-1 22 SO 42 46.0 46.3 38 44 38.5 37-6 05 -12.9 44 : 42.5 41.0 23 oo -10. 1 44 62.2 63.0 23 04 -14.6 44 45.1 46.0 37 -13-2 46 39-0 37-9 05 46 40.9 39-0 23 02 46 60.1 60.3 23 oo 46 42.8 43.5 34 48 37-9 37-1 06 48 45.0 42.0 22 57 48 50.9 57-6 22 56 48 43-3 44-7 35 SO 38.0 36.9 06 50 47.9 45.6 52 50 55-0 55-0 22 52 50 45-5 46.7 38 52 37.6 36.9 06 52 44-9 42.9 56 52 60.7 61.4 23 O2 52 46.2 48.0 40 54 39-0 38.0 04 54 43.9 41.9 58 54 58.7 59-7 22 59 54 45.0 46.8 38 56 40.2 39.5 02 56 43-3 41-2 59 I 56 55-2 55-9 53 56 43-1 44-9 35 58 40.3 39-9 23 02 58 43.1 41.9 22 58 ! 58 52.9 54-1 50 58 42.0 44.0 33 5 oo 42.1 41.6 22 59 -12.8 7 oo 39-9 37-9 23 O4 1-10.2 9 oo 50.9 52.7 47 -14-3 II OO 43.0 44.9 35 -13-0 02 42.0 40.6 23 oo 02 37.5 35-9 07 02 49-1 50.2 44 02 44.1 46.2 37 04 39-8 38-8 23 03 04 33-9 32.1 13 04 47-8 49.1 42 04 42.8 45.0 35 06 42.9 41.8 22 59 06 33.9 32.3 13 06 45.6 46.9 38 06 43-3 46.1 36 08 47.2 46.6 Si 08 33-7 32.2 13 08 44.0 46.2 37 08 43-2 45-9 36 10 49.5 48.7 48 IO 33-0 31-9 14 IO 40.9 43.8 32 IO 46.8 49.1 41 12 52.8 51.3 43 12 34-7 33-7 II 12 42.4 44.6 34 12 45-3 47-3 39 14 50.4 49.9 22 46 -12.7 14 23.7 22.1 29 -10. o 14 43-5 46.0 36 -14.1 14 41.9 44.4 34 -13-0 16 42.0 40.4 i 23 oo 16 29.8 28.0 20 16 44-9 46.9 38 16.4 45.1 46.8 38 18 50.3 49.0 22 47 18 37-3 35-0 08 18 48.9 50.5 44 18 45-2 47.7 39 20 ; 47.8 47.6 22 50 20 40.9 39.2 23 02 20 49-0 59-8 44 20 41-1 43-2 32 22 29.1 29.1 23 19 22 45-3 43-9 22 55 22 49.5 50.8 45 22 48.2 50.1 43 24 25.3 24.9 26 24 42.9 41.8 22 59 24 49.4 50.8 45 24 42.6 43.6 34 26 30.8 30.5 17 26 41.9 41.0 23 oo 26 47.1 48.9 41 26 40.0 41.0 30 28 i 37.7 36.9 06 28 40.1 39.1 03 28 48.5 50.2 43 28 40.5 41-9 30 30 37.0 36.2 08 -12.4 30 41.0 39.2 23 02 -9.6 30 43-3 44-7 35 -14.0 30 39.2 40.8 29 -12.9 32 39.2 38.4 04 32 46.1 45-1 2254 32 46.8 48.3 40 32 39-1 40.2 28 34 39-6 38.9 23 04 46.0 45-4 53 34 44.9 46.1 37 34 38.9 40.0 28 36 43.1 41.7 22 58 36 49.5 49-0 48 36 44.2 45.3 36 36 40.0 41.0 30 38 45.2 44.2 55 38 6i.oa 29 38 49.0 50.0 44 38 40.0 41.1 30 40 43.8 42.8 57 40 63.26 22 26 40 44-1 45.8 36 40 4I.I 42.2 31 42 42.9 41.9 58 42 38.0 36.9 23 06 42 43.1 44.0 34 42 43-3 44-3 35 44 43.9 42.8 57 -12.0 44 35-8 35.4 09 -9.2 44 43-0 44.1 34 -14.0 44 41.9 42.2 32 -12.8 46 42.2 41.7 22 59 46 36.9 33-2 23 10 46 41-2 42.3 31 46 40.1 41.7 30 48 39.1 38.1 23 04 48 42.1 41.6 22 59 48 40.1 40.5 29 48 39-1 40.3 28 50.6 38.7 37.9 05 50 39-0 37-6 23 05 50 40.2 41.1 30 50 39.1 40.0 28 52 36.2 35.2 09 52 43-1 42.8 22 58 52 41.7 42.2 32 52 39-5 40.4 28 54 34-8 33-2 12 54 45-0 44.2 55 40.1 40.9 30 54 ' 40.1 41.2 30 56 31.8 31-0 16 56 47-8 47.1 So 56 39-0 39.9 28 56 42.0 42.6 32 58 35-0 34.6 10 58 49.7 49.1 48 58 40.9 41.9 31 58 41-5 42.9 32 8 oo 46.7 45-6 53 -8.9 12 OO 40.7 41-9 31 -12.4 Correction to local mean time is + 2m 075. 90 torsion = 14/54. Torsion head at oh oom read 38 and at 9h O5m read 33. Observer R R. T. Correction to local mean time is 5s. 90* torsion = l6.*8o. Torsion head at 7h 35m read 24 and at I2h ism read 26. Observer R. R. T. 2l6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic decimations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, April 26, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, April 27, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h in d d > O h m d d O ' h m d d / O 12 OO 46.2 44.4 22 48 -14.1 14 oo 40.0 38.8 22 57 -14-3 00* 55-5 56.7 23 18 -18.6 2 00 70.2 70.3 23 41 -19.3 02 49.2 48.3 43 02 32.0 31.8 23 09 02 56.0 57.0 19 O2 69.8 70.1 40 04 46.9 45.2 47 04 35.2 34.1 05 04 57-0 59-1 21 04 70.2 70.8 42 06 45.1 44.1 49 06 34-0 33-2 06 06 58.8 59-9 23 06 70.1 70.6 41 08 48.8 46.9 44 08 35.2 34.0 05 08 58.5 59-3 23 08 70.7 71- i 42 10 48.9 47.0 44 10 34-2 33-2 06 10 59.1 60. i 24 10 71.1 71.7 43 12 49.0 46.9 44 12 33-8 32.0 08 12 58.9 59-8 24 12 72.0 72.6 44 14 50.6 48.3 42 -14.1 14 34-2 32.0 07 -14.3 14 58.3 59-1 23 -18.6 14 72.1 72.7 44 -19-4 16 53-3 Si.2 37 16 31.8 30.7 10 16 57-0 57-4 20 16 71.2 72.1 43 18 54-9 52.2 35 18 32.3 3I-I 09 18 57-8 58.1 21 18 70.3 7i.o 42 20 54.0 50.8 37 20 28.2 26.4 16 20 58.2 58.9 22 20 69.2 70.0 40 22 53-2 51-9 37 22 28.1 26.3 16 22 59.8 60. i 24 22 69.5 70.1 40 24 53-2 52.0 37 24 27.8 25.6 17 24 60.5 60.9 : 26 24 69.9 70.3 41 26 56.9 54-0 32 26 27.8 26.0 17 26 61.2 61.7 i 27 26 70.1 70.9 42 28 59-0 58.0 27 28 27.4 26.5 17 28 61.7 62.0 27 28 71. i 71.6 43 30 62.0 59.0 24 -14-3 30 31.0 30.0 ii -14.3 30 62.9 63.1 29 -18.8 30 71.2 71-8 43 -I9-4 32 62.7 60.5 22 32 36.30 23 02 32 63.2 63.3 30 32 71.1 71-3 43 34 61.5 60. o 24 34 43-5 43-3 22 51 34 63.1 63.1 30 34 71. i 71-8 43 36 59-1 58.0 27 36 45.2 44.4 49 36 63.7 63.9 31 36 72.8 72.8 45 38 57-7 57-0 29 38 50.8 49.8 40 38 63.8 64.0 31 38 74-o 74-1 47 40 54-9 53-0 34 40 54-6 53.1 35 40 64.1 64.1 31 40 74-8 74-8 48 42 52.6 50.9 38 42 55-1 55.0 33 42 64.3 64.7 32 42 73-8 74-0 47 44 56.2 55-9 31 -14.4 44 56.8 56.3 30 44 64.2 64.4 31 -19.0 44 73-9 73-9 47 -19-5 46 63.2 62.1 21 46 53-7 53-1 35 46 65.2 65.7 33 46 73.8 74.1 47 48 62.9 59.2 23 48 55-8 53-7 33 48 65.7 66.0 34 48 74.0 74-9 48 SO 59-5 57-0 28 50 56.3 55-3 32 50 65.9 66. o 34 50 73-8 74-3 47 52 55-2 52.9 34 52 56.0 55-3 32 52 64.9 65.0 32 52 74.1 74.6 48 54 58.3 55-1 30 54 55-2 54.7 33 54 64.9 65.1 32 54 73-3 74-1 47 56 57-0 55-0 3i 56 58.0 57-0 29 56 64.9 65.1 32 56 74.0 75. o 48 58 54-5 52.9 35 58 60.0 59-7 25 58 65.1 65.3 33 58 73-9 74-8 48 13 oo 53-0 50.8 38 -14-3 15 oo 64.0 62.1 20 -14.1 I OO 66.0 66.5 35 -19.2 3 oo 75-0 70.1 49 -19.5 02 51.2 49.9 40 02 63.6 61.8 21 02 66.0 67.0 35 02 74-1 75-2 48 04 50.8 49.8 40 04 61.0 59.1 25 04 65.0 66. o 34 04 72.1 72.9 45 06 50.9 49-3 40 06 61.1 59.8 24 06 64.0 64.9 32 06 72.2 73.2 45 08 49.0 47.8 43 08 58.9 57-1 28 08 65.5 66.2 34 08 73-1 74-1 46 IO 47.7 47.0 45 10 58.9 56-3 29 10 66.8 67.2 36 10 73-1 74.0 46 12 45-0 43.5 50 12 58.0 56.0 30 12 67.8 68.1 37 12 71.9 72.8 44 14 42.9 42.2 52 -14.4 14 57-9 56.7 29 -14.2 14 68.6 69.0 39 -19.2 14 72.5 73-1 45 -19-4 16 43-9 43-8 50 16 58.0 56.8 29 16 68.7 69.1 39 16 73-8 74-0 47 18 46.1 45.0 48 18 54-2 52.8 35 18 69.4 69.8 40 18 74.1 74.9 48 20 50.0 49.2 41 20 54-9 So.i 37 20 69.2 69.2 39 20 76.7 77-3 52 22 48.8 48.0 43 22 52.1 51.0 38 22 69.1 69.1 39 22 77.1 78.1 53 24 51.3 50.8 39 24 52.0 50.2 39 24 68.3 68.7 38 24 76.3 77-0 51 26 53-5 53-2 35 26 51-2 49-5 40 26 67.7 67.7 37 26 76.1 77-0 Si 28 53-2 53-0 36 28 50.4 48.1 42 28 67.8 67.8 37 28 76.7 77-1 52 30 53-0 52.1 37 -14.4 30 48.9 47-4 44 -14.2 30 67.9 68.0 37 -19.2 30 76.0 77.1 51 -19.2 32 52.0 51.0 38 32 49.8 48.5 42 32 69.8 69.9 40 32 74-7 75-3 49 34 50.6 50.1 40 34 53-2 51.1 37 34 69.6 69.9 40 34 75-9 76.8 51 36 49.7 48.3 42 36 53-1 51.2 37 36 69.9 70.0 40 36 77-3 78.0 53 38 48.0 46.9 45 38 54-1 52.8 35 38 70.0 70.0 41 38 77-5 78.3 53 40 45.9 44.9 48 40 52.8 51.0 38 40 70.3 70.8 41 40 7<5.o 76.3 23 50 42 46.1 45.8 47 ; 42 53-4 50.9 37 42 70.9 71-0 42 42* 52.7 57-1 22 53 44 46.2 46.0 47 -14-3 44 55-1 53.7 34 -14.3 44 70.7 70.9 42 -19.2 44 53-3 56.9 53 -19-0 46 48.70 43 46 60.0 57.1 27 46 70.2 70.9 42 46 55-0 57-9 55 48 49.1 48.9 42 48 60.0 57.8 27 48 70.6 70.9 42 48 56.2 58.9 57 SO 48.3 47-8 44 50 62.0 59.8 24 50 70.1 70.2 41 50 57-9 60.1 22 59 52 47.2 47.0 45 52 61.0 59.2 25 52 71.9 71-9 44 52 62.1 63.8 23 05 54 44.8 44.1 50 54 64.2 62.0 20 54 72.9 73-0 45 54 62.3 64.7 06 56 45-00 48 56 64.3 62.9 19 56 73-i 73-1 46 56 60.9 62.9 04 58 43-3 42.7 52 58 61.2 59.9 58 72.0 72.2 44 58 60.9 63.0 04 16 oo 58.8 57.2 28 -14.4 Correction to local mean time is 9.55. Torsion head at nh 2pm read 48 and at i6h 23m read the same. Observer J. V. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 217 Wednesday, April 27, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, April 27, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Rigbt Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d or h m d d O f O h m d d o r O h m d d - o 4 oo 62.4 64.1 23 06 -18.9 6 oo 59-2 59-9 23 oo -17.8 8 oo 60.0 61.1 23 02 -13-9 10 00 48.1 50.0 22 44 -12. 02 62.2 64.1 06 02 55-5 56.9 ! 22 55 02 57-3 59-2 22 58 02 50.1 51.0 47 04 60.3 62.1 03 04 58.0 58.5 22 58 04 58.7 59-9 23 oo 04 50.1 51.0 47 06 60.8 62.3 03 06 61.0 01.8 23 03 06 50.6 57-9 22 57 06 49.9 50. i 46 08 61.2 63.0 04 08 56.2 57-7 22 56 08 54-0 54-9 53 08 48.0 48.8 43 10 63.2 65.1 08 IO 60.2 61.3 23 02 IO 53-1 55-1 52 IO 47-0 49-1 43 12 63.0 64.8 07 12 61.0 62.2 23 04 12 55-0 55.8 54 12 46.8 47.1 41 14 62.1 63.5 05 -18.8 14 55-3 57-2 22 55 -17-3 14 54-8 56.1 54 -13-2 14 49-0 49-3 45 -12. 16 62.1 63.1 05 16 54-0 55-0 53 16 54-4 54-9 S3 16 51-9 53-1 50 18 61.3 62.9 04 18 50.0 52.1 47 18 57-9 58.8 59 18 49-9 50.9 47 20 64.2 65.3 08 20 43-9 44-7 36 20 57-8 58.2 58 20 47.8 49.0 43 22 62.7 63.2 06 22 50.0 52.3 22 47 22 58.2 58.5 59 22 48.2 48.3 43 24 68.7 69.2 15 24 62.9 04.9 23 07 24 57-1 59-0 22 58 24 47-9 49-2 44 26 67.1 67.9 13 26 63.2 64.3 23 07 26 57-9 59-9 23 oo 26.5 50.1 52.1 48 28 65.0 65.8 09 28 58.2 59.3 22 59 28 58.9 59-9 23 oo 28 49-8 5J-3 47 30 64.0 64.8 08 -18.4 30 Ol.O 62.9 23 04 -16.9 30 57-0 57.9 22 57 -13-0 30 46.9 47.2 42 32 62.1 62.9 05 32 62.4 64.7 23 07 32 55-7 56.0 55 32 47-0 47-3 42 -II.9 34 60.3 61.0 02 34 52.46 22 49 34 53-2 54-1 Si 34 48.0 48.5 43 36 62.1 62.8 05 36 48.9 49.8 44 36 54-8 55-4 54 36 48.0 48.9 44 38 63.8 64.2 07 38 54-2 54.5 51 38 55-8 57-2 56 38 45-6 46.3 40 40 61.4 62.1 04 40 56.4 58.0 22 57 40 54-0 55-0 53 40 43.3 44.8 37 42 62.6 63.3 06 42 63.8 65.4 23 08 42 54-1 55-9 54 42 44-2 45-5 38 44 64.5 65.0 08 -18.2 44 59.1 59.3 23 oo 44 52.9 53-2 SO -13-0 44 45.4 46.0 39 -ii. 8 46 64.9 65.9 OQ 46 53-9 54.2 22 52 -16.3 46 52.0 52.8 50 46 45.1 46.0 39 48 68.9 69.7 16 48 57.9 58.2 22 58 48 54.0 54-9 53 48 46.0 47.1 41 50 68.5 69.0 15 50 59.1 61.0 23 or 50 52.8 53-7 5i 50 45-9 47-0 40 52 62.1 64.0 23 06 52 54-2 56.2 22 54 52 55-7 56.4 55 52 47-9 48.4 43 54 58.1 59-2 22 59 54 57-0 58.7 22 58 54 52.0 52.9 50 54 48.0 48.9 44 56 57- 1 58.1 57 56 60.9 62.9 23 04 56 54-9 55-2 54 56 47-0 47-2 42 58 56.0 57-2 56 58 53-1 54.1 22 51 58 54-0 54.9 53 58 46.6 47.0 41 5 oo 56.1 57-0 56 -18.2 7 oo 62.2 62.9 23 05 -15.8 9 oo 52.0 53.4 50 -12.7 II OO 45-5 46.4 40 -ii. 8 02 56.9 57-9 57 02 58.4 58.9 22 59 02 50.0 50.4 46 02 47-2 47-7 42 04 57-3 57-9 22 57 04 59-7 60.3 23 oi 04 55-2 56.0 55 04 50-7 Si.o 47 06 59-0 60.3 23 oo 06 58.2 58.9 22 59 06 56.0 56.2 56 06 48.0 48.3 43 08 66.0 67.1 12 08 59-3 61.1 23 02 08 55-9 57-0 22 56 08 46.0 48.0 41 IO 65.1 65.5 09 IO 60.8 61.2 03 IO 59.9 60.6 23 02 IO 44-3 45-0 38 12 60.2 60.8 23 02 12 58.9 59-8 23 oo 12 56.1 57-0 22 56 12 46.9 47.0 41 14 55-2 56.0 22 54 -18.2 14 55-6 56.0 22 55 -15-4 14 53-8 55-3 S3 -12.4 14 45-0 46.5 39 -ii. 8 16 53-1 53.8 51 16 56.0 57.0 56 1 16 52.1 54-1 51 16 43-6 44-9 37 18 56.7 56.9 22 56 18.4 55-6 56.3 55 1 18 51.2 54-8 Si 18 54-2 55.7 54 20 59-1 59.1 23 oo 20 56.7 57-2 56 20 49-1 50.5 46 20 50.1 52.7 22 48 22 61.1 61.8 23 3 22 55-3 56.0 54 22 50.0 51.3 47 22 57-2 60.7 23 oo 24 58.2 58.2 22 58 24 56.3 57.0 56 24 51.9 52.8 50 24 53-2 57-7 22 55 26 58.9 58-9 22 59 26 55-7 56.0 22 55 26 52.1 53.2 50 26 37-0 41.0 29 28 59-3 59-8 23 oo 28 60.8 61.8 23 04 28 51.0 52.0 48 28 39-2 43.9 33 30 58.1 58.9 22 59 -18.2 30 57-0 58.0 22 57 -15-0 30 49-8 50.9 46 -12.3 30 41.3 44.2 35 -ii. 9 32 59.8 60. i 23 oi 32.5 53-9 54-8 52 32 51-4 52.4 49 32 39-3 42.1 32 34 59-1 59.9 23 oo 34 55-2 56.2 55 34 51-4 52.9 49 34 41.1 44.5 35 36 58.7 59-0 22 59 36 54-3 55-1 22 53 36 52.3 54-0 Si 36 41.0 44.2 35 38 59-9 60.3 23 oi 38 59.1 60.5 23 oi 38 52.9 54-0 Si 38 40.1 43.2 33 40 56.7 57-9 22 57 40 58.8 59-4 oo 40 49.4 50.6 46 40 41.0 44.0 34 42 59-1 59-7 23 oo 42 60. i 61.1 02 42 50.1 51. i 47 42 39-9 42.0 33 44 55-1 55-8 22 54 -18.0 44 58.6 59-9 23 oo 44 52.0 52.8 50 -12. 1 44 43.1 46.0 38 -12. 46 57-2 57-9 22 57 46 53-2 54.0 22 51 -14-3 46 53-1 54-0 52 46 43-7 46.0 38 48 59-1 59.4 23 oo 48 55-2 57-1 55 48 51.2 52.0 48 48 44-3 46.6 39 50 60.0 61.0 02 50 56.2 58.0 57 50 51-7 52.2 49 50 41.4 44.0 35 52 61.1 61.8 03 52 57-5 58.9 58 52 51-8 52.9 50 52 42-7 44-7 36 54 64.9 65.2 23 09 54 55-9 57-2 56 54 50.1 51.7 47 54 43-2 44-8 37 56 54-0 55-0 22 52 56 57-2 58.0 58 56 51.8 53-2 50 56 43-9 45-1 38 58 59-9 60.6 23 02 58 55-0 57-0 55 58 50.1 52.4 48 58 42.8 43-9 36 Observers R. R. T. and J. V., who alternated from 7h 48m to 7h Observer J. V. 58m. 218 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, April 27, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, April 27, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings | decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right I 34-0 38.0 52 50 39.3 4T.O 23 57 50 70.4 69.6 14 50 48.9 45-8 39 52 24.8 28.2 36 52 35-9 37-8 52 52 69.9 60.0 16 52 47.9 45-5 40 !U T3.T l6.0 T7 54 35.0 37.0 51 54 69.5 68.8 16 54 48.0 45.9 39 56 T4.O l6.O 18 56 37.8 39.8 55 56 60.5 68.8 16 56 45.6 41.4 45 5 16.5 18.0 2T 58 40.0 41.7 58 58 67.6 66.0 20 58 42.7 38.8 50 5 oo ro.r 21.7 26 -T5.8 7 oo 40. T 41-9 5O -T2.6 9 oo 63.0 61.3 27 -IT. 6 TT 00 41.8 38.1 ST -9-9 02 22 . 2 24 . 2 3T 02 39.0 40.9 57 02 64.1 67.1 25 02 45-3 42.1 45 Of 22.8 24.O 3T O4 37-3 39. T 54 O4 60. T 58.2 .32 04 44-3 4T.2 46 06 23 . 2 24 . 2 32 06 37-7 39.8 55 06 55.8 54- T 38 06 45-4 42.1 45 08 24.7 2.S.O 31 08 39.2 40.7 57 08 58.3 57-fi 34 08 45-3 42.2 45 TO 25.8 27.8 36 TO 30.0 40.8 23 58 TO 60.0 ^9.8 .30 TO 45-3 41- I 46 T2 25.6 26. T 35 T2 4T.8 42. T 24 oo T2 61.2 60.2 29 T2 47-5 43-4 42 14 27.0 27.0 37 T4 42.8 43.O 02 -I2.= T/l 64.7 67.1 24 -IT -3 T4 50.5 46.6 37 -9-8 T6 20.0 20.8 40 -15.6 T6.7 44. T 44.7 04 16 69.3 68.5 16 16 5T.O 48. T 36 18 29.8 30.3 42 T8 44.5 4-1.8 04 18 70.7 69.7 14 T8 52.0 48.8 34 20 3T.Ort 43 20 47.8 48.8 10 20 73- T 72.5 10 20 SS-i ST. i 30 22 3T.I .3T.5 44 22 50.7 5T.9 IS 22 69.6 60.3 if, 22 50.2 56.0 23 24 28.0 28.8 30 2/1 47.0 47.9 00 24 67.9 66.9 TO 24 58.7 56.3 23 26 28.0 28.3 38 26 47.0 47-3 08 26 68.0 67.1 18 26 53.8 50.1 32 28 27.0 27.9 37 28 44.O 45.2 04 28 66.4 65.4 2T 28 51-0 43-1 40 10 26.2 27. T 36 -15-3 30 47.3 48.8 TO -12.4 30 64.3 63.8 24 -II. 30 ST. 9 49-1 34 32 25.7 26.O 35 32 52.5 52-7 17 32 62.1 61.3 28 32.5 53.2 50.4 32 -0.6 7i 21. Ob 27 34 58.0 50.1 26 34 61.0 60.2 29 34 49.9 47-8 37 76 l8.2rt 23 36 .59.0 6o.O 2O 3 67.8 67.0 19 36 ST. 9 49.3 34 38 24.O 25.T 33 3 50.8 60. T 28 38 60.2 59.7 30 38 50.5 48.3 36 40 30.O 32.8 23 44 40 54-0 55-8 21 40 60.0 60. T 29 40 52.4 48.8 34 42 42.0 42-3 24 oo 42 53-7 54. T 10 42 58.7 57-5 33 42 45-1 43-9 44 4/t ST. 0(1 14 -15.0 44 57. T 54-0 T8 -T2.T 44 57-9 57-3 34 -10.9 44 44. T 42.5 45 0.6 46 51.7 52.2 16 46 55. T =5-4 2T 46 53-T 52.1 42 46 49.2 48.7 37 48 5O. T 5T.O 14 48 59.4 60.2 28 48 54.7 53.0 40 48 55.8 52.8 28 SO 40.6 40.8 T2 50 62.6 63.0 33 50 *f>-7 55-9 .36 50 63.1 60.0 T7 52 47.1 48.2 09 52 62.7 6.1. o 34 52 58.1 .57. T 34 52 6l.3 60. T 18 54 50.0 .=50.4 13 54 68.2 68.3 42 54 59-0 58.8 32 54 60. i S9-8 TO 56 55. 5 57. T 23 se 49.2 .52.8 57 56 61.7 61.0 28 56 55-6 55-3 26 58 60.5 62.0 30 58 49-0 53.5 57 58 62.1 61.5 27 58 50. 4& :u 8 oo 49-0 53-0 57 -II. 8 12 OO 46.0 44.9 42 -V.6 Correction to local mean time is 8s. 90 torsion = 16/35. Torsion head at oh oom read 51 and at 8h 4501 read 49. Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is + 3m 465. 90 torsion = 16/54. Torsion head at 7h 35m read 58 and at I2h 2om read 45*. Observer R. R. T. 222 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, May 3, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, May 4, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d o / h m d d / h m d d O 1 o 12 OO 49.6 50.9 22 IO -12. 14 oo 44-6 51. I 22 O7 -10.7 o oo* 33.1 29.2 22 42 -15.9 2 00 70.0 67.0 22 22 -16.4 02 Si. i 52.9 13 02 47-0 53-8 II 02 35-0 32.0 38 02 69.1 65.9 24 04 52.9 55-4 17 04 48.3 54-7 13 04 32.0 27.0 22 45 04 69.2 66.0 23 06.2 55-9 57-4 2O 06 50.6 56.3 16 06 20.3 18.1 23 oi 06 68.8 67.0 24 08 54-5 55-9 18 08 54-3 59-7 21 08 22.2 2O-3 22 58 08 68.1 65.0 25 10 56.8 58.5 22 IO 55- 9 60-8 23 IO 28.0 22.3 52 10 67.8 64.8 25 12 55-8 56.9 2O 12 56.8 60.3 24 12 26.8 25.2 50 12 67.0 64.5 26 14 54-2 55-9 18 -ii. 9 14 56.1 59-5 22 -10.7 14 35.2 32.0 38 -16.2 14 66.0 63.3 28 -16.3 16 56.1 56.8 20 16 S3-5 57-7 19 16 32.8 30.9 41 16.3 64.9 62.2 30 18 53 -0& IS 18 53-1 56.8 18 18 20.2 20.5 52 18 63.6 61.8 31 20 51.2 52.8 13 20 54-1 57-0 19 20 46.8 45.6 19 20 60.0 58.0 37 22 57-0 57-3 21 22 56.3 58.0 21 22 51-7 49-5 12 22 61.0 59.0 35 24 57-8 58.9 23 24 S6.3 57-9 21 24 45-6 42.9 22 24 60.7 58.9 36 26 52-3 54-8 16 26 55-7 57-4 2O 26 43.1 41.9 24 26 57-8 54-9 41 28 50.5 53-2 13 28 55-7 57-7 21 28 40.2 37.1 30 28 55-2 52-3 45 30 52.8 54- 8 16 -II. 7 30 55- i 57-0 2O -10.6 30 48.9 45.2 17 -16.3 30 53-0 50.6 48 -16.4 32 Si-9 54-4 15 32 53-1 55-9 17 32 49.1 47.1 15 32 51.8 49.2 50 34 47.3 48.7 07 34 51-9 53-9 15 34 43-1 42.0 24 34 49.9 46.0 54 36 48.2 49.6 08 36 49-6 51.7 II 36 36.5 34-0 36 36 47.0 44.8 22 58 38 46.0 48.1 06 38 49-8 52.1 12 38 31.2 29.4 43 38 38.8 37-7 23 10 40 46.1 47-7 OS 40 49-8 52.1 12 40 25.9 22.5 22 53 40 38.2 36.9 II 42 47.8 48.9 08 42 51-7 53-8 14 42 17-0 15-2 23 06 42 31.0 28.9 23 44 50.3 52.0 12 -II-3 44 51-9 53-3 H -10.5 44 33.1 29.1 22 42 -16.7 44 29.1 27.3 25 -16.4 46 49-8 Si- 1 II 46 50.1 52.0 12 46 37-0 35-1 34 46 30.0 28.2 24 48 45-5 46.4 04 48 48.1 50.8 09 48 32.4 29.1 43 48 32.9 32.1 18 SO 47-0 48.3 06 So 47-3 49-9 08 50 36.2 34.6 35 SO 30.0 27.9 24 52 45-1 47-4 04 52 46.1 49.0 06 52 38.9 36.9 32 52 28.8 27.1 26 54 48.6 51.9 IO 54 47-7 50.3 09 54 37-3 36.1 33 54 29.3 27.2 25 56 49.2 52.8 12 56 49-7 52.4 12 56 44.7 43-6 22 56 2?. 5 20.3 35 58 48.3 52.9 II 58 48.7 Si-3 10 58 42.4 30.1 27 58 18.7 17.3 41 13 oo 49.1 52.7 12 -II. O 15 oo 48.8 51. i IO -10.7 I OO 41.0 38.1 29 -16.7 3 oo 17.3 15.9 44 -16.2 02 54-6 58.0 2O 02 46.9 48.8 07 02 33-9 31-9 39 02 25.0 22. 33 04 52. 2 56.0 17 04 46.1 48.4 06 04 30.0 26.0 47 04 33-0 31.7 19 06 50.2 54- 1 14 06 44-5 46.3 03 06 44.9 39-0 25 06 33. 8 32.9 17 08 47.1 51-4 09 08 43-7 45-1 OI 08 49.0 47.0 16 08 28.8 27.9 25 10 52.7 58.1 19 IO 43-9 46.1 22 O2 10 43.0 39-8 26 IO 25-3 23.9 31 12 48.1 53-0 II 12 41.8 44.4 21 59 12.4 35-9 33-2 37 12 27.5 26.9 27 14 48.7 54-8 13 -10.7 14 41.1 44-1 59 -10.8 14 34.1 31.8 30 -16.8 14 31-8 30.1 21 -16.0 16 44-0 47-8 04 16.3 41.1 43-9 S l 16 32.2 25.5 22 46 16 31.0 29.5 22 18 45.6 48.6 06 18 41-3 43-8 58 18* 38.8 30.8 23 15 18 31-5 30.0 21 20 Si- 1 54-2 14 20 41.1 43-9 21 58 20 41-9 34-5 10 20 30-5 20.1 23 22 53-3 55-9 17 22 42.0 44-8 22 OO 22 9-3 7-0 57 22 30.0 28.0 24 24 Si.o 54-9 IS 24 42.2 45.1 22 OO 24 23.1 19.1 36 24-5 29.0 28.0 25 26 49-1 52.7 22 12 26 41.2 44.8 21 59 26 24.1 19.1 36 26 30.7 20.0 23 28 39-3 43-1 21 56 28 41-0 43-3 58 28 14.0 II. 3 50 28 32.8 31-0 19 30 36.26 48 -10.8 30 39.6 42.8 56 -II. O 30 43-1 35.8 23 08 -16.7 30 35.0 34.0 15 -16.0 32 31-8 33-1 43 32 40.5 43-1 21 57 32 52.1 48.0 22 51 32 37-0 35-8 12 34 39-00 21 53 34 42.1 44.9 22 OO 34 39-0 33-9 23 12 34 38.8 37.2 IO 36 43.1 44.9 22 01 36 42.9 45. 2 22 OI J6 42.2 40.0 23 05 36 39.0 37-8 10 38 42-3 46.3 OI 38 40-9 43- S 21 58 38 54-8 51-0 22 46 38 38.7 37-3 10 40 41-9 47-3 22 O2 40 40.1 42.3 56 40 54.0 50-0 47 40 38.0 37-0 II 42 39-9 45-9 21 59 42 40.1 41-3 56 42 56.9 54.0 43 42 36.2 32.1 16 44 42.9 48.8 22 04 -10.7 44 41.1 42.5 57 -II. O 44 46.2 43.8 50 -16.6 44-3 38.2 37-7 IO -15-8 46.5 45-9 52.1 09 46 39-3 41-0 SS 46 47.7 44.0 58 46 38.3 38.0 IO 48 47-8 53-3 II 48 37-8 39-1 52 48 57-6 54-1 42 48 38.0 37-5 IO 50 46.6 53.1 10 SO 37-8 38.8 52 50 59.9 58.0 37 50.6 37-5 37-0 II 52 41.9 47.1 22 02 52 38.3 39-9 53 52 55-0 52.8 45 52 38.d 38.2 09 37-8 44-8 21 57 54 38.8 39-8 53 54 50.3 49.9 51 54 40.8 40.0 06 56 41.6 48.2 22 O2 56 40.9 41.8 57 56 60.7 59.0 36 56 42.0 41.8 04 58 41-0 49-9 21 56 .* 42.2 43.1 59 58 66.5 65.0 26 58 42.8 42.0 03 16 oo 42.3 43-4 59 -II. O Correction to local mean time is + 3m 31.55. 90 torsion = 16/64. Torsion head at nh 3om read 69 and at l6h I5m read 63. Observer R. R. T, Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 223 Wednesday, May 4, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, May 4, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d u / O h m d d o r o h m d d / h m d d D r o 4 oo 42.2 41.9 23 04 -15-3 6 oo 36.06 23 13 -n. 8 8 00.2 51-2 50.3 22 50 -10.3 10 00 58.2 56.7 22 39 -9-5 02 40.8 40.5 06 02 33-8 33-8 16 i 02 51-8 50.5 49 02 56.8 55-3 42 04 37.0 36.9 12 04 35-8 35-1 14 04 51.2 50.3 SO 04 57.2 56.0 41 06 34-8 34-3 15 06 37-5 37-1 n 06 52.0 50.8 49 06 57-5 56.2 40 08 35-9 35-0 08 39.0 38.0 09 08 52.6 51.6 48 08 57-6 56.1 40 10 36.9 36.8 12 10 42.5 42.0 03 IO 52-8 51.8 47 IO 58.2 56.8 39 12 38.1 37.8 10 12 42.0 41.4 04 12 53-0 51.8 47 12 59-3 57-3 38 14 37-0 36.7 12 -15.1 14 40.1 39-2 07 -1 1. 2 14 53-1 51.8 47 -IO.2 14 59-0 57-6 38 -0.6 16 36.5 35-9 13 16 41.6 40.8 23 05 16 52.5 Si-3 48 16 58.5 57-2 39 18 34-8 34-2 15 18 46.0 44-7 22 58 18 53-0 51.6 47 18 57-9 56.5 40 20 33-1 32.8 18 20 49.9 48.7 52 20 Lost 20 58.0 56.5 40 22 32.9 32.1 18 22 51-8 Si- I 49 22 Lost 22 58.0 56.6 40 24 35-2 34.9 14 24 48.5 48.2 54 24 Lost 24 57-0 55-6 41 26 40.7 39.9 06 26 45-5 45-2 58 26 Lost 26 57-3 56.1 40 28 40.7 39-7 06 28 49-3 49-0 52 28 52.7 51.6 48 28 59-0 57-6 38 30 36.0 34.1 14 -14.8 30 52.5 52.1 47 -10.7 30 53-8 52.6 46 -10. I 30 S9-7 58.3 37 -9-5 32 34.5 34.2 16 32 49.9 48.0 22 53 32 53-3 52.8 46 32 59-1 57-6 38 34 26.5 26.2 28 34 36.06 23 13 34 54-0 53-1 46 34 57-3 56.1 40 36 24.1 23.8 32 36 32.8 32.0 19 36 53.6 52.6 46 36 57-1 56.1 41 38 24.9 24.0 31 38 42.8 42.0 03 38 53. I 52.7 46 38 57-2 56.2 40 40 27.2 27.1 27 40 42.2 40.0 05 40 53-3 52.8 46 40 56-1 55. i 42 42 33.0 32.2 18 42 39-8 39-5 07 42 53-5 52.0 46 42 58.4 58.0 38 44 34-9 34-1 IS -14.4 44 42.3 42.0 03 -IO.2 44 52.2 51.8 48 -IO.O 44 60.3 59-7 35 -9-3 46 36.0 35.1 14 46 44-4 43-3 01 46 51.6 51.3 40 46 60.2 59-5 36 48 35-6 35-3 14 48 43-3 43-0 02 48 52.0 52.7 46 48 60.3 59-5 36 50 35-0 34-8 IS So 41.9 41.0 04 50 52.8 52.7 47 50 60.0 59.4 36 S3 34-8 34.5 IS 52 44.3 42.9 23 01 52 53-9 53-4 45 52 60.6 60.0 35 54 34-5 34-2 16 54 48.2 47.0 22 55 54 54-7 54-3 44 54 50.8 59.3 36 56 35-7 35-2 14 56 49.0 48.0 53 56 54. S 54-3 44 56 58.5 57- S 38 58 35-2 35.0 14 58 49.0 48.5 53 58 53-9 52.5 46 58 Si. i 60.5 34 5 oo 35.2 35.0 14 -14.0 700 51-5 Si.o 49 -IO.O 9 oo 54-0 53.3 46 -9.8 II 00 58.1 57.9 38 -9.0 02 35-9 35.8 13 02 Si- i 50.4 50 02.2 54.6 54.3 44 02 58.0 57.3 39 O4 36.9 36.8 12 04 49-8 40.5 52 04 54-3 53-3 45 04 60. I 59.7 36 06 37-0 37.0 II 06 50.0 40.8 52 06 53-8 52.8 46 06 60.0 60.0 35 08 36.0 35-9 13 08 49-0 48.9 53 08 53.8 52.0 46 08 60.0 50.6 36 10 Lost 10 49-0 48.5 53 IO 54.6 53.6 44 IO 58.9 58.7 37 12 37-5 37-2 II 12 45.0 44.0 22 60 12 55-3 54-4 43 12 59-5 59-5 36 14 37-3 37-0 II -13-6 14 39-8 39-2 23 08 -IO.O 14 54-7 53-7 44 -9.6 14 60.-? 60. i 35 -8.6 16 35-1 35.0 14 16 45-00 22 59 16 S4-7 53-7 44 16 60.8 60.3 34 18 37-7 37-0 II 18 45.0 44.2 60 18 55-3 54-3 43 18 60.2 59.6 36 20 39.1 39.0 08 20 46.2 45.0 58 20 55.2 54.0 44 20 61.2 60.8 34 22 41.2 41.0 05 22 46.8 46.0 22 57 22 55.2 54.0 44 22 60.3 59-0 35 24 40.1 39.8 07 24 42.9 41.0 23 03 24 55-8 54-6 43 24 60.8 60.6 34 26 40.2 40.0 06 26 48.9 48.0 22 54 26 55.8 55-0 43 26 62.3 61.9 32 28 40.8 40.0 06 28 50.2 49.2 52 28 58.1 57-3 30 28.3 60.3 59-7 35 30 39-0 37.9 09 -13-0 30 51.0 50.4 50 30 58.6 57.8 38 -9-3 30 60.6 59-9 35 -8.6 32 36.0 35.2 14 32 51. I 50.8 50 32 59.0 58.4 37 32 60.6 61.2 34 34 36.9 36.0 12 34 52.0 51.0 4P 34 60.0 59.0 36 34 61.3 61.0 34 36 37.0 36.5 12 36 53.2 52.0 47 36 60.0 59.4 36 36 63.3 62.6 31 38 38.3 37.8 10 38 53.2 52.2 47 38 58.4 57-3 39 38 63.1 62.3 31 40 39-3 38.8 08 40 52.5 50.8 48 40 49.4 47-0 22 54 40 61.3 60.5 34 42 39.2 38.9 08 42 52.0 51.0 40 -10.2 42 37-3 36.6 23 II 42 63.3 62.6 31 44 40.8 40.1 06 -12.5 44 52.6 31. i 48 44 47.6 44.7 22 57 -9-3 44 65.3 64.6 28 -8.5 46 42.2 41.5 04 46 52.4 51-2 48 :, 46.3 55-3 54-3 43 46 63.2 62.6 31 48 39.8 39.0 08 48 53-8 53-0 46 48 56.3 55.2 42 48 61.7 61.3 33 SO 41.0 40.3 06 50 54-9 53-2 45 SO 56.1 55-3 42 50 64.1 63.3 30 52 30.0 30.2 08 52 52.0 51-5 48 52 56.0 55-7 41 52 68.5 67.7 23 54 38.8 38.3 09 54 52.9 51.0 47 54 57.6 56.7 40 54 68.0 66.8 24 56 40.3 39.8 07 56 52.2 50.8 49 56 58.4 57-3 39 56 65.0 65.3 27 58 42.3 42.1 03 58 Si.9 SI.O 49 i 58 58.1 56.9 39 58 66.5 65.2 26 Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 7h 52m to 8h 02m. Observer W. J. P. 224 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, May 4, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, May 4, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t h m d d f h m d d o / O h m d d o t O 12 OO 65-3 64.3 22 28 -8-5 14 oo 54.2 48.0 22 08 -8.6 16 oo 48.2 46.8 22 13 -8-5 18 oo 45-0 42.1 22 2O -8.7 02 65.0 64.0 28 02 54-7 50.3 06 02 48.2 46.8 13 02.3 43.8 41.6 21 04 66.8 66.0 25 04 49-3 43-7 15 04 47-6 45-8 15 04 43-1 40.2 23 06 67.0 65.9 25 06 47.0 42.6 18 06 47.6 46.3 14 06 41-8 39-0 25 08 66.3 65.3 26 08 47.8 43.6 16 08 45-4 43-8 18 08 41.0 38.2 26 10 66.0 65.6 26 10 46.3 41.6 19 IO 44-8 43-8 18 IO 40.9 38.0 26 12 67.3 66.9 24 12 43-6 39-6 23 12 44-3 43-3 19 12 40.7 38.2 26 14 67.5 67.0 24 -8.4 14 47.0 42.8 18 -8.6 14 43.6 42.6 20 -8.5 14 40.7 38.9 26 -8.8 16 65.0 64.3 28 16 50.0 46.9 12 16 43-6 43-0 20 16 39-8 38.8 26 18 66.9 66.0 25 18 50-3 47-6 II 18 43-7 43-0 2O 18 39-4 37-9 27 20 68.0 67.6 23 20 53-5 50.0 07 20 43-6 43.3 2O 20 39-1 38.7 27 22 70.0 69.3 20 22 54-6 Si.o 05 22 43-1 42.8 21 22 39-9 39-2 26 24 69.3 68.9 21 24 54-3 50.5 06 24 43.0 42.8 21 24 40.8 39.1 25 26 70.0 69.5 2O 26 56.8 53-3 02 26 42.2 41.8 22 26 40.2 39.2 26 28 71.0 70.4 18 28 57-4 54-6 OO 28 41-5 41-0 23 28 39-7 38.1 27 30 69.3 68.8 21 -8-3 30 54-5 51-6 05 -8.7 30 41-3 41.0 23 -8-5 30 39-8 38.1 27 -8.9 32 70.7 70.3 19 32 55-1 52.6 04 32 42.0 41.4 23 32 39-6 39-3 26 34 70.3 69.9 19 34 57-3 55-0 oo 34 43-2 42.0 21 34 40.2 40.2 25 36 72.4 71.6 16 36 55-2 53-6 03 36 44-0 43.3 20 36 40.9 40.1 24 38 72.0 71.5 17 38 55-6 54-0 02 38 43-6 42.7 20 38 40.3 39-9 25 40 73-3 72-9 IS 40 55-5 54-5 O2 40 43-3 42.5 21 40 39-3 39-0 27 42 73-2 73-0 15 42 54-0 53-0 04 42 44.0 42.5 20 42 37-9 37-7 29 44 75-3 75-3 II -8.4 44 52.6 51.3 06 -8.8 44 44-1 42.5 20 -8-5 44 36.9 36.3 31 -9.0 46 74-6 74-0 12 46 53-0 52.0 06 46 45-5 44-3 18 46 36.9 35-8 31 48 75-0 75-0 12 48 53-5 52.3 05 48 47.5 46.0 IS 48 36.6 36.1 31 So 72.5 7i.o 17 50 52.3 51-3 22 07 50 48.1 47.2 13 50 37-1 36.6 30 52 72.2 72.2 16 52 57-3 56-6 21 59 52 47-9 47-3 13 52 38.0 36.7 29 54 74.0 73.6 14 54 58.7 57-5 57 54 46.3 45-6 16 54 38-1 36.1 30 56 78.00 07 56 59-7 58.9 55 56 45-4 45-0 17 56 38.5 36-1 29 58 76.7 76.5 09 SB. 58.6 57-8 S7 58 44-3 44-3 18 58 39-0 36.4 29 13 oo 78.0 77-3 08 -8.4 15 00 59-3 58.0 56 -8.8 17 oo 44.6 44.3 18 -8.6 19 oo 40.2 37.2 27 -9.0 02 76.8 76.1 10 O2. 2 60.2 59.6 54 02 44-6 43.9 19 02 4i.o 37-7 26 04 77-3 76.3 09 04 63.0 61.8 50 04 44-8 43.8 18 04 41-4 38.8 25 06* 53-3 48.7 08 06 65.2 64.3 46 06 45.0 44.2 18 06 42.1 39-3 24 08 50.2 48.0 ii 08 66.2 65.3 45 08 44-9 44-3 18 08 42.6 40.0 23 10 47.8 46.2 14 10 66.8 65.8 44 IO 44.0 43-0 20 IO 42.8 40.2 23 12 52.8 49.8 07 12 67.3 67.1 43 12 42-3 41-3 22 12 42.9 40.6 23 14 48.3 47.6 13 -8-3 14 67.3 66.0 44 -8.8 14 46.2 45.8 16 -8.7 14 43-3 41-9 21 -9-0 16 49.2 48.8 II 16 67.3 66.6 43 16 45-3 44-3 18 16 44.6 43.1 19 18 49-4 48.6 ii 18 65.6 65.0 46 18 39-3 38.5 27 18 45-7 44-7 17 20 51-3 50.6 08 20 63.3 62.6 49 20 39-7 38.3 27 20 46.9 45-9 15 22 54-8 52.3 04 22 62.3 61.8 51 22 40.3 38.8 26 22 47.8 46.8 14 24 50.6 47-6 n 24 60.3 59-9 54 24 41.0 39.1 25 24 47-4 46.7 14 26 48.3 46.5 14 26 60.9 60.3 53 26 40.0 38.6 26 26 46.9 46.7 14 28 48.3 45-6 14 28 60.2 59.8 54 28 38.7 37-5 28 28 47.1 46.2 15 30 51.3 47-0 11 -8.4 30 60.6 60.0 53 -8-5 30 38.2 37.1 29 -8.8 30 47-9 46.3 14 -9-i 32 51-3 48.6 IO 32 61.5 61.3 52 32 38-9 37-3 28 32 48.8 47.1 13 34 50-3 47-9 II 34 58.6 58.6 56 34 40.0 38.2 27 34 49-3 47-1 12 36 49-7 46.1 13 36 58.0 58.0 21 57 36 42.0 40.1 24 36 50.2 47.1 12 38 53-6 50.3 06 38 56.2 55-6 22 OO 38 43-0 41.1 22 38 50-9 47-1 II 40 51.0 49.7 09 40 55-2 55.0 O2 40 43-6 41.9 21 40 Si.2 47-1 II 42 49.6 47.4 12 42 52.5 52.2 06 42 44-1 42.0 20 42 51.8 46.9 II 44 51-3 48.3 IO -8.5 44 52.3 52.3 06 -8.5 44 45-2 43.8 18 -8.6 44 52.0 47-3 10 -9.2 46 45-7 44-1 18 46 51.8 51-3 07 46 45-9 44-3 17 46 52.8 47-7 09 48 49.7 46.0 13 48 50.3 49-7 IO 48 45.8 44.0 18 48 53-0 48.1 09 50 48.3 47-3 22 13 50 Si.o 50.3 09 50 45-9 43-0 18 50 54-2 48.1 08 52 59-1 54.5 21 59 52 49-7 48.3 ii 52 45-3 43-2 19 52 53-9 49-0 07 54 59-0 53-8 21 60 54 47-3 46.3 14 54 45.8 42.4 19 54 53-8 50.1 06 56 52.6 47.8 22 O9 56 46.6 45.6 16 56 45-4 43-1 19 56 54.2 51.2 05 58 52.6 46.3 IO 58 47.6 46.4 14 -8.5 58 44.8 42.7 19 58 54.0 52.0 05 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 17)1 22m to I7h 32m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 225 Wednesday, May 4, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, May 5, 1004 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- [Vmp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o r O h m d d > e h m d d 1 h m d d * O W 00. 1 54-0 52.9 22 O4 -9-3 22 OO 39. oft 22 27 -IO.2 16 oo 42.6 42.6 22 32 -9.9 18 oo 40.8 41.0 22 36 -9X5 02 54-7 52.5 04 02 39-7 38.2 27 02 42.1 42.4 31 02 41.3 41.8 37 04 53.8 52.0 05 04 47-1 44-7 16 04 41.0 41.0 31 O4 41.9 42.0 38 06 53-3 51-2 06 06 48.7 46.3 13 06 40.8 40.8 20 06.5 42.1 42.4 38 08 53-9 51-9 05 08 49.7 45.9 13 OS 39-9 40.1 28 08.2 42.3 42.8 39 10 53-7 52.1 05 IO 50.7 48.8 IO 10 40.1 40.3 28 IO 42.1 42.8 30 12 53-3 52.1 05 12 51. i 44-1 13 12 40.0 40.8 20 12 42.1 42.4 .38 14 52-9 51-9 06 -9-7 14 45-9 41-6 19 -10.3 14 40.2 40.6 20 -9.8 14 42.0 42-3 38 -9-7 16 53-7 52.1 05 16 45-1 35.6 25 16 41.0 41.2 30 16 42.4 42.6 39 18 52.2 50.9 07 18 61.3 44-5 OS 18 4T. 2 41.8 31 18 42-3 42.8 39 20 .50.0 50.2 09 20 53-2 44.0 12 20 41.2 41.4 31 20 42.2 42.7 39 22 50.6 .10.5 10 22 50.9 36.7 19 22 4O.2 4O.6 20 22 42.1 42. S 39 14 50.8 49.7 09 24 48.9 35-8 22 24 38.0 38.3 26 24 42.4 42.8 40 26 51.1 49-9 09 26 51-9 39.8 16 2fi 48.1 48.2 32 26 42.1 43.0 40 28 50.2 40.2 10 28 50-9 39-7 17 28 Lost 28 43-5 43-8 41 30 49.7 48.1 ii -9-9 30 58.1 45-2 07 -10.6 30 38.2 30.0 27 ^.8 30 43.0 44.0 42 -0.7 32 49.0 48.2 ii 32 49-3 33-6 23 32 38.1 30.0 27 32 43-8 4.V9 42 34 49.8 48.2 ii 34 Sl.O 34-9 21 34 38.3 38.9 27 34 43-0 43-0 41 5 49.9 48.2 ii 36 50-7 36.7 19 3d 38.0 38.2 27 36 42.1 42.4 40 38 50.7 48.9 IO 38 52.3 36.9 18 38 37-7 37-8 26 38 42.0 42.2 40 40 SI. 9 50.1 08 40 Si- 1 39-6 17 40 37.5 37.0 26 40 42.0 42.2 40 42 53-3 Si -7 06 42 SO.i 34-8 21 42 38.2 38.8 28 42.2 42.2 42.8 41 44 54-3 52.0 05 -9.9 44 46.3 34-9 24 -10.8 44 39.0 40.0 30 -9.6 44.4 42.O 42.5 40 -^9.8 46 53-7 51-2 06 46 50.5 37-6 19 46 41.0 41.1 32 46 42.1 42.4 41 48 52.0 40.9 08 48 48.1 40.8 18 48 41.7 42.0 34 48 42.2 42.6 4T SO 50.4 48.3 ii 50 54-5 45-5 10 50 4I.O 4I.I 32 50 42.1 42.8 41 52 50.8 48.7 10 52 37.8 27.1 37 52 4O.O 4O.2 31 52 42.0 42.2 41 54 47.0 45. 8 is 54 23.8 14.1 58 54 4O. I 4O.2 31 54 42.0 42.0 40 56 46.8 45.2 16 56 38.1 21.6 41 56 40. 2 JO. 7 II tf 42.0 42.2 41 58 47-7 46.1 14 58 37-8 23.7 40 58 30.9 40.1 3T 58 42.0 42.3 41 21 00 44-7 43-1 IO -9.9 23 oo 27.1 12.3 57 -10.8 17 oo 4O. 2 4O.7 3T -9-3 T9 00 41. 9 42.2 41 -9-9 O2 45-5 43-8 18 02 48.0 32.0 25 02 41.3 41.8 33 02 4T.7 42.0 41 04 44.2 42.1 2O 04 56.9 42.6 10 01 42.1 42.7 35 04 4T.2 41.8 4O 06 43.0 41.2 22 06 55-9 42.7 ii 06 42.2 42.3 35 0* 4T.2 41.9 40 ->9 44.2 43.1 20 08 52.0 39.0 16 08 41. I 41.2 33 08 41. 5 42.O 41 10 44.1 43-1 20 10 49-8 38.1 3 10 40.5 4O.7 32 10 41.8 42.0 41 12 45-2 43-3 19 12 5L4 40.1 16 12.6 40.9 4T.O 33 T2 4T.O 42. 4T 14 42.9 42.0 21 -10. 14 48.1 40.1 19 -10.9 14 4I.O 4T. 2 33 -9.2 M 4r.8 42.0 42 -IO.O 16 44.1 42.4 2O 16 34-4 22.0 44 16 41-5 41-0 34 rf 41.8 42.0 42 18 44.1 42.1 2O 18 31.0 19.3 48 18 41 -S 41-8 34 18 1T.O 42.1 42 20 43.9 41-4 21 20 39.8 25.2 37 20 41-5 41.9 35 20 41.3 42.0 41 22 43-1 40.2 23 22 45-0 31-6 28 22 41.9 42.0 35 22 42.0 42.2 42 24 43.3 40.2 23 24 41.1 29.2 33 24 42.1 42.3 96 24 42.0 42.1 42 26 43.0 40.2 23 26 35-5 24.9 41 26 42.7 42.8 37 26 41.0 42.0 42 28 42.4 40.2 23 28 33.9 26.2 41 28 41.1 41.8 35 28 41.8 41.8 42 30 42.4 40.2 23 -10. 30 36.9 22.1 42 -10.9 30 40.0 40. T 33 -9-3 30 41. S 41.8 42 -IO.I 32 42.0 39.0 24 32 39.O 28.0 35 32 30.3 .39-8 32 32 41. S 41-8 42 34 41.8 38.7 25 34 43-9 35-0 26 34 39.8 .39-9 32 *4 41.8 42.0 4.3 3 40.3 38.0 27 36 33-1 25.0 42 36 40.0 40.1 33 36 41.8 42.0 43 38 39.4 37-3 j 28 38 32. 5 23.2 43 38 40.4 40.7 34 38.5 42.0 42.1 43 40 30.8 37.2 28 40 36.8 29. 36 40 40. 2 4O.S 34 40 42.0 42.3 43 42 38.9 36.5 29 42 34.1 28.1 39 42 4O.I 4O.I 33 42 42.0 42.5 44 44 39-0 36.3 20 -IO.I 44 37-7 30.1 35 -II. O 44 40.0 4O.I 33 -9-5 41 42.0 42.2 44 -10.2 46 39.1 37.0 28 46 41-2 34-3 29 46 40.0 40.1 34 4 6 41.9 42.1 44 48 30-4 37-7 28 48 43-1 36.2 26 48 4O.2 40.5 34 48 41.9 42.1 44 So 39.1 37.7 28 So 44-4 38.3 23 50 4O.9 4I.I 35 50 41.7 42.1 44 52 39.0 37.3 28 52 35- I 27.3 39 52 41.2 41. S 36 52 41.2 42.0 43 54 42.0 40.1 24 54 30.8 24.1 45 54 41.4 41.8 36 54 41.1; 42.0 43 56 40.9 39-1 25 56 26.9 20. I Si Sf> 4I.O 41.9 36 5* 41.8 42.2 44 58 44-0 40.7 22 58 30-8 24.5 45 58 40.8 40.9 35 58 41.8 42.2 44 24 oo 32.9 28.1 40 -II. O 20 OO 41.9 42.7 45 -10.3 Correction to local mean time is + 3m 345. 00 torsion = 18/96. Torsion head at oh oom read 63 and at 24)1 05m read 67*. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im 38.55. 00 torsion = 17/74. Torsion head at l$h 4om read 67" and at 2oh 2im read 346*. Observer J. V. 226 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, May 6, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, May 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d / h m d d o / h m d d o / o 20 oo* 39-2 38.0 22 28 -II.O 22 OO 47-3 46.1 22 l6 -II. 2 o oo* 50.6 52.1 22 24 -II. 3 2 00 52.8 53-5 22 27 -IO.O 02 39-3 37-9 28 02 44-5 43.7 20 32 49-1 51-6 23 02 55-2 55-9 31 04 39.7 38.1 28 04 45-5 45-0 18 04 49-2 51.9 23 04 56.0 56.9 32 06 40.0 38.7 27 06 47-1 46.7 16 06 50.3 52.1 24 06 55-0 56.8 31 08 40.2 38.9 27 08 44.8 44.0 19 08 50.6 52.2 24 08 55-3 57-0 32 10 40.0 38.5 28 IO 49-9 49-2 ii IO 50.0 51.2 23 10 54.7 17.1 31 12 39.9 38.4 28 12 49.9 49.7 ii 12 49.2 50.8 22 12 .I 58.1 32 14 39.2 38.0 28 -II. O 14 49-4 48.8 12 -II. 2 14 49-8 51-1 23 -10.9 14 56.2 59.3 34 -10. 16 39.1 38.0 29 16 49.1 48.6 12 '6 49-7 5i. i 23 16 57.2 60.9 36 18 39.0 37-9 20 18 49.8 49.2 II 18 So.i 51.9 24 18 58.8 62.1 38 20 38.8 37-7 29 20 49.7 49.0 12 20 51-2 53. i 26 20 57.8 61.2 37 22 38.0 37.1 30 22 48.1 46.9 14 22 51-5 53-1 26 22 58.2 61.9 38 24 38.2 37.5 30 24 51.0 49.9 IO 24 5i. i 52.8 25 24 59.0 62.3 39 26 38.3 37-5 30 26 49.76 II 26 51.6 52.8 26 26.2 58.5 61.3 38 28 39.0 38.1 29 28 48.2 48.1 14 28 Si. i S2.3 25 28 61.8 64.1 42 30 39-5 38.8 28 -II.O 30 53-1 50.8 08 -ii. 3 30 50.8 51-7 24 -10.8 30 62.9 65.2 44 -IO.O 32 39.5 38.9 28 32 43.8 41.1 22 32 51.2 53-0 26 32 62.0 64.2 43 34 40.1 39-5 ! 27 34 40.2 31.0 33 34 51.6 53-3 26 34 61 . i 63 . i 41 36 39.8 39.0 27 36 53-1 43-1 14 36 52.2 54.2 27 36 61.7 63.2 42 38 39-7 39-0 27 38 51.2 41.2 17 38 52-3 54-5 27 38 62.8 64.0 43 40 40.1 39-6 27 40 51-9 42.1 IS 40 50.8 53-1 25 40 64.1 65.2 45 42 40.6 39.9 26 42 51-5 41-0 17 42 51- i 53-1 26 42 64.0 65.2 45 44 39.8 39.0 27 -i 1. 1 44 50.2 42.3 17 -"3 44 50.2 52.7 24 -10.6 44 62.4 63.8 43 -9.9 46 39.9 39.0 27 46 48.2 44.1 17 46 50.0 52.8 24 46 60.6 62.9 40 48 40-3 39-9 26 48 41- I 34-9 29 48 50.1 52.8 24 48 59-7 61.3 39 50 41.1 40.9 25 50 48.9 41.0 19 50 50.0 52.3 24 50 60.0 61.4 39 52 41.4 41.0 24 52 52.0 45.8 12 52 50.1 52.2 24 52 60.5 61.3 39 54 41.9 41.3 24 54 50.8 46.0 13 54 50.1 52.3 24 54 61.6 62.6 41 56 42.0 41.8 23 56 53.0 32.9 22 56 49-7 Si-9 23 56 63.0 64.1 43 58 43-1 42.6 22 58 53-0 41-9 15 58 49-9 Si.o 23 58 64.1 65.3 45 21 OO 43.0 42.8 22 -ii. i 23 oo 53-0 42.2 14 -i 1. 4 I 00 48.5 49.7 21 -10.4 3 oo 65.9 66.9 48 -9.9 O2 44.0 43.1 ; 21 02 55-1 44.0 ii 02 47.9 49.3 20 02 67.1 68.2 50 04 45-1 44.9 18 04 45-8 35-3 26 04 48.3 50.2 21 04 67.1 68.9 50 06 45-3 45-3 18 06 41-2 33-3 3i 06 48.9 50.8 22 06 64.9 66.9 47 08 47.2 46.9 15 08.3 45.9 40.6 21 08 49.2 50.8 22 08 65.5 68.0 48 TO 47-6 47.1 15 IO 30.5 27-9 43 10 48.8 50.0 2T 10 66.8 69.3 50 12 46.1 45-9 17 12 38.0 27.0 38 12 49.8 51.6 23 12 68.1 70.9 53 M 45.2 44.9 18 -II. 2 14 46.3 38.3 23 -n. 5 14 51-0 53-8 26 -10.3 14 69.2 72.0 54 -9.8 16 45.2 45.0 18 16 45-0 35-9 22 26 16 50-9 53-1 25 16 70.0 72-9 56 18 44-8 44.3 19 18* 57-3 S6.o 23 O2 18 4Q-3 51-9 23 18 TO. i 73-1 56 20 44-0 43.2 21 20 68.0 51.0 22 57 20 48.6 51.0 22 20 70.8 73-3 57 22 43.2 43.1 21 22* 49.1 44.8 II 22 48.3 50.2 21 22 7i.i 73-5 57 24 43.2 43.1 21 24 47-7 37-8 17 24 48.1 50.8 21 24 72.0 74-0 58 26 43-9 43-3 21 26 25.0 18.8 50 26 47-2 50.0 20 26 73.1 75.0 2260 28 44-0 43-7 2O 28 22.1 14.0 56 28 47-6 49.5 20 28 73.6 75.1 i 23 oo 30 44-0 43-9 2O -II. 2 30 41.0 31.2 28 -H. 5 30 47.0 49.0 19 -10.2 30 74.2 75-8 01 -9.8 32 44-5 44-4 19 32 47-0 41-3 15 32 47-1 49.0 19 32 75.0 76.1 02 34 45-1 44.5 19 34 41-0 34-3 25 34 47.2 48.3 18 34 75-3 77-2 03 36 44-2 43-5 20 36 37-7 32.0 30 36 47-5 48.0 18 36 76.1 78.2 05 38 45-0 44.2 19 38 34-3 29.8 34 38 49.0 49.6 21 38 76.5 79.0 06 40 44.2 44.0 20 40 31.3 26.9 39 40 49-6 49.9 22 40 76.3 78.4 05 42 43-1 42.0 22 42 32.6 27.2 37 42 50.8 50.9 23 42- 47.4 50.5 05 44 41.2 40.2 25 -II. 2 44 35.9 29.2 , 33 -n 6 44 50.1 50.8 23 -IO.I 44 49.1 50.8 06 -9-7 46 41.8 40.2 25 46 37-0 31-5 I 31 46 48.1 49.2 20 4 49.1 50.3 06 48 42.9 41.1 23 48 32.0 28.1 37 48 47-9 49-6 20 48 49-9 50.7 07 SO 43.0 42.0 22 SO 37-0 33-3 i 29 50 48.1 49.4 20 50 53-9 53-9 12 52 42.2 42.0 23 52 26.7 26.0 43 52 48.3 49.2 2O 52 54.1 54-9 14 54 43-1 42.2 22 54 21.7 IS- I 55 54 48.8 49.1 20 54 55.2 56.9 16 56 42.2 41. 9 23 56 17-9 15-3 | 58 56 49-3 49-8 21 56 54-8 56.2 15 58 45.0 44.2 19 58 27.1 20.2 ' 47 58 50.9 Si.l 24 58 54-5 56.1 15 24 oo 35.0 28.0 35 -11.6 Correction to local mean time is im 02.55. Torsion head at igh 33m read 66 and at 24h 23m read 67*. Observer J. V. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 227 Sunday, May 8, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Monday, May o, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o r O h m d d O f O h m d d O ' O h m d d o r O 4 oo 51.7 49.8 23 16 6 oo 51-6 50.7 23 15 -8.1 8 00.4 54.9 56.2 22 56 -6.8 10 OO 47.0 49-4 22 44 -5-0 02 50.0 48.7 18 02 52.1 50.2 IS 02 54.1 56.8 56 02 47-3 50.0 45 04 49.4 47.0 20 04 48.4 47.2 20 04 52.2 56.3 54 04 47-3 49-9 45 06 49-7 47-1 19 06 48.8 47.2 20 06 49-1 54.2 50 06 47-1 49-7 45 oS 49-0 45.9 21 08 48.9 48.2 19 08 48.3 53-7 49 08 47-9 50.3 46 IO 50.8 47.8 18 10 50.4 49.6 17 IO 49-0 53.3 49 10 47-6 50.3 46 12 50.5 47-8 18 12 49-5 49-2 18 12 51-7 55-8 53 12 49-0 51.1 47 14 47.9 46.1 22 -9-3 N 48.4 47.9 20 -8.0 14 52.7 56.3 54 -6-7 14 47-9 50.2 46 -5-0 16 45-4 43-1 26 16 50.1 49.4 17 16 53-7 56.9 56 16 46.6 48.9 44 18 46.7 44.7 24 18 51-0 50.1 16 18 53-2 56.1 54 18 47-2 49.9 45 20 48.8 47.2 20 20 50.9 49-3 16 20 50.6 53.4 50 20 47.9 49.8 45 22 49-5 48.2 19 22 50.3 40.1 17 22 49.2 ,52.2 48 22 47.3 49.2 44 24 40.3 47-8 19 24 49-3 48.1 19 24 50.2 153.1 50 24 47-1 48.9 44 26 46.8 44.9 23 26 48.0 46.7 21 26 51.6 ! 54.i 52 26 47-8 49-3 45 28 43-2 40.8 29 28 48.2 47.2 2O 28 Si.i 53.3 5i 28 47.8 40.4 45 30 40.1 37.8 34 -9-3 30 45-2 43.6 26 -7-8 30 51-9 53-8 52 -6-4 30 47.0 48.4 44 -4.8 32 37-9 35-9 37 32 44-5 42.4 27 32 51-2 53-7 51 32 48.7 49-8 46 34 37-0 34.8 39 34 44-7 43-7 26 34 52.2 54.3 52 34 47.7 48.7 44 36 40.2 38.5 34 36 45-1 43-8 26 36 Si-7 53-7 52 36 45-7 47-1 42 38 37-1 36.1 3 s 38 44-3 43-0 27 38 52.9 54-6 53 38 45.0 46.1 40 40 38.0 37-2 36 40 50.3 48.9 18 40 52.3 54-2 52 40 46.6 47.3 42 42 37-9 37-0 37 42 46.1 45.0 24 42 52.3 53-9 52 42 47-0 47-7 43 44 38.4 37-1 36 -9.2 44 47.1 46.2 22 -7-7 44 50-6 51-9 49 -6.1 44 48.3 40.0 45 -4.8 46 36.6 35-1 39 4 S 52.0 51.2 14 46 40.8 52.0 49 46 46.0 48.4 44 48 33-5 32.2 44 48 54-0 53-2 II 48 48.9 51-5 48 48 44.8 46.1 40 50 34.8 33.2 42 50 52.3 Si- i 14 50 49-3 51-8 48 50 43-2 45.0 38 52 37-8 37-2 36 52 52.1 31. 3 14 52 49-8 51.1 48 52 43.0 44-9 38 54 41.2 40.3 31 54 48.9 47-8 19 54 47-3 49-7 45 54 48.2 49.0 46 -f> 42-3 4T.3 30 56 50.8 50.0 16 56 44.8 46.6 40 56 44-2 45.8 39 58 38.7 38.2 35 58 48.9 47-9 19 58 46.0 47.2 42 58 44-0 45-7 39 5 oo 3S-o 35.0 40 -9.1 7 oo 50.1 49.0 18 -7-3 9 oo 52.1 53.1 51 -6.0 II OO 44.2 46.0 40 -4.6 02 32.3 32.0 45 02 50.9 49.7 16 02 55-1 57-2 57 02 44.1 47-1 40 04 32.0 31.5 46 04 47-8 47-1 21 04 54.1 55-3 55 04 44.0 47.0 40 06 34-8 34.1 4' 06 5I-I So.i 16 06 49.0 50.0 46 06 44-3 47-0 40 08 37.8 37.4 3 * OS 52.2 51.8 14 08 47.1 48.8 44 08 43.9 46.3 40 to 38.0 37.7 36 IO 51-9 51-9 14 10 50.1 52.0 49 10 44.2 46.7 40 12 37-3 37-0 37 12 55-3 55-1 09 12 51.6 52.1 50 12 44.6 46.9 40 T4 35-6 34.6 40 -9.0 14 53-8 53-2 ii -7.2 14 51.0 52.1 50 -5-9 14 43.8 46.2 39 -4-3 16 32.4 31-3 45 16 56.1 55-7 08 16 48.3 49-3 45 16 44.2 46.7 40 18 31.2 30.1 47 18 53-3 52.9 12 18 48.2 49.3 45 18 44.1 46.4 40 20 28.9 27.9 Si 20 54-3 54-o 10 20 48.6 49.4 46 20 44.2 46.3 40 22 27.2 26.6 53 22 58.3 57-6 04 22 48.3 40.2 45 22 44-1 46.3 40 24 32.0 30.6 46 24 57-8 57-3 05 24 49-1 50.1 47 24 44.0 46.2 40 26 35-3 34-6 40 26 57.0 56.2 06 26 49.8 50.3 47 26 42.8 45.1 38 28 37-0 35.7 38 28 59.1 58.7 03 28 40.1 49.9 46 28 43-2 45-6 38 30 37-8 37.0 37 -8.9 30 60.8 59-9 OI -7.0 30 48.8 50.1 46 -5-7 30 43-3 45-4 38 -4.2 32 36.3 35-3 s 32 50.9 59.2 02 32 49-1 50.0 46 32 43.0 45.0 3 34 38.2 37.7 36 34 58.2 57.1 05 34 40.5 50.0 48 34 43-1 45-0 38 3<5 40.3 39-9 32 36 60.0 59-3 23 02 36 48.3 50.2 46 36 43.2 44.9 38 38 40.2 39.9 32 38 61.3 60.9 22 59 38 49.0 52.0 48 38 43.2 44.8 38 40 42.1 41.1 30 40 63.2 63.0 56 40 51.0 52.8 50 40 43-3 44-7 38 42 37-1 36.2 38 42 64.1 63.7 55 42 48.9 49.8 46 42 43.0 44.0 37 44 34-5 34-1 41 -8.6 44 66.9 65.1 52 -6.8 44 48.0 50.1 46 -5-3 44 43-0 43-9 37 -4.0 46 37-7 37-2 37 46 74-1 73-2 40 46 47-2 49.3 44 46 43.1 44.1 37 48 43.9 42.3 28 48 77-0 76.8 35 48 47.9 49-6 45 48 43-1 43.9 37 SO 47.4 46.6 22 So 72.56 22 42 50 48.5 50.4 46 50 42-7 43-9 37 52.2 40.4 39-4 33 52 59.66 23 02 52 48.1 50-7 46 52 43-0 44.0 37 54 48.0 47.8 19 54 48.86 19 54 48.1 50.8 46 54 42.7 43.1 36 56 50.8 49.8 16 56 56.3 07 56 48.1 50.7 46 56 42.1 43-1 36 58 50.5 49.1 17 58 61.0 60. i 23 oo 58 47.6 49.9 45 58 42.2 43-3 36 8 oo 62.9 61.7 22 57 -6-3 12 OO 42-3 43-2 36 -4.0 Correction to local mean time is + 235. 90 torsion = 17/58. Torsion head at oh oom read 67 and at 8h ism read 62. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 4s. Torsion head at 7h 3om read 62 and at I2h I5m read the same. Observer R. R. T. 228 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, May 10, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, May u, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time ; nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d (1 O f h m d d t O h m d d O / C h m d d i O 12 OO 54-7 ?2.7 22 36 -3-9 14 oo 67.2 66.7 22 l6 -2.8 OO* 50.2 51.0 22 38 -4-5 2 OO 55. I 55-8 22 46 -5-0 02 55-9 55-0 34 02 67.0 66.2 16 O2 50.1 50.9 38 02 56.1 56.6 47 04 58.6 57-4 30 04 67.0 66.2 \ 16 04 50.0 50.5 38 04 56.8 57-1 48 06 57-9 56.2 31 06 67.8 67.1 15 06 49.8 50.3 38 06 58.1 58.3 50 08 5'- 4 54-0 3^ 08 66.7 65.9 17 08 49-7 50.2 37 08 58.7 59-0 5i 10 56.6 55.2 33 10 66.8 66.1 17 10 49.8 50.2 38 TO 58.9 59-1 52 T2 56.8 55-1 33 12 66.1 65.2 18 12 49-9 50.3 38 12 59-9 60. i S3 '4 SS-* 53-8 35 -3-9 14 69.9 69.0 12 -2.6 14 50.2 50. 8 38 -4.4 14 60.2 60.5 54 -5-0 16 53.2 52.0 38 16 69.7 69.1 12 16 50.5 50.8 38 16 60.0 60.3 53 18 54-1 53-0 37 18 70.0 69.2 12 18 51-0 51-2 39 18 60.5 60.8 54 20 55-0 53-1 36 20 70.6 70.3 IO 20 51.0 51-2 39 20 59.3 60.0 53 22 55-0 53-1 36 22 72.0 72.0 08 22 Si.i 51-5 40 22 60.7 61.0 54 24 54-9 53-0 36 24 71.2 71.0 09 24 50.0 51-2 39 24 61.1 61.2 55 26 54-7 53-1 36 26 70.9 70.3 IO 26 51-6 52.0 40 26 60.3 61.0 54 28 55.6 54.0 35 28 72.0 71.0 08 28 52.0 52.6 41 28 60.0 60.2 S3 30 56.7 55-4 33 -3-8 30 73-7 73-1 06 -2.3 30 52.0 52.6 41 -4.6 30 60.2 61.0 54 -S-i 32 56.4 55-2 33 32.1 73-7 73-1 06 32 52.2 52.8 41 32 60.8 61.2 55 34 56.1 55-0 34 34 72.9 72.5 07 34 52.0 52.3 41 34 60.7 61.1 55 36 56.8 55-9 32 36 70.7 69.9 10 36 52.8 53-1 42 36 61.4 62.0 56 38 =8.0 57-5 30 38 72.0 71.0 08 38 53.0 53.2 42 38 62.8 63.1 58 40 58.3 57-9 30 40 72.1 71-0 08 40 52.9 53-4 42 40 62.3 62.9 57 42 58.5 58.0 29 42 73-1 72.7 06 42 53-0 53-7 43 42 62.4 63.0 58 44 59.2 58.6 28 -3.8 44 74-9 73-5 04 -2.1 44 52.9 53-5 42 -4.8 44 62.9 63.1 58 -5-1 46 59-1 58.0 29 46 74-8 73-3 05 46 53-2 53-9 43 46 63.0 63.1 58 48 58.7 57-7 29 48 76.2 74.8 02 48 54-7 55-0 45 48 63.1 63.3 58 SO 59-3 58.1 20 50 77-3 76.0 OI 50 55-0 55.7 46 50 63.0 63.1 58 52 59-4 58.3 28 52 77-9 76.4 OO 52 55-0 55.7 46 52 63.1 63.3 58 54 59-6 58.7 28 54 77-1 76.0 22 OO 54 55-1 55.3 46 54 63.2 63.8 59 56 59-3 58.2 29 56 78.5 77-4 21 58 56 54.8 55-0 45 56 63.5 63-7 59 58 60.2 59.3 27 58 76.8 75-9 22 OI 58 54-8 55-0 45 58 63.0 63.1 58 13 OO 60.7 60.2 26 -3-5 15 oo 74-0 73-1 05 -2.0 I 00 54.0 54-2 44 -4-9 3 oo 62.3 62.8 57 -5-1 02 60. i 59.2 27 02 74.0 73-1 05 02 53-9 53-9 44 02 61.7 61.8 56 04 60.9 60.0 *6 04 75-8 73. a 04 04 53-i 53-5 43 04 61.0 61.1 55 06 61.7 61.0 24 06 76.3 75.0 O2 06 52-9 53-2 42 06 60.9 61.0 55 08 63.1 62.1 22 08 78.0 73.0 O2 08 52.7 53.0 42 08 59-9 60. i 53 TO 6i.S 60.9 25 10 78.1 76.4 OO 10 52.5 53-0 42 TO 59-3 50.7 52 12 60.3 59-8 27 12 75-3 75-0 03 12 52.8 53.0 42 12 58.3 58.9 Si 14 63.1 62.3 22 -3-2 14 73-1 72.2 07 -1-9 14 52.8 53-1 42 -5-0 14 58.1 58.8 5i -S-i 16 64.0 63.1 21 16 72.0 7T.7 08 16 52.0 53.0 41 16 59.0 59.6 52 TS 63.6 63.1 2J 18 71.2 71-0 09 18 51-7 52-2 40 18 59-0 59-2 52 20 62.0 61.1 24 20 70.0 70.0 ii 20 50.0 51.8 40 20 59.8 60.0 53 22 64.6 63.8 2O 22 68.8 68.3 13 22 50.8 51-4 30 22 60.4 60.7 54 24 65.2 64.8 19 24 67.8 67.8 14 24 Si-i 51.7 40 24 60.2 60.5 54 26 64.0 64.2 20 26 66.8 66.3 16 26 52-7 53-0 42 26 58.0 58.2 SO 28 62.8 62.1 23 28 65.9 65.3 18 28 ST. 9 52.2 41 28 57.9 58.0 50 30 62.0 61.5 24 -3-0 30 63.3 63.2 22 -1.8 30 52.2 52.8 AI -5-0 30 57-9 57-9 SO -5-0 32.2 64.6 63.8 20 32 63.8 63.6 21 32 52.8 53.0 42 32 57-9 58.3 50 34 64.0 63.6 21 34 64.6 64.2 20 34 52.5 52.8 42 34 58.0 58.9 Si 36 64.6 64.0 2O 36 64.0 64.0 2O 36 52.2 52.8 41 36 58.9 59-8 52 38 64.7 64.1 2O 38 63.8 63.2 21 38 52.2 52.8 41 38 50.2 60. i 53 do 63.0 62.1 23 40.2 63.3 63.1 22 40 52.2 52.8 41 40 58.8 59-6 52 42 64-3 63.5 21 42 63.0 62.8 22 42 52.5 52.9 42 42 58.8 59.2 52 44 66.8 65.8 17 -2 9 44 63.8 63.6 21 -1-7 44 52.9 52.9 42 -5-0 44 58.1 58.8 5i -4.8 46 64.8 63.9 20 46 63. i 62.7 22 46 51-9 52. 1 41 46 57-8 58.1 So 48 63.0 62.0 23 48 63.3 62.8 22 48 52.0 52.1 41 48 58.2 59.0 Si So 64.8 63.5 20 50 63.1 62.4 22 50 52.1 5*. 5 41 50 59.7 60.0 53 52 66.1 64.5 18 52 63.0 62.3 22 52 53.0 53-2 42 52 60.5 60.8 54 54 64-5 63.3 21 54 62.2 61.9 23 54 53-0 53.3 42 54 61 . i 61 .6 55 56 65.2 64.0 19 56 62.8 62.2 23 56 53-8 53.9 44 56 61.1 61.4 55 S8 67.0 66.0 16 58 62.7 62.1 23 58 55- I 55-2 46 58 60.8 60.9 54 16 oo 62.7 61.5 23 -1-5 Correction to local mean time is 31.53. 90 torsion = 16/99. Torsion head at ih 35m read 74 and at i6h ism read 67. Observer R. R. T. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 229 Wednesday, May ii, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, May n, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d o / o h m d d t O h m d d , h m d d , 4 oo 61.1 61.2 22 55 -4.4 6 oo 32.1 33-0 23 03 -4-7 8 oo 22.7 23.5 22 48 -2.9 IO OO 16.6 17.0 22 39 -2.5 02 62.2 62.3 57 02 32.5 33-6 04 02 2I.S 22.2 46 02 17-9 18.3 41 04 63.1 03.8 58 04 34-6 35-7 07 04 22. 22.3 47 04 17.4 17.6 40 06 63-3 63.8 -'-' 59 06 33-3 34-8 06 00 22.8 23.0 06 14.4 14.6 35 08 64.9 05-1 23 01 08 33-0 34.0 05 08 22. 22.5 47 08 II. 8 12. O 31 10 65.9 66.0 02 10 30.3 3i.o 23 oo IO 22.8 22.8 48 IO 13.3 13-4 33 12 64.2 64.8 23 oo 12 27.9 29.0 22 57 12 23.2 22.2 47 12 16.3 16.4 38 14 62.0 62.0 22 56 -4-2 14 29.9 30.9 00 -4.8 14 22.8 23.O 48 -2.5 H 15.6 16.3 37 -2.7 16 61.9 62.0 56 16 27.8 29.0 57 16 23.4 23.6 49 16 16.7 18.0 39 18 63.3 64.0 59 18 27.4 28.3 56 18 23.1 23.6 49 18 18.0 18.6 41 2O 63-3 63.9 59 20 28.3 29.2 57 20 22. 22.2 47 20 17.6 18.8 22 62.1 62.8 57 22 28.4 29.2 57 22 21.2 21.2 46 22 17.3 18.7 40 24 61.8 62.0 56 24 27.3 28.5 56 24 21.8 22.2 47 24 17.9 19.0 41 26 63.0 63.2 22 58 26 26.3 27.2 54 26 22.3 22.6 47 26 18.5 19.6 42 28.3 67.1 67.8 23 05 28 27.0 27.9 55 28 22.3 22.6 47 28 19.5 20. 6 44 30 69.8 70.0 09 -4-1 3 28.3 29.0 57 -4-8 30 22.6 23.0 48 -2.0 30 18.8 19.8 42 -3-0 32 68.9 69.1 07 32 26.3 27.1 54 32 23.0 23.6 49 32 18.5 19.7 42 34 69.6 69.9 08 34 26.1 27.0 54 34 22.3 23.3 48 34 18.6 19.6 42 36 64.6 64.8 01 36 25-5 26.1 53 36 22.3 23.5 48 36 18.3 20. o 42 3S 71.00 10 38 26.8 27.2 55 38 21.8 23.6 48 38 18.5 19.6 42 40 76.2 76.8 19 40 28.0 28.8 57 40 21. O 22.8 47 40 19.0 20.4 43 42 68.9 70.0 08 42 27.8 28.1 56 42 20.6 22.6 46 42 18.8 20.6 43 44 65.7 66.1 02 -4-1 44 26.8 27.0 54 -4-7 44 22.2 22.6 47 44 18.3 19.4 42 -3-2 46 70.1 71.0 IO 46 26.2 26.8 54 46 20.5 21.8 45 -2.0 46 16.5 18.1 39 48 71.4 72.1 12 48 26.0 26.3 53 48 18.8 20.4 43 48 15-3 17-3 38 50 74-0 75-4 16 50 24.8 25.0 51 50 19.5 20. 6 44 50 14.9 17.4 38 52* 43-o 48.1 24 52 24.1 24.2 SO 52 20. o 20.9 44 52 13-8 15.6 35 54 47-6 51-3 30 54 25-0 25.3 52 54 19.3 20. 43 54 13-6 15-6 35 56 5i.o 56.3 36 56 25.8 26.3 53 56 2O.3 21. 44 56 12.8 14.5 34 58 48.9 52.2 32 58 25.3 26.0 52 58 23.0 23.8 49 58 ii. 8 13.8 32 5 oo 43-8 47-6 24 -4.1 7 oo 24.2 25.0 51 -4.2 9 00 21. 22. 46 -2.O II OO ii. o 13.0 3i -3-3 02 39-8 43.4 18 02 25.6 26.0 53 02 18.5 18.8 41 02 ii. 6 13.0 32 04 35-0 38.0 IO 04 25.0 25.3 53 04 23.31 22 49 04 11.7 12.3 06 32.0 34.0 04 06 24.9 25.1 Si 06 32.0 32.2 23 03 06 11.9 12.8 32 08 29.2 31.7 23 oo 08 26.0 26.5 53 oS 21.9 23.3 22 48 08 12.6 13.1 32 10 28.8 30.4 22 59 IO 24-4 25.3 51 10 14.2 15.8 36 IO 13-5 I4-S 34 12 30.1 32.2 23 01 12 25-0 25.7 52 12 12.8 13.0 32 12 12.8 13.0 32 U 30.9 32.9 02 -4-2 14 24.8 25.3 Si -3-8 14 22. 22. 47 -2.O 14 13.3 14.0 34 -3-3 16 33-8 35.8 ; 07 16 24.8 25.2 Si re 24.9 26.1 52 16 14.0 14.2 34 18 32.0 33.3 03 18 24-9 25.5 52 18 16.7 18.0 39 18 14.0 14.3 34 20 31.2 33.0 03 20 24.8 25. l Si 20 9.6 9-7 37 20 12. I 12.7 32 22 33-4 35-o 06 22 23-9 24-5 50 22 12. 1 13.2 32 22 II. I 12. I 30 24 30.0 31-8 OI 24 22.9 23.8 49 24 22. 22.6 47 24 13.6 13.8 34 26 32.0 33.8 04 26 22.9 23.7 49 26 22.8 23.C 48 26 14-6 15-3 36 28 34-5 36.5 08 28 22.9 23.7 49 28 26.2 27.O 54 28 14.6 15.0 36 30 34-8 36.6 08 -4-3 30 23.6 24.0 50 -3-5 30 22.8 24.4 22 49 -2.O 30 12.3 12.4 32 -3-3 32 40.0 42.7 17 32 24.0 25.0 Si 32 33-0 33-7 23 04 32 II.9 12. I 31 34 43.0 44.9 21 34 23.2 23.8 49 34 34-0 31.6 01 34 ii. 6 11.9 31 36 42.9 44-9 21 36 23.2 23.9 49 36 30.3 31-7 23 01 36 10.7 11.3 30 38 42.9 45-0 21 38 22.8 23.2 48 38 26.1 27.3 22 54 38 ii. 7 12.3 31 40 40.0 42.0 17 40 23-4 23.8 49 -|0 19.1 19.7 43 40 13-3 14-0 34 42 40.2 42.2 17 42 23.2 23.8 49 42 21.90 47 42 13-3 14-1 34 44 37-6 38.9 12 -4-5 44 22.9 23.4 48 -3-2 44 26.0 26.0 53 i.\ 44 12.8 13.3 33 -3-3 46 34-8 36.2 08 46 23.0 23.3 48 46 25.7 26.1 53 46 12.3 13.0 32 48 34-1 36.0 07 48 22.9 23.1 48 48 21.3 21.6 46 48 ii. 8 12.4 31 50 34-2 35.8 07 50 23-1 23.8 49 50 18.8 19.3 42 50 10.6 ii. 8 30 52 33-1 34-8 OS 52 22.8 23.1 48 52 19.8 20. 2 44 52 II. 8 12.2 31 54 34.8 36.0 08 54 23-9 24.5 50 54 19.6 20. o 43 54 ii. 6 12.3 31 56 33-3 35-1 06 56 24.3 25.0 Si 56 17.0 17.6 39 56 11.3 ii. 8 30 58 33-0 34-2 05 58 23.0 24.1 49 58 16.4 16.6 38 58 11.3 ii. 8 30 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 8h oom to 8h torn. 230 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, May u, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, May u, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'i readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Lflt Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t h in d d , O h m d d / O h m d d . , O 12 OO n. 3 ii. 5 22 30 -3.5 14 oo 30.3 31.6 22 IO -3.3 16 oo 26.4 27.6 22 O4 -3-8 18 oo 29-9 31-3 22 IO -3.5 02 10.3 11. o 29 02 31.6 32.6 12 02 26.9 27.9 04 02 29.9 31- 1 09 04 9.7 10.3 28 04 31.3 31.6 II 04 25.6 26.4 02 04 30.8 32.0 II 06 9-3 9-9 27 06 31.4 32.0 II 06 25.3 26.6 O2 06 30.1 31.2 IO 08 10.6 10. o 28 08 37-8 38.2 21 08 25.6 26.6 02 08 31.1 32.2 II 10 9-3 10.3 28 IO 31-3 32.0 II 10 24.1 2S.O 22 OO IO 31-9 32.8 12 12 8.5 8.8 26 12 32.6 32.8 13 12 23.0 23.9 21 58 12 32.0 32.9 12 14 8.0 9.7 26 -3-5 14 33-5 33-7 14 -3-3 14 23.6 24.5 21 59 -3-9 14 31.9 32.8 12 -3-6 16 8.5 9-0 26 16 34-0 34.6 IS 16 24-3 24.7 22 OO 16 32.0 32.9 12 18 8.8 9.8 27 18 34-7 34-9 16 18 26.8 27.3 04 18 32.1 32.9 12 20 9.6 10.6 28 20 33-8 34-0 IS 20 28.0 28.6 06 20 31-9 32.3 12 22 8.8 10. o 27 22 33-3 34-0 14 22 27.6 28.0 OS 22 31. i 31-8 II 24 7.8 8.8 25 24 33-3 33-7 14 24 26.6 27.3 04 24 31-2 31-7 II 26 7-5 8.2 24 26 33.0 33-6 14 26 26.6 27.5 04 26 31.0 31-2 IO 28 7-6 8.3 25 28 33-3 34-0 14 28 29.3 29.6 08 28 30.9 3i.i 10 30 8.1 9-3 26 -3-5 30 33-0 34-0 14 -3-5 30 27.1 28.1 05 -3-9 30 30.4 31-0 10 -3.9 32 9-3 10.2 27 32 34-5 35-5 16 32 24.1 24.8 22 OO 32 30.0 30.0 09 35 8.6 9.6 26 34 34-6 35-3 16 34 23.6 24.0 21 59 29.2 29.4 08 36 8-7 9-5 26 36 32.8 33-6 H 36 23.0 23.9 58 36 28.9 29.1 07 38 9.0 10.0 27 38 32.0 32.6 12 38 22.8 23.2 58 38 28.6 29.0 07 40 8.6 9.6 26 40 30.0 30.5 09 40 23.9 24-3 59 40 27.7 28.1 OS 42 6.6 7.6 23 42 28.3 29.0 06 42 23.8 24.2 59 42 26.9 27.3 04 44* 40.6 46.8 30 -3-3 44 28.4 28.7 06 -3-5 44 22.6 23.0 S7 -3-9 44 26.9 27.2 04 46 35-0 38.8 19 46 27.4 27.6 05 46 20.5 21. 54 46 27.7 28.0 05 48 36.8 39-7 22 48 27.6 28.6 05 48 l8.7 19.6 52 48 28.0 28.6 o5 SO 37.7 40.3 23 50 28.5 29.0 06 50 19.6 20.3 S3 50 27.9 28.3 06 52 34-3 37-3 18 52 29.3 30.1 08 52 20.6 20.7 54 52 27.9 28.1 05 54 33-0 35-8 16 54 27.3 28.1 05 54 20. 6 20. 8 54 54 28.0 28.3 06 56 33-3 35-6 16 56 28.3 30.6 08 56 20.8 21. 1 54 56 27.9 28.4 06 58 33-8 35-6 16 58 30.3 32.3 ii 58 21.7 21.7 56 58 26.6 26.9 03 13 oo 32.6 34.6 14 -3-3 15 oo 32.8 34.7 14 -3-6 17 oo 22.5 22.7 57 -3-8 19 oo 26.7 27.0 04 -4.0 02 32.5 34-2 14 02 34.6 36.6 17 02 22.9 23.1 58 02 27.2 27.9 ; 05 04 32-3 34-0 14 04 33.6 35.6 16 04 22.9 23.5 21 5 8 04 29.5 30.0 08 06 33-8 34-8 15 06 33-6 35-3 .16 06 24.3 24.3 22 00 06 30.8 31.0 10 08 35-3 36.3 18 08 33-3 35-0 IS 08 26.O 27.O 03 08 31.2 31.8 ii 10 36.0 37.0 19 10 , 32.0 33-8 13 IO 27.0 27.6 04 10 31.8 32.2 12 12 35-6 36.4 18 12 29.7 31-7 IO 12 26.0 26.8 03 12 31.6 32.2 12 H 34-8 35.6 17 -3-4 14 29.9 31-0 09 -3-6 14 27.8 28.6 06 -3-8 14 32.1 33.0 12 -4.0 16 35-3 36.3 18 16 28.4 30.0 07 16 27.8 28.6 06 16 32.2 33.9 13 ! 18 34-0 34-8 16 18 28.9 30.6 08 18 25.7 26.9 03 18 32.2 33-7 13 : 20 32.3 33-3 13 20 30.0 32.0 10 20 25.5 26.5 02 20 32.3 33-4 13 j 22 31-6 33-0 12 22 30.0 31.6 ' 10 22 26.2 27.2 03 22 31.8 32.8 12 ! 24 31.2 32.0 ii 24 29.3 31.0 09 24 27-5 28.5 05 24 31.0 31-9 ii 26 31-0 31-8 ii 26 30.4 31-6 IO 26 29.3 30.8 09 26 30.2 31.0 10 28 31-0 31-3 JO 28 32.0 33.3 13 28 30.2 31.7 IO 28 30.2 31.1 10 30 32.0 32.6 12 -3-5 30 32.6 34.0 14 -3-6 30 30.1 31-3 IO -3-7 30 30.8 31.8 ii -4.2 32 33-8 34-o IS 32 34-0 35.3 16 32 28.8 29.8 08 32 31-2 31-9 ii 34 34-0 34-8 16 34 34-5 35-9 17 34 28.8 29.8 08 34 32.0 32.7 12 36 36.8 37-0 19 36 33-7 35-1 16 36 28.1 28.9 06 36 32.1 33-0 12 38 36.0 36.3 18 38 31.0 32.6 12 38 28.2 29.2 06 38 31-1 32.1 II 40 34-0 34-0 15 40 27.3 29.0 06 40 29.3 30.4 08 40 31-1 32.0 II 42 Lost 42 25.6 26.3 O2 43 30. i 30.9 09 42 32.0 32.9 12 44 33-1 33-6 14 -3-5 44 25.6 26.6 03 -3-7 44 29.1 30.1 08 -3-6 44 33-0 33-9 14 -4-4 46 32-3 35-6 IS 46 25.4 26.6 02 46 30.1 31-7 IO 46 33-2 34-9 IS 48 31.7 32.2 12 48 27.3 28.7 05 48 30.3 31-9 IO 48 33.2 34.6 j 15 i 50 32.2 32.8 12 50 26.8 27.6 04 So 31-9 33-0 12 SO 33.1 34.0 14 52 31-6 32.4 12 52 26.9 28.3 05 52.4 32.7 33-8 14 52 34-1 35-1 16 54 30.6 31.6 IO 54 26.5 27.5 04 54 32.7 33-8 14 54 35-5 36.4 18 56 30.6 31.6 IO 56 26.3 27.5 04 56 31-3 32.7 12 56 36.1 37-0 19 58 29.9 30.8 09 58 36.O 27.6 04 58 30.5 32.0 II 58 36.0 37-0 19 Observer W. J P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from I7h I4m to I7h 24m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 231 Wednesday, May n, 1904 Magnet scale erect Thursday, May 12, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East I Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / o h in d d / O h ni d d o ' h m d d O ' - 20 OO 36.7 37-4 22 2O -4.7 22 OO 38.3 38.9 22 22 -5-2 6 oo* 43-0 35-1 21 17 -3-3 18 oo 19.8 17.9 21 48 -4-7 02 37-8 38.1 21 02 40.9 41-4 20 02 46.9 39.8 10 02 22.2 21.3 44 04 38.2 38-9 22 04 37-2 38.0 2O 04 48.5 38.7 10 04 30.2 29.1 32 06 39-1 40.1 24 06 37-4 37-8 20 06 48.1 39-o IO 06 35-4 33-7 24 08 39-o 39-9 23 08 38.0 38.3 21 08 46.1 37.0 13 08 33-9 30.9 27 IO 38-3 39-1 22 IO 38.0 38.2 21 IO 45.0 36.4 14 IO 24.1 22. 42 12 37-5 38.1 21 12 36.3 30.6 19 12 42.0 35.0 17 12 20.9 18.6 47 14 36.9 37.4 2O -4.8 14 35-1 35-7 17 -5-3 14 39-8 33-7 20 -3-5 14 16.9 14.8 53 -4-7 16 36.3 37-1 19 16 37-8 38.3 21 16 39.8 33.2 21 16 19.1 17.1 49 18 36.2 37.1 19 18 37-2 37-9 2O 18 38.1 32.5 22 18 iS-5 12.2 56 20 36.0 37.0 19 20 36.0 36.6 18 20 36.0 31.2 25 20 18.7 I5-I 51 22 36.4 37-1 19 22 35-9 36.4 18 22 36.9 33.2 23 22 18.0 13-3 54 24 35-8 36.7 18 24 36.1 36.9 J i 24 39.0 34.9 20 24 15.2 12.6 21 56 26 36.5 37-1 19 26 35-8 36.3 18 26 37-3 34-7 21 26* 50.0 43.2 i 22 06 28 37-5 38.1 21 28 34-5 35.0 16 28 35-8 32.1 25 28 59-2 40.8 i 22 OO 30 36.9 37.9 20 -4-9 30 34-3 34-9 16 -5-4 30 35-3 32.0 25 30 71.6 SI.O 21 42 -4.8 32 35-7 36.9 18 32 34-0 34-5 IS 32 35-8 31.0 26 32* 43-9 29.8 25 34 3S-3 36.5 18 34-2 34-1 34.5 15 34 34-8 31-1 26 -3-8 34 39-8 15-0 40 36 35-3 36.6 18 36 34-0 34-0 15 36 34-0 31-2 27 36 26.4 16.8 49 38 35-3 36.4 i 18 38 34-0 34-2 15 38 37-0 33-7 22 38 31-0 20.2 42 40 35-9 37-0 19 40 32.8 33-0 13 40 37-6 35-0 21 41 31-0 22.3 41 42 36.8 37-7 20 42 33-0 33-4 H 42 38.1 36.1 2O 42 27.2 18.8 46 44 38.1 38.9 22 -4.9 44 33-1 33-7 H -S-7 44 41.0 38.0 16 -3-9 44 30.9 22.7 40 -4-5 46 37-3 38.i 21 46 33-9 34-0 IS 46 44-0 39-1 13 46 35-0 26.2 35 48 38.0 38.8 22 48 34-1 34.6 IS 48 43-0 38.9 14 48 35-2 21.3 38 50 37-1 37.9 2O 50 33-9 34-3 IS 50 41.1 37.2 16 50 32.0 23.0 39 52 37-0 37-8 20 52 33-9 34-7 IS 52 40.0 36.2 18 52 31-0 22.8 40 54 36-3 37-1 19 54 34-2 35-1 16 54 39.0 36.0 19 54 33-2 ,24-9 37 56 37-1 37.8 20 56 33-4 34-3 15 56 37.2 34.2 22 56 29.9 ,2O.9 43 58 37-1 37-8 20 58 33-1 33-9 14 58 36.0 32.5 24 58 29.2 :20.8 43 21 OO 38.0 38.8 22 -5-0 23 oo 33-1 34-0 14 -5-8 17 oo 35-7 29.7 27 -4.0 19 oo 33-0 23-5 38 -4.8 O2 38.1 39-1 22 02 32.2 33.1 13 02 34-8 30.2 27 02 32.1 21.7 40 O4 37-8 38.8 22 04 32.1 33-0 12 04 31.8 27.2 32 04 31-9 20.8 41 O6 37-3 38.1 21 06 32.0 33-0 12 06 34.0 30.2 28 06 28.0 19.0 46 08 37-3 38.0 2O 08 32.0 32.9 12 08 27.0 25.9 36 08 31-2 21.2 42 IO 36.7 37-2 19 10 31-9 32.3 12 IO 21.8 2O. I 45 IO 33-2 24.2 38 12 36.2 36.9 19 12 31-7 32.0 12 12 24.1 22.3 42 12 31.2 22.6 40 14 36.4 36.9 19 -S-o 14 31-7 32.3 12 -5-8 14 24.8 22.2 41 -4-3 14 32.0 24.2 38 -5-0 16 35-9 36.1 18 16 30.9 31-7 II 16 25.S 22.1 40 16 32.2 2S.O 38 18.2 35.6 36.0 18 18 30.2 30.8 09 18 23.2 19.9 44 18 35-1 26.2 35 20 35-2 35.8 17 20 29.8 30.7 09 20 18.7 15.9 Si 20 38.3 3O.O 29 22 35-6 35.9 18 22 29-9 30-4 09 22 21. 20.6 45 22 43-9 40.O 17 24 35-9 36.0 18 24 30.1 30.4 09 24 21.4 2O-4 45 24 45-3 35-2 20 26 35-1 35-4 17 26 29.1 29.3 07 26 24.1 21.6 42 26 44.6 35-4 2O 28 34.9 35.2 16 28 29.1 29.7 08 28 28.8 26.9 34 28 45-3 35-9 19 30 34-1 34-5 IS -5-0 30 27.1 27.1 04 --S-7 30 36.3 32.7 24 -4-5 30 44-7 35-9 19 -5.3 32 34.4 35.0 16 32 27-5 27.9 05 32 35. 2 32.0 25 32 43-7 33-9 22 34 35-1 35-8 17 34 28.1 28.8 06 34 30.0 27.8 33 34 41.0 32.0 25 36 36.0 37.1 19 36 29.6 30.1 08 36 27.0 23.8 38 36 41.8 33-8 23 38 36.8 37-4 20 38 30.1 30.8 09 38 35-9 33-0 24 38 43-7 35-9 2O 40 38.8 39-8 23 40 31.0 32.0 II 40 34-5 31-5 26 40 46.2 37-2 17 42 37-4 38.2 21 42 31-9 32-9 12 42 28.86 33 42 48.0 40.1 14 44 36.3 37-0 19 -5-0 44 3L7 32.8 12 -5-8 44 23.5 22.0 42 -4-7 44 52.9 45-8 05 -5-5 46 36.8 37-1 19 46 31-6 32.3 12 46 25.O 22.9 40 46 50.0 44-0 09 48 37-9 38.8 22 48 31.2 32.0 II 48 29.2 18.0 41 48 45-8 41.9 H SO 38.8 39-6 23 50 32.8 33-3 13 50 25-7 24.5 38 50 47-5 42.3 12 52 39.2 40.0 24 52 32.9 33-3 H 52 24.8 22.5 41 52 49-2 44-8 09 54 39-5 40.0 24 54 33-8 34-8 15 54 23.2 21.2 43 54 50.0 46.1 07 56 39-1 39.9 24 56 35- i 36.3 18 56 21.7 20.6 45 56 54-0 39-0 IO 58 38.0 38.8 22 58 37-2 37-9 20 58 19.7 I9.I 48 58 52.9 38.9 ii 24 oo 37-8 39-8 22 -5-8 20 00 56.0 42.1 06 -5-8 Correction to local mean time is 2s. 00 torsion = 12/73. Torsion head at oh oom read 67 and at 24h I5m read 63. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 555. 90 torsion = 15/54. Torsion head at ish 28m read 63 and at 2lh I2m read 75. Observer J. V. 232 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, May 13, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, May 15, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale .East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d o r h m d d o / O h m d d e / o jo oo* Lost 22 OO 56.1 62.0 21 54 -6.0 o oo* 39-1 37-9 22 22 -S.7 2 OO 25.9 21.8 22 45 -8.8 02 37-3 43-0 21 25 -3.9 02 55.0 61.2 53 02 38.7 38.0 22 02 24.9 22. 46 04 35-2 43-1 23 04 58.8 64.9 59 04 38.0 37.2 23 04 26.2 24.O 43 06 30.0 42.0 23 06 57-5 63-1 50 06 37-9 37-3 23 06 26.9 24.9 42 08 35-0 41-2 22 08 58.2 63.9 57 08 37-1 36.8 24 08 27.1 25.4 4i IO 33.2 40.0 19 IO 58.2 63.2 57 10 34-9 34-5 28 10 27.1 24.9 42 12 32-9 39-9 19 12 58.0 63.9 57 12 34-3 34-1 29 12 28.O 26.1 40 14 8.3 58.0 14 14 56.2 60.3 53 -6.2 14 34.9 34.9 28 -7-9 14 26.9 25.O 42 -8.9 16 15-0 55-3 17 -3-8 16 52.8 56.0 47 16 33-1 32.9 31 16 22.3 21.2 48 18 0.0 52.3 07 18 47-6 Si- I 39 18 33-8 33-2 30 18 25.0 23.8 44 20 36.0 44.1 24 20 44-3 47-0 33 20 34-8 34-1 28 20 23.8 22.1 46 22 32.0 41-4 19 22 41.1 45-2 29 22 35-7 35-3 27 22 22. O 2O.4 49 24 34-0 42.1 21 24 41.0 43-1 28 24 36.6 36.2 25 24 22.6 2O.9 48 26 37-8 47-5 28 26 36.0 42.0 23 26 35-1 35-0 28 26 23.5 22.0 47 28 41.8 52.2 35 28 33-2 37-1 17 28 34.8 34.0 29 28 22.8 21. I 48 30 43-0 52.0 36 -4-4 30 29.8 34.2 12 -6.4 30 35-8 35-0 27 -8.0 30 23.7 22.1 46 -9-0 32 38.9 52.1 33 32 28.2 36.1 12 32 36.0 35.5 26 32 22.7 21.3 48 34 39.1 48.9 31 34 32-4 38.7 17 34 36.9 36.0 25 34 21.3 21. I 49 36 40.2 50.2 32 36 27.9 37.6 13 36 37-5 36.9 24 36 22.3 22.1 48 38 43-0 52.3 36 38 43-8 50.5 36 38 37-5 36.6 24 38 23.3 23.O 46 40 46.8 55-2 42 40 42.9 48.0 33 40 37-3 35-9 25 40 22.2 21.9 48 42 44-3 48.0 34 42 45-2 52.8 38 42 37-7 36.1 25 42 2O. I 2O. O 51 44 44-1 51-3 36 -5-0 44 48.1 55-2 43 -6-7 44 35-5 34-1 28 -S.i 44 16.1 15.8 58 -9.0 46 44-0 50.2 36 46 49.9 61.9 49 46 34-2 32.9 30 46 15-9 14.9 22 58 48 48.3 53-5 42 48 47-9 55-8 21 43 48 35.8 34-0 28 48 12.2 II. 23 04 SO 50.0 55.2 44 50 61.1 67.0 22 O2 50 38.0 36.8 24 50 7.2 6.8 II 52 50.4 54.0 44 52 66.9 78.1 15 52 36.8 34.9 26 52* 44-7 39-6 10 54 49-2 53-0 42 54 72.36 22 IS 54 36.0 34.0 28 54 46.2 41.1 08 56 48.9 53-7 42 56 55 -oa 21 48 56 36.0 33.9 28 56 46.0 41.9 08 58 48.7 53-8 42 58* 46.9 48.0 22 32 58 36.8 34-9 26 58 45.2 40.9 09 21 00 48.1 52.6 41 -5-2 23 oo* 14.1 47.5 54 -6.8 I 00 39-0 36.9 23 -8.2 3 oo 44-4 39-9 10 -9.0 02 45-7 51- I 38 02 6.0 24.0 22 29 02 37.0 34-9 26 02 45-6 40.9 09 04 46.8 50.1 38 04* 35-8 45-9 21 6O 04 31.8 29.8 34 04 47-5 42.8 06 06 46.1 50.3 37 06 49-0 55-1 22 17 06 26.7 25.5 41 06 48.0 43.2 05 08 48.2 51.1 39 08 36.0 44.0 21 58 08 26.0 24.4 43 08 47-4 43-8 05 IO 50.0 51.2 41 IO 40.2 48.1 22 OS IO 24.1 22.9 46 10 46.7 43-1 06 12 50.0 54.0 43 12 32.3 41-8 21 54 12 24.2 22.8 46 12 45-9 42.7 07 14 52.0 57-8 48 -5-5 14 39-8 48-8 22 OS -6.8 14 26.8 25.5 41 -S.3 14 45-5 42.6 07 -9.0 16 52.9 57-2 48 16.3 40.9 49-9 07 16 3O.O 28.1 37 16 46.0 43.5 06 18 52.9 57-9 48 18.6 48.0 58.3 19 18 32-2 31.0 33 18 46.5 44-4 05 20 50.1 54-8 44 20 51.0 64.1 26 20 29.1 28.O 38 20 45-8 43-3 06 22 50.5 55-1 44 22 43-8 57-3 15 22 31.0 29.9 35 22 44.0 41-1 10 24 51- I 55-1 45 24 62.8 75-3 44 24 30-9 29.7 35 24 41.9 39-2 13 26 Si-9 55-0 45 26 54-o 65.2 29 26 30.1 28.9 36 26 43-1 41.2 IO 28 53-1 55-8 47 28 44.1 58.0 16 28 35-0 33-5 29 28 45-2 42.9 07 30-3 53-1 56.1 47 -5-8 30 54.1 68.1 32 -7-0 30 33-0 30.9 32 -8.6 30 45-3 42.4 08 -8.9 32 54-8 55-1 48 32 45-8 55-8 15 32 34-2 33-3 29 32 42.2 40.5 12 34 55-1 56.0 49 34 36.8 47-4 22 O2 34 33.4 32.9 30 34 41.0 39-0 14 36 56.1 56.8 50 36 29.0 40.1 21 50 36 34-1 33-7 29 36 41-1 39-8 13 38 58.8 59.0 54 38 37-2 45-8 22 OI 38 34-0 33-8 29 38 44.2 42.0 09 40 58.1 59-2 54 40 29.0 39.2 21 49 40 32.1 32.0 32 40 46.8 45-5 04 42 59.0 60.2 55 42 35-0 37-1 52 42 30.1 29.9 35 42 47.0 46.2 03 44 59.9 61.6 57 -6.0 44 35-8 42.9 21 57 -7-0 44 30.3 28.0 37 -S.8 44 47-9 46-2 03 -S.9 46 60. i 60.5 56 46 38.2 45.0 22 OI 46 31.3 29.0 35 46 48.0 47.0 02 48 59.9 62.4 58 48 37.0 43.8 21 59 48 29.5 26.8 38 48 47.8 46.0 O3 50 56.6 65.1 57 50 32.2 37.9 21 SO 50 29.7 26.9 38 50 48.6 47-9 23 oi 52 55-5 61.8 54 52 35.9 48.0 22 OI 52 26.9 23.3 43 52 52.6 50-7 22 55 54 55-8 61.5 54 54 33-0 56.9 06 29.3 26.6 39 54 54-0 52-3 53 56 58.7 64.2 58 56 35-0 58.0 09 56 25.7 22.9 44 56 53-1 52.0 22 54 58 57-0 63.1 56 58 44-8 65.0 22 58 27.1 24.5 42 58 47-5 47-3 23 02 24 oo 44.0 67.8 23 -7-0 Correction to local mean time is irn 17.55. Torsion head at igh s8m read 81 and at 24!! 2701 read the same. Observer J. V. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 233 Sunday, May 15, 1904 Magnet scale erect Monday, May 16, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d / O h m d d o / a h m d d - O 4 oo 66.9 68.8 23 14 -8.2 6 oo 50.2 53.3 24 28 -7-2 8 oo 55-9 55-7 22 56 -7-9 10 oo ! 62.3 59.8 22 48 -4.1 02 72.2 73-1 22 02 53-2 54. 8 32 02 55-3 SS-i 57 02 63.0 59.2 47 04 72.9 74-0 23 04 36.0 40.8 07 04 56.6 56.3 55 04 63.1 59-6 47 06 71.7 72.2 21 06 39.10 08 06 58.1 57-7 52 06 63.1 59.9 47 08 68.2 69.2 16 09 54-7 54-8 33 08 58.2 57.8 52 08 62.1 59.1 48 IO 64.1 65.2 09 IO 52.8 55.2 32 IO- ^8.1 57.6 53 IO 60.9 58.1 50 12 62.2 64.0 07 12 50.5 52-9 28 12 56.9 56.1 55 12 62.9 59.1 48 14 61.6 63.7 06 -8-5 14 34-0 36.1 24 02 -6.8 14 57-9 56.2 54 -7-8 14 62.7 60.0 47 -4-1 16 62.0 63.2 06 16 30.8 34-2 23 58 16 a7-9 57-0 53 16.6 62.3 60. i 47 18 67.2 68.0 14 18 36.4 39-9 24 07 18 56.8 55-2 56 18 60.8 58.6 50 20 72.0 73.3 22 20 41.7 42.9 13 20 56.1 54-9 56 20 60.3 58.7 50 22 72.3 73.2 22 22 44-3 47-2 18 22 57-P 57-0 53 22 60.9 58.9 49 24 72.9 73-3 23 24 34-9 39-1 05 24 59.6 58.0 5i 24 60.2 58.7 50 26 74-5 75-0 25 26 43-7 45-0 16 26 59.8 58.2 Si 26 65.7 64.0 42 2g 76.9 78.0 29 28 38.0 39.0 07 28 58.9 57-3 52 28 68.7 66.8 37 30 74-0 75-4 25 -8-5 30 37.2 39.1 24 07 -6.2 30 57-8 56.8 53 -7-1 30 68.2 66.1 38 -4.0 32 74-7 75-3 26 32 12.46 23 26 32 57-2 56.7 54 32 . 66.9 65.0 40 34 76.9 77-0 28 34 13-2 15.9 23 30 34 58.1 57-3 S3 34 ] 64.7 63.2 43- 36 77-9 78.0 30 36 38.3 45-2 24 12 36 59-9 59-2 So 36 61.6 60.3 48 38* 37-2 43.2 33 38 43-2 45.1 24 16 38 60. i 59.7 49 38 ! 60.2 59.2 50 40 38.8 44-6 35 40 24.0 27.3 23 47 40 59-8 59-1 50 40 59.7 58.2 5i 42 37-1 42.1 32 42 26.2 31.6 23 52 42.. 1 59-1 58.7 Si 42 60.9 60. i 48 44 25.8 30.9 14 -8.6 44 36.5 38.1 24 05 -6.0 44 58.6 57-9 52 -6.6 44 60.2 59-7 49 -4.0 46 16.7 22.1 00 46 34-9 37-1 24 03 46 57-1 56.3 54 46 Ac. i 60.2 48 48 16.9 21.8 00 48 28.9 32.3 23 55 48 57-5 56.9 54 48 59-1 59-0 5i SO 20.7 24.8 05 SO 41.4 45.0 24 15 So 58.1 57-7 52 50 59.0 58.1 52 52 36.0 40.1 29 52 48.0 49.7 24 23 52 59-9 59-1 50 52 59-7 59-0 50 54 35-0 40.3 28 54 29.6 31.2 23 54 54 59.1 58.2 51 54 58.1 57-7 52 56 32.3 37-6 24 50 10.3 11.7 24 56 57-9 56.2 54 56 58. i 57-4 S3 58 33-0 37.3 25 58* 31-6 35-8 07 58 58.1 56.9 53 58 60.0 59.1 SO 5 oo 32.9 36.3 24 -8.4 7 oo 47-8 49.2 30 -5-7 9 oo 58.2 57.7 52 -5-9 II OO 63.1 62.7 45 -4.0 02 35-9 38-1 28 02 53-0 54-1 38 02 58.1 57.2 53 02 62.2 60.8 47 04 46.0 47.9 23 43 04 41.0 41.9 19 04 58.3 57-1 53 04 63.3 62.0 45 06 61.8 62.0 24 07 05 29.9 33.2 23 04 06 58.3 57-1 53 06 65.8 63.0 42 08 74-9 76.8 28 08 26.0 28.0 22 56 08 58.2 57.1 53 08 63.3 61.8 45 10* 52-4 56.1 32 10 27.5 29.0 22 58 10 59-8 59-1 50 IO 61.9 60.0 48 12 45-3 49-1 21 12 30.0 32.5 23 03 12 62.1 61.1 47 12 60.3 59-0 50 14 41-5 43-9 14 -8.3 14 34-2 37-0 IO -5-3 14 62.7 62.1 45 -S.o 14 61.8 60.3 48 -4-0 16 37.0 40.0 24 07 16 34-3 36.9 IO 16 60.2 60.0 49 16 63.8 62.2 44 18 26.5 30.4 23 51 18 27.4 30.8 23 oo 18 58.3 57-8 52 18 65.0 63.8 42 20 20.9 24.3 42 20 25.6 28.9 22 57 20 58.8 58.6 22 51 20 63.9 62.8 44 22 23.2 28.0 23 47 22 20.0 24.0 48 22 53-o 51-9 23 01 22 63.0 61.9 45 24 32.8 37.3 24 02 24 14.9 19.1 4i 24 56.8 56.1 22 55 24 64.5 62.7 44 26 35-6 38.5 O5 26 25.0 26.8 22 55 26 59.8 59-0 50 26 62.5 61.3 46 28 35-0 40.0 06 28 48.9 49.9 23 32 28 62.8 62.1 46 28 64.2 63.5 43 30 38.9 44-1 12 -S.t 30 45-7 49.2 28 -5-i 30 65.9 64.3 41 i -4.8 30 64.2 63.8 43 -4-S 32 41.0 45.8 IS 32 24-3 38.0 23 03 32 65.0 63.9 42 32 64.5 63.2 43 34 49-9 53-7 28 34 9.2 10.3 22 29 34 62.8 61.1 46 34 64.9 63.6 43 36 58.7 61.3 41 36 7-0 8.5 26 36 59-1 57.3 52 36 65.1 64.1 42 38 50-4 53-0 28 38 ii. i 12.4 32 38 59-0 57-8 52 38 64.2 63.0 44 40 50.0 52.9 28 40 16.2 18.7 41 40.4 58.1 57-1 53 40 63.5 62.2 45 43 5i.o 53-8 29 42 18.1 19.5 44 42 59-3 58.1 Si 42 63.9 62.7 44 44 51-7 57-0 32 -7-8 44 16.9 18.0 41 -4.8 44 62.1 60.9 47 -4-3 44 64.5 63.3 43 -4.8 46 53-7 58.0 34 46 15.0 16.1 38 46 62.8 61.2 46 46 64.8 63.7 43 48 52.1 57-2 32 48 14.0 15.1 37 48 63.4 61.1 46 48 64.9 63.7 42 50 52.4 57-0 33 50 14.2 16.0 38 50 63.9 61.2 45 SO 64.0 62.9 44 52 41.2 43.0 24 13 52 15-0 17.1 39 52 63.7 61.5 45 52 64.1 63.1 44 54 23.0 26.2 23 45 54 13-3 iS-i 36 54 63.1 60.3 46 54 66.9 66.0 30 5$ 23.1 25.9 45 56 10.3 12.2 32 56 61.9 59-2 48 56 67.8 66.7 38 58 32.1 34.2 23 59 5 11. i 13.1 33 58 61.8 59.0 4C 1 58 67.4 65.8 39 8 oo 14.0 15.2 37 -4-7 12 00 66.9 65.8 39 -S-o Correction to local mean time is + 6.55. Torsion head at oh oom read 79" and at 8h 24m read the same. Observer J. V. 16 Correction to local mean time is 75. 90 torsion = 17/62. Torsion head at 7h 50111 read 79 and at I2h 20m read 69. Observer R. R. T. 234 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Tuesday, May 17, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, May 18, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale . East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o t O h m d d o r o h m d d o t O h m d d o t O 12 OO 50.2 50.9 22 53 -3-0 14 oo 46.0 49.2 22 48 -1.9 o oo* 40.0 37-8 22 IS -S.8 2 OO 36.0 24.2 23 04 -7-7 02 51-1 Si-9 54 02 47-0 50.3 50 02 40.9 39.1 13 02 40.2 28.2 22 58 04 49-3 51-3 22 52 04 44.8 48.1 46 04 37-2 34.5 20 04 39.2 27.7 59 06 54-2 56.9 23 oi 06 45.0 48.1 46 06 41.1 37.2 14 06 39.8 28.0 58 08 57-7 58.8 05 08 42.8 45-9 43 08 45.1 40.1 09 08 39.1 28.2 59 IO 57-0 58.8 04 IO 42.3 46.3 43 10 46.6 43.1 06 IO 39.9 29.0 22 58 12 58.8 60.8 07 12 41.9 45.8 42 12 45-9 41-9 07 12 36.9 27.0 23 oi 14 56.1 57-1 02 -2.9 14 45.2 48.9 47 -1.9 14 45-3 41-9 08 -8.8 H 37-1 28.1 00 -7-7 16 56.1 57-4 02 16 48.1 52.2 52 16 46.2 42.8 06 16 37-2 25.2 O2 18 58.2 59-9 06 18 48.9 53-0 53 18 47-2 43.0 05 18 31.3 24.9 07 20 56.1 57-1 23 02 20 52.1 56.1 58 20 46.0 42.5 06 20 31.0 25.2 07 22 52.9 54-1 22 57 22 50.7 54.9 56 22 47.2 44.6 04 22 28.0 22.8 12 24 53-6 55-7 22 59 24 47-1 50.2 50 24 45-0 41-3 08 24 27.9 23.1 12 26 54-2 56.2 23 oo 26 46.9 51.0 50 26 40.2 36.7 16 26 29.9 24.7 09 28 55-1 57-1 02 28 44-5 48.1 46 28 33-0 31-0 26 28 25.9 21. I IS 30 62.8 64.3 13 -2.8 30 44-9 47-9 46 -1.7 30 25.9 23.2 37 -8.7 30 22.2 l8.3 20 -7.6 32 62.0 63.8 12 32 40.1 43-8 39 32 16.1 14.0 52 32 16.9 14.2 27 34 61.9 63.7 12 34 42.7 46.2 43 34 19.9 19.2 45 34 IO.2 8.1 37 36 62 . 2 63 . I 12 36 44-9 47-9 46 36 17.0 14.8 Si 36 10.7 8.0 37 38 62.3 64.5 13 38 35-1 38.5 31 38 21.8 20.0 43 38 16.1 14.8 27 40 65.5 67.1 18 40 41.8 42.7 40 40 I7.I 10.2 55 40 18.8 12.0 27 42 69.2 70.9 23 42 43-9 45-8 44 42 20.8 17.9 22 46 42 13-0 IT. 3 32 44 70.9 73-5 27 -2.6 44 43-6 45.0 43 -1.4 44*5 40.1 37.0 23 07 -8.6 44 16.9 15.5 26 -7-5 46 68.5 71-0 23 46 42.2 44-7 42 46 47.2 43.9 22 56 46 21. I 18.3 21 48 67.7 68.9 21 48 39-3 41-8 37 48 65.0 58.0 31 48 19.3 16.1 24 50 66.8 66.8 18 50 45-9 48.1 47 50 57-8 48.3 22 44 50 12.0 9.0 35 52 63.1 64.3 13 52 44.9 48.0 46 52 37-0 17-8 23 25 52* 29.7 27.8 50 62.2 65.0 13 54 40.6 43-7 40 54 63.7 44.9 22 42 54 29.0 27.8 51 56 61.1 62.8 II 56 42.1 45-3 42 56 52.9 31.0 23 02 56 29.1 27.9 50 58 57-7 59-1 05 58 39-1 42.1 37 58 47-9 31-3 23 06 58 26.0 24.8 55 13 oo 56.9 59-1 04 -2.3 15 oo 38.7 41-2 36 -1.4 I OO 73-3 55-8 22 26 -8.3 3 oo 36.7 36.3 38 -7-4 02 58.0 59-1 OS 02 39-7 42.1 38 02 57-8 37-4 22 53 02 45-4 42. S 26 04 55-4 58.1 02 04 41.1 43-9 40 04 46.0 31.1 23 07 04 59-0 58.1 23 03 06 55-4 58.1 02 06 37.0 40.0 34 06 52.2 37.1 22 58 06 67.5 65.1 22 51 08 53-8 56.4 23 oo 08 36.9 39.2 33 08 67.9 46.8 38 08 73-2 72.3 41 IO 52.2 56.3 22 58 10 36.2 38.4 32 IO 68.6 50.3 34 IO 67.86 22 49 12 46.9 49-9 49 12 34-9 37-4 30 12 68.8 51.0 34 12 56.16 23 07 -7-3 14 43-2 47-8 45 -2.2 14 33-2 35-1 27 -1.3 14 ST. 9 35-6 22 59 -8.2 14 42.1 42.0 29 16 39-9 45-1 40 16 32-8 33.7 26 16 44-3 20.8 23 17 16 32.9 32.7 44 18 38.1 43-9 38 18 32.3 33-8 25 18* 54-0 33-3 23 50 18 40.9 39.1 32 20 36.7 41-8 35 20 33-1 34-6 26 20*4 52.0 29.0 22 48 20 46.3 44-9 24 22 36.8 41.8 35 22 33-4 34-6 27 22 62.8 37-0 33 22 47.4 46.0 22 24 38.8 43-1 38 24 33-2 34-1 26 24 56.0 33-0 42 24 44-9 44-5 25 26 39-1 43.3 38 26 32.8 33-3 25 26 59-0 37-0 36 26 42.5 42.1 29 28 38.2 42.8 37 28 32.1 32.8 24 28 61.8 40.8 3T 28 45.5 45.2 ! 24 30 40.7 44-4 40 30 31.9 32.8 24 -1.2 30 56.3 36.2 30 -8.0 30 45.0 42.0 27 -7.2 32 39-9 44-6 40 -2.O 32 32.2 32.5 24 32 58.0 38.0 36 32 41.8 39.9 31 34 40.2 45.1 40 34 35-0 35-3 28 34 55-5 37-o 39 34 38.1 37-0 36 36 44.0 48.2 46 36 35-3 35-9 29 36 48.9 31- 1 49 36 38.3 36.8 36 38 43-9 48.1 46 38 36.8 37-1 31 38 50.6 34-1 45 38 30.0 28.3 50 40 44.7 48.4 46 40 36.7 37-4 32 40 47-2 31.3 50 40 32.8 30.8 45 42 44.1 48.8 46 42 37-3 38.0 32 42 41.2 26.1 22 59 42 32-7 30.5 46 44 45.1 49.4 48 -2.0 44 39-3 39-9 36 -1.2 44 40.4 24.8 23 oo -7-9 44 36.7 33-9 40 -7-1 46 44-9 49-1 47 46 30.1 39-8 35 46 48.9 28.3 22 51 46 40.1 36.9 35 48 46.1 50. I 40 48 38.9 39-8 35 48 41.2 27.0 58 48 41.7 38.2 33 50 45.6 49.6 48 50 39.1 40.0 35 50 41.0 27.1 22 58 50 36.1 32.2 42 52 43-7 47-5 45 52 39.2 40.0 36 52 37.0 23.1 23 04 52 26.2 23.7 ; 56 54 42.2 45-9 42 54 38.2 41.1 36 54 31.9 17.1 13 54 30.3 27.3 50 56 42.0 45.1 42 56 38.7 42.1 37 56 30.2 17.0 M 56 28.7 30-3 49 58 43-3 46.1 44 58 37-3 39-9 34 58 33.2 20.9 09 58 30.8 30.0 48 16 oo 35-7 38.8 32 -1.2 Correction to local mean time is 175. 90 torsion = 12/17. Torsion head at nh 4om read 75 and at i6h 2om read 64. Observer R. R. T. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 235 Wednesday, May 18, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, May 18, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / o h m d d O 1 O h m d d O / h m d d O 1 4 oo 35-0 32.8 23 42 -7.0 6 oo 55-1 54.3 23 09 -5.9 8 oo 65.8 62.0 22 55 IO OO 25-3 24.5 22 57 -4-5 02 32.0 30.0 23 46 02 55-1 63.9 IO 02 64.0 6l.2 57 02 36.0 33.8 42 04 24.8 20.4 24 oo 04 56.8 55-9 07 04 69.4 67.0 22 48 04 36.0 36.0 40 06 21.0 17.7 05 06 56.9 56.1 06 06 61.5 57-1 23 02 06 25-7 25.5 22 56 08 24.0 19.9 OI 08 60.0 59.2 02 08 67-3 63.3 ' 22 53 08 23.0 22.3 23 oi 10 22.0 19.0 24 03 IO 60.9 59.8 23 oo 10 71.7 69.3 44 IO 28.5 27.2 22 53 12 25.3 20.9 23 59 12 64.3 61.8 22 56 12 63.0 60.2 58 12 29-3 29.3 50 14 32.7 27.8 48 -7-0 14 70.3 69.8 45 -5-8 14 65.6 63.0 54 -5.3 14 29-3 28.3 51 -4-3 16 39-8 36.1 36 16 66.0 65.3 52 16 64.8 63.1 55 16 35-5 34-5 22 42 18 36.9 35.2 39 18 64-5 63.9 54 18 65-5 63.5 54 18 22.5 22.1 23 02 20 36.2 28.0 45 20 65.8 64.9 53 20 64.6 62.6 55 20* 44.0 38.0 28 22 29.0 26.0 52 22 66. s 64.8 52 22 65.2 62.7 55 22 39-0 36.8 33 24 31.2 28.9 48 24 67.9 65.1 51 24 65.6 64.2 53 34 50.4 48.0 IS 26 32.2 30.3 46 26 68.9 66.0 49 26 64.0 61.5 22 57 26 52.0 49.2 23 13 28 31-9 29.5 47 28 62.9 61.9 22 57 28 61.3 59-3 23 oo 28 65.3 59-7 22 54 30 31.2 29.0 48 4.9 30.3 49-2 47-7 23 19 -5.8 30 64.6 63.0 22 55 -S-o 30 65.3 61.3 53 -4-3 32 27.1 25.0 54 32 50.1 47-8 18 32 64.3 62.1 56 32* 44-3 33-6 29 34 27.1 25.2 54 55-0 5L9 ii 34 62.8 60.9 58 34 42.2 39.8 25 36 28.7 26.1 52 36 59-2 57-0 04 36 69-3 65.7 49 36 39-0 38.2 29 38 27.8 25.9 53 38 60.3 58.3 23 02 38 64.3 63.2 22 55 38 40.6 39.0 27 40 27.8 25.8 53 40 62.2 60.0 22 59 40 59-7 56.8 23 04 40 44-0 39.2 24 42 26.1 24.8 55 42 61.2 59-3 23 oi 42 64.3 60.6 22 57 42 39-3 37-0 30 44 27.8 25.7 53 -6. 9 44 61.8 59-7 00 -5-7 44 55-3 50.5 23 12 -5-0 44 41.6 32.8 31 -4-2 4 S 30.9 28.2 49 46 58.0 56.2 05 46 50.8 47-0 23 18 46 42.3 29.3 34 48 36.0 33.6 40 48 60.8 58.2 02 48 67.2 65.4 22 51 48 34.6 29.4 40 50 31-3 28.4 48 50 62.9 59.0 oo 50 73-8 71-3 41 50 30.2 25.6 46 52 33-0 31.8 44 52 58.3 55-3 06 52 72.6 70.2 43 52 34-3 27.4 4i 54 34-4 34-3 41 58.3 55-0 06 54 70.6 67.2 47 54 28.3 20.8 51 56 32.7 3L9 44 56 57.1 54.0 08 56 70.6 67.0 47 56 27.2 20.1 53 58 35-2 34-1 41 58 58.0 56.0 06 58 69.1 64.6 50 58 26.8 22.2 51 5 oo 35-0 34-1 40 -6-7 700 61.0 58.0 23 02 -5-7 9 oo 67.6 62.5 53 -4.8 II OO 34.2 28.6 40 -4.0 02 37-8 37-0 36 03 63.0 60.0 22 50 02 68.0 63.6 52 02 36.9 30.1 37 04 40.0 38.2 34 04 64.0 60.5 58 04 72.2 68.6 45 04 33-6 27.8 42 06 44.2 42.9 27 06 64.2 61.0 22 57 06 74-6 71-3 41 06 37-7 34-5 33 08 44-7 44-2 26 08 61.2 58.2 23 oi 08* 43-3 33-8 36 08 37-0 35.6 33 10 44-9 44-1 25 10 62.8 60.7 22 58 IO 36.9 36.3 39 10 32.4 32.0 39 12 43-5 43-2 27 12 56.6 54.0 23 08 12 32.0 30.3 , 48 12 32.4 31-0 40 14 47.6 46.9 21 -6.4 14 54.0 51.9 12 -5-7 M 27.1 26.6 54 -4.9 14 4-1.6 37-6 28 -3-8 16 53-3 52.9 12 16 60.7 57-8 23 02 16 29.8 28.9 50 16 41.0 37.1 29 18 57-3 55-9 06 18 62.0 59.8 22 6O 18 4i.i 38.3 34 18 42.2 38.8 26 20 56.6 55.3 07 20 62. S 60.2 22 59 20 41-0 38.3 34 20 46.5 43-5 19 22 55-1 54.7 09 22 60.8 58.3 23 02 22 29.0 27.7 52 22 47-0 43-5 19 24 56.3 55-8 07 24 60.3 57.2 23 03 24 24.3 23.0 22 60 24 45-4 41-8 21 26 56.2 56.1 07 26 63.2 61.0 22 58 26 24.0 21.7 23 oi 26 42.6 39.0 26 28 51.88 14 28 64.0 61.0 57 28 29.6 28.8 22 51 28 39-0 35-8 31 an 5'.8 51-2 14 -6.1 30 64.0 61.0 22 57 -5.8 30 32.0 29.5 48 -4-9 30 36.3 33-0 35 32 54-9 54-9 09 32 61.2 59-1 23 oi 33 33-8 31-8 45 32 35-8 32.6 36 -3-8 34 60.2 59.6 23 01 34 60.0 56.9 23 04 34 32.3 31-3 46 35-6 32.6 36 ^6 67.00 22 50 36 63.0 60.2 22 58 36 27.3 26.0 55 36 36.3 33.6 35 38 67. 5 67.1 50 38 63.9 61.9 56 38 26.8 25.3 56 38 34-2 32.0 38 40 63.8 63.2 56 40 62.9 61.6 22 58 40 26.8 24.3 56 40 33-0 30.8 40 42 63.0 62.9 56 42 59-3 57-8 23 03 42 32.8 31.3 46 42 32.6 30.6 40 44 64.8(1 53 -6.0 44 59.0 57-5 04 -5-8 44 33-1 30.8 46 -4.8 44 33-8 31-8 38 -3.6 46 60.3 68.2 47 46 59-0 55.3 06 46 30.9 28.5 50 46 34-0 32.3 38 48 69.2 68.3 47 48 60.8 57.8 23 02 48 31.6 30.2 48 48 34-3 32.3 38 50 64.8 64.2 54 50 6.5.8 60.8 22 57 50 32.3 30-3 47 50 34-6 33-0 37 52 64.3 64.1 22 54 52 6.1.2 60.8 22 57 52 30.3 28.3 So 52 34-3 32.6 37 54 59-oJ 2? O2 54 58.0 55.8 23 06 54 25-6 24.3 57 54 34-2 32.5 38 56 S0.7 50.0 16 56 63.3 60.2 22 58 56 24.6 24.0 22 58 56 35-1 33-3 36 58 52. T 50.9 M 58 65.0 62.2 55 -5-7 58 23.0 22.4 23 oi 58 36.3 34-3 34 Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 8h o6m to 8h I2tn. Observer W. J. P. 236 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OP ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, May 18, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, May 18, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d f o h m d d ' h m d d o / h m d d O f O 12 OO 36.4 34.6 22 34 -3-6 14 oo 38.6 37-6 22 30 -3-0 16 oo 43-9 43-3 22 21 -3-1 18 oo 37-2 36.8 22 32 -3-8 02 36.3 35-8 33 02 38.3 37-5 30 02 45-3 44-7 19 02 37-9 37-1 31 04 38.5 37-1 30 04 40.0 38.7 28 04 45-6 45.0 ^9 04 40.1 38.9 28 06 39-5 38.0 29 06 41.9 41.5 24 06 46.3 45-7 18 06.3 41.8 41.1 25 08 39-3 37-6 30 08 43-0 42.7 23 08 47.6 46.8 16 08 44-7 44-0 20 10 38.9 37-3 30 10 49-0 43-5 17 10 47-8 47-2 15 10 46.8 46.2 17 12 38.8 37-3 30 12 44-4 44-3 20 12 46.3 45-3 18 12 48.2 47.2 15 14 37-5 36.3 32 -3-6 14 44-6 44-0 20 -3-0 14 45-8 44.9 19 -3-3 14 49.0 48.1 M -3.5 16 37-0 35.6 33 16 47-6 46.5 16 16 44-6 43-6 20 16 49.1 47.2 14 18 37-3 3<5.o 32 18 44-1 43.6 21 18 46.0 44.8 19 18 50.4 47-9 13 20 37-6 36.2 32 20 51-7 51-3 09 20 49-5 48.3 13 20 50.3 47-2 13 22 37-1 35-5 33 22 57-1 56.0 22 OI 22 48.3 46.6 15 22 51-3 48.5 12 24 38.2 37.3 31 24 58.6 58.3 21 58 24 49.3 47.8 14 24 50.1 47-1 14 26 37.6 36.6 32 26 60.2 59.4 56 26 49-3 47-7 14 26 49.9 48.2 13 38 37-6 36.5 32 28 59-0 58.5 58 28 51.6 49-9 10 28 48.3 46.9 15 30 36.8 35-8 33 -3-5 30 60.3 59-3 56 -2.9 30 53-5 51-8 07 -3-5 30 46.3 45-8 18 -3-3 32 38.2 37.3 31 32 62.6 61.3 53 32 51.0 49.6 ii 32 39-1 36.6 30 34 38.3 37-3 30 60.6 59-1 56 34 52.6 51-3 08 34 38.8 35-0 32 36 37-3 36.3 32 36 60.3 59-4 56 36 55-3 54-3 04 36 47.6 44-7 17 38 37-3 36.5 32 38 64.0 61.6 Si 38 57-0 56.1 OI 38 50.3 48.9 12 40 37-6 36.9 3i 40 62.6 60.8 ; 53 40 56.3 55-5 02 40 50.7 49-1 12 42 38.2 37-4 30 42 67.0 66.3 45 42 54-7 54-3 04 42 51.8 47-1 12 44 38.2 37.3 31 -3-6 44 67.3 66.1 45 -2.8 44 53-0 52.7 07 -3-7 44 53-9 47-2 10 -3-1 46 37-6 36.9 31 46 65.8 63.9 48 46 52.9 52.4 07 46 37-9 30.1 36 48 37-8 36.9 3i 48 67.0 65.6 46 48 53-6 53-3 06 48 51-5 38.8 19 50 37-5 36.6 32 50 62.6 61.3 53 50 55-3 54-9 03 50 55-2 30.9 22 52 37-4 36.3 32 52 60. i 58.3 21 57 52 56.4 56.2 OI 52 63.9 33-3 22 14 54 38.3 37-3 30 54 57-6 56.6 22 00 54 57-3 57-0 00 54 77.9 46.8 21 52 56 38.3 38.3 30 56 63.0 60.3 21 53 56 57-3 57-1 00 56 44.1 9.0 51 58 38.1 37-6 30 58 53-0 51-8 22 08 58 56.8 56.6 01 58 43-4 8.1 52 13 oo 37-3 36.5 32 -3-6 15 oo 48.6 46.3 15 -2.8 17 oo 56.8 56.8 01 -3-9 19 oo 41.1 6.8 55 -3-0 02 38.0 37-5 31 02.4 45-3 44-3 19 02 57-6 57-2 oo 02 40.9 7-8 54 3 38.8 38.2 38.9 38.1 29 29 3 42.8 41-5 43-6 42.3 24 22 3 06 57-6 56.7 57-0 55- 8 00 01 04 06 40.2 8.8 40.3 10.7 54 53 08 38.5 37-3 30 08 44.8 43.2 21 08 57-3 56-0 OI 08 37-8 9-7 55 10 38.9 38.2 29 10 44.1 43-0 22 IO 57-1 56.2 OI IO 36.7 9-4 21 56 12 39-6 38.5 29 12 41.8 40.0 26 12 57-0 56.1 01 12 33-5 7-2 22 01 14 39-9 39-1 28 -3-6 14 43-3 41-3 23 -2.8 14 57-6 56.5 00 -4.0 14*5 68.1 37-9 10 -3-0 16 39-4 39-1 28 16 40.9 39.6 27 16 57- o 56.0 01 16 64.0 36.9 14 18 40.0 39.3 28 18 41-3 39-8 26 18 56.3 55-8 02 18 64.3 36.2 14 20 40.1 39.8 27 20 43-9 40.3 26 20 56.6 55.1 02 20 62.4 37-1 15 22 34.6 34.6 36 22 41-3 41-0 25 22 55-0 53-3 05 22 62.9 35-8 16 24 39-3 39-1 28 24 44-3 43-8 21 i 24 53-6 52.0 07 24 61.0 35-2 18 26 39-8 39.6 28 26 41.3 41.0 25; 26 53.6 51.0 08 26 61.9 37-2 15 28 40.6 40.6 26 28 44-3 43-8 21 i 28 53-3 Si.o 08 28 50.5 28.7 3i 30 40.3 40.1 27 -3-5 30 45-3 44-6 10 -2.9 30 51.6 50.0 IO -4.0 30 56.9 37-8 19 -2.9 32 40.1 39-8 27 32 46.0 45.6 3 32 5i-7 50.0 IO 32 61.2 41.9 12 34 39-3 39-3 28 34 45-6 45-3 19 34 Si.o 49-1 II 34 61.0 42.3 12 36 38.6 38.3 30 36 45-2 45-0 19 36 50.3 49-3 12 36 53-2 36.7 22 38 39-6 39.3 28 38 45-7 45-3 18 38 51-8 50.3 10 38 60.0 47.1 09 40 40.9 40.5 26 40 46.6 46.3 17 40 50.6 50.2 II 40 58.2 44.0 22 13 42 41.0 40.8 26 42 49.3 49.2 13 42 52.3 st. i 09 42 65.6 53.0 21 60 44 40.3 40.1 27 -3-3 44 50.3 49-7 it -3-0 44 52.8 51.9 08 -4.0 44 71- i 59-0 51 -2.9 46 39.8 39.2 28 46.3 47.6 47.0 16 46 51.9 50.6 09 46 67.8 55-9 56 48 34-0 33-8 37 48 46.2 45.5 18 48 46.6 46.2 17 48 68.2 55-8 21 56 50 39-3 39-0 28 50 47-0 46.3 17 50 46.3 46.1 17 50 63.2 50.8 22 04 52 39-3 39.0 28 52 48.5 48.3 14 52 44.0 43.0 22 52 61.6 51.1 05 54 30.1 38.2 29 54 50.3 50.2 ii 54 41.6 40.8 25 54 58.7 48-1 09 56 38.6 38.3 30 56 47-2 46.3 16 56 39-7 38.8 28 56 59-9 51-7 05 58 39-5 38.2 29 58 44-5 43-5 21 58 39-3 38.2 29 58 60.9 52.7 04 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from I7h 38 to I7h 48m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 237 Wednesday, May 18, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, May 19, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r ! readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right ' Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O 1 e h m d d O r h m d d o f O h m d d O ' to oo 59-1 Si.o 22 07 -3-0 22 OO 49.4 48.9 22 l6 -3.4 16 oo 31.0 35-8 21 42 -4-3 18 oo 49-9 SI-I 22 09 -5-3 02 62.9 56.0 flO 02.4 51.9 Si.o 12 02 31-2 35-8 42 02 47.0 48.1 22 O4 04 60.8 53.1 22 04 04 50.8 50.1 14 04 33-2 38.2 46 04 44-0 45.3 21 60 06 63.7 57-8 21 58 06 50.8 49-8 14 06 33-3 38.1 46 06 41.7 42.0 55 08 61.7 54-3 22 02 08 51.8 50-7 13 08 34.8 39-0 47 08 4I.O 41.9 54 10 59-3 58.1 OI IO 52.0 Si.i 12 IL5 . 36.9 40.9 Si IO 41.0 41.7 54 12 54.6 48.9 12 12 51-9 Si.o 12 12 38.0 42.1 52 12 41.0 42.2 55 14 58.1 52.2 06 -3-0 14 52.1 51.2 12 -3.4 14 40.0 43-9 55 -4.6 14 38.1 40.0 51 -5-4 16 59-2 54.1 04 16 52.2 51-5 12 16 40.3 44.4 56 16 32.9 34-2 42 18 57.9 52.9 06 18 53-1 52.1 10 18 41-6 45-1 21 58 18 31-9 33-5 41 20 54-5 49-7 II 20 53-8 52.9 09 20 43-8 47-8 22 OI 20 33-8 36.0 44 22 54-2 49.8 II 22 54-0 53-3 09 22 44-3 49-1 03 22 37-0 38.8 49 24 55-9 50.9 09 24 54-1 53.2 09 24 46.0 49-7 05 24 37-5 39-2 50 26 55-0 50.9 IO 26 51-3 50.9 13 26 46.1 49-9 05 26 36.2 38.8 48 28 56.2 52.1 08 28 53-7 53-0 09 28 45.8 50.0 05 28 37-0 39-1 49 30 53-9 49-3 12 -3-0 30 55.2 54.9 07 -3-3 30 43.0 47-3 ' oo -4-7 30 42.0 42.8 56 -5-7 32 53-9 50.2 II 32 55-7 55-2 06 32 45.1 48.0 ; 02 32 42.2 43-7 21 57 34 55-7 52.8 08 34 51.9 Si.o 12 34 44-3 46.9 22 01 34 46.2 47.0 22 03 36 55-0 51- 1 IO 36 51-7 50.9 12 36 40.0 43.1 21 55 36 47-7 49-3 06 38 56.0 52.8 08 38 52.3 51-7 II 38 37.9 41.0 51 38 51.2 49-2 08 40 54-8 51-6 IO 40 52.2 SI.7 12 40 38.1 40.2 51 40 48.0 49.2 22 06 42 54-5 51-3 10 42 52.6 51.9 II 42 38.9 41.0 52 42 41.86 21 55 44 52.1 49-6 13 -3-i 44 52.9 52.1 II -3-2 44 38.3 40.8 52 -4.8 44-3 40.0 40.3 21 52 -5-8 46 Si. I 49-2 14 46 S3. i S2.7 10 46 38.3 40.3 51 46 44-7 45-1 22 OO 48 48.9 46.9 18 48 51-9 Si.o 12 48 35-2 37-3 46 48 48.9 49.2 06 SO 49-3 47-6 17 50 50.7 SO.o 14 So 35-8 37-7 47 SO 47.0 48.0 22 04 52 49-8 47-9 16 52 50.8 50.2 14 52 39.0 40.8 52 52 43-9 45-1 21 59 54 49-9 48.5 16 54 Si.o 50.4 13 54 38.1 40.8 51 54 44-8 45-2 22 00 56.3 50.9 49.2 14 56 50.7 So.i 14 56 40.3 42.8 55 56 45-9 46.0 O2 58 52.7 Si-o 12 58 SO.o 49-3 15 58 42.5 44.9 21 58 58 52.9 53-1 13 ZI OO 50.7 49-4 14 -3-2 23 oo 49.8 49-1 16 -3.2 17 oo 43.8 46.3 22 OO -4-9 19 oo 56.2 56.7 18 -6.0 02 50.2 49.0 15 02 49.1 48.0 17 02 44.5 47.0 OI 02 55-0 57-1 17 04 50-4 49-3 IS 04 47.8 46.9 19 04 44.9 46.8 OI 04 50.6 52.1 10 06 54-1 52.9 09 O6 47.3 46.0 20 06 45.1 46.8 O2 06 48.0 52.0 08 08 56.2 55-2 06 08 46.4 45- I 21 08 45.0 46.0 22 OI 08 51-9 54-0 12 IO 56.3 56.0 05 10 47.0 45.8 2O IO 43-7 44-1 21 58 10 53-2 55-0 14 12 53-8 52.9 09 12 46.9 45.9 2O 12 38.1 38.9 50 12 51.8 53-2 12 14 54-3 53-2 09 -3-2 14 46.7 45-3 21 -3-1 14 35-1 37-4 46 -5-0 14 52.7 54-0 13 -6.0 16.5 54-0 52-9 09 16 46.1 45-2 22 16 32.0 33-4 41 16 50.0 51-9 09 18 56.0 54-3 06 18 45.2 44-6 22 18 31.0 32.2 39 18 47-9 48.6 OS 20 57-1 56.3 04 20 44.8 44.0 23 20 31-7 33-2 40 20 46.2 47-1 03 22 55-6 54-2 07 22 45-0 44-3 23 22 36.1 37-0 47 22 45.6 46.1 22 OI 24 52.3 Si- I 12 24 45-8 45-1 22 24 41.0 42.2 55 24 42.8 44-7 21 58 26 50.8 49-9 14 26 46.2 45.6 21 26 42.9 44.2 21 58 26 36.9 39-1 49 28 50.4 49.9 14 28 46.9 46.1 20 28 44-2 45-9 22 OO 28 36.4 40.7 50 30 50.9 50.1 u -3-3 30 47.0 46.1 2O -3-2 30 46.2 46.9 O2 -5-2 30 35-0 39.1 48 -6.0 32 So.i 49.3 15 32 46.0 45.2 22 32 45-0 45-8 OI 32 34-1 37.0 45 34 50. i 49.3 IS 34 44.1 42.9 25 34 46.7 47-5 04 34 30.1 32.2 38 36 50.2 49-3 IS 36 42.1 41.0 28 36 48.8 49.2 06 36 32.0 32.7 40 38 50.1 49-2 15 38 41.4 39-9 29 38 50.9 Si.o 09 38 28.2 28.8 34 40 51.0 50.2 14 40 42.1 40.7 28 40 54-0 56.2 16 40 29.0 29.3 35 42 52.8 51-9 II 42 44.0 42.3 25 42 59.8 60.0 24 42 31.0 31.4 38 44 53-5 52.5 IO -3-3 44 45-3 43-9 23 -3-3 44 60.6 60.8 25 -5-2 44 29.0 30.0 36 -6.1 46 52.8 51.7 II 46 47-1 45-3 2O 46 59-8 59-0 23 46 26.3 30.0 34 48 51-3 50.6 13 48 48.0 46.1 19 48 57-6 57-8 20 48 24.0 27.1 30 SO 51-7 50.7 13 50 47-4 46.0 2O 50 55-3 56.1 17 50 3i.o 38.3 44 52 Si.i 50-3 13 52 46.0 44.8 22 52 53-2 54-2 14 52 36.8 39.9 50 54 SI. I SO. 2 14 54 44.1 42.6 25 54-0 55-2 15 54 40.8 45.2 57 56 50.8 49-9 14 56 41.8 40.5 28 56 51-3 52-7 II 56 42.0 45-2 58 58 50.0 49.2 15 58 39-9 38.1 32 58 51.8 52.8 12 58 42.1 46.0 59 24 oo 38.8 36.8 34 -3-6 20 00 42.9 43-9 58 Correction to local mean time is 1.55. 90 torsion = 19/62. Torsion head at oh oom read 65 and at 24!) I2m read 67. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is + 2s. 00 torsion = 16/92. Torsion head at ish 38111 read 69 and at 2oh 2im read 83. Observer J. V. 238 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Friday, May 20, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, May 22, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d / h m d d / h m d d O 1 O 20 oo* 59-0 56.2 21 41 -4-3 22 00 32.0 28.5 22 12 -4.6 o oo* 30.1 34.2 22 08 -6.0 2 OO 74-9 75-3 23 15 -5-9 02 56.1 49-3 21 49 02 32.7 29.0 II 02 21.8 26.9 21 55 02 73.2 73-6 ! 12 04 42.1 42.0 22 O6 04 Lost 04 21. I 24.6 53 04 72.2 73.9 12 06 42.8 41.4 06 06 35-2 31-0 07 06 21.8 24.2 53 06 69.0 71.2 j 07 08 42.0 39.8 08 08 35-8 29.9 08 08 25.0 27.3 58 08 66.7 69.2 ; 04 10 45. 8 42.9 O2 10 24.8 15.2 28 10 23-5 26.2 56 10 67.3 70.0 05 12 47-8 43.0 22 OO 12* 25.8 17.0 48 12 24.8 27.3 58 12 67.3 69.9 05 14 54-o 47-0 21 52 -4-1 14 19.1 10.0 22 59 -4.8 14 24.8 26.9 58 -6.0 14 69.1 71.1 07 -5-9 16 51.0 40.0 22 OO 16* 52.6 40.0 23 12 16 25.0 26.9 21 58 16 69.9 72.7 09 18 47.0 14.7 23 18 53-4 43-2 09 18 27.8 29.4 22 O2 18 71.0 73.4 IO 20 45-3 27.0 22 15 20 42.3 36.7 23 23 20 3I.I 31.8 06 20 71.8 74-1 12 22* 53-1 37-3 21 O2 22 67.1 57-9 22 47 22 34.1 36.2 : 12 22 70.5 73-0 IO 24* 55-0 36.0 52 24* 54-1 43-3 19 24 37-9 39-6 18 24 69.2 71.8 08 26 75-0 55-2 21 26 61.9 52-9 22 O6 26 42.1 43-8 24 26 68.8 71.0 07 28 75-3 57-2 19 28 66.0 56.8 21 59 28 40.8 42.1 22 28 70.1 72.4 09 30* 53-0 34.8 07 -4.0 30 70.2 61.0 53 -5-0 30 44.1 45.4 27 -6.0 30 71.0 73-0 10 -5-7 32 51-4 37-3 06 32 68.0 59.0 21 56 32 43-5 45-2 27 32 70.8 72.3 09 34 39-0 24.1 20 34 62.0 54.0 22 04 34 53.8 54.8 42 34 70.0 71.9 08 36 27.1 12. o 45 36 60.0 52.8 07 36 53-3 54-1 '' 4i 36 70.1 71.2 08 38 28.0 12.2 44 38 58.0 51.0 10 38 53.0 54-1 ' 41 38 72.2 73.9 12 40 19.9 7-0 55 40 56.1 49-5 13 40 65.0 66. o 60 40 74-1 75-2 14 42 20.1 8.O 54 42 55-2 49-4 J4 42 59.3 62.3 53 42 75- 2 76.3 16 44 21. I 9.7 52 -4.0 44 52.9 47-9 16 -5-1 44 36.2 41.5 18 -6.0 44 76.8 77.9 18 -5-7 46 20.7 8.7 53 46 47.1 42.0 26 46 44.7 48.0 30 46*3 52.6 58.4 21 48 20.5 9.8 52 48 44.6 40.0 29 48 48.0 53.1 36 48 53-1 57.8 2O 50 20. o 9.9 52 50 46.2 41.7 27 50 43.1 48.8 29 50 55-8 58.9 23 52 20. o 10.5 52 52 48.8 45-1 22 52 48.1 52.1 36 52 56.9 60.7 : 26 54 19.0 10.0 53 54 50.2 46.0 20 54 47-0 52-9 35 54 59.2 63.0 29 56 17.0 9.0 55 56 48.7 44.2 23 56 46.7 53-8 36 56 57-8 61.3 27 58 15.0 7.4 21 58 58 48.1 44.2 23 58 54.0 61.7 48 58 56.0 59.3 24 21 OO 43-2 32.5 22 OO -4.2 23 oo 46.7 43-0 25 -5-3 I OO 56.2 62.2 50 -6.0 3 oo 54-3 57-9 22 -5-5 O2 43-1 31-5 OI 02 43.0 41.1 30 02 58.7 63.3 22 53 02 54-1 57-2 21 O4 42.0 31 -I 02 04 43.8 40.9 29 04 68.0 72.2 23 07 04 51-9 55-0 17 06 39-8 28.8 06 06 45-2 42-9 26 06 66.9 71.9 23 06 06 50.1 53-3 15 08 37.2 28.2 08 08 46.3 44.8 24 08 61.6 66.7 22 58 08 50.3 53-4 15 ICl 31.0 27.3 14 IO 45-8 44-2 25 IO 58.0 61.5 51 IO 49-9 52.1 14 12.' 36.1 27.0 IO 12 44.2 42.9 27 12 57-1 59.9 49 12 47-8 50.1 10 M 35.0 27.0 II -4-3 14 43-2 42-1 29 -5-5 14 56.0 58.1 47 -6.0 14 47-2 49-8 10 -5-5 16 36.2 28.9 08 16 43-0 42.1 29 16 56.0 58.7 47 16 45-8 48.1 07 18 34-9 28.0 10 18 44.0 43.5 27 18 58.5 61.4 51 18 44-9 47-0 05 20 33-9 27.1 12 20 44-7 43-7 26 20 59.3 62.0 52 20 43.9 46.1 04 22 33-0 27.1 12 22 43.0 41.9 29 22 58.3 61.2 Si 22 42.1 44.4 23 01 24 32.0 26.3 14 24 40.5 39-1 33 24 60.3 62.7 54 24 40.3 42.4 22 58 26 30.4 26.0 15 26 39-9 38.3 34 26 62.2 64.3 56 26 39-8 40.5 56 28 30.3 26.1 IS 28 40.0 38.9 34 28 63.6 65.9 22 59 28 40.1 41.7 58 30 33-0 29.5 IO -4.4 30 40.2 38.9 34 -5-7 30 66.1 68.1 23 02 -6.0 30 40.1 41.9 58 -5-4 32 32.2 29.0 ii 32 39-3 38.4 35 32 69.5 71.8 08 32 40.1 41.9 58 34 33.0 30.0 IO 34 37-7 37-0 37 34 73-2 75-0 14 34 41.1 42.3 22 59 36 32.2 29.3 II 36 37.0 36.2 38 36 74.2 75.9 15 36 42.0 43-1 23 oo 38 32.3 29.8 II 38 37-6 36.8 37 38 74.2 76.0 15 38 41.1 42.6 22 59 40 33.2 31.0 09 40 37.0 36.6 s 40 73-0 74-5 13- 40 41-3 42.7 59 42 35-5 32.9 06 42 37-0 36.2 38 42 72.9 74.0 12 42 40.2 41.5 58 44.S 34.0 30.2 09 -4-5 44 37-8 37-0 37 -5-8 44 73-3 74-8 13 -6.0 44 39.2 40.6 56 -5-3 46 33.0 30.0 IO 46 37.0 36.0 38 46 71.2 72.9 IO 46 40.2 41.1 57 48 32.0 28.9 12 48 35-0 34-0 41 48 68.9 70.1 06 48 41-3 42.4 59 50 33-9 30.8 09 50 35-1 34-1 41 50 66.3 67.8 02 50 41.1 42.3 59 52 32.1 30.0 II 52 35-8 34-2 41 52 65.9 67.0 OI 52 41-3 42-5 22 59 54 30.9 29.0 12 54 38.2 34.9 38 54 68.1 69.0 05 54 42.7 43.6 23 oi 56 30.0 26.8 15 56 37-1 40.0 35 56 71.5 72.8 10 56 42-3 43-0 oo 58 31.8 28.1 12 58 40.3 37-8 34 ! 58 75-2 76.2 16 58 42-5 43-7 01 24 oo 39-2 37-0 36 -5-9 1 Correction to local mean time is 45. 90 torsion = 18/24. Torsion head at ioh 35m read 83 and at 24h 2im read 89. Observer J. V. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 239 Sunday, May 22, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Monday, May 23, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East 1 Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Uight Left Uight Left Uight h in d d e i o h in d d o / O h in d d / O h in d d f O 4 oo 62.9 61.6 23 04 -5-2 6 OO 71-8 70.3 22 50 -4.0 8 oo 55-1 55-3 22 54 -5-3 IO OO 37-7 42.3 22 3O -3-2 02 64.2 63.1 02 O2 72.3 7I-I 49 02 50.8 52-8 22 48 02 33-3 38.0 23 04 65.1 63.8 OI 04 72.6 71.2 49 04 59.8 61.1 23 02 04 32.1 35-9 2O 06 64.0 63.0 02 06 71.5 70.1 51 06 57-6 61.7 OI 06 29.0 33.9 16 08 63.1 61.9 04 08 71.2 70.2 51 08 62.2 66.6 08 08 43.0 48.0 38 IO 64.2 62.9 02 IO 72.3 71-0 50 10 65.8 71.0 14 IO 43-8 47.8 39 12 65.9 64.6 OO 12 72.7 71-1 49 I_> 69.2 71.2 17 12 39-1 43.2 32 14 65.8 64.1 oo -5-1 14 72.9 71.3 49 -3-9 14 73-6 75-8 24 -5-0 14 43-2 44-0 35 -3-0 16 65.1 64.1 01 16 72.8 72.0 48 16 74-7 78.0 27 16 37-6" 39-1 27 18 64.3 63.6 02 18 72.1 71.7 49 18 73-5 77-3 25 18 35.2 37.0 24 20 64.8 64.0 23 01 20 72.0 71-5 49 20 65.1 69.8 23 13 20 39-7 40.9 30 22 66.2 65.8 22 58 22 72.1 71.6 49 22 56.3 61.1 22 59 22 38.1 40.7 29 24 67.5 67.2 56 24 72.0 71.2 50 24 S6.o 57.3 56 24 36.6 38.0 26 26 68.1 67.8 55 26 72.0 71.1 50 26 43-1 47.9 38 26 33-9 35-1 21 28 67.3 66.9 57 28 72.5 71-8 49 28 44-4 47-3 39 28 31-8 34-8 19 30 67.9 67.7 56 -5-0 , 30 72.9 72.1 48 -3-9 30 49-2 53-4 48 -4.9 30 41-1 43-0 33 -2.6 32 68.8 68.3 54 32.2 72.8 71.8 48 32 52.8 58.6 54 32 35.0 36.9 23 34 69.7 68.9 53 34 73.1 72.1 48 34 48.1 52.8 46 34 33-1 34-8 20 36 69.1 68.2 54 36 74-0 73-1 47 36 42.0 48.0 38 36 32.9 34.9 20 38 70.2 69.3 53 38 73-9 73-1 47 38 43.2 49.0 39 38 36.3 38.3 26 40 72.0 71.1 50 40 73-3 72-8 47 40 48.7 54-0 48 40 29.1 31.8 15 42 72.8 71.5 49 I 42 74.1 72.2 47 42 42.3 46.3 37 42 33-1 33-9 20 44 72.3 71.4 49 -5-0 44 75-0 73-1 46 -4.0 44 34-3 37-6 23 -4.8 44 29.9 3LI 15 -2.2 46 72.3 71-5 49 4 S 75-0 73-1 46 46 30.8 33-6 18 46 28.3 31.2 H 48 73-i 72.2 48 48 74.0 72.9 47 48 40.3 45-9 35 48 29.0 32.0 IS 50 70.9 69.2 52 50 74-8 73-1 46 50 48.8 51.9 46 50 28.8 32.5 15 52 72.0 71.0 50 52 74.1 72.2 47 52 44.9 47.7 40 52 28.9 32.0 15 54 70.7 69.8 52 54 73.7 72.1 48 54 44.1 46.9 38 54 23.0 26.3 06 56 71.9 71.1 50 56 74-8 73-1 46 56 38.9 42.3 31 56 23.3 28.1 07 58 73-1 72-3 48 58 74.4 72.7 47 58 39.1 42.1 31 58 24.7 29.0 09 5 oo 73-0 71.6 48 -4-9 7 oo 74-9 72-9 46 -3-8 9 oo 35-4 38.0 25 -4-4 II 00 29.9 34-8 18 -2.0 02 73-0 71.2 49 02 73-2 71-7 48 02 33-1 36.9 22 02 33-8 37-8 23 04 73-0 71.3 49 04 73-7 71-4 48 04 29.7 33.2 16 04 35-8 39-0 26 06 73-1 71-8 48 06 72.9 71. i 49 06 29.5 32.1 15 06 40.5 44-1 33 08 73-3 72.1 48 08 73.9 72.8 47 08 34-1 35.4 22 08 43-3 46.1 37 10 73.3 72.2 48 10 73-0 72.0 48 10 36.1 39-0 26 10 38.9 40.9 30 12 73.7 7^.6 47 12 72.8 71.7 49 12 39-9 42-7 32 12 38.1 40.3 28 14 73-3 72.5 48 -4.8 14 74-1 73-5 46 -3-3 14 37-9 39-8 28 -4-2 14 38.5 40.9 29 -2.O 16 71.9 71-2 50 16 74-1 73-5 46 16 35-9 39-2 26 16 34-3 38.6 24 18 74.0 72.2 47 18 74-2 73-8 46 18 36.1 39.2 26 18 29.9 33.2 16 20 72.9 71.1 49 20 74-3 73-3 46 20 41.1 45-7 35 20 30.8 34.1 18 22 73-3 72.1 48 22 74-9 74-1 45 22 46.9 50.1 43 22 24.5 28.0 22 08 24 73-8 72.2 47 24 74-3 73-8 46 24 44-9 47-2 39 24 I9.I 22. 21 59 26 72.3 7I-I 49 26 75-0 73-9 45 26 41-8 44-7 35 26 13.1 15.9 50 28 71-5 70.2 51 28 75-6 74.1 44 28 36.1 37-9 25 28 12.3 14-8 48 30 70.9 69.7 52 -4-7 30 76.0 74.0 44 -2.9 30 33-2 36.1 21 -4.0 30 17.3 19.9 21 56 -2.2 32 71.6 70.3 Si 32 75-2 73-9 45 32 3S-o 37-0 24 32 29.1 31.0 22 14 34 70.0 68.9 53 34 75.6 74.0 44 34 32.9 34-2 20 34.5 41.8 42.5 33 36 71.1 70.0 51 36 75-0 73-9 ! 45 36 27.0 28.1 IO 36 42.1 42.8 34 38 71.3 7o.i 51 38 75-8 73-5 45 38 27.0 29.6 II 38 43-2 43-9 35 40 72.7 71- i 49 40 76.0 74.7 44 40 36.7 37.2 25 40 47.2 48.1 42 42 72.9 71.2 49 42 74.0 72.3 47 42 48.1 48.7 43 42 50.3 51.2 47 44 72.3 71.1 49 -4-3 44 74-9 73-1 46 -2.2 44 49-1 51.7 46 -3-8 44 53-3 54-0 Si -2.2 46 71.0 69.9 52 46 74-9 74-0 45 46 47-2 49.7 43 46 47-0 47.8 4i 48 71.7 70.3 50 48 73-4 73-0 47 48 40.8 43-1 33 48 37.26 25 50 71.9 70.8 50 50 72.7 71-5 49 50.6 31.4 32.0 17 50 21. I 22.9 22 O2 52 70.8 69.6 52 52 75-0 74-4 45 52 24.6 26.2 07 52 19.8 21. I 21 59 54 71-5 70.3 51 54 74-7 73-8 46 54 20.3 21.8 00 54 17.2 I9.I 56 56 71.2 70.2 Si 56 74.9 74-1 45 56 30.1 32.7 16 56 16.0 17.1 21 53 58 71.9 70.7 50 58 76.3 75.8 43 58 41.1 47.1 36 58 2S.8 26.8 22 08 8 oo 73-7 72.9 47 -1.9 12 OO 29.50 13 -2.O Correction to local mean time is 22s. 00 torsion = 18/60. Torsion head at oh oom read 90 and at 8h 20111 read 85. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 41.55. 90 torsion = 19/62. Torsion head at 7h 4om read 85 and at 12)1 2om read 91. Observer R. R. T. 24 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, May 24, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, May 25, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C, time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O ' O h m d d e h in d d O ' C h m d d a t 12 OO* 48.8 47-9 23 29 -2.4 14 oo 59-6 57-9 22 4O -1.7 OO 39.8 40.0 22 27 -4.6 2 OO 54-9 55-0 22 SO -4.8 02 48.9 46.9 29 02 56.9 54.7 45 02 39-0 39-9 26 02 55-0 55-0 50 04 49-5 47-2 29 04 59-7 57-0 41 04 38.2 39-1 25 04 53-0 53-3 47 06 49.7 47-1 28 06 57-8 55-1 44 06 38.3 39-2 25 06 52.0 52.6 46 08 49.2 47.2 29 08 57-9 55-4 44 08.3 39.1 40.0 26 08 52.0 53-0 46 IO 46.4 43-5 34 10 57-3 55-0 44 10 39.1 40.0 26 IO 53-5 54-4 49 12 44.8 42.0 36 12 58.7 55-9 42 12 39-1 39-9 26 12 55-2 55-8 51 14 50.3 47.7 28 -2.O 14 61.0 58.8 38 -1-7 *4 39-5 39-8 26 -4.9 14 55-9 59-0 54 -4.8 16 47.2 45.2 32 16 62.2 59.2 37 16 39.3 40.0 26 16 58.0 59-1 56 18 52.0 49.8 24 18 66. o 62.1 32 18 38.9 39-1 25 18 59.2 60.2 58 20 51.8 49.0 25 20 66.7 62.8 31 20 38.1 38.8 24 20 58.1 59-0 56 22 50.9 49.J 26 22 64.3 60.8 34 22 37.9 38.0 24 22 55-0 56.3 51 24 51.9 48.9 25 24 65.0 61.9 33 24 37-0 37.2 22 24 52-9 53-8 48 26 55-0 53-J 20 2& 66.0 62.0 32 26 36.1 36.3 21 26 53-0 54.0 48 28 59-0 58.2 12 28 67.9 63.7 29 28 34-8 35-1 19 28 53-7 54-8 49 30 62.1 61.2 08 -2.O 30 70.0 66.2 26 -1.8 30 34-0 34-3 18 -5-0 30 54-9 56.0 Si -4.8 32 62.9 62.3 06 32 70.1 66. o 26 32 33-8 34-2 17 32 55-1 56.5 52 34 62.7 62.1 06 34 71.5 68.0 23 34 32.7 33-0 16 34 55-9 57-J 53 36 63.0 62.9 05 36 74.2 70.6 19 36 32.8 33-0 16 36 56.5 58.0 54 38 59-9 59-2 ii 38 72.0 68.3 22 38 34.0 34.8 18 38 56.9 58.2 54 40 61.0 60.5 09 40 69.1 65.8 27 40 35-0 35-8 20 40 57-2 58.8 55 42 65.8 64.9 02 42 65.9 62.3 32 42 34-8 35-7 19 42 57-6 58.8 55 44 65.8 64.3 23 02 -2.O 44 62.1 59.2 37 -i-9 44 33-0 33-8 16 -S-o 44 56.7 58.0 54 -4-7 46 67.4 66.1 22 OO 46 60.4 58.1 39 46 33-2 34.1 17 46 56.0 57-3 53 48 68.2 67.2 58 48 60.9 58.1 39 48 35-8 36.5 21 48 55-2 56.2 52 50 70.5 68.8 55 50 63.1 62.0 34 So 36.9 37-9 23 50 54-2 55-0 50 52 69.2 67.9 57 52 62.9 61.1 35 52 38.0 39.0 24 52 54-3 55-2 50 54 68.0 66.7 59 54 65.9 64.6 30 54 39.0 40.7 26 54 55-2 56.0 Si 56 67.9 67.0 22 59 56 75-8 73-3 IS 56 42.0 43.2 31 56 55-2 56.0 51 58 60. I 59-5 23 Jo 58 76.4 74-3 H 58 43.0 44-9 33 58 55-0 55-5 51 13 oo 65.3 64.0 03 -1.9 15 oo 72-7 71-3 19 -2.O I 00 45-2 46.8 36 -5-0 3 oo 55-1 55-9 51 -4-7 02 64.9 63.8 03 02 78.0 77.0 II 02 42.3 46.2 33 02 56.0 56.1 52 04 64-9 63.5 04 04 76.4 75-1 14 04 47-9 49-0 40 | 04 58.0 58.2 55 06 65.2 64.2 03 06* 53-1 48.7 12 06 48.9 50.5 42 06 57-8 58.0 55 08 66. o 65.2 23 02 08.5 52.2 48.6 12 08 50.0 51-2 43 08 57-0 57-3 54 JO 68.3 67.5 22 58 IO 52.8 48.2 12 IO 50.8 52.1 45 10 57-8 58.1 55 12 70.2 69.2 55 12 56.9 Si-5 06 12 51-2 53-0 46 12 56.0 56.8 52 14 70.0 68.9 56 -1.9 14 59-8 53-0 03 -2.0 14 51-9 53-3 46 -5-0 14 56.7 57-2 53 -4-7 16 68.8 67.5 58 16 56.8 51-4 06 16 51.8 52.9 46 16 56.7 57-2 53 18 68.8 67.1 58 18 55-2 50.0 22 09 18 50.8 51-9 45 18 56.0 56.9 52 20 70. i 69.1 55 20 62.1 57-7 21 57 20 52.8 53-9 48 20 55-9 57-0 52 22 69.7 67.9 56 22 59-2 54-5 22 O2 22 52.4 54.0 48 22 55-9 56.8 52 24 67.2 66.3 22 60 24 61.9 57-0 21 58 24 53-3 54-9 49 24 55-3 56.4 52 26 63.8 02.1 23 06 26 61.9 56.3 21 58 26 Si. i 52.8 46 26 55-5 56.8 52 28 66.8 65.2 OI 28 59-9 55-1 22 OI 28 48.2 49.8 28 56.0 57-0 53 30 66.1 65.3 OI -1.8 30 61.8 57-9 21 57 -2.O 30 49.4 49.9 42 -4-9 30 55-9 56.9 52 -4-7 32 67.1 66.2 OO 32 64.8 60.7 53 32 49.0 49.3 41 32 55-6 56.9 52 34 65.2 63.7 23 03 34 62.3 57-2 21 58 34 49-1 49-2 41 34 55-2 56.1 5 36 69.0 66.5 22 58 36 59-5 54-0 22 O2 36 49-5 50.0 42 36 54-7 55-2 50 38 68.6 66.9 58 38 69.0 64.7 j 21 46 38 50.2 51.0 43 38 53-8 55-0 49 40 74.7 72.9 48 40 64-9 59-9 S3 40 52.8 53-3 47 40 53-2 54-3 48 42 75-i 73-5 48 42 63.1 58.2 56 42 56.0 57-0 53 42 53-2 54-3 48 44 74.6 73.1 48 -1.8 44 62.8 59-0 56 -2.0 44 57-1 59-0 55 -4.9 44 52.5 53-8 47 -4-5 46 75-0 73-0 48 46 63.0 59-2 55 46 57-2 58.9 55 46 52.2 53-2 47 48 77.9 76.6 43 48 61.2 59.1 57 48 57-3 58.0 54 48 52-3 53-8 47 50* 53-3 49-6 52 50 60.9 58.9 21 57 50 57-5 58.9 55 50 53-0 54-1 48 52 53-9 Si-7 50 52 58.7 56.2 22 OI 52 56.0 56.1 52 52 52.0 53.1 46 54 54-8 52.5 48 54 59-1 56.7 oo 54 55-7 56.1 52 54 52.1- 53-2 46 56 56.9 54-7 45 56 58.4 56.5 OI 56 55-3 55-8 51 56 53-9 55-0 49 58 59-9 58.8 39 58 56.9 54-8 04 58 54-9 55-1 50 58 55-7 56.9 52 16 00 58.9 57-3 00 -2.O Correction to local mean time is im 19.55. 90 torsion = 18. '60. Torsion head at nil 35m read 93 and at l6h 15111 read 96. Observer R. R. T. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 241 Wednesday, May 25, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, May 25, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings | decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d 1 o li in d d / h in d d O f O h m d d o / 4 oo 55-6 56.9 22 52 -4-4 6 oo 57-8 58.0 22 55 -3-4 8 oo 54.5 55.6 22 50 -3-o IO OO 50.8 51. i 22 44 -2.6 02 56.0 57.1 53 02 58.9 59.0 22 56 02 48.3 49.7 41 02 50.6 50.8 44 04 56.5 57-8 54 04 63.2 63.8 23 04 04 53-3 56.7 22 50 04 53-0 53-6 48 06 56.5 57-8 54 06 57.5 58.2 22 55 06 60.3 63.3 23 oi 06 55-0 55-3 51 08 57-0 58.0 54 08 57-7 58.0 55 08 62.6 65.5 23 05 08 53-1 53-6 48 10 56.0 57-1 53 10 58.9 59-5 22 57 10 57.1 59.6 22 56 10 53-2 53-6 48 12 56.1 57-2 53 12 6l.O 6l.2 23 oo 12 56.8 59.0 22 55 12 53-5 53-6 48 14 57-2 58.0 54 -4-3 14 59-2 59-9 22 58 -3-3 14 6O.6 62.1 23 oo -3-0 14 55-6 56.0 52 -2.6 16 56.9 57.2 54 16 j 62.0 63.2 23 02 16 60.4 62.6 23 oi 16 54-0 54-5 49 18 56.0 56.1 52 18 63.9 64.9 05 18 59.6 61.6 22 59 18 54-5 55-0 50 20 54-9 54-9 50 20 63.8 64.9 05 20 57-0 58.3 54 20 55-6 56.0 52 22 54-9 55-1 50 22 62.9 63.8 23 03 22 55-8 57-5 53 22 55-2 55-6 51 24 55-3 56.0 Si 24 58.8 60.0 | 22 57 24 51-9 54-6 48 24 52.3 52.6 46 26 55-2 56.0 51 26 57-4 58.2 22 55 26 50.3 52.4 45 26 Si-3 51-9 45 28 5S-9 56.7 52 28 61.0 62.0 23 oi 28 58.2 59-4 22 56 28 50.5 50.9 44 30 58.2 59.0 56 -4-2 30 56.1 57-1 22 53 -3.2 30 61.0 62.6 23 oi -3-0 30 50.2 50.6 43 -2.6 32 59-0 59-2 57 32 55-9 56-3 52 32 63.3 64.8 23 04 32 51.0 51.3 44 34 57-1 57-5 54 34 ' 54-2 55-0 50 34 55-8 57-6 22 53 34 50.1 50.3 43 36 56.0 56.2 52 36 53-2 54.9 49 36 58.0 59-7 56 36 47-7 48.3 39 38 56.0 56.2 52 38 , 58.7 59-2 I 56 38 52.0 53.6 47 38 46.9 47-8 38 40 57-0 57-8 54 40 i 58.0 58.9 56 40 52.6 54-1 48 40 48.0 48.3 40 42 58.0 58.2 55 42 , 60.2 60.9 22 59 42 57-0 57-8 54 42 49-5 49-8 42 44 57-7 58.0 55 -4-0 44 60.9 62.3 23 oi -3.2 44 Si.o 53-4 46 -3-0 44 Si.o 51.3 44 -2.5 46 55-8 56.1 52 46 61.8 62.1 01 46 50.0 50.6 43 48 49.2 49.9 42 48 55-7 56.4 52 48 61.9 63.0 02 48 57-3 58.3 55 48 46.6 46.8 37 50 56.6 57-4 54 51 64.0 65.0 05 50 55-0 56.5 52 50 45-0 45-0 35 52 57-9 59-0 56 52.4 61.9 62.3 02 52 52.6 54-2 48 52 43-5 43-6 32 54 57-2 58.1 54 54 62.0 63.0 02 54-3 57-6 59-0 56 54 47.8 48.1 39 56 56.1 57-2 53 56 62.9 63.9 04 56 56.0 57-1 53 56 47.6 47.8 39 58 54-0 55-0 50 58 62.7 63.8 03 58 55-0 56.0 51 58 48.0 48.2 40 5 oo 53-0 54-3 48 -3-9 7 oo 60.7 61.4 oo -3.1 9 oo 55-4 57-8 53 -2-9 II 00 47.8 48.2 39 -2.5 02 55-7 56.9 52 02 61.2 61.7 23 oo 02 57 -3& 54 02 47-5 47-5 39 04 56.3 57-9 54 04 59-8 00.7 512 58 04 53-6 53-6 22 48 04 48.0 48.3 40 06 54-5 55-9 Si 06 62.0 63.0 23 02 06 61.0 61.5 23 oo 06 46.6 46.6 37 08 53.2 54.5 48 08 61.2 62.2 23 oi 08 62.4 62.6 O2 08 45.8 46.2 36 10 53-2 54.4 48 10 57-9 58.9 22 56 IO 63.4 63.6 23 04 10 45.8 46.2 36 12 52.8 54-0 48 1 I2 57-8 58.2 55 12 60.3 61.0 22 59 12 43-6 44-1 33 14 51-3 53-0 46 -3-7 14 58.0 58.5 55 -3-o 14 57-0 57-2 54 -2.8 H 44-5 44-8 34 -2.5 16 55-8 56.2 52 16 57-2 58.0 54 16 55-6 55-8 52 16 45-5 46.3 36 18 55-7 57-0 52 18 57-0 57-1 54 18 56.1 56.5 52 18 46.3 47-3 38 20 52.8 53-8 48 20 54-3 55-1 50 20 51-8 52.0 46 20 46.1 46.9 37 22 53-9 55-3 50 22 54-8 55-2 50 22 51-3 51-6 45 22 45-4 46.0 36 24 56.9 57-7 54 24 53-8 54-8 49 24 52.3 52.8 46 24 44-8 45-6 35 26 56.0 56.3 52 26 52.2 52.9 46 26 49-9 50.3 43 26 45.3 46.0 36 28 56.9 57-3 54 28 50.5 51-5 44 28 51-5 51-8 45 28 44-5 45-3 34 30 57-4 57-9 54 -3-6 30 50.3 5i.i 44 -3.0 30 50.9 51-5 44 -2.7 30 42.6 43.6 32 -2.5 32 56.4 56.6 53 32 52.8 54-0 48 32 50.3 50.7 43 32 42.0 42.6 30 34 57-0 57-8 54 34 54-8 55-0 50 34 50.6 51.5 44 34 38.5 39-6 25 36 59-7 60. 1 58 36 52.1 52.9 46 ; 36 48.6 49.5 4i 36 36.3 37-0 21 38 58.5 59-1 56 38 50.4 52.0 44 38 48.3 48-9 40 38 40.30 27 40 57-1 57-8 54 40 50.8 52.1 45 40 49-8 50.2 42 40 41.5 41.9 30 42 56.0 56.0 52 42 52.5 54-1 48 42 4Q.8 50.2 42 42 37-8 38.5 24 44 56.8 57-0 53 -3-5 44 51-7 53-8 47 -3-0 44 48.1 48.6 40 -2.6 44 36.9 37-5 22 -2.5 46 57-0 57-7 54 4 S 51.0 52.9 46 46 47-0 47.5 38 46 37-9 38.5 24 48 58.2 59.2 56 48 1 50-9 52-3 45 48 49-8 50.1 42 48 38.8 39-8 26 50 57-5 57-8 54 50 50.8 52.8 45 50 49.4 50.0 42 50 41-3 42.5 30 52 57-0 57-4 54 4 52.5 49-3 50.5 42 52 48.9 49-1 41 52 42.4 43-3 31 54 60.4 60.9 59 54 50.3 51-8 44 54 51-8 52.6 46 54 42.1 43.1 31 56 57-8 58.0 55 56 46.0 48.0 38 56.J 50.0 50.2 43 56 40.5 41.6 28 58 55-0 55-5 51 58 45-1 48.2 37 58 49.1 49.6 41 58 39.0 40.0 26 Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 7)1 5601 to 8h o6m. Observer W. J. P. 242 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Wednesday, May 25, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, May 25, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- t'emp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation a time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right li in d d ' b h m d d f O h m d d ' ' O h m d d o / e 12 00 40.5 41.0 22 28 -2.5 14 oo 35-2 36.0 22 20 -2.8 16 oo 32.3 32.5 22 15 -3-6 18 oo 25.0 26.4 22 O4 -3-9 02 42.5 43-1 31 02 36.2 36.8 21 02 34.0 34-o 17 02 24.7 25.9 04 04 42.3 42-8 31 04 33-7 34-4 17 04 33.8 34.0 17 04 24.5 26.0 04 06 43.0 43.6 32 06 35-3 36.1 2O 06 32.3 32.5 15 06 24.6 25.9 04 08 41.8 42-5 30 08 30.4 31.6 13 08 32.3 32-3 15 08 23.9 25.1 02 10 42.5 42.8 31 JO 32.0 32.5 14 10 31.3 31.9 14 10 23.1 24.3 01 12 40.3 40.8 28 12 28.8 29.3 10 12 33-5 34-0 17 12 23.2 24.4 OI 14 40.8 41.6 29 -2.5 14 30.6 31.0 12 -2.4 14 34.3 34.6 18 -3-8 14 23-3 24.4 OI -3-9 16 41.3 41.9 29 16 30.3 31-0 12 16 33.9 34.2 17 16 23.7 24.8 O2 18 39-9 40-5 27 18 34-5 34-9 18 18 33-5 34-2 17 18 23.2 24.1 OI 20 39.5 40.0 26 20 36.1 36.3 21 20 33-6 33.9 17 20 23.2 24.1 01 22 36.6 36.8 22 22 33-3 34-0 17 22 33-6 34-0 17 ' 22 23.6 24.1 OI 24 35-5 35-6 20 24 35-0 35-3 19 24 33-3 33-7 17 24 23.8 24.2 O2 26 34-6 35.0 19 26 32.8 33-6 16 26 31-0 31-5 13 26 24.1 24.5 02 28 33-6 33-8 17 28 33-0 33-9 16 28 31-3 32.0 14 28 23-3 23.9 01 30 34-3 34-5 18 -2-5 30 34-3 34-5 18 -3.0 30 34-3 34-6 18 -3-8 30 23.1 23.5 01 -3-9 32 36.3 36.6 21 32 35-3 35-5 20 32 34.0 34-3 18 32 23.9 24.1 02 34 39.7 40.3 27 34 34-4 34-4 18 34 33-3 33-5 16 34 24.0 24.3 O2 36 43-0 43-5 32 36 32.7 33-3 16 36 32.7 33.0 16 36 24-5 24.9 03 38 43.6 44.0 33 38 32.6 33.0 16 38 34-8 35-5 19 38 24.2 24.9 O2 40 43-3 43-6 32 40 32.0 32.6 15 40 36.3 36.5 21 40 23.6 24.1 OI 42 4L5 42.0 30 42 31.9 32.1 14 42 35-9 36.3 21 42 24.1 25.0 O2 44 40.0 40.0 27 -2.5 44 31.8 32.2 H -3-0 44 34-9 35-3 19 -3-9 44 24.1 25.1 03 -3-9 46 37-4 37-7 23 46 32.5 33-0 15 46 33-9 34-1 17 46 24.6 25.7 03 48 37-7 37-9 23 48 32.5 33-0 15 48 32.2 32.6 15 48 24.8 25.8 04 SO 38.6 38.6 25 50 32.0 32.5 14 50 32-5 32-8 IS 50 25.9 26.8 05 52 38.0 38.5 24 52 32.0 32.3 14 52 30.5 30.8 12 52 27.5 28.8 08 54 36.8 37-2 22 54 31-3 31-6 13 54 28.3 28.6 08 54 29.6 30.9 ii 56 35-8 36.1 2O 56 31-8 32.1 14 56 28.0 28.3 08 56 29.6 30.9 ii 58 35-9 35-9 20 58 31-3 32.1 H 58 28.3 28.5 08 58 30.1 31.8 12 13 oo 33.8 34.0 17 -2.6 15 oo 32.8 33-0 16 -3-2 17 oo 27.0 27.0 O6 -4.0 19 oo 30.9 32.1 14 -3-9 02 32.6 32.6 15 02 33-8 34-1 17 02 27.2 27.2 07 02 31-7 33-1 15 04 33.0 33.2 16 04 31.8 31-8 H 04 25.7 26.0 04 04 31-2 33-3 14 06 31.8 31.8 14 06 30.6 31.0 12 06 25-3 25.3 04 06 31-3 33-o H 08 33.3 33.5 16 08 29.3 29.7 10 08 24.4 24.6 02 08 32.2 33-7 16 IO 28.5 28.8 09 IO 29.0 30.5 II 10 24.5 24.8 03 IO 32.4 33-7 16 12 33-5 33-8 17 12 30.8 31.6 13 12 24.7 24.7 03 12 31-3 32.0 14 14 42.8 43.0 3i -2.5 14 32.0 32.6 15 -3-3 H 26.1 26.3 05 -4.0 14 29.1 29.9 10 -4.0 16 38.6 39.3 25 16 32.2 33-0 15 16 26.0 26.2 05 16 30.2 31.3 12 18 39.3 40.6 27 18 31.6 32.6 14 18 26.8 27.2 06 18 30.1 31.0 12 20 43.2 43.8 32 20 31-8 32.8 15 20 29.4 30.0 ii 20 29.8 30.7 II 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 44-7 45-6 37.0 38.0 36.1 36.8 33-8 35-4 39.3 40.0 36.4 37-0 41-3 41-6 41-3 41-6 37.0 38.0 35-4 36.6 35-0 35-6 39-7 40.8 44-3& 32.0(1 35-6 35-6 34-3 34-8 33-0 34-1 32.0 32-3 31.3 31-6 35 23 21 18 26 22 29 29 23 20 19 27 34 14 20 18 17 14 13 -2.6 -2.7 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 31-9 33-0 32.4 33-4 34-3 34-6 34-4 35-0 32.6 32.8 31-0 31-4 28.3 29.2 29.8 30.4 29.5 30.3 29.8 30.2 29.3 29.6 29.4 29.9 29.6 29.6 28.6 28.6 29.0 29.0 30-3 30.3 30.3 30.3 29.7 29.9 31.2 31-2 15 16 18 18 15 13 09 li II li IO IO IO 09 IO 12 12 II 13 -3-3 -3-5 22 24 26 28 30.2 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 29.4 29.9 26.0 26.6 25.1 25.9 27.9 28.8 27.8 28.2 27.5 28.1 27.2 27.9 27.0 27.2 28.8 29.1 29.6 30.0 31-3 31-9 28.2 29.2 27.2 27.9 27.1 27.9 26.2 27.3 25.3 26.9 25.2 26.9 24.8 26.3 25.0 26.5 IO 05 04 08 08 08 07 07 09 ii 14 09 07 07 06 05 05 04 04 -3-9 -3-9 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 31.8 32.2 30-7 3I.I 30.2 30.8 29.2 29.9 30.8 31-3 29.0 29.9 26.3 27.1 26.3 27.1 27.1 29.0 27.1 29.1 25-7 27.9 26.3 28.2 25.8 27.8 25.8 27.7 26.9 27.8 25.9 27.8 26.0 27.7 2S-9 27.7 25.1 26.3 14 12 12 IO 13 10 06 06 08 08 06 07 06 06 07 06 06 06 04 -4.0 -4.0 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R to 17)1 24111. T., who alternated from 17)1 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 243 Wednesday, May 25, 1904 Magnet scale erect Thursday, May 26, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings ' decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d M t h m d d / O h m d d o / o h in d d o / 9 20 00 25.8 27.0 22 05 -4.1 22 OO 18.3 19.1 21 53 -4.9 16 oo 40.2 38.1 22 19 -3-0 18 oo 40.0 37-7 22 2O -3-0 02 25.8 27.1 05 02 18.6 19.9 54 02 40.9 38.9 18 02 40.4 38.3 19 04 26.3 27.9 07 04 21. i 23.0 58 04 41-1 39-0 18 04 40.1 38.0 19 06 25.3 26.4 04 06 2O. I 22.8 58 06 41.7 39.2 17 06 40.0 37.9 19 08 25.6 27.0 05 08 18.0 20.3 54 08 42.3 40.1 16 08 41-1 38.9 18 IO 27.3 29.0 08 10 17.1 19.3 S3 10 42.0 40.0 16 10 41.0 38.8 18 12 29-3 31-1 II 12 17-3 19-3 53 12 40.7 39.1 18 12 40.9 38.5 18 14 27.1 28.9 08 -4-2 14 18.2 20. i 54 -4-9 14 40.0 38.8 19 -3-0 14 41.9 39-2 17 -3-3 16 23.9 25.8 03 16 17.9 20.9 54 16 40.8 39-1 18 16 41.5 38.8 18 18 23.8 24.9 02 18 19.7 22.9 58 18 41.1 40.0 17 18 41.0 38.1 18 20 24.1 25.2 03 20 18.0 21. i 55 20 40.8 39-9 17 20 40.0 37-7 20 22 23.0 24.7 OI 22 18.8 21.8 56 22 40.9 40.0 17 22 38.8 36.5 22 24 23.1 25.0 02 24 17-3 20.5 54 24 40.8 39.7 17 24 39-0 36.9 21 26 22.9 24.8 OI 26 I9.I 22.2 21 56 26 41-3 40.1 17 26 38.5 36.9 21 28 24.7 26.6 04 28 22.3 25.0 22 OI 28 41.7 40.0 16 28 38.2 36.8 22 30 26.1 28.7 07 -4-2 30 22.9 26.1 02 -5-0 30 41.9 40.2 16 -3-0 30 38.9 37-1 21 -3-0 32 24.6 26.7 4 32 24.1 27.8 05 32 42.2 40.9 15 32 39-3 38.0 2O 34 26.3 29.1 08 34 25.6 29.1 07 34 40.7 39-2 18 34 37-9 37-2 22 36 31-0 33-1 14 36 26.8 30.2 09 36 39-8 38.2 19 36 39-7 38.4 19 38 31-1 33-0 14 38 26.7 30.1 08 38 41.0 39.8 17 38 40.1 39.0 18 40 33-2 35-1 18 40 26.9 30.1 09 40 41.1 39.9 17 40 41.2 40.0 17 42 33-o 35-1 17 42 29.1 32.0 12 42 41.0 39-7 17 42 44-2 43-8 II 44 33-1 34.0 17 -4-3 44 32.1 35-2 17 -5-0 44 41.0 40.0 17 -3-0 44 43.8 42.9 12 46 3i.i 33-1 14 46 35-0 37.8 21 46 41.9 40.5 16 46 43.3 42.8 13 48 30.1 32.5 13 48 35-4 38.0 22 48 41.9 40.6 16 48 42.8 42.1 14 50 27-3 29.9 09 50 34-2 36.8 2O 50 41.3 40.0 17 50 41.9 41.1 IS 52 27.6 29.9 09 52 33-2 35-7 18 52 42.1 40.1 16 52 42.1 41.8 IS 54 28.1 30.2 IO 54 31- 33-7 IS 54 42.1 40.0 16 54 42.0 41.7 IS 56 28.0 30.2 IO 56 31- 33-8 IS 56 44.1 42.1 13 56 41.8 41. S IS 58 29-1 31-1 II 58 31- 33-9 IS 58 44.1 42.0 13 58 42.1 39.0 17 21 OO 31-6 33-1 15 -4-3 23 oo 29.9 32.7 13 -5-0 17 oo 44.0 42.0 13 -3-0 19 oo 42.1 41-9 15 -4.0 02 31.0 33-0 14 02 33- 35-8 18 02 43-1 41-0 IS 02 42.2 42.1 14 O4 29.6 31.7 12 J. 35- 37-8 21 04 42.7 40.6 IS 04 43-8 43-5 12 06 30.1 31-9 13 06 37-6 40.3 25 06 43-0 41-0 IS 06 43-2 43.0 13 08 28.0 30.0 IO 08 41. 