UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 1919-20 BY W. H. DORE BULLETIN No. 327 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY EXPERIMENT STATION STAFF HEADS OF DIVISIONS Thomas Forsyth Hunt, Dean. Edward J. Wickson, Horticulture (Emeritus). Walter Mulford, Forestry, Director of Resident Instruction. Clarence M. Haring, Veterinary Science, Director Agricultural Experiment Station. B. H. Crocheron, Director of Agricultural Extension. Hubert E. Van Norman, Vice-Director, Dairy Management. James T. Barrett, Acting Director of Citrus Experiment Station, Plant Pathology. William A. Setchell, Botany. Myer E. Jaffa, Nutrition. Ralph E. Smith, Plant Pathology. John W. Gilmore, Agronomy. Charles F. Shaw, Soil Technology. John W. Gregg, Landscape Gardening and Floriculture. Frederic T. Bioletti, Viticulture and Fruit Products. Warren T. Clarke, Agricultural Extension. John S. Burd, Agricultural Chemistry. Charles B. Lipman, Soil Chemistry and Bacteriology. Ernest B. Babcock, Genetics. Gordon H. True, Animal Husbandry. Fritz W. Woll, Animal Nutrition. W. P. Kelley, Agricultural Chemistry. H. J. Quayle, Entomology. Elwood Mead, Rural Institutions. H. S. Reed, Plant Physiology. J. C. Whitten, Pomology. ^Frank Adams, Irrigation Investigations. C. L. Roadhouse, Dairy Industry. R. L. Adams, Farm Management. F. L. Griffin, Agricultural Education. John E. Dougherty, Poultry Husbandry. W. B. Herms, Entomology and Parasitology. L. J. Fletcher, Agricultural Engineering. Edwin C. Voorhies, Assistant to the Dean. division of agricultural chemistry John S. Burd Paul L. Hibbard Dennis R. Hoagland Walter H. Dore James C. Martin * In cooperation with office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering, U. S. Department of Agriculture. FOREWORD By the provisions of section nine of the act creating the State Department of Agriculture (approved Ma}^ 16, 1919, Stats. 1919, p. 542) the Director of Agriculture ". . . is vested with the power and is charged with the duty of administering and enforcing ..." the state law regulating the sale of commercial fertilizers (approved March 20, 1903, Stats. 1903, p. 259), and all acts amending or supple- menting said act. Although the transfer of functions legally took place on July 20, 1919, an arrangement was made with the Agricul- tural Experiment Station to postpone the actual transfer until July 1, 1920, on account of lack of funds and proper housing for the laboratory equipment. I am deeply appreciative of the work of the Director of the Agri- cultural Experiment Station and his associates in administering the fertilizer control law during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, report of which is made in this publication. My duty of correlating the administration of state regulatory measures pertaining to agriculture, as definitely outlined by legislative action, was carried out in respect to the fertilizer control law by actively assuming its administration on July 1, 1920, and transferring the necessary office and laboratory equipment to Sacramento. Reports of analyses of commercial fertilizers and other publications pertaining to the operation of the law will be issued hereafter by the State Department of Agriculture, Sacramento, to which address all communications on these subjects should be sent. G. H. Hecke, Director, State of California, Department of Agriculture. Sacramento, November 22, 1920. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS By W. H. DORE This bulletin comprises the results of the fertilizer inspection work of the California Fertilizer Control* for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920. PURPOSE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE FERTILIZER CONTROL The duty of the Fertilizer Control is : First. — To issue certificates of registration to manufacturers and dealers who have complied with the law by filing a sworn statement of the composition and sources of the fertilizers they wish to sell. Second. — To analyze these fertilizers as found in the open market and publish the results for the information of the public. If a manu- facturer sells fertilizers which are materially below his guarantee in composition or value he is subject to prosecution and fine. By this means it is intended to insure to purchasers that the fertilizers they buy shall be substantially as represented. By a study of the reports of analyses of fertilizers the consumer should be able to determine whether the materials he buys are sold for a fair price, and whether he obtains fertilizers of the desired composition. In short, the function of the Fertilizer Control is to see that the manufacturer gives the consumer a square deal. MAINTENANCE OF GUARANTEES Every manufacturer is required by law to guarantee the percentage of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in the fertilizers he sells. Owing to difficulties of sampling and analysis the law permits a maximum deficiency of 0.25 per cent nitrogen, 1.00 per cent phos- phoric acid, and 0.50 per cent potash from the figures guaranteed. Greater deficiencies than these are regarded as infractions of the law and are indicated in the report of analyses in black-faced type. Some manufacturers uphold their guarantees better than others. The following table is a condensed report of the deficiencies found in the main table of analyses. It summarizes the work done in this labora- tory on each manufacturer 's goods. The columns headed Deficiencies — * General Laws of California, Oct 1157, Statutes of 1903, p. 259 et seq., approved March 20, 1903. 94 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION per cent of possible, may be used for comparison of the various com- panies as to probability of meeting their guarantees. The other col- umns are necessary to show how these figures were obtained. In cases where very few analyses are reported for a manufacturer the figures should be taken with caution, as perhaps not properly representative. When several samples of one manufacturer's goods were analyzed the figures may be accepted as probably a fair indication of the reliability of his guarantee. In general, manufacturers have more than maintained their guar- antees in the past, so that an average of all the analyses would show a substantial increase over the amount guaranteed. MAINTENANCE OF GUARANTEES BY MANUFACTURER Manufacturer Agricultural Chemical Works.... American Agricultural Chemi- cal Co Cudahy Packing Co Fruit Growers' Supply Co General Fertilizer Association .. Germain Seed and Plant Co Hauser Packing Co Hawaiian Fertilizer Co Mountain Copper Co Oakland Meat and Packing Co. Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertil- izing Co Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Co Pacific Wood and Coal Co Rogers, Brown & Co Southern California Fertilizer Co W. M. Warren Fertilizer Co Western Meat Co Wilson & Co "4 o il number aarantees amples yzed Deficiencies In guarantees In valuation OD 2 13 c3 O 3 1-3 Per cent Per cent <*£ H O O eS No. ,of possible No. of possible J2 o 12 68 152 27 18 13 19 30 6 19 54 1 2 2 3 5 8 1 12 1 20 3 2 6 11 3 19 44 110 10 9 4 9 20 6 9 23 3 13 2 8 51 90 25 28 16 31 30 2 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 8 1 25 3 23 65 146 5 3 2 3 10 2 2 5 1 3 7 14 6 43 3 43 4 6 22 64 2 3 7 7 9 15 2 13 1 11 2 7 29 64 4 6 1 4 2 1 1 2 Owing to the possibility of misunderstanding , the figures for per- centage deficiencies are not given in above table in cases where less than four samples were analyzed. Fertilizers sold on station analysis, and some others, are not given a valuation in the table of analyses, hence the number of such samples is deducted from the total number analyzed in computing deficiencies in valuation. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 95 SUMMARY OF DEFICIENCIES In the analyses of the above samples the following number of deficiencies greater than those allowed by law occurred : Available phosphoric acid (total when available is not guaranteed).... 