vutff&f&K war D&ncTort LJ&nuy ) ^ h GENERAL COURT MARTIAL ) WAR DEPARTMENT, \5, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, > No. 32. *V, '/Washington, August 23, 1873. I. ..Before a Military Commission which convened at Fort Kla- math, Oregon, July 1, 1873, pursuant to Special Field Orders No. 1, dated June 30, 1873, Headquarters Department of the Columbia, In the Field, Fort Klamath, Oregon, and of which Lieutenant Colonel W. L. ELLIOTT, 1st Cavalry, is President, were arraigned and tried Captain Jack, Schonchis, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, Modoc Indian captives. CHARGE I. " Murder, in violation of the laws of war." Specification 1st "In this: that they, Indians called and com monly known as Captain Jack, Schonchis, Boston Charley, Black Jim, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, members of a certain band of Indians known as the Modocs, which band, including the prisoners above named, was, at the time and place hereinafter alleged, engaged in open and flagrant war with the United States, under the chief command of said Captain Jack, did, as representatives of said Modoc band, meet, under a flag of truce and suspension of hostilities, Brigadier General E. R. S. Canby, U. S. Army, commanding Department of the Columbia, and certain Peace Commissioners on the part of the said United States, namely, Eleaz.ur Thomas, A. B. Meacham, and L. S. Dyer, citizens of the United States, all representing the Government of the United States, for the agreed and professed purpose of dis cussing and arranging terms upon which hostilities existing between the United States and said band should cease ; and did thereupon, in wanton violation of said flag of truce, and treacherously disregarding the obligations imposed by said truce under tlje laws of war, willfully, feloniously, and of malice aforethought, kill and murder said Brigadier General Canby. All this at or near the Lava Beds, so-called, situated near Tule Lake, in the State of California, on or about the llth day of April, 1873." to Specification 2d "In this: that they, Indians called and com monly known as Captain Jack, Schonchis, Boston Charley, Black Jim, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, members of a certain band of Indians known as the Modocs, which band, including the prisoners above named, was, at the time and place hereinafter alleged, engaged in open and flagrant war with the United States, under the chief command of said Captain Jack, did, as representatives of the said Modoc band, meet, under a flag of truce and sus pension of hostilities, Brigadier General E. R. S. Canby, U. S. Army, commanding military Department of the Co lumbia, and certain Peace Commissioners on the part of the United States, namely, Eleazur Thomas, A. B. Meacham, and L. S. Dyer, citizens of the United States, all representing the Government of the United States, for the agreed and professed purpose of discussing and arranging terms upon which hostilities existing between the United States and said band should cease; and did thereupon, in wanton violation of the sacred character of said flag of truce, and treacher ously disregarding the obligations imposed by such truce under the laws of war, willfully, feloniously, and of their malice aforethought, kill and murder said Eleazur Thomas, one of the Peace Commissioners aforesaid. All this at or near the Lava Beds, so-called, situated near Tule Lake, in the State of California, on or about the llth day April, 1873." CHARGE II. "Assault with intent to kill, in violation of the laws of war." Specification 1st "In this: that they, Indians called and com monly known as Captain Jack, Sclionchis, Boston Charley, Black Jim, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, members of a certain band of Indians known as the Modoc^, which band, including the prisoners above named, was, at the time and place hereinafter alleged, engaged in open and flagrant war with the United States, under the chief command of said Captain Jack, did, as representatives of said Modoc band, meet, under a flag of truce and suspension of hostilities, Brigadier General E. R. S. Canby, U. S. Army, commanding the Department of the Columbia, and certain Peace Commissioners on the part of the United States, namely, Eleazur Thomas, A. B. Meacham, and L. S. Dyer, citizens, all representing the Government of the United States, for the agreed and professed purpose of discussing and arranging terms upon which hostilities existing between the United States and said band should cease ; and did there upon, in wanton violation of the sacred character of said flag of truce, and treacherously disregarding the obligations imposed by such truce under the laws of war, feloniously make an assault with deadly weapons upon the said A. B. Meacham, Commissioner as aforesaid, with an intent him, the said Meacham, then and there, feloniously, willfully, and of malice aforethought, to kill and murder, and did inflict upon the body of the said Meacham divers severe and dangerous wounds. All this at or near the Lava Beds, so- called, situated near Tule Lake, in the State of California, on or about the llth day of April, 1873." Specification 2d " In this : that they, Indians called and com monly known as Captain Jack, Schonchis, Boston Charley, Black Jim, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, members of a certain band of Indians known as the Modocs, which band, including the prisoners above named, was, at the time and place hereinafter alleged, engaged in open and flagrant war with the United States, under the chief command of said Captain Jack, did, as representatives of said Modoc band, meet, under a flag of truce and sus pension of hostilities, Brigadier General E. R. S. Canby, U. S. Army, and certain Peace Commissioners on the part of the United States, namely, Eleazur Thomas, A. B. Meacham, and L. S. Dyer, citizens, all representing the Government of the United States, for the agreed and pro fessed purpose of discussing and arranging terms upon which hostilities existing between the United States and said band should cease ; and did then and there, in wanton violation of said flag of truce, and treacherously disregarding the obligations imposed by such truce under the laws of war, feloniously make an assault with deadly weapons upon the said Dyer, commissioner as aforesaid, with an intent him, said Dyer, then and there feloniously, willfully, and of their malice aforethought, to kill and murder. All this at or near the Lava Beds, so-called, situated near Tule Lake, in the State of California, ou or about the llth day of April, 1873." To which charges and specifications the accused, Captain Jack, Schonchis, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, Modoc Indian captives, pleaded "Not Guilty." FINDING. The Commission, having maturely considered the evidence adduced, finds the accused, Captain Jack, Schonchis, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, Modoc Indian captives, as follows: CHARGE I. Of the 1st Specification, "Guilty." - Of the 2d Specification, " Guilty." Of the CHARGE, "Guilty." CHARGE II. Of the 1st Specification, " Guilty." Of the 2d Specification, " Guilty." Of the CHARGE, "Guilty." SENTENCE. And the Commission does therefore sentence them, Captain Jack, Schonchis, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, Modoc Indian captives, " To be hanged by the neck until they be dead, at such time and place as the proper authority shall direct two-thirds of the members of the Commission concurring therein." II. ..The proceedings, findings and sentences of the Military Com mission in the cases of Captain Jack, Schonchis, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, Modoc Indian captives, were approved by the Commanding Officer of the Department of the Columbia and forwarded to the Secretary of War for the action of the President of the United States. The following are the orders of the President and of the Secretary of War: EXECUTIVE OFFICE, August 22, 1873. The foregoing sentences in the cases of Captain Jack, Schonchis, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, Modoc Indian prisoners, are hereby approved; and it is ordered that the sentences in the said cases be carried into execution by the proper military authority, under the orders of the Secretary of War, on the third day of October, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. U. S. GRANT, President. Bancroft Lflw WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, August 23, 1873. The foregoing record of the proceedings in the trial, by Military Commis sion, of Captain Jack, Schonchis, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Barncho, alias One Eyed Jim, and Sloluck, alias Cok, Modoc Indian prisoners, having been trans mitted to the President, and laid before him for his orders thereon ; and the President having in the foregoing orders approved the sentences, and directed that they be executed under the orders of the Secretary of War, the sen tences will be duly executed under the direction of the General commanding the Department of the Columbia, at Fort Klamath, Oregon, Friday, October 3, 1873. WM. W. BELKNAP, Secretary of War. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: OFFICIAL: E. D. TOWNSEND, Adjutant General. Assistant Adjutant General. SWj