43.9 3i 08 43.2 41.9 14 08 42.0 41.4 IS 10 26.1 27.3 06 10 43- 46.0 34 IO 43.2 42.3 14 10 41.3 40.9 16 12 28.1 29.6 09 12 45-3 48.1 37 12 44-7 43-1 12 12 42.2 41.9 IS 14 25.5 26.6 OS -4-4 14 46.7 49-0 39 ~5-i 14 45.2 44.1 10 -3-0 14 43-1 42.7 13 16 25.7 26.6 05 16 44-8 45-9 35 16 46.9 45.9 08 16 45.0 44.5 IO 18 24.3 25.1 22 03 18 42.3 43-9 32 18 47.7 46.3 07 18 46.0 45.2 09 20 20. 8 21.8 21 58 20 42.0 43-3 31 20 48.6 47.0 05 20 47.0 46.0 08 22 20.7 21.2 57 22 40.3 42.1 29 22 47.9 46.0 07 22 48.8 48.0 05 24 26 21.3 23.2 20.9 21.7 59 21 58 24 26 39-5 40.7 43-0 43.9 27 % 46.0 44.1 45-7 43--S 10 IO 24 26 50.3 49-9 50.7 SO.i 02 OI 28 20.4 29.0 22 03 28 47.0 47.8 38 28 45.8 44.0 IO 28 49-1 47.1 OS 30 20. o 20. 8 21 56 -4-7 30 48.0 49.0 s- *" 40 -5-2 30 45-5 43-9 IO -3-0 30 48.1 48.0 05 -4-2 32 20.0 21.7 57 32 44.6 46.4 35 32 4S-I 43-2 ii 32 4S-8 45-3 09 34 I9-S 21. I 20.1 21.8 50 57 34 36 39.2 40.4 36.9 38.7 26 23 34 36 44-5 42.8 44.0 42.0 12 13 34 36 45-2 45-1 47-3 47-1 IO 06 38 19.0 20. 8 55 38 37-8 39-7 25 38 43.0 41.0 15 38 48.0 48.0 05 40 15.7 17.9 50 40 38.8 41.1 27 40 42.9 41.0 15 40 46.1 45-9 08 42 18.8 20.5 55 42 41.2 43.9 31 42 42.3 40.9 15 42 47-3 46.9 06 44 18.1 20.5 54 -4.8 44 42.1 44-9 32 -5-3 41.8 40.0 16 -3-o 44 48.0 47-7 05 -4-2 46 16.1 17.7 50 46 43.6 45.4 34 46 42.1 40.6 16 46 49.1 48.5 04 48 17.8 18.8 53 48 43-8 45-8 34 48 43.7 40.1 15 48 50.0 49-7 02 50 19.9 20.8 56 50 44.1 45.9 35 SO 43-2 40.1 IS 50 50.1 50.0 02 52 20.0 20.9 56 52 42.7 44-3 32 52 42.5 39-1 16 52 50.2 50.1 22 02 54 21.2 21.9 58 54 42.9 44.7 33 54 40.8 38.0 19 54 52.3 51-4 21 59 56 58 21. 21.2 2O. I 2O. 8 57 56 56 58 24 oo 43-8 45-0 44-9 45-9 45-2 46.3 34 3| 36 -5-4 56 58 40.1 37.9 39-9 37-2 19 20 56 58 20 oo 52.0 50.9 54-1 53-1 S2.5 51-2 00 56 59 -4-3 Correction to local mean time is + 25.53. 90 torsion = 20/87. Torsion head at oh com read 100 and at 24!! I3m read 102. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 7s. 90 torsion = 19/53. Torsion head at ish 29m read 102 and at 2oh 24m read 106 Observer J. V. 244 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Friday, May 27, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, May 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d i ' O h m d d O ' h m d d / o 20 00 36.3 36-9 22 13 -1-4 22 OO 34-9 36.3 22 12 -I.O o oo* 40.0 39.2 22 27 +O.2 2 OO 56.8 54-0 23 IS -O.I 02 36.3 37-8 14 02 28.9 30.1 02 02 38.8 38.1 28 02 57-8 54-4 14 04 37.0 39.0 16 04 28.0 30.5 O2 04 38.8 38.1 28 04 55-3 52.0 18 06 37-1 38.9 16 06 28.0 30.5 22 O2 06 37-9 35-9 31 06 52.8 49-7 22 08 36.0 37-9 14 08 26.2 29.1 21 59 08 37.9 36.0 31 08 51.9 49.0 23 IO 37.0 39.5 16 IO 25.1 28.1 58 10 38.8 37-1 29 IO 56.3 53-0 16 12 38.0 40.5 18 12 21. I 24.O 51 12 40.9 38.8 26 12 58.7 56.9 ii 14 36.7 39-0 IS -i-3 14 23.8 26.1 55 -1.0 14 35-6 33-2 35 -ho. i 14 53-8 51-0 20 -O.I 16 35-5 37-8 13 16 20.7 23.9 5i 16 34.0 32.2 37 16 52.2 51. I 21 18 34.0 36.0 ii 18 22.9 25.3 54 18 36.0 34.0 34 18 51.1 49-6 23 20 35-8 37-1 13 20 23.7 26.2 21 55 20 35-9 33-1 35 20 50.6 49.1 24 22 37-8 39-2 16 22 26.8 29.6 22 OO 22 34-9 32.8 36 22 53-9 52.1 19 24 38.9 40.1 18 24 27.9 29.5 oi 24 35-2 33-2 35 24 56.0 54-1 16 26 36.9 38-1 IS 26 29.1 31.0 03 26 35-3 34-0 34 26 52.9 51.5 20 28 35-4 36.8 13 28 29.O 3I.O O3 28 35-2 33-3 35 28 53-2 51.9 20 30 34-2 36.0 II -i-3 30 29.2 3O.9 O3 -I.O 30 33-2 31-8 38 o.o 30 53-0 51-8 20 -O.I 32 34-0 35-0 10 32 32.9 34-2 22 09 32 27.9 26.6 46 32 51.1 49-7 23 34 35.7 36.0 12 34 27.0 28.3 , 21 59 34 27.1 25.9 47 34 52.7 51.1 21 36 36.2 37.0 13 36 22.9 24.1 S3 36 27.8 26.2 46 36 52.9 51.1 21 38 37-1 37-9 15 38 21. 1 23.3 51 38 27.3 26.2 47 38 49.1 48.4 26 40 37-0 37-9 15 40 2O. O 22. 49 40 28.0 26.6 46 40 46.1 45.1 31 42 36.8 37-2 14 42 20.7 22.5 50 42 26.5 25.1 48 42 50.0 49.2 24 44 34.2 35-8 ii -1.2 44 20. 8 22.3 50 -I.O 44 25-5 24.3 50 o.o 44 49.9 48.0 26 o.o 46 33-7 35-1 10 46 19.9 21. 1 45 46 27.2 25.9 47 46 44.0 42.0 35 48 32.8 34-2 09 48 19.8 2O.9 48 48 29.9 28.0 44 48 39.0 37.9 42 50 32.9 35.0 09 50 19.8 20.5 48 50 28.9 27.8 44 50 37-1 36.3 45 52 32.8 34.9 09 52 21. 1 21.7 SO 52 28.7 27.9 44 52 39.6 39.0 40 54 34.1 36.0 II 54 21.4 22.0 SO 54 27.16 46 54 44.2 43.2 34 56 36.1 38.3 14 56 18.1 19.1 45 56 26.96 47 56 45.2 45.0 32 58 38.6 40.9 18 58 20.9 21.2 49 58 26.0 25.8 48 58 46.1 45.4 30 21 OO 38.9 41-0 19 -1.2 23 oo 18.2 19.5 46 -I.O I 00 24.8 24.2 50 -O.I 3 oo 46.1 45.8 30 o.o 02 37-8 39-8 17 C2 16.3 16.5 42 02 21.2 21. O 56 02 48.0 46.9 28 04 38.8 39-9 18 04 18.1 18.5 45 04 22.6 20.9 55 04 50.9 50.0 23 06 38.8 40.7 18 06 18.0 18.3 44 06 24.4 23.1 52 06 49.1 48.4 26 08 37-2 39-1 16 08 18.9 19.1 46 08 22.5 20.5 22 55 08 50.0 49.3 24 10 37.8 39-2 16 IO 15.0 15.5 40 IO 13.0 II.9 23 09 IO 50.9 50.0 23 12 37-5 38.9 16 12 13.0 13.1 36 12 14.9 14.7 06 12 53-1 52.0 20 14 37-2 38.2 IS -I.I H 12.9 13.6 37 -I.O 14 II. O 9.2 13 -O.I H 49.1 48.8 26 -O.I 16 36.1 37-2 13 16 ii. 7 12.3 35 16 7.0 6.1 19 16 43-5 42-9 35 18 36.3 37-1 14 18 12. I 13-2 36 18* 45-8 37-9 36 18 43-1 42-5 35 20 33-3 33-7 09 20 11.9 12.7 35 20 58.0 50.9 17 20 42.2 41.9 36 22 30.8 31-2 OS 22 10.3 II. 9 34 22 68.7 60.8 23 oi 22 44.1 44.0 33 24 30-9 31- 1 05 24 10.9 ii. 9 34 24 78.1 70.2 22 46 Z4 50.8 50.5 23 26 36.7 37-7 14 26 IO.2 II. 2 33 26 69.06 54 26 Si-3 49-9 23 28 30.8 31-3 05 28 10.4 ii. 8 34 28 70.1 70.0 52 28 46.9 44-9 30 30 37-3 37-9 15 -I.I 30 II. O 12. O 34 -I.O 30 69.06 22 54 -O.I 30 39.9 38.0 41 -O.I 32.3 40.8 42.1 21 32 II. 2 12.8 35 32 63.5 62.9 23 03 32 31-9 30.5 23 53 34 37.26 H 34 13.5 14-8 3 s 34 63.0 61.8 04 34 22.2 21. S 24 08 36 31.96 06 36 13.7 14.8 38 36 64.0 63.0 02 36 21.2 2O. I 10 38 32.6 32.9 07 38 14.2 15.0 39 38 62.9 62.1 04 38 2S.I 23.O 24 04 40 33-7 33-9 09 40 16.0 16.8 42 40 62.8 62.0 04 40 31-5 30-9 23 53 42 35-2 36.0 12 42 17.2 17.9 44 42 62.8 61.9 04 42 37-0 35-8 45 44 36.1 36.5 13 -I.I 44 14.16 3 I -I.O 44 58.0 55-1 23 14 -O.I 44 37-2 36.1 45 --0.2 46 36.2 37-5 14 46 13-7 I4-I 38 46 71-3 67.3 22 53 46 37-9 36.8 44 48 38.8 39-0 17 48 15.1 16.0 40 48 72.9 68.9 51 48 37.7 36.2 44 SO 44-2 45-9 27 SO 16.5 17.2 42 50 72.0 67.9 22 52 50 37.6 36.0 44 52 Si- 1 50.3 36 52 17-1 17-9 ^ 52 60.8 58.1 23 09 52 35-9 33-8 23 4 54 47.9 49.1 32 54 18.6 19.1 46 54 58.9 55-5 12 54 27- S 25.1 24 oi 56 49.0 49-1 33 56 18.1 19.0 45 56 56.1 53-6 16 56 23.0 20. 8 08 58 41.9 43.8 23 58 16.4 17-9 43 58 55-2 52.6 18 58 25.0 23.0 04 24 oo 16.9 18.1 44 -I.O Correction to local mean time is 16.55. 90 torsion = 22/23. Torsion head at 19)1 I5m read 102" and at 24h 34m read 101. Observer R. R. T. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 245 Sunday, May 29, 1904 Magnet scale erect Monday, May 30, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale i East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation . C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O ' o h m d d o / h m d d O f O h m d d o / O 4 01*6 58.1 61.9 24 oi 6 oo 38.4 38.5 23 27 -0.4 8 oo 58.2 57.9 22 50 -3-4 10 OO 68.2 65.0 22 37 -4.0 02 58.8 61.9 02 02.5 7.06 22 38 02 76.7 74-3 23 02 64.1 61.8 43 04 58.6 63.1 03 04 9.0 10.0 42 04 59-3* 48 04 63.0 61.2 44 06 58.9 63.1 03 06 19.2 20.9 22 58 06 i 62.9 61.0 44 06 66.1 63.9 39 08 60. i 64.7 05 08 25.8 26.0 23 08 08 64.3 61.0 43 08 67.0 64.1 38 IO 60.9 65.3 06 IO 23.0 24.9 05 10 58-1 53-3 IO 70.0 67.8 33 12 62.0 65.9 07 12 31.0 34-1 18 12 61.1 57.8 48 12 66.9 66. o 37 14 58.9 63.0 03 o.o 14 31.9 33.8 19 -o-S 14 62.8 59.8 45 -3-7 14 65.9 64.1 39 -4.0 16 58.8 62.5 24 02 16 23.0 25.2 05 16 61.4 58.9 47 16 65.7 63.0 40 18 53-0 55-9 23 52 18 23.0 25.9 05 18 58.9 S3- 6 53 18 68.0 66.8 36 20 51.0 54.2 50 20 23.1 26.3 06 20 61.9 58.2 47 20 65.2 63.2 40 22 52.0 56.0 52 22 28.9 3I.I 14 22 60.5 56.1 50 22 64 . 2 63 . i 42 24 55-3 58.2 56 24 27.9 30.0 12 24 62.1 57.2 48 24 65.9 63.8 40 26 51.0 55.9 ' 23 51 26 26.1 29.0 10 26 58.0 53.2 54 26 66.0 64.3 39 28.3 57.8 63.0 1 24 02 28 26.2 29.9 j ii 28 57-7 51-9 55 28 67.0 64.9 38 30 68.0 71.5 16 -O.I 30 26.2 23.9 06 -0.4 30 56.7 54-6 54 -3-9 30 65.3 64-1 40 -4.1 32 72-3 75-5 23 32.3 26.0 28.2 IO 32 69.5 65.7 35 32 65.9 64.8 39 34 6>. i 70.0 IS 34 27.1 29.2 II 34 56.2 54.1 55 34 65.9 64.3 39 36 59.9 62.2 24 03 36 22. O 24.O 03 36 62.5 59.1 46 36 66.6 64.6 38 38 5S-4 59-1 23 57 38 27.0 27.1 10 38 75-3 72.8 25 38 66.7 65.0 38 40 57-8 61.1 24 oo 40 31-8 33-0 18 40 63.7 62.1 22 43 40 66.0 64.3 39 42 68.0 71. 1 16 42 23.8 26.3 23 06 42 49-7 45-2 23 07 42.4 65.5 63.3 40 44 58.7 61.9 24 02 -0.2 44 20.3 21. 22 59 -0-3 44 61.1 56.8 22 49 -3-9 44 65.7 62.9 40 -4.0 46 52.0 55-7 23 52 46 25.O 26.O 23 07 46 68.0 63.7 38 46 66.1 64.7 39 48 53-7 57-5 54 48 24.O 24.2 23 05 48 60.3 56.2 So 48 67.1 66.1 37 SO 46.9 50.2 43 SO 20.0 20.9 22 59 SO 60. i 55-2 51 SO 68.1 67.4 35 52 47-0 52.1 23 45 52 27.0 28.3 23 10 52 57-8 53-0 54 52 66.7 65.9 37 54 58.7 62.0 24 02 54 27.0 27.9 10 54 56.6 51.3 57 65-5 64.7 39 56 50.8 56.0 23 Si 56 22.9 23.8 04 S6 58.5 S3- I 22 54 56 65.8 64.9 39 58 37-6 41-8 29 58 22 . 1 24 . 1 23 03 58 52.9 49.8 23 oi 58 64.8 64.2 40 5 oo 38.8 42.1 30 -O.2 7 oo 16.0 18.7 22 54 -O.2 9 oo 51. 1 47-9 04 -3-9 II 00 63.9 63.4 42 -4.0 02 45-9 46.9 40 02 8.9 10. i 42 02 49-3 47-7 05 02 63.9 63.0 42 04 56.3 57-8 57 04 18.0 20.5 57 04 49-9 49-3 04 04 65.1 64.2 40 06 48.0 48.5 43 06 19.1 20.9 22 58 06 52.0 51.0 23 oo 06 64-9 63.3 41 08 48.4 49-5 44 08 22.1 24.1 23 03 08 56.1 55-2 22 54 08 66.0 64.5 39 10 39-9 42.1 32 IO 2O. 2 22.8 23 oi 10 54-1 53-2 57 10 68.0 67.0 35 12 48.0 49.0 43 12 17.2 I9.I 22 56 12 54-1 52.1 58 12 70.8 69.2 3i 14 41.7 44.0 34 -O.2 14 17.8 19.9 22 57 -O.I 14 55-1 54-9 55 -3-9 14 71.9 71.1 29 -3-9 16 39.8 44-9 34 16 21.4 24.1 23 03 16 58.8 58.4 49 16 67.1 66.2 37 18 41-0 45-2 35 18 36.0 37.0 24 18 60.3 59-9 47 18 67.7 66.9 36 20 40.3 44-3 34 20 28.0 28.2 23 II 20 62.8 62.8 43 20.3 67.3 67.0 36 22 46.8 49.5 43 22 15.8 16.2 22 52 22 63-9 63.5 41 22 67.0 66.1 37 24 45-0 48.0 40 24 16.1 17.0 53 24 63.1 63.1 42 24 67.2 66.3 37 26 47-2 50.9 44 26 19.1 20.0 58 26 62.1 61.7 44 26 66.0 64.9 39 28 53-0 57-2 54 28 19.8 21.8 60 28 60.9 60. i 46 28 65.9 65.1 38 30 51.0 54.8 50 -0.2 30 13.8 14.2 49 O.O 30 59-1 58.1 49 -4.0 30 68.9 67.8 34 -3-9 32 36.9 41.0 28 32 13.8 14.8 50 32 61.1 59.6 47 32 68.4 66.9 35 34 39.1 42.9 32 34 13-9 15-1 22 50 34 62.0 60.3 45 34 70.0 68.7 32 36 28.8 30.0 13 36 27.2 27.3 23 10 36 61.5 60.9 45 36 67.8 66.9 36 38 20. i 22.9 OI 38 36.9 37.2 23 25 38 63.7 63.6 42 38 68.0 66.8 36 40 29.0 29.9 13 40 20. O 21. O 22 59 40 65.1 64.0 40 40 67.7 67.0 36 42 32.0 34.2 19 42 19.3 19.9 22 58 42 62.0 60.6 45 42 67.7 66.8 36 44 29.0 29.1 13 -0.3 44 21.4 21.7 23 oi +0.1 44 61.8 60. I 46 -4-0 44 68.8 67.4 34 -3-9 46 29.2 31.2 14 46 17.0 18.1 22 55 46 61.9 61.2 45 46 67.9 66.9 36 48 33-5 34-4 20 48 15.9 16.0 52 48 65.8 64.5 30 48 66.8 66.0 37 50 24.1 24.2 OS 50 16.1 17.0 22 53 So 66.1 65.3 38 50 64-9 63.5 40 52 24.9 25.2 23 06 52 22.7 22.9 23 03 52 66.7 65.3 38 52 ^67.4 67.0 36 54 18.9 19.5 22 57 54 21.3 22.1 01 54 67.1 65.6 37 54 69.8 69.2 32 56 22.9 24.3 23 04 56 22.8 23.8 23 04 56 66.3 6^.4 38 56 72.8 71.6 28 58 33-0 33-5 19 58 18.9 21. O 22 58 + 0.2 58 68.9 66.9 35 58 72.1 71.6 28 8 oo I7.O I9.I 55 12 OO 69.1 67.6 34 -4.0 Correction to local mean time is - Torsion head at oh oom read 102 Observer R. R. T. - 54-5S. and at 8h 2om read the same. Correction to local mean time is + 325. Torsion head at 7h 25m read 104" and at 12)1 I4m read the same. Observer R. R. T. 246 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, May 31, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, June i, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'i readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d o / h m d d O 1 h m d d o t o 12 OO 50.9 Si-7 22 35 -0.3 14 oo 42.8 43.1 22 22 + 1.0 o oo* 35-6 32.1 22 15 -2.6 2 OO 40.2 39.2 22 57 -2.1 02 49.6 50.1 33 02 42.8 43.1 22 02 33-0 31-0 18 02 39-5 38.3 58 04 48.7 49-3 32 04 43.9 44.6 24 04 32.9 31-0 18 04 38.6 38.0 22 59 06 50.2 51.4 34 06 43-1 43-8 23 07 34-8 33.9 14 06 35-8 35-3 23 03 08 50. i 50.7 34 08 42.2 42.9 21 08 28.7 28.1 24 08 36.0 35-0 23 03 10 47.2 47.6 29 IO 39-9 40.9 18 10 27.1 26.9 26 10 39-9 38.5 22 58 12 45-3 46.2 26 12 40.1 41.2 18 12 26.8 25.4 27 12 40.2 39.0 57 J 4 44-8 45-5 26 o.o 14 39-3 40.9 18 +0.9 14 19-4 19-3 38 -2.8 14 42.9 41.1 ' 53 -2.2 16 45-9 48.2 28 16 38.0 39.3 15 16 14-2 13-3 47 16 43.0 41.2 ; 53 18 48.0 50.3 32 18 39-1 39-9 17 18 21. O l8.I 38 18 41.2 39-2 56 20 Si- I 54- o 37 20 38.1 38.9 15 20 23.9 21. 1 33 20 42.3 40.9 ; 54 22 52.2 54-2 38 22 38.1 38.9 15 22 27.1 22.1 30 22 40.3 38.4 ! 22 58 24 53-8 55-0 40 24 36.7 37-6 13 24 23.2 I7.I 37 24 37-1 35.3 23 02 26 52.7 54-1 38 26 36.2 37.1 12 26 22.2 I7.O 38 26 37-0 35-9 O2 28 Si-4 52.3 36 28 37-7 38.1 14 28 24.9 22. 32 28 36.0 34.7 04 30 52.3 53-3 38 + 0.1 30 37-8 38.9 15 +0.9 30 21.9 17.8 37 ^2.9 30 35-9 34-0 04 -2-3 32 48.8 49.1 31 32 37-6 38.2 14 32 25.9 23.1 30 32 33-9 32.8 07 34 49.0 49-6 32 34 38.3 39-9 16 34 29.0 25.1 26 34 35-3 33-9 05 36 50.1 50.9 34 36 39.0 40.1 17 36 28.9 22.9 28 36 36.2 34.9 04 38 SO.o 50.2 33 38 37-9 39-6 IS 38 18.0 16.0 42 38 36.1 34-9 04 40 48.3 49-1 31 40 37-1 38.4 14 40* 39.0 37-o 22 59 40 36.8 35-4 03 42 50.0 50.5 33 42 37-1 38.3 14 42 28.0 27.3 23 16 42 37-0 36.1 02 44 48.7 49-1 31 +O.2 44 36.9 37-9 13 +0.9 44 39.2 38.9 22 58 -2.8 44 37-9 37-2 OO -2.5 46 47.1 48.1 29 46 37-5 38.1 14 46 50.9 49.9 40 46 37-0 36.5 O2 48 48.3 50.1 32 48 36.8 37-4 13 48 57-0 55-3 31 48 35-1 34-9 04 So 50.3 52.0 35 50 35- i 36.0 10 50 59-1 56.8 28 50 37-1 35.9 02 52 Si- i 52.8 36 52 33-6 34-1 08 52 61.1 59.0 25 52 28.2 27.8 IS 54 50.1 52.0 35 54-3 33-1 33-4 07 54 60.3 58.3 26 54 26.6 25.2 19 56 49-3 Si -i 33 56 33-7 34-1 08 56 58.2 56.9 29 56 25.2 23.7 21 58 47-8 49-5 31 58 33-9 34-6 08 58 51.0 49.4 40 58 23.O 22.2 24 13 oo 45.9 48.0 28 +0.7 15 00 33-8 34-2 08 + 1.1 I 00 50.8 49-1 41 -2.7 3 oo 2O.3 20. I 28 -2.5 02 43-9 48.1 27 02 33-9 34-7 08 02 54- i S2.5 35 02 22. O 21.9 25 04 46.4 48.4 29 04 33-3 33-9 07 04 58.9 57-9 27 04 23.4 23.1 23 oo 45.9 48.0 28 06 33-9 34-7 08 06 59-0 58.1 27 06 24 . 2 23 . 7 22 08 45-3 47-2 27 08 35-9 36.6 ii 08 57.6 56.0 30 08 23.O 22.2 24 IO 45-3 47-1 27 IO 35-0 35.3 IO IO 52.2 51.8 37 IO 21.9 21.5 25 12 45-6 47-1 27 12 33-0 33-8 07 12 48.5 48.0 43 12 24.9 24.7 20 14 46.6 48.3 29 +0.9 14 30.4 30.9 03 + 1.4 14 41.9 41.4 54 -2-5 14 26.1 25.2 19 -2.5 16 47.0 48.1 29 16 29.8 30.1 02 16 43.8 43.0 51 16 25-2 24.9 20 18 46.1 48.2 29 18 29.1 29.4 00 18 42.3 41.0 22 54 18 25.8 25.1 20 20 46.1 48.0 28 20 29.6 29.9 01 20 37-7 36.8 23 oi 20 28.0 27.5 16 22 43-8 45-9 25 22 3L7 32.1 05 22 35-0 33.7 05 22 28.O 27.6 16 24 41-1 43-8 21 24 31-9 32.9 05 24 37-5 36.5 OI 24 27.1 26.O 18 26 38.1 40.4 16 26 31.2 32.8 05 26 34.9 33.1 06 26 23.8 22. O 24 28 34-4 37-5 II 28 32.0 32.9 05 28 31.0 29.5 12 28 21.8 20.2 26 30 35-0 37-0 II + 1.1 30 35-2 36.3 ii + 1.8 30 27.2 26.0 17 -2.4 30 l6.7 14.2 35 -2.4 32 35-9 38.0 12 32 36.2 37-9 13 32 28.9 26.6 16 32 13-7 II-7 40 36 34-1 36.2 36.9 38.9 IO 14 34 36 35-0 36.8 34-9 36.8 ii ii 34 36 33-2 32.8 34-3 33-5 07 06 34 36 15.0 13.0 17.0 15.0 38 34 38 32.3 34-2 07 38 33-9 35-7 O / - 09 38 34.2 33.1 06 38 19.8 17.9 30 40 42 44 46 48 SO 52 S8 30-9 32.0 32.1 33-1 33-1 34-2 33-8 34-7 35-9 37-1 35-8 37-0 37-8 39-5 39-5 40.5 40.2 41.1 41.5 42.4 04 06 07 08 12 12 15 17 18 20 + 1.1 40 42 44 46 48 SO 52 54 56 58 16 oo 34-8 36.5 36.9 38.6 37.0 38.6 35-0 37.5 34-2 37-1 31-0 33-7 31-0 33-4 3I-I 33-8 30.3 32.8 31- i 33-4 32.9 35-2 II 14 14 ii IO OS 05 05 04 05 08 + 2.0 + 2.0 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 32.8 30.9 31.2 29.9 33-0 31.9 35-0 32.8 37-2 35-4 43-1 40.2 45.0 43.0 46.9 45-3 45.0 44.0 42.7 41-3 09 ii 08 06 23 02 22 54 So 47 49 53 -2.4 40 42 44 46 48* 50 52 54 56 58 20.9 18.8 20.1 l8.2 18.1 16.9 ii. 5 10.3 37-7 33-0 34.1 28.8 31.8 28.0 32.3 29.1 33-2 30.1 31-3 28.3 28 30 32 42 48 55 57 56 54 57 -2.3 Correction to local mean time is + I7-5S. 90 torsion = 19/22. Torsion head at lih 25m read 104 and at l6h ism read 97. Observer R. R. T. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 247 Wednesday, June I, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, June I, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o r o h m d d O 1 e h m d d o / h m d d O 1 4 oo 34.1 33.1 23 51 -2.2 6 oo 32.0 31.2 23 55 -2.2 8 oo 67.6 66.6 23 oo -1.0 IO OO 34-3 32.6 22 53 -0.8 02 37-9 36.0 46 02 29.1 28.3 23 59 02 66. o 64.9 02 02 34-1 33.0 52 04 40.0 37-6 43 04 28.8 27.1 24 01 04 67.3 65.0 oi 04 31-5 30.5 56 06 43-7 41-5 37 06 24.2 23.1 08 06 61.3 60.7 09 06 33-9 32-3 53 08 43.0 40.9 38 08 23.1 22.7 08 08 63.2 63.0 06 08 34.8 34.0 Si 10 36.9 35-5 47 IO 28.1 27.4 01 10 65.9 65.2 02 IO 35-6 34-6 50 12 30.9 29.2 57 12 26.0 24.2 05 12 61.3 61.0 09 12 33-6 32-3 54 14 35-o 31-9 52 -2.2 14 22.9 22.2 09 -2.O 14 64.8 64.0 04 i -0.8 14 33-5 32.8 53 -0.8 16 36.1 32.9 50 16 26.O 2S.O 04 16 67.0 66.8 oo 16 33-5 32.5 53 18 37-0 34-0 48 18 28.6 27.1 24 01 18 66.3 66.0 23 oi 18 32.3 31-8 55 20 36.6 33.2 49 20 32-9 30.3 23 55 20 69.50 22 56 20 34-0 32.8 53 22 35-o 32.1 52 22 38.9 38.0 44 22 67.1 66.6 23 oo 22 34-6 33-3 52 24 35-3 33-8 So 24 51.7 49-8 25 24 70.6 70.3 22 54 24 33-8 32.5 53 26 35-8 33.7 50 26 47-0 44-1 23 33 26 69.3 68.5 22 57 26 33-5 32.8 53 28 30.3 28.1 23 58 28 25.86 24 04 28 66.3 65.6 23 02 28 35-5 35-1 50 30 29.1 27.8 24 oo -2.2 30 28. oa 24 oi 30 67.8 67.8 22 58 -0.8 30 35-0 34-3 5i -0.6 32 25.8 24.7 04 32.2 64.1 64.1 23 04 32 67.3 66.8 23 oo 32 33-3 32.5 54 34 20.8 18.8 13 34 60. i 59.9 10 34 65.6 65.0 O2 34 33-9 32.3 53 36 23.6 21. i 09 36 66.8* 00 36 66.0 66.0 02 36 33-S 33-3 53 38 27.0 25.0 24 03 38 38.8 38.8 44 38 66.1 66.0 23 02 38 34-5 34-3 5i 40 31.5 28.2 23 57 40.5 55- oa 18 40 69.2 69.0 22 57 40 35-6 35-3 50 42 31-5 29.3 56 42 61.2 60.8 19 42 69.3 68.9 57 42 34-6 34-5 51 44 32.6 30.1 55 -2-3 44 61.6 60.5 09 -1-7 44 68.7 68.3 22 58 -0.8 44 34.2 34.0 52 -o-S 46 32.1 29.0 23 56 46 64.5 63.1 04 46 63.5 63.0 23 06 46 35-2 35-0 50 48 25.8 23.1 24 06 48 61.7 59-0 IO 48 70.0 69.9 22 55 48 35-5 35-5 49 SO 30.7 27.0 23 59 50 58.0 55-6 16 50 70.6 70.3 55 50 35-3 35-0 50 52 34-4 32.0 52 52 56.9 56.1 16 52 70.3 70.3 55 52 36.9 36.8 48 54 37-0 33-2 49 54 56.1 55-0 18 54 70.0 69.8 55 54 37-1 36.8 48 56 39-0 36.3 45 56 58.0 58.0 14 56 76.4 76.2 45 56 36.0 35.6 49 58 36.7 32-5 50 58 61.0 60.9 08 58 76.8 76.3 45 58 35-3 34-8 50 5 oo 36.8 33-7 49 -2-3 7 oo 58.8 58.1 13 -1.8 9 oo 71.0 70.3 54 -0.8 II OO Lost 02 38.9 33-7 47 02 62.2 60.0 09 02 71-0 70.3 54 02 37-0 36.6 48 -0.3 04 42.0 38.2 41 04 59-3 57-7 13 04 70-5 70-3 55 04 38.0 37.3 46 06 43-0 38.8 40 06 55-3 54-9 18 06 71-5 71-3 53 06 36.4 36.2 48 08 49-6 45-8 29 08 60.6 59.9 IO 08 71-5 70.8 54 08 38.0 37.0 46 IO 56.0 53.0 19 TO 58.3 57-1 14 IO 69.8 69.3 56 IO 30.3 38.6 44 12 50.5 49-1 26 12 59-6 58.7 12 12 68.6 68.0 58 12 38.3 37-5 46 14 45-3 44-0 34 -2.3 14 58.1 57-2 14 -1-5 14 70.6 70.3 55 -0.8 14 39-6 38.8 44 -0-3 16 42.8 41.8 38 16 56.8 56.2 16 16 69.6 69.3 56 16.2 39-2 38.3 44 18 41.3 40.8 40 18 56.5 55-2 17 18 71.0 70.9 54 18 40.3 40.0 42 20 39-9 39-6 42 20 58.3 57-8 14 20 72.0 71-7 52 20 39-6 39.4 43 22 36.8 35.5 48 22 61.7 60. i 09 22 71-9 70.9 53 22 37.6 37.3 47 24 34-9 32.6 Si 24 63.2 62.9 06 24 70.6 69.6 55 24 38.0 37.3 46 26 36.0 34.9 49 26 64.9 64.0 04 26 71.0 69.9 55 26 38.5 38.3 45 28 39.0 36.9 45 28 63.1 61.5 07 28 71.6 71.4 53 28 38.0 37.6 46 30 41.3 40.7 4 -2.4 30 64 . 2 64 . I 04 -1.3 30 71.2 70.0 55 -0.9 30 39.0 39.0 44 -0.4 32 38.2 38.2 44 32 62.8 6l.8 07 32 72.5 72.0 52 32 38.6 38.6 45 34 38.2 37-9 45 34 63.8 63.5 23 OS 34 72.8 72.2 52 34 39.0 39.0 44 36 36.7 36.0 47 3 S 70.2 69.3 22 55 36 72.1 71.3 53 36 40.3 40.0 42 38 33-9 33-9 51 38 69.8 69.2 56 38 70.8 70.0 55 38 40.6 40.3 42 40 35-7 35.5 48 40 70.2 69.3 55 40 70.0 69.8 56 40 40.3 39-7 43 42 38.0 36.8 46 42 69.5 68.1 57 42 72.6 72.0 52 42 41.2 40.8 41 44 38.8 37-5 44 -2.4 44 69.2 67.9 57 -I.I 44 73-3 72.8 51 -0.8 44 40.6 40.5 42 -0.4 4 o 40.0 39.2 42 46 70.2 69.0 56 46 71.0 71.0 54 46 30.2 39.0 44 48 41.2 41.1 40 48 70. i 69.0 22 56 48 70.1 70.0 55 48 38.0 37-6 46 50.3 43-7 43-0 36 50 65.2 63.1 23 04 So 73.6a 50 50 38.0 37-8 46 52 42.8 43.1 37 52 62.1 60.0 09 51* 42.5 37-3 42 52 39.0 38.7 44 54 43-9 43-1 36 54- 3| 68.1 64.7 01 54 32.0 30.8 22 56 54 39-6 39-3 44 56 38.2 37.8 45 56 62.2 59.9 09 56 24.5 23.3 23 08 56 40.1 39.9 43 58 36.8 36. 1 47 58 64.0 62.7 06 58 31.0 30.3 22 57 58 40.5 40.6 42 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 8h oom to 8h lorn. 248 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, June I, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, June i, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East M Scale East Scale East Scale East i Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O r O h m d d " ' O h m d d O / O h m d d O 1 * 12 00 39-9 39-6 22 43 -0-3 14 oo 47-9 47-7 22 31 -0-3 r6 oo 56.3 56.1 22 18 -1.2 18 oo 47-4 46.8 22 33 -1.4 02 39-7 39-5 43 02 48.1 48.0 31 02 55- 8 55-6 19 02 48.1 46.9 32 04 39.6 39.2 44 04 48.8 48.6 30 04 56.0 55.7 19 04.1 48.0 47.0 32 06 39.8 39.4 43 06 49.1 48.9 29 06 56.0 56.0 18 06 48.7 47.9 31 08 40-3 39-8 43 08 48.5 48.3 30 08 56.3 56.1 18 08 48.8 48.1 31 10 40.3 39-8 43 10 48.0 47.8 31 10 56.0 56.0 18 IO 49.8 49.2 29 12 40.5 40.3 42 12 48.2 47.8 31 12 54-9 54-8 20 12 50.1 49.6 ! 29 -I.O 14 40.3 39.6 43 -0-3 14 48.1 47-9 3i -0-3 14 54-6 54-5 21 14 50.9 50.1 28 16 40.1 39-5 43 16 48.5 48.3 30 16 54-3 54-3 21 16 51.0 50.1 28 18 40.6 40.3 42 18 48.6 48.6 30 18 53-9 53-8 22 18 50.1 50.1 28 20 41.2 40.8 41 20 49.6 49.3 28 20 53-0 53-0 23 20 51. i 50.3 27 22 42.6 42.0 39 22 49.5 49.2 29 22 52.6 52.5 24 22 51.4 50-5 - 27 24 43.2 42.8 38 24 49.6 49-5 28 24 52.0 52.0 25 24 51.9 50.8 26 26 43.2 42.9 38 26 50.0 49.7 28 26 52.3 52.0 25 26 52.3 5I-I 26 28 43.0 42.6 38 28 49.6 49.6 28 28 51-5 51-3 26 28 53-2 52.1 24 30 42.8 42.5 39 -O.2 30 50.2 50.0 27 30 Si-3 Si.o 26 -1-5 30 54.1 53-e 23 -0.8 32 43-1 42.8 38 32 51.3 51.0 26 -0-5 32 51.8 51-5 25 32 55.4 54.1 21 34 44.3 44.2 36 34 51.3 51.2 26 34 52.2 52.0 25 34 50.1 54.9 20 36 45-3 45-0 35 36 , 50.1 50.0 28 36 52-5 52.1 24 36 56.7 55.3 19 38 44-6 44-0 36 38 49.0 48.8 29 38 52.3 52.0 25 38 56.5 55-6 19 40 44-0 43-6 37 40 51.3 51.0 26 40 51-7 51-3 26 40 56-5 55-4 19 42 44.2 44.0 36 42 51.6 51.2 25 42 51.1 50.6 27 42 56.0 55.0 20 44 44-6 44.4 36 -o.i 44 50.6 50.5 27 -0.7 44 50-4 50.1 28 -1.8 44 55-1 54.4 21 ! -O.9 46 44.8 44.6 36 46 51-8 51-3 25 46 49-7 49-3 29 46 55-1 54.2 21 48 44-9 44-6 36 48 52.2 52.0 24 48 50.0 49.7 29 48 55-1 54-7 21 SO 45-0 44-9 35 50 49.3 49.0 29 50 50.2 50.0 28 50 55-4 55- o 20 52 45-2 45-0 35 52 48.0 48.0 31 52 49.6 49.4 29 52 55-9 55-2 2O 54 45-4 45-2 34 54 48.6 48.6 30 54 49.3 49.1 29 54 55-9 55-2 2O 56 45-6 45-6 34 56 49.3 49.0 29 56 49.3 49.0 30 56 57-8 57-2 17 58 45-8 45-6 34 58 49-3 49-3 29 58 49.3 49.1 29 -2.O 58 58.8 58.1 16 13 oo 46.2 46.1 33 -O.I 15 oo 48.8 48.7 30 -I.O 17 oo 49-3 49-1 29 19 oo 59-2 58.8 14 -I.O 02 46.4 46.4 33 02 49.0 49.0 29 02 49-0 48.8 30 02 60. I 59-0 14 04 47.0 46.9 32 04 49.6 49.6 28 04 40.1 48.9 30 04 60.7 59-5 13 06 46.3 46.0 33 06 49.6 49.5 28 06 48.5 48.2 31 06 61.1 60.0 12 08 45-8 45-8 34 08 50.5 50-3 27 08 48.1 47.9 31 08 61.0 Co.o ; 12 IO 46.0 45.7 34 10 51-3 51-3 20 IO 47-9 47-7 32 10 61.1 60.0 12 12 46.0 46.0 34 12 51-9 51.6 25 12 48.0 47.8 32 12 61.1 Oo.o 12 14 46.3 46.3 33 o.o 14 52.7 52.3 24 -I.O 14 48.5 48.2 31 -2.0 14 60.9 60.0 12 -0.9 16.9 47.0 46.9 32 16 52.5 52.3 24 16 48.8 48.6 30 16 61.3 60.2 12 18 47.2 47-2 32 18 52-3 52.3 24 18 48.6 48.3 31 18 61.2 60.5 12 20 47-6 47-4 3i 20 53-0 52.6 23 20 48.1 47.6 32 20 60.9 60. i 12 22 47-7 47-5 31 22 64.0 63.6 06 22 48.3 48.0 31 22 60.9 60. i 12 24 47-6 47-5 3i 24 55-1 55-0 20 24 48.0 47.7 32 24 60.5 59-9 13 26 47-9 47-9 31 26 56.0 55.6 26 48.5 48.2 31 26 60.5 59.8 13 28 48.0 47-9 31 28 57-3 57-1 16 28 48.7 48.3 30 28 60.9 59.8 12 30 48.0 47.8 31 -O.I 30 56.6 56-5 i -I.I 30 46.6 46.3 33 -2.0 30 60.9 59-9 12 -0.7 32 47-8 47-3 3i 32 57.0 56.6 17 32 46-1 45-8 35 32 60.9 59-9 12 34 47-6 47-3 32 34 56.6 56.5 18 34 46.2 45.5 35 60.2 59-3 14 36 47.0 46.9 32 36 57.0 57-o 17 36 45-7 45-3 35 36 59.8 59.1 14 38 46.5 46.3 33 38 55-8 55-6 19 38 45.2 44.9 36 38 59-3 59-0 14 40 46.3 46.0 34 40 55-4 55-0 20 40 44.3 44.2 37 40 59.0 58.4 15 42 46.3 46.1 33 42 55-3 55-0 20 42 44-3 43-9 38 42 58.0 57-0 17 44 47-5 47-0 32 -O.2 44 55-3 55-1 20 -1.2 44 44.4 44.0 37 -2.0 44 56.4 56.1 ; 19 -0.4 46 48.2 47.8 30 jl 46 55-3 55-0 20 46 44-9 44-5 37 46 56.3 55-7 19 48 48.6 48.4 30 48 55-3 55-1 20 48 45-0 44-8 36 48 57-0 56.7 18 50 49.2 49.0 29 50 55-1 54-9 2O 50 45-8 45-6 35 50 56.1 56-0 19 52 49.0 48.9 29 52 55-3 S5-0 20 52 46.3 45-9 34 52 56.7 56.1 19 54 48.3 48.0 30 54 56.3 56.3 18 54 46.8 46.0 34 54 57.1 56.9 18 56 48.1 48.0 30 56 57.1 57-0 17 56 46.6 45.9 34 56 57.2 56.9 18 58 48.0 47.8 31 58 56.9 56.9 17 58 47.1 46.0 34 58 56.8 56.1 19 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from 17)1 34m to I7h 48m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 249 Wednesday, June I, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, June 2, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r j readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time ! nation C. time nation C. time nation \^t time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d f h m d d li m d d Of h m d d O 1 o to oo 56.3 55-8 22 19 -0-5 22 00 55- 3& 22 21 16 oo 57-2 58.0 22 24 -I.O 18 oo 55-3 57-4 22 22 -I-S 02 55-8 54-3 21 02 57-1 56.1 19 -0.7 02 58.1 59-1 26 02 56.0 58.5 23 04 55-1 54-o 22 04 57-0 56-2 19 04.5 59-9 60.5 28 04 55-9 58.0 23 06 54-5 53-6 22 06 57-8 57-1 18 06 61.2 62.1 30 06 55-6 56.2 21 08 55-8 55-0 2O 08 57-3 56.9 18 08 62.9 64.1 33 08 53.1 55.0 18 IO 57-3 56-8 18 IO 57-5 56.9 18 IO 64.4 65.2 ! 35 IO 53.0 54-9 18 12 57-7 57-1 17 12 56.1 55-5 20 12 65.2 65.7 36 12 53-5 55-2 19 14 55-3 55-3 21 -0-7 14 55-4 54-6 22 -O.5 14 64.0 65.1 35 -1.2 14 54.0 55-9 20 -I.I 16 55-1 54.5 21 16 54-0 52.8 24 16 62.8 63.8 33 16 54.9 56.1 21 18 55-1 54-5 21 18 53-0 52.1 25 18 61.2 62.9 ; 31 18 55. 55-9 20 20 55.3 54-9 21 20 52.8 51-8 26 20 59-9 61.0 28 20 54-4 55-3 20 22 54-2 53.1 23 22 52.1 50.3 27 22 59-8 61.0 28 22 54.3 55.2 20 24.2 53-1 52.2 25 24 50.0 48.2 31 24 58.3 59.1 26 24 54.0 54.9 19 26 52.9 52.2 25 26 48.8 46.1 33 1 26 56.9 58.1 24 26 53.8 54-9 19 28 53-8 53-0 24 28 49.1 46.6 33 28 56.7 57.9 24 28 54.4 55.4 20 30 52.2 51.8 26 -0.9 30 49-3 47-0 32 -O.2 30 57-0 58.0 24 -1.2 30 55-2 55.9 21 -I.O 32 49-3 48.6 31 32 49-4 47-5 32 32 57-0 57-8 24 32 56.2 57.0 22 34 49-2 48.7 31 34 49-5 47-8 32 34 56.9 57-4 23 34 57-7 58.1 24 36 49-8 49.2 30 36 49.1 47.2 32 36 57-9 58.0 24 36 57-8 58.2 25 38 53-7 53-3 23 38 49-0 47.3 32 38 56.1 56.8 22 38 57-1 57-3 23 40 55-4 55-0 21 40 49.1 47.7 32 40 55-9 56.2 22 40 56.9 57-3 23 42 55-1 54-7 21 42 50.0 48.1 31 42 55-8 55-9 21 42 56.8 57-1 23 44 55-8 55-2 2O -0.9 44 46.3 44-7 36 -0-5 44 57- 8a 24 -1.4 44 56.1 56.9 22 -0.9 46 54-9 54-2 22 46 50.2 48.7 30 46 60.2 60.3 28 46 56.1 56.9 22 48 55-0 53-3 22 48 57-4 48.1 25 48 60.9 61.1 29 48 56.i 57-1 22 50 55.1 54.1 | 22 50 47.1 29.8 48 50 60.3 60.8 29 50 56.2 57.4 23 52 54.7 53.6 ! 22 52 60.8 47.1 23 52 59.2 59.0 27 52 56.2 57.7 23 54 56.6 55-6 19 54 54-0 41-9 32 54 58.8 59.8 27 54 56.9 58.0 24 56 57-1 55-8 19 56 51.2 41.2 35 56 61.0 62.0 30 58 57-7 58.8 25 58 58.1 57-5 17 58 52.2 45.7 31 58 62.8 63.8 33 58 58.2 59.3 26 !1 OO 57-4 56.2 18 -0.8 23 oo 58.7 49-6 23 -0.9 17 oo 62.0 62.8 32 -1.7 19 oo 58.3 59.5 26 -0.8 O2 56.8 55-7 19 02 56.1 47-8 26 02 61.9 63.0 32 02 57-9 58.8 25 04 56.9 56.0 19 04 50.4 43-7 34 04 61.0 62.1 30 04 58.3 59-1 26 06 56.8 56.1 19 06 55.1 49.0 26 06 60.3 61.8 29 06 59- i 59-9 27 08 55-8 54.1 21 08 58.9 52-7 21 08 62.7 64.0 33 08 59.8 60.2 28 IO 55-0 51-8 24 IO 57-1 51-3 23 IO 65.1 66.1 36 IO 60.0 60.4 28 12 60. 1 56.9 16 12 58.8 53.0 20 12 64.8 65.0 36 12 60.5 60.9 29 14 60.0 56.7 16 -0-7 14 57-8 51-7 22 -I.O 14 63.7 64.8 34 -1.8 14 61.0 61.0 29 -0.8 16 60.0 57.1 16 16 55-8 50.1 25 16 60.2 61.0 20 16 60.9 61. T 29 18 60. i 57-8 15 18 57-0 Si-5 23 18 59-7 60.2 28 18 60.9 61.0 29 20 59-9 59-7 13 20 60.5 56.1 16 20 57-9 58.2 25 20 59-4 59-8 27 22 58.8 55-9 18 22 53-9 51- i 26 22 56.7 57-3 23 22 57-3 57-9 24 24 57-2 55-0 20 24 57-2 52.3 22 24 54-7 55-1 20 24 56.1 57.1 22 26 55-9 53-2 22 26 58.9 54-1 19 26 53-2 54-0 18 26 56.1 57-0 22 28 55-0 52.2 23 28 59-0 54-o 19 -1.4 28 53-8 54.9 19 28 57.0 57.7 24 30 54-9 52.2 24 -0.7 30 55-7 50.7 25 30 54.0 55-2 19 -1.8 30 57.9 58.8 25 -0.9 32 54.8 53.3 23 32 53.8 49-9 27 32 SS-o 56.3 21 32 50. i 58.4 26 34 57-1 55-7 19 34 56.0 51-2 24 34 54-8 56-0 2O 34 58.4 50.1 26 36 55-8 52.8 22 36 56.8 52.1 23 36 ! 55-7 57.1 22 36 58.0 58.0 25 38 59-7 57-2 16 38 57-2 52.8 21 38 55-9 57-1 22 38 57.8 58.6 25 40 59-8 57.6 i 16 40 56.3 52.0 23 40 54.9 56.1 21 40 57-3 58.2 24 42 59.0 56.9 17 42 56.9 52.2 22 42 54-2 56-0 20 42 56.8 58.8 24 44 56.1 53-9 21 -0.8 44 56.9 52.8 22 -1-5 44 54.7 56.3 21 -1.8 44 56.2 57.8 23 -0.9 46 56.0 53-5 22 46 55.1 51. i 25 46 54.2 57.8 22 46 56.0 57.3 22 48 55-3 53-0 23 48 53-9 50.5 26 48 54.8 58.0 i 22 48 55-3 56-9 22 50 53-8 51.1 26 50 53-0 49-5 28 50 54.0 57-7 22 50 55-2 56.5 21 52 51-9 40.0 29 52 52.9 49-9 27 52 54.8 57.1 21 52 55-8 56.9 22 54 50.2 48.7 30 54 52.9 50.0 27 54 54.8 57.4 22 54 56.8 57-0 23 56 Si-7 50.4 28 56 52.5 49.8 28 56 55-0 57-5 22 56 57-0 57.8 24 58 55-8 55-1 21 58 50.3 47-8 31 58 54.4 56.0 21 58 57.0 58.0 24 24 oo 49.0 46.2 34 --I-7 20 oo 57-8 58.5 25 -I.O i J : 1 Correction to local mean time is + 39.53. 90 torsion = 19/53. Torsion head at oh oom read 97 and at 24!! ism read 72. Observer R. R. T. 17 Correction to local mean time is + is. Torsion head at ish 36m read 72 and at 2oh uni read the same. Observer J. V. 250 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Friday, June 3, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, June 5, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / O h m d d t O h m d d o t o h m d d , u 20 oo 41-5 39-4 22 14 +1.8 22 OO 29.9 28.1 22 32 -0.8 OO* 52.8 53-8 22 35 -0.3 2 00 43.8 47.9 22 57 -0.6 02 41-1 39-3 15 02 29.1 27.9 33 02 54-1 54-4 36 02 44.8 47.9 58 04 06 08 41- 1 39-8 43-3 40.4 43-5 41-1 14 12 II 04 06 08 31-9 31-2 29.1 29.0 26.9 26.2 28 32 36 04 06 08 55-9 56.9 54-1 55.3 52.2 53.2 39 37 34 04 06 08 45-7 48.9 47-9 Sl.o 46.7 49.8 22 00 23 03 OI 10 43-3 41. 1 12 10 29.1 28.1 33 IO 51.7 52.8 33 IO f 46. 49.0 oo 12 43-2 41. i 12 12 34-0 33-7 25 12 46.2 48.3 12 47. 49.9 02 14 > 43.2 41.2 12 +1.2 14 35-0 33-9 24 -0.8 U 48.1 50.0 28 -0.4 14 47-7 50.3 O2 -0.6 16 42.9 40.8 12 16 37-8 35-6 20 10 38.8 40.0 13 16 47- 50.8 O2 18 42.0 40.5 13 18 26.7 24.9 37 18 40.8 42.3 16 18 46. 49.4 23 oo 20 42.8 41.0 12 20 29.7 24.3 36 20 42 . 7 43 . 4 18 20 45- 48.8 22 59 22 43-0 41-0 12 22 34.0 29.0 28 22 40.7 48.2 21 22 45-7 49- 60 24 26 28 41.6 40.1 40.9 40.5 40.8 39-1 14 15 15 24 26 28 36.2 32.0 36.8 32.4 32.2 28.8 24 24 30 24 26 28 33-3 40.9 34-9 42-1 35.8 42.0 09 ii 12 24 26 28 45-3 48.3 43-1 46.1 42.7 45.8 59 55 55 3O 32 34 36 38 40.7 39.1 40.0 39.8 40.1 38.9 40.3 39.8 38-4 37-9 15 15 IS IS IS +1.0 30 32 34 36 38 36.2 33.0 38.9 37.6 35-2 33-9 31-2 30.9 29.7 29.0 24 18 24 29 32 -0.9 30 32 34 36 38 43.8 49.9 54-0 65.4 55-1 64.0 48.1 57-7 51.1 62.3 24 45 44 34 40 -0.6 30 32 34 36 38 42.2 45.1 42.6 45.9 52-1 55.2 42.4 46.8 24.0 28.1 54 22 55 23 09 22 55 26 -0.3 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 !J6 58 21 OO O2 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 38.3 37-1 37-7 36.4 38.8 36.4 38.9 37-4 37-9 36.1 36.8 35-0 36.9 35-3 36.6 35.0 37-2 36.5 38.2 37.2 38.7 37-3 38.7 37-2 38.1 37-0 37-9 36.5 37-8 37-6 37-4 36.0 37-8 35-8 38.9 36.6 38.2 36.7 37-8 35-9 37-1 35-1 36.8 35.0 36.4 34.8 35-0 33-9 34-2 33-5 33-2 32.9 32.9 32.2 19 20 2O 22 21 22 2O 19 18 18 19 20 20 20 20 19 IP 20 21 22 22 ?4 25 26 27 +0.6 fO.2 0.0 -O.2 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 It 58 23 oo 02 04 06 08 IO 12 '4 16 18 20 22 20 23 30 32 34-0 33.5 32.8 31.2 31.0 28.8 31-3 30.3 30-7 28.5 30-3 29.2 30.1 29.9 31-9 31-0 32.9 32.5 32.1 31.5 32.1 31-0 33-9 32.1 33-2 32.2 31. 8ft 35-9 35-8 29.0 28.8 29.9 29.9 31.2 30.8 30.1 29.5 29.0 28.2 27.0 26.9 27.0 26.2 25.2 24.9 26.2 25.1 26.5 25.0 26.8 24.9 26.3 24.9 25 28 3i 30 32 29 27 28 28 26 27 28 22 32 31 29 31 i 36 -0.9 -0.8 -0.9 -0.9 40.5 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 I OO 02 04 06 08 10* 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30.1 55.1 65.1 56.2 68.9 50.1 62.6 52.9 63.9 54-1 64.7 54-5 64.9 51-1 61.3 51.6 61.0 53.8 63.0 56.2 64.3 53.2 61.0 56.5 64.2 61.1 68.5 65.7 73-1 67.2 74.9 46.5 55-5 46.8 55-8 47-2 57.9 41-2 Si-3 42.0 50.7 43-5 52.1 42.0 50.0 41-3 49-7 41.1 48.4 41.1 48.2 42.8 49.7 46 49 39 42 44 45 39 39 42 45 41 46 53 22 60 23 02 05 06 23 08 22 58 22 58 23 oo 22 58 57 56 55 58 -0.7 -0.8 -0.8 -0-7 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 3 oo 02 04 06 08 TO 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 16.9 19.1 16.2 18.1 14.7 17.2 24.0 26.3 32.9 36.1 41-1 45-0 45-3 49-9 45-5 48.2 46.0 49.0 45-6 48.9 48.0 50.2 47- 8 50.2 50.8 53-2 48.9 52.7 53-7 55-8 58.9 60.9 61.9 63.8 61.3 62.9 57-7 59-8 57.1 59.2 57-2 59-6 59.2 61.8 58.3 60.9 57-1 59-3 54-8 57-1 55-0 57-2 14 12 IO 25 40 22 53 23 oo 22 59 23 oo 22 59 23 02 02 07 05 II 19 24 23 17 16 17 20 19 17 13 13 -0.2 -0. I o.o 0.0 34 32.9 32.3 27 34 26.9 25.2 37 32 42.9 49-0 22 57 32 55-7 59-1 IS 36 38 33-2 33-1 32.9 32.8 26 i 28.1 27.0 28.0 26.0 35 36 34 36 46-1 51-9 47-0 52.1 23 02 03 34 36 53-2 56.1 57-7 59-8 ii 23 17 40 32.2 32.1 28 40 28.1 27.7 34 38 45-2 50.0 23 oo 38 44.1 46.8 22 57 42 32-1 31-7 28 42 28.5 28.0 34 40 42.2 46.9 22 55 40 46.2 48.1 22 59 44 31-8 30.9 29 -o.S 44 28.1 27.7 34 -0.9 42 40.2 44. Q 52 42 51-8 54-0 23 08 46 32.2 31-7 28 46 29.0 27.0 34 44 40.1 44.4 52 -0-7 44 51.2 53-9 08 +0.1 48 33-5 31-0 27 48 29.1 27.4 34 46 39.9 44-6 52 46 51.2 54-4 08 So 32.3 30.0 29 50 29.1 27.4 34 48 41.1 46.1 54 48 52.7 55-2 IO 52 33-5 30.9 27 52 29.2 27.5 33 50 43-1 47.9 57 50 49.6 52.8 06 54 35-8 33-7 23 54 29.2 27.3 34 52 44-5 49-1 22 59 52 48.1 50.7 03 56 34-9 33.6 56 28.8 27.5 34 54 45-8 49-8 23 oo 54 47-5 50.4 02 58 31.8 30.9 29 58 28.0 26.8 35 56 43-3 47-2 22 56 56 47.8 49-9 O2 24 oo 27.5 26.2 36 -0.7 ' 58 42.2 46.2 55 58 47-2 49.3 OI Correction to local mean time is 2.55. Torsion head at igh 42m read 72 and at 24)1 13111 read the same. Observer-J. V. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 251 Sunday, June 5. 1904 Magnet scale inverted Monday, June 6, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings ; decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'i readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h tn d d O t h m d d O / h m d d O / O h m d d O 1 4 oo 58.3 57-2 23 03 +0-3 6 oo 24.1 20. O 23 59 0.0 8 oo* 51.1 52.8 22 56 +6-4 IO OO 47-7 50.2 23 oo +7-2 02 60.8 59. 8 22 59 02 36.9 34-0 38 02 50.8 52.7 56 02 44.1 46.6 22 54 04 62.8 61.2 56 04 28.9 26.9 50 04 49.3 52.2 54 04 41-8 45-1 52 06 62.1 61.0 57 06 34-5* 39 06 50.3 53.8 56 06 40.3 43-0 49 08 63.0 62.1 55 08 39-6 37.9 32 08 i 50.9 53-8 57 08 34-4 37-0 39 10 63.8 62.9 54 IO 38.8 37-5 33 10.2. Si-7 54-5 58 IO 31-8 33-0 34 12 64.1 63.3 53 12 41.9 38.9 30 12 51.7 54-2 58 12 32.1 33-1 34 14 63.9 63.0 54 +0.9 14 42.2 40.0 29 0.0 14 52.8 55.0 59 +6.2 14 31-1 33-2 34 +7-2 16 65.0 64.2 52 16 39-8 36-1 34 16 50.9 52.8 56 16 28.8 30.8 30 18 65.8 64.9 Si 18 42.9 39-3 29 18 47-1 49.1 50 18 35-o 35-3 38 20 64.9 64.0 52 20.5 38.7 34.2 36 20 48.2 49.9 52 20 35-9 37-1 41 22 65.2 64.0 52 22 56.2 50.4 10 22 Si.i 53-0 56 22 47.1 48.9 59 24 64.6 63.1 53 24 41-0 38.5 3i 24 51.8 53-8 58 24 37-7 39-9 44 26 65.2 63.8 52 26 58.0 53-9 06 26 53-i 55-0 59 26 37-1 39-1 43 28 65.2 63.7 52 28 45-7 41-2 25 28 49-9 52.0 55 28 36.3 37-2 41 30 66.1 64.1 5i 4-1.0 30 45-3 39-3 27 0.0 30 46.8 48.1 49 +6.2 30 33-9 34-9 37 +7-2 32 66.1 64.9 50 32 40.9 36.9 32 32 46.1 47.3 48 32 33-1 34-2 36 34 65.9 64.8 51 34 34-1 30.2 43 34 47-9 48.9 51 34 31-4 33-1 34 36 62.9 61.5 56 36 39-9. 37-9 32 36 49.2 50.9 53 36 28.9 32.9 32 38 62.0 60.8 22 57 38 38.9 35-8 35 38 49.06 52 38 29.9 33.0 33 40 59-4 58.2 23 oi 40 28.9 25.2 51 40 18.5 24.1 22 O8 40 32.5 34-6 36 42 61.1 60.2 22 58 42 31.9 26.6 48 42* 52.7 56.8 21 29 42 29-3 32.9 32 44 60. i 59.1 60 +0.8 44 30.3 25.7 49 +0.2 44* 53-2 55.3 23 08 +6.2 44 27.2 33.5 31 +7-0 46 61.2 60.2 58 46 28.9 24.1 52 46 53.0 60.9 23 U 46 32.0 36.9 37 48 64.5 63.2 53 48 41-5 37-9 31 48 37-7 39-9 22 44 48 33-5 39-9 41 50 63.4 62.1 55 50 30.8 27.8 47 50 36.4 42.8 46 50 26.7 34-2 31 52 61.9 61.1 57 52 37-1 34.8 37 52 31-9 37-5 38 52 27.1 32.3 30 54 60.4 59-2 59 54 42.1 39-0 30 54 | 37.1 44.1 47 54 27-9 33-9 32 56 60.9 60.0 22 58 56 41.9 39.8 29 56 39.6 49.9 54 56 27.9 34-2 32 58 59-7* 23 oo 58 46.8 45.4 21 58 21.9 31-9 26 58 27.3 33-7 31 5 oo 54-2 53-7 09 +0.3 7 oo 49.4 47.0 18 +0.2 9 oo 35-2 43.0 45 +6-3 II OO 35-2 40.6 43 +7-1 02 56.9 55-9 05 02 44.1 41.0 26 02 38.1 46.2 50 02 41.7 47.0 22 53 04 54-2 53-0 09 04 36.0 33.4 39 04 33-7 41.8 42 04 50.3 57-7 23 08 06 57-1 56.2 04 06 49.7 46.1 18 06 41.1 48.1 53 06 54-4 65.1 17 08 56.1 55.6 06 08 47-5 44-1 21 08 40.0 46.8 52 08 45-1 55-5 23 02 IO 57-9 57-0 03 10 38.1 33-3 37 10 39.9 47.1 52 10 40.8 49.9 22 54 T2 55-8 54.9 06 12 42.6 38.0 30 12 4I.I 47.4 53 12 32.1 40.1 40 14 54-1 527 10 +0.1 14 46.9 42.1 23 +0.1 14 40.9 46.8 52 +6.7 14 32.6 38.9 39 +7-7 16 56.9 55.5 05 16 50.2 47.1 17 16 45.5 50.0 58 16 29.1 35-8 34 18 54-9 53-1 08 18 52.2 48.3 14 18 42.9 47-8 22 54 18 26.1 32.8 30 20 58.8 57-1 02 20 51.2 47.8 ! 16 20 51.3 57-4 23 09 20 24.2 31.1 27 22 60.9 58.1 oo 22 54.2 51. i ii 22 46.0 54.1 02 22 26.0 33.0 30 24 60.7 58.0 23 oo 24 50.8 48.0 16 24 53-3 57-8 23 to 24 24.2 30.8 27 26 64.6 60.8 22 55 26 48.8 44.6 20 26 42.2 47.4 22 54 26 25.9 31-2 28 28 58.0 57-3 23 03 28 51. i 47-2 16 28 46.0 50.8 59 28 28.9 34-1 22 33 30 50.0 47.1 17 +0.1 30 50.2 46.2 18 o.o 30 44-9 49-7 58 +7.0 30 38.6 43.0 47 +8.1 32 43.9 40.2 27 32 50.3 47-1 17 32 42.8 45.6 53 32 38.2 45-3 49 34 ' 49.8 47.0 17 34 50.0 45.9 18 34 40.3 41.9 48 34 34-1 41-0 42 36 35-5 33-7 39 36 54-2 49-3 12 36 39-1 41- I 46 36 35-7 43-4 45 38 40.0 .17-9 32 38 58.9 54-8 04 38 41.1 43.8 50 38 43-5 49-0 56 40 34-0 33.1 41 40 60.0 56.0 02 40 37-3 39-2 43 40 45-2 51-4 59 42 35.0 34-9 38 42 61.2 56.0 23 oi 42 37-3 38.2 42 42 42.9 47.9 55 44 39- 9& 31 0.0 44 63.6 58.1 22 58 +0.2 44 36.3 37-1 41 +7-1 44 43-9 47-3 55 +8.6 46 33-1 32.7 42 46 64.0 57.8 58 46 34-5 37-3 40 46 38.1 42.1 46 48 22.9 22.2 58 48 65-0 58.8 56 48 43-0 45-6 53 48 33-8 37-4 39 50 29-7 28.7 48 50 65-9 58.3 56 50 ! 43-7 45-4 53 50 34-9 39-9 42 52 33-3 33-0 41 52 65-3 58.1 56 52 40-5 42.0 48 52 32.9 36.1 38 54 35-8 35-1 23 38 54 65-3 58.3 56 54 45-2 48.8 57 54 32-2 35.9 37 56 21.3 20.1 24 oi 56 64.9 58.2 57 56 44-8 48.4 56 56 35-9 39-0 42 5 30.7 29.0 23 46 58 66. T 60. i 54 58 41-2 45-9 52 58 31. i 34-8 i 35 8 oo 67.8 61.3 52 +0.8 12 OO 32.2 34.0 35 +8.8 Correction to local mean time is 385. Torsion head at oh oom read 72 and at 8h I5m read the same. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is im 04.53. 90 torsion = 18/90. Torsion head at 7h 3Om read 76 and at ;2h i8m read 6.3. Observer R. R. T. 252 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, June 7, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, June 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation i Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp C. Ii m d d o / h m d d ' h m d d o t h m d d . 12 00* 50.0 46.0 22 41 +9-8 14 oo 59-5 57-1 23 34 +8.1 00* 43.0 45.0 22 32 +1-5 2 OO 48.9 50.0 22 41 +1-5 02 52.8 48.9 37 02 61.1 58.8 31 02 43.0 44.1 32 02 48.3 49.3 40 04 50.1 47.1 40 04 64.9 62.7 25 04 43.0 44.1 32 04 49-2 50.1 42 06 48.8 45-8 42 06 71.4 69.2 15 06 43-0 44-1 32 06 49.0 50.2 42 08 49.2 46.1 42 08 73.2 70.0 13 08 42.8 44.1 32 08 47-5 48.3 39 IO 47-3 44-1 45 10 78.5 75-0 05 IO 42-9 43-5 31 IO 47.2 48.2 39 12 52.3 49-1 37 12 79-3 75-1 23 04 12 42.2 42.9 30 12 48.3 49-1 40 14 51-8 49-4 37 +0.7 14* 55-6 47-8 22 58 +8.0 14 41.8 42.1 29 +1.6 14 49.1 50.0 42 +1.6 16 57-2 55-2 29 16 56.8 48.3 57 16 41.2 41.7 28 16 48.8 49-8 41 18 59-3" 24 18 62.0 54.2 48 18 40.8 40.9 28 18 49.1 50.0 42 20 65-7 63.5 16 20 63-8 55-9 46 20.3 40.3 40.7 27 20 49.1 50.3 , 42 22 64.0 62.0 18 22 63.9 56.2 45 22 41.1 41.1 28 22 48.9 49-9 41 24 63.6 59-8 20 24 64.2 57.9 44 24 41.2 41.8 29 24 49-1 50.0 42 26 55-7 50.6 34 26 64.9 57-9 43 26 41.8 41.9 29 26 49.6 50.4 42 28 42.9 38.9 22 53 28 66.0 59-9 41 28 41.6 41.9 29 28 48.7 49-1 40 30 36.1 33-1 23 03 +9-3 30 65.7 60. i 41 +8.0 30 41.1 41.2 28 +1-4 30 47.9 48.9 ! 40 +1.5 32 33-0 27.2 IO 32 64.7 58.3 43 32 41.0 41.1 28 32 48.2 49.4 40 34 29.4 25.2 14 34 60.0 55-1 50 34 41.5 41.9 29 34 48.3 49.6 40 36 27.0 22.5 18 36 61.1 54.8 49 36 41.2 41.8 29 36 48.2 49.2 40 38 24.2 20. o 23 38 61.7 56.6 47 38 42.0 42.1 29 38 47.3 48.1 39 40 27.O 22.0 19 40 65.8 59.6 41 40 42.1 42.1 30 40 47.8 48.8 40 42 28.1 23.2 17 42 70.4 64.0 34 42 41.8 41.9 29 42 48.6 49-3 41 44 31-3 27.3 ii +9-2 44 68.1 64.8 36 +8.0 44 41.5 41.7 29 + 1-5 44 46.8 47-5 38 +1.8 46 37-9 34-7 23 oi 46 71-3 68.5 30 46 41.1 41.5 28 46 44-1 45-3 34 48 46.1 42.9 22 48 48 72.0 69.2 29 48 41.8 41.9 29 48 43-9 45-3 34 50 51.9 47-8 39 50 74.9 72.2 25 50 42.0 42.3 30 50 44-5 45-9 35 52 54.0 40.8 36 52 74.1 72.0 | 25 52 42.8 43-1 31 52 47.0 48.0 38 54 52.9 48.9 37 54 75-8 73-i 23 54 43-3 43-9 32 54 49-5 50.9 43 56 50.7 47.2 41 56 72.2 69.8 29 56 43.2 44.0 32 56 51.0 52.1 45 58 49-1 46.7 42 58 69.1 67.9 32 58 43.1 44.O 32 58 50.9 51-8 44 13 oo 43-9 41-9 50 +9.1 15 oo 67.0 65.3 36 +8.0 I 00 42.9 43-3 31 fi.6 3 oo 50.9 51-4 44 +1.8 02 39.0 36.0 22 59 02 73.0 69.6 28 O2 42.7 43.3 31 02 52.3 52.9 46 04 34-7 32.6 23 05 04 74-9 73-0 24 O4 42.8 43.2 31 04 52.1 52.5 46 06 32.2 29.8 09 06 71-9 70.5 28 06 43.4 43.7 32 06 53.8 54-0 48 08 34.6 29.8 07 08 63.1 62.1 42 08 44.8 45.0 34 08 53-0 53-8 48 TO 18.5 15.0 SI IO 62.3 60.8 44 IO dS.O 45.9 36 IO 55-0 55-2 50 12 14.3 9.4 39 12 64.6 62.9 40 12 4.I 46.2 36 12 56.1 56.8 52 14 12.5 8.3 41 +9.1 14 66.4 63.9 3 +8.0 14 46.1 46.2 36 +1.6 ; 14 54-2 54-8 50 +1.9 76 ii. i 6.6 44 16 69.5 67.8 33 16 45.8 46.2 36 16 55-7 56. T 52 18* 61.0 49.0 38 18 71.8 69.8 29 18 45.7 46.0 36 18 57-2 57-8 54 20 , 65.9 51.2 33 20 70.9 69.8 30 20 45-7 45-9 36 20 56.7 57.0 53 22 53-9 42-7 49 22 72.9 71.0 28 22 45-9 46.0 36 22 56.5 57-0 53 24 56.0 45.1 26 52.9 42.3 46 50 24 26* 74.9 72.7 24 54.2 49.2 15 24 45-6 45-8 26 45.1 45.3 3.- 35 24 26 55-1 56.0 56.1 56-4 51 52 28 54-5 45-1 47 28 54.8 52.3 12 28 45 .c 45.1 34 28 W.i 59-8 30 57.9 48.8 4T +9-0 30 56.7 52.8 10 +7-9 30 45.0 45.1 34 + 1-5 i 30 S8.4 59-8 22 57 +2.0 32 56.9 47.9 43 33 55-4 52.1 12 32 44.2 45.0 34 32 61.3 fa.3 23 02 31 58.8 50.0 40 34 59-3 55-8 06 34 . AA . 2 A z. . i 34 34 62.2 64.0 03 36 38 60.3 52.6 60.3 52.7 37 36 I? 38 62.9 58.2 65.1 60-9 22 01 21 57 36 44-4 45-1 45.5 46.1 34 36 38 63.5 65.3 62.9 64.8 05 04 40 61.8 55-7 33 40 69.1 64.1 52 /in AZ.n A(\ . 2 ,( 40 63.9 65.9 06 42 44 66.0 60. i 26 62.0 58.9 30 +8-7 42 69.2 63.0 52 44 73-1 67.0 46 -r*- T-" " y T , o 42 46.1 40.3 +7" .M J6.1 Afi.7 36 37 42 +1-4 ii 44 64.3 66.8 64.2 66.0 2- 06 +2.1 46 65.3 61.0 26 46* 49.6 43.0 33 46 -r - \j -i - i 47-7 48.O 39 46 66.1 67.8 09 48 65.7 62.2 25 48 51.0 43.2 32 48 48.2 49.0 4O 48 67.1 68.9 ii 50 66.0 62.8 24 TO 53-2 45-7 29 50 49.0 49-9 41 50 68.2 69.6 12 52 66.8 64.6 2? 52 49.8 42.8 33 52 49.9 50.8 43 52 60.5 70.5 14 54 72.0 70.5 14 54 48.4 4I-I 36 54 49.2 50.1 42 54 68.9 69.9 13 56 66.3 65.9 22 56 44.0 36-2 43 56 49.0 49-0 41 56 68.2 69.7 12 58 63.1 60. i 2<; 58 36.3 29.1 55 58 49-7 50.7 42 59 66.1 68.1 09 16 oo 36.3 34-1 51 +7-6 1 Correction to local mean time is nn 31.55. 90 torsion = 15/46. Torsion head at nh 35m read 72 and at l6h lorn read 50. Observer R. R. T. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 253 Wednesday, June 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, June 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect 1 Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. i Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right [ i h m d d OF O h m d d ' h m d d o / h m d d / 4 oo 66.8 67.8 23 10 +2.1 6 oo 58.50 23 31 +3.0 i 8 oo i 33-7 35-0 22 53 +4-5 IO 00 35-3 35-8 22 55 +5-3 02 69.8 70-3 14 02 60.3 60.4 34 02 32.8 34.0 52 02 34-0 34.3 53 04 70.9 71.8 16 04 53.26 22 04 37-3 38.3 58 04 32.6 32.8 51 06 ; 68.8 69.1 ; 12 06 48.2 48.8 IS 06 36.9 38.0 58 06 33-0 33-3 51 08.4 65.8 66.1 08 08 49-0 49.5 16 08 ; 36.8 38.0 58 08 33-2 33.6 52 10 67.8 68.9 ii 10 49. i 49.9 16 TD'~ 36.4 37-6 57 ; 10 33-2 33-8 52 12 67.8 68.9 II 12 47.0 47.7 13 12 35-8 37-1 56 12 32.8 33-3 Si 14 66.2 68.9 IO +J.2 14 49.1 49.8 16 +3-0 14 35- S 37-o 56 +4.7 14 31-3 32.0 49 +5-6 16 64.0 65.1 05 16 54.2 55.1 24 16 34-0 35.1 S3 16 36.4 36.6 57 18 63.8 64.9 : 05 18 53-9 54-9 24 18 36.0 36.6 56 18 31.6 32.0 49 20 68.9 69.2 12 20 53-8 54-2 24 20 35-6 36.8 56 20 31.3 31.6 49 22 71.2 72.0 16 22 51.5 52.1 2O 22 34-5 35-5 54 22 33-0 33.5 52 24 74-9 75-2 22 24 50.7 51.2 19 24 36.3 36.6 56 24 34.8 35.0 54 26 77.2 78.1 26 26 50.0 50.3 18 26 33-8 34.5 53 26 36.4 36.8 57 28 75-7 76.0 23 28 48.2 48.4 15 28 35.0 35.9 55 28 30.5 30.6 47 30 , 75-1 75.1 22 +2.2 30 51.9 52.0 20 +3.1 30 36.6 37.2 57 +S.o 30 31-2 31-5 49 +5-8 32 69.5 70.0 M 32.; 54-8 56.1 26 32 37-0 37-5 57 32 31.0 31.2 48 34 o 73 ' 7 'L 20 34 55-06 25 34 34-8 35-0 54 34 30.6 31.0 48 36 78.0 78.2 27 36 52.0 52.8 21 36 36.7 37-6 57 36 30.5 30-8 47 38* 52.8 56.9 24 38 53-8 54-1 24 38 37-3 37-5 58 38 30.5 31.0 48 40 54-0 58.6 27 40 54.0 54-2 24 . 40 35-2 36.0 55 40 30.2 31.0 47 42 54-2 58.0 27 42 57-0 57-9 29 42 36.3 37-0 57 42 29.5 29.9 46 44 56.2 59.0 29 +2-5 44 51.1 52.0 20 +3.2 44 34-3 35-o 53 +4-8 44 29.7 30.0 46 +5-8 46 56.2 58.8 29 46 51-8 53-1 21 46 34-9 35-5 54 46 30.3 30-9 47 48 56.5 58.9 29 48 50.3 51.8 19 48 33-8 34-6 53 48 29-3 29.5 46 50 59.0 61.2 .33 50 50.8 51 -4 19 50 34-8 35-6 54 50 28.7 29.0 45 52 59.2 61.9 34 52 56.0 57.0 28 52 33-2 33-8 52 52 28.3 28.5 44 54 60.2 62.8 35 54 51-6 52.9 21 54 34-2 34.8 53 54 29.0 29.5 45 56 60.8 62.9 36 + 2.7 56 48.9 49.0 15 56 37-0 37-0 57 56 29.3 29.7 46 58 60.2 61.9 34 58 46.3 47.1 12 58 37-0 37-0 57 58 28.3 28.6 ; 44 5 oo 56.1 58.1 28 7 oo 48.8 50.2 17 +3-4 9 oo 37-4 37-6 22.58 +4-5 II 00 28.0 28.3 : 44 +5.6 02 61.0 62.1 35 02 54.1 55.0 24 02 38.5 39-0 23 oo 02 27-3 27.7 43 04 64.9 66.9 42 04 47.5 47.9 14 04 36.9 37-3 22 57 04 27-5 27.5 43 i 06 66.1 67.6 44 06 45.8 46.2 II 06 37.6 37.6 58 06 27.8 28.0 43 | 08 62.2 64.0 38 08 46.9 47.8 13 08 36.6 37.0 57 08 27.7 28.0 43 10 61.4 62.8 36 10 48.0 48.3 14 10 34-2 34-8 53 IO 26.6 27.0 i 42 12 65.0 65.9 41 12 45.9 46.9 12 12 35-4 35-8 22 55 12 27.3 27.6 43 14 64-7 65.7 41 +2.S 14 46.0 46.9 12 +3-9 14 38.2 38.6 23 oo +4-6 14 27.3 28.0 43 +5-5 16 65.0 65.1 41 16 45.9 46.1 II 16 34.0 34.6 22 53 16 25.6 26.0 40 18 64.1 66.0 41 18 42.1 42.8 06 18 34-6 34-8 54 18 25.5 26.0 40 20 72.6 73.8 S4 20 45-0 45-7 10 20 36.2 36.4 22 56 20 27.0 27.3 42 22 71-8 73-6 53 22 43-86 08 22 38.8 39-6 23 oi 22 26.3 26.9 41 24 72.9 74-8 55 24 42.8 43.8 07 24 38.1 38.8 23 oo 24 26.6 27.0 42 26 62.1 65.2 38 26 44-8 45-o 09 26 35-3 35-8 22 55 26 26.3 27.0 41 28 57.2 61.0 32 28 39-8 40.5 02 28 34-4 35-0 54 28 26.5 27.0 42 3 74-9 77-1 58 +2.9 30 41.0 42.1 04 +4-2 30 35-5 35-6 55 f4-9 30 27.3 27.8 43 +5-2 32 62.8 63.8 38 32 42-3 43-2 06 32 36.2 36.8 57 32 25.6 26.0 40 34 54-8 57-0 26 34 41.1 42.8 05 35-6 35-8 55 34 24.3 25.0 38 36 56.9 58.2 29 36 38.6 39.9 00 36 33-3 33-6 52 36 25.3 26.3 40 38 59-3 61.0 33 38 39.9 41.1 03 38 34-0 34.6 53 38 24.6 25.6 39 40 59.9 61.0 34 40 38.2 39.4 oo 40 34.8 35.4 54 40 23.0 24.2 37 42 57.0 57-8 29 +3.0 42 38.2 39.9 oo 42 33-0 33-3 5i 42 23-0 23.7 36 44 51. r 52.1 20 44 38.0 40.0 23 oo +4-3 44 32.0 32.0 50 +5-0 44 23.8 24.6 38 +5-0 46 49.0 50.2 16 46.6 36.8 38.5 ! 22 58 46 32.6 33.1 51 46 23-5 24.3 37 48 56.1 56.7 27 48 38.2 40.0 : 23 00 48 33-3 33-4 52 48 23.0 23.6 36 50 57-9 58.1 30 50 36.8 38.2 22 58 50 32-5 33-1 51 50 23.8 24.6 ! 38 52 57-2 57-8 29 52 37-1 38.1 58 52 32.3 33-0 50 52 26.0 26.3 41 54 56.5 57-0 28 54 35-9 36.8 56 54 34-6 34-8 54 54 26.3 26.8 41 56 53-o 53-8 23 56 35.2 36.0 55 56 33-4 33-6 . 52 56 25.5 25.8 40 58 51.10 19 58 37-0 38.1 58 58 31-3 31-4 48 58 25.3 25.5 40 Observer J. V. Observers J. V. and W. J. P., who alternated from 8h o6m to 8h i6m. 254 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, June 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, June 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East Jecli- lation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation ["enip. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- Temp. 1 nation C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d 1 h m d d o r O h m d d f O h m d d / 12 OO 25.3 26.0 22 40 + 5.0 14 oo 17.8 17.8 22 28 +4-5 16 00.2 II. I 12.2 22 18 +5-3 18 oo IO.2 II. 8 22 18 +5-3 02 25.0 25.5 39 02 16.8 17.0 26 02 10.3 10.9 17 02 IO.2 12. 18 04 24.8 25. J 39 04 15-0 iS-3 24 04 10.1 10.8 17 04 IO.6 12. 1 18 06 24.6 25.0 39 06 15-7 15-7 25 06 9.3 9.7 IS 06 10.8 12. I 18 08 24.0 24.8 38 08 15-0 15-3 24 08 9.1 9.9 15 08 IO.2 II.9 18 IO 24.3 25.0 38 10 II.9 12.0 19 10 10. o 10.8 17 10 10.9 12.2 19 12 23.6 24.3 37 12 12. 12.3 19 12 ii. 7 12.4 19 12 12.2 13.9 21 14 22.8 23.6 36 -iS.o 14 II. O II-3 17 +4.6 14 14-2 15-2 23 +5-3 M 12.0 I3.I 2O +5.1 16 23.8 24.6 38 16 15.8 16.2 25 16 17.1 18.1 28 16 12.2 14.0 21 18 23.8 24-S 38 18 16.3 16.6 26 18.6 20.7 21. i 33 18 12.5 M.I 22 20 23-3 24.0 37 20 16.5 16.8 26 20 21. I 21.9 34 20 II.9 I3.I 2O 22 23.0 23.6 36 22 16.8 16.9 26 22 20.8 21.2 33 22 II. 2 12.4 19 24 21.8 22.6 34 24 17.0 17.2 27 24 I9.I 19.7 31 24 11.9 12.7 2O 26 20.8 21.3 33 26 16.3 16.6 26 26 16.2 17.2 27 26 12.9 13.6 21 28 20.6 21. 33 28 15-7 15-9 25 28 14.8 14.8 23 28 14-9 15-7 25 30 20.2 20.6 32 +4.9 30 14-3 14-3 22 +4-9 30 12.3 13.1 20 +5-4 30 15.8 16.8 26 +4-8 32 2O. O 20.6 32 32 14.8 15.0 23 32 13.5 14.4 22 32 17.2 17.2 28 34 20.3 20.7 32 34 13.8 14-0 22 34 II. I 12.3 19 34 17.1 17.2 28 36 20. 6 21. 32 36 13-8 13-8 22 36 9.2 10.1 IS 36 16.3 16.8 27 38 20.3 20. 6 32 38 14.0 14.0 22 38 10.3 10.9 17 38 15-8 15-9 26 40 20. o 20.3 31 40 13-6 13-7 21 40 II. 2 II-9 18 40 15.6 16.1 26 42 19.6 19.8 31 42 14-2 14-3 22 42 13-5 13-9 22 42 15-9 16.3 26 44 19.4 19.8 30 +4-8 44 13-8 iS-7 22 44 13-1 13-5 21 +5-6 44 15-7 16.2 26 +4-6 46 19.7 20. o 31 46 13-2 13-4 21 +5-0 46 13.2 13.6 21 46.4 15.9 17-2 27 48 19.8 20. 2 31 48 12.3 12.8 21 48 13.0 13.2 21 48 16.1 18.0 27 50 20.3 20.6 32 50 12.3 12. t. 20 50 13.1 13.7 21 50 17.1 19.0 29 52 20. 8 21.2 52 12.2 12. 5 19 52 13.2 13.8 22 52 18.2 19.7 30 54 20.3 20. 8 32 54 12.4 12.6 20 54 13-9 14-3 22 54 18.9 20. 6 32 56 20.1 2O. 6 32 56 12.0 12.3 19 56 13-1 13-9 22 56 19.1 20. 8 32 58 20. 6 20.8 32 58 II.9 12. t 19 58 13.0 13.8 22 58 18.9 20.4 32 13 oo 19.2 19.8 30 44-6 15 oo 12.6 12.8 2O +5-2 17 oo 13.0 13.9 22 +5-5 19 oo 18.9 20.2 31 +4-1 02 19-3 19-ti 30 | 02 13-3 13-4 21 02 13.0 13.2 21 02 19.0 19.8 31 % O4 19-5 iy-7 31 04 14.2 14.2 22 04 12.9 13.1 21 04 18.3 19-1 30 06 18.8 18.9 29 06 13-5 13-8 22 06 12.6 13.1 21 06 18.2 18.9 30 08 19.0 19.1 30 08 13.8 14-2 22 08 12.2 12.7 20 08 18.4 18.9 30 IO 18.5 18.0 29 10 13-0 13-3 22 10 12.4 12.9 20 10 18.1 18.3 29 12 18.8 19.1 30 12 12.5 12.8 21 12 13-0 13.5 21 12 17.3 18.0 28 14 18.0 19.0 30 +4-5 H 12. I 12.3 19 +5-3 14 I3.I 14.0 22 +5-5 14 17-2 17-9 28 +4-0 16 18.8 19-0 30 16 II.4 II.4 18 16 13.0 I4.I 22 16 16.0 17.1 27 18 18.6 18.8 29 18 II. O II. 2 18 18 12.7 13.9 21 18 15.6 16.8 26 20 18.8 19.0 30 20 10.3 10.7 17 20 12.6 13.6 21 20 16.2 17.8 27 22 19-5 19-6 30 22 10.3 10.3 16 22 12. I I3.I 20 22 17.9 19.1 30 24 19.8 20.0 31 24 9-1 9-4 15 24 ii. 8 12.8 19 24 l8.7 20. 31 26 19.3 19.9 31 26 8.2 8.4 13 26 II. 3 12.4 19 26 19.1 20.7 32 28 19.9 20.3 32 28 7-3 7-5 12 28 II. I 12.1 19 28 19.1 20.7 32 30 19.3 19.8 30 +4-4 30 7-8 7-9 '3 30 IO.9 12. 1 18 +5-7 30 19.1 20.5 32 +3-9 32 19.4 19.9 31 32 8.0 8.0 '3 32 II. I II. 8 18 32 19.3 21.4 33 34 19.0 19.3 30 34 8.5 8.9 14 34 II. O II. O 18 34 20. O 21.9 34 36 19.6 19.9 31 36 IO.2 10.4 16 36 10.3 10.9 17 36 20.1 2I.S 34 38 20. o 20.3 32 38 12.7 I3-I 20 38 IO. I IO.S 17 38 19.8 21. I 33 40 19.6 19.8 31 40 13.6 14.0 22 40 9-7 10.3 16 40 19.8 2O.9 33 42 19-5 19-5 30 42 13.5 13.7 22 42 9.2 10.1 16 42 19.9 21. O 33 44 19.2 19.2 30 +4-5 44 13.8 14.0 22 +5-3 44 10.0 10.7 17 +5-8 44 19.8 2O.9 33 +3-7 46 18.8 18.8 30 46 14.0 14.3 22 46 IO.2 II. I 17 46 19.8 20.5 32 48 18.5 18.5 29 48 13.2 13.3 21 48 II. 2 II. 2 18 48 19.5 20.1 32 50 18.3 18.3 29 50 12.6 13.0 2O 50 II. O II.7 18 50 I9.I 19.5 31 52 17-5 17-5 27 52 12.7 13.1 2O 52 10.3 II. I 17 52 18.8 19.1 30 54 16.9 16.9 26 54 12.3 12.7 20 54 10.3 II. 2 17 54 18.2 18.9 30 56 17-3 17-3 27 56 12. S I3-I 2O 56 IO.2 II. 2 17 56 17.9 18.2 29 58 17.8 18.0 28 58 12.3 12.8 2O 58 IO.2 II.3 17 58 17.9 18.4 29 Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from l6h 52m to Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 255 Wednesday, June 8, 1904 Magnet scale erect Thursday, June 9, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp C. Chr'r time Scale readings [.eft Kight East decli- nation Temp C. Scale Chr'r readings time Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h in d d / e li m d d f O h m d d o / o h m d d o / 20 00 17.9 18.9 22 30 +3.5 22 OO 17.5 18.0 22 29 +3-1 [6 oo 42.0 40.4 22 25 +2-5 18 oo 44-3 42.2 22 21 +2.O 02 18.1 20.9 3' 02 17.8 18.7 30 02 41.9 40.2 25 02 44.1 42.1 21 04 19.1 21.4 33 04 18.0 18.9 30 04 42.5 39.0 26 04 43-7 41-1 22 06 I9.O 21. I 32 06 18.3 19.1 30 06 42.1 38.9 26 06 42.9 40.8 23 08 l8-9 21.0 3 u h m d d o t h m d d f 12 00 54-0 50.3 22 44 +2.7 14 oo 63.6 62.4 22 27 +3-8 16 oo 58.6 56.2 22 35 +4-2 18 oo 77-5 76.3 21 25 +4.8 02 54.2 49.9 44 02 6i.5& 29 02 58.8 56.3 35 02 75-4 73-1 21 29 04 57-3 53-0 39 04 58.3 57-3 35 04 57-8 55-1 37 04 55-0 52.2 22 OI 06 58.2 54-1 37 06 48.4 48.0 50 06 52.2 49.9 46 06* 52.7 50.1 21 24 08 57-5 54-0 38 08 46.3 45-3 54 08 51.9 49-8 46 08 54-9 52.1 21 10 58.0 55.2 37 IO 45-6 45-3 54 10 55.0 52.8 41 IO 58.0 55-3 ' 16 12 61.2 59.2 31 12 47-3 46.1 52 12 55-1 53-1 40 12 64.1 6l.7 21 06 14 63.1 62.0 27 +2.9 14 64.0 62.6 26 +3-8 14 58.1 56.6 36 +4.3 14 69.9 68.2 20 57 +4-3 16 63.3 60.6 28 16 57-0 56.0 37 16 56.5 55-0 38 16 /2.3 70.4 53 18 65.8 60.8 26 18 60.6 59.2 32 18 55-7 53-6 40 18 74-o 72.5 50 20 66.7 62.3 24 20 61.3 60.4 30 20 .S6.7 54-3 38 20 76.5 75-2 46 22 67.9 64.6 22 22 60.5 59-9 3i 22 51-9 50.3 45 22 76.3 75-1 46 24 66.7 65.3 22 24 59-8 59-0 32 24 Si. i 49-2 47 24 75-0 73-9 48 26 68.2 66.2 2O 26 59-9 57-9 33 26 51-9 49-7 46 26 76.9 74-8 46 28 72.0 69.0 15 28 49.8 48.8 48 28 55-3 53-1 40 28 74-1 72.3 50 30 71.0 68.7 16 +3-0 30 48.0 46.6 51 +3-9 30 55-8 53-6 40 +4.6 30 75-1 73.3 49 i+4.0 32 68.8 67.2 19 32 48.3 47.1 51 32 S4.o 52.8 42 32 73-8 71-5 SI i 34 69-3 64.3 21 34 50.4 49.3 47 34 53-2 51-0 44 34 72.0 70.3 53 36 71.0 67.2 17 36 47-5 47-0 51 36 55-9 53-1 40 36 67.9 66.5 60 38 70.1 65.9 19 38 48.6 47-5 50 38 58.7 56.2 35 38 68.8 66.9 59 40 69.6 65.7 19 40 50.3 49-7 47 40 57-1 54-6 38 40 70.9 68.8 56 42 61.7 59-3 30 42 51.8 50.4 45 42 49.7 46.8 50 42 72.9 70.8 52 44 65-7 63.3 24 j+3-i 44 Si-o 49-5 47 +3-9 44 56.1 55-0 38 +4-7 44 72.4 69.5 54 +3-9 46 66.9 64.6 22 46 51-4 50.3 46 46 65.1 64.7 24 46 72.2 70.2 53 48 65.8 63.4 24 48 54-1 53-6 41 48 68.1 66.9 20 48 71.2 69.1 55 50 66.6 64.1 23 50 55-7 54-3 39 50 62.3 62.1 28 50 72.8 71.1 52 52 54 56 65.0 61.5 67-3 64.3 63.8 59-0 26 22 29 52 54 56 57-9 57-3 56.0 55-3 53-3 53-2 35 38 42 52 54 56 59-1 55-9 57-9 55-1 60.7 57-9 35 37 32 52* 54 56 52.7 47-6 54-3 49-7 53-6 49.2 45 42 43 58 65.5 60.0 27 58 56.3 55-3 38 58 63.9 61.1 27 58 53-1 49.1 43 13 oo 64.6 59.8 28 +3-3 15 oo 52.2 SI.5 44 +4.0 17 oo 74.8 71.1 II +4.7 19 oo 52.2 42.1 50 +3-8 02 53-5 48.0 22 46 02 54-3 54-0 40 02 75.8 73-7 08 02 | 49.7 45.6 49 04 44-3 38.5 23 oi 04 56.0 55-1 38 04 74.0 72.1 ii 04 49-1 45-5 49 06 47-3 44-9 22 53 06 58.6 57-1 35 06 74-6 73.1 10 06 48.2 45.0 50 08 44.9 42.6 57 08 58.0 57-0 35 08 77-8 76.0 05 08 49.4 46.6 48 IO 46.8 44.6 54 IO 57-3 56.5 36 I0 53-9 Si-5 03 IO 45-7 41-3 55 12 48.2 47.8 50 12 58.3 57-3 35 12 55-8 53-3 22 00 12 46.9 42.8 53 14 50-2 49-5 47 +3-5 14 57-6 57-3 35 +4-1 14 56.3 54.0 21 59 +4-7 H 45-3 40.5 20 56 +3-8 16 51-8 51-2 45 16 55-0 54-8 39 16 53-5 Si.2 22 03 16 40.9 37.9 21 O2 18 55-9 55-0 39 18 51-5 51-5 45 18 53-6 50.2 22 04 18 39-5 36.3 04 20 60. oa 31 20 50.0 49.3 48 20 56.9 53-9 21 59 20 39-7 36.9 21 03 22 24 26 65.3 64.0 65-9 65.3 66.2 64.3 24 23 23 22 47-0 45-6 46.0 45.5 44-3 43-3 53 54 57 22 24 26 56.1 53-7 44-5 39.1 3i-3 26.8 21 59 22 20 40 22 j 53-1 49-3 24 ' 53-8 49-8 26 52.8 49.0 20 43 42 43 28 58.3 57-6 35 28 45.8 44.6 55 28 32.9 29.4 37 28 54-2 50.7 j 41 30 50.8 48.5 48 +3-8 30 48.0 47.0 51 +4.0 30 41-1 36.9 24 +4.8 30 01. I 57-9 30 +3-7 32 46.6 46.2 53 32 52.0 50.6 45 32 37-4 33-7 30 32 54-8 51-0 41 49-0 47-5 50 34 56.6 55.0 38 34 40.9 36.2 25 34 49.9 47.1 47 36 54-1 53-1 41 36 54-0 52.5 42 36 36.0 32.1 32 36 51.3 48.7 45 38 62.3 60.7 29 38 56.8 54-7 38 38 32.2 28.9 38 38 49-9 46.1 48 40 61.3 59-2 31 40 56.8 54-5 38 40 29.8 27.0 4i 40 i 47.0 44.0 52 42 56.8 54-8 38 42 56.1 52.2 40 42 34-4 34-0 32 42 47.0 43.1 53 44 56.2 53.6 39 +3-8 44 52.8 51-4 44 +4-0 44 36.0 35-3 30 +4-9 44 45-9 42.3 54 +3-7 46 64.3 61.5 27 46 53-3 5i.o 44 46 35-8 35-0 30 46 46.2 44.0 53 48 70.8 69.4 IS 48 52.6 50.3 45 48 36.8 35-0 22 29 48 43-7 4i.i 20 57 50 72.6 71.0 13 50 52.6 50. i 45 50 56.0 54-1 21 59 50 39-8 37-8 21 03 52 74-8 73-3 09 52 53-1 50.6 44 52 61.2 58.7 52 52 37-9 36.2 06 54 71.0 70.6 14 54 54-1 51-5 43 54 68.3 66-9 39 54 40.0 38.2 ; 21 02 56 71-0 70.3 15 56 54-7 52.1 42 56 68.9 68.1 38 56 42.3 40.9 20 58 58 65.3 64.0 24 S8 56.3 53-5 39 58 74.1 73-8 30 58 43-2 41-9 57 : Observers W. J. P. and R. R. T., who alternated from ish 38m to I5h 52m. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 261 Wednesday, June 15, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, June 16, 1904 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d o / li m d d / h m d d / h m d d o / X 00 44.1 42. Q 2C 55 +3-7 32 00 44.9 32.7 21 19 +4-2 16 oo* 32.1 32.8 21 25 +1.0 18 oo 18.9 21. 1 21 06 o.o 02 43-3 42-4 56 O2 48.1 36.6 13 02 32.8 34-2 27 02 16.8 18.2 21 O2 04 44-7 43-1 55 04 42.9 30.1 22 04 29.1 31.1 22 04 14.6 17.4 2O 60 06 45-1 44-7 53 06 ! 41.9 30.9 22 06 29.2 31.7 22 06* 29.1 30.4 42 08 46.8 45.3 51 08 44.2 33.6 18 08 31-8 33-2 26 08 28.2 34.1 44 10 43-4 <2.Q 56 10 41-3 31-9 22 10 28.2 30.1 2O IO 30.3 35-9 ! 48 12 45-0 44-1 54 12 39-9 30.8 24 12 26.3 29.6 18 12 32.8 38.1 51 M 42.2 41.9 58 +3.8 14 35-9 27.3 30 +4.1 14 27.4 30.8 20 +0.6 14 32.9 38.2 51 +0.1 16 43.1 42.6 56 16 35-7 27.8 30 16 24.0 28.1 15 16 33-9 35-0 50 18 44.0 43- a 55 18 33-8 27.3 32 18 19.0 23.1 07 18 28.9 35-1 46 20 44.9 44.1 54 20 28.1 21.9 40 20 25.2 32.0 19 20 28.9 34-0 45 22 44.9 44.0 54 22 30.1 24.9 36 22.6 30.0 32.1 23 22 25.7 31.0 4O 24 47-2 46.1 50 24 27.9 22.5 40 24 24.8 29.0 17 24 25.1 30.2 39 26 49-9 47-y 47 26 31.8 26.0 34 26 17.8 20. 21 O4 26 25-0 30.3 39 28 50.4 49.9 45 28 24.0 18.0 47 28 13-0 16.7 20 57 28 25.0 29.3 38 30 50.0 49.0 46 1-3-9 30 18. i 13.2 55 +4.0 30 9-8 13.0 52 +0.4 30 25.2 30.7 40 +0.2 32 48.9 47.0 4S 32 17-8 13-1 55 32 12.3 13-7 20 55 32 27.3 32.0 42 34 55-3 53-5 3S 34 18.3 14.3 54 34 16.3 19.9 21 03 30.2 34.3 46 36 59-2 58.4 31 36 20.3 16.2 5i 36 22.0 22.9 IO 36 33-0 37.0 51 38 55-6 54-9 37 38 17.2 12.9 56 38 25.20 14 38 36.8 39-3 55 40 53-8 53-0 40 40 14.9 ii. o 59 40 28.0 28.7 19 40 37-1 40.1 56 42 63.3 61.4 26 42 16.9 12.8 56 42 27.O 28.1 18 42 36.5 39.2 55 44 66.8 63.2 22 : '.Q 44 l6.9 13.8 56 +4.0 44 4I.O 4I.O 39 +0.3 44 35-2 38.2 53 +O.2 46 72.1 69.2 20 13 46 17.2 I4.I 55 46 45-7 46.3 47 46 34-8 38.3 53 48* 58.0 53-0 '9 57 48 14.0 II. 3 60 48 43-0 45.8 44 48 33-9 37-0 51 SO 49-3 41-1 -'0 13 50 14.4 12.0 59 50 40.0 44.0 40 50 37.0 40.2 20 56 52 53-1 52.0 01 52 14.7 12.5 58 52 43-3 47-5 46 52 40.0 42.8 21 OI 54 52.0 48.0 05 54 14.8 12.2 58 43-3 48.1 46 54 46.0 48.9 10 56 49-2 43.9 ii 56 16.0 13.9 56 56 43.2 46.2 45 56 46.8 49.2 II 58 48.7 43.2 12 58 17.8 15.1 54 58 43-r 45.3 44 58 49-8 52.5 16 21 00 52.2 43.4 09 .'.3 23 00 15.9 I4-I 56 +3-8 17 oo 46.2 47.0 48 +0.1 19 oo 51.6 54.0 19 +0.2 O2 43-9 36.1 21 02 13.9 12. 59 02 48.1 49.8 51 02 53-7 56.0 22 04 46.8 44.1 13 04 14.6 12.4 58 04 48.1 51-9 53 04 55-0 57-8 24 06 34.0 30.8 .11 06 l6.7 14.5 55 06 50.8 51-9 55 ! 06 51-3 54-1 18 08 43-9 40.0 18 08 18.9 16.8 52 08 47-8 50.3 Si 08 51-8 54-0 19 10 38.2 34.6 27 10 17-9 15-8 53 10 43-9 45-0 44 10 52.7 55-3 20 12 38.9 32-9 27 12 15-9 13-3 57 12 46.5 48.0 49 12 51-9 55-5 20 '4 35-8 31.1 31 T-M 14 17.0 14.8 55 +3-7 14 46.9 49.9 50 0.0 14 48.7 52.0 IS +0.2 16 34-7 31-8 32 16 2o.i 18.8 49 16 49-3 52.3 54 16 47-4 50.9 13 18 32.1 27.9 37 18 20.4 19.0 49 18 46.2 51.0 51 18 56.2 57.2 25 20 31-5 28.9 36 20 18.0 16.9 52 20 44.9 48.3 48 20 63.1 68.1 39 22 37-8 30.2 30 22 16.2 15.7 55 22 49-0 54.1 55 22 58.9 62.8 31 24 22.4 15.2 54 24 18.1 17.7 52 24 49-0 55.0 56 24 65.0 66.0 38 26 26.1 21.2 47 26 22. T 21.8 ! 45 26 Si.8 56.1 21 59 26 63.0 63.2 35 28 25-4 19.5 49 28 20.8 19.3 48 28 52.0 57.8 22 OI 28 49.0 50.7 M 30 19-3 13-9 58 +4-1 30 15.8 15.1 55 +3-4 30 50.9 53-2 21 56 o.o 30 46.3 47.8 IO +0.1 32 20. r H.2 20 57 32 15.8 14.1 56 32 55-9 59-8 22 05 32 45.9 48.0 09 34 16.7 10.3 21 O2 34 17.3 16.0 54 34 53-1 56.8 22 OI 34 45-2 47.8 09 36 15.2 10.5 04 36 20.8 18.7 49 36 50.1 54.1 21 56 36 40.2 42.2 oo 38* 66.4 51.6 30 38 23.O 21. I 45 38 52.0 56.5 60 38 45.0 46.1 07 40 72.i 55.9 22 40 25.4 23.8 41 40 52.5 56.1 60 40 40.9 41-9 01 42 71.5 58.0 20 42 29.2 28.1 35 42 46.9 50.8 51 42 40.8 44.6 03 44 74.0 58.2 21 l8 +4-1 44 30.1 29.0 33 +3-1 44 51-7 54-8 58 o.o 44 39.9 42.9 21 OI O.O 46* 62.7 42.0 -'0 57 4 S 27.9 27.1 36 46 42.6 45.1 ! 43 46 3i.o 34-9 20 47 48 61.0 41.9 59 48 24.8 24.1 41 48 29-9 33-9 24 48 22.0 27.9 35 50 03.9 43.1 56 50 25.5 24.8 40 50 26.8 29.8 19 50 26.0 32.3 20 41 52 j 64.3 47-3 52 52 25.0 24.1 41 52 29-9 31-2 22 52 43-8 49.8 21 O9 54 63.7 47.6 ->o 52 54 22.4 22. 45 54 31-7 34-7 27 43-2 50.1 09 56 53.8 42.3 if 04 56 19.9 I9-I 49 56 29-9 33-0 24. 56 51-2 56.5 20 58 49-3 36.7 12 58 I9.O l8.9 50 58 23.8 25.8 13 58 49-1 53.8 16 24 oo 16.9 15.3 54 +3-0 20 oo 55-0 58.0 24 o.o Correction to local mean time is 355. 90 torsion = 15/36. Torsion head at oh oom read 51 and at 24)1 2om read 50. Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 0.55. 90 torsion = 17/14. Torsion head at ish 44m read 50 and at 2oh i6m read 49. Observer J. V. 262 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Friday, June 17, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, June 19, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d ' h m d d o t h m d d o t h m d d o / a 20 OO 46.2 45-8 22 2O -0-5 22 OO 52.0 51.3 22 II -I.O 00* 59-0 59-8 22 33 +0.9 2 OO 52-7 53-1 22 23 +1.8 02 52.1 51.0 II 02 52.1 51-1 II 02 59.1 60.8 34 02 52-9 53-7 23 04 51-8 51-0 II 04 52.0 51-1 II 04 59-8 61.1 34 04 49-9 50.3 18 06 45-5 44-2 22 06 Si-9 So.i 12 06 60.2 61.6 35 06 51.3 52.0 ! 20 08 49.0 47-8 16 08 51.8 50.6 12 08 60.4 61.8 36 08 S3.o 53.2 23 10 54-2 53-0 08 10 50.8 49.9 13 10 59.9 61.0 34 10 53-0 54.0 24 12 58.3 57-2 OI 12 50.3 49.9 13 12 59-8 60.5 34 12 53-9 55-1 25 14 58.9 57-4 22 OI -0-7 14 52.1 Si-3 II -I.O M 59.2 60. i 33 +0.6 14 53-1 54-1 24 +2.0 16 59-9 58.2 21 59 16 54-8 53-9 07 16 60.6 61.1 35 16 53-2 54-2 24 18 59.9 58.6 21 59 18 56.7 55-5 04 18 60.8 61.3 35 18 56.0 57.3 28 20 55-9 54-0 22 06 20 51.4 50.8 12 20 60.6 61.2 35 20 59-2 60.7 34 22 52-3 Si.o II 22 55-8 55-0 05 22 60.9 61.3 36 22 61.0 62.0 36 24 51-7 50.2 12 24 52.9 52.8 09 24 60.7 61.9 36 24 60.0 60.3 34 26 51.0 49-9 13 26 52.0 51.3 ii 26 61 . 7 62 . i 37 26 57-2 58.0 30 28 51-5 50.5 12 28 52-9 52.1 IO 28 61.3 62.0 36 28 58.0 59.1 31 30 49.9 48.8 15 -0.8 30 51.0 50.0 13 -I.O 30 60.9 61.8 36 +0.8 30 60.0 60.3 34 +2.0 32 48.0 46.9 18 32 47.9 46.8 18 32 60.5 61.4 35 32 60.3 61.1 35 34 47.9 46.3 18 34 46.2 44.9 21 34 58.9 59-4 32 34 60. i 60.9 35 36 46.9 45-8 19 36 45-0 43-7 22 36 55-3 56.1 27 36 59-9 60.2 34 38 43.6 42.9 24 38 44-5 42.3 24 38 58.9 59-9 33 38 60.0 60.5 34 40 44-9 43-9 22 40 45-3 43-6 22 40 55-0 56.1 27 40 61.1 61.9 36 42 45.8 44.6 21 42 44.1 42.9 24 42 56.9 57-7 30 42 60.9 61.0 35 44 45.2 44.7 22 -I.O 44 43-9 42.1 24 -I.I 44 58.0 50.0 31 +0.9 44 61.2 61.9 36 + 1-9 46 45-7 44-1 22 46 45-0 43-7 22 46 58.0 59.1 31 46 62.3 63.1 38 48 45.9 45.2 21 48 46.2 45.9 20 48 57- T 58.5 30 48 62.2 63.0 38 50 45-8 45-3 21 50 49.1 48.2 16 50 54-9 56.1 27 50 64.0 64.2 40 52 46.0 45.5 2O 52 46.9 45-7 19 52 53-7 54-1 24 52 68.2 68.8 47 54 44-9 44-9 22 54 46.8 45-1 20 54 52.8 54-0 23 54 66.0 66.9 44 56 42.5 42.3 26 56 43-3 4T-9 25 56 52.2 53.8 23 56 64.3 65.0 41 58 41.9 41.2 27 58 40.7 38.9 30 58 53-1 54.2 24 58 64.4 65.8 42 21 OO 41-8 41-3 27 -I.O 23 oo 38.0 36.1 84 -I.I I OO 54-1 55-4 25 +0.9 3 00 67.8 68.9 47 +2.0 O2 39-9 39-3 30 02 36.8 35-3 36 02 55-1 56.2 27 02 70.3 70.8 50 04 40.0 39.5 30 04 36.1 35-0 36 04 55-1 56.9 27 04 69.8 70.3 49 06 40.2 41.1 28 06 35-6 34-3 37 06 56.6 57.8 29 06 66.2 67.0 44 08 39-9 39-1 30 08 36.6 35-3 36 08 56.1 57-4 29 08 63.2 64.0 39 IO 41.2 40.0 28 IO 37.0 36.0 35 10 56.1 57-2 28 10 62.9 63.2 38 12 45.0 44.3 22 12 36.8 35-9 35 12 56.2 57-0 28 12 66.7 66.9 45 14 45-3 44-9 21 -I.O 14 38.1 36.9 33 -I.I 14 56-0 56.8 28 +0.9 14 64.0 64.1 40 +2.1 16 49.3 48.0 16 16 40-3 39-9 29 16 55-5 56.2 27 16 65.0 65.6 42 18 51.0 50.8 22 12 18 40.2 36.0 32 18 56.1 57-0 28 18 64.2 65.2 41 20 22 2 28 30 32 34 36 38 M.I 59-0 58.3 56.9 54-5 53-5 52.6 51. i 52.5 51-6 52.1 50.9 50.6 50.1 49.1 48.3 50.3 49-2 51.8 50.3 21 58 22 O2 07 II 10 II 13 16 14 12 -I.O 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 38 43-0 41.9 45-0 43-9 46.1 45-0 45-5 44-7 43-1 41.2 42.0 40.6 40.8 39.3 39-9 38.8 39-8 38.8 40-3 39-2 26 22 21 21 26 27 29 30 30 30 -1.2 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 57-1 58.1 57-1 58.1 57-8 58.2 57-8 58.9 57-9 58.8 57-2 58.3 56.0 57-1 55-1 56.1 54-1 55-1 53-2 55.2 30 30 31 3i 31 30 28 27 25 25 + 1.0 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 68.8 69.1 69.0 70.1 66.2 66.9 63.6 64.3 63.1 63.9 63.1 63.2 64.3 65.0 65.9 66.5 68.7 69.7 71.2 72.2 48 49 ' 44 40 39 39 41 43 48 52 40 50.9 50.3 13 40 41.2 40.2 28 40 52.7 53-3 23 40 72.2 72.9 53 42 51-5 51-0 12 42 42.0 40.6 27 42 5T-9 52.1 21 42 73-3 74-2 55 44 50.4 50.2 13 -I.O 44 46.9 45-2 20 -1.2 44 53-2 54.0 24 + 1.2 44 72.5 73-5 54 + 2.8 46 So. r 49-9 14 46 41-3 39-5 29 46 53-2 53-9 24 46 72.8 73-9 i 55 48 50.8 50.0 13 48 42.1 40.0 28 48 53-1 53-9 24 48 73.9 75.8 22 57 SO Si-3 Si.i 12 So 42.7 40.1 27 50 52.1 52.5 22 50 77.1 78.1 23 01 52 53.1 52.9 09 52 41-0 39-2 29 52 50.3 51.0 19 52* 53-5 57-8 00 54 52.6 51-8 IO 54 39-1 37.6 32 54 49.3 49.8 17 54 54.9 58.7 02 56 53-2 52.8 09 56 37-8 36.1 34 56 48.0 49.2 16 56 54.8 57-7 23 01 58 52-1 51-8 n 58 36.7 35-5 35 58 51.0 52.o! 20 58 51.9 55.0 22 57 24 oo 35-0 34.0 38 -1.2 ! Correction to local mean time is 555. 90 torsion = 17/30. Torsion head at igh 36m read 48 and at 24)1 i8m read 55. Observer J. V. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 263 Sunday, June 19, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Monday, June 20, 1904 +-j f j - - - _7, .^__ r - y Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d e > h m d d / h m d d 1 o 4 oo 54-0 50.0 22 59 +3-4 6 oo 33-0 30.1 23 31 +3-9 8 oo Lost IO OO 43-9 46.8 22 53 +n. 8 02 54-8 50.7 58 02 30.9 28.8 34 02 48.1 50.9 22 60 + 8.1 02 43-5 46.8 S3 04 54-1 50.9 58 04 35-1 33-0 27 04 42.3 46-8 52 04 43.6 46.9 53 06 53-9 Si-o 22 59 06 37-2 35-8 23 06 43-2 47-2 53 06 43-0 46.1 52 08 51.0 49.0 23 02 08 36.0 35.0 25 08 40.2 43.9 48 08 43.1 46.0 22 52 10 50.0 48.0 04 IO 33-9 33-1 28 10 39.3 42.7 46 IO 48.8 50.9 23 oo 12 49-9 47-5 04 12 30.8 29.9 33 12 37-6 41.8 44 12 46.9 48.9 22 57 U 49-9 47-7 04 +3-2 14 32.96 29 +3-2 14 38.1 41-4 44 f 8.2 M 47-2 48.4 57 +12. 1 16 48.9 46.7 06 16 30.0 28.0 35 16 38.1 41. I 44 16 47-3 48.9 57 18 49.0 47.0 05 18 31-9 31-8 31 18 38.8 41-9 45 18 46.8 47.9 56 20 47.9 46.0 07 20 33-2 31-8 30 20 37-9 40.2 43 20 47-9 48.5 57 23 47.9 46.8 06 2;; 32-9 31-3 30 22 37-8 40.4 43 22 45.6 46.0 54 24 47-2 45.9 08 24 39-0 37.8 20 24 38.8 41-9 45 24 44-2 44-9 52 26 46.9 45.2 09 26 35-9 34-0 26 26 38.0 41.0 44 26 45-7 46.0 54 28 43-3 41-5 14 28 38.4 36.5 22 28 38.1 40.9 44 28 45-9 46.1 54 30 37.9 36.8 22 +3-4 30 40.8 38.3 19 +3.0 30 38.9 41- c 44 4- 8.2 30 44.0 45.1 52 32 37-9 36.1 23 32 41.0 39.9 17 32 39-1 41-2 45 32 43.1 44.0 SO 34 40.0 38.2 19 34 38. i 36.9 22 34 40.2 42.7 47 34 41.4 42.1 47 36 42.0 40.4 16 36 36.7 36.1 24 36 39-5 4I-S 46 36 42.7 43-7 50 38 40.9 39-7 17 38 37-1 37.0 23 38 41.2 43.1 48 38 43-0 44.0 SO 40 43-3 41-9 14 40 41.9 41-0 16 40 42-3 44.0 SO 40 45.0 46.0 53 42 49-o 45.3 07 42 42.8 42.1 M 42 42.5 43-9 50 42 46.1 47.4 55 +12.7 44 45-0 43-9 ii +3-8 44 42.1 41.0 16 +2.9 44 43-2 44-8 Si + 9-0 44 46.3 47.2 55 46 45.9 42.6 ii 46 39.2 39.0 19 46 43-7 45-0 Si 46 46.3 46.8 55 + 12.6 48 39- 1 38. i 20 48 43-5 42.2 14 48 44-o 44.9 Si 48 47.0 47-9 56 50 39-3 37-7 20 50 44.8 43.8 ii 50 48-7 49.1 59 50 46.1 47.0 55 52 36-9 35-1 24 52 44-9 44-0 ii 52 47-3 48-2 57 52 46.1 47.3 55 54 38.1 37-1 22 54 42.9 42.0 14 54 48.9 50.0 59 54 44-7 45-7 53 56 38-8 37-9 21 56 44.1 44.0 12 56 48.7 49-4 59 56 44.6 45.7 S3 58 41.9 40.1 16 58 40.9 38.9 18 58 47-4 48.3 57 58 47.1 48.0 56 5 00.5 40.8 39.0 18 +4.1 7 oo 41. 9 40.6 16 +2.7 9 oo 47-1 47-8 56 + 9-8 II 00 46.8 47.2 56 02 41.1 39-9 17 02 43-8 42.1 13 02 47-3 49-8 58 02 45-8 47-7 55 +11- 9 04 38-0 36.3 23 04 43-0 42.0 14 04 48.8 50.1 59 04 41.4 43.1 48 06 36-0 35.0 25 06 39-9 39-1 19 06 45-8 46.9 55 06 44.9 46.4 S3 08 39-0 38.3 20 08 40.9 40.0 17 08 45-0 45-8 22 53 08 46.0 48.1 56 IO 25.0 24.9 42 IO 39-1 39.0 20 IO 50-1 50.9 23 01 IO 44.8 46.9 54 12 23.7 22.0 45 12 40.0 38.2 '9 12 46.3 47.0 22 55 12 45.0 46.3 53 14 24.0 23.2 44 +4-3 14 37-7 36.9 22 +2.5 M 44.9 46.4 53 +IO.I 14 42.1 43-3 49 + II.O 16 25-5 25.1 41 16 43-9" 12 16 46.0 47.1 55 16 41.7 43.8 49 18 33-o 32.8 29 18 46.1 44.2 10 18 43-o 43-9 50 18 43.0 44.9 5i 20 39.9 38.0 20 20 38.2 37.8 21 20 44-0 45-0 52 20 46.1 47.9 56 22 45-00 IO 22 46.1 45- i 09 22 45-1 45-3 S3 22 46.8 48.0 56 24 51.0 50.0 OI 24 40.9 40.1 17 24 41.9 43.1 49 24-5 44.1 45.8 52 26 .',0.9 49.9 02 26 51. oa 01 26 44.2 45.0 52 26.3 42.0 42.8 48 28 41.06 16 28 48.06 05 28 42.0 43.8 -19 28 44-2 44-9 52 +IO.I 30 36.26 24 30 37-3 36.9 23 +2.6 30 42-0 43.9 49 +10.7 30 44-7 45-9 S3 32 31.2 3I.I 32 +4-2 32 43.0 41.0 15 32 42.1 44.1 50 32 39.0 40. 1 44 34 29.9 28.8 35 34 40.8 40.0 18 34 46.9 47-4 56 34 37-3 38.4 41 36 28.1 27.0 38 36 44.0 42.0 13 36 45.8 48.0 55 36 38-1 38.1 42 38 27.3 26.1 39 38 44-8 43-9 II 38 43-2 45-5 Si 38 40.8 44.8 49 40 27.0 25.0 40 40 46.0 45.0 09 40 45-9 48.6 56 40 38.1 38.9 42 42 29.0 26.5 37 42 46.1 44.3 IO 42 47-0 48.9 57 42 37- S 38.8 42 44 23.1 21.0 46 +4-1 44 45-0 44-0 ii +2-7 44 40.5 42.0 16 + 11. 44 35-o 36.2 38 + 0.5 46 19.8 16.6 52 46 45-2 44.2 ii 46 41.2 43.2 48 46 35-2 36.2 38 48 17.8 14.2 56 48 43-8 42.1 T3 48 42.0 44.1 49 48 36.2 37.0 39 50 22.8 20.2 47 50 46.0 44.8 10 50 38-6 41-4 45 50 35-i 35-8 37 52 20.3 18.9 50 52 48.9 48.0 05 52 39-1 41-9 45 52 34-0 34-4 35 54 24.2 21.5 45 54 50-1 45.9 05 54 42.2 45.4 Si 54 36-5 36-9 39 56 25-1 22.4 44 56 42.1 41.1 16 56 43-9 45-7 52 56 35-9 36.8 39 58 30.0 28.8 35 58 47.8 46.0 07 58 43-7 45-2 Si 58 35-1 36.1 38 8 oo ST. 2 49-9 OI 4-2.9 12 OO 36.5 37-5 40 + 9-0 Correction to local mean time is 265. 90 torsion = 18/46. Torsion head at oh oom read 57 and at 8h 17111 read 46". Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is + 6s. Torsion head at 7h 45111 read 50 and at iah 3Om read the same. Observer J. V. 264 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Tuesday, June 21, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, June 22, 1904 Magnet scale erect Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Scale Chr'r readings time Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. I Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d f h m d d e i O h m d d 01 h m d d f 12 OO* 55-1 53-1 22 37 +13-0 14 oo 59-0 57-9 22 3O +13-9 o oo* 56.1 58.1 22 13 +9.0 2 OO 46.8 52.1 22 45 +8.0 02 56.3 53-9 36 02 59-4 57-4 30 02 56.5 59-0 14 02 46.9 53-0 46 04 57-8 54-9 34 04 59-2 57.2 31 04 56.0 58.5 13 04 48.7 54-8 49 06 58.1 55-8 33 06 58.5 56.6 32 06 55-3 58.9 13 06 51-9 57-2 53 08 58.2 55.9 32 08 57-5 55-9 33 08 55-0 58.8 13 08 53-9 59-1 56 10 58.0 56.1 32 10 57-8 56.1 33 10 59-1 59.9 17 IO 55-2 60. i 58 12 57-1 55-2 34 12 58.3 57-4 31 12 58.1 61.1 17 12 55-1 59-6 58 14 56.1 54-3 35 +13-0 14 57-8 57-1 32 +14.0 14 59-9 62.1 19 +8.6 14 52.0 56.5 53 +8.1 16 55-4 54-8 36 16 58.4 57-0 31 16 61.9 64.7 23 16 53-0 57.1 54 18 54-9 54-0 37 18 58.9 57-8 30 18 62.1 65.3 23 18 54-2 58.1 56 20 54-2 53-1 38 20 59-9 58.7 29 20 63.2 66. o 25 20 54-1 57.9 56 22 52-9 51-9 40 22 59-2 58.3 30 22 64.0 65.9 25 22 56.0 59.1 58 24 53-9 53-0 38 24 59-7 58.3 29 24 6s. i 66.8 27 24 56.0 58.9 58 26 56.0 55.2 35 26 60.4 59-2 28 26 66. o 67.3 28 26 53-9 57-0 54 28 52.8 52.2 40 28 59-8 58.9 29 28 66.3 67.9 29 28 56.9 58.0 58 30 54-0 53-2 38 +I3-I 30 59-8 59-1 29 +14-5 30 66.9 68.1 29 +8.0 30 57.2 60.0 22 60 +8.0 32 53-9 53-1 38 32 60. i 58.9 29 32 65.5 6s. 9 26 32 57-8 60. i 23 oo 34 51-4 Si- I 42 34 61.9 60.5 26 34 61.2 62.0 20 34 59.0 61.1 02 36 51-3 Si.O 42 36 60.9 59-1 28 36 60. i 61.0 18 36 57-9 60.3 00 38 SO. 2 50.0 43 38 60. I 58.9 29 38 61.2 62.0 20 38 58.0 59-9 OO 40 49.8 49-3 44 40 59-8 58.1 30 40 62.3 64.0 22 40 60. i 62.1 04 42 48.0 46.7 48 42 58.9 57-6 31 42 64.9 66.2 26 42 60.5 62.2 04 44 49.9 49.7 44 +13-0 44 59-7 58.0 30 +15-0 44 67.1 69.0 30 +8.0 44 61.1 63.0 05 +8.1 46 53-0 51-6 40 46 59-5 58.2 30 46 68.1 69.8 32 46 63.2 64.9 08 48 56.1 54-8 35 48 58.9 58.8 30 48 66.6 68.0 29 48 63.2 64.6 08 So 57-4 55-9 33 50 59-9 59-6 28 50 65.0 66.0 26 50 64.0 65.2 09 52 59-9 58.7 29 52 62.1 61.9 25 52 68.7 69.8 32 52 65.0 66.8 ii 54 60.0 58.5 29 54 65.3 64.1 20 54 68.9 70.0 32 54 64.1 65.8 10 56 59-9 58.2 29 56 64.9 63.6 21 56 68.3 69.2 31 56 63.1 65.1 08 58 58.9 57-1 31 58 65.9 64.3 2O 58 68.1 68.4 30 58 63.9 63.8 09 13 oo 59-4 58.1 30 +12.9 15 oo 66.1 65.0 19 +15-3 I 00 67.9 68.7 31 +7-9 3 oo 64.1 66. o IO +8.2 02 59-2 57-5 30 02 68.2 67.5 16 02 66.3 67.7 28 02 63.0 66.9 II 04 60.7 59.5 28 04 69.8 69.3 13 04 65.5 66.9 ; 27 04 63.1 67.0 II 06 61.7 60. I 26 06 73-5 72.9 07 06 64.9 65.9 ! 26 06 64.0 66. o 10 08 60. 1 58.7 29 08 76.4 75-9 02 08 64.2 66.0 26 08 64.3 66.2 IO 10 62.1 60.6 26 IO* 51.2 46.2 01 IO 64.4 66. o 26 IO 64.2 66.5 IO 12 63.3 62.2 24 12 51.8 44-2 O2 12 63.5 64.8 24 12 64.7 66.2 IO 14 60.9 60.0 27 +13-0 14 50.8 43-3 22 03 +15.7 14 65.1 66.8 271+8.0 14 64.9 66.3 IO +8.5 16 61.4 6o.O 27 16 52.9 46.0 21 6b 16 66.9 67.0 28 16 63.2 66.9 II 18 60.4 59.0 28 18 52.7 46.1 60 18 68.1 68.9 3i 18 66.1 67.3 ii 20 59-8 58.2 29 20 56.1 50.2 54 20 6s. 9 66.8 27 20 66.0 67.7 12 22 59-0 57-5 31 22 55-9 50.2 54 22 66.1 66.7 28 22 66. o 67.8 12 24 57-6 56.1 33 24 53-8 48.8 57 24 67.1 67.3 29 24 66.1 68. o ! 13 26 55-9 54-2 36 26 53-9 49-3 56 26 70.0 70.2 33 26 66.1 67.9 13 28 55-0 53-8 37 28 53.2 49.0 21 57 28 71.00 35 28 66.7 67.9 13 30 55-5 54-0 36 +13-0 30 50.9 47-1 22 OO +15-7 30 74-1 74-6 40 +7-9 30 66.1 67.1 12 +8.8 32 54-9 53-1 37 32 54-2 48.1 21 57 32 74-1 75-1 40 32 65.9 67.0 12 34 53-9 53.1 38 34 54-8 49-6 55 34 75-0 75-9 42 34 66.5 67.7 13 36 55-0 55-0 36 36 54.2 49.7 56 36 75-1 76.0 42 36 66.0 67.1 12 38 56. i 56.0 34 38 52.9 48.9 57 38 73-7 74-0 39 38 66.2 67.2 12 40 54-7 54-5 36 40 52.0 47-8 21 59 40 72.0 72.3 36 40 66.8 67.8 13 42 56.2 56.2 34 42 49-3 46.1 22 O2 42 71.0 71.9 35 42 67.3 68.1 14 44 55-3 55-0 36 +13-4 44 47-8 44-7 05 +15-6 44 71.0 71.2 35 +7-9 44 68.9 69.3 16 +9.0 46 56.9 55-2 34 46 48.9 45-3 22 03 46 70-7 71-7 35 46 71-9 73.i 21 48 56.9 55-8 34 48 55-9 51.8 21 53 48 70.9 71.8 35 48 74.0 74.9 24 50 57-2 56.0 33 50 60.1 55-9 46 50 72.1 72.8 37 50 71.9 72.2 21 52 56.7 55-1 34 52 59.0 54.4 48 52 74-1 74.8 40 52 69.1 70.0 17 54 56.8 55-3 34 54 54-9 52.2 53 54 76.1 76.5 43 54 68.0 68.9 15 56 57-8 56.1 33 56 58.5 56.0 47 56 77-8 78.0 46 56 63.0 66.0 IO 58 58.2 57-0 32 58 61.8 59.2 42 58* 46.9 51-1 44 58 62.0 63.0 06 16 oo 61.0 58.5 43 +15.1 . Correction to local mean time is i6s. 90 torsion = 15/48. Torsion head at nh 30tn read 53" and at l6h 25m read 46". Observer J. V. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 265 Wednesday, June 22, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, June 22, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East j Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation c. time nation C. time I nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t h m d d O h m d d O ' e h tn d d Of O 4 oo 62.9 64.0 23 07 + 9.1 6 oo 43.1 46.6 23 37 +n. i 8 oo 15.6 17-6 22 53 +12.0 10 00 14.6 15.0 22 50 +13-8 02 64.9 66.2 10 02 40.3 43-8 33 02 17.1 18.0 54 02 14.2 14.8 50 04 65.0 66.0 10 04 37.0 40.0 27 04 18.6 20.2 57 04 ii. 3 ii. 7 45 06 65.2 66.8 ii 06 35-0 37-2 24 06 18.2 19.5 57 06 II. 3 n. 5 45 08 66.9 67.5 13 08 33.9 36.1 22 08 17.2 18.1 54 08 12.3 12.8 47 10 68.0 68.3 15 IO 32.9 34-8 20 io_ 16.5 17-5 54 IO 12.7 13.1 47 12 68.2 68.9 15 12 31-0 32.0 16 II 16.2 17.3 53 12 12.0 12.6 46 14 67.0 68.0 14 + 9-3 14 28.0 29.6 12 +11.3 14 18.6 19.6 57 +12.3 14 13-0 13-3 48 16 69-3 7o.i 17 16 25-9 27.9 09 16 2O. 2 21. I 59 16 13-7 13-8 48 +14.0 18 69.1 70.1 17 18 24.9 26.1 07 18 18.6 19.0 22 56 18 ii. 6 12.3 46 20 66.2 66.8 12 20 22.9 24.0 23 04 20 22.3 22.6 23 02 20 12.6 13.1 47 22 63.3 64.1 08 22 19.0 20.3 22 58 22 18.8 19.1 22 57 22 12.3 12.5 46 24 64.0 65.0 09 24 17.9 19.2 56 24 19.0 20. 2 58 24 12. I 12.5 46 26 63.1 64.1 07 26 17.0 19.8 56 26 18.6 19.3 57 26 II.9 12.6 46 28 63.8 64.3 08 28 18.1 19.5 56 28 18.0 18.6 56 28 II. 6 12.0 46 30 63.5 64.1 08 + 98 30 17.0 18.4 55 +11. 3 30 15.3 16.0 Si + 12.6 30 12.0 12.9 46 tU-8 32 61.9 62.0 05 32 16.9 18.0 54 32 14-3 14-8 50 32 12.8 13.0 47 34 61.3 62.7 05 34 16.4 17.3 53 34 13-4 13-8 48 34 13.0 13.0 47 36 62.9 64.0 07 36 14.9 14.9 50 36 13.5 14-1 49 36 12.2 12.3 46 38 63.0 64.1 07 38 13.9 14.0 49 j 38 15-1 15-5 Si 38 13-3 13-7 48 40 62.9 64.1 07 40 12.3 13-0 47 40 14.7 15-3 50 40 13-3 13-4 48 42 63.9 65.1 09 +10.0 42 12.8 13.1 47 42 15.0 15.2 Si 42 12.3 13-0 47 44 63.0 63.9 07 44 13.9 14.1 49 J -ll-7 44 16.1 16.3 52 +13.0 44 10.8 11.4 44 +15-0 46 60.9 61.3 04 46 16.2 17.0 53 46 16.9 17.1 54 46 II. 2 II. 6 45 48 50.9 60.0 02 48 15.0 16.0 Si 48 16.3 16.9 53 48 II. 12. O 45 So 58.2 59.0 OO 50 16.2 17.0 53 50 16.3 16.3 53 50 II. O 12. 1 45 52 60.9 61.1 03 52-5 16.9 17.9 54 52 14.6 15.1 50 52 10.5 10.7 44 S4 63-7 63.9 08 54 17.0 18.1 22 54 54 14-3 14-6 50 54 13.3 14.1 48 56 63.1 64.1 07 56 23.8 24.3 [ 23 05 56 15.6 16.0 52 56 15.8 16.2 52 58 61.0 63.2 06 58 24.0 24.5 05 58 16.6 17.2 54 58 15.0 15.3 5i S oo 63.8 65.8 09 +10.5 7 oo 21. T 23.O 02 +12. T 9 oo 17-3 17-6 54 +13-4 II OO 12.6 13.1 47 +14.8 02 62.9 66.0 09 02 2O.9 2T.2 23 oo 02 15-1 15-7 Si 02 10.8 11.3 44 04 64.1 67.0 10 04 17. I l8.3 22 55 04 14-9 15-3 Si .3 36-0 25 + 9-7 30 40.1 39.5 47 +10.9 30 43-0 42.3 44 + 8.0 32 27.9 28.0 12 32 36.2 37.6 25 32 39.2 39.1 48 32 43-0 42.0 44 34 27-3 28.8 II 34 36.4 37-5 25 34 38.7 38.2 49 34 43-1 42.3 44 36 28.1 29.1 12 36 36.6 37.6 26 36 38.8 38.6 49 36 44-0 43-2 43 38 29-4 30.5 14 38 36.3 37-3 25 38 39-0 38.9 40 38 45.0 44.2 41 40 30.0 31.0 IS 40 36.3 37-3 25 40 39-9 39-3 48 40 45.2 44.7 41 42 30.3 31-3 16 42 36.6 37-3 25 42 39-5 39-0 48 42 45-9 44-8 40 44 32-2 33-0 18 +10.7 44 36-8 37.6 26 + 9-7 44 39.9 39.4 48 +10.5 44 45-9 44-9 40 + 7-8 46 32.9 33-8 20 46 37-1 38.8 27 46 39.0 39.8 47 46 46.0 45.1 40 48 33-1 34.0 2O 48 37.1 38.9 27 48 39-8 39.3 48 48 46.8 45. 8 38 50 32.6 34.8 2O 50 37-5 39-1 27 50 40.0 39.8 47 50 47.1 46.0 38 52 34-6 35-4 22 52 37- I 30.0 27 52 40.8 40.0 46 52 47.0 45.6 38 54 35-1 36.1 23 54 37-3 39-1 27 54 41.0 40.0 46 54 48.0 47.8 36 56 35.8 36.9 24 'f> 37.6 39.2 28 56 41.9 40.9 45 56 49.1 48.9 34 58 36.0 36.0 24 58 37. t 39.1 27 + 9-8 58 42.1 41.0 45 58 5i.o 50.4 32 ! ?4 oo 38.0 40.0 28 20 00 51-9 51-1 30 + 7-6 Correction to local mean time is im o6s. 90" torsion = 17/49 Torsion head at oh oom read 46 and at 24)1 I5m read 53". Observer R. R. T. Correction to local mean time is 5s. 90" torsion = 18/21. Torsion head at ijh 42m read 54 and at 2oh 20m read 39. Observer J. V. 268 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, June 24, 1904 Magnet scale erect Sunday, June 26, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d h m d d ' O h m d d 20 oo 44-0 45-3 22 20 22 OO 46.0 46.8 22 22 +8.8 o oo* 50.1 49.5 21 51 +5-8 2 OO 31. I 29.9 22 21 +5-2 02 44-1 45-5 2O 02 45-9 46.0 22 02 50.2 49.0 51 02 31. i 29.4 21 04 44-8 45-9 21 04 45-0 45-7 21 04 49-9 48.7 5i 04 31.0 29.0 22 06 44.8 46.1 21 06 45-1 45-4 2O 06 48.9 47.8 53 06 30.1 28.9 22 08 45.0 46.1 21 08 43-7 44-1 18 08 50.5 49-7 50 08 28.9 26.8 25 10 45.4 46.6 22 10 42.3 42.9 16 IO 50.0 48.3 52 IO 28.0 26.1 26 12 45.9 46.9 22 +7.6 12 43-0 43-1 17 12 47-7 46.8 55 12 28.0 26.8 26 14 46.0 47.0 23 14 40.9 41.8 14 +8.3 14 46.0 45.2 57 +5-8 H 28.9 27.0 ! 25 +5-2 16 46.1 46.9 23 16 43-0 43-9 18 16 48.0 47.0 54 16 29.9 28.1 23 18 46.0 46.2 22 18 43-2 44.0 18 18 48.1 47-2 54 18 32.1 31.0 19 20 45.4 46.0 21 20 42.8 43-1 17 20 48.2 47.9 53 20 29.3 28.9 23 22 45-1 45-3 2O 22 44.0 44-7 19 22 48.7 47-9 53 22 28.1 27.8 25 24 44-7 45-1 20 24 42.0 42.5 16 24 49.8 48.0 52 24 29.2 28.2 24 26 44-0 44-9 19 26 42.9 43-4 17 26 49-7 48.1 52 26 28.9 27.9 24 28 44-0 44-5 19 28 43-1 43-9 18 28 48.0 46.6 54 28 26.5 25.8 28 30 44-1 44-7 19 +7-9 30 46.9 47.1 23 +8.0 30 48.3 47-4 54 +5-8 30 27.0 25.9 27 +5-1 32 44.9 45.1 2O 32 49.0 49.1 26 32 50.9 49-3 50 32 31.0 30.0 21 34 44.8 45.1 2O 34 51.0 51-2 30 34 50.0 48.9 51 34 33-9 32.9 16 36 44.1 44.9 19 36 50.1 50.1 28 36 48.0 47.1 54 36 32.5 32.0 18 38 44.1 44.8 19 38 47-2 47-8 : 24 38 47.9 46.9 54 38 29.0 28.1 24 40 44.4 44.8 20 40 45-o 45-1 20 40 48.1 47.0 54 40 30.7 29.1 22 42 44.3 44.8 19 42 44.2 44.9 19 42 47.9 46.9 54 42 30.0 29.2 22 44 44.7 44.8 20 +8.0 44 45.8 46.1 22 +7-9 44 47.9 46.9 54 +5-9 44 27.9 26.9 26 +5- 1 46 45-0 45-1 20 46 45-5 45.6 21 46 47.0 46.0 56 46 26.1 25.1 29 48 44-9 45-1 20 48 44.2 44.8 19 48 48.9 48.1 53 48 26.0 25.1 29 50 44.2 44.9 19 50 44.3 45-0 20 So 55-1 54-7 43 50 25.9 24.9 29 52 44-2 44-9 19 52 45-3 45-9 21 52 54-0 52.0 46 52 25.0 23.9 30 54 44.2 44.6 19 54 45.0 46.8 22 54 56.9 56.5 40 54 24.3 23.5 31 56 44-4 44-9 20 56 44.1 45-0 19 56 55-1 54-7 43 56 23.O 22.1 34 58 44-2 45-0 20 58 45.8 46.1 22 58 52.0 51.0 48 58 22.1 21.5 35 21 00 44.1 45.0 19 +8.2 23 oo 47.O 48.0 24 +7-8 I OO 51-1 50.8 49 +5-9 3 oo 22.9 22. 34 +5-0 O2 44-0 45-1 19 02 46.1 47.1 23 02 50.0 49-3 51 02 21.8 21. O 35 04 43-9 45-3 20 04 46.7 47-5 24 04 50.1 49.8 50 04 21. 1 20.7 36 06 44-1 45-4 20 06 47.1 48.0 24 06 49-1 48.1 53 06 21. 2O. I 37 08 44-9 45-8 21 08 47.1 48.4 24 08 47-7 47-5 54 08 21.9 21.7 35 10 44-8 45.9 21 IO 47.3 48.8 25 IO 47-3 46.1 55 IO 21.9 21. I 35 12 45.8 46.9 22 12 47.8 49.1 26 12 47-5 46.7 55 12 21.9 21.2 35 14 44-9 46.8 22 +8.3 14 48.1 49-3 26 +7-8 14 48.2 47.2 54 +5-8 14 23.2 23.0 32 +5-0 16 45-3 46.3 22 16 49.0 50.0 27 16 48.7 47-1 54 16 24.8 24.0 3 i 18 45.8 46.9 22 18 49-3 50.1 28 18 48.8 47.0 54 18 26.0 25.7 28 20 45.7 46.1 22 20 50.3 50.4 29 20.5 49.0 46.9 54 20 28.8 27.9 24 22 45-8 45-9 22 22 Si. i 52.0 30 22 48.5 45-9 55 22 30.1 29.2 22 24 44.6 44.9 2O 24 Si.o 52.1 30 24 49-8 45-0 54 24 31-0 30.1 21 26 42-5 43-0 7 26 52.2 53.0 32 26 48.1 44-1 56 26 30.8 29.8 21 28 42-3 43-1 17 28 51-1 52.0 30 28 47-9 44-0 21 57 28 29.9 29.2 22 30 42.9 44-1 18 +8.7 30 52.1 53-8 33 +7-5 30 44-9 41-1 22 OI +5-6 30 29.5 28.8 23 +5-0 32 43.1 45-0 19 32 52.8 54-9 34 32 44.0 40.9 02 32 27-9 27.1 26 34 42.0 43.9 17 34 53-0 55-0 34 34 42.5 39-0 05 34 25-9 25.0 29 36 42.9 44.2 18 36 53-1 55- I 35 36 41-8 38.9 06 36 24-0 23-7 31 38 44.1 45.4 20 38 53-7 55-3 35 38 40.8 37.8 07 38 22. . 21.0 35 40 45.2 46.7 22 40 53-1 55-1 35 40 40.1 37.5 08 40 18.1 18.0 41 42 46.0 47.0 23 42 52.4 54-1 33 42 39-8 37.9 08 42 16.1 15.8 44 44 46.0 47.O 23 +8.7 44 51-8 53-3 32 +7-3 44 30.0 37-3 08 +5-4 44 14.0 13.3 48 +5-0 46 42.0 42.8 16 46 51.8 53-4 32 46 38.3 36.1 TO 46 13 -S 13-3 48 48 47.2 47.7 24 48 51.1 52.8 31 48 35-7 33-7 14 48 18.8 18.2 40 50 47-7 48.0 25 So 51.0 52.3 30 50 34.0 32.0 17 50 18.2 18.0 40 52 47-3 47-9 24 52 50.3 51-9 30 52 33-1 30.9 19 52 I3.O 12. O 49 47-1 47-6 24 54 50.2 51-3 | 29 54 32.0 31.2 19 54 12. O II. 2 51 56 46.1 47.0 23 56 50.0 51-1 29 56 30.1 28.1 23 56 II. 8 II. O 51 58 45-5 46.3 22 58 50.0 51.0 29 58 27.7 25.8 : 27 58 II. 1 10.9 52 24 oo 49-8 SO-9 29 I Correction to local mean time is 265. Torsion head at i6h 52m read 40" and at 24)1 I3m read the same. Observer J. V. Observer J. V. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 269 Sunday, June 26, 1904 Magnet scale erect Monday, June 27, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Lett Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o t u h m d d o / O h m d d o / h m d d o / . 4 oo* So.o 50.7 22 51 +5.9 6 oo 44.0 46.2 23 34 +4.8 8 oo* 54-7 54-5 23 25 +10.2 i 10 00 33-1 28.1 23 07 +12.2 02 50.8 52.1 52 1 02 42.0 45.1 31 02 59-3 59-1 18 02 18.1 ii. 2 32 04 52-3 53-1 55 04 46.9 49.0 38 04 62.0 60.0 15 04* 63-3 49-1 45 06 51-9 53-2 54 06 50.0 51-9 43 06 60.6 56.8 18 06 52.4 45-5 57 08 51-3 53-0 54 08 52.7 54-9 48 08 55-2 51-3 27 08 70.0 61.1 31 10 Si.i 52.8 53 10 51-5 52.8 45 10 62.8 55-8 17 10 74-8 66.3 23 12 Si.i 52.1 53 12 49-9 50.8 42 12 72.2 66.5 23 02 12 74.7 67.8 22 14 50.7 52.1 S3 +5-1 14 48.1 49.0 39 +4.8 14 74-9 69.1 22 58 +10. 1 14 72.9 66.1 | 24 + 12.8 16 50.2 52.0 52 16 43-0 44-7 32 16 68.3 62.0 23 08 16 62.8 56.8 | 40 18 50.0 51.0 Si 18 40.8 41.9 28 18 64.9 59.8 23 13 18 69.4 64.0 29 20 49.0 50.2 50 2O 40.9 41.9 28 20 76.3 71.8 22 54 20 65.06 32 22 50.0 51.8 52 | 22 41-9 43-1 30 22* 45-9 34-1 52 22 63.9 63.7 33 24 51.1 52.3 53 24 39-1 41-0 26 24 52.9 43-6 39 24 72.1 61.4 29 26 52.0 53.1 54 26 46.1 48.5 37 26 48.0 38.4 47 26 72.7 62.0 28 28 52.3 53-7 55 28 46.1 48.0 37 28 50.2 42.6 42 28 69.9 58.2 33 30 53-8 54-2 57 +5-0 30 44.7 46.1 34 +4-8 30 48.1 40.8 45 +10.9 30 55-9 47-6 52 +13-0 32 54-4 55-1 58 ,32 43-0 45-0 32 32 41.0 34.8 22 55 ] 32 6i.S 55-9 41 34 55-8 56.1 2260 34 43-8 44-9 33 34 28.9 21.2 23 15 34 74-7 69.8 20 36 57-3 59-0 23 03 36 41.1 42.5 29 36 27.7 21.9 16 | 36* 53-9 Si.i 23 02 38 60.8 62.0 08 i 38 40.0 41.0 27 38 33.4 27.0 23 07 38 59-2 56.5 22 53 40 59.9 61.0 07 40 40.1 41.6 27 40 40.8 35.8 22 54 40 63.9 58.8 48 42 59-0 59-7 05 42 42.2 43.1 30 42 37-0 33.1 ! 23 oo 42 70.2 66.2 37 44 59-1 60.9 06 +4-9 44 42.1 42.5 30 +4-8 44 31.9 27.9 08 +11. 2 44 61.1 57-3 Si + I3-I 46 59.1 60.8 06 46 40.1 40.2 26 46 24.9 27.8 13 46 55-4 Si-8 60 48 58.8 59-3 04 48 39-9 40.3 26 48 17.8 13.7 30 48 59-9 54-1 54 SO 61.0 61.9 08 50 36.9 38.0 22 SO 25.1 23.1 17 50 63.0 60.8 47 52 63.0 63.8 ii 52 43-1 43.7 31 52 22.2 15.8 25 52 69.5 65.9 38 54 63.0 64.8 12 54 42.7 43-6 31 54 25.9 25.0 15 54 72-3 68.7 33 56 64.9 67.0 IS 56 44-1 45-0 33 56 29.1 24.0 13 56 76.3 72.1 28 58 66.1 68.3 17 58 45-1 45-5 34 58 24.0 18.3 23 21 58 76.3 71-7 28 5 oo 67.2 69.9 20 +4.8 7 oo 42.S 43-1 30 +4-7 9 oo 40.8 31.0 22 58 +11. 8 ! ii oo 72.7 69.0 33 +13-3 02 67.1 69.1 19 02 40.1 41.2 27 02 39-1 30.2 23 00 02 62.9 59.1 48 4 68.3 69.1 20 04 38.6 39.0 24 04 42.4 38.0 22 52 04 61.9 57.2 SO 06 68.2 69.9 20 06 37-0 38.8 22 06 37-1 30.0 23 02 06 61.9 58.6 SO 08 69.0 70.3 21 08 40.90 27 08 31.9 26.9 23 08 08 63.7 60.2 47 10 69.9 70.9 22 10 42.1 42.1 29 10 38.1 35-0 22 57 10 68.8 66.0 38 12 69.7 70.4 22 12 39.2 39.8 25 12 42.1 37.2 22 52 12 78.1 74.1 24 14 69.9 71.0 22 +4-8 14 39-9 40.1 26 +4-7 14 28.4 24.8 23 13 +12. 14* 49.8 42.9 40 4-13-7 16 71-5 72.9 25 16 44.1 44-8 33 16 26.0 22.3 17 16 45-7 38.9 46 18 70.0 71.9 23 18 43-9 44-0 32 18 36.8 32.1 , 23 oi 18 37-1 32.1 22 59 20 69.1 71.0 22 20 44-3 44-9 33 20 44.6 40.2 : 22 48 20 21. I l8.2 23 22 22 67.4 68.3 18 22 48.1 48.3 39 22 48.1 44.9 42 22 20.5 16.1 24 24 69.2 70.9 22 24 43.4 44.6 32 24 51.8 49.1 36 24 17.8 16.2 26 26 69.7 70.3 22 26 42.0 42.3 29 26 54.1 50.8 32 26 23.1 19.8 19 28 67.0 67.0 17 28 42.9 43-1 31 28 52.1 48.2 36 28 25.8 21. I 16 30 69.8 71.2 23 +4-7 30 40.7 40.9 27 30 44.0 42.1 47 +12. 30 18.9 14-5 27 +13-9 32 70.9 71-5 24 32 43-0 43-7 31 32 48.1 45-2 41 32 14-1 I3-I 23 32 34* 43-0 48.2 3S 34 40.2 40.8 27 34 55-0 51.6 31 34 54-5 49-1 22 32 36 46.3 51.1 40 36 39.1 40.0 25 36 58.0 53.9 27 36 56.0 53.3 27 38 44.0 48.1 35 38 45.0 46.6 35 38 61.0 56.3 23 38 SO.i 44.5 39 40 45-0 49.0 37 40 45. 45.6 34 40 56.2 50.2 31 40 53-8 44-3 36 42 46.1 50.0 38 1 42 45.2 46.0 35 42 57-2 49.3 31 42 61.3 50.1 26 44 47-2 51. 1 40 +4-7 44 42-0 43.3 30 +2.4 58.9 52.0 28 +12.0 69-3 54-9 IS + 14.0 46 46.8 50.3 39 46 38.9 40.0 25 46 58.1 52.2 28 46 70.1 S2.9 16 48 45-3 49-2 37 48 36.3 37-7 21 48 67.0 61.5 14 48 68.5 52.3 18 50 47-3 50.8 40 SO 38.8 39.8 25 50 71.9 64.1 08 50 68.4 51.2 19 52 46.0 49.0 38 52 37-0 37.3 21 52 65-1 57-9 18 52 64-8 53-3 20 54 45-2 48.4 37 33-6 34-5 16 54 54-9 46.4 35 54 63.6 54-0 21 56 45-0 48.0 36 56 34.0 36.0 18 56 47-0 39.9 46 56 56.2 45.9 33 58 43-9 46.3 34 58 33-9 35-2 17 +4-9 58 38.9 34.0 22 58 58 49-9 46.6 37 12 OO 48.3 41-2 43 +14-0 Correction to local mean time is Torsion head at oh oom read 40 Observer J. V. - im oos. 90 torsion = 13/42. and at 8h I7m read 42. Correction to local mean time is im 463. No torsion observations. Torsion head at 8h oom read 43 and at iah 05m read 33. Observer R. R. T. 270 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued Tuesday, June 28, 1904 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, June 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings declt- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / h m d d / o h m d d i O h rn d d / 12 OO 46.2 47.8 22 29 +21.2 14 oo 42.0 43.0 22 22 +20.0 o oo* 51.8 50.9 22 25 +5.1 2 00 34-0 33-2 22 53 +4-9 02 44-9 45-2 26 02 42.2 43-7 22 02 50.7 50.0 27 02 35-1 35.1 50 04-3 45-3 46.4 27 04 42.7 43-8 23 04 51.1 50.2 26 04 33-3 32.8 54 06 46.1 46.4 28 06 42.0 46.1 24 06 51.8 50.7 25 06 34-7 34-1 52 08 46.0 46.4 28 08 43-1 44-1 23 08 52.2 51.2 24 08 35-1 35.1 50 10 46.2 47.1 28 10 45-3 46.0 27 IO 52.4 51-7 24 IO 37-8 37-2 47 12 46.8 47.0 29 12 47-0 47-6 29 12 52.4 51.8 24 12 33.2 32.1 54 14 44.0 44.4 24 +20.9 14 46.3 47.0 28 +20.0 14 52.0 51.2 25 +5-0 14 30.9 30.1 22 58 +4-9 16 43.9 44.2 24 16 43-5 44-0 24 16 51.3 50.9 25 16 24.1 23.9 23 08 18 43-5 44-4 24 18 44.0 45.1 25 18 51.4 50.9 25 18 21.7 20.8 12 20 45-0 45-9 26 20 44-0 44-6 25 20 51.8 51.1 25 20 24.1 22.9 09 22 45.0 46.1 26 ; 22 43-2 44-1 23 22 52.8 52.2 23 22 24.4 23.1 08 24 45-9 46.1 27 24 42.0 44.0 22 24 52.7 52.0 23 24 22.2 21. I 12 26 45-2 46.2 27 26 41.1 43.2 21 26 52.1 51-8 24 26 19.7 18.1 16 28 45-9 47-9 29 28 41.4 42.2 21 28 52.6 51.9 24 28 16.0 15.2 21 30 45-2 47.0 27 +20.4 30 40.2 41.1 19 +I9-P 30 53.1 52.6 23 +5.0 30 17.7 16.9 18 +5-0 32 45.9 46.9 28 32 40.1 42.0 19 32 53.0 52.1 23 32 17-9 17-8 18 34 47-2 48.9 30 34 40.4 42.2 20 34 52.7 52.1 23 34 19.1 18.1 16 % 48.0 49-7 32 3 S 39.4 40.9 18 36 51.0 50.3 26 36 23.9 23.0 09 38 47.7 49.1 31 38 41.0 42.0 20 38 50.1 49.2 28 38 23.9 23.1 09 40 47-8 48.9 31 40 41.1 42.2 2O 40 48.8 47-8 30 40 22.9 21.9 10 42 47.1 48.3 30 42 41.9 42.1 21 42 48.2 47.4 30 42 22.9 21.7 10 44 46.7 48.0 29 +20.1 44 42.3 42.9 22 +19-7 44 48.0 47-8 30 +4-9 44 23.9 22.2 10 +5.o 46 41.7 42-3 21 47 41.8 41-7 2O 46 48.1 47-9 30 46 23-5 23.0 09 48 46.9 48.0 29 48 4I.I 42.O 2O 48 48.8 48.3 29 48 23.8 23.1 09 50 47.2 47.8 30 50 40.1 40.5 18 50 48.9 48.2 29 50 21.9 20. 2 13 52 45-3 46.0 26 52 40.1 41.0 18 52 48.8 48.0 30 52 20. 8 19.1 14 54 45-8 46.3 27 54 41.0 41.9 20 54 48.0 47.2 31 54 18.2 17.3 18 56 47.1 48.0 30 56 39-2 40.9 IS 56 49.0 48.2 29 56 18.9 18.2 16 58 46.5 47.0 28 58 40.5 40.9 19 58 48.0 47-5 31 58 21.4 20. 2 13 13 oo 46.0 46.9 28 +20.0 15 oo 40.2 41.0 19 I 00 47-8 47-0 31 +4-9 3 oo 22.1 21. I 12 +5.o 02 45-1 46.2 26 02 40.1 41.1 19 02 47-9 47-1 31 02 23.8 22.1 IO 04 45-1 45-8 26 04 40.8 41.8 2O 04 47.9 47.1 31 04 22.5 21.4 II 06 45-5 46.2 27 06 41-3 42.1 2O 06 47-2 46.7 32 06 20.3 19-2 IS 08 46.2 47.3 28 08 40.8 42.0 2O 08 47- I 46.4 32 08 19-9 19-0 IS 10 47.1 48.1 30 10 40.5 41-4 19 +19.0 IO 46.1 45-4 34 10 19.6 l8.9 IS 12 48.0 49.O 31 12 39-3 40.8 18 12 44-9 44-3 36 12 19.0 18.2 16 H 47.6 48.0 30 '+2O.O 14 39-9 41-0 19 14 44-7 43-9 36 +4.8 14 16.9 16.2 20 +5-1 16 46.8 47.1 29 16 40.2 41.8 19 16 43.8 43.2 37 16 16.0 14.9 21 18 43-3 44-0 23 18 40.0 41.9 '9 18 43-1 43-1 38 18 16.8 15.3 2O 20 42-5 42-9 22 20 39-0 39-0 16 20 43-3 43-1 38 20 16.9 15.3 2O 22 43-8 44-0 24 22 38. 38-2 IS 22 43-4 43-0 38 22 15.8 14.7 22 2 4 44-8 45-8 26 24 38. 38.4 IS 24 41.7 4LI 41 24 15.5 14.7 22 26 46.8 47.0 29 26 37- 37-9 14 26 38.9 38.3 45 26 16.0 15.7 21 28.6 48.10 30 28 38. 38.4 15 28 40.2 39.8 43 28 16.7 16.1 2O 30 48.9 49-1 32 +20.0 30 37- 37-9 14 +18.3 30 39.4 38.7 44 +4.8 30 17.8 17.1 18 +5-3 32 48.9 49-5 31 32 36.9 36.9 13 32 39-9 39-1 44 32 19.0 17.4 17 34 48.1 48.8 31 34 36.2 37-5 13 34 39.9 39.8 43 34 18.6 17.5 17 36 46.0 46.2 27 36 35-9 36.9 12 36 40.7 40.2 42 36 17-3 16.4 19 38 45.8 46-0 27 38 38.7 39-0 16 38 40.5 40.0 42 38 18.0 17.1 18 40 49. oa 32 40 37-7 38.0 14 40 40.8 40.1 42 40 18.0 16.9 18 42 48.0 49.0 31 42 37-7 38.2 14 42 41-4 40.3 42 42 17.8 16.9 18 44 45-9 46.8 28 +20.0 44 36.0 36.7 12 +I7-8 45 i 41-9 41.0 41 +4-9 44 18.0 17.0 18 +5-8 46 46.1 47.0 28 46 36.1 37-1 12 46 42.0 41.0 40 46 19.3 18.0 16 48 47-0 48.4 30 48 34-5 35-8 10 48 41.9 40.7 41 48 18.3 17-7 17 50 47.1 48.1 30 50 34-1 35-3 09 50 40.8 39-3 43 50 16.9 16.2 20 52 47.2 48.1 30 52 35-1 36.3 II 52 39.9 38.6 44 52 18.0 17.2 18 48.0 49.0 31 54 37-3 38.2 14 54 35-9 34-9 50 54 18.9 18.1 16 56 48.7 49.8 32 56 35.2 36.0 II 56 34-8 33-9 52 56 18.1 17.2 18 58 46.7 47-3 29 58 36.8 36.8 13 +17.0 58 32.8 31-9 55 58 19.5 18.9 IS Correction to local mean time is 365. Torsion head at i ih 42m read 52 and at i6h I7m read the same. Observer J. V. Observer R. R. T. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued 2/1 Wednesday, June 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, June 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d 1 ' O h m d d / h m d d O / O h m d d ' O 4 oo 18.9 18.9 23 16 6 oo 54-9 53.1 23 31 +6.9 8 oo 53-7 50.1 22 47 +8.8 10 oo 55-0 53-6 22 43 + 9-6 02 17.0 16.3 20 02 52.9 50.9 34 02 54-9 Si.i 46 02 52.5 51-5 47 04 17.1 16.8 19 04 52.1 49.9 35 04 54. i 51.1 46 04 53-2 53-2 45 06 19.1 18.2 16 06 45-3 42.8 46 06 52.8 49-7 48 06 i 54-5 54-0 44 08 18.9 18.0 17 08 47-2 44-4 43 08 54-0 51-0 46 08 57-5 56.7 39 10 15.1 14-0 23 10 48.1 45-3 42 T 55-o 52.1 45 IO 56.5 55-7 41 12 12.8 12. 1 26 12 48.2 45.5 42 12 53-5 50.4 47 12 54-7 54-2 43 14 13.0 12.7 25 +6.0 14 49.0 46.2 41 +7-1 14 52.1 49-6 49 14 52.6 52.3 46 +10.0 16 13-4 13-1 25 16 48.8 46-3 41 16 53-7 50.2 47 +9-0 16 54-0 53-3 45 18 12. 12. 27 18 49.7 47.0 40 18 54-8 51-7 45 18 54.8 54.0 43 20 9.8 9.1 31 20 49-2 47-5 40 20 51-5 49-9 49 20 54-6 53-6 43 22 10. 9.1 31 22 46.5 44.9 44 22 46.0 44.7 58 22 55-6 54.5 42 24 13.0 11.9 26 24 47-4 45-9 42 24 49.8 48.2 52 I 24.3 55-3 54-8 42 26 13.0 12. I 26 26 50.2 49.1 38 26 50.9 48.8 50 26 55-2 54.7 42 28 12. I II. 2 27 28 52-9 50.9 34 28 j 5I.O 49.2 50 28 55-0 54-5 43 30 10.5 10. i 29 '+6.1 30 53-8 Si-3 33 +7-3 30 59-0 56.7 38 +9.1 30 54-3 53-9 44 + IO.2 32 IO.2 9.8 30 32 55-3 53-3 30 32 58.8 57-0 38 32 55-3 55-3 42 34 II. 8 II. 2 28 34 55-9 54-1 29 34 55-0 53.1 44 34 56.0 56.0 41 36 IO.2 IO.O 30 36 54-2 52.9 31 36 54-4 52.4 45 36 56.0 55-3 41 38 9-9 9-1 31 38 53-0 51-5 33 38 55-9 54-1 42 38 56.0 55.0 41 40 10.3 9.9 30 40 51.0 50.1 36 40 59-3 57-1 37 40 54-6 54-3 43 42 10.8 9.9 29 42 51.8 50.0 36 42 50.8 48.1 Si 42 55-6 54-3 42 44 9.8 9.0 3i +6.i 44 60. i 59.9 21 +7-7 44 51.2 48.9 50 +9.2 44 54.3 53.8 44 +10.5 46 8.1 7-4 34 46 60.8 59.2 21 46 52.8 5O.6 47 46 54-8 54-3 43 48 9.1 8.7 32 48 57.1 55-2 27 48 51.1 49.3 50 48 53-1 52.3 46 SO 9.9 9.2 31 50 56.8 55.0 28 50 48.2 46.3 55 50 53-0 52.0 46 52 8.8 8.1 32 52 54-1 53.7 31 52 51.8 49-6 49 52 54-5 53-9 44 54 7-5 6.6 35 54 53-9 52.8 32 54 48.3 48.7 52 54 55-6 55-2 42 5 8.7 7-4 33 56 59-0 57-2 24 56 48.8 47-7 53 56 57-4 57-3 39 58 9.1 8.3 32 ; 58 68.0 65.9 IO 58 47.0 46.1 22 56 58 58.0 57.8 38 5 oo 10.9 10.9 28 +6.2 7 oo 72.5 72.0 O2 9 00 44-2 42.9 23 oo +9.8 II 00 55-2 54-6 42 +10.8 02 12. O II.7 27 02 66.1 64.1 13 O2 46.8 45.6 22 56 02 51.2 51.0 48 04 8.9 8.7 32 04 68.3 66.1 10 04 49.0 47-4 53 04 52.2 51.3 48 o6 60.0 49.7 29 06 70.8 69.2 06 06 51.2 50.2 49 06 55-2 54-3 43 08 60. i 51.0 28 08 73-3 71-9 23 01 08 55-7 55-0 42 08 58.5 58.0 37 10 ! 62.1 53.9 2 4 10 77-1 75-1 22 56 10 58.0 57.4 38 10 56.3 56.0 4i 12 59-9 51. i 28 12 77.2 76.0 55 12 57.2 56.2 40 12 52.8 52.3 46 14 60.2 52.6 27 +6-3 14 76.4 75-5 56 +8.1 14 i 51-7 Si.o 48 +9-6 14 52.8 52.6 46 +11. 16 60.9 53-8 25 16 75-3 74-0 58 16 48.3 47-3 54 16 53-1 52.6 46 18 60.7 54-0 25 18 74-4 73-5 22 59 18 Lost 18 55-2 55.0 42 20 58.0 51-2 30 20 74-0 73-0 23 oo 20 51-3 50.3 49 20 56.0 55-3 41 22 57-1 51.0 31 22 74-8 73-7 22 59 22 49-7 49-0 51 22 55-2 54-3 43 24 56.0 50.1 32 24 75-8 74-8 57 24 50.3 48.6 51 24 55-0 55-0 42 26 56.0 50.1 32 26 77-9 77-2 54 26 51.8 50.2 49 26 57-5 57-0 39 28 59-1 54-0 27 28 54.0 46.2 50 28 51-8 50.3 49 28 59-1 58.3 36 30 59-9 55-1 25 +6.6 30 55-6 49-1 46 +8.2 30 51.0 49-4 50 +9-5 30 59-5 59-0 36 +11. 2 32 56.9 51-2 31 32 54.1 49.2 48 32 52.3 51-3 47 32 59-5 59-0 36 34 52-7 48.2 36 52-3 47-8 50 34 53-0 52.2 46 34 58.5 58.3 37 36 48.1 43-9 43 36 50.4 46.0 53 36 51-3 49-7 49 36 58.0 57.3 38 38 48.4 44-5 42 38 52.0 47-8 50 38 51.1 50.2 49 38 57-3 56.8 39 40 52.1 48.3 37 40 Si-3 47-2 Si 40 52-3 Si-9 47 40 59-0 58.6 36 42 50.0 47-2 39 42 49-2 45. 8 54 42 52.0 50.3 48 42 59-7 59-0 36 44 47-9 45-1 42 +6.7 44 50.2 45.8 53 +8.7 44 51-5 50.0 49 +9-6 44 60.0 59.3 35 + n. 5 46 45-4 43-2 46 46 51-8 47-9 50 46 51-3 50.8 49 46 60.0 59.8 35 48 45.0 42.6 47 48 5i. i 47-3 51 48 53-1 52. 6 46 48 60.2 59.2 35 50 45-1 43.2 46 50 52.6 48.5 49 50 52.9 51-7 46 50 59-6 59-0 36 52 44-8 43.0 46 52 52.9 49.1 49 52 51-3 So.o 49 52 58.3 57-6 38 54 45-9 45-6 43 54 52.8 49.0 49 54 53-1 51-5 46 54 58.7 58.5 37 56 52.8 51. I 34 56 52.9 49-2 49 56 55-1 53-5 43 56 58.3 58.0 37 58 56.5 54-0 29 58 53-0 49-3 48 58 54- t 52.3 45 58 58.0 57.8 38 Observer R. R. T. Observers R. R. T. and W. J. P., who alternated from 8h 42m to gh oom. 272 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Ttplitz Bay Continued Wednesday, June 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, June 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale .East Scale East Chr'r readings Jecli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time .latiou C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right 1 Left Right h in d d e / e h m d d j / h m d d / o h m d d O 1 12 00 58.0 57.0 22 38 14 oo 39.4 38.2 22 Op +n. 8 16 oo 39-9 39-0 22 08 1800 34-8 33-9 22 l6 02 58.0 57.0 38 02 39-7 38.3 09 02 40.5 40.1 07 +12.2 02 37-1 37.0 12 +12.0 04 57-0 56.3 40 04 40.0 39.0 08 04 39-9 39-7 07 04 32.9 32.3 19 06 57-5 57-3 39 +n. 6 06 42-3 41-3 04 06 40.0 39.8 07 06 33-9 33-5 17 08 58.6 58.4 37 08 42.2 40.8 05 08 40.2 40.0 07 08 33-1 32.9 18 10 57-4 57-0 39 IO 42.0 40.8 05 IO 41-3 41-3 05 10 33-8 33-5 17 12 57-8 57-0 39 12 42.0 41.5 04 12 43.0 42.9 22 O2 12 32.5 32.0 19 H 59-3 58.3 36 +n. 6 14 42.0 41.0 05 +H.8 14 46.1 45-3 21 58 +12. 14 31-9 31-8 20 + 12.2 16 59-1 58.2 37 It> 43-3 42-7 02 16 49-5 49-1 52 16 32.1 31-9 20 18 60.4 59-5 35 18 41.6 40.9 05 18 49.9 49.9 51 18 32.9 32.1 19 20 61.3 60.3 33 20 40.9 40.4 06 20.5 49-3* 53 20 32.3 32.1 19 22 62.0 61.0 32 22 41.4 41.3 : 05 22 48.1 47-7 SS 22 31.8 31.1 2O 24 62.6 61.9 31 24 42.0 41.6 ; 04 24 46.0 45.7 58 24 31.3 3i.o 21 26 64.3 63.6 28 26 42.5 42.0 04 26 45.8 45-1 58 26 30.5 30.0 22 28 67.3 66.5 24 28 43-7 43-3 02 28 45.0 44.2 00 28 30.1 29.2 23 30 68.5 67.8 22 +11. 6 30 42.0 41.5 i 04 +H.7 30 44.9 44.2 00 +12. 30 30.6 29.9 22 + 14.4 32 67.3 66.8 24 32 43.1 42.9 22 02 32 45.0 44-2 60 32 31-1 30.9 21 34 67.0 66.6 24 34 45-3 45-1 21 59 34 45-7 45-0 21 59 34 32.1 31-8 2O 36 68.6 67.8 22 36 46.5 46.3 S7 30 44.0 43.0 22 O2 36 32.6 32.0 19 38 69.3 68.4 21 38 48.5 48.3 54 38 42.0 41.1 04 38 32.1 31-9 20 40 68.0 67.2 23 40 48.00 54 40 43-1 42.8 22 O2 40 31-3 31-0 20 42 67.6 67.0 23 42 47.2 47.2 56 42 45.5 44.7 21 59 42 31.0 30.2 22 68.0 67.3 23 +11.8 44 48-3 47-3 55 +12.0 44 47.3 46.1 56 + II.9 44 30.0 29.3 23 +12.3 46 67.6 67.3 23 46 46.6 45.9 57 46 46.4 46.0 21 57 46 28.9 28.2 25 48 67.0 66. o 24 48 47-2 46.0 57 48 44.2 44.0 22 OO 48 28.4 27.9 26 SO 66.1 66.1 25 SO 46.0 45.2 58 50 46.5 46.1 21 57 50 28.9 28.1 25 52 66.5 66.3 24 52 47.7 46.3 56 52 45-0 44-3 60 52 29.1 28.9 24 68. o 67.3 23 54 47.2 46.2 56 54 46.3 45-9 21 57 54 29.1 29.0 24 56 68.4 68.0 22 56 50.S 49-0 52 56 44.8 43-7 22 OO 56 29.1 28.9 24 58 68.8 68.6 21 58 53-0 Si- 1 | 48 +12-3 58 44.9 44.0 22 OO 58 29.0 28.9 24 13 oo 67.8 67.6 22 +12. 15 oo 50.0 49.0 52 17 oo 47-9 47-7 21 55 +12. 19 oo 28.9 28.5 25 +12. 1 02 67.5 67.3 23 02 49.O 4.2 54 02 50.9 50.0 51 02 28.2 28.0 26 04 68.1 67.8 22 04 48.5 47-6 54 04 52.0 51-8 48 04 28.1 27.9 26 06 68.4 68.3 21 06 48.0 46.6 56 06 51-9 50.9 49 06 28.3 28.0 26 08 68.9 68.7 21 08 48.0 47.0 i 55 08 51.1 50.2 50 08 29.0 28.5 25 IO 69.8 69.6 19 IO 48.5 48.2 54 10 49.9 49.0 52 IO 28.9 28.1 25 12 69.6 69.5 2O 12 51-3 50.0 50 12 50.0 49.2 52 12 28.7 28.0 25 14 70.3 70.1 18 +11. 7 H 47.0 46.0 21 57 +12.6 14 51-9 50.9 49 +12. 14 29.6 28.0 24 +12. 1 16 71.0 71.0 17 16 43-3 43-1 22 02 16 50.3 49-9 5i 16 29.8 28.7 24 18 72.2 72.2 15 18 45.0 44.6 21 59 18 : 50.2 49.5 52 18 3O.O 29.0 23 20 72.6 72.6 IS 20 49-0 47.5 54 20 49.5 49.1 52 20 3O.O 28.9 24 22 73-6 73-3 14 22 47.3 46.0 56 22 48.2 47.9 54 22 3O.O 28.9 24 24 72.3 72.2 15 24 50.0 49.5 52 24 47-1 46.7 21 56 24 29.3 28.0 25 26 73-4 73-o 14 26 45-3 44-7 i 21 59 26 44.2 42.8 22 O2 26 29. 1 28.O 25 28 74-3 74-3 12 28 42.3 41.1 2204 28 43-3 43-0 02 28 29.2 28.2 25 30 74-3 74-0 12 +11. 6 30 40.5 39-8 07 +12.9 30 43-7 43-1 02 30 29.5 28.4 24 +12. 32 74-8 74-3 12 32 41.9 41.0 05 32 43-9 43-7 OI 32 29-3 28.7 24 34 74-0 73-7 13 34 41.9 41.1 05 34 43.0 42.9 O2 34 29.1 28.3 25 36 76.4 76.2 09 36 41.2 40.4 06 36 42.3 42.0 04 36 29.0 28.O 25 38 75-8 75-3 IO 38 41.1 40.6 06 38 41.9 41.0 22 05 38 29.0 28.O 25 40 76.0 75.7 IO 40 41.3 40.8 05 40 45-2 45-0 21 59 40 28.7 27.9 25 42 76.8 76.8 08 +". 5 42 42.9 42.3 03 42 39- I 39-0 22 08 42 28.4 28.0 26 44 76.7 76.3 09 44 39-3 38.5 08 +12.8 44 38.8 37-5 10 + I2.I 44 28.5 27.9 26 +11- 3 46 74-0 73.0 13 46 39.0 38.6 op 46 36.1 35-9 13 46 28.9 28.1 25 48* 37-5 36.3 12 48 39-4 38.8 08 48 36.9 36.0 13 48 28.8 28.0 25 SO 38.2 37-4 10 50 39.0 38.2 09 i 50 36.9 36.7 12 50 28.2 27.6 26 52 43.6 41.6 03 52 39.0 38.7 09 52 36.0 35-9 13 52 28.0 27.2 26 45-0 43.9 oo 54 39-0 38.8 09 54 35-9 35-7 14 54 27.9 27.O 27 56 42.3 41-3 04 56 39-3 38.8 08 56 36.7 36.1 13 56 27.8 27.O 27 58 39-7 39-0 08 58 40.8 40.3 06 I 58 36.6 36.0 13 58 27.8 27.0 27 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and J. V., who alternated from ish s8m to i6h I2tn. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tnagnetic declinations observed at Teplits Bay Continued 273 Wednesday, June 29, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, June 30, 1904 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp, Chr'i readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d 9 1 h m d d f h m d d 1 h m d d / 20 oo 28.1 27.7 22 26 +10.8 22 OO 36.9 36.5 22 12 +7-9 16 oo SO.2 52.2 22 19 I 18 oo 47-7 49-1 22 l6 +5-4 02 28.3 27.9 26 02 36.8 36.2 12 02 50.9 52.1 19 02 47.7 48.9 16 04 28.0 27.5 26 04 36.9 36.6 12 04 51.8 53.0 21 04 47.2 48.2 IS 06 27.0 26.9 28 06 36.9 36.8 12 06 50.7 52.2 19 +6.0 06 47.1 48.1 15 08 27.0 26.9 28 08 37-1 36.9 12 08 50.0 51.3 18 08 46.6 47.2 14 10 27.1 26.6 28 10 37-0 36.9 12 10 48.8 50. i 16 IO 45- I 46.1 13 12 27.6 26.9 27 12 36. i 36.0 13 12 47-5 49-2 14 12 44.0 45.2 10 14 28.3 27.9 26 + IO.2 H 35-9 35-3 14 +7.0 H 46.8 48.2 13 +6.0 H 42.8 44.1 08 +5-5 16 29.0 28.1 25 16 35-2 35-2 H 16 47.0 48.8 H 16 41.3 43-0 07 18 29.1 28.1 25 18 36.5 36-0 13 18 47.1 49.1 14 18 40.9 42.0 05 20 29.1 28.7 24 20 36.2 36.1 . 13 20 47-4 49-1 14 20 40.1 41-7 04 22 30.0 29.2 23 22 36.0 35.5 14 22 47.8 so. i 16 22 39-6 41-1 03 24 30.2 29.9 23 24 35-9 35-2 14 24 ! 48.6 50.0 16 39-1 40.8 03 26 29.9 29.2 23 26 36.1 35.9 13 26 48.9 49.9 16 26 38.8 40.3 02 28 29.8 29.1 24 28 39-0 37-3 10 28 48.8 49.3 16 28 38.2 40.0 02 30 29.1 28.9 24 + 9-9 30 41.0 38.9 07 4-6.1 30 48.6 49.1 16 +5-8 30 38.1 39-4 OI +5-4 33 28.3 28.1 26 32 42.3 40.1 05 32 48.7 49.3 10 32 37-6 39-1 OO 34 27.9 27.5 26 38.0 36.5 ii 34 49-6 50.3 17 34 37-1 38.8 oo 36 27.9 27.5 26 36 39-9 38.8 08 36 50.0 50.0 17 36 37-1 38.S 22 OO 38 29.0 28.9 24 38 37-3 35-9 12 38 50.1 51.1 18 38 36.9 38.1 21 59 40 29.9 29.8 23 40 39-1 37-1 10 40 50.8 si-9 20 40 37-0 38.1 59 42 30.2 30.1 22 42 38.2 37.1 II 42 51.2 52.1 20 42 36.S 37-8 44 30.9 30.7 21 + 9.2 44 37-9 37-1 II +6.0 44 SI.I 52.0 20 +5-9 44 36.2 37.6 58 +5-4 46 30.8 30.0 22 46 38.2 37-8 10 46 SI. I 51.9 20 46 36.8 38.0 59 48 30.2 29.5 23 48 39-9 38.8 08 48 51.2 SI.9 20 48 36.8 38.0 59 50 30.1 29.2 23 50 37.0 36.0 12 SO 51. 8 52.1 21 SO 36.8 37.9 59 52 30.0 29.8 23 S2 37-0 36-2 12 52 51-2 51-9 20 52 36.1 37-7 58 54 30.2 30.0 22 54 36.0 35. 2 14 Si.i 51. 8 20 36.6 37-8 58 56 3i-3 3i-o 21 56 34-9 33-8 16 56 50.8 51.0 19 56 35-1 36.1 21 56 58 32.1 31-5 20 58 34-1 32.9 17 58 50.0 50.3 18 58 36.9 38.7 22 OO 21 OO 32.1 31.9 20 + 8.8 23 oo 34-0 32.8 17 +5-8 17 oo 49-6 51-2 18 +5.8 19 oo 37-8 39-9 O2 +5-3 02 31-1 30.9 21 02 34-1 33-0 17 02 48.1 50.2 16 02 38.9 40.9 03 04 31-3 30.9 21 04 34-1 32.8 17 04 48.5 50.3 17 04 40.0 42.0 OS 06 32.1 32.0 2O 06 34-3 33-1 17 06 50.0 51-3 19 06 40.6 42.2 06 08 33-3 33-2 18 08 34-6 32.8 17 08 51.0 52.4 20 08 40.0 41.9 OS IO 33-8 33.2 17 IO 38.1 37-1 ii 10 49-3 SO. 8 18 IO 39-7 41-2 04 12 33- S 33-1 18 12 41.9 40.9 05 12 49.3 50.7 18 12 40.0 41.9 05 H 33-9 33-1 17 + 8.8 14 42.0 40.9 OS +5-2 14 Si.2 S3- 1 21 +5-7 14 40.6 42.0 06 +5-2 16 33-5 32-9 18 16 41.9 40.9 05 16 51.0 52.8 21 16 40.7 41.9 06 18 33-9 33-2 17 18 38.5 38.1 10 18 52. 