26 Total nitrogen 56 Potash 4 In valuation 43 These deficiencies were found in 76 samples out of a total of 365 collected samples. Of the total number of valuations reported in this bulletin 64 per cent are above the amount guaranteed, while 36 per cent fall below. MECHANICAL CONDITION OF FERTILIZERS Fineness is one of the essential qualities of a good fertilizer. It may be assumed that the finer the material the higher its availability, hence the consumer should insist on having finely ground fertilizers. Unfortunately, some manufacturers are at times careless in this matter. The insistent demand of the consumer is the most effective means of correcting such carelessness. Besides the low agricultural availability of coarse fertilizer and the difficulty in applying them, it is almost impossible to obtain ade- quately representative samples of such goods for analysis. This is a prolific source of dissatisfaction and disagreement between buyers and sellers. During handling and transportation a coarsely ground tank- age will separate so that the top of the sack contains the light coarser material, high in nitrogen, while the bottom contains the finer parts of bone, high in phosphoric acid. A mixture of coarse bone meal with sulfate of potash will separate into coarse bone at the top and excess of potash at the bottom. One of the chief reasons for the work of the fertilizer manufacturer is that he is better prepared than the farmer to grind and mix the goods he sells, and the farmer should insist that he do it well. CAUTION IN REGARD TO LABELING FERTILIZER PACKAGES The law expressly states that every package of fertilizer shall be accompanied by a plainly printed label giving the brand name, analy- sis, and source of the materials in the package. This requirement is not satisfactorily met by some manufacturers and dealers. Farmers are hereby cautioned that if they buy improperly or inadequately labeled fertilizers or goods not sold by properly registered dealers or 96 UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION their authorized agents they lose the protection afforded by the Fer- tilizer Control. Consumers should insist that fertilizer tags show plainly both the percentage and the derivation of each ingredient. A verbal statement given by selling agent should not be accepted as adequate. The honest manufacturer is willing to guarantee his goods properly, and the farmer will best serve his own interests by dealing with no other. FEKTILIZER VALUATIONS One per cent of a ton, 20 pounds, is called a "unit." Computation of the value of a fertilizer is simplified by use of the "unit." To find the commercial value of a fertilizer, multiply the per cent of each ingredient by the price per unit and add the products. The sum thus found is the value per ton at the prices used. If it is desired to use such calculations for determining the amount which should be paid for goods, or the rebate to which the buyer is entitled, owing to the goods delivered being below the guaranty, it can only be satisfac- torily done if a definite price per unit has been agreed upon between buyer and seller. But for the mere purpose of showing the relative values of goods to guaranties, it is not at all necessary that the prices adopted should be the exact market prices. Thus it is that the Fer- tilizer Control in attempting to show the relation between values found and values claimed uses a schedule which is admittedly only an approx- imate average of market values. Owing to market fluctuations, dif- ferences in cost of delivery at different points, and other causes, it is impossible to obtain true average market prices, but if the reader will bear in mind the true purpose of the valuations reported these will have served their purpose and he will not be led to assume that the experiment station is dictating the prices at which fertilizers shall be sold. SCHEDULE OF VALUES FOR 1919-1920 Per pound Per unit Nitrogen from blood $0.45 $9.00 Nitrogen from tankage and bone 40 8.00 Nitrogen from sulphate of ammonia 25 5.00 Nitrogen from nitrate of soda 25 5.00 Phosphoric acid, available from rock super 06 1.20 Phosphoric acid, total from bone or tankage 07 1.40 Potash, water soluble 15 3.00 SCOPE OF INSPECTION During the year 365 samples of fertilizers and fertilizing materials were received and analyzed at this laboratory. Of this number 6 were sent by farmers under the two-dollar fee provision, 81 were taken by inspectors from purchasers' goods upon the request of the purchasers, Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 97 and 258 were taken by inspectors from goods in the hands of agents and manufacturers. Twenty samples of a miscellaneous nature are omitted from the tables. The following classification indicates the nature of the samples reported in this bulletin : Bat guano 4 Bird guano 3 Blood 25 Bone meal 23 Complete fertilizer 127 Fish meal 29 Garbage tankage 3 Incomplete mixed fertilizer 50 Nitrate of soda 10 Sulphate of ammonia 11 Superphosphate 4 Tankage 56 REGISTERED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS The following manufacturers and dealers in commercial fertilizers obtained certificates of registration under the provisions of the Cali- fornia Fertilizer Law for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1919. "With each a list is given of the brands of fertilizers and fertilizer materials offered for sale. According to the sworn returns of dealers registered for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, their entire sales in the state amounted to 43,126 tons. Practically complete returns for the year ending June 30, 1920, indicate sales aggregating 58,636 tons. The California Fertilizer Act provides that fertilizers cannot be legally sold in this state, except by those manufacturers and dealers, and their authorized agents, who have obtained certificates of regis- tration from the University of California. No person or company has a right to use any registration number except in connection with the firm name to which the registration certificate of such number has been issued ; and no person or company to whom a registration number has been assigned has a right to allow any other person or company to use said registration number. Any number so used is a fraud. No agent has a right to use his principal's registration number in con- nection with his own name. By act of the Legislature of 1919 the administration of the Cali- fornia Fertilizer Act has been transferred to the State Department of Agriculture and the duties connected therewith have been assumed by that office since July 1, 1920. All correspondence concerning the registration, manufacture, sale, and analysis of fertilizers should, accordingly, in the future be addressed to Division of Chemistry, State Department of Agriculture, Sacramento, California. 98 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Agricultural Chemical Works, Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 8 Bat Guano Kelp Potash Bird Guano Nitrate of Soda Blood Sulphate of Ammonia Brand A, B, K Sulphate of Potash Bone Meal Superphosphate Fish Guano Tankage Gypsum Special Mixtures to order American Agricultural Chemical Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 1 Acid Phosphate Bradley's Vegetable Blood Fish Meal Bradley's No. 1 Grain Nitrate of Soda Bradley's No. 2 Grain Packer's Fertilizer Assn. Special Bradley's Lawn 4— Kfc-% Bradley's Lemon Tree Eaw Mineral Phosphate Eock Bradley's Nursery Stock Sulphate of Ammonia Bradley's Orange and Lemon Sulphate of Potash Bradley's Special Nursery Stock Tankage Bradley 's Tree and Vine Special Brands to order Anaheim Beef and Provision Co., Anaheim, Cal. Eegistration No. 88 Blood, Bone, and Meat Tankage Rogers, Brown & Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 85 Blood Superphosphate Fish Tankage Whale Bone Meal Nitrate of Soda Whale Meat and Blood Packing House Tankage Whale Meat and Bone Sulphate of Ammonia California Fertilizer Works, San Francisco, Cal. Eegistration No. 3 Diamond A, B, C, D, E, F, G Special Brands to order Cudahy Packing Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 79 High Grade Ground Blood High Grade Tankage A, B Low Grade Ground Blood Low Grade Tankage High Grade Fish Meal Special Lawn High Grade Fish Meal B Tankage Formula Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 90 Blood Tankage Bone Other Simples Nitrate of Soda General Fertilizer Association, San Bernardino, Cal. Eegistration No. 42 Shamrock Citrus Grower Simples of all kinds Shamrock Crop Grower Special Mixtures to order Shamrock Orange Grower Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 99 Germain Seed and Plant Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 76 Blood and Bone Nuvida Vegetable Flower and Fern Special Mixtures Nuvida Lawn and Garden Globe Grain and Milling Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 83 Bat Guano Garbage Tankage Blood Nitrate of Soda Bone Meal Superphosphate Fish Meal Tankage Hauser Packing Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 33 High Grade Blood Steamed Bone Meal High Grade Tankage Sulphate of Potash Low Grade Tankage Special Mixtures to order Nitrate of Soda Hawaiian Fertilizer Co., Ltd., San Francisco, Cal. Eegistration No. 19 Blood Nursery- Bone Tankage Santa Clara Vegetable Concentrated Tankage Special Fall Delta No. 1 Special Spring Fish Guano Sulphate of Ammonia Fish Meal No. 1 Sulphate of Potash Fish