Ninetieth Yeir. Tros Tyrlusque mihi nullo discrimine agetur. V Ol. 1 i .1 t IN O. . THE NOKTH AMERICAN REVIEW EDITED B7 GEORGE HARVEY. August, 1904. The Baltic Fleet and the Northeast Passage, Rear-Admiral G. W. MELVILLE, U. S. N. Automobile Legislation, The Hon. JOHN SCOTT-MONTAGU, M. P. The Present Crisis in Trades-Union Morals. . JANE ADDAMS Obstacles to Reform in Turkey .... CHARLES MORAWITZ The Principle of Probation CHARLTON T. LEWIS More Truth about Women in Industry, ELIZABETH CARPENTER The Restriction of Immigration . . . ROBERT De C. WARD British Shipping and the State BENJAMIN TAYLOR The Dark Rosaleen HENRY W. NEVINSON Folly of Chinese Exclusion H. H. BANCROFT A Glance at World Politics SYDNEY BROOKS Can Congress Constitutionally Give Filipinos Independence? I. It Can H. A. II. It Cannot , J. H. C. THE SON OF ROYAL LANGBRITH. VIII. A Novel by W. D. HOWELLS LOSDOK : WM. HEINEMANN, 21 Bedford St., W. C. NEW YOEK: FKANKLIN SQUARE. PARIS : BRENTAXO'S, 37 Avenue de 1'Opera. Single Number, 5Oc. Published Monthly. Per Annum, $5. Dr. Lapponi Physician to the Late Pope Leo XIII., and Now Physici&n in Ordinary to Pope Pius X., Finds BUFFALO UTHIA WATER Of "Marvelous Efficacy in Gout. Rheumatism, Castro-intestinal Dyspepsia, Gravel, and in all the Various Forms oi Uric Acid Diathesis." Following l Exact Translation of Dr. Lapponi's Testimonial as Written by Himself: ROMS, August 24, 1903. In the Hospital of San Giovanni Calibrita (del Patebene Fratelli) in Rome, directed by myself, I have largely experimented with the nat- Dl|xill A I ITUIM tlfftTTD ural mineral water placed in commerce under the came of DUcfAliU UlfUA IfftlUL and am glad to be able to attest that, by its richness of composition of lithia, it is of marvelous efficacy in cases of Gout, of Chronic, Articular, and Muscular Rheumatism, of Hepatic Congestions and Func tional Disorders, of Gastrointestinal Dyspepsia, of Gravel and Renal Insufficiency, of light Nephritic Affections and of all the various forms of Unc Acid Diathesis. The same water is also to be recommended highly in the initial processes of Arterio-sclerosis and in obstinate forms of Bronchial Asthma. May also be used as a good table water. So much I declare for the truth. (Signed) PROP. GIDSEPPR LAPPONI. Principal Physician of the Hospital of San Giovanni Calibrita (del Fatebene Fratelli) in Rome, Member of the Academy of Medicine of Rome, etc,, etc. ttHVEtfll A I ETUI A HfsVH II * s ' or iale ^ y Grocers and Druggists, generally. Testimonials HVX F/tLU Ll 1 nlA ItJU IK which defy all imputation or question sent to any address, HOTEL AT SPRINGS NOW OPEN. PROPRIETOR BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. All over the civilized world THE IMPROVED BOSTON GARTER IS KNOWN AND WORN Every Pair Warranted The Name 1$ stamped 00 every loop CUSHION BUTTON CLASP Lies flat to the leg never 3, Tears nor Unfastens ALWAYS EASY Send fiOc. for Silk, 260. for Cotton, Sample Fair. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES GEO. FROST CO., Makers, Boston, Miss., U. S. A. The Williams Typewriter Co. KCW YOMC a ! OPFlCUl OCR.BV. COW, V..S.1A. Copyright, 1904, by THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW PUBLISHING Co. All rights reserved. Entered at the Post - Office at New York, and admitted for transmission through the mails, as second class matter. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW ADVERTISER GAP THE NUJIT 6r OVER 1OO \YEARS' kPERIENCE IN SOAP MAKING 5ecause it is matchless to cleanse. soften and freshen the delicate skin-fabric, it is the most popular soap m every quarter of the globe. Pears' Lavender Water A most refreshing luxury for the toilet. "All rights secured." THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW ADVERTISER A\ALTO-RlCE A food even better than Cook's Flaked Rice It is Rice and Malt THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW ADVERTISER BUDWEISER Is the product of Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass n St. Louis. U.S.A. You will not have seen St. Louis' Greatest Attraction if you fail to visit the Anheuser-Busch Brewery while attending the World's Fair. Competent guides, speaking all modern languages, in attendance. THE A'OA'77/ AMERICAN REVIEW ADVERTISER In Search of the Unknown By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS Author of" The Maids of Paradise " This captivating story describes the strange adventures and novel love affairs of a young student of science who accompanies a learned professor on expeditions in search of the un known in nature. While the professor is on the track of some new discoveries, the student meets several girls, and half a dozen love affairs develop. Mr. Chambers has drawn his girls with his usual felicity, and their engaging charms are all the more piquant dis played in such fantastic surroundings. Post 8