8 54.0 23 18 40.9 41.8 06 20 34-0 33.9 17 20 35-1 34.0 16 20 54- 1 55- o 25 20 41.8 43.0 07 22 34-1 33.9 16 22 33-0 31-1 20 22 55-9 56.3 28 22 42-3 43-8 08 24 39-9 39-4 08 24 41.7 37-8 07 24 56.0 56.3 28 24 43.8 45. o IO 26 35-9 35-5 14 26 35-2 32.8 16 26 56.0 56.9 28 26 43-9 45-3 ii 28 37-1 36.9 12 28 36.9 33-9 14 28 56.6 57-7 29 28 44-2 45-9 12 30 38.7 38.0 10 + 8.9 30 43-0 42.1 03 +5-0 30 57-0 58.0 30 +5-6 30 44-6 45.9 12 +5.1 32 39-3 38.7 08 32 42.0 39.0 06 32 57-6 58.2 30 32 44.9 46.0 12 34 39-2 38.4 09 34 45-9 38.0 04 34 58.2 58.9 31 34 44.6 46.0 12 36 39-1 38.1 09 36 26.0 18.1 22 35 36 58.8 59-2 32 36 43-8 45-1 II 38 38.9 37-7 10 38* 49.8 24.0 23 24 38 58.0 58.8 31 38 42.7 44-0 09 40 37-5 36.9 II 40 78.0 24.3 23 02 40 57-3 57-9 30 40 41-2 42.3 06 42 37-2 37-0 12 42 70.7 64.8 22 36 42 54-5 54-9 26 42 40.0 41.1 05 44 36.9 36.2 12 + 9-0 44 61.9 48.0 56 +5-0 44 50.6 si-i 19 +5-6 44 38.6 40.1 03 +5-0 46 36.1 36.0 13 46 79.0 75.0 21 46 48.6 49.0 16 46 37-3 38.9 01 48 35-7 35- I H 48* 47.0 42.0 13 48 48.1 48.1 IS 48 37-2 38.7 OI SO 35-3 35-2 14 50 4i.o 35-5 23 50 47-2 47-9 H SO 38.1 39-4 02 52 35-8 35-6 14 52 46.0 40.8 15 52 46.8 47.3 13 52 39-2 40.8 04 54 36.8 36.2 12 54 40.0 35.9 24 54 46.6 47.4 13 54 39.7 40.9 04 56 37-1 36.9 12 56 18.7 18.8 54 56 46.9 48.0 14 56 39-8 41-1 OS 58 37-7 37-1 II 58 48.0 40.0 14 58 47-8 48.8 16 58 40.2 41.9 06 24 oo 50.9 43-7 09 +4-9 20 oo 40.0 41.8 06 +4-9 Correction to local mean time is 585. oo" torsion = 19/21. Torsion head at oh oom read 51 and at 24h 20m read 53. Observer J. V. Correction to local mean time is im 26s. 90 torsion = 17/76 Torsion head at ish 35m read 53" and at 2oh ism read 36. Observer Not noted. 274 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Teplitz Bay Continued Friday, July i, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Friday, July i, 1904 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right i h m d d f O h m d d e / h m d d h m d d f 20 00* 46.9 43-2 21 37 +4.1 22 00 II. I 9-4 22 19 +5-3 21 OO 54.3 49.9 33 +4-8 23 oo 45-4 43-9 09 +7.0 02 45- I 42.S 39 02 9.2 9.2 2O 02 50.0 45-9 40 02 47-9 45-9 22 06 04 45-2 52.2 39 04* 34.2 30.8 28 04 45-1 40.3 48 04 52.1 51. I 21 58 06 47-3 42.9 37 06 35-3 30.1 28 06 Si. I 47-0 38 06 55-5 53-9 53 08 50.1 45.9 32 08 37-9 32.5 24 08 47-3 44-0 43 08 57-0 54-9 51 10 51. I 47-2 30 IO 40.9 35-9 19 IO 53-2 50.8 33 10 57-7 56.1 50 12 52.8 48.8 28 12 44-1 38.9 14 12 47.8 42.2 44 12 56.8 55-3 Si 14 52.9 48.8 28 +4-2 14 44.0 40.2 13 14 47-9 43-0 44 +4-9 14 58.3 57-4 48 +6.9 16 52.9 49.1 28 16 44.9 40.4 12 16 46.0 37-7 49 16 60.2 59.0 46 18 54-1 51-0 25 18 37-0^33-9 24 18 48.1 44.9 42 18 59-9 57-9 47 20 56.0 S3- I 22 20 27.9 24.1 38 20 50.1 44.1 20 41 20 57.8 56.1 50 22 55-5 52.1 23 22 28.0 25.1 38 22 37-8 30.9 21 OI 22 54-2 52. I 56 24 57-1 54-9 2O 24 32.0 28.5 32 24 45-4 36.8 2O 50 24 51.2 49.9 60 26 57-2 55-2 19 26 28.3 25.0 37 26 47.1 40.1 46 26 56.7 54-3 52 28 57-7 55-6 19 28 27.0 24.5 39 28 59-5 51-2 28 28 59-8 58.5 46 30 57-9 56.2 18 +4-3 30 34-1 31-9 27 +6.7 30 53-3 46.3 37 +5.0 30 63.9 62.6 40 +6.4 32 60.2 58.0 15 32 40.1 37.1 18 32 43-2 34-7 20 54 32 65.2 64.0 38 34 57-8 55.0 19 34 41.9 38.9 16 34 35.1 28.2 21 05 34 65.1 63.8 38 36 54-4 52.1 24 36 36.9 34-5 23 36 46.3 39.2 20 48 36 62.9 61.3 42 38 55-0 53-1 23 38 38.0 36.2 21 38 50.3 42.9 42 38 59.1 58.2 47 40 56.2 54-3 21 40 42.8 40.5 14 40 45.0 37.0 So 40 55-1 53-9 54 42 61.1 59-0 13 42 43-1 41-8 12 42 37-1 34.0 20 59 42 56.4 55-2 52 44 65.0 63.2 07 +4-5 44 47.1 46.0 22 06 +6.9 44 33.1 28.2 21 O7 +5.1 44 60.0 59-3 46 +6.2 46 63.2 61.5 21 IO 46 52.1 51. i 21 58 46 28.1 24.4 14 46 6l.O 60.3 44 48 75-3 72.0 20 52 48 54-5 52.9 55 48 21. I 15.0 26 48 58.7 58.1 47 50 75-1 69.1 54 50 54-3 52.3 55 50* 37-5 30.0 42 50 54-9 53-0 54 52 77-8 71.8 50 52 53-0 50.5 21 58 52 38.2 35-0 38 52 51.5 si. i 58 54 48.9 41.1 44 54 49.9 48.1 22 02 54 30.9 26.9 50 54 Si.7 Si.o 58 56 59-9 Si-9 27 56 47.0 45-8 06 56 28.9 25.8 21 52 56 57.6 56.8 49 58 59-4 52.3 27 58 46.1 44.2 08 58 18.2 18.1 22 06 58 57-7 56.2 50 Correction to local mean time is 45. 90 torsion = 18/18. Torsion head at igh 36111 read 57 and at 24h 1401 read 56. Observer Not noted. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 275 REDUCTIONS FROM DECLINATION OBSERVATIONS AT TEPUTZ BAY DIURNAI, VARIATION For the purpose of determination of empirical formulae to express the diurnal variation in the magnetic declination it was decided, in accordance with the general present tendency in magnetic reductions, to include all of the observed values without elimination of any as " disturbances". The few observations made between September 28 and October 4, 1903, are not, however, included in the discussion as it was deemed that some time was necessary before the routine and stability of observation could be properly established. The scheme of work carried out, as per program on page 17, was such that continuous observations were made throughout one day of each week. On each of four of the remaining days of the week observations were made for four hours continuously, and on one other day of the week for eight hours continuously. These latter observations were so made as to cover, when taken together, twenty-four hours numbered consecutively. There was thus obtained in each week the equivalent of two days' continuous observation. The means of the thirty observed values of the magnetic declination from one hour to the succeeding hour, as per the tabulation of pages 41 to 274, have been taken as corresponding to the half hours local mean time. Strictly speaking account should be taken of the chronometer corrections on local mean time but as these were usually very small and varied in sign the resulting error is much below the order of accuracy of the results arrived at and may, therefore, be disregarded. In order to have the mean values correspond strictly to the mean epoch of the period under discussion, the series was divided into intervals of four weeks each. Thus we have for each period, with few exceptions, eight mean values for every hour, each resulting from thirty observations. The means of these means have been taken as the hourly values applying to the mean epoch of the period in question. The resulting hourly values of the declination for each interval and for the mean of the whole period during October 4, 1903, to July i, 1904, at the Teplitz Bay station are exhibited in the following tabulations, which are arranged according to local mean time, civil reckoning, from midnight through twenty-four hours. Figures 5 to 15 show these values graphically, the mean observed declinations being indicated by circles joined by broken lines ; the smooth curves shown on these figures represent the computed values resulting from the analytical expressions for the diurnal variations deduced from the same (see pages 290 to 291). SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplitz Bay Four weeks, October 4 to October 30, 1903 22 plus tabular quantity, east h h h 2.5 h 3-5 h 4-5 h 5-5 h 6.5 h 7-5 h 8-5 h 9-5 h 10.5 h "5 Sunday Sunday Monday 4, it, 18, 25 4, ii, 18, 25 5, 12, 19, 26 / i / / / / / / / , f / 40.4 41-5 45-4 45-2 52.8 67.4 73-4 52.9 63.8 33-9 48.7 44-7 33-2 33-7 27.0 337 26.1 27.2 35-4 21. 1 I7.I 28.0 36.5 40.3 28.5 39-o 5o.i 58.9 32.1 29.1 34-0 31-4 36.4 38.4 34-9 31.0 68.8 48.1 47-9 45-7 Wednesday 7, 14, 21, 28 32.3 32.0 367 44.6 39-1 50.9 45-1 44-5 44-9 33-9 20.2 22.5 48.1 530 123.0 145-9 126.2 80.7 77-5 81.9 65-9 45-3 44.0 31-7 33- a 34-5 37-9 35-6 36.6 36.6 36.7 36.4 36.4 35-8 34-3 33- 33-0 35-5 48.7 53-4 46.3 57-5 63-9 50.6 35.3 29.8 28.7 28.2 35-2 37-4 52.3 54-9 53-8 54-5 55.8 51-6 47-3 35-8 32-8 29-3 i Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplitz Bay Four weeks, October 4 to October 30, 1903 Continued 22 plus tabular quantity, east h 12.5 h 13-5 h 14-5 h 15.5 h 16.5 h 17-5 h 18.5 h 19-5 h 20.5 21.5 22.5 h 23-5 Tuesday Thursday Friday 6, 13, 20, 27 8, 15, 22, 29 9, l6 , 23, 30 17.0 06.8 08.7 IO.O 03-3 00.3 20.9 19.0 26.2 27.8 32.5 33-7 28.9 29.1 26.1 52.0 29.0 I9.3 33-8 28.0 365 26.9 28.2 35-7 26.4 88.9 50.6 62.2 959 11.9 40.5 81.2 23-3 41.2 77-0 14.2 21.5 29.0 13-3 26.9 21.5 15-2 13-9 24-3 Wednesday 7, 14, 21, 28 16.8 19.9 I2.I ig.I 23-5 20. 2 i 21. 27.8 20.0 09.9 62.5 45-2 24-7 37-9 26.8 15.8 I 3 .S 03.1 31-4 20.9 31-3 29.9 28.0 27.9 27-7 28.4 28.6 27.3 27.7 29.6 23-3 22.8 21.9 18.8 24.8 21-3 21.6 17.6 n.6 10.8 29-4 28.1 24.2 25.6 34-0 32.0 31.4 27.6 21.9 20.3 57.6 27.0 32.2 19.4 29.5 46.4 53-8 42.5 27.6 36.1 Mean value for the whole period, 22 36/7 E. / \ o I VA X _L or " N 52 UJ CO x) if If li 2 s| t 5 8S e H g: ., 3 z o .5.2 - Ofl < a I <^i n rf \5 J 1 i ., h- j- tr 2 S fe-H i_ CD ? ** ^ tf S. o tS p z O M 5o - o 0:3 z z -je j I 8 i I ft S o la en rt I Ij slii 2! i' UP -S z ^ u C 1=5 o .63 ... r- a< s F a J i MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplitz Bay Four weeks, December 27, 1903, to January 23, 1904 22 plus tabular quantity, east 279 h o-5 h h 2-5 h 3-5 h 4-5 h 5-5 h 6-5 h 7-5 h 8-5 h 9-5 h 10.5 h n-5 Sunday Sunday Monday ' 27, 3. 10, 17 ' ' 27,3, 10, 17 ' ' 28,4, ii, 18 ' 66.2 66.6 66.4 75-2 73-5 IOI.O 80.7 77-9 44-7 40.6 49.6 43-2 41-7 32.8 110.4 142.1 I43.I 123-4 109.1 90.9 105.2 66.6 43-6 36.6 50.5 70.9 596 49-4 48.7 51.8 54-6 49.8 38.7 38.4 38.6 40.0 Wednesday 30, 6, 13, 20 39-2 40.3 44-5 44.2 34.8 36.5 41.8 67-9 53-4 08.0 OI. \ 31.8 34-4 37-6 42.7 59-6 70.0 76.0 76.9 58.3 35-3 29.6 18.0 27.7 48.7 5I-I 64.1 67.1 71.8 55-9 62.9 60.3 64.7 43-8 30.5 31-5 38.3 384 38.9 60.9 38.2 39-1 38.9 38.3 37-2 36.2 36.3 37- ^ 37-1 45-6 48.2 68.0 68.7 691 66.3 63.2 54-0 37-6 31-2 35-4 Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplitz Bay Four weeks, December 27, 1903, to January 23, 1904 Continued 22 plus tabular quantity, east h h 12.5 13-5 h 14-5 h 15.5 h h 16.5 17-5 h 18.5 h 19-5 h 20.5 h 21-5 h 22.5 h 23-5 Tuesday Thursday Friday 29, 5, 12, 19 3t, 7, 14, 21 i, 8, 15, 22 31-7 32.1 31.8 3' 4 34-9* 25 5* 50.5* 46.9* 77-oa 53.6* 29. la 61.411 31-9 54-6 59-3 37-0 44.0 39-1 40.0 41-3 39-9 38.5 387 42-4 30.1 32.5 31-7 44-5 37-3 36.7 36.9 35-8 29.9 27.2 39-2 31-2 48.3 46.6 45.3 44-8 37-9 , 34-6 38-6 37-1 34. ic 32- ic 58.5^ 55-7^ Wednesday 30, 6, 13, 20 66.0 773 76.0 82.9 62.0 38.5 37-6 33-3 29.1 28.8 33-3 34-5 45-4 40.0 34-3 30.1 30.3 37-4 43-8 34-2 28.1 21-3 45-3 24.6 29-3 29.9 26.5 28.2 28.7 31-0 34-3 42-9 49.0 390 432 86.1 37-2 34-2 32.6 32.0 31.0 295 30.1 19.1 22.9 24.6 29.2 37-1 40.0 43-4 42.2 41-4 38.3 34-o 39- 36.3 38.8 33-1 39.0 46.6 a Thursday, December 31, 1903 b Friday, January i, 1904 ^Saturday, January 23, 1904 Mean value for the whole period, 22 46/7 E. 2 8o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplite Bay Four weeks, January 24 to February 20, 1904 22 plus tabular quantity, east 46.2 49-3 50.3 51.6 58.0 57-1 5"-3 4l.o 38.5 37-8 35-0 3i.i 39-1 102.5 121-5 123.0 66.6 62.8 65.6 48.2 37-9 36.0 27^5 29-5 86.8 72.4 60.2 55-2 56.4 73-4 64.8 64-5 7i-3 46.2 33-0 22.2 52-1 41.2 43 6 45-3 62.5 76.4 79-8 57-0 91.0 56.4 33-5 36.0 Wednesday 27, 3, 10, 17 41.7 42.7 42.7 42.1 44-2 44-2 45-0 46.7 43-7 37-5 35 i 28.6 83.8 61.0 67.4 57-5 80.8 65.8 52.6 35-4 36.6 34-7 35-5 35-2 43-7 47-9 494 58.7 713 72.1 66.9 72.5 52.1 44-4 32.8 31-8 55-4 531 7.o 56.2 106.0 49-8 96.0 44.8 64.0 34-7 33-3 37-1 56.1 58.8 63-4 61.2 68.2 62.7 65-1 51-6 54-4 41.0 332 31-4 Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplitz Bay Four weeks, January 24 to February 20, 1904 Continued 22 plus tabular quantity, east A 12-5 h 13-5 k 14-5 h 15-5 h 6.5 h 17-5 h 18.5 h 195 h 20.5 h 21.5 h 22.5 h 235 Tuesday Thursday Friday 26, 2, 9, 16 28,4, ii, 18 29, 5, 12, 19 101.6 104.5 100. 1 102.9 332 23-7 10.7 u-5 41.8 40.8 36.6 37-3 52.7 62.4 59-5 46.2 34-2 33-4 32.8 30.8 14.8 19.9 59-4 40.5 12.2 22.3 33-0 56.0 35-9 38.7 35-5 83-9 43-6 45-1 41.9 37-8 31-3 28.5 19.4 39i 34-2 40.6 41.6 36.0 36-1 37-1 38.1 38.1 Wednesday 27, 3, io, 17 32.2 28.9 28.6 30-7 32.4 344 36-6 35-2 32.4 31-2 32.3 36.1 37-2 35-4 35-2 34-0 35-0 34-9 33-1 48.5 31-3 390 51-6 36.6 34-8 30-5 46.6 23-7 26.0 38.0 42-5 39-3 3o.i 24.4 48.9 50.0 25-4 23-4 26.8 33-9 29.4 48.0 46.9 33-8 15-0 38.7 44-3 35-4 40.9 42.0 43-6 45-8 32.5 36.5 35-o 39-9 30.6 34-5 44.1 39-o Mean value for the whole period, 22 46/3 E. Q O B>- *d l-s z oc e,bc o 3 E.S r~ u_ o 4vxy * I 9M * 54-4 - 47-* 479 4*1 4** *-> 4J* >* 4* W-* 444 : 1 :- ' | - - - *; 4/ 4^* - - 3M * 3iM 4*1 5*4 - 3*4 3*4 *M ^ g-o " 5 o. z < ho MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 281 Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teflitx Bay Four weeks, February 21 to March 19, 1904 22 plus tabular quantity, east h h h 2.5 h 35 h 4-5 h 5-5 h. 6-5 h 7-5 h 8-5 h 9-5 h 10-5 h "5 Sunday Sunday Monday 21, 28, 6, 13 21, 28, 6, 13 22, 29, 7, 14 48.8 52-3 50.9 54-5 50.9 53-8 51-1 50.4 46.8 45-9 45-i 44-3 44-1 41-3 42.5 42.6 43-8 44.0 45-1 43-7 49-5 46.0 49.6 45-7 43-8 42.6 41.7 40.7 545 51-4 54-6 52.5 58.1 67.1 59-6 53-o Wednesday 24, 2, 9, 16 47-9 46.5 46.8. 54-4 47-9 49-6 74-6 9'-5 50.7 37-1 37.8 30.0 56.0 44-4 45-1 46.6 43-9 43-7 45-i 47.8 43-7 46.2 47-4 46.1 46.1 48.1 46.8 47-8 48.8 49.8 458 50-8 44.2 45-6 47-5 44-7 35-7 50.3 49-4 48.5 45 2 40.6 46.7 47.0 46.9 49-4 48.0 50.3 558 56.6 49-2 45-8 43-7 39-2 Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplits Bay Four weeks, February 21 to March 19, 1904 Continued 22 plus tabular quantity, east 4 h 135 h 14-5 h 155 h 16.5 h 17-5 h 18.5 h '9-5 h 20.5 h 21-5 h 22.5 h 23-5 Tuesday Thursday Friday 23, I, 8, 15 25, 3- 10, 17 26, 4, n, 18 22.5 f 16.6 r 28.6 r 24.7 36.0 f 42.2 f 41.0 r 4 7 33-5 32.3 39-5 42.2 42.5 44-2 46.0 48.2 39-7 41.7 40.2 32.5 63-4 35-2 32 i 33-4 40.0 38.4 29.1 33-5 395 37-6 39-Q 530 12.9 36-4 3' 7 38.1 40-3 37-2 36.1 380 38.2 37-3 38.7 39-7 35-4 31-5 258 32.4 Wednesday 24, 2, 9, 16 27-3 35-i 35-2 36.4 36.4 37-6 39-4 38.1 37.0 22.7 23.4 38.1 27.4 29-4 34-2 28.8 3-3 36.4 36.1 27-4 53-4 29.8 35-5 31-0 Mean value for the whole period, 22 41/6 E. 282 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OK ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplits Bay Four weeks, March 20 to April 16, 1904 22 plus tabular quantity, east h o.5 h 1-5 h 2.5 h 3-5 h 4-5 h 5-5 h 6-5 h 7-5 h 8-5 Ii 9-5 h 10.5 h "5 Sunday Sunday Monday 20, 27, 3, 10 20, 27, 3, 10 21, 28, 4, ii 99-9 42.1 77-6 t 100.6 50.8 58.0 104.3 51.5 61.9 102.9 55-3 73-2 109.0 63.7 98.8 118.2 70.5 107.8 123.6 80.3 97.0 62.2 89.1 87.1 ' ' ' 42.3 33-1 87.8 64.0 50.0 46.8 45-5 30.2 48.6 154-8 '32.5 60.4 48.9 64.6 43-i 397 35-2 Wednesday 23, 30, 6, 13 41.5 4L4 40.7 41.6 43-2 47.2 57-5 55-0 50.0 485 46.0 43-3 30.1 36.3 50.8 67.7 55-o 69.5 52.3 43-0 39-5 35-1 33-3 26.8 33-7 59-8 62.1 67-5 78.3 107-3 100.4 61.2 49-5 46.4 42.0 36.7 24.6 23-3 37.o 63.0 69.8 43- 73-8 98.4 76.6 56-5 436 33-o 49-5 52-0 54-8 65.0 841 87.0 80.7 68.1 61.3 48.9 42.4 35-8 Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplitz Bay Four weeks, March 20 to April 16, 1904 Continued 22 plus tabular quantity, east h h \ 13-5 h 14-5 h 15-5 h 16.5 h 17-5 h 18.5 h 19-5 h 20.5 h 21-5 h 22.5 h 23-5 Tuesday Thursday Friday 22, 29, 5, 12 24, 31, 7, 14 25, i, 8, 15 46.5 f 44-3 f 39-6 ' 40.1 34-5 32.9 37-1 35-2 20.8 19.8 27. [ 37-o 27.6 21.6 15-4 17.9 29-3 28.3 29-3 29-3 12.4 13-3 02.9 74-3 35-1 32.2 32-2 32-1 00.4 01.5 ii. 6 10.8 10.2 01.7 06.8 12.3 40.2 34-0 34.o 32.3 18.1 28.2 25.2 32.5 19.6 21.7 21.4 274 Wednesday 23, 30, 6, 13 392 33-6 3'-9 29.3 33.4 33.3 33-7 28.4 22.6 22.0 28.2 32.6 21.7 19.6 17.2 12.6 17.6 18.1 12.0 13.3 47-6 31-7 77.9 77.2 23-5 io-3 12 2 28.8 27.2 28.0 30.9 33-o 37-4 30.5 19.4 56.5 25.6 21.4 16.4 10.7 12.8 01.2 15-9 19.6 27.2 32.8 33-9 39-6 32.4 27.1 *4-9 25-5 21.7 21-4 24.5 22.6 24.7 21.7 27.2 44.6 Mean value for the whole period, 22 43/7 E. a 8 Ss _ "O w | ^ V K) ^ E a? u T * a Z >,3 9 Mfl < < -aS 1 5 I H ' 3? a "--is H * 2-0 ui "- a a o E 5 " -oS 5 < O V K 5 "8 I H- 2 i I- H _ d 2 z ti v Q. ui 50 s -.5 z o i- MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 287 Unfortunately the observations at Teplitz Bay cover only nine months of the year. In order to arrive at an approximation of the diurnal variation in magnetic declination for the missing months, values have been interpolated, by formulae based on Bessel's periodic function, dependent upon all of the observations made. The hourly means of all the mean observed hourly values have been obtained for all of the observations in each calendar month and these considered as representing the mean course of the declination for that month. This disregards the fact that the mean hourly declinations are not always evenly distributed during the month ; the errors, however, arising from such an assumption are certainly less than those to be expected in the resulting interpolations. The interpolation formulae used have been developed by A. Bravais in his memoir " Sur la maniere de representer les variations diurties ou annuelles des elements meteorologiques par des series trigonometriques".* In the case in hand three values, /, /,, and t. t , are missing in each of the cycles of twelve equidistant ordinates, /, / f t , t 3 ....... t n . For this case using the auxiliary values x / + t., and y 1, t.,, Bravais deduces = 6.929 <> > + 3.694 2 J and ', = 3.694 s ~ s + 3-970 f t . In these equations the values of g a , g^ and g t are as follows : f, = 0-533 / + 0.0383 (/, + /,)+-(-/,- /,+ 4, - /. - t, + /,), g, = 0.0383 (/ 6 + O + - ('. - 4 - '5 + 4 ~ ' ~ 4. + '.,) , and f, = 0-533 '. + 0.0383 (/, + /) + 1 (/, 4 - 4 + /, - /,"-/). 7 By the aid of these formulas and the known hourly values of the magnetic declination for the nine months from October, 1903, to June, 1904, both monthly hourly and mean monthly values have been interpolated for the months of July, August, and September, 1903. Inasmuch as these interpolations were to be carried out directly from the observed quan- tities and not from the hourly variations on the mean monthly values, all of the observed hourly declinations have been reduced to one epoch, namely, 1904.0, by means of the annual change in declination as determined on page 305. Thus the interpolated values all apply to the epoch 1904.0. The reduced observed monthly hourly and mean monthly declinations, as also the interpolated values obtained for the three missing months, are contained in the following tabu- lation. The interpolated quantities for the three months of July, August, and September are shown graphically in figures 16 to 18 in which the interpolations are indicated by circles connected by broken lines ; the smooth curves show the computed values of the diurnal varia- tion resulting from the discussion of the same by means of Bessel's periodic function. Voyages de la Commission Scientifique du Nord en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Feroe, pendent les anne'es 1838, 1839 et 1840, published by the French Government under direction of M. Paul Gaimard, President of the Commission. The memoir comprises chapter V of volume II on meteorology, pages 291 to 332. 288 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of monthly mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplitz Bay All values reduced to mean epoch 1904 o 22 41' plus tabular quantity, east Month h o.5 h i-5 h 2.5 h 3-5 h 4-5 h 5-5 h 6-5 h 7-5 h 8.5 h 9-5 h 10.5 h "5 // 12.5 Tulv* / -22.6 / - 10.4 / 06.5 / 03.8 / 18.3 / 35-7 / 34-8 / 15.9 / 09.0 / 01.4 / 00.4 / -08.9 / -16.2 -18.5 -11.9 05.6 -04.0 06.0 23-4 27.4 IO.O 07.1 -00.5 -01.5 -10.6 -20.0 September* -OQ I -07.8 08.6 04.9 06.7 16.6 21.5 IO.I 05.8 -01.8 -03.0 -10.2 -18.2 October -04.3 -02.1 12.8 15.4 14.3 15- 1 16.3 12. 1 07.8 -3- 7 -06.7 -IO.2 -10.1 IS o 12.6 24. Q 60.6 39-i 32.0 31.2 27.8 05.4 02. i 01.6 01.5 -05.3 o8.2 07.0 08.5 15.8 18.0 19 6 22.1 20.2 17.0 OI.2 -03.0 -02.9 -02. 1 OVQ 1^.4 25.O 10.7 27.0 26.6 23.5 15.7 09.6 oo.o -05.4 -06.9 03.2 IS. Q IO.I 12.2 it. i 23.0 18.7 24 5 16.8 136 00.5 -05.9 -07.6 -11.5 March 07 5 09.7 II-9 15.2 15-5 21.2 25.7 1 5 l 05.0 3-3 OO. I -04.1 -06.8 April 00.5 04.1 09.6 17.1 38.0 36.6 28.1 22.1 16.4 02.6 -01.7 -07.8 -06.3 May.. -13.4 O2.0 16.7 27.3 39.3 37 5 32 o 19.6 04.1 -OI.2 -05.6 -10.2 -08. i June . * . -15.6 -O4.t 7-5 21. * 34-4 47-4 41.0 256 11.7 04.9 04.8 -01.9 -10.9 October to March . . . 077 08.4 '5-9 24.8 22.8 22.2 23-9 180 09.7 oo. 6 -03.2 -05.0 -5-4 April to September . . -13-1 -04.7 O 9 .l II.7 23.8 32.8 30.8 17.2 09.0 00.9 -01. 1 -08.3 -13-3 -02.7 OI.9 I2.S 18.3 23.3 27.5 27.3 17.6 09 4 00.7 -02.2 -06.6 -09.4 Tabulation of monthly mean hourly magnetic declinations at Teplitz Bay Continued All values reduced to mean epoch 1904.0 22 41' plus tabular quantity, east Month A 13-5 h 14-5 h 15-5 h 16.5 h 17-5 h 18.5 h 19.5 h 20.5 h 21.5 h 22.5 h 23-5 Monthly means July* / -12 2 / -23.1 / -u.4 / -^S.I / -^6.4 / -48.1 / -42.8 / -46.4 / -46.2 / -16.2 / -30.4 / -12.6 August* -13.8 -23.9 -28.5 -24.5 -2Q.Q -39.6 -32.7 -40.2 -42.6 -06.4 -26.4 -12.4 -H.7 -21.7 -22.4 II. I -18.7 -24.4 -21. \ -27.q - 3i.^ -04.7 -15.8 -07.9 -II-4 -15.3 -13.9 -05.5 -14.1 -11.7 -14.7 -18.2 -18.2 -09.4 -04.0 -03.2 02. 1 -06.8 -04.6 08.3 08 4 -on -08.8 -05.2 -07.6 -08.6 03.0 09.2 -02.7 01.7 04.2 -OI.2 -Ol.q -03.8 -06. 1 -04.5 -01.6 -OI.2 10.8 05.1 January OS I 03.5 02. S -06 Q -08 q -05.6 -O7.S -06.5 -cq 4 -OO.9 02.5 05.6 February -IO.I -06.4 -05.1 -08.5 -02.7 -02.8 O2. -11.7 -09.5 OI.5 -02. i 02.8 March . . .... -OQ 2 - 11.7 -12. 1 - IO.O -oq 8 -oq.l - IO.4 -os. 7 -It 7 -o6.O -02.5 00.8 -08. 1 -10.4 -18.1 -21.8 -2O.5 -17.5 -18.2 -20.9 -23.4 -25.4 -07.3 -01.3 May - IQ 2 -26.7 - \\ 4 -l84 -^4.7 - W.2 -17.4 -38.1 -32.5 -34.2 -24.3 -08.8 -OQ.7 -18.8 -2Q I \\' 5 - tl.O -44.7 -43-4 -39.7 -40.4 -26.5 -24.1 -07.4 October to March . . . -05.1 -05.8 -04.8 -04.1 -04.8 -06. 1 -07.6 -08.6 -IO.O -04.1 01.3 03-4 April to September. . -12.8 -20.8 -27.2 -27.4 -28.7 -34.4 -32.6 -35-5 -36.1 -I9.O -21.4 -08.4 Mean of year -08 q T-l *l -16 o -IS 8 -16 7 -20. 2 -20 i -22.1 -2t O - II. S 5 - IO.O -02.5 * These are the months for which values are interpolated. N; ^ \, 1 1" I 2 H I- CD ** uj rt .9 S II s 8'S o " < a 3.2 5S5* g^ Is 5 s o .Sg ^ < ~ r < o fr g" o u. o II m c ).- 8S . . < o u B g O O Sill z o 3 a . n i | t MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 289 The analytical expressions representing the diurnal variation in magnetic declination for the four-week periods from October 4, 1903, to July i, 1904, and for the interpolated months of July, August, and September have been deduced from Bessel's periodic function.* This function is represented in the general case by the following formula : D = A + B, sin (a + Q + A sin (20 + C.) + B t (3* + Q + B, ( 4 + Q + B n (nO + ) For a series of twenty-four equidistant observations, / / t,, 4, 4 t n , t u , in the cycle the numerical computatioas may be made directly from the following equations : A = (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4) 24 1 2, = 0.966 (4 A. - t a + 4) + 0.866 fa - 4 - t lt + 4) + 0.707 fa - 4 - As + 4,) + o. 500 fa 4 4. + 4o) +0-259 (4 4 A: -*- A 9 ) A. + 44 12^, =0.259 (A + / 4, 4) + 0.500 fa + Ao 4 4 4) + 0.707 (4 + 4 4 3 4,) + 0.866 (4 + /. - / - 4) + 0.966 (4 + /, - 4 - ') + 4 - ',. 1 2 a, = o. 866 (/, - 4 - A + 4 + * a - 4 - / + /) +o. 500 (/, - /", - 4 + 4o + / - 'u - 1 + 4) - '. + A. - As + ' 12*. =0.500 (4 + 4 - ', A, + ', + in - A. - ') + - 866 (A + A - 4 - ' + At + 1* -t w - t. a ) + 4 - 4 + 4 - 4t 1 2 3 = o. 707 (A 4 4 + A + 4 At Aa + As + 4i A 9 4i + 4) 4 T 4 As ~r Ae 4 i 4< 1 2(5, = o. 707 ( A + 4 4 A + 4 + Ai A As + ^7 + A ' As) + 4-' 6 + Ao-A4 + As-A 2 i2a t = 0.500 (A 4 A + 4 + A 4 Ao + Ai + As A* A + A? + A 4> A. + A) -4 + 4 4 + A, Ao + A, 4, + 4, 12^ =0.866 (A + 4 4 4 + A + 4- Ao A, + A 3 + A* A* A, + ', + / ',. ') and other expressions of like character for terms of higher order. For most practical pur- poses the series is not in general improved by the addition of terms beyond the fourth. On the solution of these equations by substitution of the observed values the term-coefficients and angles may be determined by the following : % = l/V + *,' tan C, = a, / 6, * First published by Bessel in the Literary Gazette of Jena in 1814 ; also published in his paper in Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 136, May, 1828. See also Bravais' memoir referred to above and C. A. Schott in Appendix No. 8 of the Report of the Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1890. 290 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION In the case of a cycle of twelve equidistant observations : 4+ ...... A,) 60, =0.866(4 ; 5 /, + /) +0.500 (4 A / + /,) 4 + * 6* t = o. 500 (/, + / 5 /, /) + o. 866 (/, + / t a /) + /, 60,- 0.500 (/, A A + 4 + A 4 4o + ',i) *, + ', 4 + 6*. = 0.866 (/, + /, - t, t t + /, + /. / 10 /) /, + /,_/, + /; / 6 4 = o. 5 oo( /, /, A A /, /, / ') 6k,, = 0.866 (/, _/, + / 4 _ 4 + /,_/ + * lt /) On the evaluation of these equations the coefficients B lt B. lt B s ..... B n , and the angles "n Cv C 3 , . . . . C a are found as before.* The results of the discussions for the various periods from the observed and interpolated hourly declinations are as follows, the probable error of a single representation being indicated by the " plus or minus " quantity at the end of each formula : FORMULA REPRESENTING DIURNAL VARIATION IN MAGNETIC DECLINATION AT TEPLITZ BAY October 4 to October 30, 1 903 : D= 22 36/7 + 13/67 sin (B + 2 31') + 6/98 sin (2 e + 282 25') + 1/33 sin ( 3 0+ 16 46') + 1/55 sin (4 + 62 47') 0/37 November i to November 28, 1903 : D = 22 49/8 + 19/74 sin (8 + 1 1 44') + 14/03 sin (20+ 303 01') + 3/91 sin ( 3 0+ 285 42') + 3/13 sin (4 + 145 38') 0/94 November 29 to December 26, 1903 : D=22 45/9+ 13/13 sin (0 + 6 09') +4/97 sin (2 0+270 44') + 4/50 sin (30+ 103 12') + 2/00 sin (4 + 78 58') 0/24 December 27, 1903, to January 23, 1904 : D=22 46/7 + 13/96 sin (0 + 9 40') + 8/60 sin (2 -f 295 59') + 3/97 sin (3 + 159 26') + 2/01 sin (4 O + 330 oo') 0/35 January 24 to February 20, 1904 : D=22 46/3+ 13/54 sin ( + 15 04') + 7/72 sin (20+317 17') + 2/19 sin (30+ 126 14') +2/79 sin (40+318 22') 0/48 February 21 to March 19, 1904: D = 22 41/6 + 9/47 sin (0 + 357 4 8') + 3/65 sin (20 + 247 46') + 2/38 sin (30 + 4 04') + 2/34 sin (40 + 346 42') 0/24 * These solutions are given by C. A. Schott in Appendix No. 8 of the Report of the Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1890. uT S bS O ^ HI <- H 3 > = > 9 I* !11 i < 3n " "= i 5 Kg 18 3.23 H OT .Sg z .a^ 2 *u .5 - *o 1 l| ^ Ii MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 291 20 to April 1 6, 1904 : = 22 43/7 + 27/93 sin (6 + o 26') + 7/96 sin (2 + 274 24') + 2/67 sin (3 e + 149 03') + 3/56 sin (4 e + 65 34') 0/39 April 17 to May 14, 1904 : D = 22 37/1 + 25/51 sin (e + 353 22') + 8/81 sin (2 9 + 287 10') + 3/37 sin (3 + 224 52') + 3/81 sin (4 * + 24 14') 0/27 May 15 to June n, 1904 : D=22 40/1 +3o/3i_ sin (# + 350 15') +9/14 sin (20 + 308 51') + 6/64 sin (3 0+~223 42') + 1/50 sin (40 + 31 56') 0/39 June 12 to July i, 1904: D=22 32/1 +41/83 sin (0 + 341 19') + 8/65 sin (2 0+ 309 04') + 4/57 sin (3 * + 1 56 34') + 3-'8 sin (4 + 100 30') 0/53 For whole observational series, October 4, 1903, to July i, 1904 : D=22 42/0+20/52 sin (0 + 357 14') +7/69 sin (20 + 294 16') + 1/50 sin (30+177 59') + i -'Si sin (40 + 47 52')o/i2 For the year, July i, 1903, to June 30, 1904, from monthly grouping of observations and interpolations therefrom : D = 22 38/5 + 21/11 sin (0 + 354 18') +6/90 sin (20+291 26') + 1/75 sin (3 0+156 48') + 1/62 sin (4 + 58 51') 0/20 Month of July, 1903 (interpolated values) : D = 22 24/9 + 32/62 sin (0 + 341 59') + 5/95 sin (2 + 291 36') + 4/79 sin (3 0+154 3<>') + 2/73 sin (4 + 84 45') 0/75 Month of August, 1903 (interpolated values) : D=22 25/8 + 24/66 sin (0 + 343 19') + 4/26 sin (20+ 273 14') + 3/59 sin (30+116 51') + 2/63 sin (40 + 86 04') 0/90 Month of September, 1903 (interpolated values) : D=22 30/9+17/95 sin (0 + 351 52') + 5/09 sin (20+272 49') + 2/25 sin (30 + 72 56') + 2/28 sin (40 + 90 30') 0/66 In all of these expressions the angle counts from 15 as 0.5 hour A. M. local mean time. The formulae have been carried to terms of the fourth order only, as little or no improvement results from the further extension of the function. Graphical representations to scale of these formulae, together with the quantities from which they are deduced, are given by figures 5 to 19. A comparison of the diurnal variations represented by the four sine terms of the analyt- ical expressions with the observed quantities at the mean local half hours, is given by the following tabulation wherein the observed, interpolated, and computed values on mean of day are indicated by the letters O, /, and C respectively. As a criterion of the accuracy of the formulae for diurnal variation, a column showing differences of observed and computed varia- tions is added ((O-C) or (7-Q). In these tabulations a plus sign indicates the variation to be to the east of mean declination for day, while a minus sign indicates the variation to be to the west of mean declination for day. The extreme values on the half hours for each period, both observed and computed, are indicated by bold-face type. 292 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of observed and computed diurnal variation of magnetic declination at Teplitz Bay d 1 B| "a'Z I h Month of July Month of August Month of September October 4 to October 30 November I to November 28 / C IC / C IC 7 C IC O L 0-C O C oc / / f / f / / / f f f / / / f 0-5 IO.O - 5-4 -4-6 6.1 - 1-7 - 4-4 - 1.2 + I.O 2.2 i-5 + 1-4 2.9 + 6.7 - 0.8 + 7.5 1-5 + 2.2 + 0-4 + 1.8 + 0.5 + i.o 0-5 + O.I + 3-8 " 3-7 + 0.7 + 6.4 5-7 + 3-5 + 11. 8 - 8.3 2-5 + I9.I + 9-8 + 9-3 + 18.0 + 5-9 + 12. 1 + 16.5 + 7-7 + 8.8 + I5.6 + 10.8 + 4-8 + 17.2 +25.8 8.6 3-5 + I6. 4 +22.8 -6.4 + 8.4 + 14.6 6.2 + 12.8 + 13-6 0.8 + 18.2 +15-2 + 3-0 +57.6 +36.4 + 21.2 4-5 +3-9 +36.0 5-1 +18.4 +24.8 -6.4 +14.6 +20.2 -5-6 + I7-I +18.9 - 1.8 +3I-6 +38.8 - 7-2 5-5 +48.3 +43.6 + 4-7 +35-8 +32-I + 3-7 +24.5 +24.5 o.o + 17-8 +20.6 2.8 +20.3 +31-8 "5 6-5 +47-4 +42.4 + 5-0 +39.8 +33.1 + 6.7 +29.4 +24.3 + 5.1 +19.1 + 18.9 + O.2 +21.1 + 19.2 + '-9 7-5 +28.5 +33-7 - 5-2 +22.4 +28.0 -5-6 + 18.0 +20. o 2.O + 14-9 + 13-9 + I.O + 15-9 + 7-i + 8.8 8-5 +21.6 +22.6 1.0 + 19-5 +20.0 0.5 +13-7 + 13.8 O.I + 10.6 + 7-5 + 3-1 -3-6 - 0.5 - 3-1 9-5 + 14.0 + 13-7 + 0.3 + H-9 + 12.5 0.6 + 6.1 + 7-9 1.8 0.9 + 1.6 2.5 -6.4 - 3-9 - 2-5 io-5 + 13-0 + 8.5 + 4.5 + 10.9 + 6.9 + 4-o + 4-9 + 2.6 + 2.3 3-9 3-o - 0.9 6.8 - 6.4 - 0.4 11.5 + 3-7 + 5.2 1.5 + 1.8 + a.2 0.4 2.3 - 2.4 + O.I - 7-4 -6.4 - i.o 7.0 10.2 + 3-2 12.5 -3-6 + 1-2 - 4-8 - 7-6 2.5 5-1 10.3 7-3 3-0 7-3 9-1 + 1.8 15-1 14.7 - 0.4 13-5 + 0.4 - 4-5 + 4-9 - 1-4 7.1 + 5-7 - 5.8 10.8 + 5.o - 8.6 10.8 + 2.2 -11.9 16.6 + 4-7 14 5 10.5 10.8 + 0.3 ii-S 10.7 - 0.8 -13.8 ii. 8 2.O 12-5 10.6 - L9 16.6 14.0 2.6 '55 18.8 -16.7 2.1 16.1 12.9 - 3-2 14.5 -10.3 - 4-2 n. i -8.3 2.8 14.4 -8.7 - 5-7 16.5 22.5 22.0 o-5 ia.i 14.9 + 2.8 - 3-2 - 8.8 + 5-6 - 2.7 - 5-4 + 2.7 - i-5 - 4 5 + 3.o 17-5 -23.8 27.1 + 3-3 17-5 18.4 + 0.9 10.8 -9-8 I.O - 4-7 - 4-2 0.5 - i-4 - 4-7 + 3-3 18.5 -35.5 -31.8 - 3-7 -27.2 23.0 - 4.2 -16.5 13-5 - 3-0 - 5-3 6.0 + 0.7 -13-1 9.2 - 39 19-5 30.2 -34.2 + 4-0 20.3 -26.4 + 6.1 13-4 -17.6 + 4-2 9-i 9.9 + 08 18.6 14.8 -3-8 20.5 -33-8 -3* 4 1-4 -27.8 25-7 2.1 20. o 18.9 I.I 14.8 13-3 1-5 15-0 -M.4 + 3-4 21.5 -33 .6 26.2 - 7-4 -30.2 20.1 10. 1 -23.4 -15.6 - 7-8 -16.4 13.6 - 2.8 -17.4 18.4 + I.O 22.5 -3-6 18.0 + U.4 + 6.0 12.2 + 18.2 + 3-2 - 9.4 + 12.6 - 7-2 IO.2 + 5-0 18.4 15-4 3-0 23-5 -17.8 10.8 7.0 14.0 - 5-5 -8.5 7-9 ?-2 - 4-7 0.6 4-5 + 3-9 6.8 -9.8 + 3.0 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 293 Tabulation of observed and computed diurnal variation of magnetic declination at Tcplits Bay Continued a a 'j "3 '*' h November 29 to December 26 December 27 to January 23 January 24 to February 20 February 21 to March 19 March 20 to April 16 C OC O C O-rC O C O C O C 0-C C 0-C / / / / / / / / / / / i / / / 0-5 + 3-3 + 4-2 - 0.9 - I.I + 0.4 - i.S + 9.8 + 6.3 + 3-5 + 5.i + 2.O + 3-1 + 5 8 + 3.1 + 2.7 i.5 + 2.5 + 3-6 i.i + 1-5 + 6.6 5-i + 12.5 +13-3 0.8 + 5-4 + 6.1 0.7 + 8.3 + 8.1 + O.2 2-5 + 3-6 + 4-5 - 0.9 + 14.2 + 12.6 + 1.6 +17.1 +17.1 0.0 + 5-3 + 7.2 1.9 + 11. i + 14-7 -3-6 3-5 + 10.8 + 8.9 + '-9 +21.3 + 17.8 + 3-5 + J4-9 +18.0 3-i + 7-8 + 6.6 + 1.2 +21.3 +24-5 - 3-2 4-5 +15-8 + I5-6 + 0.2 +22.0 + 22.1 O.I +21.9 + 17.8 + 4.1 + 6.4 + 7-2 - 0.8 +40.4 +35-2 + 5-2 5-5 + 20.6 +21.0 - 0.4! +22.4 +24.2 - i.b + 16.4 + ! 7 .8 - 1.4 + 8.7 + 9-9 -1.2 +43.3 +41.4 + 1-9 6-5 +20.8 +21.6 - 0.8 + 19.6 + 22.1 -- 2.5 + 18.8 + 16.4 + 2.4 + 14.2 + 13- + 1.2 +37.0 +39-0 2.0 7-5 +16-9 +16.8 + O.I + 16.5 + I 4 .8 + 1-7 + 5-3 + 11. 8 - 6.5 +1S.O +13.7 + 1-3 +24.4 +28.5 - 4-i 8.5 + 9.9 + 8.6 + 1-3 + 7-3' + 3-7 + 3-6 + 8.1 + 3-3 + 4.8 + 7-6 + 10.7 - 3-i + 17.6 + 15-1 + 2 5 9-5 .1.2 + 0.4 1.6 - 9.1 7.0 2-1 5-3 6.2 + 0.9 + 4-2 + 5-2 I.O + 5-2 + 4.1 + I.I 10.5 4-7 5-5 + 0.8 15.5 12.9 2.6 -'3-1 12.3 0.8 + 2.1 O.I + 2.2 - 1-3 - 2.4 + I.I ii. 5 - 8.2 - 8.8 + 0.6 ii-3 12.5 + 1.2 -14-9 12.4 - 2.5 - 2.4 - 3-7 + 1-3 - 7-9 -6.3 1.6 12-5 IO.O 10. I + O.I - 6.7 - 8.0 + i-3 - 5-4 - 7-9 + 2.5 7-9 -5-8 2.1 "3 10.5 0.8 13-5 12. 1 T 9.8 - 2.3 - 3-3 -3-8 + 0.5 - 43 - 3-3 - I.O - 8.4 - 7-4 - I.O 16.6 15-7 - 0.9 14-5 - 64 - 8.3 + 1-9 - 4-5 - 3-o - i-5 2.7 2.1 - 0.6 - 7-7 - 8.8 + I.I 18.8 -19.9 + i i 15-5 - 4-i -6.4 + 2.3 - 5-3 - 5-6 + 0.3 o-5 - 4-7 + 4.2 8.1 9.0 + 0.9 18.2 21.3 + 3-i 16-5 9-3 - 56 - 3-7 - 8.4 9.0 + 0.6 13.8 - 8.6 5-2 - 7-0 - 7.2 + 0.2 22. 2O. 2 - 1.8 17-5 - 7-2 7 2 o.o 12.7 10.8 - 1-9 -9.8 II. + 1.2 - 4-2 - 4-2 O.O 22.3 ig.O 3-3 18.5 9-2 -10.5 + 1-3 - 7-7 10.5 + 2.8 "3 -n. 3 o.o - 3-5 - 2.4 - I.I 19.2 2O. O + 0.8 19-5 II. 3 13.2 + i-9 10.4 - 9-5 - 0.9 - 6.4 -10.9 + 4 5 - 4-3 - 3-4 O.g 21. 1 22.4 + 1-3 30-5 -14.7 12.6 -2.1 7-9 - 9-2 + 1-3 15.7 10.9 -4.8 2.5 - 6.8 + 4-3 I9.O 22.8 + 3-8 21 5 - 7-6 - 8.1 + 0.5 -13-6 9.2 - 4-4 ii. 8 10.6 - 1.2 1J..3 -9.6 - i-7 22. 18.9 - 3-i 22.5 - 4-i - 1-9 - 2.2 - 7-i -8.3 + 1-2 2.2 - 7-9 + 5-7 IO.O - 8.8 - 1.2 -16.5 ii-3 - 5-2 23-5 + 6.4 + 2.8 + 3-6 O.I -5.0 + 4-9 7-3 - 1.8 - 5-5 - 5-4 - 4-i - 1-3 + 0.9 - 3-1 + 4.0 294 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of observed and computed diurnal variation of magnetic declination at Teplitz Boy Continued I. i 5 '3 3 April 17 to May 14 May 15 to June n June 12 to July i October 4 to July i Mean Year C O-C C O-C O C O-C C O-C C O-C h o-5 / + 0.3 / 1.8 / + 2.1 / 10.3 / - 5-6 / - 4-7 / 5-2 / - 6.2 / + I.O / + r.3 / + 0.3 / + I.O / 0.2 / O.I / - O.I i-5 + 5-8 + 8.0 - 2.2 + 11. 2 + 7-8 + 3-4 + 3.o + 2.8 + 0.2 + 5-4 + 7-4 2.0 + 4-3 + 6.1 1.8 *-5 +17-2 + 16.9 + 0.3 +22.1 + 22.3 0.2 + 19.6 +15.9 + 3-7 + 14-3 + '4-7 - 04 + 15-0 + 12.9 + 2.1 3-5 +25-1 +25-5 - 0.4 +34-2 +34 9 o-7 +29.2 +32.6 - 3-4 +24.0 + 22.0 + 2^0 + 20.7 +20.4 + 0. 3 4-5 +35 '3 +33-4 + 1-9 +43-1 +42.5 + 0.6 +44-3 +47-6 - 3-3 +27.8 + 27.9 - O.I +25-8 +27.2 - i 4 5-5 +36.7 +37.7 - I.O +43.6 +42.6 + I.O + 58.9 +54.3 + 4.6 +28.9 +30.1 - 1.2 +30.0 + 304 - 0.4 6-5 +33-2 +35-0 - 1.8 +38.6 +35-1 + 3-5 +50.6 +50.4 + O.2 + 27.3 +27.1 + O.2 + 29.8 +28.2 + 1.6 7-5 +29.1 +25.2 + 3-9 + 18.8 +23.1 - 4-3 +39-0 +39-o O.O + 19.6 + 19-4 + O.2 +20. i + 21.0 - 0.9 8-5 + 9-i + 12.5 - 3-4 + 12.8 + 11. 6 + 1.2 +24.8 +26.5 1-7 + 10.4 + 9-9 + 0.5 + H-9 + 11. 8 + O.I 9-5 + 3.0 + 2.6 + 0.4 + 7-3 + 4-5 + 2.8 + 14.8 + 17.8 3-0 + 1.2 + 1-9 - 0.7 + 3.2 + 3.9 - 0.7 10.5 + 0.4 - i-4 + 1.8 + 2.4 + 2.8 - 0.4 + 18.3 + 12.9 + '5.4 2.2 - 2.8 + 0.6 + 0.3 - I.O + i-3 11.5 1.6 - 1-5 O.I 3-5 + 3-4 - 6. 9 + IO.O + 8.7 + 1-3 - 5-4 5-o 0.4 - 4-2 -3.6 0.6 12-5 - 4-7 2.6 - 2.1 + 3-9 + 2.0 + 1-9 2.1 + 2.6 - 4-7 - 6.7 -6.4 0.3 -6.9 - 5-6 - 13 I3-S -7-8 7-5 0.3 + O.I - 36 + 3-7 5-3 - 5-2 O.I - 7-8 -84 + 0.6 - 6.4 - 8.1 + 1-7 14-5 10.9 -14.8 + 3-9 -136 12.4 - 1.2 IO.4 12.6 + 2.2 10.4 10.6 + 0.2 10 8 10.6 02 15 22.4 20.2 - 2.2 24.9 20.9 - 40 -I7-4 19.0 + 1.6 12.6 12.4 0.2 -I3-5 12.5 -10 16. 22.1 20.7 - 1.4 -23-4 -25-8 + 2.4 30.3 25.4 - 4-9 14.1 13.2 - 0.9 -I3-3 -13-6 + 0.3 17- -16.7 -17.8 + I.I -23.6 26.8 + 3.2 -26.5 33-3 + 6.8 12.9 -13-9 + I.O 14.2 -14.8 + 0.6 18. -14-5 -15-5 + i-o 24.2 25-5 + 1-3 482 -41.6 - 6.6 -15.6 15-2 - 04 -17.8 -16.7 -i.i 19 -17 3 16.8 0.5 26.5 -24.6 - 1-9 -45-7 46.7 + I.O 17.1 17.2 + O.I -17.6 18.9 + 1-3 20. 22.1 20.8 - I.j 26.0 -24.6 - i-4 -39-8 45-1 + 5-3 -17.8 18.4 + 0.6 -19.6 -19.6 21. 20.8 23.1 + 2.3 22. { -24.6 + 1.8 42-3 -36-6 5-7 -18.6 r7-3 - 1-3 -20 5 -I7-5 - 3.0 22. ^22.5 20.2 2.; 21.9 22.3 + 0.4 20.7 25.0 + 4-3 I3-I I3-I O.O - 9.0 12.7 + 3-7 23- 11.7 12.2 + 0.5 I7.I 16.0 i.i 18.1 -14.5 -3-6 6.0 6.8 + 0.8 - 7.6 - 6.4 - 1.2 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 295 CHARACTERISTICS OF DIURNAL VARIATION IN MAGNETIC DECLINATION AT TEPI.ITZ BAY The characteristic features of the curves, figures 5 to 19, representing the total diurnal variation in magnetic declination for the various periods discussed are summarized in the tabulation following. In this summary a plus sign denotes a departure to the east of the mean value, while a negative sign denotes a departure to the west of the mean value. The epochs of mean declination are designated I and II, the former being the passage of mean in course of westward movement, and the latter in course of eastward movement of the needle. Period Principal phase Secondary phase Epochs of mean declina- tion Maximum Minimum 1 Maximum Minimum V to "3 * * 7-2 12.5 L.M.T. Am't L.M.T. Am't L.M.T. Am't L.M.T. Am't I II 1903-1904 July (interpolated) h 5-8 6.0 6 i 56 4-2 +44 3 +34-0 +25.1 + 20.8 +39-2 h 19.6 19.9 20.2 21. I 21. 34.1 26.8 -19.4 -13 7 18.6 78.4 60.8 44-5 34 5 57-8 h * * 16.8 17.4 17.0 * * -8.7 39 -3-8 h * * 14-3 13.8 13-5 * * ii. 8 ii. i -16.3 h 12.8 12.0 II. O 9-8 8.4 h 15 1.2 O.2 0-3 0.6 August (interpolated) ... ... September (interpolated) .... November i to November 28 ... November 29 to December 26. . 6.2 +21.9 19.8 -13-3 35-2 16.4 - 54 12.5 IO.I 4.7 9.6 22.9 December 27 to January 23 .... 5-6 +24.0 18.0 10.8 34-8 14-2 - 2.7 II. O 13-3 10.6 8.8 0.4 January 24 to February 20 February 21 to March 19,. 5-2 7-3 5-6 5-5 5-o 54 5-7 +18.1 +14.0 +41-4 +37-4 +43-1 +54-2 +39-2 18.2 21.8 2O. 2 21.4 21. 1 19 8 20.1 H-3 - 9.9 23.0 23.1 -25.1 -47-1 27-5 29.4 23.9 64.4 60.5 68.2 101.3 66.7 14-3 18.7 17.7 18.6 20. o * * 2.O 2.2 II. iS-i '55 16.0 17.3 * * 13.0 9.1 21.2 21.2 26 8 II. 6.9 2.1 5-5 2-3 * 8.9 10.5 IO.I 9-9 12.9 12.8 ii. 6 23.8 O.I o.o 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.2 March 20 to April 16 April 17 to May 14 15-7 24-5 * * * * Summer mean Oct. to March . Winter mean April to Sept. . . Mean of year 5-4 5-6 + 21.2 +3 -4 20.9 20.4 12.6 19.8 338 50.2 16.7 - 9.2 * 14.2 - 7-4 * 1.8 9.2 10.2 23.8 0-5 * For these intervals the secondary phases, while indicated, have their crests no longer definitely marked. From the above it at once appears that the principal maximum and minimum of east decli - nation occur at earlier and later times respectively than for stations in lower latitudes. The morning extreme is reached almost always between 5 and 6 o'clock. The afternoon extreme varies between 6 and 10 o'clock without any very systematic cycle dependent upon the chronological order of the periods ; in the half-yearly means, however, it is earlier for the winter season than for the summer season by about one hour. The increase in diurnal range 296 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION from winter to summer is quite pronounced. In the half-yearly means this difference in range is quite clearly shown by the curves of figure 19, in which the October to March mean is indi- cated by the dotted line and the April to September mean by the broken line. In general the curves show also a secondary maximum and minimum between the two principal extremes of day ; in several cases the minimum of this second wave exceeds the principal western deviation in amount. As will be noted, this secondary wave is very promi- nent in the winter season ; with the approach of the summer months it becomes less and less pronounced until in midsummer, though still recognizable, the critical points are no longer definitely marked. In general the time interval between the minimum and maximum of this wave is about two and one-half hours ; it is, as a whole, earliest in midwinter, with its center at about one-half hour past noon, from which time, with the advancing season, it is carried forward with diminishing range until the disappearance of the crests, when its center is at about 5 P. M. to 6 P. M. By reason of this transposition as a whole the effect is practically eliminated in the year's mean and very greatly smoothed out in the winter's mean. These secondary extremes are much more pronounced and of greater yearly range, though practically of the same period as for the same feature when noted at stations in lower latitudes ; it is, however, superimposed on the mean curve later in the day. Thus for the Girard College ob- servations at Philadelphia, Bache* found the extremes of a similar effect for the winter at 9.7 hours and 13.2 hours, and for the summer at 10.2 hours and 13.2 hours, the seasonal ranges being respectively 0/71 and 0/15. The change of the epochs of mean declination with the season is very marked and, in general, very regular, being earliest in winter at 9 hours and 23 hours and latest in summer at 13 hours and 1.5 hour local time. In the half-yearly means the epoch I is later in summer than in winter by 2.4 hours, and epoch II by 1.4 hours. On the average for the year epoch I is at 10.2 hours A. M., a time, which as will be seen later, agrees well with that for the same event at stations widely distributed over the Earth. In order to make a proper comparison of the total solar-diurnal variation in magnetic decli- nation for the mean year at Teplitz Bay with the corresponding phenomenon for stations else- where on the Earth, particularly in the Arctic Regions, a compilation of the mean hourly varia- tions on the mean of year has been prepared for some twenty-four additional locations. In all cases where the published records have been immediately available the observed means have been taken without elimination of the so-called "disturbances" in order that the results may be strictly intercomparable. When, as is the case for many of the stations, the mean observed quantities do not apply to the local mean hours, the values have been plotted to scale and the hourly values taken from the smooth curves drawn through the points plotted. The departures from mean as shown in the tabulation are all referred to the north-seeking end of the needle | a plus sign indicating a movement to the east and a minus sign a movement to the west of the mean position. The words "maximum" and "minimum" are used in the sense of eastern and western elongations respectively. The stations are arranged in the decreasing order of northerly magnetic inclination for the purpose of bringing out clearly the relation between magnetic dip and range of the diurnal variation in declination. The geographical positions, series of observations from which results are taken, the mean dips over the periods of observa- * Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observations made at the Girard College Observatory, Philadelphia, in 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845, by A. D. Bache. Part II. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Washington, June, 1862. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 297 tiou, as also the approximate corresponding mean sun-spot frequencies according to Dr. Wolf and Professor Wolfer,* are as follows : Number Station Latitude Longitude east of Greenwich Magnetic inclina- tion Magnetic latitude Observations Approximate mean sun-spot frequency I 2 Fort Conger, Grinuell Land. . Kingua Fjord, Cumberland Sound / 8r 44 N 66 36 N / 295 16 292 41 / 85 oi N 8-j si N / 80 06 N 77 SO N Aug., 1882, to July, 1883 Oct 1882 to Sept 1883 59 60 3 t\ Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island. . Ssagastyr, Siberia 81 47 N 73 23 N 5809 126 36 83 12 N 8-i, oq N 76 35 N 76 2Q N Oct., 1903, to June, 1904. . . Jan 1883 to Dec 1883 (80) 64 5 Fort Rae, Great Slave Lake, Canada 62 v> N 244 46 82 54 N 76 oi N Oct 1882 to Sept 1883 60 f, Ooglaamie, Alaska 71 18 N 203 20 81 24 N 7* 10 N Sept 1882 to Aug 1883 60 7 8 Cape Thordsen, Spitzbergen. . Jan Mayen Island 78 28 N 71 oo N 15 42 -ici -22 80 27 N 7Q OO N 71 24 N 68 45 N Sept., 1882, to Aug., 1883. . . Sept 1882 to July 1883 60 60 9 10 Karmakul Bay, Novaia Zemlia. Bossekop, Norway 72 23 N 6q 58 N 52 42 27. I<\ 78 43 N 76 26 N 68 15 N 6/1 14 N Oct., 1882, to Aug., 1883.... Aug 1882 to July 1883 60 so ii Sitka, Alaska C7 o* N 224. 4O 7c cc tJ 61 21 N (60) I? Toronto, Canada 4"* ^Q N 280 36 75 15 N 62 14 N July 1842 to June 1848 CI 17 Sodankla, Finland 67 24 N 26 36 74 48 N 6 1 29 N Sept 1882 to Aug 1883 60 '4 15 Ekaterinburg, Siberia De Bilt, Netherlands 56 49 N 52 06 N 60 3 8 c i r 70 39 N 66 51 N 54 55 N 40 28 N Jan., 1893, to Dec., 1893 83 (60) 16 i? T8 Los Angeles, United States.. . . Key West, United States Zi-ka-wei, China 34 03 N 24 33 N 31 12 N 241 45 278 12 121 36 59 3o N 54 32 N At: A2 N 40 20 N 35 04 N 27 08 N Oct , 1882, to Oct., 1889 .... March, 1860, to March, 1866. 36 57 dol TO Colaba, India 18 54 N 72 4Q 21 30 N ii 09 N fiol 20 St. Helena Island ... is 57 S 7CJ 2O 21 5Q S ii 25 S ,8 21 22 2 3 24 Buitenzorg, Java South Georgian Island Cape of Good Hope, Africa Mauritius Island 6 IT S 54 31 S 33 56S 20 06 S 106 50 324 oo 18 29 C7 -37 3 33 S 48 588 53 21 S 16 27 S 29 53 S 33 54 S 7C 0-1 S Jan., 1904, to Dec., 1904. . . . Sept , 1882, to Aug., 1883 . . April, 1841, to June, 1846. . . Jan 1883 to Dec 188^ (80) 60 29 64 75 Hobarton, Tasmania 42 52 S 147 28 70 ^6 S Mr I S Jan 1841 to Sept 1848 The references for each of the above series are as follows : Fort Conger, Grinnell Land International Polar Expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grin- nell Land, by Lieut. A. W. Greely. (Volume 2, reduction of magnetic observations by C. A. Schott.) Washington, 1888. *As collected and plotted by Mr. W. Ellis in his paper on the relation between diurnal range of magnetic declination and horizontal force and solar spots (Proceedings of the Royal Society. Volume 63, pp. 64-78). The values after 1896 are exterpolations based on Mr. Ellis' curves ; these are indicated by enclosure in paren- theses. 298 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Kingua Fjord, Cumberland Sound Die Internationale Polarforschung, 1882-1883; die Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse der Deutschen Stationen, Band I, Kingua Fjord. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. G. v. Neuraayer und Prof. Dr. C. Borgen. Berlin, 1886. Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island The present reductions. Ssagastyr, Siberia Beobachtungen der Russischen Polarstation an der Lenamiindung ; astronomische und maguetische Beobachtungen 1882-1884, bearbeitet von V. Fuss, F. Mu'ller, und N. Jurgens. Herausgegeben unter Redaction von Dr. A. v. Tillo. 1895. Fort Rae, Great Slave Lake, Canada Report of Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1890; Appendix No. 9, by C. A Schott. Washington, 1891. Ooglaamie, Alaska Report of Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey ; Appendix No. 13, by C. A. Schott. Washington, 1891. Cape Thordsen, Spitsbergen Observations faites au Cap Thordsen, Spitzberg, par 1' Expe- dition Su6doise ; tome 1 : 4, magnetisme terrestre, par E. Solander. Stockholm, 1888. Jan Mayen Island Die Osterreichische Polarstation Jan Mayen ; Beobachtungs-Ergeb- nisse. II Band, II Abtheilung. Magnetische Beobachtnngen auf Jan Mayen 1882-1883, bearbeitet von Linienschiffs-Lieutenant August Gratzl. Karmakul Bay, Novaia Zetnlia Beobachtungen der Russischen Polarstation auf Nowaja Semlja ; Theil I, magnetische Beobachtungen, bearbeitet von K. Andrejeff. Herausgegeben unter Redaction von R. Lenz. 1891. Bossekop, Norway Die Internationale Polarforschung 1882-1883 ; Beobachtungs-Ergeb- nisse der Norwegischen Polarstation Bossekop in Alten, herausgegeben von Aksel S. Steen. II Theil. Erdmagnetismus und Nordlicht. Christiania, 1888. Sitka, Alaska Same reference as Ooglaamie, Alaska. Toronto, Canada Observations made at the magnetical and meteorological observatory at Toronto, in Canada. Volume II. (Abstract of the observations to 1848 by Colonel Edward Sabine.) London, 1853. Sodankla, Finland Exploration Internationale des regions Polaires, 1882-1883 et 1883- 1884 ; Expedition Polaire Finlandaise ; tome II, magnetisme terrestre, par Selim Lemstrom et Ernest Biese. Helsingfors, 1887. Ekaterinburg, Siberia Die Beobachtungen des meteorologischen und magnetischen Ob- servatoriums zu Katharinenburg im Jahre 1893, herausgegeben von H. Abels. Ekaterinburg, 1894. De Bilt, Netherlands Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Institut ; Jaarboek, 1903, B, Aard-magnetisme. Utrecht, 1905. Los Angeles, United States Same reference as Fort Rae, Great Slave Lake, Canada. Key Wesi, United States Same reference as Los Angeles, United States. Zi-ka-wei, Chin* Observatoire magn clique et mete'orologique de Zi-ka-wei (Chine); bulletin des observations ; tome XXVII, annde 1901. Shanghai, 1903. Coldba, India Magnetical, meteorological, and seismological observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay, in the years 1900 and 1901, under the direction of N. A. F. Moos, B. Sc., F. R. S. E. Bombay, 1903. St. Helena Island Observations made at the magnetical and meteorological observatory at St. Helena. Volume II. (Discussion of observations by Major- General Edward Sabine.) London, 1860. Buitenzorg, Java Observations made at the Royal magnetical and meteorological observa- tory at Batavia, by Dr. W. van Bemmelen, Acting Director. Batavia, 1906. South Georgia Island Die Internationale Polarforschung ; Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse der Deutschen Stationen, Band II, Sud-Georgien. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. G. v. Neumayer und Prof. Dr. C. Borgen. Berlin, 1886. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 299 Cape of Good Hope, Africa Observations made at the magnetical and meteorological ob- servatory at the Cape of Good Hope. Volume I. (Abstracts of the observations by Lieut.-Colonel Edward Sabine.) London, 1851. Mauritius Island A discussion of the results obtained from the self-recording magneto- meters at the Royal Alfred Observatory, Maritius, from 1875 to 1890, under the direction of C. Meldrum, M. A., L. L. D., F. R. S., edited by T. F. Claxton, F. R. A. S. Mauritius, 1899. Hobarton, Tasmania Observations made at the magnetical and meteorological observatory at Hobarton, in Van Diemen Island. Volume I. (Abstracts of the observations by Lieut.-Colonel Edward Sabine.) London, 1850. 3 oo SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of the mean yearly total solar-diurnal variation in magnetic [Eastern deflection of north-seeking end from mean is indicated by a plus sign ; declination at various western deflection by a stations minus sign.] ll nl ll 1" I Fort Conger, Grinnell Land 2 Kingua Fjord, Cumberland Sound || "5,0, il 4 Ssgastyr, Siberia V d P^ u |a i "*"* 10 t> o 6 Uglaamie, Alaska 7 Cape Thordsen, Spitzbergen T) g >-4 a c a 9 Kannakul Bay, Novaia Zeinlia 10 Hossekop, Norway ii Sitka, Alaska 12 Toronto, Canada 13 Sodanklu, Finland h / / , , , , , , / / / , , i +38.7 + 11.7 + 3-i - 6.2 II.O II. 2 -i 1.8 + 7-0 + 11. 8 + 8.7 + 0.2 + 0.6 + 5-1 2 +36.2 + 15-8 + 9-8 + 0.7 - 6.6 - 3-3 + 6.2 + 10.7 + 12.8 4- 9-7 + I.O + 0.5 + 4-8 3 4-33-2 + 18.0 + I7-I + 6.7 + 0.8 + 3-9 + 10.7 + 13-8 + H-4 + 9-9 + 1.4 + 0.8 + 4-7 4 +29-4 + 19.1 +23-9 + n. 6 + 7-4 + 7-9 + 16.2 + 15-6 + 95 + 8.7 + 2.0 + 1-2 + 4-4 5 +24-7 + 19-3 +29-4 + 13-9 + 13-6 + 15-4 + 22.2 + 15-0 + 7-4 + 6.0 + 2. 9 + i.S + 4-0 6 + 18.6 +20. i +30.1 + 14-3 +21.0 + 22.1 -f25-3 + 11. 2 + 5-6 + 4-2 + 4-2 + 2.7 + 3-2 7 + 8.6 + 19-9 +24-9 + 13-2 +26.2 + 26.9 + 22. 3 + 7-8 + 4-9 + 3-i + 5-3 + 3-5 + 2.6 8 - 0.5 + 17-4 + 16.9 + 9-7 + 29-4 + 26.3 + 17.0 + 5-7 + 2.5 + 1.8 + 6.0 + 3-8 + 2.1 9 I2.I +10.8 + 7-7 + 4-3 + 25-5 +2O. I + H-4 + 3-0 + i-3 + 0.7 + 5-3 + 3-0 + 1.6 10 23.2 + 3-7 + i.i + 1-3 + 16.8 + 7-4 + 6.9 + 2.0 0.2 0.6 + 3-0 + 0.8 + 0.7 ii 37-9 + i-3 - 2.6 - 1.8 + 8.0 - I.O + 4-3 0.0 - 2.0 - 2.9 + 0.6 2.0 - i-7 12 43-1 - 9.0 - 4-9 4-1 0.9 - 6.5 + 2.O - 2.3 - 4-3 - 5-2 - 2.1 - 4-2 - 4.0 13 -Si.i 15-1 - 6.5 - 5-3 - 4.0 - 7-4 - 0.5 - 4-3 - 7-3 - 6.8 - 3-2 - 5-0 - 5-8 14 50-8 21.2 - 9.6 - 5-9 - 8.1 - 7-6 6.2 6.0 - 9-9 - 7-6 - 4-2 - 4-8 ~ 6.5 15 46.1 20.4 11.9 5-9 10.6 - 7-9 9-9 - 7-o ii-5 - 7-9 - 4-6 -3-8 - 6.4 16 -34-2 20.6 -12.9 - 5-3 -"3 - 9.6 12. 1 8.2 1 1. 4 - 7-6 - 4-6 - 2.5 - 5-4 17 -19-9 -23.6 14.0 3-7 12. 1 9-9 14-3 10.4 10.8 7-4 - 2.8 i-3 - 4-8 18 -4-i - 19-4 15-7 2.4 -I2. 9 - 9-7 -16.5 13-1 - 9-5 6.0 - 3-2 - 0.3 - 3-0 19 + 3-1 16.1 -17.8 1.9 -12.5 8.0 -18-3 14.2 8.0 - 6.6 - 2.4 + 0.2 - 2.8 20 + 13- '5-5 -19.6 2.3 II.O - 6.1 19.8 13-4 6.0 - 5-3 - 1.4 + 0.7 1.8 21 + 19.0 - 8.8 19.1 - 5-o I2.O - 8.7 -19.4 10. 1 3-2 - 1.6 - 0.8 + 1-2 + I.O 22 +27.3 - 0.6 -15-6 - 7-3 II.9 -10.5 15-4 - 5-3 + i.o + O.I - 0.4 + 1-3 + I.O 23 +35-3 + 3-9 IO.2 -- 9.1 -II.9 - 8.9 10.0 - 1-5 + 6.0 + 5-3 0.6 + 1-2 + 2.8 24 +35-9 + 9-2 -3-6 9-5 12.0 -13-7 3-9 + 4-o + 9-9 + 7-3 - 0.6 + 0.8 + 4-2 1 !! S ( Amount . . 0.7 H +39- 'o 5-9 H + 20/2 56H +30/5 5-5 H* + U/3 8.1 H +29/5 7-3 H + 27- '4 4.8 H +25/6 4-3 H + 15/6 T-I2/8 2.7 H 4 9- '9 8.2 H + 6/1 7.8 H + 3/9 1.3 H + 5/2 30 f L. M. T . . .S S \ 13.4 H I6.8H 20. 4 H 23-7H I&-3H 0.3 H 19.4 H 19- 3 H 15-7 H 15-0 H 15-4 H 13-3 H 14.4 H S H ( Amount . Total observed range 52/0 QI r O -23- '7 A\ / Q -19/7 en '2 - 9/7 24. 'o -13/0 42 '*. -13/9 /IT 'i 2O/O 4 c If. -14/3 2Q 'o I2/O 24/8 - 8/0 17 'o -4/7 10/8 - 5/2 Q 'i 6/6 n/8 Calculated range. . ^7 . 85/3 4j- y 56/7 O*-u ^ 5. '3 46/1 4^- o 43/2 4*. 3 30/0 Qo- 24/8 ^y. y 19/2 1 8/4 1 / V 13/3 12/5 7- L 10/9 II/l Summer range, S. . 100/4 45/r 66/7 29/0 ... 45/8 54/7 33- 'o 30- '5 20/8 11/9 13/6 Winter range, W.. Ratio S .. 80/7 I 2A. 42/7 i. 06 33- '8 T O7 19/7 T A T ... 38/4 IT O 36/6 T AQ 26/8 T IT. 21/4 T A T 15/1 i 18 6/5 i 81 10/9 1-y c W * * l \ 7 qH II. 2 H *'9i 1O.2 H '47 IO.2 H 11.9 H T 9 IO Q H 1.49 11.7 H *-*3 II. oH '43 Q Q H 1.30 9.6 H II. 2 H 1.03 TO i H *0 10.3 H w s-Sgj" / "7 * 18.5 H 22.2 H 0.5 H 1.9 H 2.9 H 2.4 H 23- 7 H 23. i H y.y ra 21.8 H 22.0 H 0.7 H L '- J -J XA 18.5 H 20. 7 H *At this station a pronounced second maximum and minimum at 19.3 H and 14.6 H of 1/8 and 6/0 respectively. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 301 Tabulation of the mean yearly total solar-diurnal variation in magnetic declination at various stations [Eastern deflection of north-seeking end from mean is indicated by a plus sign ; western deflection by a minus sign.] Local mean time, civil reckoning 14 Ekaterinberg, Siberia 15 De Bilt, Netherlands 16 Los Angeles, United States IJ5 || z II f 19 Coldba, India 20 St. Helena Island 21 Buitenzorg, Java 22 South Georgia Island 23 Cape of Good Hope, Africa 24 Port Louis, Mauritius Island 25 Hobarton, Tasmania h / / / / , , , / / , , , i + l.o + 0.9 o.o 0.0 + 0.1 + o.i + o.i o.o 0.8 + 0.5 o.o - l.o 2 + 0.9 + 2.8 + O.I 0.0 + o.i f O.I + O.I + 01 - I + 0.5 0.0 - 0.7 3 + 0.9 + 0.8 + 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.2 0.0 + O.I + 0.2 ~ 1.2 + 0.5 0.0 - 0.5 4 + I + l.o + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.2 0.0 o o + 0.2 - i 4 + 0.4 - O.I - 0.4 5 + 1.3 + 1-5 + 06 + 04 + 0.2 o.o + O.I + O.I - 1-4 + 0.4 - O.I - 0.7 6 + i-9 + 2.0 + 1-3 + i-o + 0.5 + 0.4 + 0.4 + o.i -..5 + 0.3 - 0.2 - I.I 7 + 3-0 + 24 + 2.4 + 2.1 + I.O + 0.8 + O.I 0.4 - 1.6 o.o - 0.6 2.0 8 + 3-6 + 2.7 + 3-1 + 5 + 1.7 + i.i - 0.8 - 1-3 - 2.3 - I.O - 1.6 - 3-0 9 + 3-7 + 2.0 + 2.6 + 2.2 + 1.8 + 0.7 - i.i -- 1.8 - 2.6 2.2 - 2.6 - 3-5 10 + 2.6 + i.i + LI + LI o.o - 0.8 - 1.8 2.0 - 2.8 - 2-7 2.8 ii + 0.5 2.6 - 0.8 - 0.2 O.I - 0.8 + 0.2 - 1.2 - 0-5 - 2.2 - i-9 - 0.9 12 - 2.0 - 4-5 - 2.2 - i.4 - i-3 - 1.2 + 0.8 - 0.3 + 1.6 - 0.8 O.I + 1-4 13 - 4-2 - 5-0 - 2.7 2.1 - 1-7 - I.O + 0.7 + 0.5 + 3-1 + 0.4 + 15 + 3-6 '4 - 5-i - 4-3 - 2.6 -- 2.2 - 1.6 - 0.5 + 0.4 + i-o + 3-7 + 1.3 + 2.7 + 4-7 15 - 4-8 - 2.8 2.0 - 1-9 - i.i O.I o.o + 1.4 + 3-5 + 1-3 + 2.9 + 4.6 16 - 3-6 - i-5 - I.I - 1-3 0.5 + 0.2 - 0.4 + i-3 + 2.4 + I.O + 2.3 + 3-5 17 2.1 - 0.4 0.5 - 0.8 o.o + O.2 0.6 + 0.9 + 15 + 0.4 + I.I + 2.2 18 - 0.9 o.o 0.2 - 0.4 o.o O.O - 0.4 + 0.5 + i.o + 0.2 + O.2 + 1.2 19 - 0-3 + 0.3 0.0 0.2 O.I - O.I o.i + 0.4 + 0.5 + O.2 O.O + 0.5 20 0.0 + I.O 0.0 + O.I O.I - O.I + o.i + O.2 + 0.4 + O.2 o.i O.2 21 + 0.3 + 1.2 + 0.1 -f 0.2 - o.i - O.I + 02 + O.I + 0.2 + 0.3 0.2 - 0.8 22 + 0.5 + 1-3 + 0.1 + 0.2 - O.I 00 + 0.3 O.O - 0.4 + 0.3 0.2 - 13 23 + 0.8 + i.S + o.i + 0.2 - o.i 0.0 + 0.3 O.I - 0.5 + 0.4 O.2 - 1.5 24 + i.o + 1-3 0.0 + O.I 0.0 + O.I + 0.2 o.o - 0.7 + 0.4 - O.I - 1.4 53 B (L M T 8.6 H 8.2 H 8.1 H 8.2 H 8 7H 8.1 H 12. 4 H 15.3 H 14 4 H 14.8 H IS T H 14 4 H g g [ Amount .... + 3/8 + 2/7 + 3/1 + 2/5 *" / ** + 1/8 + i/i + 0/8 **T**T ** + 3/7 O*O + 2/6 H**T ** + 4/8 - a f L M T 14.2 H 12.9 H 13.2 H 13 6 H '3 3 H ii. 9H 9.2 H 9-5 H 9.2 H 10.0 H q 7H 8.8 H .3 a \ 7 1 ** J3 S [Amount - 5/i -5/o - 2/8 - 2/2 - 1/8 - 1/2 - 1/2 - 1/9 - 2/6 - 2/8 - 2/8 - 3/6 Total observed range 8/9 7/7 5/9 4/7 , /g 2 f \ 2/O , /, 6/3 4/2 5/4 8/4 Calculated range. . 8/2 5/9 3/8 2/9 2/5 2/5 2/9 3/4 3/4 3/8 7/i Summer range, S. . 13/5 IO/I 7/7 6/6 5/2 4/o 4/3 4/3 8/8 6/3 7/0 /3 Winter range, W. . 5/2 5/8 4/6 3/6 2/2 0/9 2/4 2/9 4/3 3/8 5/8 5/6 Ratio 2.60 1.74 1.67 i 8t 2 16 4-44 I 7Q I 48 2.O5 1.66 1. 21 2. 02 W" * / 1 i / ' * J v * 17 * .if"-* i O 1 II. 2 H lo.oH 10.6 H 10.8 H 10.9 H 10.0 H (7. i H) 21. 6 H) 21. 2 H) (6.9 H) 19.0 H) 19.6 H) J-sJjn.... 20.0 H (17.8 H) 19. i H) 19.7 H) (16.9 H) 15-3 H) 10.8 H 12.4 H ii. 3 H 12.6 H 12.1 H n.4H 302 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION An inspection of the mean yearly ranges in diurnal variation for the stations of the above tabulation indicates that these ranges are in some way dependent upon the values of the respective magnetic dips, the greater ranges being associated with the greater inclinations. Dr. Bauer * has announced a law covering this apparent interrelation, namely, that the mean value, d, for the year of the total diurnal amplitude of the magnetic declination is a function of the mag- netic latitude, ?', which may be in the general case expressed mathematically as d = k secV, in which the value of ?' is derived from the magnetic inclination, /, in accordance with the well-known formula tan ^' = 0.5 tan I ; k is a constant depending upon the position of the particular series under discussion in the sun-spot cycle. Dr. Bauer's preliminary value of k is 2/58. Pending greater elaboration by him it has seemed desirable in connection with above compilation to determine values of k by grouping these stations in order of the approximate sun-spot frequencies given on page 297. Accordingly values have been derived by the method of least squares from groupings of stations as indicated in the following summary of results : Grouping stations number Mean sun-spot frequency for grouping Resulting value of k 81 / 2.71 i, 2, 4 to ii, 13, 15, 17, 22, and 24. . 12 16 18 19 20 23 and 25 60 M 2.52 2.^6 The ranges for the individual stations of the groupings have been calculated using the above values of k and the results placed against the actually observed quantities for each station. The agreement between the observed and computed ranges is, in the main, quite satisfactory, MAGNETIC DISTURBANCES As already stated, those days of observation on which particularly great disturbances in magnetic declination occurred may be readily noted by reference to the tabulation of circle readings of the magnet for the days on which the horizontal circle was shifted (see pages 20 to 26). In view of the fact that no continuous observations were made either for magnetic inclination or intensity in connection with those for declination, it has not been deemed worth while to attempt any general discussion or comparison of these disburbances. As will be noted from the miscellaneous remarks (pages 32 to 40) , the magnetic storms were very frequently associ- ated with the aurora borealis. On the other hand, the auroral displays were not always accom- panied by magnetic disturbances, and vice versa. The observations of November i, 1903, between midnight and 8 A. M., local mean time are of particular interest, as they cover the final portion of the great magnetic storm of October *A remarkable law, by L. A. Bauer. Journal of Terrestrial Magnetism. Volume II, p. 70. Cincinnati, 1897. Also United States magnetic declination tables and isogonic charts for 1902, by I/. A. Bauer. U. S. De- partment of Commerce and Labor, Coast and Geodetic Survey, O. H. Tittmann, Superintendent. 2d edition, p. 51. Washington, 1903. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 303 31 to November i, 1903.* The extreme values of declination observed at Teplitz Bay during this period were 37 31' E at 4:01 A. M. and 20 13' E at 5:49 A. M., local mean time, the greatest range thus being 17 18' in 1.8 hour. During the same absolute period the records of the Cheltenham Magnetic Observatory of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey show an extreme range of 32 , while the maximum range for the entire storm at this point was about three times as much, viz., 97. i. From this comparison it appears highly probable that during the maximum violence of this disturbance on October 31, 1903, the extreme range in magnetic declination at Teplitz Bay may have been as much as 52. The highest value observed during the entire series was 37 31' E, as above, on November i, 1903 ; the lowest, 19 51' at 8:27 p. M. on June 15, 1904. The absolute observed range was, therefore, 17 40'. The unusual character and magnitude of the disturbance of October 31, 1903, is thus at once apparent. SECULAR CHANGS IN MAGNETIC DECLINATION The only previous observations of the declination of the magnetic needle at Teplitz Bay available for use in determining the secular change in this element are those made by Com- mander Cagni, of the Italian Expedition of 1899 and 1900. His observations as reported by Professor Palazzo f have been corrected for diurnal variation as determined from the preceding discussion. The following table gives a synopsis of these determinations so reduced (the cor- rections on account of diurnal variation are the mean values over the respective periods of observation) : Date (A "Sv O D *7 (fl ^ ,Q O Local mean time Mean observed east declination Correction diurnal variation Mean reduced east declination Resulting mean values 1899 h m h m / / / o / 6 I A -in I *\ ^O 21 O3 Q + ii 6 21 15 5 21 15.6 August 30 4 IO 3Q 1 1 ^8 16.4 o 6 is. 8 1900 Tulv ii.. . 9 14 46 - i 8 38 21 14.8 + 2 3-i 21 ^7.Q "I Tulv 14 . 8 16 IQ - 17 s8 OO.Q -(-25.7 26.6 July 18... 5 ii 07 - 12 oo 16.1 4-5 ii. 6 | 21 25.0 July 19 3 14 35 - 15 09 16.6 + 12.8 29.4 July 24 S 9 24 - ii 34 27.1 8.6 18.5 August 2 8 Q 41 - II I* 34.1 8.0 26 i j The resulting mean values of 21 15/6 and 21 25/0 correspond to mean of day for the epochs 1899.66 and 1900.55 respectively. Unfortunately the multitudinous duties of the various members of the Ziegler Expedition field force prohibited making observations at the Italian station until just shortly prior to the * Journal of Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, volume IX, 1904, pp. 25-33 ', also An- nalen der Hydrographie und maritimen Meteorologie, 1904, Heft III, pp. 112-127. t Osservazioni scientifiche esequite durante la spedizione Polare di S. A. R. Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi. Milan, 1903. Pp. 453-462. (Relazione sulle osservazioni magnetiche fatta dal Professore Luigi Palazzo.) 304 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION final retreat south. As a result but one set of declination observations at Commander Cagni's station could be made. This set is herewith given in its entirety : Station : Italian station, Teplitz Hay Date : June 23, 1904 Instrument : Magnetometer IIII Observer : W. J. P. Mark : Magnetic observatory Magnet : No. 4 Line of detorsion : 54 Chron. time Scale Scale readings Horizontal circle readings Left d 56.3 58-6 57-3 54-9 5i-5 5i-4 52-4 52.3 50-7 56.0 57-o 57-0 57-o 56.8 56.3 55-9 Right Mean Mark Magnet // m II 00 02 04 06 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 30 32 34 E E E E I I I I I I I I E E E E d 58.9 60.3 58.9 56.9 49-9 50.0 51-2 50.8 49-4 44-2 45-3 46.0 57-9 57-9 57.3 56.9 d 57.60 59-45 58.10 55-90 50.70 50.70 51.80 51-55 50.05 50.10 5i-i5 51.5 57-45 57-35 56.80 56.40 Before After A B A B / 347 57-7 167 56.7 347 57-9 167 56.9 / 94 08.7 274 "7-5 94 08.2 274 07.5 Meai is 347 57-3 94 07.98 Scale er Scale in A ect, me verted, xis an d 57-38 50.94 mean 54.16 Mean scale reading, erect. Axis d 57.38 54.l6 ! Scale Axis Reduction to axis + 3-22 +5/06 Circle reading Q4 O7/q8 Magnetic S. M. reading. . 94 13-0 Mark reading 347 57-3 Azimuth of mark* 2 75 46.75 True S. M reading .... 72 10.6 Magnetic declination, east Diurnal variation 22 02.4 9.1 Mean declination, east. . . 21 53-3 Mean chron. time Chron. cor. on L. M. T. . Local mean time. h m ii 17.0 ii 17.0 Remarks : Calm and clear Temperature : + I2.o At end line of detorsion 57 * Counted from south around by west from o to 360. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 305 Owing to the fact that no suitable instrument was available, observations at the observatory simultaneous with the above could not be made. The observations nearest in point of time at the hut are those of June 22 and June 23. Correcting the two-minute readings of June 22 between 20 hours and 24 hours for diurnal variation a mean value of 22 51' results. In like manner, the observations on June 23 between 16 hours and 20 hours give a mean value of 22 19'. It thus appears, since the average value during the period June 12 to July i is 22 32', that, while the general magnetic conditions preceding the observations at the Italian station by thirteen to fourteen hours were such as to give declinations high by about 19', the conditions six to seven hours later were such as to give declinations low by about 13'. It therefore seems quite probable that between n and 12 A. M. the magnetic conditions were about normal, and hence a direct comparison with the preceding may be made. As already noted, Commander Cagni's results at about the same season of year were 21 15/6 and 21 25/0 for the epochs 1899.66 and 1900.55, or in the mean 21 20/3 for 1900.10. The result above for epoch 1904.48 is 21 53/3; hence the apparent effect in the elapsed interval of 4.4 years due to secular variation is an increase of east declination of 33'. Assum- ing a linear change over the interval, the secular change in magnetic declination in the region of Teplitz Bay may be taken as about + 7/5 per year. It may be noted that this value is of the same magnitude as those deduced by Dr. Solander* for Mossel Bay and Cape Thordsen, Spitzbergen, for the periods 1873.5 to 1899.7 an d 1883.2 to 1899.7, viz., 7/3 and 7/8 decreasing west declination respectively. The geographical posi- tions of these stations are : Mossel Bay, 79 53' north latitude and 16 04' east longitude ; Cape Thordsen, 78 28' north latitude and 15 42' east longitude. * Missions scientifiques pour la mesure d'un arc de meridian au Spitzberg entreprises en 1899-1902 sous les auspices des gouvernements Su^dois et Russe Mission Suddois. Tome II Determinations magntiques faites au Spitzberg pendent I'e'te 1899, par E. Solander. Stockholm, 1903, p. 50. 306 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION ANNUAL VARIATION IN MAGNETIC DECLINATION By means of the preceding value of the annual rate of secular variation in magnetic declina- tion at Teplitz Bay the monthly mean hourly declinations and means were reduced to epoch 1904.0 as per tabulation on page 288. By the use of Bessel's periodic function in the particular case of a cycle of twelve equidistant observations the following expression has been obtained ( after the methods detailed on page 290, as representing the annual variation : D=22 38. '5 + 9- '27 sin (8+ 244 59') + 2. '32 sin (20+ 141 07') + 1/41 sin (3 + 4 45') 0/33* In this formula the angle counts from the middle of June as o, no account being taken of the inequality in length of months. The addition of a fourth term results in no improve- ment, as in this case the probable error is identical with that above. It may be noted that the range of variation on the mean of year is unusually large, the maximum deflection early in December being + 10/2 while the opposite extreme about the middle of August is 10/0. The computed and observed values are shown graphically to scale in figure 20. The following summary of variations on the mean yearly value will serve further to indicate the agreement between the observed (O) and computed (C) quantities, easterly deviations being denoted by a plus sign, and vice versa : Month O c 0-c Month O C O-C June f - 4.8 / - 6.8 / + 2.O December. . . . / +7.6 / +9-7 r 2.1 Tulv IO I 86 I. 1 ! January +8.1 +7-o + I.I August Q.Q IO.O +0.1 February .... +5-3 +5-4 O.I C A 6 8 4-1 4 March + i.-j +3-9 0.6 O 7 4- i 8 2 5 April + 1.2 O.I + 1-3 4-II 7 4- Q O +2.7 May. . 6-3 4.4 1.9 *The probable error of a single representation is 0/33. 1 a *T $ ll CO JJ P Sg a! Sg S a^ s|5 16 z S? S -55 I- ca uj a v II! 7 in V Hi *- < 1 S KJ I |f. ^ aS Us "H V g .2 'O E O t* ' HE UNIVERSITY MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 307 INCLINATION INSTRUMENT AND METHODS Observations for dip were made, as already stated, with the United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey Cassela dip circle No. 5676. For the various standardization observations before and after the work of the Expedition see pages n and 12. The instrument was mounted in the observing hut on pier D (figure 2) September 28, 1903. Except for observation and clean- ing and use at the Italian magnetic station on June 6, 20, and 27, 1904, it remained undis- turbed. On the last three occasions it was returned to its pier immediately after the comple- tion of the observations. During the winter the needles were turned on the agates by means of wooden pliers. Proximity of the hand produced condensation which froze on the needles ; this appeared, though slight, even while the blades were being rubbed with several thicknesses of tissue paper. Ice crystals continually formed on the instrument, and the frosted roof contributed a constant downpour of fine particles. A linen hood, conical in shape, was suspended from the roof and covered the instrument and top of pier D when not in use. About December 22 a paper hood was substituted with better success. The bar magnets and four needles were kept outside of the observatory in a canvas-covered box, which is shown on the plat as magnet box No. i. This box was secured to a post about 1.5 meter from the ground and could be used as a table or shelf on which the needles were magnetized in good weather. During the winter, when light and weather were both unfavor- able, the needles were magnetized in the west end of the observatory. The bar magnets were returned immediately after the operation to magnet box No. i. On October 5, before commencing observations, needle 3 was observed upon, while decli- nation magnet No. 4 was reversed several times at its stowing place. Needle 3 was kept oscil- lating in the magnetic meridian. The same operation was repeated on two subsequent occasions during the winter. On June 7 the same observation was again made, and also with the needle in the magnetic prime vertical. In all these observations no effect was detected on the oscil- lating dip needle. A small adjusting pin was kept in a vertical hole on pier D. As it was necessary to use this pin to unloosen the stops on the horizontal circle before observing, the fact of its removal before each day's work is not noted. During the dip observations it was placed on top of the east window (south end). The needle not being observed upon was kept on the north end of the east plate of the observatory. Time was noted by watch P, which was always hung on the middle stud of the south wall of the hut. On one occasion, November 30, chronometer Negus 1809 was used and was placed at foot of pier M against the north side. Observations were made after the order prescribed for use in the field operations of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. This observing scheme is indicated by the follow- ing specimen set taken at random from the Teplitz Bay series : SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Station : Teplitz Bay Dip circle No. 5676 Dale : January 18, 1904 Observer : W. J. P. Needle No. 3 End of needle marked A down Circle east Circle west Circle west Circle east Needle face east Needle face west Needle face east Needle face west S N S N S N S N / 82 53 52 / 82 55 55 / 83 21 15 / 83 10 IO / 83 27 23 o / 83 26 19 / 83 13 II / 83 15 J3 82 52-5 82 55-o 83 18.0 83 10.0 83 25.0 83 22.5 83 12.0 83 14.0 82 53/75 83 o 83 14- 'o 3-88 83 23/75 83 I 83 13/0 8/38 Mean : 83 11/13 Polarities reversed : end of needle marked B down Circle east Circle west Circle west Circle east Needle face east Needle face west Needle face east Needle face west S N S N S N S N / 83 28 35 / 83 29 35 / 83 II 03 / 83 07 03 O / 83 27 27 O / 83 23 23 / 83 03 02 o / 83 oo GO 83 31-5 83 32.0 83 07.0 83 05.0 83 27.0 83 23.0 83 02.5 83 oo.o 83 31/75 83 j 83 06/0 8/88 83 25/0 83 i 83 01/25 3/12 Mean : 83 16/0 Resulting dip : 83 13/6 Chron. time of beginning Chron. time of ending. h m 14 58 15 45 Mean chronometer time Chron. correction on L. M. T. 15 22 + 02 Local mean time Magnetic meridian reads. 15 24 24 19' Circle in mag. prime vertical o / Circle N. Needle S end 25 24 Needle N end 25 58 Circle S. Needle N end 22 23 Needle Send 23 31 Mean. 24 19 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 309 When observing with two needles the observations with first polarity of the first needle were immediately followed by the complete determination with the second needle (polarities of both needles being reversed at the same time), after which observations with the second polarity of the first needle were made. By this arrangement the final means from each needle correspond to practically the same epoch of time. As will be noted from the above specimen, two settings were made on each end of the needle in every position except in those cases where these differed by ten minutes or more of arc, when an additional observation was made and the mean of the three readings taken. RESULTS Only the final results for each needle and their means are shown in the tabulation following, the mean values being adopted without correction (see page 12). The time is the mean of the times noted at beginning and end, and is expressed in local mean time, reckoned from midnight throughout the twenty-four hours. The observer is indicated by the initials (see page 17). Tabular summary of observations of magnetic inclination at Teplitz Bay Date L. M. T. Needle 3 Needle 4 Mean Observer Remarks 1903 Oct. 5 h m 16 28 / 83 16.4 N o / 83 17.3 N / 83 i6.8N W. J. P. 12 19 n 18 15 24 36.6 08.8 28.3 10.2 32-4 09-5 Do. Do. Magnetic meridian as deter- mined October 5. 29 12 34 10.6 08.4 09.5 Do. 3 '5 27 ii. i ' 12-7 11.9 Do. Nov. 20 17 02 13.6 08.7 II. 2 Do. 3 19 52 '5-9 10.8 13-4 Do. Dec. 3 15 06 10.7 12.6 ii. 6 Do. 4 10 10 14.4 14.4 14.4 Do. 7 19 H 3 10 36 09.9 u-5 11.8 22.6 10.8 17.0 Do. Do. Corrected for observation in magnetic azimuth i. 21 M 59 16.2 18.8 17-5 Do. 25 II 22 09.8 13-2 "5 Do. 26 8 30 13-7 12.8 13-2 Do. 1904 Jan. 5 932 "3 13.0 12.2 Do. 9 9 5 10.5 18.2 14.4 Do. 14 15 14 34 9 42 08.3 12.4 05.4 08.0 06.8 10.2 Do. Do. Aurora in north of large extent, but not brilliant. 18 IS 24 13.6 13.0 13-3 Do. 19 10 01 12.4 09.6 II. Do. 25 14 ii 12.2 13-5 12.8 Do. 26 10 02 12.6 IO.O "3 Do. 3 io SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION 'Jabular summary of observations of magnetic inclination at Teplitz Bay Continued Date L. M. T. Needle 3 Needle 4 Mean Observer Remarks 1904 Feb. i h m 14 32 / II. 2 / 17-5 o / 14.4 Do. 2 10 32 12.9 08.4 10.6 Do. 8 14 18 08.6 10.4 cg-5 Do. 15 20 IO 12.4 04.2 08.3 R. R. T. 22 16 12 10.6 08.9 09.8 W. J. P. 24 20 44* 19.6* 13.7' 16.6' R. R. T. 29 15 04* 10.5* 07.0* 08.8- Do. Revolver not taken to hut. Mar. I 10 30 09.1 10.7 09.9 Do. Do. 18 II 06 16.7 12.2 14.4 Do. Revolver removed. 19 16 32 II. 17.9 14-4 Do. Do. 24 7 4' 12.2 09.4 10.8 Do. Do. 28 15 8 83 14.8 N 83 13.2 N 83 14.0 N R. R. T. Do. 29 9 52 I5-I 12.6 13.8 W. J. P. Do. April i 10 48 16.7 14-4 15-6 R. R. T. Do. 4 14 20 "3 10.9 n. i W. J. P. Do. 5 9 54 13-2 14-4 13-8 Do. Do. n 15 29 05-7 14.2 IO.O Do. Do. 12 9 58 16.3 14-7 iS-5 Do. Do. 18 14 46 15-4 83 15-9 83 15-6 Do. Revolver left in usual place over night. 19 9 44 01.5 82 55-5 82 58.5 Do. Revolver removed. 25 14 20 17.6 83 15-5 83 16.6 Do. Do. 26 9 20 II.O 12.8 11.9 Do. Do. May 2 14 06 06.7 10.7 08.7 Do. Revolver permanently removed. 3 9 16 09-5 12.8 II. 2 Do. 9 15 12 08.9 16.6 12.8 Do. 10 9 5 12.6 19.2 15-9 Do. 16 15 4 10.6 08.4 09-5 Do. 17 IO OO 13-2 I5-I 14.2 Do. 23 15 31 07-5 10.5 Og.O Do. 24 IO 2O n.8 14.6 13-2 Do. 3 IS 12 08.6 06.9 07.8 Do. 3i 10 00 14.4 15-0 14.7 Do. Needles No. i and No. 2. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 1 abular summary of observations of magnetic indications at Teplitz Bay Continued Date L. M. T. Needle 3 Needle 4 Mean Observer Remarks 1904 June 6 A > 15 24* / 01.3* / 03-5* / 02.4* Do. See foot-note. 6 15 22 17.3 I2.O 14.6 Do. 7 10 04 13-4 14.5 14.0 Do. '3 15 3 14.0 "5 12.8 Do. 14 9 46 15-2 14.8 15.0 Do. 20 5 3* 01.9* 04.7* 3-3* Do. 20 15 28 09.6 I2.O 10.8 Do. 21 10 03* II. 2* 08. I* 09.6* Do. 21 9 53 12.0 18.0 15-0 Do. 27 16 18* 09.8* 19.4* 14.6* Do. 27 16 18 18.2 20.4 19-3 Do. * These observations were made at Italian station. NOTE. When the observations of June 20 at the Italian station were being made an iron bolt was found at the foot of the pier ; needle was not affected while it was being removed, but probably the observations of June 6 are vitiated. The following monthly mean values for magnetic dip result from these observations : Epoch No. obs'ns each needle Dip by Resulting mean dip Needle No. 3 Needle No. 4 / / / 1903.80 5 83 16.70 N 83 15-38 N 83 16.0 N 1903.80 4* 11.72* 12.15* 1903.90 2 14-75 09-75 12.3 I903-95 7 12.31 I5-I7 13-7 1904.04 8 11.66 "34 "5 1904.12 7" 12.26" IO.O2* u.i 1904.22 6 I3-I5 12.67 12.9 1904.28 9 12.08 12.03 12. 1 1904.37 10 10.48 12.98 II.7 1904.46 7 14.24 14.74 M-5 Omitting October 12, 1903. b Including two values, needles No. I and No. 2. In adopting a mean value from this summary it has been deemed best to reject the obser- vations of October 12, 1903, as probably defective, owing to improper setting for the magnetic meridian. From the remaining sixty sets of observations with two needles each the resulting inclination at Teplitz Bay is 83 J2.'4 for epoch J904.J3. 3 I2 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION SECULAR CHANGE IN MAGNETIC INCLINATION Observations were made for inclination, as noted in the tabulation of dip results, at the Italian magnetic station of 1899 and 1900. In order to have the resulting values apply to the same mean time at both stations observations were first made at the Italian station with one polarity of the marked end of each needle ; the instrument was then transferred to pier D in the observing hut, where complete sets with each needle were made, and finally the comparison was completed by observing with second polarity of the marked end of each needle at the Italian station. Assuming a linear change in diurnal variation over the period of observation, the mean results at the two stations are directly comparable. The mean resulting difference in magnetic dip between the two locations is 7/3 as adopted from the following tabulation of the comparisons : Date Local mean time Mean dip observed at Italian station Local mean time Mean dip observed at Ziegler station A I Zieg- ler station to Italian station Weight 1904 June 6 h m 15 24 / 83 02.4 N h m 15 22 / 83 14.6 N / 12.2 i June 20 15 30 3-3 15 28 10.8 7-5 2 June 27 16 18 14.6 Whence weighted difference e 16 18 dooted 19-3 - 4-7 2 7-3 The comparison of June 6 is given weight of one against two for each of the other com- parisons by reason of the observer's note regarding discovery of iron bolt at foot of pier on June 20. There being no reason to assume any change in local magnetic conditions at so isolated and unfrequented a locality, we may assume the same difference at the time of the Italian Expedition. Commander Cagni's observations resulted as follows :* D a t e Number of de- Mean observed terminations inclination August 21, 22, 1899 4 83 25/0 N July 10, 16, 17, 23, 1900 9 83 01.2 whence the mean value 83 13/1 N for the epoch 1900.09. Referred to the Ziegler Polar Expedition station, this becomes 83 13/1 4- 7/3 = 83 20/4. The value for the epoch 1904.13, as above, is 83 12/4 N. Both of these series are uncorrected for diurnal variation. Each, however, consists of observations made at various parts of the day, so that the means may be assumed as applying practically to mean of day at their respective epochs. Thus in four years the northerly magnetic inclination in the region of Teplitz Bay has decreased 8'. Hence the rate of change in magnetic inclination due to secular variation, assuming this effect to be a linear function during the elapsed interval, is 2' per year. This value is, while of the same sign, considerably smaller than that taken by Professor Palazzo as a result of his discussion of Commander Cagni's observations, viz. , 24'. He, however, considers this determination as not very reliable, owing to the short period between the inclination observations, and also the great variation between the individual values obtained. * Osservazioni scientifiche esequite durante la spedizione Polare di S. A. R. Luigi Atnedeo di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi, 1899-1900. Milan, 1903. Pp. 462-475. (Relazione sulle osservazioni magnetiche fatta dal Pro- fessore Luigi Palazzo.) MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 313 The annual rate above deduced is further confirmed by the fact that it is of practically the same order as values obtained at other Arctic stations. Thus, for example, for Cape Thordsen and Mossel Bay, Spitzbergen, Dr. Solander* has deduced the annual rates of increase in magnetic inclination as 0/4 and o.'8 for the periods 1883.2 to 1899.7 and 1873.5 to 1899.7 respectively. HORIZONTAL INTENSITY INSTRUMENT, METHODS, AND RESULTS Observations for horizontal intensity were made, as already stated, with magnetometer No. IIII loaned by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. For the various standardi- zation observations with this instrument before and after the work of the expedition, as also for the constants and methods of reduction used, see pages 6 to n. Determinations were made generally on Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings, but it was not possible before the advent of daylight to adhere strictly to this program. In these observations for intensity the time of a set of fifty oscillations was observed in the usual manner before and after deflection observations. Sometimes these were repeated ; at other times the final set of oscillations was lost, owing to the failure to transit of the selected scale division. The fortieth division, being near the middle of the scale, was the one whose transit was chosen. The initial amplitude of the oscillation was usually made about one degree in order to increase the probability of the transit of the fiftieth oscillation. The amplitude of swing was noted at the beginning and end, in scale divisions, but is not published for lack of space. The time was noted by mean time chronometer Negus No. 1809, which was carried to the observatory for the purpose. It was always placed at the foot and touching the north side of pier M (figure 2). This chronometer was compared daily with the sidereal chronometer Negus No. 1769, which was used in the astronomic observations. Determinations of the torsional effect of the four suspension fibers were made before the first and after the last oscillation sets. The temperature was noted at the beginning, middle, and end by a Centigrade thermometer, the bulb of which projected into the magnet-house of the magnetometer. This same thermometer was used in the deflection observations, readings being taken before and after each set. Magnet No. 2 was suspended during deflection observations. A solid brass bar with a carrier supported magnet No. 4 at thirty and forty centimeters from the center. Eight settings were made and the time and temperature noted as usual. Magnet No. 2 was kept in magnet box No. 2 outside of the hut (shown on plat) and was brought into the observatory immediately after preceding oscillation observations. From fifteen to thirty minutes elapsed before it was observed upon. After deflection, and before the subsequent oscillation observa- tions, it was returned to magnet box No. 2. The observation specimens, pages 314 and 315, which together yield an absolute value of the horizontal intensity, //, will serve to make clear the method of observation and computation. In the tabulation of results given below, each value of //is deduced from two or more such sets of oscillation and one set of deflection observations made in the order stated above. By the aid of the specimens the accompanying tabulation of the condensed original notes may be readily interpreted. The times given are local mean reckoned from midnight through twenty-four hours. The mean deflection angles observed at thirty and forty centi- meters are given in the two columns under heading u. The columns t and t' show the mean temperature readings for the deflection and oscillation observations respectively. The mean time of one oscillation corrected for the rate of chronometer appears under column headed T' '. The effect of ninety degrees of torsion in the suspension is given in the column v. The column headed /Ogives the finally reduced values for horizontal intensity expressed in gammas, one gamma being o.ooooi C. G. S. unit. The resulting values of the magnetic moment of magnet No. 4 at t degrees and at twenty degrees Centigrade are shown in the last two columns respect- ively. Reference to pages 8 and 10 will serve to explain the remaining headings. 21 *See reference, page 305. 3'4 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Station: Teplitz Bay Dale: March 19, 1904 Observer: R. R. T. Instrument : Magnetometer IIII Magnet : No. 4, inverted Chronometer Negus 1809, daily rate gaining 2. '37 on mean time Oscillation number Chronometer time Temp. V Extreme scale reading Time of 50 oscillations h m s 7 35 49- 8 14.7 d 593 d 23.0 3 36 20.2 6 50.8 9 37 21.2 12 51-2 15 50 38 22.1 44 15-0 - 14.7 57-1 56.3 26.6 31.0 m 5 8 25.2 53 48.2 28.0 56 45 15-4 24.6 59 48.9 27.7 62 46 16.2 25.0 65 50.3 -14.7 55-3 33-2 28.2 Means 7 4i-3 14.70 57-o 28.4 8 26.45 Formulae : T = T"(l + *) (i-(/'-/)?) (i + ,) ;W ,(H + X)t=** Coefficient of torsion. One div. = 1/57 Time of i oscil. Corr'n for rate* T' log T" " K) " [i_(93 9161 8772 9070 8439 6.18687 8198 8952 8791 9400 7978 9025 6. 19629* 22. 29 ^O. . November 9 16 20 V>. . 3. ... 4 7 25- 26 1904 14 IS. . 18. ... 19 25. . 26 2 22 . ... 29.... March I 18.... 19.... 24 29.... April 4.... 5.... n. 12 18 TO 25 ... 26.... 12.90 17.40 12.40 --14.30 4-iS - 6.30 - 8.25 - 8.00 - 5-25 - 4.25 0.90 - 4-95 + 5-05 + 6.65 + 2.15 + 0.25 + 9-90 + 8.25 + 9-8o + 4-35* 3 9 10. 16 17 1\ 24. ... ^o 7 oo 16 49 7 15 20 22 7 58 17 19 7 58 17 22 7 28 20 48 o 42* ^1 . . June 6. . . 7. ... 13- 14. . 20. ... 21 27 June 28* .. Observations at the Italian station of 1899 and 1900 ; the results MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabular suminciry of observations of magnetic horizontal intensity at Teplitz Bay 3'7 Effect 90 1 r. T' torsion V log m(H-\-X) log H log >, log m M Observer \/H(H+X) s / y 10.2304 25.72 1.43061 8.80554 6646 2.64209 2.63926 W. J. P. 1291 25-40 395 1500 6786 4067 39" Do. 1276 22.84 3941 1496 6786 4111 3831 Do. 1148 23-77 4033 1586 6799 4106 3788 Do. 10. 1070 28.44 1.44049 8.81297 6756 2-64423 2.63925 Do. 1164 25-03 4001 1331 6761 4341 3878 Do. 1424 26.29 3762 1245 6748 4190 3774 Do. 1382 22.42 3844 1246 6748 4270 3950 Do. 10.1467 22.62 1.43756 8.81269 6752 2.64161 2.63800 Do. 1562 23-33 3677 1134 6731 4216 3857 Do. 1420 24.13 3804 1387 6769 4082 3768 Do. 1637 27-54 3582 0989 6710 4276 3852 Do. III2 25-94 4O34 1323 6760 4383 3883 Do. 1651 25.34 3586 1132 6731 4131 3686 Do. 10.1242 17.46 1.43992 8.81322 6760 2-64343 2.63925 Do. 1544 i6-73 3755 1237 6747 4193 3768 Do. 1116 19-63 4071 1328 6760 4410 3859 Do 1176 16.42 4056 1379 6768 4344 3886 Do. 1436 12.35 3897 1309 6758 4262 3971 Do. 1333 12.62 3967 1368 6767 4272 3947 Do. 1414 11.26 3912 1361 6765 4217 3884 Do. 1417 12.26 3881 1254 6749 4298 3913 Do. 10.1391 13-29 1.43896 8.81261 6750 2.64304 2.63863 Do. 1258 16.19 3966 1237 6747 4402 39i8 Do. 1830 13-39 3548 993 6710 4234 3851 Do. 1834 13-48 3544 1085 6724 4138 3850 R. R. T. 10. 1423 13-93 1.43881 8.81223 6745 2.64333 2.64014 Do. 0776 22.88 4351 1502 6787 4514 3958 Do. 1322 15-40 396o 1289 6755 4345 3904 Do. 1245 16.96 4000 1306 6757 43 6 3 3878 Do. 1224 16.31 4034 1361 6765 4339 4011 W. J. P. 10.0851 14.78 1.44388 8.81736 6822 2.64307 2.63997 Do. 1590 21-34 3678 1082 6724 4278 3927 Do. 0809 I5-76 4391 1680 6813 4364 3902 Do. 0956 17-63 4251 1412 6773 4504 3938 Do. 1002 15-64 4243 1537 6792 4370 3899 Do. 0404 18.78 4719 1896 6846 4468 3942 Do. 0672 15.30 452i 1832 6836 4336 3908 Do. 0974 18.94 4224 1470 6782 4420 3934 Do. IO.O53O 16.66 1.44635 8.81910 6848 2.64370 2.63949 Do. 1374 J8-34 3904 1192 6740 4385 3949 Do. 0831 16.69 4379 1655 6810 4385 4071 Do. 1126 17-49 4118 1509 6788 4274 3932 Do. 0946 17.22 4279 , 1577 6798 4362 3995 Do. 1518 17.36 3789 0966 6707 4510 4146 Do. 0506 19.27 4645 1902 6847 4390 4062 Do. 1469 18.13 3814 1264 6751 4222 3907 Do. 0855 20-33 4348 1703 6817 43 01 4029 ' Do. 1413 20.97 3857 1133 6731 4400 4076 ; Do. 10.1318 17.70 I-43976 8.81322 6760 2.64327 2.64133 Do. 2220 18.04 3216 0774 6678 4133 3959 Do. 0900 17.90 4328 , 1651 6809 4334 4102 Do. 1156 18.76 4095 1416 6774 4349 4092 Do. 0499 17.14 4683 2044 6869 4284 4 '53 Do. 1871 17.41 3521 0758 6676 4456 4303 Do. 1358 16.94 3945 1487 6784 4120 3987 Do. 10.1540* '7-57* '43793* 8.81657* 6810* 2.63794* 2.63591* Do. are for two complete sets each of deflections and oscillations. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION The following monthly mean values for the logarithm of the magnetic moment of magnet No. 4 at 20 Centigrade (m m ) and for magnetic horizontal intensity (//) result from these observations : Epoch Number determi- nations Resulting mean values log m K H 1903.81 4 2.63864 7 6754 1903.88 4 3882 53 I903-95 6 3808 42 1904.04 8 3894 59 1904.12 4 3870 33 1904.21 5 3953 62 1904.29 8 3931 98 1904.37 10 4012 84 1904.46 7 4104 64 The above mean values of H, each being made up of determinations made at different times on the days of observation, may be taken practically as applying to mean of day. As will be noted, the difference between the extreme values is but sixty-five gammas, which, con- sidering the frequent and rapid fluctuations of this element in high latitudes, is quite satisfac- tory. From the fifty-six determinations as grouped together in the above tabulation the resulting horizontal intensity at Teplitz Bay is 6768 r for epoch J904.J6. SECULAR CHANGE IN MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL INTENSITY Observations were made for horizontal intensity, as noted in the tabulation of results, at the magnetic station of the Italian Expedition of 1899 and 1900. Unfortunately opportunity was afforded only upon this one occasion for observation there. The value obtained seems somewhat unsatisfactory in view of the unusually low value of the magnetic moment of magnet No. 4 resulting. A close inspection of the observational data does not, however, disclose any irregularities of greater amount than the similar work at the hut indicates should be expected in this region. It is furthermore confirmed in that the result given is derived from two sets of deflection as well as oscillation observations. For the purpose of reduction to mean of day a mean curve for diurnal variation in magnetic horizontal intensity was deduced from the International Observations of 1882 to 1883 at the stations Ssgastyr, Siberia ; Cape Thordsen, Spitzbergen ; Jan Mayen Island ; Karmakul Bay, Novaia Zemlia, and Bossekop, Norway. Applying diurnal variation corrections so obtained, the determination at the Italian station on June 28, 1904, becomes 6810 f + 50 f 6860 f. The nearest corresponding observation at the Ziegler Expedition station in point of time (being but four hours before) is that of the preceding date ; reduced for diurnal variation, the resulting value is 6784 r + 8 r 6792 r- From these two determinations it appears that the horizontal intensity at the Ziegler Expedition station is about 68 f smaller than at the Italian stat ion. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Inasmuch as Commander Cagni's observations were, with but one exception, made during afternoon hours, his values have also been reduced approximately to mean of day by the same diurnal variation curve (the corrections given are mean values over periods of observation). These results are as follows, the observed quantities being taken from Professor Palazzo's discussion :* Date No. of determi- nations Local mean time Mean observed value Correction diurnal variation Reduced mean value Resulting mean H 1899 August 29 2 h m h m 14 ^I 17 *\O r 6842 7 41 7 6801 Y August 30 4 14 46 - 18 02 6848 41 6807 6805 1900 Tulv 12. i 17 O7 17 \\ 68os 42 68si 1 July 13 4 15 41 - 18 35 6892 41 6851 Tulv 14.. 8 Q 08 - 12 w 68 is 6 6820 July 14 i 15 37 - 16 01 6876 43 681-5 6823 July 24... 8 15 10 - 18 35 681 1 3Q 67Q2 July 2$ . 8 IS 2^ - l8 O 6881 7Q 6842 August 3 8 14 40 - 18 09 6849 4O 6809 J The resulting mean values of 68057 and 6823?- correspond to mean of day for the epochs 1899.66 and 1900.55 respectively. From these the magnetic horizontal intensity at the Italian station forthe epoch 1900.10136814^. Referred to the Ziegler Expedition station, this becomes 68147 687 = 67467. At the latter location the value derived was 6768 7 for the epoch 1904.16. Hence the horizontal intensity of the earth's magnetic field has, in the region of Teplitz Bay, in a period of four years increased 22 7 (0.00022 C. G. S.). Hence, assuming a linear change during the elapsed interval, the rate of change in magnetic horizontal intensity due to secular variation is + 67 (0.00006 C G. S.) per year. This rate of increase confirms that adopted by Professor Palazzo in his discussion above referred to, namely, +97. At the stations Mossel Bay (y = 79 53' N ; A= 16 04' E) and Cape Thordsen (.o 19 56 So 55-5 57-3 43 50 46.6 46.8 28 50 60.3 59.8 07 SO 69.1 68.8 53 52 55-2 57.2 43 52 46.0 46.3 27 52 59-9 58.5 09 52 66.4 66.2 19 57 54 56.5 58.0 44 54 45-6 45.9 26 54 59-7 58.1 09 54 63.6 63.3 20 02 56 54-6 56.3 42 56 44-0 44.3 24 56 59-1 58.1 10 56 V* J 60.7 60. I 07 58 54-3 56.2 41 58 44-3 44-6 24 58 61.2 60.4 06 +15-2 58 59-1 58.9 09 9 oo 56.8 58.0 45 +8.3 II OO 44.0 44.6 24 +9-5 13 00 62.8 62.1 04 15 00 59.2 59.0 09 + 10. 1 02 51-8 54.3 38 02 43-9 44-5 24 02 63.9 62.8 02 02 59-3 59-0 09 04 51. 6 53.0 37 04 44-4 45. T 25 04 65.1 64.4 00 04 59.9 59.2 08 06 53-3 55-2 40 06 45-3 46.0 26 06 63.5 62.8 O2 06 59.9 59.2 08 08 50.7 51. 6 35 08 46.5 47-2 28 08 63.2 62.1 03 08 60.4 60.2 07 TO 49-6 50.5 33 to 47-8 48.5 30 TO 64.2 63.2 OT IO 60. I 59.9 07 12 ST.O 51-6 35 T2 46.7 48.T 29 1 12 65.2 64.8 00 12 59-8 59-3 08 T4 50.0 51.6 34 +8.6 14 43.8 44.3 24 +9-3 14 63.7 63.3 O2 +14.9 14 59-5 50.1 09 + IO.O r6 46.0 46.4 27 16 41.6 42.6 21 16 59.6 59.2 08 16 58.9 58.6 09 T8 Si-o 51-2 35 18 42-3 43-2 22 18 62.0 61.4 05 18 59-2 58.9 09 20 53-8 54.8 40 20 43-6 44.7 24 20 65.1 65.0 OO 20 62.4 61.7 04 22 53-2 54-3 39 22 43-3 44-6 24 22 65.0 64.8 00 22 63.9 63.7 OI 24 SO- i 50.5 34 24 43-3 44-2 23 24 64.1 64.0 OI 24 64.8 64.3 20 oo 26 49-3 49-7 32 26 41.6 43-2 21 26 63.6 63.0 2O 02 26 65.9 65.8 19 58 28 49-3 50.0 32 2R 41.3 42.6 2O 28 66.7 65.9 TO 57 28 66.9 66.7 57 30 40-0 50.4 33 +9-0 30 41.8 43-2 21 +9.2 30 62.1 61.7 20 04 +I3-7 30 68.0 67.9 55 + IO.T 32 50.2 ST.O 34 32 43.3 44.6 24 32 58.2 58.1 TO 32 68.9 68.6 54 34 49-4 50.0 33 34 43-3 44-6 24 34 54-9 54-0 16 34 70.9 70. T Si 36 49-2 49.5 32 36 41.2 42.3 20 36 56.6 55.8 13 36 74-0 72.8 47 38 49-4 49-5 32 38 39.2 40.3 17 3 58.0 57.9 II 38 73-2 72-0 47 40 49.0 49.2 32 40 37.6 39.2 15 40 61.2 61.0 06 40 73-2 72-9 47 42 50.0 50.3 33 42 38.0 30-4 IS 42 60.3 59.9 07 42 74-0 73.6 46 44 49.6 50.0 33 !-9.o 44 35-6 36.6 II +9.1 44 58.2 58.2 TO 44 71.1 70.8 50 + IO.2 46 49-4 50.0 33 46 31.8 33.0 05 46 56.0 55.9 14 +12.7 46 70.5 TO. T 51 -18 49-7 50.2 33 48 34-5 35-3 09 48 56.4 56.2 T3 48 69.0 67.9 19 54 ?o 48.8 49.4 32 50 36.4 37-4 T2 50 54-5 54. i 16 50 63.7 63.0 20 02 52 48.0 48.3 3T 52 36.6 37-6 13 52 57- T 56.5 12 52 61.4 60.8 06 54 48.3 49-2 3T 54 35-2 36.3 ii 54 57-9 57-7 II 54 61.2 60.6 06 56 48.7 49-3 32 56 34.7 36.0 10 56 55-2 55-0 IS 56 61.9 61.0 os 58 46.8 47.6 20 58 35.6 36.9 ii +9.1 58 59-2 59.1 09 58 61.8 61.2 05 12 OO 35-3 36.5 IT 16 oo 61.0 S9-o 07 + 10.5 1 Correction to local mean time is 2is. Torsion head at 8h 3om read 246 and at I3h som read the same. Obscrver-W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is 3os. Torsion head at iah oom read 258* and at i6h 20m read the same. Observer J. V. 328 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued Wednesday, June 28, 1905 Magnet scale erect Thursday, June 29, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time ; nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right I Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d / O h m d d o / O h m d d h m d d o / O o oo Lost 2 00.5 51-0 52-9 20 46 +5.5 16 oo 43-6 41-3 19 50 18 oo 19-5 19-0 20 29 + 13-0 02 Lost 02 55-2 56.6 53 02 44-8 42.7 48 +15.0 02 19.5 18.0 30 04 37-5 37-8 20 24 +6.0 04 55-3 56.3 53 04 47-5 45-7 44 i 04 20. o 18.8 29 06 35-8 36.4 22 06 51-3 53-0 47 06 48.5 47.1 42 06 22. 20. 6 26 08 39.8 40.2 28 08 48.2 50.2 42 08 49-3 47-7 40 08 22.3 21.0 25 IO 39-0 39-5 26 IO 40-3 51-5 44 10 49.0 47.7 4i IO 21.3 19.8 27 12 38.3 39-4 26 12 58.0 6o.O 58 12 50.7 48.7 39 12 21.3 20. I 27 u 36.3 37-0 22 +6.0 14 52.8 53.4 48 +5-2 14 49-8 48.5 40 +15-2 14 19.7 18.7 29 + 13-0 16 31-8 .1,3.2 16 16 49.0 49.5 42 16 52.3 51.0 36 16 18.5 17.5 31 18 31-2 32.0 15 18 49-5 50-5 44 18 54-3 53-3 33 18 21.3 20.3 26 20 31-2 33-2 16 20 46.5 47-6 39 20 55-0 54-1 32 20 21.8 21. 26 22 30.8 33-0 IS 22 46.0 46.2 37 22 55-3 54-3 3i 22 24.3 23.0 22 24 31- i 33-1 15 24 46.6 47.8 39 24 55-5 54-7 31 24 24.7 23.9 2T 26 32.0 33.8 17 26 Lost 26 56.0 56.O 2O 26 26.8 26.3 18 28 33-3 35-7 19 28 46.5 47-8 39 28 56.0 55.3 30 28 30.0 29.5 1.3 30 34-3 36.3 20 +6.0 30 44-6 45-5 36 +5-1 30 56.3 55-8 29 +15.1 i 30 33-0 32.3 08 + 13-0 32 35-4 36.0 21 32 44-3 45-0 35 32 57-8 57-3 27 32 34-3 33-7 06 34 35-3 37.1 22 34 46.7 47-2 39 34 58.2 57.3 27 34 34.5 34.0 06 36 34-0 35-4 2O 36 49-4 50.0 43 36 57-5 56.6 28 36 34. j 33.6 06 38 34.2 36.3 20 38 48.4 49-5 42 38 55-0 53-8 32 38 34-1 33-6 06 40 37-0 38.4 24 40 48.4 50.0 42 40 50.0 48.6 40 40 34.0 33.1 07 42 39.3 40.4 28 42 50.3 52.0 45 42 46.6 46.3 45 42 33.6 32.6 08 44 38.0 40.2 26 4-5-9 44 52.0 54-2 48 +5.o 44 44-6 44-3 48 +14.8 44 33-3 32.5 08 +13.0 46 37-8 40.4 26 46 55- I 56.8 2jo 53 46 41.8 41.4 52 46 31-3 30.6 II 48 37-3 40.3 26 48 60.3 61.6 21 OI 48 41.0 40.6 54 48 20.8 28.8 14 50 38.5 40.5 27 50 62.9 64.1 05 50 40.5 40.3 19 54 50 28.0 27.2 16 52 37-3 39-7 26 52 62.0 62.9 21 03 52 36.7* 20 oo 52 26.5 25.3 19 54 38.5 40.5 27 54 59-3 6l.O 20 59 54 35-5 35-5 02 54 26.4 25.3 10 56 40.9 42.3 30 56 57-5 59-8 57 56 33-0 32.3 07 58 27.6 26.7 17 58 46.0 48.1 39 58 57-0 59-5 56 58 30.6 30.0 10 58 29.0 27.5 16 I OO 46.1 48.4 39 +5-6 3 oo 57-7 59-3 57 +5-0 T7 oo 31.1 30.6 09 +i-).i TO oo 29.3 27.5 IS + 12. n 02 53-0 55-9 50 02 57-8 59-3 5" 02 33-O 31.9 07 O2 27.6 26.3 18 04 55-6 58.0 54 04 59-0 59-7 58 01 29.0 27.6 13 04 25.8 24.8 20 06 58.0 59-7 57 06 59-3 60.6 59 06 25.1 23.6 20 06 24.0 23.0 2.3 08 53-3 55-7 51 08 58.2 59.0 57 08 20.8 20. 26 08 21.3 20.6 27 IO 51.5 54-3 4f IO 59.0 59.2 58 10 20. 6 19.6 26 10 19.6 19.0 30 12 50.5 52.3 46 12 59-7 60.2 20 59 12 20.3 10. I 27 12 20. I9.O 29 14 50.7 52.0 46 +5.6 14 60. i 61.0 21 OO +5.o Id 10. 5 18.3 28 4-13.8 14 2O. T 19.5 29 + 12. 1 16 48.3 40.6 42 16 61.3 62.3 02 16 f6-3 iS-7 33 16 20. 2 19.6 20 18 47-0 48.3 40 18 61.6 62.8 03 18 16.7 15.3 33 18 20.8 2O. 3 28 20 45-8 47.4 38 20 60.5 6t.7 01 20 15.7 14-7 34 20 20.3 19-8 29 22 43-7 45.2 88 22 59-3 61.7 00 22 15.0 14.1 35 22 20. 6 IO.Q 29 24 42.5 43-3 32 24 59.5 62.1 01 24 16.9 I.S.7 33 21 19.5 18.8 30 26 45-2 45.6 36 26 50.8 62.6 21 OI 26 19.2 18.1 29 26 23.5 22.6 24 28 50.00 44 28 58.0 60.5 20 58 28 19.3 18.0 29 28 24.2 22.0 24 30 55-7 58.0 54 +5-5 30 56.0 58.2 55 +5.i 30 T7.6 I7.O 31 + 13.2 30 23-3 21.7 25 + 11. 8 32 56.7 58.0 55 32 55.0 56.5 52 32 18.0 16.6 31 32 22.0 2O.7 27 34 56.0 58.0 54 34 54-5 55-8 52 34 19.1 17.6 30 34 2O. I I9.O 30 36 48.3 49-7 42 36 55.6" 57.0 53 36 20. i 18.7 28 36 2O. I I9.I 30 38 48.0 50.0 42 38 55-6 57.0 53 38 20.3 18.6 28 38 21.6 20. 6 27 40 49.0 49.3 42 40 57-0 58.3 55 40 21.7 20.3 26 40 20.9 20.3 28 42 46.7 47-5 30 42 56.0 58.0 54 42 20.1 19.7 27 42 21.3 2O.5 28 44 52.0 53.7 48 +5-5 44 55-3 57-3 53 +5-2 44 21. 19.6 27 + 13-0 1 44 21.3 20. 6 28 + n. 5 46 54.3 56.3 52 46 56.5 59.0 56 46 20.5 19.8 27 46 21.2 2O. 6 28 48 55-0 56.3 52 48 56.6 60.0 56 48 19.2 17.2 30 48 21.8 21. O 27 50 55.8 57-2 H 50 54.8 58.0 54 50 23-3 22.7 23 SO 22. O 21.3 27 52 52.0 53.6 48 52 56.6 60.0 | 20 56 52 24.0 23.0 22 52 22.3 21.5 26 54 48.5 50.3 42 54 58.3 62.3 | 21 00 54 20.9 TO. 6 27 54 21.6 2O. 6 28 5 S 46.7 49.2 40 56 54-0 57-2 20 52 56 20.3 10. T 28 56 21.2 2O. 3 28 58 47-4 49-8 41 58 53-0 56.7 5i 58 l8.7 17.5 30 58 22. 20.8 27 + 11. 2 4 OO S6.6 59.8 56 +5-2 20 00 21.8 21.0 27 Correction to local mean time is 313. No torsion observations made. Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is 2O.6s. 90" torsion = 22/67. Torsion head at i6h oom read 260* and at 2oh 20m read 242*. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of via^nclic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued 329 Friday, June 30, 1905 Magnet scale erect Sunday, July 2, 1905 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Clir'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Clir'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right ; Left Right Left Right I Left Kight h m d d h m d d or h m d d O f h m d d O t 2O OO* 45-3 48.0 20 II +9.5 22 OO 10.8 22.8 1858 +6.5 o oo* 41.3 42.1 20 16 +2.5 2 OO 59-0 60. I 20 44 + 1.2 O2 42.0 44.7 06 02 II. 23.3 18 58 02 36.2 37.5 20 08 02 61.7 62.3 48 04 38.7 40.8 2O OO 04 22.3 22.8 TO 07 04 28.5 29.6 19 S6 04 62.3 63.3 49 06 37-7 39.5 T9 58 06 15.8 16.5 18 57 06 30.5 31.0 19 59 06 62.3 63.4 49 08 .36.8 38.8 57 08 2T.80 19 06 08 32.3 33.6 20 02 08 61.6 62.7 48 TO 37-o 38.7 57 TO 3.3.OO 23 10 34-8 35.5 06 TO 63.0 64.2 50 12 36.0 38.5 57 12 32.8 35.3 25 12 33.6 34.3 04 12 63.3 64.4 Si 14 37-0 38.6 57 +9-5 14 39-3 4T.2 35 +6.5 '4 34-0 34.4 04 + T.5 T4 63.0 64.0 50 + 1.2 16 34-8 36.4 54 T6 50.0 55.6 TO 54 16 35-0 35-6 06 16 62.3 63.3 49 18 3T-4 33-3 48 T8 54.3 60.2 2O OT 18 41.3 41.5 16 18 62.6 63.6 50 20 28.2 20.6 43 20*5 26.2 35.5 45 20 42.1 42.5 T7 20 62.5 63.1 49 22 25-4 26.3 38 22* 4O.4 6T.6 20 OO 22 40.9 42.5 16 22 61.2 62.0 47 24 24-3 25.3 37 24 24.6 38.8 19 30 24 43-3 44-5 19 24 61.0 62.0 47 26 25.3 26.2 .38 26 20.7 36.3 24 26 44-7 46.0 22 26 60.3 61.3 46 28 24.6 25.3 37 28 27.6 30.6 25 28 44.6 46.6 22 28 I 6O.O 6o.2 45 30 24.3 24.8 36 +9-2 30 33-8 36.8 35 +5-6 30 45-3 45-7 22 + 1.5 30 59-0 59-5 43 + 1-3 32 25.3 25.6 .38 32 42.2 46.8 50 32 48.0 49.3 27 32 58.4 59-3 43 3) 26.0 26.6 30 .34 40.3 43.8 46 34 52.3 54.7 34 34 59-0 59-2 43 3/6 23.3 24. T 35 36 45-2 49.5 54 36 50-9 63.8 2O 48 36 59-8 60.6 45 38 2T.O 22.8 3.3 .38 25.5 29.5 23 1 38 69-5 7i.o 21 OI 38 59.8 60.6 45 40 TO. 6 20. 3 29 40 T4.0 19.0 06 40 66.ofr 20 54 40 61.3 62.1 47 42 22.2 22.0 33 42 19.5 24.6 14 42 58.0 58.5 42 42 65.0 65.9 S3 44 23.8 24.0 3 +8.8 44 10.0 2.3.4 1.3 44 54-5 54-6 36 + 1.4 44 64.6 65.0 52 +1.3 46 27.5 27.7 4T 4 fi 18.8 22.6 12 + 5-2 46 52.0 53.0 33 46 62.0 62.9 48 48 27.2 27.6 41 48 22.8 26.2 18 48 62.5 63.0 49 48 61.5 62.1 48 50 30.6 30.O 46 50 T8.2 20.9 TO 50 66.1 67.6 55 50 62.0 62.3 48 Si 32.6 32.6 40 52 24.0 27.4 2O 52 54-3 55-6 37 52 63.6 64.2 51 M 30.3 30.8 46 54 29.8 3.3.0 2O 54 54-2 55-8 37 54 65.8 66.3 54 iff 28.6 28.8 43 st 20 30.4 29.5 43 22 28.4 34-2 05 22 40.3 40.5 19 >> Lost 22 27.2 26.7 48 24.4 29-3 34-5 06 24 41- T 41-3 20 24 39- oft 29 24 27.3 26.8 48 26 31.0 35.6 08 26 41.0 41.3 20 26 32-5 32.5 39 26 28.8 28.0 46 28 32.2 36.0 TO 28 4O.8 4I.I | 20 28 27- 5ft 47 28 29.8 28.9 44 +2.0 30 33-3 37.6 TT + 10.0 30 4O.1 4O.9 IO + 0.2 30 24.8ft 51 30 29.3 28.7 45 32 34.0 38.1 12 32 30. R 40.0 18 32 23.8 23.2 53 +2.0 32 29.4 28.4 45 31 34-0 38.3 13 34 40.0 40.3 19 34 23.0 22.8 54 34 30.4 29.4 43 lf> 35.0 .18.3 13 36 30.3 39.8 18 36 24.0 23.5 53 36 27.5 26.9 48 38 35.2 38.0 13 38 38.6 39.1 16 38 23-9 23.2 53 38 28.6 27.4 46 40 35.' 38.1 13 40 38.8 10.2 17 40 25.1 24.8 Si 40 28.3 27.7 46 42 35-8 38.0 T4 42 38.2 38.6 16 42 25-1 24.5 42 25.8 25.1 So +2.1 44 35-7 37.9 13 + 11. 44 37.8 38.0 if + 8.8 44 25.0 24.6 5r 44 27.2 26.7 48 46 36.0 38.0 14 46 38.3 38.6 ifi 46 24.3 24.0 52 +2.0 46 30.50 42 48 36.0 ?R.o H 48 39. T 39.3 17 48 26.1 25.7 50 48 31.0 30.0 42 5O 36.3 38.3 14 50 39.2 39.4 17 50 25.8 25.0 50 50 30.8 29.6 43 52 35.6 38.6 14 52 39.4 39.4 17 52 23.8 23.2 53 52 29.0 27.8 46 54 35-1 37-0 12 54 39.0 39.8 17 54 21.8 21. I 20 57 : 54 26.8 25.4 49 56 35-5 37.0 12 56 39-3 39.6 17 56 19.8 io. i 21 00 56 24.0 23.3 20 53 +2.2 58 34.8 36.3 II 58 4O.O 40.3 19 58 I9.I 18.7 , OI 58 19.8 19.5 21 00 T6 00 39-8 40.5 ' 19 + 8.1 Correction to local mean time is ahont 405. 90 torsion = 18/09. Torsion head at T2h oom read 258 and at l6h I5m read 253, Observer W. J. P. Observer A. P. 332 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Algcr Island Station Continued Wednesday, July 5. IQOS Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, July 5, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East ! Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Clir'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation ! C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O ' e h m d d or h m d d t h m d d ' 4 oo 16.3 15-2 21 O6 6 oo 53-5 48.3 23 44 +3-0 8 oo 51-5 50.4 20 39 +2.5 10 00 6l.2 60.9 20 23 +3-0 02 21.0 19-4 20 59 02 56.0 50.2 40 02 49.6 48.6 42 02 60. i 59-7 25 04 25.2 24.2 52 04 61.3 53- S 33 04 Si -3 50.6 39 04 60.0 59.3 25 06 29.2 28.5 45 06 60.9 54-1 33 06 50.6 49.9 40 06 58.7 58.3 27 08 30.5 29.9 43 08 63.2 59-3 27 08 56.6 55.3 31 08 ! 59.6 58.9 26 IO 30.2 29.6 43 10 62.3 57-0 30 IO 56.6 55.2 31 10 59.3 59.0 26 12 28.9 28.0 46 12 67.3 64.0 20 12 57-3 56.5 20 T2 59.0 58.4 26 14 28.0 26.9 47 +2-3 14 71.0 69.0 23 U +3-0 U 58.0 55-3 30 14 60.3 60. I 24 +3-2 16 26.2 25.2 50 16* 51.0 46.8 22 50 16 59.0 58.3 27 16 60.6 60.0 24 18 27.2 26.2 48 18 41-8 38.0 23 w 18 59.8 59-3 25 18 60.3 6o.O 24 20 28.3 27.4 47 20 20.0 24-4 23 31 20 60.6 6o.=! 24 f2.7 20 61.00 23 22 30.8 29.5 43 22 50.9 44-8 2258 22 50.6 58.8 26 22 66.1 65.1 16 24 31.9 31. o' 4i 24 53-8 50.3 Si 24 50.6 59.4 25 24 65.7 64.3 T7 26 31.5 29.0 42 26 52.9 49-3 52 26 54-4 54-0 33 26 62.9 61.7 2r 38 30.6 29.4 43 28 49-5 47.0 57 28 53-0 52.5 36 28 58.6 57.5 28 30 31-4 30.5 42 +2.4 30 61.2 58.5 39 +3-1 9* 60.3 60.0 21 +2.7 30 56.6 55.6 30 +3-5 32 31.9 30.2 42 32 72.1 67.0 24 32 63.3 61.9 20 32 59.0 57.6 27 34 30.7 29.4 43 34 72.0 68.5 23 34 56.6 54.3 32 34 62.0 60.8 22 36 31.4 29.9 42 36 75-0 73.0 17 36 41.8 30.8 54 36 65.3 63.7 17 38 33-0 31-7 4 38 39.0 32.3 22 OO 38.3 52.3 52.0 37 38 67.8 66.8 13 40 32.8 31.0 40 40 41-3 35-6 21 56 40 57-3 55-6 30 40 67.2 66.2 14 42 30.3 29.2 44 42 38.1 33-5 22 00 42 60. i 59-3 25 42 60.0 50.8 25 44 28.0 26.6 47 +2.5 44 43-5 37-0 21 53 +3-1 44 61.0 60.0 24 + 2.8 44 66. T 56.8 30 +3-8 46 20.3 19- 1 20 59 46 55-3 51.6 32 46 63.3 62.6 20 46 56.8 56.8 29 48 15-2 14-5 21 O7 48 61.3 56.1 24 48 65.5 64.4 17 48 60.6 60.0 24 SO 10.2 9.3 15 So 62.3 57.0 23 50 65.2 64.3 17 So 63.0 62.8 20 52 39.8 35-8 24 52 67.2 62.4 15 52 66.6 65.8 IS 52 64.0 63.1 19 54 36.3 32.3 30 54 64.4 59-5 19 54 67.0 66. o 14 54 63.3 62.O 20 56 31.5 27.2 37 56 63.8 59-2 20 56 67.2 66. i T4 56 63.0 62.6 20 58 34.2 30.3 33 58 61.6 57.0 23 +3-0 58 66.3 65.6 15 58 65.0 6l.3 20 5 oo 31.8 28.0 36 +2.5 7 oo 68. o 64.0 13 o oo 66.2 65.1 16 +2.8 IT OO 62.5 62.5 2O +4-0 02 26.1 22.8 45 02 72.6 63.0 IO 02 66.0 64.8 16 02 62.6 62.3 21 04 20.8 16.0 55 04 75-6 72.4 oo O.I 65.6 64.3 17 04 62.3 62.O 21 06 17.0 13.8 59 06 75-2 71-8 21 OI 06 65.3 64.6 17 06 62.6 62.6 2O 08 17-1 13-8 21 59 o8 4^.6 35. I 20 S7 08 6?. 6 65.0 16 08 63.5 63.3 19 IO 16.3 12.8 22 OI IO 38.5 38.3 58 TO 64.7 6-5.8 18 10 62.0 62.1 20 12 14.9 IT. 8 O2 12 43.0 42.0 52 T2 63.8 6-?. 3 19 12 63.6 63.1 19 " 14 13-0 9-5 06 +2.6 14 50.6 50.3 40 11 63.4 62.6 20 +2.7 14 60.6 60.2 24 +4-0 16 13.3 10. o 05 16 53-3 51-6 36 +2.8 16 63.1 62.3 20 16 60. i 59-9 24 18 13-5 10.7 04 18 47-0 45-8 46 18 62.' 