Meal No. 2 Superphosphate Fruiting Thomas Phosphate Lawn Vegetable Muriate of Potash Whale Guano Nitrate of Soda Special Mixtures S. Ishimatsu, Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 98 Blood Meal Sulphate of Ammonia Bone Meal Superphosphate Cotton Seed Meal 3-9-3 Fish Meal 4-8-4 Nitrate of Soda 5-8-1 Potash Mountain Copper Co., San Francisco, Cal. Eegistration No. 28 Mococo Superphosphate 0-17-0 Special Mixtures to order Nitrate of Soda Nitrate Agencies Co., San Jose, Cal. Eegistration No. 97 Nitrate of Soda Pacific Bone, Coal and Fertilizing Co., San Francisco, Cal. Eegistration No. 14 Aborette No. 1 Pomona No. 1 Aborette No. 2 Pomona No. 2 Citrona No. 1 Potash Salts Citrona No. 2 Prosperina Flora Special Nursery Lupine Special Steam Bone Meal 100 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Co., San Francisco, Cal. Eegistration No. 4 Gaviota F and V Gaviota IXL Lawn Dressing Gaviota PP Gaviota S Gaviota Superphosphate Gaviota TEK Gaviota VGE Gaviota 3-10-% Gaviota 7-11-0 Gromore Special Crop Maker 4-10-1 Special Mixtures to order Pacific Wood and Coal Co., San Diego, Cal. Eegistration No. 53 Diamond Complete Diamond B G Diamond Bone Meal Diamond Fish Meal Diamond Lawn Diamond Tankage Nitrate of Soda Superphosphate Southern California Fertilizer Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 89 Banner Blood Bone Meal Eagle Fish Fruiting Garbage Tankage Guanos Nitrate of Soda Potash Sulphate of Ammonia Superphosphate Tankage Special Mixtures Union Superphosphate Co., San Francisco, Cal. Eegistration No. 31 Superphosphate, Gaviota Various Brands Wizard W. M. Warren Fertilizer Co., Covina, Cal. Eegistration No. 92 Western Fertilizer Co., San Francisco, Cal. Eegistration No. 68 Wonder Western Meat Co., San Francisco, Cal. Eegistration No. 11 Diamond A, B, C, D, E Diamond F Eaw Bone Diamond G Steamed Bone Diamond H Blood Diamond L, M, O, S Grain Special Lemon Special Nitrate of Soda Odorless Lawn Dressing Putting Green Special 5-8-2 Special 6-8-2 Sulphate of Potash Superphosphate Tankage Special Brands to order Alfalfa Grower Blood Meal Blood and Bone Bone Meal Concentrated Manure Flora Lawn Nitrate of Soda Wilson & Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Eegistration No. 64 Special 5-8-1 Superphosphate Tankage 5-5 Tankage 8-8 Trucker's Special Vegetable Grower Zenith Fertilizer Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 101 EEPORT OF ANALYSES Available phosphoric acid is not determined in bone meal, tankage, and Thomas phosphate powder unless requested. The fineness of these materials is determined, fine and medium bone being separated by a sieve of 50 meshes to the inch ; tankage by a 25-mesh sieve ; and Thomas phosphate powder by a 100-mesh sieve. Nitrogen in ammonium salts will, in some cases, be found reported when nitrogen in this form is not guaranteed. In some of such cases this form of nitrogen is produced by conversion of organic nitrogen during the process of manufacture, and is not to be considered a deviation from the guaranty. Guanos carry more or less nitrogen in nitrates and ammonium salts, and when any appreciable quantity of guano is used the manufacturer should take into account the fact that some nitrogen will show as nitrates and ammonium salts. The failure to take this into consideration may account for the appearance of these forms of nitrogen in some samples in which only organic nitrogen was guaranteed. The percentage of chlorin is given when it exceeds 0.50 per cent. It is a matter of only technical interest whether chlorin present is from muriate of potash, kainit, or from common salt that may be in some of the materials used. If a manufacturer uses sulfate of potash and a tankage with it containing a large amount of chlorin, from a practical standpoint he has changed the quality of his fertilizer just as much as if he had used muriate of potash instead of sulfate of potash. Chlorin from all other sources has the same effect as if from muriate of potash. However, if muriate of potash is found when sulfate is guaranteed the fact will be published. The following abbreviations are used in the tables : Bat G = bat guano, Bl = blood, Bn = bone, Fs = fish, G = guano, H = hoof, Min Phos = mineral phosphate, Super = superphosphates, T = tankage, CSM = cotton seed meal. Guarantees are entered in italics. Deficiencies greater than those allowed by law are entered in bold-faced type. 102 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Lab. No. 7661 7662 7874 7649 7841 7859 7898 7945 7756* 7704 7749 7851 7875 7757 Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value per ton Agricultural Chemical Works, Los Angeles, Cal. Bat Guano J. H. Black, Upland 39.48 Guaranteed 5S.34 Bat Guano J. H. Black, Upland 51.28 Guaranteed 68.27 Bat Guano J. H. Black, Upland 43.01 Guaranteed 49.48 Bird Guano J. E. Gowen, Santa Ana 38.71 Guaranteed „ 41.81 Bird Guano G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 51.81 Guaranteed 58.90 Blood E. A. Moore, Redlands 122.04 Blood D. C. Huntington, San Bernardino 118.53 Blood R. G. Rohrer, San Diego 120.15 Guaranteed 121.95 Bone Meal Herman Kolberg, Orange 57.74 Guaranteed 62.20 Brand A S. G. Rossiter, Rialto 50.59 Brand A Herman Kolberg, Orange 43.46 Brand A E. A. Moore, Redlands 46.79 Brand A J. H. Black, Upland 47.10 Guaranteed 46.20 Brand B Herman Kolberg, Orange 47.47 Guaranteed 54.20 7869 Brand B H. I. Van Frank, Rialto 50.58 7872 Brand B J. H. Black, Upland 49.44 7921 Brand B S. G. Rossiter, Rialto 51.22 Guaranteed 51.20 7873 Brand C J. H. Black, Upland 54.45 Guaranteed 56.20 7954 Brand C A. L. Wright, Pomona 57.06 Guaranteed 56.20 7846* Fish Meal E. A. Moore, Redlands 97.29 Guaranteed 95.60 7855* Fish Meal Henry Fuller, Redlands 95.45 Guaranteed 92.37 7856* Fish Meal Henry Fuller, Redlands 96.76 Guaranteed 92.59 7857* Fish Meal Henry Fuller, Redlands 97.26 Guaranteed 92.80 7878* Fish Meal J. H. Black, Upland 84.24 Guaranteed 82.38 7922* Fish Meal C. G. Milligan, Rialto 89.10 Guaranteed 86.25 7963* Fish Meal K. Okomoto, Los Angeles 61.74 Guaranteed 68.60 7605 Nitrate of Soda G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 78.40 7858 Nitrate of Soda E. A. Moore, Redlands 77.00 7870 Nitrate of Soda H. I. Van Frank, Rialto ..... _ 74.20 Guaranteed 75.00 7607 Special G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 48.81 7650 Special J. E. Gowen, Santa Ana 41.27 * 7756—51% fine. * 7846—70% fine. * 7855—78% fine. 7856 — 62% fine. 7857—65% fine. 7878—91% fine. 7922 — 79% fine. 7963 — Mixed fertilizer mislabeled Fish Meal. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 103 Phosphoric Acid Nitrogen Potash Lab. Avail- In- No. able soluble Total 7661 7662 7874 7649 7841 7859 7898 7945 7869 7872 7921 7873 7954 7846 7855 7856 7857 7878 7922 7963 7605 7858 7870 7607 7650 Guaranteed as derived from 3.20 4.61 8.85 9.38 5.40 4.98 7.80 8.25 8.90 9.26 7756 20.90 23.00 7704 3.77 3.88 7.65 7749 2.58 5.42 8.00 7851 1.80 6.60 8.40 7875 2.96 5.94 8.90 5.00 3.00 8.00 7757 7.70 8.00 Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T 6.75 6.86 8.35 7.75 8.60 8.25 8.10 8.06 7.20 6.96 5.30 5.55 10.00 9.00 10.65 9.65 In Ni- trates 1.74 0.67 1.62 1.08 2.00 1.27 1.00 8.55 0.96 8.20 1.18 7.05 1.71 8.00 Bn, Super, T 1.00 2.65 5.60 8.25 0.95 4.00 4.00 8.00 Bn, Super,! 1.00 8.30 2.76 8.00 Bn, Super, T 1.00 1.50 15.68 15.40 14.84 15.00 0.43 2.72 In Am- monia Salts Organic Nitrogen Or- guaranteed as ganic derived from 0.59 1.07 0.60 0.96 .94 1.07 1.26 1.93 1.79 .61 1.12 1.00 2.27 2.64 5.68 2.84 5.79 2.71 4.74 2.36 3.37 3.30 5.33 13.56 13.17 13.35 13.55 3.56 3.75 2.36 1.64 2.35 2.46 2.00 2.11 3.00 1.14 2.94 1.05 2.74 0.75 2.66 1.00 3.00 2.62 2.58 2.00 3.00 3.10 2.00 3.00 10.98 10.75 10.47 10.19 10.59 10.13 10.74 10.19 9.27 9.08 10.21 9.81 5.03 7.00 2.55 1.77 Bat, G, Bl, Bn Bat, G, Bl, Bn,Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn, Fs Bat, G, Bl, Br Bl, Bn, Bat, G,Fs "\ r "1 From Chlo- Total Sulfate Total RIN 4.30 1.86 5.68 2.15 4.40 2.79 5.79 2.94 4.72 1.24 0.72 4.74 1.53 3.62 0.87 3.37 1.10 5.23 1.10 5.33 1.10 13.56 13.17 13.35 13.55 3.56 3.75 4.10 4.10 4.10 0.80 4.10 2.28 2.28 3.97 2.71 2.71 0.55 4.15 2.17 2.17 0.57 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 2.62 2.62 .75 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.04 1.53 1.40 4.97 1.63 1.63 0.97 5.12 2.59 2.59 5.00 2.00 2.00 6.15 1.47 1.47 0.82 6.00 2.00 2.00 5.86 2.28 1.40 6.00 2.00 2.00 10.98 10.75 10.47 10.19 10.59 10.13 10.74 10.19 9.27 9.08 10.21 9.81 6.53 7.00 15.68 15.40 14.84 15.00 5.25 4.49 104 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Agricultural Chemical Works, Los Angeles, Cal. {Continued) 7705 Special S. G. Rossiter, Rialto 48.07 7755 Special Herman Kolberg, Orange 45.64 Guaranteed _. 45.00 7608 Special G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 54.60 7706 Special S. G. Rossiter, Rialto 50.90 7752 Special Herman Kolberg, Orange 52.88 7842* Special G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 54.68 Guaranteed 53.00 7621 Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 53.23 Guaranteed _. 50.00 7622 Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 58.25 7831 Special J. E. Brown, Riverside 56.31 Guaranteed 56.60 7623 Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 49.88 Guaranteed 46.20 7624 Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 60.08 7830* Special G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 69.53 7847* Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 65.38 7871 Special J. H. Black, Upland 60.03 Guaranteed 60.20 7625 Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 48.18 7754 Special Herman Kolberg, Orange 50.35 7828 Special G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 44.05 Guaranteed 48.00 7876 Special J. H. Black, Upland 46.97 Guaranteed 48.00 7626 Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 42.84 7628 Special Anaheim Orange & Lemon Assoc, Anaheim .... 47.51 7665 Special J. H. Black, Upland 43.33 7829 Special G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 39.62 Guaranteed 42.80 7651 Special J. E. Gowan, Santa Ana 41.36 7664 Special J. H. Black, Upland 44.54 Guaranteed 42.80 7753 Special ...Herman Kolberg, Orange 60.41 Guaranteed ~ 59.20 7772 Special Campbell Seed Store, Pasadena 35.34 7848 Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 35.19 7886 Special Aggler & Musser Seed Co., Los Angeles 34.28 Guaranteed 35.00 7852 Special E. A. Moore, Redlands 55.92 7877 Special J. H. Black, Upland 57.52 Guaranteed — 56.20 7842 — Contains hoof. * 7847 — Contains hoof. 7830 — Some hoof. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 1.05 Lab. No. Phosphoric Acid A Avail- able In- soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as trates Salts ganic derived from Total Potash From Sulfate Total Chlo- rin 7705 7755 7608 7706 7752 7842 7621 7622 7831 7623 6.92 7624 7830 7847 7871 7625 7754 7828 7876 7626 7628 7665 7829 7651 7664 7753 7772 7848 7886 7852 7877 11.50 9.60 10.00 10.80 11.05 10.25 9.65 10.00 10.80 10.00 9.90 8.10 9.00 1.68 8.60 8.00 9.10 9.50 8.45 8.85 8.00 10.55 10.45 10.60 10.00 9.60 10.00 12.10 12.50 11.85 11.50 12.00 11.75 12.25 12.00 8.30 8.00 10.50 9.85 9.30 10.00 7.85 8.20 8.00 2.33 Bn, Super, T 1.00 0.69 2.40 1.04 1.32 1.00 Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, I Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T Bn, Super, T 2.30 2.00 0.38 2.46 2.00 2.00 2.14 1.38 2.02 3.00 0.63 1.14 2.13 1.00 1.89 2.00 0.82 0.54 1.28 1.00 1.99 1.99 2.00 0.27 1.00 1.12 0.92 0.94 1.00 0.78 1.04 1.00 2.20 2.00 2.39 0.35 2.25 1.09 2.00 1.05 2.00 4.37 1.19 2.00 1.98 2.00 2.30 1.33 2.37 1.31 2.00 2.26 0.90 1.72 1.67 1.86 2.87 2.00 2.32 2.30 2.00 2.54 2.65 2.00 3.01 2.71 2.76 3.64 3.00 2.67 2.00 2.58 3.34 3.00 2.33 2.00 3.23 4.86 4.35 3.87 3.00 2.37 3.19 2.32 3.00 3.01 3.00 1.65 2.37 2.18 2.14 2.00 1.87 2.18 2.00 2.97 3.00 1.88 2.10 2.07 2.00 2.94 2.94 3.00 Bat, G, Bl, Bn, Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn,Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn,Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn Bat, G, B, Bn.Fs Bat, G,Bl,Bn Bat, G, Bl, Bn,Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn.Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn.Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn, Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn,Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn,Fs Bat, G, Bl, Bn,Fs 4.87 4.85 5.00 6.09 5.46 6.05 6.05 6.00 6.02 6.00 7.33 6.99 7.00 4.31 4.00 7.53 8.33 8.10 7.20 8.00 5.26 5.23 4.45 5.00 4.90 5.00 4.19 4.58 4.04 3.42 4.00 3.86 4.17 4.00 6.11 6.00 3.00 3.02 3.01 3.00 6.04 6.28 6.00 3.11 3.00 0.75 0.72 0.88 0.50 3.10 3.00 1.97 1.97 0.57 1.94 1.94 0.62 2.00 2.00 106 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Agricultural Chemical Works, Los Angeles, Cal. (Continued) 7854* Special Henry Fuller, Redlands 59.06 7926 Special S. G. Rossiter, Rialto 57.39 7931 Special J. H. Quick, Azusa 60.91 Guaranteed 63.20 7897 Special D. C. Huntington, San Bernardino 56.53 Guaranteed 59.60 7758 Special C Herman Kolberg, Orange 54.28 Guaranteed 59.20 7606 Sulfate of Ammonia G. A. Herdeg, Riverside 105.80 Guaranteed - 105.00 7663* Tankage J. H. Black, Upland 75.34 Guaranteed 68.20 American Agricultural Chemical Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 7700 Bradley's Lawn F. E. Dudderer, Covina 43.04 7727 Bradley's Lawn Pacific Wood and Coal Co., San Diego 43.73 7728 Bradley's Lawn Pacific Wood and Coal Co., San Diego 44.31 7771 Bradley's Lawn Campbell's Seed Store, Pasadena 41.93 7820 Bradley's Lawn . Aggler & Musser Seed Co., Los Angeles 42.37 Guaranteed 42.00 7724 Bradley's Lemon Tree Pacific Wood and Coal Co., San Diego 42.38 Guaranteed 42.00 7675 Bradley's Nursery Stock W. S. Fenton, Ontario 43.64 7699 Bradley's Nursery Stock F. E. Dudderer, Covina 46.16 7707 Bradley's Nursery Stock E. M. Cope Commercial Co., Redlands 43.30 7760 Bradley's Nursery Stock Riverside Milling and Fuel Co.-, Riverside 50.03 7761 Bradley's Nursery Stock Riverside Milling and Fuel Co., Riverside 46.70 7953 Bradley's Nursery Stock I 1 rank Burman, Covina 40.42 Guaranteed 42.00 7726 Bradley's Spec. Nursery Stock..Pacific Wood and Coal Co., San Diego 39.71 Guaranteed 37.50 7674 Bradley's Tree and Vine W. S. Fenton, Ontario 38.80 7701 Bradley's Tree and Vine F. E. Dudderer, Covina 37.65 7729 Bradley's Tree and Vine Pacific Wood and Coal Co., San Diego 41.44 7821 Bradley's Tree and Vine Aggeler & Musser, Los Angeles 37.60 Guaranteed 33.65 7708 Packer's Fertilizer Assn. Spec...E. M. 'Cope Commercial Co., Redlands 47.28 7819 Packer's Fertilizer Assn. Spec... Aggeler & Musser Seed Co., Los Angeles 39.99 Guaranteed 43.60 7854 — Jar broken, sample possibly invalid. 7663 — 67% fine. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 107 Lab. No. Avail- able Phosphoric Acid In- soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as trates Salts ganic derived from Total Potash From Sulfate Total Chlo- rin 7854 7926 7931 7897 7758 7606 7663 8.95 8.25 7.95 8.00 9.40 9.00 1.74 5.56 7.30 4.00 4.00 8.00 12.50 13.00 1.30 2.76 1.97 Bn, Super, T 2.00 1.53 Bn, Super, T 1.00 3.01 Bn, Super, T 3.00 1.83 1.16 1.97 2.00 1.56 2.00 21.16 21.00 3.86 6.99 3.28 7.20 3.76 7.70 4.00 Bat,G,Bl, 8.00 Bn,Fs 3.49 6.58 4.00 Bat,G,Bl,Bn 7.00 2.64 5.65 3.00 Bat,G,Bl,Bn 6.00 21.16 21.00 7.23 7.23 6.25 6.25 2.63 3.00 2.63 3.00 7700 9.01 7727 8.78 7728 8.29 7771 9.00 7820 9.10 9.00 7724 8.55 9.00 7675 8.42 7699 9.05 7707 8.58 7760 8.99 7761 8.89 7953 5.79 9.00 7726 8.70 9.00 7674 8.68 7701 8.53 7729 7.32 7821 7.64 8.00 7708 8.72 7819 7.83 8.00 1.74 10.75 2.44 0.95 1.52 10.30 2.29 0.90 2.16 10.45 2.50 0.90 1.80 10.80 3.46 1.70 10.80 2.44 0.88 1.00 10.00 Bn, Super 2.35 0.75 1.80 10.35 2.40 0.92 1.00 10.00 Bn, Super 2.35 0.75 1.68 10.00 2.54 0.92 1.90 10.95 2.53 0.94 2.12 10.70 2.08 0.93 1.66 10.65 2.60 1.02 1.56 10.45 2.53 0.97 3.96 9.75 2.51 1.31 1.00 10.00 Bn, Super 2.35 0.75 1.80 10.50 2.35 0.78 1.00 10.00 Bat,G,Bn, 2.35 0.75 Fs,T 1.32 10.00 1.48 0.48 1.42 9.95 1.48 0.49 8.18 15.50 1.98 0.33 3.86 11.50 1.58 0.69 1.00 9.00 Bn, Super 1.26 0.31 1.88 10.60 0.47 1.25 2.62 10.45 1.00 1.32 2.00 10.00 Bn, Super 0.80 0.66 4.05 1.04 4.23 0.82 4.22 0.54 4.00 0.72 4.04 1.00 Bat,G,Bl, 4.10 Bn, Fs, T 0.74 4.06 1.00 Bat,G,Bl, 4.10 Bn, Fs, T 0.79 4.25 0.77 4.24 1.13 4.14 1.04 4.66 0.88 4.38 0.46 4.28 1.00 Bat,G,Bl, 4.10 Bn, Fs, T 1.17 4.30 1.00 Bat,G,Bl, 4.10 Bn, Fs, T 0.84 2.80 0.74 2.71 0.36 2.67 0.53 2.80 0.90 Bat,G,Bl, 2.47 Bn,T 2.98 4.70 1.72 4.04 3.20 Bat,G,Bl, 4.00 Bn, Fs, T 1.92 1.92 1.68 1.68 2.04 2.04 1.73 1.73 1.63 1.63 1.50 1.50 1.79 1.79 1.50 1.50 1.96 1.96 2.44 2.44 1.41 1.41 2.90 2.90 2.51 2.51 1.33 1.33 1.50 1.50 2.76 2.76 2.65 2.65 1.77 1.77 1.97 1.97 2.00 . 2.00 1.09 0.85 0.87 0.50 108 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Deader, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Cudahy Packing Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 7785 Blood W. M. Warren, Covina 119.34 7894 Blood J. H. Simpson, Covina 125.82 Guaranteed 121.50 7824* Fish Meal Aggeler & Musser, Los Angeles 73.48 Guaranteed 87.80 7923* Tankage Citrus Fruit Assn., Ontario 66.06 Guaranteed 67.78 7802* Tankage W. M. Warren, Covina 79.20 Guaranteed 75.76 Fruit Grower's Supply- Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 7924 Blood R. Schwartz, Covina 107.28 Guaranteed 106.92 7779* Fish Tankage Fillmore Citrus Fruit Assn., Fillmore 95.66 Guaranteed 90.72 7827* Fish Tankage ...J. W. Corwin, Hyland 84.27 Guaranteed 85.32 7862* Fish Tankage Citrus Fruit Assn., Ontario 86.86 Guaranteed 85.94 7911* Fish Tankage M. L. Black, Redlands 86.44 Guaranteed 87.30 7932* Fish Tankage M. L. Black, Redlands 82.22 Guaranteed 83.82 General Fertilizer Assn., San Bernardino, Cal. 7710 Bat Guano Factory at Ontario 47.26 Guaranteed 53.89 7613 Blood J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 116.28 Guaranteed 118.17 7778* Bone Meal W. H. Brooks, San Fernando 57.84 Guaranteed 57.20 7604* Fish Meal A. W. Towne, Pomona 92.79 Sold on station analysis. 