6i.s 21 18 61.0 61.0 23 20 14.6 11.3 03 20 48.1 47.6 44 i 20 62.8 6i.k 21 20 60.6 60.2 24 22 16.3 13.3 22 OO 22 50.3 50.0 40 22 6r.8 60.8 22 22 6l.8 6l.5 22 24 18.3 15.4 21 57 24 57.8 57-0 29 21 61.0 60.5 23 24 60.8 60.6 23 26 II. O IO. I 22 07 26 53-3 52.8 35 26 61.0 60.5 23 26 60.8 60.4 24 28 8.0 5-5 13 28 54-4 53-9 34 28 60.5 60.0 24 28 61.0 60.6 23 30 37-5 31-9 24 +2.8 30 50.8 50.0 39 i+2.7 30 61.0 60.0 24 +2.7 30 61.0 60.4 23 +4-0 32 37.9 32.4 23 32 49-3 48.7 42 32 59-5 58.9 26 32 59.5 50.2 26 34 31.9 27.2 32 34 44.9 44.6 48 34 50.0 59.3 25 34 58.8 58.3 27 36 27.7 21.5 40 36 43-0 42.3 52 36 60. i 50-6 25 36 57-3 56.5 29 38 15-8 9-7 22 58 38 42.5 42.3 52 3 60.3 60.0 24 38 57-5 56.8 20 4 o 44.0 30.8 23 08 40 38.0 37.5 20 59 40 60.6 60.3 24 40 60.0 59.6 25 42 42.0 38.2 II 42 34-6 34-0 21 05 42 60.0 59.9 25 42 63.0 62.3 2O 44 29.0 24.3 32 +3-0 44 31.00 10 +2.6 4* 59-6 50.3 26 +2.8 44 63.0 62.3 20 +4.1 46 22.3 20. 8 41 46 34-1 34-0 05 46 50.0 58.4 26 46 63.4 62.0 2O 48 27-3 23.9 34 48 36.00 21 O2 48 59.3 58.6 26 48 62.3 6l.I 22 50 22.9 20.5 40 50 41.5 41-3 20 54 50 50-5 58.6 26 50 61.7 60.3 23 52 18.5 15.2 23 48 52 35-3 35-0 21 O4 52 60.0 58.8 26 52 63.6 62.3 20 54 7-5 5-0 24 04 54 45-0 45.0 2O 48 54 6r>.o 58.8 26 54 63.7 62.5 19 56' 44.0 38.1 23 59 56 45-3 45-1 48 56 61.3 60.2 23 56 60.0 59.2 25 58 48.8 42.2 52 58 49-5 49-1 41 58 60.6 50.9 24 58 63.3 62.5 20 Observers A. F. and W. J. P., who alternated from 6h o8m to 6h 22m. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued 333 Wednesday, July 5, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, July 5, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Scale East | Scale East Scale East 1 Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. 0. time nation C. time nation C. time nation a t,eft Right L,eft Right l.cit Right Left Right h in d d o / o h m d d , h m d d o / h m d d 12 00 69.0 68.8 20 10 +4.0 14 oo 63.9 63.2 20 19 +4.1 16 oo 33-1 31-8 20 18 +3-5 1800 46.7 44-9 19 56 +3-0 02 68.3 68.0 12 02 65.1 64.8 17 02 33-8 32.1 17 i 02 46.5 45-3 56 04 64.3 63.8 18 04 67.4 67.1 13 04 34-1 32.4 16 04 46.6 45.5 56 06 66.8 66.2 14 06 70.50 08 06 33-7 32.2 17 06 46.3 45-4 56 08 63.6 62.4 20 08 75-0 74-3 2O O2 08 33-6 32.1 17 08 46.0 45.0 57 IO 60.9 59.9 24 IO 78.00 1956 IO 33-8 32.9 16 10 45.6 44.6 58 12 61.6 60.3 23 12* 49.0 44.2 55 12 34-2 33-2 16 12 45-2 44.2 58 14 60.6 59.6 24 +4.1 14 48.8 44.9 55 +4-4 14 34-3 33-1 16 14 44-5 43-6 59 16 60.0 59.2 25 16 48.2 43.7 56 16 34-0 32.7 16 +3-8 16 44-9 44-2 58 +3-0 18 60.0 59.3 25 18 46.2 42.2 19 59 18 32.5 30.9 19 18 45.3 44.6 58 20 60.2 59.3 25 20 45-3 41-2 20 01 20 31.2 29.4 21 20 45-5 44-7 58 22 60.0 59.1 25 22 46.0 42.6 19 59 22 31.2 29.8 20 22 45-5 44-9 58 24 60.3 59-5 25 24 46.5 42.9 1958 24 32.4 30.3 19 24 46.0 45-3 57 26 60.6 59-8 24 26 44.3 4O.8 20 02 26 32.6 30.8 19 26 46.1 45.4 57 28 60. i 59. i 25J 28 44.4 4I.O OI 28.3 32.6 31.1 18 28 45-9 45-3 56 30 60.0 59.0 25 +4.1 30 44-7 41-7 OI +4-4 30 32.2 30.8 19 +3-9 30 45.6 45.0 57 32 60.2 59-4 25 32 44.6 42.0 00 32 31.9 30.7 10 32 45-7 45-2 57 +2-7 34 60.0 59.2 25 34 43-8 41. i 02 34 31.6 30.4 20 34 45.5 44.9 58 36 61.0 60.2 24 36 42.6 40.0 04 36 31.5 30.5 20 36 44.6 44.1 59 38 60.0 59-1 25 38 42.2 39-9 04 38 31.5 30.2 20 38 44-5 43-8 40 63.5 53-3 27 40 40.8 38.9 06 40 31.3 30.1 3D 40 45-0 44-2 58 42 60.8 59-8 24 42 40.5 39-0 06 42 31.3 30.2 20 42 44-9 44-3 1958 44 60.5 59-3 25 +3-9 44 39-2 37-8 08 +4.1 44 32.0 30.9 19 +3-9 44 44-3 43-6 20 oo +2-5 46 60.3 59-7 24 46 37-1 35-9 ii 46 32.5 31.4 18 46 43-3 42.6 OI 48 62.1 OO.9 22 48 37-6 36.5 10 48 32.0 31.0 19 48 42.6 41.9 02 50 62.3 61.1 22 50 37-5 36.4 IO 50 32.1 31.4 19 50 41.9 41.2 03 52 62.9 6l.8 21 52 37-7 36.8 10 52 32.7 31.8 18 52 41. i 40.3 04 54 62.5 6l.8 21 54 38.1 37-2 09 54 33-0 32.1 17 54 40.3 39.6 06 56 63.0 02.1 2O 56 38.7 37-6 09 56.3 32.5 31-7 18 56 39-5 38.5 07 58 63.6 63.1 19 58 39-0 38.0 08 58 32.1 31.2 19 58 38.0 37-4 09 13 oo 64.4 63.9 18 +4-0 15 oo 38.3 37.6 09 +3-8 17 oo j 31.8 30.8 19 +3.6 19 oo Missed 02 64.4 63.9 18 02 37.9 37.3 09 02 31.8 30.9 19 02 38.0 37-5 09 +2.5 04 64.2 63.7 18 04 37-4 36.7 10 04 32.1 31-5 18 04 39.0 38.6 08 06 64.0 63.5 19 06 37.1 36.2 II 06 32.4 31.8 18 06 40.0 39.5 06 08 63.4 63.0 19 08 36.8 35-7 12 08 32.8 32.0 18 08 40.9 40.3 05 IO 61.0 60.8 23 10 35.2 34.8 J4 10 33-0 32.6 17 10 41.6 41.1 04 12 61.8 61.6 22 12 ! 34.8 33.9 14 12 33.1 32.8 17 12 42.0 41.3 03 14 60.5* 24 14 33-9 32.7 16 14 34.0 33.7 15 +3-4 14 42.0 41.2 03 +2.4 16 59.0 58.8 26 +4-0 16 32.1 31.1 19 +3-5 16 34.8 34.2 14 16 42.2 41.4 03 18 60.5 60.2 24 18 31.9 30.8 19 18 35.2 34.7 14 18 42.6 41.6 02 2O 1 22 20 31.1 30.3 20 20 34-6 33.9 15 20 ; 42.9 41.8 02 , 22 65.8 65.3 16 22 30.9 29.9 21 22 35.0 34.2 14 22 43.6 42.3 OI 24 66.1 65.8 15 24 31-3 30.2 20 24 35-9 34-9 13 24 44.3 43.0 2O 00 26 68.50 II 26 32.0 30.8 19 26 36.6 35.7 12 26 45.1 43.9 19 58 28 70.4 70.0 08 28 31.1 30.2 20 28 36.6 35.7 12 28 46.0 44.6 57 30 70.5 70.2 08 +4.0 30 30.8 30.3 20 +3-4 30 37.0 36.0 ii +3-3 30 45-3 43-8 58 +2.3 32 72-9 72-3 05 32 30.7 30.0 21 32 38.0 37.0 10 32 45.0 43.8 19 59 34 73-3 73-0 04 34 29.8 29.0 22 34 39.2 38.0 08 34 44-6 43-1 20 oo 36 73-7 73.1 04 36 30.2 30.0 21 36 40.5 39-2 06 36 45-2 43.3 19 59 38 71.86 06 38 30.9 30.5 2O 38 41.9 40.9 04 38 45-3 43-3 J9 59 40 69.8 69.3 09 40 31-4 30.8 20 40 43.5 42.8 20 01 40 44.2 42.2 20 01 42 70.1 69.5 09 42 32.0 31.9 18 42 45.0 44.5 1958 4^ 43.8 42.0 OI 44 69.5 69.1 IO 44 32.7 3i.8 18 +3-5 44 45-3 44.8 58 44 42.2 40.2 04 +2.3 46 70.5 70.0 08 +4.0 46 33-0 31.9 18 46 45-0 44-3 58 +3.1 46 41.5 40.0 04 48 67.0 66.0 14 48 33-1 32.0 17 48 45-0 44.1 58 48 41-3 40.3 04 50 69,3 68.7 IO 50 33-4 32.0 17 50 45.1 44.2 58 So 40.1 38.9 06 52 70.2 69.8 09 52 33-4 32.1 17 52 44-9 43-9 59 52 38.4 37-6 09 54 66. o 65.4 16 54 33-1 31-9 17 54-2 45-3 44-3 58 54 37-7 37-0 IO 56 63.3 62.7 20 56 33-1 32.0 17 56 45-8 44-9 57 56 37.6 37.0 IO 58 63.8 63.1 19 58 33-0 31-8 18 58 46.6 44.9 57 58 37-3 36.8 10 Observers W. J. P. and A. F., who alternated from I2h 48111 to Observers A. F. and W. J. P., who alternated from i;h 46m to I2h 58m. i8h ooni. 334 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued Wednesday, July 5, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Thursday, July 6, 1905 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale 1 East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right UU Kight ' Left Right Left Right h in d d / O h ui d d / h m d d O 1 O h m d d , O 20 00 37.1 37.1 20 10 +2.2 22 00 26.0 23.5 20 29 +2.O 16 oo* 38.0 38.5 19 14 +8.0 1800 64.3 66.6 18 17 +7-0 02 38.6 37-7 09 O2 27.3 25.3 27 02 37-0 38.3 14 02 65.8 66.6 18 04 39.0 38.0 08 04 27.3 25.3 27 04 34-7 37-1 II 04 67.4 69.3 21 06 39.2 38.3 08 06 30.9 29.0 21 06 34-3 35-3 09 06 72.0 74-6 29 08 39.6 38.6 07 OS 28.5 26.5 25 08 31.0 38.0 09 08* 37.0 43.6 36 10 39.6 38.8 07 IO 31.0 29.0 21 10 36.6 41-4 16 IO 39.0 45.6 39 12 38.0 36.6 IO 12 33-5 32.0 17 12 32.0 33.0 19 06 12 41.8 48.0 43 14 39.0 38.0 08 +2.1 14 33-5 32-5 16 +2.O 14 10.5 12. O 18 32 +7-8 14 36.6 42.6 34 +6.5 16 39-0 38.2 08 16 33.0 32.0 17 16 6.8 7.6 26 16 27.6 37-8 23 18 39-8 38.4 07 18 29.6 28.6 22 18 12.2 l6.2 37 18 28.2 36.5 23 20 35-1 34-3 14 20 29.6 28.6 22 20 22.6 29.8 1856 20 37-8 44-5 37 22 35-0 32.5 16 22 3O.O 29.1 22 22 35-5 41.3 19 15 22 36.8 43.4 35 24 27.5 26.0 26 24 35-5 34-3 13 24 32.6 38.6 10 24 23-3 30.5 14 26.5 23.6 22. o 33 26 37.9 36.8 10 26 34-0 39-3 12 26 23.3 31.2 IS 28 24.5 23.6 31 28 36.5 35-7 12 28 38.4 43-5 19 28 23.2 29.4 H 30 23.3 22.6 32 +2.0 30 37.4 36.6 10 +2.O 30 47-3 53-6 34 +7-5 30 20.7 26.2 09 +6.0 32 29.5 28.3 23 32 39-4 39-0 07 32 54-4 6o-3 44 32 l6.2 22. 02 34 31.5 31-3 19 34 38.3 35"-9 10 34 55.4 60.0 45 34 19.2 25.O 07 36 34-7 34-6 14 36 39.0 32.6 20 36 48.9 55.0 36 36 18.3 23.3 18 05 38 42.0 40.4 04 38 39-3 35-6 10 38 45.0 48.0 28 38 ii. 5 17-3 17 55 40 17.6 11.4 20 46 40 44-6 40-0 02 40 48.3 50.0 32 40 IO.2 IO.6 48 42* 50.6 30.8 21 II 42 45-2 42-0 2O OO 42 54-5 58.8 43 42 12.3 17.2 17 55 44 45-3 35-5 II +2.O 44 50.0 46.0 19 53 +2.O 44 48.8 51-5 33 +7-4 44 16.9 19.3 18 01 +5-6 46 49-5 37-3 07 46 55-0 53-0 44 46 48.6 51.5 33 46 16.9 21.5 02 48 55-6 39-4 21 OO 48 55-8 53-0 19 43 48 59.8 62.6 51 48 20.0 24.1 07 50 53-0 47-8 2O 56 50 43-9 41-7 20 01 50 53-5 56.0 40 50 22.8 27.O ii 52 72.5 61.5 30 52 51-3 47-3 19 Si 52 56.0 59-3 45 52 29.8 34.6 23 54* 56.2 42.6 2O 12 50.0 47-8 52 54 56.3 59-0 45 54 2S.O 28.6 14 56 62.6 55.0 19 57 56 49-5 47-5 52 56 57-2 59-8 46 56 21.0 24.1 08 58 69.0 60.6 47 58 48.0 46.4 54 58 63.9 66. o 19 56 58 25.2 29.O 15 21 OO 80.0 63.0 37 +2.O 23 oo 48.6 46.8 53 +2.0 17 oo 73-8 74-6 20 II +7-2 19 oo 35-0 37-3 29 i+5-3 O2 73-8 61.3 43 02 50.5 49-1 50 02* i 56.2 58.8 12 02 49.0 52.5 18 52 04* TO.O 59.3 27 O4 5O.6 49.2 50 04 : 56.0 57-5 II 04 58.0 67.6 19 ii 06 68.0 58.0 29 O6 48.2 47.O 54 06 48.8 56.2 03 06 67.7 71-5 21 08 64.9 56.3 33 08 50.0 49.2 50 08 54.0 57.4 10 08 73-5 79-0 32 10 61.0 53.0 39 IO 47-3 46.3 19 55 10 ! 50.0 58.2 20 07 10* 38.6 49-6 45 12 52.6 45-2 52 12 42.3 41-0 20 03 12 34-3 44-5 19 44 12 44-5 49-5 50 14 53-8 45-6 19 50 +2.1 14 1 35-0 34.3 14 +2.O 14 35-6 48.0 48 +7-3 14 48.0 53.0 55 +5-2 16 43-8 36.5 20 05 16 33.0 31.3 18 16 35-3 48.0 48 16 50.0 54.6 58 18 23.0 19.0 35 18 35-0 33-6 14 18 24.8 36.6 30 18 42.6 58.6 55 20 16.0 10.0 48 20 38.3 37-0 09 20 26.9 37-3 33 20 30.0 35.0 27 22 21.0 14.5 41 22 34.2 32.6 16 22 Lost 22 28.0 32.0 23 24 16.0 10.5 48 24 30.3 28.0 22 24 27.0 37.6 33 24 23.0 24.9 13 26 17.0 10.3 47 26 30.3 28.3 22 26 16.3 18.0 1909 26 14.3 17.1 1900 28 41.6 36.3 07 28 33.2 31.0 18 28* 14.6 28.0 1854 28 9-3 12-3 1853 30 39-8 32.0 12 +2.1 30 29.3 28.0 23 +2.O 30* Lost +7.2 30 14.7 31.4 19 12 +5-2 32 34-7 24.3 22 3-2 32.0 30.6 19 32 Lost 32 26.3 32.3 22 31.0 26.0 24 34 24.4 23.0 31 34 24-0 35-5 18 20 34 40.6 44.3 42 36 33-0 28.0 2O 36 11. 6 11.3 50 36 8.0 18.0 17 54 36 38.6 42.2 39 38 29.8 24.3 26 38 IO.O& S 2 38 8.8 12. i 50 38 37-1 37-6 ! 34 40 32-3 27-2 22 40 13.56 20 47 40* 40.3 46.6 42 40 34-4 36.4 31 42 37-3 33-3 13 42* II. O 9.O 21 OO 42 40.0 46.5 42 42 36.8 38.6 35 44 34-5 3LO 17 +2.O 44 9-5 7-0 02 +2.0 44 32.6 38.8 30 44 36.0 38.6 34 +5-4 46 33-3 30.0 19 46 II. 2 7.8 21 01 46 21.8 28.6 14 +7-1 46.6 22. 22.9 , II 48 3L5 28.3 21 48 13.2 10.6 20 57 48 23.7 27.8 14 48 16.3 19-3 04 50 29.6 26.6 24 50 9-3 5-5 21 04 50 36.5 41-9 36 50 17-5 18.5 1904 52 28.6 25.6 i 26 52* 28.0 19.3 10 52 46.4 51-3 51 52 8.26 18 49 54 28.O 25.3 ; 26 54 26.0 19.7 12 54 49.2 52.0 54 54* 37-3 44-5 27 56 28.2 25.3 26 56 32.3 25.4 02 56 50.5 54-3 17 56 56 42.9 50.6 1836 58 28.6 26.0 25 58 23.8 18.0 15 58 58.0 60.4 18 07 58 60.3 65.3 19 01 24 oo 26.3 20.0 II 20 oo* 43.0 56.6 31 +5-6 Correction to local mean time is 495. 90 torsion = 17/77. Torsion head at oh lorn read 252 and at 24h oorn read 249. Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is + im O2S. Torsion head at beginning and ending read 252* Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued 335 Friday, July 7, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Sunday, July 9, 1905 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation. C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d 3 / o h in d d o / O h m d d / O h m d d t O 20 oo* 31.9 30.0 20 55 + IO.2 22 OO 50.8 47-3 1845 +9.0 OO* 29.0 29.3 20 18 2 00 38.3 39-0 2033 +4-1 02 35-0 33.3 50 02 43-4 42.9 18 52 02 30.3 30.8 20 O2 38.0 38.8 32 04 36.3 34.6 48 04 36.0 31-6 19 09 04 32-3 32.5 23 04 33-8 34-8 26 06 37.0 36.6 45 06 29.8 26.3 18 06 32.8 33.4 24 06 29.8 29.9 19 08 45-7 44-0 33 08 23.2 19.8 28 08 33-2 33-6 25 08 23.0 23.6 09 10 48.2 40.8 29 IO 22.5 19.6 29 IO 29.9 30.1 19 IO 20. 6 21.6 05 12.5 53-3 52.0 21 12 25.4 22. 25 12 29.0 29.6 18 12 19.1 20.3 03 H 56.0 54-3 16 +10.5 14 25.O 21. O 26 +8.6 14 27.0 27.3 IS +4.1 14 21.3 22.6 07 +4-5 16 55-6 54-0 18 16 22.3 19.0 30 16 25.8 26.0 13 16 20.8 22.1 20 06 18 53-6 52.0 21 18 I9.O 14.2 36 18 24.6 25.6 12 18 15-6 17-5 1958 20 57-0 55-2 IS 20 12.5 9.5 44 20 20.9 21.7 06 20 12.4 13-8 53 22 55-0 52.6 19 22 10.3 7-8 48 22 23.9 24.2 10 22 13-3 15-3 55 24 50.6 48.8 26 24* 44.0 36.0 19 53 24 27.2 27.8 15 24 IS.2 17.9 1958 26 48.6 48.0 28 26 34-5 27.0 20 07 26 28.3 29.0 17 26 20.8 21.3 20 05 28 46.6 45.2 32 28 28.O 22.2 16 28 25.3 26.0 12 28 23.6 25.8 II 30 49-5 47-8 27 + 9-9 30 24.0 18.1 22 +8.2 30 24.6 25.0 II +4-2 30 29.8 31-8 21 +4-8 32 50.4 49-3 25 32 24.6 I9.O 21 32 22.6 23.3 08 32 34-6 38.0 29 34 51-3 49-7 24 34 24.2 19.2 21 34 23.8 24.2 IO 34 39.6 42.4 37 36 46.4 45-7 31 Z 23.6 18.6 22 36 24.0 24.8 IO 36 45-6 47-9 46 38 45.6 44-4 33 38 10. o 9.5 36 38 23.9 24.8 IO 38 50.3 52.0 52 40 43.2 42.2 36 40* 49-3 43-4 45 40 22. 22.5 07 40 52.8 54.8 57 42 39-4 37-8 43 42 63.8 56.6 23 42 24.0 24.3 IO 42 53-2 55-3 57 44 37-5 36.3 46 44 62.3 56.3 24 l 44 25.9 26.1 13 44 47.3 50.5 49 46 41.6 41.1 39 46 58.1 52.0 31 +8.0 46 24.0 24.3 IO +4.2 46 53-3 S6.2 20 58 +5-0 48 47.0 46.0 30 48 61.4 56.0 25 48 27.8 28.0 16 48 74-8 83.6 21 36 SO 45.8 44.0 33 50 62.0 56.5 25 50 24.0 24.8 IO 50* 33-8 39-8 36 52 44-2 42.3 36 52 61.5 56.2 25 52 23-9 23.9 10 52 34.6 38.3 36 54 42.6 40.6 38 54 52.7 50.7 29 26.6 27.2 14 54 46.6 54.0 58 56 39-4 37-3 43 56 55.6 51.2 34 56 28.3 28.6 17 56 43-0 48-8 51 58 36.5 34-7 48 S8 54.6 50.2 35 58 29.3 29.8 18 58 36.3 41.5 40 21 OO 34-6 33-2 20 50 23 oo 52.8 49-3 37 +7-6 I 00 26.9 27.9 15 +4.2 3 oo 31.3 36.6 32 +5.o O2 28.2 26.5 21 OI + 9-8 02 58.6 55-6 28 02 24.0 24.9 IO 02 31.3 37-3 33 04 29.3 28.3 20 58 04 65.3 61.4 18 04 22. 22.5 07 04 25.6 30.6 23 06 30.6 29.5 20 56 06 66.1 63.0 16 06 19.6 20. 2 03 06 26.0 30.5 23 08 27.O 26.O 21 O2 08 63.3 60.3 20 08 18.5 19.0 02 08 20. I 22.3 21 12 IO 26.6 25.2 21 O3 IO 65.0 61.5 18 IO 18.3 19-3 02 10* 38.0 42.3 20 52 12 31.8 30.2 i 20 55 12 62.3 59-8 22 12 20.5 21.2 05 12 47.6 51.9 21 O7 14 32.0 30.7 54 +10. o 14 71.5 68.5 2008 H 24.6 25.O II +4.0 14 45.2 49.4 03 +5.1 16 30.3 29.9 56 16 78.1 76.0 19 57 +7-0 16 23.3 24.0 09 16 43-8 47-3 OO 18 29.0 28.0 20 59 18 75-3 72-9 20 01 18 28.3 28.8 17 18 46.6 49.0 04 20 28.2 27.0 21 oo 20 72.5 69.7 06 20 21. O 21.8 06 20 46.8 50.9 06 22 27.0 26.3 i 02 22 68.1 65.6 13 22 23-0 23.5 09 22 55-0 58.3 18 24 22. 21.4 O9 24 74.0 72.0 20 03 24 25-5 25.9 12 24 67.0 69.0 36 26 20. o 18.2 14 26 79.0 78.0 19 54 26 27.4 27.9 16 26* 30.0 39.0 49 28 24.0 20. 6 08 28* 55-6 51.6 47 28 26.5 26.6 14 28 34-4 43-0 55 30 25.3 2O.9 21 O7 + 10.0 30 57-2 53-6 44 +6.6 30 23.2 23.6 09 +4-0 30 29.8 37-6 21 48 +5-2 32 36.5 29.0 20 52 32 54.6 51.2 48 32 19.5 20.2 03 32 33-8 49-5 22 OO 34 43.6 40.5 20 38 34 51.5 48.0 53 34 21. O 21.5 06 34 46.8 52.3 12 36 75-3 61.3 19 56 36 50.3 46.6 55 36 24.7 25.1 ii 36 55-5 61.8 27 38 42.6 36.3 20 42 38 48.0 44.3 19 59 38 29.1 3O.6 19 38 64-3 72.3 43 40 43.2 39-8 I 38 40 40. o 43.0 20 01 40 34-8 36.9 28 40 70.8 77-8 51 42* 74.0 39-6 20 16 42 47-3 44-0 OO 42 39.8 40.6 35 42 64.0 71.2 22 41 44* 41.0 5.0 19 26 + 9.4 44 47-0 44-3 OO +6.6 44 44-3 45-0 42 +4.1 44* 52.3 59-0 23 oi +5-5 46 48 54.8 50.6 58.oa 1839 31 46 48 44-3 44-1 36.8 33-6 O2 16 46 48 46.8 48.0 : 47 50.6 Si-9 53 46 48 45-3 53-1 58.6 62.0 22 51 23 08 49-2 70.4& II 50 27-5 25.5 30 50 51.5 52.6 54 SO 55-3 55-7 23 oi 52 41. 3& 1857 52 24.0 21.6 35 52 49-1 50.1 50 52 24.56 22 12 54 20.5 16.5 19 33 54 26.3 23.4 32 54 47-3 47-9 47 54* 47-0 58.8 21 30 56 18.8 16.0 34 56 34-0 31.0 20 56 45.6 46.6 44 56 20.3 33.0 20 49 58 30-5 30.5 14 58 31.0 29.2 ; 24 58 42-3 43-8 40 5 55-0 68.0 21 43 11*400 28.2 27.0 28 +7-0 Correction to local mean time is 0.33. Torsion head at beginning and ending read 252 Observer W. J. P. Observer W. J. P. 336 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF Z1EGLER POLAR EXPEDITION tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued Sunday, July 9, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Monday, July 10, 1905 Magnet scale erect Scale Hast Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d o / o h m d d o / O h m d d o / O h m d d o / t 4 oo 21.8 15.2 22 26 +6.0 6 oo 61.7 60.4 20 5O + 7-8 8 oo Lost IO OO 39-8 39-9 20 34 +13-5 02 40. i 20. i 03 02 66.0 62.3 45 02 52.0 54.0 20 56 +13-0 02 41.0 44.0 38 04* 30.5 26.2 22 06 04 69.0 67.1 39 04 42.8 45.3 42 04 33-7 33-8 24 06 02.8 61.8 21 12 06 72.5 71.7 33 06 54-3 56-0 59 06 42.5 44.4 40 08 61.1 54-3 19 08* 51.3 46.1 24 08 53-8 55-6 59 08 41.5 46.0 20 40 IO 49.00 33 10 54.0 49-8 18 IO 49-0 50.5 51 10 II. I 13.6 19 51 12 56.1 55-5 22 12 57-3 55-5 ii 12 52.6 55.2 57 12 31.6 34.8 20 24 H 47-8 43.5 38 +6.5 14 63.4 60.0 03 + 8.0 14 46.2 47.8 46 + 12.7 14 30.2 33.0 21 + 13-5 10 36.1 31.2 21 57 16 63.0 58.5 05 16 40.0 41.6 37 16 33.6 42.8 31 18 15-0 12.5 22 28 18 60.5 56.5 08 18 46-5 48.5 20 47 18 41.2 42.8 37 20 18.7 14-2 24 20 54-8 Si.o 17 20.3 54-8 56.6 21 OO 20 46.2 48.4 46 22 32.2 30.1 22 OI 22 50-1 45-8 25 22 44-0 45-3 20 43 22 46.5 48.0 45 24 50.0 48.2 21 33 24 50.0 46.0 25 24 Si-8 54-3 56 24 41.9 46.0 40 26 32.2 31.1 22 00 26 Si- I 47-7 22 26 36. i 39- 1 20 32 26 35-2 37.8 29 28 J4-5 13-8 28 28 48.3 45-1 27 28 59.9 60. o 21 O7 28 44.0 47.0 43 30* 48.1 43-7 33 +6.7 30 47-8 44-8 2 l + 8.3 30 47-3 50.3 20 49 + 12.5 30 21.6 24.2 07 +14.0 32 41.9 32.0 22 47 32 41.0 30.0 38 32 43-7 44-1 41 32 20.3 25.3 07 34 15-3 12.8 23 23 34 31.0 27.3 20 54 34 37-8 40.2 34 34 28.0 31.0 18 36 i*ost 36 18.9 15.8 21 13 36 36.5 38.7 32 36 35-6 38.6 29 38* 55-50 23 12 38 9-8 7-5 26 38 33-3 34-8 26 38 35-9 37-3 29 40* 53-5 49-8 22 12 40* 40.4 35-5 38 40 31-9 33-3 24 40 26.2 28.0 14 42 ta-S S6.4 OO 42 33-5 23.4 21 53 42 30.1 31.2 20 42 37-i 38.8 30 44 57-0 52.3 07 i 44 25.5 21.6 22 OI + 8.7 44 28.7 29.7 18 + 12. S 44 41.2 41.8 36 +14-5 46 50.3 45-0 18 +7-2 46 29.0 22.3 21 58 46 31.2 32.0 22 46 31-3 32.3 21 48 52.4 49-9 12 I 48 22.1 13.8 22 IO 48 33-4 34-0 25 48 29.1 29.2 17 SO 55.0 40.0 18 50 15.8 9.0 18 50 26.2 26.8 H 50 32.5 35-0 24 52 46.4 42.0 23 52* i 48.0 44.8 22 21 52 34-Sa 26 52 32-9 33-9 23 54 6l.l 55.0 22 O2 54 i 65.8 63.5 21 53 54 45-0 46.5 44 54 39.6 42.0 35 56 65.2 6i. i 21 54 ' 56 59-0 57-4 22 O3 56 29.0 29.3 18 56 53.o6 54 58 74.0 72.0 38 58 58.2 53-6 06 + 9-1 58 42.0 43.6 40 58 43.8 46.0 41 5 oo* Si. i 44-0 25 7 oo 59-8 57-0 22 O2 9 oo 40.8 40.8 30 + 12.9 II OO 26.06 12 + 15-0 02 SS-o 47-6 19 +7.2 02 64.5 61.3 21 55 02 39-3 39-3 34 02 22.6 24.0 07 04 38.8 32.7 21 44 04 69.2 66.3 48 04 33-6 34-8 26 04 29.8 34-2 21 06 19.2 14.5 22 13 06 79- 1 77-o 32 06 35-9 36.6 29 06 39-2 42.5 35 08* 43-0 37-3 29 08 78.1 74-4 35 08 30.4 30.8 20 08 17.2 21.6 20 oi IO 33-7 30.i 42 10* 44-0 39-3 31 IO 33-6 33-8 25 10 6.9 9.9 19 44 12 56.8 48.7 22 O9 12 46.5 42.1 27 12 25.5 25.6 12 12 19.0 20.3 20 02 14 70.2 61.8 21 48 14 48.7 45-1 23 14 25-3 26.3 13 +13-1 14 18.5 20.5 oi 16 72.2 69.8 40 +7.4 16 46.4 42.3 27 + 9-4 16 52.00 20 54 16 22.6 2S.O 2O 08 18 72.5 69.7 40 18 45.1 42.1 28 18 65.06 21 14 18 I7-36 19 58 20 70.5 68.0 43 20 41.3 39-5 33 20 27.8 29.9 20 17 20 14.3 17-1 ! 19 55 22 67.8* 45 22 42.9 4I.O 31 22 45-1 45-6 20 43 22 27.0 32.1 20 17 24 74-o 72.4 37 24 45-8 42-9 27 24 57-2 59-2 21 03 24 37-1 38.5 30 26 77-50 30 20 44.2 42.0 29 26 43-7 45-6 20 42 26 36.4 36.8 28 28* 42.4 34-8 25 28 46.5 45.0 25 28 44-5 45-7 43 28 20.3 22.6 O4 30 38.6 33-0 30 +7-4 30 48.2 47.0 22 + 9-7 30 48.1 49.5 48 +13.5 30 27.6 28.0 14 +16.0 32 37-8 32.6 31 32 48.0 47.5 22 32 43-0 43-1 39 32 36.2 37.0 28 34 39-0 33-2 29 34 48.9 48.3 21 34 35-6 36.8 29 34 25.7 28.9 13 36 42.9 38.2 22 36 50.7 49.1 18 36 37-7 39-3 32 36 25.0 26.8 II 38 45-1 40.3 19 38 50.0 47-8 20 38 28.6 31.0 19 38 21. 22. O4 40 48.5 43-3 14 40 57-3 53-8 21 IO 40 40.96 36 40 24.2 25.2 09 42 54-5 49-1 04 42 70.8 65.2 20 50 42 32.5a 23 42 30.S 32.1 20 44 55-6 51-8 21 O2 +7-4 44 79-0 74-3 37 + 9-8 44 47.5 48.4 47 +13.6 44 32.8 34-0 23 + 16.5 46 57-0 53-4 20 59 46* 47-0 37.8 38 46 34.8 37.0 28 46 3O.O 31.6 19 48 58.0 54-5 20 58 48 37-8 29.4 20 52 48 37-8 40.2 33 48 25.1 26.1 10 50 56.1 53-9 21 OO 50 28.8 20.7 21 O6 50 43-0 44-3 40 50 29.3 30.3 17 52 57-8 55-0 20 57 i 52 29.4 22.1 04 52 41.6 42.0 37 52 26.8 27.6 13 54 59-5 57-0 55 54 20.7 11. 8 19 54 38.3 38.8 32 54 24.4 25.4 09 56 60.4 58.8 52 46 23.9 17-0 13 56 37-3 38.0 30 56 27.3 28.2 14 58 58.6 57-8 55 58* 61 .0 43.2 30 58 37-4 37-6 30 58 28.6 29.8 16 +17- 1 8 oo 58.8 43-2 32 + 10.1 12 OO 30.3 31.1 18 1 Correction to local mean time is 3.05. Torsion head at beginning and end read 252. Observers W. J. P. and A. P., who alternated from 4)1 O4m to 4h 1401. Correction to local mean time is 4.65. 90 torsion = 17/87. Torsion head at Sh 00111 read 252 and at I2h ism read 267. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued 337 ! Tuesday, July n. 1905 . Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, July 12, 1905 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation . C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O f O h m d d O f O h m d d O f O h m d d O ' O 12 OO 61.0 24.5 20 17 + 12. 1 14 oo 39-3 39-3 20 23 + 11. 5 00* Lost 2 OO 66.0 66.9 20 57 +7.1 02 46.6 43.4 14 02 39.9 39-1 22 02 37-1 43-5 20 16 +6.8 02 66.0 66.8 57 04 44-5 41-3 17 04 39-6 39-0 23 04 36.6 42.5 , H 04 61.86 50 06 44.0 41.6 17 06 39.5 39-0 23 06 36.2 41.9 14 06 57.0 58.1 43 08 44-5 42.0 17 08 40.0 34.5 26 08 37.0 42.1 14 08 60. i 63.0 49 IO 46.0 43.6 14 IO 42.5 42.1 18 IO 37.1 42.1 15 IO 57.0 63.0 47 12 46.4 44.0 14 12 44.6 44-4 15 12 37.5 42.0 15 12 61.5 62.8 50 14 44.6 42.6 16 + 12.5 14 45-4 44-9 14 +II-7 14 37.8 42.5 IS 14 57-6 58.5 44 16 44-8 43-0 16 16 46.0 45.5 13 16 39-1 43-3 17 +6.8 16 54-9 56.0 39 +7-4 18 45-3 43-6 IS 18 ; 46.0 45.6 12 i 18 40.6 44-3 19 18 58.9 60.0 46 20 44-0 43-2 10 20 43.6 43.3 16 20 39.9 44.3 19 20 54-5 56.0 39 22 46.2 44.9 13 22 43-3 43-1 17 22 38.1 40.8 ; 15 22 54-1 55-5 38 24 48.0 47.0 10 24 43.8 43-6 16 24 37.8 41-0 U 24 57-30 42 26 48.0 47.0 10 26 45.3 45-1 14 26 36.5 39-7 12 26 64.0 65.0 54 28 Lost 28 46.8 46.4 II 28 35-8 38.2 10 +6,9 28 64.1 65.1 54 30 47.0 46.2 ii + 12.3 30 47.O 47.O II +12.0 30 30-4 39-2 12 30 65.3 66.8 56 +7-4 32 47.6 46.6 10 32 47.4 47.4 10 32 38.0 40.6 14 32 65.9 66.8 56 34 46.6 45.6 12 34 48.0 48.0 09 34 38.3 41-2 IS 34 64.5 65.5 54 36 47.9 47.0 10 36 43-7 43-5 16 36 38.8 41-0 15 36 64.8 65.8 55 38 52.8 52.1 02 38 47.0 46.8 II 38 37-9 39-9 14 38 64.0 64.9 54 40 50.8 50.6 05 40 45-5 45-1 13 40 36.6 38.7 ii 40 62.9 63.8 52 50.8 50.3 05 42 45.0 45-0 14 42 33-7 35-1 06 42 63.0 63.7 52 44 43.0 42.7 17 + 12-3 44 45-2 45-2 14 44 31-9 33-8 04 44 63.5 64.0 52 46 51.8 51.5 2004 46 45-7 45-5 13 +12.0 46 30.8 32.3 02 +6.9 46 64-9 65.4 55 +7-3 48 56.1 55.8 1957 48 46.0 45.5 13 i 48 30.5 32.0 OI 48 64.0 64.4 53 SO 54-5 54-1 59 50 44-5 44-3 15 50 30.3 32.0 01 50 64.2 64.8 54 52 57-0 56.3 19 56 52 43-6 43-6 16 52 30.6 32.0 O2 52 64.5 65.0 54 54 51.0 50.6 20 05 54 43-3 42.7 17 54 30.4 31.8 01 54 65.7 66.5 20 56 56 51.7 51-3 04 56 43-5 43-1 16 56 30.1 31.2 20 oo 56 67.7 68.8 21 OO 58 S2.2 52.0 03 58 42.6 41.7 18 58 29.1 30.4 19 59 58 71.1 72.0 05 13 oo 54-3 54-0 oo + 12. I 15 oo 41.6 40.9 20 +11. 8 I 00 28.1 29.2 , 57 +6.8 3 oo 73-7 73-7 08 +7-3 02 48.0 48.0 09 02 42.2 41.5 19 02 28.0 29.3 ; 57 02 73-9 74-8 09 04 5O.O 50.0 06 04 43.4 42.6 17 04 28.0 29.0 57 04 74-6 75-5 IO 06 47.6 47.0 10 06 42.7 42.3 18 06 26.0 26.8 54 06 75-0 76.1 II 08 48.5 47.8 09 08 42.5 41.6 19 08 25-1 25.9 | 52 08 74-4 75-6 IO 10 49.2 48.8 08 10 42.0 41.5 19 IO 24.2 25.0 51 IO 76.5 77-3 13 12 48.1 47.6 09 12 43.0 43.0 17 12 23-9 24.5 50 12 78.0 79-5 16 14 48.5 48.2 09 + 12. 14 44.8 42.6 16 14 22.9 23.3 49 14* 37-5 42-0 14 16 43-4 42.7 17 16 42.1 41.3 19 + 11. 5 IS 22.2 22.8 48 +6.8 16 38.2 43.1 16 +7-2 18 47-3 47-0 10 18 40.8 40.1 21 18 22. 22.5 47 18 40.0 44.0 18 20 46.5 46.1 12 20 40.3 40.2 21 20 21.5 22. 46 20 44.0 47-4 24 22 46.0 45.6 12 22 42.0 41.6 19 22 22. S 23.O 48 22 46.4 50.2 28 24 45-6 45.2 13 24 42.2 41.8 18 24 23.6 24.1 50 24 48.2 52.1 31 26 45-1 44-4 14 26 41.6 41.2 20 26 24.7 2S.O Si 26 47-8 51.8 30 28 44.6 44.0 15 28 40.9 40.2 21 28 2S.O 25.4 52 28 48.2 51.8 31 30 44-3 43-7 15 + JI-5 30 41.7 41.0 2O +11.3 30 26.0 26.3 54 +6.7 30 46.7 49.6 28 +7.2 32 42.7 42.2 18 32 41.0 40.3 21 32 26.1 26.9 54 32 44.0 46.9 23 34 43-5 43-0 17 34 i 44.6 41. I 17 34 26.6 27.2 55 34 43-2 46.2 22 30 44.2 43.7 16 36 43.6 43.1 16 36 27.2 28.0 19 56 36 45.0 47.9 25 38 43-1 42.5 17 38 43.8 43.3 16 38 29-9 30.8 20 00 38 44.1 47.1 24 40 42.6 41.6 18 40 43-6 43.1 16 40 31-4 32.1 02 40 44-9 47-5 25 42 41.2 40.4 20 42 43.0 42.6 17 42 31-5 32-3 02 42 45.6 48.0 26 44 39-6 39.2 23 44 42.3 42.1 18 44 34-2 35.0 07 +6.8 44 50.6 53.0 34 46 40.4 39.8 22 + "4 46 44.00 IS + 11. 5 46. S 36.0 36.8 10 46 52-0 54-5 36 +7-2 48 40.9 40.2 21 48 44-3 44-3 IS 48 38.3 13 48 46.0 48.3 26 50 40.3 39-9 22 50 42-5 42-5 18 50 43-00 20 50 42.8 45-5 21 52 41.0 40.4 21 52 41.6 41.6 19 52 47-4 48.5 28 52 39-2 42.1 16 54 40.3 39-9 22 54 42.0 42.0 18 54 53-8o 37 54 39-1 41.3 15 56 44-2 43-9 IS 56 43.0 42.6 17 56 58.40 44 56 38.7 40.6 14 58 39.0 38.6 23 58 42.7 42.5 18 58 64.20 S3 58 39-0 41-0 IS 16 oo 43-8 43-5 16 +11. i i Correction to local mean time is 10.55. Torsion head at 12)1 oom read 249 and at i6h oom read the same. Observer W. J. P. Observer A. F. 338 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Algcr Island Station Continued Wednesday, July 12, 1905 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, July 12, 1905 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r ; readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d O 1 O h in d d O f h m d d / O h m d d o / O 4 oo 42.5 44-0 21 2O +7-1 6 oo 12.8 13.8 20 33 +S-4 8 oo 26.5 27.0 20 54 +7-1 10 OO 47.0 48.2 20 31 + 6.5 02 42.5 43-9 20 02 19.1 20. i 43 02 21.3 22.3 46 02 44.2 45.2 26 04 39-0 41-2 15 04 18.0 18.7 41 04 27.8 29.0 57 04 40.8 41.2 20 06 40.7 42.8 18 06 12.9 14.0 33 06 29.0 29.5 58 06 45-0 47-2 28 08 44.8 46.6 24 08 24.50 20 51 08 28.0 28.5 20 56 08 53-1 53-6 40 IO 42.6 44.5 20 IO 35-4 37-5 21 09 IO 30-3 31-3 21 OO IO Si-5 52.6 38 12 42.4 44.5 20 12 27.8 28.4 20 56 12 27.06 20 54 12 47-0 48.3 31 14 39-8 41-5 16 +7-0 14 32-3 33-3 21 O4 14 28.4 28.6 57 +7-0 H 45.3 46.0 28 + 7.c 16 37.8 39.0 12 16 35-0 36.0 08 16 28.2 28.6 20 57 16 42.0 42.8 23 18 39.6 40.8 IS 18 36.1 37-0 IO 18 30.3 30.8 21 OO 18 43-5 43-8 24 20 41.8 43.0 19 20 35-1 36.1 08 +5-5 20 32.6 33.6 04 20 46.6 46.8 29 22 44.0 44.9 22 22 36.1 36.9 IO 22 30.8 31-7 21 OI 22 47-3 47-8 31 24 46.2 47.1 25 24 43-5 44-9 22 24 28.8 29.8 20 58 24 45-1 45-4 27 20 47.0 47-4 26 26 40.3 41.0 16 26 31-06 21 01 26 43.9 44-3 25 28 44.3 45.2 22 28 44-8 45-1 23 28 22.2 23.6 20 48 28 45-3 45-9 28 30 44.2 45. 2 22 30 40.1 41.1 16 +5-5 30 27.6 28.6 56 +7.o 30 45-5 45-9 28 + 7-2 32 43-7 44-9 22 +6.9 32 46.0 46.1 24 32 24-4 25.3 2O 51 32 47.0 47-4 30 34 42.5 44.0 2O 34 42.0 42.5 18 34 29-3 3I-I 21 OO 34 44.4 45.0 26 36 37.1 39.4 12 36 42.1 43-0 19 36 31-3 32.2 O2 36 45-5 45-5 28 3* 31-4 32.4 O2 38 43-8 44.3 21 38 29.8 3O.6 OO 38 46.2 46.6 29 ! 40 32.6 33.0 04 40 39-5 40-5 IS 40 32.4 33-6 21 O4 40 43.1 44.3 25 42 32-3 34-0 04 42 46.0 46.7 25 42 29.0 30.6 20 59 42 38.5 38.8 17 44 35-2 36.8 09 44 39-7 41-3 16 +5-7 44 29.0 29.6 58 +7-0 44 40.0 40.3 19 + 8.0 46 34-9 37-0 08 +6.7 46 40.1 40.5 15 ; 46 26.0 26.6 54 4 S 40.1 40.5 19 48 32.9 35.0 OS 48 39.9 40.1 15 48 25.8 27.0 54 48 41.5 42.S 22 SO 32.7 34-4 05 50 38-3 38.5 12 50 23.8 24.2 50 50 43.6 44.1 25 S2 30.5 32.0 OI 52 45-06 23 52 23.3 24.6 50 52 42.3 42.9 23 54 32.9 33-9 04 54 36.8 37-3 IO ! 54 24.0 24.5 50 54 45.0 46.9 28 56 33-5 34-9 06 56 36.26 09 56 24.3 24.6 SO 56 4S.2 46.8 28 58 35.2 36.2 08 58 35-3 35-3 08 58 23.0 23.2 48 58 39.8 41.4 20 5 oo 35-6 37-o 09 +6.2 7 oo 32.06 21 O2 +6.1 9 oo 21.2 2I.S 46 +6.8 II OO 38.0 40.0 17 + 9-0 02 34-S 35-8 07 02 26.9 27.6 20 55 02 20.0 2O.9 44 02 41.8 43-6 23 04 06 32.7 33-9 31.8 32.9 04 21 03 04 06 30.9 3-2 31-5 31-8 21 OI 21 02 04 06 18.0 19.4 l8-7 I9.O 42 42 So 42.6 43-6 24 37-5 38.5 16 08 28.2 29.9 20 58 08 28.8 29.5 20 58 08 16.2 17.0 08 39.3 40.9 19 IO 25.7 27.0 54 IO 25.0 25.8 2O 52 10 15.7 16.7 38 IO 43.0 44.2 24 12 25.0 26.2 52 12 30.9 32.9 21 O2 12 14.2 14.8 35 +6.6 12 40.0 41.3 20 14 26.5 27.8 55 +S-9 14 31-3 32.0 02 +6.9 14 15-2 15-6 36 14 40.7 42.3 21 + 9-8 16 26.0 27.0 54 16 31.0 32.8 02 16 IS- 3 15-6 36 16 44.0 44.8 20 18 26.2 27.0 54 18 29.8 32.0 21 01 18 17-0 17-5 18 45-5 46.3 28 20 25.1 25.1 51 20 24.6 26.1 20 52 20 22.9 23.6 48 20 44-3 45-1 26 22 24.0 24.9 So 22 27.1 27.8 20 SS 22 16.0 17.3 38 22 42.5 43-3 23 24 23.8 24.8 50 24 29.1 32.1 21 OO 24 7.8 8.2 25 24 42.7 43-1 23 26 24-3 25.1 Si 26 27.2 28.5 2O 56 26* 43-2 44-8 25 26 41.2 41.7 21 28 25.9 26.6 53 28 28.9 30-3 59 28 43-9 44-3 25 28 37-6 38.4 16 30 24.8 25.8 52 +5-6 30 25.2 26.3 20 52 +7-i 30 50.8 Si-5 36 +6.6 30 37-9 39-5 17 +10.4 32 2I.S 22.8 47 32 30.6 31-4 21 OI 32 50.0 50.8 35 32 29.7 30.0 20 03 34 23.2 24.3 49 34 34-3 35-5 21 O7 34 57-8 58.0 47 34 24.8 25.6 19 50 36 24.2 2S.I 51 36.4 26.0 27.1 20 54 36 50.0 51.6 1 36 23.6 24.3 54 38 23.S 24.2 49 38 27.0 28.5 56 38 45.0 46.0 28 38 23.6 24.6 54 40 25.4 26.1 52 40 22.2 23.8 48 40 38.0 38.6 16 40 23-7 25.5 55 42 26.S 27.8 SS 42 23.3 24.6 So 42 38.1 38.6 16 42 22. 24.O 52 44 26.1 27.0 54 44 24.8 25.8 52 +7-1 44 38.2 39-8 17 44 20. 22. 49 +10.0 46 25-9 27.1 54 +5-5 46 19.0 20.0 43 46 42.2 43-2 23 +6.5 4 o 20. o 21.5 48 48 2S.6 26.4 53 48 2O.5 2O.9 45 48 39-3 39-8 18 48 20. 6 21.0 49 SO 23.3 24.6 50 50 16.6 17.6 39 SO 36.6 37-0 14 50 22.3 24.0 52 52 21.3 22.2 46 52 20. 6 21.8 45 52 38.5 39-3 17 52 22.3 24.0 52 54 20. 6 21.5 45 54 24.7 25.3 51 54 47.0 47-6 30 54 23.5 24.9 19 54 56 2O. O 2O. O 44 56 20. 6 20.7 44 56 57-1 57-9 46 56 27.1 28.5 20 00 58 I7.I6 39 58 20. 8 22.6 46 58 S3- 9 55- I 42 58 31.8 32.6 07 Observers A. F. and W. J. P., who alternated from 6h 04111 to oh 14m. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued 339 Wednesday, July 12, 1905 Magnet scale erect Wednesday, July 12, 1905 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation. C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d t O h m d d r O h m d d o / o h m d d o / 12 CO 32.9 34.6 20 09 + 10.4 14 oo 38.8 39-2 20 17 +13.6 16 oo 31.0 32.0 20 06 +9-6 1800 36.3 41.9 20 32 +7-1 02 33.0 34.0 09 02 38.3 39-0 17 02 29.0 30.3 02 02 36.0 40.8 31 04 33.0 34.0 09 04 38.2 39.1 17 04 28.7 29.8 02 04 35-5 39-9 30 06 35-5 36.1 12 06 39-0 39.5 18 06 29.1 30.0 02 06 36.2 40.3 31 08 37-7 38.8 16 08 44.50 26 08 30.8 31.8 05 08 35.7 40.0 30 10 38.1 39-1 17 10 44-5 45-8 27 10 30.1 31.0 2O O4 10 35.0 39.2 29 12 37-8 38.7 16 12 45.0 46.0 28 12 26.7 27.5 19 59 12 33-3 37-0 26 14 40.1 41.0 20 + 10.2 14 40.0 41.0 20 +13-6 14 22.0 23.1 51 14 34-9 36.1 27 16 40.2 41.3 20 16 34.9 36.1 12 16 21.5 22.2 SO +9.1 16 29.2 32.2 19 +7-0 18 40.0 41.3 20 18 35-1 35-6 12 18 20. 8 21.2 49 18 27.2 30.6 16 20 42.0 43.0 23 20 37-8 38.5 16 20 20.1 2O.9 48 20 26.8 29.6 IS 22 43-1 43-9 24 : 22 41.50 21 22 18.0 18.5 45 22. g 23.6 25.6 IO 24 43-0 43.4 24 24 42.2 43.0 23 24 17.2 18.0 44 24 22.2 24.8 08 26 42.6 43.3 23 26 40.2 41.3 2O 26 17.3 18.0 44 26 21.2 23.O 06 28 43-5 44-0 25 28 39-1 40-3 18 28 15-0 15.5 40 28 19.6 21.8 03 30 43.5 43.8 24 +10. 1 30 39-7 40-4 19 +13.2 30 12. 2b 35 +8.9 30 18.6 20.8 02 +7-0 32 43.6 44.3 25 32 39-3 40.3 19 32 7.16 27 32 19.0 2O.9 02 34 44.5 44.8 26 34 37-7 38.3 16 34* 36.O 4I.O 28 34 18.0 19.5 2O OO 36 44.9 45.1 27 36 38.5 39-4 17 36 33.0 37.0 22 36 16.6 18.2 19 58 38 45.3 45.9 28 38 34-8 35-1 ii 38 27-5 33-0 IS 38 18.3 21. i 20 O2 40 42.8 43.1 23 40 32.1 32.9 20 07 40 27-6 31-9 14 40 21.9 23.1 06 42 49.0 49-6 34 42 27.1 28.0 19 59 42 19.3 22.2 19 oo 42 23.8 25.0 09 44 Si-3 51.5 37 + 10.2 44 27.2 28.4 20 oo 44 18.2 22.1 1859 44 25.3 26.8 12 46 So.o 50.6 35 46 27.6 29.1 oo + 12.6 46 15-0 19-5 54 +8.7 46 25.8 27.5 13 +6.9 48 46.4 46.4 29 48 27.5 29.0 oo j 48 11.8 14.8 48 48 26.6 28.0 14 50 45.5 46.0 28 SO 27.8 29.5 OI 50 12. I I5.O 49 50 29.1 30.9 18 52 43.7 44.1 25 52 27.3 28.9 00 52 14.6 18.1 18 53 52 27.5 29.3 16 54 43.2 44.0 24 54 30.2 31.0 04 54 22.1 25.5 1905 54 27.5 29.1 15 56 43.5 44.5 25 56 31.0 32.0 06 56 27.3 29.7 12 56 28.6 30.0 17 58 44.0 44.8 26 58 31-0 33-3 06 58 34-3 37-0 23 58 28.3 30.2 17 13 oo 44.6 45.1 26 +11. o 15 oo 30.8 32.1 05 17 oo 40.0 43.1 33 +8.4 19 oo 29.1 31-3 18 +6.5 02 46. ia 28 02 30.7 32.1 05 +n. 7 02 47.3 50.0 44 02 29.8 32.0 19 04 45-5 45-5 28 04 30.9 32.1 06 04 53-5 55-9 53 04 28.6 30.2 17 06 44.3 44.8 26 06 30.7 31-8 05 06 56.3 58.9 ! 58 06 29.0 31.0 18 08 44.1 44.6 26 08 31.1 31.9 06 08 57-0 58.5 19 58 08 28.8 30.0 17 10 45.2 46.0 28 IO 32.3 33.4 08 ; IO 58.9 60.0 20 01 IO 31-0 33-0 21 12 46.2 46.7 29 12 33.6 34.7 10 12 63.5 65.0 08 12 28.8 30.0 17 14 47-0 47.6 30 + H.O 14 35-1 36.2 12 '+11. 3 14 64.2 66. o 10 14 25.3 26.6 II +6.S 16 48.0 48.2 31 . 16 33-9 34-9 IO 16 64.2 66.5 10 16 22.5 23.7 07 18 46.7 47.0 30 18 32.5 34-3 09 18 67.5 68.8 14 +8.3 18 2O.9 22.1 05 20 46.0 46.5 29 20 34-1 35-7 ii 20 67.1 68.3 14 20 19.2 20.3 20 02 22 45-5 45-9 28 22 35.0 36.6 12 22 67.1 68.7 14 22 17.0 18.4 19 59 24 44-8 45-1 26 24 32.1 34-8 08 24 63.0 64.8 08 24 15.0 16.1 55 26 46.0 46.1 28 26 33-3 34-5 09 26 60.2 61.9 20 03 26 10.5 11.9 48 28 46.1 47.7 29 28 34-3 35-3 ii 28 56.56 19 56 28 12. O I3.O Si 30 45-7 46.2 28 30 34-9 36.2 12 l + IO.p 30 55-0 55-5 54 +8.1 30 10.3 ii. 6 1948 +6.5 32 44.6 45.1 26 +12.8 32 33.1 34.0 09 32 56.6 57.0 19 57 32 18.4 19.3 20 OO 34 44.2 44.8 26 | 34 32.8 33.9 08 34 59-0 59-5 20 oo 34 14.9 16.1 19 55 36 44-0 44-4 25 36 33-2 34.5 09 36 59.3 60. i 01 36 10.6 ii. 6 19 48 38 43.9 44.1 25 38 33-7 34-9 IO 38 62.1 63.0 06 38 18.2 19.0 20 oo 40 42.5 43.0 23 40 33-4 35-4 10 40 64.2 65.5 09 40 21. I 21.8 04 42 43-2 43.9 24 + 13-4 42 31-2 33-0 06 42 65.2 66.3 ii 42 23.2 24.0 08 44 42.8 43.3 24 44 29.9 31.3 04 44 65.6 66.7 ii 44 24.2 25.0 IO +6.5 46 40.6 41.3 20 46 32.5 33-9 08 +10.0 46 65.0 66.1 10 +7-5 46 24-5 25.3 IO 48 40.7 41.5 21 48 32.0 33.0 07 48 64.0 65.5 09 48 25.0 25.6 II 50 41.4 42.1 22 50 32.9 34.0 08 50 66.5 68.0 13 50 25.8 26.4 12 52 41-5 42.1 22 52 33-0 34.1 09 52 70.7 72.0 19 52 25.6 26.2 12 54 41.8 42.2 22 54 32.6 34.2 08 54 72.0 73.0 21 ; 54 25-6 25.6 II 56 40.8 41.1 2O 56 32.2 33.5 08 56 75.0 76.1 26 56 25.3 26.0 II 58 39-5 40.0 18 58 31.4 32.8 06 58* 35-3 4i.o 31 58 24.1 24-8 09 1 i Observers W. J. P. and A. F., who alternated from I2h 48m to I2h 58)1. Observers A. F. and W. J. P., who alternated from i8h oom to i8h I2m. 340 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tnagiietic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued Wednesday, July 12, 1905 Magnet scale erect Friday, July 14, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right L,eft Kight h m d d / o h m d d - h m d d o / O h m d d O ' O 20 oo 22.5 23.0 20 07 +6.3 22 OO 58.9 60.9 20 06 +4--4 20 00 39-5 38.8 19 56 +4.0 22 OO 34-5 34-3 20 O4 +4-0 02 21.7 22.3 06 02 65.4 67.5 16 02 38.0 36.7 19 59 02 34-2 33-9 04 04 21.9 22.5 06 04 63.0 65.8 13 04 34-5 33-0 20 05 04 33-3 33-0 00 06 21.8 22.2 06 06 68.3 71.0 21 06 34-0 32.1 06 06 32.7 32.3 06 08 20.5 20.9 03 08 08.3 71- i 21 08 27.5 26.4 IS 08 33-0 32.6 06 10 18.6 18.9 20 oo 10 76.0 78.0 32 IO 29.0 28.0 13 IO 33-3 33-0 06 12 15.8 16.0 ' 19 56 12 73-3 76.1 29 12 29.2 27.6 13 12 34-0 32.3 06 14 11.9 12.7 50 +6.1 U 73-8 76.8 30 +4-3 14 30.1 29.0 ii +4.0 14 33-3 32.9 06 +4-0 16 7-3 7-8 43 16 74.0 76.6 30 1 16 27.9 26.1 15 16 32-3 32.3 07 18 7-3 7-7 43 18 68.0 72.0 21 i 18 25.3 23.8 19 18 32.0 31.5 08 20* 43.0 48.0 43 20 61.5 65.3 20 II i 20 24.5 23.0 20 20 31.6 30.6 09 22 42.5 47-o 42 22 53-3 55-7 1957 22 28.4 26.6 14 22 30.0 29.2 ii 24 41-3 45-2 39 24 50.4 52.4 52 24 22.0 2O.5 24 24 30.4 29-9 IO 26 40.7 44-9 39 26 50.2 52.8 52 26 22.1 21. O 24 26 3I.I 30.2 10 28 44.6 48.2 44 28 Si-3 53-1 19 54 28 22.3 21.4 23 28 32.8 31-8 07 30 46.4 50.0 47 +5-8 30 56.8 59-0 20 02 +4.1 30 21.6 20. 6 24 +4.0 30 32.2 31.2 08 +4-0 32 46.2 49.6 47 32 57-0 59-1 02 32 19-5 19-0 27 32 32-3 31-7 07 34 48.1 51.1 49 34 05.6 67.0 16 34 19.1 18.2 28 34 34-5 34-0 20 04 36 49-9 53-1 52 36 59-5 61.5 20 06 36 18.3 17.5 30 36 37-5 37-1 19 59 38 48.9 Si-9 51 38 55-5 56.0 19 59 38 17.5 17.0 31 38 42.0 41.8 52 40 47-3 50.2 48 40 58.3 61.0 20 05 40 17.3 16.2 31 40 40.0 39-2 19 55 42 47-3 49-9 48 42 66.8 67.1 16 42 18.6 17.8 29 42 36.0 35-8 20 01 44 47-2 49-5 47 44 73-8 74-6 28 +4.0 44 18.8 18. i 29 44 37-0 36.3 oo 46 46.6 49.0 47 +5-5 46 59. o 60.6 20 06 46 18.6 18.3 28 +4-0 46 3(1.2 35.6 or +4-0 48 46.1 48.3 46 48 45.6 46.6 19 44 48 19.0 18.3 28 48 34-0 33-3 OS 50 47-1 49-2 47 50 49-0 50.3 49 50 20. o 18.8 27 50 32.2 31.0 08 52 46.0 48.5 46 52 44.6 45.5 42 52 22. O 21.6 23 52 33-0 32.1 07 54 45-7 47-8 45 54 39.7 42.3 36 54 22.2 21.3 23 54 32.9 31.9 07 56 46.0 47.9 45 56 36.1 36.9 29 56 21.5 21.3 56 31-2 30.4 09 58 45.2 46.8 44 58 36.6 36.6 29 58 20. o 19.6 26 58 33-0 32.2 06 21 OO 41-2 43-3 38 +5-2 23 oo 44-0 45-0 41 +4.0 21 OO 22.8 22.1 22 +4.0 23 oo 34-9 33-9 04 +3-8 02 39-1 41-0 34 02 43-2 43-2 39 O2 23-8 23.4 21 02 34-8 33-8 04 04 38.5 40.1 33 04 41.9 42.5 38 04 22.1 21.8 23 04 34-6 33-2 04 06 41-3 43-0 38 06 45.0 45.6 43 06 22. O 21. I 24 06 36.9 35-2 OI 08 40.8 42.6 37 08 44-3 44-3 41 08 23.0 23.0 22 08 36.1 34-5 02 IO 42.1 43-7 39 IO SO.oo 19 50 10 22. O 21.2 24 10 36.2 35.0 02 12 43-5 45-0 41 12 59-0 59-5 20 04 12 23-8 23.3 21 12 36.0 34.6 02 H 46.6 47.6 46 +5-0 H 57-5 57-5 20 02 +3-9 14 24.5 24.2 19 +4.0 14 35-4 34-0 03 +3-8 16 47-5 48.3 47 16 52.0 52.6 19 54 16 26.2 26.1 16 16 35-3 33-9 03 18 49-2 50. i 49 18 60.9 62.3 20 08 18 26.7 26.3 16 18 34-2 32.8 05 20 48.9 49-0 48 20 60.5 61.1 07 20 28.3 28.1 13 20 33-5 32.0 06 22 46.0 47.1 45 22 58.0 58.5 03 22 29-9 29.5 ii 22 32.9 31-2 07 24 44-0 45-0 41 24 55-4 56.6 oo 24 31.0 30.8 09 24 32.2 30.6 08 26 44.6 46.0 43 26 57-0 58.4 02 26 31-4 3I.I 09 26 32.3 3i.o 08 28 43.4 44.4 40 28 58.4 59-0 04 28 33-0 32.6 06 28 32.0 30.6 08 30 44-5 45-5 42 +4.8 30 57-8 58.6 03 +3-8 30 33-0 32.8 06 +4.0 30 30.3 29.3 ii +3-8 32 44-0 45-0 41 32 55-8 56.8 00 32 31-8 31-2 08 32 30.3 29-3 ii 34 44-3 45.0 42 34 55-6 56.8 oo 34 31-1 31. i 09 34 31-9 3i.o 08 36 43.8 44.6 41 36 56.0 57-0 oo 36 31-9 31-8 08 36 33.2 32.6 06 38 46.1 47.5 45 38 60.8 61.1 07 38 31-8 31-7 08 38 34-5 33-6 04 40 47-8 48.5 47 40 61.0 62.0 08 40 34-1 34.1 04 40 34-o 32.4 06 42 48.0 48.5 47 42 59.0 59.6 05 42 35-6 35-2 02 42 32.0 30.5 09 44 49-4 50.3 50 +4.6 44 61.3 62.1 08 44 36.5 36.0 01 +4-0 44 32.0 30.4 09 +3-6 46 50.9 52.0 52 46 64.5 65.3 13 +3-7 46 35-0 34-3 03 46 35-0 32.5 08 48 52.8 54-3 56 48 71.8 72.0 24 48 32-4 32.1 07 48 33-0 31-6 07 50 53-1 54-3 56 50 70.9 71-9 24 50 35.1 35.0 2003 50 33-1 31.9 06 52 54-7 55.6 19 58 52 68.2 68.5 19 52 38.2 38.0 19 58 52 33-1 31-5 07 54 60. I 61.5 20 07 54 70.4 70.6 22 54 38.2 37.6 19 58 54 31-8 30.3 09 56 57-6 58.0 02 56 68.9 69.9 20 56 34.0 34.0 20 04 56 29.2 27.9 13 58 58.3 59-3 04 58 65.7 66.3 '5 1 58 34-1 33.7 04 58 27.0 26.0 16 24 oo 63.3 63.6 ii +3-7 24 oo 25.3 24.7 18 +3-5 Correction to local mean time is os. Torsion head at beginning and ending read 252. Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is 195. 90 torsion = 18/05. Torsion head at 2oh oom read 252 and at 24h ism read 242. Observer W. J. P. MAGNKTIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued 341 Sunday, July 16, 1905 Magnet scale erect Sunday, July 16, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation c. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d e i e h m d d f h m d d o t h m d d o t O o oo Lost 2 OO 49-3 51-8 20 43 4-2.5 4 oo 48-5 47-8 21 31 +3-1 6 oo 18.5 15-0 21 2O +7.6 o.-? i 49.0 50.5 2O O4 +4.1 02 48.3 50.6 41 02 46.8 46.6 33 02 35-6 34.7 20 ST 04 49-2 50.8 04 04 48.3 so. 6 4T 04 44-8 43.9 37 04 36.5 34-8 20 ST 06 50.2 51.6 05 06 46.2 48.8 38 Of) 41. 2 41.0 42 06 30.0 26.0 21 O2 08 51.6 53-2 08 08 45-8 47-9 37 08.2 37-8 36.9 48 08 36.2 33.7 20 52 10 53-2 S4-6 IO TO 46.0 48.0 37 TO 35-6 34.9 51 TO 36.6 33.8 ST T2 54-7 55-9 12 12 45-8 47-8 37 T2 36-8 36.5 49 T2 38.6 36.6 47 T4 55-7 56.8 14 +4-0 14 44.9 48.2 36 4-2.5 T4 38.4 37-9 47 +4.0 T4 40.2 38.0 45 16 54-5 55-2 TI 16 50.8 53-0 45 Tfi 39-2 38.6 46 Tfi 4T.5 39-5 43 +8.T 18 52.8 53.7 09 18 50. T 52.0 43 18 40.7 40.0 43 T8 41.8 39.9 42 20 53-8 54.5 10 20 48.8 ST. 2 42 20 41.0 40.3 43 20 43-0 41.1 40 22 53-8 54-2 TO 22 50. T 52. T 43 22 40.8 39.9 43 22 42. T 40.6 4 24 50.6 51.2 05 24 49-6 51-6 42 24 44.1 43.2 38 24 43-3 41.8 39 26 47.8 48.1 00 26 48.8 51.0 41 26 46.0 45.7 34 26 43.8 42.0 39 28 48.0 48.6 01 28 49.8 51.4 42 28 46.8 46.6 33 28 44-5 42.7 38 ,10 50.0 50.0 04 -1-4.0 30 50. T 51.6 43 +2.5 30 15-fi 45-0 35 +4-8 30 44. T 42.8 38 +8.5 32 51. 8 52.0 "7 32 50.0 5T.5 42 32 4T.8 41.3 4T 32 45-2 44-0 36 34 51-0 56.2 T2 34 ST. 5 53-0 45 34 40.9 42 34 44.3 42.0 38 36 56.8 57.6 15 36 52.8 54.0 47 36 42-5 41-3 4' 36 45-0 44-0 36 38 58.4 58.8 7 38 53-5 54-6 i 48 38 46.8 46.1 34 38 45-9 45.0 35 40 59-3 50-5 T8 40 54.8 55.8 50 40 42.8 42.0 40 40 45.8 44.2 36 42 57-5 58.2 16 42 53-8 54-6 48 42 38.7 37-4 47 42 45-6 44-8 35 44 56-3 56.7 14 +4-0 44 51.6 52.6 45 +2.3 4* 35-7 35.2 5i 44 45-5 44-5 35 46 56.0 56.4 13 46 50.9 51-9 44 46 37. T 36.8 48 +5-0 46 45.7 44-7 35 +8.6 48 56.0 56.2 13 48 51.0 52.0 44 48 37-3 37.0 48 48 45-9 45-0 35 50 58.3 58.6 17 50 51. 8 52.6 45 50 39-0 38.2 45 So 44-8 44-2 36 52 59-0 59.4 18 52 53-6 54-8 48 52 40.5 40.2 43 52 45-3 44-2 36 54 60.0 60.2 19 54 55-7 56.3 51 -1 40.6 40.1 43 54 44.0 43.0 38 56 60.8 60.8 20 56 55-3 56.0 50 s6 42.1(7- 40 50 42.1 41.2 40 58 61.5 61.7 22 58 56.0 56.4 Si 58 45-51 35 58 42.5 4T.8 40 I 00 61.9 62.0 22 +3-5 3 oo 56.8 57-4 52 +2.0 5 oo 47-9 47-5 3T +5-5 7 oo 42.5 41.0 40 +8.0 02 | fii.o 61.0 21 02 57-1 57.5 53 02 46.5 46.0 34 02 42.0 4I.S 40 04 oo.i 00.3 19 04 57-0 57.1 52 as 44-2 43.7 37 04 42.4 41.9 40 06 60.3 60.6 20 06 57-0 57-3 52 06 45-0 44.4 36 06 41.7 41.7 4O 08 60.9 fit. i 21 08 , 56.5 56.5 51 08 43.8 43. T 38 08 41.7 41.4 40 TO 61.0 fit. 3 21 TO ' S5.6 50 TO 4*. 8 45-o 35 TO 44.0 43.8 37 12 6 1 . 5 61 . 7 21 12 56.8 56.0 52 T2 48.0 47.5 31 T2 45.0 44.8 35 14 61.0 61.0 2O +3-1 14 58.2 58.6 20 54 +2.0 T.I 50.7 50.0 27 +6.T 14 44-8 44.6 35 16 64.0 64.0 25 16 62.90 21 OI Tfi <2.6n 23 16 44.8 44.2 36 +7.7 18 63.1 63.5 24 18 67.4 67.4 08 T8 5.1.0 S3-1 22 18 45.0 44. s 35 20 63.8 64.0 25 20 63.8 64.4 03 2O 56.2 55. 6 T8 20 45-6 45-6 34 22 64.0 64.3 25 22 62.5 62.9 OI 22 56.T 55. s 78 22 46.7 46.0 33 24 63.0 63.2 24 24 62.4 62.6 OT 24 57-2 56.9 16 24 47.0 46.8 32 26 63.0 63.2 24 26 65.6 66.0 06 25 60.20 TT 26 45.8 45.8 34 28 64-3 64.6 26 28 69.2 69.6 TT 28 61.0 60.5 TO 28 46.1 45-8 33 +7-8 .TO 64.6 64.8 26 +2.9 30 72.1 72.8 16 +2.0 3D GT . 50 OO f6.5 30 45-0 45.3 34 32 67-1 67.3 30 32 . 72.0 72.6 16 32 63.9 6^.1 06 32 46.8 46.3 32 31 63.5 63.9 24 34 71.0 71.9 ; 14 M 6:1.3 62.6 21 06 34 45-3 45.0 34 36 69.4 69.6 34 36 69.8 70.2 12 36 68. s 67.1 20 50 36 46.6 46.0 33 38 67.8 68.4 31 38 71.0 71.2 14 38 68.9 68.0 58 38 46.8 46.3 32 40 67.3 67.6 30 40 72.8 73.1 17 40 60.0 68.0 58 40 47-5 47-0 3i 42 68.2 68.4 32 42 71-3 71-5 14 42 68.7 67.6 59 42 48.3 47.9 3O 44 69.9 70.5 34 4-2.5 44 70.0 70.2 12 +2.0 44 69.9 69.2 56 44 48.4 48.0 3O f7.9 46 71.3 71.6 36 46 70.0 70.0 12 46 74 -T 74.0 SO 4-7-0 46 49.0 48.8 28 48 72- T 72.5 38 48 69.0 69.2 II 48 68.8* 58 48 49-2 49.0 28 So 73-0 73-1 39 50 70.3 7T-0 13 SO 70-5" 55 50 49-0 48.7 28 52 73-3 73-6 39 52 75-0 75.1 20 52 78. on 43 52 50.2 so.o afi 54 75-o 75.0 42 54 77-3 77-3 23 54* 39-0 36.2 48 54 50.2 49.9 27 56 76.9 76.9 45 56* 53-9 54-5 25 56 37-2 34-9 50 56 54-0 53-4 21 58* Si-3 51-5 46 58 56.8 57-8 30 58 42.7 38.2 43 58 52.3 51-5 24 8 oo 48.5 47-8 30 +8.0 Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is aos. 90" torsion = 18/70. Torsion head at oh oom read 242" and at 8h oom read 269. Observers W. J. P. and A. F., who alternated from 4h oom to 4h lorn. 342 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued Monday, July 17, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Tuesday, July 18, 1905 Magnet scale erect Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. ; time nation ! C. time nation C. time nation C. I^ft Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h m d d O t O II m d d ' h m d d , O h m d d 1 8 oo* 51-3 50.5 20 53 +6.1 IO 00 66.3 65.9 20 31 + 8.8 12 00 45-5 46.3 20 12 +8.0 14 oo 38.1 39-3 20 01 +9.0 02 52.4 51-8 Si 02 65.5 65.5 3i 02 46.0 46.5 12 02 35-4 36.0 19 56 04 52.0 51.3 52 04 65.1 65.0 33 04 45-0 45-3 TT 04 32.8 33-6 52 06 53-4 53-1 50 06 64.7 64.5 34 06 44-3 44.9 TO 06 32.9 33-5 52 08 54-5 54-3 48 08 64.7 64.7 34 08 44.6 44.7 IO 08 33-6 34.0 53 10 54-0 53.9 49 10 64.8 64.2 34 10 44.7 44-7 10 IO 33-1 35-0 53 12 54-2 54-2 48 12 64.5 64.1 34 12 44-2 44-6 10 12 32.9 35-1 53 14 55-0 55-0 47 +6.1 14 62.8 62.2 37 +10. i 14 44-3 44-6 10 +8.2 14 32.9 35.0 53 16.5 54-3 54-0 48 16 62.2 62.2 38 16 1 44-5 44-7 10 16 33-3 35-4 54 +9-0 18 54-6 54-1 48 18 62.1 61.9 38 18 44.3 44.6 10 18 33-3 35-0 54 20 54.8 54- 2 48 20 61.9 61.5 38 20 43-3 43-6 08 20 31.6 33.0 51 22 54.5 54.0 48 22 63.50 36 22 42.3 42.5 06 22.2 29.9 32.1 49 24 55-1 54.6 48 24 65.00 33 24 41.8 42.1 06 24 30.8 32.4 : 49 26 54-6 54.3 48 26 68.3 68.0 28 26 41.5 41.9 05 26 28.5 30.9 47 28 56.2 55.5 46 28 67.5 67.1 30 28 40.0 40.5 03 28 25-6 27.6 42 30 56. T 55.2 46 +6.5 30 66.6 66.3 3i + II.O 30 39-3 39-8 02 +8.7 30 25-5 26.3 4i +9.0 32 56.7 56.1 45 32 67.2 67.1 30 32 38.8 39-3 20 or 32 23.3 25.0 38 34 56.0 55-8 46 34 66.6 66.2 31 34 37-5 38.4 19 59 34 22.0 23.8 36 36 54-4 54-2 48 36 66.8 66.8 31 36 37-5 38.1 19 59 36 19.8 21.5 32 38 55-5 54.0 47 38 67.1 66.7 31 38 39-5 40.5 20 03 38 18.2 19.8 30 40 56.2 55.8 46 40 68.3 68.0 29 40 39.6 40.4 03 40 15-3 17-3 26 42 57-1 56.7 44 42 68.0 67.8 29 42 37.6 38.6 oo 42 14-5 15-9 24 /I/I 56.7 56.1 45 +6.8 44 66.8 66.5 3i + 11. 44 38.0 39.0 oo 44 13-5 14-9 22 +8.9 46 57-5 57-3 44 46 67.3 66.8 30 46 38.1 39-2 20 oo +8.7 46 12.6 14.0 21 48 58.8 58-6 42 48 67-8 67.3 30 48 36.3 37-5 19 58 48 I3.O I4.O 21 50 59-3 59-0 4i 50 64.9 64.6 34 50 35-o 36.0 56 50 13-5 14-5 22 52 59-2 59-2 41 52 64.6 64.4 34 52 37-5 38.3 19 59 52 12.8 13.5 20 54 59-1 59-0 4i 54 67.4 67.1 30 54 38.8 40.0 2O 02 54 13-3 13-6 21 56 59-3 58.9 41 56 66.6 66.2 32 56 37-0 38.0 19 59 56 14.2 14.2 22 58 60.0 59.4 40 +7-0 58 65.6 65.1 33 58 37-8 39-1 20 oo 58 13-0 13-3 2O 9 oo 59-3 58.9 4t II OO 64.5 64.2 35 + 11. 13 oo 38.5 39-2 2O 01 +8.9 15 00 14.0 I4.O 22 +8.6 02 60.0 59.2 4i 02 68.1 67.9 29 02 37-1 38.3 19 59 02 12. O 12.2 19 04 60.6 59.9 40 04 68.3 68.-? 29 04 37-2 38.0 19 59 04 16.0 16.2 25 06 59-2 58.4 42 06 68.2 68.1 29 06 37-8 38.5 20 oo 06 16.6 17.0 26 08 61.1 60.6 39 08 69.3 68.9 28 08 37-0 37.8 '9 59 08 17.0 17.8 27 10 60.6 60.2 40 10 71.4 71.2 24 IO 35-5 36.3 56 10 18.5 18.8 29 12 60.6 59.8 40 12 72.9 72-5 22 12 34-4 35-2 55 12 17.8 18.2 28 14 60.3 60.0 40 +7-0 14 71.6 69.6 25 14 35-3 36.3 56 +9-0 14 17.8 18.2 28 +8.6 16 64.8 64.3 33 16 71.8 71-4 24 + 11. 16 : 36.4 37.0 58 16 16.6 16.8 26 18 63.0 62.6 36 18 76.2 75-8 17 1 8 34-3 35-0 54 18 i 12.9 13.2 20 20 64.1 63.7 34 20 73-8 72.6 21 20 33-9 34-5 54 20 13.0 13.9 21 22 62.3 62.0 37 22 69.8 69.0 27 22 34-3 35-0 54 22 15.8 l6.5 25 24 61.6 61.1 38 24 68.6 67.2 30 24 34-3 35-1 54 24 18.0 18.5 28 26 59-6 59-1 41 26 71-6 70.3 25 26 32.1 33.0 51 26 18.4 18.8 29 28 60.2 59.8 40 2R 73.0 71.8 23 28 33-9 34-7 54 28 17.9 18.5 28 30 62.3 61.7 37 +6.8 30 72.1 71-2 24 +11. 1 30 35-2 35-8 56 +9-0 30 15.8 15.8 25 +8.6 32 62.3 62.0 37 32 66.8 65.4 33 32 34.5 34.9 54 32 21.2 22. 34 34 63.2 62.8 36 34 71.8 71-2 24 i 34 31-5 32.1 50 34 25.7 26.3 31 36 66.3 65.6 31 36 77-o 75-8 16 ! 36 32.1 32.2 So 36 26.5 27.8 42 38 67.0 67.0 29 38 77.0 75.6 '7 38 32.8 33.8 52 38 26.3 26.8 42 40 68.1 67.6 28 40 78.0 77-3 r s 40 34-0 34-2 54 40 22.9 23.0 36 42 69.0 68.6 27 42* 53-3 5r-5 10 42 34-8 35-9 55 42 29.0 29.1 46 44 70.6 70.5 24 +7.i 44 47.0 46.2 19 + 11. 44 34.8 35-8 55 +9.1 44 30.2 30.6 48 +8.8 46 70.7 70.4 24 46 46.6 45.3 20 46 34-2 35.3 54 46 30.5 31-8 49 48 69.9 69.6 25 48 44.0 42.5 25 48 36.4 37-1 T9 58 48 27.6 28.4 44 50 70.6 70.4 24 50 46.O 45.O 21 50 37-8 38.6 2O 00 50 27.1 27.5 43 52 70.8 70.5 24 52 43-5 42.3 25 52 38.3 39-7 OT 52 27.0 27.0 42 54 ^)-3 69.3 26 54 42.O 4I.O 28 54 39.3 46.4 07 54 28.3 29.7 46 56 <8.o 67.8 28 56 39.0 38.2 32 56 39.8 40.2 03 56 29.5 29.9 47 58 68.1 67.0 27 58 38.6 38.2 32 58 39.0 40.0 02 58 28.9 30.6 47 12 00 41.9 40.2 28 +10.6 16 oo 32.8 34.5 53 +8.8 Correction to local mean time is 22.55. 90" torsion = 18/02. Torsion head at 8h oom read 272 and at I2h 59m read 250. Observer W. J. P. Correction to local mean time is about 155. 90 torsion = 17/40. Torsion head at I2h oom read 246 and at i6h 25m read 255. Observer W. J. P. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued 343 Wednesday, July 19, 1905 Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. Chr'r time Scale readings Left Right h m d d / h m d d 00* 62.3 61.9 19 46 +5.o 2 00 45-5 44-5 02 60.2 58.5 50 02 44.9 44.2 04 59-3 58.4 Si 04 42.7 42.0 06 54-8 52.0 59 06 41.8 41.1 08 55-4 52.3 19 59 08 41.7 41-3 IO 52.8 48.2 20 04 IO 41-3 41-3 12 47.8 43.6 n 12 40.46 14 41-8 37-2 21 14 38.26 16 40.6 36.7 22 +5-0 16 36.1 35-5 18 43-2 39-9 18 18 34-0 33-8 20 44-7 41-5 IS 20 34-1 34-1 22 44.9 41.2 16 22 35-3 35- i 24 42.9 39-1 19 24 37-0 36.5 26 38.3 35.5 25 26 37-7 37-2 2 37-8 35-1 26 28 38.2 38.0 30 40.0 37.1 23 +5-6 30 40.4 40.0 32 41-5 38.2 20 32 42.2 41.9 34-5 40.5 37-8 22 34 44-4 43-9 36 40.5 37-8 22 36 44-0 43-5 38 41-6 37-5 21 38 42.1 42.1 40 40.0 39-3 20 40 42.5 42.1 42 37.7 30.8 2O 29 42 43-5 43-2 44* 44.4 42.6 21 09 44 40.5 40.1 46 38.0 36.7 18 +4.2 46 39.6 39.2 48 36.9 3T.5 23 48 4O.O 39.8 50 27.1 24.0 21 37 So 40.8 40.5 52 II. 10.5 22 OO 52 42.0 41.6 54 24.0 18.1 21 44 54 42.7 42.2 56* 54-7 45-0 22 05 56 41.6 41.0 58 78. on 21 21 58 39-9 39-1 I OO* 41-5 34-0 21 O9 +4.2 3 oo 38.1 38.1 02 53-0 47.5 20 49 02 37.5 37-3 04 48.5 42.0 57 04 37-0 36-8 06 50.8 46.0 52 06 37-1 36.6 08 50.9 45-7 52 08 34-5 33-9 10 50. T 45.1 S3 IO 31-4 30.7 12 49.1 45.0 20 54 12 30.8 30.1 14 45-2 41-0 21 OO 14 29.5 28.6 16 42.2 37-5 05 +4-0 16 26.3 25.8 18 38.8 35-1 10 18 27.6 26.7 20 36.5 33-0 14 20 30.5 30.1 22 39-8 36.9 21 08 22 31-9 31-6 24 47-8 44-3 20 56 24 31-4 30.6 26 48.9 45-8 20 54 26 32.8 31-8 28 45-3 42.0 21 00 +3-7 28 35- 2 34-5 30 42.3 39-2 04 30 34-5 33-8 32 39-8 37-4 07 32 34-9 34-0 34 40.5 37-5 07 34 37-0 36.5 36 42.8 40.2 03 36 38.0 37.4 38 44.6 42.1 21 00 38 38.2 37-8 40 45-7 44-8 20 57 40 38.5 37-8 42 45-1 43.5 58 42 42.80 44 46.0 43.4 20 58 44 46.3 45-8 46 44-2 42.5 21 OI +3-7 46 46.4 45-9 48 43.5 42.0 OO 48 46.0 45.2 50 44.1 42.7 21 OO 50 45-5 44-6 52 44-9 43-1 20 59 52 46.7 45- 8 54 44.6 43-1 20 59 54 48.8 47-7 56 43-5 42.3 21 OI 56 48.0 47-1 58 43-8 42.6 00 58 47.1 46.5 East decli- nation 20 57 20 58 21 O2 03 03 03 05 08 12 15 14 13 10 09 08 05 21 02 20 59 20 59 21 O2 O2 OO Si 05 04 02 OI 03 06 08 09 10 10 14 19 20 22 27 25 JW 18 20 17 13 14 14 10 09 08 08 21 01 20 56 56 56 57 55 52 53 54 :rted Wednesday, July 19, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Temp. c. Chr'r time Scale East Scale readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings nation C. time Left Right Left Right East decli- nation Temp. C. h m d d ' ' * h m d d t +3.9 4 oo 48.0 48.0 2052 +2.4 600 51.5 50.8 20 48 02 50.2 50.2 49 02 51.2 51.0 48 04 50.2 50.0 49 04 52.0 Si-5 47 06 52.8 52.5 45 06 53-1 52.0 46 08 52.8 52.3 i 46 i 08 52.7 51-4 46 10 53.0 52.5 45 10 52.1 51-2 47 +3-0 12 S3- 5 53-0 44 12 51.6 50.3 48 +4.1 14 52.4 52.0 46 14 51.2 50.2 48 16 53-7 53-0 44 +2.3 16 52.6 51.0 47 +3-0 18 59-5 59-5 34 18 53-5 53-0 44 20 52.2 51.2 47 20 50.0 49-7 50 22 46.2 45.3 56 22 49-1 48.5 51 24 44-1 43-3 59 24 53-0 52.3 45 26 47.2 46.4 54 26 53-0 52.5 45 28 50-3 49-8 So 28 52.0 51.2 47 +4-0 30 50.7 49.9 49 +2.2 30 53-2 52.6 45 +3-1 32 51-5 50.7 48 32 52.6 51.9 46 34 51.6 50.9 48 34 53-1 52.3 45 36 52-7 51-8 46 36 53-6 52.5 45 38 53-0 52.6 45 38 53-0 52.0 46 40 50.3 49.7 So 40 52.0 51.3 47 42 49-0 48.4 52 42 51.0 49.4 49 44 47-3 46.7 54 44 54-3 53-0 44 +3-C +3-5 46 49. T 48.0 52 f2.2 46 55-9 54-8 41 48 51. 8 51. i 47 48 56.1 55-5 40 SO 54-0 53.5 44 So 59-1 58.7 36 52 57-5 56.6 38 52 59-1 58.3 36 54 57-2 57-2 38 54 S6.3 55-6 40 58 55.56 53-7 53-3 4i 44 56 58 53-3 52.5 48.5 48.2 45 52 +3-0 5 oo 54-8 54-5 42 +2.2 7 oo 50-9 49-9 49 +3.r 02 53-8 53-1 44 02 59-0 58.3 36 04 50.0 49.2 50 04 57-0 57.0 38 06 49-8 49-2 So 06 57-60 38 08 50.3 50.0 49 08 60.4 60.0 34 10 49. 56 50 IO 54.26 43 12 50.5 SO.o 49 12 51.6 50.9 48 +2.8 14 Si. i 50.8 48 +2.4 14 48.56 52 f3-C 16 52.5 51-7 46 16 47.0 46.8 54 18 52.8 52.1 46 18 50.00 50 20 52.3 Si.8 46 20 56.0 55.2 41 22.3 52. 8 52.0 46 22 55-2 54.5 42 24 55-0 54-8 42 24 56.1 55-5 40 26 53-4 53.0 i 44 26 53-2 52.0 45 28 51.20 48 28 49-3 48.7 5i (-2.6 30 54-7 53-5 43 +2.9 30 52.3 51-6 46 f3-i 32 51-5 Si.o 48 32 50.8 49-8 49 34 54-6 53-8 43 34 51-6 50.4 48 36 54-5 53-9 43 36 , 50.6 49.9 49 38 55-3 54-6 42 38 50.5 50.2 49 40 51.9 51.2 47 40 52.8 52.2 46 42 52.4 51.2 47 42 51.6 51.0 47 44 So.o 49.9 50 44 51-5 50.6 48 46 52-3 51-7 46 f3-0 46 53-2 52.2 45 f3-i 48 53-1 52.5 45 48 50.8 51. i 48 50 52.7 52.0 46 ;o 54.2 52.6 44 52 52.8 52.1 46 52 52.5 50.5 47 54 53-o 52.5 45 54 53-2 52.2 45 56 53-6 52.8 44 56 50.2 49.6 50 58 53-0 52.6 45 .58 47-2 45-6 55 Observer A. F. Observers A. F. and W. J. P., who alternated from 5)1 S&n to 6h o8m. 344 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIFGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued Wednesday, July 19, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, July 19, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right ' Left Right h m d d / h m d d ' ' h m d A O ' O h tn d d o r 8 oo 43.2 41.7 21 OI +3-0 10 oo 6l.6 6l.3 20 32 +5-0 '. T2 OO 4O.O 38.8 20 06 +5-3 14 oo 26.8 26.6 20 25 +5-7 02 38.0 37-1 09 02 60. I 60.0 34 02 39.1 38.0 06 02 25.8 25.5 27 04 41.2 40.6 04 04 64.0 62.8 28 01 37.6 35.8 10 04 24.7 24.3 29 06 .36-3 34-3 12 06 64.6 63.3 ! 28 06 38.5 37,o 08 06 24.3 24.0 20 08 33-8 31.6 17 08 63.5 62.5 29 08 37-8 36.4 00 08 25-3 25.1 28 TO 40.4 39-6 05 TO 64.8 63.8 27 TO 36.4 34-2 T2 10 25.0 24.8 28 12 34.9 34.0 14 12 63.5 62.8 ; 29 T2 35-6 34-2 T2 T2 23.8 23.4 30 14 37-9 37-0 09 +2.7 14 64.3 63.4 28 T.I 34.0 32.2 13 +5-5 14 24.0 23.7 30 -r-S.* 16 34.0 33-2 15 16 65.0 63.8 27 +5.o 16 34.0 33.2 T5 l6 24.9 24.9 28 18 38.1 37-6 21 09 18 65.8 64.8 25 18 34.8 33.2 14 T8 2f>. T 25.5 27 20 47-1 45-8 20 55 20 65.1 64.0 27 2O 37-0 36.0 TO 2O 27.T 26.9 25 22 45.0 42.8 59 22 65.1 64-1 27 22 34.0 33-2 14 22 27-3" 24 24 47-6 45-1 55 24 66.9 65.6 24 21 34-8 33- T T4 24 29.6 20.3 2T 26 53.2 49.8 47 26 67.5 66. o 23 2 r> 31.6 33-8 Tl 26 30.0 29.8 20 28 52.0 49.0 49 28 65.1 63.9 27 28 35-4 34.2 T3 28 30.9 30.5 '9 30 56.0 52.3 43 +2.6 30 65.9 64.1 26 +5.o w 32.6 31.3 17 +5-5 3" 31.0 30.7 TO +5-0 32 59.0 56.0 38 32 67.8 65.8 23 32 33-5 32.6 T6 32 32.9 32.5 16 34 59-0 55-8 38 34 68.2 66.6 22 31 35-0 33-6 T3 34 33-7 33-4 T5 Jfi 62.1 59.6 32 36 66.9 64.9 24 !* 35-1 33.8 13 36 33-1 32.7 T6 38 63.2 60.9 31 38 66. o 64.0 26 38 34-9 33-9 13 38 32.0 31-6 17 40 65.2 62.2 28 40 67.5 66.1 23 40 36.7 35-2 II 40 30.1 20.7 20 42 60. i 57-9 35 42 64.0 63.0 28 42 35-1 33.8 13 42 28.4 28.0 23 44 63.5 61.5 30 +3.o 44 63.6 62.5 29 +5-0 44 37.8 36.8 09 44 28.0 27.7 24 +6.0 46 62.2 60.0 32 46 66.0 65.0 25 16 38.0 36.4 00 +5-3 46 27.9 27.5 ; 24 48 65.6 63.4 27 48 66.8 66.0 24 18 35-0 33.5 14 48 27.7 27.4 24 50 64.9 63.1 27 50 67.8 66.8 22 50 35.7 34-2 12 50 28.7 28.4 22 52 62.8 61.1 3i 52 67.5 67.0 22 52 35.2 34.0 T3 52 30.2 20. o 20 54 62.1 60. i 32 54 68.00 21 51 33.2 32.0 16 54 32.8 3T.8 17 56 56.6 55-1 40 56 64.3 63.8 28 iqfi 35.8 3-1-3 12 56 32.2 32.0 T7 58 56.2 54-8 41 58 69.6 69.1 19 58 28.8 28.0 2T. 58 32. T 31.9 77 9 oo 50.6 49.8 49 +4-0 II 00 64.0 63.6 28 +5.1 T3 00 26.5 25.8 2"> +5-4 15 oo 30.8 30.6 : TO +5.8 02 51-5 50-3 48 02 68.5 67.0 22 O2 25.4 2t.l 28 02 30.2 20.9 20 01 51.0 48.3 20 50 04 66.9 66.0 24 OI 23.3 22.8 3T 01 3O. T 29.9 20 06 44.8 42.4 21 OO 06 66.8 66.1 24 06 22.2 2T.8 33 06 30.2 30.0 20 08 48.2 46.2 20 54 08 66.6 65.5 24 08 2T.2 20.3 35 08 31.0 30.7 TO 10 47-5 45-5 55 10 67.9 66.5 22 TO 22.-! 2T.O 33 TO 3T.4 3'.o T8 12 47.2 45.6 55 12 69.6 69.0 19 T2 21.8 23.5 20 T2 3T-2 30.8 TO 14 45-0 43.3 20 59 +4-5 14 72.0 71.4 15 +5-4 Tt 25 .5 24 . 3 ?8 T4 30.8 30.6 TO +5-7 T6 43-8 42.0 2T OI 16 70.6 70. T 18 tfl 25.7 21.6 28 +5-5 l6 20.8 29.6 2T 18 47-6 45-8 20 55 18 69.1 68.4 20 T8 2-.T 2:1.3 28 T 30. T 20.0 2O 2O 49.6 47.2 52 20 69.0 67.6 21 20 25.2 21.1 28 20 3O.2 3O.O 20 22 52.8 51.2 46 22 69.9 67.6 : 20 22 26.O 25.4 27 22 31. 6 31.3 T8 24 54-5 52.8 44 24 71.8 70.0 17 21 28.0 27.8 2T. 21 32.5 32. T T7 26 54.o 53.5 44 26 71.0 68.9 18 2fi 31. o 30.6 T8 26 32.5 32.2 16 28 58-0 57-8 37 28 68.2 66.9 22 2S 31-8 33-5 14 28 32.9 32.7 r6 30 60.0 59.1 34 +4-6 30 67.0 65.6 24 +5-4 7O 31.0 34-0 T3 +5.5 30 33-3 33- T 15 +5-6 32 61.2 60.4 32 32 66.6 65.2 24 32 37.0 37.0 08 32 32.8 32.3 Tfi 34 62.0 61.8 3T 34 67.2 66.2 23 71 38. T 37.5 08 34 31.8 3T.2 T8 36 64.8 64.0 27 36 68.6 68.0 2T 16 39.3 38.6 06 36 32.3 32. T 17 38 64.6 63.8 27 38 70.6 70.0 18 38 3O.O 38.0 05 38 32.9 32.6 16 40 67.0 66.8 23 40 74.1 73.5 12 10 38.0 38.6 07 40 32.3 32.0 17 42 63.2 62.8 29 42 75.0 74-3 ii 42 37-5 36.7 oo 42 32.6 32.2 16 44 61.0 60.5 33 +5-0 44 79.0 79-0 04 +5,2 41 35-5 34-8 12 44 33.7 33.3 15 +5-5 46 63.6 62.1 29 46* 41.0 39.8 04 46 33-5 33.o 15 +5-5 46 35-5 35-1 T2 48 60.3 60.2 34 48 ! 41.2 40.0 04 48 33-6 33-0 IS 48 37-8 37- T 00 50 59-3 59-2 35 50 42.O 4O.6 02 50 32.5 3T-0 17 50 39.6 30.0 06 52 58.0 57.9 37 52.5 43.3 42.0 oo 52 30-5 30. T 20 52 40.5 40.0 20 04 54 63.0 62.6 29 54 42.9 41,5 OT 54 28.36 23 54 45-31 TO 56 i 56 64.2 63.2 28 56 42.4 40.8 02 H6 26.8 26.8 25 56 49.5 49.1 50 58.3 61.2 60.8 32 58 43.0 41.6 01 58 26.5 26.3 26 58 ST. 9 50.8 47 Observer W. J. P. Observers W. J. P. and A. R, who alternated from 12)1 28m to I2h 38m. MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of magnetic declinations observed at Alger Island Station Continued 345 Wednesday, July 19, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Wednesday, July 19, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chrr readings decli- Temp. Chrr readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d , h m d d t h m d d 1 . h m d d O ' 16 oo 51-8 51-5 19 46 +5-5 18 oo 36.6 36.5 20 10 20 OO 37-3 37-3 20 09 +5.2 22 00 35- 2 34-5 20 13 +4-0 02 52-3 52.3 45 02 36.2 35.9 ii 02 37-5 37-3 09 02 34-2 33-4 14 04 52.0 52.4 45 04 35-8 3S-2 12 04 37-5 37-3 09 04 33-2 33-0 IS 06 52.5 52.1 45 06 33-9 33-1 IS 06 37-6 37-4 08 06 33-0 32.5 16 08 53-4 52-9 44 08 33-2 32-5 10 08 38.0 37-8 08 08 33-2 32.8 16 10 54-0 53-8 43 IO 33-6 33-2 15 10 38.0 37-8 08 10 32.6 32.3 16 12 53-2 53.0 44 12 35-1 34-5 13 12 37-8 37-6 08 12 33.2 32.9 16 14 52.3 52.3 45 14 35-9 35- 2 12 +5-8 H 37-2 37-o 09 +5-1 14 33-3 33-2 IS +4-0 16 48.9 48.9 50 +5-4 16 35.1 34.8 12 16 37-0 36.8 09 16 30.6 30.0 20 18 47-6 47-3 53 18 34-6 34-0 13 18 37-2 36.6 09 18 27.2 26.5 25 20 47.0 46.8 54 20 34-6 33-8 H 20 37-6 37-2 09 20 24.5 24.0 29 22 45-9 45-5 56 22 33-6 33-0 IS 22 38.8 38.0 07 22 24.0 23.7 30 24 45.1 44.8 57 24 32.2 32.0 17 24 38.0 37-5 08 24 24.3 24.1 29 26 44-1 43.7 1958 26 31.0 30.3 19 26 37-7 37-3 08 26 23-7 23.5 30 28 43.4 43.0 20 oo 28 30.8 30.1 20 28 37-5 37-3 08 28 22.8 22.8 31 30 44.5 44.0 1958 +5-3 30 30.5 30.0 20 +5-6 30 37-5 37-2 09 +5-0 30 22.8 22.7 32 +4-0 32 44.4 44.1 1958 32 30.5 30.0 2O 32 37-5 37-2 09 32 22.6 22.6 32 34 42.3*> 2O OI 34 30.0 29.5 21 34 38.5 37-6 08 34 21.6 21.5 34 36 39.6 39.0 06 36 29.4 28.5 22 36 38.3 38.0 07 36 21.0 20. 6 35 38 35-40 12 38 29.1 28.0 22 38 38.2 38.0 07 38 19-8 19-5 37 40 34-2 33.9 14 40 28.8 28.3 22 40 38.4 37-7 08 40 19.5 I9-I 37 42 36.0 35-8 II 42 29.2 28.7 22 42 37-8 37-1 08 42 19.8 l8.5 37 44 34-8 34-5 13 +5-1 44 29.8 29.1 21 +5-5 44 37-3 37-0 09 44 16.3 16.1 42 +4-0 46 33-7 33-5 15 46 30.5 29.8 20 46 37-1 36.7 09 46 15.8 15.3 43 48 33-5 33-2 IS 48 31.0 30.5 19 48 36.9 36.5 10 48 14.5 14.1 45 50 35-5 35-2 12 50 31.3 31-0 18 50 36.6 36.0 IO SO 13-3 12.6 47 52 37-3 37-0 09 52 31.2 31.0 18 52 36.1 35-8 II 52 12.5 12.0 48 54 38.0 37-7 08 54 31-6 31-3 18 54 35-9 35-6 II 54 12.2 12. O 48 56 ! 36.5 36.1 IO 56 31-4 31-3 18 56 35-9 36.0 II 56 12.5 12.2 48 58 34-5 34-1 13 58 31.2 30.8 19 58 35-6 36.0 II 58 13.2 13.0 47 17 oo 33-7 33-2 15 +5.o 19 oo 31.6 31.2 18 +5-7 21 00 36.1 35-6 II +4-8 23 oo 14-5 I4-I 45 +3-9 02 34-0 33-8 14 02 32.3 32.0 17 O2 35-6 35-0 12 02 15-8 15.2 43 04 34-8 34-2 13 04 33-1 32.6 16 04 35-5 35-0 12 04 17-5 17-2 40 06 34-5 34-1 13 06 33-6 33.2 15 06 35-5 35-0 12 06 I9.I l8.9 37 08 33-5 33-0 IS 08 33-8 33-3 IS 08 35-6 35-2 12 08 21. 20. 2 35 IO 32.3 32.0 17 IO 33-3 33-0 15 IO 36.2 35.8 II 10 22. 21.6 33 12 32.9 32-5 16 12 32.8 32.3 16 12 37-2 36.8 09 12 22.1 21.9 33 14 32.9 32.4 16 +5-0 14 32.3 32.0 17 +5-9 14 38.3 37-9 07 +4-3 14 21.6 21 .0 34 +3-8 16 32.3 32.1 17 16 32.2 32.0 17 16 39-1 38.6 06 16 21.7 21.3 34 18 32.1 32.1 17 18 32.2 31.9 17 18 38.6 38.2 07 18 23.2 22.8 31 20 33-0 33-0 16 20 32.1 31.8 17 20 37-4 37-2 09 20 22.5 22.2 32 22 35-0 34-5 12 22 32.2 31.8 17 22 36.7 36.4 IO 22 21.5 21.3 34 24 36.0 35.6 ii 24 32.5 31-9 17 24 37-6 37-2 09 24 19.6 18.8 37 26 37-0 36.7 09 26 33-3 32.2 16 26 38.8 38.3 07 26 16.5 16.3 42 28 37-2 36.9 09 28 32.8 32.4 16 28 39-0 38.6 06 28 15.0 13.8 4S 30 38.2 37.8 08 +5-0 30 32.9 32.5 16 +5-6 30 39-3 38.8 06 4-4-1 30 13-4 12.5 47 +3-6 32 38.8 38.2 07 32 33-2 33-O 15 32 38.5 38.2 07 32 ii. 6 12.3 49 34 38.1 37-8 08 34 34.1 33.8 14 34 37-7 37-1 09 34 ii. i 10.6 50 36 38.0 37.4 08 36 34-2 33.8 14 36 37-2 36.6 09 36 ii. 6 n. o 50 38 40 38.1 37-6 38.5 38.0 08 07 38 40 33-8 33-5 33.0 32.8 IS 16 38 40 37-5 36.8 38.6 37-8 09 07 38 40 11.3 ii.o 10.3 9.6 50 52 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 39-5 39-0 40.7 40.0 40.3 39-5 39-2 38.6 37-3 36.9 36.0 35.3 35-8 35-1 36.6 35.6 36.9 36.2 06 04 05 06 09 ii 12 10 IO +5-0 +5-2 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 31-9 31-9 31-3 31-3 32.3 32.1 34-o 33-8 35-3 35-0 36.7 36.6 37-3 37-i 37-2 37-0 37-5 37-3 17 18 17 14 12 10 09 09 09 +5-3 42 2 48 SO 52 54 56 58 40.0 39.2 41.0 40.0 40.2 39.3 39-9 39.0 39-0 38.3 38.9 38.1 37-8 37-2 36.8 36.2 35-6 35.2 05 04 05 05 07 07 08 10 12 +4.0 42 44*2 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 24 oo 8.2 7.8 40.8 38.6 39-6 37-6 39-2 37-6 39-1 37-5 39-0 37.0 39-6 38.0 39-5 37-6 39-1 37-6 37-7 35-7 55 57 58 59 59 59 58 59 20 59 21 OI +3-4 +3-4 Observers A. F. and W. J. P., who alternated from I7h 48m to I7h 56m. Correction to local mean time is 145. Torsion head at oh oom read 255 and at 24)1 20111 read the same Observer W. J. P. 346 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of magnetic decimations observed at Alger Island Station Continued Thursday, July 20, 1905 Magnet scale erect Friday, July 21, 1905 Magnet scale inverted Scale East Scale East Scale East Scale East Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. Chr'r readings decli- Temp. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. time nation C. Left Kiglit Left Right Left Right Left Right h in d d e / I i ' h m d d O 1 h m d d o / O h m d d , o 16 oo 48.9 49-6 20 O6 +7-5 18 oo 50.3 50.3 20 08 +6.4 20 oo 53-5 50.7 20 20 +2.0 22 OO 63-3 60.8 20 07 + 1-5 02 49.2 50.0 07 02 50.0 50.0 08 02 53-2 50.3 20 02 63.1 61.5 06 counting from 15 as 0.5 hour A. M. A graphical representation to scale of this formula, together with the mean values from which it is deduced, is given in figure 23. The agreement between the individual observed means and values computed for the corresponding times is given in the following summary, in which the observed and computed values are repre- sented by letters O and C respectively, easterly deviation from the mean value for the whole period being indicated by a plus sign, and vice versa, and extremes being in bold-face type. Summary of observed and computed diurnal variation of magnetic declination at Alger Island for period fune 26 to July 31, 1905 L. M. T. C 0-C L. M. T. O C o-c h -5 / 7-4 / - 4-9 / 2-5 h 12.5 / - 14.4 f 10.9 / 3-5 1-5 + 10.8 + II. 0.2 J 3-5 18.2 -17.4 0.8 2.5 + 23.8 + 30.5 -6. 7 14-5 19.0 23-3 + 4-3 3-5 4-48.7 + 47-3 + 1.4 15-5 19.7 27.2 + 7-5 4-5 + 48.6 4-55.0 -6.4 16.5 32.5 28.7 -3-8 5-5 +51.6 + 51-0 + 0.6 17-5 27.1 28.0 + 0.9 6-5 + 45-4 + 38.1 + 7-3 18.5 30.5 -25.8 -4-7 7-5 + 23-2 + 22.5 + 0.7 19-5 22.7 23.0 + 0.3 8-5 + 8.6 4- 10.0 1-4 20.5 -16.7 20.5 + 3-8 9-5 + 2.8 + 2.5 + 0.3 21.5 25.2 -19.1 6.1 10.5 + 7-4 1.6 + 9- 22.5 23.0 -17.8 5-2 "5 + 2.9 5-5 + 8.4 23-5 17-5 - 14.1 -3-4 For a value of magnetic declination at Alger Island, practically referring to mean of day f the mean of the tabulated observational means may be taken, viz : 20 26V4 E for the epoch 1905.53. * This quantity is the probable error of a single representation. V: i OC O Ul w o. o Ui S 5 f = > t o 2 > o n 5 o o 5 * j i 85 B '3 .a VE ^S o 28 I- N QJ UJ X 5 B 8 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 355 Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Alger Island Five weeks, entire series, June 26 to July 31, 1905 20 plus tabular quantity, east /* o-5 h 1-5 h 2.5 h 3-5 1 4-5 h 5-5 h 6.5 h 7-5 h 8.5 h 9-5 h io-5 h ". 5 Sunday Sunday Monday 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 26, 3, 10, 17, 24 / 26.7 / 34-5 49.0 / 74-o / 53-2 / 47-8 r 52.6 / 49.6 / / 33-8 / 29.6 / 19.2 14.0 21-3 40.5 109.7 125.8 87-3 63.6 81.5 26.3 3-7 35-7 37-i 11.7 29-3 43-9 680 101.4 70.4 42.3 32-6 38.1 34-5 28.4 12.3 15-5 93-5 71.9 97.1 107.8 136.3 138.4 69.7 46.1 33-5 32.6 24-4 15-2 H.g 49-6 79-3 69.0 62.3 51-0 40.8 27.7 25.2 94-3 1 20. 2 Wednesday 28, 5, 12, 19, 26 23.5 45-5 47-7 56.8 it. 6 38.2 57-2 45-5 55-4 160.7 150.2 5i.i 27-5 22.3 22.7 22.1 IO. I 03-9 51.8 80.6 74.0 52.2 68.2 54-4 55-6 32-6 26.2 Og.O 37-i 60. i 64.8 68.6 47.0 46.1 45-6 46.5 48.8 40.7 26.0 15-2 44-2 53-5 45-2 91.7 59-8 56.5 52.6 38.6 25-9 28.0 26.8 21.8 21.0 39-2 52.2 77-i 77-0 80.0 73-8 51.6 37-o 31.2 35-8 31-3 Tabulation of mean hourly magnetic declinations at Alger Island Five weeks, entire series, June 26 to July 31, 1905 Continued 20 plus tabular quantity, east h 12.5 h 13-5 h 14-5 h 15-5 h 16.5 17-5 h 18.5 h 19-5 h 20.5 h h 22.5 h 23-5 Tuesday Thursday Friday 27, 4, H, 18, 25 29, 6, 13, 20, 27 30, 7, 14, 21, 28 IO. I f 06.5 / 02.O 00.5 17.0 f 26.6 f 18.1 f 26.6 14-4 f 29-5 / -31-6 - 25.6 10.7 08.0 17.2 18.5 -36.5 72.9 103.6 - 43-o 33-5 i9-5 00.7 IO.2 09.5 15.0 15.8 18.1 20. 2 10.4 05.1 06.9 04-4 03.4 - 21.4 25.9 IO.O 13.0 10.5 12.6 18.4 14-5 ii-5 13.8 19.0 07.7 17-4 10.6 05.1 05.2 08.6 09.0 17-5 07.1 01.9 oo.o Wednesday 28, 5, 12, 19, 26 22.1 14.6 04.8 17.2 18.4 08.1 - 00.8 03-5 21-5 13.3 09.1 3I-I 22.9 25.3 13-0 08.2 - 28.1 06.9 15-2 06.5 - 10.5 - I3-I 04.4 03.1 13.0 20.7 22.6 13-0 OG.2 II. 17.2 14.9 08.9 08.5 31-4 46.4 14-3 12.9 17.2 17-7 15-8 12.8 17.7 15-8 10.3 12.7 16.5 12.0 14.0 IO.2 09.4 08. 7 - 04.1 oi-3 02. i 05-7 11.7 03.2 05-4 IO.9 356 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION INCLINATION INSTRUMENT, METHODS, AND RESULTS The same instrument and methods were used in the determinations of magnetic dip at the Alger Island station as at Teplitz Bay (see pages 307 to 309). The observations were made on the central pier in the observatory, the magnetometer at such times being removed from its place. The results obtained are exhibited in the following table : Summary of observations of magnetic inclination at Alger Island Date L. M. T. Needle 3 Needle 4 Mean Observer 1905 June 26. . . . h m 14 56 / 82 45.7 / 82 46.4 / 82 46.0 W. J. P. 27. Q S4 46 7 6 4S. 2 Do. July 10 II 16 09 95Q 40.3 48.2 43-6 48.1 42.0 48.2 Do. Do. 17. .. 13 56 44.8 46.2 45-5 Do. 18 IO 30 47-7 48.5 48.1 Do. 24. . 14 26 46.4 48.1 47.2 Do. 25. . 10 16 42.7 45. .8 Do. From the above the mean value of the magnetic inclination at Alger Island, practically applying to mean of day, is 82 45. '8 N for the epoch J 905.53. HORIZONTAL INTENSITY INSTRUMENT, METHODS, AND RESULTS The instrument and methods used at the Alger Island station were the same as at Teplitz Bay, already described in detail on pages 313 to 315. The following tabulation summarizes the work at this station ; the various column headings are explained on page 313. Summary of observations of magnetic intensity at Alger Island Date Local mean time u Centigrade tem- perature log- m T' r=3ocm. r = 40 cm. t t' r=3o cm. r=4ocm. 1905 June 26 h in 1938 / 26 50.3 / 10 57.0 + 6.00 + 7-9 6.21410 6.21562 s 9.83990 27 7 18 26 58.0 II 04.0 + 9-55 + 10.27 6.2I2IO 6.21098 9.83224 July 10 19 15 26 40.0 10 57-7 + 10.50 + 12.37 6.21658 6.21506 9.82239 II 7 25 27 00.4 it 02.5 + 10.25 + 12. OO 6.21149 6.21193 9.85422 17 18 36 26 43.4 to 57-9 + 4.85 + 6.30 6.21587 6.21507 9.80942 18 832 27 01.6 ii 06.4 + 5-7 + 5-59 6.21132 6.20951 9-83258 24 18 39 26 54.9 ii 03.0 + 3-8o + 4-74 6.21302 6.21177 9-79750 25 8 32 27 10. i ii 15.6 + 4-00 + 3-52 6.20925 6.20368 9.83218 MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS Summary of observations of magnetic intensity at Alger Island Continued 357 Date Effect 90 torsion v log m (H+X) log H log , log m a Observer \/H(H+X) 1905 June 26 / I9-52 1-46503 8.83995 r 7172 2.64078 2.63896 W. J. P. 27 19-75 1.46561 8.83857 7151 2.64283 2.64147 Do. July 10 18.10 1.46674 8.83128 7194 2.64115 2.63991 Do. II 18.62 1.46387 8.83779 7138 2.64187 2.64060 Do. 17 17-63 1.46781 8.84164 7199 2.64180 2.63983 Do. 18 17.12 1.46568 8.83805 7142 2.64340 2.64154 Do. 24 16.92 1.46887 8.84063 7183 2.64391 2.64180 Do. 25 19.30 1.46549 8.83598 7110 2.64541 2-64333 Do. From these results the mean value of the magnetic horizontal intensity at Alger Island, practically applying to mean of day, is 7161 r for the epoch J9Q5.53. SUMMARY OF MAGNETIC ELEMENTS AT ALGBR ISLAND The following shows in one view the mean results obtained by the expedition at the Alger Island station, all the values applying practically to mean of day : Epoch East declination Northerly inclination Horizontal intensity Vertical intensity Total intensity I905-53 ' 20 28 ' 82 46 y 7161 7 56395 } 56848 Latitude of station is 81 21.5 N. Longitude of station is 56 05.5 E. 358 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS A TROMSOE, NORWAY The magnetic station was located on the east side of Tromsoe Sound about fifty feet from the shore line and on the edge of the cultivated field opposite the city of Tromsoe. Very little time was available for work at this station ; as a result only declinations could be observed with magnetometer No. IIII. The mark used was a house appearing over point of Tromsoe Island in true azimuth 195 40/9 west of south and distant about five miles. Latitude N Longitude east of Greenwich Date Local mean time Observed declination o / 68 39 / 18 50 1903 June 27 h tn 13 59 / 7 01.7 W M 56 7 00.3 Observers R. W. Porter, W. J. Peters, and R. R. Tafel. B ARCHANGEL, RUSSIA The magnetic station was located on the south point of a low, flat, sandy island covered with small willows in the Dwina River about west-southwest of the old prison in Solomba. The taller and middle spire of the Archangel cathedral is in true azimuth from the magnetic station 344 20/3 west of south. Complete observations were made with magnetometer No. IIII and dip circle No. 5676. In the following summary of the results at this station all instrumental corrections have been made, but no corrections for diurnal variations are applied. Latitude N Longitude east of Greenwich Date Local mean time Observed declination Local mean time Observed dip* Observed horizontal intensity Observed log / 20 / 64 34 / 40 40 1903 July 3 h m 13 17 18 26 / 7 22.7 7 28 8 /; ;/; 15 50 11 AK O / 73 54-1 N 7 July 4 12 18 7 27-3 15 18 14528 2.64048 13 32 18 ii 7 2 5-o 7 25 8 17 42 14538 2.64054 Observers W. J. Peters and R. W. Porter. * Needles Nos. 3 and 4 respectively. C BARENTS SEA Observations were made on the floating ice in Barents Sea. For declination observations a C. L. Berger and Sons' alt-azimuth instrument with compass needle attached in tube under telescope (see figure 2 of astronomic notes) was used. The methods and results obtained are exhibited in the following summary : MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS 359 Date Mark Mean watch time Mean altitude vertical circle R and L Mean horizontal circle reading Point- ings Resulting declination 1903 August i Needle. . . . h m s 16 54 55 o / / o oo.o i / ] or 8 ""--- Needle 17 10 21 17 24 ";6 9 52-i 293 34-o ICQ 24 O 2 I 17 42-8 E 01 c -i0 Sun Needle. . . . 17 34 21 17 53 01 8 53-6 29 8 31-5 *57 42.1 4 5 > 17 60.2 ^ 01 q Needle 18 34 55 7 4- ,V>7 39-4 356 08. i 5 17 51.8 Weighted mean > alue. . . The error of the watch on Greenwich mean time was + 4 m 57'. A midnight altitude of the sun on the same date, together with the above time observations, gives : Latitude 77 06' N. Longitude 52 15/1 E of Greenwich. The magnetic observing tent was set up about six hundred feet distant from the alt-a^i- niuth instrument in a direction S 10 W, and dip observations were made with dip circle No. 5676 in the usual manner, giving the following results : Date Local mean time Observed inclination Needle No. 3 Needle No. 4 Mean 1903 August i . . h m 22 31 / 81 01.7 N / 81 05.2 N / 81 03.4 N Observers W. J. Peters and R. W. Porter. D DETERMINATIONS ON PLANE TABLE TRAVERSE In the course of the plane table traverse work from Teplitz Bay to Cape Flora Mr. R. W. Porter made the following declination observations : Place Latitude N Longitude east of Greenwich Local mean date Azimuth determined how No. needle pointings Mean observed declination Cape Norway / 8l 12 / 55 34 1904 h April 18, 12.4 Theodolite No. II . o / oc C2 E Hooker Island) station XXI.... / Rubini Rock 80 21 80 iq 53 12 "52 d8 June 19, 12.1 ( Theodolite and azimuth \ \ obs. on station XX . . . / ( Theodolite and azimuth 1 7 19 41.7 \ obs. on station A / 3 17 29 7 Cape Flora 7Q 57 4o *;8 ( Plane table needle sta- 1 \ tions B, D, E, L, K, M. / 14 57 SECTION B NOTES AND SKETCHES OF THE AURORA BOREALIS BY ANTHONY FIALA Commander of the Expedition 24 361 CONTENTS Remarks Regarding Sketches ....... Aurorae Observed at Camp Abruzzi, Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Aurorae Observed at Elmwood, Cape Flora, Northbrook Island PLATES 1 December 23, 1903, 3:30 p. M. n January 23, 1904, 9:50 p. M. 2 December 23, 1903, 4:10 p. M. 12 January 23, 1904, 9:56 p. M. 3 December 23, 1903, 4:40 p. M. 13 January 23, 1904, 10:03 p. M. 4 December 23, 1903, 5:15 p. M. 14 January 23, 1904, 1 0:06 p. M. 5 December 23, 1903, 11:40?. M. 15 January 23, 1904, 10:09 P. M. 6 December 23, 1903, 12:00 p. M. 16 January 23, 1904, 10:13 p - M - 7 January 2, 1904, 8:00 P. M. 17 January 23, 1904, 10:20 p. M. 8 January 2, 1904, 8:30 P. M. 18 January 23, 1904, 10:24 p. M. 9 January 2, 1904, 9:00 P. M. 19 January 23, 1904, 10:28 p. M. 10 January 23, 1904, 9:36 p. M. Page 365 366 367 363 AURORAL OBSERVATIONS REMARKS REGARDING SKETCHES On a previous Polar expedition I had made many attempts to photograph the aurora, but without material success. By long exposure some small effects of the light with that of the stars ou the sensitive plates could be obtained. These, however, were without value as a matter of record, as this phenomenon is so rapid in its variations that to depict the same correctly instantaneous photographs are necessary. This is not possible, owing to the insuffi- cient light. Accordingly recourse had to be taken to sketchi ng. In connection with the work at the magnetic observatory a number of sketches of the aurora were made, using for the purpose a board with compass attached for orientation. The cardinal points indicated on the plates are accordingly magnetic. The drawings were made upon black sheets of paper, upon each of which a circle representing the horizon was previously drawn in chalk. The sheets were so placed together and pinned at the corners that they could < be torn off as the sketches were completed. A pin at the center represented the zenith point. Having had some experience iu rapid sketching, it did not take long to place on the paper rough chalk sketches of the beautiful auroral light, using the board as a plane table, and drawing in the circle of the chalk horizon the display that was taking place in the heavens overhead. Owing to numerous other duties and on account of the generally prevalent bad weather opportunities for sketching were few. The attendant physical difficulties for work of this kind in the open air, under the nickering light of a small lantern, without shelter of any kind, and with a temperature of from 30 to 50 Fahrenheit below zero, may be readily imagined. In spite of these difficulties some very interesting and, it is believed, representative sketches were secured. The results of this work are shown by plates numbers i to 19, the titles of which give the dates and times of the phenomena so recorded. In order to make as complete a record as possible of this phenomenon during the time the Expedition was at work, the various auroral notes have been gathered together from the meteorologic records for both the Teplitz Bay and Cape Flora stations. The notes at Camp Abruzzi between October, 1903, and March, 1904, as also for those at Cape Flora, were collected by Sergeant Francis Long, Weather Observer. Those between October, 1904, and February, 1905, were made by different members of the party, chiefly by Messrs. Peters, Porter, and Dr. Seitz. The times given are local mean, civil reckoning through twenty-four hours for the respective stations. The first figure entered indicates the day of the month, those following the hour and minute, thus: 21: 18: 10 means the 2ist day of the month at local mean time iS' 1 10"' or 6 h io'" p. M. Directions given in these notes are all true, and not magnetic as in the cases of the sketches. The references are to the beginning and ending of the display, the extent of the same and the altitude, thus : 21: 18: io to 20: 20, K to W, about 60, means that an aurora was observed on the 2ist day of the particular month under which the note comes between 18'' io' and 2o h 20, and that it extended from east to west at an altitude of about 60. In connection with these notes reference should also be made to such references of aurorae as are contained in the notes accompanying the declination results at Teplitz Bay on pages 32 to 40, as these are not included in the following. 365 3 66 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION AURORA OBSERVED AT CAMP ABRUZZI, TEPLITZ BAY, RUDOLPH ISLAND October, 1903 y. 21:00 to 22:00, E to W, about 35 to 40. 21: 19: 10 to 20:40, E to W, about 25 to 40. 30: 21 : 20 to 22: 10, SE to NW. 31: 21: 45 to 22: 10 from 60 to 90. November, 1903 1:05:00 to 6: 15 ; i: 16: 15 to 18:00. 4: 16:45 to 1 7-Z> E to W. 10: 17: 15 to 19: 10, E to W. n: 16: oo to 22: oo, E to W, about 35. 12: 15: oo to 16: 25, E to W. 14: 20: 50 to 21: 10, W to E. 15: 22: 30 to 23: 10. 17: 14: 30 to 22: 10, E to W. 18:04:00 to 10: 30 ; 18: 14:00 to 21: 10. 19: 10: 30 to 10: 50, E to W and N ; 19: 14: 30 to 16:00; 19: 19: 35 to 21: 10. 22: 21: 10 to 21: 50. 23: 22: 45 to 24: oo. 25: 16: 30 to 17: 10. 26: 20: oo to 21 : oo from 30 to 45. December, 1903 2:07:00 to 8: 15. 8: 15:55 to 17:00, E to W ; 8: 19: 10 to 21: 10. 12: 20:00 to 21 : 30. 13:07:45 to 18: 30. 14:07: 45 tog: 10 ; 14: 19: 30 to 24:00. 17: 19: 30 to 24:00. 18: 11:45 to 12:30 ; 18: 19: oo to 23: 10. 19: 23: oo to 24: oo. 20: 19: 30 to 20: 15. 21 : 07: 30 to 9:00 ; 21 : 19: 50 to 21 : 50. 22: 19: 50 to 20: 30. 23:07: 45 to 8: 15 ; 23: 11:45 to 17: oo ; 23: 22: 40 to 24: oo. -24: 20: oo to 22: 30. 28: 22: 30 to 24: oo. January, 1904 2:19:45 to 21:00. 4:10:10 to 10:20; 4:12:00 to 12:40. 5:07:55 to 8: 25. 7: 22: 30 to 23:40. 9: 23: 15 to 24: oo. 10: 07: oo to 8: 40 ; 10: 14: 10 to 16: 25. 11:07: 30108:10; 11:15:251017:00; 11:22:101023:25. 12:15:501018:10; 12:19:201022:25. 13:11:00 to 11: 25; 13: 12:00 to 12: 40 ; 13: 14: 40 to 24:00. 14: 1 1: 50 to 12: 40 ; 14: 22: 30 1023:10. 15:12:0010 16:00; 15:16:30 to 20:10. 20: 12: 10 to 12: 35 in S. 23: 22: oo to 24:00. 24:00:00 to oo: 30. 25: 19: 30 to 21 : 10. 28: 19: 15 to 19: 25 ; 28: 19:40 to 19: 55. 30: 19: 45 to 20: 10 ; 30: 20: 30 to 20: 50. 31 : 20: 15 to 20: 45. February, 1904 1:15:10 to 15:40, E to W. 5:18:10 to 18:40; 5:22:20 to 23:00. 6: 21: oo to 24: oo. 7: 07: 45 to 8: 15 ; 7: 19: 15 to 24: oo. 8: 15: 30 to 17: oo ; 8: 18: oo to 24: oo. 9: 19: 55 to 20: 25. n: 19:00 to 24:00. 12: 21 : 30 to 24:00. 16: 19: 15 to 21: oo ; 1 6: 22:00 to 24:00. 1 8: 19: oo to 21: 10 ; 18: 22:00 to 24:00. 23: 20: 25 to 20: 35 ; 23: 22: 15 to 23:00. March, 1904 2: 19: 40 to 20: 20. 16: 21: 35 to 22: oo. October, 1904 19, aurora in E. 28, fine aurora. November, 1904 2, light aurora 3 days. 4, aurora SE to SW. 7, light aurora in SE and W. 9, light aurora, ESE to SW. 10, light aurora, E to W. 12, very light aurora, E to SW. 13, light aurora, SE to middle SW. 16, light aurora, SSWto SSE. 17, brilliant aurora, E to W, entire southern hemisphere. 26, light aurora. 27, aurora SE to W. 29, light aurora, 1 8 : 30, WNW to E, and 20 : oo, ESE to WSW. December, 1904 i, aurora NE to WNW ; wide auroral bands over S (SSE to SSW). 2, slight auroral display in flashes in N (NNE to NNW). 3, straight auroral baud over hori- zon, SSE to SSW, with light dashes in E, during P.M. 4, auroral dashes from 12:45, NW to NE ; magnificent aurora from 20: 15 to 21:30; bauds SE to WSW changed to waving streams of all colors moving W to E, fading to a faint ribbon across sky, followed by flashes. 5, A.M., light aurora, W to NNE, plain band ; noon, wide, uncolored arch across zenith, E to W ; P.M., clear aurora NE to E. 6, A.M, aurora, E to W, center zenith. 12, P.M., light band, E to W. 14, 1 2 : oo, light dashes in W and " auroral smoke " N to NNE; 18 :oo, dashes in W and band, W to E ; 20:00, band over S horizon, remained steady until 21: 15, then lengthened to W and worked N, expanding, waving, coloring and fading, until at 21:35 reached zenith ; AURORAL OBSERVATIONS 367 corona then formed, remaining overhead until 21:46, when corona disappeared and bauds gradually faded ; this display was brightest and sharpest in E, less distinct and not so highly colored in W; gave a very distinct light. 15, A. M., fine NE to SW arch overhead, faded slowly ; 5: oo, in S from E to W, arch and corona at zenith ; 8: 45, rays all direct from zenith ; 12:00 to 15:00, uncolored arch zenith ESE to WNW, clearer in W; "auroral smoke" in N and NNE. 16, A. M., rays Nto W f rom zenith ; 12:00, light rays in NW (N to W), " auroral smoke," ENE to NNE. 18, A. M., light band NNE to NE ; 20:20 to 21:30, band across sky, E to SSW. 20; 20:00, band from W to zenith; ribbon, NE to zenith. 26: 12: oo, aurora in W to zenith. 28:17:03, flames iu E, bands across SW; 22:00, aurora in S. 29:08:00, wide band, SE to SW, 45 either side zenith. 30, heavy, dull aurora over N half of sky, con- voluted . January, 1905 i: 12: 30, dashes in W, swinging around until W to E, then changing to brilliant sashes and streamers, working down to W to SE at 14: 30 ; i: 20:00, light band, SE to SW. 2:20:00, band in W. 3:08:00, very light dashes in NE about 45 toward zenith ; 3:20:00, large aurora, E to W, widely spread in E into several moving bands. 4: 13:00 to 20: oo, band, E to W ; 4: 20: oo, clear auroral display, corona at zenith with waving streamers, E and W. 8: 12:00, light aurora in N. n: 10:00, rays, zenith to W and E ; 11: 12:00, light band, SE to SW ; 11:17: 30, band, SE to SSW ; n: 20:00, baud, SE to SW. 12: 22:00, dis- play in S, convoluted band, ribbon E to W. 13: 08: oo, dashes and baud, E to W ; 13: 20: oo , glow E to SE ; 13: 21 : 25, convoluted bands in S zenith. 14: 12:00, dashes in NNE ; 14: 22: 30, bright rays and bands over S half sky, E to W and zenith. 17: 10:00, dashes iu W ; 17: n : oo, band NE to W ; 17: 13:00, band E to W. 25: 20:00, aurora 1 curtain, E to WSW to SE to SSW to S, movement E. 26: 20:00, band, E to SW, 20 altitude. 27: 18:00, band, EtoSW, 45 altitude; 27:19:30, aurora in E, convoluted, 248 to 315 azimuth, streamers to 68 azimuth and 50 altitude. February, 1905 i: 20:00, light band, E to W. 3: 20:00, dashes in W and E with bands connecting. 6: 20: oo, light band, straight E to SW, altitude 15. 7: 20: oo, band, E to SSW; convoluted aurora, E to S of zenith. 8:20:00, band, E to W ; 8:22:00, convoluted aurora, EtoSW; 8: 23: 25, glow and "smoke" in SSE. 9:08:00, dashes in NE ; 9: 17:00, bands, E to W, converging in W ; 9: 18:00, moving bauds, E to SW. 14: 19: 45, fine display swing- ing over entire sky ; 14: 20:00, orange-colored corona, large cloud-like aurora covering zenith about 15 ou each side, trail to SW tinged with colors. 21: 20:00, band, E to SW, light glow and bauds in E. AURORA OBSERVED AT ELMWOOD, CAPE FLORA, NORTHBROOK ISLAND October, 1904 18: 19: 15 to 21:00. 19: 19:00 to 20: oo. 23: 21: oo to 21:40. 24: 19:00, ending during night. 28: 19: oo to 19: 55. November, 1904 2: 18: 10, ending during night. 4: 17: 15, ending during night. 5: 16: 50 to 6: 05: oo, E to W. 6: 19: 40 to 22: 30. 7: 18: 30 to 20: 15. 9: 17: 50 to 22: 30. 12: 20: 50 to 21 : 30. 1 8: 12: 40 to 16: 30, E to W. 29: 15:00 to 22: 10. 30: 07: oo to 21: 25. December, 1904 1:16:00 to 21:00, E to W. 5: 11:20 to 17 : oo. 6:15: 10 to 16:55, E to W. 9: 13: 30 to 13: 50, E to W. 14:01:00, ending during night ; 14: 19:00 to 19: 55, E to W. 15:08:00 to 8:30. 18: 22: 10 to 23: :x>, E to W. 26: 14:00 to 19: 30, E to W. 28: 15: 10 to 21 : 30, E to W. 29: 19: 20 to 20:00, E to W, 50. 3 68 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION January, 1905 i: 13: 10 to 16: 20, E to W, about 65 2: 19:00 to 20: 10, E to W, about 55. 4: 08: 50 to 9: 30, about 35 ; 4: 18: 10 to 23: 50, about 45. 5: 19: 30 to 22: oo, E to W, about 10. 7: 19: 30 to 21:00, E to W, about 30. 8, from 3:00 and during early morning, E to W, about 60. 1 1: 09: oo to 10: oo, E to W, about 60; n: 14: 30 to 19: oo, E to W, about 55. 12: 16: oo to i 6: 30, about 55. -13: 19: 30 to 2 1 : oo, about 45. 14: 12: 30 continued to 19: 50, between 30 and 90 ; 14: 20: 35 to 21: 50. 17: 14:00 to 15:30. 22: 15: 10 to 16: oo. 25:16:10 to 24:00. between 30 and 48. 26:14:00 to 22:30, 90. 27:14:00 to 15: 15, between 60 and 70. February, 19051: 17:00 to 17:40, E to W, about 70. 3: 18:00 to 22:00, about 70. 4:21: 20 to 22: 30. 5: 17:00 to 19: 30, E to W, about 60 to 70. 6: 18: 30 to 19: 20, E to W, about 80. 9: 21 : oo to 24: oo. 10: 17: oo to 23: oo, about 65 to 70. 12: 18:00 to 24: oo, E to W, between 60 and 80. 14: 18:30 to 20: 40. 19: 18: 40 to 20:50. 21: 19:00 to 21:30, between 50 and 55. 28: 19: 10 to 21:00. March, 1905 i: 19:4010 21:30. "r I nc X I UNIVERSITY ) N PLATE 1 DECEMBER 23, 1903, 15 HR. 30 MIN. N PLATE 2 DECEMBER 23, 1903, 16 HR- 10 WIN N PLATE 3 DECEMBER 23, 1903, 16 MR. 40 MINI- N PLATE 4 W DECEMBER 23, 1903, 17 HR. 15 WIN. N PLATE 5 W DECEMBER 23, 1903, 23 HR. 40 MIN- N PLATE 6 W DECEMBER 23, 1903, MIDNIGHT LAST APPEARANCE y N PLATE 7 JANUARY 2, 1904, 20 HR. N PLATE 8 JANUARY 2, 1904, 20 HR. 30 MIN. N PLATE 9 JANUARYS, 1904, 21 HR- <^ >'".- HE UNIVERSITY OF N PLATE 10 W JANUARY 23, 1904, 21 HR. 36 MIN. FIRST APPEARANCE I UNIVERSITY OF N PLATE 11 w JANUARY 23, 1904, 21 HR. 50 MIN. OF Tl, I UNIVERSITY ) OF N PLATE 12 W JANUARY 23, 1904, 21 HR. 56 MIN. \ ,V ' OF THE UNIVERSITY OF N PLATE IS w E JANUARY 23, 1904, 22 HR. 3 MIN. UNIVERSITY OF N PLATE 14 JANUARY 23, 1904, 22 HR. 6 MIN. OF UNIVERSITY ] OF PLATE 15 JANUARY 23, 1904, 22 HR. 9 MIN. N PLATE 16 JANUARY 23, 1904, 22 HR. 13 MIN. N PLATE 17 JANUARY 23, 1904, 22 HR. 20 MIN- UNIVERSITY ) OF / N PLATE 18 W JANUARY 23, 1904. 2Z HR. 24 WIN. UNIVERSITY N PLATE 19 JANUARY 23, 1904, 22 HR. 28 MIN. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF SECTION C METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AND COMPILATIONS BY W. J. PETERS In Charge of Scientific Work of the Expedition AND J. A. FLEMING Department Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington 369 CONTENTS Page Instruments, Stations, and Methods ....... . . 373 Records ...... . 374 Tabulation of Daily Records at Teplitz Bay . . . 375 Tabulation of Daily Records at Cape Flora . -. . . . 401 Tabulation of Wind Movement at Teplitz Bay . 449 Reduction of Observations at Teplitz Bay . . 47 2 Summary of Daily Records .... . 47 2 Diurnal Variation in Temperature . . . 474 Diurnal Variation in Atmospheric Pressure . . . . 476 Diurnal Wind Movement .... - 47 8 Reduction of Observations at Cape Flora ... . . 179 Summary of Daily Records .... . 479 Diurnal Variation in Atmospheric Pressure . . .481 General Remarks ....... .482 Miscellaneous Observations ............ 483 ILLUSTRATIONS Opposite page 1 Instrument Shelter at Teplitz Bay 374 2 Diurnal Variation in Temperature at Teplitz Bay 474 3 Diurnal Variation in Atmospheric Pressure at Teplitz Bay 475 4 Barogram and Theruiogram for the Period November n to November 17, 1903, at Teplitz Bay . ... .476 5 Barogram aud Thennogram for the Period January 19 to January 25, 1904, at Teplitz B *y . . 47 8 6 Diurnal Variation in Atmospheric Pressure at Cape Flora . . . 482 37i METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS INSTRUMENTS, STATIONS, AND METHODS The instrumental outfit for the meteorological work consisted of two barometers ; two barographs; several aneroids; a nephoscope ; maximum, minimum, wet, and dry bulb ther- mometers ; thermograph ; two anemometers, and a- single register for recording wind veloci- ties. The greater part of this outfit was loaned the Expedition through the courtesy of Pro- fessor Willis Moore, of the United States Weather Bureau, and General A. W. Greeley, of the United States Signal Corps. Observations were made at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island, by Mr. Francis Long, a trained observer from the United States Weather Bureau, from September, 1903,* to the end of April, 1904, when one division of the Expedition left for Cape Flora, Northbrook Island. At this time the instruments were distributed between the two parties ; those left at Teplitz Bay were afterward read or kept in working order by Mr. Spencer W. Stewart and consisted of a mer- curial barometer ; maximum, minimum, dry, and wet bulb thermometers, and an anemometer with register for wind velocities. Owing to the many duties devolving upon the small party left at Teplitz Bay, Mr. Stewart could not make observations very regularly or systematically ; in consequence after April 30, 1904, only the results for wind movement have been incorpo- rated in this report. Mr. Long personally superintended the transportation of the instruments destined for Cape Flora. These included an aneroid barometer ; maximum, minimum, dry, and wet bulb thermometers, and an anemometer without register. On arrival at Teplitz Bay, in the fall of 1903, an instrument shelter was set up close to the original site used by the Italian Expedition for their meteorological observations (see figure i of " Section A" for a map of the Teplitz Bay station showing respective locations). This shelter was constructed in conformity with the regulations of the United States Weather Bureau, being about r.5 meter above the surface of the ground, and is very clearly shown in figure i. In it were installed, exposed, wet bulb, maximum and minimum thermometers, and the thermograph. These were all placed at the same level, namely, about io}4 meters above the sea. The anemometer was fixed on the astronomical observatory (see figure i as also figure i of " Section E"). some TOO meters from the shelter-house and about 22 meters above sea level. The mercurial barometer and aneroid, together with the barograph, were installed in the living-house at 9.35 meters above sea level. Records were made daily at 8 A. M., noon, and 8 P. M., local mean time. The true direc- tion of the wind was determined by eye observations of the weather vane. Observations with the nephoscope were found to be impracticable : during the winter the darkness prohibited any attempt ; during the period of daylight the clouds were of such a character and were so low, really not more than fogs, that they presented no well-defined points on which to observe. At Cape Flora (" Elmwood" of the Jackson-Harmsworth Expedition of 1894 to 1897) a valuable series of observations extending from May 21, 1904, to July 30, 1905, was made by Mr. Long. An improvised instrument shelter, following as closely as possible the regulations of the United States Weather Bureau, was constructed from boxes in which were installed * Prior to this time and during the voyage of the S. Y. "America " north from Tromso, Mr. Long made regularly daily obs2rvations. These covering, as they do, a region already frequently reported upon meteoro- logically, are not recorded in this volume. 373 374 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS maximum, minimum, dry, and wet bulb thermometers. An aneroid barometer was installed in the living-house 15.1 meters above sea level. Wind motions were determined by dial readings of the anemometer at 8 A. M., noon, and 8 P. M., local mean time, the true directions being estimated by eye from weather vane. Temperature and other observations were also made at the same times. The elevation of the top of the anemometer staff, which was mounted on the storehouse, was about 20 meters above sea level. It may be noted that the wind is locally affected at Cape Flora by the proximity of bluffs 350 meters high. This is especially notice- able when open water affords another means of determining the wind direction. RECORDS The various meteorological instruments were compared with standard instruments before embarking and corrections determined. Unfortunately the difficulties and exigencies of the retreat in 1905 were such as to necessitate abandoning practically the entire meteorological outfit. Accordingly only the initial comparisons were available for the correction of the records. This is to be regretted, especially so in the case of the barometers. The corrected records at the Teplitz Bay and Cape Flora stations are given on pages 375 to 471 ; the final summaries and reductions resulting will be found on pages 472 to 482. In view of the fact that all of the records, in conformity with the standards used by the United States Weather Bureau, have been made in the Fahrenheit scale for temperature and in the English measure for wind and atmospheric pressure, these systems have been retained in the various compilations. As will be noted, no records are given for relative humidity, vapor pressure, or dew point ; this is owing to the fact that with the insufficient apparatus available no reliable results could be obtained under the condition of prevailing low temperatures. In addition to the work at these two principal stations numerous irregular observations were made as time permitted at various points. Of these only the records made on the sledge trips are here recorded as being of interest in indicating the conditions of travel in the Archi- pelago (see pages 483 to 487). Observations preceding 12 hours of September 22, 1903, were made on board the "America" in Teplitz Bay ; after that time they were made at the final station, Camp Abruzzi, Teplitz Bay. The times of observation preceding 12 hours of September 28 are 45 M. M. T. east ; on and after that time local mean time is used ; aneroid barometer used through September 21 ; mer- curial barometer after that date. The following abbreviations are used in the tabulations : T trace of precipitation S m moist snow R rain S 1 sleet S d dry snow H hail C calm DN during night Cloud classifications : A-Cu alto-cumulus A-S alto-stratus Ci cirrus Ci-Cu cirro-cumulus Ci-S cirro-stratus Cu cumulus Cu-N cumulo-nimbus Fr-Cu fracto-cuuiulus Fr-N fracto-nimbus Fr-S fracto-stratus N nimbus S stratus S-Cu strato-cumulus H haze * fog ** dense fog Cloud characters appearing in parentheses, thus (Ci-Cu), refer to upper clouds, all other references being to lower clouds. A totally clouded sky is counted as amount of cloudiness ten, a perfectly clear sky being counted zero. Otherwise the tabulations are explained suffi- ciently by the column headings. E I 1 1 i cs { UNIVERSITY 1 OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS TABULATION OF DAILY METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS RECORDED AT TEPLITZ BAY STATION, RUDOLPH ISLAND FRANZ JOSEF ARCHIPELAGO SEPTEMBER 1, 1903, TO APRIL 30, 1904 NORTH LATITUDE: 81 47/5 LONGITUDE EAST OF GREENWICH: 57 56' 375 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 377 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of September, 1903 Observer: FRANCIS LONG i SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS DATE REDUCED BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SH I2H 2OH Mean of Rantire 8H I2H 2OH SH I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. extremes In. In. In. o o o O o o o i 30.05 ... 29.96 + 33-0 ... + 33-0 + 35.9 + 25.8 + 35-5 + 26.0 + 30.8 10. I 2 29.74 29-7Q 29.48 + 29.0 + 31-0 + 30.0 + 35-0 + 24.4 + 31.5 + 31-5 + 28.4 + 29.7 10.6 3 29-54 29-55 29.65 + 33-4 + 34-0 + 33.5 + 33-4 + 30.0 + 34-0 + 35-0 + 33-4 + 32.5 5-0 4 29.74 29.84 29.88 + 29.5 + 29.0 + 22.0 + 35-0 + 28.9 + 29.0 + 29.5 + 22.0 + 28.5 13-0 S 29.92 29.94 29.98 + 31-0 + 32-5 + 32.0 + 3i.o + 22. + 33-0 + 34-8 + 29.0 + 28.4 12.8 6 29.88 29.90 29.78 + 33-0 + 29.0 + 29.0 + 33-2 + 25.8 + 34-0 + 34-0 + 28.5 + 29.9 8.2 7 29.58 29.56 29-56 + 30.0 + 30.0 + 27.0 + 30.0 + 28.8 + 32-4 + 32-4 + 26.0 + 29.2 6.4 8 29.56 29.62 29.66 + 28.1 + 27.0 + 28.0 + 30.2 + 27.0 + 28.2 + 29.0 + 25.0 + 27.6 5-2 9 29.63 29-65 29.67 + 26.0 + 26.0 + 23.0 + 29.0 + 26.0 + 26.0 + 26.0 + 22.9 + 26.0 6.1 10 29.76 29.80 29.86 + 19-0 + 21. + 22. + 24-0 + 18.8 + 22.3 + 24-8 + 19-0 + 21.8 6.0 n 29.94 29.95 29.86 + 23.5 + 18.0 + 21. + 25.0 + 17.8 + 24.5 + 25.0 + 18.0 + 21.4 7-2 12 29.50 29.52 29-55 + 3I-S + 30.5 + 28.0 + 31-5 + 21.0 + 32.0 + 32.0 + 26.0 + 26.5 II. O 13 29.46 29-53 29.68 + 30.0 + 21 .0 + 21 .0 + 31-3 + 27.7 + 30.0 + 30.0 + 17.2 + 24.2 14.1 14 29.78 29.82 29.86 + 21. + 21. + 19-0 + 24.2 + 21. + 22.4 + 22.4 + 19.0 + 21.6 5-2 IS 29.90 29.94 29.95 + 19-0 + 21.0 + 14-0 + 21.0 + 14-8 + 21. + 21 .0 + 13.0 + 17-0 8.0 16 29.86 29.86 29-75 + 22.1 + 27-0 + 27.0 + 22.1 + 12.9 + 27.0 + 27.0 + 22.1 + 20. 14.1 17 29.62 29.68 29.06 + 33-5 + 31-2 + 13-8 + 33-5 + 27.0 + 33-5 + 33-5 + 13.8 + 23.6 19-7 18 29.92 29.84 29.96 + 15-0 + 16.0 + 15-0 + 15-0 + 8.0 + 16.3 + 18.2 + 12.7 + 13.1 10.2 19 30.04 3O.OI 29.72 + 10. + IS-0 + 19-0 + 15-0 + 4-6 + 15-0 + 19-0 + IO.O + ii. 8 14.4 20 29.38 29.40 29.42 + 20.0 + 19-5 + 2O. O + 20. o + 19-0 + 20.5 + 21. + 17.2 + 19-1 3-8 21 29.50 29.68 29-84 + 14-0 + 13-0 + 3-0 + 20.5 + 14-0 + 14-0 + 14-0 + 3-o + ii. 8 17-5 22 29-93 29.90 29-85 + 4-5 + 4-4 + 3-0 + 4-5 + I.O + 5-0 + 7-5 + 2.O + 4-2 6.5 23 29-75 29-73 29.65 + 6.5 + 6.5 + 12. + 6.5 0.0 + 7-0 + 12-5 + 6.5 + 6.2 12.5 24 29-59 29.63 29.70 0.0 + 8.0 + 8.0 + 12.5 2.3 + 8.0 + 8.0 4-0 + 4-2 16.5 25 29.70 29.69 29.71 + 3-0 + 7-4 + 8.0 + 7-0 o.o + 7-5 + 8.0 + 3-0 + 4-o 8.0 26 29-75 29.74 29.66 + ii. 5 + II. O + 22. + ii. 5 + 7-2 + ii-S + 22. + ii. i + 14.6 14.8 27 29.69 29.66 29.67 + 25.0 + 22.5 + 26.0 + 25.0 + 22. + 25.0 + 26.0 + 22. + 24.0 4.0 28 29.81 29.83 29.86 + 21. + 22.5 + 19-0 + 28.2 + 21.0 + 23.1 + 23.1 + 18.0 + 23.1 IO.2 29 29.94 29.99 30.04 + 2O. O + 19-0 + 20.5 + 23.8 + 14-9 + 20. + 20.5 + 18.0 + 19-4 8.9 30 30.06 30.08 30.04 + 7-6 + II- 4 + 17-0 + 20. o + 7-6 + n. 5 + i7-o + 6.0 + 13-0 14.0 Sum. . . . 892.52 863.04 893.21 +630.7 +605.4 +615.8 +714-8 +5i6.7 +645-2 +720.2 +514-8 +607.2 304.0 Mean. . . 29-75 29.76 29.77 + 21. + 20. 2 + 20.5 + 23.8 + 17-2 + 22.3 + 24.0 + 17-2 + 20. 2 IO.I 25 378 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplits Bay during the month of September, 1903 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATS PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 20H 8n I2H 2OH "<3 Jl Character bO a '5 G '3> * "" a - Direction Direction >-. | To > tsl *.S ,3 M 8 S ~ Direction Direction x o _o *c; i v 1 ^s s Direction i 2 In. .00 .00 In. .CO In. . .00 03 In. .00 03 h m h m S SE Mi. 20 26 Mi. 24 30 SE SE Mi. Mi. S SE Mi. 15 50 M 30 60 S SE S d 12 IO 16 10 SE 38 48 SB 3 .00 .00 .04 .04 K 14 45 19 15 SE 23 S9 SE SE 30 3 SB SE IS 30 SE 4 5 6 .09 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .04 .09 .00 .04 S o 15 5 oo S SB SE 5 12 6 15 23 30 S SE SE SW SE SB 12 IS 15 20 19 2O SW SB SB E SE SE 7 IS 21 15 22 36 E SE SE s ra II 00 7 .03 .01 .02 m s m 8 45 3 oo SE 15 30 SE S 4 IS SE SW 5 IS SW 8 03 .00 .OO .03 s m .. .. 6 oo NW IS IS NW SW IS 20 SW SW 12 18 SW 9 10 ii .02 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .OO .OO .00 .02 .00 .00 s" 00 7 05 SW W E 5 2 7 IS 17 10 SW W E SW SE E 5 IO 20 6 10 20 SW SB B SW SE H 5 6 20 12 8 23 SW SE E s d 21 IO . . . . 12 39 T T 39 s d 8 30 E IS 30 E SB 30 30 SE SE 12 30 SB 13 14 15 16 T .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 T T .00 .00 T T .00 .00 T gra 7 30 8 40 SW W i s 3 32 2 14 18 20 4 20 SW W SE S W W H S 6 13 2 12 20 IS 3 24 SW W B S W N E S 19 5 8 5 24 20 8 24 W N E S s m 9 40 . . 17 IS .08 .08 31 g m .. .. 13 IS s 2 15 s S I 2 s N 8 24 N 18 .00 .09 .09 .18 s" 8 40 12 4O SW S 12 SW SB 6 6 SB E 6 20 E 19 .01 T .01 .02 s d 6 30 9 OO E 4 16 E SW 5 6 SW S IS IS S 20 .00 .OO T T s d 19 20 .... SE 10 20 SE SE 20 26 SB E S 25 E 21 .08 .08 .01 .17 s d .. .. 13 30 NE 30 33 NB NE 5 36 NE NE 24 36 NE 22 .00 .OO .00 .00 S" 22 OO .. .. NW 5 31 NW NW ... N 2 15 N 23 T T .06 .06 s d .. 18 oo E 2 4 E NE 8 8 NB SW 8 17 SW 24 .04 T T .04 gm 2 OO 8 30 SE 3 15 SB B 8 8 B E 8 24 E 25 .00 .00 03 03 s d 13 oo 23 oo E 12 26 E N 26 29 N NE IS 30 NE 26 T T T T s d 7 05 9 10 NE 12 26 NE N 8 25 N E 28 48 E 27 .00 .00 .00 .00 s d 21 OO H 24 38 E E 38 42 E E 40 45 E 28 07 .00 .00 .07 s d .. .. I IO E IO 42 E SE 5 12 SE SE 3 7 SB 29 T T .01 .01 gm 6 oo 18 40 SE S 8 SE NE 2 5 B S 12 12 S 30 .00 .00 .38 38 s d 13 40 .. .. B 24 26 E SB 10 26 E E 44 46 - E Sum Mean . . . .91 .26 .80 1-97 330 II. O 672 22.4 SB SE 369 12.7 531 18.3 SE E 438 14.6 739 24.6 E METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 379 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of September, 1903 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS 8H I2H 2OH >* y> DATE I _ i - h ~ 1 [w % v A.S 5 W J c o '6 4J U Q Direction >, 1 "w tsl J'ij Direction Direction >, 'tj o ? VI >%% x-3 jj "' a rf * ' Direction i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i In. .46 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 05 .00 .00 .00 .14 T .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .00 ? ? T T > .07 .00 .00 .00 In. .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .09 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 ? .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 In. . .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .18 .00 .00 .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 ? .01 .02 1 T T .00 .00 .00 In. 54 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .06 .00 .00 .00 .41 T .00 .07 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 .00 .00 ? .01 .02 1 > .07 .00 .00 .00 S" h m h m 10 00 E SE SE SE E SSW W SW B B NI3 NW SB S NE SW SE W NE NB SE E B SE W SE NE W SE B SW Mi. 48 15 28 8 15 30 5 I 2 12 12 24 14 2 3 t 24 3 IS 20 i 30 60 24 12 12 30 12 S 2 14 Mi. 60 - 25 30 8 24 34 36 24 5 12 26 34 24 24 TO 5 30 24 16 27 24 37 62 48 14 17 60 21 IS 8 14 E SE SB SE SE SW SW SW E E NE NW SE S NE RW SE N NE NE NE E E SE W SE NE E SE SE SW H E SE W S SW NW NB E E E W E SE N E E NW N E SE E E SB E BSE E E SSB S W. Mi. 24 24 24 4 5 36 5 2 2 26 15 24 8 i 2 3 36 2 S 30 6 5 62 14 S 30 26 3 2 I 29 Mi. 48 29 36 17 20 38 8 2 2 34 26 30 15 5 6 5 42 3 IS 30 IS 24 72 36 12 34 36 IO 8 4 35 B E SB SE SB SW w NB E E NB W B SSB N B E NW NE E B E E SB E ESE NB W SSE S W SB W N NE S SW N E C E NE SE N S N E N E NE NE NE E RE SE NE BSE B SE 6E S NE Mi. IS IO 4 2 9 36 13 3 O 6 18 3 8 8 2 4 IS 17 8 18 5 26 26 3 2 40 S S 4 5 12 Mi. 48 35 36 20 2O 40 IS IS 35 24 34 18 8 IO 4 42 26 39 30 IS 30 72 30 12 42 36 IS 8 6 36 E SB SE SE SW SW N B C E NB NW SE S N E E B NE NE NE E E SE NE ESE NE SE SE S W s d S" 18 oo i 30 21 OO IS OO s d 5 oo 21 55 ! s 4 i s" 13 45 15 55 15 3o| 21 IOJ S" 4 oo 8 20 \ S" I S" i s d ( S" S" s" \ S" I S" 8" 2 OO 21 10 13 30 14 oo 13 30 19 40 19 5o| 6 30! 20 ioj 20 3O 10 00| 9 10 Sum. . . . Mean . . . .82 13 34 1.29 484 803 25-9 SE E 461 14-9 697 22.5 E NE 332 10.7 801 25.8 E SE 3 8 2 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological obscri'iiliuns at Tcplits Bay during the month of October, 1903 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS 8s I2H 2OH **. to DATE E u j E ~t-> 1* o E J-? tf> 3.S REMARKS 'c fl O C y o C (J o "5 u, 3 a ,*] 3 rt jjj > 3 | 1 ui O 1 C O a f SJ "o o 5 < O 5 4J ^~ ^ O K.S * "" a 2 ~ Direction Direction , 1 "o ? u y a'Z'y S * Direction Direction >> 'o S t *> .% I'"S f^> *~~ Direction i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 IS .16 .04 .00 IS .00 .00 .00 .00 .10 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 T .00 T .00 .00 .00 .01 03 IS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 03 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T 14 .00 T .00 .00 .12 .IO .OO .02 .OO .OO .OO .00 .OO .04 .02 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .14 .00 T .00 .00 .12 .26 .19 .21 .00 IS .00 .00 .00 04 15 h m h m N NE NE NW B NW NE NB B NB E SSW SB S NE N W NB SW S s SSB BSE ESE ESB B SE SE ESE SE Mi. 8 5 10 5 i i 3 2 I 5 2 12 32 10 2 2O IO 5 5 S 24 20 28 24 8 36 IS 30 48 36 Mi. 12 IS 12 15 14 12 8 6 3 8 4 16 36 52 20 27 28 12 10 10 52 52 35 48 60 58 48 48 56 76 N NE NB NW N NW NB NE E NB E SSW SE S NE N W NW SW s s SSE ESE ESE BSE E SE SE ESE ESE NW NE NB Mi. 5 12 8 Mi. 8 14 IO NW NE NE NW NE NW N W NW NW E E E SE E S W N SW NE SB SE SSB S N S ESE N SE PR SE ESE W Mi. 12 IO 5 4 5 5 2 3 i 3 4 4 48 22 14 10 9 4 8 36 IS 7 33 36 36 40 27 36 60 23 Mi. IS 20 IS 12 12 6 6 IO 4 IS 4 15 52 26 32 20 12 8 8 42 28 42 48 46 38 56 60 48 66 23 NW NB NW N W NW NW E E B SB ssw s W N W N SB SB SSE S SW SB BSE SB SE SB SE BSE W ... SB NW NE NE NE E NB W SSB SW ESB W W W SE SB S SW ESE ESE w: E E E SE NE 2 3 S 8 i 6 2 5 30 IO 29 IS IO S 3 IS 23 20 30 24 8 36 48 35 60 IO 3 6 5 IO 2 12 2 12 42 12 31 2O IS 8 5 16 30 42 39 29 38 48 49 35 60 15 B NW NB NE NB E B SSW SSE S B W W W S SB S SW ESE SB SB E E E SE NE f R ) gm ( S" ( S" 1 s< 8 40 9 IS 16 oo 7 oo 12 3O 9 I5l 12 IO\ 20 25J 8 50) 17 3oi s" I OO 4 20 S" ( s d 1 S" S m s m s ra s m 13 40 10 OO 3 30 20 35 3 oo? .. ..( IO 20 16 15 10 OO s m s" 17 10 3 30 22 30 16 10 Sum Mean. . . .60 23 44 1.27 413 13.8 853 28.4 NB NE 468 16.1 618 21.3 E SE 522 17.4 789 26.3 SE NE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 385 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Tcplits Bay Observer: FRANCIS during the month of November, 1903 Continued LONG CLOUDS 8u I2H 2OH DATE u ^ u Ji 1 .- a; REMARKS E S U , c fl O C o C o w .-. nj 3 3 a a u rt c O C a ri < 1 u 3 < & 3 < O 3 i 2 s N o IO S NW I 2 8 s* NE \ 2 i 4 (A-Cu) S NE I NE i Few S E 6 3 4 s NE i 3 I 6 (A-S) S NE 1 NE j 10 S NW 8 4 ... ... ... ... ... I 5 10 s E IO S SE Few s E 7 6 10 s NW 10 S NW o ... ... 8 7 Few (Ci-S) N IO S NE ... 6 Paraselene 1:00 to 9:00. 8 o ... ... Few s E o ... ... o Lunar halos 0:30 to 4:00. 9 o Few s ... o ... ... IO ... ... ... ... ... o Light haze 8:30 to 10:00. ii ... o ... 12 10 s S Few s SE o 7 Light haze from 21 :oo ; "America" nipped first time. 13 IO s SE 10 s SSE IO s S IO Light haze to 4:00; high wind and drifting snow. 14 10 s S 10 N SW 10 s W IO 15 10 N* NE IO S* ESE \ 3 I (Ci) s N ) N 10 Light fog 5:00 to 16:00; drifting snow 10:10 I *' / to 24:00. 16 I s N ... 3 s SW 2 17 2 s W IO S* W o t 5 Drifting snow 1:00 to 4:20; light fog 10:20 to 13:00. 18 ... ... 3 s W ... ... I 19 H o ... o ... ... o Light haze 7:00 to 9:10. 20 IO S S IO s SE 10 N SSE 10 Drifting snow from 15=00; high winds from south-southeast. 21 10 s s IO N S 10 N S IO 22 10 N SSE IO S sw Few S N 7 23 IO N ESE 10 N ESE 2 s S 10 Heavy drifting snow 6=00 to 16:15. 24 6 S ESE 2 S SE IO s ESE 7 Very high winds from east-southeast after 23:00. 25 10 N ESE IO S W o ... 7 High winds and drifting snow to 10:00. 26 IO S E IO s E Few s SE 7 High east wind and drifting snow from 12:40. 27 Few S SE Few s E o ... ... I High winds and drifting snow to 5:00. 28 i s SE IO s E 10 s SE 10 High east to southeast winds. 29 10 s ESE 10 s SE 10 N ESE IO High east to southeast winds. 30 10 N SE IO N NE 10 S W 10 Sum. . . . 164 ... ... 180 ... ... 109 ... ... 171 Mean . . . 5.7 ... 6.2 ... ... 3-6 ... ... 5.7 386 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of December, 1903 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE REDUCED BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 20H Mean of extremes Range 8n I2H 20 H SH I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. In. . In. . In. O o o o o O o o i 29.295 29.236 29.223 + 1-4 + 2.2 6.0 + 2.4 + 1.0 + 2.8 + 2.8 - 6.4 1.8 9-2 2 29-279 29.293 29.367 II. 2 12. II. 2 - 6.0 - II. 2 - II. 2 - IO.O - 13-0 9-5 7-0 3 29.392 29.429 29.462 2.0 2.2 + 2.O 2.0 16.0 1.6 + 2.O - 4.0 7.0 18.0 4 29.442 29-455 29.536 + 4-o + 2.0 6.0 + 4-5 o.o + 4-8 + 4-8 - 6.4 0.8 II. 2 5 29.674 29.692 29.655 - IO.O 10.8 7-5 6.0 - 15.2 - IO.O - 7-5 IO.O 10.6 9-2 6 29.698 29.765 29.940 - iS.o 25.2 35-0 7-5 18.0 - 18.0 18.0 - 36.0 21.8 28.5 7 30.161 30.223 30.260 27.5 25.0 22.4 27.5 35-0 - 24.8 21.9 29.0 - 28.4 13.1 8 30.305 30.332 30.397 21.2 20. 2 - 14.8 19.2 23.9 - 19-5 - 14.8 22.1 - 19-4 9.1 9 30.556 30.669 30.700 - 17-5 I9.O 19.2 - 14.8 - 19.0 - 15.1 iS-i 21. 17-9 6.2 10 30.845 30.818 30.727 - 15-0 - 13-8 9.2 - 12.2 20. o - 13-8 9.2 - 17.0 - 14.6 10.8 ii 30.561 30.478 30.430 8.0 - 4-0 - 4.0 8.0 9.2 - 3-8 3-2 - 8.0 6.2 6.0 12 30.243 30.235 30.306 6.0 6.0 - 4.0 - 4.0 - 8.0 - 5-8 - 3-6 9.2 - 6.4 5-6 13 30.240 30.169 30.056 9-2 7-9 - 14-5 - 3-8 - 9-4 - 7-6 - 4.2 - 14-5 - 9-2 10.7 14 29-959 30.011 30.089 - 18.0 22. 18.0 - 8.4 - 18.0 - 14.5 - 14-5 22.8 - 15.6 14.4 IS 30.130 30.083 29-945 -23.8 20. 23.5 - 18.0 24.0 20. o 20. 