7702* Fish Meal H. L. Hostetler, Covina 91.45 Guaranteed 87.77 7887* Fish Meal H. L. Hostetler, Covina 95.39 Guaranteed 93.74 7614 G. F. A J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 52.10 Guaranteed 54.20 7748 G. F. A. Special R. O. Stearns, Orange 59.65 7844 G. F. A. Special T. A. Blakeley, San Bernardino 55.13 Guaranteed 54.00 7611 G. F. A. Spec. Lawn and Rose.. J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 47.29 Guaranteed 51.20 7620 Nitrate of Soda J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 79.20 7773 Nitrate of Soda W. H. Brooks, San Fernando 77.60 7889 Nitrate of Soda H. L. Hostetler, Covina 76.80 Guaranteed 75.00 7615 Shamrock Citrus Grower J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 49.30 7746 Shamrock Citrus Grower R. O. Stearns, Orange 51.45 Guaranteed 49.00 11 Al Shamrock Citrus Grower R. O. Stearns, Orange 37.75 Guaranteed 38.00 * 7824—70% fine. * 7827—56% fine. * 7778 — 61% fine. * 7923—83% fine. * 7862—76% fine. *7604 — 73% fine. * 7802 — 53% fine. * 7911 — 62% fine. * 7702 — 60% fine. * 7779—56% fine. * 7932 — 60% fine. * 7887—95% fine. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 109 Phosphoric Acid Nitrogen Potash Lab. Avail- In- No. able soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as From Chlo- trates Salts ganic derived from Total Sulfate Total rin 7785. 7894 7824 7923 7802 7924 7779 7827 7862 7911 7932 7710 7613 7778 7604 7702 7887 7614 7748 7844 7611 7620 7773 7889 7615 7746 7747 9.00 7.00 10.10 10.70 4.40 4.80 8.10 7.88 9.05 9.17 8.90 8.93 9.00 8.93 8.90 8.67 11.75 12.59 28.00 28.00 6.85 9.55 9.55 7.05 7.30 7.85 8.00 9.30 9.70 10.00 8.75 8.00 9.85 9.80 10.00 9.25 10.00 Bn, G Bn,G Bn, O 0.51 1.65 0.49 0.61 0.70 1.00 0.99 1.00 15.84 15.52 15.36 15.00 0.56 0.37 Bn,G Bat, G, Bn, Fs, Sheep manure 13.26 13.26 13.98 13.98 13.50 13.50 7.61 7.61 9.75 9.75 6.49 6.49 6.60 6.60 9.13 9.13 8.63 8.63 11.92 11.92 11.88 11.88 10.54 10.54 9.96 9.96 8.95 8.95 9.06 9.06 9.30 9.30 9.18 9.18 9.23 9.23 9.35 9.35 8.72 8.72 8.96 8.96 1.59 3.75 3.67 3.67 12.92 12.92 13.00 13.00 2.33 2.33 2.25 2.25 10.40 10.40 9.76 9.76 9.30 9.30 10.69 10.69 10.44 10.44 4.42 4.91 5.00 Bl,Bn,G 5.00 4.84 5.45 4.16 4.86 4.00 Bl,Bn,G 5.00 3.09 4.08 4.00 Bl,Bn,G 5.00 15.84 15.52 15.36 15.00 3.65 4.21 0.43 3.56 4.36 4.00 Bl, Bn, Fs, G 4.00 3.10 3.10 3.00 Bat, G, Bn, Fs 3.00 2.43 2.30 1.10 1.00 1.62 1.59 1.00 1.79 1.00 1.17 1.75 1.00 0.65 1.00 0.80 0.85 1.17 0.70 0.85 0.95 110 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton General Fertilizer Assn., San Bernardino, Cal. (Continued) 7843 Shamrock Citrus Grower .J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 40.75 Guaranteed 46.00 7741 Shamrock Crop Grower J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 40.57 Guaranteed 51.20 7745 Shamrock Crop Grower R. O. Stearns, Orange 56.46 7833 Shamrock Crop Grower J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 51.02 Guaranteed 54.20 7845* Shamrock Fish Meal J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 86.72 Guaranteed 90.90 7879* Shamrock Fish Meal I. L. Lyon & Sons, Redlands ..._ 89.11 Guaranteed 91.95 7742 Shamrock Orange Builder J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 53.32 7840 Shamrock Orange Builder J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 40.47 7903 Shamrock Orange Builder J. E. Schermerhorn, Colton 46.66 Guaranteed 49.00 7834 Shamrock Rejuvenator J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 64.24 7890 Shamrock Rejuvenator F. J. Paddock, Covina 65.11 Guaranteed 62.20 7893 Shamrock Rejuvenator H. L. Hostetler, Covina 54.25 Guaranteed 56.20 7905 Shamrock Special Mixture W. & M. Marks, Lemon Cove 52.58 7956 Shamrock Special Mixture W. & M. Marks, Lemon Cove 54.07 Guaranteed 56.00 7768* Shamrock Special Tankage Factory, San Bernardino 71.34 Guaranteed 75.20 7617* Shamrock Tankage J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 74.88 7832* Shamrock Tankage J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 77.63 7888* Shamrock Tankage H. L. Hostetler, Covina 76.98 7943* Shamrock Tankage D. G. Lee, Ontario 75.14 Guaranteed 75.20 7942* Shamrock Tankage D. B. ^ee, Ontario 69.93 Guaranteed 69.20 7612 Special Mixture J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 53.88 7774 Special Mixture W. H. Brooks, San Fernando 57.00 Guaranteed 49.00 7703 Special Mixture H. L. Hostetler, Covina 50.00 Guaranteed 46.00 7711 Special Mixture Factory at Ontario 70.25 Guaranteed 62.20 7775* Special Mixture W. H. Brooks, San Fernando 52.59 Guaranteed 54.20 7776* Special Mixture W. H. Brooks, San Fernando 78.22 Guaranteed 75.20 1111 Special Mixture W. H. Brooks, San Fernando 38.75 Guaranteed , 41.00 7906* Whale Meat E. D. Boone, Upland 83.96 Guaranteed 87.46 7845—58% fine. * 7888 — 61% fine. 7879 — 74% fine. * 7943 — 72% fine. 7768 — 76% fine. * 7942 — Mixed fertilizer mislabeled Tankage. 7617 — 71% fine. * 7776 — 62% fine as tankage. 7832 — 71% fine. * 7906 — 83% fine. 7775 — Sodium nitrate crystals present but not mentioned in guarantee. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 111 Lab. No. Phosphoric Acid Avail- In- able soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen Potash In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as From Chlo- trates Salts ganic derived from Total Sulfate Total rin 7843 9.30 0.65 10.00 Bn,G 7741 7.15 0.72 8.00 Bn, Fs, G 7745 8.00 0.41 7833 7.30 0.62 8.00 Bat, G, Bn, Fs, Sheep manure 7845 8.80 7.96 7879 7.65 7.74 7742 10.50 0.38 7840 9.30 0.98 7903 9.80 10.00 0.61 Bat, G, Bn, Fs, Sheep manure 7834 7.85 7890 8.30 8.00 Bat, G, Bn, Fs,T 7893 7.40 2.16 8.00 Bat, G,Bn, Fs,T 2.00 7905 9.75 7956 9.70 10.00 Bat, G, Fs, Bn,T 7768 7.70 8.00 7617 8.40 7832 8.25 7.90 7888 7943 8.30 8.00 7942 6.60 8.00 1.93 2.00 Bn,Fs 7612 10.50 11.85 0.65 7774 0.51 10.00 G,T 7703 10.70 0.30 10.00 G,T 7711 8.90 8.00 Bn, G 7775 8.25 1.58 8.00 G,T 7776 8.50 8.00 Bn,G 7777 9.05 2.26 10.00 G,T 7906 8.60 9.16 3.06 3.71 4.00 Bl, Bn,Fs,G 4.00 3.37 4.09 5.00 Bl,Bn,Fs,G 5.00 4.97 5.38 4.30 4.92 5.00 Bat,G,Bn,Fs 5.00 9.30 9.30 9.97 9.97 9.80 9.80 10.14 10.14 4.05 4.43 2.41 3.39 3.32 3.93 4.00 Bat,G,Bn,Fs 4.00 6.09 6.09 6.24 6.24 6.00 Bat,G,Bl,Fs,T 6.00 3.66 5.82 4.00 Bat,G,Bl,Fs,T 6.00 2.98 2.98 2.86 2.86 3.00 Bat,G,Fs,Bl,T 3.00 7.57 7.57 8.00 8.00 7.89 7.89 8.26 8.26 8.24 8.24 7.94 7.94 8.00 8.00 6.38 8.31 6.00 Bl,Fs,T 8.00 4.23 4.23 3.58 4.74 4.00 Bl,Bn,G 4.00 4.19 4.49 4.00 Bl,Bn,G 4.00 6.62 _ 6.63 6.00 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, T 6.00 3.61 5.19 5.00 Bl, Bn, G 5.00 8.29 8.29 8.00 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, T 8.00 1.30 3.56 3.00 Bl,Bn,G 3.00 8.99 8.99 9.33 0.97 0.57 1.00 0.69 1.00 1.15 1.10 0.85 1.00 1.44 0.95 1.09 0.75 1.11 1.00 1.51 0.70 1.19 1.17 1.00 1.27 0.85 1.00 5.03 2.10 5.87 1.12 6.00 1.78 1.10 1.99 0.67 1.00 0.93 0.62 1.00 1.61 0.72 1.00 1.42 1.52 1.00 1.46 0.75 1.00 112 UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Germain Seed and Plant Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 7686 Blood and Bone Manufacturer 38.07 Guaranteed 35.20 7687* Fish Meal Manufacturer 80.61 Guaranteed 73.80 7688* Fish Meal No. 2 Manufacturer 72.27 Guaranteed 64.40 7740 Nuvida Brand Harris Seed Co., San Diego 53.43 Guaranteed 40.00 7684 Nuvida Lawn and Garden Manufacturer _. 40.65 Guaranteed 44.00 7885 Nuvida Lawn and Garden Manufacturer 42.11 Guaranteed 38.00 7685 Nuvida Vegetable Manufacturer 44.51 Guaranteed 46.20 7883* - Manufacturer 57.41 Guaranteed 50.10 7884* Manufacturer 47.59 Guaranteed 42.20 Hauser Packing Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 7743 Blood E. N. Nahmens, Redlands 107.91 Guaranteed 108.00 7783 Blood G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 123.30 Guaranteed 112.50 7861 Blood E. N. Nahmens, Redlands 104.58 Guaranteed 102.78 7930 Blood J. H. Quick, Azusa 124.65 Guaranteed 123.75 7946 Blood C. E. McLaughlin 89.64 Guaranteed 95.58 7947 Blood C. E. McLaughlin 123.12 Guaranteed 122.85 7951 Blood Jamison MacDonald 116.01 Guaranteed 115.74 7952 Blood Mrs. MacDonald 124.38 Guaranteed 121.50 7955* Blood George W. McKinnon, Pomona 88.05 Guaranteed 103.84 7959 Blood — C. H. Featherston, Glendora 108.09 Guaranteed 109.26 7646* Bone Meal W. B. Gemmill, Rialto 66.56 Guaranteed 57.60 7647* Bone Meal W. B. Gemmill, Rialto „... 65.20 7860* Bone Meal E. N. Nahmens, Redlands 65.32 Guaranteed 64.20 7648* Bone Meal W. B. Gemmill, Rialto 51.54 7693* Bone Meal Clarence Milligan 53.58 7787* Bone Meal G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 52.96 7792* Bone Meal Thomas Chisholm, Pasadena 54.24 Guaranteed 53.80 * 7687 — 77% fine. * 7688—61% fine. * 7883 — No brand name in violation of California Fertilizer Act. * 7884 — No brand name in violation of California Fertilizer Act. * 7955 — Sample mislabeled, apparently fish meal, 93% fine. * 7646 — 36% fine. * 7647—33% fine. * 7648—58% fine. * 7787—69% fine. * 7860 — 29% fine. * 7693 — 61% fine. * 7792 — 63% fine. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 113 Phosphoric Acid A Nitrogen Potash Lab. Avail- In- No. able soluble Total 7686 3.25 3.00 7687 7688 7740 8.20 10.00 7684 9.32 7885 7.06 10.00 7685 7.15 7883 8.16 8.00 7884 6.49 7.00 7743 7783 7861 7930 7946 7947 7951 7952 7955 7959 7646 7647 7860 7648 7693 7787 7792 4.80 8.05 5.00 8.00 5.75 7.00 6.25 6.00 2.30 10.50 0.88 10.20 10.00 2.64 9.70 1.10 8.25 8.00 0.94 9.10 1.00 9.00 1.96 8.45 1.00 8.00 5.75 23.60 24.00 22.80 23.00 23.00 29.50 30.90 33.20 31.20 27.00 Guaranteed as derived from Bn In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as trates Salts ganic derived from Super Super .... 3.35 .... 3.00 .... 9.07 8.00 .... 7.94 .... 7.00 0.53 .... 4.51 2.00 .... 2.00 1.97 .... 1.30 0.53 .... 2.53 2.00 .... 1.00 2.26 .... 2.25 2.63 .... 2.20 3.50 1.00 4.08 .... 1.20 4.00 .... 1.00 11.99 12.00 13.70 12.50 11.62 11.42 13.85 13.75 BLBn Bl,Fs Fs Fs Fs 11.99 12.00 13.70 12.50 11.62 11.42 13.85 13.75 9.96 10.62 13.68 13.65 12.89 12.86 13.82 13.50 10.00 12.98 12.01 12.14 4.19 3.00 4.16 4.14 4.00 1.28 1.29 0.81 1.32 2.00 -\ r ^\ From Chlo- Total Sulfate Total RIN 3.35 3.00 9.07 8.00 7.94 7.00 5.04 4.00 3.27 2.04 1.85 3.00 2.00 3.06 1.88 2.07 3.00 2.00 4.51 1.22 1.17 4.00 1.00 4.83 4.64 4.50 4.00 5.28 1.92 1.42 5.00 JZ.00 114 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Hauser Packing Co., Los Angeles, Cal. (Continued) 7788* Fish Meal G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 68.48 Guaranteed 80.40 7782 Nitrate of Soda G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 76.80 7902 Nitrate of Soda E. N. Nahmens, Redlands 75.15 Guaranteed 75.00 7791 Special Big Gun G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 82.45 7899 Special Big Gun J. C. Boyd, Rialto 74.48 Guaranteed 85.60 7944 Special Big Gun W. C. Kelley 78.07 Guaranteed 82.60 7784 Special Mixture G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 43.00 Guaranteed 44.20 7786 Special Mixture .G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 37.89 Guaranteed 36.00 7781 Sulfate of Ammonia G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 103.00 Guaranteed 103.75 7904 Sulfate of Ammonia H. D. Meyer, Pasadena 104.20 Guaranteed 102.50 7636* Tankage G. A. Hanson, Upland 49.82 Guaranteed 51.20 7643* Tankage W. B. Gimmell, Rialto 46.42 7920* Tankage S. G. Rossiter, Rialto 46.53 Guaranteed 46.00 7644* Tankage W. B. Gimmell, Rialto 79.88 Guaranteed 85.60 7645* Tankage W. B. Gimmell, Rialto 69.75 7910* Tankage R. H. Edrington, Azusa 68.20 7913* Tankage E. B. Griffith, Azusa 73.89 7925* Tankage B. W. Barnhart, Claremont 65.91 7929* Tankage J. M. Riley Fruit Co., Covina 69.61 7940* Tankage Azusa Foothill Citrus Co., Azusa 74.76 7941* Tankage Azusa Foothill Citrus Co., Azusa 69.46 7950* Tankage Azusa Foothill Citrus Co., Azusa 67.40 7960* Tankage R. H. Edrington, Azusa 67.56 Guaranteed 75.20 7709* Tankage E. N. Nahmens, Redlands 60.91 Guaranteed - 62.00 7722* Tankage Miss I. Demens, Alta Loma 46.55 Guaranteed 43.20 7744* Tankage E. N. Nahmens, Redlands 74.25 Guaranteed 73.65 7789* Tankage G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 84.40 Guaranteed 80.13 7790* Tankage G. W. Fuhr, Azusa 66.20 Guaranteed 64.80 7867* Tankage E. N. Nahmens, Redlands 69.35 7901* Tankage Miss V. E. Mattice, Redlands 63.07 7957* Tankage Miss V. E. Mattice, Redlands 64.17 Guaranteed 68.60 77 88 _8l% fine. * 7925—76% fine. * 7722 — 79% fine. 7736—66% fine. * 7929—75% fine. * 7744—73% fine. 7643—72% fine. * 7940—80% fine. * 7789—78% fine. 7920—76% fine. * 7941 — 72% fine. * 7790—72% fine. 7644—76% fine. * 7950 — 70% fine. * 7867 — 80% fine. 7645 — 75% fine. * 7960 — 70% fine. * 7901 — 79% fine. 7910—74% fine. * 7709—75% fine. * 7957—76% fine. 7913 — 74% fine. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 115 Phosphoric Acid Lab. Avail- In- No. able soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as trates Salts ganic derived from Total Potash From Sulfate Total Chlo- rin 7788 7.20 6.00 6.90 5.15 4.00 6.15 4.00 8.85 8.00 13.10 15.00 9.30 8.00 9.90 11.75 10.00 6.20 4.00 8.85 8.20 8.15 8.45 8.75 7.80 9.10 8.20 9.40 8.00 8.65 10.00 9.25 8.00 9.15 9.75 9.60 10.15 13.00 12.00 9.65 9.45 8.35 9.00 7782 15.36 7902 15.03 15.00 7791 1.07 7899 1.31 7944 T 2.34 1.00 7784 1.30 7786 Bn, Super, I 1.00 7781 .. .. Bn, Super, T 20.60 20.75 7904 20.84 20.50 7636 7643 7920 7644 7645 7910 7913 7925 7929 7940 .. .. 7941 7950 7960 7709 7722 7744 7789 7790 7867 7901 7957 7.30 7, 9.00 .'.... 9, 15 15 15 8.43 9. 7.59 8 T 10 7.22 9 9.00 10 1.71 3. 2.00 Bl,Bn,T 3 2.02 2. 1.50 Bl,Bn,T 1 20 20 20 20 4.60 4 5.00 5 4.07 4, 3.76 3, 4.00 4 8.90 8, 10.00 10 7.17 7, 7.09 7, 7.81 7, 6.76 6, 7.17 7. 7.98 7, 7.09 7. 6.99 6, 6.80 6. 8.00 8. 6.10 6. 6.00 6, 4.20 4. 4.00 4, 7.68 7. 7.50 7, 8.87 8. 8.24 8. 6.00 6. 6.00 6. 6.98 6. 6.23 6. 6.56 6. 7.00 7. 30 00 36 03 00 50 90 00 56 00 01 3.51 00 4.00 4.00 02 1.13 1.13 50 1.00 1.00 60 75 84 50 60 00 07 76 00 90 00 17 09 81 76 17 98 09 99 80 00 10 00 20 00 68 50 87 24 00 00 98 23 56 00 1.47 116 UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address op Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Hauser Packing Co., Los Angeles, Cal. {Continued) 7882* Tankage Germain Seed and Plant Co., Los Angeles .... 44.05 Guaranteed 47.00 7919* Tankage S. G. Rossiter, Rialto 52.76 Guaranteed 61.00 7928* Tankage J. M. Riley Fruit Co., Azusa 84.21 Guaranteed 84.40 Hawaiian Fertilizer Co., Ltd., San Francisco, Cal. 7891 Tankage and Ammonia Mixt R. H. Cochrane, Redlands 64.45 Guaranteed 79.60 7825 Lawn Fertilizer Edward F. Adams, San Francisco 44.15 Guaranteed 36.80 Mountain Copper Co., San Francisco, Cal. 7723 Superphosphate Pacific Wood and Coal Co., San Diego 20.35 Guaranteed 21.54 Oakland Meat & Packing Co., Emeryville, Cal. 7800 Empire Forrest Manning, Azusa 68.06 Guaranteed 65.20 Pacific Bone, Coal & Fertilizing Co., San Francisco, Cal. 7965 Special Miss I. Demens, Alta Loma 53.95 Guaranteed 56.80 7892 Special Nursery Stock Highland Exchange Assn., Highland 40.95 Guaranteed 38.90 7958 Tankage and Nitrate of Am Citrus Fruit Assn., Ontario 66.29 Guaranteed 68.96 7914 Tankage and Nitrate of Am P. A. Demens, Alta Loma 68.83 Guaranteed 82.25 Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co., San Francisco, Cal. 7712 Blood Harry Scott, Rialto 115.29 7736 Blood R. H. Winn, San Diego 112.59 Guaranteed 114.03 7698 Blood Grant Chapman, Covina 120.96 Guaranteed 122.67 7630* Bone Meal W. F. Scott, Orange 60.38 7697* Bone Meal A. M. Seeley, Covina 64.14 7770* Bone Meal John Blake, Pasadena 43.86 7818* Bone Meal Manufacturer's Warehouse 64.04 Guaranteed 60.40 7715* Bone Meal Harry Scott, Rialto 64.92 7735* Bone Meal R. H. Winn, San Diego 62.88 7764* Bone Meal E. F. Struve, Pomona 61.86 Guaranteed 60.82 7882—76% fine. * 7697 — 52% fine. * 7715—47% fine. 7919 — 74% fine. * 7770—58% fine. * 7735—48% fine. 7928—81% fine. * 7818 — 52% fine. * 7764—56% fine. 7630—57% fine. Bull ETIN 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Phosphoric Acid Nitrogen 117 Potash Lab. No. 7882 r Avail- able 5.45 In- soluble 1.30 Total 5.35 5.00 16.60 15.00 10.15 9.60 5.40 4.00 6.75 7.00 Guaranteed as derived from r In Ni- trates 3.18 2.00 1.28 4.50 In Am- monia Salts 3.91 1.23 Or- ganic 4.57 5.00 3.69 5.00 8.75 8.87 2.68 8.00 1.82 Organic Nitrogei guaranteed as derived from l Total 4.57 5.00 3.69 5.00 8.75 8.87 9.87 10.00 4.33 4.50 r From Sulfate 1.50 Total 2.53 1.50 Chlo- RIN 7919 7928 7891 7825 2.62 Super, Bn, T 7723 16.96 17.95 0.74 0.40 17.70 18.35 7.75 8.00 6.33 6.00 6.33 6.00 2.19 2.00 2.19 2.00 7800 0.75 Bn, Super Animal matter 8.84 9.00 12.05 12.00 2.46 11.30 2.00 11.00 8.70 9.05 8.20 8.75 21.70 22.10 15.50 22.60 22.00 22.20 22.80 21.50 22.30 Bn, Super 2.04 2.18 2.35 2.50 0.91 0.75 2.13 8.66 2.40 3.15 3.36 1.21 1.00 Bl,Bn,T 3.87 3.70 8.75 12.81 12.51 12.67 13.44 13.63 3.75 4.15 2.77 4.05 3.70 4.23 3.87 3.97 3.70 5.40 5.00 4.30 4.10 8.50 8.66 9.25 8.75 12.81 12.51 12.67 13.44 13.63 3.75 4.15 2.77 4.05 3.70 4.23 3.87 3.97 3.70 118 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand . From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co., San Francisco, Cal. {Continued) 7716* Bone Meal, Steamed Harry Scott, Rialto 58.76 Guaranteed 57.32 7720* Bone Meal, Steamed Harry Scott, Rialto 62.10 Guaranteed 60.09 7717* Bone Tankage Harry Scott, Rialto „ 62.24 Guaranteed 59.78 7721* Bone Tankage Harry Scott, Rialto 74.38 Guaranteed 71.00 7719 Fall Crop Maker Harry Scott, Rialto 48.72 7765 Fall Crop Maker E. F. Struve, Pomona 48.32 7837 Fall Crop Maker R. E. Fairchild, Redlands 47.60 Guaranteed 45.50 7816* Fish Meal Manufacturer's Retail "Warehouse 86.58 Guaranteed 84.14 7817* Fish Meal Manufacturer's Warehouse 79.50 Guaranteed 78.15 7815* Fish Meal (S. D.) Manufacturer's Warehouse 61.18 Guaranteed 57.80 7838 Gaviota Al Crop Maker R. E. Fairchild, Redlands 63.24 Guaranteed 65.40 7737 Gaviota Lawn & Gar. Dressing..R. H. Winn, San Diego 31.54 Guaranteed 33.50 7631 Gaviota Special W. F. Scott, Orange 69.19 7638 Gaviota Special Wilson & Hickox, Upland 68.78 7695 Gaviota Special A. M. Seeley, Covina 67.15 7713 Gaviota Special Harry Scott, Rialto 65.99 Guaranteed 65.40 7635* Gaviota Special W. F. Scott, Orange 68.74 Guaranteed 71.40 7637 Gaviota Special Wilson & Hickox, Upland 64.78 7763 Gaviota Special E. F. Struve, Pomona 69.59 7766 Gaviota Special E. F. Struve, Pomona 64.89 Guaranteed 60.60 7813 Gaviota Special —Manufacturer's Warehouse 45.28 Guaranteed 41.50 7839 Gaviota Special R. E. Fairchild, Redlands 52.64 Guaranteed 49.00 7853* Gaviota Special W. L. Fischer, Riverside 38.29 Guaranteed 40.00 7912 Gaviota Special T. E. Ketcheson, Upland 67.48 Guaranteed 65.40 7939 Gaviota Special J. F. Burns, Escondido 46.05 Guaranteed 46.00 7964 Gaviota Special K. Okomoto, Los Angeles 39.08 Guaranteed 38.60 7739 Gaviota Special 4-8-5 R. H. Winn, San Diego 53.39 Guaranteed 52.20 7659 Gaviota Special 4-9-2 Wilson & Hickox, Upland 41.66 Guaranteed 50.60 7658 Gaviota Special 4-10-1 Wilson & Hickox, Upland 47.77 Guaranteed 46.00 * 7716 — 57% fine. * 7717 — 58% fine as Bn, 87% fine as T. * 7720 — 57% fine. * 7721 — 50% fine as Bn, 81% fine as T. * 7816 — 68% fine. * 7817 — 89% fine. * 7815 — 79% fine. * 7635 — No statement of derivation in violation of California Fertilizer Act. * 7853 — Sample jar broken, sample possibly invalid. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 119 Phosphoric Acid Lab. Avail- In- No. able soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen Potash In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as From Chlo- trates Salts ganic derived from Total Sulfate Total rin 7716 7720 7717 7721 7719 7765 7837 7816 7817 7815 7838 7737 7631 7638 7695 7713 7635 7637 7763 7766 7813 7839 7853 7912 7939 7964 7739 7659 7658 8.74 .63 19.80 19.80 20.70 20.35 22.00 22.30 17.70 18.43 2.16 10.90 10.85 10.30 10.00 5.10 5.30 8.90 9.19 5.70 7.00 11.25 11.00 9.35 10.00 10.85 10.95 10.55 11.35 11.00 11.60 11.00 9.05 8.15 9.20 9.00 10.95 10.00 9.45 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 11.00 10.35 10.00 1.02 9.65 9.00 8.45 8.00 9.15 9.00 9.50 10.00 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, T Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super .... 3.88 .... 3.70 ... 4.14 3.95 .... 3.93 ... 3.57 .... 6.20 ... 5.65 1.04 .... 0.90 0.55 ... 1.12 0.57 1.14 0.50 ... 1.00 .... 9.93 9.59 .... 8.38 8.16 .... 6.65 ... 6.00 2.25 .... 4.53 2.00 ... 5.00 1.69 .... 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.92 .... 5.55 2.37 .... 5.20 2.14 .... 5.21 2.50 ... 4.70 2.00 ... 5.00 2.. 58 4.95 7.00 1.93 .... 4.40 1.57 5.53 2.50 .... 3.96 2.00 4.00 0.91 .... 2.05 0.50 2.00 1.52 .... 2.84 1.00 .... 3.00 3.00 .... 0.76 3.00 .... 1.00 2.36 .... 4.86 2.00 .... 5.00 1.27 2.69 1.00 .... 3.00 3.95 4.00 1.63 .... 2.29 2.00 — . 2.00 2.80 0.31 0.83 1.35 .... 2.88 1.00 .... 3.00 3.88 3.70 4.14 3.95 3.93 3.57 6.20 5.65 1.94 1.67 1.71 Bl, Bn, Fs,G, T 1.50 9.93 9.59 8.38 8.16 6.65 6.00 6.78 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, T 7.00 2.94 Bl,Bn,Fs,G,T 3.00 7.47 7.57 7.35 7.20 Bl,Bn,Fs,G,T 7.00 7.53 7.00 6.33 7.10 6.46 Bl,Bn,Fs,G,T 6.00 2.96 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, T 2.50 4.36 Bl,Bn,Fs,G,T 4.00 3.76 Bl,Bn,Fs,G,T 4.00 7.22 Bl,Bn, Fs, G, T 7.00 3.96 Bl,Bn,Fs,G,T 4.00 3.95 4.00 3.92 Bl,Bn,Fs,G,T 4.00 3.94 4.00 4.25 BLBn,Fs,G,T 4.00 5.03 5.00 0.81 0.50 2.42 2.03 2.61 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.03 2.00 1.07 1.00 1.23 1.00 1.94 2.00 5.03 5.00 2.22 2.00 1.56 1.00 7.02 3.55 7.14 3.30 7.07 3.65 7.00 1.15 1.50 1.22 1.40 0.80 0.90 1.10 0.65 1.50 0.67 120 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Pacific Guano & Fertilizer Co., San Francisco, Cal. (Continued) 7634* Gaviota Special 6-9-2 W. F. Scott, Orange 66.07 Guaranteed 66.60 7609 Gaviota Special Crop Maker ....W. T. Henderson, Riverside 50.78 7696 Gaviota Special Crop Maker ....A. M. Seeley, Covina 51.62 7714 Gaviota Special Crop Maker ....Harry Scott, Rialto 51.03 7826 Gaviota Special Crop Maker ....J. W. Corvvin, Hyland 46.44 7836 Gaviota Special Crop Maker ....W. H. Wyckoff, Redlands 48.94 Guaranteed 46.00 7809 Gaviota Spec. Lawn & Garden. .Manufacturer's Warehouse 49.36 Guaranteed .' 40.20 7633 Gaviota Superphosphate W. F. Scott, Orange 23.14 Guaranteed 20.40 7780 Lawn and Garden Union Commission Co., Santa Barbara 38.62 7808 Lawn and Garden Manufacturer's Warehouse 38.74 Guaranteed 33.50 7660 Nitrate of Soda Wilson & Hickox, Upland 77.40 7750 Nitrate of Soda Harry Scott, Rialto 78.20 7814 Nitrate of Soda Manufacturer's Warehouse 76.80 Guaranteed 75.00 7732 Nitrate of Soda R. H. Winn, San Diego 78.00 Guaranteed 75.50 7762 Special Crop Maker E. F. Struve, Pomona 51.35 Guaranteed 49.00 7767 Special Crop Maker E. F. Struve, Pomona 51.91 Guaranteed 49.00 7769 Special Crop Maker John Blake, Pasadena 45.12 Guaranteed 46.00 7733 Sulfate of Ammonia R. H. Winn, San Diego 102.60 Guaranteed 102.50 7751 Sulfate of Ammonia Harry Scott, Rialto 104.10 Guaranteed 103.75 7734 Superphosphate R. H. Winn, San Diego 19.73 Guaranteed 20.40 7632* Tankage W. F. Scott, Orange 77.75 Guaranteed 76.76 7639* Tankage Wilson & Hickox, Upland 85.13 Guaranteed 73.90 7640* Tankage Wilson & Hickox, Upland 79.03 Guaranteed 76.85 7718* Tankage Harry Scott, Rialto 67.04 Guaranteed 63.02 7835* Tankage Mrs. J. E. Nish, Rialto 73.95 Guaranteed 75.20 7962* Tankage G. T. Henslee, Hyland 71.90 Guaranteed 69.40 Pacific Wood & Coal Co., San Diego, Cal. 7731* Tankage Manufacturer 72.09 Guaranteed 50.50 7730 B. G. Lawn Manufacturer 21.36 Guaranteed 23.48 7634 — No statement of derivation in violation of California Fertilizer Act. 7632 — 76% fine. 7639—81% fine, some hoof. * 7718—86% fine. * 7962 — 72% fine. 7640 — 73% fine. * 7835 — 76% fine. * 7731 — 61% fine. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 121 Lab. No. Phosphoric Acid Avail- In- able soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as trates Salts ganic derived trom Total Potash From Sulfate Total Chlo- RIN 7634 7609 10.70 7696 7714 7826 7836 7809 7638 19.28 17.00 7780 7808 7660 7750 7814 7732 7762 4.30 8.00 7734 16.44 17.00 7632 7639 7640 7718 7835 7962 7731 7730 4.81 4.50 10.15 9.00 0.06 10.80 9.80 10.85 9.85 10.05 10.00 9.40 8.00 0.22 19.50 1.00 18.00 10.00 10.05 10.00 6.60 10.90 2.00 10.00 10.25 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.26 16.70 1.00 18.00 9.65 11.40 11.95 12.90 5.25 5.75 23.20 23.30 7.45 8.00 10.10 11.00 16.35 7.50 1.14 5.95 0.50 5.00 1.77 1.32 1.50 1.48 1.10 Bn,G, Super 1.00 2.26 Bn,G, Super 2.00 1.82 1.75 Bn,G, Super 1.50 15.48 15.64 15.36 15.00 15.60 15.10 Bn, G, Super Bn, G, Super 1.36 Bn,G, Super 1.00 1.34 Bn, Super 1.06 0.89 20.52 20.50 20.82 20.75 0.45 4.86 2.74 3.38 3.04 2.68 3.12 3.00 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, 2.40 2.00 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, 1.94 1.99 1.50 Bl,Bn,Fs,G, 3.73 4.00 Bl,Bn,G,T 3.61 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, 2.44 3.00 Bl, Bn, Fs, G, 8.03 7.60 8.55 6.98 8.96 8.60 4.32 3.80 7.94 8.00 7.22 6.75 6.15 5.00 0.51 Bat, G, Bn, BIT 5.92 6.00 4.51 4.70 4.54 4.16 4.22 T 4.00 4.66 T 4.00 3.76 3.74 T 3.00 15.48 15.64 15.36 15.00 15.60 15.10 4.35 1.05 4.00 1.00 4.50 T 4.00 3.80 T 4.00 20.52 20.50 20.82 20.75 8.03 7.60 8.55 6.98 8.96 8.60 4.32 3.80 7.94 8.00 7.22 6.75 6.15 5.00 2.30 1.46 2.06 0.75 2.56 2.00 1.63 1.42 1.34 1.27 1.47 1.00 1.90 1.00 0.79 0.66 0.50 1.05 1.00 1.41 1.00 1.60 1.00 1.46 0.75 1.02 0.80 0.78 0.70 0.72 0.82 0.82 0.57 0.55 1.82 0.57 122 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Rogers, Brown & Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 7804* Fish Tankage W. M. Warren, Covina _... 