25.3 21.6 7-3 16 29.970 30.048 30.292 - 23.0 2O. O 19.0 22.8 - 25.4 20. o - 16.2 24.O - 20.8 9.2 17 30.330 30.356 30.317 - 18.0 12.2 - 10.9 18.0 - 21. - 12.2 - 6.4 - I9.O - 13.7 14.6 18 30.125 30.068 30.017 - 16.0 16.0 - 18.5 - 4-9 - iS.I 15-9 - 14.9 - I8. S - ii. 7 13-6 19 29.914 29.911 29-875 16.0 - 18.4 27.0 - 15-5 21. - 16.0 - 16.0 - 28.0 - 21.8 12.5 20 29.862 29-855 29.849 - 28.4 27.O 19.0 27.0 32.0 -- 23.0 - 17.0 - 28.0 - 24.5 15-0 21 29-735 29.646 29.628 24.0 - 23.2 - 20.4 - 19.0 27.O - 22.8 20. o - 25.0 - 23.0 8.0 22 29.695 29.670 29.644 -23.8 22. - 18.0 20.4 - 24.0 22. - 18.0 25.2 - 21.6 7-2 23 29.732 29.724 29.770 20. o - 18.2 - 18.9 - 17.6 22.0 - 17-0 - 16.0 22.0 - 19.0 6.0 24 29.847 29.878 29.931 25.0 24.O - 28.9 - 18.5 -27-8 - 20.4 20.4 - 30.0 -r 24.2 ii. 5 25 29.738 29.713 29.657 - 13-8 - 14.0 - 15.0 - 13-8 - 29.1 - 13-8 - 13-8 - 16.0 - 21.4 15-3 26 29-763 29.788 29.813 20. o 23.2 22.1 - 15.0 - 2O.4 - 20. 20.0 25.6 - 20.3 10.6 27 29.722 29.649 29.461 - 14-5 - IS-0 - 17-5 - 14.0 - 22.1 12.0 - 12.0 - 17-5 - 17.0 10. I 28 29.221 29.221 29-336 18.9 - 19.8 - 17-0 - 17-5 20. - 18.9 - 16.0 - 21.0 -j 18.5 5.o 29 29.663 29.692 29-743 15.0 - IS.8 - 18.0 - 15-0 - 18.5 - 14-5 II. 2 2O. O - 15.6 8.8 30 29.721 29.686 29-565 17.9 20.0 - 14.0 - 17.6 21.2 - 17.9 - 14.0 - 21.4 - 17.7 7-4 31 29-339 29.290 29.193 IO.O IO.O - 4.0 - 8.1 - 14.0 - 8.0 - 3-8 - IO.O - 8.9 10.2 Sum 926.157 926.083 926.184 -486.3 482.7 481.5 395-2 -589.5 432.5 -368.1 595.9 490.5 331.3 Mean... 29.876 29.874 29-877 - 15.7 - 15-6 - 15-5 - 12.7 I9.O - 14.0 - 11.9 - 19.2 - 15-8 10.7 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 387 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Tcflitz Bay during the month of December, 1903 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 20H 8n I2H 20H *rt o H Character Beginning bo 1 w Direction , 'u _0 'OJ 1! S' M 2 3 -a Direction Direction >, 'o _o "o ?| J-j Direction Direction O JO **3 *OJ V) >${> J-j <=s 1 o B l_ a i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 J9 20 21 22 23 84 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 /. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1 III. T .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T In. T .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .04 In. T .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .04 S" A m 9 So h m 16 10 SW W w SW B H K NE SE SE SE H E E E E ESE E E E H ESE E NE NNE NE SE SSE S SE Mi. 22 5 30 14 4 8 6 5 38 12 38 70 S 34 33 62 60 36 22 48 8 46 46 23 17 14 23 82 8 3 36 Mt. 30 20 35 23 15 9 12 27 48 53 48 72 36 42 36 72 60 36 24 50 30 46 66 25 36 33 25 84 60 6 38 SW W w w N N N NE E E SE E E E E E E^E E E E E ESE ESE NE NE NE SE SSE SE E SE W N\V W W E N C SE E SE ESE E E E E SE ESE SW S E NE E E NE NE NE SE SE S E SE Mi. 17 5 20 8 2 5 15 60 24 48 72 10 24 15 62 48 23 M 48 2 48 42 S 28 4 32 72 12 2 33 */(. 24 10 36 20 3 6 8 20 60 36 52 72 15 45 35 72 60 48 24 48 10 50 54 20 32 IS 35 84 20 5 36 SW W w w E N N SE E SE ESE E E E E SE SE E E E NE E E NE NE NE SE SSE S E SE W W W N S N N E E SE E E E E E W SE S B SE SE ESE E NE NE NE SE SE E S S Mi. IS IS 20 ii 3 6 8 IS 58 36 39 50 24 36 35 12 2O 4 32 25 15 60 12 5 30 5 48 72 5 8 34 Mi. 24 15 36 20 5 7 18 20 60 42 54 84 28 38 42 72 60 48 48 58 19 70 54 41 32 IS 48 84 20 ii 49 w w w w E N N E E SE E E E E E ESB SE E H SE SE ESE E NE NE NE SE SSE S S S S" ii 50 12 30 ... | S" 1 s d 6 oo 13 30 8 30 1 .. ..S Sum. . . . Menn... oo .00 .04 .04 858 27-7 "97 38.6 E E 800 25.8 1055 34-0 E E 758 24-5 1222 39-4 E H 388 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplits Bay during the Observer: FRANCIS LONG month of December, 1903 Continued CLOUDS 8n I2H 2OH DATE |_ h 1* jg REMARKS 4J M u E ^ E e c B C o o C -' "* ^ u b < O Q u Q i IO s sw f IO N W 2 S-Cu W 10 i I (Ci) W I 2 o * o * ' " * i 2 S w i 5 3 10 s w 8 S W IO S w 8 4 10 s sw 10 N w 1 4 (A-S) S N ) N } 10 Lunar halo 22:00 to 24:00. 5 10 s E 4 (A-S) E i 6 1 4 (A-S) S 8 ! S i 7 6 o o I 7 o ... ... o Lunar halos 0:30 to 7:00 and 12:30 to 13:00. 8 o . . . H o o Lunar halo 1:30 to 7:55. 9 o ... ... ... ... ... 2 Drifting snow. 10 o ... 10 S SE 6 High east to southeast winds. ii IO s SE 10 S ESB 10 s E IO High winds and drifting snow. 12 IO s E 10 S E 8 Heavy drift to 19:00. 13 o ... ... ... ... Few (Cl-S) E i 14 o # ... o * i IS o ... ... Few S E o ... o Drifting snow to 11:45. 16 ... ... o ... 4 s W 2 17 ... ... 6 s ESE 2 s SE 4 18 o ... ... o O I Light fog 11:45 to 24:30. 19 o H o . . . 20 4 i 2 (A-S) S B | D i 4 s E O ... ... 3 21 o ... O H ... o Light haze 10:10 to 13:00. 22 Few Cu ESE o ... ... (Few (Few (Ci) S-Cu ESE | ESE ( o 23 2 S E o 2 S-Cu E 2 24 2 S NE 2 S NE o 2 25 IO S NE 2 s NE 4 s NE 4 26 o H O H . . . 2 S H SE i Light haze from 7:00. 27 4 S SE Few S-Cu SE a S-Cu SE 2 Drifting snow. 28 IO S SSE 10 S SE i 3 I 4 S-Cu S SE I SE j 7 29 o o ... * i Light fog from 16:50. 30 4 s* S o o i Light fog to 9:00; light haze from 21:30. 31 10 N SE ( 5 I 3 '(A-S) S* SE | SE ) 10 N S 10 Light haze to 2:30; light fog 9:00 to 18:00. Sum 108 ... 84 ... ... 89 ... ... 109 Mean... 3-5 ... ... 2-7 ... 2.9 ... ... 3-5 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of January, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE REDUCED BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS Sn I2II 2OII Mean of extren:es Range 811 I2H 20 H Sfl I2H 2OII Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. In. In. . In, o o o o o o o O o i 29.286 29-338 29.273 10. 17.5 - 9.8 + 3-8 IO.O IO.O - 9-8 18.0 7-i 21.8 2 29.186 29.304 29.564 II. O - 24.0 30.0 - 6.4 II. 2 II. O II. O 31-0 - 18.7 2 4 .6 3 29.564 29-354 29.287 - 28.4 18.0 - iS-4 28.4 -33-6 18.0 14.2 - 28.4 23.9 19.4 4 29.603 29.662 29.639 27.5 30.0 23.1 15-4 - 29.4 27.5 23.0 32.0 23.7 16.6 5 29.410 29.541 29.862 21. 29.0 37-0 - 18.8 23.1 21.0 21. 38.0 - 28.4 19.2 6 29.552 29-317 29.036 21. 15-0 8.0 21.0 40.0 15-0 8.0 22.6 24.0 32.0 7 29.060 29.129 29.233 15-0 20. o - 24.1 + 4-0 15-0 15-0 15.0 27.2 - ii. 6 31-2 8 29.289 29.248 29.148 - 23.5 21.8 16.8 23.0 27.1 21. - 16.7 24.2 21.9 10.4 9 29.173 29.162 29.151 - 17.0 16.9 24.0 14.6 22. 16.2 16.2 24.3 19-4 9-7 10 29.366 29.425 29.448 22. 25.0 30.1 22. - 30.0 22. 22. 31-0 -26.5 g.o ii 29.467 29.492 29.604 29.8 37-0 - 45-4 28.0 31.0 29.8 29.8 46.0 37-0 18.0 12 29.704 29.732 29.701 46.0 47-2 50.0 45-0 - 48.0 46.O 46.0 50.9 - 48.0 5-9 13 29.772 29.823 29.871 49-9 50.2 - 48.0 49-9 52.0 -49-8 - 48.0 52.0 50.0 4.0 14 29-954 29-977 30.032 -47.8 47-0 40.0 - 47-8 50.0 46.0 4O.O 50.0 - 45-0 IO.O IS 29.921 29.902 29.891 26.9 24.0 24.0 26.9 42.2 24.0 23.4 26.9 32-8 18.8 16 29.665 29.494 29.267 IO.O - 3-0 + II. O IO.O 24.0 3-0 + 12.2 IO.O 5-9 36.2 17 29.404 29.485 29.476 + 4.0 + 3-0 o.o + 12.2 + 3-2 + 4-0 + 4-0 1.0 + S-6 13-2 18 29.381 29.379 29.410 + II- 9 + IO.2 + ii-9 + 14-0 O.O + 12. + 12.0 + IO.O + 7-0 14.0 19 29.468 29-455 29-369 + ii. 8 + 14-0 + IO.O + 12.2 + 8.8 + 14-0 + 14-2 + 7.7 + II. 6-5 20 29.155 29.156 29.136 + II. O + 18.0 + 15-0 + II. 2 + 8.9 4- 19.0 + 22. + II. + iS-4 13-1 21 28.693 28.570 28.843 + 15-0 + 23.5 6.0 + 15.5 + 3-0 + 24.0 + 30.8 6.0 + 12.4 36.8 22 28.250 28.243 28.370 + 26.0 + 25.1 5-0 + 26.O IO.O + 26.O -f- 26.0 5-0 + 8.0 36.0 23 28.724 28.823 28.997 II. O 12. - 13-0 5-0 II. O II. II. O 15-0 IO.O IO.O 24 29.168 29.227 29.264 + 8.2 + 2.O o.o + 8.2 18.0 + 8.0 + 8.2 o.o - 4.9 26.2 25 29.414 29.412 29.446 2.5 4.0 7-0 + 3-0 2.5 2.1 2.1 7-0 -- 2.O IO.O 26 29.500 29.552 29.619 14.0 15-0 16.0 7-0 15.0 - 14.0 I4.O 19.0 13-0 12. 27 29.651 29-673 29.749 18.0 19.0 24.0 - 15-4 20. o 16.0 16.0 25.0 20.2 9.6 28 29.904 29.952 29.993 27.0 25.O 26.0 22.0 28.2 25.0 -23.8 27.6 25.1 6.2 29 29.905 29.857 29.852 22.2 21.6 - 22.4 21.6 26.9 20. 2 20. 2 23.2 -23.6 6-7 30 29.949 29.988 30.082 23.0 23.0 23.0 22. 25.0 22.8 21.4 - 26.8 24.1 5-4 31 30.225 30.266 30.349 25.0 28.0 28.0 21.2 29.6 - 24.O 24.O 30.2 25.7 9-0 Sum 912.763 912.938 913-962 461.6 477.4 -548.2 361.3 650.9 403.4 347-2 669.6 5I3.I SOI.S Mean... 29.444 29.449 29.483 - 14-9 15.4 17-7 H-7 21. 13-0 II. 2 21.6 16.6 16.2 390 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Tepfits Bay during the month of January, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 20H SH 12 H 20H "5 IH Character % 3 c '& i PQ y 3 Direction >. 'u ? t JS ^ O x S JS " 8 A ~ Direction Direction >: 'O _o U tgl J' 1 ! c o tj QJ C Q Direction >. 'u _o *o3 "Tj t/i > 0>-C' l- "S ^ Direction i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 In. .09 .00 .00 .00 .00 .06 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .10 .10 .06 .09 .00 .30 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .05 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .07 .04 T .00 .00 24 .00 .00 .08 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 In. . .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .09 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .09 T .09 .00 T .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 In. .09 .00 .00 .00 .00 .20 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .26 .14 .15 .09 T 54 .00 .00 .08 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .i" h in h m 6 30 W H E N E ESE NE B S NE NE NE N C S SE S SW S S S S SE SE SB E NE E E E E Mi. 20 IS S 5 15 23 16 45 2 8 22 8 M O IO 26 3 20 12 50 60 30 12 IS 18 29 2 3 22 24 24 Mi. 34 16 8 34 IS 23 24 48 26 48 30 14 24 3 IO 35 16 34 20 54 72 60 65 32 52 40 20 12 35 47 29 W E W N E ESE NW ESE E E NE N N N S SE S sw S g S S S SE E E NE E E E NE rt ^ ^ Direction Direction _o > cu j ** o o Direction Direction _o *l? rt Direction i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO ii 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ..09 .00 .00 .02 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 03 .00 .02 .06 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 T .00 .00 .00 .05 .00 .01 05 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T 07 .00 .10 .00 T .15 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .02 T .00 .10 03 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .12 .00 .00 .01 In. .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 T .00 .00 .02 .14 .00 .11 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T .08 .00 .25 .00 .02 .22 h >n h in B E B B NB NB NE S S W N N SE SW w SE W B SE N S NW SSE W S NW S B Mi. 4 8 25 44 20 12 15 4 IO IS 8 S 16 16 3 12 36 2O I 48 2 32 2O So 20 12 15 S 52 Mi. 24 24 35 59 20 42 20 20 48 17 29 17 16 36 20 24 38 52 14 63 IS 60 47 66 29 13 48 16 60 E E B E NE E B S SSE W N N SE SW N N SE SE W SE S E S SSB W W w S E E ENE E B NE E SE E SE W NB N S SW c N SB W C E E SB NW ssw, w SE NW W S Mi. 4 21 46 48 20 36 5 5 3 17 IO I 10 30 o 3 48 16 o 42 25 48 15 36 20 12 12 IO 36 Mi. IS 30 46 26 48 16 16 24 17 12 3 16 35 IO 20 48 2O 4 60 28 50 24 48 24 17 20 2O 56 NE ENE E E NE E B E SE W N N SE SW W N SE W N SE E SE NW SSB W S NW W E NB SE B NE E E E SE NE SW N N SW NE E N SB W S S B S NB W NW W S SE W Mi. 12 4 58 5 40 IO i 30 3 IS 14 i 23 IO 6 i 48 8 8 12 58 36 8 18 IO 24 3 I II Mi. 17 30 60 58 41 48 16 48 24 25 30 5 24 35 19 20 54 24 12 60 58 50 24 48 25 28 20 2O 56 E BNB E E E B B SE SE SW N N SW SW E N SB W S SB E SB NW SSW W W NW W B S" 7 30 8 is S d II OO 12 30 S" S" IS 40 12 45 S d S d 10 00 I OO 20 45 16 45 ... .. .. .. .. S" S" 7 oo 9 30 9 oo 14 30 s m S oo 18 50 s m 5 oo 9 20 Sum. . . . Mean . . . .22 43 29 94 530 18.3 972 33-5 E E 579 20. o 804 27-7 B E 478 16.5 979 33-8 E B 26 394 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of February, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE CLOUDS REMARKS 8n I2H 2OH >f% 5 V ! ... o Lunar halo 21:10 to 22:00, 22 degrees. 2 IO S E IO S E J 4 (Few (Ci-S) S E 1 SE i 7 3 o Few S E 10 s E i Drifting snow from 5:30. 4 I S E i 3 1 2 (A-S) S E | E ( 10 s NE S 5 IO N NE 10 S NE ... IO Variable winds; drifting snow 18:00 to 21:50 6 IO S NE 4 s E o ... 6 7 IO S E 10 N SE 2 s E 8 8 o ... ... o ... ... o ... ... Variable winds. 9 o ... o 10 S 3 | 2 (A-S) S SE | SE j 9 S W 10 N SW 10 ii IO N N IO N* NE ... 7 Light fog 8:20 to 13:30. 12 o ... ... ... o H i 13 3 S SE 10 N S IO N SW 8 14 IO N SW 10 N SW IO S NE 10 15 IO S W 9 S W ... 7 16 .,. ... H ... o ... ... i 1 17 10 S SE IO S SE 10 S SE 10 18 J 3 i 6 S-Cu S W "W 3 4 S-Cu S W { W j ... S 19 ... ... o ... ... o H ... o Light haze 18:10 to 21:15. 20 10 S SE IO S E 4 S S 10 21 10 s N i 4 1 4 (A-S) S E { E i 7 S E 8 Drifting snow from 16:00. 22 10 8 S ! s i 4 S-Cu S SE | SE i IO s S IO Drifting snow. 23 IO N* NW Few S-Cu NW ... ... 3 Light fog 6:30 to 22:00. 24 10 S 6SE 10 N ssw 2 S-Cu AV 9 25 o ... o ... ... 26 IO N S 10 N SE i 5 1 3 S-Cu S W | w ! IO 27 Few S-Cu NW Few S NW 10 s s 3 28 10 N S IO S W 10 s SE IO 29 IO N S 10 N S 4 S-Cu W IO Light fog 9:30 to 16:00. Sum 178 ... 171 ... 121 ... 169 Mean.. . 6.1 ... 5.9 ... 4.2 ... 5.8 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 395 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at 'I'cflitz Bay during the month of March, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE REDUCED BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 20H Mean of extremes Range SH I2H 2OH SH I2H 20 H Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. //(. In. In. o o o o O o i 29.139 29.108 29.366 + 22.9 - 13-0 9.0 + 22.9 + 12.2 + 22.9 + 22.9 9-0 + . 7-0 31.9 2 29.202 29-357 29.732 + 9-9 9.2 29.0 + IO.O - 9.0 + IO.O + IO.O - 29' o - 9-5 39-0 3 30.212 30.209 29-349 - 34-0 - 31-0 9.0 29.0 -36.2 30.0 - 8.6 37-0 -122.8 28.4 4 29.411 29-550 29.982 12. 15-0 - 24.0 + !/ 12. - II.4 - 12. 24:0 3-5 41.0 5 30.239 30.181 29.806 35-0 32.1 IO.2 24.0 -35-8 32.1 - IO.2 - 35-0 23.0 25-6 6 29.331 29.229 29.058 4.0 I.O + I.O 4.0 ii. 5 + I.O + i.S - 4.0 5-0 13-0 7 29.013 ... II. 17.0 + I.O 12.0 ... - II. 17.0 - 8.0 18.0 8 19.0 ... 20.5 -- 17.0 23.0 ... 19.0 23.5 20.2 6.5 9 ... ... - 18.5 ... 23-0 18.0 22.5 - 18.5 23.0 20.5 5-0 10 ... ... 29.0 ... 31.0 23.0 29.O -28.5 31-5 27.2 8.5 ii ... ... 29.441 - 18.0 ... - I4.O I8.o 31-0 ... - 12.9 - 18.0 22. 18.1 12 29.476 29.519 29.649 - 29.4 36.0 - 45-0 15-0 33-0 - 29.4 - 29.4 - 45-0 30.0 30.0 J3 29.670 29.681 29.703 - 44-0 43-0 - 44-0 41.0 -46.8 - 42.9 43-0 46.0 - 43-9 5-8 14 29.720 29-735 29.719 37-0 40.0 42.2 -r 34-0 - 44-0 33-3 33-3 - 44-0 38.6 10.7 15 29.720 29.728 29.749 - 44-5 38.0 - 46.0 42.0 46.1 37-5 - 37-5 - 48.0 - 42.8 10.5 16 29.792 29.794 29-797 50.2 - 45-0 - 43-2 ; 46.0 - 51-4 44-0 - 41.2 50.2 - 46.3 10.2 17 29.703 29.624 29.542 - 42.1 - 37-4 42.6 42.0 -46.8 37-0 -35-6 42.7 - 41.2 II. 2 18 29.675 29.680 29.679 - 49.0 - 42.8 28.9 42.6 50.0 41.0 - 28.9 - 49-0 39-4 21. 1 19 29.511 29.512 29.464 - 3-4 - 9.6 9.0 3-0 29.0 2.O 2.O - 12.4 15-5 27.O JO 29.571 29.605 29.274 35-0 - 3i-9 - 8.2 9.0 35-0 31-5 - 8.0 - 36.0 22.0 28.0 21 28.640 28.526 28.378 - 4.6 + 2.O + 8.4 - 4.0 - 8.9 + 2.5 + 8.4 - 4.6 O.2 17-3 22 28.504 28.616 28.893 3,o - 4.0 - 13-2 + 9-0 3-0 I.O I.O - 13.2 2.1 22.2 23 29.191 29.291 29.424 19-9 - 24.3 25.0 13-2 20.0 - 19.9 19.9 25.0 I9.I II. 8 24 29.712 29.806 29.907 - 27.8 30.9 37-0 25.0 28.0 -27.8 -27.8 37.0 31-0 12. 25 29.760 29.725 29-763 32.9 -28.5 20. o 32.0 39-0 28.0 20. o 32.9 29.5 I9.O 26 29.960 30.012 30.142 24.0 24.2 22.9 20. o - 30.0 21.9 - 21.8 25,6 25.0 IO.O 27 30.438 30-443 30. 173 29.0 27.0 - 6.1 22.9 - 30.0 26.0 - 6.0 30;9 -;is.4 24-9 28 29.560 29.488 29.301 + 15-0 + 23.8 + 23.9 + 15-0 - 6.0 + 24.0 + 25.0 + I5.o + ; 9-5 31.0 29 29.023 28.986 29.009 + 25.5 + .25.0 + 10. + 26.0 + 22. + 25.9 + 25.9 +. I0 i + |i8.o 16.0 30 29.575 29.771 30.054 8.0 - 16.5 - 122.4 + IO.O - 8.0 8.0 - 8.0 - 23 ;6 i 6.8 33.6 31 30. 122 30.038 29.936 7-5 3-0 + 5-0 7.0 25.0 3-0 + 5-0 7^5 ; IO.O 30.0 nn. . . . 797.870 769.214 798.290 598.5 532.6 594.1 420.8 -767.8 421.3 -385.4 799-6 -589.0 617.3 oau . . . 29.551 29-585 29.566 - 19-3 20.5 - :I9.2 - 13-6 - 24.8 - 16.2 - 12.4 -25.8 19.0 19.9 Between March 7 and ii, 1904, observer was with party on trip to Cape Fligely; the thermometer readings during this interval have been taken from the thermograph records. 396 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of March, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 2OH 8n I2H 20H 1 (1 Character Beginning 60 _C 3 W Direction Velocity j ^ O l"l <5 Direction Direction . 1 tg| x H ^ 3 1 M S - Direction Direction >. 'o _o ~ x S ~, Direction i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i In. .06 05 .00 15 .00 .00 .00 In. .12 .OI .00 .06 .00 T In. .08 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 In. .26 .06 .00 .21 .00 T j S m i S m S" S m S m h in 6 45 13 45 4 30 23 oo h m 10 so| 16 30) IO IO ii 30 S W SE NW NE SE E Mi. 3 8 3 36 I 16 Aft. 30 24 20 63 26 48 W E N SSE NW SE ENE N E NW E E Mi. 20 16 8 48 i 3 Mi. 30 20 13 48 2 2O W N SE NW N SE E N SSE NW SE NE I 12 68 24 30 26 24 72 48 48 NE N SSE NW SE T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .14 T .60 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .15 .22 .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .22 .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .04 .00 .00 50 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .02 .04 14 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .07 25 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .16 .04 .96 05 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 23 Si .04 .00 S" 19 30 20 40 E C E N NE E C S S E SE NE N NW E N S W NW E SSB o i i 9 3 o i 8 60 IS 24 28 4 16 5 IS 16 12 8 ii 20 6 5 IS 5 S S 12 70 72 30 30 26 16 16 16 25 16 34 IS N E N E E NE NE S E E NE N N E N S W NW NE SSE | N ( NE N O SE N NE S C E N NE N C N NE W W NE SSE IS o 3 2 I I 10 O 60 6 16 24 o IO 6 16 5 28 IO 20 6 S 6 3 4 o 34 IS 72 15 26 28 6 25 IO 24 IS S8 12 N E N SE N E C S S E SE NE N NW E N S W NE SSE E E N E C C N W E E NE NE NW C C E W S NE SSE 2 I 3 6 o o i 3 3 60 12 2O 20 O 2 20 2 16 IO 20 2 5 12 3 5 2 12 3 72 IS 22 26 I IS 5 25 6 34 12 N E N E N NE N S E E NE NE N N N E W W NE SSE S" f S" { S" I s" s" s" g n, 22 OO 15 00 16 45 17 10 6 oo D.N.I 15 So}- 21 IOJ 17 SO 14 40 ( s m ! s- \ s ra 1 s m I IO 13 30 U 05 9 05! 13 isl 21 IS) gm 21 IS Sum.... Mean . . . I.4I .61 2.52 280 10.8 595 22.9 N E 277 10.7 430 16.5 N B 372 14.9 657 26.3 (NE| t B i METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 397 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of March, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS 8n I2H 2OH DATE i* i* u ~" REMARKS 4_l D E ^j V E u E rt E c o C o o B o o "^ *3 M CTJ 3 rt u O E O E ^ F^ E . < E J3 ^ S .C ij tj < q Q < O Q < O Q i 10 N* S IO S NE ! 5 i 2 (A-S) S E E 9 Light fog to 10:50. 2 IO N* W IO S N o ... 5 Light fog to 10:00; lunar halo 19:30 to 21:10. 3 Few S E Few S E IO S BSE S 4 10 N (NW IO S NW IO S NW 10 5 o ... ... 2 S E IO S SE 4 6 10 S SE 8 S SE IO S SB IO 7 4 S-Cu E ... ... ... ... ... ... Party left for north at 11:00. 8 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... * ... IO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ii ... ... ... ... ... ... IO N E 8 Party returned at 17:00. 12 O ... ... ... ... o ... o 13 o ... o ... ... Few S SB i 14 ... ... o ... ... Few S SE i Variable winds. 15 Few S SE o ... ... o ... ... 16 Few S SE o H ... o H o Light haze from 9:00; water clouds over ice. 17 2 (A-S) E 4 (A-S)H B .2 S NB 2 Light haze 9:00 to 14:00. 18 o ... ... o ... ... 10 S* S 2 19 IO S S 10 S W IO N* S 10 Light fog from 13:30. 20 o ... ... Few Few (A-S) S H SE i SE j 10 N E 7 Light fog to 1:00; solar halo 11:15 to 13:30. 21 10 N E IO N E IO S SB IO 22 IO N N 10 N* NB 10 S* NB 9 Light fog 8:50 to 22:00. 23 7 S NE 4 i S-Cu S NB I NE ) IO S N 7 Light drifting. 24 3 S-Cu N Few S-Cu B ... Light drifting to 10:00. 25 o ... ... o ... ... o ... ... Party left for north at 10=00; solar halo 10:10 to 11:15. 26 o ... ... o ... ... o ... ... o 27 o ... ... Few (A-S)H E IO S S 5 Party returned at 17:30. 28 IO N W, 10 S W 10 N W 10 29 IO N m 10 N S IO N NW IO 30 IO s NE Few S E o ... ... 5 Drifting snow to 4:00. 31 o ... ... Few (A-S) W IO S <5SE 5 Sum 116 ... ... 89 ... ... 159 ... ... 135 Mean... 4-3 ... ... 3-4 ... ... 5.9 ... ... S.o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of April, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE REDUCED BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 2OH Mean of extremes Range 8a I2H 2OH SH I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. 7w. . In. . In. o o o o o o o o o i 29.852 29.817 29.787 + 18.5 + 23.5 + 24.0 + 18.5 + S.o + 23.5 + 25.0 + 18.5 + 15.0 20. 2 29.692 29.646 29.612 + 24.0 + 24.3 + 22. + 25.9 + 23.0 + 24.5 + 25.0 -f- 22. + 24.0 3-9 3 29.546 29.569 29.562 + 24.0 + 21.9 + 22. + 26.0 + 21.0 + 24.1 + 24.1 + 20.9 + 23.4 5-1 4 29-548 29.602 29.520 + 8.0 + 2.9 + 5-0 + 22. + 7-8 + S.o + 8.0 3-0 + 9.5 25.0 S 29.229 29.287 29.438 + 25.0 + . 3-0: 18.0 + 26.0 + 5-0 + 25.4 + 25.4 18.0 + 4.0 44-0 6 29.692 29.723 29.691 26.0 19.1 9-9 18.0 28.0 - 18.1 9.2 27.0 18.6 18.8 7 29.766 29.841 29.955 19.0 - 16.5 23.9 IO.O 21. - 16.0 16.0 - 24.5 17.2 14-5 8 29.970 29.992 29.992 - 23.0 - 16.1 20. o - 20.3 27.5 - iS-5 - 13-4 23.O 20.4 14.1 9 29.962 29-957 29.914 - 17.6 13-9 ; - 19-4 - 17.6 26.2 - 13-2 - IO.O - 19-4 18.1 16.2 10 29.790 29.723 29.610 15-0 12. -'9-8 -- 15.0 22.1 II. O - 8.3 - 15-0 15-2 13.8 ii 29.485 29.462 29.498 - 15-0 - 15-4 26.0 6.2 16.0 - 15-4 12.2 26.2 16.2 20. 12 29.701 29.741 29.725 - 35-4 37-0 -33-8 26.0 - 36.6 - 35-4 - 31-9 37-0 31-5 II. 13 29-575 29.561 29.549 23.0 - 17-8 19.0 - 23.0 - 33-8 - 17.6 - 17-4 - 23.0 25.6 I6. 4 14 29-475 29.485 29.485 - 17-4 - 16.8 27.0 - 17.0 19.0 - 16.6 16.6 27.2 21.9 10.6 IS 29.302 29-297 29.385 32-2 32.9 - 34-0 27.0 -36.3 29.0 29.0 3S-o -31.6 9-3 16 29.422 29.504 29.536 14.9 IO.O 6.0 14.9 - 34-0 - IO.O S-i - 14-9 19.6 28.9 17 29.484 29.465 29.477 - 4-5 4.0 5-0 3-0 '-- 6.0 3-1 + I.O 10.2 - 4-6 II. 2 18 29-571 29.625 29.860 - 13-2 - 4.0 - 23.6 - 3.8 - 13-4 3-7 3-7 - 23.6 - 13-6 19.9 19 30.096 30.085 29.799 26.0 - 18.1 - 3-0 23.6 - 33-1 - 17.2 2.1 26.0 - 17-6 31-0 20 29.323 29.331 29.489 o.o + 1.6 + 2.O o.o - 3-0 -f- 2.O + 4-0 O.O + 0.5 7-0 21 29-557 29.521 29.563 + 3-9 + 4-0 + 3-0 + 6.2 1-7 + 5-0 + 8.2 + 3-0 + 3-2 9-9 22 29-779 29.850 29.946 7-5 3-0 3-0 + 3-0 - 8.5 3-0 2.O 7-5 2.8 n-S 23 29.963 29.966 29.938 5-0 + I.O - 4.0 3-0 II. O -f- 2.O + 2.6 - 4-6 4-5 13-0 24 29.842 29-833 29.789 I.O + 3-9 - 4.0 o.o 6.1 + 4-0 + 4-0 - 4-3 I.O 10. I 25 29.741 29.718 29.692 6.0 3-0 - 6.5 4.0 - 7-8 2.8 3-0 - 6.5 5-3 S-o 26 29-704 29.705 29.688 - 16.5 -16.0 - 16.7 6.5 18.5 15-0 - 12.8, 18.0 12.5 12. 27 29-594 29-585 29.554 15-0 - -13.2 19.0 12.8 21. 12.8 - 8.9 - 10. 15.0 12. 1 28 29.617 29.668 29-757 18.0 II. 9 17-9 18.0 22.5 IO.O - 9-6. - 18.0 16.0 12.9 29 29.909 29-951 30.042 16.0 - 13-0 - 14.0 - 15.8 21.4 - 13.0 - 11. 8 - 16.0 - 16.6 9.6 30 30.062 ... ... - 12.2 ... .-.. 12.2 17.0 ... ... ... ... Sum.. .. 890.249 860.512 860.853 207.6 28S-.6 -285.5 170.1 429.7 159-9 - 96.3 -382.5 265.8 436.8 Mean... 29-675 29.673 29.685 9-2 ;_!_ 7-2 - 9-8 5.7 - 14-3 5.5 3-3 13-2 9.2 15-1 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 399 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of April, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND SB I2H 20 H 8H I2II 20H 3 H Character Beginning bfl n 3 W Direction Velocity M J-3J Direction Direction 1 tU j (U.S > u O |'-3 Direction Direction :*, ^ '0 1 !i u .S * "> "> 2 -s Direction i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 -23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 In. .08 14 .22 .12 .OI .00 .OO .OO .00 .00 .00 .OO .OO .OO .OO .OO .OO .00 .OO .OO .00 .OO .OO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 In. 03 .01 03 03 .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 In. .00 .09 .08 .06 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 In. .11 24 33 .21 05 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 S m S" 1 S 1 " gm g,n s m gm gm S" S" S" h m 9 30 20 50 i 30 4 oo 18 55 16 45 IS 45 6 30 h m 6 30! 10 40 } 23 3oJ 2 25"! 14 15^ 10 25 j 13 30J 20 I5i 9 55 SSE S SW SE SW NE m NE B a NE N W W S N NE N ESE ESE NNE H SE N NW SE C N Mi. 10 S 6 4 IS 4 2 I 2 2 2O 9 16 15 6 4 23 II I 60 38 IS 2 8 13 12 2 O 8 Mi. 13 8 12 5 34 20 17 4 5 6 30 16 17 20 ii 12 24 24 15 61 48 20 5 8 30 IS 8 i 12 SSE WSW SE S ESE N E NE NNW NNE NE N NNW WSW SE SSW N NE N ESE E ENE N SE ENE N NW N N SW S SSE SE NW NW E E N E NE NW W W N W NE S NE E E S O E NNE W SE C NW Mi. ii 2 3 2 12 I 2 I I I 24 6 20 12 10 II 5 2 2 52 36 I O 2 5 8 5 6 Mi. 12 8 5 5 24 6 4 4 3 2 36 12 22 15 15 15 12 2O 8 66 48 8 2 IO 12 12 6 i 8 SW S S E WNW E NE NE SE N NE N W W N SW NE NE NW E E SE SE SE N NW SE NB N WSW SE SSW ESE N NE N E NE N ' NE W W N SE SW W N ESE E SE W NE E N NW N N NE Mi. 8 5 4 32 16 6 4 3 I 2 12 6 16 3 4 ii 20 IS 30 48 IS 2 5 ii IO 8 i IO Mi. 12 8 S 35 24 25 4 6 3 6 36 12 24 15 IS 20 28 20 32 66 42 8 IO 20 12 12 6 12 wsw SSB S ESE WNW E 'NW N SB N NE N NW W N SW ENE NNW SE E ESH SE N E N NW SE N Sum. . . Mean. . 57 .14 23 94 314 10.8 SGI 17.3 N E 243 8.4 401 13-8 NE N 308 II. O 518 I8. S N i N I 1 B i 400 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Teplitz Bay during the month of April, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE CLOUDS REMARKS 8n I2H 2OH >* en w !l <, o Amount Character ?. "-t-i |J 3 Amount Character I 4* Q Amount Character -*-. u <5 i 10 S* SE 10 S sw 10 S* wsw IO Light fog to 9 = 15 and from 19=30; grinding ice heard to west from 19:00 to 20:00. 2 10 N* S 10 S w 10 N* SE IO Light fog to 10:10 and from 19:00. 3 10 N* sw 10 S SE 10 N* ssw IO Light fog to 10:10 and from 16:10. 4 10 N* S 10 N SW IO N* ESE 10 Light fog to 9:00; 13:15 to 20:40; ice moving 3 Ci-S W 1 out of bay at 19:30. 5 10 N sw 2 Ci-Cu w ^ o 8 Ice came in at 5:30; open water south of 2 S W J Cape Auk at 7:30. 6 ... ... Few A-S E I A-S S NE ) NE j 5 Ice moving out 8:45. 7 . . . ... o i A-S N i Open water 17:50 to 19:00. 8 ... ... Few Ci N Few Ci N o 9 3 A-SH NE i 4 Ci-Cu S H NW W 6 i A-S S NE i NE j S 10 r i 4 1 i Ci A-S SH SB "1 SE [ SE J 6 3 A-S S H E i E J 10 S* NE 8 Haze and fog all day. ii o ... Few Ci-S NE * i Drifting snow; light fog from 13:00. 12 o o * Few S-Cu ... 2 Drifting ice from north; generally foggy. 13 o * 10 S* W 4 S* W 4 Ice drift to 6:00; fog from 5:00. 14 i 5 i 5 A-S S* W w Few Few Ci S-Cu N 1 N j ... 3 Ice opened 50 yards southwest one-eighth mile from shore; fog to 9:45. IS o ... ... ... o ... 16 2 S w 1 2 ! 6 S-Cu S* w ! w \ IO S* SW 7 Ice moving in from southwest, 3:00; light fog from 8:45. fPew A-Cu N } 17 1 ; S-Cu S N N J o ... ... o # . . . i Light fog from 17:00; drifting snow. 18 3 S-Cu* NE o * ... o ... 2 Light fog to I5 : 50. 19 ... ... o ... IO S ESE 4 Drifting snow from 16:00. 20 10 S ESE 1 3 1 6 S-Cu S E \ E S ... ... 5 Heavy drifting ice moving out during A. M. 21 ! 3 i 3 S-Cu S ESE ) ESH j fFew i 3 I 3 A-Cu S-Cu S E 1 E \ E J 4 S-Cu SE 5 Large lead half mile out; fog from 21:00. 22 o ( 4 S-Cu SE i i S-Cu W 4 I 2 S SE j f 5 A-Cu NW ] 23 Few Ci-Cu W O ... * { 3 S-Cu NW ! 4 ( I S NW J 24 S 5 1 4 A-Cu S-Cu SE SE 5 4 A-Cu S-Cu E E 5 5 S-Cu S* E j E i 9 Light fog from 13:15. 25 10 S* N IO S* NE IO S N IO Light fog to 16:00. 26 i S NW 2 S N Few S NW 2 27 Few S-CuH ... Few S-CuH o ... ... I Light haze 6=00 to 13:00. 28 o . . . ... o . . . 29 3 S-Cu SE Few S-Cu SE Few S-Cu E I Observer left Camp Abruzzi for Cape Flora 30 o ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... at 20:00. Sum... 117 121 ... 125 ... ... 132 Mean . . 3-9 ... ... 4-2 ... 4-3 ... ... 4.6 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS TABULATION OF DAILY METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS RECORDED AT CAPE FLORA STATION, NORTHBROOK ISLAND FRANZ JOSEF ARCHIPELAGO MAY 21, 1904, TO JULY 30, 1905 NORTH LATITUDE: 79 57' LONGITUDE EAST OF GREENWICH: 49 59' 401 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 403 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of May, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 2OH Mean of extremes Range SH I2H 2OH SH I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. 1 Max. Min. In. In. In. O o o o o o o i ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... ... " ... ... ... ... 10 ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ii ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... IS . . . ... . . . . ... ... ... '.'.'. '." 16 ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... . . . 17 ... ... ... ... 18 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 ... ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... 21 29.70 29.68 29.72 + 16.5 + 16.7 + 18.0 + 17.1 + 13-2 + 17.4 + 19.0 + 15.1 + 16.1 5-8 22 29.62 29.62 29.60 + 15.0 + 17.0 + 19-0 + 19.0 + II. + 18.0 + 19-0 + 1.0 + IO.O iS.o 23 29.66 29.74 29.84 + 15.5 + 16.3 + 18.0 + 19.0 + 10.5 + 16.3 + 22.5 + 12.2 + 16.5 12. 24 29.87 29.90 30.05 + 16.5 + 18.4 + 14-2 + 18.0 + IO.O + 19-0 + 21.4 + 14-2 + 15-7 II.4 25 30.20 30.20 30.20 + 19.5 + 20. + 18.0 + 20.0 + II. O + 20. o + 20. + 17-9 + 15-5 9-0 26 30.14 30.08 30.006 + 17.0 + 18.5 + 20.-4 + !8.o + 15.0 + 18.8 + 20.4 + 16.6 + 17-7 5-4 27 29.86 29.84 29.83 + 29.0 + 33-1 + 34-1 + 29.0 + 20. o + 35-6 + 35-6 + 29.0 + 27.8 15.6 28 29.84 29.84 29-75 + 33-8 + 34-4 + 31.0 + 34-1 + 3L2 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 30.6 + 32.8 4-4 29 29.72 29-74 29.70 + 33-0 + 30.4 + 25.0 + 34-0 + 31.0 + 32-3 + 32-3 + 24.0 + 29.0 IO.O 30 29.72 29-74 29.81 + 2O.I + 20.5 + 15.8 + 25.0 + 19.0 + 20.5 + 20.5 + 15-0 + 20. IO.O 31 29.87 29.89 29-93 + 20.5 + 22. + 22.5 + 21. + 14.7 + 22.2 + 24.5 + 20. o + 19.6 9.8 Sum.... 328.20 328.27 328.44 +236.4 +247-3 +236.0 +254-2 +186.6 +255-1 +270.2 +195-6 +220.7 . 111.4 Mean.. 29.84 29.84 29.86 + 21.5 + 22.5 + 21.5 + 23.1 + 17.0 + 23.2 + 24.6 + 17.8 + 20. 1 IO.I 404 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of May, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 20R 8n , I2H 20H O Character i 5 ci 03 M I 5 W Direction O wi C V J3 Coo C ' tn in > Direction S o"o o H !"* Direction O tfi E o o C c/i > Direction B'l Direction E o o g. I" 1 " In. In. III. In. /! m h in Mi. Mi. Mi. i .00 .00 .00 .00 S 1 " 22 30 .. ENE 4i E 40 E 75 2 IS .00 .02 .17 f S- g. IS 32 7 30 1 19 IS 1 E 202 E 65 SE 156 I s 10 10 .. .. J 3 .10 T .00 . IO ! s- I s 7 oo 5 oo ) 9 oo J E 215 ESB 69 ENE 93 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXE 70 E 25. NE 45 5 .02 T .00 .02 s- 4 15 9 oo SE 75 NE 46 NE 125 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SE 117 SB 5i SE 94 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SE 137 SSE 29 SE 22 8 .00 T T T i s- 1 s ii 19 22 28 12 2O | W 47 SW 18 SW 58 f S- 6 30 1 9 .04 .01 .02 07 s- 9 30 12 50 y SW IO2 SW 44 W 87 I R 15 oo 16 50 J \ a- 2 OO 3 oo 1 10 .01 T .00 .01 { 8- 9 30 10 10 'f NW 99 E 21 W 26 I S"' 20 40 21 05 J ii T .OO .00 T S" IO 2O 10 40 SE 76 SE 31 E 85 12 T .00 .00 T ! s- 1 s m o 40 3 20 I 20 i 4 oo i C 13 E 3 C 24 13 .00 .00 .00 .00 . . ENE 65 B 57 ENE 184 14 15 .06 .01 .22 s m 3 10 14 r-30 NE 289 NE 76 WNW 114 f S'" 6 10 9 oo ] 15 .04 T .02 .08 8- 13 40 15 oo \ SW 135 NW 68 NW 162 [ S 18 15 .. .. J 16 .12 .01 T 13 j s i s- ii 30 8 10 ( 12 20 j NW 271 WNW 97 W 162 '7 .OO .00 .00 .CO .. NW 127 W 29 WNW 39 f S 1 " ii 30 II 40 1 18 .00 T T T s ra 12 35 13 10 } SE . .00 .CO T T S m IO IO 12 40 W in SW 25 SW 67 -7 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... . . . . W 62 W 16 W 38 28 .00 .00 .00 .00 SE 60 SE So SB 105 29 .00 .00 .00 .00 It 22 03 22 l8 SE U3 SE 31 SW 42 30 .02 T .04 .06 i s. II 30 13 30 13 30 1 14 30 \ W 147 W 36 S 50 I s m 18 20 .. .. J Sum 75 .08 .11 94 ... .. .. . . 3763 . . . 1406 * * I 2655 Moan .. .. .. .. SE 125.4 SE 46.9 SE 88.5 408 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of June, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS SH I2H 20 H DATE t- V E IH E E t_ u E Ji 1 f' 'rt % REMARKS H rj CJ S o o *^ ~o O E a c O a c b NH O S a! u rt IN M-< tg L> NW 10 Generally light fog. 16 10 N* NW IO N WNW ! 4 i 4 S-Cu S W ( w j 8 Fog to 7:00. 17 ! 6 i 2 S-Cu S NW ) NW ) 10 8 W 10 S WNW 10 r i (Ci-S) Wi ] 18 3 (A-Cu) Wi \ 10 S E 10 S SE 9 1 3 S-Cu W j r 4 (A-Cu) SE 1 19 IO S E 3 S-Cu SE \ Few S-Cu E 9 I 2 S SE j 20 o . . . Few 8 NE o Fog from 21 :oo. 21 o ... o ... ... ... ... ... Fog to 4:20. 22 . . * o . . . . . . o 23 IO S SE IO S* SE 10 S N 10 Fog 2:20 to 6:45 and 10:10 to 17:00. 24 ... *# ... ... ** ... (Few JFew (Ci-Cu) S B I E i 8 Fog 0=30 to 19:00. 25 IO S* SE . . . M ** IO Generally foggy. 26 10 S* w IO N* W ** 10 Fog 8:00 to 24:00. 27 ... ** ... ** ** IO Generally foggy. 28 ... ** ... 10 S SE ** IO Fog to 9:10 and from 17:00. f i (Ci-Cu) SW "I 29 IO S* SE IO S* SE i 4 S-Cu SW ] 8 Fog to 13=30. I 3 S SW J 30 10 S* W IO N* W IO N* S 10 Generally light fog. Sum 225 ... ... 211 ... ... 181 ... ... 255 Mean... 8.7 ... ... 8.4 ... ... 7-5 ... ... 9-4 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 409 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of July, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS 8n I2H 20H Mean of extremes Range SH I2H 2OH SH I2H 2OH Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. In. In. . In. o o O o o o i 29.50 29.60 29.76 + 35-0 + 33-0 + 32.0 + 35-0 + 31.5 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 31-2 + 33-1 3-8 2 29.82 29.86 29.86 + 36.0 + 37-5 + 32-0 + 37-3 + 29.5 + 37-5 + 38.0 + 30.0 + 33.8 8.5 3 29.74 29-74 29.74 + 33-0 + 34-0 + 33-5 +-33-0 + 29.5 + 34-0 + 34-0 + 32.0 + 31.8 4-5 4 29.78 29.78 29.91 + 33-0 + 33-6 + 36.0 + 33-9 + 32.0 + 33-6 + 37-0 + 32.0 + 34-5 5-0 5 29-97 29-97 29.93 + 35-7 + 37-0 + 33-0 + 36.5 + 32.5 + 39-3 + 40.0 + 32.0 + 36.0 8.0 6 29.84 29.81 29.76 + 30.8 + 34-0 + 33-1 + 33-2 + 28.0 + 34-0 + 36.0 + 30.8 + 32.0 8.0 7 29.63 29-57 29.52 + 36.0 + 35-0 + 34-0 + 36.5 + 32.0 + 36.0 + 36.0 + 34-0 + 34-2 4-5 8 29-57 29.60 29.67 + 34-4 + 35-5 + 39-0 + 34-8 + 32.5 + 35-5 + 43-0 + 34-4 + 37-8 10.5 9 29-71 29.72 29.73 + 40.3 + 39-0 + 37-5 + 40.5 + 31.2 + 40.8 + 43-0 + 37-5 + 37-1 n.8 10 29-75 29.74 29.64 + 35-0 + 37-5 + 33-0 + 40.0 + 29.0 + 37-5 + 37-5 + 33-0 + 34-5 II. O ii 29.63 29.69 29.69 + 36.5 + 37-0 + 35-5 + 37-0 + 32.8 + 38.0 + 42.8 + 35-0 + 37-8 IO.O 12 29-63 29.58 29.58 + 35-0 + 34-0 + 33-3 + 36.0 + 32.0 + 35-0 + 35-5 + 33-0 + 34-0 4.0 13 29.60 29.61 29.62 + 34-0 + 35-6 + 33-0 + 34.8 + 31-2 + 36.9 + 37-0 + 33-0 + 34-1 5-8 14 29.65 29.66 29.72 + 35-5 + 37-0 + 33-5 + 36.5 + 32.0 + 38.0 + 38.0 + 33-0 + 35-0 6.0 15 29-75 29.74 29.59 + 36.8 + 34-4 + 33-0 + 38.0 + 32.4 + 36.8 + 39-0 + 32.5 + 35-7 6.6 16 29.44 29.38 29.33 + 39-5 + 37-0 + 35-0 + 40.0 + 26.0 + 39-5 + 39-5 + 33-0 + 33-0 14.0 17 29.24 29.28 29.44 + 34-5 + 33-5 + 33-0 + 35-4 + 33-0 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 33-0 + 34-2 2.4 18 29.60 29.66 29.74 + 36.0 + 38.4 + 43-5 + 36.0 + 32.0 + 38.4 + 44-7 + 35-0 + 38.4 12.7 19 29.85 29.86 29.87 + 43-0 + 45-5 + 42.1 + 47-0 + 40.0 + 47-1 + 54-0 + 40.0 + 47-0 14.0 20 29.00 29.89 29.88 + 40.0 + 41.8 + 42.0 + 42.1 + 37-0 + 43-0 + Si.o + 39-0 + 44-0 14.0 21 29-78 29-75 29.70 + 40.8 + 4i.o + 35-0 + 42-0 + 31-5 + 41-8 + 41.8 + 34-0 + 36.8 10.5 22 29-67 29.66 29.65 + 30.0 + 32-5 + 30.5 + 35-0 + 30.0 + 32.5 + 33-0 + 29.0 + 32.0 6.0 23 29.56 29-54 29.49 + 32.5 + 34-0 + 33-4 + 33-0 + 27.2 + 34-5 + 35-8 + 29.4 + 31-5 8.6 24 29-34 29-43 29.52 + 32.5 + 32.0 + 35-0 + 36.0 + 25.0 + 33-1 + 39-0 + 29.0 + 32.0 14.0 25 29-54 29.58 29.54 + 34-0 + 36.5 + 33-5 + 35-0 + 33-5 + 37-9 + 37-9 + 33-0 + 35.4 4-9 26 29-55 29-57 29.66 + 34-5 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 33-2 + 35-4 + 35-9 + 33-5 + 34-6 2.7 27 29.63 29.63 29.61 + 40.1 + 34-5 + 39-5 + 43-0 + 33-5 + 4i.o + 41-0 + 33-2 + 38.1 9.8 28 29-54 29.56 29.63 + 38.0 + 36.3 + 35-0 + 40.0 + 34-0 + 38.0 + 40.0 + 33-5 + 36.8 6.5 29 29.70 29-74 29.76 + 36.0 + 34-8 + 34-0 + 37-0 + 33-5 + 37-0 + 43-0 + 34-0 + 38.2 9-5 30 29.80 29.83 29.00 + 34-0 + 38.0 + 33-4 + 34-6 + 29.5 + 38.0 + 42.1 + 33-0 + 35-8 12.6 3i 29.97 29.08 29.99 + 34-0 + 34-0 + 32-0 + 34-5 + 32.9 + 34-4 + 34-5 + 3i.o + 32.8 3-5 Sum. . . . 919.68 920.01 920.43 + 1106.4 + 1118.9 + 1083.3 + 1148.6 +979-9 +II54-5 + 1220. + 1026.0 + IIO2.O 253-7 Mean... 29.67 29.68 29.69 + 35-7 + 36.1 + 34-9 + 37-1 + 31.6 + 37-2 + 39-4 + 33-1 + 35-5 8.2 27 4io SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cafe Flora during the month of July, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND 8n I2H 2OH 8n I2H 2OH "3 o H Character I S 's> 4> PQ i 3 1 Direction O wi ES-S o.S C en in $ - Direction lal o.H C d g js Direction > o> E 5.8- B n ir rt > /n. . In. In. In. /( m h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i T .00 .00 T S ra .. 21 OO W 94 NW 86 NW 186 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. WNW 147 W 42 W 67 3 .02 T T .02 g m R I 08 II IO 9 oo | N 1 16 NW 46 NW in 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 R .. o 40 NW 125 NW 33 W 47 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 33 W 14 S 31 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. W 39 W 13 ENE 30 7 .02 .01 .04 07 R R I 04 8 45 2 35 | ESE 32 ESE 38 NE 38 8 .01 .00 .00 .01 R 21 4O NW 65 NW 60 NB 87 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. S 23 WNW 14 S 32 10 .00 .00 .02 .02 R 14 55 17 10 W 45 W 14 N 33 ii .00 .00 .00 .00 .. NNW 166 NW 55 NW 59 12 .00 .00 .02 .02 R 15 IS 18 30 NW 67 NW 35 NW 67 U .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 80 NW 25 NW 42 14 .00 .00 T T .. .. .. SE 41 SB 17 SE IOI IS .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 119 NW 47 . N 162 16 .10 05 .16 31 f R \ R 1 R o 48 10 40 19 oo 6 15 1 14 IS \ NB 238 NB IO2 NE 246 17 .25 .01 03 .29 f R R I R IO OO 13 30 6 15 1 ii 30 1 21 40 J ESE 273 ESE 125 ESE 242 18 .01 T .00 .01 R 10 40 II IO B 204 B 47 ESE IOI 19 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. N 160 NW IO SE 16 20 .00 .00 .00 i; s o 43 3 O s U > s E rt ^ B a I* S I ui O Q < CJ 3 o 3 i 6 S-Cu W 6 S-Cu NW 4 S-Cu NW i i ! 3 s W 2 s NW 4 S NW ) 2 i 5 ! 4 S-Cu s NW NW 5 4 S-Cu s W! j W i IO s W 10 Fog from 20:45. 3 IO N** N 10 N** NW IO s NW IO Fog to 18:10. 4 10 S* NW IO S* NW i 6 1 4 S-Cu S W | W i IO Fog 2:15 to 13:20 and from 23:00. 5 IO S N\V o * 5 s* S 7 Generally light fog. 6 10 S* W 10 S* W 10 s NE 9 Fog to 14:50. 7 10 s B IO N B IO N NE IO 8 i 3 1 6 S-Cu S NW NW S 4 S-Cu S NW ! NW i f 3 jFew I 2 (Ci-S) (A-Cu) S-Cu NB } NE y NE J S 9 Few -(A-Cu) NW O ... ... o IO 1 2 I Few (A-Cu) S W j W J 9 S W IO S N 7 Fog from 20:30. ii j I S-Cu S NW NW 5 4 S-Cu S NW ( NW ) Few S-Cu NW 5 Fog to 5:20 and from 23:00. 12 10 s NW IO S NW M ... 10 Generally foggy. 13 10 s* NW ** NW IO S* NW 10 Fog to 21=00. 14 10 s* SB 10 S* SE IO N* SE 10 Fog 1:30 to 20:50. 15 ( ; (Ci-S) (Ci-Cu) NW NW 3 2 (Ci-S) (Ci-Cu) E 1 E > J 3 S-Cu N } Nl 9 I 4 S NW Few S-Cu NW J i 6 S 1 16 10 s NB 10 N NE IO N NB IO High northeast gale from 9=30. 17 10 s BSE 10 S ESB IO N* ESB IO High east-southeast gale; fog from 12=30. 18 IO s SB i 3 6 S-Cu s E | E f 2 \ 2 (Ci-S) (Ci-Cu) NE 1 NE [ 8 Fog to 7=00. I *-* j I 2 S-Cu NB J 19 f I i Few I I (Ci-Cu) (A-Cu) S-Cu N ' N N (Few (Few (Ci-Cu) S NW NW 7 2 S-Cu S N } N J 2 20 [Few (Ci-Cu) (A-Cu) S-Cu N ' N N i 4 i 2 (A-Cu) S-Cu W I W ( Few S N 4 21 ! l (A-Cu) S-Cu W i W j fFew j 2 I 6 (Ci-S) (A-S) S w } w i W J ... * ... 6 Fog from 17:00. 22 10 S* w IO S* s 10 S SB IO Generally foggy. 23 10 S IO S E Few s SE 4 Fog to 4:30. 24 I 4 I 4 S-Cu S NB | NE \ f I i 1 (Ci-Cu) S-Cu S NB 1 NB } NB J IO N* E IO Fog from 16:30. 25 IO S* SE I i S-Cu S SB | SB ) IO S ESE 10 Fog to 9:30. 26 IO S BSE IO S ESB IO s IO 27 IO N NE IO N NE IO N NE IO Fog 11:00 to 12:40. 28 ! 5 (A-S) S W I W i IO S* W IO S (NW IO Fog 11:50 to 13:00. 29 1 2 I Few (Ci-S) S N I N i / 2 3 I 2 (Ci-Cu) (A-S) S W ' W s 10 s W 4 30 f 2 1 Few (Ci-Cu) S-Cu W- ( W 1 f I I 2 (Ci-S) (A-Cu) S NW NW NW . IO s ... 4 31 ... Ml ... ... ** ... ** ... 10 Dense fog from 7:00. Sum 238 234 ... ... 222 ... * 242 Mean. .. 7-9 ... 8.1 ... 7-9 ... ... 7-8 412 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of August, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 20H Mean of extremes Range SH I2H 2OH SH I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. 7;i. . In. In. o o o o o o o o i 29.91 29.90 29.83 + 35-0 + 34-0 + 30.0 + 35-0 + 30.0 + 36.0 + 36-0 + 30.0 + 33-0 6.0 2 29.60 29.58 29-43 + 33-5 + 33-4 + 33-2 + 33-5 + 30.0 + 33-5 + 34-0 + 32.6 + 32.0 4.0 3 29-37 29.3 29.27 + 34-5 + 34-5 + 33-0 + 35-5 + 33-0 + 34-5 + 35-0 + 33-0 + 34-2 2-5 4 29.29 29.36 29.50 + 30-5 + 30.4 + 29.0 + 33-0 + 30.0 + 30.5 + 32.8 + 29.0 + 3i.o 4.0 5 29.49 29.50 29.52 + 33-0 + 34-0 + 33-6 + 33-0 + 27.0 + 34-0 + 34-4 + 32.4 + 30.7 7-4 6 29.60 29.67 29.67 + 35-0 + 36.5 + 40.0 + 35-0 + 33-0 + 36.8 + 4i.o + 35-0 + 37-0 8.0 7 29.80 29.84 29.82 + 36.0 + 39-0 + 36-5 + 40.0 + 33-6 + 40.0 + 42-3 + 36.0 + 38.0 8.7 8 29.71 29.65 29-54 + 35-0 + 33-1 + 35-0 + 36.5 + 34-0 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 33-0 + 34-8 3-5 9 29.56 29.58 29.64 + 34-0 + 36-0 + 35-0 + 35-1 + 33-0 + 36.8 + 38.0 + 34-0 + 35-5 5-0 10 29.78 29.84 29-93 + 34-0 + 37-0 + 37-0 + 36.0 + 27.5 + 37-4 + 41.4 + 34-0 + 34-4 13.9 ii 29.91 29.88 29.84 + 40-0 + 40.5 + 38.0 + 42.0 + 34-0 + 42.1 + 43-2 + 38.0 + 38.6 9-2 12 29.84 29.83 29.81 + 35-0 + 36.9 + 37-0 + 40.0 + 33-8 + 37-1 + 41.1 + 34-0 + 37-4 7-3 13 29.84 29.90 30.04 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 31-0 + 37-0 + 34-0 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 31-0 + 34-0 6.0 14 30.26 30.28 30.24 + 32-5 + 35-0 + 33-0 + 35-0 + 28.0 + 36.8 + 38.1 + 32.0 + 33-0 IO.I IS 30.12 30.12 30.10 + 37-0 + 43-5 + 39-0 + 39-2 + 30.o + 44-0 + 47-8 + 37-0 + 38.9 17.8 16 30.06 30.04 30.00 + 38.0 + 43-0 + 36.0 + 40.0 + 32.0 + 43.0 + 45-0 + 36.0 + 38.5 13.0 17 29.99 29.98 29.97 + 38.0 + 38.0 + 39-0 + 38.6 + 35-0 + 39-0 + 46.0 + 38.0 + 40.5 II. O 18 29-95 29-95 29-94 + 36.5 + 37-4 + 35-0 + 40.0 + 3i.o + 41-2 + 41-2 + 35-0 + 36.1 10.2 19 29-95 29.96 29.96 + 35-0 + 36.9 + 34-0 + 36.2 + 33-9 + 38.0 + 38.0 + 34-0 + 36.0 4.1 20 29.94 29.90 29-95 + 36.0 + 35-1 + 33-5 + 36.0 + 32.0 + 36.0 + 36.0 + 32-9 + 34-0 4.0 21 29.99 30.00 30.02 + 30.0 + 31-0 + 30.8 + 33-9 + 28.9 + 31.0 + 32.2 + 29.0 + 31-4 5-0 22 30.09 30.14 30.17 + 33-0 + 33-5 + 34-5 + 33-0 + 29.0 + 34-0 + 38.9 + 31-2 + 34-0 9-9 23 30.22 30.25 30.26 + 36.0 + 37-0 + 33-8 + 40.0 + 34-0 + 40.0 + 41-0 + 33-0 + 37-0 8.0 24 30.24 30.22 30.19 + 33-5 + 36.0 + 32.0 + 33-8 + 27.0 + 37-0 + 45-0 + 32.0 + 36.0 18.0 25 30.15 30.13 30.06 + 30.0 + 36.5 + 33-0 + 32.0 + 24.1 + 36.5 + 42.8 + 30.0 + 33-4 18.7 26 30-04 30.00 30.04 + 30.0 + 29.0 + 29.5 + 33-0 + 25.0 + 31-0 + 31-8 + 25.0 + 29.0 8.0 27 30.10 30.14 30.16 + 29.0 + 33-0 + 30.0 + 29.5 + 28.0 + 33-2 + 34-0 + 29.5 + 31-0 6.0 28 3O.2I 30.23 30.28 + 3T.O + 29.1 + 26.0 + 3i.o + 29.0 + 32-1 + 32.1 + 26.0 + 29.0 6.1 29 30.30 30.30 30.27 + 24.0 + 24.0 + 21.5 + 26.0 + 20.5 + 24.0 + 25.0 + 21.5 + 23.2 5.5 30 30.26 30.26 30-28 + 30.0 + 31-0 + 32.0 + 30.1 + 19.0 + 31-0 + 32.0 + 29.5 + 25.5 13-0 31 30.22 30.16 29.98 + 32.0 + 32.8 + 27.0 + 32.0 + 30.0 + 32-8 + 32.8 + 27.0 + 29.9 5-8 Sum 927-79 027.89 927.71 +1042.0 +1082.1 +1027.9 + 1090.9 +929-3 + 1109.3 + 1168.9 +990.6 + 1047.0 259.7 tfean. . . 29-93 29-93 29-93 + 33-6 + 34-9 + 33-2 + 35-2 + 29.7 + 35-8 + 37-7 + 32.0 + 33-8 8.4 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 413 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of August, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG WIND PRECIPITATION SH I2H 2OH DATE fa bo , ^ ^ E C O d* C O "> C o w 8n I2H 20H rt O i rt '3 _g bo C 3 u E Coo ^ c _C '!/) In O 1 E4J J3 (j o g.H*. R'tQ (Q O "6 E C to tn U j 5 : 5 si ~ S IS ~* In. III. In. In. h in h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. s 52 SW 14 SB 64 2 .02 .01 .04 .07 i 8- i R 5 oo 7 oo 7 oo J SB 179 E 77 E ISO 3 .40 .12 T 52 ! R 1 R 13 45 12 40 i H 00 j B 193 BSE 64 SE 59 4 50 .04 .00 54 gra o 30 II IO NW 71 NW 86 W 137 5 T T .02 .02 i S 1 " i R 10 IO 20 30 20 30 J 21 30 J NB 98 ESE 40 ESE no 6 .01 .00 .00 .OI ... .. .. .. .. ESE 212 ESE 64 NE 139 7 .00 .00 .OO .OO ... .. .. .. SB 287 ESB 40 SB 131 8 .00 .04 T .04 f S' S m 9 20 18 50 12 40 ] 19 46 ! NE 2O6 WNW 91 ENE 129 I S" 20 55 .. .. J 9 .04 .OO .00 .04 S" 1 .. .. 3 oo SE 141 SB 28 C 53 10 .00 .OO .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SB 39 SSB 36 C 35 ii .00 .OO .04 .04 R 13 35 17 30 NB 89 B 98 B 258 12 .00 T .00 T R 9 40 9 55 SB 200 NB 22 N 73 13 .15 .02 .01 .18 ! R 1 R 15 17 oo 9 oo | 23 oo J SSB 174 SSB 47 W 74 14 T .00 .00 T ... .. .. .. .. SB 46 SB 79 SE 92 15 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. B 33 SB 8 C 74 16 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NE 14 C 7 N IO 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. S 20 SSB 14 C 14 18 .00 .00 T T 1 R i R 17 oo 21 30 17 20 j 22 2O j E 21 SB 3i SB 39 19 03 .00 .00 03 R 20 IS 21 30 O 27 E 8 SB 47 20 .25 .02 .00 .27 R 4 oo 9 20 SB 202 B 70 B 134 21 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. ESE 161 B 41 NB 108 22 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. ... .. .. NE 162 SB 47 NB 72 23 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SW 205 SB 15 SB 60 24 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SB 26 W 4 W 17 25 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. B 12 8 C 13 26 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. B 34 B 55 B 164 27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. '. . B 271 B 88 B 122 28 .00 .00 .00 .00 B 100 SB 39 B 91 f S" 10 35 13 oo 1 29 .00 T T T \ S" 14 oo 14 20 B 79 ESB 48 SE 91 [ s" 15 35 16 oo j r s 6 oo 13 30 1 30 03 .04 .01 .08 \ s m 17 is 18 oo [ B 75 B 78 SB 98 ( R 18 oo 21 OO J 31 .01 T .00 .01 R 7 30 9 10 SB 47 SB 55 BSB 194 1-44 .29 .12 1.85 ... .. .. * ... 3476 1402 ... . 2852 Mean .. .. .. .. SE 112. 1 SB 45-2 SE 92.O 414 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of Aiigust, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE CLOUDS REMARKS 8H I2H 2OH Av. daily cloudiness Amount Character 1 u 3 Amount Character 1 h 5 Amount Character b M W 3 i M ** ## 10 Dense fog 0:00 to 24:00. 2 10 N* SE IO N* E 10 N** E IO Generally foggy. 3 10 N** E 10 N* ESE 10 S* 10 Generally foggy. 4 10 N* NW i 3 i 6 S-Cu S NW i NW ) -; S-Cu w 8 Fog 0:00 to 10:40. 5 1 3 1 7 S-Cu S E | E J IO N* ESE IO N* BSE 10 Fog 11:00 to 24:00. 6 10 S* BSE ... ... 10 S NB S Fog 0:00 to 10:10. I 2 (A-Cu) SE | IO S SE S i 2 S-Cu SE J o . . . . * 8 10 S NE IO N NW IO B ENE 10 9 ... ## ... S S* SB ... 5 Generally foggy. 10 o ... o ( 2 1 2 (Ci-Cn) (On)* NW ) NW j 2 Fog 14:50 to 21:30. ii i 2 ! i (Cu) S NE | NE j 10 S E 10 S E 8 12 10 S SE i 2 S-Cu NE | fFew { 2 (Ci-S) S-Cu SB ] SE \ IO ( 7 S NE j I 6 S SE J 13 10 N* SE M IO N W 10 Fog 5:00 to 24:00. 14 ... ... ... # i 4 1 2 (A-Cu) S-Cu sw i sw i 6 Dense fog 0:00 to 2:00; fog 11:30 to 17:45. IS i 4 1 2 (A-Cu) S-Cu E E 4 4 (A-Cn) S-Cu SE SE 4 Few (Cu) S SE | SB \ 3 [Few (Ci-S) NE 1 fFew (Ci-S) sw i 16 [Few [Few (Ci-Cu) S NB [ NE J Few (Ci-S) sw 2 I 4 (Ci-Cu) S SW } sw j S 17 10 S S 8 S SE Few S-Cu S 5 Fog 12:30 to 15:20. 18 i 2 i 2 (A-Cu) S-Cil B B 4 S (S-Cu)' S SB | SE \ 10 S sw 8 19 IO S . . . TO S o IO S SB IO 20 IO N SE IO S E Few S E 9 21 IO S SE 10 S E 4 S-Cu NE 7 22 8 S-Cu NE 8 S-Cu B i I S-Cu S NB | NB J 8 23 . . . o ... . . o . . . 24 o . . . . . s ... o . . 2 i 2 (Cl-S) S 1 Q 25 o . . . O I Few (A-S) S i O 26 I! (A-S) S-Cu S NE 1 NB \ E j ! J S-Cu S E E 4 S S-Cu S E 1 E ! 8 27 i 4 i 5 S-Cu S E | E i f 4 ^Few [Few Ci-S Ci-Cu S E 1 E j. E j 10 S E 6 [Few (Ci-S) E 1 28 i 2 ) 2 (Ci-Cu) S-Cu E ( E t ! 4 i 3 S-Cu 8 SE ) SE i 8 S-Cu E 6 1 i S B J 29 IO S E IO N ESB IO S* SE 10 30 IO N E IO N E IO N SB IO 31 10 S* SB IO S* SB 10 S ESE 8 Sum.. . . 196 ... ... 186 ... 2OO . . . . . . 222 Mean . . . 6.8 ... ... 6.6 ... ... 6.9 * ... 7.3 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 4*5 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations a t Cape Flora during the month of September, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 20H Mean of extremes Range SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. Mai. Min. In. In. In. o o o O O o o o i 29.68 29.58 29.56 + 33-0 + 33-0 + 32.0 + 33-0 + 24.2 + 33-2 + 33-2 + 31.0 + 28.7 9.0 2 29.56 29.52 29.58 + 32.0 + 31-5 + 28.5 + 33-0 + 31.0 + 32.0 + 32.0 + 28.5 + 30.8 4-5 3 29.46 29.48 29-55 + 28.0 + 30.0 + 28.0 + 28.5 + 24.0 + 30.0 + 32.0 + 28.0 + 28.0 8.0 4 29.64 29.70 29.67 + 26.0 + 25.0 + 23.0 + 28.0 + 25.0 + 26.0 + 26.0 + 22. + 25.0 6.0 5 29.56 29-52 29-54 + 23.0 + 25.5 + 23-5 + 23.0 + 19.0 + 26.0 + 26.0 + 21.0 + 22.5 7-0 6 29-55 29.62 29.72 + 24.0 + 20.5 + 25-5 + 24.0 + 22.0 + 24.0 + 25.5 + 19-0 + 22.2 6.5 7 29.77 29.81 29.84 + 22.2 + 22. + 20. o + 25-5 + 21.2 + 23.5 + 23.5 + 19-0 + 22.2 6.5 8 29.82 29.81 29.72 + 22. + 23.0 + 21.0 + 22. + 19-0 + 25.0 + 25.0 + 2O. O + 22. 6.0 9 29.62 29-59 29.52 + 20.8 + 22. + 28.0 + 21. + 17-9 + 22. + 28.0 + 2O. O + 23.0 IO.I 10 29-53 29.56 29-58 + 29-0 + 26.5 + 23.4 + 29.0 + 26.0 + 29.0 + 29.0 + 23.4 + 26.2 5-6 n 29.60 29.66 29.74 + 19-0 + 18.0 + 20. o + 23.4 + 16.0 + 19-9 + 20. o + 15-5 + 19-4 7-9 12 29.82 29.88 29.89 + 23.0 + 24.0 + 22. + 23.2 + 19-0 + 24.0 + 24.0 + 21. + 21.5 5-0 13 29.88 29.89 29-73 + 21.0 + 23.0 + 28.0 + 23.0 + 19-3 + 23.5 + 28.0 + 20. 2 + 23.6 8.7 14 29-54 29.52 29.48 + 30.0 + 3i.o + 30.0 + 30.0 + 27.0 + 31-0 + 31.0 + 27.0 + 29.0 4.0 15 29.52 29.60 29.68 -f 23.5 + 23.9 + 2O. O + 30.0 + 23.5 + 26.2 + 26.2 + 20. + 25.0 IO.O 16 29.77 29.82 29.56 + 23.0 + 21. + 25.0 + 23-o + I9-I + 23-5 + 25.0 + 20. + 22. 5.9 17 29.62 29.58 29.33 + 21. + 21. + 25.4 + 27.0 + 18.0 + 21 .0 + 25.4 + 18.0 + 22.5 9.0 18 29-34 29-42 29.42 + 18.0 + 16.6 + 15-6 + 25.4 + 17-0 + 18.0 + 18.0 + 14-0 + 19-7 ii. 4 J9 29.32 29.41 29-54 + 15.0 + 14.6 + II. O + 16.0 + 15-6 + 15.0 + 16.0 + IO.O + 13-0 6.0 20 29.29 29.26 29-25 + 17.0 + 20. i + 17-0 + 17-0 + 10.5 + 20. 1 + 23.0 + 16.0 + 16.8 12.5 21 29-58 29.67 29-73 + 7-0 + 12. + 16.0 + 17-0 + 3.5 + 12. + 17-0 + 7-0 + IO.2 13-5 22 29-74 29.84 29.93 + 14-0 + 16.0 + 12. + 16.0 + 13.0 + 16.0 + 18.1 + 12. + 15-0 6.1 23 29.84 29.83 29.62 + 20. o + 20.0 + 20.5 + 20. o + 9-0 + 20.0 + 20.5 + 17-8 + 14.8 "5 24 28.98 28.98 28.08 + 31.0 + 31.5 + 28.0 + 3i.o + 2Q.O + 31.5 + 31-5 + 27.6 + 25.8 ii. 5 25 28.79 28.81 28.93 + 21 .0 + 19.0 + II. O + 28.0 + 20. + 21. + 21. + 9-0 + 18.5 19.0 26 29-44 29-53 29-73 + 6.0 + 9-o + IO.O + II. + 3-5 + 9-0 + IO.O 2.O + 4-5 13-0 27 30.04 30.10 30.12 + 12. + 15-0 + 15.0 + 12. + 9-0 + 15.0 + 17.9 + II. O + 13-4 8.9 28 29-50 29.32 29-44 + 27.0 + 29.0 + 14.0 + 27.5 + 14-0 + 30.o + 30.0 + 14-0 + 22.0 16.0 29 29-45 29-45 29.48 + 15.8 + 16.0 + 14.5 + 19-0 + II. 5 + 16.4 + 16.4 + 14-0 + 15-2 7-5 30 Sum... . 29.50 29-54 29.56 + 18.0 + 19-2 + 20. o + 18.0 + 12-4 + 19.2 + 20. + 18.0 + 16.2 7-6 886.75 887.30 887.42 +642.3 +658.9 +627.9 +704-5 +530.2 +683.0 +719.2 +542.0 +6I8.7 264.2 Mean . . . 29.56 29.58 29.58 + 21.4 + 22. + 20.9 + 23.5 + 17-7 + 22.8 + 24.0 + 18.1 + 20. 6 8.8 416 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of September, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATU PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 2OH 8n I2H 2OH 1 f-i Character M 'H a 'Si P5 M 1 Direction Wind mov. since last obs. Direction 1-2 n o o o.S ~ C v> ft '^ > Direction > o <3 ES-S "O.S * C tft at JC Jj /*. . In. In. In. h m h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i .10 .02 .00 .12 S m 2 CO 9 10 SSE 406 SSE 3i SE 72 2 .02 .04 T .06 S S oo 12 30 SSE 131 SB 8 SE 3i 3 05 .00 .04 .09 i S* I S d 4 oo 17 30 6 40 | 19 30 ( SE 37 SW 4i NW 44 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. WNW 175 NW 47 NW 131 S .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 249 NW 80 NW 2IO 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 215 NW 63 NW 139 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. * NW 208 NW 79 NW 160 8 .OQ .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. N 158 N II N 33 9 .00 .00 T T S" 14 oo 14 40 SE 44 SE 50 NE 50 10 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 23 NE 27 E 63 ii .00 .00 .00 .00 S" 20 25 20 50 N 130 N 67 NW 81 12 T .00 .00 T s- 13 10 13 40 NW 107 NW 62 NW 180 13 .00 .00 .02 .02 j S* i s" 12 4O l8 40 14 oo | NW 188 NW 48 NW 80 14 IS .00 .04 19 | S d 1 S' '8 '30 5 oo I 13 30 J NW 72 NW 14 NW 12 IS .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. ENE 125 E 68 NE 128 16 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. WNW 173 WSW 52 W 116 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 S m 16 30 21 OO W 126 WNW 55 W no 18 T .00 .00 T S* 20 45 .. .. NNW 120 NW 56 NW 76 19 .02 .00 .00 .02 S" .. .. i 30 W 166 NW 79 NW 112 20 .00 .00 .03 .02 s- 16 10 .. .. 54 E 55 E MS 21 .06 .00 .00 .06 S 4 .. .. 5 oo NW 304 NW 44 NW 70 22 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW "5 NW 32 N 60 23 .00 T .01 .01 j S" i s IO IO 19 oo ii 30 i W 223 W 79 94 24 .60 .04 .00 .64 gm .. .. ii 30 E 195 C 6 NW 35 25 T .00 .00 T ... .. .. .. .. NE 136 NE oo NW 200 26 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. WNW 397 N 103 W 2IO 27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. G 250 N 49 SW 21 28 .10 .02 T .12 s" 3 oo 12 4O SW 170 W 70 W 2OO 29 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. WNW 339 NW 91 NW 162 30 .00 .00 .00 .00 gm 16 oo .. .. W 224 NW 51 W 60 1. 10 .12 13 1-35 ... * * * NW 5350 178.3 NW 1608 53-6 NW 3085 102.8 Tabulation METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of September, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS I/>NG 417 CLOUDS SH I2H 2OH DATE l_ . i* JJ REMARKS ^ V E 4_l u E 4 _ 1 Oj S rt C a u o u o C -3 3 rt l& 3 rt a 3 rt 1-1 i" ;; o O E O C 2 U E M u E .C !_ T) < U Q O 5 Q i 10 N 6SE IO S ... 10 S SE IO 2 IO N SSE 10 N SE IO S* SE IO Fog 18:30 to 24:00. 3 1 4 1 4 (A-Cu) S-Cu SE IJ SE j S SW IO S NW IO Fog 0:00 to 4:30. 4 IO S NW j (S-Cu) S NW i NW j 8 S-Cu NW 8 5 i 4 ! 6 (S-Cu) S NW i NW j I0 S-Cu NW 10 S-Cu NW IO High northwest winds. 6 10 S NW 7 S-Cu NW IO S NW 9 7 10 S NW 2 . ( 4 (Ci-Cu) S-Cu !NW I NW j IO S NW 8 8 10 S f 2 N \ 4 (A-Cu) S-Cu N 1 N IO S N 9 I 2 S N J 9 1 : (A-Cu) S-Cu SE SB 4 5 i(A-Cu) S-Cu SE i SE ) IO S ... IO 10 i 4 I 4 (A-Cu) S-Cu N I N i IO S NE IO S B 9 ii ( 2 i 4 (A-Cu) S-Cu N N i 5 (A-Cu) S-Cu N | N j IO S NW 7 12 10 S NW i I (S-Cu) S NW NW 3 6 (S-Cu) S NW } NW ( 8 f 4 (A-Cu) 'NW ] 13 i J S-Cu S NW } NW J IO S NW IO N NW 9 Fog 15:40 to 24:00. 14 10 S* NW IO N* 'NW . . . M . . . 10 Generally foggy. 15 IO S ENE ! J (S-Cu) S E E 3 5 (S-Cu) S NB i NE J 9 Fog 0:00 to 6:00. 16 10 S NW 8 S WSW 8 S W 8 17 IO S W IO S W IO N W IO 18 1 3 ! 6 (S-Cu) S NNWj NNWj 10 S NW 10 S NW 10 19 1 3 ! i &-Cu S W J W j 3 S-Cu NW 3 S-Cu NW 3 20 IO S E IO S E IO N* E IO Fog 16:30 to 24:00. 21 3 S-Cu NW 1 3 1 6 (S-Cu) S NW J NW i 9 S NW 7 22 i 2 2 (Ci-Cu) S-Cu NW i NW j o ... ... Few S N I 23 IO S W IO S W 10 N B 10 24 IO N* E ... ** 10 S NW IO Foggy to 18:00. 25 ! 2 3 (Ci-Cu) S-Cu NB NE 2 6 (Ci-Cu) S-Cu NE j NE IO S NW 8 High northeast wind shifting to northwest a 14:00. 26 Few (Ci-Cu) NW Few S N Few S-Cu W 3 High northwest gale to 5:30. Party left fo 27 o ... Few Ci-S NW IO S SW 3 Camp Abruzzi at 11=30. 28 IO N* SW IO N* W Few S W 7 Fog 6:00 to 15:00. 29 o ... ... o ... ... 3 S NW i High west to northwest wind all night. 30 2 5 (A-Cu) S-Cu W I ,W j 10 S NW IO S W 8 Sum 230 223 . . . ... 238 ... * 235 Mean... 7.7 ... ... 7-7 ... ... 8.2 ... ... 7-8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of October, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS 8H I2H 2OH Mean of extremes Range SB I2H 2OH SH I2H 2OH Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. In. In. In. o o o o o o o i 29.58 29.66 29.68 + 21. + 22.5 + 18.0 + 21. + 17.0 + 22.5 + 22.5 + 17.0 + 19.8 5-5 2 29.56 29-58 29.40 + 14-0 + 14.0 + 13-0 + 18.0 + 12. + 14-0 + 15-0 + II. O + 14.5 7.0 3 29.28 29.36 29-35 + 25-0 + 28.0 + 23.0 + 25.2 + 13-0 + 28.0 + 28.0 + 23.0 + 20.5 15-0 4 29.00 28.93 28.77 + 21 .0 + 24.0 + 28.0 + 23.0 + 19-0 + 26.0 + 28.0 + 27.0 + 23.5 9.0 5 28.74 28.82 29.02 + 24.0 + 23.3 + 20.8 + 28.0 + 23.2 + 24.0 + 24.0 + 20. o + 24.0 8.0 6 29.14 29.22 29.28 + 20. o + 21.2 + 21.2 + 23.6 + 19-0 + 21.2 + 21.2 + 18.6 + 21. 1 5-0 7 29.28 29.30 29.30 + 24.0 + 25.0 + 23.4 + 24.0 + 2O. O + 25.0 + 25.3 + 22.2 + 22.6 5-3 8 29.20 29.20 29.23 + 27.0 + 28.0 + 30-0 + 27.3 + 2O. I + 29.0 + 30.0 + 25-2 + 25.0 9-9 9 28.98 28.89 28.84 + 25-0 + 25.0 + 25.6 + 30.0 + 24.0 + 25.0 + 26.2 + 24.0 + 27.0 6.0 10 29.07 29.17 29-43 + 18.6 + 19-0 + 9-o + 25.6 + 18.0 + 19-0 + 19-0 + 9-0 + I/-3 16.6 ii 29.60 29.67 29.70 + 5-5 + IO.O + 15-0 + 9-0 + 5-0 + IO.O + 15-0 + 4-0 + 9-5 II. O 12 29-43 29.23 29.20 + 26.0 + 31-5 + 31-0 + 26.4 + 12. + 31-5 + 33-0 + 22.1 + 22.5 21. 13 28.90 28.87 29.12 + 27.5 + 28.0 + 9-5 + 31-5 + 27.0 + 28.0 + 28.0 + 9-0 + 20. 2 22.5 14 29-33 29-34 28.92 + 2.9 + 5-0 + IO.O + 9-5 I.O + S-o + IO.O + 2.1 + 4-5 II. O IS 28.90 28.96 29.38 + 12. + 10.5 + 10.5 + 12.0 + 8.0 + 17-0 + 17.0 + 7-0 + 12.0 IO.O 16 29.70 29.72 29.65 + 9-9 + 13-4 + 24.0 + 10.5 + 2.5 + 13-4 + 24.0 + 8.2 + 13-2 21.5 17 29.52 29-54 29.53 + 33-5 + 32.5 + 32-8 + 34-0 + 24.0 + 33-5 + 33-5 + 31-8 + 2Q.O IO.O 18 29-54 29-55 29-55 + 27.0 + 24.0 + 9-5 + 32.8 + 27.0 + 27.0 + 27.0 + 7-0 + 19-9 25.8 19 29.68 29.78 29-93 + 7-0 + 3-0 + 5-0 + 9-5 + 4-0 + 8.0 + 8.0 o.o + 4-8 9-5 20 29.86 29-85 29.68 + 4-0 + 6.0 + 3-0 + 8.0 + 2.0 + 7-0 + 9-0 + 2.O + 5.5 7-0 21 29.38 29.36 29.36 + 17-4 + 21. + 9-5 + 18.0 + 2.O + 21. + 21. + 9-0 + ii. 5 19.0 22 23 29.48 29.62 29-45 29.76 29-34 29-88 + 4-0 2.O + 5-5 6.0 + 2.0 o.o + 9-5 + 4-0 + 2.O 4-0 + 5-5 2.O + IO.2 O.O + 2.O 7-0 + 6.1 1-5 8.2 II. 24 29.82 29.82 29.64 I.O 0.0 + 3-0 o.o - 4-6 O.O + 3-0 3-0 - 0.8 7-6 25 29.10 29.09 29.30 + 12.0 + IO.O + 3-0 + 12.0 + 3-0 + 12. + 12. + 3-0 + 7-5 9.0 26 29.60 29.71 29.71 5-0 - 5-8 7-0 + 4-0 5-0 - 4.0 - 4.0 7-o 1-5 II. 27 29.67 29.70 29.72 3-0 2.1 I.O o.o 1.2 + O.2 + O.2 5-o 2.4 5-2 28 29.71 29.72 29.76 + 2.0 + 2.5 - 4.0 + 2.O 3-0 + 3-0 + 3-0 - 4-4 0.7 7-4 29 29.70 29-74 29-75 6.8 5-5 4.1 3-2 9-2 - 4-8 3-2 8.8 - 6.2 6.0 30 29-52 29-45 28.90 + 5-0 + 6.5 + II. O + 6.0 - 4.0 + 6.9 + II. O + 5-0 + 3-5 15-0 31 28.40 28.48 28.60 + IO.O + 7-1 2.O + 20. o + 9.5 + 10.5 + 10.5 2.O + 9-0 22. Sum. . .. 910.29 911.92 910.92 +407.5 +427-1 +372-7 +501.2 +281.3 +462.4 +507.4 +272.0 +380.0 358.0 Mean... 29.36 29.42 29-38 + 1.3.1 + 13-8 + 12. + 16.2 + 9-1 + 14-9 + 16.4 + 8.8 + 12.3 ii. 5 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 419 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of October, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H "rt 'o Character M a 1 S> m M C 3 I Direction o < C 4>J2 C u O BUM ii - Direction Wind mov. since last obs. Direction Efj .0 O 73 .5 .M C c/) CO In. . In. In. In. h m h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i 03 T .00 03 S .. .. 9 10 E 86 ENE Si E 149 2 .00 .00 .00 .OO ... .. .. .. .. E 548 E 179 E 370 3 .00 T .00 T S m 9 oo 10 30 E 452 E 55 E 4 .00 .00 T T gm II OO 12 40 ENE ENE ... NE 1406 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. N 282 N 143 NE 144 6 .20 .00 .01 .21 i s d I S'" D.N. 19 oo 7 30 I 21 00 j NNH 174 C 7 E 33 7 T .00 .00 T .. .. .. .. E 106 SE 66 E 138 8 .00 .04 .02 .06 ! s 1 " I R 9 40 IS 00 12 30 | 21 2O j E 228 E 104 SE 168 9 15 .20 .40 75 gm D.N. 21 IO ESE 262 SE 73 W 112 IO .02 .00 .00 .02 .. .. .. .. WNW 326 W 80 W 168 n .00 .OO .01 .OI S m 13 30 16 15 NW 174 NW 46 El 68 12 .00 .04 T .04 S IO OO 13 oo SE 329 SE 125 sw I3S 13 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. S 103 E 63 NW 64 14 .00 .00 .06 .06 s d 18 15 D.N. W 243 W 42 E 120 IS .04 .00 .02 .06 s d 12 50 IS OO G 271 E 32 NE US 16 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. E 57 ssw IO ESE 83 17 .00 T .01 .01 ! R II 40 12 08 II 46 j 12 25 J ESE no E 21 ENE 33 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. N 95 N ... NB H4 19 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. N 270 W 42 W 37 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. E 94 E 74 E 163 21 .00 .02 .09 .11 s" 9 IS 16 30 SE 34 S 19 NE 56 22 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. NE 179 W 12 NE 175 23 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 293 N 60 N 116 24 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. W 139 NW 29 E 59 25 .00 .02 T .02 s d 9 40 12 30 E 389 E 159 NW "5 26 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. NW 286 NE 88 N 92 27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NE 109 NE 62 NE 97 28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 162 NW 57 N 69 29 .00 .00 T T s d 18 30 D.N. NE 68 NE 16 E 60 30 05 .00 .40 45 s d 16 oo .. .. E 199 B 41 E 236 31 SO 15 .02 67 s d .. .. 13 oo WNW 334 NW in NW 184 gum 99 47 1.04 2.50 ... .. .. 6402 213-4 1867 64-4 . 4879 162.6 420 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cafe Flora during the month of October, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS 8H I2H 2OH DATE . r L ^ REMARKS V E . 1 E T3 C c 4-1 O o B I c M 3 O rt i; O a E >t3 i 1 i; > S E n u E JS >-' E .c ul O U 5 < u Q u 3 t i IO N E i 4 i 3 (A-S) S-Cu W J W J 10 S E 7 Drifting snow from 16:00. f 2 (Ci-Cu) E 2 (Cu) E V 2 i 2 (A-Cu) E 2 S-Cu B ( ( 10 S E 8 Drifting snow and heavy east gale. I 2 S E 3 S E J 3 IO S* E 10 S E IO S E 10 East gale to 5:00; fog 5:30 to 10:40. 4 IO S* ENE IO N* ENE 10 S* NE IO High winds; drifting snow 11:00 to 12:40 5 IO S N IO S N IO S NE IO fog to 21:00. Drifting snow. 6 { * I 4 (A-Cu) S-Cu S NE NE NE 2 3 3 (A-Cu) S-Cu S N 1 N N j 10 N E 10 7 IO S E 10 S SE 10 S E IO Light drifting snow from 16:00. f 2 (A-Cu) E I 8 1 3 (A-S) .', i IO N E IO N SE IO High east wind and drifting snow to 13:00. L 3 S E j 9 IO N ESE 10 N SE IO N W 10 Drifting snow 5:00 to 9:30. 10 2 8 S-Cu S WNW| NW J 8 S W Few S-Cu W 6 Generally west gale. ii 3 S-Cu NW IO S NW 10 S E 8 12 IO S SE IO N SE IO S SW IO High southeast wind and drift to 9:15. 13 ... ** ... IO S E 9 S NW 8 Dense fog to 9:30. 14 4 S W S 4 1 3 (A-S) S W J W j 10 N B 6 IS ! 1 (A-S) S B 1 B i IO S E o ... ... 7 16 IO S* E IO S* ssw 10 S* ESE IO Light fogs 6:00 to 13:30 and 17:00 to 24:00. 17 fr . . . ... *# ... . . . ** 10 Generally foggy. 18 IO S E ... ** ... o 7 Fog early A. M. and 10:00 to 15:00. 19 Few S N o ... ... o . . . . . o Solar halo 11:50 to 12:20. 20 Few (A-S) E o ... ... o . . . . . 2 Fog from 18:30. 21 10 S SE IO N* S IO (S) NE IO Fog 9:15 to 17:00. 22 3 3 (A-S) S NE NE I (A-Cu)' S w l w j 10 S NB 8 Sun disappears for winter. 23 Few S NW Few S N J 3 1 5 (A-Cu) S N J N ( i Very clear and cold. 24 5 3 (A-S) S W W 4 2 (A-Cu) S w l NW j 2 (Ci) E 5 25 IO S E 10 N* E 10 S* NW 10 East gale to 11:00; fog 10:00 to 13:00 anc 26 (Few (Few (Ci-S) (A-S) NW ) NW J O ... ... O ... i 17:00 to 21:00. High drifting wind to 9:00. 27 9 S NE IO S NE 10 S NE IO 28 10 S NW IO S NW Few Ci-S N 7 29 i S E \ 4 f 4 (A-Cu) S B j E j IO N B 8 30 IO S E 10 S E 10 N E 10 Drifting from 16:00. 3i IO N WNW IO N NW 10 S NW IO Sum 212 .. . 230 ... . . . 219 . . . . . . 239 Mean. . . 7-3 ... ... 7.9 ... ... 7-1 7.7 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 421 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of November, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 20H Mean of extremes Range 8H I2H 20H SH I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. In. In. In. o o o o 9 i 28.91 29.04 29.12 10. 9-0 9.0 2.0 IO.O 9-0 9-0 12. 7-0 IO.O 2 29.22 29-30 29.38 12. 12. II.O 9.0 13-5 ii. 5 10.5 13-4 11.2 4.5 3 29.36 29-39 29.36 6.0 7-1 5.o 6.0 - 12.0 - 6.0 5-o 7-1 - 8.5 7-o 4 29.48 29.52 29-58 - 4.0 1.2 - 4-0 4.0 7-0 I.O o.o 6.0 3-5 7-o 5 29.61 29.70 29.68 8.0 IO.O 9-0 2.2 II.O 7-0 7-0 14.0 8.1 ii. 8 6 29.60 29.66 29.68 7-0 7-0 II.O I.O IO.2 3-0 3-0 13-9 - 7-4 12.9 7 29.74 29.80 29.82 - 14.0 16.0 18.0 9.0 17-0 14.2 14.2 21.6 15-3 12.6 8 29.79 29.81 29.88 8.0 12.5 IO.O 8.0 I9.I 7-0 7-0 12.5 13-0 12. 1 9 29.88 29.94 29.98 9-5 15-0 18.0 9.0 - 13-6 9-5 9-5 20. 14-5 II.O 10 29.86 29.84 29.76 6.2 IO.O 6.8 - 6.2 20. 6.2 6.2 10.4 13-1 13-8 ii 29-59 29.58 29.56 6.0 8.0 i.S 3-0 - II.4 2.O i.S - 8.0 - 6.4 9-9 12 29.56 29.62 29.66 o.o o.o S-o o.o 4.0 O.O + 1.2 5-0 1-9 6.2 13 29.56 29-53 29.57 - 14.0 15.0 7-5 4-0 16.0 I4.O 7-5 15-0 IO.O 12. 14 29.52 29.32 28.72 10. I - 9-4 + 23.0 7-5 12.2 - 9-4 + 23.0 14-9 + 4-0 37-9 IS 28.56 28.64 28.74 o.o - 7-6 - 16.8 + 29.2 I.I O.O O.O 17.0 + 6.1 46.2 16 28.72 28.70 28.60 20. o 20. o 21. - 17.0 2O.4 19.8 19.8 - 23.4 20. 2 6.4 17 28.76 28.88 29.02 6.0 - 6.0 - 8.0 6.0 22. 5-0 5-0 9-2 13-5 17.0 18 29.12 29.18 29.17 - 15.8 - 16.1 - 10.8 8.0 - 17-3 IO.O - 8.5 18.0 13-0 IO.O 19 29.16 29.20 29.22 - 18.0 15-0 21.5 9.0 19.2 14.5 14.0 21.5 15-2 12.5 20 29.40 29.56 29.56 22. 15.0 II.O - 17.0 24.O 14.0 9-5 19-5 16.8 14.5 21 29.52 29.56 29.42 - 18.2 - 17.8 - 8.5 9-5 21. II.O - 8.5 19.2 14-8 12.5 22 29-33 29.40 29.42 - 12.0 16.0 19.1 9-5 13.0 12. 12. 19.1 14-3 9.6 23 29.40 29.02 28.94 - I4.O II.O 16.0 - 14.0 23.0 IO.O 7-5 16.0 15-2 15-5 24 29.10 29.17 29.16 21. - 24.0 30.0 16.0 22.5 20. o 20. o 30.0 23.0 14.0 25 29.13 29.20 29.24 - 31.0 28.0 24.0 30.0 -32.8 28.0 - 24.0 31-0 - 28.4 8.8 26 29.36 29-43 29.43 - 24.0 22.5 31-0 22.5 - 24.5 - 22.4 22. 32.1 27.0 IO.I 27 29.52 29-54 29.48 25.0 23.5 21.0 25.0 -31.6 22.6 21. 25.0 -26.3 10.6 28 29.42 29.50 29.53 16.0 13-0 - II. 2 15-2 21. 13-0 9-2 16.0 15-1 n. 8 29 29.64 29.66 29.70 20, i - 20.8 - 16.2 9.0 - 21.4 2O. O 16.0 22.0 15-5 13-0 30 29-70 29.76 29.80 - 24.0 - 21.0 - I4.O 16.2 24.0 20. o 13-0 24.0 - 18.5 II.O Smn .... 881.52 882.45 882.18 401.9 409.5 372.9 265.6 515.8 342.1 266.2 -516.8 -386.8 392.2 Menu. . . 29-38 29.42 29.41 - 13-4 13-7 - 12.4 8.9 17.2 11.4 - 8.9 17.2 12.9 13-1 422 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora Observer: FRANCIS during the month of November, 1904 -Continued LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND 8n I2H 2OH 8H I2H 2OH "rt i fi Character be I * 3 W Direction C ui ES-g o.S ~ C c/> i/> - Direction > O w ES-g a.S ^ (3 00 M ii 3 Direction > O w ES-g "S-S-H C M M - In. . /*. In. In. h m 1 h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i .00 .00 .00 .00 S d O OO 8 oo NW 295 NW 93 NW 243 2 T T .00 T S a 7 oo 9 oo NE 205 NW 58 NW 79 3 .00 .00 .04 .04 S d 16 oo . . .. SE 190 SE 78 SE 54 4 .02 .00 .OO .02 ... .. .. .. .. BSE 280 SE 57 SE 189 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SB 134 SB 120 G 5 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. SE 45 B 21 C 3 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. E 25 C II O 14 8 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. B 34 E 53 B 156 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. B 233 E 70 O 54 10 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SE 114 NB 54 NE 88 ii .00 .00 T T s d 19 30 D. N. NE 88 NE 32 SE 106 12 .01 .00 .00 .01 ... .. .. .. .. SB 97 SE 44 W 89 13 .00 .00 T T S" 19 30 20 30 C 27 C 2 SE 21 14 T .04 .62 .66 s d 10 15 D.N. SE 29 SE 89 SSE 141 IS .02 .00 .00 .02 ... .. .. .. .. W 43 W 49 W 63 16 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 194 NW 109 NW 47 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 s a o oo 7 oo NE 296 NB 72 NE 158 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. N 213 C 53 NE 47 19 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. * N 286! NE 27 NB 235 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NE 418 NNE 160 NB IOI 21 .00 .00 .01 .01 S" 18 oo D.N. E 244 W 26 W 74 22 .02 .00 .00 .02 ... .. .. .. .. W ISO N 53 O 108 23 T .02 T .02 S" 7 oo 13 oo ww Si SSW 33 SB 65 24 .00 .00 .00 .00 S" 10 oo 15 30 NNB 220 N 91 N 130 25 .00 T T T S" ii 30 13 40 N 243 N 69 NB 151 26 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NNH ' 466 NW no N 187 27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 249 WNW IO2 W 144 28 .01 .04 .06 .11 s d 7 10 18 20 NE 180 NE 76 NE 124 29 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 109 C O N 5 30 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. | C 6 C 5 ESE 22 Sum .08 .10 73 .91 ... .. .. .. .. SE 5164 172.1 NE 1817 60.6 NE 2003 96.8 Mean METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 423 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of November, 1904 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS 8a I2H 20H DATE t-l |4 t_, ^ . u REMARKS +j Direction g ES-S o.S C (/) ifl g -^ Direction > o M Ev .0 u o 0.5 ^ C m i/> - In. In. In. In. h m h in If*. Mi. Mi. i .00 .01 T .01 S" 8 50 12 2O B 180 E 69 E 98 2 .00 .00 T T S" 7 55 D.N. E 167 E 65 B 103 3 .01 .00 .01 .02 S" 18 10 D.N. E\E 202 E 49 E 20 4 .01 T .02 03 I S* I S" 8 25 13 35 10 30 | 21 10 ) ESE 174 ESE 26 ESE 47 5 T .00 .00 T .. .. .. .. t-1 Character I s a u m I o W Direction > O "?-" EMM - Direction lu.3 Coo o.S ^ C tn f) ji * Direction Wind mov. since last obs. In. . In. III. In. h m h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i .00 .00 .00 .00 ... " " .. .. B 270 E 24 E Si 2 .00 .02 .01 03 S" 10 00 13 30 ESB 175 E SO E 84 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. B 151 NE 45 C 8 4 .00 .00 .18 .18 S 13 25 20 15 ENE 86 NE 48 E 160 5 T .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NE 203 NE 55 E 188 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. B 130 E 24 C i 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 s d 21 30 .. .. C S VV 14 E 28 8 .04 T .00 .04 S" .. .. 9 30 E 42 B 46 NE 12 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. ESB 145 E 49 E IO2 TO .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. . . .. ESE 176 ESE 46 C H II .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. E 76 E 26 SE 87 12 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 49 B 5 C 2 13 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. NE 73 NE IOO C 52 14 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. * E 104 E 69 SB 130 IS .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. ESE 181 ESE 64 ESE 220 16 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. SB 373 ESE 131 ESE 252 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SB 429 ESE 142 ESE 200 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. ESE 3i8 ESE 67 E 85 19 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. E 248 E 77 B 183 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 195 NE 45 N 123 21 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. SE 149 C 3 ENE 49 22 .00 .06 .04 .10 s 13 30 19 55 E 303 D 114 SB 142 23 .06 .00 .30 .36 s ra D.N. .. .. NW 122 NW in NW 361 24 25 .00 .00 .25 S" 1 .. D.N. NW . 288 NW U7 NW 187 25 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 78 BNE 18 E 183 26 25 .10 .40 75 s m D.N. .. .. E 477 E 130 E 287 27 .30 .08 .24 .62 S 1 " . . 17 30 ENE 257 ENE 86 B 216 28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 46 C 3 NNE "5 gum .90 .26 1.17 2.33 ... . . . . E 5149 183.9 E 1709 61.0 B 3582 127.9 Mean 432 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of February, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS 8n I2H 20H DATE u L, u ' g REMARKS V E E o Direction > o ^ O.S 4-> C Direction > w E .43 O O.S .M C 09 41 A 7n. . In. In. In. h m h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. SW 434 N 84 G 56 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. E 92 E 144 ENE 176 3 .00 . .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NB 204 C 30 W 98 4 .00 T IS . -IS g m u 30 16 30 NE 77 SW 131 NW 33 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. \VNW 333 WNW 102 W 220 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 160 SW 25 ESE 123 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. E 468 E 170 E 340 8 25 .04 T .29 gm D.N. .. .. SE 320 SE 58 B 48 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 s m .. .. o 40 NE 249 NE 141 NE 80 10 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 18 G 13 C i ii .00 .00 .28 .28 gm 13 40 D.N. ESE 282 ENE no B 246 12 25 .00 .00 25 ... .. .. E 380 E 118 E 242 13 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. E 3'4 ENE no ESE 164 14 .12 .04 .00 .16 gm D.N. ii 30 C 40 N 8 N 130 IS .OO .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. j .. .. NW 302 NW 40 ssw 33 16 .00 .01 .01 .02 gm 10 40 13 oo C 20 WNW 15 C 35 17 .OO .00 .00 .00 ... j .. .. NE 43 NE 82 E 130 18 .OO .00 .00 .00 ... ( I .. .. S 48 C 12 E 6 19 .OO .00 03 03 s" 17 30 : 22 50 NW 2 NW 20 WNW 40 20 .02 .00 .00 .02 ... .. .. , .. .. C Si WSW 14 NE 47 21 45 .01 .00 .46 s" D.N. | 8 45 NW 44 NW 31 NW 59 22 .04 .00 .00 .04 S" 5 oo 9 15 E 16 E 32 C 7 23 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. E 141 E 34 BNE 88 24 25 T .02 .27 \ s ra i R 4 oo 13 30 8 30 1 21 30 ) ENE 81 WSW 29 W 94 25 T T .04 .04 gm u 30 18 30 NW 160 NW 27 NW 50 26 .00 .00 03 03 gm 16 30 19 40 NW 125 C 36 G 14 27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NE 243 NE 100 C 81 28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. NW in N 16 C 24 29 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. N 42 N 35 NNW 118 30 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. N 130 NW 57 N 100 31 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... '. . . . .. .. C 25 N 7 W 65 Sum 1.38 .10 56 2.04 . E 4955 159.8 E 1831 59-1 B 1 2948 95-1 Mean METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 435 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cafe Flora during the month of March, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS 8n I2H 2OH ^. tn DATE U h U 1" REMARKS u E +J E ^U E c a o o C M y o C o o O.g 3 rt 3 rt i: 3 rt i: ^ 2 o E o in o E e rt J3 i-l E J c J5 L S-Cu W 1 W W J IO S ... 8 Fog 15:00 to 23:50. 27 o ... ... O . . . o Open water southwest. 28 o ... ... O ... ! s (A-S) S N | N J I (Few (Ci-S) N I 29 (Few s E j O o . o 30 o ... ... o ... ... . . . ... o 31 o ... ... o ... ... o ... ... o Sum.... 168 169 ... . . . 159 t 168 Mean.. . 5-4 ... ... 5.5 ... ... S-3 ... ... 5-4 436 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of April, 1005 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 20H Mean of extremes Range SH I2H 2OH 8H I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. 7n. In. In. o o o o o o i 29.66 29.67 29-70 33-0 30.0 33-0 25.0 -34.8 - 30.0 - 29.O 33-0 29.9 9.8 2 29.69 29.70 29-75 36.0 33-0 40.0 - 30.0 - 39-2 33-0 29.2 40.0 - 34-6 10.8 3 29.72 29.74 29-74 35-0 31-0 38.0 35-0 - 43-0 30.5 26.2 38.0 - 34-6 16.8 4 29.66 29.52 29-36 28.0 29.0 6.0 28.0 - 40.5 19.0 - 6.0 29.0 - 23.2 34-5 5 29.47 29-54 29-52 + 3-0 + 6.0 + 9-0 + 4-0 - 6.0 + 8.4 + 13-4 + 3-2 + 3-7 19.4 6 29.70 29.82 29.84 + 5-2 + 4-6 + 3-5 + 9-0 + 4-6 + 5-2 + 5-2 + 2.O + 5-5 7-0 7 29.78 29.78 29.86 + 6.0 + 8.4 + 17-0 + IO.O + 1.2 + 8.5 + 18.5 + 6.0 + 9-8 17-3 8 30.06 30.17 30.22 -f- 21.2 + 20. o + 13-0 + 22. + 16.0 + 22.4 + 22.4 + 12.9 + 17.6 9-5 9 30.30 30.38 30.50 + II. + 13-0 + M-o + 14-2 + 9-0 + 13-0 + 17-0 + II. + 13.0 8.0 10 30.66 30.76 30.78 + 4-0 + 5-0 + 7-2 + 14-0 + 4-0 + 5-0 + 7-2 + 2.2 + 8.1 11.8 II 30.78 30.82 30.78 I.O + 3-0 4-5 + 7-5 8.0 + 5-0 + 7-6 5-o O.2 15-6 12 30.68 30.71 30.64 - 4.0 + 5-0 5-0 + 2.0 - II. O + 5-0 + 9-0 5-0 I.O 20. o 13 30.54 30.56 30.48 - 6.0 + 4-5 + 8.4 5-0 - IO.O + 4-5 + 8.4 8.0 0.8 18.4 14 30.24 30.18 30.00 + 6.0 + IO.O + 17-6 + 12.2 + 2.0 + IO.O + 17-6 + 4-2 + 9.8 15-6 IS 29.96 29.07 29.96 + 21.0 + 23.0 + 23.4 + 22.0 + 15-0 + 23.0 + 26.8 + 20. o + 20.9 11. 8 16 30.14 30.24 30.28 + 6.0 + 3-0 + O.2 + 23.5 I.O + 6.0 + 7-0 2.O + 10.8 25-5 17 30.25 30.27 30.32 2.O I.O + 1.2 + 2.6 3-0 + 1.2 + 7-0 2.O + 2.O IO.O 18 30.16 30.14 30.01 2.0 2.O 3-0 + 1-2 II. O o.o o.o 3-0 - 4-9 12.2 19 29.92 29.97 29.98 + 2.0 + 4-4 + 2.O + 2.2 - 5-6 + 6.2 + 6.2 + I.O + 0.3 II. 8 20 30.04 30.10 30.18 + 3-9 + 6.0 + 4-0 + 5-0 0.0 + 6.8 + 12.5 + 3-0 + 6.2 12.5 21 30.20 30.26 30.30 1.2 + 4-0 2.5 + 3-0 II. O + 4-8 + 5-8 3-0 2.6 16.8 22 30.28 30.34 30.34 3-0 o.o + I.O 2.5 7-0 o.o + 7-8 - 4.0 + 0.4 14.8 23 30.32 30-34 30.34 2.5 + 2.9 + I.O + I.O - 4-6 + 3-0 + 7-6 2.5 + i.S 12.2 24 30.36 30.41 30.44 + 3-6 + 9-0 + 3-0 + 3-0 6.0 + 9-0 + 13-0 + 3-6 + 3-5 Ip.O 25 30.44 30.46 30.38 1.2 + 4-0 + 2.2 + 3-5 2.O + 4-0 + 6.7 1.2 + 2.4 8.7 26 30.17 30.10 29-95 + I.O + 4-5 + 17-0 + 5-0 O.O + 4-5 + 17-0 + I.O + 8.5 17.0 27 29.82 29.84 29.87 + 23.0 + 27.0 + 29.0 + 24.0 + 17-0 + 27.0 + 29.6 + 23.0 + 23.3 12.6 28 29.92 29.98 30.03 + 29.0 + 28.5 + 27.9 + 30.0 + 24.2 + 30.0 + 30.o + 27.9 + 27.1 5.8 29 29-93 29.90 29.90 + 25.0 + 24.5 + 31-5 + 28.0 + 23.1 + 25.0 + 32.0 + 23.0 + 27.5 9.0 30 29.00 29-94 29.96 + 30.0 + 29.5 + 31-0 + 32.0 + 23.9 + 3i. i + 33-0 + 28.0 + 28.4 9-1 Sum... . 902.75 003.61 903-41 + 46.0 + 123.8 + I32.I + 155-4 103-7 +156.1 +277-9 3-7 + 98.5 423-3 hfean... 30.09 30.12 30.11 + 1-5 + 4-1 + 4-4 + 5-2 3-5 + 5-2 + 9-3 O.I + 3-3 14.1 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 437 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of April, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H 3 H Character bo I f c M D ca so a 3 c W Direction O <"' E 8-S o.c C (f) - Direction > O en Ecu <* o.S ~ C w t/> j C O '6 B !_ S > en Eo *-> o o o.S C in to [ * /. . In. In. In. h in h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. W 93 SW 32 NE 73 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. NE 95 C 60 C 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. C 13 C o C i 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 . . .. .. E 16 NE 88 SE 327 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 . . .. .. SB 323 SE 154 SE 271 6 .00 .00 .00 .00 . . SE 318 ESE 102 ESE 174 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 S m IS 40 21 4O SE 393 SB 196 SB 329 8 .04 .00 .00 .04 .. .. SE 266 SE 100 B 223 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. E 380 E 99 ENB 315 10 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. SE 423 SE I2O SB 237 ii .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. NE 146 C 7 W 24 12 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 22 C 4 SB 40 13 .00 .00 .02 .02 g. 12 40 21 30 SE 54 c 19 B 63 14 .01 .00 .00 .01 ENE 160 E 40 NE 162 IS .15 .08 25 .48 ( S d i S" D.N. 8 15 D.N. | 21 30 J NE 88 ENE 10 W 146 16 .02 .00 .00 .02 ... .. .. .. .. NE 302 N S3 N 75 17 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. N 244 NNE loo C 168 18 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. E 108 E 68 ENE 232 19 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. E 395 NE 93 NB 230 20 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. ENE 212 ENE 88 B 72 21 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. C 12 C 5 C 21 22 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. E 12 E 19 W O 23 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. W 47 W 68 NW 66 24 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. N 40 C 20 C 4 25 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. .. .. E 66 B 48 B 142 26 .00 .00 .01 .01 s d 19 oo 22 OO ENE 322 E 130 SB 254 27 .40 .04 T .44 g ra o 30 13 20 SE no SSE 86 B 44 28 .01 .00 .01 .02 ! s I s o 30 15 oo D.N. I .. .. J E 96 SE 53 B 51 29 .40 .04 .04 .48 ) s m 1 s 19 35 17 30 I 20 30 j SE 196 E 72 C 100 30 T T .04 .04 \ s m i s 9 oo 14 oo ii 30 j 19 00 ) S 37 S 24 B 35 Sum 1.03 .16 37 1.56 ... .. .. .. .. SE 4989 166.3 B 1958 65.3 B 3879 133.8 Mean 438 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OK ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of April, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS SH I2H 2OH ^ tn DATE t_. t* 1_ JC* IS v REMARKS o> E V 2 u E C | B y g 8 o C o ^5 3 *3 3 fc 3 o C o E o C i a c C E I j3 U rt <-; 14 <.2 y 5 < u Q < o 5 ' i ... i 3 (Few (A-S) S-Cu SW ( SW ( Few s NE i 2 o o ... o 3 o . . ... o ... . . . o o Open water to south. 4 i 4 1 3 (A-S) S E 1 E j 10 S NE 10 s SE 9 Drifting snow. 5 10 I SB (Few i 2 (A-Cu) S-Cu SE | SE J IO s SB 8 6 !' 3 1 5 (Ci-Cu) S-Cu SE j SB j Few (Ci-Cu) BSB 4 (A-S) BSE 4 Drifting snow to 9:00. 7 i 2 1 2 (Ci-Cu) S-Cu SB { SB i f I (Few (Cl-Cu) (Cu) S-Cu SE 1 SB } SE J IO N SE 7 Drifting snow from 9:00. 8 IO S SB 10 S SB i I 1 2 Ci-Cu S B i E | 8 Drifting snow from 9:00. 9 Few S-Ou B o ... ... O ... ... 10 o ... ... ... ... o ... ... o Drifting snow to 12:30. ii ... o ... ... o ... ... 12 o . . . o . . . o . . . o 13 * IO S IO N 7 Fog 1:00 to 11:00. 14 i 'r (S-Cu) S s 1 ENEi ( 5 1 i (Ci-S) Cu S E 1 E B J 10 S NB 8 IS IO S NB IO N ENE IO N IO r 2 (Cl-S) SW ] 16 ^Few (Ci-Cu) sw Few Ci-S SW . . . I Very fine weather. [Few S-Cu NE j 17 4 S-Cu M Few S-Cu NNE I Open water south and southwest. 18 4 3 (A-S) S E 1 B \ IO S* E IO S* ... 8 Fog from 10:00. 19 ! i (Ci-Cu) S-Cu B r E i 2 Cu E 3 S-Cu NE 2 High east to northeast wind all day. 20 o O . . . O 21 ! ! (A-Cu) S-Cu B ) E } 8 S-Cu B ... ** ... 8 Dense fog from 17:10. 22 ... * . . . ** IO S IO Dense fog to 17:30. 23 Few (Ci-S) NB 2 (Ci-Cu) N Few (Cu) N I 24 o . . . Few (Ci-Cu) N 10 S 4 25 o * ... o ... ... ! 2 I 3 (Ci-Cu) S NE i s i i Fog 7:00 to 10:00. 26 7 (A-S) BNE 7 (A-S) E IO N 8 27 IO N* SE IO N* ... 10 S* 10 Fog from 12:30. 28 IO S* . . . IO S 10 N* IO Fog to 10:00 and from 16:00. 29 IO N* SB IO N* . . . IO N* IO Fog all day. 30 I I0 S* IO S IO S ... IO Fog to 11:00. Sum... . ; 129 .' 124 ... 1 55 ... ... 146 j Mean... i 4-4 j. . j , . 4.3 5-3 4.9 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 439 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cafe Flora during the month of May, 1905 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 2OH Mean of extremes Range 8H I2H 20H 8H I2H 2OH Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. In. . In. In. o o o O o i 20.88 29.87 29.88 + 25.0 + 27.0 + 27.0 + 32.0 + 24.2 + 27.0 + 33-0 + 24.0 + 28.5 9.0 2 29.74 29.78 29.78 + 29.5 + 31-4 + 32.0 + 30.0 + 24.6 + 31.0 + 32.0 + 28.0 + 28.3 7-4 3 29.68 29.70 29.62 + 32.0 + 32-4 + 33-0 + 32 . + 30.0 + 32.4 + 33-0 + 3I-I + 31.5 3-0 4 29.62 29.66 29.62 + 21. + 25.2 + 25.0 + 33-0 + 20. i + 25.2 + 26.9 + 21. + 26.6 12.9 S 29-44 29-39 29.41 + 26.0 + 21.4 + 18.8 + 26,0 + 24.0 + 26.0 + 26.0 + 18.0 + 22.0 8.0 6 29.48 29.56 29.65 + 17-0 + 14-0 + 15-9 + 18.8 + 14-2 + 17-0 + 22. + 13-6 + 17.8 8.4 7 29.60 29.60 29.57 + 22. + 25-0 + 20. o + 22. + 15-0 + 25.6 + 26.5 + 18.0 + 20.8 ii. 5 8 29.22 29.23 29.08 + 17-0 + 23-0 + 32.0 + 2O. O + 14-0 + 23.0 + 32.0 + 17-0 + 23.0 18.0 9 28.97 29.04 29.14 + 33-0 + 28.4 + 23.0 + 33-0 + 30.0 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 22.0 + 28.5 13.0 10 29.19 29.28 29.40 + 24.0 + 25.0 + 25.8 + 24.0 + 22. + 25.6 + 29.0 + 23.4 + 25-5 7.0 ii 29.58 29.67 29.82 + 16.0 + 15-4 + 13.0 + 26.0 + 16.0 + 18.0 + 18.0 + 13-0 + IQ-5 13-0 12 29.92 30.00 30.08 + II. O + 10.4 + 15.4 + 13-0 + IO.O + 14-0 + 24.0 + IO.O + 17-0 14.0 1.3 30.00 29.97 29.82 + 15.4 + 20. o + 30.0 + 15-4 + IO.O + 20. + 30.0 + 15.4 + 20. 20. o 14 29.66 29.62 29.46 + 31.0 + 3i.o + 30.0 + 3i.o + 29.1 + 31.4 + 31.4 + 30.0 + 30.2 2.3 IS 29.28 29.31 29.28 + 33-o + 33-0 + 33-0 + 33-0 + 29.0 + 33.4 + 34-0 + 30.o + 31-5 5-0 16 29.18 29.19 29.24 + 33-0 + 36.0 + 33-5 + 35-0 + 31.0 + 37-0 + 38.8 + 32.0 + 34-9 7-8 17 29-34 29.46 29.53 + 20.4 + 18.4 + 13-0 + 33-9 + 20.0 + 20.4 + 20.4 + 12.6 + 23.2 21.3 18 29-54 29-57 29.60 + ii. 5 + ii. 5 + II. O + 13-0 + 10.0 + 13.2 + 14-0 + 10.0 + 12.0 4.0 19 29.44 29-50 29.47 + 15-0 + 21. 1 + 24.0 + iS-o + IO.2 + 22.1 + 25.8 + 14-0 + 18.0 15-6 20 29.40 29.51 29.59 + 25.0 + 26.5 + 28.5 + 28:5 + 24.0 + 26.6 + 29.0 + 25.0 + 26.5 5-0 21 29-3-' 29.61 29.68 + 28.0 + 28.5 + 27.0 + 28.9 + 25.2 + 28.6 + 29.0 : + 26.2 + 27.1 3-8 22 29.68 29.71 29.70 + 29.0 + 28.5 + 24.0 + 29.0 + 26.0 + 29.0 + 29.8 + 24.0 + 26.9 5-8 23 29.66 29.69 29.74 + 22.5 + 24.5 + 2 4r + 24.0 + 21.0 + 25.0 + 26.1 + 22. + 23.6 5-1 24 29.69 29.78 29.81 + 24.0 + 24.0 + 20. o + 24.0 + 21.0 + 25.0 + 25.1 + 20. + 22.6 5.1 25 29.79 29-87 29.88 + 17-0 + 22. + 18.8 + 20. o + 16.0 + 22. + 25.1 + 17-0 + 20.6 9-1 26 29.88 29.92 29.97 + 21.0 + 21.5 + 20. o + 23.0 + 15-0 + 25.0 + 34.1 + 2O. O + 24.6 19.1 27 29.92 29-97 29.95 + 25.0 + 25.1 + 25.0 + 25.0 + I7-I + 27.1 + 35-0 + 24.6 + 26.0 17-9 28 29-91 29.96 29.98 + 22. + 20.4 + 20. o + 25.1 + 19-5 + 22.5 + 22.5 + 19-0 + 22. 6.1 29 29.97 30.01 30.00 I + 22.0' + 23.0 + 24.0 + 22.0 + 18.0 + 23.0 + 24.0 + 2O. O + 21. 6.0 30 29-95 29.93 29.89 + 26. oi + 26.0 + 27.0 + 28.0 + 23.1 + 26.4 + 32.2 + 24.1 + 27.6 9-1 31 20.95 29.96 30.08 + 24.0, + 28.0 + 27.0 + 27-8 + 23.8 + 28.8 + 35-0 + 23.8 + 29.4 II. 2 Sum 917-88 919.32 919.72 +7i8.3 : +747-6 +740.7 +791-4 +633-1 +786.3 +878.7 +648.8 +756.7 304.5 Mean... 29.61 29.66 29.67 + 23.2 + 24.1 + 23.9 + 25-5 + 20.4 + 25.4 + 28.3 + 20.9 + 24.4 9.8 440 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of May, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATB PRECIPITATION WIND 9m I2H 2OH SH I2H 20H 3 o {H Character 60 1 'S a '5b PQ 1 o 1 Direction > C f> T3.C ^ C (/) t ~ Direction > o ^ E8-S o.S C w t/J g -3 Direction g a ES-o fiJ- C en en i - In. In. In. In. h m h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. H 190 E 78 ESE 197 2 25 .04 .04 33 S m D.N. 21 2Q ESE 300 E 73 ENE 112 3 .01 T .08 .09 ( S m I s ra 10 30 14 oo 10 45 1 19 oo ) ESE 167 ESE 47 SE 51 4 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. W 143 W 31 NW . . . 5 .04 T .OO .04 i S" i s< D.N. IO OO D.N. I II OO i 8W 37 N 100 NW 134 6 .00 .00 .OO .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 195 NW 49 NW 94 7 .00 03 .01 .04 g m 10 26 13 30 C 42 SSE 18 E 87 8 .00 .00 .08 .08 S" 14 30 .. E 367 E 103 E 189 9 .10 .02 .02 .14 gm .. .. 10 35 C 148 SW 38 SW 90 10 .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. ENE 80 E 31 C 28 ii .00 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NE 129 NE 103 NE 140 12 .00 .OO .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. N 189 N 59 C 13 13 T T .04 .04 1 S< 1 s m D.N. II OO D.N. / .. .. i SSE 44 SE 28 ssw 78 14 .02 T .00 .02 gm . . 9 10 SSE 80 SE 23 SSE 96 IS .00 .00 .01 .01 ! s ra I s" 14 20 18 26 14 40 I D.N. j SSW 100 SW 41 SSW 50 16 .02 .00 .00 .02 ... .. .. C 30 O 4 ii 17 .00 T .00 T f S" ] s I s" 8 40 12 14 21 45 10 35 1 12 30 } D.N. j NW "5 NW 62 NW 151 18 .02 .00 .00 .02 ... .. .. NW 251 NW 95 NW 159 19 .OO .02 .08 .10 s" IO OO 17 oo NE 235 W 106 SSE US 20 30 .04 .00 34 gm D. N. 10 30 E 196 E 130 ENE 224 21 .OO .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. E 295 E 89 ENE 176 22 .OO .00 .00 .00 .. NE 191 ENE 65 NE 128 23 .08 T .06 .14 i 8" { S" D.N. 15 00 8 30 I 22 OO \ NE 206 NE 64 NE in 24 .04 .02 .00 .06 \ 8" t S" 10 2O 22 35 ii 30 } 22 50 j ENE 220 ENE 58 NW 89 25 T .00 .00 T ... .. .. .. NW US NE 56 N\V 161 26 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. .. NW 245 NE 36 N 60 27 .00 .00 .00 .00 .. . . N 82 N 29 N 35 28 .00 .00 T T i s d i s" 14 13 19 10 14 23 1 21 40 \ NW 108 NW 55 NW 76 29 T T .00 T s a 7 30 9 10 W 85 WSW 33 WSW 73 30 .00 T .04 .04 S< II OO 15 10 E 50 E 55 W 106 31 .00 .00 T T s d 16 15 i/ 30 W 133 NW 39 SW So Sum. . .... .88 17 .46 LSI ... .. .. .. .. NW 4768 153.8 E 1798 58.0 NW 3084 102.8 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 441 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of May, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE CLOUDS REMARKS 8n I2H 2OH ^a 5 % ! *l Amount Character | *+H u Q Amount Character I *+-! ui 5 Amount Character c MH u a i 10 S E 10 S E 10 S ESE IO 2 10 N ESB 10 N ... 10 N* ... 10 Fog from 15:10. 3 10 S ESB . . . ** . . . IO S* 10 Generally foggy. 4 10 S W i 2 f I (A-Cu). S-Cu N i W i IO S ... 10 Fog to 4:00. 5 ( 3 t 5 S-Cu S NE NE S Few (A-Cu) S N N j 2 S-Cu NW S 6 2 S-Cu NW Few S-Cu NW Few S-Cu NW i Very fine weather. 7 IO S IO N SSE IO S-Cu NW 10 r 2 (A-Cu) B ] 8 10 S E \ 2 A-S E \ 10 N E IO I 4 S-Cu E j 9 IO N* . . . IO S 10 S . . . 10 10 IO S . . 10 S E IO S IO Light winds. ii 10 S NE 10 S NE 10 S NE IO Drifting snow 4:35 to 15:40. 12 Few S-Cu N Few S-Cu N o 13 10 S SSE 10 N* SE 10 N* ssw 10 Fog from 11:00. 14 10 N* SSE 10 S* SE 10 S SSE 10 Fog from 14:40. IS IO S 10 S SW 10 N* SSW IO I/; i 4 (A-Cu) W 4 (A-Cu) SE 4 (A-S) ... j HI I 3 S-Cu W 4 S-Cu SE 5 S ... J 17 10 S NW i 4 i 4 S-Cu S NW NW 4 4 (A-Cu) S-Cu NW ) NW ] 8 Snow drifting during p. M. 18 1 3 1 3 (A-Cu) S-Cu W NW 3 3 (A-Cu) S-Cu NW NW 2 Few (A-Cu) S-Cu NW j NW ) 4 Open water south and southwest 8:00 to 24:00. 19 i 5 i 5 (A-S) S NE ) NE j 10 N W 10 S SSE IO Open water south and southwest. f 2 (Ci-Cu) NE 1 20 IO N E IO S E \ 2 S-Cu NE I 8 Open water south and southwest. I 3 S NE J 21 S 3 I 6 S-Cu S E E 3 7 S-Cu S E E 3 6 S-Cu S B | B i 9 Open water southeast, south, and southwest. r 2 (Ci-Cu) NE 2 (Ci-Cu) NE 1 22 3 S-Cu NE 3 S-Cu NE } IO S NE 6 Open water south and southeast. LFew S NE Few S NE J f 2 (Ci-Cu) NE I 23 10 N NE < 3 S-Cu NE \ 10 N NE 8 Open water southeast to south to southwest 1 I S NE j off island. r 2 (Ci-S) NE 1 24 3 S-Cu ENE \ IO S ENE IO S NW 8 Open water south and southwest; drifting (.Few S E J 10=30 to 12:15. oC 1 2 (Ci-Cu) NW 2 (Ci-Cu) NE 2 (Ci-Cu) NW I 25 i 3 S-Cu NW Few S-Cu NE I S-Cu NW ( S 26 f 2 (.Few (Ci-S) (Ci-Cu) S NW 1 NW [ NW J 1 3 1 2 (Ci-S) Ci-Cu NE ) NE ) f 2 { I I 2 (Ci-S) (Ci-Cu) S N 1 N > N J 5 27 i Ci-S N Few (Ci-S) N 1 I A-Cu S-Cu N 1 N | 2 28 10 S NW IO S NW IO N NW 10 29 10 N W IO S W 10 S WSW 10 30 IO S E 10 N E ! 3 6 S-Cu g N 1 N 10 31 f 2 i i (A-Cu) S-Cu S W ] w \ W J o ... ... \ ** ! 4 1 4 S-Cn S *' J SW i SW i 5 urn 248 ... 216 * ... 246 * > > > . < 242 1 ,'ean.. . 8.0 ... 7.2 ... ... 7-9 ... ... 7-8 29 442 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of June, 1905 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OF FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS SH I2H 20H Mean of extremes Range 8H I2H 20H 8H I2H 20H Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. In. . In. In. o o || o O o o i 30.07 30.08 30.08 + 26.2 ... + 32-4 + 28.8 + 22. ... + 35-0 + 23.0 + 28.5 13.0 2 30.02 30.02 30.00 + 29.2 ... + 27.8 + 32-4 + 27.0 + 29.4 + -'7.0 + 29.7 5.4 3 29.90 29.92 29.92 + 26.5 ... + 28.0 + 27.4 + 25.0 ... + 32.0 + 20.5 + 28.5 7.0 4 29-94 29.98 30.01 + 30.0 ... + 30.0 + 3i.o + 27.0 + 37-0 + 29.0 + 32.0 10. 5 29.98 30.00 30.00 + 26.5 + 27.4 + 30.0 + 26.1 + 29.0 + 26.0 + 28.0 4.0 6 29.94 29.96 29.96 + 29.0 ... + 29.2 + 29.9 + 26.5 ... + 34-8 + 28.2 + 30.6 8.3 7 29-93 29.91 29-95 + 29.0 ... + 28.5 + 30.0 + 28.0 + 33-o + 27.1 + 3o.o 8 29.91 ... 29.92 + 28.1 ... + 26.0 + 30.0 + 27-2 + 33-0 + 26.0 + 29.5 9 29.82 29.82 + 26.5 + 26.0 + 27.9 + 25.0 + 29.0 + 25.0 + 27.0 10 29.78 ... 29.62 4- 27.0 + 26.0 + 28.1 + 23.9 + 27.0 + 24.0 + 26.0 4.2 ii 29.41 ... 29.18 + 34-0 ... + 33-8 + 34-0 + 24.0 + 35.0 + 33-0 + 29.5 II. 12 29.27 ... 29-38 + 34-0 ... + 33-0 + 34-0 + 32.0 ... + 34-0 + 32.0 + 33-0 J 13 29-39 ... 29.67 + 32.0 ... + 32.2 + 33-o + 31-2 + 37-0 + 32.0 + 34-1 J 14 29.85 29.92 + 32.0 ... + 32.2 + 33-0 + 27.1 ... + 39-0 + 30.0 + 33-0 1 1. 9 " 15 29-74 ... 29.54 + 34-0 ... + 33-8 + 34-0 + 30.0 ... + 35-0 + 32.0 + 32-5 5, 16 29-42 ... 29.52 + 3L i ...' + 30.4 + 33-8 + 30.0 ... + 33-0 + 29.0 + 31-4 I 17 29.48 29.46 + 27.5 + 29.0 + 30.4 + 26.2 ... + 30.0 + 27.0 + 28.3 J 18 29.15 29.16 + 28.5 ... + 30.0 + 28.5 + 26.2 ... + 32.0 + 28.5 + 29.1 i 19 29.24 29.36 + 28.9 ... + 29.0 + 30.0 + 26.6 ... + 32.0 + 28.0 + 29.3 1 20 29.28 29.30 + 33-0 ... + 32.0 + 33-0 + 27.8 ... + 33-0 + 30.0 + 30.4 | 21 29.28 29-34 + 32.0 + 32.0 + 32-0 + 30.0 ... + 36.1 + 30.0 + 33-0 22 29.22 29-33 + 31-5 ... + 32.0 + 32.0 + 30.0 + 37-3 + 30.0 + 33-6 23 29.36 29.40 + 28.0 + 29.0 + 33-0 + 26.0 ... + 31-0 + 27.0 + 29.5 M 24 29-34 ... 29.38 + 33-0 ... + 3i-o + 33-6 + 28.0 ... + 35-0 + 30.0 + 31.5 7.0 25 29.48 ... 29-54 + 32.0 ... + 34-0 + 32.5 + 28.8 + 42.0 + 32.0 + 35-4 13-2 26 29.52 29.56 + 32.4 ... + 33-5 + 35-o + 31-2 + 34-0 + 31.0 + 33-0 4.0 27 29.56 ... 29.68 + 32.0 + 30.0 + 33-5 + 27.2 ... + 35-0 + 30.0 + 31- 1 28 29.76 29.94 + 32.5 ... + 3i.o + 32.5 + 30.1 ... + 34-6 + 3o.o + 32.3 29 30.00 30.10 + 31-0 + 30.0 + 32.4 + 29.0 + 32.0 + 29.0 + 30-7 30 30.14 30.18 + 31-0 ... + 33-0 + 3i.o + 29.0 ... + 33-0 + 29.0 + 31-0 4-0 Sum... . 8*). 18 890.22 +908.4 +912.2 +946.7 +828.1 ... + 1009.2 +861.3 +921-5 194.4 Mean . . . 29.64 ... 29.67 + 30.3 ... + 30.4 + 31-6 + 27.6 ... + 33-6 + 28.7 + 30.7 6.5 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of June, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG 443 DATE PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 2OH Sn I2H 2OH ~a H Character to c 'a c '& <3 _C 5 W Direction Wind mov. since last obs. Direction o X es-S o.S ~ C (rt ft Direction O to SOJ ^ J3 /.. In. In. In. h m h m Mi. Mi. Mi. i .00 ... .00 .00 ... .. .. SW 85 C 119 2 .00 ... T T \ s- | S" 19 05 21 50 20 10 I, QW 22 40 ij ii ... ... SSW 95 3 T .04 .04 i s m i s m 8 30 16 oo 12 IO | S 62 ... ... S 64 4 03 .00 03 8- . . .. 7 05 C 37 E 40 5 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. ESE "7 E 127 6 T ... T T f S" S" I R 4 10 6 45 14 oo 4 20 ] 7 10 *t 14 10 J E 66 E Si 7 .00 .OO .00 .. . . .. N 16 ... . . . NE "5 8 .00 ... .01 .01 H 18 oo 18 40 N 15 NE 85 9 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. NW 95 NW 139 10 .00 ... .01 .01 S" 18 40 SW 89 . . . SE 106 f S" o 50 1 ii .05 .02 .07 S 2 50 10 45 \ SE 172 SW 74 I s ra IS 27 16 27 J 12 .01 .OO .01 1 H 3 03 3 30 3 30 1 4 10 } SSW 118 SW IO2 13 .01 ... .OI .02 ( S ra 1 Q d 3 oo 12 30 6 40 | 13 30 i SW 57 ... ... W 101 14 .00 ... .00 .00 .. .. .. .. W "5 SW 107 15 .00 .00 .00 .. W 82 ... ... w 112 f s" I OO 4 12 1 16 .05 .04 .09 S" 7 30 14 oo ^ w 184 WNW 292 I s" 20 15 23 44 J 17 .02 .01 03 ( S" S" 4 04 10 30 4 30 i II 30 ( w 262 W 256 18 30 ... .40 .70 S" 3 10 18 oo w 251 . . . WNW 222 19 .00 .00 .00 ... .. .. .. .. N 241 N 192 20 .00 .01 .01 s d 16 oo 20 IO WNW 203 . . . ... W 300 21 T ... .00 T g. 3 50 7 15 4 10 1 7 56 i W 247 WSW 198 22 .01 ... .01 .02 s d 6* 2 4O 6 55 3 30 ! 9 40 ( wsw 127 NW 139 23 .01 ... .00 .OI S" o 30 3 40 NW 204 . . . NW 145 24 .00 ... T T B" 9 09 IO OO NW 102 N 72 25 .00 ... .00 .00 s m 21 30 23 20 NW 81 SW 65 26 .01 ... .00 .01 ... .. .. .. .. NW 49 . . . WNW 77 27 .00 ... T T s m II OO 22 30 o 30 I 23 oo ! EXE 53 ... E 45 28 T ... .00 T ... .. .. .. .. EXE 52 C 33 29 j .00 ... .00 .00 .. .. .. .. C 10 W 35 30 ; .00 .00 .00 er 22 OO 23 30 W 51 ... ... W 62 Sum j .50 ... 56 1.06 ... .. .. .. .. 3254 3570 Mean ... ... ... .. .. .. .. W 108.5 ... ... W 119.0 444 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of June, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS 8H I2H 2OH DATE u C s b S t-l V g f.l REMARKS c V o 'c y C 8 o 3 rt 3 rt .j-J 3 rt t-i > 3 o C o E o U 1 rt 3 i 3 E rt O ul 3 *% [Few (Ci-S) w ] i IO S sw ... * . I (Ci-Cu) w 5 I 2 S w . a I S-Cu S SW | sw i ... ... ... IO N ssw 9 3 IO S s ... ... ... IO N s IO 4 IO S ... ... ... 8 S E 9 Fog 1:00 to 2:00 and 3:00 to 3:20. 5 10 S ESE ... ... ... IO S E IO 6 IO s ... ... IO S E 10 7 IO s ... ... ... ... ! 5 (A-S) S N i N J 9 f 2 (Ci-Cu) B 1 8 I 2 (Cu) (A-S) E i E ... ... ... 10 S E 10 Hail 18:00 to 18:40. I I S E J 9 10 s NW ... ... ... 10 S NW IO 10 J 6 t 2 (A-S) S-Cu ... i W ( ... ... ... IO N* SE 10 Fog from 16:30. II IO S SE ... ... ... IO . N SW 10 Fog to 6:30 and 8:30 to 21:00. 12 10 S* SSW ... ... IO S sw 10 Hail 3:03 to 3:30; fog 2:00 to 11:00. 13 2 7 (A-Cu) S sw | SW J ... ... ... ( 3 i 5 S-Cu S w i w ) 8 Fog 3:00 to 6:30. 3 (Ci-S) W ] 14 i (Ci-Cu) w } 10 S sw 9 2 S-Cu W J 15 ... ** ... ... ... 10 S w 10 Generally foggy. 16 10 N w ... ... ... 10 S NW IO Fog 1:00 to 3:20, 10:20 to 11:30, and 22:40 17 3 5 S-Cu S W I W ( ... ... ... 10 S W 8 to 23:15. 18 IO N w ... ... ... 10 s w 10 Heavy snow 3:10 to 5:15. 3 S-Cu N i 1 4 S-Cu N I 19 6 S N J 1 4 S N 1 20 4 4 S-Cu S W | W ( ... ... ... 10 N W 8 21 3 6 S-Cu s W { W J ... ... ... 10 S sw IO 22 IO N wsw ... ... ... f 2 2 I (Ci-Cu) S-f'u S NW 1 NW ) NW J 7 Fog 8:30 to 9:00. 23 10 S NW 3 S-Cu NW i 5 S NW j 24 4 5 (A-S) S NW I NW i ... ... 4 3 (A-Cu) S N i N j 8 25 IO S NW ... ... ** 7 Fog 3 : 3O to 22:30. 26 10 s NW ... ... ... 2 3 (A-Cu) S-Cu N | NW j 8 Winds very light. 27 IO s ENE 10 S E 10 Fog 2:00 to 3:15. 28 10 s ... ... ... ... 10 S , . , IO Light winds. 29 IO s ... ... ... IO S* 10 Fog 11:00 to 21=00. 30 IO s w ... ... ... 10 S 10 Light west winds. Sura 273 ... ... ... ... ... 261 . . . 271 ' Mean... 9-4 ... ... ... ... ... 9-0 ... ... 9.0 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 445 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of July, 1905 Observer: FRANCIS LONG DATE ANEROID BAROMETER READING OP FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETER SELF-REGISTERING FAHRENHEIT THERMOMETERS 8H I2H 2OH Mean of extremes Range 8H I2H 2011 8H I2H 2OH Max. Mia Max. Max. Min. In. . In. In. a o o o O i 30.14 ... 30.12 + 30.0 ... + 30.2 + 33-0 + 28.0 ... + 32.8 + 28.0 + 30.5 5-0 2 30.04 ... 30.00 + 32.0 ... + 33-o + 32.0 + 29.1 ... + 35-6 + 30.0 + 32.4 6.5 3 29.84 29.83 + 34.0 ... + 33-5 + 34-0 + 32.0 ... + 35-0 + 32.0 + 33-5 3-0 4 29.76 ... 29.78 + 33-5 ... + 33-0 + 34-8 + 30.2 ... + 37-8 + 30.0 + 33-9 7-8 5 29.67 29.46 + 33-0 ... + 34-0 + 33-0 + 30.0 ... + 34-0 + 32.0 + 32.0 4.0 6 29.71 29-84 + 34-0 + 33-3 + 34-0 + 33-0 ... + 35-6 + 32.0 + 33-8 3-6 7 29.89 29.90 + 30.0 + 35-2 + 33-3 + 28.0 ... + 40.6 + 30.0 + 34-3 12.6 8 29-85 29.76 + 40.5 ... + 37-4 + 40.5 + 34-o ... + 50.4 + 37-4 + 42.2 16.4 9 29.83 29-94 + 41-0 ... + 37-0 + 4i.o + 36.0 ... + 48.9 + 37-0 + 42.4 12.9 10 30.00 29.98 + 42.0 ... + 34-0 + 45-0 + 36.0 ... + 43-2 + 34-0 + 39-5 II. O II 29.90 29.92 + 34-0 + 34-6 + 37-0 + 31-0 ... + 40.0 + 32.0 + 35-5 9.0 12 29.86 29-95 + 36.0 + 34-0 + 36.8 + 34-0 ... + 36.0 + 33-0 + 34-9 3-8 13 29-93 29.95 + 35-0 + 37-0 + 35-0 + 33-0 ... + 38.6 + 34-0 + 35-8 5-6 14 29.82 . . . 29.84 + 36.0 + 33-6 + 38.0 + 34-5 ... + 36.8 + 33-0 + 35-5 5-o 15 29.98 29.96 + 33-0 ... + 30.0 + 33-8 + 31-0 ... + 38.0 + 29.1 + 33-6 8.9 16 29-95 30.00 + 30.0 ... + 33-0 + 30.0 + 26.0 + 35-0 + 29.0 + 30.5 9.0 17 30.03 30.10 + 34-0 ... + 33-5 + 34-0 + 29.0 ... + 35-0 + 32.0 + 32.0 6.0 18 30.06 . . . 30.06 + 34-0 ... + 31-0 + 34-0 + 31-0 ... + 41-0 + 30.0 + 35-5 II. O 19 29.97 . . 29.96 + 30.0 + 33-0 + 3i.o + 27.0 ... + 35-6 + 29.0 + 31-3 8.6 20 29.98 . . . 30.04 + 34-0 ... + 32.4 + 36.0 + 31-0 ... + 36.0 + 29.0 + 32.5 7.0 21 29.98 . . . 29.87 + 34-0 + 33-0 + 34-0 + 30.0 ... + 34-4 + 32-0 + 32.2 4.4 22 29-75 29.74 + 34-0 ... + 34-0 + 34-0 + 33-0 ... + 36.4 + 33-6 + 34-7 3-4 23 29-58 29.82 + 35-0 ... + 33-5 + 35-4 + 33-2 ... + 36.9 + 33-o + 35-0 3-7 24 29.96 > . . 29.84 + 31-0 ... + 30.0 + 33-5 + 30.0 ... + 41-0 + 30.0 + 35-5 II. 25 29.60 . . . 29.87 + 34-9 + 35-0 + 35-0 + 30.0 ... + 37-6 + 32.0 + 33-8 7-6 26 29.90 30.00 + 35-9 ... + 31-0 + 36.8 + 34-0 ... + 35-9 + 30.0 + 33-4 6.8 27 29-94 29-99 + 32.0 ... + 36.9 + 32.0 + 27.0 ... + 42.2 + 32.0 + 39-6 15-2 28 29.88 . . . 29-94 + 33-0 ... + 33-0 + 37-0 + 32.0 ... + 37-9 + 32.1 + 35-0 5-9 29 29.92 30.02 + 33-0 ... + 34-0 + 33-5 + 32.0 ... + 36.9 + 32.0 + 34-4 4-9 30 30.01 ... + 35-0 ... ... + 36.5 + 29.0 ... ... ... ... 31 ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . Sum 896.73 867.48 +1023.8 +973-1 + 1053-9 +934-0 ... + 1105.1 +910.2 + 1005.2 219.6 Mean . . . 29.89 ... 29.91 + 34-1 ... + 33-6 + 35-1 + 31- 1 ... + 38.1 + 31.7 + 34-7 7-6 446 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during, the month of July, 1905 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG PRECIPITATION WIND SH I2H 20H DATE 60 hj C e O wi C o w G o ^ 8n I2H 20H 3 I a 'c _B Sb bo G '3 o 1 Eflj ,C O C (Q (fl ^O p S g.S*. S ECJ -Q o o C.E-M C (f) c/i . o ih 6 IJ W 5 s Si -3 5 > In. . III. III. III. h m h in Mi. Mi. Mi. i .01 .02 03 gm 9 oo II 10 c 86 s 60 f S' 7 oo 8 so 1 2 T .02 .02 \ S" I s m ii 30 20 40 13 35 \ ssw 92 s 77 f s .. 6 oo ] 3 .02 . . . .09 .n R '8 45 ii oo 1 E 68 s 26 1 S" II OO 15 oo J 4 .00 .02 .02 gm 15 00 16 30 SE 13 sw 33 f s m D.N. D.N. ] S .16 ... 30 .46 g,u 14 45 16 oo *t ESE 73 ... E 284 1 It 16 oo 20 30 J 6 .01 ... .02 03 ( S { R ii 30 19 oo 16 IS i 20 50 i W 76 ... ... E 89 7 T .00 T . . C 134 ... ... C 35 8 .00 .00 .00 . * . . c 8 ... N 63 9 .00 .00 .00 . . . c 62 N 81 10 .00 ... .00 .00 .. c 76 ... E 118 n .00 .00 .00 . . E 3M E 237 12 .02 ... .01 03 I R i R 3 oo 8 48 4 30 i 9 30 J E 54 E 112 13 .00 .00 .00 . . C 28 C 12 14 .00 ... .00 .00 . . C 8 ... NW 68 IS .00 .00 .00 . . NW 135 W 112 16 T ... T T s m 7 30 8 40 W 31 W 62 17 .00 ... .00 .00 . . C 39 W 18 if .00 ... .00 .00 gm 23 oo .. c 37 W 27 19 T ... T T 1 S m 10 15 I 10 ( 10 35 i w 98 ... ... WNW 170 2O .00 ... .00 .00 gm o 30 14 10 w 122 W ISO 21 .00 .08 .08 R IS 45 20 50 w 128 ... C 50 22 25 ... .04 29 1 R i R 3 oo 6 oo 9 SO 1 NW 60 N 68 23 58 ... .01 59 R .. .. 9 oo w 92 ... W 136 24 .00 ... .00 .00 R 22 25 w III E 88 25 .08 ... .00 .08 R D.N. NE 135 WNW 107 25 .00 ... .00 .00 .. C 53 SE 26 27 .00 ... .00 .00 ... .. .. E 96 ... E 151 28 15 ... .01 .16 R 2 OO 8 50 SE 249 SE 104 29 .00 ... .00 .00 .. .. . . SE 117 C 84 30 .00 ... ... ... ... .. .. .. SE 7 ... 31 ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... Sum 1.28 ... 0.62 1.90 ... .. .. .. 2602 2648 Mean ... .. .. .. .. C 86.7 ... ... E 91-3 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 447 Tabulation of daily meteorological observations at Cape Flora during the month of July, 1005 Continued Observer: FRANCIS LONG CLOUDS SH I2H 20H DATE - |g Is " REMARKS E ^j B E V S fl M o B u o C y o "^ .3 E i; IH i 3 O S i: > ~ 1 rt rj IH' 5 1 rt Iri 3 E i u 3 "o i 10 N* ... ... 10 S S 10 Fog 7:00 to 15:00. 2 10 N ssw . . . . . . 10 S S 10 Light south to southwest winds. 3 IO S* . . . ... ** IO Generally foggy. 4 IO S . . . ** IO Fog from 11:00. 5 10 S ESE ... IO N* E 10 Fog from 10:00. 6 3 4 (A-Cu) S* W 1 w i ... ... ... IO N** ... 7 Fg 9 : 3 to 11:00, 16:00 to 17:30, and 5:30 t 24:00. 7 fPew {Few I 8 (Ci-S) (A-Cu) S * } ... ... I 4 i 4 (A-Cu) S . E . ! 8 Fog 7:00 to 13:30. 8 f 2 i 2 (Ci-S) (Ci-Cu) (A-S) E 1 E ( E ... {Few Pew 2 (Ci-S) (Ci-Cu) S-Cu N 1 N [ N J 2 [Pew S ... J 9 . . . Few (A-Cu)* N I Fog 18:30 to 22:00. IO Pew (Ci-S) N 10 S* B 6 Fog from 10:00. ii * IO S E 7 Fog to 15:40. 12 10 S E ** ... IO Fog from 15:40. 13 IO S* IO S ... 10 Fog to 14:30. 14 IO S* . . . . . . IO S W 8 Fog to 14:00. 15 10 S NW * ... IO Dense fog from 5:30. 16 IO N* 10 S 10 Dense fog to 8:40. 17 10 S i 4 i 4 S-Cu S W 1 W j 10 Light winds. f 2 (Ci) N 1 18 {Few S-Cu N ^ ... ... IO S w 4 Fog 20:30 to 21:15. [Few S N J f 2 (Ci-S) NW 1 19 10 S w ... ... ... 1 3 S-Cu NW I 9 ( 3 S NW J 20 i I S-Cu S W ) W j ... ... ... IO S W 8 Fog to south all day. 21 IO S W ... ... IO N* ... IO Foggy; light variable winds. 22 IO N** ... ... 10 N** ... IO Generally foggy. 23 IO N* W ... ... 10 S W 8 Fog to 13:20 and 16:30 to 16 = 50. 24 ... ** ... ... IO S* E 6 Fog from 5:00. 25 10 N* ... ... ... ... i t S-Cu S NW ) WNWJ 8 Fog to 18:00. 26 IO S* ... ** ... 10 Fog from 2:00. 27 10 S* E ... ... ... ! i (A-Cu) S B I B ) 2 Fog to 10:00. 28 IO N* SE ... ... Ml ... 7 Fog 8:00 to 19:30. 29 ... M ... ... ... ... ... ** ... IO Fog all day. 1 ... . . . . . . > . . . Dense fog A. M. Sum Menu . . . 221 8.2 ... ... ... ... ... 187 8.5 ... ... 231 8.0 * Light fog. ** Dense fog. Cloud characters enclosed in parentheses, thus (Ci-Cu), refer to upper clouds, all other references being to lower clouds. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS TABULATION OF DAILY WIND RECORDS REGISTERED AT TEPL1TZ BAY STATION, RUDOLPH ISLAND FRANZ JOSEF ARCHIPELAGO SEPTEMBER 1, 1903, TO MAY 26, 1905 NORTH LATITUDE: 81 47/6 LONGITUDE EAST OF GREENWICH: 57 56' 449 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly ic'irf records at Tepltts Bay during the month of September, 1903 451 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total IH 2H 3H 4H SH 6n 7H SH OH IOH IIH I2H 13" I4H I5H l6ll I7H l8H IQH 2OH 21 H 22H 23H 24 H I ML Mi. 9 13 'Mi. Mi. II 10 .A/i. Mi. 9 8 JWi. 20 Mi. 17 Mi. Mi. 23 26 Mi. Mi. 27 21 Mi. 18 Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 'Mi. Mi. Mi. 14 12 ii 6 21 ii 10 15 18 18 Mi. 13 Mi. 361 2 22 25 13 8 10 19 17 26 32 28 41 43 32 28 31 36 32 35 38 51 Si 41 36 34 729 3 32 29 25 27 23 24 27 29 22 23 26 27 28 25 19 22 22 21 21 19 IS 17 l6 9 548 4 7 7 8 9 6 6 6 4 7 10 12 13 15 12 989757765 II 196 5 14 14 14 18 17 12 ii 12 16 13 II 14 18 14 l6 12 IO 12 14 14 IS 17 22 19 349 6 26 28 28 22 17 M IO 7 6 13 15 14 17 14 20 18 15 12 28 28 18 24 23 18 435 7 IS 24 28 22 16 13 12 13 12 4 5 4 5 4 4 s 7 10 ii 9 6 10 10 ii 260 8 II IO 8 6 IO IO 8 12 12 l6 IS 17 16 16 15 15 ii 13 12 15 ii 14 9 ii 293 9 ii ii 10 7 6 S 3 S 5 3 3 4 4 4444696789 IO 148 10 II 9 6 4 4 3 3 3 3 S S S 3 2344335785 3 in ii 2 4 8 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 7 18 18 13 13 IO 8 13 13 20 17 21 22 25 281 12 20 18 17 13 IS 14 17 21 \B 25 24 24 23 19 II 8 13 13 12 IS 14 12 13 15 394 13 16 16 13 10 10 5 4 3 2 12 IS 12 8 ii 12 15 19 20 19 18 16 15 14 13 298 14 14 14 13 IS 14 13 13 12 II 13 12 IS ii 10 988766332 2 234 IS 2 3 I 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4447577887 7 96 16 10 15 IS IS 12 12 12 IS 21 19 2O 14 12 12 12 10 8 8 7 6 8 9 10 ii 293 17 12 II II 12 II 5 5 3 I 2 2 I 2 9 l8 21 22 19 12 IO IO IO 8 9 226 18 8 8 S 2 2 I 3 S 5 5 S 6 4 4 2 7 10 14 4 611 9 4 2 132 19 3 5 5 6 4 4 3 S 4 3 4 5 6 S 7 7 10 12 12 14 15 18 14 14 185 20 ii 13 II 12 H IS ii 12 14 17 23 22 19 IS 15 17 17 17 16 13 2 2 3 I 312 21 3 8 12 8 18 18 21 30 32 34 31 16 12 2O 24 l8 2O IS 17 22 29 27 19 8 462 22 6 8 9 8 7 4 4 7 5 .. 2 9245222321 92 23 I 3 2 I O o 2 4 6 8 7 7 10 ii 12 16 ii 10 10 10 8 7 13 159 24 8 8 3 2 i i 4 3 I 2 3 9 5 4 17 13 19 16 13 10 7 7 ii 17 184 2 ' 8 10 6 9 19 27 17 IS 13 M 22 25 22 22 18 16 14 13 ii 13 13 12 9 20 368 26 23 23 21 IQ ii IS 18 16 II 20 16 9 8 9 12 22 42 41 3O 23 27 26 27 32 Soi 27 34 35 31 32 25 26 29 23 23 16 27 39 26 12 6 S 4 23 27 32 28 30 27 23 583 28 17 9 8 4 9 6 5 IO 6 3 4 I 6 5655533577 8 147 29 7 7 7 8 6 4 5 5 S 2 I 2 3 4437549856 4 121 30 4 2 16 26 21 14 ii 21 9 IO 14 16 9 9 34 39 39 39 38 42 42 40 38 30 563 Means 12.2 I2.p 12.2 II. S 10.9 10.3 10.3 ii. 5 II. I 12.2 13.8 14.0 T2.I 11.3 12.3 12.6 13.8 14.6 13.8 14.8 14.3 14-5 13-4 13-1 302.9 Total movement during month, 0061 miles; mean daily movement, 302.9 miles; average hourly movement, 12.6 miles 452 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of October, 1903 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total III 2H 311 411 SH 6n 7H 8n gn IOH IIH I2H I3H I4H ISH 1611 I7II l8H I9H 2OH 2IH 22H 23H 24 H i Mi. Mi. 23 22 M. Aft. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 25 30 41 SO 47 50 44 13 24 29 Mi. Mi. 28 28 Mi. 24 Mi. 22 Mi. 20 Mi. Mi. 17 14 Mi. Mi. 16 15 Mi. Mi. IS IS Mi. 8 Mi. 620 2 6 8 9 16 16 21 23 23 16 18 18 22 12 21 21 5 2 7 4 6 8 5 7 S 209 3 3 2 2 3 3 13 13 20 26 17 23 22 21 l6 IS ii 7 6 4 4 4 3 2 2 242 4 2 I I 12125 10 14 44 4 4 3 6 5 2 I 2 3 I I 5 84 5 6 S 46566 15 13 644 3 6 7 6 8 8 7 8 9 12 13 13 180 6 13 IS IS 17 27 29 29 32 33 37 37 37 33 36 36 35 35 31 28 33 34 29 23 15 689 7 13 IS 12 89 10 876555 7 6 7 8 10 12 9 14 19 22 3 7 227 8 3 I 26 13 6211212 3 3 3 2 i 2 6 3 2 2 2 2 7i 9 I 2 2443222122 i i I 3 2 2 I O 2 3 3 3 49 10 3 2 3 4 3 6 5 10 9 ii 21 29 29 31 26 6 4 S 4 4 3 6 3 7 234 ii 4 8 10 18 15 19 9 13 15 21 22 15 IS 19 17 21 21 20 19 21 23 25 28 29 427 12 29 26 29 28 30 28 26 25 29 26 26 23 21 19 19 16 15 ii 7 3 5 6 8 16 471 13 15 16 18 20 19 20 17 18 14 6 5 5 II 12 9 7 5 4 6 6 4 3 6 IO 256 14 20 16 6 10 4443224 i 3 I i 2 2 2 2 6 10 II IO 9 135 IS 12 II 10 935633632 2 2 I I 3 5 7 2 2 4 4 3 109 16 3 4 2212312223 I I i 2 o i 3 3 2 2 4 7 54 17 II 13 20 24 20 17 13 16 29 38 38 35 34 38 36 32 IS 17 7 6 15 10 7 3 494 18 6 6 8 12 32232122 6 5 6 8 7 19 19 23 13 7 S 6 173 19 4 5 7 9 ii 14 13 IS 15 10 9 6 7 8 13 16 21 21 36 13 8 8 10 15 294 20 13 22 21 25 21 19 24 22 17 18 16 23 27 24 23 12 13 II 14 14 19 8 5 7 418 21 6 3 23341 17334 3 2 i 3 2 7 4 8 5 6 3 IO 94 22 16 28 30 24 23 27 30 37 22 8 10 5 25 18 10 14 23 37 20 24 4i 53 47 43 6l5 23 47 45 44 Si 49 55 57 58 62 62 61 63 67 67 63 54 49 62 64 5i 13 21 39 45 1249 24 43 45 48 40 41 38 29 19 32 14 18 16 12 13 8 6 6 7 3 3 4 2 I 3 451 25 3 4 4 ii IS 14 13 ii 10 10 10 7 3 4 3 3 2 4 I 2 6 9 13 12 174 26 ii 8 8 4 8 9 ii 15 25 26 26 30 31 29 31 32 33 32 33 40 41 43 44 45 6lS 27 So 54 52 48 41 32 34 34 31 29 26 22 23 17 12 13 3 5 4 5 3 5 2 6 SSI 28 5 8 S 6 13 16 5 6 5 5 i 3 2 2 4 4 8 10 5 S 3 4 14 5 144 29 3 4 6673252522 I 2 2 3 i 3 3 4 4 S 3 2 30 4 I 2422121311 I I I i 3 4 5 6 7 7 6 7 1 31 7 9 6 6 7 9 10 12 14 17 25 30 30 32 33 23 14 13 12 13 10 9 9 9 320.4 Means 12.4 13.2 13-3 14-7 14-8 15.6 14.4 15.6 16.1 14.1 14.5 14.6 15.0 I5-I I4-I 12.2 II. 12.5 ii. 4 II. 2 10.9 II. 2 II. O ii. 6 Total movement during month, 9931 miles; mean daily movement, 320.4 miles; average hourly movement, 13.4 miles METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Tcplitz Bay during the month of November, 1003 453 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total in 2H 311 4H SH 6H 711 8n 9H IOH IIH 1211 1311 1411 I5H i6n I;H i8n I9H 2OH 2IH 2211 23H 2411 i A/i. Mi. 'Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 966445667546 Mi. Mi. 6 7 Mi. Mi. 5 8 Mi. 12 Mi. Mi. 12 13 Mi. 13 Mi. 12 Mi. 13 Mi. 12 Mi. ii Mi. 192 2 10 10 ii 10 7 8 8 10 10 13 ii ii 14 14 10 13 II 10 II IO 9 8 6 7 242 3 85688669878 10 12 13 IO IO 9 6 4 4 7 7 9 9 189 4 13 12 10 6 5 5 5 4 5 i 2 i 3 5 5 6 8 IO 10 4 7 8 9 I US 5 435 5 34211222 2 I 3 3 3 4 5 5 7 6 2 2 77 6 I22S66874443 3 4 2 2 i 2 4 5 2 2 2 5 86 7 464322331222 3 3 I 2 i i 3 2 I I I ] 54 8 221354223489 7 7 5 3 4 I 2 3 2 I 2 3 85 9 IIIIOI2II2II 2 I 3 2 3 3 i 2 3 4 S 42 10 678665553 10 10 8 3 3 4 3 3 i i 3 3 4 2 2 III ii 2OOOOOO22OI I i i I 2 2 2 I 4 6 6 8 10 52 12 8 10 ii 13 14 12 14 13 10 8 8 5 5 5 6 5 3 4 2 I I i i 2 162 13 3 2 3 10 25 28 35 34 35 34 33 32 27 27 30 37 36 41 43 47 50 So 49 34 754 14 29 26 22 22 18 19 16 9 ii 9 7 9 12 2O 21 21 19 22 2O 22 18 13 12 10 407 IS 10 745552288 21 20 29 II 17 21 22 19 15 15 14 12 IO 7 289 16 7 8 5 6 10 14 22 25 18 16 16 17 II II 7 4 II 14 16 14 12 14 13 12 303 17 15 15 16 12 14 23 14 9 7 8 10 12 4 2 I 3 7 II 12 10 9 5 7 5 231 18 345245884755 4 6 5 4 5 6 5 4 7 7 7 8 128 19 887787663433 4 6 6 5 4 7 7 7 6 7 7 5 141 20 56566766756 12 17 24 28 33 34 30 35 38 4i 47 45 48 497 21 45 32 32 31 33 28 23 29 29 25 19 19 18 14 3 6 5 5 10 16 32 33 32 34 553 22 32 40 40 44 49 48 43 46 41 36 30 24 17 14 8 8 4 3 S 9 4 3 2 2 552 23 2 2 2 II 19 20 24 28 30 38 32 35 40 42 36 36 28 37 36 37 26 20 25 30 636 24 17 20 36 44 41 37 33 29 25 17 22 24 26 32 33 37 40 40 36 37 35 34 37 Si 783 25 40 25 23 12 19 12 23 12 32 31 l6 II ii 32 21 9 II 15 14 13 13 8 9 8 420 26 24 37 46 54 -19 45 46 46 46 41 41 34 43 43 43 46 45 48 52 45 38 32 38 41 1023 27 43 40 34 39 35 14 25 13 17 28 41 48 Si 55 50 49 53 47 46 40 42 30 36 43 919 28 45 48 43 37 32 36 40 35 31 29 26 25 36 30 43 45 37 25 39 41 32 34 42 39 870 29 48 48 38 42 46 42 44 50 48 46 20 54 62 58 5i 50 43 26 8 37 61 59 53 45 1079 30 43 42 35 27 6 5 3 3 3 4 12 12 9 9 8 10 14 16 19 19 24 25 25 25 398 Moans 16.2 15.8 15.4 16.1 16.0 15.1 15.8 15.1 15.0 14.8 14.0 15.2 16.0 16.7 15-5 16.1 15-9 15-6 15-9 16.9 17.4 16.4 16.9 16.8 380.7 Total movement during month, 11420 miles; mean daily movement, 380.7 miles; average hourly movement, 15.9 miles 454 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly u'ind records at Teplits Bay during the month of December, 1903 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total IH 2H 3H 4H SH 611 711 811 911 I OH IIH I2H I3H I4H I5H l6H I7H l8ll I9H 2OH 21 H 22H 23H 24H i 30 27 Mi. Mi. 29 29 Mi. 27 26 Mi. Mi. 27 24 Mi. 23 Mi. 23 Mi. 20 Mi. 18 Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 20 20 19 17 20 21 20 l6 17 l6 l8 16 Mi. 523 2 13 13 12 II 10 8 9 8 8 7 8 9 7 8 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 ii ii 10 233 3 7 4 2 5 12 20 25 33 32 29 24 20 23 l8 19 17 17 l6 20 20 17 12 12 9 4T3 4 II II 13 12 13 14 14 19 17 16 ii ii 9 8 10 9 10 9 ii 9 10 8 9 12 276 5 13 5 2 2 3 3 6 6 i 3 i 2 432143433522 83 6 2 5 4 8 9 8 8 8 6 5 6 6 554544556566 135 7 7 7 IO 9 7 8 7 9 4 i o o i 5 13 16 16 5 2 4 10 14 23 23 201 8 25 25 3 6 5 4 4 4 6 4 7 16 14 9 4 7 7 4 9 15 20 25 22 6 251 9 15 9 27 41 43 43 38 34 3i 26 21 52 25 41 33 40 40 36 40 52 50 5i 48 46 882 10 42 36 18 27 26 29 34 13 17 14 22 27 29 31 34 38 39 37 4O 39 36 36 36 34 734 ii 36 38 37 34 38 38 40 45 44 48 48 49 Si 52 48 48 50 47 45 45 48 49 54 55 1087 12 56 54 57 58 62 62 68 68 66 68 72 74 78 72 77 76 72 67 66 60 51 Si 46 42 i5-'3 13 36 26 34 21 14 5 5 4 3 2 4 II 2 5 3 8 8 21 17 19 23 37 36 28 372 14 20 10 6 12 16 18 30 37 38 30 31 32 34 25 10 10 8 7 9 37 36 33 34 32 555 15 29 31 34 38 39 35 26 33 31 29 30 27 28 27 38 32 34 32 25 32 41 37 17 48 773 16 41 46 51 25 26 16 16 53 66 62 66 65 68 70 68 63 42 ii 6 10 10 17 24 35 957 17 19 ii IS 19 29 35 34 53 57 46 42 40 So 47 35 13 10 26 16 23 8 8 ii 34 68 1 18 20 17 32 21 20 34 30 36 35 30 39 43 16 14 16 22 8 12 5 4 i 2 5 5 467 19 3 4 4 7 16 16 2O 22 22 15 16 IS 25 24 34 36 38 42 38 37 31 39 38 37 579 20 35 38 43 39 42 38 4i 47 44 42 38 44 45 36 41 49 53 37 14 28 23 20 9 5 851 21 6 ii 12 5 ii IO 5 6 i 5 7 2 3 2 14 15 ii 12 16 17 18 27 33 30 279 22 31 26 33 36 38 38 41 43 43 38 18 25 52 54 Si 50 32 14 10 57 60 49 17 14 870 23 16 41 22 14 28 38 44 38 49 50 54 48 43 23 18 16 8 17 17 12 17 5 7 8 633 24 7 7 5 6 10 12 IS 16 13 ii 7 5 14 3 15 23 31 33 39 26 4 6 14 31 353 25 22 13 14 10 6 3 ii 19 20 24 28 27 27 26 27 26 25 23 25 26 29 29 29 27 Sl6 26 28 28 26 25 23 20 17 16 14 IO 6 S 767442256886 .,,, 27 6 6 7 7 4 IS 21 25 26 27 30 33 30 36 44 44 40 43 45 48 46 54 54 61 75- 28 66 72 7i 70 72 82 77 82 88 83 77 75 71 7i 7i 7i 7i 71 7i 7i 71 71 71 65 1761 29 57 54 49 16 17 24 36 28 IO 7 12 8 7 13 9 9 45354445 30 4 4 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 2 4 3 2 3 I 2 7 9 9 12 16 18 128 31 Menus 17 16 17 23 28 3i 33 36 35 34 33 34 40 44 42 42 42 39 39 37 28 25 22 21 590.3 23.2 22.4 22.3 20.7 22.5 23.7 25.4 28.0 27.5 25.6 25.2 26.6 26.8 25.8 26.3 26.4 24.5 22.8 21.8 25.3 24.1 24.7 23.7 24.9 Total movement during month, 18299 miles; mean daily movement, 590.3 miles; average hourly movement, 24.6 miles METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teflits Bay during the month of January, 1904 455 Date VV1HU IVlUVliMIVIM 1 For the hour preceding Daily total III 2H 3H 4H SH 6n 711 811 911 IOH 1 1 ii I2H I3H I4H I5H l6H I7H l8H I9H 2OH 2IH 22H 23H 24H i Jlfi. JI/. 26 28 Mi. Mi. 28 25 'Mi. Mi. 20 23 Mi. Mi. 21 22 Mi. 16 Mi. 17 Mi. 16 Mi. 17 Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 'Mi. Mi. Mi. 23 18 17 17 20 21 18 17 14 15 16 Mi. 14 Mi. 469 2 14 14 12 8 8 8 9 II 17 18 19 12 ii 10 10 75467766 S 234 3 3 2 4 6 6 3 S 4 5 6 29 38 38 40 33 24 16 24 20 13 ii 7 7 18 362 4 21 28 24 17 14 4 7 8 ii 10 7 9 86332584868 5 226 S 4 3 5 3 2 5 9 12 15 16 18 21 25 26 18 15 9 ii 12 9 7 4 4 4 257 6 5 9 12 13 12 7 14 19 21 34 39 29 23 IS 9 14 14 ii 4 4 2 2 I 8 321 7 12 15 12 2O 20 16 13 15 14 13 14 14 18 19 23 22 25 18 28 28 ii 9 ii 9 399 8 8 S 8 5 10 23 39 46 45 45 42 42 47 47 44 46 46 41 37 29 23 24 19 20 741 9 19 7 9 12 13 II 6 2 I 2 3 I 4 o II 25 30 26 30 29 29 26 30 3 2 358 10 31 41 42 47 18 S 10 8 7 6 3 4 34374223241 S 262 ii 6 10 3 7 3 9 21 22 23 28 32 33 37 37 27 12 12 10 9 8 ii 9 10 12 391 12 12 12 IO II 12 10 12 9 8 10 7 9 7 6 ii 12 15 13 21 22 18 17 12 II 287 13 8 7 4 5 4 9 8 12 9 7 i 2 33441221012 3 102 14 I O O O I i I 12213134234 4 34 IS 4 6 7 9 8 8 9 9 12 14 15 18 14 14 16 ii 8 8 8 9 6 7 8 9 237 16 9 4 8 13 25 25 30 30 27 22 21 21 20 22 21 22 21 24 26 17 IS 12 IO 6 451 17 S 4 4 3 6 S I 3 2 3 6 8 88S244IIII3 20 108 18 19 24 24 25 28 29 30 24 23 20 20 21 20 20 21 24 23 21 23 l8 IS 13 15 15 SiS 19 17 18 16 10 14 ii ii 13 10 12 13 13 IS 12 l6 22 20 26 29 31 36 35 32 35 467 20 36 45 40 41 38 40 44 48 48 47 42 33 30 28 29 24 26 27 31 25 9 S 6 S 747 21 4 2 7 37 34 45 59 68 6 4 62 54 48 49 42 29 22 25 21 18 14 6 8 17 27 762 22 20 14 47 57 SI 33 40 33 33 4i 42 40 37 26 36 44 63 65 57 55 53 56 45 27 1015 23 34 26 30 24 27 23 23 15 13 13 13 ii 9 10 ii ii 10 7 7 7 3 4 5 6 342 24 4 ii 23 18 25 12 7 IS 17 25 10 6 40 so 33 26 43 48 52 51 50 48 41 32 687 25 23 IS 16 23 17 16 8 16 13 25 18 18 20 24 19 22 24 19 16 17 20 24 26 23 462 26 27 3i 26 36 36 25 18 23 30 34 3i 28 26 6 8 5 8201613 4 811 8 478 27 12 7 8 ii 7 6 2 2 6 S 3 4 33844107722 5 119 28 S 6 9 3 6 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 36235667342 ii 112 29 13 9 8 19 27 25 25 26 30 33 37 39 42 43 41 42 44 43 41 40 41 39 41 40 7 88 30 34 34 37 35 36 34 29 26 24 17 II 15 12 6 3 9 8 23 30 28 6 5 8 12 484 31 3 8 20 21 II 14 18 19 20 4 3 10 14 10 15 13 14 14 9 9 12 15 ii IS 302 Menus 14.1 14.4 16.2 18.2 17-4 15-7 17.2 18.2 18.4 19.1 18.5 18.3 19.7 18.2 17.0 16.6 17.8 18.3 18.4 17-0 13-9 13-5 13-4 14.4 403.8 Total movement during month, 12519 miles; mean daily movement, 403.8 miles; average hourly movement, 16.8 miles 456 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of February, 1904 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total IH 211 311 411 SH 611 711 811 9H ion IIH 1211 I3H I4H ISH i6n I7H i8n IQH 20H 21 H 22H 23H 24H i Mi. 'Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 979853843674 Mi. Mi. 7 S Mi. 4 Mi. 6 Mi. 6 Mi. 3 Mi. 15 Mi. 8 Mi. Mi. 9 9 Mi. Mi. 8 7 Mi. 160 2 ii 6 8 7 ii 14 7 5 15 IS 27 14 12 8 8 7 5 8 8 6 4 6 23 24 259 3 18 28 ii 13 u 23 30 30 33 33 38 41 45 48 45 40 42 43 52 58 54 48 49 43 876 4 40 43 44 47 48 47 47 45 39 49 48 48 49 52 56 49 40 30 28 ii 10 9 ii 7 897 5 9 15 14 12 9 9 13 18 23 23 21 21 21 13 8 13 26 28 27 36 37 26 14 7 443 6 16 14 27 35 3i 29 26 14 23 38 44 43 39 32 13 8 8 6 2 7 12 IO 10 II 498 7 7 7 5 9 10 16 4 II II IS 7 4 7 6 S 3 2 i I I i 4 2 7 146 8 6324 ii 14 944695 2 I 2 5 6 17 7 17 10 6 6 10 166 9 31 35 28 39 39 19 18 8 20 15 8 15 4 2 S S 4 6 6 3 I 2 4 5 322 10 8 s 5 4 6 12 16 16 14 15 14 16 2O 22 17 IS 20 22 21 23 20 22 23 22 378 ii 24 24 22 12 10 12 12 9 8 8 5 7 9 12 IO 17 9 II 10 ii 12 12 8 6 280 12 564342261321 3 I 2 I I 2 2 I I I 3 2 59 13 3 4 5 7 5 7 10 12 14 12 10 ii 13 14 13 14 18 20 18 21 17 18 18 20 304 14 20 17 20 21 29 31 27 22 23 25 28 25 29 24 IO 12 10 10 9 IO u IS 19 17 464 IS 16 12 7 12 18 15 8 4 7 5 i o 4 3 2 2 3 6 IS 4 6 ii 21 23 205 16 18 17 15 14 15 16 17 14 5 9 14 3 7 I 3 i I 2 I 2 I 2 4 182 17 18 26 29 34 35 35 32 31 39 37 45 Si S3 48 41 39 37 41 42 44 35 43 45 40 920 18 45 41 42 28 21 15 15 19 19 18 19 20 20 19 2O 19 19 14 IS ii 10 10 II 8 478 19 411002310212 I 2 O o 2 2 6 10 12 32 42 126 20 46 53 Si 61 57 42 41 So 48 55 S3 44 45 51 53 47 Si 39 31 18 II 12 12 12 983 21 9 8 6 o i 7 6 2 10 20 19 24 33 31 25 32 37 41 44 46 55 54 57 52 619 22 52 43 42 42 43 38 43 34 23 38 46 44 46 44 44 42 38 38 39 38 42 43 43 36 981 23 32 37 33 28 16 14 17 19 21 20 21 17 16 16 M 8 9 13 9 7 S I S 9 24 ii 24 42 49 SS 57 59 57 45 37 26 27 3i 28 31 23 23 25 26 25 20 20 17 IS 773 25 15 15 20 20 22 19 20 20 21 20 18 19 24 17 21 21 20 1 9 16 '3 IO II 8 4 413 26 3 i 2 4 5 3 10 u II, 13 14 12 13 M 13 H 14 17 23 25 22 l6 18 24 307 27 43 37 34 30 24 22 20 19 18 17 16 ii 6 4 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 6 U 7 349 28 3 4 4 3 3 2 I 4 14 14 14 12 II IO 6 5 3 3 2 I 3 5 6 9 142 29 17 23 26 24 36 49 54 56 52 45 37 38 32 27 20 20 17 1.5 8 14 12 18 22 24 684 Moan 18.6 19.2 19.2 19.7 20. o 20. o 19.8 18.8 19.4 21. i 21. i 20. o 20.7 19.1 17.0 16.3 16.2 16.6 16.7 16.2 15-4 15-6 17.6 I7.I 441-4 Total movement during month, 12801 miles; mean daily movement, 441.4 miles; average hourly movement, 18.4 miles METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of March, 1904 457 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total IH 2H 3H 411 5H 611 7H 8H 911 IOH IIH I2H I3H I4H ISH l6H I7H l8H IPH 2OH 2IH 22H 23H 24H i 'Mi. Mi. 15 18 Mi. Mi. 12 5 Mi. 4 Mi. 2 Mt. 7 Aft. 3 Mi. 4 Mi. 2 Mi. Mi. 14 22 Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi 21 17 16 ii 9 8 6 i i 8 3 8 Mi. 217 2 12 12 9 10 3 9 ii IO 9 9 10 17 20 19 12 ii 19 15 14 ii 10 14 15 it 295 3 IS 10 8 6 5 o 2 3 2 7 10 8 6 7 2 22 43 58 61 6s 54 32 19 20 465 4 25 3S 40 38 33 33 37 39 41 40 39 36 37 36 38 34 33 28 30 28 25 22 22 17 786 5 16 15 12 II 8 3 2 i I 2 2 I 4 3 2 17 25 40 41 32 39 43 45 41 406 6 35 30 24 16 10 IO 9 13 15 IS 8 3 414433564668 242 7 12 II 7 14 20 17 13 14 IS 19 22 22 10 ii 4 19 21 24 15 13 14 12 13 18 360 8 II 4 9 ii IO 14 17 18 13 II 17 8 776544131000 181 9 I O 4 S 6 6 8 7 8 9 88999 12 12 97697 159 10 4 5 S 4 4 S 4 2 3 5 3 i 000003545532 72 ii 5 6 7 5 4 2 8 6 7 7 9 8 8 12 19 l8 22 20 12 2 I O I 189 12 4 3 3 6 8 2 5 16 4 8 19 6 76232OIOOI22 1 10 13 5 i 3 I 3 4 4 i o 2 O I 2I33222I3223 Si 14 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 3 I 3 II2I2I2I32I3 51 IS I I 2 2 i I 2 2 3 8 3 56 12 10 975913 I I 95 16 2 2 I 3 I I O I I 2 I202033I3233 37 17 2 2 2 I 2 I I 3 3 2 2 I I22OI2O2647 49 18 II IO 3 I O I 3 i O I I I 3 3 I 2 I 2 I I 15 19 22 19 122 19 24 25 23 21 2O 27 22 13 9 4 8 3 I2IIOII58787 241 20 10 13 12 II IO 6 O i O I i 3 3 2 2 7 16 49 59 61 66 62 59 68 522 21 72 68 62 58 Si 46 64 65 61 Si 43 51 65 61 55 53 49 41 30 23 10 5 4 5 1093 22 ii 7 S 4 7 5 9 6 7 4 9 13 18 18 22 20 21 27 29 28 24 19 19 17 349 23 18 17 l8 22 20 17 IS 18 19 16 17 19 19 22 22 26 26 27 26 25 25 28 27 24 513 24 25 21 22 22 24 22 22 21 22 21 19 17 17 16 12 ii 10 9 8 4 4 5 5 4 363 25 4 i I 4 i I I O O I O 10100008 19 24 65 78 26 I O O I 2 2 4 II 8 IO 2 O 212 13 8345 l679 IO2 27 7 7 3 2 7 7 9 7 O 2 5 8 10 8 7 6 10 15 16 19 15 12 182 28 10 15 14 13 13 9 12 18 22 22 20 19 19 18 18 19 18 19 17 15 13 12 7 S 367 29 5 6 7 4 3 3 8 5 6 I 4 2 5 4 6 14 10 12 12 10 14 24 42 48 255 30 48 47 53 47 23 23 22 28 30 27 18 14 9 9 14 19 18 14 8 5 3 2 2 i 484 31 4 S 8 7 7 6 7 IO IO 13 II 12 II 12 14 12 12 II II II II II IO 10 236 Means 3.4 12.9 12.2 II. 4 IO.O 9-3 10.6 ii. i 10. s 10. 1 10.5 9.9 0.3 10. i 10. 1 12. i 12.9 14.5 14.0 13-0 13-0 13-1 12.3 12. S 279-7 Total movement during month, 8672 miles; mean daily movement, 279.7 miles; average hourly movement, 11.7 miles 3 458 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Te/>litz Bay during the month of April, 1904 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily otal IH 2H 3H 4H SH 6n 7H 8n 9H IOH IIH I2H I3H I4H I5H l6H I7H l8H IOH 2OH 2IH 22H 23H 24H i Mi. Mi. 10 9 Mi. Mi. 6 6 Mi. 3 Mi. 4 Mi. 8 Mi. 9 Mi. 10 Mi. 8 Mi. Mi. 7 8 Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 896465677345 Mi. 158 2 5 4 4 3 4 S 4 5 7 7 5 '2 322235766558 109 3 8 7 7 6 6 S 5 6 S 2 2 3 444223445324 103 4 3 2 o o o 2 2 3 4 2 2 4 8 16 19 23 25 30 27 29 21 16 18 256 5 18 18 18 19 17 16 16 14 IS 18 12 13 ii ii 13 15 14 i5 15 16 15 13 ii 10 353 6 IO II 14 8 2 2 4 4 3 4 3 I 5 9 14 19 23 21 17 ii ii 6 3 7 212 7 i S I 2 I 6 3 2 i 2 3 2 i 12212242313 53 8 2 3 3 2 2 i 3 I 3 O I I 021007133332 47 9 2 4 2 O 2 o i 2 2 I 2 I 2O2I I22I2334 42 10 2 3 2 3 2 2 o 2 2 2 O I 132223622234 S3 ii 5 8 12 6 12 14 13 24 31 33 14 21 10 17 9 10 14 12 7 12 6 7 7 9 313 12 4 8 8 10 H 10 ii IO II 10 8 6 74542267699 10 18 i 13 9 9 II IO 14 IS IS IS 16 17 19 21 20 22 21 20 18 18 18 16 17 16 16 17 390 !4 18 17 19 18 17 17 18 16 14 14 12 IO ii 10 9 9 10 10 8 3 6 6 4 2 278 is 3 3 4 2 S 2 3 4 2 I 6 9 13 96343436776 115 16 7 8 6 S 7 9 7 4 6 12 ii 14 ii 6 8 10 15 17 17 16 13 ii 10 6 236 17 7 6 3 12 IO 8 6 16 6 6 8 10 10 9 3 5 14 18 13 18 4 2 3 9 206 18 ii 17 20 18 18 18 21 21 H 4 5 2 4 5 8 12 19 17 16 15 14 U 12 8 3i 19 9 ii 4 5 3 2 3 I i 5 2 2 o 3 2 19 24 30 29 29 31 35 38 33 32 20 38 41 40 40 46 54 58 60 61 63 54 53 59 53 52 47 41 42 47 47 45 42 38 35 1156 21 32 28 32 32 38 37 39 39 40 40 38 38 37 30 17 6 5 12 20 10 10 n II 15 61 22 15 16 19 14 8 5 II 13 S 6 4 I 4231 I2I2I224 142 23 2 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 I 447614465524 7 24 6 6 5 7 S 2 3 6 8 5 3 2 5 5 ii 13 18 19 IS 14 15 22 21 18 234 25 22 27 28 29 28 26 22 16 12 10 II 5 55556688 13 12 10 7 3* 26 7 6 6 S 6 8 6 9 9 IO 9 9 986456667541 15 27 3 2 I i i i 4 2 3 3 3 5 532211111100 4 28 I o o o O O I I 04771579 ii 99 10 8: 29 8 9 6 7 S 5 8 9 7 7 7 5 643323221231 II; 30 2 3 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 3 3 426234523223 6 Means 9.0 9.9 9-5 9-1 9.1 9-3 10.0 10. S 10. 1 IO.O 8.5 8.3 8.8 8.5 8.4 8.8 9.3 10.6 10.8 10.2 9.9 9.4 8.6 8.8 225.. Total movement during month, 6761 miles; mean daily movement, 225.3 miles; average hourly movement, 9.4 miles METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of May, 1904 459 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Bail}' total III 211 3H 4H SH 6n 7H 8n 9H I OH IIH I2H I3H I4H I5H i6n I7H i8n ign 2OH 2iH 22H 2311 2411 i Mi. B/i. 3 2 Mi. Mi. 3 I Aft. Mi. I 3 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 3 Afi. 1 7 Iff. 6 Aft. Aft. Aft. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 83359 IS 887 12 12 9 Aft. 134 2 9 8 9 14 7 ii 12 12 9 9 ii IO ii 10 13 ii 10 8 9 12 14 12 ii 9 251 3 9 ii 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ii ii ii 8 8 8 ii 12 13 15 14 ii 10 6 6 259 4 9 10 10 8 I I 2 2 I 3 3 3 ~z~ 33254221210 80 5 2 2 i 4 3 2 4 5 7 12 12 ii 10 15 13 13 5 3 4 2 3 3 2 2 140 6 2 I 5 3 5 8 8 9 10 9 12 14 8 8 14 21 14 13 22 10 3 5 3 3 210 7 4 2 i i i i 2 2 2 I 2 I 211346333452 57 8 I 4 2 6 7 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 8 6 6 6 8 8 ii 10 15 14 15 172 9 IS 14 13 14 12 13 ii ii 12 IO 12 13 16 14 13 14 13 9 9 4 3 4 4 3 256 10 4 2 2 10 IO II IO ii II 12 12 12 10 63113112369 153 ii ii ii ii 15 16 13 15 16 17 19 20 18 14 14 12 13 12 9 12 14 ii 10 12 4 319 12 4 4 2 3 3 2 i 7 IO 6 12 15 24 16 18 20 18 16 21 18 15 17 19 16 287 13 14 5 8 6 5 5 3 4 3 4 4 i 55543332 I I 12 97 14 4 8 4 8 7 7 8 S O I I i o 17 16 17 17 14 18 19 19 17 16 15 239 IS 21 2O 19 19 18 19 20 21 18 IS 18 19 22 22 24 21 20 l6 17 2O 28 33 29 23 502 16 14 13 13 14 16 14 IS 13 18 20 19 15 19 18 19 16 18 17 17 18 16 ii 14 10 377 17 8 6 8 8 12 II 12 13 12 13 9 7 877466625865 189 18 8 4 5 5 3 I 8 IO 10 ii 12 ii 10 10 9 9 ii 8634 i i 7 167 19 7 5 4 7 II 17 20 23 24 21 21 13 7 14 16 17 17 18 18 15 17 16 14 16 358 20 13 10 8 6 7 7 7 7 10 8 4 14 17 16 12 788534478 200 21 9 9 9 9 13 ii 15 13 9 8 21 27 25 29 24 12 9 10 ii 9 3 12 12 ii 320 22 12 II ii II 9 9 ii 8 IS 20 24 31 34 31 35 38 39 37 41 39 4O 38 38 38 620 23 42 43 45 43 44 38 33 28 28 21 13 IO 12 14 16 17 18 22 24 23 31 30 23 27 645 24 20 35 38 28 31 25 17 8 IO II 9 9 ii 13 15 15 12 12 9 10 9 6 6 4 363 25 4 4 5 4 2 5 8 9 12 II 13 14 14 14 17 18 16 16 17 16 15 17 17 17 285 26 17 16 14 13 14 14 IS 16 16 IS 17 16 16 16 14 14 12 12 13 12 13 12 13 ii 341 27 II 12 13 IS 20 20 22 23 21 24 23 21 21 23 23 22 22 17 IS 17 14 IO 8 7 424 28 6 6 6 8 5 3 6 4 6 6 4 O i 5 7 10 12 12 16 16 15 15 19 17 205 29 14 16 18 20 22 25 18 12 7 7 7 8 13 16 14 ii 7 3 2 i 3 9 13 16 282 30 16 7 9 7 4 2 o 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 8 12 14 13 14 14 14 13 223 31 12 13 II 12 12 12 10 ii 10 10 8 6 77444I3I3423 170 Menus 0.5 10.1 10.3 10.8 10.7 10.6 10.7 10.7 10.8 10.8 ii. S ii 4 1.9 12.6 12.6 12.4 11.9 11.3 11.9 10.9 10.9 ii. S ii. 2 10.6 *68. S Total movement during month, 8325 miles; mean daily movement, 268.5 miles; average hourly movement, 11.2 miles 460 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Tepliiz Bay during the month of June, 1904 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total in 2H 3H 4H SH 6u 7H SH 911 IOH IIH I2H I3H I4H I5H i6n I7H i8n I9H 20H 2IR 22H 23 H 24H i Mi. Mi. Mi. 'Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 'Mi. Mi. Mi. 221 14433766 Mi. 6 Mi. Mi. 5 8 Mi. 10 Mi. IO Mi. Mi. 12 6 Mi. Mi. 4 4 Mi. Mi. 3 3 Mi. 9 Mi. 7 Mi. 226 2 7 ii 14 14 10 7 7 25 20 6 10 28 26 32 33 26 30 12 21 16 15 22 24 20 436 3 12 23 27 23 21 23 10 7 7 7 3 3 4 4 5 4 3 3 9 9 14 15 II 6 253 4 5844S79 ii 9 10 8 6 9 9 8 7 6 6 4 7 6 7 6 ii 172 5 12 ii 13 13 13 13 13 4 o 3 i 2 2 3 3 3 i i 2 I 4 17 16 12 163 6 6 7 14 9 3 7 15 18 22 17 12 14 II ii 7 2 I 3 I I 7 4 8 9 209 7 62211011241 4 4 4 4 4 6 7 6 7 7 8 7 8 97 8 9977885697 10 13 13 15 14 13 13 16 14 12 ii ii 12 IS 257 9 II 16 17 l6 19 22 23 24 22 21 20 21 23 22 21 18 18 17 16 14 12 IO 9 8 420 10 12 9 10 8 9 8 10 8 9 10 8 8 8 8 8 6 5 7 5 6 5 6 4 2 179 I! 64677678769 5 5 5 4 3 3 i i i I 2 3 6 H3 12 5 5 6 9 ii ii 9 ii 10 10 12 IO II II IO IO 10 8 7 8 7 8 9 IO 218 13 13 13 13 15 15 14 17 16 14 18 13 16 9 4 9 15 19 26 29 31 26 21 24 24 414 14 22 24 22 23 15 20 31 20 29 33 29 37 40 40 36 42 48 40 27 25 27 24 22 20 696 IS 17 l8 l8 17 28 23 24 21 22 23 22 20 18 15 12 7 4 3 5 4 I O O 7 329 16 7 6 7 8 8 12 14 15 15 17 19 20 19 21 2O 21 22 22 23 23 23 22 21 20 405 17 21 19 20 18 17 18 16 12 16 17 9 7 15 IS 15 14 14 IS 14 13 12 II II II 350 18 ii ii 978663322 3 2 2 I I I 2 8 3 6 9 7 9 122 19 6 2 3 i 3 9 19 18 16 14 24 25 24 23 22 20 18 21 20 19 19 22 19 IS 382 20 13 ii 13 13 9 i 3 2 3 i 5 8 14 14 15 II 2 5 2 4 13 18 9 i 193 21 29 17 12 32201 14 8 8 3 2 2 5 i I I I 2 E 92 22 021 10194136 3 I 3 2 3 3 2 3 O 2 I I 52 23 23220123212 i I 2 5 8 8 7 5 6 6 5 4 C 83 24 57455569878 8 7 8 9 8 8 8 8 7 3 4 7 8 162 25 7 12 12 13 10 ii 14 13 14 16 18 16 II 12 IO IO 9 7 7 9 9 7 8 7 262 26 78888888767 5 4 5 6 3 6 6 5 4 4 3 4 3 141 27 33111201111 o o o i i o o I I I 20 28 IOOI IOOOOI I 2 I i 4 4 3 6 7 7 9 9 9 67 29 87743332212 i I o 3 2 2 3 7 16 18 16 13 124 30 12 6 23 28 26 16 4 9 8 8 10 7 7 9 IO 9 9 8 7 8 12 12 8 8 264 Means 8.3 8.9 10.0 9.6 12.4 8.9 9.7 9.4 9-5 9-2 9-4 IO.2 10. 1 10.3 IO.I 9.6 9.7 8.9 8.7 8.6 9.2 10.1 9-7 9-5 230.0 Total movement during month, 6901 miles; mean daily movement, 230.0 miles; average hourly movement, 9.6 miles METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of July, 1904 461 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily ;otal IH 2H 3H 4H SH 6n 7H 811 pH ion nil I2H 1311 I4H ISH i6a I7H 1811 iyn 2011 2IH 22H 23H 24H i Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 532IOI468 10 12 Mi. 15 Mi. Mi. 14 16 Mi. Mi. 16 16 Mi. 14 Mi. 13 Mi. IO Mi. 9 Mi. Mi. 4 6 Mi. Mi. 6 2 Mi. 193 2 7 13 II 97879768 6 7 9 10 7 6 7 6 5 7 4 6 5 177 3 97387896789 8 9 10 9 10 ii ii IO 8 8 8 5 6 194 4 5 6 556536589 10 ii 13 ii ii II IO 7 8 2 2 9 7 i 9 9 4 7 9 8 4 ii 9 5 6 ii ii 9 20 5 3 12 12 14 2O 177 138 184 13 9998 10 78654 4 2 I 7 7 8 23 23 18 ii 17 12 15 9 10 8 6 6 4 5 2 5 3 5 II 12 14 12 246 8 13 10 9 7 6 8 10 13 18 5 ii 10 10 8 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 I 161 9 01021235398 5 7 7 3 6 6 3 2 I O I O I 76 10 01022324433 4 4 5 6 5 4 4 4 5 5 3 4 4 to ii 20014579897 5 5 6 7 6 6 6 7 7 8 6 9 8 138 12 65657579999 ii ii n II IO 10 8 8 9 IO IO ii ii 208 13 89887554666 7 7 6 7 6 4 4 4 5 8 7 8 8 153 H 547654S423I 2 3 7 5 12 14 ii 5 6 9 6 6 10 142 IS 12 7 12 13 7 6 7 6 12 9 9 6 19 25 28 28 39 19 23 12 19 17 18 18 37i 16 17 28 50 48 39 37 46 50 47 53 53 00 60 58 55 54 54 55 56 60 60 65 62 60 1227 17 60 51 49 50 51 49 41 20 38 43 53 57 57 54 50 35 40 47 51 4 6 45 47 40 31 1105 18 25 30 33 31 35 35 18 29 34 35 33 30 28 29 27 31 29 25 20 16 18 17 II 3 622 19 II4I344333I I 7 I 2 O 2 o 3 i i i 2 6 55 20 34322101133 4 3 4 3 4 5 3 3 5 5 5 3 4 74 21 35674546697 10 8 6 6 5 5 4 7 9 8 4 5 4 143 22 33200001001 o 3 i i i i 3 3 o 4 3 3 2 35 23 IO02IOIIII2 5 2 I 4 7 8 6 6 7 ii 8 7 8 90 24 8 10 9 7 7 6 10 10 15 12 8 5 7 12 6 9 9 9 3 4 7 4 5 6 188 25 5 4 4 3 3 10 10 12 13 8 7 6 19 27 14 6 16 8 IO 12 5 5 I 3 211 26 33235304432 2 3 4 2 4 3 2 2 I 2 2 I i 6l 27 21012114431 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 7 5 4 9 3 4 69 28 4763123 ii 434 16 2O 19 21 2O 18 17 17 17 6 5 8 7 239 29 77789755444 4 4 5 7 9 9 10 8 9 7 7 9 8 163 30 10 14 16 17 15 15 18 18 16 19 20 19 17 IS 14 12 IO IO 8 8 7 8 7 9 322 31 10 12 12 14 13 II II 12 13 II 10 9 7 8 9 9 8 7 9 9 10 8 8 7 237 Means 8.3 8.5 9.7 9.6 8.8 8.7 8.7 9-5 10.4 10.2 10.4 10.9 II. 8 12.2 11.3 II. I 11.4 10.5 10.4 9.9 10.3 10.2 9-5 9-2 241-3 Total movement during month, 7480 miles; mean daily movement, 241.3 miles; average hourly movement, 10.1 miles. 462 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of August, 1904 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding DaiU total Afi. 188 in 2H 3H 411 511 6n 711 SH 9H IOH IIH I2H I3H I4 I5H l6H I7H l8H I9H 2OII 21 H 22H 23H 24H i A/i. A/i. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 'Mi. Mi. Mi. A/1. 6 6 4 6 5 6 12 12 n 15 10 8 A/i. ii A/i. 12 Mi. 13 Mi. Mi. 7 6 Afi. 6 6 A/i. A/i. 7 7 A/i. S Afi. Afi. 4 3 2 0452279869 12 n IO 8 H 17 17 16 17 20 17 IS IS IS 256 3 15 16 14 15 21 20 17 19 17 12 17 17 16 19 20 21 18 16 IS 12 14 14 13 12 390 4 9 12 10 763423233 3 i 2 6 8 12 13 15 14 14 M 166 S 14 14 15 17 15 12 12 12 9 9 8 9 8 8 7 5 3 i I O I 3 I O 184 6 I 2 4 9 10 12 14 13 10 IS 19 19 IS 16 IO 6 3 4 4 6 4 9 7 9 221 7 10 7 3 4 10 10 ii 13 7 3 o 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 7 12 7 4 8 143 8 19 16 12 17 21 29 32 30 27 28 30 29 29 29 23 32 28 31 34 35 3i 26 7 22 617 9 34 37 26 41 33 25 19 14 21 16 12 14 ii 7 9 6 7 4 2 I i 2 I I 344 10 O2OOOOOIII33 6 5 5 S 3 3 4 S 4 S 4 5 65 ii 424344246302 2 i 3 2 3 i 2 2 9 6 14 13 96 12 19 21 19 8 10 27 17 14 8 8 12 13 6 13 13 7 10 13 15 17 16 18 20 24 348 13 2O 22 25 26 2O l8 25 25 21 25 26 19 9 ii 14 IS 14 18 17 20 25 25 22 22 484 14 24 22 24 21 20 16 9 9 10 10 6 5 6 i 7 7 7 6 3 2 3 2 2 4 226 IS 233121436514 4 I I I I 2 I I 2 4 2 7 62 16: 7 14 7321 13321 i 2 I 4 3 2 I 3 o 5 7 7 8 88 17 4 8 14 8 8 14 10 7 10 S 2 4 3 4 2 I I 2 2 2 3 2 I 117 18 101200013012 4 I 2 2 2 2 3 I O 3 I O 32 19 311321424342 3 6 5 4 6 6 S 9 13 IS 10 4 116 20 333424335444 3 5 2 2 3 7 ii 4 4 II IO IO 114 21 9 7 7 810 911 7 8 5 13 22 26 16 IS 15 ii 13 23 23 17 12 10 9 306 22 10 8 10 87469 ii 756 8 8 5 7 9 13 9 10 18 19 9 5 211 23 31 1341222322 4 2 6 7 5 6 7 7 6 7 8 6 97 24 74S6777766S5 3 4 S 4 5 5 5 5 S 4 3 5 125 25 654543444557 7 7 6 S 3 4 3 3 4 4 i i 104 26 130000012421 2 i I 2 3 2 4 S 4 2 2 42 27 22201222348 17 5 14 18 13 13 IO 13 IS 13 3 6 6 174 28 323210337155 9 IS 17 18 7 9 2O IS 6 3 3 2 159 29 011310100101 i 2 i o 4 9 IO 6 n 13 14 12 92 30 743IOOI IOI 12 3 I i I i 4 8 9 8 IO 10 9 86 31 10 12 10 17 18 17 14 19 19 21 18 16 IS 18 20 23 21 17 17 IS 18 14 24 29 422 Means 8.2 8.4 7-7 8.1 7-9 8.2 8.3 8.1 8.1 7-5 7-6 8.3 7.6 7.8 8.1 7.8 7-3 7-8 9.0 8.9 9.6 9.2 8.0 8.6 196.0 Total movement during month, 6075 miles; mean daily movement, 196.0 miles; average hourly movement, 8.2 miles METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of September, 1904 463 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total in 2H 311 4H SH 6H 7H 8n 9H IOH IIH I2H 1311 I4H * 1611 1711 1811 I9H 2OH 21 H 22 II 23 H 24H i Mi. -Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 10 9 ii 30 37 41 41 48 44 42 44 44 Mi. Mi. 45 44 Mi. 44 Mi. 41 Mi. 40 Mi. 33 Mi. 36 Mi. Mi. 32 24 Mi. Mi. 17 18 Mi. 23 Mi. 798 2 23 24 26 29 27 19 18 23 24 24 29 26 25 25 29 32 29 29 29 33 36 35 37 37 668 3 33 33 38 37 37 36 29 28 29 24 25 29 28 28 30 33 33 21 17 22 24 28 36 42 720 4 40 40 38 34 30 40 30 21 9 6 7 12 IS 20 16 14 17 17 19 21 22 22 23 25 538 5 27 27 26 25 25 24 22 23 22 21 22 21 19 19 20 20 20 IS 16 IS 15 14 19 16 493 6 13 14 14 16 15 15 14 IS IS 14 ii 10 13 II 8 9 n 13 16 17 16 II II 16 3i8 7 16 18 21 18 19 20 19 20 18 20 19 18 14 14 12 13 12 ii ii IO II 9 6 7 356 8 754236321013 4 i I o 4 7 6 6 5 4 2 i 78 9 ooiooioioiii I I 4 4 3 3 2 2 5 3 3 37 10 412133341231 I I I 3 2 a 2 2 6 7 6 4 65 ii 5 7 12 ii 14 19 13 10 9 6 6 16 IS 16 16 14 13 10 12 12 14 12 II 6 279 12 5 6 10 II 12 9 9 9 10 10 9 10 13 12 13 14 13 ii II 13 14 IS 12 IS 266 13 14 13 14 13 ii 7 9 6 3 3 i i 2 5 7 6 8 6 6 6 7 7 4 3 162 14 335343476441 6 4 7 5 5 9 5 8 15 7 10 6 134 IS 6 8 6 5 4 3 10 9 13 6 12 13 10 5 18 IS 20 15 7 8 5 5 6 8 217 16 7 9 9 12 12 9 9 10 12 16 18 12 7 14 15 9 5 6 8 5 6 6 5 i 222 17 I 2 4 ii 17 20 14 18 19 18 15 12 ii 8 9 8 7 6 5 7 9 8 4 4 237 18 452557222146 7 9 8 8 6 6 8 10 14 12 9 ii 153 19 10 9 ii 12 10 13 15 14 16 13 14 15 15 14 8 5 2 i 2 3 3 6 5 6 ' 222 20 644768443331 3 I i 4 I 3 6 5 4 5 9 14 109 21 13 10 12 10 9 3 3 o 10 12 10 12 ii ii 9 14 14 13 14 IS 12 13 13 13 256 22 13 14 H IS 16 14 8 2 6 5 7 5 4 6 9 4 5 5 4 3 3 5 7 6 180 23 9 ii 9 14 14 12 12 10 10 14 13 II 9 7 9 12 13 14 ii 6 4 2 I 17 244 24 25 32 33 40 41 40 38 36 30 27 20 15 6 3 3 6 3 5 22 28 30 35 34 37 589 25 36 40 42 43 45 46 41 42 42 43 42 35 35 36 38 43 48 50 44 33 34 48 50 48 1004 26 44 44 36 35 35 31 22 16 18 18 21 16 9 7 IS 13 IO 9 6 5 9 7 3 4 433 27 333024744322 2 I 3 5 4 4 4 4 5 8 13 17 107 28 20 23 27 27 30 31 34 33 33 32 32 29 22 23 26 29 27 22 IS 16 13 II 22 18 595 29 l6 26 25 23 21 2O 21 22 23 24 22 21 18 19 18 16 13 13 12 12 12 10 9 8 424 30 876667667776 5 7 7 4 3 4 3 3 I I I i 119 Means 14.0 14.9 15.5 16.5 17.0 17.0 13.3 14.8 14.6 14.0 14.1 13.5 12.5 12.4 13-4 13-4 13-1 12. 1 12.0 12. 1 12.5 12.5 13.0 13-8 334-1 Total movement during month, 10023 miles; mean daily movement, 334.1 miles; average hourly movement, 13.9 miles 464 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of October, 1904 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total IH 2H 311 411 511 6n 711 8n QH IOH IIH I2H I3H I4H 1511 1611 1711 iSit I9II 2OII 2IH 2211 23H 24H i Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 1213213103 Mi. Mi. I Mi. Mi. i i Mi. Mi. 2 2 Mi. 2 Mi. 2 Mi. -Mi. 2 4 Mi. Mi. 5 12 Mi. Mi. 10 24 Mi. 85 2 27 33 32 25 27 34 35 31 37 32 35 32 30 36 38 45 48 47 50 46 44 54 58 58 934 3 59 61 60 60 63 56 53 62 61 58 57 56 53 52 48 48 47 45 43 42 42 40 40 34 1240 4 31 30 28 40 46 44 45 45 45 45 45 36 42 47 54 22 17 25 26 17 15 27 35 39 846 5 47 65 64 63 60 51 30 29 10 14 14 23 18 33 16 13 47 52 48 48 27 14 23 16 8^5 6 24 28 32 31 26 14 14 15 II 15 H 13 12 9 10 3 8 8 6 3 2 3 4 4 309 7 5334533564 I 2 7 8 4 12 14 16 13 10 10 6 7 7 158 8 9 10 9 8 15 16 21 18 14 14 19 18 22 25 21 21 21 16 20 20 17 20 21 18 4U 9 15 12 8 24 32 31 28 19 26 28 30 30 30 24 27 26 27 33 32 26 18 19 17 17 579 10 16 10 4 4 6 9 12 14 21 24 23 22 20 18 2O 21 21 23 22 22 22 19 19 19 411 ii 2O 23 24 21 20 19 19 21 21 l8 18 16 17 14 15 H 9 IO 10 II 9 IO 7 7 370 12 to 7 8 7 8 16 19 24 22 24 24 29 33 44 50 55 25 42 46 39 36 28 18 17 631 13 ii 13 14 17 24 21 14 5 i o o O 6 5 4 6 6 6 12 12 13 16 18 16 240 14 16 21 20 19 18 18 19 21 16 14 IO 3 2 2 3 3 4 7 10 5 5 II IS 9 271 IS 4545487554 3 5 3 I 2 I 4 2 6 5 4 8 9 5 109 16 2112145677 8 8 8 9 12 8 4 3 5 7 IO 2O 21 24 183 17 23 20 17 21 13 13 16 17 IS 14 15 16 13 14 16 15 16 15 12 12 IO 12 10 6 351 18 64467 13 10 995 8 7 6 5 8 9 13 13 12 8 7 10 8 7 194 19 8 10 10 15 17 16 13 14 10 6 6 i 3 i i i 3 I 2 2 2 I 5 5 153 20 6566756866 o 9 8 7 9 8 9 3 4 7 6 7 10 148 21 9 7 6 10 9 8 9 10 ii ii 9 8 10 14 II 10 ii 8 12 II 12 6 i i 214 22 8946677768 6 4 4 4 3 I 4 2 3 5 6 4 2 ) * 23 o o 3 13 9 12 14 14 13 8 I 4 5 8 5 4 4 4 3 5 4 5 8 9 155 24 16 19 18 19 24 17 13 10 10 8 13 8 6 6 4 5 5 5 3 4 7 5 5 5 235 25 6 5 4 4 2 3 10 23 25 12 18 ii 9 35 42 47 50 44 47 47 47 36 28 25 580 26 26 22 20 16 13 10 7 4 6 S 4 9 8 3 3 I I o O 2 I 2 I 164 27 ooooo 1002 i i o i i I 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 I 26 28 2111233142 i 2 2 2 3 2 8 II 7 5 2 I o 4 TO 29 3423333766 7 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 6 5 5 6 138 30 33S3244S45 7 8 10 9 8 10 14 16 27 35 39 42 50 53 366 31 52 40 59 60 59 52 52 61 66 65 65 66 70 74 73 69 70 69 65 62 54 34 28 29 1.591 Mr:in 15.0 15.3 15.2 16.6 17.1 16.5 15-9 16.5 16.0 15-0 14.9 14.4 15.1 16.8 16.7 15-9 16.8 17.6 18.0 17.0 15-6 15-4 15-5 15-3 384.S Total movement during month, 11909 miles; mean daily movement, 384.2 miles; average hourly movement, 16.0 miles METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 465 Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of November, 1904 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total III 2H 3 411 SH 6n 711 8H 9H IOH IIH I2H I3II I4II I5II l6ll I7H l8ll I9H 20H 2IH 22 II 2311 2411 i Mi. Mi. 40 45 'Mi. 47 Mi. Mi. 43 42 Mi. Mi. 38 36 Mi. 34 Mi. Mi. 33 34 Aft'. Mi. 35 38 Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 35 32 34 32 35 35 27 24 21 Mi. 23 Mi. Mi. 24 23 Mi. 810 2 22 IS 15 15 12 9 ii ii 7 2 4 6 324311367 8 8 9 187 3 9 8 ii 10 II 9 9 9 10 9 20 19 24 22 25 24 25 30 29 29 30 32 35 31 470 4 34 36 36 34 35 35 29 22 25 28 29 29 31 29 28 27 26 24 2O 20 21 16 21 2O 655 5 13 7 6 9 12 IO 2 2 2 3 3 2 OOIS5642I i O 2 98 6 4 i o 3 I O O O I O I 143456343 4 4 3 55 7 3 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 2 3 3 2 2333220 10 I O 57 8 O I o o I 2 I I O I O I I O I I I I I 2 I 17 9 I 2 2 2 5 4 4 3 i 3 I O IOOIOO2I5 19 23 II 9i 10 7 8 7 7 6 2 2 I 2 I 2 II22OII23 6 8 7 79 ii 24 28 28 26 26 25 2O 23 26 30 27 12 23 20 25 27 24 24 34 36 39 33 32 34 646 12 34 24 18 17 15 14 18 13 2O 23 41 43 39 26 16 18 21 19 14 7 4 6 4 17 471 13 22 22 28 39 36 33 34 27 H 5 21 16 26 27 27 23 15 ii 14 15 13 6 7 4 485 M 7 8 9 8 13 9 3 2 4 6 4 12 9 13 24 37 44 48 55 58 57 60 56 58 604 IS 58 60 55 47 31 24 20 19 22 18 23 25 28 26 24 24 20 21 20 24 24 25 23 24 685 16 28 28 27 28 31 30 28 28 29 25 26 25 25 23 22 22 19 16 16 18 16 13 17 14 554 17 9 7 8 II 12 12 24 29 27 28 30 33 32 27 23 2O 22 22 23 l6 13 IO 8 13 459 18 15 12 13 8 9 15 20 18 13 II II 7 7 10 10 845578 IO 9 8 243 19 6 5 i 6 7 6 6 4 4 5 8 4 8 ii 9776344 2 8 23 154 20 6 10 12 8 4 3 2 6 3 7 16 16 14 12 16 17 30 32 33 29 20 12 8 7 323 21 6 6 5 7 6 7 2 o i I O I 6 799 10 ii 999 9 8 5 143 22 6 6 7 6 4 9 5 3 I 2 I 2OIOOOOIO o 2 4 60 23 5 7 7 8 9 10 12 ii 9 6 7 4 3 o 5 12 13 5 I 13 14 7 12 4 184 24 14 17 14 IS 13 14 16 15 14 7 5 5 336665698 ii 12 II 235 25 IO II 15 IO 12 6 7 8 19 5 5 6 39 45 47 43 49 47 33 17 8 IO 6 9 467 26 5 22 ii ii 8 3 22 33 21 II 33 31 27 28 33 23 18 ii 6 5 10 12 19 19 422 27 8 12 IO IS 20 25 25 21 21 22 16 ii 788203000 234 28 2 8 8 8 9 7 3 I I O o o 155645543 3 2 3 93 2Q 2 5 5 3 4 2 4 2 3 2 I 2 2IIIIIIOI O o. o 44 30 2 I O o o O 2 2 2 I 444342356 6 4 4 59 M 'ill! 13.4 14.2 13-6 13-6 13-3 12.2 12.2 11.6 II. 2 IO.O 12.5 i i. 8 13.5 13.0 13-9 13-7 13-7 13-3 12.4 12.2 n.6 ii. 5 12. I I2.3i 302.8 Total movement during month, 9084 miles; mean daily movement, 302.8 miles; average hourly movement, 12.6 miles 466 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teptitz Bay during the month of December, 1904 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total IH 2H 3H 4H 5H 6ll 7H 8H QH IOH IIH I2H I3H 1411 1511 i6n I7H I8H 1911 2OH 2IH 22H 23H 24H i Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. I I I I 2 2 2 33 16 27 32 Mi. Mi. 38 34 Mi. 3i Mi. 26 Mi. 29 Mi. 3i Mi. 30 Mi. Mi. 35 35 Mi. Mi. 33 33 Mi. 22 Mi. 468 2 20 35 34 33 9 10 35 3O 39 38 40 35 ^8 35 3i 29 18 13 15 13 13 16 13 II 593 3 12 17 45 42 35 37 37 36 37 15 26 32 22 26 23 21 20 30 32 12 24 30 27 29 667 4 22 20 19 25 33 20 27 31 25 19 13 II 16 20 9 13 20 27 II 4 4 4 2 3 398 5 121 I2I2IO26 12 16 12 13 II 17 12 II 13 24 14 14 19 207 6 30 24 26 32 36 20 30 27 29 27 31 36 30 21 9 19 20 24 38 42 44 43 41 39 7i8 7 33 39 44 50 46 62 67 66 59 45 32 26 25 42 45 45 58 54 55 37 31 39 31 26 1057 8 30 48 46 52 54 57 58 49 55 55 53 34 38 39 5i 38 24 27 12 9 12 13 33 38 925 9 32 28 23 19 12 9 7 10 10 14 14 12 II 12 ii 10 6 3 2 2 2 7 ii 17 284 10 21 13 8 42 31 22 16 14 15 32 31 33 27 23 25 29 29 19 9 17 52 44 58 53 663 ii 52 48 42 41 28 15 II 36 29 51 45 22 35 34 30 5i 49 50 25 25 42 44 44 47 896 12 49 55 51 34 4O 44 4O 45 45 43 46 41 42 44 30 20 20 13 30 30 31 33 31 31 888 13 29 29 31 29 32 37 39 37 29 31 28 31 42 47 48 47 48 47 43 37 35 34 36 36 882 14 45 46 45 42 42 47 42 41 39 34 34 31 26 20 19 23 22 18 13 13 10 10 9 3 674 IS 9 II 9 ii 94221213 I 3 2 2 2 2 I O O I I 79 16 o 12 2 5 3 4 620 19 2 o 3 i 2 I 2 O 2 I 2 I 2 I 82 17 6 17 19 10 3 i i i 2 i 6 10 10 8 8 IO 8 9 12 16 15 IS 27 20 235 18 9102029272420 9 6 4 3 3 3 3 i 4 8 5 2 2 2 I 2 3 200 19 1222122031 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 I I O I 35 20 111122214110 O I 3 4 8 6 3 IO IO 12 IO 12 96 21 2 o 7 15 16 18 19 20 22 16 ii 15 12 12 13 17 13 13 16 12 l6 16 17 17 335 22 8754 12 542 1247 5 6 6 8 8 8 9 8 7 II IO 7 154 23 8 12 ii ii 17 18 16 15 16 17 17 14 12 13 15 19 18 16 18 19 15 12 13 14 356 24 945677579942 2 I I i o o I O I O I 82 25 OOOIOOOO2I 15 O 2 8 2 i o I 2 I I o 28 26 i i 10134213 1616 13 22 17 14 16 17 18 17 18 17 10 8 236 27 746532111137 9 13 16 13 14 IO 8 II IO 12 6 19 182 28 19 17 19 17 16 ii 15 9 85 4 o I I 2 I 2 I i I 2 I 2 i 156 29 146652131221 I I 2 3 3 5 8 9 13 14 16 H 123 30 15 14 13 12 13 7 3 IS 13 10 9 5 8 i I IO 13 13 13 10 14 8 6 6 232 31 9 2 2 2 2 4 22 8 12 7 15 7 9 8 7 5 6 3 7 6 7 6 ii 149 Meant- 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.6 17.5 16.0 16.6 16.8 17.2 17.0 16.7 15.8 15.6 16.4 15.5 16.1 16.2 15-5 14.2 13-4 15-9 iS-9 16.5 16.4 389.7 Total movement during month, 12080 miles; mean daily movement, 389.7 miles; average hourly movement, 16.2 miles METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of January, 1905 467 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total IH 2H 3H 4H 511 6ll 7H 8(1 QH IOH IIH I2H I3H I4H I5H i6n I7H i8n I9H 2OH 21 H 22H 23H 24H I Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Wi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 13 7 18 17 16 ii 9 3 I i i 2 Mi. Mi. 3 2 Mi. i Mi. 3 Mi. 2 Mi. i Mi. 2 Mi. I Mi. Mi. I I Mi. Mi. 2 6 Mi. 124 2 10 9 8844887746 I 2 i i 2 3 2 i 4 I 3 4 108 3 322223311123 4 2 4 I 8 10 12 ii 12 9 5 4 107 4 322111011643 4 4 f 6 4 5 4 6 7 9 4 5 88 5 5S4434442IOI I O 2 i i I o O I I ii 56 6 27 24 5 5 5 8 19 22 26 25 33 47 27 18 39 27 18 ii 25 23 28 14 14 12 502 7 ii 14 ii 47 45 20 12 25 44 52 Si 52 52 48 38 so 47 35 60 42 31 41 28 27 883 8 36 33 39 42 50 51 56 53 31 12 16 36 42 48 47 55 56 50 51 54 57 58 38 15 1026 9 15 76768654432 4 5 8 8 10 10 ii II 9 7 18 24 198 10 21 26 25 27 27 20 9 7 14 23 24 24 10 7 6 4 3 2 2 3 6 8 9 S 312 ii 15 ii ii 12 8 6 8 5 6 4 9 12 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 2 142 12 32II222222I2 3 3 2 2 6 4 2 2 2 3 3 5 59 13 533II222II32 4 2 2 2 2 i 3 2 2 3 2 2 53 14 I3I4454I32I3 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 57 IS 232223II2II3 I I I 2 2 2 II 30 26 41 45 46 231 16 43 40 36 43 47 45 SO 46 37 28 38 39 29 29 19 17 31 II 12 21 16 9 10 5 701 17 523332231223 4 5 5 10 10 IO 10 12 ii II 9 9 137 18 14 IS H 17 15 14 IS 13 13 17 21 23 25 17 13 9 8 II 15 17 19 20 17 14 376 . 14 87 10 13 3688865 4 6 7 IS 27 33 22 II ii 20 12 II 275 20 ii 7 9 5 4 21 16 32 21 6 ii ii 6 2 2 I 2 2 2 4 4 S 3 2 189 21 65424652399 12 14 16 16 16 14 19 17 IS 14 10 IO IO 238 22 954554223244 4 5 8 6 7 7 7 9 IO II II 10 144 23 9 12 12 II 10 12 II 14 19 24 28 25 24 35 40 45 46 53 S3 57 65 66 TO 64 805 24 61 56 56 54 28 29 35 32 36 41 44 43 45 45 49 47 46 41 40 36 34 38 44 55 1035 25 58 48 46 48 47 38 28 25 24 33 32 29 32 27 22 19 17 13 17 14 12 l6 IS 13 673 26 14 15 18 20 21 20 18 18 17 15 14 ii 12 9 8 II 12 9 9 3 4 i 2 4 285 27 784446565555 7 5 4 5 4 7 IO 12 IO 12 12 15 167 28 19 27 28 28 33 39 38 43 49 54 55 63 63 65 63 57 55 59 59 57 60 58 59 49 1180 29 53 57 57 65 70 66 63 54 52 57 63 56 65 61 63 66 71 72 77 67 63 70 59 53 1500 30 42 16 26 50 39 ii 12 10 15 32 16 15 14 25 23 19 10 IO IO 12 ii 7 10 7 442 31 ii 15 13 13 H 15 21 19 15 20 18 18 16 22 20 18 27 22 23 22 19 19 19 16 432 Moans [7-6 15.7 15.3 18.0 17.1 15.5 15.2 15.1 14.9 16.0 16.7 18.1 17.0 16.8 l6.9 17.0 17.8 I6. 7 18.5 18.1 17.8 18.5 17.4 16.4 404.0 Total movement during month, 12525 miles; mean daily movement, 404.0 miles; average hourly movement, 16.8 miles 468 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of February, 1905 Date For the hour preceding WIND MOVEMENT Daily total IH 2H 311 411 SH 6n 7H 8n QH IOH mi I2H I3H 1411 15" l6H I7H 1811 1911 2OH 2IH 2211 23H 24H i Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 17 17 19 17 17 16 18 19 18 14 13 ii Mi. ML 9 5 Mi. 5 Mi. 3 Mi. 9 Mi. 9 Mi. 5 Mi. Mi. 6 7 Mi. 5 Mi. Mi. 3 4 Mi. 266 2 4 4 S 7 8 6 9 14 17 21 25 24 16 23 26 30 33 30 31 32 32 27 27 28 479 3 2S 27 22 23 22 22 19 19 19 2O 19 14 16 24 25 21 19 17 12 16 20 13 IO 12 456 4 10 4 12 16 5 10 8 6 8 17 20 22 18 27 28 18 16 16 12 24 40 43 43 47 470 5 45 44 41 38 38 38 37 33 33 34 37 34 35 3i 35 30 34 39 38 37 30 19 35 36 851 6 38 44 42 40 43 46 41 33 29 24 23 24 24 22 20 20 18 17 14 12 7 8 7 3 599 7 78757777 10 974 7 6 5 8 8 5 7 4 2 3 4 5 149 8 534533456445 4 5 I 3 5 6 3 4 4 5 4 3 98 9 433453433344 5 6 10 4 6 5 5 21 38 42 33 31 249 10 30 33 26 8 12 15 42 41 38 30 29 25 29 27 29 27 29 25 8 17 35 32 12 20 619 ii 29 33 31 25 25 26 22 22 26 20 25 27 28 26 27 30 29 29 27 24 ii 3 5 8 558 12 10 44 14854035 12 13 15 13 ii 6 12 7 3 3 6 3 5 157 13 3 4 5 6 ii ii 13 10 9 3 6 6 6 6 9 6 5 16 IO ii 14 8 9 4 191 14 9 14 10 16 8 14 8 4 5 18 10 9 15 16 18 16 18 16 18 10 4 4 4 5 269 IS 13 8 5 7 4 4 7 12 14 13 12 6 10 8 16 19 19 17 ii ii 15 23 25 26 305 16 26 27 30 29 26 24 27 34 39 43 46 47 49 49 44 4i 45 46 45 5i 54 51 45 38 956 17 40 44 45 45 43 47 49 47 58 62 56 44 46 45 45 45 44 47 48 48 54 58 56 58 1 174 18 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 4O 39 41 39 39 34 33 32 33 32 26 38 37 31 25 28 907 19 27 25 28 26 27 24 28 35 34 36 38 27 24 20 18 19 24 13 5 6 10 IO H U 531 20 10 96988245879 9 9 9 8 IO 9 9 12 II 14 13 H 209 21 911 10 2 5 54 7969 12 IS 14 18 24 28 27 26 28 25 22 26 26 368 22 30 32 33 39 35 32 33 29 21 33 38 39 42 37 45 47 52 49 5i 48 44 44 3i 37 921 23 32 26 42 54 51 49 50 53 49 33 3O 42 35 38 42 45 45 41 40 41 41 43 43 45 IOIO 24 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 44 43 41 39 36 35 33 31 26 23 14 20 19 13 7 7 791 25 12 13 8 ii 12 6 14 15 9 5 3 4 6 3 4 4 3 5 8 6 10 6 10 17 K.I4 26 16 30 36 44 50 55 62 61 59 62 61 59 60 60 53 53 56 49 46 47 4i 57 5i 50 1218 27 56 53 55 56 58 66 55 60 66 71 73 72 68 66 50 52 57 73 65 54 53 54 59 55 1447 28 49 39 31 33 37 33 26 26 30 30 28 28 35 45 47 49 59 41 5 16 41 50 47 ii 836 M I'll 11 13.1 23.2 23.2 23.4 23.4 23.9 24.4 24.8 24.9 25.1 25.4 24.6 25.0 25.1 25-3 24-9 26.3 25-5 21.3 23.1 25.1 24.8 23.2 22.6 581.4 Total movement during month, 16278 miles; mean daily movement, 581.4 miles; average hourly movement, 24.2 miles, METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplits Bay during the month of March, 1905 469 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total IH 2H 3H 4H 511 6ll 711 8H 9H IOH IIH I2H 1311 I4H I5H i6n I7H i8n I9H 2OH 2IH 22H 23H 24H i A/i. Mi. A/i. A/i. Mi. Mi- A//. A/. 'A/i. A/t. A/J. A/i. 10 17 20 IS 13 II 12 II IS 14 II II A/I. Mi. 9 n Mi. 12 Mi. 9 Mi. Mi. 9 9 Mi. 7 A/i. o A/i. 9 Mi. Mi. 9 6 Mi. 4 Mi. 263 2 55324333478 19 25 22 24 24 24 27 27 20 35 38 38 34 404 3 31 29 33 35 33 27 33 35 40 36 20 7 7 8 II 7 3 I 4 3 8 9 7 4 43i 4 S 9 12 17 17 15 14 14 19 21 23 29 30 34 35 37 37 40 23 18 18 22 25 25 539 5 26 30 30 34 31 27 27 31 29 33 31 19 13 IO IO 6 10 2O 16 15 15 IS 13 13 506 6 13 12 13 13 6 6 s 3 7 10 12 8 8 8 3 4 4 4 9 IO 20 17 17 17 229 7 l6 23 26 22 22 22 22 23 24 27 48 49 49 48 55 59 66 68 73 62 64 70 66 68 1072 8 74 78 75 75 75 75 7o 65 63 62 14 15 22 31 24 29 44 44 41 44 45 44 43 44 1196 9 46 48 45 45 45 34 20 25 35 33 40 45 18 9 9 10 13 17 20 19 21 20 10 3 630 10 97634554764 10 8 7 IO 13 13 10 13 II 14 15 13 10 207 ii 14 6 15 37 36 42 41 38 36 40 33 33 29 27 26 23 24 29 31 33 35 35 36 40 739 12 40 37 33 30 29 28 29 36 39 39 37 36 37 34 33 33 36 35 29 28 32 33 31 30 804 13 24 24 24 23 22 19 20 22 21 2O 29 31 33 14 39 19 ii 9 IO 30 25 48 53 43 613 14 36 43 42 40 40 40 35 30 18 28 7 3 7 5 9 7 7 6 7 2 3 2 7 8 432 15 997756665467 6 8 8 5 2 4 7 8 12 ii ii 9 168 16 8 n 13 12 ii 10 9 7 6 9 10 10 5 3 7 8 6 4 4 4 3 7 9 ii 187 i? ii 7 8 12 15 17 13 13 12 10 9 10 10 8 5 5 7 7 8 8 7 4 6 3 215 18 231346553232 3 7 S 5 3 3 4 6 6 6 4 i 92 19 610000000047 8 8 8 9 7 10 9 ii H IS 17 IS 149 20 17 J7 17 IS 18 16 13 13 12 n 13 15 17 17 15 13 14 18 16 12 11 II 12 18 351 21 19 23 24 22 18 17 16 10 7 7 5 5 2 3 5 5 o o O O O 188 22 oooooooooooo 4 3 3 2 5 10 27 23 6 5 3 2 4 4 7 10 12 10 8 10 IO II IO 9 IO 12 II 13 12 12 13 19 223 24 17 17 19 '4 l8 l8 17 21 22 l8 21 21 IS IS 17 17 18 20 20 18 14 II 17 15 420 25 10 98 12 99531432 3 S 7 4 3 I 4 4 3 3 4 8 124 26 535 787 10 34 10 2220 20 23 12 6 4 3 7 7 9 13 16 II 235 27 ii ii 13 16 18 19 21 21 17 15 13 13 10 8 7 6 3 3 3 4 S 7 8 9 261 28 9 12 16 18 19 15 14 17 18 14 14 ii 10 13 12 13 10 13 12 IO IO IO 12 ii 313 29 10 10 9 10 10 ii 10 13 10 9 8 8 9 9 8 IO 7 9 9 9 6 6 S 4 209 30 363221130102 6 9 9 8 7 5 4 5 4 3 2 I 87 31 211201311012 5 5 6 3 o 6 5 4 4 2 I 56 MVans 15.9 16.5 16.9 17.6 17.3 16.5 15.7 15.7 15.7 16.2 14.7 14.8 14-0 13-5 14.2 13-1 13.0 14.1 14.1 13-9 I5-I 16.1 16.4 15-7 366.8 Total movement during month, 11370 miles; mean daily movement, 366.8 miles; average hourly movement, 15.3 miles 470 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplitz Bay during the month of April, 1905 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total in 2H 3H 4H SH 6n 7H SH QH IOH IIH I2H I3H I4H ISH i6n I7H l8H I9H 2OH 21 H 22H 23H 24H i Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 20223222562 Mi. 9 Mi. Mi. 12 IO Mi. o Mi. o Mi. o Mi. Mi. O Mi. Mi. o o Mi. o Mi. Mi. o o Mi. 59 2 11162111000 o O I o o o o I I 17 3 IOII2III2I25 i 5 8 7 2 2 2 I O I 3 5 5 69 4 S4S633I2000 o O I 3 13 15 35 28 27 57 60 55 Si 374 5 39 27 34 19 24 28 27 29 26 28 24 22 22 l6 12 2 12 IO 12 33 34 33 32 33 578 6 35 38 39 34 35 3O 30 29 29 26 31 32 28 32 29 32 28 27 29 27 33 36 34 34 757 7 36 37 36 38 37 36 33 28 37 46 47 53 60 53 54 58 55 56 64 65 57 54 50 47 "37 8 44 41 40 40 35 32 30 28 29 30 30 33 30 31 29 27 36 39 37 37 37 37 36 34 822 9 35 35 26 25 28 33 35 37 36 37 39 35 35 35 34 28 30 36 21 37 35 37 35 26 790 10 31 23 35 36 25 15 20 23 20 24 12 16 17 19 16 16 20 20 18 15 IS 14 14 13 477 ii 12 12 12 12 12 10 IO IO 5 2 3 2 7 4 i i i 3 4 4 4 6 4 4 145 12 54556556453 3 2 2 i 4 5 4 6 4 4 5 7 6 106 13 9 8 8 8 7 9 10 15 17 17 16 19 19 19 20 21 22 22 21 22 22 23 22 22 398 14 22 21 2O l8 21 21 22 17 17 17 2O 19 16 15 17 II II IO II II 10 n 9 8 375 IS 68688788875 6 9 7 5 I 2 3 ii 22 28 30 31 25 259 16 27 27 26 20 18 15 18 37 38 26 13 ii 7 9 3 13 25 IS 9 7 5 25 28 29 451 17 30 33 3i 28 29 27 28 23 9 6 6 2 I i 6 s I o o o o 266 18 oooiio 716925 2O 17 26 28 28 26 28 29 28 28 27 29 25 380 19 21 15 25 26 27 35 35 33 32 33 33 33 32 23 19 20 13 16 18 30 29 27 27 22 624 20 18 14 15 ii 12 13 12 10 8 6 6 7 5 4 I 2 I i 3 O 2 3 I 3 158 21 53355236666 7 2 3 4 4 5 S 4 5 5 4 6 104 22 34546434576 7 9 8 8 7 9 7 8 8 7 7 9 9 154 23 8 IO 9 IO II 12 12 12 14 12 12 ii 12 12 12 12 10 7 7 IO 12 ii 9 8 255 24 66343311113 2 4 5 4 3 3 2 3 5 3 5 S 4 80 25 64535467897 9 9 10 7 9 ii II 12 9 9 8 10 1C 188 26 IO IO IO II 12 IO IO 13 12 l6 13 13 17 IS 17 20 24 23 25 29 26 26 26 25 4i3 27 24 23 20 17 20 21 18 18 17 16 13 14 14 14 M 15 16 16 18 17 17 16 15 14 407 28 12 IO II 14 14 13 IO 7 2 2 2 o 4 5 7 7 5 9 7 4 5 4 6 6 166 29 2I3II3I23I2 4 3 I 2 7 7 7 4 4 S 6 4 7 81 30 14 13 12 10 9 9 ii 15 15 16 15 18 16 18 16 14 14 10 8 9 9 9 8 7 295 Means 15.6 14.4 14.9 I4-I 14-3 13-7 13-5 14-3 13-8 13-9 12.6 13-6 13-8 13-5 12.3 12.8 13-7 14.2 14.0 15.6 16.6 17.6 17.2 16.1 346.2 Total movement during month, 10385 miles; mean daily movement, 346.2 miles; average hourly movement, 14.4 miles. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of hourly wind records at Teplits Bay during the month of May, 1905 471 Date WIND MOVEMENT For the hour preceding Daily total in 2H 3H 411 511 6n 7H SH QH IOH IIH I2H I3H I4H I5H i6n I7H i8n 1911 2OH 21 H 22 H 23H 24H i Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. Mi. 4 6 9 6 6 7 5 4 ii 13 13 13 Mi. Mi. 15 20 Mi. 15 Mi. 21 Mi. 25 Mi. 26 Mi. 27 Mi. Mi. 26 26 Ml. 26 Mi. Mi. 25 26 Mi. 375 2 28 23 23 21 21 19 24 26 26 24 28 29 28 28 28 23 19 16 20 21 24 19 16 6 540 3 7 ii 5151632622 3 5 8 II ii 9 12 13 17 16 17 17 190 4 19 16 15 12 8 8 8 9 10 10 13 ii ~8~ 9 9 IO 9 7 7 5 4 4 5 6 222 5 4 3 4 6 13 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 17 16 17 18 18 17 15 14 13 II ii ii 349 6 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 19 18 17 17 18 16 16 19 17 15 16 13 13 21 22 397 7 26262011 6 7 4 4 7 71518 17 16 14 12 ii 8 9 8 7 6 20 18 297 8 10 9 7 10 16 18 20 24 25 23 22 23 25 23 22 26 24 21 22 22 21 22 22 22 479 9 l8 19 20 23 23 22 20 l8 21 17 15 13 12 7 5 5 2 3 4 14 16 17 17 14 34S 10 14 II II 13 IS 12 12 12 12 II IO IO 9 7 5 4 3 I I 3 3 4 2 I 186 it 317779876555 6 6 8 9 IO 9 II 12 12 12 14 '4 193 12 15 14 14 12 13 12 12 IO 10 IO 8 8 8 7 IO IO 8 4 3 2 4 6 8 8 216 13 9 9 II II 12 12 12 12 15 14 l6 l6 M 13 13 16 18 17 16 16 17 18 19 18 344 14 19 19 19 21 l8 2O 19 19 21 21 19 21 20 16 14 17 16 18 20 23 20 22 23 21 466 IS 20 20 19 18 20 17 17 16 16 13 12 10 10 II 13 14 10 IO 9 12 12 II II 14 335 16 14 13 13 12 10 9 8 6 4 2 2 3 o 3 5 6 3 3 7 7 6 6 8 ISO 17 9 12 10 II 76777576 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 8 8 8 9 7 191 18 777787776677 7 7 6 7 6 5 6 6 5 5 2 I 146 19 I I 3 7 12 17 l6 IO IO 21 24 28 28 31 22 23 27 33 28 28 28 27 27 25 477 20 25 24 23 19 18 15 16 18 18 18 19 22 21 18 16 14 8 8 IS 24 25 28 28 30 470 21 27 33 26 26 23 8 7 4 25 25 17 18 20 19 18 20 18 18 19 21 21 19 21 l6 469 22 18 26 29 29 29 32 27 29 33 34 37 35 29 32 36 37 37 33 34 35 3i 32 39 38 771 23 39 41 35 38 40 39 39 32 37 25 28 28 31 33 33 39 39 32 21 17 17 16 12 12 723 24 14 21 26 20 18 17 14 14 16 ii 13 14 9 12 13 15 17 14 IS 15 16 24 32 35 415 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 32 34 27 37 39 27 22 25 31 31 8 7 6 5 7 10 ii 10 910 8 6 35 34 27 27 27 26 21 2O 12 9 9 9 630 97 Means 15.5 16.2 13.7 iS-2 15-3 15-2 15-2 14-1 15-7 15-2 15.8 15.8 15-3 15-8 15-2 16.3 15-9 14.6 14-5 15-5 IS-2 IS-2 16.6 16.0 371-5 Total movement during 255/2 days, 9473 miles; mean daily movement, 371.5 miles; average hourly movement, 14.9 miles 472 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION REDUCTION OF OBSERVATIONS AT TEPLITZ BAY Summary of mean monthly daily records at Teplilz Bay October, 1903, to April, 1904 Month Reduced barometer Reading of Fahrenheit thermometer Precipitation 8H I2H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H Total October In. 29.812 29.486 29.876 29.444 29.823 29-55I* 29-675 In. 29.808 29.491 29.874 29.449 29.797 29.585 29.673 In. 29.807 29.510 29.877 29-483 29.810 29.566* 29.685 o + 5-5 - 9-9 15-7 14.9 17 O o + 5-5 - 8.7 -15-6 15-4 ic c + 5.i 12.9 15-5 17.7 15-2 19.2 u8 In. .82 .60 .00 9i .22 I.4I 57 In. 13 23 .00 .48 43 50 .14 In. 34 44 .04 27 .29 .61 23 In. 1.29 1.27 .04 1.66 94 2.52 94 November December January March 19-3 - 9-2 20.5 - 7-2 29.667 29.668 29.677 Il.fl II. I 12.2 -65 .27 32 1.24 *No observatious from 7th to nth. Summary of mean monthly daily records at Teplitz Bay Continued October, 1903, to April, 1904 Month Self-registering Fahrenheit thermometers SH I2H 20H Mean of ex- tremes Range Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. October + 8.8 6.8 12.7 11.7 "5 -13-6 15-7 o + I.I -17.9 19.0 21.0 23.1 24.8 -14-3 O + 7-1 - 6.9 14.0 13.0 12.8 1 6. 2 - 5-5 O + 8.6 - 6.2 11.9 II. 2 9-i -12.4 3-3 O + 1.6 16.1 19.2 21.6 22.O -25-8 -13.2 o + 5-0 12.4 -15-8 16.6 15-5 19.0 9.2 o 10.3 16.5 10.7 16.2 22.1 19.9 I5-I November December January February March .... . 9.0 17.0 8.8 - 6.5 16.6 11.9 15-8 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 'tabular summary of percentages of observed wind directions at Teplitz Bay September, 1903, to December, 1903 473 Direction September, 1903 October, 1903 November, 1903 December, 1903 SH I2H 20H SH 12H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20 H | O 3 3 en .0 O * 10 % JS O X S i o i s tn .0 O 4 a ", 1 \ % | X d ?. 1 O i 1 x' rt S 1 O X a S .0 o X a ?, 1 X' X. ?. N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW w WNW NW NNW Calm % * * 7 % 7 # 10 56 10 % % 3 \ % 3 % 16 \ % 7 % 10 % % % 13 * 10 % 6 I * 10 % 3 % 6 % IO % 6 7 7 10 7 7 7 16 19 3 13 23 19 23 20 24 21 7 3 IO 13 13 13 10 10 30 27 H 21 3 3 23 19 45 3 13 3 6 39 3 13 6 3 19 3 '9 10 26 3 23 "f> 13 13 13 3 10 3 3 10 '7 10 3 10 3 3 14 10 14 3 3 24 3 14 3 10 3 13 7 20 3 10 10 27 3 7 7 39 6 16 3 3 39 IO 13 3 32 6 19 '6 39 3 19 3 3 32 3 19 13 35 6 16 3 IO 27 33 34 36 23 23 29 32 3 '3 10 10 7 13 13 3 T. 10 10 14 18 13 13 10 16 3 3 3 6 7 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 7 7 7 3 3 3 13 3 10 '3 3 3 3 3 17 10 IO 13 6 IO 10 10 13 '3 7 7 3 3 3 6 3 3 7 10 7 7 13 13 3 3 3 3 Tabular summary of percentages of observed wind directions at Teplitz Bay Continued January, 1904, to April, 1904 Direction January, 1904 February, 1904 March, 1904 April, 1904 SH I2H 2OH SH I2H 20H 8H I2H 20H SH I2H 20H | O M 1 2 o X 1 S: M a S O X a S j S S JS a S J O M CO S i O x' 1 M a 3 j o x' a 3 O X a % .3 O a ^ N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW Calm % 6 % 13 % 6 # 10 * 6 % 13 * 14 # 14 * 7 * 14 3 % IO # 10 * 19 * 23 % 12 # 35 * 15 56 24 20 24 4 8 8 % 17 3 H 17 7 10 3 7 * 28 3 10 7 7 7 10 3 3 7 % 7 3 IO 21 7 3 10 % 17 21 14 17 7 % 28 17 10 7 10 * 25 4 4 ii 7 14 4 4 16 1 13 23 10 29 6 6 16 10 13 13 3 'i 19 IO 13 IO 39 3 10 13 3 26 IO 13 10 21 3 28 7 3 24 7 24 i? 21 3 3i 19 ii 8 '9 12 4 35 IS 19 II 26 IO 3 i? 14 7 14 17 7 7 17 3 3 14 14 i? 3 7 ii 4 7 12 8 12 4 4 8 4 4 7 7 ii 23 23 16 6 IO 3 3 6 10 6 3 3 3 3 7 10 7 3 7 3 3 14 4 4 4 4 ii 4 7 3 6 6 3 19 6 M 17 14 17 14 14 ii 8 S 12 4 4 7 '4 7 3 6 7 7 7 3 7 4 8 8 4 ii 8 3 3 7 14 7 3 3 7 7 15 4 IS 7 3 7 474 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION DIURNAL VARIATION IN TEMPERATURE The thermograms obtained at Teplitz Bay from October i, 1903, to April 30, 1904, at which latter date the thermograph failed, have been reduced to the standard of the thermom- eter used in the daily observations. By graphical methods the mean daily thermograms for each month of record have been deduced ; the diurnal inequalities indicated by these monthly mean daily curves are shown in the following summary, values greater than the mean of day being indicated by plus quantities, and vice versa. The mean monthly values for the correspond- ing period October, 1899, to April, 1900, as obtained by the Italian Expedition* are entered herewith for the sake of comparison, the quantities having been reduced to Fahrenheit scale. Summary of mean monthly diurnal variation in temperature at Teplitz Bay From thermograms October, 1903, to April, 1904 L,ocal mean time Month of October to April October, 1903 November, 1903 December, 1903 January, 1904 February, 1904 March, 1904 April, 1904 h F F Of F F Of F tt f O.OI 1-15 + 0.17 - I.I5 + -74 + i-77 1-39 0.15 2 + 0.03 - 1.56 0.24 + 0.26 0-56 + 2.16 1. 01 0.13 4 + 0.02 1. 21 + 0.51 + 0.31 1.41 - 0.74 - 0.89 o-49 6 + 0.22 - O.2O 0.13 + 0.56 1-57 0.86 - o-49 0.36 8 + 0.19 + 1-9 + O.02 + 1-03 i. ii o-33 0.23 + 0.21 10 + 0-25 + 1-05 + O.OI + 0.50 0.63 0.28 + 1. 16 + 0.29 12 + O.22 + L78 + 0.14 + 0.52 + 0.42 0.62 + J-70 + 0.59 M O.O6 + i-95 0.12 + 0.64 + 0.91 0.62 + I-5I + 0.60 16 0.30 + 0.45 0.29 + 0.18 + 1.16 o-39 -f i-59 + 0.34 18 + 0.19 o-37 + 0.08 + 1. 12 + 0.84 o. 16 + 0.90 + o-37 20 O.2O 1.07 + 0.18 - I. 7 6 + 0-73 - 0.18 0.98 - 0.47 22 o-57 J-53 0.38 2.22 + 0.52 + 0.28 - 1.89 0.83 Mean month- ly values .... + 5-3 11.84 15-71 15-92 I5-9I 18.98 8.86 11.70 Monthly val- ues 1899- 1900 + 6.01 + 1-72 1-55 -8.57 16.92 18.31 6.70 6.33 The above series being of only seven months' duration, no very elaborate reductions are possible. Analytical expressions representing the daily variation in temperature have been derived from the results by means of Bessel's periodic function (see page 289) to terms of the third order. The resulting amplitudes and phase angles are shown in the following tabulation, while the curves computed from the same are shown in figure 2. * Osservazioni scientifiche esquite durante la spedizione Polare di S. A. R. Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi, 1899-1900. Milan, 1903. Pp. 331-357- (Relazione sulle osservazioni meteorologiche fatta dal Professore Giovanni Battista Rizzo. ) \ DIURNAL VARIATION IN TEMPERATURE AT TEPLITZ BAY (Inci easing ordinates up denote increasing temperatures.) FIGURE 3 DIURNAL VARIATION IN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AT TEPLITZ BAY ( Iiu-r < i->iii^; nnlinrtte-i updrnote inrreafliup pleasure.) METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 475 Summary of amplitudes and phase angles of periodic functions representing the diurnal variation in temperature at Tcplilz Bay A 1= BI sin (0 f C,) + B t sin (20 + Q + B t sin (38 + C,) Month Amplitudes Phase angles #, B, B 3 c. c. ^3 1903-1904 F F F o / / / October 0.24 0.04 0.15 320 42 274 22 349 35 November 1.76 0.21 o-34 274 34 209 03 122 53 December 0.08 0.04 0.17 7 50 2 7 6 3 8 297 18 January 1.08 0.70 0.51 298 55 322 oo 18 52 February 1.26 0.40 0.18 182 27 77 37 101 19 March 0.86 0.64 0.65 90 16 78 02 4i 35 April 1.65 0-45 0.32 254 37 o 53 4 07 October to April o-53 O.lg 0.23 257 52 3i 45 34 23 NoTK. In these expressions the angle is to be reckoned from o hour A. M. as o* SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION DIURNAL, VARIATION IN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE The barograms made at Teplitz Bay during the period of regular daily observation have been reduced to the standard of the mercurial barometer used. By graphical methods the mean daily curves for each month have been deduced ; the diurnal inequalities so obtained are exhibited in the table following, pressure greater than the mean of day being indicated by plus signs, and vice versa. The mean monthly values for the corresponding period October, 1899, to April, 1900, as obtained by the Italian Expedition* are entered for the sake of comparison, the quantities having been reduced to English measure. Summary of mean monthly diurnal variation in atmospheric pressure at Teplitz Bay From barograms October, 1903, to April, 1904 Local mean time Month of October to April October, November, December, January, February, March, April, 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 h In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. o + .005 + .018 .020 + Qi5 + .024 .004 + .008 \ -007 2 + 015 + 013 + .009 .012 + .016 .013 + .009 + .005 4 + .017 -f .010 + .OIO .006 + .022 .019 .008 f .004 6 + .003 .000 + .002 .016 + .016 .015 .016 .004 8 .001 .017 .006 .015 + .008 .021 .017 .010 10 .001 .015 .001 .028 .017 .OOO .013 .Oil 12 .005 OI2 .008 .010 .018 + .009 .007 .007 14 .007 .005 + 012 + .003 .023 + .027 + .013 + .003 16 .004 + .003 + .OOI .000 .OI2 + .017 + .014 + .003 18 .006 .001 .OOO + .012 .OIO + .026 + .011 + .005 20 .006 + 007 .005 + .024 .005 + .003 + .002 + .003 22 .008 .006 + .OOI + 032 .001 .008 .002 + .OOI Mean month- ly values. . , 29.813 29-503 29.882 29-459 29.815 29.605 29.670 29.678 Monthly val- ues 1899-1900 29-553 29.698 30.064 30.027 30.188 29-993 29.914 29.920 In view of the fact that observations for only seven months of the year are available, no very elaborate reduction of the above diurnal variation quantities has been attempted. Ana- lytical expressions representing the daily variation in atmospheric pressure indicated by these results have been derived by means of Bessel's periodic function (see page 289) to terms of the third order. The resulting amplitudes and phase angles are shown in the following tabula- tion, and the diurnal variation curves computed from the same are represented graphically in figure 3. * Osservazioni scientifiche esequite durante la spedizione Polare di S. A. R. I/uigi Amedeo di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi, 1899-1900. Milan, 1903. Pp. 331-357. (Relazione sulle osservazioni meteorologiche fatta dal Prof essore Giovanni Battista Rizzo. ) a E 9 H o H I F METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 477 Summaiy of amplitudes and phase angles of periodic f^tnctions representing the diurnal variation in atmospheric pressure at Teplitz Bay bp = Bi sin (0 Q /?, sin (26 Q J3 3 sin (30 Q Month Amplitudes Phase angles *i B t *, r, 5 Q 1903-1904 In. In. In. / o / 9 f October .009 .006 .003 34 02 358 55 343 9 November .Oil .008 .000 97 26 358 28 351 15 December .000 .007 .003 310 14 332 42 252 02 January .022 .004 .008 142 24 168 41 189 28 February .021 .004 .003 52 06 309 06 98 08 March .021 .006 .000 209 02 12 19 352 24 April .012 .009 .003 164 15 15 19 56 19 October to April. . . . .OO7 .004 .000 126 42 356 16 NoTK. In these expressions the angle 6 counts from o hour A. M. as o. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION DAILY WIND MOVEMENT Tabulation of mean monthly diurnal wind movement recorded at Teplitz Bay September i, 1903, to May 25, 1905 Month Wind movement for the hour preceding IH 2H 3H 4H 5H 6a 7H SH 9 H I OH IIH I2H I 3 H 1903 September Mi. 12.2 12.4 16.2 23.2 I4.I 18.6 '3-4 9.0 10.5 8-3 8-3 8.2 14.0 '5-o 13-4 15-5 17.6 23 i 15-9 15-6 IS.5 Mi. 12.9 13.2 15.8 22.4 14 4 19.2 12.9 9-9 IO.I 8-9 8-5 8.4 14.9 15-3 14-2 16.5 15-7 23.2 16 5 14.4 16.2 Mi. 12.2 13-3 15-4 22. 3 16.2 19.2 12.2 9-5 10.3 10. 9-7 7-7 15-5 15-2 13-6 17-5 IS 3 23.2 16.9 14.9 15-7 Mi. it 5 14.7 16.1 20.7 18.2 19.7 11.4 9i 10.8 9 '< 9.6 8.1 16.5 16.6 13.6 18.6 18.0 23.4 17.6 14.1 15-2 Mi. 10.9 14.8 16.0 22.5 17.4 20. o IO.O 9-i 10.7 12.4 8.8 7-9 17.0 17.1 13-3 17.5 17.1 23-4 17.3 14-3 15-3 Mi. 10.3 15.6 15.1 23-7 15-7 20 o 9-3 9-3 10 6 8.9 8-7 8.2 17.0 16.5 12.2 16.0 15-5 23-9 16.5 13-7 15.2 Mi. 10.3 14-4 15.8 25-4 17.2 19.8 10.6 IO.O 10.7 9-7 8.7 8-3 15-3 15.9 12.2 16.6 15.2 24.4 15.7 13.5 15.2 Mi. H.5 15-6 15-1 28.0 18.2 18.8 n. i lo-S 10.7 9-4 9-5 8.1 14.8 16.5 ii. 6 16.8 15-1 24 8 15.7 14-3 14.1 Mi. ii. i 16.1 15-0 27.5 18.4 19.4 10.5 IO.I 10.8 9-5 10.4 8.1 14.6 16.0 II .2 17.2 14.9 24.9 15.7 13.8 IS-? Mi. 12.2 14. r 14.8 25.6 19.1 21. 1 10. I IO.O 10.8 9.2 10.2 7-5 14.0 15.0 IO.O 17.0 16.0 25-1 16.2 13.9 15.2 Mi. 13.8 14-5 14.0 25 2 18 5 21. I 10.5 8.5 "5 9-4 10 4 7.6 14.1 14.9 12.5 16.7 16.7 25.4 14.7 12.6 15.8 Mi. 14.0 14 6 15-2 26.6 18.3 20. o 99 8-3 11.4 10.2 10.9 8-3 13-5 14.4 ii. 8 15.8 iS.i 24.6 14.8 13.6 15.8 Mi. 12. I 15.0 16.0 26.8 19.7 20.7 10.3 8.8 11.9 IO.I ii. 8 7.6 12.5 15-1 13-5 15.6 17.0 25.0 la.o 13.8 15-3 December 1904 Tune . July October. ... 1905 February. . ... April . May Mean of all 14-3 H.5 14.6 14.9 14.9 14.4 14.5 14.8 14.8 14.6 14-7 14.8 14.9 Mean year 1904.. . . 12.4 12.8 13-1 13-5 13-4 12.7 12.9 13-0 13-0 12.8 13-0 12.7 13-1 Tabulation of mean monthly diurnal ivind movement recorded at Teplitz Bay Continued September i, 1903, to May 25, 1905 Month Wind movement for the hour preceding Average daily total I4H I5H l6H I7H i8u ign 20H 2IH 22H 23H Mi. 13-4 II 16.9 23.7 13-4 17.6 12.3 8.6 II. 2 9-7 9-5 8.0 13.0 15-5 12. 1 I6. 5 17-4 23.2 16.4 17.2 ib 6 2411 1903 September Mi. "3 '5 i 16.7 25 -8 18.2 19.1 IO.I 8-5 12.6 10.3 12.2 7-8 12 4 16.8 13.0 16.4 16.8 25-1 13 5 13-5 15-8 Mi. 12.3 14.1 15-5 26.3 17.0 17.0 IO.I 8.4 12.6 IO.I ii. 3 8.1 13.4 16.7 13-9 15.5 16.9 25-3 14.2 12.3 15-2 Mi. 12.6 12.2 16.1 26.4 16.6 16.3 12. I 8.8 12.4 9.6 ii. i 7.8 13.4 15-9 13-7 16.1 17.0 24.9 13-1 12.8 16.3 Mi. 13 -8 II. 15.9 24.5 17.8 16.2 12.9 9-3 11.9 9-7 H-4 7-3 13-1 16.8 13-7 16.2 17.8 26.3 13.0 13.7 15-9 Mi. 14.6 12.5 15-6 22.8 l8. 3 16.6 14-5 10.6 n-3 8.9 10.5 7-8 12. 1 17 6 13-3 15-5 16.7 25 5 14.1 14.2 14.6 Mi. 13.8 11.4 15-9 21.8 18 4 16.7 14.0 10.8 ii 9 8.7 10.4 9.0 12. 18 o 12.4 14.2 18.5 21.3 14.1 14.0 H-5 Mi. 14.8 II. 2 16.9 25 3 17 o 16.2 13.0 IO.2 10.9 8.6 9-9 8.9 12. I 17.0 12.2 13.4 18.1 23.1 I3.9 15.6 15-5 Mi. 14-3 10.9 17.4 24-1 13-9 15.4 13.0 9-9 10.9 9.2 10 3 9-6 12.5 15.6 ii. 6 15-9 17.8 25-1 15-1 16.6 15-2 Mi. 14-5 II .2 16.4 24.7 13-5 I 5 .6 I3-I 94 ii 5 10. I 10.2 9-2 12.5 15.4 ii-5 15-9 18.5 24.8 16.1 17.6 15-2 Mi. 13-1 ii. 6 16.8 24 9 14.4 17.1 12.5 8.8 10.6 9-5 9-2 8.6 13-9 15-3 12.3 16.4 16.4 22.6 15.7 16.1 16.0 Mi. 302.9 320.4 380.7 590.3 403.8 441.4 279.7 225.3 268.5 230.0 241-3 196.0 334-1 384.2 302.8 389-7 404.0 581.4 366.8 346.2 371-5 October December 1904 January . . . February March . ... April . May . ..... . June July . . August. . ... September October November December 1905 January . . .... February March April .... May Mean of all 1 4 . S 14.4 14-5 14-7 14.6 14.4 14-5 14.5 14.6 14.4 14.4 35-5 Mean year 1904 3-i 12.8 12.8 13 .0 13 i 13 o 12.4 12 3 12.3 12.3 12.4 308.1 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 479 REDUCTION OF OBSERVATIONS AT CAPE FI,ORA Summary of mean monthly daily records at Cape Flora June, 1904, to July, 1905 Month Reduced barometer Reading of Fahrenheit thermometer Precipitation 8n I2H 20H 8H I2H 20H 8H I2H 20H Total June. . In. 29.84 29.67 29-93 29.56 29.36 29.38 29.56 29.19 29-39 29.65 30.09 29.61 29.64 29.89 In. 29.84 29.68 29-93 29-58 29.42 29.42 29-58 29.22 2942 29.68 7,0.12 29.66 In. 29.83 29.69 29-93 29-58 29.38 29.44 29.58 29.23 19.44 29 68 30.11 2967 29.67 29.91 O +31-2 +35-7 +33-6 + 21.4 + '3-i ~I34 13-4 20.6 7-5 6.0 + 1-5 +23.2 +3-3 +34 i o +3 2 3 +36.1 +34-9 +22.0 + 13-8 -13-7 14.2 19.6 7-2 - 4-7 + 4-1 +24.1 o +31.3 +34-9 +33-2 +20.9 + 12.0 12.4 14.3 19.4 -8.4 7-5 + 4-4 +239 +304 +33-6 In. 75 .63 1.44 I. 10 99 .08 74 1.48 .90 1-38 1.03 .88 50 1.28 In. .08 .09 .29 .12 47 .10 23 78 .26 .ro .16 17 In. .11 -57 .12 13 I.O4 73 7i MS 1.17 -56 37 .46 -56 .62 In. 94 1.29 1.85 1-35 2.50 9i i 68 341 2.33 2.04 1.56 i-5i 1.06 1.90 July . August September. . . October November December January February March April May July Mean June, 1904, to May. IQOS . . 29.602 29.629 29.630 + 82 + 9-o + 8.2 95 .24 59 1.78 Summary of mean monthly daily records at Cape Flora Continued June, 1904, to July, 1905 Self-registering Fahrenheit thermometer Month 8 H I2H 2C H Mean Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. tremes June O +33.3 + 27.7 O + 3*. 4 +34.5 4-2Q.5 o 4-71 2 o 7 2 July + 77. I + V 6 -1-^7.2 -(--in 4 4-77 I 4-7C C 8 2 August. . . . + -J5.2 +30.0 +715.8 + 17 7 -4-7 / O + 77 8 8 a September .... .... +23 5 + 17.7 + 22.8 +24 o + 18.1 + 20 6 8 8 October + 16.2 + 9.1 + 14.9 +16.4 4- 88 4-12 \ HC November . - 8.9 17.2 II. 4 89 17 2 12 Q I 7 1 December .... 9.3 18.6 10.7 II 2 18 2 I "\ Q 12 ** January 14.7 25 o 18.7 15.2 24, 5 IQ S 16 i February ^ i I *.Q 52 1C 12 S March.. ...... .... . 2.O 12. q l.d 12 IO Q 60 ]6 2 April + 5.2 3-5 + 5- 2 + 9.1 O.I 4- -i 7 14 I May + 25.5 +20.4 +25.4 + 28.3 -1-2O.Q -j-24 4 98 June ... +31.6 +27.6 + -U 6 4-28 7 4-1O 7 6 --, July +35.1 +31-1 + 18. 1 + 71 7 4-7J 7 7 6 + 11. S + 1 8 4-IO 4 I A Q 4_ ft a II 8 480 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabular summary of percentages of observed ivind directions at Cape Flora May, 1904, to December, 1904 Direc- tion May, 1904 June, 1904 July, 1904 Aug., 1904 Sept., 1904 Oct., 1904 Nov., 1904 Dec., 1904 SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H 8H I2H 20H SH I2H 20H 7 SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H N NNE NE % % % % % 3 IO % 10 % % 6 7 13 IO 3 IO IO IO 10 23 IO 7 17 10 3 17 10 23 20 7 3 % 10 6 6 '3 10 13 18 18 18 3 7 7 10 10 13 16 3 10 3 7 7 ENE 19 .. IO 7 3 3 3 3 6 3 IO E 9 9 i? 27 20 6 3 6 29 26 19 7 7 IO 29 29 35 13 IO 3 20 29 23 ESE 9 3 10 IO 16 6 16 6 6 3 3 3 7 6 6 SE SSE S ssw sw wsw w 18 9 27 18 33 3 3 23 3 6 3 3 6 6 IO 6 29 3 6 26 IO 29 7 7 7 3 7 6 10 3 20 17 17 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 36 9 9 27 9 36 7 IO 10 6 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 17 '3 13 19 19 IO 3 IO 13 17 6 13 10 7 7 13 3 3 3 WNW 9 3 7 3 3 .. 3 .. 13 3 6 3 6 3 NW NNW Calm IO 3 3 23 3 3 29 6 23 3 3 3 3 6 16 27 3 7 43 50 13 13 10 10 13 IO 17 3 IO 16 16 IO 13 3 3 3 3 3 10 17 17 Tabular summary of percentages of observed wind directions at Cape Flora January, 1905, to July, 1905 Direction Jan., 1905 Feb., 1905 March, 1905 April, 1905 May, 1905 June, 1905 July, 1905 8H I2H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H SH I2H 20H N 10 16 3 * % 4 6 16 6 7 3 3 6 IO 6 IO % 7 ":. % 10 NNE 13 I IO 4 t NE 13 13 17 7 18 4 16 10 6 13 7 10 13 13 10 7 3 ENE 3 7 7 4 3 6 6 IO 7 7 6 6 10 7 E 23 29 23 32 39 39 19 16 19 23 23 23 16 23 6 3 13 J 3 24 ESE 6 6 10 18 18 ii 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 SE 6 10 IO ii ii 3 3 27 17 20 6 3 3 3 13 7 SSE 6 i 6 S j 1 3 IO SSW 7 3 6 2 i 7 SW 3 7 3 6 3 3 6 6 13 17 3 WSW 6 i * t 3 w 3 3 4 . . 13 7 3 IO 10 6 3 23 2O 23 21 WNW i 7 IO 7 NW 6 3 IO 7 7 7 19 16 IO 3 19 16 26 17 7 7 3 NNW 7 Calm 16 16 7 18 7 18 19 13 23 10 23 20 IO 3 10 7 7 33 14 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 481 DIURNAL VARIATION IN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE The barograms at Cape Flora have been reduced to the aneroid barometer used at this station and the mean daily curves for each month deduced graphically. The values of the diurnal variation thus obtained are given in the following tabulation, pressures greater than mean of day being indicated by plus signs, and vice versa. Summary of mean monthly diurnal variation in atmospheric pressure at Cape Flora From barograms June, 1904, to May, 1905 Local meau time Month of Year June, 1904 July, 1904 Aug., 1904 Sept., 1904 Oct., 1904 Nov., 1904 Dec., 1904 Jan., Feb., M'ch, 1905 Apr., 195 May, 1905 June, 1904, to May, h In. + .002 In. .000 In. .OOI In. + .018 In. - .009 In. .001 In. + .009 In. + .OOI In. + .008 In. .009 In. .010 In. + -009 In. + .001 2 + -003 --.009 .004 + -007 + -002 .020 + .001 + .008 .002 -.004 007 .012 .003 4 + .004 .Oil .010 .006 .007 .019 .004 + .002 .Ol6 + .002 -.007 .014 .007 6 + .002 .014 .002 .014 .015 .022 .005 .002 .016 .010 -.009 -.031 .Oil 8 + -004 - .013 + -003 -023 .027 .028 .Oil -.013 .030 .020 .013 --038 - .017 10 .001 .006 -.005 .016 " -003 - .015 .006 + .001 -.017 -.006 .005 - .015 .008 12 + .001 .002 + .006 .004 + .026 + -003 + .009 + -013 .002 + .006 + -015 + .008 + -007 M + .004 + -007 + -005 + .008 + -025 + .016 + .007 + .004 + .008 + .015 + .010 + .018 + -oil 16 + -005 + -015 + .006 + .Oil + .014 + -015 + .008 + .008 + .Oil + .009 4- .009 + .021 + .Oil 18 -.004 + .010 .001 + -009 + -014 + .023 + .008 .003 + -014 + -007 + -004 + -023 + -009 20 -.009 + -Oil .000 .000 .007 + -027 .000 .012 + .020 + .010 + -009 + -O2I + .006 22 .010 -f .010 + .OOI + .012 .009 + .022 - .015 .OOI + -023 + .002 .000 + .008 + .004 Mean 1 monthly I values J 29.839 29.680 29.926 29.581 29.391 29.412 29-576 29.206 29.419 29.671 30.105 29.647 29.621 As the above results depend upon an aneroid barometer on which correction to standard was obtained only before and not after the completion of the work, and as the constancy of adjustment of the instrument is in doubt, it has not been thought advisable to make any extended reductions from the Cape Flora results. Formulae representing the diurnal variation have been derived from the observations, as above, by means of Bessel's periodic function (see page 289) to terms of the third order. The resulting amplitudes and phase angles are shown in the following table, and the curves computed from the same are represented in figure 4. 482 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Summary of amplitudes and phase angles of periodic functions representing the diurnal variation in atmospheric pressure at Cape Flora A p = ^ sin (0 + C, I + /?, sin (26 + C,) + B s sin (30 + Q Month Amplitudes Phase angles *i B t B 3 c, Q G 1904-1905 June July August In. .004 .014 .004 In. .004 .000 ,000 In. .003 .000 .003 / 324 47 179 10 224 07 / 2 29 / 83 09 151 42 138 59 104 02 September .014 009 .003 145 59 39 28 110 19 October .016 .013 006 219 37 29 1 6 289 20 November .026 .000 006 177 24 158 12 221 47 December 006 .006 .003 202 56 17 21 4 14 January ooo .009 .000 259 '3 38 2 7 33 4' February .022 003 .003 158 44 79 oo 213 43 March .OIO .006 .006 I9 1 57 5 30 254 54 April .Oil ooo .006 209 37 4O 22 253 55 May .027 .007 .003 177 27 42 45 273 oi Year .Oil .006 .coo 184 31 33 4i 240 57 NOTE. In these expressions the angle 8 counts from o hour A. M. as o c GENERAL REMARKS It is of interest to note that the corrections necessary to the means of the daily observa- tions made at 8 A. M., noon, and 8 p. M. to obtain the mean results from continuous registra- tion of atmospheric pressure and temperature are small. Thus at Teplitz Bay this correction over the period of observation to reduce the mean of the three daily readings of thermometers to mean thermogratn is o. 10 F ; corresponding correction for atmospheric pressure is .005 inch. At Cape Flora, where only barograms were made, the correction is .003 inch. In connection with storm periods it was found that the temperature was even a better means of forecasting than the barometer, sudden and rapid rising of temperature being almost always accompanied by severe storms. Typical storm thermograms and barograms recorded at Teplitz Bay are shown in figures 4 and 5. As will be seen from the tabulations of percentages of observed wind directions, the pre- vailing winds at Teplitz Bay are from the east; during September to December, 1903, in general from the east and southeast ; during January and February, 1904, iu general from the east and south; during March and April, 1904, generally from the north and east. At Cape Flora, as already stated, the proximity of the high cliffs interferes with the winds ; as recorded the prevailing winds during October to April are from the east and northeast, during May to July from the west and northwest, while during August and September they are variable with no very decided preponderance of direction. The summary of hourly wind movements at Teplitz Bay does not indicate any very characteristic diurnal variation over the mean period of record. \ \ DIURNAL VARIATION IN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AT CAPE FLORA (Increasing orclinates up denote increasing pressures.) METEOROLOGICAL, OBSERVATIONS 483 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS As already stated, meteorological observations were made at fixed stations other than those reported upon above. These are for the most part only occasional and irregular, for which reasons it has not seemed desirable to make any attempt to compile them for publication. However, the observations made in the course of the several sledge trips are valuable and of interest as affording some general gauge as to the conditions of travel in the archipelago during periods of relatively high temperatures, such as were encountered by the parties on these trips. Meteorological observations on march north from Cape Flora to Teplitz Bay September 27 to November 20, 1904 Observers : ANTHONY FIAI.A ami CHARTERS SEITZ, M. D. Date L. M. T. Fahrenheit temperature Prevailing wind Remarks 1904 h m Sept. 27 SW Camped in high drifting wind at Camp Point 28 A. M. + H SW Cloudy ; high drifting wind 29 A. M. +I W Clear ; first attempt to cross De Bruyne Sound ; obliged to return 30 8 oo + 16 w Cloudy ; drifting wind ; impossible to cross sound Oct. i 8 oo +21 SE Cloudy ; high drifting wind 2 Rising SE Cloudy ; storm continued 3 SE Cloudy ; storm continued ; maximum + 34 A Falling SE Cloudy ' ice in sound grinding its way seaward t 5 6 oo +26 N Clear ; light airs from north ; many open lanes in sound ; all 12 OO +23 ice broken and in motion 6 9 oo + 19 Misty ; calm 12 OO +23 7 A. M. +23 SE Dense mist ; snowing ; light breeze 8 12 00 +26 SE Misty ; sleeting ; variable airs 9 12 OO +26 SE Misty ; snowing 10 12 00 + 16 NW Clear ; high drifting winds all night 18 oo + 10 NW ii 9 oo - i Clear; impossible to cross sound 18 oo + 9 S 12 9 oo + 9 SE Cloudy ; high drifting wind and rising temperature I? 30 +3i 13 12 00 -f2 7 N Clear ; light breeze 14 8 oo N Misty 12 UO 2 P. M. - 4 15 8 oo + n SE Clear ; strong breeze ; ice in motion 16 6 oo - 4 SW Heavy tnist 12 00 + 8 I? 9 oo +3i Var. Cloudy ; heavy rain ; sound open in several places 18 9 oo +27 WSW 18 oo + 5 WNW .Sound filled with ice from NW '9 8 30 2 N Lanes in sound freezing over ; clear 17 30 - 4 Minimum 6 20 10 30 SE Minimum 8; clear; light breeze 17 oo + 2 SE Minimum 5 ; light breeze 21 5 oo + 6 SW Minimum -(- i ; cloudy ; drifting wind IO 00 + 20 SW 17 oo + 14 NW 484 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OE ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Meteorological observations on march north from Cape Flora to Teplitz Bay Continued Date L. M. T. Fahrenheit temperature Prevailing wind Remarks 1904 h m Oct. 22 6 oo Sun disappears for the winter ; minimum 12 8 oo +14 .... Left Camp Point at 6:00 17 oo + 4 NE Cloudy ; camped on ice cake De Bruyne Sound 23 6 oo NW Clear ; full moon ; minimum 5 15 3 9 N Clear ; catnp at Hooker Island 24 8 oo o Clear ; minimum i 18 oo 7 SW Minimum 9 ; light breeze; camp at Hooker Island Glacier 25 A. M. + 4 NE Minimum 12 ; cloudy ; drifting wind 16 oo + 3 NE Cloudy; high wind; storni bound 26 A. M. 9 N Foggy ; minimum 13 16 oo - 9 Foggy ; minimum 19 27 A. M. 23 Reached channel ice ; camped Allen Young Sound ; hazy ; 15 oo - 4 minimum 27 28 A. M. o vSE Foggy ; minimum 5 P. M. - 4 Camp at Cape Breresford, Bliss Island 29 A. M. -23 Clear ; minimum 23 P. M. Arrived Camp Ziegler, Alger Island 30 + 4 NW Cloudy ; storm bound at Camp Ziegler 3 1 + 15 E Minimum o ; strong easterly gale Nov. i E Minimum 11 ; strong easterly gale 2 NW Partly clear ; wind in gusts ; minimum 18 3 9 W Partly clear ; minimum 29 4 A M. 5 E Strong east wind in gusts ; minimum 10 14 oo 5 Minimum 7 5 A. M. 20 Clear 16 30 17 Camp at Cape Triest 6 15 oo + 9 Camp at Weiner Neustaft Island 7 8 oo 21 Reached Kane Lodge on Greely Island 9 8 oo -I 9 Clear ; minimum 29 15 oo 21 Cloudy ; camp on Kuhn Island JO 7 3 13 Clear ; minimum 26 ; rough ice 15 oo 13 . .. Cloudy ; foggy ii 8 oo 13 Foggy ; minimum 18 13 oo - 4 NE Rough ice 12 8 30 5 ENE Strong wind ; minimum 7 13 oo - 6 13 8 30 17 N Partly clear ; minimum 18 12 00 22 Camp at Coburg Island H 9 oo -I? Clear ; minimum 23 12 OO II E Cloudy ; camp at Hohenloh Island 15 7 oo +2 3 W Cloudy ; drifting ; storm bound 12 OO + 9 W 16 17 oo ii SW Cloudy ; flashes of aurorae 17 Rising SW Cloudy ; foggy ; storm bound 18 A. M. Falling wsw Cloudy 14 oo 24 W Clear ; minimum 24 19 8 oo \v Clear ; minimum 26 20 Arrived at Camp Abruzzi ; misty METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 485 Meteorological observations on sledge trip south from Teplitz Bay to Cape Flora April 30 to May 16, 1904 Observer: FRANCIS LONG Date Mean temperature Prevailing wind Remarks 1904 April 30 May i 10 IO Clear ; left Teplitz Bay at 7:45 P. M. Clear 2 16 Clear 3 12 NW Cloudy ; drifting wind 4 8 SB Clear ; light breeze 5 -2 NE Clear ; strong breeze 6 7 + 4 4- 7 NE Clear ; strong breeze Cloudy and misty / 8 I / + 5 SB Fog ; light breeze ; snowing 9 + 8 SB Cloudy and foggy 10 +25 ssw Cloudy and foggy ; light breeze- ii + 16 SB Partly cloudy ; light air 12 13 + 14 j-ii Partly cloudy Clear A o 14 i * j + 8 NB Misty ; light breeze 15 + 4 NE Clear ; drifting wind 16 + 10 NE Drifting wind ; arrived at Cape Flora at 9 A. M. 486 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Meteorological observations on s/et/^e I rip north from Tcplitz Bay March 16 to April I, 1905 Date Local time of observa- tion Fahrenheit tem- perature Barom- eter Wind Remarks Exposed Mini- mum Direction Force 1905 // in In. March 16 20 oo + 5 SW Light Cloudy all day ; distance traveled about 14 miles, leaving Camp Abruzzi during A. M. 17 6 30 -15 T l6 NW Light Clear morning ; north wind at 15!]; traveled about 10 miles 16 oo 22 18 6 30 '3-5 25 NW Bree/e Fog 12 OO 12 19 5 3" -16 19-5 Calm Misty A. M. ; clear p. M. ; sun- shine ; parhelion 20 5 20 - 5 21 299 SE Breeze Snowing ; misty ; at noon ther- mometer + 10, with south wind 17 oo + 3 and heavy snow 21 5 20 + 4 + J-5 29.8 SW Light Fog ; cloudy 15 oo 14 22 5 30 -135 -23 Cloudy 23 6 30 - 3 -'3 29.88 SE Breeze Cloudy ; snowing ; ice pressure ; sunshine p. M. to i8h ; bearing 17 oo + 7 on Cape Fligely 140 SW ; began retreat 24 7 3 +23.5 + 35 29.8 SSE Breeze Cloudy ; snowing ; thermometer at 14 oo +3Q-5" noon -}- 28 ; ice under pressure during A. M and at intervals during P. M. 25 6 y> 7 4 29. 8s Clear in early A. M. ; clouds strati- u 7' V O fied in east ; cloudy and snowing after 8h. 26 6 30 - 9 10 29.82 Sunshine all day ; high cirrus clouds ; dark clouds to east 16 oo 23-5 27 6 30 -3 3' 29.94 W Breeze Hazy ; sunshine during day ; drift- ing snow 28 5 30 -15 29 30.02 SW Breeze Hazy ; blowing and drifting all day; no sunshine ; land not visible 15 oo 10 29 6 oo II-5 14 2968 W Ab't 30 mi. Sun shining ; hazy at distance; drift and fog ; strong breeze 19 30 31-5 3 7 oo -28.5 37-5 29.78 SW 20 to 30 mi. Sun shining through flying drifts ; wind in gusts 13 oo 30 3i 6 30 35 39-5 29.82 SW 15 to 20 mi. Strong wind ; temperature falling on the inarch April i 7 oo -39 -45 .... Calm Clear sky ; sun shining ; reached Camp Abruzzi 12 OO 29.78 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 487 Meteorological observations on sledge trip south from Teplitz Bay to Alger Island May 26 to June 19, 1905 Date Local time of observa- tion Fahrenheit temperature Barom- eter Wind Remarks Exposed Mini- mum Maxi- mum Direction Force I95 May 26 27 28 29 3 3' June i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 '4 15 16 17 18 '9 h m 9 oo 12 00 4 oo 12 OO 4 oo 16 oo 6 oo 16 30 7 oo 17 30 6 30 17 3 6 30 22 OO 8 45 20 30 7 oo 19 oo 4 15 22 30 9 oo 21 OO 9 30 24 oo 9 oo 20 oo 10 oo 22 00 10 00 22 00 II 30 23 50 6 30 24 oo 5 3 21 00 If OO 22 00 IO OO 21 OO 12 OO 22 30 oo 30 19 oo 6 OO 12 OO 3 oo 12 OO o +18.8 +19.2 +25 +24 +21 + 22 +24 +21 +27 +29 +28 +27 +28.5 + 28 +28 +26.5 +27 +29 +32 +30 +3l' +29-5 +32 +31 +36 + 2 7 +29.5 +26 +29 +33 +33 +33 +4i +32 + 34 +33 +34 +33-5 +30 +28 +3i +28 +3i + 11.5 + 16.5 + 19.6 +22 fax' +25-5 +27 +26.5 +26 +27.5 +27 +25.5 +25-6 +28 +30 +30 +29 +3 +3 +32 +21 +29-5 +25 +25 +30 +32 +32 +3M +30 +33 +34 +33 +30 +26 +27 +31 +27 +29-5 +25 +20 +2 9 +23-5 +31.5 +27 +29-5 +30-5 +3-5 +30.5 +29 +29 +29-5 +35 +36 +44-5 +40 +36 +38.5 +37-5 +29 +41-5 +30 +30 +38 +34 +36 +44 +43 +35 +43 +36 +39 +36 +3 +27 +3i +335 In. 29.92 29.96 29-95 30.01 29.94 29-93 30.04 30-03 30.30 29.98 29-99 29.96 29.97 29.96 30.12 30.12 30.03 29.96 29.96 29.98 29-98 29.90 29.86 29-94 29.72 29-58 29.38 29.41 29.48 29-54 29-74 29.94 29-93 29-78 29.56 29.56 26.56 29.28 29.23 29.28 29.76 N N W wsw W W W sw SB Left Camp Abruzzi at i6h 45m ; sun shining ; alto- cumulus clouds Cloudy ; stratus clouds ho- rizon Alto-cumulus clouds ; sun shining overhead Cloudy ; snowing Cloudy ; snowing Hazy ; bad vision Cloudy Clear Cloudy Sun out at 2ih ; fine wavy light cirrus clouds over- head Cloudy ; wind started at 6h from SE ; drifting Cloudy ; windy A. M. drift- ing ; wind shifting to SE Driving wind from SW, moist, at times filled with hail that cut like a knife ; cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ; light snow Cloudy ; open water holes fill air with vapor Cloudy ; alto - cumulus at zenith ; stratus - nimbus, denoting open water, all around the horizon Cloudy ; sunlight through alto -cumulus and cirro- cumulus from 3h to 6h ; cloudy at 22h Cloudy ; sunlight through cumulo-stratus from 6h to gh Cloudy; drifting wind from SE, veering toward 24h to SSW, varied with down- pours rain and hail Cloudy ; raining in squalls during day ; rain-soaked snow makes wet traveling Cloudy Cloudy; sunshine intermit- tently between 7h 3om and gh ; spots on sun ; strong SW breeze all A. M. Cloudy ; thick fog ; bad traveling Thermometers in canoe ; did not attempt to open on account drift and rain; cloudy; storm from SSW irregular, from 20 to 60 miles velocity; rain, hail, sleet, snow ; maximum velocity about 2oh Cloudy; storm with lower temperatures; wind vary- ingfromStoSW; drifting Cloudy ; drifting ; storm worst during early A. M. Cloudy ; arrived at Alger Island, Camp Ziegler. Light Light Light Light SE SW SE SE SW SE SW SW SW Calm Cairn Calm Calm Calm Calm Calm Calm N N Variable SB SE ssw ssw ssw 15 to 20 mi. f Strong ] \ breeze | f Strong j \ breeze J Light Light 20 to 40 mi. 20 to 30 mi. 30 to 40 mi. SW SE SB SE SSW S SW SSW SW NE NE Light 15 to 20 mi. 20 to 60 mi. 25 to 50 mi. 40 to 60 mi. SECTION D TIDAL OBSERVATIONS AND REDUCTIONS BY W. J. PETERS In Charge of Scientific Work of the Expedition AND L. P. SHIDY Chief of Tidal Division, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey 32 489 CONTENTS Page Station Data and Methods -. . . 493 Records ............... 497 Tabulation of Observations at Cape Flora ........ 497 Tabulation of Observations at Teplitz Bay ........ 543 Tabulation of Reduced Readings 567 Reduction of Tides 574 Harmonic Constants 574 Lunitidal Intervals 575 Tabulations of First Reductions 576 Tidal Inequalities and Ranges 590 Simultaneous Tides 594 Cotidal Hours 594 Recapitulation 595 General Conclusions . 596 ILLUSTRATIONS Opposite page 1 Tide Gauge at Cape Flora ........... 492 2 Diagram of Base Liue and Bench Mark at Cape Flora 492 3 Tide Gauge at Teplitz Bay 493 4 Outline of Coast Showing Location of Tide Gauge at Cape Flora .... 494 5 Outline of Coast Showing Location of Tide Gauge at Teplitz Bay .... 495 491 FIGURE 1 TIDE GAUGE AT CAPE FLORA FIGURE 2 DIAGRAM OF BASE LINE AND BENCH MARK AT CAPE FLORA Xt> iU a OF \ UNIV OF THE w i nc v UNIVERSITY FIGURE 3 TIDE GAUGE AT TEPLITZ BAY TIDAL OBSERVATIONS STATION DATA AND METHODS During the Expedition two valuable series of tide observations were secured, one at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island, and the other at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island, in Franz Josef Archi- pelago. The tides at Cape Flora were observed from May 21 to August 31, 1904, and at Teplitz Bay from April i to June 3, 1904. The gauge at Cape Flora was a plain wooden staff, graduated to feet and tenths, which was wedged in between boulders on the shore (see figure i ) A gale having destroyed the gauge, a new one was set up in the same manner on July 18. The gauge at Teplitz Bay (see figure 3) consisted of a heavy wooden framework supporting two pulleys ; a wire, attached at one end to a lead weight of 149 pounds lying on basaltic rock at the bottom of the sea 35 feet below the surface, passed over the two pulleys and terminated in a counterpoise weighing 49 pounds. A light, graduated wooden rod six feet long was attached firmly to the wire to serve as a tide staff. The staff remained stationary, while the framework and ice on which it rested rose and fell with the tide. At Cape Flora a bench mark was established on a large basaltic boulder near the shore and marked by a painted cross. The base line A 262.5 feet in figure 2, and angles were measured to the bench mark and different positions of the tide gauge. The bench mark corresponds to a reading of 14.65 feet on first staff and to 14.70 feet on second staff. The series was all reduced to the first tide staff, on which mean sea level corresponds to a reading of 6.076 feet. At Teplitz Bay two bench marks were established. Bench Mark i is on a boulder near the shore, and Bench Mark 2 is the top of the capstone of the astronomical brick pier. The latter is 50.99 feet above the former as determined by spirit levels on April 30, 1904. The relation of Bench Mark i to tide staff was not constant, as the frame of the gauge slowly sank into the ice, and was considerably tilted at the close of the observations. The following table shows the results of various levels between tide staff and Bench Mark i, only one station of the instru- ment being necessary. 493 494 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Date Local time Bench Mark I above zero of gauge Date Local time Bench Mark i above zero of gauge 1904 h Ft. 1904 h Ft. April 2 12 14.19 April 30 M.58 7 IO 14.05 May 5 IS I4-56 8 9-5 14.07 9 9 14.63 15 12 14.09 10 14.60 19 12 M-OS 14 17-3 14.60 22 3 Gauge broke '7 18 14.64 and reset 23 13 14.67 Mean Apri 2 to 22 . . 14.09 29 9 14.69 April 22 12 14-56 31 17-5 14.66 24 12 14-59 June 2 9 14.68 26 12 14-59 4 14.70 28 17 14.58 Mean Apr Tune 4 1 22 tO 14.62 The heights of the whole series were reduced so as to make the mean difference between the zero of the corrected staff and Bench Mark i correspond to 14.62 feet, which gives a mean sea-level reading of 4.133 feet on the corrected staff. Elevation of bench marks above various tide planes Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Station Mark Bench Bench Mark i Mark 2 Ft. Ft. Ft. Highest tide observed. . 7.22 9-31 60.30 Mean high water ... 8.08 9.90 60.89 Mean sea level 8.57 10.49 61.48 Mean low water 9.05 11.03 62.02 Lowest tide observed . . 10.02 11.76 62-75 FIGURE 4 , Ctimri Poin-f C Flora. TIDE GAUQ CAPE FLORA ROUGH OUTLINE: OF COAST 3HOW/NG LOCAT-JON Of TIDE TeplUz (i R(U D O I, P II IS LAND -' / TEPLIT2 BAY ROUGH OUTL/NE OF COAS T SHOWING LOCAT/ON Of TtD GAUGE. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 495 RECORDS The following are the original uncorrected readings of the tide gauges at Cape Flora and Teplitz Bay. The high and low water observations are denoted by the letters " H " and " L", respectively, and following the reading. A swell or light swell, if noted at observation, is denoted by an asterisk (*) or dagger (f). At Cape Flora, no wind register being available, the anemometer dial readings in miles were recorded, as also the true direction ; the anemo- meter dial read from zero to 990 miles. For the Teplitz Bay results the wind velocities and true directions are given. The times are local mean civil reckoning through twenty-four hours. The tide gauge at Cape Flora is in approximate north latitude 79 57' and longitude 49 59' (3 Q J 9 m 5 6s ) east of Greenwich, while the gauge at Teplitz Bay is in north latitude 81 47/5 and longitude 57 56' (^h 5101 433) east. The observations at Cape Flora were made by W. J. Peters, Francis Long, Charles E. Rilliet, Anton Vedoe, and J. E. Moulton. The observations at Teplitz Bay were made by Francis Long, Spencer W. Stewart, Robert R. Tafel, John Vedoe, and W. J. Peters. The various observers are noted in the tabulation of observations by their respective initials. The observer is noted only for the first and last observation of his watch. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS TABULATION OF TIDE GAUGE READINGS RECORDED AT CAPE FLORA STATION, NORTHBROOK ISLAND FRANZ JOSEF ARCHIPELAGO MAY 21, 1904, TO AUGUST 31, 1904 NORTH LATITUDE: 79 57' LONGITUDE EAST OF GREENWICH: 49 59' 497 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 499 Local mean time Reading of tide staff TIT- . Anemom- records Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Aner direction nom- er Observer >rds May 21, 1904 May 22, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 8 12 5-53 E 234 F. L. 15 37 6.63* WNW F. L. 9 12 5.65 E 47 6.61* W 57 5.88 E 6.60* W 634 10 57 6.17 NE 16 57 6.40* W ii 57 6.48 NE 272 17 57 6. 20 W 12 07 6.47* ENE 18 57 6.00 W 17 6.46* ENE 19 57 5.8o W 706 F. L. 27 6.53* ENE 20 57 5-68 W J. E. M. 37 6.59* ENE 21 57 5.62L W 47 6-59* ENE 22 57 5-72 W 57 6.59* ENE 23 57 5.85 W 789 J. E. M. 13.07 6.59* ENE 57 6.70*H NE Brisk to high easterly to westerly winds all day. 14 27 6.68* NE 57 6.59* NE May 23, 1904 IS 57 16 57 6.41* 6.10 344 E o 57 6.02 W J. E. M. 17 57 5-97* E i 57 6.18 NW 18 57 5.84 E 2 07 6.22 NW 19 57 20 57 5-69 5.64 NE 380 F. L. E J. E. M. 17 27 6.26 6.28 NW NW 21 07 5-64L E 37 6.30 NW 17 5.65 E 47 6.31 NW 27 5.65 E 57 6.32 NW 37 5.69 E 3 07 6-33 NW 47 5-73 E 17 6.33H NW 57 5.76 E 27 6.33 NW 22 57 5.84 E 37 6.32 NW 23 57 6. 02 ESE 411 J.E. M. 47 57 6.31 6.30 NW NW 86 Fresh to brisk and high easterly winds all day. 4 57 5 57 6.14 5-99 W NW 657 5.86 NW May 22, 1904 7 57 5-74 W 934 J. E. M. 8 57 5.62 NW F. L. o 57 6.20 ESE J. E. M. 9 57 5.6oL NW i 57 6.29 ESE 10 57 S-73 NW 2 07 6.30 E ii 57 5.89 WNW 19 17 6.30 E 12 57 6.08 W 27 6.32 E 13 57 6.30 SE 37 6.32 E 14 57 6.40 SE 47 6.32H E 16 02 6.42H SW 82 57 6.32 E 57 6.32 E 3 57 6.16 ENE 444 17 57 6.20 E 4 57 5.96 NE 18 57 5-97 E 5 57 657 7 57 5.78 5.6s 5-49L NE NE E 516 19 57 20 57 21 07 5-78 5-55 5-53 E 138 F. L. E J. E. M. E 8 57 5. ""> E J. E. M. 17 5-50 E 9 57 5-70 SE F. L. 27 5-49 E 10 57 5-95 SW 37 5-47 E II 57 6. 20 W 550 47 5-45 E 12 57 6.45 W 22 07 5.40 E 13 57 6.70 WNW 07 5-40 E 14 07 6.69* WNW 17 5.38 E 17 6.68* W 27 5-37 E 27 37 6.68* 6.68* W W 37 47 fv 5-36L 5-35 E E 47 6.65* W 57 5-35 : E 57 IS 07 6.63* 6.63* W W 23 57 5-45 i E 186 J. E. M. 17 27 6.7i*H 6.67* W WNW F. L. Brisk to high northwest shifting east winds. to southeast and 500 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Anemo.n- direction , records Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer May 24, 1904 May 25, 1904 It 111 Feet Miles /i in Feet A o 57 5.60 E J. E. M. ii 57 5-33 SE i 57 5-73 E 12 57 5-3'Iv SE 2 57 5-91 SE 13 07 5-34 SE 3 57 6.05 SE 286 17 5-36 SE 4 57 6.I2H E 27 5-40 SE 5 57 6.10 ENE 37 5-41 SE 6 57 5-95 E 47 5-46 SE 7 57 8 57 5-79 5.65 NE 319 J- E. M. NE P. L. 57 15 01 SE SE 9 57 5-55 NE 335 57 s'-89 SE 10 57 5-54L, NE 16 57 6.00 SE II 07 5-55 NE 17 57 6.06 SE 17 5-58 E 18 07 6.ioH SE 27 5-59 NE 17 6.10 SE 37 5-6o NE 27 6.06 SE 47 5.60 NE 37 6.02 SE 57 5-62 NE 361 47 6.00 SE 12 57 5-70 NW 57 6.01 SE 13 57 5-89 SW 19 07 6.00 SE 14 57 6.05 NW 57 5.85 SE 15 57 6.20 SW 398 20 57 5.60 WSW 16 57 6.27 sw 21 57 5-35 WSW 17 07 6.28H SE 22 57 5-13 WSW 17 6.27 SE 23 57 4.96 SW 27 6.24 SE 37 6.22 ESE May 26, 1904 47 57 18 57 19 57 20 57 21 57 22 57 23 07 17 27 37 6.21 6. 20 6.06 5-74 5-54 5.30 5-22 5-19 5-15 5-14 5-12 ESE ESE ESE NE 437 P. L. NE J. E. M. NE NE NE NE E E g o 17 27 37 47 57 I 07 17 27 37 47 57 4.92 4.91 4.90 4 '.8 7 L 4.87 4.88 4.90 4.92 4.96 SW SW SW SW ESE ESE ESE ESE ESE ESE ESE 47 23 57 5.10 E 472 J. E. M. 2 57 3 *7 5-io 5-35 SE SE May 25, 1904 4 57 5 57 5.62 5.84 SE SE o 07 5.07L E J. E. M. 6 07 5.87 SE 17 5.07 E 17 5-90 SE 27 5.08 E 27 5-92 SE 37 5-09 E 37 5-95 SE 47 E 47 5-99 SE 57 5- ii E 57 6.01 SE i 57 5.20 E 7 07 6. 02 SE 2 57 5-41 E 17 6.04 SE 3 57 5.6o E 475 27 6.05 SE 4 57 5-79 ESE 37 6.07 SE 5 57 5-92 ESE 47 6.o8H SE 6 07 5-94H ESE 57 6.08 SE 17 5-94 ESE 8 07 6.06 SE 27 5-94 ESE 17 6.03 SE 37 5-93 ESE 57 5-97 SE 47 5 92 ESE 10 02 5-79 SE 57 5-89 ESE 57 5.62 SE 7 57 8 57 5-79 5 63 SE 500 J. E. M. SE P. L. ii 57 12 57 5-50 5.48 SE SE 9 57 5-49 SE 13 57 5-46L SE 10 57 5 39 SE P. L. 14 07 5.48 SE Miles 540 P. L. 570 603 641 P. L. J. E. M. J. E. M. J. E. M. 682 75 J. E. M. P. L. P. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 50 r Local mean time Reading of tide staff 117- i Anetnom- ^L ,^ Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Ane ! direction fec i iiom- er Observer ords May 26, 1904 May 27, 1904 A m Frcf Miles h m Feet Miles 14 17 5-Si SE F. L. i<5 57 5.96 SW F. L. 27 5.56 SE 17 57 6.14 SW 37 5-6o SE 18 57 6.30 WSW 47 5.62 SE 19 57 6.32H WSW 115 F. L. 57 5.62 SE 20 57 6.31 SW J. E. M. IS 57 5.83 SE 21 07 6.29 SW 16 57 6. 02 ESE 79 17 6.24 SW 17 57 6. 19 SE 27 6.19 SW 18 57 6.28 SE 22 07 6.00 S 19 37 6.30IJ ESE 57 5-74 S 47 6.28 ESE 23 57 5.46 S 120 J. E. M. 57 6.25 ESE 850 20 07 6.22 ESE 17 27 6.21 6.19 ESE ESE F. L. May 28, 1904 57 21 57 6.10 5.83 ESE J. E. M. ESE o 57 5.21 SE J. E M. 22 57 5-55 ESE i 57 5.09 NE 23 57 5-33 ESE 814 J. E. M. 2 O7 17 5-04 5.03 NE NE 27 5.02 NE May 27, 1904 37 5.00 NE 47 4-99L NE o 57 5.20 ESE J. E. M. 57 4-99 NE i 57 5-12 ESE 3 07 S.oi NE 2 O7 5- ii ESE 17 5-03 NE 17 S.ioL ESE 27 5.07 NE 27 5-io ESE 57 5-21 NE 139 37 5.12 ESE 4 57 5.50 E 47 5-iS ESE 5 57 5-85 SE 57 5-19 ESE 657 6.09 SE 3 57 5-43 ESE 974 7 57 6-39 SE 157 J. E. M. 4 57 5-74 ESE 857 6.60 SE F. L. 5 57 6.05 ENE 907 6.60 SE 657 6.24 ENE 17 6-54 SE 7 27 6.37 ENE 27 6.6iH SE 37 6.39 ENE 37 6-54 SE 47 6.40 ENE 47 6-59 SE 57 6.41 ENE 57 57 6.60 SE 8 07 6.42 ENE 10 07 6.55 SE 17 6-43 ENE 17 6.52 SE 27 6.44H ENE 27 6.51 SE 37 6.44 ENE 37 6.50 SE 47 6-43 ENE 47 6.42 SE 57 6.41 ENE J. E. M. 57 6.40 SE 9 07 6.40 S F. L. II 57 6. 20 SE 196 10 04 6.24 SSW 12 57 5.98 SE 57 6.05 SSW 13 57 5-8i SE II 57 5.85 SW 77 14 57 5-75 SE 12 57 5.72 SW 15 07 5-74L SE 13 57 5-66 SW 17 5.78 SE 14 07 5.63 SW 27 6.6iH SE 17 5-6i SW 37 6.54 SE 27 5.6i SW 47 5.83 ESE 37 5.6i SW 57 5-88 ESE 241 47 5-6i SW 16 157 6.03 ESE 57 5-6oL SW 17 57 6.22 SE 15 07 5-65 SW 18 57 6.42 SE 17 5.70 SW 19 57 6.60 SE 295 27 5-70 SW 20 57 6.70H ESE F. L. 37 5-71 SW 21 57 6.55 ESE J.E.M. 47 5-79 SW 22 57 6.26 SE 57 5.8o SW 97 F. L. 23 57 5-90 SE 354 J E. M. 502 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff ,,. . Anemom- eter Observer d,rect,on records Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind An " direction ^ lom- er Observer >rds May 29, 1904 May 30, 1904 h in Feet Miles h in Feet Miles o 57 5-6i S J. E. M. 8 57 6.53 W J. E. M. i 57 5-40 SW 9 57 6.70 WNW P. L. 2 27 5-32 sw 10 07 6.74 WNW 37 5-30 SW 17 6-79 WNW 47 5-27 sw 27 6.80 W 57 5-25L sw 37 6.79 W 3 07 5-25 sw 47 6.80 w 17 5.26 sw 57 6.8oH w 37 5.28 sw ii 07 6.80 w 37 5-30 sw 17 6.79 w 47 5-34 sw 27 6.73 w 57 5.36 SW 386 12 02 6.63 W 667 4 57 5.48 sw 57 6.40 w 5 57 5-9 NW 13 57 6.15 w 6 57 6.18 w 14 57 5.89 w 7 57 6.50 W 399 J- E. M. IS 57 5.7i w 8 57 6 70 W F. L. 16 57 5.69 w 9 57 6.8oH W 17 07 5.68L w 10 07 6.80 W 17 5.7i w 17 6.77 W 57 5.8o w 57 6.69 W 18 57 5-94 w ii 57 6.44 W 414 19 57 6. ii W 779 P. L. 12 57 6. 20 W 20 57 6.30 W J. E. M. 14 oo 5.98 W 22 O7 6.42 W 57 5-8i W 17 6.46 W 15 57 S.SoL W 440 27 6.48!! W 16 07 581 W 37 6.48 w 17 5.83 w 47 6.46 w 58 59 w 57 6.44 w 17 57 6.04 w 23 07 6.42 w 18 S7 6.29 w -7 6. 20 W 820 J. E. M. 19 57 6.48 W 472 F. L. 20 57 6.57 NW J. E. M. May 31, 1904 21 27 17 6.60 6.61 NW NW o 57 5-9-1 W J. E. M. 47 57 22 O7 6.62H 6.62 6.61 NW NW NW i 57 2 57 3 57 5-55 5.19 5-12 W WNW WNW 863 17 6.60 NW 4 07 5 .10 NW 27 57 23 57 6.57 6.50 6.12 NW NW NW 524 J. E. M. 17 27 37 47 s.oo. 5.09 5-P7L 5-07 NW NW NW NW May 30, 1904 57 5.08 NW 5 07 5.10 NW o 57 5-70 NW J. E. M. 17 5-12 NW i 57 5-50 NW 57 5-21 NW 2 57 5-29 NW 6 57 5-55 WNW 3 07 5-28 NW 7 57 5-90 WNW 890 J. E. M 17 5-24 NW 8 57 6.30 W F. L. 27 5.20 NW 9 57 6.62 W 37 5.20 NW 10 57 6.77 w 47 5 20 NW II 07 6.78 w 57 5-20 NW 563 17 6.79 w 4 07 5.18 NW 27 6.8iH w 17 5-I7L NW 37 6.80 w 27 5.i8 NW 47 6.76 w 37 5-20 NW 57 6.74 W 905 47 5-20 NW 12 57 6.60 W 57 5-23 NW 13 57 6.30 W 5 57 657 5.51 5.83 NW NW 14 57 IS 57 6.01 5.8i w W 012 7 57 6.19 NW 610 J. E. M. 16 57 5.66 W F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Norlhbrook Island 53 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Anemom- "* r,,s Ob!m " Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Anc t r direction fec( noni- er Observer >rds May 31, 1904 June 2, 1904 /( m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 17 27 5-62 W F. L. o 07 6.40 E J. E. M. 37 S.6oL W 17 6.39 E 47 5.62 W 27 6-35 E 57 5.69 W 57 6.24 E 18 57 5.76 W i 57 6.08 ENE 19 57 6.00 936 F. L. 2 57 5-7o ENE 20 57 6.19 W J. E. M. 3 57 5-49 ENE 234 21 57 6.35 W 4 57 5-37 ENE 22 57 6.43 W 5 47 5-30 ENE 23 07 6.43H W 57 5-29L ENE 17 6.43 W 6 07 5.30 ENE 27 6.42 W 17 5-32 ENE 37 6.40 W 27 5.36 ENE 47 6.37 W 37 5-37 ENE 57 6.33 NW 953 J- E. M. 57 5-41 E 7 57 5.63 304 J. E. M. 857 5.98 E F. L. 9 57 6.30 E June i, 1904 10 57 ii 57 6.60 6.70 E E 12 37 6.. 79 E o 57 i 57 2 57 3 57 4 57 5 07 17 27 37 47 57 6 07 57 7 57 857 9 57 10 57 II 57 6.14 5.8o 5-44 5-25 5-iS 5.13 5-I3L 5.13 5-iS 5-13 5-i6 5.20 5.38 5-70 6.04 6.40 6.68 6.72 NE J. E. M. NE NE NE 963 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE ENE ENE 977 J- E. M. E F. L. E E E 47 57 13 07 17 14 07 57 15 57 16 57 1757 18 37 47 57 19 07 57 21 07 57 22 57 23 57 6.76 6.80 6.8oH 6.75 6.61 6.40 6.14 sis 5-72L 5-73 5-73 5.78 5.8l 5-95 6.12 6.30 6.39 E E E E E E SE 442 SE SE SE SE SE SE SE 525 F. L. ESE J. E. M. ESE E*>E ESE 591 J. E. M. 12 O7 6.73 E 17 6.79H E June 3, 1904 7 6.76 E 37 6.70 E o 07 6.40 ESE J. E. M. 47 6.69 E 27 17 6.40 ESE 57 6.66 E 27 6.41 ESE 14 01 6.42 E 37 6.44H ESE 57 6.10 ENE 47 6.42 ESE IS 57 5-90 ESE 50 57 6.38 E 16 57 5.69 E i 57 6. 20 E 17 57 5.63 E 2 57 5.98 E 18 07 5.61 E 3 57 5-71 E 672 17 5.6o E 4-57 5-59 E 27 5.6oL E 5 57 5-42 E 37 5.6o E 6 07 5-40 E 47 5-6i E 17 5-39 E 57 5.63 E 27 5-39 E 19 57 5-8o E 102 F. L. 37 5-39L E 20 57 6.00 E J. E. M. 47 5-40 E 21 57 6.16 E 57 5-42 E 22 57 6.32 E 7 07 5-44 E 23 47 57 6.40 6.4oH E E 168 J. E. M. 57 857 5-53 5-78 E 749 1 E. M. E P. L. 504 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer June 3, 1904 h in Feet 9 57 6.03 ESE II 00 6.32 ESE 57 6.56 ESE 12 57 6.67H ESE 13 07 6.67 ESE 17 6.64 ESE 27 6.64 SE 37 6.64 SE 47 6.63 SE 57 6.6c ESE 14 57 6.42 ESE 15 57 6. 20 SE 16 57 5.96 ESE 17 57 5.8i E 18 57 5-69 ESE 10 07 5-65L E 17 5-68 NE 27 5.69 NE 57 5.70 ENE 20 57 5-73 E 21 57 5-93 E 22 57 6.05 E 23 57 6.19 E June 4, o 17 6. 20 E 27 6.21 E 37 6.23 E 47 6.24 E 57 6.25 E i 07 6.25H E 17 6.25 E 27 6.24 E 37 6.23 E 47 6.22 E 57 6. 20 E 2 57 6.09 ENE 3 57 5-86 ENE 4 57 5.63 E 5 57 5-54 E 6 27 5-50 E 37 5.48 E 47 5-44 E 57 5-44 E 7 07 5-44 E 17 5-44 E 27 5-42L E 37 5-43 E 47 5-45 E 57 5-48 E 857 5-6o ENE 9 57 5-88 E 10 57 6.10 E ii 57 6.30 E 12 57 6.50 E 13 07 6.50 E 17 6.50 E 27 6.51 E 37 6.52 E 47 6.52 E 57 6-54H E Miles 809 862 902 933 1904 954 972 June 4, 1904 h m Feet I P. L. 14 07 6-54 E 17 6.52 E 57 6.41 E 15 57 6.27 E 16 57 6. 02 E 17 57 5.88 E 18 57 5-70 E 19 27 5.65 E 37 5-64 E 47 5.6i E 57 5.60 NE 20 07 5.60 NE 17 5.60 NE 27 5.6oL NE 37 5.60 NE 47 5-6o NE 57 5-6o NE 21 O7 5.60 NE F. L. 17 57 5-63 5-65 NE ENE J. E. M. J. E. M. 22 57 23 57 5-8o 5-93 ENE NW June 5, 1904 o 57 6.09 E J. E. M. i 07 6. 10 E 17 6.ioH E 27 6.10 E 37 6. 10 E 47 6.07 E 57 6.05 E 2 57 5-97 N 3 57 5-86 N 4.57 5.72 N 5 57 5.60 N 6 57 5-50 N 7 07 5-50 N 17 5-50 N 27 5-50 N 37 5-44 N 47 5-43L N 57 5-43 SE 8 07 5-44 SE 17 5-47 SE 57 5-52 E 9 57 5-70 NE 10 57 5-90 NE - ii 57 6.10 NE 12 57 6.30 NE J. E. M. 13 57 6.40 NE F. L. 14 07 6.40 NE 17 6.40 NE 27 6.41 NE 37 6.4iH NE 47 6.41 NE 57 6.40 NE 15 57' 6.31 NE 16 57 6.10 E 17 57 5-94 E 18 57 5-75 NE F. L. 19 57 5.63 NE Miles F. L. F. L. J. E. M. 71 J. E. M. J. E. M. 97 127 173 J. E. M. F. L. 233 298 F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cafe Flora, Northbrook Island 5<>5 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer June 5, 1904 h in Feet j 20 07 5.61 NE 17 5.60 NE 27 5-6o NE 37 5-58 NE 47 5-55 NE 57 5.58 NE 21 07 5-52 E 17 5-52 E 27 5-52 E 37 5.52 E 47 5-52 E 21 57 5-51 E 22 O7 5-51 E '-7 5-SoL E 27 5-54 E 37 5-59 E 47 5-6o E 57 5.6i E 23 57 5-72 E June 6, 1904 I 00 5.89 ENE 30 5-93 ENE 40 50 5-93 5-94 ENE ENE 2 OO 5-96 ENE 10 5-99 ENE 20 6.ooH ENE 30 6.ooH ENE 4O 6.ooH ENE 50 6.ooH ENE 3 oo 5-95H ENE 10 5-97H ENE 20 6.ooH ENE 30 6.ooH ENE 40 6.ooH ENE 50 5-92 ENE 4 oo 5-93 E 10 5-93 E 20 5-90 E 5 oo 5-84 ESE 6 oo 5-70 ESE 7 oo i 5.60 ESE 30 5-55 ESE 40 5-52 ESE .SO 5-49L ESE 8 oo 5-50 ESE 10 5-50 ESE zo 5-50 BSE 30 5-50 ESE 40 5-50 ESE So 5-50 ESE 9 oo 5-50 ESE 10 5-50 ESE 20 5-50 ESE 30 5-50 ESE 40 5-50 ESE 50 5-50 ESE IO OO 5-52 ESE 10 5-59 ESE II OO 5-70 SE 33 Miles 353 391 415 June 6, 1904 h m Feet J F. L. 12 OO 5.90 SE 13 oo 6.07 ESE 14 oo 6.25 SE 15 00 6.30 SE IO 0-30 SE 20 6.30 SE 30 6-32H SE 40 6.30 SE 50 6.29 SE 16 oo 6.25 SE 17 oo 6.06 SE 18 oo 5-95 SE 19 oo 5-73 SE R L- J. E. M. 20 oo 21 OO 5-59 5-50 SE ESE 22 00 5-39 ESE 10 5-39L ESE J. E. M. 20 30 5-39 5-40 ESE ESE 40 5-41 ESE 50 5-42 ESE 23 oo 5-45 ESE J. E. M. 24 oo 5-50 SE June 7, 1004 I 00 5.6o ESE 2 OO 5-69 ESE 3 00 5-8o ESE 4 oo S.SiH SE IO 5-8iH SE 20 5-8iH SE 30 5-8iH SE 40 S 8iH SE 50 5-8iH SE 5 oo 5-77 SE 6 oo 5-68 SE 7 oo 5-SS SE 8 oo 5-49 SE 9 oo 5-40 SE 10 5-39 SE 20 5-40 SE 30 5-40 SE 40 5-38 SE 50 5-34L SE 10 OO 5-39 SE 10 5-40 SE 20 5-43 SE II 05 SE 12 00 5-6o SE 13 oo 5-70 SE 14 oo 5.86 SE 15 oo 5-96 SE 50 6.04 SE 16 oo 6.05H 1 10 6.01 SE 20 6.01 SE 30 6.01 SE 40 5 99 SE 50 6.00 SE J. E. M. 17 oo 6.00 SE F. L. IO 6.00 SE Miles 466 F. L. 518 560 F. L. J. E. M. 612 650 J. E. M. J. E. M. 697 J. E. M. F. L. 726 740 F. L. 506 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff vy . Anemom- Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind An direction reci nom- er Observer )rds June 7, 1904 June 8, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 17 20 5-99 SE F. L. 21 00 5-57 SW T. E. M. 30 5-94 SE 22 OO 5-40 SW 18 oo 19 oo If SE SE 23 oo 10 5-30 5-27 sw sw 20 oo SE 748 2O 5-25 sw 21 OO 5-39 SE F. L. 30 5-24 sw 22 OO 5.22 SE J. E. M. 40 5-23 sw 10 5-21 SE SO 5-20 sw 2O 5-21 SE 24 oo 5-20L SW 896 J. E. M. 30 5-20 SE SO 23 oo 5.17 5-I5L SE SE June 9, 1904 IO 20 24 oo 5-15 5-20 5-23 SE SE SE 735 J- E. M. O IO 20 30 5.20 S-20 5.23 SW SW sw J.E..M. June 8, 1904 40 50 5.23 5-23 sw sw I OO 2 OO 5-30 5-39 W J. E. M. W I OO 2 OO 1:3 sw sw 3 oo W 3 oo 5-55 sw 4 oo 5 66 NW 782 4 oo 5-75 934 10 5'69 NW 5 oo 5.90 SW 20 5-70 NW 6 oo 5.96 sw 30 5-71 NW 10 6.00 sw 40 5-73 NW 20 6.00 sw 50 5 oo 5-73 5-73 NW W 30 40 5-99 6.ooH sw sw IO 5-75 W 50 6.00 sw 20 5-75 W 7 oo 5-99 sw 30 40 50 6 oo fv 5-75H 5-75 5-75 5-73 W W W W 10 8 oo 9 oo 10 OO 5-97 5-90 5-84 5-8o sw SW 973 J. E. M. SW F. L. SW 7 oo 8 oo 9 oo 5.63 5-58 5-46 W W 795 J- E. M. W F. L. II OO 10 20 5-72* 5-72* 5.7i* SW SW sw IO OO 5-42 W 30 5-70* sw IO 5.41 W 40 5-72* sw 20 5.41 W SO 5-70* sw 30 40 SO II OO IO 20 S-42 5-41 5-40L 5.41 5-41 W W W W W W 12 00 10 20 30 40 50 5-70* S-69* 5-64L* 5-64* 5-70* 5.72* sw sw sw sw sw sw 27 30 40 50 12 OO 5.46 5-49 5-50 5-50 W W SW SW 813 13 oo 14 oo IS oo 16 oo 5.73* 5.90 6.00 6. 11* sw sw sw W 72 13 00 14 oo ^ 5.6i 5-73 sw sw 17 oo 50 6.22 6.22 sw sw 15 oo 5.90 W 18 oo 6.23 sw ^ IO OO 6.01 SW 838 IO 6.26 sw 50 6.ioH sw 20 6.27 sw 17 oo 6.04 wsw 30 6.28H sw 10 6.04 wsw 40 6.27 sw 20 6.05 sw So 6. 20 sw 6.01 sw 19 oo 6. 20 sw 40 6.04 sw IO 6.19 SW . 50 6.01 sw 20 01 6.12 W 114 18 oo 6.00 sw 21 00 S.90 W F. L. 19 oo 20 oo 5.89 5-70 sw SW 871 F. L. 22 00 23 oo 5.67 5-52 sw sw J. E. M. J. E. M. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal obscrrations at Cape Flora, Norlhbrook Island 507 Local Reading w - . Anemoin- mean of tide eter Observer time staff direction records Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Ane ' 1 direction rec( jorn- ?r Observer >rds June 10, 1904 June ii, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles o 10 5.47 W 140 J. E. M. 2 OO 5-30L E J. E. M. i oo 5-36L W 10 5-32 E 2 oo 5.42 W 20 5-36 E 3 oo 5-Si W 3 <*> 5-44 E 4 oo 5.81 W 180 4 oo 5.60 ESE 294 S oo 6.03 W 5 oo 5.89 ESE 600 6.15 SW 6 oo 6.19 ESE 10 6.20 SW 7 oo 6.39 ESE 20 6.22 SW 30 6.46 ESE 30 6.23 SW 40 6.46 ESE 40 6.24 SW 50 6.50 ESE 50 6.26 SW. 8 oo 6.51 ESE 336 7 oo 6.30 NW 10 6.-52H ESE 10 6.30 NW 20 6.52H ESE 20 6.31 NW 30 6.49H ESE 30 6.31 NW 40 6.49H ESE 40 6.30 NW 50 6.52H ESE So 6.33H 9 oo 6-49 ESE 8 oo 6.33 NW 213 10 6.47 ESE J. E. M. 10 6.30 NW 10 OO 6.39 SE F. L. 900 6.22 NW J.E. M. II OO f 6.22 SE 10 oo 6. ii NE F. L. 12 OO 6.14 SE 367 ii 06 6.00 13 oo 6.00 SE 12 oo 5.91 234 14 oo 5.92L SE 13 oo 5.88 10 5.92 SE 10 583 20 5-94 SE 20 5.90 30 5.98 SE 30 5-90 40 5-99 SE 40 5.87 50 5-97 SE 50 5-89 15 oo 6.00 SE 14 oo 5-84L 16 oo 6.10 ESE 402 10 5.00 17 oo 6.24 ESE 20 5-00 18 oo 6-39 E 30 5.91 19 oo 6.49 E 40 5-93 30 6. 49 H E 50 5-94 40 6.49 E 15 00 5-99 50 6.45 E 1600 6. ii 251 20 oo 6.42 452 17 oo 6.23 10 6.44 E 18 oo 6.31 W 20 6.42 E 50 6.32 W 21 OO 6-34 E F. L. 19 oo 6.35H W 22 OO 6. 12 E J. E. M. 10 6.33 W 23 oo 5.88 E 20 6.32 W 24 oo 5.63 E 465 J.E. M. 30 6.31 W 40 6.30 W 20 00 6.30 W 260 4 June 12, 1904 ( 10 6.23 W 21 OO 6.14 W 22 oo 5-89 NE F. L. 2300 5.68 E J. E. M. 24 oo 5.49 274 J. E. M. I 00 IO 2O 30 40 5-45 5-43 5.40 5-39 5-34 Calm Calm Calm Calm Calm J. E. M. 50 5-34 Calm June ii, 1904 2 OO 5-34 Calm TO 5-33 Calm 050 5-36 E J.E. M. 20 5-32 Calm i oo 5.36 30 5.32 Calm 10 5-33 40 S-31I. Calm 20 5.33 90 5-31 Calm * 30 5-33 3 oo 5-33 Calm 40 5-33 10 5-35 Calm 50 5-32 E J. E. M. 20 5-37 Calm J. E- M. 5 o8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cafe Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff ,. , Anemom- eter Observer direction recor( j s Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind An ' 1 direction fe " lom- cr Observer >rds June 12, 1904 June 13, 1904 It m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 4 oo 5-50 Calm 465 J- E. M. 3 oo 5-27L. E J. E. M. 5 oo 5-73 Calm IO 5-25L E 6 oo 6.05 Calm 20 5-23L E 7 oo 6.35 Calm 30 5.30 E 8 oo 6.50 Calm 40 5-30 E 10 6.52 Calm 465 50 5-32 E 20 6.57 Calm 4 oo 5-35 5i5 30 6.59 Calm 5 oo E 40 6-59 Calm 6 oo S 86 E 50 6.56 Calm 7 oo 6.21 ENE (J OO 6.6oll Calm 8 oo 6.50 ENE 552 IO 6.55 Calm 10 6.56 ENE 20 6.60 Calm 20 6.59 ENE 30 6.58 Calm J. E. M. 30 6.64 ENE 40 6.52 Calm F. L. 40 6.64 ENE IO OO 6.52 Calm 50 6.69 ENE II OO 6.38 Calm 9 00 6.74H ENE J. E. M. 12 O3 6. 20 E 1 468 IO 6.70H NE F. L. 13 oo 6.05 SW 20 6.7oH NE 14 oo SW 30 6.74H NE 10 5 89 SW 40 6.73 NE 20 s'84 SW 50 6.73 NE 30 5.84 SW 10 oo 6.70 NE 40 5.83 SW II OO 6.62 ENE 50 5.83 SW 12 OO 6.42 E 614 15 oo 5-82 SW 13 oo 6.24 ENE IO 5.82L SW 14 oo 6.10* ENE 20 5.82 SW 15 oo 6.02* ENE 30 40 5-89 5-90 SW SW 40 16 oo 5-95L* 5-99* ENE ENE 699 50 5.90 SW IO 6.02* ENE 16 oo 5-92 SW 483 20 6.05* ENE 17 oo 6.10 Calm 30 6.07* ENE 18 oo 6.23 Calm 40 6. II* ENE 19 oo 6.40 Calm 50 6.13* ENE 20 OO 6.41 Calm 492 17 oo 6.13* ENE 10 6.44H Calm 18 oo 6.35* ENE 20 6.44H Calm 19 oo 6.51* ENE 30 6.44H SW' 20 OO 6.63* ENE 798 40 6.44H SW' 21 00 6.7iH* ENE 50 6.4iH SW' 22 00 6.70 ENE F. L. 21 OO 6.42H SW' 23 oo 6.40 ENE J. E. M. 10 6.44H SW' 24 oo 6.10 ENE 917 J. E. M. 20 6.41 SW' 30 6.40 SW F. L. June 14, 1904 22 OO 6.28 ENE J. E. M. 23 oo 5-97 ENE I OO 5.85 ENE J. E. M. 24 oo 5-70 ENE 500 J. E. M. 2 OO 5.60 ENE 3 oo s- SOL ENE 'Very light. 4 oo 5-50 ENE 22 'Light. 5 oo 5.64 ENE Dense fog all day and night. 6 oo 5-83 ENE 7 oo 6.23 NE June 13, 1904 8 oo 6.55 NE 97 J- E. M. 9 oo 6.90 NE F. L. I OO 5.48 ENE J. E. M. IO 6-94* NE 2 OO 5-32 ENE 20 6.95* NE 10 5.28 ENE 30 7.oiH* NE 20 5-23L ENE 40 7.01* NE 30 5-23L ENE 50 7.00* NE 40 5-30L ENE IO OO 7.00 NE 50 5-27L ENE J. E. M. II OO 6.93 NE P. I, TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 509 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer June 14, 1904 June 15, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 12 OO 6.80 NE 173 F. L. 18 oo 6.01 NW F. L. 13 oo 6.54 NE 19 oo 6.17 NW 14 oo 6-34 NE 20 OO 6.30 NW 652 F. L. 15 oo 6.24 NE 21 OO 6.47 NW 16 oo 6.08 NE 240 22 OO 6.63 NW 20 6.O4L NE IO 6.63 NW 30 6.04 NE 2O 6.63 NW 40 6.14 NE 30 6.63 NW So 6.15 NE 40 6.68H NW 17 oo 6. 20 NE 50 6.68 NW 18 oo 6-34 NE 23 oo 6.64 NW 19 5 6-55 NE IO 6-59 NW F. L. 20 00 6.65 WNW 287 F. L. 24 oo 6.47 NW 731 J. E. M. 21 OO 6.8oH NE J. E. M. 22 OO IO 6.80 6-77 NE NE June 16, 1904 2O 30 40 50 23 oo 24 oo 6.75 6.72 6.71 6.70 6.68 6.43 NE NE NE NE NE NW 330 J. E. M. I 00 2 00 3 oo 4 oo 30 40 6.18 5.6o 5-35 5-32 5.32 NW NW NW NW 830 NW NW J. E. M. 50 5-30 NW June 15, 1904 5 oo 5-27 NW 10 5-24 NW I OO 6.12 NE J. E. M. 20 5-24L NW 2 OO 5.83 NE 30 5-24 NW 3 oo 5-63 NE 40 5-30 NW 40 5-52 NE 50 5-30 NW 50 5-51 NE 6 oo 5-33 NW 4 oo 5-50 NE 370 7 oo 5.6o NW IO 5-50 NE 8 oo 5-91 NW 923 J. E. M. 20 5-48L NE 9 oo 6.30 NW F. L. 30 5.48 NE 10 OO 6.60 NW 40 5-50 NE II OO 6.80 NW 50 5-52 NE So 6.ooH NW 5 oo 5-55 NE 12 OO 6.89* NW 30 6 oo 5-75 NE 10 6.89* NW 7 oo j t ^ 6.10 SW 2O 6.83* NW 8 oo 6-35 SW 422 J. E. M. 30 6.82 WNW 9 oo 6.69 SW F. L. 40 6.80* WNW 40 6.83 SW 50 6.75 WNW So 6.90 SW 13 oo 6.70 WNW IO OO 6.94 wsw 14 oo 6-43 WNW IO 6.95 w 15 oo 6. is WNW 20 6-94 NW 16 oo 5-94 WNW 120 30 6.97 NW 17 oo 5-8i NW 40 7.00 NW 10 5-74 NW SO 7.oiH NW 20 S-73 NW II 00 7.00 NW 30 5-71 NW IO NW 40 5-71 NW 12 OO 6 88 NW 400 50 5-71 NW 13 oo 6'.68 NW 18 oo 5-70L NW 14 oo 6.39 NW IO 5-73 NW 15 oo 6.17 NW 20 5-74 NW 16 oo 6.00 NW s67 30 NW 40 5.96 NW 40 5 80 NW SO 17 oo 10 5-94L 5-94L 5-99L NW NW NW 50 19 oo 20 00 5-8o 5-8o 6.00 NW NW W 192 F. L. 20 S-94L NW 21 OO 6.20 W J. E. M. 30 5-94L NW 22 OO 6-45 W 40 6.00 NW 23 oo 6.55 w 50 6.00 NW P. L. 24 oo 6.56 NW 237 J. F, M. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff i,r- . Anemom- * ,sz,, "-" Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Ane J direction rec( nom- er Observer >rds June 17, 1904 June 18, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles o 10 6-S7H NW J. E. M. 6 30 5-3* E J. E. M. 20 6-57 NW 40 5.4i E 30 6.52 NW 50 5.3 E 40 6.46 NW 7 oo 5-42 SE SO 6.41 NW 8 oo 5-59 SE 485 J. E. M. I 00 6.40 NW 9 oo 5-89 bE F. L. 2 00 6.12 NW 10 00 6.20 SE 3 oo 5.76 NW ii 08 6.55 E 4 oo 5.50 NW 285 12 00 6.75 555 5 oo 5-30 NW 10 6.78 E 6 oo 5-29 NW 20 6.80 E 10 5-29L NW 30 6.82 E 20 5.29 NW 40 6.82 E 30 5-31 NW 50 6.84 E 40 5-52 NW 13 oo 6.87H E 50 5-32 NW 10 6.87 E 7 oo 5 36 NW 20 6.82 E 8 oo 5-70 NW 319 J. E. M. 30 6.80 E 9 oo 6.10 W F. L. 14 oo 6.74 E TO 00 6.44 W 15 oo 6.49 E II OO 6.80 W It) OO 6.18 SE 627 12 OO 6.93H W 348 17 oo 5-90 SE IO 6.93 W 18 oo 5-65 SE 20 6.90 W 40 5-55 SE 30 6.91 W 50 5 -54 SE 40 6.92 W 19 oo 5-54 SE 50 6.90 w IO 5-50L SE 13 oo 6.84 W 20 5-52L SE 14 oo 6.70 w 30 5 -SOL SE 15 oo 16 oo 6^08 w WNW 376 40 50 5-5iL 5-50L SE SE 17 oo 5-80 NW ' 20 OO 5-53 SE 721 50 5-7 NW IO 5-53 SE 18 oo 5.68 NW 21 OO 5-64 SE F. L. IO 5.69L NW 22 OO 5-85 SE J. E. M. 20 5.6oL Calm 23 oo 6.05 SE 30 5-6iL Calm 24 oo 6. 