77.52 Guaranteed 94.14 7896* Fish Tankage J. H. Simpson, Covina 89.42 Guaranteed 88.83 7916* Fish Tankage J. H. Simpson, Covina 87.98 Guaranteed 88.91 7619* Steam Bone Meal J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 57.60 7881* Steam Bone Meal Germain Seed and Plant Co 56.48 Guaranteed 53.80 7823* Steam Bone Meal Aggeler & Musser Seed Co., Los Angeles 55.48 Guaranteed 61.40 7805* Mixed Tankage W. M. Warren, Covina 72.63 Guaranteed 78.97 Southern California Fertilizer Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 7629 Banner E. A. Moore, Redlands 47.76 7641 Banner H. C. Lash, Rialto 40.14 7690 Banner J. F. Jackson, Riverside 46.95 Guaranteed 42.55 7676 Banner H. Little, Upland 48.07 7682 Banner G. R. Tyler, Pomona 39.53 Guaranteed 41.80 7868 Banner C. L. Small, Riverside 45.18 Guaranteed 43.80 7900 Eagle Brand J. C. Boyd, Rialto 55.74 Guaranteed 54.70 7610 Fruiting E. A. Moore, Redlands 32.15 7642 Fruiting H. C. Lash, Rialto 33.19 7678 Fruiting H. Little, Upland 32.42 7681 Fruiting G. R. Tyler, Pomona 35.86 7691 Fruiting J. F. Jackson, Riverside 32.73 Guaranteed 33.80 7683* Garbage Tankage G. R. Tyler, Pomona 7692* Garbage Tankage J. F. Jackson, Riverside 7759* Garbage Tankage Mrs. James Fleming, San Bernardino 7803* Garbage Tankage W. M. Warren, Covina Guaranteed 7627 Reliable E. A. Moore, Redlands 31.01 7679 Reliable H. Little, Upland 33.32 7680 Reliable G. R. Tyler, Pomona 34.60 7689 Reliable J. F. Jackson, Riverside 30.37 7801 Reliable J. A. Adair, Glendora 29.59 Guaranteed 29.70 7694 Sulfate of Ammonia J. F. Jackson, Riverside 104.20 Guaranteed 102.50 7804—76% fine. * 7805 — 50% fine. 7896—63% fine. * 7683—60% fine. 7916—48% fine. * 7692—55% fine. 7619 — 61% fine. * 7759—45% fine. 7881 — 65% fine. * 7803 — 47%) fine. 7823—63% fine. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 123 Lab. Avail- No. able Phosphoric Acid In- soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen In Ni- trates In Am- naonia Salts Organic Nitrogen Or- guaranteed as ganic derived from Total Potash From Chlo- Sulfate Total rin 7804 6.00 7.30 7896 7.30 7.22 7916 8.10 8.59 7619 28.40 7881 27.60 27.00 7823 27.00 29.00 7805 7.25 9.38 8.64 8.64 10.49 10.49 9.90 9.90 9.84 9.84 9.58 9.58 9.61 9.61 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.00 2.00 2.21 2.21 2.60 2.60 7.81 7.81 8.23 8.23 7629 6.30 1.40 7641 5.31 1.74 7690 6.76 1.34 6.00 1.00 7676 6.58 1.82 7682 5.27 1.08 6.00 1.00 7868 5.63 1.12 6.00 1.00 7900 7610 5.17 1.98 7642 4.57 2.18 7678 4.80 2.70 7681 5.13 2.22 7691 5.32 2.28 6.00 1.00 7683 7692 7759 7803 7627 2.88 0.62 7679 3.41 0.64 7680 3.28 1.12 7689 2.82 0.48 7801 2.91 0.74 2.50 0.50 7694 7.70 7.05 8.10 7.00 G, Super, T 8.40 6.35 7.00 G, Super, T 6.75 7.00 G, Super, T 8.45 8.00 Bn, G, Super, T 7.15 6.75 7.50 7.35 7.60 7.00 G, Super, T 3.60 2.85 2.85 3.10 2.25 3.50 4.05 4.40 3.30 3.65 3.00 G, Super, T 1.77 2.89 2.21 1.90 1.75 2.69 0.75 3.25 2.28 2.36 2.01 1.94 1.00 3.00 1.37 1.20 2.86 2.00 3.00 1.66 0.87 3.30 2.50 3.50 1.85 1.21 1.88 1.29 1.94 1.13 2.16 ...... 1.44 1.84 1.18 1.00 2.00 3.07 3.00 3.02 3.17 2.75 1.79 ...... 1.65 1.50 1.81 1.68 2.07 1.54 1.63 1.59 1.56 0.50 2.50 20.84 20.50 4.66 4.11 4.44 G, T 4.00 4.64 3.95 G, T 4.00 5.43 G, T 5.00 5.83 Bn, G, T 6.00 3.06 3.17 3.07 3.60 3.02 3.00 3.07 3.00 3.02 3.17 2.75 3.44 3.31 3.75 3.17 3.15 G, T 3.00 20.84 20.50 1.67 1.34 1.78 1.00 2.01 1.69 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.62 1.00 1.07 1.34 1.06 1.08 1.15 1.00 1.31 1.33 1.43 1.21 1.25 1.32 1.89 1.16 1.67 1.35 1.00 0.97 1.35 1.10 1.17 1.25 1.00 0.98 0.80 0.82 0.60 0.80 0.92 1.35 1.02 1.10 0.70 0.92 0.57 0.85 0.65 124 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Lab. No. 7806 7895 7915 7927' 7917 7908 7909* 7807 7918" 7654 7666 7796 7667* 7797' 7668 7799 7669 7670 7671 7934 7948 7949 7961 7938 7798* 7656 Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained W. M. Warren Fertilizer Co., Covina, Cal. Bird Guano Manufacturer . Guaranteed Blood J. H. Simpson, Guaranteed Value per ton 53.66 62.30 Covina 117.00 112.50 Blood Charles E. Paige Guaranteed Fish Tankage Frank Mitchell Guaranteed Nitrate of Soda Manufacturer . Covina 116.64 114.48 Covina 89.02 88.94 77.60 Guaranteed 75.00 Special Ed Prather, Covina 56.42 Guaranteed 53.20 Special Mrs. Birdie Edgar, Covina 65.24 Guaranteed 59.20 Sulfate of Ammonia Manufacturer 105.10 Guaranteed 103.75 Tankage Leighton & King, Covina 79.03 Guaranteed 80.26 Western Meat Co., San Francisco, Cal. Blood, Diamond H E. L. Koethen, Riverside 119.97 Blood, Diamond H B. L. Byer, Upland 123.03 Blood Forrest Manning, Azusa 124.74 Guaranteed 121.50 Bone Meal, Diamond G B. L. Byer, Upland 52.00 Bone Meal, Diamond G Forrest Manning, Azusa 55.88 Guaranteed 53.80 Diamond D E. L. Koethen, Riverside 53.36 Guaranteed 49.00 Special B. L. Byer, Upland 68.86 Special Forrest Manning, Azusa 70.74 Guaranteed 65.20 Special B. L. Byer, Upland ..._ 55.14 Guaranteed 52.00 Special B. L. Byer, Upland 45.62 Guaranteed 42.00 Special - B. L. Byer, Upland 47.02 Guaranteed 39.60 Special Curtis Ranch Co., Bloomington 55.42 Special W. M. Baird, Duarte 54.48 Special Curtis Ranch Co., Bloomington 58.43 Special W. M. Baird, Duarte 58.63 Guaranteed 50.20 Special Curtis Ranch Co., Bloomington 56.47 Guaranteed 52.20 Sulfate of Ammonia Forrest Manning, Azusa 103.90 Guaranteed 103.75 Superphosphate E. L. Koethen, Riverside 21.10 Guaranteed 21.60 7927 — 72% fine. 7909 — 78% fine as T. 7918—63% fine. 7667 — 64% fine. 7797—62% fine. 7798 — Improperly tagged, tags of unregistered manufacturers. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 125 Lab. No. Phosphoric Acid Avail- able In- soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen Potash In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as Prom Chlo- trates Salts ganic derived from Total Sulfate Total rin 7806 7895 7915 7927 7917 7908 7909 7807 7918 7654 7666 7796 7667 7797 7652 5.72 8.00 7668 7799 7669 7670 7671 7934 7948 7949 7961 7938 7798 7656 17.58 9.40 10.48 7.30 7.64 7.45 8.00 8.60 8.00 7.25 7.50 32.00 31.80 27.00 4.68 10.40 2.00 10.0 8.55 8.65 8.00 12.00 10.00 9.85 10.00 8.35 9.00 9.25 9.25 9.80 9.25 8.00 9.05 8.00 0.32 17.90 18.00 Organic matter Oryanic matter 1.80 15.52 15.00 2.03 2.00 21.02 20.75 0.96 Bn, Super 1.00 Bn, Super Bn, Super 2.45 0.32 Bn, Super 2.35 0.75 Bn, Super Bn Bn, Super 1.04 1.46 1.00 1.00 20.78 20.75 3.48 5.50 13.00 12.50 12.96 12.72 9.85 9.78 4.48 4.00 6.65 6.00 8.61 8.72 3.33 3.67 3.86 3.50 0.90 1.42 2.00 3.20 3.00 6.50 6.50 6.00 3.84 4.00 1.31 1.00 3.70 3.00 3.43 3.35 3.32 4.00 3.00 1.54 2.00 Animal matter Animal matter Animal matter Animal matter Animal matter Animal matter Animal matter 5.28 1.22 5.50 1.21 13.00 12.50 12.96 12.72 9.85 9.78 15.52 15.00 6.51 6.00 6.65 6.00 21.02 20.75 8.61 8.72 13.33 13.67 13.86 13.50 0.90 1.42 2.00 4.16 2.80 2.80 0.75 4.00 2.00 2.00 6.50 1.63 1.63 0.75 6.50 2.21 2.21 0.80 6.00 2.00 2.00 3.84 2.54 1.10 4.00 2.00 2.00 4.08 2.50 1.12 4.10 1.50 1.50 3.70 1.91 1.91 0.60 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.43 5.01 5.01 0.62 3.35 4.91 1.25 3.32 6.05 1.20 4.00 4.56 1.40 3.00 5.00 5.00 4.04 6.33 6.33 0.60 4.00 5.00 5.00 20.78 20.75 126 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION Name and Address of Manufacturer or Dealer, Lab. and Name of Brand From Whom Obtained Value No. per ton Western Meat Co., San Francisco, Cal. (Continued) 7618* Tankage - J. Henry Reynolds, Redlands 64.09 Guaranteed 62.00 7655* Tankage E. L. Koethen, Riverside 78.76 Guaranteed 75.86 7657* Tankage E. L. Koethen, Riverside 79.04 7672* Tankage : B. L. Byer, Upland 78.41 7794* Tankage Forrest Manning, Azusa 79.14 7812* Tankage A. W. Towne, Pomona 76.96 Guaranteed 75.20 7673* Tankage B. L. Byer, Upland 78.78 7793* Tankage '. Forrest Manning, Azusa 78.22 Guaranteed 76.39 7795* Tankage Forrest Manning, Azusa 83.78 Guaranteed 89.80 7933* Tankage A. W. Towne, Pomona Sold on station analysis. 7653* Tankage, Diamond I E. L. Koethen, Riverside 70.54 Guaranteed 62.05 Wilson & Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 7822* Fish Tankage Aggeler & Musser Seed Co., Los Angeles 77.51 Guaranteed 76.60 7618 — 76% fine. * 7673 — 73^ fine. 7655 — 76% fine. * 7793 — 72% fine. 7657—78% fine. * 7795 — 78% fine. 7672 — 68% fine. * 7933 — 87% fine. 7794 — 70% fine. * 7653 — 78% fine. 7812 — 68% fine. * 7822 — 66% fine. Bulletin 327 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS 127 Phosphoric Acid A Lab. No. Avail- able In- soluble Total Guaranteed as derived from Nitrogen A In Am- Organic Nitrogen In Ni- monia Or- guaranteed as trates Salts ganic derived from Total Potash Prom Chi 0- Sulfate Total rin 7618 7655 7657 7672 7794 7812 7673 7793 7795 7933 7653 10.75 10.00 11.00 9.04 8.00 8.35 9.90 8.80 8.00 11.30 11.30 11.25 11.10 7.00 7.35 14.90 13.75 6.21 5.35 6.13 6.00 7.92 7.90 8.48 8.34 8.16 8.08 8.00 7.87 7.80 7.58 8.53 10.00 8.43 6.21 5.35 7822 8.85 9.00 8.14 8.00 8.14 8.00