20 SE 805 J. E. M. 40 5-6oL Calm 50 5-64 Calm June 19, 1904 19 oo 5.64 Calm IO s 5.65 W O IO 6.21 SE J. E. M. 20 OO 5.70 WNW 387 F. L. 20 6.29 SE 21 OO 5-94 NW J. E. M. 30 6.30 SE 22 OO 6.21 NW 40 6.33 SE 23 oo 6.40 SE 50 6-33 SE 24 oo 6.56 SE 398 J. E. M. I OO 6-33 SE IO 6-33 SE June 18, 1904 20 6-35H SE MM 30 6.35 SE 10 6.56 SE J. E. M. 40 6.33 SE 20 6.6oH SE 50 6.30 SE 30 6.S8H SE 2 OO 6.28 SE 4 6.6oH SE 3 oo 6.13 E 50 6.53 SE 4 oo 5-8i 892 I OO 6-53 SE 5 oo 5.6o E 2 OO 6.32 SE 6 oo 5.46 E 3 oo 6.05 SE 30 5-35 E 4 oo 5-70 SE 439 40 5-34 E 5 oo 5-55 SE 50 5-33 6 oo 5-4' E 7 oo 5-30 IO 20 5-36 5-34L E E J. E. M. IO 20 5-28L 5-30 E E J. E. M. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 5 11 Local Reading w'nrl Anemotn- niean of tide .. eter Observer time staff ** records Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Aner direction rec( nom- er Observer >rds June 19, 1904 June 20, 1904 h m feet Miles h m Feet Miles 7 30 5-32 E J. E. M. 12 OO 6.33 SE 392 F. L. 40 5-33 E 13 oo 6.60 SE 50 5-35 E 14 oo 6.71 SE 8 oo 5.39 E 971 10 6-73 SE 9 oo 5.50 E J. K M. 20 6.75H SE 10 oo 5.80 E F. L. 30 6-75 SE ii oo 6.10 E 40 6.72 SE 12 oo 6.40 SE 62 SO 6.74 SE 13 oo 6.59 SE 15 oo 6.70 SE 50 6.68H E It) OO 6.60 SE 4M 14 oo 6.68 E 17 oo 6.32 E 10 6.63 E 18 oo 6.04 E 20 6.61 E 19 14 5.8i E 30 6.61 E 20 oo 5-68 E 504 40 6.60 E 10 5.65 E 50 6.60 E 20 5.6i E 15 oo 6.55 E 30 5.6o E 16 oo 6.24 128 40 5.6o E 17 oo 5.94 E 50 5-54 E 18 oo 5.70 E 21 OO 5-5iL E 19 oo 5.59 E IO 5-53 E F. L. 10 5.54 SE 22 00 5-56 ESE J.E.M 20 5.52 SE 23 oo 5.63 ESE 30 5 so SE 24 oo 5.8i ESE 577 J. E. M. 40 5.44 SE 50 5.45 SE 20 oo 5.45 SE 182 June 21, 1904 10 s.4oL E 20 5.40 E 30 5-47 E F. L. 21 oo 5.42 Calm J. E. M. 22 oo 5.60 Calm 23 oo 5.79 Calm 2400 6.06 Calm J. E. M. I OO 2 OO 10 20 30 40 So 6.07 6. 25 6.27 6.33 6.39 6.39 6-39 ESE SE SE SE SE SE SE J. E. M. June 20, 1904 3 oo 10 6.43H 6.4iH SE SE i oo 6.20 E J. E. M. 20 6.43H SE 10 6.22 E 30 6.43H SE 20 6.22 E 40 6.41 SE 30 6.26 E 50 6.42 SE 641 40 6.3iH E 4 oo 6.38 SE 50 6.29 E 10 6.38 SE 2 00 6.28 E 20 6.32 SE 10 6.24 E 30 6.30 SE 3 oo 6. 20 E 5 oo 6.26 SE 4 oo 6.18 E 240 6 oo 6. ii SE 5 oo 6.00 E 7 oo 5-94 SE 6 oo 5.82 E 8 oo S.8i 695 7 oo 5.65 30 5.8o E 10 5.62 40 5.8o E 20 5.60 E 50 5.80 E 30 5.60 9 oo 5.76 E 40 S-SS IO 5-74 E 8 oo 5.55 316 20 5-73L E J. E. M. 10 5-5oL 30 5-74L E F. L. 20 5.59 40 5-73L E 30 5-S9 50 5-75 E 40 5-54 IO OO 5-75 E W S-59 II. OO 5-92 E 900 5.61 E J. E. M. 12 OO 6.09 758 10 oo 5.70 F. L. 13 oo 6.41 E ii oo 6.06 E F. L. 14 oo 6.60 E F. L. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local menu time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer June 21, 1904 h m Feet M IS oo 6.71 E 30 6.72H SE 40 6.70 SE SO 6.71 SE 16 oo 6.71 SE IO 6.71 SE 20 6.70 SE 30 6.67 SE 40 6.60 SE 50 6.60 SE 17 oo 6.60 SE 18 oo 6-33 SE 19 oo 6.04 SE 20 OO 5-82 SE 21 OO 5.63 E 50 5-52 E 22 OO 5-47 E IO 5-47 E 2O 5-47 E 30 5-45 E 40 5-43 E 50 S-43L E 23 oo 5-43 E 10 5-49 E 24 oo 5.58 E June 22, 1904 I 00 5-8o Calm 2 OO 6.03 Calm 3 oo 4 oo 6.23 6.36 Calm Calm 5 oo 6.38H Calm 6 oo 6.30 Calm 7 oo 6.16 E 8 oo 6.09 E 9 oo 5-95 W 10 00 5.8oL W II OO 5.88 W 10 5-88 W 20 S.9i W 12 OO 6.00 W 13 oo 6.10 W 14 oo 6.40 sw 15 oo 6.50 sw 40 6.60 W 50 6.60 W 16 oo 6.60 sw IO 6.60 sw 20 6.62 sw 30 6.62 sw 40 6.62 sw SO 6.63H sw 17 oo 6.61 sw IO 6.60 sw 20 6.58 sw 18 oo 6.40 SE 19 oo 6.12 SE 20 OO 5-90 SE 21 OO 5.7 SE 22 00 5-50 SE 30 5.48 SE 814 866 884 914 930 954 June 22, 1904 h m Feet M F. L. 22 40 5-44 SE 50 5-43 SE 23 oo S-4I SE 10 S-4I SE 20 5-41 SE 30 5-37 SE 40 5-34L SE So 5-34 SE 24 oo 5-37 SE June 23, 1904 O IO 5-39 SE I 00 5-53 SE F. L. J. E. M. 2 00 3 oo 5-72 5-94 SE SE 4 oo 6.13 SE 5 oo 6.28 SE 10 6.30 SE 20 6.30 SE 30 6.31 SE 40 6.32 SE SO 6-33 SE J. E. M. 6 oo IO 6.31 6.33 SE SE 20 6.34H SE 30 6.34 SE 40 6.31 SE J. E. M. SO 6.31 SE 7 oo 6.30 SE IO 6.28 SE 8 oo 6.16 SE 9 oo 6.00 SE 10 05 5-90 SE 20 5.88 SE 30 5-84 SE J. E. M. 40 5-8o SE F. L. SO 5-8o SE II OO 5-76 SE IO S.8o SE 20 5-8o SE 30 S-73L SE 40 5-73 SE 50 5-79 SE 12 OO 5.78 SE 10 5.8o SE 13 oo 5-86 SE 14 oo 6.05 Calm 15 oo 6.18 SE 16 oo 6.30 SE 17 oo NE 4O 6 38 NE 50 6^37 NE 18 oo 6-39 NE 10 6-34 NE 20 6-39 NE 30 6.39H NNW 40 6.29 W So 6.25 SW TQ 00 6.21 WNW F. L. 2O 00 6.00 NW J. E. M. 21 OO 5-70 N J. E. M. 18 J. E. M. J. E. M. 78 118 J. E. M. F. I, 149 164 182 F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 5'3 Local mean time Reading of tide staff w A Anemom- eter Observer direction records Local time mean Reading of tide staff w . . Anemom- eter Observer direction records June 23, 1904 June 24, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feel Mitt* 22 OO 5-45 N J. E. M. 19 20 6.27H E F. L. 23 oo 5.26 N 30 6. 3 oH E IO 5-25 N 40 6.22 E 20 5-25 N 50 6. 20 E 30 S-23 N 20 oo 6.19 403 40 5-23 N 21 OO 5.90 E F. L. 50 5-19 N 22 OO 5.64 E J. E. M. 24 oo 5-17 N 170 J. E. M. 23 oo 5-39 E 24 oo 5.20 E 487 J- E. M. June 24, 1904 June 25, 1904 IO 20 5.16 S-I5 N J. E. M. N O 2O 5.18 E J. E. M. 30 r 5-I3L N 30 5.16 E 40 5.28 N 40 5-14 E SO 5-15 N 50 5-12 E I 00 5-19 SE I OO 5.10 SE IO 5-19 SE 10 5. 10 bii 20 5-22 SE 20 5.13 SE 2 OO 5-30 SE 30 5-opL b< 3 oo 5-50 SE 40 5-12 SE 4 oo 5-76 SE 207 50 5.12 SE 5 oo D.oo SE 2 OO 5-iS SE IO 6.03 SE 3 00 5-32 SE 20 6.07 SE 4 oo 5-63 ESE 578 30 6.12 SE 5 oo 5.85 ESE 40 6.15 SE 6 oo 6.10 ESE 50 6. 20 SE 50 6.23 ESE 6 oo 6.19 SE 7 oo 6.29 ESE IO 6.21 SE IO 6.31 ESE 20 6.23 SE 20 6.31 ESE 30 6.25 SE 30 6.32 ESE 40 6.25 SE 40 6.33 ESE 50 7 oo 6.25 6.27 SE SE 50 8 oo 6.39 6.39 ESE ESE 666 10 20 6'.28H SE SE IO 20 6-39 6.40H ESE ESE 30 6.25 SE 30 6.40 ESE 40 6.22 SE 40 6-37 ESE 6.22 SE 50 6-34 E 8 oo 6.18 SE 239 9 oo 6.32 J. E. M. 9 oo 6.08 SE J. E. M. IO OO 6.20 ESE F. L. 10 OO 5-94 E F. L. II OI 6.05 ESE II OO 5 83 E 12 OO 5-84 ESE 747 12 OO 5-75 E 290 13 oo 5-74 ESE IO 5.70 SE 40 5-73 ESE 20 5.72 SE 50 5-70L ESE 30 5-72 SE 14 oo 5-72L SE 40 5.70 SE IO 5-70L St SO 5.70 SE 20 5-78 ESE 13 oo 5.70 SE 30 5-74 ESE 05 5-67L bJi 40 5-8o ESE 10 5-71 SE 50 5-8l E 20 5-74 SE IS 00 5.78 E 14 oo * 5.80 SE IO 5.87 ESE 15 18 5-99 SE 16 oo 6.00 ESE 814 16 oo 6.10 SE 343 17 oo 6. ii ESE 17 oo 6.24 SE 18 oo 6.24 ESE 18 oo 6.29 SE 19 oo 6-34 SE SO 6.30H SE 20 OO 6-34H SE 857 19 oo 6. 3 oH E 10 6.34 SE 10 6.24H E R I,. 20 6.30 SE F. I, 514 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local Reading vy- j Anemom- mean of tide ,. **". eter Observer time staff records Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind An " direction rec( nom- er Observer >nls June 25, 1904 June 26, 1004 h m Feet Milrx h m Feet tlilea 20 30 6.30 SE F. L. 21 10 6.32 SW F. L. 40 6.30 SE 22 OO 6.23 SW J. E. M. 50 6.21 SE 23 oo 5-99 SW 21 oo 6.21 SE F. L. 24 oo 5.67 SW 94 J- E. M. 22 oo 5.98 SE J. E. M. 23 oo 5.67 SE 24 oo 5.40 E 891 J. E. M. June 27, 1904 I 00 5-50 ' W J. E. M. June 26, 1904 30 5-39 W 40 5-37 W i oo 5.27 ENE J. E. M. 50 5-33 w 10 5.23 ENE 2 OO 5-32 w 20 5.23 ENE 10 5-31 w 30 5.20 ENE 20 5-29 w 40 5.20 ENE 30 5-27 w 50 5.19 ENE 40 5-27 w 2 oo 5.I7L ENE 50 5-27 w 10 5.17 E 3 00 5-25 w 20 5.20 10 w 30 5-20 20 5-27 w 40 5-19 30 5-30 w 50 5-20 40 5-32 w 3 oo 5.21 50 5-32 w 4 oo 5.42 929 4 OO 5-32 w 116 5 oo 5.70 E 5 oo 5-59 w 6 oo 6.01 SE 6 oo S-9 1 w 700 6.31 SE J. E. M. 7 oo 6. 30 w 8 oo 6.46 SW 968 F. L. 8 oo 6.53 w 132 J.E. M. 10 6.49 SW 9 05 6.70 w F. L. 20 6.50 W IO 6.72 w 30 6.51 W 20 6.72 w 40 6.50 W 30 6.78H w 50 6.50 W 40 6.74 w 9 oo 6.50 W 50 6.76 w 10 6.51 W IO OO 6.76 w 20 6.54H W 10 6.73 w 30 6.51 W II 00 6.64 w 40 6.49 W 12 00 6-43 w 148 50 6.44 W 13 00 6. 20 w 10 oo 6.44 W 14 oo 6.05 w ii oo 6.30 W 15 oo 5-93 w 12 oo 6.10 SW 3 IO 5-91 w 13 oo 5.94 SW 20 5-91 w 14 oo 5.80 SW 30 5-92 w 10 5.80 SW 40 5-90 w 20 5.80 W 50 5-90L w 30 5.80 W 16 oo 5-90 w 165 40 5.76 W IO 5-91 w SO 5.74L W 20 S-92 w 15 oo 5.74 W 17 oo o.oo w 10 5.76 SW 18 oo 6.16 w 16 oo 5.84 SW 42 17 oo 6.00 SW 19 oo 20 oo 6.30 6.4S w W 186 F. L. 1800 6.14 SW 21 OO 6.57H w J.E. M. 19 oo 6.25 W IO 6.55 w 30 00 6.40 W 70 30 6.54 w 10 6.40 W 30 6.53 w 20 6.40H W 40 6.53 w 30 6.40 SW So 6.52 w 40 6.40 SW 22 00 6.52 w 50 6.35 SW 23 oo 6-34 w 21 oo 6.34 SW F. L 24 oo 6.07 W 104 J. E. M. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff i Wind Anemom- Local time mean Reading of tide staff . Wind An ^[ direction rec< er Observer >rds June 28, 1904 June 29, 1904 h m Feet Miles /t m Feet Miles l oo 5-75 W J. E. M. 4 20 5-53 SE J. E. M. 2 OO 5-57 W 30 5-54 SE 3 oo 5-42 ESE 40 5-52 SE 10 5-39 ESE So SE 20 5-36 ESE 5 oo 5.60 SE 30 5-36 ESE 6 oo 5-72 SE 40 5-35L ESE 7 oo 6.03 SE 50 5-37 ESE 8 oo 6.42 SE 534 J- E. M. 4 oo 5-40 ESE 215 9 oo 6.71 SE F. L. 10 5-39 ESE 10 00 7.00 SE 20 5-40 ESE 20 7.00 SE 30 5-42 ESE 30 7-03 SE _ 40 5-4<> ESE 40 7-05 SE 5 oo 5-53 ESE 50 7-07 SE 6 oo 5-75 ESE 55 7.ioH SE 7 oo 6. ii ESE II 00 7.09 SE 8 oo 6-44 SE 246 J. E. M. IO 7.06 SE 9 oo 6-75 SE F. L. 20 7-04 SE 50 6.90 SE 12 00 7.01 565 10 00 6.90 SE 13 oo 6.80 SE 10 6.90 SE 14 oo 6.53 SE 20 6.92H SE 15 oo 6.30 SE 30 6.92 SE 16 oo 6.15 NE 590 40 6.91 SE 40 6.10 NE 50 6.91 SE 50 6.09L NE II 00 6.90 SE 17 oo 6.10 NE 12 OO 6.72 SE 296 IO 6. ii NE 13 oo 6.46 SE 20 6. ii NE 14 oo 6.30 SE 30 6.10 SE 15 oo 6.10 SE 40 6.10 SE 50 6.01 SE 50 6.14 SE 16 oo 5-98 SE 353 18 oo 6.20 SE IO 5-95 SE 19 oo 6.30 S 20 5-95 SE 20 00 6.49 SW 607 30 5-98 SE 21 00 6.65 ENE F. L. 40 5.98 SE 22 OO 6.78 ENE J. E. M. 50 5-94 SE IO 6.80 ENE 17 oo 5.94!, SE 20 6.82 ENE 10 5-94 SE 30 6.84 ENE 20 6.00 SE 40 6.80 ENE 18 oo 6.10 SE 50 6.87H ENE 19 oo 6-23 SE 23 oo 6.84 E 20 00 6.40 SE 401 F. L. IO 6.80 E 21 00 6.58 SE J. E. M. 20 6.78 E 22 00 6.63 SE 24 oo 6.70 E 682 T. E M. 20 6.6 4 H SE 30 40 6.63 6.61 SE SE June 30, 1904 50 23 oo 24 oo 6.39 6.51 6.32 SE SE SE 450 J. E. M. I OO 2 00 3 oo 6. Si 6.01 E NW NW J. E. M. 4 oo 5-75 NW 721 June 29, 1904 IO 5-73 NW 20 5 70 NW I OO 6.07 SE J. E. M. 30 5-70 NW 2 00 5-8i SE 40 5-72 NW 3 oo 5-66 SE 50 5-72 NW 30 5-56 SE 5 oo 5 70 W 40 5-53 SE 10 5.69L W 50 5-52 SE 20 5-7oL W 4 oo 5-Si 498 30 5 6pL W 10 5-5oL SE J. E. M. 40 5 72 W J. E. M. 5I 6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer June 30, 1904 h m Feet A 5 5 5-73 W 6 oo 5-8o w 7 oo 6.01 W 8 oo 6.32 w 9 oo 6.32 w 10 OO 6.97 w II IO 7-15 w 20 7.20H w 30 7.19 sw 40 7.19 sw So 7-14 sw 12 OO 7.10 sw 13 oo 6-99 sw 14 oo 6.77 sw 15 oo 6.52 sw 16 oo 6-34 sw 17 oo 6.24 sw IO 6. 20 sw 20 6. 20 sw 25 6.19 s 30 6. 20 s 35 6.i6L s 40 6. 20 s 50 6. 20 s 18 oo 6. 20 s IO 6. 20 8 20 6.21 s 30 6.24 s 19 oo 6.24 s 20 oo 6.44 s 21 OO 6.64 s 22 OO 6.81 s 50 6.92 w 23 oo 6.90 w 10 6.90 w 20 6.93 w 30 6.96H w 40 6.92 w SO 6.92 w 24 oo 6.90 w July I, 1904 I OO 6.75 w 2 OO 6.50 w 3 oo 6.23 w 4 oo 6.02 w 5 oo 5.89 w 10 5.85 w 20 5-8 3 L w 30 5.85 w 40 5.87 w 50 5-88 w 6 oo 5-90 w 7 oo 5-98 w 8 oo 6.21 w 9 oo 6.65 NW IO 00 6.80 NW II 00 7.09 NW 10 7.04 NW 20 7.o8t NW 30 7- lot NW Miles 754 790 823 840 862 899 934 July I, 1904 Feet J. E. M. ii 40 7.12 NW 50 7 MHt NW 12 00 7.10 NW J. E. M. 10 7.12 NW F. L. 20 7.12 NW 30 7.10 NW 40 7.09 NW 50 7-os NW 13 oo 7.04 NW 14 oo 6.84* NNW IS 00 6.52* NNW 16 oo 6.30* NNW 17 oo 6.06* NNW 18 oo 5-90 NNW IO 5-90 NNW 20 5.86 NNW 30 5-84 NNW 40 5.8 3 L NNW 50 5.85 NNW 19 oo 5-90 NNW 20 00 5-95 NW 21 OO 6.12 NW 22 00 6.25 NW 23 oo 6.41 NW 24 oo 6-53 NW July 2, 1904 O IO 6.51 NW 2O 6.52 NW F. L. J. E. M. 30 40 50 6.S4H 6.52 6.50 NW NW NW I OO 6.48 NW 2 OO 6.34 NW 3 oo 6.06 NW 4 oo 5-8o NW 5 oo 5-69 NW J. E. M. 6 oo IO 5.6l 5.6o NW NW 20 5-57 NW 30 5-55L NW 40 5.6o NW J. E. M. 50 5.6i NW 7 oo 5.63 NW IO 5.6s WNW 8 oo 5-74 WNW 9 oo 6.08 WNW IO OO 6-35 WNW II OO 6.62 NW 12 00 6.82 NW 10 6.82 W 20 6.88 W 30 6.84 W 40 6.ooH w J. E. M. 50 6.90 w F. L. 13 oo 6.84 w IO 6.90 w 20 6 82 w 14 oo 6'.8o w 15 oo 6.52 w F. L. 16 oo 6.24 w Miles 30 F. L. 136 216 257 F. L. J. E. M. J. E. M. J. E. M. 301 363 405 J. E. M. F. L. 43i F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 5*7 Local mean time Reading of tide staff ,,,. , Anemom- 5L r - d , ' Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Aner direction r< { iom- sr Observer >rds July 2, 1904 July 4, 1904 li m Feet Miles It m Feet Miles 17 oo 6.00 W F. L. I OO 6.40 W J. E. M. 18 oo S.8o W 10 6.41 W 19 oo 5-72 W 20 6-43 W 10 5-73 W -30- 6.40 W 20 5-75 W 40 6.43H W 30 S-7oL W 50 6.40 W 40 S-70 W 2 OO 6.37 W 50 5.72 W IO 6.36 W 20 oo 5-74 W 472 20 6.35 W 21 OO 5.90 W F. L. 3 oo 6.27 W 22 OO 6.04 W J. E. M. 4 oo 6.12 NW S.TO 23 oo 6.21 W 5 oo 5-93 NW 24 oo 6.34 W 521 J. E. M. 6 oo 5-85 NW 7 oo 5.78 NW July 3, 1904 10 S-73 NW 20 5-75 NW o 30 40 So I OO 10 20 30 40 SO 2 OO 3 oo 4 oo 5 oo 6 oo 7 oo IO 20 30 40 So 8 oo g 02 IO OO 6.37 6.39 6.41 6.40 6.36 6.40 6.42H 6.39 6-39 6.36 6.19 5.94 581 5.67 5-59L 5-63 5.65 5-69 5-70 S-7I 5-73 5.92 6. 20 NW J. E. M. NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW WNW 594 WNW WNW NW NW NW NW NW NW N 588 J. E. M. F. L. N 30 40 o 5 8 oo 10 20 9 oo 10 oo II OO 12 OO 13 oo IO 20 30 40 50 14 oo IO IS 00 16 oo 17 oo 18 oo 19 oo 5-73 5-73 5-72L I 6.12 6.34 6.54 6.74 6.72 6.74 6.77 6.79 6.8oH 6.75 6.71 6.69 6. 45 6.25 6.00 5.83 NW NW NW NW 870 NW NW NW J. E. M. NW F. L. NW NW 903 NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW 924 NW NW NW II OO 6.50 NW 20 OO 5-74 NW 950 12 OO 13 05 10 20 6.74 6.ooH 6.89 6.85 NW 634 NW NW NW 10 20 30 40 5-70 5.70 5-70 5.69L W W W W 30 6.90 NW So 5-71 W 40 6.84 NW 21 OO 5-75 W SO 6.82 NW IO 5-72 W 14 oo 6.82 NW 20 5-74 W IO 6.80 NW 30 5-77 W F. L. 15 oo 6.65 NW 22 OO 5-79 W J. E. M. 16 oo 17 oo 6.44 6.15 W 682 W 23 oo 24 oo 5-90 6.03 W W 960 J. E. M. 18 oo 5-91 NW 19 oo 5.8o NW July 5, 1904 10 5.76 NW 20 30 S.8o 5.76 NW NW I OO 10 6. 20 6.25 NW NW J. E. M. 40 5-73 NW 20 6.26 NW SO 20 oo 5-73 5-7IL NW 745 30 40 6.25 6.28 NW NW 10 5.76 NW 50 6.30 NW 20 S.78 NW 2 00 6.30 NW 21 00 5.8o NW F. L. IO 6.30 NW 22 00 5-93 NW J. E. M. 20 6.31 NW 23 oo 24 oo 6.04 6.28 NW WNW 790 J. E. M. 30 40 6.33H 6.3iH NW NW J. E. M. 518 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbronk Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff ,,r. , Anemom- -23. ~+ Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind An e e ? direction recc lorn- :r Observer >rds July 5, 1904 July 6, 1904 h m Feet ma* h m Feet Miles 2 50 6.33H NW J. E. M. 3 10 6.21 S J. E. M. 3 oo 6.30 NW 20 6.22 S 10 6.29 NW 30 6.2 3 H S 20 6.27 NW 40 6.21 S 30 6.25 NW 50 6.20 S 4 oo 6.16 NW 971 4 oo 6.20 S 66 5 oo 6. 02 NW IO 6.21 S 6 oo 5-90 NW 20 6.21 S 7 oo 5.8i NW 30 6.20 S 8 oo 5.78 NW 981 40 6.19 S 10 5.78 NW 50 6.16 S 20 5-76L NW 5 oo 6. ii S 30 S.8o NW 6 oo 6.01 SW 40 5-79 NW 7 oo 5-93 SW So S.82 NW 8 oo 5-92 W 77 9 oo 5.83 NW J. E. M. 10 5-92 W 10 oo 5.96 W F. L. 20 5-92 W II. OO 6.14 W 30 5-9iL W 12 OO 6.39 W 7 40 S-9IL W 13 oo 6.52 W So 5-9iL W 14 oo 6.61 SW 9 oo S-9iL W 10 6.62 SW IO 5-93 W 20 6.66H SW 20 5-93 W 30 6.63 SW 30 5-94 W 40 6.64 SW 35 5.90 W 50 6.66 SW 40 5-92 W 15 oo 6.61 SW So 5-91 W IO 6.60 SW IO OO 5-92 W J. E. M. 16 oo 6.50 S 25 II OO 6.13 W F. L. 17 oo 6.25 s 12 OO 6.30 W 90 18 oo 6.04 S 13 oo 6.46 W 19 oo 5-93 s 14 oo 6.60 SSE 20 OO 5-74 S 38 10 6.60 SSE IO 5-71 s 20 6.61 SSE 20 5-70 s 30 6.60 SSE 30 5-70 s 40 6.61 SSE 40 5-74 s 50 6.63H SSE SO 5-72 s 15 00 6.62 SSE 21 OO 5-70 s 10 6.61 SSE IO S-64 s 20 6.62 SSE 20 5-63L s 30 6.62 SSE 30 5.66 s 40 6.62 SSE 40 5-64 s SO 6.62 SSE SO 5.63 s 16 oo 6.60 SSE 107 22 OO 5.64 S F. L. 17 oo 6.50 ENE 23 oo 5-73 SE J. E. M. 18 oo 6.31 ENE 24 oo 5.86 SE 56 J. E. M. 19 oo 6. 14 ENE 20 oo 5.98 ENE 120 21 OO 5-90 ENE F. L. July 6, 1904 20 30 5.84 5.83 ENE ENE J. E. M. 40 5.83 ENE I OO S-99 S J. E. M. So 5.8i ENE So 6.13 S 22 OO 5.8oL ENE 2 00 6.15 S IO 5.8oL ENE 10 6.18 S 2O 5.8i ENE 20 6.18 S 30 5.83 ENE 30 6.17 S 40 5.83 ENE 40 6. 20 S SO 5.84 ENE 50 6. 20 s 23 oo 5-84 ENE 3 oo 6. 20 S J. E. M. 24 oo 5-93 ENE 127 J. E. M. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cafe Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer July 7, 1904 h in Feet Miles I OO 6.09 ENE 2 OO 6.30 ENE 3 oo 6.43 W 10 6.43 W 20 6.43 W 30 6.46 W 40 6-49 W 50 6.50 W 4 oo 6.50 W 137 10 6. so W 20 6.S3H W 30 6.53H W 40 6.51 W 50 6.50 W 5 oo 6-49 W 10 6-49 W 6 oo 6.48 W 7 oo 6.40 ESE 8 oo 6.37 ESE 152 9 oo 6.33 ENE 10 6.32 ENE 20 6.31 ENE 30 6.32 E 40 6.30 E 50 6.30 E 58 6.28L E IO 00 6.30 E 10 6.30 E 20 6.31 E 30 6.32 E 40 6.33 E 50 6.37 E II OO 6.40 E 12 OO 6.50 ESE 190 13 oo 6.63 ESE 14 oo 6.79 NE 15 03 6.88 NE 30 6.90 NE 40 6.90 NE 50 6.9iH NE 16 oo 6.9iH NE 212 10 6.90 NE 20 6.89 NE 30 6.88 NE 40 6.90 NE 50 6.89 NE 17 oo 6.84 NE 18 oo 6.71 NE 19 oo 6.50 NE 2O IO 6.28 NE 228 21 OO 6.05 NE 40 6.05 NE 50 6.03 NE 22 OO 6.03 NE 10 6. 02 NE 20 6.01 NE 30 6.00 NE 40 6.00 NE 50 5-97 NE 23 oo 5 97 NE IO 5-99 NE 20 5-95L NE J. E. M. J. E. M. F. L. F. L. J. E. M. J. E. M. July 7, 1904 h m Feet Jl 23 30 5-95L NE 40 5-95L NE 50 5-95L NE 24 oo 5.98 NE July 8, 1904 O TO 6.00 NE I 00 6.04 E 2 OO 6.12 E 3 oo 6.38 SE 4 oo 6.53 SE 5 oo 6.63 SE IO 6.66 SE 20 6.68 SE 30 6.7oH SE 40 6.70H SE 50 6.70H SE 6 oo 6.7oH SE IO 6.69 SE 20 6.66 SE 30 6.63 SE 40 6.62 SE 7 oo 6-59 NW 8 oo 6.53 NW 9 oo 6.50 W 10 OO 6.43 sw IO 6.42 sw 20 6.41 WNW 30 6.40 WNW 40 6.45 WNW SO 6.42 WNW II OO 6.42 NW IO 6. 3 8L NW 20 6.38L NW 30 6-44 NW 40 6-43 NW So 6.46 NW 12 OO 6.47 NW 13 oo 6.56 NW 14 oo 6.64 NW 15 oo 6.75 NW 16 oo 6.82 NW 10 6.83 NW 20 6.84H NW 30 6.84H NW 40 6.84H NW 50 6.82 NW 17 oo 6.78 NW 18 03 6.76 NE 19 oo 6.65 NE 2O 00 6.40 NE 21 OO 6.24 SW 22 OO 6.07 SW 23 oo 5-90 SW 10 5-90 SW 20 5-90 sw 30 5.9i sw 40 5-89 sw So 5-84 sw 24 oo 5.8o s Miles 244 J. E. M. J. E. M. J. E. M. 264 293 J. E. M. F. L. 353 389 440 F. L. J. E. M. 449 J- E. M. 520 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff w - j Anemom- 3- Sd, Ob "' Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind A direction rec( iom- =r Observer >rds July 9, 1004 July 10, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet MOes o 10 5.83 S J. E. M. o 30 5-7oL S J. E. M. 20 5.8oL S 40 5-70L S 30 5.83 S 50 5.70L S 40 5.83 S I OO S-70L S 50 5.8i S IO 5-7oL S I OO 5-84 S 20 5-69L S 2 OO 5.96 S 30 5-70L S 3 oo 6.14 S 40 5-72 S 4 oo 6.38 456 So 5-73 S 5 oo 6.50 S 2 OO 5-77 S 10 6.58 S 3 oo 5-85 sw 20 6.60 S 4 oo 6.08 sw 3 6.60 S 5 oo 6-33 SW 544 40 6.62 S 6 oo 6.55 sw SO 6.63 S 7 oo 6.70 w 6 oo 6.63 S 10 6.71 w 10 20 6.65 6.68 S S 20 30 6.72 6-73 w w 30 6.68 S 40 6.73 w 40 6.68 S So 6.74 w So 6.68 S 8 oo 6-74 W 554 7 oo 6.70H S 10 6-75 W 10 6.70H S 20 6.76 W 20 6.65 S 25 6.78H w 30 6.62 S 30 6. 75 w 40 6.62 S 40 6.73 w So 6.60 S 50 6.70 w 8 oo 6.60 463 9 oo 6.70 w J. E. M. 9 oo 6.58 J. E. M. IO OO 6.66 w F. L. 10 oo 6.50 S F. L. II OO 6.53 w II OO 6.43 S 12 OO 6.40 W 568 12 OO 6-34L 477 13 oo 6-34 w IO 6. 3 6L S 10 6.31 w 20 6.36L S 20 6.30L w 30 6.34L S 30 6.30L w 40 6.34L sw 40 6.32 w So 6.33L sw SO 6.31 w 13 oo 6.40 wsw 14 oo 6.34 w IO 6.41 WNW IO 6.36 w 14 oo 6-43 N 20 6.36 w 15 00 6.50 N 30 6.34 w 16 oo 6.63 W 494 40 6.41 w 17 oo 6.67 S SO 6.42 w 18 oo 6.68H S IS oo 6.41 w 05 6.6gH S 16 oo 6.51 E 584 10 6.68H S 17 oo 6.63 E 20 6.65 S 18 oo 6.70 E 30 6.61 S 44 6.80 E 40 6.61 S 50 6.71 E 50 6.60 S 19 oo 6.70 E 19 oo 6.56 S IO 6.76 E 20 oo 6.44 509 20 6.74 E 21 00 6.25 F. L. 25 6.8oH E 22 00 6.03 J. E. M. 30 6-73 W 23 oo 5.89 S 40 6.71 W 24 oo 5.78 535 J. E. M. 50 6-73 N 20 oo 6.69 N 601 July 10, 1904 21 OO 6.50 N F. I, 22 OO 6.30 NW J. E. M. O IO 5-73 S J. E. M. 23 oo 6.08 NW 20 5-71 S J. E. M 24 oo 5-88 NW 647 J. E. M. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 521 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer July II, 1904 h m I'cct Miles I OO 5-75 NW 10 5.75 NW 20 5.70 NW .30 5.68 NW 40 5.65!, NW So 5.65L NW 2 00 5.65L NW IO 5.65L NW 20 5-64L NW 30 5.64L NW 40 5.67 NW 50 5-70 NW 3 oo 5-70 NW 4 oo 5-97 NW 696 5 oo 6.28 NW 6 oo 6.53 NW 7 oo 6.80 NW 8 oo 6.89 NW 767 So 6.94H NW 9 oo 6.94H NW 10 6. 93 H NW 20 6.ooH NW 30 6-93H NW 40 6.94H NW 50 6.90 NW 10 OO 6 86 NW 10 6.85 NW II 00 6.70 NW 12 00 6.60 NW 822 13 00 6-45 NW 14 oo 6.44 NW 20 6.30L NW IS IS 6-39 NW 10 00 6.42 W 863 17 oo 6-54 W 18 oo 6.66 W 19 oo 6.78 NW 20 OO 6.8oH NW 881 21 OO 6.73 NW 22 OO 6.54 NW 23 oo 6.28 NW 24 oo 5-99 NW 909 July 12, 1904 I 00 5.8o NW 2 00 5.65 NW IO 5.63 NW 20 5.63 NW 30 S.6oL NW 40 5-6oL NW SO S-6oL NW 3 oo 5.6oL NW IO 5.63 NW 20 5.68 NW 30 S-70 NW 40 5-70 NW So 5.7i NW 4 oo 5-74 NW 925 S oo 6.05 NW 6 oo 6.39 NW 7 oo 6.76 NW 34 July 12, 1904 J. E. M. J. E. M. F. L. F. L. J. E. M. J. E. M. J. E. M. J. E. M. h m feet Miles 8 oo 6.95 NW 948 J. E. M. 9 oo 7.16 NW F. L. IO 7-H NW 15 7.19 NW 20 7-20H NW 30 7.14 NW 40 7.11 NW So 7-14 NW 10 00 7.IS NW 10 7.10 NW II OO 7.02 NW 12 OO 6.83 NW 983 13 oo 6.60 W 14 oo 6.48 W 10 6-43 W 20 6.40 W 30 6.40 W 40 6. 30!, W 50 6.34L W 15 00 6-34L W IO 6-30L W 20 6.39 NW 30 6-39 NW 16 oo 6.40 NW 36 17 oo 6.50 NW 18 oo 6.70 W 19 03 6.76 W 20 00 6.86 NW 21 OO 6.89 W IO 6.84 W 2O 6.8gH W 30 6.83 W 40 6.78 W 50 6.80 W 22 00 6-74 W F. L. 23 oo 24 oo 6.50 6.23 NW NW 94 J. E. M. J. E. M. July 13, 1904 I OO 5.98 NW J. E. M. 2 OO 5-73 NW 3 oo 5.67 NW 10 S.6S NW 20 5.60 NW 30 5.63 NW 40 5.63 NW 50 S.6oL NW 4 oo 5.62 NW 127 IO 5.65 NW 20 5.67 NW 30 5.67 NW 40 5-70 NW 50 5-77 NW 5 oo 5-85 NW 6 oo 6.20 NW 7 oo 6.55 NW 8 oo 6.88 NW 140 J. E. M. 9 oo 7.10 NW F. L. 30 7.14 NW 40 7.20 NW 50 7.20 NW F. L. 522 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cafe Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff ,,,. , Anemom- -K" ,S" ti , Ob * Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Aner direction ^ tiom- er Observer >rds July 13, 1904 July 14, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 9 56 7.24H NW P. L. 1 6 30 6.ioL ESE P. L. IO OO 7.22 NW 40 6.ioL ESE IO 7.21 NW So 6.13 ESE 20 7.20 NW 17 oo 6.15 ESE 30 7.18 NW 18 oo 6.25 ESE 40 7.20 NW 19 oo 6.40 SE So 7.18 NW 20 OO 6.68 SE 366 II OO 7.11 NW 21 OO 6.83 SE F. L. 12 OO 6.91 NW 165 22 OO 6-93 SE J. E. M. 13 21 6.61 NW IO 6.00 SE 14 oo 6.50 NW 20 6-93 SE IS 00 6.30 NW 30 6.94H SE 16 oo 6.24 NW 189 40 6.00 SE 10 6.24 NW 50 6.88 SE 20 6.25 NW 23 oo 6.87 SE 30 6.2iL NW 24 oo 6.73 SE 413 J. E. M. 40 6.24 NW 50 6.30 NW July 15, 1904 17 oo 6.30 NW 18 oo 6.50 NW I OO 6-39 SE J. E. M. 19 oo 6.61 NW 2 OO 6.08 SE 20 00 6.80 NW 207 3 oo 5.8o SE 21 00 6.90 NW F. L. 4 oo 5-64 SE 460 22 OO 6.90 NW J. E. M. 10 5-63 SE 10 6.91 NW 20 S.6i SE 20 6.93H NW 30 5.56 SE 30 6.90 NW 40 5-53 SE 40 6.85 NW 50 5-52L SE 50 6.83 NW S oo S.58 NNE 23 oo 6.80 NW IO 5.61 NNE 24 oo 6.52 NW 212 J. E. M. 6 oo 5.72 NNE 7 oo 6.0=; NNE July 14, 1904 8 oo 6.38 NE 485 J E. M. 9 oo 6.80 NW F. L. I OO 6.18 NW J. E. M. 10 00 7. ii NE 2 OO 5-92 NE 10 7-14 NE 3 oo 5-72 NE 20 7.20 NE 4 oo 5.63 E 221 30 7.20 NE IO 5.63 E 40 7.22 NE 20 5-6iL E 50 7.24 NE 30 S-6iL E 55 7-25 NE 40 5.66 E II OO 7.24 NE 50 5.68 E IO 7.29 NE 5 oo 5.70 E 14 7.30 NW 6 oo 6.00 SE 20 7.30 WNW 7 oo 6.31 SE 23 7-33H NW 8 oo 6.69 SE 248 J. E. M. 30 7.30 NW 9 oo 7.00 SE F. L. 40 7-25 NW JO OO 7.20 SE So 7.29 NW IO 7.21 SE 12 00 7.29 NW 532 16 7.24 SE 13 oo 7.10 NW 20 7.21 SE 14 oo 6.70 NW 30 7.20 SE IS oo 6.48 NW 40 7.26H SE 16 oo 6.24* N 604 50 7.26H SE 17 oo 6.10* N II 00 7.20 SE 10 6.09* N 12 OO 7.08 SE 265 20 6.10* N 13 oo 6.76 SE 30 6.10* N 14 oo 6-54 SE 40 6.10* N 15 oo 6.30 SE 46 6.o6L* N 16 oo 6. 14 ESE 310 50 6.osL* N 20 6.13 ESE F. L. 18 oo 6. 10 N F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook island 523 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Ane [ direction rec( nom- er Observer >rds July IS, 1904 July 18, 1904 /( m Feet Miles h m Feet Miks 19 oo 6.24 N F. L. 8 40 6.10 E F. L. 20 oo 6.50 N 694 9 oo 6.30 E 21 OO 6.73 N F. L. 10 00 6.54 E 22 OO 6.91 N J. E. M. ii 06 6.89 E 23 oo 7.02 N 12 00 7.13 E 191 IO 7.ioH N 13 oo 7.22 E 20 7.ioH N 14 oo 6.21 E 30 7-05 N 15 oo 6.94 E 40 7-03 N 16 oo 6.64 E 236 50 7.00 N 17 oo 6.30 E 24 oo 6 94 N 755 J. E. M. 18 oo 6.10 E 10 6. 02 NE July 16, 1904 20 6.00 NE I OO 2 OO 6.72 6.48 N N J. E. M. 30 40 5 S.96 5-90 5-90 NE NE NE 3 oo 6. is N 55 5.86 NE 4 oo 5.88 N 865 19 oo 5-91 NE 50 S-75 N 10 5-85 NE 5 oo 5-70L N 12 5-8i NE IO 5-70L N 20 5-84 ESE 20 5-73 N 30 5.8o ESE 30 40 5-69 5.63 N N 20 00 21 OO 5.8o 5-84 ESE 292 E F. L. So 6 oo 5-68 5-74 N NE 22 00 23 oo 6.03 6.22 E E J. E. M. 7 oo 8 oo 5.93 6.28 E E 932 24 oo 6-43 E 323 J. E. M. 9 oo 10 15 II OO 12 OO 13 oo 6.67 7.09* 7.28* 7. 3 8H* 7.31* E ENE ENE NE ENE 44 J. E. M. F. L. Dial read 44 miles at 8:00. July i8-August 31 subtract 0.05 feet to reduce read- ings to old gauge. A new gauge was erected about 250 feet from where the old one had stood. 14 oo 6.96* E IS oo 16 oo 6.72* 6.40* E E 164 July 19, 1904 17 oo 18 oo 6.26* 6.22* E NE I 00 IO 6.64 6.66 E J. E. M. 19 oo 6-I9L* NE 20 6.72 E 20 00 21 00 22 12 23 oo 24 oo 6.39* 6.50 6.82* 7.02* 7.11* NE NE NE NE NE 290 340 F. L. J. E. M. J. E. M. 30 40 50 2 OO 10 6.72 6.73H 6.72H 6-73H 6.70 E E E E E 20 6 69 Tf High northeast gale from about 9:30 a m. to mid- 30 6 '.64 E night. Tide reading taken from shore with field glasses. 3 oo 4 oo 6.60 6.40 E E 400 5 oo 6.19 E July 17, 1904 6 oo 6.01 E I OO 6.93* E J. E. M. 7 oo 5-90 ESE 2 00 6.74* E IO 5.88 ESE 3 oo 4 OO 5 oo 6.46* 6.22* 6.05* E E E 441 20 30 40 5-84 5-79L 5.82 ESE ESE ESE 6 oo 5.89* E So S.8o ESE 7 oo 6.02* E 8 oo 5-79 ESE 452 8 oo 6.34* ESE 563 J. E. M. IO '4 5-79 5-75 ESE ESE J. E. M. Dial read 688 miles at 12 noon and 9.30 miles at 8:00. 20 5.82 ESE F. L. Tide gauge carried away by high east to southeast 30 S.84 N gales and swells. 9 oo 5-93 NW F. L. 524 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cafe flora, Norlhbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer July 19, 1904 h in Feet M IO OO 6.14 NW II OO 6.40 NW 12 OO 6.65 NW 13 oo 6.81 NW 14 oo 6.91 NW 10 6.91 NW 16 6.96H NW 20 6.91 NE 30 6.93 E 40 6.89 E 50 6.90 SE 15 oo 6 88 SE 16 oo 6.'6i SE 17 oo 6.30 SE 18 oo 6. 02 Calm 19 oi 5.78 SE 20 00 5.6o SE IO S.58 SE 20 5-SiL SE 30 S-SiL SE 40 S-S2 SE So 5-49 SE 21 OO 5-52 SE 22 OO 5.62 SE 23 oo 5-78 SE 24 oo 5-99 SE July 20, 1904 I OO 6.24 SE 2 OO 6.41 SE IO 6.43 SE 20 6.47 SE 30 6.43 SE 40 6.44 SE 50 6.soH SE 3 oo 6.soH SE 10 6.48H SE 20 6.48H SE 30 6.45H SE 40 6. 47 H SE 50 6.soH SE 4 oo 6.44 SE IO 6.40 SE 5 oo 6.22 SSE 6 oo 5-97 SE 7 oo 5.88 SE 8 oo 5.85 SSE 40 5.8o SSE 47 5-77L SSE So 5.8o SSE 9 oo 5.8i SSE 10 07 5-90 SE II 00 6.10 SE 12 OO 6-34 W 13 oo 6.50 w 14 oo 6.74 W So 6.76 N 15 oo 6.8oII E IO 6. Soli E 20 6.76 E 30 6.74 E 462 472 478 492 500 507 July 20, 1904 h m Feet M F. L. 15 40 6.47 E 50 6.65 E 16 oo 6.64 E 17 oo 6-45 SE 18 oo 6.16 SE 19 oo 5-90 SE 20 oo 5-69 SE 10 5.62 SE 20 5.60 SE 30 5-56 SE 40 5-59 SE SO 5-54 SE 21 00 5-54 SE IO 5-50 SE 20 5-50 SE 30 5-44 SE 40 5-45 SE 50 5-43L E 22 OO 5-49 E IO 5-49 E 23 oo 5-57 E 24 oo S-Si E July 21, 1904 F. L. I 00 5-95 E 2 OO 6.21 E 3 oo 6.38 E 10 6.40 E J. E. M. 20 6.40 E 30 6.42 E 40 6.42 E 50 6.45H E 4 oo 6-43 E IO 6.42 E 20 6.40 E 30 6.38 E 5 oo 6.38 E 6 oo 6.27 E 7 oo 6.14 SE 8 oo 6.12 SE 9 oo 6.00 E 10 05 6.01 E IO 6.00 E 20 5-96L SW 30 6.ooL sw J. E. M. 36 5-96L SW F. L. 40 6.01 sw 50 6. 02 s II OO 6.05 E 12 00 6. 20 Calm 13 oo 6.44 NE 14 oo 6.60 NE 15 oo 6.70 Calm r6 07 6.72H E IO 6.69 E 20 6.66 E 30 6.66 E 40 6.66 E So 6.62 E 17 oo 6.59 E F. L. 18 oo 6.40 S F. L. 526 544 551 F. L. J. E. M. J. E. M. J. E. M. 557 567 J. E. M. F. L. 577 587 F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cafe Flora, Northbrook Island 525 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer July 21, 1904 h m Feet Miles 19 oo 6.18 S 20 00 5.98 SSE 602 21 OO S.8o SSE 22 00 5-66 SSE 17 5.6i SSE 20 5.6o SSE 30 5.62 SSE 40 5-55L SSE 50 5-55L SSE 23 oo 5-57 SSE 10 5.6o SSE 20 5.62 SSE 24 oo 5.63 SW 610 July 22, 1904 I OO 5.82 Calm 2 00 6. 02 SW 3 oo 6.27 SW 52 6.42 SW 4 oo WSW 627.5 10 6.48 W 20 6.49 W 30 6.49 W 40 6.52 Calm So 6.52 W 5 oo 6.55 W 10 6.60 W 20 6.58 W 30 6.62H W 40 6.60 W SO 6.58 W 6 oo 6.59 W IO 6.57 W 20 6.55 W 7 oo 6.52 W 55 6.35 W 8 oo W 641.7 9 oo 6.27 W 10 00 6.25 S II 00 6.24 SW IO 6.22 SW 20 6.2oL ssw 30 6.2oL ssw 40 6.22 ssw 50 6.22 S 12 00 6.23 S 658 10 6.28 S 20 6.30 NE 13 oo 6.39 S 14 oo 6.54 S 15 oo 6.70 S 16 oo 6.83 S 668 50 6.80 S 17 oo 6.75 S IO 6.75 S 20 6.8oH S 25 6.8oH S 30 6.75H S 40 6.8oH S 50 6.72 S 18 oo 6.70 SE P. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. July 22, 1904 F. I, h m Feet M 19 04 6.55 E 20 oo 6.28 ESE 21 OO 6.10 S 22 OO 5-93 Calm 23 oo 5-8i ESE 24 oo 5.65L ESE July 23, 1904 O IO 5-70 ESE 20 5.68 USE 30 5.68 ESE 40 5.70 ESE 50 5-72 ESE I OO 5-73 ESE 2 OO 5.84 Calm 3 oo 6.12 ESE 4 oo 6.40 Calm 5 oo 6.58 E 22 6.68 E 30 40 6.65 6.68 E E 50 6.71 E 6 oo 6.69 E 10 6.65 E 7 oo 6.70 E IO 6.72 E 20 6.75H E 30 6.76H E 40 6.67 E 50 6.70 E 8 oo 6.67 Calm IO 6.63 Calm 9 oo 6.58 W 10 OO 6.50 S II OO 6.40 E 40 6.40 E 46 6-34 E 50 6.33 E 12 OO 6-34 E 10 6-34 E 2O 6.33L E 30 6.35 E 40 6.34 E 50 6.36 SW 13 oo 6.40 SW 14 oo 6.46 S 15 oo 6.54 Calm 16 oo 6.70 S 17 oo 6.80 S 30 6.81 SW 40 6.86H SW 50 6.8iH SW 18 oo 6.82H SW 10 6.84H SW 20 6.84H SW 30 6. 861 1 SW 40 6.82 SW So 6.80 SW 19 oo 6.80 SW IO 6.81 SW 684 696 707 F. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. 726 C. E. R. F. L. 744 761 F. I, 52 6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff , v . , Anemom- <-*" S* 01 ~' ver Local mean time Reading of tide staff wind Ane {: direction ^ nom- er Observer )rds July 23, 1904 July 25, 1004 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 19 20 6.79 SW F. L. 4 oo 6.08* E 553 C. E. R. 20 OO 6.70 SE 780 5 oo 6.29* E 21 OO 6.50 N F. L. 6 oo 6.56* E 22 OO 6.21 SE A. V. 7 oo 6.82 E 23 oo 6.10 NE 8 oo 6.08* E 628 24 oo 6.00 NE A. V. 9 oo 7.02H* E C. E. R. 20 7.oiH* E F. L. July 24, 1004 30 6.96* E IO OO 6.91* E IO 5-93 NE A. V. ii 05 6.84* E 2O 5-93 NE 12 OO 6.60* E 685 30 5.96 NE 13 oo 6.50* SE 40 5-94 NE 30 6.50* ESE 50 5.98 NE 832 40 6.47* ESE I OO S-92L NE 50 6.43* ESE IO 5-95 NE 14 oo 6.40* ESE 20 5.98 NE IO 6.40* ESE 30 6.00 NE 20 6.40* ESE 2 OO 6.03 NE 30 6.39* ESE 3 oo 6-15 NE A. V. 40 6.37L* ESE 4 oo 6.40 NE 932 C. E. R. 50 6.39* ESE 5 oo 6.65 NE 15 oo 6.41* ESE 6 oo 6.85 NE 10 6.41* ESE 30 6-93 NE 20 6.41* ESE 7 oo 7-05 E 30 6.40* ESE 30 7.18 E 40 6.43* ESE 40 7.20H E 50 6.44* ESE 50 7.10 NE 16 oo 6.50* ESE 737 8 oo 7-05 47 17 oo 6.61* ESE 9 05 7.00* NE 18 oo 6.77* ESE 17 6.97* NE C. E. R. 19 oo 6.82* ESE IO OO 6-94* NE F. L. 20 oo 6.ooH* ESE 797 II OO 6.84* NE IO 6.90H* ESE 12 OO 6.69* NE 210 20 6.81* ESE IO 6.62 NE 30 6.82* ESE 20 6.61* NE 40 6.82* ESE 30 6.61* NE 50 6.80* ESE 40 6.60* NE 21 OO 6.80* ESE F. L. So 6.56* NE 22 OO 6.65 E A. V. 13 oo 6.60* NE 23 oo 6-43 E IO 6.54* NE 24 oo 6.10 ESE 808 A. V. 20 6-54* NE 30 40 6. soL* 6.52L* NE NE July 26, 1904 50 14 oo 15 oo 16 oo 6-SoL* 6-53 6.62 6.71* NE NE NE NE I OO 10 20 6.04 5-99 5-96 ESE ESE ESE A. V. 17 oo 6.80 ENE 30 5-93 ESE 18 oo So 19 oo 20 00 21 OO 22 OO 23 oo 6.00 6-93* 6.06H* 6.88* 6.72* 6.48* 6.22* ENE E E 387 E F. L. E A. V. E 40 50 2 OO IO 20 30 40 5-93 5.88 5-89 5-85L S-87L 5-85L 5-88 ESE ESE ESE ESE ESE ESE ESE 24 oo 6.02* E 413 A. V. 50 3 oo 5-88 5.87 ESE ESE July 25, 1904 10 4 oo 5-90 5-95 ESE A. V. SE 911 C. E. R. I OO 5.90L* E A. V. 5 oo 6.18 SE 2 OO 5.92* E 6 oo 6.48 SE 3 00 5-95* E A. V. 7 oo 6.74 SE C. E R. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 5 2 7 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Anemom- Local time mean Reading of tide staff .,,. , Aneti Wind t direction rec( ipm- :r Observer >rds July 26, 1904 July 27, 1904 h in Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 8 oo 7.00 SE 956 C. E. R. 9 40 7.12 NE F. L. 9 oo 7.12 SE C. E. R. 50 7.12 NE 30 7.16* E F. L. 10 OO 7.14 NE 35 7.2oH E 10 7.16 NE 40 7.20H E 14 7.20H NE 50 7-15 E 20 7-I4H NE 10 OO 7-15 E 30 7-I9H NE 10 7.12 E 40 7.20H NE II OO 7.00 ESE 50 7.10 NE 12 00 6.80 ESE 27 II OO 7.10 NE 13 14 6.60 ESE 12 OO 6.94 NE 212 14 oo 6.46 ESE 13 oo 6.70 NE IO 6.44 ESE 14 oo 6.50 NE 20 6.40 ESE 15 oo 6.31 NE 30 6.40 ESE 16 oo 6.2 5 L NE 306 40 6.38 ESE IO 6.27L NE So 6.35 ESE 20 6.25L NE 15 oo 6-34 ESE 30 6.2SL NE IO 6-34 ESE 40 6.25L NE 20 6.33 ESE 50 6.30 NE 30 6.30L ESE 17 oo 6.30 NE 40 6.2 9 L ESE 18 oo 6.41 E 50 6.32L ESE 19 oo 6-54 ENE 16 oo 6.30L ESE 72 20 OO 6.74 NE 366 10 6.30L ESE 21 OO 6.82 NE F. L. 20 6.32 ESE 40 6.87H NE A. V. 17 oo 6.38 SE 50 6.8 S H NE 18 oo 6.50 SE 22 OO 6.84H NE 19 oo 6.64 ESE 10 6.86H NE 20 00 6.76 Calm no 23 6.80 NE 21 OO 6.8oH Calm 30 6.81 NE IO 6.8iH Calm 40 6.81 NE 20 6.8iH Calm 50 6.79 NE 30 6.79H Calm 23 oo 6.74 SW 40 6.8oH Calm 24 oo 6.51 SW 400 A. V. 50 6-77 Calm 22 OO 23 oo 6.70 6.50 Calm F. L. Calm A. V. July 28, 1004 24 oo 6.24 Calm 116 A. V. I OO 6.12 SW A. V. 2 OO 6.02 SW July 27, 1904 3 oo 5.92 S A. V. I OO 6.03 Calm A. V. 4 oo 20 5.80 5-75 W 422 C. E. R. W 2 OO 5-83 Calm 30 5-74 W 30 5-79 Calm 40 5-73L* W 40 S-79 Calm SO 5-74 W 50 5-77 Calm 5 05 5.76 W 3 oo 5.8o Calm 20 5.8o W 10 5-79 SE 30 5.85 W 20 S-74L SE 6 oo 6. 02 NW 30 5-76L SE 7 oo NW 40 50 4 oo 5-76L 5-73L 5-78 Calm Calm A. V. Calm 124 C. E. R. 8 oo 9 oo IO OO 6.65 6.96 7.12 453 C. E. R. N F. L. W 20 5.82 Calm 10 7.13 W 30 5-88 W 20 7.I7H* W 5 oo 5-95 W 30 7-I7H* W 6 oo 6.28 W 40 7-i8H* W 7 oo 6.60 W 50 7.i8H W 8 05 6.88 NE 150 II 00 7.I6H W 9 oo 7.02 N C. E. R. - IO 7.I7H W 35 7.10 NE F. L. 20 7.i8H W F. L. 52 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OE ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cafe Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff w A Anemom- eter Observer direction records Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind Aner direction rec( lom- er Observer >rds July 28, 1904 July 29, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles II 30 7.12 W F. L. 17 50 6.O4L W F. L. 12 02 7.08 W 473 18 oo 6.05 W 13 oo 6.81 NW 19 oo 6.15 W 14 O2 6.52 NW 20 oo 6.35 W 703 15 oo 6.30 NW 21 OO 6.56 W F. L. 16 oo 6.15 NW 506 22 OO 6.63 W A. V. IO 6. 20 NW 23 oo 6.8oH W 40 6. ii W 40 6-74 W 50 6.ioL W So 6.73 W 17 oo 6.ioL w 24 oo 6.71 W 713 A. V. IO 6.ioL w 20 6.ioL w July 30, 1904 30 6.13 w 18 oo 6.16 w I OO 6.49 W A. V. 19 oo 6.33 w 2 OO 6.12 W 20 00 6.50 NW 545 3 oo 5-94 W A. V. 21 OO 22 OO 6.70 6.8oH NW F. L. NW A. V. 4 oo 5 oo 5.8o 5.70 NW 720 C.E. R. NW 40 6.8oH NW 30 5-68 NW So 6.8iH NW 40 5-66L NW 23 oo 6.79 NW 50 5.69 NW 10 6.78 NW 6 oo 5-75 NW 20 6.74 NW IO 5.8o NW 30 6.75 NW 7 oo 5-92 NW 40 6.71 NW 8 oo 6.20 NW 743 50 24 oo 6.69 6.64 NW NW 590 A. V. 9 oo 10 04 6.54 6.90 NW C. E. R. W F. L. II OO 6.96 W July 29, 1904 50 7.ooH Calm 12 00 7.ooH Calm 752 I OO 6.37 NNW A. V IO 7-OoH Calm 2 OO 6.15 NW IS 7.04H Calm 3 oo 5-93 NW A. V. 20 7.ooH Calm 4 oo 5.82 N 627 C. E. R. 30 6.99 Calm 5 oo S-78L N 40 6.94 Calm IO S-76L N 50 6.90 Calm 20 S-77L N 13 oo 6.90 Calm 30 S.78L N 14 oo 6.65 E 40 5.81 N 15 00 6.34 NW 50 5-8s N 16 oo 6.10 NW 764 6 oo 5-90 N 17 04 5-91 W 7 oo 6. 20 N 45 S.85 NW 8 oo 6.45 N 662 C. E. R. 50 5-89 NW 9 oo 6.78 NE F. L. 18 oo 5.84L NW 10 OO 7.05 SE IO 5-83L NW II OO 7.20H SE 20 5.8 3 L NW IO 7-20H S 30 5.89 NW 20 7.2OH S 40 5-86 NW 30 7.20H S 50 5-90 NW 40 7.16 S 19 oo 5-90 NW 50 7-15 S 20 04 6.04 NW 786 12 00 7-13 677 21 OO 6.25 NW F. L. 13 is 6.87 S 22 OO 6.39 NW A. V. 14 oo 6.67 S 23 oo 6.S2H NW 15 oo 6.36 S 24 oo 6.52H NW 806 A. V. 16 oo 6. 20 SW 701 50 6.09 6X sw July 31, 1904 17 oo .08 SW 10 6.04L w o 15 6-53H NW A. V. 20 6.04L w 20 6.52H NW 30 6.O4L w 30 6.51 NW 40 6.04L W F. L. 40 6.50 NW A.V. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Norlhbrook Island 529 Local Reading vy , Anemom- mean of tide , . eter Observer time staff records Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind An ^ n direction sr Observer >rds July 31, 1904 August I, 1904, h m Feet Miles ft m Feet Miles 050 6.49 NW A.V. 5 oo 5-73 S C. E. R. i oo 6.45 NW 6 oo 5.65 S 2 OO 6.22 NW 30 5-62L S 3 oo 5.91 NW A. V. 40 5.62 S 400 5.74 NW 833 C. E. R. 50 5.66 S 10 5.72 NW 7 oo 5.67 SW 20 5.69 NW IO 5-70 SW 30 5.67 NW 8 oo 5.82 SW 956 40 5.67 NW 9 oo 6.08 S C. E. R. 50 5.65 NW IO OO 6.38 S F. I,. S oo 5.64 NW II 00 6.60 S 10 5-58L NW 12 00 6.79 SW 970 20 5.58L NW 13 03 6.83 SW 30 5-59L NW 10 6.87H SW 40 5-58L NW 20 6.86 SW 50 s.sSL NW 30 6.80 SW 6 oo 5-59L NW 40 6.80 SW 20 S-58L NW 50 6.78 SW 30 5.60 NW 14 oo 6.79 SW 40 5-65 NW IO 6.70 SW 50 5.68 NW 15 oo 6.50 SW 7 oo 5.72 NW 16 oo 6.24 ssw 8 8 oo 5.88 NW 849 17 oo 6.05 ssw 900 6.20 NW C.E. R. 18 oo 5.88 ssw 10 oo 6.45 NW F. L. 50 5-80 SE ii oo 6.70 NW 19 oo 5-75L- SE 12 oo 6.8iH SW 862 IO 5.78 SE 10 6.82H SW 20 5.8o SE 20 6.8oH SW 30 5.8o SE 30 6.8oH SW 40 5-79 SE 40 6.8oH SW 50 5.8o SE 50 6.8oH SW 20 OO 5.84 SE 44 13 oo 6.8oH SW 21 00 D.oo SE F. L. 10 6.71 SW 22 OO 6.02 SE A. V. 14 oo 6.54 SW 23 oo 6.37 E 15 oo 6.30 S 24 oo 6.50 SE 91 A. V. 16 oo 6.01 S 874 17 09 5.81 S 18 oo 5.70 S 10 5.70 SE August 2, 1904 20 5.69 SE I OO 6.62 SE A. V. 30 5-68 SE 40 5.66L SE IO 20 6.6 3 H 6.62 SE SE 50 5.68 SE 30 6.62* SE 19 oo 5.70 SE 40 6.60* SE 20 oo 5.80 004 21 oo 6.00 E F. L. 22 oo 6.12 ESE A. V. 23 oo 6.34 ESE 24 oo 6.43 S 927 A. V. 50 2 00 10 3 oo 4 oo 6.58* 6.54** 6.54** 6.39** 6.25** SE SE E E SE 147 A. V. 5 oo 6.ii*t SE C. E. R August i, 1904 6 oo 5 99*t SE IO 5 ' 95 *t SE o 20 6.44H S A. V. 20 SE 30 6.44H S 30 5 89L*t SE i oo 6.40* SW 40 5- '95** SE 10 6.43* SW 50 SE 20 6.36* SW 7 oo 5-'94*t SE 30 6.33* SW IO 5.96* SE 2 00 6.22 SW 8 oo 6.09* SE 22.1 3 oo 6.03 SE A. V. 9 oo 6.29* SE C. E. R. 400 5.84 S 047 C.E.R. 10 OO 6.50 SE F. L. 530 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer August 2, 1904 h m Feet A ii oo 6.70 SE 12 oo 6.91 E 13 oo 7.03* E 10 7.o6H* E 20 7.oiH* E 30 7.o6H* E 40 7-03* E 50 7.00* E 14 oo 6.98* E 15 oo 6.82* E 16 oo 6.53* E 17 oo 6.29* E 1800 6.15* E 19 oo 6.03* E 10 6.01* E 20 5-98* E 30 5.98* E 40 S-95L* E 50 5-99* E 20 oo 6.01* E 21 OO 6.IO* E 22 OO 6.14* E 23 oo 6.43* E t Snowing. August 3, 1904 I 00 6.80* SE 40 6.84H* SE 50 6.84* SE 2 OO 6.82* SE 10 6.78* SE 3 oo 6.72* SE 4 oo 6.56* E 5 oo 6.42* E 6 oo 6.36* E 7 oo 6.30L* E 20 6.30* E 30 6.34* 40 6.36* E E SO 6.34* 8 oo 6.38* E E 9 oo 6.48* E 10 oo 6.70* ESE II OO 6.92* E 12 OO 7.14* E 13 oo 7.28* E 50 7.28* E 14 oo 7-30H* E 10 7.26* E 20 7 . 22* E 30 7-42* E 40 7.2OT E 50 7.18 E 1500 7-14* ESE 16 oo 6.91 E 17 oo 6.65 SE 18 06 6.39 SE 19 oo 6.30 SE 10 6.29 SE 20 6.25 SE 300 370 540 557 643 707 749 August 3, 1904 h m Feet A F. L. 19 30 6.23 SE 40 6.21 SE 50 6. 20 SE 20 oo 6. 20 SE IO 6.I 3 L SE 20 6.19 SE 30 6. 20 SE 40 6.16 SE SO 6.16 SE 21 OO 6. 20 SE 22 OO 6.29 SE 23 oo 6.43 SE 24 oo 6.64 SE August 4, 1904 I OO 6.80 SW 2 OO 6.00 SW F. L. IO 2O 6.02H 6.91 W W A. V. 3 6.91 W A. V. 40 6.89 W SO 6.88 W 3 oo 6.89 W 10 6.87 W 4 oo 6.80 N 5 oo 6.65 N A. V. 6 oo 6.50 N 7 oo 6.41* NW 8 oo 6.38L NW 9 oo 6.38 N IO 00 6.50 NW A. V. II OO 6.68 NW C. E. R. 12 OO 6.80 NW 13 10 7.00 NW 14 oo 7-03H* NW 15 oo 7-03* NW 10 7.01* NW 20 6.96* NW 30 6-95* NW 40 6.93* NW 50 6.90* W C. E. R. 16 oo 6.85* W F. L. 17 oo 6.68* W 18 oo 6.40* W 19 oo 6.20* W 20 OO 6.01* W 10 5-95 W 20 5-94 W 24 S-92 W 30 5-95 W 36 5.90 W 40 5.98 W 46 5-90 W SO 5-96* W 54 W 57 5 88* N 21 OO 5-88 W IO 5.84 W 2O S-9I W F. L. 24 5.8iL W F. L. 766 774 F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. 783 837 923 A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. ii 70 F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 531 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer August 4, 1904 h m Feet M 21 30 5-88 W 40 5.84 w 50 5-93 W 22 OO 5.96 w 23 oo 6.03 NW 24 oo 6.13 NW August 5, 1904 I 00 6.32 NW 2 OO 6.61 NW 3 oo 6.74M NW 10 6.60 NW 20 6.69 NW 30 6.72 NW 40 6.68 NW So 6.69 NW 4 oo 6.65 E 5 oo 6.60 NE 6 oo 6.57 NE 7 oo 6.50 NE 8 oo 6.40 NE 20 6.40L NE 9 oo 6.40 NE 10 oo 6.50 SE II OO 6.68* ESE 12 00 6.72* ESE 1.3 oo 6.86* ESE 14 oo 6.96!!* ESE IS 00 6.96H* ESE 10 6.94H* ESE 20 6.90H* ESE 30 6.o6H* ESE 40 6.94* ESE 50 6.90* ESE 16 oo 6.86* ESE 10 6.82* ESE 17 oo 6.70* ESE 18 oo 6.46* ESE 19 oo 6.20 ESE 20 oo 6.04 ESE 21 OO 5 88 E 10 5^82 E 20 5-82* E 30 5.82* E 40 5.8o* E 50 5-86* E 22 OO 5.84* E IO 5.86* E 23 oo 5.86* E 24 oo 5-67L* E August 6, 1904 I OO 6.16* E 2 00 6.36* E 3 oo 6.48* E 4 oo 6.52* SE . 5 oo 6.58* SE 6 oo 6.58* SE 7 oo 6.66H* SE 8 oo 6.36* SE < "5 129 168 208 260 3i8 400 453 530 August 6, 1904 h m Feet A F. L. 9 oo 6.30* SE 10 OO 6.20* ESE 20 6.22* ESE F. L. 30 6.i6L* ESE A. V. 40 6.22* ESE A. V. 50 6.24* ESE II OO 6.20* ESE IO 6.20* ESE 20 6.30 ESE A. V. 12 OO 6.30 ESE 13 oo 6.40* ESE 14 oo 6.52* ESE 15 oo 6.62H* E 16 oo 6.62H* E 10 6.62H* E 20 6.62H* E 30 6.58* E A. V. 40 6.54* E C. E. R. SO 6.58* E 17 oo 6.54* E 18 oo 6.44* E 19 oo 6.16* NE 20 00 6.05* NE C. E. R. 21 OO 5-86* NE F. L. 22 OO 5 84* NE 23 oo 5.58L* NE IO 5.78* NE 30 5-70* NE 40 5.72* E 50 5-76* E 24 oo 5.66* E August 7, 1904 I OO 5-74* E 2 00 6.06* E 3 oo 6.16* E 4 oo 6.26* SE 5 oo 6.36* SE 6 oo 6.44H* SE 7 oo 6.42* SE 8 oo 6.42* SE 9 oo 6.32* SE 10 OO 6.20* SE II 00 6.10* SE IO 6.o8L* SE 20 6.10* SE F. L. A. V. 30 40 50 6.09* 6.14* 6.20* SE SE SE A. V. 12 OO 6.10* SE IO 6.12* SE 20 6.16* SE A. V. 13 oo 14 oo 6.24* 6.36* SE ESE 15 oo 6.42* ESE A. V. 16 oo 6.52* ESE C. E. R. 10 6.58* ENE 20 6.68H* E 30 6.58* E 40 6.52* E C. E. R. 50 6.60* E Miles C. E. R. F. L. 594 660 733 816 900 F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. 70 122 F. L. 532 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer August 7, 1904 August 9, 1904 h m Feet Miles 17 oo 6.52* NE 18 oo 6.46* N 19 oo 6.30* NE 20 oo 6.14* SE 2OI 21 OO 6.02* ESE 22 OO 5.86* E 23 oo 5.72* E 10 5-72* E 20 5-70L* E 30 5.78* E 40 5-72* E So 5.76* E 24 oo 5.78* NE 286 August 8, 1904 I 00 5.76* NE 2 OO S.8o* ENE 3 oo 6.06* E 4 oo 6.30* E 387 500 6 oo 6-44* 6.60* E E 7 oo 6.66* E 10 6.70* E 20 6.64* E 30 6.68* E 40 6.82* E 50 6.84* E 8 oo 6.86H* E 407 35 6.86* NE 40 6.66* N SO 6.70* N 9 oo 6.58 NW 10 OO 6.50 NW II OO 6.50 NW 12 00 6.4oL NW 408 SO 6.4iL NW 13 oo 6.4iL NW 10 6.4oL NW 14 oo 6.4oL NW IS oo 6.52 ENE 16 oo 6.68* ENE 546 17 oo 6.76H* ENE 18 oo 6.72* E 19 oo 6.72* ENE IO 6.72* ENE 20 6.70* ENE 30 6.66* ENE 40 6.62* ENE 50 6.62* ENE 20 OO 6.58* ENE 21 OO 6-34* NE 22 OO 6.14* E 23 oo 5-90 E 24 oo 5.78 SE 622 August 9 . 1904 O IO 5-72L SE 2O 5-72L SE 30 5-75 SE 40 5-73 SE h 111 Feet Miles F. L. o 50 S-74 SE I OO 5-73 SE 2 OO 5-77 SE 3 oo 5-79 SE F. L. 4 oo 6. 11* SE 723 A. V. 5 oo 6.31* SE 6 oo 6.59* SE 7 oo 6.69* SE IS 6 68 SE 20 6^68 SE 30 6.70 SE 40 6. Soil SE A. V. 50 6.77 SE 8 oo 6-74 SE 768 IO 6.71 SE 9 oo 6.65 SE A. V. IO OO 6.60 SE II OO 6-45 SE A. V. 12 00 6.34 SE 796 C. E. R. 13 oo 6.22 SE 10 6. 20 SE 20 6. 20 SE 30 6.30 SE 40 6.19 SE 50 6.20 SE 55 6.I7L SE 14 oo 6. 20 SE IO 6. 20 SE 20 6.24 SE 30 6.24 SE 40 6.21 SSE So 6.21 SSE C E R IS oo 6.29 SSE F. L. 16 oo 6.32 SSE 821 17 01 6.41 SSE 18 02 6.52 SSE 19 05 6.57 Calm 40 6.6oH Calm So 6.58H Calm 20 oo 6.6oH Calm 849 10 6.58 Calm 20 6.52 Calm 30 6.56 Calm 40 6-45 Calm So 6.44 Calm 21 OO 6.44 Calm 22 OO 6. 20 Calm 23 oo 5.90 SE 24 oo 5.70 SE 891 August 10, 1904 F. L. A. V. O IO 5-53 SE I OO 5-52 SE A. V. 10 5-53 SE 20 5-50 SE 30 S-SO SE 40 S.48 SE A. V. 50 S-43L SE 2 OO 5-44 SE IO 5.46 SE A.V. 2O 5-50 SE A.V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A.V. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 533 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer August 10, 1904 /* m Feet Miles 2 30 5.48 SE 40 So 5-47 5-48 SE SE 3 oo 5-47 SE 4 oo 5-64 Calm 866 S oo 5-92 E 6 oo 6.22 Calm 7 oo 6.42 Calm 8 oo 6.58 SE 888 9 oo 6.65H SE 10 OO 6.56 SE II OO 6.41 SE 12 OO 6. 20 SSE 924 13 06 6.01 SSE 30 5-92 SSE 40 5-94 SSE 50 5-86 SSE 14 oo 5.88 SSE 10 5-88 SSE 20 5.82 SSE 25 5-8o SSE 30 5-79 SSE 40 5.8o SE 48 5-74L SE 50 5-79L SE 57 5-74L SE IS oo 5-79L SE OS 5-74L SE 10 5.8o SE 20 5.8i SE 30 5.83 NE 40 5.8o NE 50 5-85 NE 16 oo 5-89 NE 955 17 oo 5-96 NE 18 oo 6.10 NE 19 oo 6.22 Calm 20 00 6.27 Calm 959 21 00 6.32H Calm IO 6.30 Calm 2O 6.23 Calm 30 6.30 Calm 40 6.22 Calm 50 6. 20 Calm 22 00 6.20 NE 23 oo 5.83 NW 24 oo 5.55 NW 970 August n, 1904 I OO 5.27 NW 2 00 5.07 NE IO 5.04 NE 2O 5-03L NE 30 5.o8 NE 40 5-12 NE SO 5.16 NE 3 oo 5.10 NE 10 5.14 NE 4 oo 5-20 SE 080 5 oo 5-45 SE 6 oo 5-70 SE A.V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A.V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. August ii, 1904 // m Feet Miles 7 oo 6.04* SE C. E. R. 8 oo 6.36* E 58 C.E.R. 9 oo 6.56* E F. L. 30 6.62H* ENE 40 6.62* ENE So 6.54* ENE 10 00 6.52* ENE 10 6.50* ENE 20 6.50* ENE 30 6.48* ENE 40 6.52* ENE SO 6.46* ENE II OO 6.36* ENE 12 00 6.12* E 156 13 oo 5.92* E 14 oo S-74* E IS oo 5.6o* E 10 5.56* E 20 S.S2* E 30 5-54* E 40 S-SOL* E 50 5-S8* E 16 oo 5-54* E 286 17 oo 5.72* E 18 oo 5.88* E 19 oo 6.12* E 20 oo 6.30* E 414 21 00 6.42* ESE F. L. 22 OO 6.46H* E A. V. 10 6.38* E 2O 6.20* E 30 6.30* E 40 6.28* E SO 6.24* E 23 oo 6.22* E 24 oo 5.92* E 505 A. V. August 12, 1904 I OO 5-62* E A. V. 2 OO 5.36* E 3 oo 5-04* E A. V. 4 oo 5-01 S7i C. E. R. 10 5-03 SE 20 S-ooL SE 30 5-08 SE 40 S-io SE So 5-i6 SE S oo 5.25 SE 6 oo 5-56* SE 7 oo S-90* SE 8 oo 6.16* SE 614 9 oo 6.46* SE C. E. R. 10 oo 6.6oH SE F. L. 10 6-5SH SE 20 6.6oH SE 30 6.6oH SE 40 6.55 E SO 6.53 E II 00 6.50 NE 12 OO 6.30 NE 636 13 03 5.90 Calm F. L. 534 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer August 12, 1904 // m Feet Miles 14 oo 5.70 N 15 oo 5-40 SE 16 oo 5-31 SE 667 IO 5-33 SE 20 5-30L SE 30 5-37 SE 40 5-31 SE 50 5-39 SE 17 oo 5-41 SE 10 5-34 SE 20 5-41 SE 18 oo 5-52 SE 19 oo 5-76* SE 20 oo 6.08 N 709 21 00 6.25 N 22 00 6.30 E 23 oo 6. 4 oH NW IO 6-34 Calm 2O 6.34 6E 30 6.56 SE 40 6.29 SE 24 oo 6.25 Calm 778 August 13, 1904 I OO 5-83 E 2 OO 5-55 ESE 3 oo 5.24* E 4 oo 5-15* E 800 5 oo 5-I4L* E 6 oo 5-37* E 7 oo 5-64* E 8 oo 5 98 E 883 9 oo 6'. 28 E IO 6.34 E 20 6.36 E 30 6.40 E 40 6.43 E 50 6.50 E IO OO 6.53* E II OO 6.58* SSE 10 6.6oH* SSE 20 6.58* SSE 30 6.53* SSE 40 6.52* SSE 50 6.50* SSE 12 OO 6.48* SSE 930 13 oo 6.16* S 14 10 5-66* SW 15 oo 5-38* SW 16 oo 5-23* SW 963 17 oo 5.08* SW 10 5-04* SW 20 5-04* SW 30 5-02* SW 40 4-92L SW 50 5.09* SW 18 oo 5.12* SW 19 oo 5.30 W 20 00 5.6o W 21 OO 5-90 wsw 22 OO 5-97 SW August 13, 1904 /( m 1'CCt Miles F. L. 23 oo 5-99 Calm 30 6.09 SW 40 6.I2H SW 50 6. n SW 24 oo 6.08 SW 28 August 14, 1904 10 6.05 Calm 20 6 03 Calm I OO S.8i SW 2 OO 5-43 SW 3 oo 5-22 SE F. L. A. V. 4 oo 5 oo 10 4-95 4-85L 4.88L W Calm Calm 56 20 4-85L Calm 30 4.87 Calm 40 4.90 Calm 6 05 5-00 Calm A. V. 7 oo 8 oo 5.18 5.52 E SE 62 9 oo 5.90 SE IO OO 6. 20 SE II IO 6. 3 8H* SE A. V. 20 6.38* SE 12 OO 6.36* SE 139 A. V. IO 6.30* SE C. E. R. 13 oo 6.16* SE 14 oo 5-70* SE IS oo 5-31 SE 16 08 5-04 SE 196 17 oo 4.80 SE IO 4-75 SE 20 4-74 SE 30 4-73 SE 40 4.70 SE 50 4.68L SE C. E.R. 18 oo 4-70 SE F. L. IO 4-71 SE 20 4-79 SE 19 oo 4.82 SE 20 oo 5-o8 SE 231 21 OO 5-40 SE 22 OO 5-70 SE 23 oo 5-99 Calm 24 oo 6.06 NW 251 August 15, 1904 o 30 6.06 SE 40 6.07H SE 50 6.03 SE I OO 5.98 SE 10 5-97 S 20 5-93 Calm 2 OO 5-74 Calm 3 oo 5-35 ESE 4 10 5-05 Calm 252 5 oo 4-92 Calm F. L. IO 4.90 Calm A. V. 20 4.90 Calm A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. K. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 535 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Anemom- Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind An ^ t r direction fec( nom- er Observer >rds August 15, 1004 August 16, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 5 30 4.88 Calm C. E. R. 9 oo 5.48 SW C. E. R. 40 4.87 Calm 10 OO 5-90 NE F. L. 50 4.82!, Calm II 00 6. 20 NE 6 oo 4.90 Calm 12 09 6.38 Calm IO 4.00 Calm 13 oo 6-43 Calm 20 4.92 E 30 6.45H Calm 30 4.92 E 40 6.41 Calm 40 4-95 E 50 6.36 NE So 4-97 E 14 oo 6.33 NE 7 oo S.oo E 15 oo 6. 10 NE 8 oo 5.28 E 264 16 ii 5.60 NE 371 9 oo 5.60 Calm C. E. R. 17 oo 5-30 NE 10 00 6.00 SE F. L. 18 oo NE II 00 6.25 SE 19 08 4-94 Calm 12 OO 6.40 SE 272 10 4-9oL Calm IO 6.40 SE 20 4-92L NE 20 6.40 SE 30 4.ooL NE 30 6.4iH SE 40 4.91 NE 40 6.36 SE 50 4-97 NE SO 6-34t SE 20 OO 4-94 NE 377 13 oo 6.3ot SE 10 S-o6 NE 14 oo 6.O4t SE 21 00 5-12 Calm F. L. 15 oo 5 .65 > SE 22 OO 5-40 Calm A. V. 16 03 5 * 2oT SE 322 23 oo 5.76 Calm 17 oo 5.04 SE 24 oo 6.02 N 381 A. V. 18 oo 4.85 SE IO 20 4.80 4.80 SE SE August 17, 1904 30 40 So 53 19 oo IO 20 oo 21 00 22 00 23 oo 24 oo 4.81 4-77 4-79 4-75L 4.80 4.80 4-95 5-22 5-49 5.85 6. 02 SE SE SE SE SE SE Calm 346 SE SE F. L. Calm A. V. SW 353 A. V. I OO 2 OO 10 20 30 40 50 3 oo 4 oo 5 oo 6 oo 6-15 6.24 6.28H 6.25 6.22 6.18 6. ii 6.12 5.89 5.62 5.55 NE A. V. Calm NE NE NE Calm Calm NE A. V. S 392 C. E. R. S Calm August 16, 1904 45 50 5-40L S Calm I OO 6.10 Calm A. V. 7 oo IS 5-42 S-42 Calm Calm 10 6.10 NW 20 5.46 Calm 20 6.08 NW 30 5-41 Calm 30 40 6.07 6.iiH Calm Calm 40 SO 5-41 5-44 Calm Calm 50 2 OO 6.03 6. 02 Calm Calm 8 oo 9 oo 5-50 5.6o Calm 397 S C. P. R 10 3 00 5-97 5.70 Calm Calm A. V. 10 00 II OO 5-90 6.15 S SSE F. L. 4 oo 5-45 Calm 356 C. E. R. 12 00 6-35 SSE 411 5 oo 5.30 SE 13 oo 6.52 S 6 oo 5-15 Calm 30 6-54 S 45 Calm 40 6.59H S 7 oo 5 . 10 Calm 50 x- ** y O s^ s IO 4-97L SE 14 oo 6.51 s 20 4.98 Calm 10 6.50 Calm 30 S-o8 Calm 20 6.50 Calm 40 5-12 Calm 30 6.45 Calm 50 8 oo 5. '24 SE Calm 360 C. E. R. 40 50 6.44 6.41 Calm Calm P. L. 53 6 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff i, r , Anemom- cter Observer direct,on recofds Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Ane F direction lorn- er Observer >rds August 17, 1904 August 18, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 15 oo 6.36 S F. L. 21 1O 5.32 SE F. L. 16 oo 6.10 S 415 2O 5-3iL SE 17 oo 5-75 S 30 5-33 SE 18 oo 5-49 S 40 5.36 SE 19 oo 5-29 S 50 5-39 SE So 5.18 S 22 OO 5-40 SE F. L. 20 oo 5-19 Calm 425 23 oo 5-52 Calm A. V. IO 5-i8 Calm 24 oo 5-71 ESE 536 A. V. 20 5-I7L Calm 30 5.20 Calm August 19, 1904 40 5-19 Calm SO 5-20 Calm I 00 6.01 Calm A. V. 21 OO 5-20 Calm 2 00 6.19 Calm 10 5-20 Calm 3 oo 6.32 ESE A. V. 2O 22 OO 5-2S 5-35 Calm SSE F. L. 4 oo 30 6.35 6.34 NE 541 C. E. R. Calm 23 oo 24 oo 5-62 5-87 Calm A. V. SE 430 A. V. 40 So 6.36H 6.34 Calm Calm 5 oo 6.30 Calm August 18, 1904 IO 6.28 Calm 6 oo 6.12 Calm I OO 6.18 W A. V. 7 oo 6.00 NE 2 00 6.30 Calm 8 oo 5-90 Calm 543 30 6-34 W 9 oo 5.8o Calm 40 6.33 Calm 20 5-82 Calm 50 6.36H W 30 5-78L Calm 3 oo 6.36 Calm 40 5-8o Calm IO 6.30 Calm SO 5.83 Calm 20 6.32 Calm IO OO 5-8o Calm 30 6.31 Calm IO 5.8 4 Calm C. E. R. 40 4 15 6.29 6.18 Calm A. V. SE 439 C. E. R. II OO 12 OO 5-92 6. 10 E F. L. E 551 5 oo 6.05 Calm 13 oo 6.23 NE 6 oo 5.88 SE 14 oo 6.34 NE 7 oo 5-75 SE 15 oo 6.40 E 40 5.66L SE 10 6.40 E So 5-70 Calm 20 6.42H E 8 oo 5.70 E 446 30 6.41 E 10 5.68 E 40 6.40 E 20 5-72 Calm 50 6-39 E 30 5-71 Calm 16 oo 6.38 E 560 40 5-70 E IO 6.38 SE So 5-72 Calm 17 oo 6.22 SE 9 oo 5-70 Calm 18 oo 6.00 SE IO 5.78 E C. E. R. 19 oo 5-73 SE 10 oo 5-00 SE F. L. 20 OO 5.58 SE 598 II OO 6.10 SE 21 OO 5-45 E F. L. 12 OO 6.28 SE 477 22 OO 5-35* E A. V. 13 oo 6-45 NE 30 5-30L* E 14 07 6-59 NE 40 5.36* E 20 6.60 NE 50 5-34* E 30 6.6oH NE 2.3 00 5.36* E 40 6.60 NE 10 5-39* E SO 6.59 NE 20 5-42* E 15 oo 6.54 SE 30 5-44* E 16 oo 6.40 SE 500 24 oo 5.48* ESE 662 A. V. 17 oo 6.12 SE 18 oo 5 93 Calm August 20, 1904 19 oo 5.6o SE 20 00 5-44 SE 516 I OO 5-72* ESE A. V. 50 5-32 SE 2 OO 5-93* ESE 21 OO 5.32 SE F. L. 3 oo 6.05* SE A. V. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 537 Local mean time Reading of tick- staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer August 20, 1904 It in Feet Mil 4 oo 6.10* SE 7 5 oo 6.29H* SE 6 oo 6.22* SE 7 oo 6.16* SE 8 oo 6.02* SE 8 9 oo 5.94* SE 10 oo S-ooL* E 10 S.ooL* E 20 5-ooL* E 30 5.94I-* E 40 S-93L* E 50 S.ooL* E II 00 5-94* E 12 00 6.00* E 8 13 oo 6.10* E 14 oo 6.20* E IS oo 6.30* E 16 oo 6.32* E g 17 oo 6.34H* E IO 6.28* E 18 oo 6.16* E 19 oo S.o5* E 20 OO 5-74* E 21 00 5-54* E 22 OO 5-44* E 23 oo 5-34* E 10 5-34* E 20 S-34* E 30 S-32L* E 40 5-34* E SO 5.36* E 24 oo 5.36* NE August 21, 1904 I OO 5.46* NE 2 OO 5.56* NE 3 00 5.82 E 4 oo 6.00 SE i 5 oo 6. 12 SE 6 OO 6.26H* SE 30 6.24H* NE 40 6.26H* NE SO 6.24H* NE 7 oo 6.26H* NE 10 6.22* NE 20 6.20* NE 8 oo 6.14* NE i 9 oo 6.04* NE IO OO S-92* ESE II 00 5.82* ESE 12 OO S.SoL* ESE 2 10 5.8o SE 20 5-82 E 30 5.83 E 40 5.82 E 50 5.8i E 13 oo 5.8i E 10 5.84 E 14 oo S-92 E IS oo 6.06* NE 16 oo 6.14* NE 2 35 720 800 C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. 870 946 14 "7 F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. 175 216 C. E. R. F. L. 265 F. L. August 21, 1004 h m Feet Miles 17 oo 6.22* NE 18 oo 6. 2611* NE 19 oo 6.16* NE 324 20 00 5.96* NE 21 00 5.76* NE 22 OO 5-62* NW 23 oo 5.52* NW 24 oo 5.44* NW 39 AugllSt 22, 1904 I OO 5-42L* NW 2 OO 5-50* NW 3 00 5.64* NW 4 oo S.88* NW 436 5 oo 6.10* NW 6 oo 6.24* NW 7 oo 6.30* NW 8 oo 6.34* E 486 20 6.36H* NE 30 6.32* NE 40 6.36* NE 50 6.28 NE OO 6.22 NE IO 6.20* NE IO OO 6.10 NE II OO 6.00 NW 12 OO 5.90 SE 533 13 oo 5.78* SE 14 oo S.75 W 10 5-74 W 20 5-72L W 30 5.8o W 40 5-80 W So 5.8o W 15 oo 5.82 W 16 oo 5-00 W 556 17 oo 6. 02 NW 18 oo 6.o8H W 19 oo 6.08* NE 2O 00 6.06* NE 605 21 04 5.88* NE 22 OO 5.68* NE 23 OO S-50* NW 24 oo ...* NE 708 August 23, 1904 I OO 5-22L* NE 2 OO 5.26* NE 3 oo 5.36* NW 4 oo 5.52* W 793 5 oo 5.72* W 6 oo 6.02* W 7 oo 6.12* SW 8 oo 6.24* sw 810 10 6.26H* SW 20 6.22* sw 30 6.2 4 * sw 40 6.24* sw 50 6.22* sw 9 oo 6.20* sw P. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. 538 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff -.,,. , Anemotn- ,. Win . d eter Observer direction reCQrds Local mean time Reading of tide staff w - , Anemom- "Sn re^rds b ~ W August 23, 1904 August 24, 1904 /( in Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 9 10 6.16 SW C. E. R. 16 30 5-50 SE F. L. 20 6.18* SW F. L. 40 5-54 SE 30 6.14 SW 50 5-60 SE 40 6.14 SW 17 oo 5-6o SE 50 6.12 SW 18 oo S-72 SE 10 OO 6.09 SW 19 oo S-oo SE II OO 5.90 SW 20 oo 6.00 W 932 T2 00 5-79 SW 21 00 6.ioH W F. L. 13 oo 5.60 SE 825 22 00 6.01 Calm A. V. 14 oo S.SO SE 23 oo 5.8i Calm 15 oo 5-50 SE 24 oo 5-56 NE 938 A. V. IO 5-42L, SE 20 5-52 SE August 25, 1904 30 5-6o SE 40 S-6o SE I OO 5-40 NE A. V. SO 5.6o SE 2 OO 5.22 NNW 16 oo S-6i SE 850 30 5.15 Calm 17 oo 5-72 SE 40 5-izL Calm 18 oo 5.8o SE 50 5.18 SW 19 oo 5.90 SE 3 oo 5.16 W 20 oo 6.ooH SE 10 5-iS Calm 21 00 5.00 SE 885 20 5.20 Calm IO 5-90 SE F. L. 30 5-21 Calm A. V. 22 OO 5-71 SE A. V. 4 oo 5-27 Calm 943 C. E. R. 23 oo 5.50 Calm 5 oo 5-45 Calm 24 oo 5-35 Calm 903 A. V. 6 oo 5.67 Calm 7 oo 5-90 Calm August 24, 1904 8 oo 6.22 E 944 30 6.30 Calm I 00 5.27 Calm A. V. 40 6-34 E 2 OO S-oo SSE 50 6.38 E 10 4-98L SSE 9 oo 6-39 E 20 5.o8 SSE 10 6.38 E 30 5.07 SSE 20 6.40 E 40 S.o8 SSE 30 6.42 E SO 5-io Calm 40 6.*3H E 3 oo 5-ii SSE A. V. 50 6.42 E 4 oo 5-20 SE 908 C. E. R. IO OO 6.38 Calm 5 oo 5-50 Calm 10 6.40 Calm 6 oo 5-74 SE 20 6.38 Calm 7 oo o.oo Calm 30 6.16 Calm 8 oo 9 oo 6.18 6.30H SE 911 Calm C. E. R. 40 II OO 6.32 6.32 Calm C. E. R. S F. L. 10 OO 6.28 Calm F. L. 12 OO 6. 20 Calm 952 IO 6.22 Calm 13 oo S.po S 20 6.23 SE 14 oo 5-6o S 30 6.18 SE 30 5-54 S 40 6.13 Calm 40 5.6o Calm 50 6. ii SW 50 5.6o Calm II OO 6.09 SW 15 oo 5-60 Calm 12 IO 5-8o W 915 IO 5-55 Calm 13 oo 5-70 s 20 5.6o S 14 oo 5 -SO s 26 5-S4L S 15 07 5-SO s 30 5-55 S 30 5-47 s 40 5.6i s 40 5 -SO s 50 5.60 s 42 5-45 s 16 oo 5.6s S 962 SO 5-49 s 17 30 5-70 s S3 5-4iL s /8 oo 5.8o s 16 oo 5-45 923 19 oo 5-94 Calm IO 5-50 Calm 20 oo f 6. 12 Calm 965 20 5-50 Calm F L 21 00 6.30 Calm F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 539 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer August 25, 1904 August 27, 1904 h m Feet Miles 21 IO 6.30 Calm 20 6.35 Calm 30 6.33 Calm 40 6.39H Calm 44 6-39 Calm SO 6.31 Calm 22 00 6.30 Calm 10 6.28 Calm 2O 6.26 Calm 23 oo 6.22 Calm 24 oo 6.00 SSE 968 August 26, 1004 I OO 5-74 SE 2 00 5.53 W 3 oo 5-47 NW 4 OO 5.40 NW 977 IO 5.42 NW 20 5.42 NW 30 5-38L NW 40 5.41 NW 50 5-45 NW 5 oo 5-50 NW 6 oo 5.82 Calm 7 oo 6.10 NW 8 oo 6.33 E 9 oo 6. so E 50 6.65 SE IO OO 6.70H ESE 20 6.68 ESE 30 6.65 ESE 40 6.60 ESE 50 6.61 ESE II 00 6.61 ESE IO 6.60 E 12 OO 6.42 E 64 13 00 6.20 E 14 oo 5-95 E 15 oo 5.8o E 16 oo S-6 4 L E 145 IO 5-64L E 20 5.6oL E 30 5.68L E 40 5-66L E 50 5-66L E 17 oo 5-64L E IO 5-6 4 L E 20 5-70 E 30 5-71 E 40 5-75 E 18 oo 5.76 E 19 oo 6.00 E 20 00 6. 14 E 228 21 00 6.22 E 22 00 6.44H E 23 oo 6.41 E 1 10 6.37 E 20 6.33 E 30 6.32 E 24 oo 6.21 E 308 /i m Feet Miles F. L. I OO 5-94 E 2 OO 5 ' 72 * E 3 oo E 4 oo 5.46* E 400 JO 5-44L* E 20 5-46L* E F. L. 30 5-46L* E A. V. 40 5-441* E So 5.48* E 5 oo 5.50* E A. V. 10 5.52* E 6 oo 5-72* E 7 oo 5-00* E 8 oo 6.24* E 499 9 oo 6.50* E A. V. IO OO 6.72* E II OO 6.82H* E A V IO 6.80* E C. E. R. 20 30 6.76* 6.72* E E 40 6.72* E 50 6.70* E 12 OO 6.62 E 587 13 oo 6.40! E 14 oo 6.o6t E 15 oo 5-8ot E 16 oo 5.65t E IO 5.6 4 t E C. E. R. F. L. 20 30 40 5-62t 5.6oLt 5.6oLt E E E 50 5.6iLt E 17 oo 5.6oLt fi 10 5.58Lt E 20 5.6oL* E 30 5.62* E 40 5.62* E 50 5.64* E 18 oo 5-66* E 19 oo 5.82* E 20 00 6.00* E 709 21 00 6.22* E 22 00 6.38 E 23 oo 6.40 E IO 6.43H E 20 6-43 E 30 6.40 E 40 6.38 E 50 6.34 E 24 oo 6.31 E 755 August 28, 1904 I OO 6.03 E 2 OO 5.8b E 3 oo 5.64 Calm F. L. 4 09 5-So E 780 A. V. 5 oo 5.42 E 1 IO S-39L E 20 5.42 E i 40 5.40 E A. V. 50 5-44 E A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. 54 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer August ^8, 1904 h in Feet 6 oo 5-49 E 7 oo 5-7S E 8 oo 6.02 E 9 oo 6.25 E IO OO 6.53 E II OO 6.62* E SO 6.62* E 12 OO 6. 64!!* SE IO 6.60* SE 2O 6.58* SE 30 6.54* SE 13 oo 6.40* SE 14 oo 6.06* SE 15 oo 5-75 SE 16 oo 5-55 SE 17 oo 5-33L SE IO 5-40 SE 20 5-38 SE 30 5-40 SE 40 5-40 E 50 5-41 E 18 oo 5.40 E IO 5-43 E 20 5-45 E 19 oo 5-52 E 20 OO 5-78 E 21 OO 5-95 SE 22 OO 6.10 SE 23 oo 6.22 SE 24 oo 6.31 SE Miles 809 848 899 939 August 29, 1904 O IO 6-33H SE 20 6.32 SE 30 6.24 SE 40 6.21 SE 50 6. 20 SE I OO 6.18 SE 2 00 5.91 SE 3 oo 5.62 Calm 4 oo 5.48 E 5 oo 5-38 NE 10 5-36 NE 20 5-37 NE 30 5-35L N 40 5-37 N 6 oo 5-40 NW 10 5-44 NW 7 oo 5-6o NW 8 oo 5-8o SE 9 oo 6.05 E IO OO 6.30 E II 00 6.50 E So 6.52 E 12 OO 6.S8H E 10 6.51 E 2O 6.48 E 30 6-45 E 40 6.43 E 50 6.40 E 13 oo 6.36 ESE August 29, 1904 h in Feet Miles C. E. R. 14 oo 6.10 SE 15 oo 5-73 SE 16 oo 5-51 SE 125 C. E. R. 17 oo 5-32 SE F. L. 10 5-31 SE 20 5-31 SE 30 5-30L SE 40 5-30L SE 50 S-30L SE 18 oo 5-30L SE 10 5-30L SE 20 5-30L SE 30 5-32 SE 19 14 5.38 SE 20 00 5-52 SE 167 21 OO 5.72 SE 22 OO 5-93 SE 23 oo 6.04 Calm 24 oo 6.22 SE 194 August 30, 1904 o 30 6.24H SE 40 6.21 SE SO 6.23 SE I OO 6. 20 SE F. L. A. V. A. V. 10 20 30 40 6.09 6.10 6.03 SE SE SE Calm 2 OO 5.86 Calm 3 oo 5-69 Calm 4 oo 5.52 Calm 206 A. V. 5 oo 5-40 SE 30 5-38L SE 40 5-4iL SE 50 5-42L SE 6 oo 5-38L SE 10 5-40 SE 20 5-42 Calm A. V. 30 5-41 E C. E. R. 40 5.4S E 7 oo 5-52 E 8 oo 5-70 E 243 9 oo 5-00 E IO 00 6.15 E II OO 6.32 E 12 OO 6.42 E 320 IO 6-43 E 20 6.43 E 30 6.44H E C. E. R. 40 6.41 E F. L. So 6.40 E 13 oo 6.38 E 14 oo 6.ii ESE 15 oo 5.8i SE 16 oo 5-54 SE 383 17 oo 5-34 SE 18 oo 5-20 SE 10 S.IQL SE 20 5-20 SE F. L. 30 5-20 SE F. L. F. L. A. V. A. V. A. V. A. V. C. E. R. C. E. R. F. L. F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Cape Flora, Northbrook Island 54* Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Aner direction nom- er Observer >rds Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind Ane * direction fec( lom- sr Observer >rds August 30, 1904 August 31, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 18 40 5.20 SE F. L. 7 oo 5-52 E C. E. R. 50 5-21 SE 8 oo 5-6o SE 465 19 oo 5-21 SE 9 oo 5-8o SE C. E. R. IO 5-25 SE IO OO 6.03 SE F. L. 20 OO 5-35 SE 418 II OO 6.29 SE 21 OO 5.6o SE F. L. 12 OO 6.40 SE 540 22 OO 5-8i Calm A. V. 13 00 6.46H E 23 oo 6. 02 SE 10 6.44 E 24 oo 6.I2H Calm 428 A. V. 20 6.44 E ^ 30 6.40 E August 31, 1904 40 6.40 E 50 6.31 E I 00 6.10 Calm A. V. 14 oo 6.30 E 2 OO 5-94 SE 15 oo 6. 20 SE 3 oo 5-83 Calm A. V. 16 oo 5.8o SE 620 4 oo 5-64 Calm 429 C. E. R. 17 oo 5-54 SE 5 oo 5-50 E 18 oo SE 30 5-43 E 19 oo 5-41 SE 40 5-41 E 20 00 5-54 SE 7 14 50 5-41 E 21 00 5-70 SE F. L. 6 oo E 22 00 5-94 SE A. V. 10 5-42 E 23 oo 6.09 SE 20 E C. E. R. 24 oo 6.45H SE 821 A. V. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS TABULATION OF TIDE GAUGE READINGS RECORDED AT TEPLITZ BAY STATION, RUDOLPH ISLAND FRANZ JOSEF ARCHIPELAGO APRIL 1, 1904, TO JUNE 3, 1904 NORTH LATITUDE: 81 47/5 LONGITUDE EAST OF GREENWICH: 57 56' 543 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 545 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer April i, 1904 i \.pril 3, igc 4 / Feet Miles It tn Peet Miles 17 oo 4.05 StoSE 6 W. J. P. 9 55 4.12 StoSW 2 F. L. 18 oo 4.31 SW 18 W. J. P. 10 55 3.68 StoSW 2 19 oo 4-45H W 6 F. L. u 58 3-30 StoSE 3 20 00 4.33 W to SW 7 12 55 3.02 SE 4 21 OO 4.19 WtoSW 7 13 55 2.84L S 4 22 00 3.55 WtoSW 3 J4 55 2.90 StoSW 4 23 oo 3.05 S 4 15 55 3-19 S 2 24 oo 2.75 SE 5 F. L. 16 55 3-53 StoSW 2 17 55 4.00 S 3 At 19:00 grinding of ice could be heard for about 18 55 4.30 S 4 one hour ; direction was not discernible from the 19 55 4-54 StoSW 4 F. L. dwelling. 20 25 4-55 S S. W. S. 45 4-57H SSW April 2, 1904 55 4-55 S 5 21 55 4.28 SSW 3 o 58 2.58L I 58 2.59 SE SSW 5 4 W. J. P. S. W. S. 22 55 23 55 3-87 3.46 S wsw 2 4 S.W.S. 2 58 2.82 SW 4 3 58 3-23 SSW 3 April 4, 1904 4 58 3-70 SE 4 5 58 4-05 SE 5 o 55 3-15 SE 3 S. W. S. 6.58 4.27 S 4 i 55 2.89 ESE 2 7 58 4-32H S 5 S. W. S. 2 25 2.82 SW Light 8.58 4-14 S 7 F. L. 40 2.82L E Light 9 58 3-73 SE 7 55 2.83 SE Light 10 57 3-32 S 5 3 55 2.98 ESE Light 12 OO 3.0O S 2 4 55 3-30 W Light 57 2.81 StoSW 3 5 55 3.69 ESE Light 13 57 2.77L S 2 655 4-04 ESE 2 H 57 2.93 S 2 7 55 4-25 SE 2 S. W. S. 15 57 3-30 SE 2 855 4-34H ESE 3 F. L. 16 57 3.72 S 3 9 25 4-31 E 17 57 4.12 SE 5 55 4.21 E 4 18 56 4.40 SEtoS 7 F. L. 10 55 3-90 E 2 19 56 4-SiH SE 6 S. W. S. ii 57 3-39 SE 2 20 16 4.47 SE 13 oo 3-17 E 4 56 4-30 ESE 6 14 oo 2.91 E 8 21 56 4.00 SSE 5 15 oo 2.8oL E 16 22 56 3.52 ESE 16 oo 2-97 ESE 19 23 56 3-13 SE 8 S. W. S. 17 oo 3-24 E 23 18 oo 3.62 E 25 Levels run at 12 :oo from tide gauge to B. M. No. i. 19 oo 4.04 ESE 30 Tide gauge reading of B. M . No. i, 14.19 feet. 20 OO 4-30 ESE 27 F. L. Ice field extends to horizon. 21 OO 4-43H ESE 29 S. W. S. 45 4.40 E April 3, 1904 22 00 4-37 ESE 21 23 oo 4.12 ESE 16 o 56 2.84 SE 8 S. W. S. 24 oo 3.28 S 18 S. W. S. i 26 2.75 ESE 41 2.72 ESE Open water west to northwest at 10 :oo. Ice moving 56 2.70 ESE 7 west out of bay within one-half mile off shore 2 ii 2.6gL ESE 18:30 to 19:00. Open water in south. Ice return- 26 2.71 ESE ing from southwest at 22:00. 56 2.80 E 7 3 56 3-06 S 6 April 5, 1904 4 56 3.54 W 6 5 56 3-98 WSW 5 I 00 3-42 ESE 18 S. W. S. 6 56 4-28 wsw 5 2 OO 3-15 S 18 7 56 4-44 SW 6 3 oo 3-OiL S 18 8 26 4.46H SW 30 3-03 S 18 41 4-43 SW 4 oo 3.09 S 19 56 4-40 SW 5 S. W. S. 5 oo 3.30 S 17 S. W. S. 546 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer April 5, 1904 April 7, 1904 h m Peet Miles h m Feet Miles 6 oo 3-66 SW 16 S. W. S. 7 oo 3-20 NE 3 S. W. S. 7 oo 4.02 ssw 16 8 00 3-45 E 2 S. W. S. 8 oo 4-35 SW 14 S. W. S. 9 oo 3-57 NE I F. L. 9 oo 4-52" SW 15 1 ? - L. 10 oo 3-71 E 2 10 00 4-Si WNW 18 ii 00 3.8oH E 3 II 00 4 33 WNW 12 12 02 3-79 E 2 12 O4 4.00 NW 13 13 00 3.69 E I 13 oo 3.69 NW II 14 00 3-49 N I 14 oo 3-41 NW ii IS 00 3-29 E 2 IS 02 3.21 NW 13 16 00 3-14 NW 2 16 oo 3-aoL NW IS 17 00 3-ioL NE I . 17 oo 3.36 NW M 18 00 3-H N 2 18 oo 3.6i NW IS 19 00 3.29 N 2 19 oo 3-90 N 15 20 oo 3-42 N 4 F. L. 20 oo 4.20 N 16 F. L. 21 oo 3.6l ENE 2 S. W. S. 21 OO 4-32 NNW 15 S. W. S. 22 00 3-74 ENE 3 So 4-40H N 23 oo 3.83H ENE i 22 OO 4-39 N 13 24 oo 3.8o NNW 3 S. W. S. 23 oo 4.25 NNW ii 24 oo 3 99 NE 10 S. W. S. B. M. No. i corresponds to tide gauge reading of 14.05 feet in morning. Ice came in at 5:30; pressure continued to 5:45; Open water out of bay at 17:50 to 7:00 April 8. 7:30 open water south of Cape Auk. April 8 , 1904 April 6, 1904 o 59 3.67 NNW 2 S. W. S. I OO 3-59 NE 10 S. W. S. I 59 3.48 ENE I 2 00 3-25 N ii 2 59 3-29 NNW I 3 oo 3 03 NNW 14 3 59 3-11 NW _> 35 2.97L N 4 59 3 .02 NNW 2 4 oo y/ * 2.98 NE 8 5. 59 3.ooL NNW 1 5 oo 3-07 NNE 2 6 59 3-10 W 3 6 oo 3.20 N 2 7 59 3. jo NE i S. W. S. 7 oo 3.42 ENE 4 S. W. S. 8 59 3-39 NE 3 F. L. 8 oo 3-70 NE 4 F. L. 9 59 3.50 Calm 9 oo 3-91 N 3 10 59 3-62 N i IO 00 4.ooH E 4 12 03 3. 681 I E i II 00 3-97 N 3 59 3-66 Calm 12 O4 3.83 NW I 13 59 3-59 NE 2 13 oo 3-52 N 5 14 59 3.46 E I 14 oo 3-31 SE 9 15 59 3-32 Calm 15 oo 3-16 S 14 ' 16 59 3-21 Calm id OO 3.o6L E 19 17 59 3-I5& NE 7 17 oo 3.10 E 23 18 59 3.20 N I 18 oo 3.26 E 21 19 59 3.30 E 3 F. L. 19 oo 3-49 E 17 20 59 3-40 NNE 3 S. W. S. 20 00 3-72 NE ii F. L. 21 59 3-54 NE 3 21 00 3-92 E ii S. W. S. 22 59 3.63 NE 3 22 02 4.01 NNW 6 ->3 39 3.68H NE 10 4.O2H NE 3 59 3.67 NE 2 S. W. S. 23 oo 24 oo 3.99 3.89 wsw wsw 7 S. W. S. B. M. No. I corresponds to tide gauge reading of 14.07 feet. Ice moving out of bay in north at 8 :4S. Ice came in at 15 :io. Ice moving out of bay in south at 18 :oo. April 9, 1904 April 7, 1004 o 59 3.65 NE 2 S. W. S. i 59 3.61 NNW 4 I 00 3.63 W i S. W. S. 2 59 3-49 NNW 2 2 00 3-36 W 5 3 59 3-34 Calm 3 oo 3-iS NNE i 4 59 3 20 NE 2 4 oo 3.00 W 2 S 59 3.10 Calm IO 2.97L NNW 6 59 3-09L NNW I 5 oo 2.99 NNE I 7 59 3-13 NE 2 6 oo 3.04 N 6 S. W. S. 8 59 3-22 N 2 S. W. S. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 547 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction 1 Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer April <), 1904 April ii, 1904 It m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 9 59 3-35 SE i F. L. 17 58 3.96 N 12 F. I, 10 59 3-49 SE 2 18 58 3.8o NE 7 12 OI 3.56 N i 19 58 3.6i NE 12 F. L. 12 59 3-66 SE 2 20 5 8 3-47 NE 6 S.W.S. 13 59 3.66H Calm 21 58 3-39L NE 7 14 59 3.6o SE 2 22 58 3-41 NNE 7 15 59 3-51 N I -'3 58 3.50 NE 9 S. W. S. 16 59 3-41 NE I 17 59 3-30 N 2 April 12, 1904 18 59 3.23 N 2 I 10 3 69 NNE 4 s. w. s. 19 59 3-22L NE I 58 3 '78 NE 8 21 O3 3-29 N 2 F. L. 2 58 3-97 N g 59 3-35 ENE 3 S. W. S. 3 55 4.00 N 10 22 59 23 59 3-49 3-55 NNE ENE 4 S. W. S. 4 58 5 58 4 03H 3-90 N N 14 10 6 58 3-74 N ii April 10, 1904 7 58 3-55 N IO s. w. s. o 59 3.62 ENE 2 S. W. S. 8 58 9 58 3-39 3-30 N N ii 10 F. L. I 59 3.65H NE 3 10 58 3-29L N 8 2 59 3 63 N 2 12 O3 3-39 NW 6 3 59 3-54 E a 58 3-52 N 7 4 59 3-40 SSE 2 13 58 3.78 N 4 5 59 3-31 N 2 1458 3 95 N 5 6 59 3.23 Calm 15 58 4. 10 SE 7 59 3-2OL E 2 S. W. S H) S8 4.T6H E 2 8 59 3-20 E 2 F. L. 17 58 4.04 W 2 9 59 3.29 N 2 18 58 3.92 W 6 10 59 3.42 Calm 19 58 3-71 W 7 F. L. ii 59 3-59 E I 20 s8 3-50 W 6 S. W. S. 13 oo 3-71 SE I 21 58 3-40 WSW 9 59 3.82 SE 3 22 58 3-39L wsw 9 H 59 3.87 SE 2 23 58 3-50 SW IO S. W. S. 19 59 3-59 S 2 ? 16 59 3-8i S 2 Ice drifting from the north at Cape Saule at 14:00. 17 59 1 7O N 3 1859 3.'6o N 6 April 13, 1904 19 59 3-59 N 2 F. L. h o 58 3.65 SW 9 S. W. S. 20 59 3-57 N 2 S. W. S. i 58 3.87 SW 9 2t 59 3-SoL NNW 2 2 58 4.06 WSW ii ^ 59 3.56 SW 3 3 58 4.18 WSW IO 23 59 3.69 NW 4 S. W. S. [ 58 4.25 SW 14 Leave open wntei 14:00. 5 58 6 58 4-32H 4-15 W NNW 15 15 April II, 1904 7 58 8 58 3-94 3-70 W W If S. W. S. F. L. 58 3.78 NE 5 S. W. S. 9 57 3-53 NW 17 l 58 3.88 NE 8 I0 57 3-47L W 19 2 58 3.p6H NNE 12 ii 57 3-50 w 21 3 58 3-94 NNW 6 12 51 3.6o NW 20 4 58 3-86 NE 12 13 57 3.8o NW 22 558 3-71 NE 14 57 4.10 W 21 6 58 758 858 958 10 58 12 04 3.58 3-52 3-34L 3-36 3-42 3.58 SW NE NE NE NW NE 13 24 S. W. S. 3i F. L. 33 21 15 57 16 57 17 57 1857 19 57 20 57 4-30 4-43H 4.41 4-30 4.00 3-71 w w w w w wsw 0000000*0 IN. F. L. S. W. S. 58 3-72 N IO 21 57 3-55 wsw 16 13 58 M 58 3.89 4.02 NE SE 17 9 22 57 23 57 3-40 3-36L wsw w 16 17 S. W. S. IS 58 16 58 4.00.H 4.06 N N 10 H F. L. At oh s8m staff read 3.60 feet and 3.70 feet due to swell. 54 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer April 14, 1904 April 16, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles o 57 3-50 WSW 18 S. W. S. 6 oo 4-63 SW 9 S. W. S. i 57 3.72* W 17 7 oo 4.65H S 7 S. W. S. 2 57 4.00 W 19 8 oo 4-55 S 4 F. L. 3 57 4.22 WSW 18 9 oo 4.24 SW 6 4 57 4-SoH SW 17 59 3-91 SW 12 5 57 4-47 WSW 17 10 59 3-58 W II 657 4.36 W 18 ii 59 3-35 W 14 7 57 4.18 W 16 S. W. S. 12 59 3-25L SW II 857 3.89 W 14 F. L. 13 59 3.36 SE 6 9 57 3.62 W 14 14 59 3.60 SE 8 10 57 3-42 W 12 IS 59 3-97 E IO 12 OI 3-39L W IO 16 59 4-24 SW 15 57 3-49 W II 17 59 4.42 SW 17 13 57 3.66 W IO 18 59 4-SiH SW 17 14 57 3-99 NW 9 19 59 4.41 SW 16 F. L. 15 57 4.21 N 9 20 59 4.12 SW 13 S. W. S. 16 57 4.40 N IO 21 59 3-70 WSW II 17 57 4.48H NE IO 22 59 3-36 WSW IO 1857 4-40 NW 8 23 59 3-07 SSE ^>6 S.W.S. 19 57 4.16 N 3 F. L. 20 57 3.85 SE 6 S. W. S. Ice moving from southwest. Pressure in south- 21 57 3-51 E 6 west. Ice pressure in west 7:00 to 8:15. 23 14 3.28 E 4 57 3-2IL E 2 S. W. S. April 17, 1904 Ice opened about 50 yards eight mile from shore. wide, southwest, one- I OO 2 00 2.97L 2-99 ESE ESE 6 S. W. S. April 15, 1904 3 oo 4 oo 3.26 3.60 E E 3 o 57 3-30 NE 3 S. W. S. 5 oo 3-93 NW 10 i 57 3-50 SE 3 6 oo 4.28 NW 8 2 57 3.83 ENE 4 7 oo 4.41 NW 6 3 57 4-13 E 2 8 oo 4-5oH N 16 S. W. S. 4 57 4-39 E 5 9 oo 4-30 NE 6 F. L. 5 57 4-56H E 2 10 OO 3-92 NE 6 657 4-Si E 3 II OO 3-69 NE 8 7 57 4-36 E 4 S. W. S. 12 03 3-39 NE 10 9 oo 4.02 E 2 F. L. 13 oo 3-2iL E IO 10 OO 3-70 E i 14 oo 3-23 NE 9 II OO 3-48 N 6 15 00 3-42 NE 3 12 03 3-36L N 9 16 oo 3-79 NE 5 13 oo 3-39 N 13 17 07 4.12 NE 14 14 oo 3-59 N 9 18 oo 4.42 NE 18 15 oo 3 90 NW 6 19 oo 4.58 NE 13 16 oo 4.20 NW 3 20 oo 4.6oH W 18 F. L. 17 oo 4-49 NW 4 21 OO 4-45 N 4 S. W. S. 18 oo 4.68 NW 3 22 OO 4.10 ENE 2 19 oo 4.69H W 4 23 oo 3-70 SE 3 20 oo 4-53 SE 3 F. L. 24 oo 3-40 ENE 9 S. W. S. 21 OO 4.23 SE 6 S. W. S. 22 OO 3-85 SE 7 Ice opened west 5 :oo. Ice moving northwest about 23 oo 3-59 ESE 7 9:00. 24 oo 3-40 SE 6 S. W. S. Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. i, noon. 14.09 feet at I 00 3-12 April 18, ENE 1904 II S. .W S. 2 OO 3.I2L, ENE 17 April 16, 1904 3 00 3.26 NE 20 I OO 2 00 3 00 4 oo 5 oo 3-35L 3.50 3-55 4-17* 4.48 ESE SE ESE ESE SSW 8 6 5 7 S. W. S. S. W. S. 4 oo 5 oo 6 oo 7 oo 8 oo i 9 01 3.57 3.98 4.30 4-53 4.64H 4-53 NE NE NE NNE NE N 18 18 18 21 21 14 S. W. S. F. L. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 549 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer April 18, 1904 t April 20, 1904 h in Peel Miles h in Feet Miles IO 01 4-30 NW 4 p. L,. 15 O2 3-42L E 52 F. L. II OI 3-94 NW 5 16 oo 3-45 NE 47 12 OI 3.60 S 2 17 oo 3-70 E 41 13 oi 3-41 S 4 18 oo 3-95 E 42 14 oi 3-30L sw 5 19 oo 4.20 E 47 15 01 3-34 NE 8 20 OO 4.48 E 47 F. L. 16 oi 3.6o N 12 21 IO 4-SiH E 45 S. W. S. 17 oi 3-95 NNW 19 22 OO 4-47 E 42 18 oi 4-30 N 17 23 oo 4-25 E 38 19 oi 4-43 N 16 24 oo 3-91 E 35 s. w. s. JO OI 4.50!! N 15 F. L. 21 01 4.40 N 14 S. W. S. Ice broke about one-half mile out between 10:00 22 OI 4. 10 N 13 and 20:00. Heavy drifting snow and foe; ob- 23 01 3-67 N 12 structcd view. 24 oi 3-30 N 8 S. W. S. April 21, 1904 April 19, 1004 I OO 3-51 ESE 32 s. w. s. I 00 2 OO 2.98 2.8oL N NNE 9 S. W. S. ii 2 OO 3 oo 3-31 3-2iL ENE E 28 32 3 oo 2.81 NNE 4 4 oo 3.21 E 32 4 oo 2.99 N s 500 3-32 ESE 38 5 oo ENE 3 6 oo 3.58 E 37 6 oo 3-63 NE 2 705 3-92 ESE 39 7 oo 3-90 N 3 8 oo 4.12 ESE 39 8 oo 9 oo IO OO 4-04 4-OSH 3-89 jr NW NW i S. W. S. i F. L. 5 9 05 10 00 II OO 4-32 4-39H 4.28 ESE ESE ESE 40 40 38 s. w. s. R. R. T. II OO 3-59 NW 2 12 OO 4.01 E 38 12 05 3.26 NE 2 13 oo 3-76 E 37 13 oo 14 oo 15 oo 16 oo 17 oo 18 oo 3-09 2.90L 2.92 3-o6 3.48 3.8o Calm N S SE SE SE 3 2 19 24 30 14 oo 15 oo 16 oo 17 oo 18 oo 19 oi 3-51 E 3-38 ENE 3-30L SE 3-42 SW 3-56 ESE 3-80 ENE-ESE 30 17 6 5 12 20 R. R. T. W. J. P. 19 oo 20 OO 21 00 22 OO 4.10 4-30 4-36H 4.24 SE ESE ESE ESE 29 29 F. L. 31 S. W. S. 35 20 OO 21 10 22 00 23 oo 4.06 4.18 4.2oH 4.11 E S s ENE IO IO II II W. J. P. S. W. S. s. w. s. 23 oo 24 oo B. M. 3-92 ESE 3.62 ESE No. i corresponds to 38 33 S. W. S. tide gauge reading of Large lead one-half mile out at 16:00. Open water 4 miles at 20:00. Horizon foggy at 21:10. After observation at 23:00 wire parted below staff. 14.05 feet today noon. April 22, 1904. April 20, 1904 3 03 3-67 ENE 19 s. w. s. I OO 3-32 SSE 38 S. W. S. 4 oo 5 oo 3-58L 3-58 NE NE 2 OO 3-22 SSE 41 6 oo 3-70 N c 3 IS 3-ioL E 40 7 oo 3-99 N 3 II 4 oo 5 oo 6 10 7 10 8 oo 9 10 3-22 3-52 3-90 4-25 4.41 4.6oH ESE ESE ESE ESE E ENE 40 46 54 1 60 61 8 oo 9 oo IO 00 II OO 12 00 13 oo 4.21 4.40 4-48 4.50H 4-38 4.16 NNE S SE ESE S s 13 40 6 4 I s. w. s. R. R. T. R. R. T. T? T IO OO II OO 4-Si 4.26 E ESE 63 54 S. W. S. 14 oo 15 00 3-91 3.74 SE SE 2 " M 12 05 3.0 E 53 F. L. 16 oo 3.70 E I 13 oo 3-71 ESE 59 17 oo 3.6oL E 14 oo 3-50 ESE 53 F. L. l8 02 3-70 E 2 F. L. 55 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer April 22, 1004 April 25, 1904 h m feet Miles h m Feet Miles 19 oo 3.81 i F. L. o =8 4.i8H NE 22 S. W. S. 20 oo 4.09 W 2 i 58 4.14 ENE 27 21 oo 4.23 I 2 58 4.07 ENE 28 22 oo 4.39 ENE 2 F. L. 3 58 3-91 ENE 29 23 05 4.4011 NW 2 S. W. S. 4 ?8 3-73 ENE 28 24 oo 4.32 ESE 4 S. W. S. 5 58 3.58 NE 26 6 58 3.46 NE 22 Tide gauge reset. Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. i is noon today. This is the first reading after resetting it last night. 14.56 feet at of the gau^r 7 58 S 58 o 58 10 58 3-43L 3-47 3.62 3.83 N NNE NE NE 16 12 IO II S. W. S. F. L. April 23 , 1904 12 OO 58 4.01 4.18 NNE N s 5 I oo 4.10 ESE 2 S. W. S. 13 58 4.25H NW 5 2 00 3.86 4 '4 58 4.24 NW 5 3 oo 3.64 3 IS 58 4.17 NW 5 4 oo 3.46 E 2 16 S8 4.00 NW 6 5 oo 3-38L 3 17 58 3-79 N 6 6 oo 3-41 2 18 58 3-58 N 8 7 oo 3.53 3 19 58 3.48 N 8 8 oo 3.75 2 S. W. S. 20 58 3-4iL N 13 F. L. 9 oo 3.99 E 2 F. L. 21 58 3-49 N 12 S. W. S. 10 oo 4.11 SE 2 22 58 3.62 N IO ii oo 4.21 E I 23 58 3.87 N 7 S. W. S. 12 02 4.2gH Calm 13 oo 4.20 SE 4 April 26, 1904 14 oo 4.02 N 4 15 oo 3.82 7 o 58 4.00 N 7 s. w. s. 16 oo 3.70 6 i 58 4-i3 NNW 6 17 oo 3.60 NE i 2 58 4.12 NNW 6 18 oo 3.6oL N 4 3 58 4-iSH NNW fl 19 oo 3.65 4 4 58 4.02 N 6 20 oo 3.80 NE 6 F. L. 5 58 3.88 NW 8 21 OO 4.OO 5 S. W. S. 6 58 3.68 NW 6 22 oo 4.12 NE s 7 58 3.48 NW 9 23 05 4.24 ENE 2 8 s8 3-42L WNW 9 s. w. s. 24 oo 4.28H N 4 S. W. S. 9 58 3-50 NW IO F. L. 10 58 3.65 NW 9 April 24, 1904 ii s8 3.89 W 9 o 59 4.26 6 S. W. S. 12 58 13 58 4.10 4-30 NW NW 9 8 i 59 4.07 N OO XT 14 58 .43H NW 6 2 59 3 8 N 3 59 3.67 N 5 7 is 58 16 58 4.41 4.32 W W 4 4 59 3-54 5 17 58 4. 12 W g 5 59 3-47L 6 59 3-52 7 59 3-59 SE 8 59 3-76 SE 9 59 3 91 SE 2 I 8 5 S. W. S. F. L. 18 58 '9 58 20 58 21 <$ 22 58 3.91 3.09 3-51 3-48L .3-57 NW NW WNW WNW NNW 6 6 7 5 4 F. L. S. W. S. 10 59 4. 12 II 59 4.20 E 3 2 23 58 3 70 WNW i vS. W. S. 12 59 4.28H E 13 59 4.21 SE 5 5 Tide gauge reading of B. M 14.59 f* 1 '' 1 . No. i today at noon is 14 59 4.09 ii IS 59 3-91 16 59 3-76 13 18 i April 27, 1904 17 59 3-64 19 o 58 3-95 WNW 3 S. W. S. 18 59 3- SQL 15 i 58 4.28 N 2 19 59 3-6o '4 F. L. 2 58 4 36 W I 20 59 3.70 E IS S. W. S. .? 58 4.41H ENE I 21 59 3.83 NNE 22 4 58 4-39 ESE I 22 59 4.00 NE 21 5 58 4.20 E I 23 59 4-09 NE 18 S. W. S. 6 58 3.96 W 4 S. W. S. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 551 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Local Observer mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer April 27, 1904 April 29, 1904 h in Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 7 58 3-73 SE 2 S. W. S. H 57 3.o6L NW 5 F. L. 8 58 3-54 SE 3 F. L. 12 57 3-20 N 6 9 58 3-4iL SE 3 13 57 3-49 NE 4 10 58 3.50 E 3 14 57 3.83 NE 3 ii 58 3.69 SE 5 15 57 4.20 NE 3 12 58 3-91 S 5 16 57 4.42 NE 2 13 58 4.21 S 3 17 57 4-57H NE 2 14 58 4.48 S 2 18 57 4-45 NE 2 IS 58 4.6oli SW 2 19 57 4.16 NE 2 1 6 =;8 4-59 S I 20 57 3.8o N I ['. L. 17 58 4-45 S I 21 57 3-31 ENE 2 S. W. S. 18 qS 4.19 NW I 22 57 3.02 ENE 3 19 58 3.85 N I 23 57 2.82L E I S. W. S. 20 58 3-59 NE I F. L. 21 58 3 40 NNE I S. W. S. A slight swell, but no open water in sight at 18:57. 22 58 3-32L Calm 23 58 3-44 Calm S. W. S. April 30, 1904 April 28, 1904 o 56 2.89 E 2 s. w. s. i 56 3-13 E 3 o 57 3.67 Calm S. W. S. 256 3-49 E 2 i 57 4.00 ENE I 3 56 3-94 E 2 2 57 4.29 Calm 4 56 4.29 E 3 3 57 4.41 Calm 5 56 4.46 E 4 4 57 4.48 Calm 6 56 4-49H E 2 5 57 4-54H Calm 7 56 4.32 2 657 4-34 Calm 8 56 3-95 N 3 7 57 3.98 Calm 9 56 3-56 N 2 8 57 3-70 NE I S. W. S. io 56 3.29 N 3 9 57 3.50 NE I F. L. ii 56 N 3 10 57 3-40L Calm 12 56 3-07L E 4 10 57 3.40 Calm 13 56 3-41 N 2 II 57 3.46 Calm 14 56 3-64 E s 12 57 3-64 Calm IS 56 4.12 E 2 13 57 4.00 NE 4 1656 4.40 NNW 3 14 57 4.31 NE 7 17 56 4.60 N 3 15 57 4-51 NE 7 1856 4.7oH N 5 s. w. s. 16 57 4.68H NE 6 19 56 4-5i N 2 W. J. P. 17 57 4.64 N 5 20 56 4.18 ENE 2 R. R. T. 18 57 4.40 N 7 21 56 3-70 ENE 2 19 57 4.00 N 9 F. L. 22 56 3.36 ENE 2 20 57 3.6l N II S. W. S. 23 56 3.02 NE 3 R. R. T. 21 57 3.32 N 9 F. L. 22 57 3-o8L N 9 S. W. S. May i, 1904 23 57 3-13 N IO S. W. S. o 56 2.giL NE 3 R. R. T. Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. I today at 5:00 156 3.07 NE 2 is 14.53 feet 2 56 3.21 NE 3 3 56 3.76 ENE I April 29, 1904 4 56 4.19 N I 556 4-45 SE 3 o 57 3-17 N 8 s. w. s. 6 56 4-63 E 2 I 57 3.48 N 9 756 4.68H NE 2 R. R. T. 2 57 3.82 N 6 8 56 4.42 E 2 S. W. S. 3 57 4.15 N 7 9 56 4.02 SSW 3 4 57 4-48H N 5 10 56 3.66 NNW 7 5 57 4-44 ENE II 56 3-43 6 6 57 4-35 N 8 12 56 3-30L NW 8 7 57 4-05 N 9 13 56 3.36 NNW 3 8 57 3.70 NNW 7 S. W. S. 14 56 3.63 NE 3 9 57 3-4 N 7 F. L. 15 56 4.04 N 5 io 57 3-12 NW 7 F. L. 16 56 4-So N 9 S. W. S. 552 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF Z1EC-LER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Tepliiz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter Observer records Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind direction Anemom- eter records Observer May I, 1904 May 3, 1904 h in l-'cel Miles h m /'(city Observer May 5, 1904 May 6, 1904 h in Pcct Miles h m Feet Miles 17 oo 3 oo ESE 5 S. W. S. 16 20 3-74 S. W. S. 18 oo 4.06 NNW 3 30 3-71L 19 oo 4.28 E 9 S. W. S. 40 3-71 20 00 4-51 NNE 2 R. R. T. 50 3-73 40 4.61 E 17 oo 3-73 NNW 14 50 4.62 E 10 3-74 21 OO 4.63 ENE 3 20 3-76 IO 4.64 NE 18 oo 3-79 NE 13 2O 4.67 NNW 19 oo 3.98 N 22 30 4.6g ENE 20 oo 4.18 E 10 S. W. S. 49 4 .6 9 H E 21 OO 4-30 SE 3 R. R. T. 50 4.69 Calm 50 4-34 NE 22 OO 4.68 Calm 22 OO 4-38 NNE 5 IO 4.67 ENE IO 4-39 ESE 20 4.65 ENE 2O 4-40 ESE 23 00 4.60 ENE 30 4.40 E 24 oo 4.39 E 2 R. R. T. 40 4.41 NNE 50 4.41 S Ice opening in southwest one and one-half miles 23 oo 4.42H E 3 from srausre. 10 4.41 ESE Tide reading of B M. No. i at 15 :oo is 14.565 feet. 20 4.40 ESE 30 4.40 ESE May 6, rg 04 40 4-39 ESE 24 oo 4.33 NE 3 R. R. T. I OO 4.11 NNE 2 R. R. T. 2 00 3.8! NE I Ice closed at 3 : 10. Lead opened one mile in north- 3 oo 10 3.63 3.61 ENE ENE 5 west south direction at 16:10. Open at 21:00. Ice closed south water two miles at 22:20. 20 3.6o WNW 30 40 3-58 3-56 WSW S May 7, 1904 50 4 oo 10 3-52 3-5iL 3.52 SSE SE ENE 3 I OO 2 OO 3 oo 4-13 3-92 3-72 NE 4 R. R. T. N 2 SSW i 20 30 40 5 oo 6 oo 7 oo 8 oo 9 oo 20 30 40 50 10 00 10 20 30 40 50 II OO 3-52 3-52 3-53 3.58 3-7! 3-94 4.21 4-39 4-43 4-45 4-50 4-53 4-54 4-55 4.56H 4.56 4-55 4-55 4-54 SE NNW ESE ENE ENE NE E NE NE NE NE NE NW NW E NE ENE ENE 5 8 8 9 R. R. T. 10 S. W. S. 9 12 4 oo 30 40 50 5 oo 10 20 30 40 50 6 oo 7 oo 8 oo 9 oo IO 00 40 50 II 00 IO 3.58 3-52 3-52 3-Si 3-51 3-50L 3-51 3.52 3-53 3-53 3-55 3.68 3-87 4.04 4.19 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 ENE i ENE Calm Calm Calm Calm NW NW N NE E i Calm ENE 2 E 2 E i E 2 R. R. T. S. W. S. 10 4-53 NE 20 4.28H 12 00 13 oo 14 oo 4-47 4.23 4.07 NE NE NNE 14 8 8 30 40 SO 4.27 4.27 426 15 00 40 3.87 3-79 t Q N NE 14 12 OO 13 00 *"' 4-25 4.22 ESE i E 2 , 50 16 oo 3.78 3-77 NE 21 14 oo 15 00 4-05 3-91 E i NE i IO if. 3-76 S. W. S. 16 oo 3-76 NE 3 S. W. S. 554 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Tcplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer May 7, 1904 h in Feet 16 50 3-66 17 oo 3.65 N 10 3-64 20 3.64 30 3-63L 40 3-64 50 3-64 18 oo 3.64 ENE 10 3.65 19 oo 3-70 ESE 20 oo 3.8o NNE 21 OO 3-95 ENE 22 OO 4.06 ENE IO 4.07 ENE 20 4.10 ENE 30 4. II ENE 50 4-13 ENE 23 18 4-17 ENE 30 4.igH ENE 40 4-17 ENE SO 4.16 ENE 24 oo 4.IS ENE Miles 4 May 8, 1904 o oo 4-15 ENE 10 4.14 ENE I OO 4. ii ENE 2 OO 3-97 E 3 oo 3.8o E 4 oo 3.66 E 5 oo 3.58 ESE 10 3-56 ESE 20 3-55 ESE 30 3-54 ESE 40 3-53 ESE So 3-52 ESE 6 oo 3-52 E 10 3.51 ESE 20 3-5iL ESE 30 3-Si E 50 3-52 E 7 oo 3-55 E IO 3-55 E 20 3-56 E 8 oo 3-70 E 9 oo 3.84 ESE 10 00 4.00 ESE II OO 4.14 ESE 40 4.20 So 4-23 12 00 4.24 SE 10 4-27 20 4.29H 30 4.28 40 4.28 SO 4-27 13 oo 4.27 ESE 14 oo 4.20 SE 15 oo 4-05 ESE 16 oo 3-97 ESE 17 10 3.8r ESE 3 3 3 4 I 4 2 6 7 6 8 6 6 6 May 8, 1904 It m Feel Miles S. W. S. 17 20 3.8o 30 3.8o 40 3.78 SO 3.76 18 oo 3-75 8 10 S 20 3-70 30 3-71 40 3.71 SO 3-72 S. W. S. 19 oo 3-72 SSE 8 J. v. 20 05 3-77 ESE IO 21 OO 3.85 ESE ii 22 00 3-97 ESE IS 23 oo 4.07 E 14 10 4.07 E 2O 4.09 E 35 4.10 E 40 4.10 E SO 4.11 E 24 oo 4.I3H E 15 J. v. May 9, 1904 J. v. OO 10 4-I3H 4.12 E E 20 4.11 E 30 4.11 E 40 4. ii E I 00 4.10 E IS 2 00 4.09 E 14 3 oo 3-99 E 13 4 oo 3.84 E 14 5 oo 3.72 ESE 12 6 oo 3-64 ESE 13 50 3-59 ESE 7 oo 3-57 ESE II IO 3-57 ESE 20 3-57 ESE 30 3-57 ESE 40 3-56L ESE 50 3.S8 ESE 8 oo 3.58 ESE II IO 3-59 ESE 20 3.60 J. V. S. W. S. 9 oo 10 05 3.67 3.8o ESE ESE 12 10 II 00 3-94 ESE 13 12 00 4.09 E 13 50 4-17 13 oo 4.18 E 16 10 4.19 20 4.20 30 4.21 40 4.22 50 4.22 14 oo 4.23 E 14 10 4-23H 20 4-23 30 4.21 40 4.20 S. W. S. 50 4.19 S. W. S. S. W. S. J. v. J. v. S. W. S. S. W. S. J- V. J. V. J. v. J. v. S. W. S. S. W. S. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 555 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer May 9, 1904 ll III I : cct Miles 15 oo 4.17 E 13 16 05 4.08 E 14 17 oo 3.98 ESE 13 18 oo 3.85 9 50 3.74 19 oo 3-73 S 9 50 3-64 20 oo 3.63 N 4 IO 3-63L 20 3.63 30 3-64 E 40 3-68 50 3-68 NE 21 OO 3.69 E 3 22 OO 3-73 E 4 23 IS 3-88 E 4 24 oo 3-95 E 3 S. W. S. S. W. S. J- V. J. V. Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. I at 9:00 was 14.635 feet. May 10, 1904 I OO 4.05 E 20 4.07 30 4.07 40 4.07 50 4.08 NE 2 00 4 09 15 4.10 30 4.ioH 45 4.10 3 oo 4 09 10 4.08 20 4.06 30 4.02 4 oo 4.00 5 oo 3-92 E 6 oo 3-79 E 7 oo 3.69 E 8 oo 3.67 20 3.6i 30 3.6o 40 3-59 So 3-59L 9 oo 3.6o E 10 3.6i 20 3.6i 30 3.62 IO 00 3.67 ESE II 00 3.82 12 00 3-95 ESE 13 oo 4.10 ESE 14 oo 4.21 ESE IO 4.23 SE 20 4-23 S 30 4.23 S 40 4.24H S So 4.24 15 oo 4.23 10 4-23 20 4.22 10 10 ii 10 ii ii 12 12 12 IO 6 May 10, 1904 Ii in 16 oo 17 oo 18 oo 19 oo 20 oo 10 20 30 40 50 21 00 10 20 30 40 So 22 OO 23 oo 24 oo 1'cft 4.20 4. ii 3-92 3.78 3.62 3.6i 3.60 3-59 3.58 3.58 3.56 3-54L 57 57 57 58 59 63 3-77 SE SSW S SW N ESE E ESE ESE Miles I I 3 i i S. W. S. S. W. S. R. R. T. R. R. T. Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. i today is 14.60 feet. J. v. I OO 3 93 May I ESE 2 OO 4.04 ESE SO 4.10 3 oo 4. ii E 10 4.14 20 4-I4H 30 4.14 40 4-13 50 4.13 4 oo 4-13 E 5 oo 4.09 E 6 oo 3-99 E 7 oo 3.82 E 8 oo 3-70 E 9 oo 3-59 E J. v. IO 3-59 S. W. S. 20 3.58 30 3-57 40 3.56 50 3-56L 10 00 3.56 SE 10 3-57 20 3-57 30 3-59 II 00 3.67 SE 12 00 3-77 ESE 13 00 4.01 ESE 14 oo 4.20 SE 15 00 4.22 ESE IO 4.22 20 4-23 30 4.2S 40 4.26 50 4.26H 16 oo 4.24 SE IO 4.24 S. W. S. 20 4-23 II II II 15 16 13 15 16 17 R. R. T. R. R. T. S. W. S. 20 18 H 14 12 I S. W. S. 556 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLKR POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Tcplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide- staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind v . direction >city Observer M:iy II, 1904 Vlay 12, 1904 /( ill Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 1<> .VI 4-23 s. w. s. 20 OO 3-93 18 R. R. T. 17 oo 4-23 ESE 12 21 OO 3-70 IS 18 oo 4.14 E 9 22 OO 3-54 E 17 19 oo 3-91 ESE 12 10 3-53 20 00 3-73 E 14 S. W. S. 20 3-Si 21 OO ,V50 E ii W.J. P. 30 3.50 10 3-56 40 3-50 20 3 S5 50 3.50 30 3-SI 23 oo 3-50 ENE 19 40 3-5' 10 3-491. So 3-50 20 3-SO 22 OO 3.48 10 30 3.51 10 3-47L 40 3-51 20 31 3-48 3-49 So 24 oo 3.52 3-54 NE 16 R. R. T. 40 SO 3.50 3-50 May 13, 1904 23 oo 3-52 12 I OO 3.69 NNE 14 R. R. T. 24 oo 3.6o 4 W. J. P. 2 OO 3-93 NNW 5 3 oo 4.18 ssw 8 May 12, 1904 4 oo 4-35 WNW 6 50 4.44 I OO 3.8o ENE 4 R. R. T. 5 oo 4-47 SW S 2 OO 4.02 Calm 4 R. R. T. 10 4-47 3 oo 4.16 Calm J. S. V. 20 4.48 30 4.20 Calm J. S. V. 30 4 . 4 8H 40 4.22 J- v. 40 4-47 50 4.24 NW 50 4-45 4 oo 4.26 3 6 oo 4-45 NW 5 10 4.26 10 4-43 R. R. T. 20 4.29H 7 oo 4-31 NW 3 J. V. 30 4.27 8 oo 4-05 - NW R. R. T. 40 4.27 9 oo 3-89 NNW 3 S. W. S. 50 4-25 10 00 3.78 W 4 5 oo 4-25 NE 3 II 00 3-69 W 4 6 oo 4.19 NE 2 10 3-68 7 oo 4.00 Calm 20 3.65 8 oo 3.8i E 7 J- V. 30 3.65L 9 oo 3.62 ESE 10 S. W. S. 40 3-66 40 3.58 So 3-66 50 3.58 12 OO 3-69 NW I 10 oo 3.58 E 6 10 3-71 10 3.56 13 oo 3.96 E 5 20 3-55L 14 oo 4.22 E 5 30 3-55 15 oo 4-50 E 5 40 3.56 16 oo 4-74 K 4 SO 3.S6 So 4-93 II OO 3.58 E 12 17 oo 4-95 SW 3 12 OO 3.70 E 15 10 4-97 13 oo 3-00 E 24 20 4.98 14 oo 4.17 E 16 30 4.98H IS 00 4-35 18 S. W. S. 40 4-06 16 oo 4-50 E 20 R. R. T. SO 4-94 10 4.50 18 oo 4.92 E 3 20 4.50 10 4.00 30 4-5iH 19 oo 4.61 SW 3 40 4.50 20 oo 4.32 w 2 S. W. S. So 4.50 21 OO 4.04 ENE i R. R. T. 17 oo 4.50 18 22 OO 3-77 SW i 10 4.49 i 50 3.62 18 oo 4.43 16 23 oo 3.61 NNW i 19 oo 4.20 E 21 R. R. T. 10 3.60 R. R. T. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplits Bay, Rudolph Island 557 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer May 13, 1904 May 15, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 23 20 3-59 R. R. T. O IO 3-45 30 3-59L 20 3-46 40 3-59 30 3-47 50 3-6o 40 3-47 24 oo 3.60 ESE 2 R. R. T. I OO 3.50 NNE 21 2 OO 3.70 NNW 20 May 14, 1904 3 00 4.06 N 19 O 10 I 00 3-6i 3-74 NE R. R. T. 4 4 oo 5 oo 4.21 4.70 NNE N 19 18 2 00 3.98 NNE 8 20 4-73 3 oo 4-3 1 NNE 4 30 4-75 4 oo 50 5 oo 4-54 4.72 4-75 NNE NNE 8 7 40 , 50 6 oo IO 4-79 4.81 4.82 4 81 NNE 19 IO 4-79 *+ "-"O 20 4.80 20 4.84 30 4.80 30 4.86H 40 4.80 40 4.85 50 6 oo 4.80 NNE 7 50 7 oo IO 4.84 4.82 A 8l N 20 10 20 4^81 4.80 8 oo 4.01 4.67 N 21 30 4-79 9 oo 4.30 N 18 40 7 oo 8 oo 9 oo 4-79 4-73 4-51 4.21 NNW NNE 8 S R. R. T. 6 S. W. S. IO OO II 00 50 12 00 4.02 3.82 3-73 3-72 N N 15 18 19 IO OO 4.01 NW i IO 3-72 II OO 20 3.8l 3.80 NNE NE 2 2O 30 3 70 3.70L 30 3-8o 40 3-70 40 3 80 50 3-71 50 J *-%* 3.8o 13 oo 3-73 22 12 OO IO 3-79L 3 80 I IO 14 oo 3-75 4.01 22 20 3 80 15 oo 4.41 24 30 3.82 16 oo 4.72 21 40 13 oo 14 oo 15 oo 16 oo 17 oo 20 30 40 3-84 4-13 4-43 4.61 4-89 4 90 4 90 4-93 NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE NNE 17 16 17 17 S. W. S. J. v. 17 oo 18 oo 10 20 30 40 50 19 oo 10 4-95 5.o6 5.o8 5.12 5-I3H 5-12 5.10 S.o8 20 16 17 50 4-95 NNE 20 5.O3 18 oo IO 4-95H 4.93 NNE M 30 20 oo 5.00 4.89 N 2O 20 30 40 19 oo 4.90 4.89 4-85 4.78 NNE NNE NNE NNE J. v. 18 S. W. S. 21 OO 22 OO 23 oo 24 oo 4-53 4.17 3-8i 3.6i N N N N 28 33 29. 23 2O OO 4-50 NNE 19 S. W. S. 21 OO 4.12 NNE 19 R. R. T. May 16, 1904 22 OO 3.8i N 17 23 oo 3.56 NNE 16 O IO 3-59 N 40 3-44 20 3-59 N 50 3-44 30 3.58 N 24 oo 3-431- 15 R. R. T. 40 3-55 N Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. I is 14.60 feet at 50 I 00 3-531, 3.53 N N M 17 :2O. 10 3-55 N R. R. T. R. R. T. S. W. S. S. W. S. W. J. P. W. J. P. S. W. S. S. W. S. J. v. J. v. J v. J- V. 55 8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff 1 Wind velocity Observer direction 1 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer May 16, 1904 May 17, 1004 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles i 20 3-59 J- V. 7 20 5-03 J- V. 30 3-6i N 30 5-05 N 40 3.66 N 50 5-05 2 00 3-69 N 13 8 oo S-o6H N 13 J- V. 3 oo 3-96 N 13 10 5-04 S. W. S. 4 oo 4-32 N 14 20 5-03 5 oo 4.69 N 16 30 S-oo 6 oo 4-93 NNE 16 40 4-95 30 45 7 oo 4-97 4-99 4-90H N N N 14 9 oo 10 00 II OO 4.84 4-53 4.22 NNW NNW NNW 12 13 9 IS 4.98 N 12 OO 3-99 7 30 4.98 N 13 oo 3.82 8 8 oo 4.92 N 15 J- V. IO 3.80 9 oo 4.64 N 13 S. W. S. 20 3-78 10 OO 4-32 N 18 30 3-75L II OO 4.07 N 20 40 3-76 12 IO 3-82 N 15 50 3-77 7 20 3-8o 14 oo 3-8o 7 30 3-8o 10 3-82 40 15 oo 4.02 4 *t v 50 13 oo 10 t'8o 3-8o 3-82 N 19 16 oo 17 oo 18 35 4-23 4.67 4.90 NE ENE 6 6 6 S. W. S. R. R. T. 20 3-82 19 oo 5-05 S. W. S. 14 oo 3 91 N 18 IO 5-07 15 00 4.19 NW 19 20 S-io 16 oo 4-59 16 30 5-ioH 17 oo 4.89 18 S. W. S. 40 S-io 18 oo IO S-io 5-H NW 17 R. R.T. So 20 00 5-o8 5-07 ENE 2 S. W. S. 20 10 5-05 R. R. T. "T 18 21 OO 4-90 ENE 5 40 5-2O 22 OO 4-63 ENE 8 50 5-20H 23 oo 4.10 NE 6 19 oo 5-20 19 R. R. T. 24 oo 3-74 E 5 R. R. T. 10 20 5.19 5-19 S. W. S. Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. I is 14.64 feet at 30 N 18:00. 20 oo 5.09 N 18 S. W. S. 21 OO 4.82 N 16 J. V. May 18, 1904 22 OO 4-38 N ii 23 oo 4.01 N 14 o 50 3-51 S. W. S. 24 oo 3-70 N 10 J. V. I OO 3-47 E 8 10 3-44 May 17, 1904 20 3-42 30 3-40 I OO 3-58 N 8 J. V. 40 IO 3-57 50 3-38 20 3-54 2 OO 3-37L ENE 4 30 3-53 10 3-38 40 3-53L 20 3-39 So 3-54 30 3-40 2 OO 3-56 N 6 40 3-41 10 3-59 3 00 3-49 E 5 20 3-6i 4 oo 3-73 NE 5 3 oo 3-78 8 5 oo 4.12 Calm 4 oo 4-19 NNW 8 6 oo 4-50 N 6 5 oo 4-Si N 12 7 oo 4.72 6 oo 4.80 N ii 20 4-77 7 oo S.oi N 12 30 4.80 10 5-02 N J. V. 40 4.81 S. W. S. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 559 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind y . direction >city Observer May 1 8, 1004 May 19, 1904 // in Peet Miles h in Feet Miles 7 50 4.83 S. W. S. 8 20 4-99 J. v. 8 oo 4.87 NNE 10 30 5.04 W. J. P. IO 4-87H 40 5 o6H W.J. P. 20 4.87 50 5.04 S. W. S. 30 4.86 9 oo 5-04 NE 24 40 4.84 10 5-02 50 4.83 20 5.00 9 oo 4.81 NNE 10 IO OO 4.96 NE 21 10 OO 4.63 N ii II OO 4.61 NE 21 II 00 4.27 NNE 12 12 OO 4-35 NE 13 12 00 4.00 NE II 13 05 4.06 N 7 13 oo 3.8o NE 10 14 oo 3.90 N 14 30 3-71 IO 3.88 40 3-69 20 3-86 50 3.69 30 3-84 14 oo 3.68 N 10 40 3.83 10 3.68L 50 3-83L N 20 3.69 15 oo 3.83 N 16 30 3.70 IO 3.84 40 3-71 20 3.85 50 3-71 30 3.85 15 oo 3.72 N 9 16 oo 3.90 N 17 16 oo 3-99 NW 9 17 oo 4.14 N 17 17 05 4-35 N ii 18 oo 4.48 N 18 18 oo 4.69 N 8 19 oo 4.76 N 18 19 oo 4-95 NW 6 20 oo 4-92 N 15 30 4.98 10 4-93 S. W. S. 40 5.00 20 4-93 R. R. T. 50 5.03 30 4.06 20 00 5.05 NNW 3 S. W. S. 40 4-99 IO 5.06 W. J. P. 50 5-00 20 5-09H 21 00 5-OiH N 17 30 5-o8 10 S.oo 40 5.08 20 S.oo 50 5.o6 30 S.oo 21 00 5-04 W 4 40 4-99 22 OO 4.82 W i 22 OO 4 9i N 16 23 oo 4.42 NE i 23 oo 4.69 N 14 24 oo 4-OS N 7 W. J. P. 24 oo 4.27 N 16 R R. T. May 19, 1904 May 20, 1904 I 00 3.76 N 7 J. v. I 00 3-92 N 13 R. R. T. 30 3.63 2 00 3.64 NNE 10 40 3.60 10 3.58 8 50 3.58 NW 5 20 3-54 2 00 3.58 30 3.52 10 3-55 40 3-50 20 3.54 50 3.50 NW 6 30 3.52 3 oo 3-49 40 3-SoL 10 3-49L 50 3-50 20 3-49 3 oo 3-51 N 4 30 3-50 IO 3.52 40 3-50 20 3 53 4 oo 3-51 NNE 7 30 3-59 N 5 oo 3-71 NNW 4 oo 3-68 NNE 7 6 oo 4.04 NNW 7 5 oo 4.01 N ii 7 oo 4.36 NW 7 6 oo 7 oo 4-37 4.72 N NNE 17 20 8 oo 40 4-63 4-77 N R. R. T. NNW S. W. S 8 oo 4-94 NE 23 50 4.80 IO 4 99 NE J. v. 9 oo 4.82 NE 7 S. W. S. 5 6o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observation at Tepliiz Bay, Rudolph Island Local Reading i virinrl mean of tide j . vvl " u Velocity Observer time staff Local time mean Reading of tide staff Wind vr I direction >city Observer May 20, 1904 May 21, 1904 h m Feet Miles h m Feet Miles 9 10 4.85 S. W. S. IO OO 4-79 NNE 8 S. W. S. 20 4.87 IO 4.8oH 30 4.87 20 4-79 40 4.88 30 4.78 50 4-88H 40 4.78 10 oo 4.87 N 10 So 4-77 10 4.85 II 00 4-77 NE 21 20 4.84 12 OO 4.68 NE 27 30 4.82 13 oo 4-44 NE 25 ii oo 4.76 4 14 oo 4-25 NE 29 12 oo 4.47 NNE 14 15 oo 3-92 24 13 oo 4.20 17 30 3.82 14 oo 3.95 NE 16 40 3.8l 15 oo 3.80 NE 12 SO 3.8o 10 3.79 10 OO 3-79 NE 12 20 3.79 IO 3.78 30 3-78 20 3.78L 40 3-77L 30 3.78 50 3.78 40 3.78 16 oo 3.78 NE 7 50 3-79 10 3.79 17 oo 3-79 E 9 20 3.81 18 oo 3.87 ENE 10 17 oo 3.92 NNE 8 19 oo 4-13 E ii 1800 4.18 NNE 8 20 oo 4-35 E 9 S. W. S. 19 05 4.35 NNE 5 21 OO 4-54 ENE 3 J. V. 20 oo 4.69 NNE S. W. S. 22 OO 4.67 E 12 21 03 4.80 W. J. P. 10 4.68 E 10 4.85 20 4.69 E 20 4.86 30 4.69 NE 3O 4.87 40 4.70 40 4.88 50 4-7IH 50 4.88H W.J. P. 23 oo 4.70 NE 12 2200 4.88 ENE 4 R. R.T. 10 4.69 10 4.88 20 4.67 20 4.87 30 4-63 3 4 81 24 oo 4.58 NE ii J. V. 23 oo 4.72 E 7 24 oo 4.49 E R. R. T. May 22, 1904 May 21, 1904 I OO 4.36 ENE 12 J. V i oo 4.14 ESE 9 R. R. T. 2 OO 3 oo 4-05 ENE ii jr T 2 oo 3.86 ENE 9 4 oo 3^63 ENE ii 3 oo 3.61 E 9 20 3.62 10 3.60 30 3.60 20 3-59 40 3-59 30 3-S9 50 3.60 4 3 58 50 3.56 5 oo IO 3-6o 3-S8L ENE 9 4 oo 3.54L E 9 20 3.60 10 3-56 30 3.6o 20 3.56 40 3.63 30 3-57 50 3.63 40 3-59 5 oo 3.62 E 13 6 oo 3.85 E ii 700 4.10 E 15 800 4.42 SE 13 R. R.T. 9 oo 4.64 SE 9 S. W. S. 6 oo 7 oo 8 oo 9 oo to oo 30 3-66 3.87 4.20 4-39 4.60 4.69 E 9 T. V ENE ii R.R.T. ENE 8 S. W. S. NE M 30 4.76 40 40 4.78 50 4-73 5 4-79 S. W. S. II OO 4 74 NE 24 S. W. S. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabula lion of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocit y Observer May 22, 1004 May 23, 1904 h in Feel Miles h m Feet Miles I 1 IO 4.76 S. W. S. 13 oo 4.64 NNE 12 S. W. S. 20 30 4-77 4-77H 14 oo 15 oo 4.58 4-36 NNE 14 NNE 16 40 4.76 16 oo 4.16 NNE 17 SO 4.76 i 17 oo 3-96 NNE 18 12 OO 4-74 NE 31 10 3-94 1.5 oo 4.61 NE 34 20 3-90 14 oo 4.42 NE 31 30 3.88 S. W. S. 15 oo 4.18 NE 35 40 3.83 R. R. T. ]6 oo 3.98 NE 38 50 3.8o 17 oo 3-86 NE 39 18 oo 3-79 NNE 12 IO 3.84 IO 3-79 20 3.82 20 3.76 30 3-82L 30 3-72L 40 3-86 40 3-73 So 3.86 SO 3-73 18 oo 3-90 NE 37 19 oo 3-74 NE 24 19 oo 3.98 NE 41 10 3-75 20 oo 4.21 39 S. W. S. 20 00 3.8i NNE 23 R. R.T. 21 OO 4.38 NE 40 J. v. 21 OO 3.96 NNE 31 S. W. S. 22 OO 4-54 NE 38 22 OO 4-15 NNE 30 J. V. 2.5 oo 4.60 NE 38 23 oo 4-29 NNE 23 50 4.62 24 oo 4-44 27 J. V. 24 oo -4. ''3 38 J. V. Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. I is 14.67 feet at May 23, 1904 I3:00. O IO 4.64 NE J. v. May 24, 1904 20 4.66 30 4.68H I 00 4-50 NNE 20 J. V. 40 4.67 10 4-51 50 4.67 20 4.52 I 00 10 4.65 4-65 NE 42 30 40 4-53H 4-51 25 30 2 OO 4.62 4.58 4 39 NE NE 45 50 2 00 3 oo 4.50 4-49 4.29 NE 35 38 NNE 28 3 oo 4 oo 5 oo 4.16 3-95 3.82 NE NNE NNE 45 43 44 4 oo 5 oo 6 oo 4-30 3-90 3.76 NNE 31 NNE 25 NNE 17 30 3-77 30 3-70 N 40 3-75 40 3.67 N 50 3-72 50 ? 66 6 oo 10 3-72 3-72L NNE 38 7 oo IO O W 3.65 3-65L N 19 20 3.72 20 3.66 30 3-73 30 3.66 40 3-74 40 3-66 50 3.76 50 3-68 7 oo 8 oo 9 oo 10 00 II OO 3-77 3-97 4.18 4.48 4.56 A- ENE ENE NNE W N 33 28 28 21 13 J. v. S. W. S. 8 oo 9 oo 10 00 II 00 12 OO 3$ 4.03 4-35 4-49 NNE 8 J V NNE 10 6. W. S NNE ii NNE 9 NNE 9 40 4-63 30 4-52 50 12 O5 10 20 4.65 4.66 4.66H 4.66 NNE IO 40 50 '3 oo IO 4-54 4.56 4-59 4.6oH NNE H 30 4-65 20 4-59 40 4 65 30 4-59 50 4.64 S. W. S. 50 4.58 S. W. S. 5 6 2 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer May 24, 1904 h >n Feet Miles 14 00 4-57 NE 13 15 oo 4-51 IS 16 oo 4-31 IS 17 oo 4.06 12 18 oo 3-91 12 30 3-79 40 3-74 50 3.70 19 oo 3-68 NE 10 3-67 Calm 20 3.65 30 3.63 40 3-6i 50 3.58 20 00 3.56 10 10 3.56 20 3.56 30 3-56L 40 3-57 50 3-57 21 OO 3-59 NE 9 IO 3-59 20 3.6o 30 3.61 22 00 3-70 NE 6 23 oo 3.89 ENE 6 24 oo 4.08 E 4 May 25, 1904 o 30 4-13 40 4.19 SO 4.21 I 00 4.26 E 4 10 4.27 20 4.28 30 4.28 40 4.29 50 4 30 2 OO 4.30 ESE 4 IO 4 30 2O 4 31 30 4-3IH 40 4.30 So 4 30 3 oo 4-30 E 5 10 4.30 20 4.29 30 4.28 40 4-25 4 oo 4.20 NE 4 5 oo 4.00 ESE 2 6 oo 3.76 SE 3 7 oo 3.6o ESE 8 50 3.50 8 oo 3 49 SE 9 10 3-49 20 3-45 30 3-45L 40 3 46 50 3-47 May 25, 1904 h m Feet Miles s. w. s. 9 oo 3-47 ESE 12 10 3-49 IO OO 3-59 SE ii ii 05 3.83 SE 13 12 04 4.09 SE 14 s. w. s. 13 oo 4.26 SE 14 W.J. P. 14 oo 4-39 SE 14 10 4.41 2O 4-43 30 4-45 40 4-47 50 4.48H 15 oo 4-47 17 10 4-47 20 4.46 30 4-45 16 oo 4.40 SE 18 17 oo 4.20 SE 16 W. J. P. 18 oo 3-95 SE 16 R. R. T. 19 oo 3-69 SSE 17 20 00 3.48 S 16 10 3-45 20 3.42 30 3-39 40 3.36 50 3-34 R. R. T. 21 00 3-3iL S IS IO 3.31 20 3-33 30 3-34 40 3-34 R. R. T. So 3-35 22 00 3-37 S 17 23 oo 3.50 S 17 24 oo 3-73 S 17 May 26, 1904 I OO 3.78 S i7 2 OO 4.21 S 16 20 4.26 30 4.27 40 4.29 50 4.30 3 oo 4-31 S 14 10 4-32 20 4.32 30 4-35 40 4-35 50 4-39H 4 oo 4-38 S 13 10 4-36 20 4-33 30 4-32 5 oo 4.24 S 14 6 oo 3.98 s 14 R. R. T. S. W. S. S. W. S. 7 oo 8 oo 9 oo IO 3.83 3.65 3-54 3-54 s s SSE 15 16 16 J. v. 20 3-53 J- v. 30 3 53L S. W. S. s. w. s. J. v. J. v. J. v. J. v. s. w. s. s. w. s. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at 1'eplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 563 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer May 1004 h in Feet Mile; g 40 3-55 50 3-55 IO OO 3.58 SE IS 10 3-59 II 00 3.72 SE 17 12 04 3.96 SSE 16 13 oo 4-^4 SE 16 14 oo 4-52 SE 16 15 oo 4-73 SE M IO 4-75 20 4.76 30 4-77 40 4.78 So 4-79 16 oo 4-79H S H IO 4-79 20 4.78 30 4.78 40 4-77 SE 12 17 oo 4-73 SE 12 18 07 4.50 SE 19 oo 4.20 SE 13 20 00 3.92 SE 12 21 00 3.69 SE 12 20 3.63 30 3.6i 40 3.6o 50 3.58 22 OO 3-54 ESE 13 IO 3-53L 22 3-54 30 3-55 40 3-57 50 3-59 12 23 oo 3-59 ESE 13 24 oo 3-71 13 May 27, 1004 I 00 4.00 ESE II 2 00 4.3t SE 12 3 oo 4-57 E 13 30 4.68 40 4.70 50 4-71 15 4 OO 4.7i ENE IO 4-73 20 4.78 30 4.78 40 4.80 50 4.8oH 5 oo 4.80 E 20 IO 4-79 20 4-79 30 4-77 6 oo 4.70 E 20 7 oo 4.42 NE 22 8 oo 4.18 E -'3 9 oo 3.92 E 21 10 00 3.81 E 24 10 3-79 20 3.78 S. W. S. S. W. S. R.R. T. R. R. T. R. R. T. R. R. T. S. W. S. S. W. S. h in 10 30 40 50 11 00 10 20 12 06 13 OO 14 oo 15 oo 16 oo IO 20 30 40 50 17 oo IO 20 30 40 SO 18 oo 10 19 oo 20 oo 21 OO 22 OO 10 20 30 40 50 23 oo 10 20 30 40 5,0 24 oo 1 00 2 OO 3 oo 4 oo 30 40 So 5 oo 10 20 30 40 50 6 oo IO 7 oo 8 oo 9 oo 10 00 Feet 3.78 3-78L 3.78 3-79 3-79 3.8i 4.00 4-25 4-56 4.82 4-99 5-01 03 .04 .04 .01 .05 5 S 5 5 S 5 5.02 5.02 S.oo 4.98 4-9S 4.91 4.64 4-34 3-94 3.69 3.63 3.6l 3.60 3-57 3-55 3.52 3-52L 3-53 3-53 3-53 3.56 3-59 3-79 4. ii 4.41 4.69 4.80 83 87 .00 91 4-9IH 4.91 4.00 4.89 4.86 4-74 4.42 4.14 3-92 May 27, 1904 Miles ESE E E E E 21 21 23 23 22 22 17 15 17 14 10 ESE SE SE 7 May 28, 1904 SE SSE S S\V ssw SE S SE 6 4 6 6 S. W. S. S. W. S. J. v. W. J. P. ) v. W. J. P. T. V. W. J. P. J. v. W. J. P. J. v. S. W. S. S. W. S. R. R. T. R. R. T. R. R. T. R. R. T. S. W. S. S. W. S. 564 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplite Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer 10 20 30 1 OO 2 00 3 oo 4 oo 5 oo IO 20 30 40 , SO 6 oo 10 20 30 40 50 7 oo 10 8 oo. May 28, 1904 h m Feet Miles 11 02 3.80 SE 4 10 3-79 20 3.78 30 3.78 40 3.77 SO 3-77L 12 OO 3-77 SE IO 3-79 Calm 20 3-79 30 3-8i 13 oo 3-92 SE i 14 oo 4.28 SE 5 15 oo 4.70 SE 7 16 oo 5.01 SE 10 17 oo 5.22 SE 12 IO 5-24 20 5.25 30 5-27 40 5-27 SO 5-28H 18 oo 5-27 SE 12 10 5-23 20 5-20 30 5-20 40 5. 18 50 5-12 16 19 oo S-io SE 20 OO 4-72 SE 16 21 OO 4-35 SE 15 22 00 4.00 ESE IS 23 oo 3-75 SE 19 IO 3-71 20 3-69 30 3-66 40 3.6i 50 3.6iL 24 oo 3.61 E 17 May 29, 1904 3 ' 3-62 3.6s 3-71 4.00 4 39 4.78 03 S.o8 I: it 5-20 5.20 5-20 5-20H 5.20 5 20 5.19 5.17 5.14 4.96 ESE E ESE E ENE ESE E SE 14 16 18 20 22 18 12 7 s. w. s. s. w. s. J. v. J. v. s. w. s. R. R. T. R. R. T. R. R. T. May 29, 1904 h m Feet Miles 9 oo 4.60 SE 7 10 oo 4.26 SK 7 II OO 4.06 SE 8 40 3-96 SE 50 3-94 12 00 3-92 SE 10 3-92L 20 3-92 30 3-93 40 3.96 50 3.98 13 oo 4.01 SSE 13 14 oo 4.20 SSE 16 15 oo 4.60 SE 14 16 oo 4-99 SSE II 17 oo 5.20 SE 7 10 5-23 20 5.26 30 5-30 40 5-30 50 5-35 18 oo 5.36 Calm 10 5-36H 20 S.36 30 5-35 40 5-35 50 S-35 19 oo 5-31 2 IO 5.29 20 5.26 20 oo 5.o6 I 21 OO 4.66 E 3 22 00 4.2S E 9 23 oo 3.88 E 13 20 3.82 30 3.8o 40 3.75 50 3-70 24 oo 3.68 E 16 S. W. S. s. w. s. \V. J. P. W. J. P. J. v. J. v. Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. I at 9:00 is 14.69 feet. May 30, 1904 R. R. T. 00 3-68 E i IO 3-66 20 3-64 30 3.62 40 3.62L So 3.64 I 00 3-66 E 16 10 3.67 20 3-69 2 OO 3.8i S 7 3 oo 4.11 ESE 9 4 oo 4.59 ESE 7 5 oo 4.91 SW 4 So 5.14 6 oo 5.15 SW 2 IO S.i8 Calm 20 5.20 J. v. J. v. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation uf tidal observations at Tcplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 565 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer 20 30 40 50 1 00 10 20 30 40 50 2 00 10 2O 30 3 15 4 oo 5 oo 50 6 oo May 30, 1904 h m Feet Miles 6 30 5.22 J. v. 40 5-22 50 5.23 ESE 7 oo 5-23 10 5-25 -'0 5.2711 30 5-24 40 5-22 50 5.20 8 oo 5-iQ \vsw 9 .1. V. g oo 4.88 w 9 s. w. s. 10 oo 4-49 w 9 II OO 4.20 vv 9 12 OO 4.00 w 9 40 3.92 50 3.92 vv 13 oo 3.92 8 20 3-92L 30 3-93 s. w. s. 40 3-95 R. R. T. 50 3-97 R. R. T. 14 oo 4.00 w 8 S. W. S. 15 oo 4-25 ssw 8 16 oo 4.67 w 7 17 oo 5-02 sw 8 18 oo 5-25 sw 12 40 5-34 50 5.36 19 oo 5.36 w 14 10 5.36 20 5-36H 30 5-34 b. W. S. 40 5.30 R. R. T. 50 5.28 S. W. S. 20 oo 5.25 sw '3 21 OO 4.00 sw 14 s. w. s. 22 00 4.46 s 14 J. v. 23 oo 4-05 s 14 24 oo 3-73 13 J. v. 3.65 3.62 3.60 3-59 3-S7 3-54 3-53 3-53L 3-53 3-55 3.58 3.60 3.6i 3.63 3.82 4.12 4-56 4.81 4.8.3 May 31, 1904 SSW SSW SSW SSW SSW SSW 13 II 12 I 12 J. v. J. v. May 31, 1904 h m Feet Mile: 6 10 4.90 20 4.91 30 4-93 to 4.98 50 S-oo 7 oo 5.05 IO 10 5.07 20 5-12 30 5-I2H 40 S-ii So 8 oo 5.09 SSW II 10 5.07 9 oo 4.94 SW 10 10 04 4.61 SW 10 II OO 4.30 SW 8 12 00 4.04 SW 6 40 3.90 13 oo 3.87 10 3.84 20 3.82 30 3-82L 40 3.83 50 3.84 14 oo 3.85 SSW 7 IO 3.86 15 oo 3.96 9 16 oo 4-32 SSE 4 17 oo 4.69 S 4 18 oo 4.91 SW I 40 5-07 50 5.09 19 oo sw 3 10 5-io 20 5-14 30 5-I4H 40 5-13 50 5-13 20 00 S-io SSE I IO 21 00 5.00 3 22 00 4.66 4 23 oo 4-25 2 24 oo 3-97 NE 3 J- V. J. v. s. w. s. s. w. s. W. J. P. W. J. P. R. R. T. At 4 :oo ice pressure about three-quarters of a mile from shore, southeast to northwest direction. 50 1 oo 10 20 30 40 50 2 OO 10 20 30 3.63 3.60 3.58 3-54 3.SI 3.51 3.50 3-49 3-49L 3.50 3-51 June I, 1904 Calm WNW R. R. T. R. R. T. 566 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer June I, 1904 June 2, 1904 li m Feet Miles It m Feet Miles 2 4O 3-52 R. R. T. 3 20 3-54 J- v. So 3 -55 30 3-55 3 oo l 4 oo 3-64 SE K> 4 oo 3-83 SE i 5 oo 4.00 NE 10 5 oo 4.21 E 4 6 oo 4.40 NE 7 6 oo 4-S9 E 4 7 oo 4.70 NNE 7 7 oo 4.80 ENE 3 8 oo 4.90 S -25 30 4 91 10 4-94 40 4-93 20 4-97 SO 4.96 30 4-99 J- v. 8 oo 4.98 E 3 40 4-99H S. W. S. 10 4-99 50 4-99 20 S.ooH R. R. T. 9 oo 4.98 E 20 30 4.98 S. W. S. IO 4-98 40 4-99 20 4.96 50 4.98 IO 00 4-93 E 6 9 oo 4-97 E 7 II 00 4.67 E IO 10 03 4-71 E 6 12 OO 4-39 E 28 II OO 4.40 E 6 13 oo 4.12 E 26 12 OO 4.09 6 14 oo 3-99 32 13 oo 3-83 E 5 IO 3-97 40 3-75 2O 3-95 So 3-73 30 3-93 14 oo 3-71 NE 8 40 3-92 IO 3-71 50 3-92L 20 3-7oL 15 oo 3-93 E 33 30 3-72 10 3-93 40 3-73 20 3-94 50 3-75 30 3-94 15 oo 3-77 NE 10 16 oo 3.98 E 26 16 oo 3.98 NE IO 17 oo 4-24 E 30 17 oo 4-33 ENE 12 18 oo 4-54 12 18 oo 4.69 E 6 19 oo 4.86 21 19 oo 4.84 ESE 4 20 00 4-97 16 40 4-95 IO 4-99 So 4-97 20 4-99 20 00 4.98 W 4 30 5-00 E S. W. S. IO 4-99H S. W. S. 40 S-Oi R. R. T. 20 4.08 J- v. 50 S-Oi 30 4-99 21 OO 5-02 E IS 40 4-99 10 S.OSH So 4.98 20 5-04 21 00 4-97 E 3 30 5-02 IO 4-94 40 S-Oi 20 4.90 50 5-00 22 00 4.78 N 3 22 OO 4-97 E 22 23 oo 4-39 NE 9 23 oo 4.69 E 24 24 oo 3-97 NE 7 J. v. 24 oo 4-33 E 20 R. R. T. June 2, 1904 June 3, 1904 I OO 4.01 12 R. R. T. I OO 3-68 NE 7 J. v. 2 OO 3-79 ENE 23 So 3-54 30 3-70 2 OO 3-53 NE IT 40 3-69 10 3-52 50 3-68 20 3-51 3 oo 3.66 E 27 30 3-50 IO 3-64L 40 3-49L 20 3-66 50 3-49 30 3-67 3 oo 3-51 NE M 40 3-70 10 3-53 J. v. 50 3-70 K. R. T. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS Tabulation of tidal observations at Teplitz Bay, Rudolph Island 567 Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction .-*.-,. Velocity Observer Local mean time Reading of tide staff Wind direction Velocity Observer June 3, 1904 June 3, 1004 // 111 Feet Miles h in Feet Mites 4 oo 3.71 K 23 K. K. T. 15 20 3-95L S. W. S. 5 oo 3 90 ENE 21 30 3.96 6 oo 4.19 NE 23 40 3.96 7 oo 4-55 NE IO 50 3-97 8 oo 4.76 ENE 7 16 oo 3.o8 E 4 30 4.84 R. R.T. 17 03 4.08 E 3 40 4.88 S. W. S. 18 01 4.27 ESE 3 50 4.91 R. R. T. 19 oo 4.56 ESE 9 9 oo 4-94 SE 7 S. W. S. 20 00 4.78 ESE 9 10 4.96 50 4.87 20 4.96H 21 00 4.88 ESE M 30 4-95 10 4.88 40 4-93 20 4.88H 50 4.02 30 4.88 10 00 4 90 N 7 40 4.87 II 00 4.82 s 3 So 4.87 12 00 4-56 ESE 3 22 OO 4.87 E 15 13 oo 4.28 NE 4 IO 4.86 14 oo 4.06 SE 4 2O 4.84 40 3.00 30 4-83 S. W. S. 50 3-99 15 oo 3 99 ESE 5 Tide gauge reading of B. M. No. i at 9:00 is 14.70 IO 3.98 S. W. S. feet. 1 REDUCED READINGS After adjusting the foregoing original readings of the tide staves to a uniform datum both series were plotted on profile paper, and irregularities due to storms or mistakes were smoothed out. The smoothed curves were completed so as to fill small gaps in the record, and were then tabulated as hourly heights of the sea and also as high and low waters, the readings being cut down to tenths of feet, as shown in the following tables of hourly heights of the sea. 5 68 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Hourly heights of tide, Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean May and June, 1904 Day of month .... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i 2 3 4 5 Hours Feel Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet /v,'/ Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet o (6.i) 6.0 5-8 5-4 5-i 5-0 5-3 5-6 5 9 6.1 6.2 6-3 6-4 6.4 6.2 5-9 i (6.2) 6.2 60 5-6 5-i 4-9 5-2 5-3 5-6 5-7 5-9 6.1 6-3 6.4 6.3 6.1 2 (6.3) 6-3 6.2 5-7 5-2 4-9 5-i 5-i 5-4 5-5 56 5-8 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.1 3 (6.2) 6-3 6-3 5-9 5-4 S.i 5-2 5-o 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-4 5-7 6.0 6.1 6.0 4 (6.0) 6.2 6-3 6.0 5-6 5-4 5-4 52 5-3 5-2 5-J 5-3 5-5 5-7 5-9 5-9 5 (5-9) 6.0 6.1 6.1 58 5-6 B-7 5-5 5-5 5-2 S-i 5.i 5-4 5-6 5-6 5-7 6 (5-7) 5-8 6.0 6.1 5-9 S-8 6.0 58 5-8 5..S 5-2 52 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 7 (5-5) 5-6 5-9 6.0 5-9 60 6.3 6.1 6.2 5-8 5-6 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-5 8 (5-5) 5-5 5-7 5-8 5-8 6.1 F. 4 6.4 6.5 6.2 5-9 5-7 5.6 5-6 5-5 5-4 9 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 6.0 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.5 j 6.3 6.0 6.0 5-8 56 5-5 10 5-9 5-7 5-6 5-5 5-5 5-8 6.2 6.6 6.8 67 6.6 6.4 6-3 6.0 5-9 5-7 II 6.2 5-9 5-7 5-5 5-4 5-6 6.0 6.4 6-7 6.8 6.8 6.7 66 6.3 6.1 5-9 Noon 64 6.2 5-9 56 5-3 55 5-8 6.2 64 6-7 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.3 6.1 13 6.6 6-5 6.1 5-7 5-3 5-4 5-7 5-Q 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.5 6-3 14 6.7 6.7 6.3 5-9 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-8 6.0 6.1 6-3 6.4 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.4 IS 6.6 6-7 6.4 6.0 5-7 5-6 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 60 6.1 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 16 6.4 6.6 6.4 6.2 59 5-8 5-8 59 5-8 5-7 58 5-9 6.1 6.2 6.2 6-3 17 6.2 6.4 6-3 63 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5-9 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-9 6.0 6.0 6.1 18 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.1 5.8 5-6 5-6 5-8 5-8 5-9 5-9 19 5-8 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6-3 6-3 64 6-3 5-9^ 58 5.6 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-8 20 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-9 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.5 6. i 6.0 5-8 5-8 5-7 5-6 5-6 21 5-6 5-7 5-6 5-5 5-6 6.0 6-3 67 6.6 6-3 6.2 6.0 5-9 5-7 5-6 5-5 22 5-7 56 5-4 5-3 5-3 5-8 6.1 6.5 6.6 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.1 5-9 5-7 55 23 5-9 57 5-3 5-2 S-i 5-6 5-9 6.2 6-5 6.4 6.4 6-3 6-3 6.1 5-8 5.6 * The values in parentheses are interpolated. Hourly heights of tide, Cape Flora, Franz Jose/ Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued June, 1904 Day of month. .. . 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 J 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Hours Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feel Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet o 5-7 5-5 5-2 5-2 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 6.1 6.4 6-5 6.6 6.6 6.2 6.1 5-8 i 5-9 5-6 5-3 5-2 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-8 6.1 6.2 6.4 6-5 6.4 6.2 6.1 2 6.0 5-7 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-3 53 53 5.6 58 5-8 6.1 6.3 6-3 6-3 6-3 3 6.0 58 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-4 5-3 5-2 5-5 5-6 56 58 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.4 4 5-9 5-8 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-6 5-5 5-4 55 5-5 5-4 5-5 5-7 5-8 6.1 6.4 5 5-8 5-8 57 5-9 6.0 5-9 5-7 5-6 5-6 5-5 5-2 5-3 5-5 5-6 6.0 6.3 6 5-7 5-7 5-7 6.0 6.2 6.2 60 5-8 5-9 5-8 5-3 5-3 5-4 5-5 5.8 6.1 7 5-6 5-6 5-6 6.0 6-3 6.4 6-3 6.2 6.2 6.1 56 5-4 5-4 5-3 5-6 5-9 8 5-5 5-5 5-6 59 6-3 6.5 6-5 6.5 6.6 6.4 5 9 5-7 5-6 5-3 5-5 5-8 9 5-5 5-4 5-5 5-8 6 2 6-5 6.6 6.7 6.9 6.7 6-3 6 i 5-9 5-5 5-6 5-7 10 5-5 5-4 5-4 5-8 6.1 64 65| 6.7 7.0 6-9 6.6 6.4 6.2 5.8 5-7 5-8 ii 57 5-5 54 5-7 6.0 6-3 6.4 6.6 69 7.0 6.8 6.8 6.5 6.1 6.0 5-9 Noon 5-9 5-6 5-5 5-7 5-9 6.1 6.2 64 6.8 6-9 69 6.9 6.8 6.4 6-3 6i 13 6.1 5-7 5-6 5-7 5-9 6.0 6.0 6.2 6.5 6.7 6.7 6-9 69 6.6 6.6 6.4 14 6.2 5-9 5-8 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-9 6.1 6-3 6.4 6.4 6.7 6.7 6-7 67 6.6 15 6-3 6.0 5-9 6.0 6.0 6.0 5-8 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 63 6-5 6.6 6.7 6.7 16 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.r 6.1 5-9 6.0 6.1 6.0 5-9 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.6 6.7 17 6.1 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.1 5-9 5-8 5-8 5-9 5-9 6-3 6.6 18 5-9 5.8 6.0 6-3 6-3 6.4 6.2 6.4 6.3 6.0 5-7 5-6 5-6 5-7 6.0 6-3 19 5-7 5-7 5-9 6.2 6-3 6-5 6.4 6-5 6-5 6.2 5-8 5-6 5-5 5-5 5-8 6.0 20 5.6 55 5-7 6.1 6-3 6-5 6.5 6.6 6-7 6-3 b.o 5-7 55 5-4 5-6 5-8 21 5-5 5-4 5-6 5-9 6.1 6-3 6.4 6.7 6.8 6.5 6.2 5-9 5-7 5-4 5.5 56 22 5-4 5-2 5-4 5 7 5-9 6.1 6-3 6.7 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 5-9 5-6 5-5 5-5 23 5-4 5-2 5-3 5-5 5-7 5-9 6.0 6.4 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.4 6.1 5.8 5-6 5-4 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 569 Hourly Iieights of tide, Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued June and July, 1904 Day of month .... 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hours Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet 5-6 5-4 5-2 5-2 5-4 5-7 6.t 6.3 6.7 6.9 6.5 6-3 6-3 6.0 5-9 5-9 I 5-8 5-5 5-2 5-1 5-3 5-5 5-8 6.1 6.4 6.8 6-5 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.0 6.1 2 6.0 5-7 5-3 5-i 5-2 5-3 5.6 5-8 6.2 6-5 6-3 6.4 6-4 6-3 6.1 6-3 3 6.2 59 55 5-3 5-2 5-2 5-4 5-7 6.0 6.2 6.1 6.2 63 6-3 6.2 6.4 4 6.4 6.1 58 5-6 5-4 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-8 6.0 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2 6-5 5 6.4 6-3 6.0 5-9 5-7 5.6 5-5- 5-6 5-7 5 9 5-7 5-8 5-9 6.0 6.1 6-5 6 6-3 6-3 6.2 6.1 6.0 59 5-8 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-6 5-7 5.8 5-9 6.0 6-5 7 6.2 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 6.2 6.r 6.0 6.0 6.0 5-6 5-6 5-8 5-8 5-9 6.4 8 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.4 6-5 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.2 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-9 6.4 9 5-9 6.0 6.1 63 6-5 6-7 6.7 6-7 6.6 6.5 6.1 5-9 5-9 5-8 5-9 6-3 10 5-8 5-9 59 6.2 6.4 6.8 6-9 7.0 6-9 6.8 6.4 6.2 6.1 6.0 5-9 6-3 II 5-9 5-8 5-8 6.0 6-3 6.6 6.9 7-i 7.2 7-i 6.6 6-5 6-3 6.1 6.1 6.4 Noon 6.0 5-8 5-7 5-9 6.1 6.4 6.7 7-0 7-1 7-1 6.8 6.7 6.5 6.4 6-3 6-5 13 6.2 5-9 5-7 5-7 5-9 6.2 6-5 6.8 7.0 7-0 6-9 6-9 6.7 6.5 6.5 6.6 14 6.4 6.0 5-8 5-7 5-8 6.0 6-3 6-5 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.6 6.8 15 6-5 6.2 6.0 5-8 5-7 5-9 6.1 6-3 6-5 6-5 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.6 6.6 6-9 16 6.6 6-3 6.1 6.0 5-8 5-9 6.0 6.2 6-3 6-3 6.2 6-4 6-5 6.5 6.6 6.9 17 66 6.4 6.2 6.1 6.0 6.0 C Q 6.1 62 6 I 60 6 i 6 2 6 ; 6 5 6 8 A / 18 6.4 64 6.3 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.2 5-9 5-8 5-9 6.0 6.1 6-3 6.7 19 6.1 6.2 6-3 6-3 6-3 6.3 6.2 6-3 6.2 5-8 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-9 6.2 6-5 20 59 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.4 6.5 6.4 5-9 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 6.0 6-3 21 5.7 5-7 5-9 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.6 6-7 6.6 6.1 5-9 5.8 5-7 5-6 5-9 6.1 22 5-5 5-4 5-6 6.0 6.2 6.5 6.6 6.8 6.8 6-3 6.1 5-9 5.8 5-6 5-8 6.0 23 5-4 5-3 54 5-7 6.0 63 6.5 6.8 6-9 6.4 6.2 6.0 5-9 5-7 5-8 5-9 Hourly heights of tide, Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued July, 1904 Day of month .... 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 i? 18 19 20 21 22 23 Hours Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet 6.0 5-8 5.8 5-9 6.0 6.2 6.5 6.7 6-9 7-1 (6.8) 6.4 5-9 5-7 5-6 56 i 6.0 5.8 5-7 5.8 5-8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.7 6.9 (6.8) 66 6.2 5-9 5-8 5-6 2 6.1 6.0 5-7 5-6 5.6 5-7 5-9 6.1 6.4 6.7 (6.6) 6.7 6-4 6.2 6.0 5-8 3 6-4 6.1 5-9 5-7 5-6 5-6 5-7 5-8 6.2 6-5 (6.5) 6.5 6.4 6-3 6.2 6.1 4 6.5 6.4 6.1 6.0 57 5.6 5.6 56 5-9 6.2 (6.3) 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 5 6.6 6-5 6-3 6-3 6.0 5-8 5-7 5-6 5-7 6.0 (6.1) 6.1 6.2 6-3 6-5 6-5 6 6.7 6.6 6.6 6-5 6.4 6.2 6.0 5-7 5-7 5-9 (5-9) 6.0 5-9 6.2 6-5 6.6 7 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.8 65 6-3 6.0 5-9 6.0 (5-8) 5-8 5-8 6.1 6-5 6.7 8 6.5 6.6 68 6.9 7.0 69 6.7 6.4 6-3 6-3 (5-9) 5-7 5-8 6.0 6-3 6.6 9 6.5 6.6 6-7 6-9 7.i 7-1 7.0 6.8 6-7 (6.6) 6.2 5-9 5-7 6.0 6.2 6-5 10 6.4 6.5 6.7 6-9 7.2 7.2 7-2 7-i 7.0 (6.9) 6.5 6.1 5-8 5-9 6.2 6.4 II 6.4 6.4 6.5 6-7 7.0 7.2 7.2 7-3 7-3 (7-2) 6.8 6.4 6.0 6.0 6.2 6.4 Noon 6.5 6-3 6.4 6.6 6.8 6.9 7-1 7-3 7-4 (7-3) 7-1 6.6 6.3 6.2 6.2 6-3 13 6.6 6-3 6-3 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 7-i 7-3 (7-4) 7-2 6.8 6-5 6.4 6-3 6-3 14 6.7 6.4 6-3 6-4 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.8 7.0 (7-2) 7.2 6-9 6-7 6.6 6.5 6.4 15 6.7 6.5 6.4 6-3 63 6-3 6-3 6-5 6.7 (6.9) 6-9 6.8 6.8 6-7 6.7 6-5 16 6.8 6.6 6-5 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.4 (6.6) 6.6 6.0 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.6 17 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.5 63 6.1 6.1 6-3 (6.4) 6-3 6-3 6.4 6.6 6.8 68 18 6.8 6.7 6-7 6.7 6.7 6-5 6.3 6.1 6.2 (6.2) 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.4 6.7 6.8 19 6.6 6.6 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.2 (6.0) 5-8 5-7 5-9 6.1 6-5 6.8 20 6.4 6.4 6.7 6.8 69 6.8 6.7 6-5 6-3 (6.0) 5-7 5-6 5-6 5-9 6.2 6.6 21 6.2 6.2 6-5 6-7 6.9 6.9 6.8 6.7 6-5 (6.1) 5-8 5-4 5-5 5-8 6.0 6.4 22 6.1 6.0 6-3 6.5 6.7 6.9 6.9 6-9 6.8 (6.3) 6.0 5-6 5-4 5-6 5-9 6.2 23 5-9 5-9 6.1 6-3 6.5 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.0 (6.6) 6.2 5-7 5-5 5-5 5-8 6.0 * The values in parentheses are interpolated. 37 57 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLKR mi, AH EXPEDITION Hourly heights of tide, Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued July and August, 1904 Day of month 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 3i i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours /Trf Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Fed Feet Feet Feet feet Feet Feet o 5-9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6-5 6.6 6-7 6.5 6.4 6.4 6.6 6.6 6.1 5-9 5-6 5-7 i 5-9 5-8 5-9 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.6 68 6.8 6.3 6.1 5-8 5-7 2 6.0 58 5-8 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.2 65 6.8 6.9 6.6 6-3 6.0 5-8 3 6.1 59 5-3 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-9 5-9 6.0 6.3 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.4 6.1 6.0 A 6.3 6.0 5-9 5-7 5-7 58 5 7 5-7 i 6.2 6.? 6.7 6.6 6-5 6.2 62 *t 5 6.6 6.2 6.1 5-9 5-7 5-7 5-6 5-6 5-7 6.1 6.4 6.6 6.5 6.5 6-3 6.4 6 6.8 6.5 6.4 6.2 6.0 5-8 5-7 5-5 5-6 5-9 6-3 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.5 7 7.0 6.8 6.7 6.5 6.3 6.1 5-9 5-6 5-6 5-9 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.4 6.6 8 7-i 6.9 7-0 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 5-8 5-8 6.0 6-3 6-3 6.4 6-3 6.4 6'7 9 7.0 7.0 7-1 7.0 6.9 6.7 6-5 6.1 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.3 6-3 6.2 6-3 6.6 10 6.9 6.9 7-i 7-1 7-1 70 6.8 6.4 6-3 6.5 67 6.4 6.4 6.2 62 6.5 ii 6.8 6.8 7.0 7-i 7-1 7-2 6-9 6.7 6.6 6.7 6.9 6.6 6.6 6.1 6.0 6.4 Noon 6 6 6 6 6.8 6.0 7 7 I 7.0 6.8 6.8 6.9 7.1 6.8 6 7 6.2 6.0 6 \ !3 6.5 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.8 7.0 7.2 6.9 6.8 6.4 6.2 6-3 14 6-5 6-3 6.4 6.5 6-5 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.7 6.9 7-2 7.0 6.9 6.5 6-3 6-4 15 66 6-3 6-3 63 6-3 6-3 6-3 6.2 6-5 6.8 7.1 7.0 6.9 6.6 6.4 6.5 16 6.7 6.4 6.2 62 6.1 6.1 60 6.0 6.2 6-5 6.9 6.8 6.8 6.6 6-5 6.6 17 6.8 6.6 6-3 6.2 6.0 6.0 5-9 5-8 6.0 6.2 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.5 6.5 6.7 18 6-9 6-7 6.4 6-3 6 i 6.0 5-8 5-6 5-8 6.1 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.7 19 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.5 6-3 6.1 5-8 5-6 5-7 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6-3 6.6 20 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.7 6-5 6-3 6.0 5-8 5-8 5-9 6.1 6.0 6.0 60 6.1 6-5 21 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.6 6-5 6.2 5-9 5-9 6.0 6.1 5-8 5-8 5.8 6.0 6.3 22 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.8 6-7 6.6 6.4 6.1 D.I 6.2 6.2 5-8 5-8 5-7 5-8 6.1 23 6.2 6-4 6.4 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.5 6-3 6-3 6.4 6.4 6.0 5-8 5-6 57 5-9 Hourly heights of tide, Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean --Continued August, 1904 Day of month .... 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 i? 18 '9 20 21 22 23 24 Hours Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet o 5-7 5-7 5-5 5-9 6.2 60 6.0 60 6.0 5-8 5-7 5-4 5-3 5-4 5-3 5-3 i 5-7 55 52 5-6 58 5-8 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.0 5-7 5-4 5-4 5-2 5-2 2 57 5-4 5-0 5 3 5-5 54 5-7 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.1 5-9 5-5 5-5 5-2 5-0 3 5-9 5-4 5-0 5-0 5- 2 5 2 5-3 5-6 6.1 6-3 6-3 6.0 5-7 5-6 5-3 5 o 4 6.1 5-6 5-2 4-9 5- 1 4-9 5-0 5-4 5-8 6.2 6-3 6.1 5-9 5-8 5-5 5-2 5 63 5-9 5-4 5-2 5- 1 4.8 4-9 5-2 5-6 6.0 6-3 6.2 6.1 60 5-7 5-4 6 6-5 6.2 5-6 5-5 5-3 4-9 4.8 5-1 5-5 5-8 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.0 57 7 6.6 6.4 6.0 5-8 5-6 5-0 5-0 5-0 5-4 5-7 5-9 6.1 6.2 6-3 6.1 6.0 8 6.7 6.5 6-3 6.2 59 55 52 5-1 5-4 5-6 s8 6.0 6.1 6-3 6.2 6.1 9 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.2 5-9 5-6 54 5-6 57 5-8 5-9 6.0 6.2 6.2 6-3 10 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.2 5-9 5-8 58 58 5-8 5-8 5-9 6.0 6.0 6.2 ii 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.5 6-3 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.0 5-9 5-9 5-8 5-9 5-9 6.0 Noon 6-3 6.2 6.1 6.2 64 6-3 6-4 6-3 6-3 6.2 6.0 6.0 5-8 5-8 5-7 5.8 '3 6.2 6.0 5-9 5-9 6 i 6.1 6.3 6.4 6-5 64 6.2 6.1 5-8 5-7 5-6 5-6 14 6.1 5-8 5-7 5-6 5-7 5-7 6.0 6-3 6-5 6.5 6.3 6.2 5-9 5-7 5-4 5-5 15 6.2 5-7 5-5 5-4 53 5-3 56 6.0 6-3 6.5 6.4 6-3 6.0 5-7 5-4 5-4 16 6-3 58 5-5 5-2 5-2 5-0 5-2 5.6 6.0 6-3 6-3 6-3 6.1 5,8 5-5 5-4 17 6.4 5-9 5-7 5-3 5-0 4-8 5-0 5-3 5-7 6.1 62 6-3 6.2 6.0 5-7 5-5 18 6-5 6.1 5-8 5-5 5 4.6 4-8 5-0 5-4 5-8 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.0 5-8 5-7 19 6-5 6.2 6.1 5-7 5-2 4.8 4-7 4-9 5 2 5-6 5-7 5-9 6.1 6.1 5-9 5-8 20 65 6.2 6-3 6.0 5-5 5-0 4-9 4-9 5-1 5-4 5-5 5-7 5-9 6.0 6.0 6.0 21 6.4 6.2 6.4 6.2 5-8 5-3 5-2 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-4 5-5 5-7 5-9 5-9 6.1 22 6.2 6.1 6.4 6-3 6.0 5-6 5-5 5-4 5-3 5-3 5-3 5-4 5.6 5-6 5-7 6.0 23 5.9 5-8 6.2 6-3 6.0 5-9 5-8 5-7 5-6 55 5.3 5-3 5-5 5-4 5-5 5-8 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 57' Hourly heights of tide. Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Concluded August and September, 1904 Day of month . 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i i 2 Hours Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Fed Feet Fed 5-5 5-9 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.2 (6.0) I 5-3 5-7 5-9 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 *(6.2) (6.2) 2 5- 2 5-5 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-9 5-9 (6.1) (6.2) 3 5-i 5-4 5-5 5-6 5.6 5-6 5-8 (5-9) (6.1) 4 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-4 5-5 5-6 (5-7) (5-9) 5 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-3 5-4 5-5 (5-5) (5-7) 6 5-6 5-8 5-7 5-4 5-4 5-3 5-4 (5-4) (5-5) 7 5-9 6.1 5-9 5-7 5-6 5-5 5-4 (5-4) (5-4) 8 6.2 6-3 6.2 6.0 5-8 5-6 5-6 (5-5) (5-4) 9 6-3 6-5 6.5 6.2 6.0 5-8 5.8 (5-7) (5-5) 10 6.4 6.6 6.7 6.5 6.2 6.1 6.0 (5-9) (5-7) ii 6-3 6.6 6.8 6.6 6.4 6-3 6.2 (6.0) (5-9 ' Noon 6.1 6-4 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.4 (6.2) (6.1) 13 5-9 6.2 6-3 6.4 6-3 6.3 6.4 (6.4) (6.2) 14 5-6 5-9 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.1 6-3 (6.4) (6.4) 15 5-5 5-7 -5-8 5-7 5-7 58 6.1 (6.2) (6.41 16 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-5 5-5 5-5 5-8 (6.0) (6.1) 17 5-6 5-6 5-5 5-4 5-3 5-3 5-6 (57) (5-8) 18 5-7 5-7 5-6 5-3 5-2 5-2 5-4 '5-4) (5-6) '9 5-9 5-9 5-8 5-5 5-3 5-2 5-4 (5-3) (5-4) 20 6.1 6.1 6.0 5-7 5-5 5-3 5-5 (5-3) (5-3) 21 6-3 6.2 6.2 5-9 5-7 5-6 5-7 (5-5) (54) 22 6.3 6.4 6-3 6.0 5-9 5-8 5-9 (5-7) (5-5) 23 6.1 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 (5-9) (5-7) 1 The values in parentheses are interpolated. 572 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Hourly heights of tide, Teplitz Bay, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean April, 1904 Day of mouth .... I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 M 15 16 Horns Feet Feel Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet *(3-o) 3-2 3-6 3-9 4.2 4-5 4-5 4-4 4-2 42 4-2 4.0 4.0 3-9 3-7 3-9 I (2-9) 3-o 3-3 3.6 3-9 4.2 4.2 4-2 4.2 4-3 4.3 4-2 4.2 4.0 3-8 3-8 2 (3-o) 3-o 3-1 3-4 3-7 3-8 3-9 4.0 4.1 4-3 4.4 4-3 4-4 4-3 4.0 3-9 3 (3-4) 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 4.0 4-2 4.5 4-5 4.6 45 4.4 4-2 4 (3-8) 3-7 3-5 3-5 3.6 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-9 4.i 4.5 4.6 4-7 4-8 4-7 4-7 5 (4-2) 4.1 4.0 3-8 3.8 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-9 4-4 4.6 4.8 5-o 4-9 5-o 6 (4-5) 4-5 4-4 4-2 4-2 3-8 3-6 3-5 3-6 3-8 4-2 4-4 4.8 5-o 5-i 5-2 7 (4-7) 4-7 4-7 4-5 4.6 4.0 3-8 3-6 3-6 3-8 4-i 4-3 4.6 4-9 5-0 5-2 8 (4-7) 4-7 4-9 4-7 4-9 4-3 4.0 3-8 3-7 3-7 4.0 4.1 4-5 4-7 4-9 5-i 9 (4-4) 4.6 4.8 4-8 5-o 4-5 4-i 3-9 3-8 3-8 3-9 3-9 4.2 4-4 4-6 4.8 10 (4-1) 4 2 4-5 4-7 4-9 4-6 4-3 4.1 3-9 3-8 3-9 3-8 4.1 4.1 4-2 4-4 II (3-8) 3-7 4-1 4-4 4-7 4-5 4.4 4-2 4.0 4.0 4.0 3-8 4.0 4.0 4.0 4-i Noon (3-5) 3-4 3-7 4.1 4-3 4-4 4.4 4-2 4.1 4.1 4.1 3-9 4.0 3-9 3-9 3-9 13 (3-2 3-2 3-5 3-7 4.0 4.1 4-2 4.2 4.2 4-3 4.2 4.1 4-1 4.0 3-9 3-8 14 3-2 3-* 3-3 3-4 3-8 3-9 4.0 4-i 4-2 4-4 4-4 4-3 4-3 4.2 4.1 3-9 15 (3-5) 3-4 3-4 3-3 3-6 3-7 3-8 4.0 4-1 4-4 4-5 4-5 4.6 4-5 4-4 4-2 16 (4.0) 3-7 3-7 3-5 3-7 3-6 3-7 3-9 4.0 4-4 4-6 4-7 4.8 4-7 4-7 4-5 17 4-5 4.2 4.0 3-7 3-9 3-7 3-6 3-8 3-9 4-3 4.6 4-7 4-9 4-9 5-0 4.8 18 4-7 4-5 4-4 4.1 4-2 3-8 3-7 3-7 3-8 4-2 4-5 4.6 4-9 5-o 5-2 5-0 19 4.8 4.8 4-8 4-5 4-5 4-1 38 3-8 3-8 4.1 4-3 4-4 4.8 4-9 5-2 5-1 20 4.8 4-9 5-o 4.8 4.8 4-3 40 3-9 3-8 4.0 4.1 4-2 4-5 4-7 5-i 4-9 21 4-5 4-7 5-o 4-9 4-9 4-5 42 4.0 3-8 4.0 4.0 4-o 4.2 4-4 4-8 4-6 22 4.0 4-4 4-7 4-9 4-9 4-6 4-3 4-1 3-9 4.0 3-9 3-9 4-1 4.0 4-4 4-3 23 3-5 3-9 4-3 4-6 4.8 4.6 4-4 4.2 4.0 4.1 3-9 3-9 3-9 3-8 4-1 3-9 *The values in parentheses are interpolated. Hourly heights of tide, Teplitz Bay, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued April, 1904 Day of month .... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 Hours Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feel Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet. Feet Feet Feet o 3-6 4.0 3-9 4-2 4-5 4-4 4-4 43 4.1 3-9 3-7 3-5 3-2 2.9 i 3-5 3-7 3-6 3-9 4.1 4-i 4-1 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.0 3-7 3-2 2-9 2 3-5 3-7 3-4 3-8 3-9 3-9 3-9 4.1 42 4-2 4-2 4.0 3-5 3-2 3 3-8 3-8 3-4 3-7 3-8 3-7 3-7 3-9 4.i 4.2 4-4 4-3 3-9 3-5 4 4.2 4.1 3-6 3-8 3-8 3-6 3-5 3-7 3-9 4-2 4-4 4-4 4.2 4-o 5 4-5 4-5 3-9 4.1 3-9 3-6 3-4 3-6 3-8 4.1 4-4 4-5 4-5 4-3 6 4.8 4-9 4-2 4.4 4.2 3-8 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-9 4-2 4-4 4.4 4-5 7 5-o 5-1 4-5 4-8 4-5 4.0 3-6 3-5 3-5 3-7 4.0 4-3 4-3 4-5 8 5-0 5-2 4.6 5-o 4-7 4-3 3-8 3-6 3-5 3-5 3-8 4.0 4.1 4-4 9 4.8 5-1 4.6 5-2 4-9 4-5 4.0 3-8 3-5 3-4 36 3-7 3-7 4-0 10 4-5 4-9 4-5 5-1 5-0 4-5 4-2 4.0 3-7 3-5 3-4 3-5 3-4 3-6 ii 4-2 4-5 4.2 4.8 4.8 4.6 4-3 4-i 3-9 3-7 3-5 3-4 3-2 3-3 Noon 4.0 4-2 3 '?- 4-5 4.6 4-4 4-3 4-2 4.0 3-9 3-7 3-5 3-1 3-1 13 3-8 4.0 3-6 4-3 4-3 4-2 4-2 4-3 4.2 4.1 4.0 3-7 3-2 3-1 14 3-8 3-9 3-5 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.1 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-2 4.0 3-5 3-4 15 4.0 3-9 3-5 4.0 3-9 3-8 3-9 4-i 4-3 4.4 4-5 4-3 3-9 3-7 16 4-3 4.2 3-6 40 3-9 3-7 3-7 3-9 4-2 4.4 4.6 4-6 4-2 4.1 17 4-7 4-5 4.0 4-3 4.0 3-6 3-6 3-8 4.0 4-3 4.6 4-7 4-5 4-4 18 5-0 4.8 4-4 4-5 4-2 3-7 3-6 3-7 3-8 4-2 4-5 4-7 46 4-6 19 5-1 5-o 4-7 4-8 4-4 3-9 3-7 3.6 3.6 3-9 4-2 4-4 4-5 4-7 20 5-2 S-i 4-9 5-0 4-6 4-1 3.8 3-6 3-5 3-7 3-9 4.0 4-2 4-5 21 5-0 5-o 4-9 5-1 4-7 44 4.o 37 34 35 3-6 3.6 3-9 4.2 22 4-6 4-7 4.8 S-o 4-8 4-5 4.2 3-9 3-5 3-5 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-8 23 4-3 4-2 4-5 4.8 4-7 45 4-3 4.o 3-7 3.6 3-4 3.1 3-1 3-5 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 573 Hourly heights of tide, Teplitz Bay, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued May, 1904 Day of month. . . . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 Hours Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet o 3-i 3-6 3-9 4.2 4.4 4-4 4.4 4-2 4-1 4.0 3.8 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-4 3-6 I 3-o 3-4 3-6 3-9 4.1 4.2 4-2 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.0 3-8 3-7 3-8 3-5 3-5 2 3-i 3-3 3-4 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-9 4.0 4i 4.1 4.1 4.0 4-o 4-0 3-7 3-7 3 3-3 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-8 4-0 4-1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4-3 4.0 4-0 4 3-8 3-8 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-8 4-0 4-2 4-3 4-4 4.6 4-3 4-3 5 4-2 4-3 4.1 3-9 3-8 3-6 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-9 4-1 4-3 4-5 4.8 4.6 4-7 6 4-5 4.6 4-5 4-3 4-1 3-8 3-6 3-5 3-6 3-8 4.0 4.2 4-5 4.8 4-8 49 7 4-7 4-9 4-7 46 43 4.0 3-7 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-8 4.0 4-3 4-7 4.8 5-0 8 4-7 5-o 4-9 4-9 4.6 4-2 3-9 3-7 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-8 4-i 4-5 4-7 4-9 9 4-4 4-9 5-o 5-0 4.8 4-4 4-1 3-9 3-7 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-9 4-2 4-3 4-6 10 4.1 4-5 4.8 5.o 4.8 4-6 4-2 4.0 3-8 3-7 3-6 3-6 3-8 4-0 4.0 4-3 II 3-7 4.2 45 4.8 4.8 4-6 4-3 4.1 3-9 3-8 3-7 3-6 3-7 3-9 3-8 4-1 Noon 3-5 3-9 4i 4-5 4-6 4-5 4-3 4.2 4-i 4.0 3-8 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-7 3.9 13 3-3 3-7 39 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-2 4-3 4.2 4.1 4.o 3-9 4.0 3-9 3-7 3-8 14 3-4 3-7 3-7 4.0 4.1 4-1 4-i 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-2 4.2 4.2 4-2 4.0 3-9 15 3-7 38 3-7 39 3-9 3-9 3-9 4.1 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-4 4-4 4-2 16 4.1 4-1 3-9 4.0 38 3-8 3-8 4.0 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-5 4-8 4.6 4-7 4-6 17 4-5 44 4-2 4 2 4.0 3-7 3-7 3-8 4.0 4.1 4.2 4-5 5-0 49 4-9 4-9 18 4.8 4-7 4-5 4.4 4-i 3-8 3-6 3-7 3-9 3-9 4-1 4.4 4-9 5-0 5-i 5-1 19 5.o S.o 48 4.7 43 4.0 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-2 4.6 4.8 5-1 5-3 20 5-o 5-1 5- 4-9 4-5 4-2 3-8 3-8 3-6 3-6 3-7 4.0 4-3 4-5 4-9 5-1 21 4-7 5-o 5-0 5-0 4-7 4-3 4.0 3-9 3-7 3-6 36 3-7 4-i 4.1 45 4-8 22 4-3 4-7 4-9 5-0 4-7 4-4 4.1 4.0 3-8 3-6 3-5 3-6 3-8 3-8 4.2 4-4 23 3-9 4-4 4.6 4.8 46 4-5 4-2 4.1 3-9 3-7 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-8 4.0 Hourly heights of tide, Teplitz Bay, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Concluded May, 1904 Day of month '7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hours Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet Feet 3-7 3-7 4.0 42 4-4 4-5 4.6 4-4 4.0 3-7 3-6 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 I 3-6 3-4 3-7 39 4 i 4-3 4.6 4-5 4.2 3-9 3-9 3-7 3-6 3-6 3-5 2 3-5 3-3 3-5 3-6 3-8 4.o 4-3 4-4 4-3 4.2 4-2 4.0 39 3-8 3-5 3 3-8 3-5 3-5 3-4 36 3-7 4.1 4.2 4-2 4-3 4-5 4-3 4-3 4.1 3-8 4 4-2 3-7 3-7 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-9 4-0 4-1 43 4-7 4.6 4-7 4-5 4-1 5 4-5 4-1 40 3-7 3-6 3-5 3-8 3-8 3-9 4.2 47 4-8 5-0 4-9 4-5 6 4.8 4-5 4-3 4-o 3-8 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-7 4.0 4.6 4.8 5-i 5-1 4.8 7 5-0 4-7 4-7 4-3 4.0 3-8 3-7 3-6 3-5 3-8 4.4 4-7 5-1 5-2 5-0 8 5-0 4.8 4-9 4-6 4-3 4.1 3-9 36 3-4 3-6 4.i 4-4 4-9 5-1 5-1 9 4-8 4.8 S-o 4.8 4.6 4-3 4-1 3-8 3-4 3-5 3-9 4.1 4-5 4-8 4-9 10 4-5 4.6 4-9 4-8 4-7 4.6 4-3 4.0 3-5 3-5 3-7 39 4-2 4-5 4-6 ii 4.2 4-2 4.6 47 4-7 4-7 4-5 4.2 3-8 3-7 3-7 3-7 4.0 4-1 43 Noon 4.0 4-0 4-3 4-4 4.6 4-7 4.6 4-4 4.0 3-9 3-9 3-7 3-9 4.o 4-0 13 3-8 3-8 4.o 4-2 44 4.6 4.6 4-5 4-2 4-2 4.2 3-8 3-9 3-9 3-8 H 3-8 3-6 3-9 3-9 4-2 44 4-5 4-5 4-3 4-5 4-5 4-2 4-1 40 3-8 15 4.0 3-7 3-8 3-8 39 4-1 4-3 4.4 4-4 4-7 4.8 4-6 4-5 4-2 3-9 16 4-3 4.0 3-9 3-7 3-7 39 4-' 4-2 4-3 4-7 4-9 4.9 4-9 4.6 4-3 17 4-5 4-3 4-1 3-9 3-7 3-8 3-9 4.0 4.1 4-7 5-o 5 2 5-1 5-0 4.6 18 4-8 4.6 4-4 4-1 3-8 3-8 3-7 3-8 3-9 4-5 4.8 5-2 5-3 5-3 4-9 '9 5-0 49 4-7 4-4 4-1 3-9 3-7 3-6 3-6 4-2 4-6 5.0 5-2 5-3 5-1 20 5-1 50 4-9 4.6 4-3 4-i 3-8 35 34 3-9 4-2 4-6 5.0 5-2 5-1 21 49 5-0 5-0 4.8 4-5 4-3 3-9 3-5 3-2 3-6 3-9 4-3 4.6 4-9 5-0 22 4-5 4.8 4-9 4.8 4.6 4-5 4-1 3-6 3-3 3-5 3-6 3-9 4-2 44 4.6 23 4.1 4-4 4.6 4-7 4-7 4.6 4-2 3-8 3-4 3-5 3-4 3-7 3-8 4.0 4-2 574 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION REDUCTION OF TIDES The above hourly heights of the sea were discussed by the harmonic analysis, the process being essentially similar to that outlined by Prof. George H. Darwin, in the report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, for the year 1883, and hence not neces- sary to reproduce here. The amplitudes (//) or semi-ranges of the components expressed in feet, and their epochs (A;) or component-tidal intervals expressed in degrees, as given in the table, have been corrected by a process for eliminating the small residual effect of one compo- nent upon another. HARMONIC CONSTANTS Cape Fiora. Results from 104^ days, May 21, oh to September 2, uh, 1904, mean local civil time. Symbol Name of component Speed per solar hour Ampli- tude H Epoch K A o Feet 6 076 K, Luni-solar diurnal . . . . 15.0410686 0.224 2Q.Q K 2 Li M, Luni-solar semidiurnal Smaller lunar elliptic semidiurnal. . Principal lunar series ..... 30.0821374 29.5284788 28.9841042 0.039 0.015 0.435 333-3 296.8 278.8 M, Principal lunar series ... 57.9682084 0.006 189.3 M. 86.9523126 0.008 161.8 N 2 O, Larger lunar elliptic semidiurnal. . . Lunar diurnal 28.4397296 1-1.0410^6 0.083 0.07-* 245-1 47. p. Solar diurnal 14.9589314 0.074 20 Q S, 30 ooooooo o. I4S ^V* u, Variational 27.9682084 O.OIO 224.4 l. Larger lunar evectional. . 28 5125830 0.016 240 6 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 575 Tcplitz Bay. Results from 58 days, April i, oh to May 28, 2^h, 1904, mean local civil time, to which is added the results obtained by the expedition of the Duke of Abruz/.i, 1899- 1900, as taken from the scientific results of tits polar expedition, published in Milan, 1903. Symbol Ziegler Expedition Duke of Abruzzi Ampli- tude H Epoch K Ampli- tude // Epoch K, A. K, Feet 4.133 0. 101 Feet 1.407 0.092 "3 25.6 K, L, M, 0.056 0.019 0.509 229 2 I97.I I 7 8o 0.049 230.0 0.472 168.4 M 4 0-005 356.7 M 6 N 2 0, 0.004 0.097 0.042 264.5 154-8 49.2 0.052 354-4 P, 0.033 25 -6 0.030 "3 s, ft "2 0.208 O.OI2 O.Oig 229.2 126.9 157-9 o 174 230 o The titles discussed by the Duke of Abruzzi consisted of three short series September 19 to October 17, 1899, March 16 to April 3, 1900, and June 3 to 27, 1900. The record was very defective, especially for the first series, where only a few readings were obtained on most days. The values given above are the corrected mean results, taken from his published report without change, other than converting meters into feet and minutes into tenths of degrees. For the most part there is a very satisfactory agreement between the results of the two analyses. LUNITTDAL INTERVALS The tide follows the moon much more closely than it does the sun, so that there is a ten- dency for the tide to occur when the moon is in a given position in the heavens. The differ- ence between the time of tide and the time of the moon's transit or meridian passage is called the lunitidal interval for the station. Both upper and lower transits of the moon are usually compared with the time of the first high water and first low water which follows the given transit ; hence, we may express the operation as follows : High-water lunitidal interval = H VVI = Time of H W D's transit (r) Low-water lunitidal interval I, WI = Time of LW 5)'s transit -(2) 576 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION The purpose of the tabulation given below, called " First Reduction," is to compute the lunitidal intervals for high and low waters, and also to find the mean range of tide and mean half-tide level. In this work the moon's transits have been reduced to the meridians of the stations, so that all the work is expressed in local time. First reduction of tides at Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Date Moon's transits Time of Lunitidal interval Height of High water Low water High water Low water High water Low water 1904 // m h m h m h m h m Feet Feet May 21 ( 4 59) [i 55] [7 35] 9 24 (2 36) [6.3] [5-5] 17 26 13 55 21 05 (8 56) 3 39 6.7 5.6 22 ( 5 54) 2 43 8 22 9 i? (2 28) 6-3 5-5 18 21 14 40 21 55 (8 46) 3 34 6-7 5.6 23 ( 6 47) 3 22 9 37 9 01 (2 50) 6-3 56 19 13 15 27 22 50 (8 40) 3 37 6.4 5-3 24 ( 7 39) 5 23 10 35 IO IO (2 56) 6.1 55 20 05 17 10 (9 31) 6-3 25 ( 8 30) 6 25 o 13 IO 20 4 08 5-9 5-' 20 56 18 15 12 45 (9 45) (4 IS) 6.1 5-3 26 ( 9 ") 7 53 I 12 10 57 4 16 6.1 49 21 48 19 21 13 28 (9 59) (4 06) 6-3 5-4 27 (10 I 4 ) 8 33 2 27 10 45 4 39 6.4 5-1 22 41 20 10 14 32 (9 56) (4 18) 6.4 5-6 28 (II 7 ) 9 35 2 57 10 54 4 16 6.6 5-0 23 34 20 40 15 oo (9 33) (3 53) 6.7 5-7 29 . . . . 10 10 3 7 10 36 3 33 6.8 5-2 (12 00) 21 55 15 34 (9 55) (3 34) 6.6 5-8 30 o 27 10 52 4 20 10 25 3 53 6.8 5-2 (12 53) 22 36 16 45 (9 43) (3 52) 6.5 5-7 31 i 19 II 30 4 50 IO II 3 3i 6.8 5-i ('3 45) 23 10 i? 48 (9 25) (4 03) 6.4 5-6 June I 2 II 5 32 3 21 5-1 (14 36) 12 15 18 24 10 04 (3 48) 6.8 5-6 2 3 oo O OO 6 oo (9 24) 3 oo 6.4 5-3 (15 24) 12 42 18 57 9 42 (3 33) 6.8 5-7 3 3 49 o 30 6 36 (9 06) 2 47 6.4 5-4 16 12) 13 10 19 52 9 21 (3 4o) 6.7 5-7 4 4 34 I 08 7 28 (8 56) 2 54 6-3 5-4 (16 57) 13 48 20 44 9 14 (3 47) 6.6 5-6 5 5 18 I 22 8 oo (8 25) 2 42 6.1 54 (17 4o) 14 3 21 55 9 12 (4 15) 6.4 5-5 Number of obser Half monthly su vations us 31 283 993 31 95 1004 31 200. o i 3i 168.0 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 577 First reduction of tides at Cape Flora, From Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued Date Moon's transits Time of Lunitidal interval Height of High water Low water High water Low water High water Low water 1904 h m // in h m h m h m Feet Feet June 6 6 01 2 55 9 5 ( 9 15) 3 04 6.0 5-5 (18 23) 15 12 22 18 9 ii (3 55) 6-3 5-4 7 6 44 4 oo 9 4i ( 9 37) 2 57 5.8 5-4 (19 06) 16 21 23 05 9 37 (3 59) 6.0 5-2 8 7 27 5 28 10 43 (10 22) 3 16 5-8 5-4 - (19 49) 16 57 9 30 ... 6.1 9 8 12 6 30 o 08 (10 41) (4 19) 6.0 5-2 (20 34) 18 02 12 17 9 50 4 05 6-3 5-7 10 3 57 7 43 i 07 (ii 09) (4 33) 6-3 5-4 (21 21) 19 oo '3 33 10 03 4 36 6-3 5-8 II 9 46 8 3 I 45 (ii 09) (4 24) 65 5 3 (22 II) 19 25 14 10 9 39 4 24 6-5 5-9 12 10 38 9 oo 2 35 (10 49) (4 24) 6.6 5-3 (23 05) 20 25 15 oo 9 47 4 22 6.5 5-8 13 II 32 9 33 2 55 (10 28) (3 50) 6.8 5-2 21 21 15 48 9 49 4 16 6.7 6.0 14 ( 00) 9 59 3 30 ( 9 59) (3 30) 7.0 5-5 12 28 21 32 16 21 9 04 3 53 6.8 6.1 15 ( o 58) 10 50 4 25 ( 9 52) (3 27) 7.o 5-5 I 3 27 22 45 17 12 9 18 3 45 6.7 5-9 16 ( I 56) II 58 5 20 (10 02) (3 24) 6.9 52 14 25 23 33 17 54 9 08 3 29 6.6 5-7 17 ( 2 53) 5 52 (2 59) 5-3 15 21 12 18 18 40 ( 9 25) 3 19 6.9 5-6 18 ( 3 49) o 30 6 35 9 9 (2 46) 6.6 5-4 16 16 13 05 19 30 ( 9 16) 3 14 6.9 5 5 19 ( 4 44) I 14 7 32 8 58 (2 48) 6.4 5-3 17 10 14 oo 20 35 ( 9 i<>) 3 25 6.7 5-4 20 ( 5 36) 2 06 8 20 8 56 (2 44) 6-3 5-5 18 02 M 3 21 25 ( 8 54) 3 23 6.7 5-5 21 ( 6 28) 3 25 9 18 9 23 (2 50) 6.4 5-7 18 53 15 39 22 46 ( 9 ) 3 53 6.7 5-4 Number of obser Half monthly sui nations ns 31 286 887 31 96 1033 3i 201 .1 31 171 o 578 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION First reduction of tides at Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued Date Moon's transits Time of Lunitidal interval Height of High water L/ow water High water Low water High water IvOW water 1904 June 22 h m ( 7 18) /; in 4 45 h m 10 15 /; m 9 52 h m (2 57) Feet 6.4 Feet 5-8 19 44 l6 22 =3 43 (9 04) 3 59 6.6 5.4 23 ( 8 09) 6 13 it 39 10 29 (3 30) 6.3 5-7 20 35 17 42 (9 33) 6.4 24 ( 9 01) 7 04 o 29 10 29 3 54 6-3 5-i 21 27 18 22 12 52 (9 21) (3 5i) 6-3 5-7 25 26 ( 9 53) 22 ig (10 45) 8 17 19 37 8 56 I 23 13 58 2 17 10 50 (9 441 10 37 3 56 (4 05) 3 58 6.4 6.4 6-5 5-1 5-7 5-2 23 ii 20 25 14 59 (9 40) (4 14) 6.4 5-7 27 (ii 37) 9 55 3 10 10 44 3 59 6.8 5-2 21 18 15 53 (9 40 (4 16) 6.6 5-9 28 o 03 10 33 3 50 10 30 3 47 6-9 5-3 (12 28) 22 07 16 45 (9 39) (4 17) 6.6 59 29 o 53 II 05 4 15 10 12 3 22 7-1 55 (13 17) 22 51 17 09 (9 34) (3 52) 6.8 6.1 3o: i 41 II 28 5 16 9 47 3 35 7-2 5 7 (14 05) 23 25 17 50 (9 20) (3 45) 6.9 6.2 July I 2 29 5 45 3 16 58 (14 52) 12 OO 19 02 9 3i (4 io) 7-i 5-8 2 3 14 O 20 6 34 (9 28) 3 20 6.5 5-5 ds 36) 12 55 19 22 9 4i (3 46) 6.9 5-7 3 3 57 I 15 7 10 (9 391 3 13 6.4 5-6 (16 18) 13 17 20 06 9 20 (3 48) 69 5 7 4 4 40 I 32 7 49 (9 H) 3 9 6.4 5-7 (17 01) 13 55 20 46 9 15 (3 45) 6.8 5-7 5 5 22 2 33 8 07 (9 32) 2 45 6-3 5.8 ('7 44) 14 34 21 39 9 12 (3 55) 6.6 5.6 6 6 05 3 35 8 58 (9 5i) 2 53 6.2 59 (18 27) 15 15 22 l6 9 10 (3 49) 66 5.8 7 6 50 4 25 9 57 (9 58) 3 07 6.5 6-3 (19 13) 16 oo 23 18 9 10 (4 05) 6-9 5-9 Number of obser Half monthly su vations ins 3i 286 967 3i 96 1098 3i 205.0 3i 176.0 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 579 First reduction of tides at Cape Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued Time of Lunitidal interval Height of Date Moou's transits High Low High Low High Low water water water water water water 1904 /; 1/1 h in h m // m h 111 Feet Feet July 8 7 36 5 52 ii 15 (i 39 ) 3 39 6.7 6.4 (20 oo) 16 35 8 59 6.8 9 8 25 6 59 15 (10 59 ) (4 15 )! 6.7 5-8 (20 51) 17 41 12 33 9 16 4 08 6.7 6-3 10 9 17 8 ii I 02 (II 21 ) (4 ii ) 6.8 5-7 (21 45) 18 44 13 35 9 27 4 18 6.8 6-3 II 1 13 8 55 2 14 (II 10 ) (4 29 )| 6.9 5-6 (22 42) 19 56 15 oo 9 43 4 47 6.8 6.3 12 II 12 9 36 2 50 (10 54 ) (4 68 )| 7.2 5-6 (23 41) 20 46 15 08 9 34 3 56 6.9 6-3 13 10 14 3 36 (10 33 ) (3 55 ) 72 5-6 12 II 21 54 l6 22 9 43 4 ii 6.9 6.2 14 ( o 41) 10 37 4 23 (9 56 ) (3 42 ) 7-3 5-6 13 10 22 l8 16 38 9 08 3 28 6-9 6.1 15 ( i 39) ii 36 4 52 (9 57 ) ( 3 13 ) 7-3 5.6 14 08 23 21 i? 46 9 13 3 38 7-i 6.1 16 ( 2 36) 12 06 5 37 ( 9 3 )| ( 3 oi ) 7-4 5-6 15 03 23 55 18 30 (8 52 ) 3 27 7-1 6.2 17 ( 3 3i) 6 18 . . (3 47 ) 5-9 15 58 [12 48] f'9 37] ([9 17]) [3 39] [7.4] [6.0] 18 ( 4 24) [o 27] [ 7 15] [8 29] ([2 51]) [6.8] [5-8] 16 50 13 28 20 18 (9 04 ) 3 28 7-2 5-7 19 ( 5 16) I 50 8 04 9 oo (2 4 8 ) 6.7 5-7 17 41 14 25 21 O2 (9 09 \ 3 21 69 5-4 20 ( 6 07) 3 12 8 40 9 31 (3 33 ) 6.4 5-7 18 33 15 04 21 5 (8 57 ) 3 17 6.8 5-4 21 ( 6 58) 3 50 IO O2 9 17 (3 4 ) 6.4 5-9 19 24 15 42 23 12 (8 44 ) 3 48 6.7 55 22 ( 7 49) 5 36 II OO IO 12 (3 ii ) 6.6 6.2 20 15 16 30 ( 8 41 ) 6.8 23 (8 .41) 7 04 o 28 10 49 4 13 67 56 21 07 18 12 12 23 (9 3i ) (3 42 ) 6.8 6.3 Number of observations to 30 Half monthly sums. . ... 283 995 J 97 848 2H.7 176.4 1 o* / / v **t ! SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION First reduction of tides at Cape Flora, Frans Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued Date Moon's transits Time of Lunitidal interval Height of High water Low water High water Low water High water Low water 1904 // in A m /; m /; m A m Feet Feet July 24 ( 9 32) 7 50 o 59 10 43 3 52 7-1 5-9 21 58 18 45 13 46 ( 9 13) (4 14) 6-9 6.4 25 (10 23) 8 59 i 28 II OI 3 30 7-0 58 22 48 19 58 14 5i ( 9 35) (4 28) 6.8 6.3 26 (II 12) 9 32 2 45 10 44 3 57 7-2 5-8 23 37 21 12 15 5 (10 oo) (4 38) 6.8 6.2 27 .. IO 20 3 37 10 43 4 oo 7-i 5-7 (12 OO) 21 48 16 30 ( 9 48> (4 3) 6.8 6.2 28 o 25 10 5 8 4 40 10 33 4 15 7-1 5-7 (12 4 8) 22 38 17 05 ( 9 5o) (4 17) 6.8 6.0 29 I 10 II I 3 5 05 10 03 3 55 7-2 5-7 (13 32) 23 18 !7 34 ( 9 46) (4 02) 6.8 6.0 3 I 54 II 41 5 29 9 47 3 35 7-0 5-6 (14 16) 23 52 18 13 ( 9 36) (3 57) 6-5 5-8 31 2 37 5 54 .. 3 17 .. 5-5 (14 58) 12 27 18 40 9 5o (3 42) 6.8 5-6 Aug. I 3 19 o 30 6 34 ( 9 32) 3 15 6.4 5-6 (15 40) 12 54 19 10 9 35 (3 30) 6.8 5-7 2 4 02 I 15 6 48 ( 9 35) 2 46 6.6 5-9 (16 23) 13 17 19 47 9 15 (3 24) 7-o 5-9 3 4 45 I 40 7 05 ( 9 17) 2 20 6.8 6.2 (17 07) 13 4i 20 35 8 56 (3 28) 7.2 6.1 4 5 3 2 27 8 10 ( 9 20) 2 40 6-9 6-3 (17 53) 14 20 21 24 8 50 (3 3i) 7.o 5-8 5 6 16 3 20 8 35 ( 9 27) 2 19 6-7 6.3 (18 41) 14 S 6 22 14 8 40 (3 33) 6-9 5-8 6 7 06 5 16 10 44 (10 35) 3 38 6-5 6.1 (19 32) 15 42 23 15 8 36 (3 43) 6.6 5-6 7 7 58 7 oo ii 32 (II 28) 3 34 6.4 6.0 (20 26) 16 30 23 3 8 32 (3 04) 6-5 5-7 8 8 54 7 44 . . (ii 18) 6.7 (21 23) 17 29 13 07 8 35 4 13 6.7 6-3 Number of obser Half monthly su nations . ms. 31 286 1003 31 98 907 3i 211. 6 31 183.5 TIDAL OBSERVATIONS first reduction of tides at Cafe Flora, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued Time of Lunitidal interval Height of Date Moon's transits High Low High Low High Low water water water water water water 1904 h m /; m h m h m h in Feet Feet Aug. 9 9 53 8 oo o 55 (10 37) (3 32) 6.7 5-7 (22 22) 19 38 14 oo 9 45 4 07 6.6 6.1 10 10 52 8 55 2 12 (10 33) (3 50) 6.6 5-4 (2 3 22) 20 50 15 05 9 58 4 13 6-3 5-7 II II 51 9 45 2 47 (10 23) (3 25) 6.6 5-0 21 41 IS 43 9 50 3 52 6.4 5-5 12 ( 21) IO 12 4 oo ( 9 51) (3 39) 6.6 4-9 12 49 22 50 16 18 IO OI 3 29 6-3 52 13 ( i 18) II 02 4 29 ( 9 44) (3 ii) 6-5 5-1 13 46 23 36 17 45 9 5 3 59 6.1 4-9 14 ( 2 13) II 20 5 20 ( 9 07) (3 07) 6-3 4.8 14 41 17 58 3 17 4-6 15 ( 3 08) o 17 5 57 9 36 (2 49) 6.0 4.8 15 35 12 l6 18 50 ( 9 08) 3 15 6.4 4-7 16 ( 4 oi) I 05 7 10 9 30 (3 09) 6.1 5-0 16 28 12 52 19 30 ( 8 51) 3 02 6.4 4-9 17 ( 4 54) I 58 7 22 9 30 (2 28) 6.2 5-3 17 20 13 3 2O 22 ( 8 36) 3 02 6-5 5-1 18 ( 5 46) 2 55 8 09 9 35 (2 2 3 ) 6-3 5-6 18 12 14 3 21 OO ( 8 44) 2 48 6.6 5-2 19 ( 6 38) 4 oo 9 38 9 48 (3 oo) 6-3 5-7 19 04 15 18 22 40 ( 8 40) 3 36 6.4 5-3 20 ( 7 29) 5 14 10 13 10 10 (2 44) 6.2 5-8 19 55 16 20 23 32 ( 8 51) 3 37 6-3 5-3 21 ( 8 20) 6 29 io 34 6.2 20 45 17 47 12 35 ( 9 2 7) (4 15) 6.2 5-8 22 ( 9 9) 8 oo o 46 it 15 4 oi 6-3 5-4 21 33 19 02 14 10 ( 9 53) (5 oi) 6.1 5-7 23 ( 9 57) 8 20 I IO io 47 3 37 6.2 5-2 22 21 20 05 14 47 (io 08) (4 5o) 6.0 5-4 24 (10 45) 9 28 2 16 II 07 3 55 6-3 5-0 23 08 21 O2 IS 30 (io 17) (4 45) 6.1 5-4 Number of observations ^i 31 ii i Half monthly su tns o 287 1026 O 96 838 o 196.1 \J 163.5 5 82 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OE ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION First reduction of tides at Cape Flora, Frans Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Concluded Recapitulation of first reduction of Cape I'luni Time of Lunitidal interval Height of Date Moon's transits High Low High Low High Low water water water water water water 1904 A in A in A m A 111 // in Feet Feet Aug. 25 (ii 3) 9 43 2 55 TO 40 3 47 6.4 5.1 23 52 21 35 '5 44 (10 05) (4 M) 6.3 5 5 26 . . IO 22 4 12 10 30 4 20 6.6 5-3 (12 14) 22 30 16 45 (10 16) (4 .V) 6.4 5-6 27 o 35 10 52 4 24 lo 17 3 49 6.8 5-4 (12 56) 23 oo 17 03 (10 04) (4 "7) 6.4 5-5 28 I 18 II 30 5 15 10 12 3 57 6.6 5-3 (13 39) 17 38 (3 59) 53 29 2 00 o 08 5 22 (10 29) 3 22 6-3 5-3 (14 21) II 40 17 57 9 40 (3 36) 6-5 5-2 30 2 43 o 30 5 43 (10 09) 3 6.2 5-3 (15 4) 12 20 18 29 9 37 (3 25) 6.4 5 i 3' 3 26 o 31 5 56 ( 9 27) 2 30 6.1 5-4 (15 49) 13 00 18 37 9 34 (2 48) 6.4 5-3 Sept. j 4 12 [ i 08] [ 6 35] [( 9 19)] [2 2 3 ] [6.2] [54] U6 36) [13 43] [19 18] [ 9 3i J [(2 42)] [6.4] L5-3] 2 4 59 [ i 57] [ 7 26] [( 9 21)] [2 2 7 ] [6.2] [5.4] (i? 24) [14 30] [20 02] [9 3i ] 1(2 38)] [6.4] [5.3! Number of observations 17 18 17 18 Sums 162 402 52 575 u8.6 96.0 Date High water Low water High water Low water High water Low water 1904 May 21 to June 5. No. OPS. 31 No. obs. 31 h m 283 993 A It! 95 1004 Feel 2OO.O Feet 1680 June 6 to 21. . . . 31 3i 286 887 96 1033 201. 1 171.0 June 22 to July 7. July 8 to 23 July 24 to Aug. 8. 31 31 31 3i 30 31 286 967 283 995 286 1003 96 1098 97 848 98 907 205.0 213-7 211. 6 176 o 1764 183.5 Aug 91024. 31 3i 287 1026 ; 96 838 196.1 1635 Aug. 25 to Sept. 2. 17 18 162 402 52 575 108.6 96.0 Sum of sums . 203 203 1873 6273 63" 6303 1336.1 H34.4 Means 9 44-5 3 373 6.58 59 Uncorrected mean range=6.58 ft. 5.59 ft. =0.99 ft. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 583 I'irst reduction of titles at Tc flits Bay, Prims Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Time of Lunitidal interval Height of T)atp i" => transits High Low High Low High LOW water water water water water water 1904 h m h in h in h in h m Feet Feet . (n 56) Apr. i o 23 [ 7 22] [ i o?]; 6 59 (13 II) [4-7] [2.9] 1 12 5o\ 19 02 [13 29] (6 12) 13 06 4.8 [3-2j 2 i 17 7 44 i 33 6 27 ('2 43) 4.8 3-o (13 44 r 19 46 13 52 (6 02) '2 35 4-9 3-2 3 2 II 8 21 2 1O 6 10 (12 26) 4-9 3-. 1*4 38) 20 28 14 20 (5 50) 12 09 5-o 3-3 4 3 04 8 57 2 33 5 53 (it 55) 4.8 3-3 ' (15 3D 21 10 M 53 (5 39) ii 49 4-9 3-3 5 3 57 9 12 3 05 5 15 (ii 34), 5-o 3-5 (16 23) 21 44 15 22 (5 21) n 25 4-9 3-6 6 4 49 10 12 3 38 5 23 (ii 15) 4-6 3-5 (17 U) 22 10 16 16 (4 56) ii 27 4.6 3-6 7 5 39 II 21 4 3 5 42 (ii 16) 4.4 3-5 (18 03) 23 10 17 20 (5 07) ii 41 4-4 3-6 8 6 27 12 15 5 35 5 48 (n 32) 4.2 3-5 (18 SO 23 58 18 08 (5 07) n 41 4-2 3-7 9 7 15 6 35 (ii 44) ' " 3-6 119 37) 13 25 '9 35 6 10 12 20 4-2 3.7 10 8 oo I 15 7 54 ^5 38) (12 17) 4.3 3-7 (20 22 ) 15 25 21 02 7 25 13 02 i 4-4 4.0 II 8 44 2 51 9 15 (6 29) (12 53) 4-5 3.9 (21 05) 16 10 22 15 7 26 '; 13 3i 4.6 3-9 12 9 27 4 20 10 25 (7 15) (13 20) 4.6 3.8 (21 4 8) 16 50 22 39 7 23 ' 13 12 4-7 3-9 13 10 10 5 oo II 22 (7 12) (13 34) 4.8 4.0 (22 32) 17 35 23 40 7 25 13 30 4-9 3-9 14 1 53 5 35 II 52 (7 03) (13 20) 5-0 3-9 (23 16) 18 05 7 12 5-0 15 n 38 6 20 o 15 (7 04) 13 22 5.1 3-7 18 35 12 25 6 57 (13 9) 5-3 3-9 16 ( 01) 6 50 i 15 (6 49) 13 37 5-2 3-8 12 24 19 04 12 56 6 40 (12 55) 5-i 3-8 Number of observations 3i 3i 3i 31 Half monthly sums . .. .... 182 839 373 871 146.8 111.3 584 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION First reduction of tides at Teplitz Bay, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued Date Moon's transits Time of Lunitidal interval Height of High water Low water High water Low water High water Low water 1904 h m h tn h m h in h m Feet Feet Apr. 17 ( o 47) 7 30 I 22 (6 43 12 58 5-1 3-5 13 ii 19 40 13 25 6 29 (12 38) 5-2 3.8 18 ( i 36) 8 04 i 32 (6 28) 12 21 52 3-7 14 02 20 10 14 15 6 08 (12 39) 5-1 3-9 19 ( 2 2 7 ) 8 25 2 28 (5 58) 12 26 4.6 3-3 14 53 20 40 14 35 5 47 (12 08) 4-9 3-4 20 ( 3 20) 9 14 3 13 (5 54) 12 20 5-2 3-7 15 47 21 07 15 17 5 20 (ii 57) 5-1 4.0 21 ( 4 15) 9 5 3 38 (5 35) ii 5i 5-o 3-7 16 43 21 50 15 55 5 7 (ii 40) 4.8 3-9 22 ( 5 it) 10 38 4 28 (5 27) II 45 4.6 36 17 39 22 42 17 oo 5 03 (" 49) 4-5 3-6 23 ( 6 06) II 46 5 20 (5 40) ii 41 4-3 3-4 18 34 23 50 17 58 5 16 (ii 52) 4-3 3-6 24 ( 7 oi) .. .. 6 08 ii 34 3-5 19 29 12 55 19 15 (5 54) (12 14) 4-3 3-6 25 ( 7 56) i 05 7 50 5 36 12 21 4.2 3-5 20 23 14 10 20 53 (6 14) (12 57) 4-3 3-4 26 ( 8 49) 3 oo 8 53 6 37 12 30 4-2 3-4 21 16 15 18 21 40 (6 29) ('2 51) 4-5 3-5 27 ( 9 43) 4 18 10 OO (7 02) 12 44 4-5 3-4 22 09 16 25 22 45 (6 42) (13 02) 4-7 3-4 28 (10 3 6 ) 4 55 ii 0.5 6 46 12 56 4-5 3-4 23 02 17 is 23 25 (6 39) (J2 49) 4-7 3-1 29 (II 29) 5 22 II 50 6 20 12 48 4-5 3-i 23 56 17 58 (6 29) 46 3 .. 6 35 IO 6 39 (12 41) 4-5 2.9 (12 53) 18 48 12 38 (6 25) 12 42 4-7 31 Number of obser Half monthly su 27 151 827 27 317 1034 27 126.1 27 94-4 tns TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 535 First reduction of tides at Teplitz Bay, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued Time of Lunitidal interval Height of Date Moon's transits High Low High Low HfgB Low water water water water water water 1904 //, in // ;//. It in h in A m Feet Feet May i o 50 7 40 o 58 6 50 (12 35) 4-7 3-0 (13 17) 19 25 13 08 (6 08) 12 18 5-1 3-3 2 i 43 8 04. I 48 6 21 (12 3 I) 5-o 3-3 (14 10) 20 O2 13 45 (5 52) 12 02 5-1 3-7 3 2 37 8 45 2 23 6 08 (12 I 3 ) 5-0 3-4 (15 03) 20 55 14 45 (5 52) 12 08 5-0 3-7 4 3 29 9 22 3 05 5 53 (12 02) 5-o 36 t'5 55) 21 15 '5 05 (5 20) II 36 5-0 39 5 4 19 10 00 3 35 5 4i (n 40) 4.8 3-6 (16 44) 21 48 15 52 (5 04) ii 33 4-7 3-8 6 5 07 10 35 4 5 5 28 (II 21) 4.6 3-6 (17 31) 22 55 16 48 (5 24) II 41 45 3-7 7 5 55 II 20 5 oo 5 25 (II 29) 43 3-5 (18 17) 23 35 17 40 (5 18} ii 45 4-2 3-6 8 6 39 6 15 (ii 58) 3-5 (19 01) 12 45 18 50 6 06 12 II 4-3 3-7 Q 7 22 o 38 7 15 (5 37) (12 14) 4-2 3-6 "9 44 14 oo 20 15 6 38 12 53 4.2 3.6 10 8 05 2 10 8 45 (6 26) ('3 01) 4.1 36 (20 2 7 ) 14 45 21 15 6 40 13 10 43 3-6 II S 48 3 4o 9 45 (7 13) (13 18) 4-2 3-6 (21 10) 15 5 22 10 7 02 13 22 4-3 3-5 12 9 32 4 35 10 2 5 (7 25) (13 15) 43 3-6 (21 55) 16 40 22 55 7 08 13 2 3 4-5 3-5 I.S 10 18 5 20 11 23 (7 25) (13 28) 4-5 3-7 (22 40 17 18 23 35 7 oo 13 17 5-0 3-6 14 II 05 6 oo (7 19) . . 4-8 (23 29) 17 50 12 00 6 45 (13 19) 5-0 3-8 15 6 50 10 (7 oi) 13 5 4-9 3-4 ii 55 18 40 12 30 <> 1.5 (13 oi) 5-1 3-7 16 ( o 20)' 7 10 o 58 (6 50) : 13 03 5-o 3-5 12 47 19 10 12 50 6 23 (12 30) 5-3 3.S Number of observations ^1 'U 1J 71 Half monthly su ins O 183 807 o 376 682 J * 145.0 O* II J.O 38 586 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION First reduction of tides at Teflits Bay, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Continued Date Moon's transits Time of Lunitidal interval Height of High water Low water High water Low water High water Low water 1904 h in h m h m h m h m Feet Feet May 17 ( i H) 7 45 i 32 (6 3D 12 45 50 3-5 13 41 19 42 13 3 6 01 (12 16) 5-1 3-7 18 ( 2 09) 8 20 2 05 (6 ii) 12 24 4-9 3-3 14 38 20 30 14 18 5 52 (12 09) 5-o 3-6 19 ( 3 06) 8 5 2 50 (5 44) 12 12 5-0 3-5 IS 34 21 15 15 05 5 41 (it 59) 5- 3-8 20 ( 4 03) 9 45 3 20 (5 42) ii 46 4.8 3-4 16 30 21 52 15 38 5 22 (ii 35) 4.8 3-7 21 ( 4 58) 10 25 4 05 (5 27) ii 35 4.8 3-5 17 25 22 45 16 35 5 20 (ii 37) 4.7 3-7 22 ( 5 52) ii 35 4 58 (5 43) ii 33 4-7 3-5 18 19 17 4o (II 48) 3-8 23 (6 45) o 30 6 10 6 ii ii 51 4.6 3-7 19 ii 12 30 18 50 (5 45) (12 05) 4.6 3-7 24 ( 7 37) I 20 7 15 6 09 12 04 45 3-6 20 03 13 30 20 20 (5 53) (12 43) 4-5 3-5 25 ( 8 28) 2 15 8 35 6 12 12 32 4.3 3-4 20 54 15 00 21 15 (6 32) (12 47) 4.4 3-2 26 ( 9 20) 3 45 9 27 6 5i 12 33 4-3 3-5 21 46 16 oo 22 10 (6 40) (12 50) 4-7 3.5 27 10 12) 4 45 10 35 6 59 12 49 4-7 3-7 22 39 16 55 23 30 (6 43) (13 18) 5-0 3-4 28 (" 5 ) 5 33 H 50 6 54 13 ii 4-8 3-7 23 32 17 45 (6 40) 5-2 2 9 (ii 58) 6 23 00 6 5i (12 55) 5-1 3-5 .. .. 18 15 12 15 (6 17) 12 43 5-3 3-9 3 o 25 7 12 o 35 6 47 (12 37) 5-2 3-6 (12 SO 19 10 13 05 (6 19) 12 40 5-3 3-9 31 I 17 7 43 i 20 6 26 (12 29) 5-1 3-5 (13 43) 19 35 13 4o (6 52 12 23 5-1 3-8 Number of obser Half monthly su vations 29 164 995 29 342 969 29 140.5 29 104.1 ins TIDAL OBSERVATIONS First reduction of tides at Teplitz Bay, Franz Josef Archipelago, Arctic Ocean Concluded 587 Date Moon's transits Time of Lunitidal interval Height of High water Low water High water Low water High water Low water 1904 h m h m // in h m // m Feet Feet June I 2 IO 8 28 2 OO 6 18 (12 17) 4-9 3-4 (M 35) 20 30 14 08 (5 55) ii 58 4-9 3-6 2 2 59 9 oo 2 38 6 01 (12 03) 4-9 34 (15 23) 21 OO 14 40 (5 37) II 41 5-o 3-8 3 3 48 9 38 3 10 5 50 ('i 47) 4-9 3-6 (16 n) 21 J2 15 25 (5 21) " 37 4.8 3-9 Number of observ Sums 6 32 182 6 68 203 6 294 6 21.7 Recapitulation of first reduction of Teplitz Bay observations Date High water Low water High water Low water High water Low water 1904 Apr. I to 1 6 Apr. 17 to 30. . . . May i to 16 May 17 to 31 ... June i to 3 No. obs. 31 27 31 29 6 No. obs. 3i 27 31 29 6 ft in 182 839 151 827 183 807 164 995 32 182 h in 373 871 317 1034 376 682 342 969 68 203 Feet 146.8 126.1 145.0 140.5 29.4 Feet 111.3 94.4 III.O 104.1 21.7 Sums 124 124 712 3650 1476 3759 587.8 442.5 Means 6 14.0 12 24.5 4-74 3-57 Uncorrected mean range = 4.74 ft. 3.57 ft. = 1.17 ft. The mean lunitidal intervals (see (i) and (2)) as given by the First Reductions, are as follows : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay km h m HWI 9 44.5 6 13.6 (3) I/WI 3 37-3 12 23.8 ( 4 ) The mean lunitidal interval for high water given in (3) is sometimes called the Corrected Establishment of the Port, while the mean lunitidal interval for high* water at full and change (new) of the moon is called the Establishment of the Port. 5 88 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION The Establishment of the Port may be derived from the mean lunitidal interval as follows : Establishment of Port = H WI + Table 24* for phase age before spring tides (5) Cape Flora Teplitz Bay d h d h The phase age (see (34)) is ... 2 5.6 2 2.4 (6) Ratio Ratio The value of S., -s- M a is 0.333 0.409 (7) m m With these values Table 24* gives . +25.6 +29.4 (8) and substituting these values in (5) gives ;// h m Establishment of Port for Cape Flora = HWI + 25.6 = 10 10. i (9) Establishment of Port for Teplitz Bay = HWI + 29.4 6 43.0 (10) The mean lunitidal intervals may also be obtained from the harmonic constants by the equations : Mean high-water lunitidal interval = HWI = 0.0345 (M, v) C 11 ) Mean low-water lunitidal interval = LWI = 0.0345 (M a w) + 6.21^ (12) Where v and w are such that _ aM 4 sin (2M ., M 4 ) + 3M, sin faM . M ,") +. . ~ i'M 2 + 2 2 M 4 cos (2M , M 4 ) -f3'M (! cos(3MV :: _ 2M t sin (2M. - M 4 ) - 3M 8 sin ( 3 M, - M,) + tan a 1 T Ajr I -v 4 cos (2M 2 - M 4 ) - 3 'M 6 cos QM , - M 6 ) + . . From (i i) and (12) we obtain : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay h m h m HWI 9 40.9 6 II. 2 (13) LWI 3 29.7 12 23.9 (14) A comparison of these values with those of (3) and (4) indicates a fairly satisfactory agreement, especially if we take into account the great difference in the methods used to obtain the two sets of results. The sun's effect upon the time of the tide is to disturb the mean time of its occurrence, making it alternately earlier and later, according to the moon's phase. The priming of the tide is the periodic acceleration of its time of occurrence, due to the sun's effect. At such times the luuitidal intervals are less than their mean, so that the tides occur earlier than the average. The priming of the tides occurs during the period between new or full moon and the following quadrature, beginning and ending at a time equal to the age of the phase inequality after these phases. It attains its maximum effect soon after the first and fifth octants of the moon's phase. The lagging of the tides is the corresponding retardation in the time of its occurrence, the greatest effect being soon after the third and seventh octants of the moon's phase. * Whenever any table is referred to here by number, unless otherwise stated, it is contained iu Appendix 7, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Report for 1894, for tables up to 35, and in Appendix 9, Report for 1897 of the same Survey, for tables having numbers greater than 35. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 589 The least and greatest lunitidal intervals due to priming and lagging of the tides may be designated as Prime HWI, Prime LWI, Lag HWI, and Lag LWI. They may be derived from the mean lunitidal intervals by the following formulas : Prime HWI = HWI 127 (S., -s- M,) (15) Lag HWI -HWI +127 (S.-8-M,) (16) Substituting LWI for HWI in (15) and (16) gives the corresponding values for low water. The values of SjH-M., are given in (7), which, being substituted in the above equations, together with the values in (3) and (4), gives : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay h m h m Prime HWI 9 02.2 5 21.7 (17) Lag HWI 10 26.8 7 05.5 (18) Prime LWI 2 55.0 n 31.9 (19) Lag LWI 4 19.6 13 15.7 (20) The declination of the moon also makes a change in the lunitidal intervals and heights of the tide, which is usually greatest when the declination becomes a maximum, at which time the moon is not far from the tropics. Hence the tides due to the moon's declination, when at their most pronounced type, are called tropic tides. At the time of the tropic tides the two high or two low waters of the same day are generally unequal, and the range from the higher high water to the lower low water is called the great tropic range. The lunitidal intervals for the tropic tides may be obtained from the mean intervals by the following equations : Tropic HHWI = HWI 2.07 x value from Table 44* (21) Tropic LHWI = HWI 2.07 x value from Table 44* (22) Tropic HLWI = LWI 2.07 x value from Table 44* (23) Tropic LLWI = LWI 2.07 x value from Table 44 * (24) In Table 44* of these equations the arguments are different for eacji phase of tide, the corresponding intervals being as follows : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay h m h in Tropic HHWI 10 19.0^ 5 58. 8a (25) Tropic LHWI 8 59.9 6 24.9 (26) Tropic HLWI 3 39.8 12 13.5 (27) Tropic LLWI 3 22.5^ 12 33.20 (28) The tropic intervals for the higher high water and for the lower low water are marked by the letters a and b in order to enable one to obtain the approximate time of these tides by adding the interval to the upper or lower transit of the moon as explained below. When the tropic interval (HHWI or LLWI) is marked a add the interval to the local time of the moon's " r transit, or meridian passage, for n / declination of the moon ; and when it is marked b add the interval to the local time of the moon's . "" transit for . declination of the moon. The tropic tides may be said to be formed by the combination of a semidiurnal wave with a diurnal wave. The tropic lunitidal interval of the diurnal wave may be found by the equation D,H WI = 0.0345 (K, + 0,) a (29) where D, stands for diurnal. * See note, p. 588. 59 o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Substituting the values for K 1 and O, from the table of harmonic constants already given, we obtain : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay h m h in D,HWI . . 2 39. 8 2 34. 9 (30) TIDE INEQUALITIES AND RANGES An inequality in the interval, range, or height of tide is a systematic departure of the same from the mean value at a given station. The inequality having a period of a half synodic month is the phase inequality ; that having an anomalistic month is the parallax inequality ; that which has the period of a tropical month causes the two high waters or two low waters of the day to differ in height, and is called the diurnal inequality. The age of an inequality is the amount of time by which it follows its astronomical cause. The ages of the principal inequalities are given by the expressions : Age of phase inequality =0.984 (S, M 2 ) hours (31) Ageof parallax inequality = 1.837 (M 2 N 2 ) hours (32) Age of diurnal inequality = 0.911 (K, Oj) hours (33) Substituting the values of the epochs or kappas given in the table of harmonic constants, we obtain : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay h h Age of phase inequality 53.6 50.4 (34) Age of parallax inequality 61.9 42.6 (35) Age of diurnal inequality 15.9 21.5 (36) The mean range of tide, as given by the direct summation of high and low waters, usually requires to be corrected for the longitude of the moon's ascending node, there being whole series of years during which the mean annual range is greater than an average for the lunar cycle, followed by another series of years having a smaller mean annual range thau the average. If we put Mn for the corrected mean range or rise and fall of tides, and Mn' for the uucor- rected mean range, we may find the corrected range from the equation Mn = Mu' X F (Mn) (37) The values of F (Mn) are obtained from Table 14,* using I and (K, + O,) -s- M, as argu- ments. In the present case these arguments are Cape Flora Teplitz Bay 18.38 18.33 Ratio Ratio (K, + O.) -*- M, 0.68 0.28 Entering Table 14* with these arguments, we find For Cape Flora Mn ==0.99x0.976 = 0.966 feet (38) For Teplitz Bay Mn= 1.17 xo.g72 = 1.138 feet (39) *See uote, p. 588. TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 59 1 The mean range of tide may also be obtained from the harmonic constants by the formula Mn = 2M ' + + M a (cos t; + cos zo) + - x 2M 4 (D w) sin (2M, M 4 ) + 2M, cos which by means of Table 22 *, becomes Mu - 2.04 X Table 22 * + .oasM, (v w) sin (aM , M 4 ) + M a (cos w + cos w) +2MjCos (sM 8 , M ,) 2M 2 (40) in which v and w are the same as obtained for (n) and (12). By (40) the mean range of tide from the harmonic constants is For Cape Flora ........... Mn = 0.952 feet (4 1 ) For Teplitz Bay ........... Mn = i.ioofeet (42) which agrees fairly well with the values given in (38) and (39). The spring and neap ranges of tide may be obtained from the harmonic constants by the formulas cos (2M , - S, /*,)] (43) X [S, + /', cos ( 2 M, - S, - A,)] (44) in which the first and last letters of the words spring and neap are used as abbreviations. From (43) and (44) we obtain : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Ft. Ft. Spring range = Sg .......... 1.224 I -4 8 5 (45) Neap range =Np ......... 0.628 0.625 (4 6 ) The heights of the tropic tides above mean sea level may be obtained from the harmonic constants by the following formulas : Tropic HHW = 1.02 4, x Table 45 f (47) Tropic L,HW 1.02 J a x Table 45 f (48) Tropic H W = 1.02 4, x Table 45 f (49) Tropic IyL,W= 1.02 4, x Table 45 f (50) where 4 = i .010 M, + o. 27 (S, -4- M,) - K, cos [(K, - O,) c/> (K , - M 2 )] * See note, p. 588. f See note, p. 588. 59 2 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION and different arguments are used for the various tides. From (47) to (50) we obtain the following values, the heights being reckoned from mean sea level : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Tropic HHW Tropic LHVV Tropic HLW Tropic Ft. Ft. 0-537 0.621 (5O 0.410 0.446 (52) 0-153 0.419 (53) -0-745 0.648 (54) Mean sea level, as used above, is the mean of the hourly heights of the sea used for obtaining the harmonic constants, or (55) in which S A represents the sum of all the heights throughout the series for the hour designated by the subscript, and n = 24 times the number of days in the series discussed. As there is usually a periodic variation in mean sea level from mouth to month, chiefly due to seasonal changes in the direction and velocity of winds, which roughly complete their cycle in a year, it must be borne in mind that when less than a year of record is analyzed the resulting mean sea level is not a true mean for the station. This will be more evident from a study of the following table of mean sea levels on the ist and 1 6th of each month during which observations were made : Date Sea level Date Sea level Date Sea level Date Sea level 1904 Ft. 1904 Ft. 1904 Ft. 1904 Ft. April i 5.92 May 1 6 5-83 July i 6. 20 Aug. 16 6.00 April 1 6 5.85 June i 5-90 July 1 6 6.40 Sept. i 5-72 May i 5-82 June 1 6 6.03 Aug. i 6.30 In the above table the heights are all referred to the tide staff at Cape Flora, that portion which was obtained from the record at Teplitz Bay having been increased by 1.73 feet, the dif- ference between the two staves as determined from simultaneous observations ; see (77). The mean of the Teplitz Bay portion of the table, viz., April i to June i, is 5.86 feet on the Cape Flora staff, or 5.86 feet 1.73 feet = 4.13 feet on Teplitz Bay staff. The corresponding mean for Cape Flora, June i to September i, is 6.08 feet. The difference in the mean sea level for each of the two series is, therefore, 6.08 feet 5.86 feet = 0.22 foot. The extreme difference in the half-monthly mean sea levels of the table is 6.40 feet 5.82 feet = 0.58 foot, or about 7 inches, in less than three months. Mean half-tide level is the mean of all the high and low waters for the period of observa- tion. Abbreviating to initial letters, we have (HW + LW) (56) When the harmonic constants for the station are known, the approximate value of mean half-tide level may be computed by the formula HTL = MSL + M, cos (2 M, - M ,) - 0.04 (K '+' ) ' cos (M, - K, - O,) (57) M, TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 593 The values obtained from (55), (56), and (57) are as follows : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Ft. Ft. From (55) MSL .......... 6.076 4.133 (58) From(s6)HTL .......... 6.085 4-155 (59) From (57) HTL .......... 6.088 4.138 (60) By adding the values of (51), (52), (53), and (54) to those of (58) we obtain the corre- sponding readings upon the tide staves, thus : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Ft. Ft. Tropic HHW ........... 6.613 4-754 ( 6 Tropic LHW ........... 6.486 4.579 (62) Tropic HLW ........... 5.923 3.714 (63) Tropic LLW ........... 5.331 3.485 (64) The difference between the two tropic high waters (HHW LHW) is called the tropic high-water diurnal inequality in height, abbreviated to tropic HWQ or often to HWQ alone, the word tropic being understood. In a similar way the tropic low-water diurnal inequality in height (HL,W LLW) is contracted to LWQ. The great tropic range (HHW LLW) is contracted to Gc, while the small tropic range (LHW HI, W) is represented by Sc. These values from (61) to (64) are as follows : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Tropic HWQ . .6.613 6.486 = 0.127 4.754 4.579 = 0.175 (65) Tropic LWQ . . 5-923 5-331 =0.592 3.714 3.485 = 0.229 (66) Tropic Gc . .6.613 5.331 = 1.282 4.754-3.485=1.269 (67) Tropic Sc . .6.486 5.923 = 0.563 4.579 3.714=0.865 (68) The difference between the mean of the higher high waters and the mean of the lower low waters for one or more months is called the great diurnal range, and is abbreviated to Gt. It may be computed as follows, when either tropic HWQ or LWQ is approximately as great as one-fourth of the mean range : Gt = 0.75 Gc + 0.25 Mn (69) The range of the diurnal wave may be found from the harmonic constants, putting 2D to represent the wave, by the formula 2D,= 2.042 (K. + 0.) (70) From (69) and (70) we obtain : Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Ft. Ft. Gt ............... 1-203 1-236 (70 2D, ............... 0.606 0.292 (72) The perigtan and apogcan ranges are due to the moon's varying distance, and may be obtained from the harmonic constants by the following formulas : (73 , (74) in which the words perigean and apogeau are abbreviated to their first and last letters. 594 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION The values of the harmonic component 2N in (73) and (74) must be estimated as about 0.133 N.,, which is o.on feet for Cape Flora and 0.013 Ieet for Teplitz Bay, as this element was not evaluated from the observations. The perigean and apogean ranges are then found to be Pn An Cape Flora Ft. 1.103 0.831 Teplitz Bay Ft. 1.274 0.962 75) (76) SIMULTANEOUS TIDES The observations were simultaneous at 'Cape Flora and Teplitz Bay for 14 days, from May 21 to June 3, 1904. The direct comparison of these stations during this period gives the following results : Station HWI LWI HW LW Mn Cape Flora . Teplitz Bay . Difference LW diff . . . // m 9 46.1 6 11.7 3 34-4 3 45- ' h m 3 38-0 12 I8.I 3 45-1 Ft. 6.47 4-83 1.64 1 .81 Ft. 5-41 3-6o 1.81 Ft. i. 06 1.23 0.17 Mean diff. 3 39-8 . . . 1.725 0.17 (77) from which it appears that the tide at Teplitz Bay is about 3h 40111 earlier than at Cape Flora; the zero of the tide staff at Teplitz Bay is 1.725 feet above the zero of the staff at Cape Flora, and the mean rise and fall, or range, of tides is o. 17 feet greater at Teplitz Bay than at Cape Flora. Nearly the same difference in time of tide at these two stations is obtained from the mean lunitidal intervals of (3) and (4), which makes Teplitz Bay about 30 31111 earlier than Cape Flora. COTIDAL HOURS The cotidal lunar hour of a place may be found from the expression Cotidal hour = 0.483 (HWI + LWI 6.210) L (78) in which L is the local longitude, positive for west and negative for east longitudes. The upper or lower sign is to be used with 6.210 according to which sign will make LWI approxi- mately equal to HWI. Substituting in (78) the values given in (3) and (4), taking L - 3.332 hours for Cape Flora and L = 3.866 hours for Teplitz Bay, we obtain : Cotidal hour Cape Flora h 6.123 Teplitz Bay h 2.230 (79) TIDAL OBSERVATIONS 595 RECAPITULATION The various results which have been obtained are collected together in the following tables : TIME RELATIONS Establishment of the port Mean of all high-water lunitidal intervals . . Mean of all low- water lunitidal intervals . . Mean of tropic higher high-water intervals . . Mean of tropic lower high-water intervals . Mean of tropic higher low-water intervals . . Mean of tropic lower low-water intervals . . Mean tropic high-water interval of diurnal wave. Prime high-water interval L,ag high-water interval Prime low-water interval L,ag low-water interval Cotidal hour . HEIGHT RELATIONS Mean of all high waters on tide staff .... Mean of all low waters on tide staff . . Mean of all higher high waters on tide staff Mean of all lower low waters on tide staff Mean of tropic higher high water on tide staff . Mean of tropic lower high water on tide staff . Mean of tropic higher low water on tide staff . Mean of tropic lower low water on tide staff Mean of all spring high waters on tide staff Mean of all spring low waters on tide staff . Mean of all neap high waters on tide staff . Mean of all neap low waters on tide staff Mean perigean high water on tide staff . Mean perigean low water on tide staff Mean apogean high water on tide staff . . . Mean apogean low water on tide staff Mean sea level on tide staff Mean half-tide level on tide staff Highest tide observed on tide staff .... tide observed on tide staff RANGES, INEQUALITIES, ETC. Mean range or rise and fall of all tides. . Mean range or rise and fall of spring tides Mean range or rise and fall of neap tides Mean range of the great tropic tides . . Mean range of the small tropic tides . . Cape Flora Teplitz Bay h m A m 10 10 6 43 9 44 6 14 3 37 12 24 10 19^ 5 59 9 oo 6 25 3 40 12 14 3 22b 12 33 2 4oa 2 ^ S^ 9 02 5 22 10 27 7 06 2 55 II 32 4 20 13 16 6 07 2 I 4 Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Ft. Ft. 6.568 4-724 5.602 3-586 6-599 4-743 5.396 3.507 6.613 4-754 6.486 4-579 5-923 3.7I4 5-331 3.485 6.697 4.897 5-473 3-412 6-399 4.467 5-771 3.842 6.636 4-792 5-533 3.5i8 6.501 4-636 5.670 3-674 6.076 4-133 6.085 4-155 7-430 5-3io 4.630 2.860 Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Ft. Ft. 0.966 1.138 1.224 1.485 0.628 0.625 . . . . 1.282 1.269 . . . . 0.563 0.865 596 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Cape Flora Teplitz Bay Mean range of the tropic diurnal wave 0.606 0.292 Mean diurnal range that is, Mean HHW MeanLJyW . 1-203 1.236 Mean range of perigean tides 1.103 1-274 Mean range of apogean tides 0.831 0.962 Mean high-water tropic diurnal inequality 0.127 - I 75 Mean low-water tropic diurnal inequality . . . . . 0.592 0.229 Mean age of the phase tides zd 5.6/1 id 2.4/1 Mean age of the parallax tides id 13. <)h id iS.6/i Mean age of the diurnal tides od 15.9^ 0^21.5^ QUANTITIES USEFUL FOR CLASSIFYING TIDES Cape Flora Teplitz Bay M a K l -O l 202 103 Ratio Ratio (K, + O,)-5-M, 0.68 0.28 S,-f-M, 0.33 0.41 HWQn-Mu 0.13 0.16 LWQ-nMn 0.62 0.21 Gc-f-Mn 1.35 1.15 (Sg Np)-^Mn 0.63 0.78 Sequence LLW to HHW HHWtoLLW h m It m Duration of rise 6 07 6 15 Duration of fall 6 18 6 10 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS A comparison of the results obtained above indicates that the type of tide at Cape Flora is quite different from that at Teplitz Bay. It is interesting to trace out resemblances between the tides of Franz Josef Archipelago and those of more accessible portions of the earth. In some of the most prominent characteristics the tides of Cape Flora resemble those of Mel- bourne, Australia, while those of Teplitz Bay are in a similar way like those of Sitka, Alaska. It happens that both Melbourne and Sitka are in the Pacific Ocean, although widely separated, and some one might hastily conclude that the tides of Franz Josef Archipelago are derived from that ocean. But a very little consideration of the narrow and comparatively shallow opening at Bering Strait will convince one of the extreme improbability of the Arctic tides being derived from the Pacific Ocean to any appreciable extent. The tide wave appears to reach Franz Josef Archipelago from the Atlantic Ocean by two channels, one between Norway and Spitzbergen and the other between Spitzbergen and Green- land. The latter channel being much deeper than the former, the tide wave from the Green- land channel reaches Teplitz Bay, in the northern portion of Franz Josef Archipelago, nearly four hours before the tide wave from the Norway channel arrives at Cape Flora, in the southern portion of the archipelago. The indications are (see maps 23, 25, and 26 of Appendix 5, Re- port of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1904) that the tide wave advances southerly through the channels between the various islands of the group and along their eastern coasts until it meets the, southern wave a few miles east of Cape Flora, although no observations have been made to establish this statement. SECTION E ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS AND REDUCTIONS BY W. J. PETERS In Charge of Scientific Work of the Expedition RUSSELL W. PORTER First Assistant Scientist of the Expedition AND J. A. FLEMING Department Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington 597 AV CONTENTS Page Instruments ............... 60 1 Observatory at Teplitz Bay ............ 602 Observations at Teplitz Bay ........... 603 Latitude 603 Time and Longitude 604 Tabulation of Transit Observations ........ 605 Summary of Moon Culmination Observations and Results for Longitude . 613 Summary of Star Occultation Observations and Results for Longitude . . 614 Azimuth 616 Remarks .............. 616 Observatory at Alger Island . . . . . . . . . . .617 Observations at Alger Island 618 Time 618 Latitude 620 Azimuth 622 ILLUSTRATIONS Opposite page 1 View of Interior of Observatory at Teplitz Bay, Showing Repsold Circle . . . 602 2 lo-Centimeter Alt-Azimuth Instrument 603 3 View Showing Exterior of Observatory at Teplitz Bay 604 599 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS INSTRUMENTS The Repsokl Circle used by the Expedition at Teplitz Bay and Alger Island was secured through the courtesy of Professor Geelmuyden, Director of the Christiania Observatory. This instrument (see figure i) is of the alt-azimuth type, with horizontal and vertical circles of 30 centimeters and 25 centimeters diameter respectively. The telescope is of the broken type, with the eyepiece at one end of the hollow horizontal axis, the opposite end of the axis pro- viding for the illumination of the threads. The magnifying power of the telescope is about 40.4. The horizontal circle is graduated into divisions of four minutes of arc and is provided with four verniers, the least count of each being four seconds of arc. The scale of the ver- tical circle, situated at the opposite end of the horizontal axis from the eyepiece, is similarly divided into four-minute divisions and provided with two micrometers, whose heads are grad- uated into sixty parts, giving a least count of four seconds of arc. The vertical circle is so numbered as to give nadir distances. The weight of the telescope with alidade and clamps attached is 7.7 kilograms. The reticule is a piece of glass engraved with seven vertical lines and two horizontal ones, the latter close together. The space between two consecutive vertical lines is crossed by an equatorial star in about twelve seconds of time. The values of the divisions of the levels were determined in June, 1905, at Alger Island and found to be as follows : Striding level, per division of 2.0 mm 2. "98 Alidade level, per division of 1.8 mm 2."i6 Some of the secondary astronomical work was executed with two small lo-centimeter theodolites made by C. L,. Berger and Sons, both vertical and horizontal circles being read to single minutes of arc by two verniers each. These were of the usual type of instrument (see figure 2) made for finer grade field work by this firm, with the addition of several features to render them more convenient for use in extremely low temperatures. All of the tangent and leveling screw milled heads had small ivory buttons set in the outer circumference about 3 millimeters in diameter and projecting about the same distance beyond the heads. The compass needle was mounted in a closed tube attached to the under side of the telescope, the glass ends of this tube being engraved with collimating lines. These instruments, with cases, are very light and were found extremely useful and convenient, particularly so in the field work of the Expedition. Only two chronometers were carried ; one, a mean time, and the other, a siderial time, both by Negus. 39 & 602 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION OBSERVATORY AT TEPLITZ BAY At the Teplitz Bay station an observatory 2.6 meters by 2.6 meters and 1.8 meter high, the floor being about one-half meter above the surface of the ground, was constructed of undressed lumber some 130 meters northwesterly from the dwelling-house (see figure i of " Section A" for sketch map showing its location in relation to balance of the camp). A small vestibule protected the entrance. The roof was covered with tarred paper. For the work of observation three shutters on hinges were built; two in the walls north and south of the instrument and one running the length of the roof. An exterior view of this building is shown in figure 3 (also in figure i of " Section C"). The pier for the Repsold Circle was built upon a large basalt boulder in an outcrop of rock and was composed of bricks laid in clear cement and surmounted by a capstone some 10 centimeters thick and 60 centimeters square. The pier was approximately 1.3 meter high and 0.5 meter square. The elevation above mean sea level of the top of the capstone is 18.739 meters. A collimator, used also as an approximate meridian mark through the dark period, was placed in the meridian north of the instrument and about 4.6 meters from it. This collimator consisted of one of the small theodolites by C. L. Berger and Sons mounted on a rock and cement pier. In the common focus of object glass and eyepiece were two closely spaced vertical threads. This space was bisected by the middle thread of the Repsold Circle at the beginning and middle of each time set. Illumination of the collimator was effected by a bull's-eye lantern placed just back of the eyepiece. The collimator was protected by a wood box resting on the basalt ledge, this box being covered, when not in use, by a cloth bag to prevent the entry of the fine snow which was almost constantly driving during the winter. On the return of daylight (spring of 1904) a meridian mark was set up on the brow of Cape Auk 6,640 meters south of the observatory. A bull's-eye lantern at the cape was lined into the meridian in the evening by a prearranged system of rocket signals. During the first year this mark consisted of eight empty wood boxes set one on top of another and guyed with wire ; snow was dug away to a rock foundation and a milk tin embedded there to mark the point. Later the boxes were replaced by a heavy plank. These marks appeared through the telescope of the Repsold Circle silhouetted against the sky. Chronometer time was obtained while observing by means of a sounder connected with the break-circuit siderial chronometer at the dwelling ; a hack-watch gave the hour and minute, while a stop-watch served to identify the second at any time. Both mean and siderial chronometers were kept at the dwelling in an insulated box, and were wound and compared regularly each morning after breakfast. The illumination of the Repsold Circle in the usual manner through the axis of the telescope was found to be defective. Accordingly a reflector, similar to those used in small theodolites, was made of zinc ; this received the rays of light from a lamp placed near the wall of the observatory and threw them into the tube of the telescope. For reversing the telescope in the wyes in low temperatures a lifting device consisting of a two-pronged hook at the end of a phosphor bronze wire operating over pulleys was resorted to. By this means it could be suspended while the frost (condensation from the breath) could be removed from the wyes and pivots. When the instrument was not in use it was covered, first, with a cone of cloth suspended from the roof, and, later, by a box of heavy paper inverted over the instrument and resting on the capstone. o z o i FIGURE 2 10-CENTIMETER ALT-AZIMUTH INSTRUMENT ASTK< )N< >M1CAI, OBSERVATIONS 603 OBSERVATIONS AT TEPLITZ BAY OBSERVATORY LATITUDE Latitude was determined by observing star altitudes in the meridian. These observations and results are summarized in the following tabulation : Latitude observations at Tfplitz Ray Local Siderial , mean date time Circle Mean of vertical circle readings corrected for level Barom- eter Attached ther- mometer Outside ther- mometer Resulting lati- tude 1905 April 11.38 /; in s 12 42 01.5 47 22.0 54 32-0 60 18.0 13 20 23.0 25 33 o 29 16.0 39 36.5 45 14.0 49 2 3 .0 13 58 41.0 14 03 40 o 14 27.0 19 54 .0 M 48 33 o 52 27.0 59 33- 63 39 5 j Ursie Majoris 1 1 11 11 ( i ii it Polaris 14 1 1 11 u II a Bootis u ft Ursie Minoris it u ii u ii ii E H W W W W W E E E E W W W W E E / // 154 3 ov6i + 19.9 3 57 19.22 0.0128 II F 7 ^7 OV2^ +23.2 I9-5 1 0.0167 fj OeiTiinoruin TI F, 42 12.49 + 23.5 19.30 0.0054 Draconis T, F 1-1 51 17.91 + 21. i 19.60 0.0087 (T* u K 7 4 01 25 84 + 18.9 lidge slightly " boiling " iv f Cancri* TI F A 09 28.62 -\ SO. 2 19.34 o.oois /3 Cancri TT K 7 14 04.61 + 22.4 19.67 0.0824 T F 6 21 33.30 + 23.2 19.21 O . O2O2 II F 7 25 01.73 + 20.7 : 19.11 0.0233 Drift rising Dec 30 ^ 50 Cassiopeia TI W 21 56 44-39 + 0.7 3 58 31.92 0.0322 X Bootis . T, W 7 22 14 09.30 1.4 31.28 0.0198 6 Bootis T, W 7 23 20.43 + 0.3 31.45 o.oooo L w 4 2Q O2 QQ 32.15 0.0345 8 Persei IT w 7 38 07.53 - 2.7 31.49 0.0006 TT w 7 48 56.26 0-5 31-34 0.0072 II F 5 23 07 36. 12 1.9 31.48 0.0004 Arifctis* . . ... II F i 10 50.86 - 2.0 31.42 O.OOI2 TT K 7 16 18.53 8.0 Tan I.Q 5 H Camelopardalis /3 Tauri H r E F 7 7 4i 44.91 13 21 32.57 7.6 31.64 i.o 3 58 41.76 0.0054 Hazy 0.0272 Atmosphere slightly hazy X Auriare*". F 7 27 48.36 | 1.6 41.42 0.0205 * From American Kphemeris ; all other stars from Berliner Jahrbnch. 6o8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of transit observations at Teplitz Bay Continued November, 1903, to February, 1904 Local astronom- ical date Star Culmination V a u 1 1> E 5 s 1 Chronometer time of mean thread Level AT Ap = Remarks Jan. 1.9 f Tauri T, F 7 // ?;/ 5 ^ 17 ST. d 2 A // ; s A I 77 o 0401 Temp. : 20 Fahr. i Herculis TT F 6 18 oo Q*; 2 4 41 60 o 0069 3).. T, F 7 4o IQ 07 o.o 35 Draconis . u E 7 I 1 41 8c 22 H Camelopardalis X Draconis L TT E K 7 7 M 09 37-53 24 OO ^6 + 2.2 + 4- 8 41.99 41 71 0.0320 o 0025 a Lyrae u W 7 Geminoruin T, W 7 Ul 2I.OI V7 41 ^1 0.0634 15 Lyncis T, W 7 SO 17 QI + 1.2 41 n 7 O OI^^ ^Lyrse TT W 7 C7 4i 17 o *. o 0108 25 Camelopardalis* . L W 7 + O 4 Jan 2 4 ^ Dracouis. ... L W 4 I dA 4Q 86 i 8 o 0219 35 Draconis L W 6 Mci 70 I * t) Geuiiiiorutn TT \v 7 2 IO 22 69 o o A -I QC o 0109 fji Oeniinoruut u W 7 l8 26 80 o.o 3 TT W 7 21 4Q.OQ o.o 7 Geminorum .. . . . . u W 7 i-i 27 4O o o O OO14 Geminorum u W 7 Al II ^Q C o Draconis T, W 7 c i OO 1 A o.o 41 4^ O O2Q4 R Lyra L W c e-i -?S 78 o o 25 Camelopardalis* TT F 6 * 12 21 .76 o.o 42 82 o.oo^s T Draconis L F ft 18 36 81 o o 41 8s o 2402 P Geaiinoruui. . u E 7 2/1 17 7Q 4 6 Probably ice on pivot (see o Geuiinoruni TT F 7 2Q 41 06 - 4.6 O2 O OISQ level) Cygni T, E 7 TC ol ^6 o o 4* 41 o 0^,2.1 S Cygni L E 7 A\ J2 1^ o 0896 Jan. 3.5 25 Camelopardalis* .... i Geminorum U u E F v 6 7 3 12 16.78 0.3 -| I O 3 58 47-29 47 1 7 O.OOOI o 0218 Atmosphere clear ( TT F 7 2Q ^7.6l + 2.0 o Canis Minoris TT F 7 7 1 * 7n.21 4~ A O 47 18 o 0223 X Geminorum u F v 7 7Q C9 17 + I I 47 62 S Cygni L >.; 6 11 08 8*. -II 47 64 e Draconis L E 7 o' sq. Cygni T, K 7 411 47 2Q 2 C 47 1^ o 0236 o Ursse Majoris TT W 7 '2\ 71 8^ -4-22 47 4O 6 Cepliei . . . L W 7 4~ i a a Cygni T, W 7 6H Cephei T, W 7 44 08 81 4- * A o 0068 Ursse Majoris TT W 7 CT CI Si 1 2 1 j. 7 13 5Q 24. + 6.Q Edge " boiling " slightly ij Ursas Minoris* . . u F c 2O 08. 21 + 7-1 09.04 0.0036 e Tauri T, F 4 22 57-99 + 7-6 09.04 0.0334 a Tauri F 6 30 21.87 + 7-6 09.21 0.0014 Star dancing T Tauri T, K 7 36 26.27 + 7-6 09.27 0.0004 9 Camelopardalis T, F 7 44 30.46 + 7-8 09.33 0.0015 * From American Ephemeris ; all other stars from Berliner Jahrbuch. 6io SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Tabulation of transit observations at Teplitz Bay Continued November, 1903, to February, 1904 Local astronom- ical date Star Culmination | No. of threads Chronometer time of mean thread Level AT A p 1 Remarks Jan. 27.8 Jan. 28.3 Jan. 29.8 Jan. 30.4 f Ursae Minoris. U L U L L U W W w w w w 6 7 7 7 6 4 h m s 55 20.59 J 3 05 57.34 10 35.63 20 12.67 26 28 40 28 05.75? 4 58 33-4 15 03 19.5 o 17 16.87 19 49.01 22 58.59 23 03.80 30 17.60 33 40.18 43 42.53 45 38.70 56 38.81 i 06 36.70 18 42.24 26 28.20 "3 31 43-17 36 29.19 43 17-48 52 59- S 7 14 08 09.71 17 3'- J7 23 04.21 31 50.59 48 49-47 52 08.49 10 50.56 17 06.86 22 43.80 27 01.74 33 36-63 39 13-80 i 51 23.81 54 04.65 2 03 30.27 d + 14-5 + J4-5 + 15-8 + 14.9 + 15.1 -\ 15.3 // m s 08.60 08.97 09.21 09.32 09.21 09.36 0.0123 0.0039 o.oon 0.0041 O.OOF2 O.OO50 Star dancing Occulations : emersions ob- served with Berger and Sons' alt-azimuth Atmosphere clear Temp ' 26 Fahr 19 H Camelopardalis . . . IT Herculis . . ft Tauri ... X Aurigse* ft Draconis 6 l Tauri 9' Tauri 4 oo 10.61 10.62 10.26 10.53 10.69 10.40 0.0076 0.0088 0.0642 O.OOOI 0.0272 O.OTT2 ' Tauri* U U U U U U U U L D U U L TT w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w E E E E E E E E E 7 6 7 7 7 6 4 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 5 7 7 7 5 7 -f I.O ' Tauri* ' Tauri* Very poor definition ; frost film over lens of ocular Drift rising Atmosphere clear Temp. : - 25 Fahr. " Boiling" vigorously 81 Tauri* a Tauri* .q. . L I W IS 22 2S 48 -|- 4 oo 21.24 77 6 + 72.82 N SQ IQ 21 SS s ; February 1.5 U I W 4 59 33-64 -f- 4 oo 27.28 75-1 + 7L96 0.40 9 01 12.48 U II W -f- 4 oo 27 28 71 06 Summary of Moon culmination observations and results for longtitude Continued Local astronomical date Moon's right ascension at Greenwich mean time X* .r" Greenwich mean time of observation Greenwich siderial time of observa- tion Resulting longi- tude east of Greenwich I93-I94 November 6.5 h m s h 4 12 2O 2 S Q s +112^ QI 5 O ^ Am s q 22 O} sS h m s O 21 42 03 // m s s 3 51 40. 2 7.6 5 13 21.71 10 f- 1119.46 Oil IO 18 J.q.^J. I 22 23.62 44 o 8.6 6 15 19 01 ii 4- o8s 06 -j- O OE ii 1 6 25 97 2 24 l6 \2 43-5 9.6. . 7 17 13 28 12 -f- 850 20 4- o 07 12 14 10 27 3 26 06.68 41.5 10.7 8 18 04.94 13 4- 6so SQ -i- o o? 1-2 10 SO.q6 4 26 S3. 22 378 December 6.0 6 20 43 18 21 4* 2069 09 o oo 21 ^4 2q oq 14 30 28.OO 43-6 6.5 6 54 01.20 10 4- 2S7 QS o oo 10 04 17.95 3 02 20 01 S2.2 7.1 7 24 34 96 22 4- 2044.24 -f- O.St 22 34 04.77 15 34 10.00 Si-4 7. S. . 7 ^7 IQ QQ 1 1 4- 2IS 17 -j- O OI ii o^ ^s.i8 4 05 43.54 45-4 V).'?. . 3 14 oo oo 4 4- ^n8 77 ^.41 4 5 2 '5'36 23 24 03.53 56.2 January 1.9 C 48 \A 42 IQ -L Qi4 \\ O 12 19 15 14.01 13 57 17.07 56.8 2.4 6 IQ 46 t2 7 4- 2747 It O.S2 7 45 46.61 2 29 52 .96 5 2 -9 3.5 7 25 09 64 8 -f 2828. sq + 0.60 8 47 09.19 3 35 22.18 50.5 4.0 7 ^8 S*\ Q7 21 ~f~ ^55-^5 + 008 21 17 35.73 16 07 52.00 49-4 23.2 24 20 46 37 24 -h I4tQ 76 4- O.2} o 23 59.99 20 29 41.45 50.8 27.8 4 12 52 98 15 4- ^S47 7^ 4. or 15 59 03.72 12 23 OS. 01 67.1 28.3 29.8. . 4 43 55.o8 4 6 16 is 1\ 17 4- 1622.52 -j- 1277. SS 079 I S7 4 27 Qi-73 17 54 35.98 24 53 05.86 14 26 49.36 54-7 66.9 3O.4 6 50 14-36 6 4- ISO6.QQ 0.17 6 25 06.82 2 59 23.49 56.2 3O.9 7 21 31.07 18 4- ^^2Q.Q7 12 18 55 29.85 15 31 49.79 66.2 February 1.5. . 9 oo 04.41 8 | I597.O9 + 0.37 8 26 37.46 5 09 07.20 653 1.5 9 oo 04.41 8 -j- 1617.04 + 0.38 8 26 57.42 5 09 27.22 46.1 3 51 51.8 (-I-1.3) 614 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIKGLER POLAR EXPEDITION Smuiiiaiy of star occitllalion observations and results for longitude at 'I'cplitz Ray Observatory p = 8i47'34."9N ?' = 8i4 4 'i 9 " Observations of January 27, 1904, with Berger and Sons' alt-azimuth Star 7 Tauri ' Tauri 9 3 Tauri Chronometer time emersion .... Chronometer correction h in s n 29 30.70 \- 4 oo 09 . 1 7 // III S 14 58 33.40 r 4 f)O <>Q ^ // III S 15 "3 I9-50 \ \ OO OQ *\A. Siderial time observation, M. Mean time observation '5 29 39- 8 7 19 05 4.5.82 | ) r^J ' '^ . J J i 8 58 42.93 22 34 14.90 I H- *"* v ^;7 OT- 19 03 29.04 22 39 00.22 Approximate Gr. mean time 15 14 02 i 8 42 31 18 47 16 Star's right ascension, a' /; in s 4 14 20. 82 /( /// 5 4 23 06 . 26 // in s ti 2\ II 74 Star's declination 8' o / // _j- r c 2\ 18 J / // I ^ 4*1 JQ \ *t *O i *-/ t + o / // ' 1^ 1Q 21 1 Moon's corrected* right ascen- sion, a, at Gr. mean time. . . . r *o *j *>"** /; 111 s h 4 08 ii .32 at 13 \ *O Hf H^'J /; in s Ii 4 17 35 . 93 at 17 i *O oV -*o-o /; >;/ j // 4 17 35 93 a ^ 1 7 10 31.98 14 19 57.89 18 19 57.89 18 12 52.97 15 22 20. 17 19 22 20.17 19 15 14.29 16 24 42.78 20 24 42.78 20 17 35-93 17 27 05.71 21 27 05.71 21 Moon's corrected* declination, d at Gr. mean time . . . o / // h + 16 15 45.2 at 13 / // /, (- 16 ^s iQ.6ati7 / // /, ' 16 35 19.6 at 17 20 47.0 14 1 * OO J 7 -^ ' 1 39 59-5 18 39 59-5 i 8 25 43.4 15 44 33.7 "9 44 33-7 '9 30 34.2 16 49 02. 2 20 49 02.2 20 35 19-6 17 53 24.9 2' 53 24.9 21 Moon's horizontal parallax, ir, ' " h 58 ii. oat 13 / // /; 58 20.9 at 17 ' " h 58 20.9 at 17 13-5 14 23-3 18 23-3 IS 16.0 15 25.8 19 25.8 19 18.4 16 28.2 20 28.2 20 20.9 17 30.8 21 30.8 21 Coordinate .rat Gr. mean time. . k - 1.524023! 13 h 1.3563831 17 // - 1. 37887 at 17 - 0.94285 14 0.77266 18 0.79516 18 - 0.36157 15 - 0.18884 19 0.21132 19 -(- 0.21981 16 + 0.39506 20 + 0.37263 20 + 0.80117 17 4- 0.97892 21 -1- 0.95655 21 Hourly variation in .r, x' at Gr. mean time h \- 0.58122 at 13 /i -1- o ^8^77 at 1 7 k \- o. 58378 at 17 4- 0.58128 14 i u o^j 1 1 "* */ + 0.58382 i 8 + 0.58384 18 + 0.58135 15 -f- 0.58387 19 + 0.58391 19 -f 0.58138 16 + 0.58390 20 + 0.58395 20 + 0.58137 17 + 0.58388 21 -f 0.58394 21 *See p. 612 for corrections to Nautical Almanac values. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS .Summary of star occiilation observations am/ results for longitude at Tep/if- Bay Observatory Continued = 81 47' 34/' 9 N 0'=8t 44' 19" Observations of January 27, 1904, with Berger and Sous' alt-aiimuth Star y Tauri 1 Tauri ' Tauri Coordinate y at Or. mean time. Hourly variation in y, y' at i + 0.90113 at 13 + 0.98351 14 + 1.06580 15 + I. 14799 '6 + 1.23008 17 h + 0.08234 at 13 4- 0. (.18229 !4 4- 0.08224 15 4- 0.08219 '6 + 0.08214 17 / // 232 39 58.05 169 04 45.75 98 06 49.6 4- 0.02713 + 0.98834 h 15-25 0.21622 + 1.08634 + 0.58136 4- 0.08223 o / // 291 56 06.9 81 56 57-3 208 44 54.3 // in s 15 15 oo.oo 20 21 23.74 + 02 20.31 /! -\- 0.87001 at 17 -(- 0.94632 1 8 ! 1.02250 19 -\- 1.09862 20 4- 1.17458 21 k -(- 0.07624 at 17 + 0.07618 18 4- 0.07616 19 -\- 0.07612 20 + 0.07604 21 / // 284 40 43.95 218 54 10.05 96 26 48 . i 0.08994 + 0.97962 k 18.7 0.36398 + 0.99964 + 0.58386 + 0.07617 / // 274 10 42.0 82 34 02. o 191 42 ii. i h in s 18 42 oo.oo 20 21 23.74 4- 03 04.32 h ; 0.963243117 (- 1-03945 is 4- 1.11550 19 4- 1.19149 20 4- 1.26730 21 k 4- 0.07613 at 17 4- 0.07605 18 4- 0.07602 19 4- 0.07599 20 4- 0.07590 21 / // 285 52 15.60 220 04 19.50 96 20 24.3 0.0922O + 0-97937 h 18.8 - 0.32808 + 1.10029 4- 0.58393 4- 0.07603 / // 297 08 28.3 82 34 52.3 213 28 15.2 h m s 18 48 oo.oo 20 21 23.74 4- 03 05.30 /i in arc It a' B /"o assumed at x a I* x'... y a ' M N T Siderial time mean moon Reduction fj. ... , I' 38 54.05 '5 29 39-' s 7 - 3 5o 45-82 01 12.44 15 06 28.06 18 58 42-93 - 3 52 14-87 4- oo 13.33 | 15 12 29.04 19 03 29.04 3 51 oo.oo oo 56.00 fj. ft --- H T Resulting longitude east of Greenwich 3 Si 58-0 3 52 or. 5 3 51 56.00 Mean value of three determina- tions h m s s 3 51 58.6 ( 1.1) 6i6 SCIENTIFIC KlCSUl/rS ( >! ZIEGLEK i'ULAR EXPEDITION AZIMUTH The star transit observations were also used in determining azimuths. The results are as follows : Azimuth of magnetic hut from astronomical observatory Horizontal circle Correction to measuted Local astro- angle account nomical Vernier read- Vernier read- of collima- Resulting azimuth date Vernier ings before sighting ings after sighting tion, azimuth, and level on but on hut deviations* 1903-1904 / // o / // / // / // December 2 I 84 58 28 28 59 52 j] II 60 oo 60 oo o 18 S 304 oi 20 W III 59 4 60 36 IV 59 oo 60 12 J December 18 I 84 57 52 29 oo 28 1 II 57 4 00 16 I il I O9 B 304 oi 40 W III 56 52 oo oo IV 57 12 oo 08 January 27 I 84 59 36 29 oo oo 1 II 59 48 00 20 1 III 60 08 oo 52 I 22 S 304 oi 44 W IV 60 28 oo 16 1 After the meridian mark at Cape Auk was established, February 12, 1904, numerous measurements of the angle from it to the magnetic hut were made during the year 1904. The mean value from these observations of the included angle was 55 58' 28". From the obser- vations of the lower and upper culminations of the circumpolars Ursae Minoris and 19 H Camel, respectively, on February 12, 1904, the correction to this angle on account of collima- tion, azimuth, and inclination of axis deviations was o."i. Hence the azimuth of magnetic hut from astronomic observatory by reference to the meridian mark on Cape Auk is S 304 oi' 32" W, a value agreeing very well with those obtained above. The resulting mean value adopted is S 304 01' 34" W. REMARKS One of the difficulties encountered in observing at low temperatures was caused by the accumulation, due to the condensation from the breath and the proximity of a warm body, of small particles of frost over the different parts of the instrument. It is thought that the irregular readings of the striding level are due more to the presence of ice particles on the axis of the telescope than to any change in the inclination of the axis itself. This ice, which was being continually deposited, was removed as far as possible by dusting the pivots at each level- ing and by wiping them and the wyes at the beginning and middle of each time set (when the *As obtained from the least-square reductions. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS 617 telescope was raised out of its standards). Yet small pieces of ice or snow were bound to adhere to the pivots, and these could not be removed except by pressure sufficient to disturb the stability of the instrument. Condensation also collected on the object glass and eye piece, necessitating frequent cleaning. For the same reason as given above this could not be removed from the object glass except when the telescope was lifted out of the wyes ; hence many fifth and sixth magnitude stars were lost in observing. The strain to the body attendant on observing any length of time in low temperatures, especially if the surrounding air is at all in motion, necessitated shortening the period of time sets so far as possible. This accounts for many incomplete transits, stars coming too close together to observe them on all threads. Upon several occasions fog accumulated in the observatory to such an extent as to effectu- ally stop further observation (this with the shutters open). At other times, during tempera- tures between 40 and 50 Fahrenheit, the kerosene lamp refused to burn, and the siderial hack watch stopped soon after being exposed to the air. ALGER ISLAND STATION OBSERVATORY When the retreat south was made in April of 1905, the Repsold Circle was taken from its pier at Teplitz Bay, packed in its case, and, with the chronometers, transported by dog sledges 100 miles to Alger Island. At this station the observing hut was some 2.4 meters square and 1.8 meter high, with a flat roof, and built of wire netting stretched tightly over a wood frame and covered with a heavy roofing material called "rubberoid." Wall and roof shutters were placed in the plane of the meridian, and two trap-doors hung in the east and west walls for observations out of the meridian. The pier at this point was made of an iron gasoline tank filled with sand and sunk about 0.3 meter in the frozen ground. So far as could be noted this seemed quite stable. The general location of the observing hut with reference to the balance of the camp is shown by the sketch map of figure 21 of Section A. The south meridian mark was a tripod of oars firmly lashed together, the legs being embedded in stones, on a level outcrop of basalt from the glacier of McClintock Island. The north mark was a tripod of light iron rods situated on the spur of the mountain immediately north of the station. The chronometers were kept in a box inside an old hydrogen-generating tank about 1.2 meter in diameter and 1.5 meter high, located 6 meters northwest of the observatory. This tank was banked up with sand and a small pyramid tent pitched over it. A manhole in the top permitted access to the interior of the tank. This arrangement gave very satisfactory tempera- ture results in the chronometer box, the average daily range during the period May i to July 30, 1905, being only about 1.2 centigrade. The siderial chronometer was connected with a sounder in the observatory. 40 6i8 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POJ.AK EXPEDITION OBSERVATIONS AT ALGER ISLAND Solar observations only were made at this station during the summer of 1905. The con- tinuous daylight prohibited making trustworthy determinations for longitude. A value of longitude depending upon a rough survey beginning at Teplitz Bay Observatory and ending at Cape Flora, resting at the latter place on the determinations made by the Italian Expedition, of 3 h 44 22* east of Greenwich has been adopted. TIME Time observations at Alger Island Greenwich astronom- ical date Chronom- eter No. Mean of chronometer times Mean of zenith readings corrected for level Tempera- ture Fahr. Aneroid barometer A.M. or P. M. No. of point- ings 1905 June 26.7 h tti s 1809 17 03 01.50 / // 60 21 42.65 o 34-7 In. 30.03 A. M. 3 27.0 1809 o 16 46.75 62 10 32.50 36.7 30.09 P. M. 6 28.0 1809 o 24 22.80 62 29 40.60 28.7 30.29 P. M. 6 28.7 1809 15 38 10.50 6 3 35 26.30 34-0 30.40 A. M. 6 29.0 1809 o 20 11.35 62 22 18.87 41.0 30.46 P. M. 6 July 2.0 1809 o 47 45-65 63 36 11.30 33-2 30.43 P. M. 4 7.0 1809 o oo 57.25 62 12 20.83 34-o 30.36 P. M. 6 IO.O 1809 o 06 36.35 62 43 35-73 32.0 30-42 P. M. 6 10.7 1764 3 2 5 55-00 62 51 06.65 36.0 30.41 A. M. 6 II. 1809 o 07 20.17 62 52 24.23 36.9 30-35 P. M. "6 15.7 1764 3 15 35-75 64 42 27.88 33-8 30.35 A. M. 6 16.7 1764 2 54 i2- 2 7 65 S 2 19-70 31.0 30.40 A. M. 4 18.7 1764 3 05 29.60 66 04 25.95 35-5 30.34 A. M. 5 19.7 1764 3 57 06-17 64 24 50.58 34-2 30.34 A. M. 6 20. 1764 12 05 47.27 65 06 37.95 34-7 30.38 P. M. 6 20.7 1764 3 ii 36.72 66 30 23.52 35-7 30.38 A. M. 6 23-7 1764 3 32 50-13 66 42 48.80 35-9 30.35 A. M. 6 24.0 1764 ii 50 51.89 64 44 38.90 32.0 30.34 P. M. 6 26.0 1764 12 22 48.63 66 03 17.77 36.2 3 -36 P. M. 6 26.7 1764 3 4i 49- 6 2 67 27 14.27 32.2 30.42 A. M. 6 27.7 1764 3 39 49-89 6? 54 38-83 35-3 30-37 A. M. 6 28.0 1764 12 45 37.66 67 04 23.22 35-0 30-35 P. M. 6 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS 619 Time observations at ;{lger Island Continued Greenwich astronom- ical date Mean of observed times, corresponding to mean zenith distances Tiuie deduced from observed alti- tudes Corrections of chronometers to local siderial time Remarks No. 1809 No. 1764 1905 h 111 s h m s ll III S It III S June 26.7 17 03 01.50 20 51 12.67 +3 48 11.77 27.0 o 16 49.73 4 04 56.56 48 06.83 28.0 o 24 24.63 4 12 29.51 48 04.88 28 7 TC -ifi O7 OS 19 26 13.01 48 05 . 96 *o. / 29.0 1 O / * O 20 14.24 4 08 15.08 48 00.84 July 2.0 o 47 47.16 4 35 48.26 48 oi . 10 7r\ o oi 01 . 67 5 A8 SO . 4Q 47 48.82 Sun's edge " jumping ' ' 10. o 06 39.19 o t" o ' ty 3 54 21.30 47 42.11 10.7 3 25 50.91 3 28 25.82 +0 02 34.91 Sun "boiling" moderately II. o 07 23.27 3 55 04.71 47 41.44 " Boiling " violently 5-7 3 IS 32 62 3 18 15.26 02 42.64 Good definition 16.7 2 54 10. n 2 56 52.60 02 42 . 49 Clouds 18.7 3 05 28.72 3 08 17.88 02 49.16 Drifting 19.7 3 57 3-o8 3 59 54 29 02 51.21 Good 20. 12 05 49.57 ' 12 08 41.32 02 51-75 Good 20.7 3 " 35-44 3 14 29.30 02 53.86 Fair 23-7 3 32 48.53 3 35 50.76 03 02 . 23 Fair 24.0 ii 50 55-" ii 53 57-43 03 O2 . 32 Good 26.0 12 22 52.58 12 26 00.39 03 07.81 Very good 26.7 3 41 4-37 3 44 57-46 03 09.09 Good 27.7 3 49 49.00 3 42 59 2 ' s 03 10.28 Good aS n 12 .K 1Q.O7 12 48 .S.V.So 03 14.43 Good 6ao SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION LATITUDE Latitude was determined at Alger Island by the method of circummeridian observations of the Sun, the reductions being carried out in the usual method.* The results are summarized in the following tabulation : Summary of latitude observations at Alger Island Greenwich astro- nomical date and remarks Obs'd limb Chronom. No. 1764 time Observed Refrac- zeuith tion and distance parallax Zenith dis- tances Am fin redu "? to meridian and Sun's center Resulting lati- tude 195 June 27.8 Baroni.: 30.27 In. Therm.: ( 31. o F. June 28.8 Baroni.: 30.44 In. Therm.: +36.6F. July 9.8 Barom : 30 44 In. Therm.: (-34 9 F. Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q // 111 S 19 49 50 57 40 20 02 05 05 18 10 58 16 51 20 47 26 21 3 '4 32 58 38 39 43 3 19 49 30 53 09 56 07 59 'I 20 02 31 06 O7 ii 45 >5 45 18 37 22 57 26 22 29 49 19 53 4o 56 48 59 35 20 O2 30 05 17 08 03 21 I 5 24 33 27 06 29 27 32 15 34 58 / // I // 56 48 49.4 + 85.8 78 26.1 1- 87.5 77 43.7 + 87.6 77 16.9 i 87.6 45 10.5 + 85.5 45 09.0 -f 85.5 45 20.7 + 85.5 77 33-9 + 87 5 78 u.6 + 87.5 78 44-9 + 87.5 48 43.1 + 85.7 50 10.5 -f 85.7 57 23 25.4 + 87.3 22 24.1 -f 87.2 21 41.4 + 87.2 21 Ol.g -f 87.1 20 32.4 + 87.1 20 06.6 + 87.1 56 47 52 4 -f 85. i 47 50.9 -1- 85.1 47 50.4 : + 85.1 48 15.2 + 85.1 48 40.4 + 85.2 49 9-3 +85.2 58 19 43-5 + 9i-o 18 51.9 + 91.0 18 09.3 + 90.9 17 380 + 90.9 17 16.2 + 90.8 16 54.1 f 90.8 57 45 7'4 1 88 8 // // / // -22;, | ; o. I 57 02 17.6 105.1 22 8 / // }-8o 2.1 19. IN J |-8o 21 18 9 N \Ho 21 20.7 N J - 57.8 : 27.8 32 2 26 6 5-2 . 16. s 1.6 186 - 13.1 18 8 - 48 5 27.2 - 86.3 27.0 119.5 27.2 205.6 +0.1 28.9 297.4 +0.1 24.5 233.0 +0 i 57 04 74.1 J~i.o 74.6 127.6 . 7? 1 895 . TiS - 55-6 ... 78 2 28. I 70 37 59 S 0.2 6 1 s 4-8 s6 4 23.0 63.0 46.0 . 64 a 7Q 4 . 60 8 200.1 +0.1 58 02 08 S 150.6 ... c6 6 1125 02 o 7-S.S O4 7 . - 51.8 . . 09 s to 7 08 <\ c 6 16 * 45 17.6 + 88.8 45 37.0 |- 88 9 18 8 . n i 3<1 4 . 172 45 55-2 + 88.9 46 28.2 | 890 46 55-3 + 89.0 C2 Q l6 Q - 80.1 ... 22.8 II 1. 8 ... . lS.2 'Spherical and practical astronomy, by William Chauvenet. Philadelphia, 1885, 5th edition. Pp. 233-253. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS 621 Summary of latitude obse>~>ations at Alger Island Continued Greenwich astro- nomical date and remarks Obs'd limb Chrononi. No. 1764 time Observed zenith distance Refrac- tion and parallax Am Bit ' Zenith dis- tances reduced to Resulting lati- meridian tude and Sun's center July 15.8 Barom. : 30.35 In. Therm.: + 33. o F. July 18.3 (lower culmination) Barom : 30.41 In. Therm.: (- 34. 6 F. July 20.8 Barom.: 30.35 In. Therm.: + 34. 9 F. Mean value lat Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q tude a // III S - 10 28 14 02 16 57 19 58 23 03 25 38 42 09 43 M 5 44 58 44 62 39 19 27 48 31 19 34 5i 38 05 40 36 54 42 58 14 60 58 64 04 67 45 7 31 37 35 3 39 29 45 3 48 06 5" 15 8 or 55 05 22 12 01 '4 57 17 3' looted . . / // 58 39 47.6 38 45-3 38 02.2 37 21.9 36 494 36 295 67 433 67 58.4 68 390 70 16.6 71 2S 6 78 44 15.7 44 59-8 45 29.2 45 52.1 46 06.7 '4 55-9 14 440 14 21.8 '3 54 6 13 14.6 59 3i 48.5 30 48.9 29 54-9 28 58.2 28 39.0 28 28.0 60 05.1 60 22.3 61 12.3 61 51.4 62 266 -1 92.4 + 92.4 + 92.3 + 92.3 t 92 2 + 92.2 + 94-2 H- 94-2 + 94-3 + 94-4 + 94-5 + 289.2 + 289.4 -+389.6 + 289.8 + 290.0 -1-277.0 -1- 276.9 i 276.7 + 276 5 + 276.4 + 95-3 + 95-3 + 95-2 + 95-2 -!- 95-1 + 95-r + 97 3 4- 97-3 + 974 + 97-4 + 97-5 250.9 +0.1 -188.3 +0.1 o / // 58 52 55-2 55-5 56.7 56.2 57-6 6r.i 82.2 93 .0 80.0 78.0 84.8 78 35 13-8 19.8 18.8 20.6 2 34 37.6 46.4 45-5 47-9 50.8 . 59 45 23.0 27-5 28.2 32-5 33-3 47-4 48.3 43 i 48.0 48 2 / // 1 ^So 21 23.1 N i So 21 23.7 N 80 21 20.5 N 1040 - 70.0 46.6 Q 7 . 66.s 167.1 232.4 jo. i + 115.1 + 76 8 ' . -(- 46 2 4- 24 Q . 4- 12 Q . < -4- VJ.^ -f 60 8 -f- QO 6 . 227.2 +0.1 163 o 108 2 46 6 27 Q . - 16.1 8.7 25.0 80. 1. T4Q.6 . 80 21 21.0 N 622 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION AZIMUTH The azimuth of the south mark at Alger Island was determined during the summer of 1905 by observations of the Sun's transits. The followiug tabulation shows the results obtained from the ten determinations made : Summary of south mark azimuth determinations at Alger Island Green- wich astro- nomical date Circle Mean chro- nometer time on both limbs Mean hori- zontal circle reading both limbs Mean level readings Mark readings Local side- rial time mean set Computed Sun's azi- muth Correc- tion account level Circle reading south meridian Resulting azimuth of mark 1905 h m s / // d ' " h m s . / // // O / // a / // July 15.7 R 3 34 37-68 3 47 28.93 306 50 57 22.6 310 08 12 + 2.3 11 02 ^8 } 3 43 45.90 62 33 53-4 ; + 5-0 H 03 33 359 59 i 6 18.7 R Iv 3 3i 14-66 3 54 19-74 303 03 10 38 54 49 +31-5 ii. 6 ii 02 43 1 34536.4 65 05 05.6 - 4.7 ii 04 oi 359 58 43 | | 19.7 R I, 3 27 24.11 3 36 52.82 311 06 27 313 30 ii +30.7 " o* g } 3 34 59-69 68 45 28.6 -5.8 ii 03 42 359 59 03 I 20.0 R Iv ii 21 17.20 ii 31 53.68 66 23 31 69 07 06 o.S "o1 4 4 5 6 [1.2927.14 564I5L6 ] + 2.O ii 03 24 359 59 21 20. L R ii 41 09.10 ii 50 17.20 71 29 32 73 49 3 -28.3 + 6.2 ii 02 45 II 02 46 | ii 48 34.85 61 35 53-1 + 5-3 ii 03 33 359 59 12 20.7 R 3 32 54.72 3 42 oo. 61 301 32 02 33 49 53 - 7.9 + 11. II 02 56 ii 02 49 1 3 40 21.57 68 22 43.4 0.7 ii 03 41 359 59 ii 23-7 L R 3 46 52.03 3 58 05.23 3O2 IO 21 305 oo 52 40.8 0.6 ii 02 45 ii 02 37 } 3 55 30.93 67 27 46.9 + 9.2 ii 03 32 359 59 9 24.O Jv R ii 19 50.86 ii 29 48.75 61 49 18 64 23 54 - 9.8 o.o II 02 52 11 02 46 ju 27 52.11 52 03 07.2 + 2.4 ii 03 26 359 59 23 26.O L R ii 49 11.24 12 03 05.58 67 17 42 70 51 19 - 7-4 0.4 ii 02 49 ii 02 39 jii 59 16.21 5801 23.5 + 1.8 ii 03 05 359 59 39 28.0 R L 12 20 23.50 12 29 12.36 73 12 49 75 26 12 0.2 13.2 ii 02 45 ii 02 41 1 12 28 02.33 63 16 27.5 + 2.9 ii 03 oo 359 59 43 Mean azimuth of all determinations 359 59 16 SECTION F MAP CONSTRUCTION AND SURVEY WORK BY RUSSELL W. PORTER First Assistant Scientist of the Expedition 623 CONTENTS Page Construction of Maps ............. 627 Remarks on Exploratory Surveys .......... 627 Nomenclature of Geographical Features ......... 628 Reconnaissance of Rubini Rock and Vicinity ........ 629 MAPS i Sketch Map of Rubini Rock and Vicinity ..... Opposite page 630 A The North Polar Regions .......... In pocket B Franz Josef Archipelago .......... In pocket C Part of Franz Josef Archipelago Surveyed by the Ziegler Polar Expedition, 1903-4-5 . . In pocket 625 . CONSTRUCTION OF MAPS REMARKS ON EXPLORATORY SURVEYS The maps of Franz Josef Archipelago are based on exploratory surveys made by the Ziegler Polar Expedition and data obtained from the maps of Payer, Leigh Smith, Jackson, Nansen, Wellman, and the Duke of Abruzzi. The exploratory surveys extend to all the islands between the soth and 6oth meridians and consist of a plane-table traverse, run in 1904 from Camp Abruzzi, through Kane Lodge and Catnp Ziegler, to Elmwood. Additional information was obtained from an earlier trip made the same year to Kane Lodge and to Nansen's hut and further plane-table work in 1905 in the region north of Markham Sound. The longitude of the astronomic observatory at Camp Abruzzi was obtained by the methods of moon-star culminations and star occultations. Twenty-two moon-culniination and three star- occultation observations were made during the winter of 1903-4. The resulting value, 3 h 5i m 52. S 6 (57 58' 09") east of Greenwich, is the one adopted in the map construction. Determina- tions resting on the chronometer alone were not used on account of the large variations in rate, supposed at the time to be due to jars caused by " bucking ice ". Twenty-six out of the fifty- four stations occupied were strengthened by latitude, azimuth, and time observations made with a Berger and Sons' especially constructed 4-inch theodolite or alt-azimuth (see Section E for description). Two base lines were included, one at Camp Abruzzi, the other at Kane Lodge. The longitudes of Camp Ziegler, Harmsworth House (Cape Tegetthoff ) , and Elmwood (Cape Flora), as determined by this traverse and referred to Camp Abruzzi, are : o / Camp Ziegler (Alger Island) . . . 56 08 east of Greenwich. Harmsworth House (Cape Tegetthoff) . 57 47 east of Greenwich. Elmwood (Cape Flora) . . . . 49 59 east of Greenwich. These values were adopted in the new map and required Jackson's work to be shifted 3.3 nautical miles to the east, Payer's 3.6 to the west, and Wellman's 0.5 to the west. Heights are given in feet. Except in one or two instances, the brows of the cliffs are the points measured. With the exception of Stoliczka Island (by aneroid), all heights have been found by triangulation. During the traverse of 1904 the party went into camp at Rubini Rock (Hooker Island) for ten days during the last of June. The surrounding region seemed peculiarly well adapted for offering a safe harbor to any ship intending to pass the winter in the Archipelago. As such a harbor has never been found heretofore in Franz Josef Archipelago, where a ship can be sure of getting out the next year, a detailed map was therefore made of an area some 3 miles square (see figure i). 6*7 628 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF ZIEGLER POLAR EXPEDITION NOMENCLATURE OP GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES In the nomenclature of the different geographical features, certain changes have been made, as follows : Backs Channel has been retained for that body of water separating Karl Alexander and Jackson Islands. DC Long Fjord (Nanseu) proved to be a bay and not a channel separating Leigh Smith and Frederick Jackson Islands as Nansen supposed. The name of Jackson has been retained to the island which this bay indents. Hoflman Island was looked for on several occasions at a distance of some 20 miles under favorable atmospheric conditions but never was seen. It may be a low, snow-covered island and has been retained in the position ascribed by Wellman. Nanseu dropped it from his preliminary map but Welluian's map shows his route so close to it as to preclude any reasonable doubt of its existence. Freeden Island (Payer) has been retained on the map as the most southern island of Nansen' s " Hvidtenland " because Payer saw an island in this neighborhood which he called Freeden Island. The identity of the island that Payer saw is a question that probably cannot be settled as it appeared in a direction where some islands are now known to exist. The name he gave should appear on some one of these and, as Nansen has suggested, one island of this group might very probably be the one Payer saw. Booth, Rhodes, and Brown Fjords and the Ward Bay of Jackson have all been found to be channels running through to Austria Sound and separating Payer's Zichey Laud into several islands. The group of small islands indicated on Wellman's map as lying south of Markham Sound and between Hooker and McCliutock Islands have all been identified, with two exceptions, viz.: Simon Newcomb Islands and Willis Moore Islands. When Jackson mapped this region he passed through Hamilton Channel in thick weather without seeing the channel which divides the land west of Hamilton Channel into two islands. We have placed Jackson's Brom- wich on the northern of these two islands and Wellman's Prichett on the southern. La Ronciere Peninsula, Cape Berghaus, and Cape Littrow, all of Payer, were found by Wellman to be islands and were given new names. The original proper names of Payer have been retained on the ground of priority. Richthofen Peak, seen by Payer from Cape Brunn, has been located on Alger Island and not where Jackson places it. Here the Expedition found a peak, or spur, some i ,400 feet high dominating the entire neighborhood, as Payer asserts. His wood cut illustrating the peak and his description of it convinced us that the high mountain on Alger Island, and that only, could satisfy his conditions. The Expedition concurs with the Italians that the four islands indicated by Wellman as lying northeast of Rudolph Island do not exist. The locality was crossed twice and no land found. The word "land" has been dropped entirely as being misguiding, now that the Archi- pelago is known to consist only of several comparatively small islands. In the map construction the last name only of proper names given to geographical feat. ures has been retained for the sake of brevity and clearness. The results of the survey work of the Expedition have all been made use of in constructing Maps B and C. The map showing the Arctic regions (Map A) has been compiled by Mr. Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Editor of the National Geographic Magazine. As will be readily noted, he has entered upon the same practically all data secured in the Arctic through the year 1906. The Expedition is under great obligation to him for the thorough execution of the laborious work of compilation of data and corrections necessary in the construction of this map. MAP CONSTRUCTION 629 RECONNAISSANCE OK RUBINI ROCK AND VICINITY The traverse party crossed the ice-cap of Hooker Island the morning of June 21, 1904, and coasted down the glacier slopes in a zigzag course to Rubini Rock. The surroundings pre- sented a far greater diversity of character as well as more vegetable and animal life than we had ever seen before in these Islands. A good sized bay some three miles across from north to south was found here to indent the island from the British Channel. At the bottom of this bay a headland projected from the ice-cap, continuing as a low spit of land and terminating in a towering rock found later to rise almost sheer from the surface of the bay to a height of 587 feet. Jackson mistook this rock for an island which error could easily be made in the spring when he visited it. This tongue of land, on which Rubini Rock is located, divides the bay into two smaller ones of nearly equal size and into which descend two glaciers from the ice-cap. The more northerly glacier showed almost no crevassing and had absolutely no face, its surface running imperceptibly into that of the bay ice. The other glacier, however, immediately south of our camp, was the highly crevassed glacier (No. II on map) and showed signs of more activity than is usually met with among these Islands. Along its landward margin a lateral moraine had been formed in recent times; the detritus was fresh; the rocks angular and sharp and embedded in sand and clay. There were no signs of lichens. Between the moraine and the talus back of it flowed a good sized stream which expanded into two ponds some hundred feet wide before debouching into the bay. The winter's ice was still in the two bays, its edge on June 20 being as indicated on the map. Outside of this line, and almost surrounding Keltic Island, lay open water between the headlands of the bay in which the broken floes moved back and forth with the tide. There were no bergs floating in the bay though we were constantly expecting them to be discharged from the larger glacier. An old beach raised 28 feet above the sea level was found on the spit of land uniting Rubini Rock with the island. On this beach a base line 600 feet long was measured twice, signals erected on the prominent headlands, and the triangulation extended with the theodolite. With several points thus well determined the plane table was used to complete the map. The inner side only of Rubini Rock retained a talus. After some search one spot was discovered where access could be had to the top. The table top of the rock towered a full hundred feet by measurement above the brows of the surrounding headlands. It was composed of sharp, angular blocks of basalt covered with a dense growth of spongy, black lichens re- sembling very coarse horsehair. This growth, of which there certainly was enough to last an expedition several years as fuel, was found to burn freely. Imbedded in these lichens was found part of a shed antler of an Arctic reindeer; he must have reached this plateau by some way other than the one we used. The table top dipped toward the southwest like an amphitheater and then dropped verti- cally into the water. Under the southeastern cliffs the columnar structure of the basalt was very marked. And here thousands of little auks, loons, and sea gulls made their home. The slope of the talus under this rookery was covered with a luxuriant growth of grass whose roots were imbedded in ice and frozen earth. Where the headlands and nunataks protruded from the ice-sheet several acres of exposed table land were to be seen entirely free of ice and snow. They differ in elevation from 370 to 720 feet, but all are remarkably level; the basalt is weathered and crumbled to a very coarse sand or gravel. The writer examined the rock exposures of this vicinity for glacial mark- ings and striae, but found none. 6 3 o SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OE ZIEGLKK 1'OLAR EXPEDITION By the time the party was ready to leave on July i the accumulation of winter's snow had disappeared from the glaciers leaving their hard, blue surfaces exposed. A lake of some size had formed in one of the sags of Glacier II some 2,500 feet back from its face, and streams from the melting ice were furrowing the surface in every direction. On June 25 three points along the face of Glacier II were selected (a, b, and c of figure i) and their angular distances from a fixed mark on Nunatak B were determined on four different dates, the theodolite being set up at Station B. These measurements resulted as follows : Horizontal circle Local astronomical date M k aliSft. f>, flist. 3,000 ft. c, (list. 4,600 ft. 1904 h June 25 18.4 / / o oo.o 31 7.4 o / 40 29.2 , 40 16.4 June 26 22.9 o oo.o 8.6 31-4 .7.8 June 28 i.o 00.0 IO.O 32.6 18.4 July i 21.7 OO.O : 14.5 39-4 21.0 Assuming the movement to be approximately normal to the lines Ba, Bb, Be, the above data gives the following daily rates of flow for the intervals observed: ist interval 2d interval 3d interval d k a i 4.5 0.64 ft. i 2.1 0.88 3 20.7 0.70 b i.oo ft. i.oo -75 c 1.45 ft. 0.91 and for the entire interval of 6 days 3.3 hours a mean daily movement of 0.74 foot, 0.92 foot, 1.23 foot for the three points selected. In other words, the face of this glacier was advancing into the bay at the rate of about a foot a day. This result, meager enough, in that it represents an isolated case of a single glacier during a short interval of time is valuable as being the only definite information, so far as known, of ice movement in Franz Josef Archipelago. (Being midsummer, with the temperature between + 32 and + 42 degrees Fahrenheit, the yearly movement was probably at its maximum.) For future reference a substantial stone mark was erected on the moraine in line with the glacier face and the cliff on the farther side. Any subsequent change can therefore be readily ascertained by a party visiting this locality again. Although the ice still remained in the small bays on July i, it was disintegrating rapidly; a large water hole around Dundee Point had increased in size until it almost joined the open water in Mellenius Sound, while a few days later the ice broke up in De Bruyne Sound. FIGURE 1 BAY 1 Fast Bay Ice SKETCH MAP OF RUBINI ROCK AND BAY A.B.GRAHAM CO..IJTH WASH. D.C H^B " : v:V. 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